Elsevier's Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, Synonyms and Symbols Used in Medicine 9780444829047, 0444829040

Hardbound. A vast amount of information, including abbreviations of medical terms used in the field of anatomy, bacterio

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Elsevier's Dictionary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, Synonyms and Symbols Used in Medicine
 9780444829047, 0444829040

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compiled by

DR. SAMUEL A. TSUR (MANSOOR), M.D. Bombay London - Akko (Acre), Israel -

1999 ELSEVIER Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York - Oxford - Shannon - Singapore - Tokyo

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ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands

© 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This book is dedicated to my wife

RACHELLE who has been my dearest partner and constant companion for more than 50 years.


Preface Abbreviations used in medical articles, papers, and scientific journals abound in every tongue, but particularly so in the English language. This dictionary covers usage in the United States, Britain and other English-speaking countries, including those of the Third World. A vast amount of information, including abbreviations of medical terms used in the field of anatomy, bacteriology, biology, chemistry, medicine (human and veterinary), patholo¬ gy, pharmacology, etc., has been meticulously catalogued since work on the project start¬ ed in 1979, from medical journals, scientific dictionaries and encyclopedias, and compi¬ lations of medical abbreviations published in the U.S. and other countries. Over 20,000 entries have been included, with especially detailed itemization of the Chemical Elements ("Elements"), Hormones ("Hormones"), Insulins ("Insulin"), Kidney Function Tests ("KFT"), Pulmonary Function Tests ("PFT"), Serological Tests for Syphilis ("STS"), Symbols used in various disciplines, such as biology, calculation, chemistry, Greek alphabet, medicine and pharmacy, numeration and signs of the zodiac (all under "Symbols"), the Vitamins ("Vitamins"), etc. Besides these, under their respective head¬ ings different names, scientific and otherwise, have been catalogued for drugs such as amphetamine ("amphet"), cocaine ("Erythoxylum"), heroin ("Diamorph HC1"), lysergic acid ("LSD"), marijuana ("Cannabis"), opium ("Papaver"), etc. Finally it must be remembered that a dictionary, however exhaustive the information pro¬ vided within its covers, has its own limitations in that the addition of new discoveries and diseases, new terminologies and treatments, and the as yet unknown trends of Medical Science into future horizons, can have only a sobering influence on the writer of this book which has been compiled and catalogued over more than two decades. Dr. Samuel A. Tsur (Mansoor), M.D. Akko, Israel

Appreciation My deep gratitude to Mr. Herman Rosenfeld of West Hills, California, a faithful friend and mentor, who for the past decade has provided me with material from biological, medical, and other scientific magazines from the U.S., in the completion of this work.


A A Abbot Laboratories and Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co code for experimental substances; Abnormal; Abortion; Absent; Absolute temperature (K preferred); Absorbance (also symb. a; the degree of absorbability of a particular substance or sur¬ face-spectrophotometry); Absorptivity (also symb. a); Acceleration (also symb. a); Acceptor; Accommodation (also symb. a; accom. - eye examination); Acetone; Acetum (e.g. A. plumbi - a "vinegar" or solution in dil. acetic acid); Acid (e.g. A. Nicotinic); Acidity-total (also symb. a): Acidophil; Acidophilic; Acidum (e.g. A. Benzoicum); Acromion; Actin; Actinomyces; Activity (radiation); Adenoma; Adenosine; Admittance; Adrenalin(e); Adult; Age; Akinetic; Alanine; Albino (guinea pig); Albumin; Alcohol (e.g. A. Dehydratum); Alive; Allergy/ist/ologist; Alpha (cell); Alveolar gas; Ambulatory; Ampere (a unit of electric current in the MKS [Meter-kilogram. second] system); Amphetamine (see Amphet); Ampicillin; Analysis; Anaphylaxis; Androsterone; Anesthetic/sia (start of); Angioplasty; Angle; Angstrom unit (a unit of wavelength of electromagnetic and corpuscu¬ lar radiation [= 10'7 mm; 1010 m]); Angulus (L.), angle (e.g. A. iridis [= A. iridocornealis] in anatomy); Annum (L.), year; Anode (also symb. a); Anopheles; Antagonism/ist; Ante (L.), before; Anterior (also symb. a); Antrectomy; Apical; Aqua (L.), water (e.g. A. Destillata [= Distilled water]) (see Aq); Aqueous; Area (of heart shadow); Argon (Z = 18); Arteria (L.), Artery (e.g. A. brachialis); Arterial blood (also symb. a); Artery (e.g. Brachial A.); Assessment (in problem-orient¬ ed medical records); Asthma; Asymmetric; Atomic weight; Atrial; Atrium (= Auricle) (e.g. A. glottidis = A. of glottis; Vestibulum laryngis); Atropine; atto- (also symb. a) 10'18 (e.g. ag. = attogram; 10'18 gram; p.p.p,g; micromicromicrogram); Auricle (see A. Atrium); Auricula (L.), a little ear (e.g. A.

dextra cordis = A. atrii dextri, right atrium of the heart); Auricular; Auscultation; Auto(e.g. Autoanalysis; Autoantigen); Avo- (= 10'24) e.g. Ag (= Avogram; (xp.p.p,g; 10"24 gram); Axial (also symb. a); Axillary; Before, (L. ante); Blood type A (of the ABO system); Ear, (L. auris); Mass number (atomic weight); Subspinale; Thermodynamic activity (also symb. a); Total acidity; Vitamin A (see Vitamins); Water (L. aqua; also symb. a); Year (L. annum). A (band) The dark-staining zone of a striated muscle. A Angstrom unit. A+ General symbol for a positive organic ion. A- General symbol for a negative organic ion. A' Acetaminophen. A1 Aortic first heart sound. A2 Aortic second heart sound. A Cumulated activity; antinuclear antibody. aa Before (L. ante). (a) axillary temperature. a alpha. The first letter of the Greek alphabet; reference to the carbon atom appearing next to the carbon atom bearing the active molecu¬ lar group (in organic compounds); symbol, designing first. A2-os Aortic second heart sound, opening snap. AI, II, III Angiotensin I, II, III. all Equal parts of azure I and methylene blue. A-l's & A-2's Very small arteries in the brain. A-l & A-2 pulleys Slings for tendons in the hand. A 16 Ambucetamide - an antispasmodic used in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. A 250 5% Albumin 250 ml. A 1000 5% Albumin 1000 ml. A - 1981-12 Prodilidine hydrochloride (= Cl 427; Merolidine HC1; Methoxidine HC1) - an analgesic used in the treatment of arthritis. A 2371 Methramycin (= NSC 24559; PA 144) - an antimicrobial acid produced by the growth of Streptococcus argillaceus and Streptomyces tanashiensis. Has been used in clinical investigations in neoplastic diseases. A 8103 Pipobroman (= NSC 25154) - a cyto¬ toxic alkylating agent used in the treatment of polycythemia vera and thrombocytosis.


A 19120 Pargyline hydrochloride (= MO 911; N-Methyl-N-prop-2-ynylbenzylamine HC1) a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, used as a hypnotic in the treatment of benign hyperten¬ sion.

AA Acetic acid; Achievement age (pediatrics); Acta Allergologica (journal); Acta Anatomica (journal); Activation analysis; Active alco¬ holic; Active assistance (range of motion); Active avoidance; Acupunctural analgesia; Addicts Anonymous; Adenine arabinoside; Adenylic acid; Adjuvant arthritis; Administration on Aging (OHD); Adrenal androgen; Affirmative action; Agents and Actions (journal); Agranulocytic angina; Alcohol abuse; Alcoholics Anonymous; Allergic alveolitis; Alopecia areata; Alveolararterial; Aminoacetone; Aminoacid; Amyloid A (protein); Angular aperture (microscope); Annals of Allergy (journal); Anterior aorta; Antiarrhythmic agent; Anticipatory avoid¬ ance; Antigen aerosol; Antinuclear antibody; Aortic aneurysm/arch; Aplastic anemia; Arabinoside cytosine (cytarabine) and Adriamycin (doxorubucin); Arachidonic acid; Armankle (pulse ratio); Arteries; Ascending aorta; Association of Anesthetics; Atlanto¬ axial; Atomic absorption (laboratory method); Audiologic assessment; Audiometric assis¬ tant; Auger analysis; Australia antigen (labo¬ ratory/ serology); Authorized absence; Autoanalyzer; Automobile accident; Axonal arborization; So much of each (Gr. ana), aa arteries (L. arteriae); so much of each (Gr. ana). AA; aa; aa Equal parts; Of each (Gr. ana) (medical orders/prescriptions). A-A Atianto-axial. A-a Alveolar-arterial. Difference of gas pres¬ sure between alveolus (A) and pulmonary artery (a) (see PFT, A-a). aA Abampere. A1A Alpha-I-antitrypsin (= A1 AT; a 1 AT). A&A Aid and attendance (payment - VA.); Anesthesia and Analgesia (journal); Arthroscopy and arthrotomy; Awake and aware. 10AA Mixture of 10 aminoacids. AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm/ aneurys¬

mectomy; Acne-associated arthritis; Acquired aplastic anemia; Acute anxiety attack; Adenine-adenine-adenine (three consecutive adenine bases); Adenylyl adenylyl adenoxine; Advances in Automated Analysis (journal); • Amalgam; Ambulance Association of America; American Academy of Allergy; American Academy of Anatomists; American Aging Association; American Anthropology Association; American Arbitration Association; American Association of Anatomists; Androgenic anabolic agent; Aneurysm of ascending aorta; Area Agency on Aging; Aromatic amino acid; Atomic absorption analysis. aaa amalgam. AAACRR American Association of Academic Chief Radiology Residents. AAAD Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase. AAAE Amino acid activating enzyme. AAAHE American Association for the Advancement of Health Education. AAAI American Academy of Allergy and Immunology. AAALAC American Association for Accredition of Laboratory Animal Care. AAAM American Association for Automotive Medicine. AAAMQ American Association for Automative Medicine Quarterly. AAAN American Academy of Applied Nutrition. AAAS American Academy of Arts and Sciences; American Association for the Advancement of Science. AAATCM American Academy of Air Traffic Control Medicine. AAB American Association of Bioanalysts (= AABA); Aminoazobenzene.

AABA Alpha aminobutyric acid; American Association of Bioanalysts (see AAB).

AABB American Association of Blood Banks. AABC Association for the Advancement of Blind Children.

AABCC Alertness (consciousness), airway, breathing, circulation, cervical spine. AABD Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled. AABEVM Association of American Boards of Examiners in Veterinary Medicine.


AABGA American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta.

AABS Automobile accident, broadside. AABT Association for Advancement of the Behavioral Therapies.

AAC Antibiotic-associated pseudomembraneous colitis; Antimicrobial agent-associated/induced colitis; Association of Analytical Chemists; Augmentative and alternative com¬ munication. AACA Acylaminocephalosporanic acid; American Association of Certified Allergists. AACC American Association for Clinical Chemistry/ of Clinical Chemists; Association for the Aid of Crippled Children. AACCN American Association of CriticalCare Nurses. AACCP American Association of Colleges of Chiropody-Podiatry.

AACE American Association for Cancer Education.

AACG Acute angle closure glaucoma. AACHP American Association for Comprehensive Health Planning.

AACIA American Association of Clinical Immunology and Allergy.

AACLSA American Association of Clinical Laboratory Supervisors and Administrators.

AACM American Academy of Compensation Medicine.

AACMS American Association of Councils of Medical Staffs.

AACN American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

AACO American Association of Certified Orthoptists.

AACOMAS American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service. AACP Alcohol Abuse Control Program (USN); American Academy of Cerebral Palsy; American Academy of Child Psychiatry; American Academy of Clinical Psychiatry; American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy; American Association of Colleges of Podiatry; American Association of Correctional Psychologists. AACPDM American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine.

AACPJ American Academy of Child Psychiatry Journal.

AACPM American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine. AACPR American Association of Cleft Palate Rehabilitation. AACPS American Association of Clinic Physicians and Surgeons. AACR American Association for Cancer Research. AACSH Adrenal androgen corticotropic stim¬ ulating hormone. AACT American Academy of Clinical Toxicology. AACU American Association of Clinical Urologists.

AAD Acid-ash diet; Acute agitated delirium; Alloxazine adenine dinucleotide (= FAD; FADN; Flavine a.d.); Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; American Academy of Dentists; American Academy of Dermatology; Antibiotic-associated diarrhea; Aromatic acid decarboxylase; Association of American Dentists; Atlanto-axial dislocation. AAdA Aminoadipic acid. AADC Amino acid decarboxylase. AADE American Association of Dental Editors; American Association of Dental Examiners.

AADEBB American Association of Dental Examiners Board Bulletin.

AADGP American Academy of Dental Group Practice.

AADN American Association of Doctors' Nurses.

A-aDN2 Alveolar-arterial nitrogen partial pressure/ tension difference.

A-aD02 Alveolar-arterial oxygen tension dif¬ ference (see PFT).

AADP American Academy of Denture Prosthetics; Amyloid A- degrading protease.

AADPA American Academy of Dental Practice Administration.

AADR American Academy of Dental Radiology; American Association for Dental Research.

AADS American Association of Dental Schools.

AAE Active assistive exercise; Acute allergic


encephalitis; American Association of Endodontists; Annuloaortic ectasia. AAEC Australian Atomic Energy Commission. AAEE American Academy of Environmental Engineers; American Association for Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis. AAEH Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis.

AAEM American Academy of Environmental Medicine.

AA ex Active assistive exercise. A/AEX Active assistive exercise (= AA ex). AAF Academic Aid Fund; Acetic acid-alcohol-formalin (mixture - a fixing fluid); Acetvl-amino-fluorine (a carcinogen); Army Air Force; Ascorbic acid factor (a corti¬ cotropin in ACTH). AAFB Acid and alcohol fast bacilli. AAFD American Academy of Family Doctors. AAFGH Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters. AAFM American Association of Feed Microscopists. AAFMC American Association of Foundations for Medical Care. AAFMG American Association of Foreign Medical Graduates. AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians (formerly AAGP). AAFPRS American Academy of Facial. Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery. AAFS American Association for Forensic Science; Association for the Advancement of Family Stability; Atomic absorption flame spectrometer; Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences. AAG Adenylyl adenylyl guanosine; Allergic angiitis and granulomatosis; Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein; Alveolar arterial gradient; Autoantigen.

AAGBI Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. AAGL American Association of Gynecological Laparoscopists. AAGP Alpha-amino-guanidino-propionic acid; American Academy of General Practice (now AAFP); American Academy of General

Practitioners (now AAFP); American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. AAGS American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons (= AAGUS). AAGUS See AAGS. AAHA American Animal Hospital Association; American Association of Hospital Accountants. AAHAJ American Animal Hospital Association Journal.

AAHC American Association of Hospital Consultants; Association for Academic Health Centers.

AAHD American Academy of the History of Dentistry; American Association of Hospital Dentists.

AAHDC American Association of Hospital Dental Chiefs.

AAHE Association for the Advancement of Health Education. AAHPER American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. AAHM American Association of the History of Medicine. AAHP American Association for Hospital Planning; American Association of Hospital Podiatrists; American Association for Humanistic Psychology; Army artificial heart pump. AAHPA American Association of Hospital Purchasing Agents. AAHPER American Academy/ Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. AAHPhA American Animal Health Pharmaceutical Association. AAHS American Association for Hand Surgery. AAI Acute alveolar injury; Adolescent Alienation Index; American Association of Immunologists; American Audio Institute; Atrial inhibited (pacemaker).

AAIAN Association for the Advancement of Instruction about Alcohol and Narcotics.

AAIB Alpha- 1-aminoisobutyrate; American Association of Instructors of the Blind. AAID Acquired autoimmune disease/ disor¬ der; American Academy of Implant Dentistry; American Association of Implant Dentures; American Association of Industrial Dentists.


AAIN American Association of Industrial

AAMP American Academy of Maxillofacial

Nurses. AAIP American Association of Indian Physicians. AAIT American Association for Inhalation Therapy. AAJ Atlanto-axial joint. AAK Allo-activated killer. AAL Anterior axillary line. AALAS American Association for/ of Laboratory Animal Science. AALIPS Arthur Adaptation of the Leiter International Performance Scale. AALL American Association for Labor Legislation. AAM Acute aseptic meningitis; American Academy of Microbiology; Aminoacid mix¬

AAMCB Association of American Medical

Prosthetics; American Academy of Medical Prevention. AAMR American Academy of Mental Retardation. AAMRL American Association of Medical Record Librarians. AAMRS Automated ambulatory medical record system. AAMS Acute aseptic meningitis syndrome. AAMSE American Association of Medical Society Executives. AAMSI American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics. AAMT American Association for Medical Transcription. AAMVA American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrations. AAN AIDS-associated nephropathy; Alphaamino nitrogen; American Academy of Neurology/ Nursing/ Nutrition; American Association of Neuropathologists; Amino acid nitrogen; Analgesic abuse/ associated nephropathy; Attending's admission notes. AANA American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. AANAJ American Association of Nurse

Colleges Bulletin. AAMCH American Association for Maternal

AANM American Association of Nurse-


AAMA American Academy/ Association of Medical Administrators/ Assistants.

AAMBP Association of American Book Publishers.

AAMC American Association of Marriage Counselors; American Association of Medical Clinics; Association of American Medical Colleges.

and Child Health.

Anesthetists Journal. Midwives.

AAMCOMA Association of American

AANN American Association of

Medical Colleges' Office of Minority Affairs. AAMD American Academy of Medical Directors; American Association on Mental

Neurosurgical Nurses. AANPI American Association of Nurses Practicing Independently. AANS American Academy of Neurosurgical Surgery; American Association of


AAME Acetylarginine methyl ester. AAMFC American Association of Marriage and Family Counselors.

AAMFT American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation; Association of Allergists for Mycological Investigations. AAMIH American Association for Maternal and Infant Health.

AAMU Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Journal (now MIJ). AAMMC American Association of Medical Milk Commissions/ers.

Neurosurgical Surgeons.

AAO Academy of Applied Osteopathy; American Academy of Ophthalmology; American Academy of Optometry; American Academy of Osteopathy; American Academy of Otolaryngology; American Association of Ophthalmologists/y; American Association of Orthodontists; Amino acid oxidase; Awake, alert and oriented.

A-a02 Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradients/ ten¬ sion.

AAO x 3 Awake and oriented to time, place, and person.


AAOC American Association of Osteopathic Colleges; Antacid of choice. AAofA Ambulance Association of America. AAOG American Association of Obstetrics and Gynecologists. AAO-HNS American Acadamy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. AAOM American Academy of Occupational Medicine; American Academy of Oral Medicine. AOM1E American Association of Osteopathic Medical Examiners. AAON American Association of Orthodontists Newsletter (now Orthodontic Bulletin). AAOO American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. AAOOT American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Transactions. AAOP American Academy of Oral Pathology. AAOPS American Association of Oral and Plastic Surgery. AAOS American Academy/ Association of Orthopedic Surgeons. AAP Air at atmospheric pressure; American Academy of Pediatrics/ Pedodontics/ Periodontics/tology; American Academy of Psychoanalysis/ Psychotherapists; American Association of Pathologists; Assessment adjustment pass; Association of Academic Physiatrists; Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis/ Psychology/ Psychotherapy; Association of American Physicians/ Publishers. AAPA American Academy/ Association of Pathologist/ Physician Assistants. AAPB American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists. AAPC Antibiotic-associated pseudo-membra¬ nous colitis. AAPCO Association of American Pesticide Control Officials. AAPC02; (A-a)PC02 Alveolo-arterial carbon dioxide tension difference. AAPF Anti-arteriosclerosis polysaccharide factor. AAPHD American Association of Public Health Dentists.

AAPHP American Association of Public Health Physicians.

AAPL American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.

AAPLB American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Bulletin. AAP-LOG American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. AAPM1 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

AAPMC Antibiotic-associated pseudo-mem¬ branous colitis.

AAPMR; AAPM&R American Academy/ Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. AaP02; (A-a)P02 Alveolo-arterial oxygen tension difference (see PFT). AAPPP American Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians. AAPRP Acute ascending polyradiculopathy. A APRS American Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. AAPS American Association of Physicians and Surgeons; American Association of Plastic Surgeons; Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale; Asian Association of Pediatric Surgeons; Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. AAPSC American Association of Psychiatric Services for Children. AAPSCN American Association of Psychiatric Services for Children Newsletter. AAPSRO American Association of Professional Standards Review Organizations. AAR Active avoidance reaction; Acute articu¬ lar rheumatism; Against all risks; Alliance for Aging Research; Antigen-antiglobulin reac¬ tion; Australian antigen radioimmunoassay. AARE Automobile accident, rear end. AARNN Alberta Association of Registered Nurses Newsletter (Canada). AAROM Active assertive range of motion. AARP American Association of Retired People/ Persons.

AARS American Association of Railway Surgeons.

AART American Archives of Rehabilitation Therapy (journal); American Association of


Radiologic Technology; American Association for Rehabilitation/ Respiratory Therapy.

AAS Academy of Applied Science; Acid aspi¬ ration syndrome; Alcoholic abstinence syn¬ drome; American Academy of Sanitarians; American Analgesia Society; Aneurysm of atrial septum; Anthrax antiserum; Aortic arch syndrome; Associate in Applied Science; Atlantoaxial/axis sublaxation; Atomic absorp¬ tion spectrophotometry/roscopy; Atypical absence seizure.

AAS Atlanto-axial subluxation. AASA American Association of Physician Assistants.

AASCRN Amino acid screen. AASD American Academy of Stress Disorders.

AASEC American Association of Sex Educators and Counselors. aa seq amino acid sequence. AASH Adrenal androgen stimulating hor¬ mone; American Association for the Study of Headache.

AASJ American Analgesia Society Journal. AASLD American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

AASND American Association for the Study of Neoplastic Diseases. AASP Acute atrophic spinal paralysis; American Association of Senior Physicians; Ascending-aorta synchronized pulsation. AAST American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.

AASS American Association for Social Security.

AAT Aachen Aphasia Test; Academic Aptitude Test; Acute abdominal tympany; Alanine aminotransferase; Alkylating agent therapy; Alpha-1-antitrypsin; American Academy of Toxicology; American Association of Trauma; Atrial triggered (pacemaker); Auditory apperception test; Automatic atrial tachycardia.

A1AT Alpha-I-antitrypsin (= A1 A; alAT). alAT See AlAT. AATCC American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists.

AATS American Association of Thoracic Surgeons/ Surgery. AAU Acute anterior uveitis; Amateur Athletic Union. AAUP American Association of University Professors. AAV Adeno-associated virus; Adenovirusassociated virus. AAVMC Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges. AAVP American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists; Association of American Volunteer Physicians. AAVS American Anti-Vivisection Society. AAVV Accumulated alveolar ventilatory vol¬ ume.

AAW Anterior aortic wall. AAWH American Association for World Health.

AAWHN American Association for World Health News (journal).

AAZPA American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums.

AAZV American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. AB Abdominal; Able-bodied; A blood type (ABO system); Abnormal; Abortion (= Ab; ab; ABORT; Abort; abort); Ace bandage; Active bilaterally; Aid to the Blind; Alcian blue; American Board; Analytical Biochemistry (journal); Antibiotic; Antibody; Antigen binding; Apex beat; Archives of Biochemistry (journal); Asbestos body; Asthmatic bronchitis; Axiobuccal; Bachelor of Arts (L. Artium Baccalaureus); Blood group AB; Roswell Park Memorial Institute code for experimental substances.

Ab Abortion (see AB); Antibody (= ab; aby). aB Azure B; Trimethyl derivative of thionine. ab abortion (see AB); about; antibody (see Ab); away from/ from - prefix (L.).

A/B Acid/base (ratio); Apnea/bradycardia. A>B Air greater than bone (conduction). A&B Apnea and bradycardia. Ab (score) Abstract (score) (psychology). A2B2 Hemoglobin p. 3AB 3-aminobenzamide. AB 100 Bis (ethyleneimido)phosphorourethane - a cytotoxic agent.


AB 103 Benzodepa (= Benzcarbimine; NSC 37096) - an antineoplastic agent; has been used in the treatment of advanced bron¬ chogenic carcinoma. AB 132 Meturedepa (= Dimethylurethimine; NSC 51325) - an antineoplastic agent Has been given with radiotherapy in the treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma. ABA Abbot Bichromatic Analyzer; Abscissic acid; Allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillo¬ sis; American Bar Association; American Board of Anesthesiologists/y; American Burn Association; Antibacterial activity; Compound Benzocaine Injection (BPC) contains a sterile solution of Benzyl Alcohol, Benzocaine, and the Anesthetic Ether in arachis oil. ABAI American Board of Allergy and Immunology. AbAP Antibody-against-panel (assays). ABAS American Board of Abdominal Surgeons. ABB Albright-Butler-Bloomberg (syndrome); American Board of Bioanalysis; Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (journal); Artificial breeding box (insects). ABBA Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America. ABBQ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Beliefs and Behavior Questionnaire. Abbr Abbreviated/ion (= Abbrev). Abbrev See Abbr. ABC Absolute band/ basophil count; Absolute bone conduction; Acid balance control; Aconite, belladonna, chloroform (linament); Airway, breathing, and circulation; Alternative birth center; Alum, blood, and charcoal (purification and deodorizing method); Alum, blood, and clay (sludge deodorizing method); American Biology Council; American Blood Commission (HEW); Aneurysmal bone cyst; Annales de Biologie Clinique (Fr journal); Antibacterial chemotherapy; Antigen-binding capacity; Apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis; Artificial beta cells; Aspiration biopsy cytology; Assessment of basic competency; Atomic, biological, chemical (warfare - see CBR);

Axiobuccocervical; Breathing and blood cir¬ culation (formerly CPR, now ARC); Check for open airway; (Potassium) acetate bicar¬ bonate (urate). A&BC Air and bone conduction. ABCAST American Breast Cancer Adjuvant Study Group. ABCC American Board of Clinical Chemistry; Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (AEC, now RERF). ABCD Screening tests for: 1) Breathing and blood circulation (= ARC; CPR): A Airway (check for open airway) - B Breathing (check) - C Circulation (bloodcheck) - D Definitive (initiate definitive therapy); 2) Congenital defects: A Affected family - B Bilirubin level - C Congenital rubella syn¬ drome - D Defects of the ear, nose, or throat. ABCDE Botulism toxin/ toxoid pentavalent. ABCE American Board of Clinical Engineering. ABCH American Board of Clinical Hypnosis. ABCIL Antibody-mediated cell-dependent immunolympholysis (system). ABCL American Birth Control League (now PPFA).

ABCN American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology.

ABCOP American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc.

ABCP Association of Blind Chartered Physiotherapists. ABCRS American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery.

ABCS American Board of Counseling Services.

ABC warfare Atomic, biological, chemical warfare (see ABC).

ABD Abdomen; Acute/ Anoxic brain damage; After bronchodilator; Aged, blind, and dis¬ abled; Aggressive behavioral disturbance; All but dissertation; American Board of Dermatology; Average body dose. Abd; abd Abdomen/inal (= abdom); Abduct/ion/or. a, (3, 8, 0 alpha, beta, delta, theta-electromag¬ netic waves (see Symbols - 5).

ABDCT Atrial bolus dynamic computer tomography.


Abd. Hyst Abdominal hysterectomy (opera¬ tion/ gynecology).

Abdom/abdom Abdomen/inal (see Abd/abd). ABDPH American Board of Dental Public Health.

ABE Acute bacterial endocarditis; Adult basic education; American Board of Endodontics; Botulism equine trivalent antitoxin. ABEA American Broncho-Esophageal Association.

ABEM American Board of Emergency Medicine; Annals of Biochemistry and Exprerimental Medicine (journal). ABEP American Board of Examiners in Psychotherapy; Auditory brainstem-evoked potentials.

Automated biological laboratory; Axiobuccolingual. ABLAM American Board of Laboratory Animal Medicine. ABLB Alternate binaural loudness balance (test). ABLR American Burkitt Lymphoma Registry. ABM Adjusted body mass; Alveolar basement membrane; American Board of Microbiology; Autologous bone marrow. ABMC Amino-benzyloxy-methyl cellulose. ABMI Autologous bone marrow implant. ABMLS Accrediting Bureau of Medical Laboratory Schools (AMT). A/B Mods Apnea/bradycardia moderate stim¬ ulation.

ABEPH American Board of Examiners in

ABMS Advisory Board for Medical

Psychological Hypnosis. ABEPP American Board of Examiners in

Specialties; American Board of Medical Specialists/ties. A/B MS Apnea/bradycardia mild stimulation. ABMT Autologous bone-marrow transplant(ation). ABN; Abn; abn Abnormal/ity/ities (= Abnor).

Professional Psychology.

aber aberrant. ABESPA American Board of Examiners in Speech Pathology and Audiology. ab ext from externally (L. ab externo).

ABF Aortobifemoral. ABFP American Board of Family Practice. ABG Aortoiliac bypass graft; Arterial blood gases (laboratory/ blood gas); Axiobuccogingival. ABH Hexachloro-cyclohexane. ABHP American Board of Health Physics.

ABI American Baking Institute; Ankle/brachial index; Atherothrombotic brain infarct/ion. ABIC Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children.

ABID Antibody identification. A-bile Bile from the common duct. ABIM American Board of Internal Medicine. ABIMCE American Board of Internal Medicine certifying examination. ABK Aphakic bullous keratopathy. ABL a-p-Lipoproteinemia; African Burkitt's lymphoma; Albight-Butler Lightwood (syn¬ drome); Allograft-bound lymphocytes; Alphabeta-lipoproteinemia; Angioblastic lymphadepopathy; Antigen-binding lymphocyte; Army Biological Laboratories/tory;

ABN American Board of Nutrition; Association of British Neurologists. AbN Antibody nitrogen. ABNM American Board of Nuclear Medicine. ABNMP Alpha-benzyl-N-methyl phenethylamine.

Abnor Abnormal (see ABN; Abn; abn). ABNP American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry.

ABNS American Board of Neurological Surgery. ABO Abortion; Absent bed occupancy; American Board of Ophthalmology; American Board of Opticianry; American Board of Orthodontics/ists; American Board of Otolaryngology; Blood group system of antigens.

ABOB Moroxydine hydrochloride - a biguanide derivative used formerly in the treatment of viral infections, but with doubt¬ ful value.

ABOE American Board of Ophthalmic Examinations.

ABOG American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

ABO-HD ABO hemolytic disease.


ABOHN American Board for Occupational Health Nurses.

A-Bomb A cigarette prepared from a mixture of marijuana and heroin (see Cannabis; Diamorph HC1). ABOMS American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. ABOP American Board of Oral Pathology. Abor Abortion (see Abort). Abort Abortion (= Ab; Abor). ABOS American Board of Oral Surgery; American Bibliography/ Board of Orthopedic Surgery. ABP Acute back pain; Adaptive balance pro¬ file; Ambulatory blood pressure; American Board of Pathology/ Pediatrics/ Pedodontics/ Periodontology/ Proctology/ Prosthodontics/(ists); American Business Press; Androgen/ Antigen-binding protein; Arterial blood pressure; Avidin-biotin peroxi¬ dase. ABPA Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillo¬ sis. ABPC Antibody-producing cell. ABPD American Board of Podiatric Dermatology. ABPE Acute bovine pulmonary edema. ABPI Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. ABPLA American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys. ABPM American Board of Preventive Medicine. ABPMR American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. ABPN American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. ABPP American Board of Professional Psychology. ABPS American Board of Plastic Surgery; American Board for Psychological Services, Inc. ABR Abortus Bang Ring probe (test); Absolute bed rest; Advances in Brain Research (journal); American Board of Radiology; Auditory brainstem response. A Br Agglutination test for brucellosis. ABRA American Blood Resources Association.

Abram lens Abraham lens, a Goldmann fun¬ dus lens which has been coated with an antireflective compound and a small 66-D powered button bonded excentrically on the - surface; used as a contact lens in laser surgery. Abr; Abras Abrasion(s). ABRET American Board of Registration of Electroencephalographic Technologists. ABS Abdominal surgery; Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (= Acryzonitrile-b-s) - a copoly¬ mer; Acute brain syndrome; Adaptive Behavior Scale; Admitting blood sugar; Adult bovine serum; Aging brain syndrome; Alkylbenzene sulfonate (= Alkylbenzyl s.); Aioin-belladonna-strychnine (a laxative); American Board of Surgery; American Biological Society; Amniotic band sequence/syndrome; Animal Behavior Society; Anti-B serum; Antibodies (= Abs); Antley-Bixier syndrome; Arterial blood sam¬ ple; At bed side. Abs Absorbance; Absorption (see absorp); Antibodies (see ABS). abs Absent (L. absente)/ away from; Absolute; Absorb. Absc Abscess, Abscissa (L. abscissus; abscindo) - tearing off/ cutting off. abs conf Absolute configuration. abs feb In the absence of fever/ fever being absent/ while fever is absent (L. absente febre).

ABSe Ascending bladder septum. absorp Absorption (= Abs). AbSR Abnormal skin reflex. A/B SS Apnea/bradycardia self-stimulation. Abst Abstract (= Abstr). Abstr Abstract (see Abst). ABT Aminopyrine breath test. Abt About. ABTS American Board of Thoracic Surgery. ABU American Board of Urology; Asymptomatic bacteriuria.

ABV Actinomycin D-bleomycin-vincristine; Arthropod-borne virus.

ABVD Adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine.

ABW Actual/ Average body weight. ABx Antibiotics.


ABY Acid bismuth yeast (agar/ medium). Aby Antibody (= Ab). AC Abdominal circumference/ compression; Absorption coefficient; Abuse case; Acetate; Acetylcholine; Acetyl-cysteine; Acidified complement; Acinetobacter calcoaceticus; Acromioclavicular; Acta Chirurgica (journal); Acta Cytologica (journal); Activated char¬ coal; Acupuncture clinic; Acute; Acute chole¬ cystitis; Adaptive control; Adenocarcinoma; Adenylate cyclase; Adherent cell; Adrenal cortex; Adrenocorticoid; Adult and Child (journal); Advertising Council; Affinity chro¬ matography; Air chamber; Air changes; Air conditioning; Air conduction (hearing test); Alcoholic cirrhosis; Alternating current; Alveolar crest; Ambulatory care; Analog computer; Analytical Chemistry (journal); Anchored catheter (see A/C); Anesthesia cir¬ cuit; Angewandte Chemie (journal); Angiocellular; Anodal closure; Ante cibum (L. before meals); Antecubital; Anterior chamber (eye examination); Anterior column; Anterior commissure; Antibiotic concentrate; Anticoagulant; Anticomplement/ary; Antiinflammatory/ Antiphlogistic corticoid; Aortic closure; Aortocoronary; Arm circum¬ ference; Arterialized capillary; Ascending colon; Assist control (see A/C); Atriocaratid; Auricular-carotid (interval); Autocorrelation; Axiocervical; Before meals (L. ante cibum).

Ac Accelerator (e.g. Ac globulin); Acetate; Acetyl; Acryl group; Actinium (atomic no. 89 - see Elements); Arabinosyl cytosine (= aC). aC Abcoulomb; Arabinosyl cytosine (see Ac); Monomethyl thionine (basic dye), ac Acceleration; Acid; Acute; Alternating cur¬ rent; Ante cibum (L. before meals); Antecubital; Anterior chamber; Axiocervical; Before meals (L. ante cibum).

A-C Adult-versus-child; Air-conditioned; Aortocoronary (bypass); Atriocarotid; Auriculocarotid. A/C Albumin/coagulin (ratio); 5-Amino-4imidazolicarboxamide; Anchored catheter (= AC); Anterior chamber (of eye); Assist con¬ trol (=. AC).

5-AC Azacitidine. AC 601 Buramate (=2-Hydroxyethyl N-ben-

zylcarbamate) - an anticoagulant and tranquil¬ lizer used in the treatment of convulsive dis¬ orders in children. ACA Abnormal coronary artery; Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans; Acute cerebellar ataxia; Acyclovir (see ACV); Adenine-cytosine-adenine; Adenocarcinoma; Adult child of an alcoholic; American Chiropractic Association; Aminocaproic acid; American College of Allergists; American College of Anesthesiologists; American College of Angiology; American College of Apothecaries; American Council on Alcoholism; American Crystallographic Association; Aminocaproic acid; Aminocephalosporanic acid; Ammonia, cop¬ per, and acetate; Amyotrophic choreoacanthocytosis; Anterior cerebral artery; Anterior communicating aneurysm/ artery; Anticardiolipin antibody; Anticentromere antibody; Anticollagen antibody; Anticomplement activity; Anticycloplasmic antibody; Automatic Clinical Analyzer. AC/A Accommodative convergence/ accom¬ modation (ratio).

ACAC Activated charcoal artificial cell. AcAc Acetoacetate. ACACN American Council of Applied Clinical Nutrition.

ACAD Asymptomatic coronary artery disease. Acad Academy. A-CAH Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis. ACAJC American Chiropractic Association Journal of Chiropractic. ACAO Acyl coenzyme A oxidase. ACAP American Council on Alcohol Problems. A cap ad cal From head to heel (L. a capite ad calcem) - in describing symptoms. ACAST Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology. ACAT Automated computerized axial tomog¬ raphy.

ACB Airman, Classification Battery (psychol¬ ogy); Alveolar-capillary block; Antibodycoated bacteria; Aortocoronary bypass (saphenous vein); Arterialized capillary blood; Asymptomatic carotid bruit.

acb before breakfast.


AC/BC Air conduction/bone conduction (time ratio).

ACBE Air contrast barium enema. ACBG Aortocoronary bypass graft. ACBS Advisory Committee of Borderline

ACCI Anodal closure clonus (see ACC) electrotherapy.

ACCME Accreditation Council for/ Advisory

Immunization. Accid Accident.

Committee on Continuing Medical Education (AMA). AcCoA Acetyl coenzyme A. Accom Accommodation (see Acc). Accord According(ly). ACCP American College of Chest Physicians; American College of Clinical Pharmacology. ACCPB American College of Chest Physicians Bulletin. ACCR Amylase creatinine clearance ratio. ACCS American College of Chest Surgeons. Accu-Chek Blood glucose meter with digital read-out for diabetic patients to examine their own blood glucose; reads Chemstrip blood glucose. Accum Accumulation. Accur Accurately; most carefully (L. accuratissime). ACD Absolute cardiac dullness; Absolute claudication distance; Acid, citrate, dextrose (see A.C.D.) - Strumia's solution, an antico¬ agulant for blood samples and preservative for donor blood; Acta Radiologica Diagnosis (journal); Actinium emanation (chemical symbol for); Actinomycin D; Active claudica¬ tion distance; Adult celiac disease; Advanced care directive; Allergic contact dermatitis; American College of Dentists; Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum (univer¬ sale) - Fabry's syndrome; Anterior chamber/ chest diameter; Anticoagulant, citrase, dex¬ trose (see A.C.D.); Area of cardiac dullness; Arnold-Chiari deformity; Australasian College of Dermatologists; Automatic com¬ puting densitometer; Citric acid, tri-sodium citrate, dextrose (see A.C.D.); Dactinomycin; Trisodium, citrate, dextrose (see A.C.D.). A.C.D. Anticoagulant and citrate dextrose solution (= ACD; A.C.D. sol) - a sterile solu¬ tion of sodium citrate, citric acid, and dex¬ trose in Water for Injection. Used as an anti¬ coagulant and preservative for donor blood. Also known by the name Strumia's solution. AcD Alive with disease.

Acc insuff Accommodation insufficiency.

AC-DC Bisexual (homosexual and heterosex¬

Substances. ACC Accommodation; Acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase; Acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine, codeine (proprietary drug); Acinic cell carci¬ noma; Acute care center; Acute (spinal) cord compression; Adenoid cystic carcinoma; Administrative control center; Adrenocortical carcinoma; Alveolar cell carcinoma; Ambulatory care center; American College of Cardiology; American College of Chemosurgery; Anodal closure clonus/ con¬ traction (= ACCI; AnCC); Anode closing cur¬ rent (= AnCC) - electrotherapy; Antitoxincontaining cell; Aplasia cutis congenita; Articular chondrocalcinosis. Acc Acceleration (see Accel); Accident; Accommodation (= Accom) - eye examina¬ tion; Adenoid cystic carcinoma (see ACE). acc Acceleration; Accelerator; Accident; Accommodation; According (to). ACCA American Clinical and Climatological Association; American Credit Card Association. ACCC Association of Committee Cancer Centers. ACCEL American College of Cardiology Extended Learning. Accel Acceleration (= Ace). ACCEPT Alcoholism Center Coordinating Education Prevention and Treatment. ACCESS Ambulatory Care Clinic Effectiveness Systems Study; American College of Cardiology Extended Study Services. ACCH Association for the Care of Children's Health.

AcCh Acetylcholine (= ACh). AcChR Acetylcholine receptor. AcCHS Acetylcholinesterase. ACCI Action Committee of Childhood



AC/DC Alternating current/ (or) Direct cur¬ rent.

ACDI Agricultural Cooperative Development, International. ACDJ American College of Dentists Journal. ACDQ Association des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Quebec. ACDs Anticonvulsant drugs. ACDSJ Anglo-Continental Dental Society Journal (UK). A.C.D. sol Anticoagulant and citrate dextrose solution (see A.C.D.). ACDUTRA Active Duty for Training (for per¬ sonnel assigned to naval research dental units). ACE Acetonitrile; Acute cerebral encephalopathy; Acute coronary event; Adrenal cortical extract; Adrenocortical extract; Alcohol, chloroform, ether (anesthetic mixture); American Council of/on Education; Angiotensin converting enzyme; Anticholinesterase; Association for Childbirth Education; Association of Conservation Engineers. ACe Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (combination therapy). Ace Marijuana cigarette (obsolete) - see Cannabis.

ace acentric; acetone (= Acet). ACEAHPS Advisory Committee on Education for the Allied Health Professions and Services (AMA).

ACED Anhidrotic congenital ectodermal dys¬ plasia.

ACEDS Angiotensin-converting enzyme dys¬ function syndrome. ACEH Acid cholesterol ester hydrolase. ACEI Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.

ACEMBP Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Proceedings.

ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians.

ACEPUAEMS American College of Emergency Physicians and the University Association for Emergency Medical Services. ACERP American College of Emergency Room Physicians.

AcEst Acetyl esterase.

Acet Acetone (= ace); Vinegar (L. acetum). acetab Acetabular/um. acetyl-CoA Acetyl coenzyme A. ACF Accessory clinical finding(s); Acute care facility; Anterior cervical fusion; Area correc¬ tion factor; Asthmatic Children's Foundation. ACFDN Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry Newsletter. ACFEM L'Association canadienne des fabricants d'equipement medical (CAMMD). ACFMR Accreditation Council for Facilities for the Mentally Retarded. ACFO American College of Foot Orthopedists. ACFON American College of Foot Orthopedists Newsletter. ACFS American College of Foot Surgeons. ACG Accelerator globulin; American College of Gastroenterology; Angiocardiogram/graphy; Aortocoronary graft; Apexcardiogram (procedure/ cardiology). AcG SeeAc-G. Ac-G Accelerator globulin (= AcG; Ac-g) see Factor V.

Ac-g See Ac-G. ACGEHA Accrediting Commission on Graduate Education for Hospital Administration. ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. ACGP American College of General Practitioners. ACGPOMS American College of General Practitioners in Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery.

ACGS Aerospace Cartographic and Geodetic Service.

ACGT Antibody-coated grid technique. A,C,G,T Alanine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine - the four chemical (aminoacid) bases or gene sequences making up the DNA. These bases are arranged in pairs, "A" bond¬ ing with "T", and "C" with "G", forming the steps of the DNA's double helix. Humans have 3 billion chemical letter steps of base pairs, positioned in 23 pairs of chromosomes. On them are 50,000 to 100,000 genes, an average gene possessing 30,000 to 60,000 base pairs or gene sequences.


ACH Accident Case Histories (SFPC bul¬

thy; Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (USPHS) - see CD. ACIR Automotive Crash Injury Research.

letin); Acetaldehyde; Acetylcholine (see ACh); Achalasia; Active chronic hepatitis; Adrenal cortical hormone (see Hormones); Aftercoming head; Aluminium chlorhydroxide (antiperspirant); Amyotrophic cerebellar hypoplasia; Arm girth, chest depth, height, or hip width (see ACH nutritional index). ACh Acetylcholine (= ACH; Ach). Ach SeeACh. ACHA American College Health Association; American College of Hospital Administrators. AChA Anterior choroidal artery. AChE Acetylcholinesterase. ACHEMA Exhibition of Chemical Apparatus (German: Ausstellung fur Chemisches Apparatewesen). ACH index Arm girth, chest depth, hip width index (of nutrition). ACHOO Autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst (syndrome). ACHP L'Association Canadienne d'Hygiene Publique (CPHA). AChR Acetylcholine receptor. AC/hr Air changes per hour. AChRAb Acetylcholine receptor antibody. AChRP Acetylcholine receptor protein. AChS Associate of the Society of Chiropodists (= AchS). AchS SeeAChS. AC&HC Before meals and at bed time (L. ante cibum & hora somni). ACI Acoustic comfort index; Acute coronary infarction/ insufficiency; Adenylate cyclase inhibitor; Adrenocortical insufficiency; Aftercare instructions; Anticlonus index. ACID Arithmetic, Coding, Information, and Digit Span. Acid LSD-25 (see LSD). Acid phos Acid phosphatase (see Acid p'tase) - laboratory/ chemistry. Acid p'tase Acid phosphatase (= ACP; ACPH; Ac phos; Ac p'tase; AP) - laboratory/ chemistry.

features, cutis verticis gyrata, (corneal) leucoma (syndrome); Anterior cruciate ligament. ACI Aspiryl chloride. ACLA American Clinical Laboratory Association. ACLC Assessment of Children's Language Comprehension. ACLD Association for Children with Learning Difficulties/ Disabilities. ACLI American Council on Life Insurance. ACLM American College of Legal Medicine. ACLPS Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists. ACLS Advanced cardiac life support; American Council of Learned Societies; Annals of Clinical Laboratory Science. ACLTCF Accreditation Council for LongTerm Care Facilities (JCAH). ACLU American Civil Liberties Union. Acl V Avian acute leukemia virus. ACM Acute cerebrospinal meningitis; Adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, methotrex¬ ate; Albumin-calcium-magnesium; Alveolar capillary membrane; Anticardiac myosin; Arnold-Chiari malformation; Association for Computing Machinery. ACMB Advisory Council of Medical Boards. ACMC Association of Canadian Medical Colleges. ACME Advisory Council on Medical Education; Aphakic cystoid macular edema; Automated Classification of Medical Entities. ACMF Arachnoid cyst of the middle fossa. ACMH American College of Medical Hypnosis.

ACIF Against/anti complement immunofluo¬

ACMR Advisory Committee on Medical

rescence (test for). ACIL American Council of Independent Laboratories.

ACMS Advisory Committee on Medical

ACIP Acute canine idiopathic polyneuropa¬

AcK Francium (Actinium K). ACL Achievment Check List; Acromegaloid

ACMI American Cystoscope Makers Inc. ACML Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia. ACMP Alveolar-capillary membrane perme¬ ability. Research (WHO). Science; American Chinese Medical Society; American Council of Medical Staffs.


ACMT American College of Medical Technologists; Artificial circus movement tachycardia. ACMV Assist-controlled mechanical ventila¬ tion. ACMW American Committee on Maternal Welfare.

ACN Acute conditioned neurosis; American College of Neuropsychiatrists; American College of Nutrition. ACn Air conduction (in the presence of bone conduction noise).

ACNB American College of Neuropsychiatrists Bulletin.

ACNHA American College of Nursing Home Administrators. ACNM American College of Nuclear Medicine; American College of NurseMidwives. ACNP American College of Neuropsychopharmacology/ Nuclear Physicians.

ACO Acute coronary occlusion; Alert, cooper¬ ative, and oriented; American College of Orgonomy; American Council of Otolaryngology; Anodal closing/sure odor. ACoA Adult children of alcoholics; Anterior communicating artery.

