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English Pages 242 [240] Year 1907
PREFACE. Our primer of English Etymology is meant to serve as an introduction to the study of the historical grammar of English. However manifold the advantages which the student may derive from Professor Skeat's Etymological Dictionary, it cannot be denied that it does not commend itself as a book for beginners. Though it is a work of deep research, brilliant sagacity, and admirable completeness, the linguistic laws underlying the various changes of form and meaning are not brought out clearly enough to be easily grasped by the uninitiated. We, therefore, propose to furnish the student with a small and concise book enabling him to get an insight into the main linguistic phenomena. We are greatly indebted to Professor Skeat, of whose excellent work we have made ample use, drawing from it a great deal of material, which we hereby thankfully acknowledge. As our aim has, of course, not been to produce a book in any way comparable to our predecessor's work in fulness of detail and general completeness, we have confined ourselves merely to selecting all words, the history of which bears on the development of the language at large. We have therefore, in the first place, traced back to the older periods loanwords of Scandinavian, French and Latin origin, and such genuine English words as may afford matter for linguistic investigation. In this way we hope to have provided a basis for every historical grammar of English, e.g. for Sweet's History of English Sounds.
If we may be allowed to give a hint as to the use of our little book, we should advise the teacher to make it a point to deal always with a group of words at a time. Special interest attaches, for instance, to words of early Christian origin, to the names of festivals and the days of the week; besides these the names of the various parts of the house and of the materials used in building, the words for cattle and the various kinds of meat, for eating and drinking, etc. might be made the subject of a suggestive discussion. By treating etymology in this way, the teacher will have the advantage of converting a lesson in the growth of the English language into an inquiry into the history of the Anglo-Saxon race, thus lending to a naturally dry subject a fresh charm and a deeper meaning. In conclusion, our best thanks are due to Professor W. Franz of Tübingen University, who has placed many words and etymologies at our disposal and assisted us in various other ways. F r e i b u r g i. B.
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. acc. = accusative case adj. = adjective adv. = adverb BRET. = Breton CELT. = Celtic conj. = conjunction CORN. = Cornish cp. = compare Cymr. = Cymric (Welsh) Dan. = Danish dat. =: dative case der(iv). = derived, derivative dimin. = diminutive DU. - Dutch E . = modern English f. (fem.) == feminine frequent. = frequentative FR. = French FRIES. =
G. = modern German Gael. =r Gaelic gen. = genitive case GOTH. = Gothic GR. = Greek Icel. = Icelandic inf. = infinitive mood infl. = inflected interj. = interjection 1R. = Irish ITAL. = Italian LAT. R= Latin LG. : L o w German
lit. = literally LITH. = Lithuanian m. = masculine ME. = Middle English MHG. = Middle High German n. (neutr.) = neuter nom. = nominative obi. oblique case ODU. = Old Dutch OFR. = Old French OHG. = Old High German OLR. = Old Irish ON. = Old Norse ONFR. = Old North French orig. = original, originally OSAX. = Old Saxon OSLOV. =
pi. = p. p. prob. pron. prop.
Old Slovenian
plural = past participle = probably = pronoun = properly
prt. = preterite, past tensé RUSS. = Russian sb. = substantive SKR. = Sanskrit SPAN. = Spanish superl. = superlative SWED. = Swedish TEUT. =
vb. =
List of Symbols in T e u t Words.
LIST OF SYMBOLS IN TEUT. WORDS. i (not umlauted) = European and Aryan t. / in OE. ME. long closed e. i in OE. ME. long open e. ( in OHG. MHG. OSAX. closed e (umlauted). > a reduced Aryan und p r e - T e u t vowel. \J. bloesetn (bloetti), MLG. blinken, sw. blinka, DAN. blinke. blo(s)sem: deriv. of the TEUT. 1 bliss ME. blisse OE. bliss older \(~blo in blow. bllds bllds ( = OSAX. blidsea): b l o w sb. 'a stroke' ME. blowe; deriv. from ME. blfwe OE. bleowan f-deriv. of blithe. blister ME. blister OE. *blystre = OHG. bliuwan MHG. bliuwen = ODU. bluyster. Root unknown. G. bläuen, DU. blouwen, GOTH. bleu blithe ME. blithe OE. blide 'joy- bliggwan 'strike': TEUT. ful, glad' (cp. bliss) — OSAX. blew. blithi, LG. blide, DU. blij(de), b l o w 1 vb. 'bloom' ME. blowe OHG. blidi, ON. blidr, sw. DAN. OE. blowan 'blossom' = OSAX. blid, GOTH. bleifis. The dental blojan, DU. bloeijen, OHG. bluojcin is formative, but the TEUT. \J~BLI G. blühen 'blow, bloom', GOTH. *blojan. T h e TEUT. bio appears unknown elsewhere. block ME. block 'a block' (of also in bloom and blossom. 2 wood). Cp. the synon. DU. blok, b l o w vb. 'puff' ME. blpwe OE. MLG. block, OHG. bloh MHG. block blawan str. vb. = OHG. bläian 'blow'
— bolster
MHG. blawen bltejert G. blähen 'blow, swell'. The TEUT. yfbli bid agrees partly with LAT. flare (Aryan bhlä in blade and bladder). blue ME. bl(w. not deriv. from OE. bldwen (deriv. of OE. bldw), whence ME. *bl(we ought to be derived, ME. bfyw bl(u is loanword from the synon. FR. bleu ( = IT. biavo)', ME- blp 'blue', is adapt, of ON. bldr. The source of the whole group is a TEUT. base bläwa- blewa- 'blue' ~ OE. bldw, ON. bldr, DU. blaauw, OHG. bläo G. blau', ident. w. LAT.flavus yellow'. boar ME. bfr OE. bdr — OHG. MHG. ber 'a young boar', OSAX. ber(swin), LG. ber, DU. beer: TEUT. base baizu- or bairu-. board 'a plank' ME. OE. bird 'board, plank, shield, table' = OSAX. DU. SW. DAN. bord, LG. boord, G. bort, ON. bord, GOTH. (fotu)baürd 'foot-stool': TEUT. base borda- with the by-form bredain OE. bred — G. breit (DU. herd ODU. bred). boast vb. ME. bfote; perh. traceable to an OE. *bo'settian: deriv. from TEUT. sf baus bus in G. böse OHG. bosil boat ME. b(St OE. bdt = ON. beit 'boat'. The E. word is the source of ON. bätr, DU. G. boot and FR. bateau. bodice 'stays for women* formerly bodies, being plur. of body. Cp. pence for pennies.
bodkin ME. boidekin 'a small dagger'; of uncertain origin, related to w. bidog, IR. bideog 'a dagger'? The diphthong oi in ME. shows foreign origin of ME. boidekin; but the suffix seems to be Anglisized. body ME. body bodl OE. bodi% 'body'; akin to OHG. botah MHG. botech 'trunk, corpse*. Relation to OHG. botahha G. bottich 'a large vessel, tub* is uncertain. boil "a small tumor' ME. bile OE. by1(e): ident. with bile. boil vb. 'bubble up' ME. boile boyle'. loanword from OFR. boillir F R . bouillir — SPAN, bullir, IT. bollire 'boil'. Source LAT. bullire 'bubble'. boisterous ME. boistrous 'rough, coarse': an extended form of ME. boistous 'rough, clumsy'. The ^'-diphthong points to foreign origin; no source yet found, bold ME. bgld OE. bdld (b(ald older b(alp) = GOTH. *balpa(in balpaba adv.), ON. ballr (orig. *balpr), OSAX. OHG. bald 'bold' (hence G. bald 'soon, quickly'), bole ME. b(Sle — MHG. bole G. bohle 'a thick plank'; akin to ON. bolr 'trunk of a tree' and perh. related to GR. Q>AXAY% 'stem of a tree'. boll ME. bolle OE. bolla 'bowel, a round vessel' = DU. bol m. OHG. bolla 'a round vessel', ON. boHi. Perh. akin to ball and LAT. follis 'hose'. bolster ME. OE. bolster = DU. MHG. bolster OHG. bolstar G.
bolt —
polster, ON. bolstr'. deriv. with str- suffix from the TEUT. belg 'swell'; hence its orig. meaning 'swelling* (TEUT. base bolstrafrom *bolhstra-). bolt vb. 'sift meal' ME. bulte\ borrowed from OFR. bulter (FR. bluter) 'sift'. bolt 'a stout pin of iron etc., an arrow' ME. OE. bolt = synon. OHG. bolz, DU. bout,. ON. bolte. Borrowed from LAT. catapulta ? bone ME. b$n OE. bdn — G. bein, OSAX. ben, DU. been, ON. bein, S W . DAN. ben, GOTH. *bain (DU. G. ON. SW. also 'leg'). Perh. cogn. with ON. beinn 'straight'. bonnetME. bonet-. loanword from OFR. bonet orig. FR. chapel de bonet; MED.-LAT. bonneta 'a stuff of which caps were made'. bonny ME. bony: an ENGL. derivative of FR. bon 'good'. booby not found in ME. OE., with ENGL, ending derived from SPAN, bobo 'fool'? book ME. bok OE. boc = G. buck OHG. buoh, OSAX. bok, DU. boek, GOTH. boka f. — bok n. 'a letter of the alphabet' shows in the plur. the meaning 'writing, document, book', and the OHG. OSAX. OE. corresponding buoh bok occurs in pluralform with the meaning 'a single book'. Therefore it is evident, that the sing, meant orig. (as in GOTH.) 'a single letter of the alphabet'. The TEUT. base bbka- (cp. beech) was orig. 'beech-bark,
beech-tablet' used to scratch runes on. boom borrowed from DU. boom ( = LG. boom) 'a tree, beam, pole'. Ident. with beam. boon ME. bpne 'petition, favor": loanword from ON. bon 'a prayer'. There was a native OE. bfn ME. b(ne 'a prayer'. boor adapt, of DU. boer (= G. . baiter) 'peasant'. Akin to OE. 5ebiir, cp. neighbor. boot1 ME. bote; loanword from OFR. bote (boute) = FR. botte (IT. botd); akin to G. bos sen 'shoes'. Source unknown. boot2 'advantage' ME. bdte OE. bot = OSAX. GOTH. bota, OHG. buoyx buo^ G. basse, ON. bit. For the TEUT. bat cp. batten, better and best. booth ME. bothe: loanword from ODAN. both (DAN. bod) = MHG. buode G. bude. The OICEL. bud differs from DAN. bid in the root-vowels (TEUT. o : u). The dental is suffix. For the TEUT. V B U (INDO-TEUT. bhu) 'dwell' cp. LITH. butas 'house', OIR. both (bothdn) "hut* (base bhit-to). See build and be. booty in the 15th cent, spelled botye and butin; akin to the equiv. FR. butin, DU. buit, G. beute, ON. byte 'booty'; the FR. word represents an OSAX. *butin *butl, which is cogn. w. om. buaid 'victory' and CYMR. budd'advantage, profit'. Aryan bhud : bhaud.
border — bough
border ME. border bord(e)ure\ adapt, of FR. bordure. Ultimate source OHG. borto 'edge', bore vb. ME. btfre OE. borian — OHG. boron G. bohren, DU. boren, ON. bora. T h e TEUT. base boron agrees with LAT. forare 'bore'; cp.GR.^apoj'plough',SKR. bhurij 'scissors': Aryan y " bfur bfur. borough and -bury in placenames ME. borwe (and biry) OE. burh burg (dat. sing. byr~£) 'town', OE. burg = synon. OSAX. bur(u)g, DU. burg, OHG. bur(u)g G. burg, ON. borg, GOTH. baiirgs 'town'. borrow vb. ME. borwe OE. borgian 'protect, borrow' = OHG. borgen G. borgen 'borrow, give a pledge'. Prob. akin to OHG. b'ergan, GOTH. batrgan 'protect, shelter' (OSLOV. bregq 'I take care of'). b o s o m ME. bosum OE. bosm = OSAX. bosm, DU. boezem, OHG. buosam G. busen, GOTH. *bdsma-. botch vb. 'mend a garment' ME. bocche 'repair': deriv. from boot "mending, repair of a thing'? perh. ident. with OE. botettian 'repair' ? Cp. G. dial, biietzen 'mend shoes' = OHG. buozzen 'repair'. botch 'a swelling on the skin, a boil' ME. bocche: borrowed from OFR. boche 'a sore' (FR. bosse 'swelling' = IT. boccia 'ball'), both ME. bgthe = OSAX. btdie, OFRIS. bethe bMe, OHG. G. beide, ON. bddir, sw, bada, DAN. baade. T h e
stem of the numeral in its oldest forms had no dental: GOTH. bai = OE. be^en bd bu 'both'. T h e dental ending is short for the article: ME. bgthe = OE. bd da, G. beide instead of bei die. In the older periods the article was combined with the numeral; cp. GOTH. ba fo scipa 'both ships', OE. be^en dd gebrddru 'both brothers'. bottle 1 'a hollow vessel' ME. boiel — DU. bottel, LG. buttel buddel'. loanwords from FR. bouteille ( = SPAN, botella, IT. bottiglia) Source MED.-LAT. buticula f. dimin. of butts 'a butt'. bottle 2 'a bundle of hay' ME. botel: loanword from OFR. botel dimin. of FR. botte 'a bundle of hay'. Source a TEUT.. bauta- in OHG. boy? 'a bundle of flax'. bottom ME. boturn OE. botm = OSAX. bodom, DU. bodetn, OHG. bodam G. boden. The TEUT. bases buftma- ( = OHG. bodam) or butna ( = ON. botri) or with assimilation butma- ( = OE. botm) represent Aryan bases bhutnobhudno', cp.ARYANbhudhno- 'bottom' in SKR. budhna; cp. GR. nvfrfiiir, LAT. fundus (if traceable to bhudhno-sT). The phonetical relations of the group are obscure. bough ME. bough bow OE. boh bog — DU. boeg 'bow of the ship', OHG. buog 'upper joint of the arm or leg, shoulder, hip' G. bug 'shoulders, withers', ON. bogr 'shoulder, bow of a ship', GOTH.
bounce -
* bogus from PRE-TEUT. bhâghù-s weapon, a bend' ME. bdwe OE. 'arm, fore-arm' corresponds to boga = OHG. OSAX. bogo, DU. SKR. bâkù 'arm', also GR. TRÂYVÇ boog, G. bogert, ON. bogi. nijyyç 'fore-arm, elbow'. bow 2 'the forward part of a bounce vb. ME. bounse 'beat, ship', var. of bough. knock' OE. *bùnsian : frequent, bowel ME. boull bowel', loanof a primit. *bunani Akin to LG. word from OFR. bouel (FR. boyau); bunsen bumsen {bansenT) 'knock'? source LAT. botellus 'sausage' (IT. bound sb. ME. bounde older budello), whence also ODU. bodeboune: borrowed fr. OFR. bonde line DU. beuling 'sausage'. bonne 'boundary'. — boundary b o w e r sb. ME. bour OE. biir 'a
points to FR. bonnier, whence dwelling' (see neighbor also
— OE.
ODU. bunre. nihiebur) — OSAX. MLG. bur ' a Source MED.-LAT. bodina. house, cage', OHG. MHG. bur 'a
bound vb. 'leap, spring* bor- chamber' G. bauer 'a cage', ON. rowed from FR. bondir "leap, bur 'a chamber, larder'. For the spring' prop, 'resound'. Source TEUT. \f bu 'dwell' cp. build. LAT. bombitare 'hum' ?
bound adj. 'ready, prepared' ME. boun 'ready, preparéd to go': loanword from ON. buinn 'prepared', part, aibiia 'till, prepare';
b o w l ME. bolle OE. bolla = ON. bo Hi, DU. bol, OHG. bolla.
box 1 'a chest* ME. OE. box: borrowed from a VULG.-LAT. *bttxem for buxidem (nom. buxis), whence
also DU. bus, G. biichse 'box' OHG. bounty ME. bounty: loanword buhsa for *buhsja. VULG.-LAT. from FR. bonté; source LAT. botii- buxis (from GR. nviig 'box made tatem. — b o u n t e o u s ME. bounte- of the box-tree' cp. box-) apvous: derived from OFR. bontive pears in FR. bosselte, IT. bossolo 'benevolent' by influence of 'box'. righteous. box 2 'the name of a tree' ME. bourn 'boundary' adapt, of FR.. box-tre OE. box: borrowed from borne; ident. with bound. LAT.-ROM. buxus ( = IT. bosso, bow vb. 'bend' ME. bowe earlier SPAN, box, FR. buis), whence also cp.
bmue OE. btigan str. vb. 'bend, OHG. MHG. buhs(-boum) = G. bucksflee' (only intr.) = DU. buigen, baum 'box-tree', DU. busboom. MLG. bûgen, OHG. biogan G. biegen, b o y ME. boie OE. *boia; perh. GOTH. biugan 'bend'. The TEUT. dimin. of a lost OE. *bo 'brother' V"bag is an ARYAN bh.uk on ac- = FLEM. boe 'brother': childish
count of OHG. buhil 'hill'. A abbreviation of E. brother, as G. cogn. Y"bhûg appears in LAT. bube OHG. buobo is a reduplication fugio, GR. (ftvyw. — b o w 1 sb. 'a of *bb 'brother'?
boycott — brave
boycott first heard of in Dec. bramble ME. brembel OE. br(inel 1880. Captain James Boycott-was earlier *brcemil; cogn. w. G. broma farmer at Lough Mask, co. beere 'brambleberry' OHG. brdma, Mayo, Ireland; the .Irish league DU. braam, perh. ident. w. OE. pronounced their edict, in con- brom under broom. sequence of which no one wished bran ME. bran: adapt, from. IR. to work or have anything to do w. bran. ME. bren adapt, from with him; he was the victim of OFR. bren points to the same the system of procedure named source. after him. branch 'a bough of a tree' brace sb. ME. brace: adapt, of ME. braunche: borrowed from FR. OFR. brace. Source LAT. brac- branche ( = SPAN. IT. branca LAT. chiutn. type bi-rarnica ? deriv. of LAT. brach ME. bracche: adapt, of ramus 'branch'?). OFR. brache. Source OHG. bracko brand ME. OE. brand brond — 'hunting dog' = DU. brak ODU. ODU. MLG. brand, OHG. MHG. brant bracke. 'a burning, a brand', DU. G. brand brad ME. brad usually brod". 'a burning, fuel', ON. brandr 'a loanword from ON. broddr 'spike, firebrand', sw. DAN. brands fireshaft' ( = OE. brord 'spike', OHG. brand, fire'. From TEUT. brinnan brort 'edge"). The TEUT. base = burn. — brandish vb. ME. brozda- answers to OIR. brot 'sting'. braundisshe braundisse: loanword brag vb. 'boast' ME. bra{g)ge; from FR. brandiss- in brandir (== akin to OFR. braguer 'flaunt, brave, IT. brandire) 'brandish'. Source brag'. Source doubtful. a TEUT. brand 'sword' = E. brand braid vb. 'weave' ME. breide 'sword' OE. brond, ON. brandr, OE. br'eylan 'move to and fro, MHG. brant 'blade of a sword'. weave' = OSAX. br'egdan, LG. — brandy short for brandywine breiden, OHG. br'ettan MHG. br'etten, =• DU. brandewijn, G. brantewein ON. bregda 'draw, pull, weave, 'brandy', lit. 'burnt wine*. braid'; orig. 'move quickly'; but brass ME. bras OE. bras. LAT. MLG. breiden 'knit'. Cp. bridle. ferrurn, if for ferso- ARYAN bherso-, brain ME. brain OE. brazen = is considered akin to the TEUTDU. brein, LG. bregen 'brain. The base brasa- in OE. brces. TEUT. base bragtna- 'brain', if brat 'a child' perh. ident. with froTTi an ARYAN mrogh-, is com- ME. OE. bratt 'a coarse cloak": pared with GR. /iof^iio? 'fore- orig. a Celt, word, cp. GAEL. IR. head' (for *up brat 'a cloak, mantle' — w. brat brake 'a thicket' ME. brake', 'a rag, a pinafore'. perh. cojjn. w. LG. brake 'tree- brave borrowed from FR. brave, whence also DU. braaf, G. brav. trunk' ?
brawn — breeze' b r a w n ME. braun brawn 'muscle, boar's flesh'; orig. *braoun brahùn: borrowed from OFR. braon 'a piece of flesh, muscle'. Source a TEUT. brâdo acc. brâdun = OHG. brâto MHG. brâte 'a slice of bread' and also like G. braten 'roast meat', OE. brœdan 'roast meat', G. braten, DU. braden 'roast'; in LG. dial, an OSAX. brâdo 'muscle' is preserved (e. g. WEST-, PHAL. wadbrâe) ; cp. MLG. brâde. braze 1 vb. 'adorn with brass' ME. brdse OE. brasian 'cover with brass': deriv. of OE. bras', cp. brass. b r a z e 2 vb. ' h a r d e n : loanword from ON. brasa 'harden by fire'. breach ME. broche : adapt, of FR. brèche. Source the TEUT. vb. br'ckan = break. bread ME. br$d late OE. br(ad = OHG. brot G. brod, OSAX. brod, DU. brood, late ON. brand. T h e Teut. base brau-da- is deriv. fr. the \f brû in E. broth and brew. The orig. TEUT. word for bread was loaf ( = TEUT. hlaiba-). In OE. we find brgad 'piece of bread' a n d M > ^ W ' h o n e y - c o m b ' . breadth formed after length Strength with secondary th from ME. br(de OE. brœdo 'breadth': abstract noun formed from broad with umlaut (GOTH, braidei, OHG. breitî). Cp. WESTPHAL. bredde, OSAX. *brêdtha from bred 'broad . b r e a k vb. ME. br(ke OE. br'écan str. vb. = DU. breken, OSAX. brëkan, OHG. bréhhan G. brechen, GOTH, brikan. With the TEUT.
sf brek 'break' (ARYAN bhreg) c.\>.~LhX.frango (pret .fregt) 'break', breakfast ME. br{kefaste\ prop, 'breaking one's fast, the first meal of the day by which the fast is broken', bream ME. br(m\ loanword from F R . breme; source a TEUT. braxma in OHG. brahsima MHG. braesem G. brassen = OSAX. bressemo, DU. brasem, osw. braxn, DAN. brasen. breast ME. brest short for ME. brfst OE. brfost = OSAX. briost, OFRIS. briast, ON. brjdst\ akin to GOTH, brusts plur., DU. borst, OFRIS. burst (and briast), G.brust: TEUT. bases breust-: brust-. breath ME. br(th OE. brad 'breath, o d o r ; akin to OHG. bradam MHG. bradem G. brodem broden 'steam, vapor, exhalation*. breech 'buttocks' ME. brfch OE. brei. Orig. ident. with breeches (»a pair of breeches«) ME. brech breche; the corresp. OE. brfl plur. points to a sing. *broc — DU. broek, OFRIS. brok (plur. brei), ON. brok (plur. brcekr), OHG. MHG. bruoch. The TEUT. base brok- plur. brokiz) is seemingly connected with GALL.-LAT. braca 'clothing for the legs'. breed vb. ME. brede OE. bredan — DU. broeden, OHG. bruoten MHG. briieten G. briiten 'brood, hatch', GOTH. *brodjan: deriv. of TEUT. broda- see brood. breeze 1 'a strong wind' = synon. G. brise, DAN. bris: source 1
breeze 4 — brim
FR. brise 'the north wind' = ME. bridegome into E. bridegroom SPAN, brisa. is d u e to the influence of groom. breeze 2 gadfly* ME. brise OE. bridge ME. brigge OE. brylg = br(osa. Connection with G. bretnse OFRIS. brigge, DU. brug, OHG. and breme (OHG. brimisa br'ema) brucka G. brilcke (GOTH. *brugja is doubtful. *brug jo). Thecorresp. ON .bryggja b r e w vb. ME. br(we OE. br(owan (also LG. briigge, NORTHFRIS. str. vb. = DU. brouwen, OHG. bragK) and GERM, (dial.) briicke britnuan G. brauert. With the signify 'pavement, floor'; and OE. TEUX. bril (Aryan bhrtt bhreu) brycgian ME. brigge and NFRIS. brew' are related PHRYG.-THRAC. braghin, MLG. brilggen signify 'to (¡QVTOV 'beer, cider', which prob. pave'. Stands for GR. *(ppv rnv, also LAT. bridle ME. OE. bridel older OE. defr&tum 'must boiled down', OIR. briylel briylil = OHG. brittil for bruthe "broth* — bruth 'live coals, %brietil\ deriv. from the TEUT. heat' — bruith 'cooking'. Cp. vb. br'egdan 'pull' under braid. bread. Akin to OSLOV. bruzda 'bridle' bridal, see bride. (Aryan \f bhreghdh also in LAT. bride ME. bride OE. brjd (from frenum 'bridle'?). *brydi *brMi) = OSAX. ODTJ. brief adj. 'short' ME. br(f'. LG. brM, DU. bruid, OHG. MHG. borrowed from FR. bref (SPAN, brUt G. braut, ON. briidr; GOTH. IT. breve — LAT. brevis 'short'). br&fs means 'daughter-in-law' (but brUp-faps 'bridegroom'); brief sb. 'a commission, document' ME. br(f\ cp. DU. G. OSAX. brud is 'the newly married wife' as E. bride. — bridal brief OHG. briaf and the corME. brid-ale OE. bryd-ealo: lit. responding OFR. bref 'an official Orig. ident. with 'bride-ale' (ME. bride OE. bryd document'. brief adj. and ME. ale OE. ealo). In GERM. dialects, we find kindelbier 'bap- b r i e r a prickly shrub' ME. br(re tism'. — bridegroom ME. bride- OE. brdr brfr 'a bramble'. gome OE. brydguma = synon. bright ME. bright OE. beorht OSAX. br&digumo, DU. bruide- 'bright, white, clear' = OSAX. gomo, OHG. brutigomo MHG. briute- b'erht, OHG. beraht, GOTH. bairhts Akin to MLG. br'ehen gome G. brautigam, ON. briid- 'bright'. gutne (GOTH. brufi-fafis). T h e 'shine, glisten'; cp. SKR. bhargas second element of these com- 'brightness'. pounds (OE. GOTH. gutna, OHG. brim ME. brim; perh. ident. gomo 'man' is related to LAT. with OE. brim 'ocean, surf = homo from INDO-TEUT. ghomon). ON. brim 'surf'; cp. the name of The phonetical development of the citv of Bremen.
brimstone — brook
brimstone ME. brimston earlier brock 'a badger' ME. brok OE. brens tön — ON. brennisteinn 'brim- brocc ( = DAN. brok); a CELT. stone': deriv. of ME. brenne = loanword; cp. w. CORN. BREX. burn. broch, GAEL. IR. MANX broc 'a brine ME. brine 'salt liquor' = badger (CELT, base brokko-, perh. ident. w. LAT. broccus adj. 'having DU. brijn MDU. brine. bring vb. ME. bringe OE. bringan prominent teeth' and OFR. broc = OHG. OSAX. bringan G. bringen, 'spit, point'). GOTH, briggan; cp. DU. brengen, broil vb. ME. broile', adapt, of OSAX. brengian, OE.brengan'bring': OFR. bruiller 'broil, roast', OFR. TEUT. breng brang. bruir 'roast' seems to be ident. brink ME. brink 'edge'; cp. ON. with G. brühen MHG. brüejen, DU. brekka from *brinko, LG. brink. broeijen 'foment'; cp. brood. brisk a CELT, loanword; cp. w. broker ME. brfcour 'pedlar, brysg, GAEL. bri(o)sg 'quick, lively'. pawnbroker'; loanword from bristle ME. bristle older birstle OFR. brocour brokeor 'tapster OE. *byrstel: dimin. of OE. byrst who retails wine from the tap'; — OHG. burst G. börste, DU. börste cp. FR. broche under broach. 'bristle'; akin to OHG. bursta G. brooch 'broach' ME. bräche a bürste 'brush'. The TEUT. bors pin, peg, brooch': borrowed burs (whence bur in burdock) from FR. broche 'a spit, point'. is an Aryan \f bhrs in SKR. bhrifi brood ME. OE. bröd — DU. broed, 'point, prong'. Cp. brush. brittle ME. britel OE. *brytel\ OHG. MHG. bruot G. brut: appar. formed with suffix -il (OE. el cp. formed with dental suffix from nimble) from OE. breotan 'break' the TEUT. A/"bro in G. brühen, DU. broeien. Cp. breed. = ON. brjota 'break'. broach vb. ME. breche 'bore, brook ME. brök OE. broc = spur, spit, tap' (setten on broche DU. broek, MLG. brok LG. brook 'set a-broach, tap' = FR. mettre 'marsh, pool', OHG. bruoh(h) MHG. en broche 'tap a barrel'); FR. brocher bruoch G. bruch 'marsh, bog'; 'broach, pierce' and broche a possibly connected with the TEUT. \fbrek 'break' in break. broach, spit'. broad ME. br$d OE. brad = brook vb. 'put up with' ME. OSAX. MLG. bred, DU. breed, G. bro(o)ke brouke OE. brücan 'use, breit, ON. breidr, sw. DAN. bred, enjoy' = OSAX. brükan, DU. GOTH. braids 'broad': prob, from gebruiken, OHG. brühhan MHG. a PRE-TEUT. mraitö-, akin to an brüchen G. brauchen 'use, need', Aryan mrit in SKR. mrit 'fall GOTH, brükjan 'use'. The PREto pieces' (therefore broad prop, TEUT. form of the V~ bhrtig accords with LAT. fruor from 'extended'?).
broom —
*fruvor for *frugvor and cp. LAT. fruges. broom ME. OE. brom 'the plant of the broom' = ODU. broem 'broom'; perh. cogn. w. bramble. broth ME. broth OE. brod = ON. brod, OHG. brod\ deriv. from the V~brtt under brew. brother ME. brother OK. brodor = • DU. broeder, OSAX. brothar, OHG. MHG. bruoder G. bruder, ON. bridir, GOTH. bropar 'brother'. The TEUT. base broker- (Aryan bhrater-) corresponds to LAT. frdter, SKR. bhratar-, OSLOV. bratrti; cp. GR. (pparpia. brow ME. browe bruwe OE. bru; cp. ON. brun 'eyebrow' and SICR. bhril, GR. OFFYI'G, OSLOV. bricvi 'brow'. brown ME. brouti OE. brun = MLG. OHG. MHG. OFRIS. brun, DU. bruin, ON. brunn. The TEUT. name of the color passed into ROM. (FR. brun = SPAN. IT. bruno 'brown') and LITH. (brunas 'brown"). The proper stem of Aryan bhr-uno- appears in LITH. beras 'brown' (see bear sb.) and reduplicated in SKR. babhrii-s 'reddish- brown' (see beaver). bruise vb. ME. briise: loanword from OFR. bruser (FR. briser) 'break', whence OE. brysan 'break'. bruit 'a rumor' ME. briif. borrowed from FR. bruit 'noise'. brush sb. ME. brusshe 'a brush', orig. 'brush-wood': borrowed from OFR. broce FR. brosse 'brushwood, brush*.
brute borrowed from FR. brut adj. (fem. brute)', source LAT. brutus. buck vb. 'wash linen, steep clothes in lye' ME. bouke (OE. *bücian) = DAN. byge, sw. byka, NORW. boukja, ICEL. bauka, MHG. buchen G. bauchen. The TEUT. vb. bükon (bukjan) is based on OE. büc (cp. bucket). The ROM. FR. buer, IT. bucare 'wash' are borrowed from Teut. buck sb. ME. bukke OE. bucca', cp. the synon. OSAX. buck, FRIS. DU. bok, OHG. MHG. boc(ck) G. bock, ON. bukkr bokkr, sw. bock, DAN. buk 'a he-goat, ram, buck(deer)', GOTH. *bukks *bukka: ident. w. GAEL, boc, OER. bocc, CYMR. boch 'buck' from a CELT, base bukko(whence FR. bouc OFR. boc) and w. ARMEN, buc 'lamb*, AVEST. büza 'buck' (ARYAN bhüg ?). The INDOTEUT. base bhügo- is perh. connected with the root of fugio, GR. (favyw 'flee'; hence buck may have signified orig. 'fugitive'. bucket 'a kind of pail' ME. boket: deriv. from OE. büc 'a pitcher' with the dimin. suffix -et. buckle ME. bokel: adapt, of FR. boucle, whence also G. buckel. Source MED.-LAT. buc(c)ula 'a beaver, shield'. buckler ME. bokeler: adapt, of OFR. bocler bucler — FR. bouclier (whence also DU. beukelaar, MHG. buckeler, ON. buklart). Cp. buckle. buckram ME. bokeram bukeram = OFR. bouqueran boucaran (FR.
buckwheat —
burdi G. biirde, ON. byrdr, GOTH. baurfiei: all deriv. of the TEUT. \f ber in bear; cp. SKR. bhrti = OIR. brith 'the carrying' and see birth. b u r d e n 2 'the refrain of a song' ME. burdoun: loanword from FR. bourdon, orig. 'a drone-bee' ( = SPAN, bordon, IT. bordone 'a drone' from LAT. burdo 'a d r o n e ' ) ; cp. MLG. bar dun 'tenor; a musical instrument'. b u r g e s s ME. burgeis: loanword from OFR. burgeis FR. bourgeois (LAT. type burgensis from burgus 'town'). — b u r g h e r b o r r o w e d from DU. burger = MLG. borgere, OHG. burgari MHG. burg are burger G. burger: deriv. o f TEUT. burgcp. borough. b u r i a l ME. buriel biriel prop. buriels biriels OE. byr^els 'tomb' ( — OSAX. burgisli 'tomb"): deriv. from the OE. vb. byryin (OSAX. *burgiari); c p . bury. b u r i n 'an engraver's t o o l ' : borTEUT. bupljan. TEUT. bopla= r o w e d from FR. burin; perh. of ARYAN bhu-tlo- belongs to the T e u t . origin; cp. OHG. bora 'a INDO-TEUT. V~bh& 'dwell, reside' borer' (see under bore). ( c p . be, bower scad, booth). F o r b u r l y ME. burli borli OE. *burthe A R Y A N tl- suffix cp. needle. lice. Akin to OHG. buro- 'very' b u l l ME. buie; OE. only in in burolang boralang 'very long' dimin. bulluc = ME. E. hillock', and perh. to SKR. bhuri 'much'? c p . the synon. DU. bui, LG. bulle, b u r n vb. ME. berne OE. bcernan ON. boli, DAN. boll 'a castrated bull'; ber nan tr. (by r nan intr.). Cp. LITH. bullus is primit. related. synon. MHG. brinnen intr. a n d Whether the E. bull is orig. a its causative brennen; G. brennen SCAND. loanword, is uncertain. intr. and tr., GOTH. brinna?i intr. b u r d e n 1 'a l o a d ' ME. birthen and brannjan tr. Only one n b e OE. byrden = OSAX. burthinnia longs to the TEUT. y " bren, as ' b u r d e n ' ; cp. the equival. OHG. shown by bryne 'conflagration'. bougran, MHG. buckeram). Source a n d history unknown. buckwheat = DU. boekweit, MLG. bòkwète, G. buchweizen, DAN. boghvede : lit. 'beech-wheat' from the resemblance of its seeds to the mast of the beech-tree. T h e E. w o r d is o f continental origin. C p . beech. b u d ME. budde\ perh. akin to FR. bouton, DU. bot 'bud'. History a n d source uncertain. b u g l e 'a buffalo, a hom* ME. biigle: b o r r o w e d from OFR. bugie 'a wild ox' (LAT. buculus, dimin. o f bos 'an ox'). T h e meaning ' h o m ' is short for ' b u g l e - h o r n . b u i l d vb. short forME. bllde (pret. bilde) OE. *byldan (pret. bylde) ; deriv. with vowel mutation from OE. bpld 'house' which g o e s back, as shown by the o l d e r OE. boti bodl, by metathesis to a TEUT. bo-pla- ( = ON. bài, DU. boedel, OSAx. bodlos plur., OFRIS. bodel bold. OE. byldan (bytlan) is a
burnish — butter
burnish vb. ME. burnisshe bur- busk 'a support for a woman's nisse: loanword from OFR. bur- stays' borrowed from FR. busc niss-, the stem of certain parts busque orig. 'the whole bodice', of burnir brunir == FR. brunir. prob. a corruption of bust. burr ME. burre 'a bur'; cp. sw. b u s s 1 'a herring-boat' ME. busse kardborre 'a burdock', DAN. borre, OE. butse (in butsecarlas) = DU. N . F R I S . bor, H E L G O L . borren 'bur- buis, OHG. biizo, ON. bitza. The dock*. O E . *burre, if for T E U T . Rom. shows similar words: MED.burzon-, may be deriv. from the LAT. bussa buscia 'a kind of boat', T E U T . V~bars in G. borste ; cp. OFR. busse buse buce. Source bristle. unknown. burst vb. ME. berste OE. berstan; b u s s 2 'kiss' = G. dial, bussen cp. synon. OSAX. br'estan, L G . D U . 'kiss'; cp. also S P A N , buz 'a kiss bersten, OHG. br'estan MHG. bresten of reverence'; perh. orig. a chilG. bersten, ON. bresta. Cp. an dish onomatopoeia. Aryan bhrest in OIR. brissim b u s t from F R . buste (== I T . S P A N . busto), whence also G. bilste. 'break' (ss for si). bury vb. ME. burie birie OE. bustle vb. ME. bustele 'wander byriym byryxn wk.vb.; akin to OE. blindly or stupidly'; perh. akin byryzn 'tomb* — byr^els under to G. (dial.) pusseln 'bustle', ICEL. burial, TEUT. burgjan belongs bustla 'bustle'? perh. with OE. beorg 'mound, place b u s y ME. bisy OE. bisii = DU. of burial' to the T E U T . V b e r g in bezig, LG.besig: TEUT. base *bisiga-. G O T H . bairgan, D U . G. bergen, OE. but ME. biite shortened for buten beorgan 'protect, shelter, secure'. OE. btitan conj. 'except' — prep, bury in place-names see bo- 'besides, without' = DU. buiten 'except'. Contr. from be-utan\ rough. b u s h ME. bush older busk', ident. cp. G. ausser and E. out. with OHG. busk G. busch, DU. butcher ME. bocher earlier toubosch bos and a ROM. bosco (— cher'. borrowed from FR. boucher FR. bois, IT. bosco). Uncertain 'one who kills h e-goats' (deriv. buck). whether of Teut. or ofLat. origin. of FR. bouc = b u s h 'a thicket' ME. busch busk butler ME. buteler bot{e)Ur fr. — OHG. busc G. busch, DU. bosch", OFR. bouteiller: deriv. of bottle. akin to FR. bois, IT. bosco. Orig. butt borrowed from OFR. boute, derived as LAT. *buxicum from F R . botte (== S P A N , bota, I T . botte) LAT. buxus = box} 'a butt, cask'. A..¡11 to OE. bytt busk vb. 'get one's self ready' 'hose, a leather bottle', OHG. butin ME. buske 'prepare one'self': of G. biitte. Scand. origin; cp. ON. buask 'pre- butter ME. butere OE. butere pare'. Cp. bound a d j . butore = G. butter, DU. botcr,
buttock — caitiff
LG. hotter', source LAT. butyrum (cp. FR. beurre, IT. burro) — GR. (iovtvgov.— butterfly ME.butterJlie OE. butor-fltoge = DU. botervlieg; cp. G. dial, buttervogel 'a butterfly' and the G. dial, synonyms milchdieb and molkenstehler. buttock ME. buttok with dimin. suffix (cp. hillock) fr. OFR. bot (FR. bout) an end'; cp. butt-end. button ME. bUtoun: borrowed FR. bouton 'a bud, a button'. buttress 'a support' (in architecture) ME. buteras butresi borrowed from OFR. bouterets, prop, plur. of bouteret 'a buttress'; cp. FR. boter bouter 'thrust, prop', buxom ME. buxom older ibii.\-
sum from OE. bugan —— bow, the old meaning was 'obedient, obliging'. Akin to DU. buigzaam, G. biegsam 'submissive'. buy vb. ME. Me earlier bigge OE. byigan 'purchase' = OSAX. buggian, GOTH, bugjan 'buy'. buzzard ME. busor.. short for bfisard: loanword fromFR. busard by-form of FR. buse 'buzzard' ( = LAT. buteo 'buzzard'), whence also DU. buizerd, G. bushart. by ME. OE. bt (but be- as prefix) =
OHG. MHG. bi
DU. bij\ GOTH, bi means 'round, round about' and thus connection with GR. nu(fi\ LAT. ambibecomes possible.
