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English Pages 384 Year 1996
Otto Vollnhals
Multilingual Dictionary of Electronic Publishing English - German - French - Spanish - Italian
Κ · G · Saur München · New Providence · London · Paris 1996
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP Einheitsaufnahme
Vollnhals, Otto: Multilingual dictionary of electronic publishing : English German - French - Spanish - Italian / Otto Vollnhals. München ; New Providence ; London ; Paris : Saur, 1996 ISBN 3-598-11295-5 NE: HST
© Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier © Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved Κ. G . Saur Verlag GmbH & Co KG, München 1996 A Reed Reference Publishing Company Printed in Italy Data keyboarding and typesetting by Otto Vollnhals, München Printing and binding by Legoprint, Trento/Italy Jede Art der Vervielfältigung ohne Erlaubnis des Verlages ist unzulässig. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 3-598-11295-5
Preface This dictionary contains approximately 3,500 entries in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian, thus giving an overview of the technical language used today in the field of electronic publishing. It includes completely new subsectors such as online publishing, CD-ROM publishing, database publishing and electronic prepress. Despite its orientation to these new media, the dictionary also covers traditional topics such as printing (although mostly digital) and typography. All the terms have been drawn from leading specialist books and journals originating from the countries concerned. Valuable information was also provided in the final phase by two international events: the Seybold Conference and Exposition, San Francisco, September 1995; and Graphintro, Salon internacional y Congreso de la preimpresion y la edition electronica, Barcelona, January 1996. This has ensured that the translations reflect current usage in a field undergoing such rapid evolution. The author and publishers have made full use of state-of-the-art electronic equipment, ranging from database publishing for handling the word material, to computer-to-plate technology for producing the printing plates. Thanks to these technical resources, the delay between finishing the compilation of the work and going to press was reduced to an absolute minimum, thus ensuring that the final publication is consistently up-to-date. This book is intended to be a useful tool for all those who need to communicate across national boundaries in this rapidly expanding field of technology.
Otto Vollnhals June 1996
Table of Contents
Electronic Publishing: An overview
Abbreviations and symbols used in the dictionary
Multilingual dictionary of electronic publishing - Main section English - German - French - Spanish - Italian
Index section
German-English index
French-English index
Spanish-English index
Italian-English index
Abbreviations and Acronyms from five languages
Subject labels: see endpapers
Electronic Publishing An overview
Print media technology - digital prepress - digital workflow - digital printing - on-demand printing, short-run printing - direct-to-plate technology, CTP - digital large-format printing - color management - merging text and graphics
II Online services - networking - Web publishing, Internet publishing
III Publishing on CD-ROM, CD-I etc. - Hypertext, HTML and related fields - multimedia integration
IV Database publishing - desktop publishing - document management
V Electronic image processing
Introduction Structure of the work The main section, in five languages, is arranged alphabetically in the order of the English terms. The English term is given in bold face, and any explanations, synonyms and abbreviations are added in light face. This is followed by the translationed forms, each marked with the relevant language symbol as standardized by ISO, i.e. de, fr, es, it. Example:
publishing on demand (abbr. POD), on-demand publishing, demand publishing de Publishing on Demand (Publizieren nach Bedarf), Publizieren auf Nachfrage, On-Demand-Publishing fr edition sur demande, publication sur demande, edition ä petits tirages es edition bajo demanda it edizione secondo domanda, pubblicazione su richiesta
In addition, synonyms and abbreviations appear as separate alphabetical entries and refer to the main term by means of an arrow (—>). Examples:
on-demand publishing -» publishing on demand POD —» publishing on demand demand publishing —» publishing on demand
The main section of the book can be accessed from the other languages via four indexes. These list the German, French, Spanish or Italian terms in alphabetical order and refer to the relevant English headword in the main section. The four indexes represent complete bilingual dictionaries in their own right. They allow the user to locate the English translation quickly without having to look a term up twice. If the user is seeking more detailed information or translations in other language combinations, he may use the index to find the complete five-language entry in the main section.
Subject labels Almost all entries in the main section as well as in the indexes include a reference to a special subject (see endpapers for a complete list of the subject labels). This allows the user to allocate or differentiate the terms with precision. The index entries also include references to special fields in order to enhance their information value. Parts of speech Parts of speech (for a complete list, see: Abbreviations and symbols used in the dictionary on page 11) are indicated in all the languages only where their knowledge cannot be assumed. This applies above all to words of foreign derivation, loan words and the like. Parts of speech are also indicated wherever identical nouns, verbs and/or adjectives must be distinguished. Arrangement of terms The alphabetical arrangement of the terms in all language sections follows the usage of the language in question. Since in Spanish the traditional treatment of ,,ch" and „11" in the alphabet has now officially been discontinued, this book already follows the new rule. Spelling In a field that is undergoing such rapid evolution as electronic publishing today, the terminology has not yet been finalized and thus the spelling of many words (especially if they are borrowed from English) has not yet been fixed in standard reference works such as Duden, Larousse etc. This book makes no claim to be normative in this respect. For reasons of lexicographic presentation, however, a uniform spelling was adopted on the basis of the forms found most frequently in the technical literature.
Abbreviations and symbols used in the dictionary abbr. Abk. abr. adj
abbreviation (in English and Italian) abbreviation (in German) abbreviation (in French and Spanish) adjective adjective (in Italian) agg colloquial usage colloq. contrary contr. German de English en Spanish es feminine noun f French fr British spelling GB hispanoam. Latin American usage (referring to Spanish) Italian it m masculine noun η noun (referring to English) neuter noun (referring to German) plural pi past participle PP American spelling us verb ν vi intransitive verb transitive verb vt see, see also — >
Multilingual Dictionary of Electronic Publishing Main section English - German - French - Spanish - Italian
additive color mixing
A access η (to data, information etc.) de Zugriff, Zugang fr acces es acceso it accesso access frequency [document proc.] de Zugriffshäufigkeit fr frequence d'acces es frecuencia de acceso it frequenza di accesso access motion time —» seek time [CD-ROM publ.] access permission level [online publ.] de Zugriffsberechtigungsstufe fr niveau de permis d'accfes es nivel de acceso permitido it livello di permesso d'accesso access provider (e.g. in the Internet) [online publ.] de Dienstleistungsanbieter, Anbieter, Access Provider m fr foumisseur d'acces es proveedor de acceso it fomitore di accesso access software [documentproc.] de Zugriffssoftware fr logiciel d'acces es software de acceso it software di accesso access strategy [documentproc.] de Zugriffsstrategie fr Strategie d'acces es estrategia de acceso it strategia di accesso access time (abbr. ACCT) de Zugriffszeit fr temps d'acces es tiempo de acceso it tempo di accesso A C C T —> access time achromatic color removal (abbr. ACR) -> gray component replacement [el. imaging] action window —> active window [user interface] active node [hypertext] de aktiver Knoten fr noeud actif es nodo activo it nodo attivo
active window, action window [user interface] de Arbeitsfenster fr fenetre de travail es ventana activa it finestra attiva adapter, graphics ~ [equipment] de Grafikadapter fr adaptateur graphique es adaptador para gräficos it adattatore grafico adaptive compression [multimedia] de adaptive Komprimierung fr compression adaptative es compresion adaptativa it compressione adattiva adaptive delta pulse code modulation (abbr. ADPCM) [CD-ROMpubl.] de ADPCM fr modulation par impulsions codees delta adaptative (abr. MICDA), modulation par impulsion et codage delta adaptative, codage MICDA es modulacion delta adaptativa it modulazione di impulsi in codice delta adattiva, modulazione ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulation (abbr. ADPCM) [CD-ROMpubl.] de ADPCM fr modulation par impulsions codees differentiel adaptative (abr. MICDA), modulation par impulsion et codage differentielle adaptative, codage MICDA, MIC differentielle adaptative es modulacion por codificacion de impulses diferencial adaptativa it modulazione di impulsi in codice differenziale adattiva, modulazione ADPCM adaptive Huffman coding [multimedia] de adaptive Huffman-Codierung fr codage de Huffman adaptative es codigo Huffman adaptativo it codice Huffman adattivo, codifica Huffman adattiva ADC —» analog-to-digital conversion [data proc.] Α-D conversion —» analog-to-digital conversion [data proc.] additive color mixing [el. imaging] de additive Farbmischung fr synthese additive, methode additive de synthese de couleurs, melange additif des couleurs
additive color model
es mezcla aditiva de colores it sintesi additiva del colore additive color model (RGB) [el. imaging] de additives Farbmodell (B,G,R) fr modele additif de couleurs es modelo aditivo (de colores) it modello additivo di colori additive color primaries —> additive primary colors [el. imaging] additive primaries -> additive primary colors [el. imaging] additive primary colors (red, green, and blue), additive color primaries, additive primaries [el. imaging] de additive Grundfarben (B,G,R) fr couleurs primaires additives es colores primarios aditivos it colori primari additivi ADPCM —» adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ] ADPCM —> adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] advanced peer-to-peer networking (abbr. APPN) [onlinepubl.] de APPN-Protokoll fr protocole d'echange de communication d'egal ä egal es protocolo APPN it protocollo APPN aerograph —» airbrush tool [el. imaging] airbrush tool (for retouching etc.), aerograph [el. imaging] de Sprühpistole, Spritzpristole, Aerograph m, Luftpinsel fr aerographe es aerögrafo it aerografo algorithmic hyphenation —> logic-based hyphenation [ word proc. ] aliasing η (a form of image distortion), stairstepping, staircase effect, jaggies pi [el. imaging] de Stufenbildung, Treppenbildung, Treppeneffekt, Aliasing η fr dentelure, effet (de marches) d'escalier, aliassage, aliasing m, phenomene d'escalier es efecto sierra it scalettatura, scalinatura aliasing effects [el. imaging] de Unschärfephänomene pi, Aliasing-Effekte pi fr formation des marches d'escalier, aliassage,
effets d'escalier es efectos sierra it effetti di aliasing (effetti di discontinuity), effetti a scaletta, effetti di scalettatura, frastigliamento aliasing filter —» antialiasing filter [el. imaging] alive matter —> live matter [typography ] alive type —> live matter [typography] alley —> gutter [typography] alphabetic index [document proc.] de alphabetischer Index fr index alphabetique, index alpha es indice alfabetico it indice alfabetico alpha channel (containing the transparency information of an image) [video] de Alphakanal fr Alpha Channel, couche alpha es canal alfa it canale alpha altering gamma —> gamma correction [el. prepress] aluminum platesetter [el. prepress] de Aluplattenbelichter, Alu-Platesetter fr unite d'exposition de plaques d'aluminium es unidad de exposition de planchas de aluminio it unitä di esposizione di lastre di aluminio analog color proofs (made from separation films) [el. prepress] de analoge Farbproofs fr epreuves couleur analogiques es pruebas de color analögicas it prove a colori analogiche analog-digital conversion —>• analog-to-digital conversion [dataproc.] analog proofs (contr.: digital proofs) [el. prepress 1 de analoge Proofs fr epreuves analogiques es pruebas analögicas it bozze anlogiche analog recording [CD-ROMpubl.] de Analogaufzeichnung fr gravure analogique es grabacion analogica it registrazione analogica analog-to-digital conversion (abbr. ADC), analog-digital conversion, Α-D conversion [data proc.] de Analog-Digital-Umsetzung (Abk. ADU),
A/D-Umsetzung, Analog-Digital-Wandlung (Abk. ADW) fr conversion analogique-numerique es conversion analogico-digital (abr. CAD) it conversione analogico-digitale, conversione A/D anchor ν (an illustration etc.) [desktop publ.] de verankern ν fr ancrer (une illustration ä un certain endroit du texte) es anclar, ancorar it ancorare anchor η (more or less the same as a hyperlink) [hypertext] de Anker fr ancrage es ancla it äncora/ anchor field [hypertext] de Ankerfeld fr champ d'ancrage es campo de anclaje it campo äncora anchoring η (of illustrations) [desktop publ.] de Verankern« fr ancrage (d'un graphique ä des portions de texte) es anclaje it ancoraggio anchoring η —> link source [hypertext] anchor point [graphics] de Ankerpunkt fr point d'ancrage es punto de anclaje it punto di ancoraggio animate ν [el. imaging] de animieren fr animer es animar, realizar animation, dar animaciön a it animare animated graphics [el. imaging] de Animationsgrafik, bewegte Grafik fr graphique anime, dessin anime, images animees es gräficos animados, imägenes animadas it grafica animata animation [el. imaging] de Animation fr animation es animaciün
annotation mark
it animazione animation, computer ~ [el. imaging] de Computeranimation fr animation par ordinateur animation por ordenador, animaciön por computadora, animätica, animatronica it animazione elettronica animation sequence [el. imaging] de Animationssequenz fr sequence animee, suite d'images es secuencia animada, secuencia de animaciön, secuencia de dibujos animados it riprese animate, filmati animati animation software [el. imaging] de Animationssoftware fr logiciel d'animation es software de animaciön it software di animazione animatronics [multimedia] de elektronische Animationen pl fr animation electronique es animaciones electrönicas it animazioni elettroniche annotate [word proc. ] de anmerken fr annoter es comentar it annotare annotation, comment η, note η [wordproc.] de Anmerkung, Annotation / fr annotation es nota, comentario, anotaciön it annotazione, nota annotation [hypertext] de Anmerkung (des Lesers) fr annotation es nota it nota annotation [multimedia] de Annotationstext (zu einer Grafik), Beschriftung (einer Grafik) fr annotation es nota it nota annotation button [hypertext] de Anmerkungsknopf fr bouton de note es botön de nota it bottone di nota annotation mark —» footnote symbol [word proc.]
antialiasing η (reduction of stair-step distortions), dejagging η [el. imaging] de Antialiasing n, Antialiasierung (Minderung von Alias-Effekten), Kantenglättung, Glättung (von Linien) fr anti-crenelage, reduction des effets d'escalier, traitement d'anti-aliassage, lissage, anti-aliasing es antialiasing m, antialias m, antiarrugas m it eliminazione dell'effetto di aliasing antialiasing filter, aliasing filter [el. imaging] de Aliasing-Filter, Antialiasing-Filter fr filtre anti-crenelage es filtro antialiasing it filtro per l'eliminazione dell'effetto di aliasing antialiasing tool [el. imaging] de Antialiasing-Instrument (zum Glätten der Pixelstruktur), Kantenglättungsfunktion, Randschärfer fr outil d'anti-crenelage es herramienta de antialiasing it tool per l'eliminazione dell'effetto di aliasing application(s) server (in a LAN) [online publ. ] de Anwendungsserver, Application Server fr serveur d'applications es servidor de aplicaciones it server di applicazioni application test [multimedia] de Anwendungstest fr essai d'application es ensayo de aplicacion it test m di applicazione APPN —> advanced peer-to-peer networking [online publ. ] area-fill v, fill areas (with tints etc.) [graphics] de Flächen füllen, Flächen ausfüllen fr remplir un espace, remplir des surfaces es rellenar formas (en la pantalla), llenar areas it riempire aree (sullo schermo ecc.) area fill η, area infill [graphics] de Ausfüllen von Flächen (grafischer Darstellungen), Flächenfüllen fr remplissage de surfaces es relleno de formas, llenado de areas it riempimento di aree (sullo schermo), funzione di riempimento, campitura area infill —> area fill η [graphics] arrow icon [user interface] de Pfeilsymbol fr Symbole de fleche
es icono de flecha it icona di freccia art η, artwork (abbr. a/w) [el. prepress] de Grafik, Grafikvorlagen fr illustrations es ilustraciones, material de ilustraciones it illustrazioni, immagini pl art, camera-ready ~ [el. prepress] de druckreifes Bildmaterial, reprofähige Grafik fr illustrations reproductibles es originales para negativos it illustrazioni pronte per essere stampate art, commercial - [el. prepress] de Gebrauchsgrafik fr art publicitaire es dibujo publicitario it grafica pubblicitaria art, computer - [el. prepress] de computererzeugte Illustrationen oder Grafiken fr images par ordinateur es imägenes por ordenador, infogräficos pl it disegni realizzati mediante computergrafica art, electronic ~ [el. prepress] de elektronisches Bildmaterial fr images electroniques es imägenes electronicas it illustrazioni elettroniche art, flat ~ [el. imaging] de nicht dreidimensionale Darstellungen fr illustrations ä plat es ilustraciones no tridimensionales it illustrazioni non tridimensional! art, line - [el. imaging] de Schwarzweißgrafik (Ggs. Halbtonvorlage) fr original au trait, original trame, image au trait es dibujo(s) de linea, imägenes de linea, gräfico en bianco y negro, trabajo de linea it grafico al tratto, illustrazioni al tratto, illustrazioni in bianco e nero artifical reality —> virtual reality artwork —> art η [el. prepress] ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) [data proc.] de ASCII-Code fr code ASCII es codigo ASCII it codice ASCII ASCII file [dataproc.] de ASCII-Datei fr fichier ASCII
es fichero ASCII it file ASCII aspect ratio (of a picture) [el. imaging] de Höhen-/Breitenverhältnis fr rapport hauteur/largeur es proportion de altura respecto a la longitud, indice de aspecto it rapporto altezza/larghezza, rapporto tra le dimensioni verticali e orizzontali, rapporto d'aspetto assembled page —> made-up page [typography] assembly (of pages) [el. prepress] de Montage fr montage es ensamblado it assiemaggio associated file [CD-ROM publ. ] de assoziierte Datei, angegliederte Datei fr fichier associe es fichero asociado it file associato associative linking —> linked browsing [retrieval] asymmetric compression [multimedia] de asymmetrische Kompression fr compression asymetrique es compresiön asimetrica it compressione asimmetrica ATM font [desktop publ.] de ATM-Font (Adobe Type Manager) fr police ATM es fuenteATM it font ATM attachment unit interface (abbr. AUI) (in a LAN) [online publ. ] de Anschlußeinheiten-Schnittstelle (zwischen Controller und Receiver) fr interface de rattachement es interfaz de conexiön it interfaccia di connessione attribute η [data proc.] de Attribut n, Merkmal fr attribut es atributo it attribute attribute, font ~ [desktop publ.] de Schriftattribut fr attribut de fönte es atributo de fuente it attribute di font attribute, layout ~ [desktop publ.] de Layoutattribut π
audio data
attribut de mise en page, attribut de composition es atributo de maquetaciön it attribute di impaginazione attribute, screen de Bildschirmattribut fr attribut d'ecran es atributo de video it attributo dello schermo, attribute video attribute, typographic ~ de typografisches Attribut fr attribut typographique es atributo tipogräfico it attributo tipogräfico audio η (sound for multimedia systems) [multimedia] de Audio fr son es sonido m, son m it suono audio adj [multimedia] de Audio..., Ton... fr audio, son es audio, de frecuencia audible, de audio, sonoro it audio, sonoro audio block (for storing audio data) [ CD-ROM publ.] de Audioblock fr bloc son es bloque de datos sonoros it blocco per dati sonori audio cable [multimedia] de Audiokabel fr cable son es cable de audio it cavo audio audio card —> sound card [multimedia] audio CD [CD-ROM publ. ] de Audio-CD/, CD-DA fr CD audio, disque audionumerique es CD audio it CD audio, audio CD audio coprocessor [multimedia] de Audio-Koprozessor fr coprocesseur audio es coprocesador para audio it coprocessore per audio audio data, sound data [multimedia] de Audiodaten fr donnies sonores
audio input
es datos audio it dati sonori audio input [multimedia] de Audioeingang fr entree son es entrada de audio it ingresso audio audio interface [multimedia] de Audioschnittstelle fr interface son es interfaz audio it interfaccia audio audio line [multimedia] de Sprachleitung fr ligne audio es linea acustica it linea audio audio sector (for storing audio data) [CD-ROM publ] de Audiosektor fr secteur son es sector de audio it settore audio audio signal [multimedia] de Audiosignal fr signal de son, signal sonore es senal de audio it segnale audio audio track [CD-ROMpubl.] de Audiospur, Tonspur fr piste son, piste sonore es pista audio it traccia sonora audio video interleave(d) (abbr. AVI) (video standard for Windows) [multimedia] de AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) fr AVI (audio video entrelaces) es AVI it AVI audiovisual connection (abbr. AVC) [multimedia] de AVC fr connexion audiovisuelle (abr. AVC) es conexion AVC it connessione AVC audiovisual media, AV media de audiovisuelle Medien pl fr medias audiovisuels es medios audiovisuales it media audiovisivi, mezzi audiovisivi
audiovisual publishing [el. publishing] de audiovisuelles Publizieren fr methodes audiovisuelles de publication es publicaciones audiovisuales it pubblicazione audiovisiva AUI -> attachment unit interface [onlinepubl.] authentication center [onlinepubl.] de Authentisierungszentrum fr centre d'authentication (abr. CA) es centro de autenticacion (abr. CA) it centro di autentificazione (abbr. CA) author η[general sense] de Autor, Verfasser fr auteur es autor it autore ( f . autrice) authoring η (processing files for CD equipment) [el. publishing] de Authoring η fr authoring m, edition es authoring m it authoring η authoring, hypertext de Hypertext-Authoring fr edition en hypertexte es edicion en hipertexto it authoring ipertestuale, ambiente autore ipertestuale authoring language [el. publishing] de Autorensprache fr langage auteur es lenguaje de autor, lenguaje autor it linguaggio autore authoring mode [el. publishing] de Autorenmodus fr mode auteur es modalidad de autor it modo autore authoring program [el. publishing] de Autorenprogramm fr programme auteur es programa de autor it programma autore authoring software (for developing multimedia applications) [el. publishing] de Autorensoftware fr logiciel auteur, logiciel d'edition es software de autor, paquete de autor it software di authoring, software autore authoring station [el. publishing] de Authoring-Station
fr station d'edition es estacion de authoring it stazione di authoring authoring system [el. publishing] de Autorensystem, Autorsystem fr systeme auteur es sistema de autor it sistema autore authoring tools, author's tools [el. publishing] de Authoring-Tools pi (Hilfen für die redaktionelle Bearbeitung), Authoring-Werkzeuge pi, Autor-Tools pi fr outils pour auteurs, outils de publication es herramientas de autor(es) it stnimenti per autori, strumenti autore, tool pi di authoring author's tools —» authoring tools [el. publishing] autoabstract η —» automatic abstract [document proc.J autofocus η (of a scanner) [equipment] de Autofokus m fr autofocus m es autofoco it autofuoco m autokerning η —> automatic kerning [desktop pubi] automated publishing de automatisiertes Publishing fr publication automatisee es publication automatizada it pubbhcazione automatizzata automated typesetting [el. prepress] de Satzautomation fr composition automatisee es composicion automatizada it composizione automatizzata automatic abstract, autoabstract η [document proc.] de automatische Kurzdarstellung (eines Textes) fr resume automatique es resumen automätico it riassunto automatico automatic calling [online publ.] de automatisches Anwählen fr appel automatique, numerotation automatique es marcado automätico, marcacion automätica it selezione automatica automatic column balance [desktop publ.] de automatischer Spaltenabgleich fr equilibrage automatique des colonnes
es balanceado automätico de columnas it bilanciamento automatico delle colonne automatic hyphenation [wordproc.] de automatische Silbentrennung fr coupure des mots automatique, coupure automatique des mots es partition siläbica automätica, guionado automätico, divisiön automätica de palabras it divisione automatica in sillabe, sillabazione automatica automatic indexing [documentproc.] de automatisches Indizieren fr indexation automatique, fonction d'index es creaciön automätica de indices it indicizzazione automatica automatic kerning, autokerning η [desktop pubi] de automatisches Unterschneiden fr crenage automatique, reglage automatique des approches es kerning automätico it kerning automatico automatic spelling correction [wordproc.] de automatische Schreibfehlerkorrektur fr correction automatique des fautes d'orthographe es correction automätica de ortografia, correction ortogräfica automätica it correzione automatica dell'ortografia automatic text flow [desktoppubl.] de automatischer Textfluß fr flux de texte automatique es flujo de texto automätico it flusso automatico del testo automatic typesetting [el. prepress] de automatischer Satz, automatisches Setzen fr composition automatique (de textes etc.), composition programmee es composicion automätica it composizione automatica autoreconnect function [onlinepubl.] de Auto-Reconnect-Funktion (bei Ausfall eines Servers) fr capacitd de reconnexion automatique es capacidad de recuperation it capacita di riconnettersi automaticamente autoscaling η [el. imaging] de automatisches Skalieren fr mise ä l'ichelle automatique es escalado automätico it scalamento automatico
auxiliary data field
auxiliary data field [CD-ROM publ. ] de Hilfsdatenfeld fr champ de donnees auxiliaire es campo de datos auxiliar it campo dati ausiliario A VC —» audiovisual connection [multimedia] average seek [CD-ROM publ. ] de mittlere Suchzeit fr vitesse moyenne de recherche es velocidad mediana de busqueda it velocity media di ricerca, tempo di ricerca medio AVI format [multimedia] de AVI-Format fr format AVI es formatoAVI it formato AVI AVI —» audio video interleave(d) [multimedia] AV media —> audiovisual media a/w —» artwork [el. prepress]
Β backbone network (connecting several subnetworks) [online publ.] de Hauptnetz, Backbone-Netz, Hintergrundnetz fr reseau federateur es red principal it rete backbone, rete dorsale backbone network architecture (abbr. BNA) [online publ. ] de Backbone-Netzarchitektur (zur Verbindung von Teilnetzen) fr architecture de reseau federateur es estructura cortical it architettura di rete backbone background (of the screen etc.) de Hintergrund fr fond es fondo it fondo, sfondo background (of an image etc.) de Hintergrund fr arriere plan, plan arriere es fondo it fondo, sfondo background color, color of background [el. imaging]
de Hintergrundfarbe (auf einem Bildschirm), Untergrundfarbe fr couleui d'arriere-plan, couleur de fond es color para el fondo, color de fondo, color de trasfondo it colore di sottofondo, colore di fondo background image, static image [el. imaging] de Hintergrundbild, statisches Bild fr image de fond, image d'arriöre-plan, arriere-plan d'image, motif de fond es imagen de fondo it immagine di fondo background scanning [el. prepress] de Background-Scannen, Scannen im Hintergrund fr scanning d'arriere-plan es escaneo de segundo piano it scansione nel modo non prioritario background sound [multimedia] de Hintergrund-Sound m fr son de fond es sonido de fondo it suono di fondo background texture [el. imaging] de Hintergrundmuster fr texture de fond es textura de fondo it tessitura di fondo background window de Hintergrundfenster fr fenetre en arridre-plan es ventana de fondo it finestra di fondo backing up η —» register η [typography] backreferencing η (using the results of previous searches) [CD-ROM publ.] de Rückverweisung fr reference arriere es referenda aträs it riferimento indietro back up ν register, to be in ~ [typography] backup connection [onlinepubl.] de Alternativverbindung fr connexion alternative es enlace alternativo it collegamento alternativo, collegamento di riserva, collegamento secondario balanced station —»combined station [online publ.] B&W —»black and white [el. imaging] B&W image —> black and white image
bank, document ~ [hypertext] de Dokumentenbank fr banque de documents es banco de documentos it banca di documenti bar η [user interface] de Leiste (mit Symbolen am Bildschirmrand) fr barre, ruban es barra it barra basic layout [typography ] de Grundlayout η fr maquette de base es maqueta bäsica it impaginato di base batch composition, batch pagination [el. prepress ] de Seitenumbruch im Batch-Verfahren, BatchSeitenumbruch fr mise en pages en differe es composicion por lotes it composizione a lotti batch pagination —> batch composition [el. prepress ] batch pagination program [desktop publ.] de Batch-Umbruchprogramm fr programme de mise en pages en differe es programa de compaginacion en lotes it programma di impaginazione a lotti BBS —» bulletin board service [online publ.] beam splitter [CD-ROMpubl.] de Strahlteiler fr separatem" du rayon es divisor de haces it separatere ottico, lamina piano-parallela beam-splitting prism [CD-ROMpubl.] de Strahlenteilungsprisma fr prisme semi-reflechissant es prisma divisor de haces it prisma di scomposizione del raggio BER bit error rate [CD-ROMpubl.] bf —> boldface η [typography] bibliographic preparer field [CD-ROMpubl.] de Verfasserfeld fr champ bibliographique es campo bibliogräfico it campo bibliogräfico bibliographic retrieval service [online publ.] de Retrievaldienst für bibliographische Daten fr service de recherche de donnees bibliographiques
bitmap file
es servicio de recuperaciön de datos bibiogräficos it servizio di ricupero di dati bibliografici bidirectional link, two-way link [hypertext] de bidirektionale Verknüpfung, bidirektionaler Verweis fr hen bidirectionnel, lien ä double sens es vinculo bidireccional it link bidirezionale bilevel graphics —> binary graphics binary drawings —» bi-tones pi [el. prepress] binary graphics, bilevel graphics de Binärgrafik fr graphique binaire es gräfica binaria it grafica binaria binary image de Binärbild fr image binaire es imagen binaria it immagine binaria bit depth (of a scanner) [el. prepress] de Bittiefe fr profondeur de bits es profundidad de bits it profondita dei bit bit error rate (abbr. BER) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Bitfehlerquote, Bitfehlerhäufigkeit, Bitfehlerrate (Abk. BFR) fr taux d'erreurs sur le bits es relaciön de bits eironeos, proportion de errores de bit it tasso di errore sui bit (rapporto bit errati/bit trasmessi), tasso di errore nella trasmissione dei bit bit image —» bit-mapped image [el. imaging] bitmap η [el. imaging] de Bitmap /, Pixelraster fr bitmap m es mapa de bits it bit map m bitmap editing (of an image) [el. imaging] de Editieren in Form einer Bitmap fr edition en mode points, edition bitmap es edition de mapa de bits it editing sotto forma di bitmap bitmap file [el. imaging] de Bitmap-Datei fr fichier bitmap es fichero bitmap it file bitmap
bitmap image
bitmap image —» bit-mapped image [el. imaging] bitmap mode [el. imaging] de Bitmap-Modus fr mode point, mode bit-map es modo de mapa de bits it modo bit-map bit-mapped font (contr.: vector font), raster font [desktop publ.] de Rasterschrift, gerasterte Schrift fr police bitmap, caracteres en mode points, fonte en mode points, fonte bitmap es letras de mapa de bits, fuente mapeada en bits, fuente bitmap it font tipo bit-map bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] de Bitmap-Grafik, pixelorientierte Grafik, Pixelgrafik fr graphique par points es gräficos bitmap, gräficos de mapas de bits, gräficos por mapas de bits, imägenes bitmap it grafica bit-map bit-mapped image, bitmap image, bit image [el. imaging] de Bitmap-Abbildung, Bitmap-Bild, Bitmap/ fr image par points, image-points, image en mode point, image point par point es imagen de mapa de bits, imagen räster it immagine tipo bit-map, immagine bitmap, immagine rappresentata come un insieme di punti bi-tonal (arrangement of colors) [el. prepress] de zweifarbig fr bitonal adj es bitonal it bitonale bi-tones pi, binary drawings [el. prepress] de Zweitonvorlagen pi fr dessins bitonaux es bitonos pi it disegni bitonali bits per pixel (abbr. bpp) [multimedia] de Bit pro Pixel (Abk. bpp) fr bits par pixel (abr. bpp) es bits por pixel (abr. bpp) it bit per pixel (abbr. bpp) bits per pixel —> pixel depth [el. imaging] black and white (abbr. b/w, B&W) [el. imaging] de schwarzweiß (Abk. s/w) fr noir et blanc (abr. N/B), monochrome es bianco y negro (abr. b/n, B/N) it bianco e nero, in bianconero, bitonale
black and white image, B&W image [el. imaging] de Schwarzweißbild fr image noire et blanche, image Ν et Β es imagen en bianco y negro, ilustraciön en negro it immagine in bianco e nero, immagine bitonale black and white scanner, monotone scanner [equipment] de Schwarzweißscanner, Monotone-Scanner fr scanner en noir et blanc es escäner de bianco y negro, escäner para bianco y negro, escäner B/N it scanner in bianco e nero blackface —> boldface η [typography] black hole —» stale link [hypertext] blending η (of colors) [el. imaging] de Mischen« fr fusion es mezcla (de colores) it miscelazione blending function [el. imaging] de Verschmelzfunktion, Mischfunktion, Interpolationsfunktion fr fonction de fusion, fondu m, degrade m de forme es funciön de fusiön it funzione di miscelamento, fusione block η -> sector [CD-ROMpubl.] block matching (in image compression) [el. imaging] de Block-Matching η (Prüfen von Pixelblöcken auf Gleichheit) fr verification des blocs es chequeo de bloques it verifica della uguaglianza dei blocchi blow up ν (enlarge, as a photograph etc.) [el. imaging] de vergrößern fr agrandir (photographiquement) es agrandar it ingrandire blow u p v - > enlarge [el. prepress] blowup η —» enlargement [el. prepress] blues pi (jargon) —» one-color proofs [el. prepress] BNA —> backbone network architecture [online publ.] body text [typography] de Grundschrifttext, Lauftext
fr texte principal es texto normal it corpo principale del testo, corpo testo bold, heavy [typography] de fett (Druck etc.) fr gras (caractere), en gras es en negrita it neretto (abbr. n.tto) (talvolta: nero), grassetto boldface η (abbr. bf), blackface, boldfaced type, bold type [typography] de Fettschrift, fette Schrift fr caractere gras, ecriture en gras es negritas pi, caracteres negros, negrillas pi it carattere neretto, scrittura grassetto boldfaced text [typography ] de Text in Fettschrift, fetter Text fr texte en gras es texto en negrita it testo in neretto boldfaced type —» boldface η [typography] bold print, bold printing [typography] de Fettdruck, fetter Druck, Druck in Fettschrift fr impression de caracteres gras es impresion en negrita it stampa in neretto bold printing bold print [typography] bold type —» boldface η [typography] book composition [typography] de Werksatz, Buchsatz fr composition typographique es composiciön de libros it composizione di libri bookmark [hypertext] de Book Mark/(leserdefinierter Fixpunkt) fr marque de preference, (ρ/:) liste de preferences es marca de pägina, bookmark m (direcciön determinada) it bookmark m, segnalibro Boolean search (using AND, OR, and AND NOT) [retrieval] de boolesche Suche fr recherche booleenne es busqueda con operadores booleanos it ricerca booleana bpp —» bits per pixel [multimedia] branch η (of a network) [online publ.] de Zweig fr branche es rama it ramo
broadcast fax
branch cable —» drop cable [online publ.] break for color (separate the different colors) [el. prepress] de separieren fr separer es separar it separare bridge η (between networks; compare: gateway) [online publ.] de Bridge/(zur Verbindung von Netzen gleichen Protokolls), Brücke, Zwischenstation fr pont reseau, pont es puente it bridge m, ponte bridge computer [online publ.] de Brückenrechner (in Netzen) fr ordinateur pont es ordenador puente it elaboratore ponte bridge disc (usable on CD-ROM and CD-I equipment) [CD-ROM publ.] de Bridge Disc/ fr disque bridge es disco bridge it disco bridge bridge products [data proc.] de Überbrückungsprogramme pi, Uberbrückungssoftware fr produits de transition es software de conversion it software di transizione bridge router —> Β router [online publ.] bridging router —» Β router [online publ.] brightness, lightness [el. imaging] de Helligkeit fr luminosite, clarte es luminosidad it luminosita broadband LAN [online publ.] de Breitband-LAN, lokales Breitbandnetz, Trägerfrequenz-LAN fr reseau large bände es LAN de banda ancha, red multifuncional it rete locale in tecnologia broadband, rete LAN a larga banda broadcast fax (sending newsletters etc. to subscribers) [online publ.] de Faxrundsenden η fr diffusion par fax es difusion por fax it diffusione mediante fax
broadcast network
broadcast network [online publ.] de Diffusionsnetz fr reseau ä diffusion es red de difusiön it rete a diffusione broadcast quality [multimedia] de Broadcast-Qualität (für Videobilder) fr qualite television, qualite professionnelle, qualit6 pret ä diffuser es calidad de television it qualita televisione bromide paper [el. prepress] de Fotopapier, Bromsilberpapier fr bromure (gelatinobromure d'argent), papier photo(graphique), papier bromure es papel fotogräfico, papel bromuro it carta fotografica (emulsionata), carta emulsionata Β router, bridge router, bridging router [online publ.] de Brouter m (Verbindung in lokalen Netzen), Bridging Router m fr pont-routeur, B-routeur, Brouteur m es puente/encaminador, unidad de bridging/ routing it bridge/router (combina le funzioni instradatore/ponte), brouter m, ponte instradatore, ponte intelligente browse [hypertext] de browsen ν fr naviguer es navegar(por) it navigare browse mode, table view, list view [database publ. ] de Browse-Modus fr mode browse es modalidad browse it modo browse browser [hypertext] de Browser m (das Lesesystem eines Hypertextsystems), Lesesystem, Betrachtungssoftware fr navigateur, interface de navigation es visualizador (parte de visualization), navegador it browser m, interfaccia navigazionale browser (a program for meandering through info), browse tool [CD-ROMpubl.] de Browser m (zur Erschließung der Informationen auf einer CD-ROM), Browser-Programm
logiciel de navigation, programme de survol, programme de balayage es navegador, programa de navegacion, programa navegador, herramienta de navegacion it browser m, programma di navigazione, sistema di navigazione browser (software for obtaining information in a network) [online publ. ] de Browser m (zum Navigieren in Netzen) fr software de navigation, navigateur, utilitaire de navigation es navegador (herramienta para navegar), instrumento de navagacion, buscador, examinador, sistema de biisqueda it browser m (strumento di navigazione), navigatore browser, hypertext ~ de Hypertext-Browser (Software zum Erschließen eines Hypertexts) fr outil de navigation dans un hypertexte, logiciel de consultation d'un hypertexte es software de consulta de hipertextos it software di navigazione in un ipertesto browser, Web ~ [onlinepubl.] de Web-Browser m fr navigateur Web es navegador Web, examinador Web, navegador para el WWW it browser Web browse tool —> browser [CD-ROMpubl.] browsing η [hypertext] de Browsing n, Durchwandern, Durchmusterung fr balayage, survol, consultation, recherche ä parcours libre es navegacion it navigazione browsing η —> surfing η [online publ] buffer capacity de Pufferkapazität fr capacite de la memoire tampon es capacidad de memoria intermedia it capacita del buffer built-in font [printers] de residente Schrift fr fonte residante es fuente residente it font residente built-in fonts —> resident fonts [desktoppubl.] bulk index (for several volumes), cumulative index [document proc.]
de kumulierter Index, kumulativer Index fr index cumule es indice cumulativo, indice acumulativo it indice cumulativo bulletin board system —» bulletin board service [online publ.] bulletin board service (abbr. BBS), bulletin board system [online publ.] de BBS-System fr BBS (service de messagerie electronique) es sistema BBS, BBS/(boletines de noticias), sistema de boletines electronicos, tablones de noticias it BBS/(servizio telematico) bump η (on a CD-ROM surface) —> pit η [CD-ROM publ.] burn vi (plates), expose [el. prepress] de belichten fr exposer es quemar it impressionare bus architecture [online publ.] de Busarchitektur fr architecture type bus es arquitectura de bus it architettura a bus business graphics de Geschäftsgrafik, Bürografik fr graphique de gestion, graphique d'affaires es gräficos empresariales, gräficos de gestion it grafica gestionale, grafica degli affari, grafica commerciale bus network —> bus-type network [online publ.] bus structure [online publ.] de Busstruktur fr structure ä bus es estructura de bus it struttura del bus, struttura a bus bus-type network, bus network [onlinepubl.] de Netz mit Busstruktur, Kettennetz fr reseau type bus es topologia en bus, red de bus, red en bus it rete a bus, topologia a bus button (on the screen, in a dialog box, on a mouse etc.) [user interface] de Knopf, Taste fr bouton, touche es boton, pulsador it pulsante, tasto button, link icon, hotword, link point, link marker [hypertext]
de Verknüpfungsanzeiger, Linkindikator fr bouton (indicateur d'un hen) es botön (indicador de vinculo), marca de vinculo it bottone (simbolo di link), hotword/(parola a cui si vuole collegare un salto) b/w —» black and white [el. imaging] B&W black and white [el. imaging] B&W image —black and white image
c caddy η, disc caddy, carrier [CD-ROMpubl.] de Caddy m (Schutzkassette für CD-ROMs) fr caddy m (dispositif de chargement), bac de chargement es cargador Caddy, caddy m it caddy m (contenitore per il caricamento di CD) calibration (of colors), color calibration [el. prepress] de Kalibrierung (von Farben) fr calibrage, etalonnage, ajustement es calibracion, calibrado m, talonaje it calibrazione calibration, color ~ [el. imaging] de Farbkalibrierung, Farbeinstellung fr calibrage des couleurs, etalonnage des couleurs, ajustement des couleurs es calibracion de color, calibrado del color, calibracion colorimetrica, ajuste de color it calibrazione del colore calibration software [el. prepress] de Kalibrierungssoftware fr logiciel de calibration es software de calibracion, programas de calibracion it software di calibrazione CAM —» computer-assisted makeup [desktop publ.] camera-ready [el. prepress] de reproreif (ohne Nachbearbeitung), reproduktionsreif fr bon ä tirer (abr. B.A.T.) es listo para reproducir it pronto per la riproduzione camera-ready [el. prepress] de reprofahig (ggf. mit Nachbearbeitung), reprofertig
camera-ready art fr bon ä engraver es listo para cämara it pronto per la ripresa fotografica, pronto per essere fotografato camera-ready art [el. prepress] de druckreifes Bildmaterial, reprofähige Grafik fr illustrations reproductibles es originales para negativos it illustrazioni pronte per essere stampate camera-ready copy (abbr. CRC) [el. prepress] de druckreife Vorlage fr original pret ä reproduire, document d'execution es original para negativo it originale pronto per la ripresa fotografica CAP —» computer-aided publishing capstan imagesetter —> flatbed imagesetter [equipment] capture ν (video images etc.), grab ν (a video file etc.) [multimedia] de "capturen" ν (digital auf der Festplatte speichern), "grabben" ν (pp: gegrabbt) fr capter (images video), capturer es capturar (cuadros de la pantalla) it catturare (videate ecc.) capture, screen - [el. imaging] de Bildschirmkopie (Abbild des Bildschirminhalts) fr capture d'6cran es captura de pantallas it copia dello schermo, cattura dello schermo capture board [multimedia] de Capture Board η (erfaßt und digitalisiert Informationen) fr carte de capture audio/video, module de capture, carte d'acquisition es tarjeta de captura it Scheda di acquisizione, Scheda di capture captured images [multimedia] de digitalisierte (Femseh-)Bilder pl fr images captees es imägenes capturadas it immagini catturate capturing η (of video images etc.) [multimedia] de Digitalisierung (von Videobildern) fr capture, captation es captura de imägenes, captacion de imägenes it cattura carrier —> caddy η [CD-ROM publ. ] cascaded pulldown menu —» cascading menu [user interface]
cascaded search [retrieval] de kaskadierte Suche fr recherche en cascade es büsqueda en cascada it ricerca in cascata cascading menu, cascaded pulldown menu [user interface] de Kaskadenmenü, gestaffeltes Menü fr menu en cascade, menu deroulant en cas-cade es menu en cascada it menu in cascata case-sensitive, case-significant [retrieval] de zwischen Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben unterscheidend fr difförenciant majuscules et minuscules, sensible ä la casse es que discrimina mayusculas/minusculas it facendo una distinzione fra caratteri maiuscoli e minuscoli case sensitivity [retrieval] de Unterscheidung zwischen Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben fr differentiation des majuscules/minuscules es discriminacion mayüsculas/minijsculas it distinzione fra caratteri maiuscoli e minuscoli case-significant —» case-sensitive [retrieval] CAV —» constant angular velocity [CD-ROM publ.] CAV rotation [CD-ROMpubl] de CAV-Verfahren (Aufzeichnungsverfahren für CD-ROM) fr rotation CAV es rotacion CAV it rotazione CAV CBT —> computer-based training [multimedia] CCD flatbed technology [equipment] de CCD-Flachbett-Technologie fr technologie CCD ä ecran plat es tecnologia CCD de pantalla plana it tecnologia CCD a superficie piana CCD scanner [equipment] de CCD-Scanner fr scanner ä CCD es escäner de CCD, escäner CCD it scanner a CCD CCD scanner —* flatbed scanner [equipment] CCD sensor [equipment] de CCD-Sensor fr capteur CCD (p.e. sur les scanners)
es sensor CCD it sensore CCD CC filter —> color correction filter [el. imaging] CD compact disc [CD-ROM publ. ] C+D bit, control and display bit [CD-ROMpubl.] de C+D-Bit (von engl.: control and display bit) fr bit C+D (de contröle et d'affichage) es bit C+D (de control y de visualization) it bit C+D (di controllo e display) CD controller de CD-Controller m fr contröleur de CD es controlador(a) de CD it controller m del CD, controllore del CD CD-Ε (compact disc - erasable) —» erasable compact disc [CD-ROMpubl.] CD-master master η [CD-ROMpubl.] CD-MO —» magneto-optical disc [equipment] CD-R (compact disc - recordable), recordable CD-ROM beschreibbare CD-ROM CD-R (CD-ROM enregistrable) CD-ROM grabable (abr. CD-R) CD-ROM scrivibile recording software CD-Recording-Software logiciel de gravure de CDs software de grabacion de CD software di registrazione di CD recording system CD-Recording-System systeme de gravure de CDs sistema de grabacion de CD sistema di registrazione di CD, sistema di incisione di CD CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory) de CD-ROM/ fr CD-ROM m, disque optique compact (abr. doc), disque optique numerique, disque compact informatique es CD-ROM m, memoria de solo lectura en disco compacto, disco CD-ROM it CD-ROM m CD-ROM changer jukebox [CD-ROM publ] CD-ROM drive de CD-ROM-Laufwerk fr unite de CD-ROM, drive de compact-disc es unidad de CD-ROM it drive di CD-ROM, CD-ROM drive m, unita CD-ROM
de fr es it CD de fr es it CD de fr es it
CD-ROM technology
CD-ROM jukebox jukebox [CD-ROM publ. ] CD-ROM master tape master tape [CD-ROM publ.] CD-ROM player, CD-ROM reader de CD-ROM-Abspielgerät fr lecteur de disque optique numerique, lecteur de compact-disc, lecteur de CD-ROM es lector de CD-ROM, unidad lectora de CDROM, lector CD-ROM, player para CDROM, reproductor de CD-ROM it lettore di CD-ROM, lettore per CD-ROM CD-ROM producer de CD-ROM-Produzent fr producteur de CD-ROM es productor de CD-ROM it produttore di CD-ROM CD-ROM production de CD-ROM-Herstellung fr fabrication des CD-ROM, pressage de CD-ROM es grabacion de CD-ROM, fabrication de CDROM it produzione del CD-ROM CD-ROM publication de CD-ROM-Publikation (Publikation auf CDROM) fr publication sur CD-ROM es publicaciön en CD-ROM it pubblicazione su CD-ROM CD-ROM publishing de Publizieren auf CD-ROM fr edition sur CD-ROM, edition electronique sur CD-ROM es edition de CD-ROM it edizione su CD-ROM CD-ROM reader CD-ROM player CD-ROM recorder, CD writer de CD-Recorder (Gerät zum Beschreiben von CD-ROMs), CD-ROM-Recorder, CD-ROMBrenner, CD-Schreiber fr graveur de CDs, enregistreur de CD-ROM es grabadora de CD-ROM, unidad grabadora de CD-ROM, unidad de grabacion de CDROM, grabador de CD-ROM it registratore di CD-ROM, bruciatore di CD-ROM, incisore di CD-ROM CD-ROM technology de CD-ROM-Technologie fr technologie CD-ROM es tecnologia CD-ROM it tecnologia del CD-ROM
CD-ROM workstation
CD-ROM workstation de CD-ROM-Workstation fr station de travail CD-ROM es estacion de trabajo de CD-ROM it stazione di lavoro del CD-ROM CD-ROM XA (extended architecture) de CD-ROM XA (erweiterter CD-ROMStandard) fr CD-ROM XA es CD-ROM XA it CD-ROM XA CD stamper —> stamper disc [CD-ROM publ. ] CD-V (compact disc video) [multimedia] de CD-V (Compact Disc Video) fr CD-V (support video interactif) es CD-V it CD-V CD-WO -» write-once recordable CD-ROM CD WORM disc de WORM-CD/ fr disque CD-WORM es disco CD-WORM it disco CD-WORM CD writer -> CD-ROM recorder cellular network [onlinepubl.] de zellulares Netz fr reseau cellulaire es redcelular it rete cellulare center track [CD-ROMpubl] de mittlere Spur fr piste centrale es pista central it traccia centrale central hub —> head end [onlinepubl.] centralized network —» star-shaped data network [online publ.] Centronics interface (for printers) [equipment] de Centronics-Schnittstelle fr interface Centronics es interfaz Centronics it interfaccia Centronics CEP —» corporate electronic publishing CEPS —> color electronic prepress system [el. prepress ] CEP system —»color electronic prepress system [el. prepress] CG —> computer graphics change in value —> delta channel bit [CD-ROMpubl.] de Channel-Bit
fr bit de canal es bit de canal it bit di canale character compensation —> kerning η [typography] character font —> typefont [typography ] character recognition de Zeichenerkennung fr reconnaissance de caracteres es reconocimiento de caracteres it riconoscimento di caratteri character recognition software de Zeichenerkennungssoftware fr logiciel de reconnaissance de caracteres es software de reconocimiento de caracteres it software di riconoscimento di caratteri character repertoire —> character set character set, character repertoire de Zeichensatz, Zeichenvorrat fr jeu de caracteres es juego de caracteres, repertorio de caracteres it set di caratteri, insieme di caratteri, repertorio di caratteri character string, char string [data proc.] de Zeichenfolge, Zeichenkette fr suite de caracteres es serie de caracteres, cadena de caracteres, linea de caracteres it stringa di caratteri, successione di caratteri character style —> typefont [typography] char string —* character string [data proc.] check box [user interface] de Kontrollfeld, Abhakfeld fr case ä cocher es caj a de comprobacion it casella di spunta, checkbox m check disc (during CD-ROM production), proof disc [CD-ROMpubl.] de Probedisc/, Musterdisc/ fr disque test, disque d'essai, copie d'essai es disco de prueba it disco di prova check mark [user interface] de Haken fr marque de contröle es marca de comprobacion, checkmark m, marca de verificacion it segno di spunta choice of type —» font selection chromaticity diagram —> CIE chromaticity diagram [el. imaging]
chrominance [el. imaging] de Chrominanz /(Farbanteil), Buntheit, Farbart fr chrominance es crominancia (cantidad de color) it crominanza chronological link [hypertext] de chronologische Verknüpfung fr lien chronologique es vinculo cronolögico it link cronologico chunk η -* node [hypertext] CIE (International Commission on Illumination ICI), ICI [organization] de CIE (Internationale Beleuchtungskommission) fr CIE (Commission internationale d'eclairage) es CIE (Comisiön Internacional de la iluminacion) it CIE (Commissione intemazionale dell' illuminazione) CIE chromaticity diagram, chromaticity diagram [el. imaging] de CIE-Farbdiagramm fr diagramme chromatique de la CIE es diagrama cromatico de la CIE it diagramma cromatico della CIE CIE color model, CIE color space [el. imaging] de CIE-Farbmodell fr modele CIE es modelo de la Comision Internacional de la Iluminaciön it modello cromatico della CIE CIE color space CIE color model [el. imaging] CIE color system [el. imaging] de CIE-Farbsystem, IBK-Farbsystem (der Internationalen Beleuchtungskommission) fr systeme chromatique de la CIE es sistema cromätico de la CIE it sistema cromatico della CDE CIE LAB (a color model; L for lightness, A for red-green, Β for yellow-blue) [el. imaging] de CIE LAB fr CIE LAB es CIE LAB it CIE LAB CIE LUV (a color model; L for lightness, U for red-green, V for yellow-blue) [el. imaging] de CIE LUV fr CIE LUV es CIE LUV
it CIE LUV CIE XYZ (a standard color model) [el. imaging] de CIE XYZ fr CIE XYZ es CIE XYZ it CIE XYZ cinch connector [multimedia] de Cinch-Stecker fr prise cinch, connecteur RCA es conector de tipo cinch it connettore del tipo cinch CIP3 (Cooperation for Integration of Prepress, Press, and Postpress) [organization] de CIP3 fr CIP3 es CIP3 it CIP3 CIP —> corporate inhouse publishing ciphered document [document proc.] de verschlüsseltes Dokument fr document chiffre es documento criptado it documento cifrato CIRC —»cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code [CD-ROM publ.] CIRC decoder [CD-ROMpubl. ] de CIRC-Decoder fr decodeur CIRC es decodificador CIRC it decodificatore di CIRC CIRC-encoded [CD-ROM publ.] de im CIRC-Code fr en code CIRC es en codigo CIRC it codificato in CIRC clean proofs [el. prepress] de korrigierte Abzüge, saubere Abzüge fr epreuves corrigees es pruebas limpias it bozze corrette click ν [user interface] de klicken ν, anklicken (mit einer Maus) fr cliquer, faire un clic-souris es hacer clic (sobre), pinchar en (un icono etc.), pulsar el boton del raton it cliccare (su), fare clic click η, mouse click [user interface] de Klick m, Mausklick fr clic m, clic-souris m es clic it clic m
click and drag
click and drag [user interface] de anklicken und ziehen fr cliquer/glisser es hacer clic y arrastrar it cliccare e trascinare click art —> electronic clip art [el. imaging] client (contr.: server) [online publ.] de Client m (Ausspache englisch), "Klient" m (Aussprache deutsch) fr client es diente m it client m (in una rete) client workstation [online publ.] client platform [online publ.] de Client-Plattform fr plate-forme du client es plataforma de cliente it piattaforma del client client/server architecture, C/S architecture [online publ.] de Client/Server-Architektur (in einem Netz), C/S-Architektur fr architecture client/serveur es arquitectura cliente/servidor, arquitectura C/S it architettura client/server client/server LAN (contr.: peer-to-peer LAN), server-based LAN [online publ.] de Client/Server-Netz fr reseau client/serveur es red local tipo cliente/servidor it rete tipo client/server client/server software [online publ.] de Client/Server-Software fr logiciel client-serveur es software cliente/servidor it software client/server client station [online publ.] de Client-Station fr station client es estacion diente it stazione client clip ν [graphics] de abschneiden, beschneiden, trimmen fr decouper, detourer es recortar it tagliare clip art, clip-art graphics [el. prepress] de vorgefertigte grafische Darstellungen, gebrauchsfertige Bilder, gebrauchsfertige Illustrationen fr images pre-dessinees, images clipart,
dessins pour collage (libres de droits) es graficos clipart (graficos prediseiiados), imägenes clip-art, figuras clip-art, ilustraciones recortables, dibujos predefinidos it grafici clip art (grafici venduti pronto per l'uso), clip art m, grafici predefiniti, immagini elettroniche pronte per l'uso clip-art graphics —> clip art [el. prepress] clip-art images [el. prepress] de Clip-Art-Bilder pi fr images clipart (symboles et objets graphiques) es imägenes clip-art it immagini clip art, raccolta di clip art clip-art library [el. prepress] de Bildbibliothek (aus Clip Art bestehende), Clip-Art-Bibliothek fr bibliotheque de dessins preetablis, picotheque, bibliotheque de symboles et d'objets graphiques, bibliotheque de cliparts es libreria Clip Art, biblioteca de clip arts, biblioteca de graficos clip art it biblioteca di clip art, biblioteca di grafiche clip art clip-art software [el. prepress] de Clip-Art-Software fr logiciel clip art es software clip-art it software clip art clip board, electronic ~ [user interface] de Clipboard n, Zwischenspeicher fr presse-papiers m es tablero de montaje electronico it clipboard m clipping η (of images) [graphics] de Abschneiden η, Beschneiden η, Trimmen η fr coupure es recorte it taglio clipping function [graphics] de Abschneidefunktion fr fonction de coupure es funcion de recorte it funzione di taglio close box [user interface] de Schließbox fr case de fermeture es cuadro Cerrar it casella di chiusura closed-circuit network —» ring-shaped network [online publ.]
33 closed user group (abbr. CUG) [online publ] de geschlossene Benutzergruppe (Abk. GBG) fr groupe ferme d'usagers (ou d'utilisateurs), groupe fermee d'abonnes (abr. GFA) es grupo cerrado de usuarios (abr. CGU) it gruppo chiuso di utenti Cluster links (connecting more than two nodes) [hypertext] de gruppenweise Verknüpfungen pi fr hens de groupement es vinculos agrupados it link di gruppo CLUT —» color lookup table [el. imaging] CLV —> constant linear velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] CLV rotation [CD-ROM publ. ] de CLV-Verfahren (Aufzeichnungsverfahren fur CD-ROM) fr rotation CLV es rotaciön CLV it rotazione CLV CM —> color management [el. prepress ] CMS —> color management system [el. prepress] CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and blacK) [el. imaging] de Farben Cyan, Magenta, Gelb, Schwarz fr couleurs quadri (cyan, magenta, jaune et noir) (abr. CMJN), systeme CMYK es CMYK (los colores ciän, magenta, amarillo y negro) it CMYK (i colon ciano, magenta, giallo e nero) CMYK conversion [el. prepress] de Umwandlung ins CMYK-System fr conversion vers CMJN es conversion para CMYK it conversione verso CMYK CMYK process [el. prepress] de Vierfarbverfahren (CMYK) fr precede CMYK es proceso CMYK it processo CMYK CNA —» communication network architecture [online publ. ] code conversion, code translation [data proc.] de Codeumsetzung, Codeumwandlung fr conversion de code, transcodification es transcodificaciön, conversion de codigo(s) it conversione di codice, trascodifica codes view (a mode in which the editor shows the hidden codes) [wordproc.] de Darstellung mit Codeanzeige
color, full ~ fr visualisation avec codes es visualizaciön con cödigos it visualizzazione con codici code translation —> code conversion [data proc.] COLD —» computer output to laser disc [el. prepress] cold type (as contrasted to hot type) —» photocomposition [el. prepress] collimating lens collimation lens [CD-ROM publ.] collimation lens, collimating lens [CD-ROM publ.] de Kollimatorlinse fr lentille de collimation es lente colimadora it lente collimatrice, lente di collimazione collimator [CD-ROM publ. ] de Kollimator m (zur Erzeugung paralleler Lichtstrahlen) fr collimateur es colimador it collimatore, dispositivo di collimazione color η [el. imaging] de Farbe fr couleur es color it colore color of background —> background color [el. imaging] color, break for - (separate the different colors) [el. prepress] de separieren fr separer es separar it separare color, direct - [el. imaging] de direkte Farbe fr couleur directe, ton direct es color directo it colore diretto color, foreground ~ de Vordergrundfarbe fr couleur de premier plan es color de primer piano it colore di primo piano color, full ~ [print shop] de vollfarbig fr polychrome es a todo color it a colore pieno
color, to print in -
color, to print in de farbig drucken fr imprimer en couleurs es imprimir en color(es) it stampare a colon, stampare immagini a colon color balance (the right mixture of cyan, magenta and yellow) [el. imaging] de Farbabstimmung, Farbabgleich fr equilibre chromatique, balance des couleurs, balance chromatique, equilibrage des couleurs, reglage chromatique es balance de color(es), armonia de colores it armonia dei colon color calibration [el. imaging] de Farbkalibrierung, Farbeinstellung fr calibrage des couleurs, etalonnage des couleurs, ajustement des couleurs es calibration de color, calibrado del color, calibration colorimetrica, ajuste de color it calibrazione del colore color calibration —» calibration [el. prepress] color capability [graphics] de Farbtüchtigkeit (eines Bildschirms) fr capacite couleur es capacidad color it capacita colore color card color graphics card [equipment] color chart /el. imaging] de Farbtafel fr table de couleurs es tabla de colores it tavola di colori color code [el. imaging] de Farbcode fr code couleur es codigo de colores it codice dei colori color coding / el. imaging] de Farbcodierung fr codage des couleurs es codification de colores it codifica dei colori color copier [equipment] de Farbkopierer fr copieur couleur es copiadora de color it copiatrice a colori color correction [el. imaging] de Farbkorrektur fr correction chromatique, correction de(s)
couleur(s), correction colorimetrique es correction de color(es), correction cromatica it correzione di colore (o di colori), correzione cromatica color correction filter, CC filter [el. imaging] de Farbkorrekturfilter, CC-Filter fr filtre de correction chromatique es filtro de correcion cromatica it filtro di correzione cromatica color curve [el. prepress] de Farbkurve fr courbe de couleur es curva de color it curva di colore color electronic prepress system (abbr. CEPS), CEP system [el. prepress] de CEP-System fr systeme CEP es sistema CEP, sistema de preprensa electronico de ordenador, CEPS it sistema CEP color fidelity [el. imaging] de Farbtreue fr fidelite des couleurs, restitution fidele des couleurs es fidelidad de color it fedelta nel colore, fedelta dei colori color flatbed —» color flatbed scanner [equipment] color flatbed scanner, color flatbed [equipment] de Flachbett-Farbsscanner fr scanner ä plat ä couleurs es escäner piano de color it scanner piano a colori color gamut (range of colors), gamut [el. imaging] de Farbumfang, Farbraumumfang, Gamut m fr gamme des couleurs es gama de colores, gama cromatica it g a m m a / d i colori color graphics [el. imaging] de Farbgrafik, farbige Grafik fr graphique couleur, graphisme en couleur es gräficos en color it grafico a colori color graphics card, color card [equipment] de Farbgafikkarte, Karte für Farbgrafik fr carte graphique couleur(s) es tarjeta gräficos color, tarjeta grafica color it scheda grafica a colori, Scheda per grafica a colore
color graphics screen [equipment] de Farbgrafikbildschirm, farbiger Grafikbildschirm, Bildschirm für Farbgrafik fr ecran graphique couleur es visualizador gräfico en color it schermo grafico a colon, display grafico a colon color image [graphics] de Farbbild, farbiges Bild fr image couleur es imagen color, imagen en color, ilustracion en color it immagine a colon colorimetry [el. prepress] de Kolorimetrie/ fr colorimetrie es colorimetrfa it colorimetria color index [el. imaging] de Farbindex fr index des couleurs es indice de colores it indice dei colori color laser printer [equipment] de Farblaserdrucker, Farblaser fr imprimante laser couleur es impresora laser color, impresora läser en color it stampante laser a colori, laser/a colori color library [el. imaging] de Farbbibliothek fr bibliotheque de couleurs es biblioteca de colores it biblioteca di colori color lookup table (abbr. CLUT), color map [el. imaging] de Farbtabelle, Farbzuordnungstabelle, Farbtafel, Farb-LUT fr table des couleurs es tabla de colores it tabella di ricerca colore, tabella di look-up del colore, tabella di corripondenza dei colori color management (abbr. CM) [el. prepress] de Farbmanagement fr gestion des couleurs, gestion de la colorimetrie es gestion de color(es), gestion del color, armonizacion de color it gestione dei colori color management system (abbr. CMS) [el. prepress ]
color pixel
de Farbmanagementsystem fr systeme de gestion des couleurs es sistema de gestion de color it sistema di gestione del colore color map - » color lookup table [el. imaging] color match [el. imaging] de Farbübereinstimmung fr correspondance de couleurs es concordancia de colores it corrispondenza dei colori color matching [el. imaging] de Farbabmusterung, Farbabgleich, Farbgenauigkeit fr couleurs etalonnees, egalisation des couleurs es ajuste de color(es) it aggiustaggio dei colori color matching system, color swatching system [el. prepress] de Farbvergleichssystem fr systeme de comparaison de couleur(s), systeme de classification des couleurs, palette de teintes de reference es sistema de comparacion de color it sistema di comparazione dei colori color measuring [el. prepress] de Farbmessung fr mesure de couleur(s) es medicion del color it misurazione del colore color mixing [el. imaging] de Farbmischung (additiv oder subtraktiv) fr melange des couleurs es mezcla de colores it miscelazione dei colori color model [el. imaging] de Farbmodell fr modele colorimetrique, modele de couleur es modelo de color it modello di colori, modello cromatico color original [el. imaging] de Farbvorlagen pl fr original en couleur(s) es original de color it originale a colori color palette —> palette [user interface] color pixel [el. imaging] de Farbpixel fr pixel couleur es pixel en color it pixel di colore
color prepress
color prepress de farbige Druckvorstufe fr prepresse couleur es preimpresion en color it prestampa a colon, color prepress m color preview [el. prepress] de Farbvoranzeige fr prevue des couleurs es previsualizacion de colores it previsualizzazione dei colon color printer [equipment] de Farbdrucker, farbtüchtiger Drucker fr imprimante couleur, imprimante en couleurs es impresora en color, impresora color it stampante a colori color printing [print shop] de Farbdruck, Farbendruck, Chromotypie/ fr impression en couleurs es impresion en colores, trabajos en color it stampa a colori color printing [printers] de farbiges Drucken, Drucken in Farbe fr impression couleur es impresion en color, impresion color it stampa a colori color printing with digital presses —> digital color printing [el. prepress] color printout [el. prepress] de Farbausdruck, Farbdruck fr tirage couleur, impression couleur es salida impresa en color it stampa a colori color proofer [equipment] de Color-Proofer m (Gerät zur Ausgabe von farbigen Proofs), Farbabzugdrucker fr imprimante pour epreuves en couleur es impresora para pruebas de color it stampante per bozze a colore color proofing [el. prepress] de Herstellung von Farbabzügen, Arbeiten η mit Farbabzügen fr production d'epreuves couleur es obtencion de pruebas de color it produzione di bozze a colori color proofing system [equipment] de Farb-Proofing-System fr systeme d'epreuvage en couleur(s) es sistema de obtencion de pruebas de color, sistema de pruebas de color it sistema per la produzione di bozze a colori color proof prints —> color proofs [el. prepress]
color proofs, color proof prints [el. prepress] de Farbabzüge pi fr epreuves couleur es pruebas de color, pruebas a color, pruebas color it bozze a colori, bozze di colore color publishing [el. prepress] de Color Publishing η fr edition couleur es edition de publicaciones en color it pubblicazioni a colore color purity [el. imaging] de Farbreinheit fr purete des couleurs es pureza de colores it purezza dei colori color quality [el. prepress] de Farbqualität fr qualite des couleurs es calidad de colores it qualitä dei colori color reproduction [el. prepress] de Farbreproduktion, Farbwiedergabe fr restitution des couleurs es reproduction de los colores it riproduzione di colori color retouching [el. imaging] de Farbretusche fr retouche d'une couleur es retoque de un color it ritocco di un colore colors, complementary ~ [el. imaging] de Komplementärfarben pi fr couleurs complementaires es colores complementarios it colori complementari colors, fundamental ~ (red, green, blue; compare: colors, process ~) de Grundfarben pi fr couleurs fondamentales es colores fundamentales it colori fondamentali colors, primary - [el. imaging] de Primärfarben pi, Erstfarben pi fr couleurs primaires, teintes primaires es colores primarios, colores bäsicos it colori primari colors, process ~ (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) [el. prepress] de Prozeßfarben pi fr couleurs de la quadrichromie
es colores de proceso, cuatro colores de cuatricromia, colores de cuatricromia, separacion de color por proceso, impresion de tintas planas it colon di quadricromia colors, pseudo ~ (indexed colors), false colors [el. imaging] de Pseudofarben pi fr fausses couleurs, pseudo-couleurs es seudocolores pi, pseudocolores it pseudo colon, falsi colori colors, secondary ~ (yellow, magenta, cyan) de Sekundärfarben pi, Zweitfarben pi fr couleurs secondares es colores secundarios it colori secondari colors, true ~ (contr: pseudo colors), 24-bit colors, RGB colors [el. imagingJ de natürliche Farben pi, Echtfarben pi, naturgetreue Farben pi fr couleurs naturelles, couleurs vraies es colores reales, colores verdaderos, colores autenticos it colori reali color saturation (spot color separation or process color separation), color strength [el. imaging] de Farbsättigung fr saturation des couleurs, densite des couleurs ei saturaciön de color it saturazione di colore color scanner [equipment] de Farbscanner, Scanner für farbige Vorlagen fr scanner couleur es escäner de color, escäner color, escäner en color it scanner a colori color scanning [el. prepress] de Farbscannen« fr balayage couleur es escaneo en color, escaneado en color it scansione a colore color screen [equipment] de Farbbildschirm, farbiger Bildschirm fr ecran couleur es pantalla color, monitor color it video a colori, schermo a colori color sep —» color separation [el. prepress] color separation (see also: four-color separation), color sep [el. prepress] de Farbtrennung, Farbtrennverfahren, Farb-
color transparencies
separierung, Farbseparation, Farbauszugsverfahren fr separation des couleurs, selection des couleurs, impression couleur par couleur es separacion de colores, separacion estandar de cuatro colores it separazione di colore (o di colori), selezione del colore, cromoselezione color separation films —> separated films [el. prepress] color separation proofs —> separation proofs [el. prepress ] color shade —» hue η [el. imaging] color slides [el. prepress] de Farbdias pi fr diapositives couleur es diapositivas color it diapositive a colori color space [el. imaging] de Farbraum (RGB, CMYK, CIE LAB etc.) fr espace colorimetrique, espace chromatique, espace des couleurs es espacio de color it spazio dei colori color strength color saturation [el. imaging] color sublimation printing [el. prepress] de Farbsublimationsdruck fr impression ä sublimation en couleurs es impresion color por sublimacion it stampa a colori a sublimazione color swatching system —> color matching system [el. prepress] color synthesis (additive or subtractive) [el. prepress] de Farbsynthese fr synthese des couleurs es sintesis de los colores it sintesi dei colori color temperature [el. imaging] de Farbtemperatur fr temperature de couleur es temperatura de color it temperatura di colore color thermal sublimation printer [equipment] de Farb-Thermosublimationsdrucker fr imprimante thermique ä sublimation en couleurs es impresora de sublimacion termica color it stampante termica a sublimazione a colori color transparencies [el. prepress] de Farbfolien pl (für Overhead-Projektion)
color value
fr transpaients en couleurs es transparencias en color it lucidi pi a colon color value /el. imaging] de Farbwert fr valeur chromatique es valor de color it valore del colore color video interface [multimedia] de Farbvideointerface fr interface video couleurs es interfaz de video color it interfaccia video a colon colour (GB) see color column η (typography ] de Spalte (Druckspalte), Kolumne/ fr colonne es columna it colonna column head [typography] de Kolumnentitel fr titre d'une colonne es titulo de columna it titolo della colonna combined station (with primary and secondary features), balanced station [online publ. ] de gemischte Station, Hybridstation fr station mixte es estacion combinada, cstaciön mixta it stazione mista command for searching —> search command [ retrieval] command menu [user interface] de Kommandomenü fr menu de commande es menu de comandos it menu dei comandi comment η —> annotation [word proc.] commercial art [el. prepress] de Gebrauchsgrafik fr art publicitaire es dibujo publicitario it grafica pubblicitaria communication network architecture (abbr. CNA) [onlinepubl.] de CNA-Architektur fr architecture CNA es arquitectura CNA it architettura CNA, architettura di rete per comunicazioni
communication server —> gateway η [online publ.] communications interface [online publ.] de Kommunikationsschnittstelle fr interface de communication es interfaz de comunicaciön it interfaccia di comunicazione, interfaccia comunicazione dati communications server [online publ.] de Kommunikationsserver (in einem LAN) fr serveur de communication es servidor de comunicaciones, gestor de comunicaciones it server di comunicazione compact disc (abbr. CD) [CD-ROM publ ] de Compact Disc/, CD/, Silberscheibe (Jargon), Silberling m (Jargon) fr disque compact (abr. CD), disque optique numerique (abr. DON) es disco compacto (abr. CD) it disco compatto, compact disc (abbr. CD) compact video disc (abbr. CVD) [CD-ROM publ. ] de CVD (Compact Video Disc) fr videodisque compact es videodisco compacto, CVD it compact video disc (abbr. CVD) company network [online publ ] de innerbetriebliches Netz, unternehmensweites Netz fr reseau local d'entreprise (abr. RLE) es red local empresarial, red de ämbito empresarial it rete interna (di una grande ditta ecc.) complementary colors [el. imaging] de Komplementärfarben pi fr couleurs complementaires es colores complementarios it colori complementari component [multimedia] de Komponente / fr composante/ es componente m it componente m, f compose —> typeset ν [typography] composed page —> made-up page [typography ] composed text [typography ] de gesetzter Text, Satz fr texte compose es texto compuesto it testo composto
composite node (a set of related hypertext nodes) [hypertext] de zusammengesetzter Knoten fr noeud compose es nodo compuesto it nodo composto composite picture signal —> composite video signal [multimedia] composite video signal, composite picture signal [multimedia] de BAS-Signal (Bild-, Austast- und Synchronsignal), Fernsehsignalgemisch, Videosignal fr signal video composite es senal de video compuesto it segnale video composito composition, typesetting n, setting η [typography] de Setzen η, Satz, Satzherstellung fr composition (typographique) es composicion (tipogräfica) it composizione (tipografica) composition —> makeup η [typography] composition, electronic ~ de elektronischer Satz fr composition electronique es composicion electronica it composizione elettronica composition, page - [el. prepress] de Satz umbrochener Seiten, Setzen umbrochener Seiten fr composition de pages, composition en pages es composicion de päginas it composizione di pagine composition formatting preparation for typesetting [word proc.J composition program —»typesetting program [el. prepress] composition software —» typesetting software [el. prepress] composition workstation [equipment] de Umbruchstation fr station de composition es estacion de composicion tipografica it workstation per l'impaginazione, videoimpaginatore compress ν [typography ] de komprimieren, kompreß setzen fr comprimer es comprimir, estrechar, condensar it stringere compress ν (data, files etc.) [data proc.]
compression algorithm
de komprimieren fr compresser, comprimer es comprimir it comprimere compressed image [el. imaging] de komprimiertes Bild fr image comprimee es imagen comprimida it immagine compressa compression (of images etc.) [el. imaging] de Komprimierung fr compression es compresion it compressione compression, adaptive - [multimedia] de adaptive Komprimierung fr compression adaptative es compresion adaptativa it compressione adattiva compression, image ~ [el. imaging] de Bildkompression fr compression de l'image, compactage d'image es compresion de imagen it compressione deH'immagine compression, lossless - (contr.: lossy compression), non-lossy compression [multimedia] de verlustfreie Komprimierung fr compression non destructrice es compresion sin perdidas it compressione senza perdite, compressione con nessuna perdita di dati compression, lossy ~ (contr.: lossless compression) [multimedia] de verlustbehaftete Komprimierung fr compression destructrice es compresion con perdidas it compressione lossy (che comporta la rimozione di alcune informazioni) compression, symmetric - [multimedia] de symmetrische Kompression fr compression symetrique es compresion simetrica it compressione simmetrica compression algorithm [multimedia] de Komprimierungsalgorithmus fr algorithme de compression, algorithme de compactage es algoritmo de compresion it algoritmo di compressione
compression board
compression board [multimedia] de Komprimierungskarte fr carte de compression es taijeta de compresion it Scheda di compressione compression chip [multimedia] de Kompressionschip m fr chip de compression es chip de compresion it chip m di compressione compuscript [el. publishing] de maschinenlesbares Manuskript (z.B. auf Diskette) fr manuscrit saisi par ordinateur (p.e. sur disquette) es manuscrito computerizado it manoscritto leggibile dal computer computer-aided publishing (abbr. CAP), computer-based publishing de computergestütztes Publizieren fr edition assistee par ordinateur, publication assistee par ordinateur (abr. PAO) es edicion auxiliada por computadora it attivitä editoriali assistiti dall'elaboratore computer animation [el. imaging] de Computeranimation fr animation par ordinateur es animation por ordenador, animation por computadora, animätica, animatrönica it animazione elettronica computer art [el. prepress] de computererzeugte Illustrationen oder Grafiken fr images par ordinateur es imägenes por ordenador, infogräficos pl it disegni realizzati mediante computergrafica computer-assisted makeup (abbr. CAM) [desktop publ. ] de computerunterstützes Layout fr mise en page assistee par ordinateur es compaginaciön asistida por ordenador it impaginazione assistita dal computer computer-based publishing —> computer-aided publishing computer-based training (abbr. CBT) [multimedia] de CBT (Computer-based Training) fr enseignement assistee par ordinateur (abr. EAO) es ensenanza asistida interactiva it addestramento basato su computer,
formazione al computer, CBT m computer-generated animation [el. imaging] de computererzeugte Animation fr animations generees par ordinateur es imägenes animadas generadas por computador it animazioni creati dall'elaboratore computer-generated art, computer-generated images [el. prepress] de computererzeugte Bilder fr images en provenance d'ordinateur, images synthetiques es arte generada por computadora it immagini create dall'elaboratore computer-generated images —> computer-generated art [el. prepress] computer graphics (abbr. CG), graphic data processing de grafische Datenverarbeitung (Abk. GDV), Computergrafik fr traitement graphique de l'information, infographie, infographisme, graphisme sur ordinateur, informatique graphique, traitement de donnees graphiques es informätica gräfica, infografia (abr. IG), graficacion por ordenador (o por computador), gräficos de ordenador, proceso de datos gräficos it computergrafica, informatica grafica, elaborazione grafica dei dati, grafica computerizzata computerized composition —> computer typesetting computerized composition system —> computerized typesetting system [equipment] computerized typesetting —> computer typesetting computerized typesetting system, computer typesetting system, computerized composition system [equipment] de computergesteuertes Satzsystem, Computersatzsystem fr systeme de composition par ordinateur es sistema de composicion por ordenador, sistema de composicion informatizado it sistema di composizione computerizzata computer output on plate (abbr. COP), computer-to-plate [el. prepress] de direkte Druckplattenherstellung (ohne Film) fr production de plaques directement par l'ordinateur
es production de planchas directamente como salida de ordenador it produzione di lastre di stampa direttamente dall'elaboratore computer output to laser disc (abbr. COLD) [el. prepress] de Computerausgabe auf Laserplatte fr sortie sur disque laser es salida a disco läser it uscita su disco laser computer photocomposition -> electronic photocomposition [el. prepress] computer publishing de Computer Publishing η fr edition par ordinateur es edition por ordenador it edizione tramite computer computer-to-paper process —> digital color printing [el. prepress] computer to plate (abbr. CTP), direct to plate [el. prepress] de CTP (Computer to Plate) fr ordinateur ä la plaque es ordenador a plancha, computador a plancha, salida directa a plancha it metodo CTP (dall'elaboratore alia lastra di stampa) computer-to-plate computer output on plate [el. prepress] computer-to-plate system, CTP system, direct-to-plate system [el. prepress] de Computer-to-Plate-System, CTP-System fr systeme de l'ordinateur ä la plaque (prete pour Γ impression), systeme computerto-plate, systeme CTP es tecnologia computer-to-plate, tecnologia CTP, tecnologia de paso directo a plancha, sistema de impresion CTP, instalacion computador a plancha, sistema computador-plancha it sistema CTP computer-to-plate technology, CTP technology, direct-to-plate technology [el. prepress] de CTP-Technik, Computer-to-Plate-Technik fr technologie CTP es tecnologia directa en la plancha, tecnologia de impresion "directo a plancha" it tecnologia CTP computer-to-plate unit, CTP unit [equipment] de CTP-Anlage fr installation CTP
constant linear velocity
es instalacion CTP, sistema de exposiciön CTP it impianto CTP computer-to-press system [el. prepress] de Computer-to-Press-System fr systeme "ordinateur ä la presse" es sistema "computer to press" (del ordenador a la mäquina), sistema "ordenador a prensa" it sistema "dal computer alia stampa" computer to print (abbr. CTP) [el. prepress] de Computer to Print (Verfahren mit permanentem Druckzylinder) fr ordinateur ä la presse es ordenador a prensa it computer alia stampa computer typesetting (abbr. CTS), computerized typesetting, computerized composition de Computersatz fr composition par ordinateur es composition computerizada, composition por computador, composition informatizada, compaginacion en ordenador it composizione computerizzata, composizione tipografica computerizzata computer typesetting system —> computerized typesetting system [equipment] conceptual clustering [hypertext] de Gruppierung nach Begriffsverwandtschaft fr regroupement conceptuel es agrupacion conceptual it aggruppamento concettuale conditional link [hypertext] de bedingte Verknüpfung fr lien conditionnel es vinculo condicional it connessione condizionale constant angular velocity (abbr. CAV) [CD-ROM publ.] de konstante Winkelgeschwindigkeit fr vitesse angulaire constante (abr. VAC) es velocidad angular constante (abr. VAC) it velocita angolare costante, tecnica di rotazione CAV, modalita di registrazione CAV constant linear velocity (abbr. CLV) [CD-ROM publ.] de konstante lineare Geschwindigkeit fr vitesse lineaire constante (abr. VLC) es velocidad lineal constante (abr. VLC) it velocita lineare costante, tecnica di rotazione CLV, modalita di registrazione CLV
contact print
contact print, contact sheet [el. prepress] de Kontaktkopie, Kontaktabzug fr copie faite au contact, tirage au contact es copia por contacto it copia a contatto contact printer [el. prepress] de Kontaktkopiergerät fr appareil de copie par contact es prensa de contactos it apparecchio per copie a contatto contact sheet —» contact print [el. prepress] contention protocol [online publ.] de Protokoll für Konkurrenzbetrieb fr protocole pour eviter les conflits d'utilisation es protocolo de contienda it protocollo per trasmissione dati in modo contesa content provider [online publ.] de Anbieter von Inhalten, Content Provider fr fournisseur du contenu es proveedor de contenido it fornitore di contenuti contents, table of ~ (abbr. TOC), directory [CD-ROM publ] de Verzeichnis n, Inhaltsverzeichnis fr repertoire, table d'allocation, table des matieres es directorio (de ficheros) it dizionario, indirizzario contents page [hypertext] de Inhaltsseite fr page de contenu es pägina de contenido it pagina di contenuto context-sensitive help, contextual help [user interface ] de kontextsensitive Hilfe, kontextbezogene Hilfe fr aide (en ligne) contextuelle es ayuda contextual it aiuto sensibile al contesto, help contestuale contextual help —» context-sensitive help [user interface ] contextual search [retrieval] de Kontextsuche (Suche im Kontext) fr recherche contextuelle es busqueda contextual it ricerca contestuale, ricerca nel contesto continuous tone, contone [el. prepress] de Halbton
demi-teinte, tons Continus (non trames), similigravure, simili m es medio tono, semitono, tono continuo it mezzatinta (continua), mezzo-tono, tonalita continua continuous tone art —» halftone art [el. prepress] continuous tone copy —> continuous tone image [el. prepress] continuous tone image (abbr. CT), contone image, continuous tone copy, continuous tone picture [el. prepress] de Halbtonvorlage, Halbtonbild, Grauwertbild fr image en demi-tons, image en demi-teinte, illustration comportant des demi-teintes, original en demi-teinte, image ä niveaux de gris, document en teintes continues es imagen de tonos continuos, imagen de medios tonos, original de tono continuo it immagine a mezzatinta, immagine a tono continuo, immagine a toni infiniti continuous tone photograph [el. prepress] de Halbtonaufnahme fr photo ä modele continu es fotograffa en tono continuo it f o t o / a mezza tinta continuous tone picture —> continuous tone image [el. prepress] continuous tone process, halftoning (misnomer) [el. prepress] de Halbtonverfahren fr proced6 ä modele continu es manipulation de medios tonos it procedimento a mezza tinta, tecnica di retinatura, processo schermato contone —> continuous tone [el. prepress] contone image -> continuous tone image [el. prepress] contrast η [el. imaging] de Kontrast m fr contraste es contraste it contrasto control of flow —> flow control [el. prepress] control and display bit -> C+D bit [CD-ROM publ. ] control character, function character [data ρ roc.] de Steuerzeichen fr caractere de contröle es caräcter de control, digito de control it carattere di comando, carattere di governo
conversion [data proc.] de Umsetzung, Umwandlung fr conversion es conversion it conversione conversion of text into hypertext de Verhypertextung/, Umsetzung in Hypertext fr conversion en hypertexte es conversion en hipertexto it conversione in ipertesto conversion program, converter [data proc.] de Umsetzprogramm, Umwandlungsprogramm, Konvertierungsprogramm, Konverter m fr programme de conversion es programa de conversion it programma di conversione (da un supporto ad un altro) conversion table [data proc.] de Umsetzungstabelle, Umsetztabelle fr table de conversion es tabla de conversion, tabla de traduction it tabella di conversione conversion tool [data proc.] de Umsetztool η fr outil de conversion es herramienta de conversion it tool di conversione converter conversion program [dataproc.] COP —> computer output on plate [el. prepress] copy ν —» replicate ν copy and paste [user interface] de kopieren und einkleben fr copier et coller, copier-coller es copiar y pegar it copiare e incollare corporate electronic publishing (abbr. CEP), corporate inhouse publishing (abbr. CIP) de elektronisches Publizieren für Firmenzwecke fr edition electronique d'entreprise es edicion electrönica de empresa it pubblicazione elettronica nell'impresa corporate inhouse publishing corporate electronic publishing corporate network (usually covering several locations) [online publ.] de betriebsintemes Netz, Firmennetz, Corporate Network «, unternehmensweites Netz fr reseau d'entreprise es red corporativa, red de ämbito empresarial it rete aziendale, rete a livello corporativo
corporate publishing de Corporate Publishing η fr edition d'entreprise es edicion de empresa it pubblicazione nell'impresa CRC —» camera-ready copy [el. prepress] create ν (a page etc.) [word proc.] de erstellen, aufbauen fr creer es crear, producir it creare creation of links —> linking η [hypertext] crop ν (images etc.) [el. imaging] de zurichten ν, zurechtpassen, beschneiden fr enlever les portions inutiles, rogner, retailler, elaguer es recortar, encuadrar it ritagliare cropping η [el. imaging] de Zurichten η, Zurichtung fr recadrage es recortado m (de una ilustracion) it ritaglio cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code (abbr. CIRC), Reed-Solomon code [CD-ROM publ.] de CIRC-Code fr code CIRC (detection d'erreurs par des algorithmes d'entrelacement), code Reed-Solomon croise et interfolie, code Reed-Solomon ä entrelacement croise es codigo CIRC it codice CIRC cross-media publishing [el. publishing] de Cross-Media-Publishing n, Cross-MediaProduktion fr edition cross-media es edicion cross-media (crear una sola vez y publicar de varias formas) it pubblicazione cross-media cross-platform adj (e.g. document exchange) de plattformübergreifend fr entre plates-formes, cross plate-forme es entre plataformas diversas, cruzado de plataformas it attraverso le diverse piattaforme cross-reference η [documentproc.] de Querverweis, Verweisung fr renvoi (croise) es remision, referencia cruzada it riferimento, richiamo, rimando
CRT imagesetter
CRT imagesetter [equipment] de CRT-Belichter fr flasheuse TRC es filmadora CRT it fotounita CRT (a raggi catodici) CRT phototypesetter [equipment] de CRT-Fotosatzanlage, CRT-Belichtungsanlage fr photocomposeuse ä rayons cathodiques es fotocomponedora TRC it fotocompositrice a raggi catodici, fotocompositrice CRT CRT typesetter [equipment] de CRT-Satzanlage, CRT-Satzbelichter fr photocomposeuse CRT es componedora TRC it unitä di fotocomposizione CRT C/S architecture —» client/server architecture [online publ.] CT —> continuous tone image [el. prepress] CTP —> computer to plate [el. prepress] CTP —> computer to print [el. prepress] CTP imagesetter, direct-to-plate imagesetter [equipment] de CTP-Belichter, Computer-to-Plate-Belichter, CTP-Recorder fr flasheuse CTP es filmadora CTP, filmadora directa a la plancha it fotounita CTP CTP plate [print shop] de CTP-Direktdruckplatte, CTP-Platte fr plaque CTP es plancha CTP it lastra CTP CTP system —» computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] CTP technology —» computer-to-plate technology [el. prepress] CTP unit —> computer-to-plate unit [equipment] CTS —» computer typesetting C2P -> CTP CUG —> closed user group [online publ. ] cumulative index —» bulk index [document ρ roc.] current color [el. imaging] de aktuelle Farbe fr couleur courante es color actual it colore corrente current page [word proc.]
de aktuelle Seite fr page courante es pägina actual (de trabajo) it pagina corrente current page view [ word proc.] de Anzeige der aktuellen Seite fr vue de la page actuelle es visualizacion de la pägina actual it vista della pagine corrente cursor, pointer [user interface] de Cursor m, Schreibmarke fr curseur (de l'ecran) es cursor it Cursore, marca segna carattere cursor arrow [user interface] de Cursorpfeil fr fleche de gestion du curseur es flecha del cursor it freccia per il Cursore cursor control key, cursor movement key, cursor key [user interface] de Cursorsteuerungstaste, Cursorsteuerung (Taste), Cursortaste fr touche de deplacement du curseur, touche de positionnement du curseur es tecla de control de cursor, tecla de cursor it tasto per muovere il Cursore, tasto spostamento Cursore, tasto controllo Cursore, tasto Cursore cursor key —» cursor control key [user interface] cursor location —» cursor position [user interface ] cursor movement key —» cursor control key [user interface ] cursor position, cursor location [user interface] de Cursorposition, Position des Cursors fr position du curseur es position del cursor it posizione del Cursore curve-linear graphics —> vector graphics [el. imaging] custom colors [el. imaging] de individuelle Farben fr couleurs personnalisees es colores personalizados it colon personalizzati cut and paste [user interface] de ausschneiden und einfügen fr couper et coller, couper-coller
es cortar y pegar it taglia e incolla CVD compact video disc [CD-ROM publ.]
D D —> density [print shop] darkroom, digital ~ (a software for electronic imaging), electronic darkroom [el. prepress] de elektronische Dunkelkammer fr chambre noire digitale es programa tipo darkroom, laboratorio fotogräfico electrönico it camera oscura digitale DAT —» digital audio tape [multimedia] data access, data accessing [CD-ROMpubl.] de Datenzugriff, Zugriff auf Daten fr acces aux donnees es acceso a los datos it accesso ai dati data accessing —» data access [CD-ROM publ. ] database (abbr. DB) de Datenbasis, Datenbank fr base de donnees (abr. B.D.) es base de datos (abr. BD) it base di dati database conversion de Datenbankkonvertierung fr conversion de bases de donnees es conversion de bases de datos it conversione di basi di dati database engine de Datenbank-Engine/ fr moteur de la base de donnees es motor de base de datos it motore di database, motore database database publishing (abbr. DBP) de Database Publishing n, datenbankgestützte Herstellung einer Publikation fr edition par le biais d'outils de gestion de base de donnees es publicaciones producidos desde una base de datos it creazione di pubblicazioni da un database, pubblicazioni provenienti direttamente da un database database server [online publ.] de Datenbasisserver
fr serveur de base de donnees es servidor de base de datos it database server m data compression [data ρ roc.] de Datenkomprimierung fr compression de donnees es compresion de datos it compressione di dati data conversion (abbr. DC) [data proc.] de Datenumwandlung, Datenumsetzung, Datenwandlung fr conversion de donnees es conversion de datos it conversione dei dati data highway —»information highway [multimedia] data network (abbr. DN) [onlinepubl.] de Datennetz (Abk. DN) fr reseau de donnees, reseau de transmission de donnees, reseau informatique es red de datos it rete di dati, rete dati data network identification code (abbr. DNIC) [online publ. ] de internationale Datennetz-Kennzahl fr code d'identification du reseau de donnees es identification de red de datos, codigo DNIC it codice di identificazione della rete di dati data presentation [el. publishing] de Datenpräsentation fr presentation des donnees ei presentation de datos it presentazione dei dati data structure [database publ. ] de Datenstruktur, Datenaufbau fr structure de donnees es estructura de datos it struttura dei dati DB —> data base DBP —> database publishing DC —> data conversion [data proc. ] DCP —> digital color printing [el. prepress] DCS file (desktop color separation) [el. prepress] de DCS-Datei fr fichier DCS es fichero DCS it file DCS DCT —»discrete cosine transform [multimedia] DDCP —> direct digital color proof [el. prepress] DDCP —> direct digital color proofing [el. prepress]
DDC proofer
DDC proofer —> direct digital color proofer [equipment] DDE —> digital data exchange [el. prepress} DDE —» dynamic data exchange [database publ. ] DDES —> digital data exchange specifications [el. prepress] DDL —» document description language [word ρ roc.] dead matter, dead type, killed matter [typography] de Ablegesatz, abgelegter Satz fr composition ä distribuer, "matiere morte" es texto ya impreso, composition que ya no se volverä a utilizar it composizione da scomporre dead type —>dead matter [typography] decentralized printing de dezentrales Drucken fr impression deccntralisee es impresion descentralizada it stampa decentralizzata decoding hardware / CD-ROM publ. ] de Decoderhardware fr materiel de decodage es hardware de decodificacion it hardware di decodifica decompress ν (digital images etc.), unsqueeze (colloq.) [multimedia] de dekomprimieren, entkomprimieren, entpacken fr decompacter, decompresses decomprimer es descomprimir (imagenes digitales) it decomprimere, scompattare decompression [multimedia] de Entkomprimierung fr decompactage, decompression es descompresion it decompressione dedicated network [online publ.] de dediziertes Netz fr reseau specialise es red especial dedicada (abr. RED), red dedicada it rete dedicata dedicated server (a server with no workstation capability) [online publ.] de dedizierter Server fr serveur dedie es servidor dedicado it server dedicato
default font de Vorgabeschriftart, Vorgabefont fr police par defaut es fuente predeterminada it font prestabilita default printer de Vorgabedrucker fr imprimante par defaut es impresora predeterminada it stampante predefinita default setting de Standardeinstellung fr reglage par defaut, valeurs de defaut es parämetros por defecto, reglaje predefinido it valori prestabiliti degrade η —» graded tint [el. imaging] degree of kerning [typography ] de Grad der Unterschneidung fr degre de crenage es grado de kerning it grado di accostamento degree of whiteness —» whiteness degree [el. imaging] dehighlighting η [user interface) de normale Helligkeit fr retour au mode normal, fin de surbrillance es intensidad normal it intensita normale dejagging η —> antialiasing η [el. imaging] delivery (the process of playing multimedia titles) [multimedia] de Delivery/, "Auslieferung" fr reproduction es reproduccion it delivery/ delivery board (contr.: capture board) [multimedia] de Delivery Board η (fur die Wiedergabe von DVI-Applikationen) fr carte de reproduction es taijeta de reproduccion it scheda di delivery delivery system (set of CD-ROM, media hardware and computer equipment) [multimedia] de Delivery-System, "Ausliefersystem" fr systeme de reproduction es sistema de reproduccion, sistema de entrega it sistema di delivery delta, change in value de Delta η fr delta m
es delta m it delta m, cambio di valore, differenza delta compression (a method in which only the variable information is compressed) [multimedia] de Deltakompression fr compression delta es compresion delta it compressione delta delta encoding/decoding [multimedia] de Deltacodierung/-decodierung fr codage/decodage delta es codificacion/decodificacion delta it codifica/decodifica delta delta frames (all other than the —»reference frames) [multimedia] de Delta-Frames pi fr trames delta, differences entre images es tramas delta it quadri delta delta pulse code modulation (abbr. DPCM) [CD-ROM pubi] de DPCM fr modulation par impulsion et codage delta (abr. MIC-D) es modulation de impulsos y codification delta it modulazione di impulsi in codice delta (abbr. DPCM) delta YUV (abbr. DYUV) (a color encoding and compression scheme) [el. imaging] de Delta-YUV fr delta YUV es delta YUV it delta YUV (codifica di immagini naturali) demand, newspaper on ~ [el. publishing] de Zeitung on-demand, On-Demand-Zeitungsdruck fr journal sur demande es periodicos bajo demanda, diarios por pedido (hispanoam.) it giomale a richiesta demand, publishing on ~ (abbr. POD), on-demand publishing, demand publishing de Publishing on Demand (Publizieren nach Bedarf), Publizieren auf Nachfrage, On-Demand-Publishing fr edition sur demande, publication sur demande, edition ä petits tirages es edition bajo demanda it edizione secondo domanda, pubbücazione su richiesta
departmental network
demand printing —> on-demand printing demand publishing —>publishing on demand densitometer [el. prepress] de Densitometer η fr densitometre es densitometro it densitometro densitometry [el. prepress] de Densitometrie/, Dichtemessung fr densitometrie es densitometrfa it densitometria density (abbr. D) (degree of darkness) [print shop] de Schwärzung fr densite, noirceur es negrura, oscuridad, densidad it densita, grado di densita density (of a grid etc.) [el. prepress] de Dichte fr densite es densidad, intensidad it densita density control [el. prepress] de Dichteregelung, Bereichsregelung fr reglage de la densite es control de densidad it aggiustaggio della densita density curve [el. prepress] de Dichtekurve fr courbe de densite es curva de densidad it curva di densita density range, tonal range, dynamic range [el. prepress] de Dichteumfang fr gamme de densite es gama de densidad it volume di densita density range —» density scale [el. prepress] density scale, density range [el. prepress] de Grauwertskala (eines Rasterbilds) fr echelle de densite es escala de densidad it scala di densita departmental network [online pubi] de Abteilungsnetz fr reseau departemental es red departamental it rete interna di un reparto, rete dipartimentale
departmental server
departmental server [online publ.J de Abteilungsserver fr serveur departemental es servidor departamental it server dipartimentale depth of focus, focal depth /el. prepress] de Schärfentiefe fr profondeur de champ es profundidad de foco, profundidad de campo it profonditä di nitidezza, profondita di campo descreening η [el. prepress] de Entrasterung (von Bildern) fr elimination de tramage es elimination del tramado it rimozione della retinatura designated transfer rate (abbr. DTR) [CD-ROM publ.] de angegebene Transferrate fr taux de transfert declare es tasa de transferencia declarada it tasso di trasferimento dichiarato desktop [general sense] de Desktop m, Schreibtisch fr bureau es sobremesa it scrivania desktop (workspace on a screen) [user interface] de Arbeitsfläche, Desktop m fr zone de travail es espacio de trabajo, mesa de trabajo, area de trabajo it scrivania desktop ... de Desktop-..., Tisch... fr de bureau es de sobremesa it da scrivania desktop imagesetter [equipment] de Tischbelichter fr flasheuse de table es filmadora de sobremesa it fotounita da scrivania desktop laser printer [equipment] de Desktop-Laserdrucker fr imprimante laser de table es impresora läser de sobremesa it stampante laser da tavolino, laser/da scrivania desktop prepress (abbr. DTP2) [el. prepress] de Druckvorstufe auf Desktopebene fr prepresse de bureau
es preimpresiön de sobremesa it prestampa a livello di scrivania desktop printer [equipment] de Desktop-Drucker, Drucker als Tischmodell fr imprimante de table es impresora de sobremesa it stampante da tavolo, stampantina desktop publish ν de mit DTP-Verfahren publizieren fr micro-editer es publicar mediante autoediciön, autoeditar it pubblicare con metodi DTP desktop publishing (abbr. DTP) de Desktop-Publishing (Abk. DTP) fr micro-edition, publication assistee par ordinateur (abr. PAO), le PAO (adj: pao'istique), edition de bureau, edition faite sur le bureau, editique es autoediciön, edicion de sobremesa, edicion asistida por ordenador (abr. EAO), trabajo en autoediciön it desktop publishing m (abbr. DTP), editoria elettronica (mediante PC), editoria da scrivania, editoria personale desktop publishing applications de DTP-Anwendungen fr applications de PAO es aplicaciones de autoediciön it applicazioni di desktop publishing, applicazioni DTP desktop publishing software -> DTP software [desktop publ.] desktop publishing system, DTP system de Desktop-Publishing-System, DTP-System fr systeme de PAO es sistema de autoediciön it sistema di desktop publishing, sistema di DTP desktop scanner [equipment] de Desktop-Scanner fr scanner de table, scanner ä plat de bureautique es escäner de sobremesa it scanner da tavolo desktop system [equipment] de Desktop-System fr systeme de bureau es sistema de sobremesa it sistema da scrivania, sistema desktop desktop text scanner [equipment] de Desktop-Textscanner m
fr scanner de textes bureautique es escäner de textos de sobremesa it scanner di testi da scrivania desktop typesetting [el. prepress] de Desktop-Satz fr typographic bureautique es tipografia de sobremesa it tipografia in un ambiente d'ufficio destination link -» target link [hypertextJ destination node (in a network) [online publ] de Zielknoten fr noeud de destination es nodo de destino it nodo di destinazione destination node -»target node [hypertext] detect (collisions etc.) [onlinepubl.] de erkennen fr detecter es detectar it individuare develop ν [el. prepress] de entwickeln fr developper es revelar it sviluppare, rivelare developer (for photographic material) [el. prepress] de Entwickler fr rivelateur es revelador it sviluppatore developing η [el. prepress] de Entwicklung fr developpement es revelado m it sviluppo, rivelazione device-independent file, dvi file de geräteunabhängige Datei, dvi-Datei fr fichier independant du dispositif es fichero independiente del dispositivo it indipendente dal dispositivo DFR —» document filing and retrieval [document proc. ] dialog box [user interface] de Dialogbox fr case-dialogue, boite de dialogue es caja de dialogo, cuadro de dialogo it riquadro di dialogo dialog history [retrieval] de Dialoggeschichte fr histoire d'un dialogue
digital camera
es historia de un dialogo it storia del dialogo dialog window, interactive window [user interface] de Dialogfenster, Dialogfeld fr fenetre de dialogue, fenetre interactive es ventana de diälogo, ventanilla de diälogo it finestra di dialogo, finestra interattiva dictionary of exceptions —> exception word dictionary [word proc.] differential PCM differential pulse code modulation [ CD-ROM publ. ] differential pulse code modulation (abbr. DPCM), differential PCM [CD-ROMpubl.] de Differenz-Pulscode-Modulation (Abk. DCPM) fr modulation par impulsion et codage differentielle (abr. MIC-D) es modulacion de impulses codificados diferencial (abr. MICD) it modulazione DPCM diffraction grating [CD-ROMpubl.] de Diffraktionsgitter fr grille de diffraction es red de difracciön, rejilla de difracciön it reticolo di diffrazione digital [data proc.] de digital fr numerique, digital es digital it digitale digital, fully ~ (production etc.) [el. prepress] de volldigital fr completement numerique es totalmente digital it totalmente digitale digital archive [documentproc.] de digitales Archiv fr archive numerique es archivo digital it archivio digitale digital audio tape (abbr. DAT) [multimedia] de Digitalband η fr bände magnetique audio-numerique es cinta audio digital it nastro audio digitale, nastro DAT digital camera [equipment] de digitale Kamera fr appareil photo numerique es cämara digital it macchina fotografica digitale
digital catalog
digital catalog [el. publishing] de digitaler Katalog fr catalogue numerique es catälogo digital it catalogo digitale digital color printing (abbr. DCP), color printing with digital presses, computer-to-paper process [el. prepress] de digitaler Farbdruck fr impression numerique en couleurs es impresion digital en color it stampa digitale a colori digital color printer [equipment] de digitaler Farbdrucker fr imprimante numerique en couleurs es impresora digital de color it stampante digitale a colori digital color proofs pi [el. prepress] de digitale Farbabzüge pl, digitale Farbproofs pl fr epreuves numeriques couleur es pruebas digitales en color it bozze digitali a colori digital color proofing system [el. prepress] de digitales Farbproof-System fr systeme d'epreuves numeriques couleur es sistema de producciön de pruebas digitales en color it sistema in grado di produrre bozze digitali a colori digital darkroom (a software for electronic imaging), electronic darkroom [el. prepress] de elektronische Dunkelkammer fr chambre noire digitale es programa tipo darkroom, laboratorio fotogräfico electronico it camera oscura digitale digital data exchange (abbr. DDE) [el. prepress] de digitaler Datenaustausch fr echange numerique de donnees es intercambio de datos digitales it scambio digitale di dati digital data exchange specifications (abbr. DDES) [el. prepress] de DDES (Standard für den digitalen Datenaustausch) fr DDES (normes pour Γ echange de donnees numeriques) es eständar para el intercambio de datos digitales it DDES (norme per lo scambio di dati digitali)
digital data flow [el. prepress] de digitaler Datenfluß fr flux numerique des donnees es flujo de datos digitales it flusso digitale dei dati digital distribution (of publications etc.) [online publ. ] de digitale Verteilung fr diffusion numerique es distribution digital it distribuzione digitale digital font [el. prepress] de digitale Schrift fr fönte numerique es fuente digital it font digitale digital four color printing [el. prepress] de digitaler Vierfarbdruck fr impression numerique en quadrichromie es impresion digital en cuatricromia it stampa digitale a quattro colori digital halftoning, spatial dithering [el. imaging] de digitale Erzeugung von Halbtönen fr creation numerique de demi-tons es creaciön digital de medios tonos it creazione digitale di mezze tinte digital image data bank [el. prepress] de digitale Bilddatenbank fr banque d'images numerisees es banco de datos de imägenes digitales it banca di dati contenente immagini digitalizzati digital image library [el. prepress] de digitales Bildarchiv fr archive numerique d'images, bibliotheque d'images numerisees es archivo digital de imägenes it archivio digitale di immagini digital image processing, digital imaging [el. prepress] de digitale Bildverarbeitung, Digital Imaging η fr traitement des images digitales, traitement numerique des images es procesamiento digital de imägenes, tratamiento digital de la imagen it elaborazione delle immagini digitali, eidomatica digital image proof [el. prepress] de digitaler Proof m (einer Abbildung) fr epreuve numerique
es proeba digital it bozza digitale digital imagesetter [equipment] de Digitalbelichter fr flasheuse (numerique) es filmadora digital it fotounita digitale digital imaging, imaging η [el. prepress] de Digital Imaging rt. Imaging η fr imagerie numerique es proceso de imägenes digitales it trattamento digitale delle immagini digital imaging —> digital image processing [el. prepress ] digitalization —» digitization [el. imaging] digitalize —»digitize digital large-format output [el. prepress] de digitaler Großformatdruck fr sortie numerique de grands formats es salida digital de grandes formatos it uscita digitale di grandi forniati digitally coded [data proc.] de digital aufgezeichnet fr code numeriquement es codificado digitalmente it codificato in modo digitale digital mastering [CD-ROM publ. ] de digitales Mastering fr gravure numerique (du master) es masterizaciön digital it masterizzazione digitale digital online printing [print shop] de digitaler Online-Druck fr impression numerique en ligne es impresiön digital on-line it stampa digitale online digital photo [el. imaging] de digitales Foto fr photo numerique es foto digital, fotografia digital it foto /digitale digital photography [el. imaging] de digitales Fotografieren, digitale Fotografie, Digitalfotografie fr photographie numerique es fotografia digital it fotografia digitale digital plate (printing plate that can be exposed in a platesetter) [print shop] de digitale Platte, digitale Druckplatte fr plaque numerique
digital printing technology
es plancha digital it lastra (di stampa) digitale digital platemaker, digital platesetter [equipment] de digitaler Druckplattenbelichter fr flasheuse numerique de plaques es filmadora platesetter digital it fotounita digitale con uscita di lastre digital platesetter —» digital platemaker [equipment] digital platesetting [el. prepress] de digitale Druckplattenbelichtung, digitales Plattenbelichten fr flashage numerique de plaques d'impression es insolation digital de planchas it esposizione digitale di lastre di stampa digital prepress de digitale Druckvorstufe, digitale Vorstufe fr prepresse numerique es preimpresiön digital it prestampa digitale digital press, digital printing machine [print shop] de digitale Druckmaschine fr presse digital ä imprimer es mäquina de impresiön digital, prensa digital it macchina di stampa digitale digital preview [el. prepress] de digitale Vorschau fr prevue numerique es previsualizaciön digital it previsualizzazione digitale digital printing (printing with plateless systems) [print shop] de Digitaldruck fr impression numerique es impresiön digital it stampa digitale digital printing machine —» digital press [print shop] digital printing service center (abbr. DPSC) [el. prepress] de Dienstleistungszentrum für digitalen Druck fr centre d'impression numerique es centra de impresiön digital it centra di stampa digitale digital printing technology [el. prepress] de digitale Drucktechnik fr technique d'impression numerique es tecnica de impresiön digital it tecnica di stampa digitale
digital proofer
digital proofer [equipment] de digitaler Proofdrucker, digitaler Proofer, Digitalproofdrucker, Digitalproofer m fr imprimante d'epreuves numeriques es impresora de pruebas digitales it stampante di bozze digitali digital proofing [el. prepress] de digitales Proofing, digitale Erstellung von Probeabzügen fr production d'epreuves numeriques es salida de pruebas digitales it produzione di bozze digitali digital proofing system [equipment] de digitales Proof-System fr systeme de production d'epreuves numeriques es sistema de produccion de pruebas digitales it sistema di produzione di bozze digitali digital proofs (contr.: analog proofs) [ei prepress] de digitale Proofs pl fr epreuves numeriques es pruebas digitales it bozze digitali digital publication de digitale Publikation fr publication numerique es publication digital it pubblicazione digitale digital publishing de digitales Publizieren fr edition numerique, creation de publications numeriques es produccion de publicaciones digitales it produzione di pubblicazioni digitali digital short-run printing (abbr. DSRP) [print shop] de digitaler Kleinauflagendruck fr impression numerique de petits tirages es impresion digital de tiradas pequenas it stampa digitale di piccole tirature digital type [el. prepress] de Digitalschrift fr caracteres digitaux es tipo digital it carattere digitale digital type foundry [el. prepress] de Hersteller digitaler Schriften fr fonderie numerique es empresa de creation de tipos digitales it fonderia digitale
digital typesetting [el. prepress] de digitaler Satz, Digitalsatz fr composition numerique, composition digitale es composition digital it composizione digitale digital typesetting equipment [equipment] de digitale Satzanlage fr composeuse numerique es mäquina digital de fotocomposicion it fotocompositrice digitale digital video interactive (abbr. DVI) (a multimedia platform) [multimedia] de DVI fr video numerique interactive (abr. DVI), digital video interactive, technologie DVI es video digital interactivo (abr. DVI) it video digitale interattivo (abbr. DVI) digital wide format printing [el. prepress] de digitaler Großbilddruck fr impression numerique de grands formats es impresion digital de grandes formatos it stampa digitale in grande formato digital workflow [el. prepress] de digitaler Workflow fr flux des travaux numerique es flujo de trabajos digital it flusso digitale dei lavori digitizable [el. imaging] de digitalisierbar fr numerisable es digitalizable it digitalizzabile digitization, digitalization, digitizing η [el. imaging] de Digitalisierung fr numerisation, digitalisation, discretisation es digitalizacion it digitalizzazione, rappresentazione sotto forma digitale digitize, digitalize de digitalisieren, digital darstellen fr numeriser (convertir en numerique), exprimer en numerique, digitaliser (anglicisme) es digitalizar, convertir en digital it digitalizzare, rappresentare sotto forma digitale digitized (font, image, system etc.) de digitalisiert fr numerise
es digitalizado it digitalizzato digitized artwork [el. prepress) de digitalisierte Illustrationen pi fr images numerisees es imägenes digitalizadas it illustrazioni digitalizzate digitized graphics [el. prepress] de digitalisierte Grafikdarstellungen pi fr graphiques numerises es gräficos digitalizados it grafici digitalizzati digitized image [el. prepress] de digitalisiertes Bild fr image numerisee es imagen digitalizada it immagine digitalizzata digitized type [el. prepress] de digitalisierte Schrift fr police digitalisee, caracteres numerises es tipo digitalizado it caratteri digitalizzati digitized typesetting [el. prepress] de digitalisierter Satz fr composition numerisee es composiciön digitalizada it composizione digitalizzata digitizer [el. imaging] de Digitalisiergerät, Digitalisierer, Digitizer m fr numeriseur, dispositif de numerisation, digitaliseur (anglicisme), lecteur de courbes es digitalizadora it digitalizzatore digitizing η —> digitization [el. imaging] digitizing board (for sound, images etc.) [equipment] de Digitalisierkarte, Digitalisierungskarte fr carte de numerisation es taijeta de digitalizaciön it Scheda di digitalizzazione, Scheda digitalizzatrice digitizing speed [el. imaging] de Digitalisiergeschwindigkeit fr vitesse de numerisation, cadence de numerisation es velocidad de digitalizaciön it velocita di digitalizzazione digitizing station [el. imaging] de Digitalisierstation fr station de numerisation es estaeiön de digitalizaciön
directory table
it stazione di digitalizzazione direct color [el. imaging] de direkte Farbe fr couleur directe, ton direct es color directo it colore diretto direct-color display -»true-color display [el. imaging] direct digital color proof (abbr. DDCP) [el. prepress ] de direkter digitaler Farbproof fr epreuves numeriques en couleur es prueba digital en color it bozza a colon digitali direct digital color proofer, DDC proofer [ equipment] de direkter digitaler Farbproofer fr imprimante d' epreuves numeriques en couleur es impresora de pruebas en color digitales it stampante di bozze a colori digitali direct digital color proofing (abbr. DDCP) [el. prepress] de direkte digitale Farbproofs pl fr sortie directe d'epreuves numeriques en couleur es salida directa de pruebas digitales en color it stampa diretta di bozze a colori digitali directed retrieval [hypertext] de geführte Suche fr recherche guidee es busqueda guiada it ricerca guidata direct image capture camera [equipment] de Digitalkamera für Videobilder fr appareil numeriseur d'images video es cämara digital (para imägenes de video) it camera fotografica digitale direct imaging (more or less the same as: computer to plate) [el. prepress] de Direktbelichtung fr flashage direct es exposieiön directa (sobre plancha etc.), grabaeiön directa it esposizione diretta directory —> table of contents [CD-ROM publ. ] directory of servers server directory [online publ.] directory table [CD-ROMpubl.] de Verzeichnistabelle fr table du repertoire
direct photo image capture
es tabla del directorio it tabella di directory direct photo image capture [equipment] de Bildaufnahme mit Digitalkamera fr capture d'images par numeriseur es captura de imägenes con cämara digital, captation de imägenes con cämara digital it cattura di immagini con una camera digitale direct read after write (abbr. DRAW) [CD-ROM publ.] de DRAW-Verfahren (direktes Prüflesen von Daten nach dem Schreiben) fr lecture de contröle apres ecriture, technique de lecture apres ecriture es tecnica DRAW (lectura directa tras la escritura) it metodo DRAW (lettura diretta dopo scrittura) direct read during write (abbr. DRDW) [CD-ROM publ.] de DRDW-Verfahren (direktes Prüflesen während des Schreibens) fr lecture de contröle pendant Γ ecriture es tecnica DRDW (lectura directa durante la escritura) it metodo DRDW (lettura diretta durante scrittura) direct thermal printing [printers] de direktes Thermodruckverfahren fr impression thermique directe es impresion termica directa it stampa termica diretta direct to plate —» computer to plate [el. pre-press ] direct-to-plate imagesetter [el. prepress] de DTP-Belichter fr flasheuse de plaques es filmadora platesetter para copia directa de planchas it fotounita DTP (esposizione diretta delle lastre di stampa) direct-to-plate imagesetter —» CTP imagesetter [equipment] direct-to-plate system —» computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] direct-to-plate technology —» computer-to-plate technology [el. prepress] direct-to-press system (a system operating with digital presses) [print shop] de digitaler Druck System "direct to press" fr impression numerique "direct to press"
es sistema de impresion digital "directo a mäquina de imprimir", sistema "directo al impreso", sistema "directo a prensa" it stampa digitale sistema "direct to press" disc (the spelling with c distinguishes optical from magnetic media) de Platte fr disque es disco it disco disc, check ~ (during CD-ROM production), proof disc [CD-ROM publ. ] de Probedisc/, Musterdisc/ fr disque test, disque d'essai, copie d'essai es disco de prueba it disco di prova disc, master - [CD-ROM publ.] de Masterdisc /, Masterplatte fr disque CD master, disque maitre es disco master, disco maestro it disco master disc, stamper ~ (disc made from the mother disc and used to mold replicates), stamper, CD stamper, molding master, pressing master [CD-ROM publ. ] de Preßmatrize/, Preßstempel, Stamper m, CDRohling fr matrice (de pressage), disque original metallique, matrice fils, moule/ es estampador, patron para generar un molde it master di stampaggio, stampo disc caddy -» caddy η [ CD-ROM publ.] disc changeover [CD-ROM publ. ] de Plattenwechsel fr echange de disque es cambio de disco it cambio di disco disc mastering facility —> mastering facility [CD-ROM publ.] disc pressing house, pressing house, pressing plant [CD-ROMpubl.] de CD-ROM-Hersteller fr presseur de CD-ROM es casa de grabacion de discos it impresa di fabbricazione di CD-ROM discrete cosine transform (abbr. DCT) (for image compression) [multimedia] de DCT-Verfahren, diskrete Cosinus-Transformation fr transformee/en cosinus discrete (abr. TCD)
es proceso DCT (transformation discreta de coseno) it tecnica DCT (trasformata discretizzata del coseno) disk (the spelling with k denotes magnetic media; compare: disc) [data proc.] de Platte fr disque es disco it disco disk drive [equipment] de Diskettenlaufwerk, Floppy-Laufwerk fr unite de disquette es disquetera it drive m di disco diskless (workstation etc.) [online publ] de laufwerklos (ohne Festplatte, und oft auch ohne Diskettenlaufwerk) fr sans disque(s) es sin disco duro it senza disco (fisso), senza memoria di massa diskless node [onlinepubl.] de Knoten ohne Festplatte fr nceud sans disque(s), nceud sans unites de disque es nodo sin disco it nodo senza disco diskless workstation (a PC with no disk drives) [online publ.] de laufwerklose Workstation fr station de travail sans disque(s) ou sans disque dur, station sans disques es estacion de trabajo sin disco it stazione di lavoro senza disco display ν de darstellen, anzeigen fr afficher (donnees sur un ecran etc.) es visualizar, presentar, poner (en la pantalla), exhibir, mostrar it visualizzare (grafici) display η [equipment] de Display η, Anzeige fr affichage es display m (representation visual), visualization it display m, visualizzazione display attribute [user interface] de Anzeigeattribut fr attribut visuel es atributo de visualization it attribute del display, attribute di
visualizzazione display background de Anzeigehintergrund fr fond d'affichage es fondo de visualization it fondo del display display file (with tags and markers invisible) [desktop publ.] de Anzeigedatei, Bildschirmdatei fr fichier d'affichage es fichero de visualization it file di visualizzazione display screen (abbr. DS) —> screen η [ equipment] display window [user interface] de Sichtanzeigefenster, Anzeigefenster fr fenetre d'affichage es ventana de visualization it finestra di visualizzazione dissolve η (effect) [video] de Überblendung, Überblendeffekt fr fondu enchalne es fundido encadenado it dissolvenza distance between screen lines [el. prepress] de Rasterweite fr finesse de la trame es ancho de la reticula it larghezza del retino distributed network [online publ.] de verteiltes Netz, Diffusionsnetz fr reseau distribue, reseau reparti es red distribuida it rete con topologia policentrica dithering η (manipulating the values of adjacent pixels) [multimedia] de Dithem η fr eparpillement es tecnica de dithering it tecnica del dithering dithering, spatial ~ —> digital halftoning [el. imaging] Dmax —> maximum density [el. prepress] DMS document management system [document proc.] DN —» data network [online publ. ] DNIC —> data network identification code [online publ. ] doc —* document [wordproc.] document η (abbr. doc) [wordproc.] de Dokument
document bank
fr document es documento it documento document bank [hypertext] de Dokumentenbank fr banque de documents es banco de documentos it banca di documenti document description language (abbr. DDL) [wordproc.J de Dokumentbeschreibungssprache fr langage de description de documents es DDL, lenguaje de descripcion de documentos it linguaggio di descrizione di documenti document exchange [word ρ roc.] de Dokumentenaustausch fr echange de documents es intercambio de documentos it scambio di documenti document export (into a different system environment etc.) [wordproc.] de Dokumentenexport fr exportation de documents es exportacion de documentos it esportazione di documenti document filing and retrieval (abbr. DFR) [document proc. ] de Dokumentenarchivierung und -retrieval fr archivage et recherche de documents es archivo y recuperation de documentos it archiviazione e ricupero di documenti document management [documentproc.] de Dokumentverwaltung fr gestion de documents, gestion documentaire es gestion de documentos it gestione di documenti document management system (abbr. DMS) [document proc. ] de DMS fr systeme de gestion des documents es sistema de gestion de documentos it sistema DMS di gestione di documenti document portability [document proc.] de Portabilität von Dokumenten fr portabilite de documents es portabilidad de documentos it portabilita di documenti document preview [desktop publ.] de Dokumentvorschau fr previsualisation de documents
es previsualizacion de documentos it anteprima del documento (complete), previsualizzazione di un documento document type definition (abbr. DTD) [document proc.] de Dokumenttypdefinition fr definition du type de document es definicion de tipo de documento it definizione del tipo di documento dot density [el. imaging] de Punktdichte fr densite des points es densidad de puntos it densita dei punti dot shape [el. imaging] de Punktform fr forme des points es forma de puntos it forma dei puntini dots per inch (abbr. dpi), spots per inch (abbr. spi) [el. imaging] de Punkte pro Zoll (ein Maß für die Auflösung) fr points par pouce (abr. ppp) es puntos por pulgada (abr. ppp) it punti per pollice (abbr. ppp) double-click ν [user interface] de doppelklicken (Sbst.: Doppelklick), zweimal anklicken (mit der Maus) fr double-cliquer (substantif. double-clic m), cliquer deux fois, effectuer un double-clic es hacer un doble clic (sustantivo: doble clic) it fare il doppio clic, cliccare due volte double-speed adj (abbr. 2X) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Double-Speed-... fr ä double vitesse, double vitesse (lecteur double vitesse) es de doble velocidad it a doppia velocita downline loading [online publ.] de Herunterladen η fr telechargement es carga a traves de la linea, telecarga it caricamento (attraverso una rete ecc.) download v, off-load ν [online publ. ] de herunterladen v, "downloaden" ν fr telecharger es descargar, telecargar it scaricare downloadable (character sets etc.) de fernladbar, herunterladbar fr telechargeable
es telecargable it caricabile (font non resident!) downloadable font, soft font de nachladbare Schrift fr police telechargeable es fuente telecargable it font caricabile download capability de Downloadfähigkeit (Möglichkeit des Herunterladens) fr capacite de telechargement es capacidad de telecarga, posibilidad de descarga it capacita di caricamento (di font non residenti) downloaded typefont de heruntergeladene Schrift, Downloadschrift fr fönte telechargee, police telechargee es fuente telecargada it font caricata downloading η (of programs etc. via a network) [online publ.J de Herunterladen η, "Downloaden" η. Saugen η(Jargon) fr telechargement es telecarga it download m (di file ecc.) downloading η (of fonts etc.) de Herunterladen η, "Downloaden" η fr telechargement (des polices de caracteres) es telecarga, descarga (de fuentes) it caricamento remoto (di font) downscrolling η scrolling down [user interface] DPCM —> delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] DPCM —» differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] dpi —> dots per inch [el. imaging] DPSC —» digital printing service center [el. prepress ] dpsi (dots per square inch) de Punkte pro Quadratzoll fr points par pouce carre es puntos por pulgada cuadrada it punti per pollice quadro drafting η (US) —» drawing η draft mode, proof mode [printers] de Konzeptmodus fr mode brouillon, mode epreuve es caracterfstica draft (en forma normal),
drop cable
modo para borrador, modo de pruebas, modo boceto it modo bozze, modo draft draft quality (of print) [printers] de Konzeptqualität, Entwurfsqualität fr qualite memo, qualite brouillon, qualite ordinateur es calidad de dibujo, calidad draft it qualita bozza drag ν (with the mouse) [user interface] de ziehen ν, mitziehen fr faire glisser es arrastrar it far scorrere dragging η [user interface] de Ziehen η fr glissement, entrainement es arrastre it spostamento draughting η (GB) -> drawing η DRAW direct read after write [CD-ROM publ.] drawer, tray [CD-ROMpubl.] de Schublade (zur CD-Aufnahme) fr tiroir es bandeja it cassetto drawing η de Zeichnung fr dessin es dibujo it disegno drawing «, drafting η (US), draughting η (GB) de Zeichnen η fr trace m (de graphismes etc.) es dibujo (artistico), trazado de dibujos it disegno, tracciamento (di disegni ecc.), tracciatura drawing tool, drawing utensil [user interface] de Zeichenwerkzeug fr outil de trace, outil de dessin es herramienta de dibujo it tool di disegno drawing utensil —> drawing tool [user interface] DRDW -> direct read during write [CD-ROM publ.] drop cable, branch cable [online publ.] de Abzweigleitung, Anschlußkabel (an ein Netz), Transceiverkabel fr cable de connexion
drop-down menu
ei cable de acometida, derivador it cavo di connessione al cavo principale, cavo di accesso al cavo della dorsale drop-down menu —> pull-down menu [user interface] dropper tool —> eyedropper [el. imaging] drum, rotating ~ (of a scanner) [equipment] de Trommel fr tambour es tambor rotativo it tamburo drum imagesetter (contr.: flatbed imagesetter), drum recorder [equipment] de Trommelbelichter fr imageur ä tambour, flasheuse ä tambour es filmadora de tambor, imagesetter de tambor it fotounitä a tamburo drum recorder —> drum imagesetter [equipment] drum scanner (contr.: flatbed scanner), PMT scanner, rotary drum scanner [equipment] de Trommelscanner fr scanner avec ecran ä introducteur, scanner ä tambour, scanner ä rouleau es escäner de tambor, escäner con rodillo, escäner rotativo, escäner cilindrico, escäner de cilindro it scanner a tamburo, scanner a rullo dry film technology [el. prepress] de Trockenfilmtechnologie fr technologie du film sec es tecnologia de peliculas secas it tecnologia di pellicula secca dry ink —> dry toner [printers] dry setter [equipment] de Trockenbelichter fr imageur ä sec es filmadora seca it fotounita a secco dry toner, powder ink, dry ink, toner powder [printers] de Trockentoner, Tonerpulver fr toner sec es toner seco it toner secco DS —» display screen [equipment] DSRP —» digital short-run printing [print shop] DTD —» document type definition [document proc.] DTP (direct to plate; see also: CTP) [el. prepress] de DTP (direct to plate, Belichtung direkt auf Platte)
fr DTP (directement ä la plaque) es DTP (exposicion directa sobre plancha) it DTP (direttamente a lastra) DTP —> desktop publishing DTP plate (plate for direct-to-plate imaging) [el. prepress ] de Direct-to-Plate-Platte fr plaque pour flashage direct es plancha para la exposicion directa it lastra per direct-to-plate DTP software, desktop publishing software [desktop publ.] de DTP-Software, Desktop-Publishing-Software fr logiciel de PAO, logiciel d'editique es software de autoedicion, programas de edition asistida por ordenador, programas de EAO, paquete de autoedicion it software di desktop publishing, software di DTP DTP system —> desktop publishing system DTP workstation [desktop publ.] de Desktop-Publishing-Arbeitsplatz fr poste de travail PAO es estaciön de trabajo de autoedicion it stazione di DTP DTP2 —» desktop prepress [el. prepress] DTR -> designated transfer rate [CD-ROMpubl.] D2T2 —» thermal dye diffusion transfer [printers] DVI —> digital video interactive [multimedia] dvi file —> device-independent file dye-sub (colloq.) —» dye sublimation printer [equipment] dye sublimation printer, dye-sub (colloq.) [equipment] de Farbsublimationsdrucker fr imprimante ä sublimation en couleur es impresora de sublimacion color it stampante a sublimazione a colon dye sublimation printing —» thermal dye transfer printing [printers] dye sublimation proofs, dye-sub proofs (colloq.) [el. prepress] de Farbsublimationsproofs pi fr epreuves ä sublimation en couleur es pruebas de sublimacion color it bozze a sublimazione a colori dye-sub proofs (colloq.) —» dye sublimation proofs [el. prepress] dye transfer print [el. prepress] de Farbtransferdruck fr impression ä transfert de couleur
editing window
es impresion por transferencia de color it stampa a trasferimento di colore dynamic data exchange (abbr. DDE) [database publ.] de dynamischer Datenaustausch (Abk. DDE) fr echange dynamique des donnees (abr. DDE), liens dynamiques entre fichiers es intercambio dinämico de datos (abr. DDE), enlace dinämico de datos it scambio dinämico dei dati (abbr. DDE) dynamic link [hypertext] de dynamischer Verweis fr lien dynamique es vinculo dinämico it link dinämico dynamic range (of a scanner), sensitivity range [el. prepress] de Dynamikbereich fr rangee dynamique, dynamique / es escala dinämica it campo dinämico dynamic range density range [el. prepress] DYUV delta YUV [el. imaging]
Ε EBXA standard (a worldwide standard for electronic books) [el. publishing] de EBXA-Standard fr standard EBXA es eständar EBXA it standard EBXA ECC —» error correction code [CD-ROMpubl.] ECS —» electronic composition system ED -> editing [wordproc.] EDC erasable compact disc [CD-ROMpubl.] EDC -» error detection code [CD-ROMpubl.] EDC/ECC -> error detection and correction coding [CD-ROM publ. J edit ν [word proc.] de editieren ν fr editer es editar, redactar, preparar la edicion de, publicar it editare editable [wordproc.] de editierbar fr editable es editable
it editabile editable PostScript (abbr. ePS), EPscript [el. prepress] de editierbares PostScript (Abk. ePS) fr PostScript editable (abr. ePS) es PostScript editable (abr. ePS) it PostScript editabile (abbr. ePS) edit capability —»editing capability [wordproc.] edit facility [word proc. ] de Editiermöglichkeit fr possibilite d'edition es posibilidad de edicion it possibilita di editazione edit function —» editing function [wordproc.] editing η (abbr. ED) [wordproc.] de Editieren η fr edition es edicion it editing m, editazione, editaggio editing capability, edit capability [word proc.] de Editierfahigkeit fr capacite d'edition es capacidad de edicion it capacitä di editing editing function, edit function [wordproc.] de Editierfunktion, Edit-Funktion fr fonction d'edition es funcion de edicion it funzione di editing, funzione di editazione editing program —» editor [wordproc.] editing screen [user interface] de Editierbildschirm, Gestaltungsbildschirm fr ecran d'edition es pantalla de edicion it schermo di editazione editing terminal [equipment] de Editierterminal fr terminal d'edition es terminal de edicion it terminale di editing editing tools [user interface] de Editierwerkzeuge pi fr outils d'edition es herramientas de edicion it tool pi di editing editing window [user interface] de Editierfenster fr fenetre d'edition es ventana de edicion it finestra di editing
edit key
edit key [user interface] de Editiertaste fr touche de modification es tecla de modification it tasto di modificazione edit mode [word proc.] de Editiermodus, Edit-Modus fr mode edition es modo de edition, modalidad de edition it modo di editing editor, editing program, edit program [word proc.] de Editor m, Editierprogramm fr programme d'edition, editeur es programa editor, programa de edition, editor it editor m, editore, programme di editazione, programma di edit editor, font de Fonteditor fr editeur de fontes es editor de fuentes it editor di font editorial system [el prepress] de Redaktionssystem fr systeme redactionnel es sistema editorial it sistema editoriale edit program —> editor [wordproc.] edits pi (modifications in a document etc.) de Änderungen pi fr modifications pi es modificaciones it modificazioni pi edutainment software (contraction from: education and entertainment) de Edutainment-Software (Lernprogramme mit Spielcharakter) fr didacticiel recreatif es Software de edutainment (educativo y de entrenamiento) it software di edutainment (educativo e divertente) effective resolution [printers] de effektive Druckauflösung fr resolution effective es resolution efectiva it risoluzione effettiva EFM eight-to-fourteen modulation [CD-ROM publ.] EFM code [CD-ROM publ. ]
de EFM-Code fr code EFM es codigo EFM it codice EFM EFM conversion [CD-ROMpubl.] de EFM-Umsetzung fr conversion EFM es conversion EFM it conversione EFM EFM decoding [CD-ROM publ. ] de EFM-Decodierung fr decodage EFM es decodificacion EFM it decodifica EFM EFM demodulation [CD-ROMpubl.] de EFM-Demodulation fr demodulation EFM es desmodulacion EFM it demodulazione EFM EFM demodulator [CD-ROMpubl.] de EFM-Demodulator fr demodulateur EFM es desmodulador EFM it demodulatore EFM EFM-encoded [CD-ROM publ.] de EFM-codiert fr code en EFM es codificado en EFM it codificato in EFM EFM encoder [CD-ROMpubl.] de EFM-Codierer fr codeur EFM es codificador EFM it codificatore EFM eight-to-fourteen modulation (abbr. EFM) [CD-ROM publ.] de EFM-Modulation fr modulation EFM, modulation de huit ä quatorze es EFM, modulation EFM it modulazione EFM, modulazione otto-quattordici eject key [CD-ROMpubl.] de Auswurftaste, Eject-Taste fr touche d'ejection du disque es boton de expulsion del disco it tasto di eject, tasto di espulsione del disco electroerosion printer [equipment] de Elektroerosionsdrucker fr imprimante electro-erosive
es impresora de electroerosiön it stampante elettroerosiva electronically generated documents [document proc.] de auf elektronischem Weg erzeugte Dokumente pl, elektronisch erzeugte Dokumente pl fr documents crees electroniquement es documentos generados por medios electrönicos it documenti creati elettronicamente electronically published products de auf elektronischem Weg publizierte Produkte pl, elektronisch publizierte Produkte pl fr produits publies electroniquement es productos de edicion electrönica it prodotti pubblicati elettronicamente electronic art [el. prepress] de elektronisches Bildmaterial fr images electroniques es imägenes electrönicas it illustrazioni elettroniche electronic book [el. publishing] de elektronisches Buch fr livre electronique es libro electronico it libro elettronico electronic bookmark [CD-ROM publ.] de elektronisches Lesezeichen fr marque-pages electronique ei marca de pägina electronico it segnalibro elettronico electronic bulletin board [onlinepubl.] de elektronische Anzeigetafel fr messagerie electronique es tabla de anuncios electrönica it bacheca elettronica electronic catalog [el. publishing] de elektronischer Katalog fr catalogue electronique es catalogo electronico it catalogo elettronico electronic clip art, click art [el. imaging] de elektronische Clip Art fr bibliotheque de dessins es clip art electronico, gräficos de archivo electronico it grafici elettronici pronte per l'uso electronic composition de elektronischer Satz fr composition electronique
electronic imposition
es composiciön electrönica it composizione elettronica electronic composition system (abbr. ECS) de elektronisches Satzsystem fr systeme de composition electronique, systeme electronique pour la mise en page es sistema de composiciön electrönica it sistema di composizione elettronica electronic darkroom —»digital darkroom [el. prepress] electronic distribution (of publications) [el. publishing] de elektronische Verteilung fr distribution electronique es distribuciön electrönica it distribuzione elettronica electronic document delivery [document proc. ] de elektronische Dokumentenauslieferung fr livraison electronique de documents es entrega electrönica de documentos it consegna elettronica di documenti electronic editing de elektronisches Editieren fr edition electronique es edicion electrönica it editing elettronico electronic image processing, electronic imaging [el. prepress] de elektronische Bildverarbeitung (Abk. EBV), elektronische Bildbearbeitung (Abk. EBB) fr traitement electronique des images, imagerie electronique es tratamiento electronico de la imagen it lavorazione elettronica dell'immagine electronic imaging —> electronic image processing [el. prepress] electronic imaging system [el. prepress] de elektronisches Bilddatenverarbeitungssystem (Abk. EBVS), EBV-System, System für elektronische Bildverarbeitung fr systeme d'imagerie electronique es sistema de tratamiento electronico de imägenes it sistema di trattamento elettronico delle immagini electronic imposition [el. prepress] de elektronische Bogenmontage fr imposition electronique es imposiciön electrönica it imposizione elettronica
electronic information delivery
electronic information delivery [online publ.] de elektronische Informationsverteilung fr distribution electronique des informations es distribution electrönica de information it distribuzione elettronica deile infonnazioni electronic information service [online publ.] de elektronischer Informationsdienst fr service electronique d'informations es servicio electrönico de information it servizio informativo elettronico electronic light table [el. prepress] de elektronischer Leuchttisch fr table de montage electronique es mesa luminosa electrönica it tavolo luminoso elettronico electronic mail de elektronische Post fr poste electronique, courrier electronique es correo electrönico it posta elettronica electronic medium de elektronisches Medium fr media electronique es soporte electrönico it supporto elettronico electronic newspaper [onlinepubl.] de elektronische Zeitung fr journal electronique es diario electrönico, periödico electrönico it giornale elettronico electronic page assembly [el. prepress] de elektronisches Zusammenstellen der Seiten fr montage electronique des pages es ensamblado electrönico de päginas it assiemaggio elettronico delle pagine electronic paste-up [el. prepress] de elektronischer Umbruch von Text und Grafik, elektronischer "Klebeumbruch" fr montage electronique es montaje electrönico it montaggio elettronico electronic photocomposition, electronic typesetting, computer photocomposition [el. prepress] de elektronischer Lichtsatz fr photocomposition electronique es fotocomposiciön electrönica it fotocomposizione elettronica electronic prepress de elektronische Druckvorstufe fr prepresse electronique
es preimpresiön electrönica, preprensa electrönica (hispanoam.) it prestampa elettronica electronic printing [el. prepress] de elektronisches Drucken fr impression electronique es impresiön electrönica it stampa elettronica electronic proofs [el. prepress] de elektronische Abzüge pl fr epreuves electroniques es pruebas electrönicas it bozze elettroniche electronic publishing (abbr. EP) de Electronic Publishing n, elektronisches Publizieren, elektronisches Publishing fr edition de supports electroniques (ou sur des supports numeriques), publication d'ouvrages electroniques, edition sous forme electronique, edition electronique es ediciön electrönica (digital), publicaciön electrönica, ediciön por computadora (hispanoam.) it pubblicazione elettronica, editoria elettronica electronic publishing system (abbr. EPS) de Electronic-Publishing-System (Abk. EPS) fr systeme d'edition electronique es sistema de ediciön electrönica it sistema di pubblicazione elettronica, sistema di editoria elettronica electronic technical publishing (abbr. ETP) de ETP (Electronic Technical Publishing), elektronische Erstellung technischer Druckschriften fr edition technique electronique es ediciön tecnica electrönica it edizione tecnica elettronica electronic text (abbr. Ε-text) [onlinepubl.] de elektronischer Text fr texte electronique es texto electrönico it testo elettronico electronic typesetting —» electronic photocomposition [el. prepress] electronic typesetting system [equipment] de elektronische Satzanlage fr installation de composition electronique es equipo electrönico de composiciön it impianto elettronico di composizione electrostatic printer (equipment] de elektrostatischer Drucker
fr imprimante electrostatique es impresora electrostatica it stampante elettrostatica element (of a document) [hypertext] de Element, Strukturelement fr element es elemento it elemento ellide ν (information etc.) (noun: ellision) [hypertext] de filtern fr filtrer es filtrar it filtrare emulsion side (of film) [el. prepress] de Schichtseite (eines Films), Emulsionsseite fr cöte emulsion es lado de la emulsion it lato emulsione encapsulated PostScript (abbr. EPS) de Encapsulated PostScript fr PostScript encapsule es PostScript encapsulado (abr. EPS) it PostScript incapsulato (abbr. EPS) encapsulated PostScript file (abbr. EPSF), EPS file de Encapsulated-PostScript-Datei, EPS-Datei fr fichier en PostScript encapsule, fichier EPS es fichero de PostScript encapsulado, fichero EPS it file EPS encapsulated PostScript format (abbr. EPSF) de EPS-Format fr format encapsule PostScript, format EPS es formato EPS it formato EPS end product -» final product end tag [hypertext] de Ende-Tag η fr balise de fin es etiqueta de fin it marcatore di fine engine (of a laser printer) de Mechanik fr moteur es mecänica it meccanica enhancement [el. imaging] de Verbesserung (der Darstellung) fr amelioration, rehaussement, enrichissement (redactionnel etc.)