ACOB Association Canadienne des Optometristes Bulletin.

ACOG American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOGN American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Newsletter.

ACOGTB American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Technical Bulletin.

ACOHA American College of Osteopathic Hospital Administrators. ACO-HNS American Council of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. ACOI American College of Osteopathic

ACOP American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians.

A-COPP Adriamycin-Cytoxan, Oncovin, Prednisone, Procarbazine (in the treatment of neoplastic disease). ACORDE A Consortium On Restorative Dentistry Education. ACORN Automated Coder Of The Report Narrative. ACOS American College of Osteopathic Surgeons. ACOSN American College of Osteopathic Surgeons News. Acou- prefix meaning hear (Gr. akous). Acous Acoustic(s)/cal. ACP Accessory conduction pathway; Acetylcarrier protein; Acid phosphatase (see Acid p'tase); Acyl carrier protein; American College of Pathologists; American College of Pharmacists; American College of Physicians; American College of Prosthodontists; American College of Psychiatrists; Animal Care Panel; Anodal closing picture; Antichole-cystokinin peptide; Aspirin, caffeine, phenacetin (proprietary drug); Association Canadienne des Physiciens; Association for Child Psychiatrists; Association of Clinical Pathologists (UK); Association of Correctional Psychologists; Ataxic/ Athetoid cerebral palsy.

ACPA American Cleft Palate Association; Anticytoplasmic antibodies.

ACPAP Advisory Committee on Physician's Assistant Programs.

ACPC Aminocyclopentane carboxylic (acid). ACPE American Council on Pharmaceutical Education.

ACPEF American Cleft Palate Educational Foundation.

AC-PH; Ac phos Acid phosphatase (see Acid p'tase).

Internists. ACOM American College of Occupational

ACPM American College of Preventive

Medicine. ACOMS American College of Oral and

ACPMR American College of Physical

Maxillofacial Surgeons. ACOOG American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologist.

Medicine. Medicine and Rehabilitation. ACPP Adrenocorticopolypeptide. ACPP PF Acid phosphatase prostatic fluid. ACPS Acrocephalopolysyndactyly.


Ac p'tase Acid phosphatase (see Acid p'tase). ACq Air conduction in quiet. ACR Abnormally contracting region; Absolute catabolic rate; Accounts of Chemical Research (journal); Acriflavine; Adenomatosis of colon and rectum; American College of Radiology/ Rheumatology; Americans for Children's Relief; Annals of Clinical Research (journal); Anticonstipation regimen; Axillary count rate. Acr Acrylic. Acr- prefix meaning extremity or peak (Gr. akron). ACRB American College of Radiology Bulletin. ACRC AIDS Clinical Research Center. ACRF Ambulatory care research facility. ACRM American College of Rehabilitation Medicine; American Congress of/on Rehabilitation Medicine. ACRMD Association for Children with Retarded Mental Development. ACS Acetylstrophanthidin; Acrocallosal syn¬ drome; Acrocephalosyndactyly; Acta Chemica Scandinavica (journal); Acute chest syndrome; Acute confusional state; Alcon Closure System; Ambulatory care services; American Cancer Society; American Chemical Society; American College of Surgeons/ Surgery; Anodal closing sound; Antireticular cytotoxic serum; Aperture cur¬ rent setting; Association of Clinical Scientists. acs before supper. ACSA Adenylate cyclase-stimulating activity. ACSB Ambulatory Care Statistics Branch (NCHS); American College of Surgeons Bulletin. ACSE Association of Component Society Executives. ACSH American Council on Science and Health. ACSM American College of Sports Medicine. (A-CS)02 Myocardial oxygen extraction. ACSP Adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein; Advisory Council on Scientific Policy. ACSV Aortocaronary saphenous vein.

ACSVBG Aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass graft.

ACSW Academy/ Association of Certified Social Workers. ACT Achievement through Counseling and Treatment; Actinomycin; Activated clotting/ coagulation time; Advanced Coronary Treatment; Allergen challenge test; American College Testing (Program) - see ACTP; Anterocolic transposition; Antichymotrypsin; Anticoagulant/ Anticonvulsanf therapy; Anxiety control training; Atropine coma ther¬ apy. Act Actinomycin; Active/vity (= Activ). ACTA American Corrective Therapy Association; Automatic computerized trans¬ verse axial (tomographic scanner - see CAT; CT). ACTAS Automatic computerized transverse axial scanner (see ACTA). ACTC; ActC; Act-C Actinomycin C. ACTD; ActD; Act-D Actinomycin D (cosmogen/ dactinomycin). ACTe Anodal closure tetanus. Act Ex Active exercise. ACM AIDS Clinical Treatment/ Trial Group. ACTH Adrenal corticotropic hormone (= Adrenocorticotropic hormone) - see Hormones. ACTH 1-24 b-1-24-corticotropin. ACTH-LI Adrenocorticotropin-like i mmunoreactivity. ACTH/MSH (basophils) Adrenocorticotropic hormone/ melanocytic-stimulating hormone (basophils) - see Hormones. ACTH-RF Adrenocorticotropic hormone releasing factor. Actin- prefix meaning ray or radius (Gr. aktis).

ACTION American Council To Improve Our Neighbourhoods (a former name for an inde¬ pendent Federal agency). Activ Active/vity (see Act).

ACTJ American Corrective Therapy Journal. ACTN Adrenocorticotropin (see Hormones). ACTP Adrenocorticotropic/pin polypeptide (see Hormones); American College Testing Program. ACTS Acute cervical traumatic sprain/ syn¬ drome; Auditory Comprehension Test for Sentences.


ACTSEB Anterior chamber tube shunt encir¬ cling band.

ACU Acquired cold urticaria; Acute care/ coronary unit; Agar colony forming unit; Ambulatory care unit. Acu- prefix meaning hear (Gr. akous). Acup Acupuncture. ACV Acute cardiovascular disease (see ACVD); Acyclovir (an antiviral drug); Atrial/ carotid/ ventricular. ACM Aortocoronary venous bypass. ACM Acute cardiovascular disease (= ACV); Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. ACVT American College of Veterinary Toxicologists. Ac/w A cetone/water (mixture). AD Absorbed/ Analgesic/ Arthritic dose; Accident department/ dispensary; Acetate dialysis; Achievement drive; Active/ Adjuvant/ Adult/ Aleutian disease; Acute dermatomyositis; Addict(ion); Adenoid(al) degeneration (agent/ virus); Adhesive disc; Admitting diagnosis; Adrenostenedione; Advanced directive; Aerosol deposition; Affective disorder; After discharge; Aid to disabled; Alcohol dehydrogenase; Alcoholic dementia; Allodynia (pain generated by minor stimulation of the skin); Alternating days; Alveolar diffusion; Alveolar duct; Alzheimer's dementia/ disease (cerebral scle¬ rosis, with memory lapses, confusion, and slow dementia); American Druggist (journal); Analog-to-digital; Anno Domini (L.) - in the year of the Lord i.e. the Christian era (used in dates); Anodal duration; Ante diem (L.) before the day; Anterior division; Antigenic determinant; Appropriate disability; Archives of Dermatology (journal); Associate Degree; Atopic dermatitis; Atrium dexter (L.) - right atrium; Attentional disturbance; Auris dextra (L.) - right ear; Autonomic dysreflexia; Autosomal dominant; Average deviation/ duration; Axiodistal; Axis deviation; Axonal degeneration; Diphenylchlorarsine; Donor recovery time (see A/D); Drug addict (see DA); Right atrium (L. atrium dexter); Right ear (L. auris dextra). Ad; ad Add/ Add up to (= add) (L. adde)/ Let them be added (L. addantur)/ Let there be

added (L. addetur)/ To (L.); Adenovirus; Adrenal; Anisotropic disk; Axiodistal; Right ear (L. auris dextra) - see AD. ad- prefix meaning to or up to (L.). AID Analog-to-digital (converter); Donor recovery time (= AD). A&D Admission and discharge; Alcohol and drug(s); Ascending and descending; Vitamins A and D. ADA Adenosine deaminase (see ADase); American Dental Association; American Dermatological Association; American Diabetes/tic Association; American Dietetic Association; Anterior descending artery; Antideoxyribonucleic acid antibody; Approved dietary allowance; Australian Dental Association. ADAA American Dental Assistants' Association. ADA diet American Diabetic Association diet. ADADS Assistant Director Army Dental Service. ADAF American Diabetes Association Forecast (journal). ADAJ American Dental Association Journal. ADAM Amniotic deformity, adhesion, mutila¬ tion (syndrome). ADAMHA Alcohol Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration (HEW). ADAN American Dental Association News. ADAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program; Alzheimer's disease associated protein; American Dental Assistant's Program; Assistant Director of Army Psychiatry. ADAS Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale. ADAS-COG ADAS (cognitive portion of). ADase Adenosine deaminase (= ADA; ADD). ADAU Adolescent drug abuse unit. ADAV&RS Assistant Director Army Veterinary and Remount Services. ADB Accidental death benefit; Anti DNase B. ADC Affective/ Anxiety disorder(s) clinic; Aid to dependent children; AIDS Dementia Complex; Albumin, dextrose, catalase (media); Ambulance design criteria; Analogto-digital converter; Anodal duration contrac¬ tion; Archives of Diseases in Childhood (BMA journal); L'Association Dentaire


Canadienne (CDA); Average daily census; Axiodistocervical. AdC Adenylate cyclase; Adrenal cortex. ADCC Acute disorder of cerebral circulation; Antibody-dependent cell-mediated/ cellular cytotoxicity.

Ad Com Administration committee. ADCP Adenosine deaminase complexing pro¬ tein.

Ad effect Until effective/tual (L. ad effectum). ADEM Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. aden- prefix meaning gland (Gr. aden). Adenoca Adenocarcinoma. Adeq Adequate. ADF Audio-Digest Foundation (CMA). Ad feb Fever being present (L. adstante febre).

ADCS Argonz del Castillo syndrome. ADD Accidental death and dismemberment

ADFN Albinism-deafness syndrome. ADFR Activate (bone metabolism with phos¬

(insurance); Adduction; Adenosine deaminase (see ADase); Attention deficit disorder; Autosomal dominant disease/ disorder; Average daily dose. add Add (L. adde) - see Ad/ad; Addition; Adduction/tor; Let them be added (L. addantur) - see Ad/ad; Let there be added (L. addetur) - see Ad/ad. add c trit Add with triturition (L. adde cum tritu). adde (L.) add. Ad def an To the point of fainting (L. ad defectionem animi). Ad deliq To fainting (L. ad deliquium). Addend To be added (L. addendus). ADDH Attention deficit disorder with hyper¬ activity. ADD/HA Attention deficit disorder/hyperac¬ tivity. Addict Addiction/tive. ADDL Association of Drug Detection Laboratories. Addn Addition. ADDP Adolescent Drug Depending Program; Apollo Double-Diaphragm Pump. Add poll Adductor pollicis. ADDS American Digestive Disease Society; American Diopter and Decibel Society. ADDU Alcohol and drug dependence unit. ADE Acute disseminated encephalitis/ encephalomyelitis (see ADEM); American (Medical Association) Drug Evaluation; Antibody-dependent enhancement; Apparent digestible energy. Ade Adenine. AdeCbl Adenosyl cobalamine. ADEE Age-dependent epileptic encephalopa¬ thy.

phorus to stimulate parathroid activity - 4 days) -* Depress (osteoclasts with a diphosphonate such as alendronate or etidronate - 14 days) -* Free period (with calcium and Vit D - 12 weeks) -* Repeat (the cycle - A -» D -» F at least 12 times) - a cyclic phosphate/ diphosphonate/ calcium sequence in the treat¬ ment of osteoporosis. ADFU Agar diffusion for fungus. ADG Atrial diastolic gallop; Axiodistogingival. Ad gr. acid To an agreeable acidity or sour¬ ness (L. ad gratum aciditatem). Ad gr. gust To an agreeable taste (L. ad gra¬ tum gustum). Ad grat. acid See Ad gr. acid. Ad grat. gust See Ad gr. gust. ADH Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped; Acquired dislocation of the hip; Adhesion; Adrenalin-heparin (complex); Alcohol dehydrogenase; Antidiabetic hor¬ mone - the insulins (see Hormones); Antidiuretic hormone i.e. vasopressin (see Hormones); Arginine dihydrolase. Adh Adhesion/sive; Antidiabetic/ Antidiuretic hormone (see ADH). ADHA American Dental Hygienists' Association; American Drug and Hospital Association. ADHD Attention deficit-hyperactivity disor¬ der.

Adhib Administer/ apply/ take/ to be adminis¬ tered (L. adhibendus).

ADHR Antidiuretic-hormone-resistant (dia¬ betes).

ADI Academy of Dentistry International; Acceptable/ Allowable daily intake; American Documentation Institute (Library


of Congress); American Drug Index; Artificial diverticulum of the ileum; Atlasdens interval; Axiodistoincisal. ad int In the meantime/ meanwhile (L. ad interim). adip- prefix meaning fat (L. adeps). ADJ Australian Dental Journal (Australian Dental Association). adj adjacent; adjective; adjoining; adjunct; adjuvant. ADK Adenosine kinase; Adirondack Mountain Club. ADKC Atopic dermatitis with kerato-conjunctivitis. ADL Activities of daily living; Adrenoleukodystrophy (Lorenzo's disease); Amsterdam Depression List; Arthur D Little, Inc.; Acute disc lesion.

ADLC Antibody-dependent lymphocyte-medi¬ ated cytotoxicity.

Ad lib As desired/ at pleasure (L. ad libitum). ADLMA American Dental Library and Museum Association.

ADM Abductor digiti minimi; Administrative medicine; Adriamycin hydrochloride (= Doxorubicin HC1) - a cytotoxic agent. .Adm; adm Administrate/tion/tor; Admission/mit(ted); Apply (L. admove). AdM Administrative medicine; Adrenal medulla.

ADMA American Drug Manufacturers Association.

Ad man. med Deliver to the physician (L. ad

Ad naus To the extent/ point of producing nausea (L. ad nauseam).

ADN-B Antideoxyribonuclease B. Ad neut To neutralization (L. ad neutralizandum).

ADO Adenosine; Adolescent medicine; Association of Dispensing Opticians (UK); Audio-Digest Otorhinolaryngology (journal); Axiodistoocclusal. Ado Adenosine. Ad-OAP Doxorubicin (Adriamycin), vin¬ cristine (Oncovin), cytarabine (cytosine Arabinoside), and prednisone. ADOD Arthrodentosteodysplasia. AdoDABA Adenosyldiaminobutyric acid. ADOG Audio-Digest Obstetrics-Gynecology (ADF). AdoHcy S-Adenosylhomocysteine. adol adolescent. AdoMet S-Adenosylmethionine. Adox Oxidized adenosine. ADP Adenopathy; Adenosine diphosphate; Administrative psychiatry; Amino-diphenyl (a carcinogen); Antidiabetic principle - the insulins (see Hormones); Approved drug product; Area diastolic pressure; Arterial demand pacing; Atrial premature depolariza¬ tion; Audio-Digest Pediatrics/ Psychiatry (journals); Automatic data processing; Automatic dual programmed; Acute disc pro¬ lapse. AdP Adductor pollicis. Ad part, dol To the painful parts (L. ad partes dolentes).

manus medici). Adm Dr Admitting doctor. Admin Administer/tration (see Adm; adm). Admov Add/ apply/ let it be applied/ let there be added/ let there be applied (L. admove,

Ad part, dolent See Ad part. dol. ADPase Adenosine diphosphatase. AD pattern Arterial deficiency pattern. ADPKD Autosomal dominant polycystic kid¬

admoveatur). Adm Ph Admitting physician. ADMR Average daily metabolic rate. ADMS Assistant Director of Medical

ADPL Average daily patient load. Ad pond, om To the weight of the whole (L.


ADMX Adrenal medullectomy. ADN Antideoxyribonuclease; Aortic depressor nerve; Associate Degree in Nursing; Deoxyribonucleic acid (proprietary name in France) - see DNA.

ney disease.

ad pondus omnium).

ADPR Adenosine diphosphate ribose. ADQ Abductor digite quinte. Adq Adequate. ADR Accepted Dental Remedies (published by the American Dental Association); Accepted dental remedy; Acute dystonic reac¬ tion; Adrenodoxin reductase; Adverse drug


reaction; Airway dilation reflex; Arrested development of righting response; Ataxiadeafness-retardation (syndrome); Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) (see ADM). Adr; adr Adrenal; Adrenalectomy; Adrenalin(e); Adriamycin. Ad rat As reasonable (L. ad rationem). ADRBR Adrenergic beta-receptor. ADRC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. ADRDA Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association. Adria Adriamycin (see ADM). ADRN Associated Degree Registered Nurse. ADS Acute death syndrome; Acute diarrheal syndrome; Alcohol Dependence Scale; Alternative delivery system; Anatomical dead space; Anonymous donor's sperm; Antibody deficiency syndrome; Antidiphtheritic serum (= Diphtheria antitoxin); Antidiuretic sub¬ stance (= ADH; Antidiuretic hormone) (see Hormones); Archives of Dermatology and Syphilogy; Army Dental Service; AudioDigest Surgery (journal); Automatic Development System (Blue Shield). ADSA American Dairy Science Association; American Dental Society of Anesthesiology. ADSAPI Accentuated decrease in systemic arterial pressure during inspiration. Ad sat To saturation (L. ad saturandum). Adst. feb When/ while fever is present (L. adstante febre). ADSU Ambulatory diagnostic surgery unit. ADT Accepted Dental Therapeutics; Adenosine triphosphate; Admission, dis¬ charge, transfer; Agar-gel diffusion test; Alternate-day therapy/ treatment; Anodal duration tetanus; Anticipate discharge tomor¬ row; Any desired thing/ anything desired/ anything you desire or like/ "any damn thing" (a placebo prescription); Alzheimer's-type dementia; Auditory Discrimination Test; Automated dithionate test. ADTA American Dance Therapy Association; American Dental Trade Association. ADTe Anodal duration tetanus (Tetanic con¬ traction). A-DTIC Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) and dacarbazine (DTIC).

ADTP Adolescent Day Treatment Program.

ADU Active duodenal ulcer; Allen-Doisy unit. Ad us According to custom (L. ad usum). Ad us. ext For external application/ use (L. ad usum externum).

ADV Adenovirus; Adventia; Aleutian disease virus; Arterio deep venous (see A/DV). A/DV Arterio/deep venous (= ADV). Adv; adv Adenovirus (see ADV); Adverse to/ against (L. adversum); Advertisement. ADV-4 Adenovirus (type 4). ADV-7 Adenovirus (type 7). Ad 2 vie At two times/ for two doses (L. ad duas vices). ADVIRC Autosomal dominant vitreo-retinochoroidopathy. Ad virus Adenovirus. ADVOCAP Advocate Community Action Committee. ADW Assault with deadly weapon. A5 D5 W Alcohol 5%, dextrose 5%, in water. ADX Adrenal-ectomized. AE Above elbow (amputation); Accident and emergency (department); Acrodermatitis enteropathica; Acta Endocrinologica (Denmark journal); Activation energy; Adult erythrocyte; After-effect; Agarose elec¬ trophoresis; Air embolism/entry; Alcoholic embryopathy; Alveolar Echinococcosis; Aminoethyl; Angioneurotic edema; Anoxic encephalopathy; Antiepileptic; Antitoxin unit (German Antitoxin-Einheit); Apoenzyme; Aryepiglottic; Atherosclerotic encephalopa¬ thy; Atomic emmision; Avian encephalomyelitis; Energy of activation. A-E Dow Chemical Co. code for experimental substances.

A+E Accident and Emergency (Department/ Ward); Analysis and evaluation. AEA Above elbow amputation; Alcohol, ether, acetone (mixture); Apocrine membrane anti¬ gen; Atomic Energy Authority (UK). AEA sol Alcohol-ether-acetone solution. AEB Acute erythroblastopenia; As evidenced by; Avian erythroblastosis. AEC Ankyloblepharon, ectodermal defects, and cleft lip (syndrome); At earliest conve¬ nience; Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (see AECL); Atomic Energy Commission (now defunct).


AECD Allergic eczematous contact dermatitis. AECG Abdominal electrocardiograph. AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (= AEC; EACL).

AECM Albert Einstein College of Medicine (New York).

AED Accident and Emergency department; Antiepileptic drug; Antihidrotic ectodermal dysplasia; Automated external defibrillator. AEDP Automated external defibrillator pace¬ maker. AEE Atomic Energy Establishment (UK). AEEU Admission entrance and evaluation unit. AEF Allogenic-effect factor; American Epilepsy Foundation; Amyloid enhancing factor. AEG Air encephalogram/graphy (procedure/ neurology); Atrial electrogram.

Aeg The patient (L. aeger; aegra). AEGIS Aid for the Elderly in Government Institutions.

AEH Archives of Environmental Health. AEHA Army Environmental Hygiene Agency. AEI American Enterprise Institute; Arbitrary evolution index; Atrial emptying index.

AEIPPR American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

AEM Analytical electron microscopy; Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring; Avian encephalomyelitis.

AEMB Alliance for Engineering in Medicine and Biology. AEMIS Aerospace and Environmental Medicine Information System. AEN Aseptic epiphyseal necrosis. A2 England English influenza epidemic (1972).

AEP Acute edematous pancreatitis; 2Aminoethylphosphonic acid; Artificial endocrine pancreas; Auditory (brain-stem and cortical) evoked potential; Average evoked potential.

AEPs Average evoked potentials. AEq Age equivalent. Aeq; aeq Equal (L. aequales). AEQI Agricultural Environmental Quality Institute (BARC-USDA). AER Abduction/ external rotation; Acoustic

evoked response; Acute exertional rhabdomyolysis; Advances in Enzyme Regulation (jour¬ nal); Agranular endoplasmic reticulum; Albumin excretion rate; Aldosterone excre¬ tion rate; Apical ectodermal ridge; Auditory evoked response; Average evoked response; Averaged electroencephalic response. aer- prefix meaning air (Gr. aer). AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment (UK). AERJ American Educational Research Journal. Aer M Aerosol mask. Aero Aerobacter - a genus of microorganisms of the family Enterobacteriaceae; e.g A. aerogenes (= Aero, aerogenes; Bacillus lactis a.; Enterobacter a.) - causes urinary tract and other infections in man. Aeron Aeronautics. AERP Antegrade/ Atrial effective refractory period. AERPAP Antegrade effective refractory peri¬ od accessory pathway. Aer T Aerosol tent. AES Acetone-extracted serum; Acute eth¬ moidal sinusitis; Adult Emergency Service; American Electroencephalographic/ Encephalographic/ Endocrine /Endodontic/ Endoscopic/ Entomological/Epidemiological/ Epidermological/ Epilepsy/ Eugenics Society; Anterior esophageal sensor; Antiembolic stockings; Antieosinophil sera; Antral eth¬ moidal sphenoidectomy; Aortic ejection sound; Auger electron spectroscopy; Auto¬ erythrocyte sensitization. AEST Aeromedical evacuation support team; American Entomological Society Transactions. aeste- prefix meaning feel or perceive (Gr. aisthe-).

AET Absorption-equivalent thickness; S-(2aminoethyl) isothiouronium bromide; Atrial ectopic tachycardia. Aet; aet Aetiology (= Aetiol; Etiol; Etiliogy); Age (L. aetas)/ Of age (L. aetatis) (= Aetat).

Aetat Aged/ Of age (see Aet; aet). Aetiol Etiology (Brit, aetiology) (see Aet; aet). AEV Avian erythroblastosis virus. AF Abnormal frequency; Acid-fast; Adult


female; Afebrile; Aflatoxin; Air Force; Albumin-free (see Tuberculin); Albumosefree; Aldehyde fuchsin; Amaurosis fugax; Aminophylline; Amniotic fluid; Angiogenesis factor; Annulus fibrosus (of the intervertebral disc); Anteflexion; Anterior fontanelle; Antibody-forming; Antifibrinogen; Antifog; Aortic flow; Aortofemoral; Armed Forces; Arthritis Foundation; Artificial feeding; Ascitic fluid; Atomic fluorescence; Atrial fib¬ rillation/ flutter (= Af; AFib; AF1); Atrial fusion; Attenuation factor; Attributable frac¬ tion; Audio frequency; Audiology Foundation; Auricular fibrillation/ flutter. Af Atrial flutter (see AF). af Audio frequency (see AF). aF Abfarad. af- alternate spelling of prefix ad. A-F (tuberculin) Albumin-free (tuberculin) (see Tuberculin). AFA Acromegaloid facial appearance; Advanced first aid; Alcohol-formaldehydeacetic acid (fixative); Allergy Foundation of America; American Forestry Association. AFACA Associate Fellow of the American College of Allergists (= AFACAL). AFA CAL See AFACA. AFAR American Foundation for Aging Research. AFARA Arthritis Foundation’s American Rheumatism Association. AFB Acid-fast bacillus (tuberculosis) (labora¬ tory/ bacteriology); Aflatoxin B; Air fluidized bed; American foulbrood; American Foundation for the Blind; Aortofemoral bypass; Aspirated foreign body. AFB1 Aflatoxin Bl. AFBG Aortofemoral bypass graft. AFBN American Foundation for the Blind Newsletter. AFC Adult foster care; Air-filled cushions; Antibody-forming cell(s); Automatic frequen¬ cy control. AFCI Acute focal cerebral ischemia. AFCR American Federation/ Foundation for Clinical Research. AFD Accelerated freeze drying. AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children (program).

AFDC-FC Aid to Families with Dependent Children - Foster Care.

AFDCO Aid For Dependent Children’s Organization. AFDH American Fund for Dental Health. AFDW Ash-free dry weight. AFE Amniotic fluid embolism. AFEB Armed Forces Epidemiological Board.

afeb afebrile. AFF Atrial filling fraction. Aff; aff Afferent; Affinity/ Having an affinity with but not identical with (L. affinis).

AFG Aflatoxin G; Alfa fetoglobulin (liver test); Amniotic fluid glucose. AFGE American Federation of Government Employees. AFGP Antifreeze glycoprotein. AFH American Foundation for Homeopathy; Angiofollicular hyperplasia; Anterior facial height. AFHPSP Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program. AFI Amaurotic familial/ family idiocy; Amniotic fluid index. AFib Atrial/ Auricular fibrillation (see AF). AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies. AFIS Amniotic fluid infection syndrome. AFL American Federation of Labor; Anti-fatty liver (related to a factor in pancreatic tissue); Artificial limb; Atrial flutter (see AF). AFI Atrial flutter (see AF). AFL/CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. AFLNH Angiofollicular lymph node hyper¬ plasia. AFLP Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. AFM Aflatoxin M; Air-Flow meter (see PFT); Air Force Manual; Archives of Family Medicine; Atomic force microscope. AFMCH American Foundation for Maternal and Child Health.

AFMD Armed Forces Medical Department. AFMJ Armed Forces Medical Journal. AFML Armed Forces Medical Library. AFN Afunctional neutrophil. AFNA American Federation for Negro Affairs.


AFNC Air Force Nurse Corps. AFND Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis. AFNSW Asthma Foundation of New South Wales.

AFO Ankle-foot orthrosis. AFOCC Asian Federation of Organizations for Cancer Research and Control. AFOS American Foundation of Oncologic Societies. AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Research (US). AFP Alpha-fetoprotein - a respiratory carrier (raised in anencephaly, spina bifida, Down's syndrome, etc.) (laboratory/ chemistry); American Family Physician (journal); Anterior faucial pillar; Atypical facial pain; Archives Fran9aises de Pediatrie (French journal); Acute facial palsy/ paralysis. AfP Affiliate physician. aFP Alpha-fetoprotein. AFPD American Federation of Physicians and Dentists.

AfPh Affiliate physician. AFPP Acute fibropurulent pneumonia. AFQ Aflatoxin Q. AFQT Armed Forces Qualification Test. AFR Aqueous flare response; Ascorbic free radical.

AFRAX Autism-fragile X (syndrome). AFRD Acute febrile respiratory disease. AFRI Acute febrile respiratory illness. AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute.

AFS Acquired/ adult Fanconi syndrome; Acute frontal sinusitis; Allergic fungal sinusi¬ tis; American Fertility/ Fracture Society; American Field Service; Antifibroblast serum; Awakening from sleep. AFSAM Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine. AFSC Allied Forces Sports Council; American Friends Service Committee. AFSCI American Foundation for the Science of Creative Intelligence (TM).

AFSP Acute fibrinoserous pneumonia. AFT Aflatoxin; Albumose-free tuberculin (see Tuberculin); Agglutination-flocculation test; Auditory fatigue test(s).

Aft After.

AFTA American Family Therapy Association; Autonomously functioning nodule.

AFTC Apparent free testosterone concentra¬ tion.

AFTN Autonomously functioning thyroid nodule. AFV Amniotic fluid volume. AFVSS Afebrile, vital signs stable. AFX Air-fluid exchange. AG Abbot Laboratories code for experimental substances; Abdominal girth; Agarose; Aminogluthethimide; Aminoglycoside; Analytical grade; Anion gap; Antigen; Antiglobulin; Antigravity; Atrial gallop; Attached gingiva; Axiogingival; Azurophilic granule(s). A/G Albumin/globulin (ratio). Ag Antigen; Silver (L. argentum) - atomic no. 47 (see Elements). ag- alternate spelling of prefix ad-. AGA Accelerated growth area (embryology); Acute gonococcal arthritis; Allergic granulo¬ matosis and angiitis; American Gas/ Gastroenterological/ Genetic(s)/ Geriatric(s)/ Glaucoma/ Goiter Association; Antiglomerular antibody; Anti-lgG autoanti¬ body; Appropriate for/ Average gestational age.

AgAb complex Antigen-antibody complex or molecule.

AGADP Agarosehexane-adenosine diphos¬ phate.

AGAMP Agarosehexane-adenosine monophosphate.

AGATP Agarosehexane-adenosine triphos¬ phate.

AGBAD Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf.

AGBM Antiglomerular basement membrane. AGC Absolute granulocyte count; Automatic gain control.

AgCl Silver chloride. AgCN Silver cyanide. AGCT Antiglobulin consumption test; Army General Classification Test. AGD Academy of General Dentistry; Agar/ agarose gel diffusion (method). AGDD Agar gel double diffusion. AGDJ Academy of General Dentistry Journal.


AGE Acrylamide gel; Acute gastroenteritis; Agarose gel electrophoresis; Anesthetic group equipment (MET-sol); Angle of greatest extension.

AGEA American Gastro-Enterological Association. AGED Automated general experimental device.

Agent Orange A deadly defoliant, whose most toxic element, dioxin, has been linked with birth defects and chloracne in humans, and cancer in animals. Used by US forces in the Viet Nam war. Also known as Herbicide Orange, it consists of a 50:50 combination of 2 herbicides: 2,5-D and 2,4,5-T, the latter containing Dioxin. Agent X A viroid, virus-like agent, also known as kuru agent or scrapie agent, believed to be the cause of certain diseases of man and animals such as: BSE - Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (also known as Mad Cow disease; thought to be caused by rogue proteins called prions, which eat away at cow brains, eventually killing the cows). CJD - Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (human equivalent of BSE). Kuru - a deadly disease found among one cannibal tribal population of New Guinea. Scrapie - a similar, braindestroying disease of sheep, and TME Transmissible mink encephalopathy, a similar disease found in minks.

AGEPC Acetyl glyceryl ether phosphorylcholine. AGF Adrenal growth factor; Angle of greatest flexion. Ag. feb When/ while the fever increases/ is coming on (= Aggred feb) - L. aggrediente febre. AGG Agammaglobulinemia; Aggravated (= Agg; agg). Agg; agg Agglommeration (see Agglom); Agglutination (see Agglut); Aggravate(d)/tion (see AGG); Aggregate/tion (see Aggreg). Aggl Agglomeration (see Agglom); Agglutination/ted (see Agglut). Agglom Agglomeration (= Agg; agg; Aggl). Agglut Agglutination/ted (= Agg; agg; Aggl). Aggrav Aggravate(d)/tion (see AGG).

Aggred. feb While the fever increases/ is coming on (see Ag. feb).

Aggreg Aggregate/tion (= Agg; agg) - (in botanical names) including two or more species which resemble each other closely.

AGGS Anti-gas gangrene serum. AGI Alan Guttmacher Institute (PPFA). Agl Silver iodide. Agit Agitate/tion; Shake/ stir (L. agita) (med¬ ical orders/ prescriptions).

Agit ante sum Shake before taking (L. agita ante sumendum).

Agit vas Shake the vial/ the vial being shaken (L. agitato vase). AGL Acute granulocytic leukemia; Agglutination; Aminoglutethimide. A GLACTO-LK Alpha galactoside leuko¬ cytes.

AGMIAPQ Association des Gardes-Malades et Infirmiers Auxiliaires de la Province de Quebec.

AGMK African green monkey kidney (cell) (= AGMkK). AGMkK African green monkey kidney (cell) (see AGMK). AGN Acute glomerulonephritis; Agnosia. VIIIAGN Factor VIII antigen. agn Agnosia (see AGN). AGNAD Agarosehexane-nicotinamide ade¬ nine dinucleotide. AgN03 Silver nitrate. AgNOR Silver-staining nucleolar organizer region. Ag20 Silver oxide. -agogue suffix meaning leading or inducing (Gr. agogos). AGOS American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society. AGP Acid glycoprotein; Agar gel precipita¬ tion; Archives of General Psychiatry (jour¬ nal). AGPA American Group Practice Association; American Group Psychotherapy Association. AGPI Agar-gel precipitin inhibition. AGPOLY (I) Agarose polyriboinosinic acid. AGPT Agar-gel precipitation test. AGR Aniridia, genitourinary abnormalities, and mental retardation; Anticipatory goal response.


-agra suffix meaning catching or seizure (Gr. agra).

A/G ratio Albumin/ globulin ratio (laboratory/ chemistry).

AGRF American Geriatrics Research Foundation. AGRF American Geriatrics Research Foundation. Agri; Agric Agriculture. AGRIS Agricultural Information System (FAO). AGS Adrenogenital syndrome; Alternating gradient synchrotron; Amenorrhea-galactor¬ rhea syndrome; American Geriatric(s) Society; American Gerontological Society; American Gynecological Society; Artificialgut system; Audiogenic seizures. Ag2S Silver sulfide. AgSD Silver sulfadiazine. AGSM Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica (journal - now HH). Ag2S04 Silver sulfate. AGT Abnormal/ Abnormality of glucose toler¬ ance; Activitity group therapy; Acute general¬ ized tuberculosis; Antiglobulin test. agt agent. A,G,T,C Adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine-nucleotides, forming 64 possible three-way combinations, in the building of cellular gene aminoacids. "Triplet" repeats or Trinucleotide repeats of defective genes, occur in genetic diseases such as: CAG in Huntington's chorea - on chromosome 4 and in Spinocerebellar ataxia - on chromosome 6; CGG in Fragile X syndrome - on chromo¬ some X; CTG in Myotonic dystrophy, etc. The average chromosome holds 120 million nucleotides.

AGTH Adrenoglomerulotropic hormone. AGTr Adrenoglomerulotropin. AGTT Abnormal glucose tolerance test. AGV Aniline gentian violet. AH Abdominal hysterectomy; Absorptive hypercalciuria; Accidental hyperthermia; Acetohexamide; Acid hydrolysis; Acta Haematologica (journal); Active Handicapped (journal); Acute hepatitis; Adaptive hor¬ mones: secreted during adaptation to unusual circumstances (see Hormones); Adrenal

hyperplasia; Adult home; After hyperpolar¬ ization; Agnathiaholoprosencephaly; Alcoholic hepatitis; Allen and Hanbury's code for experimental substances; Amenorrhea and hirsutism; Amenorrhea-hyperprolactinemia; Aminohippurate; Androgenic hormones: the masculinization hormones, androsterone and testosterone (see Hormones); Animal Health (journal); Anterior hypothalamus; Antihistamine; Antihyaluronidase; Anxiety hysteria; Arcuate hypothalmus; Army Hospital; Arterial hypertention; Artificial heart; Ascites hepatoma; Astigmatic hypermetropia; Ataxic hemiparesis; Atrium His (atrionodal-bundle interval); Autonomic hyperreflexia; Axillary hair; Conduction time - see A-H (interval/ time); Hypermetropic astigmatism (see Ah; ah). aH Abhenry. Ah; ah Hypermetropic astigmatism (= AH). A/H Amenorrhea/ hyperprolactinemia. A+H Accident & Health (policy). A*h Ampere hour. A-H (interval/ time) Conduction time through the Atrio-ventricular node (A-V node), from the atrium to the Bundle of His (= AH). a.h Every other hour (L. alternis horis). AHA Acetohydroxamic acid - a specific inhibitor of urease. Its use has been suggested in the treatment of hepatic coma; Acquired/ acute hemolytic anemia; Adipic hydrazide agarose; American Health/ Heart/ Hospital/ Humane/ Humanist Association; Anterior hypothalamic area; Antiheart/ antihistone antibody; Area Health Authority; Arthritishives-angioedema (syndrome); Aspartylhydroxamic acid - a specific inhibitor of ure¬ ase. Used as in Acetohydroxamic acid; Associate, Institute of Hospital Administrators; Autoimmune hemolytic ane¬ mia.

AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. AHA (T) Area Health Authority (Teaching). AHB Alpha-hydroxybutyric (acid). AHC Academic health care; Acute hemor¬ rhagic conjunctivitis/ cystitis; Ad Hoc Committee; American Health Congress; Antihemophilic factor C; Anterior horn cell.


AHCA American Health Care Association. AHCD Anterior horn cell disease/ disorder/ dysfunction. AHCO Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.

AHCy Adenosyl homocysteine. AHD Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration; Acute/ Arteriosclerotic/ Atherosclerotic heart disease; Antihyaluronidase; Antihypertensive drug; Arteriohepatic dysplasia; Autoimmune hemolytic disease. AHDMS Automated hospital data manage¬ ment system.

AHDP Azacycloheptane diphosphonate. AHE Acute haemorrhagic encephalomyelitis. AHEA American Home Economics Association; Area health education activity.

AHEC Area Health Education Center(s) (HEW).

AHEL Army Human Engineering Laboratories.

AHES Artificial heart energy system. AHF Acute heart failure; American Health/ Hepatic Foundation; American Hospital Formulary; Antihemolytic factor (see Factor VIII); Antihemophiliac/lic factor (see Factor VIII); Argentinian hemorrhagic fever; Associated Health Foundation. AHFS American Hospital Formulary Service (ASHP). AHG Acta Hepato-Gastroenterologica (jour¬ nal); Aggregated/ Antihemolytic/ Antihemophilic/ Antihuman globulin (see Factor VIII); Annals of Human Genetics (journal). AHGC Antihuman globulin consumption. AHGG Aggregated human/ Antihuman gamma globulin. AHGS Acute herpetic gingival stomatitis. AHH Adrenal androgenic hyperfunction; Alpha-hydrazine analogue of histidine; Anosmia and hypogonadotropic hypogo¬ nadism (syndrome); Aryl Hydrocarbon hydroxylase; Association for Holistic Health. AHI Active hostility index; Animal Health Institute; Apnea-plus-hypopnea index; Arizona Heart Institute.

AHIP Assisted Health Insurance Plan. AHIS Automated hospital information system. AHJ American Heart Journal; Artificial hip joint.

AHL Apparent half-life. AHLE Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. AHLG Antihuman lymphocte globulin. AHLS Antihuman-lymphocyte serum. AHM Allied health manpower; Ambulatory Holter monitor.

AHMA American Holistic Medicine Association; Antiheart muscle auto-antibody.

AHMC Association of Hospital Management Committee(s).

AHME Association for Hospital Medical Education.

AHN Adenomatous hyperplastic nodule; Army/ Assistant Head Nurse. AHO Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy. AHP Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis; After hyperpolarization; Air at high pressure (i.e under hyperbaric conditions); Allied health personnel; Allied Health Professions; Artificial Heart Program; Assistant House Physician; Associated Health Professions (Division of) (HRD); Automatic hardware programmed. AHPA American Health Planning Association. AHPAT Allied Health Professions Admissions Test. 17 AHPC 17-Alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate. AHPO (area) Anterior hypothalmic preoptic (area). AHPPT Allied Health Professions Personnel Training (Act). AHR A.H. Robins Co. code for experimental substances; Antihyaluronidase reaction; Association for Health Records.

AHR 85 Methocarbamol (= 2-Hydroxy-3-0methoxyphenoxypropyl carbamate); a cen¬ trally acting muscle relaxant, used for the relief of muscle spasm, and as an adjunct to physiotherapy, in the treatment of myositis, spondylitis, bursitis, and arthritis. AHR 438 Metaxalone (= 2-Oxo-5-[3,5,xylyloxymethyljoxazolidine) - a centrally acting muscle relaxant, of limited value in the treat¬ ment of chronic spastic states such as multi-


pie sclerosis, and degenerative disease of the central nervous system. AHR 504 Glycopyrronium bromide (= Glycopyrrolate) - a peripheral parasympa¬ tholytic, used in the symptomatic treatment of peptic ulcer and other gastro-intestinal disor¬ ders. AHR 619 Doxapram hydrochloride - an analeptic, used as a post-operative respiratory stimulant, as well as in the treatment of respi¬ ratory distress conditions such as emphyse¬ ma. AHR 857 Sulfamethoxydiazine (= Sulfametin; Sulfametorinum) - a sulfonamide drug, rapid¬ ly absorbed and slowly excreted. AHRA American Hospital Radiology Administration. a/H ratio Ratio of A-wave to the total excur¬ sion during systole. AHRC Association for the Help of Retarded Children. AHRF Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure; American Hearing Research Foundation. AHS Academy of Health Sciences; Adaptive hand skills; Adult Health Study; African horse sickness; Alveolar hypoventilation syn¬ drome; American Hearing Society (now NAHSA); American Horticultural/ Hospital/ Humane Society; Anti-human serum; Assistant house surgeon.

AHSDF Area health service development fund.

AHSC American Hospital Supply Corp.; Army Health Services Command.

AHSDF Area health service development fund.

AHSN Assembly of Hospital Schools of Nursing.

AHSR Association for Health Services Research.

AHT Aggregation half time; Antihyaluronidase titer/ titration (enzyme); Augmented histamine test; Autoantibodies to human thyroglobulin; Autogenous hamster tumor.

AHTG Antihuman thymocytic globulin. AHTP Antihuman thymocytic plasma. AHTS Antihuman thymus serum.

AHU Acute hemolytic uremic (syndrome); Arginine, hypoxanthine, and uracil. AHuG Aggregated human IgG. AHV Avian herpes virus. AI Accidental injury; Accidentally incurred; Adenine and inosine; Adiposity/Aggregation/ Anxiety/ Articulation/ Atherogenic index; Advances in Immunology (journal); Adynamic ileus; Alginine infusion(s); Allergy and immunology; Allergy index; Allergy Information (journal); Ambulatatory induced; Amnesty International (political prisoners); Anaphylatoxin inactivator; Angiogenesis inhibitor; Angiotensin I; Aortic incompe¬ tence/ insufficiency; Aorto-iliac; Apical impulse; Artificial insemination/ intelligence; Atrial insuffiency; Autoimmune/nity; Axioincisal. al Active ingredient; Mixture of azure A and azure B. A-I Antero-inferior. A&I Allergy and immunology. AIA Allergy Information Association; Allyliso-propylacetamide; Amylase inhibitor activity; Anti-immunoglobulin/ Anti-insulin antibody; Aspirin-induced asthma; Automated image analysis. AI-Ab Anti-insulin antibody (= AIA). AIB Aminoisobutyrate (see AIBA); Avian infectious bronchitis. AIBA Amino-isobutyric acid. AIBCS American Intersociety Board of Certification of Sanitarians. AIBF Anterior interbody fusion. AIBS American Institute of Biological Sciences.

AIC American Institute of Chemists; Aminoimidazole carboxamide; Association des Infirmieres Canadiennes. A-IC Average integrated concentration. AIC A Anterior inferior cerebellar artery; Anterior inferior communicating artery; Association Internationale de Computation Analogue (Fr.) - International Association for Analog Computation.

AI-CAH Autoimmune-type chronic active hepatitis.

AICAR Amino-imidazole-carboxamide ribonucleotide.


AICD Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.

AICE Angiotensin I converting enzyme. AICF Autoimmune complement fixation. AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

AICJ Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Journal. AICO Association of Institutes of Clinical Oncology (Italy). AICR American Institute for Cancer Research. AID Acquired immune deficiency (see AIDS); Acute infectious disease; Acute ionization detector; Agency for International Development; America-India Dispensary; Approval for individual diagnosis; Argon ion¬ ization detector; Artifial insemination by donor (heterologous insemination); Autoimmune deficiency/ disease/ disorder; Automatic implantable defibrillator; Average interocular difference. AIDKS Acquired immune deficiency (syn¬ drome) with Kaposi's sarcoma. AIDP Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy. AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome caused by the AIDS virus (ARV; HIV; HTLV3; LAV; LAV/HTLV III) (LAV/HTLV III = Lymphadenopathy associated virus/ Human T cell lymphotropic virus III) (see HTLV III & HIV or Human immunodeficiency virus); AIDS - older name, GRID or Gay-related immune/immuno deficiency (syndrome) (see HTLV-3; HTLV-III; LAV). There is a grow¬ ing arsenal of biological inhibitor drugs used against HIV (see II; PI; RTI). AIDSDRUGS Clinical trials of acquired immunodeficiency drugs (MEDLARS data base). AIDS-KS Acquired immune defiency syn¬ drome with Kaposi's sarcoma. AIDSLINE On-line information on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (MEDLARS data base). AIDSTRIALS Clinical trials of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome drugs (MED¬ LARS data base). AIE Acute inclusion-body encephalitis; Acute

infectious encephalitis; Acute infective endo¬ carditis. AIEC Advanced ion exchange cellulose. AIEEE Annals of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. AIEP Amount of insulin extractable from the pancreas.

AIF Anemia-inducing/ Anti-inflammatory/ Anti-invasion factor; Aorticiliac-femoral; Atomic Industrial Forum (Inc).

AIFD Acute intrapartum fetal distress. AIG Anti-immunoglobulin. AIGE Acute infantile gastroenteritis. AIH American Institute of Homeopathy/ Hypnosis; Artificial insemination by husband (homologous insemination). AIHA Acute idiopathic hemolytic anemia; American Industrial Hygiene Association; Autoimmune hemolytic anemia. AIHAJ Aerican Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. AIHC American Industrial Health Conference. AIHD Acquired immune hemolytic disease. AIHJ American Institute of Homeopathy/ Hypnosis journal. AIHOM Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine (journal). All Acute intestinal infection. AIIE American Institute of Industrial Engineers. AIIMS All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (= AIMS). AIIS Anterior inferior iliac spine. AIIT Amiodarone-iodine-induced thyrotoxico¬ sis. AIL Acute infectious lymphocytosis; Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion; Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy. AILD Alveolar interstitial lung disease; Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia. AIM Abridged Index Medicus; Academy International, of Medicine; Action for Independent Maturity (AARP - NRTA); Acute transverse myelopathy; Annals of Internal Medicine (journal); Archives of Internal Medicine (journal); Artificial intelli¬ gence in medicine (see SUMEX-AIM).


AIMC American Institute of Medical Climatology. AIMD Abnormal involuntary movement dis¬ order. AIMS Abnormal involuntary movement scale; All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (see AIIMS); Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales. AIN Acute interstitial nephritis; American Institute of Nutrition; Anal intraepithelial neoplasia; Anterior interosseous nerve; Association of Interpretive Naturalists. AINA American Indian Nurses Association; Automated immunoephelometric assay. AINP Anterior interosseous nerve palsy. AINS Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal. A Insuf Aortic insufficiency. AION Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. AIP Acute idiopathic pericarditis; Acute infec¬ tious polyneuritis; Acute intermittent por¬ phyria; Aldosterone-induced protein; American Institute of Physics/ Planning; American Institute for Psychoanalysis; Anatuberculin, Petragnani's integral; Annual Implementation Plan; Automated immunoprecipitation; Average intravascular pressure; . Acute idiopathic polyneuritis (= GBS Guillain-Barre syndrome). AIPE Acute interstitial pulmonary emphyse¬ ma.

