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rorhe Feldenkrais Method® Awareness Through Movement® Lessons Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais at
Alexander Yanai Volume Four, Part A Lessons #151-175
Translated by Anat Baniel Edited by Ellen Soloway
© Copyright September 1996
All rights res~rved by and to the IntemationalFeldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel. © Copyright Septembre 1996 Tous droits d'adaptation, de traduction et de reproduction reserves par et pour l'Intemational Feldenkrais Federation, 30 rue Monsieur Ie Prince, 75006 Paris, France
This project is dedicated to the memory ofDr. Moshe Feldenkrais -1904 - 1984-
The International Feldenkrais Federation wishes to acknowledge Michel Silice-Feldenkra:is, on behalf of The Feldenkrais Institute for his help and consideration.
The members of the International Feldenkrais community extend a special thanks to Francois Combeau, President and the Board of Directors of the International Feldenkrais Federation for making this project possible.
1005 Awan~ness
ATlVI Lesson #151:
Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #151: Skipping on a chair
Skipping on a chair
Source: Reel 11, Track 2, Lesson 2
1. Each one take a chair, please. Please take a chair and make as much noise as possible. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais may be being facetious.] Stand. Stand in front of the chair. Turn the face to the chair. Place the two hands on the seat [of the chair]. [Place the hands] down on the seat. Bend the legs and knees. Go lower, down to the floor. Sit on the heels [while standing on the tips of the toes]. Place the two knees on the floor. Stay [with] the two knees on the floor. [Stand] on the tips of the toes and sit on the heels. Lilce this, hold the sides of the chair. Now, lift the right knee from the floor and turn it sideways ... to the right. Do this about ten times. Sit on the heels. Of course, if we did not want [you] to sit [stand] on the toes of the feet, it would be possible to start differently. Lift the right knee from the floor and tum it sideways, to the right ... many times. Place it [the knee] 0111 the floor, and then lift it completely sideways and to the right. Of course, you remain sitting on the left heel while doing this.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 2.
Now, do the same thing a few times with the left leg.
Leave this. Sit for a moment and rest. 3. Return to the front of the chair. Sit on the heels. Now, lower the right knee down, between ... toward the chair ... [incomplete sentence]. Sit [on the heels] with the two knees open sideways. [Sit] on the heels. Now, turn the pelvis and bring the right knee between ... [incomplete sentence]. [Bring the right knee] toward the chair. Lower it to the floor ... the right knee only. 3a. Hold the two knees sideways. With the right knee, go down once toward the middle, between the two legs of the chair. Next time [go down] with the left leg [knee]I. Go down. Touch the floor with the knee. Come back. Sit on the heels. Tum the pelvis and bring the other knee down. Continue doing this. Open the knees the widest that [you] can so there will be a large movement of the pelvis from right to left. Go down. Touch the floor [with the knee], and lift the knee back [to place].
Leave this and rest for a moment.
1 TN: Although Hebrew has different words for hand, arm, forearm, and for foot, lower leg, and thigh, colloquially a generic word is used for hand and arm, and another generic word is used for foot, knee, or leg. In usage the words become interchangeable and the meaning is derived from the context. The specific reference is in brackets. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
ill cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1006 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #151: Skipping on a chair
4. Please stand facing the chair. Place the right hand on the backrest [of the chair] and the left hand on the seat [ofthe·chair]. Place the right foot on the seat ... on the right edge of the seat ... opposite the [left] hand. Now, like this, tum the knee in the direction of the left hand, and then sit on the right heel. Tum the leg on the seat of the chair and sit on the right heel. Do this a few times. [TN: Remain in this position.] 4a. Now, in this situation, try to touch the chair with the [right] knee. With the knee - touch the chair, and then lift it. Make a movement in the ankle so the angle between the foot and lower leg will increase and decrease. That means to move the knee a bit forward and backward . . . forward and backward so there will be movement in the foot and in the ankle. [Move] as if coming up onto the tips of the toes. No. Move so the knee [goes] low down, toward the chair. Lift the knee a bit, and then make a movement in the foot ... forward and backward. Push so there will be a movement in the ankle of the foot. Bring the pelvis forward and backward. We said to take the knee forward and backward, then, there will be movement in the ankle of the foot. [TN: This is a literal translation. Dr. Feldenkrais means that there is movement in the ankle joint of the leg you are moving.] Of course, [there also] will be movement in the hip joint. Leave this.
4b. Tum alnd do the same thing with the other leg ... [the left one]. First, try to sit. Hold the back [of the chair] with the left hand, and the seat of the chair with the right hand. [TN: Place the left foot on the seat of the chair, opposite the right hand.] Tum the body so it will be possible to go down with the knee, and sit on the left heel. Then, lift the [left] knee from the chair and push the pelvis backward and forward. [Push] so the knee will move forward and backward and there will be movement in the ankle joint. Leave this and rest for a moment. 5. Please, once again, stand in front of the chair. Place the left hand on the back of the chair ... the left hand on the chair. [TN: Later Dr. Feldenkrais will add to this instruction and say to put the right hand also on the back of the chair. He wants both hands on the back of the chair.] Lift the right leg and place it [the right foot] on the seat [of the chair]. Please put the left leg . . . [no] ... the right leg [is] on the seat, at the right edge of the seat. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais just corrected himself.] Place the left hand ... also the right hand on the back of the chair. Like this, try to come up [onto the chair seat]. [Bring] the other leg up with a slight skip . . . [TN: First, bring the right foot onto the seat. Then, also bring the left foot up using a slight skipping or hopping motion. This movement is clarified later in the lesson.] No. Do not lift high. Come up with the other leg. Do this again ... low, low, low, low ... with the: leg bent. Bring up the other leg. Please try once again to do [the movement] slowly.. Place the right leg. Bend it. Lower the pelvis low down, toward the leg, toward the ankle. Then, with the other leg, the left leg come up. [Come up] while the body sits low, [down] on the seat of the chair. [Then], go down with the right leg [fIrst], and afterwards go down with the other leg [the left one].
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1007 AwaJr,eness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #151: Skipping on a chair
5a. Place the left leg [foot] on the seat of the chair, low ... and go up with the right. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais just switched between the right leg and left leg.] Now, go down to the floor with the right leg and come back up. [Do this] ten times ... ten times ... [with] the right leg. Sit down low and lower the leg to the floor; then, bring it back up. Slowly, pay attention, slowly the whole foot will stand on the chair. The left leg is standing. The right leg [is standing]. The whole foot [is standing], not [just] the tips of the toes. The whole foot is on the chair. Lower the right leg to the floor, and lift it from the side ... on this edge ... back to place.
Now, do the same thing with the left leg. Lower it to the floor ten times.
5c. Please, once again ... again it was spoiled. Stand, stand, stand, stand in front of the chair. Place the hands on the back of the chair. Place the right foot on the edge of the right comer of the seat - on the right comer [of the chair] with the toes [pointing] outside, on the right edge of the seat at forty-five degrees to the seat. Now, with the pelvis - go low down and place the left leg [foot] in the same position on the other edge. Go down with the left leg, and then come back up [return] ... about ten times, please. [Go down and come up about ten times.] Lift the pelvis less each time.
5d. Now, come up once with one leg and once willi the other leg. Stay with the pelvis as low as possible. Do not lift the pelvis. Do not come up [all the way] onto the legs.
Please rest for a moment. 6. Once again, please stand in front of the chair. Place the two hands on the seat [of the chair] as in the beginning. Place the hands on the edges of the seat ... on the right and on the left ... the seat, not the back of the chair. Now, put the two heels together. Go down and sit on the heels. We said, "the two heels together" and not the knees. The knees are open to the sides. In this position, go down, with open knees, to touch the floor [with the knees] and return to sitting [on the heels]. Do this many times. Touch the floor with the knees and return to sit on the heels. The two knees are together. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais just made a mistake. He means, "The two heels are together."] Do this many times. The knees remain open the whole time. Th~y are open to the sides. Go down and come back up.
6a. Now, sit on the heels and try to lift the pelvis. [Lift the pelvis] and get up to standing. Lift the pelvis slowly, and go back down. Do the following movements: Touch the floor with the knees, lift them, and 6b. come up to standing. Do not do altificial movements, just do that which is necessary. No, just get up. Do not lean on the chair. Get up. The chair is only for balance. It is impossible to do this if [you] stand far away from the chair. Come closer to the chair so it will be possible to get up like this. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1008 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #151: Skipping on a chair
Slowly, slowly it will be possible to do this without the hands [touching the chair or leaning on it]. Right now, do it with the hands, because, for us it is important that the back and spine bend and round. Stand. Do not take the hands away from the seat.
Rest for a moment. 7. Return to [standing] in front of the chair. Now, place the two hands on the back of the chair. With the feet - come up, as before when [you] sat on the heels . . . [lift the feet as before]. [Lift tlhe feet up] with the pelvis [remaining] low. Lift the pelvis a bit in the air. Lift the pelvis. Open the two legs and go down to the floor. Go down to the floor with a slight hop, in one movement. We said to open the legs. Do not go down on either side of the chair, but in front [of the chair]. Just open the legs. Please listen. Stand at the [front of the] chair, and go down. Please ~eave this. Now, pay attention. When [we] hear such banging, someone will not be able to stand on his feet after we do one hundred jumps like this. It will hurt very badly, so badly that it will be impossible to walk. Please come up onto the chair and go down. Go up and lift the pelvis. [Afterwards], go down to the floor. No. It is important to hear me. In order not to hear anything - [not to hear any banging while jumping down] - the foot has to go to the floor in the following fashion. [The foot must land] a bit forward - [on] the forward part of the toes, of the foot, and immediately the heel - and not in a ballerina fashion. It destroys the foot if [you] extend the toes and fallon the balls of the toes [feet]. Please try. That is why ... do not jump or be a "smart Aleck." Come up on the chair and go down with a light skip so nothing is heard. Go down with the knees bent. [Go] low down to the floor so nothing can be heard. [Go down] with the knees open to either side of the chair. Please pay attention. Do not do any special bending. [Do not bend] intentionally. [You] need to do only that which is necessary to go down. Do not do tricks to go down, and then go down lower. Go down exactly to the extent that is necessary. Please try. Do only that which is necessary to go down, not more. Listen so nothing will be heard except the squeaking of the chairs.
Please leave this. Sit and rest for a moment. 8. Please try Ito do the same thing. The moment [you] godown, try to come back up. Do not wait, but rather go down and up, down and up, down and up. [Have] the two legs on either side [of the chair]. Bring the legs on either side of the chair, not in front, but on both sides, on the two edges. [Bring the two feet] to the two edges of the chair seat. The legs move from the edges to the sides. Please pay attention so there will be a movement "of the edges." [TN: The feet are placed on the two lateral edges of the chair.] The legs [knees will be] wider than the feet. Do exactly the same movement we did before, when we placed [one foot] standing at a time.
© Copy.right September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1009 Awarleness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #151: Skipping on a chair
Pay attention that the two legs [move simultaneously] both up and down. Please pay attention. It is not from in front [of the chair]. Stand on the legs so [you] will make a wide movement of the legs, [which later] becomes narrower so the feet can stand on the edges of the chair [seat].
Please sit and rest for a moment. 9. Stand in front of the chair. Tum to the right. Place the left hand on the back rest of the chair. Place the left foot on the seat [of the chair] ... not in the middle. [Place the foot] in a place where it does not break the chair - on the edge of the chair, to the left, with the heel backward. Tum the knee forward, which means to the front. Leave space for the right leg. Sit on the left heel. Now, lift the right leg [foot] to its place [on the seat of the chair] and sit on it. We said to leave space [for the right leg]. The left knee [is] bent toward the chair as much as possible ... [with the thigh] horizontal.
9a. With the dght leg - go down to the floor. Pay attention. Each time bring the left knee and thigh more parallel to the chair. This means the thigh will be horizontal. Go down and up like this. Sit straight [up]. Let the [left] knee move forward. Let the [right] knee go down, close to the chair, so the thigh will be horizontal. The thigh will be horizontal. The thigh will be horizontal. The thigh and the lower leg ... the lower leg cannot be horizontal, the thigh can be. The two knees will be horizontal. Do it like this a few times. Pay attention to put the knees together while you go up, and then to move the knees forward. Move [the knees] a bit forward. Stand [on the heels] and move them [the knees] forward. Do it a few times like this. There will be movement in the ankles. [Do it so] there will be movement in the ankles while going up. The pelvis will move forward with the two knees, and then backward. [The pelvis will move forward] until it will be possible to touch the chair with the two knees, and then [they] 11ft from the chair. Try to listen so the knees will be together while touching the chair. Those, who find this difficult, can help [themselves] with the hands anywhere [they] want. Make sure that it is done with the two knees together [touching).
Leave this. Rest for a moment. 10. Return [to standing] in front of the chair. Tum to the other side. Place the right hand on the back [of the chair]. Place the right leg [foot] on the chair. Bend it and lift the left leg [foot] to it. Touch the two legs together. Sit on the heels. Each time, lower the two knees forward and go down. Lift the legs. If necessary, assist with the other hand. Pay attention that there will be a clear movement in the ankles. You will feel the knees lengthening forward.
Leave this and rest for a moment. II. Come back to the front of the chair, please. Put the hands on the back [of the chair]. This time, come up onto the chair and put the two feet together [touching] ... completely together ... in the middle ... with the tip of the toes ... on the tip of the toes ... in the front of the chair. [TN: I believe Dr. Feldenkrais means to stand on the balls of the feet © Copyright
~eptember 1996.
All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute. Tel Aviv. Israel.
1010 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #151: Skipping on a chair
and the toes at the forward edge of the chair.] Now, with the two legs together [touching] like
this -
skip baclo:vard and go down to the floor. Try to go down and immediately return. [Do it] with the pelvis down low to the floor and with bent knees. The two legs [are moving] . exactly together ... the two legs together. Pay attention not to get tired or to do tricks because it is possible to break a leg easily. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais is speaking directly to a class participant.] No ... but you got hit. Oh! Where? Oh, that hurts terribly ... this trick.
12. Please stand on the floor in front of the chair. Put the two hands on the seat. Now, try to go down to sit on the heels. See if it has become easier to do. 12a. Open the knees. Hold the chair only with the right hand ... only the right hand. Like this, try to touch the floor [with the knees]. With the knees open touch the floor and return. Try not to use the left hand. Of course, [use it] only if it is necessary. [Use it] instead of falling. Hold [the chair] with the right hand. Hold with the right hand.
12b. Now, hold the chair with the left hand. Hold with the left hand. Like this, try to get up with the left hand only. Hold the left hand on the seat and go down [to sit] on the heels. Go down and return. 12c. Now, do the same thing with the right hand only ... [with only the right hand holding the chair]. Jl3. Now, stand simply. Put the two hands on the two knees. Bend the knees and sit on the heels. Now, try to bring the right knee forward, on the floor. Hold the hands on the knees. Bring the right hand, along with the right knee, forward - forward to touch the floor. Now, bring it up ... [return] it to place. Then, turn the pelvis and bring the left hand, knee, and leg forward to touch the floor. Next, bring the left knee up ... [return it to place]. Make a one hundred eighty degree tum. The right knee will go to the right as much as possible. The left knee [will go] to the left as much as possible. Each time, go down, touch [the knee to the floor]. Do not rush. Make clear movements.
13a. Now, with the two knees, go down and come back [return]. Hold the two hands on the knees. Touch the floor with a kiss. Do not fall on the knees.
Please leave this and return the chairs to their places. (End oflesson)
19 Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation. Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1011 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #152: Bending while sitting and shoulder movements
ATM Lesson #152:
Bending while sitting and shoulder movements
Source: Reel 11, Track 2, Lesson 3
1. Please sit. Sit in some kind of Indian-fashion ... [cross-legged]. Bend the legs somehow. Bend the head a bit to the right. Tilt it to the right. Place the right hand on the left ([empIe, from above the head. Bend the body, with the elbow, with everything ... to the right ... many times and without force. Bend to the right. Bend to the right, with the right hand. Sit with the back more or less straight, not like a rounded drop. Erect the spine so it will be high up from the floor. This means that you organize the back so [you] sit more or less with a straight back ... without making an effort, but don't bend intentionally. To the right ... lightly go down to the right. Pay attention. The left shoulder has to lift if [you] want to go a lot to the right. [You] need [to let] the left shoulder lift. Leave this.
la. Change over the hands. Wait for a moment. Pay attention. What does this do? It changes the holding of the head and face a bit. Change over the legs. Change the situation of the legs ... [change the way the legs are crossed]. Now, place the left hand on the head, from above. [Bend] to the other side. [Place] the fingers on the right temple and bend to the left. Pay attention to the movement of the elbow so it moves exactly to the left, not forward. Pay attention so the right shoulder lifts while bending; then, bending will be simpler, lighter each time.
Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 2. Sit and fold [bend] the legs. Place the right hand on the head. Bend to the right and stay [bent], at a low place. Now, with the left hand move behind the head, on the back of the neck, and slide it [the hand] from there, along the neck and along the right shoulder. Continue sJliding the [left] hand many times. [With the left hand] - slide along the back of the neck toward the right shoulder. Don't come back up. Stay bent to the right and with the left hand - caress the shoulder, the back of the neck, and everything. [Caress] until it will be possible to reach the right elbow. [Caress] the shoulder and upper arm until it will be possible to reach the right elbow. There isn't any need to strain. It is necessary to make light movements and move only to where it moves lightly and easily. If [you] do this many times, it moves further by itself. [The left hallld moves] until [you] touch the elbow. If [you] try to reach [the elbow] in one go, it fatigues you, it hurts, and is uncomfortable.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 3. Come back to sitting and change over the legs. [Change the way the legs are crossed.] Place the left hand on the head. Go [bend] to the left, low down as far as it © Copyright,September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1012 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #152: Bending while sitting and shoulder movements
I[moves] comfortably. Now, with tl;le right hand - place it behind the neck. Slide on the back of the neck, the shoulder blade, and on the left shoulder. Slide each time a bit further to the left. It is not important to touch [the left elbow]. There isn't any need to lift the left elbow up so
the right hand can touch it. On the contrary, the elbow should move further to the left. With the right hand - slide many times. Each time, slide it more lightly, simply, and easily.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 4. Sit with the legs straight and spread. Lower the head forward. Turn the face to the left. Place the right hand on the left ear. With the right elbow - [go down] low, between the legs" toward [the floor] ... without force, just lightly ... not with the body, only with the [right] elbow. Go down and stay like this. Now, place the left hand on the on the back. [place back ... with the back of the hand on the back ... from behind the left hand] on the back, near the hips ... [near the lower back] from behind. Now, bend the left elbow backward, and return. Lower the hand and place the back of the hand on the back. Take the left elbow behind [you] and come back. With the left elbow - make a movement backward and return. Take the left elbow backward and return many times. Bend the hand at the wrist, in the wrist so the elbow will be able to move backward. Do this many times lightly.
4a. Take it [the left elbow] forward. Move the elbow relative to the body. There will be movement in the elbow relative to the body. [Move the elbow] forward and backward. Have the elbow moving relative to the body. Leave this. Rest for a moment. 5. Return to exactly the same situation. This means to lower the head, place the right hand on the ear, and the left hand behind the back. Now, move the back so the right elbow will come forward and the left elbow will go backward. This means not to move either elbow relative to the body, but [to move] the whole back. [Move] the whole back ... with the head, with the back; then, the two elbows will move together. The right elbow [will move] forward and to the left. The left elbow [will move] backward and [to the] right. Please turn the whole back, with the two elbows and the head, together. There will not be relative movement between the left elbow and the body.
5a. Stay down low, take only the left elbow backward, and return. Then, there will be movement of the elbow relative to the body. Take the left elbow, with the left shoulder, backward relative to the body. The right hand is behind the head, on the ear . . . not above the head. Do many light movements.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 6. Sit and spread the legs. Lower the head forward ... [down]. Tum the face to the right. Place the left hand, [from] behind the head, on the right ear ... with the elbow down. Now, lower the right hand behind the back so the back of the hand is on the back. Now, tum the whole back, the two elbows, and the head ... everything together. Tum them to the right, and return. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1013 Awarleness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #152: Bending while sitting and shoulder movements
Turn to the right, and come back. No, the two elbows and the head [move] together. The head is lowered forward ... lowered. The right elbow is as low as possible without it hurting. Turn the whole back to the right. The two elbows ... the left elbow [also] ... move them in the directioIll of the right knee. The right elbow [which is] behind, moves backward, but it is one movement of the back, of the whole spine.
Leave this. Rest for 3l moment. 7. Return to the same situation. Return to exactly the same situation [position]. Lowler the head. Tilt [tum] the face. Hang the left hand behind the right ear. Lower the left elbow [toward the floor] between the legs. The right hand [is] behind the back, with the back of the hand touching the back. Now, move only the right elbow so there will be movement of the elbow relative to the body. Take the right elbow backward many times. Leave this and rest for a moment. 8. Return to sitting with the legs spread. Place the two hands behind the back, with the backs of the hands on the back. The backs of the two hands [are] on the back. Now, strain ... [move] the two elbows backward ... not powerfully ... many times. Each time, do it more clearly. [It is] as if someone wants to do behind ... [incomplete sentence]. [It is] as if someone wanted to pull the two elbows to touch one another. [Do not do this] with abrupt movements. [Do it] gradually.
Sa. Pay attention. Lie with the hands like this. Lie on the right side with the elbows backward, of course. The right elbow [is] backward. Lie on the right side with the backs of the two hands on the back. Lie on the floor, with the right elbow behind [you]. Lie completely on the right side. Now, bend the left elbow backward many times, as if to touch the right elbow ... not powerfully, just many times. Of course, both ... the left elbow and the right elbow ... are bent. The right elbow is lying bent on the floor, with the back of the hand on the back. The backs of the hands are [on the lower back] somewhere above the belt. Lie completely on the side. Lie on the side ... with the shoulder and everything on the floor ... just the right elbow is backward. Take the left elbow backward many, many times. Pay attention. While lying like this, [it is] easy to take the head backward. It helps the elbows come closer. Do not push powerfully, just many times. Pay attention. Bend the left hand [wrist] so the [left] elbow will be able to move backward. The back of the hand will stay on the back. The hand will bend at the wrist. The back of the hand will stay in contact with the back the whole time.
8b. Now, lie on the left side. In the same way, [take] the left elbow backward. The back of the hand [is] on the back. Lie more or less comfortably. Take the head backward. Now, [take] the [right] elbow backward ... backward many times. {Do it] with the intention of touching the left elbow. Do not make abrupt movements. [Make] soft movements. Erect the head backward. Put the head on the floor. Do not hold it in the air; just erect it backward and try to connect the two elbows, behind [you]. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1014 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #152: Bending while sitting and shoulder movements
The hands stay on the back. This means the foreann bends at the right wrist.
Leave this and sit. Place the two hands behind the back. Spread the legs and
try once again. [Try a few times] to take the two elbows backward. Erect the back. Pay attention if this is easier to do [now] than before. Not powerfully ... delicate movements.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest. 9. Sit. Bend the legs [and sit] in some Indian-fashion. Lower the head and tum the face to the right. Place the left hand on the right ear, from behind the head. Now, place the right hand on the back of the neck, from behind. Then, lift the right elbow high up, toward the ceiling. [Lift the elbow so it will move relative to the body.] Place the [right] hand on the back of the neck and lift the elbow backward ... high up. Lift it away fi'om the body many times. Place the palm of the right hand on the back of the neck. Place the [right] hand on the back of the neck where the stubbornness of the Jews is located, on the back of the neck. Lift the elbow. Pay attention. Lift the elbow so it will move relative to the ~ody. The elbow will lift and indirectly tum the neck. Do not tum the body now. We said, "to lift the elbow."
Now, continue doing the same movement, but with both elbows. This means to tum the back so the right elbow will lift high up in the air. [Lift] many times, not powerfully. With thlO: elbow -lower [it] each time to a place that is comfortable to go down to; and then, continuo: with the whole back ... [continue] turning the back so the two elbows, in the lowered position ... [incomplete sentence]. Tum the elbows. Tum [both] elbows ... in the back, turn the whole back so the left elbow will move toward the right knee. The right elbow will move, in the air, backward and higher up. Do this with delicate movements, not in one go.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 10. Sit and bend the legs. Change over the crossing from the last time. Change them. Now, lower the head. Tum the face to the left. Put the right hand behind the left ear. 'Vith the left hand -. catch the back of the neck. Now, lift the left elbow in the air, up high. With the whole back - tum the two elbows so the right elbow will move toward the left knee and the left elbow [will move] backward and high up. Make delicate movements, not powerful ones. Each time simpler. Pay attention that the back of the neck will soften, that the back will soften, so it will start being pleasant to do.
lOa. Stay like this - with the right elbow lowered down. Now, the left elbow lift it backward, relative to the body. Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment.
All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
© Copy!ight September 1996.
1015 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #152: Bending while sitting and shoulder movements
11. . Return to sitting. [Sit] erect ... sit straight. Spread the legs. Now, place the right hand on the head. Bend the head to the right ... with the [right] elbow [going] to the right. Go down to the right. Pay attention if it [you are] going down further than before, and if it is easier, more comfortable. Try going down like this many times ... with the elbow ... in order to touch the floor.
lla. Now, move the left hand over to the right side of the body ... near the knee, on the floor ... on the right side of the body. Place the left hand on the floor, outside of the body [to the right of the body]. With the right elbow - go down toward the floor. lIb. The left hand is to the right of the right knee, on the floor. Now, try to touch the [left] hand with the [right] elbow. Take the [right] elbow as far backward as [you] can from Ithe hand. Then, return to touch the [right] elbow to the [left] hand to the extent that you can. [Afterward], move it [the elbow] away. [Move the right elbow] as far from the hand as possible each time; then, move it toward the hand, and away from it again. [Move the elbow] on the floor as comfortably as possible.
lIe. Stay with the right elbow low. Touch the [left] hand, [and then] move away from it. [Move]1 toward it and away from it. Of course, move [the elbow] away, backward. Move away backward ... with the hand [elbow] ... the elbow moves backward. It [the elbow] moves backward in an arc toward the back of the body. [Move so] the body does not fall down. [The body] does not lean on the right elbow.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 12. Please sit. Place the left hand on the head. Sink to the left ... [bend to the left] ... with the left elbow ... many times ... until it will be possible to touch the floor. Pay attention to the difference in the bending of the body from the beginning to now.
l2a. Now, move the right hand to the left of the left knee. The right hand - move it, pass it over to the left of the left knee. Lower the left elbow down ... go down. Touch the right hand, and then move away from it. Then, return, come back [and touch again]. [Move] so you do not lean on the left elbow. The left elbow is free to move back and forth.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 13. Sit with legs crossed. Bend the head to the right. Bend the head to the right. Simply bend the head to the right ... not the face. [Do not tum the head.] Bend the head to the right so the right ear goes closer to the right shoulder. From above the head, place the right hand on the [left] ear. The right hand ... [use] the right hand, please. Now, with the left hand - lift it and move about - from behind the head ... from the shoulder blade . " along the elbow. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1016 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #152: Bending while sitting and shouJlder movements
Everything is to the right. Go low down ... low down to the right. With the left hand move [explore] behind the head and [all the way] up to the elbow. Move from in front of the head and from behind the head. Touch the right elbow, which is continuously sinking more to the right. [Keep] lowering the [right] elbow down and caressing it with the left hand. [Caress] the right forearm and [continue] toward the back of the right shoulder. [Move] the [left] hand from the front of the head. With the left hand - go down until it will be possible to touch the right elbow, or below it, easily. It should be bent to the left, not forward. The head should be bent to the left, not forward. The head should be bent to the left. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais just made a mistake. The head should be bent to the right.] To the left ... bend to the left ... to the right ... right or left, it is not important; but not forward. That is for sure.
Leave this and sit quietly for a moment. 14. Sit and change over the legs. [Change the way the legs are crossed.] Now, bend the head to the left so the left ear goes toward the left shoulder. From above the head, place the left hand on the right ear ... the left hand. Now, with the right hand - slide behind the shoulder blade onto the left shoulder. Go further down each time. With the right hand - caress the [left] arm and forearm until it is possible to touch below the left elbow easily. Sink further down each time.
14a. Leave this and sit. Interlace the fingers and place them behind the neck ... behind the neck ... behind the neck. Extend the legs. Spread the legs. Lower the body forward.. Now, tum the two shoulders, with the back, so the right elbow will move up toward the ceiling and the left elbow will move toward the right knee. The right elbow [goes] up and the left elbow [goes] toward the right knee. With the left elbow try to move toward the right knee. Lift the right up. Pay attention, direct the left elbow toward the right knee while lifting the right elbow up higher.
Do all this with one single movement of the back. Lower the body and open the elbows. Spread the elbows. Tum the back so the left elbow will move in the direction of the right knee. [At the same time], the right elbow lifts up. Leave this for a moment.
14b. Use the non-habitual interlacing of the hands [fingers]. Open the elbows wide and lower the body forward. Turn the whole back so the right elbow will move toward the left knee and the left elbow will lift. The right elbow will move [toward] the left knee ... not in the air, but toward the left knee. The left elbow moves backward. Lift the left elbow backward. Lift the left elbow. Do this with one movement of the back. Listen to the left elbow as it lifts in the air, in the direction of the ceiling.
Leave this and get up to standing. Pay attel1ltion to how you stand after this. (End of lesson)
Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1017 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
ATM Lesson #153:
Rivka's lesson
Source: Reelll, Track 2, Lesson 4
1. Stand with the feet on the floor all the time. Open the feet sideways like Charlie Chaplin's stance. Pay attention to how it is at the knees and at the pelvis. Now, do it the other way around. Stand and just open the heels to the outside. Pay attention to the discomfort, or comfort, of standing. When your feet are in this position, pay attention to the ability to mobilize [yourself].
lao Try a few times to tum the toes outside, the feet outside. Then, tum them inside, along with the heels [moving] outside. [Move so] it will be possible to notice changes, if there will be [any]. 2. Please lie on the floor. Lie on the right side and lean on the right elbow [and forearm]. Bend the knees a bit. Put the left foot standing on the floor, in front of the body. [Place the foot completely on the floor] so the knee stands in the air. With the left hand - place the left hand on the foot, from above. Bring the fingers in, under the little toe. Pay attention not to bring straw underneath the fingernails. 1 Like this, pull the leg [footF on the floor, in the direction of the head, and return. Slide the foot. Put the left hand on the foot, from above. The hand [holds] "from above." Bring all the fingers under the little toe. Like this, pull the leg in the direction of the head. Slide it in the direction of the head, and return. Pay attention not to press the straw with the nails of the hand [fingernails]. We said to lean on the right elbow and forearm. This means [you] almost sit. Lean on the elbow and forearm. While sliding the leg, pay attention. Tum the toes of the foot in the direction of the head. The knee should stand. It should be turned in the direction of the ceiling. To the extent possible, the whole sole of the foot is standing. Slide on the floor with the whole sole of the foot with the heel, with everything on the floor.
2a. Please roll on the left side and [lie1 in the same way. That means to lean on the left elbow and forearm. Put the right foot standing on the floor. Catch it, from above, with the right hand ... with the fingers under the right foot ... coming in from below the little toe. Now, slide the right foot along the floor, in the direction of the head, and return. Tum the foot during the movement so the toes will tum more and more toward the head.. 1 TN: I believe Dr. Feldenkrais is referring to the mats, which were made out of sisal. 2 TN: Although Hebrew has different words for hand, arm, and foreaITn, and for foot, lower leg, and thigh, colloquially the same word is used for hand and arm, and another word is used for foot and leg. In usage the wordS' become iTlterchangeable and the meaning is derived from the context. The specific reference is in brackets. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1018 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
Leave this. Lie on the back for a moment. 3. Please sit and place the two feet on the floor. Bend the knees. Now, put the right hand, [from] outside. Tum the right foot to the right, so it will be possible to catch the foot ... from above, in [around] the toes ... so the big toe will be inside the [palm of] the hand and the fingers will be under the foot. Put the foot standing and, from outside, [place] the right hand. Now, like this, pull the leg in the direction of the body, and return. [Move] in the direction of the body, toward the body. Bring this [footJ closer to the body. Pull the leg toward the body, and return. Slide it on the floor to the extent it is comfortable. The right hand [is] outside the right knee. Like this, bring the leg closer to the body ... not to the side, but to the body ... close to the body and move it away. While pulling it, tum the leg [the foot so] the toes [go more to theJ outside. The leg gradually does this by itself if [youJ do not interfere. Tum the foot, and bring it closer to the right buttock.
Please leave this. 3a.
