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THE BUILDING ESTIMATOR’S REFERENCE BOOK A Reference Book Setting Forth Detailed Procedures And Cost Guidelines For Those Engaged in Estimating Building Trades 30th Edition, Ist Printing
Editor-In-Chief Victor P Ticola
Technical Editor Jerrold Ratner, CPE, CCP
Associate Editors Peter F Ticola
Published By
Eugene R. Callahan, Chairman
700 Springer Drive Lombard, Illinois 60148
(800) 458-3737 www.frankrwalker.com
We will be grateful to readers of this volume who will kindly call our attention to any errors, typographical or otherwise, discovered herein. We also invite constructive criticism and suggestions that will assist in making future editions more complete and useful.
©Copyright 2015 by Frank R. Walker Company, Ist Printing
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by reviewers who wish to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
©Copyright 1915, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1924, 1927, 1931, 1940, 1947, 1950, 1954; 1957, 1963, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1993: 1999, 2002, 2006, 2012
FRANK R. WALKER COMPANY Publishers of Walker’s Practical Accounting and Cost Keeping for Contractors Walker’s Insulation Techniques and Estimating Handbook Walker’s Quantity Survey & Basic Construction Estimating F.R. Walker’s Remodeling Reference Book Walker’s Manual for Construction Cost Estimating Walker’s Pocket Estimator Walker’s Practical® Forms for Contractors ISBN: 978-0-911592-30-6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 15-23586 Printed in the U.S.A.
IMPORTANT How To Use This Book
In a book of estimating cost data that is used in all parts of the U.S. and in many foreign countries, it is impossible to quote material prices and labor costs that apply in every locality. To make the best use of a reference like this one, it takes some computation on your part. All labor cost tables give the quantity of work that a worker or crew should perform per hour or per day, together with the number of hours required to complete a certain unit of work. We have taken this data and multiplied by wage rates that are the national average to determine labor unit prices for a given item. The wage rates used in the labor cost tables found throughout this book are U.S. averages. Each rate is an average of the total wage and benefits that resulted from collective bargaining for that trade throughout the U.S. The rate shown may or may not reflect wage and benefit rates in your area. You will want to insert your local wage scales and material prices into the cost tables to ensure accurate estimates. A standard method of tabulation has been used throughout this book, an example of which is given below: When framing and placing wood floor joists up to 2” x 8” (50 x 200 mm) in buildings of regular construction, a carpenter should frame and place 550-600 b.f. (1.30-1.42 cu.m) per 8-hr. day at the following labor cost per 1,000 b.f. (2.36 cu.m):
Carpenter Labor
13.9 4.5
ee ioe
Sia: o ee
$28.25 pp sapks)
$392.68 100.13 $492.81
The blank spaces are for you to insert your local wage rates and extend the prices as shown below:
Carpenter Labor
Hours 13.9 4.5
Rate $21.50 Wipes
Total Rate $298.85 $28.25 iROSIED 225 $376.48
Total $392.68 100.13 $492.81
Note that there is no factor included for overhead and profit on any of the costs in this book, because this is a variable item that each contractor
must establish for each individual project. Because of wide variance in state sales tax laws, this cost has not been
included, and the user must apply the prevailing rate to obtain the total material cost. ill
To accommodate the maximum number of contractors, the insurance and taxes applicable to labor costs have not been included in any of the labor unit costs contained in this book, because some contractors prefer to incorporate these costs as part of overhead, while others maintain them as | direct costs. Using the Metric System
In many ways metric is more coherent and efficient than the standard English (Imperial) inch-pound system. The metric system avoids the need for much tedious conversion. For example, lineal measurements are expressed in the meter and its decimal multiples. Compared with all the various units of measure—inches, feet, yards—in the English system, conversions in metric are accomplished by simply moving a decimal point to the left or right. Rather than create two separate editions of the same book, one metric and the other inch-pound, we feel that our users are better served by this dual English-Metric guide. All contractors, even ones who do mostly government work, will continue to do a substantial amount of work in the traditional system. It is difficult to make a comprehensive and general statement about: the conversion of data in this book to metric, but for the most part, it has been what is called “soft” converted. Nothing changes about a material item itself. An inch-pound measurement is simply expressed in metric. For example, 2” x 4” lumber is 50 x 100 mm. For lineal dimensions the key conversions are | inch = 25 mm and | foot = 300 mm. The metric conversion of data is this book was only possible with the able assistance of Mr. Suresh Ceyyur.
| | :
Neither the Frank R. Walker Company nor the editors guarantees or) warrants the correctness or sufficiency of the information contained in thiss book; nor do either assume any responsibility or liability in connection with) the use of this book or of any products, process, or pricing described in this book. IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Roleofthe Architect. The Rol@oftherstimatofine 9 The Role oithe Contractor 2. ConstiuetionManapement = ss Biddingforacontract Negotiating avContract ComtraceDociments:© 5 sii petingsUpihetob. CamvinevOurthe Work 2. StU a ee ee a ee, RTE De raniois. ee ee ON ene: Valuckncineeingiy |iee ee ea Consirictiomminancen! Vai ee (COSHOMVICHCys ees een ee Soutces‘on Money tet) ee te Miloretoe yee Lenin Ne MOUS AS CHS ail kCl meee ele meee ee on voll binver tine erste Weer J ee SHOLMMeHMUe OAS. eee eke ee ne Intenimyninancin Gee sll ee 2 ee oh Drawimes and Specificdtions rece Mes WWOTmliye DPA WIN IS see ee Symbols Sue niin. Series, 2 ne OS eee SPECIICAt ONS pee Wate CsA Merete aera eee Pt eae FNaGendaie: ene WWI Ge ee ie (ChanceOndciseeeeee en ee ee ee ee SettingaUlpmincee Stiinatc ms es een en een ne e eee iheDetallediestimate wees eee SstimatevhiypeSeamat vn ee Bice eee ke oe OIE eae EStimatcoRONMAtS suena eis een ee en ae en Estimate:Checkhists ss Practices!) ins| ee OlsTeS OWNAGE Gees RrOjectlndineCeWOStSwus ss one a Protite. Saas eee or OU re. be er ee JOYE NSaanianR (COMMS Gonsiuction Scheduling. on Fo Sh ee GOnsiricHOnIE (UIDMEN lee aa ae eee Determining Hourly Rate
1 9) 6 a 9 9 15 16 17 18 20 24 24
25 26 26 Di 29 29 Sl 32 33 39 Sn 101 102 103 105 106 pli 111 jG 120 129 130 131 145 145
10. SPECIALTIES CSI DIVISION 10 Chalk and Tackboards
Compartments and Cubicles Prefabricated Fireplaces Flagpoles Identifying Devices Bockersguyen os Postal Specialties PatitiOls eee ee Seles Storage Shelving = Sun Control Devices Telephone Enclosures Toilet and Bath Accessories Wardrobe Specialties
1433 1434 1434 1435 1435 1436 1436 1437 1438 1438 1438 1439 1439 1440
11. EQUIPMENT CSI DIVISION 11 Residential Equipment
13. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION CSI DIVISION 13 Special Purpose Rooms Storage Bins and Silos
1449 1449
14. CONVEYING SYSTEMS CSI DIVISION 14 Dumbwaiters Bleyatorsas ee Lifts
Busway AOU 2 ed Ate Mgcet oa Oh tee Rey eevee Alarm and Detection Equipment Electrical Heating
A aed sean, os aha
17. MENSURATION Abbreviations
1550 b528 1528 1528 S29) 15S] 1534 S85
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1589 1591
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7.83 536 9.39
1504 1676 1829 [5.57 6.04 ris4 | 650 |976 |13.01 |1626 | 195 7 7:4
Note: Quantities reflect direct conversion of above english volume.
Cost of Digging 100 L.F. (30.5 M) of Trench 5’-0” (1.52 m) Deep, Using a Crawler Mounted Ditching Machine, Based on 350 Lin.Ft. (106.7 M) per Hour
Total $_37.89| $_10.99
Machine operator _—|_0.29| Machine charge per LF, 12”
(300mm) wide Cost per 100 LF
$—-0;25-|-§---25:06 (30.5 M)
x 12"
(300 mm)
Cost of Digging 100 L.F. (30.5 M) of Trench 5’-0” (1.52 m) Deep, Using a Crawler Mounted Ditching Machine, Based on 350 Lin.Ft. (106.7 M) per Hour
Machine charge per LF, 24” (600mm) wide De OSL | Se VS 100 Cost per 100 LF (30.5 M) x 24" (600 mm) wide | $ 61.99 To the above, add cost of trucking machine to job and removing same at completion, trucking waste material, supervision, compensation and liability insurance, social security and unemployment taxes, overhead expense and profit. Add for backfilling trenches, as required.
Drilling Holes Using an Earth Boring Machine. Where a large number of holes are required for line construction, foundation work, preboring, guard rails, piling, fencing, draining, or bridges, an earth boring machine performs the work much faster and at lower cost than most other methods. These machines will drill holes through loam, clay, hard pan, and shale and are furnished in various sizes by different manufacturers. Some machines will drill up to 8’-0” (2.43 m) diameter holes to a depth of 120 ft. (36.60 m) or more. Based on 20 holes, 18” (450 mm) diam. and 3’-0” (0.91 m) deep, per hour or 160 holes per 8-hr. day, the daily cost should average as follows:
When drilling holes up to 18” (450 mm) in diameter in ordinary soil, a machine will drill at the rate of 1” (25 mm) depth in 1-1/2 to 2 seconds, or
drill a 3’-0” (0.91 m) deep hole in | to 1-1/4 minutes. Moving the machine and spotting the holes takes some time, so this will govern the number of holes that may be drilled per day. A machine that will drill holes to 24” (600 mm) diameter and 9’-0” (2.74 m) deep costs approximately $100,000.00
f.o.b. factory. This does not include cost of truck, which will have to be added. The larger machines which are used for drilling caisson foundations may cost as much as $400,000.00. There are also small portable posthole diggers, mounted on two rubber tired wheels and equipped with a 5 to 6 Hp gasoline engine. This machine can be operated by one person and in ordinary ground it will bore a 9” (225 mm) hole 3’-0” (0.9 m) deep in 1 to 1-1/2 minutes. Such machine costs $2,000.00 to $4,000.00. Placing And Compacting Fills
Architects and engineers are rigid in their requirements as to the manner of placing and compacting fill materials. The usual specification for this work is to place the fill in from 6” to 12” (150 to 300 mm) layers and to compact each layer with some sort of roller equipment. Placing and Compacting Site Grading Fills. Fill material in site grading work is placed either by scrapers spread-dumping their loads, trucks dumping their loads more or less in piles, or some sort of excavating equipment casting or bucket loads as they are dug. In the case of the scraper spread-dumping fill material, no further spreading is necessary, because it can be controlled with precision by the scraper operator. In the other cases, however, a bulldozer or loader will be required to spread out the fill material into layers of specified depth. Hourly production for this work can be found in the table under “Bulldozer Production”. When the fill has been placed and spread in the specified depth of layer, the compacting operation follows, and this is usually accomplished by rolling with a tractor-drawn or self-propelled sheepsfoot roller. The degree of compaction may be specified by the number of passes to be made by the roller or by a percentage, such as 95%, of maximum density of the material obtained at optimum moisture content in a soil mechanics laboratory. The latter specification is usually called for in government work and for fills under paving. Obtaining 95% of maximum density compaction may take as many as 12 passes of a sheepsfoot or vibratory roller. If rolling is not to interfere with production schedules, a rate must be established in cubic yards compacted per hour and applied to the rate of placing and spreading the fill material to determine the size and number of rollers required to keep the job moving. Where frequent turns are made or restricted areas require maneuvering these factors must be considered and the figures adjusted accordingly. The following table gives rate of compaction, in cu. yds. per hr., for rolling fill with a 5°’-0” (1.52 m) wide sheepsfoot roller at 2.5 mph (4.0 kph) with the fill material placed in 12” (300 mm) layers for soil of various compaction factors and for | pass ofthe roller to 12 passes.
Rate of Sheepsfoot Roller Compaction in Cu. Yds (Cu. M.) per Hr Based on 5' (1.52m) Wide Roller, 2-1/2 mph (4kph) Speed, 12" (300mm) Fill Layers and 100% Job Efficienc No. of
Passes of
Percentage Factor of Pay Yd. (M) to Loose Yd. (M)
Hard Tough, Clay}
Medium Clay
a Pini {1308 [956 [1956 | 200 =a IVic Sl\sIx 841 6S ef onOTRAS | TAB.5} | 652 | 499-| 733 rorA28 wi) 327 ~~, —A89-—|. 374.4 55 [ae a>) a le 395 aes [aig [396 [249 |367 80 — 279 |Erne 214 2 easel bag 275 a ero io BIEIS Co
=> Sy
ol SS
bE 6s aes
22 0
BN ee)
=| ioe)ee) eS
For rollers of different widths, adjust the above rates proportionately; for example, for a 10’-0” (3.04 m) wide roller double the rates, and for a 15’-
0” (4.57 m) wide roller triple the rates. For different depths of layers, adjust the above rates proportionately: i.e., for 6” (150 mm) layers reduce the rates to 1/2, and for 9” (225 mm) layers reduce the rates to 3/4. The above rates must also be adjusted to normal job efficiency and further adjusted to take care of lost time in maneuvering and turning. In small jobs as much as 10% ofthe time could be lost. Example: Assume a fill to be placed in 9” (225 mm) lifts and rolled 8
passes with a double drum sheepsfoot roller 10’-0” (3.05 m) wide at 2.5 mph (4.02 kph) in soil with a compaction factor of 80%.
From the table, 8 passes in 80% material will compact 245 cu. yds. (187 cu.m) per hr. Adjusting this rate for a 10’-0” (3.05 m) wide roller gives a rate of 490 cu. yds. (374.6 cu. m) per hr. and further adjusting for 9” fill layers results in a compaction rate of 368 cu. yds. (281 cu.m) per hr. Assuming that a 50-minute hour or a job efficiency of 83% is expected, the rate is reduced to 305 cu. yds. (233 cu. m) per hr. and with a time loss of 10% anticipated for turns and maneuvering the final result is a compaction rate of
275 cu. yds. (210 cu.m) per hr. The approximate cost for compacting fill at rate of 275 cu. yds. (210 cu.m) per hr. is as follows:
Hourly charge for 75-Hp (56 kW)
bulldozer with double drum sheep foot roller
Bulldozer operator
$237.38 | $237.38
PL ed ew Bb S189
eC Tle dle Cost per 2/5.¢c.y.. (210 cu.m)
|S oi, ue $ 301.43
per cu.yd. per cu.
Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits.
After Fill has been placed, Self-powered (&ompactor is used to Tamp Earth (Courtesy Caterpillar, Inc.)
The sheepsfoot roller method of compaction is applicable to nearly all soils with cohesive qualities, such as loams and clays, and in very dry soils it may be necessary to add moisture to the material to obtain the correct degree of plasticity. With non-cohesive materials, such as sands and gravels, the sheepsfoot roller usually is ineffective and rubber-tired pneumatic rollers are used instead.
SITE WORK Placing and Compacting Fills for Floors on Grade Inside Buildings. Fill material, necessary to raise the elevation of the subgrade for floors inside buildings, can be placed in a number of ways. For small jobs this is usually done after the building is enclosed. Fill is brought in through door and window openings, and it is spread and tamped by hand. Three laborers working together should spread and tamp 35 to 40 c.y. (27 to 31 cu.m) offill per 8-hr. day at the following cost per c-y. (cu.m):
Laborpereuya ——SSC*dtCi6 LS 26.16|$815.70) per cu. m. ere es 20.53 Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits.
On larger jobs it may be possible to truck the fill material directly into the space and spread-dump it, using a bulldozer to further spread into even layers. Compaction of material in this case can usually be accomplished by using a single drum sheepsfoot roller or small pneumatic roller for the open areas and by hand tamping at walls and columns. Trucking traffic over the various layers of fill is a big help in compacting the material. The roller can be drawn by the same bulldozer that spreads the material and with 2 laborers spreading and tamping at “hard-to-get” places a daily production of 95 to 100 cu. yds. (73 to 76 cu. m) placed and compacted should be realized at the following cost per cu. yd. (cu. m):
SOHp (37 kW) Bulldozer and
Laborer Cost per Cu.Yd per Cu.M. Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits.
Grading consists of dressing up ground surfaces, either by hand or machine, to conform to specified contours or elevations and is usually preparatory to a subsequent operation such as placing sub-base gravel, a floor slab, walk or drive, or spreading top soil for planting areas.
Grading costs vary according to the degree of accuracy demanded and the method by which it is done. Following are approximate costs on some of the various types of grading usually encountered in construction work. Rough Grading. After all backfill is in pl ace and the site has been cut and/or filled to the approximate specified contours, rough grading of the site is done, by hand for small jobs and by machine for large areas, usually preparatory to the spreading of top soil. Tolerance for this type of grading is usually plus or minus 0.1 ft. (0.03 m)
On small jobs a laborer should rough grade 800 sq. ft. (74 sq. m) of ground surface per 8-hr. day at the following cost per 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m):
ean aan fie cae ae Ki Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits.
and a direct 7,500 sq. ft.
On large jobs a bulldozer is usually employed to do rough grading, laborer generally accompanies the machine to check the surface and the operation. A 75-Hp (56 kW) bulldozer should rough grade 6,500 to sq. ft. (604 to 697 sq. m) per 8-hr. day at the following cost per 1,000 (93 sq. m):
© Op‘e)= oO eS
Cost per 1,000 sq. fi.( 92.9 sq. m.) Cost per sq. ft. per sq. m. Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits
Grading for Slabs on Ground. Grading for slabs on ground such as floors, walks, and driveways usually is done by hand unless the job is quite large and can be organized so that some of the work is done by machine. This work generally must be done accurately with tolerances of no more than 1/2” (15 mm). A laborer should grade 500 to 600 sq. ft. (46 to 56 sq. m) per 8-hr. day at the following cost per 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m):
Cost per sq.ft
per Sq. Meter
For sloping surfaces, add about 50% to the above cost, depending on steepness ofpitch.
Finish Grading of Top Soil. After top soil has been spread over areas specified, a finish grading operation, usually including hand-raking, must be performed prior to seeding or sodding. The tolerance on this work usually is plus or minus | inch. A laborer should finish grade and hand-rake 600 to 700 sq. ft. (56 to 65 sq. m) per 8-hr. day at the following cost per 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m):
$3.52 For sloping surfaces, add about 50% to the above cost, depending on steepness of pitch.
Grading for Footing Bottoms. When footing pits and trenches are dug by machine, there is always cleanup, squaring, and grading work to be done by hand. Many contractors price this work by the sq. ft. of footing bottom. A laborer should clean up, square, and grade 200 sq. ft. (19 sq. m) of footing bottom per 8-hr. day at the following cost per 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq.m):
Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits.
Costs Of Excavating Digging Fence Post Holes. When digging 250 post holes about 3’-0” (0.91 m) deep in black soil and sand, using an ordinary augur post-hole digger, a worker will dig 4 holes per hour or 32 per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per hole:
The following
costs are for a theoretical job performed where conditions are favorable, with
no time lost because of bad weather or breakdowns. This is a basement excavation 80’-0”x80’-0” (24 x 24 m) and 13’-0” (4 m) deep. The top 5’-0” (1.5 m) consists of loose clay and loam, while the
lower 8’-0” (2.4 m) is blue grey dolomite limestone in beds varying from 6” to 24” (150 to 600 mm).
A 1-1/2 cu. yd. (1.2 cu. m) loader is used, rented at $61.00 per hr. including operator and fuel. Five 6-cu. yd. (4.60 cu. m) trucks transport the excavated earth and rock to a dump about 1/4-mile (0.4 km) from the job. Trucks are estimated to
cost $62.00 per hr. including gasoline and driver. A 5-1/2”x5” (137.5 x 125 mm) portable air compressor, capacity 900 cu. ft. per minute, and a Type 12 standard I-R jackhammer is used for rock drilling. The rental of the compressor and jackhammer, including gasoline, operator, and repairs to drills, is estimated at $95.00 an hour. Excavating Loose Clay and Loam. The area of loose clay and loam is 80°-0”x80’-0"x5’-0” (24 x 24 x 1.5 m), a total of 1,185 cu. yds. (864 cu. m) of excavation. The average on this job is 135 cu. yds. (103 cu. m) an hr. at the following cost per 100 cu. yds. (76 cu. m):
Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits
Five 10-cu. yd. (7.6 cu. m) trucks will haul 1,080 cu. yds. (826 cu. m)
of excavated earth 1/4 mile (0.40 km) to a dump per day, or an average of 27 cu. yds. (21 cu. m) an hr. per truck, at the following cost per 100 cu. yds.
Four workers at dumped by the trucks. dump is a high-terraced cu. yds. (7.6 cu. m) per
the dump spread the excavated earth after it has been Very little grading is necessary, because the earth fill around a building. A worker will spread about 10 hr. at the following labor cost per cu. yd. (cu. m):
Laborer per Cu. Yd.
$ 26.16|$
Cost per Cu. M.
2.62 3.42
The total cost of excavating, hauling and spreading one cu. yd. (cu. m) of loose earth is as follows:
Does not include hauling equipment to and from project, workers compensation and liability insurance, social security, taxes and overhead and profits Rock Excavation
After the top 5’-0” (1.5 m) of soil have been removed, the excavation
consists of blue grey dolomite limestone, hard and stratified in beds varying from 6” to 24” (150 to 600 mm). The depth of the cut was 8’-0” (2.4 m), which was taken out in two lifts of 4’-0” (1.2 m) each. The last lift was drilled 5’-0” (1.5 m) deep or 1’-0” (.30 m) below the desired level. Total rock excavation is 80’-0”x80’-0"x8’-0” (24 x 24 x 2.4 m), or 1,900 cu. yds. (1382 cu. m). Drilling Rock for Blasting. The area drilled is 80’-0”x80’-0” (24 x 24 m), less a 5’-0” (1.5 m) border on 3 sides and a 10’-0” (3.0 m) border on one side. The rows were 5’-0” (1.5 m) apart and the holes were 5’-0” (1.5 m) on centers, staggered, and all of the holes will be 2” (50 mm) in diameter. There will be 14 rows with 15 holes in a row or a total of 210 holes, as follows: 105 holes 4’-0” (1.2 m) deep, containing 420 lin. ft. (128 m) and 105 holes 5’-0” (1.5 m) deep, containing 525 lin. ft. (160 m), a total of 945 lin. ft. (288 m) of 2” (SO mm) holes. One worker and a helper will drill 15 lin. ft. (4.6 m), possibly up to 60 lin. ft. (18 m), of 2” (SO mm) hole per hr. or 120 lin. ft. (37 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following cost per 100 lin. ft. (30 m):
Cost per cu. yd.(1,900 cy) Cost per lin. meter
Cost per cu. Meter Explosives. The job will require 2.5 cases, 50 Ibs. (22.7 kg) each of 40% dynamite, a total of 125 Ibs. (57 kg), which is equivalent to 1/8 lb. per lin. ft. (0.4 kg per 0.3 m) of hole or per cu. yd. (0.76 cu. m) of excavation. The cost of explosives is as follows: Explosives
Lbs dynamite
$ 10.50 |$ 1,312.50
Number of Electronic
detonators with 6' (1.8M) lead
Lin. Ft. Cords/Lead-in wires
$ 60.96 |$12,192.00
Blasting Mats, each
Total Cost (210 holes)
10.00 :
Cost per hole Cost per Cu. Yd. (1,900 cu.yds.)
Cost per Cu. M. (1452 cu.m.) Note: Due to added security measures, check supplier and local law enforcement agencies for latest security measures and associated costs.
Rock Excavation. There will be 1,900 cu. yds. (1452 cu. m) of rock excavation, taken out in two lifts of 4’-0” (1.2 m) each, and the loader will
handle 45 cu. yds. (34 cu. m) per hr. at the following cost per 100 cu. yds. (76 cu. m):
ie)i) Q.ie)a 3 Loader Operator 3 Labor with Loader ES) Powderman 2 Labor Assisting Total Cost per 100 cu.yd. (76.46 cu.m) Cost per cu.yd. Cost per cu. Meter
: q ‘ ‘
of.15 60.17 N DROS as39.24 1 © 023.10 5) 10.23 $ 13.38
Two 6-cu. yd. (4.6 cu. m) trucks haul the excavated rock to a dump “4 mile (0.4 km) from the job, averaging about 23 cu. yds. (18 cu. m) per hr. per truck, at the following cost per 100 cu. yds. (76 cu. m):
Truck and Dri yd Par a tuetane edule, oe at he dump Trailer)
© Kegidwl
eSAESOLOU |e -B5D150 $ $
Cost per cu. Meter
Note: Add Dump or tip fees if appropriate. Four workers at the dump level 20 cu. yds. (15.3 cu. m) of excavated
rock per hr. at the following labor cost per 100 cu. yds. (76 cu. m):
Cost per Cu. Yd. Cost per cu. Meter The total cost of rock excavation, including drilling, blasting, excavating, hauling, and spreading, averages as follows per cu. yd. (cu. m): Total Rock
$ 0.49
Sr clan lp ee SAT Spreminmand evenig on |S.(5:731/19 6.| Hauling
Rock excavation conditions and costs vary widely. Always obtain information from sources at or near the job site before bidding on this work. Check
with one or more
of the local powdermen
(blasters) they will know
what the local rock conditions are and what production may be expected. As a rule of thumb, the harder the rock the less powder that will be required to blast (remove) each cubic yard.
Drilling Rock Using Pneumatic Jackhammer Drills. The hand held jackhammer is a popular tool for rock drilling on all types of construction jobs. They are furnished in sizes from 30 to 80 Ibs. (14 to 36 kg), and many rock drilling conditions can be met. Holes up to 20 ft. (6 m) in depth are easily drilled with the heavier self containing rock drilling machines. Most sizes of jackhammer can be furnished in three styles, depending on the conditions of drilling and the depth of holes being drilled (dry style for shallow holes, blower style for deep holes, and wet for jobs where dust must be kept down to a minimum). Hollow drill steel of various sizes and shapes are used, the most common being 7/8” and |” hexagon. Bits are sometimes forged on the steel but the detachable bit is by far the most widely used. When drilling holes in rock for work such as trenching and blasting, two workers operating drills should drill
125 to 178 lin. ft. (38 to 53m) of hole per 8-hr. day, at the
following cost per 100 lin. ft. (30 m):
$_28.16 |$ 309.76 Compressor 900 CFM
Cost per 100 lin.ft. (30 m)
Cost per lin. ft. Cost per lin. meter
$ 47.00 | $258.50 $ 776.66
S15 ee $ 25.48
Note. Cost do not include bit charges.
Rock Drilling Using Wagon Drills. The wagon drill consists of a one piece tubular frame on pneumatic or steel tracks and a tilting tower, on which is mounted a heavy pneumatic drill. It drills holes downward at any angle from horizontal to vertical, to depths of 25 to 30 feet (7.5-9.0 m). This type of drill is suitable for all kinds of excavation and trenching and usually does the job of at least 2 or 3 heavy handheld jackhammers. It requires only an
operator, a helper, and a compressor operator. Rock Drilling Using Self Contained Crawler Mounted Drills. Rock drilling for blast holes, etc. is the completely mechanized, self-propelled drill unit. Many construction equipment manufacturers make these units, which can do the work of two or three wagon drills. The unit can move over rugged terrain and can tow or carry its own air supply with it. The set-up time for
SITE WORK each hole is greatly reduced because of the self-propelled features. It is not uncommon for a crawler mounted drill to drill more than 100 lin.ft. or 800 lin. ft. (152 m) per 8-hour shift in hard sedimentary rock. It can be rented
with operator for $800 to $1000 per day. Excavating Using Pneumatic Diggers. These tools can be used to advantage on all classes of excavation that require picking of dirt or clay, such as trench work, tunneling, caisson sinking, and all kinds of building excavation, in fact, on all kinds of work in stiff clay or hard ground where power shovels, trenching machines, etc., cannot be used. On work of this kind, two workers using air picks and six workers shoveling will loosen and shovel 35 to 40 cu. yds. (27 to 31 cu. m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per cu. yd. (cu. m):
Labor operating picks Labor Shoveling
aria ee Leta
Cost per cu.meter Note: Cost do not include bit charges.
On large excavations providing plenty of room for workers, a worker with a pneumatic pick will loosen 25 to 30 cu. yds. (19.1 to 23 cu. m) per 8hr. day. After the clay or earth is loosened, a worker will shovel 6 to 7 cu. yds. (4.5 to 5.4 cu. m) per 8-hr. day.
Comparative Cost By Hand Excavating in stiff clay or tough ground, a worker using a hand pick and shovel will loosen 2-1/2 to 3 cu. yds. (1.9 to 2.3 cu. m) of dirt per 8-hr. day. The same worker, picking only, will loosen 3-1/2 to 4 cu. yds. (2.7 to 3.1 cu. m) of dirt per 8-hr. day, and when shoveling only, will remove 6 to 7 cu. yds. (4.6 to 5.4 cu. m) per 8-hr. day. Using a hand pick, a worker will loosen and shovel one cu. yd. of dirt at the following cost per cu. yd. (cu. m):
Labor per cu.yd.
$ 26.16 |$ 78.48
lapencumeter i 0 in} oo. | $-47.00,| $ 102.64 Backfill Tamping Using a Pneumatic Tamper. A pneumatic tamper enables a worker to do nearly 10 times the amount of work he can do by hand. A backfill tamper strikes over 600 hard, snappy blows a minute, rams
the fill hard, and works in and around pipe with far greater thoroughness than hand devices are able to do. In piers, trenches, etc., where the excavated earth can be shoveled directly into the trench, a worker should backfill 16 to 20 cu. yds. (12.2 to 15.3 cu. m) per 8-hr. day. Where the trenches have to be tamped, one worker with a pneumatic
tamper will tamp as much as 2 workers can backfill, or approximately 35 to 40 cu. yds. (26.8 to 30.6 m) per 8-hr. day. The cu. yd. (cu. m) cost should average as follows:
Labor backfilling
26.16 |$ 10.46
Labor tampering
Comparative Cost By Hand A worker tamps by hand 8 to 10 cu. yds. (6.1 to 7.6 cu. m) of backfill per 8-hr. day, at the following cost per cu. yd. (cu. m):
ee es
ee ies
Cost per cu.yd.
New regulations are being legislated almost on a daily basis. The estimator should become familiar with local EPA regulations and engage the services of a professional who specializes in this area.
The estimator needs to become familiar with the many types and models of pile hammers available for installing various pile types, such as wood, steel pipe, steel sheets, “H” piles, precast concrete (both round and square), combinations of concrete and steel, corrugated and step taper piles.
SITE WORK Pile hammers available include air or steam, diesel, hydraulic, and drop hammers. Drop Hammer. This is simply a heavy weight that is lifted and dropped on the pile. It operates within a guide that directs the impact. In the past the weight was lifted by human or horse power. Occasionally, this is still the case, but usually, a line on a crane or a winch raises the weight to a predetermined height, where a trip releases it to fall freely on the pile. The weight of a drop hammer should be about one-third the weight of the pile to be driven. The fall must be regulated so that the pile is not damaged, and a suitable cap, with cushion material, is used on the pile to distribute the driving force. Drop hammers are used much more in other parts of the world than the U.S. Air and Steam Hammers. Single-acting pile hammers, powered by steam or air, are essentially drop hammers with a short stroke and heavy ram. Steam or air is used to raise the weight much more rapidly than for drop hammers. The falling weight opens a port that admits steam or air under the ram to raise it for the next stroke. The rising elements cut off the pressure and open an exhaust port, permitting practically a free fall of the weight on the next stroke. ' It is essential that the weight be raised to its full height and fall free to develop the rated capacity. The hammer should be powered at the manufacturer’s recommended pressures. It should operate at recommended blows per minute and height of fall. Energy ratings range from 1,000 ft. lbs. up to 60,000 ft. Ibs. (454 to 8292 kgm), but they go up to even 1,800,000 ft. Ibs. (248,868 kgm) for big offshore hammers. Double-acting pile hammers use steam or air both to raise the striking hammer and as a force to add energy on the downward stroke. They operate at about twice the speed of single-acting hammers of equal energy but require more steam or air at greater pressure.
A variation is the differential-acting hammer, where non-expansive use of the steam develops more effective pressure. The significant difference between double-acting and differential-acting is the manner and sequence of exhausting on the upward and downward strokes of the cycle. In the differential-acting hammer, there is no drop from the entering pressure to the main effective pressure moving the piston on the downward stroke. Double-acting and differential-acting hammers usually give better results in granular non-cohesive soils or in soft clays. Used in proper soil conditions with the right pile, almost twice the production can be obtained as with a single-acting hammer. Diesel Hammers. This type of pile hammer gets its energy from the compression blow of a falling weight and the reaction to controlled instantaneous burning and expansion of fuel, which raises the ram for the next stroke. The diesel hammer does not require steam or air under pressure for operation. The only input is a modest amount of diesel fuel, compressed and atomized to ignition readiness. The hammers have a total weight of one-
third to one-half of that of comparable energy-rated single or double-acting steam or air units. Diesel hammers are started by lifting the ram by outside means. In soft overburden there sometimes is a problem where piles move down without developing enough resistance to compress the fuel ignition heat and pressure for the next stroke. Diesels work better in hard driving. Some diesel hammers have a closed top, designed to give added speed and energy to the down stroke. Contractors like diesel hammers because they are lighter and do not require exterior power. Vibratory Driver/Extractor. These use rotating weights set eccentric from their centers of rotation. The result is a machine that is a mechanical sine wave oscillator. It is rigidly connected to the pile, usually by clamps, and it oscillates the pile through the soil. The vibratory driver/extractor incorporates the unique capability of converting from driver to extractor by pulling upon the vibratory hoist line. There are three basic types of Vibratory hammers 1. Resonance Free Vibratory Hammers, these hammers are designed to eliminate vibration during startup and shutdown. As a result, harmful resonance due to soil’s own frequency is avoided 2. Normal Frequency Vibratory Hammers, have high amplitude and high eccentric moment. This type of hammer is suitable for use in clayey soil and soil compaction 3. High Frequency Vibratory Hammers, reduce peak particle velocities, consequently this type of hammer can be used near buildings, sewers, pipes and other buried structures. Vibratory hammers ordinarily do not operate with leads, so other provisions must be made for holding the piles to plan position for driving. Equipment intended for vibratory or sonic installation or withdrawal of bearing or sheet piles should be capable of adjustment for frequency and amplitude to accommodate to different combinations of soils and piling. For efficient operation the machines must grip the pile firmly, with hydraulic or air actuated rams. Verification of bearing capacity of piles installed by vibratory machines by load tests or final driving with an impact hammer usually is considered necessary. When
of piles,
expense before the actual cost of driving the piles can be computed. This includes cost of moving the equipment to the job, setting up the pile rig and being ready to operate, and then, dismantling and removing at completion. This expense will always be pretty much the same, regardless of the size of the job. The equipment move charge is as much on a job with 100 piles as on one containing 1,000 piles. The actual cost of driving the piles will vary with soil conditions, length of piles, and the amount of moving necessary.
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SITE WORK Setting Up and Removing Equipment. The cost of moving the pile driving equipment to the job must be taken into consideration, and then after it arrives at the job, there is the task of setting up the pile driver and getting ready to operate. After the pile driver has been delivered to the project it should take about two to a maximum of 4 hours for a pile driving crew to set it up to be ready to drive piles and this labor should cost as follows: Setting
up Equipment
4 Pile driver (pile bucks)
Rate :
$37.89 |$ 606.24
Total labor cost
$ 1,046.12
_ The above item will remain practically the same whether there are 100 or 1,000 piles to be driven. After the job has been completed, the pile driver must be dismantled, loaded onto trucks and removed from the job, the dismantling should cost as follows: Dismantling
Foreman | 8 |$39.04] $312.32 | Piledriverengineer |_8_| $35.04 |$280.32 |
Oiler | 8) 835.891|.8 287.10. Total labor cost
$ 1,486.00
Various Types of Bearing and Friction Piles
Wood Concrete Steel Treated Cast-in-place HP shape Untreated (plain) | Precast/prestressed Pipe Shell Shell Shell-less
Sheet Pile Wood Steel Precast Concrete
The above types can be used in various combinations, sometimes known as composite piles. A good example of composite pile would be heavy-walled pipe piles filled with concrete. Normally, the designer indicates on the drawings or in the written specifications, or on both, the type of pile and the size of hammer required to install.
Driving Wood Piles. After the pile driver is set up and ready to operate, the labor cost of driving the piles will vary with the length of the piles and job conditions. The following table gives the approximate number of piles of various lengths that should be driven per hour and per day:
Wood piles over 40' are a premium cost.
labor operating the pile driver per 8-hr. day should
cost as
$287.12 The above does not include time and costs for pile layout or resurvey, spotting piles, pumping, shoring, excavating, purchasing piles, pile points, or cutting off and disposal of cut-offs for wood piles after they are driven. It only includes the actual time driving the piles. It also does not include the cost of equipment, fuel, oil, and other supplies for the pile driver. These costs should be added.
SITE WORK Cutting Off Wood Piles. After the wood piles have been driven, the tops projecting above the ground will have to be cut off to grade in order to receive the foundation that is to be placed on them. This cost will vary according to the size of the quarters in which workers must operate, but on the average job, it should require 1/6 to 1/4 hrs. to cut off each wood pile 12” or 14” (300 to 350 mm) in diameter with a chain saw, at the following labor cost per pile:
Pile Driver (pile buck)
To the above costs, add the hourly cost of a gas or hydraulic chain saw and the time for removing sawed-off ends, as well as proper removal and disposal. Computing the Cost of Wood Piles. As described above, the cost of driving wood piles will vary with the number of piles, length, kind of soil, and other job conditions. Pile costs fluctuate so rapidly that current costs must be verified for each project. The following is a sample estimate, showing a method for arriving at costs for driving 680 treated wood piles 40’-0” (12.2 m) long:
Trucking pile driver to job Setting up pile driver, 4-hrs for crew a 80 wood piles, 40’-0” long @ $250 Ea. Sat : ine = ah Driving piles, 22 pile per 8-hr.day = 31 days
FA — > — Nn~ ionoo ie)fe) ima
$ 5,000.00 $ 1,046.12 $ 170,000.00 § 35,888.08
Fuel, oil, misc. supplies, etc. 31 days @ $225 per
SIMSIE92 5,000.00
driver at completion, | day Trucking pile driver, job to yard Equipment rental, including leads, hammer and
= $2,100 per day
65,100.00 290 191-12
Nef as}
1S lo =i to a ISIS > Ble Ie.18 (7Q = mas 19/8 o190 AlA!AIS lohs ala 3 ey.) |co]o 5®RIA GOeVes [tei Menvl | pey ©10
426.75 10.67 35.00
Add cost of cutting off piles after driving, and for overhead & profit.
Driving Steel HP Piles. Once the pile driver is set up and ready to operate, labor costs for actually driving the piles will vary with the length of piles and site conditions.
Rolled structural steel shapes are also used as bearing piles. The shape commonly used for this purpose is the HP. This type of pile has proved especially useful for trestle structures in which the pile extends above the ground and serves not only as a pile but also as a column. Because of their small cross-sectional area, piles of this type can often be driven through dense soils to point bearing where it would be difficult to drive a pile of solid cross-section, such as a wood, cast-in-place, or precast concrete. But the feature that allows it to penetrate dense soils works to its disadvantage in other soil. Where piles are used to support loads by friction, or where they are used primarily for compaction, a considerably longer HP is required to carry the same load that can be supported by a pile of less length but greater cross-sectional area. The upper ends of HP piles can be encased in concrete to prevent corrosion. Steel piles weighing more than 200 Ibs. per I.f. (303 kg per m) have been driven in lengths up to 130 feet (40 m). Lighter sections have been driven to even greater lengths. Driving HP Section Piles. The following table gives the approximate number of HP piles of various lengths that can be driven per hour and per day, assuming average job site conditions:
Length of
Pile (Ft) 20
Length of
Pile (m) 32
The labor cost of operating the pile driver per 8-hr. day is as follows:
Labor Costs for Pile Diving 8-Hours
5263.12 16.00 [$35.04[$ 560.64 [439.20 The above does not include time and costs for pile layout or resurvey, spotting piles, pumping, shoring, excavation, purchase of piles, pile points and pile splices, or cutting off driven piles. It only includes the actual time driving piles. It does not include the cost of equipment, fuel, oil, and other
supplies for the pile driver.
SITE WORK Prices of Steel HP Piles. Prices of steel HP piles vary considerably,
mainly due to the material cost of the rolled steel sections. Steel sections commonly used for this purpose may range from an 8-inch (200 mm) HP section weighing 36 lbs. per lin. ft. (55 kg per m) to a 14-inch (350 mm) HP section weighing 117 lbs. per lin. ft. (177 kg per m). Assuming a unit cost of $0.60 per lb. ($1.32 per kg), delivered to job site from warehouse, the HP beam material will cost from $21.60 to $35.10 per 1.f. ($70-115 per m). If the job is in an isolated location, additional transportation charges must be figured. Cutting Off Steel HP Piles. After the steel HP section pile has been driven, the pile tops that project above the ground must be cut off to the required elevation to receive the foundation that will be placed on them. The cost will vary according to the size of the pile and the quarters in which workers must work. A burning outfit, consisting of gauges, burning torch, hoses, acetylene, and oxygen is normally required to cut HP steel piles at the following cost per pile: Cutting
Steel Piles
To the above, add the costs for a complete burning outfit, time for removing the cut off pile sections, and the cost for removal from the site and
proper disposal. Splicing Steel HP Piles. When splicing is necessary, steel HP piles can be spliced in the field. When butt welded, splices should be full penetration butt welds across both flanges and the web. Edges on the ends of the upper section, where welding is to be done, should be beveled for penetration welding. The top of the pile length, where driving will be done, should not be beveled.
Total RETIRES $46.60 |203 mm 254 tata os a which
The costs vary according to the size of the piles and the quarters in workers are obliged to operate. Add to the above all costs for
additional material and equipment (such as plates, welding machine, and pile equipment), and standby time while welding is being performed, and all required testing. Prefabricated splicers are available from Dougherty Foundation Products, Inc. of Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. These splicers temporarily hold a length of HP pile until the joint can be completed. The driver can set an extension and then move on to other work while the welding takes place, at the following labor cost per pile:
Rate $35.04 |$17.52| Material Cost for DFP*
| 8" 1S 56.00]
203 to 356mm
200mm __
*Dougherty Foundation Products, Inc., Franklin Lakes, NJ
The costs vary according to the size of the piles and the quarters in which workers must operate. CONCRETE
Due to the wide variety of conditions under which concrete piles are installed and used, it is difficult to give dependable cost figures without knowing the details of each installation. The different types of concrete piles vary considerably in cost. When estimating work containing concrete piles, it is always advisable to consult contractors specializing in this class of work. Most of them maintain offices in the principal cities and are usually willing to investigate and quote budget prices on anticipated work. More accurate figures can be obtained than can be given here. There are two principal types of concrete piles, cast-in-place and precast. The cast-in-place pile is formed in the ground in the position near where it is to be used in the foundation. The precast pile is cast above ground, and after it has been properly cured, it is driven or jetted just like any pile. In ordinary building foundation work, the cast-in-place pile is most common, because the required length can be readily adjusted in the field as the job progresses. There is no need to predetermine pile lengths, and the required length is installed at each pile location. In contrast, it is necessary to predetermine the length of precast piles, and to provide for contingencies, it is generally required that piles be ordered longer than the actual anticipated length. Also, it is not possible to determine
SITE WORK the pile length at each location, because subsoil conditions at any construction site will show considerable variation. The cost of waste piling for precast piles can be quite high, as is the cost of cutting them off to the proper grade. Precast piles are prestressed and are manufactured at established plants. Job site casting is relatively rare. It is difficult and costly to handle and transport precast or prestressed concrete piles especially in long lengths, and a production plant should be relatively close to the job site to reduce shipping costs. In marine installations, either in salt water or fresh water, the precast pile is used almost exclusively, because of the difficulty of placing cast-inplace piles in open water. For docks and bulkheads, the cast-in-place pile is sometimes used in the anchorage system. On trestle type structures, such as highway viaducts, the precast pile is commonly used. A portion of the pile often extends above the ground and serves as a column for the superstructure. Precast concrete piles are always reinforced internally so that they resist stress from handling and pile driving. Cast-in-place piles are rarely reinforced, because lateral support of even the poorest of soils is sufficient to overcome any bending moments induced in the pile by column action. _ Cast-in-place Concrete Pipe Piles. Pipe can be of any practical diameter. It is almost always filled with concrete, but with adequate wall thickness in non-corrosive ground, it can be used without concrete. Driving usually produces stresses greater than the working load on the pile. Pipe should conform to ASTM A252, Specifications for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles. Pipe shell that does not contribute to the strength of the pile as a structural member may be of any metal that adequately resists installation stress and maintains an open shaft to receive the concrete, free from water or other foreign matter. Steel shell should meet the applicable requirements of ASTM
Specifications, A-283, A-366, or A-415.
The end closure for pipe or shell may be cast steel meeting requirements of ASTM A-27 or structural steel meeting ASTM A-36 or better. Concrete for cast-in-place piles should conform to requirements for cement, aggregate, mixing, placing, and protection specified by ACI or PCA for quality concrete. Cast-in-place concrete piles can be one of four types: 1) closed-end pipe 2) open-end pipe, 3) thin-cased and 4) corrugated shell. The closed-end pipe pile is simply a piece of steel pipe, closed at the bottom with a heavy boot, driven into the ground, and filled with concrete. The uses and allowable loads for these piles are about the same as for other types of cast-in-place piles with driven shells. On some projects the pipe shell is driven all in one piece, but often it is driven in sections that are welded together or fitted together with internal drive fit sleeves as the driving progresses. Pipe wall thickness must be adequate to develop the required stiffness and driveability of the pipe.
Open-end steel pipe piles are usually driven to bearing on rock. Since the pipe is open at the bottom during driving, the interior fills with soil which must be removed before concreting. Cleaning is usually done accomplished by air and water jets, after which the pipe is re-driven to insure proper “seating” in the rock. Remaining water is pumped out and the pipe pile is filled with concrete. Open-end pipe installed in this manner usually carry relatively high working loads. They have been installed up to 60” inches (1500 mm) in diameter and in lengths exceeding 200 feet (61 meters). Estimating the Cost of Concrete Pipe Piles. The cost of concrete pipe piles will vary greatly, depending upon the number of piles in the project and the length of each pile, splices required, shoes, etc., and because it is the total footage of piles in the project rather than the number of piles that controls the price. For example, the price per foot for 100 piles 35 feet long would be much greater than the price per foot for 1,000 piles 25 feet (7.6 meters) long. For any type of pile, contractors who specialize in this work are usually willing to submit budget prices, which include all layout, re-survey, labor, materials, pile load tests (if required) and equipment for the complete project. A detailed estimate would only be required when such budget prices are not available, or for some reason the estimator does not desire to seek out
a budget price. As with all pile driving, regardless of-the size of the job, there is a fixed charge for moving equipment on and off the project that will cost from $5,000.00 to $25,000.00, provided the equipment is located in the vicinity of the work. If it is necessary to ship plant and equipment from one city to another, it will be necessary to add additional freight and trucking amounting to $2,000.00 to $4,000.00, making a total fixed charge of $7,000.00 to $29,000.00, before figuring the cost ofthe piles. Labor Driving Cast-in-place Concrete Pipe Piles. After the pile driver has been set up and ready to operate, the number of piles driven per day and the labor cost driving them will vary with the length of the piles and job conditions. For instance, on a job where the piles were closely spaced and driven from a flat surface, a pile driver averaged 100 piles a day (which is exceptional), while on another job where the piles were more widely scattered and had to be driven from different elevations, it was with difficulty that 20 piles were driven per day. Labor Placing Concrete for Piles. Practically 90% of all concrete used in concrete piles is ready-mix concrete, which is usually discharged directly into the piles. Ordinarily it requires 1/2 to 1 hour time for one worker per cu. yd. (cu. m) of concrete.
