Table of contents : Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction to Python is Python? is Python important? up your development environment Environments IDEs Chapter 2: Basic Syntax and Data Types naming rules casting and String functions Concatenation Indexing Slicing strings and variables on the same line user input and Expressions Operators operators operators Flow Statements and continue Chapter 3: Functions and Modules arguments arguments argument values Scope and project structure Chapter 4: Object-Oriented Programming variables variables methods classes Chapter 5: Working with Data Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries and Writing Files and deleting files CSV and JSON Data Chapter 6: Advanced Topics classes special methods functions comprehensions with statement itertools module functools module and error handling Handling Chapter 7: Python Libraries and Frameworks Pandas, and Matplotlib glance on Web frameworks: Flask and Django glance on Desktop Apps: PyQt and Tkinter Chapter 8: Conclusion of key concepts resources for learning and development steps in your Python journey