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LEARNER'S LICENCE THE K53 LEARNER'S LICENCE RANDOM TEST GENERATOR .................... 4 ESSENTIAL THEORY ..•...•.......•..........•..........•............................•.••..........•......• 6 ROAD TRAFFIC SIGN CLASSIFICATION .••..•.......•.......•...........•...............•..•... 10 ROAD SIGNS ......•...................•.........••.............................••..................•..........••. 12
DRIVER'S LICENCE PRACTICAL LICENCE TEST EXTERIOR PRE-TRIP PROCEDURE •...................•.............................••............ 28 INTERIOR PRE-TRIP PROCEDURE ......•.......•..••.........................•...•................ 30 DRIVING OFF TO BE TESTED IN THE YARD ....•...•.......•......•...........•..........•... 32
YARD TEST ALLEY DOCKING ........••..............•..•..........••..........•...•...•..........••...•......•..•....•.... 34 PARALLEL PARKING ..•..••....•...•..••.••..•...•..•••...•............••......•...••...•......•.......•...• 38 THREE POINT TURN •...•.•..•.••..•....•••••..•...•..•.•..•...••.....••..••..••..•...•.•••...•..•...••...•.• 40 THE INCLINE ....................................................................•................................ 42 EMERGENCY STOP .......................................................................................... 42
ROAD TEST TURNING WITHOUT STOPPING .............•.............................•...••..................... 44 STOP AND PROCEED STRAIGHT ON ....................................••....................... 44 CHANGING LANES .....................................................................................•..... 46 TURNING LEFT AND RIGHT AT A STOP SIGN ................................................ 48 STOPPING AT A STOP SIGN WITHOUT THE PROPER ROAD MARKINGS ... 48 THE CORRECT AND INCORRECT WAY OF TURNING .................................... 48
TRAFFIC LIGHTS STOP AND PROCEED STRAIGHT ON ......•.............................•......................... 50 TURNING LEFT AND RIGHT AT A TRAFFIC LIGHT .......•.............................•... 50 SLIPWAYS •...................•.............................•...........•..........•................................ 54 TRAFFIC CIRCLES •...•.....................................•...........•..................................... 54
Learner's Licence
The K53 Random Test Generator is used to test, study and prepare you for your theoretical learner's license test. The program includes light motor vehicles, heavy vehicles as well as motorcycle theory. T he test is designed to generate a random test each time, therefore there will not be two generated tests that will be the same. However, the program was also designed in such a way that after a minimum of 10 tests has been completed, all the questions in the database will have been viewed at least once. You can install the software on a PC or Mac. Please note that you can not install this software on a home DVD player and only on a PC or Mac. a Common error that users do make is to insert the disk into their DVD players for the Random Test Generator. Also please note that some Windows machines automatically open video files upon inserting a disk into the PC's DVD player. Close the media player application and proceed with the following steps. Installation: To install the program do the following: 1. 2. 3.
6. 7.
Place the DVD into the DVD-ROM of your PC or Mac. Should the media player open automatically please close it and browse to the DVD contents. There will be four folders which only the first two are relevant for the e-book and the self learning software: 3.1 K53 Learners and Drivers PDF e-booklet. 3.2 K53 Self Learning Software for Learners license 3.3 Audio _TS 3.4 Video _TS Double click the folder which you would like to access. 4.1 The e-book is a normal PDF that can be viewed on your PC or printed. 4.2 In the self learning software folder you will find a file named winmac software. Jar. Double click the folder to install and follow the instructions on the screen. Most PC’s comes with Java already installed , but please make sure that you do have Java installed on your computer. If not please go to www.java.com and install it. Otherwise you will not be able to install the K53 Software as explained in the PDF of the Learner’s Book. additional info: 6.1 If you do have a Windows PC and the software does not want to install , please de- activate your anti-virus program for the installation. Then re-activate it again after installation. 6.2 If you do have a apple Mac. Please follow these steps: To override your security settings and open the app anyway: 7.1 In the Finder, locate the app you want to open. 7.2 Don’t use Launchpad to do this. Launchpad doesn’t allow you to access the shortcut menu. 7.3 Press the Control key, then click the app icon. 7.4 Choose Open from the shortcut menu. 7.5 Click Open. The app is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you will be able to open it in the future by double-clicking it, just like any other registered app.