error-correction algorithm
es mejoramiento, intensification (de imägenes), mejora it miglioramento, perfezionamento enlarge, blow up ν [el. prepress] de vergrößern fr agrandir (une partie de l'image etc.) es agrandar, engrandecer, amplificar, ampliar it ingrandire enlargement (of an image) (contr.: reduction), blowup η [el. prepress] de Vergrößerung fr grossissement, agrandissement es ampliacion it ingrandimento enlargement, scale of ~ (of a scanner) [el. imaging] de Vergrößerungsbereich fr echelle d'enlargissement es escala de agrandamiento it scala di ingrandimento enlargement ratio (contr.: reduction ratio) [el. prepress] de Vergrößerungsverhältnis, Vergrößerung fr taux d'agrandissement, rapport d' agrandissement es relation de ampliacion it fattore di ingrandimento entropy coding —> lossless coding [multimedia] entry data —»input data [data ρ roc.] E P —> electronic publishing ePS —> editable PostScript [el. prepress] EPS —» electronic publishing system EPS -» encapsulated PostScript EPscript editable PostScript [el. prepress] EPSF —> encapsulated PostScript file EPSF —> encapsulated PostScript format EPS file encapsulated PostScript file erasable -» rewritable [CD-ROM publ. ] erasable compact disc (abbr. EDO), CD-Ε (compact disc - erasable) [ CD-ROM publ.] de löschbare CD fr CD effa^able es CD borrable it CD cancellable error-correction algorithm [CD-ROMpubl.] de Fehlerkorrekturalgorithmus fr algorithme de correction d'erreurs es algoritmo de correction de errores it algoritmo di correzione degli errori
error correction code
error correction code (abbr. ECC) [CD-ROM publ.] de Fehlerkorrekturcode fr code correcteur d'erreur (abr. CCE) es codigo de correction de errores (abr. CCE) it codifica correzione errori error detection and correction coding, EDC/ECC [CD-ROM publ. ] de EDC/ECC-Verfahren fr detection des erreurs EDC/ECC es tecnica EDC/ECC (deteccion y correction de errores) it codifica rilevamento e correzione errori, metodo EDC/ECC error detection code (abbr. EDC) [CD-ROM publ.} de Fehlererkennungscode fr code detecteur d'erreur (abr. CDE) es codigo de deteccion de errores (abr. CDE) it codifica rilevamento errori ESDI (enhanced system device interface) [CD-ROM publ.] de ESDI-Schnittstelle fr interface ESDI es interfaz ESDI it interfaccia ESDI E-text —> electronic text [online publ.] Ethernet cable [online publ.] de Ethemet-Kabel fr cable Ethernet es cable Ethernet it cavo Ethernet ETP —» electronic technical publishing exact-pattern search [retrieval] de exakte Wortmustersuche fr recherche exacte des mots es biisqueda exacta de palabras, busqueda segun patrones exactos it ricerca esatta delle parole exception dictionary exception word dictionary [word ρ roc.] exception word dictionary, exception dictionary, dictionary of exceptions [word proc.] de Ausnahmelexikon, Ausnahmewörterbuch fr dictionnaire des exceptions es diccionario de excepciones, diccionario de palabras exceptuadas it dizionario delle eccezioni exit button [user interface]
de Beendungsbox fr boite Quitter es cuadro Terminar it box di Fine expandable dictionary [word proc. ] de erweiterbares Wörterbuch fr dictionnaire expansible es diccionario ampliable it dizionario espandibile expiration date (of a network article etc.) [online publ.] de Auslaufdatum fr date de cadence es fecha de caducidad it data di scadenza expired article [online publ.] de ausgelaufener Artikel fr article plus pas valide es articulo sin validez it articolo scaduto expose bum vt [el. prepress] exposure (of photographic material) [el. prepress] de Belichtung fr exposition es exposition it esposizione exposure, plate - [el. prepress] de Druckplattenbelichtung, Plattenbelichtung fr flashage des plaques es exposition de planchas it esposizione delle lastre di stampa exposure, range of ~ [el. prepress] de Belichtungsspielraum fr tolerance d'exposition es tolerancia de exposition it tolleranza di esposizione exposure unit [el. prepress] de Belichtungseinheit fr unite d'exposition es unidad de exposition it unitä di esposizione external CD-ROM drive [equipment] de externes CD-ROM-Laufwerk fr lecteur externe de CD-ROM, lecteur de CD-ROM externe es unidad lectora externa de CD-ROM it drive di CD-ROM esterao external drum imagesetter —» external drum film recorder [equipment]
external drum film recorder, external drum imagesetter [ equipment] de Außentrommelbelichter fr flasheuse ä tambour externe ou exterieur es filmadora de tambor extemo, recorder de tambor externo it fotounita a tamburo estemo extraction (of records etc.) [database publ.] de Selektion fr selection es seleccion it selezione eyedropper, eyedropper tool, dropper tool [el. imaging] de Pipette/ fr pipette es cuentagotas m it contagocce m eyedropper tool —> eyedropper [el. imaging]
file locking
fast-time scale [multimedia] de Zeitraffung fr έώιείΐε de temps reduite es escala de tiempo reducida it scala temporale ridotta fax on demand (information distributed via fax) [el. publishing] de Fax-on-Demand fr fax sur demande es fax a demanda it fax a domanda fetch time [CD-ROMpubl.] de Holzeit fr temps de recherche es tiempo de büsqueda it tempo di ricerca field (one half of a complete video frame) [multimedia] de Field η, Halbbild fr demi-trame es medio cuadro it mezzo quadro F fielded data [CD-ROM publ. ] de feldstrukturierte Daten pi fr donnees structurees par champs facing pages view —> facing pages display es datos separados en campos facing pages display, facing pages view it dati strutturati per campi de Darstellung in Form zweier gegenüberliefigure η —> illustration gender Seiten figures, insertion of - [desktop publ.] fr vue pages de face es visualization de päginas enfrentadas, visualide Einschaltung figürlicher Darstellungen zation de päginas contiguas fr insertion d'illustrations, insertion de dessins, it rappresentazione di due pagine affiancate incorporation d'images fade-in, fade-out η [video] es intercalado de figuras de Einblenden, Ausblenden η it inserimento di immagini fr fondu enchaine file η [data proc.] es fundido encadenado de Datei it dissolvenza in apertura, dissolvenza in fr fichier (informatique) chiusura es fichero, archivo false coloring —> pseudo coloring [el. imaging] it file m, archivio (di dati) false colors -» pseudo colors [el. imaging] file interleaving [CD-ROMpubl.] FAQ —» frequently asked questions [onlinepubl.] de Dateiverschachtelung fast preview fr intercalage de fichiers de schnelle (farbige) Vorschau es entrelazado de ficheros fr previsualisation rapide it interleaving m dei file, intercalazione dei dati es previsualizacion räpida file list [online publ.] it previsualizzazione rapida de Dateienliste fast scan (for adjustment purposes) [el. prepress] fr liste de fichiers de Schnellscan m es lista de ficheros fr scanning rapide it lista di files es escaneo räpido file locking [online publ.] it scanning rapido de Sperren η einer Datei (gegen simultanten Zu-
file protection mechanism
griff), Sperren η von Dateien (in einem Netz) fr verrouillage de fichier(s) es bloqueo de ficheros it blocco di file file protection mechanism (abbr. FPM) l CD-ROM publ.] de Dateischutzeinrichtung fr mecanisme de protection des fichiers es mecanismo de protection de ficheros it meccanismo di protezione file file server (abbr. FS) [online publ.] de Dateiserver, Fileserver (Abk. FS) fr serveur de fichier(s) es servidor de archivo, servidor de ficheros, gestor de ficheros it server di file file sharing [onlinepubl.] de gemeinschaftliche Benutzung von Dateien, gemeinsamer Zugriff auf Dateien fr partage de fichiers es utilization en comiin de archivos, utilization compartida de ficheros, comparticion de ficheros it condivisione di archivi file structure [data proc.] de Dateistruktur fr structure d'un fichier, structure des fichiers es estructura de archivo, estructura de ficheros it struttura del file file transfer [online publ. ] de Filetransfer m fr transfert de fichiers es transferencia de ficheros it trasferimento di file, trasmissione di file file transfer protocol (abbr. FTP) [onlinepubl.] de Dateiübertragungsprotokoll, FTP-Protokoll fr protocole de transfert de fichiers es protocolo de transferencia de ficheros, protocolo FTP (para transferencia de ficheros) it protocollo di trasferimento di file, protocollo FTP file tree [CD-ROMpubl.] de File-Baum fr arbre des fichiers es ärbol de ficheros it albero dei file fill η —>fillpattern [el. imaging] fill ν areas —> area-fill ν [graphics] fill color [el. imaging] de Füllfarbe fr couleur de remplissage
es color de relleno it colore di riempimento filling η (of areas etc.) [el. imaging] de Füllen η fr remplissage es relleno m, rellenado m it riempimento fill pattern, fill η [el. imaging] de Füllmuster, Ausfüllungsart fr trame de remplissage, motif de remplissage es dibujo de relleno, patron de relleno, modelo de relleno it motivo di riempimento film η [el. prepress] de Film fr film es pelicula, fotolito, film m, filme m, filmina it pellicola film developer [equipment] de Filmentwicklungsmaschine fr developpeuse es revelador de peliculas it rivelatore di film, rivelatore di pellicole filmless (prepress system etc.) [el. prepress] de filmlos fr sans film es sin pelicula, sin peliculado it senza pellicola film output [el. prepress] de Filmausgabe, Belichtung fr sortie sur un peripherique de photocomposition, sortie sur flasheuse, sortie de film, sortie sur film es filmacion (de salida), obtencion de fotolitos, salida hacia filmadora, salida sobre pelicula it uscita su pellicola film processor [el. prepress] de Entwicklungsstation fr station de developpement es estacion de procesado it sviluppatrice film recorder (for outputting slides or transparencies; see also imager) [equipment] de Diabelichter, Filmrekorder fr imageur (de diapositives) es grabadora de diapositivas it film recorder m, registratore su pellicola film recorder imagesetter [equipment] filmsetter [equipment] de Filmsatzanlage fr photocomposeuse sur film
ei fotocomponedora sobre pelicula it fotocompositrice su pellicola filmsetter (as opposed to platesetter) [equipment] de Filmbelichter fr flasheuse de film es filmadora de pelicula it fotounita con uscita di pellicole filmsetter -» photographic typesetting equipment [el. prepress] filmsetter -» phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] filmsetting de Filmsatz fr photocomposition sur film, flashage de film es fotocomposicion sobre pelicula it fotocomposizione su pellicola film transport [el. prepress] de Filmvorschub fr avance de film es transporte de pelicula it avanzamento della pellicola final artwork, finished art [el. prepress] de Originalvorlage fr original m (d'une illustration) es original de ilustracion, "arte final" (anglicismo) it originale m (di una illustrazione) final layout de endgültiges Layout fr maquette finale es trazado final it impostazione finale (di una pagina), impaginazione definitiva final output de Endausgabe, Ausgabe der fertigen Produkts fr sortie finale es salida final it uscita finale final product, end product de Endprodukt fr produit fini es producta terminado it prodotto finita final proof [el. prepress] de Endkorrekturvorlage fr epreuve finale, tierce/ es prueba final it bozza finale find ν —» search ν [word proc.] find function —» search function / word proc.]
flat art
find/substitute function —» search/replace function [word proc.] fine data file, high-resolution file [el. prepress] de Datei mit hochaufgelösten Daten fr fichier des donnees ä haute resolution es fichero de los datos de alta resolucion it file dei dati ad alta risoluzione fine resolution de Feinauflösung, feine Auflösung fr resolution fine es resolucion fina it risoluzione fine fine-tune ν (a query) [retrieval] de präzisieren fr preciser es precisar it precisare fine tuning (of a layout etc.) [desktop publ.] de Feintuning η, gestalterischer Feinschliff fr finition es ajuste fino it finitura finished art —» final artwork [el. prepress] firewall system [onlinepubl.] de Firewall m (Rechner, der zwischen LAN und Internet plaziert ist), "Abfangrechner" (vorgeschaltetes Sicherheitssystem) fr systeme de securite es muro de seguridad it muro di sicurezza fisheye view [online publ.] de Fischauge-Prinzip fr vue "fish-eye" es ojo de pez it vista tipo fish-eye, vista ultragrandangolare fist (a reference symbol) [typography] de Hand (Hinweissymbol) fr index es manecilla it manino fixing η (of toner etc.) [el. prepress] de Fixieren« fr fixage es fijacion, fijado it fissaggio flash ν —> image ν [el. prepress] flat art [el. imaging] de nicht dreidimensionale Darstellungen fr illustrations ä plat es ilustraciones no tridimensionales it illustrazioni non tridimensional!
flatbed (colloq.) —» flatbed scanner [equipment] flatbed imagesetter (contr.: drum imagesetter), roll-fed imagesetter, capstan imagesetter [equipment] de Flachbettbelichter, Capstan-Belichter fr flasheuse ä plat es filmadora plana, filmadora capstan it fotounitä piana flatbed scanner (contr.: drum scanner), CCD scanner, flatbed (colloq.) [equipment] de Flachbettscanner fr scanner avec ecran ä plat, scanner ä plat es escäner piano, escäner con pantalla plana, escäner con ventana plana, escäner de entrada plana, scanner de cama plana (hispanoam.) it scanner piano, scanner flatbed flat text —» raw text [word proc.] flat text file [el. publishing] de unstrukturierte, unverknüpfte Textdatei fr texte plat es fichero de texto no estructurado it testo non strutturato flip ν (image etc.) [el. imaging] de kippen (um eine Achse) fr basculer es voltear it flippare floating illustration, floating image [desktop publ. ] de dynamische Illustration, mitschwimmende Illustration fr illustration flottante es ilustracion flotante it illustrazione flottante floating image —»floating illustration [desktop publ. ] flow of text - » t e x t flow [desktop publ] flow control, control of flow, pacing η [el. prepress ] de Flußkontrolle fr contröle de flux es control de flujo it controllo del flusso (di dati), gestione del flusso flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ. ] de Textfluß (um Bilder herum), Umfließen η von Bildem mit Text, Konturumfluß fr habillage (automatique des figures), texte autour de la figure es flujo de texto (alrededor de imägenes etc.) it scorrimento del testo attorno alle immagini,
posizionamento del testo intorno ad un'immagine, adattamento F M V —> fiill-motion video [multimedia] focal depth —> depth of focus [el. prepress] focus V de fokussieren fr focaliser, mettre au point es enfocar it focalizzare (un raggio laser ecc.), mettera a fuoco focus η de Brennpunkt, Fokus m fr foyer es enfoque, distancia focal it punto focale, fuoco (delle lenti ecc.) focus, out of ~ / CD-ROM publ.] de nicht fokussiert fr non focalise es no focalizado it sfuocato focus control [CD-ROMpubl.] de Brennpunktsteuerung fr contröle de focalisation es control de foco it controllo del fuoco focusing η (of a laser beam etc.) de Fokussierung fr focalisation, mise au point es enfoque it messa a fuoco focusing lens [CD-ROM publ. ] de Fokussierlinse fr lentille de focalisation es lente de enfoque it lente di focalizzazione focusing servo (of an optical drive), focus servo [CD-ROM publ] de Fokussierservo m fr servomoteur pour la focalisation es servomotor de enfoque it servomotore di focalizzazione focus servo focusing servo [CD-ROMpubl.] font, fount (GB) [typography] de Schrift, Schriftart, F o n t / fr fonte, police de caracteres es fuente (surtido de letras y signos), juego de caracteres, font m it font/, f o n t e / font —» typefont [typography] font, default ~ de Vorgabeschriftart, Vorgabefont
fr police par defaut es fuente predeterminada it font prestabilita font, digital ~ [el. prepress] de digitale Schrift fr fönte numerique ei fuente digital it font digitale font, laser ~ [el. prepress] de Laserfont m fr fönte laser es fuente de impresora läser, fuente de läser it font laser font, laser ~ —»laser printer font [desktop publ. ] font, PostScript ~ [printers] de PostScript-Schrift fr fönte PostScript es fuente PostScript it font PostScript font, printer - [desktoppubl.] de Druckerschrift(ait), Druckerfont fr fönte d'impression, police d'imprimante es fuente de la impresora it font della stampante font, soft downloadable font font, true ~ (displayed on the screen) [desktop publ.] de echte Schriftart, Echtschrift fr vraie fönte es fuente verdadera, fuente real it font verace font attribute [desktop publ.] de Schriftattribut fr attribut de fönte es atributo de fuente it attributo di font font download capability [el. prepress] de Möglichkeit des Herunterladens von Schriften fr possibilite de telechargement de fontes es posibilidad de telecarga de fuentes it possibility di caricare font non residenti font editing de Editieren von Schriften fr edition de fontes es edition de fuentes it editing di font font editor de Fonteditor fr editeur de fontes es editor de fuentes
it editor di font font installation [desktop publ. ] de Schriftinstallation fr installation des fontes es instalacion de fuentes it installazione delle font font library —> library of typefonts font metrics [typography] de Schriftinformation fr informations sur la police de caracteres es informaciones sobre las fuentes utilizadas it informazioni sulla font, metrica della font font scaling de Schriftskalierung, Skalierung der Schrift fr changement de l'echelle de la fönte ei cambio de tamano de fuentes it scalamento di font font selection, typefont selection, choice of type de Schriftwahl, Schriftartwahl, Fontauswahl fr choix de la police de caracteres es selection de fuente(s) it selezione del tipo di caratteri, scelta del carattere font style typefont [typography] footnote symbol, annotation mark [word proc.] de Fußnotenzeichen fr appel de note es signo de nota de pie it segno di nota di piede foreground color de Vordergrundfarbe fr couleur de premier plan es color de primer piano it colore di primo piano foreign language fonts [wordproc.] de fremdsprachige Schriften pi fr fontes de langues etrangeres es fuentes en lenguajes extranjeros it font pi di lingue estere form η [online publ.] de Formular fr formulaire es formulario it modulo format η [general sense] de Format fr format es formato it formato format ν (a text etc.) [wordproc.] de formatieren ν
fr formater, mettre en forme es formatear it formattare format ν (disks etc.) [data proc.] de formatieren ν fr formater es formatear it formattare format definition file de Formatdefinitionsdatei fr fichier de definition de format(s) es fichero de definition de formato(s) it file per la definizione del formato format file de Formatdatei fr fichier (de) format es fichero de formato it file di formato format information de Formatangaben pl fr informations de formatage es informacion sobre el formato it informazioni sul formato formatted de formatiert fr formate es formateado it formattato formatting η [data proc.] de Formatieren n, Formatierung fr formatage es formateo, formateado it formattazione formatting η [word proc. ] de Formatieren η (eines Texts etc.) fr mise en forme, mise au format (final) es formateo, confection del formato it formattazione form width [wordproc.] de Formularbreite, Vordruckbreite fr largeur de l'imprime es anchura de formulario it larghezza del modulo forum —» newsgroup [online publ.] fount (GB) —> font [typography] 4C —i four-color... four-color... (abbr. 4C) de Vierfarben... fr quadrichrome, quadri es de cuatro colores it quattrocolori
four-color artwork [el. prepress] de Vierfarben(bild)material fr illustrations quadri(chromes) es ilustraciones en cuatricromia it illustrazioni a quattro colon four-color graphics [el. prepress] de Vierfarbgrafik fr graphisme quadrichrome es gräfica de cuatro colores, gräficos en cuatricromia it grafica a quattro colori four-color print [print shop] de vierfarbiger Druck, Vierfarbdruck (Produkt) fr produit imprime en quadrichromie es producta de cuatricromia it prodotto di stampa a quattro colori, prodotto di stampa in quadricromia four-color printing [print shop] de Vierfarbendruck, Vierfarbdruck fr impression en quadrichromie es impresion en cuatricromia it stampa a quattro colori four-color process —» process color printing [el. prepress] four-color separation (see also: color separation) [el. prepress] de Vierfarbseparation, Vierfarbseparierung, Vierfarbentrennung fr separation quadri(chromique), quadrichromie es separacion de cuatro colores, separacion en cuatricromia it separazione di colori in quadricromia, separazione in quadricromia, selezione cuadricromatica fourteen-bit code, 14-bit code [CD-ROMpubl.] de 14-Bit-Code fr code ä 14 bits es codigo de 14 bits it codice di 14 bit fourth-generation phototypesetter [equipment] de Satzanlage der vierten Generation fr flasheuse de la quatrieme generation es filmadora de la cuarta generation it fotounitä della quarta generazione 4X -> quad speed [CD-ROM publ. ] 4X drive quad speed drive [CD-ROMpubl.] FPD full-page display FPM —» file protection mechanism [CD-ROM publ. ] fps —> frames per second, frames/sec [multimedia]
fractal compression [el. imaging] de fraktale Kompression fr compression fractale es compresion fractal it compressione frattale frame η (result of a scan) [multimedia] de Frame m, Bild fr image es imagen it immagine frame η [word proc. ] de Rahmen m fr cadre es cuadro, vineta, marco it frame m frame η (one single video image) [el. imaging] de Bild (Videobild), Einzelbild fr image video, vue, frame m es cuadro (de video), fotograma m it quadro, pagina, frame (scansione completa di un'immagine), videata, fotogramma frame η (contents of a screen) [data proc.] de Bild (Bildschirminhalt) fr image (contenu de l'ecran) es pantalla it schermata, pieno schermo frame of a window, window frame [user interface] de Fensterrahmen fr cadre d'une fenetre es marco de una ventana it quadro di una finestra frame buffer [multimedia] de Bildspeicher (fur Videosequenzen oder Einzelbilder), Videospeicher fr framebuffer m, memoire de trame, tampon de trame es memoria de video it framebuffer m, memoria video frame buffer card [multimedia] de Framebufferkarte (für hochauflösende Einzelbilder einer Animation) fr carte framebuffer es taijeta framebuffer it scheda framebuffer frame frequency (in Hz), refresh rate, frame rate, regeneration rate [el. imaging] de Bildwiederholfrequenz, Bildwiederholrate fr frequence de rafraichissement, frequence de recurrence, taux de regeneration es periodo de la trama
free format
it frequenza di quadro, frequenza di frame frame grabber (software for capturing video images) [el. imaging] de Frame Grabber m fr capteur d' images video, logiciel de capture d'images es programa de capture de imägenes, grabber m (utilidad para capturar pantallas gräficas) it catturatore di immagini (video) frame grabber (a board for capturing video images), video digitizer, video image digitizer, video grabber, screen grabber, grabber [multimedia] de Video-Digitizer m (Karte), Echtzeit-VideoDigitizer, Video-Digitalisierungskarte, Video-Grabber-Karte fr carte d'acquisition video, carte d'incrustation video, carte capture video, carte de capture d'images, carte de numerisation video, numeriseur ä ecran es taijeta para la captura de video, tarjeta digitalizadora de imägenes, taijeta de videocaptura it scheda per la cattura di video, scheda frame grabber frame grabbing [el. imaging] de Schnappschußfunktion fr capture d'images video, capture video, acquisition et incrustation du signal video, incrustation video es captura de fotogramas it cattura di videate frame rate (rate at which images are displayed on the screen) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Framerate fr frequence d'images es frecuencia de las imägenes it frame rate (velocita a cui i frame sono visualizzati sul monitor), frequenze delle immagini frame rate —> frame frequency [el. imaging] frames per second, frames/sec (abbr. fps) (in animation) [el. imaging] de Bilder pi pro Sekunde fr images par seconde es cuadros/seg., fotogramas por segundo it immagini al secondo free format [data proc.] de freies Format fr format libre
free-form graphics
es formato libre it formato libero free-form graphics [el. imaging] de Freiformgrafik fr graphisme ä forme libre es gräficos de formato libre it grafici in un formato libero freeforms pl [ typography] de Freiformschriften pl fr caracteres ä forme libre es caracteres de formato libre it caratteri di formato libero free-text document [document ρ roc.] de Freitextdokument, Dokument mit Freiformtext fr document de texte libre es documento de texto de formato libre it documento con testo a formato libero free-text field [database pubi] de Freitextfeld fr champ pour texte libre es campo de texto libre it campo per testo qualsiasi free-text search [retrieval] de Freitextsuche fr recherche par mots libres es busqueda de texto libre it ricerca di testo qualsiasi freeze frame, still frame [multimedia] de eingefrorenes Standbild fr arret sur l'image, image arretee, image figee es imagen congelada, congelado m (cuadro de una pelicula de video), congelation de la imagen it immagine ferma, immagine fissa, fotogramma congelata freezing η (of an image) [el. imaging] de Freezen η, Einfangen η fr incrustation es congelacion it congelamento (di un fotogramma) frequently asked questions (abbr. FAQ) [online publ. [ de Datei mit Antworten zu häufigen Anfragen, FAQ-Datei fr questions plus frequemment posees, fichier FAQ es fichero de consultas mäs frecuentes it file delle domande piü frequenti front-load (cassette, CD etc.) [CD-ROM publ.] de Frontlade...
fr ä chargement frontal es de carga frontal it a caricamento frontale FS —»file server [online publ.] FTP —» file transfer protocol [online publ ] FTP server [online publ.] de FTP-Server m fr serveur FTP es servidorFTP it server FTP FTR —> full-text retrieval [document proc.] full color, in full color [print shop] de vollfarbig fr polychrome es a todo color it a colore pieno full color print [print shop] de Vollfarbdruck fr impression ... es impresiön en todo color it stampa in tutto colore full color printing -» multicolor printing [print shop] full frame —> reference frame [multimedia] full-frame display, full-screen display de Vollformatdarstellung (auf dem Bildschirm), Vollbild fr affichage plein ecran es visualization de formato total it display tutto schermo full-frame screen —» full-page screen [equipment] full-height drive [CD-ROMpubl.] de Laufwerk mit voller Bauhöhe fr unite de hauteur normal es drive m de altura normal it drive a tutta altezza full-motion video (abbr. FMV) [multimedia] de Full-Motion-Video fr FMV/(image animee plein ecran) es video full motion (movimiento completo) it video full motion full-page composition, full-page makeup [el. prepress] de Vollseitenumbruch, Ganzseitenumbruch fr composition pleine page es composition de päginas completes it composizione di pagine intere full-page display (abbr. FPD) de Ganzseitendarstellung, Vollformatdarstellung fr affichage pleine page, affichage plein ecran.
vue pleine page es visualization de päginas enteras, visualization de pantalla entera, representation de päginas enteras it display a intera pagina, visualizzazione a intera pagina, rappresentazione di pagine complete full-page editing [word ρ roc.] de Ganzseiteneditieren η fr edition pleine page es edition de päginas enteras it editing di pagine intere full-page illustration de Vollbild (eine ganze Seite einnehmende Abbildung) fr illustration pleine page es ilustraciön a toda pägina, ilustracion en plena pägina it illustrazione a piena pagina full-page imaging de Ganzseitenbelichtung fr flashage de pages entieres es filmacion de päginas enteras it produzione di pagine intere (da una fotounita) full-page imaging device [equipment] de Ganzseitenbelichter fr imageur pleine page es filmadora de päginas enteras it fotounita per pagine intere full-page makeup —» full-page composition [el. prepress] full-page mode de Ganzseitenmodus fr mode pleine page es modo de toda pägina it modo a pagina intera, modo pagina intera full-page monitor —> full-page screen [equipment] full-page screen, full-frame screen, full-page monitor [equipment] de Vollformatbildschirm, Ganzseitenbildschirm fr ecran de visualisation pleine page, ecran pleine page, afficheur plein ecran es pantalla de pägina entera it schermo a intera pagina, monitor a piena pagina full-page screen —> full-screen display full-screen display, full-page screen de Ganzseitenanzeige, Vollformatanzeige
full-text index
fr affichage plein ecran es display de tamano real, visualization en tamano real it display a piena pagina, video a pagina intera full-screen display —> full-frame display full-screen editor [word proc.] de Vollformat-Editor fr editeur tout ecran, editeur pleine page es editor de päginas enteras it editor a tutto schermo, editor a pieno schermo full-screen video [multimedia] de Vollbildvideo fr vid£o plein ecran, affichage d'images video en plein ecran es video a pantalla completa it video a pieno schermo full-signature imaging [el. prepress] de Ganzbogenbelichtung fr flashage de tries entiers es filmacion de pliegos enteros it produzione di segnature intere (da una fotounitä) full text [document proc.] de VoUtext fr texte integral es texto integro, texto complete, texto integral it testo intero, testo integrale full-text data (contr.: record-oriented data) [document proc.] de Volltextdaten pi fr donnees de texte integral es datos de texto complete it dati full-text, dati di solo testo full-text data bank [document proc.] de Volltextdatenbank fr banque de donnees de texte integral es base de datos de texto complete it banca di dati full-text full-text documents (contr.: record-oriented data) [document proc. ] de Volltextdokumente pl fr documents en texte integral, documents complets es documentos de texto complete it documenti full text full-text index [document proc. ] de Volltextindex fr index du texte integral
full-text indexing
es indice del texto completo it indice del testo completo full-text indexing [document proc.] de Volltextindizierung fr indexation de texte integral es indexation en texto completo it indicizzazione full text full-text retrieval (abbr. FTR), full-text search(ing) [document proc.] de Volltextretrieval n, Volltextrecherche/, Volltextsuche fr recherche en texte integral, recherche plein texte, recherche dans le texte entier es busqueda en todo el texto, busqueda en el documento entero, busqueda de texto integral it ricerca a tutto testo, ricerca nel testo intero full text retrieval system [documentproc.] de Volltextretrievalsystem, Volltextrecherchesystem fr systeme de recherche en textes integrales es sistema de biisqueda en textos completes it sistema di ricerca dati full-text full-text search(ing) full-text retrieval [document proc. ] fully digital (production etc.) [el. prepress] de volldigital fr completement numerique es totalmente digital it totalmente digitale fully indexed (text etc.) [document proc.] de vollindiziert fr completement indexe es indexado completamente it tutto indicizzato fully indexed file [documentproc.] de vollinvertierte Datei fr fichier completement indexe es archivo indexado completamente it file completamente indicizzato function character —> control character [data proc.] fundamental colors (red, green, blue; compare: process colors) de Grundfarben pi fr couleurs fondamentales es colores fundamentales it colori fondamentali
G galley, galley proof [typography] de Korrekturabzug, Fahne fr epreuve, epreuve en placard (sans decoupage en pages), epreuve montee (mise en page) es prueba, galera, galerada it bozza galley proof —> galley [typography] galley proofs [typography] de Fahnenabzüge pi, Probeabzüge pi fr epreuves (en placard) es pruebas de galeras, prueba de galeradas, galeradas pi it bozze di stampa (in colonna), bozze tipografiche, bozzoni galleys, to set - [typography] de Fahnen setzen fr composer les textes en placards es sacar pruebas (galeradas) it tirare bozze gamma (a measure of contrast in images) [el. prepress] de Gamma η, Gammafaktor, Gammawert fr gamma m (mesure de contraste) es gamma (valor de contraste) (tambien: gama) it gamma m, valore del gamma gamma adjustment [el. prepress] de Gammaeinstellung fr reglage du gamma es ajuste de gamma it aggiustaggio del gamma gamma correction, tone correction, altering gamma [el. prepress] de Gammakorrektur fr correction gamma es correction del gamma it correzione di gamma gamma curve (of scanned images) [el. prepress] de Gammakurve fr courbe gamma es curva de compensation de gamma it curva del gamma gamma curve control [el. prepress] de Änderung der Gammakurve fr contröle de la correction gamma, modification de la courbe gamma es modification de la curva gamma, control
de gamma it controllo della curva gamma gamut -» color gamut [el. imaging] gateway n, interconnect server [online publ.] de Gateway n, Netzübergang, Netzwerkbrücke, Internetzwerkeinheit fr passereile (d'interconnexion), systeme de communication inter-reseau, passerelle inter-reseaux es conexion a una red externa, centro de tränsito, via de acceso, puerta (de acceso) it passaggio fra reti (o ad altra rete), connessione ai calcolatori estemi, passerella (fra reti), adattatore (fra reti) gateway η, gateway node, communication server [online publ.] de Netzknoten (Gateway) fr porte d'acces es interfaz de redes, pasarela/, "gateway" m, f it gateway m, interfaccia verso una rete esterna, porta gateway ν [onlinepubl.] de verbinden (mittels Gateway) fr interconnecter (par une passerelle) es interconectar (mediante puerta de acceso) it connettere (con una passerella) gateway node —» gateway η [onlinepubl.] gateway server [onlinepubl.] de Gateway-Server fr serveur passerelle es servidor de interconexion it server gateway GC —> gray component [el. imaging] GCR —» gray component replacement [el. imaging] generic font [desktoppubl.] de allgemeine Schrift fr fönte generique es fuente generica it font generica generic standard [multimedia] de generischer Standard fr standard generique es eständar generico it standard generico genlock η (a hardware device for mixing computer and video signals) [multimedia] de Genlock m fr verrouilleur es genlock m it genlock m
global network
genlock card (card with a video input and output) [multimedia] de Genlock-Karte, Video-Output-Karte fr carte genlock (carte permettant de capturer une image), verrouilleur es taijeta genlock it scheda genlock genlocking η (from: generator locked) [multimedia] de Genlocking η (Einbringen von Videobildern) fr fonction de genlock (synchronisation) es mezcla de senales de ordenador y de video it funzionalita genlock (combinazione di piü sorgenti video) geometric resolution [multimedia] de geometrische Auflösung fr resolution geometrique es resolution geometrica it risoluzione geometrica GIF format (graphics interchange format; used by CompuServe) [onlinepubl.] de GIF-Format fr format GIF es formato GIF it formato GIF glass flatbed (of a scanner) [equipment] de Glasauflagefläche fr ecran de verre es placa de cristal it piano di vetro glass master, glass master disc [CD-ROMpubl.] de Glasmaster m, Glasmasterplatte, Master Disc/ fr disque en verre, glass master m, disque maitre es patron modelo (de vidrio), disco maestro (de cristal) it glass master m, master di cristallo glass master disc glass master [CD-ROM publ.] glass substrate [CD-ROMpubl.] de Glasträger fr substrat de verre es substrata de vidrio it substrata in vetro global network [onlinepubl.] de Gesamtnetz fr reseau global es red global it rete globale
global replacement
global replacement [word proc.] de globales Ersetzen fr substitution globale es sustitucion global it sostituzione globale global search [wordproc.] de globale Suche fr recherche globale es busqueda global it ricerca globale glossary function [wordproc.] de Glossarfunktion fr fonction glossaire es funciön de glosario it funzione glossario grab ν (a video file etc.) —> capture ν [multimedia] grabber, grabber hand [user interface] de "Hand", Greifhand fr main (outil pour deplacer un objet) es mano it mano (che prende) grabber —> frame grabber [multimedia] grabber hand —> grabber [user interface] gradation [el. prepress] de Gradation/ fr gradation es gradacion, escalonamiento, ajuste de niveles it gradazione gradation —» graded tint [el. imaging] gradation curve [el. prepress] de Gradationskurve fr courbe de gradation es curva de gradacion it curva di gradazione graded tint, gradation, degrade η [el. imaging] de Farbverlauf fr degrade m es degradado m, gradacion (progresiva) it gradazione di colore graphic η (graphic representation) de Grafik fr graphique m, graphisme m es gräfico m it grafico m graphic, graphical adj de grafisch fr graphique adj es gräfico adj it grafico (agg) graphical Web browser (contr.: text-only Web
browser) [online publ. ] de grafischer Web-Browser fr navigateur graphique pour le Web es navegador gräfico para el WWW, navegador Web que permite el modo gräfico it browser grafico per il Web graphic arts, graphic arts industry de grafisches Gewerbe, Grafik fr arts graphiques, art graphique es artes gräficas, industria de la artes gräficas, arte editorial it arti grafiche, industria delle arti grafiche graphic arts industry —> graphic arts graphic data processing computer graphics graphics pi [general sense] de Grafik fr graphique/ es gräfica / it grafica / graphics, animated - [el. imaging] de Animationsgrafik, bewegte Grafik fr graphique anime, dessin anime, images animees es gräficos animados, imägenes animadas it grafica animata graphics, business ~ de Geschäftsgrafik, Bürografik fr graphique de gestion, graphique d'affaires es gräficos empresariales, gräficos de gestion it grafica gestionale, grafica degli affari, grafica commerciale graphics, computer ~ (abbr. CG), graphic data processing de grafische Datenverarbeitung (Abk. GDV), Computergrafik fr traitement graphique de Γ information, infographie, infographisme, graphisme sur ordinateur, informatique graphique, traitement de donnees graphiques es informätica gräfica, infografia (abr. IG), graficacion por ordenador (o por computador), gräficos de ordenador, proceso de datos gräficos it computergrafica, informatica grafica, elaborazione grafica dei dati, grafica computerizzata graphics, high-resolution ~ (abbr. HRG) de hochauflösende Grafik fr graphique de haute resolution es gräficos de alta resolution it grafica ad alta risoluzione
graphics, imported ~ de importierte Grafik fr graphisme importe es gräficos importados it grafico importato graphics, raster - (contr.: vector graphics) [el. imaging] de Rastergrafik fr illustrations tramees es gräficos tramados, gräficos de reticula it grafica tipo raster graphics, vector ~ (contr.: raster graphics), vector-based graphics, curve-linear graphics [el. imaging] de Vektorgrafik fr graphique vectoriel es gräfica vectorial (ο de vectores), gräficos vectoriales, gräficos por vector it grafica a vettori, grafica vettoriale, grafica basata sugli oggetti graphics accelerator [equipment] de Grafikbeschleuniger fr accelerateur graphique ei acelerador de gräficos it acceleratore grafico graphics adapter [equipment] de Grafikadapter fr adaptateur graphique es adaptador para gräficos it adattatore grafico graphics board, graphics card [equipment] de Grafikkarte, Grafikboard η, Grafikplatine fr carte graphisme, carte graphique, contröleur graphique es taijeta gräfica, taijeta gräficos, taijeta de gräficos, placa de gräficos, placa gräfica it Scheda grafica graphics card —> graphics board [equipment] graphics file [data ρ roc.] de Grafikdatei fr fichier graphique es fichero grafico it file grafico graphics insertion [desktop publ. ] de Grafikeinbindung, Grafikeinschaltung, Grafikeinblendung fr melange avec le graphisme, integration texte-image es incorporation de gräficos al texto, insertion de gräficos it inserimento di rappresentazioni grafiche
gray balance
graphics interface [user interface] de Grafikschnittstelle fr interface graphique es interfaz gräfica it interfaccia grafica graphics performance [equipment] de Grafikleistung fr rendement graphique es prestaciones gräficas it prestazioni grafiche graphics printer [equipment] de Grafikdrucker fr imprimante graphique es impresora gräfica, impresora de gräficos it stampante grafica graphics program de Grafikprogramm fr programme graphique, grapheur es programa gräfico it programma di grafica graphics resolution de Grafikauflösung, Auflösung fr resolution graphique es resolucion gräfica, resolucion de gräficos it risoluzione grafica graphics screen [equipment] de Grafikbildschirm fr ecran graphique es monitor gräfico, pantalla para gräficos, pantalla gräfica it schermo grafico, display grafico, video grafico graphics tool [user interface] de Grafikwerkzeug fr outil graphique, grapheur es herramienta gräfica it tool grafico graphic user interface (abbr. GUI) de grafische Benutzeroberfläche fr interface utilisateur graphique, interface d'utilisation graphique, interface graphique es interfaz de usuario gräfica, interface gräfico de usuario it interfaccia d'utente grafica gray, level of - [el. imaging] de Grautonebene fr niveau de tons gris es nivel de tonos grises it livello di toni grigi gray balance (a neutral gray) [el. imaging] de Graubalance (ausgewogene Grautöne)
gray component
fr equilibre des gris, equilibrage des gris es equilibrio de grises it bilancio di grigio gray component (abbr. GC) [el. imaging] de Grauanteil fr composante de gris es tonos grises it toni neutri gray component replacement (abbr. GCR), integrated color removal (abbr. ICR), achromatic color removal (abbr. ACR) [el. imaging] de GCR, Unbunt-Aufbau fr substitution des composants achromatiques es sustituciön de los componentes grises it sostituzione dei toni neutri, GCR gray level (the brightness value assigned to a pixel), level of gray [el. imaging] de Graustufe, Grauwert, Grauschattierung (Intensität des Grauwerts) fr niveau de gris, variation de gris es nivel de gris(es), grado de gris, nivel de tonos grises it livello di grigio gray level image [el. imaging] de Graustufenbild, Grauwertbild fr image en tons Continus, image non-tramee es imagen en escala de grises it immagine a tono continuo grayness, percent - [el. imaging] de Grauanteil (in Prozent) fr valeur du gris (pourcentage) es valor de gris (tanto por ciento) it percentuale di grigio grayscale, greyscale [el. imaging] de Grauskala, Grauleiter fr echelle de gris, niveaux de gris, gamme de gris es escala de grises it scala di grigi (o di grigio) grayscale converter /el. imaging] de Graustufenkonverter fr convertisseur de 1'echelle de gris es convertidor de la escala de grises it convertitore della scala di grigio grayscale palette [el. imaging] de Graustufenpalette fr gamme de gris es gama de grises it mappa dei grigi
grayscale scanning [el. prepress] de Schwarzweißscannen fr scanning blanc/noire es escaneo en bianco y negro it scansione in biano e nero Green Book (the CD-I standard) [CD-ROM publ.] de Green Book η fr Livre Vert es Libro Verde it Libro Verde grey, tones of - [el. imaging] de Grauwerte pi, Grautöne pi fr teintes de gris, tonalite de gris es tonos de gris, tonalidad de grises, matiz de gris it toni di grigio, valori di grigio, livelli di grigio, tonalita di grigio, intervalli di grigio greyscale —> grayscale [el. imaging] grid density [el. prepress] de Rasterdichte, Rasterweite fr lineature (nombre de lignes par pouce d'une trame), frequence de tramage, maillage es densidad de tramado it densita di trama grid pattern [el. prepress] de Form der Rasterpunkte fr forme des points de trame es forma de los puntos de tramado it pattern m di trama group address (within a network) [online publ.] de Gruppenadresse fr adresse de groupe es direction de grupo (en una red) it indirizzo di gruppo group addressing [onlinepubl.] de Gruppenadressierung fr adressage par groupes es direccionamiento por grupos, direccionamiento de grupo, direccionado de grupo it indirizzamento a gruppi grow box [el. imaging] de dynamisch skalierbarer Bildschirmausschnitt fr boite d'enlargissement es recuadro de ampliation it box di ingrandimento GUI —> graphic user interface guided tour [hypertext] de Guided Tour (geführter Retrievalpfad), geführte Unterweisung fr visite guidee
hardcopy facility
es visita guiada it visita guidata gutter, inter-column gutter, alley, space between columns [typography] de Spaltenzwischenschlag, Zwischenschlag (zwischen Druckspalten) fr marge separant deux colonnes, marge entre colonnes, gouttiere, espace entre colonnes es espacio entre columnas, bianco entre columnas, margen interior, margen entre columnas, distancia de separaciön (entre columnas) it spazio di separazione (fra le colonne), spazio fra le colonne, canaletto gutter rules [typography ] de senkrechte Linien zwischen Druckspalten fr filets entre colonnes es filetes de medianil it linee fra le colonne gutter width [typography ] de Breite des Zwischenschlags fr espace entre colonnes es anchura del medianil it larghezza dello spazio fra le colonne, canaletto (intercorrente tra le colonne)
Η halftone η —> halftone image [el. prepress] halftone... (image etc.) [el. prepress] de gerastert, Raster... fr en demi-teinte es de medios tonos it a mezzatinta halftone art, continuous tone art, tone art, screened art [el. prepress] de Rasterbilder pi, Halbtonbilder pi fr images tramees, images en tons Continus es imägenes de medios tonos, imägenes tramadas, ilustraciones con gradaciones de tonalidades it immagini a mezza tinta halftone dot, screen dot, raster dot [el. prepress] de Rasterpunkt fr point trame, point de trame es punto reticular, punto de la trama, punto de semitono it punto del retino, punto di mezzatinta, puntino halftone
halftone image, halftone η [el. prepress] de Grauwertbild, Rasterbild fr image ä tons Continus, image en demi-teinte es imagen de medios tonos it immagine a mezzatinta, immagine a mezzo-tono halftones pi [el. prepress] de Halbtöne pi fr demi-tons es transiciones de claroscuro, medios tonos it mezzi toni halftoning (misnomer) —> continuous tone process [el. prepress] handheld scanner, hand scanner [equipment] de Handscanner fr scanner manuel, scanner ä main es escäner manual it scanner pilotato a mano, scanner manuale handles pi (for marking text or graphics) [user interface] de "Henkel", Anfasser fr poignees pl, tirette es manijas pl it maniglie pl hand scanner —> handheld scanner [equipment] hardcopy n, permanent record de Hardcopy/, "Hartkopie", Papierausgabe fr copie durable, copie sur papier, sortie sur papier es hardcopy, copia permanente (sobre papel), copia dura it copia in chiaro, copia su carta, hard copy / (registrazione permanente su carta), documento stampato hardcopy n, paper η de Papier fr papier (support papier) es papel it supporto cartaceo, carta hardcopy η (of screen display etc.) [el. prepress] de Riickkopie fr recopie (d'ecran) es hardcopy pantalla, copia de la pantalla it ricopiatura (dallo schermo ecc.), stampa su carta hardcopy facility de Hardcopy-Einrichtung fr possibilite de sortie sur papier es capacidad de hardcopy it dispositivo di hardcopy, unita che produce output su carta
hardcopy printer
hardcopy printer [equipment] de Hardcopy-Gerät, Hardcopy-Drucker fr imprimante hardcopy es impresora de copias it stampante a copie stabili, stampante hard-copy hardcopy printout, printout η de Ausdruck (auf Hardcopy), HardcopyAusdruck fr trace ecrite, tirage papier es impresion sobre papel it uscita su carta, hardcopy m hardcopy proofs pi [el. prepress] de Proofs pi in gedruckter Form fr epreuves sur papier es pruebas en papel it bozze stampate hardcopy reproduction (from microfilm) [el. prepress ] de Rückvergrößern η fr recopie es recopiado m it ricopiatura hard disk, rigid disk [equipment] de Festplatte fr disque dur es disco duro it disco fisso hard proofs pi (proofs on paper or other hardcopy material; contr.: soft proofs) [el. prepress ] de Papierabzüge pi fr epreuves papier es pruebas de papel it bozze hard-copy hardware RIP [equipment] de Hardware-RIP fr RIP materiel es RIP de hard(ware), dispositivo de rasterization de päginas it RIP hardware HDMM (high density multimedia compact disc standard) [CD-ROM publ.] de HDMM-Standard (für CDs) fr norme HDMM es estandar HDMM it norma HDMM head end (of a network), central hub [online publ.] de Zentrale/ fr tete de reseau
es nodo central it punto centrale (di una rete) header field (of a CD-ROM) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Headerdaten pi fr en-tete es campo header it campo header headphones pi [multimedia] de Kopfhörer/;/ fr casque (audio) es cascos de müsica, auriculares pi it cuffie pi head positioning [CD-ROMpubl.] de Kopfpositionierung fr positionnement de la tete (de lecture/ecriture) es posicionamiento de la cabeza it posizionamento della testa head positioning time seek time [CD-ROM publ.] head seek time seek time [CD-ROMpubl.] headword (in a dictionary etc.) de Stichwort fr vedette es voz it voce heat transfer printer —> thermal transfer printer [equipment] heavy —> bold adj [typography] help, contextual ~ —> context-sensitive help [user interface] help, online - [user interface] de Online-Hilfe fr aide en ligne es ayuda en linea it aiuto in linea help function [user interface ] de Helpfunktion, Hilfefunktion fr fonction d'aide es funcion de ayuda it funzione di aiuto (all'utente), funzione HELP help key [user interface] de Hilfetaste, Helptaste fr touche d'assistance es tecla de ayuda it tasto di aiuto, tasto HELP help menu [user interface] de Helpmenü, Hilfemenü fr menu d'aide es menu de apoyo, menu de ayuda it menü di aiuto, menü aiuto (indicazioni di aiuto), menü di promemoria
help screen [user interface] de Hilfebildschirm, Hilfsbildschirm, Help-Bildschirm fr ecran d'aide es pantalla de apoyo, pantalla de ayuda it schermo di aiuto, schemata di aiuto, schermata di help help window [user interface] de Hilfefenster fr fenetre d'aide es ventana de apoyo it finestra di aiuto HeNe laser printer (helium-neon) [equipment] de HeNe-Laserdrucker fr imprimante laser HeNe es impresora que emplea un rayo laser helioneon it stampante laser al helio-neon HES —> hypertext editing system hidden lines (abbr. HL) (in graphics display) [graphics] de verdeckte Linien pi, unsichtbare Linien pi fr lignes cachees es lineas ocultas, lineas no visibles it linee nascoste hidden lines suppression —» hidden lines removal [graphics] hidden lines removal (abbr. HLR), hidden lines suppression [graphics] de Ausblenden η verdeckter Kanten fr elimination des lignes cachees es supresion de lineas ocultas it eliminazione delle linee nascoste hidden surface [graphics] de verdeckte Fläche fr surface cachee es ärea oculta it superficie nascosta hide vi (a window etc.) de ausblenden (vorübergehend), aussparen, verdecken fr cacher, ne pas afficher (ä l'ecran) es ocultar (contrario: descubrir) it nascondere hierarchical link [hypertext] de hierarchische Verknüpfung fr lien hierarchique es enlace jerärquico it link gerarchico hierarchical network [online publ.] de hierarchisches Netz, strukturiertes Netz
fr reseau hierarchique es red jerärquica it rete gerarchica high-end publishing [desktoppubl.] de professionelles DTP fr PAO professionnelle es edition profesional it desktop publishing professionale highlight vt de hervorheben fr mettre en valeur (un element du texte), mettre en relief es poner en evidencia, senalar (un caräcter etc.), acentuar, destacar it evidenziare, enfatizzare highlighted de hervorgehoben (Text etc.) fr intensifie, en surbrillance es acentuado adj it evidenziato (p.e. nero su bianco), enfatizzato highlighting η de stärkere Helligkeit (zur Hervorhebung) fr surbrillance (pour mettre en evidence parties du texte) es alta luminosidad it alta luminosita, alta intensitä highlighting η (on screen) de Highlighting η (Hervorhebung, z.B. durch stärkere Helligkeit) fr intensite accentuee, surbrillance (sur l'ecran) es acentuacion it evidenziazione (mediante lampeggio ecc.), enfatizzazione highlights pi [el. imaging] de Hochlicht fr hautes lurrueres es altas luces it luci pl high-performance scanner [equipment] de Hochleistungsscanner fr scanner de haut rendement es escäner de prestaciones elevadas it scanner ad alto rendimento high resolution de hohe Auflösung fr resolution haute, haute resolution es resolution alta, alta resolution it alta risohizione, risoluzione elevata high-resolution adj (abbr. hi-res) (images) [el. imaging] de hochaufgelöst
fr ä haute resolution es de alta resoluciön it ad alta risoluzione high-resolution adj (abbr. hi-res) (screen, graphics etc.) de hochauflösend fr ä haute resolution es de alta resolucion it ad alta risoluzione, altamente risolutivo high-resolution card [equipment] de hochauflösende (Grafik)Karte fr carte haute resolution es tarjeta alta resoluciön it Scheda ad alta risoluzione high-resolution data, hi-res data [el. prepress] de hochaufgelöste Daten pl, High-Res-Daten pl, Feindaten pl fr donnees ä haute resolution es datos de alta resoluciön it dati ad alta risoluzione high-resolution display —»high-resolution screen [equipment] high-resolution dot graphics de hochauflösende Punktgrafik fr graphique par points ä haute resolution es gräfica por puntos de alta resolucion it grafica a punti ad alta risoluzione high-resolution file fine data file [el. prepress] high-resolution graphics (abbr. HRG), hi-res graphs de hochauflösende Grafik fr graphique de haute resolution es graficos de alta resolucion it grafica ad alta risoluzione high-resolution monitor —» high-resolution screen [equipment] high-resolution scanner [equipment] de hochauflösender Scanner fr scanner haute resolution es escäner de alta resoluciön it scanner ad alta risoluzione high-resolution screen, high-resolution display, high-resolution monitor [equipment] de hochauflösender Bildschirm, Bildschirm mit hoher Auflösung fr ecran haute resolution es pantalla de alta resoluciön, pantalla alta resoluciön, monitor de alta resoluciön it schermo ad alta risoluzione High-Sierra compatible [CD-ROM publ]
de High-Sierra-kompatibel fr compatible avec High Sierra es compatible High Sierra it compatibile con l'High Sierra High-Sierra format (abbr. HSF), HSG format [CD-ROM publ.] de High-Sierra-Format (Abk. HSF), HSG-Format (von engl.: High Sierra Group) fr format High Sierra es formato High Sierra it formato High Sierra High-Sierra Group proposal, HSG proposal, High Sierra proposal [CD-ROMpubl.] de Vorschlag der High Sierra Group fr proposition du groupe High Sierra es propuesta del grupo High Sierra it proposta del gruppo High Sierra High Sierra proposal —> High-Sierra Group proposal [CD-ROMpubl.] High Sierra specification (for CD) (ISO 9660) [CD-ROM publ.] de High-Sierra-Standard (ein Industriestandard für CD-ROMs) fr norme HGS (High Sierra Group), norme ISO 9660 es especificaciön High Sierra (ISO 9660) it specificazione High Sierra, standard High Sierra hi-res —> high-resolution [el. imaging] hi-res data —> high-resolution data [el. prepress] hi-res graphs —» high-resolution graphics history, trail [hypertext] de Historie, Trail m (Zurückverfolgung) fr historique m es historia it storia (rintracciamento) history tree [hypertext] de Dialogbaum fr trace des dialogues, arbre des dialogues es ärbol de diälogos it albero dei dialoghi HL —» hidden lines [graphics] HLR —» hidden lines removal [graphics] HLS (hue, lightness and saturation; a color model) [el. imaging] de HLS-Modell fr modele TSL (teinte, saturation, luminosite) es modelo de colores HLS it modello di colori HLS home page (the top-level document in hypertext systems, and in the WWW), welcome page
[online publ.] de Home Page/ fr home page m es pägina home, pägina de portada it pagina home, home page/ home server [online publ.] de Standardserver fr serveur standard es servidor eständar it server standard horizontal pitch —> pitch η [printers] horizontal scrolling —» side scrolling [user interface ] host computer [online publ. ] de Host-Computer (Rechner, auf dem CrossSoftware läuft), Gastrechner fr ordinateur höte es ordenador principal (de una instalacion), ordenador patron, patron m, ordenador host, ordenador central it elaboratore host, host m hot fix [online publ.] de Hot Fix m (Korrektur während des laufenden Betriebs) fr reparation ä chaud es correcciön durante la ejecuciön it correzione a caldo hotkey [user inteiface] de Hotkey m fr touche de fonction ei tecla de funcion it tasto di funzione hot links pi [hypertext] de Hot Links pl, Verzweigungen pl fr liens chauds es enlaces calientes it link caldi pl hot list [online publ. ] de Hot List/ fr liste chaude, hotlist/ es ubicaciones favoritas de la Web it hot list / hotspot, hotspot area [user interface] de Hotspot m (durch Mausklick auslösbare Funktionsfläche), sensitive Fläche fr point chaud, bouton, point sensible, zone active, point active es Irea sensible, punto caliente, area caliente it zona sensitiva, punto caldo hotspot area -» hotspot [user interface] hot swapping (of components during operation)
HTML editor
[online publ.] de Hot Swapping η (Austauschen von Komponenten während des Betriebs) fr echange de composants pendant Γ operation du systeme es reemplazo de componentes mientras el sistema permanece en funcion it scambio di componenti mentre il sistema e in piena operazione hotword —> button [hypertext] HRG —> high-resolution graphics HSF -> High-Sierra format [CD-ROMpubl.] HSG (High Sierra Group) [CD-ROM publ. ] de HSG (Nonn für CD-Speicherung) fr groupe HSG es HSG (grupo High Sierra) it HSG (gruppo High Sierra) HSG format High-Sierra format [CD-ROM publ.] HSG proposal —> High-Sierra Group proposal [CD-ROM publ.] HSL (hue, saturation, luminance; a color model) [el. imaging] de HSL-Farbmodell fr TLS (tonalite, lumiere, saturation), modele de representation des couleurs HSL es modelo de representation de colores HSL it modello di colori HSL HSV (hue, saturation, value; a color model) [el. imaging] de HSV-Farbmodell fr modele de representation des couleurs HSV es HSV (matiz, saturation, brillo) it modello di colori HSV H I B -»hypertext base HTM (a filename extension denoting HTML files) [el. publishing] de HTM fr HTM es HTM it HTM HTML —» hypertext markup language HTML converter [el. publishing] de HTML-Konvertierungsprogramm fr convertisseur HTML es convertidor HTML it convertitore HTML HTML editor [el. publishing] de HTML-Editor fr editeur HTML, editeur de pages HTML
HTML pages
es editor de HTML, herramienta de edicion HTML it editor HTML HTML pages [el. publishing] de HTML-Seiten pi fr pages HTML es päginas HTML it pagine HTML HTML tags [el. publishing] de HTML-Tags pi fr balises HTML es etiquetas HTML it marcatori HTML HTMS -> hypertext management system HTS —> hypertext system HTTP —» hypertext transport protocol [online publ.] hub [onlinepubl.] de Zentrum η (eines Sternnetzes), Hub m, zentraler Verteilpunkt, Sternpunktverteiler, Verteiler fr concentrateur, pivot, station mattresse, controleur d'etoile es centro m, distribuidor (inteligente), concentrador (inteligente), hub m it punto centrale (di una rete a Stella), centro di smistamento (in una rete), hub m, concentratore, cuore hub —> network hub / online publ. ] hue η, tint η, shade of color, color shade [el. imaging] de Farbton, Farbnuance, Ton (einer Farbe), Buntton fr teinte, nuance (de couleur), tonalite chromatique es matiz (de color), tono de color, gradacion de color, tinta de color, tonalidad cromätica it tinta (di colore), tonalita (di colore), sfumatura (di colore), gradazione di colore Huffman code (for data compression) [CD-ROM publ.] de Huffman-Code fr codage de Huffman es codigo de Huffman it codice Huffman, codifica Huffman hybrid coding (a combination of various compression algorithms) [multimedia] de hybride Codierung fr codage hybride es codificacion hibrida it codifica ibrida
hyperbook (a large hyperdocument) [el. publishing] de Hyperbuch fr hyperlivre es hiperlibro, libro de hipertexto it iperlibro, libro ipertestuale, opera iper HyperCard (Trademark) (a hypertext system for Mactintosh computers) de HyperCard fr HyperCard es HyperCard it HyperCard hyperdocument [el. publishing] de Hyperdokument fr hyperdocument es hiperdocumento, documento de hipertexto it iperdocumento, documento ipertestuale hyperlink (Unking of pages in PDF files) [el. publishing] de Hyperlink η fr hyperlien (creer des hyperliens) es hiperenlace it connessione ipertestuale, hyperlink m hyperlink —»hypertext link hypermedia (hypertext that includes images, sound, animation etc.) de Hypermedien pi fr hypermedia m es hipermedia it ipermedia (ipertesto + multimedia), sistemi ipermediali hyperpath (in a hypertext document), hypertrail de Hyperpfad fr hyperpiste es pista de hipertexto it cammino ipertestuale hyperstructure de Hyperstruktur fr structure hypertexte es estructura de hipertexto it struttura ipertestuale hypertext de Hypertext fr hypertexte es hipertexto it ipertesto, hypertext m hypertext, conversion of text into ~ de Verhypertextung/, Umsetzung in Hypertext fr conversion en hypertexte es conversion en hipertexto it conversione in ipertesto
hypertext authoring de Hypertext-Authoring fr edition en hypertexte es edicion en hipertexto it authoring ipertestuale, ambiente autore ipertestuale hypertext base (abbr. HTB) de Hypertextbasis (Abk. HTB) fr base de hypertexte es base de hipertexto it base ipertestuale hypertext browser de Hypertext-Browser (Software zum Erschließen eines Hypertexts) fr outil de navigation dans un hypertexte, logiciel de consultation d'un hypertexte es software de consulta de hipertextos it software di navigazione in un ipertesto hypertext browsing de Hypertext-Browsing fr navigation dans un hypertexte, navigation hypertexte es consulta de hipertextos it navigazione in un ipertesto hypertext document de Hypertextdokument fr document en hypertexte es documento de hipertexto, documento hipertexto it documento ipertestuale hypertext editing system (abbr. HES) de Editiersystem für Hypertext fr systeme d'edition d'hypertexte es sistema de edicion de hipertextos, editor de lenguaje hipertexto it sistema di editing di ipertesti hypertext link, hyperlink de Hypertextverknüpfung, Hypertextverweis, Hypertext-Link η fr lien d'hypertexte, liaison hypertexte es vinculo de hipertexto, vinculo hipertexto, enlace hipertexto, referenda hipertexto it link ipertestuale, connessione ipertestuale, legame hypertext hypertext management system (abbr. HTMS) de Hypertext-Managementsystem (Abk. HTMS) fr systeme HTMS es sistema HTMS it sistema HTMS hypertext markup language (abbr. HTML)
hyphenation, automatic ~
(a language for electronic publishing in networks) de HTML fr langage HTML (pour la description de documents) es lenguaje HTML it linguaggio HTML hypertext node de Hypertextknoten fr noeud hypertexte es nodo de hipertexto it nodo ipertestuale hypertext system (abbr. HTS) de Hypertextsystem (Abk. HTS) fr systeme d'hypertexte es sistema de hipertexto it sistema ipertestuale, sistema hypertext hypertext transport protocol (abbr. HTTP) [online publ.] de HTTP-Protokoll fr protocole de transfert HTTP, protocole HTTP es protocolo HTTP, protocolo de transporte de hipertexto it protocollo HTTP hypertextual adj (representation etc.) de Hypertextfr hypertextuel, d'hypertexte es de hipertexto, hipertextual it ipertestuale hypertrail —> hyperpath hyphenation, word division, word breaking [word ρ roc.] de Silbentrennung, Worttrennung, Trennung (von Wörtern) fr coupure des mots (en fin de ligne), cesure des mots, division des mots es coite de palabra(s), separation (de palabras) con guiones, particion siläbica, division de palabras, guionado m it divisione sillabica, divisione in sillabe, divisione delle parole a fine riga, taglio sillabico, sillabazione hyphenation, automatic ~ [word proc.] de automatische Silbentrennung fr coupure des mots automatique, coupure automatique des mots es particion siläbica automätica, guionado automätico, division automätica de palabras it divisione automatica in sillabe, sillabazione automatica
hyphenation, logic-based -
hyphenation, logic-based - (compare: dictionary hyphenation), logic hyphenation, algorithmic hyphenation [word ρ roc.] de Silbentrennung auf Algorithmusbasis, logikbasierte Worttrennung fr coupure des mots logique, coupure algorithmique, cesure selon un algorithme es division de palabras basado en algoritmos, corte algoritmico de palabras it divisione delle parole basata su regole logiche, divisione delle parole secondo algoritmi hyphenation dictionary [word proc.] de Trennungswörterbuch, Trennwörterlexikon, Silbentrennwörterbuch fr dictionnaire de coupure de mots es diccionario de corte de palabras, diccionario de division de palabras it dizionario di divisione delle parole, dizionario di sillabazione hyphenation logic [word proc.] de Trennungslogik (eines Silbentrennprogramms) fr logique de cesure, regies de coupure des mots es logica de particion silabica, logica de division de palabras it logica di divisione delle parole
I I C C —> International Color Consortium [organization] I C I —» CIE [organization] icon (a graphic picture element) [user interface] de Icon (m, n), I k o n e / fr icone/, imagette es icono (simbolo) it i c o n a / icon, link - (representing links to other nodes) [hypertext] de Verknüpfungssymbol fr icone de liaison es icono de enlace it icona di link icon, link - —> button [hypertext] icon-driven (interface etc.) [user interface] de icongesteuert fr gere par icones, ä base d'icones
es controlado por iconos it guidato da icone iconic interface [user interface] de Benutzeroberfläche mit Icons fr interface ä base d'icones es interfaz de iconos it interfaccia a icone icon m e n u [user interface] de Iconmenü, Bildmenü fr menu par icones es menu de iconos it menu iconico icon-oriented [user interface] de iconorientiert fr Oriente icones es orientado a iconos it orientato a icone icon panel [user interface] de Iconleiste fr barre des icones es barra de iconos it barra delle icone I C R —» intelligent character recognition I C R —> integrated color removal [el. imaging] ideas processing de Ideenverarbeitung fr gestion des idees es gestion de las ideas it trattamento delle idee IDN —» integrated digital network [online publ. ] I F F —> interchange file format [multimedia] I G E —> intelligent graphical editor illustrate de illustrieren, bebildern fr illustrer es ilustrar it illustrare Illustration, figure η de Illustration, Abbildung fr Illustration es ilustracion it illustrazione illustrative matter [el. prepress] de Illustrationsmaterial fr illustrations es ilustraciones, material ilustrativo it illustrazioni illustrator η [desktoppubl.] de Illustrationsprogramm fr logiciel de dessin (vectoriel)
es programa de dibujo (vectorial) it programma di illustrazioni image η [general sense ] de Bild fr image es imagen it immagine image ν (film etc.), flash ν [el. prepress] de belichten fr flasher ν es exponer, filmar, insolar, impresionar it impressionare image ν directly to plate [el. prepress] de direkt auf Platte belichten fr flasher directement sur plaque es insolar las planchas directamente it impressionare direttamente le lastre di stampa image, photorealistic ~ [el. prepress] de fotorealistisches Bild fr image photorealiste es imagen fotorrealista it immagine fotorealistica image and text processing [desktop publ. I de Bild-Text-Verarbeitung fr traitement de texte et d' images es proceso de texto e imägenes it elaborazione di testi e immagini image area (area reserved for an image) [el. prepress] de Bildfläche fr rectangle reserve pour une image es zona imagen it area figurata, area dell'immagine image area (of a printer) [printers] de bedruckbare Fläche fr surface d'impression es area imprimible, area total de imagen it area stampabile image bank —»image data bank image blending —ν image merging [el. imaging] image compression [el. imaging] de Bildkompression fr compression de Γ image, compactage d'image es compresion de imagen it compressione dell'immagine image conversion de Bildwandlung fr conversion d'images es conversion de imägenes
image processor
it conversione di immagini image data bank, image database, image bank de Bilddatenbank fr banque d'images es banco de datos de imägenes, base de datos de imägenes it banca di immagini, base di dati contenente immagini image database —>image data bank image depth (in bits per pixel) de Bildtiefe (in Bit pro Pixel) fir profondeur des images es profundidad de la imagen it profondita dell'immagine image editing /el. imaging] de Editieren von Bildern fr edition d'images es edition de imägenes it editing di immagini image editor [el. imaging] de Bildeditor fr editeur d'images es editor de imägenes it editor di immagini image file —» picture file image library [el. prepress] de Bildbibliothek, Bildarchiv fr bibliotheque d'images es librerfa de imägenes it biblioteca di immagini image merging, image blending [el. imaging] de Mischen von Bildern fr fusion d'images es mezcla de imägenes it fusione di immagini image processing de Bildverarbeitung, Bilddatenverarbeitung fr traitement d'image(s) es proceso de imägenes, tratamiento de la imagen, tratamiento de imägenes, procesamiento de imägenes it elaborazione delle immagini, elaborazione d'immagini, processo di immagine image processing software de Bildverarbeitungssoftware fr logiciel imageur, imageur es software de tratamiento de imägenes it programmi per l'elaborazione di immagini, programmi di elaborazione pittorica image processor de Image-Prozessor m, Bilddatenverarbeitungs-
image proofing
anlage fr processeur d'image es procesador de imägenes it processore di immagini image proofing [el. prepress] de Proofabzüge pi (von Bildern) fr epreuves numeriques des images es pruebas digitales de imägenes it bozze digitali di un'immagine image quality de Bildqualität fr qualite des images es calidad de imägenes it qualitä delle immagini imager, imaging device, imagesetter, imagesetting device [equipment] de Diafilmbelichter fr imageur (pour la production de diapositives couleurs), generateur de diapositives, flasheuse es filmadora (de diapositivas), sistema de exposition de diapositivas it fotounitä per la produzione di diapositive imager —> imaging device [equipment] imager, laser ~ [equipment] de Laserbelichter, Recorder m fr composeuse laser es filmadora läser it fotounitä a laser image retouching [el. prepress] de Retuschieren von Bildern, Bildretusche fr retouches d'image, retouche d'images es retoque de imägenes it ritocco di immagini images, clip-art - [el. prepress] de Clip-Art-Bilder pi fr images clipart (symboles et objets graphiques) es imägenes clip-art it immagini clip art, raccolta di clip art image scaling [el. imaging] de Skalieren η von Bildem fr mise ä l'echelle des images es cambio de tamafio de la imagen it scalamento di immagine image scanning, picture scanning [el. prepress] de Bildabtastung fr saisie d'image es exploration de imägenes it scansione di immagini image server [equipment]
de fr es it
Bildserver, Bilddatenbankserver serveur d'images servidor de imägenes server di immagini (provenienti da una banca di dati) imagesetter (in the more general sense), imagesetting system, typesetter, phototypesetter, recorder, film recorder [equipment] de Satzgerät, Belichtungseinheit, Belichter, Satzbelichter, Imagesetter m fr flasheuse/ es filmadora, imagesetter m, compositora de imägenes (hispanoam.) it fotounitä imagesetter (specifically for small formats or slides) [equipment] de Belichter (kleinformatiger) fr flasheuse (pour petits formats, diapositives etc.), imageur ä diapositives es filmadora (para formatos pequenos), imagesetter (para formatos pequenos) it fotounitä (per piccoli formati) imagesetter —> imager [equipment] imagesetter, CRT - [equipment] de CRT-Belichter fr flasheuse TRC es filmadora CRT it fotounitä CRT (a raggi catodici) imagesetter, CTP - [equipment] de CTP-Belichter, Computer-to-Plate-Belichter, CTP-Recorder fr flasheuse CTP es filmadora CTP, filmadora directa a la plancha it fotounitä CTP imagesetter, digital ~ [equipment] de Digitalbelichter fr flasheuse (numerique) es filmadora digital it fotounitä digitale imagesetter, drum ~ (contr.: flatbed imagesetter), drum recorder [equipment] de Trommelbelichter fr imageur ä tambour, flasheuse ä tambour es filmadora de tambor, imagesetter de tambor it fotounitä a tamburo imagesetter, flatbed - (contr.: drum imagesetter), roll-fed imagesetter, capstan imagesetter [equipment] de Flachbettbelichter, Capstan-Belichter
fr flasheuse ä plat es filmadora plana, filmadora capstan it fotounita piana imagesetter, large-format - [equipment] de Großformatbelichter, Großformat-Imagesetter fr flasheuse grand format es filmadora de gran formato it fotounita a grande formato imagesetter, laser flatbed ~ [equipment] de Laser-Flachbett-Recorder fr flasheuse plat ä laser es filmadora plana por läser it fotounita piana a laser, processore di immagini a laser imagesetter, photo ~ [equipment] de fotografischer Belichter fr flasheuse photographique ei filmadora fotogräfica it fotounita fotografica imagesetter, PostScript ~ [equipment] de PostScript-Belichter fr flasheuse PostScript es filmadora PostScript it fotounitä PostScript imagesetter, wide-format ~ [equipment] de Breitformatbelichter fr flasheuse pour larges formats es filmadora de formato ancho it fotounita per formato largo imagesetting device —> imager [equipment] imagesetting system —»imagesetter [equipment] image store [general sense] de Bildspeicher fr memoire des images es memoria de imagenes it memoria delle immagini image window (contr.: text window) [user interface ] de Bildfenster fr fenetre d'image(s) es ventana de imagen it finestra per le immagini imaging η [el. prepress] de Belichtung (mit fotosatztechnischen Mitteln) fr flashage m (direct sur film etc.) ei filmaciön, exposicion de peliculas (o planchas) it irraggiamento imaging η (of film, plates etc.) [el. prepress] de Belichtung
import/export filter
fr flashage m es insolacion it esposizione, impressione imaging η —» digital imaging [el. prepress] imaging area (of a scanner) -» scanning area [el. prepress] imaging device, imager [equipment] de Belichter (Gerät) fr imageur, flasheuse es dispositivo de exposicion it registratore di immagini (su pellicola ecc.) imaging device —> imager [equipment] imaging devices pi (all such devices as printers, scanners, monitors etc.) [general sense] de Bildverarbeitungsgeräte fr dispositifs de traitement de l'image ei equipo de proceso imagenes it dispositivi per il trattamento dell'immagine imaging engine [equipment] de Belichtermaschine fr moteur imageur es maquina de exposicion it macchina di esposizione imaging service [el. prepress] de Belichtungsservice fr service de flashage, flashage es servicio de filmaciön it servizio pellicole imaging speed [el. prepress] de Belichtungsgeschwindigkeit fr vitesse de flashage es velocidad de exposicion it velocitä di esposizione import ν de importieren fr importer es importar it importare import ν graphics de Grafiken pl importieren fr importer des graphismes es importar gräficos it importare grafici imported graphics de importierte Grafik fr graphisme importe es gräficos importados it grafico importato import/export filter [data proc.] de Import-/Exportfilter fr filtre d'importation/exportation
es filtro de importation/exportation it filtro di importazione/esportazione impose ν (signatures) [el. prepress] de ausschießen (Bogen) fr imposer ei imponer it formare le segnature imposition [el. prepress] de Ausschießen η (von Bogen) fr imposition es imposicion it impostazione di macchina imposition, electronic - [el. prepress] de elektronische Bogenmontage fr imposition electronique es imposicion electronica it imposizione elettronica imposition program [el. prepress] de Ausschießprogramm fr programme d'imposition es programa de imposicion, programa de montaje it programma di impostazione imposition software lei. prepress] de Ausschießsoftware fr logiciel d'imposition es software de imposicion, software de montaje it software di impostazione delle pagine IN —» intelligent network [online publ. ] index ν —> index, make an ~ [document proc.] index η [document proc.] de Index m fr index es indice (alfabetico, analitico etc.) it indice (analitico, alfabetico ecc.) index, make an index ν [documentproc.] de ein Register anlegen fr faire un index es hacer un indice it creare un indice, creare un file indice index, alphabetic ~ [document proc.] de alphabetischer Index fr index alphabetique, index alpha es indice alfabetico it indice alfabetico index, color ~ [el. imaging] de Farbindex fr index des couleurs es indice de colores it indice dei colon index, cumulative ~ —> bulk index
indexed [CD-ROM publ. ] de indiziert fr indexe es indexado it indicizzato indexed, fully - (text etc.) [documentproc.] de vollindiziert fr completement indexe es indexado completamente it tutto indicizzato indexed colors [el. prepress] de indizierte Farben fr couleurs indexees es colores indexados it colon indicizzati index generation, indexing η [documentproc.] de Indexerstellung fr creation d'un index, generation d'index es generation de un indice it creazione di un indice indexing η [document proc.] de Indexierung/, Verschlagwortung/ fr indexation es indexacion it indicizzazione, indexing m indexing η [CD-ROMpubl.] de Indizierung/, Indizieren n, Indexierung/ fr indexation es indexacion, indizacion it indicizzazione, indexing m indexing η —> index generation [document proc.] indexing, automatic [documentproc.] de automatisches Indizieren fr indexation automatique, fonction d'index es creacion automätica de indices it indicizzazione automatica indexing, full-text [documentproc.] de Volltextindizierung fr indexation de texte integral es indexacion en texto completo it indicizzazione full text indexing method, indexing technique [CD-ROM publ. ] de Indexierungsmethode fr methode d'indexation es tecnica de indexacion it metodo di indicizzazione, tecnica di indicizzazione indexing program [documentproc.] de Indexprogramm
fr programme d'indexation es programa de creation de indices it programma per la creazione (automatica) di un indice indexing technique -> indexing method [CD-ROM publ.] index mark (on a disc) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Indexmarke fr marque d'index es marca de indice it marca indice information highway, data highway [multimedia] de Info-Highway m, Informationsautobahn, Infobahn, Datenhighway m fr autoroute de 1'information, inforoute, autoroute numerique es autopista de la informacion, infopista it autostrada delle informazioni, autostrada informative information provider (abbr. IP) [online publ.] de Informationsanbieter fr foumisseur d'information es proveedor de informacion, suministrador de informacion it fomitore di informazioni, societa fornitrice di informazioni information system [online publ.] de Informationssystem fr systeme d'information es sistema de informacion it sistema informativo infotainment [el. publishing] de Infotainment η (unterhaltsame Weiterbildung) fr information recreative es infotainment (informacion + education) it infotainment m inhouse phototypesetting [el. prepress] de Inhouse-Fotosatz fr photocomposition d'entreprise es fotocomposiciön en casa it fotocomposizione in loco inhouse publishing, in-plant publishing de firmeninternes Publizieren fr micro-edition d'entreprise es edition en el propio local, publication interna it pubblicazione in loco initial screen —> welcome screen [user interface]
ink jet printer, jet matrix printer, jet printer [equipment] de Tintenstrahldrucker, Inkjet-Drucker fr imprimante ä jet d'encre es impresora de chorro de tinta, impresora ink jet it stampante a getto d'inchiostro innermost track (of a CD-ROM) de innerste Spur fr piste plus interne es pista mäs interna it traccia piü interna inner track —» inside track in-plant publishing —»inhouse publishing input data, entry data [data proc.] de Eingabedaten pi fr donnees d'entree es datos de entrada, datos introducidos it dati di ingresso, dati di entrata, dati di input, dati introdotti input file [data proc.] de Eingabedatei fr fichier d'entree es fichero de entrada it file di input, file di ingresso input medium [data proc.] de Eingabedatenträger, Eingabemedium fr support d'entree es medio de entrada it
supporto di introduzione (dati), supporto di entrata, supporto di input insertion (of graphics etc.) [desktop publ.] de Einpassung (von Grafik etc. in einen Text) fr insertion es insertion it inserimento, integrazione insertion (of artwork etc.) [el. prepress] de Einschaltung fr insertion (de graphiques) es insercion it inserimento (di rappresentazioni grafiche ecc.) insertion of figures [desktop publ.] de Einschaltung figürlicher Darstellungen fr insertion d'illustrations, insertion de dessins, incorporation d'images es intercalado de figuras it inserimento di immagini inset η [hypertext] de Symbol, Miniaturbild, Bildchen η fr vignette (image de taille reduite), imagette
inside track
es vineta it simbolo inside track (of a CD), inner track de innere Spur fr piste interne es pista interior it traccia interna instrument editor [multimedia] de Instrumenteneditor fr editeur d'instruments es editor de instrumentos it editor di strumenti integrated color removal —> gray component replacement /el. imaging] integrated digital network (abbr. IDN) [online publ. ] de integriertes Digitalnetz (Abk. IDN), integriertes Text- und Datennetz fr reseau numerique integre (de texte et de donnees) (abr. RNI) es red digital integrada (abr. RDI) it rete numerica integrata (abbr. RNI), rete digitale integrata integrated text and image processing [el. prepress ] de integrierte Bild- und Textverarbeitung, BildText-Integration fr traitement integre de textes et images es tratamiento integrado de textos e imägenes it trattamento integrato di testi ed immagini intelligent character recognition (abbr. ICR) de intelligente Zeichenerkennung fr reconnaissance intelligent des caracteres es reconocimiento inteligente de caracteres it riconoscimento intelligente dei caratteri intelligent graphical editor (abbr. IGE) de intelligenter Grafikeditor fr editeur graphisme intelligent es editor de gräficos inteligente it editor grafico intelligente intelligent network (abbr. IN) [online publ.] de intelligentes Netz (Abk. IN) fr reseau intelligent (abr. RI) es red inteligente it rete intelligente intelligent scanner [equipment] de intelligenter Scanner fr scanner intelligent es escäner inteligente it scanner intelligente interactive (system etc.) [data proc.]
de dialogfahig, interaktiv fr interactif (systeme etc.) es interactivo it interattivo (sistema) interactive editing [el. publishing] de interaktives Editieren fr edition interactive es edition interactiva it editing interattivo interactive page layout [el. prepress] de interaktive Seitengestaltung fr maquettage interactif es composition de päginas interactiva it impaginazione interattiva interactive query [retrieval] de interaktive Abfrage fr interrogation interactive es consulta interactiva it interrogazione interattiva interactive search [hypertext] de Dialogrecherche/ fr recherche interactive es busqueda interactiva it ricerca interattiva interactive tutoring [multimedia] de interaktives Lernen (mit Hilfe eines Lemprogramms) fr apprentissage interactive es adiestramiento interactivo it autoistruzione interattiva interactive window —> dialog window [user interface ] interchange file format (abbr. IFF) [multimedia ] de IFF-Format fr format de stockage IFF es formato IFF it formato IFF inter-column gutter -> gutter [typography] interconnection of networks [online publ.] de Netzverbund, Verbund von Netzen fr interconnexion de reseaux es conexion de redes it interconnessione di reti interconnection topology [online publ.] de Netzverbundtopologie fr topologie d'interconnexion es topologia de interconexion it topologia di interconnessione interconnect server —» gateway η [online publ.]
interdocument link [hypertext] de Verknüpfung zwischen (verschiedenen) Dokumenten fr lien entre documents es vinculo entre documentos it link fra documenti interface η [data ρ roc.] de Interface η, Schnittstelle fr i n t e r f a c e / es interfaz f interface m it interfaccia / interface card [equipment] de Schnittstellenkarte fr carte d'interface es placa de interfaz it Scheda di interfaccia interim proofs pi —> intermediate proofs [el. prepress] interleave format [CD-ROM publ.] de Interleave-Format fr format entrelace es formato entrelazado it formato interleave interleaving η (of mass data) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Verschachtelung/(von Daten) fr entrelacement es entrelazado m it interfoliazione intermediate node [online publ. ] de Zwischenknoten fr noeud intermediate es nodo intermedio it nodo intermedio intermediate proofs, interim proofs pi [el. prepress] de Zwischenabzüge pi, Zwischenproofs pi fr epreuves intermediaires es pruebas intermedias it bozze intermedie intermediate tones, middle tones, midtones [el. imaging] de Zwischentöne pi, Mitteltöne pi fr demi-teintes, teintes intermediaires es tonos intermedios, tonos medios it toni intermedi, tonalita intermedie intermeshed network —» meshed network [online publ.] internal C D - R O M drive [equipment] de internes CD-ROM-Laufwerk fr lecteur interne de CD-ROM, lecteur de CD-ROM interne, lecteur integre de
Internet server
CD-ROM es unidad lectora interna de CD-ROM, lector de CD-ROM interno it drive di CD-ROM interno internal drum imagesetter —»internal drum film recorder [equipment] internal drum film recorder, internal drum imagesetter [equipment] de Innentrommelbelichter fr flasheuse ä tambour interne es filmadora de tambor interno it fotounita a tamburo intemo International Color Consortium (abbr. ICC) [organization] de ICC fr ICC es ICC it ICC Internet [online publ.] de Internet« fr Internet m es Internet/, Red de redes it Internet m Internet access [onlinepubl.] de Internet-Zugang fr acces au Internet es acceso en Internet it accesso a Internet Internet address [onlinepubl.] de Internet-Adresse fr adresse Internet es direccion de Internet, direccion en Internet it indirizzo Internet Internet protocol (abbr. IP) (see also: TCP/IP protocol) [onlinepubl.] de IP-Protokoll fr protocole Internet, protocole IP es protocolo IP it protocollo IP Internet publishing [online publ.] de Internet Publishing n. Publishing im Internet fr publications dans 1'Internet es publicaciones por medio de Internet, publication en Internet, edition en Internet it pubblicazione nell'ambito dell'Intemet Internet server [online publ. ] de Internet-Server fr serveur Internet es servidor en Internet it server Internet
Internet service provider Internet service provider (abbr. ISP) [online publ.] de Internet-Anbieter fr Operateur Internet es proveedor de servicios para Internet, proveedor de Internet it fornitore di servizi Internet internetwork adj [onlinepubl.] de zwischen Netzen fr entre reseaux es inter-redes it fra reti internetworking η (connection of several LANs) [online publ.] de Vernetzung mehrerer LANs, Netzverbund, Intemetzwerk-Kommunikation fr connexion par reseaux, interconnexion de reseaux es interconexion de redes, conexion entre redes it collegamento tramite reti, collegamento tra piü reti (diversi) internetwork processor [onlinepubl.] de Internet-Prozessor fr processeur inter-reseaux es procesador inter-redes it elaboratore di interfaccia fra rete (di protocollo diverso) interpolation (e.g. during scanning) [el. imaging] de Interpolation fr interpolation es interpolacion it interpolazione intuitive search [retrieval] de intuitive Suche fr recherche intuitive es büsqueda intuitiva it ricerca intuitiva ion deposition printing technology [printers] de Drucken mittels Ionendeposition fr impression ä projection ionique es impresion por deposition iönica it stampa a deposizione ionica IP —> information provider [online publ.] IP —> Internet protocol /online publ. ] IP address (of a computer on the Internet) [online publ.] de IP-Adresse fr adresse IP es direccion IP it indirizzo IP
ISP —> Internet service provider [online publ.] item (on a drawing etc.) [el. imaging] de Element fr element es elemento it elemento IV —»interactive video [multimedia]
J jagged (lines, edges etc.) (noun: jaggedness) [el. imaging] de ausgefranst, unscharf (Konturen etc.) fr dentele es dentado it frastigliato jaggies pl —* aliasing η [el. imaging] jet matrix printer —> ink jet printer [equipment] jet printer —> ink jet printer [equipment] JIT —> just-in-time jitter (of an image) [multimedia] de Bildzittern, Bildinstabilität fr sautillement es oscilacion en la pantalla it instabilitä (di un'immagine) joint editing (of documents) [el. publishing] de gemeinsame Bearbeitung fr travail redactionnel en commun es trabajo editorial comün it lavoro redazionale comune joker η —> wildcard character [retrieval] joystick [equipment] de Joystick m, Steuerknüppel fr manche ä balai es joystick m, palanca de mando, palanca de control, palanca de accionamiento it joystick m, manetta, cloche di comando, leva di comando (o di governo) JPEG Standard (for image compression) [el. imaging] de IPEG-Kompressionsstandard fr standard JPEG es estandarJPEG it standard JPEG jukebox (one reading device for several discs; compare: multidisc machine), CD-ROM jukebox, CD-ROM changer, optical disc jukebox, optical jukebox [CD-ROM publ.]
de CD-Wechsler (Abspielgerät für mehrere CD-ROMs), CD-Wechselsystem, CD-ROM-Jukebox / fr jukebox m (de disques optiques), chargeur es unidad lectora multiple de CD-ROM, jukebox m, reproductor CD con alimentador automätico de discos it jukebox m per CD-ROM, unita per piü dischi CD-ROM just-in-time (abbr. JIT) (production, distribution etc.) de Just-in-Timefr juste ä temps es justo a tiempo it al momento giusto
Κ KBD —> keyboard [equipment] kern ν [typography] de unterschneiden ν fr diminuer la chasse, crener, regier les approches, rectifier les approches, modifier les approches es apretar (letras), acoplar it crenare kerned letters [typography] de unterschnittene Buchstaben fr lettres crenees es letras apretadas, letras acopladas it lettere crenate kerning η, character compensation [typography ] de Unterschneiden η fr crenage (reduction de l'espace entre certains caracteres), reglage des approches (des lettres), diminution de la chasse, interlettrage es composition con las letras apretadas, acercamiento estetico, ajuste de espacio, keming (espacio entre pares de caracteres) it kerning m (avvicinamento dei caratteri), accostamento (di coppie di lettere), avvicinamento, crenatura, compressione kerning, automatic - [desktop publ] de automatisches Unterschneiden fr crenage automatique, räglage automatique des approches es kerning automätico
it keming automatico kerning, degree of ~ [typography] de Grad der Unterschneidung fr degre de crenage es grado de kerning it grado di accostamento kerning control [typography] de Steuerung des Unterschneidens fr reglage de l'approche de paire, gestion des approches, contröle des approches des caracteres es control de kerning it controllo dell'accostamento kerning editor [desktoppubl.] de Kerning-Editor fr editeur pour les approches es editor de keming it editor per il kerning kerning function [desktop publ.] de Unterschneidfunktion fr fonction de crenage es funcion de kerning it funzione di keming kerning pairs, kern pairs [typography] de Unterschneidungspaare pl, Kemingpaare pl fr paires de lettres ä crener, paires speciales de lettres pour le crenage, paires d'approche es pares acoplados, pares de acoplamiento it coppie pl di lettere per il keming kerning table, table of kerning pairs [typography] de Tabelle der Unterschneidungswerte fr table de crenage es tabla de valores de kerning, tabla de letras acopladas it tabella di kerning kerning values [typography] de Unterschneidungswerte pl fr valeurs de crenage, valeurs d'approche es valores de kerning, valores de acoplamiento de letras it valori di keming kern pairs -» kerning pairs [typography] keyboard η (abbr. KBD) [equipment] de Tastatur fr clavier (ä touches) es teclado m it tastiera keyboard ν de tasten v, eintasten fr entrer par clavier
key field
es it key de fr es it
introducir por teclado immettere mediante tastiera field [CD-ROM publ.] Schlüsselfeld, Kennbegriffsfeld champ-cle campo clave, zona clave campo chiave (contenente la chiave di accesso) key index [CD-ROM publ. ] de Schlüsselindex fr index cle ei indice Have it indice chiave keyword [general sense] de Schlagwort, Stichwort fr mot-cle (dans un index etc.) es lema, palabra clave it lemma m keyword [document proc.] de Schlüsselwort fr mot-cle (pour la recherche de 1'information) es palabra clave, contrasena it voce chiave, parola significativa keyword access [documentproc.] de Zugriff mittels Schlagwort fr acces par mot-cle es acceso por palabra clave it accesso mediante parola chiave keyword search [retrieval] de Schlagwortsuche fr recherche par mots-cles es büsqueda por palabras clave it ricerca tramite parole chiave killed matter —> dead matter [typography]
L label η (of a CD) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Etikett fr etiquette es etiqueta it etichetta label printed area [CD-ROMpubl.] de Etikettbereich fr zone de 1'etiquette es capa de carätula it zona dell'etichetta LAN —> local area network [online publ.] LAN adapter —> LAN card [online publ.]
LAN card, LAN adapter, network adapter [online publ] de LAN-Karte fr carte de reseau local es taijeta LAN it Scheda LAN LAN connection [onlinepubl.] de LAN-Verbindung fr connexion reseau local es conexionLAN it collegamento in LAN land η (reflective portion on CD-ROM surface; contr.: pit) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Ebene (Stellen, wo keine Vertiefungen sind), Grundebene fr depot conducteur, sillon, plaine es hueco, ν alle, land m, zona plana it zona piatta, superficie riflettente della traccia, land m (tratto non inciso) landscape format [printers] de Horizontalformat fr orientation horizontale, format ä l'italienne es formato horizontal it formato orizzontale LAN node [onlinepubl.] de LAN-Knoten fr nceud de reseau local es nodo de red local it nodo LAN LAN server [onlinepubl.] de LAN-Server fr serveur de reseau local es servidor de area local, servidor de red local it server di LAN LAN software [online publ] de LAN-Software, Netzsoftware fr logiciel de reseau local es software para redes locales it software per reti locali LAN workstation [onlinepubl.] de LAN-Workstation fr station de travail en reseau local, station de travail LAN es estacion LAN it stazione LAN, stazione di rete locale large format, large size [print shop] de Großformat (Format größer als A3) fr grand format es gran formato, formato grande, de gran tamano it formato grande, grande formato
large-format color printer [equipment] de Großformatfarbdrucker fr imprimante couleur de grand format es impresora en color de gran formato it stampante a colon per grandi formati large-format color printing [print shop] de farbiger Großformatdruck;, Großformatdruck in Farbe fr impression couleur ä grand format es impresiön color en gran formato it stampa a colori a grande formato large-format computer-to-plate system [equipment] de Großformat-CTP-System fr systeme computer-to-plate grand format « sistema CTP de gran formato it sistema CTP a grande formato large-format digitizer [equipment] de Großformatdigitizer fr numeriseur ä grand format ei digitalizador de gran formato it digitalizzatore a grande formato large-format imagesetter [equipment] de Großformatbelichter, Großformat-Imagesetter fir flasheuse grand format es filmadora de gran formato it fotounita a grande formato large-format print(ing) (abbr. LFP) [print shop] de Großformatdruck fr impression grand format es impresiön en gran formato, impresiön de grandes formatos, trabajos de gran formato it stampa a grande formato large-format scanner [equipment] de Großformatscanner fr scanner grand format es escäner de gran formato it scanner a grande formato, scanner per grandi formati large-format scanning [el. prepress] de Großformatscannen η, großformatiges Scannen fr scanning grand format es escaneo en gran formato it scansione in grande formato large screen, large screen display (abbr. LSD) [equipment] de Großbildschirm, Großformatbildschirm fr grand ecran, ecran geant, large ecran es pantalla grande, monitor de grande dimen-
laser platesetter
sion, pantalla de grandes dimensiones it grande schermo large screen display —» large screen [equipment] large size —> large format [print shop] large-volume storage -» mass storage laser (beam) image setter -»laser imager [equipment] laser color printing [print shop] de farbiger Laserdruck fr impression ä laser en couleur(s) es impresiön color laser it stampa a colori a laser laser disc (stores video frames) [multimedia] de Laserplatte, Bildplatte fr disque ä laser, disque laser es disco del tipo läser, disco laser it disco a laser (olografico) laser-driven typesetter —»laser typesetter [equipment] laser flatbed imagesetter [equipment] de Laser-Flachbett-Recorder fr flasheuse plat ä laser es filmadora plana por läser it fotounita piana a laser, processore di immagini a laser laser font [el. prepress] de Laserfont m fr fonte laser es fuente de impresora läser, fuente de läser it font laser laser font -> laser printer font [desktop publ. ] laser imager, laser (beam) image setter, recorder, laser imaging device [equipment] de Laserbelichter, Recorder m fr composeuse laser es filmadora läser it fotounita a laser laser (beam) image setter —> laser imager [equipment] laser image setting [el. prepress] de Laserbelichtung fr flashage ä laser es filmaciön läser (en papel ο pelicula) it irraggiamento mediante laser laser imaging device —> laser imager [equipment] laser platemaker laser platesetter [equipment] laser platesetter, laser platemaker [equipment] de Laser-Platesetter (zur Druckplattenbelichtung mit Laserstrahl) fr flasheuse de plaques au laser
laser print
es filmadora platesetter a laser it fotounitä a laser con uscita di lastre laser print ν de mit dem Laserdrucker drucken fr imprimer au laser es imprimir con impresora läser it stampare a laser laser-printed adj de mit einem Laserdrucker gedruckt fr imprime au laser es impreso con impresora läser it stampato a laser laser printer [equipment] de Laserdracker (Abk. LD), Laser m fr imprimante ä laser es impresora läser, läser/ it stampante laser, l a s e r / laser printer font, laser font [desktop publ.] de Schrift für Laserdrucker fr fönte pour imprimantes laser es fuente para impresora läser it font per stampanti laser laser printing de Laserdruck fr impression au laser es impresion por läser, impresion läser it stampa a laser laser proofs [el. prepress] de Laserproofs pi fr sortie laser de contröle, epreuves tirees au laser es praebas tiradas por läser it bozze prodotte col laser laser scanner [equipment] de Laserscanner m fr scanner au laser es escäner con läser it scanner a raggio laser laser scanning system [equipment[ de Laserscansystem fr systeme de scanning ä laser es sistema de escaneo por laser it sistema di scansione a laser laser source [CD-ROM publ. ] de Laserquelle fr source de laser es fuente de luz läser it fonte di raggi laser, fonte laser laser technology de Lasertechnologie fr technologie du laser
es tecnologia de läser it tecnologia laser laser typesetter, laser-driven typesetter [equipment] de Lasersatzanlage fr composeuse ä rayon laser, composeuse ä laser es componedora läser, fotocomponedora läser it fotocompositrice a laser laser typesetting [el. prepress] de Lasersatz fr photocomposition ä laser es fotocomposiciön por läser it fotocomposizione a laser laser xerography [el. prepress] de Laserxerografie fr Xerographie ä laser es xerografia a läser it xerografia a laser LAWN —> wireless LAN [online publ.] layout η [typography] de Layout η fr arrangement (des textes et graphiques) sur une page, maquettage es trazado m (de una pägina), disposition tipogräfica, maquetacion, diagramacion (de un documento etc.) it impaginato m, impaginazione, layout m layout, page ~ ]typography] de Seitenaufbau, Layout η fr maquette de la page es maquetacion de pägina, distribucion de pägina, diseno de pägina it impaginazione (di un documento ecc.), impaginato m, layout di pagina layout attribute [desktoppubl.] de Layoutattribut η fr attribut de mise en page, attribut de composition es atributo de maquetacion it attribute di impaginazione layout proofs [el. prepress] de Layoutproofs pi fr epreuves de maquettage es praebas de maquetacion it bozze dell'impaginato layout software page makeup software /el. prepress] layouting η [desktoppubl.] de Layouten η (Gestaltung des Layouts) fr travaux de maquette
es maquetacion it disegno del layout LBN logical block number (CD-ROM publ.] LCD printer, liquid-crystal shutter printer [equipment] de LCD-Drucker fr imprimante LCD es impresora LCD it stampante LCD lead-in area (of a CD-ROM), lead-in portion [CD-ROM publ.] de Einlaufzone, Eingangsbereich, Lead-in η fr zone d'entree es zona mäs interior del disco, zona de principio it zona di entrata lead-in portion —> lead-in area [CD-ROM publ. ] lead-out area, lead-out portion [ CD-ROM publ] de Auslaufzone, Ausgangsbereich, Lead-Out η fr zone de sortie es zona exterior del disco, zona de final it zona di uscita lead-out portion —> lead-out area [CD-ROM publ.] leased line network [online publ.] de Mietleitungsnetz fr reseau ä lignes louees es red de lineas alquiladas it rete di linee affittate, rete riservata LED printer [equipment] de LED-Drucker fr imprimante LED es impresora LED it stampante LED left mouse button [user interface] de linker Mausknopf fr touche gauche de la souris es boton izquierdo del raton it pulsante sinistra del mouse lens [CD-ROMpubl.] de Linse fr lentille es lente it lente lens, collimation ~ / CD-ROM publ. ] de Kollimatorlinse fr lentille de collimation es lente colimadora it lente collimatrice, lente di collimazione lens, focusing ~ [CD-ROM publ. ] de Fokussierlinse fr lentille de focalisation
line art drawing
es lente de enfoque it lente di focalizzazione letterpress printing [print shop] de Buchdruck, Hochdruck fr impression typographique es impresion tipogräfica it stampa tipografica level of gray [el. imaging] de Grautonebene fr niveau de tons gris es nivel de tonos grises it livello di toni grigi level of gray —> gray level [el. imaging] LFP -»large-format print(ing) [print shop] library of typefonts, font library, type library de Schriftbibliothek, Schriftenfundus m fr typotheque es libreria de fuentes, tipoteca, biblioteca de tipos, biblioteca de fuentes it biblioteca di font, biblioteca di caratteri licence-free (clip art etc.) de lizenzfrei fr sans droits d'auteur es sin licencia, exento del pago de derechos de autor it senza licenza lightness - 4 brightness [el. imaging] linear prediction [CD-ROM publ. ] de lineare Vorhersage fr prediction lineaire es prediction lineal it predizione lineare linear search [retrieval] de Linearsuche fr recherche lineaire es büsqueda lineal it ricerca lineare line art ]el. imaging] de Schwarzweißgrafik (Ggs. Halbtonvorlage) fr original au trait, original trame, image au trait es dibujo(s) de linea, imagenes de linea, gräfico en bianco y negro, trabajo de linea it grafico al tratto, illustrazioni al tratto, illustrazioni in bianco e nero line art (sometimes) —> vector image [el. imaging] line art drawing, line illustration, line artwork, linework image [el. imaging] de Strichabbildung fr image au trait, illustration au trait
line art original
es dibujo de linea it immagine al tratto line art original (for scanning etc.) [el. prepress] de Strichvorlage fr original au trait es original de lfneas it originale al tratto line art scanner [el. prepress] de Scanner für Strichvorlagen fr scanner pour images au trait es escäner de imägenes de lineas it scanner per originali a tratto line artwork —» line art drawing [el. imaging] line chart —> line graph [el. imaging] line density [wordproc.] de Zeilendichte (z.B. in Zeilen/Zoll) fr densite de lignes es densidad de lineas it densitä di stampa delle righe (righe/pollice) line drawing (drawing made up of lines), line illustration [el. imaging] de Strichzeichnung, Linienbild fr dessin lineaire, illustration de trait es dibujo por lineas, dibujo lineal, gräfico de trazos it disegno composto da linee (senza mezze tinte), disegno al tratto, disegno a grafico (senza mezzi toni) line graph, line chart [el. imaging] de Liniengrafik, Strichgrafik (Ggs. Vektorgrafik) fr graphique de lignes, graphique lineaire, graphique en lignes es diagrama lineal, gräfico de lineas it grafico a linee, grafico lineare, diagramma a linee line illustration —» line art drawing [el. imaging] line illustration —> line drawing [el. imaging] line remainder display (abbr. LR) [el. prepress] de Zeilenrestwertanzeige fr affichage longueur remanente des lignes es visualization de longitudes residuales de lineas it indicazione della lunghezza disponibile di una riga linework image —> line art drawing [el. imaging] link ν [hypertext] de verknüpfen ν, verbinden (Objekte etc.) fr relier, lier, etabiir des hens es enlazar, vincular, establecer vinculos it connettere, linkare ν
link η (within and between documents) [hypertext] de Verknüpfung, Link η fr lien, liaison es enlace, vinculo, link m it richiamo, link m, connessione link, bidirectional ~ [hypertext] de bidirektionale Verknüpfung, bidirektionaler Verweis fr lien bidirectionnel, lien ä double sens es vinculo bidireccional it link bidirezionale link, chronological ~ [hypertext] de chronologische Verknüpfung fr lien chronologique es vinculo cronologico it link cronologico link, conditional ~ [hypertext] de bedingte Verknüpfung fr lien conditionnel es vinculo condicional it connessione condizionale link, dynamic - [hypertext] de dynamischer Verweis fr hen dynamique es vinculo dinämico it link dinamico link, hierarchical ~ [hypertext] de hierarchische Verknüpfung fr lien hierarchique es enlace jerarquico it link gerarchico link, hypertext ~ de Hypertextverknüpfung, Hypertextverweis, Hypertext-Link η fr lien d'hypertexte, liaison hypertexte es vinculo de hipertexto, vinculo hipertexto, enlace hipertexto, referencia hipertexto it link ipertestuale, connessione ipertestuale, legame hypertext link, interdocument ~ [hypertext] de Verknüpfung zwischen (verschiedenen) Dokumenten fr lien entre documents es vinculo entre documentos it link fra documenti link, logical ~ [online publ.] de logische Verbindung fr voie logique es Camino logico it percorso logico, link logico
link, multiple ~ [hypertext] de Mehrfachverweis, Mehrfachverknüpfung fr lien multiple es vinculo multiple it link multiplo link, one-way ~ [hypertext] de Verknüpfung in einer Richtung fr lien ä direction unique, lien unidirectionnel, lien ä sens unique es enlace unidireccional it link unidirezionale link, query ~ [hypertext] de Frageverknüpfung fr connexion de questions es enlace de demandas it link di domande link, referential ~ [hypertext] de Hinweisverknüpfung fr lien de reference es vinculo de referencia it link di riferimento link, target ~ [hypertext] de Verknüpfungsziel fr lien cible, lien de destination es vinculo de destino it link di destinazione link, typed - [hypertext] de typisierte Verbindung fr lien type es vinculo tipificado it link tipato link, warm - [hypertext] de Zulieferverknüpfung (die Werte aus einem anderen Programm liefert) fr lien vif es enlace vivo it link vivo link, word-based - [retrieval] de wortbezogener Verweis fr renvoi base sur une parole es referencia basada en palabras it rimando a base di parola link destination (compare: link source), link region [hypertext] de Endpunkt einer Verknüpfung, Zielpunkt einer Verknüpfung fr destination d'une liaison es destino de un vinculo, punto final de un vinculo it destinazione di un link linked adj (records etc.) [database publ.]
link source
de verknüpft fr lie es lincado (contrario: no lincado) it connesso, linkato agg linked browsing, sideways browsing, associative linking [ retrieval] de verknüpftes Browsing fr navigation associative es navegaciön enlazada it navigazione associativa linked windows [user interface] de verknüpfte Fenster pi fr fenetres couplees (pour le defilement) es ventanas lincadas it finestre interconnesse link file —> web file [hypertext] link icon (representing links to other nodes) [hypertext] de Verknüpfungs symbol fr icone de liaison es icono de enlace it icona di link link icon —> button [hypertext] linking n, creation of links [hypertext] de Verknüpfen η, Erstellen von Verknüpfungen fr creation de liens es creacion de vinculos it connessione, creazione di link link marker —> button [hypertext] link point (an icon indicating the presence of a link) [hypertext] de Verknüpfungshinweis fr indication d'une liaison es indicacion de vinculo it indicazione dell'esistenza di un link link point —> button [hypertext] link region —> link destination [hypertext] links, network of ~ [hypertext] de Verweisnetz fr reseau de liens ei red de enlaces it rete di links links, semantic ~ [hypertext] de semantische Verweise pi fr liens semantiques es vinculos semänticos it link semantici pi link source (compare: link destination), reference point, anchoring η [hypertext] de Anfangspunkt einer Verknüpfung fr point de depart d'un lien
liquid-crystal shutter printer
es punto de origen de un vinculo it punto di partenza di un link liquid-crystal shutter printer —»LCD printer [equipment] liquid toner [printers] de flüssiger Toner fr toner liquide es töner liquido it toner liquido listing format —> print format list view —» browse mode [database publ.] live link —> warm link [hypertext] live matter, alive matter, standing matter, alive type, standing type [typography] de Stehsatz fr composition ä conserver (en vue de reedition), conserve es composicion välida, composicion para archivar it composizione da conservare local area network (abbr. LAN), local network [online publ.] de lokales Netz, LAN η (local area network), Inhouse-Netz, TK-Netz im Grundstücksbereich fr reseau local (d'entreprise) (abr. RLE) es red de area local (abr. RAL), red local, LAN / , sistema de red local it rete locale local disk (contr.: shared disk) [online publ.] de lokale Platte fr disque local es disco local it disco locale local loop, subscriber loop [online publ.] de Lokalring, lokale Ringleitung fr anneau local, ligne d' abonne es circuito local, bucle de retorno local, bucle local it anello locale, circuito locale, linea d'utente local network —»local area network [online publ.] logical block [CD-ROM publ. ] de logischer Block fr bloc logique es bloque logico it blocco logico logical block number (abbr. LBN) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Nummer des logischen Blocks fr numero du bloc logique es numero del bloque logico
it numero del blocco logico logical bus (in a LAN), logical ring [onlinepubl.] de logischer Ringbus fr bus logique es bus logico it bus logico logical link [online publ.] de logische Verbindung fr voie logique es Camino logico it percorso logico, link logico logical page length [el. prepress] de logische Seitenlänge fr longueur logique de page es longitud logica de pägina it lunghezza logica di pagina logical ring (a network which is logically treated as a ring) [online publ. ] de logischer Ring fr anneau logique es anillo logico it anello logico logical ring —> logical bus [onlinepubl.] logical sector [CD-ROMpubl.] de logischer Sektor fr secteur logique es sector logico it settore logico logical sector number (abbr. LSN) [CD-ROM publ.] de Nummer des logischen Sektors fr numero du secteur logique es nümero del sector logico it numero del settore logico logic-based hyphenation (compare: dictionary hyphenation), logic hyphenation, algorithmic hyphenation [word proc.] de Silbentrennung auf Algorithmusbasis, logikbasierte Worttrennung fr coupure des mots logique, coupure algorithmique, cesure selon un algorithme es division de palabras basado en algoritmos, corte algoritmico de palabras it divisione delle parole basata su regole logiche, divisione delle parole secondo algoritmi logic hyphenation —>logic-based hyphenation [word proc. ] long-document publishing /word proc.] de Erstellen umfangreicher Dokumente fr publication de longs documents
es creation de documentos largos it creazione di documenti lunghi long-haul network —> wide area network [online publ.] long ran (contr.: short run) [print shop] de Großauflage fr grand tirage es tirada larga, edition grande, gran tirada, tiraje largo (hispanoam.) it grande tiratura look up ν (information etc.) de nachschlagen fr rechercher es consultar it ricercare look-up table (abbr. LUT) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Suchtabelle, Nachschlagetabelle fr table de consultation, table de reference es tabla de consulta, tabla de büsqueda it tabella di consultazione, tabella di look-up loop network —» ring-shaped network [online publ.] Ιο-res —> low-resolution adj lossless coding, noiseless coding, entropy coding [multimedia] de verlustfreie Codierung fr non destructrice es codification sin perdidas it codifica senza perdite lossless compression (contr.: lossy compression), non-lossy compression [multimedia] de verlustfreie Komprimierung fr compression non destructrice es compresion sin perdidas it compressione senza perdite, compressione con nessuna perdita di dati lossy (data compression etc.; contr.: lossless) [multimedia ] de mit Verlust (Komprimierung etc.), verlustbehaftet fr destructrice, irreversible, lacunaire es con perdidas it con perdite lossy compression (contr.: lossless compression) [multimedia] de verlustbehaftete Komprimierung fr compression destructrice es compresion con perdidas it compressione lossy (che comporta la rimozione di alcune informazioni) loudspeaker, speaker (abbr. SPK) [multimedia]
LSC printer
de Lautsprecher, Lautsprecheranschluß fr haut-parleur, enceintes pl es altavoz m, caja acüstica, conector de altavoces it altoparlante loudspeaker output [multimedia] de Lautsprecherausgang fr sortie de haut-parleur es salida de altavoz it uscita per altoparlante low-res data —> low-resolution data [el. prepress] low resolution de niedrige Auflösung fr resolution basse, basse resolution es resolution baja, baja resolution it bassa risoluzione, risoluzione bassa low-resolution adj, lo-res de niedrigauflösend fr ä basse resolution es de baja resolution it a bassa risoluzione low-resolution data, low-res data [el. prepress] de Daten pl mit niedriger Auflösung, LowResDaten, Grobdaten fr donnees ä basse resolution es datos de baja resolution it dati a bassa risoluzione low-resolution display —»low-resolution screen [equipment] low-resolution graphics de niedrigauflösende Grafik fr graphique basse resolution es gräfica de baja resolution it grafica a bassa risoluzione low-resolution monitor —»low-resolution screen [equipment] low-resolution screen, low-resolution display, low-resolution monitor [equipment] de niedrigauflösender Bildschirm, Bildschirm mit niedriger Auflösung fr ecran basse resolution, affichage basse resolution es pantalla de baja resolution, pantalla baja resolution it schermo a bassa risoluzione, display a bassa risoluzione LR —» line remainder display [el. prepress] LSC printer (liquid crystal shutter) [equipment] de LSC-Drucker fr imprimante LSC
es impresora LSC it stampante LSC LSD —> large screen display [equipment] LSN -> logical sector number [ CD-ROM publ.] LUT -> look-up table [CD-ROM publ. ]
Μ made-up page, assembled page, composed page [typography] de umbrochene Seite, umbrochene Druckseite fr texte mis en page, page composee es pägina compuesta, pägina formada, pägina montada, pägina arreglada it impaginato m, pagina definitiva, pagina composta magneto-optical (abbr. M-O) (storage medium etc.) de magneto-optisch (Abk. MO) fr magneto-optique es magnetooptico it magneto-ottico magneto-optical disc (abbr. CD-MO), MO disc (abbr. MOD), thermomagnetic disc [equipment] de magneto-optische Platte, MO-Platte, MODisc, thermomagnetische Platte fr disque magneto-optique, disque thermomagnetique es disco magneto-optico, disco termomagnetico it disco magneto-ottico, disco termomagnetico magnify icon [user interface] de Lupen-Icon fr icone d'agrandissement es icono de agrandamiento it icona di ingrandimento magnify tool [user interface] de Vergrößerungsfunktion fr outil de loupe, outil loupe es lupa it lente di ingrandimento mail, electronic ~ de elektronische Post fr poste electronique, courrier electronique es correo electronico it posta elettronica mailing list [online publ.] de Mailing-Liste fr liste de diffusion
es lista de mailing it lista di mailing main menu, master menu [user interface] de Hauptmenü fr menu principal es menu principal it menü primario, menu principale main topic de Hauptthema fr sujet principal es tema principal it soggetto principale make up ν -» make up ν in pages [typography] make up ν in pages, make up ν [typography] de umbrechen fr mettre en pages es compaginar, ajustar it impaginare, impostare le pagine makeup η (of a page), page makeup, page building, composition [typography] de Umbruch, Seitenumbruch fr mise en page, composition des pages es ajuste (de päginas), compaginaciön, montaje de päginas, formaciön de päginas, arreglo de päginas it impaginazione, impaginatura, messa in pagina, divisione in pagine, compaginazione makeup, page - (composition of complete pages), page assembly de Seitenmontage, Originalmontage fr montage des pages, imposition es montaje de päginas, maquetacion it montaggio della pagina, assiemaggio della pagina MAN —> metropolitan area network [online publ] manuals pi on demand [el. publishing] de Handbücher pi nach Bedarf fr manuels pl sur demande es manuales pl bajo demanda it manuali pl a domanda mapper [multimedia] de Mapperm fr mapper m es mapeador it mappatore m marked-up manuscript [el. publishing] de ausgezeichnetes Manuskript fr manuscrit prepare, manuscrit balise es manuscrito marcado it manoscritto segnato marker -> text flag [CD-ROMpubl.]
marking tools [multimedia] de Markierungswerkzeuge fr outils de marquage es herramienta de marcaciön it tool pi di marcatura mark up ν [typography] de auszeichnen (Manuskript) fr preparer es especificar detalles sobre la impresiön, marcar (manuscrito), dotar de cambios tipogräficos (un texto etc.) it preparare (il manoscritto) markup η [typography] de Auszeichnung (eines Manuskripts für den Satz) fr preparation de copie, balisage es marcaje tipogräfico, detalles y marcas para la impresiön, senalizaciön tipogräfica, preparaciön tipogräfica it specifiche pl di formattazione, contrassegno markup η (the insertion of tags etc. into a text) [hypertext] de Markieren π fr balisage es marcaje it contrassegno m markup code [el. publishing] de Auszeichnungscode, Auszeichnung (in einem Text) fr code de preparation technique es codigo de marcaje it codice per contrassegnare il testo markup language [el. publishing] de Markierungssprache (für Satzsysteme etc.), Auszeichnungssprache, Aufbereitungssprache fr langage de preparation technique de la copie es lenguaje de senalizaciön tipogräfica it linguaggio di markup (con comandi di formattazione) mass file [CD-ROM publ.] de Massendatei fr archive de masse es archivo masivo it archivio di massa mass storage (storage of mass data), largevolume storage de Massenspeicherung fr stockage sur memoire de masse es almacenamiento masivo, almacenamiento de masa
it memorizzazione di massa mass storage (abbr. MS) (device), mass storage unit (abbr. MSU) de Massenspeicher fr memoire de masse es memoria de masa, memoria masiva, dispositivo de almacenamiento masivo it memoria di massa mass storage unit —»mass storage master η (of a CD-ROM), CD-master, master CD-ROM [CD-ROMpubl.] de Master (m oder η) (einer CD-ROM), MasterCD-ROM/ fr master m (premier exemplaire pour la production en serie), matrice es mäster m it master m master η (computer in a network), master computer [online publ.] de Leitrechner fr ordinateur maitre ei procesador maestro it supervisore (in una rete), processore master master ν (to produce master and stamper discs) [CD-ROM publ.] de die Master-CD-ROM herstellen fr graver le master es masterizar it masterizzare master, glass - [CD-ROMpubl.] de Glasmaster m, Glasmasterplatte, Master Disc/ fr disque en verre, glass master m, disque maitre es patron modelo (de vidrio), disco maestro (de cristal) it glass master m, master di cristallo master CD-ROM -> master η [CD-ROM publ.] master computer —> master η [onlinepubl.] master disc [CD-ROM publ. ] de Masterdisc/, Masterplatte fr disque CD master, disque maitre es disco master, disco maestro it disco master mastering η (creation of a disc from which all others are produced) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Herstellung der Master-CD-ROM, Mastering η (Erstellung der Preßform) fr matri^age, mastering m, gravure du master, fabrication du master
mastering company
es masterizacion/, grabacion maestra, grabacion del disco master it masterizzazione, mastering m mastering company [CD-ROM publ.] de Mastering-Firma fr compagnie de mastering es empresa de masterizacion it casa di masterizzazione, casa di mastering mastering facility, disc mastering facility [CD-ROM publ.] de Mastering-Anlage fr equipement de mastering es equipo de masterizacion it unita di masterizzazione, sistema di masterizzazione mastering machine [CD-ROM publ. J de Mastering-Gerät fr machine de mastering es mäquina de masterizacion it macchina di masterizzazione, masterizzatore mastering process [CD-ROMpubl.] de Mastering« fr procede de mastering es proceso de masterizacion it processo del mastering mastering system [CD-ROMpubl.] de Mastering-System fr systeme de mastering es sistema de masterizacion it sistema di masterizzazione master menu —» main menu [user interface] master pages [desktoppubl.] de Modellseiten pi, Musterseiten pi, Masterseiten pi fr pages-type, pages de maquette, gabarits pi es päginas maestras it pagine tipo master tape, CD-ROM master tape [CD-ROM publ.] de Masterband η fr bände mere es cinta de base para CD-ROM it nastro base per il CD-ROM, premaster m (termine inesatto) match criterion [retrieval] de Ubereinstimmungskriterium fr critere de correspondance es criterio de concordancia it criterio di matching matching, color - [el. imaging] de Farbabmusterung, Farbabgleich, Farb-
106 genauigkeit fr couleurs etalonnees, egalisation des Couleurs es ajuste de color(es) it aggiustaggio dei colori maximum density (abbr. Dmax) [el. prepress] de maximale Dichte fr densite maximale es densidad maxima it densita massima maximum seek [CD-ROM publ. ] de maximale Suchzeit fr vitesse maximale de recherche es velocidad maxima de busqueda it velocita massima di ricerca MB —> megabyte [data proc. ] Mbyte —» megabyte [dataproc.] MC —> motion compensation [multimedia] MCI —» media control interface MCP - » motion compensated prediction [multimedia] MDU measured data unit [CD-ROMpubl.] measured data unit (abbr. MDU) (High Sierra standard for the record structure) [CD-ROM publ. ] de MDU fr MDU es MDU it unitä dei dati di misura media pi (videos, sounds and images) de Medien η pi fr medias m pi es medios pi, media pi it media m pi (sg. raro: medium) media, new - [el. publishing] de neue Medien pi fr nouveaux medias ei nuevos medios, nuevos media it nuovi media pi media, optical - [el. publishing] de optische Medien pi fr medias optiques es medios opticos it media ottici media, print ~ de Printmedien pi fr medias imprimes, presse imprimee es prensa escrita it stampa cartacea media control interface (abbr. MCI) (a standard interface for multimedia applications) de Multimediaschnittstelle, MCI-Schnittstelle
fr interface MCI es interfaz multimedia it interfaccia MCI media independent (database etc.) de medienneutral, mediumunabängig fr independant du support es independiente del soporte it indipendente dal supporto fisico media width (of an imagesetter) [el. prepress] de Breite des Ausgabemediums, Arbeitsbreite fr largeur du support de sortie es anchura del soporte de salida it larghezza del supporto di uscita medium η [data proc.j de Medium η fr moyen m es medio m, soporte m it mezzo m, supporto m medium, input - [data proc.] de Eingabedatenträger, Eingabemedium fr support d'entree es medio de entrada it
supporto di introduzione (dati), supporto di entrata, supporto di input medium, output ~ de Ausgabemedium fr support de sortie es soporte de salida it supporto di uscita, supporto di emissione medium resolution η, middle resolution de mittlere Auflösung fr moyenne resolution es resolucion mediana, resolucion media it media risoluzione medium-resolution adj de mittelauflösend, mit mittlerer Auflösung fr ä moyenne resolution es de media resolucion it a risoluzione media, a media risoluzione medium-resolution graphics de Grafik mittlerer Auflösung fr graphisme moyenne resolution es gräfica de mediana resolucion it grafica a media risoluzione meg —> Mbyte [dataproc.] megabyte (abbr. MB), Mbyte, meg [data proc.] de Megabyte (Abk. MB) fr megaoctet (abr. Mo) es megaocteto it megabyte (abbr. Mbyte)
menu, pop-up ~
memory expansion, memory extension [data proc.] de Speichererweiterung fr extension de la memoire es ampliation de memoria, expansion de la memoria it espansione di memoria memory extension —> memory expansion [data proc.] menu [user interface] de Menü η fr menu (liste d'options presentee ä l'operateur) es menu it menü (lista delle opzioni che si possono attivare), elenco delle possibilitä operative menu, cascading - [user interface J de Kaskadenmenü, gestaffeltes Menü fr menu en cascade, menu deroulant en cascade es menu en cascada it menu in cascata menu, command ~ [user interface] de Kommandomenü fr menu de commande es menu de comandos it menü dei comandi menu, help - [user interface] de Helpmenü, Hilfemenü fr menu d'aide es menu de apoyo, menu de ayuda it menu di aiuto, menü aiuto (indicazioni di aiuto), menu di promemoria menu, icon - [user interface] de Iconmenü, Bildmenü fr menu par icones es menu de iconos it menu iconico menu, main - [user interface] de Hauptmenü fr menu principal es menu principal it menu primario, menu principale menu, nested - [user interface] de geschachteltes Menü fr menu niche es menu imbricado it menu annidato menu, pop-up ~ [user interface] de Pop-Up-Menü fr menu pop-up, menu local es menu tipo pop-up, menu de superposition it menu tipo pop-up
menu, pull-down -
menu, pull-down - [user interface] de Pull-Down-Menü, Drop-Down-Menü, Klappmenü fr menu deroulant es menu de persiana, menu desplegable, menü superpuesto it menü pull-down, menü a discesa, menü a tendina menu, Start ~ [user interface] de Eröffnungsmenü fr menu d'ouverture es menu de entrada, menü de apertura, menu de arranque, menu inicial it menü di apertura menu bar [user interface] de Menüleiste fr barre de menu es barra de menus it barra del menü menu box [user interface] de Menübox/ fr case de menu es caja de menu it casella del menü menu-controlled —> menu-driven adj [user interface] menu display [user interface] de Menüanzeige fr affichage de menus es visualization de menus it display del menü menu-driven adj, menu-controlled [user interface ] de menügesteuert, menügeführt fr ä base de menu(s), pilote par menu(s) es dirigido por menus, controlado por menus it comandato mediante menü, guidato da menü menu-driven software [user interface] de menügesteuerte Software fr logiciel ä menu es software dirigido por menüs it software guidato da menü menu interface [user interface] de Menüschnittstelle fr interface ä menu es interfaz de menü it interfaccia a menü menu items —» menu topics [user interface] menu pick —» menu selection [user interface] menu selection, menu pick [user interface] de Menüwahl (Auswahl aus einem Funktions-
menü) fr selection par menu es selecciön de menus, selecciön por menüs it scelta del menü menu technique [user interface] de Menütechnik fr technique ä menus es tecnica de menü it tecnica del menü menu topics, menu items [user interface] de Menüpunkte pi fr articles de menu es voces pi de menü it voci del menu merge bit merging bit [CD-ROM publ.] merge-channel bit —> merging bit [CD-ROM publ.] merge ν graphics with text, mix graphics and text [desktop publ.] de Grafik und Text mischen fr melanger textes et graphiques es mezclar gräficas y texto, combinar textos e imägenes, reunir textos con gräficos, integrar gräficos e imägenes junto al texto it integrare testo e grafica merging bit, merge bit, merge-channel bit [CD-ROM publ.] de Merge-Bit, Koppelbit, Ergänzungsbit fr bit de fusion es bit de fusion it bit di fusione, merging bit m merging η text and graphics, mixing text and art, mixing of text and graphics [desktop publ. ] de Mischen von Text und Grafik, Text-BildIntegration (Abk. TBI) fr integration du texte et de l'image, fusion de textes et graphiques es integration de texto y figuras, mezcla de imagen y texto, mezcla de textos y gräficos it fusione di testo e grafiche, combinazione di grafica e testo mesh η (of a network) [onlinepubl.] de Masche fr maille, maillon ei malla it maglia mesh η —» meshed network [online publ.] meshed network, intermeshed network, mesh-type network, mesh network, mesh η [online publ.]