c cabbage earlier cabbac'ie from kotnbuis, FR. cambuse. Prob. akin FR. dial, caboche = FR. cabus (DU.to E. cabin. kabuis), IT. capuccio, G. kappes cackle vb. ME. kakle = DU. LG. OHG. kabuy. orig. deriv. of LA.. kakelen, G. kakeln, sw. kackla, caput 'head'. DAN. kagle 'cackle'. Onomatocabin ME. caban\ borrowed poetic formations. from F R . cabane I T . MED.-LAT. cage ME. edge: adapt, of FR. co^inna 'a cabin'. Source and cage — IT. gabbia gaggia dial. tory unknown. cabbia', source LAT. cavea, whence cable ME. cdble ( = G. DU. SW. also OHG. chfvia G. kafig 'cage'. DAN. kabec) : ^uapt. of FR. câble. cairn borrowed from GAEL. I R . Source LAT. capulum 'a rope' W. cam 'a pile, rock'? (LAT. capere 'take, hold). caitiff ME. caitlf 'a captive': caboose ident. with DU. kabuis, loanword from ONFR. caitif 'a G. kabiise, DAN. kabys. Earlier wretch' (whence also DU. katijvig E. foftp comboose ident. with DU. ODU. catijf caitijf) = FR. chitif ENGLISH
cajole —
mean, vile' (IT. cattivo = LAT. captwus 'captive'), cajole vb. = FR. cajoler 'coax' (OFR. cageoler 'chatter like a bird in a cage, prate', deriv. of FR. cage = E. cage). cake ME. cdke OE. *caca (inferred from the dimin. formation OE. ietil lilel, TEUT. base kakila-) = ON. s w . kaka, DAN. kage 'cake'. Akin to OSAX. koko, DU. koek, sc. cooky (also OE. ccecil ME. kechel from the dimin. GOTH. *kdkila-), OHG. kuocho G. kuchen. T h e base kakan- k&kan- is genuine TEUT. ca(u)ldron ME. caudroun". borrowed from AFR. * caudroun = FR. chaudron ( = IT. calderone 'a large kettle'). Source LAT. caldaria 'a kettle for hot water' (caldus calidus 'hot'). T h e I of modern spelling is inserted in imitation ofLAT. (Scotch still caudrori).
cauquer 'tread' (source LAT. calcare 'tread down'). call vb. ME. calle OE. (c. 950) callian (once misspelled ceallian): a SCAND. loanword cp. ON. kalla 'say, call, name' (sw. kalla, DAN. kalde 'call'): ident. with DU. kallen, OHG. kallon', cp. SKR. V~gir 'call, praise'. callous from LAT. callosus 'hardskinned' (LAT. callus 'hard skin'). callow adj. ME. calcnve calu OE. calu (calw-) — DU. kaal, OHG. kalo (infl. kalawir) G. kahl: an early LAT. loanword=LAT. calvus (whence FR. chauve, IT. SPAN. calvo), which is of Aryan origin (cp. SKR. kulva, AVEST. kaourva 'callow'). calm ME. calme ( = DU. kalni) from FR. calme ( = SPAN. IT. calma 'calmness, still weather'). Source MED.-LAT. cautna'the heat of the sun' = GR. y.avfia 'great heat', I being due to association w. LAT. calor.
calf 1 ME. calf OE. cealf= OSAX. DU. LG. sw. calf, ON. kdlfr, OHG. G. kali; GOTH. has only a fem. cambric borrowed from FR. kalbo 'heifer' (OHG. chalba G. cambray, so called from Cambrai kalbe f. 'a calf'). Outside of (FLEM. DU. KamerijK), a town of TEUT., there is a series of words northern France where it was with the base glbh- in SKR. first made (hence G. kammergarbha 'the womb, an embryo', tucK). See arras and lawn'-. GR. ¿eXcprg 'womb' and its deriv. c a m p borrowed from FR. camp adskrpog 'brother' — dihpdS, 'a 'field, army' = LAT. campus 'field'. young pig'. — campaign from FR. camcalP ME. calf; perh. adopt, of pa(t)gne 'an open field, a miliON. kdlfi = NORW. kalve, sw. tary campaign'. kalf (ben-kalf) 'calf of the leg'. camphor borrowed from FR.
ca(u)lk vb. ME. cauke 'tread camphre — IT. canfora, G. kampfer, as a cock': borrowed from OFR. DU. kamfer.
can — card
c a n v b . ME. OE. can = GOTII. | DU. kap 'cap'). Source LAT. cappa\ 1 kann, OSAX. OHG. kan G. kann. ident. with cape and cope. The TEUT. vb. kur,nan is akin to cape 1 ME. cape: borrowed from keen', the ARYANgen see under ONFR. cape ( = IT. LAT. cappa 'a know. cloak, cape'): i< ent. with cap. can sb. ME. OE. canne = DU. kan cape 2 'a headland' borrowed 'a pot, mug', OHG. kanna G. kanne, from FR. cap 'cape, headland, ON. kanna, GOTH. *kanno. The head' = G. kap, IT. capo. Source TEUT. word passed into FR. (OFR. LAT. caput 'head'. canne FR. dimin. canette 'a jug'). caper from FR. capre ( = IT. canary = SPAN, canario 'bird' cappero, DU. kapper, G. kaper): = FR. canari\ cp. G. kanarien- source LAT. capparis. vogel 'canary-bird', DAN. canarie- capon ME. capoun late OE. (c. fugl, s\v. canariefogel, DU. kanarie- 1 0 0 0 ) capiin fr. ONFR. capon (FR. vogel 'canary-bird'; so named chapon) : source LAT. cappo{nem), after the Canary islands. whence also G. kapaun and OHG. candle ME. candle candel OH. kappo. candel: early loanword fr. LAT. captain ME. capitain from FR. candela, whence also IT. candela. capitaine (LAT. type capitaneus capitanus, deriv. of LAT. caput Cp. chandelier. chieftain. cane ME. cane". borrowed from 'head'). Ident. w. FR. canne = IT. canna 'a reed, car ME. carre (by-form charre)'. a cane', LAT. canna. borrowed from ONFR. carre (FR. canker ME. cancre late OE. char). Source LAT.-GALL. carrus cancer fr. ONFR. cancre (FR. (BUET. IR. W. carr) 'chariot', chancre): source LAT. cancer, whence also IT. carro, DU. kar, whence also G. DU. kanker. OHG. OHG. charra charro 'cart' G. karre karren. kankur. canon ME. canoun-. adapt, of caraway borrowed from FR. FR. canon. Source LAT. canon carvi — IT. carvi, LAT. careum (GR. xai'd.v) 'a rule, standard of 'caraway'; cp. DU. karwij, G. karbe. right'. carbuncle ME. carbucle: borcanvas ME. can(e)vas ( = DU. rowed from ONFR. carbuncle carkanefas, G. cannevas kanevas, sw. boucle (FR. escarboucle-, ident. with kanfass, DAN. kannevas)'. borrow- IT. carbonchio, DU. karbonkel, G. ed from ONFR. canevas (LAT. type karbunkef)'. LAT. carbunculus 'a canabacius, deriv. of cannabis glowing coal, gem, boil', dimin. 'hemp 1 ), of car bo. cap ME. cappe OE. cappe 'cloak' card 1 ME. card", borrowed from ( = OHG. kappa 'cloak' G. kappe, FR. carte 'a card, ticket, bill,
card 2 — cashier.
map, chart'; ident. with DU. kaart, G. karte, IT. carta. Source LAT. c{h)arta 'a card, paper'. card 2 ME. carde\ adapt, from FR. carde', ident. with the synon. DU. kaarde, OHG. Charta G. karte, SPAN, car da, IT. cardo 'a card'. Source LAT. Carduus 'a thistle'. care ME. cdre OE. caru (cearu) 'sorrow, suffering, grief" = OSAX. OHG. kara 'lament' (G. kar- in karfreitag 'Good Friday'; MHG. G. karwoche 'Passion week ) = GOTH. kara sorrow'. A cognate vb. (meaning 'sigh') is preserved in OHG. quer an (GOTH. *qalran). Cp. chary. carol ME. carole 'dance, song' from OFR. carole 'a kind of dance, also a carol or Christmas song'. Of CELT, origin (BRET. koroll 'a dance', MANX carval 'a carol', w. carol 'a song', GAEL, carull 'melody, harmony'). carp ME. carpe — DU. kirper, OHG. charpho karfo G. karpfen, ON. karfe, sw. karp, DAN. karpe. Ident. with late LAT. carpa = FR. carpe, IT. SPAN, carpa. carp vb. ME. carpe carp at, talk, say : adapt, of ON. karpa 'boast, brag'. The present meaning is prob, an outgrowth of the associated idea in LAT. carpert 'pluck'. carpenter ME. carpenter', borrowed from ONFR. carpentier (FR. charpentier). Source LAT. carpentum 'carriage'. carriage ME. cartage '1 urden, baggage': borrowed from ONFR.
cariage (FR. charriage), deriv. of carier = E. carry. carrion ME. carioti caroine = DU. karonje', cp. also ME. crgne, ODU. kronie'. adapt, of ONFR. caroigne (OFR. charoigne = FR. charogne)', LAT. type carortia 'a carcass' fr. caro 'flesh*. carry vb. ME. carte \ adapt, from ONFR. carier (FR. charrier)', LAT. type carricare 'carry' (LAT. carrus 'a cart, car'; cp. car). cart ME. cart fr. ON.&zr/r; ident. w. OE. crcet plur. cratu chariot' = DU. krat 'hindpart of a cart': of Celt, origin; cp. OIR. cret a wain-body. cartridge with intensive r for cartidge, a corruption of cartouche — FR. cartouche (IT. cartoccio 'cartridge', deriv. of LAT. charta paper'). carve vb. ME. kerve OE. ieorfan = DU. kerven, G. kerben notch, indent' (GOTH. *kairfan, OHG. *kerban not found). The V~kerf appears in GR. yyar/m 'scratch, write". case 1 ME. cds case', borrowed from FR. cas (SPAN. IT. caso 'circumstance, chance'). Source LAT casus. Ci.se' ME. cdce cdsse: adapt, liom OFR. casse FR. caisse; source LAT. capsa 'box, cover". cash from FR. casse. Hence cashier sb. cashier vb. 'dismiss from service' ( = G. kassiren)'. from FR. casser 'discharge".
cask — caution
cask borrowed from FR. casque chacepoï) ; c p . G. hilnervogt title
'a cask, helmet' (— IT. casco 'a of a tax-gatherer.
helmet'). c a t e r sb. ME.catour acatour achacasket corrupted from FR. cas- tour 'a buyer of provisions, a sette 'a small casket', dimin. of caterer' : source ONFR. acat = F R .
achat 'a buying, purchase', whence FR. casse 'a chest, box', Orig. LAT. type c a s s o c k : &da.pt.iromtt.casaque FR. acheter. ( I T . casacca
'an outer coat',
S P A N . accaptare.
caterpillar earlier form late ME. cast vb. ME. caste", a Scand. caterpel corrupted from OFR.
casaca 'a great-coat, surtout).
loanword; cp.ON. sw.kasta, DAN. chatepeleuse 'a weevil' lit. 'a hairy she-cat': OFR. chate 'a she-cat* kaste 'throw'. c a s t e 'a breed, race' = G. kaste, + peleuse (LAT. pilosus) 'hairy'. — FR. caste', borrowed from SPAN. caterwaul ME. caterwawe shows the E. word cat in an extended casta 'breed, race, caste'.
ME. wawe castle ME. late OE. castel (also form like caterpillar; ODU. DU. kasteel) 'make a noise' is imitative. 'a castle, village': borrowed (c. catkin dimin. of cat; cp. G. iooo) fr. ONFR. castel (OFR. chaste! kàtzchen 'catkin'. ME. castêl =
— FR. château). Source LAT. ca-
cattle ME. cat(l (chatel, w h e n c e
: borrowed from ONFR. cat ME. OE. cat (It): borrowed catel (OFR. chatei)", s o u r c e MED.from OIR. CORN, cat or from LAT. capitale 'capital, property'. caudle ME. caudfl". borrowed ONFR. cat ( F R . chat) and ident. with G. katzc, ON. kottr, NORW. from ONFR. caudel (chaudel — F R .
E . chattel)
sw.katta. T h e w o r d (base cattu-s) chaudeau) 'a warm drink' ; deriv.
is in use in the Teut. Rom. Celt, o f FR. chaud 'hot' (LAT. caldus languages; cp. cattus 'cat'.
late LAT. catta calidus 'warm').
cause ME. cause: adapt, from catch vb. ME. cacche (with the FR. cause (by-form chose) 'a cause, earlier by-form c{cheri) \ borrowed thing' = IT. LAT. causa. from ONFR. cacher ( = F R . chasser, causeway causey corruption S P A N , cazar, IT. cacciare), whence of causey (due to confusion with also ODU. caetsen 'to chase' DU. way) ME. causé from ONFR. cauce kaatsen 'play ball' and MLG. katzen (whence
ODU. casscie)
'play ball'. Source a LAT. type FR. chaussée", LAT. t y p e (via) *cal*captiare =
captare 'catch'.
— data 'a p a v e d (way)' fr. calciare
Hence catchpoll ME. cacchepol'pave'. late OE. cceiepol prop, 'catcher caution ME.caucioun". borrowed of poultry' (cp. FR. poule under f r o m 'Eli., caution (IT. cauzione) ONFR. *cachepol (OFR. LAT. cautio 'caution'.
fou It) =
cave — champion
cave ME. cave : adapt, from FR. chair ME. chaire'. adapt, from cave'a cave' ( = I T . cava)', source FR. chaire (OFR. cha-ere)\ source LAT. cathedra (GR. xa&sdga) 'a LAT. cavus 'hollow'. cease ME. c{sse cçse : adapt, of chair, seat'. chalice ME. c(h)alice: b o r r o w e d FR. cesser = IT. LAT. cessare. ceil ciel ME. cèle sçle vb. lit. from OFR. chalice (calice = FR. 'emboss' from an earlier syle cyll calice, IT. calice)'. source LAT. 'a canopy': source FR. ciel 'a ca- calic-, stem oicalix 'a cup'. From nopy' (FR. ciel, SPAN. IT. cielo .the same source also OE. cdlii, 'heaven, canopy, r o o f = LAT. OSAX. kelik, DU. kelk, OHG. kelih G. kflch'. ccelutn 'heaven'). cerge ME. cerge ; adapt, from chalk ME. chalk OE. (ealc 'chalk, FR. cierge (IT. cero) ; source LAT. lime' = DU. G. kalk, ON. S\V. DAN. kalk\ early loanword from cereus 'a wax taper'. certain ME. certein certain', bor- LAT. ealc- stem o f calx 'limer o w e d from FR. certain ( = IT. stone, chalk' (whence also FR. certano) from ~LA.T.certanus, deriv. chaux, IT. calce, IR. GAEL, cailc, w. calch lime'). o f certus. chafe ME. chaufe 'warm': adapt, challenge sb. ME. chalenge o f FR. chauffer', source a LAT. 'claim': adapt, from OFR. chalentype caleficare (== LAT. calefacere) gier; cp. IT. calogna 'accusation* 'make warm'. = LAT. calumnia 'a slander, false chafer ME. *châfer OE. ¿eafor : accusation', TEUT. base kafru-; c p . t h e synon. chamber ME. chaumbre'. borrru. kever, OHG. chévaro G. kàfer rowed from FR.chambre) cp. IT. (GOTH. *kifra *kafrus). Perh. camera — LAT. camera camara chaff is cognate. 'a vault, a (vaulted) r o o m ' ; chaff ME. chaf OE. leaf ( = DU. ident. w. DU. kamer, OHG. chamara LG. kaf)', akin to OHG. cheva ' p o d , G. kammer 'chamber, office'. — chamberlain ME. chaumberlein: husk' and perh. to chafer. chaffer ME. chaffere chaffare borrowed from OFR. chatnbrelein earlier chap-fare = OE. ééap 'a chambrelenc (SPAN, camarlengo, bargain' -f- faru 'a journey' also IT. camarlingo earnerlengo) ; ident. 'business'; cp. ON. kaupfgr 'a w. MED.-LAT. camar- camerlingus, OHG. chart: AT line G. kammerling, journey'. chaffinch prop, 'the chaff- formed with suffix line and LAT. camera. finch'. chain sb. ME. chaine'. borrowed champion ME. chaumpioun: borfrom FR. chaîne OFR. chaine (= rowed fr. FR. champion (cp. DU. IT. LAT. catena)', ident. with DU. kampioen). LAT. type campio, IT. keten, OHG. chetinna G. kette. campione 'a combatant' (campus
chance — chapter
'a battle, duel'). From the same source OE. cempa, OHG. chemph{i)o MHG. kempfe, OLG. kempio, ON. kappi 'warrior, hero'. c h a n c e ME. chaunce\ adapt, of FR. chance (whence also MHG. G.schanze) but DU. kans fr. ONFR. cance)\ OFR. che-ance, IT. cadenza point to a LAT. type cadentia 'a falling, chance' (esp. in diceplaying). chancel ME. chauncéh borrowed from OFR. chancel ; MED.-LAT. cancelli plur. 'a grating, lattice-work', whence OHG. cancella chanzella G. kanzel'pulpit', DU. kansel. — chancellor ME. chauncelfr chaunselfr: borrowed from FR.chancelier (LAT. type cancellarius 'a chancellor', orig. 'an officer near the screen before the judge's bench', deriv. oi~LKT.cancellus 'grating). Ident. w. OHG. chancilàri MHG. kanzelcere G. kanzler, DU. kanselier, DAN. SW. kansler, ICEL. kanzellari. — chancery ME. chauncerte earlier chauncellerie: adapt, of FR. chancellerie (ident. w. IT. cancelleria, DU. kanselarij, G. kanzlei, DAN. cancelli, sw. kansli). chandelier from FR. chandelier — SPAN, candelero, IT. canddliere ; LAT. type candelarius also in DU. kandelaar\ cp. candle. — chandler ME. chaundelér ; loanword fr. FR. chandelier 'a candlemaker, candle-stick' = IT. candelaio: LAT. type candelarius. c h a n g e vb.ME.chaungei adapt. ( = S P A N . cambiar,
fromFR. changer
IT. cambiare cangiare)', source LAT. cambiare "change, exchange'. c h a n n e l ME. chanelle\ adapt, from OFR. chanel", ident. w. E. canal ( = FR. SPAN, canal, IT. canale, T>xs.kanaal, G. sw. kanal). c h a n t vb. ME. chaunle: adapt, from FR. chanter ( = SPAN, cantar, IT. LAT. cantare 'sing'). c h a p vb. ME. chappe 'cut, chop' = MDU. DU. kappen, DAN. kappe, sw. kappa. chapel ME. chapele\ borrowed from FR. chapelle ( = IT. LAT. capella, OHG. kap'ella G. kapelle, DU. DAN. kapel, sw. kapell). LAT. capella (dimin. of capo) signified 'a cape'; the chapel itself where the cloak of St. Martin and other relics were preserved first pbtained the name capella; then from the 7 th cent, the use of the word became general. Cp. cape. chaplain ME. chapelein: borrowed from FR. chapelain ( = SPAN. capellan, IT. capellano, MED.-LAT. capellanus, orig. 'the priest guarding the cloak of St. Martin'). Cp. MHG. kapellan G. kaplan, DU. kapelaan, DAN. sw. kapellan. c h a p m a n ME. chapman 'a merchant' shortened for OE. chapman = DU. koopman, OHG. choufman G. kau/mann. For OE. i(ap 'bargain, trade' cp. cheap. chapter ME. chapitrc. adapt, of FR. chapitre — LAT. capitulum 'a chapter of a book', whence also G. kapitel 'chapter of a book'.
char — cheek
char vb. ME. cherre OE. ¿yrran châtier ( = SPAN, castigar, IT. wk. vb. 'turn' : TEUT. base karrjan LAT. castigare) ; ident. w. G. kasteien, ODU. castîen. — chastise or karzjan ? See ajar. charge vb. ME. charge; adapt, vb. ME. chastise for the shorter of FR. charger (IT. caricare, MED.- chastie 'chasten'; see chaste vb. chattel ME. chatel chetel, ident. LAT. carricare 'load a car') ; deriv. source OFR. chatel. of LAT. carrus — car. — charge w. cattle', chatter vb. ME. chat(e)re (chitere) sb. ME. charge', adapt, from FR. 'chatter', an imitative word. charge (IT. carica) 'a. load', c h a u d r o n 'entrails': borrowed chariot ME. chariot', borrowed from FR. chariot, dimin. of char from OFR. chaudun cauldun', ident. w. G. kaldaunen. T h e synon. 'a car'. charity ME. charité (cherit() : bor- IT. caldume, Sicilian quadumi, r o w e d from FR. charité (IT. carità Cat. escaldums point to vulgar LAT. *caldûmen. — LAT. caritateni). cheap ME. ch{p 'trade, barter, c h a r m ME. charme', borrowed from FR. charme 'an enchant- price* OE. êçap 'price' = OSAX. ment'; source LAT. carmen 'a kop, DU. koop, OHG. kouf G. kauf 'trade, traffic'; source LAT. song, enchantment'. chart ident. w. G. karte, DU. caupo 'huckster'. cheat vb. ME. chtfe short for kaart; borrowed from FR. charte', T h e meaning source LAT. charta. — charter eschçte 'escheat'. ME. chartre charter', adapt, of 'defraud' was ushered in in the FR. chartre 'a charter' (LAT. 16th cent, on account of the unscrupulousness o f the escheachartula 'a little paper'). Cp. escheat. chary ME. chdri OE. ieariJ ters. 'full o f c a r e , sad' = OSAX. checker sb. ME. chektr chekk(rie) OHG. karag (Heliand mòdkarag 'a chess-board' short for escheker 'sad') 'full of care' G. karg 'slow 'the exchequer : loanword from to give'. Cp. care. OFR. eschequier eschakier 'a chesschase vb. ME. châce chdse: bor- board, exchequer' = FR. échiquier IT. scacchiere, MED. - LAT. r o w e d from FR. chasser (Picard. ( = cachier see under cat eft) ; LAT. sca(c)carium). type captiare. — chase ME. cheek ME. chéke OE. ¿e'oce: TEUT. chdce chase', adapt, from FR. base keukôn also in OFRIS. tziake chasse = IT. caccia 'chase'. 'jaw-bone' ( m o d e r n sèkè) ; akin to chaste ME. chdste'. borrowed GOTH, kukjan = EASTFRIS. kukkett from FR. chaste (IT. casto = LAT. 'kiss'. But ME. chéke ch(ke OE. ôeâce castus chaste"). — chaste vb. 'jaw-bone' may also point to 'chastise' ME. chastle also chasty : DU. kaak ODU. câke 'cheek': TEUT. adapt, of OFR. chastier — FR. base kâkôn- kêkon- ; cp. MLG.
cheer — chimney
kâke (fr. *kâko) and kike (fr. TEUT. gtw cp. in OSLOV. zivq zivati 'chew'. *keoka) 'gums, jaw-bone'. cheer sb. ME. chère : adapt, of chich 'a dwarf pea' ME. chiche'. FR. chtre (whence IT. cera). borrowed from FR. chiche 'chickc h e e s e ME. chése OE. ¿¿se (¿yse) = pea' ( = IT. cece, SPAN, chicharo, DU. kaas, OSAX. OHG. kâsi G. kàse : OHG. kichurra G. kicher). Source early loanword from LAT. câseus LAT. cicer. (whence also IT. cascio, SPAN. chicken short for ME. chike OE. queso and OIR. caise). cyien plur. lycnu — DU. keuken cherish vb. ME. cherisshe'. adapt, kieken, G. dial, kuchen kuchlein. of FR. chériss-, stem of some parts TEUT. base kitikîna- is perh. of chérir 'hold dear'; source FR. traceable to OE. COCC = cock. cher = LAT. carus 'dear'. chicory ident. w. DU. chikorei, cherry ME. chery in comp. G. cichork, DAN. cikorie\ adapt, chere- chiri- (plur. cherys cheries of FR. chicorée — IT. cicorea, chiries), a new sing, developed LAT. cichorium ? from the supposed plur; *cheris chide vb. ME. chide OE. ttdan *chtris OE. ¿iris ¿yrs = OHG. 'chide, brawl' : TEUT. base kîdjan. kirsa G. kirsche. Source LAT. cerasus, whence the corresp. chief ME. chéf'. borrowed from Rom. group IT. ciriega, FR. cerise FR. chef = SPAN, cabo, IT. capo ; from a vulgar LAT. type cerçsia. source LAT. caput 'head'. — chieftain ME. chévetain chévec h e s s ME. ches(s)e: borrowed tein: borrowed from OFR. chevefrom OFR. eschecs chess' prop, taine—MED.-LAT. capitânus ; ident. the plur. of eschec 'check' (IT. w. captain. scacco, G. schach, DU. schaaE). child ME. child (plur. childre) Source FERS, shâh 'king'. c h e s t ME. cheste (chiste) OE. OE. iild (plur. ¿ildrti) : TEUT. ¿est (âiste) = DU. kist, OHG. chista base kilpiz- kelpaz-, not found G. kiste, ON. SW. kista, DAN. elsewhere; but perh. akin to kiste. Source LAT. cista (GR. GOTH, inkilpô 'pregnant'. chill ME. chile OE. iyle ¿ele fr. v.i6xrj) 'a box'. c h e s t n u t ME. chestein chastein a TEUT. base kali-; for t h e y " k a l 'chestnut': loanword from OFR. cp. cool and cold. chastaigne = FR. châtaigne and chime ME. chimbe orig. 'cymbal', ident. with OHG. késiinva G. short for orig. ¿imble OE. dimkastanie, DU. kastanje. Source bal(a) : from LAT. cymbalum 'a cymbal', LAT. castanea. c h e w vb. ME. chéwe OE. iéowan c h i m n e y ME.chimnée earlier che— DU. kauwen, MLG. kcuwen, mené: loanword from FR. cheminée OHG. kiuwan G. kauen. A pre- = IT. camminata, OHG. ch(ininâta\
chin — churl
akin to G. kamin. Source LAT. caminus 'hearth'. chin ME. chin OE. ¿in = OSAX. OHG. kinni G. kinn, DU. kin. T h e older meaning 'cheek' cp. in GOTH, kinnus 'cheek'. For a preTEUT. base genu- cp. GR. yivvq 'chin, jaw, jaw-bone', ytvsiac f. 'chin, b e a r d ' ; LAT. gena 'cheek' (dentes genuini 'molar teeth') ; IR. gin 'mouth'; SKR. hanu-s 'jaw', hanavya 'jaw-bone'. c h i n e ME. chine: adapted from OFR. eschine — FR. ¿chine, which with IT. schiena 'the chine, backbone' is traced to OHG. skina 'the shin-bone' G. schtene 'shin, shin-bone, splint'; cp. shin. c h i p vb. ME. chippe 'cut into small pieces' = DU. G. kippeti 'hatch out'. chirp vb. ME. chirpe (chirke)'. an Onomatopoetic word. chisel sb. ME. chisel: borrowed from OFR. cisel = FR. ciseau ( I T . cesello = MED.-LAT. sciselum) 'a chisel'; prob. ult. connected with scindere. chivalry ME. chivalrie'. loanword from FR. chevalerie (deriv. of cheval from LAT. caballus 'a horse"). c h o i c e ME. cJwis(e): borrowed fr. OFR. chois FR. choix 'a choice'. T h e FR. vb. choisir 'choose' points to a TEUT. kausjan; cp. choose. choir earlier quire ME. qu$r: borrowed from FR. choeur 'the choir of a church, a troup of singers': source LAT. chorus 'a band of singers'.
choke ME. choke ; older by-form ME. a-chéke OE. a-âéocian ? Phonology and etymology doubtful. choler ME. cholfr : borrowed from FR. colère IT. collera, LAT. cholera 'bile'). c h o o s e vb. older chiise with obscure p h o n o l o g y , but ME. chfse OE. iéosan 'choose' = OSAX. OHG. kiosan G. kiesen, D U . kiezen, ON. kjosa, GOTH. kiusan : TEUT. y"kus from pre-TEUT-V"gus in LAT. gus-tus — gus-tare, GR. yrvco for ysvaro', SKR. V~ JuS 'choose, like'. T h e TEUT. factitive kausjan (cp. choice) appears in Slav, kusiti. c h o p vb. ME. choppe (chappe) 'cut up, strike off'; akin to DU. G. kappen 'cut, lop', chord cord fr. LAT. chorda. Christmas shortened for ME. Chrtstesmasse OE. Cristesmœsse prop, 'the mass of Christ'. chronicle ME. cronicle with the by-form cronlke (but late OE. cranlc) : from FR. chronique ; ident. w. DU. kronijk, LAT. chronica. c h u r c h ME. chirche OE. eyrie tir le older tiriie — OSAX. kirika, D U . kerk, OHG. kirîcha G. kirche church'. As shown by the E. palatalization and by the G. ch in kirtcha, the word must have existed in the 5 t h cent.; but a GOTH. *kyreiko 'church' is unrecorded. Source GR. y.voiity.ov (not found in LAT. nor in the Rom. languages). churl ME. chéri OE. ¿tori a churl' = DU. kerel, MLG. kerle LG. G. kerl: TEUT. base kërla-. With
churn — clean
claim vb. ME. claime cleitne: oldMHG. karl 'man, borrowed fr. OFR. claimer cleimer husband, lover' ; hence the G. (source LAT. clamare = IT. chiaproper name Karl (LAT. Karolus, mare 'call, name, send for'). FR. E. Charles); clamp sb. after MDU. klampe DU. churn sb. ME. chirne OE. ¿yrne ; klamp, LG. klampe; akin to MHG. the corresp. vb. churn is ME. klimpfen 'draw, press'. chirne OE. iyrnan from a T E U T . clan sb. borrowed from GAEL. base kirnjan — ON. kirna, DU. clann = IR. clann OIR. eland LG. kernen karnen 'make butter' 'children, and the'vessel for making butter', clap vb. ME. clappe OE. clceppianl is ON. kirna, DU. karn, LG. butter- — DU. klappen, LG. klappen kerne. Source a T E U T . base (whence G. klappen), OHG. klaphon kerna- 'cream' in G. (prov.) kern, G. klaffen. ICEL. kjarna 'cream'. clasp ME. claspe, prob. akin to cider ME. slder cider : from FR. clap and OE. clyppan 'embrace*. cidre ( = IT. cidro, SPAN, sidra; clatter vb. ME. clatere OE. source LAT. sicera). *clatorian (inferred from the cigar = F R . cigare, SPAN. I T . verbal noun clatrung 'a clattercigarro. ing') ; akin to DU. klateren cinder sb. ME. cinder sinder OE. 'rattle'. sinder 'dross of iron' = ON. sindr 'slag or dross from a forge', DU. claw sb. ME. clawe (by-form cl() sintels 'cinders, coke', OHG. sintar OE. claivu (by-form clf'a clio) = G. sinter 'dross of iron, scale'. OSAX. klawa, DU. klaauw, OHG. klawa chloa MHG. klawe kla: a cipher sb. ME. ciphre ( = DU. GOTH. *klewa f. is probable, cijfer, G. ziffer) : loanword fr. though ON. kl6 seems to point O F R . cifre F R . ciffre, SPAN, cifra, to *klowa. P r e - T E U T . V"gl u XT. ci/(e)ra. clay ME. clai OE. cldi = DU. cite borrowed from FR. citer LG. klei; akin to OE. cldm 'clay' = LAT. citare (deriv. of LAT. E. (dial.) cloam 'earthenware', citus 'quick'?). citizen ME. citesein formed after OHG. kleimen, SCAND. kleima kllna ME. denizein (cp. denizen) ; the 'besmear'. Outside of TEUT., earlier ME. citeypi is an adapt, of G R . J'AOI: yh in ykoidg 'sticky | OFR. citeien (FR. citoyen). — city oil'. ME. citf : loanword from FR. cité. clean ME. eigne {clfne) OE. clckne , Source LAT. civitatem. OSAX. kleni, DU. kleen klein, ! clack vb. ME. clacke = DU. OHG. kleini 'pretty' G. klein 'small' , klakken 'clack, crack'; akin to ( G O T H . *klai-ni- is wanting). The ' different vowel ON. karl
man', OHG. karal
FR. claquer
'clap in applause'. nasal belongs to the suffix.
clear — cloister
the root syll. cp. GR. yXmnç 'fat klippe, perh. akin to ON. klifa = oil'. — Hence cleanse for ME. climb? clense OE. clénsian 'make clean : climb vb. ME. climbe OE. climban a causative vb. with formative -s. — DU. klimmen, OHG. klimban clear ME. der: borrowed from G. klimmen. The nasal was orig. OFR. der = FR. clair (SPAN, claro, a formative of the pres. tense IT. chiaro from LAT. clarus). as seen by ON. klifa, ME. dive cleave 1 vb. 'adhere' ME. cl(ve 'climb'. The TEUT. Y"klib (cp. OE. deofian = OSAX. klibôn, DU. c l i f f ) may be found in cleave1 kleven, OHG. klebèn G. kleben and cling. 'adhere'; GOTH. *klibôn not clinch vb. ME. clenche OE. *clenrecorded, TEUT. \f klib. ¿ean = OHG. MHG. klenken 'knot cleave 2 vb. 'split' ME. clçve OE. together'. clfofan — OSAX. dioban *clûban, cling vb. ME. clinge OE. ding an; DU. kleven, OHG. klioban chliuban akin to sw. kldnga 'climb', DAN. G. klieben : TEUT. V~klüb : kleub klynge sig .'adhere to, climb'. cogn. w. GR. yXvtfuv 'hollow out', V"kling — \f klimb? Cp. climb. perh. also w. LAT. glubere 'peel'. clip 1 vb. 'embrace' (Shakesp.) cleft ME. dift OE. *dyft = OHG. ME. clippe OE. clyppan. Akin to G. k l u f f , from the TEUT. V~klüb\ OHG. klaflra G. klafter 'fathom'. cp. cleave-. 2 clergy ME. clergie'. borrowed clip vb. 'cut, shear' ME. clippe'. from OFR. dergie = FR. clergé borrowed from ON. sw. klippa (LAT. type clericatus). — clerk 'clip, cut'. ME. clerk late OE. clerc cleric (= cloak by-form cloke ME. cloke: DU. klerk, FR. clerc) ; source LAT. borrowed from OFR. cloke cloque 'a cloak'. dericus. clever not yet found in Shakesp., clock ME. clokke: prob. borrowa recent word, perh. developed ed from ONFR. clocke (FR. cloche); from ME. deliver 'agile, nimble, ident. w. OE. clugge (cluccef), "DU. lively' (from OFR. délivré 'prompt, klok, OHG. glocka G. glocke, ON. alert"). Or cogn. w. LG. klüftig klukka. The ROM.-TEUT. clocca is of CELT, origin; cp. CYMR. 'wise, clever', DU. klüftig? c l e w sb. ME. clçive OE. cl(owen clock, OIR. doc (OCELT. klukko); cliwen 'clew' — DU. kluwen\ TEUT. OE. ducge. base kliujtna- : dimin. of a shorter clod ME. clodde', a var. of clot. base kliujô- = OHG. kliuwa (G. clog ME. clogge 'a lump, block', cloister ME. cloistre: borrowed kiuiuel) 'clew'. cliff ME. dif {cl{ve) OE. clif from OFR. cloistre = FR. cloitre IT. chiostro). (plur. clcofit) = ON. OSAX. D U . ( S P A N , claustra, klif 'a cliff, rock'; cp. G. DAN. Source MED. - LAT. claustrum,
close —
whence also OHG. klostar G. kloster. close ME. clgse: borrowed from the OFR. part, clos = LAT. clausus (OFR. clore = LAT. claudere). — closet ME. closet from FR. closet (dimin. of OFR. clos 'a close'). clot ME. clotte (also clodde, see clod) OE. *clott = MHG. klotz (gen. klotzes) G. klotz. clotbur, clote ME. cldte OE. elate. TEUT. base klaiton-, cogn. w. the equiv. OE. elide, G. klette. cloth shortened for ME. cloth OE. cldp (OE. cildcldp 'swaddling clothes ) = DU. kleed, G. kleid'. TEUT. base klaifia. — clothe vb. ME. clothe (cl{de) OE. clddian (cl'ldan). cloud ME.cloude". scarcely ident. with OE. clud = ME. cloud 'a mass of rock, a hill'; source and history quite unknown. clout ME. * clout OE. clut (whence ON. klutr), ident. with w. clwt, IR. GAEL, clud, MANX clooidl c l o v e 1 ME. clove clowe: borrowed from OFR. clo FR. clou 'a nail'; cp. SPAN, clavo 'a nail' also 'a clove' fr. LAT. clavus a nail'. c l o v e 2 ME. clove OE. clufe'clove' (esp. of garlic), in compounds cluffiung 'crowfoot' — clufwyrt 'buttercup' (cp. OHG. chloblouh khfolouh klovolouh = G. knoblauch, DU. knofook 'garlic' with -n by dissimilation). The orig.meaning appears in OHG. kbbo G. kloben 'a split stick', clover ME. clover (ctiver') OE.
cldfre (clckfre) = DU. klaver; cp. LG. klever (and klaver). A shorter and more primit. form is OHG. kleo (gen. klewes) G. klee\ base klaiw-. T h e formation of OSAX. *klebara = OE. cldfre looks like a compound, the second element of which is unknown.
clown borrowed from ICEL. klunni 'a clumsy, boorish fellow ; SW. dial, klunn 'a log' — kluns 'a clownish fellow", DAN. klunt 'a log'? club ME. clubbe: borrowed from ON. klubba, by-form of ON. klumba 'a club'. — T h e meaning 'association of persons' is a mod. application of a clump of people. cluck vb. ME. clucke clokke OE. claccian (*cluccian) = DU. klokken, MHG. klucken (glucken) G. glucken. T h e TEUT. group is onomatopoetic like LAT. glocire, GR. yXallleiv 'cluck as a hen'. c l u m s y adj. earlier clumse ME. clumsed 'benumbed': orig. part, of ME. clumse 'benumb': of SCAND. origin; cp. sw. (dial.) klummsen 'benumbed', akin to DU. kleumsch 'numb with cold'. cluster ME. cluster OE. clilster (cluster) = LG. kluster: akin to LG. (Hannover) klunder 'cluster of berries or fruit' and (Ditmarsch) klus 'cluster, grapes', DAN. klynge 'cluster'. clutch ME. clucche; connected with cloche 'a claw'. T h e older ME. form is clichen ?
coach —
coach borrowed from FR. coche'. s w . kudde 'cushion', DU. kodde a mod. common EUROP. word 'bag'. from HUNG, koszi 'wagon from coffee = DU. koffij, G. kaffee: the Hung, town Koszi'; cp. SPAN. borrowed from TURK. qahweh — coche, IT. c'occhio, G. kutsche. ARAB, qahweh 'coffee'. coal ME. cgle and col OE. col = DU. kool, OHG. kolo m. — kol n. G. kohle, ON. kol n. plur.; orig. 'a burning c o a l ' ; cp. SKR. ival 'burn bright, flame'. — coalmouse, also colemouse ME. col-mgse OE. colmase ( = DU. koolmees, G. kohlmeise); prop, 'coaltit' on account of its b l a c k h e a d ; from col 'coal' + mdse ME. mpse = G. meise, ON. meistngr, whence FR. misange 'tit-lark*. coast ME.cpst(e)\ borrowed from OFR. cosle (whence also DU. kuste = G. kuste) = FR. cote (IT. costa, MED.-LAT. costa 'coast').
coffer ME. cofre: borrowed from FR. coffre (whence DU. G. koffer). Source LAT. cophinus, GR. y.itfivog 'a basket'. From the same source also coffin ME. coffin: borrowed from OFR. cofin ( = SPAN, cofin, IT. cofano). cog ME. cogge — s w . cugge\ p r o b . o f CELT, o r i g i n , c p . GAEL.
