Yoga Nidra Scripts: 22 Meditations for Effortless Relaxation, Rejuvenation and Reconnection

Yoga Nidra Scripts is an invaluable resource for yoga teachers, healers, and anyone who wants to share guided meditation

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English Pages 257 Year 2020

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Table of contents :
Author’s Note
About This Book
Tips for Using This Book
Anytime Calming (15 min.)
Anytime Rejuvenation (15 min.)
Anytime Balanced Thinking (15 min.)
Anytime Sankalpa Renewal (15 min.)
Overflowing Heart Yoga Nidra (20min.)
Guided Sankalpa Setting (20 min.)
Pure Awareness Yoga Nidra (25-30min.)
Energizing Yoga Nidra (25-30min)
Rainbow Light Yoga Nidra (30min.)
Releasing Yoga Nidra (30 min.)
Grounding Yoga Nidra – Shift from Rajas to Sattva (30 min.)
Balancing Yoga Nidra (30-35min.)
Shifting Seasons Yoga Nidra – Winter to Spring (35min.)
Shifting Seasons Yoga Nidra – Spring to Summer (35min.)
Shifting Seasons Yoga Nidra – Summer to Fall (35 min.)
Shifting Seasons Yoga Nidra – Fall to Winter (35min.)
Self Love Yoga Nidra (35-40min.)
Pranic Healing Yoga Nidra (35-40min.)
Crystal Beach Yoga Nidra (35-40min.)
Floating Leaf Yoga Nidra (35-40min.)
Dancing Vine Yoga Nidra (40-45min.)
Journey Through the Self to the Self Yoga Nidra (45-55min.)

Yoga Nidra Scripts: 22 Meditations for Effortless Relaxation, Rejuvenation and Reconnection

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  • Yoga Nidra Scripts, 22 Meditations for Effortless Relaxation, Rejuvenation and Reconnection
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