de fr es it
vernaschtes Netz, Maschennetz reseau maille, reseau ä maillons red en malla, red de mallas rete a maglia, rete con nodi di commutazione magliati fra di loro meshing η (of a network) [online publ.] de Vermaschung/ fr configuration ä mailles es disposition en malla(s) it configurazione a maglia mesh network meshed network [online publ] mesh topology [onlinepubl.] de vermaschte Topologie fr topologie ä maillons es topologia de malla(s) it topologia magliata mesh-type network meshed network [online publ.] message server [online publ.] de Nachrichtenserver fr serveur de messages es servidor de mensajes it server di messaggi metallization [CD-ROMpubl.] de Metallisierung/ fr metallisation es metalizacion it metallizzazione metropolitan area network (abbr. MAN) [online publ.] de TK-Netz im Großstadtbereich, stadtweit organisiertes Netz, (spez.:) deutsches öffentliches Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datennetz fr reseau MAN, reseau metropolitain, reseau etendue au niveau d'une ville es red urbana, red de area metropolitana, red MAN (metropolitan area network) it rete metropolitana MH —> modified Huffman code [el. imaging] MHC —> modified Huffman code [el. imaging] MIC —> microphone [multimedia] microgrooves [CD-ROM publ. ] de Mikrorillen pi fr microcuvettes pi es micro-huecos pi it microsolchi pi microphone (abbr. MIC), mike [multimedia] de Mikrofon η fr micro m es microfono (abr. MIC) it microfono
mixed initiative
middle resolution —> medium resolution middletones pi (of halftone images), midtones, mid-level grays [el. imaging] de Mitteltöne pl fr demi-tons es medios tonos it tonalitä intermedie middle tones —»intermediate tones [el. imaging] MIDI —> musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] MIDI card [multimedia] de MIDI-Schnittstellenkarte fr carte MIDI es tarjeta MIDI it scheda MIDI MIDI file (e.g. for controlling a synthesizer) [multimedia] de MIDI-Datei (enthält Codes für Steuerung eines Synthesizers) fr fichier MIDI es fichero MIDI it file MIDI MIDI port [multimedia] de MIDl-Anschluß fr port MIDI, prise MIDI es puerto MIDI it porta MIDI MIDI sequencer [multimedia] de MIDI-Sequenzer fr sequenceur MIDI es secuenciador MIDI it sequenziatore MIDI mid-level grays -> middletones pl [el. imaging] midtones —» middletones pl [el. imaging] midtones —> intermediate tones [el. imaging] mike —» microphone [multimedia] miniature version (of pages) —» thumbnail size mix ν (sounds etc.) [multimedia] de mischen ν fr melanger, mixer es mezclar it miscelare (p.e. un segnale digitale con uno video), mischiare mix ν text and graphics [desktop publ.] de Text und Grafik mischen fr fusionner texte et graphiques es mezclar textos y gräficos, intercalar texto y gräficos it combinare grafici e testi mixed initiative [user interface] de gemischte Initiative (beim Dialog), wech-
mixed mode
selnde Dialogführung fr initiative altemee es iniciativa alternada it iniziativa mista mixed mode (of a scanner) de gemischter Modus fr mode mixte es modomixto it modo misto (per immagini al tratto e a tono continuo) mixed mode CD —> mixed-type disc [CD-ROM publ.] mixed-mode disc —» mixed-type disc [CD-ROM publ.] mixed-type disc (containing data and audio tracks), mixed mode CD, mixed-mode disc [CD-ROM publ.] de Mixed-Mode CD (enthält Audio-Tracks und Tracks für Daten) fr disque de mode mixte es unidad mixta datos - sonido, disco mixto (con datos y musica) it disco misto mixing η [multimedia] de Einmischen η (verschiedener Komponenten) fr melange es mezcla it mixaggio m, mixing m mixing of text and graphics —» merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] mixing text and art —> merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] mixing desk [multimedia] de Mischpult fr table de mixage, melangeur es consola de mezcla it console di mixaggio M-O —» magneto-optical mobile office de mobiles Büro fr bureau mobile es oficina movil it ufficio mobile MOD —> MO disc [equipment] mode byte [CD-ROMpubl.] de Modusbyte fr octet de modalite es byte de modalidad it byte del modo modem port [equipment] de Modemeingang
fr port pour modem es puerto para modem it porta per modem modified Huffman code (abbr. MH, MHC) [el. imaging] de modifizierter Huffman-Code, MH-Code (Abk. MHC) fr code Huffman modifie, code MHC es codigo Huffman modificado, codigo MHC it codice Huffman modificato, codice MHC, codifica Huffman modificata MO disc —¥ magneto-optical disc [equipment] modulation, differential pulse code - (abbr. DPCM), differential PCM [CD-ROMpubl.] de Differenz-Pulscode-Modulation (Abk. DCPM) fr modulation par impulsion et codage differentielle (abr. MIC-D) es modulacion de impulsos codificados diferencial (abr. MICD) it modulazione DPCM modulation, eight-to-fourteen ~ (abbr. EFM) [CD-ROM publ.] de EFM-Modulation fr modulation EFM, modulation de huit ä quatorze es EFM, modulacion EFM it modulazione EFM, modulazione otto-quattordici modulation, pulse code ~ (abbr. PCM) [CD-ROM publ.] de Pulscodemodulation (Abk. PCM) fr modulation par impulsion et codage (abr. MIC), modulation par impulsions (codees), codage MIC es modulacion por impulsos codificados (abr. MIC), modulacion en codigo de pulsaciones, modulacion MIC it modulazione a codice d'impulsi, modulazione impulsiva codificata, modulazione PCM molding master —> stamper disc [CD-ROM publ.] monitor η [equipment] de Monitor m, Bildschirm fr moniteur es monitor, pantalla it monitor m monitor proofing [el. prepress] de Proofkontrolle am Bildschirm fr contröle des epreuves ä l'ecran
es control de las pruebas en la pantalla it controllo delle bozze sul monitor monochrome adj [el. prepress] de einfarbig, monochrom fr monochrome es monocromo, monocromätico it monocromätico monochrome image de einfarbiges Bild fr image monochrome es imagen monocroma it immagine monocromatica monochrome printing de einfarbiger Druck fr impression monochrome es impresion monocroma it monocromia monomedia adj (as opposed to: multimedia) de monomedial fr monomedia es monomedial it monomediale monosession adj (contr.: multisession) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Monosession... fr monosession adj es monosesiön adj it monosessione agg monotone scanner —» black and white scanner [equipment] morphing η [el. imaging] de Morphing η (Verb: morphen, gemorpht) fr morphage m (deformation progressive d'images), metamorphose es transformaciones pi, variation de las formas it moφhing m mosaic graphics [el. imaging] de Mosaikgrafik fr graphique ä mosai'que es gräfica de mosaico it grafica a mosaico mother disc (see also: stamper disc) [CD-ROM publ.] de Mutterdisc/ fr disque mere es disco madre it disco madre motion compensated prediction (abbr. MCP) (an image compression technique) [multimedia] de MCP-Verfahren
mouse interface
fr technique MCP (de compression des images) es tecnica MCP (de compresion de imägenes) it tecnica MCP (di compressione delle immagini) motion compensation (abbr. MC) (an image compression technique) [multimedia] de Bewegungsausgleich fr compensation de mouvement es compensation de movimiento it compensazione del movimento motion JPEG (a standard for moving images) [multimedia] de Motion JPEG (für Bewegtbilder) fr motion JPEG es motion JPEG it motion JPEG motion video, moving images [multimedia] de Bewegtbilderp/ fr images en mouvement, images animees es imägenes en movimiento, imägenes moviles it immagini in movimento mounted page [print shop] de fertig montierte Seite fr page imposee, page montee es pägina impuesta it pagina impaginata mouse, mouse device [equipment] de Maus fr souris/ es raton it mouse m mouse button [user interface] de Mausknopf, Maustaste fr bouton de la souris, touche de la souris es boton de raton it pulsante del mouse mouse click [user interface] de Mausklick m fr coup de souris es clic de raton, pulsation de raton it clic m del mouse mouse click —» click η [user interface] mouse device —» mouse [equipment] mouse-driven [user interface] de mausgesteuert fr pilote par une souris es dirigido por raton it guidato da un mouse mouse interface de Mausanschluß, Mausschnittstelle fr interface souris
mouse-sensitive area
es interfaz raton it interfaccia per il mouse mouse-sensitive area [user interface] de maussensitive Räche fr zone sensitive pour la souris es zona sensitiva para el raton it area sensitiva per il mouse moving images —> motion video [multimedia] moving video [multimedia] de Bewegtbildübertragung fr images video animees es imägenes de video en movimiento it immagini video in movimento MPC multimedia PC MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) [multimedia] de MPEG fr MPEG (groupe d'experts sur le codage des images animees) es MPEG (grupo de expertos de imägenes en movimiento) it MPEG (gruppo di esperti sulle immagini in movimento) MPEG algorithm (MPEG: Motion Picture Experts Group) (compare: JPEG) [multimedia] de MPEG-Algorithmus fr standard MPEG (pour l'image anime), norme de compression des images animees (elaboree par le comite MPEG) es eständar MPEG (del Grupo asociado de expertos fotogräficos), algoritmo de videocompresion MPEG it algoritmo MPEG MPEG decoder [multimedia] de MPEG-Decoder fr decodeur MPEG es decodificador MPEG it decodificatore MPEG MPEG decoder board [multimedia] de MPEG-Decoder-Board fr carte de decodage MPEG es taijeta de decodificacion MPEG it Scheda per la docidifica MPEG MPR —» multiprotocol router [online publ. ] MPRSS (modular prepress server specification) [el. prepress] de MPRSS-Beschreibung fr specification MPRSS es especificacion MPRSS it specificazione MPRSS
MS —> mass storage MSU - » mass storage unit MTA —» multiple terminal access [onlinepubl.] multi-button mouse [equipment] de Mehrtastenmaus fr souris ä plusieurs boutons es raton de multiples botones, raton de varios botones it mouse a piü pulsanti multicolor printing, full color printing [print shop] de Mehrfarbendruck fr impression multicouleur, polychromie es impresion multicolor it stampa a piü colori multicolor printing press [equipment] de Mehrfarbendruckmaschine fr machine d' impression multicouleur es mäquina de impresion multicolor it macchina di stampa a piü colori multicriteria search [retrieval] de Suche nach mehreren Kriterien fr recherche multicriteres es busqueda con criterios multiples it ricerca secondo piü criteri multidisc jukebox —» multidisc machine [CD-ROM publ.] multidisc machine (with more than one reading device; compare: jukebox), multidisc jukebox [CD-ROMpubl.] de Multidisc-Maschine (Abspielgerät für mehrere CD-ROMs) fr chargeur multidisques es unidad lectora multi-discos, multilector m it unitä multidisco (per la lettura di CD-ROM) multidocument hypertext de Hypertext aus mehreren Dokumenten fr hypertexte multidocument es hipertexto de documentos multiples it ipertesto di piü documenti multi-level index [document proc.] de mehrstufiger Index fr index multiniveau es indice de niveles multiples it indice a piü Iivelli multilingual (text, hyphenation etc.) [word proc.] de mehrsprachig fr multilingue es plurilingüe it multilingue agg
multimedia η (a combination of different media for use on a PC) de Multimedian fr multimedia m es multimedia m it mezzi multimedial!, multimedia m multimedia adj de multimedial adj fr multimedia adj es multimedial adj it multimediale multimedia applications de Multimediaanwendungen pi fr applications multimedia es aplicaciones de multimedia, aplicaciones multimedia it applicazioni multimediali multimedia authoring system de Multimediaautorensystem fr systöme d'auteurs multimedia es sistema de autor multimedia it sistema di authoring multimedia multimedia capability de Multimediafähigkeit fr capacite multimedia es capacidad multimedia it multimedialita multimedia-capable de multimediatauglich fr avec capaciti multimedia es con capacidad multimedia it con capacita multimedia multimedia card de Multimediakarte fr carte d'extension multimedia es taijeta multimedia it scheda multimedia multimedia database de Multimediadatenbasis, multimediale Datenbank fr base de donnees multimedia es base de datos multimedia it database multimediale multimedia document (containing text, graphics, voice and images) de Multimediadokument fr document multimedia es documento multimedia it documento multimediale multimedia environment de Multimediaumgebung
multimedia workstation
fr ambiante multimedia es entorno multimedia it ambiente multimedia mulitmedia object de Multimediaobjekt fr objet multimedia es objeto multimedia it oggetto multimediale multimedia PC (abbr. MPC) de Multimedia-PC (Abk. MPC), multimedialer PC fr PC multimedia (abr. MPC), ordinateur personnel multimedia, micro-ordinateur gerant des donnees multimedia es PC multimedia, ordenador multimedia, equipo MPC it PC multimediale (abbr. MPC) multimedia platform de Multimediaplattform fr plate-forme multimedia es equipo multimedia it piattaforma multimediale multimedia presentation de multimediale Präsentation fr presentation multimedia es presentaciön multimedia it presentazione multimediale multimedia server de Multimediaserver fr serveur multimedia es servidor multimedia it server multimedia multimedia software de Multimediasoftware fr logiciel multimedia es software multimedia it software multimediale multimedia system de Multimediasystem fr systeme multimedia, systeme mediatique es sistema multimedia it sistema multimediale multimedia upgrade kit (e.g. a sound card, a CD-ROM drive, and multimedia software) de Multimediaaufriistsatz, Multimedia-Hochrüstsatz fr kit m d'extension multimedia es kit m de expansion multimedia it kit m di espansione multimediale multimedia workstation de Multimediaworkstation
multinode network
poste de travail multimedia, terminal multimedia es estacion multimedia it stazione di lavoro multimediale multinode network [online publ.] de Netz mit mehreren Knoten fr reseau polycentrique es red policentrica it rete policentrica multiple link [hypertext] de Mehrfachverweis, Mehrfachverknüpfung fr lien multiple es vinculo multiple it link multiplo multiple-pass scanner [equipment] de Scanner mit mehreren Durchläufen fr scanner ä plusieurs passages es escäner de multiplas pasadas it scanner a piü passaggi multiple terminal access (abbr. MTA) [online publ.] de Zugriff auf mehrere Terminals fr acces ä plusieurs terminaux es acceso a una variedad de terminales it accesso a piü tipi di terminali multiple windowing —> multiwindow technique [user interface] multiprotocol capability [onlinepubl.] de Multiprotokollfahigkeit (adj.: multiprotokollfähig) fr capacite d'accepter plusieurs protocoles es capacidad de multiprotocol© it capacita multiprotocollo multiprotocol network [onlinepubl.] de Multiprotokollnetz fr reseau ä plusieurs protocoles es red de protocolos multiples it rete multi-protocollo multiprotocol router (abbr. MPR) [onlinepubl.] de Multiprotokoll-Router m fr routeur ä plusieurs protocoles es MPR m, router multiprotocolo it router m multiprotocollo multiserver [online publ.] de Multiserver m fr plusieurs serveurs, multiserveur es servidor multiple it coda per piü servizi multiservice network [onlinepubl.] de Mehrdienstnetz fr reseau ä plusieurs services
es red multiservicios it rete a piü servizi multisession adj (contr.: single-session) [CD-ROM publ.] de multisessionfähig fr multisession(s) adj es con posibilidad de multisesion, multisesion adj it multisessione agg (che supporta la multisessione) multisession capability [CD-ROMpubl] de Multisessionfahigkeit fr fonctionnement en multisession es posibilidad de multisesion, capacidad de multisesion it capacita multisessione multistation adj [online publ.] de Mehrplatz... (Abk. MP) fr multiposte es multiestacion adj it multiposto agg, multistazione agg multiterminal computer network [onlinepubl.] de Multiterminalnetz fr reseau multiterminaux es red multiterminal it rete multiterminale multiwindowing η —> multiwindow technique [user interface] multiwindow screen [user interface] de Mehrfensterbildschirm fr ecran multifenetre es pantalla multiventanas it schermo a finestre multiple, videata a piü finestre multiwindow technique, multiple windowing, multiwindowing η [user interface] de Mehrfenstertechnik fr technique multifenetres, gestion multifenetres, multifenetrage es ventanas de varios pianos, tecnica de ventanas multiples, tecnica multiventana it partizioni multiple dello schermo musical instrument digital interface (abbr. MIDI) [multimedia] de MIDI-Schnittstelle fr interface MIDI (interface pour instruments de musique) es interfaz MIDI it interfaccia MIDI, standard per l'interfacciamento di strumenti musicali digitali col computer
Ν Ν —» network, net nanometer (abbr. nm) de 1 Millionstel mm fr nanometre es nanometre it nanometre navigate [retrieval] de navigieren fr naviguer es navegar it navigare navigation (in a network etc.) [online pubi] de Navigation/, Navigieren η fr navigation es navegacion it navigazione navigation aid, navigation support [retrieval] de Navigationshilfe fr aide de navigation es ayuda de navegacion it aiuto alia navigazione navigation button [retrieval] de Navigationsschalter fr bouton de navigation es boton de navegacion it bottone di navigazione navigation path [hypertext] de Navigationspfad fr
chemin de navigation, parcours de navigation es Camino de navegacion it cammino di navigazione navigation support navigation aid [retrieval] navigation tool [online publ.] de Navigationskomponente fr outil de navigation es herramienta de navegacion it tool di navigazione NC —> network congestion [online publ. ] NC —> network control [online publ. ] NCC —> network control center [onlinepubl.] NCS —»network control server [onlinepubl.] nearest-neighbor search [retrieval] de Suche nach dem nächsten Nachbarn, Nearest-Neighbor-Verfahren fr recherche du plus proche voisin es busqueda del vecino mäs proximo it ricerca del vicino piü prossimo
near-photographic quality [el. prepress] de nahezu Fotoqualität fr qualite proche de la photo(graphie) es calidad casi fotogräfica it qualita quasi fotografica near-typeset quality (abbr. NTQ) [printers] de nahezu typografische Schriftqualität fr qualite presque typographique es calidad cercana a la de fotocomposicion, calidad casi tipogräfica it stampa in qualita quasi tipografica negative η [el. prepress] de Negativ η fr negatif m es negativo m it negativo m negative film [el. prepress] de Negativfilm fr film negatif es pelicula negativa it pellicola negativa negative print [el. prepress] de Negativkopie fr copie negative es copia negativa, impresion negativa it copia negativa nested menu [user interface] de geschachteltes Menü fr menu niche es menu imbricado it menu annidato nested search [retrieval] de kombinierte Suche fr recherche combinee es busqueda combinada it ricerca combinata nesting η (of search features) [retrieval] de Kombinieren η (von Suchmustem etc.) fr combinaison es combination it combinazione net η —» network η net server, network server [online publ.] de Netzserver (Abk. NS), Netzwerkserver fr serveur de reseau(x) es servidor de red it server di rete, server della rete netware, network software, networking software [online publ.] de Vernetzungssoftware, Netzsoftware fr logiciel reseau
es software de red, software para redes it software di rete network η (abbr. NW, N), net η de Netz (Abk. Ν), Netzwerk, Leitungsnetz fr reseau (de transmission etc.) es red (de comunicacion etc.) it rete network ν —»network, integrate into a ~ network of links [hypertext] de Verweisnetz fr reseau de liens es red de enlaces it rete di links network, corporate ~ (usually covering several locations) [online publ.] de betriebsinternes Netz, Firmennetz, Corporate Network n, unternehmensweites Netz fr reseau d'entreprise es red corporativa, red de ämbito empresarial it rete aziendale, rete a livello corporativo network, distributed - [onlinepubl.] de verteiltes Netz, Diffusionsnetz fr reseau distribue, reseau reparti es red distribuida it rete con topologia policentrica network, integrate into a network ν de vernetzen fr mettre en reseau(x), relier entre eux dans un reseau es conectar a una red, interconectar (en una red), conectar en red it collegare tramite rete (o reti), collegare in LAN networkable (abbr. NT) de netzwerkfähig, netzfähig, vemetzungsfahig, vemetzbar fr connectable en reseau, partageable en reseau es interconectable (en una red) it collegabile in rete network access [onlinepubl.] de Netzzugang, Zugang zum Netz fr acces au reseau es acceso a la red it accesso alia rete network adapter —> LAN card [onlinepubl.] network administration, network management [online publ.] de Netzadministration, Netzverwaltung fr gestion de reseau(x) es administration de la red, gestion de redes
amministrazione di una rete, amministrazione di reti, gestione di rete network architecture [onlinepubl.] de Netzarchitektur fr architecture de reseau es arquitectura de red (ο de redes) it architettura della rete network capacity [online publ. ] de Netzkapazität fr capacite d'un reseau es capacidad de la red it capacitä della rete network condition —> network status [online publ] network conflguration [online publ.] de Netzkonfiguration fr configuration du reseau es configuraciön de la red it configurazione della rete network congestion (abbr. NC) [onlinepubl.] de Netzüberlastung, Betriebsmittelengpaß in einem Netz fr encombrement du reseau es congestion de la red it congestione della rete, congestione nel traffico di rete network connection [online publ.] de Netzanschluß fr raccordement au reseau es conexion a la red it collegamento alia rete network control (abbr. NC) [online publ.] de Netzsteuerung fr gestion du reseau es control de la red, gestion de redes it gestione della rete network control center (abbr. NCC) [online publ.] de Netzkontrollzentrum (Abk. NKZ) fr centre de contröle du reseau es centro de control de una red it centro di controllo della rete network control server (abbr. NCS) [online publ. ] de Netzsteuerungsserver fr serveur de gestion du reseau es servidor de gestion de la red it server di gestione della rete networked systems de vernetzte Systeme fr systemes fonctionnants en reseau
es sistemas conectados a una red it sistema collegati in rete network hub, hub (of a network) [online pubi] de Hub m (Netzkomponente zur Weiterleitung von Daten) fr pivot du reseau es centro de red it hub m networking η de Vernetzung/ fr connexion sous forme de reseau(x), integration dans un reseau, mise en reseau, raccordement en reseau es conexion en red(es), interconexion en redes it collegamento in rete, networking m networking η de Netzbetrieb, vernetzter Betrieb fr travail en reseau es trabajo en red it lavoro in rete networking software -> netware [onlinepubi] network interface [online pubi] de Netzanschluß (Schnittstelle) fr port de reseau, interface de reseau, connectique/ es interfaz de red it interfaccia di rete network interface controller (abbr. NIC) [online pubi] de Netzschnittstellensteuerung fr contröleur de l'interface de reseau es controlador de interfaz de red it controllore di interfaccia di rete network interface unit (abbr. NIU) [online pubi.] de Netzwerkinterfaceeinheit fr unite d'interface de reseau es unidad de interfaz de red it unita di interfaccia di rete network junction —> network node [online pubi] network load [onlinepubi] de Netzbelastung fr charge du reseau es carga de la red it carico di rete network maintenance [online pubi. ] de Netzwartung fr maintien du reseau es mantenimiento de redes it manutenzione della rete
network operating system
network management -» network administration [online pubi] network management center (abbr. NMC) [online pubi] de Netzverwaltungszentrale fr centre de gestion de reseau es centro de gestiön de la red it centro di gestione di rete network management system (abbr. NMS) [online pubi] de Netzwerkmanagementsystem (Abk. NMS), Netzwerkmanager fr systeme de gestion de reseau es sistema de gestiön de redes it sistema di gestione di rete network monitoring, network supervision [online pubi] de Netzüberwachung fr surveillance du reseau, supervision de reseau es supervision del estado de la red, supervision de red, monitorizaciön de la red, vigilancia de la red it monitoraggio della rete network news transfer protocol (abbr. NNTP) [online pubi] de NNTP-ProtokoU fr protocole NNTP es protocolo NNTP (para leer grupos de noticias) it protocollo NNTP network node, network junction [online pubi] de Netzknoten fr nceud du reseau, point d'acces es nodo de la red it nodo di rete, nodo di transito network node computer, node switching computer [onlinepubi] de Netzknotenrechner (Abk. NKR), Knotenrechner fr ordinateur de nceud de reseau es ordenador de nodo de red it elaboratore di nodo network operating system (abbr. NOP, NOS) [online pubi] de Netzbetriebssystem (Abk. NOS), Netzwerkbetriebssystem fr logiciel d'exploitation et de gestion d'un reseau local, systeme d'exploitation reseau ei sistema operativo de red it sistema operativo di rete
network operation
network operation [online publ. / de Netzbetrieb fr operation du reseau es explotacion de la red it operazione della rete network operator [online publ.] de Betreiber eines Netzes, Netzbetreiber fr Operateur d'un reseau, transporter (organisme gerant un reseau de telecomunication) es operador de una red, explotador de una red, proveedor de redes it operatore di rete, gestore della rete network printer [online publ.} de Netzdrucker fr imprimante de reseau es impresora de red it stampante di rete network processor [onlinepubl.] de Netzsteuerungsrechner fr processeur de reseau es procesador de red it processore di controllo della rete network protocol [onlinepubl.] de Netzprotokoll, Netzwerkprotokoll fr protocole de reseau(x) es protocolo de red it protocollo della rete network provider [onlinepubl.] de Netzversorger fr fournisseur de services de reseau es proveedor de red it fornitore di servizi di rete network security [online publ.] de Netzsicherheit fr securite des reseaux es seguridad de redes it sicurezza delle reti network server —> net server [onlinepubl.] network services [online publ. ] de Netzbereitstellung fr services de reseau es servicios de la red it servizi di rete, gestione dei dispositivi di rete network software —»netware [online publ.] network status, network condition [online publ. ] de Netzzustand fr etat de fonctionnement du reseau, etat du reseau es estado de la red it stato della rete, stato di funzionamento
della rete network structure [online publ.] de Netzstruktur fr structure du reseau es estructura de la red it struttura de la rete network supervision —» network monitoring [online publ.] network throughput [online publ.] de Netzdurchsatz fr debit de reseau es capacidad de la red para cursar träfico, caudal de la red it throughput m di rete network timing [online publ.] de Netztaktung, Netzsynchronisation fr base de temps du reseau, synchronisation de reseau es temporizaciön de la red it temporizazzione della rete network topology [online publ.] de Netztopologie, Netzstruktur, Netzwerktopologie fr topologie du reseau, topologie des reseaux es topologia de red(es) it topologia della rete network user, subscriber [online publ.] de Netzteilnehmer fr usager du reseau es usuario de la red it utente della rete new media [el. publishing] de neue Medien pi fr nouveaux medias ei nuevos medios, nuevos media it nuovi media pi new media publishing de Publizieren mit neuen Medien fr edition de nouveaux medias es publication con nuevos media it pubblicazione con i nuovi media newsfeed η (downloading of daily articles) [online publ.] de Herunterladen von Nachrichtenmeldungen fr telechargement d'actualites es telecarga de noticias it download m di notizie newsgroup, forum [online publ.] de Forum η (pl: Foren) fr groupe d'opinion, point de rencontre, forum de discussion, newsgroup m (groupe
d'echange d'informations) es grupo de noticias, newsgroup m, forum m, grupo de discusion it newsgroup m, gruppo di discussione, forum m (di discussione), area di discussione newspaper on demand [el. publishing] de Zeitung on-demand, On-Demand-Zeitungsdruck fr journal sur demande es periödicos bajo demanda, diarios por pedido (hispanoam.) it giornale a richiesta NIC —» network interface controller [online publ.] NIU —> network interface unit [online publ. ] nm —» nanometer NMC —> network management center [online publ.] NMS —» network management system [online publ. ] NNTP —> network news transfer protocol [online publ] nodal point (of a network) [online publ.] de Netzknotenpunkt, Netzknoten fr nceud (d'un reseau) es centro nodal it nodo di una rete node η (of a network) [onlinepubl.] de Knoten m fr nceud es nodo it nodo node (for linking information units in a hypertext document), chunk η [hypertext] de Knoten m fr nceud es nodo it nodo node, network ~ [onlinepubl.] de Netzknoten fr noeud du reseau, point d'acces es nodo de la red it nodo di rete, nodo di transito node switching computer —» network node computer [online publ.] noiseless coding —» lossless coding [multimedia] noise word —» stopword [ retrieval] non-image area [typography ] de unbedruckter Raum fr zone non imprimante es zona no imagen, area de no imagen
OCR font
it area non stampata non-image data [el. prepress] de Nicht-Bilddaten pl fr donnees qui ne sont pas des illustrations es datos no de imägenes it dati non costituiti di immagini non-lossy compression —» lossless compression [multimedia] non-print products [el. publishing] de Nonprint-Produkte pl fr produits non imprimes, produits ne provenant pas de la presse ecrite es productos no imprimidos it prodotti non stampati non-text documents de nichttextuelle Dokumente pl fr documents non textuels es documentos no textuales it documenti non testuali nontextual data de Nicht-Textdaten pl fr donnees non textuelles es datos no textuales it dati non testuali NOP —> network operating system [online publ.] normal paper, ordinary paper, plain paper de Normalpapier, gewöhnliches Papier fr papier normal, papier ordinaire es papel normal, papel ordinario it carta standard, carta comune NOS —»network operating system [online publ] note η —» annotation [word proc.] NFSnet (an Internet backbone net run by National Science Foundation, USA) de NFS-Netz fr reseau NSF es red NSF it rete NFS NT —> networkable NTQ —> near-typeset quality [printers] NW —> network
Ο OCR font de OCR-Schrift fr caracteres ROC es fuente OCR it caratteri OCR (leggibili otticamente)
office laser printer
office laser printer [equipment] de Bürolaserdrucker fr imprimante laser de bureau es impresora laser de oficina it stampante laser da ufficio, laser/da ufficio office printing machine [equipment] de Bürodruckmaschine fr machine d'impression pour Γ office es mäquina de imprimir de oficina it macchina di stampa per l'ufficio office publishing de Office-Publishing η fr edition dans le bureau es edition en la oficina it editoria da ufficio office system node (abbr. OSN) [online publ.] de Knoten eines Bürosystems fr noeud d'un systeme de bureau es nodo de un sistema de oficina it nodo di un sistema d'ufficio off-load ν —>download ν [online publ.] off-press proofs —» prepress proofs offset plate [print shop] de Offsetdruckplatte fr plaque offset es plancha offset, plancha para offset it lastra per stampa offset offset printing [print shop] de Offsetdruck fr impression offset es impresion por offset, impresion offset, impresion en offset it stampa offset, stampa in offset, planografia OK button [user interface] de Schaltfläche "OK" fr bouton OK, bouton de validation es botön OK it bottone OK omnifont character recognition [el. prepress] de Schriftenerkennung fr reconnaissance de toutes le polices de caracteres es reconocimiento de caracteres omnifuente it riconoscimento di van tipi di caratteri omnifont reader [equipment] de Schriftenleser (für mehrere Schriften) fr lecteur qui peut lire toutes les polices de caracteres es lector omnifuente it lettore per vari tipi di caratteri
on-demand printing, printing on demand, demand printing de Printing on Demand, On-Demand-Druck, On-Demand-Printing, Drucken nach Bedarf, Drucken auf Abruf fr impression sur demande es impresiön bajo demanda, impresion por pedido (hispanoam.) it stampa secondo domanda on-demand publishing —> publishing on demand one-color proofs, blues pi (jargon) [el. prepress] de einfarbige Probeabzüge pi fr epreuves monochromatiques es pruebas monocromäticas it bozze monocromatiche one-way lfaik [hypertext] de Verknüpfung in einer Richtung fr lien ä direction unique, lien unidirectionnel, lien ä sens unique es enlace unidireccional it link unidirezionale online data server [onlinepubl.] de Online-Dateiserver fr serveur de donnees es servidor de archivos en linea it server di dati in linea online documentation [user interface] de Online-Dokumentation fr documentation en ligne es documentation en lfnea it documentazione in linea online help [user interface] de Online-Hilfe fr aide en ligne es ayuda en linea it aiuto in linea online image collection [el. publishing] de Online-Bildarchiv fr archive d'images en ligne es archivo de imageries en linea it archivio di immagini online online newspaper [el. publishing] de Online-Zeitung, Online-Tageszeitung fr journal en ligne es diario en linea it giornale in linea online publishing (distributing paperless publications worldwide via a network) de Online-Publishing fr edition electronique (distribuee par reseau)
es publication electronica on-line, edition online it distribuzione di pubblicazioni via rete online service [el. publishing] de Online-Dienst, Online-Service fr service en ligne es servicio en linea it servizio online onscreen icon [user interface] de Bildschirmicon fr icone d'ecran es icono en la pantalla it icona sullo schermo onscreen page makeup [el. prepress] de Seitenumbruch am Bildschirm fr mise en page sur l'ecran es compaginacion en pantalla, paginaciön en pantalla it impaginazione direttamento sullo schermo onscreen previewing, screen preview, softcopy preview [el. prepress] de Bildschirmvorschau, Vorschau am Bildschirm, Sichtung am Bildschirm (vor dem Drucken etc.) fr previsualisation ä l'6cran, prevue ä l'ecran es previsualizacion en pantalla, visionado del trabajo en pantalla it previsualizzazione sullo schermo, anteprima sullo schermo open ν a window [user interface] de ein Fenster öffnen fr ouvrir une fenetre es abrir una ventana it aprire una finestra opening menu —» start menu [user interface] opening page -» start page [word proc.] Open Prepress Interface (abbr. OPI) (a specification for replacing hi-res images with a placeholder) [el. prepress] de OPI-Schnittstelle fr interface OPI es interfaz OPI (interfaz de preimpresion abierto), programa OPI de sustituciön it interfaccia OPI OPI —» Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress] OPI exchange [el. prepress] de OPI-Bildaustausch fr echange des images par OPI es intercambio de imägenes por OPI it scambio di immagini mediante OPI
original artwork
OPI server [el. prepress] de OPI-Server fr serveur OPI es servidor OPI it server OPI optical disc jukebox —» jukebox [CD-ROM publ.] optical fiber network [onlinepubl.] de Glasfasernetz, fiberoptisches Netz fr reseau a fibres optiques es red de fibras opticas it rete a fibre ottiche, rete in fibra ottica optical head (of a CD drive), optical pickup unit, read head [CD-ROMpubl.] de optischer Lesekopf fr tete de lecture optique es cabeza optica, cabezal optico de lectura it testina ottica (di lettura) optical jukebox -> jukebox [CD-ROM publ. ] optical media [el. publishing] de optische Medien pl fr medias optiques es medios opticos it media ottici optical pickup unit —> optical head [ CD-ROM publ.] optical publishing [el. publishing] de elektronisches Publizieren auf optischen Medien fr edition electronique sur medias optiques es edition electronica sobre medios opticos it editoria elettronica su media ottici optical resolution (of a scanner) [equipment] de optische Auflösung fr resolution optique es resolution optica it risoluzione ottica option box (in a menu) [user interface] de Auswahlbox fr case de pointage, boite d'option, case d'option es caja de selection it casella di selezione ordinary paper —> normal paper orientation (of a printed page etc.) [printers] de Format (Quer- oder Hoch-), Formatlage fr format es formato, orientation it formato original artwork [el. prepress] de ursprüngliches Bildmaterial
original image
fr illustrations originales es ilustraciones originales, arte original it illustrazioni originali original image [el. prepress] de ursprüngliches Bild, ursprüngliches Aussehen fr image originale es imagen original it originale m original size [el. imaging] de Originalgröße fr taille originale, taille d'origine es tamano original it dimensione originale OSN —» office system node [online publ] outermost track (of a CD-ROM) de äußerste Spur fr piste plus externe es pista mäs externa it traccia piü esterna outer track (of a CD-ROM) de äußere Spur fr piste exteme es pista exterior it traccia esterna out of focus [CD-ROM publ. ] de nicht fokussiert fr non focalise es no focalizado it sfuocato out of register [typography] de nicht registerhaltig fr hors repere es fuera de registro it che non tiene registro, fuori registro output device, output unit [equipment] de Ausgabegerät, Ausgabeeinheit fr unite de sortie es unidad de salida, dispositivo de salida it unitä di uscita, dispositivo di uscita, unitä di emissione output file [printers] de Ausgabedatei fr fichier de sortie es fichero de salida it file di output, file di uscita output format de Ausgabeformat fr format de sortie es formato de salida it formato di uscita, formato di emissione
Output medium de Ausgabemedium fr support de sortie es soporte de salida it supporto di uscita, supporto di emissione output rate, output speed de Ausgabegeschwindigkeit fr vitesse de sortie es velocidad de salida it velocita di uscita, ritmo di emissione output resolution [el. prepress] de Auflösung bei der Ausgabe fr resolution de sortie es resolucion de salida it risoluzione in uscita output speed —> output rate output unit —»output device [equipment] overhead η —> overhead transparency overhead transparency, overhead η de Overheadfolie, Folie für Overheadprojektion fr transparent m de projection es transparencia para retroproyectores it lucido m (per proiezioni) overlapping windows [user interface] de überlappende Fenster fr fenetres superposees es ventanas superpuestas it finestre sovrapposte overlay board —» overlay card [multimedia] overlay card, overlay board, video overlay card [multimedia ] de Overlay-Karte (für das Mischen von Videobild und Computerbild), OverlayBoard fr carte overlay es taijeta overlay it Scheda overlay overscan area (on the screen borders) [multimedia ] de Overscanbereich (am Bildschirmrand) fr surface d'overscan, zone plein ecran es zona de sobrebarrido it area di overscan oversized printing [print shop] de Drucken übergroßer Formate fr impression de formats tres grands es impresion de formatos ultralargos it stampa di formati stragrandi
page layout program
fr format de page es formato de (la) pägina it formato di pagina, formato delle pagine, formato pagina ρ page [ typography] page frame [wordproc.] pacing η —> flow control [el. prepress] de Seitenrahmen page (abbr. p, pl\ pp) [typography] fr cadre de page de Seite, Druckseite es marco de pägina fr page it quadro di pagina es pägina page geometry [typography] it pagina de Seitengeometrie page assembly —> page makeup fr geometrie des pages page background es geometrfa de päginas de Seitenhintergrund it geometria delle pagina fr fond de page page interchange language (abbr. PIL), es estructura de pagina it fondo della pagina publishing interchange language [desktop page building -» makeup η [typography] publ. ] page by page de Seitenaustauschsprache de seitenweise fr langage d'echange de pages fr page par page es lenguaje de intercambio es pagina a pagina (ir — ) it linguaggio di scambio di pagine it pagina dopo pagina page layout [typography] page composition [el. prepress] de Seitenaufbau, Layout η de Satz umbrochener Seiten, Setzen umbrochefr maquette de la page ner Seiten es maquetacion de pägina, distribution de pägina, diseno de pägina fr composition de pages, composition en pages it impaginazione (di un documento ecc.), es composicion de päginas impaginato m, layout di pagina it composizione di pagine page composition software —> page makeup soft- page layout function [desktoppubl.] de Seitenlayoutfunktion ware [el. prepress] fr fonctionnalite de mise en page page composition system [el. prepress] es funcion de maquetaciön de elektronisches System zur Ganzseitenit funzione di impaginazione montage page layout package —> page layout program fr systeme de mise en pages, metteur en pages [desktop publ.] es sistema de montaje de päginas page layout parameter [desktop publ. ] it sistema di impaginazione de Seitenparameter page construction language (abbr. PCL) fr parametre de mise en page, parametre de de Seitenkonstruktionssprache page fr langage de construction de pages es parämetro de pägina es lenguaje de construction de päginas it parametro di pagina it linguaggio di costruzione di pagine page layout software —> page makeup software page description language (abbr. PDL) (e.g. [el. prepress] PostScript), page descriptor language page layout program, page layout package de Seitenbeschreibungssprache [desktop publ.] fr langage de description de page (abr. LDP) de Seitenumbruchprogramm es lenguaje de description de päginas fr programme de mise en page it linguaggio di descrizione della pagina es programa de formation de päginas, propage descriptor language —» page description grama de maquetacion de päginas, programa language para diseno de päginas page format [word proc.] it programme di impaginazione de Seitenformat, Blattformat Ρ
page makeup
page makeup (composition of complete pages), page assembly de Seitenmontage, Originalmontage fr montage des pages, imposition es montaje de päginas, maquetacion it montaggio della pagina, assiemaggio della pagina page makeup —> makeup η [typography] page makeup software, page composition software, page layout software, layout software [el. prepress] de Seitenumbruchprogramme pl, Umbruchprogramme pi, Layoutsoftware, (im weiteren Sinn:) DTP-Programme fr logiciel de mise en page, logiciel de maquettage es software de composition de pagina, software de maquetacion it software di impaginazione page model language (abbr. PML) de PML (eine Seitenmodellierungssprache) fr langage PML es lenguaje PML it linguaggio PML page order de Seitenfolge fr sequence des pages es secuencia de päginas it sequenza delle pagine page orientation [printers] de Seitenformat (Quer- oder Hoch-) fr format de page es formato de pagina it formato della pagina (orizzontale ο verticale) page preview [desktop publ.] de Seitenvorschau (zur Kontrolle) fr previsualisation des pages es testeo de päginas it anteprima delle pagine, previsualizzazione delle pagine page preview display [desktoppubl.] de Preview-Ausgabe fr affichage d'une page en mode previsualisation es previsualizaciön de päginas it previsualizzazione, anteprima page proofs [el. prepress] de Probeseiten pl, Korrekturseiten pi fr epreuves en premiere es pruebas (de päginas), compaginadas pl it bozze pl
page proofs pl, proof pages, proofs pl [typography] de umbrochene Korrekturfahnen pl fr epreuves d'imprimerie (mises en pages) es pruebas de pagina it bozze impaginate, bozze di stampa (in pagine), pagine di prova, prove pl (di stampa) page size de Seitengröße fr format de la page es tamano de la pägina it dimensione della pagina page template [desktoppubl.] de Schablone (für die Erstellung formatierter Seiten) fr gabarit de pages es plantilla para päginas formateadas it modello di pagina pagination, batch ~ batch composition [el. prepress] painting program —> paint program [graphics] painting tools [graphics] de Malutensilien pl fr outils de peinture es herramientas de pintura it tool pl di pittura paint program, painting program [graphics] de Paint-Programm fr programme de peinture es programa de pintura, programa de pintar it programme di pittura paint program, pixel editor [graphics] de Pixeleditor fr editeur de pixels es editor de pixels, editor a base de pixel it editor di pixel palette (of colors), color palette [user interface] de Palette, Farbpalette fr palette (de couleurs) es paleta (de colores) it tavolozza (di colon), palette/ Panose character matching system [el. prepress] de Panose-System fr systeme Panose de correspondance de caracteres es sistema Panose it sistema Panose Pantone colors, PMS colors [el. prepress] de Pantone-Farben
fr teintes Pantone, gamme Pantone ei gama Pantone, colores Pantone (un estandar en las artes gräficas), juego de color Pantone, escala de colores Pantone it colon della gamma Pantone Pantone Matching System (abbr. PMS) (a standard color selection system) [el. prepress] de Pantone-Farbtabellen fr nuancier Pantone es paleta estandar de Pantone, modelo de color Pantone it campionario di colon Pantone, sistema di catalogazione dei colon Pantone paper η —> hardcopy η paper-based documents [document proc.] de Dokumente pi in Papierform fr documents imprimes, documents sous forme papier, documents sur papier es documentos en carta impresa, documentos de papel, documentos en papel convencional, documentos sobre soporte papel it documenti cartacei paper imagesetter [equipment] de Belichter mit Papierausgabe fr flasheuse ä sortie sur papier es filmadora a papel it fotounita con uscita di carta paperless office de papierloses Büro fr bureau sans papier es oficina sin papel it ufficio senza carta parallel interface [equipment] de Parallelschnittstelle fr interface parallele es interfaz paralela it interfaccia parallela parallel port [equipment] de Parallelanschluß fr porte parallele es puerto paralelo, port paralelo it porta parallela parameter (abbr. parm) [data proc.] de Parameter m fr parametre es parämetro it parametro parameter input [data proc.] de Parametereingabe fr entree de parametres es entrada de parämetros
it input m dei parametri parm parameter [data proc.] partial color picture de Teilfarbenbild fr image partiellement en couleur es imagen parcialmente en color it immagine parzialmente a colori partial update [database pubL] de Teilaktualisierung fr mise ä jour partielle es actualization parcial it aggiomamento parziale partitioned screen —> windowed screen [user interface ] paste ν [wordproc.] de einfügen (nach dem Ausschneiden) fr coller es pegar it incollare path (in hypertext: course of linked information, ordered list of nodes), trail [hypertext] de Pfad, Suchpfad fr chemin es
it percorso, cammino, sentiero path table (kind of index to all directories) [CD-ROM publ.] de Pfadtabelle fr table des chemins es tabla de camino(s) it tabella dei percorsi PC-based typesetting [el. prepress] de PC-Satz, Satzherstellung mittels Personal Computer fr photocomposition basee sur ordinateurs personnels es fotocomposicion basada en PC it fotocomposizione sulla base di PC PCL —> page construction language PCL printer command language [data proc.] PCM pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] PC network [onlinepubl.] de PC-Netz, vernetzte PCs fr reseau de PC es red de ordenadores personales it rete di personal, rete di PC PCS —» personal composition system (el. prepress] PDD —> portable digital document [el. prepress] PDF —> portable document format [online publ.] PDL —» page description language
PDS —» portable document software [online publ. ] peer node [onlinepubl.] de gleichrangiger Knoten fr noeud egal es nodo equitativo it nodo paritetico peer-to-peer (configuration) [onlinepubl.] de paritätisch, gleichberechtigt fr egal ä egal, d'egal ä egal es equitativo it paritetico, di pari livello, da uguale a uguale, da pari a pari peer-to-peer network (contr.: client-server network) [online publ.] de Peer-to-Peer-Vernetzung, Peer-to-Peer-Netz fr reseau egal ä egal es red de unidades de mismo nivel it rete peer-to-peer, rete paritetica pel —> pixel [el. imaging] percent grayness [el. imaging] de Grauanteil (in Prozent) fr valeur du gris (pourcentage) es valor de gris (tanto por ciento) it percentuale di grigio peripheral equipment, peripherals pi, peripheral units de periphere Geräte, Peripherie fr materiel peripherique, peripheriques pi, unites peripheriques es equipo periferico, perifericos pi, dispositivos perifericos it component! periferici, unitä periferiche peripherals pi —> peripheral equipment peripheral units —> peripheral equipment permanent record —» hardcopy η personal composition system (abbr. PCS) [el. prepress ] de individuelles Satzsystem fr systeme de composition individuel es sistema de composition personal it sistema di editoria personale personal mail (abbr. PM) [onlinepubl] de persönliche Mail, persönliche Mitteilung fr poste personnelle es correo personal it mail m personale personal publishing (abbr. PP) [desktop publ.] de Computersatz am PC fr edition personnelle es edition personal (con PC)
it editoria personale PG —> presentation graphics phonetic search [retrieval] de phonetische Suche fr recherche phonetique es busqueda fonetica it ricerca fonetica photo archive [el. imaging] de Fotoarchiv fr phototheque es archivo fotogräfico it archivio fotogräfico photocomp machine —> photocomposition device [equipment] photocomposer (person) —> phototypesetter [el. prepress] photocomposition, cold type (as contrasted to hot type) [el. prepress] de Lichtsatz fr photocomposition, photocompo/, flashage m es fotocomposicion it fotocomposizione photocomposition device, photocomposition machine, photocomp machine [equipment] de Lichtsatzanlage fr installation de photocomposition es equipo de fotocomposicion it macchina fotocompositrice, fotocompositrice, attrezzatura di fotocomposizione photocomposition machine —> photocomposition device [equipment] photocomposition program [el. prepress] de Lichtsatzprogramm fr programme de photocomposition es programa de fotocomposicion it programma di fotocomposizione photocomposition system [equipment] de Lichtsatzsystem fr systeme de photocomposition es sistema de fotocomposicion it sistema di fotocomposizione photoconductive print drum (of a laser printer) [printers] de Fotoleitertrommel fr tambour photoconducteur es tambor fotoconductor, tambor fotosensible it tamburo fotosensibile photodetector de Fotodetektor fr photodetecteur, photocapteur
es fotodetector it fotorilevatore photographic imagesetter —» photo imagesetter [equipment] photographic proof printer [equipment] de fotografischer Proofdrucker fr imprimante d'epreuves photographique es impresora de pruebas fotogräfica it stampante di bozze fotografica photographic proofs [el. prepress] de fotografische Proofs, fotografische Probeabzüge fr epreuves photographiques es pruebas fotogräficas it bozze fotografiche photographic rendering [el. imaging] de fotografische Wiedergabe fr rendu photographique es restitution fotogräfica it restituzione fotografica photographic typesetting equipment, photographic typesetter, filmsetter [el. prepress] de Fotosatzgerät fr photocomposeuse es unidad de composition fototipogräfica, unidad de fotocomposicion it fotounitä photographic typesetter —> photographic typesetting equipment [el. prepress] photographic typesetting —» phototypesetting η [el. prepress] photographic typesetter —» phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] photo imagesetter, photographic imagesetter [equipment] de fotografischer Belichter fr flasheuse photographique es filmadora fotogräfica it fotounitä fotografica photomultiplier tube (abbr. PMT) (in a scanner) [ equipment] de Photomultiplier-Röhre, Photomultiplier m fr tube PMT es tubo PMT, tubo fotomultiplicador it tubo PMT photopaper [el. prepress] de Fotopapier fr papier au bromure (papier revetu d'une emulsion au bromure) es papel fotogräfico
photosensitive material
it carta fotosensibile, carta fotografica photorealism [el. imaging] de Fotorealismus, Realitätsnähe fr realisme photographique es fotorrealismo it fotorealismo photorealistic adj (of photographic quality) [el. imaging] de fotorealistisch, realitätsnah fr photorealiste adj es fotorrealista adj it fotorealistico photorealistic color imaging [el. imaging] de fotorealistische Farbbildverarbeitung fr traitement couleur photorealiste (image etc.) es tratamiento de imägenes en color fotorrealista it trattamento fotorealistico di immagini a colon photorealistic image [el. prepress] de fotorealistisches Bild fr image photorealiste es imagen fotorrealista it immagine fotorealistica photorealistic output [el. prepress] de fotorealistische Ausgabe fr sortie photorealiste es salida fotorrealista it uscita fotorealistica photorealistic rendering [el. imaging] de fotorealistische Wiedergabe, fotorealistisches Rendering, Fotoqualität (mindestens 640 χ 480 Auflösung), Fotowiedergabe fr rendu photorealiste, qualite photorealiste es renderizaciön fotorrealista it restituzione fotorealistica photo retouching [el. imaging] de Retuschieren von Fotos, Fotoretusche fr retouche photo es retoque fotogräfico it fotoritocco, ritocco fotogräfico photo retouching software [el. imaging] de Software für Fotoretuschen fr logiciel de retouche photo es software de retoque fotogräfico it software per ritocchi fotografici photosensitive material [el. prepress] de Fotomaterial, lichtempfindliches Material fr materiau photosensible es material fotosensible, sustancia fotosensible it materiale fotosensibile
phototypeset ν [el. prepress] de im Fotosatz setzen fr photocomposer es fotocomponer it fotocomporre phototypeset output [el. prepress] de Fotosatzausgabe fr sortie photocomposee es salida fotocompuesta it uscita fotocomposta phototypesetter —> phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] phototypesetter —> imagesetter [equipment] phototypesetter (person), photocomposer (person) [el. prepress] de Fotosetzer fr photocompositeur es fotocompositor it fotocompositore phototypesetter, fourth-generation ~ [equipment] de Satzanlage der vierten Generation fr flasheuse de la quatrieme generation es filmadora de la cuarta generation it fotounita della quarta generazione phototypesetting η, photographic typesetting [el. prepress] de Fotosatz fr composition photographique, photocomposition es composicion fotogräfica, composicion fotomecänica, fotocomposicion it composizione fotografica, fotocomposizione phototypesetting equipment, phototypesetting machine, phototypesetter, photographic typesetter, filmsetter, photo unit [el. prepress ] de Fotosatzanlage, Fotosatzmaschine, Fotosatzeinrichtung fr photocomposeuse, flasheuse, imageuse es fotocomponedora, maquina de fotocomposicion, equipo de fotocomposicion, fotocompositora (hispanoam.), unidad filmadora it unita di fotocomposizione, impianto di fotocomposizione, fotocompositrice, fotounita phototypesetting machine —» phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] photo unit —> phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress ] pic —» picture [typography]
PIC —»picture image compression [multimedia] picon (from: picture and icon) [multimedia] de Picon m (Auswahlbildchen in einem Multimediaprogramm) fr imagette es vineta it miniatura picture (abbr. pic, pi: pix) [typography] de Bild (im Gegensatz zu Text), Abbildung fr illustration es ilustracion it immagine picture block [el. imaging] de Bildblock fr bloc illustration(s) es bloque de ilustracion it blocco di illustrazioni picture element —> pixel [el. imaging] picture file, image file de Bilddatei fr fichier d'image(s), fichier image(s) es fichero de imägenes, fichero de ilustracion it file di immagini picture format [el. imaging] de Bildformat fr format de 1'image es formato de imagen it formato dell' immagine picture image compression (abbr. PIC) (a compression technique for still images) [multimedia ] de PIC-Kompression fr compression PIC es compresion PIC it compressione PIC picture scanning —» image scanning [el. prepress ] PIL —> page interchange language [desktop publ.] pit η (physical indentation on discs) (contr.: land), bump η (on a CD-ROM surface) [CD-ROM publ.] de Vertiefung (in der Beschichtung) fr trou (sur un DON), creux, alveole, cuvette, micro-cuvette es hoyo (pequena muesca), pit m, cresta, hendidura it pit m (forellino allungato), cavita, foro, bolla pitch n, horizontal pitch [printers] de Zeichenabstand (meist in Zeichen pro Zoll) fr densite de caracteres (caracteres par pouce)
es paso, numero de caracteres por unidad de longitud it definizione di spostamento, pitch m pixel (abbr. pel), picture element [el. imaging] de Pixel η fr pixel m, point ecran es pixel m (tambien: pixel) (pi: pixels ο pixeles) it pixel m, punto indirizzabile, puntino pixel aspect ratio (width-to-height ratio of a pixel) [el. imaging] de Höhen-/Breitenverhältnis eines Pixel, Pixelverhältnis fr rapport largeur/hauteur d'un pixel es relation de pixel it rapporto altezza/larghezza di un pixel pixel density —> pixel depth [el. imaging] pixel depth (a measure of resolution; the number of bits stored for each pixel), pixel resolution, pixel density, bits per pixel [el. imaging] de Pixelauflösung, Pixeltiefe, Pixeldichte fr profondeur de pixel, bits per pixel, density de pixel es profundidad de pixel, resolucion de los pixels, resolucion de pixel, niimero de pixels it risoluzione dei pixel pixel editing [graphics] de Editieren von Pixeln, Einzelpixelbearbeitung fr edition au niveau pixel es ediciön de pixels it editing m di pixel, manipolazione dei pixel pixel editor -» paint program [graphics] pixel image [el. imaging] de Pixelbild fr image sous forme de pixels es imagen de pixeles it immagine sotto forma di pixel pixelisation [el. imaging] de Pixelierung (Auflösung in Bildpunkte), Pixelisierung fr resolution en pixel, pixelisation es pixelizacion it risoluzione in puntini pixel resolution —» pixel depth [el. imaging] pixel size [el. imaging] de Pixelgröße fr taille d'un pixel es tamano de pixel it dimensione di un pixel pixels per inch (abbr. ppi) [el. imaging] de Pixel pro Zoll
plate exposure
fr pixel par pouce (abr. ppp) es pixels por pulgada (abr. ppp) it pixel per pollice (abbr. ppp) pixels per line [el. imaging] de Pixel pro Zeile fr pixel par ligne es pixels por linea (abr. ppl), pels/linea it punti per riga plain paper —» normal paper plain paper imagesetter —> plain paper typesetter [equipment] plain paper output device [equipment] de Normalpapiergerät (z.B. Drucker, Kopierer etc.) fr dispositif de sortie sur papier normal es dispositivo de salida de papel normal it dispositivo di uscita su carta normale plain paper typesetter (abbr. PPT), plain paper imagesetter [equipment] de Normalpapiersatzgerät, PPT-Gerät, Normalpapierbelichter fr flasheuse ä papier normal es filmadora de papel normal it fotounita che funziona con carta normale plain text, straight text de reiner Text fr texte normal es texto llano (sin codigos de formato etc.) it testo corrente plate, printing plate [el. prepress] de Druckplatte, Platte fr plaque (d'impression) es plancha (impresora ο de impresion), placa (de impresion) (hispanoam.) it lastra (di stampa) plate, digital ~ (printing plate that can be exposed in a platesetter) [print shop] de digitale Platte, digitale Druckplatte fr plaque numerique es plancha digital it lastra (di stampa) digitale plate, to print direct to - (of a laser printer) [el. prepress] de direkt auf Platte drucken fr imprimer directement sur plaque, imprimer sur plaque es imprimir directamente a plancha it stampare direttamente su lastra plate exposure, plate burning [el. prepress] de Druckplattenbelichtung, Plattenbelichtung fr flashage des plaques
plate burning
es exposition de planchas it esposizione delle lastre di stampa plate burning —> plate exposure [el. prepress] platemaker, digital - [equipment] de digitaler Druckplattenbelichter fr flasheuse numerique de plaques es filmadora platesetter digital it fotounita digitale con uscita di lastre platemaking η [el. prepress] de Druckplattenherstellung, Plattenherstellung fr fabrication des plaques, confection des plaques es preparation de planchas it fabbricazione di lastre offset platesetter (imagesetter where the film is replaced by plates for printing) [equipment] de Plattenbelichter, Platesetter m fr flasheuse de plaques es filmadora de plancha, filmadora platesetter (de exposition directa sobre plancha), componedora de planchas, compositora de planchas (hispanoam.) it fotounita con uscita su lastre platesetter, aluminum - [el. prepress] de Aluplattenbelichter, Alu-Platesetter fr unite d'exposition de plaques d'aluminium es unidad de exposiciön de planchas de aluminio it unita di esposizione di lastre di aluminio platesetting, digital - [el. prepress] de digitale Druckplattenbelichtung, digitales Plattenbelichten fr flashage numerique de plaques d'impression es insolation digital de planchas it esposizione digitale di lastre di stampa platform-independent de plattformunabhängig fr independent du plateforme es independiente de la plataforma (informätica) it indipendente dalla piattaforma play ν [CD-ROM pubi] de abspielen fr reproduire es reproducir it riprodurre player (for CD-ROMs etc.) [multimedia] de Abspielgerät fr lecteur es lector, unidad lectora it lettore
plug-and-play system (humor.: plug-and-pray system) [equipment] de anschlußfertiges System fr systeme pret ä utiliser es sistema plug&play (conectar y listo) it sistema plug-and-play P M —¥ personal mail [online publ. ] PML —» page model language PMS —» Pantone Matching System [el. prepress] PMS colors Pantone colors [el. prepress] P M T —> photomultiplier tube [equipment] PMT scanner —> drum scanner [equipment] POD —» publishing on demand P O I —» point of information point η (abbr. pt) (typographical point) [typography] de Punkt fr point (typographique) (abr. pt), point Pica (0,35277 mm) ou point Didot (0,3759 mm) es punto (unidad de medida tipogräfica) it punto tipografico (abbr. pt) point of information (abbr. POI) de Point of Information fr point d' information es punto de information it punto di informazione, punto informativo pointer —» cursor [user interface] pointing device [user interface] de Zeigevorrichtung fr dispositif de pointage es puntero it strumento di puntamento, dispositivo di puntamento point size (of a type) [typography ] de Punktgröße (Größe in Punkt) fr force de corps, corps, hauteur des caracteres, taille en points es medida en puntos, cuerpo tipografico, tamano en puntos it forza di corpo, dimensione di punto polycarbonate [CD-ROMpubl.] de Polycarbonat η fr polycarbonate es policarbonato it policarbonato polyester-based plate [el. prepress] de Druckplatte auf Polyesterbasis, Polyesterplatte fr plaque ä polyester
es plancha de poliester, placa de poliester (hispanoam.) it lastra (di stampa) in poliester pop-up menu [user interface] de Pop-Up-Menü fr menu pop-up, menu local es menu tipo pop-up, menü de superposition it menü tipo pop-up port η [equipment] de Anschluß (Schnittstelle, Ein- und/oder Ausgang), Port m fr porte es puerto, port m, conexion it porta portable CD-ROM reader portable CDROM player [equipment] portable CD-ROM player, portable CD-ROM reader [equipment] de tragbares CD-ROM-Abspielgerät fr lecteur portable de CD-ROM es lector portatil de CD-ROM, unidad lectora portätil de CD-ROM it lettore di CD-ROM portatile, lettore portatile per CD-ROM portable digital document (abbr. PDD) [el. prepress] de portables digitales Dokument fr document numerise portable es documento digital portatil it documento digitale portabile portable document (that can easily be transferred to other systems) [el. prepress] de portables Dokument fr document portable es documento portitil it documento portabile portable document format (abbr. PDF) [online publ. J de PDF-Format fr format PDF es formato PDF, formato de documento portable it formato PDF portable document software (abbr. PDS) [online publ.] de PDS-Software (zur Erzeugung portabler Dokumente) fr logiciel PDS (pour la creation de documents portables) es software PDS (para la creation de documentos portables)
software PDS (per la creazione di documenti portabili) portrait format de Hochformat fr orientation verticale, format vertical, format portrait, format ä la frangaise es formato vertical it formato verticale positioning marks de Positionierungsmarken pi fr reperes de positionnement, marques de recadrage es marcas pi de posicionamiento it marche pi di posizionamento positioning time —» seek time [CD-ROM publ.] position proofs pi (used to verify the correct location of all elements) [el. prepress] de Proofs pi zur Positionskontrolle fr epreuves pour contröler la position es pruebas para controlar la position it bozze per controllare la posizione positive film [el. prepress] de Positivfilm fr film positif es pelicula positiva it pellicola positiva positive image [el. prepress] de positives Bild (z.B. auf dem Bildschirm) fr image positive (lettres claires sur fond sombre) es imagen positiva it immagine positiva positive master [CD-ROM publ. ] de positiver Master fr master positif es mäster positivo it master positivo positive print [el. prepress] de Positivkopie fr copie positive es copia positiva it copia positiva positive process [el. prepress] de Positivverfahren fr procede au positif es procedimiento positivo it procedimento positivo post ν (messages etc.) [online publ.] de senden, abschicken fr envoyer
es enviar it inviare post-press η [print shop] de Drucknachbearbeitung fr post-impression es post-impresiön it lavori dopo la stampa vera e propria postprocessing η [print shop] de Weiterverarbeitung (z.B. Binden nach dem Drucken), Nachbearbeitung fr post-production, fa^onnage es postproduccion, postimpresion it postproduzione PostScript (abbr. PS) (Trademark) de PostScript fr PostScript, langage PS es PostScript (lenguaje de description de päginas) it PostScript PostScript, editable ~ (abbr. ePS), EPscript [el. prepress] de editierbares PostScript (Abk. ePS) fr PostScript editable (abr. ePS) es PostScript editable (abr. ePS) it PostScript editabile (abbr. ePS) PostScript, encapsulated - (abbr. EPS) de Encapsulated PostScript fr PostScript encapsule es PostScript encapsulado (abr. EPS) it PostScript incapsulato (abbr. EPS) PostScript compatible (printer etc.) de PostScript-fähig fr compatible PostScript es compatible con PostScript it che supporta il linguaggio PostScript, PostScript compatibile PostScript emulation [desktop publ.] de PostScript-Emulation fr emulation PostScript es emulacion PostScript it emulazione PostScript PostScript-equipped laser printer [equipment] de PostScript-fähiger Laserdrucker fr imprimante postscriptienne, imprimante qui supporte le langage PostScript, imprimante laser compatible PostScript es impresora läser que soporta el lenguaje PostScript, impresora laser con compatibilidad PostScript it stampante PostScript compatibile, stampante che gestisce il PostScript
PostScript font [printers] de PostScript-Schrift fr fönte PostScript es fuente PostScript it font PostScript PostScript imagesetter [equipment] de PostScript-Belichter fr flasheuse PostScript es filmadora PostScript it fotounitä PostScript PostScript imagesetting [el. prepress] de PostScript-Belichtung fr flashage PostScript es filmacion PostScript it impressione PostScript (mediante fotounitä) PostScript interpreter de PostScript-Interpreter fr Interpretern: PostScript, programme interpreteur PostScript es interprete PostScript it interprete per il PostScript PostScript output de PostScript-Ausgabe fr sortie PostScript es salida PostScript, salida hacia impresora ο filmadora PostScript it uscita PostScript PostScript printer [equipment] de PostScript-Drucker fr imprimante PostScript es impresora PostScript it stampante PostScript PostScript raster image processor (abbr. PS-RIP), PostScript RIP [equipment] de PostScript-RIP fr RIP PostScript es RIP PostScript it RIP PostScript PostScript RIP —» PostScript raster image processor [equipment] powder ink —> dry toner [printers] PP —> personal publishing [desktop publ. ] PP pages [typography] ppi —» pixels per inch [el. imaging] PPT —» plain paper typesetter [equipment] predictive technique [multimedia] de prädiktive Technik fr technique predictive
es tecnica predictiva it tecnica predittiva preflight η (a test run before actual imagesetting) [el. prepress] de Probelauf (vor der Belichtung) fr execution d'essai es pasada de ensayo it esecuzione in anteprima premaster disc [CD-ROM publ.J de Premaster m fr disque pour pregravure es disco de premasterizacion it disco premaster premastered tape —> premaster tape [CD-ROM publ. ] premastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] de Premastering n, Testmustererstellung fr prematrifage, premastering m, pregravure (du master) es premasterizacion it premastering m, premasterizzazione premaster tape, premastered tape [CD-ROM publ.] de Premasterband η fr bände de pregravure es cinta de premasterizacion it nastro premaster preparation for typesetting, composition formatting [ word proc.] de Satzaufbereitung, Satzformatierung fr mise en forme typographique, preparation (d'un texte) es preparation para composicion it preparazione per la fotocomposizione prepress η de Druckvorbereitung, Druckvorstufe, PrepressBereich, Vorstufe fr prepresse/ es preimpresion, preediciön, preprensa (esp. hispanoam.) it prestampa, prepress m prepress... de Druckvorstufen... fr de prepresse es de pre-impresiön it di prestampa prepress, color ~ de farbige Druckvorstufe fr prepresse couleur es preimpresion en color it prestampa a colori, color prepress m
prepress, desktop ~ (abbr. DTP2) [el. prepress] de Druckvorstufe auf Desktopebene fr prepresse de bureau es preimpresion de sobremesa it prestampa a livello di scrivania prepress, digital ~ de digitale Druckvorstufe, digitale Vorstufe fr prepresse numerique es preimpresion digital it prestampa digitale prepress, electronic ~ de elektronische Druckvorstufe fr prepresse electronique es preimpresion electrönica, preprensa electrönica (hispanoam.) it prestampa elettronica prepress industry de Druckvorstufensektor fr secteur de prepresse es industria de preimpresion (abr. IPI) it industria di prepress prepress operations de Vorstufenprozesse pl fr operations de prepresse, chaine de production prepresse es operaciones de preimpresion it operazioni di prestampa prepress plant de Druckvorstufenbetrieb fr atelier de prepresse es preimpresor it officina di prestampa prepress proofs (e.g. for color images), off-press proofs de Probedrucke pl, Proofdrucke pl, Probeabzüge pl, Proofs pl fr epreuves finales, epreuves avant tirage es pruebas de pre-impresiön it stampe pl di prova prepress systems de Druckvorstufensysteme fr systemes prepresse, systemes de prepresse es sistema de preimpresion it sistemi di prestampa prescanning η (scanning at lower resolution for quick preview) [el. prepress] de Preview-Scannen η, Voransichtscannen η fr scanning pour prevue es escaneo para previsualizaciön it scansione per preview
presence on the Web
presence on the Web —» Web space [online publ. ] presentation graphics (abbr. PG) de Präsentationsgrafik (Abk. PG) fr graphisme de presentation es gräfica de presentaciones, gräficos para presentaciones it grafico di presentazione press vi (CD-ROMs) [CD-ROMpubl.] de pressen ν fr presser es grabar it stampare press, digital ~ n, digital printing machine [print shop] de digitale Druckmaschine fr presse digital ä imprimer es mäquina de impresiön digital, prensa digital it macchina di stampa digitale pressing η (of a CD-ROM) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Pressen η, Preßvorgang fr pressage es estampado m, grabacion, estampaciön it stampa (dei CD), incisione, pressaggio pressing house —> disc pressing house [CD-ROM publ.] pressing master —> stamper disc [CD-ROM publ.] pressing plant -> disc pressing house [CD-ROM publ.] press proofs pi (before the production run) [el. prepress] de Andrucke pi, Revisionsabzüge pi fr epreuves pi, tierces pi es pruebas de mäquina it bozze finali press-ready plate [print shop] de druckfertige Platte fr plaque prete ä imprimer es plancha lista para imprimir it lastra pronta per la stampa preview ν (on the screen before printing) [desktop publ.] de sichten (Text auf dem Schirm vor dem Drucken), Voranzeigen fr
faire defiler prealablement (sur l'ecran etc.),
previsualiser, visualiser avant l'impression es previsualizar, ver (un documento etc.) antes de imprimir it revisionare (sullo schermo, prima della
stampa), visualizzare in anteprima preview η (of a text), previewing η [desktop publ.] de Sichten am Bildschirm (vor dem Drucken), Preview n, Voranzeige, Anzeige zur Ansicht, Vorschau, Vorabansicht fr previsualisation, prevue /, defilement prealable (sur ecran) es previsualizacion, vista previa, visualization previa it revisione sullo schermo (prima della stampa), previsualizzazione, anteprima, preview m preview η [el. prepress] de Voransicht (beim Scannen etc.) fr prevue/ es ensayo it prova preview, document - [desktoppubl.] de Dokumentvorschau fr previsualisation de documents es previsualizacion de documentos it anteprima del documento (completo), previsualizzazione di un documento preview, page - [desktoppubl.] de Seitenvorschau (zur Kontrolle) fr previsualisation des pages es testeo de päginas it anteprima delle pagine, previsualizzazione delle pagine preview, print - [word proc.] de Druckvorschau fr previsualisation de l'impression es previsualizacion de la impresiön it previsualizzazione della stampa, anteprima di stampa preview, true-font ~ [desktop publ.] de Echtschrift-Preview η (Textkontrolle mit echten Schriften) fr previsualisation en vraies fontes es previsualizacion en fuente verdadera, previsualizacion de la fuente real it anteprima con font veraci preview function [user interface] de Ansichtfunktion fr fonction de previsualisation es funcion de previsualizacion it funzione di anteprima previewing η —> preview η [desktoppubl.] preview mode [desktop publ.] de Preview-Modus, Voranzeigemodus
fr mode previsualisation es visualization en modo previo, modo de previsualizacion it modo previsualizzazione, modo stampa/anteprima preview monitor [equipment] de Vorschaumonitor fr moniteur de previsualisation es monitor de previsualizacion it monitor di previsualizzazione preview scan [el. prepress] de Testscan m, Probescan m fr scanning d'epreuve es escaneo de ensayo it scansione di prova preview screen [desktop publ. ] de Preview-Darstellung fr ecran de previsualisation es pantalla de previsualizacion it schermo di previsualizzazione preview window [user interface] de Preview-Fenster, Vorschaufenster fr fenetre de previsualisation es ventana de previsualizacion it finestra di previsualizzazione, finestra di preview, finestra di anteprima primaries, additive color ~ —> additive primary colors [el. imaging] primary colors [el. imaging] de Primärfarben pi, Erstfarben pi fr couleurs primaires, teintes primaires es colores primarios, colores bäsicos it colori primari primary window -> principal window [user interface] principal window, primary window [user interface] de Hauptfenster fr fenetre principale es ventana principal it finestra principale print« de Druck fr impression es impresiön it stampa print η [el. prepress] de Kopie, Abzug fr copie, epreuve es copia, prueba it copia, prova
printed products
print ν de drucken, ausdrucken fr imprimer ei imprimir it stampare print ν in color de farbig drucken fr imprimer en couleurs ei imprimir en color(es) it stampare a colori, stampare immagini a colori print ν direct to plate (of a laser printer), print to plate [el. prepress] de direkt auf Platte drucken fr imprimer directement sur plaque, imprimer sur plaque es imprimir directamente a plancha it stampare direttamente su lastra print buffer, printing buffer de Druckausgabepuffer, Druckpuffer, Druckerpuffer fr tampon d'impression ei büfer de impresiön it buffer m di stampa print command [word proc. ] de Druckbefehl, Druckkommando fr commande d'impression es comando de impresiön it comando di stampa printed adj (as opposed to electronic, on CDROM, etc.) de gedruckt fr imprime, papier (p.e. un catalogue papier) es impreso adj, sobre papel (impreso) it stampato agg, cartaceo printed book de gedrucktes Buch fr livre papier es libro sobre papel impreso it libro su carta stampata printed newspaper (as opposed to an electronic or online newspaper), printed paper de gedruckte Zeitung (Zeitung in gedruckter Form) fr journal sous forme de papier es diario de papel it giomale stampato printed paper -» printed newspaper printed products, print-on-paper products de Printprodukte pi fr produits imprimes, produits papier, presse
ecrite, ouvrages sur papier es productos sobre papel impreso, productos impresos en papel, productos sobre soporte papel it prodotti di stampa, prodotti su carta, prodotti cartacei printer (abbr. PRT, PRN) de Drucker fr imprimante es impresora, impresor it stampante/ printer, color - [equipment] de Farbdrucker, farbtüchtiger Drucker fr imprimante couleur, imprimante en couleurs es impresora en color, impresora color it stampante a colon printer, dye sublimation ~ [equipment] de Farbsublimationsdrucker fr imprimante ä sublimation en couleur es impresora de sublimacion color it stampante a sublimazione a colon printer, electroerosion - [equipment] de Elektroerosionsdrucker fr imprimante electro-erosive es impresora de electroerosion it stampante elettroerosiva printer, electrostatic ~ [equipment] de elektrostatischer Drucker fr imprimante electrostatique es impresora electrostatica it stampante elettrostatica printer, graphics ~ [equipment] de Grafikdrucker fr imprimante graphique es impresora gräfica, impresora de graficos it stampante grafica printer, ink jet ~ [equipment] de Tintenstrahldrucker, Inkjet-Drucker fr imprimante ä jet d'encre es impresora de chorro de tinta, impresora ink jet it stampante a getto d'inchiostro printer, large-format color ~ [equipment] de Großformatfarbdrucker fr imprimante couleur de grand format es impresora en color de gran formato it stampante a colon per grandi format! printer, laser - [equipment] de Laserdrucker (Abk. LD), Laser m fr imprimante ä laser
es impresora läser, läser/ it stampante laser, laser/ [»inter, network - [online publ] de Netzdrucker fr imprimante de reseau es impresora de red it stampante di rete printer, PostScript ~ [equipment] de PostScript-Drucker fr imprimante PostScript es impresora PostScript it stampante PostScript printer, proof - [equipment] de Proofdrucker, Probeabzugdrucker fr imprimante d'epreuves es impresora de pruebas it stampante per bozze printer, shared ~ [online publ.] de gemeinsamer Drucker, gemeinschaftlich genutzter Drucker fr imprimante partagee es impresora compartida it stampante utilizzata in comune printer, sublimation - [equipment] de Sublimationsdrucker fr imprimante ä sublimation es impresora de sublimacion it stampante a sublimazione, stampante a tecnologia sublimale printer, thermal sublimation ~ [equipment] de Thermosublimationsdrucker fr imprimante thermique ä sublimation es impresora de sublimacion termica it stampante termica a sublimazione printer, thermal transfer ~ [equipment] de Thermotransferdrucker fr imprimante ä transfert thermique es impresora de transferencia termica it stampante a trasferimento termico printer command language (abbr. PCL) [data proc.] de Druckerkommandosprache fr langage de commande d'imprimante, langage PCL es lenguaje de comando de impresora it linguaggio di comando della stampante printer font [desktop publ.] de Druckerschrift(art), Druckerfont fr fönte d'impression, police d'imprimante es fuente de la impresora it font della stampante
printers pl —> printing shop print format, printout format, listing format, printing format de Druckformat, Druckbild fr format d'impression es formato de impresion it formato della stampa, tracciato stampa printing n, printing process de Drucken η, Druckvorgang fr impression (d'une liste etc.) es impresion it stampa, processo di stampa printing, decentralized ~ de dezentrales Drucken fr impression decentralisee es impresiön descentralizada it stampa decentralizzata printing, digital ~ (printing with plateless systems) [print shop] de Digitaldruck fr impression numerique es impresiön digital it stampa digitale printing, on-demand ~ de Printing on Demand, On-Demand-Druck, On-Demand-Printing, Drucken nach Bedarf, Drucken auf Abruf fr impression sur demande es impresiön bajo demanda, impresiön por pedido (hispanoam.) it stampa secondo domanda printing buffer —> print buffer printing firm —> printing shop printing format —> print format printing house —> printing shop printing medium (medium on which the information is printed) [print shop} de Druckmedium fr medium d'impression es soporte de impresion it supporto di stampa printing on demand —» on-demand printing printing plant —> printing shop printing plate -» plate [el. prepress] printing process —> printing η printing sector de Printbereich fr secteur d'impression es sector de impresion it settore della stampa printing shop, print shop, printing house,
process color printing
printing Arm, printing plant, printers de Druckerei fr atelier d'impression, imprimerie, atelier d'imprimerie es imprenta, talleres tipogräficos it stamperia, stampatore printing speed, print speed, print rate de Druckgeschwindigkeit, Schreibgeschwindigkeit, Schreibleistung fr vitesse d'impression es velocidad de impresiön it velocita di stampa printing technology [print shop] de Drucktechnik fr technologie d'impression es tecnologia de impresiön it tecnologia di stampa print job de Druckjob, Druckauftrag fr travail d'impression es tarea de impresiön it lavoro di stampa print media pl de Printmedien pl fr medias imprimes, presse imprimee es prensa escrita it stampa cartacea print-on-paper products —> printed products printout η —> hardcopy printout printout format —»print format print parameter de Druckparameter fr parametre d'impression es parämetro de impresiön it parametro di stampa print preview [word proc.] de Druckvorschau fr previsualisation de Γ impression es previsualizaciön de la impresiön it previsualizzazione della stampa, anteprima di stampa print rate —» printing speed print shop —» printing shop print speed —» printing speed print to plate -» print ν direct to plate [el. prepress] PRN printer process color printing, four-color process [el. prepress] de Vierfarbendruck (mit Farbseparierung) fr quadrichromie, impression en quadrichromie
process colors
es impresiön policroma con selection de colores, cuatricromia it stampa a colori in quadricromia, quadricromia, quattricromia process colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) [el. prepress] de Prozeßfarben pi fr couleurs de la quadrichromie es colores de proceso, cuatro colores de cuatricromia, colores de cuatricromia, separation de color por proceso, impresion de tintas planas it colori di quadricromia processing, image ~ de Bildverarbeitung, Bilddatenverarbeitung fr traitement d'image(s) es proceso de imägenes, tratamiento de la imagen, tratamiento de imägenes, procesamiento de imägenes it elaborazione delle immagini, elaborazione d'immagini, processo di immagine program area (the area between lead-in and lead-out) [CD-ROM publ] de Programmbereich fr zone de programme(s) es area de programa it area di programma progressive proofs pi (for showing the results of color separation), progressives pi, progs pi [el. prepress ] de Teilfarbandrucke pi fr epreuves progressives es pruebas progresivas it progressive pi progressives pi —> progressive proofs [el. prepress] progs pi —> progressive proofs [el. prepress] proof η [el. prepress] de Proof m, Prüfdruck fr epreuve (d'impression) es prueba it bozza proof«, proof copy [general sense] de Korrekturabzug, Probeabzug fr epreuve (de contröle) es prueba it bozza proof ν, to print proofs [el. prepress] de Probedrucke erstellen oder anfertigen, proofen ν fr tirer des epreuves
es sacar pruebas, imprimir pruebas it stampare bozze, produrre bozze proof ν —> proofread [typography] proof, final ~ η [el. prepress] de Endkorrekturvorlage fr epreuve finale, tierce/ es prueba final it bozza finale proof, to pull a ~ [print shop] de andrucken fr produire epreuves finales es sacar pruebas finales it eseguire una stampa di prova del prodotto finale proof copy —> proof η [general sense] proof disc -> check disc [CD-ROMpubl.] proofer n, proofing device [equipment] de Probeabzugstation fr station de tirage d'epreuves es dispositivo de pruebas it stazione per la produzione delle bozze proofer, color - [equipment] de Color-Proofer m (Gerät zur Ausgabe von farbigen Proofs), Farbabzugdrucker fr imprimante pour epreuves en couleur es impresora para pruebas de color it stampante per bozze a colore proofing η (making of proofs, for reviewing purposes etc.) [el. prepress] de Proofen n, Proofing n, Erstellen von Probeabzügen fr epreuvage, sortie d'epreuves de contröle es production de pruebas, obtencion de pruebas it stampa di bozze proofing, color ~ [el. prepress] de Herstellung von Farbabzügen, Arbeiten η mit Farbabzügen fr production d'epreuves couleur es obtencion de pruebas de color it produzione di bozze a colori proofing, digital ~ [el. prepress] de digitales Proofing, digitale Erstellung von Probeabzügen fr production d'epreuves numeriques es salida de pruebas digitales it produzione di bozze digitali proofing device proofer η [equipment] proofing imager [el. prepress] de Probebelichter fr flasheuse pour epreuves
es filmadora de pruebas it fotounita per bozze proofing monitor [equipment] de Proof-Monitor fr moniteur pour les epreuves es monitor para pruebas it monitor di controllo proofing printer —> proof printer [equipment] proofing system [equipment] de Proofing-System fr systeme d'epreuvage es sistema para la obtencion de pruebas, sistema de pruebas it sistema per la produzione di bozze proof mode draft mode [printers] proof pages —> page proofs pi [typography] proof print [el. prepress] de Proofdruck, Probedruck, Probeabzug fr epreuve d'impression es prueba de impresion it prova di stampa, stampone proof printer, proofing printer [equipment] de Proofdrucker, Probeabzugdrucker fr imprimante d'epreuves es impresora de pruebas it stampante per bozze proof printing [el. prepress] de Proofdruck (Anfertigung von Probedrucken), Ausgabe von Probeabzügen, Proofausgabe fr tirage d'epreuve(s), impression d'epreuves, sortie des epreuves es impresion de pruebas, tira de pruebas it stampa di bozze proofread, proof ν [typography] de korrekturlesen fr corriger les epreuves es leer las pruebas it controllare le bozze proofs pi —» page proofs pi [typography ] proofs, analog - (contr.: digital proofs) [el. prepress ] de analoge Proofs fr epreuves analogiques es pruebas analogicas it bozze anlogiche proofs, color ~ [el. prepress] de Farbabzüge pi fr epreuves couleur es pruebas de color, pruebas a color, pruebas color
proofs, prepress ~
it bozze a colon, bozze di colore proofs, digital - (contr.: analog proofs) [el. prepress] de digitale Proofs pi fr epreuves numeriques es pruebas digitales it bozze digitali proofs, electronic - [el. prepress] de elektronische Abzüge pi fr epreuves electroniques es pruebas electronicas it bozze elettroniche proofs, galley - [typography] de Fahnenabzüge pi, Probeabzüge pi fr epreuves (en placard) es pruebas de galeras, prueba de galeradas, galeradas pi bozze di stampa (in colonna), bozze tipografiche, bozzoni proofs, hard - (proofs on paper or other hardcopy material; contr.: soft proofs) [el. prepress] de Papierabzüge pi fr epreuves papier es pruebas de papel it bozze hard-copy proofs, intermediate - [el. prepress] de Zwischenabzüge pi, Zwischenproofs pi fr epreuves intermediaires es pruebas intermedias it bozze intermedie proofs, layout - [el. prepress] de Layoutproofs pi fr epreuves de maquettage es pruebas de maquetacion it bozze dell'impaginato proofs, page ~ [el. prepress] de Probeseiten pi, Korrekturseiten pi fr epreuves en premiere es pruebas (de päginas), compaginadas pi it bozze pi proofs, page - [typography] de umbrochene Korrekturfahnen pi fr epreuves d'imprimerie (mises en pages) es pruebas de pägina it bozze impaginate, bozze di stampa (in pagine), pagine di prova, prove pi (di stampa) proofs, prepress - (e.g. for color images), off-press proofs de Probedrucke pi, Proofdrucke pi, Probeit
proofs, progressive ~
abziige pi, Proofs pi fr epreuves finales, epreuves avant tirage es pruebas de pre-impresion it stampe pi di prova proofs, progressive ~ (for showing the results of color separation), progressives pi, progs pi [el. prepress] de Teilfarbandrucke pi fr epreuves progressives es pruebas progresivas it progressive pi proofs, remote ~ [el. prepress] de Remote Proofs pi (per Netz übermittelte Korrekturabzüge) fr epreuves electroniques transmises par reseau es pruebas electronicas transmitidas por red, pruebas remotas it bozze trasmesse via rete proofs, separation color separation proofs [el. prepress] de Farbauszüge pi, Probedrucke fur die Farbseparierung fr epreuves de quadrichromie, films de separation es pruebas separadas para cuadricromia it bozze separate per quadricromia proofs, soft ~ (proofs in the form of images on a screen; contr.: hard proofs) [el. prepress] de Softproofs pi fr epreuves d'ecran es pruebas soft (visualizadas en la pantalla) it bozze soft protective lacquer (of a CD) [CD-ROM publ.] de transparente Schutzschicht fr vernis protecteur, vernis de protection, couche protectrice es capa protectora, bamiz protector, capa de barniz con caräcter protector it vernice protettiva provider η [onlinepubl.] de Anbieter, Provider m fr fournisseur es proveedor it fornitore provider, access - (e.g. in the Internet) [online publ. ] de Dienstleistungsanbieter, Anbieter, Access Provider m fr fournisseur d'acces es proveedor de acceso it fornitore di accesso
provider, content ~ [onlinepubl] de Anbieter von Inhalten, Content Provider m fr fournisseur du contenu es proveedor de contenido it fornitore di contenuti provider, information ~ (abbr. IP) [online publ.] de Informationsanbieter fr fournisseur d'information es proveedor de informacion, suministrador de informacion it fomitore di informazioni, societä fornitrice di informazioni provider, network ~ [onlinepubl.] de Netzversorger fr fournisseur de services de reseau es proveedor de red it fornitore di servizi di rete proximity operator [retrieval] de Näherungsoperator fr Operateur de proximite es operador de proximidad it operatore di prossimitä proximity search, proximity word search [ retrieval] de Näherungssuche fr recherche de proximite es busqueda de proximidad it ricerca di prossimita proximity word search —» proximity search [ retrieval] proxy file —» viewfile [el. prepress] PRT printer PS - » PostScript pseudo coloring, false coloring [el. imaging] de Pseudokolorierung fr emploi de fausses couleurs es seudocoloracion, pseudocoloraciön it impiego di pseudocolori pseudo colors (indexed colors), false colors [el. imaging] de Pseudofarben pi fr fausses couleurs, pseudo-couleurs es seudocolores pi, pseudocolores it pseudo colori, falsi colori PS-RIP —» PostScript raster image processor [equipment] pt —» point [typography] publish de publizieren ν fr publier
es publicar, editar it pubblicare publish ν in the Internet de im Internet veröffentlichen fr publier sur Internet es publicar en Internet it pubblicare nel Internet publishing η [general sense] de Publizieren« fr publication, edition es edicion it editoria publishing η [el. publishing] de Publishing η (bevorzugter Ausdruck im EP-Bereich) fr edition es edicion it edizione publishing, audiovisual ~ [el. publishing] de audiovisuelles Publizieren fr methodes audiovisuelles de publication es publicaciones audiovisuales it pubblicazione audiovisiva publishing, automated ~ de automatisiertes Publishing fr publication automatisee es publicaciön automatizada it pubblicazione automatizzata publishing, CD-ROM ~ de Publizieren auf CD-ROM fr edition sur CD-ROM, edition electronique sur CD-ROM es edicion de CD-ROM it edizione su CD-ROM publishing, computer-aided - (abbr. CAP), computer-based publishing de computergestütztes Publizieren fr edition assistee par ordinateur, publication assistee par ordinateur (abr. PAO) es edicion auxiliada por computadora it attivitä editoriali assistiti dall'elaboratore publishing, computer ~ de Computer Publishing η fr edition par ordinateur es edicion por ordenador it edizione tramite computer publishing, corporate ~ de Corporate Publishing η fr edition d'entreprise es edicion de empresa it pubblicazione nell'impresa
publishing, office -
publishing, database - (abbr. DBP) de Database Publishing n, datenbankgestützte Herstellung einer Publikation fr edition par le biais d'outils de gestion de base de donnees es publicaciones producidos desde una base de datos it creazione di pubblicazioni da un database, pubblicazioni provenienti direttamente da un database publishing, desktop - (abbr. DTP) de Desktop-Publishing (Abk. DTP) fr micro-edition, publication assistee par ordinateur (abr. PAO), le PAO (adj: paoi'stique), edition de bureau, edition faite sur le bureau, editique es autoediciön, edicion de sobremesa, edicion asistida por ordenador (abr. EAO), trabajo en autoediciön it desktop publishing m (abbr. DTP), editoria elettronica (mediante PC), editoria da scrivania, editoria personale publishing, digital de digitales Publizieren fr edition numerique, creation de publications numeriques es production de publicaciones digitales it produzione di pubblicazioni digitali publishing, inhouse ~ de firmeninternes Publizieren fr micro-edition d'entreprise es edicion en el propio local, publicaciön interna it pubblicazione in loco publishing, Internet - [online publ.] de Internet Publishing n, Publishing im Internet fr publications dans 1'Internet es publicaciones por medio de Internet, publicaciön en Internet, edicion en Internet it pubblicazione nell'ambito dell'Internet publishing, new media de Publizieren mit neuen Medien fr edition de nouveaux medias ei publicaciön con nuevos media it pubblicazione con i nuovi media publishing, office ~ de Office-Publishing η fr edition dans le bureau es edicion en la oficina it editoria da ufficio
publishing, online ~
publishing, online ~ (distributing paperless publications worldwide via a network) de Online-Publishing fr edition electronique (distribuee par reseau) es publicacion electronica on-line, edicion online it distribuzione di pubblicazioni via rete publishing, optical ~ [el. publishing] de elektronisches Publizieren auf optischen Medien fr edition electronique sur medias optiques es ediciön electronica sobre medios öpticos it editoria elettronica su media ottici publishing, personal ~ (abbr. PP) [desktop publ. ] de Computersatz am PC fr edition personnelle es edicion personal (con PC) it editoria personale publishing, video ~ [el. publishing] de Publizieren in Form von Videos fr publication sous forme de video es publicacion de videos it pubblicazione sotto forma di video publishing, Web ~ [onlinepubl.] de Web-Publishing η fr publication dans le Web, publication sur le Web es publicacion en el Web, ediciön Web it pubblicazione nel Web publishing interchange language —> page interchange language [desktoppubl.] publishing on demand (abbr. POD), on-demand publishing, demand publishing de Publishing on Demand (Publizieren nach Bedarf), Publizieren auf Nachfrage, On-Demand-Publishing fr edition sur demande, publication sur demande, edition ä petits tirages es edicion bajo demanda it edizione secondo domanda, pubblicazione su richiesta publishing on the Web —» Web publishing [online publ.] pull ν a proof [print shop] de andrucken fr produire epreuves finales es sacar pruebas finales it eseguire una stampa di prova del prodotto finale pull-down menu, drop-down menu
[user interface] de Pull-Down-Menü, Drop-Down-Menii, Klappmenü fr menu deroulant es menu de persiana, menu desplegable, menii superpuesto it menu pull-down, menu a discesa, menu a tendina pulse code modulation (abbr. PCM) [CD-ROM publ.] de Pulscodemodulation (Abk. PCM) fr modulation par impulsion et codage (abr. MIC), modulation par impulsions (codees), codage MIC es modulacion por impulsos codificados (abr. MIC), modulacion en cödigo de pulsaciones, modulacion MIC it modulazione a codice d'impulsi, modulazione impulsiva codificata, modulazione PCM
Q quadruple speed -> quad speed [CD-ROM publ.] quads pi —» separated films [el. prepress] quad speed (abbr. 4X), quadruple speed [CD-ROM publ.] de Quadspeed-..., Quadrospeed-..., mit vierfacher Geschwindigkeit fr quadruple vitesse (lecteur quadruple vitesse) es de cuädruple velocidad it a quadrupla velocita quad speed drive, 4X drive [CD-ROMpubl.] de Quadspeed-Laufwerk, Quadrospeed-Laufwerk, Vierfach-Laufwerk, 4-fach-SpeedLaufwerk fr lecteur quadruple vitesse es lector de cuädruple velocidad it lettore di CD-ROM a quadrupla velocita, drive di CD-ROM a quadrupla velocita, drive CD 4-speed query η, search request de Anfrage, Suchanfrage fr requete de reponse, question es consulta it richiesta di ricerca, domanda query capabilities —» query facilities [user interface]
query entry screen [user interface] de Eingabemaske fur die Abfrage fr fenetre d'entree de la question es ventana para la entrada de la demanda it videata per l'immissione delle domande query expansion [retrieval] de Erweiterung der Suchfrage fr extension de la question es expansion de la demanda it espansione della domanda query facilities, query capabilities [user interface ] de Abfragemöglichkeiten pi fr possibilites d'interrogation es capacidades de consulta it possibility di consultazione query link [hypertext] de Frageverknüpfung fr connexion de questions es enlace de demandas it link di domande
R radial network —» star-shaped data network [online publ] radial tracking [CD-ROMpubl.] de radiale Spursuche fr asservissement radial es tracking radial it tracking radiale radial tracking control [CD-ROM publ. ] de radiale Spureinstellung fr systeme d'asservissement radial es control de tracking radial it controllo tracking radiale range of exposure [el. prepress] de Belichtungsspielraum fr tolerance d'exposition es tolerancia de exposition it tolleranza di esposizione range query [retrieval] de Bereichsfrage fr recherche des intervalles es consulta de intervalos it domanda per ricerche di intervallo range search [retrieval] de Bereichssuche fr recherche d'interval
es busqueda de intervalos it ricerca di intervallo RAP —> remote access point [online publ. ] rapid changer [CD-ROMpubl.] de Schnellwechsler fr changeur rapide es autocambiador de alta velocidad it cambiatore rapido raster η (of an image) [el. imaging] de Rastern fr trame/ es trama it retino raster dot —» halftone dot [el. prepress] raster font —» bit-mapped font [desktop publ.] raster graphics (contr.: vector graphics) [el. imaging] de Rastergrafik fr illustrations tramees es gräficos tramados, gräficos de reticula it grafica tipo raster raster image processor -> RIP η [equipment] raster image processing [el. prepress] de Rasterisierung (mittels RIP) fr rasterisation es procesamiento de rastreo de imagenes it rasterizzazione di immagini rasterization [el. imaging] de Rasterung fr quadrillage es rastreo m, rasterization f tramado m it rasterizzazione rasterize [el. imaging] de rastern fr rasteriser es tramar it rasterizzare rasterize —> screen ν [el. prepress] rate of spin —»rotation speed [CD-ROMpubl.] raw text, flat text [word proc.] de Rohtext fr texte brut es texto en bruto it testo grezzo RCA connector [multimedia] de Audiostecker fr connecteur RCA es conector RCA, jack RCA it connettore RCA RCW -> record control word [CD-ROMpubl.] RDA —» remote database access [online publ.]
read head
read head —> optical head [CD-ROM publ] ready for typesetting de satzreif, satzfertig fr bon ä composer es listo para componer, listo para composition it pronto per la composizione, ok si stampi realistic rendering [el. imaging] de realistisches Rendering fr rendu realiste es renderizacion realista it realisticita della resa real-time full-screen video [multimedia] de Echtzeit-Vollbildvideo fr video plein ecran en temps reel es video en tiempo real y a pantalla completa it video a pieno schermo in tempo reale real-time video (abbr. RTV) [multimedia] de Real Time Video (Abk. RTV) fr video en temps reel, video temps reel es video en tiempo real it video in tempo reale recognition logic de Erkennungslogik fr logique de reconnaissance es lögica de reconocimiento it logica di riconoscimento reconfigure (network etc.) de rekonfigurieren, neu konfigurieren fr reconfigurer ei reconfigurar it riconfigurare record vt [CD-ROMpubl.] de beschreiben fr graver es grabar it registrare recordable CD-ROM -»CD-R record control word (abbr. RCW) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Datensatzkontrollwort fr mot de contröle d'enregistrement es palabra de control de registro it parola di controllo del record recorded surface —> recording surface [CD-ROM publ.] recorder —> imagesetter [equipment] recorder —» laser imager [equipment] recorder, CD-ROM ~ de CD-Recorder (Gerät zum Beschreiben von CD-ROMs), CD-ROM-Recorder, CD-ROM-
Brenner, CD-Schreiber fr graveur de CDs, enregistreur de CD-ROM es grabadora de CD-ROM, unidad grabadora de CD-ROM, unidad de grabacion de CDROM, grabador de CD-ROM it registratore di CD-ROM, bruciatore di CD-ROM, incisore di CD-ROM recording η [CD-ROM publ. ] de Beschreiben η fr gravure es grabacion it registrazione, incisione recording speed [CD-ROMpubl.] de Schreibgeschwindigkeit fr vitesse de gravure es velocidad de grabacion it velocita di registrazione recording surface (of a disc etc.), recorded surface [CD-ROMpubl.] de Oberfläche (einer Platte etc.) fr surface d'enregistrement es superficie de registro, superficie de grabaciön it superficie di registrazione, superficie di memorizzazione record-oriented data (contr.: full-text documents) [database publ.] de datensatzorientierte Daten fr donnees orientees enregistrements ei datos orientados a registros it dati organizzati in record redirector (in a LAN) [onlinepubl.] de Redirector m fr redirecteur es unidad de redirection (en una red de ärea local) it re-director m reduction (contr.: enlargement) [el. imaging] de Verkleinerung, Reduktion/ fr reduction (de taille) es reduccion it riduzione, rimpiccolimento reduction ratio (contr.: enlargement ratio), scale of reduction [el. prepress] de Verkleinerungsverhältnis, Verkleinerung fr echelle de reduction es relation de reduccion it rapporto di riduzione redundancy elimination [databasepubl.] de Redundanzbeseitigung fr elimination des redondances
es elimininaciön de redundancies it eliminazione di ridondanze Reed-Solomon code —> cross-interleaved ReedSolomon code [ CD-ROM publ. ] reference button [hypertext] de intertextuelle Referenzierung fr bouton de reference es botön de referencia it bottone di riferimento reference frame (in compression: first frame which is stored completely), full frame [multimedia] de Bezugsframe, Vollframe fr trame de reference es trama de referencia it frame m di riferimento reference mark [word proc.] de Anmerkungszeichen, Notenzeichen, Hinweissymbol fr signe de reference es signo de referencia, marca de referencia it marca di riferimento reference point —> link source [hypertext] referential link [hypertext] de Hinweisverknüpfung fr lien de reference es vinculo de referencia it link di riferimento reflective coating -> reflective metallic layer [CD-ROM publ.] reflective metallic layer, reflective coating [CD-ROM publ.] de Reflexionsschicht, reflektierende Schicht fr couche reflechissante es capa reflectora, capa reflejante, peh'cula reflectora it Strato metallico riflettente, Strato di materiale riflettente refresh rate de Auffrischrate fr taux de rafrafchissement es tasa de refresco it tasso di rinfresco refresh rate —> frame frequency [el. imaging] regeneration rate —> frame frequency [el. imaging] regionalized [onlinepubl.] de regionalisiert (Netz) fr ^ίοΜίίβέ es regionalizado it regionalizzato
register η, registration, backing up η [typography] de Registerhaltung, Registerhaltigkeit fr registre, reperage des lignes du recto sur Celles du verso es registro it registro register, to be in - , back up ν [typography ] de Registerhalten fr assurer le registre es estar en perfecta registro it tenere registro register, out of ~ [typography] de nicht registerhaltig fr hors repfere es fuera de registro it che non tiene registro, fuori registro register mark (compare: crop mark), registration mark [ typography ] de Paßkreuz, Passer m (zum Aufeinanderpassen von Grafiken etc.), Passermarke fr croix de repere, repere, marque de repere es marca de registro, cruceta de registro, cruz de registro, punto de registro it crocetta di registro, crocino di riferimento (per il registro), segno di riferimento registration —> register [typography] registration mark —> register mark [typography] registration-perfect [el. prepress] de registerhaltig fr en registre es en perfecta registro it in registro relevance (of search hits) [retrieval] de Relevanz / (Beurteilung der Richtigkeit der Treffer) fr pertinence (des reponses) es relevancia it rilevanza relevance ranking (of search hits) [retrieval] de Trefferbewertung fr evaluation de la relevance des reponses es evaluaciön de la relevancia de las respuestas it determinazione della rilevanza delle risposte re-linking η [hypertext] de Wiederverknüpfen, neuerliches Verknüpfen fr liaison repetee es restablecimiento de vinculos it link ripetuto remastering η (of a CD) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Remastering η, erneutes Mastering
remote access point
fr rematriijage es remasterizaciön it remasterizzazione, remastering m remote access point (abbr. RAP) [online publ.J de femer Zugriffspunkt fr point d'accfes eloigne es punto de acceso remoto it punto di accesso remoto remote database [online pubi] de ferne Datenbank fr base de donnees distante es base de datos remota it database remoto remote database access (abbr. RDA) [online publ.J de Fernzugriff auf Datenbanken fr teleacces ä bases de donnees es acceso remoto a bases de datos, acceso a bases de datos remotas it accesso remoto a basi di dati remote file access [onlinepubl.J de Zugriff auf Dateien fremder Rechner fr acces ä fichiers residants sur ordinateurs distants es acceso a ficheros remotos it accesso a file remoti remote proofs [el. prepress] de Remote Proofs pi (per Netz übermittelte Korrekturabzüge) fr epreuves electroniques transmises par reseau es pruebas electrönicas transmitidas por red, pruebas remotas it bozze trasmesse via rete remote scan [el. prepress] de Bildübertragung fr scanning ä distance es escaneo remoto it scansione remota remote server [online publ] de ferner Server fr serveur ä distance ω servidor remoto it server remoto remote typesetting, teletypesetting η [el. prepress] de Fernsatz, Fernbelichtung (über Netz) fr telccomposition es composition a distancia, telecomposicion it telecomposizione, composizione automatica
a distanza render ν [el. imaging] de rendern ν (ein Bild voll aufbauen und berechnen) fr restituer es renderizar it rappresentare un'immagine renderer [el. imaging] de Ausgabeprozeß (bei Grafikverarbeitung) fr calcul des images (proprement dit) es visualizador it processo di rendering rendering η [general sense] de Wiedergabe (eines Bilds) fr restitution es restitution it rappresentazione, resa rendering η (of images, of a background etc.), rendition [el. imaging] de Gestaltung, Ausgestaltung fr rendu m es renderizacion, rendering m it renderizzazione rendering η [el. imaging] de Bildnachbearbeitung fr remaniement d'une image (verbe: remanier), operation d'embellissement es revelado m it dotazione di elevate caratteristiche di rappresentazione rendering η [el. imaging] de Rendern η (Erzeugen und Berechnen eines Bildes), Rendering η fr rendu m es renderizacion, rendering m it renderizzazione rendering η [graphics] de Bildgenerierung, Darstellungstechnik für ein Bild, Objektgenerierung, Rendering η fr rendu m (calcul effectif de l'image) es renderizacion, rendering m it renderizzazione rendering η (of an animation sequence) [multimedia] de Berechnung einer Animationsszene fr calcul d'une sequence d'animation es cälculo de una secuencia de animation it calcolo di una sequenza di animazione rendering, photographic ~ [el. imaging] de fotografische Wiedergabe fr rendu photographique
es restitution fotografica it restituzione fotografica rendering program [el. imaging] de Render-Programm fr programme de rendu es programa de revelado it programme di rendering rendering technique [el. imaging] de Darstellungstechnik fr technique de rendu, methode de rendu es modo de rendering it tecnica di renderizzazione rendition —»rendering η [el. imaging] repaginate [typography ] de neu umbrechen fr repaginer, remanier es repaginar it reimpaginare repagination [typography] de Neuumbruch, neuer Seitenumbruch fr remaniement (d'une page) es repagination it reimpaginazione repeatability [el. prepress] de platzgenaue Reproduzierbarkeit, Repetierbarkeit fr repetabilite, fidelite es repetibilidad it ripetibilita repeater (station) [online publ.] de Verstärke^ station), Repeater m (in einem Netz), Regenerator fr repeteur, amplificateur es repetidor it ripetitore, stazione amplificatrice replace globally [word proc.] de global ersetzen fr substituer globalement ei sustituir globalmente it sostituire globalmente replace, search and - (command) [wordproc.] de Suche und Ersetze (Befehl) fr chercher et remplacer, trouver et remplacer es busqueda y sustitucion, buscar y sustituir it trovare e sostituire, cerca e sostituisci replicate ν, copy ν [CD-ROMpubl.] de vervielfältigen fr reproduire es replicar it replicare replicate η (copy of a videodisc etc.)
resident fonts
[CD-ROM publ.] de Kopie fr copie es copia it replica/ replication (mass reproduction of discs) [CD-ROM publ.] de Vervielfältigung fr reproduction es reproducciön it riproduzione reposition ν de neu positionieren, verschieben (den Cursor etc.) fr repositionner es reposicionar (texto etc.), reubicar it riposizionare repressing η [CD-ROM publ. ] de Neupressung fr repressage es reestampadom it ristampa reproduce (images, sound etc.) [multimedia] de wiedergeben fr reproduire es reproducir it riprodurre reproduction camera [equipment] de Reproduktionskamera, Reprokamera fr camera de reproduction es cämara de reproducciön it reprocamera reprography η [el. prepress] de Reprografie/ fr reprographie es reprografia it reprografia, riprografia republishing η (e.g. of American CDs in Europe) de Republishing η fr republishing m es republication it ripubblicazione research network [onlinepubl.] de Forschungsnetz fr reseau de recherche es red de investigaciön it rete di ricerca resident fonts, built-in fonts, ROM fonts [desktop publ.] de residente Schriften pl, lokal vorhandene
Schriften pi fr fontes residantes es fuentes residentes it font pi residenti, font pi incorporate resize ν (illustrations etc.) [el. imaging] de größenmäßig anpassen, zurechtpassen, neu dimensionieren fr redimensionner es redimensionar it ridimensionare resize box [user interface] d Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] retouch ν [el. imaging] de retuschieren ν fr retoucher es retocar it ritoccare retouching η [el. imaging] de Retuschieren η, Retusche/ fr retouche, retouchage es retoque, retocado m it ritocco, rifinitura retouching, photo - [el. imaging] de Retuschieren von Fotos, Fotoretusche fr retouche photo es retoque fotogräfico it fotoritocco, ritocco fotogräfico retouching of a color image [el. imaging] de Farbbildretusche fr retouche d'une image en couleurs es retoque de una imagen en color it ritocco di un'immagine a colori retrieval —» search ti retrieval, full-text ~ (abbr. FTR), full-text search(ing) [document proc.] de Volltextretrieval n, Volltextrecherche/ Volltextsuche fr recherche en texte integral, recherche plein texte, recherche dans le texte entier es busqueda en todo el texto, busqueda en el documento entero, busqueda de texto integral it ricerca a tutto testo, ricerca nel testo intero retrieval engine —> search engine [CD-ROM publ.]
retrieval language de Retrievalsprache, Abfragesprache fr langage d'interrogation, langage de consultation es lenguaje de consulta it linguaggio di retrieval retrieval set (the result of a search) de Retrieval Set η fr ensemble de retrieval es conjunto de retrieval it set di retrieval retrieval software de Retrievalsoftware fr logiciel de recherche, logiciel de consultation es software de recuperation (de informaciones) it software di retrieval retrieval system [general sense] de Retrievalsystem fr systeme de recherche es sistema de recuperaciön de informaciones it sistema di reperimento dati, sistema di retrieval retrieved data de Retrievaldaten pi fr resultat d'une recherche es datos recuperados it dati reperiti return code [data proc.] de Rückschaltcode fr code de retour es cödigo de retorno it codice di ritorno revolutions per second (abbr. RPS) [CD-ROM publ.] de Umdrehungen pro Sekunde fr tours par seconde es revoluciones por segundo (abr. rps) it giri al secondo rewritable, erasable [CD-ROMpubl.] de wieder beschreibbar fr reinscriptible es regrabable it riscrivibile RGB (red, green, blue; the three primary colors used for screen images) de RGB (Rot, Grün, Blau) fr RVB (rouge, vert, bleu) es RGB (rojo, verde, azul) it RVB (rosso, verde, blu)
RIP, hardware -
RGB colors —> true colors [el. imaging] rich text format (abbr. RTF) [documentproc.] de RTF-Format fr format RTF es formato RTF it formato RTF rigid disk -» hard disk [equipment] ring configuration [onlinepubl.] de Ringstruktur (eines Netzes) fr configuration en anneau es estructura en anillo it configurazione ad anello ring network —» ring-shaped network [online publ] ring-shaped network, ring network, loop network, closed-circuit network [online publ.] de Ringnetz, ringförmiges Netz, Schleifennetz fr reseau en anneau, reseau en boucle, reseau en manege es red en anillo, red en bucle it rete ad anello, topologia ad anello, rete circolare ring topology [onlinepubl.] de Ringtopologie fr structure en anneau es topologia en anillo it topologia ad anello RIP η, raster image processor (rasterizes input into page bitmaps) [equipment] de RIP m, RIP-Prozessor, Raster-Image-Prozessor fr RIP m, processeur RIP, processeur d'images trainees, genirateur d'images tramees, processeur d'images raster es procesador RIP, RIP m, procesador de rastreo de imagen, procesador de trama de imagen, procesador raster, rasterizador de imagen it processore RIP, RIP m, processore di immagini raster, elaboratore di immagini rasterizzate RIP, rip ν (rasterize) [el. prepress] de mit dem RIP verarbeiten, "rippen" ν (pp: gerippt) fr traiter au processeur RIP es procesar con el RIP, "ripear" it elaborare col RIP RIP, hardware ~ η [equipment] de Hardware-RIP fr RIP materiel
RIP, PostScript -
es RIP de hard(ware), dispositivo de rasterization de päginas it RIP hardware RIP, PostScript - —> PostScript raster image processor [equipment] RIP, software ~ [el. prepress] de Software-RIP fr RIP logiciel es RIP de soft(ware), programa de rasterization de päginas it RIP software RIPping, ripping η [el. prepress] de Verarbeitung mit dem RIP, "Rippen" η fr traitement au processeur RIP es proceso con el RIP, "ripeado" m (rasterization de päginas) it elaborazione col RIP RIPping speed, ripping speed [el. prepress] de RIP-Geschwindigkeit fr velocite du processeur RIP es velocidad del RIP it velocitä del processore RIP RIP software [el. prepress] de RIP-Software fr logiciel pour processeurs RIP es programas de control de impresion RIP it software per processori RIP RIP station [equipment] de RIP-Station fr station RIP es estacion RIP it stazione RIP RL coding —» run-length (en)coding [CD-ROM publ. ] RLE run-length encoding [CD-ROMpubl.] roil down ν —» scroll down ν [user interface] roll-fed imagesetter —> flatbed imagesetter [equipment] rolling down —> scrolling down [user interface] rolling up —» scrolling up [user interface] roll mode —> scrolling mode [user interface] roll up ν —> scroll up ν [user interface] ROM fonts —> resident fonts [desktop publ.] root node, top node [hypertext] de Anfangsknoten, Startknoten, oberster Knoten fr racine es nodo inicial it nodo iniziale rotary drum scanner -»drum scanner [equipment]
rotate function [el. imaging] de Rotierfunktion fr fonction de rotation es funcion de rotation it funzione di rotazione rotating drum (of a scanner) [equipment] de Trommel fr tambour es tambor rotativo it tamburo rotational delay, rotational latency [CD-ROM publ. ] de Drehwartezeit fr delai rotationnel es retardo de rotation it ritardo rotazionale rotational latency —»rotational delay [CD-ROM publ. ] rotational speed —»rotation speed [CD-ROM publ.] rotation speed, rotational speed, spin rate, rate of spin [CD-ROMpubl.] de Drehzahl (einer Platte etc.), Umdrehungsgeschwindigkeit fr vitesse de rotation es velocidad de rotation, velocidad rotational, velocidad de giro it velocitä di rotazione, velocitä di giro router (a device for connecting several networks) [online publ. ] de Router m fr routeur es router m, canalizador, equipo encaminador, encaminador, enrutador, sistema de canalization, trazador de ruta it instradatore, router m (dispositivo di smistamento) routing η [onlinepubl.] de Routing n, Routenwahl fr routage es encaminamiento, routing m it instradamento, routing m routing layer [online publ.] de Routing-Schicht fr couche de routage es nivel de encaminamiento, estrato de encaminamiento it strata di instradamento row head (as opposed to column head, in a spreadsheet etc.) de Zeilenüberschrift
fr en-tete de ligne es cabecera de hilera it intestazione di riga RPS revolutions per second [CD-ROM publ.] RTF rich text format [document proc.] RTV —> real-time video [multimedia] rubber-band lines [graphics] de Gummibandlinien pi fr lignes elastiques es lineas elästicas it linee elastiche runaround n, wraparound η [desktop publ.] de Konturensatz, Formsatz fr habillage de texte (autour d'images de forme irregulierc), texte entourant une illustration, habillage d'une image par du texte es texto alrededor de una ilustracion it flusso del testo intorno ad una illustrazione, testo che deve contomare un'immagine run-length (en)coding (abbr. RLE) (for image compression), RL coding [CD-ROMpubl.] de Runlängen-Codierung, Run-Length-Codierung, RL-Codierung, Lauflängencodierung fr encodage RL, codage RLC, codage par longueur de sequence, codage par longueurs de plage es codigo run-length (basado en el largo de la secuencia), codificacion RLE, metodo de compresion RLE, codificacion de longitud de recorrido it codifica della lunghezza di sequenza, codifica run-length
s sample page de Musterseite, Probeseite fr page d'epreuve es pägina de prueba it pagina di prova sample page layout de Musterlayout einer Seite fr maquette d'epreuve es trazado de muestra it prova di impaginazione sampling η (of points on the surface of an object) [el. imaging] de Abtastung fr echantillonnage
es muestreo it scansione sampling η (conversion of analog signals into digital values) [multimedia] de Sampling η fr numerisation, echantillonnage es digitalizaciön it digitalizzazione sampling rate (when digitizing images) [multimedia] de Abtastrate fr cadence d'acquisition es velocidad de muestreo it velocita di scansione saturated (color) [el. imaging] de gesättigt fr sature, pur es saturado it saturate scalable font [desktop publ.] de skalierbare Schrift fr police de taille variable es fuente escalable, letras escalables it font scalabile scale ν (reduce or enlarge) [el. imaging] de skalieren ν (dynamisch verkleinern oder vergrößern) fr modifier Γ echelle es variar tamanos, cambiar de tamano it scalare, mettere in scala scale down ν de herunterskalieren, verkleinern fr executer ä une echelle reduite es reducir a escala it scalare in basso scale up ν (an image etc.) [el. imaging] de hinaufskalieren, vergrößern fr executer ä une echelle elevee es ampliar a escala, aumentar de tamano it scalare in alto scale η of enlargement (of a scanner) [el. imaging] de Vergrößerungsbereich fr echelle d'enlargissement es escala de agrandamiento it scala di ingrandimento scale η of reduction —* reduction ratio [el. prepress] scale factor —» scaling factor [el. imaging] scaling η [el. imaging] de Skalieren η, Skalierung/
scaling factor
fr mise ä l'öchelle, changement d'echelle es escalado m, modificacion de tamano, cambio de escala it scalamento, rappresentazione in scala, trasferimento di scala scaling factor, scale factor [el. imaging] de Skalierungsfaktor fr facteur d'echelle es factor de escala, factor de escalamiento, factor de escalado it fattore di scalamento scan ν [el. prepress] de scannen ν, einscannen ν fr numeriser (par scanner), scanneriser, scanner ν es escanear, capturar (una imagen etc.) con un escäner, importar con un escäner it leggere nello scanner scan η [el. prepress] de Scanvorgang, Scannen η fr balayage, scan m es exploracion (por barrido), exploracion de la imagen, escaneado m it scansione (lettura mediante scanner), scanning m scan η (result of scanning) [el. prepress] de Scanm fr image scannee es escaneado m it immagine scannerizzata scan ν graphic images into the computer, scan graphics into the system [el. prepress] de Grafiken pi einscannen fr importer des graphiques par scanner es importar gräficos con un escäner it immettere grafici tramite scanner scan graphics into the system —> scan graphic images into the computer [el. prepress] scan pages into a computer [el. prepress] de Seiten einscannen fr importer pages de texte par scanner es importar päginas de texto con un escäner it leggere pagine mediante scanner, acquisire pagine con uno scanner scan area —> scanning area [el. prepress] scan line de Scanlinie fr ligne de balayage es linea de escaneado it linea di scansione scanned data
de eingescannte Daten pi, Scannerdaten pi fr donnees numerisees (par scanner), donnees scannerisees es datos capturados con un escäner, datos escaneados it dati immessi tramite scanner scanned graphics [desktop publ. ] de eingescannte Grafik(en) fr graphique scanne es gräficos capturados it grafici scannerizati scanned image [el. prepress] de gescanntes Bild, abgescanntes Bild, Scannerbild fr image scannee, image numerisee es imagen escaneada, escaneado m it immagine sottoposta a scanning scanned-image file [el. prepress] de eingescannte Bitmap-Datei, Scandatei fr fichier d'image scannee es fichero de escaneado it file scannerizzato scanned images, scanned-in images, scans pi [el. prepress] de eingescannte Bilder pi fr images scannees, images scannerisees, scannages pi es imägenes importadas con un escäner, imägenes escaneadas, imägenes de escäner it immagini lette da uno scanner, immagini ottenute in scansione, immagini acquisite via scanner scanned-in images —» scanned images [el. prepress] scanner [equipment] de Scannerm fr scanner m, scanneur, numeriseur es escäner m, scanner m, explorador (de imägenes), explorador öptico it scanner m, lettore a scansione scanner, CCD ~ [equipment] de CCD-Scanner fr scanner ä CCD es escäner de CCD, escäner CCD it scanner a CCD scanner, color - [equipment] de Farbscanner, Scanner für farbige Vorlagen fr scanner couleur es escäner de color, escäper color, escäner en color it scanner a colon
scanner, drum ~ (contr.: flatbed scanner), PMT scanner, rotary drum scanner [equipment] de Trommelscanner fr scanner avec ecran a introducteur, scanner ä tambour, scanner ä rouleau es escäner de tambor, escäner con rodillo, escäner rotativo, escäner cilindrico, escäner de cilindro it scanner a tamburo, scanner a rullo scanner, flatbed - (contr.: drum scanner), CCD scanner, flatbed (colloq.) [equipment] de Flachbettscanner fr scanner avec ecran ä plat, scanner ä plat es escäner piano, escäner con pantalla plana, escäner con ventana plana, escäner de entrada plana, scanner de cama plana (hispanoam.) it scanner piano, scanner flatbed scanner, high-resolution ~ [equipment] de hochauflösender Scanner fir scanner haute resolution es escäner de alta resolucion it scanner ad alta risoluzione scanner, intelligent ~ [equipment] de intelligenter Scanner fr scanner intelligent es escäner inteligente it scanner intelligente scanner, large-format - [equipment] de Großformatscanner fr scanner grand format es escäner de gran formato it scanner a grande formato, scanner per grandi formati scanner, laser ~ [equipment] de Laserscanner m fr scanner au laser es escäner con läser it scanner a raggio laser scanner, setting of ~ [el. prepress] de Scannereinstellung fr reglage du scanner es ajuste del escäner it aggiustamento dello scanner scanner, slide - [equipment] de Diascanner fr scanner de diapositives es escäner para diapositivas, escäner para pelicula it scanner per diapositive scanner control program de Scannersteuerprogramm
scanning speed
fr programme de gestion du scanner es programa de control del escäner it programma di controllo dello scanner scanner head —» scanning head [equipment] scanning η [el. prepress] de Scannen η, Einscannen η fr scanning m, scannerisation, lecture par scanner, numerisation par scanner es escaneo m, escaneado m, reception de gräficos mediante scanner, insertion por escaneo it scansione (acquisizione via scanner), scanning m scanning area, scan area, imaging area (of a scanner) [el. prepress] de Größe des Scanbereichs, maximaler Scanbereich fr zone de balayage es ärea de barrido it area di scansione scanning format [el. prepress] de Scanformat, abtastbares Format, Abtastformat fr format de balayage, largeur de travail (d'un scanner) es formato de escaneo, tamano de captura it formato di scansione scanning head, scanner head [equipment] de Scannerkopf, Abtastkopf (eines Scanners) fr tete du scanner es cabeza del escäner it testina dello scanner scanning rate, scan rate [el. prepress] de Abtastrate (beim Scannen), Scanrate fr frequence de balayage es frecuencia del barrido video it frequenza di scansione scanning resolution [el. prepress] de Scannerauflösung, Scanauflösung fr resolution du scanneur es resolucion de barrido it risoluzione dello scanner scanning software [el. prepress] de Scan-Software, Software für das Scannen fr logiciel de balayage es software de barrido it software di scansione scanning speed, speed of scanning, scanning velocity [el. prepress] de Scangeschwindigkeit, Abtastgeschwindig-
scanning station
keit (beim Scannen) fr vitesse de balayage es velocidad de exploration it velocita di scansione scanning station [equipment] de Scanstation, Einscanstation fr station de balayage es estacion de escaneo it stazione di scansione scanning system [equipment] de Scannersystem fr systeme de balayage es sistema de exploration it sistema di scansione scanning velocity —» scanning speed [el. prepress] scan rate —> scanning rate [el. prepress] scans pi -> scanned images [el. prepress] SC ART connector [multimedia] de SCART-Stecker fr connecteur SCART es conector SCART it connettore SCART scene η [multimedia] de Szene/ fr scene es escena it scena scissoring η [el. imaging] de Ausschneiden fr detourage es recorte it ritaglio screen n, display screen (abbr. DS), video screen [equipment] de Bildschirm, Schirm fr ecran (de visualisation) es pantalla it schermo, schermo video, video m screen η [el. prepress] de Rastern fr trame es reticula, trama it retino screen ν, rasterize [el. prepress] de rastern, aufrastern fr tramer, rasteriser es tramar it retinare screen, welcome ~ , initial screen [user interface]
de Begrüßungsbildschirm, Eröffnungsbildschirm fr ecran d'ouverture, ecran d'acceuil es pantalla de apertura it schemata di apertura, schemata iniziale (di saluto), videata iniziale, videata di ingresso screen angle (in color reproduction) [el. prepress] de Rasterwinkel, Rasterwinkelung fr angle de trame, angle de la trame es ängulo de trama, angulation de trama it angolo di trama, inclinazione del retino screen attribute de Bildschirmattribut fr attribut d'ecran es atributo de video it attribute dello schemo, attribute video screen background de Bildschirmhintergrund fr fond de 1'ecran es sobrefondo de la pantalla it fondo dello schemo screen capture [el. imaging] de Bildschirmkopie (Abbild des Bildschirminhalts) fr capture d'ecran es captura de pantallas it copia dello schemo, cattura dello schemo screen capture feature, screen capture utility [el. imaging] de Screenshot-Funktion fr copie d'ecran (partielle ou totale), capture d'ecran es capturador de pantalla it catturatore dello schemo, possibilitä di cattura dello schemo screen capture utility —»screen capture feature [el. imaging] screen dot —» halftone dot [el. prepress] screened art —> halftone art [el. prepress] screened picture [el. prepress] de Rasterbild fr image tramee es grabado de trama, autotipia, imagen tramada, fotograbado tramado it immagine a mezzatinta retinata screen font [desktop publ.] de Schrift auf dem Bildschirm, Bildschimschrift fr fönte d'ecran, police ecran es fuente de la pantalla
font di scheimo, font per lo schermo, font disegnata per lo schermo screen grabber —> frame grabber [multimedia] screen hardcopy de Hardcopy des Bildschirms, Bildschirmkopie fr sortie papier de l'ecran es copia impresa de la pantalla it copia del contenuto di una schemata su carta screen image de Bildschirmdarstellung, Schirmbild fr image de l'ecran es imagen de la pantalla, imagen de trama it immagine sul video Screening η [el. prepress j de Rastern n, Rasterung, Aufrastern η fr tramage es tramado m, proceso de tramado, tecnica del tramado it retinatura screen preview —» onscreen previewing [el. prepress] screen resolution (resolution of the monitor) [equipment] de Bildschirmauflösung fr definition de l'ecran, resolution de l'ecran, finesse des points sur l'ecran es resolucion de la pantalla it risoluzione dello schermo screen resolution (of a halftone screen etc., in lines per inch, l.p.i.) [el. prepress] de Rasterauflösung fr resolution de trame es resolucion de trama it risoluzione della trama screen scrolling —> scrolling η [user interface] screen shot —> screen snapshot screen snapshot, screen shot, snapshot (of the screen image) de Screenshot m (Momentaufnahme des Bildschirminhalts), Bildschirmschnappschuß fr copie d'ecran, copie d'une partie d'ecran, capture d'ecran es captura de la pantalla it memorizzazione dell'immagine sullo schermo, cattura dello schermo script η (written instructions for a presentation etc.) [multimedia] de Skript η fr script m, scenario es guion, script m it copione
scroll bar
scripting η [multimedia] de Skripterstellung fr scenarisation es guionado m it scripting m scroll vt [user interface] de scrollen vi, rollen vi (den Bildschirminhalt) fr deplacer l'image de l'ecran (vers le haut / vers le bas) es mover la informacion (horizontal y verticalmente), deslizar, desplazar it far scorrere (un testo ecc.) sul video, effettuare uno scroll, scrollare vt scroll vi [user interface] de scrollen vi fr deplacer l'image de l'ecran (vers le haut / vers le bas) es desplazarse por las päginas it scrollare vi, effettuare uno scroll scroll η —» scrolling η [user interface] scroll, vertical - [user interface] de vertikales Scrolling fr defilement vertical es deslizamiento vertical (ascendente ο descendente) it scorrimento verticale scrollable (window etc.) [user interface] de scrollfähig, rollierbar fr depla^able es deslizable it scorrevole scrollable area —» scroll area [user interfaceJ scroll area, scrolling area, scrollable area [user interface] de Scrollbereich, Rollbereich (auf dem Bildschirm) fr zone rouleau (sur l'ecran), champ ä defilement es area de deslizamiento, campo deslizante it zona di scrolling, area scroll scroll arrow, scroll button [user interface] de Scroll-Pfeil, Bildlaufpfeil fr fleche de deplacement, fleche de defilement es flecha de deslizamiento it freccia di scorrimento scroll bar [user interface] de Scroll-Leiste, Bildlaufleiste, Verschiebebalken fr bände de defilement, ascenseur (de defilement), barre de defilement es guia lateral corredera, barra de desplaza-
scroll box
miento, barra de deslizamiento it barra di scorrimento, barra scorrevole, barra di scrolling scroll box [user interface] de Bildlauffeld fr case de defilement, ascenseur, curseur de defilement es campo deslizante it zona scorrevole scroll button scroll arrow [user interface] scroll down v, roll down ν [user interface] de zurückrollen (Text auf dem Bildschirm) fr deplacer vers le bas, faire descendre es deslizar hacia abajo, desplazar hacia abajo, enrollar abajo it muovere (il contenuto dello schermo) verso l'alto, far risalire (il contenuto dello schermo) scrolling η, scroll η, screen scrolling [user interface] de Bilddurchlauf (vertikaler oder horizontaler), Bildlauf, Verschieben (waagrechtes oder senkrechtes) fr defilement (sur l'ecran), roulement es deslizamiento, desplazamiento, desfile, scrolling m, corrimiento, enrollamiento it scorrimento sul video, scrolling m, scroll m (movimento del contenuto dello schermo) scrolling of screen image [user interface] de Abrollen des Schirmbilds fr roulement de 1'image sur l'ecran es deslizamiento de la imagen de la pantalla it scorrimento dell'immagine video scrolling area —> scroll area [user interface ] scrolling down, rolling down, downscrolling η [user interface] de Abwärtsrollen η, Zurückrollen η (Text auf dem Bildschirm) fr roulement vers le bas, defilement vers le base, roulement en bas es deslizamiento en alto it scorrimento verso il basso scrolling feature [user interface] de Scrolleinrichtung fr capacite de defilement es funcion de deslizamiento it possibilitä di scrolling scrolling mode, roll mode [user interface] de Scrollmodus, Rollmodus fr mode rouleau es modo deslizamiento
it modo scrolling scrolling speed, scroll rate [user interface] de Scrollgeschwindigkeit fr vitesse de defilement es velocidad de deslizamiento it velocitä di scorrimento, velocita di scrolling scrolling up, rolling up [user interface] de Vorrollen η fr remontee (du texte etc.) es deslizamiento en bajo it spostamento del testo sullo schermo verso il basso, scroll verso il basso scroll rate -» scrolling speed [user interface] scroll up v, roll up ν [user interface] de vorrollen ν (Text auf dem Bildschirm) fr deplacer vers le haut es mover en bajo, deslizar hacia arriba, desplazar hacia arriba it muovere (il contenuto dello schermo) verso il basso, far discendere (il contenuto dello schermo) SCSI (small computer systems interface), SCSI interface [CD-ROM publ.] de SCSI-Schnittstelle fr interface SCSI, interface pour petits systemes informatiques es interfaz SCSI (interfaz de sistema para pequenos ordenadores), interfaz de sistema de proceso, puerto SCSI it interfaccia SCSI (interfaccia per piccoli sistemi di computer), porta SCSI SCSI interface SCSI [CD-ROMpubl.] search n, retrieval [retrieval] de Recherche/, Suche/ fr recherche es busqueda it ricerca search ν (a string of characters etc.), find ν [word proc.] de suchen fr chercher, localiser (une chaine de caracteres), trouver es buscar it cercare search, Boolean ~ (using AND, OR, and AND NOT) [retrieval] de boolesche Suche fr recherche booleenne es busqueda con operadores booleanos it ricerca booleana
search, cascaded - [retrieval] de kaskadierte Suche fr recherche en cascade es büsqueda en cascada it ricerca in cascata search, contextual ~ [retrieval] de Kontextsuche (Suche im Kontext) fr recherche contextuelle es büsqueda contextual it ricerca contestuale, ricerca nel contesto search, exact-pattern ~ [retrieval] de exakte Wortmustersuche fr recherche exacte des mots es büsqueda exacta de palabras, büsqueda segün patrones exactos it ricerca esatta delle parole search, free-text - [retrieval] de Freitextsuche fr recherche par mots libres es büsqueda de texto libre it ricerca di testo qualsiasi search, global - [word proc.] de globale Suche fr recherche globale es büsqueda global it ricerca globale search, interactive - [hypertext] de Dialogrecherche/ fr recherche interactive es büsqueda interactiva it ricerca interattiva search, intuitive ~ [retrieval] de intuitive Suche fr recherche intuitive es büsqueda intuitiva it ricerca intuitiva search, keyword - [retrieval] de Schlagwortsuche fr recherche par mots-cles es büsqueda por palabras clave it ricerca tramite parole chiave search, linear - [retrieval] de Linearsuche fr recherche lineaire es büsqueda lineal it ricerca lineare search, nested - [retrieval] de kombinierte Suche fr recherche combinee es büsqueda combinada it ricerca combinata
search feature
search, proximity ~ [retrieval] de Näherungssuche fr recherche de proximite es büsqueda de proximidad it ricerca di prossimitä search, range - [retrieval] de Bereichssuche fr recherche d'interval es büsqueda de intervalos it ricerca di intervallo search, string ~ [retrieval] de Stringsuche fr recherche de chaines de caracteres es büsqueda de cadenas de caracteres, büsqueda de secuencias it ricerca di stringhe (di caratteri) search, thematic - [online publ. ] de thematische Suche fr recherche thematique es büsqueda temätica it ricerca tematica, ricerca per temi searchable field [retrieval] de Suchfeld (Feld, in dem gesucht werden kann) fr champ de recherche es campo de büsqueda it campo di ricerca search and replace (command) [wordproc.] de Suche und Ersetze (Befehl) fr chercher et remplacer, trouver et remplacer es büsqueda y sustitucion, buscar y sustituir it trovare e sostituire, cerca e sostituisci search command, command for searching [ retrieval] de Suchkommando fr commande de recherche es comando de büsqueda it comando di ricerca, istruzione di ricerca search criterion [retrieval] de Suchkriterium fr critere de recherche es criterio de büsqueda it criterio di ricerca search engine (indexing + software + hardware), retrieval engine [ CD-ROM publ.] de Suchsoft- und -hardware, Retrievalmaschine, Retrievalsystem, Such-Engine/ fr moteur de recherche es motor de büsqueda it motore di retrieval search feature —> search function [wordproc.]