AIPFP Acute idiopathic peripheral facial (nerve) palsy.

AIPS American Institute of Pathologic Science.

AIR Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (see AIVR); Aminoimidazole ribonucleotide; American Institute for Research; Australasian Institute of Radiography; Average impairment rating. AIRA Anti-insulin receptor antibody. Aircast braces Ankle brace, ankle training brace, armband brace, knee brace, leg brace, and walking brace.

AIRF Alterations in respiratory function. AIRS Amphetamine Interview Rating Scale. AIS Abbreviated Injury Scale/ Score; Amniotic infection syndrome; Analytical Instrument Specialties Co.; Androgen insensi¬

tivity syndrome; Anterior interosseous (nerve) syndrome; Anti-insulin serum. AISA Acquired idiopathic sideroblastic ane¬ mia. AISI American Iron and Steel Institute. AIS/ISS Abbreviated Injury Scale/ Injury Severity Score. AIS/MR Alternative Intermediate Services for the Mentally Retarded. AIT Acute intensive treatment. AITP Autoimmune idiopathic thrombocy¬ topenic purpura. AITT Arginine/Augmented insulin tolerance test. AIU Absolute iodine uptake; Antigen-inducing unit. AIUM American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. AIVR Accelerated idioventricular rhythm. AIVV Anterior informal vertebral vein. AJ The American Journal; Ankle jerk (see A/J). A/J Ankle jerk (= AJ). aj Before breakfast (L. ante jentaculum). AJA American Jewish Appeal; American Journal of Acupuncture/ Anatomy. AJAC Audiology, the Journal of Auditory Communication (ISA). AJAT American Journal of Art Therapy. AJBS American Journal of Biological Sciences. AJC American Joint Committee; American Journal of Cancer/ Cardiology. AJCCS American Joint Committee for Cancer Staging. AJCH American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH).

AJCM American Journal of Chinese Medicine.

AJCN American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. AJCP American Journal of Clinical Pathology.

AJD Australasian Journal of Dermatology (formerly Australian Journal of Dermatology).

AJDC American Joint Distribution Committee; American Journal of Diseases of Children.


AJDD American Journal of Digestive

AJRGS Audio Journal Review: General

Diseases. AJDDN American Journal of Digestive

AJRRTNM American Journal of

Diseases and Nutrition. AJE American Journal of Epidemiology. AJEBMS Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science. AJEEGT American Journal of Electroencephalographic (EEG) Technology. AJFS Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).

AJG American Journal of Gastroenterology. AJH American Journal of Hematology/ Hygiene.

AJHG American Journal of Human Genetics. AJHP American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (AHSP).

AJIVT American Journal of Intravenous (IV) Therapy.

AJM American Journal of Medicine. AJMD American Journal of Mental Deficiency.

AJMS African Journal of Medical Sciences; The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. AJMT American Journal of Medical Technology (ASMT). AJN American Journal of Nursing (ANA). AJO American Journal of Ophthalmology/ Optometry (AOA)/ Orthodontics (AAO)/ Orthopsychiatry (AOA). AJOG American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

AJOPO American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics (AAO). AJOT American Journal of Occupational Therapy.

AJP American Journal of Pathology/ Pharmacy/ Physics/ Physiology/ Proctology/ Psychiatry (APA)/ Psychotherapy (AAP); Australasian Journal of Pharmacy. AJPH American Journal of Public Health (APHA). AJPHNH American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health (now AJPH). AJPM1 American Journal of Physical/ Podiatric Medicine. AJR Abnormal jugular reflex; Accelerated junctional rhythm.

Surgery. Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine (ARRS).

AJS Acute joint syndrome; American Journal of Surgery.

AJSGVD American Journal of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Venereal Diseases (formerly AJSN).

AJSN American Journal of Syphilis and Neurology (now AJSGVD).

AJTCR American Journal of Therapeutics and Clinical Reports (Cases and Comments).

AJTMH American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. AJVR American Journal of Veterinary Research (AVMA). AK Above knee - signifying amputation, oper¬ ation, or Plaster of Paris application; Acetate/ Adenosine/ Adenylate kinase (AKA); Actinic keratosis; Artificial kidney. A/K; ak Above knee. A-»K Ankle to knee. AKA Above knee amputation (= AK; AK amp.); Adenylate kinase (= AK); Alcoholic ketoacidosis; All known allergies; Also known as; Antikeratin antibody. A/K/A Personian coefficient. AK amp Above knee amputation (see AKA). AKC Associate King's College (London). AKCD Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum (= FD - Fabry's disease). AKE Acrokeratoelastoidosis. AKF American Kidney Fund; American Korean Foundation. A/kg Amperes per kilogram. AKP Alkaline phophatase (see Aik. p'tase); Artificial Kidney Program. AKS Alcoholic Korsakoff syndrome; Auditory and kinesthetic sensation(s) (see Aks; aks). Aks; aks Auditory and kinesthetic sensation(s) (= AKS). AL Absolute latency; Acinar lumen; Acute leukemia; Adaptation level; Albumin; Alcoholism; Alignment (mark/ cardiography); Allergy (index); American Laboratory (jour¬ nal); Amyloidosis; Antihuman lymphocytic (globulin); Argon laser; Arterial line; Avian


leukosis; Axial length; Axillary loop; Axiolingual; Left ear (L. auris laeva). A1 Allantoic; Allergic/gy; Aluminium (atomic no. 13) (see Elements). al (Ethyl) alcohol (ethanol); Left ear (= AL). A-L Antero-lateral. Al 0361 Hydroxyphenamate (= Oxyfenamate; P301; 2-Hydroxy-2-phenyibutyl carbamate) a sedative used in the treatment of anxiety and tension states. ALA Alanine (see Ala); Amebic liver abscess; American Laryngological/ Leukemia/ Library/ Lung Association; Aminolevulinic acid; Axiolabial (see A La); Axiolabiolingual (see A La L); Asymmetrical lobar atrophy (see PD - Pick's disease). ALa; A. La Axiolabial (= ALA). Ala Alanine (= ALA). ALA-AT Alanine-aminotransferase (erythro¬ cyte). ALAB American Lung Association Bulletin. AL-Ab Antilymphocyte antiantibody. ALAC Antibiotic-loaded acrylic cement; Artificial limb and appliance center. ALAD Abnormal left axis deviation; Aminolevulinic acid dehydrase/ dehydroge¬ nase (= ALaD; ALA-D). ALaD; ALA-D Aminolevulinic acid dehy¬ drase/ dehydrogenase (see ALAD). ALADO Latin American Association of Orthodontics.

ALAG Axiolabiogingival (= ALaG; A. La. G.).

ALaG; A. La. G Axiolabiogingival (see ALAG).

ALAL Axiolabiolingual (see A. La. L.). ALaL; A. La. L Axiolabiolingual (= ALA; ALAL).

AlaP; ala-P Alafosfalin. ALARA As low as reasonably achievable (radiation exposure).

ALARM Adjustable leg and ankle reposition¬ ing mechanism. ALAS Aminolevulinic acid synthetase. ALAT Alanine aminotransferase (= Alanine transaminase) (see SGPT). ALB Albumin (see Alb); Avian lymphoblasto¬ sis.

Alb Albumin (= ALB); White (L. albus).

alb- prefix meaning white (L. albus). ALBC Albumin clearance. ALB/GLOB Albumin/globulin (ratio). Albus (L.) White. ALC Absolute lymphocytic count; Activated liquid cephaloplastin; Acute lethal catatonia; Alcohol (see Ale; EtOH); Allogenic lympho¬ cytic cytotoxicity; Alternate level of care; Alternative Lifestyle Checklist; Amoeba-less life cycle; Apical lung cancer/ carcinoma (= PT - Pancoast’s tumor); Approximate lethal concentration; Avian leukosis complex; Axiolinguocervical. Ale Alcohol (= ALC; Alcoh) (see EtOH); Alcoholic/lism (= Alcoh). ALCA Anomalous left coronary artery. ALCAPA Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery. ALCAR Phosphoribosyl-5-amino-imidazolecarboxamide. ALCEQ Adolescent Life Change Event Questionnaire. Alcoh Alcohol(ic)/lism (see Ale). ALCOR Appalachian Leaders and Community Outreach. AlcR; alcR Alcohol rub. Al Cr Aluminium crown. ALD Acute liver disease; Adrenoleukodystrophy - a fatal genetic disor¬ der caused by excessive VLCFAs in the blood (see VLCFA); Alcoholic liver disease; Aldolase; Anterior latissimus dorsi; Appraisal of Language Disturbance; Approximate lethal dose; Average lethal dose - the average dose of the drug or organism (in culture) which will kill a particular species of animal. Aid Aldolase (see ALS). ALDH Aldehyde dehydrogenase. Aldo; ALDOST Aldosterone. ALE Allowable limits of error. ALEC Artificial lung-expanding compound. ALEP Atypical lymphoepitheloid (cell) prolif¬ eration.

ALERT All-Africa Leprosy and Rehabilitation Center.

ALF Acute liver failure; American Leprosy/ Liver Foundation. ALFT Abnormal liver function test. ALG Antihuman lymphocytic globulin;


Antilymphocyte/tic globulin; Axiolinguogingival.

alg Allergy. alg- prefix meaning pain (Gr. algos). ALGB Acute leukemia group B. -algia suffix meaning pain (Gr. algos). ALGOL A computer programming language (ALGOrithmic Oriented Language). ALH Angiolymphoid hyperplasia; Anterior lobe hormone; Anterior lobe of the hypoph¬ ysis.

ALHE Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia.

ALI Annual limit of intake; Anterior lens implant; Argon laser iridotomy. ALIMD Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors.

ALIMDA Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America.

ALIP Abnormal localized immature (myeloid) precursor.

ALK; Aik Alkaline; Alkylating. ALK ISO Alkaline (phosphatase) isoenzymes. ALK-P; Aik. phos Alkaline phosphatase (see Aik. p'tase).

Aik. p'tase Alkaline phosphatase (= AKP; ALK-P; Aik. phos; ALP; AlPase) orthophosphoric monoester phosphohydrase. ALL Acute lymphoblastic/ lymphocytic leukemia. all Allergic/gy. all- prefix meaning other or different (Gr. alios).

ALLA Acute lymphoctic leukemia antigen. ALLO Atypical Legionella-like organism. ALM Acral lentigenous melanoma; Aerial lentiginous melanoma; Alveolar living mater¬ ial; American Leprosy Missions. ALMA Adoptee’s Liberty Movement Association. ALME Acetyl-lysine methyl ester. ALMI Anterior lateral myocardial infarct. ALMV Anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. ALN Adaptive learning network; Allylnitrile; Anterior lymph node. ALNRC American Legion National Rehabilitation Committee. ALO Average lymphocyte output; Axiolinguoocclusal.

A1203 Aluminium oxide (= ALOX). Al(OH)3 Aluminium hydroxide. ALOS Average length of stay. ALOSH Appalachian Laboratory for Occupational Safety and Health. ALOX Aluminium oxide (see A1203). ALP Acute leukemia protocol; Acute lupus pericarditis; Alkali-labile pepsin; Alkaline phosphatase (see Aik. p'tase); Alupent; Alveolar proteinosis; Anterior lobe of pitu¬ itary; Antilymphocyte/tic plasma; Argon laser photocoagulation. ALPA Air Line Pilots Association. ALPHA Area-wide and Local Planning for Health Action. alpha; a See a. Greek letter alpha; Angular acceleration; first (carbon atom next to the carbon atom bearing the active group in organic compounds); optical rotation; proba¬ bility of type I error; solublity coefficient. AlPase Alkaline phosphatase (see Aik. p'tase). alpha2-AP Alpha 2-antiplasmin. alpha-GLUC Alpha-glucosidase. alpha2M Alpha2-macroglo^ulin. ALPS Angiolymphoproliferative syndrome; Aphasia Language Performance Scale. ALPZ Alprazolam. ALR Advances in Lipid Research (journal). Air Allergenic. ALRI Anterolateral rotatory instability. ALROS American Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society (The Triological Society). ALS Acute lateral sclerosis; Advanced Life Support (system); Afferent loop syndrome; Aldolase (= Aid); Amyotrophic lateral sclero¬ sis (= Lou Gehrig's disease); Angiotensin-like substance; Anterolateral sclerosis; Anticipated life span; Antilymphatic serum; Antilymphocyte serum; Assembly of Life Sciences (NRC); Azar lid speculum (ophthal¬ mology). ALSD Alzheimer's-like senile dementia. ALS-PD Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkin¬ sonism-dementia (complex). ALT Activated liquid thromboplastin; Alanine transaminase (= Alanine aminotransferase formerly GPT or Glutamic-pyruvic transami-


nase; also SGPT); Argon laser trabeculoplas¬ ty; Avian laryngo-tracheitis. Alt; alt Altemate/tive; Altitude; Aluminium tartrate (see AIT). 2 alt Argon laser trabeculoplasty; Every other day (see Alt dieb). AIT Aluminium tartrate (= Alt; alt). ALTB Acute larngo-tracheo-bronchitis. Alt dieb Alternate days/ every other day (L. alternis diebus) (= 2 alt). ALTE Apparant life-threatening event. ALTEE Acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester. Alt h; Alt hor Alternate hours/ every other hour (L. alternis horis). Alt noc Alternate nights/ every other night (L. alternis nocta/te). ALTS Acute lumbar traumatic sprain/ syn¬ drome. ALU Arithmetic and logic unit (computer). ALV Abelson leukemia virus; Adeno-like virus; Alveolar/lus; Ascending lumbar vein; Avian leukosis virus. Alv Alveolar/lus (= ALV). A/LV Apex cardiography. ALVAD Abdominal left ventricular assist device.

Alv adst When constipated/ when the bowels are constipated (L. alvo adstricta).

Alv deject Alvine dejections/ discharge from the bowels (L. alvi dejectiones).

alve- prefix meaning cavity, channel or trough (L. alveus). ALV M Alveolar mucosa. ALVT Aortic and left ventricular tunnel. alv vent Alveolar ventilation.

Alvx Alveolectomy. ALW Arch-loop-whorl (fingerprint). ALWMI Anterolateral wall myocardial infarct (ion). AM Academy of Medicine (Canada); Acta Medica (journal); Actomyosin; Actomysin; Acute myelofibrosis; Addictions Magazine; Adolescent Medicine (journal); Adult male/ monocyte; Aerospace Medicine (journal); Air meatography (lumbar puncture); Akinetic mutism; Alveolar macrophage/ mucosa; Amacrine cell; Amalgam; Ambulatory; American Medicine (journal); Amethopterin; Ametropia; Ametropia and meterangle;

Ammeter; Amperemeter; Ampicillin; Amplitude modulation; Amyl; Amylase; Anovular menstruation; Applied Microbiology (journal); Arithmetic mean; Arousal mechanism; Articular manipulation; Aviation medicine; Axiomesial; Before death (L. ante mortem); Before noon/ in the morn¬ ing/ morning (L. ante meridianus/ meridiem); Extracellular space; Master of Arts (= MA) (L. Artium Magister); Medial amygdaloid nucleus; Meter angle; Mixed/ myopic astig¬ matism; Prehemodialysis. Am American (see Amer); Americium (atomic no. 95, see Elements); Amethropterin (= AM); Amyl (group) (= am); Amnion. am amyl (see Am); as in AM. e.g. ametropia, amplitude, meter-angle, mixed/ myopic astig¬ matism, etc. A/m Amperes per meter. A-M Antero-medial. A-m2 Ampere-square meter. AMA Aerospace Medical Association; Against medical advice; American Management/ Mathematical/ Medical Association; Ames mutation assay; Anti-mitochondrial/ Antimyocardial/ Antimyosin antibody; Antithyroid microsomal antibody; Apothecaries of Medieval Allemagne; Australian Medical Association. AMA-AMPAC American Medical Association - American Medical Political Action Committee. AMACD American Medical Association Council on Drugs. AMAD Morning admission. AMA-DE American Medical Association Drug Evaluation.

AMAEI American Management Associations Extension Institute.

AMAERF American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation.

AMAG Adrenal medullary autograft. AMAJ American Medical Association Journal.

AMAL Aero-Medical Acceleration Laboratory.

Amal Amalgam (see Amalg); Amobarbital. Amalg Amalgam (= Amalg) (tooth filling).


AMA-MRP American Medical Association Medical Retirement Plan. AMAN American Medical Association (AMA) News - now American Medical News (AMN). AMAP As much as possible. AMA-SRF American Medical Association Sears Roebuck Foundation (community med¬ ical assistance).

AMAT Anti-malignant antibody test. A-MAT Amorphous material. AMAU American Medical Association Update (journal). AMB Ambivalent group; Ambulate/tory (see Ambul); Amphotericin B; Anomalous muscle bundle; Avian myeloblastosis. Amb; amb Ambient; Ambiguous (see Ambig); Ambulance/ate/ation/atory (see Ambul). Ambig Ambiguous (= Amb). AMBL Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Ambul Ambulance/ate/ation/atory (= AMB; Amb; amb).

AMC Acetylmethyl carbinol; Amebic meningo-encephalitis; Animal Medical Center; Antibody-mediated cytotoxicity; Antimalaria campaign; Appalachian Mountain Club; Arm muscle circumference; Army Medical Corps; Arthrogryposis multi¬ plex congenita; Association Medicale Canadienne; Automated mixture control; Axiomesiocervical. AMCA American Medical Curling Association; Aminomethylcyclohexane car¬ bonic acid. AM-CAP American Medical-Computer Assistance Program. AMCAS American Medical College Application Service. AMCHA Tranexamic acid (= Aminomethylcyclohexane-carboxylic acid; Trans-4-[aminomethyl]cyclohexane carbolic acid). AMCJ Association Medicale Canadienne Journal.

AMCN Anteromedial caudate nucleus. AMCR Amylase to creatinine ratio. AMD Acid maltase deficiency; Acromandibular dysplasia; Actinomycin D;

Adrenomyelodystrophy; Advances in Metabolic Disorders (books); Aerospace Medical Division (US Air Force); Age-related macular degeneration; Aleutian mink disease; Alpha-methyldopa; Association for Macular Diseases; Axiomesiodistal. AMDA Airline Medical Directors’ Association. AMDGF Alveolar macrophage-derived growth factor.

Am Doc American doctor. AMDS Association of Military Dental Surgeons.

AME Amphotericin methyl ester; Aseptic meningoencephalitis; Aviation Medical Examiner.

AMEA American Medical Electroencephalographic Association (see AMEEGA). AMEAE Acute monophasic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. AMEDS Army Medical Service. AMEE Association for Medical Education in Europe. AMEEGA American Medical Electroencephalographic Association (= AMEA). AMEGL; AMegL Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. AMEL Aero-Medical Equipment Laboratory. Amer American (= Am). AMES Air medical evacuation system. Ameslan American Sign Language (for the deaf). AMet Adenosyl-L-methionine. AMF Antimuscle factor; Autocrine motility factor. AmFAR American Foundation for AIDS Research. AMG Acoustic myography; Americal Medical Graduate; Aminoglycoside; Amyloglucosidase; Antimacrophage globulin; Axiomesiogingival. A2MG Alpha-2-macroglobulin. AMGA American Medical Golf Association. AMGP Association of Medical Group Psychoanalysts. AMH Adrenal medullary/ Adrenomedullary hormones (see Hormones); Anti-miillerian


hormone; Archives of Medical Hydrology (journal); Automated medical history; Mixed astigmatism with myopia predominating (see Amh). Amh Mixed astigmatism with myopia pre¬ dominating (= AMH). AMHA Association of Mental Health Administrators. AMHAI Association for Mental Health Aid to Israel. AMHF American Mental Health Foundation. AMHT Automated multiphasic health testing. AMI Acquired monosaccharide intolerance; Acute meningeal irritation; Acute myocardial infarction; Advocates for Medical Information (a student organization); American Meat Institute; American Medical International; Amitriptyline; Anterior myocar¬ dial infarction; Assistance Medicale Internationale (Canadian journal); Association of Medical Illustrators; Atheltic Motivation Inventory; Axiomesioincisal. AMIA American Medical Informatics Association.

Amies Amyl nitrite (capsules - see Amyl nitrite).

AMIKA Amikacin sulfate. AMI-P Acute myocardial infarction and peri¬ carditis. AMIS Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study (NIH).

Amish Member of a Mennonite sect. AMJA American Medical Joggers Association.

AMKL Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. AML Acute monocytic/ myeloblastic/ myelo¬

AMLS Anti-mouse lymphocyte serum. AMLSGA Acute myeloblastic leukemia sur¬ face glycoprotein antigen.

AMM Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia; Ammonia (see Ammon); Army Medical Museum; Antibody to murine (cardiac) myosin; World Medical Association (French: Association Medicale Mondiale). Amm Ammonia (see Ammon). AMMA American-Mexican Medical Association. AMMAJ American-Mexican Medical Association Journal. AMML Acute monomyelogenous/ myelomonocytic leukemia. AMMoL Acute myelomonoblastic leukemia. Ammon Ammonia (= AMM; Amm). AMN Acriflavine mononucleotide (= Riboflavine phosphate); Adrenomyeloneuropathy; Alloxazine mononucleotide; American Medical News (formerly AMAH); Aminonucleoside (see AMNS); Anterior median nucleus; Acute muscle necrosis. AMNH American Museum of Natural History. amnio amniocentesis. AMNS American Medical News Service; Aminonucleoside (= AMN); Arthromyoneuropathy syndrome. AMN SC Amniotic (fluid) scan. AMO Assistant medical officer; Axiomesioocclusal.

amo Amorphous (see Amorph). A-MODE Time/amplitude modulation. AMOL SeeAMoL. AMoL Acute monoblastic/ monocytic

cytic/ myelogenous/ myeloid leukemia; Acute mucosal lesion; Anatomic medullary locking; Anterior mitral leaflet; Automated Medical/ Multitest Laboratories/ry; Trademark

leukemia. Amor Amorphous (see Amorph). Amorph Amorphous (= amo; Amor). AMOX Amoxicillin trihydrate (= Amox).

(Orthopedic Implants).

Amox See AMOX. AMP Accelerated mental process (es); Acid

AMLB test Alternate Monaural Loudness Balance test. AMLC Adherent macrophage-like cell; Autologous mixed lymphocte culture.

AMLFC Association des Medecins de Langue Frangaise du Canada. AMLR Autologous mixed lymphocyte reac¬ tion.

mucopolysaccaride/ saccharide (see AMPS); Adenosine monophosphate (= Adenosine3, 5'-monophosphate; APM; Muscle adenylic acid; Phosphentacide) - see CAMP; cAMP - a nucleotide constituent of animal cells, being concerned with the storage and release of energy. Has been used as a vasodilator in

36 angina pectoris and also in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and porphyria - see Vitamins B8; Amino- methylpropanol; Ammonium molybdophosphate; Amphetamine; Ampicillin (on culture and sensitivity reports); Ampoule; Ampul; Amputation/tee (see Amp); Average mean pressure. Amp Amperage/re; Amplification/fy; Ampoula/le (see Ampul); Amputation/utee (= AMP). AMPA American Medical Publishers Association. AMPAC American Medical Political Action Committee (AMA). AMP-c Cyclic adenosine monophosphate. AMPD Amino-methyl-propanediol. AMPH Amphetamine (see Amphet). Amph Amphoric. Amph- prefix meaning both or doubly (Gr. amphi). Amphet Amphetamine(s) - a cerebral stimu¬ lant increasing mental activity and physical energy, with relief of fatigue. It averts sleep in narcolepsy, and oculogyric crises in post¬ encephalitic parkinsonism. Repeated use causes severe addiction (= Benzylmethyl carbinamine). Other names are: Bam; Benny; Benz; Benzedrine; Black beauty (biphetamine); Brain tickler (amphetamine pill); Brownie; BZ (Dimethoxymethyl-amphetamine); Cartwheel (amphetamine tablet); Chalk (amphetamine tablet); Copilot (dexedrine tablet); Crank; Crossroad (amphet¬ amine tablet); Crys (methamphetamine); Crystal (any soluble amphetamine, desoxyn, or methedrine); DAS (Dextroamphetamine sulfate); Dephadren (Dexamphetamine sulfate tablet); Dex (Dexedrine); Dexamed (Dexamphetamine sulfate tablet); Dexamphetamine sulfate; Dexedrine (Dexamphetamine sulfate); dexie (Dexedrine tablet [Dexamyl/ Drinamyl] - proprietary tablets containing 5 mg dexamphetamine sul¬ fate and 32 mg amylobarbitone); DOET (= Dimethoxy-ethyl amphetamine; 2,5Dimethoxy-4-ethyl amphetamine); doll; DOM (= Dimethoxymethyl amphetamine; 2,5-Dimethoxymethy 1-amphetamine; BZ;

STP); Ecstasy (see MDMA); Football (diphetamine pill); Forward (amphetamine) pill); Heart (Dexedrine heart-shaped tablet); IT-290 (Indole analog of amphetamine); Leaper (amphetamine tablet); Lid popper (amphetamine tablet); MDMA (= Ecstasy; 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; 3methylfentanyl) - the so-called synthetic heroin drug, a derivative of Oil of Sassafras or Oil of Nutmeg; ME (= Methamphetamine hydrochloride) - a hallucinogen; Meth (Methedrine); MMDA (= Methoxy-methylene-dioxy-amphetamine; trimethoxy-amphetamine); Orange (dexedrine tablet); Speed (Methamphetamine); Splash; STP (Methyldimethoxy-methylphenethylamine); Ten A (10-milligram amphetamine tablet); Thruster (amphetamine pill); Upper (amphetamine pill); Ups (amphetamine pill); Water (Methamphetamine); White (amphetamine/ benzedrine pill). Amp/hr; amp-hr Ampere-hour; Amperes per hour. Ampl Large (L. amplus). A-M pr Austin-Moore prosthesis. AMPS Abnormal mucopolysacchariduria; Acid mucopolysaccaride/ saccharide (= AMP); Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (NRC). AMP scale/ system Assessment of the severi¬ ty of psychiatric symptoms (German: Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Methodik und Dokumentation in der Psychiatrie). AMPT Alpha-methylparatyrosine. AMP therapy Atropine metaraminol pyridine aldoximes therapy. Ampul Ampule/Ampoule (= Amp) (L. ampul¬ la). AMR Alternating motion reflex(es). AMRA American Medical Record Association. AMRDC Army Medical Research and Development Command; Association of Medical Rehabilitation Directors and Coordinators. AMRI Anteromedial rotatory instability. AMRIID Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (see USAMRIID).


AMRL Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories/tory. AMRNL Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory. AMRS Adrenal Metabolic Research Society; Automated medical record system. AMS Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow); Acta Medica Scandinavica (jour¬ nal); Activated mouse serum; Acute maxillary sinusitis; Acute mountain sickness; Aggravated in military service; Agricultural Marketing Service; Altered mental status; American Mathematical/ Meteorological/ Microbiological/ Microchemical/ Microscopical Society; Amount of a sub¬ stance (see ams); Amylase; Antimacrophage serum; Arkansas Medical Society; Army Medical Service; Aseptic meningitis syn¬ drome; Association of Medical Students/ Military Surgeons; Auditory memory span; Automated multiphasic screening. ams Amount of a substance (- AMS). AMSA Acridinylamine methanesulfon-m-anisidide; American Medical Society on Alcoholism; American Medical Student(s) Association; Amsacrine. AMSAB American Medical Students’ Association of Bologna (Italy). AMSC Army Medical Specialist Corps. AMSH Alpha melanocytic-stimulating hor¬ mone - a new treatment for arthritis (see Hormones). AMSIT Portion of the mental state examina¬ tion: A - appearance, M - mood, S - sensorium, I - intelligence, T - thought process. AMSRDC Army Medical Service Research and Development Command. AMSUS Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. AMT Acute miliary tuberculosis; Alphamethyltyrosine; Ambulance medical techni¬ cian; American Medical Technologist(s); Amethopterin; Amitriptyline; Amphetamine(s); Anxiety management train¬ ing. Amt Amount. AMTA American Massage and Therapy Association; American Medical Tennis Association.

AMTJ American Medical Technologists Journal. AMU Army Medical Unit; Atomic mass unit (see Amu). Amu Atomic mass unit (dalton) (= AMU; Dal). AmuLV Abelson/ Amphotrophic murine leukemia vims. AMV Assisted mechanical ventilation; Avian myeloblastosis vims (reverse transcriptase). Am. VD American Venereal Disease (Association). AMVER Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue Center (Coast Guard). AMVI Acute mesenteric vascular insufficien¬ cy. AMVL; aMVL Anterior mitral valve leaflet. AMWA American Medical Women's/ Writers' Association. AMWAJ American Medical Women's Association Journal. AMWS American Men and Women of Science (book). AMX Amoxicillin. AMY; Amy Amyl nitrite (vial of) - see Amyl nitrite; Amylase. amyl- prefix meaning starch (Gr. amulos). Amyl nitrite Amyl N02 (= Amies; Amy; Amylis Nitris; Amylium Nitrosum; AN; Azotite d'Amyle; Christmas tree [Dexamyl capsule]; Isoamyl Nitrite; Nitrito de amylo; Pentanoli Nitris; Poppers [Amyl nitrite or Butyl nitrite]; Rush [Amyl nitrite/ Butyl nitrite]; Snapper). When inhaled, causes severe vasodilatation and flushing of the face, the head and neck perspire, and the heart-beat is accelerated. The action is short and usually lasts only 2 to 3 minutes. Used in the treat¬ ment of attacks of angina of effort by produc¬ ing instant coronary vasodilatation. Also much abused in its use by drug addicts, because of the flushing and vasodilating action. AN Acanthosis nigricans; Acne neonatorum; Acoustic neuroma; Adult, normal; Ala nasi; American Nurse (ANA journal); Amyl nitrite; Anesthesiology; Aneurysm; Anisometropia (see An); Anode; Anorexia nervosa; Antenatal; Anterior; Antineuraminidase (anti-


body); Anxiety neurosis; Archives of Neurology (ANA); Aseptic necrosis; Associate Nurse/ in Nursing; Atmosphere normal; Atrionodal; Autonomic neuropathy; Avascular necrosis; Axonal neuropathy. An Actinon; Anisometropia (= AN) - eyes requiring different refractive corrections; Anode/dal; Normal atmosphere (see A/~ N).

an aneurysm. A/N Acid/neutral; As needed. A/~ N; A/~ n Normal atmosphere (= An). an- prefix meaning absent/ no/ not (Latin); positive/ up (Greek). ANA Acetylneuraminic acid; American Narcolepsy/ Neurological/ Nurses' Association; Anesthesia/thetic (see Anesth); Antibody to nuclear antigens; Antinuclear antibody (laboratory/ serology); Aspartyl naphthylamide. Ana Anaesthesia (journal); Anaesthetist (jour¬ nal); Anesthesia/thetic (see Anesth); Of each/ equal parts (= aa) (see ana-). ana- combining form meaning of each, up, or positive (Gr.) (= Ana). Anachem Association of Analytical Chemists. ANACP American Nurses' Association Careers Program. ANAD Anorexia nervosa with associated dis¬ orders. ANADG Antinicotine amide dinucleotide glycohydrolase. ANAE Alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase. Anaes Anaesthesia/thetic (see Anesth). Anaesth Anaesthesia/thetic (see Anesth). ANAG Acute narrow angle glaucoma. ANAL; Anal Analgesia/ic; Anaiysis/yses/ytic; The Analyst (journal). Anal Psychol Analytical psychology. ANALYZ (program) Automatic syntactic analysis (program). ANAMH Australian National Association for Mental Health.

ANAP Agglutination negative, absorption positive (reaction). ANAS Anastomosis (see Anast); Auditory nerve activating substance. Anast Anastomosis (= ANAS). Anat Anatomical/mist/my.

ANB Anorexia nervosa with bulimia; Avascular necrosis of bone. ANC Absolute neutrophil count; Acid/ Antigen neutralizing capacity; Army Nurse Corps. ANCA Anthracene-9-carboxylic acid; Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody. ANCC See AnCC. AnCC Anodal closure contraction (= ANCC). anch anchored. ANCM Association of New Chinese Medicine. ANCOVA Analysis of covariance. ancyl- prefix meaning crooked or looped (Gr. agkulos). AND Algoneurodystrophy; Anterior nasal dis¬ charge. ANDA Abbreviated New Drug Application. andr- prefix meaning man (Gr. andros). ANDRO; Andro Androsterone. ANDTE; AnDTe Anodal duration tetanus. Anes Anesthesia/thetic (see Anesth); Anesthesiology (journal). ANESR Apparent norepinephrine secretion rate. Anesth Anaesthesia/thetic; Anesthesia/thetic (= ANA; Ana; Anaes; Anaesth; Anes). AnEx; an ex Anodal/de excitation. ANF Alpha-naphthoflavone; American Nurses' Foundation; Antineuritic/ Antinuclear factor(s) (laboratory/ serology); Atrial natri¬ uretic factor. ANG; Ang Angiogram/graphy (see Angio); Angiotension; Angle e.g. Ang of scapula; Anglican Church of Canada member; Angular. Angel dust Phencyclidine and marijuana mix¬ ture (see Cannabis). Ang GR Angiotensin generation rate. angi- combining form meaning vessel (Gr. aggeion). Angio Angiogram/graphy (= ANG; Ang) (pro¬ cedure/ cardiovascular); Angiologica (jour¬ nal). Ang pect Angina pectoris. Anh; anh Anhydrous. ANHA American Nursing Home Association (now HCA - Health Care Association).


ANHI Fatty acid mixture A of National Heart

ANRL Antihypertensive neutral

Institute. ANHS Alaska Native Health Service. ANI Acute nerve irritation. ANIA Automated nephelometric immunoas¬ say. ANIF Antinuclear immunofluorescence. ANIS Anorexia Nervosa Inventory for Self¬ rating. Aniso Anisocytosis (of red blood cells). aniso- prefix meaning unequal or dissimilar. ANIT Alpha-naphthyl-isothiocyanate. ANJ Australian Nurses' Journal (RANF). Ank Ankle. ankyl- prefix meaning crooked or looped (Gr.

renomedullary lipid(s). ANS Academy of Natural Sciences; Acanthion; American National Standard; American Neurotology/ Nuclear/ Nutrition Society; 8-Anilino-l-naphthalene sulfonic acid - it releases thyroxine (T4) from endoge¬ nous thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG); Anterior nasal spine; Anti-neutrophilic serum; Anti-rat neutrophil serum; Army Nursing Service; Arterionephrosclerosis; Associate in Nursing Science; Autonomic nervous system. Ans Anserine. ans answer. ANSC American National Standards Committee. ANSCII American National Standard Code for Information Interchange. ANSI American National Standards Institute (formerly ASI; USASI). ANSS American Nature Study Society. ANSWER Algorithm for non-synchronized waveform error reduction. ANT Acoustic noise test; 2-Amino-5-nitro-thiazol (Enheptin); Anterior (see ant); Antidote. Ant Antenna; Anterior (see ant); Antimycin. ant Anterior (= ANT; Ant) (front of/ front of

agkylos). ANL Acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia; Argonne National Laboratory. ANLI Antibody-negative with latent infection. ANLL Acute nonlymphoblastic/phocytic leukemia.

ANM Assistant nurse midwife. Ann Annals (journal); Annual. Ann Fib Annulus fibrosus. Annot Annotation. ANOC SeeAnOC. AnOC Anodal opening contraction (= ANOC; AOC).

ANOCL Anodal opening clonus. Anon Anonymous. ANOV SeeANOVA. ANOVA Analysis of variance (= ANOV; AOV).

ANP Acute necrotizing pancreatitis; A-norprogesterone; Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (journal); Atrial natriuretic pep¬ tide.

ANP 235 Meclofenoxate hydrochloride (= Centrophenoxine/ Clophenoxate/ Meclofenoxane HC1); Proprietary name: Lucidril. A stimulant of the central nervous system, used in the treatment of depression, mental confusion, anorexia neonatorum, and delirium tremens. ANPO Alpha-naphthyl-phenyl-oxazole (scin¬ tillator).

A-NPP Absorbed normal pooled plasma. ANRC American National Red Cross.


ant- prefix meaning against (Gr. anti). AntA Antimycin A. Antag Antagonist(ic). Ant. ax. line Anterior axillary line. Ant. cib Before meals (L. ante cibum). ante- (L.) prefix meaning before. Anthrop Anthropology. Anthropom Anthropometry. anti- (Gr.) prefix meaning against or opposed to.

ANTI A:AGT Anti blood group A antiglobu¬ lin test.

Antibioto 1600 Aminosidin sulfate (= Amminosidin sulfate; Crestomycin sulfate; FI 5853). The sulfate of an antimicrobial sub¬ stance produced by the growth of Streptomyces chrestomyceticus. Has been shown to be chemically and physically identi¬ cal with paromomycin (produced by growth of Streptomyces rimosus forma paromomycinus). Used in the treatment of intestinal and


hepatic amebiasis, lambliasis, and acute bacil¬ lary dysentery. Antibodies anti-B core: positive sign for acute hepatitis; anti-Kell: red cell antibody; antiKidd; anti-Lutheran; antimicrosomal antithy¬ roid: found in Sjogren's syndrome; antimitochondrial; anti-smooth muscle: found in sera of patients with chronic active hepatitis. Anti bx Antibiotic. anti DNP Antidesoxyribonucleoprotein. anti GBM Anti-glomerular basement mem¬ brane. anti HBc Hepatitis B core antibody. anti HBe Antibody to Hepatitis B early anti¬ gen. anti HBs Hepatitis B surface antibody. anti-I Cold autoantibody. anti NP Antinucleoprotein. anti-PNM Ab Anti-peripheral nerve myelin antibody. Antiq Antiquity. Ant. jentac Before breakfast (L. ante jentaculum). Ant. pit Anterior lobe of pituitary. ANTR Apparent net transfer rate. antr- Prefix meaning cavern (Gr. antron). Ant. sag D Anterior sagittal diameter. Ant. sup Anterior superior. Ant. sup spine Anterior superior (iliac) spine/ spine (of ilium) (= ASS). ANTU Alpha-naphthyl-thiourea (rat poison/ rodenticide). ANuA Antinuclear antibody. ANUG Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. ANV Avian nephritis virus. Anx Anxiety/ious. ANYAS Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (journal). ANZAC Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. ANZCP Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. ANZJOG Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ANZJP Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (ANZCP). ANZJS Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery (RACS).

ANZSNM Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine. AO Abdominal aorta; Achievement orienta¬ tion; Acid output; Acridine orange (test); American Optical (Company/ Corporation); Angle Orthodontist (AOREF journal); Ankle orthosis; Annals of Ophthalmology (ASCO journal); Anodal opening; Anterior oblique; Aorta (see Ao); Aortic opening; Applied Optics (journal); Archives of Ophthalmology/ Otolaryngology (journal); Association of Osteosynthesis; Atomic orbital (countour); Atrioventricular opening (i.e of the AV valves); Auriculoventricular-valve opening; Average optical (density); Axio-occlusal; Plate or screw (orthopedics). Ao Aorta (= AO); Aortic root. a/o account of. A&O; A/O Alert and oriented. A&O x 3 Awake and oriented to person, place, and time. A&O x 4 Awake and oriented to person, place, time, and date. AOA Administration on Aging; Alpha Omega Alpha; American Ontoanalytic/ Optometric/ Orthopedic/ Orthopsychiatric/ Osteopathic Association; Argentine Odontological Association; Australian Optometrical Association. AoA Academy of Aphasia; Administration on Aging (OHD). AOAA Amino-oxyacetic acid. AOAC Association of Official Agricultural (now called. Analytical) Chemists. AOAJ American Optometric Association Journal.

AOAN American Optometric Association News.

AOAO American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics.

AOAP As often as possible. AOAS American Osteopathic Academy of Sclerotherapy. AOB Accessory olfactory bulb; Alcohol on breath; Archives of Oral Biology (UK jour¬ nal).

AOBA American Osteopathic Board of Anesthesiology (AOA).


AOBD American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology (AOA).

AODM Adult onset diabetes mellitus (= AOD) (Type II diabetes).

AOBIM American Osteopathic Board of

AODME Academy of Osteopathic Directors

Internal Medicine (AOA). AOBNP American Osteopathic Board of Neurology and Psychiatry (AOA). AOBOG American Osteopathic Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AOA). AOBOO American Osteopathic Board of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology

of Medical Education. AODP Alcohol and other drug problems. AOFS American Orthopedic Foot Society. AOG Angle-closure glaucoma (acute g) (see CAG). AOH Annals of Occupational Hygiene. AOHA American Osteopathic Hospital Association. AOI Association for Osteosynthesis Institute.


AOB Path American Osteopathic Board of Pathology (AOA).

AOB Ped American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics (AOA). AOB Proc American Osteopathic Board of Proctology (AOA). AOBR American Osteopathic Board of Radiology (AOA).

AOBRM American Osteopathic Board of Rehabilitation Medicine (AOA).

AOBS Acute organic brain syndrome; American Osteopathic Board of Surgery (AOA).

AOC Abridged ocular chart; American Orthoptic Council; Amyloxycarbonyl; Anodal opening contraction (see AnOC); Antacid of choice; Area of concern. AOCA American Osteopathic College of Anesthesiologists. AOCD American Osteopathic College of Dermatology; Anemia of chronic disease.

AOC1 Anodal opening clonus. AOCPA American Osteopathic College of Pathologists.

AOCPR American Osteopathic College of Proctology.

AOCR American Osteopathic College of Radiology/ Rheumatology. AOCRE American Osteopathic College of Rehabilitation.

AOCS American Oil Chemists' Society. AOD Academy of Operative Dentistry; Academy of Oral Dynamics; Acridine-orange diagnosis (see AO technique); Adult onset diabetes (see AODM); Alleged onset date; Arterial occlusive disease; Assistant Officerof-the-Day. AODA Alcohol and other drug abuse.

ao-il aorta-iliac. AOIVM Angiographically ocult intracranial vascular malformation. AOL Acro-osteolysis. AOM Academy of Occupational Medicine; Acute otitis media; Alternatives of manage¬ ment; Azoxymethane; Master of Obstetric Art(s).

AOMA American Occupational Medical Association.

AOMP; AoMP Aortic mean pressure. AOO Anodal opening odor; Atrial synchro¬ nous (competitive, fixed-rate) (pacemaker).

AOP Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry; Acetoxy pregnenolone; Anodal opening pic¬ ture; Aortic pressure.

AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association; American Orthotic and Prosthetic(s) Association.

AOPCP Methylene-adenosine diphosphate. AOPCPOP Methylene-adenosine triphosphate (= AOPOPCP).

AOPOPCP See AOPCPOP. AOPW; AoPW Aortic posterior wall. AOR Alvarado Orthopedic Research (instru¬ ments); Auditory oculogyric reflex.

AOREF Angle Orthodontists Research and Education Foundation.

AORL Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology (journal). AORN Association of Operating Room Nurses.

AORNJ Association of Operating Room Nurses Journal.

AORT Association of Operating Room Technicians. AORTF American Organization for


Rehabilitation through Training (ORT) Federation. Aort regurg Aortic regurgitation (A. incom¬ petence). Aort sten Aortic stenosis. AO-RV Aorta - right ventricle. AOS Algebraic operating system (calculator); American Ophthalmological Society; American Otological Society (see A.Ot.S); Anodal opening sound; Anterior (o)esophageal sensor. AOSD Adult onset Still's disease. AOSSM American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine. AOT Accessory optic tract; Anodal opening tetanus (see AOTe); Association of Occupational Therapists (UK). AOTA American Occupational Therapy Association. AOTAN American Occupational Therapy Association Newsletter (now OT). AOTe Anodal opening tetanus (= AOT). AO technique Acridine orange technique (for cancer cells) (see AOD). AO test See AO technique. A.Ot.S American Otological Society (= AOS). AOU American Ornithologist's Union; Apparent oxygen utilization. AOV Analysis of variances (see ANOVA); Aortic valve (see AoV). AoV Aortic valve (= AOV). AP Abdominal perineal; Academy of Periodontology; Accessory pathway; Acid phoshphatase (see Acid p'tase); Acinar parenchyma; Acta Paedopsychiatrica (IACPAPjournal); Action potential; Active pepsin; Acute pancreatitis/ phase/ pneumonia/ prolif¬ erative; Adenomatous polyposis; Adolescent psychiatry; Agarose plate; Alkaline phos¬ phatase (see Aik. p'tase); Alkaline/ Allergic potential; Alum precipitated (with reference to vaccines); American Patient/ Psychologist (journals); Aminopeptidase; Aminopurine; Ammonium persulfate; Ampicillin; Amyloid P-component; Anesthesia Progress (ADSA journal); Angina pectoris; Antepartum (obstetrics); Anterior pituitary (gland); Anterior/ posterior (see A/P); Anterior-poste¬ rior/ Anteroposterior (see A-P); Antidromic

potential; Antipyrine; Antral peristalsis; Aortic pressure; Aorto-pulmonary; Apical pulse; Apothecary; Appendectomy; Appendicitis; Appendix; Apurinic acid; Archives of Pathology/ Pediatrics (journals); Area postrema; Arithmetic progression; Arterial pressure; Artificial pneumothorax; Aspiration pneumonia; Assessment and plans; Associated Press; Association period; Atherosclerotic plaque; Atrial pacing; Atrioventricular pathway; Attending physi¬ cian; Axiopulpal; Before dinner/ meals (see ap); Before parturition (L. ante partum); Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) and cisplatin (platinum compound); Position on X-ray table. A-P Analytic-psychological psychiatrist; Anterior-posterior (= AP); Anteroposterior (= AP). A/P Anterior/posterior (= AP); Ascites/plasma (ratio). Ap Apex. ap Attachment point; Before dinner/ meals (AP) - L. ante prandial/ium. A&P Active and present; Anatomy and physi¬ ology; Anterior and posterior; Apothecaries and Physicians (Guild of); Assessment and plans; Auscultation and palpation/ percussion. 3-AP 3-Acetylpyridine. A2>P2 Aortic second sound is louder than the pulmonary second sound. A2Effervesc Effervescent. EFFU Epithelial focus-forming unit. EF-G Elongation factor G (see EF). EFH Explosive follicular hyperplasia. EFHBM Eosinophilic fibrohistiocytic (lesion of) bone marrow.

EFL Effective focal length; External fluid loss.

EFM Elderly fibromyalgia; Electronic fetal monitoring; External fetal monitor.

EFMU Elliot Fraley Minnesota Urology (virus).

EFP Early follicular phase; Effective filtration pressure (see KFT - EFP); Endoneural fluid pressure.

EFR Effective filtration rate (see KFT-EFR).


EFRmax Maximum expiratory flow rate (see

EGS Electrogalvanic stimulation; External

PFT-EFRmax). EFS Effective field stimulation; Event-free

guide sequence. EGT Ethanol gelation test; Experimental gene

survival. EFT Electronic funds transfer (banking); Embedded Figures Test. EF-T Elongation factor T (see EF). EFTS Electronic funds transfer system (bank¬

therapy (see HGT). EGTA Esophageal gastric tube airway; Ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (= Ethylenebis-oxyethylene-nitrilo-tetraacetic acid; Ethyleneglycol-bis-[(3-aminoethylether]-

ing). EFV Extracellular fluid volume. EFVC Expiratory flow-volume curve (see PFT-EFVC). EFW Estimated fetal weight. EF/WM Ejection fraction/ wall motion. EG Enteroglucagon; Esophagogastrectomy; External genitalia. eg for example (L. exempli gratia). E-G Elated-grandiose (manic symptom). EGA Estimated gestational age. EGBUS External genitalia, Bartholin, ure¬ thral, Skene's glands. EGC Early gastric cancer; Elution gas chro¬ matography; Epithelioid-globoid cell(s). EGD Esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy. EGDF Embryonic growth and development factor. EGF Epidermal growth factor. EGF-R Epidermal growth factor, receptor. EGF-URO Epidermal growth factor, urogastrone. EGG Electrogastrogram; Equine gamma glob¬ ulin. EGH Epidermal/ Equine growth hormone. EGL Eosinophilic granuloma of the lung. EGLT Euglobin lysis time. EGM Electrogram; Extracellular granular material. EGME Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether. EGN Experimental glomerulonephritis. EGOT Erythrocyte glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase. EGR Erythema gyratum repens; Erythrocyte glutathione reductase (see E-GR). E-GR Erythrocyte glutathione reductase (= EGR). EGRA Equilibrium-gated radionuclide angiography. EGRAC Erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity coefficient.

