The talented women of the Zhang family 9780520250901, 9780520250895

The history of China in the nineteenth century usually features men as the dominant figures in a chronicle of warfare, r

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Table of contents :
PROLOGUE (page xv)
1. Jining, Shandong (1893-1895) (page 1)
2. Tang Yaoqing, Guixiu (1763-1831) (page 9)
3. Zhang Qieying, Poet (1792-after 1863) (page 62)
4. Wang Caipin, Governess (1826-1893) (page 130)
NOTES (page 227)
REFERENCES (page 279)
INDEX (page 303)
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The talented women of the Zhang family
 9780520250901, 9780520250895

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The Talented Women of the Zhang Family


| a | aBOOK , es | | The Philip E. Lilienthal imprint honors special books co

| in commemoration of a man whose work at the University of California Press

from 1954 to 1979 ,

was marked by dedication to young authors and to high standards in the field of Asian Studies. Friends, family, authors, and foundations have together endowed the Lilienthal Fund, which enables the Press

to publish under this imprint selected books in a way that reflects the taste and judgment of a great and beloved editor.

The Talented Women

ot the Zhang Family

} SUSAN MANN | . |


University of California Press, one of the most distin-

guished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the

| humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and

by philanthropic contributions from individuals and |

institutions. For more information, visit _ University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California

London, England . University of California Press, Ltd.

© 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Mann, Susan, 1943-. | The talented women of the Zhang family / Susan Mann.

p. cm. — (Philip E. Lilienthal Asian studies imprint)

Includes bibliographical references and index. . )

ISBN 978-0-520-25089-5 (cloth : alk. paper). ISBN 978-0-520-25090-1 (pbk. : alk. paper)

, 1. Women authors, Chinese—Biography. 2. Chinese literature—Qing dynasty, 1644-1912—History and

criticism. 3. Chang family. I. Title.

PL2277.M355 2007 , 895.1'093522—dc22 2006036294 Manufactured in the United States of America

— I 14 13 12 II 10 O9 O8 07 | Io 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R 1997) (Permanence of Paper).

To my own grand family MANN * JONES * SKINNER





PROLOGUE Xv | 1. Jining, Shandong (1893-1895) 1 2. Tang Yaoqing, Guixiu (1763-1831) 9

, 3. Zhang Qieying, Poet (1792—after 1863) 62 4. Wang Caipin, Governess (1826-1893) 130 EPILOGUE: THE HISTORIAN SAYS... 165



| NOTES 227




MAPS | 1. Eastern China, mid-nineteenth century ix

2. Lower Yangzi, mid-nineteenth century x ,

3. Western Shandong, mid-nineteenth century xi PLATES

1. Hong Zhang, Linking Verse across Adjoining Rooms, 2005 xvii

2. Zhang Yuesun and Bao Mengyi: detail from Zhang, |

Linking Verse across Adjoining Rooms ~ xvii

3. Zhang Lunying and Sun Jie: detail from Zhang, Linking |

Verse across Adjoining Rooms xix 4. Zhang Wanying and Wang Xi: detail from Zhang, Linking Verse across Adjoining Rooms XX FIGURES

1. Northern Wei stele rubbing: “Eulogy for Yuan Zhen” (detail) 53.

2. Iwo of a set of four scrolls by Bao Shichen 55

3. Zhang Lunying, “Wife of Tingyu” 8 4

4. Leaf from the collected poems and song lyrics |

of Zhang Qieying 167 _

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