search Held
search field [retrieval] de Suchfeld (Feld, in dem gesucht wird) fr champ ä rechercher es campo de büsqueda it campo di ricerca, campo da cercare search function, search feature, find function [word proc. J de Suchfunktion fr fonction de recherche es funcion de büsqueda it funzione di ricerca search history —> search log [retrieval] searching, wildcard - [retrieval] de Suche mit Metazeichen fr recherche par caracteres joker es busqueda con caracteres comodines it ricerca con caratteri jolly searching capabilities I retrieval] de Suchmöglichkeiten pi fr possibilites de recherche es capacidades de busqueda it possibility di ricerca search log (list of previous searches), search history, set log [retrieval] de Liste der bisherigen Abfragen fr histoire des demandes es historia de preguntas it registro di ricerca, elenco delle richieste effettuate in precedenza search path [retrieval] de Suchweg fr chemin de recherche es Camino de büsqueda it cammino di ricerca search/replace function, find/substitute function [word proc.] de Funktion "Suchen und Ersetzen" fr fonction recherche/modification es funcion "buscar y substituir" it funzione "cercare e sostituire" search request —> query η search tool [online publ.] de Suchwerkzeug fr outil de recherche es herramienta para la busqueda it tool di ricerca search word (in an index etc.) [retrieval] de Suchbegriff, Suchwort fr mot de recherche es palabra de büsqueda, termino de büsqueda
it termine da ricercare, parola cercata secondary colors (yellow, magenta, cyan) de Sekundärfarben pi, Zweitfarben pi fr couleurs secondares es colores secundarios it colori secondari secondary window [user interface] de Nebenfenster fr fenetre secondare, fenetre fille es ventana secundaria it finestra secondaria section (of a network) [onlinepubl.] de Teilstrecke fr secteur es sector it tratto sector, block η [ CD-ROM publ. ] de Sektor fr secteur es sector it settore, blocco sector address [CD-ROMpubl.] de Sektoradresse fr adresse de secteur es direction de sector it indirizzo del settore sectors per track (abbr. spt) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Sektoren pro Spur fr secteurs par piste (abr. spp) es sectores por pista (abr. spp) it settori per traccia (abbr. spt) seek, average - [CD-ROMpubl.] de mittlere Suchzeit fr vitesse moyenne de recherche es velocidad mediana de büsqueda it velocita media di ricerca, tempo di ricerca medio seek time (of the access arm, plus latency), access motion time, head positioning time, head seek time, positioning time [CD-ROM publ. ] de Positionierungszeit, Positionierzeit fr temps de positionnement (du bras) es tiempo de büsqueda (fisica), tiempo de posicionamiento, tiempo para posicionar it tempo di posizionamento, tempo necessario per posizionare la testina, tempo di seek (compreso quello di assestamento) select ν (a function etc.) de wählen, auswählen fr selectionner, choisir
server, departmental -
es seleccionar, elegir, escoger it selezionare, scegliere select button [user interface] de Auswahlknopf fr bouton de selection es boton de seleccion it pulsante di selezione selection de Auswahl, Wahl fr choix es seleccion, opcion it scelta semantic links [hypertext] de semantische Verweise pi fr liens semantiques es vinculos semänticos it link semantici pi sensitivity range —> dynamic range [el. prepress] separated films (the four films in cyan, magenta, yellow and black), color separation films, quads pi [el. prepress] de farbseparierte Filme fr films de quadrichromie es peliculas de cuatricromia it pellicole in quadricromia separation, color ~ (see also: four-color separation) [el. prepress] de Farbtrennung, Farbtrennverfahren, Farbseparierung, Farbseparation, Farbauszugsverfahren fr separation des couleurs, selection des couleurs, impression couleur par couleur es separacion de colores, separacion estandar de cuatro colores it separazione di colore (o di colon), selezione del colore, cromoselezione separation, four-color - (see also: color separation) [el. prepress] de Vierfarbseparation, Vierfarbseparierung, Vierfarbentrennung fr separation quadri(chromique), quadnchromie es separacion de cuatro colores, separacion en cuatricromia it separazione di colon in quadricromia, separazione in quadricromia, selezione cuadricromatica separation proofs, color separation proofs [el. prepress] de Farbauszüge pi, Probedrucke für die Farbseparierung
epreuves de quadrichromie, films de separation es pruebas separadas para cuadricromia it bozze separate per quadricromia sequencer, MIDI - [multimedia] de MIDI-Sequenzer fr sequenceur MIDI es secuenciador MIDI it sequenziatore MIDI serendipity (adj: serendipitous) [hypertext] de Serendipity-Effekt (Ablenkung durch zuviel Information) fr probleme de desorientation es problema de desorientacion it sovraccarico cognitivo ("perdersi nella consultazione"), problema dello smarrimento, problema del disorientamento, serendipity/ serial interface [equipment] de serielle Schnittstelle fr interface serie es interfaz serie it interfaccia seriale server (contr.: client) [online publ.] de Serverm fr serveur es servidor, gestor, estaciön de gestion, "server"m it server m, servitore m, servente m, macchina server server, application(s) ~ (in a LAN) [online publ.] de Anwendungsserver, Application Server fr serveur d'applications es servidor de aplicaciones it server di applicazioni server, database - [online publ.] de Datenbasisserver fr serveur de base de donnees es servidor de base de datos it database server m server, dedicated - (a server with no workstation capability) [online publ.] de dedizierter Server fr serveur dedie es servidor dedicado it server dedicato server, departmental ~ [onlinepubl.] de Abteilungsserver fr serveur departemental es servidor departamental it server dipartimentale
server, file -
server, file ~ (abbr. FS) [online publ.] de Dateiserver, Fileserver (Abk. FS) fr serveur de fichier(s) es servidor de archivo, servidor de ficheros, gestor de ficheros it server di file server, gateway ~ [online publ.] de Gateway-Server fr serveur passerelle es servidor de interconexion it server gateway server, Internet ~ [online publ. ] de Internet-Server fr serveur Internet es servidor en Internet it server Internet server access [onlinepubl.] de Serverzugriff fr accds au serveur es acceso al servidor it accesso al server server-based LAN -> client/server LAN [online publ.] server directory, directory of servers [online publ.] de Serververzeichnis, Server-Directory fr repertoire des serveurs es directorio de servidores it directory / dei server server file [online publ.] de Serverdatei fr fichier de serveur es fichero servidor, archivo de servidor it file del server server mode [online publ] de Servermodus fr mode serveur es modalidad servidor it modo server servo η —> servo-mechanism [CD-ROM publ. ] servo-mechanism, servo η [CD-ROMpubl.] de Servomechanismus fr servomecanisme es servomecanismo it servomeccanismo session number [CD-ROMpubl.] de Sessionsnummer fr numero de session es numero de sesion it numero di sessione set ν —> typeset ν [typography]
set η —> width [typography] set log —> search log [retrieval] setting η —» composition [typography] setting of scanner [el. prepress] de Scannereinstellung fr reglage du scanner es ajuste del escäner it aggiustamento dello scanner settling time (of the access arm) [CD-ROM publ.] de Beruhigungszeit fr temps de stabilisation es tiempo de asentamiento it tempo di assestamento set width —> width [typography] SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language; ISO 8879) [el. publishing] de SGML fr SGML (langage normalise de balisage generalise), langage SGML es SGML it SGML SGML document [el. publishing] de SGML-Dokument fr document SGML es documento SGML it documento SGML shade of color —> hue η [el. imaging] shades of grey —> tones of grey [el. imaging] shared disk (contr.: local disk) [onlinepubl.] de gemeinsame Platte, gemeinschaftlich benutzte Platte fr disque partage es disco compartido, disco utilizado en comün it disco utilizzato in comune shared document management [document proc.] de gemeinsame Dokumentenverwaltung fr gestion de documents partage es gestion compartida de documentos it gestione di documenti in comune shared file [onlinepubl.] de gemeinschaftliche Datei, gemeinsam genutzte Datei fr fichier partage es archivo compartido, archivo de uso comün, fichero compartido it archivi comuni shared file server [onlinepubl.] de Server für gemeinsam benutzte Dateien fr serveur des fichiers partages
es servidor de ficheros compartidos it server di file utilizzati in comune shared files system [online publ.] de System mit gemeinsam benutzten Dateien fr systeme ä fichiers partages ei sistema de archivos compartidos, sistema de archivos comunes it sistema ad archivi comuni shared printer [onlinepubl.] de gemeinsamer Drucker, gemeinschaftlich genutzter Drucker fr imprimante partagee es impresora compartida it stampante utilizzata in comune sharpness (of an image etc.) de Schärfe fr nettete (de l'image) es nitidez, definition it chiarezza, definizione, nitidezza short run (contr.: long run) [print shop] de Kleinauflage fr petit tirage es tirada corta, tirada pequena, tiraje corto (hispanoam.) it piccola tiratura short-run printing [print shop] de Kleinauflagendruck fr impression de petits tirages es impresiön de tiradas cortas, impresion de pequenas cantidades it stampa di tirature piccole side-scroll ν [user interface ] de seitlich scrollen, seitlich verschieben (Text auf dem Bildschirm) fr faire defiler vers la gauche (ou vers la droite), deplacer lateralement (le texte etc.) es deslizar lateralmente, desplazar lateralmente it far scorrere orizzontalmente side scrolling, horizontal scrolling [user interface ] de seitliches Scrollen, seitliches Verschieben (eines Textes auf dem Bildschirm) fr deplacement lateral (du texte), defilement vers la gauche (ou vers la droite) es enrollamiento lateral, deslizamiento lateral it scorrimento orizzontale sideways browsing —> linked browsing [retrieval] single-pass scanner [equipment] de Scanner mit einem Durchlauf
slide show
scanner de numerisation en une seule passe (ou en une seule passage) es escäner de una pasada it scanner a un singolo passaggio single-user system de Einbenutzersystem, Single-User-System fr systeme mono-utilisateur es sistema monousuario it sistema monoutente site, Web - [onlinepubl.] de Website/ fr site dans le Web es lugar de WWW, lugar Web, puesto Web it sitoWWW size box [user interface] de Größenverstellbox, Schaltfläche für Größeneinstellung fr case de contröle de taille, cadre de redimensionnement es cuadro para variar las dimensiones de la ventana, cuadro de ajuste del tamaho it casella per dimensionamento size button [user interface] de Größensteuerknopf fr bouton de contröle de taille es boton de ajuste del tamafio it manopola di regolazione delle proporzioni sizing η [el. imaging] de Größenänderung fr changement de taille es variation del tamaho it variazione delle proporzioni slide η de Dia n, Diapositiv η fr diapositive (abr. diapo) es diapositiva it diapositiva slide scanner [equipment] de Diascanner fr scanner de diapositives es escäner para diapositivas, escäner para pelicula it scanner per diapositive slide show [multimedia] de Diashow/, Slide-Show/, Diaschau, Diapräsentation fr diaporama (creer des diaporamas), projection de diaporamas, diaporama ä l'ecran, presentation sur diapositives, diapo es presentaciön de diapositivas it proiezione di diapositive, slide show
snapshot (of the screen image) —» screen snapshot snapshot utility [user interface] de Snapshot-Programm, Schnappschußprogramm fr utilitaire de capture d'ecran es programa de captura de la pantalla it programma di cattura dello schermo softcopy [el. prepress] de Softcopy / fr epreuve d'ecran, affichage ecran es salida en pantalla, soporte pantalla it uscita di una bozza sullo schermo softcopy preview —» onscreen previewing [el. prepress ] soft font —» downloadable font soft proofs (proofs in the form of images on a screen; contr.: hard proofs) [el. prepress] de Softproofs pi fr epreuves d'ecran es pruebas soft (visualizadas en la pantalla) it bozze soft software RIP [el. prepress] de Software-RIP fr RIP logiciel es RIP de soft(ware), programa de rasterization de päginas it RIP software sound [multimedia] de Ton, Klang, Sound m fr son es sonido it suono Soundblaster compatible (card) [multimedia] de SB-kompatibel, Soundblaster-kompatibel fr compatible Soundblaster es compatible Soundblaster it compatibile con Soundblaster sound board —» sound card [multimedia] sound capability [multimedia] de Soundfahigkeit fr capacite sonore es capacidad de sonido it capacita audio sound card, sound board, audio card [multimedia] de Audiokarte, Soundkarte fr carte sonore, carte son, carte audio es taijeta de sonido, tarjeta de audio, tarjeta audio it Scheda sonora, Scheda audio
sound channel [multimedia] de Audiokanal fr canal sonore es canal de audio it canale audio sound data -> audio data [multimedia] sound digitizer [multimedia] de Sound-Digitizer fr numeriseur de sons, numeriseur sonore es grabadora de sonidos it digitalizzatore di suoni sound editing [multimedia] de Editieren von Sound fr edition sonore es edition de sonido it editing di suoni sound editor [multimedia] de Soundeditor fr editeur de son, editeur sonore es editor de sonido it editor sonoro sound effects [multimedia] de Geräuscheffekte pi fr effets de son es efectos sonoros, efectos de sonido it effetti sonori sound file [multimedia] de Klangdatei fr fichier de sons, fichier son es archivo de sonido, fichero de sonido it file sonoro, file audio sound generation [multimedia] de Generierung von Tönen fr generation de sons es generation de sonidos, generation de tonos it generazione di suoni soundmap (RAM area for audio data) [multimedia ] de Soundmap / fr soundmap m (sequence sonore en memoire) es mapa de sonido it soundmap m, mappa dei suoni sound object [multimedia] de Klangobjekt fr objet de son es objeto sonoro, objeto de sonido it oggetto sonoro sound output [multimedia] de Sprachausgabe fr discours sonore
es salida de sonido it uscita di suono sound recording [multimedia] de Vertonung fr sonorisation es sonorizacion it sonorizzazione sound sequence [multimedia] de Klangsequenz fr sequence sonore es secuencia de sonido it sequenza sonora sound track [multimedia] de Tonspur fr piste de son es banda sonora, pista de sonido it pista sonora source node [hypertext] de Quellknoten fr nceud source es nodo inicial it nodo di partenza space between columns -> gutter [typography] spacefill ν de mit Blanks auffüllen fr remplir de blancs es rellenar de espacios, hacer espaciados it riempire di spazi spatial dithering —> digital halftoning [el. imaging] speaker —> loudspeaker [multimedia] special effects [multimedia] de Spezialeffekte pi fr effets speciaux, trucages pi es efectos especiales it effetti speciali special font de Sonderschrift fr fönte speciale es fuente especial it font speciale spectral color [el. imaging] de Spektralfarbe fr couleur spectrale es color del espectro it colore dello spettro spectral components (of light) [el. imaging] de Spektralanteile pi, Spektralbestandteile pi, Spektralkomponenten pi fr composantes spectrales es componentes espectrales
it componenti spettrali speed of scanning —» scanning speed [el. prepress] spell checker —» spelling checker [word proc.] spell checker/corrector [wordproc.] de Rechtschreibprüf- und -korrekturprogramm fr verificateur/correcteur orthographique es verificador/corrector de ortografia it verificatore e correttore dell'ortografia spell checking [wordproc.] de Orthografiepriifung, Orthografiekontrolle fr verification d'orthographe es comprobacion ortogräfica, revision ortogräfica it controllo ortografico, verifica della correttezza ortografica spell check program —> spelling checker [word proc. ] spelling checker, spell check program, spell checker, word spell checker [wordproc.] de Rechtschreibprüfprogramm, Spelling Checker m, Programm zur Orthografiekontrolle fr verificateur d'orthographe, correcteur d'orthographe, correcteur orthographique, orthographe, programme de correction orthographique es verificador de ortografia, comprobador ortografico, corrector ortogräfico (ο de ortografia), sistema de correction automätica de la ortografia it programme di controllo ortografico, correttore di ortografia, correttore ortografico spelling dictionary [wordproc.] de Rechtschreibwörterbuch fr dictionnaire orthographique es diccionario del comprobador ortogräfico it dizionario ortografico spi —> spots per inch [el. imaging] spindle (of a disk drive) [CD-ROM publ.] de Spindel/(eines Laufwerks), Antriebsspindel fr axe (mecanique) es eje it albero spin rate —> rotation speed [CD-ROMpubl.] spiral track (of a CD) [CD-ROMpubl.] de spiralförmige Spur fr piste en (forme de) spirale, spirale/, spire es pista espiral, pista en espiral it traccia a spirale SPK —> speaker [multimedia]
split screen
split screen [user interface] de geteilter Bildschirm, teilbarer Bildschirm, getrennte Bilddarstellung (auf dem Schirm) fr ecran partage, ecran divise (en zones), ecran divisible es division de la pantalla, pantalla dividida it schermo divisibile (in aree separate) split screen —» windowed screen [user interface] spot color (contr: process color; used for line art) [el. prepress] de Signalfarbe fr couleur en tons directs es color piano it colore spot spots per inch —» dots per inch [el. imaging] spt - » sectors per track [CD-ROM publ. ] staircase effect —> aliasing η [el. imaging] stairstepping —> aliasing η [el. imaging] stale link, black hole [hypertext] de Verweis, der ins Leere geht fr lien vide es vinculo vacio it link vuoto stamper h> stamper disc [CD-ROM publ.] stamper disc (disc made from the mother disc and used to mold replicates), stamper, CD stamper, molding master, pressing master [CD-ROM publ.] de Preßmatrize/, Preßstempel, Stamper m, CD-Rohling fr matrice (de pressage), disque original metallique, matrice fils, m o u l e / es estampador, patron para generar un molde it master di stampaggio, stampo standard font [printers] de Standardschrift fr fönte Standard es fuente eständar, fuente standard it font standard standard interface [data ρ roc.] de Standardschnittstelle, Normschnittstelle fr interface normalisee es interfaz eständar it interfaccia Standard, connessione standardizzata Standard layout de Standardlayout fr maquette standard es trazado estandar it impaginato standard Standard path [hypertext]
de Standardpfad fr chemin standard es Camino estandar it percorso standard, seguito standard Standard resolution [el. prepress] de Standardauflösung fr resolution standard es resolution eständar it risoluzione standard standing matter —»live matter [typography] Standing type live matter [typography] star communication system —> star-shaped data network [online publ.] star network —> star-shaped data network [online publ.] star-shaped architecture, star topology [online publ. ] de sternförmige Architektur fr architecture en etoile es arquitectura en estrella it architettura a Stella, topologia stellare star-shaped data network, star network, star-type network, star communication system, centralized network, radial network [online publ.] de sternförmiges Datennetz, Stemnetz fr reseau en etoile, reseau etoile es red tipo estrella, red en estrella it rete a Stella, rete con topologia a Stella, rete radiale start and end tag (e.g. for a block of text) [el. publishing] de Beginn- und Endemarkierung fr balise de debut et de fin es etiqueta de comienzo y de fin it marca di inizio e fine starting point (for navigation in the WWW) [online publ.] de Startpunkt, Ausgangspunkt fr point de depart es punto de partida it punto di partenza start menu, opening menu, welcome menu [user interface] de Eröffnungsmenü fr menu d'ouverture es menu de entrada, menu de apertura, menu de arranque, menu inicial it menu di apertura star topology —» star-shaped architecture [online publ.]
165 start page, opening page [wordproc.] de Anfangsseite, erste Seite fr page initiale, page de depart, premiere page es pägina inicial it pagina iniziale start tag [hypertext] de Beginnkennzeichen, Start-Tag η fr balise de debut es etiqueta de comienzo it marcatore di inizio star-type network —» star-shaped data network [ online publ. ] static image —» background image [el. imaging] stereoscopic effect [el. imaging] de stereoskopischer Effekt fr effet stereoscopique es efecto estereoscopico it effetto stereoscopico still frame —»freeze frame [multimedia] still video (abbr. SV) [el. imaging] de Standbildvideo fr video lent es videolento, still video it video lento stop word, noise word [retrieval] de Stoppwort fr mot non significatif es palabra de parada, palabra vacia it stopword/, parola di disturbo, parola mascherata, parola non-significativa, parola vuota straight text —»plain text stretch text [hypertext] de Stretch-Text fr texte par expansion es texto expandido it testo espanso string η (of data) [data proc.] de String m, Zeichenfolge, Zeichenkette fr suite (de donnees) es cadena, serie it stringa (di dati) string search [retrieval] de Stringsuche fr recherche de chaines de caracteres es büsqueda de cadenas de caracteres, biisqueda de secuencias it ricerca di stringhe (di caratteri) string substitution [wordproc.] de Stringsubstitution fr substitution de chaines de caractferes
es sustituciön de cadenas de caracteres it sostituzione di stringhe (di caratteri) structured text [el. publishing] de strukturierter Text fr texte structure es texto estructurado it testo strutturato structured text file [el. publishing] de strukturierte Textdatei fr fichier texte structure es fichero de texto estructurado it file di testo strutturato subheader field [CD-ROMpubl.] de Subheader m fr champ subheader es campo subheader it campo subheader subject index [online publ.] de Themenübersicht fr index thematique es indice temätico, clasificacion por temäticas it indice tematico subject selector [onlinepubl.] de Themenauswahl fr selection du theme es selecciön del tema it selezione del soggetto subject tree [online publ.] de Themenbaum fr arbre des themes es ärbol de temas it albero dei soggetti sublimation printer, thermal transfer sublimation printer [equipment] de Sublimationsdrucker fr imprimante ä sublimation es impresora de sublimation it stampante a sublimazione, stampante a tecnologia sublimale Sublimation proofs [el. prepress] de Sublimationsproofs pl fr epreuves par sublimation es pruebas por sublimacion it bozze a sublimazione submenu [user interface] de Untermenü, Submenü fr sous-menu es submenu it sottomenü, menü secondario subnet, subnetwork [online publ.] de Teilnetz, Subnetz
fr sous-reseau es subred, red parcial, red secundaria it sotto-rete subnetwork -> subnet [online publ.] subscriber —» network user [onlinepubl.] subscriber loop —> local loop [online publ.] substrate η [CD-ROMpubl.] de Substrat η, Trägermaterial, Trägerschicht fr substrat es substrato, sustrato it substrato, materiale di supporto subtractive primaries —> subtractive primary colors [el. imaging] subtractive primary colors (yellow, magenta, and cyan), subtractive primaries [el. imaging] de subtraktive Primärfarben pi fr couleurs primaires soustractives es colores primarios sustractivos it colori primari sottrattivi subwindow [user interface] de Unterfenster, Teilfenster fr sous-fenetre es subventana it sottofinestra surf ν (through the internet etc.) [online publ.] de surfen ν (im Net ~ , durch das Net ~ ) fr naviguer, surfer ν es navegar it navigare, fare surf (sulla rete), fare netsurf surfing η (in the Internet etc.), browsing η [online publ.] de Surfen η fr navigation es navegacion it navigazione (in Internet) SV —» still video [el. imaging] swatchbook de Musterbuch (für Schriften, Farben etc.) fr nuancier es muestrario it campionario (dei caratteri) symmetric compression [multimedia] de symmetrische Kompression fr compression symetrique es compresion simetrica it compressione simmetrica sync code [ CD-ROM publ. ] de SYNC-Code fr code de synchronisation, code SYNC es codigoSYNC
it codice SYNC sync field, synchronization field [CD-ROMpubl.] de Synchronisationsfeld fr champ de synchronisation es campo de sincronizaciön it campo sync, byte pi di sync synchronization field —> sync field [CD-ROM publ. ] synthesizer [multimedia] de Synthesizer TO fr synthetiseur es sintetizador it sintetizzatore sysop η [online publ.] de Netzverwalter fr sysop m (administrateur d'un serveur etc.) es administrador de red it gestore, operatore di sistema
Τ table de Tabelle fr table es tabla it tabella table of contents (abbr. TOC), directory [CD-ROM publ] de Verzeichnis η, Inhaltsverzeichnis fr repertoire, table d'allocation, table des matieres es directorio (de ficheros) it dizionario, indirizzario table of kerning pairs -> kerning table [typography] table of width values —> width table [typography] table editor [word proc.] de Tabelleneditor fr editeur de tableaux es editor de tablas it editor di tabelle table matter —> tabular composition [typography] table setting tabular composition [typography] table view —> browse mode [database publ.] tabular composition, table setting, table matter [typography] de Tabellensatz, tabellarischer Satz
tableautage, composition de tableaux, composition tabulaire es composicion de tablas, composicion tabular, disposition en tablas it composizione di tabelle, composizione tabellare tag η (a mark for text elements in a publication) [el. publishing] de Marker m, Tag m, Strukturelement fr marqueur, balise es etiqueta it marcatore, marker (ipertestuale) tag η [hypertext] de Tag m, Bereichsmarkierung, Tag-Markierung (Bereichanfang oder -ende) fr balise es etiqueta it marca tag ν (provide a text etc. with tags) [document proc. ] de markieren ν fr marquer es marcar it marcare tagged [el. publishing] de markiert fr marque, balise es etiquetado, marcado it provisto di tags, dotato di marcatori tagged image file format —> TIFF format [el. imaging] tagged text file [el. publishing] de mit Tags versehene Textdatei fr fichier balise es fichero etiquetado it file con tags tagging η (of texts etc.) [el. publishing] de Tagging η (Anbringen von Tags) fr balisage, marquage es marcado m it marcatura (con tags) tangential tracking [ CD-ROM publ. ] de tangentiale Spureinstellung fr asservissement tangentiel es tracking tangencial it tracking tangenziale Targa format (abbr. TGA) [graphics ] de TGA-Format fr format TGA es formato TGA it formato TGA
target document de Zieldokument fr document cible es documento de destino it documento di destinazione target link, destination link [hypertext] de Verknüpfungsziel fr lien cible, lien de destination es vinculo de destino it link di destinazione target node, destination node [hypertext] de Zielknoten fr nceud cible, nceud objet, noeud de destination es nodo de destino, nodo objeto it nodo di arrivo, nodo oggetto TBC —» time base corrector [multimedia] TCP/IP network (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol) [onlinepubl.] de TCP/IP-Netz fr reseau TCP/IP es red TCP/IP it rete TCP/IP technical publishing de technisches Publizieren fr publications techniques es edition tecnica it produzione di documentazione tecnica technical publishing software (abbr. TPS) de Software für technisches Publizieren fr logiciel pour publications techniques es software de edition tecnica it software per la produzione di documentazione tecnica telepublishing η de Telepublishing η fr tele-edition, telepublication es telepublicacion it telepubblicazione teletypesetter (abbr. TTS) [equipment] de Gerät für Fernsatz fr telecomposeuse es unidad de telecomposicion, telecomponedora it unita di telecomposizione teletypesetting η —»remote typesetting [el. prepress] template de Schablone fr gabarit es plantilla it maschera, modello
template file
template file [desktop publ. ] de Schablonendatei fr fichier de gabarit ei fichero de plantilla it file di modello terminal η [equipment] de Terminal ηj Datensichtstation fr terminal es terminal it terminale m terminal server [onlinepubl.] de Terminalserver fr serveur de terminaux es servidor de terminal(es) it dispositivo di connessione terminali alia rete terminator (in a LAN) [onlinepubl.] de Terminator m, Abschlußwiderstand fr bouchon "terminator" (ä chaque extremite de la ligne), terminator es terminador m it terminatore (di rete) test print [print shop] de Andruck fr impression d'essai es impresion de prueba it stampa di prova text [general sense] de Text fr texte es texto it testo text-and-graphics integration [desktop publ.] de Zusammenmischen von Text und Grafik fr integration de texte et graphique es integration de texto y gräficos it integrazione di testo e grafici text area de Textbereich fr champ texte es zona de texto it zona di testo text attribute [desktoppubl.] de Textattribut, Textmerkmal fr attribut de texte es atributo de texto it attribute di testo text base [document proc.] de Textkorpus fr base de texte es base de texto it base di testo
text box (on a screen) [user interface] de Texteingabefeld, Textfeld fr encadre d'entree, zone de texte es ärea de texto it zona testo, area di testo text color de Textfarbe fr couleur du texte es color de texto it colore del testo text composition [el. prepress] de Textsatz fr composition de texte(s) es composition de textos it composizione di testi text conversion [wordproc.] de Textkonvertierung fr conversion de textes es conversion de texto(s) it conversione del testo text data —> textual data [wordproc.] text editor [wordproc.] de Texteditor, Editor m fr editeur de texte es editor de textos it editor di testo text field [databasepubl.] de Textfeld, Textbereich fr champ de texte, champ texte, zone de texte es campo texto it campo testo text file [wordproc.] de Textdatei fr fichier texte es fichero de texto, archivo textos it archivio di testi, file testo text flag, marker [CD-ROMpubl.] de Textmarkierung fr marque de texte es marco de texto it marca di testo text flow, text stream, flow of text [desktop publ.] de laufender Text fr flux de texte es flujo de texto, vertido de texto it scorrimento del testo, flusso di testo text format [wordproc.] de Textformat fr format du texte, format texte es formato de texto it formato di testo
text/image integration [desktop publ] de Text-Bild-Integration (Abk. TBI) fr integration texte/illustrations, integration texte-image es integration texto/imagen it integrazione di testo e immagini text input de Texteingabe fr entree de texte es entrada de texto(s) it iramissione di testo text mode [word proc. ] de Textmodus m fr mode texte es modo de texto, modo para texto it modo testo, modalitä testo text-only Web browser (contr.: graphical Web browser) [onlinepubl.] de textorientierter Web-Browser fr navigateur textuel pour le Web es navegador solo texto para el WWW, navegador Web que permite el modo texto it browser testuale per il Web text preparation [CD-ROM publ. ] de Textaufbereitung fr preparation du texte es preparation de los textos it preparazione del testo text processing —> word processing text stream —> text flow [desktoppubl.] text tool [user interface] de Textwerkzeug, Textzeichenhilfe fr outil texte es heiramienta de texto it tool di texto text transfer [data proc.] de Texttransfer m fr transfert de textes es transferencia de textos it trasferimento di testo textual data, text data [wordproc.] de Textdaten pl fr donnees textuelles es datos de texto, datos textuales it dati sotto forma di testo, dati di tipo testuale textual database de Textdatenbank fr base de donnees textuelle(s) es base de datos textuales it database testuale texture η (of a surface etc.) [el. imaging]
thermal sublimation printer
de Textur / fr texture es textura it tessitura textured (background etc.) [el. imaging] de strukturiert fr trame adj (fond de texte etc.) es estructurado, texturado, con textura it strutturato texturing η [el. imaging] de Texturieren η fr texturage es relleno de textura it tessitura text window [wordproc.] de Textfenster fr fenetre pour le texte, fenetre dans le texte, fenetre de texte, zone de texte es ventana de texto, ventana texto it finestra per il testo, finestra di testo TGA —» Targa format [graphics] ΤΗ —> transmission header [online publ.] thematic pages [onlinepubl.] de thematische Seiten fr pages argumentaires es päginas temäticas it pagine tematiche thematic search [onlinepubl.] de thematische Suche fr recherche thematique es büsqueda temätica it ricerca tematica, ricerca per temi thermal dye diffusion transfer (abbr. D2T2) (thermal dye sublimation) [printers] de Thermal-Dye-Sublimationstechnik fr technologie ä sublimation thermal dye es tecnologia de sublimation thermal dye it tecnologia thermal dye thermal dye transfer printing, dye sublimation printing [printers] de Thermal-Dye-Sublimationsdruck fr impression thermal dye ä sublimation es impresion thermal dye por sublimaciön it stampa thermal dye a sublimazione thermal printer [equipment] de Thermodrucker fr imprimante thermique es impresora termica it stampante termica thermal sublimation printer [equipment] de Thermosublimationsdrucker
thermal transfer
fr imprimante thermique ä sublimation es impresora de sublimacion termica it stampante termica a sublimazione thermal transfer (a printing process) [printers] de Thermotransfer fr transfert thermique es transferencia termica it trasferimento termico thermal transfer sublimation printer —> sublimation printer [equipment] thermal transfer printer, heat transfer printer [equipment] de Thermotransferdrucker fr imprimante ä transfert thermique es impresora de transferencia termica it stampante a trasferimento termico thermal transfer process [printers] de Thermotransferverfahren fr technologie ä transfert thermique es proceso de transferencia termica it tecnologia di trasferimento termico thermal wax-transfer printer, wax thermal transfer printer [equipment] de Thermowachstransferdrucker fr imprimante thermique ä transfert de cire es impresora de transferencia termica de cera it stampante termica a trasferimento di cera thermomagnetic disc —» magneto-optical disc [equipment] thesaurus (dictionary of synomyms) [retrieval] de Thesaurus m fr thesaurus es tesauro m, diccionario de sinonimos it thesaurus, tesauro thesaurus construction [retrieval] de Aufbau eines Thesaurus fr construction d'un thesaurus es construction de un tesauro it costruzione di un tesauro thesaurus feature [retrieval] de Thesaurus-Funktion fr fonction de thesaurus es funcion de tesauro it funzione di tesauro third-generation typesetter (with RIP) [equipment] de Satzbelichter der dritten Generation fr photocomposeuse de troisieme generation es fotocomponedora de tercera generation it fotocompositrice della terza generazione
three-beam system [CD-ROM publ] de Dreistrahltrackingsystem fr systeme ä trois rayons es sistema de tres rayos it sistema a tre raggi 3D —» threedimensional [el. imaging] 3D effect threedimensional effect [el. imaging] 3D functions —»threedimensional functions [el. imaging] 3D image —> threedimensional image [el. imaging] threedimensional (abbr. 3D) [el. imaging] de dreidimensional (Abk. 3D) fr en trois dimensions (abr. 3D), tridimensionnel, en 3D es en tres dimensiones, tridimensional (abr. 3D), de 3D it tridimensionale (abbr. 3D), in tre dimensioni threedimensional effect, 3D effect [el. imaging] de 3D-Effekt, dreidimensionale Wirkung fr effet tridimensionnel es efecto tridimensional it effetto tridimensionale threedimensional functions, 3D functions [el. imaging] de dreidimensionale Funktionen, 3D-Funktionen fr fonctions tridimensionnelles, fonctions 3D es funciones tridimensionales it funzioni tridimensional!, funzioni di tridimenensionalitä threedimensional image, 3D image [el. imaging] de dreidimensionales Bild, räumliches Bild fr image tridimensionnelle, image 3D es imagen tridimensional it immagine tridimensionale 3X -> triple-speed [CD-ROM publ. ] thumbnail η de Miniaturdarstellung, verkleinerte Bilddarstellung, verkleinerte Abbildung, Thumbnail η fr imagette (visualisation en forme reduite) es imagen en miniatura, mini imagen it immagine in miniatura, miniatura thumbnail printout —> thumbnail sketch thumbnail size, miniature version (of pages) de Miniaturformat, verkleinerter Bildausschnitt, Seitenminiatur fr format chemin de fer, format miniaturise es pägina en miniatura it formato miniatura
thumbnail sketch, thumbnail printout de Miniaturseitendarstellung, verkleinerter Layoutausdruck, Layoutstrukturausdruck fr chemin de fer (representation en miniature des pages), mode chemin de fer, affichage en chemin de fer, mode de visualisation en chemin de fer es visualization en forma de miniaturas, vision en miniatura, imägenes en miniatura it schizzo in miniatura tick mark de Markierung (für Skaleneinteilungen etc.), Skalenstrich fr marque de graduation es marca de escala, contrasena it marca di scala T I F F format (a standard format for scanned photographs), tagged image file format [el. imaging] de TIFF-Format fr format TIFF es formato TIFF it formato TIFF tiled windows (side by side; contr.: overlapping windows) [user interface] de Fenster nebeneinander, gekachelte Fenster fr fenetres en mosa'ique es ventanas en mosaico it finestre pl accanto tile option (for printing more pages on one sheet), tiling option [el. prepress] de Tiling η (Ausgabe von sich überlappenden Einzelteilen) fr option d'enchevauchement es option de panelizacion it opzione di sovrapposizione tiling η de Kachelung fr enchevauchement es panelizacion it posizionamento uno accanto all'altro tiling option —» tile option [el. prepress] time base corrector (abbr. TBC) [multimedia] de Zeitbasiskorrektor, Time-Base-Korrektor fr correcteur de base de temps, correcteur base temps es corrector de la base de tiempo it correttore della base di tempo time code (for marking video frames) [multimedia] de Zeitcode, Zeitadreßcode
token-ring network
fr code horaire, reference temporel es codigo temporal it codice orario time correction [multimedia] de Zeitkorrektur fr correction de temps es correction de tiempo it correzione del tempo timeline (hypertext nodes linked chronologically) [multimedia] de (chronologische) Zeitlinie fr ligne du temps es linea de tiempo it linea di tempo tint η —> hue η [el. imaging] title bar [user interface] de Titelleiste fr barre de titre es barra de titulo it barra del titolo TOC table of contents [CD-ROM publ.] token (in data transmission) [onlinepubl.] de Token n, Sendeberechtigungsmarke, Sendeberechtigung fr token m, jeton (de passage) es testigo (mensaje de autorizacion), marca, token m (testigo circulante), paquete de cesion de via it token m (simbolo che da diritto di trasmissione), gettone (stringa che circola su una rete), testimone, contrassegno, segno token passing [online publ.] de Token-Passing(-Verfahren), Token-Verfahren fr
methode "token passing", passage de jeton(s), passage de temoin es metodo de acceso token passing, metodo token passing (paso de un testigo), paso de testigo it sistema "token passing" (passaggio del segno), passaggio del token, passaggio di gettoni, circolazione di contrassegno token ring [online publ.] de Token Ring m fr anneau ä jeton es anillo de testigos it token ring m (anello a gettone) token-ring network [onlinepubl.] de Token-Ring-Netz, Ringnetz mit Sendeberechtigungsmarke fr reseau "token ring", reseau ä jeton, reseau
token rotation time
"jeton sur boucle" es red (local en) Token Ring, red de anillo con testigo (circulante), red de testigo circulante, red de paso de testigo (en anillo) it rete tipo token ring (basato sul protocollo token-passing) token rotation time (abbr. TRT) [online publ. ] de Tokenumlaufzeit fr temps de rotation du jeton es tiempo de rotacion del testigo it tempo di rotazione di un token tonal [el. imaging] de Tönungs..., Ton... fr tonal, de tonalite es tonal, de tonos it di tono, tonale tonal range —> density range [el. prepress] tonal resolution [el. imaging] de Tönungsauflösung fr resolution des tons es resolution tonal, gradation tonal it risoluzione dei toni tonal value [el. imaging] de Tonwert fr valeur de tonalite es valor tonal it valore tonale tone [el. imaging] de Ton fr tonalite, teinte, difference de ton es tono, tonalidad it sfumatura, tonalita, valore tonale tone art —> halftone ait [el. prepress] tone correction —» gamma correction [el. prepress] toner [printers] de Toner m fr toner m es toner m it tonerTO,inchiostro toner, dry - [printers] de Trockentoner, Tonerpulver fr toner sec es toner seco it toner secco toner, liquid - [printers] de flüssiger Toner fr toner liquide es toner liquido it toner liquido
toner cartridge [printers] de Tonerkassette fr cartouche de toner es cartucho de toner it cartuccia del toner toner powder dry toner [printers] tones of grey, shades of grey [el. imaging] de Grauwerte pi, Grautöne pi fr teintes de gris, tonalite de gris es tonos de gris, tonalidad de grises, matiz de gris it toni di grigio, valori di grigio, livelli di grigio, tonalita di grigio, intervalli di grigio tool, graphics ~ [user interface] de Grafikwerkzeug fr outil graphique, grapheur ei herramienta gräfica it tool grafico toolbox [user interface] de Werkzeugkasten fr boite ä outils, trousse ä outils es caja de herramientas, conjunto de herramientas it box di tools topic η [retrieval] de Thema η fr sujet es temätica it argomento, tema top node —¥ root node [hypertext] topology (of a network) [onlinepubl.] de Topologie/ fr topologie es topologia (la forma de conectar los nodos de una red) it topologia (configurazione di una rete) total access time [CD-ROMpubl.] de Gesamtzugriffszeit fr temps total d'acces es tiempo total de acceso it tempo totale di accesso touch screen, touch-sensitive screen [equipment] de berührungssensitiver Bildschirm, Sensorbildschirm (reagiert auf Antippen) fr ecran ä contact sensitif es pantalla tactil, pantalla sensible al tacto it schermo sensibile al tatto (o al tocco delle dita), schermo sensitivo touch-sensitive screen —> touch screen [equipment] TPS —» technical publishing software
track η I CD-ROM publ. ] de Track m (logischer Abschnitt), Spur fr piste es pista it traccia track, center ~ [CD-ROM publ.] de mittlere Spur fr piste centrale es pista central it traccia centrale track, inside ~ (of a CD), inner track de innere Spur fr piste interne es pista interior it traccia interna track, outer ~ (of a CD-ROM) de äußere Spur fr piste externe es pista exterior it traccia esterna track, sectors per ~ (abbr. spt) [CD-ROM publ.] de Sektoren pro Spur fr secteurs par piste (abr. spp) es sectores por pista (abr. spp) it settori per traccia (abbr. spt) track, spiral ~ (of a CD) [CD-ROM publ. ] de spiralförmige Spur fr piste en (forme de) spirale, spirale/, spire es pista espiral, pista en espiral it traccia a spirale tracking η [CD-ROMpubl.] de Spurerkennung, Spureinstellung fr suivi m es tracking m, seguimiento (de la pista) it tracking m, tracciamento tracking, radial [CD-ROMpubl.] de radiale Spursuche fr asservissement radial es tracking radial it tracking radiale tracking, tangential - [CD-ROM publ. ] de tangentiale Spureinstellung fr asservissement tangentiel es tracking tangencial it tracking tangenziale tracking error [ CD-ROM publ. ] de Spureinstellungsfehler fr erreur de suivi es error de tracking it errore di tracking
transfer, file ~
tracking system [ CD-ROM publ.] de Trackingsystem fr systeme de suivi es sistema de tracking, sistema de seguimiento it sistema di tracking, sistema di tracciamento track number [CD-ROM publ.] de Spumummer fr numero de piste es numero de pista it numero della traccia track pitch (separation of tracks on the disc) [CD-ROM publ] de Spurteilung fr pas de spire, pas de piste es distancia entre las pistas, separacion entre pistas it pitch m di traccia, distanza tra le tracce track positioning time [CD-ROMpubl.] de Spurpositionierungszeit fr temps de positionnement sur la piste es tiempo de posicionamiento sobre la pista it tempo di posizionamento sulla traccia track relative time (contr.: absolute time) [CD-ROM publ.] de Track Relative Time (ab Anfang eines Tracks gerechnet) fr temps relatif ä partir du debit de la piste es tiempo relativo desde el inicio de la pista it tempo relativo dall'inizio della traccia track selection [ CD-ROM publ. ] de Spurauswahl fr selection de piste es selection de pista it selezione della pista track width [CD-ROMpubl.] de Spurbreite fr largeur de la piste es anchura de la pista it larghezza della traccia trail —» history [hypertext] trail —> path [hypertext] trail marker [hypertext] de Pfadmarkierung fr marqueur de parcours es marca de camino it marca di cammino transfer, file ~ [online publ.] de Filetransfer m fr transfert de fichiers es transferencia de ficheros it trasferimento di file, trasmissione di file
transfer rate
transfer rate [CD-ROM publ.] de Transfergeschwindigkeit, Transferrate, Übertragungsrate fr taux de transfert, cadence de transfert, vitesse de transfert es cadencia de transferencia, velocidad de transferencia it velocita di trasferimento, ritmo di trasferimento transferring text files [el. prepress] de Transfer von Textdateien (auf andere Systeme) fr transfert de fichiers de texte es transferencia de ficheros de texto it trasferimento di file di testo transformation compression (of images) [multimedia] de Tranformationskompression fr compression par transformation es compresion por transformation it compressione per trasformazione transitions pi [multimedia] de Übergänge pi fr effets de transition es efectos de transition, pasos de una imagen a otra it effetti di transizione (tra una videata e l'altra) transit node [online publ.] de Transitknoten fr nceud de transit es nodo de tränsito it nodo di tränsito transmission header (abbr. ΤΗ) [onlinepubl.] de Übertragungskopfsatz fr en-tete de transmission es cabecera de transmisiön it intestazione per la trasmissione transparency, overhead ~ de Overheadfolie, Folie fur Overheadprojektion fr transparent m de projection es transparencia para retroproyectores it lucido m (per proiezioni) transparent original de Durchsichtvorlage fr original transparent es original transparente it originale trasparente tray -> drawer [CD-ROMpubl.] tree topology [onlinepubl.] de Baumtopologie fr topologie en arbre
es topologia de arbol it topologia ad albero trial scans [el. prepress] de Probescans pi fr balayages d'essai es escaneados de prueba it scansioni di prova triple-pass scanner [equipment] de Scanner mit drei Durchläufen fr scanner ä trois passages es escäner de tres pasadas it scanner a tre passaggi triple-speed adj (abbr. 3X) [CD-ROMpubl.] de Triple-Speed-... (mit dreifacher Geschwindigkeit) fr triple vitesse (lecteur triple vitesse) es de triple velocidad it a tripla velocita TRT —»token rotation time [online publ. ] true (font, descenders etc.) [typography] de echt fr vrai es verdadero it reale true-color display, direct-color display [el. imaging] de Echtfarbdarstellung, True-Color-Wiedergabe fr representation en couleurs true-color, representation en couleurs naturelles ei visualizacion en color real, visualizacion en color autentico it rappresentazione true-color, rappresentazione in colon reali true color image [el. imaging] de Echtfarbbild fr image en couleurs naturelles es imagen de color real it immagine in colori reali true color mode [el. imaging] de Echtfarbmodus, True-Color-Modus fr mode True Color es modo true-color it modalita grafica true-color true colors (contr: pseudo colors), 24-bit colors, RGB colors [el. imaging] de natürliche Farben pi, Echtfarben pl, naturgetreue Farben pl fr couleurs naturelles, couleurs vraies es colores reales, colores verdaderos, colores autenticos it colori reali
true color system [el. imaging] de Echtfarbsystem fr systeme ä couleurs naturelles es sistema de colores reales it sistema a colon reali true font (displayed on the screen) [desktop publ.J de echte Schriftart, Echtschrift fr vraie fönte es fuente verdadera, fuente real it font verace true-font display [desktop publ. / de Echtschriftdarstellung fr affichage des vraies fontes es visualization en fuente verdadera, visualization de la fuente real it visualizzazione di font veraci true-font preview [desktop publ.] de Echtschrift-Preview η (Textkontrolle mit echten Schriften) fr previsualisation en vraies fontes es previsualizacion en fuente verdadera, previsualizacion de la fuente real it anteprima con font veraci true italic [typography] de echte Kursive fr cursive vraie es cursiva verdadera it corsiva verace true type editing [desktop publ.] de Echtschrift-Editierung, Editieren anhand des echten Schriftbilds fr edition de la vraie fönte es edition con tipos TrueType it editing con font veraci true typeset quality [printers] de echte Druckqualität fr vraie qualite typographique es verdadera calidad tipogräfica it vera qualitä tipografica true WYSIWYG [desktop publ.] de echtes WYSIWYG fr vrai WYSIWYG ω WYSIWYG verdadero it veramente WYSIWYG (schermo ecc.) truncate (a string etc.) [retrieval] de trunkieren ν (abschneiden, Strings etc.), verkürzen fr tronquer, raccourcir es truncar it troncare, spezzare
typed link
truncation (of a string etc.) [retrieval] de Trunkieren η (Abschneiden von Strings etc.), Trunkierung/ fr troncage es truncamiento it troncamento TTS —»teletypesetter [equipment] TWAIN format (for storing scanned images) [el. imaging] de TWAIN-Format fr format TWAIN es formato TWAIN it formato TWAIN 24-bit colors —»true colors [el. imaging] two-color [print shop] de zweifarbig fr en deux couleurs es de dos colores, bicolor it bicolore, a due colori two-color print [print shop] de Zweifarbendruck fr impression en deux couleurs es impresion bicolor, bicromia it stampa a due colori, bicromia two-way link bidirectional link [hypertext] 2X -> double-speed [CD-ROM publ. ] type η [typography] de Type/ fr lettre, caractere, type es tipo (de imprenta), caräcter de imprenta, letra it lettera, carattere, tipo del carattere type η [hypertext] de Typ m fr type es tipo it tipo type, digital ~ [el. prepress] de Digitalschrift fr caracteres digitaux es tipo digital it carattere digitale typed [hypertext] de typisiert fr type es tipificado it tipato (agg) typed link [hypertext] de typisierte Verbindung fr lien type es vinculo tipificado it link tipato
typed node
typed node [hypertext] de typisierter Knoten fr noeud type es nodo tipificado it nodo tipato type face —> typefont [typography ] typefont, character font, font, font style, character style, type style, type face [typography] de Schriftart, Schrifttype, Schrift fr police de caracteres, taille de caracteres, fönte es fuente de tipos, estilo de fuente, estilo de letra, juego de caracteres, poliza de tipos (galicismo) it font di carattere (o di caratteri), tipo di carattere, serie completa di caratteri, carattere typefonts, library of ~ de Schriftbibliothek, Schriftenfundus m fr typotheque es libreria de fuentes, tipoteca, biblioteca de tipos, biblioteca de fuentes it biblioteca di font, biblioteca di caratteri typefont selection —> font selection type gauge (a printer's tool) [typography] de Typometer η fr typometre es tipometro it tipometro type library -> library of typefonts typeset v, set v, compose [typography ] de setzen ν, absetzen fr composer es componer it comporre typeset output [typography ] de Satzausgabe fr sortie typographique es salida tipogräfica it uscita tipografica typesetter [equipment] de elektronisches Satzgerät, Satzbelichter fr composeuse electronique es componedora electronica, filmadora it macchina compositrice elettronica, compositrice elettronica typesetter —> imagesetter [equipment] typesetting η —> composition [typography] typesetting, digital ~ [el. prepress] de digitaler Satz, Digitalsatz
fr composition numerique, composition digitale es composicion digital it composizione digitale typesetting, ready for ~ de satzreif, satzfertig fr bon ä composer es listo para componer, listo para composicion it pronto per la composizione, ok si stampi typesetting, remote ~ [el. prepress] de Fernsatz, Fernbelichtung (über Netz) fr telecomposition es composicion a distancia, telecomposicion it telecomposizione, composizione automatica a distanza typesetting computer [equipment] de Satzrechner fr ordinateur de composition es ordenador para (foto)composici6n it elaboratore di composizione typesetting instruction -»typographic instruction typesetting parameters, typographic parameters [el. prepress] de Satzparameter fr parametres de composition, parametres typographiques es parämetros tipogräficos, parämetros de composicion it parametri di composizione typesetting program, composition program [el. prepress] de Satzprogramm fr programme de composition es programa de composicion it programma di composizione typesetting software, composition software [el. prepress] de Satzprogramme pi. Software für den typografischen Satz fr logiciel de composition es software de composicion it software di composizione typesetting unit [equipment] de Satzanlage, Setzanlage fr unite de composition es unidad de composicion it umtä di composizione type style —»typefont [typography] typographic, typographical de typografisch fr typographique
es tipogräfico it tipogräfico typographic attribute de typografisches Attribut fr attribut typographique ei atributo tipogräfico it attributo tipogräfico typographic code de typografischer Code fr code typographique es cödigo tipogräfico it codice tipogräfico typographic instruction (or command), typesetting instruction de Satzbefehl, Satzanweisung, satztechnischer Befehl fr instruction typographique es instruction tipogräfica it istruzione tipografica typographic parameters —»typesetting parameters [el. prepress]
u UCR —»undercolor removal [el. prepress] ultrahigh definition (of images etc.) [el. imaging} de ultrahohe Auflösung fr definition ultra-haute es resolution ultraelevada it risoluzione estremamente elevata ultrahigh resolution (of a scanner etc.) [el. prepress] de ultrahohe Auflösung fr resolution ultra-haute es resolution ultraelevada it risoluzione ultra-alta unattended printing, unmanned printing [et. prepress] de unbeaufsichtigter Druckbetrieb, bedienungsfreier Druckbetrieb fr impression sans surveillance (d'un Operateur) es operation de impresion desatendida it stampa non sorvegliata (da un operatore) undercolor reduction —» undercolor removal [el. prepress] undercolor removal (abbr. UCR), undercolor reduction [el. prepress]
de Unterfarbenreduzierung, Unterfarbenrücknahme fr retrait de souscouleurs es reduction del color de fondo it riduzione del colore di fondo undo ν [user interface] de rückgängig machen (ein Kommando), zurücknehmen fr annuler (une commande), annuler l'effet de la demiere commande, annuler la demiere action, defaire es deshacer it disfare (un comando), annullare (il comando precedente), tornare alla situazione precedente l'ultima operazione UNDO command [user interface] de UNDO-Befehl, Zurücknahme-Befehl fr annulation demiere commande es comando para deshacer it comando "disfare" uniform resource locator (abbr. URL) [online publ. ] de URL (Adresse für das Abrufen von InternetAngeboten), URL-Adresse, Web-Adresse fr URL (adresse dans le WWW) es URL, localizador de recursos universales it U R L / unlinked adj (records etc.) de unverknüpft fr non lies es no lincados it non connessi, non linkati unmanned printing unattended printing [el. prepress] unsharp masking (abbr. USM) [el. imaging] de Unscharfmaskierung (Abk. USM) fr masquage flou es mejora del detalle it mascheramento diffuso unsqueeze (colloq.) —> decompress ν [multimedia ] update ν [database publ.] de aktualisieren, updaten ν fr mettre äjour es actualizar, poner al dia it aggiornare update n, updating process [database publ.] de Aktualisierungsvorgang fr mise ä jour (d'un enregistrement) es actualization it aggiomamento, operazione di aggiornamento
update cycle
update cycle [database publ.] de Aktualisierungszyklus fr cycle de mise ä jour es ciclo de actualization it ciclo di aggiornamento update frequency [databasepubl.] de Aktualisierungsfrequenz fr frequence de mise ä jour es frecuencia de actualization it frequenza di aggiornamento, cadenza di aggiornamento updating η [database publ] de Aktualisierung, Updating η fr mise ä jour (des donnees etc.), actualisation es actualization (de ficheros etc.) it aggiornamento updating process —> update η [database publ.] URL —> uniform resource locator [online publ.] user data capacity [CD-ROMpubl.] de für den Anwender nutzbare Datenkapazität fr capacite de donnees utilisable par Γ usager es capacidad de datos utilizable paia el usuario it capacity di dati utilizzabile dall'utente user data field [CD-ROMpubl.] de Nutzdatenfeld fr champ de donnees de Γ usager es campo de datos de usuario it campo di dati dell'utente user-definable (keys etc.) [user interface] de anwenderdefinierbar fr definissable par l'utilisateur es definible por el usuario it definibile dall'utente user-expandable dictionary [word proc.] de vom Benutzer erweiterbares Wörterbuch fr dictionnaire expansible par l'utilisateur es diccionario expandible por el usuario it dizionario espandibile dall'utente user friendliness de Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Bedienungsfreundlichkeit fr convivialite, aisance d'utilisation es facilidad de uso it facilitä d'uso (per l'utente), facilitä d'impiego user-friendly de benutzerfreundlich, bedienungsfreundlich fr convivial, agreable ä l'utilisateur es amigable, de uso fäcil, de fäcil manejo it amichevole (nei confront! degli utenti),
espressamente realizzato per essere utilizzato da utenti non specializzati user interface de Anwenderschnittstelle, Benutzerschnittstelle fr interface utilisateur es interfaz de usuario it interfaccia utente, interfaccia verso l'utente user station [online publ] de Benutzerstation fr station utilisatrice es estacion del usuario it stazione dell' utente user window [online publ.] de Netzzugangsfenster fr fenetre d'acces au reseau es ventana de usuario, ventana de acceso a la red it finestra di accesso alia rete USM unsharp masking [el. imaging]
V value-added information de informationeller Mehrwert fr information ä valeur ajoutee es information de valor anadido it informazione a valore aggiunto value-added network (abbr. VAN) [onlinepubl.] de Value-Added-Netz (Abk. VAN), Datennetz mit einem Mehrwertdienstangebot fr reseau ä valeur ajoutee (abr. RVA) es red de valor anadido (abr. RVA), red de valor agregado it rete a valore aggiunto (abbr. RVA) VAN —» value-added network [online publ.] VCR —» video cassette recorder [equipment] VD -> volume descriptor [CD-ROM publ ] vector-based graphics —> vector graphics [el. imaging] vector data [graphics] de vektorisierte Daten pi, Vektordaten pi fr donnees vectorielles es datos vectorizados, datos vectoriales it dati vettoriali vector graphics (contr.: raster graphics), vector-based graphics, curve-linear graphics [el. imaging] de Vektorgrafik fr graphique vectoriel
es gräfica vectorial (ο de vectores), gräficos vectoriales, gräficos por vector it grafica a vettori, grafica vettoriale, grafica basata sugli oggetti vector image, line art (sometimes) [el. imaging] de Vektorbild fr image par vecteurs, image-vecteur, image vectorielle, image vectorisee, dessin vectoriel es imagen vectorial it immagine vettoriale, illustrazione al tratto vectorize [graphics] de vektorisieren fr vectoriser es vectorizar it vettorializzare vertical drum scanner [equipment] de vertikaler Trommelscanner fr scanner vertical ä tambour es escäner vertical de tambor it scanner verticale a tamburo vertical magnetic recording —» vertical recording [CD-ROM publ.] vertical recording, vertical magnetic recording [CD-ROM publ.] de vertikales Aufzeichnungsverfahren fir enregistrement vertical es grabacion vertical it registrazione verticale vertical scroll [user interface] de vertikales Scrolling fr defilement vertical es deslizamiento vertical (ascendente ο descendente) it scorrimento verticale very high density disc (abbr. VHD) [CD-ROM publ.] de VHD-Platte fr disque VHD es disco de muy alta densidad, disco VHD it disco VHD very high resolution screen, VHR screen [ equipment] de sehr hoch auflösender Bildschirm fr ecran ä tres haute definition es pantalla de muy alta resolucion it schermo ad altissima definizione VF —> videofrequency [multimedia] VGA card [equipment] de VGA-Karte fr carte VGA
video buffer
es placa VGA it Scheda VGA VGA resolution [equipment] de VGA-Auflösung fr resolution VGA es resolucion VGA it risoluzione VGA VHD very high density disc [CD-ROMpubl.] VHR screen —> very high resolution screen [equipment] video adj de Bildschirm... fr video adj es video it video adj video, full-motion - η (abbr. FMV) [multimedia] de Full-Motion-Video fr FMV /(image animee plein ecran) es video full motion (movimiento complete) it video füll motion video, full-screen ~ [multimedia] de Vollbildvideo fr video plein ecran, affichage d'images video en plein ecran es video a pantalla completa it video a pieno schermo video, moving ~ [multimedia] de Bewegtbildübertragung fr images video animees es imägenes de video en movimiento it immagini video in movimento video acceleration [multimedia] de Videobeschleunigung fr acceleration video es aceleraciön video it accelerazione video video adapter [multimedia] de Videoadapter fr adaptateur video es adaptador de video it adattatore video video board [multimedia] de Videokarte fr carte video es placa de video it scheda video video buffer [multimedia] de Videopuffer fr tampon de video es bufer de video it buffer video
video camera
video camera [equipment] de Videokamera fr camera video es cämara de video, videocämara it videocamera video capture [el. imaging] de Echtzeit-Digitalisierung fr capture des images video (en temps reel) es captura de video (en tiempo real) it cattura di immagini video (in tempo reale) video cassette recorder (abbr. VCR), video recorder [equipment] de Videorecorder m fr magnetoscope, enregistreur de cassettes video es reproductor de video it videoregistratore video clip [el. imaging] de Videoclip m fr clip video m es clip video, clip de video, fragmento de video it video clip m video compression [multimedia] de Videokompression fr compression video es compresion de video, videocompresion it compressione video video connector [equipment] de Videostecker fr connecteur video es conector para el cable de video it connettore per video video cutting de Videoschnitt fr edition video es edition de video it edizione di video video digitizer (converts analog images into digital signals), video image digitizer [equipment] de Video-Digitizer m (Gerät), Digitalisiergerät für Videobilder, Videodigitalisierer fr numeriseur d'images video, systeme de capture d'images video, capteur video es digitalizador de video, videodigitalizadora, digitalizador de imägenes video, periferico de captation de video, capturador de video it digitalizzatore di immagini video (da telecamera ecc.) video digitizer —» frame grabber [multimedia]
video digitizing [el. imaging] de Videodigitalisierung (Bild für Bild) fr numerisation video (image par image), acquisition vidio es digitalizacion de imägenes de video it digitalizzazione di immagini video video display unit [equipment] de Bildschirmgerät fr afficheur ei unidad de presentation visual it videoterminale video file [multimedia] de Videodatei fr fichier de video ei fichero de video it file di video video frame, video image [el. imaging] de Videobild (einzelnes), Fernsehbild fr image video ei imagen de video it immagine video video frame [multimedia] de Videobild fr trame video es cuadro de video it quadro di video videofrequency (abbr. VF) [multimedia] de Videofrequenz fr frequence video, videofrequence (abr. VF) es videofrecuencia it frequenza video, videofrequenza video grabber —» frame grabber [multimedia] video image —> video frame [el. imaging] video image digitizer —» video digitizer [equipment] video image digitizer —»frame grabber [multimedia] video input [multimedia] de Videoeingang fr entree video es entrada de video it ingresso video video interface [multimedia] de Videointerface η, Videoschnittstelle fr interface video ei interfaz de video it interfaccia video video layout terminal (abbr. VLT) [equipment] de Gestaltungsterminal
fr terminal de mise en page es terminal de compaginacion it terminale di impaginazione video line de Videozeile fr ligne de video es linea de video it riga di video video output [multimedia] de Videoausgang fr sortie video es salida de video it uscita video video overlay card -» overlay card [multimedia] video port [multimedia] de Videoport m fr port video es puerto video it porta video video publishing [el. publishing] de Publizieren in Form von Videos fr publication sous forme de video es publication de videos it pubblicazione sotto forma di video video RAM (abbr. VRAM), video random access memory [multimedia] de Video-RAM η (Abk. VRAM) fr VRAM m es videoRAM m (abr. VRAM), memoria de imägenes it video RAM m video random access memory —> video RAM [multimedia] video recorder —> video cassette recorder [equipment] video screen —> screen η [equipment] video sequence [multimedia] de Videosequenz fr sequence video es secuencia de video, videosecuencia it sequenza video, filmato m video signal de Videosignal fr signal video es senal de video it segnale video video source [multimedia] de Videoquelle fr source video es fuente de video
virtual node
it sorgente video videoware [multimedia] de Videosoftware fr logiciel video, videociel m es software de video it software video video window [multimedia] de Videofenster fr fenetre de video, fenetre video es ventana de video it finestra di video view ν [word proc. ] de ansehen (Text auf dem Bildschirm), betrachten fr visionner (texte sur l'ecran etc.) es visualizar it prendere visione di view η [hypertext] de Sicht (auf einen Dokumentbestand etc.) fr vue es vista it vista viewfile (a placeholder having a lower resolution than the real file), proxy file [el. prepress] de Bearbeitungsdatei fr fichier de travail (p.e. pour verification de placement) es fichero de trabajo it file di lavoro viewing filter [hypertext] de Betrachtungsfilter fr filtre de visualisation es filtro de visualization it filtro di visualizzazione viewing mode de Ansicht, Ansichtmodus fr mode de visualisation es modo de visualization, modalidad de visualization it modo di visualizzazione virtual network [online publ.] de virtuelles Netz fr reseau virtuel es red virtual it rete virtuale virtual node, V node [onlinepubl] de virtueller Knoten, V-Knoten fr noeud virtuel es nodo virtual it nodo virtuale
virtual reality
virtual reality (abbr. VR) (a multimedia environment), artifical reality de virtuelle Realität (Abk. VR), Virtual Reality, künstliche Realität fr realite virtuelle, simulation virtuelle es realidad virtual (abr. RV), realidad artificial it realita virtuale VLT —> video layout terminal [equipment] V node - » virtual node [online publ.] voice annotation [multimedia] de Sprachannotation, akustischer Kommentar fr commentaire vocal es comentario vocal it commentario vocale voice card [multimedia] de Sprachkarte fr carte vocale es taijeta vocal it Scheda vocale volume (of a publication) de Band m fr tome, volume es tomo, volumen it tomo, volume volume (of sound) [multimedial de Lautstärke (eines Lautsprechers etc.) fr volume (sonore), hauteur, tonie es volumen it volume volume descriptor (abbr. VD) [CD-ROM publ. ] de Volume Descriptor (Block, der den Volume beschreibt) fr bloc VD (descripteur de volume) es bloque VD it blocco VD volume table of contents (abbr. VTOC) [CD-ROM publ.] de Datenträgerinhaltsverzeichnis fr table des matieres du volume es tabla del contenido de un volumen, indice del volumen it tabella del contenuto del volume VR —» virtual reality VRAM —» video RAM [multimedia] VTOC -> volume table of contents [CD-ROM publ.]
w WAIS —> wide area information server [online publ. ] walk-in representation [el. imaging] de Hineingeh-Darstellung (bei architektonischen Darstellungen) fr promenade architectural virtuelle, (tourner autour de la construction et y penetrer) es animation con simulation de caminar it rappresentazione tipo camminare all'interno WAN —> wide area network [online publ.] warm link, live link [hypertext] de Zulieferverknüpfung (die Werte aus einem anderen Programm liefert) fr lien vif es enlace vivo it link vivo wave file [multimedia] de Wave-Datei (enthält digitale Toninformation) fr fichier en format WAV (contenant une sequence sonore) es fichero waveform, fichero formato WAV it file WAV waveform coding [multimedia] de Wellenformcodierung fr codage de la forme d'onde es codification de forma de onda it codifica della forma d'onda wax thermal transfer printer thermal waxtransfer printer [equipment] web η (of links etc.) [hypertext] de Netz (von Verweisen), Web η fr reseau (de liens) es red de vinculos it ragnatela (collegamenti tra le informazioni) Web η World Wide Web [online publ.] Web browser [online publ.] de Web-Browser m fr navigateur Web es navegador Web, examinador Web, navegador para le WWW it browser Web Web document, W W W document [online publ.] de Web-Dokument, World-Wide-Web-Dokument fr document pour le WWW es documento para el WWW it documento Web, documento WWW
web file, link file [hypertext] de Verknüpfungsdatei fr fichier de liens, module de liens es fichero de enlaces it file dei link Webmaster (reponsible for a Web server) [online publ./ de Webmaster m fr Webmaster m es Webmaster (administrador del servidor Web) it Webmaster m Web page (page in the WWW) [online publ.] de Web-Seite, Seite im WWW fr page Web es pägina en el WWW, pägina Web, pägina WWW, hoja Web it pagina Web Web publishing, publishing on the Web [online publ] de Web-Publishing η fr publication dans le Web, publication sur le Web es publication en el Web, edicion Web it pubblicazione nel Web Web server [onlinepubl.] de Web-Server m fr serveur Web es servidor de Web, servidor para WWW it server Web Web site [online publ.] de Website/ fr site dans le Web es lugar de WWW, lugar Web, puesto Web it sito WWW Web space, presence on the Web [online publ.] de Webspace m fr espace dans le Web es espacio Web, espacio en la WWW, presencia en el Web it spazio WWW web view [hypertext] de verknüpfte Sicht, vernetzte Sicht fr vue des liasons es vista enlazada it vista a ragnatela welcome menu —» start menu [user interface] welcome page —> home page [online publ. ] welcome screen, initial screen [user interface] de Begrüßungsbildschirm, Eröffnungsbildschirm
wide format
fr ecran d'ouverture, ecran d'acceuil es pantalla de apertura it schermata di apertura, schermata iniziale (di saluto), videata iniziale, videata di ingresso what-if page (showing an alternative layout etc.) [el. prepress] de "Was-wäre-wenn"-Seite fr maquette hypothetique es pägina "que pasarfa si" it pagina "cosa succederebbe se" white alignment -> white balance [el. imaging] white balance, white balancing, white alignment [el. imaging] de Weißabgleich fr balance des blancs es balance de bianco it bilanciamento del bianco white balancing —> white balance [el. imaging] whiteness degree, degree of whiteness [el. imaging] de Weißheitsgrad fr degre de blanc es grado de bianco it grado di bianco whole word (for searching etc.) [retrieval] de ganzes Wort fr mot entier es palabra entera it parola intera wide area information server (abbr. WAIS) [online publ.] de WAIS fr WAIS es WAIS it WAIS wide area network (abbr. WAN) (contr.: LAN), long-haul network [online publ.] de Weitverkehrsnetz, WAN, Femnetz (das über LAN und MAN hinausgeht), flächendeckendes Netz fr grand reseau, reseau elargi, reseau ä longue distance, reseau grande distance, reseau interconnecte es red de area extendida (o extensa), W A N / (wide area network), red de gran area, red de larga distancia it rete WAN (su distanze piü grandi di una LAN), rete geografica(mente distribuita ο dispersa), rete su grande area wide format, wide measure [print shop] de Breitformat
wide-format imagesetter
fr format large es formato ancho it formato largo wide-format imagesetter [equipment] de Breitformatbelichter fr flasheuse pour larges formats es filmadora de formato ancho it fotounitä per formato largo wide measure —> wide format [print shop] wide measure imagesetting [el. prepress] de Belichtungen pi im Breitformat fr flashage de larges formats es filmacion en formatos anchos it generazione di pellicole in formato largo wide measure laser image setter [equipment] de Breitformat-Laserbelichter fr flasheuse ä laser pour larges formats es filmadora läser para formatos anchos it fotounita a laser per formati larghi wide screen [equipment] de Breitbildschirm fr large ecran es pantalla larga it schermo largo width, set width, set n, width value [typography] de Dickte f Buchstabenbreite fr epaisseur, largeur de caractere, chasse es grosor (de una letra), espesor, anchura (del tipo), set m (usado en electronica) it spessore (di una lettera), peso, ampiezza width table, table of width values [typography] de Dicktentabelle fr table de chasse es tabla de los grosores, tabla de anchuras it tabella degli spessori, tabella delle ampiezze width value —> width [typography] wildcard character, joker η [retrieval] de Jokerzeichen fr caractere special pour notations ambigües, caractere generique, caractere joker es caräcter comodin it carattere jolly (che sostituisce un gruppo qualunque di caratteri) wildcard searching [retrieval] de Suche mit Metazeichen fr recherche par caracteres joker es busqueda con caracteres comodines it ricerca con caratteri jolly window η (on a screen) [user interface] de Fenster fr fenetre (de visualisation)
es ventana it finestra (area dello schermo) window, active - [user interface] de Arbeitsfenster fr fenetre de travail es ventana activa it finestra attiva window, background de Hintergrundfenster fr fenetre en arriere-plan es ventana de fondo it finestra di fondo window, dialog ~ [user interface] de Dialogfenster, Dialogfeld fr fenetre de dialogue, fenetre interactive es ventana de diälogo, ventanilla de diälogo it finestra di diälogo, finestra interattiva window, display - [user interface] de Sichtanzeigefenster, Anzeigefenster fr fenetre d'affichage es ventana de visualization it finestra di visualizzazione window, editing - [user interface] de Editierfenster fr fenetre d'edition es ventana de edition it finestra di editing window, help - [user interface] de Hilfefenster fr fenetre d'aide es ventana de apoyo it finestra di aiuto window, preview ~ [user interface] de Preview-Fenster, Vorschaufenster fr fenetre de previsualisation es ventana de previsualizacion it finestra di previsualizzazione, finestra di preview, finestra di anteprima window, principal - [user interface] de Hauptfenster fr fenetre principale es ventana principal it finestra principale window, secondary - [user interface] de Nebenfenster fr fenetre secondaire, fenetre fille es ventana secundaria it finestra secondaria window, text - [word proc.] de Textfenster fr fenetre pour le texte, fenetre dans le texte,
fenetre de texte, zone de texte es ventana de texto, ventana texto it finestra per il testo, finestra di testo window, to open a ~ [user interface] de ein Fenster öffnen fr ouvrir une fenetre ei abrir una ventana it aprire una finestra window, video ~ [multimedia] de Videofenster fr fenetre de video, fenetre video ei ventana de video it finestra di video window, zoom ~ [el. imaging] de Zoomfenster, vergrößerter Bildausschnitt fr fenetre de zoom ei ventana de zoom it finestra zoom, finestra di ingrandimento window border —» window margin [user interface] windowed screen, partitioned screen, split screen [user interface] de gefensterter Bildschirm (in Fenster unterteilter Bildschirm) fr ecran vitrail, ecran fenetre es pantalla con ventanas it schermo a finestre, schermo diviso window feature [user interface] de Fensterfunktion fr possibilite de definir des fenetres (sur Γecran) es funciön de ventanas it funzione di finestra window frame —> frame of a window [user interface] windowing capability [user interface] de Fenstertechnik (Möglichkeit mit mehreren Fenstern zu arbeiten) fr capacite de fenetrage ei capacidad de ventanas it capacita di gestire piü finestre windowing technique [user interface] de Fenstertechnik fr technique d'utilisation de fenetres (sur Γecran) es tecnica de ventanas it tecnica a finestra window margin, window border [user interface] de Fensterrand fr bord de la fenetre
es borde de ventana it margine della finestra windows, linked ~ [user interface] de verknüpfte Fenster pi fr fenetres couplees (pour le defilement) es ventanas lincadas it finestre interconnesse wipe η (a special effect; transition between scenes) [video] de Wischeffekt, Wipe m (ein neues Bild schiebt sich über ein altes), Wischmuster fr volet (un effet de transition), effet de volet es efecto cortina, cortinilla it dissolvenza a tendina wireless LAN (abbr. LAWN) (having connections without cables) [online publ.] de verbindungsloses lokales Netz fr reseau local sans cable es red local con conexiones sin cable it LAN senza fili word-based link [retrieval] de wortbezogener Verweis fr renvoi base sur une parole es referencia basada en palabras it rimando a base di parola word breaking -»hyphenation [word proc.] word division —> hyphenation [wordproc,] word offset (number or words between beginning of document and the word itself) [retrieval] de Wortabstand (vom Dokumentanfang) fr distance du mot es distancia de la palabra it distanza della parola word processing (abbr. WP), text processing de Textverarbeitung (Abk. TV) fr traitement de texte (abr. TdT) es tratamiento de textos, tratamiento de la palabra, proceso de la palabra, proceso de textos it
videoscrittura, trattamento della parola, elaborazione testi, elaborazione della parola word spell checker —» spelling checker [word proc.] word truncation [retrieval] de Trunkieren von Wörtern fr troncage des mots es truncamiento de palabras it troncamento di parole workflow [el. prepress] de Arbeitsablauf, Workflow m, Arbeitsfluß
workflow, digital ~
fr flux de production, flux des travaux, workflow m es flujo de trabajo(s) it flusso dei lavori workflow, digital ~ [el. prepress] de digitaler Workflow fr flux des travaux numerique es flujo de trabajos digital it flusso digitale dei lavori workflow management [el. prepress] de Workflow-Management, Arbeitsflußsteuerung, Steuerung der Vorgänge fr gestion du flux des travaux es gestion del flujo de trabajo(s) it gestione del flusso di lavoro workgroup [online publ.] de Workgroup/ fr groupe de travail es grupo (de trabajo) it workgroup/, gruppo di lavoro workgroup computing [online publ.] de Workgroup Computing η fr travail en groupe es trabajo en grupos, computation por grupos (hispanoam.) it workgroup computing m working copy [word proc.] de Arbeitskopie fr copie de travail es copia de trabajo it copia di lavoro workstation (a LAN-connected computer), client [onlinepubl.] de Workstation/ fr station de travail es estacion (un ordenador conectado a una red), "workstation" / it workstation f stazione di lavoro workstation, composition - [equipment] de Umbruchstation fr station de composition es estacion de composition tipogräfica it workstation per l'impaginazione, videoimpaginatore workstation, DTP ~ [desktoppubl.] de Desktop-Publishing-Arbeitsplatz fr poste de travail PAO es estacion de trabajo de autoedicion it stazione di DTP workstation, multimedia ~ de Multimediaworkstation
poste de travail multimedia, terminal multimedia es estacion multimedia it stazione di lavoro multimediale World Wide Web (abbr. WWW) (a part of internet), Web η [online publ] de World-Wide-Web η (Abk. WWW), Web η fr WWW m es World Wide Web m, /, Web m, /, WWW m, f it World Wide Web m, tripla W, Web m WORM disk (write once, read many) [equipment] de WORM-Platte fr disque WORM (ecriture unique, lecture multiple), disque ä enregistrement unique, disque (optique) non-reinscriptible es disco WORM (escribir una vez, leer muchas veces) it disco WORM W P —> word processing wraparound η —» runaround η [desktop publ. ] writable adj [CD-ROM publ. ] de beschreibbar fr enregistrable es grabable it scrivibile, registrabile write-once CD —» write-once optical disc [CD-ROM publ.] write-once medium [CD-ROMpubl.] de Write-Once-Speicher fr memoire non-reinscriptible es soporte grabable solo una vez it supporto scrivibile solo una volta write-once optical disc, write-once CD [CD-ROM publ.] de einmal beschreibbare optische Platte fr disque optique non reinscriptible es disco optico una vez grabable it disco ottico scrivibile una volta sola write-once recordable CD-ROM (abbr. CD-WO) [CD-ROM publ. ] de einmal wiederbeschreibbare CD-ROM fr CD-ROM reinscriptible une fois es CD-ROM una vez grabable it CD-ROM scrivibile una volta sola WWW World Wide Web [onlinepubl.] WWW document Web document [online publ. ] WYSIWYG (abbreviation for: what you see is what you get) [desktop publ.]
de WYSIWYG η (Bildschirmdarstellung entspricht dem Druckbild) fr WYSIWYG (tel ecran, tel ecrit) es WYSIWYG (lo que se ve en pantalla es lo que se obtendrä al imprimir), visualizacion en pantalla del la impresion final it WYSIWYG (ciö che vedi e ciö che stampi) WYSIWYG, true ~ [desktop pubi] de echtes WYSIWYG fr vrai WYSIWYG es WYSIWYG verdadero it veramente WYSIWYG (schermo ecc.) WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.J de WYSIWYG-Darstellung, satzidentische Darstellung, WYSIWYG-Eigenschaft fr affichage WYSIWYG es visualizacion WYSIWYG it visualizzazione WYSIWYG WYSIWYG fonts [desktop pubi] de WYSIWYG-Schriften pl (Schriftendarstellung wie im Druck) fr fontes WYSIWYG es fuentes WYSIWYG it font pl WYSIWYG WYSIWYG screen [desktop pubi] de WYSIWYG-Bildschirm fr ecran WYSIWYG es pantalla WYSIWYG it schermo WYSIWYG WYSIWYG text editor [desktoppubi] de WYSIWYG-Texteditor fr editeur de texte WYSIWYG es editor de texto WYSIWYG it editor di testo WYSIWYG
Y Yellow Book (a Philips/SONY CD-ROM specification) [CD-ROM pubi] de Yellow Book fr Livre Jaune es Libro Amarillo it Libro Giallo YUV color system (Y for luminance, UV for chrominance) [el. imaging] de YUV-System fr systeme YUV (des couleurs) es sistema YUV (de colores) it sistema YUV (dei colon)
Ζ ZCAV —> zoned constant angular velocity [CD-ROM pubi.] zoned constant angular velocity (abbr. ZCAV) [CD-ROM pubi. ] de ZCAV-System fr format de stockage ZCAV es sistema ZCAV it sistema ZCAV zoom ν (an image etc.) [el. imaging] de zoomen ν (den Darstellungsmaßstab ändern) fr faire un zoom (vers un plan different), zoomer ν es zoom ν, ampliar la vision (de una imagen etc.) it zoommare (variare il rapporto di riproduzione sullo schermo) zoom box [user interface] de Zoombox/ fr case zoom, case de zoom es cuadro de zoom it box di zoom zoom down ν [user interface] de wegzoomen, verkleinern fr faire un zoom vers le plan general es distanciar, reducir el tamano, alejar it rimpiccolire zoom factor [el. imaging] de Zoomstufe, Vergrößerungsfaktor (beim Zoomen) fr facteur d'agrandissement es factor de zoom it fattore di zoom zoom function [el. imaging] de Zoomfunktion fr fonction de zoom es funcion de zoom it funzione zoom zooming η [el. imaging] de Zoomen η, dynamisches Skalieren fr zoom m, changement d'echelle, effet de loupe, variation de focale es zoom m, cambio de piano, operation de zoom it zoom (ingrandimento ο riduzione dell'immagine), operazioni di zoom zooming η [hypertext] de Expandierung
zoom in upon
fr expansion es expansion it espansione zoom in upon v, zoom up ν [user interface] de herzoomen, vergrößern fr agrandir la vue, faire un zoom vers le gros plan es acercar, aumentar el tamano, aproximar
it ingrandire (l'immagine sullo schermo) zoom up ν —> zoom in upon ν [user interface] zoom window [el. imaging] de Zoomfenster, vergrößerter Bildausschnitt fr fenetre de zoom es ventana de zoom it finestra zoom, finestra di ingrandimento
Index section
Abbildung illustration, picture "Abfangrechner" (vorgeschaltetes Sicherheitssystem) firewall system [online publ. ] Abfragemöglichkeiten pi query facilities [user interface] Abfragesprache retrieval language abgelegter Satz dead matter [typography ] abgescanntes Bild scanned image [el. prepress] Abhakfeld check box [user interface] Ablegesatz dead matter /typography] Abrollen des Schirmbilds scrolling of screen image [user interface] abschicken post ν [online publ. ] Abschlußwiderstand terminator [online publ.] Abschneidefunktion clipping function [graphics] abschneiden clip ν [graphics] Abschneiden η clipping η [graphics] absetzen typeset ν [typography] Abspielgerät player [multimedia] abtastbares Format scanning format [el. prepress] Abtastformat scanning format [el. prepress] Abtastgeschwindigkeit (beim Scannen) scanning speed [el. prepress] Abtastkopf (eines Scanners) scanning head [equipment] Abtastrate sampling rate [multimedia] - (beim Scannen) scanning rate [el. prepress] Abtastung sampling η [el. imaging] Abteilungsnetz departmental network [online publ.] Abteilungsserver departmental server [online publ.] Abwärtsrollen η scrolling down [user interface] Abzweigleitung drop cable [online publ.] Access Provider m access provider [online publ.] adaptive Huffman-Codierung adaptive Huffman coding [multimedia] - Komprimierung adaptive compression [multimedia ] additive Farbmischung additive color mixing [el. imaging] ~ Grundfarben (B,G,R) additive primary colors [el. imaging] additives Farbmodell (B,G,R) additive color model [el. imaging]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
ADPCM adaptive delta pulse code modulation, adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] ADU —» Analog-Digital-Umsetzung [data proc.] A/D-Umsetzung analog-to-digital conversion [data proc.] ADW —> Analog-Digital-Wandlung [data proc.] Aerograph m airbrush tool [el. imaging] aktiver Knoten active node [hypertext] aktualisieren update ν [database publ] Aktualisierung updating η [databasepubl.] Aktualisierungsfrequenz update frequency [database publ.] Aktualisierungsvorgang update η [database publ.] Aktualisierungszyklus update cycle [database publ.] aktuelle Farbe current color [el. imaging] ~ Seite current page [word proc.] akustischer Kommentar voice annotation [multimedia] Aliasing η aliasing η [el. imaging] Aliasing-Effekte pi aliasing effects [el. imaging] Aliasing-Filter antialiasing filter [el. imaging] allgemeine Schrift generic font [desktop publ.] alphabetischer Index alphabetic index [document proc.] Alphakanal alpha channel [video] Alternativverbindung backup connection [online publ. ] Alu-Platesetter aluminum platesetter [el. prepress] Aluplattenbelichter aluminum platesetter [el. prepress] analoge Farbproofs analog color proofs [el. prepress ] analoge Proofs analog proofs [el. prepress] Analogaufzeichnung analog recording [CDROM publ.] Analog-Digital-Umsetzung (Abk. ADU) analog-to-digital conversion [dataproc.] Analog-Digital-Wandlung (Abk. ADW) analog-to-digital conversion [dataproc.] Anbieter provider n, access provider [online publ.] ~ von Inhalten content provider [online publ.]
German-English index
Änderung der Gammakurve gamma curve control [el. prepress] Änderungen pi edits pi Andruck test print [print shop] Andrucke pi press proofs pi [el. prepress] andrucken pull ν a proof [print shop] Anfangsknoten root node [hypertext] Anfangspunkt einer Verknüpfung link source [hypertext] Anfangsseite start page [word proc.] Anfasser handles pi [user interface] Anfrage query« angegebene Transferrate designated transfer rate [ CD-ROM publ. ] angegliederte Datei associated file [CDROM publ] Animation animation [el. imaging] Animationsgrafik animated graphics [el. imaging] Animationssequenz animation sequence [el. imaging] Animationssoftware animation software [el. imaging] animieren animate ν [el. imaging] Anker anchor η [hypertext] Ankerfeld anchor field [hypertext] Ankerpunkt anchor point [graphics ] anklicken (mit einer Maus) click ν [user interface] anklicken, zweimal ~ (mit der Maus) doubleclick ν [user interface] anklicken und ziehen click and drag [user interface ] anmerken annotate [word proc. ] Anmerkung annotation [wordproc.] ~ (des Lesers) annotation [hypertext] Anmerkungsknopf annotation button [hypertext] Anmerkungszeichen reference mark [word proc.] Annotation/ annotation [wordproc.] Annotationstext annotation [multimedia] Anschluß (Schnittstelle, Ein- und/oder Ausgang) port η [equipment] Anschlußeinheiten-Schnittstelle (zwischen Controller und Receiver) attachment unit interface [online publ.] anschlußfertiges System plug-and-play system [equipment] Anschlußkabel (an ein Netz) drop cable [online publ. ]
ansehen (Text auf dem Bildschirm) view ν [word proc.] Ansicht viewing mode Ansichtfunktion preview function [user interface] Ansichtmodus viewing mode Antialiasing η antialiasing η [el. imaging] Antialiasing-Filter antialiasing filter [el. imaging] Antialiasing-Instrument antialiasing tool [el. imaging] Antriebsspindel spindle [ CD-ROM publ. ] anwenderdefinierbar user-definable [user interface ] Anwenderschnittstelle user interface Anwendungsserver application(s) server [online publ.] Anwendungstest application test [multimedia] Anzeige display η [equipment] ~ der aktuellen Seite current page view [word proc. ] ~ zur Ansicht preview η [desktop publ.] Anzeigeattribut display attribute [user interface] Anzeigedatei display file [desktoppubl.] Anzeigefenster display window [user interface] Anzeigehintergrund display background anzeigen display ν Application Server application(s) server [online publ. ] APPN-Protokoll advanced peer-to-peer networking [online publ. ] Arbeiten η mit Farbabzügen color proofing [el. prepress] Arbeitsablauf workflow [el. prepress] Arbeitsbreite media width [el. prepress] Arbeitsfenster active window [user interface ] Arbeitsfläche desktop [user interface] Arbeitsfluß workflow [el. prepress] Arbeitsflußsteuerung workflow management [el. prepress] Arbeitskopie working copy [wordproc.] ASCII-Code ASCII [dataproc.] ASCII-Datei ASCII file [data proc.] assoziierte Datei associated file [CD-ROM publ. ] asymmetrische Kompression asymmetric compression [multimedia] ATM-Font (Adobe Type Manager) ATM font [desktop publ.]
Attribut η attribute η [data proc.J Audio audio η [multimedia] Audio... audio adj [multimedia] Audioblock audio block [CD-ROM publ. ] Audio-CD/ audio CD [CD-ROMpubl.] Audiodaten audio data [multimedia] Audioeingang audio input [multimedia] Audiokabel audio cable [multimedia] Audiokanal sound channel [multimedia] Audiokarte sound card [multimedia] Audio-Koprozessor audio coprocessor [multimedia] Audioschnittstelle audio interface [multimedia] Audiosektor audio sector [CD-ROM publ. ] Audiosignal audio signal [multimedia] Audiospur audio track [CD-ROM publ. ] Audiostecker RCA connector [multimedia] audiovisuelle Medien pi audiovisual media audiovisuelles Publizieren audiovisual publishing [el. publishing] Aufbau eines Thesaurus thesaurus construction [retrieval] aufbauen create ν [word ρ roc.] Aufbereitungssprache markup language [el. publishing] Auffrischrate refresh rate auffüllen, mit Blanks ~ spacefill ν auflösend, sehr hoch -er Bildschirm very high resolution screen [equipment] Auflösung resolution, graphics resolution Auflösung, hohe - high resolution Auflösung, mit mittlerer ~ medium-resolution adj Auflösung, niedrige ~ low resolution ~ bei der Ausgabe output resolution [el. prepress] Auflösungsbereich resolution range [el. prepress] auflösungsunabhängig resolution independent Auflösungsvermögen resolution aufrastern screen ν [el. prepress] Aufrastern η screening η [el. prepress] ausblenden (vorübergehend) hide vt Ausblenden η verdeckter Kanten hidden lines removal [graphics] Ausdruck (auf Hardcopy) hardcopy printout ausdrucken print ν Ausfüllen von Flächen area fill η [graphics] Ausfüllungsart fill pattern [el. imaging]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Ausgabe der fertigen Produkts final output ~ von Probeabzügen proof printing [el. prepress] Ausgabedatei output file [printers] Ausgabeeinheit output device [equipment] Ausgabeformat output format Ausgabegerät output device [equipment] Ausgabegeschwindigkeit output rate Ausgabemedium output medium Ausgabeprozeß (bei Grafikverarbeitung) Tenderer [el. imaging] Ausgangsbereich lead-out area [CD-ROM publ.] Ausgangspunkt starting point [online publ. ] ausgefranst jagged [el. imaging] ausgelaufener Artikel expired article [online publ.] Ausgestaltung rendering η [el. imaging] ausgezeichnetes Manuskript marked-up manuscript [el. publishing] Auslaufdatum expiration date /online publ. ] Auslaufzone lead-out area [CD-ROM publ. ] "Ausliefersystem" delivery system [multimedia] '' Auslieferung'' delivery [multimedia] Ausnahmelexikon exception word dictionary [word proc.] Ausnahmewörterbuch exception word dictionary [word proc.] ausschießen (Bogen) impose ν [el. prepress] Ausschießen η (von Bogen) imposition [el. prepress ] Ausschießprogramm imposition program [el. prepress] Ausschießsoftware imposition software [el. prepress ] Ausschneiden scissoring η [el. imaging] ausschneiden und einfügen cut and paste [user interface] Außentrommelbelichter external drum film recorder [equipment] äußere Spur outer track äußerste Spur outermost track aussparen hide vt Auswahl selection Auswahlbox option box [user interface] auswählen select ν Auswahlknopf select button [user interface] Auswurftaste eject key [CD-ROM publ. ] auszeichnen (Manuskript) mark up ν [typography]
German-English index
Auszeichnung (eines Manuskripts für den Satz) markup η [typography] - (in einem Text) markup code [el. publishing] Auszeichnungscode markup code [el. publishing] Auszeichnungssprache markup language [el. publishing] Authentisierungszentrum authentication center [online publ.] Authoring η authoring η [el. publishing] Authoring-Station authoring station [el. publishing] Authoring-Tools pi authoring tools [el. publishing] Authoring-Werkzeuge pi authoring tools [el. publishing] Autofokusm autofocus η [equipment] automatische Kurzdarstellung automatic abstract [document proc.] ~ Schreibfehlerkorrektur automatic spelling correction [wordproc.] ~ Silbentrennung automatic hyphenation [word proc.] automatischer Satz automatic typesetting [el. prepress] - Spaltenabgleich automatic column balance [desktop publ. ] ~ Textfluß automatic text flow [desktoppubl.] automatisches Anwählen automatic calling [online publ. ] - Indizieren automatic indexing [document proc. ] - Setzen automatic typesetting [el. prepress] - Skalieren autoscaling η [el. imaging] - Unterschneiden automatic kerning [desktop publ. ] automatisiertes Publishing automated publishing Autor author η [general sense j Auto-Reconnect-Funktion autoreconnect function [onlinepubl.] Autorenmodus authoring mode [el. publishing] Autorenprogramm authoring program [el. publishing] Autorensoftware authoring software [el. publishing] Autorensprache authoring language [el. publishing] Autorensystem authoring system [el. publishing]
Autorsystem authoring system [el. publishing] Autor-Tools pi authoring tools [el. publishing] AVC audiovisual connection [multimedia] AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) audio video interleave(d) [multimedia] AVI-Format AVI format [multimedia] Backbone-Netz backbone network [online publ.] Backbone-Netzarchitektur backbone network architecture [onlinepubl.] Background-Scannen background scanning [el. prepress] Band m volume BAS-Signal (Bild-, Austast- und Synchronsignal) composite video signal [multimedial Batch-Seitenumbruch batch composition [el. prepress] Batch-Umbruchprogramm batch pagination program [desktop publ.] Baumtopologie tree topology [onlinepubl.] BBS-System bulletin board service [online publ.] Bearbeitungsdatei viewfile [el. prepress] bebildern illustrate bedienungsfreier Druckbetrieb unattended printing [el. prepress] bedienungsfreundlich user-friendly Bedienungsfreundlichkeit user friendliness bedingte Verknüpfung conditional link [hypertext J bedruckbare Fläche image area [printers] Beendungsbox exit button [user interface] Beginnkennzeichen start tag [hypertext] Beginn- und Endemarkierung start and end tag [el. publishing] Begrüßungsbildschirm welcome screen [user interface] belichten image ν [el. prepress ] bum vt [el. prepress] Beliebter imagesetter [equipment] - (Gerät) imaging device [equipment] ~ (kleinformatiger) imagesetter [equipment] - mit Papierausgabe paper imagesetter [equipment] Belichtermaschine imaging engine [equipment] Belichtung imaging η [el. prepress] exposure [el. prepress]
film output [el. prepress] ~ (mit fotosatztechnischen Mitteln) imaging η [el. prepress] Belichtungen pi im Breitformat wide measure imagesetting [el. prepress] Belichtungseinheit exposure unit [el. prepress] imagesetter [equipment] Belichtungsgeschwindigkeit imaging speed [el. prepress] Belichtungsservice imaging service [el. prepress] Belichtungsspielraum range of exposure [el. prepress] benutzerfreundlich user-friendly Benutzerfreundlichkeit user friendliness Benutzeroberfläche mit Icons iconic interface [user interface ] Benutzerschnittstelle user interface Benutzerstation user station [online publ. ] Berechnung einer Animationsszene rendering η [multimedia] Bereichsfrage range query [retrieval] Bereichsmarkierung tag η [hypertext] Bereichsregelung density control [el. prepress] Bereichssuche range search [retrieval] Beruhigungszeit settling time [CD-ROM publ.] berührungssensitiver Bildschirm touch screen [equipment] beschneiden clip ν [graphics] crop ν [el. imaging] Beschneiden η clipping η [graphics] beschreibbar writable adj [CD-ROM publ. ] beschreibbar, einmal ~e optische Platte write-once optical disc [CD-ROMpubl.] beschreibbar, wieder - rewritable [CD-ROM publ.] beschreibbare CD-ROM CD-R beschreiben record vt [CD-ROM publ. ] Beschreiben η recording η [CD-ROM publ. ] Beschriftung (einer Grafik) annotation [multimedia] betrachten view ν [word proc. ] Betrachtungsfilter viewing filter [hypertext] Betrachtungssoftware browser [hypertext] Betreiber eines Netzes network operator [online publ. ] betriebsinternes Netz corporate network [online publ.]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Betriebsmittelengpaß in einem Netz network congestion [online publ. ] bewegte Grafik animated graphics [el. imaging] Bewegtbilder pi motion video [multimedia] Bewegtbildübertragung moving video [multimedia] Bewegungsausgleich motion compensation [multimedia] Bezugsframe reference frame [multimedia] BFR Bitfehlerrate [CD-ROM publ. ] bidirektionale Verknüpfung bidirectional link [hypertext] bidirektionaler Verweis bidirectional link [hypertext] Bild image η [general sense] -(Bildschirminhalt) frame η [data proc.] ~ (im Gegensatz zu Text) picture [typography] frame η [multimedia] - (Videobild) frame η [el. imaging] Bildabtastung image scanning [el. prepress] Bildarchiv image library [el. prepress] Bildaufnahme mit Digitalkamera direct photo image capture [equipment] Bildbibliothek image library [el. prepress] ~ (aus Clip Art bestehende) clip-art library [el. prepress ] Bildblock picture block [el. imaging] Bildchen η inset η [hypertext] Bilddatei picture file Bilddatenbank image data bank Bilddatenbankserver image server [equipment] Bilddatenverarbeitung image processing Bilddatenverarbeitungsanlage image processor Bilddurchlauf (vertikaler oder horizontaler) scrolling η [user interface] Bildeditor image editor [el. imaging] Bilder pi pro Sekunde frames per second, frames/sec [el. imaging] Bildfenster image window [user interface ] Bildfläche image area [el. prepress] Bildformat picture format [el. imaging] Bildgenerierung rendering η [graphics] Bildinstabilität jitter [multimedia] Bildkompression image compression [el. imaging] Bildlauf scrolling η [user interface ] Bildlauffeld scroll box [user interface] Bildlaufleiste scroll bar [user interface]
German-English index
Bildlaufpfeil scroll arrow [user interface] Bildmenü icon menu [user interface] Bildnachbearbeitung rendering η [el. imaging] Bildplatte laser disc [multimedia] Bildqualität image quality Bildretusche image retouching [el. prepress] Bildschirm screen n, monitor η [equipment] video adj ~ für Farbgrafik color graphics screen [equipment] ~ mit hoher Auflösung high-resolution screen [equipment] - mit niedriger Auflösung low-resolution screen [equipment] Bildschirmattribut screen attribute Bildschirmauflösung screen resolution [equipment] Bildschirmdarstellung screen image Bildschirmdatei display file [desktop publ.] Bildschirmgerät video display unit [equipment] Bildschirmhintergrund screen background Bildschirmicon onscreen icon [user interface] Bildschirmkopie screen hardcopy screen capture [el. imaging] Bildschirmschnappschuß screen snapshot Bildschirmschrift screen font /desktop publ.] Bildschirmvorschau onscreen previewing [el. prepress] Bildserver image server [equipment] Bildspeicher image store [general sense] ~ (für Videosequenzen oder Einzelbilder) frame buffer [multimedia] Bild-Text-Integration integrated text and image processing [el. prepress] Bild-Text-Verarbeitung image and text processing [desktop publ.] Bildtiefe (in Bit pro Pixel) image depth Bildübertragung remote scan [el. prepress] Bildverarbeitung image processing Bildverarbeitungsgeräte imaging devices pi [general sense] Bildverarbeitungssoftware image processing software Bildwandlung image conversion Bildwiederholfrequenz frame frequency [el. imaging] Bildwiederholrate frame frequency [el. imaging] Bildzittern j itter [multimedia]
Binärbild binary image Binärgraflk binary graphics Bit pro Pixel (Abk. bpp) bits per pixel [multimedia] Bitfehlerhäufigkeit bit error rate [CD-ROM publ. ] Bitfehlerquote bit error rate [CD-ROM publ.] Bitfehlerrate (Abk. BFR) bit error rate [CDROM publ.] B i t m a p / bitmap η, bit-mapped image [el. imaging] Bitmap-Abbildung bit-mapped image [el. imaging] Bitmap-Bild bit-mapped image [el. imaging] Bitmap-Datei bitmap file [el. imaging] Bitmap-Grafik bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] Bitmap-Modus bitmap mode [el. imaging] Bittiefe bit depth [el. prepress] Blattformat page format [word proc. ] Block-Matching η (Prüfen von Pixelblöcken auf Gleichheit) block matching [el. imaging] Book Mark / bookmark [hypertext] boolesche Suche Boolean search [retrieval] bpp -> Bit pro Pixel [multimedia] Breitband-LAN broadband LAN [online publ. ] Breitbildschirm wide screen [equipment] Breite des Ausgabemediums media width [el. prepress] ~ des Zwischenschlags gutter width [typography] Breitformat wide format [print shop] Breitformatbelichter wide-format imagesetter [equipment] Breitformat-Laserbelichter wide measure laser image setter [equipment] Brennpunkt focus η Brennpunktsteuerung focus control [CDROM publ.] Bridge/(zur Verbindung von Netzen) bridge η [onlinepubl.] Bridge D i s c / bridge disc [CD-ROMpubl.] Bridging Router m Β router [onlinepubl.] Broadcast-Qualität (für Videobilder) broadcast quality [multimedia] Bromsilberpapier bromide paper [el. prepress] Brouter m Β router [online publ.]
Browse-Modus browse mode [database publ.] browsen ν browse [hypertext] Browser m browser [CD-ROM publ., hypertext, online publ] Browser-Programm browser [CD-ROM publ.] Browsing η browsing η [hypertext] Brücke bridge η [online publ. ] Brückenrechner (in Netzen) bridge computer [online publ.] Buchdruck letterpress printing [print shop] Buchsatz book composition [typography ] Buchstabenbreite width [typography] Buntheit chrominance [el. imaging] Buntton hue η [el. imaging] Bürodruckmaschine office printing machine [equipment] Bürografik business graphics Bürolaserdrucker office laser printer [equipment] Busarchitektur bus architecture [onlinepubl.] Busstruktur bus structure [onlinepubl.] Caddy m caddy η [CD-ROM publ. ] Capstan-Belichter flatbed imagesetter [equipment] Capture Board η capture board [multimedia] "capturen" ν capture ν [multimedia] CAV-Verfahren CAV rotation [CD-ROM publ.] CBT (Computer-based Training) computerbased training [multimedia] CCD-Flachbett-Technologie CCD flatbed technology [equipment] CCD-Scanner CCD scanner [equipment] CCD-Sensor CCD sensor [equipment] CC-Filter color correction filter [el. imaging] C D / compact disc C+D-Bit C+D bit [CD-ROM publ. ] CD-Controller m CD controller CD-DA audio CD CD-Recorder CD-ROM recorder CD-Recording-Software CD recording software CD-Recording-System CD recording system CD-Rohling stamper disc CD-ROM/ CD-ROM CD-ROM XA CD-ROM XA CD-ROM-Abspielgerät CD-ROM player CD-ROM-Brenner CD-ROM recorder
Index Deutsch-Englisch
CD-ROM-Hersteller disc pressing house CD-ROM-Herstellung CD-ROM production CD-ROM-Jukebox/ jukebox CD-ROM-Laufwerk CD-ROM drive CD-ROM-Produzent CD-ROM producer CD-ROM-Publikation CD-ROM publication CD-ROM-Recorder CD-ROM recorder CD-ROM-Technologie CD-ROM technology CD-ROM-Workstation CD-ROM workstation CD-Schreiber CD-ROM recorder CD-V (Compact Disc Video) CD-V [multimedia] CD-Wechselsystem jukebox CD-Wechsler jukebox Centronics-Schnittstelle Centronics interface [equipment] CEP-System color electronic prepress system Channel-Bit channel bit [CD-ROM publ. ] Chrominanz/ chrominance [el. imaging] Chromotypie/ color printing [print shop] chronologische Verknüpfung chronological link [hypertext] CIE (Internationale Beleuchtungskommission) CIE [organization] CIE-Farbdiagramm CIE chromaticity diagram [el. imaging] CIE-Farbmodell CIE color model [el. imaging] CIE-Farbsystem CIE color system [el. imaging] CIE LAB CIE LAB [el. imaging] CIE LUV CIE LUV [el. imaging] CIE XYZ CIE XYZ [el. imaging] Cinch-Stecker cinch connector [multimedia] CIP3 CIP3 [organization] CIRC-Code cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code [CD-ROMpubl.] CIRC-Code, im - CIRC-encoded [CD-ROM publ. ] CIRC-Decoder CIRC decoder [CD-ROM publ. ] Client m client [online publ. ] Client-Plattform client platform [online publ.] Client/Server-Architektur client/server architecture [online publ. ] Client/Server-Netz client/server LAN [online publ.] Client/Server-Software client/server software [online publ.]
German-English index
Client-Station client station [online pubi] Clip-Art-Bibliothek clip-art library [el. prepress] Clip-Art-Bilder pi clip-art images [el. prepress ] Clip-Art-Software clip-art software [el. prepress] Clipboard η clip board, electronic - [user interface ] CLV-Verfahren CLV rotation [CD-ROM pubi] CNA-Architektur communication network architecture [online pubi] Codeumsetzung code conversion [data proc. ] Codeumwandlung code conversion [data proc.] Color Publishing η color publishing [el. prepress ] Color-Proofer m color proofer [equipment] Compact D i s c / compact disc [CD-ROM pubi.] Computer Publishing η computer publishing Computer to Print computer to print [el. prepress ] Computeranimation computer animation [el. imaging] Computerausgabe auf Laserplatte computer output to laser disc / el. prepress] computererzeugte Animation computergenerated animation [el. imaging] - Bilder computer-generated art [el. prepress] - Illustrationen oder Graßken computer art [el. prepress] computergesteuertes Satzsystem computerized typesetting system [equipment] computergestiitztes Publizieren computeraided publishing Computergrafik computer graphics Computersatz computer typesetting ~ am PC personal publishing [desktop pubi] Computersatzsystem computerized typesetting system [equipment] Computer-to-Plate-Belichter CTP imagesetter [equipment/ Computer-to-Plate-System computer-toplate system [el. prepress] Computer-to-Plate-Technik computer-toplate technology [el. prepress] Computer-to-Press-System computer-topress system [el. prepress] computerunterstiitzes Layout computer-
assisted makeup [desktoppubi] Content Provider content provider [online pubi. ] Corporate Network η corporate network [online pubi. ] Corporate Publishing η corporate publishing Cross-Media-Produktion cross-media publishing [el. publishing] Cross-Media-Publishing η cross-media publishing [el. publishing] CRT-Belichter CRT imagesetter [equipment) CRT-Belichtungsanlage CRT phototypesetter [equipment] CRT-Fotosatzanlage CRT phototypesetter [equipment] CRT-Satzanlage CRT typesetter [equipment] CRT-Satzbelichter CRT typesetter [equipment] C/S-Architektur client/server architecture [online pubi] CTP (Computer to Plate) computer to plate [el. prepress] CTP-Anlage computer-to-plate unit [equipment] CTP-Belichter CTP imagesetter [equipment] CTP-Direktdruckplatte CTP plate [print shop] CTP-Platte CTP plate [print shop] CTP-Recorder CTP imagesetter [equipment] CTP-System computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] CTP-Technik computer-to-plate technology [el. prepress] C+D-Bit C+D bit [CD-ROM pubi. ] Cursor m cursor [user interface] Cursorpfeil cursor arrow [user interface] Cursorposition cursor position [user interface] Cursorsteuerung (Taste) cursor control key [user interface] Cursorsteuerungstaste cursor control key [user interface] CVD (Compact Video Disc) compact video disc [CD-ROMpubi] darstellen display ν Darstellung in Form zweier gegenüberliegender Seiten facing pages display ~ mit Codeanzeige codes view [wordproc.] Darstellungstechnik rendering technique [el. imaging]
Darstellungstechnik für ein Bild rendering η [graphics] Database Publishing η database publishing Datei file η (data proc.] - mit Antworten zu häufigen Anfragen frequently asked questions [online publ.] ~ mit hochaufgelösten Daten fine data file [el. prepress] Dateienliste file list [online publ. ] Dateischutzeinrichtung file protection mechanism [CD-ROM publ.] Dateiserver file server [online publ. ] Dateistruktur file structure [dataproc.] DateiübertragungsprotokoU file transfer protocol [online publ.] Dateiverschachtelung file interleaving [CDROM publ.] Daten pi mit niedriger Auflösung low-resolution data [el. prepress] Datenaufbau data structure [database publ.] Datenbank database Datenbank-Engine/ database engine datenbankgestützte Herstellung einer Publikation database publishing Datenbankkonvertierung database conversion Datenbasis database Datenbasisserver database server [online publ.] Datenhighway m information highway [multimedia] Datenkapazität, für den Anwender nutzbare - user data capacity [CD-ROM publ. ] Datenkomprimierung data compression [data proc.] Datennetz (Abk. DN) data network [online publ.] Datennetz mit einem Mehrwertdienstangebot value-added network [onlinepubl.] Datenpräsentation data presentation [el. publishing] Datensatzkontrollwort record control word [CD-ROM publ.] datensatzorientierte Daten record-oriented data [database publ. ] Datensichtstation terminal η [equipment] Datenstruktur data structure [database publ. ] Datenträgerinhaltsverzeichnis volume table of contents [CD-ROMpubl.] Datenumsetzung data conversion [data proc.] Datenumwandlung data conversion [data
Index Deutsch-Englisch
proc.] Datenwandlung data conversion [data proc.] Datenzugriff data access [CD-ROM publ. ] DCPM —> Differenz-Pulscode-Modulation [CD-ROM publ.] DCS-Datei DCS file [el. prepress] DCT-Verfahren discrete cosine transform [multimedia] DDE —> dynamischer Datenaustausch [database publ. ] DDES (Standard für den digitalen Datenaustausch) digital data exchange specifications [el. prepress] Decoderhardware decoding hardware /CDROM publ. I dedizierter Server dedicated server [online publ. ] dediziertes Netz dedicated network [online publ. ] dekomprimieren decompress ν [multimedia] Deüvery/ delivery [multimedia] Delivery Board η delivery board [multimedia] Delivery-System delivery system [multimedia] Delta η delta Deltacodierung/-decodierung delta encoding/decoding [multimedia] Delta-Frames pi delta frames [multimedia] Deltakompression delta compression [multimedia] Delta-YUV delta YUV [el. imaging] Densitometer η densitometer [el. prepress] Densitometrie/ densitometry [el. prepress] Desktop m desktop [general sense ] ~ m desktop [user interface] Desktop-... desktop... Desktop-Drucker desktop printer [equipment] Desktop-Laserdrucker desktop laser printer [ equipment] Desktop-Publishing (Abk. DTP) desktop publishing Desktop-Publishing-Arbeitsplatz DTP workstation [desktop publ. ] Desktop-Publishing-Software DTP software [desktop publ.] Desktop-Publishing-System desktop publishing system Desktop-Satz desktop typesetting [el. prepress ] Desktop-Scanner desktop scanner [equipment]
German-English index Desktop-System desktop system [equipmentJ Desktop-Textscanner m desktop text scanner [equipment] dezentrales Drucken decentralized printing Dia η slide η Diabelichter film recorder [equipment] Diafilmbelichter imager [equipment] Dialogbaum history tree [hypertext] Dialogbox dialog box [user interface] dialogfähig interactive [data proc.] Dialogfeld dialog window [user interface] Dialogfenster dialog window [user interface] Dialoggeschichte dialog history [retrieval] Dialogrecherche/ interactive search [hypertext] Diapositiv η slide η Diapräsentation slide show [multimedia] Diascanner slide scanner [equipment] Diaschau slide show [multimedia] Diashow / slide show [multimedia] Dichte density [el. prepress] Dichtekurve density curve [el. prepress] Dichtemessung densitometry [el. prepress] Dichteregelung density control [el. prepress] Dichteumfang density range [el. prepress] Dickte/ width [typography] Dicktentabelle width table [typography] Dienstleistungsanbieter access provider [online publ. ] Dienstleistungszentrum für digitalen Druck digital printing service center [el. prepress] Differenz-Pulscode-Modulation (Abk. DCPM) differential pulse code modulation [CDROM publ.] Diffraktionsgitter diffraction grating [CDROM publ.] Diffusionsnetz distributed network, broadcast network [onlinepubl.] digital digital [dataproc.] ~ aufgezeichnet digitally coded [data proc.] ~ darstellen digitize Digital Imaging η digital imaging, digital image processing [el. prepress] Digitalband η digital audio tape [multimedia] Digitalbelichter digital imagesetter [equipment] Digitaldruck digital printing [print shop] digitale Bilddatenbank digital image data bank [el. prepress] ~ Bild Verarbeitung digital image processing [el. prepress]
200 - Druckmaschine digital press [print shop] - Druckplatte digital plate [print shop] ~ Druckplattenbelichtung digital platesetting [el. prepress] ~ Drucktechnik digital printing technology [el. prepress] ~ Druckvorstufe digital prepress ~ Erstellung von Probeabzügen digital proofing [el. prepress] ~ Erzeugung von Halbtönen digital halftoning [el. imaging] ~ Farbabzüge pi digital color proofs [el. prepress] ~ Farbproofs pi digital color proofs [el. prepress] - Fotografie digital photography [el. imaging] - Kamera digital camera [equipment] ~ Platte digital plate [print shop] - Proofs pi digital proofs [el. prepress] ~ Publikation digital publication - Satzanlage digital typesetting equipment [equipment] - Schrift digital font [el. prepress] -Verteilung digital distribution [online publ.] ~ Vorschau digital preview [el. prepress] - Vorstufe digital prepress digitaler Datenaustausch digital data exchange [el. prepress] ~ Datenfluß digital data flow [el. prepress] ~ Druck System "direct to press" direct-topress system [print shop] - Druckplattenbelichter digital platemaker [equipment] - Farbdruck digital color printing [el. prepress] - Farbdrucker digital color printer [equipment] - Großbilddruck digital wide format printing [el. prepress] - Grofiformatdruck digital large-format output [el. prepress] ~ Katalog digital catalog [el. publishing] ~ Kleinauflagendruck digital short-run printing [print shop] - Online-Druck digital online printing [print shop] - Proof m digital image proof [el. prepress] - Proofdrucker digital proofer [equipment] - Proofer digital proofer [equipment] - Satz digital typesetting [el. prepress]
~ Vierfarbdruck digital four color printing [el. prepress] - Workflow digital workflow [el. prepress] digitales Archiv digital archive [document proc.] ~ Bildarchiv digital image library (el. prepress] - Farbproof-System digital color proofing system [el. prepress] ~ Foto digital photo [el. imaging] ~ Fotografieren digital photography [el. imaging] ~ Mastering digital mastering [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ Plattenbelichten digital platesetting [el. prepress] - Proofing digital proofing [el. prepress] - Proof-System digital proofing system [equipment] - Publizieren digital publishing Digitalfotografie digital photography [el. imaging] digitalisierbar digitizable [el. imaging] digitalisieren digitize Digitalisierer digitizer [el. imaging] Digitalisiergerät digitizer/e/. imaging] - für Videobilder video digitizer [equipment] Digitalisiergeschwindigkeit digitizing speed [el. imaging] Digitalisierkarte digitizing board [equipment] Digitalisierstation digitizing station [el. imaging] digitalisiert digitized digitalisierte (Fernseh-)Bilder pi captured images [multimedia] - Grafikdarstellungen pi digitized graphics [el. prepress] - Illustrationen pi digitized artwork [el. prepress] ~ Schrift digitized type [el. prepress] digitalisierter Satz digitized typesetting [el. prepress] digitalisiertes Bild digitized image [el. prepress ] Digitalisierung digitization [el. imaging] ~ (von Videobildem) capturing η [multimedia] Digitalisierungskarte digitizing board [equipment] Digitalkamera für Videobilder direct image capture camera [equipment]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Digitalproofdrucker digital proofer [equipment] Digitalproofer m digital proofer [equipment] Digitalsatz digital typesetting [el. prepress] Digitalschrift digital type [el. prepress] Digitizer m digitizer [el. imaging] dimensionieren, neu ~ resize ν [el. imaging] Direct-to-Plate-Platte DTP plate [el. prepress] direkt auf Platte belichten image ν directly to plate [el. prepress] - auf Platte drucken print ν direct to plate [el. prepress] Direktbelichtung direct imaging [el. prepress] direkte digitale Farbproofs pi direct digital color proofing [el. prepress] - Druckplattenherstellung (ohne Film) computer output on plate [el. prepress] ~ Farbe direct color [el. imaging] direkter digitaler Farbproof direct digital color proof [el. prepress] ~ digitaler Farbproofer direct digital color proofer [equipment] direktes Thermodruckverfahren direct thermal printing [printers] Diskettenlaufwerk disk drive [equipment] diskrete Cosinus-Transformation discrete cosine transform [multimedia] Displayn display η [equipment] Dithern η dithering η [multimedia] DMS document management system [document proc.] DN —» Datennetz [online publ. ] Dokument document η [wordproc.] ~ mit Freiformtext free-text document [document proc.] Dokumentbeschreibungssprache document description language [wordproc.] Dokumente pi in Papierform paper-based documents [document proc.] Dokumentenarchivierung und -retrieval document filing and retrieval [document proc.] Dokumentenaustausch document exchange [word proc.] Dokumentenbank document bank [hypertext] Dokumentenexport document export [word proc.] Dokumenttypdefinition document type definition [document proc.]
German-English index
Dokumentverwaltung document management [document proc.] Dokumentvorschau document preview [desktop publ. ] doppelklicken (Sbst.: Doppelklick) doubleclick ν [user interface] Double-Speed-... double-speed adj [CD-ROM publ. ] "downloaden" ν download ν [online publ.] "Downloaden" η downloading« Downloadfähigkeit download capability Downloadschrift downloaded typefont DPCM delta pulse code modulation [CDROM publ.] DRAW-Verfahren direct read after write [CD-ROM publ.] DRDW-Verfahren direct read during write [CD-ROM publ.] Drehwartezeit rotational delay [CD-ROM publ. ] Drehzahl (einer Platte etc.) rotation speed [CD-ROM publ] 3D —» dreidimensional [el. imaging] 3D-Effekt threedimensional effect [el. imaging] 3D-Funktionen threedimensional functions [el. imaging] dreidimensional (Abk. 3D) threedimensional [el. imaging] dreidimensionale Funktionen threedimensional functions [el. imaging] ~ Wirkung threedimensional effect [el. imaging] dreidimensionales Bild threedimensional image [el. imaging] Dreistrahltrackingsystem three-beam system [CD-ROM publ.] Drop-Down-Menii pull-down menu [user interface ] Druck print η ~ in Fettschrift bold print [typography ] Druckauflösung, effektive ~ effective resolution [printers] Druckauftrag print job Druckausgabepuffer print buffer Druckbefehl print command [word proc. ] Druckbild print format drucken print ν Drucken η printing η ~ auf Abruf on-demand printing - in Farbe color printing [printers]
~ mittels Ionendeposition ion deposition printing technology [printers] - nach Bedarf on-demand printing ~ übergroßer Formate oversized printing [print shop] Drucker printer ~ als Tischmodell desktop printer [equipment/ Druckerei printing shop Druckerfont printer font [desktop publ. ] Druckerkommandosprache printer command language [data proc.] Druckerpuffer print buffer Druckerschrift(art) printer font [desktop publ. ] druckfertige Platte press-ready plate [print shop] Druckformat print format Druckgeschwindigkeit printing speed Druckjob print job Druckkommando print command [word proc. ] Druckmedium printing medium [print shop] Drucknachbearbeitung post-press η [print shop] Druckparameter print parameter Druckplatte plate [el. prepress] - auf Polyesterbasis polyester-based plate [el. prepress] Druckplattenbelichtung plate exposure [el. prepress ] Druckplattenherstellung platemaking η [el. prepress] Druckpuffer print buffer druckreife Vorlage camera-ready copy [el. prepress ] druckreifes Bildmaterial camera-ready art [el. prepress] Druckseite page [typography] Drucktechnik printing technology [print shop] Druckvorbereitung prepress η Druckvorgang printing η Druckvorschau print preview [wordproc.] Druckvorstufe prepress η ~ auf Desktopebene desktop prepress [el. prepress] Druckvorstufen... prepress ... Druckvorstufenbetrieb prepress plant Druckvorstufensektor prepress industry Druckvorstufensysteme prepress systems DTP —» Desktop-Publishing
DTP (direct to plate) DTP [el. prepress] DTP-Anwendungen desktop publishing applications DTP-Belichter direct-to-plate imagesetter [el. prepress] DTP-Programme (im weiteren Sinn) page makeup software [el. prepress] DTP-Software DTP software [desktop publ.] DTP-System desktop publishing system DTP-Verfahren, mit ~ publizieren desktop publish ν Durchmusterung browsing η [hypertext] Durchsichtvorlage transparent original Durchwandern browsing η [hypertext] DVI digital video interactive [multimedia] dvi-Datei device-independent file Dynamikbereich dynamic range [el. prepress] dynamisch skalierbarer Bildschirmausschnitt grow box [el. imaging] dynamische Illustration floating illustration [desktop publ.] dynamischer Datenaustausch (Abk. DDE) dynamic data exchange [databasepubl.] - Verweis dynamic link [hypertext] dynamisches Skalieren zooming η [el. imaging] EBB —»elektronische Bildbearbeitung [el. prepress] Ebene land η [CD-ROM publ. ] EBV —> elektronische Bildverarbeitung [el. prepress] EBVS —> elektronisches Bilddatenverarbeitungssystem [el. prepress] EBV-System electronic imaging system [el. prepress ] EBXA-Standard EBXA standard [el. publishing] echt true [typography] echte Druckqualität true typeset quality [printers ] - Kursive true italic [typography] ~ Schriftart true font [desktop publ. ] echtes WYSIWYG true WYSIWYG [desktop publ. ] Echtfarbbild true color image [el. imaging] Echtfarbdarstellung true-color display [el. imaging] Echtfarben pi true colors [el. imaging] Echtfarbmodus true color mode [el. imaging]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Echtfarbsystem true color system [el. imaging] Echtschrift true font [desktop publ. ] Echtschriftdarstellung true-font display [desktop publ.] Echtschrift-Editierung true type editing [desktop publ.] Echtschrift-Preview η true-font preview [desktop publ.] Echtzeit-Digitalisierung video capture [el. imaging] Echtzeit-Video-Digitizer frame grabber [multimedia] Echtzeit-Vollbildvideo real-time full-screen video [multimedia] EDC/ECC-Verfahren error detection and correction coding [CD-ROMpubl.] Edit-Funktion editing function [word proc.] editierbar editable [word proc. ] editierbares PostScript (Abk. ePS) editable PostScript [el. prepress] Editierbildschirm editing screen [user interface] editieren ν edit ν [wordproc.] Editieren η editing η [word proc.] - anhand des echten Schriftbilds true type editing [desktop publ.] ~ in Form einer Bitmap bitmap editing [el. imaging] ~ von Bildern image editing [el. imaging] - v o n Pixeln pixel editing [graphics] - von Schriften font editing ~ von Sound sound editing [multimedia] Editierfähigkeit editing capability [word proc. ] Editierfenster editing window [user interface1 Editierfunktion editing function [word proc. ] Editiermodus edit mode [word proc. ] Editiermöglichkeit edit facility [wordproc.] Editierprogramm editor [wordproc.] Editiersystem für Hypertext hypertext editing system Editiertaste edit key [user interface] Editierterminal editing terminal [equipment] Editierwerkzeuge pi editing tools [user interface] Edit-Modus edit mode [wordproc.] Editor m editor, text editor [word proc. ] Edutainment-Software edutainment software
German-English index
effektive Druckauflösung effective resolution [printers] EFM-Code EFM code [CD-ROM publ. ] EFM-Codierer EFM encoder [CD-ROM publ. ] EFM-codiert EFM-encoded [CD-ROM publ. ] EFM-Decodierung EFM decoding [CDROM publ.] EFM-Demodulation EFM demodulation [CD-ROM publ.] EFM-Demodulator EFM demodulator [CDROM publ] EFM-Modulation eight-to-fourteen modulation [CD-ROM publ.] EFM-Umsetzung EFM conversion [CDROM publ. I Einbenutzersystem single-user system Einblenden, Ausblenden η fade-in, fade-out η [video] Einfangen η freezing η [el. imaging] einfarbig monochrome adj [el. prepress] einfarbige Probeabzüge pi one-color proofs [el. prepress] einfarbiger Druck monochrome printing einfarbiges Bild monochrome image einfügen (nach dem Ausschneiden) paste ν [word proc.] Eingabedatei input file [dataproc.] Eingabedaten pi input data [data proc.] Eingabedatenträger input medium [data proc.] Eingabemaske für die Abfrage query entry screen [user interface] Eingabemedium input medium [data proc.] Eingangsbereich lead-in area [CD-ROM publ.] eingefrorenes Standbild freeze frame [multimedia ] eingescannte Bilder pi scanned images [el. prepress ] ~ Bitmap-Datei scanned-image file [el. prepress] ~ Daten pi scanned data - Grafik(en) scanned graphics [desktop publ.] eingeschränkte Suche restricted search [retrieval] Einlaufzone lead-in area [CD-ROM publ. ] einmal beschreibbare optische Platte writeonce optical disc [CD-ROMpubl.]