N,N,N’,N'-tetraacetic acid; Ethyleneglycol tetraacetate). EH Educationally handicapped; Elimination half-life; Enlarged heart (see eh); Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis; Epoxide hydratase; Essential hypertension (= EHT); Estrogenic hormones (see Hormones - EH); Extramedullary hematopoiesis. eh enlarged heart (= EH). eH; Eh Oxidation-reduction or redox poten¬ tial. E/H; E&H Environment and heredity (psy¬ chology). E-H Eder-Hufford (esophagoscope). EHA Education of the Handicapped Act; Emotional Health Anonymous; Environmental Health Agency. EHAA Epidemic hepatitis-associated antigen. EHB Elevate head of bed. EHBA Extrahepatic biliary atresia. EHBD Extrahepatic bile duct. EHBF Estimated hepatic/ Exercise hyperemic/ Extrahepatic blood flow. EHC Enterohepatic circulation/ clearance; Environmental Health Center; Essential hypercholesterolemia; Ethyl hydrocaffeate (an antoxidant); Ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride; Extended health care; Extrahepatic cholestasis. EHD Electrohemodynamics; Environmental Health Directorate (HPB); Epizootic hemor¬ rhagic disease (of poultry). EHDP Ethane hydroxy-diphosphate (= Disodium ethane-1 -hydroxy-1,1 -diphosphate/diphosphonate; Sodium etidronate). A drug used recently in Paget's disease to inhib¬ it bone mineralization. EHDV Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus. EHE Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. EHEC Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (see E. coli).


EHF Epidemic hemolytic/ hemorrhagic fever; Exophthalmos-hyperthyroid factor; Extreme(ly) high frequency. EHG Executive Health Group. EHH Esophageal hiatal/tus hernia. EHJ European Heart Journal. EHL Effective half-life (of radioactive sub¬ stances); Electrohydraulic lithotripsy; Endogenous/ Essential hyperlipidemia; Environmental Health Laboratory (USAF); Extensor hallucis longus. EHME Employee health maintenance exami¬ nation. EHMS Electrohemodynamic ionization mass spectrometry (see EIMS). EHN Environmental Health Network. EHNA 9-erythro-2-(hydroxy-3-nonyl) ade¬ nine. EHO Extrahepatic obstruction. EHP Di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate; Environmental Health Perspectives; Excessive heat production; Extra-high poten¬ cy. EHPA Emergency Health Personnel Act. EHPAC Emergency Health Preparedness Advisory Committee. EflPH Extrahepatic portal hypertension. EHPT Eddy hot plate test. EHS Emergency health service; Environmental Health Services (HEW); Exploding head syndrome (a common and totally benign condition in which patients are alarmed by a sudden loud noise in the twi¬

E/I Expiration/inspiration (ratio) (see PFT E/I). E&I Endocrinology and infertility. EIA Electroimmunoassay; Electronic Industries Association (formerly RMA); Energy Independence Authority; Enzyme immunoassay; Enzyme-linked immunosor¬ bent assay; Equine infectious anemia; Erythroimmunoassay; Exercise-induced asth¬ ma; Interface between a computer and a sys¬ tem for transmitting digital information. EIAB Extracranial-intracranial arterial bypass. EIAV Equine infectious anemia virus (= EIVA). EIB Electrophoretic immunoblotting; Exercise-induced broncho-constriction/ bronchospasm. EIC Elastase inhibition capacity; Enzyme inhibition complex; Epilepsy Information Center. EID Egg infectious/tive dose; Electroimmunodiffusion; Electronic/ Emergency infusion device. EIEC Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. EIEE Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy. EIF Erythema-inducing factor; Erythrocyte initiation factor (see elF); Eukaryotic initia¬ tion factor. elF Erythrocyte initiation factor (= EIF). EIM Excitability-inducing material. EIMS Electron ionization mass spectrometry

light stage of sleep). EHSD Emergency Health Services Digest

(see EHMS). EIP End-inspiratory pause/ pressure; Extensor

(journal). EHSDS Experimental Health Service Delivery System/ Services Development Systems. EHT Electrohydrothermoelectrode; Essential

indicis proprius. EIPS Endogenous inhibitor of prostaglandin

hypertension (see EH). EHV Electric heart vector; Equine herpes virus; Extra/ Extreme high voltage (up to 765 kv). El Electrolyte imbalance; Electron impact/ '

Excretory Index; Ethylene-imine (a carcino¬ gen).

ionization; Emotionally impaired; Endocrinology Index (journal); Engineering Index (NYC); Environmental illness (see MCS); Enzyme inhibitor; Eosinophilic/

synthase/thetase. EIR Environmental impact review. EIRNV; EIRnv; EIRnv Extra incidence rate in/of non-vaccinated groups. EIRP Effective isotropic radiated power. EIRV; EIRv; EIRV Extra incidence rate in/of vaccinated groups. EIS Endoscopic injection scleropathy; Environmental Impact Statement; Epidemic/ Epidemiology Intelligence Service (NCID); Epidemiological Investigational Service; European Immunology Society.


EIT Erythroid iron turnover. EIV External iliac vein. EIVA Equine infectious virus anemia (see

ELEM Equine leukoencephalomalacia.

EIAV). EJ Elbow jerk (= Ej); Electroencephalography

Elephant Phencyclidine (see Cl 395). Elev; elev Elevate(d)/tion/tor. ELF Elective low forceps; External labor force; Extremely low frequency ( L Right to left. R&L Right and left. rl( few fine rales.


Rl2 Moderate number of medium rales. Rl3 Many coarse rales. RLBCD Right lower border of cardiac dull¬ ness. RLBD Right-left battery discrimination. RLC Residual/ Resting lung capacity (see PFT - RLC). RLD Related living donor; Right later decubi¬ tus; Ruptured lumbar disc. RLE Right lower extremity. RLF Retrolental fibroplasia; Right lateral femoral (injection site). RLL Right lower limb; Right lower lobe (of lung). RLM Regional Library of Medicine; Right lower medial. RLMD Rat liver mitochondria digitonin (i.e. rat liver mitochondria and submitochondrial particles derived by digitonin treatment). RLN Recurrent laryngeal nerve; Regional lymph node. RLNC Regional lymph node cell. RLND Regional lymph node dissection. RLO Residual lymphatic output; Residual lymphocyte count. RLP Radiation leukemia protection; Ribosome-like particle. RLQ Right lower quadrant (of the abdomen). RLR Right lateral rectus (muscle of the eye¬ ball). RLS Restless leg syndrome; Ringer's lactate solution; RLS person (who stammers, mis¬ pronounces, or has difficulty in enunciating the letters "R", "L", and "S"); Roussy-Levy syndrome. RLSB Right lower scapular border. R-L sh Right-left shunt. RLT Right lateral thigh (injection site). RLTSC Repeat lower transverse cesarean sec¬ tion. RLV Rauscher leukemia virus; Recurrent labyrinthine vertigo (caused by vestibular hydrops, a clinical variant of Meniere's dis¬ ease). RLWD Routine laboratory work done. RM Radical mastectomy (operation/ breast); Random migration; Range of motion/ move¬ ment (see ROM); Red marrow; Reference material; Reflectance meter (dextrostix);

Rehabilitation Medicine; Reinforced maneu¬ ver; Relative mobility (see Rm); Repetitions maximum; Rescue medication; Resistive/ Respiratory movement; Riehl's melanosis; Right median; Routine management; Ruptured membranes (obstetrics). Rm Relative mobility (= RM); Remission (= rm). rm remission (see Rm); room. R&M Routine and microscopic. RMA Registered Medical Assistant; Relative medullary area; Right mentoanterior (position of fetus). RMB Right mainstem bronchus. RMBF Regional myocardial blood flow. RMC Reticular magnocellular (nucleus); Right middle cerebral (artery); Rush Medical College. RMCA Right main coronary artery; Right middle cerebral artery. RMCL Right midclavicular line. RMCT Rat mast cell technique. RMD Doctor of Research Medicine; Rapid movement disorder; Retromanubrial dullness. RME Rapid maxillary expansion; Resting metabolic expenditure; Right mediolateral episiotomy. RMEC Regional medical education center. RMEE Right middle ear exploration. R meter Radiation meter. RMF Right middle finger. RMI Reading Miscue Inventory. RMK Rhesus monkey kidney (see RhMK). RMK #1 Remark number 1. RML Radiation myeloid leukemia; Regional medical library; Right mediolateral (episisotomy) (operation/ obstetrics); Right middle lobe (of lungs). RMLB Right middle lobe bronchus. RMLE Right mediolateral episiotomy. RMLS Right middle lobe syndrome. RMLV Rauscher murine leukemia virus (see RMuLV). RMM Rapid micromedia method; Read most¬ ly (from) memory. RMN Registered Mental Nurse (England and Wales). RMO Regional/ Registered Medical Officer (Brit).


RMP Rapidly miscible pool; Regional Medical Program(s) (NIH); Resting mem¬ brane potential; Ribulose monophosphate pathway; Rifampin (see Rfm); Right mento¬ posterior (position of fetus).

RMPA Royal Medico-Psychological Association. RMPS Regional Medical Programs Service. RMR Relative maximum response; Resting metabolic rate; Right medial rectus (muscle of the eyeball). RMS Rectal morphine sulfate (suppository); Red/ Rigid man syndrome; Repetitive motion syndrome; Respiratory muscle strength; Rheumatic mitral stenosis; Rhodomyosarcoma; Root-mean-square (see rms).

rms root-mean-square (= RMS) (i.e. square root of mean square). RMSD Root-mean-square deviation. RMSE Root mean square error. RMSF Rocky Mountain spotted fever. RMT Registered Music Therapist; Relative medullary thickness; Retromolar trigone; Right mentotransverse (position of fetus); Routine medical treatment (= RTM). RMUI Relief medication unit index. RMuLV Rauscher murine leukemia virus (= RMLV). RMV Respiratory minute volume (see PFT). RN Radionuclide; Red/ Reticular nucleus; Registered Nurse; Residual nitrogen; Royal Navy. Rn Radon (Z = 86) (see Elements - Radon). RNA Radionuclide angiography; Registered Nurse Anesthetist; Ribonucleic acid (see below); Rough, noncapsulated, avirulent (bacteria). Ribonucleic acid (see also DNA) (= Plant nucleic acid; Ribose nucleic acid; Yeast nucleic acid) - a nucleic acid found in all liv¬ ing cells, and originally isolated from yeast; a nucleotide polymer, it contains a complex mixture of phosphorus-containing organic acids, one of two distinct varieties of nucleic acid (the other is DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid). RNA hydrolyses, yielding adenine, guanine, cysteine, uracil, ribose, and phosphoric acid.

These acids are composed of chains of nucleotides (phosphate esters of purine or pyrimidine bases and pentose-sugars), and act as "building blocks" of the chromosomes in all cell nuclei. messenger RNA - an RNA fraction of inter¬ mediate molecular weight, which transfers information from DNA to the protein-forming system of the cell, soluble RNA - see transfer RNA. transfer RNA - an RNA fraction of low mole¬ cular weight, found in 20 species, each of which combines with one aminoacid species, transferring it from activating enzyme to ribo¬ some. RNAA Radiochemical neutron activation analysis. RNAse; RNase Ribonuclease. RNAse A; RNase A Ribonuclease A. RNBS Radionuclide bone scanning (= RBS). RND Radical neck dissection (operation/ neck); Radionuclide dacryography; Reactive neurotic depression. RNEF Radionuclide/ Resting nuclide ejection fraction. RNF (Von) Recklinghausen's neurofibromato¬ sis (see VRNF). RNFP Registered Nurse Fellowship Program. RNIB Royal National Institute for the Blind. RNICU Regional neonatal intensive care unit. RNID Royal National Institute for the Deaf. RNL Radial nerve lesion. RNMD Registered Nurse for Mental Defectives (Brit). RNMS Registered Nurse for the Mentally Sub-Normal (Brit). RNP Ribonucleoprotein. RNR Ribonucleotide reductase. RNS Reference normal serum; Repetitive nerve stimulation. RNSC Radionuclide superior cavography.

Rnt Roentgenologist/logy. rNTP Ribonuclease-5'-triphosphate. RNV Radionuclide venography; Ritonavir (HIV protease inhibitor). RNVG Radionuclide ventriculography. RO Radiation output; Ratio of; Relative odds; Reverse osmosis; Ritter-Oleson (technique); Routine order; Rule out (see R/O).


Ro Roche (Hoffmann-La Roche AG) (British subsidiary - Roche Products).

R/O Rule out (= RO). R0 Resting radium. R08 R08 - 0074/003 sodium salt. Ro 1-6463 Methyprylone (= Methypryl; 3,3Diethyl-5-methyl-2,4-dioxopiperidine) - a depressant of the central nervous system, with a sedative and hypnotic action, taking effect within half an hour, and lasting about 6 hours. Used in the treatment of anxiety, ten¬ sion, and moderate insomnia. Ro 1-7683 Tropicamide (= Bistropamide; Nethyl-N-pyrid-4-ylmethyltropamide; C17H20N202) - a rapidly acting mydriatic and cycloplegic agent; used as eyedrops it acts within 10-15 minutes, the dilated pupils returning to normal in 8-9 hours. Does not elevate intraocular pressure in preglaucoma. Ro 1-9569 Tetrabenazine (= TBZ) - has cen¬ tral effects similar to those of reserpine, caus¬ ing depletion of serotonin and noradrenaline in brain tissues. Has been used in the treat¬ ment of acute and chronic mental disorders. Ro 1-9934 Dehydroemetine hydrochloride (see DHE).

Ro 2-2453 Diamthazole hydrochloride (= Amycazol HC1; Diamthazol Dihydrochloride) - an antifungal agent effective against species of Trichophyton and Microsporum. and against Candida albicans. Used externally as an ointment, dusting-powder, and tincture. Ro 2-3248 Azapetine phosphate (= Azepine phosphate) - a mild adrenolytic and sympa¬ tholytic drug, used in the treatment of periph¬ eral vascular disorders due to arterial spasm. Ro 2-3773 Clinidium bromide (= 3Benziloyloxy-1 -methylquinualidinium bro¬ mide) - a peripheral parasympatholytic agent, reducing secretion of gastric juice and having an antispasmodic action on the gastrointesti¬

an organic antimony compound used in the treatment of schistosomiasis, the dimercapto¬ succinate salt most commonly used in this disease (see TWSb; TWSb/1). Ro 4-1778 Metofoline hydrochloride (= Methofoline HC1; Methopholine HC1) - an analgesic used for pre-anesthetic medication and for the relief of acute and chronic pain. Ro 4-3076 Dehydroemetine and Bismuth Iodide - a combination product used success¬ fully in the treatment of intestinal amebiasis. Ro 4-3816 Alcuronium chloride (= Allnortoxiferin chloride; Diallylnortoxiferine dichloride; Diallyltoxiferine chloride; Diallyldinortoxiferin dichloride pentahydrate) - a nondepolarizing muscle relaxant with a speed of onset and duration of action similar to those of tubocurarine chloride. Ro 4-4393 Sulphormethoxine (= Sulphorthodimethoxine) - a long-acting sul¬ fonamide, its period of half-elimation being 100 to 200 hours. Ro 4-5360 Nitrazepam - a benzodiazepine hypnotic agent used for insomnia associated with anxiety or organic disease. Ro 4-6467 Procarbazine hydrochloride (see NSC 77213). Ro 5-0690 Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride (see CMPB). Ro 5-0831 Isocarboxazid (= 3-N'Benzylhydrazinocarbonyl-5-methylisoxazole) - a monoamine oxidase inhibitor drug used in the treatment of exogenous and reactive

nal tract. Used in the symptomatic treatment of peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal dis¬ orders, in conjunction with a tranquillizer

depression. Ro 5-2807 Diazepam (see LA 111). Ro 5-3307/1 Debrisoquine sulfate (= Isocaramidine sulfate; 2-Amidino-l,2,3,4tetrahydroisoquinoline sulfate) - a hypoten¬ sive agent acting by selectively blocking transmission in post-ganglionic adrenergic nerves. Used in the treatment of hypertension. ROA Rat ovarian augmentation; Right occipi¬ toanterior (fetal position). ROAC Repeated oral (doses of/ treatment

such as chlorodiazepoxide. Ro 2-9757 Fluorouracil (see NSC 19893). Ro 4-0403 Chlorprothixene (see N 714). Ro 4-1544/6 Stibocaptate (= Antimony sodi¬ um dimercaptosuccinate; Sb-58; TWSb/6) -

with) activated charcoal. ROAD Reversible obstructive airways disease (see COLD). ROAT Repeat open application test. ROATS Rabbit ovarian antitumor serum.


rob robertsonian (translocation). ROC Receiver/ Relative operating characteris¬ tic; Receptor-operated channels; Remote obstetrical care; Resident on call; Residual organic carbon; Royal Observer Corps (UK). ROCF Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. Rock Cocaine (see Erythroxylum). rOEF Regional oxygen extraction fraction. Roent; roent Roentgonologist/logy. R of N Review of need (of health facilities). ROH Rat ovarian hyperemia (test). ROI Reactive oxygen intermediate; Region of interest. ROIDS Hemorrhoids. ROIH Right oblique inguinal hernia. ROL Right occipitolateral (position of fetus). ROM Range of motion/ movement (= RM); Read only memory (EDP - Electronic data processing); Right otitis media; Rupture of membranes (obstetrics). Rom Roman; Romberg (sign), rom reciprocal ohm meter. Romb Romberg (see Rom).

ROM CP Range of motion complete and painfree. ROMSA Right otitis media, suppurative, acute. ROMSC Right otitis media, suppurative, chronic. ROP Retinopathy of prematurity; Right occipitoposterior (position of fetus). ROPS Rollover protective structure. Ror Rorschach (intelligence test). RoRx Roentgen radiation (therapy). ROS Reactive oxygen species; Review of symptoms/ systems; Rod outer segment. RoS Rostral sulcus. ROSC Restoration of spontaneous circulation. ROSS Review of subjective symptoms. ROT Real oxygen transport; Remedial occu¬ pational therapy; Right occipitotransverse (position of fetus), rot rotate(d)/ating/ation/ator. ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps. ROU Recurrent oral ulcer. ROUL Rouleaux,

rout routine. ROW Rat ovarian weight; Rendu-OslerWeber (syndrome).

RP Radial pulse; Radical prostatectomy; Radiopharmaceutical; Rapid processing (of film); Raynaud’s phenomenon; Reactive/ Regulatory protein; Readiness/ Resting potential; Rectal prolapse; Refractory period; Relapsing polychondritis; Repair; Respiratory rate : pulse rate (index) (see R/P); Rest pain; Resting pressure; Retinitis pigmentosa; Retinitis proliferans (see RPr); Retrograde pyelogram/aphy; Retroperitoneal; Reverse phase; Rheumatic pain; Rheumatoid pol¬ yarthritis; Ribose phosphate (see R-5-P); Roche Products code for experimental sub¬ stances. Rp Take (L. recipe) (see Rx). Rp Pulmonary resistance (vascular) (see PFT); Take (see Rx). R/P Respiratory rate : pulse rate (index) (= RP; RPI; RP index). R-5-P Ribose-5-phosphate (= RP). RP 2168 Meglumine antimoniate (= Antimony meglumine; N-methylglucamine antimoniate; Protostib) - an organic antimony compound used in the treatment of cutaneous leishmani¬ asis and Kala-azar. RP 2512 Pentamidine mesylate (= Pentamidine methanesulfonate; Pentamidine dimethylsulfonate) - a trypanocidal drug used in the treatment of early cases of African try¬ panosomiasis. RP 2987 Diethazine hydrochloride (= Eazamine HC1) - used in the palliative treat¬ ment of Parkinson's disease; the drug mainly reduces rigidity, and to a lesser extent tremor and akinesia; it has no effect on excessive salivation. RP 3359 Proguanil hydrochloride (= Bigumal; Chlorguanide HC1; Chloriguane HC1; Proguan HC1; Proguanide HC1; Proguanili hydrochloridum; SN 12,837) - a synthetic diguanide antimalarial drug used for the pre¬ vention and treatment of malaria. It kills the parasites undergoing schizogony in the red blood cells. RP 3377 Chloroquine sulfate - a synthetic 4aminoquinoline antimalarial drug used for the suppression and treatment of malaria. It kills the erythrocytic forms of malarial parasites at all stages of development. Chloroquine has


also been used in the treatment of amebic hepatitis and liver abscess, and for the remis¬ sion of symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis; it has also been found useful in the treatment of lupus erythematosus and giardiasis. Prolonged therapy may give rise to toxic effects, such as irreversible retinal damage and corneal opacities. RP 3554 Thiazinamium methyl sulfate - an antihistamine and anticholinergic drug. RP3854 Melarsoprol (see Mel B). RP 4516 Pamaquin (= Aminoquin; Gametocidum; Pamachin; Pamaquine Naphthoate; Plasmoquine; Plasmoquinum; SN 971) - a synthetic 8-aminoquinoline antimalarial drug, formerly used extensively in the treatment of malaria, but has been almost entirely replaced by the use of primaquine and other drugs (see SN 13,272). RP 4632 Methoxypromazine maleate (= Methopromazine maleate) - a phenothiazine tranquillizer. RP4753 Pyrimethamine (see BW 50-63). RP 4763 Diphetarsone - an organic arsenical compound used in the treatment of intestinal amebiasis, usually in conjunction with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. RP 4909 Chlorproethazine - a phenothiazine derivative similar in its chemical composi¬ tion, action, and uses as chlorpromazine. Used as a tranquillizing agent. RP6171 Amphotalide (see M&B 2948A). RP 6753 Diphetarsone - Spiramycin - the spi¬ ramycin salt of diphetarsone. Has been used in the treatment of intestinal amebiasis and in threadworm infestation in children (see RP 4763). RP7044 Methotrimeprazine (= Levomepromazine; SKF 5116) - a tranquilliz¬ ing agent used in the treatment of moderate depression and psychosis. RP 7162 Trimipramine (see IL 6001). RP7293 Pristinamycin - a mixture of two antibiotics, produced by the growth of Streptomyces pristina spiralis. A bacteriostat¬ ic agent especially useful in the treatment of infections due to gram-positive bacteria (par¬ ticularly Staphylococcus aureus) and peni¬ cillin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

RP 7522 Sulfamethoxypyridazine (see CT 879). RP 7676 Pralidoxime mesylate (see 2FMPOMS). RP 7843 Thioproperazine mesylate (= Thioproperazine methanesulfonate; Thioproperazine dimethanesulfonate) - a phe¬ nothiazine tranquillizer having sedative, hypotensive, and hypothermic properties less than those of chlorpromazine. Used in the treatment of schizophrenia, mania, and deliri¬ ous states to control excitement, and dis¬ turbed or aggressive behavior. RP 8599 Dimethothiazine (= Dimethitazine) an antihistamine used in the treatment of migraine. RP 8823 Metromidazole (see Bayer 5360). RP 8909 Pericyazine (= Propericiazine; SKF 20716) - a phenothiazine derivative with sedative, anti-emetic, and adrenolytic proper¬ ties. Used in the treatment of severe anxiety and tension states, and in acute and chronic schizophrenia. RP 9955 Melarsonyl potassium (see Mel W). RPA Radial photon absorptiometry; Registered Physician's Assistant; Resultant physiologic acceleration; Reverse passive anaphylaxis; Right pulmonary artery. RPase Ribonucleic acid polymerase. RPAW Right pulmonary artery withdrawel. RPB Research to Prevent Blindness. (rpb)7 Point-biserial correlation. RPC Relapsing polychondritis; Relative pro¬ liferative capacity. RPCF Reiter protein complement Fixation (test) (see RPCFT). RPCFT Reiter protein complement fixation test (for treponemal antibody-serological test for syphilis) (= RPCF; RPF) (see STSRPCFT). RPCGN Rapidly progressive crescenting glomerulonephritis. RPD Removable partial denture. RPE Rapid plasma exclusion (see STS-RPE); Rate of perceived exertion; Recurrent pul¬ monary embolism; Retinal pigment epitheli¬ um. RPF Recurrent pyrexial fit(s) (in children); Reiter protein fixation (test) (see RPCFT);

507 Relaxed pelvic floor; Renal perfusate/ plasma flow; Retroperitoneal fibrosis.

RPG Radiation protection guide; Retrograde pyelogram/aphy (X-ray/ kidneys); Rheoplethysmography.

RPGMEC Regional Postgraduate Medical Education Committee. RPGN Rapidly progressive glomerulonephri¬ tis.

RPH Retroperitoneal hemorrhage. RPh Registered Pharmacist. RPHA Reversed passive hemagglutination. RPHAMFCA Reversed passive hemaggluti¬

RPR Rapid plasma/ plasmin reagin (card/ Portnoy's/ serological test for syphilis) (= RPRCF; RPRCT); Reiter protein reagin. RPRCF Rapid plasma/min reagin comple¬ ment fixation (test) (see RPR).

RPRCT Rapid plasma/min reagin card test (see RPR).

"r" product moment coefficient of correla¬ tion.

RPS Regional pain syndrome (back); Renal pressor substance; Revolutions per second (see rps).

rps revolutions per second (= RPS). RPT Rapid pull-through; Refractory period of

nation by miniature fast centrifugal analysis. RP-HPLC Reverse phase - high performance liquid chromatography.

transmission; Registered Physical Therapist. Rpt Report.

RPI Racial Perceptions Inventory; Relative

RPTA Registered Physical Therapist

percentage index; Respiratory rate : pulse rate index (see R/P); Reticulocyte production index; Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase. RPICCE Round pupil intracapsular cataract extraction. RP index Respiratory rate : pulse rate index (see R/P).

Assistant; Renal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. RPTC Regional Poisoning Treatment Center. Rptd Ruptured.

RPIPP Reverse phase ion-pair partition. RPL Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy (see RPLAD). RPL-12 Infectious lymphoid neoplasm (of chickens).

RPLAD Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy. RPLC Reverse phase liquid chromatography. RPLD Repair of potentially lethal damage. RPM Rapid processing mode, rpm revolutions per minute. RPMD Rheumatic pain modulation disorder. RPMI Roswell Park Memorial Institute (Buffalo, New York) (medium).

RPMS Royal Postgraduate Medical School (London).

RPN Registered Practical Nurse; Renal papil¬ lary necrosis; Resident's progress notes. R2PN Second year resident's progress notes. RPO Right posterior oblique. RPP Heart rate (systolic blood) pressure prod¬ uct; Retropubic prostatectomy (operation/ urology). RPPC Regional Pediatric Pulmonary Center. RPPI Role perception picture inventory.

RPPR Red cell precursor production rate.

RPV Right portal/ pulmonary vein. RPVP Right posterior ventricular pre-excita¬ tion.

RPW Repatriated prisoners of war. RQ Recovery quotient; Reportable quantity; Respiratory quotient (see PFT - RQ).

RR Radiation reaction/ response; Radiationrelated; Random response; Rapid recompres¬ sion; Rate/ Risk ratio; Recovery room; Reflex relaxation; Regular rate/ respiration(s)/ rhythm; Relative response/ risk; Renin release; Respiratory rate/ reserve/ resistance; Response rate/ ratio; Retinal reflex; Rhematoid rosette(s); Richards-Rundle (syn¬ drome); Riva-Rocci (sphygmomanometer). R/R Rales-rhonchi. R&R Rate and rhythm (heart & pulse); Recent and remote; Recession and resection; Rest and recuperation. RRA Radioreceptor assay; Registered Record(s) Administration/rator. RRAM Rapid rhythmic alternating move¬ ments. RRC Residency review committee; Risk reduction component; Routine respiratory care; Royal Red Cross (Brit). R/Rc Renal vein ratio. RR cells Radiation reaction cells.


RRCT, no(m) Regular rate, clear tones, no murmurs.

RRE Radiation-related eosinophilia; Round, regular, and equal (see RR&E).

RR&E Round, regular, and equal (pupils) (= RRE).

RREF Resting radionuclide ejection fraction. RRF Reduced/ Residual renal fraction. RR-HPO Rapid recompression - high pres¬ sure oxygen.

RRI Recurrent respiratory infection; Reflex relaxation index; Relative response index. RRIS Recurrent respiratory infection syn¬ drome.

RRL Rabies Research Laboratory; Registered Record(s) Librarian.

rRNA Ribosomal ribonucleic acid. RRND Right radical neck dissection. rRNP Ribosomal ribonucleoprotein. RROM Resistive range of motion. RRP Relative refractory period (heart). RRpm Respiratory rate per minute. RRR Regular rate and rhythm (see RR&R); Renin release rate/ ratio; Risk rescue rating.

RR&R Regular rate and rhythm (heart/ pulse) (= RRR).

RRRN Round, regular, and react normally (pupils).

RRS Retrorectal space; Richards-Rundle syn¬ drome.

RR (sphyg) Riva-Rocci (sphygmomanome¬ ter).

icus (the "sardonic smile" seen in tetanus); Ritchie sedimentation; Rous sarcoma (virus) (see RSV).

Rs Rauwolfia serpentina (used in the treat¬ ment of hypertension and psychosis); Systemic resistance (total).

rS; rs Rank correlation coefficient (Spearman's). R/S Rest stress; Rupture, spontaneous. R/s Roentgens per second. RS 1401 AT Fluocinolone acetonide - a syn¬ thetic glucocorticoid used by topical applica¬ tion in the treatment of various allergic and allied skin diseases, such as contact dermati¬ tis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, infantile eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and intertrigo. RS 2177 Flumethasone pivalate (= Flumethasone trimethylacetate). A synthetic corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory proper¬ ties, and used by topical application in the treatment of various skin diseases. RS 3540 Naproxen - a propionic acid deriva¬ tive and an anti-prostaglandin, used in the treatment of rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis. RSA Rabbit serum albumin; Regular spiking activity; Rehabilitation Services Administration (HEW); Relative specific activity; Relative standard accuracy; Reticulum (cell) sarcoma; Right sacroanterior (fetal position); Right subclavian artery.

Rsa Systemic arterial resistance (total). RSB Regimental Stretcher Bearer;

RRT Random response technique; Registered

Reticulocyte standard buffer; Right sternal

Respiratory Therapist; Relative retention time; Resazurin reduction time. RRU Respiratory resistance unit. RS Rabbit serum; Random sample; Rat spleen/ stomach; Rating schedule; Rauwolfia serpentina (see Rs); Raynaud/ Reiter/ Rett/ Reye/ Roberts/ Russell-Silver syndrome; Recipient's serum; Rectal sinus/ suppository; Rectosigmoid; Reed-Steinberg (cell); Reinforcing/ Relative stimulus; Renal spe¬ cialist; Resorcinol-sulfur; Respiratory syncy¬ tial (virus) (see RSV); Response to stimulus (ratio); Resting subject; Reticulated siderocyte; Review of symptoms; Rhythm strip (ECG); Right sacrum/ septum/ side/ stellate (ganglion); Ringer’s solution; Risus sardon-

border. RSC Rat spleen cell; Reed-Steinberg cell; Regional Steering Committee; Rested state contraction; Reversible sickle-cell. RScA Right scapuloanterior (position of fetus).

Rsch Research. RSCN Registered Sick Children's Nurse (Brit).

RScP Right scapuloposterior (postion of fetus).

rscu-PA Recombinant, single-chain, urokinase-type plasminogen activator.

RSD Reflex sympathetic dystrophy; Relative standard deviation; Rochester School for the Deaf.

509 RSDS Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syn¬ drome.

RSEP Right somatosensory evoked potential. RSES Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. RSH Royal Society of Health. RSI Repetition/itive strain/ stress injury. RSIC Radiation Shielding Information Center. R-SICU Respiratory-surgical intensive care unit.

R-SIRS Revised, Seriousness of Illness Rating Scale.

RSIVP Rapid-sequence intravenous pyelogram/raphy (X-ray/ kidneys). RSL Right sacrolateral (position of fetus). RSLD Repair of sublethal damage. RSM Risk screening model; Royal Society of Medicine. RSMR Relative standard mortality rate. RSN Right substantia nigra. RSNA Radiological Society of North America. RSO Resident Surgical Officer; Right salpingo-oophorectomy (operation/ gynecology); Right superior oblique (muscle). RSP Removable silicone plug; Right sacrop¬ osterior (position of fetus); Rucksack palsy (caused by traction on the upper trunk of the brachial plexus). RSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. RSP dialyzer Recirculating single pass dialyzer. RSPH Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (Brit). RSPK Recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis. RSR Regular sinus rhythm (heart); Relative survival rate; Right superior rectus (muscle). rSr An electrocardiographic complex. RS(RA) Latex fixation test for rheumatoid arthritis. R/S ratio Response/stimulus ratio. RSS Rat stomach strip; Rectosigmoidoscopy; Russell-Silver syndrome; Russian springsummer (encephalitis) (see RSSE). RSSE Russian spring-summer encephalitis.

RSSR Relatively slow sinus rate. RST Radiosensitivity test(ing); Reagin screen

test; Reticulospinal tract; Right sacrotransverse (position of fetus); Rubrospinal tract. Rst The distance that a spot of a substance has moved, relative to a reference standard spot (in paper or thin layer chromatography). RSTI Radiological Service Training Institute. RSTL Relaxed skin tension lines. RSTMH; RSTM&H Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Brit). RSTS Retropharyngeal soft tissue space. RSTs Rodney Smith tubes. RSV Respiratory syncytial virus (= CCA or Chimpanzee coryza agent); Right subclavian vein; Rous sarcoma virus). RSVC Right superior vena cava. RSVP Please reply (Fr. Repondez s'il vous plait); Retired senior volunteer program. RSW Right-sided weakness. RT Radiation therapy (see RATx); Radiologic/ Respiratory Technologist/gy; Radiotelemetry; Radiotherapy (see RATx); Radium/ Recreational/ Respiratory therapy; Rapid tranquilization; Reaction/ Recovery/ Reduction/ Repetition/ Response/ Retention time (= TR); Reading task/ test; Reciprocating tachycardia; Rectal/ Room temperature; Registered Technician (American Registry of X-Ray Technicians); Renal transplant(ation); Resistance transfer; Respiratory Therapist/ tract; Rest tremor; Retransformation; Reverse transcriptase; Right (see R); Right thigh; Rubinstein-Taybi (syndrome); Running total. Rt Right (see R); Total resistance. rT Ribothymidine. rt right (see R). R/t Related to. RT3; rT3 Resin/ Reverse triiodothyronine. RT4; rT4 Resin/ Reverse thyroxin(e) (serum). RTA Renal tubular/le acidosis; Reverse tran¬ scriptase assay; Road traffic accident. RTAD Renal tubular acidification defect. RT(ARRT) Radiologic Technologist (certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists). RTC Random Trial Control (see RCT); Rape/ Residential treatment center; Renal tubular cell; Research and training center; Return to


clinic; Ribofuranosyi-triasole-carboxamide; Round the clock.

RTD Routine test(ing) dilution(s). Rtd Retarded. RTECS Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances.

RTER Return to emergency room. R test Reductase test. rtext right upper extremity. rtext right lower extremity. RTF Resistance transfer factor; Respiratory tract fluid; Return to flow. RTG-2 Rainbow trout gonadal tissue cells. RTI Respiratory tract infection; Reverse tran¬ scriptase inhibition/tors (see AIDS): AZT Zidovidine or Retrovir (Glaxo-Wellcome) (Azidothymidine, 3'-azido-3'deoxythymidine; BW A509U; Compound S; ZVD) (see AZT); ddl - Didanosine or Dideoxyinosine = Videx (Bristol-Myers Squibb) (see ddl); ddC Dideoxycytidine or HIVID (Hoffmann La Roche) (see ddC); d4T - Zerit (Bristol- Myers Squibb); 3TC - Epivir (Glaxo-Wellcome); Nevirapine - Viramine (Boehringer Ingelheim); "1592" (Glaxo-Wellcome), reput¬ edly ten times as powerful as AZT; Delaviridine (Pharmacia & Upjohn).

RTL Reaction/ive to light. rtl rectal. rt lat right lateral. RTM Registered trademark; Routine treat¬ ment, medical (see RMT). RTN Renal tubular necrosis. RT(N)(ARRT) Radiologic Technologist (Nuclear Medicine) (certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists). rTNF Recombinant tumor necrosis factor. RTNM Retreatment staging of cancer.

RTO Return to office; Right toe-off. RTOG Radiation therapy oncology group. RTP Regional Transplant Program; Renal transplant(ation) patient; Reverse transcrip¬ tase-producing (agent).

(Radiography) (certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists). RTRD Registry of Tissue Reactions to Drugs (AFIP).

RTRR Return to recovery room. RTS Real time scan; Return to sender; Right toe-strike; Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.

RTT Radiation Therapy Technician. RT(T)(ARRT) Radiologic Technologist (Radiation Therapy) (certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists).

RTU Relative time unit. RT3U; rT3U Resin/ Reverse triiodothyronine uptake (laboratory test/ endocrinology).

RTUS Realtime ultrasound. RTV Room temperature vulcanization (= Room-temperature-vulcanizing).

RTW Return to work (see R/W). RTWD Return to work determination. RTx Radiation therapy. RU Radioulnar; Rat/ Reading/ Resistance/ Roentgen (Rontgen) unit; Reading of unknown; Residual urine; Resin uptake; Retrograde urogram; Right upper; Routine urinalysis (see RUA).

Ru Ruthenium (Z = 44) (see Elements Ruthenium),

ru radiation unit. RU-1 Human embryonic lung fibroblasts. RUA Routine urine analysis (= RU). rub red (L. ruber). RUCM Rutgers University College of Medicine. RUfrcat Urine concentration of creatine, right kidney.

RUD Recurrent ulcer of the duodenum (duo¬ denal bulb). RUE Right upper extremity. RU-EF-Tb Isoniazid. RUG Retrograde urethrogram. RUI Royal University of (Northern) Ireland.

RUL Right upper lid (eyelid)/ lateral/ limb/ lobe (of lung).

rt-PA Recombinant human tissue-type plas¬

RuMP Ribulose monophosphate pathway.

minogen activator. RTR Recreational Therapist, Registered; Red blood cell turnover rate; Retention time ratio. RT(R)(ARRT) Radiologic Technologist


Urine concentration of sodium, right

kidney. RUO Right ureteral orifice.

511 RUOQ Right upper outer quadrant (site of injection).

RVEF Right ventricular ejection fraction; Right ventricular end-flow.

RUP Right upper pole (of kidney). Ru5-P Ribulose-5-phosphate. rupt rupture(d).

RVET Right ventricular ejection time. RVF Renal vascular failure; Residual volume fraction (of the calf muscle pump) - RVF = RV/VV x 100 (RV = Residual volume; VV = Functional venous volume) - after ten tiptoe movements at the rate of one per second; Rift Valley fever; Right ventricular failure/ func¬ tion; Right visual field.

RUQ Right upper quadrant. RUR Resin-uptake ratio (nuclear medicine). RURTI Recurrent upper respiratory tract infection. RUS Radioulnar synostosis. RUSB Right upper sternal border. Rus P Russian Pharmacopeia. Russ Russian. RUV Residual urine volume. RUX Right upper extremity. RV Random variable; Rat/ Rauscher/ Rhino/ Rubella virus; Rectovaginal; Reinforcement value; Renal vein; Residual/ Respiratory vol¬ ume - the volume of air left in the lungs after full forced expiration (see PFT); Retroversion; Retrovirus; Return visit; Rheumatoid vasculitis; Right ventricle/cular; Rotavirus; Rubella vaccine; Russell viper. Rv Radius of view. RVA Re-entrant ventricular arrhythmia; Right ventricle/cular activation; Right vertebral artery. RVAD Right ventricular assist device. RVAW Right ventricle anterior wall. RVB Red venous blood. RVC Rectovaginal constriction; Rinse-vomit cycle - associated with binge eating or the "bingeing syndrome" in bulimia nervosa. ■ RVD Relative/ Right vertebral density; Right ventricular dimension/ dysplasia. RVDO Right ventricular diastolic overload. RVDV Right ventricular diastolic volume. RVE Right ventricular enlargement. RVECP Right ventricular endocardial poten¬ tial. RVEDD Right ventricular end-diastolic diam¬ eter. RVEDP Right ventricular end-diastolic pres¬ sure. RVEDV Right ventricular end-diastolic vol¬ ume. RVEDVI Right ventricular end-diastolic vol¬ ume index.

RVFP Right ventricular filling pressure. RVG Radionuclide ventriculography; Relative Value Guide; Right ventral gluteus (muscle); Right visceral ganglion. RVH Renovascular hypertension; Right ven¬ tricular hypertrophy. RVHD Rheumatic valvular heart disease. RVI Relative value index; Right ventricle infarction. RVIDd Right ventricle internal dimension diastole. RVIT Right ventricular inflow tract. RVL Right vastus lateralis (muscle). RVLG Right ventrolateral gluteal (site of injection). RVM Right ventricular mean. RVO Regional Veterinary Officer; Relaxed vaginal outlet; Retinal vein occlusion; Right ventriclar outflow/ overactivity. RVOT Right ventricular outflow tract. RVP Red veterinary petrolatum; Resting venous pressure; Right ventricular pressure. RVPEP Right ventricular pre-ejection period. RVPFR Right ventricular peak filling rate. RVPRA Renal vein plasma renin activity (= RVR). RVPW Rat ventral prostate weight. RVR Rapid/ Repetitive ventricular response; Reduced vascular response; Renal vascular resistance; Renal vein renin (activity) (see RVPRA); Resisitance to venous return. RVRA Renal vein/ venous renin activity/ assay. RVRC Renal vein renin concentration. RVS Rabies vaccine, adsorbed; Recto/ Retro vaginal space; Relative value scale/ schedule/ studies/ study; Reported visual sensation. RVSO Right ventricle/cular stroke output. RVSW Right ventricle/cular stroke work.


RVSWI Right ventricle/cular stroke work index. RVT Renal vein thrombosis. RVTE Recurrent/urring venous thromboem¬ bolism. RV-TLC; RV/TLC Residual volume/total lung capacity (= Ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity or compliance) (see PFT). RVU Relative value unit. RVV Reserve venous volume; Rubella vac¬ cine-like virus; Russell viper venom (time). RVVT Russell's viper venom time (= RVV). RW Radiological warfare; Ragweed; Respiratory work; Round window. R/W Return to work (= RTW). R-W Rideal-Walker (phenol coefficient test); Romano-Ward (syndrome); Rose-Waaler (test) (see SCAT; DAT). RWAGE Ragweed antigen E. RWIS Restraint and water immersion stress. RWM Regional wall motion. RWP Ragweed pollen; R-wave progression. RWS Ragweed sensitivity. Rx Radiotherapy (see RXT). Rx; Rx (= Rp; Rp) Drug(s); Medication; Pharmacy; Prescribe; Prescription; Prescription drug; Take (thou) (L. recipe); Therapy; Treatment. r(X) Right X chromosome. RXLI Recessive X-linked ichthyosis. RXN Reaction. RXT Radiation therapy (= Rx); Right exotropia. R-Y Roux-en-Y (anastomosis).


S S Antigen - found in human sera (challenged by sarcoma); Code (Wyeth Laboratories USA), for experimental substances; Desoxycortisol; Electrocardiography (S wave), a negative deflection following an R wave; Entropy; Exposure time; Half (L. semis) (see s); Left (L. sinister) (see s); Mean dose per unit cumulated activity; Midpoint of the sella turcica (point); Relative storage capacity; Sacral (in vertebral formulas); Saline; Salmonella; Saturated/ration; Schistosoma; Schizophrenia; Second (see sec); Secretion, e.g. Scr = Secretion of creati¬ nine; Section (see s); Sedimentation coeffi¬ cient (see S - Svedberg unit) (= s); Sella (tur¬ cica); Semilente (insulin) (see Insulin - SI i); Semis L. = half; Sen - coin representing one hundredth of a riel (Cambodia), rupiah (Indonesia), or yen (Japan); Senate (US); Senile/lity; Sensation/ Sensorium/ Sensory (see sens); Sensitive/vity (see sen); Sepsis (see s); Septum; Sequential analysis (drug ' study); Serine; Serum; Shigella (= Sh; Shig); Siderocyte; Siemens; Signa (L.) - label, let it be labeled, marked or written, mark, write (= Signetur; s); Signature (prescription); Signetur (L.) (see S - Signa); Silicate; Simulium; Sine (L.) = without; Single (mari¬ tal status/ unmarried) (= s); Singular (see sing); Sister; Slope; Smooth (colony) (= see S - bacterial colonies); Soft (diet) (see S diet); Solid; Soluble, e.g. S antigen, S insulin (see Insulin - SI ii), etc.; Solute; Son (= s); Sone (unit); South (= So); Space; Spatial; Special (precautions necessary for test) (see sp); Spherical; Spherical lens; Spirillum; Spleen; Standard (normal deviation); Staphylococcus; Stem (cell); Stimulus; Streptococcus; Streptomyces; Streptomycin (on culture/ sen¬ sitivity reports); Subject (of an experiment/ psychology/ etc.); Subjective findings; Substrate; Suction; Sulfur (Z = 16) (see Elements - Sulfur); Sum (of an arithmetic series) (= s); Supervision; Supramamillary (nucleus); Supravergence; Surface;

Surgeon/ery; Suture; Svedberg (unit of sedi¬ mentation coefficient) (= 1013 second); Swine; Swiss (mouse); Symbol (see Symbols); Synthesis (of DNA in cell cycle); Systole; Wave (on the electrocardiogram); Without (L. sine) (see s; Write/ Let it be writ¬ ten (prescription notation) (see S - Signa). s atomic orbital with angular momentum quantum number 0; distance; half (L. semis) (= S); left (L. sinister) (= S); length of path; sample standard deviation; satellite (chromo¬ some); scruple (apothecaries); second (unit of time) (see sec); section (see S); sedimentation coefficient (see S - Swedberg); see; sensation/ sensorium/ sensory (see sens); sensitive/vity (see sen); sepsis (= S); series; sign(ed); single (see S); singular (see sing); smooth (see S); soluble (see S); son (see S); suckling; sum (see S); without (L. sine) (= S; £; s); write/ label (see S - Signa). § without (L. sine) (see s; Symbols - 5, Medicine and Pharmacy). X Sigma - the 18th (Capital) letter of the Greek alphabet; See Symbols 5, Medicine and Pharmacy: Sum/ Summation of series (= S); Syphilis (euphemistic abbreviation); Without (L. sine) (see s). a conductivity; cross section; millisecond or one-thousandth part of a second; molecular bond/ type; sigma - the 18th (lower case/ small) letter of the Greek alphabet; standard deviation (population); stress; surface ten¬ sion; wave number (see Symbols - 5). s- symmetric isomer. AS Entropic variation (see Symbols - 2, Calculation). S1-S5 First to fifth sacral nerves. S, First heart sound. s'1 cycles per second. 52 Second heart sound. -S2- Dithio (Chemical group). s2 sample variance. 53 Third heart sound (ventricular gallop). 4 S Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study. 54 Fourth heart sound (atrial gallop); A protein fraction in normal serum with a sedimenta¬ tion coefficient of four S-units (= Sedimentation or Svedberg units). S7 A protein fraction in normal human serum.


