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English Pages 114 [57] Year 2018
张三丰太极拳七十二路图式 The 72 Illustrated Forms of Zhang Sanfeng Tai Chi 太极起式 (图1) The Beginning of Tai Chi - The Preparation Form - Opening Posture (Picture 1)
揽雀尾 (图2~5)
Grasp Bird's Tail (Picture 2~5)
单 鞭 (图6) Single Whip (Picture 6 )
提 手 (图7) Raise Hands Above Posture - Raise Hands - Raise Hand and Step Up (Picture 7)
白鹤亮翅 (图8) White Crane Spreads Wings - White Stork Flaps its Wings (Picture 8)
Brush Knee and Twist Step (Picture 9)
Hand Strums the Lute (Picture 10)
左右搂膝拗步 (图11~12) Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side (Picture 11~12 )
手挥琵琶 (图13) Hand Strums the Lute (Picture 13)
进步搬拦捶 (图14~15) Step Forward, Deflect, Parry, Punch (Picture 14~15 )
如封似闭 (图16) Apparent Close and Counter with Push (Picture 16 )
十字手 (图17) Cross Hands (Picture 17)
抱虎归山 (图18) Embrace Tiger and Return to Mountain (Picture 18 )
肘底看锤 (图19) Fist Under Elbow Punch (Picture 19 )
左右倒辇猴 (图20~21) Fall to Repulse Monkey Left and Right (Picture 20~21 )
斜飞式 (图22) Slant Flying Posture (Picture 22)
提 手 (图23) Raise Hands Above Posture - Raise Hands - Raise Hand and Step Up (Picture 23)
(图 24 )
White Crane Spreads Wings - White Stork Flaps its Wings (Picture 24)
搂膝拗步 (图25) Brush Knee and Twist Step (Picture 25)
海底针 (图26) Needle at Sea Bottom (Picture 26)
闪通臂 (图27) Flash the Arm (Picture 27)
撇身锤 (图28) Flinging Body Punch (Picture 28)
上步搬拦捶 (图29~30) Step Forward, Parry and Punch (Picture 29~30 )
揽雀尾 (图31~33) Grasp Bird's Tail (Picture 31 ~ 33)
单 鞭 (同图36) Single Whip (Same as Picture 36 )
左右云手 (图34~35) Wave Hands like Clouds Left and Right (Picture 34 ~ 35)
单 鞭 (图36) Single Whip
(Picture 36 )
高探马 (图37) High Pat on Horse (Picture 37 )
左右分脚 (图38~39) Left and Right Toe Kicks (Picture 38 ~ 39)
转身蹬脚 (图40) Turn Body and Kick with Heel (Picture 40)
左右搂膝拗步 (图41) Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Sides (Picture 41)
进步栽锤 (图42) Step Forward and Punch Downward (Picture 42)
翻身白蛇吐信 (图43) Turn Body and Snake Spits Tongue (Picture 43)
上步搬拦捶 (图44) Step Forward, Parry and Punch (Picture 44)
蹬 脚 (图45) Turn Body and Kick with Right Heel (Picture 45)
左右披身伏虎 (图46~47) Subdue the Tiger near the Body from both Sides (Picture 46~47 )
回身蹬脚 (图48)
Turn Body and Kick with Heel (Picture 48 )
双风贯耳 (图49) Strike the Ears with Both Fists (Picture 49 )
左蹬脚 (图50) Kick with Left Heel (Picture 50)
转身蹬脚 (图51) Turn Body and Kick with Heel (Picture 51)
上步搬拦锤 (图52~53) Step Forward, Parry and Punch (Picture 52~53 )
如封似锁 (图54) Apparent Close and Counter with Push (also known as Push Forward) (Picture 54)
十字手 (图55) Cross Hands (Picture 55)
抱虎归山 (图56) Embrace Tiger and Return to Mountain (Picture 56)
斜 单 鞭 (图57) Slanting Single Whip (Picture 57)
左右野马分鬃 (图58~59) Part the Wild Horse's Mane on Both Side (Picture 58~59 )
上步揽雀尾 (图60~63)
Step Up and Grasp Bird's Tail (Picture 60~63 )
单 鞭 (同图68) Single Whip (Same as Picture 68)
玉女穿梭 (图64~65) Fair Lady Works at Shuttles (Picture 64~65 )
上步揽雀尾 (图66~67) Step Up and Grasp Bird's Tail (Picture 66~67 )
单 鞭 (图68) Single Whip (Picture 68)
云 手 (图69~70) Wave Hands Like Clouds Left and Right (Picture 69 ~ 70)
单鞭下势 (图71) Single Whip and Push Down (also known as Snake Creeps Down Posture) (Picture 71)
金鸡独立 (图72~73) Stand on One Leg (Picture 72~73 )
倒撵猴 (图74~75) Step Back and Push the Monkey (Picture 74~75 )
斜飞式 (图76) Slant Flying Posture (Picture 76)
提 手 (图77) Raise Hands Above Posture - Raise Hands - Raise Hand and Step Up (Picture 77)
白鹤亮翅 (图78) White Crane Spreads Wings - White Stork Flaps its Wings (Picture 78)
搂膝拗步 (图79) Brush Knees and Twist Steps (Picture 79)
海底针 (图80) Needle at Sea Bottom (Picture 80)
闪通臂 (图81) Flash the Arm (Picture 81)
撇身捶 (图82) Dodge Body and Throw Fist (Picture 82)
上步搬拦捶 (同图52~53) Step Forward, Parry and Punch (Same as Picture 52~53 )
揽雀尾单鞭 (图83~86) Grasp Bird's Tail and Single Whip (Picture 83~86 )
云 手 (图87~88) Wave Hands Like Clouds Left and Right (Picture 87~88 )
单 鞭 (图89) Single Whip (Picture 89 )
高探马 (图90) High Pat on Horse (Picture 90)
十字腿 (图91)
Cross Legs (Picture 91)
搂膝指裆锤 (图92) Brush Knee and Punch to Crotch (Picture 92)
上势揽雀尾 (图93~96) Step Up and Grasp Bird's Tail (Picture 93~96 )
单鞭下势 (同图71) Single Whip and Push Down (also known as Snake Creeps Down Posture) (Same as Picture 71 )
上步七星 (图97) Step Forward to Form Seven Stars (Picture 97)
退步跨虎 (图98) Step Back and Ride the Tiger (Picture 98)
转脚摆莲 (图99) Turn Body with Lotus Kick (Picture 99)
弯弓射虎 (图100) Bend Bow to Shoot Tiger (Picture 100)
上步搬拦锤 (图101~102) Step Forward, Parry and Punch (Picture 101~102 )
如封似锁 (图103) Apparent Close and Counter with Push (also known as Push Forward) (Picture 103)
十字手 (图104) Cross Hands (Picture 104)
合太极 (图105) Conclusion of Tai Chi - Closing Tai Chi (Picture 105)
附 录 Appendix 睡 功 图 Practice Kongfu in Sleeping 左睡功图 Practice Kongfu in Sleeping Leftward
右睡功图 Practice Kongfu in Sleeping Rightward
(The End)