Einmischen η (verschiedener Komponenten) mixing η [multimedia] Einpassung (von Grafik etc. in einen Text) insertion [desktop publ.] einscannen scan ν [el. prepress] Einscannen η scanning η [el. prepress] Einscanstation scanning station [equipment] Einschaltung insertion [el. prepress] Einschaltung figürlicher Darstellungen insertion of figures [desktop publ.] eintasten keyboard ν Einzelbild frame η [el. imaging] Einzelpixelbearbeitung pixel editing [graphics] Eject-Taste eject key [CD-ROM publ. ] Electronic Publishing η electronic publishing Electronic-Publishing-System (Abk. EPS) electronic publishing system Elektroerosionsdrucker electroerosion printer [equipment] elektronisch, auf - e m Weg erzeugte Dokumente pi electronically generated documents [documentproc.] elektronisch, auf - e m Weg publizierte Produkte pi electronically published products elektronisch erzeugte Dokumente pi electronically generated documents [document proc. ] elektronisch publizierte Produkte pi electronically published products elektronische Abzüge pi electronic proofs [el. prepress] - Animationen pi animatronics [multimedia] ~ Anzeigetafel electronic bulletin board [online publ. ] ~ Bildbearbeitung (Abk. EBB) electronic image processing [el. prepress] ~ Bildverarbeitung (Abk. EBV) electronic image processing [el. prepress] ~ Bogenmontage electronic imposition [el. prepress] ~ Clip Art electronic clip art [el. imaging] ~ Dokumentenauslieferung electronic document delivery [document proc.] - Druckvorstufe electronic prepress ~ Dunkelkammer digital darkroom [el. prepress ] ~ Erstellung technischer Druckschriften electronic technical publishing - Informationsverteilung electronic information delivery [onlinepubl]
- Post electronic mail - Satzanlage electronic typesetting system [equipment] ~ Verteilung electronic distribution [el. publishing] - Zeitung electronic newspaper [online publ] elektronischer Informationsdienst electronic information service [onlinepubl.] ~ Katalog electronic catalog [el. publishing] - "Klebeumbruch" electronic paste-up [el. prepress ] ~ Leuchttisch electronic light table [el. prepress] - Lichtsatz electronic photocomposition [el. prepress] ~ Satz electronic composition - Text electronic text [online publ. ] ~ Umbruch von Text und Grafik electronic paste-up [el. prepress] elektronisches Bilddatenverarbeitungssystem (Abk. EBVS) electronic imaging system [el. prepress] ~ Bildmaterial electronic art [el. prepress] ~ Buch electronic book [el. publishing] ~ Drucken electronic printing [el. prepress] ~ Editieren electronic editing ~ Lesezeichen electronic bookmark [ CDROM publ.] - Medium electronic medium - Publishing electronic publishing ~ Publizieren electronic publishing ~ Publizieren auf optischen Medien optical publishing [el. publishing] - Publizieren für Firmenzwecke corporate electronic publishing - Satzgerät typesetter [equipment] - Satzsystem electronic composition system ~ System zur Ganzseitenmontage page composition system [el. prepress] ~ Zusammenstellen der Seiten electronic page assembly [el. prepress] elektrostatischer Drucker electrostatic printer [equipment] Element item [el. imaging] element [hypertext] Emulsionsseite emulsion side [el. prepress] Encapsulated PostScript encapsulated PostScript Encapsulated-PostScript-Datei encapsulated PostScript file Endausgabe final output
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Ende-Tag η end tag [hypertext] endgültiges Layout final layout Endkorrekturvorlage final proof [el. prepress] Endprodukt final product Endpunkt einer Verknüpfung link destination [hypertext] entkomprimieren decompress ν [multimedia] Entkomprimierung decompression [multimedia] entpacken decompress ν [multimedia] Entrasterung (von Bildern) descreening η [el. prepress] entwickeln develop ν [el. prepress] Entwickler developer [el. prepress] Entwicklung developing η [el. prepress] Entwicklungsstation film processor [el. prepress] Entwurfsqualität draft quality [printers] ePS —> editierbares PostScript [el. prepress] EPS —» Electronic-Publishing-System EPS-Datei encapsulated PostScript file EPS-Format encapsulated PostScript format Ergänzungsbit merging bit [CD-ROM publ. ] erkennen detect [online publ. ] Erkennungslogik recognition logic erneutes Mastering remastering η ]CD-ROM publ] Eröffnungsbildschirm welcome screen [user interface ] Eröffnungsmenü start menu [user interface] erste Seite start page [word proc. ] erstellen create ν [ word proc.] Erstellen umfangreicher Dokumente longdocument publishing [wordproc.] ~ von Probeabzügen proofing η [el. prepress] ~ von Verknüpfungen linking η [hypertext] Erstfarben pi primary colors [el. imaging] erweiterbares Wörterbuch expandable dictionary [word proc.] Erweiterung der Suchfrage query expansion [retrieval] ESDI-Schnittstelle ESDI [CD-ROM publ. ] Ethernet-Kabel Ethernet cable [onlinepubl.] Etikett label η [CD-ROM publ. ] Etikettbereich label printed area [CD-ROM publ. ] ETP (Electronic Technical Publishing) electronic technical publishing exakte Wortmustersuche exact-pattern search [retrieval]
German-English index
Expandierung zooming η [hypertext] externes CD-ROM-Laufwerk external CDROM drive [equipment] Fahne galley [typography] Fahnen setzen galleys, to set - [typography] Fahnenabzüge pi galley proofs [typography] FAQ-Datei frequently asked questions [online publ.J Farbabgleich color balance, color matching [el. imaging] Farbabmusterung color matching [el. imaging] Farbabstimmung color balance [el. imaging] Farbabzugdrucker color proofer [equipment] Farbabzüge pi color proofs [el. prepress] Farbart chrominance [el. imaging] Farbausdruck color printout [el. prepress] Farbauszüge pi separation proofs [el. prepress] Farbauszugsverfahren color separation [el. prepress] Farbbibliothek color library [el. imaging] Farbbild color image [graphics] Farbbildretusche retouching of a color image [el. imaging] Farbbildschirm color screen [equipment] Farbcode color code [el. imaging] Farbcodierung color coding [el. imaging] Farbdias pi color slides [el. prepress] Farbdruck color printing [print shop] color printout [el. prepress] Farbdrucker color printer [equipment] Farbe color η [el. imaging] Farbeinstellung color calibration [el. imaging] Farbendruck color printing [print shop] Farbfolien pi (für Overhead-Projektion) color transparencies [el. prepress] Farbgafikkarte color graphics card [equipment] Farbgenauigkeit color matching [el. imaging] Farbgrafik color graphics [el. imaging] Farbgrafikbildschirm color graphics screen [equipment] farbig drucken print ν in color farbige Druckvorstufe color prepress - Grafik color graphics [el. imaging] farbiger Bfldschirm color screen [equipment] - Grafikbildschirm color graphics screen [equipment]
206 ~ Großformatdruck large-format color printing [print shop] - Laserdruck laser color printing [print shop] farbiges Bild color image [graphics ] - Drucken color printing [printers] Farbindex color index [el. imaging] Farbkalibrierung color calibration [el. imaging] Farbkopierer color copier [equipment] Farbkorrektur color correction [el. imaging] Farbkorrekturfilter color correction filter [el. imaging] Farbkurve color curve [el. prepress] Farblaser color laser printer [equipment] Farblaserdrucker color laser printer [equipment] Farb-LUT color lookup table [el. imaging] Farbmanagement color management [el. prepress] Farbmanagementsystem color management system [el. prepress] Farbmessung color measuring [el. prepress] Farbmischung (additiv oder subtraktiv) color mixing [el. imaging] Farbmodell color model [el. imaging] Farbnuance hue η [el. imaging] Farbpalette palette [user interface] Farbpixel color pixel [el. imaging] Farb-Proofing-System color proofing system [equipment] Farbqualität color quality [el. prepress] Farbraum (RGB, CMYK, CIE LAB etc.) color space [el. imaging] Farbraumumfang color gamut [el. imaging] Farbreinheit color purity [el. imaging] Farbreproduktion color reproduction [el. prepress] Farbretusche color retouching [el. imaging] Farbsättigung color saturation [el. imaging] Farbscannen η color scanning [el. prepress] Farbscanner color scanner [equipment] Farbseparation color separation [el. prepress] farbseparierte Filme separated films [el. prepress] Farbseparierung color separation [el. prepress] Farbsublimationsdruck color sublimation printing [el. prepress] Farbsublimationsdrucker dye sublimation printer [equipment]
Farbsublimationsproofs pi dye sublimation proofs [el. prepress] Farbsynthese color synthesis [el. prepress] Farbtabelle color lookup table [el. imaging] Farbtafel color chart, color lookup table [el. imaging] Farbtemperatur color temperature [el. imaging] Farb-Thermosublimationsdrucker color thermal sublimation printer [equipment] Farbton hue η [el. imaging] Farbtransferdruck dye transfer print [el. prepress] Farbtrennung color separation [el. prepress] Farbtreue color fidelity [el. imaging] farbtüchtiger Drucker color printer [equipment] Farbtüchtigkeit (eines Bildschirms) color capability [graphics] Farbiibereinstimmung color match [el. imaging] Farbumfang color gamut [el. imaging] Farbvergleichssystem color matching system [el. prepress] Farbverlauf graded tint [el. imaging] Farbvideointerface color video interface [multimedia] Farbvoranzeige color preview [el. prepress] Färb vorlagen pi color original [el. imaging] Farbwert color value [el. imaging] Färb wiedergäbe color reproduction [el. prepress] Farbzuordnungstabelle color lookup table [el. imaging] Fax-on-Demand fax on demand [el. publishing] Faxrundsenden η broadcast fax [online publ. ] Fehlererkennungscode error detection code [CD-ROM publ] Fehlerkorrekturalgorithmus error-correction algorithm [CD-ROM publ.] Fehlerkorrekturcode error correction code [CD-ROM publ.] feine Auflösung fine resolution Feinauflösung fine resolution Feindaten pi high-resolution data [el. prepress] Feintuning η fine tuning [desktop publ. ] feldstrukturierte Daten pi fielded data [CDROM publ.] Fenster window η [user interface]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Fenster, ein - öffnen open ν a window [user interface] - nebeneinander tiled windows [user interface] Fensterfunktion window feature [user interface] Fensterrahmen frame of a window [user interface] Fensterrand window margin [user interface] Fenstertechnik windowing technique [user interface ] windowing capability [user interface] Fernbelichtung (über Netz) remote typesetting [el. prepress] feme Datenbank remote database [online publ.] ferner Server remote server [online publ. ] ~ Zugriffspunkt remote access point [online publ.] fernladbar downloadable Fernnetz wide area network [online publ. ] Fernsatz remote typesetting [el. prepress] Fernsatz, Gerät für - teletypesetter [equipment] Fernsehbild video frame [el. imaging] Fernsehsignalgemisch composite video signal [multimedia] Fernzugriff auf Datenbanken remote database access [onlinepubl.] fertig montierte Seite mounted page [print shop] Festplatte hard disk [equipment] fett (Druck etc.) bold [typography] Fettdruck bold print [typography ] fette Schrift boldface η [typography] fetter Druck bold print [typography] ~ Text boldfaced text [typography] Fettschrift boldface η [typography ] fiberoptisches Netz optical fiber network [online publ. ] Field η field [multimedia] File-Baum file tree [CD-ROM publ. ] Fileserver (Abk. FS) file server [online publ.] Filetransfer m file transfer [online publ. ] Film film η [el. prepress] Filmausgabe film output [el. prepress] Filmbelichter filmsetter [equipment] Filmentwicklungsmaschine film developer [equipment] filmlos filmless [el. prepress] Filmrekorder film recorder [equipment]
German-English index
Filmsatz filmsetting Filmsatzanlage filmsetter [equipment] Filmvorschub film transport [el. prepress] filtern ellide ν [hypertext] Firewall m firewall system [online publ.] firmeninternes Publizieren inhouse publishing Firmennetz corporate network [online publ] Fischauge-Prinzip fisheye view [onlinepubl.] Fixieren η fixing η [el. prepress] Flachbettbelichter flatbed imagesetter [equipment] Flachbett-Farbsscanner color flatbed scanner [equipment] Flachbettscanner flatbed scanner [equipment] Flächen füllen area-fill ν [graphics ] flächendeckendes Netz wide area network [online publ. ] FlächenfüUen area fill η [graphics] Floppy-Laufwerk disk drive [equipment] flüssiger Toner liquid toner [printers] Flußkontrolle flow control [el. prepress] Fokus m focus η fokussieren focus ν Fokussierlinse focusing lens [CD-ROM publ. ] Fokussierservo m focusing servo [CD-ROM publ.] fokussiert, nicht ~ out of focus [CD-ROM publ.] Fokussierung focusing η Folie für Overheadprojektion overhead transparency Font / font [typography] Fontauswahl font selection Fonteditor font editor Format format η [general sense] ~ (Quer- oder Hoch-) orientation [printers] Formatangaben pi format information Formatdatei format file Formatdefinitionsdatei format definition file formatieren ν format ν [data proc., word proc.] Formatieren η formatting η [data proc., word proc.] formatiert formatted Formatierung formatting η Formatlage orientation [printers] Formsatz runaround η [desktop publ. ] Formular form η [online publ. ] Formularbreite form width [wordproc.] Forschungsnetz research network [online
publ.] Forum η newsgroup [online publ.] Fotoarchiv photo archive [el. imaging] Fotodetektor photodetector fotografische Probeabzüge photographic proofs [el. prepress] - Proofs photographic proofs [el. prepress] ~ Wiedergabe photographic rendering [el. imaging] fotografischer Belichter photo imagesetter [ equipment] ~ Proofdrucker photographic proof printer [ equipment] Fotoleitertrommel photoconductive print drum [printers] Fotomaterial photosensitive material [el. prepress] Fotopapier photopaper [el. prepress] Fotopapier (Bromsilberpapier) bromide paper [el. prepress] Fotoqualität photorealistic rendering [el. imaging] Fotoqualität, nahezu - near-photographic quality [el. prepress] Fotorealismus photorealism [el. imaging] fotorealistisch photorealistic adj [el. imaging] fotorealistische Ausgabe photorealistic output [el. prepress] ~ Farbbildverarbeitung photorealistic color imaging [el. imaging] ~ Wiedergabe photorealistic rendering [el. imaging] fotorealistisches Bild photorealistic image [el. prepress] Fotoretusche photo retouching [el. imaging] Fotosatz phototypesetting η [el. prepress] Fotosatz, im ~ setzen phototypeset ν [el. prepress ] Fotosatzanlage phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] Fotosatzausgabe phototypeset output [el. prepress] Fotosatzeinrichtung phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] Fotosatzgerät photographic typesetting equipment [el. prepress] Fotosatzmaschine phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] Fotosetzer phototypesetter [el. prepress] Fotowiedergabe photorealistic rendering [el. imaging]
Frageverknüpfung query link [hypertext] fraktale Kompression fractal compression [el. imaging] Frame m frame η [multimedia] Framebufferkarte frame buffer card [multimedia] Frame Grabber m frame grabber [el. imaging] Framerate frame rate [CD-ROM publ. ] Freezen η freezing η [el. imaging] freies Format free format [data proc. ] Freiformgrafik free-form graphics [el. imaging] Freiformschriften pi freeforms pi [typography] Freitextdokument free-text document [document proc.] Freitextfeld free-text field [database publ. ] Freitextsuche free-text search [retrieval] fremdsprachige Schriften pi foreign language fonts [wordproc.] Frontlade... front-load [CD-ROM publ. ] FS —> Fileserver [online publ.] FTP-Protokoll file transfer protocol [online publ.] FTP-Server m FTP server [online publ. ] Füllen η filling η [el. imaging] Füllfarbe fill color [el. imaging] Full-Motion-Video full-motion video [multimedia ] Füllmuster fill pattern [el. imaging] Funktion "Suchen und Ersetzen" search/replace function [wordproc.] Fußnotenzeichen footnote symbol [word proc.] Gamma η gamma [el. prepress] Gammaeinstellung gamma adjustment [el. prepress] Ganunafaktor gamma [el. prepress] Gammakorrektur gamma correction [el. prepress] Gammakurve gamma curve [el. prepress] Gammawert gamma [el. prepress] Gamut m color gamut [el. imaging] ganzes Wort whole word [retrieval] Ganzbogenbelichtung full-signature imaging [el. prepress] Ganzseitenanzeige full-screen display Ganzseitenbehchter full-page imaging device [equipment]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Ganzseitenbelichtung full-page imaging Ganzseitenbildschirm full-page screen [equipment] Ganzseitendarstellung full-page display Ganzseiteneditieren η full-page editing [word proc.] Ganzseitenmodus full-page mode Ganzseitenumbruch full-page composition [el. prepress] Gastrechner host computer [online publ. ] Gateway« gateway η [online publ.] Gateway-Server gateway server [online publ.] GBG —» geschlossene Benutzergruppe [online publ. ] GCR gray component replacement [el. imaging] GDV —» grafische Datenverarbeitung gebrauchsfertige Bilder clip art [el. prepress] -Illustrationen clip art [el. prepress] Gebrauchsgrafik commercial art [el. prepress] gedruckt printed adj gedruckte Zeitung printed newspaper gedrucktes Buch printed book gefensterter Bildschirm windowed screen [user interface] geführte Suche directed retrieval [hypertext] ~ Unterweisung guided tour [hypertext] gekachelte Fenster tiled windows [user interface] gemeinsam genutzte Datei shared file [online publ.] gemeinsame Bearbeitung joint editing [el. publishing] - Dokumentenverwaltung shared document management [documentproc.] -Platte shared disk [online publ.] gemeinsamer Drucker shared printer [online publ.] - Zugriff auf Dateien file sharing [online publ.] gemeinschaftlich benutzte Platte shared disk [online publ.] - genutzter Drucker shared printer [online publ.] gemeinschaftliche Benutzung von Dateien file sharing [onlinepubl.] -Datei shared file [onlinepubl.] gemischte Initiative (beim Dialog) mixed initiative [user interface]
German-English index
- Station combined station [online publ. ] gemischter Modus mixed mode Generierung von Tönen sound generation [multimedia] generischer Standard generic standard [multimedia] Genlock m genlock η [multimedia] Genlocking η genlocking η [multimedia] Genlock-Karte genlock card [multimedia] geometrische Auflösung geometric resolution [multimedia] gerastert halftone ... [el. prepress] gerasterte Schrift bit-mapped font [desktop publ.] Gerät für Fernsatz teletypesetter [equipment] geräteunabhängige Datei device-independent file Geräuscheffekte pi sound effects [multimedia] Gesamtnetz global network [online publ. ] Gesamtzugriffszeit total access time [CDROM publ.] gesättigt saturated [el. imaging] gescanntes Bild scanned image [el. prepress] geschachteltes Menü nested menu [user interface ] Geschäftsgrafik business graphics geschlossene Benutzergruppe (Abk. GBG) closed user group [online publ.] gesetzter Text composed text [typography ] gestaffeltes Menü cascading menu [user interface ] gestalterischer Feinschliff fine tuning [desktop publ.] Gestaltung rendering η [el. imaging] Gestaltungsbildschirm editing screen [user interface ] Gestaltungsterminal video layout terminal [equipment] geteilter Bildschirm split screen [user interface] getrennte Bilddarstellung (auf dem Schirm) split screen [user interface ] gewöhnliches Papier normal paper GIF-Format GIF format [online publ.] Glasauflagefläche glass flatbed [equipment] Glasfasernetz optical fiber network [online publ.] Glasmaster m glass master [CD-ROM publ. ] Glasmasterplatte glass master [CD-ROM publ. ]
Glasträger glass substrate [CD-ROM publ. ] Glättung (von Linien) antialiasing η [el. imaging] gleichberechtigt peer-to-peer [online publ.] gleichrangiger Knoten peer node [online publ.] global ersetzen replace globally [word proc. ] globale Suche global search [word proc. ] globales Ersetzen global replacement [word proc.] Glossarfunktion glossary function [word proc.] "grabben" ν capture ν [multimedia] Grad der Unterschneidung degree of kerning [typography ] Gradation/ gradation [el. prepress] Gradationskurve gradation curve [el. prepress] Grafik graphics pi [general sense] - (grafisches Gewerbe) graphic arts - (grafische Darstellung) graphic η ait η [el. prepress] Grafiken pi einscannen scan graphic images into the computer [el. prepress] Grafiken pi importieren import ν graphics Grafik mittlerer Auflösung medium-resolution graphics - und Text mischen merge ν graphics with text [desktoppubl.] Grafikadapter graphics adapter [equipment] Grafikauflösung graphics resolution Grafikbeschleuniger graphics accelerator [equipment] Grafikbildschirm graphics screen [equipment] Grafikboard η graphics board [equipment] Grafikdatei graphics file /data proc. ] Grafikdrucker graphics printer [equipment] Grafikeinbindung graphics insertion [desktop publ. ] Grafikeinblendung graphics insertion [desktop publ. ] Graflkeinschaltung graphics insertion [desktop publ.] Grafikkarte graphics board [equipment] Grafikleistung graphics performance [equipment] Grafikplatine graphics board [equipment] Grafikprogramm graphics program Grafikschnittstelle graphics interface [user interface ]
Grafikvorlagen art η [el. prepress] Grafikwerkzeug graphics tool [user interface] grafisch graphic, graphical adj grafische Benutzeroberfläche graphic user interface - Datenverarbeitung (Abk. GDV) computer graphics grafischer Web-Browser graphical Web browser [online publ. ] grafisches Gewerbe graphic arts Grauanteil gray component [el. imaging] - (in Prozent) percent grayness [el. imaging] Graubalance gray balance [el. imaging] Grauleiter grayscale [el. imaging] Grauschattierung gray level [el. imaging] Grauskala grayscale [el. imaging] Graustufe gray level [el. imaging] Graustufenbild gray level image [el. imaging] Graustufenkonverter grayscale converter [el. imaging] Graustufenpalette grayscale palette [el. imaging] Grautöne pi tones of grey [el. imaging] Grautonebene level of gray [el. imaging] Grauwert gray level [el. imaging] Grauwertbild halftone image, continuous tone image [el. prepress] Grauwerte pi tones of grey [el. imaging] Grauwertskala (eines Rasterbilds) density scale [el. prepress] Green Book η Green Book [CD-ROM publ. ] Greifhand grabber [user interface] Grobdaten low-resolution data [el. prepress] Großauflage long run [print shop] Großbildschirm large screen [equipment] Größe des Scanbereichs scanning area [el. prepress] Größenänderung sizing η [el. imaging] Größenanpassung resizing η [el. imaging] größenmäßig anpassen resize ν [el. imaging] Größensteuerknopf size button [user interface] Größenveränderung resizing η [el. imaging] Größenveränderungsbox resize box [user interface ] Größenverstellbox size box [user interface] Großformat (Format größer als A3) large format [print shop] Großformatbelichter large-format imageset-
Index Deutsch-Englisch
ter [equipment] Großformatbildschirm large screen [equipment] Großformat-CTP-System large-format computer-to-plate system [equipment] Großformatdigitizer large-format digitizer [equipment] Großformatdruck large-format print(ing) [print shop] Großformatdruck in Farbe large-format color printing [print shop ] Großformatfarbdrucker large-format color printer [equipment] großformatiges Scannen large-format scanning [el. prepress] Großformat-Imagesetter large-format imagesetter [equipment] Großformatscannen η large-format scanning [el. prepress] Großformatscanner large-format scanner [equipment] Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben, zwischen unterscheidend case-sensitive [retrieval] Grundebene land η [CD-ROM publ. ] Grundfarben pi fundamental colors Grundlayout η basic layout [typography] Grundschrifttext body text [typography] Gruppenadresse group address [onlinepubl] Gruppenadressierung group addressing [online publ.] gruppenweise Verknüpfungen pi cluster links [hypertext] Gruppierung nach Begriffsverwandtschaft conceptual clustering [hypertext] Guided Tour guided tour [hypertext] Gummibandlinien pi rubber-band lines [graphics] Haken check mark [user interface] Halbbild field [multimedia] Halbton continuous tone [el. prepress] Halbtonaufnahme continuous tone photograph [el. prepress] Halbtonbild continuous tone image [el. prepress ] Halbtonbilder pi halftone art [el. prepress ] Halbtöne pi halftones pi [el. prepress] Halbtonverfahren continuous tone process [el. prepress] Halbton vorläge continuous tone image (el. prepress]
German-English index
Hand (Greifhandsymbol) grabber [user interface] Hand (Hinweissymbol) fist [typography ] Handbücher pi nach Bedarf manuals pi on demand [el. publishing] Handscanner handheld scanner [equipment] Hardcopy/ hardcopy η ~ des Bildschirms screen hardcopy Hardcopy-Ausdruck hardcopy printout Hardcopy-Drucker hardcopy printer [equipment] Hardcopy-Einrichtung hardcopy facility Hardcopy-Gerät hardcopy printer [equipment] Hardware-RIP hardware RIP [equipment] "Hartkopie" hardcopy η Hauptfenster principal window [user interface] Hauptmenü main menu [user interface] Hauptnetz backbone network [online publ.] Hauptthema main topic HDMM-Standard (für CDs) HDMM [CDROM publ.] Headerdaten pi header field [CD-ROM publ] Helligkeit brightness [el. imaging] Helligkeit, stärkere ~ (zur Hervorhebung) highlighting η Help-Bildschirm help screen /user interface] Helpfunktion help function [user interface] Helpmenü help menu [user interface] Helptaste help key [user interface] HeNe-Laserdrucker HeNe laser printer [equipment] "Henkel" handles pi [user interface] Hersteller digitaler Schriften digital type foundry [el. prepress] Herstellung der Master-CD-ROM mastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ von Farbabzügen color proofing [el. prepress] heruntergeladene Schrift downloaded typefont herunterladbar downloadable herunterladen ν download ν [online publ.] Herunterladen η downloading η, downline loading [online publ.] Herunterladen, Möglichkeit des ~s von Schriften font download capability [el. prepress ] - von Nachrichtenmeldungen newsfeed η [online publ. ]
herunterskalieren scale down ν hervorgehoben (Text etc.) highlighted hervorheben highlight vt herzoomen zoom in upon ν [user interface] hierarchische Verknüpfung hierarchical link [hypertext] hierarchisches Netz hierarchical network [online publ.] Highlighting η highlighting η High-Res-Daten pi high-resolution data [el. prepress ] High-Sierra-Format (Abk. HSF) High-Sierra format [CD-ROM publ. ] High Sierra Group, Vorschlag der ~ HighSierra Group proposal [CD-ROM publ. ] High-Sierra-kompatibel High-Sierra compatible [CD-ROM publ.] High-Sierra-Standard High Sierra specification [CD-ROM publ. ] Hilfebildschirm help screen [user interface] Hilfefenster help window [user interface] Hilfefunktion help function [user interface] Hilfemenü help menu [user interface] Hilfetaste help key [user interface] Hilfsbildschirm help screen [user interface] Hilfsdatenfeld auxiliary data field [CD-ROM publ. ] hinaufskalieren scale up ν [el. imaging] Hineingeh-Darstellung walk-in representation [el. imaging] Hintergrund background background Hintergrundbild background image [el. imaging] Hintergrundfarbe (auf einem Bildschirm) background color [el. imaging] Hintergrundfenster background window Hintergrundmuster background texture [el. imaging] Hintergrundnetz backbone network [online publ. ] Hintergrund-Sound m background sound [multimedia] Hinweissymbol reference mark [word proc.] Hin weis Verknüpfung referential link [hypertext] Historie history [hypertext] HLS-Modell HLS [el. imaging] hoch: hohe Auflösung high resolution hochaufgelöst high-resolution adj [el. imaging]
hochaufgelöste Daten pi high-resolution data [el. prepress] hochauflösend high-resolution adj hochauflösende Grafik high-resolution graphics - (Grafik)Karte high-resolution card [equipment] ~ Punktgrafik high-resolution dot graphics hochauflösender Bildschirm high-resolution screen [equipment] ~ Scanner high-resolution scanner [equipment] Hochdruck letterpress printing [print shop] Hochformat portrait format Hochleistungsscanner high-performance scanner [equipment] Hochlicht highlights pi [el. imaging] hohe Auflösung high resolution Höhen-/Breitenverhältnis aspect ratio [el. imaging] ~ eines Pixel pixel aspect ratio [el. imaging] Holzeit fetch time [CD-ROM publ. ] HomePage/ homepage [onlinepubl.] Horizontalformat landscape format [printers] Host-Computer host computer [online publ. ] Hot Fix m hot fix [online publ. ] Hot Links pi hot links pi [hypertext] Hot List/ hot list [online publ.] Hot Swapping η hot swapping [online publ. ] Hotkey m hotkey [user interface ] Hotspot m hotspot [user interface] HSF High-Sierra-Format [CD-ROM publ. ] HSG (Norm fur CD-Speicherung) HSG [CDROM publ.] HSG-Format (von engl.: High Sierra Group) High-Sierra format [CD-ROMpubl.] HSL-Farbmodell HSL [el. imaging] HSV-Farbmodell HSV [el. imaging] HTB -> Hypertextbasis HTM HTM [el. publishing] HTML hypertext markup language HTML-Editor HTML editor [el. publishing] HTML-Konvertierungsprogramm HTML converter [el. publishing] HTML-Seiten pi HTML pages [el. publishing] HTML-Tags pi HTML tags [el. publishing] HTMS —» Hypertext-Managementsystem HTS —> Hypertextsystem HTTP-Protokoll hypertext transport protocol [online publ.]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Hub m hub, network hub [online publ. ] Huffman-Code Huffman code [CD-ROM publ.] hybride Codierung hybrid coding [multimedia] Hybridstation combined station [online publ. ] Hyperbuch hyperbook [el. publishing] HyperCard HyperCard Hyperdokument hyperdocument Hyperlink η hyperlink [el. publishing] Hypermedien pi hypermedia Hyperpfad hyperpath Hyperstruktur hyperstructure Hypertext hypertext Hypertext- hypertextual adj Hypertext aus mehreren Dokumenten multidocument hypertext Hypertext-Authoring hypertext authoring Hypertextbasis (Abk. HTB) hypertext base Hypertext-Browser hypertext browser Hypertext-Browsing hypertext browsing Hypertextdokument hypertext document Hypertextknoten hypertext node Hypertext-Link η hypertext link Hypertext-Managementsystem (Abk. HTMS) hypertext management system Hypertextsystem (Abk. HTS) hypertext system Hypertextverknüpfung hypertext link Hypertextverweis hypertext link IBK-Farbsystem (der Internationalen Beleuchtungskommission) CIE color system [el. imaging] ICC International Color Consortium [organization] Icon m,n icon [user interface] icongesteuert icon-driven [user interface] Iconleiste icon panel [user interface] Iconmenii icon menu [user interface ] iconorientiert icon-oriented [user interface] Ideenverarbeitung ideas processing IDN —> integriertes Digitalnetz [onlinepubl.] IFF-Format interchange file format [multimedia] Ikone/ icon [user interface] Illustration illustration Illustrationsmaterial illustrative matter [el. prepress ] Illustrationsprogramm illustrator η [desktop publ.]
German-English index
illustrieren illustrate Image-Prozessor m image processor Imagesetter m imagesetter [equipment] Imaging η digital imaging [el. prepress] Import-/Exportfilter import/export filter [data proc.] importieren import ν importierte Grafik imported graphics IN —> intelligentes Netz [online publ.] Index m index η [document proc. ] Indexerstellung index generation [document proc.] Indexierung/ indexing η [documentproc.] ~f indexing η [ CD-ROM publ.] Indexierungsmethode indexing method [CD-ROM publ.] Indexmarke index mark [CD-ROM publ. ] Indexprogramm indexing program [document proc.] individuelle Farben custom colors [el. imaging] individuelles Satzsystem personal composition system [el. prepress] Indizieren η indexing η [CD-ROMpubl.] indiziert indexed [CD-ROM publ. ] indizierte Farben indexed colors [el. prepress] Indizierung/ indexing η [CD-ROM publ. ] Infobahn information highway [multimedia] Info-Highway m information highway [multimedia] informationeller Mehrwert value-added information Informationsanbieter information provider [online publ. ] Informationsautobahn information highway [ multimedia ] Informationssystem information system [online publ. ] Infotainment η infotainment /el. publishing] Inhaltsseite contents page [hypertext] Inhaltsverzeichnis table of contents [CDROM publ.] Inhouse-Fotosatz inhouse phototypesetting [el. prepress] Inhouse-Netz local area network [online publ.] Inkjet-Drucker ink jet printer [equipment] Innentrommelbelichter internal drum film recorder [equipment] innerbetriebliches Netz company network
[online publ.] innere Spur inside track innerste Spur innermost track Instrumenteneditor instrument editor [multimedia] integrierte Bild- und Textverarbeitung integrated text and image processing [el. prepress ] integriertes Digitalnetz (Abk. IDN) integrated digital network [onlinepubl.] - Text- und Datennetz integrated digital network [online publ. ] intelligente Zeichenerkennung intelligent character recognition intelligenter Grafikeditor intelligent graphical editor - Scanner intelligent scanner [equipment] intelligentes Netz (Abk. IN) intelligent network [online publ. ] interaktiv interactive [dataproc.] interaktive Abfrage interactive query [retrieval] - Seitengestaltung interactive page layout [el. prepress] interaktives Editieren interactive editing [el. publishing] - Lernen interactive tutoring [multimedia] Interface η interface η [dataproc.] Interleave-Format interleave format [CDROM publ.] internationale Datennetz-Kennzahl data network identification code [online publ.] internes CD-ROM-Laufwerk internal CDROM drive [equipment] Internet η Internet [online publ.] Internet, im - veröffentlichen publish ν in the Internet Internet-Adresse Internet address [online publ.] Internet-Anbieter Internet service provider [online publ.] Internet-Prozessor internetwork processor [online publ.] Internet Publishing η Internet publishing [online publ. ] Internet-Server Internet server [online publ. ] Internet-Zugang Internet access [online publ.] Internetzwerkeinheit gateway η [online publ. ]
Internetzwerk-Kommunikation internetworking η [online publ.] Interpolation interpolation [el. imaging] Interpolationsfunktion blending function [el. imaging] intertextuelle Referenzierung reference button [hypertext] intuitive Suche intuitive search [retrieval] IP-Adresse IP address [online publ. ] IPEG-Kompressionsstandard JPEG standard [el. imaging] IP-Protokoll Internet protocol [online publ. ] Jokerzeichen wildcard character [retrieval] Joystick m joystick [equipment] Just-in-Time- just-in-time Kachelung tiling η Kalibrierung (von Farben) calibration [el. prepress] Kalibrierungssoftware calibration software [el. prepress] Kantenglättung antialiasing η [el. imaging] Kantenglättungsfunktion antialiasing tool [el. imaging] Karte für Farbgrafik color graphics card [equipment] Kaskadenmentt cascading menu [user interface] kaskadierte Suche cascaded search [retrieval] Kennbegriffsfeld key field [CD-ROM publ. ] Kerning-Editor kerning editor [desktoppubl.] Kerningpaare pi kerning pairs [typography] Kettennetz bus-type network [online publ. ] kippen (um eine Achse) flip ν [el. imaging] Klang sound [multimedia] Klangdatei sound file [multimedia] Klangobjekt sound object [multimedia] Klangsequenz sound sequence [multimedia] Klappmenü pull-down menu [user interface] Kleinauflage short run [print shop] Kleinauflagendruck short-run printing [print shop] Klick m click η [user interface] klicken ν click ν [user interface] "Klient" m client [online publ. ] Knopf button /user interface] Knoten m node [hypertext, online publ.] Knoten, oberster ~ root node [hypertext] - eines Bürosystems office system node [on-
Index Deutsch-Englisch
line publ.] ~ ohne Festplatte diskless node [online publ.] Knotenrechner network node computer [online publ.] Kollimator m collimator [CD-ROM publ. ] Kollimatorlinse collimation lens [CD-ROM publ.] Kolorimetrie/ colorimetry [el. prepress] Kolumne/ column η [typography] Kolumnentitel column head [typography ] Kombinieren η (von Suchmustem etc.) nesting η [retrieval] kombinierte Suche nested search [retrieval] Kommandomenü command menu [user interface ] Kommunikationsschnittstelle communications interface [onlinepubl.] Kommunikationsserver communications server [online publ. ] Komplementärfarben pi complementary colors [el. imaging] Komponente / component [multimedia] kompreß setzen compress ν [typography] Kompressionschip m compression chip [multimedia] komprimieren compress ν [data proc., typography] komprimiertes Bild compressed image [el. imaging] Komprimierung compression [el. imaging] Komprimierungsalgorithmus compression algorithm [multimedia] Komprimierungskarte compression board [multimedia] konfigurieren, neu - reconfigure konstante lineare Geschwindigkeit constant linear velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ Winkelgeschwindigkeit constant angular velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] Kontaktabzug contact print [el. prepress] Kontaktkopie contact print [el. prepress] Kontaktkopiergerät contact printer [el. prepress] kontextbezogene Hilfe, kontextsensitive Hilfe context-sensitive help [user interface] Kontextsuche contextual search [retrieval] Kontrast m contrast η [el. imaging] Kontrollfeld check box [user interface] Konturensatz runaround η [desktop publ.] Konturumfluß flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ.]
German-English index
Konverter m conversion program [data proc.] Konvertierungsprogramm conversion program [data proc.] Konzeptmodus draft mode [printers] Konzeptqualität draft quality [printers] Kopfhörer pi headphones pi [multimedia] Kopfpositionierung head positioning [CDROM publ.] Kopie replicate η [CD-ROM publ. ] kopieren (mehrfach) replicate ν [CD-ROM publ.] - und einkleben copy and paste [user interface] Koppelbit merging bit [CD-ROM publ. ] Korrekturabzug proof η [general sense] galley [typography ] Korrekturfahnen pi, umbrochene ~ page proofs pi [typography] korrekturlesen proofread [typography] Korrekturseiten pi page proofs [el. prepress] korrigierte Abzüge clean proofs [el. prepress ] kumulativer Index, kumulierter Index bulk index [documentproc.] künstliche Realität virtual reality LAN η local area network [online publ. ] LAN-Karte LAN card [online publ. ] LAN-Knoten LAN node [online publ. ] LAN-Server LAN server [onlinepubl.] LAN-Software LAN software [online publ. ] LAN-Verbindung LAN connection [online publ.] LAN-Workstation LAN workstation [online publ.] Laser m laser printer [equipment] Laserbelichter laser imager [equipment] Laserbelichtung laser image setting [el. prepress] Laserdruck laser printing Laserdrucker (Abk. LD) laser printer [equipment] Laserdrucker, mit dem ~ drucken laser print ν Laserdrucker, mit einem ~ gedruckt laserprinted adj Laser-Flachbett-Recorder laser flatbed imagesetter [equipment] Laserfont m laser font [el. prepress] Laser-Platesetter laser platesetter [equipment]
Laserplatte laser disc [multimedia] Laserproofs pi laser proofs [el. prepress] Laserquelle laser source [CD-ROM publ. ] Lasersatz laser typesetting [el. prepress] Lasersatzanlage laser typesetter [equipment] Laserscanner m laser scanner [equipment] Laserscansystem laser scanning system [equipment] Lasertechnologie laser technology Laserxerografie laser xerography [el. prepress] laufender Text text flow [desktop publ. ] Lauflängencodierung run-length (en)coding [CD-ROM publ.] Lauftext body text [typography] Laufwerk mit voller Bauhöhe full-height drive [CD-ROMpubl.] laufwerklos diskless [onlinepubl.] laufwerklose Workstation diskless workstation [online publ.] Lautsprecher loudspeaker [multimedia] Lautsprecheranschluß loudspeaker [multimedia] Lautsprecherausgang loudspeaker output [multimedia] Lautstärke volume [multimedia] Layout η layout n, page layout [typography ] Layoutattribut η layout attribute [desktop publ. ] Layouten η layouting η [desktop publ.] Layoutproofs pi layout proofs [el. prepress] Layoutsoftware page makeup software [el. prepress] Layoutstrukturausdruck thumbnail sketch LCD-Drucker LCD printer [equipment] LD —» Laserdrucker [equipment] Lead-in η lead-in area [CD-ROMpubl.] Lead-Out η lead-out area [CD-ROM publ. ] LED-Drucker LED printer [equipment] Leiste (mit Symbolen am Bildschirmrand) bar η [user interface] Leitrechner master η [online publ. ] Leitungsnetz network η Lesesystem browser [hypertext] lichtempßndliches Material photosensitive material [el. prepress] Lichtsatz photocomposition [el. prepress] Lichtsatzanlage photocomposition device [equipment] Lichtsatzprogramm photocomposition program [el. prepress]
Lichtsatzsystem photocomposition system [equipment] lineare Vorhersage linear prediction [CDROM publ.] Linearsuche linear search [retrieval] Linienbild line drawing [el. imaging] Liniengrafik line graph [el. imaging] Link η link η [hypertext] linker Mausknopf left mouse button [user interface ] Linkindikator button [hypertext] Linse lens [CD-ROMpubl.] Liste der bisherigen Abfragen search log [retrieval] lizenzfrei licence-free logikbasierte Worttrennung logic-based hyphenation [wordproc.] logische Seitenlänge logical page length [el. prepress] ~ Verbindung logical link [online publ. ] logischer Block logical block [CD-ROM publ.] - R i n g logical ring [online publ. ] -Ringbus logical bus [online publ.] - Sektor logical sector [CD-ROM publ.] lokal vorhandene Schriften pi resident fonts [desktop publ.] lokale Platte local disk [online publ. ] -Ringleitung local loop [online publ.] lokales Breitbandnetz broadband LAN [online publ.] - Netz local area network [onlinepubl.] Lokalring local loop [online publ. ] löschbare CD erasable compact disc [CDROM publ.] LowRes-Daten low-resolution data [el. prepress ] LSC-Drucker LSC printer [equipment] Luftpinsel airbrush tool [el. imaging] Lupen-Icon magnify icon [user interface] magneto-optisch (Abk. MO) magneto-optical magneto-optische Platte magneto-optical disc [equipment] Mailing-Liste mailing list [online publ.] Malutensilien pi painting tools [graphics] Mapperm mapper [multimedia] Marker m tag η [el. publishing] markieren ν tag ν [document ρ roc. ] Markieren η markup η [hypertext] markiert tagged [el. publishing]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Markierung (für Skaleneinteilungen etc.) tick mark Markierungssprache (für Satzsysteme etc.) markup language lei. publishing] Markierungswerkzeuge marking tools [multimedia] Masche mesh η [online publ. ] Maschennetz meshed network [onlinepubl.] maschinenlesbares Manuskript compuscript [el. publishing] Massendatei mass file [CD-ROM publ. ] Massenspeicher mass storage Massenspeicherung mass storage Master (m oder η) (einer CD-ROM) master η [CD-ROM publ.] Master Disc/ glass master [CD-ROMpubl.] Masterband η master tape [CD-ROM publ. ] Master-CD-ROM/ master η [CD-ROM publ.] Master-CD-ROM, die - herstellen master ν [CD-ROM publ.] Masterdisc/ master disc [CD-ROMpubl.] Mastering η mastering n, mastering process [CD-ROM publ.] Mastering, erneutes - remastering η [CDROM publ.] Mastering-Anlage mastering facility [CD-ROM publ.] Mastering-Firma mastering company [CD-ROM publ.] Mastering-Gerät mastering machine [CDROM publ.] Mastering-System mastering system [CD-ROM publ.] Masterplatte master disc [CD-ROMpubl.] Masterseiten pi master pages [desktop publ.] Maus mouse [equipment] Mausanschluß mouse interface mausgesteuert mouse-driven [user interface] Mausklick m mouse click, click η [user interface] Mausknopf mouse button [user interface] Mausknopf, linker ~ left mouse button [user interface ] Mausschnittstelle mouse interface maussensitive Fläche mouse-sensitive area [user interface] Maustaste mouse button [user interface] maximale Dichte maximum density [el. prepress ] ~ Suchzeit maximum seek [ CD-ROM publ.]
German-English index
maximaler Scanbereich scanning area [el. prepress ] MB —> Megabyte [data proc.] MCI-Schnittstelle media control interface MCP-Verfahren motion compensated prediction Imultimedia] MDU measured data unit [CD-ROM publ. ] Mechanik engine Medien η pi media pi Medien, neue ~ new media [el. publishing] medienneutral media independent Medium η medium η [data proc. ] mediumunabängig media independent Megabyte (Abk. MB) megabyte [dataproc.] Mehrdienstnetz multiservice network [online publ.] M e h r f a c h Verknüpfung multiple link [hypertext] Mehrfachverweis multiple link [hypertext] Mehrfarbendruck multicolor printing [print shop] Mehrfarbendruckmaschine multicolor printing press [equipment] Mehrfensterbildschirm multiwindow screen [user interface] Mehrfenstertechnik multiwindow technique [user interface] Mehrplatz... (Abk. MP) multistation adj [online publ. ] mehrsprachig multilingual [word proc. ] mehrstufiger Index multi-level index [document proc.] Mehrtastenmaus multi-button mouse [equipment] Menii η menu [user interface] Menüanzeige menu display [user interface] M e n ü b o x / menu box [user interface] menügeführt, menügesteuert menu-driven adj [user interface] menügesteuerte Software menu-driven software [user interface] Menüleiste menu bar [user interface] Menüpunkte pi menu topics [user interface] Menüschnittstelle menu interface [user interface] Menütechnik menu technique [user interface] Menüwahl menu selection [user interface ] Merge-Bit merging bit [CD-ROM publ. ] Merkmal attribute η [data proc.] Metallisierung/ metallization [CD-ROM publ. ]
MHC - » MH-Code [el. imaging] MH-Code (Abk. MHC) modified Huffman code [el. imaging] MIDI-Anschluß MIDI port [multimedia] MIDI-Datei MIDI file [multimedia] MIDI-Schnittstelle musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] MIDI-Schnittstellenkarte MIDI card [multimedia] MIDI-Sequenzer MIDI sequencer [multimedia] Mietleitungsnetz leased line network [online publ.] Mikrofon η microphone [multimedia] Mikrorillen pi microgrooves [CD-ROM publ.] Miniaturbild inset η [hypertext] Miniaturdarstellung thumbnail η Miniaturformat thumbnail size Miniaturseitendarstellung thumbnail sketch mischen ν mix ν [multimedia] Mischen η blending η [el. imaging] - von Bildern image merging [el. imaging] - von Text und Grafik merging η text and graphics [desktop publ.] Mischfunktion blending function [el. imaging] Mischpult mixing desk [multimedia] mitschwimmende Illustration floating illustration [desktop publ.] mittelauflösend medium-resolution adj Mitteltöne pi middletones pi [el. imaging] ~ pi intermediate tones [el. imaging] mittlere Auflösung medium resolution ~ Spur center track [CD-ROM publ. ] - Suchzeit average seek [CD-ROM publ. ] mitziehen drag ν [user interface] Mixed-Mode CD mixed-type disc [CD-ROM publ.] M O —> magneto-optisch mobiles Büro mobile office Modellseiten pi master pages [desktop publ.] Modemeingang modem port /equipment] modifizierter Huffman-Code modified Huffman code [el. imaging] MO-Disc magneto-optical disc [equipment] Modusbyte mode byte [CD-ROM publ. ] Monitor m monitor η [equipment] monochrom monochrome adj [el. prepress] monomedial monomedia adj
Monosession... monosession adj [CD-ROM publ.] Monotone-Scanner black and white scanner [equipment] Montage assembly [el. prepress] MO-Platte magneto-optical disc [equipment] Morphing η morphing η [el. imaging] Mosaikgraflk mosaic graphics [el. imaging] Motion JPEG motion JPEG [multimedia] MP —> Mehrplatz... [online publ.] MPC —> Multimedia-PC MPEG MPEG [multimedia] MPEG-Algorithmus MPEG algorithm [multimedia ] MPEG-Decoder MPEG decoder [multimedia] MPEG-Decoder-Board MPEG decoder board [multimedia] MPRSS-Beschreibung MPRSS [el. prepress] Multidisc-Maschine multidisc machine [CDROM publ.] Multimedia η multimedia η Multimediaanwendungen pi multimedia applications Multimediaaufriistsatz multimedia upgrade kit Multimediaautorensystem multimedia authoring system Multimediadatenbasis multimedia database Multimediadokument multimedia document Multimediafähigkeit multimedia capability Multimedia-Hochriistsatz multimedia upgrade kit Multimediakarte multimedia card multimedial adj multimedia adj multimediale Datenbank multimedia database - Präsentation multimedia presentation multimedialer PC multimedia PC Multimediaobjekt mulitmedia object Multimedia-PC (Abk. MPC) multimedia PC Multimediaplattform multimedia platform Multimediaschnittstelle media control interface Multimediaserver multimedia server Multimediasoftware multimedia software Multimediasystem multimedia system multimediatauglich multimedia-capable Multimediaumgebung multimedia environment Multimediawörkstation multimedia workstation
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Multiprotokollfahigkeit (adj: multiprotokollfahig) multiprotocol capability [onlinepubl.] MultiprotokoUnetz multiprotocol network [online publ.] MultiprotokoU-Router m multiprotocol router [online publ.] Multiserver m multiserver /online publ. ] multisessionfähig multisession adj [CD-ROM publ.] Multisessionfähigkeit multisession capability [CD-ROM publ.] Multiterminalnetz multiterminal computer network [online publ.] Musterbuch (für Schriften, Farben etc.) swatchbook Musterdi.sc / check disc [CD-ROM publ. ] Musterlayout einer Seite sample page layout Musterseite sample page Musterseiten pl (Modellseiten) master pages [desktop publ.] Mutterdisc/ mother disc [CD-ROM publ. ]
Ν -> Netz Nachbearbeitung postprocessing η [print shop] nachladbare Schrift downloadable font Nachrichtenserver message server [online publ.] nachschlagen look up ν Nachschlagetabelle look-up table [CD-ROM publ.] Näherungsoperator proximity operator [retrieval] Näherungssuche proximity search [retrieval] nahezu Fotoqualität near-photographic quality [el. prepress] ~ typografische Schriftqualität near-typeset quality [printers] naturgetreue Farben pl true colors [el. imaging] natürliche Farben pl true colors [el. imaging] Navigation / navigation [online publ. ] Navigationshilfe navigation aid [retrieval] Navigationskomponente navigation tool [online publ. ] Navigationspfad navigation path [hypertext] Navigationsschalter navigation button [retrieval] navigieren navigate [retrieval] Navigieren η navigation [onlinepubl.]
German-English index
Nearest-Neighbor-Verfahren nearest-neighbor search [retrieval] Nebenfenster secondary window [user interface] Negativ η negative η [el. prepress] Negativfilm negative film [el. prepress] Negativkopie negative print [el. prepress] Netz (Abk. Ν) network η ~ (von Verweisen) web η [hypertext] Netz, zwischen ~en internetwork adj [online publ.] - m i t Busstruktur bus-type network [ online publ.] ~ mit mehreren Knoten multinode network [online publ.] Netzadministration network administration [online publ. ] Netzanschluß network connection [online publ. ] Netzanschluß (Schnittstelle) network interface [online publ.] Netzarchitektur network architecture [online publ. ] Netzbelastung network load [online publ. ] Netzbereitstellung network services [online publ. ] Netzbetreiber network operator [online publ.] Netzbetrieb networking η network operation [online publ. ] Netzbetriebssystem (Abk. NOS) network operating system [onlinepubl.] Netzdrucker network printer [online publ. ] Netzdurchsatz network throughput [online publ.] netzfähig networkable Netzkapazität network capacity [online publ. ] Netzknoten network node, nodal point [online publ. ] ~ (Gateway) gateway η [online publ. ] Netzknotenpunkt nodal point [onlinepubl.] Netzknotenrechner (Abk. NKR) network node computer [online publ.] Netzkonfiguration network configuration [online publ.] Netzkontrollzentrum (Abk. NKZ) network control center [onlinepubl.] Netzprotokoll network protocol [online publ. ] Netzschnittstellensteuerung network interface controller [online publ.] Netzserver (Abk. NS) net server [online publ.]
Netzsicherheit network security [onlinepubl.] Netzsoftware LAN software [online publ.] netware [online publ.] Netzsteuerung network control [online publ.] Netzsteuerungsrechner network processor [online publ.] Netzsteuerungsserver network control server [online publ. ] Netzstruktur network structure [online publ. ] network topology [online publ.] Netzsynchronisation network timing [online publ. ] Netztaktung network timing [online publ. ] Netzteilnehmer network user [online publ. ] Netztopologie network topology [online publ. ] Netzübergang gateway η [online publ. ] Netzüberlastung network congestion [online publ.] Netzüberwachung network monitoring [online publ. ] Netzverbund interconnection of networks, internetworking η [onlinepubl.] Netzverbundtopologie interconnection topology [online publ.] Netzversorger network provider [online publ. ] Netzverwalter sysop η [onlinepubl.] Netzverwaltung network administration [online publ. ] Netzverwaltungszentrale network management center [online publ.] Netzwartung network maintenance [online publ.] Netzwerk network η Netzwerkbetriebssystem network operating system [online publ. ] Netzwerkbrücke gateway η [onlinepubl.] netzwerkfähig networkable Netzwerkinterfaceeinheit network interface unit [onlinepubl.] Netzwerkmanagementsystem (Abk. NMS) network management system [onlinepubl.] Netzwerkmanager network management system [online publ.] Netzwerkprotokoll network protocol [online publ. ] Netzwerkserver net server [online publ.] Netzwerktopologie network topology [online publ.] Netzzugang network access [onlinepubl.]
Netzzugangsfenster user window [online publ.] Netzzustand network status [onlinepubl.] neu dimensionieren resize ν [el. imaging] ~ konfigurieren reconfigure ~ positionieren reposition ν - umbrechen repaginate [typography] neue Medien pi new media [el. publishing] neuer Seitenumbruch repagination [typography] neuerliches Verknüpfen re-linking η [hypertext] Neupressung repressing η [ CD-ROM publ. ] Neuumbruch repagination [typography] NFS-Netz NFSnet nicht fokussiert out of focus [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ registerhaltig out of register [typography ] Nicht-Bilddaten pi non-image data [el. prepress] Nicht-Textdaten pi nontextual data nichttextuelle Dokumente pi non-text documents niedrigauflösend low-resolution adj niedrigauflösende Grafik low-resolution graphics niedrigauflösender Bildschirm low-resolution screen [equipment] niedrige Auflösung low resolution NKR —> Netzknotenrechner [online publ.] N K Z —» Netzkontrollzentrum [onlinepubl.] NMS —» Netz Werkmanagementsystem [online publ.] NNTP-Protokoll network news transfer protocol [online publ.] Nonprint-Produkte pi non-print products [el. publishing] normale Helligkeit dehighlighting η [user interface] Normalpapier normal paper Normalpapierbelichter plain paper typesetter [equipment] Normalpapiergerät plain paper output device [equipment] Normalpapiersatzgerät plain paper typesetter [equipment] Nonnschnittstelle standard interface [data proc.] NOS —» Netzbetriebssystem [onlinepubl.] Notenzeichen reference mark [wordproc.] NS —» Netzserver [online publ. ] Nummer des logischen Blocks logical block
Index Deutsch-Englisch
number [CD-ROM publ. ] - des logischen Sektors logical sector number [CD-ROM publ.] Nutzdatenfeld user data field [CD-ROM publ.] Oberfläche (einer Platte etc.) recording surface [CD-ROM publ.] oberster Knoten root node [hypertext] Objektgenerierung rendering η [graphics] OCR-Schrift OCR font Office-Publishing η office publishing öffnen, ein Fenster ~ open ν a window [user interface] Offsetdruck offset printing [print shop] Offsetdruckplatte offset plate [print shop] On-Demand-Druck on-demand printing On-Demand-Printing on-demand printing On-Demand-Publishing publishing on demand On-Demand-Zeitungsdruck newspaper on demand [el. publishing] Online-Bildarchiv online image collection [el. publishing] Online-Dateiserver online data server [online publ.] Online-Dienst online service [el. publishing] Online-Dokumentation online documentation [user interface] Online-Hilfe online help [user interface] Online-Publishing online publishing Online-Service online service [el. publishing] Online-Tageszeitung online newspaper [el. publishing] Online-Zeitung online newspaper [el. publishing] OPI -»OPI-Schnittstelle (Open Prepress Interface) OPI-Bildaustausch OPI exchange [el. prepress] OPI-Schnittstelle Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress] OPI-Server OPI server [el. prepress] optische Auflösung optical resolution [equipment] ~ Medien pi optical media [el. publishing] optischer Lesekopf optical head [CD-ROM publ.] Originalgröße original size [el. imaging] Originalmontage page makeup Originalvorlage final artwork [el. prepress]
German-English index
Orthografiekontrolle spell checking [word proc.] Orthografiekontrolle, Programm zur ~ spelling checker [wordproc.] Orthografieprüfung spell checking [word proc.] Overheadfolie overhead transparency Overlay-Board overlay card [multimedia] Overlay-Karte overlay card [multimedia] Overscanbereich overscan area [multimedia] Paint-Programm paint program [graphics] Palette palette [user interface] Panose-System Panose character matching system [el. prepress] Pantone-Farben Pantone colors [el. prepress ] Pantone-Farbtabellen Pantone Matching System [el. prepress] Papier hardcopy η Papierabzüge pi hard proofs pi [el. prepress] Papierausgabe hardcopy η papierloses Büro paperless office Parallelanschluß parallel port [equipment] Parallelschnittstelle parallel interface [equipment] Parameter m parameter [dataproc.] Parametereingabe parameter input [data proc.] paritätisch peer-to-peer [online publ. ] Passer m register mark [typography ] Passermarke register mark [typography ] Paßkreuz register mark [typography] PCM —» Pulscodemodulation PC-Netz PC network [online publ.] PC-Satz PC-based typesetting [el. prepress ] PDF-Format portable document format [online publ.] PDS-Software portable document software [online publ.] Peer-to-Peer-Netz peer-to-peer network [online publ] Peer-to-Peer-Vernetzung peer-to-peer network [online publ.] periphere Geräte peripheral equipment Peripherie peripheral equipment persönliche Mail personal mail [online publ. ] ~ Mitteilung personal mail [online publ.] Pfad path [hypertext] Pfadmarkierung trail marker [hypertext] Pfadtabelle path table [CD-ROM publ. ] Pfeilsymbol arrow icon [user interface]
PG —> Präsentationsgrafik phonetische Suche phonetic search [retrieval] Photo..., photo... —> Foto ..., foto ... Photomultiplier m photomultiplier tube [equipment] Photomultiplier-Röhre photomultiplier tube [equipment] PIC-Kompression picture image compression [multimedia] Picon m picon [multimedia] Pipette / eyedropper [el. imaging] Pixel η pixel [el. imaging] ~ pro Zeile pixels per line [el. imaging] ~ pro Zoll pixels per inch [el. imaging] Pixelauflösung pixel depth [el. imaging] Pixelbild pixel image [el. imaging] Pixeldichte pixel depth [el. imaging] Pixeleditor paint program [graphics] Pixelgrafik bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] Pixelgröße pixel size [el. imaging] Pixelierung pixelisation [el. imaging] Pixelisierung pixelisation [el. imaging] pixelorientierte Grafik bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] Pixelraster bitmap η [el. imaging] Pixeltiefe pixel depth [el. imaging] Pixelverhältnis pixel aspect ratio [el. imaging] Platesetter m platesetter [equipment] Platte disk, disc; plate [el. prepress] Plattenbelichter platesetter [equipment] Plattenbelichtung plate exposure [el. prepress ] Plattenherstellung platemaking η [el. prepress] Plattenwechsel disc changeover [CD-ROM publ] plattformübergreifend cross-platform adj plattformunabhängig platform-independent platzgenaue Reproduzierbarkeit repeatability [el. prepress] PML page model language Point of Information point of information Polycarbonat η polycarbonate [CD-ROM publ.] Polyesterplatte polyester-based plate [el. prepress ] Pop-Up-Menü pop-up menu (user interface] Port m port η [equipment] Portabilität von Dokumenten document portability [document proc.]
portables digitales Dokument portable digital document [el. prepress] ~ Dokument portable document [el. prepress] Position des Cursors cursor position [user interface] positionieren, neu ~ reposition ν Positionierungsmarken pi positioning marks Positionierungszeit seek time [CD-ROM publ.] Positionierzeit seek time [CD-ROM publ. ] positiver Master positive master [CD-ROM publ.] positives Bild positive image [el. prepress] Positivfilm positive film [el. prepress] Positivkopie positive print [el. prepress] Positivverfahren positive process [el. prepress] PostScript PostScript PostScript-Ausgabe PostScript output PostScript-Belichter PostScript imagesetter [equipment] PostScript-Belichtung PostScript imagesetting [el. prepress] PostScript-Drucker PostScript printer [equipment] PostScript-Emulation PostScript emulation [desktop publ.] PostScript-fähig PostScript compatible PostScript-fähiger Laserdrucker PostScriptequipped laser printer [equipment] PostScript-Interpreter PostScript interpreter PostScript-RIP PostScript raster image processor [equipment] PostScript-Schrift PostScript font [printers] PPT-Gerät plain paper typesetter [equipment] prädiktive Technik predictive technique [multimedia] Präsentationsgrafik (Abk. PG) presentation graphics präzisieren fine-tune ν [retrieval] Premaster m premaster disc [CD-ROM publ. ] Premasterband η premaster tape I CD-ROM publ.] Premastering η premastering η [CD-ROM publ.] Prepress-Bereich prepress η pressen ν press vt [CD-ROM publ. ] Pressen η pressing η [ CD-ROM publ. ] Preßmatrize/ stamper disc [CD-ROMpubl.] Preßstempel stamper disc [CD-ROM publ. ] Preßvorgang pressing η [ CD-ROM publ. ]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Preview η preview η [desktop publ.] Preview-Ausgabe page preview display [desktop publ.] Preview-Darstellung preview screen [desktop publ. ] Preview-Fenster preview window [user interface] Preview-Modus preview mode [desktop publ.] Preview-Scannen η prescanning η [el. prepress] Primärfarben pi primary colors [el. imaging] Printbereich printing sector Printing on Demand on-demand printing Printmedien pi print media pi Printprodukte pi printed products Probeabzug proof η [general sense] proof print [el. prepress] Probeabzugdrucker proof printer [equipment] Probeabzüge pi prepress proofs ~ pi galley proofs [typography ] Probeabzugstation proofer η [equipment] Probebelichter proofing imager [el. prepress] Probedisc/ check disc [CD-ROM publ.] Probedruck proof print [el. prepress] Probedrucke pi prepress proofs - erstellen oder anfertigen proof ν [el. prepress] - für die Farbseparierung separation proofs [el. prepress] Probelauf (vor der Belichtung) preflight η [el. prepress] Probescan m preview scan [el. prepress] Probescans pi (Testscans) trial scans [el. prepress] Probeseite sample page Probeseiten pi page proofs [el. prepress] professionelles DTP high-end publishing [desktop publ.] Programm zur Orthografiekontrolle spelling checker [word proc.] Programmbereich program area [CD-ROM publ.] Proof m proof η [el. prepress] Proofabzfige pi (von Bildern) image proofing [el. prepress] Proofausgabe proof printing [el. prepress] Proofdruck proof print [el. prepress] ~ (Anfertigung von Probedrucken) proof printing [el. prepress]
German-English index
Proofdrucke pi prepress proofs Proofdrucker proof printer [equipment] proofen ν proof ν [el. prepress] Proofen η proofing η [el. prepress] Proofing« proofing η [el. prepress/ Proofing-System proofing system [equipment] Proofkontrolle am Bildschirm monitor proofing [el. prepress] Proof-Monitor proofing monitor [equipment] Proofs pi prepress proofs ~ pi in gedruckter Form hardcopy proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ pi zur Positionskontrolle position proofs pi [el. prepress] Protokoll für Konkurrenzbetrieb contention protocol [online publ.] Provider m provider η [online publ. ] Prozeßfarben pi process colors [el. prepress] Prüfdruck proof η [el. prepress] Pseudofarben pi pseudo colors [el. imaging] Pseudokolorierung pseudo coloring [el. imaging] Publishing η publishing η [el. publishing] ~ im Internet Internet publishing [online publ. ] - on Demand publishing on demand publizieren ν publish Publizieren η publishing η [general sense] ~ auf CD-ROM CD-ROM publishing ~ auf Nachfrage publishing on demand - in Form von Videos video publishing [el. publishing] ~ mit neuen Medien new media publishing Pufferkapazität buffer capacity Pull-Down-Menii pull-down menu [user interface ] Pulscodemodulation (Abk. PCM) pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] Punkt point η [typography] Punktdichte dot density [el. imaging] Punkte pro Quadratzoll dpsi (dots per square inch) Punkte pro Zoll dots per inch [el. imaging] Punktform dot shape [el. imaging] Punktgrafik, hochauflösende ~ high-resolution dot graphics Punktgröße (Größe in Punkt) point size [typography]
Quadrospeed-... quad speed [ CD-ROM publ.] Quadrospeed-Laufwerk quad speed drive [CD-ROM publ.] Quadspeed-... quad speed [CD-ROM publ. ] Quadspeed-Laufwerk quad speed drive [CD-ROM publ.] Quellknoten source node [hypertext] Querverweis cross-reference η [document proc.] radiale Spureinstellung radial tracking control [CD-ROM publ.] ~ Spursuche radial tracking [CD-ROM publ. ] Rahmen m frame η [word proc. ] Randschärfer antialiasing tool [el. imaging] Raster η raster η [el. imaging] ~ η screen η [el. prepress] halftone ... [el. prepress] Rasterauflösung screen resolution [el. prepress] Rasterbild screened picture, halftone image [el. prepress] Rasterbilder pi halftone art [el. prepress] Rasterdichte grid density [el. prepress] Rastergrafik raster graphics [el. imaging] Raster-Image-Prozessor RIP η [equipment] Rasterisierung (mittels RIP) raster image processing [el. prepress] rastern rasterize [el. imaging] screen ν [el. prepress] Rastern η screening η [el. prepress] Rasterpunkt halftone dot [el. prepress] Rasterpunkte, Form der ~ grid pattern [el. prepress] Rasterschrift bit-mapped font [desktop publ.] Rasterung screening η [el. prepress] rasterization [el. imaging] Rasterweite distance between screen lines [el. prepress] grid density [el. prepress] Rasterwinkel screen angle [el. prepress] Rasterwinkelung screen angle [el. prepress] räumliches Bild threedimensional image [el. imaging] Real Time Video (Abk. RTV) real-time video [multimedia] realistisches Rendering realistic rendering [el. imaging] realitätsnah photorealistic adj [el. imaging] Realitätsnähe photorealism [el. imaging] Recherche/ search η [retrieval]
Rechtschreibprüfprogramm spelling checker [word proc.] Rechtschreibprüf- und -korrekturprogramm spell checker/corrector [wordproc.] Rechtschreibwörterbuch spelling dictionary [word proc.] Recorder m laser imager [equipment] Redaktionssystem editorial system [el. prepress] Redirector m redirector [online publ. ] Reduktion/ reduction [el. imaging] Redundanzbeseitigung redundancy elimination [database publ.] reflektierende Schicht reflective metallic layer [CD-ROMpubl.] Reflexionsschicht reflective metallic layer [CD-ROM publ.] Regenerator repeater [online publ.] regionalisiert (Netz) regionalized [online publ.] Register, ein - anlegen index, make an ~ [document proc.] Registerhalten register, to be in- [typography] registerhaltig registration-perfect [el. prepress] registerhaltig, nicht - out of register [typography] Registerhaltigkeit register η [typography] Registerhaltung register η [typography ] reiner Text plain text rekonfigurieren reconfigure Relevanz/ relevance [retrieval] Remastering η remastering η [CD-ROM publ.] Remote Proofs pi remote proofs [el. prepress] Rendering η rendering η [el. imaging] - η rendering η [graphics] rendern ν render ν [el. imaging] Rendern η rendering η [el. imaging] Render-Programm rendering program [el. imaging] Repeater m repeater [online publ. ] Repetierbarkeit repeatability [el. prepress] Reproduktionskamera reproduction camera [equipment] reproduktionsreif camera-ready [el. prepress] Reproduzierbarkeit, platzgenaue ~ repeatability [el. prepress] reprofähig camera-ready [el. prepress]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
reprofähige Grafik camera-ready art [el. prepress] reprofertig camera-ready [el. prepress] Reprografie/ reprography η [el. prepress] Reprokamera reproduction camera [equipment] reproreif camera-ready [el. prepress] Republishing η republishing η residente Schrift built-in font [printers] - Schriften pi resident fonts [desktop publ. ] Resolution / resolution Retrievaldaten pi retrieved data Retrievaldienst für bibliographische Daten bibliographic retrieval service [onlinepubl.] Retrievalmaschine search engine [CD-ROM publ.] Retrieval Set η retrieval set Retrievalsoftware retrieval software Retrievalsprache retrieval language Retrievalsystem retrieval system [general sense] search engine [CD-ROM publ. ] RET-Technologie Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] Retusche/ retouching η [el. imaging] retuschieren ν retouch ν [el. imaging] Retuschieren η retouching η [el. imaging] ~ von Bildern image retouching [el. prepress] ~ von Fotos photo retouching [el. imaging] Revisionsabzüge pi press proofs pi [el. prepress] RGB (Rot, Grün, Blau) RGB ringförmiges Netz ring-shaped network [online publ.] Ringnetz ring-shaped network [online publ.] - mit Sendeberechtigungsmarke token-ring network [online publ. ] Ringstruktur (eines Netzes) ring configuration [online publ.] Ringtopologie ring topology [online publ. ] RIP m MP η [equipment] RIP, mit dem - verarbeiten RIP ν, rip ν [el. prepress] RIP-Geschwindigkeit RIPping speed, ripping speed [el. prepress] "rippen" ν RIP v, rip ν [el. prepress] "Rippen" η RIPping η, ripping η [el. prepress] RIP-Prozessor RIP η [equipment] RIP-Software RIP software [el. prepress] RIP-Station RIP station [equipment]
German-English index
RL-Codierung run-length (en)coding [CDROM pubi] Rohtext raw text [word proc. ] Rollbereich (auf dem Bildschirm) scroll area I user interface] rollen vi (den Bildschirminhalt) scroll vi [user interface] rollierbar scrollable [user interface] Rollmodus scrolling mode [user interface] Rotierfunktion rotate function [el. imaging] Routenwahl routing η [online publ. ] Router m router [online publ. ] Routing π routing η [online publ. ] Routing-Schicht routing layer [onlinepubl.] RTF-Format rich text format [document proc.] RTV —» Real Time Video [multimedia] rückgängig machen (ein Kommando) undo ν [user interface] Riickkopie hardcopy η [el. prepress] Rückschaltcode return code [data proc. ] Rückvergrößern η hardcopy reproduction [el. prepress] Rückverweisung backreferencing η [CDROM publ.] Runlängen-Codierung run-length (en)coding [CD-ROM publ.] Run-Length-Codierung run-length (encoding [CD-ROM publ.] Sampling η sampling η [multimedia] Satz composition [typography] composed text [typography] - umbrochener Seiten page composition [el. prepress ] Satzanlage typesetting unit [equipment] ~ der vierten Generation fourth-generation phototypesetter [equipment] Satzanweisung typographic instruction Satzaufbereitung preparation for typesetting [word proc.] Satzausgabe typeset output [typography] Satzautomation automated typesetting [el. prepress] Satzbefehl typographic instruction Satzbelichter imagesetter, typesetter [equipment] - der dritten Generation third-generation typesetter [equipment] satzfertig ready for typesetting Satzformatierung preparation for typesetting
[word proc.] Satzgerät imagesetter [equipment] Satzherstellung composition [typography] ~ mittels Personal Computer PC-based typesetting [el. prepress] satzidentische Darstellung WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.] Satzparameter typesetting parameters [el. prepress] Satzprogramm typesetting program [el. prepress] Satzprogramme pi typesetting software [el. prepress] Satzrechner typesetting computer /equipment1 satzreif ready for typesetting saubere Abzüge clean proofs [el. prepress] Saugen η (Jargon) downloading η [online publ.] SB-kompatibel Soundblaster compatible [multimedia] Scan m scan η [el. prepress] Scanauflösung scanning resolution [el. prepress] Scandatei scanned-image file [el. prepress] Scanformat scanning format [el. prepress] Scangeschwindigkeit scanning speed [el. prepress ] Scanlinie scan line scannen ν scan ν [el. prepress] Scannen η scanning η, scan η [el. prepress] ~ im Hintergrund background scanning [el. prepress ] Scanner m scanner [equipment] ~ für farbige Vorlagen color scanner [equipment] - für Strichvorlagen line art scanner [el. prepress] ~ mit drei Durchläufen triple-pass scanner [equipment] ~ mit einem Durchlauf single-pass scanner [equipment] - mit mehreren Durchläufen multiple-pass scanner [equipment] Scannerauflösung scanning resolution [el. prepress ] Scannerbild scanned image [el. prepress] Scannerdaten pi scanned data Scannereinstellung setting of scanner [el. prepress ] Scannerkopf scanning head [equipment]
Scannersteuerprogramm scanner control program Scannersystem scanning system [equipment] Scanrate scanning rate [el. prepress] Scan-Software scanning software [el. prepress] Scanstation scanning station [equipment] Scanvorgang scan η [el. prepress] SCART-Stecker SCART connector [multimedia] Schablone template - (für die Erstellung formatierter Seiten) page template [desktop publ.] Schablonendatei template file [desktop publ. ] Schaltfläche für Größeneinstellung size box [user interface] - " O K " OK button [user interface] Schärfe sharpness Schärfentiefe depth of focus [el. prepress] Schichtseite (eines Films) emulsion side [el. prepress] Schirm screen η [equipment] Schirmbild screen image Schlagwort keyword [general sense] Schlagwortsuche keyword search [retrieval] Schleifennetz ring-shaped network [online publ. ] Schließbox close box [user interface] Schlüsselfeld key field [CD-ROM publ. ] Schlüsselindex key index [CD-ROM publ. ] Schlüsselwort keyword [document proc.] Schnappschußfunktion frame grabbing [el. imaging] Schnappschußprogramm snapshot utility [user interface] schnelle (farbige) Vorschau fast preview Schnellscan m fast scan [el. prepress) Schnellwechsler rapid changer [CD-ROM publ.] Schnittstelle interface η [dataproc.] Schnittstellenkarte interface card [equipment] Schreibgeschwindigkeit (eines Druckers) printing speed recording speed [CD-ROM publ.] Schreibleistung printing speed Schreibmarke cursor [user interface] Schreibtisch desktop [general sense] Schrift font, typefont [typography] - auf dem Bildschirm screen font [desktop publ]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
- für Laserdrucker laser printer font [desktop publ.] Schriftart font, typefont [typography! Schriftartwahl font selection Schriftattribut font attribute [desktop publ. ] Schriftbibliothek library of typefonts Schriftenerkennung omnifont character recognition [el. prepress] Schriftenfundus m library of typefonts Schriftenleser omnifont reader [equipment] Schriftinformation font metrics [typography] Schriftinstallation font installation [desktop publ. ] Schriftskalierung font scaling Schrifttype typefont [typography] Schriftwahl font selection Schublade (zur CD-Aufnahme) drawer [CDROM publ.] Schwärzung density [print shop] schwarzweiß (Abk. s/w) black and white [el. imaging] Schwarzweißbild black and white image [el. imaging] Schwarzweißgrafik line art [el. imaging] Schwarzweißscannen grayscale scanning [el. prepress] Schwarzweißscanner black and white scanner [equipment] Screenshot m screen snapshot Screenshot-Funktion screen capture feature [el. imaging] Scrollbereich scroll area [user interface] Scrolleinrichtung scrolling feature [user interface] scrollen vi, vt scroll vi, vt [user interface] scrollfahig scrollable [user interface] Scrollgeschwindigkeit scrolling speed [user interface ] Scroll-Leiste scroll bar [user interface] Scrollmodus scrolling mode [user interface] Scroll-Pfeil scroll arrow [user interface] SCSI-Schnittstelle SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] sehr hoch auflösender Bildschirm very high resolution screen [equipment] Seite page [typography] ~ im WWW Web page [online publ. ] Seiten einscannen scan pages into a computer [el. prepress] Seitenaufbau page layout [typography] Seitenaustauschsprache page interchange language [desktoppubl.]
German-English index
Seitenbeschreibungssprache page description language Seitenfolge page order Seitenformat page format [word proc. ] ~ (quer oder hoch) page orientation [printers] Seitengeometrie page geometry [typography] Seitengröße page size Seitenhintergrund page background Seitenkonstruktionssprache page construction language Seitenlayoutfunktion page layout function [desktop publ.] Seitenminiatur thumbnail size Seitenmontage page makeup Seitenparameter page layout parameter [desktop publ.] Seitenrahmen page frame [word proc. ] Seitenumbruch makeup η [typography] Seitenumbruch, neuer - repagination [typography] ~ am Bildschirm onscreen page makeup [el. prepress] ~ im Batch-Verfahren batch composition [el. prepress] Seitenumbruchprogramm page layout program [desktop publ.] Seitenumbruchprogramme pi page makeup software [el. prepress] Seitenvorschau page preview [desktop publ. ] seitenweise page by page seitlich scrollen side-scroll ν [user interface] - verschieben (Text auf dem Bildschirm) side-scroll ν [user interface] seitliches Scrollen side scrolling [user interface] ~ Verschieben (eines Textes auf dem Bildschirm) side scrolling [user interface] Sektor sector [CD-ROM publ. ] Sektoradresse sector address [CD-ROM publ.] Sektoren pro Spur sectors per track [CDROM publ.] Sekundärfarben pi secondary colors Selektion extraction [database publ.] semantische Verweise pi semantic links [hypertext] Sendeberechtigung token [online publ. ] Sendeberechtigungsmarke token [online publ.] senden post ν [online publ.]
senkrechte Linien zwischen Druckspalten gutter rules [typography ] sensitive Fläche hotspot [user interface] Sensorbildschirm touch screen [equipment] separieren break for color [el. prepress] Serendipity-Effekt serendipity [hypertext] serielle Schnittstelle serial interface [equipment] Server m server [online publ. ] ~ für gemeinsam benutzte Dateien shared file server [online publ.] Serverdatei server file [online publ.] Server-Directory server directory [online publ. ] Servermodus server mode [online publ.] Serververzeichnis server directory [online publ.] Serverzugriff server access [online publ. ] Servomechanismus servo-mechanism / CDROM publ.] Sessionsnummer session number [CD-ROM publ. ] Setzanlage typesetting unit [equipment] setzen ν typeset ν [typography] Setzen η composition, typesetting [typography] ~ umbrochener Seiten page composition [el. prepress ] SGML SGML [el. publishing] SGML-Dokument SGML document [el. publishing] Sicht (auf einen Dokumentbestand etc.) view η [hypertext] Sichtanzeigefenster display window [user interface ] sichten (Text auf dem Schirm vor dem Drucken) preview ν [desktop publ. ] Sichten am Bildschirm (vor dem Drucken) preview η [desktop publ.] Sichtung am Bildschirm onscreen previewing [el. prepress] Signalfarbe spot color [el. prepress] Silbentrennung hyphenation [wordproc.] ~ auf Algorithmusbasis logic-based hyphenation /word proc. ] Silbentrennwörterbuch hyphenation dictionary [word proc. ] Silberling m (Jargon) compact disc [CDROM publ] Silberscheibe (Jargon) compact disc [CD-ROM publ.]
Single-User-System single-user system Skalenstrich tick mark skalierbare Schrift scalable font [desktop publ. ] skalieren ν scale ν [el. imaging] Skalieren η scaling η [el. imaging] ~ η von Bildern image scaling [el. imaging] Skalierung/ scaling η [el. imaging] - der Schrift font scaling Skalierungsfaktor scaling factor [el. imaging] Skript η script η [multimedia] Skripterstellung scripting η [multimedia] Slide-Show/ slide show [multimedia] Snapshot-Programm snapshot utility [user interface] Softcopy / softcopy [el. prepress] Softproofs pi soft proofs [el. prepress] Software für das Scannen scanning software [el. prepress] ~ für den typografischen Satz typesetting software [el. prepress] ~ für Fotoretuschen photo retouching software [el. imaging] - für technisches Publizieren technical publishing software (TPS) Software-RIP software RIP [el. prepress] Sonderschrift special font Sound m sound [multimedia] Soundblaster-kompatibel Soundblaster compatible [multimedia] Sound-Digitizer sound digitizer /multimedia] Soundeditor sound editor [multimedia] Soundfähigkeit sound capability [multimedia] Soundkarte sound card [multimedia ] Soundmap / soundmap [multimedia] Spalte (Druckspalte) column η [typography] Spaltenzwischenschlag gutter [typography] Speichererweiterung memory expansion [dataproc.] Spektralanteile pi spectral components [el. imaging] Spektralbestandteile pi spectral components [el. imaging] Spektralfarbe spectral color [el. imaging] Spektralkomponenten pi spectral components [el. imaging] Spelling Checker m spelling checker [word proc.] Sperren π einer Datei (gegen simultanen Zugriff) file locking [onlinepubl.] ~ η von Dateien (in einem Netz) file locking
Index Deutsch-Englisch
[online publ.] Spezialeffekte pl special effects [multimedia] Spindel/(eines Laufwerks) spindle [CDROM publ.] spiralförmige Spur spiral track [CD-ROM publ.] Sprachannotation voice annotation [multimedia] Sprachausgabe sound output [multimedia] Sprachkarte voice card [multimedia] Sprachleitung audio line [multimedia] Spritzpristole airbrush tool [el. imaging] Sprühpistole airbrush tool [el. imaging] Spur track η [CD-ROM publ.] Spurauswahl track selection [CD-ROM publ. ] Spurbreite track width [ CD-ROM publ.] Spureinstellung tracking η [CD-ROM publ. ] Spureinstellungsfehler tracking error [CDROM publ.] Spurerkennung tracking η [CD-ROM publ. ] Spurnummer track number [CD-ROM publ. ] Spurpositionierungszeit track positioning time [CD-ROMpubl.] Spurteilung track pitch [CD-ROM publ. ] Stamper m stamper disc [CD-ROM publ. ] Standardauflösung standard resolution [el. prepress] Standardeinstellung default setting Standardlayout standard layout Standardpfad standard path [hypertext] Standardschnittstelle standard interface [data proc.] Standardschrift standard font [printers] Standardserver home server [online publ. ] Standbildvideo still video [el. imaging] Startknoten root node [hypertext] Startpunkt starting point [online publ.] Start-Tag η start tag [hypertext] statisches Bild background image [el. imaging] Stehsatz live matter [typography ] stereoskopischer Effekt stereoscopic effect [el. imaging] sternförmige Architektur star-shaped architecture [online publ.] sternförmiges Datennetz star-shaped data network [online publ. ] Sternnetz star-shaped data network [online publ] Sternpunktverteiler hub [onlinepubl.] Steuerknüppel joystick [equipment]
German-English index
Steuerung der Vorgänge workflow management [el. prepress] ~ des Unterschneidens kerning control [typography] Steuerzeichen control character [data proc.] Stichwort (in einem Wörterbuch etc.) headword keyword [general sense ] Stoppwort stopword [retrieval] Strahlenteilungsprisma beam-splitting prism [CD-ROM pubi] Strahlteiler beam splitter [ CD-ROM pubi] Stretch-Text stretch text [hypertext] Strichabbildung line art drawing [el. imaging] Strichgrafik line graph [el. imaging] Strichvorlage line art original [el. prepress] Strichzeichnung line drawing [el. imaging] String m string η [data proc. ] Stringsubstitution string substitution [word proc.] Stringsuche string search [retrieval] Strukturelement element [hypertext] tag η [el. publishing] strukturiert textured [el. imaging] strukturierte Textdatei structured text file [el. publishing] strukturierter Text structured text [el. publishing] strukturiertes Netz hierarchical network [online pubi] Stufenbildung aliasing η [el. imaging] Subheader m subheader field [CD-ROM pubi.] Sublimationsdrucker sublimation printer [equipment] Sublimationsproofs pi sublimation proofs [el. prepress] Submentt submenu [user interface] Subnetz subnet [online pubi. ] Substrat η substrate η [CD-ROM pubi. ] subtraktive Primärfarben pi subtractive primary colors [el. imaging] Suchanfrage query η Suchbegriff search word [retrieval] S u c h e / search η [retrieval] ~ mit Metazeichen wildcard searching [retrieval] ~ nach dem nächsten Nachbarn nearestneighbor search [retrieval] ~ nach mehreren Kriterien multicriteria
search [retrieval] - und Ersetze (Befehl) search and replace [word proc.] suchen search ν [word proc. ] Such-Engine/ search engine [CD-ROM pubi. ] Suchfeld (Feld, in dem gesucht werden kann) searchable field [retrieval] ~ (Feld, in dem gesucht wird) search field [retrieval] Suchfunktion search function [word proc. ] Suchkommando search command [retrieval] Suchkriterium search criterion [retrieval] Suchmöglichkeiten pi searching capabilities [retrieval] Suchpfad path [hypertext] Suchsoft- und -hardware search engine [ CDROM pubi] Suchtabelle look-up table [CD-ROM pubi. ] Suchweg search path [retrieval] Such Werkzeug search tool [ online pubi. ] Suchwort search word [retrieval] surfen ν (im Net durch das Net ~) surf ν [online pubi] Surfen η surfing η [onlinepubi] s/w —> schwarzweiß [el. imaging] Symbol inset η [hypertext] symmetrische Kompression symmetric compression [multimedia] SYNC-Code sync code [CD-ROM pubi. ] Synchronisationsfeld sync field [CD-ROM pubi. ] Synthesizer m synthesizer [multimedia] System für elektronische Bildverarbeitung electronic imaging system [el. prepress] - mit gemeinsam benutzten Dateien shared files system [online publ.J S z e n e / scene η [multimedia] tabellarischer Satz tabular composition [typography] Tabelle table ~ der Unterschneidungswerte kerning table [typography] Tabelleneditor table editor [word proc. ] Tabellensatz tabular composition [typography] Tag m tag η [hypertext, el. publishing] Tag, mit ~s versehene Textdatei tagged text file [el. publishing] Tagging η tagging η [el. publishing] Tag-Markierung tag η [hypertext]
tangentiale Spureinstellung tangential tracking [CD-ROM publ. ] Tastatur keyboard η [equipment] Taste button [user interface] tasten ν keyboard ν TBI -> Text-Bild-Integration [desktop publ. ] TCP/IP-Netz TCP/IP network [online publ. ] technisches Publizieren technical publishing Teilaktualisierung partial update [database publ.] teilbarer Bildschirm split screen [user interface] Teilfarbandrucke pi progressive proofs pi [el. prepress] Teilfarbenbild partial color picture Teilfenster subwindow [user interface] Teilnetz subnet [online publ. ] Teilstrecke section [online publ. ] Telepublishing η telepublishing η Terminal« terminal η [equipment] Terminalserver terminal server [online publ. ] Terminator m terminator [online publ. ] Testmustererstellung premastering η [CDROM publ.] Testscan m preview scan [el. prepress] Text text [general sense] ~ in Fettschrift boldfaced text [typography ] ~ und Grafik mischen mix ν text and graphics [desktop publ.] Textattribut text attribute [desktop publ. ] Textaufbereitung text preparation [CD-ROM publ.] Textbereich text area Textbereich text field [database publ. ] Text-Bild-Integration (Abk. TBI) text/image integration, merging η text and graphics [desktop publ.] Textdatei text file [word proc.] Textdaten pi textual data [ word proc. ] Textdatenbank textual database Texteditor text editor [wordproc.] Texteingabe text input Texteingabefeld text box [user interface] Textfarbe text color Textfeld text field [database publ. ] text box [user interface] Textfenster text window [word proc. ] Textfluß (um Bilder herum) flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ. ] Textformat text format [word proc. ] Textkonvertierung text conversion [word
Index Deutsch-Englisch
proc.] Textkorpus text base [document proc. ] Textmarkierung text flag [CD-ROM publ. ] Textmerkmal text attribute [desktop publ. ] Textmodus m text mode /word proc. ] textorientierter Web-Browser text-only Web browser [online publ. ] Textsatz text composition [el. prepress] Texttransfer m text transfer /data proc.] T e x t u r / texture η [el. imaging] Texturieren η texturing η [el. imaging] Textverarbeitung (Abk. TV) word processing Text Werkzeug text tool [user interface] Textzeichenhilfe text tool [user interface] TGA-Format Targa format [graphics] Thema η topic η [retrieval] thematische Seiten thematic pages [online publ.] - Suche thematic search [onlinepubl.] Themenauswahl subject selector [online publ.] Themenbaum subject tree /online publ. ] Themenübersicht subject index [online publ.] Thermal-Dye-Sublimationsdruck thermal dye transfer printing [printers] Thermal-Dye-Sublimationstechnik thermal dye diffusion transfer [printers] Thermodrucker thermal printer [equipment] thermomagnetische Platte magneto-optical disc [equipment] Thermosublimationsdrucker thermal sublimation printer [equipment] Thermotransfer thermal transfer [printers] Thermotransferdrucker thermal transfer printer [equipment] Thermotransferverfahren thermal transfer process [printers] Thermowachstransferdrucker thermal waxtransfer printer [equipment] Thesaurus m thesaurus [retrieval] Thesaurus-Funktion thesaurus feature [retrieval] Thumbnail η thumbnail η TIFF-Format TIFF format [el. imaging] Tiling η tile option [el. prepress] Time-Base-Korrektor time base corrector [multimedia] Tintenstrahldrucker ink jet printer [equipment] Tisch... (Gerät, Modell etc.) desktop ...
German-English index
Tischbelichter desktop imagesetter [equipment] Titelleiste title bar [user interface] TK-Netz im Großstadtbereich metropolitan area network [online publ.] ~ im Grundstücksbereich local area network [online publ] Token η token [online publ. ] Token-Passing(-Verfahren) token passing [online publ.] Token Ring m token ring [online publ.] Token-Ring-Netz token-ring network [online publ.] Tokenumlaufzeit token rotation time [online publ.] Token-Verfahren token passing [online publ. ] Ton sound [multimedia] tone [el. imaging] - (einer Farbe) hue η [el. imaging] audio adj [multimedia] tonal [el. imaging] Toner m toner [printers] Tonerkassette toner cartridge [printers] Tonerpulver dry toner [printers] Tonspur sound track [multimedia] ~ audio track [ CD-ROM publ. ] Tönungs... tonal [el. imaging] Tönungsauflösung tonal resolution [el. imaging] Ton wert tonal value [el. imaging] Topologie/ topology [online publ.] Track m track η ] CD-ROM publ. ] Track Relative Time track relative time [CDROM publ.] Trackingsystem tracking system [CD-ROM publ.] tragbares CD-ROM-Abspielgerät portable CD-ROM player [equipment] Trägerfrequenz-LAN broadband LAN [online publ. ] Trägermaterial substrate η [ CD-ROM publ] Trägerschicht substrate η [CD-ROM publ. ] Trail m (Zurückverfolgung) history [hypertext] Tranformationskompression transformation compression [multimedia] Transceiverkabel drop cable [online publ.] Transfer von Textdateien transferring text files [el. prepress] Transfergeschwindigkeit transfer rate [CD-
ROM publ.] Transferrate transfer rate [CD-ROM publ. ] Transitknoten transit node [onlinepubl.] transparente Schutzschicht protective lacquer [CD-ROM publ. ] Trefferbewertung relevance ranking [ retrieval] Trennung (von Wörtern) hyphenation [word proc.] Trennungslogik (eines Silbentrennprogramms) hyphenation logic [wordproc.] Trennungswörterbuch hyphenation dictionary [word proc.] Trennwörterlexikon hyphenation dictionary [word proc.] Treppenbildung aliasing η [el. imaging] Treppeneffekt aliasing η [el. imaging] trimmen clip ν [graphics] Trimmen η clipping η [graphics] Triple-Speed-... triple-speed adj [CD-ROM publ.] Trockenbelichter dry setter [equipment] Trockenfilmtechnologie dry film technology [el. prepress] Trockentoner dry toner [printers] Trommel rotating drum [equipment] Trommelbelichter drum imagesetter [equipment] Trommelscanner drum scanner [equipment] True-Color-Modus true color mode [el. imaging] True-Color-Wiedergabe true-color display [el. imaging] trunkieren ν truncate [retrieval] Trunkieren η truncation [retrieval] ~ von Wörtern word truncation [retrieval] Trunkierung/ truncation [retrieval] TV —» Textverarbeitung TWAIN-Format TWAIN format [el. imaging] Typ m type η [hypertext] Type/ type η [typography] typisiert typed [hypertext] typisierte Verbindung typed Link [hypertext] typisierter Knoten typed node [hypertext] typografisch typographic, typographical typografischer Code typographic code typografisches Attribut typographic attribute Typometer η type gauge [typography]
Überblendeffekt dissolve η [video] Überblendung dissolve η [video] Überbrückungsprogramme pi bridge products [data proc.] Überbrückungssoftware bridge products [data proc.] Übereinstimmungskriterium match criterion [retrieval] Übergänge pi transitions pi [multimedia] überlappende Fenster overlapping windows [user interface] Übertragungskopfsatz transmission header [ online publ. ] Übertragungsrate transfer rate [CD-ROM publ.] ultrahohe Auflösung ultrahigh definition [el. imaging] -Auflösung ultrahigh resolution [el. prepress] umbrechen make up ν in pages [typography] umbrechen, neu ~ repaginate [typography ] umbrochene Druckseite made-up page [typography] - Korrekturfahnen pi page proofs pi [typography] -Seite made-up page [typography ] Umbruch makeup η [typography ] Umbruchprogramme pi page makeup software [el. prepress] Umbruchstation composition workstation [equipment] Umdrehungen pro Sekunde revolutions per second [CD-ROMpubl.] Umdrehungsgeschwindigkeit rotation speed [ CD-ROM publ.] Umfließen η von Bildern mit Text flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ.] Umsetzprogramm conversion program [data proc.] Umsetztabelle conversion table [data proc.] Umsetztool η conversion tool [data proc.] Umsetzung conversion [dataproc.] - in Hypertext conversion of text into hypertext [hypertext] Umsetzungstabelle conversion table [data proc.] Umwandlung conversion [data proc.] - ins CMYK-System CMYK conversion [el. prepress] Umwandlungsprogramm conversion program [data proc.]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Unabhängigkeit von der Auflösung resolution independence unbeaufsichtigter Druckbetrieb unattended printing [el. prepress] unbedruckter Raum non-image area [typography! Unbunt-Aufbau gray component replacement [el. imaging] UNDO-Befehl UNDO command [user interface] unscharf jagged [el. imaging] Unschärfephänomene pi aliasing effects [el. imaging] Unscharfmaskierung (Abk. USM) unsharp masking [el. imaging] unsichtbare Linien pi hidden lines [graphics] unstrukturierte Textdatei flat text file Unterfarbenreduzierung undercolor removal [el. prepress] Unterfarbenrücknahme undercolor removal [el. prepress] Unterfenster subwindow [user interface] Untergrundfarbe background color [el. imaging] Untermenü submenu [user interface] unternehmensweites Netz corporate network, company network [online publ.] Unterscheidung zwischen Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben case sensitivity [retrieval] unterschneiden ν kern ν [typography] Unterschneiden η keming η [typography] Unterschneidfunktion kerning function [desktop publ.] Unterschneidung, Grad der - degree of keming [typography ] Unterschneidungspaare pi kerning pairs [typography] Unterschneidungswerte pi kerning values [typography] unterschnittene Buchstaben kemed letters [typography] unverknüpft unlinked adj updaten ν update ν [database publ.] Updating η updating η [database publ. ] URL uniform resource locator [onlinepubl.] URL-Adresse uniform resource locator [online publ. ] ursprüngliches Aussehen original image [el. prepress ] - Bild original image [el. prepress] - Bildmaterial original artwork [el. prepress]
German-English index
USM —» Unscharfmaskierung [el. imaging] Vahie-Added-Netz (Abk. VAN) value-added network [online pubi] VAN —» Value-Added-Netz [online publ.] Vektorbild vector image [el. imaging] Vektordaten pi vector data [graphics] Vektorgrafik vector graphics [el. imaging] vektorisieren vectorize [graphics] vektorisierte Daten pi vector data [graphics] verankern ν anchor ν [desktop publ. ] Verankern η anchoring η [desktop publ. ] Verarbeitung mit dem RIP RIPping η, ripping η [el. prepress] Verbesserung (der Darstellung) enhancement [el. imaging] verbinden (Objekte etc.) link ν [hypertext] ~ (mittels Gateway) gateway ν [online publ. ] verbindungsloses lokales Netz wireless LAN [online publ.] Verbund von Netzen interconnection of networks [online publ. ] verdecken hide vt verdeckte Fläche hidden surface [graphics] ~ Linien pi hidden lines [graphics] Verfasser author η [general sense] Verfasserfeld bibliographic preparer field [CD-ROM publ.] vergrößern enlarge [el. prepress] scale ν lei. imaging] blow up ν [el. imaging] vergrößern zoom in upon ν [user interface] vergrößerter Bildausschnitt zoom window [el. imaging] Vergrößerung enlargement [el. prepress] ~ (Verhältnis) enlargement ratio [el. prepress] Vergrößerungsbereich scale η of enlargement [el. imaging] Vergrößerungsfaktor (beim Zoomen) zoom factor [el. imaging] Vergrößerungsfunktion magnify tool [user interface ] Vergrößerungsverhältnis enlargement ratio [el. prepress] Verhypertextung/ conversion of text into hypertext [hypertext] verkleinern scale down ν [el. imaging] zoom down ν [user interface ] verkleinerte Abbildung thumbnail η - Bilddarstellung thumbnail η verkleinerter Bildausschnitt thumbnail size
- Layoutausdruck thumbnail sketch Verkleinerung reduction [el. imaging] ~ (Verhältnis) reduction ratio [el. prepress] Verkleinerungsverhältnis reduction ratio [el. prepress] verknüpfen ν link ν [hypertext] Verknüpfen η linking η [hypertext] Verknüpfen, neuerliches ~ re-linking η [hypertext] verknüpft linked adj [database publ. ] verknüpfte Fenster pi linked windows [user interface] ~ Sicht web view [hypertext] verknüpftes Browsing linked browsing [retrieval] Verknüpfung link η [hypertext] ~ in einer Richtung one-way link [hypertext] ~ zwischen (verschiedenen) Dokumenten interdocument link [hypertext] Verknüpfungsanzeiger button [hypertext] Verknüpfungsdatei web file [hypertext] Verknüpfungshinweis link point [hypertext] Verknüpfungssymbol link icon [hypertext] Verknüpfungsziel target link [hypertext] verkürzen truncate [retrieval] Verlust, mit - (Komprimierung etc.) lossy [multimedia] verlustbehaftet lossy [multimedia] verlustbehaftete Komprimierung lossy compression [multimedia] verlustfreie Codierung lossless coding [multimedia] ~ Komprimierung lossless compression [multimedia] vermaschte Topologie mesh topology [online publ.] vermaschtes Netz meshed network [online publ.] Vermaschung/ meshing η [online publ. ] vernetzbar networkable vernetzen network, integrate into a ~ vernetzte PCs PC network [online publ. ] ~ Sicht web view [hypertext] ~ Systeme networked systems vernetzter Betrieb networking η Vernetzung/ networking η ~ mehrerer LANs internetworking η [online publ.] vernetzungsfähig networkable Vernetzungssoftware netware [online publ.]
Verschachtelung/(von Daten) interleaving η [CD-ROM publ.] Verschiebebalken scroll bar [user interface] verschieben (den Cursor etc.) reposition ν Verschieben (waagrechtes oder senkrechtes) scrolling η [user interface] Verschlagwortung/ indexing η [document proc.] verschlüsseltes Dokument ciphered document [document proc.] Verschmelzfünktion blending function [el. imaging] Verstärker(station) repeater [online publ. ] Verteiler hub [online publ.] verteiltes Netz distributed network [online publ.] Vertiefung (in der Beschichtung) pit η [CDROM publ.] vertikaler Trommelscanner vertical drum scanner [equipment] vertikales Aufzeichnungsverfahren vertical recording [CD-ROMpubl] - Scrolling vertical scroll [user interface] Vertonung sound recording [multimedia] vervielfältigen replicate ν [CD-ROM publ. ] Vervielfältigung replication [CD-ROM publ. ] Verweis, der ins Leere geht stale link [hypertext] Verweisnetz network of links [hypertext] Verweisung cross-reference η [document proc. ] Verzeichnis η table of contents [CD-ROM publ.] Verzeichnistabelle directory table [CD-ROM publ.] Verzweigungen pi hot links pi [hypertext] VGA-Auflösung VGA resolution [equipment] VGA-Karte VGA card [equipment] VHD-Platte very high density disc [CD-ROM publ.] Videoadapter video adapter [multimedia] Videoausgang video output [multimedia] Videobeschleunigung video acceleration [multimedia] Videobild video frame [multimedia] - (einzelnes) video frame [el. imaging] Videoclip m video clip [el. imaging] Videodatei video file [multimedia] Videodigitalisierer video digitizer [equipment] Videodigitalisierung (Bild für Bild) video
Index Deutsch-Englisch
digitizing [el. imaging] Video-Digitalisierungskarte frame grabber [multimedia] Video-Digitizer m (Gerät) video digitizer [equipment] - m (Karte) frame grabber [multimedia] Videoeingang video input [multimedia] Videofenster video window [multimedia] Videofrequenz videofrequency [multimedia] Video-Grabber-Karte frame grabber [multimedia] Videointerface η video interface [multimedia] Videokamera video camera [equipment] Videokarte video board [multimedia] Videokompression video compression [multimedia] Video-Output-Karte genlock card [multimedia ] Videoport m video port [multimedia] Videopuffer video buffer /multimedia] Videoquelle video source [multimedia] Video-RAM η (Abk. VRAM) video RAM [multimedia] Videorecorder m video cassette recorder [equipment] Videoschnitt video cutting Videoschnittstelle video interface [multimedia] Videosequenz video sequence [multimedia] Videosignal video signal composite video signal [multimedia] Videosoftware videoware [multimedia] Videospeicher frame buffer [multimedia] Videostecker video connector [equipment] Videozeile video line vierfach, mit ~er Geschwindigkeit quad speed [CD-ROMpubl.] Vierfach-Laufwerk, 4-fach-Speed-Laufwerk quad speed drive [CD-ROM publ. ] Vierfarbdruck four-color printing [print shop] - (Produkt) four-color print [print shop] Vierfarben... four-color... Vierfarben(bild)material four-color artwork [el. prepress] Vierfarbendruck four-color printing [print shop] ~ (mit Farbseparierung) process color printing [el. prepress] Vierfarbentrennung four-color separation [el. prepress]
German-English index
Vierfarbgrafik four-color graphics [el. prepress ] vierfarbiger Druck four-color print [print shop] Vierfarbseparation four-color separation [el. prepress ] Vierfarbseparierung four-color separation [el. prepress] Vierfarbverfahren (CMYK) CMYK process [el. prepress] 14-Bit-Code fourteen-bit code, 14-bit code [CD-ROM publ.] Virtual Reality (Abk. VR) virtual reality virtuelle Realität (Abk. VR) virtual reality virtueller Knoten virtual node [onlinepubl.] virtuelles Netz virtual network [online publ.] V-Knoten virtual node [online publ. ] Vollbild (Bildschirm) full-frame display ~ (Illustration) full-page illustration Vollbildvideo full-screen video [multimedia] volldigital fully digital [el. prepress] Vollfarbdruck full color print [print shop] vollfarbig full color /print shop] Vollformatanzeige full-screen display Vollformatbildschirm full-page screen [equipment] Vollformatdarstellung full-page display, fullframe display Vollformat-Editor full-screen editor [word proc.] Vollframe reference frame [multimedia] vollindiziert fully indexed [documentproc.] vollinvertierte Datei fully indexed file [document proc.] Vollseitenumbruch full-page composition [el. prepress] Volltext full text [document proc.] Volltextdaten pi full-text data [document proc.] Volltextdatenbank full-text data bank [document proc.] Volltextdokumente pi full-text documents [document proc.] Volltextindex full-text index [document proc.] Volltextindizierung full-text indexing [document proc. ] Volltextrecherche/ full-text retrieval [document proc.] Volltextrecherchesystem full text retrieval system [document proc. ]
Volltextretrieval η full-text retrieval [document proc.] Volltextretrievalsystem full text retrieval system [documentproc.] Volltextsuche full-text retrieval [document proc.] Volume Descriptor volume descriptor [CDROM publ.] Vorabansicht preview η [desktoppubl.] Voransicht (beim Scannen etc.) preview η [el. prepress] Voransichtscannen η prescanning η [el. prepress] Voranzeige preview η [desktoppubl.] Voranzeigemodus preview mode [desktop publ.] Voranzeigen preview ν [desktop publ.] Vordergrundfarbe foreground color Vordruckbreite form width [wordproc.] Vorgabedrucker default printer Vorgabefont default font Vorgabeschriftart default font vorgefertigte grafische Darstellungen clip art [el. prepress] vorrollen ν (Text auf dem Bildschirm) scroll up ν [user interface] Vorrollen η scrolling up [user interface] Vorschau preview η [desktoppubl.] ~ am Bildschirm onscreen previewing [el. prepress ] Vorschaufenster preview window [user interface] Vorschaumonitor preview monitor [equipment] Vorschlag der High Sierra Group HighSierra Group proposal [CD-ROM publ. ] Vorstufe prepress η Vorstufenprozesse pi prepress operations VR virtuelle Realität VRAM -> Video-RAM [multimedia] Wahl selection wählen select ν WAIS wide area information server [online publ. ] WAN wide area network [online publ. ] "Was-wäre-wenn"-Seite what-if page [el. prepress ] Wave-Datei wave file [multimedia] Web η web η [hypertext] Web η World Wide Web [online publ. ]
Web-Adresse uniform resource locator [online publ.] Web-Browser m Web browser [online publ. ] Web-Dokument Web document [online publ.] Webmaster m Webmaster [online publ. ] Web-Publishing η Web publishing [online publ.] Web-Seite Web page [online publ. ] Web-Server m Web server [online publ.] Website/ Website [online publ.] Webspace m Web space [online publ. ] wechselnde Dialogführung mixed initiative [user interface] wegzoomen zoom down ν [user interface] Weißabgleich white balance [el. imaging] Weißheitsgrad whiteness degree [el. imaging] Weiterverarbeitung postprocessing η [print shop] Weitverkehrsnetz wide area network [online publ.] Wellenformcodierung waveform coding [multimedia] Werksatz book composition [typography] Werkzeugkasten toolbox [user interface] wieder beschreibbar rewritable [CD-ROM publ.] Wiedergabe (eines Bilds) rendering η [general sense] wiedergeben reproduce [multimedia] Wiederverknüpfen re-linking η [hypertext] Wipe m wipe η [video] Wischeffekt wipe η [video] Wischmuster wipe η [video] Workflow m workflow [el. prepress] Workflow-Management workflow management [el. prepress] Workgroup/ workgroup [online publ.] Workgroup Computing η workgroup computing [online publ.] Workstation / workstation [online publ. ] World-Wide-Web η (Abk. WWW) World Wide Web [online publ.] World-Wide-Web-Dokument Web document [online publ.] WORM-CD/ CD WORM disc WORM-Platte WORM disk [equipment] Wortabstand (vom Dokumentanfang) word offset [retrieval] wortbezogener Verweis word-based link [retrieval]
Index Deutsch-Englisch
Wörterbuch, vom Benutzer erweiterbares ~ user-expandable dictionary [wordproc.] Worttrennung hyphenation [word proc. ] Write-Once-Speicher write-once medium [CD-ROM publ.] WWW -> World-Wide-Web [online publ. ] WYSIWYG η WYSIWYG [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG-Bildschirm WYSIWYG screen [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG-DarsteUung WYSIWYG display [desktop publ] WYSIWYG-Eigenschaft WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG-Schriften pl WYSIWYG fonts [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG-Texteditor WYSIWYG text edi tor [desktop publ.] Yellow Book Yellow Book [CD-ROM publ. ] YUV-System YUV color system [el. imaging] ZCAV-System zoned constant angular velocity [CD-ROM publ. ] Zeichenabstand pitch η [printers] Zeichenerkennung character recognition Zeichenerkennungssoftware character recognition software Zeichenfolge character string, string η [data proc.] Zeichenkette character string, string η [data proc.] Zeichensatz character set Zeichenvorrat character set Zeichenwerkzeug drawing tool [user interface] Zeichnen η drawing η Zeichnung drawing η Zeigevorrichtung pointing device [user interface] Zeilendichte (z.B. in Zeilen/Zoll) line density [word proc.] Zeilenrestwertanzeige line remainder display [el. prepress] Zeilenüberschrift row head Zeitadreßcode time code [multimedia] Zeitbasiskorrektor time base corrector [ multimedia ] Zeitcode time code [multimedia] Zeitkorrektur time correction [multimedia] Zeitlinie (chronologische) timeline [multimedia]
German-English index
Zeitraffung fast-time scale [multimedia] Zeitung on-demand newspaper on demand [el. publishing] zellulares Netz cellular network [online publ. ] Zentrale/ headend [onlinepubl.] zentraler Verteilpunkt hub [online publ. ] Zentrum η (eines Sternnetzes) hub [online publ.] ziehen ν drag ν [user interface] Ziehen η dragging η [user interface] Zieldokument target document Zielknoten destination node [onlinepubl.] target node [hypertext] Zielpunkt einer Verknüpfung link destination [hypertext] Z o o m b o x / zoom box [user interface] zoomen ν zoom ν [el. imaging] Zoomen η zooming η [el. imaging] Zoomfenster zoom window [el. imaging] Zoomfunktion zoom function [el. imaging] Zoomstufe zoom factor [el. imaging] Zugang access η ~ zum Netz network access [online publ] Zugriff access η ~ auf Dateien fremder Rechner remote file access [onlinepubl.] ~ auf Daten data access [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ auf mehrere Terminals multiple terminal access [onlinepubl.] ~ mittels Schlagwort keyword access [document proc.] Zugriffsberechtigungsstufe access permission level [onlinepubl.] Zugriffshäufigkeit access frequency [document proc. ] Zugriffssoftware access software [document proc.] Zugriffsstrategie access strategy [document proc.]
Zugriffszeit access time Zulieferverknüpfung warm link [hypertext] zurechtpassen resize v, crop ν [el. imaging] zurichten ν crop ν [el. imaging] Zurichten η cropping η [el. imaging] Zurichtung/ cropping η [el. imaging] Zurücknahme-Befehl UNDO command [user interface] zurücknehmen undo ν [user interface] zurückrollen (Text auf dem Bildschirm) scroll down ν [user interface ] Zurückrollen η scrolling down [user interface1 zusammengesetzter Knoten composite node [hypertext] Zusammenmischen von Text und Grafik text-and-graphics integration [desktoppubl.] Zweifarbendruck two-color print [print shop] zweifarbig bi-tonal [el. prepress] two-color [print shop] Zweig branch η [onlinepubl.] zweimal anklicken (mit der Maus) doubleclick ν [user interface] Zweitfarben pi secondary colors Ζ weiton vorlagen pi bi-tones pi [el. prepress] zwischen Netzen internetwork adj [online publ.] Zwischenabzüge pi intermediate proofs [el. prepress] Zwischenknoten intermediate node [online publ.] Zwischenproofs pi intermediate proofs [el. prepress] Zwischenschlag gutter [typography] Zwischenspeicher clip board, electronic ~ [user interface] Zwischenstation bridge η [online publ.] Zwischentöne pi intermediate tones [el. imaging]
Index franfais-anglais
a c c i l i r a t e u r graphique I equipment] accl^ration vidio [multimedia] accfes access η
graphics accelerator
video acceleration
- ä fichiers residents sur ordinateurs distants remote file access [online publ] - ä plusieurs terminaux multiple terminal access [online publ.] - au Internet Internet access [online publ. ] ~ au riseau network access [online publ. ] - au serveur server access [online publ. ] - aux donnies data access [CD-ROM publ. ] - par mot-cli keyword access [document proc.] acquisition et incrustation du signal νΐάέο frame grabbing [el. imaging] - vid6o video digitizing [el. imaging] actualisation updating η [database publ.] adaptateur graphique graphics adapter [equipment] - vid£o video adapter [multimedia] adressage par groupes group addressing [online publ.] adresse de groupe group address [online publ.] ~ de secteur sector address [CD-ROM publ. ] - Internet Internet address [onlinepubl.] - I P IP address [online publ. j βέπ^ΓβρΙιε airbrush tool [el. imaging] affichage display η [equipment] ~ basse ^solution low-resolution screen [equipment] - d'images v i d i o en plein Icran full-screen video [multimedia] - d'une page en mode ρΓέvisualisation page preview display [desktoppubl.] - de menus menu display [user interface] - des vraies fontes true-font display [desktop publ.] - ecran softcopy [el. prepress] - en chemin de fer thumbnail sketch - longueur remanente des lignes line remainder display [el. prepress] - plein ecran full-screen display, full-page display, full-frame display ~ pleine page full-page display - W Y S I W Y G W Y S I W Y G display [desktop publ.] afficher (donnees sur un icran etc.) display ν afRcher, ne pas - (ä l'ecran) hide vi
afficheur video display unit [equipment] - plein Icran full-page screen [equipment] agrandir (photographiquement) blow up ν [el. imaging] ~ (une partie de l'image etc.) enlarge [el. prepress] - l a v u e zoom in upon ν [user interface] agrandissement enlargement [el. prepress] agr6able ό l'utilisateur user-friendly aide (en ligne) contextuelle context-sensitive help [user interface] - de navigation navigation aid [retrieval] ~ en ligne online help [user interface] aisance d'utllisation user friendliness ajustement calibration [el. prepress] - des couleurs color calibration [el. imaging] algorithme de compactage compression algorithm [multimedia] - de compression compression algorithm [multimedia] - de correction d'erreurs error-correction algorithm [ CD-ROM publ. ] aliasing m aliasing η [el. imaging] aliassage aliasing n, aliasing effects [el. imaging] A l p h a Channel alpha channel [video] alνέοΐβ pit η [CD-ROMpubl.] ambiante multimedia multimedia environment an^lioration enhancement [el. imaging] ampliflcateur repeater [online publ. ] ancrage anchor η [hypertext] ~ (d'un graphique ä des portions de texte) anchoring η [desktoppubl.] ancrer (une illustration ä un certain endroit du texte) anchor ν [desktop publ. ] angle de la trame screen angle [el. prepress] ~ de trame screen angle [el. prepress] animation animation [el. imaging] ~ electronique animatronics [multimedia] - par ordinateur computer animation [el. imaging] animations g£n£r£es par ordinateur computer-generated animation [el. imaging] animer animate ν [el. imaging] anneau a jeton token ring [online publ. ] ~ local local loop [onlinepubl.] - logique logical ring [online publ. ] annotation annotation [wordproc., hypertext, multimedia] annoter annotate [wordproc.]
French-English index
annulation derniere commande UNDO command [user interface] annuler (une commande) undo ν [user interface] ~ l'effet de la derniere commande undo ν [user interface] ~ la derniere action undo ν [user interface] anti-aliasing antialiasing η [el. imaging] anti-crenelage antialiasing η [el. imaging] appareil de copie par contact contact printer [el. prepress] - numeriseur d'images video direct image capture camera [equipment] ~ photo numerique digital camera [equipment] appel automatique automatic calling [online publ.] - d e n o t e footnote symbol [word proc.J applications de PAO desktop publishing applications ~ multimedia multimedia applications apprentissage interactive interactive tutoring [multimedia ] arbre des dialogues history tree [hypertext] ~ des fichiers file tree [CD-ROM publ. ] - des themes subject tree [online publ. ] architecture client/serveur client/server architecture [onlinepubl] - CNA communication network architecture [online publ. ] ~ de reseau network architecture [online publ. ] ~ de reseau federateur backbone network architecture [online publ. ] ~ en etoile star-shaped architecture [online publ.] - type bus bus architecture [onlinepubl.] archivage et recherche de documents document filing and retrieval [document proc.] archive d'images en ligne online image collection [el. publishing] ~ de masse mass file [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ numerique digital archive [documentproc.] - numerique d'images digital image library [el. prepress] arrangement (des textes et graphiques) sur une page layout η [typography ] arret sur l'image freeze frame [multimedia] arriere plan background arriere-plan d'image background image [el. imaging]
art graphique graphic arts ~ publicitaire commercial art [el. prepress] article plus pas valide expired article [online publ.] articles de menu menu topics [user interface] arts graphiques graphic arts ascenseur scroll box [user interface] ~ (de defilement) scroll bar [user interface] asservissement radial radial tracking [CDROM publ] - tangentiel tangential tracking [CD-ROM publ.] assurer le registre register, to be in ~ [typography] atelier d'impression, ~ d'imprimerie printing shop atelier de prepresse prepress plant ATM, police ~ ATM font [desktop publ. ] attribut attribute η [dataproc.] ~ d'ecran screen attribute ~ de composition layout attribute [desktop publ.] ~ de fonte font attribute [desktop publ ] - de mise en page layout attribute [desktop publ. ] ~ de texte text attribute [desktop publ ] - typographique typographic attribute - visuel display attribute [user interface] audio audio adj [multimedia] auteur author η [general sense] authoring m authoring η [el. publishing] autofocus m autofocus η [equipment] autoroute de l'information information highway [multimedia ] ~ numerique information highway [multimedia] avance de film film transport [el. prepress] AVC —> connexion audiovisuelle [multimedia] AVI, format ~ AVI format [multimedia] AVI (audio video entrelaces) audio video interleave^) [multimedia] axe (mecanique) spindle [CD-ROM publ. ] B-routeur Β router [onlinepubl] bac de chargement caddy η [CD-ROM publ. ] balance chromatique color balance [el. imaging] ~ des blancs white balance [el. imaging] ~ des couleurs color balance [el. imaging] balayage scan η [el. prepress] browsing η [hypertext]
balayage couleur color scanning [el. prepress] balayages d'essai trial scans [el. prepress] balisage markup η [hypertext] tagging η [el. publishing] markup η [typography ] balise tag η [hypertext, el. publishing] balise tagged [el. publishing] balise de debut start tag [hypertext] - de debut et de fin start and end tag [el. publishing] ~ de fin end tag [hypertext] balises HTML HTML tags [el. publishing] bände de defilement scroll bar [user interface] - de pregravure premaster tape [CD-ROM publ.] ~ magnetique audio-numerique digital audio tape [multimedia] ~ mere master tape [CD-ROM publ. ] banque d'images image data bank ~ d'images numerisees digital image data bank [el. prepress] ~ de documents document bank [hypertext] ~ de donnees de texte integral full-text data bank /document proc. ] barre bar η [user interface] - d e defilement scroll bar [user interface] ~ de menu menu bar [user interface] ~ de titre title bar [user interface ] ~ des icones icon panel [user interface] basculer flip ν [el. imaging] base de donnees (abr. B.D.) database ~ de donnees distante remote database [online publ. ] ~ de donnees multimedia multimedia database ~ de donnees textuelie(s) textual database ~ de hypertexte hypertext base ~ de temps du reseau network timing [online publ.] - de texte text base /document proc.] basse resolution low resolution B.A.T. —» bon ä tirer [el. prepress] BBS (service de messagerie electronique) bulletin board service [onlinepubl.] B.D. —» base de donnees bibliotheque d'images image library [el. prepress ] ~ d'images numerisees digital image library [el. prepress]
Index fran ichange dynamique des donnies [database publ. ] DDES (normes pour l'öchange de donnies numeriques) digital data exchange specifications [el. prepress] dibit de riseau network throughput [online publ.] dicodage EFM EFM decoding [CD-ROM publ.] dicodeur CIRC CIRC decoder [CD-ROM publ.] - MPEG MPEG decoder [multimedia] dicompactage decompression [multimedia] dicompacter decompress ν [multimedia] dicompresser decompress ν [multimedia] dicompresslon decompression [multimedia] dicomprimer decompress ν [multimedia] dicouper clip ν [graphics] difaire undo ν [user interface ] defilement (sur l'6cran) scrolling η [user interface ] ~ prialable (sur icran) preview η [desktop publ.]
French-English index
defilement vers la gauche (ou vers la droite) side scrolling [user interface] ~ vers le base scrolling down [user interface] - vertical vertical scroll [user interface] definissable par l'utilisateur user-definable I user interface ] definition de I'ecran screen resolution [equipment] ~ du type de document document type definition [document proc.] - ultra-haute ultrahigh definition [el. imaging] degrade m graded tint [el. imaging] degrade de forme blending function [el. imaging] degre de blanc whiteness degree [el. imaging] - de crenage degree of kerning [typography ] delai rotationnel rotational delay [CD-ROM publ.] delta m delta - YUV delta YUV [el. imaging] demi-teinte continuous tone [el. prepress] demi-teintes intermediate tones [el. imaging] demi-tons halftones pi [el. prepress] middletones pi [el. imaging] demi-trame field [multimedia] demi-teinte, en ~ halftone ... [el. prepress] demodulateur EFM EFM demodulator [ CDROM publ.] demodulation EFM EFM demodulation [CD-ROM publ.] densite density [el. prepress, print shop] - de caracteres (caracteres par pouce) pitch η [printers] - de lignes line density [word proc. ] - de pixel pixel depth [el. imaging] - des couleurs color saturation [el. imaging] - des points dot density [el. imaging] ~ maximale maximum density [el. prepress] densitometre densitometer [el. prepress] densitometrie densitometry [el. prepress] dentele jagged [el. imaging] dentelure aliasing η [el. imaging] depla^able scrollable [user interface] deplacement lateral (du texte) side scrolling [user interface] deplacer l'image de I'ecran (vers le haut / vers le bas) scroll vt [user interface] ~ l'image de I'ecran (vers le haut / vers le bas) scroll vi I user interface ]
~ lateralement (le texte etc.) side-scroll ν [user interface] ~ vers le bas scroll down ν [user interface] - vers le haut scroll up ν [user interface] depot conducteur land η [CD-ROM publ. ] dessin drawing η ~ anime animated graphics [el. imaging] ~ lineaire line drawing [el. imaging] - vectoriel vector image [el. imaging] dessins bitonaux bi-tones pi [el. prepress] ~ pour collage (libres de droits) clip art [el. prepress] destination d'une liaison link destination [hypertext] destructrice adj lossy [multimedia] destructrice, non ~ lossless coding [multimedia] detecter detect [online publ. ] detection des erreurs EDC/ECC error detection and correction coding / CD-ROM publ.] detourage scissoring η [el. imaging] detourer clip ν ]graphics] developpement developing η [el. prepress] developper develop ν [el. prepress] developpeuse film developer [equipment] diagramme chromatique de la CIE CIE chromaticity diagram [el. imaging] diapo —> diapositive slide show [multimedia] diaporama (creer des diaporamas) slide show [multimedia] - ä I'ecran slide show [multimedia/ diapositive (abr. diapo) slide η diapositives couleur color slides [el. prepress ] dictionnaire de coupure de mots hyphenation dictionary [wordproc.] - des exceptions exception word dictionary [word proc.] - expansible expandable dictionary [word proc.] ~ expansible par l'utilisateur user-expandable dictionary [wordproc.] ~ orthographique spelling dictionary [word proc.] didacticiel recreatif edutainment software difference de ton tone [el. imaging] differences entre images delta frames [multimedia] differenciant majuscules et minuscules casesensitive [ retrieval]
differentiation des majuscules/minuscules case sensitivity [retrieval] diffusion numerique digital distribution [online publ.] ~ par fax broadcast fax [online publ. ] digital digital [data proc.] - video interactive digital video interactive [multimedia] digitalisation digitization [el. imaging] digitaliser digitize digjtaliseur digitizer [el. imaging] diminuer la chasse kern ν [typography] diminution de la chasse kerning η [typography] discours sonore sound output [multimedia] discretisation digitization [el. imaging] dispositif de numerisation digitizer [el. imaging] ~ de pointage pointing device [user interface] ~ de sortie sur papier normal plain paper output device [equipment] dispositifs de traitement de l'image imaging devices pi [general sense] disque disk; disc disque(s), sans ~ diskless [onlinepubl.] disque ä enregistrement unique WORM disk [equipment] ~ ä laser laser disc [multimedia] ~ audionumerique audio CD [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ bridge bridge disc [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ CD master master disc [ CD-ROM publ. ] -CD-WORM CD WORM disc ~ compact (abr. CD) compact disc [CD-ROM publ.] - compact informatique CD-ROM - d'essai check disc [CD-ROMpubl. ] ~ de mode mixte mixed-type disc [ CD-ROM publ.] ~ dur hard disk [equipment] ~ en verre glass master [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ laser laser disc [multimedia] ~ local local disk /online publ. ] ~ magneto-optique magneto-optical disc [equipment] - maitre master disc, glass master [CD-ROM publ.] ~ mere mother disc [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ (optique) non-reinscriptible WORM disk [equipment] ~ optique compact (abr. doc) CD-ROM
Index franQais-anglais
~ optique non reinscriptible write-once optical disc [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ optique numerique (abr. DON) compact disc, CD-ROM [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ original metallique stamper disc [CD-ROM publ.] - partage shared disk [online publ. ] ~ pour pregravure premaster disc [CD-ROM publ.] ~ test check disc [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ thermomagnetique magneto-optical disc [equipment] ~ VHD very high density disc [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ WORM WORM disk [equipment] distance du mot word offset [retrieval] distribution electronique electronic distribution [el. publishing] ~ electronique des informations electronic information delivery [onlinepubl.] division des mots hyphenation [wordproc.] doc —> disque optique compact document document η [word proc. ] ~ chiffre ciphered document [document proc.] ~ cible target document - d'execution camera-ready copy [el. prepress ] ~ de texte libre free-text document [document proc.] - en hypertexte hypertext document ~ en teintes continues continuous tone image [el. prepress] ~ multimedia multimedia document ~ numerise portable portable digital document [el. prepress] - portable portable document [el. prepress] ~ pour le WWW Web document [online publ.] ~ SGML SGML document [el. publishing] documentation en ligne online documentation [user interface ] documents complete full-text documents [document proc.] ~ crees electroniquement electronically generated documents [documentproc.] ~ en texte integral full-text documents [document proc.] ~ imprimes paper-based documents [document proc. ] ~ non textuels non-text documents
French-English index
documents sous forme papier paper-based documents [document proc.J ~ sur papier paper-based documents [document proc.] DON —» disque optique numerique [CD-ROM pubi] donnees ä basse resolution low-resolution data [el. prepress] - ä haute ^solution high-resolution data [el. prepress] - d'entree input data [data proc. ] - de texte n i g r a l full-text data [document proc.] - non textuelles nontextual data - numerisees (par scanner) scanned data ~ orientees enregistrements record-oriented data [database publ.] ~ qui ne sont pas des illustrations non-image data [el. prepress] - scannerisees scanned data - s o n o r e s audio data [multimedia] - structures par champs fielded data [CDROM publ.] -textuelles textual data [ word proc. ] - vectorielles vector data [graphics] double vitesse double-speed adj [CD-ROM publ.] double-cliquer double-click ν [user interface] double-clic, effectuer un - double-click ν [user interface] drive de compact-disc CD-ROM drive droits d'auteur, sans - - licence-free DTP (directement ä la plaque) DTP [el. prepress] DVI —» video numerique interactive [multimedia] DVI, technologie ~ digital video interactive [multimedia] dynamique/ dynamic range [el. prepress] E A O —» enseignement assistee par ordinateur [multimedia] EBXA, standard ~ EBXA standard [el. publishing] echange de composants pendant l'ope ration du systeme hot swapping [online publ. ] - de disque disc changeover [CD-ROM publ. ] - de documents document exchange [word proc.] - des images par OPI OPI exchange [el. prepress]
- dynamique des donnees (abr. DDE) dynamic data exchange [databasepubl.] - numerique de donnees digital data exchange [el. prepress] έchantillonnage sampling η [el. imaging, multimedia] echelle d'enlargissement scale η of enlargement [el. imaging] - de densite density scale [el. prepress] - de gris grayscale [el. imaging] - de reduction reduction ratio [el. prepress] - de temps reduite fast-time scale [multimedia] ecran (de visualisation) screen η [equipment] ecran, grand - large screen [equipment] ecran, large - large screen, wide screen [equipment] - sk contact sensitif touch screen [equipmentI - ä tres haute d£f1nition very high resolution screen [equipment] - basse resolution low-resolution screen [equipment] - couleur color screen [equipment] - d'acceuil welcome screen [user interface] - d'aide help screen [user interface] ~ d'edition editing screen [user interface] - d'ouverture welcome screen [user interface] - de previsualisation preview screen [desktop publ. ] - d e v e r r e glass flatbed [equipment] - de visualisation pleine page full-page screen [equipment] - divisi (en zones) split screen [user interface] - divisible split screen [user interface] ~ fenetri windowed screen [user interface] ~ giant large screen [equipment] - graphique graphics screen [equipment] - graphique couleur color graphics screen [equipment] - haute resolution high-resolution screen [equipment] - multifenetre multiwindow screen [user interface ] ~ partage split screen [user interface] - pleine page full-page screen [equipment] ~ vitrail windowed screen [user interface ] - WYSIWYG WYSIWYG screen [desktop publ.] icriture en gras boldface η [typography ] editable editable [wordproc.]
Iditer edit ν [word proc. ] iditeur editor [wordproc.] ~ d'images image editor [el. imaging] - d'instruments instrument editor [multimedia] ~ de fontes font editor - de pages HTML HTML editor [el. publishing] - d e pixels paint program [graphics] - de son sound editor [multimedia] ~ de tableaux table editor [word proc. ] - d e texte text editor [word proc.] ~ de texte WYSIWYG WYSIWYG text editor [desktop publ.J - graphisme intelligent intelligent graphical editor - HTML HTML editor [el. publishing] - pleine page full-screen editor [word proc. ] ~ pour les approches kerning editor [desktop publ.] ~ sonore sound editor [multimedia] - tout £cran full-screen editor [word proc. ] idition publishing η [general sense] editing η [wordproc.] publishing η [el. publishing] authoring η [el. publishing] - ä petits tirages publishing on demand - assistäe par ordinateur computer-aided publishing ~ au niveau pixel pixel editing [graphics] ~ bitmap bitmap editing [el. imaging] - couleur color publishing [el. prepress] - cross-media cross-media publishing [el. publishing] - d'entreprise corporate publishing - d'images image editing [el. imaging] - dans le bureau office publishing ~ de bureau desktop publishing - de fontes font editing ~ de la vraie fonte true type editing [desktop publ.] ~ de nouveaux medias new media publishing - de supports electroniques (ou sur des supports numeriques) electronic publishing - ilectronique electronic editing - ilectronique electronic publishing - electronique (distribuee par reseau) online publishing - ilectronique d'entreprise corporate electronic publishing - ilectronique sur CD-ROM CD-ROM pub-
Index frart(ais-anglais
lishing - electronique sur madias optiques optical publishing [el. publishing] - en hypertexte hypertext authoring ~ en mode points bitmap editing [el. imaging] - faite sur le bureau desktop publishing ~ interactive interactive editing [el. publishing] ~ numirique digital publishing ~ par le biais d'outils de gestion de base de donnies database publishing - par ordinateur computer publishing - personnelle personal publishing [desktop publ.] - pleine page full-page editing [word proc. ] ~ sonore sound editing [multimedia] ~ sous forme electronique electronic publishing ~ sur CD-ROM CD-ROM publishing ~ sur demande publishing on demand - technique electronique electronic technical publishing - video video cutting editique desktop publishing effet (de marches) d'escalier aliasing η [el. imaging] - de loupe zooming η [el. imaging] - de volet wipe η [video] - stirioscopique stereoscopic effect [el. imaging] ~ tridimensionnel threedimensional effect [el. imaging] effets d'escalier aliasing effects [el. imaging] - de son sound effects [multimedia] - de transition transitions pi [multimedia] - speciaux special effects [multimedia] EFM, codeur ~ EFM encoder [CD-ROM publ.] EFM, conversion ~ EFM conversion [CDROM publ] EFM, d£codage - EFM decoding [ CD-ROM publ.] EFM, dimodulateur ~ EFM demodulator [CD-ROM publ.] EFM, demodulation - EFM demodulation [CD-ROM publ.] EFM, modulation - modulation de huit ä quatorze eight-to-fourteen modulation [CDROM publ.] egal ä egal peer-to-peer [online publ.]