On a PC you can use the shortcut made in the start menu. Click start, programs, K53 Random Test Generator and then the K53 icon.
Generate a test To generate a test do the following:
Learner's Licence 1. 2. 3
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Choose the appropriate language by clicking on the language of your choice. Choose the type of learner's licence test that you want to generate by clicking on code 1,2,3. Click on the "Click here to start" button to generate your test.
T he test contains three sections, namely: 1. Rules of the road (25 questions) Road signs and road markings (25 questions) 2. Vehicle controls (5 questions) 3. Complete the generated test by clicking on the correct answers and using the scrollbar on the right hand side of the screen to scroll up or down and view the rest of the questions. A question has only one correct answer. You will notice that there is a timer at the top right-hand corner of the screen. After one hour the time will expire and the test will be marked automatically and show your results. If you finish the test before the time expires, simply click the "mark test" button at the bottom of the test, to mark the test and show the results. In order to pass a test no more than 5 questions may be answered incorrectly for section 1 and 2 (Rules of the road, and "road signs and road markings") and no more than one question may be answered incorrectly for section 3 (Vehicle controls). T he number of questions answered correctly will be displayed for each section individually. You must succeed in all sections in order to pass the whole test. To return to your test to view incorrect answers click on the yellow "Go back to test" button. Your answers will be shown as well as the correct answers highlighted in green.
To study for the learner's licence test, generate a test and do the following: 1. Stop the timer by clicking on the timer menu at the top left-hand corner of the screen, and then selecting "stop timer" from the menu.
Ale Test Answers Timer
To show the answers, click on the "Answers" option in the top menu and select "Show answe(s,_"------Answers Tlmef Show Test Answers Hide Answers
Show U
Now there will be no time limit and all the answers will be highlighted in green. You can therefore study the questions and answers for as long as you like. It is recommended that you study through at least 10 tests in this manner before you test yourself.
Generate a new test
If you are finished with the test, click on the "Test" menu option in the top menu and select "Generate test" from the menu to go back to the first screen and allow you to select different options and generate a new test. File Test Answers Timer
Generate Te-;;sta.:... ___
Learner's Licence ESSENTIAL THEORY A Learners License is valid for 24 months from date of issue. Rules of the Road Speed limits The general speed limits are: 60 kilometres per hour on roads in an urban area; 100 kilometres per hour on roads outside an urban area for vehicles under 9000kg, and 80 kilometres per hour for vehicles 9000kg and above; 100 kilometres per hour for buses and mini-buses conveying passengers. 120 kilometres per hour on freeways, and 80 kilometres per hour for vehicles 9000kg and above. Towing Motorcycles and motor-tricycles may not tow another vehicle. The distance between the two vehicles may not be more than 3,5 metres. The towed vehicle must be controlled by a licence driver unless the front wheels have been lifted off the road or a device to control the steering is being used in place of a tow-rope. You may not be towed faster than 30 kilometres per hour, unless a solid bar is used You may not tow a vehicle carrying passengers at a speed of more than 30 km/h unless the towed vehicle is a semi-trailer. Stopping You may not stop on the road unless instructed to do so by a traffic officer or road sign, to avoid an accident, or for a cause beyond your control. You may not stop: next to or opposite an excavation if this would obstruct the traffic flow; in a tunnel or subway, or on a bridge; within 6 metres of a tunnel, subway or bridge; within 6 metres of a place where the road width has been narrowed; on the right-hand side of the road facing oncoming traffic; next to or opposite another vehicle where the road is less than 9 metres wide; within a railway reserve at a level crossing; within 9 metres of the approach side of a pedestrian crossing; where you would cause an obstruction or danger to traffic. Tyres Motor cycles under 125cc must have a tread pattern visible on at least 80 % of the tread width. On other vehicles, the tread pattern must be clearly visible across the width and circumfer ence of the tyre with a depth of not less than 1 mm. The sidewalls should not have deep cuts and the inner cords should not be visible. Motor cycles may not be fitted with retreaded tyres.
