The Linux Enterprise Cluster: Build a Highly Available Cluster with Commodity Hardware and Free Software 9781593270360, 1593270364

The Linux Enterprise Cluster explains how to take a number of inexpensive computers with limited resources, place them o

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Table of contents :
Technical Reviewers
Breif Contents
Contents in Detail
Properties of a Linux Enterprise Cluster
Architecture of the Linux Enterprise Cluster
The Load Balancer
The Shared Storage Device
The Print Server
The Cluster Node Manager
No Single Point of Failure
In Conclusion
High Availability Terminology
Linux Enterprise Cluster Terminology
PART I: Cluster Resources
1: Starting Services
How Do Cluster Services Get Started?
Starting Services with init
The /etc/inittab File
Respawning Services with init
Managing the init Script Symbolic Links with chkconfig
Managing the init Script Symbolic Links with ntsysv
Removing Services You Do Not Need
Using the Red Hat init Scripts on Cluster Nodes
In Conclusion
2: Handling Packets
A Brief History of Netfilter
Setting the Default Chain Policy
Using iptables and ipchains
Clear Existing Rules
Set the Default INPUT Chain Policy
Passive FTP
Review and Save Your Rules
Routing Packets with the Linux Kernel
Matching Packets for a Particular Destination Network
Matching Packets for a Particular Destination Host
Matching Packets for Any Destination or Host
To View Your Routing Rules
Making Your Routing Rules Permanent
iptables and Routing Resource Script
The ip Command
In Conclusion
3: Compiling the Kernel
What You Will Need
Step 1: Get the Source Code
Using the Stock Kernel
Using the Kernel Supplied with Your Distribution
Decide Which Kernel Version to Use
Step 2: Set the Options You Want
Installing a New Kernel
Upgrading or Patching the Kernel
Upgrading a Kernel from a Distribution Vendor
Set Your Kernel Options
Step 3: Compile the Code
Step 4: Install the Object Code and Configuration File
Install the
Save the Kernel Configuration File
Step 5: Configure Your Boot Loader
In Conclusion
PART II: High Availability
4: Synchronizing Servers with rysnc and SSH
Open SSH 2 and rsync
SSH: A Secure Data Transport
SSH Encryption Keys
Establishing the Two-Way Trust Relationship: Part 1
Establishing the Two-Way Trust Relationship: Part 2
Two-Node SSH Client-Server Recipe
Create a User Account That Will Own the Data Files
Configure the Open SSH2 Host Key on the SSH Server
Create a User Encryption Key for This New Account on the SSH Client
Copy the Public Half of the User Encryption Key from the SSH Client to the SSH Server
Test the Connection from the SSH Client to the SSH Server
Using the Secure Data Transport
Improved Security
rsync over SSH
Copying a Single File with rsync
rsync over Slow WAN Connections
Scheduled rsync Snapshots
ipchains/iptables Firewall Rules for rsync and SSH
In Conclusion
5: Cloning Systems with SystemImager
Cloning the Golden Client with SystemImager
SystemImager Recipe
Install the SystemImager Server Software on the SystemImager Server
Using the Installer Program from SystemImager
Install the SystemImager Client Software on the Golden Client
Create a System Image of the Golden Client on the SystemImager Server
Make the Primary Data Server into a DHCP Server
Create a Boot Floppy for the Golden Client
Start rsync as a Daemon on the Primary Data Server
Install the Golden Client System Image on the New Clone
Post-installation Notes
Performing Maintenance: Updating Clients
System Configurator
In Conclusion
6: Heartbeat Introduction and Theory
The Physical Paths of the Heartbeats
Serial Cable Connection
Ethernet Cable Connection
Partitioned Clusters and STONITH
Heartbeat Control Messages
Cluster Transition Messages
Retransmission Requests
Ethernet Heartbeat Control Messages
Security and Heartbeat Control Messages