IR. cog, w . cocas 'a c o g ' ? coif ME. coif', borrowed from coiffe from MED.-LAT. cofia co/(e)a; akin to MHG. kuffe OHG. chuppa from OHG. chuph G. kopf. C p . cup. • coil vb. borrowed from OFR. coillir = FR. cueillir 'collect' (LAT. colligere 'gather together'). FR.
coat ME. cote: borrowed from cote = FR. cotte ( = SPAN. coin ME. coin', borrowed from cot a, IT. cotta 'a coat'). Source FR. coin 'wedge' (OFR. coin 'wedge, a TEUT. kotta- in OHG. chozzo stamp upon a coin, a coin"). MHG. kotze 'a coarse woolen Source LAT. cuneus 'wedge*. mantle'. Cp. cot and cote. cold ME. cold OE. cald (¿eald) cock ME. cock OE. coc cocc (perh. = GOTH. kalds, ON. kaldr, OSAX. cogn. w. chicken) = ON. kokkr, kald, OHG. G.kalt, DU. koud: an o l d DAN. kok; ident. w. FR. coq; partic. formation in LAT. -¿us, perh. o f imitative origin. History SKR. -ta-s (GOTH. d from Aryan unknown (earliest reference LAT. t, cp. old, loud, dead e t c . ) . coccus in L e x Salica). OFR.
A TEUT. v e r b a l \f kal
cockle ME. cokel cokkel OE. cocel coccel 'tares' borrowed from IR. eogal 'corn-cockle' (= GAEL. cogall 'tares, cockle') ?
c p . in OE.
calan, ON.kala 'freeze'; a corresp. Aryan gel is seen in LAT. gelu 'the c o l d ' apd gelidus 'cold'. C p . chill and cool.
cod 'husk, shell' ME. cod codde cole ' c a b b a g e ' ME. cpl fr. ONFR. OE. codd'bag' = ON. kodde 'pillow', col = FR. chow, the ME. by-form
collier —
caul = OE. cdwl from LAT. caulem (caulis). Cp. OHG. kol G. kohl. collier ME. coliir: deriv. of coal with -ier as in lawyer. collop ME. colopes'. ident. with SWED. kalops, G. klops', source LG. kloppen (G. klopfeti) 'beat'? color ME. colour from OFR. colour = FR. couleur (LAT. color-em). colt ME. OE. colt 'a young ass'; perh. akin to SKR. gardabha 'ass' ? comb sb. ME. cQtnb OE. camb ' c o m b , crest' = G. kämm, DU. DAN. s w . kam', TEUT. base kambafrom an Aryan gombho- in GR. yo^K/iOQ 'peg' (jituifiij 'jaw'), SKR. iambha 'jaw, teeth*, come vb. ME. come OE. cuman — DU. komen, OSAX. kuman, OHG. koman G. kommen, ON. koma; cp.
cornet COOL ME. OE. Cól =
47 LG. kol, DU.
koel, OHG. kuoli G. kiihl : TEUT. base kolu- from the TEUT. kal kòl under cold. Deriv. keel. coot 'a bird' ME. còte OE. *cot(a) — DU. koet 'coot'. cope vb. 'vie with, match' orig. 'bargain or chaffer with': a loanword fr. vxs.koopen 'buy', cogn. w. OE. ¿(apian 'cheapen' from OE. ¿{ap 'bargain'. Cp. cheap. copper ME. coper OE. copor\ borrowed from vulgar LAT. cuprum 'copper' (orig. cuprium aes 'Cyprian brass'). From the same source OHG. kupfar G. kupfer, DU. koper and FR. cuivre. — copperas ME. coperose from OFR. coperose = IT. copparosa, LAT. cupri rosa lit. 'copper-rose'. GOTH. qiman: a c o m m o n TEUT. copse earlier coppice contr. of str. vb. kuman qeman fr. an Aryan OFR. copeiz derived from OFR. \fgem in SKR. gam, GR. {iaiva, coper (FR. couper) 'cut'. LAT. venio (for *gvemio). cork = G. DAN. s w . kork, comely ME. cumll comly OE. cymlic DU. kurk: borrowed from SPAN. 'fine, handsome'; cogn. w. OHG. corcho 'cork' = LAT. corticem kümig 'delicate, weak' and G.kaum (cortex) 'bark'. 'hardly'. corn 1 'grain' ME. OE. cfrn = cony sb. ME. coni earlier coning DU. koren, G. ON. DAN. SW. korn, — 'rabbit': adapt, from OFR. connin, GOTH. kaurn : TEUT. kornawhence also DU. konijn, G. kanin- pre-TEUT. base grno- cogn. w. chen. Source LAT. cuniculus (OFR. LAT. grànum, RUSS. zerno. conit) in a by-form cuntnus. corn 2 'a hard excrescence on cook sb. ME. cok OE. coc\ loan- toe or foot': borrowed from FR. word fr. ~LKV.coquus, whence OHG. come ( = LAT. cornu 'horn'). G. koch and IT. cuoco, OFR. queux. corner ME. corner: borrowed — T h e vb. cook ME. coke is fr. MED. - LAT. comeria 'comer, derived from the sb. by in- angle' (LAT. cornu 'horn"). fluence of LAT. coquere (== G. cornet ME. cornet cornette1 a horn' : kochen, DU. koken), whence also borrowed fr. FR. cortiet cornette, Fk. cuire 'cook'. dimin. of FR. come 'a horn'.
cornice —
couch-grass sb. ; see quitchgrass. cough ME. coughe (OE. cohhettan) — DU. kugchen, MHG. kûchen. council adapt, fr. FR. concile 'a council, an assembly, session' from LAT. concilium 'an assembly called together'. — counsel ME. conseil counseil: loanword fr. FR. conseil (LAT. consilium 'deliberation'). count sb. (ME. *counte is not recorded, but inferred fr. ME. countesse E. countess) loanword fr. FR. comte 'a count, an earl'. Source LAT. comitem (comes) 'a companion, a count'. count vb. ME. counte: borrowed fr. FR. conter (source LAT. computare 'compute, reckon'). countenance ME. countenaunce'. loanword fr. OFR. contenance 'behavior, carriage' (LAT. continentia 'abstinence'). counter 'contrary' fr. FR. contre = LAT. contra 'against'. counterfeit ME. counterfeit : borrowed fr. OFR. contrefait, part, of contrefaire 'imitate'. counterpane 'a coverlet for a SLAV. (OSLOV. kotïcï'cella'). A k i n bed' earlier counterpoint', loanto cot. word fr. OFR. contrepoinct 'the cottage ME. cotage fr. OFR. CO- quilting stitch'; prop, connected iage'. deriv. of TEUT. kota- under with OFR.contrepoincter 'quilt'; con• trepoinct is a corruption oicoutrecot and cote. cotton ME. cotoun : a loanword poinct coutepoint 'a counterpane' fr. FR. coton = IT. cotone : source (source LAT. culcita puncta 'a stitched quilt'), ARAB, qoton 'cotton'. contré'. couch vb. ME. couche', adapt, country ME. cuntrç fr.. FR. coucher (earlier colcher loanword fr. FR. contrée ( = IT. Source MED. - LAT. — IT. colcare) fr. LAT. collôcare. contradà).
cornice a loanword from OFR. cornice fr. IT. cornice 'a cornice, border, ledge' (LAT. type cornix 'a border' contr. of MED. - LAT. coronix a square frame'). corps ME. corps', a loanword from FR. corps cors from LAT. corpus. corpse ME. corps', borrowed from OFR. corps cors = LAT. corpus. corset dimin. of ME. cors 'a body'; cp. corpse. — corslet corselet', a loanword fr. FR. corselet, dimin. of OFR. cors with suffix -et. cost vb. ME. coste: borrowed fr. OFR. coster (— FR. coûter, LAT. constare), whence also DU. G. kosten. costume ME. custume (and custome): adapt, fr. OFR. costume FR. coutume = IT. costume (MED.LAT. costuma — LAT. consuetudinem). Cp. custom. cot ME. OE. cot = LG. DU. ON. G. kot 'hut': TJEUT. base kuta-. cote (in comp. dove-cote, sheepcote) ME. cçte OE. cot = G. kote. T h e TEUT. word passed into
county •— crab
contrata d e r i v e d fr. LAT. contra (Cp. G. gegend from gegen). c o u n t y ME. counté: b o r r o w e d fr. OFR. conté 'county' (deriv. of FR. comte — count sb.). c o u p l e ME. couple", a d a p t , fr. FR. couple ( = LAT. copula) 'a bond, band'. c o u r a g e ME. cordge: a d a p t , fr. FR. courage (LAT. type coraticum).
from an Aryan stem gow- (go-) in SKR. gaus (acc. gam), jiovg (stem ¡iof), LAT. bos.
c o w vb. (ME. *couwe earlier *cugen are unrecorded): loanword fr. SCAND. kuga 'cow, tyrannize over' = DAN. kue 'cow', sw. kufva 'check, curb'.
c o w a r d ME. couard coward'. b o r r o w e d fr. OFR. couard coart court ME. curt\ borrowed fr. coard — IT. codardo ( f o r m e d OFR. curt cort ( s o u r c e LAT. cortis with suffix -ard and OFR. coe FR. 'a court-yard, palace"). — Hence queue = LAT. Cauda 'tail').
courteous transformed fr. ME. curteis =
cower vb. ME. coure', borrowed
OFR. corteis FR. courtois. fr. ON. kura
cousin ME. cosin cousin', adapt, kiire) 'lie quiet, rest'. fr. FR. cousin (MED.-LAT. cosinus cowl 1 'a monk's hood, a cap, for LAT. consobrinus 'a cousin). hood' ME. couel earlier cuwel cove ME. c(ive OE. cofa 'a chamber,OE. cugle a cowl' ( = MHG. kuget). cave' = ON. kofi 'hut', GOTH. loanword fr. LAT. cucullus ' h o o d : *kuban- is wanting. cowl 2 'a vessel carried on a
c o v e n a n t ME. convenant covenant'. pole': borrowed fr. OFR. cuvel l o a n w o r d fr. FR. convenant cove- = FR. cuveau, prop, 'a little
nant pres. part, of convenir 'agree'. tub' (source LAT. cupa 'a vat, cover vb. ME. covere'. borrowed butt'). fr. OFR. covrir cueuvrir FR. couvrir.
c o w s l i p OE. aislyppe
Source LAT. cooperire 'cover. c o x c o m b corrupted fr. cock's covet vb. ME. cuveite: adapt, comb 'cock's crest'. Cp. cock fr. OFR. cweiter covoiter = FR. a n d comb. convoiter (Lat. type *cupiditare coxswain, cockswain 'steersman 'desire'). of a boat' from cock 'a boat' c o v e y b o r r o w e d fr. OFR. covée and swain 'the person in com= FR. couvée 'a covey of par- mand of the boat', tridges', p r o p . part, of FR. couver coy: adapted fr. OFR. coi (coif). ' h a t c h ' ( s o u r c e LAT. cubare 'lie Source LAT. quietus 'quiet, still'. down"). cozen vb. 'flatter, beguile': COW sb. ME. cu (plur. kle kye) a d a p t . fr.FR. cousiner 'call c o u s i n , OE. cu, (plur. cy) = ON. kyr, s p o n g e ' fr.FR.cousin. Cp. cousin. DU. koe, MLG. ko, OHG. MHG. kuo c r a b 1 ME. crabbe OE. crabba G. kuh'. TEUT. base ko- 'cow' — ORI. krabbi, s w . krabba, DAN. JÎOIULISH ETY'iGi.CHV. 4
crack — cream
krabbe, DU. kr ab, MLG. krabbe (whence G. krabbe)'. akin to OHG. kr'eba5 = G. krebs FR. crabe fr. TEUT. — Ident. w. crab 2 'a kind of apple' ME. crabbe\ a Scand. loanword; cp. sw.krabbäple. — crabbed 'peevish, cramped'; perh. fr. crab crack vb. ME. crake krake OE. cracian — DU. kraken, OHG. krachon chrahJwn G. krachen: TEUT. krak fr. pre-TEUT. grg', cp. SKR. grg 'rustle, crackle*. cracknel formerly crakenel corrupted fr. FR. craquelin 'a cracknel'. cradle ME. crädel OE. cradoh a Celt, loanword, cp. IR. craidhal', GAEL, creathalfa. cradle, a grate'; cp. crate. craft ME. craft OE. craft — OSAX. craft, DU. kracht, G. kraft, ON. kraptr. — crafty ME. craftl OE. er of til — OHG- chreftig G. kräftig. crag ME. crag: borrowed fr. W. craig, GAEL, creag. crake a bird' so named fr. its cry; cp. ME. crake 'cry out' under crack. cram vb. ME. cramme OE. crammian = ON. kremja, sw. krama, DU. kramme 'squeeze', cramp ME. crampe OE. *crgmp (inferred fr. crgmpeht 'full of wrinkles') = DU. LG. kramp, G. krampf. a common WEST-TEUT. term for 'spasm, cramp'. crane ME. crane OE. cran = OLG. krano, DO. kraan, MHG. krane\ with formative guttural OE.
cornue, OHG. chranuh chranih(h) G. kranich; cp. the cogn. GR. ysoavoç, CYMR. garan ; OSLOV. zeravt, LITH. gerwé. LAT. grus (gen. gru-is) agrees with OHG. chreia 'crane'. crank sb. ME. cranke. TEUT. base krank'twist' allied to cramp. cranny ME. crany ; formed by adding E. -y to FR. cran 'a notch', crape borrowed fr. FR. crêpe (OFR. crespe = LAT. crispus). crash vb. a var. of craze and crack: a Scand. loanword; cp. sw. krasa, DAN. krase 'crackle'. Cp. crack. cratch ME.cracche crecche: borrowed fr. OFR. creche (FR. crèche) which is of Teut. origin; cp. OSAX. kribbia 'crib' under crib. crate borrowed fr. LAT. crates 'a hurdle*. cravat ( = G. kravatti) borrowed fr. FR. cravate (from Cravates 'a Croation'). crave vb. ME. crave OE. crafian — ON. krefja 'crave, demand', SW. kràfva 'demand', DAN. krave 'crave, exact'. Perh. the E. word is borrowed from Scand. craven ME. cravant 'beaten, overcome' shortened fr. OFR. cravanté 'oppressed', partie, of cravanter (source a LAT. type *crepantare 'crack, b r e a k ) . craw (by-form crag 'neck, crop') ME. crawe OE. *craga ; GOTH. *kraga is wanting, cream ME. cr{me from FR. crime (OFR. cresme, LAT. cremof).
creed —
creed sb. ME. créât OE. créda\ 'croaking'): TEUT. base krökon loanword fr. LAT. crêdo 'I believe' krakon\ akin to crack? (»credo in deum patrem« etc.) ; crock ME. crocke OE. crocca; cp. the origin of dirge. borrowed fr. OIR. croccan; perh. creek ME. crçke crike (OE. *creoca cogn. with G. krug OHG. kruog, *crica) ; perh. a Scand. loanword LG. krüke, OE. cröh crog. from ON. krike 'crack, nook". croft ME. OE. croft 'small field' creep vb. ME. crçpe OE. crtopan = ODU. krochte 'high and dry str. vb. ; cp. DU. kruipen, LG. land' DU. kroft 'hillock'. krûpen, ON. krjitpa. Akin to G. crook sb. ME. crök OE. *croc kriechen OHG. kriohhan : TEUT. = ON. krökr krdkr 'hook', ODU. \f krup kruq. Cp. cripple. croec, DAN. krog 'hook'. Akin to cress ME. cruse earlier kerse OHG. kräko 'hook' (as E. hook OE. cerse ctzrse\ ident. with G. is to G. hakeri). kresse OHG. kressa, DU. kers and crop ME. cropp OE. cropp. TR. cresson, IT. crescione. Phono- crosier ME. crosfr croisfr. logy, history and origin quite cross ME. cross (whence SCAND. obscure ; common base a LAT. kross, SW.-DAN. kors): borrowed type *crexo(nem) ? from OIR. cross (CYMR. croes). crest ME. creste from OFR. creste Source LAT. crux whence also FR. crete (LAT. crista). FR. croix (ME. crois from OFR. crois); crib ME. cribbe OE. cribb crybb oiR. croch and OHG. OSAX. krüei = OSAX. kribbia, DU. krib, G. G. kreuz point to the infl. LAT. krippe OHG. krippa: TEUT. base crücetn. kribjo (krubjo) akin to OHG. kr'èba. crow vb. ME. crfoue OE. crdwdn Cp. cratch. crimson ME. crimosin from OFR. = DU. kraaien, G. krähen OHG. kräcn: TEUT. base a str. vb. cratnoisin = FR. cramoisi. cringe vb. ME. cringe OE. cren- krtjan, but orig. not restricted gan : TEUT. base krangjan, deriv. to the cock's crowing as shown from OE. cringan 'sink, fall in by the sb. crow ME. crgwe OE. battle', cogn. w. G. krank 'sick'. crdwe — G. krähe OHG. kräia. cripple ME. cripel OE. crypel — crowd vb. ME. croude OE. DU. kreupel 'cripple'; prop, 'a man crüdan str. vb. 'crowd, press' = who creeps'; TEUT. base krupila-, ODU. crüden 'push, thrust' (DU. kruieti), MLG. kruden kroden vb. deriv. fr. V~ krup in creep. crisp ME. OE. crisp = OHG. 'molest': TEUT. yf krüd. krisp : an early loanword fr. LAT. crown ME. crüne (whence ON. crispus 'curled', kriina, cp". ODU. crüne DU. kruiri) croak vb. ME. crçfke OE. *crdcianearlier by-form coroune corüne: (inferred from OE- crœcetung borrowed during the reign of 4*
cruel — curb
William the Conqueror fr. OFR. cuff sb. ME. cuffe coffe 'sleeve'; corone = FR. couronne 'crown'. perh. ident. w. late OE. cuffie Source LAT. corona 'crown', 'coif' under coif. whence also OE. corenb(ag 'crown' cull vb. ME. culle (cole coille) and OHG. kor&na G. krone. vb. 'gather, select' fr. OFR. coillir cruel ME. crufl (crfw(l) fr. FR. = FR. cueillir 'collect' (source cruel — LAT. crudelis 'severe' in LAT. colligere). a vulgar form cruddlis. culver ME. culver (colver) OE. crumb = ME. crombe short for culfre culufre 'dove'; not found croume OE. criima (cp. thumb in the other TEUT. languages, OE. piima) = DU. kruim ODU. prob. of LAT. origin: LAT. columba crume, LG. G. krume (OSAX. *kriima). 'dove' in a vulgar form *colubra ? T h e m is derivative; cp. the cumber vb. ME. cumbre vb. TEUT. kru in G. krauen OHG. 'annoy' fr. OFR. combrer, whence also G. kummer MHG. kumber', the krouwbn vb. 'scratch'. cruse ME. crouse OE. cruse (cp. base MED.-LAT. combrus 'rubbish, E.. room OE. rum) = ODU. kruis, bank of earth, ruins' rests on a MHG. kruse G. krause; akin to GALL.-LAT. combero• 'that which is carried together'. ODU. DU. kroes, ME. eras. crust ME. cruste fr. OFR. cruste c u m m i n ME. comin late OE. FR. croute = LAT. crusta 'crust cumin (= DU. komijn) fr. OFR. comin = FR. cumin. Source of bread'. crutch ME. crucche OE. cryii = LAT. cuminum, whence also a DU. kruk, OHG. cruccha G. krilcke TEUT. kumin in OE. cymen, OHG. 'crutch': TEUT. base krukjo-; kumin kumil G. kummel. ident. w. IT. croccia 'crutch', FR. c u n n i n g ME. cunninge'. deriv. crosse, which rest on a LAT. of OE. cumian =: know. criicea, deriv. of crux crucis C u p ME. 0E. CUppe ' c u p ' = MHG. cross'. Therefore crutch krukja kopf, ODU. kop 'beaker, cup': crucea meant originally 'stick loanword fr. LAT. cuppa (cupa), having a cross'. whence also OE. ME. cop (copp) cry vb. ME. crie: adapted fr. 'summit, head', G. kopf 'head'. FR. crier 'cry'. cur ME. curre corre — ODU. cuckold ME. cukewoldx trans- korre 'watch-dog', SWED. (dial.) formation of FR. coucou 'cuckoo', kurra 'a dog'; cp. LG. G. (dial.) whence also E. cuckoo ME. kurren vb. 'growl'. Therefore cur cuckou, prop, 'a growler'? cudgel OE. cyigel-. dimin. of curate see cure. a lost primitive OE. *cydg\ base curb vb. ME. curbe 'to bend* kugja- ? fr. FR. courber 'bend'.
curd —
curd vb. w. metathesis fr. ME. I curtain sb. ME. curiin cortin fr. LAT. (also IT. crudde vb.: a CELT, loanword, | OFR. cortine = deriv. fr. IR. gruth 'curds'? or S P A N . ) cortina 'curtain'. cogn. with crowd? cp. LAT. coagu- curve adj. fr. LAT. curvus lum fr. cog ere ? 'crooked'. cure ME. aire fr. FR. cure — cushion ME. cusshin (cusshen — LAT. cura. — curate ME. curat cusshori) cussin quissln (,quisshen) = M E D . - L A T . curatus (in F R . fr. OFR. coissin = FR. coussin pronunciation; cp. curious ME. 'cushion'; cj). S P A N , coxin, I T . curious fr. LAT. ciiriosusT). cuscino and ident. w. DU. kussen curfew ME. curffu (curfew) fr. ODU. cussin, G. kussen kissen OHG. OFR. covrefeu (cp. poor fr. OFR. kussln 'cushion'. Source a MED.povre)\ prop, the sign for put- LAT. coxvium prop, deriv. of LAT. coxa 'hip, haunch' = FR. cuisse ting out fires, 'thigh', whence E. (Shakesp.) curious see cure. curl vb. deriv. fr. ME. crul (It) cuisse 'piece of armor for the adj. 'curly' — DU. krul; W E S T - thighs'. T E U T . krull- for kruzl- krusl- is custom ME. custome earlier form cogn. with ODU. kruis, G. kraus (c. 1 1 oo) custiime fr. OFR. custume MHG. krus 'curly' (aso ME. crous ( F R . coutume) — I T . P R O V . costuma : curly'). source a LAT. type *consuetumen curlew ME. curltw (corlew) instead of LAT. consuetMo., fr. OFR. corlieu — FR. courlieu cut vb. ME. cutte (by-form with 'a bird's name' ('scolopax ar- umlaut kitte) : a ME. vb. of C E L T . quata'), composed of OFR. corre origin; cp. C Y M R . cwtan vb. 'to leap' and lieu 'lightly'. 'shorten' — cwta adj. 'short'. curry vb. ME. currie curraie cutlas fr. FR. coutelas = IT. vb. fr. OFR. conreier\ LAT. type coltellaccio prop, 'a large knife': con-reddrel ROM. deriv. of LAT. culter 'knife'. curse vb. ME. curse OE. cursian Cp. FR. couteau — OFR. coutel Hence 'to curse'; cogn. with OIR. ctirsa- 'knife' fr. LAT. cultellus. ME. cutefyr E. chaim 'I curse'. Source and FR. coutelier = cutler 'maker of knives'. history unknowa.
D dace from ME. darce darse: | called from its swiftness). See from OFR. dars, nom. also spelled | dart. dart 'a dart', also 'a fish' (so | dagger ME. dagger = ON. dag-
dainty —
gardr,DV.daggert: of Celt, origin, southern continuation of the OE. borrowed from w . dagr = IR. infinit. in -tan ( = OHG. *talon ?). daigear; BRET. dag — GAEL, dag a: dam ME. dam(me) OE. *dam{mm) all synon. — G. damm, DU. dam, ON. dammr dainty ME. deinti". borrowed (GOTH. faúrdammjan — OE. forfrom OFR. deinte 'dignity, im- demman 'dam up'). p o r t a n c e , value* (the ME. by- damage ME. damage: b o r r o w e d form daintith is an ANGLO-NORMAN from OFR. damage domage FR. deinted 'pleasure'). Source LAX. dommage 'harm' (IT. dannajó), LAT. dignitatem (dainty and dignity are type damnaticum harm* (LAT. damdoublets). num 'loss, injury' under damn). dairy ME. deierie 'room for a milk-woman'; ME.i&zV'milk-woman' (hence d a y - w o m a n 'dairy-woman Shakesp.) is borrowed from ON. deigja 'milk-woman' (sw.deja), which is s u p p o s e d to b e a deriv. of TEUT. daiga- (under dough) and to mean prop, 'the breadmaker, kneader of dough'. Cp. dough and lady.
dame ME. dame'. borrowed from FR. dame, whence also G. DU. dame. Source LAT. domina 'lady* ( = IT. donna); cp. damsel. damn vb.ME. dam(p)ne: borrowe d from OFR. damner dampner FR. damner ( = SPAN, dañar, rr. dannare) — LAT. damnare 'condemn, fine' (LAT. damnum 'injury, loss').
dais ME. deis: borrowed from OFR. deis later dais 'a high table in a hall' = FR. dais 'a canopy' (base MED.-LAT. discus 'a table' = LAT. discus 'plate, platter* see under dish).
damp ME. *damp = DU. LG. damp 'vapor', G. dampf 'vapor, steam'.
damsel ME. damesele damisele'. borrowed from OFR. damisele dameisele — FR. demoiselle. T h e daisy ME. daies-ie daies-eie OE. source is MED.-LAT. domicella 'a dtzges-{age\ prop, 'the eye of the y o u n g lady', LAT. type dom(i)nicelia, dimin. o f domina 'a lady'. day'; cp. day and eye. dale ME. dale OE. dcel plur. dalu dance vb. ME daunce daunse'. (ME. E. e in dale is derived from borrowed from FR. danst,, whence the OE. plur. dalu or from the sing, also DU. dansen, G. tanzen, DAN. infl. dales, dale). T h e TEUT. base dandse, sw.dansa. T h e OFR. datiser dala- cp. also in the synon. GOTH is traced to an OHG. dans&n dais, ON. dalr, OSAX. dal, OHG. 'draw, trail'. MHG. tal (mod. thai). dandelion: borrowed from FR. dally vb. ME. dalye points to dent de lion ( = SPAN, diente de leont *dalon OE. *dalian (== G. rr. dente di leone)'. prop, 'lion's dahlen). T h e ending y is a tooth', so c a l l e d from the j a g g e d GOTH.
leaves of the plant (G. I'&wenzahn). danger ME. daunger'. borrowed from FR. danger 'danger'. Source a LAT. type *dotniniarium 'power' from LAT. dominium 'sovereignty'. dank 'damp'ME .dank', borrowe d from the Scand. ? cp. sw. dial, dank 'a marshy piece of ground' = ICEL. dpkk for *danku 'pit, pool'. dapper ME. daper 'pretty, neat'; cp. ON. dapr 'sad, dreary', DU. dapper 'brave', OHG. tapfar G. tapfer 'valiant, brave'. dapple 'a spot, dot' 'a dappled horse' ME. in dappel-gray: perh. Scand. loanword from ON. depill 'a spot, dot' (dapi 'a pool'). dare ME. dar OE. dear 'I dare* = GOTH. dars, OHG. tar. The T E U T . \f dars darz is akin to G R . &pa0£iv 'be bold' — Opaorg 'bold' and SKR. dhrs 'dare': Aryan y/~ dhers. dark ME. derk OE. deorc\ perh. akin to OIR. derg 'red': common base dhergo- (cp. also OIR. dorche 'dark'?). darling ME. derling shortened from OE. deorling 'a favorite': deriv. of de tr — OE. dfore. dart ME. dart from OFR. dart F R . dard ( = SPAN. I T . dar do); of TEUT. origin: OE. darod, ON. darradr also shorter darr. dash vb. ME. dasshe; corresponding to DAN. daske ( = sw. daska) 'slap, strike'. Scand. origin of the E. word (OE. *das-
cian *daxiari) is improbable, E. sh pointing to a hereditary word. d a t e 1 'an epoch, given point of time' ME. ddte from the synon. F R . date (MED.-LAT. datum, whence G. datum). date 2 'fruit of the palm' ME. date", borrowed from OFR. date — F R . datte'. source L A T . - G R . daetylus, whence also G. dattel, DU. dadel. daub vb. ME. daube\ borrowed from OFR. dauber 'whiten' from *dalber = LAT. dealbare 'whiten, plaster' (LAT. albus 'white'). daughter ME. doughter oz. dohtor = DU. dochter, OSAX. dohtar, OHG. MHG. tohter G. tochter, ON. dóttir, GOTH, daúhtar: ident. with the synon. LJTH. dukti, OSLOV. düsti: Aryan base dhukter) an Aryan base dhugatér appears in GR. &vyúrr¡n, SKR. duhitdr, AVEST. duydar 'daughter', SKR. duhitar'daughter' is traced to the SKR. \f duh 'milk' and is interpreted as 'the milk maid'. daunt vb. ME. daunte\ borrowed from OFR. donter FR. dompter = IT.domitare'subdue, tame': the source is LAT. domitare (frequent, of domare). day
tac(g) G. tag, DU. OSAX. dag, ON. dagr] by-forms OE. dógor, ON. dágr (fr. d&gaz ddgiz): all connected with the SKR. dah (for Aryan dhsgh: dhogh) 'burn'. This root appears also in L I T H . degti 'burn' — GOTH.
dawn — dear 2
dagas daga 'harvest', PRUSS. dagas is sure; prob. akin to GR. rixp).og 'summer', SKR. nidagha- heat, 'blind'. Cp. dumb. summer' (also SKR. ahar 'day'?). deal vb. 'divide, distribute, The base dhogho-s common to negotiate in' ME. d$le OE. dcklan our day and to LITH. dagas signi- = OSAX. delian, DU. deelen, LG. fied 'the time of the burning of .delen, G. teilen, GOTH. dailjan: dethe sun, the hot part of the nominatives of daili- (cp. deal) day or year'. like OSLOV. deliti 'divide'. dawn vb. late ME. daune earlier deal 1 sb. 'part, portion, indefinite dawe OE. dagian = ON. daga, quantity, degree or extent, barOHG. tagen G. tagen 'become day'; gain etc.' ME. d(l OE. deel (dal) cp. E. dawning ME. dawinge: = OSAX. del, D U . deel, LG. deel, deriv. of TEUT. daga- under day. OHG. MHG. G. teil, GOTH. dails daze vb. ME. dase 'stupefy' m. daila f. TEUT. dai-li(la-) seems from ON. *dasa, refl. dasask (sk to point to an ARYAN V"dhai, represents the refl. 'oneself') proved by OSLOV. dilii part'. 'daze oneself = DAN. dase, sw. deal 2 sb. 'a board, plank* dasa 'lie idle'. From daze is borrowed from DU. deel 'a board, deriv. the dimin. dazzle vb. threshing floor' = MLG. dile 'overpower with light'. 'board' LG. dele 'a board, floor, deacon ME. d$ken from OE. a room'. The corresponding *deacon for diacon ( = DU. deketi, G.OHG. dili G. diele 'boarded floor' diakon, ON. djakn, OFR. diacne corresponds to ON. pilja, OE. FR. diacre, SPAN. IT. diacono): pel 'board', LITH. tili 'plank in source LAT. diaconus (GR. ], OIR. uile 'cubit'. elbow. TEUT. auk = GOTH, auk, OHG. Cp. ouh G. auch. Prop, imperative e l m ME. OE. elm; akin to ON. of the str. vb. GOTH. aukan 'add' dlmr and LAT. ulmus (G. ulme is ( = LAT. augere). a LAT. loanword, DU. olm is OFR. e l b o w ME. elbpwe OE. elboga olme). earlier eln-boga = OHG. elinbogo e l s e ME. OE. elles adv. 'otherG. elbogen, DU. elleboog, ON. gln- wise': genet, of the pron. GOTH. bogi\ a GOTH. compound *aleina- aljis 'an other' ( = LAT. alius, buga 'the bow of the cubit' is GR. aXXoc, OIR. aile, ARMEN. ait); wanting. Cp. ell and bow. cp. OE. ele-lende 'a foreign land , eld 'old age, antiquity'(Shakesp.) OHG. eli-lenti 'being abroad' and ME. fide OE. eldo yldo 'antiquity': OHG. (lies 'elsewhere', LAT. alias abstract of old — OE. aid. — 'otherwise'. elder adj. ME. elder OE. eldra\ ember-days ME. imbri-dawes OE. compar. of old. ymbren-dagas prop, 'days of proelder sb. (a tree) ME. eldre eller cession'? e m b e r s 'ashes' ME. emtneres OE. ellarn. eleven ME. enlevene OE. infl. emeres plur. OE. amyrian plur. OHG. eimuria, ON. eimyrja endleofane tznlifane; OE. endlufon = corresponds to ON. ellifu, OSAX. 'embers'. Prob. a compound of elleban; cp. GOTH, ainlif, OHG. a TEUT. type aim-uzjon; cp. ON. einlif G. DU. elf 'eleven'. T h e eimr 'steam, vapor' and usli a MHG. usel usel TEUT. numeral ain-lif- is a com- conflagration', us pound of ain = one and lif 'ashes, embers' fr. an Aryan V " = p r e - T E U T . -lika in LITH. v'eno- in LAT. urere vb. 'burn' (cp. ON. lika 'eleven' (cp. twelve). T h e ysja 'fire'). orig. meaning of the numeral e m m e t 'ant' ME. emet OE. amcte'. was perh. 'ten one'. TEUT. base amaitjon— OHG. elf (with the older by-form ameiyi G. ameise: prob. cogn. ouphe Shakesp.) ME. elf OE. alf\ with OHG. etni^i G. emsig 'inTEUT. base alba- also in ON. alfr\ dustrious'.
emperor — ewe
emperor ME. emperour fr. AFR. OHG. harmo (corresp. to LITH. emperur = LAT. imperator-em (but czarmü) means 'weasel'. OE. Casere 'emperor' = G. kaiser err vb. ME. erre vb. fr. FR. fr. LAT. Caesar); cp. empire ME. errer = LAT. errare', hence empire fr. FR. empire — LAT. errant FR. errant. tmperium and empress ME. em- errand ME. ernde erende short peresse earlier form emperice fr. for OE. drende — OSAX. ârundi, OFR. emperice — LAT. imperatricem. OHG. ârunti 'message'; uncertain empty ME. emptl emit short for whether cogn. w. GOTH. aims, ON. drr, OE. dr, OSAX. èr 'messenger'. OE. dmtii 'empty'. enchant vb. ME. enchaunte fr. escape vb. ME. escdpe vb. fr. FR. enchanter = LAT. incantare. ONFR. escaper — FR. échapper, L A T . end ME. OE. ende = GOTH. andeis, type ex-cappare deriv. from cappa OHG. enti G. ende, DU. einde, ON. 'cloak'. endi\ TEUT. base andja-, p r e - T E U T . evening ME. eveninge Qfe.dfnung\ antyt?-; cp. SKR. dnta end, limit' deriv. of eve ME. eve(n) OE. dfen ifen\ cp. OHG. âbund G. abend, and OIR. it. OSAX. âband, DU. avond; ON. engage cogn. w. gage. aptann (SWED. afton, DAN. a/ten) enough ME. Inough. (Inowe) OE. Jfnoh (jymog earlier ynog) • TEUT. and OE. ceften 'evening' belong base ga-noga- in DU. genoeg, to the same group : TEUT. base êbnd-7 êftn-1 OSAX. ginog, OHG. ginuog G. gem/g 'enough'; cp. GOTH. ganohs ever ME. ever earlier (vre OE. and the GOTH. vb. ganauhan 'to dfre (earlier dbre)\ the word is suffice' — ganaiiha 'sufficiency': orig. s tcompounded, but only the I element is evident; cp. ARYANy" nok (n)K). OE. d 'ever' = GOTH. aiw under enter vb. ME. entre vb.fr. FR. en- aye2. — every ME. evert earlier trer = LAT. intrare vb. 'enter'. form everich late OE. dfrdlc. entire adj. ME. entire fr. FR. everywhere ME. ever iwhire OE. entier = LAT. integrum {integer). dfre-yshwœr. envy sb. ME. envle fr. FR. envie = evil adj. ME. evel prop, ivel OE. LAT. invidia. yfel\ TEUT. base ubila• in GOTH. ere 'before' ME. ir(e) OE. dr ubils, OSAX. ubil, OHG. ubil G. (fr. dri dri TEUT. airi) 'before'; übel, DU. euvel; cogn. w. OHG. ident. w. GOTH. air, OHG. OSAX. uppi G. üppig and perhaps w. TEUT. ir G. chr. über = over. ermine sb. ME. ermine fr. OFR. e w e ME. (we OE. eowu (not ermine FR. hermine, which is of lowu, which would be ME. *éwe) : Teut. origin; cp. OHG. harmin TEUT. base ami- 'sheep' in DU. MHG. hermin 'fur'. The primitive ooi, ON. d-r 'sheep' and cp. GOTH.
ewer —
aw'épi 'flock of sheep' and awistr 'a s h e e p f o l d ' ; cp. OHG. OU (plur. ouwi) fr. a TEUT. b a s e awwi-. A b a s e owi- o c c u r s in o t h e r A r y a n l a n g u a g e s : SKR. âvi, LAT. ovis, GR. oïç ( * O f i ç ) , LITH. avis 'sheep', OSLOV. mnca, OIR. A "sheep'. ewer ME. (wér fr. AFR. *ewiere FR. aiguière : source LAT. aquarium 'vessel for water', w h e n c e also OHG. ahhâri, DU. LG. aker 'pitcher, bucket'. expound ME. expoune v b . fr. OFR. espondre : source LAT. expônere, w h e n c e also OHG. spûnon 'interpret, expound'. eye ME. eie earlier é^e OE. {age : TEUT. b a s e augèn- in GOTH. augô,
ouga G. auge, OSAX. Sga, DU. oog, ON. auga (under winOHG.
A s s h o w n b y t h e TEUT. vb.
*aujan pret. *awida ( = OE. ywan eowde) for *agwjart *agwida 'to show', TEUT. augon- is transformed (by the influence o f TEUT. auzon— ear) from an earlier agwon-'. ARYAN base okon- fr. a primitive stem ok ' e y e ' ; c p . LAT. oc-ulus, OSLOV. oko, LITH. akis, GR. odds 'the eyes' (for *okje); SKR. a'ksi. eyot sb. ME. eiet OE. ty>t commonly iy>d\ deriv. o f OE. Z'J /J 'island', which answers to ON. ey, OHG. ouwa 'island' (TEUT. aujofr. agwjo- deriv. o f GOTH, ahwa — LAT. aqua 'water').