Leerling Lisensie BELANGRIKE TEORIE 'n Leerling Lisensie is geldig vir 24 maande van die datum wanneer dt uitgereik is. Reels van die pad Spoedbeperkings
Die algeemene spoedbeperkings is: 60 kilometer per uur op paaie in stedelike en dorpsgebiede; 100 kilometer per uur op paaie buite stedelike en dorpsgebiede vir voertuieonder 9 000 kg, en 80 km per uur vir voertuie 9 000 kg en swaarder; 100 kilometer per uur vir 'n bus en mini-bus wat passasiers vervoer. 120 kilometer per uur op deurpaaie, en 80 km per uur vir voertuie 9 000 kg en swaarder. Sleep
Motorfietse en motordriewiele mag nie ander voertuie sleep nie. Die afstand tussen die twee voertuie mag nie meer as 3,5 meter wees nie. Die gesleepte voertuig moet deur 'n gelisensieerde bestuurder beheer word tensy die voorste wiele van die grond gelig is of 'n toestel om die stuur te beheer in plaas van 'n tau gebruik word. Jy mag nie vinniger as 30 km per uur gesleep word nie, tensy 'n soliede sleepstang gebruik word. 'n Voertuig wat passasiers vervoer mag nie vinniger as 30 km/u gesleep word, tensy die voertuig 'n semi-sleepwa is nie. Stilhou
Jy mag nie op die pad stilhou nie, behalwe as 'n verkeersbeampte of padteken dit bevel, jy 'n ongeluk moet vermy, of weens 'n oorsaak buite jou beheer. Jy mag nie stilhou: langs of teenoor 'n uitgrawing as dit die verkeersvloei sal belemmer nie; binne 6 meter van, of in, of op 'n tonnel, duikweg of brug nie; binne 6 meter van 'n plek waar die pad smaller gemaak is nie; aan die regterkant van die pad met die gesig na aankomende verkeer nie; langs of teenoor 'n ander voertuig waar die pad minder as 9 meter breed is binne 'n spoorwegreserwe by 'n spooroorgang nie; binne 9 meter van die naderingskant van 'n voetoorgang nie; waar jy 'n versperring of gevaar vir verkeer kan skep nie. Bande
Motorfietse met 'n enjinkapasiteit minder as 125 cc moet 'n sigbare loopvlak patroon van minstens 80% van die breedte van die loopvlak toon. Die loopvlak op alle ander voertuie moet 'n sigbare patroon toon regdeur oor die breedte en hele omtrek van die band wat minstens een millimeter diep is. loopvlak mag nie diep of lank snye of breuke in die weefsel toon en die koorde binne moet nie sigbaar wees nie. Motorfietse mag nie met versoolde bande toegerus wees nie.
Learner's Licence Carrying loads on motorcycles Projection limits: Not more than 600 mm to the front of the front axle. Not more than 900 mm to the rear of the back axle. Not more than 450 mm to the side of the motorcycle wheels. Not more than 300 mm to the side of the side-car wheel. These provisions do not apply to mirrors or crashbars. No person, animal or article may be carried in front of the driver on the seat, f tank or handlebars. Carrying loads on motor vehicles Projection limits: Not more than 300 mm beyond the front of the vehicle. Not more than 1.8 metres beyond the rear of the vehicle. Not more than 4.3 metres high, from the ground, on goods vehicles and not more than half the height of the vehicle if loaded on the roof of a car, unless a bicycle. Not more than 2.5 metres wide and 2.6 meters in the case of a goods vehicle with a mass of 12 000 kg and above except in the case of abnormal loads for which permission must be arranged with the local traffic authorities. Safety markings: Loads that project 150 mm or more to the side of the vehicle or more than 300 to the rear of the vehicle must be marked with 300 mm square red flags at each corner during the day and at night with white reflectors on each corner in the front, red reflectors at each corner at the back and yellow reflectors on the sides. Loads less than 600 mm wide that project 300 mm or more beyond the rear of the vehicle must be marked with a single 300 mm square red flag during the day and with a red reflector at night. Seat Belts The driver and all passengers front and rear must wear seat belts, if seat belts are fitted to the vehicle, unless reversing or parking. If seat belts have been removed the vehicle may not be used on public roads. Old Law determined that if there is no seat belt on the front seat, children up to the age of 14 must sit on the back seat. New law determines that children under the age of 3 years must be safely strapped in a children's car seat. Children older than three years of age that are too small to fit in a regular car seat with the seat belt must be safely strapped in a booster seat. The law also determines that all children including adults must wear a seatbelt belt. A passenger may not occupy a seat without a seat belt if there is a seat vacant with a seat belt fitted.