French-English index
egalisation des couleurs color matching [el. imaging] elaguer crop ν [el. imaging] element item [el. imaging] element [hypertext] elimination de tramage descreening η [el. prepress] ~ des lignes cachees hidden lines removal [graphics] ~ des redondances redundancy elimination [database publ. ] emploi de fausses couleurs pseudo coloring [el. imaging] emulation PostScript PostScript emulation [desktop publ.] en-tete header field [CD-ROM publ. ] - de ligne row head - de transmission transmission header [online publ. ] encadre d'entree text box [user interface] enceintes pi loudspeaker [multimedia] enchevauchement tiling η encodage RL run-length (en)coding [CDROM publ.] encombrement du reseau network congestion [online publ. ] enlever les portions inutiles crop ν [el. imaging] enregistrable writable adj [CD-ROM publ.] enregistrement vertical vertical recording [CD-ROM publ.] enregistreur de cassettes video video cassette recorder [equipment] - de CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder enrichissement (redactionnel etc.) enhancement [el. imaging] enseignement assistee par ordinateur (abr. EAO) computer-based training [multimedia] ensemble de retrieval retrieval set entramement dragging η [user interface] entre plates-formes cross-platform adj ~ reseaux internetwork adj [online publ. ] entree de parametres parameter input [data proc.] ~ de texte text input - son audio input [multimedia] - video video input [multimedia] entrelacement interleaving η [CD-ROM publ. ]
entrer par clavier keyboard ν envoyer post ν [online publ. ] epaisseur width [typography J eparpillement dithering η [multimedia] epreuvage proofing η [el. prepress] epreuve (en placard) galley [typography] ~ (d'impression) proof η [el. prepress] ~ (de contröle) proof η [general sense] - d'ecran softcopy [el. prepress] ~ d'impression proof print [el. prepress] ~ en placard (sans decoupage en pages) galley [typography] -finale final proof [el. prepress] ~ montee (mise en page) galley [typography] - numerique digital image proof [el. prepress ] epreuves pi press proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ (en placard) galley proofs [typography] epreuves, tirer des - proof ν [el. prepress] - ä sublimation en couleur dye sublimation proofs [el. prepress] ~ analogiques analog proofs [el. prepress] - avant tirage prepress proofs ~ corrigees clean proofs [el. prepress] - couleur color proofs [el. prepress] - couleur analogiques analog color proofs [el. prepress] -d'ecran soft proofs [el. prepress] ~ d'imprimerie (mises en pages) page proofs pi [typography] ~ de maquettage layout proofs [el. prepress] - de quadrichromie separation proofs [el. prepress] ~ electroniques electronic proofs [el. prepress] ~ electroniques transmises par reseau remote proofs [el. prepress] ~ en premiere page proofs [el. prepress] ~ finales prepress proofs ~ intermediaires intermediate proofs [el. prepress] ~ monochromatiques one-color proofs [el. prepress] ~ numeriques digital proofs [el. prepress] - numeriques couleur digital color proofs pi [el. prepress] - numeriques des images image proofing [el. prepress] ~ numeriques en couleur direct digital color proof [el. prepress] ~ papier hard proofs pi [el. prepress]
- par sublimation sublimation proofs [el. prepress] ~ photographiques photographic proofs [el. prepress] ~ pour controler la position position proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ progressives progressive proofs pi [el. prepress] - sur papier hardcopy proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ tirees au laser laser proofs [el. prepress] ePS —> PostScript editable [el. prepress] EPS, fichier ~ encapsulated PostScript file EPS, format ~ encapsulated PostScript format equilibrage automatique des colonnes automatic column balance [desktop publ.] - des couleurs color balance [el. imaging] ~ des gris gray balance [el. imaging] equilibre chromatique color balance [el. imaging] ~ des gris gray balance [el. imaging] equipement de mastering mastering facility [CD-ROM publ.] erreur de suivi tracking error [CD-ROM publ.] ESDI, interface ~ ESDI [CD-ROM publ. ] espace chromatique color space [el. imaging] - colorimetrique color space [el. imaging] ~ dans le Web Web space [online publ. ] - des couleurs color space [el. imaging] - entre colonnes gutter, gutter width [typography] essai d'application application test [multimedia] etablir des liens link ν [hypertext] etalonnage calibration [el. prepress] ~ des couleurs color calibration [el. imaging] etat de fonctionnement du reseau network status [onlinepubl.] - du reseau network status [onlinepubl.] etiquette label η [CD-ROM publ. ] evaluation de la relevance des reponses relevance ranking [retrieval] executer ä une echelle elevee scale up ν [el. imaging] - ä une echelle reduite scale down ν execution d'essai preflight η [el. prepress] expansion zooming η [hypertext] exportation de documents document export [word proc.] exposer burn vt [el. prepress] exposition exposure [el. prepress]
Index fran^ais-anglais
exprimer en numerique digitize extension de la memoire memory expansion [data proc.] ~ de la question query expansion [ retrieval] fabrication des CD-ROM CD-ROM production - des plaques platemaking η [el. prepress] - du master mastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] fa^onnage postprocessing η [print shop] facteur d'agrandissement zoom factor [el. imaging] - d'echelle scaling factor [el. imaging] faire defiler prealablement (sur l'ecran etc.) preview ν [desktoppubl.] ~ defiler vers la gauche (ou vers la droite) side-scroll ν [user interface] - descendre scroll down ν [user interface] ~ glisser drag ν [user interface] - un clic-souris click ν [user interface] ~ un index index, make an ~ [document proc.] ~ un zoom (vers un plan different) zoom ν [el. imaging] ~ un zoom vers le gros plan zoom in upon ν [user interface] ~ un zoom vers le plan general zoom down ν [user interface] FAQ, fichier ~ frequently asked questions [online publ.] fausses couleurs pseudo colors [el. imaging] fax sur demande fax on demand [el. publishing] fenetre (de visualisation) window η [user interface ] fenetre, ouvrir une ~ open ν a window [user interface] - d'acces au reseau user window [online publ.] - d'affichage display window [user interface] - d'aide help window [user interface] - d'edition editing window [user interface] ~ d'entree de la question query entry screen [user interface] - d'image(s) image window [user interface] ~ dans le texte text window [word proc. ] - de dialogue dialog window [user interface] ~ de previsualisation preview window [user interface ] ~ de texte text window [wordproc.] ~ de travail active window [user interface] - de video video window [multimedia]
French-English index
fenetre de zoom zoom window [el. imaging] - en arriere-plan background window - fille secondary window [user interface] - interactive dialog window [user interface ] - pour le texte text window [word ρ roc.] - principale principal window [user interface] - secondaire secondary window [user interface] -video video window [multimedia] fenetres couplies (pour le defilement) linked windows [user interface] - en mosaique tiled windows [user interface] - superposies overlapping windows [user interface] fichier (informatique) file η [data proc.] - ASCII ASCII file [data proc.] - associe as sociated file [CD-ROM publ.] - balise tagged text file [el. publishing] - bitmap bitmap file [el. imaging] - complement indexe fully indexed file [document proc.] - d'affichage display file [desktop publ. ] -d'entree input file [data proc ] - d'image scannee scanned-image file [el. prepress] - d'image(s) picture file - DCS DCS file [el. prepress] - de definition de format(s) format definition file ~ de format format file - de gabarit template file [desktop publ. ] - de liens web file [hypertext] - de serveur server file [online publ. ] - d e sons sound file [multimedia] - de sortie output file [printers] - de travail viewfile [el. prepress] - de video video file [multimedia] - des donnies ä haute räsolution fine data file [el. prepress] - en format WAV wave file [multimedia] - en PostScript encapsule encapsulated PostScript file - EPS encapsulated PostScript file - FAQ frequently asked questions [online publ.] - graphique graphics file [data proc. ] - image(s) picture file - indipendant du dispositif device-independent file - MIDI MIDI file [multimedia] - partagi shared file [online publ. ]
- s o n sound file [multimedia] - texte text file [word proc. ] - texte structu^ structured text file [el. publishing] fidelite repeatability [el. prepress J fidelite des couleurs color fidelity [el. imaging] filets entre colonnes gutter rules [typography ] film film η [el. prepress] film, s a n s - filmless [el. prepress] -nigatif negative film [el. prepress] - positif positive film [el. prepress] films de quadrichromie separated films [el. prepress] - de s£paration separation proofs [el. prepress] filtre anti-crenelage antialiasing filter [el. imaging] - d'importation/exportation import/export filter [data proc.] - de correction chromatique color correction filter [el. imaging] ~ de visualisation viewing filter [hypertext] filtrer ellide ν [hypertext] fin de surbrillance dehighlighting η [user interface ] finesse de la trame distance between screen lines [el. prepress] - des points sur l'icran screen resolution [equipment] - graphique resolution finition fine tuning [desktop publ. ] fixage fixing η [el. prepress] flashagem imaging η [el. prepress] photocomposition [el. prepress] - (direct sur film etc.) imaging η [el. prepress] - (service) imaging service [el. prepress] - ä laser laser image setting [el. prepress] - de film filmsetting - de larges formats wide measure imagesetting [el. prepress] - de pages entires full-page imaging - de ΐΓΪέβ entiers full-signature imaging [el. prepress] - des plaques plate exposure [el. prepress] - direct direct imaging [el. prepress] ~ numirique de plaques d'impression digital platesetting [el. prepress] - PostScript PostScript imagesetting [el. prepress] flasher ν image ν [el. prepress]
~ directement sur plaque image ν directly to plate [el. prepress] flasheuse / imagesetter, imager, imaging device [equipment] phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] ~ (numdrique) digital imagesetter [equipment] - (pour petits formats) imagesetter [equipment] ~ ä laser pour larges formats wide measure laser image setter [equipment] - & papier normal plain paper typesetter [equipment] - ä plat flatbed imagesetter [equipment] - ä sortie sur papier paper imagesetter [equipment] - ä tambour drum imagesetter [equipment] - ä tambour externe ou extirieur external drum film recorder [equipment] - ä tambour interne internal drum film recorder [equipment] - C T P CTP imagesetter [equipment] ~ de film filmsetter [equipment] - de la quatriime giniration fourth-generation phototypesetter [equipment] - de plaques direct-to-plate imagesetter, platesetter [el. prepress, equipment] ~ de plaques au laser laser platesetter [equipment] ~ de table desktop imagesetter [equipment] ~ grand format large-format imagesetter [equipment] ~ numirique de plaques digital platemaker [equipment] - photographique photo imagesetter [equipment] - plat ä laser laser flatbed imagesetter [equipment] - PostScript PostScript imagesetter [equipment] ~ pour ipreuves proofing imager [el. prepress] ~ pour larges formats wide-format imagesetter [equipment] - T R C CRT imagesetter [equipment] flfeche de defilement scroll arrow [user interface] - de d£placement scroll arrow [user interface] ~ de gestion du curseur cursor arrow [user interface ] flux de production workflow [el. prepress]
Index franfais-anglais
~ de texte text flow [desktop publ. ] - de texte automatique automatic text flow [desktop publ] ~ des travaux workflow [el. prepress] ~ des travaux numlrique digital workflow [el. prepress] ~ numerique des donn£es digital data flow [el. prepress] F M V / ( i m a g e animie plein dcran) fullmotion video [multimedia] focalisation focusing η focalise, non - out of focus I CD-ROM publ.] focaliser focus ν fonction d'aide help function [user interface] ~ d'&lition editing function [word proc. ] ~ d'index automatic indexing [document proc. ] - de coupure clipping function [graphics] ~ de crfnage kerning function [desktoppubl.] ~ de fusion blending function [el. imaging] ~ de genlock (synchronisation) genlocking η [multimedia] ~ de prlvisualisation preview function [user interface] - de recherche search function [wordproc.] ~ de rotation rotate function [el. imaging] ~ de thesaurus thesaurus feature [retrieval] ~ de zoom zoom function [el. imaging] ~ glossaire glossary function [word proc. ] - recherche/modification search/replace function [wordproc.] fonctionnalitl de mise en page page layout function [desktoppubl.] fonctionnement en multisession multisession capability [CD-ROM publ. ] fonctions tridimensionnelles, fonctions 3D threedimensional functions [el. imaging] fond background - d'affichage display background - de l'ecran screen background - de page page background fonderie numerique digital type foundry [el. prepress] fondu m blending function [el. imaging] - enchaini dissolve η [video] ~ e n c h a n t fade-in, fade-out η [video] fonte font, typefont [typography] ~ bitmap bit-mapped font [desktop publ.] ~ d'icran screen font [desktop publ. ] ~ d'impression printer font [desktop publ. ]
French-English index
fonte en mode points bit-mapped font [desktop publ. ] - generique generic font [desktoppubl] ~ laser laser font [el. prepress] -numerique digital font [el. prepress] - PostScript PostScript font [printers] ~ pour imprimantes laser laser printer font [desktop publ.] ~ residante built-in font [printers] - speciale special font - standard standard font [printers] - telechargee downloaded typefont fontes de langues etrangeres foreign language fonts [word proc.] - residentes resident fonts [desktop publ. ] - WYSIWYG WYSIWYG fonts [desktop publ.] force de corps point size [typography] format format η [general sense] ~ (horizontal ou vertical) orientation [printers] format, grand ~ large format [print shop ] - ä l'italienne landscape format [printers] - ä la fran;aise portrait format - AVI AVI format [multimedia] - chemin de fer thumbnail size - d'impression print format - de balayage scanning format [el. prepress] ~ de l'image picture format [el. imaging] ~ de la page page size ~ de page page format [word proc.] - de page page orientation [printers] - de sortie output format - de stockage IFF interchange file format [multimedia] ~ de stockage ZCAV zoned constant angular velocity [CD-ROM publ. ] - du texte text format [word proc. ] - encapsule PostScript encapsulated PostScript format - entrelace interleave format [CD-ROM publ.] - EPS encapsulated PostScript format - GIF GIF format [online publ. ] - High Sierra High-Sierra format [CD-ROM publ.] - large wide format [print shop] - libre free format [dataproc.] ~ miniaturise thumbnail size - P D F portable document format / online publ.] ~ portrait portrait format
~ RTF rich text format [document proc. ] ~ texte text format [word proc. ] ~ TGA Targa format [graphics] ~ TIFF TIFF format [el. imaging] ~ TWAIN TWAIN format [el. imaging] ~ vertical portrait format formatage formatting η [data proc.] formate formatted formater format ν [data proc., word proc.] formation des marches d'escalier aliasing effects [el. imaging] forme des points dot shape [el. imaging] - des points de trame grid pattern [el. prepress] formulaire form η [online publ. ] forum de discussion newsgroup [online publ.] fournisseur provider η [online publ. ] ~ d'acces access provider [online publ. ] - d'information information provider [online publ. ] - de services de reseau network provider [online publ.] ~ du contenu content provider [online publ. ] foyer focus η frame m frame η [el. imaging] framebuffer m frame buffer [multimedia] frequence d'acces access frequency [document proc. ] ~ d'images frame rate [CD-ROM publ. ] - de balayage scanning rate [el. prepress] - de mise ä jour update frequency [database publ.] ~ de rafraichissement frame frequency [el. imaging] - de recurrence frame frequency [el. imaging] ~ de tramage grid density [el. prepress] - νίάέο videofrequency [multimedia] FTP, serveur ~ FTP server [online publ. ] fusion blending η [el. imaging] - d'images image merging [el. imaging] ~ de textes et graphiques merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] fusionner texte et graphiques mix ν text and graphics [desktoppubl.]
gabarit template - de pages page template [desktop publ. ] gabarits pi master pages [desktop publ. ]
gamma m (mesure de contraste) gamma [el. prepress] gamme de densite density range [el. prepress] ~ de gris grayscale palette [el. imaging] - de gris grayscale [el. imaging] - de resolution resolution range [el. prepress] ~ des couleurs color gamut [el. imaging] - Pantone Pantone colors [el. prepress] generateur d'images tramees RIP η [equipment] ~ de diapositives imager [equipment] generation d'index index generation [document proc.] - de sons sound generation [multimedia] geometrie des pages page geometry [typography] gere par icones icon-driven [user interface] gestion de documents document management [document proc. ] ~ de documents partage shared document management [documentproc.] ~ de la colorimetrie color management [el. prepress] ~ de reseau(x) network administration [online publ. ] ~ des approches kerning control [typography] - des couleurs color management [el. prepress] - des idees ideas processing ~ documentaire document management [document proc.] ~ du flux des travaux workflow management [el. prepress] ~ du reseau network control [online publ. ] ~ multifenetres multiwindow technique [user interface] GFA groupe ferme d' abonnes [online publ.] GIT, format - GIF format [online publ. ] glass master m glass master [CD-ROM publ. ] glissement dragging η [user interface ] gouttiere gutter [typography] gradation gradation [el. prepress] grand ecran large screen [equipment] -format large format [print shop I ~ reseau wide area network [online publ.] ~ tirage long run [print shop] grapheur graphics program ~ graphics tool [user interface] graphique adj graphic, graphical adj ~f graphics pi [general sense]
Index frangais-anglais
~ m graphic η ~ ä mosai'que mosaic graphics [el. imaging] ~ anime animated graphics [el. imaging] ~ basse resolution low-resolution graphics ~ binaire binary graphics - couleur color graphics [el. imaging] - d'affaires business graphics ~ de gestion business graphics ~ de haute resolution high-resolution graphics ~ de lignes line graph [el. imaging] ~ en lignes line graph [el. imaging] - Iineaire line graph [el. imaging] ~ par points bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] ~ par points ä haute resolution high-resolution dot graphics ~ scanne scanned graphics [desktop publ. ] ~ vectoriel vector graphics [el. imaging] graphiques numerises digitized graphics [el. prepress ] graphisme m graphic η ~ ä forme libre free-form graphics [el. imaging] - de presentation presentation graphics ~ en couleur color graphics [el. imaging] ~ importe imported graphics ~ moyenne resolution medium-resolution graphics - quadrichrome four-color graphics [el. prepress] ~ sur ordinateur computer graphics gras (caractere) bold [typography] gras, e n - bold [typography] graver record vt [CD-ROMpubl.] - l e master master ν [CD-ROMpubl.] graveur de CDs CD-ROM recorder gravure recording η [CD-ROM publ. ] - analogique analog recording [CD-ROM publ.] ~ du master mastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] - numerique (du master) digital mastering [CD-ROM publ.] grille de diffraction diffraction grating [CDROM publ.] grossissement enlargement [el. prepress] groupe d'opinion newsgroup [onlinepubl.] ~ de travail workgroup [online publ. ] - ferme d'abonnes (abr. GFA) closed user group [online publ. ] - ferme d'usagers (ou d'utilisateurs) closed user group [online publ.]
French-English index
groupe HSG HSG [CD-ROM publ. ] habillage (automatique des figures) flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ. ] ~ d'une image par du texte runaround η [desktop publ.] ~ de texte (autour d'images de forme «reguliere) runaround η [desktop publ.] haut-parleur loudspeaker [multimedia] haute resolution high resolution hautes lumieres highlights pi [el. imaging] hauteur volume [multimedia] - des caracteres point size [typography] HDMM, norme - HDMM [CD-ROM publ. J HGS, norme ~ (High Sierra Group) norme ISO 9660 High SierTa specification [CDROM publ. ] histoire d'un dialogue dialog history [retrieval] - des demandes search log [retrieval] historique m history [hypertext] home page m homepage [online publ.] hors repere out of register [typography] hotlist/ hot list [online publ. ] HSG, groupe - HSG [CD-ROM publ. ] HTM HTM [el. publishing] HTML, balises ~ HTML tags [el. publishing] HTML, editeur - editeur de pages HTML HTML editor [el. publishing] HTML, langage - hypertext markup language HTML, pages - HTML pages [el. publishing] HTMS, systeme - hypertext management system HTTP, protocole ~ hypertext transport protocol [online publ.] HyperCard HyperCard hyperdocument hyperdocument [el. publishing] hyperlien hyperlink [el. publishing] hyperlivre hyperbook [el. publishing] hypermedia m hypermedia hyperpiste hyperpath hypertexte hypertext hypertexte, d'- hypertextual adj - multidocument multidocument hypertext hypertextuel hypertextual adj ICC International Color Consortium [organization ] i c o n e / icon [user interface] icone, ä base d'~s icon-driven [user interface]
icone, gere par ~s icon-driven [user interface] icone, Oriente ~s icon-oriented [user interface] ~ d'agrandissement magnify icon [user interface] ~ d'ecran onscreen icon [user interface] ~ de liaison link icon [hypertext] illustration illustration, picture ~ au trait line art drawing [el. imaging] ~ comportant des demi-teintes continuous tone image [el. prepress] ~ de trait line drawing [el. imaging] ~ flottante floating illustration [desktop publ.] - pleine page full-page illustration illustrations art n, illustrative matter [el. prepress ] ~ ä plat flat art [el. imaging] - originales original artwork [el. prepress] ~ quadri(chromes) four-color artwork [el. prepress] - reproductibles camera-ready art [el. prepress ] - tramees raster graphics [el. imaging] illustrer illustrate image image η [general sense] ~ (contenu de 1' ecran) frame η [data proc. ] ~ frame η [multimedia] - ä niveaux de gris continuous tone image [el. prepress] - ä tons Continus halftone image [el. prepress ] ~ arretee freeze frame [multimedia] - au trait line art drawing, line art [el. imaging] - binaire binary image - comprimee compressed image [el. imaging] -couleur color image [graphics] ~ d'arriere-plan background image [el. imaging] ~ de fond background image [el. imaging] ~ de l'ecran screen image ~ en couleurs naturelles true color image [el. imaging] ~ en demi-teinte halftone image [el. prepress] ~ en demi-tons continuous tone image [el. prepress ] ~ en mode point bit-mapped image [el. imaging] ~ en tons Continus gray level image [el. imaging] - figee freeze frame [multimedia]
- monochrome monochrome image ~ Ν et Β black and white image [el. imaging] ~ noire et blanche black and white image [el. imaging] ~ non-tramee gray level image [el. imaging] ~ numerisee digitized image [el. prepress] - numerisee (scannee) scanned image [el. prepress] ~ originate original image [el. prepress] - par points bit-mapped image [el. imaging] ~ par vecteurs vector image [el. imaging] ~ partiellement en couleur partial color picture ~ photorealiste photorealistic image [el. prepress ] - point par point bit-mapped image [el. imaging] image-points bit-mapped image [el. imaging] image positive (lettres claires sur fond sombre) positive image [el. prepress] ~ scannee scanned image, scan η [el. prepress ] ~ sous forme de pixels pixel image [el. imaging] ~ tramee screened picture [el. prepress] - tridimensionnelle, image 3D threedimensional image [el. imaging] image-vecteur vector image [el. imaging] ~ vectorielle vector image [el. imaging] - vectorisee vector image [el. imaging] - video frame n, video frame [el. imaging] imagerie electronique electronic image processing [el. prepress] ~ numerique digital imaging [el. prepress] images animees motion video [multimedia] ~ animees animated graphics [el. imaging] - captees captured images [multimedia] ~ clipart clip-art images, clip art [el. prepress] - electroniques electronic art [el. prepress] ~ en mouvement motion video [multimedia] - en provenance d'ordinateur computergenerated art [el. prepress] - en tons Continus halftone art [el. prepress] ~ numerisees digitized artwork [el. prepress] ~ par ordinateur computer art [el. prepress] ~ par seconde frames per second, frames/sec [el. imaging] ~ pre-dessinees clip art [el. prepress] ~ scannees scanned images [el. prepress] ~ scannerisees scanned images [el. prepress]
Index franfais-anglais
~ synthetiques computer-generated art [el. prepress] - tramees halftone art [el. prepress] ~ video animees moving video [multimedia] imagette icon [user interface] inset η [hypertext] - (visualisation en forme reduite) thumbnail η picon [multimedia] imageur imaging device [equipment] image processing software - (de diapositives) film recorder [equipment] - (pour la production de diapositives couleurs) imager [equipment] ~ a diapositives imagesetter [equipment] ~ ä sec dry setter [equipment] ~ ä tambour drum imagesetter [equipment] ~ pleine page full-page imaging device [equipment] imageuse phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] importer import ν ~ des graphiques par scanner scan graphic images into the computer [el. prepress] ~ des graphismes import ν graphics ~ pages de texte par scanner scan pages into a computer [el. prepress] imposer impose ν [el. prepress] imposition imposition [el. prepress] page makeup ~ electronique electronic imposition [el. prepress] impression print η ~ (d'une liste etc.) printing η - ä laser en couleur(s) laser color printing [print shop] ~ ä projection ionique ion deposition printing technology [printers] - ä sublimation en couleurs color sublimation printing [el. prepress] ~ ä transfert de couleur dye transfer print [el. prepress] ~ au laser laser printing ~ couleur color printing [printers] ~ couleur color printout [el. prepress] ~ couleur ä grand format large-format color printing [print shop] ~ couleur par couleur color separation [el. prepress ] - d'epreuves proof printing [el. prepress] - d'essai test print [print shop] - de caracteres gras bold print [typography ]
French-English index
impression de formats tres grands oversized printing [print shop] ~ de petits tirages short-run printing [print shop] ~ decentralisee decentralized printing ~ electronique electronic printing [el. prepress ] ~ en couleurs color printing [print shop] ~ en deux couleurs two-color print [print shop] - en quadrichromie four-color printing [print shop] ~ en quadrichromie process color printing [el. prepress] - grand format large-format print(ing) [print shop] - monochrome monochrome printing ~ multicouleur multicolor printing [print shop] - numerique digital printing [print shop] - numerique de grands formats digital wide format printing [el. prepress] - numerique de petits tirages digital shortrun printing [print shop] ~ numerique "direct to press" direct-topress system [print shop] - numerique en couleurs digital color printing [el. prepress] ~ numerique en ligne digital online printing [print shop] - numerique en quadrichromie digital four color printing [el. prepress] ~ offset offset printing [print shop] ~ sans surveillance (d'un Operateur) unattended printing [el. prepress] ~ sur demande on-demand printing ~ thermal dye ä sublimation thermal dye transfer printing [printers] - thermique directe direct thermal printing [printers] - toute en couleurs full color print [print shop] ~ typographique letterpress printing [print shop] imprimante printer ~ ä jet d'encre ink jet printer [equipment] ~ a laser laser printer I equipment I - a sublimation sublimation printer [equipment] ~ ä sublimation en couleur dye sublimation printer [equipment]
~ ä transfert thermique thermal transfer printer [equipment] ~ couleur color printer [equipment] ~ couleur de grand format large-format color printer [equipment] ~ d'epreuves proof printer [equipment] ~ d'epreuves numeriques digital proofer [equipment] ~ d'epreuves numeriques en couleur direct digital color proofer [equipment] ~ d'epreuves photographique photographic proof printer [equipment] - de reseau network printer [online publ. ] - de table desktop printer [equipment] ~ electro-erosive electroerosion printer [equipment] - electrostatique electrostatic printer [equipment] ~ en couleurs color printer [equipment] ~ graphique graphics printer [equipment] - hardcopy hardcopy printer [equipment] ~ laser compatible PostScript PostScriptequipped laser printer [equipment] ~ laser couleur color laser printer [equipment] ~ laser de bureau office laser printer [equipment] - laser de table desktop laser printer [equipment] - laser HeNe HeNe laser printer [equipment] ~ LCD LCD printer [equipment] ~ LED LED printer [equipment] - LSC LSC printer [equipment] ~ numerique en couleurs digital color printer [equipment] - par defaut default printer ~ partagee shared printer [online publ. ] ~ PostScript PostScript printer [equipment] ~ postscriptienne PostScript-equipped laser printer [equipment] - pour epreuves en couleur color proofer [equipment] - qui Supporte le langage PostScript PostScript-equipped laser printer [equipment] ~ thermique thermal printer [equipment] - thermique ä sublimation thermal sublimation printer [equipment] ~ thermique ä sublimation en couleurs color thermal sublimation printer [equipment] ~ thermique ä transfert de cire thermal waxtransfer printer [equipment]
imprime printed adj ~ au laser laser-printed adj imprimer print ν - au laser laser print ν - directement sur plaque print ν direct to plate [el. prepress] - en couleurs print ν in color - sur plaque print ν direct to plate [el. prepress] imprimerie printing shop incorporation d'images insertion of figures [desktop publ. ] incrustation freezing η [el. imaging] - video frame grabbing [el. imaging] independance de la resolution resolution independence independant de la resolution resolution independent ~ du plateforme platform-independent ~ du support media independent index index η [document proc.] fist [typography] - alpha alphabetic index [document proc. ] - alphabetique alphabetic index [document proc.] ~ cle key index / CD-ROM publ.] - cumule bulk index [documentproc.] ~ des couleurs color index [el. imaging] - du texte integral full-text index [document proc.] - multiniveau multi-level index [document proc.] - thematique subject index [online publ. ] indexation indexing η [documentproc., CDROM publ.] - automatique automatic indexing [document proc.] - de texte integral full-text indexing [document proc.] indexe indexed [ CD-ROM publ. ] indexe, completement ~ fully indexed [document proc.] indication d'une liaison link point [hypertext! infographie computer graphics infographisme computer graphics information ä valeur ajoutee value-added information - recreative infotainment [el. publishing] informations de formatage format information
Index fran^ais-anglais
~ sur la police de caracteres font metrics [typography] informatique graphique computer graphics inforoute information highway [multimedia] initiative ahernee mixed initiative fuser interface] insertion insertion [desktop publ. ] ~ (de graphiques) insertion [el. prepress] ~ d'illustrations insertion of figures [desktop publ. ] ~ de dessins insertion of figures [desktop publ.] installation CTP computer-to-plate unit [equipment] - de composition electronique electronic typesetting system [equipment] ~ de photocomposition photocomposition device [equipment] - d e s fontes font installation [desktop publ.] instruction typographique typographic instruction integration dans un reseau networking η ~ de texte et graphique text-and-graphics integration [desktop publ. ] - du texte et de l'image merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] ~ texte-image text/image integration, graphics insertion [desktoppubl.] ~ texte/illustrations text/image integration [desktop publ.] intensifie highlighted intensite accentuee highlighting η interactif (systeme etc.) interactive [data proc.] intercalage de fichiers file interleaving [ CDROM publ.] interconnecter (par une passerelle) gateway ν [online publ.] interconnexion de reseaux interconnection of networks, internetworking η [online publ. ] interface/ interface η [dataproc.] ~ ä base d'icones iconic interface [user interface] ~ ä menu menu interface [user interface] ~ Centronics Centronics interface [equipment] ~ d'utilisation graphique graphic user interface ~ de communication communications interface [online publ.] ~ de navigation browser [hypertext]
French-English index
interface de rattachement attachment unit interface [online publ.] - de reseau network interface [online publ. ] - ESDI ESDI [CD-ROM publ. ] - graphique graphics interface, graphic user interface ~ M C I media control interface ~ M I D I (pour instruments de musique) musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] - normalisee standard interface [data ρ roc.] - O P I Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress] - parallele parallel interface [equipment] - pour petits systemes informatiques SCSI [CD-ROM publ.] - SCSI SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] - s e r i e serial interface [equipment] - s o n audio interface [multimedia] - souris mouse interface - utilisateur user interface - utilisateur graphique graphic user interface ~ video video interface [multimedia] - video couleurs color video interface [multimedia] interlettrage kerning η [typography] Internet m Internet [online publ.] interpolation interpolation [el. imaging] interpreteur PostScript PostScript interpreter interrogation interactive interactive query [retrieval] IP, adresse ~ IP address [online publ. ] IP, protocole ~ Internet protocol [online publ. ] irreversible lossy [multimedia] jeton (de passage) token [onlinepubl.] jeu de caracteres character set journal electronique electronic newspaper [online publ. ] - en ligne online newspaper [el. publishing] - sous forme de papier printed newspaper - sur demande newspaper on demand [el. publishing] JPEG, motion - motion JPEG [multimedia] JPEG, standard - JPEG standard [el. imaging] jukebox m (de disques optiques) jukebox [CD-ROM publ.] juste ä temps just-in-time
kit d'extension multimedia multimedia upgrade kit lacunaire lossy [multimedia] langage auteur authoring language [el. publishing] - d'echange de pages page interchange language [desktop publ.] - d'interrogation retrieval language - de commande d'imprimante printer command language [data proc.] - de construction de pages page construction language - de consultation retrieval language - de description de documents document description language [wordproc.] - de description de page (abr. LDP) page description language ~ de preparation technique de la copie markup language [el. publishing] - HTML (pour la description de documents) hypertext markup language - PCL printer command language [dataproc.] - PML page model language ~ PS PostScript ~ SGML SGML [el. publishing] large ecran large screen, wide screen / equipment] largeur de caractere width [typography] - de l'imprime form width [wordproc.] - de la piste track width [CD-ROM publ. ] - de travail (d'un scanner) scanning format [el. prepress] - du support de sortie media width [el. prepress ] LCD, imprimante - LCD printer [equipment] LDP —> langage de description de page lecteur player [multimedia] - d e CD-ROM CD-ROM player - de CD-ROM externe external CD-ROM drive [equipment] - de CD-ROM interne internal CD-ROM drive [equipment] - de compact-disc CD-ROM player - de courbes digitizer [el. imaging] - de disque optique numerique CD-ROM player - externe de CD-ROM external CD-ROM drive [equipment] - integre de CD-ROM internal CD-ROM drive [equipment]
~ interne de CD-ROM internal CD-ROM drive [equipment] ~ portable de CD-ROM portable CD-ROM player [equipment] ~ quadruple vitesse quad speed drive [CDROM publ.] - qui peut lire toutes les polices de caracteres omnifont reader [equipment] lecture de contröle apres ecriture direct read after write [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ de contröle pendant Γ ecriture direct read during write [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ par scanner scanning η [el. prepress] LED, imprimante - LED printer [equipment] lentille lens [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ de collimation collimation lens /CD-ROM publ. ] - de focalisation focusing lens [CD-ROM publ. ] lettre typen [typography] lettres crenees kemed letters [typography] liaison link η [hypertext] - hypertexte hypertext link - repetee re-linking η [hypertext] lie linked adj [database publ. ] lie, non ~s unlinked adj lien link η [hypertext] lien, etablir des ~s link ν [hypertext] - ä direction unique one-way link [hypertext] ~ ä double sens bidirectional link [hypertext] ~ ä sens unique one-way link [hypertext] ~ bidirectionnel bidirectional link [hypertext] ~ chronologique chronological link [hypertext] ~ cible target link [hypertext] ~ conditionnel conditional link [hypertext] ~ d'hypertexte hypertext link ~ de destination target link [hypertext] - de reference referential link [hypertext] - d y n a m i q u e dynamic link [hypertext] ~ entre documents interdocument link [hypertext] ~ hierarchique hierarchical link [hypertext] - multiple multiple link [hypertext] ~ type typed link [hypertext] ~ unidirectionnel one-way link [hypertext] ~ vide stale link [hypertext] ~ vif warm link [hypertext] liens chauds hot links pi [hypertext] ~ de groupement cluster links [hypertext] ~ dynamiques entre fichiers dynamic data
Index fran^ais-anglais
exchange [databasepubl.] ~ semantiques semantic links [hypertext] lier link ν [hypertext] ligne audio audio line [multimedia] ~ d'abonne local loop [online publ. ] - de balayage scan line - de video video line - du temps timeline [multimedia] lignes cachees hidden lines [graphics] ~ elastiques rubber-band lines [graphics] lineature (d'une trame) grid density [el. prepress] lissage antialiasing η [el. imaging] liste chaude hot list [online publ. ] ~ de diffusion mailing list [onlinepubl.] ~ de fichiers file list [online publ. ] ~ de preferences bookmark [hypertext] livraison electronique de documents electronic document delivery [document proc.] livre electronique electronic book [el. publishing] Livre Jaune Yellow Book [CD-ROM publ. ] livre papier printed book Livre Vert Green Book [CD-ROM publ. ] localiser (une chaine de caracteres) search ν [word proc.] logiciel ä menu menu-driven software [user interface ] ~ auteur authoring software [el. publishing] - client-serveur client/server software [online publ. ] ~ clip art clip-art software [el. prepress] ~ d'acces access software [documentproc.] ~ d'animation animation software [el. imaging] ~ d'edition authoring software [el. publishing] ~ d'editique DTP software [desktoppubl.] ~ d'exploitation et de gestion d'un reseau local network operating system [online publ.] ~ d'imposition imposition software [el. prepress ] ~ de balayage scanning software [el. prepress] - de calibration calibration software [el. prepress ] ~ de capture d'images frame grabber [el. imaging] - de composition typesetting software [el. prepress] - de consultation retrieval software
French-English index
logiciel de consultation d'un hypertexte hypertext browser ~ de dessin (vectoriel) illustrator η [desktop publ.] - de gravure de CDs CD recording software ~ de maquettage page makeup software [el. prepress] - de mise en page page makeup software [el. prepress] - de navigation browser [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de PAO DTP software [desktop publ. ] - de recherche retrieval software ~ de reconnaissance de caracteres character recognition software - de reseau local LAN software [online publ.] ~ de retouche photo photo retouching software [el. imaging] ~ imageur image processing software ~ multimedia multimedia software - PDS (pour la creation de documents portables) portable document software [online publ.] - pour processeurs RIP RIP software [el. prepress ] - pour publications techniques technical publishing software (TPS) -reseau netware [online publ] - video videoware [multimedia] logique de cέsuΓe hyphenation logic [word ρ roc.] - de reconnaissance recognition logic longueur logique de page logical page length [el. prepress] LSC, imprimante ~ LSC printer [equipment] lumieres, hautes - highlights pi [el. imaging] luminosite brightness [el. imaging] machine d'impression multicouleur multicolor printing press [equipment] ~ d'impression pour l'office office printing machine [equipment] ~ de mastering mastering machine [CD-ROM publ.] magneto-optique magneto-optical magnetoscope video cassette recorder [equipment] maillage grid density [el. prepress] maille mesh η [online publ. ] maillon mesh η [online publ. ] main (outil pour deplacer un objet) grabber [user interface]
maintien du reseau network maintenance [online publ.] MAN, reseau ~ reseau metropolitain metropolitan area network [onlinepubl.] manche äbalai joystick [equipment] manuels pi sur demande manuals pi on demand [el. publishing] manuscrit balise marked-up manuscript [el. publishing] ~ prepare marked-up manuscript [el. publishing] - saisi par ordinateur compuscript [el. publishing] mapper m mapper [multimedia] maquettage layout η [typography] - interactif interactive page layout [el. prepress] maquette d'epreuve sample page layout ~ de base basic layout [typography] - de la page page layout [typography ] ~ finale final layout - hypothetique what-if page [el. prepress] - standard standard layout marge entre colonnes gutter [typography] ~ separant deux colonnes gutter [typography ] marquage tagging η [el. publishing] marque tagged [el. publishing] marque d'index index mark [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de contröle check mark [user interface] - de graduation tick mark - de preference bookmark [hypertext] ~ de repere register mark [typography ] - de texte text flag [CD-ROM publ. ] marque-pages electronique electronic bookmark [CD-ROM publ.] marquer tag ν [document proc.] marques de recadrage positioning marks marqueur tag η [el. publishing] - de parcours trail marker [hypertext] masquage flou unsharp masking [el. imaging] master m master η [CD-ROM publ. ] master, graver le - master ν [CD-ROM publ. ] - positif positive master [CD-ROM publ. ] mastering m mastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] materiau photosensible photosensitive material [el. prepress] materiel de decodage decoding hardware [CD-ROM publ.] - peripherique peripheral equipment matiere morte dead matter [typography] matri^age mastering η [CD-ROM publ. ]
matrice master η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ (de pressage) stamper disc [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ fils stamper disc [CD-ROM publ. ] MCI, interface ~ media control interface MCP, technique - motion compensated prediction [multimedia] MDU measured data unit [CD-ROM publ. ] mecanisme de protection des fichlers file protection mechanism [CD-ROMpubl.] media electronique electronic medium medias m pi media pi medias, nouveaux ~ new media [el. publishing] ~ audiovisuels audiovisual media ~ imprimes print media pi ~ optiques optical media [el. publishing] medium d'impression printing medium [print shop] megaoctet (abr. Mo) megabyte [data proc.] melange mixing η [multimedia] ~ additif des couleurs additive color mixing [el. imaging] ~ avec le graphisme graphics insertion [desktop publ. ] ~ des couleurs color mixing [el. imaging] melanger mix ν [multimedia] ~ textes et graphiques merge ν graphics with text [desktop publ.] melangeur mixing desk /multimedia] memoire de masse mass storage - d e t r a m e frame buffer [multimedia ] - des images image store [general sense] ~ non-reinscriptible write-once medium [CD-ROM publ.] menu menu [user interface] menu(s), ä base de ~ menu-driven adj [user interface ] menu d'aide help menu [user interface] - d'ouverture start menu [user interface] - de commande command menu [user interface] ~ deroulant pull-down menu [user interface] - deroulant en cascade cascading menu [user interface] ~ en cascade cascading menu [user interface] -local pop-up menu [user interface] ~ niche nested menu [user interface] ~ par icones icon menu [user interface] ~ pop-up pop-up menu [user interface] ~ principal main menu [user interface]
Index fran;ais-anglais
messagerie electronique electronic bulletin board [onlinepubl.] mesure de couleur(s) color measuring [el. prepress] metallisation metallization [CD-ROM publ. ] metamorphose morphing η [el. imaging] methode additive de synthese de couleurs additive color mixing [el. imaging] ~ d'indexation indexing method [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de rendu rendering technique [el. imaging] ~ "token passing" token passing [online publ.] methodes audiovisuelles de publication audiovisual publishing [el. publishing] metteur en pages page composition system [el. prepress] mettre ä jour update ν [database publ. ] ~ au point focus ν - en forme format ν [word proc. ] ~ en pages make up ν in pages [typography [ - en relief highlight vt ~ en reseau(x) network, integrate into a ~ - en valeur (un element du texte) highlight vt MIC —» modulation par impulsion et codage [CD-ROM publ.] MIC, codage - pulse code modulation [CDROM publ.] MIC-D —» modulation par impulsion et codage delta [CD-ROMpubl.] —> modulation par impulsion et codage differentielle [CD-ROM publ. ] MICDA —» modulation par impulsions codees delta adaptative [CD-ROM publ.] —» modulation par impulsions codees differentiel adaptative [CD-ROMpubl] MICDA, codage - adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] - differentielle adaptative adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] micro m microphone [multimedia] micro-cuvette pit η [CD-ROM publ. ] micro-editer desktop publish ν micro-edition desktop publishing ~ d'entreprise inhouse publishing micro-ordinateur gerant des donnees multimedia multimedia PC microcuvettes pi microgrooves [CD-ROM publ.]
French-English index
MIDI, interface ~ musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] mise ä jour (d' un enregistrement) update η [database publ.] ~ ä jour (des donnees etc.) updating η [database publ.] ~ ä jour partielle partial update [database publ.] ~ ä l'echelle scaling η [el. imaging] - ä l'echelle automatique autoscaling η [el. imaging] - ä l'echelle des images image scaling [el. imaging] ~ au format (final) formatting η [word proc. ] ~ au point focusing η ~ en forme formatting η [word proc. ] ~ en forme typographique preparation for typesetting [word proc. ] ~ en page makeup η [typography] - en page assistee par ordinateur computerassisted makeup [desktoppubl.] ~ en page sur l'ecran onscreen page makeup [el. prepress] - en pages en differe batch composition [el. prepress] ~ en reseau networking η mixer ν mix ν [multimedia] Mo —> megaoctet [data proc. ] mode auteur authoring mode [el. publishing] ~ bit-map bitmap mode [el. imaging] ~ brouillon draft mode [printers] ~ browse browse mode [database publ. ] ~ chemin de fer thumbnail sketch - de visualisation viewing mode ~ de visualisation en chemin de fer thumbnail sketch - edition edit mode [word proc. ] ~ epreuve draft mode [printers] - mixte mixed mode - pleine page full-page mode ~ point bitmap mode [el. imaging] ~ previsualisation preview mode [desktop publ. ] ~ rouleau scrolling mode [user interface] ~ serveur server mode [online publ. ] ~ texte text mode [word proc.] ~ True Color true color mode [el. imaging] modele additif de couleurs additive color model [el. imaging] ~ CIE CIE color model [el. imaging] - colorimetrique color model [el. imaging]
~ de couleur color model [el. imaging] - de representation des couleurs HSV HSV [el. imaging] ~ de representation des couleurs HSL HSL [el. imaging] ~ TSL HLS [el. imaging] modification de la courbe gamma gamma curve control [el. prepress] modifications pi edits pi modifier l'echelle scale ν [el. imaging] ~ les approches kern ν [typography ] modulation de huit ä quatorze eight-to-fourteen modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ EFM eight-to-fourteen modulation [CDROM publ.] ~ par impulsion et codage (abr. MIC) pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] - par impulsion et codage delta (abr. MIC-D) delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ par impulsion et codage delta adaptative adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CDROM publ.] ~ par impulsion et codage differentielle (abr. MIC-D) differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] ~ par impulsion et codage differentielle adaptative adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] - par impulsions (codees) pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] ~ par impulsions codees delta adaptative (abr. MICDA) adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ par impulsions codees differentiel adaptative (abr. MICDA) adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] module de capture capture board [multimedia] - d e liens web file [hypertext] moniteur monitor η [equipment] ~ de previsualisation preview monitor [equipment] - pour les epreuves proofing monitor [equipment] monochrome monochrome adj [el. prepress] black and white [el. imaging] monomedia monomedia adj monosession adj monosession adj [CD-ROM publ.] montage assembly [el. prepress]
- des pages page makeup - electronique electronic paste-up [el. prepress ] ~ electronique des pages electronic page assembly [el. prepress] morphage m (deformation progressive d'images) morphing η [el. imaging] mot de contröle d'enregistrement record control word [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de recherche search word [retrieval] ~ entier whole word [retrieval] ~ non significatif stopword [retrieval] mot-cle (dans un index etc.) keyword [general sense] ~ (pour la recherche de Γ information) keyword [document proc.] moteur engine ~ de la base de donnees database engine - de recherche search engine [CD-ROM publ] ~ imageur imaging engine [equipment] motif de fond background image [el. imaging] ~ de remplissage fill pattern [el. imaging] motion JPEG motion JPEG [multimedia] moule / stamper disc [ CD-ROM publ.] moyen m medium η [data proc. ] moyenne resolution medium resolution MPC —> PC multimedia MPEG (groupe d'experts sur le codage des images animees) MPEG [multimedia] MPEG, decodeur ~ MPEG decoder [multimedia ] MPEG, standard ~ norme de compression des images animees (elaboree par le comite MPEG) MPEG algorithm [multimedia] multifenetrage multiwindow technique [user interface ] multilingue multilingual [word proc. ] multimedia adj multimedia adj ~ m multimedia η multimedia, avec capacite ~ multimediacapable multiposte multistation adj [online publ. ] multiserveur multiserver [online publ. ] multisession(s) adj multisession adj [CDROM publ.] nanometre nanometer navigateur browser [hypertext, online publ. ] ~ graphique pour le Web graphical Web browser [online publ. ]
Index fran^ais-anglais
~ textuel pour le Web text-only Web browser [online publ.] ~ Web Web browser [online publ. ] navigation navigation [onlinepubl.] ~ (dans un reseau) surfing η [onlinepubl.] ~ associative linked browsing [retrieval] ~ dans un hypertexte hypertext browsing - hypertexte hypertext browsing naviguer browse [hypertext] navigate [retrieval/ Sud ν [online publ.] N/B —> noir et blanc [el. imaging] negatif m negative η [el. prepress] nettete (de l'image) sharpness newsgroup m (groupe d'echange d'informations) newsgroup [online publ.] niveau de gris gray level [el. imaging] ~ de permis d'acces access permission level [online publ.] ~ de tons gris level of gray [el. imaging] niveaux de gris grayscale [el. imaging] NNTP, protocole ~ network news transfer protocol [onlinepubl.] noeud node η [online publ., hypertext] ~ (d'un reseau) nodal point [online publ.] ~ actif active node [hypertext] ~ cible target node [hypertext] - compose composite node [hypertext] - d'un systeme de bureau office system node [online publ] ~ de destination destination node [online publ.] ~ de destination target node [hypertext] - de reseau local LAN node [online publ. ] ~ de transit transit node [online publ] ~ du reseau network node [online publ] - egal peer node [online publ ] - hypertexte hypertext node ~ intermediaire intermediate node [online publ. ] ~ objet target node [hypertext] ~ sans disque(s) diskless node [online publ ] ~ sans unites de disque diskless node [online publ. ] ~ source source node [hypertext] ~ type typed node [hypertext] ~ virtuel virtual node [onlinepubl] noir et blanc (abr. N/B) black and white [el imaging] noirceur density [print shop] non destructrice lossless coding [multimedia]
French-English index
non focalise out of focus [CD-ROM publ. ] non lies unlinked adj norme de compression des images animees (elaboree par le comite MPEG) MPEG algorithm [multimedia] ~ HDMM HDMM [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ HGS (High Sierra Group) High Sierra specification [CD-ROM publ.] ~ ISO 9660 High Sierra specification [CDROM publ.] nouveaux medias new media [el. publishing] NSF, reseau - NFSnet nuance (de couleur) hue η [el. imaging] nuancier swatchbook - Pantone Pantone Matching System [el. prepress ] numerique digital [data proc.] numerique, completement ~ fully digital [el. prepress] numerique, exprimer en - digitize numerisable digitizable [el. imaging] numerisation digitization [el. imaging] ~ sampling η [multimedia] numerisation, dispositif de - digitizer [el. imaging] ~ par scanner scanning η [el. prepress] ~ video (image par image) video digitizing [el. imaging] numerise digitized numeriser (convertir en numerique) digitize - (par scanner) scan ν [el. prepress] numeriseur digitizer [el. imaging] ~ scanner [equipment] - ä ecran frame grabber [multimedia] ~ ä grand format large-format digitizer [equipment] ~ d'images video video digitizer [equipment] ~ de sons sound digitizer [multimedia] - sonore sound digitizer [multimedia] numero de piste track number [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de session session number [CD-ROM publ. [ ~ du bloc logique logical block number [CDROM publ.] ~ du secteur logique logical sector number [CD-ROM publ.] numerotation automatique automatic calling [online publ.] objet de son sound object [multimedia] - multimedia mulitmedia object
octet de modalite mode byte [CD-ROM publ. ] Operateur d'un reseau network operator [online publ. ] ~ de proximite proximity operator [retrieval] ~ Internet Internet service provider [online publ.] operation d'embellissement rendering η [el. imaging] ~ du reseau network operation [online publ. ] operations de prepresse prepress operations OPI, interface ~ Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress ] OPI, serveur ~ OPI server [el. prepress] option d'enchevauchement tile option [el. prepress ] ordinateur ä la plaque computer to plate [el. prepress] ~ ä la presse computer to print [el. prepress] ~ de composition typesetting computer [ equipment] ~ de noeud de reseau network node computer [online publ.] ~ hote host computer [online publ. ] ~ maitre master η [online publ. ] ~ personnel multimedia multimedia PC - pont bridge computer [online publ. ] orientation horizontale landscape format [printers] - verticale portrait format Oriente icones icon-oriented [user interface] original m (d'une illustration) final artwork [el. prepress] ~ au trait line an [el. imaging] - au trait line art original [el. prepress ] ~ en couleur(s) color original [el. imaging] - en demi-teinte continuous tone image [el. prepress ] ~ pret ä reproduire camera-ready copy [el. prepress ] ~ trame line art [el. imaging] ~ transparent transparent original orthographe spelling checker [wordproc.] outil d'anti-crenelage antialiasing tool [el. imaging] ~ de conversion conversion tool [dataproc.] ~ de dessin drawing tool [user interface] ~ de loupe magnify tool [user interface] - de navigation navigation tool [onlinepubl.] ~ de navigation dans un hypertexte hypertext browser ~ de recherche search tool [online publ. ]
~ de trace drawing tool [user interface] ~ graphique graphics tool [user interface] - loupe magnify tool [user interface] - texte text tool [user interface] outils d'edition editing tools [user interface] - de marquage marking tools [multimedia] - de peinture painting tools [graphics] ~ de publication authoring tools [el. publishing] - pour auteurs authoring tools [el. publishing] ouvrages sur papier printed products ouvrir une fenetre open ν a window [user interface ] page page [typography] - composee made-up page [typography ] ~ courante current page [word proc.] ~ d'epreuve sample page - de contenu contents page [hypertext] ~ de depart start page [word proc. ] -imposee mounted page [print shop] ~ initiate start page [word proc. ] ~ montee mounted page [print shop ] ~ par page page by page ~ Web Web page [online publ. ] pages argumentaires thematic pages [online publ.] - de maquette master pages [desktop publ. ] ~ HTML HTML pages [el. publishing] pages-type master pages [desktop publ.] paires d'approche kerning pairs [typography] - de lettres ä crener kerning pairs [typography! ~ speciales de lettres pour le crenage kerning pairs [typography] palette (de couleurs) palette [user interface] - de teintes de reference color matching system [el. prepress] Pantone, nuancier - Pantone Matching System [el. prepress] PAO m desktop publishing —» publication assistee par ordinateur PAO, logiciel de - logiciel d'editique DTP software [desktoppubl.] PAO, systeme de ~ desktop publishing system - professionnelle high-end publishing [desktop publ. ] papier (p.e. un catalogue papier) printed adj ~ (support papier) hardcopy η - au bromure (papier revetu d'une emulsion
Index frangais-anglais
au bromure) photopaper [el. prepress] bromure bromide paper [el. prepress] normal normal paper ordinaire normal paper photo(graphique) bromide paper [el. prepress] parametre parameter [data proc. J ~ d'impression print parameter - de mise en page page layout parameter [desktop publ.] - de page page layout parameter [desktop publ.] parametres de composition typesetting parameters [el. prepress] - typographiques typesetting parameters [el. prepress ] parcours de navigation navigation path [hypertext] partage de fichiers file sharing [onlinepubl.] partageable en reseau networkable pas de piste track pitch [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de spire track pitch [ CD-ROM publ.] passage de jeton(s) token passing [online publ.] ~ de temoin token passing [online publ.] passerelle (d'interconnexion) gateway η [online publ. ] ~ inter-reseaux gateway η [onlinepubl.] PC multimedia (abr. MPC) multimedia PC PCL, langage - printer command language [data proc.] PDF, format - portable document format [online publ.] PDS, logiciel ~ portable document software [online publ.] peripheriques pi peripheral equipment pertinence (des reponses) relevance [retrieval] petit tirage short run [print shop] phenomene d'escalier aliasing η [el. imaging] photo a modele continu continuous tone photograph [el. prepress] ~ numerique digital photo [el. imaging] photocapteur photodetector photocompo/ photocomposition [el. prepress] photocomposer phototypeset ν [el. prepress] photocomposeuse photographic typesetting equipment [el. prepress] phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] ~ ~
French-English index
photocomposeuse ä rayons cathodiques CRT phototypesetter [equipment] - C R T CRT typesetter [equipment] - de troisieme generation third-generation typesetter [equipment] - sur film filmsetter [equipment] photocompositeur phototypesetter [el. prepress] photocomposition photocomposition [el. prepress] phototypesetting η [el. prepress] ~ ä laser laser typesetting [el. prepress] - basee sur ordinateurs personnels PCbased typesetting [el. prepress] - d'entreprise inhouse phototypesetting [el. prepress] - electronique electronic photocomposition [el. prepress] - sur film filmsetting photodetecteur photodetector Photographie numerique digital photography [el. imaging] photorealiste adj photorealistic adj [el. imaging] phototheque photo archive [el. imaging] PIC, compression - picture image compression [multimedia ] picotheque clip-art library [el. prepress] pilote par menu(s) menu-driven adj [user interface ] - par une souris mouse-driven [user interface] pipette eyedropper [el. imaging] piste track η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ centrale center track [CD-ROM publ. ] - d e son sound track [multimedia] - en (forme de) spirale spiral track [CDROM publ.] ~ externe outer track - interne inside track - plus externe outermost track - plus interne innermost track - son audio track [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ sonore audio track [CD-ROM publ. ] pivot hub [online publ ] - du reseau network hub [online publ. ] pixel m pixel [el. imaging] - couleur color pixel [el. imaging] - par ligne pixels per line [el. imaging] ~ par pouce (abr. ppp) pixels per inch [el. imaging]
pixelisation pixelisation [el. imaging] plaine land η [ CD-ROM publ. ] plan arriere background plaque (d'impression) plate [el. prepress] - ä polyester polyester-based plate [el. prepress] ~ CTP CTP plate [print shop] - numerique digital plate [print shop] - o f f s e t offset plate [print shop] - pour flashage direct DTP plate [el. prepress ] - prete ä iniprimer press-ready plate [print shop] plate-forme du client client platform [online publ. ] - multimedia multimedia platform plates-formes, entre - cross-platform adj plusieurs serveurs multiserver [online publ. ] PML, langage ~ page model language poignees pi handles pi [user interface] point (typographique) (abr. pt) point η [typography] -active hotspot [user interface] - chaud hotspot [user interface] - d'acces network node [onlinepubl.] - d'acces eloigne remote access point [online publ.] - d' ancrage anchor point [graphics ] - d'information point of information - de depart starting point [online publ.] - de depart d'un lien link source [hypertext] - de trame halftone dot [el. prepress] - ecran pixel [el. imaging] - Pica (0,35277 mm) ou point Didot (0,3759 mm) point η [typography] - sensible hotspot [user interface] - t r a m e halftone dot [el. prepress] point de rencontre newsgroup (online publ.] points par pouce (abr. ppp) dots per inch [el. imaging] - par pouce carre dpsi police ATM ATM font [desktop publ. ] - bitmap bit-mapped font [desktoppubl.] - d'imprimante printer font [desktoppubl] - de caracteres typefont [typography] ~ de caracteres font [typography] - de taille variable scalable font [desktop publ. ] - digitalisee digitized type [el. prepress] - ecran screen font [desktop publ. ] - par defaut default font
~ telechargeable downloadable font ~ telechargee downloaded typefont polycarbonate polycarbonate [CD-ROM publ.] polychrome full color [print shop] polychromie multicolor printing [print shop] pont bridge η [online publ. ] ~ reseau bridge η [online publ. ] pont-routeur Β router [online publ. ] port de reseau network interface [online publ] - MIDI MIDI port [multimedia] - pour modem modem port [equipment] -video video port [multimedia] portabilite de documents document portability [document proc.] porte port η [equipment] ~ d'acces gateway η [online publ. / ~ parallele parallel port [equipment] position du curseur cursor position [user interface ] positionnement de la tete (de lecture/ecriture) head positioning [CD-ROMpubl.] p o s s i b i ^ d'edition edit facility /word proc. ] ~ de definir des fenetres (sur l'ecran) window feature [user interface] ~ de sortie sur papier hardcopy facility - de telechargement de fontes font download capability [el. prepress] possibilites d'interrogation query facilities [user interface] ~ de recherche searching capabilities [retrieval] post-impression post-press η [print shop] post-production postprocessing η [print shop] poste de travail multimedia multimedia workstation - de travail PAO DTP workstation [desktop publ.] - electronique electronic mail ~ personnelle personal mail [online publ.] PostScript PostScript PostScript, compatible - PostScript compatible PostScript, flashage ~ PostScript imagesetting [el. prepress] - editable (abr. ePS) editable PostScript [el. prepress] ~ encapsule encapsulated PostScript ppp —> points par pouce [el. imaging] —> pixel par pouce [el. imaging]
Index franQais-anglais
preciser fine-tune ν [retrieval] prediction lineaire linear prediction [CDROM publ.] pregravure (du master) premastering η [CDROM publ.] premastering m premastering η [CD-ROM publ.] prematri£age premastering η [CD-ROM publ.] premiere page start page [word proc. ] preparation (d'un texte) preparation for typesetting [word proc. ] ~ de copie markup η [typography] ~ du texte text preparation [CD-ROM publ. ] preparer mark up ν /typography ] prepresse, de ~ prepress ... prepresse/ prepress η ~ couleur color prepress - de bureau desktop prepress [el. prepress] - electronique electronic prepress - numerique digital prepress presentation des donnees data presentation [el. publishing] ~ multimedia multimedia presentation - sur diapositives slide show [multimedia] pressage pressing η [ CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de CD-ROM CD-ROM production presse digital ä imprimer digital press [print shop] - ecrite printed products ~ imprimee print media pi presse-papiers m clip board, electronic ~ [user interface] presser press vt [CD-ROM publ. ] presseur de CD-ROM disc pressing house [CD-ROM publ.] previsualisation preview η [desktop publ.] - έ l'ecran onscreen previewing [el. prepress] ~ de documents document preview [desktop publ. ] - de I'impression print preview [word proc.] - des pages page preview [desktoppubl] - en vraies fontes true-font preview [desktop publ] - rapide fast preview previsualiser preview ν [desktoppubl.] prevue/ preview η [el. prepress] ~f preview η [desktop publ. ] ~ ä l'ecran onscreen previewing [el. prepress] ~ des couleurs color preview [el. prepress] - numerique digital preview [el. prepress]
French-English index prise cinch cinch connector [multimedia] - M I D I MIDI port [multimedia] prisme semi-reflechissant beam-splitting prism [CD-ROMpubl.] Probleme de desorientation serendipity [hypertext] precede ä modele continu continuous tone process [el. prepress] ~ au positif positive process [el. prepress] ~ CMYK CMYK process [el. prepress] ~ de mastering mastering process [CD-ROM publ.] processeur d'image image processor ~ d'images raster RIP η [equipment] ~ d'images tramees RIP η [equipment] ~ de reseau network processor [online publ.] ~ inter-reseaux internetwork processor [online publ.] producteur de CD-ROM CD-ROM producer production d'epreuves couleur color proofing [el. prepress] ~ d'epreuves nuiMriques digital proofing [el. prepress] ~ de plaques directement par l'ordinateur computer output on plate [el. prepress] produire epreuves finales pull ν a proof [print shop] produit fini final product ~ imprime en quadrichromie four-color print [print shop] produits de transition bridge products [data proc.] - imprimes printed products ~ ne provenant pas de la presse ecrite nonprint products [el. publishing] - non imprimes non-print products [el. publishing] - papier printed products - publies electroniquement electronically published products profondeur de bits bit depth [el. prepress] ~ de champ depth of focus [el. prepress] ~ de pixel pixel depth [el. imaging] - des images image depth programme auteur authoring program [el. publishing] - d'edition editor [word proc. ] ~ d'imposition imposition program [el. prepress] ~ d'indexation indexing program [document proc.]
272 ~ de balayage browser [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de composition typesetting program [el. prepress] ~ de conversion conversion program [data proc.] ~ de correction orthographique spelling checker [wordproc.] ~ de gestion du scanner scanner control program ~ de mise en page page layout program [desktop publ.] ~ de mise en pages en differe batch pagination program [desktoppubl.] ~ de peinture paint program [graphics] - de photocomposition photocomposition program [el. prepress 1 - de rendu rendering program [el. imaging] - de survol browser [CD-ROM publ. ] - graphique graphics program - interpreteur PostScript PostScript interpreter projection de diaporamas slide show [multimedia] promenade architectural virtuelle walk-in representation [el. imaging] proposition du groupe High Sierra HighSierra Group proposal [CD-ROMpubl.] protocole d'echange de communication d'egal ä egal advanced peer-to-peer networking [online publ.] - de reseau(x) network protocol [online publ. ] ~ de transfert de flchiers file transfer protocol [online publ] - de transfert HTTP hypertext transport protocol [onlinepubl.] - HTTP hypertext transport protocol [online publ.] - Internet Internet protocol [online publ. ] - IP Internet protocol [online publ. ] ~ NNTP network news transfer protocol [online publ. ] ~ pour eviter les conflits d'utilisation contention protocol [online publ.] PS, langage ~ PostScript pseudo-couleurs pseudo colors [el. imaging] pt —» point (typographique) [typography ] publication publishing η [general sense] ~ assistee par ordinateur (abr. PAO) computer-aided publishing ~ assistee par ordinateur (abr. PAO) desktop publishing
~ automatisee automated publishing ~ d'ouvrages electroniques electronic publishing - dans le Web Web publishing [online publ. ] - de longs documents long-document publishing [word proc.] - numerique digital publication - sous forme de video video publishing [el. publishing] - sur CD-ROM CD-ROM publication ~ sur demande publishing on demand ~ sur le Web Web publishing [online publ. ] publications dans I'Internet Internet publishing [online publ.] ~ techniques technical publishing publier publish - sur Internet publish ν in the Internet pur saturated [el. imaging] purete des couleurs color purity [el. imaging] quadri four-color... quadrichrome four-color... quadrichromie process color printing [el. prepress ] four-color separation [el. prepress] quadrillage rasterization [el. imaging] quadruple vitesse quad speed [ CD-ROM publ.] qualite brouillon draft quality [printers] - d e s couleurs color quality [el. prepress] - des images image quality - memo draft quality [printers] - ordinateur draft quality [printers] - photorealiste photorealistic rendering [el. imaging] - presque typographique near-typeset quality [printers] - pret ä diffuser broadcast quality [multimedia] - proche de la photo(graphie) near-photographic quality [el. prepress] - professionnelle broadcast quality [multimedia] - television broadcast quality [multimedia] question query η questions plus frequemment posees frequently asked questions [online publ.] raccordement au reseau network connection [online publ.] - en reseau networking η
Index fran^ais-anglais
raccourcir truncate [retrieval] racine root node [hypertext] rangee dynamique dynamic range [el. prepress] rapport d'agrandissement enlargement ratio ]el. prepress] - hauteur/largeur aspect ratio [el. imaging] - largeur/hauteur d'un pixel pixel aspect ratio [el. imaging] rasterisation raster image processing [el. prepress ] rasteriser screen ν [el. prepress] rasterize [el. imaging] realisme photographique photorealism [el. imaging] realite virtuelle virtual reality recadrage cropping η [el. imaging] recherche search η [retrieval] ~ ä parcours libre browsing η [hypertext] ~ booleenne Boolean search [retrieval] ~ combinee nested search [retrieval] ~ contextuelle contextual search [retrieval] - d 'interval range search [retrieval] - dans le texte entier full-text retrieval [document proc.] ~ de chaines de caracteres string search [retrieval] - de proximite proximity search [retrieval] - des intervalles range query [retrieval] - du plus proche voisin nearest-neighbor search [retrieval] - en cascade cascaded search /retrieval] ~ en texte integral full-text retrieval [document proc.] - exacte des mots exact-pattern search [retrieval] -globale global search [word proc. / - guidee directed retrieval [hypertext] - interactive interactive search [hypertext] - intuitive intuitive search [retrieval] - limitee restricted search [retrieval] - lineaire linear search [retrieval] - multicriteres multicriteria search [retrieval] - par caracteres joker wildcard searching [retrieval] - par mots libres free-text search [retrieval] - par mots-cles keyword search [retrieval] - pbonetique phonetic search [retrieval] - plein texte full-text retrieval [document proc.] - thematique thematic search [online publ. ]
French-English index
rechercher look up ν reconfigurer reconfigure reconnaissance de caracteres character recognition ~ de toutes le polices de caracteres omnifont character recognition [el. prepress] ~ intelligent des caracteres intelligent character recognition recopie hardcopy reproduction [el. prepress] - (d'ecran) hardcopy η [el. prepress] rectangle reserve pour une image image area [el. prepress] rectifier les approches kern ν [typography] redimensionnement resizing η [el. imaging] redimensionner resize ν fei. imaging] redirecteur redirector [online publ. ] reduction (de taille) reduction [el. imaging] - des effets d'escalier antialiasing η [el. imaging] reference arriere backreferencing η [CDROM publ.] ~ temporel time code [multimedia] regionalise regionalized [onlinepubl.] registre register η [typography] registre, en ~ registration-perfect [el. prepress] reglage automatique des approches automatic kerning [desktoppubl.] ~ chromatique color balance [el. imaging] - de l'approche de paire kerning control [typography] - de la densite density control [el. prepress] - des approches (des lettres) kerning η [typography] - du gamma gamma adjustment [el. prepress] - du scanner setting of scanner [el. prepress] ~ par defaut default setting regier les approches kern ν [typography ] regies de coupure des mots hyphenation logic [word proc.] regroupement conceptuel conceptual clustering [hypertext] rehaussement enhancement [el. imaging] reinscriptible rewritable [CD-ROM publ. ] relier link ν [hypertext] - entre eux dans un reseau network, integrate into a ~ remaniement (d'une page) «pagination [typography] ~ d'une image rendering η [el. imaging] remanier repaginate [typography]
rematri^age remastering η [ CD-ROM publ. ] remontee (du texte etc.) scrolling up [user interface] remplir de blancs spacefill ν - d e s surfaces area-fill ν [graphics] ~ un espace area-fill ν [graphics] remplissage filling η [el. imaging] ~ de surfaces area fill η [graphics] rendement graphique graphics performance [equipment] rendu m rendering η [el. imaging] - m (calcul effectif de l'image) rendering η [graphics] - photographique photographic rendering [el. imaging] ~ photorealiste photorealistic rendering [el. imaging] - realiste realistic rendering [el. imaging] renvoi (croise) cross-reference η [document proc. ] - base sur une parole word-based link [retrieval] repaginer repaginate [typography] reparation ä chaud hot fix [online publ. ] reperage des lignes du recto sur Celles du verso register η [typography] repere register mark [typography ] repere, hors ~ out of register [typography ] reperes de positionnement positioning marks repertoire table of contents [CD-ROMpubl.] - des serveurs server directory [online publ.] repetabilite repeatability [el. prepress] repeteur repeater [online publ.] repositionner reposition ν representation en couleurs true-color (couleurs naturelles) true-color display [el. imaging] repressage repressing η [CD-ROM publ. ] reproduction replication [CD-ROM publ. ] delivery [multimedia] reproduire replicate ν /CD-ROM publ. ] play ν [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ reproduce [multimedia] reprographie reprography η [el. prepress] republishing m republishing η requete de reponse query η reseau (de liens) web η [hypertext] - (de transmission etc.) network η reseau, grand - wide area network [online publ.] - ä diffusion broadcast network [onlinepubl.]
- ä fibres optiques optical fiber network [online publ.] ~ ä jeton token-ring network [online publ. ] - ä lignes louees leased line network [online publ.] ~ a longue distance wide area network [online publ.] ~ ä maillons meshed network [onlinepubl.] ~ ä plusieurs protocoles multiprotocol network [online publ.] ~ ä plusieurs services multiservice network [online publ.] ~ ä valeur ajoutee (abr. RVA) value-added network [online publ.] - ceUulaire cellular network [online publ. ] ~ client/serveur client/server LAN [online publ.] ~ d'entreprise corporate network [online publ. ] ~ de donnees data network [online publ. ] ~ de liens network of links [hypertext] - de PC PC network [online publ. ] - de recherche research network [online publ.] ~ de transmission de donnees data network [online publ.] ~ departemental departmental network [online publ. ] ~ distribue distributed network [online publ. ] ~ egal ä egal peer-to-peer network [online publ.] ~ elargi wide area network [online publ. ] - en anneau ring-shaped network [online publ.] - en boucle ring-shaped network [online publ. ] ~ en etoile star-shaped data network [online publ. ] ~ en manege ring-shaped network [online publ.] ~ etendue au niveau d'une ville metropolitan area network [onlinepubl.] - etoile star-shaped data network [online publ.] ~ federateur backbone network [online publ] ~ global global network [online publ. ] ~ grande distance wide area network [online publ.] ~ hierarchique hierarchical network [online publ.]
Index fran^ais-anglais
~ informatique data network [online publ. ] ~ intelligent (abr. RI) intelligent network [online publ.] ~ interconnecte wide area network [online publ.] ~ "jeton sur boucle" token-ring network [online publ.] ~ large bände broadband LAN [online publ.] ~ local (d'entreprise) (abr. RLE) local area network [online publ.] ~ local d'entreprise (abr. RLE) company network [onlinepubl.] ~ local sans cable wireless LAN [online publ.] ~ maille meshed network [onlinepubl] ~ MAN metropolitan area network [online publ.] ~ metropolitain metropolitan area network [online publ.] ~ multiterminaux multiterminal computer network [onlinepubl.] ~ NSF NFSnet ~ numerique integre (de texte et de donnees) (abr. RNI) integrated digital network [online publ.] ~ polycentrique multinode network [online publ.] ~ reparti distributed network [online publ. ] ~ specialise dedicated network [online publ.] ~ TCP/IP TCP/IP network [online publ. ] - "token ring" token-ring network [online publ.] ~ type bus bus-type network [onlinepubl] - virtuel virtual network [online publ.] reseaux, entre ~ internetwork adj [online publ.] resolution resolution resolution, ä basse ~ low-resolution adj resolution, ä haute ~ high-resolution adj [el. imaging] resolution, ä moyenne - medium-resolution adj resolution, basse ~ low resolution resolution, haute - high resolution resolution, moyenne ~ medium resolution resolution basse low resolution ~ de l'ecran screen resolution [equipment] ~ de sortie output resolution [el. prepress] ~ de trame screen resolution [el. prepress] ~ des tons tonal resolution [el. imaging]
French-English index
resolution du scanneur scanning resolution [el. prepress] ~ effective effective resolution [printers] ~ en pixel pixelisation [el. imaging] ~ fine fine resolution - geometrique geometric resolution [multimedia ] ~ graphique graphics resolution ~ haute high resolution ~ optique optical resolution [equipment] ~ standard standard resolution [el. prepress] ~ ultra-haute ultrahigh resolution [el. prepress] ~ VGA VGA resolution [equipment] restituer render ν [el. imaging] restitution rendering η [general sense] ~ des couleurs color reproduction [el. prepress ] - fidele des couleurs color fidelity [el. imaging] resultat d'une recherche retrieved data resume automatique automatic abstract [document ρ roc.] RET, technologie ~ Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] retailler crop ν [el. imaging] retouchage retouching η [el. imaging] retouche retouching η [el. imaging] ~ d'images image retouching [el. prepress] - d'une couleur color retouching [el. imaging] - d'une image en couleurs retouching of a color image lei. imaging] - photo photo retouching [el. imaging] retoucher retouch ν [el. imaging] retouches d'image image retouching [el. prepress] retour au mode normal dehighlighting η [user interface] retrait de souscouleurs undercolor removal [el. prepress] revelateur developer [el. prepress] RI —> reseau intelligent [online publ. ] RIP m RIP η [equipment] RIP, station ~ RIP station [equipment] ~ logiciel software RIP [el. prepress] -materiel hardware RIP [equipment] ~ PostScript PostScript raster image processor [equipment] RL, encodage ~ codage RLC; codage par longueur de sequence run-length (en)coding
[CD-ROM publ] R L C , codage - run-length (en)coding [CDROM publ.] R L E —»reseau local (d'entreprise) [online publ. ] R N I —> reseau numerique integre (de texte et de donnees) [onlinepubl.] R O C , caracteres - OCR font rogner crop ν [el. imaging] rotation CAV CAV rotation [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ CLV CLV rotation [CD-ROMpubl.] roulement scrolling η [user interface] ~ de l'image sur l'ecran scrolling of screen image [user interface] - en bas scrolling down [user interface] - vers le bas scrolling down [user interface] routage routing η [onlinepubl] routeur router [online publ. ] - ä plusieurs protocoles multiprotocol router [online publ.] RTF, format - rich text format [document proc.] ruban bar η [user interface] RVA —> reseau ä valeur ajoutee [onlinepubl.] RVB (rouge, vert, bleu) RGB saisie d'image image scanning [el. prepress] sans disque(s) diskless [onlinepubl] ~ droits d'auteur licence-free - film filmless [el. prepress] saturation des couleurs color saturation [el. imaging] sature saturated [el. imaging] sautillement jitter [multimedia] scan m scan η [el. prepress] scannages pi scanned images [el. prepress] scanner ν scan ν [el. prepress] ~m scanner [equipment] - ä C C D CCD scanner [equipment] - ä main handheld scanner [equipment] ~ ä plat flatbed scanner [equipment] - ä plat ä couleurs color flatbed scanner [equipment] - ä plat de bureautique desktop scanner [equipment] ~ ä plusieurs passages multiple-pass scanner [equipment] - a rouleau drum scanner [equipment] ~ ä tambour drum scanner [equipment] ~ ä trois passages triple-pass scanner [equipment]
- a u laser laser scanner [equipment] ~ avec ecran ä introducteur drum scanner [equipment] ~ avec ecran ä plat flatbed scanner [equipment] -couleur color scanner [equipment] ~ de diapositives slide scanner [equipment] ~ de haut rendement high-performance scanner [ equipment ] - de numerisation en une seule passe (ou en une seule passage) single-pass scanner [equipment] - d e table desktop scanner [equipment] - de textes bureautique desktop text scanner [equipment] ~ en noir et blanc black and white scanner [equipment] ~ grand format large-format scanner [equipment] ~ haute resolution high-resolution scanner [equipment] ~ intelligent intelligent scanner [equipment] ~ manuel handheld scanner [equipment] - pour images au trait line art scanner [el. prepress] ~ vertical ä tambour vertical drum scanner [equipment] scannerisation scanning η [el. prepress] scanneriser scan ν [el. prepress] scanneur scanner [equipment] scanning m scanning η [el. prepress] - a distance remote scan [el. prepress] ~ blanc/noire grayscale scanning [el. prepress ] ~ d'arriere-plan background scanning [el. prepress] ~ d'epreuve preview scan [el. prepress] - grand format large-format scanning [el. prepress] - pour prevue prescanning η [el. prepress] ~ rapide fast scan [el. prepress] scenario script η [multimedia] scenarisation scripting η [multimedia] scene scene η [multimedia] script m script η [multimedia] secteur section [online publ.] ~ sector [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ d'impression printing sector ~ de prepresse prepress industry ~ logique logical sector [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ son audio sector [CD-ROM publ. ]
Index fran^ais-anglais
secteurs par piste (abr. spp) sectors per track [CD-ROM publ.] securite des reseaux network security [online publ. ] selection extraction [database publ. ] - de piste track selection [CD-ROM publ. ] - des couleurs color separation [el. prepress] - du theme subject selector [online publ.] ~ par menu menu selection [user interface] selectionner select ν sensible ä la casse case-sensitive [retrieval] separateur du rayon beam splitter / CDROM publ.] separation des couleurs color separation [el. prepress ] - quadri(chromique) four-color separation [el. prepress] separer break for color [el. prepress] sequence animee animation sequence [el. imaging] - des pages page order - sonore sound sequence [multimedia] -video video sequence [multimedia] sequenceur MIDI MIDI sequencer [multimedia] serveur server [online publ. ] ~ ä distance remote server [online publ. ] ~ d'applications application(s) server [online publ. ] -d'images image server [equipment] ~ de base de donnees database server [online publ.] - de communication communications server [online publ.] ~ de donnees online data server [online publ.] - de fichier(s) file server [online publ. ] ~ de gestion du reseau network control server [online publ.] - de messages message server [online publ. ] - de reseau local LAN server [online publ.] ~ de reseau(x) net server [online publ.] ~ de terminaux terminal server [online publ.] ~ dedie dedicated server [online publ. ] ~ departemental departmental server [online publ. ] ~ des fichiers partages shared file server [online publ. ] ~ FTP FTP server [online publ. ] - Internet Internet server [online publ. ] ~ multimedia multimedia server ~ OPI OPI server [el. prepress]
French-English index
serveur passerelle gateway server [online publ. ] ~ standard home server [online publ. ] ~ Web Web server [online publ. ] service de flashage imaging service [el. prepress] ~ de recherche de donnees bibliographiques bibliographic retrieval service [online publ.] ~ electronique d'informations electronic information service [onlinepubl.] - en ligne online service [el. publishing] services de reseau network services [online publ.] servomecanisme servo-mechanism [CDROM publ.] servomoteur pour la focalisation focusing servo [CD-ROMpubl.] SGML (langage normalise de balisage generalise) SGML [el. publishing] SGML, document ~ SGML document SGML, langage - SGML [el. publishing] signal sonore, signal de son audio signal [multimedia ] signal video video signal ~ video composite composite video signal / multimedia ] signe de reference reference mark [word ρ roc.] sillon land η [CD-ROM publ. ] simili m continuous tone [el. prepress] similigravure continuous tone ]el. prepress] simulation virtuelle virtual reality site dans le Web Web site [onlinepubl.] software de navigation browser [online publ. ] son sound, audio η [multimedia] audio adj [multimedia] - de fond background sound [multimedia] sonorisation sound recording [multimedia] sortie d'epreuves de contröle proofing η [el. prepress ] - de film film output [el. prepress] ~ de haut-parleur loudspeaker output [multimedia ] ~ des epreuves proof printing /el. prepress] ~ directe d'epreuves numeriques en couleur direct digital color proofing ]el. prepress] ~ finale final output - laser de contröle laser proofs [el. prepress] ~ numerique de grands formats digital largeformat output [el. prepress] - papier de l'ecran screen hardcopy
- photocomposee phototypeset output [el. prepress] ~ photorealiste photorealistic output [el. prepress] ~ PostScript PostScript output ~ sur disque laser computer output to laser disc [el. prepress] ~ sur film film output [el. prepress] ~ sur flasheuse film output [el. prepress] ~ sur papier hardcopy η - sur un peripherique de photocomposition film output [el. prepress] - typographique typeset output [typography ] ~ video video output /multimedia] soundmap m (sequence sonore en memoire) soundmap [multimedia ] source de laser laser source [CD-ROM publ. ] -video video source [multimedia] souris/ mouse [equipment] - ä plusieurs boutons multi-button mouse [equipment] sous-fenetre subwindow [user interface] sous-menu submenu ]user interface] sous-reseau subnet [online publ.] specification MPRSS MPRSS [el. prepress] spirale / spiral track [CD-ROM publ. ] spire spiral track [CD-ROM publ. ] spp —» secteurs par piste /CD-ROM publ. ] standard EBXA EBXA standard [el. publishing] ~ generique generic standard [multimedia] - JPEG JPEG standard [el. imaging] - MPEG (pour 1' image anime) MPEG algorithm [multimedia] station RIP RIP station [equipment] ~ client client station /online publ. ] ~ d'edition authoring station [el. publishing] ~ de balayage scanning station [equipment] - de composition composition workstation [equipment] ~ de developpement film processor [el. prepress ] ~ de numerisation digitizing station [el. imaging] ~ de tirage d'epreuves proofer η [equipment] ~ de travail workstation [onlinepubl.] ~ de travail CD-ROM CD-ROM workstation ~ de travail en reseau local LAN workstation [online publ. ] ~ de travail LAN LAN workstation [online publ.]
279 - de travail sans disque(s) ou sans disque dur diskless workstation [online publ. ] ~ maitresse hub [online publ. ] - mixte combined station [online publ.] ~ sans disques diskless workstation [online publ.] ~ utilisatrice user station /online publ. ] stockage sur memoire de masse mass storage Strategie d'acces access strategy [document ρ roc.] structure a bus bus structure [online publ. ] ~ d'un fichier file structure [data proc. / ~ de donnees data structure [database publ.] ~ des fichiers file structure [dataproc.] ~ du reseau network structure [online publ.] ~ en anneau ring topology [online publ. ] - hypertexte hyperstructure substituer globalement replace globally [word proc.] substitution de chaines de caracteres string substitution [wordproc.] ~ des composants achromatiques gray component replacement [el. imaging] ~ globale global replacement [wordproc.] substrat substrate η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de verre glass substrate [CD-ROM publ. ] suite (de donnees) string η [data proc. ] - d'images animation sequence [el. imaging] - de caracteres character string [data proc.] suivi m tracking η [CD-ROM publ. ] sujet topic η [retrieval] ~ principal main topic supervision de reseau network monitoring [online publ.] support d'entree input medium [data proc. ] ~ de sortie output medium surbrillance (pour mettre en evidence parties du texte) highlighting η ~ (sur l'ecran) highlighting η surbrillance, en ~ highlighted surface cachee hidden surface [graphics] ~ d'enregistrement recording surface [CDROM publ.] ~ d'impression image area [printers] ~ d'overscan overscan area [multimedia] surfer ν surf ν [online publ.] surveillance du reseau network monitoring [online publ. ] survol browsing η [hypertext] Symbole de fleche arrow icon [user interface]
Index fran^ais-anglais synchronisation de reseau network timing [online publ. ] synthese additive additive color mixing [el. imaging] ~ des couleurs color synthesis [el. prepress] synthetiseur synthesizer [multimedia] sysop m (administrateur d'un serveur etc.) sysop η [online publ. [ systeme ä couleurs naturelles true color system [el. imaging] ~ ä fichiers partages shared files system [online publ. ] ~ ä trois rayons three-beam system / CD ROM publ.] ~ auteur authoring system [el. publishing] ~ CEP color electronic prepress system [el. prepress] ~ chromatique de la CIE CIE color system [el. imaging] ~ CMYK CMYK [el. imaging] ~ computer-to-plate computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] ~ computer-to-plate grand format large-format computer-to-plate system [equipment] ~ CTP computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] ~ d'asservissement radial radial tracking control [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ d'auteurs multimedia multimedia authoring system ~ d'edition d'hypertexte hypertext editing system - d'edition electronique electronic publishing system - d'epreuvage proofing system [equipment] ~ d'epreuvage en couleur(s) color proofing system [equipment] ~ d'epreuves numeriques couleur digital color proofing system [el. prepress] ~ d'exploitation reseau network operating system [onlinepubl.] ~ d'hypertexte hypertext system ~ d'imagerie electronique electronic imaging system [el. prepress] ~ d'information information system [online publ.] ~ de balayage scanning system [equipment] ~ de bureau desktop system [equipment] ~ de capture d'images video video digitizer [equipment] ~ de classification des couleurs color matching system [el. prepress]
French-English index
systeme de communication inter-reseau gateway η [online publ.] ~ de comparaison de couleur(s) color matching system [el. prepress] ~ de composition electronique electronic composition system -- de composition individuel personal composition system [el. prepress] ~ de composition par ordinateur computerized typesetting system [equipmentJ ~ de gestion de reseau network management system [online publ. ] ~ de gestion des couleurs color management system [el. prepress] ~ de gestion des documents document management system [document proc.] - de gravure de CDs CD recording system - de l'ordinateur ä la plaque (prete pour Γ impression) computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] ~ de mastering mastering system [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de mise en pages page composition system [el. prepress] ~ de PAO desktop publishing system ~ de photocomposition photocomposition system [equipment] ~ de production d'epreuves uumeriques digital proofing system [equipment] ~ de recherche retrieval system [general sense] ~ de recherche en textes integrales full text retrieval system [documentproc.] ~ de reproduction delivery system [multimedia] - de scanning ä laser laser scanning system [ equipment] ~ de securite firewall system [onlinepubl.] ~ de suivi tracking system [CD-ROM publ. ] - electronique pour la mise en page electronic composition system ~ HTMS hypertext management system - mediatique multimedia system ~ mono-utilisateur single-user system ~ multimedia multimedia system ~ "ordinateur a la presse" computer-topress system [el. prepress] - Panose de correspondence de caracteres Panose character matching system [el. prepress] ~ pret ä utiliser plug-and-play system [equip-
ment] ~ redactionnel editorial system [el. prepress] ~ YUV (des couleurs) YUV color system [el. imaging] systemes de prepresse prepress systems - fonctionnants en reseau networked systems ~ prepresse prepress systems table table ~ d'allocation table of contents [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de chasse width table [typography] ~ de consultation look-up table [CD-ROM publ. ] -deconversion conversion table [data proc.] - de couleurs color chart /el. imaging] ~ de crenage kerning table [typography] -demixage mixing desk [multimedia] ~ de montage electronique electronic light table [el. prepress] ~ de reference look-up table [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ des chemins path table [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ des couleurs color lookup table [el. imaging] ~ des matieres table of contents / CD-ROM publ.] ~ des matieres du volume volume table of contents [CD-ROMpubl] - du repertoire directory table [CD-ROM publ. ] tableautage tabular composition [typography] taille d'origine original size [el. imaging] ~ d'un pixel pixel size [el. imaging] ~ de caracteres typefont [typography] ~ en points point size [typography] - originale original size [el. imaging] tambour rotating drum [equipment] - photoconducteur photoconductive print drum [printers] tampon d'impression print buffer ~ de trame frame buffer /multimedia] ~ de video video buffer [multimedia] taux d'agrandissement enlargement ratio [el. prepress] ~ d'erreurs sur le bits bit error rate [CDROM publ.] ~ de rafraichissement refresh rate ~ de regέneration frame frequency [el. imaging] ~ de transfert transfer rate [CD-ROM publ. ]
- de transfer! declare designated transfer rate [CD-ROM publ.] TCD —> transformee en cosinus discrete [multimedia] TCP/IP, r&eau - TCP/IP network [online publ.] TdT —> traitement de texte technique ä menus menu technique [user interface] - d'impression numerique digital printing technology [el. prepress] - d'utilisation de fenetres (sur l'ecran) windowing technique [user interface] ~ de lecture apres ecriture direct read after write [CD-ROMpubl.] - de rendu rendering technique [el. imaging] - MCP (de compression des images) motion compensated prediction [multimedia] - multifenetres multiwindow technique [user interface] ~ predictive predictive technique [multimedia] technologie ä sublimation thermal dye thermal dye diffusion transfer [printers] - ä transfert thermique thermal transfer process [printers ] - CCD ä ecran plat CCD flatbed technology [equipment] - C D - R O M CD-ROM technology ~ CTP computer-to-plate technology [el. prepress] - d'impression printing technology [print shop] - du film sec dry film technology [el. prepress] - du laser laser technology ~ DVI digital video interactive [multimedia] - RET (rehaussement de la resolution) Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] teinte tone [el. imaging] teinte hue η [el. imaging] teintes de gris tones of grey [el. imaging] - intermidiaires intermediate tones [el. imaging] - Pantone Pantone colors [el. prepress] - primaires primary colors [el. imaging] teleacces a bases de donnees remote database access [onlinepubl.] telechargeable downloadable Ιέΐέεΐιβ^ειηεηί downloading n, downline loading [online publ.] - (des polices de caracteres) downloading η
Index fran;ais-anglais
~ d'actualites newsfeed η [online publ. ] telecharger download ν [online publ. ] telecomposeuse teletypesetter [equipmentI telecomposition remote typesetting [el. prepress] tele-edition telepublishing η telepublication telepublishing η temperature de couleur color temperature [el. imaging] temps d'acces access time ~ de positionnement (du bras) seek time [CDROM publ.] - de positionnement sur la piste track positioning time [CD-ROMpubl.] - de recherche fetch time [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de rotation du jeton token rotation time [online publ.] ~ de stabilisation settling time [CD-ROM publ.] ~ relatif ä partir du debit de la piste track relative time [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ total d'acces total access time [CD-ROM publ.] terminal terminal η [equipment] ~ d'edition editing terminal [equipment] ~ de mise en page video layout terminal [equipment] - multimedia multimedia workstation terminator terminator [online publ. / tete de lecture optique optical head [CDROM publ.] ~ de reseau head end [online publ. ] ~ du scanner scanning head [equipment] texte text [general sense] - autour de la figure flowing of text (around images) [desktoppubl.] - brut raw text [word proc. ] -compose composed text [typography ] - electronique electronic text [online publ.] - en gras boldfaced text [typography] - entourant une illustration runaround η [desktop publ.] -integral full text [document proc.] ~ mis en page made-up page [typography] - normal plain text - par expansion stretch text [hypertext] ~ plat flat text file [el. publishing] - principal body text [typography[ ~ structure structured text [el. publishing] texturage texturing η [el. imaging] texture texture η [el. imaging]
French-English index
texture de fond background texture TGA, format ~ Targa format [graphics] thesaurus thesaurus [retrieval] tierce/ final proof lei. prepress] tierces pi press proofs pi [el. prepress] TIFF, format - TIFF format [el. imaging] tirage, grand - long run [print shop] tirage au contact contact print [el. prepress] ~ couleur color printout [el. prepress] ~ d'epreuve(s) proof printing [el. prepress] - papier hardcopy printout tirer des epreuves proof ν [el. prepress] tirette handles pi [user interface] tiroir drawer [CD-ROM publ. ] titre d'une colonne column head [typography! TLS (tonalite, lumiere, saturation) HSL [el. imaging] token m token [online publ. ] tolerance d'exposition range of exposure [el. prepress] tome volume ton direct direct color [el. imaging] tonal tonal [el. imaging] tonalite tone [el. imaging] tonalite, de ~ tonal [el. imaging] ~ chromatique hue η [el. imaging] ~ de gris tones of grey [el. imaging ] toner m toner [printers] - liquide liquid toner [printers] ~ sec dry toner [printers] tonie volume [multimedia] tons Continus (non trames) continuous tone [el. prepress] topologie topology [onlinepubl.] ~ ä maillons mesh topology /online publ.] ~ d'interconnexion interconnection topology [online publ. ] ~ des reseaux network topology [online publ. ] ~ du reseau network topology [online publ.] ~ en arbre tree topology [online publ. ] touche button [user interface] ~ d'assistance help key [user interface] ~ d'ejection du disque eject key [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de deplacement du curseur cursor control key [user interface] ~ de fonction hotkey [user interface] ~ de la souris mouse button [user interface] - de modification edit key [user interface]
~ de positionnement du curseur cursor control key [user interface] ~ gauche de la souris left mouse button [user interface ] tours par seconde revolutions per second [CD-ROM publ.] trace des dialogues history tree [hypertext] ~ ecrite hardcopy printout trace m (de graphismes etc.) drawing η traitement au processeur RIP RIPping n, ripping η [el. prepress] - couleur photorealiste (image etc.) photorealistic color imaging [el. imaging] ~ d'anti-aliassage antialiasing η [el. imaging] ~ d'image(s) image processing ~ de donnees graphiques computer graphics ~ de texte (abr. TdT) word processing - de texte et d'images image and text processing [desktop publ.] - des images digitales digital image processing [el. prepress] ~ electronique des images electronic image processing [el. prepress] - graphique de l'information computer graphics ~ integre de textes et images integrated text and image processing [el. prepress] ~ numerique des images digital image processing [el. prepress] traiter au processeur RIP RIP v, rip ν [el. prepress] tramage screening η [el. prepress] trame/ raster η [el. imaging / screen η [el. prepress] ~ de reference reference frame [multimedia] ~ de remplissage fill pattern [el. imaging] -video video frame [multimedia] trän» adj (fond de texte etc.) textured [el. imaging] trainer screen ν [el. prepress] trames delta delta frames [multimedia] transcodification code conversion [data proc.J transfert de fichiers file transfer [online publ.] - de fichiers de texte transferring text files [el. prepress] ~ de textes text transfer [data proc.J - thermique thermal transfer [printers] transformee/en cosinus discrete (abr. TCD) discrete cosine transform [multimedia]
transparent m de projection overhead transparency transparente en couleurs color transparencies [el. prepress] transporteur (organisme gerant un reseau de telecomunication) network operator [online publ.] travail d'impression print job ~ en groupe workgroup computing [online publ. ] ~ en reseau networking η ~ redactionnel en commun joint editing [el. publishing] travaux de maquette layouting η [desktop publ.] TRC, flasheuse - CRT imagesetter [equipment] tridimensionnel threedimensional [el. imaging] triple vitesse triple-speed adj [CD-ROM publ.] 3D —> en trois dimensions [el. imaging] trois dimensions, en - - (abr. 3D) threedimensional [el. imaging] troncage truncation [retrieval] - des mots word truncation [retrieval] tronquer truncate [retrieval] trou (sur un DON) pit η [CD-ROM publ. ] trousse ä outils toolbox [user interface] trouver search ν [word proc. ] ~ et remplacer search and replace [word proc.] trucages pi special effects [multimedia] TSL, modele - HLS [el. imaging] tube PMT photomultiplier tube [equipment] TWAIN, format ~ TWAIN format [el. imaging] type type η [typography] type η [hypertext] type typed [hypertext] typographic bureautique desktop typesetting [el. prepress] typographique typographic, typographical typometre type gauge [typography] typotheque library of typefonts unite d'exposition exposure unit [el. prepress ] - d'exposition de plaques d'aluminium aluminum platesetter [el. prepress] - d'interface de reseau network interface unit
Index fran^ais-anglais
[online publ.] - d e CD-ROM CD-ROM drive ~ de composition typesetting unit [equipment] - de disquette disk drive [equipment] - de hauteur normal full-height drive [CDROM publ.] ~ de sortie output de vie e [equipment] unites peripheriques peripheral equipment URL (adresse dans le WWW) uniform resource locator [onlinepubl.] usager du reseau network user [online publ] utilitaire de capture d'ecran snapshot utility [user interface ] ~ de navigation browser [online publ.] VAC vitesse angulaire constante [CDROM publ.] valeur chromatique color value [el. imaging] ~ de tonalite tonal value [el. imaging] - du gris (pourcentage) percent grayness [el. imaging] valeurs d'approche kerning values [typography] - de c ^ n a g e kerning values [typography ] - de defaut default setting variation de focale zooming η [el. imaging] ~ de gris gray level [el. imaging] vectoriser vectorize [graphics I vedette headword velocite du processeur RIP RIPping speed, ripping speed [el. prepress] verificateur/correcteur orthographique spell checker/corrector [wordproc.] veriflcateur d'orthographe spelling checker [word proc.] verification d'orthographe spell checking [word proc.] ~ des blocs block matching [el. imaging] vernis protecteur, vernis de protection protective lacquer [CD-ROMpubl.] verrouillage de fichier(s) file locking [online publ.] verrouilleur genlock n, genlock card [multimedia] VF —> videofrequence [multimedia] VHD, d i s q u e - very high density disc [CDROM publ.] video adj video adj - m e η temps reel real-time video [multimedia] - lent still video [el. imaging]
French-English index
νίάέο numerique interactive (abr. DVI) digital video interactive [multimedia] ~ plein ecran full-screen video [multimedia] - plein ecran en temps reel real-time fullscreen video [multimedia] ~ temps reel real-time video [multimedia] videociel m videoware [multimedial videodisque compact compact video disc [CD-ROM publ] videofrequence (abr. VF) videofrequency [multimedia] vignette (image de taille reduite) inset η [hypertext] visionner (texte sur l'ecran etc.) view ν [word proc.] visite guidee guided tour [hypertext] visualisation avec codes codes view [word proc.] visualiser avant l'impression preview ν [desktop publ. ] vitesse, double - double-speed adj [CD-ROM publ.] vitesse, quadruple - quad speed [CD-ROM publ.] vitesse, triple ~ triple-speed adj [CD-ROM publ.] vitesse angulaire constante (abr. VAC) constant angular velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ d'impression printing speed - de balayage scanning speed [el. prepress] - de defilement scrolling speed [user interface] ~ de flashage imaging speed [el: prepress] ~ de gravure recording speed [CD-ROM publ.] - de numerisation digitizing speed [el. imaging] ~ de rotation rotation speed [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de sortie output rate ~ de transfert transfer rate [CD-ROM publ. ] - lineaire constante (abr. VLC) constant linear velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ maximale de recherche maximum seek [CD-ROM publ] ~ moyenne de recherche average seek [CDROM publ.] V L C —> vitesse lineaire constante [CD-ROM publ. ] voie logique logical link [onlinepubl.]
volet (un effet de transition) wipe η [video] volume volume - (sonore) volume [multimedia] vrai true [typography] ~ WYSIWYG true WYSIWYG [desktop publ.] vraie fonte true font [desktop publ. ] - qualite typographique true typeset quality [printers] VRAM m video RAM [multimedia] vue view η [hypertext] frame η [el. imaging] - de la page actuelle current page view [word proc.] - des liasons web view [hypertext] - "fish-eye" fisheye view [onlinepubl.] ~ pages de face facing pages display ~ pleine page full-page display WAIS wide area information server [online publ.] Web, serveur - Web server [online publ. ] Webmaster m Webmaster [online publ.] workflow m workflow [el. prepress] WORM, d i s q u e - WORM disk [equipment] W W W m World Wide Web [online publ. ] WYSIWYG WYSIWYG [desktop publ. ] WYSIWYG, affichage - WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG, ecran ~ WYSIWYG screen [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG, fontes - WYSIWYG fonts [desktop publ. ] WYSIWYG, vrai - true WYSIWYG [desktop publ. ] Xerographie ä laser laser xerography [el. prepress ] YUV, systeme imaging]
YUV color system [el.
zone active hotspot [user interface] ~ d'entree lead-in area [CD-ROMpubl. ] ~ de balayage scanning area [el. prepress] ~ de I'etiquette label printed area [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de programme(s) program area [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de sortie lead-out area [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de texte text box [user interface ]
~ de texte text field [database publ. ] ~ de texte text window [word proc. ] ~ de travail desktop [user interface] ~ non imprimante non-image area [typography! ~ plein ecran overscan area [multimedia]
Index fran;ais-anglais
~ rouleau (sur Γecran) scroll area [user interface] ~ sensitive pour la souris mouse-sensitive area [user interface] zoom m zooming η [el. imaging] zoomer ν zoom ν [el. imaging]
Spanish-English index
a todo color full color [print shop] abrir una ventana open ν a window [user interface ] acceso access η ~ a bases de datos remotas remote database access [online publ. ] ~ a ficheros remotos remote file access [online publ.] ~ a la red network access [online publ. ] - a los datos data access [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ a una variedad de terminales multiple terminal access [online publ.] - al servidor server access [online publ. ] - en Internet Internet access [online publ. ] ~ por palabra clave keyword access [document proc.] - remoto a bases de datos remote database access [onlinepubl.] aceleracion video video acceleration [multimedia] acelerador de gräficos graphics accelerator [equipment] acentuacion highlighting η acentuado adj highlighted acentuar highlight vi acercamiento estetico kerning η [typography ] acercar zoom in upon ν [user interface] acoplar kem ν [typography] actualizacion update η [database publ.] - (de ficheros etc.) updating η [databasepubl.] ~ parcial partial update [database publ.] actualizar update ν [database publ. ] adaptador de video video adapter [multimedia] ~ para gräficos graphics adapter [equipment] adiestramiento interactive interactive tutoring [multimedia] administraciön de la red network administration [online publ.] administrador de red sysop η [online publ. ] aerografo airbrush tool [el. imaging] agrandar blow up ν [el. imaging] enlarge [el. prepress] agrupacion conceptual conceptual clustering [hypertext] ajustar make up ν in pages [typography ] ajuste (de päginas) makeup η [typography] ~ de color color calibration [el. imaging] - de color(es) color matching [el. imaging] ~ de espacio kerning η [typography] - de gamma gamma adjustment [el. prepress]
-deniveles gradation [el. prepress] ~ del escäner setting of scanner [el. prepress] ~ fino fine tuning [desktop publ. ] alejar zoom down ν [user interface] algoritmo de compresion compression algorithm [multimedia] ~ de correccion de errores error-coiTection algorithm [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ de videocompresion MPEG MPEG algorithm [multimedia] almacenamiento de masa mass storage ~ masivo mass storage alta luminosidad highlighting η - resolucion high resolution altas luces highlights pi [el. imaging] altavoz m loudspeaker [multimedia] amigable user-friendly ampliacion enlargement [el. prepress] - de memoria memory expansion [data proc.] ampliar enlarge [el. prepress] - a escala scale up ν [el. imaging] - la vision (de una imagen etc.) zoom ν [el. imaging] amplificar enlarge [el. prepress] ancho de la reticula distance between screen lines [el. prepress] anchura (del tipo) width [typography] ~ de formulario form width [word proc. / ~ de la pista track width [CD-ROM publ. ] - del medianil gutter width /typography] ~ del soporte de salida media width [el. prepress ] ancla anchor η [hypertext] anclaje anchoring η [desktop publ.] anclar anchor ν [desktop publ. ] ancorar anchor ν [desktop publ. ] angulacion de trama screen angle [el. prepress] ängulo de trama screen angle [el. prepress] anillo de testigos token ring [online publ.] - logico logical ring [online publ. ] animacion animation [el. imaging] animacion, realizar ~ animate ν [el. imaging] ~ con simulacion de caminar walk-in representation [el. imaging] ~ por ordenador, ~ por computadora computer animation [el. imaging] animaciones electronicas animatronics [multimedia] animar animate ν [el. imaging] animätica computer animation [el. imaging]
animatrönica computer animation [el. imaging] anotacion annotation [word proc. ] antiaüas m antialiasing η [el. imaging) antialiasing m antialiasing η [el. imaging} antiarrugas m antialiasing η [el. imaging] aplicaciones de autoedicion desktop publishing applications - de multimedia multimedia applications ~ multimedia multimedia applications APPN, protocolo ~ advanced peer-to-peer networking [onlinepubi] apretar (letras) kern ν [typography] aproximar zoom in upon ν [user interface] ärbol de diälogos history tree [hypertext] - de ficheros file tree [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de temas subject tree [online publ. ] archive füe η [data proc.] - compartido shared file /online publ.] ~ de imagenes en linea online image collection [el. publishing] ~ de servidor server file [online publ. ] ~ de sonido sound file [multimedia] ~ de uso comun shared file [online publ. ] ~ digital digital archive [document proc.] - digital de imagenes digital image library [el. prepress] - fotogräfico photo archive [el. imaging] ~ indexado completamente fully indexed file [document proc.] - masivo mass file [CD-ROMpubl] ~ textos text file [word proc. ] - y recuperation de documentos document filing and retrieval [document proc. ] area caliente hotspot [user interface] - de barrido scanning area [el. prepress] ~ de deslizamiento scroll area [user interface] - de no imagen non-image area [typography] ~ de programa program area [CD-ROM publ.] - de texto text box [user interface] - de trabajo desktop [user interface] ~ imprimible image area [printers] - oculta hidden surface [graphics] ~ sensible hotspot [user interface] ~ total de imagen image area [printers] armonla de colores color balance [el. imaging] armonizacion de color color management [el. prepress] arquitectura cliente/servidor client/server
fndice espanol-ingles
architecture [online publ.] ~ CNA communication network architecture [online publ.] ~ C/S client/server architecture [online publ.] ~ de bus bus architecture [onlinepubl.] - de red (o de redes) network architecture [online publ. ] ~ en estrella star-shaped architecture [online publ.] arrastrar drag ν [user interface] arrastre dragging η [user interface] arreglo de päginas makeup η [typography] arte editorial graphic arts ~ final (anglicismo) final artwork [el. prepress] - generada por computadora computergenerated art [el. prepress] -original original artwork [el. prepress] artes graficas graphic arts articulo sin validez expired article [online publ.] ATM, fuente - ATM font [desktop publ. ] atributo attribute η [data proc. ] ~ de fuente font attribute [desktop publ. ] ~ de maquetacion layout attribute [desktop publ.] ~ de texto text attribute [desktop publ. ] ~ de video screen attribute ~ de visualization display attribute [user interface] - tipografico typographic attribute audible, de frecuencia - audio adj [multimedia] audio audio adj [multimedia] aumentar de tamaiio scale up ν [el. imaging] ~ el tamaiio zoom in upon ν [user interface] auriculares pi headphones pi [multimedia] authoring m authoring η [el. publishing] autocambiador de alta velocidad rapid changer [CD-ROMpubl.] autoedicion desktop publishing autoeditar desktop publish ν autofoco autofocus η [equipment] autopista de la information information highway [multimedia] autor author η [general sense ] autotipia screened picture [el. prepress] AVC, conexion - audiovisual connection [multimedia] AVI audio video interleave(d) [multimedia] AVI, formato ~ AVI format [multimedia]
Spanish-English index
ayuda contextual context-sensitive help [user interface] ~ de navegacion navigation aid [retrieval] ~ en linea online help [user interface] baja resolution low resolution balance de bianco white balance [el. imaging] ~ de color(es) color balance [el. imaging] balanceado automätico de columnas automatic column balance [desktop pubi] banco de datos de imägenes image data bank - de datos de imägenes digitales digital image data bank [el. prepress] ~ de documentos document bank [hypertext] banda sonora sound track [multimedia] bandeja drawer [CD-ROM publ. ] barniz protector protective lacquer [CDROM publ.] barra bar η [user interface] ~ de deslizamiento scroll bar [user interface] - de desplazamiento scroll bar [user interface] ~ de iconos icon panel [user interface] - de menus menu bar [user interface] - de titulo title bar [user interface] base de datos (abr. BD) database ~ de datos de imägenes image data bank ~ de datos de texto complete full-text data bank [document proc. ] ~ de datos multimedia multimedia database ~ de datos remota remote database [online publ.] ~ de datos textuales textual database ~ de hipertexto hypertext base ~ de texto text base [document proc. ] BBS/(boletines de noticias) bulletin board service [online publ. ] BD —> base de datos biblioteca de clip arts clip-art library [el. prepress ] ~ de colores color library [el. imaging] - de fuentes library of typefonts - de gräflcos clip art clip-art library [el. prepress ] ~ de tipos library of typefonts bicolor two-color [print shop] bicromia two-color print [print shop] bit C+D (de control y de visualization) C+D bit [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ de canal channel bit [CD-ROM publ. ] - de fusion merging bit [CD-ROM publ. ]
bitonal bi-tonal [el. prepress] bitonos pi bi-tones pi [el. prepress] bits por pixel (abr. bpp) bits per pixel [multimedia] bianco y negro (abr. b/n) black and white [el. imaging] bloque de datos sonoros audio block [CDROM publ.] - de ilustracion picture block [el. imaging] ~ logico logical block [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ VD volume descriptor [CD-ROM publ. ] bloqueo de ficheros file locking [online publ.] b/n, B/N -> bianco y negro [el. imaging] bookmark m (direction determinada) bookmark [hypertext] borde de ventana window margin [user interface] boton button [user interface] button [hypertext] - de ajuste del tamafio size button [user interface ] ~ de expulsion del disco eject key [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de navegacion navigation button [retrieval] - de nota annotation button [hypertext] ~ de raton mouse button [user interface] ~ de referenda reference button [hypertext] - de selection select button [user interface] - izquierdo del raton left mouse button [user interface ] ~ OK OK button [user interface] bpp —> bits por pixel [multimedia] bucle de retorno local local loop [online publ. ] - local local loop [online publ. ] biifer de impresion print buffer ~ de video video buffer [multimedia] bus logico logical bus [online publ. ] buscador browser [online publ. ] buscar search ν [wordproc.] - y sustituir search and replace [word proc. ] biisqueda search η [retrieval] - combinada nested search [retrieval] - con caracteres comodines wildcard searching [retrieval] ~ con criterios multiples multicriteria search [retrieval] ~ con operadores booleanos Boolean search [retrieval] ~ contextual contextual search [retrieval]
~ de cadenas de caracteres string search [retrieval] - de intervalos range search [retrieval] - de proximidad proximity search [retrieval] ~ de secuencias string search [retrieval] - de texto integral full-text retrieval [document proc.] ~ de texto libre free-text search [retrieval] ~ del vecino mäs pröximo nearest-neighbor search [retrieval] ~ en cascade cascaded search [retrieval] ~ en el documento entero full-text retrieval [document proc. ] - en todo el texto full-text retrieval [document proc. ] ~ exacta de palabras exact-pattern search [retrieval] ~ fonetica phonetic search [retrieval] - global global search [word proc.] ~ guiada directed retrieval [hypertext] ~ interactive interactive search [hypertext] ~ intuitiva intuitive search [retrieval] "limitada restricted search [retrieval] ~ lineal linear search /retrieval] ~ por palabras clave keyword search [retrieval] ~ restringida restricted search [retrieval] ~ segiin patrones exactos exact-pattem search [retrieval] ~ temätica thematic search [online publ. ] ~ y sustitucion search and replace [word proc.] byte de modalidad mode byte [CD-ROM publ. ] CA —» centro de autenticacion [online publ.] cabecera de hilera row head - de transmision transmission header [online publ.] cabeza del escäner scanning head [equipment] ~ optica optical head [CD-ROM publ. ] cabezal optico de lectura optical head [CDROM publ.] cable de acometida drop cable [onlinepubl.] ~ de audio audio cable [multimedia ] ~ Ethernet Ethernet cable /online publ. ] CAD —» conversion analogico-digital [data proc.] caddy m caddy η [CD-ROM publ. ] cadena string η [data proc. ]
Indice espaüol-ingles
~ de caracteres character string [data proc. ] cadencia de transferencia transfer rate [CDROM publ] caja acustica loudspeaker [multimedia] ~ de comprobacion check box [user interface] - de diälogo dialog box [user interface] - de herramientas toolbox [user interface ] - de menü menu box [user interface ] - de seleccion option box [user interface] cälculo de una secuencia de animacion rendering η [multimedia] calibration calibration [el. prepress] ~ colorimetrica color calibration [el. imaging] - de color color calibration [el. imaging] calibrado m calibration [el. prepress] - del color color calibration [el. imaging] calidad casi fotogräfica near-photographic quality [el. prepress] - casi tipograflca near-typeset quality [printers] ~ cercana a la de fotocomposicion neartypeset quality [printers] ~ de colores color quality [el. prepress] - d e d i b u j o draft quality [printers] ~ de imägenes image quality - de television broadcast quality [multimedia] ~ draft draft quality [printers] ~ tipograflca, verdadera - - true typeset quality [printers] camara de reproduction reproduction camera [equipment] - de video video camera [equipment] -digital digital camera [equipment] - digital (para imägenes de video) direct image capture camera [equipment] cambiar de tamano scale ν [el. imaging] cambio de disco disc changeover [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de escala scaling η [el. imaging] ~ de piano zooming η [el. imaging] - de tamano de fuentes font scaling ~ de tamano de la imagen image scaling [el. imaging] camino path [hypertext] ~debusqueda search path [retrieval] ~ de navegaci0n navigation path [hypertext] ~ eständar standard path [hypertext] ~ logico logical link [online publ. ] campo bibliografico bibliographic preparer field / CD-ROM publ. ]
Spanish-English index
campo clave key field [CD-ROM pubi] ~ de anclaje anchor field [hypertext] ~ de bixsqueda searchable field [retrieval] ~ de busqueda search field [ retrieval] ~ de datos auxiliar auxiliary data field [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de datos de usuario user data field [CDROM publ.] ~ de sincronizacion sync field [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de texto libre free-text field [database publ. ] ~ deslizante scroll box, scroll area [user interface] - header header field [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ subheader subheader field [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ texto text field [database publ. ] canal alfa alpha channel [video] - de audio sound channel [multimedia] canalizador router [online publ.] capa de barniz con caräcter protector protective lacquer [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ de carätula label printed area [CD-ROM publ.] ~ protectora protective lacquer [CD-ROM publ.] ~ reflectora reflective metallic layer [CDROM publ.] - reflejante reflective metallic layer [CDROM publ.] capacidad color color capability [graphics} ~ de datos utilizable para el usuario user data capacity [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ de edicion editing capability [word proc.] ~ de hardcopy hardcopy facility ~ de la red network capacity [online publ. ] ~ de la red para cursar traflco network throughput [online publ] ~ de memoria intermedia buffer capacity ~ de multiprotocolo multiprotocol capability [online publ. ] ~ de multisesion multisession capability [CDROM publ.] ~ de recuperacion autoreconnect function [online publ. ] - de sonido sound capability [multimedia] - de telecarga download capability ~ de ventanas windowing capability [user interface ] - multimedia multimedia capability capacidades de busqueda searching capa-
bilities [retrieval] ~ de consulta query facilities [user interface] captacion de imägenes capturing η [multimedia] ~ de imägenes con cämara digital direct photo image capture [equipment] captura de fotogramas frame grabbing [el. imaging] ~ de imägenes capturing η [multimedia] ~ de imägenes con cämara digital direct photo image capture [equipment] ~ de la pantalla screen snapshot ~ de pantallas screen capture [el. imaging] ~ de video (en tiempo real) video capture [el. imaging] capturador de pantalla screen capture feature [el. imaging] ~ de video video digitizer [equipment] capturar (cuadros de la pantalla) capture ν [multimedia] - con un escäner scan ν [el. prepress] caräcter comodin wildcard character [retrieval] ~ de control control character [data proc.] ~ de imprenta type η /typography] caracteres de formato libre freeforms pi [typography] ~ negros boldface η [typography ] caracteristica draft draft mode [printers] carga a traves de la linea downline loading [online publ. ] ~ de la red network load [online publ. ] ~ frontal, de - ~ front-load [CD-ROM publ. ] cargador Caddy caddy η [CD-ROM publ. ] cartucho de toner toner cartridge [printers] casa de grabacion de discos disc pressing house [CD-ROM publ. ] cascos de musica headphones pi [multimedia] catälogo digital digital catalog [el. publishing] ~ electronico electronic catalog [el. publishing] caudal de la red network throughput [online publ. ] CAV, rotacion ~ CAV rotation [CD-ROM publ. ] CCD, escäner - CCD scanner [equipment] CCD, escäner de - CCD scanner [equipment] CCD, sensor- CCD sensor [equipment] CCE —> cödigo de correcciön de errores [CDROM publ.] CD —> disco compacto [CD-ROM publ. ]
- audio audio CD [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ borrable erasable compact disc [CD-ROM publ.] CDE —> codigo de detection de errores [ CDROM publ.] CD-R ->CD-ROM grabable CD-ROM m CD-ROM CD-ROM, grabador de - CD-ROM recorder CD-ROM, lector de - CD-ROM player - grabable (abr. CD-R) CD-R ~ una vez grabable write-once recordable CD-ROM [CD-ROMpubl.] - XA CD-ROM XA CD-V CD-V [multimedia] CD-WORM, disco ~ CD WORM disc centro m hub [online publ. ] ~ de autenticacion (abr. CA) authentication center [onlinepubl.] - de control de una red network control center [online publ.] - de gestion de la red network management center [onlinepubl.] ~ de impresiön digital digital printing service center [el. prepress] ~ de red network hub [online publ. ] - de tränsito gateway η [online publ. ] ~ nodal nodal point [online publ.] CEP, sistema - color electronic prepress system [el. prepress] CEPS color electronic prepress system [el. prepress] CGU —> grupo cerrado de usuarios [online publ.] checkmark m check mark [user interface] chequeo de bloques block matching [el. imaging] chip de compresion compression chip [multimedia ] ciclo de actualization update cycle [database publ.] CIE (Comisiön Internacional de la iluminacion) CIE [organization] CIE, sistema cromatico de la ~ CIE color system [el. imaging] ~ LAB CEE LAB [el. imaging] ~ LUV CIE LUV [el. imaging] ~ XYZ CIE XYZ [el. imaging] cinch, conector de tipo ~ cinch connector [multimedia] cinta audio digital digital audio tape [multimedia ]
Indice espanol-ingles
- de base para CD-ROM master tape [CDROM publ.] ~ de premasterizacion premaster tape [CDROM publ.] CIP3 CIP3 [organization] CIRC, codigo - cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code [CD-ROMpubl.] CIRC, decodificador - CIRC decoder [CDROM publ.] CIRC, en codigo - CIRC-encoded [CD-ROM publ. ] circuito local local loop [online publ. ] clasificacion por temäticas subject index [online publ. ] clic m click η [user interface] clic, hacer ~ (sobre) click ν [user interface] hacer ~ y arrastrar click and drag [user interface] ~ de raton mouse click [user interface] cliente m client [online publ. ] clip art electronico electronic clip art [el. imaging] ~ video video clip [el. imaging] CLV, rotation - CLV rotation [CD-ROM publ.] CMYK (los colores ciän, magenta, amarillo y negro) CMYK [el. imaging] CMYK, proceso - CMYK process [el. prepress] CNA, arquitectura - communication network architecture [online publ. ] codification de colores color coding [el. imaging] - de forma de onda waveform coding [multimedia] - de longitud de recorrido run-length (en)coding [CD-ROMpubl.] - /decodificacion delta delta encoding/decoding [multimedia] ~ hibrida hybrid coding [multimedia] - RLE run-length (en)coding [CD-ROM publ. ] - sin perdidas lossless coding [multimedia] codificado digitalmente digitally coded [data proc. ] ~ en EFM EFM-encoded [CD-ROM publ. J codificador EFM EFM encoder [CD-ROM publ. ] codigo ASCII ASCII [data proc. ] ~ CIRC cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code [CD-ROM publ.]
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codigo de colores color code [el. imaging] - de correction de errores (abr. CCE) error correction code [CD-ROM publ.] - de detection de errores (abr. CDE) error detection code [CD-ROMpubl.] - de Huffman Huffman code [CD-ROM publ.] - de marcaje markup code [el. publishing] ~ de retorno return code [data proc.] - de 14 bits fourteen-bit code, 14-bit code [CD-ROM publ.] - DNIC data network identification code [online publ.] - EFM EFM code [CD-ROM publ. ] - Huffman adaptativo adaptive Huffman coding [multimedia] - Huffman modificado modified Huffman code [el. imaging] - M H C modified Huffman code [el. imaging] - run-length (basado en el largo de la secuencia) run-length (en)coding [CD-ROMpubl.] - SYNC sync code [CD-ROM publ. ] - temporal time code [multimedia] - tipogräfico typographic code colimador collimator [CD-ROM publ. ] color color η [el. imaging] color, a todo - full color [print shop] - actual current color [el. imaging] ~ de fondo background color [el. imaging] ~ de primer piano foreground color ~ de relleno fill color [el. imaging] - de texto text color ~ de trasfondo background color [el. imaging] ~ del espectro spectral color [el. imaging] ~ directo direct color [el. imaging] ~ para el fondo background color [el. imaging] - p i a n o spot color [el. prepress] colores, de cuatro ~ four-color ... colores, de dos - two-color [print shop] colores autenticos true colors [el. imaging] - bäsicos primary colors [el. imaging] - complementarios complementary colors [el. imaging] - de cuatricromia process colors [el. prepress ] ~ de proceso process colors [el. prepress] - fundamentales fundamental colors ~ indexados indexed colors [el. prepress] ~ Pantone (un eständar en las artes gräficas) Pantone colors [el. prepress]
- personalizados custom colors [el. imaging] - primaries primary colors [el. imaging] - primaries aditivos additive primary colors [el. imaging] - primaries sustractivos subtractive primary colors [el. imaging] - reales true colors [el. imaging] ~ secundarios secondary colors ~ verdaderos true colors [el. imaging] colorimetria colorimetry [el. prepress] columna column η [typography] comando de biisqueda search command [retrieval] - d e impresion print command [word proc.] - para deshacer UNDO command [user inte if ace] combination nesting η [retrieval] combiner textos e imägenes merge ν graphics with text [desktoppubl.] comentar annotate [word proc. ] comentario annotation [word proc. ] ~ vocal voice annotation [multimedia] compaginacion makeup η [typography] - asistida por ordenador computer-assisted makeup [desktoppubl.] ~ en ordenador computer typesetting ~ en pantalla onscreen page makeup [el. prepress ] compaginadas pi page proofs [el. prepress] compaginar make up ν in pages [typography] comparticion de ficheros file sharing [online publ.] compatible con PostScript PostScript compatible ~ High Sierra High-Sierra compatible [CDROM publ.] - Soundblaster Soundblaster compatible [multimedia] compensation de movimiento motion compensation [multimedia] componedora de planchas platesetter [equipment] ~ electronica typesetter [equipment] - l a s e r laser typesetter [equipment] - TRC CRT typesetter [equipment] componente m component [multimedia] componentes espectrales spectral components [el. imaging] componer typeset ν [typography ] composition (tipogräfica) composition [typography]
~ a distancia remote typesetting [el. prepress] ~ automätica automatic typesetting [el. prepress] ~ automatizada automated typesetting [el. prepress] - computerizada computer typesetting - con las letras apretadas kerning η [typography] - de libros book composition [typography] - de päginas page composition [el. prepress] ~ de päginas completes full-page composition [el. prepress] ~ de päginas interactive interactive page layout [el. prepress] ~ de tablas tabular composition [typography ] ~ de textos text composition [el. prepress] ~ digital digital typesetting [el. prepress] ~ digitalizada digitized typesetting [el. prepress ] ~ electronica electronic composition ~ fotogräfica phototypesetting η [el. prepress] - fotomecänica phototypesetting η [el. prepress] ~ informatizada computer typesetting ~ para archivar live matter [typography] ~ por computador computer typesetting - por lotes batch composition [el. prepress] ~ que ya no se volverä a utilizer dead matter [typography] - tabular tabular composition [typography] - välida live matter [typography] compositora de imägenes (hispanoam.) imagesetter [equipment] ~ de planchas (hispanoam.) platesetter [equipment] compresion compression [el. imaging] ~ adaptativa adaptive compression [multimedia] ~ asimetrica asymmetric compression [multimedia] ~ con perdidas lossy compression [multimedia] - de datos data compression [data proc.] ~ de imagen image compression [el. imaging] ~ de video video compression [multimedia] ~ delta delta compression [multimedia] ~ fractal fractal compression [el. imaging] ~ PIC picture image compression [multimedia] ~ por transformation transformation compression [multimedia]
Indice espanol-ingles
~ simetrice symmetric compression [multimedia] - sin perdidas lossless compression [multimedia] comprimir compress ν [data proc., typography] comprobacion ortogräflca spell checking [word proc. ] comprobador ortografico spelling checker [word proc.] computation por grupos (hispanoam.) workgroup computing [online publ] computador a plancha computer to plate [el. prepress] concentrador (inteligente) hub /online publ.] concordancia de colores color match [el. imaging] condensar compress ν [typography] conectar a una red network, integrate into a ~ en red network, integrate into a conector de altavoces loudspeaker [multimedia] ~ de tipo cinch cinch connector [multimedia] ~ para el cable de video video connector [equipment] ~ RCA RCA connector [multimedia] - SCART SCART connector [multimedia] conexion port η [equipment] - a la red network connection [online publ. ] ~ a una red externa gateway η [online publ] - A VC audiovisual connection [multimedia] ~ de redes interconnection of networks [online publ.] - en red(es) networking η ~ entre redes internetworking η [online publ. ] - LAN LAN connection [online publ. ] confection del formato formatting η [word proc. ] configuration de la red network configuration [online publ.] congelation freezing η [el. imaging] ~ de la imagen freeze frame [multimedia] congelado m (cuadro de una pelicula de video) freeze frame [multimedia] congestion de la red network congestion [online publ. ] conjunto de herramientas toolbox [user interface ] - de retrieval retrieval set console de mezcla mixing desk [multimedia]
Spanish-English index
construccion de un tesauro thesaurus construction [retrieval] consulta query η - de hipertextos hypertext browsing ~ de intervalos range query [retrieval] - interactive interactive query [retrieval] consultar look up ν contrasena keyword [document proc.] ~ (marca de escala) tick mark contraste contrast η [el. imaging] control de densidad density control [el. prepress] - de flujo flow control [el. prepress] - de foco focus control [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de gamma gamma curve control [el. prepress] ~ de kerning kerning control [typography] ~ de la red network control [online publ. ] - de las pruebas en la pantalla monitor proofing [el. prepress] - de tracking radial radial tracking control [CD-ROM publ.] controlado por iconos icon-driven [user interface ] ~ por mends menu-driven adj [user interface] controlador de interfaz de red network interface controller [online publ. ] controlador(a) de CD CD controller conversion conversion [data proc.] ~ analogico-digital (abr. CAD) analog-to-digital conversion [data proc. ] - de bases de datos database conversion ~ de codigo(s) code conversion [data proc.] ~ de datos data conversion [data proc.] ~ de imägenes image conversion ~ de texto(s) text conversion [word proc. ] ~ EFM EFM conversion [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ en hipertexto conversion of text into hypertext [hypertext] ~ para CMYK CMYK conversion [el. prepress ] convertidor de la escala de grises grayscale converter [el. imaging] ~ HTML HTML converter [el. publishing] convertir en digital digitize copia replicate η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de la pantalla hardcopy η [el. prepress] ~ de trabajo working copy [word proc. I ~ dura hardcopy η ~ impresa de la pantalla screen hardcopy ~ negativa negative print [el. prepress]
~ permanente (sobre papel) hardcopy η ~ por contacto contact print [el. prepress] ~ positiva positive print [el. prepress] copiadora de color color copier [equipment] copiar y pegar copy and paste [user interface] coprocesador para audio audio coprocessor [multimedia] correction automätica de ortografia automatic spelling correction [wordproc.] - cromätica color correction [el. imaging] - de color(es) color correction [el. imaging] ~ de tiempo time correction [multimedia] ~ del gamma gamma correction [el. prepress] - durante la ejecucion hot fix [online publ.] correccion ortografica automätica automatic spelling correction [wordproc.] corrector de la base de tiempo time base corrector [multimedia] - ortogräfico (o de ortografia) spelling checker [word proc. ] correo electronico electronic mail - personal personal mail [online publ.] corrimiento scrolling η [user interface] cortar y pegar cut and paste [user interface] corte algoritmico de palabras logic-based hyphenation [wordproc.] ~ de palabra(s) hyphenation [word proc. ] cortinilla wipe η [videoJ creacion automätica de indices automatic indexing [document proc] ~ de documentos largos long-document publishing [word proc.] ~ de vinculos linking η [hypertext] - digital de medios tonos digital halftoning [el. imaging] crear create ν ]word proc. ] cresta pit η [CD-ROM publ. ] criterio de biisqueda search criterion [retrieval] ~ de concordancia match criterion [retrieval] crominancia (cantidad de color) chrominance [el. imaging] CRT, filmadora - CRT imagesetter [equipment] cruceta de registro register mark [typography] cruz de registro register mark [typography] cruzado de plataformas cross-platform adj CTP computer to plate [el. prepress] CTP, filmadora ~ CTP imagesetter [equipment]
CTP, instalacion - computer-to-plate unit [equipment] CTP, plancha - CTP plate [print shop] cuadro frame η [word proc. ] ~ (de video) frame η [el. imaging] - Cerrar close box [user interface] ~ de ajuste del tamano size box [user interface] ~ de cambio de tamano resize box [user interface ] ~ de diälogo dialog box [user interface] - de video video frame [multimedia] - de zoom zoom box [user interface] - para variar las dimensiones de la ventana size box [user interface] ~ Terminar exit button [user interface] cuadros/seg. frames per second, frames/sec [el. imaging] cuatricromia process color printing [el. prepress] cuatro colores de cuatricromia process colors [el. prepress] cuentagotas m eyedropper [el. imaging] cuerpo tipografico point size [typography] cursiva verdadera true italic [typography] cursor cursor [user interface] curva de color color curve [el. prepress] - de compensation de gamma gamma curve [el. prepress] ~ de densidad density curve [el. prepress ] ~ de gradation gradation curve [el. prepress] CVD compact video disc [CD-ROM publ. ] datos audio audio data [multimedia] ~ capturados con un escaner scanned data - de alta resolution high-resolution data [el. prepress ] ~ de baja resolution low-resolution data [el. prepress] ~ de entrada input data [data proc.] ~ de texto textual data [word proc. ] ~ de texto complete full-text data [document proc.] ~ escaneados scanned data ~ introducidos input data [data proc. ] ~ no de imägenes non-image data [el. prepress ] - no textuales nontextual data ~ orientados a registros record-oriented data [database publ.] ~ recuperados retrieved data
Indice espaüol-ingles
~ separados en campos fielded data [CDROM publ.] ~ textuales textual data [word proc. ] ~ vectoriales vector data [graphics] ~ vectorizados vector data [graphics] DCS, ßchero - DCS file [el. prepress] DCT, proceso ~ discrete cosine transform [multimedia] DDE —> intercambio dinämico de datos [database publ. ] DDL document description language [word proc.] decodificacion EFM EFM decoding [CDROM publ.] decodificador CIRC CIRC decoder [CDROM publ] - MPEG MPEG decoder [multimedia ] definible por el usuario user-definable [user interface] definition sharpness - de tipo de documento document type definition [document proc.] degradadom graded tint [el. imaging] delta m delta - YUV delta YUV [el. imaging] densidad density / el. prepress, print shop ] ~ de lineas line density [word proc. ] - de puntos dot density [el. imaging] -detramado grid density [el. prepress] ~ maxima maximum density [el. prepress] densitometria densitometry [el. prepress] densitometro densitometer [el. prepress] dentado jagged [el. imaging] derivador drop cable [online publ. ] descarga (de fuentes) downloading η descargar download ν [online publ. ] descompresion decompression [multimedia] descomprimir (imägenes digitales) decompress ν [multimedia] desfile scrolling η [user interface] deshacer undo ν [user interface] deslizable scrollable [user interface] deslizamiento scrolling η [user interface] - de la imagen de la pantalla scrolling of screen image [user interface] - en alto scrolling down [user interface] ~ en bajo scrolling up [user interface] ~ lateral side scrolling [user interface] ~ vertical (ascendente ο descendente) vertical scroll [user interface] deslizar scroll vi [user interface]
Spanish-English index
deslizar hacia abajo scroll down ν [user interface ] - hacia arriba scroll up ν [user interface] - lateralmente side-scroll ν [user interface] desmodulacion EFM EFM demodulation [CD-ROM publ.] desmodulador EFM EFM demodulator [CDROM publ.] desplazamiento scrolling η [user interface] desplazar scroll vt [user interface] ~ hacia abajo scroll down ν [user interface] - hacia arriba scroll up ν [user interface] - lateralmente side-scroll ν [user interface] desplazarse por las päginas scroll vi [user interface ] destacar highlight vt destino de un vinculo link destination [hypertext] detalles y marcas para la impresion markup η [typography] detectar detect [online publ. ] diagrama cromätico de la CIE CIE chromaticity diagram [el. imaging] ~ lineal line graph [el. imaging] diagramacion (de un documento etc.) layout η [typography] diapositiva slide η diapositivas color color slides [el. prepress] diario de papel printed newspaper ~ electronico electronic newspaper [online publ.] - en linea online newspaper [el. publishing] diarios por pedido (hispanoam.) newspaper on demand [el. publishing] dibujo drawing η - (artistico) drawing η ~ de linea line art drawing [el. imaging] - de relleno fill pattern [el. imaging] - lineal line drawing [el. imaging] - por lineas line drawing [el. imaging] - publicitario commercial art [el. prepress] dibujo(s) de linea line art [el. imaging] dibujos predeflnidos clip art [el. prepress] diccionario ampliable expandable dictionary [word proc.] - de corte de palabras hyphenation dictionary [word proc.] - de division de palabras hyphenation dictionary [word proc.] - de excepciones exception word dictionary [word proc.]