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Pipe Sizes Frequently Used for Piling and Concrete Required
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Weight of Pipe Concrete ee
F | per M
0 0273 0 0270 0 0267 0.0685 0.0677 0.0670
0309 0.0306 0 0303 0.0297 0 0291 0 0279
0.0775 0.0768 0.0760 0.0745 0.0730 0.0700
0 0375 0 0372
0.0941 0.0933 0.0923 0.0908 0.0891 0.0855
0.0362 0.0355 0.034
0.05 0.0539 0.0532 0.0519 0.0509 0.0482
0 0217 0 0215 0 0212 0 0207 0 0203 0.0192
0.0469 0.0464 0.0457
Ob reas
0.0 87 0 0185 0 0182
0.0356 0.03 0.0339 0.0334 0.0324 0.0314
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Quantity of Concrete Required in Various Size Pipe Piles in Cu. Ft., Cu. Yds. and Cu. Meters
tencth| 12” O-D. x 250 Wall |14" O.D. x 250 Wall | “ae SOC OO Sim Wall |S50mimace os ni Wal i | CuFt ere ee
0.72 | 3.60 |.0.1333| 0.1019] 4.96 |0.1837} 0.1405] 1.52 7.20 10.80 14.40 |0.5333]
(j=) aNSs)J (ore)
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\O oe)S
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0.6407 | | 23.80| 18.70 .692 |0.5296 0.5296| 17.30
0 640 7
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fore)ore)— Nn A oNQ KRS
0 20.10 |0.7444 |0.5692 | 27.80 | 1.0296 |0.7873]
21.60 23.00 24.50 10.97 11.58 12.19 12.80 13.41 14.02 14.63
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: SWE | |
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12.19 12.80 | Bo| KK | onwe) NTN
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15.24 | 0.5644
| 60 | 18.29
_d BIW] \Oo ;}oo|N
N 15.24
15.85 16.46 17.07 17.68
15.85 16.46 17. 17. N
(| HIO Sy o};N
0.935 AS
Quantity of Concrete Required in Various Size Pipe Piles in Cu. Ft., Cu. Yds. and Cu. Meters L
h se
16" O.D. x .250 Wall
| 24" O.D. x .250 Wall
400mm x 6.25 mm Wall |600mm x 6.25 mm Wall
ee Aisect
ciel SOE Cu .30 1.30 0.085 6.54 0.4248 13.00 0: 19.60 4.57 26.10 28.80 : 7 31.40 : 32 34.00 7 36.60 : 39.20 1.90 50 |1.6481 |1.2602 |102.00 |3.7778 |2.8885] 7.10 49.70 19 52.30 80 54.90 57.60 S 60.20 14. 62.80 14. 65.40 . 68.00 156.00 70.70 _|2.6185 73.30 75.90 6.4444 : 78.50
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A 8 ¢ $ Fs
Various Types of Precast Concrete
be. = 3" F ® Zz Fs z
Piles Squared
Design Bearing Capacity
Diameter 3 Strand|Strand}
Fe ae Fe
ee 365
in Tons * Inch 4 4
5000 psi | 6000 psi
ae Sorel Ces il iy et (Rn Tee ee a Ee) 2 a eee ee 10 Te Ce Ee a ee ae
20 eC EE Ae ee SO ae ae ee ea
Various Types of Precast Concrete Piles Squared Prestressed Piles - Metric Strand per Pile Design Bearing Capacity Diameter
in Tons 4
508 HC |476.22_ 543.19
284.85 323.86
ae ne snes ome
#§ GAUGE .2070" SPIRAL
2%" TYP.
2%" TYP.
Cross-sections of Octagonal Prestressed Piles
Strand per Pile Diameter ?
f Octag N >= ja) =) ian aS)oO Loa
Design Bearing Capacity
1/2" |Perimeter]
Concrete |Concrete
6000 psi 242
trand per Pile]
Design Bearing Capacity
Diameter ?
in Tons *
10-93-| -12:50 Perimeter} mm | mm Strand|Strand}
Strength | Strength
219.54 265.80 315.70
1854 2032
| 244.03
Notes (For both square and octagonal piles) 1. Voids in 20”, 22”, and 24” (500, 550, 600 mm) diameter hollow-core (HC) piles are 11”’,
13”, and 15” (275, 325, 375 mm) diameter respectively, providing a minimum 4-1/2” (112.5 mm) wall thickness.
2. Weights are based on 150 Ibs. (68 kg) per cu. ft. ofconcrete. 3. Based on 7/16” and 1/2” (10.9 and 15 mm) 270 Grade stress-relieved strand with an ultimate
strength of 31,000 and 41,300 lbs. (14061 and 18233 kg) respectively. 4. Design bearing capacity based on 5,000 and 6,000 psi (34.5 and 41.4 MPa) concrete and an allowable unit stress on the full section of 0.33 fce - 0.27 fce where fce is the concrete stress in the pile due to prestressing, after all losses. These bearing capacity values may be increased if higher strength concrete is used.
Cutting Off Precast/Prestressed Square or Octagonal Piles. After concrete piles have been driven, it might be necessary to cut off the tops of piles to the proper elevation. Costs for this work vary according to the size of piles and the space in which workers must operate. There are two methods to cut the pile: 1) Conventional. Before cutting a precast or prestressed pile, make a circumferential cut, with a diamond or carborundum saw, to score the pile and prevent spalling and then jackhammer the portion above the cut off. 2) Use of hydraulic shears. This type of cutting machine normally requires the use of a crane. Though faster, the costs need to be worked out as the most economical method of cut-off.
Fiydraullc Shear
Square |Octagonal W/ Crane
ey SS i
Laos poe Hable Vee i| Boeges| —
To costs for the above, add the costs of cutting tools and equipment, as well as costs for removal and disposal of cut off sections of pile. Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Piles. These are centrifugally cast in 16-foot
providing a wide range of available pile shapes. These piles are cast with zero-slump concrete, and strengths from 7,000 to 10,000 psi (48 to 69 MPa) are attained. They are made with the Cen-Vi-Ro process, which is a combination of centrifugal casting, vibrating, and rolling. It produces an extremely dense concrete with an absorption factor about 40% less than bedcast concrete piles. The use of zero-slump concrete prevents migration of the coarse aggregate during the spinning process so that the aggregates are uniformly distributed across the pile wall. These piles are available in diameters from 36 to 90 inches (900 to 2250 mm), but the standard sizes are 36, 54, and 66 inch (900, 1350, 1650 mm) O.D. Wall thicknesses are 5 inches (125 mm) for the 36- and 54-inch piles (900 and 1350 mm) and 6 inches (150 mm) for the 66-inch (1650 mm)
piles. Cylinder Piles are driven either open or closed end. They are capable of
SITE WORK carrying extremely high compression loads and resisting large lateral forces or bending moments. They are used for elevated highways, bridges, piers, offshore platforms, and breakwaters. For bridges and other trestletype structures, cylinder piles serve as both foundation pile and pier or column. Standard Sizes of Cylinder Piles
Outside Diam.
|Inside Diam.|
Wall Thickness
44 eo4
5 1
Outside Diam.
|Inside Diam.|
Wall Thickness
12-24 16-32 Number of Cables
Prestressed Cylinder Piles Pile Load Testing. When required, load testing might cost anywhere from $5,000 to more than $20,000. Because of the wide variation in piles,
and in conditions under which they are tested, it is difficult to give dependable costs without knowing the details of an individual installation. Costs are affected by factors such as the information that is to be obtained and the quarters in which the test is to be undertaken. There are a number of methods for determining the load-carrying capability of a pile: static load testing with intermittent addition of load; constant rate of penetration; dynamic testing while driving; and others. Before a pile load test is made, the proposed apparatus and structure for reactions and loading should be fully detailed and costs applied. Load tests are normally carried to twice the design load, and pile tests can be in excess of 500 tons (560 m tons).
For a load test, piles have to be driven. Often, reaction piles are also installed to counteract the test force. This requires the same materials and equipment as planned for production driving. Another pile or two, perhaps
with a cast-steel point for comparison, can be added with little increase in the cost. Typical Pile Load Test Setups. Supports for loads or reaction piles should be at least five pile diameters or 5 feet (1.5 m) from the pile under test. In some soils, this should be as much as 10 diameters. The object is to
keep the reaction far enough away that it will not affect the pile under test. Pile load tests vary because of the different types of tests and the various types of piles. The test might vary from $5,000 to $50,000. In some rare cases, the cost has gone as high as $150,000. Not all piles require a load test. Usually, a pile of 20-ton (22 m ton) capacity or less does not require tests.
te Oe pr
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Ol ee
Cross Beams
=| Steel Plate =——-—
Typical setup for pile load testing in axial compression using anchor piles,
Some local codes mandate a minimum length that must be driven before a pile is considered a pile (for example, 10 feet (3.1 m) of pile driven tip to cut off). Pile driving contractors commonly quote projects giving several different unit costs:
Item Description Bid Unit PL EGUUNIZaOUt. t care ines aeat asa theese ene ce eee ee . Lump Sum 2 Pals Lipa: Vesti. sve ckesy” yc ekleronc and Sets Char tee ee Each SPIE MCOSS rat cn aoe ee ee A) DSRIOD LAAON as, . cree neuas st,oar
Each or Lin. Ft. (Meter) ee ee Re ee Lump Sum
Some pile driving contractors combine the mobilization and demobilization. On small jobs, where tests are not required, they will quote the project as a lump sum. 02350 CAISSONS Caisson foundations are normally used to support heavy structures where soil conditions near grade cannot support them. Where such conditions exist, the foundation should be carried down through the unsatisfactory soil
to material that can carry the imposed load, without causing any detrimental settlement. The size and depth of caissons will vary with the loads to be carried and the distance to material of the required bearing capacity. For example, caissons bearing on rock in downtown Chicago vary from 90 to 190 feet in depth (27 to 58 m). Caissons can be dug either with straight shafts to the required depth, or they can be belled at the bottom to provide additional bearing area. Most caissons are installed using various types of drill rigs, but under certain conditions hand dug caissons are used. Drilling machines are capable of not only drilling the shaft but mechanically forming a bell. The cost of excavating varies with the diameter and depth of the caisson, site conditions, and the type of soil. There are contractors who specialize in installing caissons. On jobs of any size, it is advisable to obtain figures from specialty contractors in this work, because they are equipped to perform it much more economically. Hand Dug Caissons. The hand method of excavation most commonly used is known as the Chicago method. This consists of excavating with hand tools and lining the hole with wood lagging held in place by steel rings. The wood lagging has beveled edges and is tongue grooved. The lagging is milled from either 2”x6” (50 x 150 mm) or 3”x6” (75 x 150 mm) mixed hardwood in 16’ (4.9 m) lengths, which are commonly cut into thirds so that a set of lagging is 5’-4” (1.62 m) long. Three-inch steel channels are formed in a half circle with a plate on each end to permit bolting the half sections together. Two complete rings are required for each set oflagging. To determine the excavation quantity, multiply the cross-sectional area by the length allowing for the increased diameter due to the lagging. To determine the quantity of concrete required, multiply the crosssectional area by lengths making proper corrections if the finished concrete surface is to be below the ground surface. If the caisson has a bell, the volume of it must be computed using the formula for a truncated cone: V = 1/3(Al + A2 + Al + A2) h, where Al + A2 are the area ofthe bases and h is
the height ofthe bell. Excavation quantity for Cross-sectional area for 31.5 x 106 x 1/27 = 124 (916 x 32.3 %.305/ = 95
6’-0” (1.82 m) caisson 106° (32.3 m) deep 6’-4” (1.9 m) = 31.5 sq. ft. (2.92 sq. m) cu. yds. CU. m)
Concrete quantity: Cross-sectional area 28.3 x 106 x 1/27 = Allow 5% for waste (3.63 % 32.3 % 3057 Allow 5% for waste
for 6’-0” (1.82 m) = 28.3 sq. ft. (2.63 sq. m) 111 cu. yds. for a total of 117 cu. yds. =S) CU. in for a total 89 cu. m)
After determining the excavation quantities and the concrete quantities, it is necessary to determine the amount of lagging and rings. By cutting the bevel and tongue and grooves in the lagging, the width of the lagging is reduced, so that it requires 7 pieces of 2”x6” (50 x 150 mm) per foot of diameter of the caisson. For example, a 4’ (1.20 m) diameter caisson
requires 28 pieces of lagging around the circumference. Therefore, using 2”x6” (50 x 150 mm) lagging, which is one board foot, it would require 28 board feet per foot of depth for a 4’ (1.2 m) caisson or 42 board feet (0.08 cu. m) using 3” thick lagging. To determine the amount of lagging required in a 6’ (1.8 m) diameter caisson, 106’ (32.3 m) deep using 2” (50 mm) lagging, multiply 6 x 7 or 42 board feet per foot (0.08 cu. m) of depth x the depth, which is 106’ (32.3 m), or 4,452 board feet (8.9 cu. m) If the lagging had been 3” (75 mm), it would be 6,678. A caisson 106’ (32.3 m) deep would require 20 sections of 5’-4” (1.6 m) lagging. Using 2 rings for each section of lagging, the caisson would require 40 rings. The rings are usually made from 3” (75 mm) channels, weighing 4.2 lbs. per foot (6.3 kg/m). Each ring will weigh approximately 80 lbs. (36 kg) plus 10 lbs. for the plates at the ends of the half circles, for a total of 90 Ibs. (40 kg). Labor Required for Caissons. Labor costs of caissons excavating varies with the diameter and depth of caissons, whether hand or pneumatic tools
the type
of soil, and
or not
encountered. It is generally assumed that one caisson digger can hand dig approximately 4 to 5 yards (3 to 3.8 cu. m) per 8-hour shift and place the lagging and rings. Only one worker can work in a 4’ (1.2 m) diameter shaft, but two workers can work in a 5’ (1.5 m) diameter or larger shaft. In a 6’ (1.8 m) caisson, two workers each taking out 4 yards (3 cu. m) should be able to excavate approximately 7’ (2.1 m) per shift. At the surface, a pneumatic
tugger hoist and tripod would be required with two laborers to operate the hoist and dump the buckets. Generally, several caissons are constructed simultaneously, so the cost involved in furnishing compressed air for the hoist is spread over three or more caissons. In addition to the above, it will be necessary to allow for time of foreman, timekeepers, material clerks, engineers, and cost of setting up and removing equipment, which will cost from $4.00 to $6.00 per cu. yd. ($5.00 to 8.00 per cu. m). It may be estimated separately under overhead expense and an amount allowed to cover the entire job.
SITE WORK To summarize the costs involved for constructing a caisson 6 ft. (1.8 m) in diameter and 106 ft. (32.3 m) deep, with two others being constructed simultaneously, time to excavate and lag: 124 cu. yds. @ 4 cu. yds./shift/digger = 31 shifts. Using two diggers, this would be 15-1/2 shifts. Allow 16 shifts.
Shifts 16.00 |Shifts NO
Soil Removal
Rate 124.00]Cu.Yd| $ 16.00 |$_ 1,984.00 Excavation
To the above cost it will be necessary to add for setting up and removing necessary plant and equipment, electric current and wiring, concrete furnishing and placing, overhead expenses, contingencies, miscellaneous expenses, and profit. Work ofthis type in the Chicago area generally costs from $200.00 to $275.00 per cu. yd. ($260 to 360 per cu. m) of completed caisson. Excavating for Caissons with Pneumatic Diggers. When excavating for caissons 5’-0” to 8’-0” (1.5 to 2.4 m) in diameter and up to 100’-0” (30.5
m) deep, a worker with a pneumatic digger will loosen and load into buckets 9 to 11 cu. yds. (6.9 to 8.4 cu. m) per 8-hr. shift, depending upon the toughness ofthe clay and the working space, at the following cost per cu. yd. (cws mi):
Pneumatic Diggers
Labor Operating Digger and Loading Buckets
Mis 26.16
Total Cost per Cu. Yd Total Cost per Cu.M When excavating caissons by hand, two “diggers” will loosen and load into buckets, 6 to 7 cu. yds. (4.6 to 5.4 cu. m) per 8-hr. shift, at the following labor cost per cu. yd. (cu. m):
Labor per Cu. Yd. Labor per Cu.M
$ 26.16|$ $
65.40 S505
Drilled Caissons. The use of drilling machines for the installation of caisson foundations has eliminated the hand digging method except in situations where adequate clearances to surrounding structures or utilities cannot be maintained. Drilled caissons have proved more economical than hand-dug caissons for several reasons, the most important of which is the fact that smaller shaft diameters may be used. The minimum size of a handdug caisson is 4’ (1.2 m) in diameter, which often provides a greater crosssectional area of concrete than is required for the load imposed upon it. Another important reason is that drilled caissons can be installed in considerably less time. There are many firms specializing in this type of work throughout the country. A typical job, consisting of 100 caissons with 2’-0” (.6 m) shaft diameters, 5’-0” (1.5 m) bells, and 25’ (7.6 m) deep, might be estimated as follows, assuming normal clay digging. First, compute the total volume of
SITE WORK excavation, which in this. case would be 418 cu. yds. (320 cu. m). To this
figure add about 10% overbreak, making a total of 460 cu. yds. (352 cu. m). Assuming each drill rig can complete 5 caissons per day, the job would take 20 days. Allow approximately 10% extra time for weather and total of 23 days to complete the job.
Drill Rig
$ 186.25]
Drill Rig Operator
A671 76
32.89 |$ |$ 26.16]$
6,051.76 9,626.88
184.00 368.00
$ 34,270.00
Cost per Cu. Yd. (418 Cu. Yd) Cost per Cu.Meter (319.6 CuM) These costs are for the complete caisson installation. Allowances must be added for reinforcing steel, additional labor based on union requirements, temporary or permanent casings if necessary, soil and concrete testing, surveying, disposal of excavated materials, and equipment move and set-up charges, if these items are included in the caisson contractor’s contract, and
overhead and profit. Churn Drills. In areas where subsurface conditions are such that rotary drilling or augured caissons are difficult or impossible, the use of churn drills is usually effective. This caisson installation is sometimes known as the “drilled in” caisson method. The cost for a 30” (750 mm) diameter drilled in caisson, complete in place, which includes the concrete, can range from $800 to $1,500 per lineal
foot ($2620 to $4920 per m). If bentonite is used in the installation of the caisson to produce the drillers mud, it is necessary to figure additional cost for the disposal of the bentonite. This can be an additional $200 to $500 per lin. ft. ($600 to $1640 per m). Labor cost for drilling 4 1.f. (1.2 m) is as follows:
Diller fhe Cost per Lin. Meter
[8.00 |S 37.89) 308.12 $
Wood sheet piling and bracing is usually estimated by the square foot (or square meter or cubic meter taking the number of sq. ft. (sq. m) of bank or trench walls to be braced, plus an additional amount for penetration at the bottom of the excavation and an allowance for extension above the top, and then estimating the cost of the work at a certain price per sq. ft. (sq. m) for labor and material required. Sheet piling or bracing is required where the soil is not self supporting or where the excavation banksides cannot be sloped back. There is usually considerable vibration adjacent to railroad tracks and roadways that can cause the banks to cave in. Unless there is ample space on all sides of the excavation, the banks should be sheet piled to avoid damage to streets, alleys, or adjacent buildings. Trenches or foundation piers 5’-0” to 8’-0” (1.5 to 2.4 m) deep and 3’0” to 4’-0” (.9 to 1.2 m) wide may require bracing or sheet piling, but this is much simpler than is ordinarily required for basement excavations. The cost of this work will vary with the kind of soil, depth of excavation, amount of bracing or sheet piling required, and the method used to place. In ordinary excavations where no water is encountered, 2” or 3” (50 to 75 mm) square edge planks may be used, but if running sand or water is encountered, tongue and grooved planks should be used, as it is easier to keep them in line, and they are more water tight than square edge planks. It is customary to cut the bottom edge of each plank on a slight angle, so that in driving it is wedged against the preceding plank. The upper corners of the plank should also be cut off so that the effect of the driving will be concentrated along the vertical axis of the plank. It requires 3 to 3-1/2 b.f(.007 to .008 Cu.M) of lumber to sheet pile one sq. ft. of trench bank 5’-0” to 8°-0"(1.5-2.4 M)deep, but on large deep excavations it will require 6 to 8 b.f. (.014 to .019 Cu.M.) of lumber per sq. ft. of wall. Important: The reader needs to know that the conversion from Board Feet to Cubic Meter has been omitted. To do a straight conversion from board feet to cubic meter is not a direct conversion. Since board feet is not really 1/12 ofa cubic foot, a dressed piece of softwood lumber 2” x4” x 12’ is actually I 7” x 3%" x 12’. Since metric uses actual sizes and board feet uses nominal sizes, a straight conversion that 424 Board Feet = 1 Cubic Meter will be misleading.
SITE WORK Sheet piling is usually driven with a pneumatic hammer designed especially for this purpose. On very large jobs an ordinary pile driver is used for driving the sheet piling, but this is only on jobs of sufficient size to warrant the cost ofa pile driver and crew. Bracing and Sheet Piling Trenches and Piers. When excavating trenches and piers 5’-0” to 8-0” (1.5 to 2.4 m) deep, it is not always necessary to sheathe the banks solid but two or three lines of braces placed along the sides of the trench (as illustrated) will often be sufficient.
Where necessary to sheathe the banks solid, it will require about 3 to 3-1/2 b.f. (.007 to .008 cu. m) of lumber per sq. ft. of trench bank. A method of determining the quantity of lumber required for sheet piling a trench
similar to the one illustrated is as follows: Compute the quantity of lumber necessary to sheet pile a trench 50’0” (15.2 m) long and 7’-0” (2.1 m) deep, sheathed on both sides. To the depth of 7’-0” (2.1 m) must be added an amount for penetration. If 1-0” (.3 m) will be sufficient, then figure 8’-0” (2.4 m) lumber. If, however, 2’-0” (.6 m)
penetration is required, then 10’-0” (3 m) lumber must be figured leaving 1’0” (.3 m) to extend above grade. Assuming 2’-0” (.6 m) penetration is required and 10’-0” (3 m) lumber must be used, this is equivalent to 100 lin. ft. (30.5 m) of sheathing 10°-0” (3 m) high, or 1,000 sq. ft. (93 sq. m), and the
following lumber will be required:
Lumber | Meters
150 Pes [2 "x 8"- 10 '- 0" 12 Pes |4"x_ 6" - 16-0" eres
4'-0" apart
Total lumber re quired
104] 2,488
Feet of lumber, bd.ft. per sq.ft. sheathing, divided by
0.245 5.868
3 55
1,000 Feet of lumber, bd.ft. per sq.ft. trench bank, divided
by 700 This is based on using 2” (50 mm) plank for sheathing, 2 rows of
4”x6” (100 x 150 mm) stringers or “wales” placed near the top and bottom as illustrated, and 4”x6”
(100 x 150 mm)
or 6”x6” (150 x 150 mm) braces.
Trenches over 10-0” (3.0 m) deep will require an additional line of stringers for each additional 4’-0” to 5’-0” (1.2 to 1.5 m) depth.
aT OF ae a a
re rertb ©
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Y MES re
Method of Bracing
Method of Sheet Piling
Trench Excavation
Trench Excavation
Most contractors who do a volume of this work use trench jacks instead of 4”x6” or 6”x6” braces. These jacks cost from $300.00 to $35 .00 each and would not be economical for the contractor who does only an occasional job of this sort. The savings in material and labor is so slight that it is practically negligible. Sheet Piling for Basements and Deep Foundations. On general basement excavation or large piers 8’-0” to 12’-0” (2.4 to 3.6 m) deep, where it is necessary to brace any or all of the outside banks, the following lumber is required for a bank 50’-0” (15 m) long, 8’-0” (2.4 m) deep, and containing 400 sq. ft. (37 sq. m) of bank to be sheathed: Description
Lumber | Meters
| 80 Pes|2"x8"- 10 ' 0" [Sheeting | aT: : = 6"x
-o"l- Lines of Stringers or
tr ie
[OuReadl Canoe B"x
oe ee
— 1.509
eaeulaialee about meee eee. 5'- 0" apart
about 5'- 0" apart
about 5' apart
Total lumber required
Bd.Ft. per Sq.Ft. of Sheet Piling
Feet of lumber, a umber bd.ft. persq Lt rench h
2,731 | 6.441 |
0.013 (divi bank, bank, (divided
: 4 RUBE
SoS ase SSeasc =: ys
Methods of Bracing Basements or Deep Excavations On deep excavations and piers 14’-0” to 20’-0” (4.3 to 6.1 m) below grade, 3” (75 mm) plank should be used for sheathing and either 6”x8” (150 x 200 mm) or 8”x8” (200 x 200 mm) lumber for stringers or “wales” and 8”x8” (200 x 200 mm) or 10”x10” (250 x 250 mm) timbers for bracing.
Lines of stringers or “wales” should be spaced 4’-0” to 5’-0” (1.2 to 1.5 m) apart, depending upon the earth pressure. An example of lumber required to sheet pile and brace a bank 50’-0” (15 m) long and 16’-0” (4.9 m) deep, containing 800 sq. ft. (74 sq. m) of bank, is as follows: Description
ZPx 88218 -O"|Sheetng | 9 Pes
18 "x
16 '-0"
Lumber | Meters
san aa
3 Lines of Stringers or
le ponce tt
(SeXe Se
Koi sO
about 5'- 0" apart
Intermediate braces spaced about S'- 0"
9 2.012
10 Pos
8 "x
Sr eexek Silat
_|Bottom braces spaced about 5'- 0" apart Stakes spaced about Ors A) 6 ea 5'- 0" apart
Total lumber required
(dividedby 900)
Feet of lumber, bd.ft. per sq.ft. trench bank, divided by 800
5,888 | 13.887
0.015 0.017
Cost of lumber should be computed according to number of times it can be used on the job. Where labor hours are given, either carpenters or laborers may be used, as required.
Lumber Required for Sheet Piling Size of Timbers
Wood Bracing and Sheet Piling Banks by Hand Quanty and Production per 100 SF of Bank Braced
Class of Work
Depth in Feet
100 Sq.Ft. Bank
rentes | 5-8[100-150 Fa Ping |5-8|s0-s0| 90-90|9-10|2-3) Pig | o-15|s06-s05| 65-75[tol 24-5 tert |8-12[ors-725| o0-20[17-19] 5-91| 50-20 Trenches
| 100-150}
| 300-350}
Os = oa
Sheet Piling
8= 12°1675=
402 S50e
Sheet Piling
14 - 20 |750 - 800
Cost of Bracing 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Trench Bank With Plank Bracing
[EEE aRue aera eae el Gummi Ruan ewed 244.17 2.44 * Lumber costs can be reduced iflumber is reused ** Omit Labor removing Bracing or Piling ifLeft in Place
Cost of Sheet Piling 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Trench
Walls 5' to 8' (1.5 - 2.4m)
325 b.f. lumber* Labor placing
[Labor removing* | 2.75
Pye eee $ 35.04 |$ 332.88
[$26.16 [$71.94 $
648.57 6.49 $
* Lumber costs can be reduced iflumber is reused ** Omit Labor removing Bracing or Piling ifLeft in Place
Cost of Sheet Piling 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Trench Walls 10' to 15' (3.0 - 4.5m)
oar 350 kumber | -—-_[$ 075] 8262.50] : 5 : * Lumber costs can be reduced iflumber is reused ** Omit Labor removing Bracing or Piling ifLeft in Place
Cost of Sheet 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Sheet Piling for _ Basements or Foundations 8' to 12' (2.4 - 3.7m)
700 bf tumber*
|---| $__0.75 |$525.00
Labor removing**
(Cost 100sq&SSSCSC~«S per TDSS| Cost per sq. meter * Lumber costs can be reduced iflumber is reused ** Omit Labor removing Bracing or Piling ifLeft in Place
Cost of Sheet 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Sheet Piling for Basements or Foundations 14' to 20' (4.3 - 6.1m)
* Lumber costs can be reduced iflumber is reused ** Omit Labor removing Bracing or Piling ifLeft in Place
Driving Sheet Piling by Compressed Air. The pneumatic pile driver is very effective for driving sheet piling. It is essentially a heavy paving breaker equipped with a special fronthead that adjusts for driving 2” to 3” (50 to 75 mm) piling. These machines weigh about 125 Ibs. (57 kg) and will drive wood sheet piling into any ground that the piling can penetrate, such as sand, gravel, or shale, and any gradation between soils. Driving speed varies from 2’-0” (0.61 m) per minute in hard clay or shale to 9°-0” (2.75 m) per minute in sand or gravel.
scm AG NS f633!ZS
Method of Sheet Piling and Bracing Piers and Pits Under should drive
following labor cost:
together on one
100 If. (30.5 m)-60 to 79 s.f. (5.6 to 7.3 sq.m)-per hr. at the
100 Lin. Ft.
(30.48 Lin. M)
Cost per 100 Lf. (30.48 1m.)
$ 101.32
er lin. ft.
er lin.meter
5Tamers py wd
* Add for compressor engineer ifrequired.
Sheet Piling 100 Sq. Ft. (9.29 Sq. M) Trench Banks 5'- 0" to 8'- 0" (1.52 M to 2.44 M)
see tuber
80.75 |8203.75)
Sheet Piling 100 Lin. Ft. (9.29 Sq. M) Trench Banks 10'- 0" to 15'- 0" (3.04 M to 4.57 M)
350 bf Lumber —
Labor Removing {Compressor& tools
|_| 80.75 |$262.50 | $ 26.16 |$117.72
$ 26.16 |$ 71.94 $ 47.00 | $ 94.00
STEEL SHEET PILING Steel sheet piling is used for supporting soil in large excavations, cofferdams, caissons, and deep piers or trenches, where wood sheet piling is impractical. It is driven with a pile driver, the same as wood, steel or concrete piles. There are a number of different types of steel sheet piling on the market, but the following will give an idea of the common sizes and weights.
Common Number
Size Steel Sheeting
| Thickness (In.) |(Lbs/LF) | (Lbs/SF Wall)
He ee a a ee I)BZedae | apr0'd | | 0.6097 |) eae Via ee PS-27.5 |_19.69 PS-31 | 19.69
Section | Width Number | (mm)
ae PZ-27
0.709 Flange |Thickness (mm)|
ee el a
PZ-40 | 500
46.82 Weight Weight (Kg/m) | (Kg/SM Wall)
aed eS 15.24
131.8 195.3
500 630 el
Estimating the Quantity of Steel Sheet Piling. When estimating the quantity of steel sheet piling required for any job, take the entire girth of the
SITE WORK basement, cofferdam, or piers to be sheet piled. This gives the number of lineal feet required. Example: Suppose you have a basement 100’ x 125’ (30.5 x 38.1 m) to be sheet piled. Adding the four sides of the excavation, 100 + 100 + 125 +
125 = 450 lin. ft. (137.2 m). Using PZ-27 (Skyline Industries)
sheet piling
18” (1.5 ft., 450 mm) wide, 450’-0” (147.2 m) divided by 1.50’ (0.45 m) = 300. It requires 300 pcs. to sheet pile the excavation. Using sheet piling 30’0” (9.1 m) long, 300 x 30 = 9,000 lin. ft. (300 x 9.1 m = 2730 m) weighing 40.5 lbs. per lin. ft. = 364,500 lbs. (165,337 kg). A shorter method is as follows: 450
ft. (137.2
excavation multiplied by 30’-0” (9.1 m) long, equals 13,500 sq. ft. (1248.52 m) of piling at 27 lbs. per sq. ft. equals 364,500 Ibs. (165,337 kg). Either method is satisfactory. But it is necessary to know the number of pieces to be driven in order to compute the labor costs accurately. Labor Driving Steel Sheet Piling. The labor cost handling and driving steel sheet piling will vary with the size of the job, length of piling, and kind of soil, together with conditions encountered on the job, as described under “Wood Piles”. _ Example: Find the cost of driving 300 pes. of PZ-27 sheet piling 30’0” (9.1 m) long.
Drive 300 Pcs Sheet Piling
Trucking pile driver, yard to job Setting up pile driver, 1/2 day for crew 300 pes. PZ-27 piling, 364,500 Ibs. (165,337 kg)
=a79/8 |S Be(|S a ae S
Tilo ja |
fie SSls °ODBimis2mo go}cre ‘ ee BIS O|S-1h 18.15 | a2 OEFe)Nce) ev) 5 antling pile driver at completion, 1/2 day Nn
ri a
< i) Ley to. lo)eR =je) R
$218,700.00 | $ 15,949.60 $ 1,500.00 $ 790.16 $ 5,000.00
Fuel. Oil Grease,
16 days @ $2,100.00 per day fo Nn LoS vas) as!© a Nn2h(@) Qa (i er pe. er s.f. (13,500 sq. ft. or 1254 sq. m) o*>
$ 33,600.00
per sq.meter Ssisklo Sq.ft.(Sq.Meter) costs will vary with weight of piling
02500 SITE DRAINAGE Site drainage includes such items as subdrainage, foundation and underslab drainage, drainage structures, sanitary and storm drainage piping, and dewatering and wellpoints. Some of these will be subcontracted directly with specialists. Most will probably be included in the plumbing subcontract, while others may involve local utilities. Some items the contractor may elect to handle directly. Drainage trenches must have pitch. To find the cubic yards of earth excavation, first determine the average depth by multiplying the pitch by the required length of run, divide by two and add this to the depth at the start of the run. The total length x required width x the average depth = cubic feet (cubic meters). Divide number ofcu. ft. by 27 to find cubic yards. Subsoil drains are usually vitrified clay pipe, set with lowest point at the same elevation as the bottom of the footing, pitched a minimum of 6” (150 mm) in 100 1.-f. (30.5 m), laid 1/4” apart and joint covered with 15# (6.8 kg) asphalt felt or #12 (5.4 kg) copper or aluminum mesh. Four-inch (100 mm) pipe is minimum, but 6” (150 mm) pipe is preferred. One laborer can lay approximately 10 1.f. (3.05 m) of 4” (100 mm) pipe per hour, 8 1.f. (2.44 m) of 6” 150 mm) pipe. The 4” (100 mm) pipe costs about $1.00 per I.f. (3.28 per m); the 6” (150 mm) pipe costs $1.40. Excavation is extra, and it is assumed the trench is properly sloped with a firm bottom before pipe is installed. All sharp turns are formed with fittings, which cost $2.50 for 4” (100 mm) elbows, $4.75 for 6” (150 mm). Wide angles can be made by beveling tile ends into easy radius bends. The clay drain tile is laid on a thin bed of washed gravel. After the joints have been covered with felt or a filter cloth, more gravel is placed around and on top of the drain tile to allow water filtration into the drain tile itself. Approximately 0.75 to 1.0 c.f. per I.f. (0.069 to 0.09 cu.m per m) of gravel of drain is required for proper filtration. In recent years, vitrified clay drain tile is being displaced by the use of 4” (100 mm) plastic tubing that is already perforated by the manufacturer. This 4” (100 mm) tubing comes in 25’, 50’, and 100’ (7.6, 15.2, and 30.4 m) rolls. It is very flexible, and since you are not handling small individual pieces as with the vitrified clay, this particular material is installed very
rapidly. The joints are made by a coupling sleeve very much like that used with plumbing PVC piping. It is wise to lay a strip of filter cloth above the plastic tubing prior to installing the washed gravel to keep all sandy fines from entering the plastic tubing and creating a stoppage. All other grading preparation and gravels are installed around this particular material the same as for vitrified clay tile. Subsoil drains, whether perimeter or underslab, can be connected to an existing storm sewer (in some localities, to a sanitary sewer), can be trenched to an outfall at grade level away from the structure the existing terrain), or connected to a sump pump area within of the building. If subsoil drainage piping terminates at a submergible pump with an automatic float control switch piping will be needed.
(depending on the lower level sump pump, a and discharge
There are a number of types of drainage structures required in storm drain piping systems. These structures can be of masonry, cast-in-place concrete, or precast concrete.
_ Curb inlets and yard drains are one type of structure that is used to collect surface water run-off and discharge it into the storm water piping system. The size of the inlet is determined by the area of run-off, as well as the size of the discharge pipe leading away from the inlet structure itself. An average price for a curb inlet drainage structure is $250 to $300 per vertical lineal foot ($820-984 per vertical meter), and the average price of a yard drainage structure is $175 to $210 per vertical lineal foot ($574-689 per vertical meter). Storm drainage manhole structures are required at certain intervals along a storm pipe line, depending on the local codes, and whenever a storm drainage pipe system changes direction. The majority of manholes are precast concrete. It is much quicker to set an entire manhole in the course of the day instead of keeping the open pit shored while constructing a cast-in-place concrete manhole and bottom chamber. Once the manhole structure is in place and the piping connected, the bottom of the manhole structure is channeled using brick and mortar to aid the water flow from the inlet pipe to the outlet pipe. Headwalls and endwalls are usually cast-in-place reinforced concrete walls at the ends of pipe, where either water enters the pipe (headwall) or where the water discharges from the pipe (endwall). Quite often at a headwall, there is a concrete flume entrance slab, and there might be a trash rack (a grillage screen) at the entrance to collect debris. At the endwall an outfall slab or rip-rap area is installed that prevents the discharge water from eroding the soil away. The price of headwalls and endwalls varies tremendously, because each is sized individually depending upon the size of the inlet or discharge pipe and the amount of earth and height of the earth bank above the pipe that is being retained.
STORM Concrete,
Ductile Iron Pipe and corrugated metal
are often used for piping other than sewer. The relative material costs per lineal foot (meter) are about as follows: Storm Piping
Size of Pipe |Concrete per (In.)
Bia ak ay Conc. Pile
SCE ee (per LF)
0 Wenathe)
0 Lencthe
estore Seam eADON es Seema kia tase, Vi)Shiblad 205) wach Sai) Silws 4s60iliysoe svinelletes ae OU? Wilaby aldinien Al Ow ae ae ee ee a Fe) 27 De Se Te ee ae) Tk a a ere a ee eee ee ne rae ea Se ee ee ress ae aes ee
‘SU an867 sar MG NOSE Ea ae 1ga0 | as Ps 9 =]
*Reinforced Concrete
** Coated
Weight ig
Conc. Pile
Corrugated Uncoated
(per m) 6m Lengths
(per m) 3m Lengths
SITE WORK Storm Piping (continued)
E Ww eight of Conc. Pile (Kg)
Corrugated Wesecad
PVC Pipe (per m)
(per m) 6m Lengths
apt ees
195221 *
*Reinforced Concrete
One cannot choose the type of pipe by price alone. While the specifications and job conditions usually dictate the selection, wage costs can also bear heavily. Lighter weight pipe will lay much faster and can be handled on the site much more easily. For 12” (300 mm) pipe, a 4-worker crew will lay about 100 L.f. (30.5 m) of concrete pipe and 200 I.f. (61 m) of corrugated metal per day. For 36” (900 mm) pipe, a crew will lay about 20 I.-f. (6.1 m) of concrete pipe and 60 1.f. (18.3 m) of corrugated metal per day. WELLPOINT SYSTEM OF DE-WATERING The following is general information only. For specific applications consult a local de-watering contractor. Wellpoint systems are well known for their ability to de-water water bearing soils, such as sand and gravel, so that excavation and construction of foundations can proceed in the dry. In addition, wellpoint systems are used extensively in such work as soil stabilization, pressure relief for dams and levees, and for water supply for municipalities and industrial plants. A wellpoint system in construction work is usually a series of properly sized wellpoints, surrounding or paralleling the area to be dewatered and connected to a header pipe by means of risers and swing piping. Header piping, in turn, is connected to one or more centrifugal pumps depending on the volume of water that must be handled. Wellpoints are usually self-jetted into place to the correct depth and at the proper spacing to meet requirements. Some soil conditions, however, require pre-drilling or “hole-punching” before the wellpoints can be installed. The discharge from the pumps should be piped to an area where it will
not interfere with construction. The entire installation should be located so that it will interfere as little as possible with other divisions of the work.
This system is usually installed in advance of the excavation, but where the water level is low; it is sometimes possible that a portion of the excavation can be at a cheaper rate when done prior to the installation of the system.
Any de-watering problem that is beyond the scope of ordinary pumping, or which the contractor or engineer thinks can be done more economically with a wellpoint system, should be referred to the engineering department of a wellpoint company. In this way the problem will receive expert analysis, at no cost to the contractor or engineer. It is essential for most contractors to obtain expert advice on the layout and installation of wellpoint systems, because frequently, a relatively small excavation with unusual soil presents greater de-watering difficulties than a larger, deeper job in a well-graded medium sand. After
characteristics, site accessibility, hydrology of area, size and depth of area, total dynamic head involved, excavation and construction schedules, labor and working conditions, and power facilities, the wellpoint company can make a layout recommendation for the job. Layout recommendations are usually accompanied by a quotation giving rental rates and charges for all equipment required, together with an estimate of the labor hours needed to install and remove the system, fuel and lubrication required per operating day, transportation charges for the equipment to and from the job, and daily rates for salary and expenses of company demonstrator. Companies specializing in this type of work will furnish rental quotations on a “sufficient equipment” basis, 1.e., a fixed rental rate regardless of the amount of equipment actually required to do the job. Some of these companies will submit lump sum contract proposals for dewatering projects covering furnishing, installation operation, maintenance and removal of all de-watering equipment with a guaranteed result. It is sound practice to have a demonstrator from the wellpoint company on the job site to supervise the initial installation of the system. The time and expenses is more than compensated for by his working knowledge of wellpoint systems and their installation. Operation of a wellpoint system is usually performed on a 24-hr. day, 7 day per week basis and must continue until all work, depending on dry conditions, 1s completed. The labor cost of operating the system must be determined by the contractor and is based on the length of time operation is estimated to be required, figuring around-the-clock operation. From the above information the contractor or estimator should be able to arrive at a lump sum figure for the required wellpoint system to be used in his estimate. As an example, take the case of a job in which an underground tank was to be constructed. The test borings indicated the soil to be sand with a ground water level at 6’-0” (1.82 m) below the surface. The excavation for
SITE WORK the circular tank was an average of 84’-0” (25.6 m) in diameter and 18’- 6” (5.6 m) deep. To maintain dry conditions, the water level had to be lowered at least 12’-6” (3.8 m). It was also estimated that a dry condition would have
to be maintained for a period of 3 months. The following sample estimate shows how a detailed de-watering estimate might be put together. Equipment Rental, First Month
eh aN Fs ae PSE ours [Rare ey Poe 52 wellpoints,2"(50mm) TC - «“ $16,001 $832.00 | 260 1.f.(79m)header pipe,6"(150mm) | -- [$ 1.80] $ 468.00 | 50 Lf.(15 m)discharge pipe,6"(150mm)_ [|_-- [$ 1.00[$ 50.00 | 2 6"(150mm)_CdTC valves, =~“ $40.00 8 80.00] llwellpointpump id [8 950.007 $ 950.00 | 1 jetwell pump
eee |S02G00
Equipment Rental, Second Month
52 wellpoints, 2" (50 mm 260 1.f. (79 m) header pipe, 6" (150 mm) 50 1.f. (15 m) discharge pipe, 6"(150 mm)
PS ES On aera nis ibony BO 0M) Senn 234000) | --- |$ 0.50] $ 25.00]
2agives OS(050 tim), Ai ss S 22500) 82 50:00 | twellpointpump CLL S$ 750.00] $750.00 | ietwellpump, ft S 850.00 [$7 850.00) Equipment Rental, Third Month
52 wellpoints, 2" (50 mm
260 1.f. (79 m) header pipe, 6" (150 mm) 50 1.f. (15 m) discharge pipe, 6"(150mm)
Ss 520.00
eee 20:90) Se 7 23400" | --- [$ 0.50] $ 25.00 |
2 valves, 6"(150.smm)yire bre suet ners seals [uSve 25100] $50.00 | Lwellpointpump TL $750.00] $750.00 | yjctwell pump sc oanawyin ss) 5] oe |S. 850.00 [2weeks rental, 200I.f.(61 m)jetting hose __|_--_| $ 200.00] $ 400.00 | [Raboretsia mies bunts Myron WtOi|E NOON W19S iS)
Nn ~s|~—w
FA N lon \O=)
$ 34.45 $ 40.03
$ 44.29 §
$47.25 | 1219 |[12.83 12.83 | — t~~)
Sonotube forms are manufactured in plants across the U.S., and distributors maintain stocks in most principal cities. The above prices are f.o.b. the nearest shipping point. Anchoring Brick, Stone, and Terra Cotta to Concrete Backing
There are a number of methods of anchoring brick, stone, and terra cotta to concrete, some of which consist of metal slots nailed to the column or beam forms, which form a slot in the concrete for placing anchors. The dovetail anchor slot method of anchoring masonry to concrete consists of a metal slot dovetail in cross section and anchors with dovetail ends for cut stone, brickwork, and terra cotta. The dovetail anchor slot is nailed to the form with the open side against the wood. The ends are then closed with a wood plug. Or they come with foam filled slots. After the concrete is poured and the forms removed, the slot remains in the concrete, available at any course height to receive the anchors. The anchors are installed by merely inserting the dovetail end of the anchor edgewise in the slot, then turning the anchor crosswise of the slot with the hand, the other end of the anchor being imbedded in the facing material or mortar joint. The dovetail slot holds the end of anchor securely, making any other means of fastening, drilling or boring unnecessary.
CONCRETE Forms for Concrete Beams, Girders, Spandrel Beams, and Lintels
Forms for reinforced concrete beams, girders, lintels, etc., should be estimated by the square foot (square meter), and obtained by adding the dimensions of the three sides of the beam and multiplying by the length. For example, a beam or girder may be marked 12”x 24” (300 x 600 mm) on the plans, but maybe 6” (150 mm) ofthis depth is included in the slab thickness, so the form area should be obtained by taking the dimensions of the beam or girder from the underside of the slab: 18” + 12” + 18” = 48” or 4’-0” (450 + 300 + 450 mm = 1200 mm = 1.23 m) the girth, which multiplied by the length gives the number of s.f. of forms in the beam, 4’-0” x 18’-0” = 72 s-f. (1.23 x 5.48 = 6.74 sq.m). Spandrel beams, or those projecting above or below the slab, should be measured in the same manner. A good rule to remember when measuring beam forms is to take the area of all forms that come in contact with the concrete. When preparing an estimate on formwork, beams and girders should always be estimated separately; that is, the columns should be taken off, then the beams, girders and lintels, followed by the floor slabs, stairs. As an example of the lumber required for beam and girder forms, assume an inside beam 12” (300 mm) wide by 1’-6” (0.45 m) deep by 19’-0” (5.79 m) long. The contact area of this beam would be 2 sides 1’-6” (0.45 m) deep and a bottom 1’-0” (0.30 m) wide by 19’-0” (5.79 m) long, 1’-6” + 1°-6” + 1’-0” = 4 (0.45 + 0.45 + 0.30 = 1.20 m) girth multiplied by 19’-0” (5.79 m) long, equals 76 s.f. (7.06 sq.m) of forms requiring the following lumber:
Beam soffit, 1 pe. 5/8” (15.62mm) plyform 12”x19’- | 19 0” s.f. (300mm x 1.76sg.m. i Beam sides, 2 pes. 5/8” (15.62mm) plyform 22”x19’0” s.f. (550mm x 1.76 sq.m. Beam Bottom Joists 4 pcs. 3”x4”x10’-0” (75mm x 100mm x 3.05m : yA Pay” Beam Side Template 4 pcs. 2”x4”x10’-0” (SOmm x 100mm x 3.05m Beam Side Ledger 4 pes. 2”x4”x10’-0” (SOmm x 100mm x 3.05m Beam Side Studs 40 pes. 2”x4”x1?-4” (SOmm x 100mm x 0.40m Shores 6 pcs. 4’x4”x10’-0” (50mm x 100mm x aa ©
5 ke?