F fable ME. fdble fr. FR. fable = LAT. fabula. face ME. fa(e fds fr. FR. face — LAT fades. fade (Shakesp. vade) vb. MF.. fade vb. fr. the FR. a d j . fade ( w h e n c e also G .fade, ODU. vadde). S o u r c e a LAT. type *fatidus instead of fatuus 'foolish'. fail vb. ME. faile vb. fr. FR. faillir (source LAT. fallere), w h e n c e also DU. veilen, MHG. vtten G. fehlen. fain adj. ME. fain OE. fcejen 'glad' = OSAX. fagan, ON. feginn a d j . ' g l a d ' ; cp GOTH. faginon 'to enjoy' a n d faheps joy', which is
ident. w. OHG. gifeho 'joy' or more accurately w. OE. yf(a ( c o n t r a c t e d fr. *gifeaha = *gifaho): TEUT. feh (Aryan pek) in OE. Jfffon (pret. Jxz\..fetode)\ from a pre-TEUT. *peldos. Felt E. -tch ME. cch is developed fr. is prob. related to OSLOV. plusti OE. tj (fetjan earlier fetian, WEST'felt'. T h e synon. Rom. words TEUT. fetojan). T h e r e exists a IT. feltro, FR. feutre (MED. - LAT. TEUT. yf'fet'm. OE. sidfcet 'journey', filtrum) 'felt' are of TEUT. origin. ON. fet 'step, p a c e ' ; E. foot fen ME. OE. fen(nn): TEUT. base belongs to the same Aryan fanja'morass' in the synon. yfpld. COTH. fani, DU. veen, ON. fen, fetlock orig.'the tuft of hair beOHG. fenni. hind a horse's pastern-joint'. f e n c e sb. short for defence. — ME. fitlock fetlack-. a genuine E.
fetter —
exists an Aryan pik in S:CR. pi(una 'treacherous', fiddle ME. fithel OE. fidele — synon. OHG. fidula MHG. videle G. fiedel, ON. fidla, DU. vedel\ the whole group is based on a fetter sb. ME. feter OE. fétor WESTTEUT. fipula = FR. viole, FT. SPAN, viola. Source a vulgar = OSAX. fétur, ON. fjgturr, DU. veter, OHG. fèj^ura MHG. ve^er; LAT. vitula (in a late pronuncogn. w. LAT. pedica, GR. néót] ciation fidula?). 'a fetter' and perh. w. G. fas sen field ME. OE. f(ld\ t stands for TEUT. e before Id; cp. OHG. OSAX. 'catch': Aryan V~ped pod. feld G. feld, DU. veld. The TEUT. fever ME. fever fefre OE. fèfor stem *felpu- is related to OE. ( = OHG. fitbar G.fieber) : borrow- fplde, OSAX. folda 'earth'. A preed fr. LAT. febris febrern, whence TEUT. adj. p}thu- is found in also FR. fièvre ( = IT. febbre). SKR. prthu 'broad' and prthivi few adj. ME. f(we OE. f(awe 'earth'-J cp. GR. nXarv'g, OIR. lethan Perh. flat plur. represents a TEUT. *fauwai 'broad', LITH. flatus. and is ident. with OHG. fòhe is cognate. plur. of a TEUT. *fauh{w)a- : Aryan fiend ME. find OE. feond =* adj. pauqo- in LAT. paucus. Cp. GOTH, fijands, ON. fjandi, OSAX. also GOTH. fawai plur. with fiund, OHG. MHG. viant G. feind. ON. fà-r (DAN. fad sw. fa) ME. The sb. is prop, a pres. partic. fp is Scand. loanword) ; OSAX. of the vb. GOTH. fijan (OE. ffoyin, fake 'few', INDO-EUR. yf pau in OHG. fiin "hate"). A correspondGR. Tiavw 'cease'? ing verbal piy 'hate' occurs in SKR. ; therefore fiend orig. fey (SC.) 'doomed to die ME. friend. feie OE. fa^e — ON. feigr, OSAX. meant 'the hater'. Cp.
word ident. w. MHG. fhfach fiyloch, deriv. of MHG. fey^el c. fessel 'pastern of a horse' which seems to be cogn. w. TEUT. fòt — E. foot; cp. LAT. pes pedern 'foot'.
borrowed fr. fègi 'doomed to die'; DU. veeg fierce ME. firs: 'about to die' (OHG. feigi 'daring, OFR. fers fiers, regular forms 'cowardly'): fer fier — FR. fier (LAT. ferns petulant' G. feige TEUT. base faigi-. 'wild'), fickle ME. fikel OE. fieol from fifth OE. fifda cp. five. OE. J,efic 'fraud'; cp. OE. fdcen fig ME. fig borrowed fr. FR. 'fraud, deception', OSAX. fèkan —figue — LAT. ficus, whence also 'fig-tree*. OHG. feihhan 'deception': TEUT. OE. flc-trio V"fik faik, prop! faih in GOTH. fight vb. ME. fighte OE. feohtan bifaihòn vb. 'defraud' and faih str. vb. = nu. vechten, OHG. 8b. 'deception, fraud'. There fehtan G. fechten\ TEUT. \f fehfi
— fire file1 'a string, list, order'; borrowed from FR. file 'a line, rank, row'; source •LkX.ßlum 'a thread'. file2 'a steel rasp' ME. file OE. fll usually feol (contracted from *ßhif)\ cp. OHG. fihala MHG. vile G feile, DU. vijl. Connection with ON. pil fel 'file' is uncertain. fill vb. ME. fille OE. fyllan wk. vb. = OSAX. fullian, DU. vullen, OHG. füllen G. füllen, ON. fylla\ GOTH. TEUT. fulljan 'fill' is deriv. fr. the TEUT- adj. fulla- = E. full. filly loanword fr. ON. fylja "a filly', which is a dimin. of ON. foli — E. foal. film MK. filme OE. filmen fylmen — OFRIS. filmen from a TEUT. dimin. base filmina- which points to a more primitive TEUT. felma-, cogn. w. E .fell. filter vb. borrowed fr. FR. filtrer 'strain through a felt' fr. wex>.-\Jki.filtrum feltrum 'felt'; cp. felt. filth ME. filthe short for OE. f$ld\ abstract formation of OE. ful = E. foul; cp. OHG. fülida = GOTH. *fulipa. fin sb. ME. OE. fin (nn); cp. DU. vin, sw. fena 'a fin'; cogn. w. LAT. penna pinna 'feather'. finch ME. finch OE. fini fr. a TEUT. base finki-\ cp. DU. I'ink, OHG. vinko G. fink. Observe the similarity of sound of the Rom. words for 'finch': IT. pincione,
FR. pinson and E. dialect, pink pinch. find ME. finde OE. findan str. vb. = synon. GOTH. finpan, ON. finna, OS AX. findan fîthan, DU. vinden, OHG. findan G. finden'. TEUT. fènp finp or by Verner's law fend find is pre-TEUT. pent in the synon. IR. vb. étaim 'I find'. fine adj. ME. fine borrowed fr. FR. fin (whence also MHG. vin G. fein, DU. fijn). Source LAT. finire vb. 'complete'. fine sb. ME. fine from LAT. finis 'a fine', lit. 'a final payment'. finger ME. OE. finger = GOTH. figgrs, ON. fingr, DU. vinger, OHG. fingar o. finger : TEUT. base fingra-, perh. allied to five. (Aryan penqe). finish vb. ME. finisshe fr. OFR. finiss- base of some forms of FR. finir (LAT. finire) 'end, finish'. fir ME. firre; perh. a Scand. loanword : ON. fyra rare by-form of fur a 'fir'. There is a TEUT. name of the tree furh-\ OE. furh, OHG. for ha G. fohre', cp. pre-TEUT. perk qerq in LAT. quercus 'oak'. fire ME. fir OE. f$r : contr. of WESTTEUT. fûir = OSAX. OHG. fûir commonly OSAX. OHG. fiur MHG. viur G. feuer, DU. vuur. T h e ir of OSAX. OHG. fuir (cp. ON. fûrr fyrr) is suffix; fù fr. pre-TEUT. pu- is the r o o t ; ON. fùr-r, GR. rri-p, Umbrian pî-r, ARMEN. hu-r point to a common
first —
base pü-r; SKR. \f pu 'flame', flail ME. flail fleil OE. *fley:l whence pavaká 'fire*. (once recorded as fli^et) = first ME. first OE. fyrst fr. OHG. flegil G. flegel, DU. vlegeh a *fyrest — TEUT. furista- in OHG. WESTTEUT. loanword from LAT. furist (cp. G. fürst, DU. vorst flagellum 'whip, flail', whence also 'prince'), ON. fyrstr 'first'; the FR. fléau (also OIR. sraigelt). original word for 'first* is OSAX. flask OE. flasce — ON. flaska, formo = OE. forma with ma- DU. flesch, OHG. flasca G. flasche ; suffix (GOTH. fru-ma) from INDO- corresponding to the synon. IT. EUR. pr; cp. GR. npó/toc, SKR. fiasco, OFR. flasche FR. flacon (MED.pürva-s, OSLOv.prüvü, UTH.pirmas LAT. fiasco fr. LAT. vasculumï). 'first'. Cp. former. fish ME. fish OE. fisl (and fisc) flat ME. flat*, borrowed fr. ON. flatr = sw. flat, DAN. fiad', cp. = GOTH, fisks, ON. fiskr, OHG. OHG.fla,^'flat' ; cp. OE. flet, OSAX. OSAX. fisk G. fisch. TEUT. fiska-z fletti 'floor' and OHG. fla-^a 'palm from pre-TEUT. pisko-s agrees of the hand'. with LAT. piscis) the corresponding OÍR. iasc points to pre-historic flatter vb. ME. flatere\ borrowed fr. OFR. flater = FR. flatter. *peiskos. fist ME. fist short for fist OE. flax ME. flax OE. fleax — OHG. fyst fr. TEUT. *fusti(z) = OHG. flahs G. flachs, DU. vlas ; prob. füst G. faust, DU. Zmist 'fist'. If cogn. w. the vb. OHG. fléhtan G. connected with synon. LAT. pug- flechten and GOTH. flaihtan 'braid' ; nits and GR. irvyfiij, WESTTEUT. the s in TEUT. *flahsa- would be fästi- stands for fühsti- — pre- derivative ; cp. the Aryan \f plek TEUT. pük-sti püg-stl- ? 'braid' in LAT.plectere, GR. NXEXTU five ME. five OE. fife; without 'weave*. inflection OE. fif from TEUT. fimf flay vb. ME. fl{ OE. fl(an contr. = GOTH. fimf, OSAX fif, DU. vijf\ fr. a TEUT. str. vb. flahan = ON. OHG. finf MHG. viinf G. fünf, fia. ON. fimm (DAN. SW fem): preflea ME. fl{ OE. fl(ah = OHG. TEUT. plmpepénqe (for the shifting floh, G. floh, DU. vloo, ON. fió'. o f INDO-EUR. q t o / see f i r , four, ivolf)\ cp. SKR. pañca, TEUT. base flauh- for plauhGR. vir re (jií/iine n¿f.tnTO¿), LAT. meant orig. 'a fugitive', so that = GOTH. quinqué (for * pingue), LITH. penki, the root under flee fliuhan is the source of E . flea, OIR. cóic, CYMR. pimp. flag sb. 'an ensign' = G. flagge, G. floh. DU. vlag, DAN. flag, sw. flagg: a fleam l a kind of lancet' fr. FR. modern word, not found in the flamme. Source LAT. flebotomum, OTEUT. periods. whence also OE. flytme, DU. vlijm,
fleck —
OHG. fliete.
MHG. vliete(n)
flicker vb. coriatt
flikere OE. fliflikkeren ' s p a r k l e ,
fleck a Scand. loanword: ON. glitter'; a frequent, of a
flekkr, s w . fläck = DU. vlek, G. flik flak i n ME.flakere, G.flackern ? fleck'spot'. Cp.ME.YFDY/W'spotted'. flight1 ' t h e a c t o f flying' ME. fledged adj. ME. flegge OE.flyege flight oz.flyht f r o m O E . f l é o g a n — = MDU. vlugghe, LG. flügge, G. E. f l y . 2
flight prop, 'the act of fleeing' base ( = DU. vlugt, (OHG. flucchi MHG. vliicke ME. flight Oz.flyht from WEST-TEUT. flukkj-~). T h e OHG. OSAX. fluht, G. fluchi) from source is the TEUT. \ f fing in E. fléon ' f l e e ' . 1» flight oz. flyht, DU. from a
flügge fluggj-
fly. flee vb.
o f *fleohan = MHG. vliehen
Cp. f l e e .
fle OE. fleon contr. flint 'a hard stone' ME. OE. OSAX. OHG. fliohan flint 'a r o c k ' ; c p . DAN. flint, G. G. fliehen; GOTH.
str. vb. 'flee' points to flinte
a n ARYAN sfltluk-) flight.
flinta, c p . f / e a and
DAN. flint 'flint': p e r h . r e -
lated to
'a brick'.
flit v b . ME. flitte OE. *flyttan = ce for J) ON. flytja ( s w . flytta, DAN. flytte) :
fleece (the ending ME. fles OE. fleos (and with vowel- cp. the root under fleet mutation flys) from TEUT. fleusaz flitch ME .flicche OE .flitte (fliusis); c p . DU. vlies, (vlius) G. vliess.
MHG. vlies
vb. — ON.
TEUT. base flikkja-, perh. to flecki or cogn. w.
fleet 'a number of ships' ME. f l e s hi 2 flete OE. fleot 'a ship'. — fleet float v b . ME. flóte OE. flotian', 'a c r e e k , b a y ' ME. flet OE. fleot cp. ME. flgte 'a boat, a fleet' OE. 'a bay of the sea'. Both belong flota 'a b o a t , ship, a fleet': to the vb. fleet ME. flete 'float, deriv. of the T E U T . Y " f l u t under swim' OE. fliotan 'float, swim' = fleet vb.
ON. fljota, OSAx.fliotan, DU. vlieten, flock1 'herd, flock' ME. flok OHG. flio-jpn G. fliessen. TEUT. OF., flocc — ON. flokkr, DAN. flok, V f l e u t flut fr. ARYAN pleud-plud. s w . flock. cp. f l i t and float. flock 2 'a lock of wool' fr. OFR.
flesh ME. flesch OK.flcesi shows floe = LAT. floccus, whence also umlaut and palatalization of the OHG. floccho G. flocke, DU. vlok. b a s e *flaski(z) *flaiski(z) = OHG. flood ME. OE. flód — OSAX. flod, fleisk
DU. vleesch;
flesk means only 'pork', esp. 'ham and bacon'; cogn. w. flitch.
ON. DU. vloed,
OHG. fluot G. flut, ON.
more flód, GOTH. flòdus : a common perh. Teut. word. GOTH. flòdus from ARYAN plòtu-s is b a s e d on the
•— foe
fio- f r o m pre-TEUT. piòflute borrowed fr. FR. flute, va. flow. whence also DU. fluit\ cp. MHG. floor ME. OE. fior — DU. vloer, vloite G. flöte 'flute' and OFR. MLG. vlèr, MHG. vluor (G. flur) flaute, IT. fiauto. Chaucer uses 'field, surface, hall', ON. fior "the the vb. fioute 'play on the flute'. floor of a cow-house': TEUT. flutter vb. ME.fiotereOK. fiotorian flòru-s from pre - TEUT. plòrus f r . f i u t under float. Cp. G. plàrus closely related to OIR. flattern! Idr for *pldr 'floor, paved floor'. fly vb. ME. file earlier fielen florin ME. florin : borrowed fr. OE. fleogan str. vb. = OHG.fiiogan FR. florin (IT. fiorino so named G. fliegen, DU. vliegen, ON. fijuga. because it bore a lily, from IT. GOTH. *fliugan is inferred from the factitive flaugjan 'carry away fiore 'a flower'). flounce changed fr. ME .frounce in flight' and shows that the 'a plait' : loanword fr. FR. froncer common Teut. vb. was fleugan; 'plait, wrinkle' (prob. from a cp. LAT. pluma (for *pluhmaT) LAT. type *frontiare 'wrinkle the 'feather'. — fly sb. ME. file earlier fiey> OE. fleoge = OHG. forehead'). flounder sb.borrowed fr.SCAND. fiioga G. fliege, DU. vlieg (ON. with sw. flundra, DAN. fiynder, ON. ablaut fluga 'fly'): evidently fly means 'the flyer' from f l y vb. filydra. flour ident. w. flower from foal ME. fple OE. fola = synon. FR. fieur 'flower'. ON. foli, OHG. folo G. fohlen, flourish vb. ME. fiourisshe : GOTH. fula\ a common Teut. adapt, fr. OFR. fleuriss- stem of term for 'the young of a horse fieurir 'flourish' (LAT. florescere or an ass' from pre-TEUT. pslon-; allied to GR. vutloq 'colt, young inceptive of fiorire 'bloom'). flow vb. ME. fi&we OE. fiowan animal', LAT. pullus 'a young anistr. vb. = ON. fióa, DU. vloeien: mal' esp. 'a chicken'. TEUT. V"fio- in flood = pre-TEUT. foam' sb. ME. fgme OE. fdm = piò- in GR. TtXd'i-ix) 'I swim, sail',OHG. feim: base faima- for an TiXtorog 'swimming, sailing'. earlier *faina- = SKR. phena, flower ME. flour : borrowed fr. OSLOV. plna 'foam'. AFR. flour fior = FR. fieur (LAT. fodder ME. fodder OE. foddor fios). Ident. w. flour. — DU. voeder, OHG. fuotar G. fluke 'a flounder' WE.fipke OE. futter, ON. fodr\ cp. OE. foda fióc = ON. flóki\ cogn. w. OHG. under food. flah G.fiach, DU. Idak adj. 'plain. foe ME. f p OE. y>fa contr. fr. C p . t h e ARYANv"plak i n LAT. an earlier gifdha — WEST-TEUT. placenta 'cake' and plànus (for gafaiho{n)-\ cp. the abstract OE. placnusT) 'plain'. ft&hd (OHG. gifthida G. fehde): TEUT.
fog — forbid
OE. ty/a sb. and fczhd sb. are OE. gdn would be the second based on the adj. OE. LEFAH — member. OHG. gifeh', OE. fdh = TEUT. fond ME. fond prop, fonn-ed faiha- from a pre-TEUT. paiko- partic of fonne 'be foolish'; cp. adj. ME. sb. fon(nn) 'a fool': borrowed fog: a Dan. loanword, DAN. fog fr. sw. fàne 'a fool'; ICEL. fdni in sneefog 'a snow-storm'; cp. 'a buoyant person', ON. fok 'spray, snow-drift', fjtik food ME. fóde OE. fèda : TEUT. 'snow-storm' from fjuka str. vb. V~fòd fad (cp. OHG. fatunga 'drift'. 'food') fr. ARYANpàt in Trattini)at fold vb. ME. ftjlde OE. faldan 'eat'. Cp. also feed, fodder, (fialdan) str. vb. = GQrm.falpan, foster. ON. fahia, OHG. faltan G. fatten", fool ME. fól\ adopt, fr. OFR. fol TEUT. falp = pre-TEUT. pit cp. ( = FR. fou fot) 'a fool', in OSLOV. pkla plesti 'braid', GR. foot ME. OE. fòt (plur. fet) = ihvXdciiog for *iUnAa'rtoff 'two- OSAX. fòt, DU. voet, OHG. fuol, G. fold', SKR,pu(a 'fold' (for *pulta). fuss, ON. fótr, sw. fot, DAN. fod, — -fold ME. -fgld OE. - f a l d GOTH. fòtus : TEUT. base fòt- from (•/{aid) = OSAX. -fald, DU. -voud, ARYAN pòd- changing with ARYAN G. -fait, ON. -faldr, GOTH. -falps'. pod- péd- in the declension; cp. a common Teut. suffix for GR. 7TOJ- in 7TÓòa, nom, sing, rwvg the formation of multiplicatives (AEOL. noie) ; LAT. pèd-em (nom. corresponding to GR. nkaoiog in sing, pes); GR. vsò'ilov 'sole' — d'mXdoiog (also dtnalTog 'two- 7re£off (for *niòjóc) 'pedestrian', fold'). SKR. pad 'foot' and paia 'step, folk ME. folk OE. folc = OSAX. print'. folk, DU. volk, OHG. folc G. volk, ON. folk. The primit. meaning fop vb. borrowed fr. DU. foppen is perh. 'a crowd of people', 'prate, cheat' (fopper 'a wag', whence LITH. pulkas A crowd', fopperij 'cheating') : orig. a word of G. slang. OSLOV. pluku 'an army*. follow vb. ME. folwe folowe OE. for ME. OE. for prep. — GOTH. folgian (by-form fylyxri) = ON. faùra 'before, for', OHG. fora G. fylgja, DU. volgen, OHG. folgen G. vor 'before', DU. voor; cogn. w. folgen'. the common WEST-TEUT. LAT. pro 'before', GR. rigò 'beand Norse vb. for 'follow'; fore'. possibly a compound verbal forbear ME. foriere OK. forbir an stem, the first member of which str. vb.; cp. bear vb. is full; cp. OE. full-eode 'he forbid ME. forbéie OE. forbéoian followed', OE. OLG. fulgangan, confounded with ME.forbiiie OE. OHG. fola-gan 'follow'. Go fr. forbiddan; cp. bid.
force —
force sb. ME. force fors\ bor- fork ME. forke OE. forca = DO. rowed fr. FR. force (LAT. type vork, OHG. furcha furka G.furke, fortia 'strength' derived ii.fortis ON. forka: borrowed fr. LAT. 'strong'). furca 'a fork', whence also FR. ford ME. OE. ford (ME. also fourche, SPAN, horca, IT. forca. fortK) = DU. voert, OSAX. *ford forlorn 'quite lost' ME. forlorn in Heriford (prop, 'ford of an OE. for loren part, of OE. forl(osan army"), OHG. vurt G. furt (Frank-, 'lose utterly'; cp. lose and G. Er-, Schwein-) ; cp. OE. Oxenaford DU. verloren, DAN. forloren. (lit. 'ford of the oxen') = Oxford. former formed by adding the TEUT. *fordu• for pu- from the compar. suffix -er to ME. forme TEUT. far in fare, hence ford OE. forma — OSAX. formo 'first'; prop, 'passable, practicable pass- cp. first. age'; cp. AVEST. peretu 'bridge', forsake vb. ME. forsake OE. LAT. portus 'haven', ON. fjordr forsacan str, vb. 'oppose'; cp. 'bay'; also CELT.-LAT. -ritum (for sake. *prtom) in Augustoritum, CYMR. forth m.. forth 01. ford = OSAX. rhyd 'ford'. forth, OHG. *ford G. fort, GOTH, foreign ME. foreine\ adapted compar. faürpis adv. earlier'. fr. OFR. forain : LAT. type foranetis OTEUT. forp from older frpo prto derived fr. foras adv. 'out of is allied to before and further. door'. fortnight ME.fourtenight fourtenforfeit sb. Ui..forfete\ borrowed night from ME. fourtene 'fourteen' fr. OFR. forfait 'a fine' part, of and night (old plur.) 'nights'; forfaire forsfaire 'trespass' (MED.- cp. OE. feowertyne niht and also LAT. forisfactum part, of foris- E. sennight = seven night. It facere 'trespass', lit. 'do beyond'). was usual to reckon by nights in forge ME. forge borrowed fr. pre-hist. periods. — forty ME. FR. forge from LAT. fabrica 'a fourty OE. feowertii — DU. veertig, G. vierzig, GOTH. fidwortigjus; cp. workshop'. forget vb. ME. forgete OE. for- OE. feower = four and OE. ftj gitanstr. vb. —OSKX..fargétan, DU. = ten. vergeten, MLG. vorgeten, OHG. fir- foster vb. ME. fostre short for gërçipn G. vergessen. The comp. OE. fostrian from fostor 'nourishvb. is the remnant of a str. ment'; akin to food", TEUT fod. verbalV"get, whence E. get 'ob- foul ME. foul OE. fid — DU. tain, reach'; cp. GOTH. bigitan vuil, OHG. fül G. faul, ON. füll, 'find', ON. geta 'obtain'. Cp. get GOTH. fills', la- is suffix, and the and the ARYAN \f ghed : ghend in TEUT. \ f f ü is i n f e r r e d fr. ON. LAT. prae-hendere, GR. ¿avifoiia) füenn 'rotten' and from the fac'seize'. titive vb. ON. feyja 'cause to
found — freeze
rot'. An Aryan verbal pit 'perform"): derived fr. OE.fratrt appears in SKR. pûy 'rot, stink'; 'strong, good', ident. w. from. cp. LAT. piiteo 'stink' — f i l t e r 'de- franchise ME. fraunchise: borcayed', GR. TIV-&01 'cause torowed from FR. franchise 'privirot', GR. 7iv'ov — LAT. pûs 'puss'.leged liberty' from ¥K,franchiss-, found 1 vb. 'lay the foundation stem of some forms of franchir of ME. founde : adapted fr. FR. 'free' from FR. franc 'free'. fonder from LAT. fundare 'found'. fraught part, of ME. fraughte f o u n d 2 vb. 'cast metals' bor- v b . = DU. bevrachten, G. befrachten', rowed fr. FR. fondre from LAT. cp. G.fracht OHG. freht 'earnings, gain'. Properly a compound; fundere 'cast metals'. cp. OE. ¿tit, OHG. eht 'property' fount ME.fount fr. OFR.font = under own. LAT. font-em. freak 'a whim, caprice' ME. frek four ME. fourfower OE. feower 'quick, vigorous' OE. free 'bold, (fçower?) = os AX.Fwar, DU. G. vier rash' = ON. fr'ekr, OHG. fr'eh OHG-fior, ON. fjôrir. The OE. by- 'greedy' G. frech 'pert', G O T H . form fyder- (in comp. as fyder- fathu-friks 'avaricious': T E U T . f(te 'four-footed') and GOTH. fid- base fr'eka-. wôr (Jidur-) point to a pre-TEUT. freckle from ON. freknur plur. basepetworpetur for qetwor qetur ; 'freckles'; cp. sw. friikne plur. ident. w. SKR. catur, LAT. quattuor, fraknar, FRIS. (Amrun) friakan GR. xtoauQSç (niGvpeç), OSLOV. 'freckles'. Perh. cogn. w. GR. ietyri 'four'. TISQXVOC 'spotted'. fowl ME. foul earlier fuwel OE. free ME. f r f OE. fr(o fri\ TEUT. fugol = OSAX. fugal, DU. vogel, base frija- — GOTH. freis, OSAX. OUG. fogal MHG. G. vogel, ON. fugl,OHG. fri a.frei. The PRE-TEUT. GOTH. fugls: TEUT. base fugla-. priyd- is the base of CYW. rhydd fox ME. OE. fox = OHG. fuhs 'free' and of SKR. priyd-s dear, G. fuchs, DU. vos, ON. fox ; the beloved'; cp. the SKR. verbal s of the TEUT. base fuh-s- is V"pri 'rejoice, render favorable' suffix as is shown by GCRM.FAÛHÔ, with GOTH. frijon 'love' under ON. fôa 'fox' = OHG. foha MHG. friend and Friday. vohe 'she-fox' (and OE. focge 'she- freeze vb. ME. frtse OE. frtosan fox'?). Cp. vixen. str. vb.; cp. synon. ON. frjosa, frail (ME. frélè) borrowed fr. DU. vriezen, onG.friosan G. frier en] OFR. fraile (FR. frêle) 'brittle' = cp. GOTH. frius 'frost, cold': TEUT. LAT. fragilis. \ffreus fruz from a PRE-TEUT. frame vb. ME. freme OE. fr em- preusprtts, which seems to exist-in man 'promote, do' ( = cm.fremja, LAT. prurio for *prusio 'itch', if interOHG. fremman, O S A X . fremmian 'itch, frostburn' is the 6 ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY.
freight — frock
mediate meaning, and in SKR. friend ME. fr(nd OE. freond = V p r u i 'spurt out'; pruSvâ 'drop, OSAX, friund 'friend, relative', DU. frozen drop, frost'. Cp. frost. vriend, OHG. friunt MHG. vriunt (d) freight ident. w. fraught. G.freund, GOTH. frijonds 'friend': fresh adj. ME. fresh fresch OE. TEUT. frijond(formed like fer si — OHG. frise G. frisch, DU. fiend) is pres. partic. of an old versch 'fresh'; cogn. w. OSLOV. TEUT. vb. frij&n 'love' = GOTH. prësînû 'fresh' from Aryan prais- frijon, ov..frioym 'love'. Cp .free. kino-', cp. LIRA, prèskas 'sweet, frieze (of a column) fr. FR. unsoured' with FINN, rieska 'fresh, frise (= n.fregio 'frieze'), whence unsoured'. The Rom. family of also G. DU. fries. IT. fresco, FR. frais comes from fright ME. fright OE. fyrhtu WEST-TEUT. fr'èska-. fyrhto', cp. the synon. GOTH. fret1 vb. 'eat up, devour' short faurhtei 'fright' and OSAX. OHG. for ME. fr(te OE. frètan str. vb. for(a)hta MHG. vorht(e) G. furcht = DU. LG. vreten, OHG. fréyyin 'fright'. — frighten vb.ME.frighte G. fressen 'eat up, consume'. The OE. fyrhtan — GOTH. faurhtjan, 5HG. furihten corresp. GOTH. fraitan ( p r e t . / r i / ) OSAX. forhton, 'consume' shows that WEST-TEUT. forahtan G. furchten. fr'ètan is a compound of ¿tan •= fringe ME. fringe', loanword eat', fra is a common prefix in from OFR. ^fringe — FR. frange GOTH. ( c p . fraught a n d f r e i ) . (source LAT. fimbria 'fringe'), fret2 vb. 'ornament, variegate whence G. franse, DU. franje. ME. fretie OE. frœtwan 'adorn': frisk vb. formed from the adj. SCAND. friskr from O^-.frœtwe plur. "omament'= OFR. frisque = OSAX. frataha 'ornament': source 'frisky, brisk'. perh. a Teut. compound fra-\- frith firth we., firth', a Scand. loanword; cp. ON. fjordr (plur. GOTH. tèwa 'arrangement'. friar ME. frire : adapted fr. FR. firdir)' bay'; DAN .fiord, sw. fjard 'a firth': TEUT. base ferpu-, ARYAN frère 'a brother'. Friday ME. frlday OE. frl^edai pertu- cp. LAT. portus 'haven'. For = DU. vrijdag, OHG. frîatag MHG. the Aryan y p e r cp. ford. vrîtac G. freitag, ON. Frjddagr'. fritter late ME. fritoure: borreally 'day of the Teut. goddess rowed fr. FR. friture 'dish of Frîja Frijjo in imitation of LAT. fried fish', also 'a fragment' from dies Veneris (Frîa and Venus OFR. frit 'fried' (source LAT. correspond). ON. Frig g like OHG. frigere)', cp. f r y . Frîa is prop, 'the goddess of fro ME. fr(i earlier frd: adapted love'; cp. SKR. priyà 'wife, loved fr. ON. frd 'from', ident. w. from. o n e ' (OSAX. f r î , OE. fr(o 'wife'). frock ME. frok\ borrowed fr. Cp. free. OFR. froc = MED.-LAT. frocus 'a
frog —
ARYAN base pdl-no in SKR. purna 'full'; cp. LAT. plenus, OIR. Idn (orig. *plonos) 'full'. Prop, partic. with suffix -no- fr. an ARYAN yfptt plo 'to fill' in SKR. >fpur pr, LAT. implere, GR. n t / . i n X r j i t i . fuller sb. ME. fuller OE. fullire 'a cloth-bleacher': adaption of LAT. fullo 'a fuller, bleacher'. funnel late ME. funel fr. FR. fondifle; source LAT. infundibulum. fur ME.furre forre fr. ov»..fuerre forre 'a sheath, a case'; sourceTEUT.-GOTH. fodr 'a sheath'; cp. fodder. from ME. OE. from frarn — G. futter ident. w. E. fr. OSAX. OHG. fram MHG. vram prep. furbish vb. ME. furbisshe 'polish', * forth, from' — adv. 'forth', ON. OFR. fourbir (fourbiss-) furb(j)an fram adv. 'forward' — frd prep, which rests o n OHG. 'from' — adv. 'fro', GOTH. fram MHG. vurbert 'purify, c l e a n (TEUT. furb — ARYAN V " p r p in GR. prep, 'from*adv.'further, forward'. TTpiTrit/ ?). frost ME. frost OE. forst = ON. furlong see furrow. DAN. sw. G. frost, DU. vorst: furnace ME. furneis forneis fr. derived fr. frus = freeze. FR. fournaise — LAT. fornax (forfroth sb. ME.fr fft/ie fr. ON. froda. nacerri) 'an oven'. froward adj. wiz.frftvardearlier furnish fr. FR. fournir (stem frdward'. derived fr. fro.. fourniss-). S o u r c e a TEUT. wk. vb. frown vb. ME. froune shortened frumjan 'perform'; c p . p e r f o r m . fr. FR. refrogner. furrow ME. funve forwe OE. fruit ME. friit (fruit) fr. FR. furh\ TEUT. base furhalso in fruit == LAT. fructus. OHG. furha G. furche 'furrow', fry vb. ME. frle fr. OFR. frire DU. voor, ON. for 'drain'. A pre= frig ere 'roast'; cp. fritter. TEUT. prk pork is evident in LAT. fry sb. M E . f r i fr. ON. frjd (free) porca 'a ridge between two spawn, fry ; ident. w. Gom. fraiw furrows', CYMR. rhych 'furrow', 'seed': pre-TEUT. pro-eiwo-. ARMEN. herk. — furlong ME. OE. •fuel sb. late ME. fouaile fr. OFR. furlong lit. 'furrow-long'. *fouaille: LAT. t y p e focalia 'fuel'. further ME. further ov.. furdor', full ME. OE. ful(ll) = GOTH. fulls, c o g n . w. for a n d OHG. fur dir. ON. fullr, DU. vol, G. voll OHG. f u r z e ME. firse OE. fyrs earlier fol(liy. TEUT. base fulla- fr. an fyres: T e u t . b a s e furisa-? monk's frock'; source OSAX. hroc 'coat'. frog ME.frogge 0%. frogga; the OE. parallel form frocca (mod. dial. frock) points to the synon. ON. fraukr. Prob. OE. forsc, OHG. frosk G. frosch, ON. froskr show the same root, if derived fr. TEUT. *fruhsqa-. frolic b o r r o w e d fr. DU. vrolijk 'merry'; cp.MHG.vroloken 'rejoice', prob. after MHG. vro-sanc 'merry song' supplanting an older froleichen.
gab — gall 1
G gab ME. gabbe 'talk idly, jest, adopted from OFR. gauger later 'measure the contents'. lie': borrowed fr. ON. gabba, jauger whence also FR.gaber, IT. gabbare. Source uncertain. Cp. gabble gibber. — gabber gain sb. ME. gain : borrowed fr. 'gabble', var. of gabble both of ON. SW. gagn = DAN. gavn 'gain. which are frequent, verbs of gab. Qp.jabber and gibber.—gabble gain vb. late ME. gaine: borrowed fr. FR. gagner OFR.gaagmer var. of gabber. gaaigner 'cultivate, gain': source gabel 'a tax, impost, esp. the a TEUT. vb. (OHG. *weidanjan — tax on salt': borrowed fr. FR. weidenèn 'pasture'). gabelle ( = SPAN, gabela, IT. gabella, MED.-LAT. gabella gab(u)- gain- p r ê t ME. gein OE. geyt luni). Source a TEUT. sb. gabula- gén geân ( = G. gegen, ON. gagn-). — gainsay ME. geinseie 'contrain OE. gafol 'tribute'. OE. ongeanes. gable ME. gdble: borrowed fr. dict'. Cp. against OFR. gable 'a gable', which is gait ident. w. gate of LAT. origin; cp. LAT. gabalus, gaiter borrowed fr. FR. guêtre whence ON. gafl 'a gable' (but (OFR. guestre, perh. loanword ir. GOTH, gibla, G. giebel 'a gable' MHG. wester 'a child's chrisomakin to GR. y.t(pa}.ij 'head';, Aryan cloth'; cp. GOTH. wasti, LAT. vestis base ghebhaldghebhlo-). 'clothing'). gad ME. gad: borrowed fr. ON. gale sb. a Scand.loanword; akin gaddr 'a goad, pike'; TEUT. base to DAN. gal, sw. galen 'furious, gazda- ident. w. LAT. hasta from mad', NORW. galen 'furious, wild, an Aryan base ghazdha-', but gad mad' ( o f wind and storm). in gadfly stands for goad. gall 1 ME. galle OE. gealla = gag ME. gagge 'suffocate'; prob. OSAX. OHG. galla G. galle, DU. gal, imitation of the sound of ON. gall. GOTH. *gallin(hardly choking. * galzin-) from PRE-TEUT. ghoi- is gage 1 ME. gdge: borrowed fr. gage = SPAN, gage, IT. gaggio (LAT. type "¡vadium). Source a TEUT. sb. cp. GOTH. wadi\ cp. wed and wage. g a g e 2 also gauge ME. gauge: FR.
cogn. w. GR. yoXrj %olos, LAT. /el fellis 'gall' (whence IT. fiile, SPAN, hiel, FR. fiel). Many think it allied with yellow so that gall was named from its yellowish color.
gall" -
gall 2 'a sore on the skin' ME. 'play'; prob. ident. w. GOTH. gagalle OE. gealla 'a gall' (on a •man 'communion of men'. The horse) = DU. gal 'a windgall', pref. ga- is used collectively; MHG. G. galle 'a foot-disease for man cp. man. in horses'; perh. borrowed fr. gander ME. gander OE. gandra; LAT-ROM. galla 'a gallnut, an oak- akin to OE go's from a TEUT. apple' = IT. galla, SPAN, agalla base gan-s in goose and cp. 'windgalls'. But a confusion of gannet. galla with a TEUT. word of similar gang ME. gang 'a going, course, phonology is possible, since in way, passage' OE. gang 'a going, sw. dialects too there exists a way, privy' = OSAX. DU. G. gang grdssgaller 'a swelling on a 'a going, walk, way, passage', horse's hoof'. ON. gangr 'a going, a crew". gall 3 'a gall-nut': borrowed fr. gannet ME. *ganet OE. ganot FR. gale from LAT. galla 'a gall- 'swan'; akin to DU. gent 'gander', nut, an oak-apple ? OHG. gana^y) 'gander'; cp. a galley ME. galeie: adapted fr. primit. TEUT. base gan- also in FR. galie gatte (IT. galea — MED.- TEUT.-LAT. ganta 'goose'; see LAT. galea 'a galley'), gander and goose. gallon ME. galoun'. a FR. loan- gantlet prop, gantlope 'a miliword: FR. gallon — IT. gallone. tary punishment' corrupted fr. galloon borrowed fr. FR.galon. sw. gatlopp 'running down a gallop ME. galope'. borrowed fr. lane' (sw. gata 'a lane' and lopp FR. galoper; cp. also wallop. 'a running' fr. lopa 'run' = E. gallows (the plur. used as leap). sing.) ME. galwes plur. OE. galga gaol see jail. gealga 'cross, gibbet' = OHG.OSAX. galgo, DU. galg, G. galgen, ON. gap ME. gap: borrowed fr. ON. galgi, GOTH. galga: a common gap 'opening, breach, chasm'. — gape vb. ME. gape adapted fr. TEUT. word, TEUT. galgan- from Aryan ghalghan-', cp. LITH. zalga SCAND. gapa 'yawn' = DU. gapen, G. gaffen 'gape, yawn', 'pole'. gamble appar. a frequent, of gar.see garlic and gore. an unrecorded ME. *gam(e)le, garb borrowed fr. OFR. garbe commonly ME. gamene OE. ga- 'good fashion' from OHG. garawl menian 'play at games'. Deriv. 'dress' = OE .gearwe 'preparation, of game. For the change of n dress'. Cp. gear. to I cp. MHG. gamel gamen 'pleas- garden ME. gardin fr. OFR. (Piure'. — game 'amusement' ME. card.) gar din = FR. jar din, which gdme OE. gamen gomen — ON. is of Teut. origin: OHG. garto OHG. gatnan (MHG. gamen garnet) (gen. and dat. gartin) G. garten,
gargle — gaunt
gardo, GOTH. garda m. 'a ivarjan = GOTH, warjan 'hold, defend'. fold'; akin to yard. gargle borrowed fr. OFR. gar- garrison see garnish. gouiller 'gargle* fr. gargouille garter ME. gartfre: borrowed fr. OFR. gar tier jar tier FR. jarrewindpipe'. garland ME. gerlaund'. borrow- tilre: deriv. of FR. jarret 'the ed fr. OFR. garlande FR. guirlande, small of the leg behind the knee'. whence DU. G. DAN. guirlande. garlic ME. garlçk garlick OE. gash ME. garse gar(e'. borrowgdr-l(ac ; for lie — OE. l(ac cp. ed fr. OFR. garser 'scarify'. leek. The first element of the gasp vb. ME. gaspe OE. *gdspian\ compound is OE. gar 'a spear' TEUT. base gaispon = ON. geispa (cp.gore). Hence garlic prop, 'gasp'. The E. word is not 'spear-leek'. borrowed fr. Scand. garment short for ME. gar- gate 1 (cp. gait) 'a way, road' nement : borrowed fr. FR. gar- ME. gdte: borrowed fr. ON. gata nement, deriv. of FR. garnir (acc. gptu) 'way, path, road' = 'garnish'. Cp. garnish. sw. gata 'a street, lane', DAN. garner ME. gernçr'. adapted fr. gade 'a street'; ident. w. OHG. OFR. gernier FR. grenier (IT. gaT^a G. gasse 'a street', GO'TH. granaro — LAT. type grânâ- gatwo 'a street'. rium). 2 garnet ME. gernet: borrowed gate 'door, gate, opening' ME. gdte ydte OE. ¿eat (plur. fr. FR. grenat ( = SPAN, granate, gatu -yeatu) = OSAX. DU. gat 'a IT. granato) : source LAT. granatus 'having many grains or hole, opening, gap', ON. gat 'an opening', seeds'. garnish vb. ME. garnisshe : gather ME. gadere OE. gaderian borrowed fr. FR. garniss-, the stem ( = DU. gaderen, G. dial, gattern): of certain forms of garnir (= deriv. of OE. geador (cp. toIT. guarnire) 'avert, warn, garnish', gether). Prob. akin to OE. gcedewhich is of Teut. origin: TEUT. ling 'cousin', G. gatte 'husband' base warnjan. — garrison ME. from the same root as good. garnison", borrowed fr. FR. gar- gaud 'a show, ornament' ME. nison ; deriv. of FR. garnir 'pro- gaude\ borrowed fr. LAT. gaudium. — gaudy 'merry, bright, vide, fortify'. Cp. garnish. -y. garret ME. garlte\ borrowed fr. showy' fr. gaud and the suffix 2 OFR. garite FR. guérite 'a watch- gauge see under gage . tower': derived fr. OFR. garir gaunt prob. from Scand.; cp. warir 'save, keep' FR. guérir NORW. gand 'a thin pointed stick; ( = IT. guarire). Source a TEUT. a tall and thin man'. OSAX.
gauntlet — gibber
fr. OFR. gestura 'a mode of action' from
gantelet, dimin. of gant — FR. gerere 'carry, behave'. gant ( = IT. guanto) 'a glove'. get ME. gete borrowed fr. ON. Source a TEUT. (MED.-LAT.) wantus geta; OE. plan would b e ME. yite 'the long sleeve of a tunic, a ite\ cp. GOTH. gitan from a TEUT. glove' ; c p . DU. want, DAN. vante, git, pre-TEUT. ghed ghend;
ON. vçttr 'a mitten',
cogn. w. LAT. praehendere, GR.
gauze borrowed fr. FR. gaze /ctvdamv. 'cushion-canvas, tiffany'= SPAN. gewgaw
gasa 'gauze'.
fr. ME.
prop, gouegoue (pron.
gawk (cp. gowk) 'a cuckoo, gugu ?) : a d a p t e d of FR. joujou. fool' ME. gouke: loanword from ghastly ME. gastly OE. géstlic ON.gaukr (whence sc. gowk) = fr. OE. géstan 'frighten' and lie aghast. OHG. gouh(hh) MHG. gouch G. g auch, = E. -ly\ cp.
gherkin =
OE. içac 'cuckoo'.