S19 Normal ultracentrifugal macroglobulin, a protein fraction in normal human serum. SA, Symptoms or signs (see Symbols - 6, Numeration - XJ lambda/ 30). S 46 Pheneturide (= Ethylphenacemide). An anticonvulsant drug, used chiefly in the treat¬ ment of major and temporal lobe epilepsy. S 62 Chlorphentermine hydrochloride. An anorectic agent used in the treatment of obe¬ sity. S 768 Fenfluramine hydrochloride. An anorec¬ tic agent used in obesity and claimed to have no stimulating effect on the central nervous system. S 1942 Bromophos. An organophosphorus insecticide. SA According to the art (L. secundum artem) (see sa); Salicylic acid; Saline (solution) (see Sa); Salt added; Salvation Army; Sarcoidosis; Sarcoma (see Sa); Scalenus anticus; Science Abstracts (IEE, UK/ journal); Science American (journal); Secondary amenorrhea/ anemia/ arrest; Self/ Semen/ Spectrum analy¬ sis; Self assessment (see S-A); Sensitizing antibody; Serum albumin/ aldolase; Sex appeal; Sexual addict; Simian adenovirus; Sinoatrial/ Sinoauricular (node) (see S-A); Sinus arrest/ arrhythmia; Skin-adipose (unit); Sleep apnea; Slightly active; Slowly adapting (receptors); Social acquiescence; Society of Actuaries; Soluble in alkaline (medium/ solu¬ tion); South Africa/ America; Soybean agglu¬ tinin; Spanish American; Specific/ Spiking/ Sympathetic activity; Standard accuracy; State of anxiety; Stimulus artifact; Stokes/ Adams (attacks/ syndrome); Subarachnoid; Subject to approval; Succinylacetone; Suicide alert/ attempt; Surface antigen/ area; Surgical assistant; Sustained action (see S-A); Systemic aspergillosis. Sa Saline (solution) (= SA); Samarium (now, symbol: Sm; Z = 62) (see Elements Samarium/Sm); Sarcoma (= SA); Staphylococcus aureus; The most anterior point of the anterior contour of the sella turci¬ ca. sA Statampere. sa according to the art/ by skill (L. secundum

artem) (= SA); sufficient water (L. sufficiente aqua). S-A Self-assessment (= SA); Sinoatrial/ Sinoauricular (node) (= SA); Sustained action (= SA). S/A Same as. S/A; S&A Sickness and accident (insurance); Sugar and acetone (laboratory/ urinanalysis). S2A Second heart sound, aortic component. SA 446 2R,4R-2-(hydroxyphenyl)-3-(3-mercaptopropionyl)-4-thizolidine-carboxylic acid - Santen, Osaka, Japan. An angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (see SQ 14225). SAA Same as above (S = Same, A = As, A Above); Serum A related protein; Serum amyloid A; Serum aspartate aminotransferase; Severe aplastic anemia; Single article announcement (ACS custom information ser¬ vice); Speech Association of America; Stokes-Adams attack (see SA; SAS). SAADD Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry Digest (UK journal). SAAM 26 A computer program for the analy¬ sis of data in terms of models. SAAOT South African Association of Occupational Therapists. SAARD Slow-acting antirheumatic drug. SAAST Self-administered alcohol screening test. SAAT Serum aspartate aminotransferase (= SAST). SAB Science Advisory Board (EPA); Serum albumin; Significant asymptomatic bacteriuria; Sinoatrial/ Subarachnoid block; Society of American Bacteriologists; Spontaneous abortion; Subarachnoid bleed. SABE Subacute bacterial endocarditis (see SBE). SABENA Such a bloody experience never again! (after the terrorist PLO attack on the Sabena aircraft at Ben Gurion Airport, Lod, Israel, on May 8, 1972). SABP Spontaneous acute bacterial peritonitis. SAC Saccharin (see sacch); Sacrum; Screening and acute care; Self-Assessment of Communication (scale); Short-arm cast; South Australian Clinics (journal); Sub-area advisory council; Substance abuse counselor. Sac LSD-25 (sacrament) (see LSD; LSD 25).


SACB South African Cancer Bulletin (NCASF journal); Stereotactic automated core biopsy (= SALCB).

SACC Short arm cylinder cast, sacc cogwheel (respiration), sacch saccharin (= SAC). SACD Subacute combined degeneration (of the spinal cord).

SACE Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme. SACED Self-Assessment and Continuing Education Program.

SACH Small Animal Care Hospital; Solid ankle, cushioned heel (prosthesis or prosthet¬ ic foot).

SACHT Serum antichromotrypsin. SACS Secondary anticoagulation system. SACSF Subarachnoid cerebrospinal fluid. SACT Sinoatrial conduction time. SAD Scale of Anxiety and Depression; Seasonal affective disorder; Self-Assessment Depression (scale); Sexual aversion disorder; Small airway disease; Source-to-axis dis¬ tance; Subacute dialysis; Sugar, acetone, and diacetic acid; Sugar and acetone determina¬ tion; Suppressor-activating determinant; Systemic autoimmune disease. SADD Short-Alcohol Dependence Data (ques¬ tionnaire); Standardized assessment of depressive disorders; Students Against Drunk Driving. SADH Succinic acid dimethyl hydrazide. SADL Simulated activities of daily living. SADR Suspected adverse drug reaction. SADS Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia. SADS-C Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia - Change. SADS-L Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia - Lifetime.

SADT Stetson Auditory Discrimination Test. SAE Self-addressed envelope (see sae); Short above-elbow (cast); Specific action exercise; Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy; Supported arm exercise, sae self-addressed envelope (= SAE). SEAB Sinoatrial entrance block. SAEM Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. SAEP Salmonella abortus equi pyrogen.

SAF Polysilicic acid gel impregnated with a fluorescent indicator; Scrapie-associated fib¬ rils; Self-articulating femoral; Serum acceler¬ ator factor; Simultaneous auditory feedback. SAFA Soluble antigen fluorescent antibody (test).

SAFE Self Abuse Finally Ends (Psychiatric Program); Simulated aircraft fire and emer¬ gency.

SAFSASC Society for the Advancement of Free-Standing Ambulatory Surgical Care. SAG Salicyl acyl glucuronide; Swiss agam¬ maglobulinemia. Sag D Sagittal diameter.

SAGM Sodium chloride, adenine, glucose, and mannitol.

SAH S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine; Small ani¬ mal hospital; Subarachnoid hemorrhage; Systemic arterial hypertension. SaH Sandoz Pharmaceutical (USA) code for experimental substances.

SAHA Seborrhea-hypertrichosis/ -hirsutismalopecia (syndrome).

SAH-Gr Subarachnoid hemorrhage grade (I to V).

SAHH S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. SAHIGES Staphylococcus aureus hyperimmunoglobulinemia E syndrome. SAHMEE Simulator of Assorted Hazardous Malfunctions in Electrical Equipment. SAHS Sleep apnea-hypersomnolence (syn¬ drome). SAI Self-Analysis Inventory; Sexual Arousability Inventory; Social Adequacy Index (hearing); Sodium Amytal interview; Systemic active immunotherapy; Without other qualification (L. sine altera indicatione). SAICAR Succino-amino-imidazole-carboxamide ribotide (= Aminoimidazole-N-succinocarboxamine). SAID Specific adaptation to imposed demand (principle).

SAIDS Sexually acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Simian acquired immune deficien¬ cy syndrome. SAIMR South African Institute for Medical Research. SAJHM South African Journal of Hospital Medicine.


SAJLCM South African Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine (supple¬ ment to SAMJ).

SAJMLT South African Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology. SAJMS South African Journal of Medical Sciences.

SAJOG South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

SAJOT South African Journal of Occupational Therapy. SAJS South African Journal of Surgery (ASSA).

SAKS Secondary anticoagulation system. SAL Sensorineural activity/ acuity level; Suction-assisted lipectomy. Sal Salicylate/ylic (see Salicyl); Saline (= sal); Salmonella (see S; Salm); Salt (L. sal) (= sal), sal according to the rules of art/ the art (L. secundum artis leges/ legis); salicylate/ylic (see Salicyl); saline (see Sal); saliva; salt (see Sal). sAl Serum aluminium (level). SAL 12 Sequential analysis of 12 chemistry constituents, s ale soluble in alkalis. SALCB Stereotactic automated large-core biopsy (see SACB). Salicyl Salicylate/ylic (= Sal; sal). Salm Salmonella (= Sal) (see S). salping- prefix meaning tube (Gr. salpigx). SAM S-adenosyl-L-methionine (= SAME; SAMe); Scanning acoustic microscope; Scanning Auger microphobe; School of Aerospace Medicine (USAF); Self-adminis¬ tered medication; Sex arousal mechanism; Society for Adolescent Medicine; Sound-acti¬ vated monkey; Staphylococcal absorption method; Sulfated acid mucopolysaccharide; Surface active material; Surface-to-Air mis¬ sile; Systolic anterior motion/ movement (e.g. of the mitral valve apparatus). SAMA Scientific Apparatus Makers Association; South Africa Medical Association; Student American Medical

SAMDC South African Medical and Dental Council.

SAM-DC S-adenosyl-L-methionine decar¬ boxylase (= SAMD).

SAME; SAMe S-adenosyl-L-methionine (see SAM).

SAMEN South African Medical Equipment News (journal). SAMF Single antibody millipore filtration. SAMI Socially acceptable monitoring instru¬ ment (hearing). SAMJ South African Medical Journal. SAMO Senior Administrative Medical Officer.

SAMP Simulation analysis and modeling pro¬ gram (PHS).

SAMPE Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering. SAMS Society for Advanced Medical Systems.

SAMs Surface-to-Air missiles. S-AMY Serum amylase. SAN Side-arm nebulizer; Sinoatrial/ Sinoauricular node (see S-A node); Skin and Allergy News (journal); Slept all night; Solitary autonomous nodule(s) (thyroid). S-AN Sinoatrial/ Sinoauricular node (see S-A node).

SANA South African Nursing Association. Sanat Sanatorium. SANC Short-arm navicular cast. SANDR Sinoatrial nodal reentry,

sang sanguinous. sangui- prefix meaning blood (L. sanguis), sani; sanit sanitarium/tary/tation. SANJ South African Nursing Journal (SANA).

SA node See S-A node. S-A node Sinoatrial/ Sinoauricular node (= SA; S-A; SAN; S-AN; SA [node]). SANS Scale for the assessment of negative symptoms.

SANTA South African National Tuberculosis Association (journal).

SAMD S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxy¬

S antigen Soluble antigen. SANWS Sinoatrial node weakness syndrome. SAO Scottish Association of Opticians; Small

lase (see SAM-DC); Schizoaffective manic

airway obstruction; Splanchnic artery occlu¬

disorder (= SMD).




SA02 Oxygen saturation in alveolar gas.

SART Society for Assisted Reproductive

Sa02 Oxygen saturation in arterial blood. SAOB Sulfide antioxidant buffer. SAODAP Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention.

SART 02; SARTQ2; SArtG2 Oxygen satura¬ tion in systemic artery.

SAP Schizo-affective psychosis; Sensory action potential; Serum acid phosphatase; Serum alkaline phosphatase (see LFT iv); Serum amyloid P; Situs ambiguus with poly¬ splenia; Society of Analytical Psychology (UK); Standardized Assessment of Personality; Staphylococcus aureus protease; Strong Approach Group; Surfactant-associat¬ ed protein; Systemic arterial pressure, s ap Apothecary's scruple.

SAPA Science-A Process Approach (AAAS). SAPD Self-administration of psycho active/tropic drugs,

saph saphenous. SAPHO Synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperostosis-osteomyelitis (syndrome).

SAPM Society for the Aid of Psychological Minorities.

Sapon Saponification. SAPP Self-Assessment Program for Pediatricians; Sodium acid pyrophosphate,

sapro- prefix meaning putrid (Gr. sapros). SAPS Short arm plaster splint; Simplified Acute Physiology Score.

SAPX Salivary peroxidase. SAQ Short arc quadriceps (muscle). SAQC Statistical analysis of quality control. SAR Seasonal allergic rhinitis; Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism (journal); Sexual Attitude Reassessment (Seminar); Sexual atti¬ tude reconstruction; South African Refractionist (Society of Opticians journal); Structure-activity relationship (dentistry); Suspected adverse reaction(s); Systemic arter¬ ial resistance. SAr; Sar Sulfarsphenamine/ Sulpharsphenamine. SARA Sexually acquired reactive arthritis; Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization; System for anesthetic and respiratory admin¬ istration. Sarc Sarcoma; Sarcosine. sarc- prefix meaning flesh (Gr. sarx).


SAS Saline, agent, and saline; Self-rating anx¬ iety scale; Short arm spint; Sklar Aphasia Scale; Sleep apnea syndrome (= SDS); Small animal surgery; Small aorta syndrome; Society for Applied Spectroscopy; Sodium acetate solution; Sodium aluminium sulfate; Sodium amylosulfate; Somatostatin; Space/ Stress adaptation syndrome; Spinal artery stenosis; Statistical Analysis System; Sterile aqueous solution/ suspension; Stokes-Adams syndrome; Strategic Armed Services (USA); Students Advocate System (AMA); Subaortic stenosis; Subarachnoid space; Sulfasalazine; Supravalvular aortic stenosis; Surface-active substance(s); Synchronous atrial stimulation. SASE Self-addressed stamped envelope. Saser Sound amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (of sound quanta or phonons) ("Sound laser"). SASH Saline, agent, saline, and heparin. SASHEP Study of Accreditation of Selected Health Education Programs.

SASMAS Skin-adipose superficial musculoaponeurotic system.

SASP Salicylazosulfapyridine. SASPP Syndrome of absence of the septum pellucidum with preencephaly. SAST Self-administered Alcoholism Screening Test; Selective arterial secretin injection test; Serum aspartate transferase (see SAAT).

SAT Oxygen saturation (blood); Satellite (see Sat); Scholastic Aptitude Test (psychology); School Ability Test (psychology); Serum antitrypsin; Single-agent chemotherapy; Slide agglutination test; Sodium ammonium thio¬ sulfate; Speech awareness threshold; Spermatogenic/ Spontaneous activity test; Standard achievement test; Subacute thyroidi¬ tis; Symptomless autoimmune thyroiditis; Systematic assertive therapy; Without thymonucleic acid (L. sine acido thymonucleinico). Sat Satellite (= SAT); Saturate(d)/turation (see sat); Saturday.


sat saturate (= Sat); saturated (— Sat; satd, sat’d); saturation (= Sat; satn; sat’n). SATA Spatial average, temporal average.

SATB Special aptitude test battery, satd; sat'd saturated (see sat). SATL Surgical Achilles tendon lengthening, satn; sat'n saturation (see sat). SATP Spatial average temporal peak, sat sol saturated solution. SAU Statistical analysis unit. SAUS Statistical Abstract of the United States. SAV Sequential atrioventricular (pacing); Strong Avoidance (group).

SAVAJ South African Veterinary Association Journal.

SAVD Spontaneous assisted vaginal delivery. SAVMA South African Veterinary Medical Association. SAW Surface acoustic wave. SAX Strong anion exchanger (chromatogra¬ phy).

SB Bachelor of Science (see BSc); Safety belt; Sandbag; SANTA Bantu (journal); SchwartzBarter (syndrome); Sengstaken-Blakemore (tube); Serum bilirubin (see LFT iv); Shortness of breath; Sick bay; Sideroblast; Single blind (study)/ breath; Sinus bradycar¬ dia; Skin button (see PETS); Small bowel/ business; Sodium balance; Social Biology (journal); Soybean; Spastic bronchitis; Sperm bank; Spina bifida; Spontaneous blastogenesis/ breathing; Standby; Stanford-Binet (Intelligence Scale/ Test) (see SBIS); Stereotyped behavior; Sternal border; Still birth/ born; Sucrida Berna (butylmetanilylurea); Surface binding; Surgical Business (journal); Syringobulbia. Sb Antimony (L. stibium) (Z = 51) (see Elements - Antimony); Strabismus (eye examination),

sb stilb. S-B Stanford-Binet (Intelligence Scale) (see SBIS). S/B Side bending. S/B Sickle cell beta-thalassemia. SBA Serum bactericidal activity; Serum bile acid; Sick bay attendant (Navy); Small Business Administration; Soybean agglutinin;

Spina bifida aperta; Spina Bifida Association (see SBAA); Stand-by assistance/nt. SBAA Spina Bifida Association of America (= SBA).

S bacterial colonies Smooth bacterial colonies (= S).

SBB Stimulation-bound behavior. SBC Serum bactericidal concentration; Society of Biological Chemists; Special back care; Spina bifida cystica (= MMC); Standard bicarbonate (blood); Strict bed confinement.

SbCl3 Antimony trichloride. SBD Senile brain disease; Structural brain damage/ disease/ disorder. S-BD Seizure-brain damage (see CVA).

SbDH Sorbitol dehydrogenase. SBE Breast self-examination; Short belowelbow (cast); Shortness of breath on exertion; Standard base excess; Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SABE).

SBET Society of Biomedical Equipment Technicians.

SB experiment/ study Single blind experi¬ ment/ study.

SBF Serologic/ Serum/ Specific blocking fac¬ tors); Skin Bank Fluid - containing a bal¬ anced salt solution with sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium chloride, potassium acid and sodium phosphate, phenol red solu¬ tion, and plasma, sterilized by filtration, with addition of the antibiotic neomycin sulfate; Splanchnic/ Subendocardial blood flow. SB&F AAAS Science Books and Films (jour¬ nal).

SBFT Small bowel follow-through. SBG Selenite brilliant green; Stand-by guard. SBGM Self blood glucose monitoring. SBH Sea-blue histiocyte; State Board of Health. SBI Soybean (trypsin) inhibitor (see ST1); Systemic bacterial infection. SBIC Small Business Investment Company (SBA).

SBIS Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (= SB; S-B). SBL Soybean lecithin. sBL Sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma. SBLA Sarcoma, breast and brain tumors.


leukemia, laryngeal and lung cancer, and adrenal cortical carcinoma. SB-LM Stanford-Binet (Intelligence Test) Form LM. SBMJ Selections from the British Medical Journal. SBMS-UC School of Basic Medical Sciences at Urbana Champaign (Illinois). SBN Standard book number (now ISBN). SBN2 Single-breath nitrogen (test) (see SBNT). SBNS Society of British Neurological Surgeons. SBNT Single-breath nitrogen test. SBNW Single-breath nitrogen washout. SBO Small bowel obstruction; Spina bifida occulta. Sb203 Antimony trioxide. Sb2Os Antimony oxide (pentoxide). Sb406 Antimonious oxide. SBOD Scleral buckle, right eye (L. oculus dexter). SBOM Soybean oil meal. SBOS Scleral buckle, left eye (L. oculus sinis¬ ter).

SBOT Single-breath oxygen test. SBP Schizobipolar; School breakfast program; Scleral buckling procedure; Serotonin-bind¬ ing protein; Small bowel phytobezoars; Society of Biological Psychiatry; Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; Steroid¬ binding plasma (protein); Sulfobromophthalein (see BSP); Supine/ Systemic/ Systolic blood pressure. SBQ Smoking Behavior Questionnaire.

SBQC Small based quad cane. SBR Small bowel resection; Spleen-to-body (weight) ratio; Strict bed rest; Styrene-butadi¬ ene rubber. SBRN Sensory branch of radial nerve. SBS Sealed/ Sick/ Stuffy building syndrome (see TBS); Shaken baby syndrome; Short bowel syndrome; Sinobronchial syndrome; Small bowel series; Social breakdown syn¬ drome; Standard buffer solution; Straight back syndrome.

SBSS Seligmann's buffered salt solution. SBStJ Serving Brother Order of St. John (of Jerusalem).

SBT Serum bactericidal titer; Single-breath test; Sulbactam. SBTI Soybean trypsin inhibitor (see STI). SBTPE State Boards Test Pool Examination. SBTT Small bowel transit time. SBV Singular binocular vision. SC Closure of the semilunar valves; Conditioned stimulus; Namely (L. scilicet); Sacrococcygeal; Safety code; Sanitary Corps; Satellite/ Schwann/ Sezary/ Sick/ Sickle (see S-C) cell; Scalenus (muscle); Scapula (see Sc); Schizophrenia (= Schiz); Sciatica; Science/ntific (see Sc); Scintillation counter; Scruple (L. scrupulus) (see sc); Searle, GD & Co. (USA) code for experimental substances; Secondary cleavage; Secretory component; Self/ Supportive care; Semicircular; Semiclosed; Semilunar (valve) closure; Serum cholinesterase (see LFT iv); Serum calcium (ionized)/ complement/ creatinine; Service-connected; Sex chromatin; Short cir¬ cuit; Sierra Club (The); Sigmoid colon; Silicone-coated; Single chemical; Skin condi¬ tion/ conduction; Slow component; Snellen's chart (test type/ eye); Society of Chiropodists (UK); Society for/of Cryosurgery; Sodium citrate; Soluble complex; Spastic colon (see IBS); Special/ Stepped care; Specific conduc¬ tance; Spinal canal/ cord; Sqamous carcino¬ ma; Statistical control; Statistics Canada; Sternoclavicular (joint); Stratum corneum; Subcellular; Subclavian; Subcommittee; Subcorneal; Subcortical; Subcutaneous(ly) (= sc; scu; SQ; sq; subcut; subq); Succinylcholine (see SCh); Sugar-coated; Sulfur-carbon/ colloid; Superior colliculus; Surface colony; Sydenham's chorea (= RC Rheumatic chorea); Systemic candidiasis; Systolic click.

Sc Scandium (Z = 21) (see Elements Scandium); Scapula (= SC; SCAP); Science/ Scientific (= SC); Screening.

sC statcoulomb. sc scruple (L. scrupulus) - measure of weight (= SC); subcutaneous(ly) (see SC); without correction (L. sine correctio) - in eye exami¬ nation. S-C Sickle-cell (hemoglobin C anemia/ dis¬ ease) (= SC).


S&C Sclerae and conjunctivae. 5-SC 5-Scysteinyl dopa. SC 3497 Aminometradine (= Aminometrad; Aminometramide). A relatively weak diuretic whose precise mode of action is unknown; used to control edema in mild cases of con¬

SCAA Skin Care Association of America; Sporadic cerebral amyloid angiopathy. SCAb Autoantibodies/dy to stratum corneum. SCABG Single coronary artery bypass graft

gestive heart failure. SC 9387 Pipamazine. A phenothiazine tran¬ quillizing agent, used chiefly in controlling vomiting associated with anesthesia, radiation therapy, cytotoxic drug therapy, etc. In anti¬ emetic doses it has little sedative action. SC 9420 Spironolactone (= Spirolactone). A synthetic steroid with a structure resembling that of the natural adrenocortical hormone aldosterone. It acts as a competitive inhibitor of aldosterone, which promotes the retention of sodium and the excretion of potassium by the distal renal tubules. It thus increases sodi¬ um and reduces potassium excretion, and so differs from chlorthiazide and similar diuret¬ ics which act on the proximal tubules increas¬ ing sodium excretion, but do not prevent the excretion of potassium by the distal tubules. Used as a diuretic in the management of edema associated with congestive heart fail¬ ure, hepatic cirrhosis and ascites, and the nephrotic syndrome, and also in idiopathic

Clinical Microbiology. SCAG Sandoz Clinical Assessment - Geriatric

edema. SC 10363 Megestrol acetate (see BDH 1298). SC 11585 Oxandrolone. A synthetic sex hor¬ mone with anabolic and androgenic actions; contraindicated in patients with liver distur¬ bances. SC 11800 Ethynodiol diacetate. A synthetic sex hormone with progestational actions and a potent inhibitor of ovulation. Used in the treatment of primary and secondary amenor¬ rhea and of functional uterine bleeding, and as a contraceptive, usually in combination with an estrogen such as mestranol. SCA Self-care agency; Severe congenital anomaly; Sickle-cell anemia (see S-C); Single-channel analyzer; Sperm-coating anti¬ gen; Spinocerebellar ataxia; Steroidal-cell antibody; Subclavian artery; Subcutaneous abdominal (block); Superior cerebellar artery; Suppressor cell activity. SCa Serum calcium (see SC).

(operation/ heart). SCACM South Central Association for

(rating/ scale).

Scalp The Scalpel (journal). SCAMC Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. SCAMIN Self-Concept and Motivation Inventory. SCAN Suspected child abuse and/or neglect; Systolic coronary artery narrowing.

Scand Scandinavia(n). SCAP Scapula (see Sc), scapho- prefix meaning boat-shaped (Gr. skaphe). SCARF Skeletal abnormalities, cutis laxa, craniostenosis, psychomotor retardation, facial abnormalities (syndrome). SCAT School and College Ability Test; Sheep cell agglutination test (= Rose Waaler test) immunological assay for Rheumatoid factor; Sickle cell anemia test; Sports Competition Anxiety Test; Stanford Crash Analysis Team. Scat Box or package (L. scatula); Scatological. Scat orig Original/ Manufacturer's package (and label) (L. scatula originalis). SCB Sentence construction board; Strictly confined to bed. SCBA Self-contained breathing apparatus. SCBC Small cell bronchogenic carcinoma. SCBF Spinal cord blood flow. SCBG Symmetric calcification of the basal cerebral ganglia. SCBH Systemic cutaneous basophil hypersen¬ sitivity. SCBP Stratum corneum basic protein. SCBU Special care baby unit. SCC Science Council of Canada; Sequential combination chemotherapy; Service(s) for Crippled Children; Short-circuit current; Short-course chemotherapy; Sickle Cell Center(s) (NHLI); Sickle cell crisis; Small/ Squamous cell carcinoma (see SCCa); Small


cleaved cell; Society of Cosmetic Chemists (New York); Spinal cord compression; Standard cubic centimeter (of a gas); State Curriculum Commission; Subcortical cyto¬ plasm. SCCA Semi-closed circle absorber; Single¬ cell cytotoxicity assay. SCCa Small/ Squamous cell carcinoma (= SCC). SCCB Small-cell carcinoma of the bronchus. SCCC Squamous cell cervical carcinoma. SCCH Sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis. SCCL Small cell carcinoma of the lung. SCCM Sertoli cell culture medium; Society for Critical Care Medicine. SCCT Severe cerebrocranial trauma. SCD Sequential compression device; Serviceconnected disability; Sickle-cell disease; Spinal cord disease; Spinocerebellar degener¬ ation; Subacute combined degeneration (of the spinal cord); Subacute coronary disease; Sudden cardiac death; Systemic carnitine deficiency. ScD Doctor of Science (see DSc). ScDA Scapulodextra anterior (L.) (right scapuloanterior) - position of the fetus. SCDA Self-contained dropping bottle. SCDIC Sickle-Cell Detection and Information Center.

S-C disease Sickle-cell hemoglobin C disease. ScDP Scapulodextra posterior (L.) (right scapuloposterior) - position of the fetus. SCE Secretory carcinoma of the endometri¬ um; Sister chromatid exchange; Split hand cleft lip/ palate ectodermal (dysplasia); Subcutaneous emphysema. SCe Somatic cell. SCEH Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

SCEMIA Self-contained enzymic membrane immunoassay.

SCEP Sandwich counterelectrophoresis; Spinal and cortical evoked potential (see SSEP). SCER Sister chromatid exchange rate. SCF Save the Children Federation/ Fund; Skin Cancer Foundation; Standard cubic feet (gas).

SCFA Short-chain fatty acid (serum). SCFE Slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

SCFH Standard cubic feet per hour (gas flow).

SCFM Standard cubic feet per minute (gas flow) (= SCF/min; Scf/min).

SCF/min; Scf/min See SCFM. SCG Serum chemistry graph; Serum chemogram; Sodium cromoglycate; Superior cervical ganglion. SCGMB La Societe Canadienne de Genie Medical et Biologique (= CMBES). SCh Succinylchloride; Succinylcholine (= SC; SUX). Sch Schering Corporation (USA) code for experimental substances. SChE Serum cholinesterase. Sched Schedule. SCHF Southern California Housestaff Federation. SCHISTO Schistocytes. schisto- prefix meaning split (Gr. schizo). SCHIZ Schizocytes. Schiz; schiz Schizophrenia. Schizo Schizophrenia (journal, now Orthomolec Psychiat). schizo- prefix meaning divided (Gr. schizein). SCHL Subcapsular hematoma of the liver. SCHLP Supracricoid hemilaryngopharyngectomy.

Schoolboy Codeine (see Cod; cod). SCI Science Citation Index; Science of Creative Intelligence (TM Transcendental Meditation); Single component insulin (see Insulin - SCI); Spinal cord injury; Structured clinical interview.

Sci Science/ntific. SCID Severe combined immune/ immuno deficiency (disease, disorder or syndrome) (see CSD).

SCIDS; SCIDs Severe combined immune/ immuno deficiency syndrome (see CSD).

Science (journal). SCII Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory. SC-insulin Single component insulin (see Insulin - SCI).

scint scintigram. SCIPP Sacrococcygeal to inferior pubic point. Sci Res Scientific Research (journal). SCIS Science Curriculum Improvement Study (NSF funded); Spinal cord injury service.


SCITEC Scientific, Engineering and Technological Community of Canada Association. SCIU Spinal cord injury unit. SCIV Subclavian/ Subcutaneous intravenous.

SCIWORA Spinal cord injury without radi¬ ographic abnormality. SCJ Squamocolumnar junction; Sternoclavicular/ Sternocostal joint. SCK Serum creatine kinase (laboratory/ chemistry).

SCL Scleroderma (= Scl; Scld; Scler; Sclero); Serum copper level; Sinus cycle length; Skin conductance level; Soft contact lens; Spinal cord lesion (cervical/ lumbar); Symptom/ Syndrome checklist. Scl Scleroderma (see SCL); Sclerosed/osis/otic (see scl). scl sclerosed/osis/otic (= Scl; Scler; Sclero). ScLA Scapulolaeva anterior (L.) (left scapu¬ loanterior) - position of the fetus.

SCLC Small cell lung carcinoma. SCLD Sickle-cell chronic lung disease. Scld Scleroderma (see SCL). SCLE Sub/ Subacute cutaneous lupus erythe¬ matosus. Scler Scleroderma (see SCL); Sclerosed/osis/otic (see scl). Sclero Scleroderma (see SCL); Sclerosed/osis/otic (see scl). sclero- prefix meaning hard (Gr. skleros). ScLP Scapulolaeva posterior (L.) - left scapu¬ loposterior (position of the fetus). SCLS Systemic capillary leak syndrome. SCLs Soft contact lenses. SCM Schwann/ Streptococcal cell membrane; Sensation, circulation, and motion; Society for Computers in Medicine; Society of Community/ Computer Medicine; Sodium colistimethate; Soluble cytotoxic medium; Spleen cell-conditioned medium; Spondylitic caudal myelopathy; Standard cubic meter (of gas at STP - Standard temperature and pres¬ sure); State Certified Midwife (UK); Sternocleidomastoid; Structure of the cyto¬ plasmic matrix; Surface-connecting mem¬ brane.

SCMBP Saratoga Conference on Molecular Biology and Pathology.

SCMC S-carboxymethyl-L-cysteine (a mucoregulatory agent); Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (= Sodium cellulose glycollate) - used as a suspending agent for insoluble powders in aqueous preparations; Spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity. SCMD Senile choroidal macular degenera¬ tion.

SCMO Senior Clerical Medical Officer. SCN Potassium thiocyanate; Special care nursery/sing; Suprachiasmatic nucleus. SCNA Surgical Clinics of North America (journal).

SCNS Subcutaneous nerve stimulation. SCO Sclerocystic ovary; Society for Contemporary Ophthalmology; Society for Cryo-Ophthalmology; Somatic crossing-over; Southern Council of Optometrists; Subcommissural organ. SCOP; Scop Scopolamine. SCOPE Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment. -scope suffix meaning view (Gr. skopeo). SCOR Specialized Centers of Research (NHLI).

SCORE Service Corps of Retired Executives (see ACTION).

Scot Scotland/ Scottish. SCP Senior Companion Program (see ACTION); Single cell(ed) protein; Sodium cellulose phosphate; Soluble cytoplasmic pro¬ tein; Somatosensory cortical potential (see SSCP); Spastic cerebral palsy; Spherical can¬ dle power (see scp); Submucous cleft palate; Sugar-coated pill; Superior cerebral peduncle,

scp spherical candle power (= SCP). SCPK Serum creatine phosphokinase. SCPNT Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test.

SCPV Special Virus Cancer Program (see SVCP).

SCR Schick conversion rate; Scruple (see scr); Seclusion/ Special care room; Siliconcontrolled rectifier; Skin conductance response; Slow-cycling rhodopsin; Solar cos¬ mic rays; Spondylitic caudal radiculopathy. SCr Serum creatinine. Scr Scruple (see scr).


scr scruple (= SCR; Scr) - a measure of weight = 20 gr (grains or 1.296 g (grams). SCRAD Standing Committee on Radiation Dosimetry (AAPM). SCRAM Speech-controlled respirometer for ambulation measurement. SCRAP Simple complex reaction-time appa¬ ratus. SCRDP Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention. SCRF Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation. scRNA Small cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid. SCS Saethre-Chotzen syndrome; Schilder's cerebral sclerosis; Shared computer system; Silicon-controlled switch; Society of Clinical Surgery; Soil Conservation Service (USDA); Spinal cord stimulation; Spinal cord syn¬ drome (= CSCS; NCSCS); Still-Chauffard syndrome (see JCA - Juvenile chronic arthri¬ tis; Juvenile form of FS or Felty's syndrome; SD - Still's disease); Systolic click syndrome. SCSA Soil Conservation Society of America. SCSB Static charge sensitive bed. SCSIT Southern California Sensory Integration Test. $CSP Senior Community Service Project (NCA). SCT Salinity, conductivity, and temperature (meter); Salmon calcitonin (see sCt); Secondary cerebral tumor; Sentence comple¬ tion test; Sex chromatin test; Sexual compati¬ bility test; Sickle-cell trait; Sperm cytotoxici¬ ty; Spinal computed tomography; Spinocerebellar tract; Spinocervicothalamic; Staphylococcal clumping test; Sugar-coated tablet. sCt Salmon calcitonin (= SCT). SCTAT Sex cord tumor with annular tubules.

SCTx Spinal cervical traction. SCTZ Chloromethiazole edisylate (= Chlormethiazole ethanedisulfonate; Chloroethyl-methyl-thiazole; Wy 1485) - a hypnotic drug, with muscle-relaxant and anti-convulsant properties, used in the treatment of delir¬ ium tremens and other acute alcoholic states, acute mania, and some types of insomnia. SCU Self-care/ Special care unit; Sulfur-coat¬ ed urea (fertilizer).

scu subcutaneous(ly) (see SC). SCUBA Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.

SCUD Septicemic cutaneous ulcerative dis¬ ease.

SCUF Slow continuous ultrafiltration therapy. SCUM Secondary carcinoma of the upper mediastinum.

SCU-PA Single-chain urokinase plasminogen activator.

SCUT Schizophrenic chronic undifferentiated type.

SCV Sensory nerve conduction velocity; Smooth, capsulated, virulent (bacteria); Squamous-cell carcinoma of the vulva; Subclavian vein; Subcutaneous vaginal (block). SCV-CPR Simultaneous compression ventila¬ tion - cardiopulmonary resuscitation. SCX Strong cation exchanger. SD Sandhoff/ Stable/ Still's disease; Science Development (program - NSF); Science Digest (journal); Scleroderma; Segmental demyelination; Senile degeneration; Senile dementia; Septal/ Serum defect; Serologically defined/ detectable/ detected/ determined (antigen); Severely disabled; Shell Development Corporation; Shine-Dalgarno (sequence); Short dialysis; Shoulder disartic¬ ulation/ dislocation; Shy-Draper (syndrome); Sickle-cell hemoglobin D (see S-D); Skin destruction/ dose; Somatization disorder; Spectrodensitometer; Sperm diaphorase; Sphincter dilatation; Spontaneous delivery; Sporadic/ Spreading depression; SpragueDawley (rat); Standard deviation/ diet; Star dust (cocaine) (see Erythroxylum); Statistical documentation; Stensen duct; Sterile dress¬ ing; Steroid-dependent (see S-D); Stimulus, discriminative (see Sd); Stimulus drive (see Sd); Stone disintegration; Straight drainage; Strength duration (see S-D); Streptodornase; Streptozocin and doxorubicin; Study-disease (drug cost); Sudden death; Superintendent of Documents (GPO); Superoxide dismutase; Surgical drain; Systolic discharge. Sd Stimulus drive (psychology) (= SD). S-D Sickle-cell hemoglobin D (disease) (= SD); Steroid-dependent (= SD); Strength-


duration (curve) (= I-D; SD); Suicide-depres¬ sion.

S/D Sharp/ dull; Supply/ demand; Systolic/ diastolic (blood pressure). Sd Discriminative stimulus (= SD - Stimulus, discriminative). S&D Stomach and duodenum. SDA Sabouraud dextrose agar; Sacrodextra anterior (L.) - right sacroanterior (position of fetus); Serologically defined/ detectable/ detected/ determined antigen(s); Seventh-Day Adventist; Sialodacryoadenitis; Specific dynamic action/ activity; State Dental Association; Steroid-dependent asthma; Succinic dehydrogenase activity.

SD antigens Serologically defined/ detectable/ detected/ determined antigen(s). SDAT Senile dementia of Alzheimer’s type. SDB Self-destructive behavior; Sleep-disor¬ dered breathing; Society for Developmental Biology; Standards Development Branch (EPA). SDBP Seated/ Standing/ Supine diastolic blood pressure.

SDC Serum digoxin concentration (= SDL); Sleep Disorders Center; Sodium deoxycholate; Subacute combined degeneration (see SCD); Subclavian (hemo) dialysis catheter; Succinyldicholine. SD&C Suction, dilation, and curettage. SDCL Symptom distress check list. SDD Selective digestive (tract) decontamina¬ tion; Sporadic distress disease/ disorder; Sterile dry dressing.

Sd/d Standard deviation of the absolute differ¬ ences.

SDDS 2-Sulfamoyl-4,4'diaminodiphenylsulfone.

SDE Specific dynamic effect; Subdural empyema.

SDEEG Stereotactic depth electroencephalog¬ raphy.

SDES Symptomatic diffuse esophageal spasm. SDF Slow death factor; Stress distribution fac¬ tor.

SDG Sucrose density gradient. SDH Serine dehydrase; Sorbitol dehydroge¬ nase; Spinal dorsal horn; Subdural hematoma; Succinate/nic dehydrogenase.

SDHD Sudden death heart disease. SDI Selective Dissemination of Information (SSIE) (see SDILINE); Severe depressive ill¬ ness; Standard deviation interval; State dis¬ ability insurance (plan); Survey diagnostic instrument. S diet Soft diet (= S - Soft). SDIHD Sudden death ischemic heart disease.

SDILINE Selective Dissemination of Information On-Line (NLM - National Library of Medicine/ data bank) (= SDI). SDL Serum digoxin (see SDC)/ drug level; Speech discrimination level/ loss,

sdl sideline; subline. SDM Sensory detection method; Standard deviation of the mean; Streptomycin depen¬ dent mutant (Shigella).

SDN Sexually dimorphic nucleus. SDNA Single-strand deoxyribonucleic acid. SDO Sudden dosage/ dose onset. SDP Sacrodextra posterior (L.) - right sacrop¬ osterior (fetal position); Stomach, duodenum, and pancreas; Systems development project. SDPD Self-defeating personality disorder. SDPH Sodium diphenylhydantoin (= Phenytoin).

SDR Signal-to-distortion ratio; Spontaneously diabetic rat; Standard density reference; Surgical dressing room.

S/D ratio Supply/demand ratio. SDRT Standard Diagnostic Reading Test. SDS Same day surgery; School Dental Service(s); Self-rating depression scale; Sensory deprivation syndrome; Sexual differ¬ entiation scale; Shy-Drager syndrome; Single-dose suppression; Sleep disorder syn¬ drome (see SAS); Sodium dodecylsulfate; Specific Diagnosis/ Diagnostic Service; Speech discrimination score; Standard devia¬ tion score; Sudden death syndrome (see SAS); Sulfadiazine silver; Sustained depolar¬ izing shift.

Sds Sounds. SD-SK Streptodornase-streptokinase (enzymes).

SDS/PAGE; SDS-PGE Sodium dodecylsul¬ fate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. SDT Sacrodextra transversa (L.) - right sacrotransverse (position of the fetus); Signal


detection theory; Single donor transfusion; Speech detection threshold. SDt Standard deviation of total scores. SDU Standard deviation unit; Step-down unit. SDUB Short double upright brace. SDVB Styrene divinylbenzene. SDW Separated, divorced, or widowed. SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act (1974). SE Saline enema; Sanitary engineer(ing); Seeing Eye (dog for the blind); Self-explana¬ tory; Series elasticity; Side effect(s) (see S/E); Skin electrode; Smoke exposure; Society for Endocrinology (UK); Soft exu¬ dates; Solid extract; Southeast; Spatial-emo¬ tional (stimulus); Sphenoethmoidal (suture); Spherical/ Starch equivalent; Spin-echo; Spongiform encephalopathy; SpurwayEddowes (syndrome) (see S-E); Standard error; Staphylococcal endotoxin/ enterotoxin; Starr-Edwards (prosthesis) (see S-E); Status epilepticus; Sterol ester; Subendothelial. Se Secretion; Selenium (Z = 34) (see Elements - Selenium). S-E Spurway-Eddowes (syndrome) (= SE); Starr-Edwards (prosthesis) (= SE; S-E pros¬ thesis; S-E valve). S/E Side effect(s) (= SE). S&E Safety and efficiency. 75Se Radioactive selenomethionine (75) (nuclear medicine). SEA Sheep erythrocyte agglutination (test) (see SEAT); Shock-elicited aggression; Soluble egg antigen; Spontaneous electrical activity (physiology); Staphylococcal entero¬ toxin A; Surgical Educational Authorities/ity. SEAMHO Southeast Asia Medical and Health Organization (WHO - UN). SEAT Sheep erythrocyte agglutination test (= SEA; SEA test). SEA test See SEAT. SEB Seborrhea; Staphylococcal enterotoxin B.

SEBA Staphylococcal enterotoxin B anti¬ serum.

SEBL Self-emptying blind loop. SEBM Society for/of Experimental Biology and Medicine.

SEC Secretin; Securities and Exchange Commission; Singapore epidemic conjunc¬ tivitis; Soft elastic capsule.

Sec Seconal (see Seccy); Second(ary) (see sec); Secretary; Section (see Sect).

sec second (unit of time) (= S; s; Sec); sec¬ ondary (= Sec); section (see Sect).

sec- Bu sec-butyl or butyl seconal. Seccy Seconal capsule (= Sec; Seggy). SECG Stress electrocardiography. SECPR Standard external cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

SECSY Spin-echo coorelated spectroscopy. Sect; sect Section (= Sec; sec). sect- combining form meaning cut (L. sectus). SED Sedimentation (rate); Skin erythema dose; Solar Energy Division ERDA); Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (congenita); Standard error of deviation/ difference; Staphylococcal enterotoxin D; Sub-erythemal dose. Sed; sed Sediment(ation); Stool (L. sedes). SEDA Susquehanna Economic Development Association. Sed rate; sed rt Sedimentation rate. Sed time Sedimentation time (= Sed rate; sed rt). SEE Standard error of estimate. SEEG Stereotactic electroencephalography. See lit See literature. SEER Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (Program). SEF Sodium excreting factor; Somaticallyevoked field; Staphylococcal enterotoxin F. SEG Segment(ed) (see segm); Soft elastic gelatin; Sonoencephalogram. seg segment(ed) (see segm). Seggy Seconal capsule (see Seccy). segm segment(ed) (= SEG; seg) (see Segs). SEGNE Secretory granules of neural and endocrine (cells). Segs Segmented neutrophils (polymorphonu¬ clear leukocytes). SEH St. Elizabeth's Hospital (HEW); Subependymal hemorrhage.

SEI Self-Esteem Inventory; Subepithelial (corneal) infiltrate.

SEIU Service Employees International Union. SEKF Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation, Inc.

SELF Self-Evaluation of Life Function (scale).


SELFVD Sterile elective low forceps vaginal

S-E prosthesis Starr-Edwards prosthesis (see

delivery. SEM Sample evaluation method; Scanning/ Shadow electron microscope/py; Secondary enrichment medium; Serummethylguanidine;

Sept September (= Sep). sept septum (= SEP; sep); seven (L. septem). sept- combining form meaning fence off (L.

Standard error of the mean; Systolic ejection murmur. Sem Semitic. sem one-half (L. semis); semen (L.)/ seminal seed.

SEMDJL Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity.

SEMI Subendocardial myocardial infarction, semi- prefix meaning half or part (L.). semid; semidr half a drachm/ dram (L. semi¬ drachma).

semih half an hour (L. semihora). SEMPRO Southeastern Massachusetts Professional Review Organization.

Sem ves Seminal vesicle. SEN Scalp-ear-nipple (syndrome); State Enrolled Nurse (UK), sen sensitive/vity (= S; s). SENIC Study on the efficacy of nosocomial infection control (Gr. nosokomeion, from "nosos" disease + "komeion" to take care of, i.e. a hospital or an infirmary). CDC project. Sens Sensitivity (test/ culture report), sens sensation; sensorium/ry (= S; s). sens- combining form meaning feel (L. sensus).

SENSOR Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risks. SENTAC Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children.

SEOO State Economic Opportunity Office. SEP Self-empowering personality; Sensory/ Somatosensory/ Spinal evoked potential; Septum (see sept); Sperm entry point; Standard Employer Plan; Surface epithelium; Systolic ejection period. Sep September (see Sept), sep separate(d)/(ly)/tion (see separ); septum (see sept).

sep- combining form meaning decay (Gr. sepo).

separ separate(d)/(ly)/tion (L. separatum) (= sep).


saepio) or seven (L. septem). SEQ Side effects questionnaire; Sleep evalua¬ tion questionnaire,

seq sequel(a)/(ae); sequence/ntial; sequester/trum; that which follows or the fol¬ lowing (L. sequela). seq luc; seq luce the following day (L. sequenti luce).

SER Scanning equalization radiography; Sebum excretion rate; Sensory/ Somatosensory evoked response; Service; Smooth/ Smooth-surface endoplasmic reticu¬ lum (see sER); Supination, external rotation (fracture); Systolic ejection rate.

Ser Serine; Serology; Serous; Serum; Service. sER Smooth/ Smooth-surface endoplasmic reticulum (= SER).

ser serial; series. ser- combining form meaning watery material (L. serum).

SERA Serological Evaluation and Research Assembly (Study) (PHS). SerCl Serum chloride. SERHOLD National Biomedical Serials Holding Database. SERI Spondee Error Index. SER-IV Supination, external rotation - type IV (fracture). SERLINE On-Line Biomedical Serial Titles (Serials on Line - NLM). sero; serol serological/gy. SERS Stimulus Evaluation/ Response Selection (test). SERT Sustained ethanol release tube, serv keep or preserve (L. serva); service(s). SERVE Standardization, expense reduction, and value enhancement.

SERVHEL Service and Health Records. SES Sesone (= sodium dichlorophenoxyethyl sulfate); Society of Eye Surgeons; Socioeconomic status; Spatial emotional stimulus; State Employment Service (New York); Subendothelial space.


SESA Social and Economic Statistics Administration (Department of Commerce). SESAP Surgical Education and SelfAssessment Program (American College of Surgeons). sesqui- prefix meaning one-and-a-half (L.). sesquih an hour and a half (L. sesquihora). SEST Standardized exercise-stress test, sesunc an ounce and a half (L. sesuncia). SET Systolic ejection time. SETD Sulfaethidole (= Aethazolum; Ethazol; Sulfaethylthiadazole) - a sulfonamide com¬ pound and a chemotherapeutic agent, readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, with duration of action longer than that of sulfamethizole. In sustained release form it is administered once every 12 hours. SETI Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (NASA project),

sev several; severe; severed. S-E valve Starr-Edwards (heart) valve (see SE).

SEWHO Shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis, sex sexual. sex- prefix meaning six (L.). SeXO Serum xanthine oxidase, s expr without expressing/pressing (L. sine expressio/ expressione).