Shores Cross Head (T) 6 pes. 4”x4”x3’-0”
100mm x 0.91m Braces 12 pcs. 1”x4”x2’-6”
(100mm x
(25mm x 100mmx
Lumber required for 76 s.f. (7.06 sq.m.)
| 044s | ee
0.0637 0.0849
Re 0.0566
| =10.——« | 0.0236
of forms
Lumber required per s.f. (sq.m.) of“contact area” Less than I" is treated as I" for the boardfoot calculation.
0.7547 0.1069
When beams or girders are more than 2’-0” (0.61 m) deep, the designs given under “Concrete Wall Forms” should be consulted for spacing and size of cleats or studs required, together with bracing and form ties necessary. Labor Cost of Wood Forms for Concrete Beams and Girders
The labor cost on beam and girder forms will vary considerably on different jobs, due to the amount of duplication, size of beams and girders, and the methods of framing and placing them. On typical buildings where the same size beams and girders are used on several floors, the forms can be used several times with only a small amount of labor with each reuse. Larger beams are more economical than very small ones, but one of the most important cost factors is the method of fabricating the units and whether they are built up in a job “shop” using power saws. These are factors that cut costs. The following labor costs are based on efficient management, economical design, and labor-saving tools and equipment. If the old handsaw methods are to be used, increase the costs given 10 to 20%. ¥%o" PLYFORM
2x4 LEDGER 2x4@
12” O.C.
ra Leal
= Oe
Car ee oe 1x4 BRACES
4x4 WOOD
Method of Framing Wood Forms for Concrete Beams
It requires 4 to 4-1/2 b.f. (0.009-0.010 CM) of lumber to complete 1 s.f. (0.09 sq.m) of beam and girder forms, which includes uprights or “shores”, beam soffits, bracing, etc. A carpenter should frame and erect 250 to 275 b.f. (0.58-0.64 CM) of
lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 b.f. (2.35 CM):
Description ae per 1,000 b.f.
$ 591.68 366
CONCRETE If laborers are not permitted to carry the lumber and forms for the carpenters, the “helper” time given above should be figured as carpenter time. A laborer should remove or “strip” 900 to 1,000 b.f. (2.12-2.35 CM) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 b.f. (2.35 CM):
aot ee ee |
Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Inside Beam and Girder Forms Requiring 4-1/2 B.F. per S.F. (0.10 CM) of Forms, 4”x4” (100 x 100 mm) Wood Shores
ReGsipertOvae Op MR aN|tee com mehersnsR FS Naa ce Fi a RA Pc cost per Soi sq.m Laat RAS ee ei peestpek Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Spandrel Beam or Lintel Forms Requiring 4 B.F. per S.F. (0.009 CM m3 per sq.m) of Forms, 4x4” (100 x 100 mm) Wood Shores
Assembling, Erecting, Shiorliig and nasi
Removing HOE
Labor as petLites adaleoleWY‘furs ten ea [costperse Ts ee eee ee
If the same forms can be reused without working over and cutting down, “Labor Making Forms” after first use may be reduced or omitted. Forms for Upturned Concrete Beams. When the top of a beam Is higher than the floor slab level, the beam side forms for that portion above the floor must be supported on temporary legs, which are removed after the concrete is poured and is still wet. It is also necessary to use spreaders to maintain the proper beam width. While it is true that the additional form material required is negligible, the labor cost on this kind of beam side form will run 50 to 100% more than ordinary beam side forms. Forms for Reinforced Concrete Floors
Forms for all types of reinforced concrete floors should be estimated by the square foot (square meter or millimeter), taking the actual floor area or the area of the wood or metal forms that come in contact with the concrete. Estimating the Cost of Form Lumber. When computing the lumber cost per s.f. of forms, the estimator should study the plans carefully to determine just how many times it is possible to use the same form lumber in the construction of the building. On 8- to 12-story buildings, it may be possible to use the same lumber 4 or 5 times, while on a 3-story building, it might be necessary to buy enough lumber to form almost the entire building. These are items that affect the material costs and can only be determined by the estimator or contractor, who should be in a position to know just how soon the forms can be stripped and how fast they will be required to carry on the work. On many jobs it will be more economical to use high early strength cement instead of ordinary portland cement, which will enable you to strip forms in 3 days instead of 7 to 10 days, saving on forms needed. Keep in mind that form lumber that has been used 3 or 4 times will have little salvage value. Types of Reinforced Concrete Floors. There are several types of reinforced concrete floor construction that require wood forms, centering, and shores. There are differences in cost. We will describe some of the more commonly used types in detail. Flat Slab Construction. Mill, factory, warehouse, and industrial buildings designed for heavy floor loads are usually of flat slab construction, which consists of floors without beams or girders, except spandrel beams between columns on outside walls and around areas such as stair wells and elevator shafts. These buildings usually have square or rectangular columns. Beam and Girder Type Construction. This is the oldest type of concrete structure, having square or round columns with beams and girders running between each row of columns. The floor slab is carried by the beams and girders and then by the columns. Pan Construction with Concrete Joists. Apartment buildings, hotels, schools, hospitals, department stores, office buildings, and other 368
CONCRETE structures requiring light floor loads ordinarily use this type of construction, which consists of metal pans in conjunction with concrete joists. The floor is used with round or square columns and beams running at right angles to joists. Designing Forms for Reinforced Concrete Floors and Estimating Quantity of Lumber Required
The process of designing forms for reinforced concrete floors may be divided into several parts, such as determining the span of the sheathing, the size and spacing ofjoists and girders or stringers, and the size and spacing of the upright supports or shores. The spacing of joists for concrete floor forms is governed by the strength of the plywood used. When plywood panels are used for sheathing, the spacing of the joists must coincide with the sizes of the plywood panels, 4’-0” x 8-0”
(1.22 x 2.42.44
m), which
that the joists should be
spaced 12”, 16”, or 19” (300, 400, or 475 mm) on centers, depending on the load to be carried. Weight of Concrete Floors of Various Thicknesses
In determining the weight per s.f. of floor, wet concrete is figured at 150 Ibs. per c.f. (2400 kg/m3). Dead load of form lumber and live load on forms while concrete is being placed is figured at 38 Ibs. per s.f. (190 kg/m2), which is sufficient for temporary construction. Using 2” (50 mm) plank to support the concrete joists 2’-1” (0.63 m)
or 2’-11” (0.89 m) o.c., with stringers spaced 4’-0” (1.22 m) apart to support the 2” (50 mm) plank. The following tables give the sizes of stringers and the distance between supports or shores when supporting various floor loads. The tables are also based on using yellow pine, Douglas fir, or woods of equal strength. Carrying Capacity of 4” x 4” (100 x 100 mm) Uprights or Shores. The carrying capacity of a given size upright or shore is generally limited by two principal factors. The first is compression that the shore exerts on the cross beam or stringer at right angles to the fibers. The stress per sq. in. (sq. mm) on the bearing area of the stringer on the shore should not greatly exceed 500 Ibs. per sq. in. (3.45 MPa) for Yellow Pine, Western Fir, or similar lumber. Otherwise, there is a noticeable impression, often as much as
1/8” (3 mm), of the hore into the fibers of the stringer, especially when the lumber is green or water soaked after a long rain. A 4”x 4” (100 x 100 mm) S4S, 3-1/2”x3-1/2” (87.5 x 87.5 mm) upright should never be loaded to more than 6,000 Ibs. (2700 kg), no matter how short it is, and a 4”x 4” (100 x 100 mm) rough shore should not be loaded to more than 8,000 Ibs. (3625 kg).
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The other principal limitation of strength is due to the length of the and the degree of crookedness in its length. Every experienced
contractor knows that shores often show bows of 1” to 2” (25-50 mm), and if
not cut off exactly square to their length, the carrying capacity of most shores are greatly limited by the eccentric loading impressed on them by the uneven bearing of the stringer and the bow in the shores. The table on the next page gives the permissible load on shores for various lengths and eccentricities. Lintels as a rule produce quite large eccentricities on the shores due to the load from the adjoining slab, which comes through on the inside of the lintel forms onto the shore. Never allow a load larger than those given for 3” (75 mm) eccentricity for shores supporting lintels. One frequently sees lintels supported by shores spaced less than 2’-0” (0.61 m) on centers, which is a clear waste of money. Where the height of the uprights or shores are longer than given in the above
table, it is advisable
to cross
brace the shores,
in which
vertical distance between braces plus 40% may be taken as the post height. Example: You are using a 16’-0” (4.87 m) shore, with 2 rows of cross bracing at 6’-0” (1.8 m) and 12’-0” (3.6 m) above the floor. The distance between braces 6’-0” (1.83 m) plus 40%, or 2.40 ft. (0.73 m), makes the
capacity the same as a shore 8.40 or practically 8’-6” (2.59 m) long. Thus an 8°-0” (2.44 m) shore good for 8,000 Ibs. (3625 kg) would still be good for that weight when 16’-0” long, if cross braced by two rows of bracing 6’-0” (1.83 m) and 12’-0” (3.65 m) above the floor. Estimating the Quantity of Lumber Required for Forms for Beam and Girder Type Solid Concrete Floor Slabs. The accompanying illustrations give detailed designs, from which the lumber required per s.f. (sq.m) of forms may be computed. The illustration shows a 4” (100 mm) concrete floor slab with a 7°-6” (2.28 m) clear span between beams. Using a joist spacing of 2’-0” (600 mm) as given in the table for joist spacing, 2”x 8” (50 x 200 mm) joists will carry the required load. 4
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Lo Method of Constructing Forms for Beam and Girder Type Solid Concrete Floor Slabs
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For a floor area 2’-0”x7’-6” (0.61 x 2.28 m) containing 15 s.f. (1.39 sq.m) the
following lumber will be required:
Sheathing*, 2’-0” x 7’-6” (0.61 x 2.28m
Joist, 1 pe. 2° x8" x 8’ (80mm x 200mm x 2.44m) plus 10% for joints Ledger boards, 2 pcs. 1” x 4” x 2 (25mm x 100mm x 0.61m) Total lumber required for 15 Sq.Ft. 1.39 Sq.M.) forms
0.0283 0.0024 0.0731
* Includes 20% waste.
w vy
in Lbs/Lin.Ft.
Inches -bxh
3 TFOey Leg HA3/4 x ave ys 050 ||) 1x8 1x10 : 1x12 1x4
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| 5 | 3x12 2x ina [3.00 | 60 | 68 |
rig[4x10 | 312x914 | 333 | 69 | 79 1
Lumber Size and Weight Table - Metric Item
Nominal ee
ined Standard,
Cu.M. may
» mm
25x 150 | 18.75x 137.5 | 0.0039
; gene in Kg/Lin. M. M4.
Pine 0.89 | 0.89
1.93 2.53 3.13 1.93 2.98 3.87 5.06
7 S
[75x 150 |62.50.x 137.5 | 0.0116 | 432 | 4.91 | 6 | 17|100x150] 87.50x 137.5 | 0.0155 | 610 | 699 | ee oe ee et
21 |150 x150 .
150-%-250-|—-13/-5-*- 23-143
|26 |200x250] 187.5x 231.3 | 0.0516 | 29
18.90 _| | 18.90
Nominal Plywood Weights for Form Plywood Nominal
Size Tk.,
Size Tk, | 1.22 x 2.44
Kg per Meter Sheet
Common Nails
Nominal Gauge | Length in |mee Inches
Nominal | Approx Length in| No. Pcs mm per Kg.
ie il mee a Kear Foe ered ee a ee 74 al TOS eSat SPO | 02 Or ees | ire baer COE Se ea ol eed need erm eres a PT ed ere ceo fee Sterley rae Oe bree ica fern] neva eee fiero Cen els et eos elgece (aed neFa ane i TIS Taare edFie Set rpsUnc (kt OSs easlara
137.50 Double Headers/Duplex Nails
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Common nails have a thick flat head and used in most phases of construction.
Double header or duplex nails are used in temporary construction as is, form work.
Masonry/Concrete Nails
Masonry/Concrete nails are generally hardened or tempered hardened. The superior strength is required when driving through brick, block or concrete. Hardened nails are resistant to bending when installing. For examples, see table on next page. Example: 50’-0” long x 8’-0” high wall, 12” thick, no bulkheads 50’ x 8’ = 400 s.f. x 2 sides = 800 s.f. contact surface area. 50’ x 8’ x 1’ = 400 c.f. + 27 = 14.81 c.y. concrete. 800 s.f. + 14.81 c.y. = 54 s.f. of forms per c.y. 14.81 c.y. of concrete + 800 = 0.019 c.y. concrete per s.f. of forms. Example: 15 m long x 2.4 m high wall, 300 mm thick, no bulkheads 15 mx 2.4 m= 36 sq.m x 2 sides = 72 sq.m contact surface area. 15mx2.4mx 0.3 m= 10.8 cu.m ofconcrete 72 sq.m ~+ 10.8 cu.m = 6.66 sq.m of forms per cu.m 10.8 cu.m of concrete + 72 = 0.15 cu.m concrete per sq.m of forms. Window and Door Openings in Architectural Concrete Walls. It is necessary to form for all door and window openings in concrete walls. The outside wall form is built up solid. Then, boxes or “bucks” are constructed the exact size of the door and window openings. They should be made of 2” (50 mm) lumber and held in place by 1”x 4” (25 x 100 mm) strips nailed to both the outside and inside wall sheathing and braced where necessary using 2”x 4”s (50 x 100 mm) placed horizontally and diagonally. Where the opening is over 3’-0” (0.91 m) wide, it will be necessary to leave an opening in the bottom of the frame so that concrete can be filled to the proper level. After filling to the correct level, the opening is closed by nailing a piece of plank to the bottom of the frame. A few hours after the concrete has set, the
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plank 1s removed and the surplus concrete scraped off. To do this, it is necessary to leave an opening in the inside form at every opening.
CONCRETE Reveals for door and window openings should be designed so that standard size 2” (50 mm) lumber may be used. Rustication Strips. Rustication strips should be designed as narrow as possible and only about 3/4” (18.75 mm) deep. When the strips are less than 1” (25 mm) wide, they should have one saw cut. When 2” (50 mm) wide, they should have 2 saw cuts in the back as illustrated. These strips should be nailed to a chalk line, using casing nails long enough to go through the strip and sheathing. It is recommended that the nails be withdrawn by pulling them through the sheathing before the form is removed and allow the wooden strip to remain in place a few days after the form is removed or long enough so that they can be withdrawn without injuring the edges of the concrete. Ornamentation
Belt courses or other ornamentation where continuous members occur may be formed with wood moldings cut to the proper shape. While some contractors may prefer a waste mold for this particular detail, the wood mold has the advantage of being more easily held in alignment, because the various members
are broken at different points, while in a plaster waste mold, the
entire form would be cut in two at one point. Soft grained wood that does not warp or split easily should be used. Soft white pine is best, soft-grained Douglas
fir is the second
In the cornice
the various
members are narrow enough so that common stock sizes can be used throughout. Note the generous use of saw-kerfs in the back side of members to prevent swelling and warping of the lumber. The lumber should be thoroughly oiled on all sides before building the forms as further precaution against swelling and warping. Large, heavy wood members should be avoided in detailing for ornamental work, because they will swell, and in stripping the corners of the projecting concrete will be fractured. Using several smaller pieces requires less lumber and the members may be arranged so that swelling is away from the concrete, making it easier to strip the form without damage to the concrete corners. Note the illustration where the left-hand detail shows a large member milled from a single wide board in contrast to the smaller pieces shown in the right-hand detail. In assembling forms, one must constantly keep in mind the steps that can be taken to aid in removing them without injury to the concrete. Boxes, waste molds, wood molds, rustication strips, or anything applied to the face of the forms should be nailed lightly so that when the forms are removed, these members will pull loose from the wall form and remain in the concrete. After these materials have dried out thoroughly and have shrunk, they can be removed without much difficulty and without injury to the concrete corners or edges. As previously indicated, solid strips of wood, even though well oiled, may swell and result in considerable breakage of concrete corners when the 427
strips are removed. Saw-kerfs on the back of the member will prevent this trouble by relieving any pressure against the concrete. They should be approximately two-thirds the depth of the member, not more than 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) apart, and in general, there should be one kerf within 3/4” (18.75 mm) of each edge. Waste molds are the only solution for some highly ornamental work. They should be made only by experienced ornamental plaster workers who have been given instructions as to how they are to be fitted into the forms. Ordinarily, the waste molds are about 2” (S50 mm) thick, reinforced on the
back with 2”x 4s (50 x 100 mm) that are attached to the mold with burlap dipped in plaster and then wound around the wood. The 2”x 4s (50 x 100 mm) permit easy handling of the mold and are also used to attach the mold to the form. When waste molds are large and have deep undercuts, it is usually best to wire them back to the studs or wales with enough wire to be sure that all points will be pressed firmly against the form. Any openings between the form and waste mold should be pointed with plaster of Paris or a patching plaster and nailheads driven through the face and around the edge of the waste molds should be countersunk and similarly pointed.
Wood Mold Used in Cornice Form
Ornamental Concrete Cornices. Where it is necessary to use molds for belt courses,
entrances, etc., it is more economical to build them of wood, if practicable. However, if plaster waste molds are required, the following will give some idea of their cost, although on this work, it is always advisable to obtain definite prices from a concern specializing in this work. Plain molds consisting of a few straight lines, $15.00 per s.f. ($161.46per sq.m). Ordinary molds of stock design will cost from $15.00 to $20 per s.f. ($161.46- $215.28 per sq.m). Simple molds will cost from $15.00 to $20.00 per s.f. ($161.46 215.28 per sq.m) plus the cost of waste molds. 428
CONCRETE Cornice molds of stock design about 1’-6” (0.45 m) deep and 1’-3” (0.37 m) wide cost about $22.00 to $30.00 Lf. ($72.18 -$98.45 per m). Capitals for 1’-6” (450 mm) pilasters, stock designs, cost $185 to
$295 each. Joints in plaster waste molds should be patched with non-shrinking patching plaster and painted with shellac. Individual pieces should not weigh more than 150 Ibs. (68.04 kg) to be set without difficulty by 2 workers. Plaster waste molds are usually given 2 coats of shellac in the shop to make them waterproof and non-absorbent. Before concrete is placed all molds should be greased with a light yellow cup-grease, which may be cut with kerosene if too thick. The grease should be wiped into all angles of the mold and every bit of surplus grease carefully wiped off. Care must be taken not to drop oil, grease or shellac onto hardened concrete or reinforcing. Construction Joints. Much progress has been made on all types of concrete work in production of satisfactory construction joints, both from the standpoint of good appearance and good bond between successive lifts. On the other hand, some very unsightly joints, for which there is no excuse, occasionally are made on architectural concrete work. It is just as easy to produce a good joint as a poor one. The designer, of course, should indicate on his plans exactly where such joints should be located. Rustications or offsets will mask the joints and are advisable where they can be made to fit into the design. One requirement that is sometimes neglected is to provide means of holding the form tightly against the hardened concrete. As a result, leakage occurs, discoloring the concrete below, and the upper lift will project slightly beyond the lower lift. The illustration shows the use of 5/8” (15 mm) bolts cast in the concrete for fastening the form for the next lift. Some types of form ties can be used instead of bolts. The bolt or form tie assembly can be used over and over, because only the nut is left in the concrete, if the bolt is
used, or the insert, if a form tie is used. In re-erecting the forms for the next lift, the contact surface of the form sheathing should not overlap the hardened concrete more than 1” (25 mm). More overlapping than this only presents more opportunity for leakage due to irregularities in the wall surface against which the sheathing is to be held. Since sufficient time must be allowed for the concrete between windows or other openings to settle and shrink before the concrete above is placed, the tops of such openings are “must” locations for construction joints. Similarly, it is desirable to locate a joint at the sill line. By so doing, the joints are broken up into short lengths by the opening, making them relatively inconspicuous. Moreover, cracking at corners of openings is thereby minimized.
Rod to be withdrawn
from wall
No metal to
remain closer than !4" of
Hole to be as smal! as possible to receive tie
Plug hole if necessary to prevent leakage h
Lrie must brea back at least Is
Y) from surface 4Spreader plate
Special care must be taken to insure removal of al! wood
from wall
from wall
V) 4
Nail to stud toact as
Wood Mold Used in Cornice Form
The construction joint should be only a straight thin line at the surface. If a rustication strip is not used at the joint, a 3/4” (18.75 mm) wood strip to a point 1/2” (12.50 mm) above the bottom of this strip and just before the concrete becomes hard, the top should be lightly tamped to be sure that it is tight up against the strip after it has settled or shrunk. All surplus concrete or laitance should then be removed. In resuming the placing of concrete in the new lift, steps should be taken to get good bond and to avoid honeycomb. The hardened concrete should be clean and thoroughly saturated. A 6” (150 mm) layer of concrete in which the coarse aggregate is reduced about 50%, or a 2” (SO mm) layer of
CONCRETE cement-sand grout should then be placed on the hardened concrete followed by the regular concrete. Control Joints. It is important, both for appearance and performance that control joints be carefully installed so they will be perfectly straight and vertical. Care is required during placing of concrete to avoid knocking the joint out of alignment or otherwise injuring it. When control joints are to be caulked with a plastic compound, this should be done before the final clean down so that any compound smeared onto the surface is removed. Of course, excessive smearing should be avoided. Form Ties. Various makes of form ties are available for architectural concrete construction. Important features to look for in selecting form ties are: removal of all metal to a depth of at least 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) from the face of the wall, minimum strength of 3,000 lbs. (1360.80 kg) when fully assembled, adjustable length to permit tightening of forms around all openings and inserts and a design that will leave a hole at the surface not more than 7/8” (21.87 mm) in diameter and not less than 3/4” (18.75 mm) deep so that it will hold a patch. Ties should not be fitted with cones or washers acting as spreaders, because tapered and shallow holes cannot be patched properly. ' Labor Cost of Architectural Forms. The labor fabricating, erecting, and stripping forms is usually estimated on the basis of sq. ft. (sq. m) of contact area. It is customary on a job having a normal amount of ornamentation to take off the total contact area as though the wall were plain. Window and other openings, unless very large, are figured solid. The area thus obtained is priced as though the wall were unornamented. Separate allowance is made for window frames or “bucks”, ornamentation, etc.
The average amount of lumber required for plain wall forms is 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 b.f. (0.005-0.006 cu.m) of lumber per s.f. (sq.m) of contact area, plus the sheathing, plywood, or concrete form Presdwood, used for the facing materials. Figure one tie rod for approximately each 10 s.f. (9.29 sq.m) of form. On plain walls up to 10 ft. (3 m) story height, it requires about 11 to 13 hrs. carpenter time and 6 to 8 hrs. labor time per 100 s.f. (9.29 sq.m) of contact area. For walls 12’ (3.65 m) to 14’ (4.26 m) high, add about 10% to
these costs. This includes all time necessary for erecting and stripping the forms and hoisting it up for the next use. In addition, figure about | to 1-1/4 hrs. labor time for removing hardened concrete from the plywood and coating plywood between each use. Door and window frame boxes or “bucks” require 5 to 8 hrs. carpenter time for each opening, depending upon size and detail of same. Rustication strips should be placed at the rate of 25 to 30 Lf. ( m) per hr. for one carpenter. Ornamental curtain walls, fluted pilasters and piers, reveals, etc., will require about 10 to 12 hrs. carpenter time and 6 hrs. labor time per 100 s.f. (9.29 sq.m) in addition to the cost of plain wall forms. 43]
Ornamental wood cornices built to special detail will require 24 to 28 hrs. carpenter time and 12 to 14 hrs. labor time per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) in addition to cost of plain wall forms. Ornaments projecting from the face of plain walls, such as special sills, balconies, etc., will require about 36 to 40 hrs. carpenter time and 12 to 15 hrs. labor time per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) in addition to the cost of plain wall forms. Where plaster waste molds are used, they may be set either by carpenters or plasterers, depending upon local labor union regulations. When setting simple belt courses of plaster waste mold, allow 12 to 14 hrs. mechanic time and 6 to 7 hrs. helper time per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m). When erecting and blocking cornices and other elaborate moldings using plaster waste molds, figure 20 to 25 hrs. mechanic time and 10 to 12 hrs. helper time per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m). When placing letters, a carpenter should set 2 to 3 letters an hr. depending upon size. Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (30.48 Sq.M.) of Plain Architectural Concrete Walls Using Pl
6.00 $26.16 |$156.96 |
Labor stripping and Cleaning Forms Labor coating plywood
$.. Sar
2616 O16
Details for Architectural Concrete Forms. For the rapid and economical construction of architectural concrete forms, it is necessary to have complete working drawings that show the elevations in large scale, together with every piece of plywood, stud, wale, bolt, lumber for reveals, window boxes or “bucks”, and so on, similar to the methods used for detailing cut stone, terra cotta, or structural steel.
Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) are a hollow, lightweight form block made of expanded polystyrene. When assembled into a structure or building configuration, the forms represent the exterior wall of the structure and are left in place. The hollow ICF block units are then filled with concrete or reinforced with reinforcement steel to form a structural wall, much like a conventional wall pour, except that the formwork is not removed.
There are some distinct advantages that this type of form material provides to the contractor and in turn to the owner:
CONCRETE Ease of installation Energy efficient Interior comfort to the end user Sound attenuation Design flexibility Strength of wall Durability Disaster resistance Pest control . No stripping Oe a re Sa a . Less waste, less disposal of materials
As with estimating any other specialized material, manufacturer current specifications and guidelines must be used. Specifications for type of form, ties and reinforcement must be adhered to. The ICF form system has been classified into three distinct areas: Panels. Panels range from 1’- 3” x 8’- 9” to 4’-0” x 8’-0” (.38 x 2.67m to 1.22 x 2.44 m). Edges are flat and require interconnection by either connectors or fasteners, which are made of nonfoam material. The estimator is cautioned to contact supplier of the ICF panel for tie and bracing requirements. Planks. Planks vary from 1’ x 4’ to 1’ x 8’ (.30 x 1.22m to .30 x 2.44m). They look like wood planks and are outfitted with cross pieces, as part of the wall setting sequence requires interconnection by either connector or fastener. Block. Block units get there name because they look like cement blocks. They range from 8” x 16” (200 x 400 mm) to 16” x 48” (400 x 1200 mm). The blocks are molded with special edges that will interconnect the blocks of the same manufacturer. The most common are tongue and groove interlocking teeth or nubs or raised squares. The cavities inside the ICF block units are in various shapes, which results in the final shape of the concrete.
The various final concrete forms fall again into three categories: Flat. Flat concrete is of consistent thickness, same as conventional flat concrete. As with conventional steel or wood forms, there is a requirement for ties, either of steel or more often plastic, and wall bracing. The estimator is cautioned to contact suppliers for tie requirements. Grid. Grid concrete is a waffle, with intersecting cylindrical horizontal and vertical concrete members. The size of the waffles varies among manufacturers. Post and Beam. This consists of more widely and variably-spaced horizontal and vertical members. The name comes from a pattern that is similar to wood post-and-beam construction. As with any wall form, steel or wood there is a requirement for ties, either of steel or more often in ICF systems, plastic and wall bracing if required. Estimator is cautioned contact supplier of the ICF block for tie requirements. 433
Panels: Labor required to form walls using an ICF forming system (no stripping required). Assuming a carpenter can erect, and brace 125 s.f. (11.61 sq.m) per carpenter per hour. Description
arpenter Foreman e ie}a 5 Qa a
Labor Cost per 2,000 s.f. Cost per sq.f. Cost per sq.m Add material, ties, bracing and scaffolding as required by manufacture.
Planks: Labor required to place planks using an ICF forming system (no stripping required). Planks are normally used as fillers and are more customized forming. Assuming a carpenter can erect, and brace 80 s.f. (7.43 sq.m) per carpenter per hour.
Description Carpenter Foreman
| 8.00 | $ 35.04 | $280.32 |
Labor Cost per 1,280 s.f. Cost per s.f. Cost per sq.m Planks are normally used as fillers and are more customized forming. Add material, ties, bracing and scaffolding as required by manufacture.
Blocks: Labor required placing ICF forming system using blocks. Blocks are filled with concrete after placement. ICF blocks will vary from manufacture to manufacture, listed below is an average of all manufactures using plastic ties. Add time for specials such as openings or special penetrations. Assuming a standard blocks at 8” x 16”, (400 to 800 mm) a carpenter or mason (depending on local area practices) can assemble complete with shoring if required to 8’ ( 2.44 m) high 210 s.f. (19.51 sq.m) per day or 420 s.f. (39.01 sq.m) of contact surface area for concrete. Description Carpenter Foreman
Total b512.32
Labor Cost per 420 s.f. (contact surface area) Cost per sq.f. (contact surface area) Cost per sq.m ( Contact surface area) Note: Block isfilled with concrete. Add material, ties, bracing and scaffolding as required by manufacture.
$697.28 $1.66 $17.87
CONCRETE Concrete Fill: Labor required to place ICF forming system using 8” x 16” (400 x 800 mm)
set, they are
filled with
manufacture to manufacture, so check with the individual manufacturers for
quantities of individual units per sq. ft of form area and rate of pour per hour. The costs given below assume: 80 c.y. (61.17 cu.m) per day including setting up and cleaning up.
Total $241.28 $837.12 $303.12 abor Cost per 80 c.y. $1,381.52 Cost per cu.y. S17.27 Cost per cu.m $22.59 Note: Block is filled with concrete. Add material, ties, bracing and scaffolding as required by manufacture.
Reinforcing steel is estimated by the pound or the ton, obtained by listing all bars of different sizes and lengths and extending the total to pounds. Reinforcing bars may be purchased from warehouse in stock lengths and all cutting and bending done on the job or they may be purchased cut to length and bent, ready to place in the building. Example: Assume a retaining wall is reinforced with #5 bars spaced 6” (150 mm) on centers both vertically and horizontally. The wall is 40’-0” long and 15’-0” high and with bars spaced 6” (150 mm) on centers it will require the following:
80 #5 bars 15°-0” long = 1,200 L.f. @ 1.043 Ibs per ft) = 1,251.60 Ibs. (80 #16 @ 4.57 m = 365.76 m x 1.552 kg/m = 567.66 kg) 30 #5 bars 40’-0” long = 1,200 I.f. @ 1.043 Ibs. (.47 kg) = 1,251.60 Ibs. (30 #16 @ 12.19 m= 365.76 m 1.552 kg/m = 567.66 kg) Total weight of steel required = 2503.2 Ibs. (1135.45 kg)
If reinforcing steel is worth $60.00 per 100 Ibs. (45.35 kg) in place, or $0.60 per Ib. ($1.32/kg), the cost of the steel in the wall ready for pouring would be 2,504 Ibs. x $0.60 = $1502.40 (1135.81 kg x $1.32 per kg = $1499.28) When purchasing reinforcement steel in stock lengths, labor cost of unloading, sorting, handling, and storing is less than when sent to the job cut to length and bent. The former requires less storage space, because different lengths are placed in compact piles. Steel cut to length and bent requires considerable storage space, because all bars of each size and length must be placed in separate piles. 435
However, shop costs of cutting to length and bending reinforcement steel are much less than the cost to cut and bend on the job, especially where the work is done by ironworkers. Practically all reinforcing steel used today is shop fabricated, cut to length and bent prior to delivery to the job. Reinforcement steel is now manufactured both in the English and metric systems. Charts below are for direct sizes and manufactured of size,
weights and standards as used by the Concrete Reinforcement Steel Institute (CSI) as set by the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) Standard Reinforcement Bars. Following the two charts below is a “soft” metric conversion chart. Standard Sizes and Weights of Concrete Reinforcing Bars Nominal Dimensions
Metric - Nominal Dimensions
| mm?
0.625 $e Oo
oO~ WNSo
poss 0.60{2.044| > (oS)NO~
N oO
1.693 |2.25 P #18 [2.257[ 400|13.600[ #57 |57.33] 2581 |20.239 The ASTM Specific aHOW fOrReniarcement Steel which Fa the Fay for A615/A615M-96a for billet steel and A706/4406M-96b for low-alloy steel, is presented in duel-unit format.
Basis for Estimating Price of Reinforcing Steel. When estimating quantities and weights of reinforcing steel, all bars of each size should be listed separately to obtain the correct weight. No. 6 bars (# 19) and over take the lowest price per lb. (kg), while bars smaller than No. 6 (# 19) increase in
price on a graduated scale depending on the size of the bars. The smaller the bars, the higher the price per Ib. (kg). On large projects the normal practice is to quote the price per lb. (kg), or ton, based on the entire project as a whole. Reinforcement steel shipped to a project with a mix of bar sizes an average No.6 (#10) size would run about $0.60 per pound. This price is for stock length. The price excludes, detailing, bending, coating or galvanizining. Due to the low weight of a No.2 (#10) reinforcement bars some manufactures do not manufacture anything less then a No.4 (#13) reinforcement bar. Therefore, one should check with his/her supplier if No. 3 (#10) bars are available if indicted on the drawings. Most detailers will use a no. 4 (#13) bars in place of aNo.3 (#3) bar. 436
CONCRETE Prices on rail steel are theoretically the same as for billet steel but will vary with the scrap market on rails. There are five specifications covering the use of reinforcement steel: 1.
A615/A615M-04b Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
Standard Specification for Rail-Steel and Axle-
Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
Deformed and Plain Bars for
for Low-Alloy
Concrete Reinforcement
Standard Specification for Fabricated Deformed
Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement
A934/A934M-04 Standard Specification Prefabricated Steel Reinforcing Bars
It is of utmost importance that the quantity take-off be correct. Normal practice is to allow between 2% to 5% of the calculated bar weight for waste and splices. Reinforcement steel up to No. 11 bars may be spliced by overlapping them and wiring them together. Two standard grades of reinforcement steel available are, ASTM A615, Grade 40 and ASTM
A615, Grade 60. Bars are of two minimum yield
levels: 40,000 psi (275.8 MPa) and 60,000 psi (413.7 MPa), designated as Grade 40 and Grade 60 respectively. Both grades are standard in building codes and in the design recommendations of the American Concrete Institute. Reinforcement Bar Supports. Chairs, sometimes referred to as reinforcement bar support, are required in order to accurately support and locate reinforcement steel in the concrete form. The bar support will hold the bar firmly in its proper location during placement of concrete. Rust Prevention. Reinforcement steel supports are classified with respect to methods to diminish rust spots or similar imperfections from the concrete surface caused by reinforcement steel supports. There are three classes:
Class 1: Maximum protection; plastic protected reinforcement steel support which are intended for use in situations of moderate to severe exposure and/or situations requiring light grinding or sandblasting of concrete surface. Class 2: Moderate protection; stainless steel protected reinforcement steel supports, which are intended for use in situations of moderate exposure and/or situations requiring light grinding or sandblasting of the concrete surface. Class 2 protection can be obtained by the use of either Type “A” or Type “B” stainless steel protection reinforcement steel supports. The difference between the two types is in the length of the stainless steel tip attached to the bottom of each leg support. 437
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Radial chimney brick is priced by the ton and will vary with type of brick and locality. Prices are f.o.b. factory, and the estimator must add freight and trucking from factory to job site and cost of unloading and storing brick at job. Labor Laying Brick in Radial Brick Chimneys. The labor cost of laying radial brick chimneys will vary with the height of the chimney, thickness of walls, etc., but the following are actual production times on six radial brick chimneys constructed.
MASONRY Labor Hours per Ton of Brick Tons of
Radial Brick
Mason | Labor Hours
| Hours
125°-0” high, Walls 16-1/4” to 7-1/8” thick. 12’-9” diam. at bottom, 7’-0” at top. Lined 50’-0”
180’-0” high, walls 11-3/4” to 7-1/8” thick. 8’-10” diam. at bottom, 5’-9” at top. Lined 35’-0”
60°-0” high, walls 10-1/4” to 7-1/8” thick. 7’-2” diam. at bottom, 4’-4” at top. Lined 21’-0”
46’-0” high, walls 10-1/4” to 7-1/8” thick. 6’-6” diam. at bottom, 4°-2” at top. Unlined
46-0” high walls 10-1/4” to 7-1/8”
thick. 6’-6” diam. at bottom, 4’-2”
at top. Unlined (2) 55°-0” high, walls 10-1/4” to 7-1/8” thick. 6’-11” diam. at bottom, 4’-2”
at top. Lined 20-0” Labor Hours per Metric Ton of Brick 38.1 M high, Walls 406 mm to 178.1 mm thick. 3.9 M diam. at bottom, 2.1 M at top. Lined 15.2 M 24.4M high, walls 293.8 mm to 178.1 mm thick. 2.7 M diam. at bottom, 1.8 M
. Lined 10.7 M 18.3 M high, walls 256.3 mm to 178.1 mm thick. 2.2 M diam. at bottom, 1.3 M ined 6.4 M 14.2 M high, walls 256.3 mm to 178.1 mm thick. 2.0 M diam. at bottom, 1.3 M
at top. Unlined 14.2 M high, walls 256.3 mm to 178.1 mm thick. 2.0 M diam. at bottom, 1.3 M . Unlined
16.7 M high, walls 256.3 mm to 178.1 mm thick. 2.1 M diam. at bottom, 1.3 M at top. Lined 6.1 M The above does not include supervision time.
Labor time includes unloading materials from cars into trucks and unloading trucks at site. All mortar joints on the above stacks were struck flush with point of trowel. Where stacks are lined, labor includes lining with perforated radial fire clay brick laid in high temperature cement. The lining is laid up from inside after stack is topped out.
Miscellaneous Masonry Costs
Labor Costs on High Buildings. On buildings over 10 to 12 stories high, it will be necessary to add an extra allowance for labor handling and hoisting the bricks and mortar. The higher the building the longer it takes the hoist to make a trip from the street level to the floor on which the bricks are being laid and return, extra work raising and handling scaffolding, etc. Taking a 12-story building, or 120° (36.57 m) in height, as normal or 100%, add about 1% to the labor cost for each story or each 10’ (3.05 m) feet in height above 120’ (36.57 m). For instance, a 12-story building or 120’ (36.57 m) in height is 100, the 13th story would be 101; the 14th story, 102; the 15th story, 103, etc. To find the average cost on a 15-story building, figure as follows:
Total for 15 stories or 150’ (45.7 m) in height
Dividing 1,506 by 15 gives 1.004 as the average cost of the masonry labor for a 15-story building. Other story heights would be computed in the same manner. The following table applies to all classes of masonry work on high structures.
Height in|
eee) la 16%
MASONRY Brick Catch Basins and Manholes
When laying building or sewer brick in catch basins and manholes from 3’-0” to 5’-0” (0.9-1.5 m) in diameter and having 8” to 12” (200-300
mm) walls, a mason should lay 600 to 750 brick per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000:
Pointing Around Steel Sash With Cement Mortar. All of the steel windows in a three story office building were pointed with portland cement mortar between the sash and the brick jambs after they had been set. There were 39 windows 4’-0’x4’-10” (1.22 x 1.47 m) and 96 windows 4’-0”x7’-0” (1.22 x 2.13 m), making a total of 2,800 lin.ff. (853.44 m) that were pointed at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m): Pointing Around Sash
Reinforced Brick Masonry
Reinforced brick masonry has been widely used on the west coast because of its resistance to the lateral forces produced by earthquakes. It is now being used throughout the country, because most areas have been classified as seismic. It is also used where high winds or blast conditions may occur and for retaining walls. These walls are comparable to reinforced concrete construction with the masonry units serving as a form. The exterior wythes are built up in a conventional manner, the reinforcing is set in the interior joints, and the whole is made homogeneous by filling the interior joints with grout. No special skills or techniques are needed on the part of the mason, but certain care must be taken, including seeing that there is adequate lime in the mortar; a sound base to start on with the aggregate in concrete exposed and wetted to saturation; that brick is wetted so grout will not dry out too quickly; that grout is sufficiently fluid so none will adhere to a trowel; that grout be poured in a layer of about three bricks high and be allowed to set for 15 minutes before another pour is made, and poured from the inside to avoid
splashing the exposed surfaces; and that mortar cuts not be spilled into grout or grout allowed to accumulate on bed joints. The amount of reinforcing will vary widely with the job. In lightly reinforced walls, the reinforcing will fit within the widths of normal brick walls. The more heavily reinforced walls may require wider inner joints or the use of soap courses to accommodate the steel. Headers are not used in reinforced walls, and the contractor should check the drawings to see if header rows, for aesthetic reasons, are shown, because it will require cutting all these brick. This is especially true when figuring reinforced lintels in conventional walls so that coursing can carry through. Savings, as well as aesthetic advantages, often can be realized through the use of reinforced brick lintels. These are almost always poured in place with temporary shoring for the soffit. The economies result from savings in steel cost and elimination of painting. In better work it may call for the soffit brick joints to be filled temporarily with sand and then repointed later. A variation on the above has been developed and is known as high lift grouted reinforced brick masonry. It varies in that it is essentially a cavity wall with a 2” (50 mm) or better inner joint. This allows the reinforcing to be preset and grouting delayed until a full 12’ (3.65 m) wall height is reached. Mechanical pumping can thus be used. Precautions listed for standard reinforced walls also apply here with the following additions. Care must be taken to allow cleaning out of grout space by omitting every other unit on one side; brick must be allowed to set for at least 3 days before grouting; vibrating of grout is necessary; once grout pour is started, it must be continuous; and construction dams may be built every 20 or 25 feet (6.09 or 7.62 meters) to contain the grout laterally. Handling of Masonry By Palletization
For years, builders considered using palletization for handling masonry materials, and many efforts were made in this direction with mixed results. Now, new systems have overcome most of the problems. Palletized masonry units, whether brick, block, or tile, can be transported from the manufacturing plant, through the job site, up the hoist, and around the scaffold to the mason’s station, eliminating all hand handling of units until
the mason picks them up for laying. Two companies that manufacture this equipment are the Lull Division of JLG Industries, Inc and Pettibone LLC. Time studies on over 300 jobs using the one manufacturer’s study indicates that with ten or more masons, the conventional ratio of 0.7 to 1.0 labor hour per mason hour can be reduced to 0.3 to 0.5 labor hours per mason hour—a savings of approximately 50% in labor time required for tending masons, or an overall 20% savings on the total masonry labor cost. These ratios include the labor time required to mix mortar, tend mortar, brick, tile, or block, and remove rubbish.
MASONRY The success of these systems is mainly due to the equipment, which consists of properly sized wood pallets, a tractor with specially design forklift mechanism, special brick buggies, and special mortar buggies. For efficient use of this system and equipment, certain job conditions must be established from the start and maintained throughout the life of the job. All materials must be purchased on the basis of pallet delivery or palletized as soon as they arrive on the job. In the past, contractors were furnished the wood pallets, but dealers and manufacturers have shown an increasing preference for this type of delivery and in some cases furnish their own pallets. The contractor should specify the quantity of material to be placed on each pallet and how it is arranged. Weight should not exceed 1,000 Ibs. (453 kg) per pallet to stay within the capacity of scaffolding and buggies. The effect on material prices for pallet delivery varies. Some suppliers maintain the same prices, claiming the extra cost of labor and material for palletization is offset by savings in loading and unloading. Other suppliers increase brick prices $3.00 to $5.75 per thousand. Actual cost of a 24”x32” (600 x 800 mm) pallet, for palletization on the job site, is about $5.00 per pallet. One laborer can handle 6 to 7 pallets per hour. Access roads to the job should be laid out and maintained to facilitate operation of the fork lift tractor. Area surrounding the building should be backfilled, consolidated, and graded before masonry work starts and kept reasonably clear during the work. Exterior scaffolding must be wide enough to permit maneuvering brick and mortar buggies. Where tubular steel scaffolding is used, this may be accomplished with standard scaffolding components, using a 5’ (1.52 m) width tubular scaffold with the addition of a 30” (750 mm) bracket on the inside for the masons and a 20” (500 mm) bracket on the outside for the extra
width required for buggies and storage of pallets. No special planking is required, but plank laps should all run in the same direction and a wood easement strip placed at each lap to partially eliminate the irregularity. Where suspended scaffolding is used, extra width can be obtained by using 8’ (2.4 m) wide Wheeling scaffold machines with the addition of 10’ (3.05 m) pipe putlogs fastened directly under and through scaffold planking with U-bolts. This method moves the inside drum and cable 2’-0” (0.61 m) out from the wall and creates a clear working space for the mason. Scaffolding costs will be increased 5% to 15%, depending upon the type of scaffold used. Standard Pallet 32”x24” (800 x 600 mm). A standard pallet size of 32” x 24” (800 x 600 mm) has been chosen, because it accommodates all common sizes of brick, block and tile, its loaded weight does not exceed safety regulations for scaffolding or light floor construction, and it accommodates just enough material to build 10 lin.ft. (3.05 m) of wall, 4’ (1.22 m) high, 4” (100 mm) thick, allowing proper spacing for stacking on the scaffold according to standard masonry practice. In addition, its loaded
weight can be handled by one worker using hand powered equipment, and the pallet load can be split into two 16” x 24” (400 x 600 mm) pallet loads, permitting passage through normal doorways, handling on occasional narrow scaffolds and maneuvering in confined spaces. Pallets should be made to withstand hard use, preferably from a good grade of 1” (25 mm) lumber—1”x8” (25 x 200 mm) boards for the tops and 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) for skids. Pallets made on the job, using power saws and a production line set-up, should cost about $2.25 per half pallet— 16x24” (400 x 600 mm)—each, including material and labor.
One standard full size pallet is composed of two 16x24s (400 x 600 mm) strapped together with metal banding. When required, the metal banding can be removed, breaking the package into two halves of 16”x24” (400 x 600 mm) for use where operating space is limited. Forklift Tractors. Manufacturers provide various capacities and sizes of rubber-tired forklifts, with lifting heights from 18’-6” to 30’-6” (5.64-9.30 m) and with capacities from 2,500 to 4,000 Ibs. (1134-1814 kg). The 3,000 Ibs. (1361 kg) unit can unload and stockpile as many as 4,000
brick in 10 minutes, and can be used to handle concrete planks and roofing materials as well as masonry. The forklift tractor unloads pallets of material from delivery trucks and places them in stockpiles. From stockpiles, pallets are then transported to the masons’ stations at ground level or on the scaffold up to maximum reach of tractor; to construction hoist for work on scaffolds or floors beyond tractor reach; or to building floors within tractor reach for partition work or exterior
masonry performed from inside the scaffold. The forklift can handle as much palletized masonry material as can 20 laborers using conventional hand methods and wheelbarrows. It can also be equipped with other attachments to perform many other tasks on the job. The fork lift also delivers mortar to the bricklayers from the mixing point by use of mortar buggies, which are mortar containers with a capacity of 7 cu.ft. (0.19 cu.m), equipped with wheels and casters so that they can be readily pushed on floors or scaffolds. The tractor handles these mortar containers to and from the mixer the same as packaged materials. Brick Buggies. Pallet loads are handled on the scaffold and building floors with brick buggies. These come in a variety of sizes, either hand propelled or power driven, with capacities of 1,000 lbs. (453 kg) for half loads-16”x24” (400 x 600 mm) pallets with 120 bricks—and
1,500 Ibs. (680
kg) for full loads—24”x32” (600 x 800 mm) pallets with 240 bricks. Lifting forks can be had for 10” (250 mm), 7’-6” (2.28 m), and 10’-0” (3.05 m) lifts, the latter being able to feed double deck scaffolding. Buggies can be operated under average outdoor conditions as well as on up and down ramps. Lift trucks for 24x32”
(600 x 800 mm) pallets cost about $6,000
and can service 4 to 6 masons on a medium-rise building, as opposed to one laborer keeping each mason supplied with brick. Two laborers, one on the ground and one delivering, should serve 5 masons. Under good conditions,
MASONRY the daily savings in labor cost should amortize the lift and pallet costs in approximately 5 to 6 weeks. Such handling also cuts down the time the hoist must be held for unloading by hand, which can be critical on larger jobs.