DU. agurkje,
gay ME. gay : borrowed fr. FR. agurke, G. gurke'.
b o r r o w e d as gai ( = IT. gajo) 'gay, merry'. orig. *agurike fr. POL. ogurék, Source OHG. gâhi 'quick, sudden' BOHEM. okurka fr. late GR. ùyyovG. gähe—jäh. (jtov 'a cucumber, gherkin'. gaze vb. ME. gdse, prob, of g h o s t ME. gpst OE. gdst (gdst)
Scand. origin: sw. dial, gasa = synon. OHG. G. DAN. geist, 'gaze, stare'. OSAX. gist : a common Teut. gear ME. g ire points to an OE. word with the same meaning *gœre or *géro, â being vowel for which ahma is used in Goth. mutation of à = TEUT. ai. Perh. The orig. meaning of the word akin to OE.gàr 'spear (cp. garlic, ('excitement'?) is not established; yet ON. geisa 'rage' (of fire gem ME. gemme : adapted fr. and passion) and GOTH. usgaisjan
FR. gemme ( = IT.gemma). S o u r c e 'terrify' seem allied.
LAT. gemma 'a swelling bud, a dental formative of
For the
jewel, a gem', whence also OE. (pre-TEUT. ghaisdos) cp. the SKR. pmm, OHG. gimma 'gem'.
hid (from *ghizd) 'be angry',
gender ME. gender", borrowed hêdas 'anger' with which agrees
'angry, excited'; cp. also ghastly. gênero, IT. genere 'kind'). Source g i a n t ME. giaunt prop, géaunt LAT. gener- in genus 'race, stock'. fr. FR. géant — LAT. gîgant-em, german germane adj. formerly whence also OE. OHG.^TFW/'giant'. germain", borrowed fr. FR. ger- gibber and with other var. fr. OFR. gendre
FR. genre E. aghast
'kind, genus, style' ( =
main (source LAT.
gesture borrowed fr.
gabber gabble,
giddy —
j abb le are the assibil. fréquentgin 1 "a trap, snare' ME. (c. I 200) atives. gin and gïnn shortened fr. ME. giddy ME. gidy OE. gydiy. engin — FR. engin 'a contrivance'. orig. perh. 'having a demon, Source LAT. ingenium. possessed of a demon': deriv. gin2 "a kind of spirit' shortened oigod\ cp. OE. ylfil 'deranged, fr. earlier FR. genivre ( = FR. crazy' prop, 'possessed of elves'. genièvre) 'juniper' (LAT. juniperus gift ME. gift yift OE. gift plur. 'an evergreen shrub'). giftà 'nuptials' = DU. OHG. gift ginger ME. gingér, earlier gingi• G. gift in mitgift 'a dowry' vere from OFR. gengibre FR. ginand in OHG. G. DU. gift 'poison', gembre (IT. zenzero, MHG. gingelit. 'that which is given', GOTH. bere from the synon. late LAT. gifts in fra- 'promise' with the gingiber = GR. Çiyyififoiç). abstract formative -t from gifatt = give. T h e initial g in E. ME. gingerly a Scand. loanword; gift points as in give to Scand. SW. dial, gingla gàngla 'go gently, totter': frequent, o f ON. influence. gig ME. gigge 'a whirling thing'; ganga 'go. prob. Scand.: ON. geiga 'rove gird short for ME. girde OE. gyrdan — OSAX. gurdian, DU. at random'; cp. jig. gild vb. short for ME. glide gorden, OHG. gurten gurtan G. OE. gyldan : derived with vowel- giirten, ON. gyrda'. all weak verbs mutation (TEUT. gulp j an) fr. gold. (TEUT. gurdjan), ident. w. the str. gill1 ME. gille : borrowed fr. vb. GOTK. bi-galrdan 'begird'. girdle ME. girdel OE. gyrdel DAN. gjeelle, sw. gàl; ICEL. gjolnar — synon. OHG. gurtil G. giirtel, plur. 'gills'. gill2 'one-fourth pint' ME. gille : DU. gordel, ON. gyrdill: deriv. borrowed fr. OFR. gelle 'a sort of gird. — girth ME. gerth'. of wine-measure'(LAT. type gella adapted fr. ON. gjord 'a girdle* (gerd 'girth round the waist', gillo a wine-vessel). gillyflower corrupted fr. OFR. GOTH. galrda 'girdle'). giroflée fr. clou de girofle; LAT. type caryophylhim 'a clove-tree'. gimlet borrowed fr. OFR. gimbelet FR. gibelet; of Teut. origin, dimin. of the form represented by E. wimble 'a gimlet' cp. wimble. gimp adapted fr. FR. guimpe (OFR. guimple fr. OHG. wimpal 'a light robe' = E. wimple).
girl ME. girl gerl\ akin to LG. g&re 'boy, girl' which is of late occurrence (first record 1652). T h e I of the E. word (OE. *gyrel, TEUT. base gurila-) is dimin. gist borrowed fr. OFR. gist = FR. gît from OFR. gesir = FR. gésir 'lie'. Source LAT. jadre 'lie'.
give — glisten
give ME. give fr. ON. gefa ; ident. gleam ME. gl(m OE. glmm w. ME.yeve OE. yfan tffan — OSAX. 'splendor, brightness, gleam'; g'éban, DU. geven, OHG. g'éban G. akin to OSAX. gli-mo 'splendor geben, GOTH. giban\ a common and to G. glimmer", cp. OHG. Teut. verb ; cp. also OIR. gabitn glvmo gleimo 'glow-worm'. An 'I take', LITH. gabènti 'bring, ARYAn ghli cp. in IR. gli (fr. procure', gobinti'fetch'? Cp. gift. base gleivo-~) 'shining, clear' under gizzard ME. gisfr : adapted fr. glee. FR. gésier', source LAT. gizeria glean vb. ME. gfyne borrowed fr. OFR.glener (FR. glaner) 'glean'. 'gizzard'. glad ME. glad OE. glœd 'shining, glede ME. glide glede OE. glida deriv. of bright, cheerful, glad'; ident. w. 'a kite' = ON. gledi". n the TEUT. \Tgtid i glide (the OHG. gla/G.glattsrnooth, shining', DU. glad 'smooth', ON. gladr glad, name of the bird means prop, bright'. TEUT, *glada- for ARYAN 'the glider'). ghladho- agrees with OSLOV. gla- glee 'mirth, joy' ME. gle OE. gleo dükii 'smooth', LAT. glaber (for with the by-form gliw — ON. gly\ ghladhro-) 'smooth 1 . The meaning TEUT. base gliwa-, perh. akin to of the E. word is secondary IR. gll (base gleiivo-) 'clear, when compared with the orig. shining'. Cp. gleam. gleed (E. dial.) ME. gl(de OE. meaning smooth'. gl(d (*glad fr. glddi-) = DV.gloed, glair ME.gleire: adapted fr. OFR. OHG. gluot G. glut, ON. gldd, GOTH. glaire 'the white of an egg' — *glo-di-: TEUT. V~glo under glow. IT. chiara ¿Fun ovo, whence also glen of Celt, origin; cp. GAEL, G. tier klar (MED.-LAT. clara ovt). IR. gleann 'valley' (CYMR. Corn. glance vb. a Scand. loanword; giyn)cp. SWED. glans, DAN. glands glide vb. ME. glide OE. glldan 'brightness, splendor'. — synon. OSAX.gltdan, DU.glij(d)en, glare vb. ME. glare', OE. *glârian OHG. glitan G. gleiten, sw. glida, is unauthorized. DAN. glide glide, slide'. Cp. glass ME. glas OE. glees : a com-glede. mon Teut. word, (not verified in glimmer vb. ME. glimere = G. GOTH.) = DU. MHG. G. OSW. glimmern, DAN. glimre", akin to sw. DAN. glas (OHG. glas glass, sw. glimma and OSAX. glimo also 'amber') ; but ON. gier with 'splendor' under gleam. change from i to r, thus proving glimpse vb. ME. glimse vb.; the word to be primit. Teut. akin to glimmer. (!*glaza-*glasa-). Perh.theOTeut. glisten vb. ME. glistne OE. gllsname of the 'amber (LAT. glêsum) nian 'gleam'; akin to OE. glisian is cognate. = OFRIS. glisa 'shine': TEUT.> 'bedridden woman' — \n%tw 'bear' — \o%oq 'ambush, lair', LAT. lectus 'bed', OSLOV. l(ga (lezati) 'lie'. Cp. lay and lair. lief adj. ME. lef OE. leof (cp. lemmari) = OSAX. liof, D U . lief, OHG. liob (Hub) G. lieb 'dear, lief', ON. Ijtifr, GOTH. liufs 'dear': Teut. base leuba- adj. 'lief' from the TEUT. Y " I N love. liege ME. lege (by-form lige) fr. OFR. liege lige FR. lige. life ME. OE. lif = OSAX. l i f , ON. h f , OHG. lib 'life' (G. leib, DU. lijf 'body'); allied to the TEUT. lib in live', a lost str. vb. liban cp. under leave vb. Outside of TEUT., GR. KTTRAPFCO 'remain' points to an ARYAN V"HPlift vb. ME. lifte fr. SCAND. lypia) cogn. w. loft. light sb. ME. light OE. leoht — OSAX. OHG.' lioht, D U . G. licht 'light'. The dental of the word is formative as seen in GOTH. liuh-ap 'light'; cp. the Aryan V~luk'- leuk in LAT. luceo 'shine', GR. hvxoi; 'white', SKR. rue 'shine'. — Hence lighten vb. ME.
light(e)ne (where the ft is formative) 'become light" and lightning verbal sb. 'an illuminating flash' (with the suffix -ing). light adj. ME. light OE. liht leoht — DU. ligt, OHG. liht G. leicht, ON. Uttr, GOTH. leihts\ Teut. base linhta- for lenkto- ? Perhaps cogn. w. GR. tXu/vg small', LITH. lengwuslengwas 'light'. See lung. — Hence also lights 'animal's lungs'. — light vb. 'alight, descend' ME. lihte OE. lihtan lit. 'make light, relieve a horse of his burden fr. OE. liht = light. — lighten vb. ident. w. light vb. (w. formative -en). — light in the phrase "to make light of somebody"'represents ME. lite OE. lyt 'little, small', which is cogn. w. little. like vb. ME. like OE. liciatt wk. vb. 'please' = GOTH. leikan (pret. leikaida) 'please', DU. lijken 'suit', ON. Ilka 'please': deriv. of like adj. or cogn. w. OIR. ligach 'beautiful' — Itg 'color, splendor'? like adj. ME. lik earlier ilik OE. lelie = GOTH. galeiks, ON. glikr, OSAX. gilik, D U . gelijk, OHG. gilih (hh) G. gleich. The Teut. adj. ga-lika- is a comp. of the particle GOTH. ga- and a sb. lika'body', the comp. meaning'having the same body'; cp. GOTH. leik, OSAX. ON. lik 'body', OE. lic-homa 'body', G. leiche — leichnam. 'corpse. Cp. -ly, which and such. — Hence liken vb. ME. likne 'compare'.
lily —
lily ME. lilie OE. lilie (plur. lilian) = OHG. lilia G. lilie, DU. lelie: source LAT. plur. lilia 'lily', whence also OSAX. lilli 'lily'. limb ME. lim OE. lim (plur. leomu) = ON. limr 'limb': Teut. base li-ma- cogn. w. GOTH. li-pus, OHG. li-d,
OSAX. li-th,
'limb'; cp. also LITH. LEMU 'stature, growth': A R Y A N V~ l i m e 1 sb. 'viscous substance, bird-lime' ME. OE. lim 'cement, g l u e ' = DU. lijm, G. leim OHG. J M , ON. lim 'glue': T E U T . Umais allied to T E U T . laittia- (see loam), LAT. limus 'slime' corresponds to lime in form, to loam in meaning, y/^lai li is attested by ON. leir (Teut. base lai-z-a-) 'clay, loam' and LAT. li-no 'rub o\e", daub'. lime sb. 'the linden-tree', corrupted fr. earlier line-tree for lind-tree; see linden. l i m e ' sb. 'a kind of citron' borrowed fr. FR. lime 'a lime'; ident. w. lemon. linch-pin earlier lins-pin ME. lins OE. lynes = O S A X . lunisa, DU. luns lens, G. liinse; allied to OHG. luning and OHG. MHG. lun 'linch-pin'. T h e primit. base luni-, if fr. an A R Y A N Ini-, is perhaps ident. w. SKR. dpi linchpin'; cp. OE. d-lynnan 'loosen'. lindentree ME. linde OE. lind 'lime-tree' = OHG. linta G. DU. linde, ON. s w . DAN. lind\ Teut. base lindo pre-TEUT. lenta-, if allied to GR. i'kari] 'fir-tree' or LITH. lenla 'board'.
line ME. OE. line = DU. lijn, OHG. Una MHG. MLG. Rne G. leine, ON. lina "cord, rope': Teut. base lin-jon- prop, 'the thing made of flax'; cp. linen. lineage ME. linage adopted fr. lignage: source LAT. linea 'aline'. linen adj. and sb. (orig. only adj.) ME. OE. linen adj. = O S A X . OHG. lintn G. leinen linnen, DU. linen 'made of flax': deriv. of OE. lin flax' = OSAX. OHG. lin, GOTH. kin sb. 'linnen'; cogn. w. L A T . linum, GR. Xivov, OSLO v . lit ii 'flax*. l i n g e r vb. extended fr. ME. lenge vb. 'tarry' w. the frequent suffix -er) OE. lengan prolong' fr. long. link sb. 'ring in a chain' fr. an unrecorded ME. *lenk *link: SCAND. loanword fr. an orig. hlenk- cp. ON. hlekkr (for *hlenkr), s w . lank, DAN. leenke 'link'. There was a genuine OE. hlenle 'link' fr. a base hlankjon-\ but the guttural of link shows that the word may not be the development of OE. hlenie. linnet sb. ME. linet adopted fr. FR. linot(te) 'a linnet' fr. FR. lin 'flax' so called from feeding on the seed of flax or hemp; cp. G. hiinfling 'linnet' fr. hanf 'hemp'. Cp. OE. linece 'carduelis' and linetwige 'linnet'. linseed short for ME. lin-sed prop, 'flax-seed'; cp. linen. lion ME. lioun earlier leun: borrowed in the 12 t h cent. fr. FR lion; source LAT. leonem (led).
lip — loath
leben, DU. leven, OSAX. libbian', cogn. w. OE. bell/an = OHG. bilîban G. bleiben : TEUT. lib see under leave vb. and life. liver ME. livre OE. lifer = DU. lever, OHG. libara l'ébara G. leber, a n ARYAN V " leb lab. ON. lifr. Connection of TEUT. lisp vb. (Scotch wlisp) ME. librò- w. the synon. GR. rjnnç, lispe (lipse) formed fr. the adj. LAT. jf.cur, SKR. yakrt and the OE. wlisp wlips 'lisping' = OHG. two assumed stems *Hk and *ljek lèfs (for *wlefs) 'stammering'; is doubtful, akin to DU.lispen, G. lispeln 'lisp': livery ME. liveré fr. FR. livrée. TEUT. \f wlifs — p r e - T E U T . wlips. lizard ME. lesarde fr. FR. lézard list 1 sb. ME. list short for OE. 'lizard' ( = LAT. lacerto). list = DU. lijst, G. leiste 'list, lo interj. ME. IF OE. là ; a preborder OHG. liste 'border'. — historic OE. *ldw for TEUT. laiw ldent. w. list 2 'catalogue' fr. is warranted by OHG. lèw-es 'lo'! FR. liste, which is of Teut. origin Perhaps TEUT. lai-wa- is connected with lai-pa- in loath. (OHG. lista 'border, strip'), list vb. ME. liste OE. lystan 'desire' loadstar see lode-star. loaf ME. Igf OE. hläf. Teut. derived fr. lust. listen vb. ME. listene earlier base hlaiba- in GOTH. hlaifs form liste OE. hlystan 'hear'; allied 'bread', ON. hleifr, OHG. leib G. to OE. hlos-nian, OHG. (h)losèn laib\ akin to LITH. kl'èpas 'bread'. 'hear', ON. hlera ( G O T H . *hluzan) See lady, lammas and lord. 'listen'. An ARYAN \f klus 'hear' loam ME. IPM OE. IDM = OHG. is evident in SKR. (ruS-fi 'obe- leim G. lehm, DU. kern : Teut. dience', OSLOV. slySati vb. 'hear', base lai-ma- fr. the ARYAN \f If LITH. klausyti 'hear', ON. hlus-t under lime. 'ear'; CYMR. clust 'ear'. Cp. leer. loan ME. Ign fr. ON. Idn 'a loan'. litter ME. litére fr. OFR. litkre There was a genuine OE. lan (FR. litiiré) 'a horse-litter' (LAT. fr. a TEUT. laihniz; cp. OHG. type lectaria fr. lectus 'bed"). lêhan 'a thing granted' and ON. little short for ME. OE. litel Idn fr. a TEUT. laihna-(zt) : TEUT. — GOTH. leitils 'small', ON. litill V"lîhw (GOTH. leihwan 'lend', 'little'. Relation to the synon. OHG. Khan G. leihen, OE. l(on DU. luttel, OSAX. luttil, OHG. luzzil, prêt, läh 'lend, give') = ARYAN \f lîq in LAT. linquere 'leave', GR. OE. lyttel 'little' is obscure. live vb. ME. live earlier form Äfinfw, sw. rie 'leave'. Iwie libbe OE. libban (lifiari) wk. loath adj. ME. lóth OE. läp vb. = GOTH. libati, OHG. l'ébèn 'hateful' = ON. leidr 'loathed', lip ME. lippe OE. lippa = OSAX. *lippia, DU. lip, MLG. lippe (whence G. lippe)', cogn. w. the synon. OSAX. lèpur = OHG. léffur and OHG. léfs 'lip', LAT. labium 'lip' with the Teut. group points to
lobster — lore
leid 'odious', OSAX. leth) OFR. logne now longe (LAT. type cogn. w. OHG. lidan G. leiden *lumbea fr. LAT. lumbus loin*), 'suffer'. Perhaps there was an loiter vb. ME. loitre. loll vb. ME. lolle. ARYAN \ f It lai c p . lo. lobster ME. lopstre OE. loppestre lone short for alone. earlier lopust 'lobster': adoption long adj. ME. OE. long (Jang) fr. LAT. locusta 'lobster, locust'. = OSAX. lang, DU. OHG. G. lang, loch OE. loh 'lake': a Gaelic ON. langr, GOTH. laggs; cogn. w. word; cp. GAEL. IR. loch 'lake' synon. LAT. longus (whence IT. (ident. w. LAT. lacus, OE. lagu lungo, FR. long); cp. linger. — long vb. ME. longe OE. langian 'sea' under lake). OSAX. lock 1 sb. fr. the vb. ME. IfSke 'long after, long' = langoian, G. verlangen 'wish for'. louke OE. lucan 'lock, enclose' GOTH, galukan 'shut up', OHG. look vb. ME. loke earlier lokie OE. locian — OSAX. lokon (OHG. luhhan, DU. luiken. The early lock 2 (of hair) ME. lok (plur. luogen G. lugen). lockes) OE. locc (plur. loccas) = history of the TEUT. yf lok (log) DU. lok, ON. lokkr, OHG. lok G. is obscure; cp. SKR. laki 'notice, locke\ Teut. base lokka- cogn. w. perceive' and CYMR. llygat CORN. lagat 'eye', GR. Xvynm 'I bend'. lode-star ME. Ipde-sterre con- loom sb. ME. lome OE. 3e-loma tains OE. lelad way, course' (cf. (andloma) 'a tool, implement'; ON. leidarstjarna = G. leitstern), perh. akin to OE.~y:lome= OHG. which is cogn. w. lead vb. = güuomo gilämo 'frequently', OHG. TEUT. laidjan 'guide, lead'. Cp. gastluomi 'hospital'. ME. Ipdesman 'pilot' and E. lode- loose adj. ME. lös (lous) borstone. rowed fr. ON. Ipuss r= GOTH. lodge vb. ME. logge vb. adopted laus, OE. l(as (cp. less), DU. los, The fr. FR. loger', E. lodge ME. logge OSAX. OHG. los G. los. 'lodge, tent' fr. FR. loge orig. 'a common TEUT. adj. lausa- is a small house'? Source a LAT. deriv. of the V l u s 'be loose' type laubia fr. OHG. louba 'an under lose. arbor' (G. laube 'a covered hall'; lord ME. Igrd short for loverd allied to leaf). hläf-weard OE. hläford prop, loft sb. ME. loft 'an upper loaf-ward' — 'keeper of bread' room' borrowed fr. ON. lopt'upper (cp. OE. hlaf under loaf)\ the story, balcony', which has also masc. corresponding to the the meaning 'air, sky' = GOTH. fem. formation lady = OE. luftus, G. luft, OE. lyft 'air'. hldf-diy:. Both compounds are peculiar to English, Hence lift vb. lore ME. lore OE. Idr infl. I are loin late ME. loine: adopted fr OHG.
lose —
lera, G. lehre, DU. Teut. base laizo-, whence GOTH, laisjan, OE. Ickran, OHG. leran G. lehren, DU. leer en 'teach'. See also learn for the TEUT. sf liz laiz. lose ME. Ifise mostly forlese OE. forleosan str. vb. = GOTH, fraliusan, OSAX. OHG. farliosan G. verlieren str. vb. 'lose'. An A R Y A N \F ¿US (cp. loose) may be an extended form of \ f lu in GR. Xv'o) 'I release', LAT. luere. — loss sb. ME. OE. los 'destruction'. lot ME. lot OE. hlot = DU. lot\ ident. w. OE. hlyt = GOTH. hlauis, OHG. ISi G. loos\ Teut. base hlauti- : TEUT. hlut hlaut in ON. hljdta str. vb. 'get by lot', OE. hleotan, OHG. (h)lio^an. loud adj. ME. loud OE. hlud = OSAX. hliid, DU. luid, OHG. (h)lut G. lauf. the Teut. base hlu-da- (cp. cold, old, couth) was orig. a part, with suffix -to (LAT. -tus, GR. -roff, SKR. -las); pre-TEUT. klu-td-s (SKR. (rutas, GR. y.Xvtoff, LAT. inclutus 'famous') =
fr. a n
A R Y A N \f
i n SKR.
'hear', GR. xhiw — xAtos'. lough 'lake' fr. IR. GALL, loch', see loch. louse ME. lous (plur. Us) OE. lus (plur. lys) = DU. luis, OHG. lils G. laus, ON. lus (plur. lyss)'. Teut. base lus-, derived perh. fr. the TEUT. lus 'destroy' under loose and lose; cp. GR. rp&etg 'louse' — (pdngco 'I destroy'. lovage fr. FR. liviche mixed
w. ME. luvestiche OE. lufestice. Source of the whole group LAT. ligusticum 'lovage'. love ME. love OE. lufu — GOTH. lubo, OHG. luba 'love': Teut. base lubon- allied to the TEUT. adj. leuba- = lief. An ARYAN lubh 'desire' is evident in LAT. lubido, SKR. lobha 'desire' and SKR. lubh to d e s i r e . low adj. ME. low earlier Idg late OE. lag', borrowed fr. ON. Idgr 'low' ( s w . lag, DAN. lav) = DU. laag, which are derived from the TEUT. leg lag 'lie*. Hence low prop, 'lying flat'. low vb. ME. lowe OE. hlowan 'low'; cp. DU. loeien, OHG. luoien low':
V ~ hid,
kla in LAT. cla-mare ' c r y . l o w e r vb. ME. loure = MHG. luren G. lauern 'lurk'; cp. lurk. luck found since the 15 th cent.; ident. w. DU. luk geluk "good fortune', MHG. geliicke G. glilck, OFRIS. luk. Akin to G. locketi, DU. locketi 'entice, allure'. lucre ME. liicre fr. FR. lucre = LAT. lucrum. lug vb. ME. lugge 'drag, lug'; cogn. w. s w . lugga. lukewarm fr. ME. ¡¿uke (luke) earlier hleuk; perh. contr. fr. an unrecorded OE. *hfyowoc 'lukewarm'; cogn. w. ME. lewe OE. hleowe 'lukewarm' = ON. hlyr 'warm' (OHG. hldo G. lau 'lukewarm'). lull ME. lulle = DU. lullen, DAN. lulle, sw. lulla. lump sb. ME. lumpe lompe-y
lung — magpie
ident. w. DU. lomp 'a lump', G. X1Xa.l01.1a1, SKR. V * tef F° R FATS lumpen 'rags'. desire', LAT. las-cnnis. lung ME. lunge longe OE. lungen lute sb. ME. liite: borrowed fr. = ON. lunga, DU. long, OHG. OFR. hit leut — FR. luth\ ident. lunga G. lunge 'lung': Teut. base w. DU. luit, G. laute, IT. liuto lungon-j-, allied to an ARYAN leuto, S P A N . laud. Source A R A B . adj. hnghu- 'light' = GR. tla/vc, al üd 'lute'. SKR. laghu light'. Cp. lights -ly adj.-suffix ME. -ly -11 earlier as synon. with lungs. See •lich(e) OE. -lie — OSAX. -lik, light for the A R Y A N V~ lengh. DU. lijk, OHG. -lieh G. -lich, ON. lure sb. ME. litre fr. FR. leurre -likr, GOTH, -leiks. Orig. the 'bait'; source a TEUT. lôpra- same as lika- 'body' discussed — MHG. luoder 'bait' (G. luder). under like (GOTH. waira-leiks lurk vb. ME. lurke". derived fr. 'manly' prop, having the body ME. louren (= lower) as hark of a man). fr. hear, talk fr. tell. lye sb. ME. Uie OE. l{ah (infl. lust sb. ME. OE. lust 'desire' If'age); cp. synon. DU. loog, OHG. = OSAX. D U . G. ON. lust, GOTH. louga G. lauge, ON. Ipug 'warm lustus 'desire': a common Teut. bath': prob, connected with the u u 'bathe' (cp. formation, prob. allied to the A R Y A N V"l° l as A R Y A N V" l 'desire' in GR. lather).
M mace 'a big club' borrowed lemmdan 'drive mad', deriv. from fr. OFR. mace FR. masse", source the OE. adj. 5emdd 'mad' = a LAT. type *matea 'a beetle'. OSAX. gimed 'foolish', OHG. gimeit mackerel ME. makeril adopted 'foolish', GOTH. ga-maids "frail, fr. OFR. maquerel (FR. maquereaii) feeble'. = DU. makreel, whence G. mak- madder sb. ME. *maddre OE. rele: source MED.-LAT. macarellus mcedre (madreY) = ON. madra, OHG. matara", cogn. DU. LG. viaquerellus 'a mackerel'. machine ( = G. maschine, DU. mede 'madder' ? machine) fr. FR. machine", source maggot late MF.. maggot maggat", LAT. machina GR. /.ir^avij 'a prob. fr. CYMR. maceiad macai 'a maggot'? device'. mad adj. ME. mad OE. lemckd magpie sb. 'a bird'; mag prop, jemckded". part, of OE. short for Magot — FR. Margot ENGLISH
maid — malt
'Marguerite', also 'magpie'; pie = FR. pie fr. LAT. pica 'a magpie'; see pie. m a i d ME. maide OE. mceylen = OHG. magatin: Teut. base magadina- is diminutive of a LEUT.-GOTH. magap- 'a girl, virgin' = OE. mm^ep, OSAX. magath, DU. meid, OHG. magad G. magd — mddchen. Allied to the Teut.-Goth. base magu- 'boy' = ON. mggr 'boy, son', OE. magu. m a i l 1 sb. adapted fr. FR. tnaille 'mail' (also 'a mesh of a net'): source LAT. macula 'a spot, hole, mesh of a net'. m a i l 2 sb. ME. male 'a bag, wallet' borrowed fr. the synon. OFR. male — FR. malle (OHG. malha 'a leather bag'). m a i m vb. ME. maime prop. maine borrowed fr. OFR. mehaigner 'torment'. m a i n sb. ME. main OE. mcB^en 'strength' — OHG. magan megin, OSAX. ON. megin 'strength': TEUT. ymag in might and may. m a i n adj. borrowed fr. OFR. maine magne 'chief' (LAT. magnus 'great'). m a i n t a i n vb. ME. maintene adopted fr. FR. maintenir (LAT. type manutenere 'hold by the hand"). m a i z e sb. = FR. mais, G. mats) adopted fr. SPAN. maiz. Columbus is said to have imported the Haytian name mahis and the cereal to Spain whence
it was adopted by the other mod. languages. m a k e vb. ME. make OE. maciatt -—- OSAX. makôn, DU. maken, OHG. mahhèn 'make, also fit or fasten together' G. machen'. Teut. base makôn 'join, belong together'. Cp. with GOTH. *makôn the ON. comparai, makara 'more suitable, fitting', OE. Jemœc 'fit, suitable', OHG. gimah 'convenient, comfortable' G. gemach ; OE. tymœiiea 'husband, wife' (E. make 'companion, spouse', E. match 'spouse'). m a l a d y sb. ME. maladie borrowed fr. OFR. maladie fr. FR. malade (source male 'ill, bad' and aptus 'disposed'). m a l e adj. ME. mdle adopted fr. FR. mâle (source LAT. dimin. masculus. m a l i c e sb. ME. malice borrowed fr. FR. malice (source LAT. malitia 'ill will'). — m a l i g n adj. adopted fr. FR. malin (f. maligne) 'malignant' (source malignum i. e. male genus 'ill-born). m a l l sb. ME. malle melle mail borrowed fr. FR. mail 'a mall : source LAT. malleus 'a hammer'. — Hence m a l l e t sb. ME. maillet borrowed fr. FR. maillet a mallet'. m a l l o w ME. malwe OE. mealwe = DU. maluwe'. borrowed fr. LAT. malva, whence also FR. mauve, SPAN. XT. malva, G. malve. Cp. mauve. m a l t sb. ME. malt OE. mealt = OSAX. ON. malt, DU. mout, G. malz. T h e Teut. base malta-
mail — many
fr. a TEUT.Y"welt in OE. m'eltan geoire 'manger, stable' (FR. manger 'eat = LAT. manducare). mangle vb. ME. mangele frequent, and weakened for *mankele fr. ME. manke OE. y'.mancian, which
'dissolve, melt' with which is allied the ON. adj. maltr 'rotten' •- OHG. malz 'melting away, soft' so that *malt is perh. the adjectival neut. sb. meaning 'that which is soft'. Cp. melt.
was prob. formed from an adj.
OE. *manc = 'a\s.mank\ loanword m a n sb. ME. OE. man mon(nn) fr. LAT. mancus adj. 'maimed'.
mangle sb. borrowed fr. DU.
G. mann, ON. madr, GOTH, manna mangel ( = sw. G. mangel)', dimin.
'mankind, man'. In OE., man mgn of a simple word represented (n = nn) denotes 'man' and by G. mange 'a mangle' = IT. 'woman' (cp. OE. wlfmon — E. mangano'amachine for smoothing woman), GOTH.-TEUT. mann- is linen, a war-engine' fr. LAT. manbased on older manw- manu- (as ganum — GR. /.tayyavov 'a warchin is based on an ARYAN machine'. kenw- genu-), INDO-EUR. manu manikin manakin borrowed fr. 'mankind' appears in SKR. as FR. tnannequin = DU. manneken\ Manu, but it signified also the cp. G. mdnnchen, DU. mannetje: 'father of mankind'; cp. also all diminutives of man. SKR. manus a n d manuia 'homo' m a n k i n d sb. ME. manklnde earlier man-kin OE. mon-cynn. and OSLOV. mazi 'man', m a n e sb. ME. mane OE. manu = See man and kin, also kind. OHG. mana G. mahne, DU. maan, manner ME. manure borrowed ON. mgn, sw. DAN. man. The fr. OFR. manere = FR. manilre. Teut. base mand- 'mane' shows mantle ME. mantel (a form a later development of meaning; mauntel is unrecorded) = DU. SW. the older meaning was 'neck'; cp. DAN. mantel; ON. mgttull and OE. ON. men, OE. m§ne, OHG. m^nni mentel rest on a lost LAT. rnantu'necklace', cogn. with LAT. monile lum mantilum (fr. LAT. mantum = 'necklace', OCELT. ¡uaviuxyg — FR. mante, IT. manto 'a cloak'), OIR. muince 'necklace'. In lieu whence also G. mantel OHG. mnntal; of ARYAN mana neck' occurs SKR. cogn. w. FR. manteau, IT. mantello manya 'nape', closely allied to (LAT. type *mahtellum). OIR. muin muinil 'nape',
mange sb. shortened fr. the adj. ME. *maungt which is borrowed from the FR. part, mangi lit. 'eaten'; cp. FR. mangaison 'mange'. — mangdr sb. ME. maungir borrowed fr. FR. man-
m a n y ME. mani many OE. mani^ monej: Teut. base managa- = OSAX. OHG. manag G. manch, DU. menig, ON. margr. Cogn. w. OIR. menicc IR. minic 'frequently' (base menecci- ? ) a n d CYMR. maint, BRET. ment (CELT, base manti-). 9*
map —
map sb. borrowed fr. FR. mappe Ä= IT. LAT. mappa prop, 'a napkin, table-cloth'. maple sb. ME. mdpel OE. *mcepel *mapul in mapoltrfo mapulder 'a maple-tree': perh. ident. w. OHG. ma-^yxltra (G. massholder), which points to TEUT. matin-, whilst the E. word points to a base maplu-i mar vb. ME. merre OE. dmerran dmyrran wk. vb. 'to hinder, obstruct' = GOTH, marzjan 'offend', OHG. marren, DU. marren 'tarry': T E U T . - A R Y A N \f marz mars. marble ME. märble märbre fr. FR. marbré; source LAT. marmor. march sb. ME. màrche 'march, boundary' fr. FR. marche 'boundary'. T h e Fr. word is of Teut. origin; cp. GOTH, marka, OE. mearc, OSAX. OHG. marka 'boundary' which are primitively related to LAT. margo 'border, edge', AVEST. merezu 'border', IR. mruig 'shire' (Celt, base mrogi-). Cp. mark, march vb. fr. FR. marcher. March (the month) ME. (since the 12 th cent.) Märch fr. FR. mars ? Source LAT. Martins mensis (whence OHG. merzo G. märz, LG. mertè). mare ME. mère OE. mère myre\ Teut. base marhjòn- ( = OHG. merihha G. mähre, DU. merie, ON. merr), deriv. fr. TEUT. marhahorse' in OE. mearh, OHG. marah, ON. marr horse' (see marshal). T h e r e is a pre-TEUT. marka- in *he Celt, languages; cp. GALL.
IR. GAEL. marc, CYJIR. march 'horse'. margin ME. märgin{c) fr. LAT. marginem (nom. sing. LAT. margo -— FR. marge). mark 1 sb. 'line, dot, cut' ME. marke OE. mearc = DU. ON. mark, MHG. marc (gen. markes) G. marke (GOTH. marka 'boundary'). — Hence mark vb. ME. markt OE, mearcian = ON. marka, OSAX. markon", cp. DU. G. merken ' GOTH. *markjan. mark 2 sb. 'a unit of weight, a coin' ME. mark late OE. marc'. borrowed fr. ON. mçrk, whence also DU. G. mark (MED.-LAT. marca). market sb. ME. market late OE. (I ITH cent.) markét marcât". borrowed fr. OFR. * market FR. marché (IT. mercatö) = LAT. mercâtus 'market', whence also OHG. markât merchât G. DU. markt. See mart. maroon adj. 'chestnut-colored' borrowed fr. FR. marron = IT. marrone 'a chestnut'. marrow ME. marow mary OE. mearh mearg = OSAX. marg, OHG. mar{a)g G. mark, DU. vier g, ON. mergr\ Teut. base mazgaCORN,
mozgü, ZEND mazga, SKR. majjan 'marrow'. T h e root is SKR. maj] 'immerge' = LAT. mergere. marry vb. ME. marie vb. adopte d fr. FR. marier", source LAT. maritare 'marry'. — H e n c e marriage ME. mariage = FR. mariage. marsh ME. mersh OE. mersi earliest form merisc = MDU.
marshal — mastiff
maersche, LG. G. marsch, DAN. marsA: T e u t . b a s e mariska= MED. - LAT. tnariscus 'swamp', whence OFR. maresc FR. marais. Source T E U T . mari- ' o c e a n ' ( = LAT. mare) in OE. mere, OHG. meri G. mcer, ON. marr, GOTH, mar ci. m a r s h a l ME. mar(e)schal a d o p t ed fr. OFR. mareschal — FR. maréchal, S P A N , mariscal, I T . mariscalo 'a marshal, farrier'. S o u r c e a TEUT. marha-skalkaz 'horsethane' = OHG. marah-scalc (OHG. marah 'a horse' = E. mare a n d OHG. scalch — OE. scealc ME. schallt, ON. skâlkr, O S A X . skalk, GOTH, skalks 'servant', m a r t sb. short for market. m a r t e n short for martern orig. martre ME. martre a d o p t e d fr. FR. martre ( = . I T . martora, SPAN. mar to). T h e Fr. word, which supplanted a g e n u i n e OE. mearp, is. of T e u t . origin: ON. mordr, OHG. mar dar G. mar der. DU. marier; O S A X . *marthar i n f e r r e d fr. the a d j . marthrîn. m a r t i n sb. b o r r o w e d fr. FR'. martin, orig. t h e p r o p e r n a m e Martin, which was a p p l i e d to various birds a n d animals; cp. robin red-breast. m a r t y r sb. ME. ?nartir OE. martyr = OSAX. martîr, O H G . martyr, GOTH, martyr (with suffix D U . martelaar, OHG. martirâri G. martyr er) : fr. L A T . - G R . martyr a witness'. m a r v e l vb. ME. merveile borrowed fr. F'R. merveiller', s o u r c e LAT. mirabilia wonderful things'.
m a s h vb. masche vb. 'mix' (OE. Q'mdsciani) = G. meischen'. p r o b . c o g n . w. O S L O V . mezga 'sap of trees' ( O S L O V . zg — T E U T . ski). Cp.
m a s k sb. b o r r o w e d fr. FR. masque, w h e n c e also G. DU. DAN, maske sw. mask. m a s o n ME. masoun a d o p t e d fr. FR. maçon ; s o u r c e a t y p e matio 'a maison' = OHG. mezzo G. steimnctz 'a stone-mason'. m a s s 1 sb. 'a lump of matter' late ME. masse b o r r o w e d fr. FR. masse (== IT. massa) : s o u r c e LAT. massa 'a lump, a mass', G. w h e n c e also OHG. massa masse. m a s s 2 sb. 'the eucharist.' ME. masse OE. mœsse; evidently identical w . OSAX. missa, DU. mis, OHG. messa missa G. messe'. a Christian word f r o m MED.I.AT. vdssa mass' = FR. messe ( w h e n c e ME. messe). m a s t ME. mast OE. mœst = DU. l g . G. s w . DAN. mast, ON. mastr. In a c c o r d a n c e with Grimm's law, t h e T e u t . b a s e masta- is b a s e d on pre-TEUT. mazdo- = LAT. tnâlus (for *mâdus) 'a mast'. m a s t e r sb. ME. maister late OE. mœ^ester b o r r o w e d fr. OFR. maistre FR. maître ( = IT. maestro'') : s o u r c e LAT. magister, whence also OSAX. mestar, D U . meester, OHG. meistar G. mcister. See mister. m a s t i f f ME. mestifmastifa.Ao^A fr. OFR. mestif p r o p , an a d j . fr.
mat —
m a t t r e s s ME. materas ( = DU. matras) borrowed fr. OFR. matem a t ME. matte OE. meatta = ras — FR. matelas = MED.-LAT. DU. mat, OHG. matta G. matte, matratium'. source ARAB, matrah IT. matta b o r r o w e d fr. L A T . prop, 'a place where something matta 'a r u g ' , w h e n c e FR. natte. is thrown'. m a t c h 1 sb. ME. macche OE. m a u d l i n adj. corrupted fr.
the sb. OFR. mastin (FR. mâtin) 'a mastiff".