Leerling Lisensie Vragte Op motorfietse Uitsteekperke: Nie meer as 600 mm yerby die vooras nie. Nie meer as 900 mm yerby die agteras me. Nie meer as 450 mm aan die kant van die motorfiets nie. Nie meer as 300 mm yerby die kant van die syspanwiel nie. Hierdie bepalings geld me vir spieels of pletterstawe nie. Geen mens, dier of artikel mag voor die ryer op die saal, brandstoftenk of handvatsel wees nie. Vragte op motorvoertuie Uitsteekperke: Nie meer as 300 mm yerby die voertuig se voorkant nie. Nie meer as 1,8 m yerby die voertuig se agterkant nie. Nie meer as 4,3 m bokant die grond oo goederevoertuie en nie meer as die helfte van die voertuig se hoogte as dit op 'n motor se dak gelaai word nie, behalwe fietse. Nie meer as 2,5 m wyd nie, behalwe in die geval van abnormale voertuie waarvoor toestemming by die plaaslike verkeersowerheid verkry moet word. Veiligheidsaanduidings: Vragte wat meer as 150 mm aan die kant of meer as 300 mm agter die voertuig uitsteek, moet bedags by elke hoek met rooi vlae van 300 mm vierkant gemerk word en snags met wit reflektors by elke hoek voor, rooi reflektors by elke hoek agter en geel reflektors aan die kante. Vragte minder as 600 mm breed wat 300 mm of meer agter die voertuig uitsteek, moet bedags met 'n enkele rooi vlag van 300 mm vierkant en snags met 'n rooi reflektor gemerk word. Sitplekgordels Die bestuurder en alle passasiers voor en agter in die voertuig moet sitplekgordels aan he as die voertuig met sitplekgordels toegerus is. As sitplekgordels uit die voertuig verwyder is, mag dit nie op 'n openbare pad gebruik word nie. Ou wetgewing het bepaal: As geen sitplekgordel voor beskikbaar is nie, moet kinders jonger as 14 agter sit. Nuwe wetgewing bepaal dat kinders onder 3 jaar volgens die wet verplig word om in 'n kar stoeltjie vas gegordel te word. Alle kinders ouer as 3 jaar moet ook vas gegordel wees. Klein kinders ouer as 3 jaar wat nie in 'n normale kar sitplek pas of gemaklik vas gegordel kan word nie moet vas gegordel word in 'n spesiale veiligheid sitplek(booster seats). Jy mag nie op 'n sitplek sit sonder 'n sitplekgordel as daar 'n sitplek met 'n gordel oop is nie. As jy agteruit ry of parkeer is dit nie nodig om 'n sitplekgordel te dra nie.
Driver's Licence PROLOGUE The aim with this DVD is primarily to acquaint the holder of a learner's license, of what he/ she has to be able to do on the day when he/she will be tested by a registered testing officer before a valid driving license will be issued. It is imperative that you should first read this booklet prior to watching the visual material.
PRACTICAL LICENCE TEST EXTERIOR PRE-TRIP PROCEDURE (Report to the testing officer the following in a conversational manner - maximum of three minutes of the exterior and interior): The pre-trip inspection, must be done before every departure in an anti-clockwise way starting at the driver's door, check for any obstacle underneath the vehicle and behind and in front of the tyres, as well as any oil leakages. Make sure that each door is working properly and that all doors can open from the inside and the outside of the vehicle. Check that all of the windows of the doors work properly, and that the outside right-hand mirror is: clean, undamaged, secure (c.u.s.- formula). Moving on to the windscreen you check for cracks, marks and anything that will obstruct your vision when driving, and check that the wiper blades are still in order. There are four things you must mention when checking each tyre, namely: The running surface of the tyre is acceptable (grooves must be at least 1 mm deep over 75% of the running surface). There are no cuts or knobs on the side-wall of the tyre. Tyre pressure is correct. The nuts or bolts of the tyre rim are secure. At the front of the vehicle check that the head lights, indicators and number plate are still clean, attached and not broken and make sure that the registration number of the vehicle corresponds with the registration disc number affixed to the windscreen of the vehicle.
Bestuurders Lisensie VOORWOORD Die doel met hierdie DVD is hoofsaaklik om die houer van 'n leerlinglisensie vertroud le maak met wat hy/sy in staat moet kan wees om le doen op die dag wat hy/sy deur 'n geregistreerde toetsbeampte getoets sal word voordat 'n geldige bestuurslisensie uitgereik sal word. Dit is uiters belangrik dat jy eers die boekie sal lees voordat jy na die visuele materiaal kyk.
