Game Audio Development with Unity 5.X [1 ed.] 1787286452, 9781787286450

Game Audio is one of the key components in making a game successful and it is quite popular in the gaming industry. So i

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English Pages 404 Year 2017

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Table of contents :
1: Introducing Game Audio with Unity
Introduction to game audio
Getting started with unity
Importing audio into unity
Audio sources and listeners
3D sound and spatial blending

2: Scripting Audio
Introduction to scripting in Unity
Building a musical keyboard
Weapons and sound
Randomizing audio
Background music

3: Introduction to the Audio Mixer
Introducing the Unity Audio mixer
Shaping audio with effects
The master mixer and controlling signal flow
Routing audio signals in the mixer to effects
The duck volume effect

4: Advanced Audio Mixing
Recording audio changes with snapshots
Audio Mixer scripting with parameters
A dynamic audio wind effect
Creating environmental audio zones
Dynamic music mixing

5: Using the Audio Mixer for Adaptive Audio
Introducing adaptive audio
Building adaptive audio cues
Creating mood with adaptive music
Vertical remixing with the Audio Mixer
Footsteps with adaptive sound

6: Introduction to FMOD
Getting started with FMOD Studio
Back to the basics
Effects and mixing
Mixing in a reverb effect
Parameters, snapshots, and triggers

7: FMOD for Dyanmic and Adaptive Audio
Dynamic wind and environmental zones
Scripting with FMOD
Revisiting the footsteps example
Adaptive music with FMOD
Transition timelines and stingers

8: Visualizing Audio in Games
Analyzing audio with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) windows
Examining an audio visualizer
Visualization performance and windowing
Audio-driven lighting
Microphone-driven visualizations

9: Character Lip Syncing and Vocals
Real-time lip syncing
Speech and phonemes
Blend shape animation
Real-time character lip sync
Recording vocals

10: Composing Music
Getting started with Reaper
MIDI and virtual instruments
Basic music theory
Enhancing the composition
Recording music and vocals

11: Audio Performance and Troubleshooting
Audio performance considerations
Profiling performance with Unity
Audio optimization tips and tricks for Unity
FMOD performance and optimization
Audio troubleshooting

Game Audio Development with Unity 5.X [1 ed.]
 1787286452, 9781787286450

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