~y>mœièa 'a companion' ME. ident. w. Maudelein
= Magdelaine — Magdeleine, LAT.-GR. Maga dalena. Maria Magdalena was candle, a match' ME. macche considered a type of sorrowing borrowed fr. FR. meche ' m a t c h penitence. o f a l a m p ' : s o u r c e L A T . myxa m a u l vb. ME. malle 'strike with 'the nozzle of a lamp'. m a t e s b . ' a c o m p a n i o n ' ME. a mall' formed fr. the ME. sb. mdte = DU. maat, OSAX. *gimato, malle 'a mall' borrowed fr. IR. OHG. gimavio MHG. gemaz^e, OE. mail 'a mall', whence also mall. OE. Jemaca sb. = E. make. m a t c h 2 sb. 'the w i c k o f
derived from OE. mete =
M a u n d y T h u r s d a y ME. maund(
meat', thursdai fr. OFR. mandé ( = OHG.
mate p r o p , ' m e s s - m a t e ' . MHG. mandât) 'the ceremony of m a t e adj. ME. mdte mat 'con- Christ's washing his disciples' founded, dejected' borrowed fr. feet': source LAT. mandâtum acOFR. FR. mat ( = SPAN, mate, cording to John XIII 34. IT. matto). Source the Arab.- mauve'mallow color' borrowed Pers. expression in the chess- fr. FR. mauve 'a mallow' = LAT. play schâh mât 'the king is dead'. malva\ ident. w. mallow. matins, mattins 'morning m a w ME. mawe OE. rnaga p r a y e r s ' ME. matin(e)s\ b o r r o w e d 'stomach' = OHG. mago 'stofr. FR. matins p l u r . o f matin m a c h ' G. magen, DU. maag, ON. ' m o r n i n g ' : s o u r c e L A T . matutînus hence
the morning';
magi 'stomach'.
LAT. flora matutîna in OHG. mçttîna m a y vb. ME. mai OE. mœJ = OSAX. OHG. G. DU. mag, ON. md, G. mette ' m a t u t i n a l s e r v i c e ' . GOTH. mag. TEUT. mag (mug) m a t t e r s b . ME. matére a d o p t e d fr. FR. matière', s o u r c e L A T . fr. A R Y A N magh is closely allied to OSLOV. moga moiti 'be able'. materia 'materials'. m a t t o c k ME. mattok OE. mattoc M a y ME. may mai fr. FR. Mai prob. fr. CYMR. matog a hoe'; (LAT. Mains mensis). but OSLOV. motyka and LITH. m a y o r sb. ME. mairt adopted matikas 'mattock* point to a Teut. fr. FR. maire', source LAT. major word. 'greater'.
me — mean
me pers. pron. dat. and acc. an ARYAN V" 'thin, long'. mi fr. a Teut. and ARYAN LITH. mazas 'small' and OHG. stem me- in GOTH. mi-s mi-k,magar might point to a common G. mi-r mi-ch, LAT. mihi me ; GR.v" magh. Perh. the Teut. group uoi l/ioi /LIS tué; SKR. mahyamcomes fr. vulg. LAT.-IT. magro. mi dat., Tnàm md acc.; base meal 1 sb. 'flour' ME. mele OE.
m'elo (gen. m'elwes) = OS AX. m(de OE. meodo m'elo, DU. DAN. meel, OHG. m'elo — DU. MLG. mede OHG. méto (gen. m'elawes) G. mehl, ON. mjol: mitu G. met, ON. mjgdr'. base Teut. base *m'elwa- 'flour meal' TEUT. medu = ARYAN *medhu\ cp. lit. 'that which is ground' from SKR. mddhu 'honey, sweet drink', a Teut. and ARYAN \f mel 'grind' GR. ftsiïv 'wine' (allied /.tttfiro seen in OSAX. OHG. GOTH. malan lam drunk', ^it&ij'drunkenness'), DU. malen G. mahlen, ON. mala OSLOV. medü 'honey, wine', LITH. 'grind'; cp. LAT. molo, GR. ftvlltn, nidus 'mead* — medtis 'honey', IR. OSLOV. melja (mleti), LITH. malu mid. (mdlti), OIR. melim 'grind'; cp. mead 2 sb. 'meadow' (now in mill. poetry) ME. mçde OE. mœd (gen. m e a l 2 sb. 'a repast' ME. m(l mâdwe) - DU. mat MLG. made — OSAX. mal, D U . maal, G. mahl, OLG. mâtha mâda, OFRIS. mêth, ON. mal, OHG. *mal wanting with G. matte, GOTH. *mêdwa\ based this meaning; ident. w. GOTH. on a TEUT. V " P med, conmel 'time', OE. mckl 'time'. nected w. LAT. meto 'I mow, reap' and showing a .shorter mean adj. ME. mcne OE. genuine form mê in E. mow. But the fr. a Teut. base ga-maini- = GOTH. *mê might represent GOTH, gamains, OSAX. gimeni, the root and twâ the suffix. — OHG. gimeini G. gemein, DU. meadow ME. medwe OE. mad gemeen; cogn. w. LAT. comgen. mâdwe. Mead and meadow munis for com-moini-s", cp. LAT. are related as shade and sha- ünus with GOTH, ains = ARYAN oino-s. dow. Cp. mead. meagre adj. ME. m$gre bor- mean vb. ME. mene OE. mdnan rowed fr. FR. maigre (= SPAN, = OSAX. minian, DU. meenen, IT. magro): source LAT. macer OHG. meinen meinan G. meinen, 'lean, thin, meagre', OE. meeker ON.meina, GOTH. *mainjan) OSLOV. ( = DU.MLG. G. mager OHG. magar, menja meniti is closely allied. ON. magr is common Teut.). Connected with man 'think' in The Teut. forms with LAT. mind? macer, GR. fia/.nW>s' 'tall', mir.- mean adj. ME. m(ne adj.'middle* çôç 'long' have prob, come fr. contracted fr. *mej(n — OFR. mead 1 sb.
measles —
meyen FR. moyen 'intermediate': adj. midhvds 'spending lavishly'). source LAT. mediânus. meek adj. ME. mék (late OE. measles sb. ME. mesel sb. *méoc) b o r r o w e d fr. the equiv. sw, mjuk, DAN. 'leper — adj. 'leprous': loan- ON. mjukr = word fr. OFR. mesel=LAT. misellus. myg 'soft', cp. DU. muik 'soft', measure sb. ME. misure bor- GOTH, miiks (inferred fr. mùkar o w e d fr. FR. mesure ( = ¿PAN. modd 'meekness'). mesura, IT. misura) from LAT. meet vb. ME. méte OE. métan mensûra. vb. = OSAX. motian, DU. moeten, meat ME. m(te OE. mete fr. a ON. mckta, GOTH. gamòtjan 'meet': T e u t . base mail- = OSAX. vieti, TEUT. \f mot. DU. met (in -wursf), OHG. may meet adj. ME. méte OE. Remate ON. matr, GOTH. mats 'food'. — OFRIS. mète, MLG. mate, OHG. medal b o r r o w e d fr. FR. mé- jgimày,', cp. mete. daille ( = SPAN, medalla, IT. I melt vb. ME. melte OE. meltan', An medaglia)', source a LAT. type ! for the \f melt see malt. ; Aryan meld is evident in SKR. metallea fr. LAT. metallwn. meddle ME. medie (niçle) 'mix' mrdii 'soft, tender', GR. uéXònv b o r r o w e d fr. OFR. medler mesler 'cook'. = FR. mêler : source a LAT. type menace sb. ME. mendce mandce misculare 'mix' fr. LAT. miscere b o r r o w e d fr. FR. menace (LAT. 'mix'. — medley sb. ME. medie minacid) threat. a d o p t e d fr. OFR. medie mesle mend vb. mende short for (fem. medlee = FR. mêlée) part, amende b o r r o w e d fr. FR. amender of OFR. medler 'mix'. (LAT. emendare). S e e amend. medlar sb. ME. medie-tré fr. menial (prop, adj., but also OFR. meslier mesle 'medlar-tree' : u s e d as sb.) ME. meineal formed source LAT. mespilum 'a med- with the suffix -al fr. ME. meini mainé 'a household'. This is lar'. meed sb. ME. OE. méd (OE. b o r r o w e d fr. OFR. mesne meisnee o n c e meOrd) = OSAX. mèda, answering to a LAT. type *manDU. miede, OHG. meta miata G. sionata. miete 'hire' ; GOTH, mizdô 'reward' merchant ME. marchaunt mar(the 2 o f which was lost in chaund borrowed fr. OFR. marT e u t . with lengthening o f i to chant = FR. marc hand', source e) fr. an ARYAN mizdho- in GR. LAT. mercari 'buy' (cp. market). /.tiaiïôç 'wages, pay, hire', OSLOV. mercy ME. mérfi borrowed mizda, AVEST. mîzda 'wages', from FR. merci (source MED.OIND. mîdhd (for mizdha) 'contest, LAT. merces 'mercy, pity' extended match, booty' (perh. orig. 'a fr. LAT. merx 'traffic'). See prize' by inference fr. the SKR. market, merchant.
merge — mid
merge vb. adopted fr. LAT. an extension of LAT. missus. — Hence messenger (with the mergere 'plunge under water', passenger) merit ME. merit fr. FR. mérite. insertion of n as in message mermaid ME. mer-maide", OE. ME. messagér formed fr. mere 'ocean' ME. mçre agree with the suffix -er denoting 'the with OHG. OSAX. mèri, GOTH. agent'. tnarei 'ocean'; cp. marsh. metal ME. metal borrowed fr. merry adj. ME. mirie. OE. myr^e FR. métal. from a Teut. base murgi- 'short' mete vb. 'measure' ME. m(te in OHG. murgfâri 'of short life', OE. metan sw. vb. 'measure' = Swiss murg 'mannikin'; cp. GOTH. GOTH. mitan, G. messen OHG. irieyyxn, maurgjan 'shorten'. The adj. DU. meten. TEUT. murgu'short' = IE. mettle ident. w. metal but mrghu- corresponds to GR. (igcc- meaning now 'spirit, ardor'. %vc short' (for *figari: c). mew vb. onomatopoetic like mesh sb. ME. mesche OE. mcksie DU. maauwen, G. mauen ; imitative ON. mçskve, OHG. mâsca G. of a cat's cry. masche) the Teut. base *•,mêsgen belongs to the IE. mezg in LITH. mew ME. méw OE. mœw\ cp. tndzgas 'knot' from the vb. mezgù DU. meeuw, ON. ma-r, G. môwei (migsti) 'knot, weave nets'; hence TEUT. base maiw-. mesh may be traced to a TEUT. mickle ME. mikel michel mukel mesq (ARYAN mezg 'braid ), muchel, OE. miiel mycel = GOTH. mete vb. ME. mçte OE. mètan = mikils, ON. mikill mykill, OSAX. much. OSAX. métan, DU. mete», OHG. mikil, OHG. mihhil; cp. tne-çifln G. messen, ON. meta, GOTH. j mid- adj. ME. mid OE. mid midd mitan with which is allied GOTH. i = OSAX. middi, OHG. mitti G. mit-, mitôn 'think over', OHG. mtyipn j ON. midr, GOTH. midjis. In mod. 'moderate'. The TEUT. Y*met is : E. and in mod. G., the adjectives based on the ARYAN \f~med ini E. mid- = G. mit- are only used in GR. iitAouai I devise' — /.ttâmv j compounds as E. imdiiay, midlent, 'counselor' — ftédnivog a corn- ' midsummer, midwinter', G. mittag, measure, LAT. modus 'manner' : mitternacht, mittwoch (orig. d a t — modius 'a corn-measure', GOTH. J sing.). The TEUT. stem midiamitaps 'measure'. ! answers to ARYAN mêdhyo; cp. SKR. mess sb. ME. messe borrowed j GR. iiéooç (for fr. OFR. mes FR. mets (source i mddhyas, LAT. medius. — middle LAT. missus fr. mittere) 'send' and ; adj. and sb. ME. OE. middel = in MED.-LAT. 'put, place'). j DU. middel, OHG. mit til G. mittel\ message ME. message borrowed jwith formative -I from the adj. fr. FR. message : LAT. type missatica • mid.
midge — milt
midge ME. tnigge OE. myeg fr. (passuum) lit. 'thousand paces', a Teut. base mugjô- = OSAX. (whence also FR. mille, IT. miglia). muggia, DU. mug, OHG. mucka G. The more frequent plur. milia miicke. From ON. my it may be was adopted in Rom. and G. as inferred that the West-Teut. a fem. sing, (omitting passuum). guttural is secondary. milfoil ME. milfoil fr. FR. millemidst formed with excrescent t feuille — LAT. millefolium. from ME. in middes equivalent to milk ME. milk OE. meoloc mile amid. — OSAX. miluk, DU. melk, OHG. mien borrowed fr. FR. mine fr. miluh G. milch, ON. tnjdlkr, GOTH. IT. mina = OIT. mena 'fashion, miluks. It is remarkable that a carriage ofman': sourceMED.-LAT. common Aryan or at least a minare 'conduct, lead'. West-Aryan term for 'milk' is might ME. might OE. miht meaht wanting, although the melg = — OSAX. OHG. maht, DU. magt, TEUT. melk 'to milk' occurs in all G. macht, ON. mâttr, GOTH, mahts. the West-Aryan languages. From The common TEUT. *mahti is an a common Indo-Eur. vb.: OE. old verbal abstract from GOTH. melcan, DU. melken, OHG. melchan magan (like OSLOV. moStt from G. melken, GOTH. *milkan. Cp. LAT. *mokti from moga 'clean'). See mulgere, GR. a/iieXyetv, OSLOV. may. tnlisti (pres. mliizq), LITH. milsti milch adj. ME. milche OE. * mylie: (pres. milzu) OIR. mbligim (mlicht deriv. of milk; cp. the equiv. and melg 'milk'). — milk vb. adj's. ON. milkr mjôlkr, OHG. ME. milke OE. meolcian ( = OFRIS. mélch G. melk, OE. m'èle. melka, ON. mjolkd) fr. OE. meole. mild adj. ME. OE. milde = mill ME. mille earlier milne OE. OSAX. mildi, DU. G. mild OHG. my In (whence ON. mylna) = DU. milti, ON. mildr, GOTH. mildeis. Cogn. w. oiR. meldach 'agreeable' molen meulen, OHG. muH(n) G. or blaith 'soft, smooth' (base milhle', borrowed fr. late "LAT. mlati-) ? or OSLOV. mladu 'young, common ROM. molina 'mill' (for class, LAT. mold), whence also tender', LITH. mildùs 'pious'? IT. mulino, FR. moulin. mildew ME. mildçw OE. miledçaw = DU. meeldauw, OHG. mili-tou millet fr. FR. millet', source LAT. G. mehltau', the first part is prob. milium 'millet*. fr. OE. mele — GOTH, milip 'honey'; milt ME. pE. milte — DU. milt, cp. ON. milska 'a honeyed drink'; OHG. milzi G. milz, ON. milti \ from the second part see under dew. the TEUT. \f melt seen in malt. mile ME. mile OE. mil - DU. E. and DU. milt 'soft roe of fishes' mijl, OHG. mîla mîlla (for *mtljd) is a corruption of milk (sw. G. meile: borrowed fr. LAT. mtlia mjolke 'milt' fr. mj'olk 'milk', DAN.
mingle a frequent, vb. from ME. minge menge OE. mengan — OSAX. mince vb. ME. mince OE. min- mengian, DU. mengen, OHG. mengan Cp. sian wk. vb. 'make small* deriv. fr. G. mengen, GOTH. *maggjan. OE. min{nri) = DU. min 'smaller'; among. cp. FR. mincer 'mince' from mince m i n n o w 'a fish* ME. minowe OE. *mynwe(a.ndmyne'ca.^iio) =OHG. 'small' o f T e u t . origin. muniwa ' c a p e d o ' ; cp. W E S T P H A L . mind sb. ME. minde OE. ^e-mynd mène, HESS. mœhnï Etymology 'memory, mind': T e u t . base unknown. ga-mundi— GOTH, ga-munds minster ME. minster OE. mynster 'memory' from GOTH. ga-munan fr. a base munistirja- = DU. — OSAX. (far)munan 'despise', munster, OHG. munistri prop, ON. muna, OE. Jemunan, cp. GOTH. 'monastery'then'convent-church' muns ' p u r p o s e , desire , m i n d , G. miinster". after LAT.-GR. monaON. munr 'mind, d e s i r e , love', sterium, whence also FR. moutier OE. myne 'memory, love'. A l l i e d 'monastery, convent'. to ON. minni 'remembrance, mind', minstrel ME. ministral menestral OSAX. minna, OHG. minnia and b OHG. minni G. minne 'love', orig. o r r o w e d fr. FR. ménestrel: source 'remembrance'. A l l belong to LAT. ministerialis 'an artisan, jester, the c o m m o n Aryan a n d TEUT. buffoon'. m i n t 1 sb. ME. mint OE. mynet men man 'think'; cp. GR. //¿roc — DU. munt, OHG. muni£ muni^yz "courage, mind', /:t iuvijay.ro I G. münze', T E U T . munita- munitôremember', LAT. memini reminiscor borrowed fr. LAT. monêta 'place mens moneo, SKR. y~man 'think, of coinage, money', w h e n c e also believe'. FR. monnaie under money. mine possessive pron, ME. OE. mint 2 sb. 'a plant' ME. OE. minte mln — OSAX. OHG. min, DU. mijn, = DU. munt, OHG. minza G. minze : G. mein (also OHG. mln G. meiner), a d a p t e d fr. LAT. mentha menta ON. mlnn, GOTH. meins'. d e r i v e d (GR. fiivda), w h e n c e also FR. fr. the stem me- of the pers. menthe, IT. SPAN, menta. pron. cp. me and for the suffix mire 1 ' d e e p mud* ME. mire OE. cp. SKR. makina 'mine' and thine. myre from WEST-TEUT. miurjon = mine sb.ME.mine = Dir. mijn, G. ON. myrr 'slime' ; the r of these DAN. mine: borrowed from FR. words is orig. z — s; c p . OE. mt>os mine ( = = SPAN. IT. mind): of Celt, 'moss' by the side of OE. mos origin; cp. IR. GAEL. mUn 'metal', 'moss, swamp'; G. moos also signicp. moss. Henca BRET, men ' s t o n e , metal', CYMR. fies 'marsh'; mwyn 'metal': CELT, base mena E. mire prop, 'mossy soil'. mire 2 cp. pismire. meina ?
fiskemelk 'soft roe of 'fish-milk').
mirth —
mirth ME. mirthe earlier murhde small', whence GOTH. maitan = OE. myrgd deriv. fr. OE. myr~y> — ON. meita 'cut'. merry with formative -th (as in mite 2 sb. 'a very small portion' length, strength). ME. mite borrowed fr. ODU. mijt m i s 1 prefix ME. OE. mis- = DU. 'a small coin'. mis-, OHG. missa• missi- G. miss-, mitten ME. mitaine borrowed ON. mis-; OOTH. missa- for *mipta- fr. FR. mitaine 'a mitten. (prop. "lost") is an old part, in m i x vb. ME. mixe OE. miscian td- from a yf mift seen in OE. = OHG. miskan from *miskjan midan ME. mlthe 'shun, avoid' MHG. MLG. G. mischf.ni all prob. ( — OSAX. midan, OHG. midan G. borrowed fr. LAT. miscere 'mix'. tneiden). Akin to OIR. mi in ml- mizzen sb. borrowed fr. FR. gnim 'misdeed'? misaine = IT. mezzana: source m i s 2 prefix older mes- borrowed LAT. médius. Ident. w. G. bezaan~ fr. OFR. mes- (FR. mi-): source segel. LAT. minus 'less'. — mischief moan v b . M E . mffne ( O E . *manian) ME. mes-chtf borrowed fr. OFR. with the by-form ME. mine OE. mes-cMef 'a bad result, damage' m&nan 'moan'. fr. mis2 and chief (cp. ME. bon- moat sb. ME. mote borrowed chtf 'happiness'). — miscreant fr. OFR. mote 'dike', borrowed fr. OFR. mescreant mock fr. FR. se moquer. (source LAT. credent-em). m o d e fr. FR. mode. m i s s vb. ME. misse OE. missan moiety borrowed fr. FR. moitit = DU. G. missen, ON. missa, GOTH. (LAT. type medietâtem). missjan. Evidently connected moist adj. ME. moiste 'moist, with WEST-TEUT. mifian avoid' in fresh': borrowed fr. OFR. moiste OE. midan, OHG. midan G. meiden ( = FR. moite). Source LAT. 'avoid'. Cp. mis. musteus 'belonging to new must m i s s contr. of mistress. or wine', also 'new, fresh' (tnustus mist ME. OE. mist = DU. mist, 'new wine'). LG. mist 'darkness, fog, mist', mole 1 sb. 'a mark on the body' ON. mistr 'darkness, mist', ME. mçle OE. mal = OHG. meil mister ME. maister = master. also meila, GOTH. mail 'a spot'. mistle ME. mistel OE. mistel — mole 2 sb. 'breakwater' borOHG. mistil G. mistel, ON. mistel rowed fr. FR. mole 'a bank' 'mistletoe'. — mistletoe OE. ( = IT. mole molo) : source misteltan ( = ON. mistilsteinn) fr. LAT. moles 'a great heap, a vast /«wA'/'bird-lime' and tdn 'branch'. pile'. mite 1 sb. 'a small insect' ME. mole 3 sb. 'an insectivorous OE. mite = LG. mite, OHG. miyi animal' ME. molle = DU. moll 'a midge, fly : TEUT. yf mit 'cut Prob. short for ME. moldewerp
monday —
= OHG. moltwerf G. maulwurf. G. mut, GOTH, mods, ON. módr. From ME. molde OE. molde 'earth' T h e orig. meaning of the TEUT. = ON. mold, OHG. molta, GOTH. stem moda- was perhaps 'strong muldit 'earth' and from the sf* werp emotion, violent excitement' and seen in GOTH. wairpan; see was prob. derived fr. they'"main GR. finitafrat desire'. warp. monday ME. monenday OE. moon ME. móne OE. móna ~ monandai = DU. maandag, OHG. OSAX. OHG. màno, DU. maan, G. manatac G. montag, ON. manadagr: mond, ON. mani, GOTH. mena the common Teut. name for 'the moon'. T h e Teut. base LAT. dies Lunae (FR. lundi, IT. menan- (and mènòp- =• montii) lunedt); the first syllable of is cogn. with the greater part monday is ident. w. moon. of the terms for 'moon, month' money ME. moneie borrowed in the other ARYAN languages ; fr. OFR. moneie FR. vionnaie cp. SKR. mas (for mans mens) (== SPAN, moneda, IT. moneta): 'moon, month' — màsa 'month', source LAT. moneta. See mint GR. f.tìjì' (for *. 'enclosure' ME. = DU. LG. post', early loanword pound (shortened in pon-, punfr. LAT. postem (nom. sing. postis), folde 'pound'). OE. pund 'enwhence also G. pfosten OHG. pfost closure' with the verb OE.pyndan and FR. poteau. ME. plnde 'impound, dam up the post 2 sb. 'mail service' = DU. water' = ON. pynda 'shut in' G. post, FR. poste, IT. posta. T h e (E. pinfold ME. pi-nfolde 'pound' word is a native of Italy and was points to OE. pyndan ME. plnde). borrowed from there by the P r o b . p e n OE.pennan is cognate, modern languages in the 16 t h if the base *panjan goes back cent. to an earlier form *pandjan\ T..UR. post 3 sb. 'a military post' = y~pand pund. G. posten, DU. post fr. IT. posto pound vb. 'beat' ME. poune OE. "guard, post'. punian 'pound'; perh. cognate w. pot ME. OE. pot (tt), = D U . L G . DU. puin 'ruin, rubbish'. pot(tt), ON. pottr (SWED. potta, DAN. potte); akin to FR. pot = p o u t vb. ME. poute 'sulk' (OE. *putian~i). — pout sb. (a kind C Y M R . pot, I R . pota. of fish) OE. puta or piite (in the potato imported in the second compound cklepiitan 'eelpouts'); half of the 16 t h cent, together cp. DU.puit a kind o f f i s h . The with SPAN, patata from Amcrica word is derived from the vb. (in Hayti the name was batata pout (TEUT. \f put): the fish has about 1530). its name from its pouting lips. pouch ME. pouche 'bag' fr. OFR. pouche (j>oche) 'pocket'; akin to powder sb. ME. po-ulre 'hairpowder' fr. FR. pom.re, whence poke. poult sb. 'chicken' (= pullet) also DXS.poeder, G.pudtr. Source late ME. pulte fr. VR.poitlet 'chicken' LAT. pulvere7n (j>ulvis), whence {poule ' h e n ) . — poulterer ex- G.pulver, IT.polve 'dust, powder'. tended for ME. pulter fr. FR. power ME. pouir earlier poir i>oulletier. — poultry ME. pultrle fr. OFR. po'er = FR. pouvoir', is derived fr. ME. pultir. ident. w. IT. potere and deriv. pounce vb. see punch. fr. LAT. poleit potui etc.
praise — proud
praise sb. ME.praispreis fr. OFR. preis, iclent. with price. p r a m sb. 'a flat-bottomed lighter' = LG. prahm, DU. praam ; LG. prâm, ON. prdmr, sw. pram. DAN. pram are of Slav, origin; cp. OSLOV. pramû belonging to the ARYAN y*per 'cross, ferry' seen in fare vb. prance vb. ME. praunçe vb. ident. w. E. prank vb. ME. pranke\ the sound points to Fr. origin. prate vb. late ME. prate = DU. LG. praten 'prate', DAN. prate 'tattle'. pray vb. ME. preie fr. OFR. preier = FR. prier pray' (source LAT. precari 'pray'). preach vb. ME. prçche fr. FR. prêcher. Source ciiurch-LAT. praedicare 'preach', whence also OE. predician, ON. predika, DU. prediken, OSAX. predik&n, OHG. predigôn MHG. G. predigen 'preach'.
prician) 'prick, spur'. Cp. MHG. pfr 'ècken, (m.prikka : TEUT.A/"prik. — prickle relation ME. prrikel OE. pricel. pride ME. pride OE. pry da : umlaut-relation to proud. priest sb. ME. prest OE. prçost; ident. w. OHG. prêst priestar MHG. G. priester, OSAX. prêstar, FR. prêtre for OFR. prestre'. descendants of LAT. presbyter 'priest'. But there are discrepancies in the phonetical development of the Rom. and Teut. forms. p r i m e fr. FR. prime = LAT. primus. — p r i m r o s e fr. FR. prime rose = LAT. prima rosa 'first rose'. — prince ME. prinçe fr. FR. prince (source LAT. princeps — principem — IT. principe), whence also G. prinz DU. prins.
print vb. ME. printe short for prénte imprénte fr. FR. empreinte sb. 'a stamp, print'; cp. FR. empreindre = LAT. imprimere. p r e s s vb. ME. presse fr. OFR. prison ME .prisoun fr. FR .prison', presser = LAT. pressare. pretty a d j . ME. *prétl for prati source LAT. prehensio{nem) = IT. 'pretty' a n d 'clever, cunning'; prigione. ov.. prœti^ 'tricky, deceitful'. T h e privy ME. privç fr. FR. privi OE. sb. prœtt plur. prattas means ( = LAT. privâtus). prize vb. ME.prise fr. vs..priser', 'trickery'. prey sb. HE. preiepraie fr. OFR. cf. E. prise fr. FR .prix. — prize preie praie — FR. proie (hence DU. sb. 'taking or capture e. g. of prooî) prey'. Source LAT. praeda. a ship' fr. FR. prise 'seizure' (DU. price sb. ME. pris fr. OFR. pris prijs, G. prise). — •ES., prix. Source LAT. pretium proud ME. proud late OE. prûd (by-fotm ME. prout late OE. prût 'price'. See prize. 'proud', prick sb. ME. p rieke (prike) OE. prête) ; cp. ON. prûdr pricca (prica) 'prick, spike'. — DAN. prud 'stately'. Cp. the umSource OFR. prick vb. ME- pricke {prike OE. laut-relation pride.
prove —
proud 'valiant' (under prowess) pull vb. ME. pulle OE. pullian 'draw'. = FR. preux. prove vb. ME. prove late OE. (C. pullet ME. poUte fr. FR. poulette IOOO) prôfian: loanword fr. LAT. a young hen', cp. poult. probare, whence also FR. prouver, pulp sb. fr. FR. pulpe = LAT. MHG. priievcn G. prùfen, ON. prof a pulpa 'pulp'. and also ME. préve prove 'prove'. — T h e sb. proof is derived fr. pumpion (dimin. pumpkitt) earthe vb. (cp. ME. prçve pr&vc = lier pompoun fr. FR. pompon (= DU. pompoeti) 'a kind of gourde'. FR. preuve). prow ME. *proue fr. FR. proue Source LAT. pepo (=: FR. plpon, (IT. pruaproda, LAT. prora) 'prow'. IT. pepone popone). prowess ME. prouesse fr. OFR. punish vb. ME. punisshe fr. FR. prouesse 'prowess', abstr. sb. of punir (j>umss-) 'punish'. OFR. prou proud = late OE. prûd purblind ME. purblind orig. 8. under proud. 'blind as a pur'? OK. pur means proxy sb. earlier prockesy for the bird 'onocrotalus'; cp. SWED. procuracy, cp. proctor late ME. purblind. proketour — LAT. procurator{em). purchase vb. ME. purclidfe fr. prune sb. ME. priine fr. FR. IR. pourchasser. prune = LAT. prunum", cp. plum. purge vb. ME. purge fr. FR. pry vb. ME. prie OE. *priwati purgcr. *preowian, the root of which is purple ME. purpre fr. FR. evident in OE. bepriwan vb. 'wink pourpre = LAT. purpura. with the eye' — preowothwtl purpose vb. ME. purpose fr. .'twinkling of the eye'. OFR. pourposer = FR. proposer psalm sb. ME. psalm. — LAT. 'propose'. psaltnus; already OE. salm. purse uE.purs late OE. (c.1050) puck sb. short for ME. pouke purs: loanword fr. OFR. borse = OE. pûca 'demon, hobgoblin' = FR. bourse; cp. LAT. bursa. ON. pûki 'imp' ; cp. OE. pùcel pursue vb. ME. pursue fr. OFR. ' d e m o n ' , NORTH-FRIES, puk 'mischievous sprite with large eyes'. porsuir = FR. poursuivre (source LAT. prosequi) 'prosecute'. pudding ME. pudding prob. purvey vb. ME. porveie fr. OFR. borrowed fr. FR. boudin 'blackpudding' (cp. ME. cuning fr. OFR. porvoir — FR. pourvoir (LAT. providere) 'provide'. conin under cony). p u f f vb. ME. puffe OE. *puffian push vb. ME. possepusse (posshe) aside of OE. pyffan 'blow': TEUT. 'push' fr. FR. pousser ( = LAT. base puffon puffjan. pulsarc) 'strike, thrust'.
put —
put vb. ME. pute puttt vb. fr. OFR. bouter 'thrust' ( c p . OE. 'throw, push, thrust' OE. (C. I OOO) purs 'purse' fr. OFR. borse u n d e r potian 'thrust'; perh. b o r r o w e d purse).
quail sb. ME. quaile fr. OFR. quaille — FR. caile 'a quail'; cp. IT. quaglia. S o u r c e a vulgar LAT. quaccola, w h e n c e also DU. kwakkel = ODU. quackele 'quail'. quaint adj. ME. queint, earlier form coint (quoint) 'famous, wellknown, clever, neat, e l e g a n t ' : loanword fr. OFR. coint 'neat, fine' = LAT. cognitus 'known'. quake vb. ME. quake OE. ovarian vb. 'quake'; cp. OE. cweiiean 'move' = ODU. quecken 'shake one's h e a d ' : TEUT. \f qak. qualm ME. qualm 'death, pestilence, torture' OE. cwealm 'death, pestilence': derived fr. the TEUT. qel in OE. cw'elan ME. qu$le vb. 'die'; cp. quell. quarrel ME. querele fr. FR. querelle = LAT. querela 'a c o m plaint'. quash v b . ME. quasshe vb. fr. OFR. quasser = FR. casser 'break'; source LAT. quassare 'to shake'. quaver vb. d e r i v e d fr. ME. qudve (OE. *cwafian) vb. 'tremble'; c o g n . w. ME. quappe vb. 'tremble'. quay earlier spelling keie late ME. keie fr. FR. quai. quean ME. qu(ne OE. cwene 'woman': perhaps a SCAND. loanword cp. on. kona G. plur.