SF Sabin-Feldman (test) (see S-F test); Safety/ Scale/ Serum/ Sulfation/ Suppressor factor; Salt/ Sugar/ Symptom free; Saturated fat; Scarlet/ Swine fever; Scintillation fluor; Seizure frequency; Seminal/ Serosal/ Spinal/ Synovial fluid; Serum ferritin/ fibrinogen; Sham feeding; Shell/ Shrapnel fragment; Shunt flow (arteriovenous); Sickle-cell hemo¬ globin F (disease); Simian foam (virus); Skin fibroblast; Slow function (initial, transplanta¬ tion); Sodium azide, fecal (culture medium); Soft feces; Spectroflow; Spectrofluorometer; Spontaneous fibrillation; Squibb, E.R & Sons (USA) code for experimental substances; Stable factor (see Factor VII); Sterile female; Streptococcus fecalis (= Sf; Str F) - on bacte¬ riology reports; Stress formula; Strykerframe; Sulfonamide; Superior facet; Suprasternal fossa; Svedberg flotation (unit) (see SFU).

Sf Streptoccocus fecalis (see SF); Svedberg flotation (see SFU).

Sf Svedberg flotation (unit) (see SFU). S&F Soft and fat. SFA Saturated fatty acid; Seminal fluid assay; Serum folic acid; Stimulated fibrinolytic activity; Stuttering Foundation of America; Superficial femoral artery. SFB Sanfilippo syndrome type B; Saphenofemoral bypass; Subglottic/ Surgical foreign body. SFBL Self-filling blind loop. SFC Soluble fibrin/ fibrin-fibrinogen com¬ plex; Spinal fluid count. SFD Sheep factor delta; Silo filler's disease; Skin-film distance; Small for date; Spectral frequency distribution. SFEMG Single fiber electromyography. SFF Speaking fundamental frequency. SFFA Serum free fatty acid. SFFF Sedimentation field flow fractionation. SFFV Spleen focus-forming virus. SFGH San Francisco General Hospital. SFH Schizophrenia family history; Serum/ Stroma-free hemoglobin. SFI Sexual/ Social Function Index; Solid fat index.

SFJ Sapheno-femoral junction. SFL Sexual Freedom League; Synovial fluid lymphocyte.

SFM Serum-free medium. SFMC Soluble fibrin monomer complex. SFO Subfornical organ. SFODF French Orthodontic Society. SFP Screen filtration pressure; Simultaneous foveal perception; Spinal fluid pressure; Stop(ped) flow pressure (kidneys). SFPC Safety and Fire Protection Committee (MCA).

SFPT Standard fixation preference test. SFR Screen filtration resistance; Stroke with full recovery.

SFS Serial focal/ foveal seizures; Skin and fascia stapler; Split function study. SFT Sabin-Feldman test; Sensory feedback therapy; Serum-free thyroxine; Skinfold thickness. S-F test Sabin-Feldman test (= SF; SFT). SFTR Sagittal, frontal, transverse, and rota¬ tion; Society for Family Therapy and Research.


SFU Surgical follow-up; Svedberg flotation unit (= SF; Sf; Sf).

Sf unit Svedberg flotation unit (see SFU). SFV Semliki Forest virus; Shipping fever virus; Shope/ Squirrel fibroma virus; Superficial femoral vein. SFW Sexual function of women; Shell/ Shrapnel fragment wound; Slow-filling wave. SG Sachs-Georgi (test) (see S-G); Salivary gland; Serum globulin/ glucose; Signs; Silica gel; Skin graft; Soluble gelatin (with refer¬ ence to capsules); Specific gravity; Subgluteal; Substantia gelatinosa; Surgeon General; Swan-Ganz (catheter); Synthetic gonadotropin (see Hormones - LH-RH). sg specific gravity (see sp gr). S-G Sachs-Georgi (test for syphilis) (= SG; SGR; S-Gt) (see STS - SG). s-g subgenus (L.). SGA Small for gestational age. SGa; SGa Specific conductance. SGaw Specific airway(s) conductance (see PFT).

SGB Sparsely granulated basophil. SGC Spermicide-germicide compound; Strain-guage controller; Swan-Ganz catheter.

SG capsule Soluble gelatin capsule. SGD Specific granule deficiency; Straight gravity drainage.

SGE Secondary generalized epilepsy; Significant glandular enlargement. SGF Sarcoma/ Skeletal growth factor, s-gg subgenera (L.). SGH Serum growth hormone; Subgluteal hematoma.

SGHWR Steam-generating heavy-water reac¬ tor.

SGL Salivary gland lymphocyte, s gl without glasses/ (correction of) glasses. SGM Society for General Microbiology. SGO Society of Gynecologic Oncologists; Surgeon General’s Office; Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics (journal). SCOT Serum glutamic oxaloacetate/acetic transaminase (enzyme) (= Serum aspartate aminotransferase; Serum glutamic oxalacetate/acetic transaminase) (see AST; LFT iv).

SGP Serine glycerophosphatide;

Sialoglycoprotein; Society of General Physiologists; Soluble glycoprotein. SGPT Serum glutamate/mic pyruvate/vic transaminase (= Serum alanine/ pyruvic aminotransferase) (see ALT; LFT iv); Strain guage pressure transducer.

SGR Sachs-Georgi reaction (see STS - SG); Schwartzman generalized reaction; Science and Government Report (journal); Skin gal¬ vanic reflex; Submandibular gland renin; Substantia gelatinosa Rolandi. SGRH Synthetic gonadotropin releasing hor¬ mone (see Hormones - LH-RH).

SGS Second generation sulfonylurea; Subglottic stenosis.

SGSR Society for General Systems Research. SGT Suicide gene therapy (in which a gene inserted into a cancer cell, renders it super¬ sensitive or "suicidal to some drug that ordi¬ narily has no anticancer effect") (see HGT). S-Gt Sachs-Georgi test (for syphilis) (see S-G; STS - SG).

SGTT Standard glucose tolerance test. SGV Salivary gland virus; Selective gastric vagotomy.

SGVHD Syngenic graft-versus-host disease. SH Pseudohypoparathyroidism; Salter-Harris (fracture); Schonlein-Henoch (purpura); Selfhelp; Self-hypnosis; Seminars in Hematology (journal); Serum hepatitis (antigen; anti¬ serum; virus B; or long-incubation SH virus); Sex hormone(s) (see Hormones - SH); Sexual harassment; Shell Development Corp (USA) code for experimental substances; Sherman (rat); Shigella flexeri hybrid; Sick in hospital; Sinus histiocytosis; Social/ Surgical history; Somatotropic hormone (see Hormones - GH); Southern Hospitals (journal); Spontaneously hypertensive (rat); State Hospital; Steric hin¬ drance; Student health; Sulfhydryl; Symptomatic hypoglycemia; Syndrome of (hyporeninemic) hypoaldosteronism (see SHH); Systemic hyperthermia.

Sh Sheep; Sherwood (number); Shigella (see Shig); Shoulder (see sh). sh short; shoulder (= Sh; SHLD); shower; shunt; slender. S/H Sample and hold; Suicidal/ homicidal.

S&H Speech and hearing.


-SH Sulfhydryl group. SH 714 Cyproterone acetate. SH 717 Glymidine (= Glycodiazine; Sodium glymidine) - an hypoglycemic agent, not related to the diguanides or the sulfonylureas. Active only in diabetic patients who produce some endogenous insulin, and is used in the treatment of maturity-onset diabetes. SH 742 Fluocortolone (= Fluoromethyl dehy¬ drocortisone) - a synthetic glucocorticoid, used topically in the treatment of various skin disorders. SH 770 Fluocortolone caproate - has a more powerful but less rapid action than fluocor¬ tolone (see SH 742). SHA Staphylococcal hemagglutinating anti¬ body; Superheated aerosol. sHa Suckling hamster. SHAA Serum hepatitis-associated antigen; Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists. SHAA-Ab Serum hepatitis-associated antigen - antibody.

SHAFT Sad, hostile, anxious, frustrating, tenacious (patient) (syndrome).

SHAME Society to Humiliate, Aggravate, Mortify and Embarrass (Smokers).

SHARP School health additional referral pro¬ gram.

SHB Sequential hemibody (irradiation); Smoking and Health Bulletin (USPHS); Sulfhemoglobin (see S-Hb).

SHb Sickle hemoglobin (screen). S-Hb Sulfhemoglobin (= SHB). SHBD Serum hydroxybutyrate/butyric dehy¬ drogenase.

SHBG Sex hormone-binding globulin. SHC State Health Commissioner. SHCC State Health Coordinating Council. SHCO Sulfated hydrogenated castor oil. SHCOGP Special Health Career Opportunity

SHEENT Skin, head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat.

SHEP Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program. SHF Simian hemorrhagic fever. shf super-high frequency. SHG Synthetic human gastrin. SHG; SHGd; SHG diet SauerbruchHerrmannsdorfer-Gerson diet. SHH Syndrome of hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism (= SH). SHHD Scottish Home and Health Department. SHHV Society for Health and Human Values. Shig Shigella (= Sh). Shin Shinto (religion). SHL Sensorineural hearing loss; Supraglottic horizontal laryngectomy. SHLA Soluble human lymphocyte antigen. SHLD Shoulder (see sh). SHML Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy. SHMO Senior Hospital Medical Officer (UK). SHMT Serine-hydroxymethyl transferase. SHN Spontaneous hemorrhagic necrosis; Subacute hepatic necrosis. SHO Secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropa¬ thy; Senior House Officer (UK); Student Health Organization. SHORT; S-H-O-R-T Short stature, hyperex¬ tensibility of joints or hernia or both, ocular depression, Rieger anomaly, and teething delayed. SHOT Society for the History of Technology. SHOTS Statewide House Officer Training System (Michigan). SHP Schonlein-Henoch purpura; Secondary hyperparathyroidism; State Health Plan; Strongin-Hinsie-Peck (test).

SHPDA State Health Planning and Development Agency.

Grants Program (HRA). SHCs State Health Corporations. SHDI Supraoptical hypophysial diabetes

SHR Spontaneously hypertensive rat (genet¬

insipidus. SHDPP Stanford Heart Disease Prevention

ShR Shading response (Rorschach). SHS Sayre head sling; Senate Health


SHE Subject headings for engineering (El); Syrian hamster embryo.


Subcommittee; Sheep hemolysate super¬ natant; Student health service. SHSP Spontaneously hypertensive strokeprone (rat).


SHSS Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale. SHT Simple hypocalcemic tetany; Speech and hearing therapy; Subcutaneous histamine test.

S-HT Serotonin. SHUR System for Hospital Uniform Reporting. SHV Simian herpes virus. SI International System of Units (= Le Systeme International d'Unites; rationalized metric system); Sacro-iliac; Saline infusion/ injection; Salk Institute; Saturation/ Severity/ Singh/ Stimulation/ Stroke/ Suppression Index; Self-inflicted; Semilente insulin (see Insulin - SI i); Sensory integration; Septic inflammation; Serious illness; Seriously ill; Serum insulin/ iron; Sex inventory; Single injection; Small intestine; Smithsonian Institute (= Smith I); Social introversion; Soluble Insulin (= Insulin; Insulin Injection; Ordinary Insulin; Regular Insulin; Unmodified Insulin) (see Insulin - II i; SI ii); Spirochetosis icterohaemorrhagica; Stress incontinence; Strict isolation; Substantia

things are/ so/ this way/ thus/ thus so; dry (L. siccus).

SICCE Syndrome of intermittent claudication of the cauda equina. SICCU Satellite Industrial Coronary Care Unit.

SICD Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development; Serum isocitrate/ric dehydrogenase.

SICSVA Sequential impaction cascade sieve volumetric air (sampler).

SICT Selective intracoronary thrombolysis. SICU Spinal/ Surgical intensive care unit. SID Single intradermal (test); Society for Investigative Dermatology; Source-image distance (receptor. X-rays); Sucrase isomaltase deficiency; Sudden inexplicable death; Sudden infant death (= crab death) (see SIDS); Suggested indication of diagnosis; Systemic inflammatory disease. SIDA Sudden Infant Death Association, sidero- prefix meaning iron (Gr. sideros). SIDS Sudden infant death syndrome (= Crib

innominata (of the brain). Si Silicon (Z = 14) (see Elements - Silicon); Sinus (venous); The most anterior point on the lower contour of the sella turcica (point).

death; SID). SIE Stroke in evolution. SIECOP Sex Information and Educational

S&I Suction and irrigation. SIA International Society of Audiology (Fr.

SIECUS Sex Information and Educational

Council of Physicians. Council of the United States.

Societe Internationale d'Audiologie) (= ISA); Serum inhibitory activity; Stress-induced analgesia/ anesthesia; Subacute infectious arthritis; Synalbumin-insulin antagonism.

SIF Serum-inhibition factor. SIFT Selector ion flow tube. SIg; slg Surface immunoglobulin. Sig; sig Label/ Let it be labeled or written/

SIAD See SIADH. SIADH Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuret¬

mark thou/ write/ write on label (L. signa; signetur) - in prescriptions (= S); Sigmoidoscope/py (= Sigmo); Signal;

ic hormone (secretion) (= SIAD).

sial- prefix meaning saliva (Gr. sialon). SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. SIB Self-injurious behavior. SIBS Salk Institute for Biological Studies (La Jolla, Calif.).

sib(s) sibling(s) (Anglo Saxon: sib-kin) - a


SIgA; S-IgA; s-IgA Secretory immunoglobu¬ lin A (dimeric IgA); Surface immunoglobulin A. £; a See after S; s. sig col sigmoid colon. sig n pro label with the proper name (L. signa nomine proprio).

blood relative/ one of a group of persons all of whom are descendants of a common

Sigmo Sigmoidoscope/py (see Sig).


SIH Stimulation-induced hypalgesia; Stress-

SIC Serum insulin concentration; Standard Industrial Classification (System), sic (L.) as follows/ as one is/ as stated/ as

induced hyperthermia.

SIHE Spontaneous intramural hematoma of the esophagus.


SU Sacroiliac joint. SIL Soluble interleukin; Speech interference level.

SILD Sequenced Inventory of Language Development. SILFVD Sterile indicated low forceps vaginal delivery. SIM Selected ion monitoring; Similac; Society of Industrial Medicine/ Microbiology; Spontaneous involuntary movement; Sulfide, indole, motility (culture medium). sim simple (see simp). SIMA Single internal mammary artery. Sim c Fe Similac with iron, simp simple (L. simplex) (= sim). SIMS Scripps Institutions of Medicine and Science; Secondary ion mass spectroscopy; Students' International Meditation Society, simul simultaneous(ly). SIMV Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation. sin six times a night (L. sex in nocte). sin- combining form meaning hollow (L. sinus).

sing of each (L. singulorum); singular (one) (= 'S; s).

sinist- prefix meaning left (L. sinister), si non val if it is not enough (= if of no value; if it does not answer) (L. si non valeat) (= si n val).

Sinsemilla Marijuana (Spanish American) (see Cannabis), sinu sinusoidal. si n val if it is not enough (see si non val).

SIO Sacroiliac orthosis. Si02 Silicon dioxide. si op sit if (it is) necessary (L. si opus sit) (see SOS).

SIP Sickness Impact Profile; Slow inhibitory potential; State Implementation Plan (NAAQS); Surface inductive plethysmogra¬ phy.

immune release; Standardized incidence ratio; Syndrome of immediate reactivities. SIRA Scientific/ Standard Instrument Research Association (British). SIREF Specific immune response enhancing factor. SIRF Severely impaired renal function. SIRS Soluble immune response suppressor; Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms. SIS Science Information Services (FIRL); Serotonin irritation syndrome; Simian sarco¬ ma; Simulator-induced syndrome; Social information system; Spontaneous interictal spike; Sterile injectable solution/ suspension. Sis; sis Sister. -sis suffix meaning condition or state (Gr) (also Gr. -asis; - iasis; -osis). SISI Short increment sensitivity index. SISO Sisomycin. SISS Serum inhibitor of streprolysin S; Small inducible secreted substances. SISV; SiSV Simian sarcoma virus. SIT Serum inhibiting titer; Silicon intensified target; Slosson Intelligence Test; Sperm/ Suggested immobilization test; Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor (group of muscles), sit- prefix meaning food (Gr. sitos). SitBal Sitting balance. SitTol Sitting tolerance. Si Tr Silent treatment (= SITr). SIV Self-induced vomiting (see GR - Gag reflex); Simian immunodeficiency virus; Sprague-Dawley-Ivanovas (rat). SlVagm Simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys. Sjvc02 Oxygen saturation inferior vena cava, si vir perm if strength permits/ if the strength will permit (L. si vires permittant). SIVMAC Simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques.

SIW Self-inflicted wound. SIWIP Self-induced water intoxication and psychosis.

SIPI Scientists' Institute for Public

SIWIS Self-induced water intoxication and

Information. sIPTH Serum immunoreactive parathyroid

Six-o-six (606) Arsphenamine.

hormone. SIQ Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire.

Sj Jaccard coefficient. SJ 1977 Methixene hydrochloride. A parasym¬

SIR Single isomorphous replacement; Specific

schizophrenic disorders.

patholytic antispasmodic drug used in the


treatment of paralysis agitans and other types of parkinsonism. SJCLI Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. SJN Spontaneous jerk nystagmus. SJO Southern Journal of Optometry (SCO). SJOT Southern Journal of Occupational Therapy. SJR Shinowara-Jones-Reinhart (unit) (= S-JU; S-J unit); St John Review (UK journal). SJS Stevens-Johnson/ Swyer-James syndrome (= S-J syndrome); Stiff joint syndrome. SjS Sjogren syndrome. S-J syndrome Steven-Johnson/ Swyer-James syndrome (see SJS). S-JU; S-J unit Shinowara-Jones unit (see SJR). SK A strain of Poliovirus; Seborrheic/ Senile keratosis; Sloan-Kettering code for experi¬ mental substances used in the treatment of cancer at the SKICR (New York City); SmithKline; Solar keratosis; Spontaneous killer (cell); Streptokinase (= STK); Swine kidney. Sk; sk Skeletal/ton (= Skel; skel); Skin (= Skn; skn). SK 65 Propoxyphene HC1 65 mg. SKA Supracondylar knee-ankle (orthosis, plate, or prosthesis). SK 331 A Xanthinol niacinate/ nicotinate - a peripheral vasodilator used in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease, cerebral vascular accidents, and hypercholesterolemia. Skag Cheap, low-grade heroin (see Diamorph HC1). SKAO Supracondylar knee-ankle orthosis. SKAT Sex Knowledge and Aptitude/ Attitude Test. Skel; skel Skeletal/ton (see Sk; sk). SKF Smith, Klein and French (pharmaceutical firm code for experimental substances). SKF 385 Tranylcypromine sulfate (= Tranylcypromine Sulf; Transamine sulfate) a non-hydrazine monoamine oxidase inhibitor used in the treatment of severe mental depres¬ sion, where the patient does not respond sat¬ isfactorily to other antidepressant drugs, or for whom electroconvulsive therapy is con¬ sidered unsuitable.

SKF 525 A Proadifen - a calcium antagonistic agent. SKF 688 A Phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride (= Phenoxybenz HC1) - an adrenergic recep¬ tor blocking drug, used to control the hyper¬ tension caused by phaeochromocytoma; also employed in the treatment of peripheral disor¬ ders characterized by excessive vasospasm, including Raynaud's disease, acrocyanosis, chilblains, and causalgia. SKF 4740 Isopropamide iodide (see R 79). SKF 5019 Trifluoperazine hydrochloride (= Trifluoper HC1) - a phenothiazine derivative and a tranquillizing agent, used in the treat¬ ment of acute mania, delirium tremens, and schizophrenia. Also used in cases of psy¬ choneurosis, and in nausea and vomiting due to various causes, such as pregnancy vomit¬ ing and post-radiation sickness. SKF 5116 Methotrimeprazine (see RP 7044). SKF 5137 Dextromoramide (see MCP 875). SKF 6539 Flurothyl (= Hexafluorodiethyl Ether) - a volatile non-inflammable liquid, which has been used as an alternative to elec¬ troconvulsive therapy in the treatment of severe depression. SKF 8542 Triamterene (= 2,4,7-Triamino-6phenylpteridine) - a diuretic acting mainly on the distal tubules, and increasing the excre¬ tion of sodium and chloride, and reducing the excretion of potassium. Used as an adjuvant to mercurial or thiazide diuretics in the treat¬ ment of refractory edema associated with hepatic cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, and the nephrotic syndrome. SKF 12141 Diphenicillin sodium (see BLP 413). SKF 14287 Idoxuridine (see IDU). SKF 20716 Pericyazine (see RP 8909). SKF-D 2623 Detrothyronine (see DT3; Hormones - TH, Thyroid hormones B). SKI Sloan-Kettering Institute (see SKICR). skia- prefix meaning shadow (Gr. skia). SKICR Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research (New York City) (see SK). SKIP Scholarships for Kids of International Physicians (AMA). SKL Serum killing level. Skn; skn Skin (see Sk; sk).


SKSAP Surgical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program.

SKSD; SK-SD Streptokinase-streptodornase. sk trx skeletal traction. SL According to rule/ to the rules (L. secun¬ dum legem) (= si); Sarcolemma; Satellite¬ like; Sclerosing leukoencephalopathy; Secondary leukemia; Sensation level (of hear¬ ing); Sensory latency; Short-leg (brace); Sibley-Lehninger (unit); Sidney line; Signal level; Sinding Larsen/ Sjogren-Larsson/ Stein-Leventhal syndrome; Slit lamp (eye examination); Small lymphocyte; Sodium lactate; Solidified liquid; Sound level; Streptolysin; Subliminal; Sublingual(ly) (=

si). SI Steel (mouse). si according to the rules (see SL); broadly speaking/ in a broad sense (L. sensu lato); slight(ly); slow(ly); stemline; sublingual(ly) (see SL). S/L Slit lamp (examination). SL 501 Chlophedianol hydrochloride (see Bayer B 186). SLA Sacrolaeva anterior (L.) - left sacroante¬ rior (position of fetus); Single-cell liquid (cytotoxic) assay; Slide latex agglutination (test); Soluble liver antigen; Surfactant-like activity.

SLAC Scapholunate advanced collapse (wrist); Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.

SLAM Scanning laser acoustic microscope, slan without place, year, or name (L. sine loco, anno, vel nomine).

SLAP Serum leucine aminopeptidase. s lat in a broad sense (L. sensu lato). SLB Short-leg brace. SLC Short-leg cast. SLCC Short-leg cylinder cast. SLD Severe learning disability; Serum lactate dehydrogenase.

SLDH Serum lactate dehydrogenase. SLD/SLDH activity Serum lactate dehydro¬ genase activity.

SLE Saint/St. Louis encephalitis (virus); Slit lamp examination; Systemic lupus erythe¬ matosus (= LED; LES). SLEA Sheep erythrocyte antibody.

SLEF Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Foundation.

SLEP Short latent evoked potential. SLEV St. Louis encephalitis virus. SLFVD Sterile low forceps vaginal delivery. SLGXT Symptom limited graded exercise test.

SLH Standard liter per hour (gas) (= SLPH). SLHR Sex-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (vitamin D - resistant).

SLI Selective lymphoid irradiation; Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (see SLIR); Specific language impairment; Splenic localization index. SLIR Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (= SLI). SLK; SLKC Superior limbic keratoconjunc¬ tivitis. SLM Sound level meter; Standard liter per minute (gas) (= SLPM). SLMC Spontaneous lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity. SLMFVD Sterile low mid-forceps vaginal delivery. SLMP Since last menstrual period. SLN Sublentiform nucleus; Superior laryngeal nerve. SLNTG Sublingual nitroglycerin. SLNWBC Short-leg non-weightbearing cast. SLNWC Short-leg non-walking cast. SLO Smith-Lemli-Opitz (syndrome); Streptolysin O. Sloan Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. SLOS Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. SLP Sacrolaeva posterior (L.) - left sacropos¬ terior (fetal position); Segmental limb (sys¬ tolic) pressure; Sex-limited protein; Short luteal phase; Subluxation of the patella. SLPH Standard liter per hour (gas) (see SLH). SLPM Standard liter per minute (gas) (see SLM).

SLPP Serum lipophosphoprotein. SLR Shwartzman local reaction; Single lens reflex; Straight leg raising; Streptococcus lactis R (rhizopterin) (factor). SLRT Straight leg raising test. SLS Segment long-spacing (collagen fibers); Short-leg splint; Single limb support; Sinding


Larsen/ Sjogren-Larsson/ Stagnant loop/ Stein-Leventhal syndrome. SLT Sacrolaeva transversa (L.) - left sacrotransverse (fetal position); Solid logic tech¬ nology; Swing light test.

SITr Silent treatment (see SiTr). si tr slight trace (on laboratory reports). SLTSA Society of Laboratory Technologists of South Africa. S-LU Sibley-Lehninger unit. SLUD Salivation, lacrimation, urination, and defecation. SLWC Short-leg walking cast. SM Master of Science (see MSc); Sadomasochism (see S/M); Scientific Monthly (journal); Self-monitoring; Seminars in Medicine (journal); Sexual Myths (scale); Shigella mutant; Simple mastectomy; Skim milk; Smooth muscle; Society for Microbiology; Somatomedin; Southern Medicine (journal, formerly Southern Medical Bulletin); Southwest Medicine (jour¬ nal); Space/ Sports medicine; Sphingomyelin; Splenic macrophage; Splenomegaly; Stapedius muscle; Streptomycin (= STM; Strep); Stria medullaris; Strumpell-Marie (syndrome); Submandibular; Submaxillary; Submucous; Suckling mouse (see sM); Sucrose medium; Suction method; Superior mesenteric; Sustained medication; Symptom (see Sym); Synaptic/ Synovial membrane; Syringomyelia; Systolic mean/ motion/ mur¬ mur. Sm Samarium (Z = 62) (formerly Sa, see Elements - Samarium); Serratia marcescens (formerly Erythrobacillus m) - gram-negative, saprophytic microorganisms of the family Enterobacteriaceae. sM Suckling mouse (= SM). sm small; smear. S/M Sadism/masochism (= Sadomasochism) (= SM).

SMA Self-Mutilators Anonymous; Sequential multiple analysis/yzer; Sequential/ Simultaneous multichannel autoanalyzer; Serum muramidase activity; Smooth muscle antibody; Society for Medical Anthropology; Somatomedin A (see SM-A); Southern Medical Association; Spinal muscular atro¬

phy; Spontaneous motor activity; Standard method agar; Superior mesenteric artery; Supplementary motor area; Surface modulat¬ ing assembly.

SM-A Somatomedin A (= SMA). SMA-6 Sequential Multiple Analysis/yzer - 6 different serum tests, viz.: for sodium, potas¬ sium, carbon dioxide, chloride, glucose, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (laboratory/ chemistry).

SMA-6/60 Sequential Multiple Analysis - 6 tests in 60 minutes.

SMA-7 Sequential multipler analyzer for sodi¬ um, potassium, carbon dioxide, chloride, glu¬ cose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and crea¬ tine.

SMA-12 Sequential Multiple Analysis/yzer 12 different serum tests, viz: for glucose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), uric acid, calci¬ um, phosphorus, total protein, albumin, cho¬ lesterol, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, SGOT, and LDH.

SMA-23 Sequential multiplier analyzer, which includes the entire SMA-12, plus sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide, chloride, direct bilirubin, triglyceride, SGPT, indirect biliru¬ bin, R fraction, and BUN/creatinine ratio. SMABF Superior mesenteric artery blood flow.

SMABV Superior mesenteric artery blood velocity.

SMAC Sequential Multiple Analyzer and Computer (for blood chemistry profile).

Smack Heroin (see Diamorph). SMAE Superior mesenteric artery embolism. SMAF Smooth muscle activating factor; Specific macrophage arming factor. SMAG Special Medical Advisory Group. SMAL Serum methyl alcohol level,

sm amts small amounts, sm an small animal. SMAO Superior mesenteric artery occlusion. SMART Simultaneous multiple angle recon¬ struction technique. SMAS Sub/ Superficial muscular/lo aponeu¬ rotic system; Superior mesenteric artery syn¬ drome. SMAs Spinal muscular atrophies.


SMAST Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test.

SMB Selected mucosal biopsy; Southern Medical Bulletin (journal, now Southern Medicine - see SM); Standard medical base (medium) (= Smb).

Smb Standard medical base (see SMB). sMB Suckling mouse brain. SMBFT Small bowel follow-through (X-ray/ intestines). SMBG Self-monitoring blood glucose. SMC Scientific Manpower Commission; Scottish Medical Council; Smooth muscle cell; Somatomedin C (see SM-C); Special mouth care; State Medical Society; Succinylmonocholine. SM-C; Sm-C Somatomedin C (= SMC). SMCA Smooth muscle contracting agent; Suckling mouse cataract agent. SMCD Senile macular chorioretinal/horoidal degeneration; Systemic mast cell/ meningo¬ coccal disease. SM-C/IGF Somatomedin C / insulin-like growth factor. SMD Schizoaffective manic disorder (see SAMD); Senile macular degeneration; Submanubrial dullness. SMDA Safe Medical Devices Act (of 1990); Starch methylenedianiline. SMDC Sodium-N-methyl dithiocarbamate (dihydrate) - a soil sterilizant. SMDS Secondary myelodysplastic syndrome. SME Severe myoclonic epilepsy. SMEAT Skylab medical experiment altitude test (NASA). SMEDI Stillbirth-mummification, embryonic death, and infertility (syndrome). SMEI Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy. SMEM Supplemented (Eagle's) minimum essential medium. S-Mez Sulfamezathine - a sulfonamide chemotherapeutic agent.

SMF Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica (Mexican Physical Society); Streptozocin, mitomycin C, and 5-fluorouracil. smf sodium motive force. SMFP State medical facilities plan. SMFVD Sterile mid-forceps vaginal delivery.

SMG Submandibular gland.

SMGO Something more going on. SMGT Streptococcus MG titer. SMH Scripps Memorial Hospital; Soviet Ministry of Health (late USSR, now Russian M. of H.); State mental hospital; Strongyloidiasis with massive hyperinfection.

SMI Self-Motivation Inventory; Senior Medical Investigator (VA); Sensory motor integration (group); Severe mental impair¬ ment; Silent myocardial ischemia; Small (vol¬ ume) infusion (see SVI); Stress myocardial image; Style of Mind Inventory; Supplementary medical insurance; Sustained maximal/imum inspiration. Smlg Surface membrane immunoglobulin. SMILE Safety, monitoring, intervention, length of stay, and evaluation; Sustained maximal inspiratory lung exercises. SMITF Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund (SSA). Smith Smithsonian (Institute) (see SI) (jour¬ nal).

SMJ Society of Medical Jurisprudence; Southern Medical Journal (SMA).

SMJAB State medical journal advertising bureau.

SML Skylab Mobile Laboratory (NASA); Smouldering leukemia. smld50 Suckling (mouse) mean lethal dose. SMLs SM Laboratories (see SML). SMM Science, Medicine, and Man (journal). SMMD Specimen mass-measurement device. SMN Second malignant neoplasm. SMNB Submaximal neuromuscular block. SMO Medical Officer of Schools; School Medical Officer; Senior Medical Officer (Navy); Serum monoamine oxidase (levels); Slip made out. SMOH Senior Medical Officer of Health; Society of Medical Officers of Health (UK). SMON Subacute myelo-optical neuropathy/ myelo-opticoneuropathy. SMN Sensorimotor neuropathy. SMP Selfmanagement program; Slow(est) moving protease; Special monthly pension; Spondylotic myelopathy; Standard medical practice/ procedure; Submitochondrial parti¬ cle; Sulfamethoxypyrazine/ridazine - a longacting sulfonamide compound (see CT 879).

536 SMR Senior medical resident; Sensorimotor rhythm; Severe mental retardation; Skeletal muscle relaxant (drug); Somnolent metabolic rate; Standard(ized) mortality rate; Stroke with minimum residuum; Submucosal/ Submucous resection (operation/ nose). SMRP Submucosal resection and rhinoplasty. SMRR Submucous resection and rhinoplasty. SMRV Squirrel monkey retrovirus. SMS Senior medical student; Serial motor seizures; Shared Medical Systems; Sodium 2mercaptoethane sulfonate; Somatostatin - a tetradecapeptide or octapeptide (see Hormones - SMS); Southern Medicine and Surgery (journal); Stiff-man syndrome; Supplemental minimum sodium. SMSA Standard metropolitan statistical area. SMSV San Miguel sea-lion virus. SMSW State Medical Society of Wisconsin. SMT Snider Match Test; Spontaneous mam¬ mary tumor; Stereotactic mesencephalic tractomy. SMuLV Scripps murine leukemia virus. SMV Slow-moving vehicle; Submentovertical (fetal position); Superior mesenteric vein. SMVT Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. SMWDSep Single, married, widowed, divorced, or separated. SMX; SMZ Sulfamethoxazole. SN Parke, Davis & Co (USA) and Wintrop Sterling Research Laboratories (USA) code for antimalarial experimental drugs; School Nurse (NEA journal); Sciatic/ Suprasternal notch; Sclerema neonatorum; Scrub nurse; Sensorineural; Sensory neuron; Serendipitous neologism; Serum neutralization; Single nephron; Sinus node; Society for Neuroscience (Canada); Spastic News (SS journal, UK); Spontaneous nystagmus; Staff/ Student/ Surgical Nurse; Standard nomencla¬ ture (records); Subnormal; Substantia nigra (of the brain); Supernatant; Supernormal; Supervisor Nurse (journal); Surgical Neurology (CNS journal). Sn Subnasale; Tin (L. stannum) (Z = 50) (see Elements - Tin). sn according to nature (L. secundum naturam). S/N Signal/noise (ratio) (see SNR).

SN 44 Dalanated Insulin - an insulin deriva¬ tive prepared by removal of the C-terminal alanine from the B-chain of insulin (see Insulin - DI) SN 46 Dinex (see DNOCHP). SN50 Serum neutralizing antibody. SN 971 Pamaquin (see RP 4516). SN 3115 Plasmocide (see F 710). SN 6771 Bialamicol hydrochloride (see CT 871). SN 7618 Chloroquine Phosphate (= Chlorochinum diphosphoricum; Chloroquin diphosphate; Chloroquini diphosphas; Chloroquinium phosphate) - a 4-aminoquinoline synthetic drug used for the suppression and treatment of malaria, killing the erythro¬ cytic forms of the parasites at all stages of development. Also found useful in the treat¬ ment of amebic hepatitis and liver abscess, but has no effect in intestinal amebiasis. Remission in rheumatoid arthritis has been achieved after 2 to 3 months, but prolonged therapy may give rise to toxic effects such as corneal opacity or irreversible retinal damage ("chloroquine retinopathy"). Chloroquine has also been found of value in the treatment of giardiasis and lupus erythematosus. SN 10751 Amodiaquine hydrochloride (= Amodiachin HC1; Amodiaquini hydrochoridum) - a 4-aminoquinoline synthetic antimalarial drug with actions similar to those of choroquine (SN 7618). SN 12837 Proguanil hydrochloride (see RP 3359). SN 13272 Primaquine phosphate (= Primachin phosphate; Primaquini diphosphas; Primaquinium phosphate) - an 8-aminoquinoline synthetic antimalarial drug which kills the exoerythrocytic forms of the malarial par¬ asites but has little action on other erythrocyt¬ ic stages, and therefore it should not be used alone in the treatment of a malarial attack. It is chiefly used for the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax infections. SN 13276 Pentaquin phosphate (= 8-[5Isopropylaminopentylamino]- 6methoxyquinoline phophate) - an 8-aminoquinoline synthetic antimalarial drug with


actions similar to those of pamaquin (see RP 4516; SN 13272).

SN 16168 Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (= Win 1258-2) - a 4-aminoquinoline synthetic antimalarial drug with action similar to that of chloroquine (see SN 7618).

SNA Specimen not available; Student Nurses Association.

SNa Serum sodium concentration. SNagg Serum normal agglutinator. SNAI Standard nomenclature of athletic injuries.

SNM Society of Nuclear Medicine; Sulfanilamide.

SNMA Student National Medical Association. SNMN Society of Nuclear Medicine Newsletter.

SNMT Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists.

SNO S-nitrosothiol. SNOBOL String-Oriented Symbolic Language.

SNODO Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations.

SNAP RCN journal, UK; Sensory nerve

SNOMED Standardized/ Symmetrical

action potential. Snapper Amyl nitrite capsule/vial (see Amyl nitrite).

SNOOP Systemic Nursing Observation of

SNAT Serotonin n-acetyltransferase. SNB Scalene node biopsy (operation/ chest). SNBF Single nephron blood flow (see SNGBF).

SNC Skilled nursing care; Spontaneous neonatal chylothorax.

SNCL Sinus node cycle length. SNCS Sensory nerve conduction studies. SNCV Sensory nerve conduction velocity. SND Sensorineural deafness; Single needle device; Sinus node dysfunction; Striatonigral degeneration. SNDA Student National Dental Association. SNDO Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations. SNE Sinus node electrogram; Spatial-nonemotional (stimulus); Subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy. SNES Suprascapular nerve entrapment syn¬ drome. SNF Sinus node formation; Skilled nursing facility. SNG Solidified nitroglycerol. SNGA Sodium (salt of) n-glycoloyl-arsanilic acid. SNGBF Single nephron glomerular blood flow (= SNBF). SNGFR Single nephron glomerular filtration rate.

SNHL Sensorineural hearing loss. Sniff Cocaine (see Erythroxylum). SNL Sciatic nerve lesion.

Nomenclature of Medicine. Psychopathology.

SNOP Standard/ Standardized/ Systematized Nomenclature of Pathology (College of American Pathologists). Snop Marijuana (see Cannabis). Snort Cocaine (see Erythroxylum); Small alcoholic drink. Snow Cocaine (see Erythroxylum). SNP Parathion (see DNTP); Saturday night palsy (compression lesion of the radial nerve against the humerus occurring in inebriated individuals, especially on Saturday or week¬ end nights); School nurse practitioner; Sinus node potential; Sodium nitroprusside; Soviet Neurology and Psychiatry (now Russian, translation journal). SNR Signal-to-noise ratio (= S/N); Spinal nerve root; Substantia nigra (zona) reticulata (see SNZR); Supernumerary rib. SNRA; sNRA Soluble ribonucleic acid (see sRNA). SNRB Selective nerve root block. SNRL Spinal nerve root lesion (= NRL). snRNA Small nuclear ribonucleic acid. snRNP Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein. SNRT Sinus node recovery time. SNRTd Sinus node recovery time, direct mea¬ suring. SNRTi Sinus node recovery time, indirect measuring. SNS Senior Nursing Sister; Society of Neurological Surgeons; Sterile normal saline (0.9% sodium chloride); Sympathetic nervous system.


SNSA Seronegative spondyloarthropathy. SNST Sciatic nerve stretch test. SNT Sinuses, nose, and throat; Suppan nail technique. SNV Spleen necrosis virus. SNW Slow negative wave. SNZR Substantia nigra zona reticulata (= SNR). SO Salpingo-oophorectomy (see S&O); Schlatter-Osgood (disease/ test); Second opinion; Seminars in Oncology (journal); Sex offender; Shoulder orthosis; Significant offer/ other; Society of Opticians (South Africa), Spheno-occipital (synchondrosis); Sphincter of Oddi; Standing orders; Suboccipital; Superior oblique (muscle) (see SOM); Supraoptic (nucleus) (see SON); Supraorbital; Sutures out. So South (see S. South). S-O Salpingo-oophorectomy (see S&O). S&O Salpingo-oophorectomy (= SO). 502 Oxygen saturation (of hemoglobulin) (see PFT); Sulfur dioxide. 35S02 Radioactive-labeled sulfur dioxide. 503 Sulfite (radical). 504 Sulfate (radical). SOA Serum opsonic activity; Spinal opioid analgesia; Supraorbital artery; Swelling of ankles. SoA Symptoms of asthma. SOAA Signed out against advice (see SOAMA). SOAM Sutures out in the morning. SOAMA Signed out against medical advice (= SOAA; SOMA). SOA-MCA Superficial occipital artery to middle cerebral artery. SOAP Subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (in problem-oriented records). Soaper Methaqualone. SOAPIE Subjective, objective, assessment, plan, implementation/ intervention, and eval¬ uation (in problem-oriented records). SOB See order blank/ book; Short(ness) of breath; Side of bed; Son of a bitch!; Suboccipitobregmatic. SOC Sequential oral contraceptive; Socialization; Standard Occupational

Classification; Standards of care; Syphilitic osteochondritis. SoC State of consciousness. S&OC Signed and on chart. Soc econ Socioeconomic. SOCMA Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association. SocSec Social Security. SocServ Social Services. S-OCT Serum ornithine carbamyl transferase. SOD Septo-optic dysplasia; Sinovenous occlu¬ sive disease; Superoxide dismutase (a drug erroneously touted as a retardant of the aging process); Surgical officer of the day. Sod; sod Sodium (see Na). Soda Sodium carbonate or Washing soda (see Na2C03). Sod/Soda bicarb Sodium bicarbonate or Baking soda (see NaHC03). SODAS Spheroidal oral drug absorption sys¬ tem. SODH Sorbitol dehydrogenase. SOEH Society for Occupational and Environmental Health. SOF Superior orbital fissure. SOG Suggestive of good. SOH Sympathetic orthostatic hypotension. SOHN Supraoptic hypothalamic nuclei/eus. SOI Severity of disease. SOL Solution (see sol); Space-occupying lesion. Sol See sol. sol solidification (= solidif); soluble (= Sol); solution (L. solutio) (= SOL; Sol; Soln; soln). SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea (ship company rules). SOLEC Stand on (one) leg eyes closed, soleno- prefix meaning pipe or tube (Gr. solen). solidif solidification (see sol). Soln; soln Solution (see sol), solut- combining form meaning dissolve or free (L. solutus) (see solv-). Solv; solv Dissolve (L. solve); Solvent, solv- combining form meaning dissolve or free (L. solvo) (see solut-). SOM Scanning optical microscope; Secretory/ Serous/ Suppurative otitis media; Sensitivity of method; Society of Occupational Medicine


(UK); Somatic/ Somatostatin/ Somatotropin (see Somat); Superior oblique muscle (eye) (= SO); Suppurative otitis media. Som Somatic/ Somatostatin/ Somatotropin (see Somat).

Adjustment Index. SOSF Single organ system failure.

SOMA Signed out against medical advice (see

SOSSUS Study on Surgical Services for the

SOAMA); Student Osteopathic Medical Association.

soma- prefix meaning body (Gr.). Somat; somat Somatic/ Somatostatin/ Somatotropin (= SOM; Som).

-some suffix meaning body (Gr. soma). SOMI Sternal occipital mandibular immobi¬ lization.

SOMJ Society of Occupational Medicine Journal.

SOMOS Society of Military Orthopedic Surgeons.

SON Superior olivary nucleus; Supraoptic nucleus (= SO).

SONAR Sound navigation and ranging. Sonix (journal). Sono Sonogram. SONP Solid organs not palpable. SO nucleus Superior olivary nucleus (see SON); Supraoptic nucleus (see SON).

SOP Standing operating procedure. SoP Standard of performance. SOPA Syndrome of primary aldosteronism. SOPCA Sporadic olivopontocerebellar ataxia. Sopor Methaqualone; Soporific. SOPM Stitches out in the afternoon, s op s if (it is) necessary (L. si opus sit) (see sos).

SOQ Suicide Opinion Questionnaire. SOR Sign out release; Stimulus-organismresponse (see S-O-R); Sorbitol (see Sorb); Superoxide release. SOr Supraorbitale. Sor; sor Sorbitol (see Sorb). S-O-R Stimulus-organism-response (theory of behavior) (= SOR). Sorb; sorb Sorbitol (= SOR; Sor; sor). SorbD; SORD Sorbitol dehydrogenase.

SOS If (it is)/ Only if necessary (see sos); International distress signal ("Save our souls"); Self-obtained smear; Self- organizing system; Silicon-on-sapphire (computer mem¬ ory); Supplemental oxygen system.

sos if/ if it is/ only if necessary (L. si opus sit) (= s op s; SOS).

SoSAI Springfield Outpatient Symptom and

United States.

SOT Sensory organization test; Something other than; Stream of thought; Systemic oxy¬ gen transport.

SOTT Synthetic medium old tuberculin trichloracetic acid (precipitated).

SOWS Subjective opiate withdrawal scale. SP Sacroposterior; Sacrum to pubis; Salivary progesterone; Schizotypal personality; Schwangerschafts’ protein (pregnancy-associ¬ ated plasma protein); Scientia Pharmaceutica (journal); Secretary piece; Semi-private (room) (see S/P); Senile plaque; Septum pellucidum; Sequential pulse; Seropositive; Serum/ Surfactant protein; Settleable particu¬ lates (air pollution); Shunt/ Systolic pressure; Shunt procedure (group/ arteriovenous); Silent period; Skin/ Steady/ Summation potential (= Sp); Sleep deprivation; Soft palate; Solid phase; Spastic paraparesis/ para¬ plegia (see SPP); Special precautions (see S/P); Speech pathologist/gy; Spleen; Spontaneous proliferation; Stand pivot; Standard practice/ procedure; Staphylococcal protease; Status post (see s/p); Step-parent; Stool preservative (Hajna); Subliminal per¬ ception; Substance P (polypeptide); Suicide precautions (see S/P); Sulfopropyl (sulfonic acid); Suprapatellar; Suprapubic (S. punc¬ ture); Symphysis pubis. Sp Skin/ Study/ Summation potential (see SP); Space/ Special/ Species/ Specific/ Speech/ Spinal(ne)/ Spouse (see sp); Spanish (see Span); Sphenoid(al); Spirillum; Spirit (L. spiritus) (see Spt); The most posterior point on the posterior contour of the sella turcica. sP Senile parkinsonism, sp space/ special/ species/ specific/ speech/ spinal(ne)/ spouse (= Sp); spirit (alcohol) (see Spt); without issue (L. sine prole). S/P Scientific Products (Div of AHSC); Semi¬ private (room) (= SP); Serum protein (= SP); Special precautions (= SP); Spinal/ne (= Sp;

540 sp); Stand and pivot; Status post (see s/p); Suicide precautions (= SP); Suprapubic (= SP); Systolic pressure.

s/p status post (as before/ condition after/ no change) (= SP; S/P). Sp Serum phosphorus. S2P Second heart sound (pulmonic compo¬ nent).

S7P Sedoheptulose 7-phosphate. SP 732 Prolintane hydrochloride (= 1-Phenyl2-pyrrolidinopentane HC1) - a central nervous stimulant with a potency intermediate between that of amphetamine and catteine. Used as a tonic for convalescence in cases of stress, strain, or overwork, and in the elderly. SPA Salt-poor (human) albumin (IV therapy); Scapuloperoneal atrophy; Schizophrenia with premorbid asociality; Screening panel arbitra¬ tion; Serum prothrombin activity; Sheep pul¬ monary adenomatosis; Southern Perinatal Association; Sperm penetration assay; Spinal progressive amyotrophy; Spondyloarthropathy; Spontaneous platelet aggregation; Staphylococcal protein A; Stimulation-produced analgesia; Suprapubic aspiration (bladder).

SP-A Surfactant protein A. sp act specific activity. SPAD Stenosing peripheral arterial disease; Subcutaneous peritoneal access device (used in the treatment of refractory diabetes mellitus). SPAG Small particle aerosol generator. SPAI Steroid protein activity index. SPAM Scanning photoacoustic microscope/py. SPAMM Spatial modulation of magnetization.

SP amputation Suprapatellar amputation. Span Spanish (= Sp). sp an spinal anesthesia. SPAN-80 Sorbitan mono-oleate. Span-K Potassium chloride. Span P Spanish Pharmacopeia (= Sp P). span(s) spansule(s) (prescription). SPAR Sensitivity prediction by acoustic reflex. prefix meaning pull (Gr.). Slow paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.


Surfactant protein B. Serum protein-bound iodine (see PB1).

SPBT Suprapubic bladder tap. SPC Salicylamide, phenacetin, and caffeine; Seropositive carrier; Serum phenylalanine concentration; Sickle-shaped particle cell. Single palmar crease; Single photoelectron count; Spleen cell; Statistical process control; Subgenual prefrontal cortex (degenerates in hereditary and other forms of severe depres¬ sion); Suicide Prevention Center; Synthetizing protein complex. SPCA Serum prothrombin conversion acceler¬ ator (= Proconvertin) (see Factor VII); Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. SPCC Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (plan). SPCD Syndrome of primary ciliary dyskine¬ sia.