~ de palabras exceptuadas exception word dictionary [wordproc.] - de sinonimos thesaurus [retrieval] - del comprobador ortografico spelling dictionary [word proc.] - expandible por el usuario user-expandable dictionary [wordproc.] difusion por fax broadcast fax [online publ. ] digital digital [dataproc.] digital, totalmente - fully digital [el. prepress] digitalizable digitizable [el. imaging] digitalizacion digitization [el. imaging] sampling η [multimedia] ~ de imagenes de video video digitizing [el. imaging] digitalizado digitized digitalizador de gran formato large-format digitizer [equipment] ~ de imagenes video video digitizer [equipment] - de video video digitizer [equipment] digitalizadora digitizer [el. imaging] digitalizar digitize digito de control control character [data proc.] direcciön de grupo (en una red) group address [online publ.] ~ de Internet Internet address [online publ.] - d e sector sector address [CD-ROM publ. ] - en Internet Internet address [online publ. ] - IP IP address [online publ.] direccionado de grupo group addressing [online publ. ] direccionamiento de grupo group addressing [online publ.] - por grupos group addressing [onlinepubl.] directorio (de ficheros) table of contents [CDROM publ.] ~ de servidores server directory [online publ. ] dirigido por mentis menu-driven adj [user interface ] - por raton mouse-driven [user interface] disco disk; disc - bridge bridge disc [ CD-ROM publ.] -CD-ROM CD-ROM -CD-WORM CD WORM disc - compacte (abr. CD) compact disc - compartido shared disk [online publ] - de muy alta densidad very high density disc [CD-ROM publ.]
- de premasterizacion premaster disc [CDROM pubi] ~ de praeba check disc /CD-ROM publ. ] - del tipo läser laser disc [multimedia] ~ duro hard disk [equipment] disco duro, sin ~ diskless [onlinepubi] disco läser laser disc [multimedia] ~ local local disk [onlinepubl.] - madre mother disc [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ maestro master disc [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ maestro (de cristal) glass master [CD-ROM pubi] - magneto-optico magneto-optical disc [equipment] - master master disc [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ mixto (con datos y musica) mixed-type disc [CD-ROM pubi] ~ optico una vez grabable write-once optical disc [CD-ROMpubi] ~ termomagnetico magneto-optical disc [equipment] ~ utilizado en comiin shared disk [online publ.] ~ VHD very high density disc [CD-ROM publ.] - W O R M WORM disk [equipment] discriminacion mayiisculas/minusculas case sensitivity [retrieval] diseno de pägina page layout [typography] display m (representation visual) display η [equipment] - de tamafio real full-screen display disposici0n en malla(s) meshing η [online pubi] - en tablas tabular composition [typography] - tipografica layout η [typography] dispositive de almacenamiento masivo mass storage ~ de exposicion imaging device [equipment] - de pruebas proofer η [equipment] ~ de rasterization de päginas hardware RIP [equipment] ~ de salida output device [equipment] ~ de salida de papel normal plain paper output device [equipment] dispositivos perifericos peripheral equipment disquetera disk drive [equipment] distancia de la palabra word offset [retrieval] ~ de separacion (entre columnas) gutter [typography]
Indice espafiol-ingles
~ entre las pistas track pitch [CD-ROM publ.] ~ focal focus η distanciar zoom down ν [user interface] distribucion de pägina page layout [typography] - digital digital distribution [online publ. ] ~ electronica electronic distribution [el. publishing] ~ electronica de informacion electronic information delivery [onlinepubi] distribuidor (inteligente) hub [online publ. ] division automatica de palabras automatic hyphenation [word proc.] ~ de la pantalla split screen [user interface] - de palabras hyphenation [word proc. ] ~ de palabras basado en algoritmos logicbased hyphenation [wordproc.] divisor de haces beam splitter [CD-ROM pubi] DNIC, codigo - data network identification code [onlinepubi] doble clic, hacer un — double-click ν [user interface ] documentacion en llnea online documentation [user interface] documento document η [wordproc.] - criptado ciphered document [document proc.] ~ de destine target document - de hipertexto hypertext document - de hipertexto hyperdocument [el. publishing] - de texto de formato libre free-text document [document proc.] ~ digital portatil portable digital document [el. prepress] - hipertexto hypertext document ~ multimedia multimedia document ~ para el WWW Web document [online publ. ] ~ portatil portable document [el. prepress] ~ SGML SGML document [el. publishing] documentos de papel paper-based documents [document proc.] ~ de texto complete full-text documents [document proc.] ~ en carta impresa paper-based documents [document proc. ] - en papel convencional paper-based documents [document proc.]
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documentos generados por medios electronicos electronically generated documents [document proc. ] ~ no textuales non-text documents ~ sobre soporte papel paper-based documents [document proc.] dotar de cambios tipogräficos (un texto etc.) mark up ν [typography] drive m de altura normal full-height drive [CD-ROM publ.] DTP (exposition directa sobre plancha) DTP [el. prepress] DVI —» video digital interactivo [multimedia]
EAO —> edicion asistida por ordenador EAO, programas de ~ DTP software [desktop publ. ] EBXA, eständar ~ EBXA standard [el. publishing] EDC/ECC, tecnica - error detection and correction coding [CD-ROM publ. ] edicion publishing η [general sense ] editing η [word proc. ] publishing η [el. publishing] - asistida por ordenador (abr. EAO) desktop publishing ~ auxiliada por computadora computeraided publishing ~ bajo demanda publishing on demand ~ con tipos TrueType true type editing [desktop publ. ] - cross-media (crear una sola vez y publicar de varias formas) cross-media publishing [el. publishing] - de CD-ROM CD-ROM publishing ~ de empresa corporate publishing - de fuentes font editing ~ de imagenes image editing [el. imaging] ~ de mapa de bits bitmap editing [el. imaging] - de päginas enteras full-page editing [word proc. ] ~ de pixels pixel editing [graphics] ~ de publicaciones en color color publishing I el. prepress] ~ de sobremesa desktop publishing ~ de sonido sound editing [multimedia] ~ de video video cutting - electronica electronic editing ~ electronica (digital) electronic publishing
- electronica de empresa corporate electronic publishing - electronica sobre medios opticos optical publishing [el. publishing] ~ en el propio local inhouse publishing ~ en hipertexto hypertext authoring ~ en Internet Internet publishing [online publ.] ~ en la oficina office publishing - grande long run [print shop] ~ interactive interactive editing [el. publishing] ~ on-line online publishing ~ personal (con PC) personal publishing [desktop publ. ] ~ por computadora (hispanoam.) electronic publishing ~ por ordenador computer publishing - profesional high-end publishing [desktop publ. ] ~ tecnica technical publishing - tecnica electronica electronic technical publishing ~ Web Web publishing Ionline publ. ] editable editable [word proc. ] editar publish edit ν [word proc. ] editor editor [word proc. ] ~ a base de pixel paint program [graphics] ~ de fuentes font editor - de gräficos inteligente intelligent graphical editor - de HTML HTML editor [el. publishing] ~ de imagenes image editor [el. imaging] ~ de instrumentos instrument editor [multimedia] ~ de kerning kerning editor [desktop publ. ] ~ de lenguaje hipertexto hypertext editing system ~ de päginas enteras full-screen editor [word proc. ] - d e pixels paint program [graphics] - de sonido sound editor [multimedia] ~ de tablas table editor [wordproc.] ~ de texto WYSIWYG WYSIWYG text editor [desktop publ. ] ~ de textos text editor [word proc. ] efecto cortina wipe η [video] ~ estereoscopico stereoscopic effect [el. imaging] ~ sierra aliasing η [el. imaging]
~ tridimensional threedimensional effect [el. imaging] efectos de sonido sound effects [multimedia] - de transicion transitions pi [multimedia] ~ especiales special effects [multimedia] - sierra aliasing effects [el. imaging] ~ sonoros sound effects [multimedia] E F M eight-to-fourteen modulation [ CD-ROM publ.] E F M , codifteado en ~ EFM-encoded [CDROM publ.] E F M , codificador ~ EFM encoder [CD-ROM publ.] E F M , codigo - EFM code [CD-ROM publ. ] E F M , conversion ~ EFM conversion [CDROM publ.] EFM, decodificacion ~ EFM decoding [CDROM publ.] EFM, desmodulacion ~ EFM demodulation [CD-ROM publ.] EFM, desmodulador ~ EFM demodulator [CD-ROM publ.] EFM, modulation - eight-to-fourteen modulation [CD-ROM publ.] eje spindle [CD-ROM publ. ] elegir select ν elemento item [el. imaging] element [hypertext] elimination del tramado descreening η [el. prepress] elimininacion de redundancies redundancy elimination [databasepubl.] empresa de creation de tipos digitales digital type foundry [el. prepress] - de masterizacion mastering company [ CDROM publ.] emulation PostScript PostScript emulation [desktop publ] encaminador router [online publ.] encaminamiento routing η [online publ. ] encuadrar crop ν [el. imaging] enfocar focus ν enfoque focus n, focusing η engrandecer enlarge [el. prepress] enlace link η [hypertext] - alternative backup connection [online publ.] ~ de demandas query link [hypertext] ~ dinämico de datos dynamic data exchange [database publ.] ~ hipertexto hypertext link
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~ jerärquico hierarchical link [hypertext] ~ unidireccional one-way link [hypertext] - vivo warm link [hypertext] enlaces calientes hot links pi [hypertext] enlazar Link υ [hypertext] enrollamiento scrolling η ]user interface] - lateral side scrolling /user interface] enrollar abajo scroll down ν [user interface] enrutador router [onlinepubl.] ensamblado assembly [el. prepress] - electrönico de päginas electronic page assembly [el. prepress] ensayo preview η [el. prepress] - de aplicaciön application test /multimedia] ensenanza asistida interactive computerbased training [multimedia] entorno multimedia multimedia environment entrada de audio audio input [multimedia] ~ de parametros parameter input [data proc. ] ~ de texto(s) text input ~ de video video input [multimedia] entrega electronica de documentos electronic document delivery [documentproc.] entrelazado m interleaving η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de ficheros file interleaving [CD-ROM publ.] enviar post ν [online publ.] ePS PostScript editable [el. prepress] EPS -> PostScript encapsulado EPS, fichero - encapsulated PostScript file EPS, formato - encapsulated PostScript format equilibrio de grises gray balance [el. imaging] equipo de fotocomposicion phototypesetting equipment, photocomposition device [el. prepress] ~ de masterizacion mastering facility [CDROM publ.] ~ de proceso imägenes imaging devices pi [general sense] - electrönico de composicion electronic typesetting system [equipment] ~ encaminador router [online publ. ] ~ MPC multimedia PC ~ multimedia multimedia platform - periferico peripheral equipment equitativo peer-to-peer ]online publ. ] error de tracking tracking error [ CD-ROM publ.] escala, reducir a ~ scale down ν
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escala de agrandamiento scale η of enlargement [el. imaging] - de colores Pantone Pantone colors [el. prepress] - de densidad density scale [el. prepress] - de grises grayscale [el. imaging] - de tiempo reducida fast-time scale [multimedia / ~ dinämica dynamic range [el. prepress] escalado m scaling η [el. imaging] - automatico autoscaling η [el. imaging] escalonamiento gradation [el. prepress] escaneado m scan n, scanning n, scanned image [el. prepress] - en color color scanning [el. prepress] escaneados de prueba trial scans [el. prepress] escanear scan ν [el. prepress] escaneo m scanning η [el. prepress] - de ensayo preview scan [el. prepress] - de segundo piano background scanning [el. prepress ] - en bianco y negro grayscale scanning [el. prepress ] - en color color scanning [el. prepress] - en gran formato large-format scanning [el. prepress ] - para previsualizaciön prescanning η [el. prepress ] - räpido fast scan [el. prepress] - remote remote scan [el. prepress] escäner m scanner [equipment] - B/N black and white scanner [equipment] - CCD CCD scanner [equipment] -cilindrico drum scanner [equipment! - color color scanner [equipment] - con läser laser scanner [equipment] - con pantalla plana flatbed scanner [equipment] - con rodillo drum scanner [equipment] - con ventana plana flatbed scanner [equipment] - de alta resolution high-resolution scanner [equipment] ~ de bianco y negro black and white scanner [equipment] - d e CCD CCD scanner [equipment] - de cilindro drum scanner [equipment] - d e c o l o r color scanner [equipment] - de entrada plana flatbed scanner [equipment]
- de gran formato large-format scanner [equipment] - de imägenes de lineas line art scanner [el. prepress] - de multiples pasadas multiple-pass scanner [equipment] - de prestaciones elevadas high-performance scanner [equipment] - de sobremesa desktop scanner [equipment] - de tambor drum scanner [equipment] - de textos de sobremesa desktop text scanner [equipment] - de tres pasadas triple-pass scanner [equipment] ~ de una pasada single-pass scanner [equipment] - en color color scanner [equipment] ~ inteligente intelligent scanner [equipment] -manual handheld scanner [equipment] - para bianco y negro black and white scanner [equipment] - para diapositivas slide scanner [equipment] - para pelicula slide scanner [equipment] -piano flatbed scanner [equipment] - piano de color color flatbed scanner [equipment] - rotativo drum scanner [equipment] - vertical de tambor vertical drum scanner [equipment] escena scene η [multimedia] escoger select ν ESDI, interfaz - ESDI [CD-ROM publ. ] espaciados, hacer - spacefill ν espacio de color color space [el. imaging] - de trabajo desktop [user interface] - e n la WWW Web space [online publ.] - entre columnas gutter / typography ] - W e b Web space [online publ.] especificacion High Sierra (ISO 9660) High Sierra specification [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ MPRSS MPRSS [el. prepress] especificar detalles sobre la impresion mark up ν [typography ] espesor width [typography ] establecer vinculos link ν /hypertext] estacion (un ordenador conectado a una red) workstation [onlinepubl.] - cliente client station [online publ. ] - combinada combined station [online publ.] - de authoring authoring station [el. publishing]
~ de composition tipografica composition workstation [equipment] - de digitalizaciön digitizing station [el. imaging] - de escaneo scanning station [equipment] - de gestion server [online publ. ] ~ de procesado film processor [el. prepress] - de trabajo de autoedicion DTP workstation [desktop publ.] - de trabajo de CD-ROM CD-ROM workstation ~ de trabajo sin disco diskless workstation [online publ.] - del usuario user station [online publ. ] ~ LAN LAN workstation [online publ. ] ~ mixta combined station [onlinepubl.] - multimedia multimedia workstation - R I P RIP station [equipment] estado de la red network status [online publ. ] estampacion pressing η [CD-ROM publ. ] estampado m pressing η [CD-ROM publ. ] estampador stamper disc [CD-ROM publ. ] estandar EBXA EBXA standard [el. publishing] - generico generic standard [multimedia] - HDMM HDMM [CD-ROMpubl] ~ JPEG JPEG standard [el. imaging] - MPEG (del Grupo asociado de expertos fotograficos) MPEG algorithm [multimedia] - para el intercambio de datos digitales digital data exchange specifications [el. prepress ] estilo de fuente typefont [typography ] ~ de letra typefont [typography] estrategia de acceso access strategy [document proc.] estrato de encaminamiento routing layer [online publ. ] estrechar compress ν [typography] estructura cortical backbone network architecture [online publ.] ~ de archive file structure [dataproc.] - d e b u s bus structure [online publ] - de datos data structure [database publ.] - de ficheros file structure [dataproc.] - de hipertexto hyperstructure - de la red network structure [online publ.] - de pägina page background - en anillo ring configuration [online publ.] estructurado textured [el. imaging] etiqueta tag η [el. publishing, hypertext]
Indice espafiol-ingles
~ label η [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ de comienzo start tag [hypertext] - de comienzo y de fin start and end tag [el. publishing] ~ de fin end tag [hypertext] etiquetado tagged [el. publishing] etiquetas HTML HTML tags [el. publishing] evaluacion de la relevancia de las respuestas relevance ranking [retrieval] examinador browser [online publ. ] - Web Web browser [online publ. ] exento del pago de derechos de autor licence-free exhibir display ν expansion zooming η [hypertext] - de la demanda query expansion [retrieval] - de la memoria memory expansion [data proc.] exploracion (por barrido) scan η [el. prepress] - de imägenes image scanning [el. prepress] - de la imagen scan η [el. prepress] explorador (de imägenes) scanner [equipment] - optico scanner [equipment] explotacion de la red network operation [online publ. ] explotador de una red network operator [online publ. ] exponer image ν [el. prepress] exportacion de documentos document export [word proc.] exposicion exposure [el. prepress] - de peliculas (o planchas) imaging η [el. prepress] - de planchas plate exposure [el. prepress] ~ directa (sobre plancha etc.) direct imaging [el. prepress] fabricacion de CD-ROM CD-ROM production facilidad de uso user friendliness factor de escala scaling factor [el. imaging] - de escalado scaling factor [el. imaging] - de escalamiento scaling factor [el. imaging] - de zoom zoom factor [el. imaging] fax a demanda fax on demand [el. publishing] fecha de caducidad expiration date [online publ.] fichero file η [data proc.] - ASCII ASCII file [data proc. ] ~ asociado associated file [CD-ROM publ. ]
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fichero bitmap bitmap file [el. imaging] ~ compartido shared file [online publ. ] ~ DCS DCS file [el. prepress] ~ de consultas mäs frecuentes frequently asked questions [online publ.] ~ de definition de formato(s) format definition file - de enlaces web file [hypertext] ~ de entrada input file [data proc.] - de escaneado scanned-image file [el. prepress] - de formato format file ~ de ilustracion picture file - de imägenes picture file ~ de los datos de alta resolution fine data file [el. prepress] - de plantilla template file [desktop publ.] ~ de PostScript encapsulado encapsulated PostScript file ~ de salida output file [printers] - de sonido sound file [multimedia] ~ de texto text file [wordproc.] ~ de texto estructurado structured text file [el. publishing] ~ de texto no estructurado fiat text file [el. publishing] ~ de trabajo viewfile [el. prepress] ~ de video video file [multimedia] ~ de visualization display file [desktop publ.] - EPS encapsulated PostScript file ~ etiquetado tagged text file [el. publishing] ~ formato WAV wave file [multimedia] ~ gräflco graphics file [data proc. ] - independiente del dispositive device-independent file ~ MIDI MIDI file [multimedia] - servidor server file [online publ. ] ~ waveform wave file [multimedia] fidelidad de color color fidelity [el. imaging] figuras clip-art clip art [el. prepress] fijacion fixing η [el. prepress] fijado fixing η [el. prepress] filetes de medianil gutter rules [typography ] film m film η [el. prepress ] filmacion imaging η [el. prepress] ~ (de salida) film output [el. prepress] ~ de pägin&s enteras full-page imaging ~ de pliegos enteros full-signature imaging [el. prepress ] ~ en formatos anchos wide measure image-
setting [el. prepress] ~ laser (en papel ο peh'cula) laser image setting [el. prepress] ~ PostScript PostScript imagesetting [el. prepress ] filmadora imagesetter, typesetter [equipment] ~ (de diapositivas) imager [equipment] ~ (para formatos pequenos) imagesetter [equipment] ~ a papel paper imagesetter [equipment] ~ capstan flatbed imagesetter [equipment] ~ CRT CRT imagesetter [equipment] - CTP CTP imagesetter [equipment] ~ de formato ancho wide-format imagesetter [equipment] ~ de gran formato large-format imagesetter [equipment] ~ de la cuarta generation fourth-generation phototypesetter [equipment] ~ de paginas enteras full-page imaging device [equipment] ~ de papel normal plain paper typesetter [equipment] -depelicula filmsetter [equipment] ~ de plancha platesetter [equipment] - de pruebas proofing imager [el. prepress] - de sobremesa desktop imagesetter [equipment] - d e t a m b o r drum imagesetter [equipment] - de tambor externo external drum film recorder [ equipment] ~ de tambor interno internal drum film recorder [equipment] -digital digital imagesetter [equipment] ~ directa a la plancha CTP imagesetter [equipment] - fotogräfica photo imagesetter [equipment] ~ laser laser imager [equipment] ~ laser para formatos anchos wide measure laser image setter [equipment] - plana flatbed imagesetter [equipment] ~ plana por läser laser flatbed imagesetter [equipment] ~ platesetter (de exposition directa sobre plancha) platesetter [equipment] ~ platesetter a läser laser platesetter [equipment] ~ platesetter digital digital platemaker [equipment] ~ platesetter para copia directa de planchas direct-to-plate imagesetter [el. prepress]
~ PostScript PostScript imagesetter [equipment] ~ seca dry setter [equipment] filmar image ν [el. prepress] filme m film η [el. prepress] filmina film η [el. prepress] flltrar ellide ν [hypertext] filtro antialiasing antialiasing filter [el. imaging] - de correcion cromätica color correction filter [el. imaging] ~ de importation/exportation import/export filter [data proc.] - de visualization viewing filter [hypertext] flecha de deslizamiento scroll arrow [user interface ] - del cursor cursor arrow [user interface] flujo de datos digitales digital data flow [el. prepress] - d e texto text flow [desktop pubi] - de texto (alrededor de imägenes etc.) flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ.] - de texto automätico automatic text flow [desktop publ.] - de trabajo(s) workflow [el. prepress] - de trabajos digital digital workflow [el. prepress] focalizado, no ~ out of focus [ CD-ROM publ. ] fondo background ~ de visualization display background font m font [typography] forma de los puntos de tramado grid pattern [el. prepress] - de puntos dot shape [el. imaging] formation de päginas makeup η [typography ] formateado adj formatted ~ η formatting η [data proc.] formatear format ν [data proc., word proc.] formateo formatting η [data proc., word proc.] formato format η [general sense] orientation [printers] formato, gran - large format [print shop] - ancho wide format [print shop] ~ AVI AVI format [multimedia] - de documento portable portable document format [online publ.] - de escaneo scanning format [el. prepress] - de imagen picture format [el. imaging] ~ de impresion print format
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- de (la) pagina page format [word proc. ] ~ de pägina page orientation [printers] - de salida output format - de texto text format [word proc. ] ~ entrelazado interleave format [CD-ROM publ.] - EPS encapsulated PostScript format - GIF GIF format [online publ. ] - grande large format [print shop] - High Sierra High-Sierra format [CD-ROM publ.] -horizontal landscape format [printers] - IFF interchange file format [multimedia] -libre free format [dataproc.] - PDF portable document format [online publ.] - R T F rich text format [document proc.] ~ TGA Targa format [graphics] ~ TIFF TIFF format [el. imaging] ~ TWAIN TWAIN format [el. imaging] ~ vertical portrait format formulario form η [online publ. ] forum m newsgroup [online publ. ] foto digital digital photo [el. imaging] fotocomponedora phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] ~ de tercera generation third-generation typesetter ]equipment] ~ laser laser typesetter [equipment] ~ sobre pelicula filmsetter [equipment] - TRC CRT phototypesetter [equipment] fotocomponer phototypeset ν [el. prepress] fotocomposicion photocomposition, phototypesetting η [el. prepress] - basada en PC PC-based typesetting [el. prepress] - electronica electronic photocomposition [el. prepress ] ~ en casa inhouse phototypesetting [el. prepress] ~ por läser laser typesetting [el. prepress] ~ sobre pelicula filmsetting fotocompositor phototypesetter [el. prepress] fotocompositora (hispanoam.) phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] fotodetector photodetector fotograbado tramado screened picture [el. prepress ] fotografia digital digital photography [el. imaging] - digital digital photo [el. imaging]
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fotografia en tono continuo continuous tone photograph [el. prepress] fotogramam frame η [el. imaging] fotogramas por segundo frames per second, frames/sec [el. imaging] fotolito film η [el. prepress] fotorrealismo photorealism [el. imaging] fotorrealista adj photorealistic adj [el. imaging] fragmento de video video clip [el. imaging] frecuencia de acceso access frequency [document proc. ] - de actualization update frequency [database pubi] - de las imägenes frame rate [CD-ROM publ.] - del barrido video scanning rate [el. prepress] FTP, protocolo - file transfer protocol [online publ. ] FTP, servidor ~ FTP server [online publ. ] fuente (surtido de letras y signos) font [typography] - A T M ATM font [desktop publ.] - bitmap bit-mapped font [desktop publ. ] - de impresora läser laser font [el. prepress] - de la impresora printer font [desktop publ. ] - de la pantalla screen font [desktop publ. ] - de läser laser font [el. prepress] - de luz läser laser source [CD-ROM publ. ] - de tipos typefont [typography ] - de video video source [multimedia] - digital digital font [el. prepress] - escalable scalable font [desktop publ. ] - especial special font - eständar standard font [printe rs] - generica generic font [desktop publ.] - mapeada en bits bit-mapped font [desktop publ.] - O C R OCR font - para impresora läser laser printer font [desktop publ. ] - PostScript PostScript font [printers] ~ predeterminada default font - real true font [desktop publ. ] - residente built-in font [printers] ~ standard standard font [printers] - telecargable downloadable font - telecargada downloaded typefont - verdadera true font [desktop publ. ] fuentes en lenguajes extranjeros foreign language fonts [wordproc.]
- residentes resident fonts [desktoppubl.] - WYSIWIG WYSIWYG fonts [desktop publ. ] fuera de registro out of register [typography ] funcion "buscar y substituir" search/replace function [wordproc.] - de ayuda help function [user interface] - de biisqueda search function [wordproc.] ~ de deslizamiento scrolling feature [user interface] ~ de edicion editing function [word proc. ] - de fusion blending function [el. imaging] - de glosario glossary function [word proc. ] - de kerning kerning function [desktoppubl.] - de maquetacion page layout function [desktop publ. ] - de previsualizacion preview function [user interface] ~ de recorte clipping function [graphics] - de rotacion rotate function [el. imaging] ~ de tesauro thesaurus feature [retrieval] - de ventanas window feature [user interface ] - d e zoom zoom function [el. imaging] funciones tridimensionales threedimensional functions [el. imaging] fundido encadenado dissolve n; fade-in, fadeout [video] galera galley [typography ] galerada galley [typography] galeradas pi galley proofs /typography] gama (valor de contraste) gamma [el. prepress] - cromatica color gamut [el. imaging] - de colores color gamut [el. imaging] ~ de densidad density range [el. prepress] - de grises grayscale palette [el. imaging] - Pantone Pantone colors [el. prepress] gamma (valor de contraste) gamma [el. prepress] gateway m gateway [onlinepubl.] generacion de sonidos sound generation [multimedia] ~ de tonos sound generation [multimedia] ~ de un indice index generation [document proc.] genlock m genlock η [multimedia] geometria de päginas page geometry [typography] gestion compartida de documentos shared document management [document proc.]
~ de color(es) color management [el. prepress] - de documentos document management [document proc. ] ~ de las ideas ideas processing ~ de redes network administration [online pubI.] ~ de redes network control [online publ. ] ~ del color color management [el. prepress] ~ del flujo de trabajo(s) workflow management [el. prepress] gestor server [online publ. ] ~ de comunicaciones communications server [online publ. ] ~ de ficheros file server [online publ. ] GIF, formato ~ GIF format [online publ. ] grabable writable adj [CD-ROM publ.] grabacion recording n, pressing η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ analogies analog recording [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de CD-ROM CD-ROM production - del disco master mastering η [CD-ROM publ.] ~ directs direct imaging [el. prepress] ~ maestra mastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] - vertical vertical recording [CD-ROM publ. ] grabado de trama screened picture [el. prepress] grabador de CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder grabadora de CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder - de diapositivas film recorder [equipment] ~ de sonidos sound digitizer [multimedia] grabar record vt, press vt [CD-ROM publ. ] grabber m (utilidad para capturar pantallas graficas) frame grabber [el. imaging] gradation gradation [el. prepress] ~ (progresiva) graded tint [el. imaging] ~ de color hue η [el. imaging] ~ tonal tonal resolution [el. imaging] grado de bianco whiteness degree [el. imaging] ~ de gris gray level [el. imaging] ~ de kerning degree of kerning [typography[ gräfica/ graphics pi [general sense] ~ binaria binary graphics ~ de baja resolution low-resolution graphics ~ de cuatro colores four-color graphics [el. prepress ] - de mediana resolution medium-resolution graphics
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~ de mosaico mosaic graphics [el. imaging] ~ de presentaciones presentation graphics - por puntos de alta resolution high-resolution dot graphics - vectorial (o de vectores) vector graphics [el. imaging] graficacion por ordenador (o por computador) computer graphics gräfico adj graphic, graphical adj - m graphic η ~ de lineas line graph [el. imaging] - de trazos line drawing [el. imaging] ~ en bianco y negro line art [el. imaging] gräficos animados animated graphics [el. imaging] ~ bitmap bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] ~ capturados scanned graphics [desktop publ.] ~ clipart (gräficos predisenados) clip art [el. prepress ] ~ de alta resolution high-resolution graphics - de archive electronic«» electronic clip art [el. imaging] ~ de formato libre free-form graphics [el. imaging] ~ de gestion business graphics ~ de mapas de bits bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] - de ordenador computer graphics - de reticula raster graphics [el. imaging] - digitalizados digitized graphics [el. prepress] ~ empresariales business graphics ~ en color color graphics [el. imaging] - en cuatricromia four-color graphics [el. prepress ] - importados imported graphics ~ para presentaciones presentation graphics ~ por mapas de bits bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] ~ por vector vector graphics [el. imaging] ~ tramados raster graphics [el. imaging] - vectoriales vector graphics [el. imaging] gran formato large format [print shop] ~ tirada long run [print shop] grosor (de una letra) width [typography[ grupo (de trabajo) workgroup [online publ.] - cerrado de usuarios (abr. CGU) closed user group [onlinepubl.] de discusion newsgroup [online publ. ] - de noticias newsgroup [online publ. ]
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guia lateral corredera scroll bar [user interface] guion script η [multimedia] guionado m hyphenation [word proc. ] ~ m scripting η [multimedia] - automatico automatic hyphenation [word proc.] hardcopy m hardcopy η ~ pantalla hardcopy η [el. prepress] hardware de decodiflcacion decoding hardware [CD-ROM publ.] HDMM, eständar ~ HDMM [CD-ROM publ.] hendidura pit η [CD-ROM publ. ] herramienta de antialiasing antialiasing tool [el. imaging] ~ de conversion conversion tool [data proc. ] - de dibujo drawing tool [user interface] - de edicion HTML HTML editor [el. publishing] ~ de marcacion marking tools [multimedia] - de navegacion navigation tool [online publ.] ~ de navegacion browser [CD-ROM publ. ] - de texto text tool [user interface] ~ gräfica graphics tool [user interface] ~ para la biisqueda search tool [online publ.] herramientas de autor(es) authoring tools [el. publishing] - de edicion editing tools [user interface] - de pintura painting tools [graphics] High Sierra, formato ~ High-Sierra format [CD-ROM publ.] hiperdocumento hyperdocument [el. publishing] hiperenlace hyperlink [el. publishing] hiperlibro hyperbook [el. publishing] hipermedia hypermedia hipertexto hypertext hipertexto, de - hypertextual adj - de documentos multiples multidocument hypertext hipertextual hypertextual adj historia history [hypertext] - de preguntas search log [retrieval] - de un dialogo dialog history [retrieval] hoja Web Web page [online publ. ] hoyo (pequena muesca) pit η [CD-ROM publ. ] HSG (grupo High Sierra) HSG [CD-ROM publ.]
HSV (matiz, saturacion, brillo) HSV [el. imaging] HTM HTM [el. publishing] HTML, convertidor - HTML converter [el. publishing] HTML, editor de - HTML editor [el. publishing] HTML, etiquetas ~ HTML tags [el. publishing] HTML, lenguaje ~ hypertext markup language HTML, päginas - HTML pages [el. publishing] HTMS, sistema - hypertext management system HTTP, protocolo - hypertext transport protocol [online publ.] hub m hub [online publ. ] hueco land η [CD-ROM publ. ] Huffman, codigo de - Huffman code [CDROM publ.] HyperCard HyperCard ICC International Color Consortium [organization ] icono (simbolo) icon [user interface] ~ de agrandamiento magnify icon [user interface] ~ de enlace link icon [hypertext] ~ de flecha anrow icon [user interface] ~ en la pantalla onscreen icon [user interface] identification de red de datos data network identification code [onlinepubl.] IFF, formato - interchange file format [multimedia] ilustracion illustration, picture - a toda pägina full-page illustration - en color color image [graphics] - en negro black and white image [el. imaging] - en plena pägina full-page illustration - flotante floating illustration [desktop publ. ] ilustraciones illustrative matter, ait η [el. prepress] - con gradaciones de tonalidades halftone art [el. prepress] - en cuatricromia four-color artwork [el. prepress] - no tridimensionales flat art [el. imaging] - originales original artwork [el. prepress] ~ recortables clip art [el. prepress]
ilustrar illustrate imagen image η [general sense] frame η [multimedia] ~ binaria binary image ~ color color image [graphics] ~ comprimida compressed image [el. imaging] ~ congelada freeze frame [multimedia] - de color real true color image [el. imaging] ~ de fondo background image [el. imaging] ~ de la pantalla screen image ~ de mapa de bits bit-mapped image [el. imaging] ~ de medios tonos halftone image, continuous tone image [el. prepress] ~ de pixeles pixel image [el. imaging] ~ de tonos continuos continuous tone image [el. prepress] ~ de trama screen image - de video video frame [el. imaging] ~ digitalizada digitized image [el. prepress] ~ en bianco y negro black and white image [el. imaging] ~ en color color image [graphics ] ~ en escala de grises gray level image [el. imaging] ~ en miniatura thumbnail η ~ escaneada scanned image [el. prepress] ~ fotorrealista photorealistic image [el. prepress] ~ monocroma monochrome image ~ original original image [el. prepress] ~ parcialmente en color partial color picture ~ positiva positive image [el. prepress] ~ raster bit-mapped image [el. imaging] ~ tramada screened picture [el. prepress] ~ tridimensional threedimensional image [el. imaging] ~ vectorial vector image [el. imaging] imägenes animadas animated graphics [el. imaging] ~ animadas generadas por computador computer-generated animation [el. imaging] ~ bitmap bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging] ~ capturadas captured images [multimedia] - clip-art clip art, clip-art images [el. prepress ] - de escaner scanned images [el. prepress] - de linea line art [el. imaging] ~ de medios tonos halftone art [el. prepress] ~ de video en movimiento moving video
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[multimedia] ~ digitalizadas digitized artwork [el. prepress] ~ electronicas electronic art [el. prepress] ~ en miniatura thumbnail sketch - en movimiento motion video [multimedia] ~ escaneadas scanned images /el. prepress] ~ importadas con un escaner scanned images [el. prepress] ~ moviles motion video [multimedia] ~ por ordenador computer art [el. prepress] ~ tramadas halftone art [el. prepress] imagesetter m imagesetter [equipment] ~ (para formatos pequenos) imagesetter [equipment] ~ de tambor drum imagesetter [equipment] imponer impose ν [el. prepress] importar import ν ~ con un escaner scan ν [el. prepress] ~ gräflcos import ν graphics ~ gräflcos con un escaner scan graphic images into the computer [el. prepress] ~ päginas de texto con un escaner scan pages into a computer [el. prepress] imposicion imposition [el. prepress] ~ electronica electronic imposition [el. prepress] imprenta printing shop impresion printing n, print η ~ bajo demanda on-demand printing ~ bicolor two-color print [print shop] ~ color color printing [printers] ~ color en gran formato large-format color printing [print shop] ~ color laser laser color printing [print shop] ~ color por sublimacion color sublimation printing [el. prepress] - de formatos ultralargos oversized printing [print shop] - de grandes formatos large-format print(ing) [print shop] ~ de pequefias cantidades short-run printing [print shop] - de prueba test print [print shop] ~ de pruebas proof printing [el. prepress] ~ de tintas planas process colors [el. prepress ] ~ de tiradas cortas short-run printing [print shop] ~ descentralizada decentralized printing - digital digital printing [print shop]
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impresion digital de grandes formates digital wide format printing [el. prepress] - digital de tiradas pequenas digital shortrun printing [print shop] ~ digital en color digital color printing [el. prepress] ~ digital en cuatricromia digital four color printing [el. prepress] - digital on-line digital online printing [print shop] - electronica electronic printing [el. prepress] - e n color color printing [printers] - en colores color printing [print shop] - en cuatricromia four-color printing [print shop] - en gran formato large-format print(ing) [print shop] - en negrita bold print [typography ] - en offset offset printing [print shop] ~ en todo color full color print [print shop] - laser laser printing - monocroma monochrome printing - multicolor multicolor printing [print shop] - negativa negative print [el. prepress] -offset offset printing [print shop! - policroma con selection de colores process color printing [el. prepress] - por deposition ionica ion deposition printing technology [printers] - por läser laser printing - por offset offset printing [print shop] - por pedido (hispanoam.) on-demand printing - por transferencia de color dye transfer print [el. prepress] - sobre papel hardcopy printout ~ termica directa direct thermal printing [printers] ~ thermal dye por sublimacion thermal dye transfer printing [printers] - tipografica letterpress printing [print shop] impresionar image ν [el. prepress] impreso adj printed adj ~ con impresora läser laser-printed adj impresor printer impresora printer -color color printer [equipment] - compartida shared printer [online publ.] - de chorro de tinta ink jet printer [equipment] - de copias hardcopy printer [equipment]
- de electroerosion electroerosion printer [equipment] - de gräficos graphics printer [equipment] - de pruebas proof printer [equipment] - de pruebas digitales digital proofer [equipment] - de pruebas en color digitales direct digital color proofer [equipment] - de pruebas fotogräfica photographic proof printer [equipment] ~ de red network printer [online publ.] ~ de sobremesa desktop printer [equipment] ~ de sublimacion sublimation printer [equipment] - de sublimacion color dye sublimation printer [equipment] - de sublimacion termica thermal sublimation printer [equipment] - de sublimacion termica color color thermal sublimation printer [equipment] - de transferencia termica thermal transfer printer [equipment] ~ de transferencia termica de cera thermal wax-transfer printer [equipment] - digital de color digital color printer [equipment] - electrostatics electrostatic printer [equipment] - e n color color printer [equipment] - en color de gran formato large-format color printer [equipment] - grafica graphics printer [equipment] - ink jet ink jet printer [equipment] -läser laser printer [equipment] - läser color color laser printer [equipment] - läser con compatibilidad PostScript PostScript-equipped laser printer [equipment] - läser de oficina office laser printer [equipment] - läser de sobremesa desktop laser printer [equipment] ~ läser en color color laser printer [equipment] - läser que soporta el lenguaje PostScript PostScript-equipped laser printer [equipment] ~ LCD LCD printer [equipment] - LED LED printer [equipment] - LSC LSC printer [equipment] - para pruebas de color color proofer [equipment]
~ PostScript PostScript printer [equipmentj - predeterminada default printer - que emplea un rayo laser helio-neon HeNe laser printer [equipment] ~ termica thermal printer [equipment] imprimir print ν ~ con impresora läser laser print ν ~ directamente a plancha print ν direct to plate [el. prepress] ~ en color(es) print ν in color ~ pruebas proof ν [el. prepress] incorporation de gräficos al texto graphics insertion [desktop publ] independencia de la resolucion resolution independence independiente de la plataforma (informätica) platform-independent ~ de la resolucion resolution independent ~ del soporte media independent indexation indexing η [document proc., CDROM publ.] ~ en texto complete full-text indexing [document proc.] indexado indexed [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ completamente fully indexed [document proc.] indication de vinculo link point [hypertext] indice index η [documentproc.] indice, hacer un - index, make an ~ [document proc.] ~ acumulativo bulk index [document proc.] ~ alfabetico alphabetic index [document proc.] ~ cumulative bulk index [document proc. ] ~ de aspecto aspect ratio [el. imaging] ~ de colores color index [el. imaging] - de niveles multiples multi-level index Idocument proc.] ~ del texto complete full-text index [document proc. ] ~ del volumen volume table of contents [CDROM publ.] ~ Have key index [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ temätico subject index [online publ. ] indizacion indexing η [CD-ROM publ. ] industria de la artes gräficas graphic arts - de preimpresion (abr. IPI) prepress industry infogräflcos pi computer art [el. prepress] infopista information highway [multimedia] informacion de valor anadido value-added
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information ~ sobre el formato format information informaciones sobre las fuentes utilizadas font metrics [typography] informätica gräfica computer graphics infotainment (informacion + educacion) infotainment [el. publishing] iniciativa alternada mixed initiative [user interface ] insercion insertion [desktop publ., el. prepress] - de gräficos graphics insertion [desktop publ.] ~ por escaneo scanning η [el. prepress] insolacion imaging η [el. prepress] ~ digital de planchas digital platesetting [el. prepress ] insolar image ν / el. prepress] ~ las planchas directamente image ν directly to plate [el. prepress] instalacion computador a plancha computerto-plate system [el. prepress] ~ CTP computer-to-plate unit [equipment] - de fuentes font installation [desktop publ.] instruccion tipogräfica typographic instruction instrumento de navagacion browser [online publ. ] integration de texto y figuras merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] - de texto y gräficos text-and-graphics integration [desktop publ.] ~ texto/imagen text/image integration [desktop publ.] integrar gräficos e imägenes junto al texto merge ν graphics with text [desktoppubl] intensidad density [el. prepress] - normal dehighlighting η [user interface] intensification (de imägenes) enhancement [el. imaging] interactive interactive [data proc.] intercalado de figuras insertion of figures [desktop publ.] intercalar texto y gräficos mix ν text and graphics [desktop publ. ] intercambio de datos digitales digital data exchange [el. prepress] - de documentos document exchange [word proc.] ~ de imägenes por OPI OPI exchange [el. prepress ]
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intercambio dinamico de datos (abr. DDE) dynamic data exchange [database publ.J interconectable (en una red) networkable interconectar (en una red) network, integrate into a network ~ (mediante puerta de acceso) gateway ν [online publ. ] interconexion de redes internetworking n, networking η interface m interface η [data proc.] interfaz/ interface η [dataproc.] - audio audio interface [multimedia] - Centronics Centronics interface [equipment] - de comunicacion communications interface [online publ.] - de conexion attachment unit interface [online publ.] - de iconos iconic interface [user interface ] - de menu menu interface [user interface] - de red network interface [online publ.] - d e redes gateway [onlinepubl.] - de sistema de proceso SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] - de usuario user interface ~ de usuario grafica graphic user interface ~ de video video interface [multimedia] - de video color color video interface [multimedia ] - ESDI ESDI [CD-ROMpubl.] - estandar standard interface [data proc.] - grafica graphics interface [user interface] - grafica de usuario graphic user interface - MIDI musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] ~ multimedia media control interface ~ OPI (interfaz de preimpresion abierto) Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress] - paralela parallel interface [equipment] - raton mouse interface - SCSI (interfaz de sistema para pequefios ordenadores) SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] -serie serial interface [equipment] Internet/ Internet [onlinepubl.] Internet, publicar en - publish ν in the Internet Internet, servidor en - Internet server [online publ. ] interpolation interpolation [el. imaging] interprete PostScript PostScript interpreter inter-redes internetwork adj [online publ. ]
introducir por teclado keyboard ν IP, direction - IP address [onlinepubl.] IP, protocolo ~ Internet protocol [online publ. ] IPI —> industria de preimpresion jack RCA RCA connector [multimedia] joystick m joystick [equipment] JPEG, estandar - JPEG standard [el. imaging] JPEG, motion - motion JPEG [multimedia] juego de caracteres character set - de caracteres font, typefont [typography] ~ de color Pantone Pantone colors [el. prepress] jukebox m jukebox [CD-ROMpubl.] justo a tiempo just-in-time kerning (espacio entre pares de caracteres) kerning η [typography] ~ automätico automatic kerning [desktop publ.] kit de expansion multimedia multimedia upgrade kit laboratorio fotografico electronico digital darkroom [el. prepress] lado de la emulsion emulsion side [el. prepress] L A N / local area network [online publ.] LAN, tarjeta- LAN card [onlinepubl.] ~ de banda ancha broadband LAN [online publ. ] land m land η [CD-ROMpubl.] läser/ laser printer [equipment] LCD, impresora - LCD printer [equipment] lector player [multimedia] - d e CD-ROM CD-ROM player - de CD-ROM interno internal CD-ROM drive [equipment] - de cuädruple velocidad quad speed drive [CD-ROM publ.] - omnifuente omnifont reader [equipment] - portatil de CD-ROM portable CD-ROM player [equipment] LED, impresora - LED printer [equipment] leer las pruebas proofread [typography] lema keyword [general sense] lenguaje autor authoring language [el. publishing] - de autor authoring language [el. publishing]
~ de comando de impresora printer command language [data proc.] ~ de construction de päginas page construction language ~ de consulta retrieval language ~ de descripcion de documentos document description language [wordproc.] ~ de descripcion de päginas page description language - de intercambio page interchange language [desktop pubi] ~ de senalizacion tipografica markup language [el. publishing] - HTML hypertext markup language ~ PML page model language lente lens [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ colimadora collimation lens [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de enfoque focusing lens [CD-ROM publ. ] letra type η [typography ] letras acopladas kerned letters [typography] -apretadas kerned letters [typography ] ~ de mapa de bits bit-mapped font [desktop publ.] ~ escalables scalable font [desktop publ.] libreria Clip Art clip-art library [el. prepress] ~ de fuentes library of typefonts ~ de imägenes image library [el. prepress] Libro AmariUo Yellow Book [CD-ROM publ. ] libro de hipertexto hyperbook [el. publishing] ~ electronico electronic book [el. publishing] ~ sobre papel impreso printed book LibroVerde Green Book [CD-ROM publ. ] licencia, sin - licence-free lincado linked adj [database publ. ] lincados, no - unlinked adj linea aciistica audio line [multimedia] ~ de caracteres character string [data proc.] - de escaneado scan line ~ de tiempo timeline [multimedia] - de video video line lineas elästicas rubber-band lines [graphics] ~ no visibles hidden lines [graphics] -ocultas hidden lines /graphics] link m link η [hypertext] lista de ficheros file list [online publ.] ~ de mailing mailing list [online publ. ] listo para camara camera-ready [el. prepress] ~ para componer ready for typesetting ~ para composition ready for typesetting
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~ para reproducir camera-ready [el. prepress ] llenado de areas area fill η [graphics] llenar areas area-fill ν [graphics] localizador de recursos universales uniform resource locator [online publ.] logica de division de palabras hyphenation logic [wordproc.] - de partition siläbica hyphenation logic [word proc. ] ~ de reconocimiento recognition logic longitud logica de pägina logical page length [el. prepress] LSC, impresora - LSC printer [equipment] luces, altas ~ highlights pi [el. imaging] lugar de WWW Web site [online publ. ] - W e b Web site [online publ.] luminosidad brightness [el. imaging] luminosidad, alta ~ highlighting η lupa magnify tool [user interface] magnetooptico magneto-optical malla mesh η [online publ. ] MAN, red ~ metropolitan area network [online publ. ] manecilla fist [typography] manejo, de fäcil - user-friendly manijas pi handles pi [user interface] manipulaciön de medios tonos continuous tone process [el. prepress] mano grabber [user interface] mantenimiento de redes network maintenance [online publ. ] manuales pi bajo demanda manuals pi on demand [el. publishing] manuscrito computerizado compuscript [el. publishing] - marcado marked-up manuscript [el. publishing] mapa de bits bitmap η [el. imaging] ~ de sonido soundmap [multimedia] mapeador mapper [multimedia] maqueta bäsica basic layout [typography ] maquetacion page makeup layout η [typography] layouting η [desktoppubl.] ~ de pägina page layout [typography] maquina de exposicion imaging engine [equipment] ~ de fotocomposicion phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress]
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mäquina de impresion digital digital press [print shop] ~ de impresion multicolor multicolor printing press [equipment] ~ de imprimir de oficina office printing machine [equipment] ~ de masterizacion mastering machine [ CDROM publ] ~ digital de fotocomposicion digital typesetting equipment [equipment] marca token [online publ. ] - de Camino trail marker [hypertext] - de comprobacion check mark [user interface] ~ de escala tick mark - de indice index mark [CD-ROM publ. ] - de pägina bookmark [hypertext] - de pägina electronico electronic bookmark [CD-ROM publ.] - de referenda reference mark [word proc. ] ~ de registro register mark [typography] - de verification check mark [user interface] - de vinculo button [hypertext] marcacion automätica automatic calling [online publ.] marcado adj tagged [el. publishing] - m tagging η [el. publishing] - automätico automatic calling [online publ.] marcaje markup η [hypertext] - tipografico markup η [typography ] marcar tag ν [document proc. ] - (manuscrito) mark up ν /typography] marcas pi de posicionamiento positioning marks marco frame η [word proc. ] - de pägina page frame [word proc. ] - de texto text flag [CD-ROM publ. ] - de una ventana frame of a window [user interface] margen entre columnas gutter [typography] - interior gutter [typography] master m master η [CD-ROM publ. ] - positive positive master [ CD-ROM publ.] masterizacion/ mastering η [CD-ROM publ.] ~ digital digital mastering [CD-ROM publ. ] masterizar master ν [CD-ROM publ.] material de ilustraciones an η [el. prepress] - fotosensible photosensitive material [el. prepress] ~ ilustrativo illustrative matter [el. prepress] matiz (de color) hue η [el. imaging]
~ de gris tones of grey [el. imaging] mayusculas/minusculas, que discrimina case-sensitive [retrieval] MCP, tecnica - (de compresion) motion compensated prediction [multimedia] MDU measured data unit [CD-ROM publ. ] mecanica engine mecanismo de proteccion de ficheros file protection mechanism [CD-ROM publ. ] media pi media pi medicion del color color measuring [el. prepress] medida en puntos point size [typography] medio m medium η [data proc. ] - d e entrada input medium [data proc.] ~ cuadro field [multimedia] medios pi media pi - audiovisuales audiovisual media - opticos optical media [el. publishing] - tones middletones pi [el. imaging] - tonos halftones pi [el. prepress] medios tonos, de - - halftone ... [el. prepress] medio tono continuous tone (el. prepress] megaocteto megabyte [data proc.] mejora enhancement [el. imaging] - del detalle unsharp masking [el. imaging] mejoramiento enhancement [el. imaging] memoria de imägenes image store [general sense] ~ de imägenes video RAM [multimedia] ~ de masa mass storage - de solo lectura en disco compacte CDROM - de video frame buffer [multimedia] - masiva mass storage menu menu [user interface] - de apertura start menu [user interface] - de apoyo help menu [user interface] - de arranque start menu [user interface] - de ayuda help menu [user interface] ~ de comandos command menu [user interface] ~ de entrada start menu [user interface] - de iconos icon menu [user interface] ~ de persiana pull-down menu [user interface] ~ de superposition pop-up menu [user interface] ~ desplegable pull-down menu [user interface] - en cascade cascading menu [user interface]
~ imbricado nested menu [user interface] -initial start menu [user interface] ~ principal main menu [user interface] - superpuesto pull-down menu [user interface] - tipo pop-up pop-up menu [user interface] mesa de trabajo desktop [user interface] - luminosa electronica electronic light table [el. prepress] metalizacion metallization [CD-ROM publ.] metodo de acceso token passing token passing [online publ.] ~ de compresion RLE run-length (en)coding [CD-ROM publ.] - token passing (paso de un testigo) token passing [online publ.] mezcla mixing η [multimedia] ~ (de colores) blending η [el. imaging] - aditiva de colores additive color mixing [el. imaging] ~ de colores color mixing [el. imaging] ~ de imagen y texto merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] ~ de imägenes image merging [el. imaging] - de senates de ordenador y de video genlocking η [multimedia] ~ de textos y gräficos merging η text and graphics [desktop publ] mezclar mix ν [multimedia] - gräficas y texto merge ν graphics with text [desktop publ.] - textos y gräficos mix ν text and graphics [desktop publ.] MHC, codigo ~ modified Huffman code [el. imaging] MIC —» modulacion por impulsos codificados [CD-ROM publ.] —> microfono [multimedia] MIC, modulacion - pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] MICD —> modulacion de impulsos codificados diferencial [CD-ROMpubl.] microfono (abr. MIC) microphone [multimedia] micro-huecos pi microgrooves [CD-ROM publ.] MIDI, interfaz - musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] mini imagen thumbnail η modalidad browse browse mode [database
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publ.] - de autor authoring mode [el. publishing] ~ de edition edit mode [word proc. ] - de visualization viewing mode - servidor server mode [online publ. ] modelo aditivo (de colores) additive color model [el. imaging] - de color color model [el. imaging] - de color Pantone Pantone Matching System [el. prepress] ~ de colores HLS HLS [el. imaging] ~ de la Comision International de la Iluminacion CIE color model [el. imaging] ~ de relleno fill pattern [el. imaging] ~ de representation de colores HSL HSL [el. imaging] modification de la curva gamma gamma curve control [el. prepress] - de tamano scaling η [el. imaging] modificaciones edits pi modo boceto draft mode [printers] ~ de edition edit mode [word proc. ] - de mapa de bits bitmap mode [el. imaging] ~ de previsualizacion preview mode [desktop publ.] - de pruebas draft mode [printers] ~ de rendering rendering technique [el. imaging] - de texto text mode [word proc. ] - de toda pägina full-page mode ~ de visualization viewing mode ~ deslizamiento scrolling mode [user interface] - mixto mixed mode ~ para borrador draft mode [printers] - para texto text mode [word proc. ] ~ true-color true color mode [el. imaging] modulacion de impulsos codificados diferencial (abr. MICD) differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] - de impulsos y codification delta delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] - delta adaptativa adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ EFM eight-to-fourteen modulation [CDROM publ.] ~ en codigo de pulsaciones pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] ~ MIC pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.]
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modulation por codification de impulses deferential adaptativa adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] ~ por impulses codificados (abr. MIC) pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] monitor monitor η [equipment] ~ color color screen [equipment] - de alta resolution high-resolution screen [equipment] ~ de grande dimension large screen [equipment] - de previsualizaciön preview monitor [equipment] ~ gräfico graphics screen [equipment] - para pruebas proofing monitor [equipment] monitorizacion de la red network monitoring [online publ.] monocromätico monochrome adj [el. prepress] monocromo monochrome adj [el. prepress] monomedial monomedia adj monosesion adj monosession adj [CD-ROM publ. ] montaje de päginas page makeup, makeup η ~ electronic«) electronic paste-up [el. prepress] mostrar display ν motion JPEG motion JPEG [multimedia] motor de base de datos database engine - de btisqueda search engine [CD-ROM publ. ] mover en bajo scroll up ν [user interface] - la information (horizontal y verticalmente) scroll vt [user interface] MPC, equipo - multimedia PC MPEG (grupo de expertos de imägenes en movimiento) MPEG [multimedia] MPEG, estandar - MPEG algorithm [multimedia ] MPEG, decodificador - MPEG decoder [multimedia] MPR m multiprotocol router [online publ. ] MPRSS, especificacion - MPRSS [el. prepress] muestrario swatchbook muestreo sampling η [el. imaging] multiestacion adj multistation adj [online publ.] multilector m multidisc machine [CD-ROM publ.] multimedia m multimedia η
multimedia, con capacidad - multimediacapable multimedial adj multimedia adj multisesion adj multisession adj [CD-ROM publ.] multisesion, con posibilidad de ~ multisession adj [CD-ROMpubl.] muro de seguridad firewall system [online publ.] nanometro nanometer navegacion browsing η [hypertext] navigation, surfing η [online publ.] ~ enlazada linked browsing [retrieval] navegador browser [CD-ROM publ., hypertext] - (herramienta para navegar) browser [online publ.] - gräfico para el WWW graphical Web browser [online publ.] ~ para el WWW Web browser [online publ. ] - solo texto para el WWW text-only Web browser [onlinepubl.] ~ Web Web browser [online publ. ] - Web que permite el modo texto text-only Web browser [online publ. ] ~ Web que permite el modo gräfico graphical Web browser [onlinepubl.] navegar navigate [retrieval] sad ν [online publ.] - (por) browse [hypertext] negativom negative η [el. prepress] negrillaspi boldface«/typography] negrita, en - bold [typography] negritas pi boldface η [typography ] negrura density [print shop] newsgroup m newsgroup /online publ. ] nitidez sharpness nivel de acceso permitido access permission level [online publ.] - de encaminamiento routing layer [online publ. ] - de gris(es) gray level [el. imaging] - de tonos grises gray level, level of gray [el. imaging] NNTP, protocolo - network news transfer protocol [onlinepubl.] no focalizado out of focus [CD-ROM publ. ] - lincados unlinked adj nodo node η [online publ., hypertext] - active active node [hypertext]
~ central head end [online publ. ] ~ compuesto composite node [hypertext] ~ de destine destination node [onlinepubl.] ~dedestino target node /hypertext/ ~ de hipertexto hypertext node - de la red network node [online publ. ] ~ de red local LAN node [online publ. ] ~ de tränsito transit node [online publ. ] ~ de un sistema de oficina office system node [online publ.] -equitativo peer node [online publ.] - inicial root node, source node [hypertext] ~ intermedio intermediate node [onlinepubl.] ~ objeto target node [hypertext] ~ sin disco diskless node [online publ.] ~ tipificado typed node [hypertext] ~ virtual virtual node [onlinepubl.] nota annotation [hypertext, multimedia, word proc.] NSF, red - NFSnet nuevos media new media [el. publishing] ~ medios new media [el. publishing] niimero de caracteres por unidad de longitud pitch η [printers] ~ de pista track number ]CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de pixels pixel depth [el. imaging] ~ de sesion session number [CD-ROM publ. ] - del bloque logico logical block number [CD-ROM publ.] ~ del sector logico logical sector number [CDROM publ.] objeto de sonido sound object [multimedia] ~ multimedia mulitmedia object - sonoro sound object [multimedia] obtencion de fotolitos film output [el. prepress ] ~ de pruebas proofing η [el. prepress] - de pruebas de color color proofing [el. prepress] ocultar hide vt oficina movil mobile office ~ sin papel paperless office ojo de pez fisheye view [online publ. ] opcion selection - de panelizacion tile option [el. prepress] operation de impresion desatendida unattended printing [el. prepress] ~ de zoom zooming η [el. imaging] operaciones de preimpresion prepress operations
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operador de proximidad proximity operator [retrieval] ~ de una red network operator [online publ.] OPI, interfaz ~ (interfaz de preimpresion abierto) Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress] OPI, intercambio de imägenes por ~ OPI exchange [el. prepress] OPI, servidor - OPI server [el. prepress] ordenador a plancha computer to plate [el. prepress] ~ a prensa computer to print [el. prepress] - central host computer [online publ] ~ de nodo de red network node computer [online publ.] ~ host host computer [online publ. ] ~ multimedia multimedia PC ~ para (foto)composicion typesetting computer [equipment] ~ patron host computer [online publ. ] ~ principal (de una instalacion) host computer [online publ.] ~ puente bridge computer [online publ. ] orientacion orientation [printers] orientado a iconos icon-oriented [user interface] original de color color original [el. imaging] - de ilustracion final artwork [el. prepress] ~ de lineas line art original [el. prepress] ~ de tono continue continuous tone image [el. prepress] ~ para negative camera-ready copy [el. prepress] ~ transparente transparent original originales para negatives camera-ready art [el. prepress] oscilacion en la pantalla jitter [multimedia] oscuridad density [print shop] pägina page [typography] - a pägina page by page ~ actual (de trabajo) current page [wordproc.] ~ arreglada made-up page /typography] ~ compuesta made-up page [typography] ~ de contenido contents page [hypertext] -deportada homepage [online publ.] ~ de prueba sample page - e n el WWW Web page [online publ.] ~ en miniatura thumbnail size ~ formada made-up page /typography] - h o m e homepage [onlinepubl.] ~ impuesta mounted page [print shop]
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pägina initial start page [word proc.] ~ montada made-up page [typography] ~ "que pasaria si" what-if page [el. prepress] - W e b Web page [online publ. ] ~ WWW Web page [online publ. ] pagination en pantalla onscreen page makeup [el. prepress] päginas HTML HTML pages [el. publishing] ~ maestras master pages [desktop publ. ] - temäticas thematic pages [online publ. ] palabra clave keyword [documentproc.] ~ clave keyword [general sense ] ~ de bijsqueda search word [retrieval] ~ de control de registro record control word [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de parada stopword [retrieval] - entera whole word [retrieval] - varia stopword [retrieval] palanca de accionamiento joystick [equipment] ~ de control joystick [equipment] - de mando joystick [equipment] paleta (de colores) palette [user interface] - estandar de Pantone Pantone Matching System [el. prepress] panelizacion tiling η pantalla screen n, monitor η [equipment] frame η [dataproc.] ~ alta resolucion high-resolution screen [equipment] ~ baja resolucion low-resolution screen [equipment] - color color screen [equipment] ~ con ventanas windowed screen [user interface] ~ de alta resolucion high-resolution screen [equipment] ~ de apertura welcome screen [user interface] - de apoyo help screen [user interface] ~ de ayuda help screen [user interface] ~ de baja resolucion low-resolution screen [equipment] ~ de edition editing screen [user interface] - de grandes dimensiones large screen [equipment] ~ de muy alta resolucion very high resolution screen [equipment] - de pägina entera full-page screen [equipment] ~ de previsualizacion preview screen [desk-
top publ. ] ~ dividida split screen [user interface] ~ gräfica graphics screen [equipment] ~ grande large screen [equipment] ~ Iarga wide screen [equipment] ~ multiventanas multiwindow screen [user interface] ~ para grafkos graphics screen [equipment] ~ sensible al tacto touch screen [equipment] ~ tactil touch screen [equipment] ~ WYSIWYG WYSIWYG screen [desktop publ.] Pantone, colores - Pantone colors [el. prepress] papel hardcopy η ~ bromuro bromide paper [el. prepress] ~ fotografico photopaper [el. prepress] ~ fotografico (bromuro) bromide paper [el. prepress] ~ normal normal paper - ordinario normal paper paquete de autoedicion DTP software [desktop publ. ] - de autor authoring software [el. publishing] - de cesion de via token [online publ. ] parämetro parameter [data proc.] ~ de impresion print parameter ~ de pägina page layout parameter [desktop publ.] parämetros de composition typesetting parameters [el. prepress] ~ por defecto default setting - tipogräficos typesetting parameters [el. prepress] pares acoplados kerning pairs [typography] ~ de acoplamiento keming pairs [typography] partition silabica hyphenation [word proc. ] ~ silabica automätica automatic hyphenation [word proc. ] pasada de ensayo preflight η [el. prepress] pasarela gateway [online publ. ] paso pitch η [printers] ~ de testigo token passing /online publ. ] pasos de una imagen a otra transitions pi [multimedia] patron m host computer [online publ.] - de relleno fill pattern [el. imaging] ~ modelo (de vidrio) glass master [CD-ROM publ.] ~ para generar un molde stamper disc [CDROM publ.]
PC multimedia multimedia PC PDF, formato - portable document format [online publ.] PDS, software - portable document software I online publ. ] pegar paste ν [word proc. ] pelicula film η [el. prepress] pelicula, sin - filmless [el. prepress] ~ negativa negative film [el. prepress] -positive positive film [el. prepress I - reflectora reflective metallic layer [ CDROM publ.] peliculas de cuatricromia separated films [el. prepress] pels/linea pixels per line [el. imaging] perdida, con ~s lossy /multimedia ] periferico de captation de video video digitizer [equipment] perifericos pi peripheral equipment periodico electronico electronic newspaper [online publ.] periodicos bajo demanda newspaper on demand [el. publishing] periodo de la trama frame frequency [el. imaging] PIC, compresion - picture image compression [multimedia] pinchar en (un icono etc.) click ν [user interface] pista track η [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ audio audio track [CD-ROM publ. ] - central center track [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de hipertexto hyperpath - de sonido sound track [multimedia] ~ en espiral spiral track [CD-ROM publ.] ~ espiral spiral track [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ exterior outer track - interior inside track ~ mäs externa outermost track - mäs interna innermost track pit m pit η [CD-ROMpubl.] pixel m (tambien: pixel) pixel [el. imaging] ~ en color color pixel [el. imaging] pixelizacion pixelisation [el. imaging] pixels por linea (abr. ppl) pixels per line [el. imaging] ~ por pulgada (abr. ppp) pixels per inch [el. imaging] placa (de impresion) (hispanoam.) plate [el. prepress] - de cristal glass flatbed [equipment]
fndice espanol-ingles
~ de gräficos graphics board [equipment] ~ de interfaz interface card [equipment] - de poliester (hispanoam.) polyester-based plate [el. prepress] ~ de video video board [multimedia] ~ grafica graphics board [equipment] - VGA VGA card [equipment] plancha (impresora ο de impresion) plate [el. prepress ] ~ CTP CTP plate [print shop] ~ de poliester polyester-based plate [el. prepress] ~ digital digital plate [print shop] ~ lista para imprimir press-ready plate [print shop] - offset offset plate [print shop] - para la exposicion directa DTP plate [el. prepress ] - para offset offset plate [print shop] plantilla template ~ para päginas formateadas page template [desktop publ. ] plataforma de diente client platform [online publ. ] plataformas diversas, entre ~ cross-platform adj player para CD-ROM CD-ROM player plurilingiie multilingual [wordproc.] PML, lenguaje - page model language PMT, tubo - photomultiplier tube [equipment] poder resolvente resolution policarbonato polycarbonate [CD-ROM publ.] poliza de tipos (galicismo) typefont [typography] poner (en la pantalla) display ν - a l d i a update ν [database publ.] - en evidencia highlight vi port m port η [equipment] ~ paralelo parallel port [equipment] portabilidad de documentos document portability [document proc.] posibilidad de descarga download capability ~ de edicion edit facility [wordproc.] ~ de multisesion multisession capability [CDROM publ.] - de telecarga de fuentes font download capability [el. prepress] posicion del cursor cursor position [user interface ]
Spanish-English index
posicionamiento de la cabeza head positioning [CD-ROM publ.] postimpresion postprocessing n, post-press η [print shop] postproduccion postprocessing η [print shop] PostScript (lenguaje de descripcion de päginas) PostScript - editable (abr. ePS) editable PostScript [el. prepress] ~ encapsulado (abr. EPS) encapsulated PostScript PostScript, compatible con ~ PostScript compatible PostScript, emulation - PostScript emulation [desktop publ. ] PostScript, filmacion ~ PostScript imagesetting [el. prepress] PostScript, filmadora - PostScript imagesetter [equipment] PostScript, fuente - PostScript font [printers] PostScript, impresora - PostScript printer [equipment] PostScript, interprete - PostScript interpreter ppl —> pixels por linea [el. imaging] ppp —> puntos por pulgada [el. imaging] —» pixels por pulgada [el. imaging] precisar fine-tune ν [retrieval] prediction lineal linear prediction [CD-ROM publ.] preedicion prepress η preimpresion prepress η preimpresion, de ~ prepress ... - de sobremesa desktop prepress [el. prepress ] - digital digital prepress ~ electronica electronic prepress ~ en color color prepress preimpresor prepress plant premasterizacion premastering η [CD-ROM publ.] prensa de contactos contact printer [el. prepress ] -digital digital press [print shop] - escrita print media pi preparation de los textos text preparation [CD-ROM publ.] - de planchas platemaking η [el. prepress] - para composition preparation for typesetting [word proc. ] - tipogräfica markup η [typography ] preparer la edici0n de edit ν [word proc. ]
preprensa (esp. hispanoam.) prepress η - electronica electronic prepress presencia en el Web Web space [online publ. ] presentation de datos data presentation [el. publishing] - de diapositivas slide show [multimedia] - multimedia multimedia presentation presenter display ν prestaciones gräficas graphics performance [equipment] pre visualization preview η [desktop publ.] - de colores color preview [el. prepress] ~ de documentos document preview [desktop publ. ] ~ de la fuente real true-font preview [desktop publ.] ~ de la impresion print preview [word proc. ] ~ de päginas page preview display [desktop publ.] - digital digital preview [el. prepress] ~ en fuente verdadera true-font preview [desktop publ. ] ~ en pantalla onscreen previewing [el. prepress] - räpida fast preview previsualizar preview ν [desktop publ. ] prisma divisor de haces beam-splitting prism [CD-ROM publ.] problema de desorientacion serendipity [hypertext] procedimiento positive positive process [el. prepress ] procesador de imägenes image processor ~ de rastreo de imagen RIP η [equipment] ~ de red network processor [online publ.] ~ de trama de imagen RIP η [equipment] ~ inter-redes internetwork processor [online publ. ] ~ maestro master η [online publ.] ~ raster RIP η [equipment] - R I P RIP η [equipment] procesamiento de imägenes image processing - de rastreo de imägenes raster image processing [el. prepress] - digital de imägenes digital image processing [el. prepress] procesar con el RIP RIP v, rip ν [el. prepress] proceso CMYK CMYK process fel. prepress]
~ coil el RIP RIPping n, ripping η [el. prepress J ~ DCT (transformation discreta de coseno) discrete cosine transform [multimedia] ~ de datos graficos computer graphics ~ de imägenes image processing ~ de imägenes digitales digital imaging [el. prepress] ~ de la palabra word processing ~ de masterizacion mastering process [CDROM publ.J - de texto e imägenes image and text processing [desktop publ.] - de textos word processing ~ de tramado screening η [el. prepress] - de transferencia termica thermal transfer process [printers] production de planchas directamente como saüda de ordenador computer output on plate [el. prepress] -depruebas proofing η [el. prepress] ~ de publicaciones digitales digital publishing producir create ν [word proc. ] producto de cuatricromla four-color print [print shop] ~ terminado final product productor de CD-ROM CD-ROM producer productos de edicion electronica electronically published products - impresos en papel printed products - no imprimidos non-print products [el. publishing] ~ sobre papel impreso printed products ~ sobre soporte papel printed products profundidad de bits bit depth [el. prepress] ~ de campo depth of focus [el. prepress] - d e foco depth of focus [el. prepress ] - de la imagen image depth ~ de pixel pixel depth [el. imaging] programa de autor authoring program [el. publishing] ~ de captura de imägenes frame grabber [el. imaging] ~ de captura de la pantalla snapshot utility [user interface] ~ de compaginacion en lotes batch pagination program [desktoppubl.] - de composition typesetting program [el. prepress] ~ de control del escaner scanner control pro-
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gram ~ de conversi6n conversion program [data proc. ] ~ de creation de indices indexing program [document proc. ] ~ de dibujo (vectorial) illustrator η [desktop publ.] - de edicion editor [word proc. ] - de formation de päginas page layout program [desktop publ.] - de fotocomposicion photocomposition program [el. prepress] - de imposiciön imposition program [el. prepress] ~ de maquetacion de päginas page layout program [desktoppubl.] ~ de montaje imposition program [el. prepress] - de navegacion browser [CD-ROM publ. ] -depintar paint program [graphics] - de pintura paint program [graphics] ~ de rasterization de päginas software RIP [el. prepress] ~ de revelado rendering program [el. imaging] ~ editor editor [wordproc.] ~ gräfico graphics program ~ navegador browser [CD-ROM publ. ] - OPI de sustitucion Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress] ~ para diseno de päginas page layout program [desktop publ.] - tipo darkroom digital darkroom [el. prepress] programas de calibracion calibration software [el. prepress] ~ de control de impresion RIP RIP software [el. prepress] - de EAO DTP software [desktoppubl.] ~ de edicion asistida por ordenador DTP software [desktoppubl.] proportion de altura respecto a la longitud aspect ratio [el. imaging] - de errores de bit bit error rate [CD-ROM publ.] propuesta del grupo High Sierra HighSierra Group proposal [CD-ROMpubl.] protocolo APPN advanced peer-to-peer networking [online publ.] ~ de contienda contention protocol [online publ.] - de red network protocol [online publ. ]
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protocolo de transferencia de flcheros file transfer protocol [online publ.] ~ de transporte de hipertexto hypertext transport protocol [onlinepubl.] - FTP (para transferencia de ficheros) file transfer protocol [online publ.] ~ HTTP hypertext transport protocol [online publ.] ~ IP Internet protocol [online publ. ] ~ NNTP (para leer grupos de noticias) network news transfer protocol [onlinepubl.] proveedor provider η [online publ. ] ~ de acceso access provider [online publ. ] ~ de contenido content provider [online publ. ] ~ de information information provider [online publ.] ~ de Internet Internet service provider [online publ.] ~ de red network provider [online publ. ] ~ de redes network operator [online publ.] ~ de servicios para Internet Internet service provider [online publ.] prueba proof η [general sense] proof η [el. prepress] galley [typography] - de galeradas galley proofs [typography] ~ de impresion proof print [el. prepress] ~ digital digital image proof [el. prepress] - digital en color direct digital color proof [el. prepress] - final final proof [el. prepress] pruebas (de päginas) page proofs [el. prepress] pruebas, leer las - proofread [typography] pruebas, sacar - proof ν [el. prepress] - a color color proofs [el. prepress] ~ analogical analog proofs [el. prepress] -color color proofs [el. prepress] - de color color proofs [el. prepress] ~ de color analogicas analog color proofs [el. prepress] - de galeras galley proofs [typography] - de maquetacion layout proofs [el. prepress] ~ de mäquina press proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ de pagina page proofs pi [typography] ~ de papel hard proofs pi [el. prepress] - de pre-impresion prepress proofs ~ de sublimation color dye sublimation proofs [el. prepress] ~ digitales digital proofs [el. prepress] ~ digitales de imagenes image proofing [el.
prepress] ~ digitales en color digital color proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ electronicas electronic proofs [el. prepress] ~ electronicas transmitidas por red remote proofs [el. prepress] ~ en papel hardcopy proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ fotogräficas photographic proofs [el. prepress] ~ intermedias intermediate proofs [el. prepress] - limpias clean proofs [el. prepress] ~ monocromäticas one-color proofs [el. prepress] ~ para controlar la position position proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ por sublimaci0n sublimation proofs [el. prepress] ~ progresivas progressive proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ remotas remote proofs [el. prepress] ~ separadas para cuadricromia separation proofs [el. prepress] ~ soft (visualizadas en la pantalla) soft proofs [el. prepress] ~ tiradas por läser laser proofs [el. prepress] pseudocoloracion pseudo coloring [el. imaging] pseudocolores pseudo colors [el. imaging] publication automatizada automated publishing ~ con nuevos media new media publishing - de videos video publishing [el. publishing] - digital digital publication ~ electronica electronic publishing - electronica on-line online publishing - en CD-ROM CD-ROM publication - en el Web Web publishing [online publ.] - en Internet Internet publishing [online publ.] ~ interna inhouse publishing publications audiovisuales audiovisual publishing [el. publishing] ~ por medio de Internet Internet publishing [online publ. ] - producidos desde una base de datos database publishing publicar publish edit ν [word proc. ] ~ en Internet publish ν in the Internet ~ mediante autoedicion desktop publish ν
puente bridge η [online publ.] - /encaminador Β router [online publ. ] puerta (de acceso) gateway η [online publ. ] puerto port η [equipment] ~ MIDI MIDI port [multimedia] - para mödem modem port [equipment] -paralelo parallel port [equipment] - S C S I SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] -video video port [multimedia] puesto Web Web site [online publ.] pulsation de ratön mouse click [user interface] pulsador button [user interface] pulsar el botön del raton click ν [user interface] puntero pointing device [user interface] punto (unidad de medida tipogräfica) point η [typography] - caliente hotspot [user interface] ~ de acceso remote remote access point [online publ.] -deanclaje anchor point [graphics] - de information point of information - d e l a t r a m a halftone dot [el. prepress) ~ de origen de un vinculo link source [hypertext] ~ de partida starting point [online publ. ] ~ de registro register mark [typography] - de semitono halftone dot [el. prepress] - final de un vinculo link destination [hypertext] -reticular halftone dot [el. prepress ] puntos por pulgada (abr. ppp) dots per inch [el. imaging] - por pulgada cuadrada dpsi pureza de colores color purity [el. imaging] quemar bum vt [el. prepress] RAL —> red de ärea local [online publ. ] rama branch η [online publ. ] rango de resolution resolution range [el. prepress] rasterizactön/ rasterization [c/. imaging] rasterizador de imagen RIP η [equipment] rastreo m rasterization [el. imaging] ratön mouse [equipment] - de multiples botones multi-button mouse [equipment] - de varies botones multi-button mouse [equipment]
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RDI —> red digital integrada [online publ. ] realidad artificial virtual reality - virtual (abr. RV) virtual reality realizar animation animate ν [el. imaging] reception de gräficos mediante scanner scanning η [el. prepress] reconfigurar reconfigure reconocimiento de caracteres character recognition - de caracteres omnifuente omnifont character recognition [el. prepress] ~ inteligente de caracteres intelligent character recognition recopiado m hardcopy reproduction [el. prepress] recorder de tambor externo external drum film recorder [equipment] recortado m (de una ilustracion) cropping η [el. imaging] recortar clip ν [graphics] crop ν [el. imaging] recorte clipping η [graphics] scissoring η [el. imaging] recuadro de ampliation grow box [el. imaging] RED —» red especial dedicada [online publ. ] red (de comunicacion etc.) network η ~ celular cellular network [online publ. ] ~ corporativa corporate network [online publ.] - de ämbito empresarial corporate network, company network [online publ.] - de anillo con testigo (circulante) token-ring network [online publ. ] ~ de area extendida (o extensa) wide area network [online publ. ] - de area local (abr. RAL) local area network [online publ.] ~ de area metropolitana metropolitan area network [online publ.] - d e b u s bus-type network [online publ. ] ~ de datos data network [online publ. ] - de difraccion diffraction grating [CD-ROM publ.] -dedifusiön broadcast network [online publ.] ~ de enlaces network of links [hypertext] - de fibras opticas optical fiber network [online publ. ] - de gran area wide area network [online publ]
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red de investigation research network [online publ. ] ~ de larga distancia wide area network [online publ. I ~ de lineas alquiladas leased line network [online publ.] ~ de mallas meshed network [online publ. ] ~ de ordenadores personales PC network [online publ.] - de paso de testigo (en anillo) token-ring network fonline publ.] - de protocolos miiltiples multiprotocol network [online publ.] Red de redes Internet [online publ.] red de testigo circulante token-ring network [online publ. ] - de unidades de mismo nivel peer-to-peer network [onlinepubl.] ~ de valor agregado value-added network [online publ.] - de valor anadido (abr. RVA) value-added network [onlinepubl.] - de vinculos web η [hypertext] - dedicada dedicated network [online publ. ] ~ departamental departmental network [online publ. ] ~ digital integrada (abr. RDI) integrated digital network [onlinepubl.] - distribuida distributed network [online publ. ] ~ en anillo ring-shaped network [online publ. ] ~ en bucle ring-shaped network [online publ.] ~ en bus bus-type network [onlinepubl.] - en estrella star-shaped data network [online publ.] - en malla meshed network [online publ. ] - especial dedicada (abr. RED) dedicated network [online publ.] - global global network [online publ.] - inteligente intelligent network [online publ. ] ~ jerarquica hierarchical network [online publ.] ~ local local area network [online publ. ] - local con conexiones sin cable wireless LAN [onlinepubl.] ~ local empresarial company network [online publ.] - local tipo cliente/servidor client/server LAN [onlinepubl.] ~ (local) en Token Ring token-ring network
[online publ. ] ~ MAN metropolitan area network [online publ] ~ multifuncional broadband LAN [online publ. ] ~ multiservicios multiservice network [online publ.] ~ multiterminal multiterminal computer network [online publ.] - NSF NFSnet - parcial subnet [online publ.] ~ policentrica multinode network [online publ. ] - principal backbone network [online publ.] ~ secundaria subnet [online publ. ] ~ TCP/IP TCP/IP network [online publ.] - tipo estrella star-shaped data network [online publ.] - urbana metropolitan area network [online publ. ] - virtual virtual network [online publ. ] redactar edit ν [word proc. ] redimensionamiento resizing η [el. imaging] redimensionar resize ν [el. imaging] reduccion reduction [el. imaging] - del color de fondo undercolor removal [el. prepress] reducir a escala scale down ν ~ el tamano zoom down ν [user interface] reemplazo de componentes mientras el sistema permanece en funcion hot swapping [online publ.] reestampado m repressing η [CD-ROM publ. ] referenda atras backreferencing η [CDROM publ.] ~ basada en palabras word-based link [retrieval] ~ cruzada cross-reference η [documentproc.] - hipertexto hypertext link regionalizado regionalized [online publ. ] registro register η [typography] registro, en perfecta - registration-perfect [el. prepress] registro, estar en perfecta ~ register, to be in ~ [typography ] reglaje predefinido default setting regrabable rewritable [CD-ROM publ. ] rejilla de difracciön diffraction grating [CDROM publ.] relation de ampliation enlargement ratio [el. prepress]
323 - de bits erroneos bit error rate [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de pixel pixel aspect ratio [el. imaging] ~ de reducciön reduction ratio [el. prepress] relevancia relevance [retrieval] rellenado m filling η [el. imaging] rellenar de espacios spacefill ν - formas (en la pantalla) area-fill ν [graphics] relleno m filling η [el. imaging] - de formas area fill η [graphics] ~ de textura texturing η [el. imaging] remasterizacion remastering η [CD-ROM publ.] remision cross-reference η [document proc.J renderingm rendering« [el. imaging, graphics] renderizacion rendering η [el. imaging, graphics] ~ fotorrealista photorealistic rendering [el. imaging] ~ realista realistic rendering [el. imaging] renderizar render ν [el. imaging] repaginacion repagination [typography] repaginar repaginate [typography ] repertorio de caracteres character set repetibilidad repeatability [el. prepress] repetidor repeater [online publ.] replicar replicate ν [CD-ROM publ. ] reposicionar reposition ν representation de päginas enteras full-page display reproduction replication [CD-ROM publ. ] delivery [multimedia] - de los colores color reproduction [el. prepress] reproducir play ν [CD-ROM publ. ] reproduce [multimedia] reproductor CD con alimentador automätico de discos jukebox [CD-ROM publ. ] -deCD-ROM CD-ROM player - de video video cassette recorder [equipment] reprografia reprography η [el. prepress] republication republishing η resolution resolution resoluckm, de alta - high-resolution adj resolucion, de baja - low-resolution adj resolucion, de media ~ medium-resolution adj resolucion alta high resolution ~ baja low resolution
Indice espanol-ingles ~ de barrido scanning resolution [el. prepress] ~ de graficos graphics resolution ~ de la pantalla screen resolution [equipment] ~ de los pixels pixel depth [el. imaging] - de pixel pixel depth [el. imaging] ~ de salida output resolution [el. prepress] - de trama screen resolution [el. prepress] ~ efectiva effective resolution [printers] ~ estandar standard resolution [el. prepress] - fina fine resolution - geometrica geometric resolution [multimedia] - gräfica graphics resolution ~ media medium resolution ~ mediana medium resolution ~ optica optical resolution [equipment] ~ tonal tonal resolution [el. imaging] ~ ultraelevada ultrahigh definition [el. imaging] - ultraelevada ultrahigh resolution [el. prepress] ~ VGA VGA resolution [equipment] restablecimiento de vinculos re-linking η [hypertext] restitution rendering η [general sense] ~ fotograflca photographic rendering [el. imaging] resumen automätico automatic abstract [document ρ roc.] RET, tecnologia - (resolucion elevada) Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] retardo de rotation rotational delay [CDROM publ.] reticula screen η [el. prepress] retocado m retouching η [el. imaging] retocar retouch ν [el. imaging] retoque retouching η [el. imaging I - de imägenes image retouching [el. prepress] - de un color color retouching [el. imaging] ~ de una imagen en color retouching of a color image [el. imaging] - fotogräfico photo retouching [el. imaging] reubicar reposition ν reunir textos con graficos merge ν graphics with text [desktoppubl.] revelado m developing η [el. prepress ] - m rendering η [el. imaging] revelador developer [el. prepress] - de peliculas film developer [equipment]
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revelar develop ν [el. prepress] revision ortografica spell checking [word proc.] revoluciones por segundo (abr. rps) revolutions per second [CD-ROM publ.] RGB (rojo, verde, azul) RGB RIPm RIP η [equipment] - de hard(ware) hardware RIP [equipment] ~ de soft(ware) software RIP [el. prepress] ~ PostScript PostScript raster image processor [equipment] RIP, estacion ~ RIP station [equipment] RIP, procesador - RIP η [equipment] RIP, procesar con el - RIP v, rip ν [el. prepress] RIP, proceso con el ~ RIPping n, ripping η [el. prepress[ "ripeado" m RIPping n, ripping η [el. prepress] "ripear" ν RIP v, rip ν [el prepress] RLE, codificacion ~ run-length (en)coding [CD-ROM publ.] rotation CAV CAV rotation [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ CLV CLV rotation [CD-ROM publ. ] router m router [online publ.] ~ multiprotocol·) multiprotocol router [online publ.] routing m routing η [online publ. ] rps revoluciones por segundo [CD-ROM publ.] RTF, formato ~ rich text format [document proc.] RV —> realidad virtual RVA —> red de valor anadido [onlinepubl.] sacar pruebas proof ν [el. prepress] - pruebas (galeradas) galleys, to set ~ [typography] - pruebas finales pull ν a proof [print shop] salida a disco läser computer output to laser disc /el. prepress] - de altavoz loudspeaker output [multimedia] - de pruebas digitales digital proofing [el. prepress] - de sonido sound output [multimedia] - de video video output [multimedia] - digital de grandes formatos digital largeformat output [el. prepress] ~ directs a plancha computer to plate [el. prepress ] - directa de pruebas digitales en color di-
rect digital color proofing [el. prepress] ~ en pantalla softcopy [el. prepress! ~ final final output ~ fotocompuesta phototypeset output [el. prepress] ~ fotorrealista photorealistic output [el. prepress] ~ hacia filmadora film output [el. prepress] ~ hacia impresora ο filmadora PostScript PostScript output ~ impresa en color color printout [el. prepress] ~ PostScript PostScript output - sobre pelicula film output [el. prepress] ~ tipogräfica typeset output [typography] saturacion de color color saturation [el. imaging] saturado saturated [el. imaging] scanner m scanner [equipment] - de cama plana (hispanoam.) flatbed scanner [equipment] SCART, conector - SCART connector [multimedia ] script m script η [multimedia] scrolling m scrolling η [user interface] SCSI, interfaz ~ SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] sector sector [CD-ROM publ] section [onlinepubl.] ~ de audio audio sector [CD-ROM publ. ] - de impresion printing sector - logico logical sector [CD-ROM publ. ] sectores por pista (abr. spp) sectors per track [CD-ROM publ.] secuencia animada animation sequence [el. imaging] ~ de animacion animation sequence [el. imaging] ~ de dibujos animados animation sequence [el. imaging] - de päginas page order ~ de sonido sound sequence [multimedia] - de video video sequence [multimedia] secuenciador MIDI MIDI sequencer [multimedia] seguimiento (de la pista) tracking η [CDROM publ.] seguridad de redes network security [online publ. ] seleccion selection extraction [database publ. ] ~ de fuente(s) font selection
~ de menus menu selection [user interface] ~ de pista track selection [ CD-ROM publ. ] ~ del tema subject selector [online publ. ] ~ por mends menu selection [user interface] seleccionar select ν semitone continuous tone [el. prepress] sensor CCD CCD sensor [equipment] senal de audio audio signal [multimedia] ~ de video video signal ~ de video compuesto composite video signal [multimedia] senalar (un caräcter etc.) highlight vf serialization tipogräflca markup η [typography] separation de color por proceso process colors [el. prepress] ~ de colores color separation [el. prepress] ~ de cuatro colores four-color separation [el. prepress] - en cuatricromia four-color separation [el. prepress] ~ entre pistas track pitch [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ estandar de cuatro colores color separation [el. prepress] separar break for color [el. prepress] serie string η [data proc.] - de caracteres character string [dataproc.] server server [online publ. ] servicio de filmacion imaging service [el. prepress] - de recuperation de datos bibiogräficos bibliographic retrieval service [online publ.] ~ electronico de information electronic information service [online publ.] - en linea online service [el. publishing] servicios de la red network services [online publ.] servidor server [online publ. ] - de aplicaciones application(s) server [online publ. ] ~ de archive file server [online publ. ] ~ de archives en linea online data server [online publ. ] ~ de area local LAN server [online publ. ] ~ de base de datos database server [online publ. ] ~ de comunicaciones communications server [online publ.] - de ficheros file server [online publ.] ~ de ficheros compartidos shared file server
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[online publ.] ~ de gestion de la red network control server [online publ. ] - de imagenes image server [equipment] ~ de interconexion gateway server [online publ.] ~ de mensajes message server [online publ] - de red net server [online publ. ] - de red local LAN server [online publ. ] - de terminal(es) terminal server [online publ.] - de Web Web server [online publ. ] - dedicado dedicated server [online publ.] - departamental departmental server [online publ. ] ~ en Internet Internet server [online publ. ] ~ estandar home server [online publ. ] ~ FTP FTP server [online publ. ] - multimedia multimedia server - multiple multiserver [online publ. ] - OPI OPI server [el. prepress] - para WWW Web server [online publ.] - remoto remote server [online publ. ] servomecanismo servo-mechanism I CDROM publ] servomotor de enfoque focusing servo [CD-ROM publ] set m width [typography] seudocoloracion pseudo coloring [el. imaging] seudocolores pi pseudo colors [el. imaging] SGML SGML [el. publishing] SGML, documento - SGML document [el publishing] signo de nota de pie footnote symbol [word proc.] ~ de referencia reference mark [wordproc.] sin disco duro diskless [online publ] - licencia licence-free ~ pelicula filmless [el. prepress] ~ peliculado filmless [el. prepress] sintesis de los colores color synthesis [el prepress] sintetizador synthesizer [multimedia] sistema BBS bulletin board service [online publ.] ~ CEP color electronic prepress system [el prepress] ~ computador-plancha computer-to-plate system [el. prepress]
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sistema cromatico de la CI Ε CIE color system [el. imaging] ~ CTP de gran formato large-format computer-to-plate system [equipment] ~ de archivos compartidos shared files system [online publ.] ~ de archivos comunes shared files system [online publ. ] ~ de autoedicion desktop publishing system ~ de autor authoring system [el. publishing] ~ de autor multimedia multimedia authoring system ~ de boletines electronicos bulletin board service [online publ.] - de büsqueda browser [online publ. ] - de biisqueda en textos completes full text retrieval system [document proc.] - de canalization router [online publ. ] - de colores reales true color system [el. imaging] - de comparatiön de color color matching system [el. prepress] - de composicion electronica electronic composition system ~ de composicion informatizado computerized typesetting system [equipment] ~ de composicion personal personal composition system [el. prepress] ~ de composicion por ordenador computerized typesetting system [equipment] - de correction automätica de la ortografia spelling checker [word proc. ] ~ de edicion de hipertextos hypertext editing system ~ de edicion electronica electronic publishing system ~ de entrega delivery system [multimedia] - de escaneo por laser laser scanning system [equipment] ~ de exploration scanning system [equipment] ~ de exposition CTP computer-to-plate unit [equipment] - de exposition de diapositivas imager [equipment] ~ de fotocomposicion photocomposition system [equipment] - de gestion de color color management system [el. prepress] ~ de gestion de documentos document management system [documentproc.]
- de gestion de redes network management system [onlinepubl.] - de grabacion de CD CD recording system - de hipertexto hypertext system - de impresion CTP computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] - de impresion digital "directo a mäquina de imprimir" direct-to-press system [print shop] ~ de information information system [online publ] ~ de masterizacion mastering system [ CDROM publ] - de montaje de päginas page composition system [el. prepress] - de obtencion de pruebas de color color proofing system [equipment] ~ de preimpresion prepress systems ~ de preprensa electronico de ordenador color electronic prepress system [el. prepress ] - de production de pruebas digitales en color digital color proofing system [el. prepress] ~ de production de pruebas digitales digital proofing system [equipment] ~ de pruebas proofing system [equipment] ~ de pruebas de color color proofing system [equipment] - de recuperation de informaciones retrieval system [general sense] ~ de red local local area network [online publ. ] ~ de reproduction delivery system [multimedia] ~ de seguimiento tracking system [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de sobremesa desktop system [equipment] -detracking tracking system [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de tratamiento electronico de imägenes electronic imaging system [el. prepress] - de tres rayos three-beam system [CD-ROM publ.] ~ "directo a prensa" direct-to-press system [print shop] ~ "directo al impreso" direct-to-press system [print shop] ~ editorial editorial system [el. prepress] ~ HTMS hypertext management system ~ monousuario single-user system ~ multimedia multimedia system
sistema operativo de red network operating system [online publ.] ~ "ordenador a prensa" computer-to-press system [el. prepress] ~ Panose Panose character matching system [el. prepress] ~ para la obtencion de pruebas proofing system [equipment] ~ plug&play (conectar y listo) plug-and-play system [equipment] ~ YUV (de colores) YUV color system [el. imaging] ~ ZCAV zoned constant angular velocity [CDROM publ.] sistemas conectados a una red networked systems sobre papel (impreso) printed adj sobrefondo de la pantalla screen background sobremesa desktop [general sense] sobremesa, de - desktop ... software cliente/servidor client/server software [online publ. j ~ clip-art clip-art software [el. prepress] ~ de acceso access software [document proc. ] ~ de animacion animation software [el. imaging] ~ de autoedicion DTP software [desktop publ.] - de autor authoring software [el. publishing] - de barrido scanning software [el. prepress] - de calibracion calibration software [el. prepress] - de composicion typesetting software [el. prepress ] - de composicion de pägina page makeup software [el. prepress] ~ de consulta de hipertextos hypertext browser ~ de conversion bridge products [dataproc.] ~ de edition tecnica technical publishing software (TPS) ~ de edutainment (educativo y de entrenamiento) edutainment software ~ de grabacion de CD CD recording software ~ de imposition imposition software [el. prepress ] ~ de maquetaciön page makeup software [el. prepress] ~ de montaje imposition software [el. prepress ] ~ de reconocimiento de caracteres character
Indice espanol-ingles
recognition software ~ de recuperation (de informaciones) retrieval software ~ de red netware [online publ. ] ~ de retoque fotogräfico photo retouching software [el. imaging] ~ de tratamiento de imägenes image processing software ~ de video video ware [multimedia] ~ dirigido por menus menu-driven software [user interface] - multimedia multimedia software - p a r a redes netware [online publ.] - para redes locales LAN software [online publ. ] ~ PDS (para la creacion de documentos portables) portable document software [online publ.] son m audio η [multimedia] sonido m sound, audio η [multimedia] ~ de fondo background sound [multimedia] sonorizacion sound recording [multimedia] sonoro audio adj [multimedia] soporte m medium η [data proc.] ~ de impresion printing medium [print shop] ~ de salida output medium ~ electronico electronic medium ~ grabable solo una vez write-once medium [CD-ROM publ.] ~ pantalla softcopy [el. prepress] spp —> sectores por pista [CD-ROM publ. ] still video still video [el. imaging] submenu submenu (user interface j subred subnet [online publ. ] substrate substrate η [CD-ROM publ. ] - de vidrio glass substrate [CD-ROM publ. ] subventana subwindow [user interface] suministrador de informacion information provider [online publ. ] superficie de grabacion recording surface [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de registro recording surface [CD-ROM publ.] supervision de red network monitoring [online publ. ] ~ del estado de la red network monitoring [online publ.] supresion de lineas ocultas hidden lines removal [graphics] sustancia fotosensible photosensitive material [el. prepress]
Spanish-English index
sustitucion de cadenas de caracteres string substitution [wordproc.J ~ de los componentes grises gray component replacement [el. imaging] ~ global global replacement [word proc.] sustituir globalmente replace globally [word proc.] sustrato substrate η [CD-ROM publ. ] tabla table ~ de anchuras width table [typography] - de anuncios electronica electronic bulletin board [onlinepubl.] ~ de busqueda look-up table [CD-ROM publ] ~ de camino(s) path table [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de colores color lookup table [el. imaging] - de colores color chart [el. imaging] - de consulta look-up table [CD-ROM publ. ] - de conversion conversion table [data proc.] - de letras acopladas kerning table [typography] ~ de los grosores width table [typography] ~ de traduction conversion table [data proc.] ~ de valores de kerning kerning table [typography] - del contenido de un volumen volume table of contents [CD-ROMpubl.] - del directorio directory table [CD-ROM publ. ] tablero de montaje electronico clip board, electronic ~ [user interface] tablones de noticias bulletin board service [online publ. ] talleres tipograficos printing shop talonaje calibration [el. prepress] tamano, de gran - large format [print shop] tamano, variar - s scale ν [el. imaging] tamano de capture scanning format [el. prepress ] ~ de la pägina page size ~ de pixel pixel size [el. imaging] ~ en puntos point size [typography] ~ original original size [el. imaging] tambor fotoconductor photoconductive print drum [printers] - fotosensible photoconductive print drum [printers ] -rotative rotating drum [equipment] tarea de impresion print job
tarjeta alta resolution high-resolution card [equipment] ~ audio sound card [multimedia] ~ de audio sound card [multimedia] ~ de captura capture board [multimedia] ~ de compresion compression board [multimedia] ~ de decodificacion MPEG MPEG decoder board [multimedia] ~ de digitalizaciön digitizing board [equipment] ~ de graficos graphics board [equipment] - de reproducci6n delivery board [multimedia] ~ de sonido sound card [multimedia] ~ de videocaptura frame grabber [multimedia] ~ digitalizadora de imägenes frame grabber [multimedia] ~ framebuffer frame buffer card [multimedia] ~ genlock genlock card [multimedia] ~ gräfica graphics board [equipment] ~ gräfica color color graphics card [equipmentI -graficos graphics board [equipment] ~ graficos color color graphics card [equipment] - LAN LAN card [online publ.] - MIDI MIDI card [multimedia] - multimedia multimedia card - overlay overlay card [multimedia] - para la captura de video frame grabber [multimedia] ~ vocal voice card [multimedia] tasa de refresco refresh rate - de transferencia declarada designated transfer rate [CD-ROMpubl.] TCP/IP, red - TCP/IP network [online publ. ] tecla de ayuda help key [user interface ] - de control de cursor cursor control key [user interface] - de cursor cursor control key [user interface] - de funcion hotkey [user interface] ~ de modificacion edit key [user interface] teclado m keyboard η [equipment] tecnica de dithering dithering η [multimedia] ~ de impresion digital digital printing technology [el. prepress] - de indexaciön indexing method [ CD-ROM publ.] ~ de menu menu technique [user interface]
~ de ventanas windowing technique [user interface ] - de ventanas miiltiples multiwindow technique [user interface] - del tramado screening η [el. prepress] - DRAW (lecture directa tras la escritura) direct read after write [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ DRDW (lectura directa durante la escritura) direct read during write [CD-ROMpubl.] - EDC/ECC (detection y correcciön de errores) error detection and correction coding [CDROM publ.] ~ MCP (de compresion de imägenes) motion compensated prediction [multimedia] - multiventana multiwindow technique [user interface] - predictiva predictive technique [multimedia] tecnologia CCD de pantalla plana CCD flatbed technology [equipment] ~ CD-ROM CD-ROM technology ~ computer-to-plate computer-to-plate system [el. prepress] ~ de impresion printing technology [print shop] ~ de impresion "directo a la plancha" computer· to-plate technology [el. prepress] - de läser laser technology - de paso directo a plancha computer-toplate system [el. prepress] - de peliculas secas dry film technology [el. prepress] ~ de sublimaciön thermal dye thermal dye diffusion transfer [printers] - directa en la plancha computer-to-plate technology [el. prepress] ~ RET (resolution elevada) Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] telecarga downloading n, downline loading [online publ.] -denoticias newsfeed η [onlinepubl.] telecargable downloadable telecargar download ν [onlinepubl.] telecomponedora teletypesetter [equipment] telecomposicion remote typesetting [el. prepress] telepublicacion telepublishing η tema principal main topic temätica topic η [retrieval] temperature de color color temperature [el. imaging]
fndice espanol-ingles
temporizacion de la red network timing [online publ] terminador m terminator [online publ. ] terminal terminal η [equipment] ~ de compaginacion video layout terminal [equipment] - de edition editing terminal [equipment] termino de busqueda search word [retrieval] tesaurom thesauras [retrieval] testeo de päginas page preview [desktop publ] testigo (mensaje de autorizacion) token [online publ. ] texto text[general sense] - alrededor de una ilustracion runaround η [desktop publ. ] - complete full text [document proc.] ~ compuesto composed text [typography ] - electronico electronic text [online publ. ] ~ en bruto raw text [ word proc.] - en negrita boldfaced text [typography] ~ estructurado structured text [el. publishing] ~ expandido stretch text [hypertext] - integral full text /document proc.] - integro full text [document proc. ] - llano (sin codigos de formato etc.) plain text ~ normal body text [typography] - ya impreso dead matter [typography] textura texture η [el. imaging] textura, con - textured [el. imaging] - de fondo background texture [el. imaging] texturado textured [el. imaging] TGA, formato - Targa format [graphics] tiempo de acceso access time - de asentamiento settling time [CD-ROM publ.] - de busqueda fetch time [ CD-ROM publ. ] - de busqueda (fisica) seek time [CD-ROM publ.] - de posicionamiento seek time [CD-ROM publ] - de posicionamiento sobre la pista track positioning time [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de rotacion del testigo token rotation time [online publ.] - para posicionar seek time [CD-ROM publ. ] - relative desde el inicio de la pista track relative time [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ total de acceso total access time [CD-ROM publ.] TIFF, formato ~ TIFF format [el. imaging]
Spanish-English index
tinta de color hue η [el. imaging] tipiflcado typed [hypertext] tipo type η [hypertext] ~ (de imprenta) type η / typography ] ~ digital digital type [el. prepress] ~ digitalizado digitized type [el. prepress] tipografia de sobremesa desktop typesetting [el. prepress] tipografico typographic, typographical tipometro type gauge [typography] tipoteca library of typefonts tira de pruebas proof printing [el. prepress] tirada, gran - long run [print shop] tiradacorta short run /print shop] ~ larga long run [print shop] ~ pequena short run [print shop] tiraje corto (hispanoam.) short run [print shop] ~ largo (hispanoam.) long run [print shop] titulo de columna column head / typography ] token m (testigo circulante) token [online publ. ] tolerancia de exposition range of exposure [el. prepress] tomo volume tonal tonal [el. imaging] tonalidad tone [el. imaging] ~ cromätica hue η [el. imaging] ~ de grises tones of grey [el. imaging] töner m toner [printers] ~ liquido liquid toner [printers] - s e c o dry toner [printers] tono tone lei. imaging] ~ continue continuous tone [el. prepress] ~ de color hue η [el. imaging] tonos, de ~ tonal [el. imaging] tonos de gris tones of grey [el. imaging] ~ grises gray component [el. imaging] ~ intermedios intermediate tones [el. imaging] ~ medios intermediate tones [el. imaging] topologia topology [online publ.] ~ de ärbol tree topology [online publ. ] - de interconexion interconnection topology [online publ. ] ~ de malla(s) mesh topology [online publ.] - de red(es) network topology [onlinepubl.] ~ en anillo ring topology [onlinepubl.] ~ en bus bus-type network [online publ.] totalmente digital fully digital [el. prepress] trabajo de linea line art [el. imaging]
- editorial comiin joint editing [el. publishing] ~ en autoedicion desktop publishing ~ en grupos workgroup computing [online publ.] ~ en red networking η trabajos de gran formato large-format print(ing) [print shop] - e n color color printing [print shop] tracking m tracking η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ radial radial tracking [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ tangencial tangential tracking [CD-ROM publ.] trama raster π [el. imaging] screen η [el. prepress] ~ de referenda reference frame [multimedia] tramado m screening η [el. prepress] - m rasterization [el. imaging] tramar rasterize [el. imaging I screen ν [el. prepress] tramas delta delta frames [multimedia] transcodificacion code conversion [data ρ roc.] transferencia de ficheros file transfer [online publ] ~ de ficheros de texto transferring text files [el. prepress] ~ de textos text transfer [data ρ roc.] ~ termica thermal transfer [printers] transformaciones pi morphing η [el. imaging] transiciones de claroscuro halftones pi [el. prepress ] transparencia para retroproyectores overhead transparency transparencies en color color transparencies [el. prepress] transporte de pelicula film transport [el. prepress] tratamiento de imagenes image processing - de imagenes en color fotorrealista photorealistic color imaging [el. imaging] - de la imagen image processing - de la palabra word processing - de textos word processing - digital de la imagen digital image processing [el. prepress] ~ electronico de la imagen electronic image processing [el. prepress] ~ integrado de textos e imagenes integrated text and image processing [el. prepress ]
trazado m (de una pägina) layout η [typography] - de dibujos drawing η - de muestra sample page layout ~ estandar standard layout ~ final final layout trazador de rata router [online publ. ] TRC, componedora ~ CRT typesetter [equipment] tres dimensiones, en ~ ~ threedimensional [el. imaging] 3D —> tridimensional [el. imaging] tridimensional (abr. 3D) threedimensional [el. imaging] truncamiento truncation [retrieval] ~ de palabras word truncation [retrieval] truncar truncate [retrieval] tubo fotomultiplicador photomultiplier tube [equipment] - P M T photomultiplier tube [equipment] TWAIN, formate - TWAIN format [el. imaging] ubicaciones favoritas de la Web hot list [online publ. ] unidad de bridging/routing Β router [online publ.] - d e CD-ROM CD-ROM drive ~ de composition typesetting unit [equipment] ~ de composicion fototipogräfica photographic typesetting equipment [el. prepress] ~ de exposition exposure unit [el. prepress] ~ de exposition de planchas de aluminio aluminum platesetter [el. prepress] - de fotocomposicion photographic typesetting equipment [el. prepress] - de grabaciön de CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder - de interfaz de red network interface unit [online publ. ] - de presentation visual video display unit [equipment] ~ de redirection (en una red de area local) redirector [online publ.] - de salida output device [equipment] - de telecomposicion teletypesetter [equipment] ~ filmadora phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] - grabadora de CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder - lectora player [multimedia]
lndice espafiol-ingles
- lectora de CD-ROM CD-ROM player - lectora externa de CD-ROM external CDROM drive [equipment] ~ lectora interna de CD-ROM internal CDROM drive [equipment] - lectora multi-discos multidisc machine [CD-ROM publ.] - lectora multiple de CD-ROM jukebox [CD-ROM publ.] - lectora portätil de CD-ROM portable CDROM player [equipment] ~ mixta datos - sonido mixed-type disc [CDROM publ.] URL uniform resource locator [online publ. ] uso fäcil, de - - user-friendly usuario de la red network user [online publ. ] utilization compartida de ficheros file sharing [online publ.] ~ en comiin de archives file sharing [online publ. ] VAC —» velocidad angular constante [CDROM publ.] valle land η [CD-ROM publ. ] valor de color color value [el. imaging] ~ de gris (tanto por ciento) percent grayness [el. imaging] ~ tonal tonal value [el. imaging] valores de acoplamiento de letras kerning values [typography] - de kerning kerning values [typography ] variation de las formas morphing η [el. imaging] - del tamano sizing η [el. imaging] variar tamanos scale ν [el. imaging] vectorizar vectorize [graphics] velocidad, de cuädruple ~ quad speed [ CDROM publ.] velocidad, de doble - double-speed adj [CD-ROM publ.] velocidad, de triple - triple-speed adj [CDROM publ.] velocidad angular constante (abr. VAC) constant angular velocity I CD-ROM publ.] - de deslizamiento scrolling speed [user interface ] ~ de digitalizacion digitizing speed [el. imaging] - de exploration scanning speed [el. prepress ] - de exposition imaging speed [el. prepress]
Spanish-English index
velocidad de giro rotation speed [CD-ROM publ.] -degrabacion recording speed [CD-ROM publ.] - de impresion printing speed ~ de muestreo sampling rate [multimedia] ~ de rotation rotation speed [CD-ROM publ.] ~ de salida output rate ~ de transferencia transfer rate [CD-ROM publ.] ~ del RIP RIPping speed, ripping speed [el. prepress] ~ lineal constante (abr. VLC) constant linear velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ maxima de biisqueda maximum seek [CD-ROM publ.] ~ mediana de biisqueda average seek [CDROM publ.] ~ rotacional rotation speed [CD-ROM publ. ] ventana window η [user interface ] ventana, abrir una - open ν a window laser interface ] - activa active window [user interface] - de acceso a la red user window [online publ.] ~ de apoyo help window [user interface ] ~ de diälogo dialog window [user interface] ~ de edition editing window [user interface] ~ de fondo background window ~ de imagen image window [user interface] ~ de previsualizacion preview window [user interface ] ~ de texto text window /word proc. ] ~ de usuario user window [online publ. ] - de video video window [multimedia] - de visualization display window [user interface] ~ de zoom zoom window [el. imaging] ~ para la entrada de la demanda query entry screen [user interface ] ~ principal principal window [user interface] ~ secundaria secondary window [user interface] ~ texto text window [word proc. ] ventanas de varies pianos multiwindow technique [user interface] ~ en mosaico tiled windows [user interface] ~ lincadas linked windows [user interface] ~ superpuestas overlapping windows [user interface ]
ventanilla de diälogo dialog window [user interface ] ver antes de imprimir preview ν [desktop publ.] verdadera calidad tipogräfica true typeset quality [printers] verdadero true [typography] verificador de ortografia spelling checker [word proc.] verificador/corrector de ortografia spell checker/corrector [wordproc.] vertido de texto text flow [desktop publ.] VHD, disco ~ very high density disc [CDROM publ.] via de acceso gateway η [online publ. ] video video adj - a pantalla complete full-screen video [multimedia] ~ digital interactive (abr. DVI) digital video interactive [multimedia] ~ en tiempo real real-time video [multimedia] - en tiempo real y a pantalla complete realtime full-screen video [multimedia] ~ full motion (movimiento completo) fullmotion video [multimedia] videocämara video camera [equipment] videocompresion video compression [multimedia] videodigitalizadora video digitizer [equipment] videodisco compacte compact video disc [CD-ROM publ.] videofrecuencia videofrequency [multimedia] videolento still video [el. imaging] videoRAM m (abr. VRAM) video RAM [multimedia] videosecuencia video sequence [multimedia] vigilancia de la red network monitoring [online publ. ] vincular link ν [hypertext] vinculo link η [hypertext] vinculo, establecer ~s link ν [hypertext] ~ bidirectional bidirectional link [hypertext] ~ conditional conditional link [hypertext] ~ cronologico chronological link [hypertext] ~ de destino target link [hypertext] ~ de hipertexto hypertext link ~ de referencia referential link [hypertext] ~ dinamico dynamic link [hypertext] ~ entre documentos interdocument link [hypertext]
- hipertexto hypertext link ~ multiple multiple link [hypertext] ~ tipificado typed link [hypertext] ~ vacio stale link [hypertext] vinculos agrupados cluster links [hypertext] ~ semänticos semantic links [hypertext] vifieta inset η [hypertext] picon [multimedia] frame η [word ρ roc.] visiön en miniatura thumbnail sketch visionado del trabajo en pantalla onscreen previewing [el. prepress] visita guiada guided tour [hypertext] vista view η [hypertext] ~ enlazada web view [hypertext] ~ previa preview rt [desktop publ. ] visualizacion display η [equipment] ~ con codigos codes view [word proc. ] ~ de formato total full-frame display - de la fuente real true-font display [desktop publ.] ~ de la pagina actual current page view [word proc.] ~ de longitudes residuales de lineas line remainder display [el. prepress] ~ de mentis menu display [user interface] - de päginas contiguas facing pages display ~ de päginas enfrentadas facing pages display ~ de päginas enteras full-page display ~ de pantalla entera full-page display ~ en color autentico true-color display [el. imaging] ~ en color real true-color display [el. imaging] ~ en forma de miniaturas thumbnail sketch ~ en fuente verdadera true-font display [desktop publ.] ~ en modo previo preview mode [desktop publ.] ~ en pantalla del la impresion final WYSIWYG [desktop publ.] ~ en tamaflo real full-screen display -previa preview η [desktop publ. ] ~ WYSIWYG WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.] visualizador Tenderer [el. imaging] ~ (parte de visualizacion) browser [hypertext] ~ gräfico en color color graphics screen [equipment] visualizar display ν
Indice espanol-ingles
view ν [wordproc.] VLC velocidad lineal constante [CD-ROM publ.] voces pi de menii menu topics [user interface] voltear flip ν [el. imaging] volumen volume ~ (de sonido) volume [multimedia] voz headword VRAM —> videoRAM m [multimedia] WAIS wide area information server [online publ.] WAN / wide area network [online publ. ] Web m,f World Wide Web [online publ.] Web, servidor de ~ Web server [online publ.] Webmaster (administrador del servidor Web) Webmaster [onlinepubl.] workstation workstation [onlinepubl.] World Wide Web m,f World Wide Web [online publ.] WORM, disco ~ WORM disk (equipment] WWW m , / World Wide Web [online publ.] WWW, lugar de - Web site [online publ. ] WWW, pägina ~ Web page [onlinepubl.] WWW, servidor para - Web server [online publ.] WYSIWYG WYSIWYG [desktop publ.] ~ verdadero true WYSIWYG [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG, fuentes - WYSIWYG fonts [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG, pantalla - WYSIWYG screen [desktop publ. ] WYSIWYG, visualizacion ~ WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.] xerografia a läser laser xerography [el. prepress ] YUV, delta - delta YUV [el. imaging] YUV, sistema - YUV color system [el. imaging] ZCAV, sistema - zoned constant angular velocity [CD-ROM publ.] zona clave key field [CD-ROMpubl] ~ de final lead-out area [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de principio lead-in area [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ de sobrebarrido overscan area [multimedia]
Spanish-English index
zona de texto text area - exterior del disco lead-out area [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ imagen image area [el. prepress] ~ mäs interior del disco lead-in area [CDROM publ.]
- no imagen non-image area [typography] ~ plana land η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ sensitive para el rat6n mouse-sensitive area [user interface] zoom m zooming η (el. imaging] ~ ν zoom ν [el. imaging]
acceleratore grafico graphics accelerator [equipment] accelerazione video video acceleration [multimedia] accesso access η - a file remoti remote file access [online publ.] - a Internet Internet access [online publ. ] - a piü tipi di terminal! multiple terminal access [onlinepubl.] - ai dati data access [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ al server server access [online publ. ] - alia rete network access [online publ. ] ~ mediante parola chiave keyword access [document proc. ] - remote a basi di dati remote database access [online publ. ] accostamento (di coppie di lettere) kerning η [typography] acquisire pagine con uno scanner scan pages into a computer [el. prepress] adattamento flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ.] adattatore (fra reti) gateway η [online publ. ] -grafico graphics adapter [equipment] -video video adapter [multimedia] addestramento basato su computer computer-based training [multimedia] ADPCM, modulazione ~ adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] ADPCM, modulazione ~ adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] aerografo airbrush tool [el. imaging] aggiornamento update n, updating η [database publ. ] - parziale partial update [databasepubl] aggiornare update ν [database publ.] aggiustaggio dei colon color matching [el. imaging] - d e l gamma gamma adjustment [el. prepress I - della densita density control [el. prepress] aggiustamento dello scanner setting of scanner [el. prepress] aggruppamento concettuale conceptual clustering [hypertext] aiuto alia navigazione navigation aid [retrieval] - in linea online help [user interface] - sensibile al contesto context-sensitive help [user interface]
Indice itaJiano-inglese
al momento giusto just-in-time albero spindle [CD-ROM publ. ] -deidialoghi history tree [hypertext] - dei file file tree [CD-ROM publ. ] - dei soggetti subject tree [online publ. ] algoritmo di compressione compression algorithm [multimedia] - di correzione degli errori error-correction algorithm [CD-ROMpubl] - MPEG MPEG algorithm [multimedia] aliasing, effetti di - aliasing effects [el. imaging] alta intensita highlighting η - luminosita highlighting η - risoluzione high resolution altamente risolutivo high-resolution adj altoparlante loudspeaker [multimedia] ambiente autore ipertestuale hypertext authoring - multimedia multimedia environment amichevole (nei confronti degli utenti) userfriendly amministrazione di reti network administration [online publ.] ampiezza width [typography] ancora/ anchor η [hypertext] ancoraggio anchoring η [desktop publ. ] ancorare anchor ν [desktoppubl.] anello locale local loop [online publ. ] - logico logical ring [online publ.] angolo di trama screen angle lei. prepress] animare animate ν [el. imaging] animazione animation [el. imaging] ~ elettronica computer animation [el. imaging] animazioni creati dall'elaboratore computergenerated animation [el. imaging] - elettroniche animatronics [multimedia] annotare annotate [word proc. ] annotazione annotation [word proc. ] annuliere (il comando precedente) undo ν /user interface ] anteprima preview η [desktoppubl.] page preview display [desktoppubl] - con font veraci true-font preview [desktop publ.] - del documento (complete) document preview [desktop publ] - delle pagine page preview [desktop publ] - di stampa print preview [wordproc.]
Italian-English index anteprima sullo schermo onscreen previewing [el. prepress] apparecchio per copie a contatto contact printer [el. prepress] applicazioni di desktop publishing desktop publishing applications ~ DTP desktop publishing applications - multimediali multimedia applications aprire una finestra open ν a window [user interface] architettura a bus bus architecture [online publ.] ~ a Stella star-shaped architecture [online publ.] ~ client/server client/server architecture [online publ.] ~ CNA communication network architecture [online publ.] ~ della rete network architecture [online publ.] ~ di rete backbone backbone network architecture [online publ.] - di rete per comunicazioni communication network architecture [online publ. ] archivi comuni shared file [online publ. ] archiviazione e ricupero di document· document filing and retrieval [document proc.] archivio (di dati) file η [data proc.] ~ di immagini online online image collection [el. publishing] ~dimassa mass file [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ di testi text file [word proc. ] ~ digitale digital archive [document proc.] ~ digitale di immagini digital image library [el. prepress] ~ fotograflco photo archive [el. imaging] area dell'immagine image area [el. prepress] ~ di overscan overscan area [multimedia] ~ di programme program area [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di scansione scanning area [el. prepress] ~ di testo text box [user interface ] ~ figurata image area [el. prepress] ~ non stampata non-image area [typography] ~ scroll scroll area [user interface] ~ sensitive per il mouse mouse-sensitive area [user interface] ~ stampabile image area [printers] argomento topic η [retrieval] armonia dei colon color balance [el. imaging]
arti grafiche graphic arts articolo scaduto expired article [online publ. ] assiemaggio assembly [el. prepress] ~ della pagina page makeup ~ elettronico delle pagine electronic page assembly [el. prepress] attivitä editoriali assistiti dall'elaboratore computer-aided publishing attraverso le diverse piattaforme cross-platform adj attrezzatura di fotocomposizione photocomposition device [equipment] attribute attribute η [data proc.] ~ del display display attribute [user interface] - dello schermo screen attribute ~ di font font attribute [desktop publ.] ~ di impaginazione layout attribute /desktop publ.] ~ di testo text attribute [desktop publ. ] ~ di visualizzazione display attribute [user interface] ~ tipografico typographic attribute - video screen attribute audio audio adj [multimedia] ~ CD audio CD [CD-ROM publ. ] authoring η authoring η [el. publishing] ~ ipertestuale hypertext authoring autofuocom autofocus η [equipment] autoistruzione interattiva interactive tutoring [multimedia] autore ( f . autrice) author η [general sense] autostrada delle informazioni information highway [multimedia] ~ informativa information highway [multimedia] avanzamento della pellicola film transport [el. prepress] AVC, connessione ~ audiovisual connection [multimedia] AVI audio video interleave(d) [multimedia] AVI, formato ~ AVI format [multimedia] awicinamento kerning η [typography ] bacheca elettronica electronic bulletin board [online publ.] banca di dati contenente immagini digitalizzati digital image data bank [el. prepress] ~ di dati full-text full-text data bank [document proc.] ~ di document! document bank [hypertext]
banca di immagini image data bank barra bar η [user interface] ~ del menu menu bar [user interface] ~ del titolo title bar [user interface] ~ delle icone icon panel [user interface] ~ di scorrimento scroll bar [user interface] - di scrolling scroll bar [user interface J ~ scorrevole scroll bar /user interface ] base di dati database ~ di dati contenente immagini image data bank ~ di testo text base [document ρ roc. ] ~ ipertestuale hypertext base bassa risoluzione low resolution BBS / bulletin board service [online publ.] bianco e nero black and white [el. imaging] bianconero, in - black and white [el. imaging] biblioteca di caratteri library of typefonts ~di clip art clip-art library [el. prepress] ~ di colori color library [el. imaging] ~ di font library of typefonts - di grafiche clip art clip-art library [el. prepress] ~ di immagini image library [el. prepress] bicolore adj two-color [print shop] bicromia two-color print [print shop] bilanciamento automatico delle colonne automatic column balance [desktop publ.] ~ del bianco white balance [el. imaging] bilancio di grigio gray balance [el. imaging] bit C+D (di controllo e display) C+D bit [CDROM publ.] - di canale channel bit [ CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di fusione merging bit [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ map m bitmap η [el. imaging] - per pixel (abbr. bpp) bits per pixel [multimedia ] bitonale bi-tonal [el. prepress] black and white [el. imaging] blocco sector [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di file file locking [online publ. ] ~ di illustrazioni picture block [el. imaging] ~ logico logical block [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ per dati sonori audio block [CD-ROM publ.] ~ VD volume descriptor [CD-ROM publ. ] bolla pit η [CD-ROM publ. ] bookmark m bookmark [hypertext] bottone button [hypertext] ~ di navigazione navigation button [retrieval]
Indice italiano-inglese
~ di nota annotation button [hypertext] ~ di riferimento reference button [hypertext] - OK OK button [user interface] box di cambio di dimensione resize box [user interface] - di Fine exit button [user interface] ~ di ingrandimento grow box [el. imaging] - d i t o o l s toolbox [userinterface] ~ di zoom zoom box [user interface] bozza proof η [general sense] galley [typography] proof η [el. prepress] ~ a colori digitali direct digital color proof [el. prepress] ~ digitale digital image proof [el. prepress] ~ finale final proof [el. prepress ] bozze, tirare ~ galleys, to set ~ [typography] bozze pi page proofs [el. prepress] - a colori color proofs [el. prepress] ~ a sublimazione sublimation proofs [el. prepress] ~ a sublimazione a colori dye sublimation proofs [el. prepress] ~ anlogiche analog proofs [el. prepress] ~ corrette clean proofs [el. prepress] ~ dell 'impaginato layout proofs [el. prepress] ~ di colore color proofs [el. prepress] ~ di stampa (in colonna) galley proofs [typography] - di stampa (in pagine) page proofs pi [typography] -digital] digital proofs [el. prepress] - digitali a colori digital color proofs pi [el. prepress ] - digitali di un'immagine image proofing [el. prepress] - elettroniche electronic proofs [el. prepress] - finali press proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ fotografiche photographic proofs [el. prepress] ~ hard-copy hard proofs pi [el. prepress] - impaginate page proofs pi [typography ] - intermedie intermediate proofs [el. prepress] ~ monocromatiche one-color proofs [el. prepress] ~ per controllare la posizione position proofs pi [el. prepress] - prodotte col laser laser proofs [el. prepress] ~ separate per quadricromia separation proofs [el. prepress]
Italian-English index
bozze soft soft proofs [el. prepress] ~ stampate hardcopy proofs pi [el. prepress] ~ tipografiche galley proofs [typography] ~ trasmesse via rete remote proofs [el. prepress ] bozzoni galley proofs [typography] bpp —> bit per pixel [multimedia] bridge m bridge η [online publ.] bridge/router Β router [onlinepubl.] brouter m Β router [online publ. ] browser m browser [CD-ROM publ, hypertext] - m browser [online publ.] - grafico per il Web graphical Web browser [online publ.] ~ testuale per il Web text-only Web browser [online publ.] - Web Web browser [online publ. ] bruciatore di CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder buffer m di stampa print buffer -video video buffer [multimedia ] bus logico logical bus [online publ. ] byte del modo mode byte [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ di sync sync field [CD-ROM publ. ] CA —> centro di autentificazione [onlinepubl.] caddy m caddy η [CD-ROM publ. ] cadenza di aggiornamento update frequency [database publ.] calcolo di una sequenza di animazione rendering η [multimedia] calibrazione calibration [el. prepress] ~ del colore color calibration [el. imaging] cambiatore rapido rapid changer [ CD-ROM publ.] cambio di disco disc changeover /CD-ROM publ. ] - di valore delta camera fotografica digitale direct image capture camera [equipment] ~ oscura digitale digital darkroom [el. prepress] cammino path [hypertext] ~ di navigazione navigation path [hypertext] ~ di ricerca search path [retrieval] - ipertestuale hyperpath campionario (dei caratteri) swatchbook - di colon Pantone Pantone Matching System [el. prepress] campitura area fill η [graphics] campo äncora anchor field [hypertext]
~ bibliografico bibliographic preparer field [CD-ROM publ.] - chiave key field [ CD-ROM publ. ] ~ da cercare search field [retrieval] ~ dati ausiliario auxiliary data field [CDROM publ.] ~ di dati dell'utente user data field [CDROM publ.] ~ di ricerca searchable field [retrieval] ~ di ricerca search field [retrieval] - dinamico dynamic range [el. prepress] - header header field [ CD-ROM publ.] - per testo qualsiasi free-text field [database publ.] ~ subheader subheader field [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ sync sync field [CD-ROM publ. ] - testo text field [database publ. ] canale alpha alpha channel [video] -audio sound channel [multimedia] canaletto gutter [typography] ~ (intercorrente tra le colonne) gutter width [typography] capacita audio sound capability [multimedia] ~ colore color capability [graphics] ~ del buffer buffer capacity - della rete network capacity [online publ. ] - di caricamento (di font non residenti) download capability ~ di dati utilizzabile dall'utente user data capacity [CD-ROM publ.] - di editing editing capability [word proc. ] - di gestire piü finestre windowing capability [user interface] ~ di riconnettersi automaticamente autoreconnect function [online publ.] - multiprotocollo multiprotocol capability [online publ. ] - multisessione multisession capability [CDROM publ.] carattere type n, typefont [typography] - di comando control character [dataproc.] - di governo control character [data proc.] - digitale digital type [el. prepress] ~ jolly wildcard character [retrieval] ~ neretto boldface η [typography] caratteri di formato libero freeforms pi [typography] ~ digitalizzati digitized type [el. prepress] caratteri maiuscoli e minuscoli, facendo una distinzione fra case-sensitive [retrieval]
- OCR (leggibili otticamente) OCR font caricabile (font non residenti) downloadable caricamento (attraverso una rete ecc.) downline loading [online publ] caricamento frontale, a ~ - front-load [CDROM publ.] - remoto (di font) downloading η carico di rete network load [online publ. ] carta hardcopy η - comune normal paper - emulsionata bromide paper [el. prepress] ~ fotografica photopaper [el. prepress] ~ fotografica (emulsionata) bromide paper [el. prepress] ~ fotosensibile photopaper [el. prepress] - standard normal paper cartaceo printed adj cartuccia del toner toner cartridge [printers] casa di mastering, - di masterizzazione mastering company [CD-ROMpubl.] casella del menu menu box [user interface] ~ di chiusura close box [user interface] - di selezione option box [user interface] ~ di spunta check box [user interface] ~ per dimensionamento size box [user interface] cassetto drawer [CD-ROM publ. ] catalogo digitale digital catalog [el. publishing] ~ elettronico electronic catalog [el. publishing] cattura capturing η [multimedia] ~ dello schermo screen snapshot ~ dello schermo screen capture [el. imaging] ~ di immagini con una camera digitale direct photo image capture [equipment] ~ di immagini video (in tempo reale) video capture [el. imaging] ~ di videate frame grabbing [el. imaging] catturare (videate ecc.) capture ν [multimedia] catturatore dello schermo screen capture feature [el. imaging] - di immagini (video) frame grabber [el. imaging] CAV, rotazione - CAV rotation [CD-ROM publ.] cavitä pit η [CD-ROM publ. ] cavo audio audio cable [multimedia] ~ di accesso al cavo della dorsale drop cable [online publ.]