Take the left leg with the left hand [in] the same way. This means the left hand comes, from above, from outside the left knee, and catches the [leftJ foot. The [leftJ big toe is inside the hand and the nails of the right hand are on the floor. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais made a mistake. It should read, "The [left] big toe is inside the hand and the nails of the left hand are on the floor."] Pull the leg in the direction of the left buttock, turning it [the foot and the toesJ more and more to the outside.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 4. Sit and pUll: the two feet on the floor. Tum the toes sideways ... [to the outside, Charlie Chaplin style]. With the two hands, from the outside - catch the two feet with tbe two hands. [Catch them] so the big toes, with aU their joints, are inside the hands. Now, with the legs - slide the legs [feet] along the floor, bringing the heels closer to the buttocks and the toes to the outside. Leave this for a moment. [Rest.] 5. Come back to sitting exactly the same way. Like this, take the legs and bring them closer to the body. Now, try to place the left knee on the floor, between the legs ... sJ[owly. Bring the two legs [feetJ toward the body and try to put the left leg between the legs ... [the left knee down toward the floorJ. Then, lift it [returning it to placeJ. Do this many times, about ten times ... the left leg. If possible, do not move the foot [once youJ place the [footJ close to the body. If possible, [makeJ the movement of the knee only in the hip joint. Put the left leg lying, and lift it back
[to placeJ.
5a. 5b.
Now, do the same thing with the right leg ... ten times. . Now, place the knees like this -
the right once, the left once.
Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkraislnstitute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1019 Awarleness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
Now, put the left leg [knee] down and slowly try to put the right down also. Now, put the right knee down, and try to put the left one down also.
5d. Return to put the two legs [feet] standing. Try to pull them toward the body, and return. See if it is better than before. See if there is a better symmetry in the two legs. Put the knees [and feet] standing. Pull the feet and tum them to the outside [while you] bring them toward the buttocks. Then, move them away [return to place]. [In addition to] the movement of the hands [moving] to the sides, the knees should spread and open, [also] moving to the sides. {They move] together with the feet ... to the sides. The knees come as close to the body as possible. In other words, [you] sit erect, and then round the back so [you] can do this. Come up - with the head - and make an arch in the back while [you] pull the legs close to the buttocks.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest. Pay attention to what this does to the pelvis and to the way the back lies on the floor.
6. Please sit and place the two legs [feet] standing on the floor. Now, turn the right foot inward. Place it standing so the toes will be turned, [pointing] between the legs. Place the right hand, from between the legs, above the foot so the fingers will catch all the joints of the little toe. The nails of the hand will come underneath the foot. In this position, pull the leg [foot] to the body, close to the buttocks ... and move it away. Slide it, standing ... [while it remains standing]. It [the leg] should stand. The foot should [slide] on the floor. Like this, pull it. Tum the toes of the foot inward while pulling it [the foot]. Bring them [the toes] closer to the body, and return. Gradually move the foot close to the buttocks, completely, completely. It should touch the body. The whole inner part of the foot should touch the buttocks ... from underneath.
Do the same thing with the left leg.
6b. Extend the right leg, completely long, on the floor. Put the left leg standing, more or less comfortably ... with the toes [pointing] inward. Bring the right hand under the toes of the left foot, from above. [Bring it] so the [left] little toe will be almost completely inside the palm. Now, place the left hand on the floor, from outside. Open the [left] hand simply, and place it on the floor. Place the left heel inside the space between the [left] thumb and index finger. Place the left hand on the floor behind the left heel [so the back of the heel touches the left hand between the thumb and index finger]. Place it simply on the floor so the heel will be in the space [between] the thumb and index finger. From this position - move the leg away from the body, and move it toward the buttock. Hold the foot [turned with its toes inward] the whole time. In this position - slide the foot forward, and then bring it close to the . body. The left hand [is] behind the heel. Tum the leg so the heel will move outward and the toes inward. Bring [it] toward the left buttock. [Move] it until it touches the buttock.·
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1020 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
Now, please do the same thing with the right leg. Extend the left leg. Put the right leg [foot] standing. Catch the heel with the right hand, simply. The foot is placed on the floor and the heel is inside the web between the thumb and index finger. Like this, slide the foot closer to the body until it touches the right buttock. [It touches] with the entire inside part [the inside edge of the foot].
6d. Put the two feet standing with the feet [pointing] inward. From between the legs, place the hands ... between the knees. Like this, catch the two feet and move them closer to the buttocks, and return. Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 7. [Please sit.] Put the right foot standing. Tum the toes of the foot outward. With the right hand - catch the right big toe . . . from outside . . . from above . . . as before. Place the left hand on the floor. Bring the heel into the "groin" of the [left] hand. [TN: The webbed space between the thumb and index finger.] Now, in this position, slowly push the leg forward and back. Slowly, slowly, [continue] until it will be possible to extend the leg, until the whole [leg] will lie on its outer side. [Do this] gradually, slowly until it straightens completely on its outer side. Do not push powerfully because it will dislocate the knee. The whole hip joint needs to tum and the leg should be without force.
Do the same thing with the left leg. The knee is between the two arms. The knee is between the two arms. Listen, while straightening, while the leg advances forwardl, straightening, it should lie on its outer side. That means the leg should be turned so that the toes point completely to the left.
7b. Now, do the same thing with the left leg. Extend the left leg and put the right leg standing. With the left hand - get hold of the right heel, simply. The foot [is] placed on the floor. The heel is inside the "groin" of the thumb and index fing~r. Like this, slide the foot. Bring it closer to the body until its entire inside part touches the left buttock. 7c.
Place the two legs standing like this. Catch the big toes of both legs [feet] and
try to bring them closer ... that which we did in the beginning. See if it is a bit more than before.
7d. Place the two feet standing with the toes [pointing] inward. From between the legs - place the two arms. Catch the two feet [the way you did a moment ago]. Move them [the feet] toward the buttocks, and return. Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 8. Please sit. Place the right leg [foot] standing. Tum the toes outward. With the right hand, from outside - catch the big toe. [Catch it] the same way as [you] did a moment ago - tirom above. Put the left hand on the floor. Bring the [right] heel inside the webbed space between the thumb and index finger. Now, in this position, slowly push the leg forward and return. Slowly, slowly [slide it] until it will be possible to extend the leg so the whole [leg] lies on its outside. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1021 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
[Do this] gradually, slowly until it [the leg] wiII straighten completely, completely on its outside parts. Do not push with force because it wiII dislocate the knee. The whole hip joint needs to turn. The leg needs to be without force.
Do the same thing with the left leg. The knee [is] between the two arms. While straightening, listen - when the leg moves forward, when it straightens, it should lie on its outer side. This means the leg is turned so the toes turn completely to the left.
:8b. Itry
Now, put Ithe two legs standing like this. Catch the big toes of each leg. Now, to move [the two feet] closer to the buttocks. [Do] what we did in the beginning. See if it is at bit more than before.
9. For a moment, sit like this - with the legs a bit in front. Extend the legs a bit forward. Now, put the hands between the knees. Bring them behind the heels - the right hand [from] outside and the left hand [from] outside. With the two hands - catch the toes, the big toes, exactly as before ... from above. Now, bring the two feet closer to the buttocks, and move them away - forward. Extend them forward, slowly. Take the legs completely to the sides while extending the legs. Increase the spread [of the legs]. If possible, do a bit more with the right leg, and then a bit more with the left leg. [Do it so] it wiII be possible to extend the two [together]. It is possible to try it only with the right leg a few times; and then, only with the left leg a few times. Once with this leg a few times, and then once with the other. Next, start with the second [leg], and then extend the first. Like this, continue until it wiII be possible to extend the two arms and the two legs. Pay attention. To be able to do [this], it is necessary to let the shoulders go down and to lengthen the spine. Only then wiII the arms be long enough to facilitate the legs straightening. Pay attention. There is a need to lower the right shoulder down, toward the floor, while only the right leg goes down. [Lower it] so the [right] arm is able to lengthen and the elbow and forearm [can] lie on the floor. Only then wiII the leg be able to straighten.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 10. Sit and put the right leg standing. Tum it inward. From outside, catch the heel with the right hand. With the left hand - [hold] the foot. From this position, try to extend the leg with the inward side lying completely on the floor. Extend the leg slowly and put it lying on the floor. [Do this] slowly. It wiII lie completely [on its inward edge]. Take it [the leg] a bit to the side so the floor wiII help turn the foot [by exerting] pressure on the heel, from behind. Initially, take the whole body a bit to the left so it wiII be possible to extend the leg. Slowly, slowly it wiII be possible to do this with a straight body. First, take the body, the back, to the left ... with Ittie head to the left also; then, it wiII be possible to straighten the leg. Gradually sit straight and do the same thing.
Stop for a moment.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The FeldenkraisInstitute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1022 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
lOa. Put the [right] leg standing and hold it like this. Tum it with the toes inward. From outsidle - bring the right hand below and behind the knee. From above, catch the little toe with it. From outside, place the right hand and bring it behind the knee. With it - from above - catch the foot. In this position, extend it [the leg] and then shorten it. Pay attention to how low down to the floor [you] must go ... with the chest, with everything. Straighten [the leg] and lengthen the back until the leg can lie like this. Of course, it lies on the inward side of the foot when the leg straightens and not on the sole.
Leave this. 11.
Now, do these two movements with the left leg. First, this means to catch the heel with the left hand, from outside the heel. The right hand [holds] from above the foot. Place the foot on its side. Take the body to the side and straighten the left leg until it can lie on the inner part of the leg. Now, bring the left hand in, from under the knee, from behind the knee. With the left hand catch the little toe ... from above. In this position, let the left shoulder go down, low to the floor. Strain the back so the head will lengthen, so the back will lengthen, and so the leg can lie straight on the floor. Lift the sole of the foot from the floor. Extend the foot so it lies on the inside part of the foot. For thall, it is necessary to lower the left elbow to the floor.
lla. Put the right leg standing also. Bend the right leg. From outside, bring the hand and catch the right leg [foot] as [you have done] on the left. The two hands will be symmetrical. The two hands come [from outside] and catch the soles of the feet. [They] pull the toes inward. From this position - slowly straighten the legs, and then bring them closer to the body. Straighten them to the sides. Spread [them] lightly; then, the floor can help the legs tum.
11b. For those, who find this easier, it is possible to push the pelvis, behind. Slide the pelvis backward, or the legs ... [incomplete sentence]. It depends which is easier. lIe. Here also, try to move only the right leg to the right, then only the left leg, [and afterw3.fds] move the right leg [followed by] the left leg. [Try] the left leg only, [followed by the right leg]. [Finally] try both legs ... the two, together. Lie on the back arId pay attention to how the pelvis lies on the floor. What do [you] feel between the shoulder blades, in the back, behind [you]?
Come to standing and walk for a moment. Pay attention to what feeling there is in the legs. How do they stand?
13. Now, standl quietly. Open the toes of the legs to the sides ... the right leg to the right and the left leg to the left. Straighten [up] and pay attention if the knees [can straighten].
© CopYright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1023 Awareness Throngh Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
Is it possible to get erect [get taller]? How is the pelvis? Do [you] still tum the hands while doing this? It means it is not in order if [you] still tum the hands.
13a. Now, open the heels to the sides. Then, try a few times to do the movements here and t~ere ... [once the toes to the sides and then once the heels to the sides]. Peace on Israel. (End of lesson)
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1024 AwarelIless Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #153: Rivka's lesson
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1025 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #154: Leg movements while holding the other leg with the hand
ATM Lesson #154:
Leg movements while holding the other leg with the hand
Source: Reelll, Track 3, Lesson 1
1. Please lie on the back. Put the left leg standing. Bend the knee and put the left leg [foot]1 standing. Now, bring the right foot between the left foot and the hole [between the pelvis and the left foot], Now, with the left hand, try to catch the left foot. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais makes a mistake here and corrects himself later in the lesson. He meant, "to catch the right foot."] Do this many Itimes. This means to move the [right] foot, on the floor, to the left. Try to catch it [the right foot]. Place the right knee on the floor and catch the left leg [foot] with the left hand. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais made another mistake. He meant the right foot.] Tum, with the face, to the right. Catch [hold] the left leg . . . the right foot, sorry. [TN: Dr. Feldenkiais just corrected himself.]
la. Like this, pull it [the right foot] with the left hand. Pull it more and more. Take it away from the body. Take the left hand [more] to the left. Take it far away from the body .... many times ... slowly. The right knee wiIllie on the floor and the left handwiIl take the left foot more to the left. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais made another mistake. He meant the right foot.] The whole body needs to ron to the right. By doing this, the head and everything rolls to the right, except for the left leg tlhat is standing. Try this movement many times ... in a comfortable position. Of course, [initially] it is necessary to take the head and shoulders to the left if [you want to] catch the leg [right foot] easily. [If you do this initially], the left arm can be long.
Leave this. 2. Bend the left knee and place the left foot standing on the floor. Bring the right foot between the left foot and the hole [the space between the pelvis and the left heel]. Pay attention that the left hand is placed on 'the floor so the back of the hand is on the floor. Like this, catch the [light] foot from underneath the foot. 2a. Now, continue to pull the right foot with the left hand. [Pull it] more and more to the left. Move the hand away from the body. Move the [left] hand away from the body and increase the movement. [Do this] many, many times and each time, more simply. Enable the head, the chest, and the shoulders to move after the left shoulder, [following it], so the left arm will be long. [The left arm] will be able to hold the leg [foot] comfortably and the movement wiII increase. 1 TN: Although Hebrew has different words for hand, arm, forearm, and for foot, lower leg, and thigh, colloquially a generic word is used for hand and arm, and another generic word is used for foot, knee, and leg. In usage the words become interchangeable and the meaning is derived from the context. The specific reference is in brackets. © Copyright. September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1026 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #154: Leg movements while holding the other leg with the hand
If it is possible, hold the foot so the foot, knee, and hand all lie on the floor. Move the elbow away from the body. [Move] the whole arm away from the body. Pull the right leg and move it more and more away, to the left. Each time [make it] simpler.
2b. It becomes easier to do if [you] extend the right arm above the head. Extend the right arm above the head and continue to move the [left] hand and right foot away, to the left. Leave this and rest for a moment. 3. Put the right leg standing. Bring the left foot between the right heel and the gap, [between the heel and pelvis]. With the back of the right hand on the floor - bring it under the foot and catch the right foot. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais made a mistake here. He meant to, "catch the left foot. "] Extend the left arm above the head. With light movements, many times, move the rilght hand and left foot away from the body ... to the right. Facilitate the whole body adapting so the movement will be easier and easier, more and more comfOltable, and clearer and clearer. By that, [the movement will become] bigger and easier.
Leave this alone. Rest for a moment. 4. Place the right foot standing on the floor, with Ithe knee bent. Bring the left foot, from behind [from behind the right heel]. Catch it with the right hand, as before ... with the back of the hand on the floor .... from under the foot. Now, lift the right leg [foot] in the air. Lift the right foot in the air and swing it lightly [upward], in the direction of the head, and downward. Continue holding the left knee and right hand on the floor. Straighten the right leg a bit, and swing it in the direction of the head ... not powerfully.
4a. Now, stay with the [right] foot in the air, in the direction of the ceiling. Let the whole leg, as it is standing, go down to the left. Return, and go down to the right. [TN: Do not change the angle of the hip, knee, or ankle joints as the leg goes from side to side.] To the left ... not down and toward the feet ... [move the whole leg] left and right. Pay attention so the right hip can help the foot go down to the left and down to the right.
4b. Place the left knee lying on the floor and continue doing this movement. Extend the right leg to the left. Hold the foot with the hand as before ... with the palm of the hand. The back of the hand [is] on the floor. Hold the bottom of the foot [so the palm] is against the foot. The back of the right hand is on the floor.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 5. Put the left leg standing. Bring the right foot between the heel and the hole [pelvis]. Listen so the back of the left hand lies on the floor and the [right] foot will come into the hand. Now, lift the left leg into the air. Lightly swing it in the direction of the head and downward ... many times.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1027 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #154: Leg movements while holding the other leg with the hand
Pay attention so the right knee stays on the floor; don't just lift it. Lightly swing the left leg many times.
Now, stay with the left leg in the air. Let it tilt right and left. Pay attention that the left hip joint lifts from the floor and returns to the floor, to the hand ... so the left foot could come closer to the flo?r while the leg is more or less straight.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 6. Bend the righ~ knee and put the right foot standing on the floor. Bring the left foot between the heel and the hole [pelvis]. With the back of the right hand on the floorcatch the foot. Now, bring the right foot on the floor, next to the left hand ... the left hand [which] is on the floor ... next to the left hand. The right foot - put it standing on the floor next to the left hand. Slowly, with the back of the [left] hand to the ceiling ... the back of the hand to the ceiling so the palm of the hand can come from above the right foot ... like this, catch the right foot on the floor.