(Lewer mondelings op 'n geselstrant kommentaar aan die toetsbeampte oor wat jy besig is om te kontroleer). Maksimum tyd hiervoor - drie minute, buite en binne.) Die voorritinspeksie moet voor elke vertrek gedoen word. Altyd in 'n anti kloksgewyse rigting, begin by die bestuurder se deur, kyk vir enige obstruksies onder die voertuig en voor en agter die wiele, asook enige olielekke onder die voertuig. Maak seker dat elke deur in werkende toestand is en dat alle deure van binne en buite kan oopmaak. Kontroleer dat al die vensters van die deure in werkende toestand is en dat die buitespieel regs: heel skoon,en stewig is (hss-formule) Beweeg dan na die windskerm, kyk vir krake, merke en enige iets wat jou sig kan versper as jy sou bestuur en kontroleer dat die ruitveer heel is. Daar is vier dinge wat jy moet doen wanneer jy die bande kontroleer, naamlik: Die loopvlak van die band moet aanvaarbaar wees (groewe moet ten minste 1 mm diep wees oor 75% van die loopvlak). Daar moet geen snye of knoppe op die kant van die band wees nie. Die banddruk in orde is. Die boute en moere van die bandvelling vas is. Aan die voorkant van die voertuig, kontroleer dat die hoofligte, flikkerligte se lense en die nommerplaat nog skoon is, vas is en nie gebreek is nie. Maak ook seker dat die registrasienommer van die voertuig ooreenstem met die lisensiesky1nommer wat op die windskerm vasgeplak is.
VERKEERSLIGTE STOP EN REGUIT AANRY Voordat by 'n stopteken of enige ander plek gestop word: Kontroleer jou drie spieels. Rem deur slegs die rempedaal te gebruik - net voordat jou voertuig tot stilstand kom, moet die koppelaar gebruik word. Maak seker dat, as daar 'n ander voertuig voor jou is, jy nie nader as drie meter van die voertuig af stop nie - dit is die "skoon ruimte". Nadat gestop is: Aktiveer die noodrem. Plaas die rathefboom in neutraal en wag vir die ander bestuurders se verkeerslig om na oranje oor te slaan. Sodra daardie lig oranje gekleur het: Skakel die rathefboom in eerste rat. Doen die vyfpunt observasie. Wag vir die groen lig. Verkry koppelaarbeheer. Deaktiveer die noodrem. Trek stadig weg. Kyk regs en links voor jy die kruising binnegaan. LINKS- EN REGSDRAAI BY 'N VERKEERSLIG REGSdraai As jy beoog om regs te draai, doen die volgende: Kontroleer die drie spieels. Die blindekol na REGS. Sein na REGS. Kontroleer jou drie spieels en bring die voertuig tot algehele stilstand deur eers die rempedaal en dan die koppelaarpedaal te gebruik. Net voordat by 'n stopteken of enige ander plek gestop word: Kontroleer die drie spieels. Rem deur slegs die rempedaal te gebruik - net voordat jou voertuig tot stilstand kom mag jy die koppelaar gebruik. Maak seker dat as daar 'n ander voertuig voor jou is, jy jou volg afstand ten minste drie meter van daardie voertuig af hou.
Turning at a mini circle As you approach the mini circle: Check your three mirrors. The blind spot in the direction you are turning into. Indicate in the direction you are turning into. Gear down to second gear. Check RIGHT and LEFT before moving into the circle. Finally, check the blind spot in the direction you are turning into, before turning.
Proudly brought to you by CPT Consulting www.cptconsulting.co.za
Draai by 'n mini-sirkel By die nadering van die mini-sirkel: Kontroleer die drie spieels. Die blindekol in die rigting waarin jy gaan draai. Sein in die rigting waarin jy gaan draai. Skakel die rathefboom in tweede rat. Kontroleer REGS en LINKS voordat jy die sirkel binnegaan. Ten slotte, kyk in die blindekol in die rigting waarheen jy draai, voordat jy begin draai.
Proudly brought to you by CPT Consulting www.cptconsulting.co.za
CPT Distributed by CPT Consulting Tel. (012) 654 9853 www.cptconsulting.co.za