Concrete masonry units, commonly termed concrete block or concrete brick, are used extensively in all parts of the country for exterior and interior bearing walls, interior partitions, floor and roof fillers, and the like. Much of the information and data in this section comes from the National Concrete Masonry Association. Concrete masonry units are widely used for backing up veneers. They are used both for bearing walls on wall bearing structures and for curtain walls in steel or reinforced concrete frame structures. The use of concrete masonry has increased greatly. This is partly due to the lower labor cost of handling and setting the larger concrete units in comparison with building
a back-up
increased use of architectural facing units. The term concrete masonry is applied to block, brick, or tile building units molded from concrete and laid by masons into a wall. The concrete is made by mixing portland cement with water and other suitable materials,
such as sand, gravel, crushed
stone, burned
clay or shale, blast
furnace slag, and pumice. Concrete masonry units should always be manufactured in a cement products plant where facilities for manufacturing and curing are uniform so as to obtain high quality products. The quality of all concrete masonry units should conform to the standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) in its standard specifications for concrete masonry units and concrete brick. Weight of Concrete Masonry. A 7-5/8”x7-5/8”x15-5/8” (190.62 x 190.62 x 390.62 mm) hollow loadbearing concrete block weighs from 35 to 45 Ibs. (15.87-20.41 kg) when made from heavyweight aggregate and from 25 to 35 Ibs. (11.34-15.87 kg) when made from lightweight aggregate. Heavyweight aggregates are sand, gravel, crushed stone, air-cooled slag, etc. Lightweight aggregates are coal cinders, expanded shale, clay or slag, pumice, etc. Estimating Quantities of Concrete Brick. Concrete brick are manufactured, throughout the country generally, in the modular size of 21/4°x3-5/8"x7-5/8”
additional sizes are available as follows: Jumbo brick, 3-5/8”x3-5/8”x7-5/8” (90.62 x 90.62 x 190.62 mm); double brick, 4-7/8”x3-5/8”x7-5/8” (115.62 x 90.62
x 190.62
and Roman
(40.62 x
90.62 x 290.62 mm) and 1-5/8”x3-5/8”x15-5/8” (40.62 x 90.62 x 181.64). They should be estimated by the sq. ft. (sq. meter) of wall of any thickness or by the cu. ft. (cu. meter), if all wall thicknesses are combined. For instance, if there are only 8” (200 mm) walls in the job, it is acceptable to
take the number of sq.ft. (sq.m) of walls, but if the job contains 8” (200 mm), 12” (300 mm), and 16” (400 mm) walls, then it will be easier and more
satisfactory to reduce the quantities to cu. ft. (cu.m) and multiply by a certain number ofbrick per cu. ft. (cu.m) of wall. The number of concrete brick required per sq. ft. or cu. ft. (sq.m or cu.m) of wall will vary with the size of brick and width of mortar joint used. Concrete brick sizes and widths of mortar joints have been standardized so that they will lay up to an even multiple of the 4-inch (100-mm) module. All concrete brick units are 3-5/8” (90.62 mm) thick, which together with a 3/8” (9.37 mm) mortar back joint equal the modular thickness of 4 inches (100 mm). Since there is always one less mortar joint than brick, in walls of multiple brick thickness, the actual wall thickness will always be 3/8” (9.6 mm) less than the modular 4 inches; i.e. 3-5/8” (90.62 mm), 7-5/8”
(190.62 mm), 11-5/8” (290.62 mm), 15-5/8” (390.62 mm), etc. In drawing plans, some architects give actual wall thickness dimensions, while others use nominal dimensions. For estimating purposes, nominal dimensions should be used, 1.e. 4” (100 mm), 8” (200 mm), 12” (300 mm), 16” (400 mm), etc., to facilitate computations. When measuring the
plans and listing the quantities of brick required, always take exact measurements for length and height and deduct all openings in full. Do not count comers twice but have your estimate show as accurately as possible the actual number of brick required to complete the job. For unexposed backup work, add 1% to 2% for waste. For exposed face work, add 3% to 5% for waste. Modular Size Concrete Brick
Modular size concrete brick, 2-1/4’x3-5/8”"x7-5/8” (56.25 x 90.62 x 190.62 mm) are laid so that 3 courses of brick, with 5/12” (10.41 mm) mortar joints, builds 8” (200 mm) in height, and the 7-5/8” (190.6 mm) length, plus 3/8” (9.37 mm) mortar joint, makes a total length of 8” (200 mm) laid in the
wall. In other words, 3 brick lay 8°x8” (200 x 200 mm), or 64 sq. in. (40,000 mm_2), so it requires 6-3/4 or 6.75 brick per sq.ft. (0.09 sq.m) of wall of nominal 4” (100 mm) thickness. Jumbo brick are 3-5/8”x3-5/8”"x7-5/8” (90.62 x 90.62 x 190.62 mm) in size and are laid so that 3 courses of brick, with 3/8” (9.37 mm) mortar joints, builds 12” (300 mm) in height, and the 7-5/8” (190.62 mm) length, plus 3/8” (15.6 mm) mortar joint, makes a total length of 8” (200 mm) laid in the wall. One jumbo brick lays 32 sq. in. in the wall or it requires 4.5 brick per sq.ft. (0.09 sq.m) of wall of nominal 4” (100 mm) thickness. Double brick are 4-7/8”x3-5/8"x7-5/8” (121.87 x 90.62 x 190.62 mm) in size, so that 3 courses of brick, with 11/24” (11.18 mm) mortar joint builds 16” (400 mm) high, and the 7-5/8” (190.62 mm) length, plus 3/8” (9.37 mm) mortar joint, makes a total length of 8” (200 mm) in the wall, or
one brick lays 42.67 sq. in. in the wall, or it requires 3.4 brick per sq.ft. (0.09 sq.m) of wall of nominal 4” (100 mm) thickness.
size brick
1-5/8”x3-5/8”x1 1-5/8”
x 90.62
290.62 mm) and 1-5/8”x3-5/8”x15-5/8” (40.62 x 90.62 x 390.62) and are laid so that 6 courses of brick, with 3/8” (9.37 mm) mortar joints, builds 12” (300
mm) in height, and the 11-5/8” (290.62 mm) or 15-5/8” (390.62 mm) lengths,
plus 3/8” (9.37 mm) mortar joints makes a total length of 12” (300 mm) or 16” (400 mm) respectively laid in the wall. One nominal 12” (300 mm) brick lays 24 sq. in. in the wall or it requires 6 brick per sq.ft. (0.09 sq.m) of wall of nominal 4” (100 mm) thickness. One nominal 16” (400 mm) brick lays 32 sq. in. in the wall or it requires 4.5 brick per sq.ft. (0.09 sq.m) of wall of nominal 4” (100 mm) thickness. The number of modular size brick per sq.ft. (0.09 sq.m) of wall of various thicknesses is as follows: Number of Modular Size Brick per Sq.Ft. of Wall of Various Thickness
Bro) Otox
Number of Modular Size Brick per Sq.Meter of Wall of Various Thickness
90.6mmx 121.9 mmx 40.6 mmx 40.6mmx
90.6mmx 190.6 90.6 mmx 190.6 90.6 mmx__290.6 390.6 90.6mmx
mm mm] _—_36.60 64.59 mm] mm| 48.44
73.20 129.17 96.88
109.80 193.76
*Use this column for number ofbrick required per c.f. (0.028 cu.m) of wall. No allowance is included for waste in above quantities.
Labor Handling and Laying Concrete Brick The labor cost of handling and laying concrete brick varies, depending on factors such as size of brick, kind of mortar, class of work, thickness of walls, and number of openings. On buildings having long straight walls without many openings, such as basement walls, garages, and factories, a mason should lay 800 to 900
size concrete
brick, 2-1/4”x3-5/8”x7-5/8”
x 90.62
190.62), per 8-hr. day, while on dwellings and other structures having 8”
(200 mm) walls, cut up with numerous should lay 650 to 700 brick per 8-hr. day.
openings and pilasters, a mason
Labor Cost of 1,000 Modular Size Concrete Brick
2 1/4" x 3 5/8' x 7 5/8" Laid in 8" Walls (56.3 mm x 90.6 mm x 190.6 mm laid in 200 mm Walls
The above costs are based on flush cut mortar joints. For struck joints, add 1/2-hr. mason time per 1,000 brick.
Estimate the labor cost of laying concrete face brick the same as given for face brick under Unit Masonry/Brick. On similar work, using jumbo brick, 3-5/8”x3-5/8”"x7-5/8” (90.62 x 90.62 x 190.62 mm), a mason should lay 675 to 775 brick per 8-hr. day in 12” (300 mm) walls and 550 to 600 brick per day in 8” (200 mm) walls.
Using double brick, 4-7/8”x3-5/8"x7-5/8” (121.87 x 90.62 x 190.62 mm), a mason should lay 450 to 550 brick per 8-hr. day in 12” (300 mm) walls and 375 to 425 brick per day in 8” (200 mm) walls. Roman size concrete brick, 1-5/8”x3-5/8”x1 1-5/8” (40.62 x 90.62 x
290.62 mm) or 1-5/8”x3-5/8"x15-5/8” (40.62 x 90.62 x 390.62 mm), are used only for facing or in 8” (200 mm) walls. The labor cost of handling and laying these brick will vary considerably, depending upon the type of joint treatment, flush cut, V-tooled or concave, struck or weathered, or raked out. On average work with flush cut joints, a mason should lay 300 to 350 nominal 12” (300 mm) Roman brick per 8-hr. day or 225 to 265 nominal 16” (400 mm) Roman brick per 8-hr. day. For tooled, struck, weathered, or raked out joints, reduce by 8% to 12% the above quantities. Concrete Blocks and Partition Units
Concrete blocks and partition units are manufactured in weights of concrete. Specific information on density of concrete types and on weights of units should be obtained from local manufacturers. When specific information is not available, assume the following values for products: Tv
Expanded shale concrete xpanded slag and cinder concrete Crushed stone and gravel concrete
Lbs. per
Kg per Cu
if 8
2162.3 - 2322.5
MASONRY These types of units may be used interchangeably for all purposes, although lightweight units afford a savings of weight to secure economy in design, and they afford increased heat and sound insulation value. Estimating the Quantity of Concrete Blocks and Partition Units. Concrete blocks and partition units should be estimated by the square foot of wall of any thickness and then multiplied by the number of blocks per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) as given in the following tables. Always take exact measurements and make deductions in full for all openings, regardless of size. The result will be the actual number of sq. ft. (sq.m) or number of blocks required for the job. Mortar. The same kind of mortar should be used in laying concrete blocks as given for Modular Size Concrete Brick.
Sizes and Shapes of Concrete Building Units complete
When laying up exterior walls, face shell bedding shall be used with coverage of face shells. Furrowing of the mortar shall not be
permitted. Extruded mortar shall be cut off flush with face of wall and the joints firmly compacted, after the mortar has stiffened somewhat. Tooling is essential in producing tight mortar joints. Mortar has a tendency to shrink slightly and may pull away from the masonry units causing fine, almost invisible cracks at the junction of mortar and masonry units.
Sizes and Weights of Concrete Masonry Units
Concrete masonry units are usually made with standard modular face dimensions 7-5/8” (190.62 mm) high and 15-5/8” (390.62 m) long and are available in thicknesses 3/8” (9.37 mm) less than the nominal 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, and 12” (75, 100, 150, 200, and 300 mm) thickness. Shell Mortar
End Tie
nn a
Center Shell
ag: EEE
Outside ‘Core
SOC As saa St Inside Ti peau
End Flange
Extra Mortar Bed
Note: The following nomenclature is the same for 2-core and 3-core block. The 2-core has been used here for lustraton
OBE with MG Open Both Ends with Mortar Grooves
OE with MG-POE Open End with Mortar Grooves — Plain Other End (Notice thickness of Plain End, unlike Permanent Plain End.) OE with MG-SSOE Open End with Mortar
Grooves - Steel Sash Other End (Also pictured
is a Bullnose Corner: 1" & 2" radius available on any Plain End Corner.)
OE with MG-PPOE Open End with Mortar Grooves — Permanent Plain Other End (Notice thickness of Permanent Plain End, unlike Plain End.)
PPBE Permanent Plain Both Ends
ied og
Hand Hold optional on 2 and 3 core block. Dimensions of units: In practice, the first dimension of a concrete masonry unit represents the thickness; the second dimension, the height; the third, langth Example: 8" x 8" x 16", or 200 mm. x 200 mm. x 400 mm.
When laid up with 3/8” (15.6 mm) mortar joints, the units are 8” (200 mm) high and 16” (400 mm) long, requiring 112.5 units per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of wall, not including allowance for waste and breakage. Hollow and solid partition and furring units have nominal thickness of 2”, 3”, 4”, 6”, and 8” (51, 76, 102, 152, and 203 mm). fers
Sizes and Shapes of Concrete Building Units Hollow and solid loadbearing units have nominal thickness of 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, and 12” (102, 152, 203, 254, and 305 mm) and are also available
in half lengths. Standard specials such as steel and wood sash jambs, bullnose, and closures are also available in full and half lengths. There are also many sizes available on special order.
Sizes, Weights and Quantities of Loadbearing Concrete Blocks and Tile
Actual Size of Units
No. of
100 Sq.Ft.|
100 Sq.Ft
10 Sq.M
of Wall
| of Wall*
*4ctual mortar quantities are about half those given in the table, but experience shows that considerably more mortar is required, due to waste, droppings, etc.
MASONRY Sizes, Weights and Quantities of Concrete Partition Tile No. of Units
Cu.Ft. Mortar
100 Sq.Ft.
41 mmx
191 mmx
91 mmx
191 mmx
141 mmx
191 mmx
191 mmx
191 mmx
*Actual mortar quantities are about half those given in the table, but experience shows that considerably more mortar is required, due to waste, droppings, etc.
Labor Laying Concrete Masonry
The labor cost of laying the various types and sizes of concrete blocks and tile will vary with factors such as the size and weight of the blocks, the class of work, and whether there are long straight walls or walls cut up with numerous openings. Labor costs will also vary depending on whether the blocks are laid above or below grade. Basement walls usually proceed faster than exposed work above grade. It is usually more economical to use lightweight units, even though they cost a few cents more per piece, because a mason can handle and lay them with less effort. In some localities union regulations require two masons to work together where the blocks weigh more than 35 Ibs. (15.8 kg) each. Where concrete blocks are used for exterior or interior facing walls, with the blocks carefully laid to a line and in various patterns and with neatly tooled mortar joints, the labor costs will run considerably higher than on straight structural walls. The quantities given in the following tables are based on average conditions with blocks laid in 1:1:6 cement-lime mortar. If portland cement mortar is used above grade, reduce daily output about 5 percent.
All quantities are based on the output of one mason and one laborer or hod carrier per 8-hr. day. If hoisting engineer time is required, add about 1/4-hr. per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m). Number of Concrete Partition Tile Laid Per 8-Hr. Day By One Mason
: —
Actual Size of Units
i ae oa (ip me
ae Be 551 je
aeCe aeee See a er Cie “xen Oe ae Te ee
Se ole ae Ge hn OS OS el
ae ne e
Be are ee ae a Ta
ea eae ed ee ee hoe 1170) = 100 ee a FG Thick-
Actual Size
| | | |
Light Wt. Mason 3 Units* per | Hrs. per 8-Hr. Day |100 Pieces
Light Wt. Mason Units* per | Hrs. per 8-Hr. Day |100 Pieces
91 mm x 191 mm x 291 mm] 100 mr i4i mm x_ 191 mm x 291 mm|{150 m = m 191 mm x_191 mm x__291 mm] 200 41 mm x_191 mm x__391 mm] 50
lw 7\O G2
: oo
91 mm
191 mm
391 mm]100 i
141 mm
191 mm
i 391 mm/150
191 mm
191 mm
391 mmj}200
AL oj £ Nn
5 :
*For heavyweight concrete units decrease above quantities and increase labor 10 percent.
Light Wt.
Actual Size of Units
SIS eh Tei Si eeXa asa Ole obi oe PSs Sy Osh os EU Sy POS SO Sas ose SRS SYS EO IESG
Max yp dle /82 oe IDSA wakes ell) Sie PSAs XVe 5 SV eS SVE Oe IP Sy xe ISS
Units* per | Hrs. per 100 Pieces
MASONRY Number of Concrete Building Units Laid Per 8-Hour Day by One Mason Light Weight (continued) Thick-
Light Wt. Units* per
Mason Hrs. Per
100 Pieces
| 91mm x_ 122 mm x__291 mm] 100 mm]2 141 mm x_ 91mm 141 mm
122 mm x__291
mm] 150 mm|
_x_191 mm x x 191 mm x
191 mm
191 mm
241 mm
191 mm
291mm, 191 mm
x x
190 im 191 mm
x x
291 mm
191 mm
*For walls below grade.
Number of Concrete Building Units Laid Per 8-Hour Day by One Mason Heavy Weight Light Wt. Mason Units* per | Hrs. per 8-Hr. Day |100 Pieces
Actual Size of Units
Te ea Sree
x 2 TOR
100 y
x A ele Ue,” fe 6h soa
Labor Hrs. per
eras | 4.7
BALE ae oe ae ey cae ee ee Daa) Le ae ame me) is ae Ce
[OTD APRIB[BRIB es) Jwiofse WI
— So
Pee eee a ke
Actual Size of Units
No. of Light
141 mm
122 mm
x _ 191 mm
291 mm{150
*For walls below grade.
~) € ix 3
Hrs. Per
100 Pieces
mm]159 - 177)
300 mm 91mmx
5 6.3
91 mm
ppp ni O}JRIN
a oe ai" ness
SS ies)
ley Seog
Mortar Joints. Hollow concrete block or tile should be laid with broken joints to secure the maximum resistance to moisture and heat penetration. Sufficient mortar is spread on the inner and outer shell bed and end joints to cover and to provide a joint of the required thickness when pressed into place. Solid units, brick, etc., are laid in solid beds. Comparison of Concrete Masonry Sizes With Brick. Allowing for the mortar joints in brickwork, the various sizes of concrete masonry units are equivalent to the following number of modular size brick, i.e., 2-1/4”x35/8”x7-5/8” (56.25 x 90.62 x 190.62 mm), Metric Size of Blocks 100 mmx
200 mmx
400 mm
300 mmx
200 mmx
400 mm
Cost of Concrete Masonry Units. The prices quoted below are for index purposes only and are based on 8”x8”x16” (200 x 200 x 400 mm) block delivered to the job. As concrete masonry is widely manufactured, the estimator is always close to a source of supply. Costs on different size blocks are readily obtainable. Prices for 8”x 8”x 16” Block (200 mm x 200 mm x 400 mm ,block)
Based on Truck Load Deliveries
New Orleans New York
Precast reinforced concrete lintels can usually be obtained from concrete masonry manufacturers.
Estimating Concrete Block (C.M.U.)
Convert inches (mm) to decimal. Use the table in the Mensuration chapter or convert inches by dividing by 12”. For example, 4” + 12” = 0.33 feet or 200mm + 1000mm = 0.2m. Masonry Facts Block
(SF less openings) x 1.125
= # of Blocks
# of Blocks + 55
= # Bags of Mortar
# Bags + 10
= #CY of Sand
Grout Fill
# Vertical Drops x Wall Height + 125 # Vertical Drops x Wall Height + 70
= # CY of Fill for 8” Block =# CY ofFill for 12” Block
Y% Reg Blk
LF of height of openings + 0.66
= # '4 Regular Block
Lintel Blk
LF of opening width + 1.33 + # of openings = # Lintel or Knock Out Block LF of masonry = 1.33 = # of Lintel Block per Course
Order Estimate
Lintel block can be used instead of a solid poured concrete beam at the top of a masonry wall. They can also be used over windows, doors and other openings in lieu of a precast concrete lintel beam. In this case, the length of the lintel block will extend a half block on both sides of the opening. No lintel block will be required over these openings if the lintel block forms a continuous beam at the top of the masonry wall. Header BIk
—_LF of masonry ~ 1.33
= # Header Block
Header block are used as part of a stem wall, when the slab will be poured into the block and footing. % Block
Wall Height + 0.66
a) ° Q o.
¥% block is used in a wall that is not a multiple of the block. Blocks that do not need to be cut are a multiple of the block. Even dimensions end on 0” or 8”, such as 22’-0” or 48’-0” or 48’-8”. Odd dimensions end in 4”,
such as 13’-4” or 31°-4”, are wall dimensions that do not need to be cut or use a special block size. When an even number ends in 4”, such as 8’-4’’, then this wall dimension is 1’-0” longer than a multiple of the block wall. Hence block 12” long (4 block) are needed. Inspect Blk
——# Vertical Drops
= # Inspection Block
Split Blk
LF of masonry + 1.33
= # Split Block
Split blocks (4” x 8” x 16”) may be placed under windows where wall height under window is not a multiple of the block and in any area where wall height is 4” lower than the livable floor slab.
MASONRY Regular Blk
Total block — (0.5 x #'% Regular Block) — # Lintel Block — # Header Block —# % Block — # Inspection Block
Cavity Caps
= # Regular Block
(LF of masonry + 0.66) - # Vertical Drops
= # Cavity Caps
Sample Concrete Block (C.M.U.) Estimate
3040 s|—8
Using the drawing shown above, complete the masonry estimate for the 34’-0” (10.4m) x 18’-4” (5.6m) building. Note that there are two windows measuring 3’-0” (0.9m) x 4’-0” (1.2m), one window measuring 4’-0” (1.2m) x 4’-0” (1.2m) and one door measuring 3’-0” (0.9m) x 6’-8” (2m). The window height (measured at the top of the window) for all windows is 6’-8” (2m). The masonry wall is 8’-0” (2.4m) high with vertical drops as shown. There are two courses of lintel block with one #5 (#16) rebar per course.
The masonry wall uses 8” x 8” x 16” (200mm x 200mm x 400mm) standard CMU block. Number of LF (LM) of wall at the centerline
34’ — 0.33’ — 0.33’ = 33.34’ (10.2m) wall length at centerline 18.33’ —0.33’ — 0.33’ = 17.67’ (5.4m) wall width at centerline 2 x (33.34’ + 17.67’) = 102 LF (31.1 LM) Number of courses of block 8’ + 0.67’ = 11.9 or 12 courses of block
2.4m + 200mm = 12 courses of block
Number of 4 Regular block (4 + 6.67? + 4 + 4’) = 0.66 = 28.3 or 28 each % Regular block (1.2m + 2m + 1.2m + 1.2m) + 0.2 = 28 each % Regular block
Number of Lintel block Note that window go up to these lintel courses and so no additional lintel block are needed over the windows or door. 2 courses x 102’ + 1.33 = 153.4 or 154 each Lintel block
2 courses x 31.1m + 0.406 = 153.2 or 154 each Lintel block
Number of Header block There are no header block shown on the wall section.
Number ofInspection block 18 vertical drops = 18 each Inspection block Number of*%4 block 2 sides x 8’ + 0.66 = 24.2 or 24 each % block 2 sides x 2.4m ~ 0.2 = 24 each % block
Number of Regular block
102 LF x 8’ — 12 SF —-20 SF — 16 SF — 12 SF = 756 SF less openings 31.1 LMx 2.44m— 1.11 SM— 1.86 SM—- 1.49 SM— 1.11 SM = 70.3 SM 756 SF x 1.125 = 850.5 or 851 total blocks 70.3 x 12.1 = 850.6 or 851 total blocks
851 —(0.5 x 28 pes of % Reg) — 154 pcs of Lintel — 0 pes of Header — 24 pcs of% Block — 18 pcs ofInspection = 641 pes of Reg block Number of bags of mortar 851 blocks + 55 = 15.5 or 16 bags of mortar Number of CY (CM) of sand 16 bags + 10 = 1.6 CY (1.1 CM) of sand Number of CY (CM) of grout fill
18 drops x 8’ + 125 = 1.2 CY (0.88 CM) of grout fill
Note: Quantities of mortar, sand, and grout fill will vary depending on the crew. Number of #5 (#16) rebar 10’ (3m) long Each vertical drop will have one rebar vertically for the height of the wall with any remainder bent into the lintel area.
18 drops = 18 each #5 rebar 10’ long Number of #5 (#16) rebar 20’ (6.1m) long 2 courses x 102 LF + 17 = 12 pes of #5 rebar 20’ long 2 courses x 31.1 LM~= 5.18 = 12 pes of #16 rebar 6.1m long
Control Joints in Concrete Masonry
To control movements in concrete masonry walls caused by various kinds of stresses, control joints are used. Control joints are continuous vertical joints built into walls in such locations and in such a manner as to permit slight wall movement without cracking the masonry. The spacing and location of control joints depends on a number of factors—length of wall, architectural details, and the experience and records
MASONRY in the particular locality where the structure is to be built. Control joints should be placed at junctions of bearing as well as nonbearing walls; at junctions of walls and columns or pilasters; at construction joints in foundation, roof, and floors; and in walls weakened by chases and openings, columns, and fixtures. In long walls, joints are ordinarily spaced at approximately 20’ (6.09 m) intervals, depending on local experience. At return angles in “L”, “T”, and “U” shaped structures, as a rule, control joint locations are determined by the architect or engineer and are usually indicated on the drawings. Control joints can be built with regular full- and half-length stretcher block or full- and half-length offset jamb block. With this type of joint construction, a non-corroding metal Z-tiebar, placed in every other horizontal joint across the control joint will provide lateral support to wall sections on each side ofthe control joint. In some localities, special control joint block are available. These block have tongue and groove ends, which provide the required lateral support. These block are also made in full- and half-length units. Other common methods of constructing control joints are illustrated below. The joints permit free longitudinal movement, but they should have sufficient shear and flexural strength to resist lateral loads. They also must be weather tight when located in exterior walls. Generally, a control joint is placed at one side of an opening less than 6’ (1.82 m) in width and at both jambs of openings over 6’ (1.82 m) wide. Control joints can be omitted if adequate tensile reinforcement is placed above and below wall openings. To keep control joints as unnoticeable as possible, care must be taken to build them plumb and of the same thickness as the other mortar joints. If the joint is to be exposed to weather or view, it should be raked out to a depth of at least 3/4” (18.75 mm) and sealed with knife grade caulking compound. The additional cost of building control joints, over and above the
regular wall cost, will be about $0.40 to $0.48 per lin.ft. ($1.32 to $1.57 per m) for material and $0.80 to $96 per lin.ft. ($2.62 to $3.15 per m) for labor.
Reinforced Concrete Masonry
Local conditions frequently demand special construction methods. For example, in earthquake regions it is necessary to provide more than ordinary stability for all types of structures. This is also true in areas where severe wind storms occur or where foundation soils are unstable. In almost any locality there are structures that are subject to excessive
or other
of these
examples of unusual stress conditions require special attention in design and are often covered by local building codes.
In concrete masonry construction, additional strength is obtained by reinforcing the walls with steel reinforcing rods encased in grout. The walls may be reinforced horizontally, vertically, or both. Bond Beams. To reinforce concrete masonry walls horizontally, bond beams are frequently used at each story height. Under extreme stress conditions, it may be necessary to use them in every second or third course. Bond beams may be constructed by forming and pouring a continuous ribbon of reinforced concrete at the course height required, but this method breaks up the continuity of the block pattern and may be objectionable. In many localities, special bond beam blocks are available that are trough-shaped. When laid open side up, they form a continuous trough in which reinforcing steel and concrete encasement may be placed, eliminating the need for wood side forms, and the block pattern of the wall is preserved. Bond beams serve both as structural elements and as a means of crack control. They are constructed with special-shaped masonry units that are filled with concrete or grout and reinforced with embedded steel. Their value in crack control is due to the increased strength and stiffness they give a masonry wall. Since they are capable of structural function as well as crack control, bond beams will be found serving the following functions:
2. 3. 4.
As lintel beams over doors and windows. Lintels may be preconstructed on the ground and set in place when they have attained sufficient strength or they may be built in place, using wood centers for support until mortar and concrete is strong enough to permit their removal. Below the sill in walls with openings. At the top of walls and at floor level to distribute vertical loads. As horizontal stiffeners incorporated into masonry to transfer flexural stresses to columns and pilasters when unusually high lateral loading is encountered.
As a means of crack control, the bond beam’s area of influence normally is presumed to extend 24 inches (600 mm) above and below its location in the wall. In walls without openings, they are spaced four feet apart and may be any length up to 60 feet (18.29 m) maximum. Reinforcement for bond beams must satisfy structural requirements but should not be less than two no. 4 steel bars. The beams are always discontinuous at expansion joints, and joints should be designed to transfer lateral force along the wall. Beams may be discontinuous at control joints; practice varies depending on structural requirements. Dummy joints are formed when a bond beam is continuous at a control joint. Vertical Reinforcement in Concrete Masonry Walls. Where vertical reinforcement is required in concrete masonry walls, it is usually located at building corners, jambs of wall openings, and at regular intervals between wall openings. Size and spacing of reinforcement is usually covered
by local building codes. When used in conjunction with bond beams, vertical and horizontal steel should be tied together.
Method of Constructing Control Joints in Concrete Masonry Walls
In placing vertical reinforcement, advantage is taken of the vertical alignment of hollow block cores, which form wells into which the reinforcing bars are placed and grouted solid with poured mortar or concrete. At locations where vertical reinforcement is to occur, the bottom block should
be left out for a cleanout hole when wall is laid up. Just prior to setting steel bars in place, the wells should be rodded clean of extruded mortar and debris removed from the cleanout. After cleaning, setting bars, and inspecting, cleanouts are closed with side-forms and the wells are grouted solid.
xo Typical Control Joint Details
Typical Control Joint Locations
Concrete Masonry Cavity Walls
A cavity wall consists of two walls separated by a continuous air space and securely tied together with non-corroding metal ties of adequate strength. For each 3 sq.ft. (0.27 sq.m) of wall surface, a rectangular tie of 3/16” (4.68 mm) or 1/4” (6.25 mm) wire can be used. The ties are embedded
in the horizontal joints of both walls. Additional ties are necessary at all openings, with ties spaced about 3° (900 mm) apart around the perimeter and within 12” (300 mm) of the opening. Rectangular cavity wall ties are manufactured 2” (50 mm) and 4” (100 mm) wide and are either mill galvanized or hot dip galvanized. Costs for 2” (50 mm) hot dip galvanized range from $290.00 to 580.00 per 1,000 units. Costs for 4” (100 mm) hot dip galvanized range from $425.00 to 635.00 per 1,000 units.
Concrete Masonry Bond-Beam Units
Typical Concrete Masonry Beams Typical codes require that 10” (250 mm) cavity walls should not exceed 25’ (7.6 m) in height. In residential construction the overall thickness of concrete masonry cavity walls is nominally 10” or 12” (250 or 300 mm).
MASONRY Neither the inner nor outer walls should be less than 4” (100 mm) thick (nominal dimension), and the space between them should not be less than 2” (50 mm) nor more than 3” (75 mm) wide. Usually the outer wall is
nominally 4” (100 mm) thick and the remaining wall thickness made up by the air space and the inner wall. For example, a modular concrete masonry cavity wall nominally 12” (300 mm) thick is composed of a 4” (100 mm) outer wall, a 2” (50 mm) air space and a 6” (150 mm) inner wall. A simple method of preventing the accumulation of mortar droppings between walls and maintaining a clear cavity is to lay a 1”x 2” (25 x 50 mm) wood strip across a level of ties to catch the droppings. As the masonry reaches the next level for placing ties, the strip is raised, cleaned and laid on the ties placed at this level. The practice of providing special flashing and weep holes in masonry cavity walls primarily presumes that water will enter the wall from the outside. If concrete masonry walls are properly designed and built with well-compacted mortar joints and are painted or stuccoed, the walls should be weathertight, and there should be no need for special flashing and weep holes. However, in limited areas subject to severe driving rains, or where experience has shown that sufficient water collects in the wall to make flashing and weep holes necessary, the practice is as follows. The heads of windows, doors, and other wall openings, and the bottom course of masonry immediately above any solid belt course or foundation, are flashed so that any moisture entering the wall cavity will be directed toward the outside walls. Only rust-resisting metal or approved materials treated with asphalt or pitch preparations should be used for flashing. Weep holes are placed every 2 or 3 units apart in the vertical joints of the bottom course of the outside wall immediately above any solid belt course or foundation. In no case should the weep holes be located below grade. Weep holes can be formed by placing well-oiled rubber tubing in the mortar joint and then extracting it after mortar has become hard. The tubing should extend up into the cavity for several inches to provide a drainage channel through any mortar droppings that might have accumulated. The labor cost of concrete masonry cavity walls varies the same as ordinary block walls according to the size of unit, pattern of laying, and nature of job. Concrete Masonry Units Used for Exterior Facing Concrete masonry walls are extensively used for exterior facing the same as face brick or stone. They may be laid up in any of the attractive designs shown in the accompanying illustrations, ranging from straight ashlar to the many variations of random or broken ashlar. When used for exterior facing, the walls should be true and plumb and laid with full mortar coverage on vertical and horizontal face shells, no
furrowing permitted, with all vertical joints shoved tight. Mortar joints should be 3/8” (9.3 mm) thick.
A- Continuous bo
reinforced concrete
beam. Lap bars at corners
B- Reinforced concrete studs tied to
C- Reinforced concrete footing D- Reinforcement in horizontal mortar joints
Method of
Constructing and Reinforcing Concrete
The mortar joints should be struck off flush with wall surface and when partially set shall be compressed and compacted with a rounded or Vshaped tool. This provides a more waterproof mortar joint. An attractive treatment is obtained by emphasizing the horizontal joints and obscuring the vertical joints in concrete walls. This is done by tooling the horizontal joints and striking the vertical joints flush with the wall surface and then rubbing with carpet or burlap to remove the sheen from the troweled mortar surface. Varying the bond or joint pattern of a concrete masonry wall can create a wide variety of interesting and attractive appearances, using standard units as well as sculptured-face and other architectural facing units. Due to the increased use of concrete masonry as the finished wall surface, the use of bond patterns other than the typical “running bond” has steadily increased for both loadbearing and non-loadbearing. After running bond construction, the next most widely used bond pattern with concrete masonry units is stacked bond. Lightweight concrete units should be used where obtainable. They provide better insulation than units made of ordinary concrete aggregates.
MASONRY The labor costs given on the following pages are based on using lightweight units. If ordinary concrete units are used, add about 10% to labor costs given. Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) Units, Laid in Regular Ashlar or Running Bond - Walls 8"
epee et |
Hours | Rate-)- Total | Rate. —| otal ee
: Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing. Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using 4" x 16" (100 mm x 400 mm) or half Heights units laid in Regular Ashlar or Running Bond - Walls 8" (200 mm)
Cost per 100 s.f.
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing. Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Coursed Ashlar No.1, Using Alternate Courses of 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) and 4" x 16" (100 mm x 400 mm)
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing.
Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Coursed Ashlar No.2, Consisting of Two Courses of 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) Units and One Course of 4"
os Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls,
20% for 12” (300
mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing. Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete
Masonry Walls Using Coursed Ashlar No.3, Consisting of 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) and 4" x 16" (100 mm x 400 mm) Units - Walls
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct
25% from labor costs for 4°’ (100 mm)
veneer facing.
Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Coursed Ashlar No.4, Consisting of 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) and 4" x 16" (100 mm x 400 mm) Units -
200 mm
Total a
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing.
MASONRY Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete
Masonry Walls Using Vertical Stacking of
ig eee
ae ee Fea
em RN ee a
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing. Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Horizontal Stacking of 8" x 16"
LL Hours” | “Rate | Total Mason | 75/8. YS... 836.93 |$1276.98 |
$ Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm)
veneer facing.
Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Square Stacking of 8" x 8" 200 mm) Thick
SS a 5ee
ae ee as
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing.
Noncorroding ties No.6 ga. |6"0.c. vert.
32"0.c. horiz.
Concrete masonry
Method of constructing Cavity Walls of Concrete Masonry Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Basket Weave Design Consisting of 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) Units - Walls 8" (200 mm) Thick
a bv 2 Sab). Hours. Rate. p Votals|i Rate on]. Tetalae|
5.7)8.... |S... | 826.16|$149.11,
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing.
MASONRY Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Pattern Ashlar Consisting of 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) and 8" x 8" (200 mm x 200 mm) Units - Walls 8" Rate
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing.
Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of Exterior Facing Concrete Masonry Walls Using Pattern Ashlar Consisting of 4" x 8" (100 mm x 200 mm), 4" x 12" (100 mm x 300 mm), 4" x 16" (100 mm x 400 mm), 8" x 12" (200 mm x 300 mm), and 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400
[noms |Rate [Toa] tae] Toat 3 Labor | 94s... Js... [8 26.16|$235.44, mm
Add 10% to labor costs for 10” (250 mm) thick walls, 20% for 12” (300 mm) thick walls. Deduct 25% from labor costs for 4” (100 mm) veneer facing.
Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of 8” (200 mm) Brick Faced
Concrete Block Wall Bonded Every Seventh Course
Ss. [S. [8 3693] 5 083.21 f
Blas C nie Son ee
Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of 12” (300 mm) Brick Faced Concrete Block Wall Bonded Every Sixth Course
[errr y 4eo Hong
Rate foTotal |orate a Total: |
$135.33 “i?
aetl Zk ZAP, fel
(2-in, wall
8-in. wall
(Bonded every
I2-in. wall
(Bonded every @tcourse)
1th course)
8-in. wall
(Bonded every Ttcourse)
Examples of Concrete Masonry Used as Backup for Brick
ee —
8"« 16" Units
1S Pes hs
Eade A" H ParterNe
8°x8'and 8"x 16'Units ik
4° B, 4°x12) 4x16, Bx 12" -
nd 8"xl6"Units
Methods of Laying Concrete Masonry Units for Exterior Facing
—Runninc Bono TC LA" 16" Units
Courseo AsHLAR*® 1 "x16" and 8"x16"Units
1— CourseDAsHLan®3 4 4"x16"and B'xI6"Units
Coursed ASHLAR*2
ale and B'x'@ Units
Courseo AsHLaR"4 4"x IG"and 8x16" Units
Methods of Laying Concrete Masonry Units for Exterior Facing
Insulating Fill for Concrete Masonry Walls. For insulating masonry walls, a water-repellent vermiculite masonry fill is available. This is a free-flowing granular material, processed to provide a high degree of waterrepellency. It is designed for the cores of masonry blocks and the voids of cavity walls. It does not bridge and completely fills cores and cavities. Test installations show that the fill reduces up to 50% of heat loss and 25% of air-
conditioning costs. Masonry fill is also effective sound-deadening in masonry block partitions. Vermiculite masonry fill is marketed in 4 cu.ft. (0.11 cu.m) bags and costs about $7.00 per bag. Approximate coverage is: Approximate Coverage ;
Wall Area
Wall Area
22 cavity: oP OT |625mm Cavity fe BS ea. | 6 "|block2or3core] 21 [150.0 mm | 8" [block 2or3core |_14 1/2 [200.0 mmJblock2or3 core] 13 | 12"[block2 or3 core] 8 $300.0 mm]block 2or3core[ 0.7 _| Silicone treated perlite loose fill insulation insulates masonry walls to give greater comfort at lower cost. Silicone treated perlite pours readily into the cores of concrete block or cavity type masonry walls. Tests prove it reduces winter and summer heat transfer 50% or more. Silicone treatment of perlite provides lasting water repellency, prevents moisture penetration, and assures constant insulating efficiency in the most severe weather, including wind driven rain. Performance is rated excellent in accordance with test procedures developed by the National Bureau of Standards. Silicone treated perlite loose fill insulation is manufactured nationally and marketed in 4 cu.ft. (0.11 cum) bags. Coverage is approximately the same as shown for vermiculite. Installed costs will also be competitive with other loose fill materials. In addition to perlite and vermiculite, there are rigid insulating materials on the market. Korfil and Korfil HI-R® are made of preformed expanded polystyrene and designed to fit two core masonry units from 6” to 12” (150-300 mm). Table A - R Values Wall Constructed of 4” (100 mm) Hollow CMU
Density, kg/cu.m No insulation ©)
i Coresfilledwithperlite
|60_ | 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 |
2 4
5.4 | 44 4.4 | 35 D | 28 8 | 23 hes) | | s4
Table B - R Values Walls Construction of 6” (150 mm) Hollow CMU
Dik bysI 6.1
CO 60SES 80) | 1008 5 Pie Raia 7.6 | 6 | Cores filled with vermiculite | 9.6 | 76
Cores filled with perlite
Pee fe 6.3
Table D - R Values Wall Constructed of 10” (250 mm) Hollow CMU
Table E - R Values Wall Constructed of 12” (300 mm) Hollow CMU
Other products available for insulation of masonry units are extruded and expanded polystyrene, as well as batt insulation. The estimator should be aware of the requirements of the owner and price the material that meets the engineers or owners needs and meets the local building code requirements both for insulation and fire. The following is a list of the common materials:
MASONRY Vermiculite 1” (25 mm) extruded polystyrene 2” (S50 mm) expanded polystyrene ae 2” (50 mm) extruded polystyrene For Korfil insulation it is suggested that the local masonry unit manufacturers be contacted for availability and costs. Special Facing Blocks In many areas, special block are available for the purpose of creating special facing effects. These block range from ordinary cement block, scored across the face to give the appearance of additional joints, to block made or faced with special aggregates which produce various textures and colors. Scored Block. The simplest departure from ordinary block facing is obtained by scoring regular block one or more times across the face to give the illusion of shallower units and more joints. Most block manufacturers can furnish scored units for about $0.07 per score in addition to the regular block price. Labor cost for laying up this type of facing is about the same as for a regular running bond facing except when scored grooves are pointed with mortar and tooled to match the actual joints. Split-Block. Split-blocks offer another variation in wall finish. Split-blocks are made by splitting a hardened concrete unit lengthwise. The units are laid in the wall with the fractured face exposed. Many interesting variations can be obtained by introducing mineral colors and by using aggregates of different grades and colors in the concrete mixture. Split-block can be laid in simple running bond or in any of the other patterns used in concrete masonry construction. The fractured faces of the units produce a wall of rugged appearance. Prices for 4” (102 mm) thick split-block veneer units run from $1.25
to $1.40 per sq.ft. ($13.46 to $15.07 per sq.m) of wall depending on the size of units and pattern used. Labor costs will be about the same as given on previous pages for the various patterns illustrated. Slump Block. For a weathered stone effect, slump block is used. When manufacturing slump block, a special consistency mixture is used so that the unit will sag or “slump” when released from the molds before complete setting, producing artistic irregularities in height and texture. Many are integrally colored in varying shades. Standard heights vary from 1-5/8” (41 mm) to 3-5/8” (92 mm), and units are usually laid in a random ashlar pattern, although coursed patterns may be used if desired. The cost of slump block varies with the locality. Prices should be
obtained locally when figuring this work. Prices range from $1.20 to $1.60 per sq.ft. ($12.92 to $17.22 per sq.m) ofwall facing. Mortar requirements for slump block facing are high, due to the irregularities of the material and approximate those of random ashlar stone
work. On average, it will require about 10 cu.ft. of mortar per 100 sq.ft. (0.28 cu.m per 9.29 sq.m) of 4” (102 mm) veneer facing. When laying slump block in a random ashlar pattern, a mason and a helper should lay 45 to 55 sq.ft. (1.27 to 1.55 sq.m) of 4” (102 mm) veneer facing per 8-hr. day. Glazed Concrete Block. Concrete block may be ordered with a factory applied glazed surface on one or more sides in 8”x16” (200 x 400 mm), 8”x8” (200 x 200 mm), and 4”x16” (100 x 400 mm) face sizes and in even thicknesses of 2” (50 mm) through 12” (300 mm). Standard cap, base,
and finished end units are also furnished. This glaze is a satin finish, factory applied to a 1/8” (3.12 mm) thickness and is available in a standard range of 48 colors and 11 scored patterns, with special colors and shapes possible. The glazing process is available to local sources through special licensing rather than being centrally manufactured and warehoused, and the local firm should always be consulted for availability and cost. These units are especially useful where it is desired to have a block finish on one side and glazed on the other, because one unit provides both. This can mean a considerable savings in labor cost and floor space, when compared with building a 4” (100 mm) block partition and adding a 2” (50 mm) glazed furring block. The glazed surface meets both USDA and OSHA requirements for sanitary surfaces. The high performance standards of concrete block for fire resistance and insulation value are retained. Tolerance on face dimensions and face distortions is limited to 1/16” (1.56 mm).
Units are set in standard mortar and struck with a groover but may be pointed or grouted for more finished work. Acid cleaning solutions should not be used, and units must be kept clean as the work progresses. A final cleaning with a masonry cleaning compound should be figured. Adding the glazed surface to a standard block will add around $1.90 to $2.20 per sq.ft. ($20.45 to $23.68 per sq.m) of glazed surface. Some colors will be more expensive than others, and the amount of scoring within the block surface will also affect the price. Two masons and one laborer will set 240 to 250 sq.ft. (22.29-23.22 sq.m) of 4” (100 mm) partition in running bond per day. Labor Cost of 100 S.F. (9.29 Sq.M) of 4” (100 mm) Thick, Thick, 8" x 16" (200 mm x 400 mm) Concrete Blocked Glazed One Side Laid
Add to the above for pointing, grouting, and cleaning as required.
MASONRY Number of 6”x7-3/4x6-3/4” Double Grooved Concrete Manhole Blocks and Quantity of Mortar Required to Lay Up Manholes and Catch Basins of Various Sizes Depth of
Manhole - Ft._
Internal Diameter of Manhole, Inches
30" INo.Block(Cone) | 8 [16 [24 [32
a >
No.Block(Cone) |—* | 16_|_# | 2 a
No.Block(Cone) 8 | 16]#0] No.Biock(Bb) [|_77_| _80_[ 81 80] a OL FN TT No.Block(one) | ® | 16 | [2] top [Ne-Blockcpoly [99 [108 [08 [110 [Eee ce) A) SY No.BlockCone) |—* | 16]#32] me Moret | Suz 5 | sie | 8 No.Block(one) | | 16_|_ 4 [30] oe oo
Number of 152 x 197 x 171 mm Double Grooved Concrete Manhole Blocks
and Quantity of Mortar Required to Lay Up Manholes and Catch Basins of Various Sizes Internal Diameter of Manhole, mm
SyB.So =5
gc)g = Ss Q a S
ss io]° 8) O° Q fl aI OQ= pa Q ° gq ° Q.