[6. continued.]
[From above, hold the right foot with the left hand.] Then, with small movements, move the light foot in the direction of the head and away [from the head]. With the help of the hand, bring the right foot closer [to the head] and away. Do not leave the foot. Continue holding the left foot ... no, the right foot with the left hand. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais just corrected himself.] The hand [is directed] from above the foot. Slide the right foot on the floor, with the help of the left hand. It brings it closer to the head and away.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 7. Put the left foot standing. Bring the right foot between the heel [and the pelvis]. Catch it with the left hand, from underneath the leg [foot]. Now, move the left foot to the right side of the body. With the right hand, from above the foot - catch the foot. In this position, make a light movement of sliding the left foot on the floor. Help with the [right] handt. Bring it closer to the body, and move it away. Leave this and rest for a moment. 8. Put the left foot standing on the floor. Move the right leg [foot] to the other side and catch it with the left hand. Now, move the left leg to the right of the body. Catch it somewhere with the right hand. [Catch it] ~here you can. In this position, lift the head from the floor. At ~he same time, with the two hands - pull to the sides. Move the hands, one away from the other. Bring everything closer and lie on the floor. Move the right hand further to the right and the ieft hand more to the left. [Do this] while Iiftingthe head. Do not do this in the air, but on the floor. The arms and legs are on the floor. Lift the head, pull the legs to the sides, and return to lying.
Leave this alone and rest for a moment.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1028 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #154: Leg movements while holding the other leg with the hand
9. Put the right leg standing. Pass the left foot behind the right heel. Catch them [the feet] with the two hands, as before. Pull both to the sides. At the same time, lift the head. [You] spoil the whole trick if [you] lift the legs so the knees are in the air. [You] miss the point. It needs to be done the way we said.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 10. Put the right leg standing. Bring the left leg behind [the right heel]. Catch the left foot with the right hand. Lift the right leg in the air. With the left hand - catch the [right] foot. [Hold the foot at] the arch, from above. [Do it with] the leg bent and catch at the arch of the foot. Like this, lift the left hand and the arch of the right foot. At the same time, lift the head. The right hand and left leg stay on the floor. The left hand holds the arch of the right foot, from below. [TN: A moment ago Dr. Feldenkrais said, "to catch it from above."] Lift the leg in the air, and at the same time, lift the head. With the left hand -lift the right foot high up, in the air, and lift the head. Listen so the left knee lies on the floor to the extent that is possible.
Leave this and res.t for a moment. 11. Place the left foot standing on the floor. Bring the right foot behind the left heel. ·With the left hand [moving] under the foot, catch the arch of the foot ... the arch of the right foot. Now, with the right hand, from below - catch the arch of the left foot. With the hand -lift the left leg in the air. At the same time, lift the head ... slow movement. Leave this and rest for a moment. 12. Put the right foot standing. Place the left foot behind the right heel. Catch it with the right hand ... from below. Now, lift the right leg in the air as close to the head as [you] can. 12a. Like this, now place the left hand behind the knee. In this position, [place] the right hand behind the right knee. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais made a mistake. It should read, "Place the left hand behind the right knee."] Allow the right foot to go down to the floor, on the left side. Turn the body so the right leg can go down, toward the floor more or less straight. Help it [the right leg] with the left hand. [Help it] go down and come back up. Extend it forward as it goes down. This means to make the heel very long, as if to push your neighbor with [your] leg. Do this many times slowly, slowly.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 13. Place the left leg standing. Bring the right leg behind the heel. With the left hand [moving] under the foot, catch the right foot. Lift the left leg in the air ... with the right hand behind the heel ... no, behind the knee. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais just corrected himself.] Now, like this, try to lower the leg to the floor, and then to extend it. Make it as long as possible. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1029 AW~lireness
Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #154: Leg movements while holding the other leg with the hand
When it is going down to the Door, it is as if [you] are pushing a neighbor with the heel.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 14. Place the right foot on the floor. Place the left leg [foot] behind the right heel. Catch it with the right hand. Move the right foot to the left side of the body, on the floor. Put the right knee also on the floor, or almost on the floor. It is difficult. No, ... the right knee ... we did not say, "to catch the foot." [We said,] "only to place the right knee, the right foot, on the floor, to the left of the body." Put the foot standing on the left side of the body.
[14. continued.]
Now, with the left hand, from above -lift it to the ceiling, and catch behind the right knee ... from above. Catch behind the right knee. Place the right foot on the floor. With the left hand, from above knee. It is not difficult to do.
catch behind the right
[14. continued.]
Now, like this, with the left hand - [move] the left leg backward.
pull the knee toward the head. With the right hand
It needs to get to the [point] that both - the knee and leg - will be on the floor. It doesn't have to be [this way] in the beginning. This is difficult enough without that being necessary. Do such a movement that [you] pull the right knee upward, using the left hand. [You] pull the left leg backward with the right hand. It is desirable if [you] can do the two movements together. It is not important if it is high. It is not important if it is powerful. It is important that there is a movement with the two hands and the two legs.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 15. Now, place the left leg standing. Bring the right heel through, behind [as before]. Catch it [the right heel] with the left hand. Now, take the left leg more to the right. With the right hand from above - come to catch the back of the knee . . . the back of the left thigh. Now, with the right hand - pull the thigh toward the head. With the left handmove the right foot away [from the body] and backward. Increase the spread of the two legs. Slowly, gradually the left knee should lie completely on the floor. The two knees, everything, is on the floor. The two lower legs are on the floor.
Leave this and rest for a moment. Lie on the back and rest. 16. [Continue to lie on the back.] Put the right leg standing. Bring the left leg behind, as before. Catch it with the right hand and pull it backward. Now, extend the left arm above the head, on the floor. Now, with the right hand - pull the left leg backward. The left hand [is] above the head, on the floor. Pull the leg backward. Fill in the stomach [expand the belly]. Push the abdomen forward. Tum the whole body, the face, in order to see the left handl.
© Copyright September 19'96. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The FeldenkraisInstitute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1030 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #154: Leg movements while holding the other leg with the hand
Move the left leg away fro~ the body, with the right hand ... [move] backward and to the right. The right leg clearly stands on the floor. The right leg stands on the floor and the knee is standing. [You] twist the whole spine, pelvis, and back so it is possible to look at the left hand which is above the head. [Look] with the eyes. Increase the movement. Move the foot, with the right hand, further and further to the right.
16a. Now, hold it [the left foot] as far to the right as [you] can. Now, lift the left leg in the air [so] the foot [goes] toward the ceiling. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais made a mistake here. He immediately corrects himself.] Lift the right leg in the air with the foot toward the ceiling, as close to the head as [you] can. With the right foot - sink toward the floor. Try to push the heel to the head of your neighbor. Take the pelvis backward and shorten the leg. Now, push it forward. While pushing, the lleft leg and arm lift from the floor. The right leg is straight in the knee. The left leg moves closer to [your] neighbor not downward, but to the neighbor, who is exactly to the left. Then, the right leg and the left foot and hand lift from the floor. Like this, push forward, and return. On the floor, if it is possible ... push the left heel on the floor. Push the neighbor with it [the heel], and return. Pay attention that [you] take the left leg backward the whole time. [Do it] with the right hand. Take the left leg backward and [increase] the distance between the hand and foot every time it becomes more comfortable. [Increase their distance] from the body; then,there will be a big hole between the arm, leg, and the body. With the left leg - go down. With the heel, push the neighbor forward and return. Leave this.
Roll on the other side and do the same thing on the other side. With the left hand - catch the right foot. Pull it backward, to the left. Extend the right arm. Roll so it will be possible to see, with the eyes, the right hand. At the same time, push the neighbor with the right heel. [Push] until it becomes possible to lift both the left hand and the right leg from the floor. Push and return. Push and return.
Leave this and
Die: on the back].
Lie on the back and pay attention to how the pelvis is lying on the floor. Pay attention to the feeling in the pelvis. Pay attention to how it is lying on the floor.
Stand on the legs lmd try to walk. Pay attention to the feeling in the pelvis, the legs, and the back. (End of lesson)
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1031 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
ATM Lesson #155:
Twists and advanced twists
Source: Reel 11, Track 3, Lesson 2
1. Please lie quietly on the back. Put the two hands behind the head, [fingers] interlaced. Place the two feet standing on the floor. Lift the head and knees [feet]l from the floor ... with the legs spread.
la. Now, with light movements, try to rock the body in the direction of the head, and then the legs. Try to rock the body in the direction of the head and the legs. [Do it] with slow movements. Slowly, slowly do not rush. Do not try to sit. Rock the body until it willi be possible to notice that the legs and head move completely together. Both move forward allld backward exactly together [simultaneously].
Leave this and rest for a moment. 2. Put the right leg [foot] standing. Now, lift it. Catch the arch of the foot with the two hands. Catch the arch of the right foot with two hands. The leg [is] loose, bent. Lower the foot down, together with the hands. 2a. Now, lifit the left leg in the air. Swing it lightly - with a [left] knee that straightens and bends - together with the head. [Do it] as you did a moment ago with the two legs ... slowly, many times. The head and [left] leg [swing] together. It is not a question of extending the leg. There needs to be a movement in the knee so the foot lifts in the direction of the head, and then goes down with a slight swing. Please pay attention. The left leg is not straight, nor is it long, but rather it is bent at the knee. It makes light swings at the knee. When the body goes toward sitting, the leg is short [bent at the knee], not long. Make light swings. Don't try to sit [intentionally]. [TN: Continue holding the right foot with both hands as you swing the left leg.]
Leave this and rest for a moment. 3.
Catch the left leg [foot] with the two hands, at the arch [of the foot]. Lift the head.
Lift. the right leg, loose and bent at the knee. Swing it lightly, together with the head.
[Make a swinging movement] with the right leg. Lift the [right] foot higher up, with a knee that straightens. Then, bend the knee downward [with a knee that is limp]. [Do this] together with a swing of the head.
1 TN: Although Hebrew has different words for hand, arm, and forearm, and for foot, lower leg, and thigh, colloquially the same word is used for hand and arm, and another word is used for foot and leg. In usage the words become interchangeable and the meaning is derived from the context. The specific reference is in brackets. ©
September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1032 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
Slowly [swing] many times .until the back softens and rounds, until the back will begin to move. Do not swing powerfully. Do not rush. Do not straighten the leg while [the leg is] going down, bend it instead. Make a slight swing with a limp leg [knee]. Now listen if the body tilts to the side while doing this, or if the body moves straight. Pay attention not to [make a] swing more powerful that the body's [ability] to move straight forward. [Be sure] the body continues to move straight forward.
Rest for a moment. 4. Now, try to lift the right leg. Catch it with the two hands, at the arch of the foot ... as a minute ago. Now, extend the left leg on the floor. Place the left heel on the floor with the leg long, but limp. This means a bit bent at the knee. Now, with the two hands - lift the right leg ... with light movements. Lower the head to the floor. 2 Now, lift the head and lower the leg. Pay attention so the left heel will stay on the floor the whole time. [Make sure] the left heel will stay on the floor. Do not lift the left heel from the floor. Swing lightly with the two hands, the head, and a right leg that goes up and down. Make soft and delicate movements. Listen so the left leg will stay on the floor ... with a loose leg. The heel can crawl backward and forward on the floor. That is all.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 5. Now, catch the arch of the left foot with the two hands. The right leg [is] long and limp on the floor. Try the same thing. With the two hands - lift the left foot and the head. Swing the two together so the right heel will crawl back and forth on the floor. Swing lightly many times. Listen so the swings wiII be so light that the body will move backward and forward [in a] straight line and not sideways. This means to make delicate and light movements. With the two hands, lift the [left] leg in the air. Go down, swinging delicately.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 6. Please place the right leg [foot] standing ... standing spread. This means to stand it a bit to the side. Now, with the help of the left hand, lift the head. Turn the head a bit to the right and put the [left] hand under the [right] ear. Like this, lift the head, with the help of the left elbow. Turn the [left] elbow in the direction of the standing [right] knee. Turn the head to the right. Do this many times, slowly, not powerfully. Pay attention. With many, the movement can be so good that it is possible to almost sit. There isn't any need to strain. Make the lightest movement that is comfortable to do. You can lean. You can do everything. [You] not only "can" but "should" make the lightest, most comfortable movement. The right arm is straight, on the floor, by the right side of the body. Do not try to sit.
2 TN: Dr. Feldenkrais wanted anyone who lifted his/her head to catch the foot, to lower the head before .starting a see-saw movement. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1033 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
Rest for a moment. 7. Put the left leg [foot] standing to the side. Tum the face to the left. Place the right hand behind the left ear. Like this, lift the head and tum the elbow toward the standing knee. Leave this and rest for a moment. 8. Now, please put the right leg [foot] standing. Spread it a bit to the side. Tum the face to the right. Put the left hand behind the head. Lift the head with the help of the [left] elbow and hand. Lift it high up. Now, with the elbow - pay attention - with the tip of the elbow - draw small circles. Pay attention to draw circles with the tip of the [left] elbow ... circles with the tip of the elbow. Have the tip of the elbow draw a circle.
Rest for a moment. 8a. Come back to doing the same movement, but change over the direction of the elbow. [Make circles in the other direction.] Pay attention. Of course, the whole chest and shoulder participate in this work. Oy! The right leg [is] standing, spread.
[You] are lifting the head and directing the [left] elbow in the direction of the [right] knee.
Now, change the direction of the movement again. Listen to which part of the back draws a circle on the floor. Which part of the back draws a circle? This means the point of leaning also moves on the floor in a small circle. Pay attention to the place it [the circle] is made. Pay attention if it is possible to notice that it [the back] is drawing a circle on the floor. Pay attention if you can notice that, in this position, the chest on the right side moves in a circle. The pressure passes in a small circle that matches the movement of the elbow. Improve this circle [on the floor]; then, the movement of the elbow will improve. If the circle on the floor is a circle, the elbow will make a circle.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 9. Put the left leg standing. Tum the face to the left and place the right hand behind the head. Tum the [right] elbow in the direction of the left knee. Lift the head, of course. Now, make small circles with the elbow. Pay attention if [you] feel that the left side of the chest draws a circle because the point of contact changes as the body makes a circle on the floor. Listen to these two circles - to the movement of the elbow and to what the back is drawing on the floor. [Listen to] wherever the pressure [Olll the floor] is clear.
Rest for a moment.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1034 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
9a. Return to the same position; just change the direction of the elbow. Change over the direction of the elbow. Listen to what the chest is drawing on the floor and, at the same time, listen to the movement of the elbow. Both will improve one another.
Please leave this and rest for.a moment. JlO. Extend the left arm above the head, on the floor. Lift the left leg in the air. Catch the arch of the leg [foot] with the right hand. Now, extend the leg and arm in the air. Now, with light, delicate movements - move the arm and leg to touch the floor on the light side, and then return to the left side. Try to move the body so the [left] leg will move right and left, so the arm [will move] right and left:. [Do it] with a leg that is more or less straight. Move the body so it will roll right and left. There isn't any need to go down to the floor. The arm and leg are more or less straight. Continue doing this movement and pay attention to the leaning [contact] of the back and pelvis on the floor. Pay attention to where and how the leaning changes in the back, in the pelvis. Listen to the movement of the back and pelvis on the floor while [you] are moving the arm and leg right and left like this. Gradually extend the right leg more, and the left arm more. Do not push them; just allow them a possibility of lengthening. It will lengthen by itself, [by doing this movement], but if [you] listen, it happens more easily, quickly, and simply.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 11. Extend the right arm above the head. With the left hand - catch the right leg [foot]. [Catch] the arch of the right leg [foot]. Do the same thing. Rock the body in the direction of the [left] arm and [right] leg. Pay attention. Gradually, the rocking should be in the direction of the shoulder, in the direction of the left shoulder blade and the right hip. Like this, count an additional ten movements. Make delicate movements and breathe freely. Allow the body to adapt to the floor and to the demand of the arm and leg. Listen to the movement of the back on the floor, to how the point of pressure moves on the floor.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 12. Return to extending the left arm and lift the left leg. Catch it [the left foot] with the right hand, from inside ... at the arch. Now, extend the left arm above the head, of course. In this position, try to bring the leg to sit on the floor. This means that it will return to its place on the floor, and then it lifts in the direction of the right shoulder. [Move] the whole back. Move as if to return to sitting, and then lift the arm and leg. No, do not try to sit. Move the arm in a [specific] direction so the point of leaning moves onto the right shoulder blade, on the right shoulder blade. This means lifting the left hip in the air. Then, [move] the other way round. Transfer the [point of] leaning onto the left hip so the right shoulder will lift from the floor. This means the movement will be diagonal.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The FeldenkraisInstitute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1035 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
Do not work hard. Make easy movements. The movement should be in the right arm and left leg, and not in the left arm.