SpCd; sp cd Spinal cord. SPD Salmon poisoning disease; Schizoid per¬ sonality disorder; Schizotypal/ Sociopathic personality disorder; Severe periodic/ psychic disturbance; Specific paroxysmal discharge; Standard peak dilution; Storage pool deficien¬ cy; Subcorneal pustular dermatosis. SPDC Strio-pallido-dentate calcinosis. SPE Septic pulmonary edema; Serum protein electrolytes/ electrophoresis; Splash-proof equipment (MET-501) (see also, APE); Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin; Sucrose polyester (a synthetic food fat substitute); Sustained physical exercise. SPEAR Selective parenteral and enteral anti¬ sepsis regimen.

Spec Specialist; Speciality; Specification (see specif).

spec special; specific (see specif); specimen. SPE-C Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin type C.

SpecEd Special education, spec gr specific gravity (see sp gr). specif specific(ation) (= Spec). SPECT Single photon emission computed/erized tomography (see PET), spectr- combining form meaning appearance (L. spectrum).

Spectrum (journal - IEEE). Speed Methamphetamine (see Amphet).


Speedball A mixture of cocaine and heroin (see Erythroxylum; Diamorph).

SPEG Serum protein electrophoretogram. SPEM Smooth pursuit eye movement. SPEP Serum protein electrophoresis (labora¬ tory/ chemistry).

SPEPB Society of Pharmacological and Environmental Pathologists Bulletin,

sperm- combining form meaning seed (Gr. sperma).

spers- combining form meaning scatter (L. spersus).

SPET Single-photon emission tomography. SPF Shared professional facility; Skin protec¬ tion factor; Specific-pathogen free; Spectrophotofluorometer; S-phase fraction; Split products of fibrin; Standard perfusion fluid; Stuart-Prower factor (see SP-F); Sun protection/ive factor; Systemic pulmonary fistula.

SP-F Stuart-Prower factor (= SPF) (see Factor X).

sp fl spinal fluid. SPG Serine phosphoglyceride; Sliding pulse generator; Sphenopalatine ganglion; Strain guage plethysmograph(y); Sucrose, phos¬ phate, and glutamate; Symmetrical peripheral gangrene. SpG Specific gravity, spg sponge.

SPGA Bovarnik's solution; Sucrose, sp gr specific gravity (= sg; spec gr; SpG). SP group Shunt procedure group (see SP). SPH School of Public Health; Secondary pul¬ monary hemosiderosis; Severely and pro¬ foundly handicapped; Spherocyte/tosis; Sphyngomyelin (see Sph). Sph Sphenoidale; Sphyngomyelin (= SPH). sph spherical; spherical lens; spheroid. SPHE Society for Public Health Education, sphen- combining form meaning wedge (Gr.). spher- combining form meaning round (Gr. sphaira).

* SPHERO Spherocytes (see SPH). sp ht specific heat. sphygm- prefix meaning pulse (Gr. sphygmos).

SPI Self-Perception Inventory; Serum precipitable iodine; Serum protein index; Shipley

Personal Inventory; Single peak insulin (see Insulin - SPI); Speech processor interface. SP-I Podophyllinic acid ethylhydrazide. SPIA Solid-phase immunoabsorption/ immunoassay.

SPIF Spontaneous peak inspiratory force. SPICU Surgical pulmonary intensive care unit.

SPID Summed pain intensity difference. SPIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

SPIF Solid-phase immunoassay fluorescence. SPIH Signal Processing and Information Handling (Committee) (GEMB). SPIN Searchable physics information notices (computer-readable) (NERAC). spin spinal/ne/nous. spin- combining form meaning spine (L. spina).

sp indet indeterminate species (L. species indeterminata).

sp inquir species of doubtful status/ uncertain species (L. species inquirendae).

Spir Alcohol/ spirit (see Spt); Spirometry, spir alcohol/ spirit (see Spt); spiral; spiritual, spirat- combining form meaning breathe (L. spiratus).

spis; spiss dried (L. spissus); inspissated/ thickened by evaporation (L. spissatus).

SPIT Society for the Prevention of Involunatary Tranquilization. S-PITC Sulfo-phenylisothiocyanate. SPK Serum pyruvate kinase; Spinnbarkeit (with reference to cervical mucus); Superficial punctate keratitis. SPL Skin potential level; Sound pressure level; Splanchnic; Split; Spontaneous lesion; Staphylococcal phage lysate; Superior pari¬ etal lobule. splanchn- combining form meaning entrails (Gr. splagchna). Splash Amphetamines (see Amphet). SPLATT Split anterior tibial tendon, splen- combining form meaning spleen (Gr.).

sPLM Sleep-related periodic leg movement. SPLV Serum parvovirus-like virus. SPM Shocks/ Syllables per minute; Spectinomycin; Subhuman primate model;


Suspended particulate matter; Synaptic plas¬ ma membrane.

SpM Spiriformis medialis (nucleus). SPMA Spinal progressive muscular atrophy. SPMR Standard proportionate mortality rate/ ratio.

SPMSQ Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire.

SPN Solitary pulmonary nodule; Student prac¬ tical nurse; Supplemental parenteral nutrition; Sympathetic paraganglionic neuron, sp n; sp nov new species (L. species novum). SPO Sodium benzyl penicilloate.

Sp02 Pulse oximetry. SPOD Spouse's perception of disease, spon spontaneous (see spont). spongio- combining form meaning sponge (L. spongia).

spont spontaneous (= spon). SPOOL Simultaneous peripheral operation on-line. spor- combining form meaning seed (Gr. sporos).

Spork Combining spoon and fork. SPP Schizophreniform psychosis; Sexuality Preference Profile; Skin perfusion pressure; Small porous particle; Spastic paraparesis/ paraplegia (= SP); Species (pi.) (see spp); Suprapubic prostatectomy, spp species (plural of) (= SPP). SPPP; sppp subspecies (plural of). SPPS Solid phase peptide synthesis; Stable plasma protein solution. SPPT Superprecipitation (response). SPR Serial probe recognition; Skin potential response; Society for Pediatric Radiology/ Research; Society for Physical/ Psychical/ Psychoanalytical/ Psychophysiological Research; Solid phase radioimmunoassay (see SPRIA; Stimulated prolactin release. Spr Scan projection radiography,

spr sprain. SPRIA Solid phase radioimmunoassay (= SPR). SPROM Spontaneous premature rupture of membrane(s).

SPS Scapuloperoneal syndrome; Serial-paral¬ lel-serial (shift register); Shoulder pain and stiffness; Simple partial seizure(s); Slow(ly)

progressive schizophrenia; Society of Pelvic Surgeons; Sodium polyethanol sulfonate; Sound Production Sample (test); Special Pap(anicolaou) smear (see Pap); Stable parkinsonian syndrome; Stimulated protein synthesis; Storage photoconductor scan (con¬ verter); Suicide Probability Scale; Sulfite polymyxin sulfadiazine (agar); Systemic pro¬ gressive sclerosis.

SpS Sphenoid sinus. sps without surviving issue (L. sine prole supersite).

SPSE Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.

spSHR Stroke-prone spontaneously hyperten¬ sive rat.

SPST Symonds Picture-Story Test. SPS test Sound Production Sample test. S/P surgery Status post surgery. SPT Secretin-pancreazymin test; Serum pyru¬ vic transaminase; Simple patch technique; Sleep period time; Sound production task(s); Speech Pathology and Therapy (journal, now in BJDC); Spin prick test; Spondee Picture Test; Static pelvic traction (see SPTx); Station pull-through (technique); Systolic pressure time. SpT Spinal tap (= Sp tap). Spt Alcohol/ Spirit(s) (L. spiritus) (= Sp; sp; Spir; spir; spt).

spt See Spt. Sp tap Spinal tap (see SpT). SpTh Spino-thalamic (tract). SPTI Systolic pressure time index. SPTS Subjective posttraumatic syndrome. SPTx Static pelvic traction (= SPT). SPU Sample processing unit; Short procedure unit; Society of Pediatric Urology. SPUC Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. SPV Selective proximal vagotomy; Shope papilloma virus; Sulfophosphovanillin.

SpVol Specific volume. SPVR Systemic peripheral vascular resis¬ tance.

SPW factor Single present worth factor. SPZ Sulfinpyrazone. SQ E.R. Sqibb & Sons (USA) code for experi¬ mental substances; Social quotient; Status


quo; Subcutaneous(ly) (see SC); Survey ques¬ tion; Symptom questionnaire. Sq Subcutaneous(ly) (see SC), sq following (L. sequentia); squamous (cell); square; subcutaneous(ly) (see SC). SQ 1089 Hydroxyurea (see NSC 32065). SQ 9453 Dimethyl sulfoxide (see DMSO). SQ 9538 Testolactone - an antineoplastic agent. SQ 9993 Estradiol undecylate (= Oestradiol undecenoate) - an estrogenic hormone with properties similar to those of estradiol; administered by intramuscular injection in oily solution, to provide a depot from which the drug is slowly released. SQ 14225 Captopril (= D-3-mercapto-2methylpropanoyl-L-proline) - a dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase and hypotensive drug act¬ ing by the active inhibition of angiotensin Iconverting enzyme and inactivation of bradykinin. SQ 15761 Sodium Ipodate (= Sodium iopodate) - an organic iodine compound used as a contrast medium for examination of the bil¬ iary tract. SQ 16150 Estradiol ethanate (= Oestradiol ethanate; Oestradiol 17-heptanoate) - an estrogen with properties similar to those of estradiol undecylate (see SQ 9993). SQ 16374 Methenolone enathate (= Methenolone oenanthate) - an anabolic sex hormone, with anabolic properties more pro¬ nounced than its androgenic effects. It increases retention of nitrogen, calcium, sodi¬ um, potassium, chloride and phosphate, lead¬ ing to an increase in skeletal weight, water retention, and increased growth of bone. SQ 16401 Halquinol (= Chlorhydroxyquinoline) - an antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-amebic agent used topi¬ cally in the treatment of infected skin condi¬ tions, and given internally as tablets in bacte¬ rial, non-specific and amebic diarrheas. SQ 20881 Teprotide - a snake venom peptide, prepared from the species Bothrops jararaca, a specific inhibitor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme, and highly effective as an antihypertensive agent. SQC Statistical quality control.

SqCCa Squamous cell carcinoma (see sq cell ca).

sq cel ca See sq cell ca. sq cell ca squamous cell carcinoma (= SqCCa; sq cel ca; squamous cancer cell),

sq cm square centimeter(s). sq epith squamous epithelium, sq ft square foot/ feet. SQID Superconducting quantum interference device (see SQUID), sq in square inch(es). Sql Squirrel.

sq m square meter(s) (= M2; m2). sq mm square millimeter (= mm2). SQP Spastic quadriparesis. sqq and following (L. sequentia). SQ3R Survey, question, read, review and recite (study method in psychology) (= SQRRR). SQRRR See SQ3R. squam- combining form meaning scale (L. squama).

SQUID Superconducting quantum (mechani¬ cal) impedance/ interference device (= SQID; SQuID). SQuID See SQUID. sq yd square yard(s) (= yd2). SR Sarcoplasmic reticulum; Scanning radiometer; Screen; Secretion/ Sedimentation rate; Seizure resistant; Self-relaxation; Seminars in Radiology (journal); Senior (see Sr); Senior Registrar; Sensitivity/ Sensitization/ Sexual/ Specific/ Stimulus response (see S-R); Service record; Sex ratio; Shorthair (guinea pig); Short range; Sick role (in hysteria and psychosomatic syndromes); Side rails; Sigma reaction; Silent rehearsal; Sinus rhythm; Skin/ Steroid/ Systemic resis¬ tance; Slow release (see SRO); Smooth-rough (see S-R); Sneeze/ Stretch reflex; Society of Radiographers (UK); Soluble repository (with reference to penicillin); Specific/ Sustained release (see S-R); Spontaneous respiration; Stage of resistance (stress, in general adapta¬ tion syndrome); Stomach rumble; Stress relat¬ ed; Sulfonamide-resistant; Superior rectus; Systems research; Systems review (patient's history).


Sr Senior (= SR; sr); Sister; Strontium (Z = 38) (see Elements - Strontium),

sr senior (see Sr); steradian. S-R Smooth-rough (= SR); Sensitivity/ Sensitization/ Sexual/ Specific/ Stimulus response (= SR); Specific/ Sustained-release (= S-R).

S&R Search and rescue; Seclusion and restraint. 85Sr Radioactive strontium (nuclear medi¬ cine).

Sr90 Strontium 90. SRA Science Research Associates; Segmental renal artery (branch); Serum renin activity; Spinal reflex arc (see H response); Spleen repopulating activity.

SRAM Static random access memory. Srao2 Oxygen saturation right atrium. SRavv; SRaw; SRaw Specific airway resis¬ tance.

SRBC Sheep/ Sickle red blood cell(s). SRBD Sleep-related breathing disorder. SRBOW Spontaneous rupture of bag of waters.

SRC Scandinavian Radiological Society; Science Research Council (UK); Sedimented/ Sheep red cell(s); Spondylotic root compres¬ sion; Survey Research Center (University of Michigan); Swiss Red Cross, src Rous sarcoma oncogene. SRCA Specific red cell adherence. SRCBC Serum reserve cholesterol binding capacity.

SRCD Society for Research in Child Development.

SR cells Sensitization response cells (in vagi¬ nal smears).

SR/CP Schizophrenic reaction, chronic para¬ noid.

for Radiologic Engineering; Scoring based on a regression-derived weighing system.

sREM Stage rapid eye movement. SRF Severe renal failure; Skin reactive factor; Somatotropin-releasing factor (see Hormones - GH-RH); Split renal function; Subretinal fluid. SRF-A Slow-reacting/ -releasing factor of anaphylaxis.

SRFS Split renal function study. SRG Schering Corp (USA) code for experi¬ mental substances; Society of Remedial Gymnasts (UK). SRG 95213 Diazoxide - an antihypertensive agent, chemically related to chlorothiazide, but without any diuretic activity. It acts directly on the arterioles, reducing peripheral resistance and increasing cardiac output. SRH Signs/ Stigmata of recent hemorrhage; Single radial hemolysis; Somatotropin-releas¬ ing hormone (see Hormones - GH-RH); Spontaneously responding hyperthyroidism. SRI Scripps/ Stanford Research Institute (both California); Severe renal insufficiency. SRID Single radial immunodiffusion. SRIF Somatotropin-release inhibiting/ inhibi¬ tion/ inhibitory factor (= Somatostatin; SS; SST) (see Hormones - GH-IH). SRL Safety Research Laboratory. SRM Spontaneous rupture of membrane(s) (see SROM); Standard Reference Material (NBS); Superior rectus muscle (eye); Sustained-release mechanism. SRMD Stress-related mucosal damage. SRN State/ Student Registered Nurse (England and Wales). SRNA See sRNA. sRNA Soluble ribonucleic acid (= SNRA; sNRA; SRNA).

SRD Service-related disability; Smoking-relat¬

SR/NE Sinus rhythm, no ectopy.

ed disease; Society for the Relief of Distress; Society for the Right to Die; Sodium-restrict¬ ed diet; Soluble, repository, plus dihy¬ drostreptomycin (with reference to peni¬ cillin); Specific reading disability. SRDS Severe respiratory distress syndrome. SRDT Single radial diffusion test. SRE Schedule of Recent Experiences; Society

SRNG Sustained release nitroglycerin. SRNS Steroid-responsive nephrotic syndrome. SRNVM Senile retinal/ Subretinal neovascular membrane. SRO Sex-ratio organism; Single room occu¬ pancy (halfway house); Slow-release oral (form of drug); Smallest region of overlap; Steele-Richardson-Olszewski (syndrome).


SROM Spontaneous rupture of membrane(s) (= SRM). S romanum The sigmoid colon.

SROS Steele-Richardson-Olszewsky syn¬ drome (progressive supranuclear palsy). SRP Short rib-polydactyly (syndrome); Signal recognition particle; Society for Radiological Protection (UK); Stapes replacement prosthe¬ sis; State Registered Physiotherapist; Synchronized retroperfusion. SRPS Short rib-polydactyly syndrome. SRQ Self-Reporting Questionnaire. SRR Skin resistance response; Standardized rate ratio; Surgery recovery room. SRRS Social Readjustment Rating Scale. SR-RSV Schmidt-Ruppin (strain) - Rous sar¬ coma virus.

SRS Scandinavian Radiological Society; Schizophrenic residual state; Sex reassign¬ ment surgery; Silver-Russell syndrome; Slow-reacting substance (see SRS-A); Social and Rehabilitation Service (HEW); Steroid reference substance (USP); Symptom Rating Scale.

SRSA Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (see SRS-A); Social and Rehabilitation Services Administration (HEW). SRS-A Slow-reacting substance of anaphylax¬ is (= SRS; SRSA). SRT Sedimentation rate test (see ESR); Simple reaction time; Sinus (node) recovery time; Speech reception test/ threshold (hear¬ ing); Spontaneously resolving thyrotoxicosis; Stroke rehabilitation technician; Surfactant replacement therapy; Sustained-release theo¬ phylline; Symptom Rating Test. SRU Sample ratio units; Side rails up; Solitary rectal ulcer; Structural repeating unit. SRUS Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome. SRV Schmidt-Ruppin virus; Simian retro¬ virus; Superior radicular vein. Srv02 Oxygen saturation right ventricle. SRVT Sustained re-entrant ventricular tach¬ yarrhythmia.

SRW Short ragweed (test). SS Disulfide; Immediately to be taken (L. statim sumendum); In a/ the strict sense (L. sensu stricto) (see s str); Sacrosciatic; Saline soak; Saline/ Saturated/ Sterile solution (ss);

Saliva sample; Salmonella-Shigella (agar); Salt substitute (see S/S); Schizophrenia Subscale; Science Service (News); Scintillating scotoma (= Flittering s; Fortification spectrum; Scotoma scintilans; Teichopsia - Gr. teichos wall + opsis vision + ia); Seizure-sensitive; Selective shunt; Serum sickness; Sezary/ Sjogren/ Staccato/ Stickler/ Sweet syndrome; Short single (cone - eye); Short sleep; Siblings; Sickle cell (anemia); Side-to-side; Signs and symptoms (see S&S); Single-strand(ed) - DNA (= ss); Skull series (radiographs); Sliding scale; Slip sent; Soap solution/ suds (= ss); Social Security/ Services; Somatostatin (see SRIF); Sparingly soluble; Spastics Society (UK); Staccato speech; Stainless steel; Standard score (psy¬ chology); Statistically significant; Steady state; Steroid sensitivity/ sulfurylation; Subaortic stenosis; Subscapular; Substernal; Suction socket; Sum of squares; Supersaturated; Support and stimulation; Suppressor sensitive (see SuS); Susceptible; Symmetrical strength; Systemic sclerosis. Ss One half (see ss); Shigella sonnei; Subjects, ss in a/ the strict sense (see s str); namely (F. scilicet); one-half (= semis) (= Ss; ss; ss); saline solution (= SS); single-strand(ed) (see SS); soap solution/ suds (= SS); subspinale. ss; ss one-half (see ss). S/S Salt substitute (= SS). -S-S- Interchain disulfide bridge. S&S Shower and shampoo; Signs and symp¬ toms (= SS); Support and stimulation. SSA Sagittal split advancement; Salicylsalicylic acid; Sickle cell anemia; Sjogren syndrome A; Skin-sensitizing anti¬ body; Skin sympathetic activity; Smooth sur¬ face antigen; Social Security Administration (HEW); Southern Surgical Association; Sperm-specific antiserum; Sulfosalicylic acid; Systems safety analyst. SS agar Salmonella-Shigella agar. SSAI Smallest Space Analysis. SSAT Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract.

SSA test Sulfosalicylic acid test (for albumin) (= SSA). SSAV Simian sarcoma-associated virus.


SSB Short spike burst; Single-stranded bind¬ ing (protein); Stereospecific binding.

S seq Without sequel (L. sine sequela). SSER Somatosensory evoked response.

SS-B Sjogren syndrome B. SSBG Sex steroid-binding globulin. SSC Sister strand crossover; Somatosensory

SSES Sexual Self-Efficacy Scale. SSF Soluble suppressor factor; Subscapular skinfold (thickness); Supplemental sensory

cortex; Southern Surgical Congress; Spectroscopy Society of Canada; Stainless steel crown (see SSCr); Standard saline/ sodi¬ um citrate; Steady-state concentration; Syngenetic spleen cell. SSc Systemic scleroderma/ sclerosis. SSCA Single shoulder contrast arthrography; Spontaneous suppressor cell activity. SSCC Superficial squamous cell carcinoma. SSCCS Slow spinal cord compression syn¬ drome. ss(c)DNA Single-stranded circular deoxyri¬ bonucleic acid. SSCF Sleep stage change frequency. SSCP Somatosensory cortical potential (see SCP); Substernal chest pain. SSCr Stainless steel crown (on tooth) (den¬ tistry) (= SSC). SSCVD Sterile spontaneous controlled vaginal delivery. SSD Sickle cell disease; Silver sulfadiazine; Single saturating dose; Social Security dis¬ ability; Social Services Department; Source skin/ surface distance (radiology); Special Science Development (program, NSF); Speech-sound discrimination; Succinate semi-aldehyde dehydrogenase; Sudden sniff¬ ing death (syndrome); Sum of square devia¬ tions; Syndrome of sudden death. SSDBS Symptom schedule for the diagnosis of borderline schizophrenia. SSDI Social Security disability income. ssDNA Single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid. SSE Saline solution enema (see SS enema); Skin self-examination; Soapsuds enema (see SS enema); Steady state exercise; Subacute spongiform encephalopathy; Systemic side effects. SSEA Sensitized sheep erythrocyte agglutina¬ tion; Stage-specific embryonic antigen. SS enema Saline solution/ Soapsuds enema (= SS; ss; SSE). SSEP Somatosensory evoked potential (corti¬ cal and spinal).

feedback. SSFI Social stress and functionability invento¬ rySSG Sublabial salivary gland; Submarine Survivors Group. SSGA Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association. SSHb Homozygous for sickle hemoglobin. SSHD Severe sensorineural hearing defect (see SSNHD). SSI Segmental sensory innervation; Segmental sequential/ sequestral irradiation; Shoulder subluxation inhibition; Small-scale integra¬ tion (circuits); Somatic Symptom Inventory; Subshock insulin; Supplemental Security Income (program) (SSA); System Sign Inventory. SSIDS Sibling of sudden infant death syn¬ drome (victim). SSIE Smithsonian Science Information Exchange. Inc. (formerly, MSIE). SSIPFM Single-signed integral pulse frequen¬ cy modulation. SSIS Smithsonian Science Information Service. SSKI Saturated/ Supersaturated solution of potassium iodide. SSL Skin surface lipid; Sufficient sleep; Synthetic sentence list(s). SSLI Serum sickness-like illness. SSM Subsynaptic membrane; Superficial spreading melanoma. SSME Society for the Study of Medical Ethics. SSN Severely subnormal; Social security number; Subacute sensory neuropathy; Suprasternal notch. SSNHD Severe sensorineural hearing defect (= SSHD). SSNS Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. SSO Society of Surgical Oncology; Spanish speaking only; Special sense organ. SSOP Second Surgical Opinion Program. SSP Sanarelli-Schwartzman phenomenon;

547 Soapsuds and peppermint enema; Standard system of psychiatry; Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (see SSPE); Subspecies (see ssp); Supersensitivity perception, ssp subspecies (= SSP).

electrocardiogram in millivolts (mV), i.e. from multiple epicardial sites (= SST). SSTF Social Security Trust Funds (SSA). s str in a/ the strict sense (L. sensu stricto) (= SS; ss).

SSPE Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (=

SSU Self-service unit; Sterile supply unit. SSV Schulman-Schwartz virus; Simian sarco¬


SSPG Steady state plasma glucose. SSPI Steady state plasma insulin. SSPL Saturation sound pressure level. SSPP Subsynaptic plate perforation. SSPS Side-to-side portacaval shunt. SS-PSE Schizophrenic Subscale of the Present State Examination.

SSPU Surgical short procedure unit. SSQ Social Support Questionnaire. SSR Sight Saving Review (NSPB journal);

ma virus; Under/ With a poison label (L. sub signo veneni) (= ssv). ssv under/ with a poison label (see SSV). SSVCo2 Oxygen saturation superior vena cava. SSX Sulfisoxazole (= Sulphafurazole). S/SX Signs/ symptoms.

ST Esotropia; Sacrotransverse (fetal position);

Site-specific recombination; Somatosensory response; Surgical supply room. SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; Serotonin syndrome receptor inhibitor. SSRL Stanford Synchotron Radiation Laboratory. ssRNA Single-stranded ribonucleic acid. SSRP Stanford Synchotron Radiation Project. SSS Scalded skin syndrome; Secondary Sjogren syndrome; Sick sinus syndrome; Simvastatin Survival Study; Specific soluble substance (polysaccharide hapten); Stanford Sleepiness Scale; Sterile saline soak; Symbolic shorthand system; Systemic sicca syndrome. sss layer upon layer (L. stratum super stra¬ tum). SSSA Soil Science Society of America. SSSB Sagittal split setback. SSSS Society for the Scientific Study of Sex; Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (Phase II Staphylococcus) - found especially in young children. SSST Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis.

Scala tympani; Sclerotherapy; Sedimentation/ Starting/ Survival/ Systolic time; Segment/ Wave on the electrocardiogram (the portion of the segment between the end of the S wave and the beginning of the T wave) (= S-T); Semitendinosus; Sensitivity/ Skin/ Standard(ized)/ Stress test; Shock/ Speech therapy; Sickle-cell thalassemia (see S-T); Sinus tachyarrhythmia/ tachycardia/ tympani; Skin/ Split thickness; Slight trace; Slow twitch; Society for Toxicology; Somatotherapy; Spasmodic torticollis; Spastic torticollis; Speech therapist; Sphincter tone; Stable toxin (i.e. heat-stable bacterial enterotoxin); Standard taper (joint); Station (see Sta); Sternothyroid; Stimulus (see St); Store; Stretcher; Stria terminalis; Striation; Subtalar (see st); Subtotal; Subtype (see St); Surface tension; Surgical treatment; Syndrome of the trephined. St Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. (USA) code for experimental substances; Let it/ them stand (see st); Saint; Stab form(s) - of leukocytes (see Stab); Standing; Status (see st); Sterile; Stimulate/lus (= ST; stim); Stimulation (= stimn); Stokes; Stomach; Stroke; Subtype (= ST),

SSSQ Serving Sister, Order of St. John of

st do not change/ let it stand/ make no change

Jerusalem. SSSV Superior sagittal sinus (blood) velocity. SST Sagittal sinus thrombosis; Soapsuds and

(L. stet) (= St; stet); do not make changes/ let them stand/ make no changes (L. stent) (= St; stent); stage (of disease); status (= St); stere; stone (unit); straight; stomion; subtalar (= ST). S-T (segment) or wave on the ECG (see ST); Sickle-cell thalassemia (= ST; STh; S-Thal).

turpentine (enema); Sodium sulfite titration; Somatostatin (see SRIF); Sum of ST segment elevations (see XST); Supersonic transport. XST Sum of ST segment elevations on the


ST 37 Hexylresorcinol (= Caprokol) - a pro¬ prietary disinfectant. STA Second trimester abortion; Serum throm¬ botic accelerator; Serum thymic activity (= TA); Specialist Training Authority; Superficial temporal artery. Sta Staphylion; Station (= ST). S-Ta Atrial S-T segment change(s) on the electrocardiogram. sta- combining form meaning stop (Gr.). Stab; stab Stabilization/ze(d); Stabnuclear neutrophil (= Band cell; Non-segmented polymorphonuclear leukocyte; St). STAG; S-TAG Slow-binding target-attaching globulin (= Slow-target attaching g); Split¬ thickness autogenous graft. STAI State Trait Anxiety Inventory, stal- combining form meaning send (Gr.). STA-MCA Superficial temporal artery to mid¬ dle cerebral artery. Stan Standard(ization)/(ize)/(ized) (= std). StanPsych Standard psychiatric (nomencla¬ ture). Staph; staph Staphylococcus; Staphylococcal, staphyl- combining form meaning grapes (Gr. staphyle). Star (journal on Hansen's disease). Star dust Cocaine (see Erythroxylum). STARPAHC Space Technology Applied to Rural Papago Advanced Health Care. START Special treatment and rehabilitation training. STASH Student Association for the Study of Hallucinogens, Inc. -stasis suffix meaning hold in check/ stop (Gr.). Stat Statistics. stat at once/ immediately (L. statim); Radiation emanation unit (Ger.) - unit for measuring the amount of radiation emanation, equivalent to 0.364 |4c (microcurie). STAT-I State-Trait-Anxiety Index -1. Stb Stillborn (= stillb). StBal Standing balance. StBy Stand by. STC Serum theophylline concentration; Society for Technical Communications; Soft tissue calcification; Stimulate to cry; Stroke

treatment center; Subtotal colectomy; Sugar tongue cast. STD Science and Technology Division (LC); Sexually transmitted disease; Skin/ Standard test dose; Skin-tumor distance; Sodium tetradecyl (sulfate); Sotradecol. std saturated; standard(ized) (see Stan). STDH Skin test for delayed hypersensitivity. STDT Standard tone-decay test. StdTF Standard tube feeding (see STF). STEAM Stimulated-echo acquisition mode; Streptonigrin, Thioguanine, Endoxan (= cyclophosphamide), Actinomycin D and Mitomycin C (= Zymosan) - combination treatment in neoplastic disease, stear-; steat combining forms meaning fat (Gr.). STEL Short-term exposure limit. STEM Scanning transmission electron micro¬ scope. sten stenosed/osis. sten- prefix meaning constricted or narrowed (Gr. stenos). -stenosis suffix meaning constriction of a pas¬ sage (Gr. stenos). stent do not make changes/ let them stand/ make no changes (L.) (see st). STEP Sequential Tests of Educational Progress; Society for Total Emergency Programs. ster- prefix meaning solid (Gr. stereos), sterc- combining form meaning dung (L. stercus). Stereo; stereo Stereogram. stern- combining form meaning sternum. Steroids (journal). STESS Subject's treatment emergent symptom scale. STET Submaximal treadmill exercise test, stet do not change/ let it stand/ make no change (L.) (see st). STETH Stethoscope, steth- combining form meaning chest (Gr. stethos). STEV Short-term exposure value. STF Serum thymus factor; Slow-twitch fiber; Special/ Standard (= StdTF) tube feeding; Specialized treatment center; Sudden tran¬ sient freezing.


STFM Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. STG Serum triglyceride; Short-term goal(s); Soft tissue hemorrhage; Split-thickness graft (operation/ plastic surgery); Subtotal gastrec¬ tomy. STH Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis (journal); Soft tissue hemorrhage; Somatotropic hormone (Growth hormone of the anterior pituitary) (see Hormones - GH; STH); Subtotal hysterectomy (operation/ gynecology); Supplemental thyroid hormone (see Hormones - STH ii). STh; S-Thal Sickle-cell thalassemia (see ST). sthen- combining form meaning strength (Gr. sthenos). STHRF Somatotropic hormone releasing fac¬ tor. STHV Science, Technology, and Human Values (NEH program). STI Scientific and Technical Information; Serum trypsin inhibitor; Soft tissue injury; Soybean trypsin inhibitor (= SBI; SBTI); Systolic time interval. STIA Science, Technology, and International Affairs. STIC Serum trypsin inhibition capacity; Solid-state transducer intracompartment. Stick Marijuana twig (see Cannabis), stil; stillat by drops/ drop by drop/ in small amounts or quantities (L. stillatim). stillb stillborn (see Stb). stim stimulate(d)/ stimulation/ stimulus (see St). stimn stimulation (see St). STIQ Surface technique for immunoquantitation. STJ Subtalar joint. STK Streptokinase (see SK). STL Serum theophylline level; Status thymi¬ colymphaticus; Swelling, tenderness, and limitation (of movement)/ limited (motion) (= STLOM). STLE; StLE St. Louis encephalitis. STLOM Swelling, tenderness, and limitation of motion/ movement (= STL). STLS Subacute thyroiditis-like syndrome.

STLV; STLV-3 Simian T-lymphotropic virus infecting the "spider" or "green" monkey. STM Scanning tunneling microscope; Short¬ term memory; Streptomycin (see SM). STMP Sodium thymolphthalein monophos¬ phate. STN Subthalamic/ Supratrochlear nucleus. sTNM TNM (primary tumor, regional nodes, metastasis) staging of tumors as determined by surgical procedures. STNR Symmetric tonic neck reflex. STNV Satellite tobacco necrosis virus. STO Store. stol- combining form meaning send (Gr.). stom stomach. stom- prefix meaning mouth (Gr. stoma), -stomy suffix meaning a surgical opening (Gr. stomoun). STORCH Syphilis, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpesvirus. STP Methyl-dimethoxy-methylphenethylamine (= 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine; BZ; DOM) (see Amphet); Scientifically-treated petroleum (a motor oil additive); Serenity, tranquility and peace (Timothy Leary); Short-term preceptorship; Sibling Training Program; Sodium thiopental; Spastic tetraparesis/ tetraplegia; Standard temperature and pressure/ pulse (i.e. normal t & p/p). STPD Standard temperature and pressure, dry, i.e. a volume of gas at standard conditions of temperature and pressure, "dry" or containing no water vapor. STPP Sodium tripolyphosphate. STPS Specific thalamic projection system. STQ Superior temporal quadrant. STR Society of Therapeutic Radiologists; Soft tissue relaxation; Stirred tank reactor. Str Streptococcal; Streptococcus (see S Streptococcus), str straight; stretcher. Strab; strab strabismus (eye examination). Strep Streptococcus (see S - Streptococcus); Streptomycin (see SM). strep- prefix meaning to twist (Gr. strepho). strict- combining form meaning close or tight (L. strictus).


-stringent suffix meaning to draw tight or cause pain (L. stringo).

Stroke (AHA journal), stroph- combining form meaning twist (Gr.). STRT Skin temperature recovery time, struc; struct structural/ure. struct- combining form meaning pile up (L. structus). STS Serological test(s) for syphilis: BST: Blood serological test. BW: Blood Wassermann (see STS - WR). CMT: Cardiolipin microflocculation test. CSF-WR: Cerebrospinal fluid - Wassermann reaction. CSL: Cardiolipin synthetic lecithin (test). FTA: Fluorescent treponemal antibody (see STS - FTA-ABS). FTA-ABS: Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (test). FTA-Abs: See STS - FTA-ABS (= FTA; FTAAbs; TPFA). HATTS: Hemagglutination treponemal test for syphilis.

Hint: Hinton (flocculation test for syphilis). KCCF: Kolmer cardiolipin complement fixa¬ tion (test). AT: Kahn test. LT: Lues test(s) (= STS). MHATP: See STS - MHA-TP. MHA-TP: Microhemagglutin assay for Treponema pallidum antibodies (= MHATP). MTR: Meinicke turbidity reaction. PCT: Plasma Cri Test. RPCF: Reiter protein complement-fixation (test) (see STS - RPCFT). RPCFT: Reiter protein complement-fixation test (= RPCF; RPF). RPE: Rapid plasma exclusion (test). RPF: Reiter protein fixation (test) (see STS RPCFT). RPR: Rapid plasma reagin (test) (= Portnoy's card test; RPRCF). RPRCF: Rapid plasma reagin complement fixation (see RPR) (= RPRCT). RPRCT: Rapid plasma reagin card test (see STS - RPR). SG; S-G: Sachs-Georgi reaction/ test (= SGR; S-Gt).

SGR: Sachs-Georgi reaction (see STS - SG).

S-Gt: Sachs-Georgi test (see STS - SG). STS: Standard test for syphilis. SWR: Serum Wassermann reaction (see STS WR). TIT: Treponema immobilization test. TPC: Treponema pallidum complement (fixa¬ tion test) (see TPCF). TPCF: Treponema pallidum complement fix¬ ation (test) (= TPC). TPFA: Treponema pallidum fluorescent anti¬ body (test) (see FTA-ABS). TPHA: Treponema pallidum haemagglutination (test). TPI: Treponema pallidum immobilization (test).

TPI A: Treponema pallidum immune adher¬ ence (test). USR: Unheated serum reagin (test). VDRL: Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (test).

VDRT: Venereal disease reference test (Harris). WR: Wassermann reaction (= BW; SWR; Was; Wass). Wks; Wass: Wassermann test (see STS - WR). STS Society of Thoracic Surgeons; Sodium tetradecyl sulfate; Sodium thiosulfate; Soft tissue swelling; Space Transportation System (NASA); Standard test for syphilis (see STS STS); Steroid sulfatase. STSA Southern Thoracic Surgical Association. STSE Split-thickness skin excision. STSG Split-thickness skin graft. STSS Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome. STT Salt tolerance test; Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid (joint); Sensitization test; Serial thrombin time; Skin temperature test; Supratentorial tumor (brain).

StTol Standing tolerance. STU Shock trauma unit; Sigma Tietz unit; Skin test unit. STV Short term variability; Superior temporal vein. STVA Subtotal villose atrophy. STVS Short-term visual storage/ store (eye). STX Saxitoxin. stylo- prefix meaning pole (Gr. stylos). STZ Streptozocin; Streptozyme.


SU Salicyluric (acid); Secretory/ Sensation/ Shinowara/ Somogyi/ Sorbent/ Spectrophotometric/ Strontium/ Sub unit; Sensory urgency; Siegbahn unit (approx. 10"13 meter); Solar urticaria; Status uncertain; Sulfonamide (see sulfa); Sulfonylurea; Supine (see sup). Su Sulfonamide (see sulfa), su let him take/ take (L. sumat). S&U Supine and upright. SU 1906 Diphenylthiourea (see DPT). SU 3088 Chlorisondamine chloride - a gan¬ glion-blocking agent used in the treatment of severe hypertension. SU 3118 Syrosingopine (= Methyl carbethoxysyringoyl reserpate) - a drug chemi¬ cally related to reserpine, and having a main¬ ly peripheral action. Used in the treatment of mild or moderate hypertension, usually in combination with other hypotensive agents. SU 4885 Metyrapone - a drug which inhibits the synthesis of the glucocorticoids, cortisone and hydrocortisone, and to a lesser extent, aldosterone. It has been used to investigate the ability of the anterior pituitary to synthe¬ size and release corticotropin in puitary func¬ tion tests; also used in the treatment of resis¬ tant edema of unkown origin. SU 5864 Guanethidine sulfate (= Guaneth sulf) - a hypotensive agent acting by selec¬ tively blocking transmission in post-ganglion¬ ic adrenergic nerves, thus preventing the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the nerve endings. Guanethidine is used in the treatment of severe hypertension, or in mild hypertension when other drugs have proved ineffective. SU 6518 Dimethindene maleate (= Dimethpyrindene maleate) - an antihistaminic agent with an effect more potent than that of promethazine. SU 8341 Cyclopenthiazide - a diuretic with similar actions and uses to chlorthiazide, but effective in much smaller doses. It reduces the resorption of electrolytes from the proxi¬ mal renal tubules, thereby increasing the excretion of sodium, potassium, and chloride ions, and consequently of water. SUA Serum uric acid; Single umbilical artery;

Single unit activity; Special unemployment assistance (USDL).

SUB Skene's urethra and Bartholin's (glands), sub frequently (L. subinde); prefix meaning less or under (L.). subac subacute. subclav subclavian; subclavicular. subcrep subcrepitant (rales), subcut subcutaneous(ly) (see SC), sub fin coct toward the end of boiling (L. sub finem coctionis). subgenus subgenus (L.) (see s-gg). subl subliminal (see sublim); sublingual (see subling). sublim subliminal (= subl). subling sublingual (= subl). subman; submand submandibular. SubN Subthalamic nucleus, subq subcutaneous(ly) (see SC), subsp subspecies (L.) (see sppp). substan; substd substandard, sue juice (L. succus). Succ Succinate/nic. SUD Skin unit dose; Sudden unexpected/ unexplained death. SUDH Succinyldehydrogenase. SUDS Subjective Unit of Distress Scale. suf; suff sufficient. suf- prefix meaning less or under (L.). Sug Sugar - a sweet carbohydrate of various kinds, of both animal and vegetable origin. These are the monosaccharides (with the for¬ mula C6H(206), including glucose, fructose, and galactose; the disaccharides (with the for¬ mula C12H22On), including sucrose or cane sugar, hydrolyzed by enzymes into glucose (dextrose) and fructose (levulose), lactose or milk sugar, hydrolyzed into glucose and galactose, and maltose or malt sugar, hydrolyzed into glucose; and the artificial sugars, such as lactulose (used as a laxative in chronic constipation). SUI Stress urinary incontinence; Suicide. SUID Sudden unexplained infant death,

sulf sulfate (= sulph). sulfa sulfonamide (= SU; Su; sulpha). SULF-PRIM Sulfamethoxazole and trimetho¬ prim.

sulph sulphate (see sulf)-


sulpha sulphonamide (see sulfa), sum let him take/ let it be taken/ take/ to be taken (L. sumantur; sumat; sume; sumendum; sumendus).

SUMA Sporadic ulcerating and mutilating acropathy. SUMC Stanford University Medical College. SUMEX Stanford University Medical Experimental Computer). SUMEX-AIM Stanford University Medical Experimental Computer - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (= "Dr. SUMEX"). SUMIT Streptokinase-urokinase myocardial infarct(ion) test/ trial (NHLI). SUMMIT Stanford University Medical Media and Information Technologies, sum tal take a similar one/ take one like this (L. sumat talem). SUN Standard unit of nomenclature; Serum urea nitrogen. S unit Sedimentation rate (Svedberg). SUNY State University of New York. SUO Syncope of unknown origin. SUP Schizo-unipolar; Supination (see supin); Symptomatic uterine prolapse. Sup; sup Above (L. supra); Superficial; Superior; Superscript; Supination/tor (see supin); Supine (see supin); Supplement (see suppl); Suppository (see suppos); Suppressor bed (chromatography); Suppressor grid (elec¬ tron tube). sup- prefix meaning less or under (L.), e.g. suppurate = to fester or gather pus under¬ neath. sup cit cited above (L. supra citato) (see supra cit). Super Superintendent (slang for) (see Supt). super- prefix meaning above, beyond, or superior (L.). Superl Superlative. supin supination/ supinator/ supine (= SU; Sup; sup). Supp Supplement(ary) (see suppl); Suppository (see suppos); Suppurative, suppl supplement(ary) (= Sup; sup; Supp). suppos suppository (= Sup; sup; Supp). supra- prefix meaning above (L.).

supra cit cited above (L. supra citato) (= sup cit).

Supt Superintendent (= Super, slang for). SUR Surgery/gical (see surg).

surf surface. Surg Surgeon (journal). surg surgeon/gery/gical. Surgi Surgigator. SURS Solitary ulcer of rectum syndrome. SUS Saybolt Universal Seconds; Society of University Surgeons; Solitary ulcer syn¬ drome; Stained urinary sediment; Suppressor sensitive (see SuS). SuS Suppressor sensitive (= SS; SUS). SUSM Stanford University School of Medicine. susp suspend(ed)/pension. SUTI Symptomatic urinary tract infection. SUUD Sudden unexpected and unexplained death. SUV Small unilamellar vesicle (see LSM). SUX Succinylcholine (see SCh); Suction (see SZ). SV Alcoholic spirit/ Spirits of wine (see sv); Saphenous/ Scalp/ Splenic/ Subclavian vein; Saponification value; Sarcoma/ Satellite/ Simian (papova) virus; Selective vagotomy; Semilunar valve; Seminal vesicle; Severe (see sv); Sigmoid volvulus; Single vibration (see sv); Single ventricle; Sinus venosus; Snake venom; Southern Veterinarian (journal); Southwestern Veterinarian (AVMA journal); Spontaneous ventilation; Stroke volume (heart); Subjective vertigo; Subventricular; Supraventricular; Supravital (see sv); Ventriculus lateralis (thalamus). Sv Sieved (- sv).

sv alcoholic spirit/ spirit(s) of wine (L. spiritus vini) (= SV); severe (= SV); sieved (see Sv); single vibration(s) (= SV); supravital (= SV). S/V Surface/volume (ratio). SV 40 Simian (vacuolating) virus 40 - a virus originally found in monkeys.

SVA Selective vagotomy and/ with antrecto¬ my; Selective visceral angiography; Sequential ventriculoatrial (pacing); Snellen visual acuity; Subtotal villous atrophy. SVAS Supravalvular/ Supraventricular aodic stenosis. SVB Saphenous vein bypass.


SVBG Saphenous vein bypass graft(ing) (= SVG).

SV/BSA Stroke volume/ Body surface area (ratio) (see SVI).

SVC Segmental venous capacitance; Selective venous catheterization; Slow vital capacity; Stovarsol Vaginal Compound - vaginal tablets containing acetarsol with carbohydrate, used in the local treatment of trichomonal vaginitis and idiopathic proctitis (a proprietary drug); Subclavian vein catheterization; Superior/ Suprahepatic vena cava. SVCCS Superior vena cava compression syn¬ drome (= SVCS).

SVCG Spatial vectorcardiogram (procedure/ cardiology).

SVCO Superior vena-caval obstruction. SVCP Special Virus Cancer Program (= SCPV).

SVC-PA Superior vena cava to pulmonary artery (shunt). SVCR Segmental venous capacitance ratio. SVC-RPA Superior vena cava to right pul¬ monary artery (shunt). SVCS Superior vena cava syndrome (see SVCCS). SVD Single/ Small vessel disease; Singular value decomposition; Spontaneous vaginal/ vertex delivery; Stavudine (HIV reverse tran¬ scriptase inhibitor); Swine vesicular disease. SVE Slow volume encephalography; Soluble viral extract; Sterile vaginal examination; Streptococcus viridans endocarditis; Supraventricular ectopic (beat) (see SVPB). SVEB Supraventricular ectopic beat (see SVPB). SVF Sudden vestibular failure. SVG Saphenous vein graft (operation/ coro¬ nary bypass) (see SVBG). SV GAL Brandy (L. spiritus vini gallici). SVI Small volume infusion; Stroke volume index (ml/m2) (= Stroke volume/ body sur¬ face area; SV/BSA); Superficial venous incompetence.

SVIB Strong Vocational Interest Blank (psy¬ chology).

SVL Severe visual loss; Superficial vastus lat¬ eralis.

SVM Seminal vesicle microsome; Syncytiovascular membrane. SVN Sinuvertebral nerve; Small volume nebu¬ lizer. Sv02 Venous oxygen saturation, i.e. 02 sat. of the pulmonary artery. SVOM Sequenced/ Sequential volitional oral movement. SVP If you please/ please (Fr. s'il vous plait); Selective vagotomy and/ with pyloroplasty; Small volume parenteral (infusion); Spontaneous venous pulse; Spun vegetable protein; Standing venous pressure; Superior vascular plexus. SVPB Supraventricular premature beat (= SVE; SVEB). SVPC Supraventricular premature contraction.

SVR Rectified spirit of wine (see svr); Sequential vascular response; Supraventricular rhythm; Systemic vascular resistance = (dyne/s/cm'5) or 80 (MAP RAP)/CO or 80 (Mean arterial pressure right atrial pressure)/cardiac output, svr alcohol/ rectified spirit of wine (L. spiritus vini rectificatus) (= 90% Alcohol; Rectified Spirit) (= SVR). SVRI Systemic vascular resistance index. SVS Slit ventricle syndrome; Society for Vascular Surgery. SVT Sinoventricular tachycardia; Subclavian vein thrombosis; Superficial venous thrombo¬ sis; Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia/ tachy¬ cardia.

svt concentrated alcohol/ proof spirit (L. spiri¬ tus vini tenuis).