= @
=>o ca}
i="is}c 5 “a
e i=}3 © =
|_ 128.00 2.90
| 3.63
OF 3.95) 1,176.15
Lat 130.05
° B oO x ga (2)=
teel welded per month, per machine, tonne
in. Meter fillet per Kg of electrode |
30.48 x 30.48 m | 42.67 x 60.96 m 1,188.72 2,310.38
illet per ton ofsteel , liner mm
1.20 6 239
* Includes 0.26 hours for foreman. 0.91 hours helpers 0.37 hours for hoist (crane) engineer. * T -joint welded both sides with this fillet weld will have plate strength. Total number of passes varies with operator
METALS Data on Fillet and Lap Welds in Overhead Position
Plate Thickne
2 .| Electrode Size of Size ‘ST Fillet
off Rate Inches c
Arc Speed (Inches per Minute for
hast Gu yl aeee ae
Ft. of Joint Lbs. of Welded per | Electrode Hour (100% | per Ft. of
Oper. Factor) | _Weld
Meter of Joint | Kg. of Welded per | Electrode Hour (100% | per M. of Oper. Factor) Weld
Preperation; Square edge. Fit-uo’ recommended gap 1/32" (0.78 mm), maximum gap 1/16" (1.56 mm). If greater gaps must be welded, use same procefure but add witdh of gap to fillet size.
Estimating Weights of Standard Steel Shapes The following tables are only a portion of what is available to be used on jobs. W Shapes
Weight | Dept
| W4x13 |
(rm)_() ange
| Wsxi9 Peetos | expe [5.030 | 0.270 [| 28 18 Tat) 12871 |, 6.9 | | Wexed” | 20
6.2. | 6.020" | 0.260 [30
|esib7 | 153 | Be
| Wex40 | 40 | 8.25 |.8.070 | 0.360 | 60_ | 210 | 205 | 9.1 | LEWA0x45 [p45
10.1 |] 8.020] 0.350 [G7 ile 257" | |2045 feo. Ft
| Wi2x30 | _30__| 12.34 | 6.520 | 0.260 | 45 | 313 | 166 | 66 | | Wie2x96 | 96 | 12.71 | 12.160] 0.550 | 143 | 323 [ 309 | 14.0 | 127 | wi4x48 [48 [| 13.79 [|8.030 | 0.340 [ 71 | 350 | 204 | 86 | | wiex40 | 40__| 16.01 | 6.995] 0.305 | 60 | 407 [-178 | 7.7 |
| wisx40 | 40 | 17.9 | 6.015 | 0.315 | 60 [ 455 [153 | 80 | | W21x68 | 68 | 21.13 | 8.270 | 0.430 [ 101 [ 537 | 210 | 109 |
Source: American Institute of Steel Construction
12} Depth
Web Thickness
W12x45 (300x67) W=shape 12=depth in inches (300 mm) 45=weight per L.f. (67 kg per m)
METALS M Shapes Size
Weight | Dept (Lbs/ft) (in)
ange (in)
| Web (in)
} Weight (kg/m)
Dept (mm)
ange (mm)
Web (mm)
3.940 | 0.254
|MSx18.9} 189 | 5 | 5.003 | 0.316 | 28 | 127 | 127 | 80 | iMex4 at ria AP 6 1 | ete et it4 fee? 2 [Pris2i | 547 3leg
TMex65 | 65 | 8 | 2261 |0135] 10 | 203 | 58 | 34 wioxe | 8 | 981 | 2600 |0139] 12 | 240 | 08 | 35 Twioxa | 9 | 9.86 | 2600 |0157] 13 | 250 | 08 |40 Source: American Institute of Steel Construction
S Shape Weight | Dept
any| (in)
Bele Bee Bas Belen
Ra ee Bs Se a ee Be ae a eee dB ee ee ea ee
owed Geog
Rel En Eee Ee
ee Ee
ee ee
ee ee ea ee a Be a ee
ae a ee
457 |ss20xes [nes [imzo' [re255 |1060s |e 984 | 508) imetsey |! 313 | es20x6e | 800 |a203' | 7.060 [50.660 [5128 | S16] | 179 4yi|s Azo |
80 [s2ax90 | 90 | 24 | 7.125 [|0.625 [ 134 [| 610 | 181 | 16 |
HPS Size
Weight | Dept (in) (Lbs/ft)
ange (in)
| Web (in)
]| Weight (kg/m)
Dept (mm)
ange (mm)
Web (mm)
: 2 HP8x36 HP 10x42 246 | 256 PHP10x57{ 57 | 9.99 | 10.225| 0.565 [85 [| 254 | 260 | 14 |
0.51 12.215 | 0.60 0.685 295 |_0.685_|
695 | PHP14x89 [89 | 13.83 |14.095 |0.615 0.615 | | 0.705 0.705 _| 0.805 _| | 0.805
303 312 CYA
Source; American Institute of Steel Construction
Weight | Dept
| C3x6_| 6 |
ange | Web
gm) rm)a ee (mm)ee ee | Weight
Re ee eae L584 }70.184 [8 1) e102) | 200 sae | EVADE Go ee Ss eee
5x94 |[29 Tae Es =|ateae 1.885 |(oan 0.325 13 127 48 | C5x9_ eee mee esa ae |CGX10.5 |P10.5 i) ORG #21094 0814 ee 1G Sets? nero 7See | |)wo eae Hf peat sar ) 1055 2 eto? | PaO Tore
| C15x40 | 40 | 15 | 6520 | 0520] 60 | 381 | 166 [13 | 5 MC Shap
Weight | Dept
|.MC6X12 Pai2
in| toy_| gm) rm) im ange | Web
| Weight
6s | 2404 [50.975 | 185 | s2s0 is eat |
RE] ae Oe ae Pe ae IMC6xX16.3] 16.3 | 6 | 3.000 [ 0.475 [ 24 | 152 | 76 | | MCe6xi8| 18 | 6 ||3.504 | 0.475 | 27 | 152 | 89 |
3.60 1.87 3.02
| | 254 TMCtoxe5] 25 | 10 | 3.405 |0575 | 37] 054 | 66 305
Source: American Institute of Steel Construction
S24x100 (600x148)
C12x20.7 (300x30)
S=shape of beam 24=depth, in. (600 mm) 100=Ibs per I.f. (148 kg/m)
C=shape (channel) 12=depth, in. (300 mm) 20.7=Ibs per 1.f. (30 kg/m)
Example, a job requires 601f (18.3m) W6x20, 301f (9.1m) W8x15, 45lf (13.7m) M&x6.5 and 110If (33.5m) S18x70, then the total number of pounds (kg) of steel is 60 x 20 + 30 x 15 + 45 x 6.5 + 110 x 70 = 9,642.5 Ibs (4,373.8 kg). In estimating steel, add all connector pieces, bolts, plates, welding, etc. to get the total number oflbs (kg).
Estimating the Weight of Wrought Iron, Steel, or Cast Iron _ When tables of weights are not handy, the following rules will prove of value to the estimator when computing the weights of wrought iron, steel, or Cast iron. Weight of Wrought Iron. One cu. ft. (0.02832) of wrought iron weighs 480 Ibs (217.72 kg). One sq. ft. (0.0929 sq.m) of wrought iron 1” (25 mm) thick weighs 40 Ibs (18.14 kg). One sq. in. (6.452 sq.cm)of wrought iron one foot (0.3048 m) long weighs 3-1/3 lbs (1.51 kg). To find the weight of one square foot (0.0929 sq.m) of flat iron of any thickness, multiply the thickness in inches by 40, and the result will be the weight of the iron in Ibs. To find the weight of one lin. ft. (0.3048 m) of wrought iron bar of any size, multiply the cross sectional area in sq. in. by 3-1/3, and the result will be the weight per lin.ft (0.3048 m). Weight of Steel. One cu. ft. (0.02832 cum) of steel weighs 489.6 Ibs (222.08 kg), or 2% more than wrought iron. One sq.ft. (0.0929 sq.m) of 1” (25mm) thick steel weighs 40.8 Ibs (18.50 kg). A piece of 1” x 1” x 1’ steel weighs 3.4 lbs 25 x 25 x 0.3048 m weighs 1.54 Kg). To find the weight of one lin.ft. (0.3048 m) of steel bar of any size, multiply the cross sectional area in square inches by 3.4, and the result will be the weight of the steel in Ibs. If the weight per lin. ft. is known, the exact sectional area in square inches may be obtained by dividing the weight by 3.4. Weight of Cast Iron. One cu. ft. of cast iron weighs 450 Ibs (0.02832 cu.m = 204.14 kg). One sq.ft. of cast iron, 1” thick, weighs 37-1/2 Ibs (0.0929 sq.m weighs 17.01Kg). A piece of cast iron 1” x 1” x 1’ weighs 3-1/8 lbs. (25mm x 25mm x 0.3028mweighs 1.41 kg). One cu.in. of cast iron weighs 0.26 Ibs. 16.39 cu.cm. weighs 0.12 kg
Weight of Square and Round Bars Kg
Thick.or | Lbs. of | Lbs. of } Thick or | o° Diameter |Square Bar] Round Bar} Inches | per Lin.Ft. | per Lin.Ft.
Diameter mm
B i a ane e ter
0.167 2|| ower 0.261 | O21 0.376 03765 0.511 Cie 0.668 | | 0.668 | 0.845 0.845 1.040 sa ae 12040
Kg af aeof
pete Q oQ ied
0.249 0.388 0.560 0.760 0.994 1.258 1.548
; 265
1.875 1260 pA17.1919h Pee 3/4 1.500 2.232 i 1.760 G0 al 2.619 7/8 2.040 3.036 20405 874 | Os Say es Er a 06( Pe a BA aeee Od se tPa i oh eS eee aid Pee LC ee a | 3380" 3.380 | [28.13 5.030 ee 40702-3125 alin 6.206
Pe hay?
1 5/8
32.81 Ee ae [6428S | S050) U0 34.38 cs ae Oe 7.650 ee6.010 wI0 J] S750 = QDS S ROUON
= = oN a
| | iis)
40.63 e e e
e ee
15.492 | 8.180| 43.75 Peas | oe) ae eee 17.784 BE ee 46.88 50.00 20.239 SO6805) | 12.060_| 53.13
2 1/4
(ee eres 8.944
10.492 eenG) 1 2al7s
Gee ir: 13.974 15.894
17.948 20.120 es 22.412
21/2 16.69 2 5/8 18.40 23/4 | 25.710 _| 20.20 al i AR ale 22.0707 |La Me Mk 3 24.030 | 24.030_| 3 1/8 | 26.080 7A _| Ee es ee 31/4 28.2 co ee a RL ee) ake bc cE: Ree LOE CON) (VP) a 32.710 71.150
5S faa]
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56.00 2.00
CARPENTRY Board Feet Content of Joists, Scantlings, and Timbers of Given Lineal Foot Lengths
xX Xx X
100.00 |116.67|
160.00 186.67 213.33
X X xX X
ta 4"x___16"__| [ax teas [ax ald fos nec16" ib reer a lower ipa" I8"x 18" LST ex DOUEX
20" Ay
168.00 |196.00 192.00 |224.00 186.67 |224.00 298.67 373.33 | 270.00 |324.00 |378.00] 432.00 [486.00 [540.00 _| 300.00 _} 360.00 |420.00} 333.33 | 400.00 | 466.67]
480.00 | 540.00 | 600.00 533.33 600.00 | 666.67
Cubic Meters Content of Joists, Scantlings, and Timbers ofGiven Lineal Meter Lengths
noi 0013) oor] 0016 o.o14)o.o17] 0.019] 0021 —o.02d [25x 200mm | 0.016] 0.019] 0.022] 0.003] — ora] 0.031 0.024) 0.028] 003i] 0.035] 0.039 3125_x 100-mm | 0.010] 0.012] 0.014]—o.0r6] 001s} 0.020 ons] —ooax] _00s1f 0.035] 0.039 865
Cubic Meters Content of Joists, Scantlings, and Timbers of Given Lineal Meter Lengths Size
Length, liner Meter
0.055] 0.066] 0.077] 0.088]_0.099|__0.110 0,024| 0,028] 0.033] 0.038] 0.042] 0.047] 035] 0.042] 0.050] 0.057] 0.064] 0.071 0.047| 0.057] 0.066] _0.075] __0.085] 0.094] 0.059{ 0.071] 0.083] 0.094] 0.106] 0.118 0.071] 0.085] 0.099] 0.113] 0.127] 0.142] = >.iss)Al
0.057] 0.066] 0.075]__0.085|__0.094
0.085] 0.099] 0.113] 0.127] 0.142 0.118] 0.142] 0.165] 0.189] 0.212] 0.236] 0.165] 0.198] 0.231] 0.264] 0.297] 0.330]
200 x
200 mm
0.151] 0.176] _0.201{ 0.226]
250 x
300 mm
0.220] 0.252] 0.283] 0.314] 0.340] 0.377 0.264] 0.308] 0.352[ 0.396] 0.440 0.302] 0.352] 0.403]0.453] 0.503] 0.330]
0.425] 0.472
CARPENTRY Cubic Meters Content of Joists, Scantlings, and Timbers of Given Lineal Meter Lengths Size
e5M[427M] 487M |SoM] 0DM 0.377] 0.440) 0.503] 0.566) 0.629 0509 0.566 0.462) 0.528] 0.594] 0.660 4 : 50.462 O77 0.528| 0.616] 0.704] 0.790 O88 0.99 10 00 0.679] 0.792]0.906] L019] 1.132 125 0.892 1.019} 1.146] 1.27 0.849] 0.991] L132] 1.274) 1. 0943 110i] 1238] 1.415, 1.37
=) an
oO || YIDI
Above from Bd. ft. to Cu.M is based on soft conversion
Nails Required for Carpentry Work The following tables indicates the number of nails in lbs. (kg) for the various kinds of lumber per 1,000 b.f. (2..36 cu.m), or per 1,000 shingles and lath, or per square (100 sq.ft., 9.29 sq.m) of asphalt slate surfaced shingle, with the number ofnails added for loss of material on account oflap or matching of shiplap, flooring, ceiling, and siding of the various widths. The table gives the sizes generally used for certain purposes with the nailing space 16” (400 mm) on centers, and | or 2 nails per board for each nailing space.
Splitless Wood Siding Nail Specification Splitless siding nails have thin shanks and blunt points to reduce splitting. For greater holding power, nails with ring threaded or spiral threaded shanks are suggested. Use only Type 316 Stainless Steel nails for salt water coastal areas.
}Sd| 14 |5/32] 13/4 | 354 [3.91 | 43.75 |160.57| ~) {ath
7132 7/32 |3 1/2 1/4 Recommended Sizes and Quantities Commonly Used
2 Ke
a*x 8 | ed[1140] 6 47x 10" [sa] 912) 5 [34x 12" [eal 760) 4 Siding Inch
100 mm
LS.75) ee 18.75
| 2500
Nail Sizes and
Quantities Commonly
12" (300 mm) Horizontal Siding
Nail a gel ig
ae 100
Nails per Sa.M
Sq:Ft~ | --Sq-M. ]
4: 1]
Epc rier ee ns Sl OS ed Gea a
Nails are the most common mechanical fasteners used in wood construction. There are many types, sizes and forms of nails manufactured today. The nail fasteners are manufactured singularly for the hand hammer as well as in reels for the automatic “gun” fastener installation. The diameters of various penny or gauge sizes of bright common nails are indicated below. The penny size designation should be used cautiously. International nail producers sometimes do not adhere to the dimensions indicated in the chart. Thus, penny sizes, although still widely used, are becoming obsolete in the international market. Specifying nail size by length and diameter is recommended together with the penny size, if used. Bright Common Nail Specifications Head {Length} Dia. | Nails Gi bi Canes Inch | Inch | Inch |perLb —
Head |Length} Dia. |Nails mm | mm | mm {per Kg
[2afis| svef_1 [oor|aor [irval 703 |25.4 [183] 366 3d] 14 | 36 14] 0.0831 473 [ina] 703 |318 faut 21s ad{ 12 | 1/4] 112 [0.109 sd{ 12 | 1/4] 13/4] 0.109 édfii2{9321 2 [oi gd 10 1/4/ 932] 21/2 |0.131 3 |0.148 [10d] 9 932] . 21376! 3
6d] 8 | sil 3i2toiml aod} 6 | 38] 4 [oi] 30d] 5 | 38 [412{o27[ aod] 4 [38] 5 [025]! 3 DSeSa.
4 31 30 23
| s [zeit esolanl » | o | 938 fioielassl 4| | 5 |938] iia3|s26f ia | 4 | 938 liz70ls721 10
to] hobo
Bright box nails are generally of the same length but slightly smaller diameter, see table below.
Bright Box Bright BoxNail NailSpecifications Specifications
Head pec
Dia. | Nails
Inch | Inch | Inch | per lbs
Head ene
Dia. | Nails
| mm |} mm
3d |1/2 14 Feed CC TETSpre Stoe reee TOTO
|per Kg
|6d|121/2[17/64] 2 | 0.098 | 194 |121/2] 6.64 |50.8 [2.49] 88_|
|8d|111/2]19/64] 21/2] 0.113 | 132_] 111/2] 7.42 |63.5 |2.87] 60_| lod] 101/2fi964] 3 |0.128] 103 |101/2] 7.42 | 76.2 |3.25] 47_|
faoaf 9 [ae [4 [ors] 35 [9 [938 fiors[arey 16| Recommended Sizes and Quantities Nails Commonly used f il Nails Lbs Siding Nail Das Bee 1,000 per 1,000 Inch
ee 5 YC he Gee a ee S14
i‘ 100 13
mm| 6d | 2,900]
3. CuM. 14.63
8.75_x_200-mm] 8d|1.450) 1208] 8.75_x_250-mm| sa|1.160) 954] 875_x_300mm] sd[967 |7.95_| Note: Use one size larger over insulation
Cedar Shake Siding Face Nail Specification Head
Size |Gauge
Inch | Inch
per a e
se ore |11/4 TS | $ S Ss) | 18
ea uo . — UV700
207.00 | $
Replacement cutters,
L1/16” dia. 13/16” dia. 15/16” dia.
Split rings, per 100 pcs. Grooving tool cutter head, complete
Approximate Prices
62.50 mm Dia. |100 mm Dia. $ | $
$ 207 O01).
117.00 , 301,50
23 mm dia.
Shear Plates. Shear plates are used for wood-to-steel connections and for wood structures that are frequently disassembled, where they are used singly for wood-to-steel joints and in pairs for wood-to-wood assemblies. They are also often used in place of split rings for field connected joints. Shear plates are placed in daps precut in the contact faces of wood members with a special grooving tool. Load is transferred from wood member to shear plate, from shear plate to bolt and thence to opposing member, which may be another shear plate in wood, a steel gusset plate, or rolled steel shape. Drilling, grooving, and dapping of wood members are accomplished in the same manner as described for split ring connectors. Shear plates are available in two sizes-2-5/8” (65.63 mm) diameter made of pressed steel and 4” (100 mm) diameter made of malleable iron.
Approximate prices of shear plates and grooving tools are:
Approximate eS
Description Shear plates, per 100 pcs. Grooving tool cutter head, complete
Set of 5for 4” dia.
75/8" Dia
Smooth shank pilot,
13/16” dia.
15/16” dia.
21,00 |$9
Approximate Prices
Toothed Rings. Toothed ring connectors are toothed metal bands with each tooth corrugated or curved along its cross section for greater rigidity. Used for wood-to-wood connections between lighter structural members, they are also used for strengthening structures in place and structural repairs. The function of toothed rings is similar to that of split rings, but the method of installation is not as efficient and requires more labor. Toothed rings are embedded in wood members by applying pressure. Where a large number ofjoints are to be assembled, a hydraulic jack setup can be used to advantage. It requires a 5 to 7-1/2 ton (4.5- to 6.8-metric ton) jack for single bolt connections and a 10-ton (9072-kg) jack for joints with two bolts. Where fewer joints are involved, the high strength rod assembly is recommended. The assembly consists of a high strength rod with Acme threads on one end, double depth nuts, ball bearing thrust washer, heavy plate washers, lock washer, and nut. Metal sleeve adapters permit the use of 1/2”, 5/8”, or 3/4” (12.50,
a standard
ball bearing
washer. The length of rod required equals the total thickness of wood members plus 1” (25 mm) for each layer of toothed rings plus 5” (125 mm) for nuts and washers. Ratchet and impact wrenches speed assembly. After the joint is drawn closed, the high-strength rod assembly is replaced with ordinary bolt and washers. Spike Grids. Spike grid connectors are malleable iron castings of a grid-like structure with teeth protruding from both faces. Available in three styles: square flat type, 4-1/8”x4-1/8” (103.12 x 103.12 mm); circular type, 3-1/4” (81.25 mm) dia., used between sawn timbers; and single curve type, 41/8”x4-1/8” (103.12 x 103.12 mm), used between curved faces of poles or piling and sawn timbers. Spike grids are embedded under pressure, using the high strength rod assembly, as previously described for toothed rings. Approximate prices are as follows:
Type of spike grid Price per 100 pcs.
{Square Flat {Single Curve $ 421.50|$ 421.50 | $327.00
Installation tool for spiked grids, complete with adapter | $ 319.50 WOOD
Some advantages of wood floor trusses are speed of construction and the ability to install utility lines, such as HVAC ducts, water lines, sprinkler lines, and electrical cables so that they do not interfere with one another. Easy ofinstallation combines with economy. Floor trusses are used for spans from 12’-0” (3.65 m) to as large as
70’-0” (21.33 m) and are found in all conventional types of construction, as well as in factories, storage facilities, and any other structure where a large, uninterrupted area is required. Wood roof trusses, either shop or field fabricated, are used in buildings where clear floor space is a requirement and the width of the building exceeds the economical span of roof joists. Some of the advantages of trussed roof construction are fast erection, early availability of unobstructed weather-protected space, simplified installation of ceiling, floor, mechanical and electrical systems, and use of non-loadbearing movable partitions. Wood roof trusses are used for spans as short as 25’-0” (7.62 m) and
can be used up to 200’-0” (60.96 m). They are widely used in garages, factories, hangars, gymnasiums, auditoriums, bowling alleys, dance halls, supermarkets, and other structures of this type. When using wood roof trusses, it is common to span the shorter dimension of the building. One might use any of several truss types, such as mechanically connected or bolted plywood gusset. The type of truss depends on the degree of economy desired, building use, and the general architectural effect desired. Prices of roof trusses are governed by the following conditions:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Cost of material and labor. Loading conditions and spacing. Difficulties ofinstallation. Requirements of local building ordinances.
The last condition causes the price of trusses to vary considerably in different parts of the country. Some cities may require only a 25-lb. (11.25kg) live load while others require a 50-lb. (22.5-kg) live load, necessitating heavier construction. The spacing of wood roof trusses that directly support roof sheathing is usually 2’-0” (0.6 m). Where roof loads are light and the
CARPENTRY installation of a ceiling is not required, spacings of 4’-0” to 4’-10” (1.21 to 1.47 m) are advantageous. Where snow loads are especially heavy, spacings
of 16” (400 mm) and even 12” (300 mm) have been used.
Prices given on following pages are only approximate. The estimator must obtain definite prices-for trusses either delivered at the building site or installed in place-from the manufacturer, Truss suppliers are familiar with conditions in all parts of the country and can quote a definite price, Bowstring Bolted Roof Truss. For industrial and many commercial structures, the bowstring truss is popular. This type of truss has a curved top chord that starts from a point approximately 10” (250 mm) high at the end of the truss, rising to a maximum height at centerline of about 1/8 of the total span. This type of truss gives a curved roof shape. Because of its low height at the ends of the truss, a minimum of masonry is required for parapet or fire walls. The truss may be left exposed, carrying roof load only, as in garages or industrial plant, or it can be designed to carry monorail, floor systems, or other concentrated loads. The bowstring truss is also designed to carry ceiling loads- for use in stores, automobile agency salesrooms, and other commercial structures. Bowstring trusses provide wind bracing for walls through diaphragm action and can be used with “knee braces” to develop portal action in mill type buildings. They are efficiently fabricated with bolts, resulting in little reduction in cross-sectional areas of the pieces connected. Approximate Prices of Wood Bowstring Truss. They are designed with glued laminated or nailed 2”x3” (50 x 75 mm) or 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) top chords, built to conform to a parabolic curve, furnished in lots of 5 or more, spaced 16’-0” (4.87 m) on centers, with 25-Ib. (1 1.25-kg) live load and 40-Ib. (18.11-kg) total load.
Height Meters
0.76 M
371] S 596|7.62 M]_0.94M (14M a4] S633 [10.67 M132M ee Ee s [12.19 Cer Mi ee es ¢[ ee 1.70M 372M oe a) Bee | -0"] 60
10"|$ 978] 16.76 M| 2.08M
6 "|$1,108 | 18.29 M| 2.29M
s 7-1] 81268] 19.81 M] 246M
|70-0" [8 = 9 "1$1,510] 21.34 M] 267M
P90 orfit = 3 "|$2,412 |27.43 M]_3.43 MI] j00 0" [12 = _6"[ $2,795] 3048 M]_3.81M| Feet
32.00M] 3.99M
Per 130: 0! (by oo) 140 _'- 0" FE
Crescent Type Roof Truss. This is increasingly popular and is identified by its curved lower chord, which affords a higher ceiling at the mid-span of the truss. It produces a curved roof, similar to the bowstring truss. This truss presents a curved ceiling effect and is used in gymnasiums,
CARPENTRY auditoriums,
low-cost churches, and more
elaborate stores and restaurants.
Recommended span is from 20’-0” to 85’-0” (6.09 to -25.91 m). Approximate Prices of Crescent Type Wood Roof Trusses. They are furnished in lots of 5 or more, spaced 16’-0” (4.87 m) on centers, 25-Ib.
(11.25-kg) live load, and 40 Ib. (22.5-kg) total load.
| Height |Camber
Feet lef
aes5S 1
on f.
ola fon
0.305 M
0.381 M
$ 772.80
N zg
$ 699.20
WwW} o
10.67 M
0.457 M 0.533 M
$ 920.00 | 13.72 M
0.686 M
: aes WW} N
0.610 M 0.762 M 0.838 M 0.914 M
0.991 M
oT 81,658.40 [o134 M[3.05 M]1.067 M 3 es eG 0.46 M .295 M
' = coo} OlNn
(aa raga ie ic
_—_ —_
Ne —|R Ww Oo]
|— —
i & 1'Ss ONS
Belgian Roof Truss. This type is used where it is desirable to give a conventional building a more pleasing appearance through the use of a peaked roof. It is recognized by its sloping top chord and horizontal lower chord. In most instances, a ceiling is applied to the lower chord of these trusses, while the top chord may have shingles or slate as a covering. It is used on some higher class store buildings and low-cost churches and is recommended for spans from 20’-0” to 85’-0” (6.09 to25.91 m). Belgian roof trusses are less efficient than the bowstring type, because the connections generally govern the member sizes. They cost about 50% more than bowstring type trusses. The Double fink truss is also referred to as a Belgian truss and is used for spans from 36’-0” to 60-0” (10.97 to 18.29 m). Flattop Roof Truss. Industrial plants, warehouses, sheds, etc., when built of frame construction, often find use for a truss that absorbs wind loads,
in addition to carrying roof and concentrated loads. The flattop truss is ideal for this purpose. It has parallel top and bottom chords, forming a large rectangle. Spans should not exceed 65’ (19.81 m) where cost is an important factor.
Types of Trusses
King Post Truss
Moditied Queen Post Truss
Fink Teas
Lol, Howe Truss
Double Fink Truss
Cantilever Truss
Triple W Truss
Parallel Chord 2x4 Truss
Howe Truss. The Howe truss can be used for spans from 16’ to 18’ (4.87 to 5.48 m). It is efficient for loading conditions that balance the top and
bottom chords and is often used when the truss is designed as a girder, with loads applied for the bottom chord. Parallel Chord 4x2 Truss. Normally used in floor truss design, it has parallel chords of stress-related 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) lumber set flat so that the wider faces are the bearing surface of the truss. The web members are also cut from 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) and positioned so that they support the chord across their full widths. This type of truss can be manufactured with duct chase openings so that wiring, piping, and ducts can run within the chords.
CARPENTRY Types of Trusses
Clerestory Truss |
Bowstring Truss
Pitched Warren Truss
Mono-Plitch Truss Scissored Warren Truss
Inverted Truss
Vaulted Celling Truss
Dual Pitch Truss Scissors Truss
Parallel Chord 2” x 4” Truss. Generally used in roof truss design, it is gaining popularity because of the long, clear spans and shallow depth. The slope can be built into the truss, or drainage can be provided by using different opposite side wall heights to slope the truss. Roof slopes should be at least 1/4” (6.25 mm) per foot of span. Modified Queen Post Truss. This type of truss is often used for spans the same as those requiring double W but that have load conditions that require fewer bottom chord panels. Fink Truss. The fink truss is generally suitable for spans from 16’ (4.87 m) to as long as 46’ (14.02 m) and for all classes of construction. It is an efficient and cost effective truss configuration, 50% to 60% the cost of a comparable steel truss.
Three-Hinged Arch. This type of structure provides good overhead clearance and attractive appearance. However, high forces develop in some joints in the longer spans. It is recommended that the designer consult with the local fabricator before specifying this type. Cantilever Truss. Trusses with single or double cantilever sections are possible. Cantilevers can approach one-fourth of the distance of the main interior truss span. Clerestory Truss. This type oftruss is used extensively in industrial and agricultural buildings, in spans up to 60’ (18.29 m). Inverted Truss. This truss is used for variations in interior and exterior roof profile. Vaulted Ceiling Truss. A partial scissors is used to achieve a vaulted ceiling over a portion of a residence, such as the living room, while maintaining flat ceilings in the other rooms. Designers must consider horizontal movement at the bearing points. Mono-Pitch Truss. Often used to form a shed roof structure on a residence or garden apartment building where a particular architectural effect is desired. It is also popular and economical for use in back-to-back construction with three or more bearing walls. This gives the same architectural effect as a gabled roof but uses two shorter span mono-pitch trusses. It might vary in configuration but offers a simple solution to some design problems. Dual-Pitch Truss. Some design solutions require an asymmetric roof pitch. This type allows different pitch on each side ofthe roof. Pitched Warren Truss. This is often specified when a long span and low pitch is required. It is well suited where natural lighting is sought, because vertical windows can be designed into the top section of the loadbearing walls between the truss supports. This truss form is most economical in spans from 30° to 70° (9.14 to21.33 m), on center spacings from 2’ to 8’ (0.61 to 2.44 m).
Designers and builders of residential construction, multiple unit housing projects, and light commercial construction use trusses to reduce costs and to shorten construction time. Most small home constructors can benefit from this type of framing. Some of the advantages to using mechanically connected trusses are: roof framing and ceiling framing are accomplished at the same time; members can be made of lighter stock, saving material and reducing weight; trusses can be pre-assembled; trusses can be erected rapidly and the job put under cover quickly; and trusses permit the use of non-bearing partitions for all interior walls. Trussed rafters used in house building and similar construction vary as to truss pattern and method of construction, depending on design requirements and individual preference of the builder. Some examples of truss patterns are:
The W-Type is the most popular type and is adaptable for spans from
18° up to 40’ (5.48 to 12.19 m); roof slope from 2 in 12 to 6 in 12 and higher.
CARPENTRY The Triple-Wis used for spans up to 80° (24.38 m) with slopes of 3 in 12 and higher. Centerline spacings can be from 2’ to 20’ (0.61 to 6.09 m), ! depending on requirements. The Kingpost truss is usually recommended for shorter spans. The economical range is up to 26’ (7.92 m) under most loading conditions. It has wide application, for residential and commercial garages, carports, and short span storage buildings. The Scissors truss is used where vaulted or sloped ceilings are desired for architectural effect. Slope selection is very important, and a designer can easily overlook the depth in span ratio. The recommended bottom chord slope is one-half the slope ofthe top chord. Because there is no horizontal bottom chord or tie between the bearing points, the scissor truss develops movement at its bearing points when under load. The designer should anticipate this movement and design the supporting structure accordingly. Economical spans are from 18’ to 36’ (5.48 to 10.97 m); roof slopes 5 in 12 to 6 in 12; ceiling slopes 2 in 12 to 3 in 12. The Scissored Warren truss has similar depth requirements as the regular chord truss and can achieve many of the advantages of portal frames, as far as internal clearance and appearances are concerned. Trussed rafter construction varies principally as to the method of assembly, whether members are fastened together at joints by bolting or nailing, with split ring connectors and bolts, or flat, bent, pronged or toothed metal plates, or by gluing. Using the bolting method, the members at all major joints, i.e., heel joints, apex, splices, etc., are connected by one or more bolts, or by using split rings to transfer the loads. In some cases, one or both ends of diagonal members may be fastened by nailing. For nailed trussed rafters, all joint connections use metal truss plates, plywood gussets and nails, or ordinary nailed joints. Other Types of Commonly Used Wood Trusses. The Double Fink truss is generally used for spans from 36’ to 60’ (10.97 to 18.29 m). It is often used in shorter spans over other types oftrusses, because it is easier for workers to handle without special equipment. The Piggy Back Sectional truss is generally used when the slope (or pitch) exceeds the height limits of the fabricating press or by highway restrictions. The Long Sectional is a truss that is fabricated in sections for when the overall length exceeds permissible highway length restrictions, the length _ of the fabricating jig, or if the overall height is too large to be put through the fabricating press. The height is reduced by producing it in two sections. An extremely long truss with cantilevered ends can be manufactured in three sections. Trusses ofthis type, 128’ (39.01 m) in overall length, have been fabricated in this manner. The overall height would be limited to the width of the fabrication press, but a fourth piggyback section could be added to the center section.
The Sectional Scissors truss is used when overall height exceeds highway regulations or limits of the press. Splices are applied at the job site by general contractor or a subcontractor. Due to its very high center of gravity and unstable configuration, this type requires extreme care in | erection. There are alternate methods of splicing sectional scissors trusses. One such method, when it is feasible, has the advantage of providing | manufacturing symmetry. Roof trusses offer numerous advantages over conventional roof framing: a truss can span greater roof distances; longer clear spans allow complete freedom in the layout of interior partitions; the bottom chord is available for ceiling finish material; and the cost is usually less, when on-site — labor is considered. Special Conditions Associated with Roof Truss. The parallel chord roof truss provides a flat roof that can be sloped to one side to drain by using wedge pieces added to the top chord. An alternate method is a slight variation in the bearing plate heights. This technique is acceptable where a slight variation in the interior room height is acceptable or where a hung ceiling will conceal the variation. When there is significant slope and no horizontal bottom chord, one must allow for horizontal movement at the wall. Truss Openings. The two most widely used floor truss configurations are Warren and Fan. Each type of truss allows openings for through-truss duct work. The table below shows the allowable openings for each type of truss. Note that the warren and fan trusses both allow a 7” (175 mm) opening when the depth of the truss is 12” (300 mm). However, if the truss is 16” (400 mm) deep, the warren truss allows a 10-1/4” (256.25 mm)
opening, the fan truss an 11” (275 mm) opening. Subtract insulation thickness and working tolerances dimensions to determine maximum net duct dimensions.
from these
Installation of Wood Trusses
An estimator must consider the entire process of handling and installing wood trusses. The Truss Plate Institute recommends specific procedures, and the information provided below is excerpted from its publication, Commentary and Recommendations for Handling Installing & Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses (HIB-91).
CARPENTRY Center Duct Depth/Opening Max
Height Inches
Width in Inches
Warren Truss Depth/Opening Oecuil
Depth Inches
Max Rnd. Opening Inches
| 6" | 1014" [400 mmf 256.3 mm| 600 mm}
362.5 mm
750 mm| 412.5 mm
Unloading and Lifting. During the unloading process, and throughout all phases of construction, care should be taken to avoid lateral bending, which can cause joint and lumber damage. Use proper equipment to lift trusses. A crane with spreader bar and cables is strongly recommended _ for trusses with spans greater than 30’ (9.14 m). For spans 30’ (9.14 m) or less, bridle and chokers may be used. Do not lift bundles by the strapping, which is not strong enough to safely support the weight of the trusses. It is only meant for shipping purposes. Do not attach cables, chains, or hooks to web members. Thread cables under the top chord of a bundle oftrusses near panel points closest to the quarter or third points of the trusses. Lift the bundle slowly in order to
determine the load balance. If it is unbalanced, readjust the cable, and lift again.
the bundle,
Lifting with a bridle or spreader bar requires the same care in balancing the load. Never lift an unbalanced bundle of trusses. Do not lift single trusses with spans greater than 30’ (9.14 m) by the peak.
The truss fabricator has dimensions of openings for intermediate depths of trusses. Overall Depth
Max. Rnd. Opng
ig [9
[350 mm) 225mm
Storage. Whenever possible, trusses should be unloaded in bundles,
on a relatively smooth ground, and picked up by the top chord in a vertical position only. It is common to unload trusses from a trailer one at a time and store them in a stable position to prevent toppling or shifting. When they are stored horizontally, blocking or sleepers should be maximum 10’ (3.04 m) centers to prevent lateral bending. Do not store unbraced bundles upright. If trusses are stored vertically, extreme care should be taken to insure that they are braced and blocked in a stable manner that will prevent toppling. Pitched trusses should be stored with the peak up. Installation. An open web metal plate connected truss is a manufactured product, comprised of various lumber components that are precisely cut and fitted together with metal connector plates. A metal plate connected wood truss should be installed with greater care than a monolithic item such as sawn wood joist, steel channel, or a beam. Without bracing, or
some other type of restraining device, a truss can be unstable. The installer is responsible for selecting the most suitable method and sequence of installation that is available and which is consistent with the plans and specifications and such information as may be furnished prior to installation. Trusses can be installed by hand or by mechanical means, depending on truss span, installed height above grade, and accessibility by equipment (such as crane or forklift). The installer must understand truss design drawings, placement plans, and all notes and cautions on them.
He should clarify any and all
questions with the manufacturer before starting the installation. Use particular care when installing under adverse conditions, such as high winds, uneven or sloping terrain, proximity of high voltage power lines, or constricted job site.
CARPENTRY Never walk on trusses that are lying flat. Under no circumstances should construction loads of any description be placed on unbraced trusses. Hand Installation. Installation by hand should be limited to trusses of a size and configuration that can be carried, raised up to bearing support height, and rotated into position without excessive lateral deflection (bow), which produces strain in the lumber or metal connector plates and weakens the joints. Lateral deflection greater than 3” in 10° (75 mm in 3.04 m) of span is excessive. Trusses should be handled so as to ensure support at intervals of 25’ (7.62 m) or less. When installed by hand, trusses are positioned over the side walls and rotated into position using a fork-like lifting pole. The longer the span, the more workers will be necessary to avoid lateral strain on the truss. Depending on length, the truss should be supported at the peak for spans less than or equal to 20’ (6.09m) and at quarter points for spans less than or equal to 30° (9.14 m). Mechanical Installation. Trusses that are installed by mechanical means should be handled so as to ensure support at intervals of 25’ (7.62 m) or less. The installer should provide adequate rigging (crane, fork lift, slings, tag lines, and spreader bars) for sufficient control during lifting and placement to assure safety to personnel and to prevent damage to trusses and property. Slings, tag lines, spreader bars, etc. should be used in a manner that will not cause any damage to metal connector plates. Trusses that are lifted in place in banded bundles should be securely supported by temporary means, permitting the safe removal of banding and the sliding of individual trusses. Do not lift bundled trusses by their strapping. Take care to position truss bundles so that the supporting structure is not overloaded. The bundle straps (banding) can be broken after the bundle has been placed on the supporting structure and prior to the release of the lifting cables. Under certain conditions, several trusses may be assembled on the ground into structural subcomponents, complete with temporary bracing members and portions of the roof deck or subfloor, and then carefully lifted into place as a self supporting unit. These units are assembled as needed until the roof or floor structure is complete. Usually some decking is omitted so that the stagger-lap is provided between adjacent units for diaphragm continuity. This method requires substantial planning beforehand and special engineering for the trusses, such as location and design of pick-up or liftpoints. This method has been found to be a safe solution to the installation of especially long spans or complex shapes. Trusses that are mechanically installed one at a time should be held safely in position with the erection equipment until such time as all temporary bracing has been installed. Lines from the end of the spreader bar should “toe-in”. Do not permit lines to “toe-out”, which will tend to cause
trusses to buckle.
For truss spans greater than 60’ (18.29 m), the suggested lift procedure requires the use a strong-back. The strong-back should be attached to the top chord and web members at intervals of approximately 10’ (3.0 m) and should be at or above mid height of the truss to prevent overturning. The strong-back should be monolithic with sufficient strength to safely carry the weight of the truss and rigid enough to resist truss bending. Each truss should be set in position in accordance with the designer’s plan and held with the hoisting equipment until the ends of the truss are securely fastened and temporary bracing is installed. Only then should the hoisting equipment be released from the braced truss and used for lifting, placing, and securing the next truss. Installation tolerances are critical to achieving an acceptable roof or floor line and for effective bracing. A stringline, plumb bob, level, or transit
is recommended to attain acceptable installation tolerances.
7/8 "|14.6 "| 4375 mm|21.88_mm| 4.45 M| 1 "|16.7 "|5000 mm |25.00_mm| 5.09 M_ 5625 mm 13/8 "|22.9 "|6875 mm |34.38_mm| 6.98 M. 11/2 "|25.0 "| 7500 mm |37.50_mm| 7.62 M| | 350"|13/4 "|29.2 "| 8750 mm]43.75_mm| 8.90 M| 2 "| 33.3
']10000 mm
Trusses should not be installed with an overall bow, or bow in any chord or panel, that exceeds the lesser of L/200 or 2 inches (50 mm), where L is the span ofthe truss, chord, or panel length in inches. Trusses should not be installed with a variation from plumb (vertical tolerance) at any point along the length of the truss from top to bottom chords that exceeds 1/50 ofthe depth ofthe truss at that point (D/50) or 2” (50 mm), whichever is less. This does not apply to trusses specifically designed to be installed out of plumb.
Location oftrusses along the bearing support should be within +1/4” (6.25 mm) of plan dimensions. Special hangers or supports should be located to support trusses within +1/4” (6.25 mm) of plan dimensions. Trusses are to be located at 0.c. spacing specified by the design engineer. Top chord bearing parallel chord trusses should have a maximum gap 1/2” (12.50 mm) between the inside of the bearing and the first diagonal or vertical web. Correction of Errors in Truss Installation. Errors in building lines or dimensions, or by subcontractors and suppliers, must be corrected before installation begins. Alterations, such as cutting overhangs to proper length, might be required and should be made by the builder of record. Any correction that involves the cutting, drilling, or relocation of a truss member or metal connector plate is considered major and should not be made without notifying the truss manufacturer. A major correction calls for an engineering analysis by qualified registered engineer prior to the field work. Cutting or drilling trusses in the field without the approval of this engineer should be strictly prohibited. Trusses might be designed by the truss design engineer for specific reasons to be field cut by the installer at the designated locations. Such modifications should be indicated on the engineering drawing. Field Assembly. Trusses that are too long for delivery to the jobsite in one piece can be designed to be delivered in two or more parts and then spliced together at the jobsite. The installer should carefully follow the splicing specifications shown on the truss drawings. Splicing may be performed on the ground before installation, or the truss sections may be supported by temporary shoring and splices installed by workers on a safe working surface. Trusses that are too high for delivery to the jobsite in one piece may be manufactured in two or more sections and piggy-backed at the jobsite. The installer should observe the permanent bracing and connection details shown
on the truss or piggyback design drawings. The supporting trusses should be completely installed, including the temporary and permanent bracing and sheathing when required, before installing top or supported truss sections. Installation Sequence for Temporary and Permanent Bracing of Wood Truss. Install the first truss with a ground bracing system, which is constructed as follows: 1.
Attach lateral Attach Attach Attach Attach ee Say dhl ae Attach
verticals to the end wall at the same spacing as the top chord bracing. diagonals to the vertical and ground stake. horizontal ties or backup ground stakes if required. struts to the diagonals if required. lateral braces to the diagonals if required. end braces to the diagonals and lateral braces.
For the first group ofthree to six trusses, the sequence is as follows: 1.
Install three to six trusses with top chord lateral braces affixed to the first (ground-braced) truss. The number of trusses to be initially installed should be specified in the bracing design.
Install top chord diagonal bracing between top chord lateral braces at intervals specified in the bracing design. Install bottom chord lateral braces at no greater than 15’ (4.57 m) on
4. 5.
Install web lateral bracing as specified on the truss design. Install bottom chord diagonal braces between bottom chord lateral braces at the same interval as top chord diagonal bracing. Install web cross bracing on web(s) corresponding to the nearest adjacent panel point(s) to the bottom chord lateral brace(s).
Continue installation of trusses with top chord lateral braces as specified on the bracing design or truss layout plan. The number of trusses to be installed between sets of top chord diagonal braces should be specified on the bracing design or truss layout plan. Repeat 2) and 4) above for each group of trusses and then install sets of web cross bracing at 20-ft. (6.09-m) intervals. Install sets of bottom chord diagonal braces at the same intervals as top chord diagonal bracing and at each end bay. Top chord diagonal braces may remain as permanent bracing per the building design. Install permanent sheathing materials immediately as the temporary bracing is removed. Ground bracing may be removed only after the top chord plane is completely sheathed. Install any other permanent bracing as specified by the building design. Note that all bracing lumber should be no less than 2’x4’x10’ (0.61 x 1.22 x 3.04 m). A minimum of two 16d double head nails should be used at each connection. Labor Erecting Wood Roof Trusses. Erection of wood roof trusses in confined areas, or where the supporting structure is not heavy enough to
support new loads, has usually been accomplished using a gin pole. However, most truss erection today uses a special hydraulic crane mounted on a truck chassis, with lifting capacity up to 12 tons (10,886 kg). Before the crane is brought in, area around the building should be clear and all overhead electrical wires removed. Sizes of door openings must be predetermined to permit entrance of the crane. Where a gin pole is used, the labor cost of erecting will vary with
job conditions.
Deep excavations, piles of brick, mortar boxes or, lumber
piles in the way of derricks prevent erecting crews from making good time. Mechanical Erection of Trusses. Under average working conditions on jobs requiring 5 or more trusses, a crew consists of 5 workers with an erection machine. Sometimes, the truss fabricator sends trusses with
a truck-mounted crane and the cost of unloading and erecting is included in the quoted price. If not, the estimator must add the cost of an erecting machine, such as a rubber-tired cherry picker or a crawler crane. The crew should erect one roof truss of given length at the following rate and costs:
Erecting Roof Trusses Using a Machine
Remember to add cost of Machine
Hand Erection of Trusses. Wood roof trusses are erected by hand using a gin pole and normally requires a crew of four workers. The maximum length
is 30’-0”
m), and
the contractor
be careful
to avoid
“bowing” or deflection when erecting trusses by hand.
Erecting Roof Trusses by Hand h
| $35.04 |4.57_M |
Erecting Floor Trusses by Hand Hrs per Truss
Rate | Total}
Bonlee Truss
Fabrication of Trussed Rafter Members. Fabrication of trussed rafter members is ideally suited for mass production methods, due to the large amount of repetition possible. In most cases, trussed rafters are symmetrical about their center lines so that corresponding members of each half are identical. Since every member of a truss must do its share of the work, each one must be fabricated to exacting specifications. Design dimensions must be rigidly followed and all joints must have a good mechanical fit. For efficient fabrication, a full-size layout should be made, either in the shop or on the subfloor of the building, after which one trussed rafter is carefully patterned and constructed with temporary connections. The unit may then be disassembled and the members used as templates for the balance of the trusses. On large projects, templates may be made of plywood or sheet metal. To
roof and
measurements should be made to upper edges of top chords and lower edges of bottom chords to eliminate variations in stock lumber widths.