12a. Please try to hold the left ann ... [incomplete sentence]. [TN: Please try to keep the left arm on the floor, above the head.] The right ann and left leg are in the air and draw circles with them. Leave this for a moment. 12b. Return to holding the left leg [foot] with the light hand. Now, count twenty circular movements in the opposite direction of what you just did. [Make] circles in the opposite direction. [Make] light movements. The left arm is long, above the head. To the extent that it is comfortable, the left leg is straight, in the air. Listen if [you] can feel a circle drawn on the back, or if the body falls from right to left. It is an indication that you are straining the belly and chest too much if it falls. [You] should notice that the back draws a circle on the floor, that the main area of pressure makes [describes] a small circle on the floor.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 13. Extend the light arm above the head. With the left hand [foot] in the air. Like this, make twenty circles with the leg.
catch the right leg
Listen to tlhe movement of the back on the floor. Make slow movements; just listen so there will be· a clear discernment of the place of leaning, that the place of leaning draws a circle. What size is not important.
Rest for a moment. 13a. Continue holding the right leg [foot] with the left hand. The right arm [remains] above the head. Change over the direction of the circles. Leave this and rest for a moment. 14. Bend the right knee. Put it [the foot] standing a bit 11:0 the side. Tum the face to the right. Place the left hand behind the head [behind the right ear]. Lift the head from the floor, with the elbow [moving] in the direction of the [right] knee. 14a. [From this position] ... lift the left leg in the air ... left leg in the air ... toward the ceiling. Try to move the left leg to the right side of the body, and then to the left. Hold the head lifted from the floor. [Keep] the head lifted the whole time. Oscillate the left leg. Pass it to the right and return. This means the left hip needs to lift from the floor. Do not place the right leg on the floor. The right leg is standing. Of course, it is free during the movement, but the foot stands the whole time. It is necessary to lift the hip so the leg could go down;
© Copyrigl]Jt September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1036 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
Listen. On what parts does the back move? Where does it work? Where is the pressure on the pelvis? How does it pass?
14b. Continue lifting the head and tum it more and more to the right. Stay like this and change over the legs. Stay with the head lifted, to the right ... with the head to the right. Just change the legs. Don't put the standing leg [knee] on the floor. Don't put the standing knee on the floor. Listen to the point of leaning of the pelvis. [Listen] to how it travels and where you feel the contact with the floor.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 15. Tum the face to the left. Place the right hand behind the head [behind the left ear]. Put the right leg standing on the floor. Lift the left leg in the air and lift the head. Do the movements to thIs side. This means to take the left leg right and left. Listen to the point of leaning in the pelvis. [Listen] to how it passes from place to place. Lift the head with the help of the [right] hand. [Lift the head] the whole time. Listen to w~ere the chest is not able to adapt to the floor. Enable it to do it. This means to facilitate comfortable breathing despite the difficulty of the situation. Lift the head with the help of the [right] hand ... the whole time. Tum it to the left. [Tum] the face: to the left.
Change over the legs. Do the same thing, just change over the legs.
Leave this and lie quietly for a moment. 16. Now, let's see how these things affect the initial movement with which we started. Interlace the fingers behind the head. Bend the legs and lift them from the floor, spread. Now, with light movements, rock the body back and forth in the direction of the head and then the legs. Pay attention if you feel different from before, if there are more people who feel the ability. to sit [up] this way without making special efforts. Let the: feet move up with loose knees. [Let the feet go up and down.]
Leave this and rest for a moment. 17. Now, put the right leg standing. Turn the head to the left . . . the face to the left. Place Ithe right hand behind the head [behind the left ear]. Lift the head from the floor. Lift the left leg into the air. Now, swing with the left leg and the head - back and forth, the two together. Help yourself with the left hand on the floor. Make this movement with light swings and a limp leg. The left leg [is] in the air and limp at the knee. [Do this movement] many times ... back and forth. With a limp leg so if [you] lift all the way to sitting, the left leg will be bent and limp. Don't try to sit [intentionally]. It should sit by itself, or nothing. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1037 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
Rest for a moment. 18. Tum the face to the right. Place the left hand behind the head. Place the left leg standing. Lift the right leg in the air and lift the head from the floor. Once again, with light:, delicate movements ... [incomplete sentence]. [Swing the head and leg back and forth.] Leave this. 19. Catch the arch of the right leg [foot] with the two hands. Lift the left leg in the air. The [right] knee is between the two arms, of course. The left leg [is] in the air. Swing it lightly ... with a loose, limp leg ... swing ... together with the head. Pay attention if it has become easier to do. Pay attention if the body moves more straight forward [than before]. Do not place the [left] leg, with its weight, straight, but rather bend it at the knee using light movements. Do not extend it. Bend it at the knee. The swing will be soft - downward.
19a. Now, catch the left leg [foot] with the two hands. Do the same thing - with a right leg limp and bent at the knee. [Swing with a leg] that straightens a bit in the air and bends [as it] goes down. Rest for moment. 20. Now, with the two hands - catch the two arches of the legs [feet], from outside ... the two hands, from outside, so the knees are between the arms. Now, lift the head from the floor. Lift the two legs in the air. Like this, swing lightly ... with the head and legs together ... very lightly. [Swing] without busying [yourself] with sitting or not sitting, just listen. Make such light swings that Ithe body will move straight forward, not sideways.
Lie quietly. Pay attentiolll if the back, chest, and pelvis iron out to the floor better than at the beginning of the lesson.
Roll on the side and get up to standing. Walk around a bit. Pay attention to how you walk, to how it is [feeling], to how the shoulders are, and to how the chest is. (End of lesson)
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The FeldenkraisInstitute. Tel Aviv, Israel.
1038 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #155: Twists and advanced twists
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1039 Awareness Through Moveinent® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #156: Tilting the knees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
ATM Llesson #156:
Tilting the knees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
Source: Reel 11, Track 3, Lesson 3
1. Please lie on the stomach and extend the two arms on either side of the shoulders .. . in front 1 . . . in a comfortable position. [Bend] the two knees and put them together. Bend them and attach them together, [join them]. In this position, let the knees, the feet, sink to the right side ... with the two knees joined together ... to the right side, to the right side. The left knee will lift from the floor. The two knees are bent. They are bent at a right angle. As they are bent, let them go down to the floor, to the right, and return. The two knees are bent in a right angle. Let them sink to the right slowly. The two [knees are] completely together so the left knee lifts from the floor while sinking [the legs] to the floor. The left knee lifts while the two feet go down to the floor. The whole left thigh lifts and goes down to the floor.
Ia. Payattenltion. While the knees go down, bent like this - while the [feet go down to the right side], you feel the right shoulder being pushed into the floor in the front and the right arm becoming longer. Extend it like this. Make it longer, and return. Let the right arm lengthen while the knees go down. You will see that the legs will go down a bit better. Oy! Do not roll the whole body. Do not lift the left shoulder from the floor intentionally, just let the right arm lengthen while the legs go down.
1b. Return to bending the knees so the feet will be in the air. Put them together, attach them. Place the two arms, limp, on the floor at either side of the shoulders, in a comfortable position. With the two feet - sink to the left. Slowly [go] back and forth so the right knee will lift from the floor and the knees will stay [bent] at a right angle. Ie. Now, pay attention. The left hand creeps forward. Let it creep forward. Lengthen it like this. Do not push it. To the extent that the body presses it, allow it to lengthen. Rest for a moment on the back. Listen and pay attention. Where [do you] now feel these movements in the contact with the floor? Pay attention to those parts of the body [you] feel changed thanks to these movements.
2. . Return to the stomach please. Bend the knees. Place the left ear on the floor. Put the two elbows to the sides and the palms on the right ear. The two palms [are] on the
1 TI'Il: Dr. Feldenkrais did say, "in front" and this wording may be problematic. Now, I believe he refers to placing both arms sideways at shoulder height. During the lesson the arms gradually move higher and higher until they are extended above the head. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1040 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #156: Tilting the knees on the stomach & tWisting the spine with lifting the arms
right ear with the elbows to the side, wide. In this position, with the knees [feet] down to the left ... slowly.
Pay attention to how it pulls the right elbow backward and pulls the head. Listen. In which way ... through which trajectory does the movement of the knees reach the head and pull it? Listen to the pelvis and spine, one vertebra after the other. [Listen to] the ribs in the chest. Listen to the path of movement of the knees as it pulls the head and right elbow.
Please pay attention. Please hold the elbow in one place so it won't move. Listen, in which way [does] the pull reach the right elbow? Slowly soften the chest. Soften the ribs. Soften the neck so the pull will not be unpleasant.
2b. Extend the right arm in front, long. [TN: Extend the arm above the head on the floor.] Continue doing the same thing. 2c. Now, each time the legs go to the floor, lift the right arm from the floor. First, lift the elbm~{ and leave the hand limp, hanging downward. The hand is limp and hanging downward. The hand hangs downward. Do [the movement] slowly. Move the legs [the feet] to the floor. Have the right arm almost straight, just a bit limp in the elbow and hand [wrist].2 [Lift so] the hand will hang down. Slowly, slowly extend the right arm and lift it up high with the hand hanging down, limp. Breathe freely. Listen to the hand so it will be limp and hanging down. Pay attention not to bend the hand backward.
Leave this and rest for a moment. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. Listen. Pay attention to where [you] feel these movements. Where do you feel contact?
3. Come back onto the stomach. Place the right ear on the floor. Place the two palms on the left ear, with the elbows to the sides. Bend the knees. With slow movements, let the two legs sink to the right ... slowly. Listen to which way [pathway] - through which bones, through which vertebrae, and through which ribs - the movement of the knees pulls the head and left elbow. Gradually allow the legs to sink more comfortably, more easily. Listen mainly to the trajectory of the movement, to the trajectory of the pull from the movement of the pelvis and legs. How does it pass through the lumbar vertebrae, the vertebrae of the back, and between the ribs? How does it succeed? Howdoes it reach the head so the [movement of the pelvis and legs] could pull it?
3a. Now, extend the left arm. Lift the left elbow with each movement of the legs to the right. Do not bend it, just lift it [the elbow]. Listen so the left hand will be limp and hanging down. For this, it is necessary to organize the body so it will be possible to do. This means it will not be necessary to strain. The balance is difficult. 2 TN: Although Hebrew has different words for hand, arm, and forearm, and for foot, lower leg, and thigh, colloquially the same word is used for hand and arm, and another word is used for foot and leg. In usage the words become interchangeable and the meaning is derived from the context. The specific reference is in brackets. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1041 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #156: Tilting the knees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
Let the left arm [hand] creep a bit. The left elbow creeps a bit. Slowly lift the elbow with the hand hanging. It is not a question of lying on the side. It is not lying on the side. It is letting the legs sink. It
is letting the legs sink first [so] they pull the vertebrae, chest, and shoulder. [Then] it will be possible to lift the arm a bit. There cannot be a sudden, big movement. [You] must lie on the side if [you] make a sudden, big movement. [You] also have to lie on the side if [you] bend the [left] elbow. If the arm is not long, its weight is not sufficient to hold the body in a comfortable position, and it folds by itself. First, slowly lift the elbow. Listen so it will not be necessary to strain and hold the breath.
3b. Return to placing the two hands on the [left] ear. Continue going down with the legs. See if it is going easier now. Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 4. Lie on the stomach, please. Place the left ear on the floor. Bend the knees. Place the two hands on the right ear with the elbows [out] to the sides. Now, slowly sink the two knees to the right. Of course, pay attention [to how] this twists the body more because the head is in the opposite direction to the movement. Slowly soften the chest. Don't strain the shoulder blades. Breathe lightly. Facilitate the legs pulling the spine and lengthening it. [Allow the movement] to soften the ribs until the passage [of movement] to the head will be easy and comfortable and the legs will sink easily.
4a. With the ]legs - sink: to the right and stay in this lowered position. Now, lift the left leg backward and straighten it. Straighten [the left leg] backward. Straighten it backward. It always stays a bit bent at the knee. Lift it [the left leg] from the right knee, take it backward, up high, and return. Now again, [when] the two knees [feet] [tilt] to the right, lift the left leg from the floor [from the right leg]. [Lift it] high, up and behind, in the direction of the right elbow. The [left] foot [goes] in the direction of the right elbow ... up high ... backward ... slowly. Pay attention to how it pulls [through] all the spine.
4b. Now, continue doing this -lift the left leg, and at the same time, also extend the right arm. Extend the right arm. Extend the right arm [above the head] and continue doing this. Hold the right arm extended the whole time. Lift the [left] leg more and more comfortably, and higher. Pay attention to how lifting the leg pushes the hand further and leans the [right] elbow on the floor. Pay attention. Lift the leg and pay attention to what it does to the right hand. Pay attention to how it pushes the shoulder blade and places the right hand more clearly on the floor.
4c. Return to placing the two hands on the ear as it is lying. Now, only sink: with the legs [to the right].
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The FeldenkraisInstitute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1042 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #156:' Tilting the knees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
See if ill goes easier, if they go down lower. [Notice] whether the movement became more comfortable. Pay attention. With many, the legs start touching the floor in a comfortable and natural way.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. Listen. While on the back like this, listen to which place [you] feel a change in the chest, in the pelvis, and in the shoulder blades. [Where] do [you] feel it softens and is lying better on the floor?
5. Lie on the stomach and place the right ear on the floor. Place the two hands on the left [ear]. Bend the knees and sink to the left with the two legs. Pay attention to how, at the first moment, it is more difficult because the head is twisted in a direction opposite the movement of the back. Go down slowly.
5a. Now, with each movement, lift the right leg backward and up high. After the [legs] sink [Ito the left], lift the right leg backward in the direction of the left elbow. The right foot comes up and moves backward in the direction of the left elbow. [Lift] slowly, in a comfortable position. Listen to which places in the chest there isn't enough flexibililty and length. Do not hold the breath. Soften everything so it will be possible to lift the leg easily, so the movement will improve progressively. This means [the movement] will be more and more pleasant to do. Pay attention to lift the leg [the right foot] up high, backward in the direction of the left elbow.
Now, extend the left arm in front ... [above the head]. Do the same thing. Listen to what extent it has become comfortable to do [this] with the left arm long [extended].
5c. Bring [place] the two hands on the ear again. Continue going down with the knees [feet] to the floor. Pay attention if the legs go down better, if the pelvis twists better. [Notice] if you begin to feel the legs going, by themselves, to the floor without [you] trying to do it.
Leave this and lie on the back. Pay attention to what parts of the body touch the floor better than before. [Where] is it possible to say, "Here, this has changed because we did these movements."?
6. Return to the stomach. Place the right ear on the floor. Extend the two arms in front ... [above the head on the floor]. Bend the knees. With the two knees [feet] - go down to the right.. Pay attention. With each descent, go down to the right and lift the left ann in the air.· [Lift it] limp in the elbow and hand. Lift the arm again. 6a. Continue going down to the right [with the legs] like this. Now, lift the right arm, limp. Filrst, lift the [right] elbow. It is hard to lift the whole arm. First, lift the elbow slowly. The right elbow [is] slightly bent. Lift the right elbow. It is very difficult to do. It is not possible to lift the elbow if you go down low with the knees [feet]. [You] should go down only the amount that enables the elbow to lift with the hand staying limp at the arm [wrist]. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1043 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai ft156: Tilting the Irnees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
6b. Now, make two movements with the left arm ... slowly limp. Then, [make] two movements with the right hand [arm] limp.
with th~ hand with the elbow
The arms are placed symmetrically above the head. Make a movement with the legs that enables the arms to lift in more or less comfortable positions. The right ear is on the floor. Lift the left arm for two movements and for another two movements, [lift] the right arm.
6c. Now, while the left arm lifts ... stay on the right ear ... [incomplete sentence]. Now, stay with the legs [tilted] to the right all the time. Place the left ear on the floor when you go to lift the right arm. It will be a little easier. 6d. Now, return the right ear [to the floor] and lift the left arm twice. Then, return to the left ear and lift the right arm twice. The legs are always [tilted] to the right. 6e. Now, place the arms on the floor, simply, above [the head], symmetrically. Now, place the light ear on the floor. Make two movements of the legs [tilting] to the right. Now, place the left ear on the floor. [Again, make] two movements to the right. Return the right ear to the floor and continue like that. The head ... yes ... [keep turning the head from one side to the other and tilt the legs twice].