SW Sandwich; Seriously wounded; Short wave(s); Silent Worker (journal for the deaf); Sinewave; Slow/ Spike wave (see S-W); Soap and water (see S&W); Social/ Stroke work; Social Work (journal); Social worker; Southwest; Spiral/ Stab wound (see sw); Sterile water; Sturge-Weber (syndrome); Swiss Webster (mouse).

Sw Swine (veterinary medicine), sw spiral/ stab wound (= SW). S-W Slow-wave/ Spike-wave (= SW). S&W Soap and water (enema) (= SW). SWA Seriously wounded in action; Social work aide/ assistant.


SWC Submaximal working capacity. SWCF Simeon Weight Clinics Foundation. SWD Short wave diathermy. SWE Slow wave encephalography. Swed Swedish. Sweet Lucy Marijuana (see Cannabis). SWFI Sterile water for injection (see SWI). SWG Silkworm gut; Standard wire guage. SWHC Social Work in Health Care (journal). SWI Sterile water for injection; Stroke work index (g.m/m2) = Stroke volume index x (arterial pressure - pulmonary capillary wedge pressure) x 0.0136 = SVI x (AP PCWP) x 0.0136; Surgical wound infection. S&WI Skin and wound isolation. SWIFS Southwest Institute of Forensic Sciences. SWIM Sperm-washing insemination method. SWIORA Spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormality. SWIR Selective wavelength infrared analyzer. Swiss P Swiss Pharmacopeia. SWIU Service Workers International Union. SWOG Southwest Oncology Group. SWP Small whirlpool. SWR Serum Wassermann reaction (see STSSWR). SWS Slow-wave sleep; Spike-wave stupor; Steroid-wasting syndrome; Student ward sec¬ retary; Sturge-Weber syndrome. SWT Sine-wave threshold; Social work tech¬ nician; Stab wound of the throat; Standard walking time. SWU Separative work unit (U-235 concentra¬ tion plant); Septic work-up. Sx; Sx Sign(s); Surgery; Symptom(s). SXR Skull X-ray. Sxs Serological sex-specific (antigen). SXT Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (mix¬ ture). SY Syphilis/litic. sy- prefix meaning with (Gr.) (see syl-). SYA Subacute yellow atrophy. SYDS Stomach yin deficiency syndrome. syl- prefix meaning with (Gr.) (= sy-; sym-). Syl-ag-ol Pysillium, agar-agar, mineral oil (laxative) - proprietary drug. Sym; sym Symmetrical/ry; Symptom(s) (= SM; Sympt; sympt).

sym- prefix meaning with (Gr.) (see syl-). symb symbiosis; symbol(ic)/(s) (see Symbols).

SYMBIOSIS System for Medical and Biological Science Information Searching.

Symbols - used in or associated with: 1. Biology; 2. Calculation; 3. Chemistry; 4. Greek Alphabet; 5. Medicine and Pharmacy; 6. Numeration; 7. Signs of the Zodiac. 1. Biology. 0,0,© Annual plant. c?, OO, © Biennial plant. ^ Perrenial herb. A Evergreen plant. O Monocarpic plant, bearing fruit only once. 5

Shrub. $ Tree-like shrub. £ Tree. /-n Climbing plant. Is greater than or equal to. m Is equal to or greater than. < Is not less than. < Is less than or equal to. s Is equal to or less than. > Is not greater than. o Is equivalent to; applied to magnitude or quantities that are equal in area or volume, but are not of the same form. = Is identical with. = Approximately; congruent to. ~ Approximate. ~ The difference between; used to designate

the difference between two quantities, as in: x ~ y = the difference between x and y. °c Varies as; is directly proportional to, as in: x^y; that is, x varies as y. ■H- Geometric proportions, as in: -^-x:y::a:b; that is, the geometric proportion, x is to y, as a is to b. : Is to; the ratio of; ratio. :: As; equality/used between ratios; equals; proportionate to. °° Infinity; indefinitely great. ? Possible; questionable; question of. I or L The factorial of, or the continued prod¬ uct of numbers from one upward, as in: 51 = 5L = 5x4x3x2x 1. .\ Therefore. v Because; since. ... And so on; etcetera. X Angle, as in L PQR. L Right angle. _L Is perpendicular to, as in: AB 1 YZ = AB is perpendicular to YZ. II Parallel; is parallel to, as in: AB II YZ. O Circle; Circumference; 360°. n

Arc of a circle. K pi - the 16th lower case (small) letter of the Greek alphabet; the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle: 3.1415926536. A Change, finite difference, or increment; Temperature (on anesthesia records); Triangle. AS Entropic variation. At Time interval. 24° Twenty-four hours. □ Square. □ Rectangle. EJ Parallelogram.

V Square root. 3V Cube root, as in: 3V64 = 4. W y is the index, expressing the degree of the required root of the number y, as in: 6V64 = the 6th root of 64 = 2. / c Check with. / Per. % Percent (= P). 1; 2; 3; etc. 1. Exponents, placed above and to the right of a quantity, indicate that it is raised to the first, second, third, etc. power, as in: 101, a2, (a + b)3; etc. 2. Exponents, placed


above and to the right of a word, are used to refer the reader (of the book or article), to the equivalent number in the bibliography. etc. Prime; double or second prime; triple or third prime; etc. are used to distin¬ guish between different values of the same variable, as in: x1; x"; x"1; etc. Vinculum, as in: a+b. () Parentheses, as in: 2(a + b). [ ] Brackets, as in: p[2(a = b)]. { } Braces, as in: q + {12 + p[2(a + b)]}. / or F Function; function of, as in: /(a) or F(a), a function of a. d Differential of, as in: da. 5 Variation of, as in: 5a. A Finite difference, or increment. D Differential coefficient, or derivative. / Integral; integral of, indicating that the expression following it, is to be integrated, as in: /p(x)qx, indicating the indefinite integral of p(x) with respect to x. /ab Definite integral, indicating the limits of integration, as in: /abp(x)qx, indicating the integral of p(x) with respect to x, between the limits of a and b. Z Sum; sum of; algebraic sum; when used to indicate the summation of finite differences, it has a sense similar to that of the symbol /. @ At. n The continued product of all terms such as (those indicated). K Pi = 3.14159265+; the ratio of the circum¬ ference of a circle to its diameter, of a semi¬ circle to its radius, and of the area of a circle to the square of its radius, e or G The number 2.7182818+; the base of the Napierian system of logarithms, and the eccentricity of a conic section. M The modules of a system of logarithms, especially of the common system of loga¬ rithms, where it is equal to 0.4342944819+. g The acceleration of gravity. 1 or I One. 2 or II Two. lx Once. 2x; etc. Twice; etc. ° Degree(s), as in: 180°. 1° First degree; Primary. * Asterisk.

2° Secondary; Second degree. 2ndry Secondary. ' Foot, feet; Minute(s) of arc/time; Primary accent; Univalent. x Mean. " Bivalent; Inch(es); Second(s) of arc/time; Secondary accent. Line (1/12 inch); Trivalent. At Time interval. 24° 24 hours. h Hour(s). m Minute(s) of time. s second(s) of time. # Number; Pound. £ Pound sterling. $ Dollar. PQJ or nV) New Shekel/ Shekel Hadash (Israeli currency). G 1/1000 of a second (millisecond); Standard deviation; Sigma. 3. Chemistry. Elements. The symbol of each of the chemical elements (see under Elements), is formed of the initial or abbreviation of its English, Latin, Modern Latin, or Greek names, as in "Initials": C for Carbon (Eng., L. carbo), Au for Gold (L. aurum), K for Potassium (Modern L. kalium), and Ba for Barium (Gr. barys), or "Abbreviations": Mn for Manganese (Eng., L. manganum), Pb for Lead (L. plumbum), Pt for Platinum (Modem L. platina), and T1 for Thallium (Gr. (hallos). • Separate radicals, as in CH,*CHO (= acetaldehyde; C,H40), or the water of crys¬ tallization, as in: Na,SO,*5H,0 (= sodium thiosulfate). , Indicates elements which are interchange¬ able; for example: (Er,Y)P04 means ErP04 (Erbium phosphate) and YP04 (Yttrium phosphate) in proportions that vary. () Parentheses - indicate a radical within a compound, as in C3Hs(N03)3, glyceryl trini¬ trate, or is used to set off elements that are interchangeable, as in the example for the preceding symbol. [ ] Brackets - are used together with parenthe¬ ses to indicate certain radicals as in: Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2, ferrous ferricyanide, or in


4. Greek Alphabet. Letter


Capital letter

Small letter

English transcription

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th

alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron



a b

P' rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega

r A E Z H 0 I K A M N E 0

P y

v; v

g d e z e th i k 1 m n

$ 0


5 e c

0 1 K





p 1 T Y O X

P Cb? X D



v; ^ (0


coordination formulas to indicate relationship to the central atom. O Benzene ring - is used in structural formu¬ las, as in: OCOCH3

[= CH3*C02«C6H4*C00H; C9H804; Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)]. +; ++. +++. etc or 1+. 2+. 3+. etc indicate the unit charges of positive electricity, as in: Ca++, a calcium ion with 2 positive charges. —; etc. or 2‘; 3‘; etc. Indicate the unit charges of negative electricity, as in: N'", a nitrogen ion with 3 negative charges. =; =; etc. Indicate 1) the same as the sym¬

P r s t y ph ch ps 6

bols immediately preceding, as in: N=, and 2) a single, double, or triple band, as in: HC=CH, acetylene. •; :; !; etc. Indicate a single, double, triple, etc. bond as in: CH2:CHOCH:CH2 (= vinyl ether). etc. Indicate 1) a valence of one, two, three, etc., as in Fe'", trivalent iron, and 2) the unit charges of negative electricity, as in C03", a carbonate ion with 2 negative charges. 1-; 2-; 3-; etc., a-; (3-; y-; etc. Indicate one of the several possible positions of substituting groups in a parent compound, as in: 3acetylpyridine or a-tocopherol. - Indicates levorotation, as in: -130°. + 1) Means "with the addition of or "together


with", as in: H2S04 + Ca(OH)2 = CaS04 + 2H20. 2) Indicates dextrorotation, as in: + 130°. = Means "form" or "results in", as is used in chemical equations, as in: HC1 + NaHC03 = NaCl + C02 + H20, i.e. one molecule each of hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate, combine to form one molecule each of sodi¬ um chloride, carbon dioxide, and water. —> To the right; results in (is due to); transfer to; yields/ causes. D Wet to dry. W4D Worth four-dot (test). WDA Wildlife Disease Association. WDCC Well-developed collateral circulation. WDF White divorced female. WDHA Watery diarrhea, with hypokalemia and achlorhydria (syndrome). WDI Warfarin Dose Index. WDL Well-differentiated lymphocyte. WDLL Well-differentiated lymphatic lym¬ phoma.

WDM White divorced male. WDMF Wall-defective microbial forms.

WDS Watery diarrhea syndrome (see WDHA); Wet dog shakes (syndrome).

Wds Wounds. WDWN; WD/WN Well developed and well nourished.

WDWN-BF Well-developed, well-nourished black female. WDWN-BM Well-developed, well-nourished black male.

WDWN-WF Well-developed, well-nourished white female.

WDWN-WM Well-developed, well-nourished white male.

WDXS Wavelength dispersive X-ray spec¬ trometer (SEM).

WE Wage earner; Wax ester; Weekend (see W/E); Wernicke encephalopathy; Western encephalitis/ encephalomyelitis (see WEE); Wound of entry.

We Weber (see Wb). W/E Weekend (= WE). Wed Wednesday. Wedge A flat LSD-25 tablet (see LSD). WEE Western equine encephalitis/ encephalomyelitis (= WE).

Weed Marijuana (see Cannabis). WEF War emergency formula (Britain). WEFT Witkin Embedded Figures Test. WEP Water-extended polyester (collimator); Weekend pass. WER Wheal erythema reaction. Wes Wesleyan (Church member). WEUP Willful exposure to unwanted preg¬ nancy. WF von Willebrand factor (see vWF); Walsh function; Weil-Felix (reaction) (see WFR); White female (see W/F); Wistar-Furth (rat). wf white female (see W/F). W/F White female (= WF; wf).

WFA World Federation of Anesthesiologists (see WFSA).

WFBD Worchester Foundation for Experimental Biology (Massachusetts).

WFC World Food Conference. WFCC World Federation of Culture Collections. WFE Williams flexion exercise. WFI Water for injection. WFL Within function limits.


WFMH World Federation for Mental Health. WFMHB World Federation for Mental Health Bulletin (journal).

WFN World Federation of Neurology (CIOMS).

White lady Cocaine (see Erythroxylum); Heroin (see Diamorph HC1).

WHML Wellcome Historical Medical Library. WHO World Health Organization (UN); Wrist-hand orthosis.

WFNS World Federation of Neurological

WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic

Surgeons/ Neurosurgical Societies. WF-O Will follow in office. WFOT World Federation of Occupational

Institution. WHOIRP World Health Organization International Reference Preparation. Whp; whp; Whpl; whpl Whirlpool (proce¬ dure/ physical therapy). WHPB Whirlpool bath. WHR Waist/Hips (girth) ratio. whr watt-hour (see w-hr). w-hr watt-hour - a unit of electrical energy or work, equal to the wattage multiplied by the time in hours (= wh; w-h; whr). WHRC World Health Research Center. WHS Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome. WHSP White House Science Presence. WH syndrome Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome


WFP World Food Program (FAO). WFPMM World Federation of Proprietary Medicine Manufacturers.

WFR Weil-Felix reaction (= WF); Wheal-andflare reaction.

WFS World Future Society; WaterhouseFriderichsen syndrome.

WFSA World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (CIOMS) (see WFA). WG Water/ Wire guage; Wegener's granulo¬ matosis; Wild Geronimo (barbiturate dis¬ solved in an alcoholic drink) (see Barb); Wright-Giemsa (stain). WGA Weekly Government Abstracts (NTIS); Wheat germ agglutinin. WGH Western General Hospital (Edinburgh). WGTA Wisconsin General Test Apparatus (for monkeys). WH Walking heel (cast); War on Hunger (AID journal); Well healed/ hydrated; WerdnigHoffmann (syndrome); Whole homogenate; World Hospitals (IHF journal); Wound heal¬ ing.

Wh White (= W; w; wh). wh watt-hour (see w-hr); whisper(ed); white (see Wh).

w-h watt-hour (see w-hr). WHA Warm and humid air; World Health Assembly/ Association.

WHAP Woman's Health and Abortion Project. wh ch wheel chair; white child. WHCOA White House Conference On Aging. WHD Werdnig-Hoffman disease (acute pro¬ gressive infantile spinal muscular atrophy).

WHE Whole human embryo (cell). Wheat Marijuana (see Cannabis). WHI Women's Health Initiative. White Amphetamine (benzedrine pill) (see Amphet).

(see WHS).

WHT Walsh-Hadamard transform. WHV Woodchuck hepatic virus. WHVP Wedged hepatic vein/ venous pres¬ sure.

WI Human embryonic lung cell line; Ventricular demand pacing; Walk-in (patient); Water ingestion; Wistar Institute (rat).

W/I Within. W&I; W + I Work and interest. WI-38 Human diploid cells. WIA Wounded in action. WIAB Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.

WIC Women, infants, and children - special supplemental food program for pregnant women, infants, and children (USDA). WICHE Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Wid Widow(ed)/(er) (= W). WIG Welfare Inspector General (New York State Department of Social Services). WIH Whitely Index of Hypochondriasis. WIHM Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. WIM1J West Indian Medical Journal. WIN See Win; World of Irish Nursing (INO journal).


Win Work Incentive (Program) (DOL). Win Winthrop Laboratories (USA) code for experimental substances (= WIN). Win 1258-2 Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (see SN 16,168). Win 5047 Chlorbetamide - an acetamide derivative used as an amebicide and also in the treatment of hookworm infestation. Much more effective in intestinal amebiasis than in the hepatic form of the disease. Win 5063-2 Thiamphenicol (see CB 8053). Win 5494 Amotriphene hydrochloride - a dimethylamino-propene derivative, with simi¬ lar effects on the heart as quinidine sulfate, but also causes coronary vaso-dilatation. Has been used in the treatment of cardiac arrhyth¬ mias. Win 8077 Ambenonium chloride (= Ambestigmine chloride) - an anti¬ cholinesterase with actions similar to those of physostigmine (eserine), but like neostigmine its nicotinic actions are more pronounced, and its muscarinic actions less pronounced than those of physostigmine. Used in the treatment of myasthenia gravis. It has a longer duration of action than neostigmine. Win 8851-2 Sodium tyropanoate - an iodinecontaining contrast medium used in the radi¬ ographic examination of the biliary tract. Its actions and uses are similar to those of iopanoic acid (Iopan). Win 9154 Inositol Nicotinate (= Inositol Niacinate; Mesoinositol; Hexanicotinate) - a peripheral vasodilator used in the treatment of Raynaud's disease, acrocyanosis and chilblains, and has been also given in the treatment of conditions accompanied by inter¬ mittent claudication. Inositol is also included in the vitamin B complex (see Vitamins - B complex).

Win 9317 Propatylnitrate (see ETTN). Win 10,448 Quinocide hydrochloride (see CN 1115).

Win 14,833 Stanozolol (= Androstanazole; Methylstanazole) - a sex hormone with ana¬ bolic and androgenic actions similar to those of methandienone. Used in conditions charac¬ terized by protein and bone wasting, in the treatment of osteoporosis, crush fractures due

to corticosteroid treatment, to alleviate the low backache of the menopause, and in chronic debilitating diseases (see Hormones AH ii).

Win 18,320 Nalidixic acid - a synthetic antibacterial agent used in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary tract. Win 18,501 Oxypertine hydrochloride - a tranquillizing drug used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Win 20,228 Pentazocine (see NIH 7958). Win 20,740 Cyclazocine - a cyclopropylbenzazocine narcotic analgesic, reported to be 40 times as potent as morphine. WIO Wright Institute of Otology. WIPI Word Intelligibility Picture Identification. WIS Wechsler Intelligence Scale; Weizman Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel). WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. WISC-R Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised.

WIST Whitaker Index of Schizophrenic Thinking.

WITT Wittenborn (Psychiatric Rating Scale). W-J Woodcock-Johnson (Psychoeducational Battery).

WJM Western Journal of Medicine (Calif Med Assoc journal).

WJSOG Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology.

WK Week (see wk); Wernicke-Korsakoff (dis¬ ease/ syndrome); Wilson-Kimmelstiel (dis¬ ease). wk weak; week (= WK); work.

WKD Wilson-Kimmelstiel disease. W/kg Watts per kilogram. WKS Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. WKT Work Knowledge Test (psychology). WKY Wistar-Kyoto (rat). WL Waistline; Waiting list; Wallenstein Laboratory (culture medium); WarnerLambert Pharmaceutical Co. (USA) and White Laboratories, Inc. (USA) code for experimental substances; Waterload (see WL test); Wavelength (= wl; Weight loss; White lady (= Heroin) (see Diamorph HC1); Withdrawal; Working level; Workload.


wl wavelength (see WL). WLE Wide local excision. WLF Whole lymphocytic fraction; Wild Life Fund.

WLI Weight-length index; Whiplash injury. WLM White light microscopy; Working level month (radon).

WL medium Wallenstein Laboratory medium (= WL).

WLN Wiswesser Line Notation. WLS Wet lung syndrome. WLT Waterload test (= WL test); Whole lung tomography.

WL test Waterload test (procedure/ endocrinology) (= WL). WM Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia; War Medicine; Ward manager; Warm and moist; Wernicke-Mann (hemiplegia); Wet mount; White male (see W/M); Whole milk (see wm); Wilson-Mikity (syndrome); World Medicine (journal).

wm white male (see W/M); whole milk (= WM); whole mount (in microtechnic).

W/M White male (= WM; wm; w/m). w/m white male (see W/M). w/m2 watts per square meter. WMA Wall motion abnormality; Wholesome Meat Act (1967); World Medical Association (CIOMS). WMC Weight-matched control. WME Williams' medium E; World Medical Electronics (journal).

WMF White married/ middle-aged female. WMG Welsh Medical Gazette (journal). WMI Wildlife Management Institute. WMJ World Medical Journal (WMA). WMM White married/ middle-aged male. Wmn Woman/ Women. WMO Ward Medical Officer; World Metereological Organization.

WMP Weight management program. WMR Work metabolic rate; World Medical Relief.

WMS Wechsler Memory Scale. WMSC Women's Medical Specialists Corps. WMX Whirlpool, massage, and exercise. WN Well-nourished (see w/n). Wn Work weight where "n" equals "number of pounds".

wn well-nourished (see w/n). w/n well-nourished (= WN; wn). wnd wound. WNE West Nile encephalitis. WNF; wnf Well-nourished female. WNL Within normal limits. WNLS Weighted non-linear least squares. WNM; wnm Well-nourished male. WNPW Wide, notched P wave. WNV West Nile virus. WO Wash out; Water-in-oil (see W/O); Written order (see W/O). wo weeks old; without (see w/o). W/O Water-in-oil (emulsion) (= WO); Written order (= WO), w/o without (= wo). WOB Work of breathing. WOE Wound of entry. WOG World Organization of Gastroenterology (CIOMS). WOP Without pain. W or A Weakness or atrophy. WOU Women's outpatient unit. WOWS Weak opiate withdrawal scale. WOX Wound of exit (=WX). WP Weakly positive; Weather permitting; Wedge pressure; Wet pack (= WPk); Wettable powder (= wp); Whirlpool; White phospho¬ rus/ pulp; Word processor; Working point,

wp wettable powder (see WP). W/P Water/powder (ratio). WPA World Psychiatric Association (CIOMS).

WPB Whirlpool bath. WPC World Population Conference, wpc watts per candle. WPCA Water Pollution Control Act. WPCF Water Pollution Control Federation. WPCU Weighted patient care unit. WPFM Wright peak flow meter. WPIC Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic.

WPk Ward's pack (mechanical tissue pack dentistry); Wet pack (see WP).

WPM Words per minute. WPPA World Population Plan of Action (UN). WPPSI Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence.

WPRS Wittenbom Psychiatric Rating Scale.


WPS Wasting pig syndrome; World Population Society. WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White (syndrome). WQA Water Quality Association. WR Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co (USA) code for experimental substances; Wassermann reaction (see STS - WR); Water retention; Weak/ Whole response; Weakly reactive; Whispered rehearsal; Widal/ Wiping reaction; Work rate. Wr Wrist; Writhe. Wr a A very rare blood group antigen. WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (US Army). WRAMC Walter Reed Army Medical Center (US Army). WRAML Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning. WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test. WRC Washed red cells; Water-retention coef¬ ficient. WRE Whole ragweed extract. W-response Whole response. WRF Walsh-Rademacher function. WRGH Walter Reed General Hospital (US Army hospital). WRHL Washington Report on Health Legislation (journal). WRK Woodward's reagent K. WRLTC Washington Report on Long Term Care (journal). WRMH Washington Report on Medicine and Health (journal). WRMT Woodcock Reading Mastery Test. WRRI Walter Reed Research Institute. WRS Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome. WRVP Wedged renal vein pressure. WS A Rorschach response; Waardenburg/ Waldenstrom's/ Warkany/ Werner/ West/ Williams/ Wolfram syndrome; Walsh spec¬ troscopy; Ward secretary; Warthin-Starry (stain); Washine Chemical Corp (USA) code for experimental substances; Water soluble/ swallow; Werner's syndrome - premature aging due to genetic malfunction or mutation at chromosome 8; Wilderness/ Wildlife Society (The); Wilder's silver (stain); Work simplification.

ws; w/s; Ws watt-second (joule) (= w-sec).

W&S Wound and skin. WSA Water-soluble antibiotic. WSAT Willner-Scheerer Analogy Test. WSB Wheat-soy blend. WSD Water Supply Division (EPA). WSDM Whey soy drink mix. w-sec watt-second (see ws). WSepF White separated female. WSepM White separated male. WSF White single female. W shunt Waterston shunt. WSI Waardenburg syndrome type I; Water safety instructor (Red Cross). WSL Wesselsbron (virus). WSM White single male. WSMA Washington State Medical Association. WSMS Wyoming State Medical Society. WSMSA Washington Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area.

WSP Wearable speech processor; Withdrawal seizure prone. WSR Westergren sedimentation rate; Withdrawal seizure resistant. W/sr Watts per steradian. WT Walking tank; Wall thickness; Water tem¬ perature; Wild type (strain); Wilms’ tumor; Wisdom teeth/ tooth; Work therapy. wt weight; white.

WTE Water-tight equipment (MET - 501); Whole time equivalent.

WTF Weight transferral frequency. WTS Whole tomography slice. W/U; w/u Workup.

WUMS Washington University Medical School/ Service.

W unit Wohlgemuth/ Wroblewski unit. WV Walking ventilation; Whispered/ring voice.

W/V; w/v Weight/volume/ Percent weight in volume/ Weight by volume (solution)/ Weight per volume/ Weight of solute in volume of solution.

Wv Variable dominant spotting (mouse). WVA World Veterinary Association. WVMJ West Virginia Medical Journal. WVSMA West Virginia State Medical Association.

WW Weight Watchers; Wet weight; Window


width; Word from Washington (UCPA jour¬

Wy 3277 Nafcillin sodium (= Nafcillinium


natricum; Sodium nafcillin) - a penicillinderived antibiotic, given chiefly by intramus¬ cular injection in infections caused by benzylpenicillin-resistant staphylococci. Wy 3467 Diazepam (see LA 111). Wy 3498 Oxazepam - a benzodiazepine deriv¬ ative, a tranquillizer related chemically to chlordiazepoxide. It has been used in the treatment of anxiety states, and behavior dis¬ orders associated with cerebral arteriosclero¬ sis and senile brain diseases. WZa Wide zone alpha (hemolysis).

WAV; w/w Weight of solute in weight of sol¬ vent (= percent weight/solution concentration by weight/weight-to-weight ratio). WWAC Walk with aid of cane. W & We Water and Wastes Engineering (jour¬ nal).

WWF World Welfare Fund. WWI World War 1 (or First World War); Worldwatch Institute.

WWidF White widowed female. WWidM White widowed male. WWII World War 2 (or Second World War). W/wo With or without. WWU Weighted work units (of DRGs Division of Research Grants, NIH). WWW World Weather Watch. WX Wound of exit (see WOX).

WxB Wax bite. WxP Wax pattern. WY Women years. Wy Wyeth Laboratories (USA) code for experimental substances.

Wy 401 Ethoheptazine citrate (= Heptacyclazine citrate) - an analgesic, chemi¬ cally allied to pethidine, employed in the treatment of moderately severe pain, particu¬ larly that associated with musculo-skeletal disorders.

Wy 806 Oxethazaine (= Oxetacaine) - a sur¬ face anesthetic, poorly absorbed from mucous membranes. Has been given by mouth in con¬ junction with antacids for the symptomatic relief of heartburn and indigestion. Wy 1359 Propiomazine hydrochloride - a phenothiazine derivative and a depressant of the central nervous system. A rapidly-acting tran¬ quillizer, it is usually given by intramuscular injection to produce sedation before and dur¬ ing surgical and obstetric procedures.

Wy 1485 Chlormethiazole edisylate (see SCTZ).

Wy 2445 Carfenazine maleate (= Carphenazine m) - a phenothiazine tranquil¬ lizing drug, also exhibiting anti-emetic, hypotensive, and anticholinergic properties. Has been used in the long-term management of chronic schizophrenia.



histoplasmosis, mycetoma, and sporotri¬ chosis. XA Xanthurenic acid; Xylene-alcohol (mix¬

X Across; Androgenic (zone); Break; Chromosome (the female X chromosome in humans); Cross or transverse (with reference to selections); Crossbite; Cross out/ Delete; Cross section; Except (see X); Exophoria dis¬ tance; Experiment; Extra; Factor (unidenti¬ fied); Female sex chromosome; Fever (X Fever of Montana USA, a tick-borne disease, described as being due to a rickettsia group of microorganisms); Homeopathic symbol for the decimal scale of potencies; Ionization exposure (rate); Kienbock's unit (of X-ray dosage/ exposure); Magnification; Match (cross-match - laboratory/ blood bank); Multiplication times; Multiply; Reactance; Removal of; Respirations (anesthesia chart); Roman numeral ten; Start of anesthesia; Ten (10) - Roman numeral; "Times" (multiplica¬ tion sign); Translocation between two X chro¬ mosomes; Transverse; Unknown quantity; X ray/ unit (roentgen) (= x); Xylene; Xylocaine (see XYLO); Zone (X zone - inner zone of the adrenal cortex in young mammals). x except; extremity; horizontal axis of a rec¬ tangular coordinate system or a cylindrical lens; mole fraction; multiplication times; roentgen (rays) (see X); sample mean (see X); unknown factor; xanthene (see Xan). X Except (= X); Sample mean (mathematics) (see Symbols - 2). X chi. the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. X + # Xiphoid plus number of fingerbreadths. X2 Chi-square. X3 Orientation as to time, place, and person. x3; x4; etc. 3 times, 4 times; etc. x2d; x3d; x4d; etc. for 2/ 3/ 4 days, etc. (medication order).

Xa Chiasma (= xma). X-A Xylene-alcohol (mixture) - a larvacide,

ture) (see X-A).

X 1497 Methicillin sodium (see BRL 1241). X 5079 C An antimicrobial polypeptide pro¬ duced by the growth of a species of Streptomyces, with antifungal properties, and active against Blastomyces and Histoplasma, but ineffective against Candida and Coccidioides. Used by parenteral injection in the treatment of aspergillosis, blastomycosis,

for killing insect larvae (= XA).

Xaa Unknown amino acid. Xam Examination. Xan Xanthine (= x). Xanth Xanthomatosis. xanth- combining form meaning blond or yel¬ low (Gr. xanthos).

xantho- prefix meaning yellow (Gr. xanthos). Xao Xanthosine. Xb Bacillus X. XBT Xylose breath test. XC; Xc Excretory cystogram (see KFT - XC); X-/ Sex chromosome. X-CGD X-linked chronic granulomatous dis¬ ease.

X-chromosome Sex chromosome (see XC; Xc).

XCT X-ray (transmission) computed tomogra¬ phy.

XD Times daily; X-linked dominant (chromo¬ some).

X2d Times two days. XDH Xanthine dehydrogenase. XDP Xanthine diphosphate; Xeroderma pig¬ mentosum (= XP). XDR Transducer.

Xe Electric susceptibility; Xenon (Z = 54) (see Elements - Xenon).

Xe133 Radioactive xenon (chemical symbol). XECT Xenon-enhanced computed tomogra¬ phy.

X-ed Crossed. XEF Excess ejection fraction. XEM Xonics electron mammography. xeno- prefix meaning strange (Gr. xenos). XERG Xonics electron radiography. xero- prefix meaning dry (Gr. xeros). XES X-ray energy spectrometer/metry/ spectroscope/py (dispersive).

XF X-factor or heme - the non-protein, insolu¬ ble, iron protoporphyrin constituent of hemo¬ globin, and various other respiratory (animal and vegetable) pigments.


X factor An unidentified factor; heme (see XF). Xfb Cross-linked fibrin. Xg Blood group. XGP Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. E Greek (14th) capital letter "xi" (see Symbols - 4). Greek (14th) lower case letter "xi" (see Symbols - 4). x-iog radiography. XIP X-ray-induced polypeptide. xiph- prefix meaning sword (Gr. xiphos) (see xipho-).

xiphi- see xipho-. xipho- combining form denoting relationship to the xiphoid process (Gr xiphos = sword) (= xiph-; xiphi-).

XKO Not knocked out. XL Excess lactate; Extra large; X-linked (inheritance); Xylose-lysine (agar base).

X-LA X-linked agammaglobulinemia. XLAS X-linked aqueductal stenosis. XLD Xylose, lysine, deoxycholate/ desoxycholate (agar).

X-leg Cross leg/ Cross-legged. XLH X-linked hypophosphatemia. XLI X-linked icthyosis. XLJR X-linked juvenile retinoschisis. XLMR X-linked mental retardation (= XMR). XLP X-linked lymphoproliferative (syn¬ drome). XLR X-linked recessive (gene). XLS X-linked (recessive) lymphoproliferative syndrome.

XM Crossmatch (blood) (= X-mat; X-match; X-matching).

Xm Maternal chromosome X. xma chiasma (see Xa). X-mas Christmas (factor). X-mat; X-match Crossmatch (see XM). X-matching Cross matching (see XM). XMM Xeromammography. XMP Xanthine monophosphate. XMR X-linked mental retardation (see XLMR).

XN Night blindness. Xn Christian. XO Presence of only one sex chromosome (symbol meaning only one chromosome is

present); Turner’s syndrome (sex-chromo¬ some abnormality); Xanthine oxidase. XOM Extraocular movements. XOR Exclusive operating room. X-organ Neurocirculatory organ in crus¬ taceans. XP Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis; Xeroderma pigmentosum (see XDP) Xp Paternal/Short arm of chromosome X. Xp- Deletion of short arm of chromosome X. X5P Xylulose 5-phosphate. XPA Xeroderma pigmentosum group A. XPC Xeroderma pigmentosum group C. XPS X-ray photoelectron/ photoemission spectroscopy.

Xq Long arm of chromosome X. Xq- Deletion of long arm of chromosome X. XR Xeroradiography; X-linked recessive (chromosome/ inheritance); X-ray.

X-ray(s) Roentgen ray(s) (see XR). XRC X-ray cardiogram/graph(y). XRD X-ray diffraction. XRF X-ray fluorescence (spectroscopy). XRFS X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. XRG Xero-/ Xonics radiography. XRMP Xeroradiography mammographic posi¬ tioner.

XRMR X-linked recessive mental retardation. XRS X-ray sensitivity. XRT X-ray technician/ therapy. XS Cross-section (= Transverse s.; X-sect); Excess(ive); Xiphisternum.

XSA Cross-section area. X-sect; X section Cross/ Transverse section (see XS).

XS-LIM Exceeds limits (of procedure). XSP Xanthoma striatum palmare. XT Exotropia (eye examination). X(T) Intermittent exotropia.

Xta Chiasmata. Xtab Cross-tabulating/ion. Xtal Crystal. XTE Xeroderma, talipes, and enamel defect (syndrome).

X-TEP Crossed immunoelectrophoresis. XTM Xanthoma tuberosum multiplex. XTP Xanthosine triphosphate. XU Excretory urogram (see KFT - XU); X-ray unit (= Siegbahn - 1.002063 x 10'13 meter).


XULN Times upper limit of normal.

XuMP Xylulose monophophate. XV Fifteen. XX Double strength; Sex-linked chromosome present in females (Normal female chromo¬ some type); Twenty. 46, XX 46 chromosomes, 2 X chromosomes (normal female). XXL Xylocaine. XXX Thirty. XX/XY Sex karyotypes. 49, XXXXY 49 chromosomes, 4 X and 1 Y chromosomes (XXXXY syndrome). XXY A 49th chromosome present in some individuals; Klinefelter's syndrome (see 47, XXY). 47, XXY 47 chromosomes, 2 X and 1 Y chro¬ mosomes (Klinefelter's syndrome) (= XXY). XXYY A 49th chromosome present in some individuals. XY Sex-linked chromosome present in males (Normal male chromosome type). 46, XY 46 chromosomes, 1 X and 1 Y chro¬ mosome (normal male). 47 XY, + 21 47 chromosomes, male, addition¬ al No: 21 chromosome (Down syndrome). XYL Xylocaine (see XYLO). Xyl Xylose.

XYLO Xylocaine (= X; XYL). xylo- prefix meaning wood (Gr. xylon). XYY A 49th chromosome present in some individuals.

47, XYY 47 chromosomes, 1 X and 2 Y chro¬ mosomes (XYY syndrome).


Y Y A coordinate axis in a plane; Cartilage; Male sex chromosome; Dysentery bacillus; Ligament; Tyrosine; Y-angle; Yard; Year; Yellow (= Yel); Yield; Young; Yttrium (Z = 39) (see Elements - Yttrium); Yersinia. y the vertical axis of a rectangular coordinate system. Y; v Upsilon (Greek 20th upper & lower case letters - also "ypsilon"). ^Y Radioactive yttrium.

YA Yersinia arthritis. Y/A Years of age. YACP Young adult chronic patient. YAD; YADH Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase. YAG Yttrium, aluminium, garnet (laser medi¬ um) (see LASER). Yage Ayahuasca - a narcotic drink, known as Ayahuasca in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, con¬ taining the principles harmine and harmaline (which include the alkaloids, banisterine, telepathine and yageine).

YARU Yale Arbovirus Research Unit. YAVIS Youthful, attractive, verbal, intelligent and successful (psychological rating scale).

Ya Yan Tzu The Chinese species of the plant Brucea; its seeds are used in treating amebic dysentery. YB Yoon Band (fallope ring). Yb Ytterbium (Z = 70) (see Elements Ytterbium).

YBP Year-book of Pharmacy and Transactions of British Pharmaceutical Conference.

YC Y-chromosome. YCB Yeast carbon base. YCC Youth Conservation Corps (USDA, USDI). yd yard. yd2 square yard (see sq yd). yd3 cubic yard (see cu yd). YDV Yeast-derived (hepatitis B) vaccine. YDYES Yin deficiency yang excess syn¬ drome.

YE Yeast extract; Yellow enzyme. YEH; YEH2 Reduced yellow enzyme. YEI Yersinia enterocolitica infection.

Yel Yellow (see Y). Yellow Yellow jacket (nembutal capsule) (see Barb).

Yel/Vac Yellow Fever Vaccine. Yen Somnolence during withdrawal of mor¬ phine or heroin. Yerba 1) Marijuana (see Cannabis), or 2) Herb, e.g. Yerba santa (Sp.) = "Sacred herb" or Eriodictyon. Yerbine An alkaloid prepared from Ilex paraguayensis, resembling caffeine. Yerli A fine quality of Turkish opium (see Papaver).

YF Yellow fever. YFI Yellow fever immunization. YFMD Yellow fever membrane disease. Yh 1 Phenylimino-oxo-oxazolidine (see PIO). YJY Yellow jacket venom. YKHC Yukon-Kuskokwin Health Corporation. -yl a chemical suffix signifying a radical, par¬ ticularly a univalent hydrocarbon radical (Gr. yle = a substance). YLC Youngest living child. -ylene a chemical suffix denoting a bivalent hydrocarbon radical. YM Yeast and mannitol. Ymax Maximum yield.

Y/N Yes/no. YNB Yeast nitrogen base. Y-NHH Yale - New Haven Hospital (Connecticut).

YNS Yellow nail syndrome. YO; Y/O; y/o Years old. YOB Year of birth. Yopo Hallucinogenic snuff prepared from the plant, Piptadenia.

YORA Younger-onset rheumatoid arthritis. Y-organ Moulting gland in crustaceans. YP Yeast phase; Yield pressure. YPA Yeast, peptone, and adenine sulfate. YPLL Years of potential life lost. yr(s) year(s). YRD Yangtze River disease. YS; ys Yellow spot (on retina); Yolk sac. YSC Yolk sac carcinoma. YSI Yellow Springs Instrument Co (Ohio). YSKV Yale SK virus (poliovirus strain). YST Yolk sac tumor; Yukon standard time.


YT; Yt; yt Former symbol for the chemical element. Yttrium, now Y (Z = 39) (see Elements - Yttrium). YTD Year to date. YUSM Yale University School of Medicine. Y-V Y-V (anoplasty).


Z Z Acoustic independence; Atomic number (of the 106 known chemical elements; see table on pp. 634-636) - the number of protons in the atomic nucleus (= z) (see also Elements). Z Complex impedance; Contraction (Ger. Zuckung); Glutamic acid; Glutamine; Impedance; Intermediate disk (Ger. Zwischenscheibe) - the disk that separates sarcomeres (= Z-disk); Ionic charge number; No effect; Point formed by a line perpendicu¬ lar to the nasion-menton line through the anterior nasal spine; Proton number; Section modulus; Standard score (statistic); Standardized (normal) deviate (= z); Zeitschrift (German journal/ periodical); Zero (= z); Zone; Z-shaped incision in plastic surgery. z algebraic unknown or space coordinate; atomic number (see Z - Atomic number; Elements); axis of a three-dimensional rectan¬ gular coordinate system; catalytic amount; standard normal deviate (see Z); zero (see Z). Z'; Z" Increasing degrees of contraction. ZAF Atomic number, absorption, and fluores¬ cence correction factors in quantitative X-ray spectroscopy.

ZAP Zymosan-activated plasma (rabbit). ZAPF Zinc adequate pair-fed. ZAS Zymosan-activated autologous serum. Zazen Zen meditation. ZB Zebra body. ZCD Zinc chloride poisoning. ZD Zero defects/ discharge; Zinc deficiency. ZDC Zinc dibenzyl-dithiocarbamate. ZDDP Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate. Z-disk Intermediate disk (Ger. Zwischenscheibe) (see Z).

Z-DNA Ziz-zag (left-handed helical) deoxyri¬ bonucleic acid. ZDO Zero differential overlap. ZDS Zinc depletion syndrome. ZDV Zero dead volume (tubing connector); Zidovudine (= AZT) (HIV reverse transcrip¬ tase inhibitor) (see RTI).

ZE Zollinger-Ellison (syndrome) (see ZES); Zone electrophoresis. ZEC Zinsser-Engman-Cole (syndrome). ZEEP Zero end-expiratory pressure. ZEG Zero economic growth. Zen Bud Zen Buddhism (religion). Z-ESR Zeta erythrocyte sedimentation rate. ZES Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Z Greek capital letter "zeta". C, Greek lower case letter "zeta". ZF Zero frequency; Zona fasciculata. ZFF Zinc Fume Fever. ZG Zero gas; Zona glomerulosa; Zymogen granule(s). ZGM Zinc glycinate marker. ZHG Zoster hyperimmune globulin (see ZIG). ZIFT Zygote intrafallopian tube transfer. ZIG; ZIg Zoster immmune/immuno globulin - a specific globulin (= ZHG).

ZIP Zoster immune plasma. ZIPP Zinc Oxide and Iodoform Paste (= Past Zinc Oxid et Iodof), namely Zinc Oxide 4, Iodoform 4, and Liquid Paraffin 5 (parts by weight) Paste - used as a mild antiseptic and application to wounds and abscesses. ZK Zuelzer-Kaplan (syndrome). zla; zla Symbol for isotope with atomic num¬ ber Z and atomic weight a. ZLS Zimmerman-Laband syndrome.

ZM Cell membrane (see ZW). Zm Zygomaxillare. ZMA Zinc meta-arsenite. ZMC Zygomatic. ZN Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung (Ger.) Journal of Nature Research. Zn Zinc (Z = 30) (see Elements - Zinc). ZNA Mixture of dill wood and monosodium glutamate.

ZnBr2 Zinc bromide. ZnCl2 Zinc chloride. ZnC03 Zinc carbonate. 65ZnDTPA Radioactive zinc diethylenetriamine pentacetate.

65ZnEDTA Radioactive zinc edathauril (see EDTA).

ZnG Zinc gluconate. ZN6-Na Sodium Fusidate (= Sod Fusid) - the hemihydrate of the sodium salt of Fusidic acid, an antimicrobial substance produced by


the growth of Fusidium coccineum. Highly active against gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative cocci. ZnO Zinc oxide. Zn02 Zinc peroxide (= ZPO). ZnOE Zinc oxide and eugenol (= ZOE). ZnPP Zinc protoporphyria. ZnPT Zinc Pyridinethione (= Pyrithione Zinc) - a bactericide and fungicide, claimed to be of value in the treatment of dandruff. ZnS04 Zinc sulfate. ZO Zichen-Oppenheim (syndrome); ZuelzerOgden (syndrome). zo- prefix meaning animal (Gr. zoon) (see zoo-), or life (Gr. zoe), e.g. zoetic - pertaining to life. ZOA Zionist Organization of America. ZOE Zinc oxide and eugenol (see ZnOE). zoo- prefix meaning animal (Gr. zoon), e.g. zoology - the biology of animals (= zo-). Zoochem Zoochemistry. Zool Zoological/gy. ZP Revlon Inc (USA) code for experimental substances; Zirconium phosphate (see ZrP). Z-P Z-plasty (plastic surgery) (see Z-plasty). ZPA Zone of polarizing activity. ZPC Zero point of change; Zopiclone. ZPG Zero population growth. ZPI Zinc-protamine insulin (see Insulin PZI). Z-plasty A plastic operation for the relaxation of contractures, in which a Z-shaped incision is made, the middle bar of the Z being over the contracted scar (= Z-P). ZPO Zinc peroxide (see ZnO-,)ZPP Zinc protoporphyrin.

ZPT Zinc pyrithione. Z purple Marijuana grown in Zacatecas, Mexico (see Cannabis).

ZR Zona reticularis. Zr Zirconium (Z = 40) (see Elements Zirconium).

95Zr Radioactive zirconium. Zr02 Zirconium dioxide (= Zirconium Oxide; Zirconia; Zirconic Anhydride) - used as a radiopaque medium in roentgenography of the digestive tract, and in an ointment for treating poison ivy dermatitis. ZrP Zirconium phosphate (= ZP). ZS Zellweger syndrome. ZSB Zero stools since birth. ZSFT Zinc sulfate flocculation test (see LFT iv). ZSR Zeta sedimentation rate/ ratio. ZS-RDS Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Z-test Zulliger test. ZTS Zymosan-treated serum. Z-TSP Zephiran-trisodium phosphate. ZTT Zinc turbidity test (see LFT iv). ZUDC Zurich University Dermatology Clinic. ZVT Zehlenverbindungstest. ZW Cell wall (see ZM). Zy Zygion. ZyC Zymosan complement. zyg zygotene. zyg- prefix meaning joined (Gr. zygon). zym- prefix meaning ferment (Gr. zyme) (see zymo-). zymo- combining form denoting relationship to an enzyme or to fermentation (Gr. zyme) (= zym-). Zz Ginger (L. zingibar).

Z - atomic number Atomic No.



Atomic weight

1 2

Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron

H He Li

1.00797 4.0026 6.939 9.0122

3 4 5

Be B





Atomic weight






12.01115 14.0069


Oxygen Fluorine Neon

O F Ne Na Mg A1 Si P

15.994 18.9984

9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20

Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium


Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium



26 27 28

Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper

21 22



S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga

31 32

Zinc Gallium Germanium

33 34

Arsenic Selenium

As Se

35 36 37

Bromine Krypton Rubidium



Br Kr Rb Sr

39 40 41 42

Yttrium Zirconium

Y Zr

Niobium Molybdenum



Nb Mo Tc


Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium

Ru Rh

Silver Cadmium

Ag Cd In


45 46 47 48 49





20.183 22.9898 24.312 26.9815 28.086 30.9738 32.064 35.453 39.944 39.102 40.08 44.956 47.90 50.942 51.996 54.9380 55.847 58.9332 58.71 63.54 65.37 69.72 72.59 74.9216 78.96 79.909 83.80 85.47 87.62 88.905 91.22 92.906 95.94 99 101.07 102.905 106.4 107.870 112.40 114.82 118.69

50 51

Tin Antimony



Sb Te

53 54

Iodine Xenon Caesium

I Xe Cs

Barium Lanthanum


132.905 137.34



55 56 57

121.75 127.60 126.9044 131.30

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65



Atomic weight

Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium

Ce Pr

140.12 140.907 144.24

Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium

Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd

Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium

Tb Dy

70 71

Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium

Tm Yb Lu

72 73 74

Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten

Hf Ta W

75 76 77

Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium

Re Os Ir

66 67

68 69

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

86 87

88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

100 101

Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkeliuni Californium Einsteinium Fermi um Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Kurchatovium Hahnium Seaborgium Mesotherium 1 Mesothorium 2

Ho Er

Pt Au Hg T1 Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lw Ku

147 150.35 151.96 157.25 158.924 162.50 164.930 167.26 168.934 173.04 174.97 178.49 180.948 183.85 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.09 196.967 200.59 204.37 207.19 208.980 210 211 222 223 226 227 232.038 231 238.03 237 242 243 247 247 249 254 253 256 254 257 ?

Ha ?


Ms-Th or MSTh

226/227 226/227

Ms-Th or MSTh


ISBN 0-444-82904-0