A word of caution-the joints and fabrication of various size trusses are similar. It is important to see that the appropriate drawings are consulted and followed when trusses are fabricated. Split-Ring Connected Trussed Rafters
Members are connected by means of bolts and split rings at all major joints, as the split rings transfer the loads and the bolts hold the members in contact. In order that each member may function properly, the bolt holes must be located exactly in accordance with design dimensions, and grooves for split rings must be of correct diameter, width, and depth to provide a snug fit. Grooves must be cut with a grooving tool designed especially for this purpose. Proper procedure for cutting grooves is as follows: after. bolt locations have been established, drill bolt holes 1/16” (1.56 mm) larger in diameter than bolt; grooving tool is then fitted with a pilot mandrel of same diameter as drill and cutters are set to cut to a depth equal to half the width of the split ring; using bolt holes as pilot holes, concentric grooves are then cut in the faces of members which will contact each other. The grooving tool may also be fitted with the correct size drill bit, instead of a pilot mandrel, permitting both drilling and grooving operations to be done at one setup. For best results, drilling and grooving should be done with a bench drill or portable drill mounted in a drill stand. Material Requirements for Split-Ring Connected Trussed Rafters. The material requirements for split-ring connected trussed rafters are based on the following design conditions. Trussed rafters are designed to support a dead load plus live load on roof of 35 Ibs/sq.ft. (1676 Pa or 171 kgf/sq.m) and a ceiling load of 10 Ibs/sq.ft. (0.93 kgf/sq.m) with rafters spaced at 2’-0” (0.61 m) centers. Lumber shall be good grade of sufficient quality to permit the following unit stresses: ¢ = 900 Ibs/sq.in. (6.20 MPa) Compression parallel to grain f= 900 Ibs/sq.in. (6.20 MPa) Extreme fiber in bending E = 1,600,000 Ibs/sq.in. (11,032 MPa) Modulus ofelasticity
All split rings to be 2-1/2” (62.50 mm) diameter. All bolts to be 1/2” (12.50 mm) diameter machine bolts. Washers may be 2”x2”x1/8” (50 x 50 x 3.12 mm) plate washers, 2-1/8” (53.12 mm) diameter cast or malleable iron
washers or cut washers. No allowances have been included for roof overhangs. Quantities listed for diagonals are most economical produce a long and short member from a single length.
Trussed Rafter of Various Spans for a 4 in 12 Roof Slope
| ice |
ed Resepsco dalton is male Heng 1S ag 2.2" x."
ca oe RUAN PANT] he eer oe ek UA Slore ee aie aes Ll aeeT B
6.09 M Top Chords
otal Cu.M
2-50x150 mm}
2-50x150 mm | 2-50x150 mm | 2-50x200 mm | 2-50x200 mm
0.61 M
plit Rings Bolts ‘Ss4.JS pad S S
lis |S=lo FESe a [5 53 Tn nN
tw coo
Washers Nails, 8d
Note: Materials requirements same for 9.75M span same as 9.14M span
0.91M 0.191
CARPENTRY Material Requirements for One Split-Ring Connected Trussed Rafter of Various Spans for a 5 in 12 Roof Slope
a ps Pe
Joint Scabs
A Tor [ai ef e igor 2-2" ior [ir io or |e I-]"x 4" 1-1"x 4" Ll" I 1-1"x 4" 2’-0”
Tolpa. [3454 [is [oo | om | min ou te wt lie i eam | a | eel a ie aaa ie ee iee [ice cae aati a ay Nea Ga a Se Lies | ee ea ew (Be ae a ae ieee Wastes [aT a Te te 14 16 ae b
Top Chords
| 2-50x150mm |2-50x150mm
2-50100 mm | 365m
8.53 M
[426m | 487M
| 304M [365m [365m [365m | a26m_| 1-25x100mm | | asim [ sim | osm [| oom | orm | a Ca a Dv se Cd | Bolts |Ss [ae Lares |as 12.50x100mm] 4 [| 4 | 44 | 12.50x150mm | 2 | 2 2 2 2 (Sir Ee aa Se ae a Sy ae] Ma eee Mile leeweale air isha Men] esi14 2| Nail 8d] is tg i Note: Materials requirements same for 9.75M span same as 9.14M span Fa,
Material Requirements for One Split-Ring Connected Trussed Rafter of Various Spans for a 6 in 12 Roof Slope
2-26" a ee ee
ee ee
2 ae
Tc eS aa eS ee
L-1"x 4"
2-50x150:mm |ears) we | a
ee ee 2-50x100 mm A a
ea ee
5.48 M 2-50x100 mm
Se TTC TT TT TT ST HS SS (a TT ea Bolts oe See pasoxioomm |_4__f 4 f 4 fe 12.50x100mm | 2 | 2 12.50x187.5mm{ tf
Washers |
Nails, 8d Note: Materials requirements same for 9.75M span same as 9.14M span
CARPENTRY Material Requirements for One Split-Ring Connected
Po 3 poe
28'-0" 2-2" 6" sr |
Teor [aso [ie 2-2" 4" eo [aor [er
2-2"4" | igo
| er |e
L-1"x 4"
1-1" 4"
LeL"x 4"
(Renee (97 Say Pee [Oke TPN Sgr | wos aA ang PTs ORR P| Cay ai ae SplitRings | on een a A (| PL Et ee
ee \4
: | |
6.09M_| 2-50x150 mm 426M
ee eee ete
5 9.14 M
es Po |
| 365m [426m [426m [asm [487M _ 1-25x100 mm | oom [osm [oom [asim | oom
(Sistine Bl eam Ay 8 eleven a i nel eect eam end aeaa 4 EDA a A A A SS a i 2 aia SUVA eh PPO Se erie [ScCosclee | ee La (Cl mad
Note: Materials requirements same for 9.75M span same as 9.14M span
Labor Framing Lumber in Building Construction
The labor quantities and costs that follow are intended to include ali classes
of frame
stables, apartment buildings, combined store and apartment buildings, country clubs, schools, and in fact, all buildings that are constructed entirely of wood or have brick, stone, tile or cement block walls and wood joists, rafters, stud walls, partitions, wood
subfloors, wall and roof sheathing, or
finish wood floors. Costs are given on two classes of workmanship. “Ordinary workmanship” is encountered in most buildings, where price is the main factor. “First grade workmanship” is where quality is a factor as well, usually found in high-grade residences, apartments, hotel and office buildings, public buildings, high school, and college and university buildings. The estimator must use his or her own judgment as to the grade of workmanship required, depending upon the type of building, the reputation of the architect, and the requirements of the specifications. Another thing that is going to govern labor costs is the kind of equipment used. All costs given are based on using an electric saw for cutting all joists, studs, and rafters to length and for cutting off ends of subflooring, roof sheathing, etc. If an ordinary handsaw were used, you would add | to 11/2 hrs. carpenter time per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m). All of the labor quantities and costs are based on laborers or helpers handling and carrying the lumber from the stock piles or benches where the lumber is being cut to length to the building. If the lumber is handled and carried by carpenters, figure labor time at carpenter wages. Framing and Placing Foundation Wall Plates. Where 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) or 2”x6” (50 x 150 mm) wood plates are placed on top of foundation walls or concrete slab to receive the floor joists and exterior wall studs, it is customary to place anchor bolts in the walls and floors. The plates are then bored to receive the bolts and placed on the wall (and usually wedged with shingles) ready to receive the joists and exterior wall studs. Special purpose nails may be used for anchoring wall plates to concrete. Where just an ordinary grade of workmanship is required, two carpenters working together should handle, frame and place 225 to 275 lin.ft. (68.58 to 83.82 m) of 2”x4” (S50 x 100 mm) or 2”x6” (50 x 150 mm) plates per 8-hr. day, at the following cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
[Description | Hours Hours |Rate |Total] Rate | Toral — 535.04 |§_ 224.26| Gostiper Titictte | mms |r nel i ae in es Sea 908
CARPENTRY First Grade Workmanship
On jobs where first grade workmanship is required, with the foundation wall plates drilled for bolts, plates set and bedded absolute ly level in a bed of cement mortar, two carpenters working together should handle,
frame, and place 175 to 225 lin.ft. (53.34 to 68.58 m) of 2”x4” (50 x 100
mm) or 2”x6” (50 x 150 mm) wall plates per 8-hr. day at the followin g labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Cost per lin.ft. per m Framing and Placing Box Sills and Plates. On platform framing, where a wood box sill and plate is formed by using a 2” x 4” (50 x 100 mm) or 2x6” (50 x 150 mm) plate and a 2” x 8” (50 x 200 mm) or 2” x 10” (50 x 250 mm) on the end of the joists to form a box sill, the wall plate should be
drilled, leveled, and set the same
as described above, and the side or end
piece is nailed after the joists are set. This work should be estimated as given above for “Foundation Wall
Plates” and the 2” x 8” (50 x 200 mm) or 2” x 10” (50 x 250 mm) end pieces
should be figured in with the floor joists. Framing and Erecting Exterior Stud Walls for Frame Buildings. The labor cost of framing and erecting stud walls is subject to wide variation, depending upon the type of building, height, regularity of the walls, etc. The framing on square or rectangular buildings, such as Cape Cod and colonial type houses, costs much less than for English type houses, having walls of irregular shape and height. The average house requires only 1,500 to 2,500 lin. ft. (457 to 762 m) of lumber for outside stud walls.
On square or rectangular shaped buildings, such as colonial, Georgian houses, etc., a carpenter should frame and erect 350 to 400 bd.ft. (0.82 to 0.94 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
On English type and other buildings having irregular wall construction, a carpenter should frame and erect 250 to 300 bd.ft. (0.59-0.70
cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (23 67cu-m):
First Grade Workmanship In high class wood constructed buildings, where every precaution is taken to prevent settling due to shrinkage, where the wood studs rest on masonry walls or steel I beams and are not set on top of the floor joists, and where it is necessary to bridge or truss between all studs and over door and window openings, a carpenter should frame and erect 225 to 275 bd.ft. (0.53 to 0.65 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, on square or rectangular type buildings, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd. ft. (2.36 cu.m):
On English type and other buildings having irregular wall construction, a carpenter should frame and erect 150 to 200 bd.ft. (0.35 to 0.47 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Framing Interior Stud Partitions. When framing and setting interior stud partitions set on top of rough wood floors that require just the ordinary amount of framing for door openings, a carpenter should frame and erect 375 to 425 bd.ft. (0.88 to 1.00 cu.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd. ft.
per cu.m First Grade Workmanship Where the wood partition studs are set on masonry walls or steel I beams instead of the wood subfloor, and where it is necessary to brace between studs and truss over all door openings, a carpenter should frame and erect 250 to 300 bd.ft. (0.59 to 0.70 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd. ft.
Framing and Setting Floor Joists. When wood floor joists up to 2”x8” (50 x 200 mm) in construction, a carpenter should frame and place 550 1.42 cu.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost
framing and placing buildings of regular to 600 bd.ft. (1.30 to per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36
6.00| [Cost o0ba |_| Ppereum |
$ 273.06
If 2x10” (50 x 250 mm) or 2”x12” (50 x 300 mm) joists are used, a
carpenter should frame and erect 600 to 650 bd.ft. (1.42-1.53 cu.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd. ft. (2.36 cu.m):
First Grade Workmanship
On jobs where the wood joists must up and it is not permissible to block up under wedges, a carpenter should frame and erect cu.m), in sizes up to 2”x8” (50 x 200 mm),
be set with the crowning edge the joists with shingles or wood 500 to 550 bd.ft. (1.18 to 1.30 per 8-hr. day, at the following
labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Total 532.61 Cost 1,000 bd. ft.
Using 2”x10” (50 x 250 mm) or 2”x12” (50 x 300 mm) joists, a carpenter should frame and erect 550 to 650 b.f. (1.30 to 1.53 cu.m) of
lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd. ft.
Framing Panel and Girder Floor Systems. When framing and placing 4°x6” (100 x 150 mm) wood beams and 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) spacers to form 4-ft. (1.22-m) square grids for panel and girder floor systems, 2 carpenters and a helper should frame and place 1,500 to 1,700 bd.ft. (3.54 to 4.0 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd.ft
Installing Cross Bridging. Under average conditions a carpenter should cut and place 90 to 110 sets (2 pieces) of cross-bridging per 8-hr. day at the following labor cost per 100 sets:
Framing and Erecting Rafters for Gable Roofs. When framing and erecting rafters for plain double pitch or gable roofs without dormers or
gables, and where 2”x6” (50 x 150 mm) or 2”x8” (50 x 200 mm) lumber is used, a carpenter should frame and erect 285 to 335 bd.ft. (0.67 to 0.79 cu.m)
per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd. ft.
On buildings having double pitch or gable roofs cut up with dormers and gables framing into the main roof, a carpenter should frame and erect 250 to 300 bd.ft. (0.59 to 0.70 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
|$......[ $......
Framing and Erecting Rafters for Hip Roofs. When framing and erecting plain hip roofs without dormers or gables framing into the main roof,
a carpenter should frame and erect 250 to 300 bd.ft. (0.59 to 0.70 cu.m) of
lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd. ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd. ft.
On difficult hip roofs, where it is necessary to frame for dormers, gables, and valleys, a carpenter should frame and erect 180 to 220 bd.ft. (0.42 to 0.52 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd. ft.
Framing Light Timbers for Exposed Roof Beam Construction. Light timbers, varying from 4”x6” (100 x 150 mm) to 4”x14” (100 x 350 mm) and larger, depending upon span and spacing, are used for exposed beam roof construction. This type of construction is widely used for contemporary design-houses, stores, medical groups, small churches-with flat or low rise sloping roofs. On work of this type, two carpenters and a helper should frame and place 750 to 850 bd.ft. (1.77-2.0 cu.m) of lumber following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
per 8-hr.
day, at the
Framing for Roof Saddles on Flat Roofs. On flat roofs where it is necessary to frame saddles to pitch the water toward the drains, and where the saddles are built up of 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) framing covered with 1” (25 mm) sheathing, a carpenter should frame and erect 400 to 450 bd.ft. (0.94-
1.06 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd.ft. Placing Wood Cant Strips. When cant strips, diagonally cut from 4x4” (100 x 100 mm) or 6”x6” (150 x 150 mm) lumber, occur in long runs
with few breaks, a carpenter should place 475 to 525 lin.ft. (144.78 to 160.02 m) per 8-hr. day at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
|GostPerLin Ft. | | , i nivel Cost Per Lin Ft
mn Ket
If cant strips occur in short runs, such as around roof opening curbs, or if the runs are cut up with pilasters and other breaks, a carpenter should place 300 to 325 lin. ft. (91.44 to 99.06 m) per 8-hr. day at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.04 m):
Hours 2.60 $ 35.04 Pec Sere Ne ee ee ee BRUT NCL OCMC DE CC ET Laying Rough Wood Floors. When laying 1x6” (25 x 150 mm) or 1”x8” (25 x 200 mm) rough wood subflooring, a carpenter should lay 825 to 925 bd.ft. (1.95-2.18 cu.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bdft.
Laying Rough Wood Floors Diagonally. When laying rough wood subflooring diagonally, making it necessary to cut both ends of the flooring on a bevel, a carpenter should lay 650 to 750 bd.ft. (1.53-1.77 cu.m) of flooring per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Laying Wood Sheathing on Flat Roofs. Figure same as given above for Rough Wood Floors. Labor Laying Plywood Subflooring. The labor cost of handling and laying plywood subflooring can vary widely, depending on the size of the floor area, the regularity of the joist spacing, and the method oflaying. When plywood is used as subflooring, nailed directly to the joists and with the finish floor applied directly to the plywood, all edges (both longitudinal and crosswise) should be nailed about 6” (150 mm) on centers. Otherwise, the finish floor may develop squeaks caused by deflection of the long edges of the sheets when walked upon. In other words, with the joists spaced 16” (400 mm) o.c., it is necessary to cut pieces of 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) approximately 14-3/8” (365.12mm) long and the ends of these 2”x4’’s (SO x 100 mm) must be nailed into the sides of the joists to provide nailing for the long edges of the plywood sheets. As the plywood is usually 4’-0” (1.21 m) wide, it means a row of 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) blocking must be run at right angles to the floor joists every 4-0” (1.21 m) apart to provide nailing for the long edges of the plywood sheets. This requires a lot of extra work and costs a lot of money. In buildings with regular spans, where an underlayment is to be provided, and where the long edges of the plywood sheets are not nailed, two carpenters working together should handle, fit, lay, and nail 52 to 60 sheets,
1,664 to 1,920 sq.ft. (154.58 to 178.36 sq.m) of 4’-0”x8’-0” (1.21 x 2.42.43 m) plywood 5/8” to 3/4” (15.62 to 18.75 mm) thick per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
If 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) wood blocking is required between the joists, and the plywood sheets must be nailed both longitudinally and crosswise, two carpenters working together should cut and nail blocks, and handle, fit, lay, and nail 26 to 30 sheets of 4’-0’x8’-0” (hex 2.43, am) plywood, 832 to 960 sq.ft. (77.29 to 89.18 sq.m) 5/8” to 3/4” (15.62 to 18.75 mm) thick per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Cost 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M.) Cost Sq.Ft. per Sq.M Laying Plywood Decking for Panel and Girder Floor Systems. Plywood decking for panel and girder floor construction should be 1” (25 mm) or 1-1/4” (31.25 mm) thick and laid with staggered joints. To minimize waste, inside dimensions of the building should be laid out on a 4-ft. (1.21 m) module, which also reduces cutting of panels to starters in every other row. In some localities, 4’x4’ (1.21 x 1.21 m) plywood panels are available as a stock size. On large projects, where the work may be highly organized, a carpenter and two helpers should lay 4,500 to 4,700 sq.ft. (418.05 to 436.63 sq.m) of plywood decking per 8-hr. day, or enough for 3 to 4 average onestory houses, at the following labor cost per 1,000 sq.ft. (92.90 sq.m):
For smaller jobs, where
only one
or two
increase the above costs about 25% to absorb lost motion in laying out work and getting started. Where plywood decking is to be covered with linoleum or other resilient flooring, requiring a fairly smooth surface, a carpenter should spackle and sand joints and surface cracks and other imperfections at the rate of 200 sq.ft. (18.58 sq.m) per hr. Laying Wood Sheathing on Pitch or Gable Roofs. When laying roof sheathing on plain hip or gable roofs, a carpenter should lay 575 to 615 bd.ft. (1.36-1.45 cu.m) of lumber per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
5473.04 Pfs 643.08 ear fesem 72.67| $
On roofs that are very steep or cut up with dormers, hips, and valleys, such as English type houses, a carpenter will lay 275 to 325 bd.ft. (0.65-0.77 cu.m) of sheathing per 8-hr. day at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Cost 1,000 bd.ft.
Labor Placing Sidewall Sheathing. When sheathing sidewalls of frame buildings with 1”x6” (25 x 150 mm) or 1”x8” (25 x 200 mm) boards laid horizontally, a carpenter should handle and place 625 to 700 bd.ft. (1.47-
1.65 cu.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Labor Placing Diagonal Sidewall Sheathing. When sidewall sheathing is placed diagonally, it usually requires two carpenters working together-one at each end of the board-and usually requires scaffolding the outside walls before the sheathing is placed. The worker at the top must have a scaffold from which to work. On work of this class, a carpenter should place 450 to 525 bd.ft. (1.06-1.24 cu.m) of 1°x6” (25 x 150 mm) or 1”x8” (25 x 200 mm) sheathing per 8 hr. day, at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Rate | Total
per cu.m WOOD
Placing Wood Furring Strips on Masonry Walls. Where it is necessary to place wood furring strips on brick or tile walls before lathing and plastering, allowing the strips to follow the line of the walls without wedging or blocking out to make them straight or plumb, with the nails driven into dry joints in the brickwork, a carpenter should place 500 to 550 lin.ft. (152.40 to 164.64 m) of furring per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Cost per Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m)
Strips 12" Centers (300 mm)
Carpenter Strips 16" Centers (400 mm) Carpenter First Grade Workmanship Where it is necessary to plug the masonry walls and place all furring strips absolutely straight and plumb to produce a level surface to receive lath and plaster, a carpenter should plug walls and place 200 to 250 lin.ft. (60.96 to 76.20 m) of strips per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin. ft. (30.48 m):
Cost per Lin.Ft
Cost per Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m)
Total Strips 12" Centers (300 mm)
Strips 16" Centers (400 mm)
Placing Wood Grounds. Where wood grounds are nailed directly to wood furring strips, door and window openings, etc., allowing them to follow the rough furring, partitions and wood bucks, without wedging or blocking to make them absolutely straight, a carpenter should place 540 to 590 lin.ft. (164.59 to 179.83 mm) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
First Grade Workmanship
Where it is necessary to keep all wood grounds absolutely straight, plumb, and level for the finish plaster and for the interior wood finish, and where it is necessary to plug the masonry walls with wood plugs to hold the nails, a carpenter should place 200 to 250 lin.ft. (60.96 to 76.20 m) of grounds per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m).
Wood Blocking and Grounds the masonry walls are 12” (300 mm) or jamb lining, a carpenter should place grounds for a window up to 4’-0”x6’-0” 1/4 hr. at the following labor cost:
Around Window Openings. Where more in thickness, requiring a wood all necessary wood blocking and (1.21 x 1.82 m) in size in 3/4 to 1-
Windows 4’-0”x7’-0” (1.21 x 2.13 m) to 5’-0”x8’-0” (1.5 2x 2.43 m) in size will require 1-1/8 to 1-3/8 hrs. to place blocking and grounds, at the following labor cost per window:
First Grade Workmanship
In the better class of buildings, where all grounds must be absolutely straight and plumb, and it is necessary to plug the brick and block walls for securing the grounds and blocking, a carpenter should complete one window up to 4’-0”x6’-0” (1.21 x 1.82 m) in size in 1-1/4 to 1-3/4 hrs. at the following labor cost:
Flows 1.50
g35.04] $52.56
A carpenter should plug walls, place blocking and grounds for one window 4’-0”x7’-0” (1.21 x 2.13 m) to 5’-0”x8’-0” (1.52 x 2.43 m) in 1-1/2 to 2 hrs. at the following labor cost per window:
Wood Blocking for Cabinet and Case Bases. A carpenter should locate, frame and set 115 to 135 bd.ft. (0.27-0.32 cu.m) of 2”x4” (50 x 100
mm) or 2”x6” (SO x 150 mm) blocking for cabinet or case bases per 8-hr. day at the following labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
Wood Furring Strips Over Wood Subfloors. When placing 1”x2” (25 x 50 mm)
or 2”x2”
(50 x 50 mm)
strips over
subfloors to receive finish flooring, a carpenter should place 550 to 600 lin. ft. (167.64 to 182.88 m), without wedging or leveling, per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Ho 1.40 Cost per 100 [Eki 7
CARPENTRY Cost per Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m)
First Grade Workmanship In the better class of buildings where the wood furring strips must be wedged up and blocked to produce an absolutely level surface to receive finish flooring, a carpenter should place 250 to 300 lin.ft. (76.20 to 91.44 m) of furring strips per 8-hr. day, at the following cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m).
Hours] Rate |Total 0.30 Cost per Lin.Ft.
ats ee
$112.97 .
8c lel
Placing Strip Deadening Felt and Wood Furring Strips Over Wood Subfloors. Frequently a narrow strip of deadening felt 1/2”x3” (12.75 x 75 mm) is placed under the wood furring strips and both are nailed to the wood subfloor. This provides better insulation and deadening than where the furring strips are nailed directly to the subfloor.
On work of this kind, a carpenter should place 425 to 475 lin.ft. (129.54 to 144.78 m) of deadening felt and furring strips per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin. ft. (30.48m):
Q) im
Rate |Total 1.80oo |S .....
$ 10.46
| Costper100Lin.Ft. || | CostperLinFt. |_|
PPerLinM |
First Grade Workmanship Where it is necessary to wedge and block up the strips to produce an absolutely level surface to receive the finish flooring, a carpenter should place 220 to 250 lin.ft. (67.05 to 76.20 m) of deadening and furring strips per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
35 abor [ Costperi00Linre | CostperLinFt. | PPerLin | Q
Toul A
Total y uoi S &
wy tOY oyBR —
CARPENTRY Cost per Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m)
mm) Strips 16" Centers (400 mm)
Carpenter Placing Deadening Quilt Over Rough Wood Floors. Where deadening felt or quilt is laid over wood subfloors, a worker should handle and lay 200 to 250 sq.ft. (18.58 to 23.22 sq.m) per hr. at the following cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
The above costs are based on deadening felts or quilts in rolls or sheets that are laid on the rough floor with furring strips placed directly over them. Cost of Placing Deadening Felt and Wood Furring Strips Over 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of Floor Strips 12” (300 mm) O.C.-Ordinary Workmanship
Cost per (100 Sq.Ft.)
Cost per Sq.Ft.
Per Lin. Sq.M
aos 16” (400 — O.C.-Ordinary Workmanship
Cost per 100d rt Cost per Lin.Ft.
pups =
(300 mm) O.C.-First Gr 7 Workmanship
Cost per 100 Sq. Ft. Cost per Sq.Ft. Per Lin. Sq. M
Cost per (100 Sq.Ft.)
Cost per Sq.Ft. Per Lin. Sq.M Placing Wood Floor Sleepers. When placing 2”x3” (50 x 75 mm) or 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) wood floor screeds or sleepers over rough tile or concrete floors, to receive finish flooring, a carpenter should place 225 to 275 lin. ft. (68-83 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30 m):
Rate [Tom] Rate | Labor___————*f 080s... |S...) 826.16 FCostperiootmr | | | |_| eostperLink. [|_| | ce ee oe cee haeto i=)
=> =eonr=
— i) EeeS)
CARPENTRY First Grade Workmanship In the better class of buildings, 2”x3” (50 x 75 mm) or 2”x4” (50 x 100 mm) beveled floor sleepers are placed over the rough concrete floors and wedged or blocked up to provide a perfectly level surface to receive the finish flooring. The screeds are usually held in place by metal clips placed in the rough concrete, or anchored with special purpose nails. On work ofthis class, a carpenter should place, wedge up, and level 130 to 170 lin.ft. (39-51 m) of sleepers per 8-hr. day, including setting sleeper clips, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30 m):
080 |S. Cotperoimr | | | |_| ioe ye ees ml ae ae ae Sete Se ee ee oe Nn WS)S
A oe)On 'STS
f =,eeeofeomy60188
14"x 67 "| $50.80 14."x 71 "| $52.40 for "x 80-™1-956;00
S50 e
673 mm
350x117 Ss:mam 350%
“1275 nim
350 x 1475 mm 550 xe 157> mom “1675 -mm
3040 me.Suelpean and 4 400 x 2000 mm
Labor Costs on Half Timber Work. The following costs on half timber work are taken from a building with timber of white oak 3” (75 mm)
thick, 10” (250 mm) and 11” (275 mm) wide, and various lengths. Nothing was done to the face of the timber and it was left just as received. The backs of all timbers were beveled, the thickness remaining 3” (75 mm). A shop was set up on the job where the timbers were cut, beveled, and fit ready for erection. There were 14,500 bd.ft. (34.20 cu.m) of lumber used in this halftimber work and the labor cost per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m) was as follows:
After the timbers were cut, beveled, and fit in the shop, the labor cost of placing and bracing the timbers in the building was as follows per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.36 cu.m):
the labor cost of interior finish, determine
grade of workmanship required by the architect or owner, because the quantity of work a carpenter will perform per hour or per day will vary considerably with the grade of workmanship. Costs are given for two distinct grades of workmanship. “Ordinary work” is by far the most common and is usually found in medium priced residences, cottages, apartment buildings, factory and warehouse buildings, non-fireproof store, and offices and schools. “First grade workmanship” is required in fine residences, high-class fireproof apartments, hotels, banks and office buildings, high-class stores, fireproof school and university buildings, courthouses, city halls, state capitols, post offices, and other such buildings. The interior finish in buildings of this class is usually selected birch, selected gumwood, plain or quarter-sawed oak, mahogany, walnut or other first-class hardwoods, and is discussed later in this chapter under “Architectural Woodwork”. Placing Wood Base. This cost will vary with the size of the rooms and whether a single-, two- or three-member base is specified. Where there are 55 to 60 lin.ft. (16.76 to 18.29 m) of two-member
base in each room, without an unusually large amount of cutting and fitting, a carpenter should place 125 to 150 lin. ft. (38.10 to 45.72 m) per 8-hr day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Labor helping
If there is an unusually large number of miters, such as required in closets and other small rooms, increase the above costs accordingly. A carpenter should place almost as many lin.ft. of three-member base (consisting of two base members and a carpet strip), as two-member
base (consisting of one member and carpet strip), as it is much easier to fit a small top member against the plastered wall than it is to nail a wide piece of base so that it will fit snug against the wall and follow the irregularities in the plaster. Where there are 50 to 60 lin.ft. (15.24 to 18.29 m) of base in a room,
a carpenter should place 110 to 130 lin. ft. (30.48 to 39.64 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin. ft. (30.48 m):
First Grade Workmanship
In average size rooms, a carpenter should place 100 to 115 lin.ft. (30.48 to 34.05 m) of two-member hardwood base per 8-hr. day at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
$ 285.46
per lin.ft.
Where three-member hardwood base is used in average rooms, a carpenter should place 85 to 100 lin.ft. (25.91 to 30.48 m) two ordinary rooms per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
eel Wad, sah SRE aahDySlane ee perlinms 0 968
On work ofthis class, the wood grounds should be straight, so that it will not be necessary to “force” the wood base to make it fit tight against the finished wall. Where a single 1”x4” (25 x 100 mm) pine base is to be fitted to straight runs, a single carpenter should set about 200 lin.ft. (60.96 m) per day at the following cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m);:
per lin. ft. er lin.m. Placing Wood Picture Molding. Where just an ordinary grade of workmanship is required, a carpenter should place picture molding in 5 or 6 ordinary rooms per 8-hr. day. This is equivalent to 250 to 275 lin.ft. (76.20 to 83.82 m) at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
First Grade Workmanship Where the wood picture molding must fit close to the plastered walls with perfect fitting miters, a carpenter should place molding in 4 to 5 ordinary sized rooms per 8-hr. day. This is equivalent to 175 to 200 lin.ft. (53.34 to 60.96 m), at the following cost per 100 lin. ft. (30.48 m):
Total :
If the picture molding is placed in fireproof buildings having tile or brick partitions, it will be necessary to place wood grounds for nailing the picture molding, but in non-fireproof buildings the nails may be driven into the plaster so that nails obtain a bearing in the wood studs or wall furring. Placing Wood Chair or Dado Rail. In large rooms or long, straight corridors, a carpenter should fit and place 275 to 300 lin.ft. (83.82 to 91.44 m) of wood chair rail per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
per lin. ft. per lin.m. In small kitchens, closets, and bathrooms, a carpenter will place only 160 to 180 lin.ft. (48.76 to 54.86 m) of chair rail per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
First Grade Workmanship Where first grade workmanship is required, a carpenter should place 200 to 225 lin.ft. (60.96 to 68.58 m) of chair rail per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
CARPENTRY In small rooms, such as kitchens, pantries, bathrooms, etc., requiring considerable cutting and fitting around medicine cabinets, wardrobes, kitchen cases, etc., a carpenter should place 120 to 135 lin.ft. (36.57 to 41.14m) of chair rail per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
per lin.m. Placing Wood Cornices. Where three- or four-member wood cornices are placed in living rooms, reception rooms, dining rooms, etc., a carpenter should place cornice in one average sized room per 8-hr. day, which is equivalent to 50 to 60 lin.ft. (15.24 to 18.29 m), and the labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m) would be as follows:
Cost per 100 lin.Ft.
er lin. ft.
First Grade Workmanship
Where it is necessary that the wood members fit the plastered walls and ceilings closely, with all miters true and even, two carpenters working together should complete 1 to 1-1/4 rooms per day, at the rate of 35 to 40 lin.ft. (10.66-12.19 m) per 8-hr. day for one carpenter and at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Placing Vertical Wood Panel strips or “battens” are nailed to plastered carpenter should place 22 to 28 pes. 175 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per
Strips. When vertical wood panel walls to produce a paneled effect, a to 225 lin.ft. (53.34 to 68.58 m) per 100 lin.ft. (30 m):
Total | Rate
Placing Wood Strip Paneling. Where panels are formed of wood molding 1-1/2” to 2-1/2” (38-63 mm) wide, making it necessary to cut and miter both ends of each panel strip, the lin.ft. (meter) cost will vary with the size of the panels and the amount of cutting and fitting. Almost as much labor is required on a panel 2’-0”x3’-0” (0.61 x 0.91 m) as for one 3’-0”x6’-0” (0.91 x 1.82 m), even though the former is only half as long. On small panels up to 2’-0”x4’-0” (0.61 x 1.22 m), requiring 12 lin.ft. (3.65 m) of molding, a carpenter should complete 9 to 11 panels, containing 110 to 135 lin.ft. (3352 to 41.14 m) of molding per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin. ft. (30.48 m):
On larger panels 3’-0”x5’-0” (0.91 x 1.52 m) to 4’-0”x6’-0” (1.22 x 1.82 m), where each panel contains 16 to 20 lin. ft. (4.87-6.09 m) of molding, a carpenter should complete 7 to 9 panels, containing 140 to 180 lin. ft. (42-54 m) of molding per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
First Grade Workmanship Where wood panel moldings are used over canvassed or burlap walls, with all strips plumb and level, fitting closely to the plastered walls with perfect fitting miters, a carpenter should complete 7 to 9 small panels, requiring 90 to 115 lin.ft. (27.43 to 34.05 m) of molding per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
On large panels, from 3’-0”x5’-0” (0.9 x 1.5 m) to 4’-0’x6’-0” (1.2 x 1.8 m), where each panel contains 16 to 20 lin.ft. (4.87-6.09 m) of panel
molding, a carpenter should complete about 6 to 8 panels, containing 120 to 150 lin.ft. (36.57 to 45.72 m) of molding per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Placing Wood Ceiling Beams. In buildings where built-up ceiling beams are used, the labor costs will vary according to the number of intersections of beams in each room and the length of the beams. It is as easy to erect a 12’-0” (3.65 m) built-up beam as an 8’-0” (2.44 m) one.
On average work, a carpenter should place 35 to 45 lin.ft. (10.66 to 13.71 m) of built-up wood beams per 8-hr. day, at the following cost per 100 lin. ft. (30.48 m):
First Grade Workmanship
In the better class of buildings using wood ceiling beams, a carpenter should place 30 to 35 lin.ft. (9.14 to 10.66 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Price of Ponderosa Pine Moldings Per 100 Lin.Ft. and 10 M unless otherwise indicated Description Size in Inches
Price per 100 Lin.Ft. unless
Price per 10 Lin.M. unless noted
Description Size in
noted * Aprons
aa aa
11/16 "xe § 21/4" Were
11/4 "x
31.25 mm x
9/16 "x Wore 1/2 x
On ee ee aay DAS 75:80 [1825001 OAS 86.70 | 12.50
x60 x
ra I87e50RemaT| 106.25 mm|
24.87 $
Description Size in Inches
per 100
Description Size in
Lin.Ft. unless ' noted
per 10
unless noted
Base Cap
11/16 "x
| Ww——oo
al Ome ess
9656 mm
18.75 mm 14.83 So |
Arno” Balusters
3/4 "x
1 WM6"x 1 W6"|$ 1 5/6 "x 1 5/16" 15/8 "x 15/8"|$
126.40 Base Shoe Combination
eae er 2) os ee
Sa ~ co
Bed Molding
13/4") $ ' § 21/4!
O33 0 nln ; UXO) |wallalle
Ss eo
43.75 56.25
mm| mm|
$ $
20.77 29.63
9S8> mmr S
Base Shoe
Blind Stop
3/4 "x
Brick Moldin
Wwn in oe)
Corner Guards
LOK ee
21/4 6690 : IIe 5625 OnE S: oO Oey SIE —SOO rant [PS 40-29" Corner Guards
ya? aaa jC se se Corner Guards
Cine ee
seers es
B83 100 32-8
32.81 mm]
27-26 |
Corner Guards
H/6 "x tg. Me CE 3/4" a M6 Mx
31/4" — 2a Sere ees wie 3/4" ee = 01/8."
UG 4AVATS! 18490) ie? oe VN
1719 x Eee
86.70 | 17.19
14.21 11.84 16.01
9106.25 “tom $ 60.43 ee ar 56.25
Description Size in Inches
L We"x U4 "x
Price per 100 Lin.Ft. unless
Price per 10
Description Size in
noted *
unless noted
15/8 "[$ 86.70]26.56_x___40.63_mm| $____28.44 | 13/8" $
1 5/16" 2"x__ ES 5/16 "x
9/16" Cee an)
eS aa
37.50. X_~43,75...tam), $34.35) Hook Strips
3/4 "x_ 115/16" Ce Ua ae
We 4x
916 "x 3/16 "x 1/2 34 1/4 "x
3/4 "x 1 W6"x
1/4 "x
awl 3/84
$ 30.93
When applied by spray, a worker should cover 300 to 350 sq.ft. (27.87 to 32.51 sq.m) per hr. at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
| Description TH 0.33 § 30.93] $10.21 Cost per 100 sq.ft. ae Se10.21 Ee Fe Ss a ee a a Se 2010 Pfeoct Eaa a i he ee lee] Add cost of compressor and spray equipment.
Back-Plastering and Back-Painting Cut Stone and Marble to Prevent Staining When
or sandstone
building work, it difficulty is to prevent moisture in the brick or concrete backing from penetrating the surface of the stone or marble and staining or discoloring the face, due to its open grain or porous nature. To overcome this condition, it is customary to paint the back of the stone, beds, and end joints, up to within 1” (25 mm) of the face, to prevent
staining and discoloration. White or non-staining cement is also used for this purpose. The stone is set in non-staining cement mortar, and the back ofthe stone is plastered or parged with the same mortar. In many instances the backs, beds, and joints of the stone are painted and then back-plastered
with non-staining cement,
acts as a double
preventative. Back-painting of Indiana limestone is not recommended by quarrymen and producers, who say that it tends to create conditions it is supposed to counteract. A full explanation is given under Cut Stone. Where cut stone comes in contact with concrete, it is recommended
that the concrete be painted instead of the stone and a one-inch space left between the concrete and cut stone. Estimating the Cost of Back-Painting Cut Stone and Marble. It is customary to estimate the cost of cut stone by the cu.ft. (cu.m), so the cost of back-painting should be estimated in the same manner. Plain stone ashlar is usually 4” to 8” (100-200 mm) thick or in alternating courses of 4” (100 mm) and 8” (200 mm) stone so as to provide a bond with the brick or masonry backing. Where just a veneer of cut stone is
required, the stone is usually 4” (100 mm) thick and is bonded into the masonry backing by metal anchors. If cut stone is furnished in alternating courses of 4” (100 mm) and 8” (200 mm), the stone for the entire job will average 6” (150 mm) thick. It will therefore be necessary to back-paint 2 sq.ft. (0.18 sq.m) of surface to each cu.ft. stone. Including beds and joints, it will double the above quantities or it will be necessary to back-paint 4-1/3 sq.ft. per cu.ft. (0.4 sq.m per cu.m) of stone. If the stone averages 4” (200 mm) thick, it will be necessary to back-paint about 5 sq.ft. per cu.ft. (0.46 sq.m per cu.m) of stone, including the backs, beds, and joints. If the stone averages 8” (200 mm) thick, it will be necessary to back-paint about 4 sq.ft. per cu.ft. (0.37 sq.m per cu.m) of stone. Back-Painting Cut Stone and Marble. When _back-painting limestone,
etc., the stone
is often painted
in the yard
before delivery, although on many jobs it is painted after delivery. It is customary to paint the stone a few days before setting, although the backs are frequently painted after the stone has been set. Care must be exercised to thoroughly brush the paint into all the pores and not drop any paint on the face ofthe stone. When painted at the building site, a worker should paint 600 to 700 sq.ft. (55.74 to 65.03 sq.m) of surface per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Heavy black paints are applied to backs and sides of stone to prevent cement and mortar stains. Quantities are based on a single coat:
Back-Painting 100 Sq.Ft. (9.3 Sq.M) Cut Stone or Marble to Prevent Staining per Gal.
0.75 Seeisage lent cotta :
Liters Per | Price
ie 13 13
per | Labor
13 1.3 13 No. of Cu.Ft. (Cu.M) of Stone to be Painted per 100 Sq.Ft. (10 Sq.M) of Surface Includes back, beds and end joints Average Thickness of Stone
[mera eas AE [8 25.0] 200mm 0.708] No. of Sq.Ft. of Painted Surface in One Cu.Ft. of Stone (No. of Sq.M Painted Surface per .0929 Cu.M of Stone) Includes back, beds and end joints Average Thickness of Stone
Back-Plastering Cut Stone and Marble. After the stone or marble has been set, it is customary to plaster the back ofthe stone with non-staining
cement, using an ordinary trowel and applying it 3/16” (4.68 mm) to 1/4” (6.25 mm) thick.
The stone must be back-plastered as the setting progresses, as delay the bricklayers in backing up the stone, so the time required is indefinite. Working steadily, however, a mason should back-plaster 65 sq.ft. (6.03 to 6.96 sq.m) per hr. at the following labor cost per 100 (9.29 sq.m):
not to rather to 75 sq.ft.
per sq.m 07190 VAPOR BARRIERS/RETARDANTS The combination of high indoor relative humidities and low outside temperatures causes condensation to form within the structure. Serious damage can result—rotting framing members, paint deterioration, and wet walls and ceilings. Vapor barriers are recommended where these conditions exist. Vapor seal paper should be installed on the warm side of wall, floor, ceiling, or roof. Paper should be installed with joints running parallel to and over framing members. All joints should be lapped about 2” (50 mm). Where paper is to be exposed, nail wood lath strips over paper along framing members to provide a neat and permanent job. A satisfactory vapor proof paper consists of a 50-lb. (22.68-kg) continuous asphalt film, faced on both sides with 30-lb. (13.60-kg) basis kraft paper. Other vapor proof papers consist of two 30-lb. (13.60-kg) basis sheets of kraft paper cemented together with asphalt and reinforced with strong jute cords, spaced 1/2” (12.50 mm) to 1” (25 mm) on centers and running in both
directions. This same reinforced sheet is furnished with two sheets of asphalt coated paper cemented together and reinforced as described above. Another very satisfactory vapor proof paper consists of a heavy kraft paper coated on one side with a thin sheet of aluminum or copper, which prevents the penetration of moisture. Approximate prices on the various types of vapor seal paper are as follows:
DEeaeT escription 2 sheets 30-lb basis kraft paper, Cemented Together.
2 sheets asphalt coated 30-Ib kraft paper, Cemented tohether with asphlt and reinforced with jute cords.
: P rice Per
Price Per Roll
Roll 500 Sq.Ft.
46.45 Sq.M.
$8.00 | $ 86.11
2 sheets 13.61Kg |basis kraft paper.
$ 14.40]
$ 155.01
2 sheets asphal phalt coated 13.62 Kg.
$ 12.00]
$ 129.17
|paper coated two
| sheet heavy kraft paper coated two sides, with a
reflective surface.
v Description
1 sheet heavy kraft sides.
Sisalkraft. A strong, waterproof, windproof building paper consisting of 2 sheets of pretreated kraft paper, cemented together with 2 layers of special asphalt and reinforced with 2 layers of crossed sisal fibers. Costs about $0.20 per sq.ft ($2.15 sq.m). Copper-Armored Sisalkraft is a combination of Sisalkraft and Anaconda electro-sheet copper bonded under heat and pressure, It 1s available in 3 weights, 1, 2, or 3 oz. copper per sq.ft. (0.91, 1.8, or 2.7 oz. per sq.m). It may be used for waterproofing, flashings, ridge roll flashing, etc. The approximate prices are as follows: 1-oz. costs $0.30 per Sq.it. ($3.22 per sq.m); 2-0z. costs $0.50 per sq.ft. ($5.38 per sq.m), and 3-oz. costs $0.70 per sq.ft. ($7.53 per sq.m) Above prices subject to discount on large orders. Polyethylene. Film comes in 100’ (30.48 m) rolls of various widths in thicknesses of 0.002” (0.05 mm), 0.004” (0.1 mm), 0.006” (0.15 mm), and 0.008” (0.2 mm). Costs vary from $0.015 to $0.04 per sq.ft. ($0.16 to $0.43 per sq.m). Tape for sealing joints costs $3.25 for a roll 2” (50 mm) wide by 100’ (30.48 m) long in the 0.004” (0.10 mm) thickness. Labor Placing Vapor Seal Paper. Where vapor seal paper is applied to the interior of exterior stud walls, using a stapling machine, to prevent the penetration of moisture and condensation, a carpenter should handle and place 2,000 to 2,500 sq.ft. (185.8 to to 232.25 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
| Description
per sq.m
Hours _| | Hours
baie1 ae 1045
To insulate is defined as “to make an island of’. This “island” not only excludes the outside elements but retains those created within. Today, insulation has become part of a larger, more inclusive concern—energy conservation. Building design must go beyond the casual approach of letting aesthetic and use-function considerations dictate the design and then turning to technology to provide a satisfactory interior climate regardless of the initial and operating cost. The building envelope itself must be modified to contribute in every possible way to interior conditions of comfort-excluding the extremes of weather but welcoming those that pleasantly modify; retaining our manufactured interior weather but also providing means to allow it naturally to renew and maintain itself without resorting exclusively to mechanical means. There are three stages where crucial decisions are made about the building and its environment. First, in the preliminary planning; second, in material selection; and finally, in the actual construction.
Preliminary planning considers the basics. First the building form should approximate a cube and have a minimum exposure to the elements or sprawl and take maximum advantage of natural light, solar heat, and breezes. Buildings should be sited to work with nature, not fight it. Fenestration should be concentrated to the south and tempered with overhangs engineered to exclude the sun when it is high in the summer sky, but to allow the rays to penetrate and add their warmth when the sun is low in the winter. Overhangs need not always be eaves but can be louvres, screens, balconies, porches, or a few well-spaced deciduous trees. Roof forms should not be chosen solely to exclude the elements but also to shade and vent the space above the top habitable floor. Wind conditions should be considered, doors protected, and
windows placed to provide the optimum natural ventilation supplementing them with clear stories and skylights if need be. The earth itself is both a very cheap and a very good insulator and intelligent use of banking can pay large dividends. Once the general arrangement has been determined, the second consideration is to select the best wall, ceiling, and floor materials for coping with the conditions they will face, and the best methods of installation to assure that the selected materials will perform to their maximum capabilities. This discussion has concerned itself with new construction. One of the largest opportunities developing for the contractor is bringing existing buildings up to the energy efficient standards acceptable today. Most of the materials and procedures discussed in the following text apply to both new and remodeling work. However, the latter presents its own problems, and for that type of work, the reader is also referred to the chapter on Remodeling Work which deals with work on existing buildings.