6f. Now, lean the right ear on the floor. Return to lifting the left arm while the legs tilt to the right. The legs always [tilt] to the right. Lift the left arm. Lift the left arm and see if it became a bit easier than before.
6g. Now, lift the right [arm] once and the left once ... once the right and once the left ... once the right and once the left. 6h. Now, once lift the two arms [simultaneously]. Lift the two arms together while the legs [tillt] to the right. Leave this. Lie on the back and rest. While lying on the back, pay attention. Which part of the body ironed out better [flattened itself]? Pay attention if [you] feel the spine [is] longer. Listen to the breathing.
7. Return to the stomach, please. Place the left ear on the floor. Extend the arms. Bend the knees and tilt the legs to the left ... the legs to the left all the time ... the legs to the left. Now, with each descent to the left -lift the right arm from the floor, limp, comfortable, long, and almost straight ... with the hand limp. This means to lift the elbow first, leaving the hand hanging down, without force.
7a. arm.
Continue, slowly [tilt] the legs to the left and try to lift the left arm, the left
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1044 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #156: Tilting the knees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
Listen so the elbow lifts. Do not [immediately tilt] the legs down low, because then it is impossible to lift the [left] elbow and ann. Go down less. It is possible to go down low only when the chest is up [mobile] and the shoulders soften. Do not push a straight ann sideways, but lift the elbow with a limp hand, with a hand hanging down. Do not bend [tilt] the legs to the side too much because it becomes impossible to do this. Make only the movement of the legs that enables the left ann [to lift] with the conditions for which we asked.
7b. Now, change arms [after] every two movements. Lift the right arm once or twice; then, lift the left arm. Organize the body so there will not be a difference between the anns. Reduce the difference between the anns. Do it slowly. Soften the chest. Soften the neck. Let the spine lengthen. Breathe freely so it will be easier and easier to do.
7c. Now, change over the ear with each movement. Hold the arms forward ... [above the head]. Go down with the legs, to the left ... the right ear [is] on the floor. The right eaT is on the floor ... the right ear. Stay with the right ear on the floor for [two movements]. Then, make two movements with the left ear [on the floor]. Return to the right ear, and then return to the left ear.
7d. Return to doing the following: Lie on the left ear while [you] lift the right arm. The legs go down to the left as before. Lift the right arm while [the head] is lying on the left ear. [Make] two movements. Then, lift the head and place the right ear [on the floor]. Lift the left arm twice. Return to having the left ear [on the floor] and lift the right arm twice. Now, [lie on] the right ear and [lift the] left arm. 7e. Now, [try] the most difficult situation. Stay on the right ear and [tilt] the legs to the left. [In this situation], lift the right arm. Do two movements. [Have the head] lying on the right ear and lift the right ann. Of course, this is the most difficult situation.
7f. Now, place the left ear on the floor ... the left ear on the floor. Continue going down [to the left] with the legs. Lift the left arm twice. Again, [lift] the right arm with the head on the right ear ... the left ear and the left arm. 8. Now, please try; .. lie simply [on the stomach] with the two arms in front ... [on the floor above the head]. Go down [tilt] the legs right and left - with the head free to do what it wants. See if it has become different from the beginning of the lesson. See if you can clearly feel how it pulls the elbows, how the whole chest moves after the legs.
8a. Now, while going down [tilting] the legs to the right -lift the left leg up, high in the air. During the descent to the left -lift the right leg up high.
© Cop.yright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1045 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #156: TiItinl~ the knees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
8b. [Continue] doing this, and at the same time, lift the head. [The legs] go down and the right arm, right leg, and the head lift. Then, [lift] the left leg and head ... the right leg and head again ... the left leg and the head. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais mentioned only once to lift the arm, at the same time as the leg and head. After that he only mentioned the head and leg. My suggestion is to do these movements as two separate variations.]
Lie on the back and rest for a moment. Listen to [your] breathing. Listen to the feeling in the shoulders, to the contact of the shoulder blades with the floor. Pay attention to which parts of the body changed their contact with the floor, from the beginning to now.
Slowly get up on the: legs [feet]. Walk around and see how it is. Peace on Israel. (End of lesson)
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #156: Tilting the knees on the stomach & twisting the spine with lifting the arms
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1047 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
ATM Llesson #157:
Sitting while holding the legs
Source: Reel 11, Track 3, Lesson 4
1. Please sit quiell1y. Sit. Lean on the left hand behind [you]. Bend the left knee a bit and lift the left foot itn the air. Catch the ridge of the left leg [foot]I with the right hand. In this position, straighten the [left] leg and [right] arm ... to the left, of course ... many times ... to the left and straighten the leg. la. Now, after the leg more or less straightens, go down to the floor with i t together with the [right] hand - and return. The leg will be on its left side, on the left side. The left side of the leg will touch the floor while it is more or less straight, on its left side and . lift it back to standing [return it to its original place]. Lean on the left hand [behind you].
Return to straightening the leg. Bend it in the knee [and then straighten it]. Pay attention if it became easier to do.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. Listen to where [you] feel these movements.
2. Sit and lean on the right hand [behind you]. Lift the right leg in the air. Catch the arch of the leg [foot] with the left hand. Straighten the leg and bend it again many times. Straighten it to the right. 2a. Now, when the leg is straight, go down to the right to the floor. [Go down] so the leg will lie on its outer side, and lift it back [return]. Lie, rest, and listen. Listen if it is possible to notice, while lying on the back, something that is related to these movements.
3. Lift [yourself] onto the forearm and left elbow. Bend the left knee and lift the foot in the air. The left knee will stay ... [incomplete sentence]. The thigh and knee will remain on the floor. This means to lift the lower leg and leg [foot] in the air, and to hold the arch [of the left foot] in the [right] hand. In this position, straighten the leg to the left. Follow it [the leg] with the hand and shoulder, and then bend it again. I TN: Although Hebrew has different words for hand, arm, foreami, and for foot, shin, calf, and thigh, colloquially a generic word is used for hand and arm, and another generic word is used for foot, knee, leg, etc. In usage the words become interchangeable and the meaning is derived from the context. The specific reference is in brackets. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldellkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1048 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
The foot and lower leg should be standing on the floor while bending [the knee]. The foot is in the direction of the ceiling and the lower leg stands while it is bent ... [while the knee is bent]. In this position, straighten it to the left and follow it, follow it with the hand.
Leave this and resll for a moment. 4.. Lift yourself onto the right elbow and forearm. Bend the right leg. Lift the lower leg to the ceiling .... the foot to the ceiling. Now, slowly straighten the leg to the right and bend it [again] so it stands. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais did not mention holding the foot with the left hand. I think he expected the class to do it.]
Leave this. Lie down and rest. 5. Lie on the back with the legs spread. Bend the right leg so it will be possible to lift the lower leg and foot in the air as a minute ago. This means to lift the right foot in the air so the right knee lies on the floor. Now, catch the arch of the right leg [foot] with the two hands, from above. The two hands [hold] from above. They are lying simply, as if on a stick. Place the two hands, from above, on the foot, which is facing the ceiling. It turns out that the left hand is on the heel and the right hand is on the ball of the [right] foot. The leg [right knee] is on the floor. [5. continued.]
In this position, turn the body and head so it will be possible to sit. That means to sltraighten the leg a bit. Take the head and shoulders in the direction of the leg until it will be possible to sit, and [return] ... come back. Pay attention. It is possible to extend the [right] leg, to straighten it and sit; then, return to the back. Extend the leg. The two hands hold on the foot, from above. Please listen. Place the two hands, from above, on the sole of the leg [foot]. Now, place the right knee on the floor. Extend the leg, straight. Follow it with the shoulders. Sit and return to [lying on] the floor. Please, slowly ... pay attention. Do the movements so gradually that it will be possible to stop at each moment. This means [doing this movement] without any swings. Organize the head and shoulders and direct them in a trajectory which will [make it] possible to sit without swinging. We said, "to put the two hands from above, simply, on the sole of the leg [foot]."
5a. Now, continue coming to sit, but this time, the sole of the [right] foot stays standing in the air and the leg [remains] bent. [Have] the leg bent and, like this, sit. Pull with the arms, and sit. The knee will stay bent. The solle [of the foot remains] standing. With the hands - pull on the sole [of the foot] until [you can] sit up. With the hands, pull on the lower leg, on the sole [of the foot]. With that pull, lift the back to sitting. [Do it] with the foot in the air; of course, the knee turns while sitting. Sit clearly. Breathe freely. Pay attention not to strain the shoulders. Pull with the abdominal muscles. Help [yourself] with the hands until there isn't any need to help with the hands.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1049 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
[Do it] without swinging. Lean the knee and thigh on the floor ... with the foot in the air ... pull with the hands. Lift the head and strain2 the abdominal muscles so it will be possible to sit without the necessity of lowering the foot to the floor.
Leave this and lie on the back. Pay attention to where you feel this.
6. Spread the legs while lying on the back. Bend the left leg at the knee, please. Take the knee sideways. Lift the foot in the air. Lift the two hands, from above, simply. Place them on the sole [of the left foot]. Now, in this situation, straighten the leg to the left, with the two hands [holding the foot]. Come up to sit without swinging. Pay attention. The right leg should be soft and limp. There isn't any need to strain it at any point. It is possible to change its position, but there isn't any need to strain it. It turns out that the right hand is placed on the heel and the left hand on the tip of the foot.
Please pay attention. Straighten the left leg, in the knee, to· the side. Guide the head and shoulders in a trajectory that allows [you] to sit without swinging.
6a. Now, leave the leg bent at the knee and with the sale [of the foot] up high in the air. With the two hands - pull on the leg as before. Pay attention to the difference between this side and the previous one. Pull the leg with the hands and bring the back to sitting without the necessity of lowering the foot to the floor. Return - lie down again without swinging or abrupt movements. Direct the shoulders and chest and pull on the leg so it is possible to go down gradually and return to sitting gradually. At the moment of sitting, pay attention so the right leg is not strained. At the moment of coming up, the right leg should be soft. [The right leg] moves the whole way according to the demands of balance, without any force. [The leg], it should help only with its weight.
Leave this and lie on the back. Rest. Pay attention to where [you] feel this.
7. Lift the left leg in the air with the foot toward the ceiling. With the right hand place the right hand behind the [left] knee, from inside. In this position - with the help of the left hand on the floor - lift the right shoulder from the floor so the left leg will go down to the floor; then, the body can sit [up]. The left leg will go to the floor and the body will sit ... at the same time ... [both at the same time]. This means to lower the left leg to the floor ... to the left while [you] hold it with the right hand ... the right hand from inside. Allow the leg to move sideways, to the left. It will lie on the outer left side of the leg. Now, just pay attention. It is possible to place the leg completely to the left; then, it is completely unrelated to what we want to do. Simply try to sit. Sit with the legs spread 2 TN: In this context Dr. Feldenkrais uses strain to mean, "to contract the muscles powerfully." The word lacks any negative connotation. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1050 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons (!rOm Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
symmetrically. Sit and lean on the left hand. Place the left foot on its outer side. Catch the back of the [left] knee with the right hand. Now, lie [down] and return to the exact same position, the same place ... [return to sitting].
'la. Change over the arms. This means to hold the same knee with the left hand. Do the same thing. Pay attention. Return to exactly the same position. Return to the spread-legged position. Now, continue holding this leg ... [the left one] ... from outside ... with the left hand, from outside, from behind the knee, and the right hand [holding] from inside. [Continue holding] like this and lift the leg. Like this, move over onto the back, onto the right shoulder blade. Now, let the leg come down and sit in the same direction. Do it gradually so it won't be necessary to swing. The left leg [is] on its outer side. [The leg] is lying on its outer side. Tum it so the leg will lie on its outer left side when [you] sit. Of course, it is necessary to hold it so it could return to the same position.
'lb. Lie like this for a moment. [Lie] in this position: on the back with the leg as it is. Lie on the back. Now, with the right hand - catch the heel, from the sole of the foot, from above. With the left hand - [catch] the toes of the leg [foot], from above. Straighten the leg in the air. Try to sit, and then return the leg to the same place from which it came. If [you] cannot [do this], go down lower. [TN: Hold lower relative to the floor, but actually you hold the leg higher up relative· to standing upright.] Get hold of the ankle with the
right and left hands. Gradually move down toward the ankle, even with two hands. [TN: Move both hands toward the ankle as the movement becomes easier.] Slowly, slowly move one hand up onto the foot, and the other one [up] onto the heel. Do [this] gradually. Come up [onto the foot] with one hand, and then with the other. Make a few movements where you can. Place the right hand on the heel and help with the left hand on the floor. [7c. continued.]1
Sit like this - with the left hand on the floor. With the left hand on the floor - help [yourself] silt this way. 7d. Now, move the right hand over to the toes of the leg [foot] and do the same thing. 'le. Now, try to change over the hands. Hold the foot with the left hand in the same position and try to sit a few times. Then, have the [left] hand on the heel, and tnj to sit a few times. Of course, the hand [is] as [we] said before. We said the hands come, "from above, simply, on the sale." It is a completely different thing if [you] change the position of the hands a bit. We spoke about placing the hands on the sale [of the foot], from above, without doing any tricks. [It is] the same thing all the time.
7f. Now, return to place the two hands as before - the right hand·on the heel and the left hand on the toes. Try to sit like this. Slowly, slowly sit like this - with the leg completely straight. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1051 Awarleness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
Lie on the back and rest. Listen to which places in the back, in the pelvis, in the hips, and in the shoulders [you] feel the outcome of these movements.
8. For a moment, think of all those movements that you did from the beginning so [you could] sit with the left leg. Now, lift the right leg into the air and tum it so the toes are outward. Place the two hands ... [incomplete sentence]. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais will change this in a moment as he corrects himself.] Place one hand the way we placed it before. Place the left hand, from inside the knee ... from behind the knee. Then, try to return the leg to the floor [so it] lies on its outer side. Assist yourself with the right hand on the floor. Sa. Next, we changed over the hands. Change over means to place the [right] hand, from inside. Change over the hand, but put it in the same place. It is possible I[to do]. Change over the hand. This means [to place the other hand] behind the lienee, from between the legs. 8b. Now, catch the knee with two hands. This means the right hand [holds] from outside and the left hand [holds] from between the legs. With the two hands climb up to the ankle. 8c. Now, place the right hand on the floor and [keep] only the left hand on the heel. Try to come up to sitting with a straight leg. If you can, [the leg is] completely straight in the knee. Contort the back in a way and strain the belly in a way that the left shoulder blade will be long; then there isn't a need to bend the leg when sitting.
8d. Now, add the right hand [holding] the toes of the leg [foot] ... also on the sale of the foot, from inside. Try to climb up the foot like this. Not on the side ... [do not lie on the side].
8e. If this is still difficult, change the hands again. Hold only' with the left hand and help with the right hand. The left hand is on the toes of the foot, not on the heel. That we did already.
8f. Return - try again with the two hands - with the left hand on the heel and the right hand on the toes. [Sit] with the leg straight. Do not bend it. Tum the back to the side and swing in the direction of the leg. Assist yourself with the other leg. Try somehow to come up to sit.
8g. Try again on the left leg, the left foot. Many already arrived [using] the left leg. Again, try [this movement of sitting] with the left leg. Pay attention to how [it is done] with the left leg. All right. Leave this. Lie and rest. 9. Lift the left leg in the air and turn it so the toes [are inward] and the heel [is] outward. Now, with the right hand - from outside - catch the back of the knee. From © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldellkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1052 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
outside, get hold of the back of the.knee. In this position, try to sit. Then, return the leg to its place. [Do this] many times. 9a. Now, in the same position, the same thing ... continue like this; only now [in addition], catch the [left] ankle with the left hand. Try to sit like this. Of course, when the leg reaches the floor, it comes with the inner side to the floor. If [you] hold [the left leg] as we said - the right hand behind the knee and the left hand on the ankle - the moment the leg comes to the floor, its inner side lies on the floor. That means it should be turned in the air so the heel [is turned] outward and the toes [are turned] inward.
The hands should help it [the leg] to stay like this, the whole way. Slowly, slowly, if possible, try to hold the leg truly straight the whole way. If it is possible, keep the knee straight the whole way. If it is possible to move the right hand and place it on the toes of the leg [foot], from above the sole - do it. Like this, try to sit with a straight leg.