How Client Computers Access Resources
Failover Using IP Address Takeover (IPAT)
Secondary IP Addresses and IP Aliases
Ethernet NIC Device Names
Secondary IP Address Names
IP Aliases
Offering Services
Gratuitous ARP (GARP) Broadcasts
Resource Scripts
Status of the Resource
Resource Ownership
Using init Scripts as Heartbeat Resource Scripts
Heartbeat Configuration Files
In Conclusion
7: A Sample Heartbeat Configuration
Step 1: Install Heartbeat
Step 2: Configure /etc/ha.d/
Step 3: Configure /etc/ha.d/haresources
Configure the haresources File
Step 4: Configure /etc/ha.d/authkeys
Step 5: Install Heartbeat on the Backup Server
Step 6: Set the System Time
Step 7: Launch Heartbeat
Launch Heartbeat on the Primary Server
Launch Heartbeat on the Backup Server
Examining the Log Files on the Primary Server
Stopping and Starting Heartbeat
Monitoring Resources
In Conclusion
8: Heartbeat Resources and Maintenance
The Haresources File Syntax
Haresources File Syntax: Primary-Server Name
Haresources File Syntax: IP Alias
Heartbeat’s Automated Network Interface Card Selection Process
Specifying a Network Interface Card
Customizing IP Address Takeover with the iptakeover Script
The Haresources File Syntax: Resources
Load Sharing with Heartbeat
Load Sharing with Heartbeat: Round-Robin DNS
Problems with Round Robin DNS Load Balancing
Wide-Area Load Balancing
Operator Alerts: Audible Alarm
Operator Alerts: Email Alerts
Heartbeat Maintenance
Changing Heartbeat Configuration Files
Server Maintenance and the Heartbeat auto_failback Option
Forcing the Primary Server into Standby Mode
Tuning Heartbeat’s Deadtime Value
Informational Messages in Heartbeat’s Log
Failover and Respawn (Automatically Restarting Failed Resources)
License Manager Failover
In Conclusion
9: Stonith and ipfail
An Unconventional Approach: Using a Single Stonith Device
Sample Heartbeat with Stonith Configuration
Stonith Sequence of Events
Stonith Devices
Viewing the Current List of Supported Stonith Devices
The Stonith Meatware “Device”
Using the Stonith Meatware Device with Heartbeat
Using a “Real” Stonith Device
Avoiding Multiple Stonith Events
Network Failures
Watchdog and Softdog
Enable Watchdog in the Kernel
Kernel Panic-Hang or Reboot?
Configure Heartbeat to Support Watchdog
Testing Your Heartbeat Configuration
In Conclusion
PART III: Cluster Theory and Practice
10: How to Build a Linux Enterprise Cluster
Steps for Building a Linux Enterprise Cluster
NAS Server
Kernel Netfilter and Kernel Packet Routing
Cloning a Linux Machine
Cluster Naming Scheme
Applying System Configuration Changes to All Nodes
Building an LVS-NAT Cluster
Building an LVS-DR Cluster
Installing Software to Remove Failed Cluster Nodes
Installing Software to Monitor the Cluster Nodes
Monitoring the Performance of Cluster Nodes
Updating Software on Cluster Nodes and Servers
Centralizing User Account Administration
Installing a Printing System
Installing a Highly Available Batch Job-Scheduling System
Purchasing the Cluster Nodes
In Conclusion
11: The Linux Virtual Server: Introduction and Theory
LVS IP Address Name Conventions
The Virtual IP (VIP)
The Real IP (RIP)
The Director’s IP (DIP)
The Client Computer’s IP (CIP)
IP Addresses in an LVS Cluster
Types of LVS Clusters
Network Address Translation (LVS-NAT)
Direct Routing (LVS-DR)
IP Tunneling (LVS-TUN)
LVS Scheduling Methods
Fixed (or Non-dynamic) Scheduling Methods
Dynamic Scheduling Methods
In Conclusion
12: The LVS-NAT Cluster
How Client Computers Access LVS-NAT Cluster Resources
Virtual IP Addresses on LVS-NAT Real Servers
Building an LVS-NAT Web Cluster
Recipe for LVS-NAT
Step 1: Install the Operating System
Step 2: Configure and Start Apache on the Real Server
Step 3: Set the Default Route on the Real Server
Step 4: Install the LVS Software on the Director