AND MOISTURE PROTECTION The exterior and interior faces of a building will be chosen for appearance and wearability, and will by nature be hard and dense and therefore good conductors of heat. Also by nature insulating materials will be full of air pockets and be soft and easily damaged and need protection. Therefore most exterior envelopes will consist of three plies: an outside wearing surface, and intermediate space designed to interrupt the heat flow, and an interior wearing surface. Even the exterior and interior plies will contribute some insulating quality. Materials are rated for their thermal resistance or their “R” value, the temperature difference between two exposed faces required to cause one BTU to flow through one square foot of the material per hour. “R” values can
be added, one to the other, to arrive at a rating for the total wall, ceiling, or
floor construction. The following list gives the “R” ratings for some of the more common building materials.
| | | | |
Material 4"[Facebrick [0.44 [100 :mm| : 4" |Common brick 8"|Poured concrete [0.64 [200 :mm| 8 "|Cinder block [tt [200 mm) : Light weight block 8 "[Li weight block [ 2. ght 4" |Concrete slab
=(5 2 72" : 172 [x8 [Drop siding} 0.79 [25x 200 mm
Even from the above small sampling, one can see that facing materials can be chosen to contribute to the insulating quality of the envelope. In addition, air spaces of over 3/4” (18.75 mm) should also be added at an average of R = 0.91, depending on the position of the air space and whether the air movement is up or down. Also in choosing exterior facings, colors should be considered for their ability to reflect; the darker the color, the more heat absorbed. And finally the jointing of all materials must be carefully studied to eliminate infiltration. A study of one apartment tower found 50% ofthe heat loss was due to infiltration around the windows! Heat transfer through the building enclosure is by three means: convection, conduction, and radiation.
Convection movement
is the
of air. Warm
air rises, cold air falls. The concern
downward here is to
construct a total building envelope that blocks air currents. Hollow walls should be solidly blocked top and bottom at each story, and floor and roof construction should be continuously sealed from wall construction so air conditions in the exterior walls will not be able to spread out over the
interior. This can be done either by extending the interior facing or by adding insulation or a combination of both. Conduction is the transmission of heat through a material. The rate of conductance of a material or combination of materials, known as its “U” factor, is the BTU per hour per inch of thickness per square foot per degree temperature difference. The “R” ratings discussed previously are the reciprocals of conductance or | divided by the “U” factor. Most common insulating materials are manufactured to be as poor a conductor of heat as possible. However, their positioning within the wall can also make them block convection and when enclosed in reflective coverings and separated from adjacent construction by at least 3/4” (18.75 mm) they also can cut down on the third means of heat transfer, radiation.
Radiation is the emission of energy from a surface. Bright surfaces, such as aluminum foil, are good reflectors and have low emissive coefficients and are therefore poor absorbers of heat. The interior faces of the two outer plies of building envelope tend to be dark, and the heat will radiate from one surface to the other constantly unless interrupted. By inserting one or more layers of reflective surfaces, the heat will be reflected back to the surface from which it escaped. Installation is crucial to the success of a radiant barrier, because the reflective surface will be highly conductive. If allowed to come into contact with either side of the enclosing construction, it will speed heat transfer rather than retard it. Infiltration, as discussed above, will generally be solved by good detailing at the juncture of one material to another and by caulking. Strips of insulation, such as under sill plates, and loose wools stuffed into place, can also plug air leaks. There is no simple answer as to how much insulation should be added. Both comfort and the additional costs must be considered. Minimum accepted “R” values in the northern regions have been R19 for ceilings, R13 for floors and R11 for walls. These drop to R13, R9, and R8 in milder areas
but should never be less than R9 for ceilings and R7 elsewhere. Increases in fuel costs could always make these figures far too low and R24 for ceilings, R19 for floors and R13 for walls might be recommended. But keep in mind that each additional inch (25 mm) of insulation beyond a certain point reduces the heat loss less than the one before it. There is a point of sharply diminishing returns. To determine the best “R” values for a particular project, one must consider the following:
2. 3.
Determine all wall, ceiling, and floor construction types and give each its proper “R” value without insulation. Determine the heat loss (or heat gain for cooling) without insulation through each of the above. Choose an “R” rating for walls, ceiling, and floors based on averages for existing climate and consistent with the type of construction contemplated.
Refigure heat loss with new “R” values. Figure fuel savings of d) over b). Several alternate fuels might be considered and local utilities can be helpful in determining these costs. Figure the difference in cost of the insulated construction over the
to deduct
for savings
in size
of the
mechanical equipment, if any. Determine how long it will take savings in fuel to pay for insulation costs. This is the payback period and will have to take many things into consideration such as future fuel costs, and the interest on the additional mortgage to finance the insulation. If the payback period looks attractive, the whole procedure can be repeated with a higher “R” value assigned, and this can be repeated until a point of diminishing returns is evident. Once the desired “R” value is established, the selection of the best
type of insulation can begin. The possibilities include: it
2. 3.
4. 5.
Blankets and batts, with or without reflective or vapor barriers. Rigid board type, which may also serve as sheathing or lathing. Sprayed on or foamed in place, which may also serve as sound or fire retardants. Poured fill Reflective barriers Many of these may be used in combination with the other. 07210
into batts
or rolls is made
in a number
materials, such as stone, slag, glass wools, vegetable and cotton fibers, and
suspended pulps. They are all light in weight, easily cut and handled, and need support to stay in place. They are usually encased in either kraft paper or foil and can be used as a vapor barrier. The enclosing material is usually made with flapped edges for easy attachment to studs and joists. Units may be ordered unfaced and fitted between studs by friction. Unfaced units are most often used as a second layer of insulation in attic spaces as they do not form a second vapor barrier if the original layer has one. A narrow form of unfaced blanket 1” (25 mm) thick is made for inserting under sill plates. It will compress to 1/32” (0.78 mm). Most batt and blanket materials have “R” values of around 3.5 to 3.7 per inch (25 mm) ofthickness. The 3” (75 mm) units will provide an “R” of 11, 3-1/2” (87.50 mm) of 13 and 6” (150 mm) of 19. The 6” (150 mm) units are commonly used in attics and fitted between the joists; but more and more, they are used in walls with 2” x 6” (50 x 150 mm) studs placed 24” (600 mm)
o.c. in place of the standard 2 x 4 (50 x 100 mm) 16” (400 mm) o.c. If foil faced units are used and an air space of at least 3/4” (18.75 mm) maintained between the foil and the warm side of the room, the “R” rating can be increased some 15%. Most glass fiber insulation is distributed on a nationwide basis, but other materials are often produced regionally and prices may vary widely. Widths are 15” (375 mm) and 23” (575 mm) to fit normal 16” (400 mm) and
24” (600 mm) stud and joist spacing. Batts come 48” (1200 mm) and 96” (2400 mm) long, blankets in rolls of from 24’ (7.31 m) to 40’ (12.19 m), often two rolls per package. The square foot cost for foil faced units 3-1/2” (87.50 mm) thick is $0.24; 6” (150 mm) thick is $0.40. Units bound in kraft
paper may run a couple of cents less and unfaced units even less. Sill sealer rolls come in 50’ (15.24 m) rolls 1” (25 mm) thick and in 3-5/8” (90.62 mm)
and 6” (150 mm) widths and cost $0.15 and $0.22 per lin.ft ($0.49 and $0.72 per m).
Because these materials are light and precut to fit standard construction, one carpenter can handle the installation. Friction fit type, with no attachments, will install at the rate of 2000 sq.ft. (185.80 sq.m) per day. Flanged type bound in kraft paper or foil will install at 1800 sq.ft. (167.22 sq.m) per day. Labor Cost of 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) Faced Insulation
Loose fill insulation includes mineral wool, which is molten rock extruded by air and steam into fibers, known as blowing wool for machine applications, or nodules for pouring or spreading by hand; and expanded volcanic rocks such as vermiculite or perlite. The latter are most often specified for filling concrete block or cavity walls. Loose Insulating Wool. Is suitable for any purpose where insulation can be packed by hand between ceiling joists or side wall studding. For maximum results, it is recommended that wool be applied full thickness of side wall studding and approximately 4” (100 mm) to 16” (400 mm) over ceiling areas. The covering capacity varies considerably with the density to which it is packed. The National Bureau of Standards conductivity figure for glass or rock wool is 0.27 Btu at a density of 10 Ibs. per cu.ft. (162 kg per cu.m).
AND MOISTURE PROTECTION The covering capacity of bulk wool as given by most manufacturers is based on a density of 6 to 8 Ibs. per cu.ft. (96.11 to 128.14 kg per cu.m). No. of Sq.Ft. (Sq.M) of Surface Covered By One Bag of Loose Insulating Wool Weighting 40 Lbs. (18.14 Kg) and Containing 4 Cu.Ft. (.11 CuM.) Not Including Area Covered by Studs or Joists
No. of S.F. (Sq.M) of Surface Covered By One Bag of Loose Insulating Wool Weighting 40 Lbs (18.14 Kg) and containing 4 Cu.Ft. (.11 Cu.m.) Including Area Covered by Studs or Joists Neal
Thickness of Loose Insulating Wool in Inches
; bot le oT [35.0 | 7.20 : 6 18.30 [85:00 [63.80 [31.90] 21.30|1830] 17.60 |1600 [9 [44s] 56.70 [28.40 14.20 [10 [4.00 [51.00 Q fe elca
Oo a ~
Nn SsS Ea
wynln cS
> ° = iS
Thickness of Loose Insulating Wool in mm
5.93 5.27 oi |474
135 1051
Loose or bulk rock wool is usually in bags weighing 40 lbs. (18.14 kg) and containing 4 cu.ft. (0.11 cu.m). Average price $4.50 to $7.00 per bag. Granule or Pellet Type Insulating Wool. Granule or pellet type insulating wool is furnished in particles sufficiently large that the material will not sift or dust through wall or ceiling cracks and is used for insulating ceiling areas between supporting joists, or void wall spaces where accessible and which permit pouring the pellets into place, particularly in old house construction. Granule or pellet type insulating wool is usually furnished in bags weighing 40 Ibs. (18.18 kg) and is placed at a density of 7 to 8 lbs. per cu.ft. (112.12 to 128.14 kg per cu.m). The tables for loose or granular insulating wool, based on 7 to 8 lbs. per cu.ft. (112.12 to 128.14 kg per cu.m) can be used for estimating quantities obtainable per bag. Granule or pellet type insulating wool in bags or cartons weighing 40 Ibs. (18.18 kg) cost about $8.00 each. Labor Placing Loose or Bulk Insulating Wool. When placing loose or bulk insulating wool between wood studs, a worker should place about 350 to 450 sq.ft. (32.51-41.80 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Cost per 100 sq.ft. per sq.ft. per sq.m Labor Placing Granule or Pellet Type Insulating Wool Between Ceiling Joists. Where granule or pellet type insulating wool is poured between ceiling joists and other open spaces to a thickness of 3-1/2” (87.50 mm) or 3-5/8” (90.62 mm), a worker should place 700 to 900 sq.ft. (65.03 to 83.61 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
per sq.m Vermiculite Vermiculite
is used to insulate attics, lofts, and side
AND MOISTURE PROTECTION walls. It is fireproof, not merely “fire resistant”. The fusion point is 2200° to 2400°F (1200° to 1315°C). It is completely mineral and does not decompose, decay, or rot. Because of its granular structure, vermiculite is free-flo wing, assuring a complete insulation job without joints or seams. Rodents cannot
tunnel into it, and it does not attract termites or other vermin. Vermicul ite is a
non-conductor and is excellent protection around electrical wiring.
Vermiculite loose-fill is marketed in 4-cu.ft. bags (.11 cu.m). Approximate coverage per bag, based on joists spaced 16” (400 mm) o. n SS=F© a
iGostpeiilee sities oat OU Sie] S$AifomA UE > Faginetna
apencaraePNM aTRE Tere ST6p
PST oe
ee a
Finishes. Corkboard insulation should receive a finish that will give long service under the temperature and moisture conditions common to cold storage rooms. The finish should bond securely to the corkboard and be reasonably resistant to bumps and abrasion. Cost, good appearance, and availability should also be considered. These requirements are best met by asphalt emulsion finishes or portland cement plaster. Asphalt emulsion finishes are generally used on ceilings and portland cement plaster on walls. Rigid foam insulations may be sprayed or brushed with special white vinyl emulsion paints, aluminum paint, tile set with adhesive, or cement plaster over mesh. Direct plastering should not be considered. Asphalt emulsion finishes shall be applied directly to corkboard in two coats, each 1/8” (3.1 mm) thick. Before applying the first coat, all voids, open joints, or broken corners must be pointed with emulsion finish. The first coat must be hand dry before the second coat is applied. Trowel the second coat smooth. The final thickness of the finish shall be approximately 1/8” (3.12 mm) when dry. Finish all corners true and clean. The emulsion finishes must be thoroughly dry before any paint is applied, to guard against cracking. Approximately 5 gals. (18.92 liters) of asphalt emulsion, at a material cost of about $15.00, will be required for the application of the two coats on 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of surface, at the following labor costs:
UA Ud aay WIR . [Sine ec a Mi hlanal me ee] Ap $_37.89
iconioosgm {| |. 1 ri Me Ash fondoBUSV Tg BEC FA WOOT Ts Wa i erica ane
The labor cost of 100 sq.ft. (9.3 sq.m) of 1/2” (12.5 mm) of 1:3 portland cement plaster should average as follows:
Portland cement plaster should be mixed in the proportions of | part portland cement, 3 parts clean, screened sand, and 5% hydrated lime. To reduce cracking to a minimum, finish coat of plaster may be scored each way approximately 4’-0” (1200 mm) on centers. Some manufacturers state that plaster can be applied directly to insulation; others specify wire mesh must be applied, particularly on ceiling work. As rigid foam insulation does not absorb water, plaster coats will dry very slowly. It is also necessary to add the cost of nailer strips for casings, trim, and bases, if any occur. Light trim such as beads may be stapled on.
Roof and deck insulation is often of the same material as rigid board insulation, but the units are generally furnished in smaller sizes more suitable for handling in exposed conditions. In addition to glass fiber, perlite, urethane and polystyrene boards, wood and mineral fiber boards costing as little as $0.50. per sq.ft. per 1” of thickness ($5.38 per sq.m per 25 mm), and foam glass blocks are often specified. Poured decks are also common, but these have been covered at the end of the Concrete chapter. Foamglas (from Pittsburgh Corning) is a unique material that is inorganic, incombustible, dimensionally stable, and water and vapor proof, and weighs only 8.5 lb. per cu.ft. (136.14 kg per cu.m) but is strong enough to be used under parking and
promenade decks. It can also be ordered with 1/8” per ft. (3.12 mm per 0.30 m) slope. Minimum thickness is 1-1/2” (37.50 mm), and it is available in 1/2” (12.50 mm) increments up to 4” (100 mm). The 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) material has an “R” value of 4.2 and costs about $1.20 per sq.ft. ($12.91 per sq.m) in 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) thickness. One roofer will install some 800 sq.ft. (74.32 sq.m) per day at the following labor cost:
Labor Cost of 100 s.f. (9.29 sq.m) of 1” (25 mm) Deck Insulation
Ek ftSa MSIL: a ii tie : FRC A lime 07250
Board forms of polystyrene, urethane, fiberglass, and cellular glass are commonly employed as insulation on foundation walls and under slab edges to insulate an on-grade floor construction at the outer wall. Material costs are from $0.25 to $0.50 per sq.ft. ($2.69 to $5.38 per sq.m) in 1” (25 mm) thickness. As perimeter insulation must fit the outline of the interior face of the outside wall and must be run continuously around offsets, perimeter ducts, column foundations and other irregularities, unit costs will vary widely. In general,
is run
(600 mm)
addition, it may be run back 24” (600 mm) under the outer edge of the slab. One carpenter should apply around 800 sq.ft. (74.32 sq.m) per day on straight run work, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
07300 ROOF SHINGLES AND ROOFING TILES Roofing is estimated by the square, containing 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m). The method used in computing the quantities will vary with the kind of roofing and the shape ofthe roof. The labor cost of applying any type of roofing will be governed by the pitch or slope, size, plan (whether cut up with openings, such as skylights, penthouses, gables, dormers, etc.), and on the distance of the roof from the
ground. Rules for Measuring Plain Double Pitch or Gable Roofs. To obtain the area of a plain double pitch or gable roof as shown in Figure 1,
THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION multiply the length ofthe ridge (A to B), by the length of the rafter (A to C). This will give the area of one-half the roof. Multiply this by 2 to obtain the total sq.ft. (sq.m) of roof surface. Example: Assume the length of the ridge (A to B), is 30’-0” (9.14 m) and the length ofthe rafter (A to C), 20’-0” (6.09 m): (A to B) x (A to C)
30’-0” x 20-0” = 600 sq.ft. 600 sq.ft. x 2 = 1,200 sq.ft.
(9.14 x 6.09 = 55.66 sq.m) 52.06% 2 = 11 32'sa.m
Rules for Measuring Hip Roofs. To obtain the area ofa hip roof as shown in Figure 3, multiply the length ofthe eaves (C to D) by 1/2 the length of the rafter (A to E). This will give the number of sq.ft. (sq.m) of one end of the roof, which multiplied by 2 gives the area of both ends. To obtain the area of the sides of the roof, add the length of the ridge (A to B) to the length of the eaves (D to H). Divide this sum by 2 and multiply by the length of the rafter (F to G). This gives the area of one side of the roof and when multiplied by 2 gives the number of sq.ft. (sq.m) on both sides ofthe roof.
Fig 1. Plain Double Pitch or Gable Roof
Fig 2. Conical Building and Roof
To obtain the total number of sq.ft. (sq.m) of roof surface, add the area of the two ends to the area of the two sides. This total divided by 100 (or sq.m divided by 9.29) equals the number of squares in the roof. Example: Assume the length of the eaves (C to D) is 20’-0” (6.09 m) and the length ofthe rafter (A to E) is 20’-0” (6.09 m): (C to D) x 1/2 the length ofthe rafter (A to E) =
20’-0” x 10’-0” = 200 sq. ft. (6.09 x 3.04 = 18.51 sq.m) 200 x 2 = 400 sq.ft. (185112 = 37502 sqm)
Fig 3. Hip Roof To obtain the area of the sides of the roof, the length of the ridge (A to B), is 10’-0” (3.04 m) and the length of the eaves (D to H) is 30’-0” (9.14 m):
10°-0” + 30°-0” = 40’-0”
(9.14 + 3.04 = 12.08 m)
By taking 1/2 the combined length of the ridge and eaves, 1/2 of 40’-0” = 20-0” (0.5 x 12.19 = 6.09 m), the average length of the roof. Assuming the length ofthe rafter (F to G) as 20’-0” (6.09 m), 20’-0” x 20’-0” = 400 sq.ft. (6.09 x 6.09 = 37.08 sq.m), the area of one side of the roof, which
multiplied by 2 equals 800 sq.ft. (74.32 sq.m), the area of both sides of the roof.
Fig 4. Hip Roof
Adding the area of the two ends to the area of the two sides gives 1,200 sq.ft. (111.48 sq.m) of roof area.
The area of a plain hip roof (Fig. 4) running to a point at the top is obtained by multiplying the length of the eaves (B to E) by 1/2 the length of the rafter (A to F). This gives the area of one end of the roof. To obtain the area of all four sides, multiply by 4. Example: Multiply the length of the eaves (B to E), which is 30’-0” (9.1 m) by 1/2 the length of the rafter (A to F), 10-0” (3.04 m), and the result is 300 sq.ft. (27.87 sq.m), the area of one end of the roof. 300 x 4 = 1,200 sq.ft. (27.87 x 42 = 11.48 sq.m), the area of the 4 sides. Rules for Measuring Conical Tower Roofs and Circular
Buildings. To obtain the area of a conical tower roof as shown in Figure 2, multiply 1/2 the length of the rafter (A to B) by the distance around the eaves
THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION at B. For example, the length of the rafter (A to B) is 15’-0” (4.57 m) and the diameter of the building at B is 20’-0” (6.09 m). To obtain the distance around the building, multiply the diameter by 3.1416. If the eaves project beyond the outside walls, and the diameter is given only to the outside walls of the building, add the length of the roof projection on both sides of the building to obtain the correct diameter. Example: If the diameter of the building (C to D) is 20’-0” (6.09 m) and the eaves project 2’-0” (0.61 m) on each side, the diameter of the building at the eaves would be 24’-0” (7.3.15 m), Multiplying (B to E) 24°-0” (7.3.15 m), the diameter ofthe building at eaves, by 3.1416, gives 75.3984 (22.9336), or approximately 75’-5” (22.98 m) around the eaves at projection (B to Ey To obtain the area of the roof, multiply 1/2 the length of the rafter (A to B), which is 7-1/2 or 7’-6” (2.28 m), by the distance around the eaves at B and E, which is 75’-5” or 75.42’ (22.90 m). The result is 565.5, or 565-1/2 sq.ft. (52.53 sq.m), the area ofthe roof. To obtain the wall area ofa cylindrical or circular building, multiply the height by the circumference, or the distance around the building, and the result will be the number of sq.ft. (sq.m) to be covered. The circumference is obtained by multiplying the diameter (C to D) of the building by 3.1416. To obtain the area of the outside walls of a cylindrical building whose diameter is 20’-0” (6.09 m) and the height 15’-0” (4.57 m), 20 x 3.1416 = 62.832 or 62’-10” (6.09 x 3.1416 = 19.16 or 19.2 m), Multiply 62.832 (19.2 m), the distance around the building, by 15 (4.6 m), the height of the building = 942.48 or 942-1/2 sq.ft. (87.56 or 87.56 sq.m), the area ofthe outside walls. A Short Method of Figuring Roof Areas
To obtain the number of square feet (square meters) of roof area, where the pitch (rise and run) of the roof is known, take the entire flat or horizontal area of the roof and multiply by the factor given below for the roof slope applicable and the result will be the area of the roof. Always bear in mind that the width of any overhanging cornice must be added to the building area to obtain the total area to be covered. Example: Find the area of a roof 26’-0” x 42’-0” (/ 9-12.81), with a 12” or 1’-0” (0.3 m) overhanging cornice and a 1/4 pitch or a 6 in 12 rise and run. To obtain the roof area, 26’-0” + 1’-0” + 1’-0” = 28’-0” width (TOE 03 7°03 8:5 m width), 42°-07 441-0” 41°40" = 44720" length (12.8 + 0.3 + 0.3 = 13.4 m length). 28 x 44 = 1,232 sq.ft. (8.5 x 13.4 = 113.9 sq.m) flat or horizontal area. To obtain area at 1/4 pitch or 6 in 12 rise and min, (23D xs
1377.376 or 1,378 sq.ft. of roof surface (113.9 x 1.118 = 128 sq.m ofroof surface). Add allowance for overhang on dormer roofs and sides.
Pitch of | Rise and
Multiply Lin.Ft. Hips or Flat Area | Valleys per Lin.Ft. By Common Run
ANLG idid24s iow L424 (ect ae Mca ie)
/ 4
1.530 1.564 1.600 1.641 1.685 1.732
L782 833 888 944 2.002 2.603 2.123
Hips and Valleys. The length of hips and valleys, formed by intersecting roof surfaces that run perpendicular to each other and have the same slope, is also a function of the roof rise and run. For full hips or valleys, where both roofs intersect for their full width, the length is determined by taking the square root of the sum of the rise squared plus twice the run squared. Using the factors given in the last column of the above table, the length of full hips or valleys is obtained by multiplying the total roof run from eave to ridge, not the hip or valley run, by the factor listed for the roof slope.
Sample Roof Factor Estimate Lonnag a a
areca Bie aia
poner i
am be
enet a
The overall 68-0” x 62’-6” (20.7m x 19.05m) building above has a uniform 5 in 12 slope. There are two hips on this roof. One hip has a 48’-0” (14.6m) span and the other has a 32’-6” (9.9m) span.
Number of Squares (with 10% waste) First calculate the flat area and then multiply by the factor in the table. (68” x 62.5’ — 20’ x 30’) x 1.083 + 100 x 1.1 waste = 43.48 squares (20.7m x 19.05m — 6.1m x 9.1m) x 1.083 x 1.1 waste = 403.6 Sq.m.
Number of Lineal Feet Drip Edge (with 10% waste) For hip roofs, the drip edge matches the 2D perimeter shown. (68° + 62.5’ + 48’ + 30’ + 20’ + 32.5’) x 1.1 waste = 287.1 lineal feet (20.7m + 19.05m + 14.6m + 9.1m + 6.1m + 9.9m) x 1.1 waste = 87 meters
Number of Lineal Feet of Ridge (62.5’ — 24’ — 24’) + 20’ = 34.5 lineal feet (19.05m — 7.3m — 7.3m) + 6.1m = 10.5 meters
Number of Lineal Feet of Valley 16.25’ x 1.474 = 24 lineal feet 5m x 1.474 = 7.4 meters Number of Lineal Feet of Hip Rafters (16.25’ + 4 x 24’) x 1.474 = 165.5 lineal feet (5m + 4x 7.3m) x 1.474 = 50.4 meters
Asphalt shingles are furnished in several styles, and the labor cost of laying them varies with the style of shingle used and the type of roof to which they are applied. Individual asphalt shingles are furnished and laid in exactly the same manner as wood shingles, the only difference being their size. Strip asphalt shingles are furnished in strips, each containing 3 shingles, so when laying them a roofer handles and lays 3 shingles at a time. Hexagon asphalt shingles are furnished in strips 11-1/3”x36” (283.25 x 900.00 mm). Estimating Quantities of Asphalt Shingles. Asphalt shingles are sold by the square, containing sufficient shingles to cover 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof. When measuring roofs of any shape, always allow one extra course of shingles for the “starters” at the eaves. The first or starting course of shingles must always be doubled. Obtain the number of lin.ft. (meters) of hips, valleys, and ridges to be covered with asphalt shingles and compute as 1’-0” (.30m) wide. Many roofing contractors do not measure hips, valleys, and ridges, preferring to add a percentage of the roof area to cover these items and for waste. The following percentages are commonly used: Gable roofs, 10%; hip roofs, 15%; hip roofs with dormers and valleys, 20%. Asphalt shingles must be properly nailed-6 nails to a strip and nailed low enough on the shingle (right at the cut-out); otherwise, they will blow off the roof. Most manufacturers produce a shingle designed for high wind areas that interlocks in such a manner that all of the shingles are integrated into a single unit. Interlocking shingles are available in single coverage for reroofing and double coverage for new construction. Self-sealing shingles with adhesive tabs are produced by most manufacturers. When using asphalt shingles for roofs, roll asphalt roofing of the same materials as the shingles is often used for forming valleys, hips, and roof ridges. Nails Required for Asphalt Shingles. When laying individual asphalt shingles, use a 12 ga. aluminum nail, 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) long, with a 7/16” (10.93 mm) head. For laying over old roofs, use nails 1-3/4” (43.75 mm) long. When laying square butt strip shingles, use 11 ga. aluminum nails, 1” (25 mm) long, with a 7/16” (10.93 mm) head. For laying over old roofs, use nails 1-3/4” (43.75 mm) long. It will require about | Ib. (0.45 kg) of nails per square of shingles laid.
Sizes and Estimating Data on Asphalt Shingles ize
Approximate Prices on Mineral Surfaced Asphalt Shingles, Seal Tab
Kind of Shingle
Size Inches
Lbs. per |Price per Square | Square
Size mm
|3-in-1 strip [12 "x 36 $ 41.60 [300 x 900 mm 2 "x 36"| 340 | $ 88.00 ]300 x 900 mm ip [I 12 "x 36 "| 350 | $ 97.50 [300 x 900 mm "
Kg. per | Price per Square | Square
$ 41.60 $97.50
Most asphalt shingles carry an Underwriters Class C rating. Incorporating a glass fiber layer results in an “A” rating. Class A shingles weighing 225 Ibs. (102.06 kg) cost about $30.00 per square; 300 Ibs. (136 -O8kg), $59.00 per square.
A roofer will lay one square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) of asphalt shingles in | hour on double pitched roofs with no hips, valleys, or dormers. Figure about 35 lin.ft. (10.66 m) per hour for fitting hips, valleys, and ridges. Hip and ridge roll material will run about $0.16 per lin.ft. ($0.52 per m); valley, $0.30 per lin.ft. ($0.98 per m.) Labor Cost of | Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) Strip Asphalt Shingles on Plain Double Pitch or Gable Roofs
On roofs with gables, dormers, etc., add 0.2 hr. per square (9.29 sq.m). On difficult constructed hip or English type roofs, add 0.5 hr. per square (9.29 sq.m).
The labor cost of laying wood shingles varies with the type of roof, whether a plain gable roof, a steep roof, or one cut up with gables or dormers, and varies with the manner in which they are laid, whether with regular butts,
irregular or staggered butts, or thatched butts. The costs given on the following pages are based on the actual number of shingles a roofer can lay per day and not upon the number of squares covered, which will vary with the spacing of the shingles. It does not make any difference to the roofer whether the shingles are laid 4” (100 mm), 4-1/2” (112.50 mm), or 5” (125 mm) to the weather. He will lay practically the same number either way. It does make considerable difference in the
number of sq.ft. (sq.m) of surface covered, which will vary from 10% to 40%. The number of shingles laid will vary with the ability of workers and the class of work. Ordinary carpenters cannot lay as many shingles as carpenters who specialize in shingle laying. On the other hand, experienced shinglers usually demand a higher wage rate than ordinary carpenters. Some carpenters claim to be able to lay 16 bundles (3,200 shingles) per 8-hr. day, but this is unusual and is generally found only on the cheapest grade of work, where only one nail is driven into each shingle instead of two that are necessary for a craftsman-like job. Estimating the Quantity of Wood Shingles. Ordinary wood shingles are furnished in random widths, but 1,000 shingles are equivalent to 1,000 shingles 4” (100 mm) wide. Dimension shingles uniform width, being either 4” (100 mm), 5” (125 mm),
are sawed to a or 6” (150 mm)
wide. Number of Shingles and Quantity of Nails Required Distance Laid to Weather Inch
Covered | Percent by one
euueié e Sq. In.
Actual No. |No. per 4-Sq. Pounds per Square | Square : Bundles | 3d Nails Without with Oa PE Waste Waste sain oe
eS eho ahh on olde spomonin tlP00 sins Ole 48) ee ee Pe a Ee ee Ee ee ea ee ee ee :
to oo to Lo, bho
ef Nn
Distance | Covered | Percent Laid to Weather mm}
by one for shingle | waste : Sq.cm
Pe ae
oe ie
per duane | 2a02F° |Bundles |3d Nails ton ies Required] Required
A 7112.5 mm] 116 |10 | 800] se) aa
[1300mm[ 155 | 10 [600] 660 Wood shingles are usually sold by the square based on sufficient shingles to lay 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of surface, when laid 5” (125 mm) to the weather, 4 bundles to the square.
When estimating the quantity of ordinary wood shingles required to cover any roof, bear in mind that the distance the shingles are laid to the weather makes considerable difference in the actual quantity required.
There are 144 sq. in. in 1 sq. ft. (0.09 sq.m) and an ordinary shingle is 4” (100 mm) wide. When laid with 4” (100 mm) exposed to the weather, each shingle covers 16 sq. in. or it requires 9 shingles per s.f. of surface. There are 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) ina square. 100 x 9 = 900, and allowing 10% to cover the double row of shingles at the eaves, waste in cutting, narrow shingles, etc., it will require 990 shingles (5 bundles) per 100 sq.ft. of surface. How to Apply Shingles for Different Roof Slopes. Roof pitches are computed in fractions, such as 1/8, 1/3, 1/2 pitch. In the following cross section, the steepness of distances AB and BC constitutes pitch.
Distance AC, extending from one eave line to the other, is known as the span. One-half of this span, distance AD or DC, is called the run, and
distance BD is called the rise. The relationship of the rise to run obviously affects the slope of AB or BD; in fact, roof pitches are computed from the ratio of rise to run. Therefore, the first step is to determine length of the run (AD or DC) and the rise (BD). Wood shingles are manufactured in three lengths, 16” (400 mm), 18” (450 mm),
and 24”
(600 mm).
portion of shingle exposed to weather on roof, for 16” (400 mm) shingles is
5” (125 mm), for 18” (450 mm) shingles it is 5-1/2” (137.50 mm), and for 24” (600 mm) shingles is 7-1/2” (187.50 mm). These standard exposures are recommended on all roofs of 1/4 pitch and steeper, 6” (150 mm) rise in 12” (300 mm) run. On flatter roof slopes, the weather exposure should be reduced to 3-3/4” (93.75 mm) for 16” (400 mm) shingles, 4-1/4” (106.25 mm) for 18” (450 mm) shingles, and 5-3/4” (143.75 mm) for 24” (600 mm). The following diagram shows the weather exposure to be used for various roof pitches. For example, if a roof has a rise of 8” (200 mm) in a run of 12” (300 mm), it is 1/3 pitch and that an exposure of either 5” (125 mm), 5-1/2” (137.50 mm), or 7-1/2” (187.50 mm) should be employed, depending on the length ofthe shingles used.
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Size of Slate
| #per 10 | # req. per Sq.M.
50 x 150 50 x 175 [250 x 200 50 x 250 00 x 150 00 x 175 00 x 200 00 x 225 ee : Oo00 x 250 00 x 300 50, 179 50 x 200 eS) Go
xs | 1s| x \O co
14"x 12"| 218 | 436 1350 x 300 mm| 235 | 469 _| 16"x_ 10" 16"x 12" 16. ah?
xe 0”
Size of Slate]
# per
req. per q.
Size of Slate
| # per 10}
# req. per | 10 Sq. M.
22"x_ 12" UT SEN ESO STEEP 22""x 16"
C12 its
930, 1600. #2400 an 5
| 98 |196 [600 x 350 mm] 105 [211_|
24x 16"[ 86 [172 [600 x400 mm] 93 | 185
Slate 3/4" (18.75 mm) and thicker and 24" (600 mm) or over in length should have 4 nail holes.
Weight of Slate Roofing. A square of slate slate to cover 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof surface mm) lap, will vary from 650 to 8,000 lbs. (294.84 to thicknesses from the commercial standard 3/16” (4.68
roofing, i.e., sufficient with a standard 3425 295 to 3628 80 kg) for mm) to 2” (50 mm).
The weight of slate varies with the size of the slate, color, and
quarry. Sometimes, it varies even in the same quarry. The variation may be from 10% above to 15% below the weights given in the following table: Average Weight of Slate per Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) Sloping Roof
Slate Thickness Inches
750 Reeve ie ee ae ale seeds |ats3/8 ee S0C0e
|e Ou ets
een. 2,000 eee EER) Ce a
a NE pe ABTA Da IC 1077
Nails Required for Slate Roofing. The quantity of nails required for slate roofing will vary with size, kind, etc., but the following table gives quantities of those commonly used: Approximate Number of Nails to the Pound (Kg) ‘“Copperweld Cut Copper Length in Copper Wire = Slating .,_ |Slating Inches Siaing Nails ating Nail Nails
Copper Wire Slating Nails
Cut Copper Slating
419 298
Labor Punching Slate. It is much cheaper to have slate punched at the quarry. The labor cost of punching slate on the job varies with the size of the slate. The larger the slate, the fewer pieces required per square. If one slater is working on the job with a helper, the helper should punch the slate and carry them to the slater as fast as required. There should be no additional charge for punching. If, however, there is only one worker on the job who must punch the slate and lay them, he should punch one square of slate in 30 to 40 min. or 12 to 16 sqs. (111.48 to 148.64 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m):
AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Labor Cost of Laying Roofing Slate. The labor cost of laying roofing slate will vary considerably with the size of the slate, thickness, type
of roofs, etc., but when large thick slate are used for graduated roofs, the
labor costs will run higher than when the same size slate are used on standard roofs. The size of slate best adapted for plain roofs are large, wide slates, such as 16”x 12” (400 x 300 mm), 18”x 12” (450 x 300 mm), 20”x 12” (500 x 300 mm), or 24”x 12” (600 x 300 mm). Slate from 16”x 8” (400 x 200 mm) to 20°x10” (S00 x 250 mm) are also popular sizes. For roofs cut up into smaller sections, the 14”x 7” (350 x 175 mm) and 16”x 8” (400 x 200 mm)
are very popular. A roofing crew consisting of two slaters and one helper can work to advantage and perform the work more economically than one worker alone. In some localities the helper is considere.an d apprentice and is permitted to lay slate. In others he can only punch and carry the slate to the slaters. Laying 16”x 8” (400 x 200 mm) Roofing Slate. When working on plain roofs that do not require much cutting, 2 slaters and a helper should lay felt, handle, and lay 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 sqs. (350-450 sq.ft. or 32.51-41.80 sq.m) of 16”x 8” (400 x 200 mm) slate per 8-hr. day. On more complicated hip or gable roofs, requiring considerable cutting and fitting for hips, valleys, dormers, etc., 2 slaters and a helper should handle and lay 1-3/4 to 2-1/4 sqs. (175-225 sq.ft. or 16.25-20.90 sq.m) of 16”x 8” (400 x 200 mm) slate per 8hr. day. Laying 18”x 9” (450 x 225 mm) Roofing Slate. When laying 18”x 9” (450 x 225 mm) slate on plain roofs, 2 slaters and a helper should lay felt,
handle, and lay 4 to 5 sqs. (400-500 sq.ft. or 37.16-46.45 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. On more complicated hip or gable roofs, requiring considerable cutting and fitting for hips, valleys, dormers, etc., 2 slaters and a helper should lay 2-1/2 to 3 sqs. (250-300 sq.ft. or 23.22-27.87 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. Laying 20”x10” (500 x 250 mm) Roofing Slate. When laying 20”x10” (500 x 250 mm) slate on plain roofs, 2 slaters and a helper should lay felt, handle, and lay 5 to 6 sqs. (500-600 sq.ft. or 46.45-55.74 sq.m) of roof per 8-hr. day, but on more complicated roofs, requiring considerable cutting and fitting for hips, valleys, dormers, etc., the same crew would lay
only 3 to 3-1/2 sqs. (300-350 sq.ft. or 27.87-32.51 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. Laying 22”x 12” (550 x 300 mm) Roofing Slate. On straight roofs, 2 slaters and a helper should lay felt, handle, and lay 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 sqs. (550650 sq.ft. or 51.09-60.38 sq.m) of 22”x12” (550 x 300 mm) slate per 8-hr. day, but on the more complicated roofs, requiring cutting and fitting for hips, valleys, dormers, etc., the same crew would lay only 3-1/2 to 4 sqs. (350-400 sq.ft. or 32.51-37.16 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. Laying Graduated Roofing Slate. When laying graduated roofing slate from 3/16” (4.68 mm) to 3/4” (18.77 mm) thick and 12” (300 mm) to 24” (600 mm) long, considerable care is required in selecting the right slate for each course and laying them to obtain the desired effect. On work of this
kind 2 slaters and a helper should lay felt, handle, and lay 1-1/2 to 2 sqs. (150-200 sq.ft. or 13.93-18.58 sq.m) of roof per 8-hr. day. Labor Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) 16" x 8" (400 x 200 mm) Standard Slate Roof Slater/Roofer
i, Leidl aren eat
Labor Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) 20" x 10"
(500 x 250 mm)
Standard Roofing Slate
92 3/9 39.24 L203
Labor Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) 22" x 12" (550 x 300 mm) Standard Roofing Slate
For complicated hip or gable roofs, add 1.6 hrs. slater & 0.8 hr. helper.
Labor Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.3 sq.m) Rough Texture Slate Roof Random Widths and 3/16" (4.68 mm) to 3/8" (9.37 mm) Thick
Labor Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) Graduated Slate Roof, Slate 12” (300 mm) to 24” (600 mm) Long
3/16" (4.68 mm) to 3/4" (18.75 mm) Thick
Prices on Slate Roofing Material
Slate shingles come from various parts of the country, and the estimator must obtain a quotation from the quarries in the geographical location, not only for price and shipping costs, but for availability of certain sizes and colors. Vermont slate shingles in 3/16” (4.68 mm) thicknesses will cost as follows: black or gray, $360.00 per square (9.29 sq.m); green and gray, $375.00; and purples, $460.00. The Pennsylvania black #1 clear and the Buckingham, Virginia black slates will cost about $460.00 per square (9.29 sq.m). Slates thicker than 3/16” (4.68 mm) will cost appreciably more. Copper nails are usually used for nailing the slates. Use 1-1/4” (31.25 mm) long nails for the 3/16” (4.68 mm) thick slates and 1-3/4” (43.75 mm) long nails for the rough texture and graduated slate roofs where thicker slates are encountered.
surface Weight 1500°F peel or
Porcelain enamel shingles are manufactured to have an exposed of 10°x10” (250 x 250 mm) with 144 shingles per square (9.29 sq.m). is 225 lbs. per 100 sq.ft. (110 kg per 10 sq.m). Finish is fused on at (815°C) and provides a long lasting, self-cleaning finish that will not blister.
In ordering these units, it is important to have complete shop drawings based on actual job conditions so that field cutting can be held to a minimum. Shingles are nailed to the roof deck over 2 layers of 30-Ib. (13.6kg) felt. Special nails, ridge and hip sections are furnished by the manufacturer. Valley flashings and drips should be of non-corrosive metal and furnished by the sheet metal contractor. Material costs will run in the vicinity of $450.00 per square ($48.43 per sq.m), depending on the number of roof irregularities which run up the cost considerably, as all special fittings should be made up in the shop. One roofer can lay a square in about 6-1/2 hours.
Metal shingles formed with a wood grain texture and available in a wide range of colors can be used for a lightweight, decorative roof, or false mansard. They can be applied in a conventional way on a solid nailable roof deck over 30-lb. (13.6-kg) felt underlayment or supported and clipped to subpurlins on steel frames. Weights are 36 lbs. per square (1.75 kg per sq.m) for 0.020 aluminum, 54 Ibs. (2.64 kg per sq.m) for 0.030 aluminum, and 88 Ibs. (4.3 kg per sq.m) for 30 ga. steel. The shingles are not individual units, but made in strips either 10” x 60” (250 x 1500 mm), 12” x 36” (300 x 900 mm) or 12” x 48” (300 x 1200 mm).
The shingle manufacturer can provide anchor clips, drip caps, starter strips, trim, ridge, and hip laps. Material Costs will run as follows:
Ridge and cap sections cost $2.50 per lin.ft. ($8.20 per m) for 0.020” aluminum, $4.00 per lin. ft. ($13.12 per m) for 0.030”. Valley sections
cost $2.75 and $2.50 per lin.ft. ($9.02 and $8.20 per m). One carpenter will take about 4 to 5 hours to lay one square (9.29 sq.m).
The following information on clay roofing tile has been furnished through the courtesy of the Ludowici Roof Tile Company. New Lexington, Ohio. There are six major categories of clay tile manufactured today. 1) STile or sometime referred to as Spanish Tile: 2) Profile tile, sometimes referred to as French Tile; 3) Tower Tile, for steep slopes; 4) Flat Tile: 5) Pans and Cover and 6) Interlocking Flat Tile, which also come in extra large sizes to reduce installation costs. When estimating the quantities of clay roofing tile, the roof areas are obtained in the same manner as described earlier in this chapter. After the total number of sq.ft. (sq.m) of surface has been obtained, add about 3% to the net measurement to take care of cutting and waste. Material is sold only in full pallets which vary from 3 to 8.7 squares (28-80 sq.m). Hip and valley fittings should be figured by the piece. Closure and finishing pieces, such as hip starters, closed ridge ends, terminals, etc., should
also be figured by the piece. Fittings are sold only in full boxes. Where interlocking shingle tiles are used, detached gable rake pieces are required for all gable roofs not intersecting with vertical surfaces. These pieces are measured by the total lineal feet of gable rake, keeping separate quantities for lefts and rights as determined by the roof eave to be covered. For all shingle tile roofs, end bands or half-tile are required on each course, alternating from one end to the other to break joints. End bands are figured by the lineal feet of gable rake, taking half the length at each gable rake. The following chart lists the several tile types and names together with average weight, width and exposure of different tile sizes. Laying Interlocking Shingle Tile. On a roof of average difficulty, a crew consisting of 2 roofers and an apprentice or helper should handle and lay 500 to 600 sq.ft. (46.45 to 55.74 sq.m) of interlocking shingle tile per 8hr. day, at the following labor cost per square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m):
per sq.m On steep or cut-up roofs, add 15% to 25%. For roofs over 3 stories high to eaves, add 1.5 hrs. helper time.
Average Length, Width and Exposures ofTile Styles
Tile Name
Length %
Exposure }|Exposure Inches Inches
Eee Inches
Length Inches
Flat Shingle Tiles
i Colonial
14 5/
Flat Slab Shingle 3/8"]
Ce ee ld
Interlocking Tiles
hove [109 [4587 3 [270015 a
| Williamsburg-XL_|__16"_[103/4"
2 Ee ee 3" [rows | 109 |45" ] 12" | 750_Lbs} 3:12]
Interlocking Profile Tiles
fg 4" | 9" |1338" | ae" | 133 | WA | NA] 1,025 Los] 3:12]
S- Tiles
Pan and Cover Tiles 16" Tapered Mission and Straight Barrel
Mission Tiles
1,230 Lbs} 5:
16" Tapered Mission Cover and Tapered Pans
P=5,5" C*=6,5" CC=12" t Barrel Mission
550 Lbs
14 1/4"
CC=11.5" ht Barrel Mission
7 16"
ht Barre! Mission
P=3,5" 3
53/8 Palm Beach
Italian Pan and Cover
C=8" CC=11,5"
,190 Lbs} 5:12
,165 Lbs ES
Multiple combinations are possible. Contact Ludowici Roof Tile,New Lexington Ohio for instructions
P = Pan (*Pan Measurement at Butt of Tile)
C= Cover (* Cover Measurement at Butt ofTile) , CC = Center to Center Dimensions
Average Length, Width and Exposures ofTile Styles Tile Name
Length Exposure
Width Exposure mm
Under Eave
Eave Width
WwS So
35 als Wwlw ais
175.0 mm 84.4 mm|
Flat Slab Shingle
132.8 mm]
412 31
= Dr 3
eS in E
184.4 mm[ 310 | 207.8 mm] 184.4
748 Kg 862_Kg 726 Kg
816 Kg
Sy ie) t
BIEIE 878 Kg 50.0 mm|125.0mm] 150.0 mm[_480 [175 mm eras 8"[ 300 mm] 150.0 mm] 125.0 mm]150.0mm] _480 150 mm] 590 Kg 5/8"| 300 mm[ 150.0 mm] 125.0 mm| 150.0 mm] 480 200.0 mm]162.5mm] 200.0 mm] 276 | 2125 mm| 75.0 mm{ 162.5 mm] 175.0 mm[_ 317 | 212. 5
Interlocking Tiles Americana
268.8 mm
Americana - XL
Celadon Classic Classic - XL Imperial Lanai Lanai - XL Williamsburg Williamsburg - XL Interlocking Profile Tiles
50. mm 200
206.3 mm] 158 | 45/8"
350 mm|225.0 mm] 275.0 mm] 206.3
[12° "| "|
340 Kg 272 ke
E i
325.0 mm
vpn t EB
363 Ke Ww w
363 Kg
Ke 390_Kg 363_Kg
225.0 mm] 275.0 mm] 206.3 mm[_158 [ 45/8" |
268.8 mm| 325.0 mm] 253.1 mm|_ 109 uech 3 = 225.0 mm]275.0 mm[ 206.3 mm[_158
75 mm
325.0 mm
726 Kg 714 Kg
Sik S w
iLolontye) w ie w tis} IG gg
w= Ss w~ (oie)
Pan and Cover Tiles
16" Tapered Mission and Straight Barrel Mission Tiles
P= 87.5mm C*= 175mm 263mm
16" Tapered Mission Cover and Tapered Pans
*=175mm| = 225mm
= 50mm
P= 88mm C= 200mm CC = 288mm C= 200mm CC = 288mm
|} P=88mm C= 200mm CC = 288mm
Palm Beach 459.4 mm
Italian Pan and Cover
P= 200mm C* = 200mm
P= 88mm C*= 200mm CC =288mm
Multiple combinations are possible. Contact Ludowici Roof Tile, New Lexington Ohio for instructions
P = Pan (*Pan Measurement at Butt of Tile) C = Cover (* Cover Measurement at Butt ofTile), CC= Center to Center dimensions
Laying Tile Shingles (Architectural Patterns). On a roof of average difficulty, 2 roofers and a helper should handle and lay 325 to 375 sq.ft. (30.19 to 34.83 sq.m) of tile shingles per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m):
On steep or cut-up roofs, add 15% to 25%. For roofs over 3 stories high to eaves, add 2.3 hrs. helper time.