Leave this. 10. Lift the right leg in the air. Tum it so the toes [are] inward and the heel [is] outward. From outside, place the left hand behind the knee. Now, help [yourself] with the back and sit up. Place the leg on the inner side of the foot, with the heel outward. Catch the ankle with the right hand so it will help turn the leg. Gradually arrive [at the point where] the leg will not bend in the knee while sitting. Sit slowly. Swing lightly and help with the abdomen. Straighten the leg completely while sitting. Turn the foot so the toes [are] inward. Shorten the foot. This means that it [the foot] will be in a right angle [ninety-degrees]3 to the lower leg. Do not extend the toes like a ballerina.
lOa. Now, bring the left hand on the toes of the leg [right foot]. Tum it. Tum it and come to sit toward the side. lOb. If [you] cannot sit up, change the position [of the hands]. With the hands go down a bit so it will be possible to sit. [TN: These instructions can be misleading if you forget that Dr. Feldenkrais usually gave instructions in relation to a person standing. In this position, the hands actually move higher up the leg, but closer to the floor.] Listen to turn the ankle and lower leg with the hands so the leg will go down with its inner side [oriented] to the floor.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 11. Bend the left leg sideways. Lift the foot in the air as before ... on the side, with the knee on the floor. The lower leg [is] standing and the foot is in the air. On it [the sole of the foot], place the two hands, from above. Now, try to sit with a bent leg. Pay attention if it is easier than before. Do not straighten the leg. It will stay bent in the knee.
3 TN: The literal translation from the Hebrew is "a straight angle." In English this is comparable to a ninety-degree angle, or right angle. @
Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1053 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
I1a. Sit. Pay attention if it has become easier to do. If so, try to do this only with one hand. This means to place the left hand on the leg [left foot] and sit. The right hand is free. Ub.
Now, place [only] the right hand [on the left foot] and sit. Do not lean the [free} hand on the floor. Extend it forward. Lean only as long as it is impossible [to do} otherwise. Slowly extend it. Pull [the foot} with the right hand. That, by itself, should suffice.
Uc. Now, do the same thing with the other leg. First, lift it and place the two hands [on the right foot]. Pull on it with the two hands and sit up ... [and then, go down again]. lId. Now, [sit holding] only with the right hand. Hold [the right foot] with the right hand and the left hand is free. The weight of [the left hand] is free to assist the body [as it sits]. lIe.
Now, change over the hands. Lean only to the extent that is necessary. Gradually, do not lean.
Leave this and lie on the back. Rest. 12. [Remain on the back.] Extend the two arms to the ceiling. Now, take the body to the right - with the arms and hands to the right, with the head to the right, and like this - sit. [Sit] with the arms in the air, in front. Tilt the arms to the right and sit. Then, go back down to the floor. [After returning to the floor], take everything to the left - and sit. [Return to the floor and take everything] to the right - and sit. Return to the floor and move over to the left [again] - and sit. l2a. Come back and try to sit in the middle. Sit in the middle. Sit, sit in the middle. l2b. Sit for a moment. Then, with the two hands - catch the right ankle. Like tIns, lift the leg and [move] the body until it lies on the floor. Then, [return], come back to sitting like this. Return to the same place, of course. Do not move the legs. Don't prepare. The legs are spread as they were. Return to place.
12c. Now, try to catch the foot and do the same thing. Now, hold the left anklethe left ankle - with two hands -lie and sit. f
12d. [Continue lying and sitting, only now] bring one hand up to the sole of the foot. [Continue sitting up and lying down.] 12e. Change over the hands. Come up with the other hand. [If necessary], place the hand on the ankle first. [Hold the foot and continue sitting up and lying down.] 12f.
Now, [sit up] with the two hands on the sole [of the foot].
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1054 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #157: Sitting while holding the legs
12g. Return to lying on the back. Extend the arms to the ceiling and sit again. Sit to the right with the hands, head, and back. Come back to the floor and move over to the left - and then, sit. Come back to the floor and move over to the right - then sit Come back to the floor. Once again, try to sit in the middle. Sit in the middle one more time. Get up to standing. Walk about. Pay attention to what you feel in the back and legs. (End of lesson)
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1055 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #158: Lengthening the arms to the sides
AT~vI Lesson #158: Lengthening the Source: Reel 11, Track 4, Lesson 1
arms to the sides
1. Please lie quieltly on the back for a moment. Spread the legs. Lift the two arms in the air. Lift the head and shoulders a bit and place the arms a bit to the right, to the right as much as possible the arms and head. Now, in this position, make the left arm longer than the right many times ... about twenty times. With very light movements, lift the left shoulder, the left shoulder blade, so the left arm will be longer than the right one. Do not rush ... not powerfully. Just [move] with the head lifted. Lift the head and [both shoulders]. Tum the two shoulders and arms to the right. There, make the left arm longer than the right. The direction of the movement should be as if [you] are going to sit to the right side. This means as if someone were helping and pulling the arms [so you] could sit. There isn't any need to sit. [You] need to do the movement as if it were possible to sit to this side. This means to the right. Lift the two shoulders. Make the left shoulder longer than the right so the left arm becomes longer than the right. Come back [return], and take the [left] shoulder back [to place]. Then, lengthen the [left] arm [again]. Continue doing this.
Leave this. Lie on the back. From the start, during the rest, pay attention to whether [you] feel something different in the body from a minute ago.
2. Return to doing exactly the same thing, [except now make the right arm longer]. That means to lift the two arms and head. Turn the shoulders and arms a bit to the right, and make the right arm longer ... many times. We said, "to the right side" as before, only now, the right arm becomes longer. Lift the shoulders and head. Tum the back to the right, and in this position, lengthen the right arm.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 3. Again, lift the shoulders. Turn the shoulders a bit to the right. The two arms [move] to the right. Now, try to lift the head a bit more so the two arms will be longer ... many times. With many, it is almost sufficient to sit. With many, [it is] not. Do not strain to sit. Do not strain. [Sit] only if it conies by itself. Lift the head and shoulders and make a light movement of the head. Even more ... lift the head a bit more than before. Of course, let air come out of the lungs during the effort. Make light movements.
Leave: this. Rest for a moment.
© Copyright $eptember 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1056 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #158: Lengthening the arms to the sides
4. - Extend the two arms to the ceiling and spread the legs. Lift the shoulders and head from the floor. Tum everything to the left, to the left. Now, lengthen the right arm. This means to move the right shoulder so the right arm will be a bit longer than the left each time. [Then, the right arm comes] back to place. Pay attention to the movement on this side [compared] to the previous side.
Rest for a moment. 5. Lift the head and shoulder girdle. Tum to the left and lengthen the left arm. [Make] the left arm longer than the right. Do not msh. Lift the head. Be turned to the left, and in this position - lengthen the left arm. Move the left shoulder forward so the left arm will be longer than the right.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 6. Now, lift the head and the two arms. Tum to the left: Now, only the head -lift the head a bit more so the two arms will become a tiny bit longer. Do [this movement] many times. Let air come out of the lungs while making [an effort]. Make a small effort. Slowly, slowly you will see that more people will begin sitting from these movements. ,-
Leave this and rest for a moment. 7. Tum the face to the right. Place the left hand behind the right ear. The left hand [ils] behind the ear. Lift the right arm in the air. Lift the head and shoulder. Tum to the right. Now, in this position - help the head with the [left] hand -lift it a bit more so the right arm will be a bit longer. Do not lean on the floor. Help only with the left hand [behind the head]. Help the head lift a bit [more]. The left hand is behind the right ear, behind the head. Make delicate movements easily; otherwise, it will hurt in the neck. Lift the shoulders and head with the right hand [raised, extended] in the air. [Lift them] to the right. Now, with the left hand - help the head lift a bit more so the right hand will become longer. [Do] this movement many times, slowly. Lengthen the arm.
Leave this and rest for a moment.
8" Tum the face to the left. Place the right hand behind the left ear. Lift the shoulder girdle and head -- with the left arm extended to the ceiling, toward the left. Now, help with the right hand. Lift the head a bit [more]. Lift the head a bit so the left arm will become longer. The direction of the left arm should be one that [allows] the left arm to become longer. The direction of the left arm should be as if [you] were going to sit. Do the movement with the legs spread. The whole shoulder girdle is in the air.
Leave this and rest for a moment. @
CopyJIight September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1057 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #158: Lengthening the arms to the sides
Please sit.
**[TN: There is a slighll interruption in the recording. The translation continues after the interruption in the recording.] [9. continued.]
[Sit and bend] the left knee. Place the left leg [foot] standing close to the body. Bend the right: leg and move the right heel past the left foot, from in front of the left leg ... from in front of the left leg, pass the right heel [to the left]. Now, with the left hand - catch the big t.oe of the right leg [foot].! In this position, try to lift the right leg from the floor, with the help of the ann ... many times. The left knee is standing. Catch the big toe of the right foot. Of course, the left knee is between the arm [on the inner side of the left arm]. It [the knee] does not move outside the left arm. [Lift] with a bent arm. The left knee stands because it is bent.. The knee is between the arm and the leg. It is inside this circle. The left knee is inside a circle. The left knee is inside the circle of the [left] arm and right leg.
9a. Continue like this. Place the [left] hand and right leg on the floor. Continue holding the big toe on the floor. Place the right leg on the floor. Now, lift the left leg and take it out of the circle. Bring it outside [the circle], and then bring it inside again. The right leg and left hand are on the floor. Lift the left leg. Lift the left leg, with the foot, and bring it outside the circle. Then, bring it back inside [the circle]. Bring the left leg, with the knee, with everything, inside the circle ... with everything. Move it outside of the circle and bring it in again. . The right leg and left hand are placed on the floor, quiet. Please lift the left leg and bring it inside and outside of the [right] leg. Bring the [left] leg in and out. The left leg - lift it, move it to this side and that side ... to this side and that side of the left arm and right leg.
Rest. Please rest for a minute. 10. Sit and bend the right knee. Bring the right foot close to the body. Now, bend the left leg on its side and bring it close to the [right] leg. Then, it will be possible to catch the big toe of the left leg [foot] with the right hand. Now, bring the right leg outside of this c:ircle, and move it to the other side; and then, bring it back into [the circle]. There is a left hand. It is possible to lean on it ... on the floor ... for those who find this difficult. Pass the right leg through this circle ... in front and return ... once again and once again, until it is comfortable to do.
1 TN: Although Hebrew has different words for hand, arm, and foreaim, or for foot, lower leg, and thigh, colloquially the same word is used for hand and arm, and another word is used for foot and leg. In usage the words become interchangeable and the meaning is derived from the context. The specific reference is in brackets. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1058 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #158: Lengthening the arms to the sides
lOa. With the help of the left hand - lie on the floor like this. Stay in this position. Lie on the back. Lie on the back and continue holding the leg [left big toe]. Lift the legs into the air. In the air - bring the right leg inside and return, outside the circle. Pass the whole foot, with the lower leg, with the ann, with everything. Find a way for the right leg [to move] so that this will be comfortable to do. It is possible to tum it [the right leg]. It is possible to make movements with it so this will be easy and comfortable to do. There is space for the leg. [You] can tum the right leg so the foot passes near the knee, near the left ankle; then, it is easy to do.
Rest for a moment. 11. "'With the left: hand - catch the right big toe. [Catch] the big toe from above ... the whole big toe ... only the big toe. Now, move the left leg inside the circle [and outside the circle] ... back and forth. Leave this and rest for a moment. 12. Please lie on the right side. Lift the head and place the right hand on the right cheek. [place it] so [you] lean on the elbow and the head is supported at the cheek. The palm is on the right cheek. Bend the legs a bit. Now, extend the left arm to the ceiling and [make] a movement so it becomes longer, [and then returns] comes back. Do this twenty times. Make the [left] arm longer, and return. Listen to what it does to the spine between the shoulder blades. The head leans on the right palm, which is standing with the elbow on the floor. The left ann is extended more or less to the ceiling. [You] make a movement with it [the left arm] that lengthens the arm. Listen to what [you] feel in the movement of the spine, in the neck, and between the shoulder blades.
I2a.. Now, continue by helping the head [lift] with the right hand; then, the left arm can lengthen better. Pay attention to what [you] now feel in the spine. The right hand pushes the head and helps it. If you can, it is also possible to lift the elbow from the floor. Lie on the side. Do not sit, but help the head lift ... only help the head lift a little bit. [Help] so the [left] arm will be longer. If possible, lift the right elbow a bit from the flOOT.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 13. Please lie OIl the left side. Place the left palm on the left cheek. Lean on the left elbow. Extend the right arm to the ceiling. Lengthen and shorten it. Lie on the side with the legs more or less bent, long. Pay attention to the movement of the spine, in the neck and between the shoulder blades. Like this, let the shoulders sink to the flOOT, and come up again. Lengthen the right arm. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1059 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #158: Lengthening the arms to the sides
Now, with the left arm - help the head with the left hand. With the left hand - help the head lift from the floor. Pay attention to the difference that it makes to the spine and neck. Help with the left hand ... with the left palm on the cheek. Help with the palm ... by pushing the cheek so the [right] arm will be able to straighten and lengthen more.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 14. Please lie on the back and lift the right leg into the air. Bend the [right] knee sideways so the foot will come closer to the face. Now, bring the left arm - with the left hand - inside [the space formed by the right leg] ... [with the palm] in the direction of the floor. Like this, bring it between the big toe and the rest of the toes. Catch [hold of] the four smaller toes. Place the right hand behind the head. In this position, lift the head from the floor [and keep it raised]. Begin moving the left leg inside the circle [formed by] rille [left] arm and. [right] leg. Pass, straighten it; bring it in, and bring it out. Hold the four small toes as we said. Bring [the thumb] between the big toe and the other toes. The hand is horizontal and catches [holds] the four toes.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 15. Lift the left leg into the air. Bend the left knee to the left. The sole of the [left] foot [is] in the direction of the face. Now, bring the right hand, with the palm facing the floor, between the big toe and the other four toes. Then, catch [hold] the four smaller toes" Place the left hand behind the head and lift it. Now, pass the right leg between the right arm and left leg ... inside this hole. Pass it, straighten it, and bring it back outside, [returning it to place]. 15a. Please do this again, [only now do the following]: Take the left leg and bring the hand between the big toe and the other toes. Catch the four small toes. This time, place the right foot standing on the floor. This is done simply. Put it standing on the floor so the left leg and right hand will be in the air. Put the right leg standing. The right foot [goes] on the floor. Now, with the right hand, left leg, head, and left arm - swing the body. Swing forward and backward. The right leg is standing on the floor so the llrnee will come into this hole, the hole formed by the arm and leg. [The knee] will also go out [of the hole]. The knee will go into the hole and go out. It is very difficult to do. Place the right leg standing on the floor and try to do this. Once again - place the right leg standing on the floor. With the right hand - catch the four small toes of the left leg ... with the right hand. With the left hand - lift the head. Try to move the left leg and arm so the right knee will come into this hole.
15b. Try to lift the right leg and bring the knee into this trick. Bring the knee into the circle, and back [return to place]. Now, together with lifting the [right] leg swing the body and bring the knee into the circle. Slowly put the right leg standing on the floor and the left hand behind the head. Please rest for a moment.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the Intemationall Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1060 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #158: Lengthening the arms to the sides
16. Now, lift the right leg into the air. Catch it with the left hand and [hold] the four small toes. Bring the hand between the big toe and the rest of the toes. [Put] the right hand lbehind the head. Put the left leg standing on the floor. Try to lift the [left] knee and bring it into this hole; then, bring it down. 16a. Slowly, slowly start rocking the body back and forth so [the body] will do this ... [bring the knee into the hole and out]. 16b.
Slowly leave the left leg on the floor and do the same thing.
Please leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 17. Extend the two arms. Place the two legs standing on the floor, with the knees bent and spread. Lift the back, shoulders, and head from the floor. Tum to the right. Now, in this position, try to lift the body to the right, [lift it] to sitting. [Try it] a few times. 17a.
Go back down to the floor and move over to the left. Do the same thing.