Step 5: Configure LVS on the Director
Step 6: Test the Cluster Configuration
LocalNode: Using the Director as a Real Server
In Conclusion
13: The LVS-DR Cluster
How Client Computers Access LVS-DR Cluster Services
ARP Broadcasts and the LVS-DR Cluster
Client Computers and ARP Broadcasts
In Conclusion
14: The Load Balancer
LVS and Netfilter
The Director’s Connection Tracking Table
Hash Table Structure
Controlling the Hash Buckets
Viewing the Connection Tracking Table
Timeout Values for Connection Tracking Records
Return Packets and the Netfilter Hooks
LVS Without Persistence
LVS Persistence
Persistent Connection Template
Types of Persistent Connections
Persistent Client Connection (PCC)
Persistent Port Connection (PPC)
Port Affinity
Netfilter Marked Packets
In Conclusion
15: The High-Availability Cluster
Redundant LVS Directors
High-Availability Cluster Design Goals
The High-Availability LVS-DR Cluster
Introduction to ldirectord
How ldirectord Monitors Cluster Nodes (LVS Real Servers)
LVS, Heartbeat, and ldirectord Recipe
Hide the Loopback Interface
Install the Heartbeat on a Primary and a Backup Director
Install ldirectord and Its Required Software Components
Install ldirectord
Test Your ldirectord Installation
Create the ldirectord Configuration File
Create the Health Check Web Page
Start ldirectord Manually and Test Your Configuration
Add ldirectord to the Heartbeat Configuration
Stateful Failover of the IPVS Table
Modifications to Allow Failover to a Real Server Inside the Cluster
In Conclusion
16: The Network File System
Lock Arbitration
The Lock Arbitrator
The Existing Kernel Lock Arbitration Methods
The Network Lock Manager (NLM)
NLM and Kernel Lock Arbitration
NLM and Kernel BSD flock
NLM and Kernel System V lockf
NLM and Kernel Posix fcntl
NFS and File Lock (dotlock) Arbitration
Finding the Locks Held by the Linux Kernel
Performance Issues with NFS-Bottlenecks and Perceptions
Single Transactions and User Perception of NFS Performance
Multiple Transactions and User Perception of NFS Performance
Managing Lock and GETATTR Operations in a Cluster Environment
Managing Attribute Caching
Managing Interactive User Applications and Batch Jobs in a Cluster Environment
Run Batch Jobs Outside the Cluster
Use Multiple NAS Servers
Measuring NFS Latency
Measuring Total I/O Operations
Achieving the Best NAS Performance Possible
NFS Client Configuration Options
Putting It All Together
Developing NFS
Additional Starting Points for Information on Linux and NFS
In Conclusion
PART IV: Maintenance and Monitoring
17: The Simple Network Management Protocol and Mon
Mon Alerts
Mon Monitoring Scripts
Where to Run Mon
Basic Mon Recipe
Step 1: Compile and Install the fping Package
Step 2: Install the SNMP Package
Step 3: Install the Required CPAN Modules for Mon
Step 4: Install the Mon Software
Step 5: Create the /etc/mon/ Configuration File
Step 6: Test by Running the fping.monitor and mail.alert Scripts Manually
Step 7: Create the Mon Log Directory and Mon Log File
Step 8: Start the Mon Program in Debugging Mode and Test
Mon and SNMP “Proof of Concept” Recipe
Step 1: Install Net-SNMP Client Software on Each Cluster Node
Step 2: Create the snmp.conf Configuration File
Step 3: Start the SNMP Agent
Step 4: View the SNMP MIB Locally
Step 5: Install the SNMP Monitoring Agents
Examine the Output of netsnmp-freespace.monitor
Install Mon on All Cluster Nodes
Mon and SNMP “Real-World” Recipe
Step 1: Create the snmpd.conf on All Cluster Nodes
Step 2: Install netsnmp-proc.monitor and the New File on the Cluster Node Manager
Step 3: Install the Mon init Script
Step 4: Run SNMP and Mon
Email Alerts from Mon
Creating Your Own SNMP Script
A Sample Custom SNMP Script
Monitoring Your SNMP Script with Mon
Things to Monitor with SNMP Monitoring Scripts
Forcing a Stonith Event with Mon