(== OHG. quena kona, qino)', cp. late OE. cwenefugtVa hen-bird' fr. the equiv. ON. kvenfugl. T h e r e was a genuine OE. c o r r e s p o n d i n g cwine 'bad woman'. T h e g r o u p rests on a TEUT. q'enon- 'wife' = ARYAN gen A; c p . GR. yvvtj, SKR. gnd, OIR. ben, GOTH,
gena 'wife'. S e e the following word. queen sb. ME. quen OE. cwen 'queen, distinguished l a d y ' ; b a s e qoni for qani = GOTH, qens, ON. kvan kvcen, OSAX. quan 'wife': TEUT. qeni- = ARYAN. gbii(= SKR. jani 'wife') is of the same root as TEUT. q'enon- (see queari) = ARYAN gend. quell vb. ME. quelle OE. cwellan 'kill': derived fr. the str. vb. OE. cw'elan ME. qu(le 'die' (cp. quaint). T h e y b e l o n g to the TEUT. yf qll in G. qual - OHG. OSAX. quala 'torment, torture': ARYAN gel in LITH. geld 'grief' — OSLOV. zali 'suffering'. quench vb. ME. quenche OE. cweniean wk. vb. 'extinguish': derived fr. OE. d-cwincan 'bt exstinguished' = OFRIS. kwinka 'vanish'. It is doubtful whether OE. cwinan 'to be exstinguished' is
question —
(DU. kohier) — JR. cuhier 'copy book'. Source a late Latin quatcrnum question ME. questioun fr. FR. 'collection of four leaves' ( = IT. quaderno 'a quire o f paper', OE. question. cwdtern). q u i c k adj. ME. quick OE. cwicu 'living, alive' = OSAX. DU. quik, quitch-grass (also quick-grass OHG. MHG. quec (G. quecksilber couch-grass) ME. *quicche\ OE. 'quicksilver and erquicken vb. cwiie 'quitch-grass' answers to 'quicken, refresh') G. keck (for DU. kweek, LG. queke, G. qu'ecke queck) 'pert', ON. kvikr kykr : 'quitch-grass'. T h e name derives TEUT. \f qiq fr. ARYAN \fgig in LAT. fr. TEUT. quiku- 'alive' (under vivo (yixi-victum-i>ivere). T h e r e quick), because the w e e d seems exists an ARYAN d o u b l e t giw in not clearable. GOTH. qius (stem qiwa-) adj. quite adv. ME. quite fr. J?R. 'alive' = SKR. jiva, LITH. gywas, quit. LAT. vivus 'living, alive' (cp. quiver vb. derived fr. the adj. GR. (¡ing 'life'). See quitchME. quiver, late OE. CIV if or 'lively, grass. brisk, eagerly'; cp. OFR. quivrer quill sb. ME. quille = WESTPHAL. vb. 'awaken, encourage'. quiele 'quill': TEUT. base qili-, perh. quiver sb. ME. quiver fr. FR. ident. w. MHG. kil G. kiel 'quill'. quilt sb. ME. quitte fr. OFR. cuivre; ident. w. FR. coivrc cuivrc. cuilte = LAT. ctilcita 'cushion, late Latin base cucurum, whence also OE. cocor, OHG. kohhar G. pillow'. quince ME. coinè quine fr. OFR. kocher 'quiver', DU. koker. c o n n e c t e d with E. quench kwijnen 'wither').
coin = FR. coing 'a quince' (the ce o f modern E. qttince belongs prop, to the plural). S o u r c e LAT. cy donia = IT. cotogna, OHG. kutina G. quitte, OE. godceppel', DU. kwee ODU. quède corresponds to MHG. quiten = G. quitte.
quoth (quoth he 'he s a i d ) 3 d sing. pret. = ME. quoth earlier quath OE. eweed pret. of ME. qu{the OE. cwidan str. vb. 'say, speak' = GOTH, qifan, ON. kveda, osxx.quedan, OHG. quedan 'say': ARYAN V " g e t (by-form ged in SKR. bequeath quire (of paper) sb. ME. quaér gad 'speak'?). C p . bequest. quaier 'book' fr. OFK. quaier (DU. and
rabbit — rat
R rabbit cogn. w. ODU. robbe raisin ME. reisln fr. OFR. raisin robbeken 'rabbit'; perh. identical 'a grape', whence also DU. rozijn, G. rosine. Source LAT. racêmus w. DU. rob, G. robbe 'phoca'? race 1 ME. rçs OE.rœsï or bor- 'a bunch of grapes'. rowed from ON. rds 'a running': rake ME. rdk^ OE. râca = DU. TEUT. base rêsa-, raak\ ident. w. OHG. réhho G. race 2 'family' fr. FR. race = rechen, ON. reka \ TEUT. base rakon• SPAN. PORT. raza\ source ARAB. rékon-, derived fr. the str. vb. râs 'origin'. GOTH, rikan 'gather'. race 3 'root' fr. OFR. raïs — LAT. ram sb. ME. OE. ram (mm) OE. radix. — From the same source rçm (mm) = OHG. MHG. DU. rami also radish = DU. radijs (FR. TEUT. base ramma-', perh. cogn. radis). w. ON. ramr 'strong'. rafter ME. rafter OE. rœfter ; formed by suffix -ira- from the ramsons ME. ramsen OE. hramsame root as ON. rdf 'roof' and san plur. : TEUT. base hrumusan• also in G. (dial.) ramsen, SWED. OHG. râvo 'rafter*. Cp. the ARYAN rlfh in GR. ttmpm — opm/nç. ramslôk 'bear-garlick'; further rag ME. ragge (late OE. *ragg allied to GR. v.tjr [ivov 'onion', inferred from the adj. raggi% IR. cretn — CYMR. craf 'garlick', 'shaggy'): borrowed fr. ON. rçgg LÏTH. kermusze 'wild garlick'. range vb. fr. FR. ranger. 'shagginess'. ransack vb. ME. ransake fr. ON. rage ME. rage fr. FR. rage = rannsaka prop, 'search the house': LAT. rabies. ON. rann 'house' ( = GOTH. razn, rail 1 ME. rail reil fr. OFR. reille ; OE. rasn rœn urn 'house"); for source LAT. régula, whence also ON. saka see seek. G. riegel OHG. rigil, ODU. rijchel ransom ME. raunçoun (DU. rant• 'bar, rail'. rail 2 ME. rail OE. hrœjJ 'a gar- soeti) fr. FR. rançon ( = LAT. ment'; ident. w. OHG. hregil 'a redemptio-nem). garment': TEUT. base hrag(i)la-. rap vb. ME. râpe 'rush, hasten* rain ME. rain rein OE. r'eyi— OHG. = ON. hrapa vb. 'hasten'; cp. OLG. régan G. DU. regen, ON. regn, DU. rapen, MHG. raff en 'seize': GOTH, rigns: TF.UT. base régna-, TEUT. base hrapôn. Cp. Lith. roké 'drizzling rain'. rape sb. ME. râpe ( = DU. ractp) raise vb. ME. reisc borrowed fr. fr. LAT. rapa 'turnip'. ON. reisa 'raise': causal of ON. rat ME. rat OE. rat (ti) = rlsa = GOTH, reisan; cp. rise. G. ratte OHG. ratta, DU. rat rot',
rate —
ident. w. FR. rat, IT. ratto. History of the group unknown, rate fr. FR. rate — LAT. ratum. rather ME. rather OE. hrador prop, 'quicker, sooner': comparative form of OE. hrade 'quickly'; cp. the adj. OE. hrced, ON. hradr 'swift', OHG. hrad, DU. rad 'quick' fr. a TEUT. base hrapa-. Akin to OIR. crothim 'I shake'. rattle vb. ME. ratele vb.; cp. OE. hratele sb. 'rattle wort' and LG. ratelen vb.'rattle', MHG. ra^eln G. rossein vb.'rattle : TEUT.Y"hrat = ARYAN krad in GR. Y.ONDA'F") (V~krot in GR. xQoruXi^uv vb. rattle'?). raven sb. ME. raven OE. hrcefn = ON. hrafn; cp. OHG. hraban G. rabe, D U . raaf\ TEUT. base hrabna- hrabn-', perh. fr. an ARYAN \f kro : kor in LAT. corvus, GR. y.opaf raven'. ravish vb. ME. ravisshe vb. fr. FR. raviss- in ravir 'to ravish'. raw ME. raw OE. hreaw = OHG. hrao hro G. roh, DU. rauw, ON. hrar\ TEUT. base hrawa-] perh. cogn. w. SKR. krura 'sore' and LAT. cruor 'blood', ray see roach. reach 1 vb. ME. rgche OE. rtiiean fr. a TEUT. type raikjan in OHG. reihhan G. reichen vb. 'reach', DU. reiken. reach 2 , retch vb. ME. rgche OE. hrceiean; TEUT. hrak in OE. hrdca — ON. hraki 'spittle' and OHG. rahhison to try to vomit'. read vb. ME. rgde OE. rczdan vb. — ON. rdda 'read'; prop.
ident. vv. GOTH, redan, OHG. ràtan G. raten vb. 'advise', ON. ràda counsel, consult', read meant orig. 'to read a riddle' (cp. riddle), then 'to interprete the runes' (ON. ràda gdtu 'read a riddle' — rdda drawn 'read a dream* — ràda rùnar 'read runes'), SKR. has a corresponding ràdh 'perform'; cp. also OSLOV. raditi. ready adj. ME. r(dl (OE. *rédii extended fr.) OE. ràde 'ready' = F OHG. reiti 'ready'; cp. GOTH. garaids = ON. greidr 'ready'. As G. fertig prop, meant 'ready for a journey' (G. fahrt), perh. a TEUT. base raida- 'journey' may be the source of the group; cp. IR. réid 'passable' and see ride and road. realm sb. ME. rèalme (rialme) fr. OFR. realme (FR. royaume). ream late ME. r{me fr. OFR. raime FR. rame) cp. SPAN, resma, ITAL. risma ( G . ries) 'ream of paper'. Source ARAB. rizma 'a bundle'. reap vb. ME. répe OE. riopan vb. fr. a TEUT.Y"rip 'cut' in
cp. OE. rifter 'sickle' and see ripe. rear vb. ME. rére OE. r&ran vb. = OHG. reran vb. 'raise' fr. a TEUT. base raizjan; cp. rise and raise for \f ris. rear adj. ME. r(re OE. hr'ér. reason ME. r(soun earlier reisoun fr. FR. raison = LAT. ratio-nem. reave (bereave) vb. ME. réve OE. r{afian vb. = OHG. raubon G. rauben, GOTII. (bi)raubòn 'de-
spoil', ON. raufa (see also robe)'. in ON. hréll 'a weaver's rod', derived fr. a primitive str. vb. NORTH-FRIES, raial. OE. hereof an, ON. rjiifa 'to break'. rehearse vb. ME. rehèrçe fr. OFR. reherçer. Cp. SKR. lup. receive vb. ME. receive fr. OFR. rein sb. ME. reine fr. OFR. reine — FR. rêne (cp. ITAL. redina', recever = FR. recevoir. reck vb. ME. recke (recche) short source LAT. retinere 'restrain'). for OE. retean earlier raiean: relieve vb. ME. relève fr. FR, TEUT. base rokjan in ON. roekja, relever — LAT. relevare. OSAX. rdkian, OHG. ruohhan 'have rely vb. from LAT. re (as in a care for'. recall, remind, renew) and reckon vb. ME. rekne OE. JC- E. lie 'to rest'. r'ecenian vb. = OHG. r'ehhanon remnant sb. ME. remenaunt fr. G. rechnen 'reckon', du. rekenen', OFR. remenant 'remnant'. cp. the TEUT. V"rek in OHG. rahha rend vb. ME. rende OE. rendan 'subject, thing'. vb. 'tear, lacerate' = OFRIS. renda -red suffix in hatred', cp. OE. vb. 'tear, break'. f(ondrckden frfondrtzden 'friend1 ship' (hiwrdden under hind) ; rennet sb. fr. the vb. ME. renne 'run, make to run'; cp. under orig". -raidin in GOTH, ga-raideins. red adj. short for ME. r(d OE. run. r(ad - - TEUT. rauda- in GOTH. rennet'- sb. fr. FR. reinette. rauds, OHG. rot G. rot, DU. rood, renounce vb. ME. renounçe fr. ON. raudr 'red ; cp. OE. reodan FR. renoncer. — renown ME. — ON. rjdda vb. 'redden' and renoun fr. FR. renom. ruddock (rust). There is a rest sb. ME. reste OE. rest', TEUT. corresponding ARYAN rftdh base rasti-, cp. OHG. rasta 'rest, reudh in GR. tovlhjnc, SKR. rudhird, a measure of distance', GOTH. OSLOV. rudrii, LAT. ruber 'red', rasta 'a mile', ON. rgst 'a mile*. .LAT. rufus, IR. ruad. There is a TEUT.-y^ras in GOTH. reed sb. ME. red OE. kreod = razn 'house', ON. rann (cp. OHG. hriot G. D U . riet: TEUT. base ransack). hreuda-. retch vb. see reach"-. reek sb. ME. rek sb. fr. the vb. OE. ribb ME. ribbe OE. ribb — TEUT. reocan 'reek, smoke' = ON. rjuka, ribja- in ON. rif, OHG. rippi'. OHG. riohhan G. riechen', cp. OE. ARYAN Yrëbh in OSLOV. R U S S . rU ry£, ON. reykr, OHG. rouh G. rebro 'rib', rauch, D U . rook 'smoke' fr. a TEUT. rhythm see rime. base rauki-. -ric in bishopric = ME. bisshopreel ME. rele OE. hreol\ prop. riche OE. bisceoprUe', cp. OE. riie *hrdhil fr. a TEUT. base *hranhil 'reign' = GOTH. reiki, OHG. rîhhi
174 G. reich\
rice f r . T E U T . rik-
— rime
reiks 'king'. rice sb. fr. FR. riz (DU. rijsi) ITAL. riso, G. rets: source GR. inQvZa 'rice'. r i c h adj. ME. riche fr. FR. riche', ident. w. OE. rlie 'powerful', OHG. rihhi G. reich, DU. rijk, ON. rikr, GOTH, reiks. Originally a derivative of GOTH. reiks 'king' under ric. — r i c h e s sb. ME. richesse fr. FR. richesse: derived fr. FR. riche = TEUT. riki 'powerful'. =
r i d g e ME. rigge OE. hryig (genit. hryiges) = TEUT. hrugja- in OSAX. hruggi, DU. rug, OHG. hrucki G. riicken 'back', ON. hryggr\ preTEUT. krukjo-, cogn. w. IR. crocenn 'back'. rife adj. ME. OE. rlf 'abundant, frequent' = ON. rifr 'munificent, abundant', ODU. rijf 'copious', LG. rive 'abundant'. right adj. ME. right OE. riht earlier *reht = OHG. OSAX. reht G. DU.
raihts 'ri'jht, straight': TEUT. r'ehtarick sb. short for ME. r(k OF.. f r . a n ARYAN r 'ekto- ( = LAT. rectus hr{ac 'a heap' = DU. rook, ON. 'right, straight'), prop, participle kraukr (hroki) 'a heap': TEUT. fr. a v e r b a l y " r'eg in LAT. regere base hrauka-, akin to ON. hniga 'to rule'; cp. SKR. rjii 'right, 'a heap' and IR. cruach 'heap'. straight'. rid vb. ME. ridde prop, redde r i g h t e o u s transformed fr. ME. OE. hreddan = OHG. hrettan G. righlwls OE. rihtwis = OHG. rehtretten'. TEUT. base hradjan from wis 'knowing the right'; see an A R Y A N V~ krath in SKR. (rathay. wise. 'loosen'. r i m sb. ME. rime OE. rima rioma riddle sb. ME. redles OE. redels 'border, margin'; probably cogn. rddelse — DU. raadsel, OSAX. W. OE. rand, ON. rpnd, OHG. rant r&disli G. rdtsel 'riddle'; cp. OHG. G. DU. rand 'border, margin': ratisca ratussa 'riddle': TEUT. TEUT. ran-dS- for ram-do- (as *if~rad red under read. sand for A R Y A N samdho-). Perh. riddle2 sb. 'sieve' ME. riddel rind belongs to the same A R Y A N for OE. kridder = OHG. hritara \T rem. G. reiter 'sieve': ARYAN-yrkri in rime1 sb. ME. rim 'verse, song' LAT. cribrum 'sieve', GR. xoivtu borrowed about 1200 fr. OFR. and in GOTH, hrai-ns, OHG. reini rime, whence also MHG. rim G. G. rein 'clean' (prop, sifted'?), reim, DU. rijm (properly 'verse'). ride ME. ride OE. ridan str. vb Source LAT. rhythmus. — OHG. ritan G. reiten, DU. rijden, r i m e 2 sb. ME. rime OE. hrim = ON. rida'. TEUT. V r i d — p r e - T E U T . DU. rijm, ON. hrim 'hoarfrost'; reidh in GALLO-LAT. r'eda 'carriage' doubtful, whether OHG. hrifo G. — veredus 'horse' ( u n d e r p a Ifrey) reif, OSAX. hripo, DU. rijp 'hoarand IR. riadaim 'I go'; see ready. frost' are cognate.
rind —
rind sb. ME. rlnde OE. rind 'bark of a tree' fr. a TEUT. base rindò- {rèndo-) = OHG. rinta G. rinde 'rind'; perh. cogn. w. OHG. rant G. rand and OE. rand1 border, margin' under rim. r i n g sb. ME. ring OE. bring — ON. hringr, OHG. hring ring G. DU. ring : TEUT. base hringa(hrenga-) fr. apre-TEUT.V krengh in OSLOV. kragit 'circle' and kraglU 'round'. ring vb. ME. ringe OE. hringan = ON. hringja 'ring the bells'. rip vb. ME. rippe {ruppe) OE. ryppan = HG. rup/en 'to tear': TEUT. base ruppjan', cogn. w. GOTH. raupjan, OHG. rouffen G. raufen, OE. rypan répan and perh. allied to SKR.Y"rup 'break'. r i p e adj. ME. OE. ripe 'mature, ripe' = WEST-TEUT. ripi- in OSAX. ripi, DU. rijp, OHG. rìffi G. reif 'mature, ripe'; derived fr. the TEUT. v e r b a l r i p ' c u t ' inE. reap and OE. rifter sb. 'sickle'. T h e r e fore ripe orig. meant 'cuttable, fit for reaping'. rise vb. ME. rise OE. risan str. vb. = ON. risa, OHG. rìsan str. vb. 'to move up, rise': TEUT. verbal^"ris, whence also rear and raise. risk sb. fr. FR. risque — ITAL. GERM, risico. rive vb. ME. rive fr. ON. rifa 'tear' = OHG. riban G. reiben, DU. rijven "grate, rub': TEUT. verbal V * wrib in ODU. MLG. wriven 'rub', river ME. rivir fr. FR. rivière river, stream'; ident. w. ITAL.
riviera sea-shore : deriv. from LAT. ripa 'bank'. roach late ME. rgche points to a FR. source (cp. SWED. rokka, DAN. rocke 'roach'); the synon. ray g o e s back to FR. raie = LAT. raia 'roach'. road ME. rode 'journey, r o a d OE. rdd 'journey, road' = TEUT. b a s e raidô- (ON. reid 'riding') fr. the verbalY~rid in ride. roar vb. ME. rçre OE. rdriatt vb. = OHG. rêrên MHG. reren vb. low, bellow': TEUT. base rairanï or raizan ? roast vb. ME. rffste fr. OFR. rostir — FR. rôtir 'roast'. Source a
rösten G. rösten 'roast'; cp. OHG. MHG. râst G. rosi 'gridiron, grate', rob vb. ME. robbe fr. FR. rober. robe sb. ME. rçbe fr. FR. robe. Source a TEUT. sb. rauba- == OE. r{af 'spoil, clothing', OHG. MHG. roup(b) 'booty, spoil'. C o g n . w. reave. robin = FR. Robin the name Robert. rock sb. ME. rock late OE. rocc {stdnrocc)'. borrowed about 1000 f r . ONFR. roc (FR. roche)
rocca'. Source CELT, rokka-1 rock 2 vb. ME. rocke late OE. roccian 'shake, swing, rock'; cogn. w. OHG. ruckan G. rücken, ON. rykkja 'to pull roughly and hastily': TEUT. V " rukk. rod ident. w. rood. roe 1 sb. 'a female deer* ME. OE. rd earliest form rdha — OHG. reho\ TEUT. base raihan
roe — row
ident. w. OHG. reh. G. reh, DU. ree, ON. rd fr. a TEUT. base raiha-. roe 2 sb. 'the spawn of fishes' short for late ME. rgune', properly OE. *hrogen = ON. hrogn, OHG. rogan G. rogen with the by-form OHG. rogo: TEUT. base hrogna(hrogan-). rogue sb. fr. FR. rogue. roll vb. ME. rolle fr. OFR. roler — FR. rouler'. source LAT. rotulare. rood ME. rode OE. rod (obi. rode) 'cross', original meaning 'a rod or pole'. Ident. w. OSAX. roiia, DU. roede, OHG. ruota G. rute and w. E. rod. TEUT. base rodS-, pre-TEUT. r&dha- or rata-. roof ME. rof OE. hrpf. TEUT. base hrofa- in ON. hrdf 'shed', OFRIES. hrdf 'roof', DU. roef 'cabin'. Perh. allied to roost. IR. cro 'roof' points to a preTEUT. form krapo-. rook sb. ME. rok OE. hrdc = ON. hrdkr, OHG. hrnoh: TEUT. base hrdka-, pre-TEUT. krago-. room sb. ME. roum OE. rum OHG. rum G. raum, DU. ruim, ON. rum, GOTH. rums 'room': TEUT. ru-ma-
f r . a n ARYAN V " r u
in LAT. rus (ruris) 'open country'. roost sb. ME. rost OE. hrost = DU. roest 'hen-roost', OSAX. hrost ' r o o f ; prop, hrofsta- and cogn. w. roof ? root sb. ME. rote late OE. rot borrowed fr. the equival. ON. rdt: TEUT. base wrota-, cogn. w. E. root vb. OE. wrota'n 'grub up'
= ON. ròta grub up'; cp. MHG. rileyiel G. rtissel.
rope sb. ME. róp OE. rdp =
TEUT. base raipa- in ON. reip, DU. reep, OHG. G. reif hoop, ring, rope'; perh. cogn. w. GR. PATFIÓQ 'bent'. rose sb. ME. rflse OE. ròse (byform róse) borrowed fr. LAT. rosa, whence also FR. G. rose OHG. ròsa. r o s e m a r y sb. ME. rosmarine fr. OFR. rosmarin (FR. romarin) = LAT. ros marinus (prop, 'marin dew'); cp. G. rosmarin. r o t t e n adj. ME. roten = ON. rotinn-. partic. of a v e r b a l r u t reut in OE. rotian, OSAX. roton, MHG. ro~Qen vb. 'putrify'. rough adj. ME. rough {row) OE. riih = OHG. rùh G. rauh 'rough' (DU. rtiig 'rough'): TEUT. base ruha-, pre-TEUT. rùko-, cogn. w. LITH. raukas 'wrinkle'? round vb. 'whisper' ME. roune OE. runian = OSAX. runian, OHG. rùnèn G. raunen 'whisper': derivative of TEUT. ruttò- 'secret, mystery' under rune. round adj. ME. round fr. FR. rond (OFR. roond—LAT. rotundus), whence also G. rund, DU. rond 'round'. r o w sb. ME. rpwe OE. rdw 'row' fr. a TEUT. base raiwò- orig. raigwò-; cogn. w.MHG.rihe G.reihe 'row' and the str. vb. OHG. rihan 'rank, string'': pre-TEUT. rikh reikh in SKR. rèkhà 'line'. r o w vb. ME. rdwe OE. rowan = ON. róa, DU. roeijen, MHG.
r o w l o c k — rye
riïcjen 'to row' : c o m m o n b a s e a strong verbalV"ro in r u d d e r ME. rother OE. rodor — OHG. ruodar G. ruder, DU. roer ' r u d d e r ' : TEUT. b a s e ro-fira-. LAT. rê-mus ' r u d d e r ' a n d GR. ¿-pe-T,aoç belong to
A R Y A N R O : RË.
r o w l o c k r o l l o c k sb. p r o p , hole for rowing'; cp. G. loch a n d OE. ârloc ME. çrlock 'hole of oars'. r u d d o c k sb. ME. ruddok OE. rudduc ' r e d - b r e a s t ' ; cogn. w. r u d d y ME. rodl rudy (OE. *rudi£) r e d d i s h ' a n d OE. rudu 'red c o l o r ' ; cp. the a d j . red. r u d e a d j . ME. rüde fr. FR. rude = LAT. rudis 'rude'. r u e vb. ME. réwe OE. hréowan str. vb. =
OSAX. hreuwan,
riuwan G. reuen, ON. hryggva vb. distress, grieve': base a s t r o n g v e r b a l V " h r e u w . Cp. ruth. r u e sb. (a plant) ME. rüe fr. FR. rue — LAT. ruta 'rue'. r u l e ME. rçule earlier riule fr. OFR. reule riule: s o u r c e LAT. régula.^ w h e n c e also OE. r'égol, OHG. régala G. regel, FR. regle. r u m p late ME. rumpe\ i d e n t . w. MHG. G. rümpf, DU. romp 'trunk, body'. r u m p l e parallel form to ME. rimple OE. hrympele a n d i d e n t . w. ODU. rompel r i p p l e ' : d e r i v e d fr. the TEUT. v e r b a l \{~ hrémp in OE. gehrumpen 'wrinkled' a n d OHG. rimpfan str. vb. 'wrinkle'. r u n vb. ME. rinne (part, ironne) OE. (rare) rinnan (mostly yrnan) = ON. rinna, GOTH, rinnan 'run'; ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY.
OHG. rinnan G. rinnen str. vb. run'. r u n e the TEUT. w o r d for t h e o l d c h a r a c t e r s in writing: OE. ON. run with the orig. m e a n i n g 'mystery, secret' (GOTH. OHG. runa) ; i d e n t w. OIR. run 'secret'. Cp round vb. for the r o o t . r u n g ME. range OE. hrung (obi. hrunge) GOTH, hrugga 'staff', HG. LG. runge, DU. rong 'spar, bolt : TEUT. b a s e hrungo-. r u s t ME. rust roust OE. rust fr. a TEUT. b a s e rusta-\ ident. w. HG. LG. rost fr. a TEUT. b a s e rusta- : d e r i v e d with st- formative from t h e ARYAN rttdh (in E . r e d a n d r u d d y ) , w h e n c e also LAT. robigo rust' a n d OSLOV. ruzda (for *rudjd) 'rust'. r u s h sb. ME. russhe OE. rysie; i d e n t . w. LG. DU. rusch 'rush, reed'. r u s h vb. ME. rousche — G. rausehen MHG. riischen, DU. ruischen ODU. ruuschen, OSWED. ruska 'rush': TEUT. b a s e hruskoni T h e r e o c c u r s also OE. hryscan. r u t h sb. ME. r(uthe\ e x t e n d e d fr. a m o r e primitive sb. OE. hrfow; cp. OE. hrfowan str. vb. 'rue' u n d e r rue. rye
s b . ME. rie OE. ryj^e:
b a s e rugi- in ON. rugr 'rye'; OHG. rocko G. roggen a n d OSAX. roggo 'rye' p o i n t to a TEUT. parallel b a s e rttggan-. O u t s i d e of TEUT., OSLOV. riizi 'rye' ( b a s e rugi-) a n d LITH. rugiat 'rye' show t h e same b a s e as OE. ry^e a n d ON. rugr =• TEUT. b a s e rugi-. 12
sable —
s sable sb. ME. sable borrowed fr. OFR. sable; ident. w. MHG. G. zobel: source a SLAV, word, R U S S . sobolt 'sable'. sabre saber fr. FR. sabre = G. sdbel, SERB. RUSS. sablja, HUNGAR. szablya. Source and history unknown. sack sb. 'bag' ME. sakk OE. scecc = GOTH. sakkus, DU. zak, G. sack OHG. MHG. sac\ TEUT. base sakku- borrowed fr. LAT. saccus, whence also ITAL. sacco, FR. sac. Source HEBR.-Phenic. sak. sad ME. sad'sad, quiet, serious'; the ident. OE. seed satiated' corresponds with OHG. sat G. satt, OSAX. sad, ON. sadr, GOTH. saps 'satiated'. There is an ARYAN sa 'satiate' in LAT. satur-satis and OIR. sathach 'satiated'; cp. GR. a-fisvcci 'satiate'. saddle ME. sddel OE. sadol = ON. sgdull, OHG. satul G. saitel, DU. zadel: TEUT. base sadula-, perh. borrowed from a nonTEUT. language which might have formed a sb. sadulo- from the ARYAN V"sed in sit — set. safe ME. saf earlier sauf: loanword fr. FR. sauf — LAT. salvus; cp. save. sail sb. ME. sail seil OE. s'eyl — OHG. segal G. segel, DU. zeil, ON. segl: TEUT. base segla-. saint sb. ME. seint saint fr. FR. saint = LAT. sanctus.
sake sb. ME. sdke OE. sdcu = TEUT. base sako- in OHG. sahha G. sache, DU. zaak 'matter, affair'; perh. based on the TEUT. verbal sakan 'content, rebuke. sale ME. sale OE. salu; hence sell. sallow sb. ME. salwe earlier *salge OE. sealh (*sealg-) = OHG. salaha: TEUT. base sal ho-; cp. ON. selja 'willow* (base salhjon-). Prob. cognate w. LAT. salix (base salic-~) 'willow' and GR. ' n r.. sallow adj. ME. salwe OE. seal« salo = DU. zalwv, ON so' V''' > ish', OHG. salo 'sallow': TEUT. base salw.i-. salt sb. ME. salt OE. sealf. TEUT. base salta- in GOTH. O N . O S A X . salt, OHG. G. salz 'salt'. Cogn. w. LAT. sal, GR. ale, OSLOV. soli, OIR. salann 'salt'. salve sb. ME. salve OE. sealf (infl. sealfe) = OHG. salba G. salbe, DU. zalf-, cp. GOTH. salbon vb. = OE. sealfian E. s a l v e vb. Cognate w. the ARYAN \f selp solp in SKR. sarpis 'butter' — srpra 'fat', GR. ¿Anoc oil'. same sb. ME. same OE. sam < r /I N. sama, ON. samr, OHG. sam the same': pre-TEUT. somo- in GR. htinc, SKR. sama 'the same'. sample sb. ME. saumple earlier asaumple fr. OFR. essemple FR. example = LAT. exemplum. sand sb. ME. OE. sand = OSAX. sand, OHG. sunt G. sand, DU zand,
sap —
sandrx TEUT. b a s e sanda- f o r samda-, c p . p r e - T E U T . samadho-s in GR. a/.ia9o4
sun —
sun sb. ME. sunnesonne OE. sunne sward sb. ME. swarde OE. sweard infl. sunnan = GOTH. sunno, OHG. infl. swcarde 'the skin of bacon' ODU. zwaerde, MHG. swarte G. OSAX. sunna G. sonne, DU. zon\ = schwarte 'skin o f b a c o n ' , ON. TEUT. base sunnon-. T h e modern E. supper sb. ME. soper super fr. svordr 'skin. meaning 'green turf is due FR. souper. C p . dinner. sure adj. ME. siir properly seiir to Northern influence; cp. ON. fr. OFR. sur seur FR. sür ( = LAT. jardar-svgrdr 'earth-sward', grassvgrdr 'grass-sward' (and MLG. secürus, w h e n c e also sicker). surgeon sb. ME. surg(n (surgein) grdinswarde, DAN. grensvcer). swarm sb. ME. swarm OE. fr. OFR. cirurgien (LAT. type chiON. svarmr, OHG. rurgianus).— H e n c e surgery ME. swearm = swarm G. schwarm (DU. zwerm)'. surgerie: LAT. chirurgia. Cp. the SKR. swaddle vb. ME. swathele OE. all equivalent. swadelian v b . : d e r i v e d fr. OE. v~svar 'to sound ? swcedel ' b a n d a g e ' ; ident. w. the swart adj. ME. swart OE. sweart umlauted OHG. swedil ' b a n d a g e ' ; — GOTH. swarts, ON. svartr, DU. zwart, OHG. swarz G. schwarz\ see swathe. swain sb. ME. .smzzVz prop. swein: C o g n . w. LAT. sordes (properly sword. b o r r o w e d in the I I t h cent. fr. ON. *svordes) 'dirt': ARYAN sveinn; ident. w. OE. swdn 'man, swath sb. ME. swath OE. swzp warrior', OHG. sivein 'servant*. 'footprint, track' (with the byswallow sb. (the bird) ME. form OE. swadu 'track'); cp. swalowe OE. swealwe = OHG. MLG. swat — swade, G. schwaden, swalawa G. schwalbe; ident. w. DU. zwaad 'a row o f mown grass': OSAX. swala, ON. svala 'a swallow': T e u t . base swapa. T e u t . b a s e swalwon-', if for swathe vb. ME. swathe OE. swa*swalgwön-, c o g n . w. GR. dly.vojv? dian\ cp. swaddle. swats ( S c o t c h ) 'beer' OE. swata; swallow vb. ME. swel(o)we earswot under sweet. lier swelgen OE. swelgan str. vb. d e r i v e d fr. swear vb. ME. swe're OE. swerian = OSAX. OHG. swelgan (swelhan) G. schwelgen, DU. zweigen (ON. (prt. ME. OE. swor) str. vb. = svelgja) : T e u t . verbal sw'elh OHG. OSAX. swerian G. schworcn, DU. zweren, ON. sverja str. vb.; sw'elg, ARYAN V " swelk. s w a m p sb. c o g n . w. OHG. G. cp. GOTH. swaran. T h e original swar sumpfe DAN. SWED. sump 'a swamp*. meaning o f the TEUT. swan sb. ME. OE. swan fr. a was probably 'to declare', as TEUT. swana- = ON. svanr; cp. shown by the derivative answer. OHG. swana G. schwan DU. zwaan. sweat vb. short for ME. swete C o g n . w. LAT. sonare (properly OE. swdtan; d e r i v e d fr. OE. swat *svonare), SKR. \fsvan 'to sound'. ME. swfite (E.sweat sb.influenced
sweep —
by the vb. sweat) = DU. zweet, s w i m vb. ME. swimme OE. swimstr. vb. = OSAX. OHG. ON. sveiti, OHG. swci5 G. schweiss'. man TEUT. swait (swit in G. schwitzen swimman str. vb. G. schwimmen\ OHG. swizzati) = A R Y A N swoid ident. w. ON. symja (for orig. swid in SKR. V~ s y id TO sweat', *swumjan) 'to swim': TEUT. GR. (iSpfig 'sweat' — idinv 'to sw'em (sum under sund). sweat', LAT. sudor (orig. *svoidos) swine sb. ME. OE. swin 'sweat', LETT. swidrs sweat'. OSAX. OHG. swin G. schwein D U , ON. svin, GOTH. swein\ sweep vb. ME. swepe OE. swdpan zivijn, 3 d p. sg. pres. t. swckpd'to sweep': T e u t . b a s e swina-, properly suTEUT. \fswaip under swoop. -ina-, derived fr. ARYAN sil 'a sweet adj. ME. OE. swete adj. pig' in OE. OSAX. OHG. SU 'a sow* with the non-umlauted adverb = LAT. SU-S, GR. I AV-Q. The OE. swote (ME. sote a d j . a d v . ) ; suffix -ma- in TEUT. swina- is ident. w. ON. satr (orig. *sva>tr), diminutive, as shown under OSAX. swoti, DU. zoet, OYLG.s(w)uo-i^i chicken, maiden. S e e also sow. G. süss: T e u t . base swoti-, orig. swing vb. ME. swinge OE. swinsw&tu- (cp. GOTH. süts 'sweet'), gan str. vb. = OSAX. OHG. swinA R Y A N b a s e swadu in SKR. svädü, gan G. schwingen. — swinge ME. GR. IIJI'C jjävc, L A T . suävis (orig. swenge OE. swenigean 'to beat, *suädu-is). C p . swats. shake' causal of swing: TEUT. swell vb. ME. swelle OE. sw'ellan y " sw'eng swung (swangw in GOTH. str. v b . = OSAX. OHG. sw'ellan afswaggwjan ?) G. schwellen, DU. zweiten, ON. svella str. v b . : TEUT. verbal \fswell swink vb. ME. swinke OE. swinIdent. w. swing? (also in GOTH. ufswalleins sb.). can str, vb. swoon vb. ME. swciune earlier swerve vb. ME. swerve OE. sweorfan str. vb. 'to scrub, file'; swognien', derived fr. the p. partiident. w. OSAX. sw'erfan, DU. ciple OE. 5eswogen 'in a swoon' zwerven, GOTH. swalrban, ON. — dswdgen ' c h o k e d ' ; allied to sverfa: T E U T . V swerb, A R Y A N GOTH, gaswogjan swogatjan 'to swerbh in RUSS. sverbeti, OSLOV. sigh', OE. swogan 'to sough, sigh': ARYAN swogh swagh in LITH. svrübeti 'to itch'. swift adj. ME. OE. swift (OE. svagcti 'to sound', swift?); p. participle of OE. swifan swoop vb. ME. swope OE. swdpan 'to move quickly' = ON. svifa, (identical w. sweep). formed by suffix to (see old, sword sb. ME. swerd OE. sweord cold, loud). C o g n . w. DU. (swurd) = OSAX. OFRIES. swerd, zweven, OHG. sw'eben G. schweben. DU. zwaard, ON. sverd, OHG. sw'eri swill vb. ME. swile OE. swillan G. schwert'. A R Y A N base swerdlw(3 d p. sg. pres. t. ¡wiled). (in LAT. sorbus 'service-tree'?)
table —
table sb. ME. tdble fr. FR. table — LAT. tabula (whence OE. tcefel 'chess-board' = OHG. zabal 'board'); cp. also G. DU. tafel. tackle sb. ME. takel; ident. w. MLG. takel 'equipment' (G. SWED. takel. DAN. takkei). tadpole short for toad-poll. tail sb. ME. tail OE. tcefel — OHG. zagal 'a tail', ON. tagl *a tail', GOTH. tagl 'hair'. tailor sb. ME. taillour fr. OFR. tailleor = FR. tailleur. take vb. ME. take late OE. ( 1 1 t h cent.) tacan borrowed fr. ON. taka str. vb. taking the place of OE. niman (under nimble); cp. cast = ON. kasta supplanting OE. weorpan (under warp). Ident. w. GOTH, tekan str. vb. 'to touch': TEUT. t£k tak; pre-TEUT. \f~deg dag ? tale sb. ME. tale OE. tdlu = DU. taal 'language', OHG. zala G. zahl\ cp. ON. tal 'a tale'. Cp. the TEUT. verb taljan in OE. tellan ME. telle E. tell = OHG. zellan (cp. goth. talzjan). Hence derived talk vb. ME. talke vb. (OE. *talcian *talecian)\ k is suffixed as in hark. tall adj. ME. tal; probably OE. letcel 'swift, prompt' with the byform geatol{lic) 'swift'. Ident. w. OHG. gizal'. Teut. base ga-tala-. tallow ME. talugh earlier *talh = MLG. talch (G. talg, DU. talk), ON. tolgr. Cogn. w. GOTH. tulgus 'fast'?
tar rj
tame adj. ME. tdme OE. tarn (infl. tâmd) — ON. tamr, DU. tam, OHG. zam G. zahm\ Teut. base tama- (hence derived GOTH. tamjan 'to tame' = ON. temja, OHG. zemmen). ARYAN dont in LAT. dotnare 'to tame', GR. ôuuàv, SKR. ilamây 'to tame'. tan vb. ME. tanne OE. tannian vb.; cogn. w. FR. tan 'oak-bark' (LAT. tannare in the 8 l h cent. = FR. tanner ; cp. DU. taJTz'bark'). H e n c e E. tawny — FR. tanné. tang sb. (sea-weed) fr. DAN. tang = ON. fang (ppngull}. tap sb. ME. tappe OE. tœppa 'a tap' = OHG. zapfo G. zap/en, DU. tap, ON. tappi (FR. tape tapon are Teut. loanwords). taper sb. ME. tdper OE. tâpor\ pTo\>e.r\y*papurt loanword fr. LAT. papyrus, which appears in Rom. dialects as 'taper'. tar sb. ME. terre', cp. OE. teoru (tyrwe) 'tar' and DU. (G.) teer, ON. tjara', ident. w. LETT, darwa tar'. T h e group rests on Aryan deru — tree; tar orig. 'tarwood'. tare sb. ME. tare', Teut. base tar(w)ôn also in ODU. taruwe DU. MLG. tarwe. C o g n . w. SKR. dûrva (a kind of grass) and LITH. dirua 'field'. tarn sb. ME. terne fr. ON. tjçrn (G. tjarnar) 'a tarn, pool'. tarry vb. ME. terie OE. terian terian 'to vex' = DU. LG. tergen,
— teen
t a r t sb. ME. tarte fr. OFR. tarte — FR. tourte (whence DU. taart, G. torte). task sb. ME. tdsk(e) fr. OFR. tasque = FR. tâche ; s o u r c e LAT. taxare, whence also tax. tatter sb. a S c a n d . l o a n w o r d fr. ON. tçtrar pl. 'tatters'; already ME. tat red 'ragged', tattle vb. fr. ME. tatere v b . taw, tew vb. ME. téwe ; OE. tàwian teaivian means p r o p , 'prepare' and c o r r e s p o n d s with DU. toiiwen 'to curry leather', OHG. zouwen 'make, prepare', GOTH. taujan ' d o ' : TEUT. tau\ see tool. t a w n y s e e tan. tax v b . fr. FR. taxer = LAT. taxaxe; ident. w. task. tea sb. = FR. té, G. thee", s o u r c e té\ the word b e c a m e E u r o p e a n in the 2 n d half of the 17 t h cent. teach sb. ME. tçche (prt. taughte) OE. tœéean (prt. tœhti) ; c o g n . w. token OE. tâcen; cp. OHG. zeigon G . zeigen. ARYAN \ r dik. team 1 sb. 'family' ME. t{m OE. tçam 'family, offspring' = MLG. torn 'progeny' (with the umlauted vb. teem ME. téme OE. téman tyman 'to teem ) : T e u t . base tau(h)ma- fr. \f~tâh in GOTH. tiuhan, OHG. ziohan G. ziehen. ARYAN yf duk in LAT. dùco. See the following word. CHINESE
team 2 sb. (team o f o x e n ) ME. téme îtéme OE. tytyme 'team of o x e n ' ; d e r i v e d fr. TEUT. tau(h)ma'rein, bridle' (in ON. taumr OHG.
zoum G. zautri). as in team
R o o t the same
tear v b . ME. t$re OE. teran str. vb. G O T H . gatatran 'to break'. ARYAN Y der in SKR. dar 'to burst, break asunder', GR. dtmiv 'to flay', LITH. dirti 'to flay'. tear sb. ME. tcr OE. tear: TEUT. tahr- in ON. tdr, OHG. zahar (G. zdhre); cp. O N O R T H U M B R . *n>hhrr and a c c o r d i n g to Verner's law GOTH. tagr. ARYAN base dakru in GR. Jciy.(jv, W E L S H daigr ( p e r haps SKR, a(ru a n d LAT. lacrima are c o g n a t e ) . A l l equivalent. tease vb. (ME. tfise) OE. tcesan 'to pull to p i e c e s , to t e a s e (wool) with the non-umlauted byform ME. tcise (OE. *tasan o r *tdsian). TEUT. strong verbal yftais in OHG. zeisan 'to t e a s e ' = DU. teezen. — C o g n . w. teasel (plantname) ME. t$sel OE. tcksel = OHG. zeisila 'thistle', teat sb. ME. tete fr FR. tette; ident. w. OE. iitt — MHG. G. zitze. ted vb. fr. ON. tcd,a\ ident. w OHG. G.(dial.) zetten to spread . A s shown by the p. participle G O T H . un-gatass 'undisposed', there existed also a str. vb. *tadjan. ARYAN \Tdat in GR. durtof.iui '1 d i v i d e , distribute'. teem 1 vb. 'to bring forth' s e e team. teem 2 vb. 'to empty' s e e toom. teen sb. ME. tene OE. teona 'suffering, insult' = OSAX. tiono 'injury'; cp. OFRIES. tiuna 'to hurt.'