17b. Now, [after you] come down each time [go] to the other side, to the left and then return to the right. [Return to the floor] ... and move to the left ... sit, and come down again. Do this many times. [Continue] until it will be possible to sit like this. That is excellent,
Please leave this alone. Roll and get up on the legs. Come up to stand. Pay attention if you feel something [is] different from the lesson. (End of lesson)
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1061 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #159: Standing on one leg
ATrvt Lesson #159:
Standing on one leg
Source: Reel 11, Track 4, Lesson 2
1. ·Please sit. Place the right leg [foot] standing on the floor. The right foot [is] close to the body. With the left hand, lean on the floor. Like this, try to lift the body on the right leg. The left leg is straight. Lift the pelvis many times. Slowly organize [yourself] so the left heel also will lift from the floor. Listen not to strain. Do not lift very high, nor very powerfully because we will lift [so many times] that all the ribs, shoulder blades, and the muscles of the shoulders will be painful if you make efforts that are too great.
Leave this [and rest]. 2. Try to lift the pelvis, and the leg, and the hand from the floor; but, move the leg and left hand so close to the body that there will be a feeling that it is possible to stand on the right leg. Leave this and rest for a moment. 3. Sit and bend the left leg. Bring the [left] foot close to the buttock. Move the right heel to the left of the [left] foot. Catch the big toe, from above, with the left hand. Lean, with the right hand, on the floor. Like this, slowly lift the leg and pelvis from the floor. Lift lhe right foot and pelvis from the floor. Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 4. Sit and lean on the left hand. Bend the right knee. Bring it [the right foot] toward the right buttock. Catch the big toe with the left hand ... [no] with the right hand. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais just corrected himself.] With the right hand, catch the left big toe ... with the right hand ... with the leg almost straight, but not completely. Have the leg on its side, simply. Hold the big toe and in this position, lift the pelvis. Try to bring the pelvis, while it is lifted, closer to the right heel, and then [closer] to the left hand. [Move the pelvis] to the right heel and to the left hand. Bring the pelvis closer to the left heel. [TN: Dr. Feldenkrais made a mistake. It should be, "Bring the pelvis closer to the right heel."] The leg is in the air; if not, it is impossible to do this. Move the pelvis closer to the right heel, and then to the left hand. This means to move away from the heel, toward the left hand, [and then] move the pelvis closer to the right heel again ... [go] to the left hand again. Move it [the pelvis] from the left hand to the heel, and return. Of course, it is very difficult to do if the left hand is standing behind. It should be standing to the left side. It is necessary to notice that it is the left hip that [you] bring closer [to the hand]. [It is important to notice] that the body turns around the standing leg.
Leave this and rest for a moment.
© CopyrigQt September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1062 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #159: Standing on one leg
5. Sit and lean on the right hand ... to the right, not behind. Place the left leg standing on the floor. With the left hand, catch the right big toe. Straighten the leg more or less. Now, lift the pelvis from the floor. Like this, tum the body so the pelvis will move toward the left heel or the right hand ... to the left heel and to the right hand. Also, it is impossible to do this if [you] stand very wide. It is not possible to do this if the hand is too much to the side. It is difficult to do this if the hand is too far to the back. The left hand and foot should draw a big arc. It is clear that the leg has to move right and left if the pelvis moves right and left. It moves just by relay. When the pelvis moves to the right, the leg goes to the left, and the other way round.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 6. . Sit and put the right foot standing close to the body. Move the left heel to the right of the [right] leg. Catch the big toe [of the left foot] with the right hand. Lean on the left hand and lift the whole body from the floor. In this position, tum the pelvis backward, to the right until it comes up and the left leg lies on the floor. Bring the pelvis back between the [left] hand and the heel. Then, take the left leg up high, to the right. In other words, let the pelvis move in this arc and [have] the foot draw a large arc also. Make the largest tum with the foot and pelvis that is possible. In the movement of the pelvis -:- it needs to move backward. Slowly, slowly it should bring the leg to stand. Go back and take it to the right. The leg falls when moving sideways ... not falling ... the leg bent sideways. It is possible to bring the pelvis backward easily so the leg moves to stand clearly on the floor [only] if the arm stands in a comfortable place. It [the leg] should pass [the connecting] line
[between] the standing hand and the standing leg. [The leg] should pass behind the standing hand and standing leg. [You] need to take the pelvis backward, backward, backward and up high until the two legs can stand on the floor. Try to do this simply. It does not take great wisdom. There isn't any need for such great force to do this.
Leave this alone and rest for a moment.
7'. Sit and bring the other leg close to the body, the left leg. Pass the right heel to the left of the left leg. Catch the big toe with the left hand, from above. Lean on the right hand, a bit to the right, close to the body. Now, slowly turn the pelvis, [along] with the lcig, left and right. It is not necessary to get up in the first moments. [This] needs to be done slowly so getting up
will be light, comfortable, and gradual. Initially, everything can be more or less bent. Just notice the movement of the pelvis and what drives the pelvis. The whole left foot is standing on the floor. [You] never lift the left heel from the floor. Do not lift the left heel from the floor, even if you cannot stand. Do not lift the left heel from the floor. Moving the pelvis in a circle does not obligate [you] to stand up the first moment, or the second. Tum the pelvis. Move the pelvis to the left when the leg moves to the right. [It is] as if the leg is turned with an arm, which [also] turns the pelvis. While moving backward it is possible to push the big toe with the left hand. [This] will help the pelvis move backward. Only the © COPY,right September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1063 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #159: Standing on one leg
pelvis will move backward, up high. Only then will it get up easily; otherwise, not. Any effort in the legs isn't enough to make it possible to lift the pelvis or to make this easy to do. Slowly pass the leg behind the line of standing between the left leg and right hand. The head [is] free, limp. The neck [is] limp. Do a simple, easy movement.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 8. Sit and place the right leg [foot] standing close to the buttocks. Lean on the left hand behind. Extend the left leg straight. Now, pull the pelvis backward so the leg will shorten and crawl on the floor, and [return]. [Do] this back and forth ... back and forth. 8a. Lift the pelvis backward, higher and higher until the [left] leg [foot] will be able to come close to the right heel. The left heel will come close to the right heel. Slowly, it will be possible to pass the leg backward, to stand straight. If it is not close to the heel, it is possible to move it straight backward. Do [this] slowly. It is not possible to do [this] quickly. It is necessary [to do] this slowly. Lift the pelvis. Lift the pelvis until the left leg, with its heel, will slide near the right heel. It will pass backward. It is important to do it this way because it strengthens the back muscles.
Leave this and rest for a moment. It is necessary not to think of the leg, but of the pelvis. Just pay attention to the opening angle between the arm and the back, to the standing hand and the back. Listen to the pelvis so it will move higher on one side and backward. This means a situation . . . [incomplete sentence]. If it needed to be the right hip ... think that someone is lifting the right hip. It is even possible to put a hand behind, on the hip, and pull it so [you] can notice. Usually, it is difficult because the effort is passed on to the leg and not made in the back. That is why it becomes difficult.
9. Try once again, but on the other side. This means to put the left leg standing close to the body. Lean on the right hand. Extend the right leg. Now, with the left handtake the left hip, from behind. Pull it [the hip] backward and return. Pull the hip with the left hand. Catch the trousers and pull them. See how funny it is that a self-deceit like this makes a huge difference to the ability of the body to come up. Take it backward to the left, and up high. With the left hand - pull the hip. You will see that it makes a huge difference. It is important to pay attention that the right heel will slide along the floor, near the left heel. That is the place where it can pass through easily. A bit bent [at the knee] is all right. Later, it will pass through [with a] straight [leg].
Rest for a moment. 10. While sitting, place the left foot standing near the body, close to the body. Move the light heel to the left of the left foot. Catch the big toe with the [left] hand. Now, extend the right arm forward. Extend the right arm forward and try to lift the body forward, onto the left foot.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1064 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #159: Standing on one Beg
Initially, [you can] help by pa~sing [weight] onto the two legs. Also lean on the right leg and move the body forward. Lean on the two legs, and then transfer all the weight onto the left leg ... then, come back down. Lean on the two feet ... on the side like this ... one of them is on the side. Also, it is possible in the beginning of the movement to assist [oneself] with the hand that is on the Ifloor. Transfer the whole weight onto the left leg, or onto both. Gradually, transfer all the weight only onto the left leg. Lift the: right leg completely from the floor. Please help [yourself] with the right hand on the floor ... from in front. Push the floor. Lean on the floor and lean on the two feet. Come up onto the left leg while standing on one leg and holding the right leg with the hand. Also, return with the help of the hand so it will be a continuous movement without pushing. Help [yourself] with the right hand on the floor, and with the right foot on the floor. Help all the time so the movement will be easy. From the start it will be learned as something that is easy to do. Lean on the leg also ... on the right foot. Help with the right foot [that is lying] on its side ... and [help] with the hand. Move the body [the pelvis] upward. The right hand should come more forward; otherwise, it is impossible to do.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 11. Sit. Bring the right foot close to the buttocks. Move the left heel to the right of the right leg. Catch the big toe with the right hand. Lean on the left hand. Now, move the left hand further forward. Lean on the hand and the two feet. Now, lift the pelvis in the air. Slowly [lift] the leg and hand also. Stay on one leg. Come down like this [return]. Gradually get rid of leaning either on the hand or leg, or continue doing it like this. [Continue] until it will be easy to do. The easiest [support] to get rid of is the habit of leaning on the left leg. Pay attention to lift the pelvis when leaning on ... [incomplete sentence]. As long as it doesn't feel truly easy to lift the hand or leg, [continue] to use all the members. [Continue] so it will be easy to do. It is enough work when it is easy to do.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 12. Please stand on both legs [feet]. Lift the right leg, straight. With the right hand, catch the big toe of the right foot. Straighten the right leg and hold it at the big toe. Lean the left hand on the floor. Go down to sit like this. [Sit] with the right leg straight. Hold it at the big toe. Swing the back and return to standing. With the hand, help push the pelvis backward. Straighten the right leg as much as possible, without effort. Lean on the left hand and sit. With the left hand ... with a push on the floor ... with the left hand . . . and with the movement of the body forward ... come back to stand on the left leg. With the left hand, go down to the floor; then slowly, as you will see, the body itself stops leaning on the hand and it [the movement] becomes easier. Help with the left hand and leave the neck free.
Leave this and rest for a moment.
© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The FeldenkraisInstitute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1065 Awanmess Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #159: Standing on one leg
13. 'Come back to standing. Lift the left leg. Take it, almost straight, with the left hand" Go down and lean on the floor with the right hand, and then - sit. Before sitting, [return] right away ... come back right away. Do not lift the heel from the floor. If [you] cannot, don't go down so far. Go as far down as [you] can, and come back [return]. Help with the right hand on the floor. It is possible to come halfway up [leaning] on the [right] hand so it isn't so difficult for the leg.
Leave this and rest for a moment. 14. Come back to standing. Lift the right leg in the air. Extend the two arms. Now, with the right leg straight ... extend the two arms to the floor ... lean ... sit ... and come back [return]. Go down to the floor. Help with the hands. Come back up right away. Push the floor with the hands and come back up to stand. Do not stay sitting and then try, but immediately push the floor at the moment of going down ... [immediately] come back up to stand. Push the floor with the two hands before sitting well, and come up. The hands can also push forward. You place them [the hands] a bit behind, and push forward. That helps the head come up. The pelvis should come up, backward ... then it is easy.
Now, do the same thing on the other leg. Pay attention that the two hands are on the floor, behind the leg; then, it is possible to push the body from the floor using the force of the arms, helping the getting up.
14b. Now, just see the difference. Stand like this on the two legs once again. With the right hand, take the left big toe ... with the leg bent. Now, go down to the floor. Lean on the left hand, and come back up to stand. Pay attention to how much easier it is. With the left hand, push the pelvis backward, up high ... and get up to standing.
Now, do the same thing with the other leg. Take the right big toe with the left hand. Go down to [sit on] the floor. Lean on the right hand, and, before sitting solidly, get up with a push of the hand. Come back up to standing. Get back up with a push of the hand.
Peace in Israel. (End of lesson)
© Copyright.September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1066 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #159: Standing on one leg
i© Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France
in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1067 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #160: Sliding the back of the hands behind the back
ATM Lesson #160:
Sliding the back of the hands behind the back
Source: Reel 11, Track 4, Lesson 3
1. Please lie on the stomach. Spread the legs and place the back of the right hand on the hip, behind [you]"l [Place] the back of the right hand on the back of the pelvis, [from] behind. Now, place the head [forehead] on the other hand [which is] on the floor. Like this, slide the right hand on the back, from up to down. Pay attention. [When you move the hand] down, in the direction of the legs, lower [point] the fingers in the direction of the legs. When you move [the hand] up, direct the fingers upward, toward the neck. Like this, do this movement about twenty times. Listen. Tum the fingers in the direction of the neck when starting to go up [to slide up]. Do the movement like this ... back and forth ... slowly, without force, many times. Pay primary attention to tum the palm and fingers in the direction of the neck the moment [you] start [sliding] the hand up. [When sliding] the hand down ... [incomplete sentence]. In other words, the hand will tum up and down. That is the essence of the movement. Those, who do not pay attention to tum the fingers in the direction of the neck when [sliding] up, will have difficulty in all the exercises [movement variations] that follow. Pay attention. It is not important [that you] tum the fingers, but [that you] tum them in the direction of the neck. That means the fingers will tum toward the neck while the hand is going up. The tips of the fingers [will tum] in the direction of the neck.
lao Continue a few more times, but with the left ear on the floor ... the left ear on the floor. Continue doing this and pay attention to how it is. Now, place the right ear. Pay attention to which position is more difficult. That means, in which position of [the head], the hand slides up less.
Leave this alone. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 2. Return to the stomach please and place the left ear on the floor. Place the left hand on the waist, behind [you] ... with the back of the hand in the direction ... [incomplete sentence]. Place the back of the left hand on the back. [Do] the same thing. Move the hand in the direction of the legs and up [toward the head]. Tum the fingers each time. Tum the hand with the fingers downward when passing through the waist. When moving up, turn the fingers upward.
1 TN: The Hebrew word Dr. Feldenkrais used can imply either the hips or the waist. Interpreting the word as "hips" implies the back of the pelvis. Interpreting the word as·"waist" implies the level of the lumbar spine. In terms of effective instructions, he wants the back of the hand behind the back, somewhere on the back of the pelvis or the lower back. For the rest of the lesson, I will translate the Hebrew interchangeably as either waist, lower back, back, pelvis, or hip. © Copyright September 1996. All rights reserved by and to the International Feldenkrais® Federation, Paris, France . in cooperation with The Feldenkrais Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.
1068 Awareness Through Movement® Lessons from Alexander Yanai #160: Sliding the back of the hands behind the back
Now, place the right ear on the floor and continue. Pay attention, in which position [of the head does] the hand climb more easily? [Notice] if there is .a difference at all.
Bend the two knees and lift them from the floor. Pay attention if the hand goes higher up when [you] do this. Lift the knees a bit from the floor each time the hand slides up. Pay attention if the hand, by itself, doesn't ascend a bit higher.
Try lifiting the head also. Pay attention if the hand ascends even higher. Try lifting the head and knees from the floor when the hand goes up. See if it [the hand] slides even higher than when lifting only the knees. It is not important how much; just pay attention if the hand ascends a bit higher, if [you] are making an effort in the back.
Change over the hands and continue doing this. Lift the knees and the head. Pay attention to how the hand climbs up significantly better when lifting the head and knees together.
Leave this. Lie on the back and rest for a moment. 3. Return to the stomach. Bend the knees and lift them. Lift the head a bit. Place the right hand behind, on the back.· Tum it with the fingers upward. Slide up as high as [you] can without straining. In this position, roll onto the right side so the elbow leans on the floor. [Roll to the side] with the head and legs backward. Stay in this position, on the right side, on the floor. [Begin to shift] the [right] hand from one shoulder blade to the other. It is possible to help [move the hand] from one shoulder blade to the other. Of course, the fingers are in the direction of the neck.
Slide with the back of the hand, with the back of the hand, and with the forearm from right to left ... from the right shoulder blade to the left [shoulder blade]. The more [you] take the legs and head backward, the easier it is to do. Move the [right] hand from right to left so the back of the hand slides from the right shoulder blade to the left shoulder blade. The fingers are in the direction of the neck. We are intentionally leaning on the right side so the elbow, the arm and elbow, will be pressed against the floor. [This way it] cannot move backward.
Leave tlris and lie on the back. Rest for a moment. 4. Return to Ithe stomach, please. Bend the knees and lift the head. Place the left hand behind [you]. rum the fingers upward, toward the neck. Like this, lift the head. Lean the right hand on the floor. Roll the body to the left. Take everything backward as much as possible" [Take] the head and legs backward so it will be possible for the left forearm to move the hand a bit right and left.