Forcing a Heartbeat Failover with Mon
In Conclusion
18: Ganglia
Introduction to Ganglia
Installing Ganglia’s Prerequisite Packages
Install PHP
Install RRDtool
Install Apache on the Cluster Node Manager
Installing Ganglia on the Cluster Node Manager
Installing Ganglia on the Cluster Nodes
Configuring gmetad and gmond on the Cluster Node Manager
Modify /etc/gmetad.conf
Modify /etc/gmond.conf
Start gmond and gmetad
Add the Ganglia Page to Your Apache Configuration
The Ganglia Web Package
The Title Section
The Node Snapshot Section
Examining the Cluster Node from the Ganglia Web Package
Examining the Cluster Node from the Shell Prompt
Running a Command on the Least-Loaded Cluster Node Using gstat
Creating Custom Metrics with gmetric
In Conclusion
19: Case Studies in Cluster Administration
Administering Accounts Without Active Directory
Legacy Unix Account Administration Methods: The Problem
The Best of Both Worlds
Building a Reliable Cluster Account Authentication Mechanism
Using the Local passwd and Group File on Each Cluster Node
A Simple Script
Building a Fault-Tolerant Print Spooler
Cluster Nodes and Job Ordering
LPRng: A Linux Enterprise Cluster Printing System
Cluster Nodes and Print Jobs
Building the Cluster Printing System Based on LPRng
Install LPRng on the Central Print Server
Install LPRng on the Cluster Nodes
Modify the /etc/printcap.local File on the Cluster Nodes
Modify the /etc/printcap File on the Central Print Server
Managing Print Jobs on the Central Print Server
Managing Print Jobs from the Cluster Nodes
Rebooting Nodes for Preventative Maintenance
Using ipvsadm Commands to Remove a Cluster Node
Changing the Weight of a Cluster Node to 0
Disabling Telnet Access to One of the Cluster Nodes
Sending and Receiving Email in a Cluster Environment
Creating a Batch Job-Scheduling System with No Single Point of Failure
Run ssh-keygen
Modify the sshd_config File on Each Cluster Node
Create the (RSA) known_hosts Entries on the Cluster Node Manager
The Batch Job Scheduler
In Conclusion
20: The Linux Cluster Environment
The Linux Enterprise Cluster
Applications Running on the Cluster
The Cluster Node Manager
The Clients
The NAS Server
High-Availability NAS Server
Highly Available Serial Devices
Serial-to-IP Communication Device
High-Availability Modems
Highly Available Database Server
High-Availability SQL Server
Putting It All Together
The Cluster Environment
In Conclusion
A: Downloading Software from the Internet (from a Text Terminal)
Using Lynx
Using Wget
What to Do with the File You Downloaded
tar Files
rpm Files
Creating Your Own Tape Archive (tar) File
B: Troubleshooting with the tcpdump Utility
C: Adding Network Interface Cards to Your System
Monolithic Versus Modular Kernels
View Your Existing Configuration
Install the Card and Reboot
Run linuxconf
Testing the New NIC
Changes Made by linuxconf
Using the New NIC
Testing and Troubleshooting
D: Strategies for Dependency Failures
What Are Dependencies?
Dynamic Executables and Shared Objects
rpm Packages and Shared Library Dependencies
Fixing a Dependency Failure Manually
Fixing a Dependency Failure Automatically
Using Yum to Install rpm Packages
Installing a New rpm Package with Yum
In Conclusion
E: Other Potential Cluster Filesystems and Lock Arbitration Methods
F: LVS Clusters and the Apache Configuration File
Apache Virtual Host Configuration on Cluster Nodes
Apache IP-Based Virtual Hosts
Name-Based Virtual Hosts
Self-Referential (Redirection) URLs
IP-Based Virtual Hosts and Self-Referential URLs
Name-Based Virtual Hosts and Self-Referential URLs
Verify Your Virtual Host Configuration
About the CD-ROM
CD License Agreement

The Linux Enterprise Cluster: Build a Highly Available Cluster with Commodity Hardware and Free Software
 9781593270360, 1593270364

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