tell —
tell vb. ME. telle (prt. tglde) 0E. terror sb. fr. FR. terreur — LAT. terror{em). tellan (prt. talde) under tale. tempest sb. ME. tempest fr. test sb. meant properly in alOFR. tempeste = FR. tempete. chemy 'a vessel for testing gold' Source vulgar LAT. tempesta for and rests on ME. test(e) — LAT. tempestas. testa, whence also FR. tête OFR. temple sb. ME. temple OE. tempel teste 'head' with the borrowed fr. LAT. templum. E. testy. temples ME. temples fr. OFR. tether sb. short for ME. tçder\ temples (FR. tempe) plur. = LAT. doubtful, whether genuine Engiempora 'the temples'. lish or of Scand. origin. Cp. tempt vb. ME. tempte vb. fr. ON. tjôdr — OHG. ziotar "a tether': OFR. tempter (FR. tenter) — LAT. Teut. base teudra-. temptare. ten num. ME. ten rests on an tetter sb. ME. OE. teter fr. a unrecorded OE. *teon, instead of Teut. base tëlru- = ARYAN which an umlauted tyn is found. dëdru-, Cp. OHG. zitaroh 'tetter' Teut. base tehun t'ehan in G O T H . and SKR. dadru 'a kind of leptaihun, OSAX. t'ehan, D U . tien, rosy', L I T H . dedervine 'tetter*, OHG. zehan G. zehn. Ident. w. than conj. ME. thanne OE. panne SKR. dafa, GR. dt/.a, LAT. decern, = OHG. MHG. danne\ derive'd fr. OIR. deich. — The suffix -teen the article the. (in thirteen etc.) ME. -tene OE. thane sb. ME. thein (the modern -ttne -tyne is the inflected form spelling a instead of ai — as of the numeral ten. — The suffix in rain — is of Scotch origin) -ty (in twenty etc.) represents OE. p'éien". Teut. base pègna- in the sb. G O T H , tigus 'decade' (in O N . fiegn, OSAX. thëgan, OHG. salhs tig jus = ON. sextigir); cp. OE. th'égan 'a thane, warrior' (in the prilii sixtij, — OHG. drtzug s'ehzug Bavarian dialect 'a male child'). •3. dreissig sechzig. For the g Ident. w. GR. Tt/.vor 'child'; in G O T H , tigus cp. GR.
toe — tower
morwe OE. to tnorgne cp. OSAX. probably derived fr. the TEUT. V"tau 'to make' (see under taw). te naht 'tonight', toe sb. ME. to ( p i . ton) OE. ta toom adj. ME. OE. torn loanword (pi. idn) oldest form tah LAT. dent- (liens), Pre-Teut. base tioignd- doigni- LITH. dantis. A R Y A N \f~ed 'to eat' cogn. w. GR. ihTy/na by the side see under eat; the form of the of thvviit. ARYAN dik (dig) in Aryan word (cp. sooth) is present LAT. (Geo (— dignus — prodigium). participle. E. teach OE. tceiean belongs to top 1 Sb. ME. OE. top (pp) — O N . the same root. toppr, DU. top (OHG. G. zopf 'a toll Sb. ME. OE. tdl (11) = OHG. tuft of hair'): Teut. base toppazol (11) G. zoll, O S A X . DU. tol\ cp. tuppa-. O S A X . tolna = OE. tolne 'toll'. Source LAT. telonium in a vulgar top - sb. (a child's toy) ME. OE. form toloneum lor teloneum. Cp. top (pp); phonetically differing OE. tolnire OHG. zoianari = LAT. fr. the equiv. LG. dop, OHG. topfo G. topf. tolonarius (telonarius). tomb sb. ME. tombe toumbe fr. torch sb. ME. torche fr. FR. torche, whence also DU. toorts. T?R. tombe = LAT. tumba. touch vb. ME. touche fr. FR. tomorrow see today. tongs sb. ME. OE. tgnge (tange) toucher, whence also DU. toetsen. = OHG. zanga G. zange, DU. tang, tough adj. ME. tough OE. tph fr. ON, tpng: Teut. base tango-n- fr. T E U T . *tanhu-, whence also D U . t h e ARYAN \ f dak i n SXR. daf — taai, OHG. zahi G. zixhe. Perhaps GR. da/.>'MI' t o b i t e ' . cogn. w. OE. Jetgng adj. 'in contongue ME. tonge tunge OE. tunge tact with' —letenge 'close to'. — GOTH. tuggo, OHG. zunga G. towel sb. ME. touail fr. OFR. zunge, DU. tong. Teut. base toaillc — FR. touaille. Source an tungon• fr. pre-TEUT. djngha- in old Teut. word; cp. OHG. dwahilla © L A T . dingua ( = LAT. lingua). G. zwehle 'towel', T E U T . pwah tonight see today. in GOTH. pwahan — OE. pw(an too ident. w. to. str. vb. 'to wash', v ool sb. ME. OE. tpl — ON. tol\ tower sb. ME. tour late OE.
town — th
(u cent.) túr fr. FR. tour. Source LAT. turris. t o w n sb. ME. toun OE. tún ; the original meaning fence' is seen in OE. tynan wk. vb. 'to fence, enclose'. Cp. ON. tun, DU. tuin, OHG. zûn G. zaun 'fence, hedge'. Cogn. w. OIR. aún 'fortress' (in CELT, place-names as in Augustodûnutn). t r a c e sb. ME. trdçe fr. FR. trace (source LAT. tractiare). t r a d e sb. original meaning'path* fr. the vb. tread. t r a i l vb. ME. traile late OE. trce^lian fr. OFR. trailler, whence also DU. LG. tre'den. t r a i t o r sb. ME. traitour fr. OFR. traitor (FR. traître) — LAT. traditor(em). t r a m p , trample vb. ME. trampe — LG. trompen trampeln; cp. G O T H , trimpan 'to tread'. t r a p sb. ME. trappe late OE. trappe loanword fr. FR. trappe; source OHG. trappa. t r a v e l vb. ME. travaille fr. FR. travailler. t r e a c h e r y sb. ME. trécheríe triccherie fr. FR. tricherie (FR. tricher vb.). t r e a d vb. ME. tr(de OE. trèdan str. vb. = OSAX. trèdan, DU. treden, OHG. trétan G. treten; cp. GOTH. trudan, ON. troda 'to tread'. TEUT. \f trëd trod. t r e a s o n sb. ME. traisoun fr. OFR. traison = FR. trahison: source LAT. tradilio(nem). t r e a s u r e sb. ME. trésor fr. FR. trésor •— LAT. thesaurus.
t r e a t vb. fr. FR. traiter = LAT. tractare. t r e e sb. ME. tré OE. tréo = GOTH. triu, OSAX. trio, ON. tré: T e u t . base tr'éwa-, derived fr. an ARYAN dru doru in SKR. dru dâru 'wood', GR. ô(/vç 'oak' — Joov 'spear', OSLOV. drûva — drëvo 'wood'; cogn. w. tar and trough. t r i p e sb. AIE. tripe — DU. trijp fr. FR. tripe. t r o u b l e vb. short for ME. trouble: loanword fr. FR. troubler. t r o u g h sb. ME. trogh OE. troh trog = ON. OHG. G. DU. trog-, Teut. base troga- truga-, probably derived fr. ARYAN dru'wood' under tree. t r o u t sb. ME. troute (for troughtef) OE. trûht: early loanword fr. LAT. trûcta = FR. truite. t r u a n t sb. ME. truant prop. truaund fr. FR. truand 'a vagabond'. t r u c e sb. ME. tréwes plural form of ME. tréwe 'truce' = OE. tréowa 'confidence, faith'. Derivative of the adj. t r u e ME. tréwe OE. y:tréowe tytrywe = OHG. triuwi gitriuwi G. (ge)treu, OSAX. triuwi', c p . GOTH, triggws — ON. tryggr true'. Cogn. w. OPRUSS. druwis 'belief' — druwit 'to believe'. ARYAN dru. See truth and trust. t r u m p sb. ME. trumpe trompe fr. FR. trompe, whence also ODU. trompe. t r u n c h e o n sb. ME. trounchoun tronchoun fr. OFR. trondwn — FR. tronçon.
trust —
trust sb. ME. trust fr. ON. trçust turn vb. short for ME. tourne 'confidence' ( = OHG. trost G. late OE. türnian fr. FR. tourner. trost 'consolation'): Teut. base turtle sb. ME. OE. turtle (— trausta- fr. an A R Y A N base drouz- OHG. turtulatüba G. turtellaube) da- ; cogn. w. IR. druit (base fr. LAT. turtur. druzdi-) 'firm, trustworthy'. tusk sb. ME. tusk tusch short truth ME. tréuthe OE. trçowp for OF,, tusc (tusC); probably Teut. 'faith, fidelity': abstract forma- base tunska-, derived fr. TEUT. tunp- (tanfi-) = tooth. tion to true. try vb. ME. trie fr. FR. trier. twelve num. ME. OE. tioelf (infl. tub sb. ME. tubbe = DU. tobbe, ME. twelve OE. twelfe) — GOTH. LG. tubbe 'a tub'; cogn. w. OHG. twalif, OHG. zwelif G. zwölf, OSAX. zubar G. zuber. Source LAT. tubus twelif, DU. tiuaalf. The word 'a pipe, tube' ? rests on the num. two; the 2nd tuck vb. ME. tukke = OHG. zockonelement (cp. LITH. dvylika twelve') occurs again in GOTH. ainl'tf = zucken : intensive formation of tuh in GOTH. tiuhan — OHG. ziohan OHG. einlif (see eleven). —• twenty ME. twenty OE. twenty (see under tie). Tuesday sb. ME. Tvwesday OE. probably contracted for *twe• Tiwesdœ\ = ON. Tysdagr, G. (Ale- lentil=OHG. zweinzug (G. zwanzig, mann.) Zistag'. translation of LAT. DU. twintig). — twice adv. ME. Martis dies. The Teut. god Tiw twies prop, twle OE. twiyi (twiwa corresponds to Mars. OE. Tiw tuwa). — ON. Tyr rests on A R Y A N deiwos twig sb. ME. twig pi. twigges; 'god' (in SKR. dcva, LAT. deus; cogn. w. OE. tiui (pi. twiyt), OHG. cp. ON. tivar 'the gods'). zwi and also w. OHG. zwig G. tumble vb. ME. tumble tomble zweig, DU. twijg. Probably confr. OE. tumbian 'to dance, tumble'; nected w. the numeral two cp. DU. tuimelen fr. ODU. tûmen. ( A R Y A N stem dwi-). tun sb. ME. tunne tonne OE. tunne twins pi. ME. twinnes OE. = DU. ton; ident. w. OHG. tunna letwinnas; ident. w. ON. tvinnr G. tonne and FR. tonne. Source 'two and two'; cp. OHG. ziviniand history of the group not litig G. zwillbig, DU. tweeling 'a twin' and LITH. dvynii 'twins'. All cleared up yet. turbot sb. ME. turbut fr. FR. derived fr. the A R Y A N stem dwi- ; see two. turbot. turf sb. ME. turf torf OE. turf twine vb. ME. twine vb. fr. the — ON. torf, OHG. zurba, DU. turf sb. OE. twin 'linen, a twisted 'peat': Teut. base turb- torb- fr. thread' = DU. twijn, which is an A R Y A N base drbh- d)rbh-; cp. ident. w. MHG. G. zwirn, DU. SKR. darbha 'bunch of grass'. tiücer?i: Teut. base twizna- fr.
twinckle — up
twis (see under twist), cogn. I --- G. zwicken (cp. OHG. z7oecchon): Teut. ground-form *twikkjbn? w. the num. two. twinckle vb. ME. twincle OE. twitter vb. ME. twitere = OHG. zwizziron G. zuitschern; perh. a twinclian. twist vb. ME. twiste vb. fr. OE. reduplicated W E S T - TEUT. *twitwist sb. 'rope' — ODU. twist twiron? ( T E U T . \f~twis ?). 'thread'; T E U T . \f twis as in G. two num.: orig. twain masc. —• zwirn 'thread'; see twine. two f. n. = ME. twcin — two OE, twit vb. short for ME. at-wite twe^en — twa (tu n. for *twu orig. OE. at-wltan str. vb. 'to reproach'; *two); cp. OHG. zwene — zwa — cp. OE. ed-wtt sb. 'reproach' and zwei, OSAX. twene — twS (twä) GOTH, idweitjan vb. 'to reproach', — tw£, GOTH, twai — twos — twa. OHG. firwifjian G. verweiscn, DU. ARYAN stem duo- dwo- in LAT. verwijten 'to reproach' and OE. duo, GE.. iSu'o (but i)Vi¡¿sua for wlte, OSAX. witi, OIIG. wiiii 'pu- *i)/oji)fxi OHG. huy hoie DU. hui). >5 ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY.
which —
w h i c h pron. ME. which OE. hwyli w h o pron. ME. who prop, who (prehistoric form *hwilii) = OE. hwa = GOTH. ha-s, cp. GOTH, fvileiks, OSAX. hwilik\ OHG. hw'e-r G. wer: stem kwac p . OHG. helih G. welch: T e u t . hwe-, also in what and how and b a s e hwilika• (hwelika-) and for in which, lühither, whether. OHG. hwelih a base hwalika-. ARYAN base qo- in L A T . quo-d, D e r i v e d fr. stem hwa- hw'e- under SKR. ka-s \vho', I.ITH. ka-s 'who'. who. whole adj. ME. hoi OE. hal w h i l e sb. ME. while OE. hwtl (hence the abstract formation infl. hwile — GOTH. heila, OHG. health) = GOTH. hails, ON. heill OHG. G. heil, OSAX. OSAX. hwila, G. weile, DU. wijl. (see hail), ON. hvlla 'bed' (cp. OHG. hwittn hei, DU. heel: T e u t . base haila— 'to rest') points to connection w. (whence derived hailagaIdent. w. OSI.OV. ¿llü L A T . quietus 'quiet' and OSLOV. holy). 'complete, whole' (ground-form pociti 'to rest*, A R Y A N \f qi. whine vb. ME. whine OE. hwlnan kailo-); cp. OPRUSS. kailustikan str. vb. 'to make a shrill sound' 'health'. = ON hvina 'to whiz', whore sb. ME. OE. höre 'prow h i s k y ident. w .usque baugh. stitute' = ON. höra, OHG. huora whisper vb. ME. whispere OE. 'adulteress'; cp. GOTH, hirs hwisprian "to murmur'; cp. OHG. 'adulterer'. A R Y A N Mr 'to hwispalon G. wispeln. Sound-imi- love' in OIR. cara 'friend' — tation? or cogn. w. whistle? caraim 'I love' (Gallo-LAT. carisa whistle vb. ME. whistle OE. 'prostitute') and LAT. cärus 'dear'. hwistlian; perh. akin to whisper. w h y pron. ME. whl OE. hwi = ON. hvi \ instrum. of the stem hwawhit ident. w. wight. white a d j . (short in Whit- in what. sunday lit. 'white Sunday') ME. w i c k sb. short for ME. weke whit OE. hwit = GOTH. heits, OE. weoce = OHG. wiohha, LG. weke, ON. hvitr, OHG. hwii, G. weiss: DU. wiekt T e u t . base weukon, T e u t . base hwita-, c o g n . w. SKR. perhaps reduplicated for we(veta 'white' — \j~fvit 'to shine'. wk-on, as m a d e probable by the A R Y A N yf kwid kwit. S e e also equiv. OE. wecca — G. (dial.) wheat and whittle. wicke; cogn. w. MHG. G. wickelt whither pron. ME. whider OE. wicked adj. e x t e n d e d for ME. hwider; cp. GOTH, foadre'whither'; wicke. d e r i v e d fr. the stem hwa- hw'ewicket sb. ME. wikit fr. ONFR, in who. wiket (FR. guichef), whence also whittle sb. short for ME. whltel ODU. wiket (DU. winket). OE. hwitel 'blanket'; derived fr. wide adj. ME. OE. wid = ON. vldr, OSAX. wid, DU. wijd, OHG. white.
2,2 7
wit G. weit: TEUT. wida-, perhaps sauva^e = LAT. silvaticus fr. LAT. participle of a lost verbal wi. silva 'wood'. — wilderness (cp. w i d o w sb. ME. widwe OE. widewe DU. G. wildernis) extension of (wuduwe) — GOTH. widuwo, OHG. ME. wilderne 'a desert'. witawa G. witwc, OSAX. widowa, w i l e sb. ME. (fr. 12 th cent.) wile DU. weduwe. Ident. w the equiv. fr. OFR. wile {guile); ident. w. SKR. vidhavä, L A T . vidua, OSLOV. guile. vidova, OIR. fedb\ ARYAN base will vb. ME. wille (prt. wilde) widhawä. OE. willan (prt. wilde) = GOTH. wield vb. ME. welde OE. yweldan wiljan, ON. vilja, OSAX. willian, {jfwyldan) wk. vb. fr. a TEUT. DU. willen• Teut. base wiljan *gawaldjan. Derived fr. the str. (prop, weljan)', ident. w. OSAX. vb. OE. waldan w{aldan — GOTH. wellian, OHG. wellan (G. wollen) ARYAN OSAX. waldan, OHG. waltan (G. fr. a TEUT. waljan. walten) 'to govern', ARYAN \f* wel wol in L A T . vel-le, OSLOV. voliti, All equivalent. wal in LAT. valere 'to be strong'; LITH. velyti. cp. also OSLOV. vlasti, LITH. Perhaps cogn. w. well and weal\ also GOTH. waljan 'to choose' valdyti 'to govern', wife sb. MI. OE. wif — ON. = OHG. wellan G. wählen, OHG. Vif, OSAX. WIJ, DU. wijf, OHG. wala G. wähl 'choosing', SKR. var vr 'choose'. Cp. the wib G. weib\ Teut. base wiba-. No equiv. connections outside following word, of TEUT. (ati older word for 'wifei' will sb. ME. wille OE. willa — see under queeri). — woman OSAX. OHG. willio, DU. wil, G. ME. wumman prop, wimman (pi. wille, GOTH. vilja, ON. vili: Teut. wimmeri) OE. wlf-mann (pi. wtf- base wiljan- for weljan-, derived fr. V"wel in will vb.; cp. OSLOV. tnenri) lit. 'a wife-man'. wight sb. ME. wiiht OE. wiht volja sb. 'will'. 'thing, creatilre, being' = OHG. willow sb. ME. wilwe OE. wylig OSAX. wiht 'thing, being' (G. DU. (infl. *wilgef); ident. w. DU. wilg wicht)', cp. GOTH. waihts 'thing' ODU. I G. wilge OSAX. wilgia, and ON. vcetir 'being, thing'. Teut. MHG. wilge. base wihti- for wehti- ident. w. wimple sb. ME. OE. wimpel OE. OSLOV. veSti 'thing': ARYAN base winpel 'neck covering' = DU. G. w'ekti-. wimpel OHG. wimpal. Source and wild adj. ME. OE. wilde fr. a history unknown (OFR. guimple TEUT. wilpja- (prop, w'elpja-) = FR. guimpe are of TEUT. origin; GOTH. wilpeis, ON. villr, OSAX. see gimp). OHG. wildi G. DU. wild. Probably win vb. ME. winne OE. winnan connected w. wold OE. wfald = str. vb. = GOTH. winnan 'to = OHG. G. wald 'wood', as FR. suffer', OHG. OSAX. winnan 'to 15*
wind —
struggle' (G. gewinnen, DU. winnen), ON. vinna'. T e u t . verbal wenn, c o g n . w. SKR. van 'obtain, a c quire*. w i n d sb. ME. OE. wind = OSAX. DU. wind, OHG. wint G. Wind, ON. vindr, GOTH. winds: T e u t . base winda- prop, wendo- = ARYAN base wento- in LAT. ventus, SKR. väta 'wind'. D e r i v e d fr. the A R Y A N V ~ wi in OE. wawan = GOTH. waian, DU. waaien, OHG. wäen G. wehen 'to b l o w ' ; cp. LITH. vijas 'wind', OSLOV. vetrü 'wind' — vejati 'to blow', SKR. \f vä 'to b l o w ' , GR. aijrijs 'wind'. Cp. window, w i n d vb. ME. winde OE. wlndan str. vb. = GOTH. OSAX. windan, ON. vinda, OHG. wintan G. DU. winden: TEUT. V~wend wand. — windlass sb. (machine forraising heavy weights) transformed fr. ME. windas: loanword fr. ON. vind-dss prop, 'a winding pole'. w i n d o w sb. ME. windowe borr o w e d fr. ON. vind-auga 'window', lit. 'wind-eye'. S e e wind sb. and eye (ON. auga). wine sb. ME. OE. win = GOTH.
str. vb. (G. winken) 'to give a sign' = ME. winke str. vb. 'wink', w i n n o w vb. ME. windwe OE. windwian; ident. w. OHG. winton (for *wintwdn) 'to winnow'; cp. GOTH. winpi-skaüro 'a winnowing fan', LAT. ventilare 'to winnow'. A l l cogn. w. wind sb. winsome adj. ME. win-som OE. wynn-sum = OHG. wunni-sam (G. wonne-sam): derived fr. OE. wynn =
OSAX. OHG. wunnia
( c p . G.
wonne) 'joy'. winter sb. ME. OE. winter GOTH. wintrus,
DU. G. winter, ON. vettr: T e u t . b a s e wintr-. Perhaps cogn. w. CELT, vindo- 'white' in OIR. find 'white' ? wipe vb. ME. wipe OE. wipian; cp. LG. wip sb. 'wisp of straw' and GOTH, vipja 'garland' — weipan 'wreathe', TEUT. y ~ wip. wire sb. ME. OE. wir = ON. vlrr,
LG. FRIES, wir;
OHG. wiara 'wire and LAT. viriae 'armlets o f metal', which a c c o r d i n g to Plinius' Hist. Nat. 15 is a Celtic word. w i s e adj. ME. OE. wis = ON. wein, ON. vln, OSAX. OHG. win viss, GOTH. weis, OSAX. OHG. wis G. wein DU. wijn: T e u t . base (OHG. wisi G. weise), DU. wijs. wina-, early loanword fr. LAT. T e u t . base wis a - (for wit-to-), vinurn (cp. vine and vintage), d e r i v e d fr. t h e ARYAN V ~ wid i n w h e n c e also ITAL. vino — FR. GR. 01 da, SKR veda = GOTH, wait, vin and OIR. fin, OSLOV. vino. OE. wät, OHG. ZC«5 G. weiss. S e e w i n g sb. ME, winge short for wit. o l d e r wenge: loanword fr. ON. wise sb. ME. OE. wise — OSAX. vien? r. OHG. wisa G. weise, DU. wijs: wink vb. ME. winke OE. wincian T e u t . base wlso-n- (FR. guise ITAL. wk. vb. 'blink, wink'; OHG. winkan guisa of T e u t . origin). Probably
wish —
c o n n e c t e d w. the ARYAN wid 'to know' under wise — wit. w i s h vb. ME. wisshe short for OE. wysiean fr. a T e u t . base wunskjan OHG. wunsc(i)an G. wünschen, DU. wenschen, ON. oeskja 'to wish'; cp. SKR. väfich 'to wish': ARYAN sf wmskt w i s p sb. ME. wisp (not found in OE.) ; perh. ident. w. ON. visk, OHG. wise G. wisch "wisp of straw' ? wit vb. ME. wite OE. witan 'to know' =
GOTH. OSAX. witan,
vita, DU. weten, OHG. wi^an G. wissen. T h e IST and 3 d p. sing, were ME. wot OE. wat = GOTH. wait, ON. veit, OSAX. wet, OHG. wei^ G. weiss, corresponding to SKR. veda 'I know, he knows', GR. oldu olds. S e e also witness. wit sb. ME. wit (tt) OE. (ie)witt 'intellect, u n d e r s t a n d i n g ' = OSAX. giwit, OHG. wizzi (G. witz) 'understanding', ON. vit 'intellect': d e rived fr. wit vb. witch sb. ME. wicche OE. wiciea 'wizard* — wicce 'witch'; ident. W. FRIES. LG. Wicke 'witch' — LG. wicker 'wizard' (LG. wie ken vb. 'to predict' = OE. wiciian 'use witchcraft') and probably cogn. w. OE. wiciian 'practise divination' — wtyttre 'diviner' = ODU. wijcheläre, DU. MLG. wichelen 'practise divination', TEUT. wikk wig. witch-elm sb. ME. wicche short for OE. wtte 'elm' fr. a T e u t . b a s e wikjon-.
widerflita 'adversary') = ON. vid vidr, OSAX. with wider, OHG. widar G. wider, GOTH. wipra. wither vb. ME. widre vb. fr. weather (ME. w('der). w i t h y sb. ME. wlthi OE. wldi3 'willow'; cogn. w. OHG. wida G. weide, ON. vidja and GR. fn'u, LITH. zil-vitis, POL. witwa, PRUSS. witwo 'a willow'. A R Y A N \f Wl in LAT. vi-tis vi-men and OSLOV. viti — LITH. vyti 'to twine, plait'. witness sb. ME. witnesse OE. witness (infl. -e) 'testimony'; as GOTH. weitwods and ON. vitni 'witness', derived fr. the TEUT. wit 'to k n o w ' ; see wit vb. wizard sb. ME. wisard transformed (under the influence o f ME. wis = wise) fr. *wischard: loanword fr. OFR. wischard (guis• chard) 'prudent, cunning'. woad sb. ME. wod OE. wad = DU. weede, OHG. weit G. waidi T e u t . base waida-, pre-Teut. waita-', cp. LAT. vitrum 'woad*. w o e interj. ME. WO OE. wa interj. =
GOTH. wai,
ON. vei, OHG.
we G. weh DU. wee. Ident. w. LAT. vae interj. ' w o e ' : g r o u n d form ARYAN wai. wold sb. ME. wold OE. wdla (weald in ' W e a l d of Kent') fr. a T e u t . b a s e walpu-; cp. OSAX. OHG. G. wald 'wood', DU. wond 'wood', ON. vpllr 'plain, field': pre-TEUT. ivaltu-s, c o g n . w. SKR. v,1fa (for *valtaf) 'garden'? See with prep. ME. with OE. wid w i l d . prep, 'against' short for wider w o l f sb. ME. wolf (pi. wolves) (in c o m p o u n d s like OE. widersaca OE. wulf (pi. widfas) — GOTH. OSAX.
woman —
wulfs, ON. ülfr (for *vulfr), OSAX. word, DU. woord, OHG. G. wort: pre-Teut. wulf; cp. OHG. G. wolf: Teut. Teut. base worda-, base wulf a- wolf a-, ARYAN base base wardho- in LAT. verbum, wslqo- in. SKR. vrka, GR. ~kvv.(K,OPRUSS. wirds ' w o r d ' , LITH. vardas LAT. lupus,
LITH. vilkas,
OSLOV. 'name',
(wre) in
GR. tiotiv 'to say' — (li/ua 'word'? vlükü. All equivalent, w o m a n see wife. w o r k sb. ME. werk OE. weorc w o m b sb. ME. wombe. OE. wdmb = OSAX. OHG. werk G. DU. werk, (womb) 'stomach' = GOTH. OHG. ON. verk; Teut. base w'erka-, wamba, ON. vpmb, DU. warn 'belly, ARYAN base w'ergo- in GR. soy nr. stomach': Teut. base wambo-. ARYAN V w'erg in GR. ('dCnv 'to w o n d e r sb. ME. wonder OE. do' — opyavov 'instrument', SKR. wundor = OSAX. wundar, OHG. vrjana'\-d\iOX \ cp. GOTYL.waiirkjan, wuntar G. wunder, OK. undr". OHG. wurkan = OE. wyriean vb. 'to work'. See wright. Teut. base wundra-. w o n t adj. for ME. wonedp. par- w o r l d sb. ME. world werld OE. ticiple of ME. wone OE. wunian worold weorold = OSAX. werold, 'to be used to'; cp. OE. Jnvuna DU. wereld, OHG. w'eralt (worolt) 'custom, use' and ON. vanr, OHG. G. welt, ON. verpld. First element giwon G. gewohnt 'accustomed'. of the compound (wer-ald-) is T E U T . wer a- ' m a n ' i n GOTH. wair, S e e wean. w o o vb. ME. wowe OE. wpgian OSAX. OHG. OE. wer, ON. v'err 'to w o o ' ; no further relations (ARYAN base wiro- in LAT. vir, SKR. vira, LITH. vyras 'man). known, TEUT. wog. w o o d sb. ME. wode OE. wudu 2 nd part of the compound is orig.widu = O N . vidr 'tree, wood', TEUT. aldi- in GOTH. aids 'world', OHG. witu 'wood' (also in OHG. OE. yld {(id) 'period, age'. witu-hopfa G. wide-hopf): Teut. w o r m sb. ME. worm tor wurrn base widu-, pre-Teut. base widhu- prop, wirm OE. wyrrn fr. a Teut. in CELT. vidu>- (GALL. Vidu-Casses)', base wurtni- in OSAX. OHG. G. c p . OIR. fid 'tree'. wurm, GOTH. waiirms; ident. w. w o o l sb. ME. wolle OE. wull infl. LAT. vermis 'worm'; cp. ON. ormr ivulle = GOTH. wulla, ON. ull (for *wormaz) and GR. Qoitog (for *vuW); cp. OHG. wolla G. (for fynnog). wolle: Teut. base wullo wollo, w o r m w o o d sb. transformed fr. ARYAN base wilnä in SKR. urriä, OE. wermod (wormod) = OHG. OSLOV. vlüna, LITH. vilna 'wool'; wermuota (wormuota). Formation cogn. w. LAT. villus vellus 'fleece' and origin unknown. and SKR. vr (var) 'to cover'. w o r s e compar. adj. ME. worse w o r d sb. ME. OE. word = GOTH. wwse older wirse OF. wyrsa = waürd, ON. ord (for *vord), OSAX. ! OSAX. wirso fr. a Teut. base
worship —
wirsizan- in GOTH, wairsiza = str. vb. — GOTH. wrikat ('tc OHG. wirsiro. — worst superl. persecute'), OSAX. wrekan, D U . ME. worste wurste orig. wirste wreken, OHG. r'ehhan (for *wrehOE. 7vyrsta fr. a TEUT. superl. hati) G. rachen 'to revenge'. wirsistan- in GOTH, wairsista, ARYAN wreg urg in LAT. urgere OSAX. OHG. wirsisto. 'to urge', SKR. vrj 'to remove'. worship sb. ME. worschip older wreath sb. MS. writhe OE. wurpschipe OE. weordscipe: derived wrap', cogn. w. writhe. fr. worth. wren sb. ME. wrenne OE. wrenna\ wort 1 sb. (a plant) ME. wort ident. w. OSAX. wrendio and prowurt older wirt OE. wyrt fr. a bably w. OHG. OSAX. (w)renno a Teut. base wurti- in GOTH. watirts, stallion' (medieval LAT. warannio). ON. urt, OSAX. wurt, OHG. G. würz wrench sb. ME. wrench 'deceit' 'plant, herb': ARYAN V"W9rd in| OE. wrini 'deceit, trick* fr. a LAT. radix (for *vradic-~) see Teut. base wranki- (also in under root. MHG. rank 'trick' G. ranke plur.). wort 2 sb. (a kind of drink) The modern E. meaning twist, ME. wort wurt for wirt OE. wyri sprain' seems to be older than for *wirt — ON. virtr, MHG. wirz the metaphorical sense in ME. 'wort': TEUT. ground-form wirtiz OE. and G. See also wrong. (pre-TEUT. base iverdes- w'erdos). wretch sb. ME. wrecche OE. worth adj. ME. worth wurth wreciea 'outlaw, exile' = OHG. OE. wyrde\ umlauted byform of OSAY..wrekkio (G. reck," 'warrior); OE. weorp = GOTH. wairps, derived fr. \ r wrek in GOTH. wrikar. OSAX. w'erth, ON. verdr, OHG. 'peisecute' (see wreak'). w'erd (G. wert): ident. w. LITH. w r i g h t sb. HE. wrighte OE. vertas, OPRUSS. werts 'worthy'. wyrhta = OSAX. wurh'.io, OHG. w o u n d sb. ME. wounde OE. wurhto (MHG. -wiirhte) 'worker'; wünd infl. wunde = OSAX. wunda, derived fr. TEUT. wurhtwjan-', cp. OHG. wunta G. wunde, ON. und GOTH. waurstwjit 'worker' by the (for *vund): Teut. base wundo-. side of waurstw 'work'. For the Cogn. w. the adj. GOTH. wuuds root see work. OE. wtitid, OSAX. wund, OHG. wring vb. ME. wri~~e OE. wnnwunt G. wund. TEUT. \f wun, gan str. vb. 'to press out' = ARYAN win in GOTH. winnan DU. LG. wringen, OHG. 1 i >gan, (for 'to suffer, feel pain' (see win)"i * wring an) to press out' (G. ringen). wrath sb. ME. wraththe short wrinkle sb. ME. wrinkel OE. for OE. wr&ppu (Teut. base wrinkle = ODU. wrinckel; cogn. wraipipo): umlaut-abstract of OE. w. MHG. runke and OHG. runza virdp adj. = wroth. (for *wrunka — *wrunkza). wreak vb. ME. wrcke OE. wrecan wrist sb. ME. wrist OE. wyrst
write — ye
wrist), ON. rist I w r o n g adj. ME. wrgng (wrang) wrist'; perhaps late OE. (11TH cent.) wrang bor(older cogn. w. G. reihen MHG. rlhe 'wrist' ? rowed fr. ON. rangr w r i t e vb. ME. write OE, writan *vrangr) 'wrong, unjust' prop Probably fr sti. vb, OSAX. writan, ON. 'awry, perverse'. rita- 'to write'. Orig. sense 'to the same root as wrench (TEUJ. wrang). engrave, scratch, tear, split' in 1 \f wrank OSAX. writan — OHG. riT^an : w r o t h adj. short for ME. wrpih = (for *wrtyifin) G. reissen. Cp. OE. wrdp (see also wrath) ON. vreidr reidr, GOTH, writs 'a stroke of a pen'. OSAX. writh, ODU. wreed 'wroth'; orig. sense TEUT. V " writ. w r i t h e vb. ME. ivrithe OE. wrldan in OHG. reid (for *wreid) 'curled'. wrip 'to twist' in wreath and str. vb. 'to twist' = OHG. ridan, ON. rtda str. vb. 'to wind, twist'. writhe. Cogn, w. wroth. w r y fr. ME. wrie vb. 'to twist'.
— MHG.G. rist(iox* SWED. vrist'instep,
y a c h t sb. fr. DTJ. jacht prop. = OHG. garwa G. gar be, DU-. jachtschip; DU. jacht corresponds gerw 'millefolium', t o G. jagd 'hunting' (OHG. jagòn y a w l vb. ME. y>ule by the side of goule vb. (change of 5 G. jagen 'to c h a s e ) . yard 1 sb. ME. Jérd prop. l(rd OE. a n d g unexplained); source ON ;\iard 'fence, enclosure' = ON. gaula (goula) 'to bellow'. gardr: T e u t . basegarda- = ARYAN y a w n vb. ME. gdne gpne OE. bas eghort"- in LAT. hortus (GR.^OVJ- gdnian (the phonology of the TO=) 'garden'. Allied to garden. ME. word is dark) — OHG. geinön y a r d - sb. (a measure) ME. (G. gähnen); derived fr. OE. toyerde OE. y:rd (%yrd) 'rod, r o o d ' 1iuan str. vb. 'to yawn' = ON. = OHO, gerta G. gerte 'a rod, gina", cogn. w. OHG. gien giwen switch'; cp GOTH. gazds 'a stick, 'to yawn': ARYAN y~ghi in LAT. g o a d ' — ON- gaddr 'goad' and hiare, OSLOV. zijati, LITH. sioti LAT. hasta 'a spear' (common 'to yawn'. base ghazdha-). y e pton. ME. J*? OE. fr. a yarn sb. ME. Jèrn prop. OE. prehistoric jiz = DU. gij, OSAX. gl, G. OHG. (for *jir) G. ihr; •yarn — ON. OHG. gam ir (DU. gar eri) ; p e r h a p s cogn. w. ON. ggm oldest TEUT. form jüz in GOTH. 'guts' and LITII. zarna 'entrail'? jus 'ye'. Ident. w. SKR. yüy-am y a r r o w sb. ME. yirwe OE. learwe 'ye': AP.YAN stem iw—yu.
year —
yea adv. ME. OE. led (for *yk) = OSAX. OHG. ja G.ja 'yes'; o l d e s t form GOTH. ja 'yes'. — y e s ME. yes OE. lese for *yaswä prop, 'yea so' (cp. ME. nese für ne-swa).
rests o n the equiv. OE. amore = OHG. a7nero G. ammer. yelp vb. ME. jelpe OE. yilpa 7 (plpan) str. vb. 'to boast' = ON, gjalpa, OHG. g'elpfan. y e s s e e yea.
yean o l d e r ean v b . ME. {ne OE. (anian (le-(aniati) 'to y e a n ' : d e r i v e d fr. a TEUT. auna- (for agwna-) 'lamb' = LAT. agnus, OIR. üan". ARYAN b a s e aghno-.
yesterday adv. ME. jester day OE. leostrandcei (ly str and aJ) prop, o n l y geostra(n) = OHG. g'estaron G. gestcrn, DU. gisteren (gisteravondy, cp. GOTH, gistra-dagis with the sense o f 'tomorrow'. T e u t . base g'estra-, c o g n . w. ON. i-gtkr a n d LAT. heri\ GR. ^'Iti; a n d SKR. hyas 'yesterday' point to an A R Y A N b a s e ghyes 'yesterday'.
year vb. ME. ier OE. jer (%edr for *yzr) — OHG. jär G. jahr, DU. jaar, ON. dr, GOTH,jir\ T e u t . b a s e / l i r a - ; c o g n . w. t h e a b l a u t e d GR. woog 'year' — wpa season' a n d w. AVEST. yäre 'year'. yearn vb. 'desire' ME. yerne fr. ME. yern OE. leorn 'desirous' (whence also the umlauted OE. Jyrnan 'desire') = GOTH. gairns, OSAX. OHG. gem 'desirous': TEUT. V"g'er in OHG. geron C. begehren — OHG. g'er 'desirous' — giri (G. gier) sb. 'desire', ARYAN V~gher in SKR. hary vb. 'desire'. yell vb. ME. lelle OE. lellan (lillan) — OHG. g'ellan G. gellen, DU. gillen, ON. gjalla 'to resound'. Cp. stanyell.
yet a d v . ME. let short for OE. l i t (iyt, lit)) ident. w. OFRIES. ieta eta 'yet'. y e w vb. ME. ew OE. eow iw = OHG. iwa G. cibe, ON. yr\ T e u t . base iwa-, ident. w. OE. eoh 'yew' — OHG. iha yew', FR. if (whence b o r r o w e d DU. i j f ) is o f T e u t ' origin. Cp. also CYMR. yw 'yew', yield vb. ME. lelde OE. leldan (pldan) str. vb. 'to pay' = GOTH. gildan, ON. gjalda, OHG. geltan str. vb. 'to pay': TEUT. \ r geld. yoke sb. ME. y>k (pi. jpkes) OE. leoc (pi. yzdcu) — GOTH. juk, ON. ok (far *jok\ DU. juk, OHG. joh G. joch\ T e u t . base joka-, ARYAN base jiigo- in L A T . jiigum GR.^vyov, SKR.yugd'yoke', A R Y A N V~jug in GR. Csvyvvai, LAT. jungere, SKR. yuj 'to yoke'.
y e l l o w a d j . ME. ¡elwe OE. leolo (infl. leolw-) fr. a T e u t . base g'elwa- in OSAX. OHG. gelo G. gelb, DU. geel: A R Y A N b a s e gh'elwo- in L A T . helvus 'light yellow', ARYAN V"ghel also in ON. gulr 'yellow', GR. x\uthe older ytwede for y.igede OE. jugod (ieogod) — OSAX. jugud fr. a base jugunp- in OHG.jugund G. jugend: TEUT. jugunfi- probably for juIwunp- cp. LAT. juvcn-t-a (and GOTH, junda contracted for *juwunda); derived fr. ARYAN juwenin LAT. juvenis, SKR. yuvan etc. yule sb. ME. ipI fr. ON. jol; ident. w. OE. tyol (contracted fr. leohol) 'Christmas'. Cogn. w. GOTH, jiuleis 'november' = ON. ylir (OE. Giuli in Beda). Teut. base jeula- (in ON. jot) and jiulja- (in GOTH. jiuleis): OE. 3eohhol 'Christmas' points to TEUT. j'ehwla- (bv the side of jeula- for j'egwla-)', probably related to ON. iI 'snow-storm' (TEUT. base jehwla). Hence Yule 'the time of snow-storms' and GOTH. jiuleis 'the month of snow-storms'.