Indice italiano-inglese
- di connessione al cavo principale drop cable [onlinepubl.] ~ Ethernet Ethernet cable [online publ] CBT m computer-based training [multimedia] CD compact disc (disco compatto) - audio audio CD [ CD-ROM publ] ~ cancellabile erasable compact disc [CDROM publ.] CD-ROM m CD-ROM - drive OT CD-ROM drive ~ scrivibile CD-R ~ scrivibile una volta sola write-once recordable CD-ROM [CD-ROMpubl] ~XA CD-ROM XA CD-V CD-V [multimedia] centra di autentificazione (abbr. CA) authentication center [online publ] ~ di controllo della rete network control center [online publ ] ~ di gestione di rete network management center [onlinepubl] - di smistamento (in una rete) hub [online publ.] - di stampa digitale digital printing service center [el prepress] cerca e sostituisci search and replace [word proc.] cercare search ν [word proc. ] checkbox m check box [user interface] chiarezza sharpness chip m di compressione compression chip [multimedia] cido di aggiornamento update cycle [database publ] CIE (Commissione internazionale deH'illuminazione) CIE [organization] ~ LAB CIE LAB [el imaging] - L U V CIE LUV [el imaging] ~ XYZ CIE XYZ [el imaging] CIP3 CIP3 [organization] CIRC, codificato in ~ CIRC-encoded [CDROM publ] CIRC, decodificatore di - CIRC decoder [CD-ROM publ] CIRC, codice - cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code [CD-ROMpubl] circolazione di contrassegno token passing [online publ.] circuito locale local loop [online publ.] clic m click η [user interface ]
Italian-English index
clic, fare il doppio - double-click ν [user interface] clic, fare - click ν [user interface] ~ m del mouse mouse click [ user interface J cliccare (su) click ν [user interface] ~ due volte double-click ν [user interface] ~ e trascinare click and drag [user interface] client m (in una rete) client [online publ. ] clip art m clip art [el. prepress] clipboard m clip board, electronic ~ [user interface] cloche di comando joystick [equipment] CLV, rotazione - CLV rotation [CD-ROM publ. ] CMYK, processo ~ CMYK process [el. prepress] CMYK (i colon ciano, magenta, giallo e nero) CMYK [el. imaging] coda per piü servizi multiserver [online publ.] codice ASCII ASCII [data proc.] ~ CIRC cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code [CD-ROM publ.] ~ dei colori color code [el. imaging] ~ di identificazione della rete di dati data network identification code [onlinepubl.] ~ di ritorno return code [data proc.] - di 14 bit fourteen-bit code, 14-bit code [CDROM publ.] - EFM EFM code [CD-ROM publ. ] - Huffman Huffman code [CD-ROM publ. ] - Huffman adattivo adaptive Huffman coding [multimedia] ~ Huffman modificato modified Huffman code [el. imaging] - MHC modified Huffman code [el. imaging] ~ orario time code [multimedia] - per contrassegnare il testo markup code [el. publishing] - SYNC sync code [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ tipografico typographic code codifica correzione errori error correction code [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ dei colori color coding [el. imaging] - della forma d'onda waveform coding [multimedia] ~ della lunghezza di sequenza run-length (en)coding [CD-ROM publ.] - Huffman Huffman code [CD-ROM publ. ] - Huffman adattiva adaptive Huffman coding [multimedia]
~ Huffman modificata modified Huffman code [el. imaging] -ibrida hybrid coding [multimedia] - rilevamento e correzione errori error detection and correction coding [CD-ROM publ.] ~ rilevamento errori error detection code [CD-ROM publ.] ~ run-length run-length (en)coding [CDROM publ.] ~ senza perdite lossless coding [multimedia] codifica/decodifica delta delta encoding/decoding [multimedia] codificato in CIRC CIRC-encoded [CDROM publ.] ~ in EFM EFM-encoded [CD-ROM publ. ] - in modo digitale digitally coded [data proc.] codificatore EFM EFM encoder [CD-ROM publ.] collegabile in rete networkable collegamento alia rete network connection [online publ.] - alternative backup connection [online publ.] - di riserva backup connection [online publ.] - in LAN LAN connection [online publ. ] ~ in rete networking η - secondario backup connection [online publ.] ~ tra piü reti (diversi) internetworking η [online publ. ] ~ tramite reti internetworking η [online publ. ] collegare in LAN network, integrate into a ~ ~ tramite rete (o reti) network, integrate into a ~ collimatore collimator [CD-ROM publ. ] colonna column η [typography] color prepress m color prepress colore color η [el imaging] ~ corrente current color [el. imaging] ~ del testo text color - dello spettro spectral color [el. imaging] ~ di fondo background color [el. imaging] - di primo piano foreground color - di riempimento fill color [el. imaging] ~ di sottofondo background color [el. imaging] -diretto direct color [el. imaging] colore pieno, a ~ ~ full color [print shop] colore spot spot color [el. prepress]
colon, a due ~ two-color [print shop] colon, falsi ~ pseudo colors [el. imaging] colon, pseudo ~ pseudo colors [el. imaging] colori complementari complementary colors [el. imaging] ~ della gamma Pantone Pantone colors [el. prepress] ~ di quadricromia process colors [el. prepress] ~ fondamentali fundamental colors ~ indicizzati indexed colors [el. prepress] ~ personalizzati custom colors [el. imaging] ~ primari primary colors [el. imaging] ~ primari additivi additive primary colors [el. imaging] - primari sottrattivi subtractive primary colors [el. imaging] ~ real! true colors [el. imaging] ~ secondari secondary colors colorimetria colorimetry [el. prepress ] comandato mediante menu menu-driven adj [user interface] comando "disfare" UNDO command [user interface ] -diricerca search command [retrieval] ~ di stampa print command [ward proc. ] combinare grafici e testi mix ν text and graphics [desktop publ.] combinazione nesting η [retrieval] ~ di grafica e testo merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] commentario vocale voice annotation [multimedia] compact disc (abbr. CD) compact disc [CDROM publ.] ~ video disc (abbr. CVD) compact video disc [CD-ROM publ.] compaginazione makeup η [typography] compatibile con l'High Sierra High-Sierra compatible [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ con Soundblaster Soundblaster compatible [multimedia] compensazione del movimento motion compensation [multimedia] componente m / component [multimedia] component! periferici peripheral equipment ~ spettrali spectral components [el. imaging] comporre typeset ν [typography ] compositrice elettronica typesetter [equipment] composizione (tipografica) composition [typo-
Indice italiano-inglese
graphy] ~ a lotti batch composition [el. prepress] ~ automatica automatic typesetting [el. prepress] ~ automatica a distanza remote typesetting [el. prepress] - automatizzata automated typesetting [el. prepress] - computerizzaia computer typesetting - da conservare live matter [typography] - da scomporre dead matter [typography] ~ di libri book composition [typography ] ~ di pagine page composition [el. prepress] ~ di pagine intere full-page composition [el. prepress] ~ di tabelle tabular composition [typography] ~ di testi text composition [el. prepress] -digitale digital typesetting [el. prepress] ~ digitalizzata digitized typesetting [el. prepress] ~ elettronica electronic composition ~ fotografica phototypesetting η [el. prepress] ~ tabellare tabular composition [typography ] - tipografica computerizzata computer typesetting compressione compression [el. imaging] kerning η [typography ] - adattiva adaptive compression [multimedia] - asimmetrica asymmetric compression [multimedia] - con nessuna perdita di dati lossless compression [multimedia] ~ dell'immagine image compression [el. imaging] ~ delta delta compression [multimedia] - di dati data compression [data proc.] ~ frattale fractal compression [el. imaging] - lossy lossy compression [multimedia] - per trasformazione transformation compression [multimedia] ~ PIC picture image compression [multimedia] - senza perdite lossless compression [multimedia] ~ simmetrica symmetric compression [multimedia] ~ video video compression [multimedia] comprimere compress ν [data proc.] computer alia stampa computer to print [el. prepress ] computergraflca computer graphics
Italian-English index
concentratore hub [online publ. ] condivisione di archivi file sharing [online publ.] configurazione a maglia meshing η [online publ. ] ~ ad anello ring configuration [online pubij ~ della rete network configuration [online publ. ] congelamento (di un fotogramma) freezing η [el. imaging] congestione della rete network congestion [online publ. ] - nel traffico di rete network congestion [online publ.] connessi, non - unlinked adj connessione link n, linking η [hypertext] ~ ai calcolatori esterni gateway η [online publ.] ~ AVC audiovisual connection [multimedia] ~ condizionale conditional link [hypertext] ~ ipertestuale hypertext link - ipertestuale hyperlink [el. publishing] - standardizzata standard interface [data proc.] connesso linked adj [database publ.] connettere link ν [hypertext] ~ (con una passerella) gateway ν [online publ.] connettore del tipo cinch cinch connector [ multimedia ] ~ per video video connector [equipment] - R C A RCA connector [multimedia] - SCART SCART connector [multimedia] consegna elettronica di documenti electronic document delivery [document proc.] console di mixaggio mixing desk [multimedia] contagoccem eyedropper [el. imaging] contrassegno markup η [typography] token [onlinepubl.] -m markup η [hypertext] contrasto contrast η [el. imaging] controllare le bozze proofread [typography] controller m del CD CD controller controllo del flusso (di dati) flow control [el. prepress ] ~ del fuoco focus control [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ deU'accostamento kerning control ]typography] ~ della curva gamma gamma curve control [el. prepress] ~ delle bozze sul monitor monitor proofing
[el. prepress] ~ ortografico spell checking [word proc. ] - tracking radiale radial tracking control [CD-ROM publ.] controllore del CD CD controller ~ di interfaccia di rete network interface controller [online publ.] conversione conversion [data proc. ] - A/D analog-to-digital conversion [data proc.] - analogico-digitale analog-to-digital conversion [data proc.] ~ dei dati data conversion [data proc.] ~ del testo text conversion [word proc. ] - di basi di dati database conversion ~ di codice code conversion [dataproc.] ~ di immagini image conversion ~ EFM EFM conversion [CD-ROM publ. ] - in ipertesto conversion of text into hypertext ~ verso CMYK CMYK conversion [el. prepress ] convertitore della scala di grigio grayscale converter [el. imaging] - HTML HTML converter [el. publishing] copia a contatto contact print [el. prepress] ~ del contenuto di una schermata su carta screen hardcopy ~ dello schermo screen capture [el. imaging] - di lavoro working copy [word proc. ] ~ in chiaro hardcopy η - negativa negative print [el. prepress] ~ positiva positive print /el. prepress] ~ su carta hardcopy copiare e incollare copy and paste [user interface] copiatrice a colon color copier [equipment] copione script η [multimedia] coppie di lettere per il kerning kerning pairs [typography] coprocessore per audio audio coprocessor [multimedia] corpo principale del testo body text [typography] ~ testo body text [typography ] correttore della base di tempo time base corrector [multimedia] - di ortografia spelling checker [word proc.] ~ ortografico spelling checker [wordproc.] correzione a caldo hot fix [onlinepubl.] - automatica dell'ortografla automatic spelling correction [wordproc.]
- cromatica color correction [el. imaging] ~ del tempo time correction [multimedia] ~ di colore (o di colon) color correction [el. imaging] ~ di gamma gamma correction [el. prepress] corrispondenza dei colon color match [el. imaging] corsiva verace true italic [typography] costruzione di un tesauro thesaurus construction [retrieval] creare create ν [word proc.J ~ un file indice index, make an ~ [document ρ roc.] ~ un indice index, make an ~ [document proc.] creazione di documenti lunghi long-document publishing [wordproc.] ~ di link linking η [hypertext] ~ di pubblicazioni da un database database publishing ~ di un indice index generation [document proc.] ~ digitale di mezze tinte digital halftoning [el. imaging] crenare kern ν [typography] crenatura kerning η [typography] criterio di matching match criterion [retrieval] ~ di ricerca search criterion [retrieval] crocetta di registro register mark [typography] crocino di riferimento (per il registro) register mark [typography] crominanza chrominance [el. imaging] cromoselezione color separation [el. prepress] CTP, fotounita ~ CTP imagesetter [equipment] CTP, sistema - computer-to-plate system / el. prepress] CTP, tecnologia - computer-to-plate technology [el. prepress] CTP, impianto - computer-to-plate unit [equipment] cuffie pi headphones pi [multimedia] cuore hub [online publ. ] Cursore cursor [user interface ] curva del gamma gamma curve [el. prepress] ~ di colore color curve [el. prepress] - di densitä density curve [el. prepress] ~ di gradazione gradation curve [el. prepress] CVD —> compact video disc [CD-ROM publ. ]
Indice italiano-inglese
data di scadenza expiration date [online publ.] database multimediale multimedia database ~ remote remote database [online publ. ] ~ server m database server [online publ.] - testuale textual database dati a bassa risoluzione low-resolution data [el. prepress] ~ ad alta risoluzione high-resolution data [el. prepress] ~ di entrata input data [data proc. ] -diingresso input data [data proc. ] ~ di input input data [data proc. ] ~ di solo testo full-text data [documentproc.] - di tipo testuale textual data [word proc. ] ~ full-text full-text data [document proc. ] ~ immessi tramite scanner scanned data ~ introdotti input data [data proc.] ~ non costituiti di immagini non-image data [el. prepress] ~ non testuali nontextual data ~ organizzati in record record-oriented data [database publ.] ~ reperiti retrieved data ~ sonori audio data [multimedia] ~ sotto forma di testo textual data [word proc.] ~ strutturati per campi fielded data [CDROM publ.] ~ vettoriali vector data [graphics] DCT, tecnica ~ (trasformata discretizzata del coseno) discrete cosine transform [multimedia] DDE —> scambio dinamico dei dati [database publ.] DDES (norme per lo scambio di dati digitali) digital data exchange specifications [el. prepress ] decodifica EFM EFM decoding [CD-ROM publ] decodificatore di CIRC CIRC decoder [CDROM publ.] ~ MPEG MPEG decoder [multimedia] decompressione decompression [multimedia] decomprimere decompress ν [multimedia] definibile dall'utente user-definable [user interface] definizione sharpness ~ del tipo di documento document type definition [document proc.] - di spostamento pitch η [printers]
Italian-English index
delivery/ delivery [multimedia] delta m delta ~ YUV (codifica di irrnnagini naturali) delta YUV [el. imaging] demodulatore EFM EFM demodulator [CDROM publ] demodulazione EFM EFM demodulation [CD-ROM publ.] densita density [el. prepress, print shop] - dei punti dot density [el. imaging] - di stampa delle righe (righe/pollice) line density [word proc.] - di trama grid density [el. prepress] - massima maximum density [el. prepress] densitometria densitometry [el. prepress] densitometro densitometer [el. prepress] desktop publishing m (abbr. DTP) desktop publishing ~ publishing professionale high-end publishing [desktop publ.] destinazione di un link link destination [hypertext] determinazione della rilevanza delle risposte relevance ranking [retrieval] diagramma a linee line graph [el. imaging] - cromatico della CIE CIE chromaticity diagram [el. imaging] diapositiva slide η dispositive a colon color slides [el. prepress] differenza delta diffusione mediante fax broadcast fax [online publ.] digitale digital [dataproc.] digitale, totalmente - fully digital [el. prepress] digitalizzabile digitizable [el. imaging] digitalizzare digitize digitalizzato digitized digitalizzatore digitizer [el. imaging] - a grande formato large-format digitizer [equipment] - di immagini video (da telecamera ecc.) video digitizer [equipment] - di suoni sound digitizer [multimedia] digitalizzazione digitization [el. imaging] sampling η [multimedia] ~ di immagini video video digitizing [el. imaging] dimensione della pagina page size - di punto point size [typography ] - di un pixel pixel size [el. imaging]
- originale original size [el. imaging] directory/dei server server directory [online publ.] discendere, far ~ (il contenuto dello schermo) scroll up ν [user interface] disco disk; disc disco a laser (olografico) laser disc ~ bridge bridge disc [CD-ROMpubl.] -CD-WORM CD WORM disc - compatto compact disc [CD-ROMpubl.] - di prova check disc [ CD-ROM publ.] - fisso hard disk [equipment] -locale local disk [online publ.] - madre mother disc [CD-ROM publ. ] - magneto-ottico magneto-optical disc [equipment] ~ master master disc [CD-ROM publ. ] - misto mixed-type disc [CD-ROM publ. ] - ottico scrivibile una volta sola write-once optical disc [CD-ROMpubl.] - premaster premaster disc [CD-ROM publ. ] - termomagnetico magneto-optical disc [equipment] - utilizzato in comune shared disk [online publ.] - VHD very high density disc [CD-ROM publ.] - W O R M WORM disk [equipment] disegni bitonali bi-tones pi [el. prepress] ~ realizzati mediante computergrafica computer art [el. prepress] disegno drawing η [user interface] drawing η - a grafico (senza mezzi toni) line drawing [el. imaging] - al tratto line drawing [el. imaging] - composto da linee (senza mezze tinte) line drawing [el. imaging] - d e l layout layouting η [desktop publ.] disfare (un comando) undo ν [user interface] display m display η [equipment] - a bassa risoluzione low-resolution screen [equipment] - a intera pagina full-page display - a piena pagina full-screen display - del menu menu display [user interface] -grafico graphics screen [equipment] - grafico a colori color graphics screen [equipment] - tutto schermo full-frame display
dispositivi per il trattamento dell'immagine imaging devices pi [general sense] dispositivo di collimazione collimator [CDROM publ.] ~ di connessione terminal] alia rete terminal server [online publ.] ~ di hardcopy hardcopy facility - di puntamento pointing device [user interface] -diuscita output device [equipment] ~ di uscita su carta normale plain paper output device [equipment] dissolvenza dissolve η [video] ~ a tendina wipe η [video] ~ in apertura fade-in, fade-out η [video] distanza della parola word offset [retrieval] - tra le tracce track pitch [CD-ROM publ. ] distinzione fra caratteri maiuscoli e minuscoli case sensitivity [retrieval] distribuzione di pubblicazioni via rete online publishing ~ digitale digital distribution [onlinepubl.] ~ elettronica electronic distribution [el. publishing] ~ elettronica delle informazioni electronic information delivery [onlinepubl.] divisione automatica in sillabe automatic hyphenation [word proc.] ~ delle parole a fine riga hyphenation [word proc.] ~ delle parole basata su regole logiche logicbased hyphenation [wordproc.] ~ delle parole secondo algoritmi logic-based hyphenation [wordproc.] - in pagine makeup η [typography] ~ sillabica hyphenation [word proc. ] dizionario table of contents [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ delle eccezioni exception word dictionary [word proc.] ~ di divisione delle parole hyphenation dictionary [word proc. ] - di sillabazione hyphenation dictionary [word proc.] ~ espandibile expandable dictionary [word proc.] - espandibile dall'utente user-expandable dictionary [word proc.] ~ ortografico spelling dictionary [word proc.] DMS, sistema - di gestione di documenti document management system [document proc.]
Indice italiano-inglese
documentazione in linea online documentation [user interface] documenti cartacei paper-based documents [document proc.] ~ creati elettronicamente electronically generated documents [documentproc.] ~ full text full-text documents [document proc.] ~ non testuali non-text documents documento document η [word proc. ] - cifrato ciphered document [document proc.] ~ con testo a formato libero free-text document [document proc.] ~ di destinazione target document - digitale portabile portable digital document [el. prepress] ~ ipertestuale hypertext document ~ ipertestuale hyperdocument [el. publishing] ~ multimediale multimedia document ~ portabile portable document [el. prepress] ~ SGML SGML document [el. publishing] ~ stampato hardcopy η ~ Web Web document [online publ. ] - WWW Web document [online publ. ] domanda query η - per ricerche di intervallo range query [retrieval] dotato di marcatori tagged [el. publishing] dotazione di elevate caratteristiche di rappresentazione rendering η [el. imaging] download m (di file ecc.) downloading η [online publ.] ~ di notizie newsfeed η [online publ. ] DPCM —> modulazione di impulsi in codice delta [CD-ROMpubl.] DPCM, modulazione - differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] drive a tutta altezza full-height drive [CDROM publ.] ~CD4-speed quad speed drive [CD-ROM publ.] ~di CD-ROM CD-ROM drive ~ di CD-ROM a quadruple velocita quad speed drive [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ di CD-ROM estemo external CD-ROM drive [equipment] ~ di CD-ROM interne internal CD-ROM drive [equipment] ~ m di disco disk drive [equipment] DTP —» desktop publishing m ~ (direttamente a lastra) DTP [el. prepress]
Italian-English index
video digitale interattivo [multimedia]
editabile editable [word proc.] editaggio editing η [word proc. ] editare edit ν [word proc. ] editazione editing η [word proc. ] editing m editing η [wordproc.] ~ con font veraci true type editing [desktop publ.] ~ di font font editing ~ di immagini image editing [el. imaging] ~ di pagine intere full-page editing [word proc.] ~ d i pixel pixel editing /graphics/ ~ di suoni sound editing [multimedia] ~ elettronico electronic editing - interattivo interactive editing [el. publishing] ~ sotto forma di bitmap bitmap editing /el. imaging] editor m editor [word proc. ] ~ a pieno schermo full-screen editor [word proc.] ~ a tutto schermo full-screen editor [word proc.] ~ di font font editor ~ di immagini image editor [el. imaging] ~ di pixel paint program [graphics/ - di strumenti instrument editor [multimedia] - di tabelle table editor [word proc. ] - di testo text editor [wordproc.] ~ di testo WYSIWYG WYSIWYG text editor [desktop publ.] ~ grafico intelligente intelligent graphical editor - HTML HTML editor [el. publishing] - per il kerning kerning editor [desktop publ.] ~ sonoro sound editor [multimedia] editore editor [wordproc.] editoria publishing η [general sense] ~ da scrivania desktop publishing - da ufficio office publishing ~ elettronica electronic publishing ~ elettronica (mediante PC) desktop publishing ~ elettronica su media ottici optical publishing [el. publishing ] ~ personale desktop publishing, personal publishing edizione publishing η [el. publishing] ~ di video video cutting
~ secondo domanda publishing on demand - su CD-ROM CD-ROM publishing ~ tecnica elettronica electronic technical publishing - tramite computer computer publishing effetti a scaletta aliasing effects [el. imaging] ~ di aliasing (effetti di discontinuity) aliasing effects [el. imaging] ~ di scalettatura aliasing effects [el. imaging] ~ di transizione (tra una videata e l'altra) transitions pi [multimedia] ~ sonori sound effects [multimedia] ~ speciali special effects [multimedia] effetto stereoscopico stereoscopic effect [el. imaging] ~ tridimensionale threedimensional effect [el. imaging] effettuare uno scroll scroll (vt, vi) [user interface] EFM, codice ~ EFM code [CD-ROMpubl.] EFM, codificato in ~ EFM-encoded [CDROM publ] EFM, codificatore - EFM encoder [CDROM publ] EFM, conversione ~ EFM conversion [CDROM publ.] EFM, decodifica - EFM decoding [CD-ROM publ. ] EFM, demodulatore ~ EFM demodulator [CD-ROM publ.] EFM, demodulazione ~ EFM demodulation [CD-ROM publ.] EFM, modulazione - eight-to-fourteen modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] eidomatica digital image processing [el. prepress ] elaborare col RIP RIP v, rip ν [el. prepress] elaboratore di composizione typesetting computer [equipment] ~ di immagini rasterizzate RIP η [equipment] ~ di interfaccia fra rete (di protocollo diverso) internetwork processor [online publ.] ~ di nodo network node computer [online publ. ] ~ host host computer ]online publ. ] ~ ponte bridge computer [online publ.] elaborazione col RIP RIPping n, ripping η [el. prepress] ~ d'immagini image processing - della parola word processing ~ delle immagini image processing
- delle immagini digital! digital image processing [el. prepress] - di testi e immagini image and text processing [desktop publ. ] - grafica dei dati computer graphics - testi word processing elemento item [el. imaging] element [hypertext] elenco delle possibilita operative menu [user interface] ~ delle richieste effettuate in precedenza search log [retrieval] eliminazione dell'effetto di aliasing antialiasing η [el. imaging] - delle linee nascoste hidden lines removal [graphics] - di ridondanze redundancy elimination [database publ.] emulazione PostScript PostScript emulation [desktop publ.] enfatizzare highlight vt enfatizzato highlighted enfatizzazione highlighting η ePS -» PostScript editabile [el. prepress ] EPS —» PostScript incapsulato EPS, formato ~ encapsulated PostScript format errore di tracking tracking error [CD-ROM publ.] esecuzione in anteprima preflight η [el. prepress] espansione zooming η [hypertext] - della domanda query expansion [retrieval] - d i memoria memory expansion [data proc.] esportazione di documenti document export [word proc.] esposizione exposure [el. prepress] imaging η [el. prepress] - delle lastre di stampa plate exposure [el. prepress] ~ digitale di lastre di stampa digital p r e s e t ting [el. prepress] - diretta direct imaging [el. prepress] espressamente realizzato per essere utilizzato da utenti non specializzati user-friendly etichetta label η [CD-ROM publ. ] evidenziare highlight vt evidenziato highlighted evidenziazione highlighting η
Indice italiano-inglese
fabbricazione di lastre offset platemaking η [el. prepress] facilita d'impiego user friendliness ~ d'uso (per l'utente) user friendliness falsi colori pseudo colors [el. imaging] fattore di ingrandimento enlargement ratio [el. prepress] - di scalamento scaling factor [el. imaging] - di zoom zoom factor [el. imaging J fax a domanda fax on demand [el. publishing] fedelta nel colore color fidelity [el. imaging] file m file η [data proc. ] -ASCII ASCII file [data proc.] - associate associated file [CD-ROM publ. ] - audio sound file [multimedia] - bitmap bitmap file [el. imaging] - completamente indicizzato fully indexed file [documentproc.] - con tags tagged text file [el. publishing] - DCS DCS file [el. prepress] - dei dati ad alta risoluzione fine data file [el. prepress] - dei link web file [hypertext] ~ del server server file [online publ. ] ~ delle domande piü frequenti frequently asked questions [onlinepubl.] - d i formato format file - di immagini picture file - di ingresso input file [data proc. ] - d i input input file [data proc.] - d i l a v o r o viewfile [el. prepress] - di modello template file [desktop publ. ] - di output output file [printers] - di testo strutturato structured text file [el. publishing] -diuscita output file [printers] - di video video file [multimedia] - di visualizzazione display file [desktop publ.] - EPS encapsulated PostScript file -grafico graphics file [dataproc.] - M I D I MIDI file [multimedia] - per la definizione del formato format definition file - scannerizzato scanned-image file [el. prepress] - sonoro sound file [multimedia] - testo text file [word proc. ] - W A V wave File [multimedia] film recorder m film recorder [equipment]
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filmati animati animation sequence [el. imaging] filmato m video sequence [multimedia] filtrare ellide ν [hypertext] filtro di correzione cromatica color correction filter [el. imaging] - di importazione/esportazione import/export filter [data proc.] ~ di visualizzazione viewing filter [hypertext] ~ per l'eliminazione dell'effetto di aliasing antialiasing filter [el. imaging] flnestra window η [user interface] ~ attiva active window [user interface] ~ di accesso alia rete user window [online publ.] ~ di aiuto help window [user interface] - di anteprima preview window [user interface] - di dialogo dialog window [user interface] ~ di editing editing window [user interface] ~ di fondo background window ~ di ingrandimento zoom window [el. imaging] - di preview preview window [user interface] ~ di previsualizzazione preview window [user interface] - di testo text window [word proc. ] ~ di video video window [multimedia] - di visualizzazione display window [user interface ] ~ interattiva dialog window [user interface] - per il testo text window [wordproc.] - per le immagini image window [user interface] ~ principale principal window [user interface] - secondaria secondary window [user interface] - zoom zoom window [el. imaging] finestre accanto tiled windows [user interface] - interconnesse linked windows [user interface] - sovrapposte overlapping windows [user interface ] finitura fine tuning [desktop publ. ] fissaggio fixing η [el. prepress] flippare flip ν [el. imaging] flusso automatico del testo automatic text flow [desktoppubl.] - dei lavori workflow [el. prepress] ~ del testo intorno ad una illustrazione run-
around η [desktoppubl.] ~ di testo text flow [desktop publ. ] ~ digitale dei dati digital data flow [el. prepress] ~ digitale dei lavori digital workflow [el. prepress ] focalizzare focus ν fonderia digitale digital type foundry [el. prepress ] fondo background - del display display background ~ della pagina page background - dello schermo screen background f o n t / font [typography] - A I M ATM font [desktoppubl.] - caricabile downloadable font ~ caricata downloaded typefont ~ della stampante printer font [desktop publ.] - di carattere (o di caratteri) typefont [typography] - pi di lingue estere foreign language fonts [word proc.] - di schermo screen font [desktop publ] ~ digitale digital font [el. prepress] ~ disegnata per lo schermo screen font [desktop publ. ] ~ generica generic font [desktop publ. ] ~ pi incorporate resident fonts [desktop publ.] - l a s e r laser font [el. prepress] ~ per lo schermo screen font [desktop publ. ] - per stampanti laser laser printer font [desktop publ. ] - PostScript PostScript font [printers] - prestabilita default font ~ residente built-in font [printers] ~ pi resident! resident fonts [desktop publ.] - scalabile scalable font [desktop publ. ] ~ speciale special font ~ standard standard font [printers] - tipo bit-map bit-mapped font [desktop publ. ] - verace true font [desktop publ.] - pi WYSIWYG WYSIWYG fonts [desktop publ. ] fonte laser, - di raggi laser laser source [CDROM publ.] forma dei puntini dot shape [el. imaging] formare le segnature impose ν [el. prepress] formato format η [general sense] orientation [printers] formato, grande - large format [print shop]
- A V I AVI format [multimedia] - dell'immagine picture format [el. imaging] - della pagina (orizzontale ο verticale) page orientation [printers] - della stampa print format - delle pagine page format [wordproc.] ~ di emissione output format - di pagina page format [word proc. ] - di scansione scanning format [el. prepress] ~ di testo text format [word proc. ] - di uscita output format ~ EPS encapsulated PostScript format - G I F GIF format [online publ] - grande large format [print shop] - High Sierra High-Sierra format [CD-ROM publ] - IFF interchange file format [multimedia] - interleave interleave format [CD-ROM publ.] -largo wide format [print shop] ~ libero free format [data proc. ] - miniatura thumbnail size - orizzontale landscape format [printers] - pagina page format [word proc.] - PDF portable document format [online publ.] - RTF rich text format [documentproc.] - TGA Targa format [graphics] - TIFF TIFF format [el. imaging] - TWAIN TWAIN format [el. imaging] - verticale portrait format formattare format ν [data proc., word proc.] formattato formatted formattazione formatting η [data proc., word proc.] formazione al computer computer-based training [multimedia] fornitore provider η [online publ. ] - di accesso access provider [online publ. ] - di contenuti content provider [online publ. ] - di informazioni information provider [online publ. ] - di servizi di rete network provider [online publ. ] ~ di servizi Internet Internet service provider [online publ. ] foro pit« [CD-ROMpubl.] forza di corpo point size [typography] foto a mezza tinta continuous tone photograph [el. prepress] - digitale digital photo [el. imaging]
Indice italiano-inglese
fotocomporre phototypeset ν [el. prepress] fotocompositore phototypesetter [el. prepress] fotocompositrice photocomposition device [ equipment] phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] - a laser laser typesetter [equipment] - a raggi catodici CRT phototypesetter [equipment] - CRT CRT phototypesetter [equipment] - della terza generazione third-generation typesetter [equipment] - digitate digital typesetting equipment [equipment] - su pellicola filmsetter [equipment] fotocomposizione photocomposition, phototypesetting η [el. prepress] - a laser laser typesetting [el. prepress] - elettronica electronic photocomposition [el. prepress] - in loco inhouse phototypesetting [el. prepress] - su pellicola filmsetting - sulla base di PC PC-based typesetting [el. prepress] fotografia digitale digital photography [el. imaging] fotogramma frame η [el. imaging] - congelata freeze frame [multimedia] fotorealismo photorealism [el. imaging] fotorealistico photorealistic adj [el. imaging] fotorilevatore photodetector fotoritocco photo retouching [el. imaging] fotounita imagesetter [equipment] phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] - (per piccoli formati) imagesetter [equipment] photographic typesetting equipment [el. prepress] - a grande formato large-format imagesetter [ equipment] ~ a laser laser imager [equipment] - a laser con uscita di lastre laser platesetter [equipment] - a laser per formati larghi wide measure laser image setter [equipment] - a secco dry setter [equipment] - a tamburo drum imagesetter [equipment] - a tamburo esterno external drum film recorder [equipment] - a tamburo interno internal drum film recorder [equipment]
Italian-English index fotounita che funziona con carta normale plain paper typesetter [equipment] ~ con uscita di carta paper imagesetter [equipment] ~ con uscita di pellicole filmsetter [equipment] ~ con uscita su lastre platesetter [equipment] ~ CRT (a raggi catodici) CRT imagesetter [equipment] - CTP CTP imagesetter [equipment] ~ da scrivania desktop imagesetter [equipment] ~ delta quarta generazione fourth-generation phototypesetter [equipment] - digitale digital imagesetter [equipment] - digitale con uscita di lastre digital platemaker [equipment] - DTP (esposizione diretta delle lastre di stampa) direct-to-plate imagesetter [el. prepress] ~ fotografica photo imagesetter [equipment] ~ per bozze proofing imager [el. prepress] ~ per formato largo wide-format imagesetter [equipment] ~ per la produzione di diapositive imager [equipment] ~ per pagine intere full-page imaging device [equipment] -piana flatbed imagesetter [equipment] - piana a laser laser flatbed imagesetter [equipment] - PostScript PostScript imagesetter [equipment] frame m frame η [word proc. ] - (scansione completa di un'immagine) frame η [el. imaging] ~ di riferimento reference frame [multimedia] ~ rate (velocita a cui i frame sono visualizzati sul monitor) frame rate [CD-ROM publ. ] framebuffer m frame buffer [multimedia] frastigliamento aliasing effects [el. imaging] frastigliato jagged [el. imaging] freccia di scorrimento scroll arrow [user interface] ~ per il Cursore cursor arrow [user interface] frequenza di accesso access frequency [document proc.] ~ di aggiornamento update frequency [database publ. ] - di frame frame frequency [el. imaging] - di quadro frame frequency [el. imaging]
350 - di scansione scanning rate [el. prepress] - video videofrequency [multimedia] frequenze delle immagini frame rate [CDROM publ.] FTP, protocollo - file transfer protocol [online publ.] FTP, server - FTP server [online publ. ] funzionalita genlock (combinazione di piü sorgenti video) genlocking η [multimedia] funzione "cercare e sostituire" search/replace function [wordproc.] - di aiuto (all'utente) help function [user interface] ~ di anteprima preview function [user interface] ~ di editazione editing function [wordproc.] ~ di editing editing function [wordproc.] - di flnestra window feature [user interface] - di impaginazione page layout function [desktop publ.] - di kerning kerning function [desktop publ. ] ~ di miscelamento blending function [el. imaging] -diricerca search function [wordproc.] ~ di riempimento area fill η [graphics] - di rotazione rotate function [el. imaging] - di taglio clipping function [graphics] - di tesauro thesaurus feature [retrieval] - glossario glossary function /word proc. ] ~ HELP help function [user interface] ~ zoom zoom function [el. imaging] funzioni di tridimenensionalita, - tridimensional! threedimensional functions [el. imaging] fuoco (delle lenti ecc.) focus η fuori registro out of register [typography] fusione blending function [el. imaging] - di immagini image merging [el. imaging] - di testo e grafiche merging η text and graphics [desktoppubl.] gamma m gamma [el. prepress] - f di colon color gamut [el. imaging] ~ f di risoluzione resolution range [el. prepress] gateway m gateway η [onlinepubl.] GCR gray component replacement [el. imaging] generazione di pellicole in formato largo wide measure imagesetting [el. prepress] - di suoni sound generation [multimedia]
genlock m genlock η [multimedia] geometria delle pagina page geometry [typography] gestione dei colon color management [el. prepress] - dei dispositivi di rete network services [online pubi] - del flusso flow control [el. prepress] - del flusso di lavoro workflow management [el. prepress] - delta rete network control [onlinepubi] ~ di documenti document management [document proc. ] - di documenti in comune shared document management [document proc.] ~ di rete network administration [online pubi.] gestore sy sop η [online pubi. ] - della rete network operator [online pubi. ] gettone (stringa che circola su una rete) token [online pubi] giornale a richiesta newspaper on demand [el. publishing] ~ elettronico electronic newspaper [online pubi] ~ in linea online newspaper [el. publishing] ~ stampato printed newspaper giri al secondo revolutions per second [CDROM pubi.] glass master m glass master [CD-ROM pubi. ] gradazione gradation [el. prepress] ~ di colore graded tint, hue η [el. imaging] grado di accostamento degree of kerning [typography ] - di bianco whiteness degree [el. imaging] -didensita density [print shop] grafica/ graphics pi [general sense ] ~ a bassa risoluzione low-resolution graphics ~ a media risoluzione medium-resolution graphics - a mosaico mosaic graphics [el. imaging] - a punti ad alta risoluzione high-resolution dot graphics ~ a quattro colori four-color graphics [el. prepress] - a vettori vector graphics [el. imaging] - ad alta risoluzione high-resolution graphics - animata animated graphics [el. imaging] - basata sugli oggetti vector graphics [el. imaging] ~ binaria binary graphics ~ bit-map bit-mapped graphics [el. imaging]
Indice italiano-inglese
- commercial business graphics ~ computerizzata computer graphics - degli affari business graphics ~ gestionale business graphics - pubblicitaria commercial art [el. prepress] - tipo raster raster graphics [el. imaging] - vettoriale vector graphics [el. imaging] grafici clip art (grafici venduti pronto per Γuso) clip art [el. prepress] ~ digitalizzati digitized graphics [el. prepress] - elettronici pronte per l'uso electronic clip art [el. imaging] ~ in un formato libera free-form graphics [el. imaging] ~ predefiniti clip art [el. prepress] - predefiniti clip art [el. prepress] - scannerizati scanned graphics [desktop pubi] grafico agg graphic, graphical adj ~ m graphic η - a colori color graphics [el. imaging] ~ a linee line graph [el. imaging] ~ al tratto line art [el. imaging] ~ di presentazione presentation graphics - importato imported graphics ~ lineare line graph [el. imaging] grande formato large format [print shop] - schermo large screen [equipment] ~ tiratura long run [print shop] grassetto bold [typography] gruppo chiuso di utenti closed user group [online pubi] ~ di lavoro workgroup [online pubi.] guidato da icone icon-driven [user interface ] - da menu menu-driven adj [user interface] ~ da un mouse mouse-driven [user interface] hard copy / (registrazione permanente su carta) hardcopy η hardcopy m hardcopy printout hardware di decodifica decoding hardware [CD-ROM pubi] HDMM, norma - HDMM [CD-ROMpubi.] help contestuale context-sensitive help [user interface ] HLS, modello di colori ~ HLS [el. imaging] homepage/ home page [online publj host m host computer [online pubi] hot list / hot list [online pubi. ] hotword / (parola a cui si vuole collegare un salto) button [hypertext]
Italian-English index
HSG (gruppo High Sierra) HSG [CD-ROM publ.] HSL, modello di colori ~ HSL [el. imaging] HSV, modello di colori - HSV [el. imaging] HTM HTM [el. publishing] HTML, linguaggio ~ hypertext markup language HTML, pagine - HTML pages [el. publishing] HTML, convertitore - HTML converter [el. publishing] HTML, editor - HTML editor [el. publishing] HTMS, sistema ~ hypertext management system HTTP, protocollo ~ hypertext transport protocol [online publ.] hub m hub, network hub [online publ.] Huffman, codice - Huffman code [CD-ROM publ.] HyperCard HyperCard hyperlink m hyperlink [el. publishing] hypertext m hypertext ICC International Color Consortium [organization] icona/ icon [user interface] ~ di freccia arrow icon [user interface] - di ingrandimento magnify icon [user interface] ~ di link link icon [hypertext] - sullo schermo onscreen icon [user interface] IFF, formato - interchange file format [ multimedia] illustrare illustrate illustrazione illustration ~ a piena pagina full-page illustration - al tratto vector image [el. imaging] ~ flottante floating illustration [desktop publ. ] illustrazioni illustrative matter, art η [el. prepress] ~ a quattro colori four-color artwork [el. prepress] ~ al tratto line art [el. imaging] ~ digitalizzate digitized artwork [el. prepress] - elettroniche electronic art [el. prepress] ~ in bianco e nero line art [el. imaging] - non tridimensional! flat art [el. imaging] - originali original artwork [el. prepress] ~ pronte per essere stampate camera-ready
art [el. prepress] immagine imagen [general sense] frame η [multimedia] picture [typography] ~ a colori color image [graphics] ~ a mezzatinta continuous tone image, halftone image [el. prepress] ~ a mezzatinta retinata screened picture [el. prepress] ~ a mezzo-tono halftone image [el. prepress] - a toni infiniti continuous tone image [el. prepress] ~ a tono continue continuous tone image, gray level image [el. prepress] ~ al tratto line art drawing [el. imaging] ~ binaria binary image ~ bitmap bit-mapped image [el. imaging] ~ bitonale black and white image [el. imaging] ~ compressa compressed image [el. imaging] ~ di fondo background image [el. imaging] ~ digitalizzata digitized image [el. prepress] ~ fernia freeze frame [multimedia] ~ fissa freeze frame [multimedia] ~ fotorealistica photorealistic image [el. prepress ] ~ in bianco e nero black and white image [el. imaging] ~ in colori reali true color image [el. imaging] - in miniatura thumbnail η - monocromatica monochrome image ~ parzialmente a colori partial color picture - positiva positive image [el. prepress] ~ rappresentata come un insieme di punti bit-mapped image [el. imaging] ~ scannerizzata scann [el. prepress J - sotto forma di pixel pixel image [el. imaging] ~ sottoposta a scanning scanned image [el. prepress] ~ sul video screen image ~ tipo bit-map bit-mapped image [el. imaging] - tridimensionale threedimensional image [el. imaging] ~ vettoriale vector image [el. imaging] ~ video video frame [el. imaging] immagini pi ait η [el. prepress] - a mezza tinta halftone art [el. prepress] - acquisite via scanner scanned images [el. prepress]
~ al secondo frames per second, frames/sec [el. imaging] ~ catturate captured images [multimedia] - clip art clip-art images [el. prepress] - create dall'elaboratore computer-generated art [el. prepress] ~ elettroniche pronte per 1'uso clip art [el. prepress] - in movimento motion video [multimedia] - lette da uno scanner scanned images [el. prepress] - ottenute in scansione scanned images [el. prepress] - video in movimento moving video [multimedia] immettere grafici tramite scanner scan graphic images into the computer [el. prepress ] ~ mediante tastiera keyboard ν immissione di testo text input impaginare make up ν in pages [typography! impaginato m layout n, page layout [typography] made-up page [typography ] - di base basic layout [typography ] - standard standard layout impaginatura makeup η [typography ] impaginazione makeup η [typography] layout n, page layout [typography] - assistita dal computer computer-assisted makeup [desktop publ.] - definitiva final layout ~ direttamento sullo schermo onscreen page makeup [el. prepress] - interattiva interactive page layout [el. prepress] impianto CTP computer-to-plate unit [equipment] - di fotocomposizione phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] - elettronico di composizione electronic typesetting system [equipment] impiego di pseudocolori pseudo coloring [el. imaging] importare import ν ~ grafici import ν graphics imposizione elettronica electronic imposition [el. prepress] impostare le pagine make up ν in pages [typography] impostazione di macchina imposition [el.
Indice italiano-inglese
prepress] ~ finale (di una pagina) final layout impresa di fabbricazione di CD-ROM disc pressing house [CD-ROM publ. ] impressionare image v, burn ν [el. prepress] - direttamente le lastre di stampa image ν directly to plate [el. prepress] impressione imaging η [el. prepress] - PostScript (mediante fotounita) PostScript imagesetting [el. prepress] inchiostro toner [printers] incisione recording n, pressing η [CD-ROM publ.] incisore di CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder inclinazione del retino screen angle [el. prepress] incollare paste ν [word proc.] indexing m indexing η [document proc., CDROM publ] indicazione dell'esistenza di un link link point [hypertext] ~ della lunghezza disponibile di una riga line remainder display [el. prepress] indice, creare un - index, make an ~ [document proc.] indice (analitico, alfabetico ecc.) index η [document proc. ] ~ a pill livelli multi-level index [document proc.] ~ alfabetico alphabetic index [document proc.] -chiave key index [CD-ROMpubl.] - cumulative bulk index [document proc. ] - dei colori color index [el. imaging] - del testo complete full-text index [document proc.] - tematico subject index [online publ. ] indicizzato indexed [CD-ROM publ. ] indicizzato, tutto - fully indexed [document proc.] indicizzazione indexing η [document proc., CD-ROM publ.] ~ automatics automatic indexing [document proc.] - f u l l text full-text indexing [document proc.] indipendente dal dispositive device-independent file ~ dal supporto flsico media independent ~ dalla piattaforma platform-independent ~ dalla risoluzione resolution independent
Italian-English index
indipendenza dalla risoluzione resolution independence indirizzamento a gruppi group addressing [online publ. ] indirizzario table of contents [CD-ROM publ.] indirizzo del settore sector address [CDROM publ.] - di gruppo group address [onlinepubl.] ~ Internet Internet address [online publ.] - I P IP address [online publ.] individuare detect [online publ. ] industria delle arti grafiche graphic arts ~ di prepress prepress industry informatica grafica computer graphics informazione a valore aggiunto value-added information informazioni sul formato format information ~ sulla font font metrics /typography] infotainment m infotainment [el. publishing] ingrandimento enlargement [el. prepress] ingrandire enlarge [el. prepress] blow up ν [el. imaging] - (l'immagine sullo schermo) zoom in upon ν [user interface] ingresso audio audio input [multimedia] - video video input [multimedia] iniziativa mista mixed initiative [user interface] input m dei parametri parameter input [data proc.] inserimento insertion [desktoppubl.] - (di rappresentazioni grafiche ecc.) insertion [el. prepress] - di immagini insertion of figures [desktop publ.] - di rappresentazioni grafiche graphics insertion [desktop publ.] insieme di caratteri character set instabilita (di un'immagine) jitter [multimedia] installazione delle font font installation [desktop publ.] instradamento routing η [online publ. ] instradatore router [online publ. ] integrare testo e grafica merge ν graphics with text [desktop publ.] integrazione insertion [desktop publ.] ~ di testo e grafici text-and-graphics integration [desktop publ.]
- di testo e immagini text/image integration [desktop publ.] intensitä, alta - highlighting η intensitä normale dehighlighting η [user interface] interattivo (sistema) interactive [data proc.] intercalazione dei dati file interleaving [CDROM publ. I interconnessione di reti interconnection of networks [online publ.] interfaccia/ interface η [data proc.] ~ a icone iconic interface [user interface] ~ a menii menu interface [user interface] - audio audio interface [multimedia] - Centronics Centronics interface [equipment] ~ comunicazione dati communications interface [online publ.] - d'utente grafica graphic user interface - di comunicazione communications interface [online publ.] - di connessione attachment unit interface [online publ.] - di rete network interface [online publ. ] - ESDI ESDI [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ grafica graphics interface [user interface] - MCI media control interface - MIDI musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] - navigazionale browser [hypertext] ~ O P I Open Prepress Interface [el. prepress] ~ parallels parallel interface [equipment] ~ per il mouse mouse interface - S C S I SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] - seriale serial interface [equipment] - standard standard interface [data proc.] ~ utente user interface - verso l'utente user interface ~ verso una rete esterna gateway η [online publ. ] ~ video video interface [multimedia] - video a colori color video interface [multimedia] interfoliazione interleaving η [CD-ROM publ. ] interleaving m dei file file interleaving [CDROM publ.] Internet m Internet [online publ.] interpolazione interpolation [el. imaging] interprete per il PostScript PostScript interpreter
interrogazione interattiva interactive query [ retrieval] intervalli di grigio tones of grey {el. imaging] intestazione di riga row head - per la trasmissione transmission header [online publ.] inviare post ν [online publ. ] IP, protocollo ~ Internet protocol [online publ.] iperdocumento hyperdocument [el. publishing] iperlibro hyperbook [el. publishing] ipermedia (ipertesto + multimedia) hypermedia ipertesto hypertext - di piü document! multidocument hypertext ipertestuale hypertextual adj irraggiamento imaging η [el. prepress] ~ mediante laser laser image setting [el. prepress] istruzione di ricerca search command [retrieval] - tipografica typographic instruction joystick m joystick [equipment] JPEG, motion ~ motion JPEG [multimedia] jukebox m per CD-ROM jukebox [CD-ROM publ.] kerning m (avvicinamento dei caratteri) kerning η [typography] ~ automatico automatic kerning [desktop publ.] kit m di espansione multimediale multimedia upgrade kit lamina piano-parallela beam splitter [CDROM publ.] LAN senza fill wireless LAN [online publ.] land m (tratto non inciso) land η [CD-ROM publ.] larghezza del modulo form width [word proc.] - del retino distance between screen lines [el. prepress] ~ del supporto di uscita media width [el. prepress ] - della traccia track width [CD-ROMpubl.] - dello spazio fra le colonne gutter width [typography] laser/ (stampante laser) laser printer [equip-
Indice italiano-inglese
ment] - a colon color laser printer [equipment] - da scrivania desktop laser printer [equipment] - da ufficio office laser printer [equipment] lastra CTP CTP plate [print shop] - (di stampa) plate [el. prepress] ~ (di stampa) digitale digital plate [print shop] ~ (di stampa) in poliester polyester-based plate [el. prepress] - per direct-to-plate DTP plate [el. prepress] - per stampa offset offset plate [print shop] - pronta per la stampa press-ready plate [print shop] lato emulsione emulsion side [el. prepress] lavorazione elettronica deU'immagine electronic image processing [el. prepress] lavori dopo la stampa vera e propria postpress η [print shop] lavoro di stampa print job ~ in rete networking η - redazionale comune joint editing [el. publishing] layout m layout η [typography] - di pagina page layout [typography] LCD, stampante - LCD printer [equipment] LED, stampante - LED printer [equipment] legame hypertext hypertext link leggere nello scanner scan ν [el. prepress] ~ pagine mediante scanner scan pages into a computer [el. prepress] lemma m keyword [general sense] lente lens [CD-ROM publ. ] lente collimatrice, - di collimazione collimation lens [CD-ROMpubl.] - di focalizzazione focusing lens [CD-ROM publ.] - di ingrandimento magnify tool [user interface] lettera type η [typography ] lettere crenate kemed letters [typography] lettore player [multimedia] -ascansione scanner [equipment] - d i CD-ROM CD-ROM player - di CD-ROM a quadrupla velocita quad speed drive [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ di CD-ROM portatile portable CD-ROM player [equipment] - p e r CD-ROM CD-ROM player
Italian-English index
lettore per v a n tipi di caratteri omnifont reader [equipment] ~ portatile per C D - R O M portable CD-ROM player [equipment] leva di comando joystick [equipment] libro elettronico electronic book [el. publishing] Libro Giallo Yellow Book [CD-ROM publ. I libro ipertestuale hyperbook [el. publishing] ~ su carta stampata printed book Libro Verde Green Book [CD-ROM publ. ] linea audio audio line [multimedia] ~ d'utente local loop [online publ.] - di scansione scan line - di tempo timeline [multimedia] linee elastiche rubber-band lines [graphics] - fra le colonne gutter rules [typography ] - nascoste hidden lines [graphics] linguaggio autore authoring language [el. publishing] ~ di comando della stampante printer command language [data proc.] ~ di costruzione di pagine page construction language ~ di descrizione della pagina page description language ~ di descrizione di document! document description language [word proc. ] ~ di markup markup language [el. publishing] ~ di retrieval retrieval language - di scambio di pagine page interchange language [desktop publ. ] - H T M L hypertext markup language - P M L page model language link m link η [hypertext] - bidirezionale bidirectional link [hypertext] - caldi pi hot links pi [hypertext] - cronologico chronological link [hypertext] - di destinazione target link [hypertext] - d i d o m a n d e query link [hypertext! ~ di gruppo cluster links [hypertext] ~ di riferimento referential link [hypertext] ~ dinamico dynamic link [hypertext] - fra document! interdocument link [hypertext] ~ gerarchico hierarchical link [hypertext] - ipertestuale hypertext link ~ logico logical link [online publ] - multiple multiple link [hypertext] - ripetuto re-linking η [hypertext] ~ semantic! pi semantic links [hypertext]
~ tipato typed link [hypertext] - unidirezionale one-way link [hypertext] ~ vivo warm link [hypertext] ~ vuoto stale link [hypertext] linkare ν link ν [hypertext] linkati, non ~ unlinked adj linkato agg linked adj [database publ.] lista di files file list [online publ. ] ~ di mailing mailing list [online publ.] livelli di grigio tones of grey [el. imaging] livello di grigio gray level [el. imaging] ~ di permesso d'accesso access permission level [onlinepubl.] ~ di toni grigi level of gray [el. imaging] logica di divisione delle parole hyphenation logic [wordproc.] ~ di riconoscimento recognition logic LSC, stampante ~ LSC printer [equipment] luci pi highlights pi [el. imaging] lucidi pi a colori color transparencies [el. prepress] lucido m (per proiezioni) overhead transparency luminositä brightness [el. imaging] luminositä, alta - highlighting η lunghezza logica di pagina logical page length [el. prepress] macchina compositrice elettronica typesetter [ equipment] - di esposizione imaging engine [equipment] - di masterizzazione mastering machine [ CDROM publ.] ~ di stampa a piü colori multicolor printing press [equipment] - di stampa digitale digital press [print shop] ~ di stampa per l'ufficio office printing machine [equipment] ~ fotocompositrice photocomposition device [equipment] - fotografica digitale digital camera [equipment] - s e r v e r server [online publ. ] maglia mesh η [online publ. ] magneto-ottico magneto-optical mail m personate personal mail [onlinepubl.] manetta joystick [equipment] maniglie pi handles pi [user interface] manino fist [typography] manipolazione dei pixel pixel editing [graphics]
mano (che prende) grabber [user interface] manopola di regolazione delle proporzioni size button [user interface] manoscritto leggibile dal computer compuscript [el. publishing] ~ segnato marked-up manuscript [el. publishing] manuali pi a domanda manuals pi on demand [el. publishing] manutenzione della rete network maintenance [online publ. ] mappa dei grigi grayscale palette [el. imaging] ~ dei suoni soundmap [multimedia] mappatore m mapper [multimedia] marca tag η [hypertext] ~ di cammino trail marker [hypertext] ~ di inizio e fine start and end tag [el. publishing] ~ di riferimento reference mark [word proc. ] ~ di scala tick mark - di testo text flag [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ indice index mark [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ segna carattere cursor [user interface] marcare tag ν [documentproc.] marcatore tug η [el. publishing] - di fine end tag [hypertext] - di inizio start tag [hypertext] marcatori, dotato di - tagged [el. publishing] marcatori HTML HTML tags [el. publishing] marcatura (con tags) tagging η [el. publishing] marche pi di posizionamento positioning marks margine della finestra window margin [user interface] marker (ipertestuale) tag η [el. publishing] maschera template mascheramento diffuso unsharp masking [el. imaging] master m master η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di cristallo glass master [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di stampaggio stamper disc [CD-ROM publ.] ~ positive positive master [CD-ROM publ. ] mastering m mastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] masterizzare master ν [CD-ROM publ. ] masterizzatore mastering machine [CDROM publ.] masterizzazione mastering η [CD-ROM
Indice italiano-inglese
publ.] ~ digitale digital mastering [ CD-ROM publ.] materiale di supporto substrate η [CD-ROM publ.] - fotosensibile photosensitive material [el. prepress] Mbyte —> megabyte [dataproc.] MCP, tecnica - (di compressione delle immagini) motion compensated prediction [multimedia] meccanica engine meccanismo di protezione file file protection mechanism [CD-ROMpubl.] media, nuovi - new media [el. publishing] media m pi (sg. raro: medium) media pi ~ audiovisivi audiovisual media ~ ottici optical media [el. publishing] ~ risoluzione medium resolution megabyte (abbr. Mbyte) megabyte [data proc.] memoria delle immagini image store [general sense] ~ di massa mass storage -video frame buffer [multimedia] memorizzazione dell'immagine sullo schermo screen snapshot ~ di massa mass storage menü menu [user interface] menu, guidato da ~ menu-driven adj [user interface ] ~ a discesa pull-down menu [user interface] - a tendina pull-down menu [user interface] ~ aiuto help menu [user interface] ~ annidato nested menu [user interface] ~ dei comandi command menu [user interface] ~ di aiuto help menu [user interface ] - di apertura start menu [user interface] ~ di promemoria help menu [user interface] ~ iconico icon menu [user interface ] ~ in cascata cascading menu [user interface] ~ primario main menu [user interface] ~ principale main menu [user interface] ~ pull-down pull-down menu [user interface] ~ secondario submenu [user interface] ~ tipo pop-up pop-up menu [user interface] merging bit m merging bit [CD-ROM publ. ] messa a fuoco focusing η ~ in pagina makeup η [typography] metallizzazione metallization [CD-ROM publ.]
Italian-English index
metodo CTP (dall'elaboratore alia lastra di stampa) computer to plate [el. prepress] - di indicizzazione indexing method [CDROM publ.] - D R A W (lettura diretta dopo scrittura) direct read after write [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ D R D W (lettura diretta durante scrittura) direct read during write [ CD-ROM publ.] - EDC/ECC error detection and correction coding [CD-ROMpubl.] metrica deila font font metrics [typography] mettera a fuoco focus ν mettere in scala scale ν [el. imaging] mezzatinta (continual continuous tone [el. prepress] mezzatinta, a - halftone ... [el. prepress] mezzi pi audiovisivi audiovisual media ~ multimedial] multimedia η - toni pi halftones pi [el. prepress] mezzo m medium η [data proc.] ~ quadro field [multimedia] mezzo-tono continuous tone [el. prepress] MHC, codice - modified Huffman code [el. imaging] microfono microphone [multimedia] microsolchi pi microgrooves [CD-ROM publ.] miglioramento enhancement [el. imaging] miniatura thumbnail η picon [multimedia] miscelare mix ν [multimedia] miscelazione blending η [el. imaging] ~ dei colon color mixing [el. imaging] mischiare mix ν [multimedia] misurazione del colore color measuring [el. prepress] mixaggiom mixing η [multimedia] mixing m mixing η [multimedia] modalita di registrazione CAV constant angular velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ di registrazione CLV constant linear velocity [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ grafica true-color true color mode [el. imaging] - testo text mode [word proc. ] modello template - additivo di colori additive color model [el. imaging] ~ cromatico color model [el. imaging] - cromatico della CIE CIE color model [el. imaging]
~ di colori color model [el. imaging] ~ di colori HLS HLS [el. imaging] ~ di colori HSL HSL [el. imaging] ~ di colon HSV HSV [el. imaging] ~ di pagina page template [desktoppubl.] modiflcazioni pi edits pi modo a pagina intera full-page mode - autore authoring mode [el. publishing] ~ bit-map bitmap mode [el. imaging] - b o z z e draft mode [printers] ~ browse browse mode [database publ.] ~ di editing edit mode [word proc.] ~ di visualizzazione viewing mode - draft draft mode [printers] - misto (per immagini al tratto e a tono continuo) mixed mode - pagina intera full-page mode ~ pre visualizzazione preview mode [desktop publ.] ~ scrolling scrolling mode [user interface] - s e r v e r server mode [online publ. ] ~ stampa/anteprima preview mode [desktop publ. ] ~ testo text mode [word proc. ] modulazione a codice d'impulsi pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ A D P C M adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ] - A D P C M adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROMpubl.] - di impulsi in codice delta (abbr. DPCM) delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ. ] - di impulsi in codice delta adattiva adaptive delta pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di impulsi in codice differenziale adattiva adaptive differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ] - D P C M differential pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ] ~ E F M eight-to-fourteen modulation [CDROM publ] ~ impulsiva codificata pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ] ~ otto-quattordici eight-to-fourteen modulation [CD-ROM publ.] - P C M pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ] modulo form η [online publ. ] momento giusto, al — just-in-time
monitor m monitor η [equipment] - a piena pagina full-page screen [equipment] ~ di controllo proofing monitor [equipment] ~ di previsualizzazione preview monitor [equipment] monitoraggio della rete network monitoring [online publ.] monocromatico monochrome adj [el. prepress] monocromia monochrome printing monomediale monomedia adj monosessione agg monosession adj [CDROM publ.] montaggio della pagina page makeup - elettronico electronic paste-up [el. prepress] morphing m morphing η [el. imaging] motion JPEG motion JPEG [multimedia] motivo di riempimento fill pattern [el. imaging] motore database database engine ~ di database database engine - di retrieval search engine [CD-ROM publ. ] mouse m mouse [equipment] ~ a piü pulsanti multi-button mouse [equipment] MPC —» PC multimediale MPEG (gruppo di esperti sulle immagini in movimento) MPEG [multimedia] MPEG, algoritmo - MPEG algorithm [multimedia] MPEG, decodificatore ~ MPEG decoder [multimedia] MPRSS, specificazione ~ MPRSS [el. prepress] multilingue agg multilingual [word proc.] multimedia m multimedia η multimedia, con capacita - multimediacapable multimediale multimedia adj multimedialitä multimedia capability multiposto agg multistation adj [online publ.] multisessione agg multisession adj [CDROM publ.] multistazione agg multistation adj [online publ. ] muovere (il contenuto dello schermo) verso l'alto scroll down ν [user interface]
Indice italiano-inglese
- (il contenuto dello schermo) verso il basso scroll up ν /user interface] muro di sicurezza firewall system [online publ] nanometro nanometer nascondere hide vt nastro audio digitale digital audio tape [multimedia] - base per il CD-ROM master tape [CDROM publ.] - DAT digital audio tape [multimedia] ~ premaster premaster tape [CD-ROM publ. ] navigare browse [hypertext] navigate [retrieval] surf ν [online publ. ] navigatore browser [online publ. ] navigazione browsing η [hypertext, online publ. ] ~ (in Internet) surfing η [onlinepubl.] - associativa linked browsing [retrieval] - in un ipertesto hypertext browsing negativem negative η [el. prepress] neretto (abbr. n.tto) bold [typography] netsurf, fare - surf ν [online publ. ] networking m networking η newsgroup m newsgroup [online publ. ] nitidezza sharpness nodo node η [onlinepubl.] node [hypertext] ~ attivo active node [hypertext] ~ composto composite node [hypertext] - di arrivo target node [hypertext] - di destinazione destination node [online publ. ] - di partenza source node [hypertext] ~ di rete network node [online publ.] ~ di transito transit node, network node [online publ. ] - di un sistema d'ufficio office system node [online publ.] ~ di una rete nodal point [online publ. ] -iniziale root node [hypertext] ~ intermedio intermediate node [online publ.] ~ ipertestuale hypertext node ~ LAN LAN node [online publ.] ~ oggetto target node [hypertext] - paritetico peer node [online publ.] ~ senza disco diskless node [onlinepubl.] ~ tipato typed node [hypertext] ~ virtuale virtual node [online publ. ]
Italian-English index
non connessi unlinked adj non linkati unlinked adj norma HDMM HDMM [CD-ROM publ. ] nota annotation [hypertext, multimedia, word proc.] n.tto —> neretto [typography] numero del blocco logico logical block number [CD-ROM publ. 1 - del settore logico logical sector number [CD-ROM publ.] ~ della traccia track number [CD-ROMpubl.] - di sessione session number [ CD-ROM publ.] nuovi media pi new media [el. publishing] officina di prestampa prepress plant oggetto multimediale mulitmedia object ~ sonoro sound object [multimedia] ok si stampi ready for typesetting opera iper hyperbook [el. publishing] operatore di prossimita proximity operator [retrieval] - di rete network operator [online publ.] - di sistema sy sop η [online publ. ] operazione della rete network operation [online publ.] ~ di aggiornamento update η [databasepubl.] operazioni di prestampa prepress operations - di zoom zooming η [el. imaging] OPI, server ~ OPI server [el. prepress] opzione di sovrapposizione tile option [el. prepress] originale a colori color original [el. imaging] - al tratto line art original [el. prepress] orientato a icone icon-oriented [user interface] originale m original image [el. prepress] ~ m (di una illustrazione) final artwork [el. prepress] ~ pronto per la ripresa fotografica cameraready copy [el. prepress] - trasparente transparent original pagina page [typography ] frame η [el. imaging] - composta made-up page [typography] - corrente current page [word proc. ] - "cosa succederebbe se" what-if page [el. prepress ] ~ definitiva made-up page [typography] ~ di contenuto contents page [hypertext] ~ di prova sample page
~ dopo pagina page by page ~ home home page [online publ. ] ~ impaginata mounted page [print shop] - iniziale start page [wordproc.] ~ Web Web page [online publ. ] pagine di prova page proofs pi [typography] ~ HTML HTML pages [el. publishing] ~ tematiche thematic pages [onlinepubl.] ~ tipo master pages [desktop publ. ] palette/ palette [user interface] parametri di composizione typesetting parameters [el. prepress] parametro parameter [data proc.] ~ di pagina page layout parameter [desktop publ. ] - di stampa print parameter pari, da ~ a pari peer-to-peer [online publ.] pari, di - livello peer-to-peer [online publ.] paritetico peer-to-peer [online publ.] parola cercata search word [retrieval] ~ di contralto del record record control word [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di disturbo stopword [retrieval] -intera whole word [retrieval] - mascherata stopword [retrieval] ~ non-significativa stopword [retrieval] ~ significative keyword [documentproc.] - vuota stopword [retrieval] partizioni multiple dello schermo multiwindow technique [user interface] passaggio del token token passing [online publ.] ~ di gettoni token passing [onlinepubl.] ~ fra reti (o ad altra rete) gateway η [online publ. ] passerella (fra reti) gateway η [online publ. ] pattern m di trama grid pattern [el. prepress] PC multimediale (abbr. MPC) multimedia PC PCM, modulazione ~ pulse code modulation [CD-ROM publ.] PDF, formato ~ portable document format [online publ.] pellicola film η [el. prepress] pellicola, senza ~ filmless [el. prepress] - negativa negative film [el. prepress] ~positiva positive film fel. prepress! pellicole in quadricromia separated films [el. prepress] percentuale di grigio percent grayness [el. imaging] percorso path [hypertext]
~ logico logical link [online publ. ] - standard standard path [hypertext] perdite, con - lossy [multimedia] perfezionamento enhancement [el. imaging] peso width [typography] piano di vetro glass flatbed [equipment] piattaforma, indipendente dalla ~ platformindependent piattaforma del client client platform [online publ.] ~ multimediale multimedia platform piattaforme, attraverso le diverse ~ crossplatform adj piccola tiratura short run [print shop] pienoschermo frame η [data ρ roc.] pista sonora sound track [multimedia] pitm pit η [ CD-ROM publ.] pitch m pitch η [printers] ~ di traccia track pitch [CD-ROMpubl.] pixel m pixel [el. imaging] ~ di colore color pixel [el. imaging] ~ per pollice (abbr. ppp) pixels per inch [el. imaging] planografia offset printing [print shop] PML, linguaggio - page model language policarbonato polycarbonate [CD-ROM publ.] ponte bridge η [online publ. ] ~ instradatore Β router [online publ. ] - intelligente Β router [online publ. ] porta port η [equipment] gateway η [online publ. ] - M I D I MIDI port [multimedia] ~ parallela parallel port [equipment! - p e r modem modem port [equipment] - SCSI SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] -video video port [multimedia ] portabilita di document! document portability [document proc.] posizionamento del testo intomo ad un'immagine flowing of text (around images) [desktop publ.] - delta testa head positioning [ CD-ROM publ. ] ~ uno accanto all'altro tiling η posizione del Cursore cursor position [user interface] possibilita di caricare font non resident! font download capability [el. prepress] ~ di cattura dello schermo screen capture feature [el. imaging]
Indice italiano-inglese
- di consultazione query facilities [user interface] - di editazione edit facility [word proc. ] - di ricerca searching capabilities [retrieval] - di scrolling scrolling feature [user interface] posta elettronica electronic mail postproduzione postprocessing η [print shop] PostScript PostScript PostScript, che supporta il linguaggio PostScript compatible PostScript, interprete per il ~ PostScript interpreter PostScript, stampante ~ PostScript printer [equipment] - compatibile PostScript compatible ~ editabile (abbr. ePS) editable PostScript [el. prepress] ~ incapsulato (abbr. EPS) encapsulated PostScript potere risolutivo resolution ppp —» punti per pollice [el. imaging] —»pixel per pollice [el. imaging] precisare fine-tune ν [retrieval] predizione lineare linear prediction [ CDROM publ.] premaster m master tape [CD-ROM publ. ] premastering m premastering η [CD-ROM publ.] premasterizzazione premastering η [CDROM publ.] prendere visione di view ν [word proc. ] preparare (il manoscritto) mark up ν [typography] preparazione del testo text preparation [CDROM publ.] - per la fotocomposizione preparation for typesetting [word proc. ] prepress m prepress η presentazione dei dati data presentation [el. publishing] ~ multimediale multimedia presentation pressaggio pressing η [CD-ROM publ. ] prestampa prepress η prestampa, di - prepress ... - a colori color prepress ~ a livello di scrivania desktop prepress [el. prepress ] - digitale digital prepress ~ elettronica electronic prepress prestazioni graflche graphics performance [equipment]
Italian-English index
preview m preview η [desktop publ.] previsualizzazione preview η, page preview display [desktoppubl.] ~ dei colon color preview [el. prepress] ~ della stampa print preview [ word proc. ] - delle pagine page preview [desktop publ] ~ di un documento document preview [desktop publ.] ~ digitale digital preview [el. prepress] ~ rapida fast preview ~ sullo schermo onscreen previewing [el. prepress ] prisma di scomposizione del raggio beamsplitting prism [CD-ROMpubl.] procedimento a mezza tinta continuous tone process [el. prepress] ~ positive positive process [el. prepress] processo CMYK CMYK process [el. prepress] - del mastering mastering process [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di immagine image processing - di rendering renderer [el. imaging] ~ di stampa printing η ~ schermato continuous tone process [el. prepress ] processore di controllo della rete network processor [onlinepubl.] ~ di immagini image processor ~ di immagini a laser laser flatbed imagesetter [equipment] ~ di immagini raster RIP η [equipment] - master master η [online publ. ] ~ RIP RIP η [equipment] prodotti cartacei printed products ~ di stampa printed products - non stampati non-print products [el. publishing] - pubblicati elettronicamente electronically published products ~ su carta printed products prodotto di stampa a quattro colori fourcolor print [print shop] - di stampa in quadricromia four-color print [print shop] ~ finito final product produrre bozze proof ν [el. prepress] produttore di CD-ROM CD-ROM producer produzione del CD-ROM CD-ROM production - di bozze a colori color proofing [el. pre-
press] ~ di bozze digitali digital proofing [el. prepress] ~ di documentazione tecnica technical publishing ~ di lastre di stampa direttamente dall'elaboratore computer output on plate [el. prepress] - di pagine intere (da una fotounita) full-page imaging ~ di pubblicazioni digitali digital publishing ~ di segnature intere (da una fotounita) fullsignature imaging [el. prepress] profonditä dei bit bit depth [el. prepress] ~ dell'immagine image depth - di campo depth of focus [el. prepress] ~ di nitidezza depth of focus [el. prepress] programma autore authoring program [el. publishing] ~ di cattura dello schermo snapshot utility [user interface] ~ di composizione typesetting program [el. prepress] ~ di controllo dello scanner scanner control program - di controllo ortografico spelling checker [word proc. ] ~ di conversione (da un supporto ad un altro) conversion program [dataproc.] - di edit editor [word proc. ] ~ di editazione editor [word proc. ] ~ di fotocomposizione photocomposition program [el. prepress] ~ di grafica graphics program - di illustrazioni illustrator η [desktop publ. ] ~ di impaginazione page layout program [desktop publ.] ~ di impaginazione a lotti batch pagination program [desktop publ. ] - di impostazione imposition program [el. prepress ] ~ di navigazione browser [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di pittura paint program [graphics] ~ di rendering rendering program [el. imaging] ~ per la creazione (automatica) di un indice indexing program [documentproc.] programmi di elaborazione pittorica image processing software ~ per l'elaborazione di immagini image processing software
progressive pi progressive proofs pi [el. prepress] proiezione di diapositive slide show [multimedia] pronto per essere fotografato camera-ready [el. prepress] ~ per la composizione ready for typesetting - per la ripresa fotografica camera-ready [el. prepress] ~ per la riproduzione camera-ready [el. prepress] proposta del gruppo High Sierra HighSierra Group proposal [CD-ROM publ. ] protocollo APPN advanced peer-to-peer networking [online publ.] ~ della rete network protocol [online publ.] ~ di trasferimento di file file transfer protocol [online publ.] - F T P file transfer protocol [online publ. ] ~ H T T P hypertext transport protocol [online publ.] ~ I P Internet protocol [online publ.] ~ N N T P network news transfer protocol [online publ. ] ~ per trasmissione dati in modo contesa contention protocol [online publ.] prova preview η [el. prepress] - di impaginazione sample page layout - di stampa proof print /el. prepress] prove pi (di stampa) page proofs pi [typography] - a colon analogiche analog color proofs [el. prepress] pseudo colori pseudo colors [el. imaging] pt —» punto tipografico [typography] pubblicare publish - con metodi D T P desktop publish ν ~ nel Internet publish ν in the Internet pubblicazione audiovisiva audiovisual publishing [el. publishing] - automatizzata automated publishing ~ con i nuovi media new media publishing ~ cross-media cross-media publishing [el. publishing] ~ digitale digital publication ~ elettronica electronic publishing ~ elettronica nell'impresa corporate electronic publishing ~ in loco inhouse publishing ~ nel Web Web publishing [online publ.] ~ nell'ambito dell'Intemet Internet publish-
Indice italiano-inglese
ing [online publ.] ~ nell'impresa corporate publishing ~ sotto forma di video video publishing [el. publishing] - su CD-ROM CD-ROM publication ~ su richiesta publishing on demand pubblicazioni a colore color publishing [el. prepress] ~ provenienti direttamente da un database database publishing pulsante button [user interface] ~ del mouse mouse button [user interface] ~ di selezione select button [user interface] - sinistra del mouse left mouse button [user interface ] punti per pollice (abbr. ppp) dots per inch [el. imaging] ~ per pollice quadro dpsi ~ per riga pixels per line [el. imaging] puntino pixel [el. imaging] ~ halftone halftone dot [el. prepress] punto caldo hotspot [user interface] ~ centrale (di una rete) head end [online publ. ] - centrale (di una rete a Stella) hub [online publ.] ~ del retino halftone dot [el. prepress] ~ di accesso remoto remote access point [online publ. ] ~ di ancoraggio anchor point [graphics] - di informazione point of information ~ di mezzatinta halftone dot [el. prepress] ~ di partenza starting point [online publ. ] ~ di partenza di un link link source [hypertext] - focale focus η - indirizzabile pixel [el. imaging] - informative point of information - tipografico (abbr. pt) point η [typography] purezza dei colori color purity [el. imaging] quadri delta delta frames [multimedia] quadricromia process color printing [el. prepress ] quadro frame η [el. imaging] - di pagina page frame / word ρ roc. ] ~ di una finestra frame of a window [user interface ] - di video video frame [multimedia] qualita bozza draft quality [printers] ~ dei colori color quality [el. prepress]
Italian-English index
qualita delle immagini image quality - quasi fotografica near-photographic quality [el. prepress] - televisione broadcast quality [multimedia] qualita tipografica, vera ~ ~ true typeset quality [printers] quattricromia process color printing [el. prepress] quattrocolori four-color... raccolta di clip art clip-art images [el. prepress] ragnatela (collegamenti tra le informazioni) web η [hypertext] ramo branch η [online publ. ] rapporto altezza/larghezza aspect ratio [el. imaging] ~ altezza/larghezza di un pixel pixel aspect ratio [el. imaging] ~ d'aspetto aspect ratio [el. imaging] ~ di riduzione reduction ratio [el. prepress] ~ tra le dimensioni vertical! e orizzontali aspect ratio [el. imaging] rappresentare sotto forma digitale digitize ~ un'immagine render ν [el. imaging] rappresentazione rendering η [general sense] - di due pagine affiancate facing pages display - di pagine complete full-page display ~ in colori reali true-color display [el. imaging] ~ in scala scaling η [el. imaging] ~ sotto forma digitale digitization [el. imaging] ~ tipo camminare all'interno walk-in representation [el. imaging] ~ true-color true-color display [el. imaging] rasterizzare rasterize [el. imaging] rasterizzazione rasterization [el. imaging] ~ di immagini raster image processing [el. prepress] reale true [typography] realisticita della resa realistic rendering [el. imaging] realita virtuale virtual reality re-director m redirector [onlinepubl.] regionalizzato regionalized [online publ. ] registrare record vt [CD-ROM publ. ] registrator di CD-ROM CD-ROM recorder - di immagini (su pellicola ecc.) imaging de-
vice [equipment] ~ su pellicola film recorder [equipment] registrazione recording η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ analogica analog recording [CD-ROM publ.] - verticale vertical recording [CD-ROM publ.] registro register η [typography[ registro, che non tiene - out of register [typography] registro, fuori - out of register [typography ] registro, in ~ registration-perfect [el. prepress] registro, tenere ~ register, to be in ~ [typography] - d i r i c e r c a search log [retrieval] reimpaginare repaginate [typography] reimpaginazione repagination [typography] remastering m remastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] remasterizzazione remastering η [CD-ROM publ. ] renderizzazione rendering η [el. imaging] ~ rendering η [graphics] repertorio di caratteri character set replica/ replicate η [CD-ROMpubl] replicare replicate ν [CD-ROM publ. ] reprocamera reproduction camera [equipment] reprografla reprography η [el. prepress] resa rendering η [general sense] restituzione fotografica photographic rendering [el. imaging] ~ fotorealistica photorealistic rendering [el. imaging] RET, tecnologia - (aumento della risoluzione) Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] rete network η ~ a bus bus-type network [onlinepubl.] ~ a diffusione broadcast network [online publ] ~ a fibre ottiche optical fiber network [online publ.] ~ a livello corporative corporate network [online publ. ] - a maglia meshed network [online publ. ] - a piü servizi multiservice network [online publ.] ~ a Stella star-shaped data network [online publ. ]
~ a valore aggiunto (abbr. RVA) value-added network [online publ. j ~ ad anello ring-shaped network [online publ. ] - aziendale corporate network [onlinepubl.] - backbone backbone network [onlinepubl.] ~ cellulare cellular network [online publ.] - circolare ring-shaped network [online publ. ] - con nodi di commutazione magliati fra di loro meshed network [online publ.] ~ con topologia a Stella star-shaped data network [online publ.] - con topologia policentrica distributed network [online publ.] ~ dati data network [online publ. ] - dedicata dedicated network [online publ.] ~ di dati data network [online publ.] ~ di linee affittate leased line network [online publ.] ~ di links network of links [hypertext] ~ di PC PC network [online publ. ] - d i personal PC network [online publ.] ~ di ricerca research network [onlinepubl.] ~ digitale integrata integrated digital network [online publ.] - dipartimentale departmental network [online publ.] ~ dorsale backbone network [online publ.] ~ geografica(mente distribuita ο dispersa) wide area network [online publ.] - gerarchica hierarchical network [online publ.] - globale global network [onlinepubl.] - in fibra ottica optical fiber network [online publ.] ~ intelligente intelligent network [online publ.] - interna company network [online publ.] - interna di un reparto departmental network [online publ. ] - LAN a larga banda broadband LAN [online publ.] - locale local area network [onlinepubl.] - locale in tecnologia broadband broadband LAN [onlinepubl] - metropolitana metropolitan area network [online publ. ] ~ multi-protocollo multiprotocol network [online publ.] ~ multiterminale multiterminal computer network [online publ.] - N F S NFSnet
Indice italiano-inglese
~ numerica integrata (abbr. RNI) integrated digital network [onlinepubl.] ~ paritetica peer-to-peer network [online publ.] - peer-to-peer peer-to-peer network [online publ.] - policentrica multinode network [online publ.] ~ radiale star-shaped data network [online publ] - riservata leased line network [online publ.] ~ su grande area wide area network [online publ.] ~ TCP/IP TCP/IP network [online publ. ] - tipo client/server client/server LAN [online publ.] ~ tipo token ring (basato sul protocollo tokenpassing) token-ring network [onlinepubl.] - virtuale virtual network [online publ. ] ~ WAN (su distanze piü grandi di una LAN) wide area network [online publ.] reti, fra - internetwork adj [online publ. ] reticolo di diffrazione diffraction grating [CD-ROM publ.] retinare screen ν [el. prepress] retinatura screening η [el. prepress] retino screen η [el. prepress] raster η [el. imaging] revisionare (sullo schermo) preview ν [desktop publ.] revisione sullo schermo (prima della stampa) preview η [desktoppubl.] riassunto automatico automatic abstract [document proc.] ricerca search η [retrieval] - a tutto testo full-text retrieval [document proc.] ~ booleana Boolean search [retrieval] - combinata nested search [retrieval] - con caratteri jolly wildcard searching [retrieval] - contestuale contextual search [retrieval] ~ del vicino piü prossimo nearest-neighbor search [retrieval] - di intervallo range search [retrieval] ~ di prossimita proximity search [retrieval] - di stringhe string search /retrieval] ~ di testo qualsiasi free-text search [retrieval] ~ esatta delle parole exact-pattern search [retrieval] - fonetica phonetic search [retrieval]
Italian-English index
ricerca globale global search [word proc.] ~ guidata directed retrieval [hypertext] - in cascata cascaded search [retrieval] ~ interattiva interactive search [hypertext] ~ intuitiva intuitive search [retrieval] - lineare linear search [retrieval] - nel contesto contextual search [retrieval] - nel testo intero full-text retrieval [document proc.] ~ per temi thematic search [online publ. ] ~ ristretta restricted search [retrieval] ~ secondo piü criteri multicriteria search [retrieval] ~ tematica thematic search [online publ. ] ~ tramite parole chiave keyword search [ retrieval] ricercare look up ν richiamo link η [hypertext] cross-reference η [document proc. ] richiesta di ricerca query η riconfigurare reconfigure riconoscimento di caratteri character recognition ~ di van tipi di caratteri omnifont character recognition [el. prepress] ~ intelligente dei caratteri intelligent character recognition ricopiatura (dallo schermo ecc.) hardcopy n, hardcopy reproduction [el. prepress] ridimensionamento resizing η [el. imaging] ridimensionare resize ν [el. imaging] riduzione reduction [el. imaging] ~ del colore di fondo undercolor removal [el. prepress] riempimento filling η [el. imaging] ~ di aree (sullo schermo) area fill η [graphics] riempire aree (sullo schermo ecc.) area-fill ν [graphics ] ~ di spazi spacefill ν riferimento cross-reference η [document proc.] ~ indietro backreferencing η [CD-ROMpubl.] rifinitura retouching η [el. imaging] riga di video video line rilevanza relevance [retrieval] rimando cross-reference η [documentproc.] - a base di parola word-based link [retrieval] rimozione della retinatura descreening η [el. prepress] rimpiccolimento reduction/«/, imaging] rimpiccolire zoom down ν [user interface]
RIP m RIP η [equipment] RIP, elaborare col ~ RIP v, rip ν [el. prepress] RIP, elaborazione col ~ RIPping n, ripping η [el. prepress] RIP, stazione ~ RIP station [equipment] RIP hardware hardware RIP [equipment! ~ PostScript PostScript raster image processor [equipment] ~ software software RIP [el. prepress] ripetibilitä repeatability [el. prepress] ripetitore repeater [online publ. ] riposizionare reposition ν riprese animate animation sequence [el. imaging] riprodurre reproduce [multimedia] play ν [CD-ROM publ. ] riproduzione replication [CD-ROMpubl.] - di colori color reproduction [el. prepress] riprografia reprography η [el. prepress] ripubblicazione republishing η riquadro di dialogo dialog box [user interface] risalire, far - (il contenuto dello schermo) scroll down ν [user interface] riscrivibile rewritable / CD-ROM publ ] risoluzione resolution risoluzione, a bassa - low-resolution adj risoluzione, a media ~ medium-resolution adj risoluzione, a - media medium-resolution adj risoluzione, ad alta ~ high-resolution adj [el. imaging] risoluzione, alta ~ high resolution risoluzione, bassa - low resolution risoluzione, media - medium resolution - bassa low resolution ~ dei pixel pixel depth [el. imaging] ~ dei toni tonal resolution [el. imaging] - della trama screen resolution [el. prepress] ~ dello scanner scanning resolution [el. prepress] ~ dello schermo screen resolution [equipment] ~ effettiva effective resolution [printers] - elevata high resolution ~ estremamente elevata ultrahigh definition [el. imaging] ~ fine fine resolution ~ geometrica geometric resolution [multimedia] ~ grafica graphics resolution
~ in puntini pixelisation [el. imaging] ~ in uscita output resolution [el. prepress] ~ ottica optical resolution [equipment] - standard standard resolution [el. prepress] ~ ultra-alta ultrahigh resolution [el. prepress] - VGA VGA resolution [equipment] ristampa repressing η [ CD-ROM publ. ] ritagliare crop ν [el. imaging] ritaglio cropping n, scissoring η [el. imaging] ritardo rotazionale rotational delay [CDROM publ.] ritmo di emissione output rate - di trasferimento transfer rate [CD-ROM publ.] ritoccare retouch ν [el. imaging] ritocco retouching η [el. imaging] ~ di immagini image retouching [el. prepress] ~ di un colore color retouching [el. imaging] - di un'immagine a colon retouching of a color image [el. imaging] - fotografico photo retouching [el. imaging] rivelare develop ν [el. prepress] rivelatore di pellicole film developer [equipment] rivelazione developing η [el. prepress] RNI —» rete numerica integrata [online publ. ] rotazione CAV CAV rotation [CD-ROM publ.] ~ CLV CLV rotation [CD-ROM publ. ] router m (dispositivo di smistamento) router [online publ.] - multiprotocol]«) multiprotocol router [online publ.] routing m touting η [online publ.] RTF, formato ~ rich text format [document ρ roc.] RVA —» rete a valore aggiunto [online publ. ] RVB (rosso, verde, blu) RGB saturate saturated [el. imaging] saturazione di colore color saturation [el. imaging] scala di densita density scale [el. prepress] ~ di grigi (o di grigio) grayscale [el. imaging] - di ingrandimento scale η of enlargement [el. imaging] ~ temporale ridotta fast-time scale [multimedia] scalamento scaling η [el. imaging] ~ automatico autoscaling η [el. imaging] - di font font scaling
Indice italiano-inglese
- di intmagine image scaling [el. imaging] scalare scale ν [el. imaging] - in alto scale up ν [el. imaging] - in basso scale down ν scaletta, effetti a ~ aliasing effects [el. imaging] scalettatura aliasing η [el. imaging] scalinatura aliasing η [el. imaging] scambio di componenti mentre il sistema e in piena operazione hot swapping [online publ. ] ~ di documenti document exchange [word proc. ] - di immagini mediante OPI OPI exchange [el. prepress] - digitale di dati digital data exchange [el. prepress] ~ dinamico dei dati (abbr. DDE) dynamic data exchange [databasepubl.] scanner m scanner [equipment] scanner, leggere nello ~ scan ν [el. prepress] ~ a CCD CCD scanner [equipment] - a colori color scanner [equipment] ~ a grande formato large-format scanner [equipment] - a piü passaggi multiple-pass scanner [equipment] - a raggio laser laser scanner [equipment] - a r u l l o drum scanner [equipment] - a tamburo drum scanner [equipment] - a tre passaggi triple-pass scanner [equipment] - a un singolo passaggio single-pass scanner [equipment] - ad alta risoluzione high-resolution scanner [equipment] - ad alto rendimento high-performance scanner [equipment] - da tavolo desktop scanner [equipment] - di testi da scrivania desktop text scanner [equipment] ~ flatbed flatbed scanner [equipment] - in bianco e nero black and white scanner [equipment] ~ intelligente intelligent scanner [equipment] ~ manuale handheld scanner [equipment] - per diapositive slide scanner [equipment] ~ per grandi formati large-format scanner [equipment] - per originali a tratto line art scanner [el. prepress]
Italian-English index
scanner piano flatbed scanner [equipment] ~ piano a colori color flatbed scanner [equipment] - pilotato a mano handheld scanner [equipment] ~ verticale a tamburo vertical drum scanner [equipment] scanning m scanning n, scan η [el. prepress] - rapido fast scan [el. prepress] scansione (lettura mediante scanner) scan n, scanning η [el. prepress] sampling η [el. imaging] - a colore color scanning [el. prepress] ~ di immagini image scanning [el. prepress] - d i p r o v a preview scan [el. prepress] ~ in biano e nero grayscale scanning [el. prepress] - in grande formato large-format scanning [el. prepress] - nel modo non prioritario background scanning [el. prepress] ~ per preview prescanning η [el. prepress] -remota remote scan [el. prepress] scansioni di prova trial scans [el. prepress] scaricare download ν [online publ. ] scegliere select ν scelta selection - del carattere font selection ~ del menu menu selection [user interface] scena scene η [multimedia] scheda ad alta risoluzione high-resolution card [equipment] ~ audio sound card [multimedia] - di acquisizione capture board [multimedia] ~ di capture capture board [multimedia] ~ di compressione compression board [multimedia] ~ di delivery delivery board [multimedia] - di digitalizzazione digitizing board [equipment] ~ di interfaccia interface card [equipment] - digitalizzatrice digitizing board [equipment] ~ frame grabber frame grabber [multimedia] ~ framebuffer frame buffer card [multimedia] - genlock genlock card [multimedia] ~ grafica graphics board [equipment] - grafica a colori color graphics card [equipment] - LAN LAN card [online publ.] - MIDI MIDI card ]multimedia] - multimedia multimedia card
~ overlay overlay card [multimedia] ~ per grafica a colore color graphics card [equipment] ~ per la cattura di video frame grabber [multimedia] - per la docidifica MPEG MPEG decoder board [multimedia] ~ sonora sound card [multimedia] ~ VGA VGA card [equipment] ~ video video board [multimedia] ~ vocale voice card [multimedia] schermata frame η [data proc.] - di aiuto help screen [user interface] ~ di apertura welcome screen [user interface] - di help help screen [user interface] - iniziale (di saluto) welcome screen [user interface] schermo screen η [equipment] ~ a bassa risoluzione low-resolution screen [equipment] ~ a colori color screen [equipment] ~ a finestre windowed screen [user interface] - a finestre multiple multiwindow screen [user interface] - a intera pagina full-page screen [equipment] ~ ad alta risoluzione high-resolution screen [equipment] - ad altissima definizione very high resolution screen [equipment] ~ di aiuto help screen [user interface] ~ di editazione editing screen [user interface] ~ di previsualizzazione preview screen [desktop publ. ] - divisibile (in aree separate) split screen [user interface] ~ diviso windowed screen [user interface] - grafico graphics screen [equipment] - grafico a colori color graphics screen [equipment] ~ largo wide screen [equipment] ~ sensibile al tatto touch screen [equipment] ~ sensitive touch screen [equipment] -video screen η [equipment] ~ WYSIWYG WYSIWYG screen [desktop publ. ] schizzo in miniatura thumbnail sketch scompattare decompress ν [multimedia] scorrere, far ~ drag ν [user interface] scorrere, far - sul video scroll vt [user interface]
scorrere, far ~ orizzontalmente side-scroll ν [user interface] scorrevole scrollable [user interface] scorrimento del testo text flow [desktop publ] ~ del testo attorno alle inunagiiii flowing of text (around images) [desktoppubl.] ~ dell'immagine video scrolling of screen image [user interface] ~ orizzontale side scrolling [user interface] ~ sul video scrolling η [user interface] ~ verso il basso scrolling down [user interface] ~ verticale vertical scroll [user interface] scripting m scripting η [multimedia] scrittura grassetto boldface η [typography ] scrivania desktop [general sense] desktop [user interface] scrivania, da ~ desktop ... scrivibile writable adj [CD-ROM publ. ] scroll m (movimento del contenuto dello schermo) scrolling η [user interface] ~ verso il basso scrolling up [user interface] scrollare vi vt scroll vi, vt [user interface] scrolling m scrolling η [user interface] SCSI, porta ~ SCSI [CD-ROM publ. ] segnale audio audio signal [multimedia] ~ video video signal ~ video composite composite video signal [multimedia] segnalibro bookmark [hypertext] ~ elettronico electronic bookmark [CD-ROM publ.] segno token [online publ. ] ~ di nota di piede footnote symbol [word proc.] ~ di riferimento register mark [typography ] ~ di spunta check mark [user interface] seguito standard standard path [hypertext] selezionare select ν selezione extraction [database publ. ] ~ automatica automatic calling [online publ. ] - cuadricromatica four-color separation [el. prepress] ~ del colore color separation [el. prepress] ~ del soggetto subject selector [online publ.] ~ del tipo di caratteri font selection ~ della pista track selection [CD-ROM publ. ] sensore CCD CCD sensor [equipment] sentiero path [hypertext] senza disco (fisso) diskless [onlinepubl.]
Indice italiano-inglese
~ licenza licence-free ~ memoria di massa diskless [online publ.] - pellicola filmless [el. prepress] separare break for color [el. prepress] separatere ottico beam splitter / CD-ROM publ.] separazione di colore (o di colori) color separation [el. prepress] ~ di colori in quadricromia four-color separation [el. prepress] ~ in quadricromia four-color separation [el. prepress ] sequenza delle pagine page order ~ sonora sound sequence [multimedia] ~ video video sequence [multimedia] sequenziatore MIDI MIDI sequencer [multimedia] serendipity/ (problema del disorientamento, problema dello smarrimento) serendipity [hypertext] serie completa di caratteri typefont [typography] servente m server [online publ. ] server m server [online publ. ] ~ dedicate dedicated server [online publ.] ~ della rete net server [online publ. ] ~ di applicazioni application(s) server [online publ.] ~ di comunicazione communications server [online publ.] - di dati in linea online data server [online publ.] ~ di file file server [online publ. ] - di file utilizzati in comune shared file server [online publ. ] ~ di gestione della rete network control server [online publ.] ~ di immagini (provenienti da una banca di dati) image server [equipment] - d i L A N LAN server [online publ.] ~ di messaggi message server [online publ.] - di rete net server [online publ.] - dipartimentale departmental server [online publ.] - FTP FTP server [online publ. ] ~ gateway gateway server [online publ.] - Internet Internet server [online publ.] ~ multimedia multimedia server - OPI OPI server [el. prepress] ~ remote remote server [online publ. ] ~ standard home server [online publ.]
Italian-English index
server Web Webserver [online publ.] servitore m server [online publ. ] servizi di rete network services [onlinepubl.] servizio di ricupero di dati bibliografici bibliographic retrieval service [onlinepubl.] ~ informativo elettronico electronic information service [onlinepubl.] ~ online online service [el. publishing] ~ pellicole imaging service [el. prepress] servomeccanismo servo-mechanism [CDROM publ.] servomotore di focalizzazione focusing servo [CD-ROM publ.] set di caratteri character set - di retrieval retrieval set settore sector /CD-ROM publ. ] ~ audio audio sector [ CD-ROM publ. ] ~ della stampa printing sector ~ logico logical sector [CD-ROM publ. ] settori per traccia (abbr. spt) sectors per track [CD-ROM publ.] sfondo background sfumatura tone [el. imaging] ~ (di colore) hue η [el. imaging] sfuocato out of focus [CD-ROM publ. ] SGML SGML [el. publishing] SGML, documento ~ SGML document [el. publishing] sicurezza delle reti network security [online publ. ] sillabazione hyphenation [word proc. ] ~ automatica automatic hyphenation [word proc.] simbolo inset η [hypertext] sintesi additiva del colore additive color mixing [el. imaging] ~ dei colori color synthesis [el. prepress] sintetizzatore synthesizer [multimedia] sistema a colori reali true color system [el. imaging] - a tre raggi three-beam system [CD-ROM publ.] ~ ad archivi comuni shared files system [online publ.] - autore authoring system [el. publishing] ~ CEP color electronic prepress system [el. prepress] - collegati in rete networked systems ~ cromatico della CIE CIE color system [el. imaging] ~ CTP computer-to-plate system [el. prepress]
~ CTP a grande formato large-format computer-to-plate system [equipment] ~ da scrivania desktop system [equipment] ~ "dal computer alia stampa" computer-topress system [el. prepress] ~ desktop desktop system [equipment] ~ di authoring multimedia multimedia authoring system ~ di catalogazione dei colori Pantone Pantone Matching System [el. prepress] - di comparazione dei colori color matching system [el. prepress] ~ di composizione computerizzata computerized typesetting system [equipment] ~ di composizione elettronica electronic composition system ~ di delivery delivery system [multimedia] ~ di desktop publishing desktop publishing system ~ di DTP desktop publishing system ~ di editing di ipertesti hypertext editing system - di editoria elettronica electronic publishing system ~ di editoria personale personal composition system [el. prepress] ~ di fotocomposizione photocomposition system [equipment] - di gestione del colore color management system [el. prepress] ~ di gestione di rete network management system [online publ.] - di impaginazione page composition system [el. prepress] - di incisione di CD CD recording system ~ di masterizzazione mastering system [CDROM publ.] ~ di masterizzazione mastering facility [CDROM publ.] - di navigazione browser [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di produzione di bozze digital· digital proofing system [equipment] ~ di pubblicazione elettronica electronic publishing system ~ di registrazione di CD CD recording system ~ di reperimento dati retrieval system [general sense] ~ di retrieval retrieval system [general sense] ~ di ricerca dati full-text full text retrieval system [documentproc.] - di scansione scanning system [equipment]
~ di scansione a laser laser scanning system Iequipment] ~ di tracciamento tracking system [CD-ROM pubi] - d i tracking tracking system [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di trattamento elettronico delle immagini electronic imaging system [el. prepress] ~ DMS di gestione di documenti document management system [document proc.] ~ editoriale editorial system [el. prepress] ~ HTMS hypertext management system - hypertext hypertext system - in grado di produrre bozze digital· a colon digital color proofing system [el. prepress] ~ informativo information system [online publ.] ~ ipertestuale hypertext system ~ monoutente single-user system ~ multimediale multimedia system - operative di rete network operating system [online publ.] ~ Panose Panose character matching system [el. prepress] ~ per la produzione di bozze proofing system [equipment] - per la produzione di bozze a colon color proofing system [equipment] ~ plug-and-play plug-and-play system [equipment] - "token passing" (passaggio del segno) token passing [onlinepubl.] ~ YUV (dei colon) YUV color system [el. imaging] - ZCA V zoned constant angular velocity [CDROM publ.] sistemi di prestampa prepress systems - ipermediali hypermedia sito WWW Web site [online publ. ] slide show slide show [multimedia] societa fornitrice di informazioni information provider [online publ.] software autore authoring software [el. publishing] ~ client/server client/server software [online publ.] - c l i p art clip-art software [el. prepress] ~ di accesso access software [document proc. ] ~ di animazione animation software [el. imaging] ~ di authoring authoring software [el. pub-
Indice italiano-inglese
lishing] - di calibrazione calibration software [el. prepress] ~ di composizione typesetting software [el. prepress] ~ di desktop publishing DTP software [desktop publ. ] - di DTP DTP software [desktop publ. ] - di edutainment (educativo e divertente) edutainment software ~ di impaginazione page makeup software [el. prepress] - di impostazione delle pagine imposition software [el. prepress] ~ di navigazione in un ipertesto hypertext browser ~ di registrazione di CD CD recording software - di rete netware [online publ. ] - di retrieval retrieval software ~ di riconoscimento di caratteri character recognition software ~ di scansione scanning software [el. prepress] ~ di transizione bridge products [data proc.] - guidato da menü menu-driven software [user interface] - multimediale multimedia software ~ PDS (per la creazione di documenti portabili) portable document software [online publ.] - per la produzione di documentazione tecnica technical publishing software (TPS) ~ per processor! RIP RIP software [el. prepress] ~ per reti locali LAN software [online publ. ] - per ritocchi fotografici photo retouching software [el. imaging] -video videoware[multimedia] soggetto principale main topic sonorizzazione sound recording [multimedia] sonoro audio adj [multimedia] sorgente video video source [multimedia] sostituire globalmente replace globally [word proc.] sostituzione dei toni neutri gray component replacement [el. imaging] ~ di stringhe (di caratteri) string substitution [word proc.] ~ globale global replacement [word proc. ] sottofinestra sub window [user interface] sottomenü submenu [user interface]
Italian-English index
sotto-rete subnet [online publ. ] soundmap m soundmap [multimedia] sovraccarico cognitive serendipity [hypertext] spazio dei colon color space [el. imaging] - di separazione (fra le colonne) gutter /typography] ~ fra le colonne gutter [typography ] ~ WWW Web space [onlinepubl.] specificazione High Sierra High Sierra specification [CD-ROM publ.] ~ MPRSS MPRSS [el. prepress] specifiche pi di formattazione markup η [typography] spessore (di una lettera) width [typography] spezzare truncate [retrieval] spostamento dragging η [user interface] ~ del testo sullo schermo verso il basso scrolling up [user interface] spt —» settori per traccia [CD-ROM publ. ] stampa printing n, print η ~ (dei CD) pressing η [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ a colon color printing [print shop, printers] - a colori color printout [el. prepress] ~ a colori a grande formato large-format color printing [print shop] - a colori a laser laser color printing [print shop] - a colori a sublimazione color sublimation printing [el. prepress] - a colori in quadricromia process color printing [el. prepress] ~ a deposizione ionica ion deposition printing technology [printers] ~ a due colori two-color print [print shop] ~ a grande formato large-format print(ing) [print shop] ~ a laser laser printing ~ a piü colori multicolor printing [print shop] ~ a quattro colori four-color printing [print shop] - a trasferimento di colore dye transfer print [el. prepress] - cartacea print media pi ~ decentralizzata decentralized printing ~ di bozze proof printing, proofing η [el. prepress] - di formati stragrandi oversized printing [print shop] - di prova test print [print shop] stampa di prova, eseguire una del pro-
dotto finale pull ν a proof [print shop] stampa di tirature piccole short-run printing [print shop] ~ digitale digital printing [print shop] - digitale a colori digital color printing [el. prepress] ~ digitale a quattro colori digital four color printing [el. prepress] - digitale di piccole tirature digital short-run printing [print shop] - digitale in grande formato digital wide format printing [el. prepress] ~ digitale online digital online printing [print shop] - digitale sistema "direct to press" direct-topress system [print shop] - diretta di bozze a colori digitali direct digital color proofing [el. prepress] - elettronica electronic printing [el. prepress] - in neretto bold print [typography ] - in offset offset printing [print shop] - in qualitä quasi tipografica near-typeset quality [printers] - in tutto colore full color print [print shop] ~ non sorvegliata (da un operatore) unattended printing [el. prepress] -offset offset printing [print shop] - secondo domanda on-demand printing ~ su carta hardcopy η [el. prepress] ~ termica diretta direct thermal printing [printers] ~ thermal dye a sublimazione thermal dye transfer printing [printers] ~ tipografica letterpress printing [print shop] stampante/ printer ~ a colori color printer [equipment] ~ a colori per grandi formati large-format color printer [equipment] ~ a copie stabili hardcopy printer [equipment] - a getto d'inchiostro ink jet printer [equipment] ~ a sublimazione sublimation printer [equipment] - a sublimazione a colori dye sublimation printer [equipment] - a tecnologia sublimale sublimation printer [equipment] ~ a trasferimento termico thermal transfer printer [equipment] - che gestisce il PostScript PostScriptequipped laser printer [equipment]
-datavolo desktop printer I equipment] - di bozze a colon digitali direct digital color proofer [equipment] - di bozze digitali digital proofer [equipment] - di bozze fotografica photographic proof printer [equipment] - di rete network printer [online publ. ] - digitale a colon digital color printer [equipment] - elettroerosiva electroerosion printer [equipment] - elettrostatica electrostatic printer [equipment] - grafica graphics printer [equipment] - hard-copy hardcopy printer [equipment] ~ laser laser printer [equipment] - laser a colori color laser printer [equipment] - laser al helio-neon HeNe laser printer [equipment] - laser da tavolino desktop laser printer [equipment] ~ laser da ufRcio office laser printer [equipment] - LCD LCD printer [equipment] - L E D LED printer [equipment] - LSC LSC printer [equipment] - per bozze proof printer [equipment] - per bozze a colore color proofer [equipment] - PostScript PostScript printer [equipment] - PostScript compatibile PostScriptequipped laser printer [equipment] - predefinita default printer ~ termica thermal printer [equipment] - termica a sublimazione thermal sublimation printer [equipment] - termica a sublimazione a colori color thermal sublimation printer [equipment] - termica a trasferimento di cera thermal wax-transfer printer [equipment] - utilizzata in comune shared printer [online publ.] stampantina desktop printer [equipment] stampare print ν ~ press vt [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ a colori print ν in color ~ a laser laser print ν ~ bozze proof ν [el. prepress] ~ direttamente su lastra print ν direct to plate [el. prepress] - immagini a colori print ν in color
Indice italiano-inglese
stampato agg printed adj - a laser laser-printed adj stampatore printing shop stampe pi di prova prepress proofs stamperia printing shop stampo stamper disc [CD-ROM publ. ] stampone proof print [el. prepress] standard EBXA EBXA standard [el. publishing] - generico generic standard [multimedia] - High Sierra High Sierra specification [CDROM publ] - JPEG JPEG standard [el. imaging] - per 1'interfacciamento di stramenti musicali digitali col computer musical instrument digital interface [multimedia] stato della rete network status [onlinepubl.] - di funzionamento della rete network status [online publ.] stazione amplificatrice repeater [online publ. ] ~ client client station [online publ. ] - dell'utente user station [online publ. ] - di authoring authoring station [el. publishing] - di digitalizzazione digitizing station [el. imaging] - di DTP DTP workstation [desktop publ. ] - di lavoro workstation [online publ. ] - di lavoro del CD-ROM CD-ROM workstation ~ di lavoro multimediale multimedia workstation - di lavoro senza disco diskless workstation [online publ.] - di rete locale LAN workstation [online publ.] - di scansione scanning station [equipment] - LAN LAN workstation [onlinepubl.] - mista combined station [onlinepubl.] - per la produzione delle bozze proofer η [equipment] - R I P RIP station [equipment] stop word/ stopword / retrieval] storia (rintracciamento) history [hypertext] - del dialogo dialog history [retrieval] strategia di accesso access strategy [document proc.] Strato di instradamento routing layer /online publ.] - di materiale riflettente reflective metallic layer [CD-ROMpubl.]
Italian-English index strato metallico riflettente reflective metallic layer [CD-ROM publ] stringa (di dati) string η [data proc.] ~ di caratteri character string [dataproc.] stringere compress ν [typography] strumenti autore authoring tools [el. publishing] ~ per autori authoring tools [el. publishing] strumento di puntamento pointing device [user interface] struttura a bus bus structure [online publ] - de la rete network structure [onlinepubl.] - dei dati data structure [database publ. ] - del bus bus structure [onlinepubl.] - d e l file file structure [data proc. ] ~ ipertestuale hyperstructure strutturato textured [el. imaging] substrato substrate η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ in vetro glass substrate [ CD-ROM publ. ] successione di caratteri character string [data proc.] suono sound, audio η [multimedia] ~ di fondo background sound [multimedia] superficie di registrazione recording surface [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di memorizzazione recording surface [CDROM publ.] ~ nascosta hidden surface [graphics] ~ riflettente della traccia land η [CD-ROM publ. ] supervisore (in una rete) master η [online publ.] supporto m medium η Idata proc. ] - cartaceo hardcopy η ~ di emissione output medium ~ di entrata input medium [data proc.] - di input input medium [data proc.] - di introduzione (dati) input medium [data proc.] ~ di stampa printing medium [print shop] - di uscita output medium - elettronico electronic medium - scrivibile solo una volta write-once medium [CD-ROM publ.] surf, fare ~ (sulla rete) surf ν [online publ. ] sviluppare develop ν [el. prepress] sviluppatore developer [el. prepress] sviluppatrice film processor [el. prepress] sviluppo developing η [el. prepress]
374 tabella table ~ di look-up del colore color lookup table [el. imaging] ~ degli spessori width table [typography ] ~ dei percorsi path table [ CD-ROM publ. ] - del contenuto del volume volume table of contents [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ delle ampiezze width table [typography] ~ di consultazione look-up table [CD-ROM publ.] - di conversione conversion table [dataproc.] - di corripondenza dei colon color lookup table [el. imaging] ~ di directory directory table [CD-ROM publ] ~ di kerning kerning table [typography] - di look-up look-up table [CD-ROM publ. ] - di look-up del colore, - ricerca colore color lookup table [el. imaging] taglia e incolla cut and paste [user interface] tagliare clip ν /graphics] taglio clipping η [graphics] ~ sillabico hyphenation [word proc. ] tags, provisto di ~ tagged [el. publishing] tamburo rotating drum [equipment] ~ fotosensibile photoconductive print drum [printers] tasso di rinfresco refresh rate - di trasferimento dichiarato designated transfer rate [CD-ROM publ. ] tasso di errore nella trasmissione dei bit bit error rate [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di errore sui bit bit error rate [ CD-ROM publ.] tastiera keyboard η [equipment] tasto button [user interface] ~ controllo Cursore cursor control key [user interface] ~ Cursore cursor control key [user interface] - di aiuto help key [user interface ] ~ di eject eject key [CD-ROM publ. ] - di espulsione del disco eject key [CD-ROM publ. ] - di funzione hotkey [user interface] ~ di modificazione edit key [user interface] ~ HELP help key [user interface ] ~ per muovere il Cursore cursor control key [user interface] ~ spostamento Cursore cursor control key [user interface] tavola di colori color chart [el. imaging]
tavolo luminoso elettronico electronic light table [el. prepress] tavolozza (di colon) palette [user interface] tecnica a finestra windowing technique [user interface] - DCT (trasformata discretizzata del coseno) discrete cosine transform [multimedia] ~ del dithering dithering η [multimedia] ~ del menü menu technique [user interface] ~ di indicizzazione indexing method [CDROM publ] - di renderizzazione rendering technique [el. imaging] ~ di retinatura continuous tone process [el. prepress] ~ di rotazione CAV constant angular velocity [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di rotazione CLV constant linear velocity [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di stampa digitale digital printing technology [el. prepress] ~ MCP (di compressione delle immagini) motion compensated prediction [multimedia] ~ predittiva predictive technique [multimedia] tecnologia CCD a superficie piana CCD flatbed technology [equipment] ~ CTP computer-to-plate technology [el. prepress] ~ del CD-ROM CD-ROM technology ~ di pellicula secca dry film technology [el. prepress] ~ di stampa printing technology [print shop ] ~ di trasferimento termico thermal transfer process [printers] ~ laser laser technology - RET (aumento della risoluzione) Resolution Enhancement Technology [printers] - thermal dye thermal dye diffusion transfer [printers] telecomposizione remote typesetting [el. prepress] telepubblicazione telepublishing η tema topic η [retrieval] temperatura di colore color temperature [el. imaging] tempo di accesso access time - di assestamento settling time [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di posizionamento seek time [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di posizionamento sulla traccia track posi-
Indice italiano-inglese
tioning time [CD-ROMpubl] ~ di ricerca fetch time [ CD-ROM publ] ~ di ricerca medio average seek [CD-ROM publ.] ~ di rotazione di un token token rotation time [online publ.] ~ di seek seek time [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ relative dall'inizio della traccia track relative time [CD-ROMpubl.] ~ totale di accesso total access time [CDROM publ.] temporizazzione della rete network timing [online publ.] terminale m terminal η [equipment] ~ di editing editing terminal [equipment] ~ di impaginazione video layout terminal [equipment] terminatore (di rete) terminator [online publ. ] termine da ricercare search word [retrieval] tesauro thesaurus [retrieval] tessitura texture n, texturing η [el. imaging] ~ di fondo background texture [el. imaging] test m di applicazione application test [multimedia] testimone token [online publ. ] testina dello scanner scanning head [equipment] ~ ottica (di lettura) optical head [CD-ROM publ.] testo text [general sense] - che deve contornare un'immagine runaround η [desktoppubl.] - composto composed text [typography] ~ corrente plain text - elettronico electronic text [onlinepubl.] ~ espanso stretch text [hypertext] ~ grezzo raw text [word ρ roc. ] - in neretto boldfaced text [typography ] ~ integrale full text [document proc. ] - intero full text [document proc. ] ~ non strutturato flat text file [el. publishing] - strutturato structured text [el. publishing] thesaurus thesaurus [retrieval] throughput m di rete network throughput [online publ.] TIFF, formate ~ TIFF format [el. imaging] tinta (di colore) hue η [el. imaging] tipato agg typed [hypertext] tipo type η [hypertext] ~ del carattere typen [typography ] ~ di carattere typefont [typography]
Italian-English index tipografia in tin ambiente d'ufficio desktop typesetting [el. prepress] tipografico typographic, typographical tipometro type gauge [typography] tirare bozze galleys, to set ~ [typography] tiratura, grande ~ long run [print shop] tiratura, piccola - short run [print shop] titolo defla colonna column head [typography] token m (simbolo che da diritto di trasmissione) token [online publ.] - ring m (anello a gettone) token ring [online publ.] tolleranza di esposizione range of exposure [el. prepress] tomo volume tonale tonal [el. imaging] tonalita tone [el. imaging] ~ (di colore) hue η [el. imaging] ~ continue continuous tone [el. prepress] - di grigio tones of grey [el. imaging] - intermedie pi intermediate tones, middletones pi [el. imaging] toner m toner [printers] - liquido liquid toner [printers] ~ secco dry toner [printers] toni di grigio tones of grey [el. imaging] ~ intermedi intermediate tones [el. imaging] ~ neutri gray component [el. imaging] tono, di ~ tonal [el. imaging] tool pi di authoring authoring tools [el. publishing] - di conversione conversion tool [data proc.] ~ di disegno drawing tool [user interface] - pi di editing editing tools [user interface] - pi di marcatura marking tools [multimedia] - di navigazione navigation tool [online publ. ] ~ pi di pittura painting tools [graphics] ~ di ricerca search tool [onlinepubl.] ~ di texto text tool [user interface] - grafico graphics tool [user interface] ~ per l'eliminazione dell'effetto di aliasing antialiasing tool [el. imaging] topologia (configurazione di una rete) topology [online publ.] - a bus bus-type network [online publ.] - ad albero tree topology [online publ.] - a d anello ring topology [online publ. ] - ad anello ring-shaped network [onlinepubl.] - della rete network topology [online publ.] ~ di interconnessione interconnection topo-
376 logy [online publ. ] ~ magliata mesh topology [online publ. ] -stellare star-shaped architecture [online publ. ] tornare alia situazione precedente ['ultima operazione undo ν [user interface] totalmente digitale fully digital [el. prepress] traccia track η [ CD-ROM publ.] ~ a spirale spiral track [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ centrale center track [CD-ROM publ. ] - esterna outer track ~ interna inside track - piü esterna outermost track ~ piü interna innermost track ~ sonora audio track [CD-ROM publ. ] tracciamento tracking η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ (di disegni ecc.) drawing η tracciato stampa print format tracciatura drawing η tracking m tracking η [CD-ROM publ. ] tracking, errore di ~ tracking error [CDROM publ.] ~ radiale radial tracking [CD-ROM publ. ] - tangenziale tangential tracking [CD-ROM publ.] trascodifica code conversion [data proc.] trasferimento di file file transfer [online publ. ] ~ di file di testo transferring text files [el. prepress] - di scala scaling η [el. imaging] - di testo text transfer [data proc. ] ~ termico thermal transfer [printers] trasmissione di file file transfer [online publ.] trattamento della parola word processing ~ delle idee ideas processing ~ digitale delle immagini digital imaging [el. prepress ] - fotorealistico di immagini a colon photorealistic color imaging [el. imaging] - integrate di testi ed immagini integrated text and image processing [el. prepress] tratto section [onlinepubl.] 3D —» tridimensionale [el. imaging] tre dimension!, in — threedimensional [el. imaging] tridimensionale (abbr. 3D) threedimensional [el. imaging] tripla W World Wide Web /online publ. ] troncamento truncation [retrieval] ~ di parole word truncation [retrieval]
troncare truncate [retrieval] trovare e sostituire search and replace [word proc.] tubo PMT photomultiplier tube [equipment] tutto indicizzato fully indexed [document proc.] TWAIN, formato - TWAIN format [el. imaging] ufficio mobile mobile office ~ senza carta paperless office uguale, da - a uguale peer-to-peer [online publ.] unita CD-ROM CD-ROM drive ~ che produce output su carta hardcopy facility ~ dei dati di misura measured data unit [CDROM publ.] - di composizione typesetting unit [equipment] - di emissione output device [equipment] - di esposizione exposure unit [el. prepress] - di esposizione di lastre di aluminio aluminum platesetter [el. prepress] - di fotocomposizione phototypesetting equipment [el. prepress] - di fotocomposizione CRT CRT typesetter [equipment] ~ di interfaccia di rete network interface unit [online publ.] ~ di masterizzazione mastering facility [CDROM publ.] ~ di telecomposizione teletypesetter [equipment] ~ di uscita output device [equipment] ~ multidisco (per la lettura di CD-ROM) multidisc machine [ CD-ROM publ.] - per piü dischi CD-ROM jukebox [CDROM publ. I ~ periferiche peripheral equipment U R L / uniform resource locator [online publ.] uscita di suono sound output [multimedia] - di una bozza sullo schermo softcopy [el. prepress] - digitale di grandi formati digital large-format output [el. prepress] - finale final output ~ fotocomposta phototypeset output [el. prepress] - fotorealistica photorealistic output [el. prepress]
Indice italiano-inglese
- per altoparlante loudspeaker output [multimedia] - PostScript PostScript output - su carta hardcopy printout - su disco laser computer output to laser disc [el. prepress] - su pellicola film output [el. prepress] ~ tipografica typeset output [typography] ~ video video output [multimedia] utente della rete network user [online publ. ] valore del colore color value [el. imaging] ~ del gamma gamma [el. prepress] ~ tonale tonal value [el. imaging] ~ tonale tone [el. imaging] valori di grigio tones of grey [el. imaging] - d i kerning kerning values [typography] - prestabiliti default setting variazione delle proporzioni sizing η [el. imaging] velocita, a doppia ~ double-speed adj [CDROM publ.] velocita, a quadruple - quad speed [ CDROM publ.] velocitä, a tripla - triple-speed adj [CD-ROM publ.] velocita angolare cos tan te constant angular velocity [CD-ROMpubl.] - del processore RIP RIPping speed, ripping speed [el. prepress] ~ di digitalizzazione digitizing speed [el. imaging] - di giro rotation speed [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ di registrazione recording speed [CD-ROM publ.] - di rotazione rotation speed [CD-ROM publ. ] - di scansione scanning speed [el. prepress ] ~ di scansione sampling rate [multimedia] - di scorrimento scrolling speed [user interface] - di scrolling scrolling speed [user interface] - di stampa printing speed - di trasferimento transfer rate [CD-ROM publ.] - di uscita output rate - lineare costante constant linear velocity [CD-ROM publ.] - massima di ricerca maximum seek [CDROM publ.] ~ media di ricerca average seek [CD-ROM publ.]
Italian-English index
vera qualitä tipografica true typeset quality [printers] veramente WYSIWYG (schermo ecc.) true WYSIWYG [desktop publ.] verifica della correttezza ortografica spell checking [word ρ roc.] - della uguaglianza dei blocchi block matching [el. imaging] veriflcatore e correttore dell'ortografia spell checker/corrector [word proc.] vernice protettiva protective lacquer [CDROM publ.] vettorializzare vectorize [graphics] VHD, disco - very high density disc [CDROM publ.] videata frame η [el. imaging] ~ a piü finestre multiwindow screen [user interface] ~ di ingresso welcome screen [user interface] ~ iniziale welcome screen [user interface] ~ per l'immissione delle domande query entry screen [user interface] video m screen η [equipment] ~ adj video adj ~ a colori color screen [equipment] ~ a pagina intera full-screen display ~ a pieno schermo full-screen video [multimedia] ~ a pieno schermo in tempo reale real-time full-screen video [multimedia] ~ clip m video clip [el. imaging] ~ digitale interattivo (abbr. DVI) digital video interactive [multimedia] ~ fuU motion full-motion video [multimedia] - grafico graphics screen [equipment] ~ in tempo reale real-time video [multimedia] ~ lento still video [el. imaging] ~ RAM m video RAM [multimedia] videocamera video camera [equipment] videofrequenza videofrequency [multimedia] videoimpaginatore composition workstation [equipment] videoregjstratore video cassette recorder [equipment] videoscrittura word processing videoterminale video display unit [equipment] visita guidata guided tour [hypertext] vista view η [hypertext] ~ a ragnatela web view [hypertext] - della pagine corrente current page view
[word proc.] ~ tipo fish-eye fisheye view [online publ] ~ ultragrandangolare fisheye view [online publ.] visualizzare (grafici) display ν ~ in anteprima preview ν [desktoppubl.] visualizzazione display η [equipment] ~ a intera pagina full-page display - con codici codes view [word proc.] ~ di font veraci true-font display [desktop publ] ~ WYSIWYG WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.] voce headword - chiave keyword [document proc. ] voci del menu menu topics ]user interface] volume volume volume [multimedia] ~ di densita density range / el. prepress] WAIS wide area information server [online publ. ] Web m World Wide Web [online publ.] Web, documento - Web document [online publ. ] Web, pagina - Web page [online publ. ] Web, server ~ Web server [online publ. ] Webmaster m Webmaster [online publ. ] workgroup / workgroup [online publ. ] - computing m workgroup computing [online publ.] workstation/ workstation [online publ.] ~ per l'impaginazione composition workstation [equipment] World Wide Web m World Wide Web [online publ. ] WYSIWYG (ciö che vedi e ciö che stampi) WYSIWYG [desktoppubl.] WYSIWYG, veramente ~ (schermo ecc.) true WYSIWYG [desktoppubl.] WYSIWYG, visualizzazione ~ WYSIWYG display [desktop publ.] WYSIWYG, font ~ WYSIWYG fonts [desktop publ.] xerografia a laser laser xerography [el. prepress] zona dell'etichetta label printed area [CDROM publ.] ~ di entrata lead-in area [CD-ROM publ. ]
~ di scrolling scroll area [user interface ] ~ di testo text area ~ di uscita lead-out area [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ piatta land η [CD-ROM publ. ] ~ scorrevole scroll box [user interface]
Indice italiano-inglese
- sensitive hotspot [user interface] - testo text box [user interface ] zoom zooming η [el. imaging] zoom, fattore di ~ zoom factor [el. imaging] zoommare zoom ν [el. imaging]
Abbreviations and Acronyms
b/w B&W CA
en access time en analog-to-digital conversion en adaptive delta pulse code modulation en adaptive differential pulse code modulation de Analog-Digital-Umsetzung de Analog-Digital-Wandlung en advanced peer-to-peer networking en attachment unit interface en audiovisual connection fr connexion audiovisuelle en audio video interleave(d) en artwork en black and white fr bon ä tirer en bulletin board service fr base de donnees es base de datos en bit error rate en boldface de Bitfehlerrate es bianco y negro en backbone network architecture en bits per pixel de Bit pro Pixel fr bits par pixel es bits por pixel it bit per pixel en black and white en black and white fr centre d'authentification es centre de autenticacion it centre di autentificazione es conversion analogico-digital en computer-assisted makeup en computer-aided publishing en constant angular velocity en computer-based training fr code correcteur d'erreur es codigo de correccion de errores en compact disc fr disque compact es disco compacto it compact disc (disco compatto) code detecteur d'erreur fies codigo de detection de errores en magneto-optical disc es CD-ROM grabable en write-once recordable CD-ROM
en en en es en en
en en en en en
en en en en en
en en en en it en en en en en en de en en
DDES DDL DFR diapo Dm ax DMS DN DNIC doc
en en de fr es it en en en
fr en en en de en en
corporate electronic publishing color electronic prepress system computer graphics grupo cerrado de usuarios corporate inhouse publishing cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code color lookup table constant linear velocity color management color management system communication network architecture computer output to laser disc computer output on plate camera-ready copy continuous tone image computer to plate, computer to print computer typesetting CTP closed user group compact video disc compact video disc density digital audio tape data base database publishing data conversion digital color printing Differenz-Pulscode-Modulation discrete cosine transform direct digital color proof, direct digital color proofing digital data exchange dynamic data exchange dynamischer Datenaustausch echange dynamique des donnees intercambio dinämico de datos scambio dinamico dei dati digital data exchange specifications document description language document filing and retrieval diapositive maximum density document management system data network Datennetz data network identification code document
381 doc DON DPCM
Abbreviations and Acronyms fr disque optique compact fr disque optique numerique en delta pulse code modulation, differential pulse code modulation it modulazione di impulsi in codice delta en dots per inch en digital printing service center en direct read after write en direct read during write de dreidimensional en display screen en digital short-run printing en document type definition en desktop publishing de Desktop-Publishing it desktop publishing en desktop prepress en designated transfer rate en thermal dye diffusion transfer en digital video interactive fr video numerique interactive es video digital interactivo it video digitale interattivo en delta YUV fr enseignement assistee par ordinateur es edition asistida por ordenador de elektronische Bildbearbeitung de elektronische Bildverarbeitung de elektronischesBilddatenverarbeitungssystem en error correction code en electronic composition system en editing en erasable compact disc en error detection code en eight-to-fourteen modulation en electronic publishing en editable PostScript de editierbares PostScript fr PostScript editable es PostScript editable it PostScript editabile en electronic publishing system en encapsulated PostScript de Electronic-Publishing-System es PostScript encapsulado it PostScript incapsulato
en encapsulated PostScript file, encapsulated PostScript format en electronic text en electronic technical publishing en frequently asked questions en full-motion video en four-color... en quad speed en full-page display en file protection mechanism en frames per second, frames/sec en file server de Fileserver en file transfer protocol en full-text retrieval de geschlossene Benutzergruppe en gray component en gray component replacement de grafische Datenverarbeitung fr groupe ferine d'abonnes en graphic user interface en hypertext editing system en high-resolution en hidden lines en hidden lines removal en high-resolution graphics en High-Sierra format de High-Sierra-Format en hypertext base de Hypertextbasis en hypertext markup language en hypertext management system de Hypertext-Managementsystem en hypertext system de Hypertextsystem en hypertext transport protocol en International Color Consortium en intelligent character recognition en integrated color removal en integrated digital network de integriertes Digitalnetz en interchange file format en intelligent graphical editor en intelligent network de intelligentes Netz en information provider en Internet protocol es industria de preimpresion en Internet service provider en interactive video
Abbreviations and Acronyms
en en en en en de
fr en en en en en en en de it en en en en en en en de en
fr es es MIC-D
fr de en en de en de fr-
just-in-time keyboard local area network wireless LAN logical block number Laserdrucker langage de description de page large-format print(ing) line remainder display large screen display logical sector number look-up table metropolitan area network megabyte Megabyte megabyte motion compensation media control interface motion compensated prediction measured data unit Mbyte modified Huffman code modified Huffman code MH-Code microphone modulation par impulsion et codage modulation por impulsos codificados microfono modulation par impulsion et codage delta, modulation par impulsion et codage differentielle modulation de impulsos codificados diferencial modulation par impulsions codees delta adaptative, modulation par impulsions codees differentiel adaptative musical instrument digital interface megaoctet magneto-optisch magneto-optical MO disc Mehrplatz... multimedia PC Multimedia-PC PC multimedia PC multimediale
en en en en en de
fr en en en en en de de en en en de en en en de de en en it en en de
parm PCL
en en
en de en en en en en en en de en en
en en
multiprotocol router mass storage mass storage unit multiple terminal access network, net Netz noir et blanc network congestion, network control network control center network control server network interface controller network interface unit Netzknotenrechner Netzkontrollzentrum nanometer network management center network management system Netzwerkmanagementsystem network news transfer protocol network operating system network operating system Netzbetriebssystem Netzserver networkable near-typeset quality neretto network Open Prepress Interface Open Prepress Interface (OPI-Schnittstelle) office system node page publication assistee par ordinateur parameter page construction language, printer command language pulse code modulation Pulscodemodulation personal composition system portable digital document portable document format page description language portable document software pixel presentation graphics Präsentationsgrafik picture picture image compression
Abbreviations and Acronyms
en en en en en en en en en en es
fr es it
en en en en en en fl-
spi SPK
it es en en en es es en
fr en fr
fr it es en en en de es fr es it en en
page interchange language personal mail page model language Pantone Matching System photomultiplier tube publishing on demand point of information personal publishing pages pixels per inch pixels por linea points par pouce, pixel par pouce puntos por pulgada, pixels por pulgada punti per pollice, pixel per pollice plain paper typesetter printer printer PostScript PostScript raster image processor point point (typographique) punto tipografico red de ärea local remote access point record control word remote database access red digital integrada red especial dedicada Resolution Enhancement Technology reseau intelligent run-length encoding reseau local (d'entreprise) reseau numerique integre (de texte et de donnees) rete numerica integrata revoluciones por segundo revolutions per second rich text format real-time video Real Time Video realidad virtual reseau ä valeur ajoutee red de valor anadido rete a valore aggiunto spots per inch speaker
spp spt SV s/w TBC TBI TCD TdT TGA TH 3D 3X TOC TPS 3D
fr es en it en de en de fr fr en en en en en en es it
en en de en en en en de
es en de en en en
fr es en en de en de es en en en en en de en
secteurs par piste sectores por pista sectors per track settori per traccia still video schwarzweiß time base corrector Text-Bild-Integration transformee en cosinus discrete traitement de texte Targa format transmission header threedimensional triple-speed table of contents technical publishing software tridimensional tridimensionale en trois dimensions token rotation time teletypesetter Textverarbeitung double-speed undercolor removal uniform resource locator unshatp masking Unscharfmaskierung vitesse angulaire constante velocidad angular constante value-added network Value-Added-Netz video cassette recorder volume descriptor videofrequency videofrequence very high density disc vitesse lineaire constante velocidad lineal constante video layout terminal virtual reality virtuelle Realität video RAM Video-RAM videoRAM volume table of contents wide area information server wide area network word processing World Wide Web World-Wide-Web zoned constant angular velocity
Abbreviations and Acronyms
2X 3D 3D 3D 3D
en de en es it
double-speed dreidimensional threedimensional tridimensional tridimensionale
3D 3X 4C 4X
fir en en en
en trois dimensions triple-speed four-color... quad speed