Laying Miscellaneous Tile Pattern Roofs. Where Spanish or French pattern tile is used on new work, figure same labor costs as for interlocking shingle tile. Labor laying Mission tile will vary according to size and exposure of units. On new work of average difficulty, using 15” x 8” (375 x 200 mm) tile with 12” (300 mm) exposure, 2 roofers and a helper should handle and
lay 350 to 400 sq.ft. (32.51 to 37.16 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. Items to Be Included When Estimating Tile Roofs. The following items should be included when estimating the cost of a clay shingle tile roof. One roll coated felt or roll roofing weighing 40 Ibs. per sq. (1.95 kg per sq.m) and 3 Ibs. (1.4 kg) roofing nails, 1-3/4” (43.75 mm) long. Allow 1 lb. (0.45 kg) colored elastic cement for pointing joints for each 20 lin.ft. (6.09 m) of hips and ridges. Cost of Clay Tile Roofing Materials. The Luduwici Roof Tile, Inc. New Lexington, Ohio offers a number ofdifferent patterns and colors in each of their “Standard” and “Special” series product line. They will also produce custom shapes and colors, if given enough lead time. Each of the patterns are produced with field tiles and special shapes for the ridge, hip, rake, etc. Approximate material prices for different patterns and colors are as follows:
Patterns and Colors
panish Red
|= Os |2Ses os Siz |e &
RS a
is =
Q oO i=}
anai Black or Brown lassic Red rench Red
1e PIF lz STZOICl|S rench Blue
10 Sq.M.
$ 349.00
panish Buff panish Blue an j=
The estimator needs to understand that clay tile roofs normally come with 50 to 75 year warranty. This longer warranty and maintenance free roofing material by life cycle costing may be less expensive then other types of materials.
Corrugated steel is used extensively for roofing and siding steel mills, manufacturing plants, sheds, grain elevators, and other industrial structures. It is made with various corrugations, varying in width and depth, but the 2-1/2” (62.50 mm) corrugation width is the most commonly used. The sheets are usually furnished 26” (650 mm) wide and 6’-0” (1.82 m) to 30’-0” (9.14 m) long. Some manufacturers offer siding protected with vinyl coatings. When estimating quantities of corrugated siding or roofing, always select lengths that work to best advantage and be sure and allow for both end and side laps. Corrugated siding or roofing is nailed to the wood framework or siding when used on wood constructed buildings. When used as a wall and roof covering on structural steel framing, the corrugated sheets are fastened to the steel framework, using clip and bolts, which are passed around or under the purlins, which usually consist of channels, angles, or Z bars. When angles are used for purlins, clinch nails are sometimes used for fastening the corrugated sheets. When used for siding one corrugation lap is usually sufficient, but for roofing two corrugations should be used and if the roof has only a slight pitch, the lap should be three corrugations.
Details of Clay Tile Shingle Roofing
When used for siding, a 1” (25 mm) to 2” (50 mm) end lap is sufficient, but when laid on roofs it should have an end lap of 3” (75 mm) to 6” (150 mm) depending on the pitch of the roof. For a 1/3 pitch, a 3” (75 mm) lap is sufficient; for a 1/4 pitch, a 4” (100 mm) lap should be used; and for a 1/8 pitch, a 5” (125 mm) end lap is recommended.
When applying to wood sheathing or strips, the nails should be spaced about 8” (200 mm) apart at the sides. When applied to steel purlins, the side laps should extend over at least 1-1/2 corrugations, and the sheets should be riveted together every 8” (200 mm) on the sides and at every alternate corrugation on the ends. Number of Sq.Ft. of Corrugated Sheets Required to Cover 100 Sq.Ft. of surface Using 26" x 96" Sheets
Length of End Lap in Inches
-1/2” Corrugation Width
Nlwn Nn ide
lap, 2-1/2 corrugations Side lap, 3 corrugations
134 142
Number of Sq.M. of Corrugated Sheets Required to Cover .M. of surface Using 650 x 2400 mm Sheets
If shorter sheets are used the allowance should be slightly increased
Material Prices. Corrugated steel siding and roofing panels are manufactured in a number of metal gauges, widths, and depths of corrugations, and in galvanized and prefinished painted surfaces. Average material prices, per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m), for sheeting with a 2-1/2” (62.50 mm) corrugation width are as follows:
Price per 100 Sq.Ft. Gauge
Price per 10 Sq.M. Gauge
| 28 | $ 8100] $108.00] 28 | $99.00 $144.00
Placing Corrugated Steel Roofing or Siding on Wood Framing. If corrugated sheets used for roofing or siding are nailed to wood strips or framing, a carpenter and helper should place one square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) of 26”x 96” (650 x 2400 mm) or larger, in 7/8 to 1-1/8 hr. or 7 to 9 sqs. per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m):
Labor Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) Corrugated Metal Siding on Wood Frame
Placing Corrugated Steel Roofing on Steel Framing. The labor cost of applying corrugated steel roofing to structural steel framing, where the sheets are fastened with clips or bolts, vary with the size of the roof area, regularity of roof, height above ground, etc., but on a straight job, 2 sheeters and 2 laborers should place 550 to 650 sq.ft. (51.09 to 60.38) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Labor Handling Hoisting Carpenter/Roofer
per sq.m On irregular roofs, above costs may be increased 25% to 50%.
Placing Corrugated Steel Siding on Steel Framing. The labor cost of applying corrugated steel siding to walls varies greatly according to length and height of walls, quantity and regularity of openings, etc., but on a straight job, 2 sheeters and 2 laborers should place 450 to 550 sq.ft. (41.80 to 51.09 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Rate |Total | Rate
Labor Handling -
On coal tipples, grain elevators and other structures having high and irregular walls, the above costs may be doubled.
THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Protected Metal Roofing and Siding
Protected metal panels consist of a steel core sheet, to which felt is bonded by hot molten zinc. When the zinc has cooled, the felt and the steel core are metallurgically bound together. The felt is then impregnated with asphalt saturant. Finally, a tough, thick, waterproof outer coating is applied. All material is made with protective coating both sides. There are several colors to choose from. Protected metal panels are manufactured in 4 gauges: 18, 20, 22, and 24, and are available in lengths up to 30 feet (9.14 meters). Estimating and Cost Data. Panels are available in several profiles. The H.H. Robertson Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., has the following: Huski-Rib has a deep fluted profile, designed specifically for high strength long span roofing and siding installations. The Huski-Rib sheet is 31-5/32” (779 mm) wide x 1-1/2” (37.5 mm) deep, and provides a coverage of 28” (700 mm). It is manufactured in 18, 20, 22, and 24 gauge metal, a maximum of 30’ (9 m) long, and is suitable for spans up to 15’-9” (4725 mm) for siding, and up to 14’-14” (4550 mm) for roofing depending on local design load requirements. Box-Rib has a strong, precise vertical texture, best suited for sidings only, either in standard or inverted positions. The standard sheet is 29-1/4” (731 mm) wide x 1-1/2” (37.5 mm) deep and provides a coverage of 28”. It is manufactured in 18, 20, 22, and 24 gauge metal and is available in lengths up to 30 ft. (9 m). Sturdi-Rib sheets come 34” (850 mm) wide x 9/16” (14 mm) deep providing a coverage of 29-7/16” (736 mm), and are made in lengths up to 30 ft (9 m). They are made of 18, 20, 22, and 24 gauge metal and are capable of spanning up to 10’-1” (3025 mm) for siding and 8’-9” (2625 mm) for roofing installations, depending upon local design load requirements. The Magna-Rib profile sheets are 26-5/8” (666 mm) wide x 4” (200 mm) deep providing a coverage of 24” (600 mm) installed. They come in 18, 20, and 22 gauge metal in lengths up to 38 ft. (11.5 m). Magna-Rib sheets are capable of spanning up to 22’-8” (6800 mm) for siding in one span.
When using aluminum roofing and siding, it is very important when applying the sheets that they be insulated against electrogalvanic action. Ordinarily aluminum has a high resistance to corrosion, but. when it is contiguous to steel or copper and in the presence of moisture, an electrolytic cell is formed, and the resulting flow of current dissolves the aluminum, causing severe pitting. This condition can be avoided by preventing metal-tometal contact. Another significant requirement in using aluminum sheet is to seal the openings made for the fastening devices. Methods include the use of
special washers and waterproof roofing compounds. Washers should be used with fasteners to distribute stresses and prevent tearing ofthe sheet. To provide adequate drainage, the roof surface should never have a slope less than 2-1/2” per ft. (208.13 mm per m) and preferably not less than 3” per ft. (249.75 mm per m).
For roofing, sheets should have a side lap of 1-1/2 corrugations. For siding, sheets should be lapped | corrugation. A 6” (150 mm) overlap at the ends is recommended for roofing and 4” (100 mm) for siding. When corrugated aluminum sheets are used without sheathing on a steel frame, the method shown in (a) is suggested for fastening to purlins and girts. This method utilizes aluminum straps, 12” (300 mm) apart, with aluminum bolts and nuts, aluminum rivets or cadmium-plated steel bolts. To prevent galvanic action, direct contact between the top of the purlin and roofing should be prevented, preferably by insertion of an aluminum saddle or by painting the flange of the purlin with aluminum or bitumastic paint. Roofing paper may also be used to separate the metals. Purlin clips (b) are also widely used as a fastening device. The U bend is slipped over the purlin flange and a leg hammered down against the web to lock the clip in place. The roofing is bolted to the clip. If standard steel purlin clips are used, they should be hot-dip galvanized. Purlin
nails, either
(c) or double
of this
(d) are
washers, nuts, and base plate under the purlin is shown in (e).
The best method of nailing to sheathing is to use galvanized roofing nails about 1-3/4” (43.75 mm) long with a head about 3/8” (9.4 mm) in diameter, spaced at 8” (200 mm) intervals. These nails should have a hot-dip zinc coating. Corrugated sheets should always be riveted, bolted, or nailed through the top of a corrugation. The reason is that rain running down the
roof tends to collectin the bottom of corrugations and would penetrate imperfectly sealed holes there. At the top, water runs away from the holes. A washer of non-metallic material, such as zinc chromate impregnated fabric, neoprene, or other rubber should be employed under a nailhead. The purpose of this washer is to prevent metal-to-metal contact between the underside of the head and the roofing sheet, to seal the opening made in the sheet and to permit thermal expansion and contraction of the sheeting. Hot-dip galvanized nails without washers may be used when washers are not available. Roofing nails with cast-on lead heads can be used in other than industrial or seacoast corrosive atmospheres.
Sizes, Weights, and Coverage Data on Corrugated Aluminum Sheets Used for Roofing Lengths 5’-0” (1500 mm) to 12-0” (3600 mm) in 6” (150 mm) increments. Widths, 35” (875 mm) and 48-3/8” (1209 mm). Thicknesses, 0.024” (0.6 mm) and 0.032” (0.8 mm). Corrugation, 2.67” (66.7 mm) pitch and 7/8” (22 mm) deep. Coverage, 32” (800 mm) for 35” (875 mm) width and 45-3/8” (1134 mm) for 48-3/8” (1209 mm). Data on 0.032” (1 mm) Corrugated Aluminum Roofing Sheets
Sq.Ft. per Sheet
Weight per Sheet, Lbs.
er dnes Caan Cae ee eee
SUPE ONG See per 100 Sqakit
ee ee
Pa Tae oe | wa a aoe a
Sq.M. per Sheet
Weight per Sheet, Kg.
Meters [#75 mm] 12094 mm] 875 mm] 12094mm) 875 mm| 12094 mm eC
ee ee
| Py
8s |
For 0.024” (0.6 mm) thickness, reduce weights by 25%.
*For side and end lap allowance, add approximately 16% for 35” (875 mm) width and 12% for 48 3/8" (1209 mm) width.
Sizes, Weight, and Coverage Data on Corrugated Aluminum Sheets Used for Siding Lengths, 5’-0” (1500 mm) to 12’-0” (3600 mm) in 6” (150 mm) increments. Widths, 33-3/4” (844 mm) and 47-1/8” (1178 mm). Thicknesses, 0.024” (0.6 mm) and 0.032” (0.8 mm). Corrugation, 2.67” (66.7 mm) pitch and 7/8” (22 mm) deep. Coverage, 32” (800 mm) for 33-3/4” (844 mm) width and 45-3/8 (1134 mm) for 47-1/8” (1178 mm) width. Data on 0.032” (0.8 mm) Corrugated Aluminum Siding Sheets ss = = Approx. No. Sheets per Sq.Ft. per Sheet Weight per Sheet, Lbs. 100 Sa.Ft*
47 1/8"
47 1/8"
51/2 61/
PalenOe Wo
nN | 2 \oO
9 1/2
ies) tO=)
ties)«eS)bo} bo
2.68 ~~
oe ae) eee
i012 i 1 Eee oe 7 ea Sheet 7 (==
47 1/8 " 5.09 4.63 4.24 3.92 Ow 3.40 3.18 3.00
Sq.M. per Sheet
2.3 i) nN
; Weight per Sheet, Kg.
Lee No. ce per 10 Sq.M #
Feet [843.75 mom]1178.13 mm 643.75mm]1178.13 mm| 843.75 mm|1178.13 mm NM Sa A A 1 A a 2.13] 183
3.65 3.00 3.14 For 0.024” (0.6 mm) thickness
EE a
TSN 5.47 5.10
435 4.03 3.83 3.33
use data given above, except reduce weights 25%. *For side and end lap allowance, add approximately 9% for 33-3/4” (800 mm) width and 6% for 47 1/8" (1178 mm) width.
Data on Nails Required for Roofing :
Kind of N
# per
Aluminum NailsNeoprene Washers
Approximate Prices per Sq.Ft. (Sq.M) of Corrugated Aluminum and Siding Material Price per | Thickness | Price per
mm 0.
After figuring the price of sheets from the above, approximately 20% should be added to cover cost of closures, flashings, fillers, corners, etc. Labor Placing Corrugated Aluminum Roofing and Siding. Estimate about the same labor cost for erecting aluminum corrugated roofing and siding as given on the previous pages under Corrugated Steel Roofing and Siding.
Aluminum is much lighter than steel, but the labor operations are practically the same. Labor Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) Corrugated Aluminum 0.8 mm)
thick, weighing ours
| per sq.m
Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.3 sq.m) Corrugated Aluminum Siding on Wood Framing, Based on using sheets 33-3/4” (844 mm) wide, 0.032” (0.8
ost per 100 sq.ft.
per sq.m Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.3 sq.m) Corrugated Aluminum Siding on Steel Framing, Straight Work, Based on using sheets 33-3/4” (844 mm) wide, 0.032” (0.8 mm) thick, weighing 0.552 lbs. per sq.ft. (2.69 kg per sq.m)
Add extra labor for high and irregular walls such as grain elevators, conveyor housing, etc. Add for closures, flashings, etc.
Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.3 sq.m) Corrugated Aluminum Roofing on Steel Framing, Straight Work, Based on using sheets 35” (875 mm) wide, 0.032” (0.8 mm) thick, weighing 0.552 lbs. per sq.ft. (2.69 kg per sq.m)
Description Labor handling,
Add extra labor for high or irregular roof areas. Add for closures, flashings, etc.
07460 CLADDING/SIDING Wood siding is available in plain bevel, plain shiplap, and tongue and groove patterns to be used horizontally in heights from 4” (100 mm) to 12” (300 mm). Bevel siding is either 1/2” (12.50 mm) or 3/4” (18.75 mm) thick, T&G, and shiplap nominal 1” (25 mm). Cedar is the most common wood
for siding but redwood,
fir, hemlock,
and spruce
are also stocked.
Wood may also be installed vertically with wood battens at the joints. Bevel siding 1/2” (12.50 mm) thick in clear “A” grade cedar will run about $1.25 per bd.ft., in redwood about $2.40. T&G red cedar 1x 8s (25 x 200 mm) “D” and better will run $2.00 per bd.ft.; T&G redwood, clear and better, runs
Hardboard siding 7/16” (10.93 mm) thick and factory primed, costs
$1.00 per sq. ft.
Plywood siding in 4’ x 8’ (1.21 x 2.43 m) sheets, rough textured and grooved to look like individual boards 5/8” (15.75 mm) thick costs about $1.50 per sq.ft. in select grade Douglas fir, $3.00 in redwood. Aluminum siding, factory finished white in 8” (200 mm) widths, will run $1.50 uninsulated, $2.15 insulated per sq.ft. Flashing strips will cost $0.50 per lin.ft.; inside corners, $1.00; outside corners $2.00 per lin.ft. Colored nails cost $3.75 per lb. Vinyl siding, factory finished in 8” (200 mm) wide strips, costs about $1.50 per sq.ft. uninsulated, $2.20 with insulating backup. Corner boards run $2.00 for outside positions, $1.00 for inside. Trim moldings run
$0.75 per lin.ft., while soffits run $2.50 per sq.ft. Placing Bevel and Drop Siding. The labor cost of placing bevel or drop siding will vary with the class of work and the method of placing same. On the less expensive type of construction, it is customary to square only one end of the siding, and the ends at the corners are left rough and are later covered with metal corner pieces. This is the cheapest method of placing siding. Metal corners are used extensively in the South, because the long summers and intense heat cause mitered wood corners to open up, making a very unsightly appearance. On more expensive buildings, the door and window casings and comer boards are placed, and then it is necessary to cut and fit each piece of siding between the corner boards or between the casings and corner boards. On work of this class, two carpenters usually work together, because it is necessary to square one end of the siding and then measure and cut each board separately to insure a snug fit. This increases labor costs considerably but makes for a better appearance than the metal corners. This also applies where the siding is mitered at the corners. Two carpenters working together must measure and miter each piece of siding so that it will fit the adjoining corner.
The following quantities and production time are based on using ordinary brackets with plank scaffolding. If a more elaborate scaffold is required for placing siding, add extra.
Labor Placing Drop Siding Measured | Actual Size
Bd Ft. Class of Work
Placed per
8-Hr. Day
ta inktot P
1,000 Bd rt
| 6 | 51/4 [RoughEnds | 525_- 575] 14.5 *| | 6 | 51/4 [Fitted Ends | 350_- 400] 21.4 | 6 | 51/4 [Mitered Comers |285_- 325| 26.3 _| | 8 [71/4 [Rough Ends | 600_- 650] 12.8 * ie ee ae) 71/4 [Fitted Ends isa Boe 71/4 [Mitered Comers [325 - 375] 23.0_ (metric) Measured Size
Actual Size mm
Class of Work
Cu.M. | Placed per 8-Hr. Day
Carpenter Hours per 3 Cu.M.
Mitered Corners |0.67 - 0.77
07708 *Where an electric saw is used to square both ends of the siding before placing, leaving the exposed corners rough to be covered with metal corner pieces, deduct I to 1-1/2 hours time per 1,000 bd.ft. (2.35 Cu.M.)
Quantity of Bevel Siding Required Per 100 Sq.Ft. of Wall Measured Size
Actual Size
BF Req. per Sq.Ft. Surface
Add for
The above quantities include 5% for end cutting and waste.
Q uantity M
Inches Sizeee
of Drop Siding Required Per 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Wall BF Required per
3/4-x714 Size MM
EST 2B 200)
1000 Sq.Ft. Surface
34x 51/4
Add for Lap
Actual Size Inches
| 51/4
Add for Lap
Actual Size Inches
eee 1875)
a oon STS
eee Asis
Cu.M Required per 3 Sq.M. Surface
0.0091 0.0088
The above quantities include 5% for end cutting and waste.
Quantity of Shiplap Required Per 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Surface Measured Size Inches
Add for Lap
BF Required per 100 Sq.Ft. Surface
Add for Lap
Cu.M Required per 10 Sq.M. Surface
3/4 x 71/4
3/4 x 91 Measured Size MM
TOSS sid
parses tra
25 x_200 |18.75_x 181.25 250x) 250)
8.75 beaeales
The above quantities include 5% for end cutting and waste.
Quantity of bead Ceiling & Partition Required Per 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Surface Measured
; Actual Size Inches
Add for
BF Required per 100 Sq.Ft. Surface
Add for Lap
Cu.M Required per 10 Sq.M. Surface
8 x31 3/4 x3 14 Measured Size MM
Noma cipeanh
25 x 100| 25 x 100]
15.63 x 81.25 18.75 x 81.25
0.3250 0.3250
The above quantities include 5% for end cutting and waste. Quantity of Dressed & Matched (D&M) or Tongued & Grooved (T&G)
Boards Required Per 100 S.F. (10 Sq.M) of Surface
Add for
BF Required per
Add for Lap
Cu.M Required per 10 Sq.M. Surface
3/4 x 51/4
5/8 x51/4 Measured Size MM
Actual Size mm
25% 15S E1S.75. x 131-95 50 x 150 | 40.63 x 131.25 The above quantities include 5% for end cutting and waste.
0.3021 0.6042
Labor Placing Bevel Siding Exposed Size
Weather Inches
Carpenter Class of Workmanship
BF placed per
Hrs per
350'5 = 400]
200-240 | 6
| 6
| | | |
51/4] 43/4 [Rough Ends
6 | 8 | 8 | sf
51/4[ 43/4 [Fitted Ends
51/4] 71/4] 71/4] 71a] 91/4]
30.5 23.0
43/4 [Mitered Comers [265 - 310[ 28.0_| 63/4 [Rough Ends 570__- 620 63/4 [Fitted Ends ARS 63/4 [Mitered Corners [300-350 83/4 [Rough Ends Fitted Ends | 10 | 914] 83/4 [Mitered Comers [375 - 425[ 20.0_| 11 1/4] 103/4 [Fitted nds | 475-525
ia] 103/4 [Mitered Comers |400-450) 19.0]
Measured] Size mm
Actual |Size mm!
Exposed vi Weather
Class of Workmanship
68 3/4
| 125 | 106.25 | 93.75 [Mitered Comers
Biose dpe S| Hr Day
Garpanter Eos Cu M.
0.57 - 0.67{ 38.80 | 0.67 - 0.78] 31.80 |
| 0.57 - 0.67
38.80 |
| 250__ | 231.25 | 218.75 |Mitered Comers | 0.88 = 1.00[ 25.44 | [300 [281.25 [208.75 [Fitted Ends [1.12 - 124) 2035 _|
0.94 — 1.06] 24.17_|
*Where an electric handsaw is used to square both ends ofthe siding before placing, leaving the exposed corners rough to be covered with metal corner pieces, deduct | to 1-1/2 hours time per 1,000 b.f.
Built-up roofing consists of alternate plies of saturated felt and moppings of pitch with tar-saturated felt, or asphalt with asphalt-saturated felt, covered with a top pouring of pitch or asphalt into which slag or gravel is embedded. On flat roofs with slopes of less than 1/4” (6.25 mm) per foot (0.30 m), on which water may collect and stand, coal tar pitch and felt or a
low melting point asphalt bitumen and asphalt felt are generally used. Coal tar pitch is not recommended for roofs having an incline in excess of 1” (25 mm) per foot (0.30 m).
On built-up roofs, where slope is over 2” (50 mm) to 4” (100 mm) per foot (0.30 m), steep asphalt, 180°-200°oF (82°-93°C) melting point, is more suitable and slag is embedded in preference to gravel, because it remains embedded better than well rounded gravel. Where slag is not available and where a light gray or white surface is desired, hard limestone chips, angular pieces 1/4” (6.25 mm) to 3/4” (18.75 mm) in size, are embedded in the top pouring of bitumen. On slopes over 2” (50 mm) per foot (0.39 m), double coverage mineral surfaced roll roofing with a 19” (475 mm) selvage edge may be used as the top finish. Smooth surface built-up roofing consists of alternate plies of felt cemented solid to the base sheet and to each other with asphalt, and a top coating of hot or cold asphalt, uniformly distributed.
The specifications on the types of roofing vary widely, depending on the surface to which the built-up roofing is applied and the service required.
riguet i
Fig. 1. Flat Roof with Parapet Walls
The cost of built-up roofing is governed by the incline of the roof, size, plan (whether cut up with openings, skylights, penthouses, irregular roof levels, etc.), and the distance of the roof above the ground. The higher the roof, the higher materials must be hoisted, increasing the labor costs. The term, “built-up roof’ will be commonly heard in the trade, but it is more properly “built-up roofing”. Technically, the “roof” is the supporting structure over which the “roofing” is applied. Specification writers,
designers, and attorneys will be careful to distinguish between “roof” and “roofing”. Rules for Measuring Flat Roof. When measuring flat roof surfaces that are
to be covered
tar and
tin, metal,
prepared roofing, the measurements should be taken from the outside of the walls on all four sides to allow for flashing up the side of each wall. The flashing is usually 8” (200 mm) to 1’- 0” (300 mm) high. This applies particularly to brick, stone, or tile buildings having parapet walls above the roof level. On flat roofs projecting or overhanging beyond the walls of the building, the measurements should cover the outside dimensions of the roof and not merely to the outside ofthe walls. te
na ¢ es
ep] 8
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| | \
1 1 1
| | |
| | \ | \ \
elas \ |
bes! elie if
i. gia ilea.
it im ie| \
eg ep
1 I
Bas ee pole \
1 {or ' (ya, Ss cel omnia
Fig. 2. Flat Roof Overhanging Walls
of flat roof
deductions for openings containing less than 100 sq.ft. and then deductions should be made for just one-half the size of the opening. Make deductions in full for all openings having an area of 500 sq.ft. (46 sq.m) or more. Example: The length of the building, as shown in Figure 1, is 50’-0”
(15.24 m). The width of the building is 20-0” (6.09 m). Multiply the length by the width, 50 x 20 = 1,000 sq.ft. (15.24 x 6.09 = 92.81 sq.m). Referring to the figure, note that the building is only 48’-0” (14.63 m) long and 18’-8” (5.69 m) wide between walls. The method of measuring the full length and width of the building is to allow for flashing up the side of the walls, which usually extends 8” (200 mm) to 12” (300 mm) high. Figure 2 illustrates a building of the same size with projecting roof. The size of the building proper is 20’-0”x50’-0” (6.09 x 15.24 m), while the roof projects beyond the walls 2’-0” (600 mm) on each side, making the size of the roof 24’-0°x54’-0”
(7.31 x 16.45 m). The roof area is obtained
multiplying the length of the roof, 54’-0” (16.45 m), by the width ofthe roof, 24’-0” (7.31 m), making the total roof area, 54’-0” x 24°-0” = 1,296 sq.ft. (16.45 x 7.31 = 120.24 sq.m).
The skylights on both roofs measure 6’-0”x 9’-0” (1.82 x 2.74 m) and contain only 54 sq.ft. (5.01 sq.m) each. No deduction should be made for these openings, as they contain less than 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) each and the extra labor flashing up the sides of the walls more than offsets the cost of the small openings. Quantity of Pitch or Asphalt Required for Built-Up Roofs. The quantity of roofing pitch or asphalt required for any built-up roof will vary with the number of thicknesses or plies of felt used. All manufacturers of roofing materials indicate in their specifications the amount of materials required for first class roof. On every first class roof, plenty of pitch or asphalt is used in each mopping so that each ply of felt is well cemented to the next and in no instance does felt touch felt. Approximately 25 Ibs. (11.3 kg) of coal tar pitch or approximately 20 lbs. (9 kg) of asphalt should be used for each mopping per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of surface and the last pouring, in which the gravel or slag is imbedded, should use 60 Ibs. (30.6 kg) of asphalt or 75 Ibs. (33.75 kg) of pitch per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m). Quantity of Asphalt Required For 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of Roof Surface to Which Roof is Applied
No. of
ie Pstota| Seer Pabria pronto leaf ac at Wood, plywood, structural wood
Poured gypsum, lightweight
Concrete, precast concrete or
For roofing pitch add about 5 Ibs. (2 kg) per mopping each ply per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m)—add 15 lbs. (6.8 kg) for top pouring per 100 sq.ft. (O29 sccm): Estimating the Quantity of Roofing Felt. Asphalt or tarred felt for built-up roofing is furnished in 4 sq. rolls containing 432 sq.ft. (40.13 sq.m) and weighing from 56 to 62 lbs. (25-28 kg) per roll for No. 15 felt. No. 30 felt, which is generally used as the base sheet over wood construction when an asphalt specification is used, is furnished in 2 sq. rolls containing 216 sq.ft. (20.06 sq.m) and weighing 60 lbs. (27 kg). These weights are those used on a bonded job in the best type of building construction. When specifying the grade or weight of felt to be used, it is customary to state that “felt shall weigh not less than 15 lbs. per 108 sq.ft.”, and 15 Ibs. per 108 sq.ft. (6.8 kg per 10 sq.m) is standard practice of all roofing manufacturers. Because felt is furnished in 4 sq. rolls of 432 sq.ft.
(40.13 sq.m), 32 sq.ft. (2.97 sq.m) per roll or 8 sq.ft. (0.74 sq.m) per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) is allowed for laps. The following table gives the quantity of roofing felt required to cover 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of surface of various thicknesses:
Number of Plies
of Roof
Using No. 15 Felt
Roof Using No. 15 Felt
3% | 42 | 60 | 4320 | 2930 IS sa0_ | 75 | 54.00 |3662 The general use of No. 30 felt is as a base sheet over wood decks in 1-ply thickness over which subsequent layers of No. 15 felts are mopped in. Quantity of Roofing Gravel Required for Built-Up Roofs. Roofing gravel should be uniformly embedded into a heavy top pouring of asphalt or pitch so that approximately 400 Ibs. (181 kg) of gravel or 300 Ibs. (136 kg) of slag is used per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof area. Labor Applying Built-Up Roofing. The labor cost of handling materials and applying built-up roofing will vary with the specification used and the type of building to which the roofing is applied. On the low type of building,
1, 2, or 3 stories high, where there is no great distance from the
ground to the roof deck, the labor for hoisting materials, and supplying hot asphalt or pitch from the ground to the roof deck is considerably less than on a high building, where there is a greater distance from the kettle to the roof. On low type buildings, a 5-worker crew composed of | worker at the kettle, 1 worker carrying “hot stuff’, 1 worker rolling in felts, 1 worker nailing in and | worker mopping in, can lay the following areas per 8-hr. day: 1.
18 sqs. (167 sq.m) of 5-ply asphalt and gravel or pitch and gravel over wood roof deck, consisting of 1 sheathing paper, 2 dry felts and 3 plies of felt mopped in with a top pouring of pitch or asphalt and gravel surfacing; 18 sqs. (20.25 sq.m) of 4-ply asphalt and gravel or pitch and gravel over a concrete deck, all mopped including a top pouring of pitch or asphalt and gravel or slag surfacing; 22 sqs. (29.91 sq.m) of 4-ply asphalt and gravel or pitch and gravel over wood roof deck, consisting of | sheathing paper, 2 dry felts and 2 plies of felt mopped in with a top pouring of pitch or asphalt and gravel or slag surfacing;
22 sqs. (39.20 sq.m) of 3-ply asphalt and gravel or pitch and gravel over concrete roof deck, all mopped and including a top pouring of pitch or asphalt and gravel or slag surfacing; 24 sqs. (48.67 sq.m) of 3-ply asphalt and gravel, or pitch and gravel, over wood roof deck, consisting of | dry felt, and 2 plies of felt mopped in, with a top pouring of pitch or asphalt, and gravel or slag surfacing.
The above figures apply to buildings up to 3 stories in height. If the roof surfaces are broken up with skylights, irregular roof level, etc., the above quantities should be reduced about 15% to 20%. A 5-worker crew should apply the following number of squares (sq.m) of roof per 8-hr. day, based on first class workmanship throughout: Type of Structure
“A” Type of Roofing
Ww] PR] RI nT w
Squares |Squares |Sq. Meter}
“RB” Sq.Meter
Type “A” buildings are the most convenient type of structure for application of built-up roofing. A low type of building from | to 3 stories in height, straight, practically flat area not broken up by very many skylights or variations in the deck elevation. Type “B” buildings are not convenient type of structures for the application of built-up roofing. These would include high buildings which require considerable handling of materials, and buildings with roofs broken up by skylights or penthouses, sawtooth construction, monitors, or considerable variation 1n deck levels. On the average roof where the mopping between layers consists of mopping the width of the lap, a roofer should mop 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of surface in 6 to 7 minutes. On first grade work where the entire roof surface is mopped between each layer of felt, a roofer mops 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof in about 10 minutes. After the roof surface has been mopped, a roofer should place roofing felt over 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) in about 6 minutes. Where first grade workmanship is required, a roofer should handle pitch and gravel, pour hot pitch or asphalt and spread gravel over one square of roofin 35 to 40 minutes. Prices on Roofing Materials. Prices on roofing materials such as coal tar pitch, asphalt, felt, etc., vary according to market fluctuations,
location of job, etc. Current material prices should always be obtained, before submitting bid.
$ 34.93 $30.93 |$_ 989.76 Crew costper8-hrday TTT 81,269.20 | Costpersq.-I4sqs.perday [| TT 890.66) | Costpersg.-17sqs.perday | [TT 874.66 | Costpersq.-18sqs.perday | | TT 870.51 | Costpersq.-22sqs.perday [| | | TS 57.69
[Costpersq.24sqs.perday | |
| |
| $_s2.88
32.00 (Grew cost per8-hr: days! 10 aE Oienoor|| | persq.m-130sqmperday Cast [ - [| | | Costpersqm-158sqmperday [| | | | Costpersqm-167sqmperday [| | | | | Costpersq.m-204sgmperday [| |
$1,269.20 [$s 9.76 |S 8.04 87.59 [86.21
[Cost persq.m=223.sqmper day | || | [85.69 Material Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) 3-Ply Tar and Gravel Built-Up Roof applied Over Wood Roof Maximum incline 2” per lin.ft. (SO mm per 0.30 m) One ply No. 30 felt, 2 plies No. 15 felt (1 dry, nailed and 2 mopped), coal tar pitch surfaced with gravel or slag.
Nails, fuel, mops, ete. | Cost per 100 sq.ft
| Costper9.29sqaM. | | TS 88.90] per sq.m Material Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) 3-Ply Tar and Gravel Built-Up Roof Over Poured Concrete Poured Gypsum Roof Decks, or Insulated board Maximum incline 2” per lin.ft. (SO mm per 0.30 m) Roof consisting of 3 plies of felt coal tar pitch surfaced with gravel or slag.
per sqm
Material Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) of Each Additional Ply of No. 15 Felt and Hot Mopping of Pitch
Ready roofing can be used on small buildings where an inexpensive yet satisfactory roofing is required. It is furnished in various grades and weights and is sold by the roll or in flat sheets packed with the nails and cement necessary for application. Laying Ready-to-Lay Roll Roofing. When laying ready-to-lay roll roofing, a roofer should handle, lay, and cement or nail in place about 800 sq.ft. (74.32 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following cost per | square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m): Total
$35.04 Asphalt Slate Surfaced Ready-to-Lay Roofing
A ready-to-lay roofing consisting of several plies of asphalt impregnated felt, surfaced with a thick layer of slate granules, either red or green. For roofs having a pitch of 1-1/2” or more per foot (37.50 mm or more per 0.30 m). Furnished in rolls 36” (900 mm) wide and 36’-0” (10.97 m) long, containing 108 sq.ft. (10.03 sq.m), sufficient for 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof, at $13.00 per 90-lb. (40.5-kg) roll.
Smooth Surfaced Ready-to-Lay Roofing
Mica surface asphalt roofing consists of good quality felt saturated with pure asphalt. Both sides are covered with flake mica. Rolls are 36” (900 mm) wide and 36’-0” (10.97 m) long.
pee |tr ell pacce |. Kea.g. ie
per Roll ] | per Roll |per Roll]
apolenes per Roll
Temets Asphalt Roof 7530-40 ELASTIC SHEET AND FLUID APPLIED ROOFING Elastomeric coatings include neoprene, Hypalon, urethane, butyl, and silicone. Some are applied by spraying, others in sheet form, and all are subcontracted to firms licensed by the manufacturer. Since these coatings are thin, the roof surface to which they are to be applied must be firm, continuous, smooth, clean, and dry. New concrete should be sealed with a primer. Thinness and ability to conform to any shape, and the fact that they can be had in most any color including white, make them the choice as the roofing surface for decorative and fluid roof forms. Some materials are also used as traffic decks. A 1/16” (1.56 mm) thick butyl sheet will cost around $0.65 per sq. ft. ($7.00 per sq.m) and one roofer can install some 225 sq.ft. (20.90 sq.m) per day for a total cost of around $1.25 per sq.ft. ($13.45 per sq.m). A 1/16” (1.56 mm) neoprene sheet will have a material cost of some $1.25 per sq.ft. ($13.55 per sq.m) and will install at the same rate as the butyl for an installed price of around $1.80 per sq.ft. ($19.40 per sq.m). Fluid applied Hypalon-neoprene 0.02” (0.5 mm) thick will be applied at the rate of some 100-110 sq.ft. (9.29-10.21 sq.m) per day and have a material cost of $0.85 per sq.ft. ($9.00 per sq.m) for a total figure of around
$2.00 per sq.ft. ($21.50 per sq.m). EPDM
Ethylene Propylene Diene Methylene Rubber is popularly known in the trade as EPDM. EPDM is formulated as an elastomeric polymer synthesized from ethylene, propylene and diene (a small amount). EPDM sheeting is a vulcanized material; that is, the polymer’s molecular structure is set as a result of heating during the manufacturing process. EPDM membranes can be produced in various colors, including black, reinforced or non-reinforced, and in thicknesses ranging from 30 to 90 mils.
The material was introduced into the construction industry in the early 1960’s and in recent years has become a popular inexpensive flat roof application system. It is estimated that 20% of North America roof installations are EPDM systems. The success of this product during the past several years is due to its ability to withstand a wide range of temperatures, from -50°F to 240°F. (-10°C to 116°C), manufacture and supplier support and because of the stability of the product. Non-reinforced EPDM is loose-laid over insulation or substrate (roof deck) and attached directly to the substrate using the EPDM manufacturer’s approved fasteners and fastening plates, splicing cement and seam sealants. Non-reinforced material normally is available in widths of 7’, 10’, 10.5’, 20’ and 30’ (2.13, 3.04, 3.20, 6.09 and 9.14 m) by 100’ (30.48 m) lengths. Standard or reinforced EPDM, either mechanically fastened, fullyadhered or loose laid, is available in widths up to 10’ (30 m) x 200’ (60.96 m). Check with individual manufacturers for sizes and color. Types of EPDM Installment. Mechanically fastened EPDM roofing is secured with manufacturer approved seam fasting plates. The EDPM membrane is rolled into position and overlapping sheets are fastened together with manufacturer approved splicing cement, in-seam sealants. Fully adhered EPDM roofing is mechanically attached to an approved substrate (roof deck). The substrate is coated with manufacturer approved bonding adhesive, and the EPDM membrane is rolled into place and “brushed” down. Sheets are fastened with approved in-seam sealants or splicing tapes. Ballasted EPDM roofing is normally installed by first applying approved insulation, which is loose-laid over an approved substrate (roof deck). The EPDM membrane is loose-laid over insulation and secured with a minimum of 10 Lbs. (4.5 Kg) of ballast per square foot. Warranty. Warranties can vary. The norm is 10 years, and the maximum is 20 years, but 15-year warranties are available. Terms and conditions vary among manufacturers, and the length of a warranty will mandate certain conditions being adhered to during installation. Longer warranty periods will add costs to the installation for items such as certifications, inspections, installation restrictions and applicator certifications. Materials for EPDM. In addition to the roofing material, the following material supplies are normally required for EDPM roofing installations: Item Seam Primer Seam Sealer Bonding / Splicing Adhesive Water cut-off mastic Seam tape Wood nailers
Produced in 1-gallon containers 1/10 gallon cartridges (tubes) 5 gallon pails Tubes of | gallon cans 3” wide to be determined
Me 1
Produced in
Preformed pipe boots
Sized for pipes
Termination bars Corrosion resistant fasteners
OE se 1 * to be determined
Because the amounts supplied and used will vary with manufacturers, an estimator should consult a specific manufacturer before estimating a project to assure that all materials required and quantities needed are correct for securing a watertight roof and to determine that the manufacturer offers the warranty period that is mandated by the owner. EPDM - FULLY ADHERED
Typical EPDM Roof Installation. Position the membrane over the substrate (roof deck) without stretching the sheet. When a new membrane is to be sealed to an abutting membrane, overlap the edge with the new membrane a minimum of 5 inches (125 mm) onto the in-place membrane. Bond the new sheet to the substrate by folding the sheet lengthwise on to itself so that one half of the underside is exposed. Smooth out all the wrinkles and buckles along the edge. Apply the bonding adhesive evenly at the rate of 120 sq.ft. (11.15 sq.m.) per gallon per surface, using a 9” (225 mm) paint roller (manufacturer approved). Allow the adhesive to become tacky, then roll the membrane onto the substrate avoiding wrinkling by using a wave air motion at the leading edge to roll the sheet into place. Bond the adhered half of the membrane with an 18” to 24” (450 to 600 mm) heavyduty push broom. Pull back the unbonded half of the sheet and repeat the procedure. The adhesive should not be applied to the top surface of any abutting membrane that is to be used as the seam joint. All lap joints should be a minimum 4’ wide (1.21 m) and shingled toward the drains or roof scuppers. Apply splicing adhesives to both bonding surfaces with a 4” (100 mm) paint brush at the rate of 120 lin.ft. (36.57 m) of 4-foot (1.21 m) lap per gallon, allowing the adhesive to dry until tacky. Join the bonding surfaces, avoiding stretching or fishmouths. Roll the lap joint thoroughly with a roller in a direction perpendicular to one length ofthe joint. Apply a seam sealer to the exposed edge and tool to assure positive contact with both sheets. Apply seam sealer to all lap joints completed during each day. Mechanically Fastened. The EPDM membrane is fastened using 2” (50 mm) steel disks (or size as determined by manufacturer). The spacing and the type of fastener used depends on the substrate and approval by the EPDM manufacturer. A roofing crew should be able to place 3,500 or 35 squares per day of partially adhered (mechanically fastened) EPDM roofing at the following labor cost:
A roofing crew should be able to place 2,500 or 25 squares per day of fully adhered EPDM roofing at the following labor cost:
Ease of periodic preventive maintenance is one of the strong points of a flat roof. Good maintenance programs can eliminate the major cause of roof complaints—leaks. Regardless of who does a roof inspection and how they do it, inspections should be held both in the spring and fall, with special inspections after exceptional storm events. Roof inspections include but are not limited to: Interior walls and ceiling for signs of water staining Cap flashing Edge metal Base flashings Penetrations Field of the roof Ballast Roof adhesives Surface coatings ies SSIS NEES ie Se) Normal maintenance includes keeping the drainage system clear and functioning and restricting roof access. If traffic patterns develop, to address the situation the owner should consult the roof manufacturer. A professional roofing contractor should accomplish all roof repairs. Taking these steps will help assure an owner (as best as possible) that a flat roof will be free of leak
and will assist in the validation of the warranty. Maintenance costs depend on many factors. A larger roof does not necessarily mean higher maintenance costs. Typical items that add to the cost of maintenance are access, amount of and type of roof penetrations, drainage system, and equipment on roof and foot traffic. Assuming a roof area of 30,000 sq.ft. (2,787 sq.m), with two annual inspections (one in the spring and one in the fall) inspection cost is as follows:
Make allowance for written reports, if required, and for materials for minor and miscellaneous repairs over a 10 to 20 year period (longer if necessary). This allowance can vary greatly (as do opinions concerning roof maintenance) from $0.00 to $1.00 per sq.ft ($0.00 to $ 10.76 sq.m.) per year. 07600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07610
Metal roofing includes galvanized steel, copper, lead, stainless steel, and aluminum plus the many combinations and alloys of these metals such as lead-coated copper, terne (80% lead, 20% tin over copper-bearing carbon steel) microzinc, and terne coated stainless. Terne and aluminum are the least expensive and copper and lead the costliest. Metal prices tend to fluctuate broadly. Many of the ores are imported and at the mercy of the value of the dollar and the political climate of the country where they are mined. Metal roofs may be applied in many ways. The simplest is the flat seam roof that may be used on slopes as low as 1/4” (6.25 mm) to the foot. Standing seams and battened seams generally need a slope of at least 2-1/2” (62.50 mm). They are more decorative, and in fact batten designs are often selected solely on their decorative value. Some materials may be ordered with prefabricated battens, others are formed in the traditional way over wood strips. Another decorative roof is the “Bermuda” type, where the metal is applied over wood “steps” provided by the carpenter. The step is based on the width of the metal roll to be used and is sloped at least 2-1/2” per foot (62.50 mm per 0.30 m). The roofer interlocks the rolls at each step edge giving a sharp shadowline.
Method of Laying Flat Seam Metal Roofing
For custom work terne and copper, with or without special coatings, are the usual choices. Many batten roofs today have the batten stamped into the metal and are usually factory finished aluminum or steel. When estimating quantities of metal roofing, the measurements are taken in the same manner as for other types of roofs. Where the metal roof is applied over flat roofs having parapet walls, an allowance of 1’-0” (0.30 m) on each side and end of the wall should be
made for flashing up the sides ofthe walls. If metal roofing is applied to a flat surface or pitch roof with overhanging eaves, the measurement is taken to cover the entire roof surface.
Do not make deductions for openings containing less than 25 sq.ft. (2.32 sq.m) as the extra flashing costs as much as the roofing omitted. Deduct in full for all openings over 50 sq.ft. (4.64 sq.m) and add for flashing. Flat Seam Metal Roofing. The common sizes of tin plates are 10” x 14” (250 x 350 mm) or multiples of that size. The sizes generally used for roofing are 14” x 20” (350 x 500 mm) and 20” x 28” (500 x 700 mm). The larger sizes are more economical to lay, and for flat roofs the 20” x 28” (500 x 700 mm) size is preferable. For a flat seam roof, the edges of the sheets are turned in about 1/2” (12.50 mm), locked together and well soaked with solder. The sheets should be fastened to the roof boards by cleats locked in the seams. These cleats are usually spaced about 8” (200 mm) apart and 2 nails are used in each cleat. For flat seam roofing, a 14” x 20” (350 x 500 mm) sheet of tin, with
edges turned up 1/2” (12.50 mm) on each side and end, measures
13” x 19”
(325 x 475 mm) and contains 247 sq. in. (1593.64 sq.cm); but the covering
capacity when locked to other sheets is only 12-1/2” x18-1/2” (312.50 x 462.50 mm) or 231-1/4 sq. in. (1492.02 sq.cm). It requires 62-1/2 sheets of 14” x 20” (350 x 500 mm) tin to cover 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) ofroof.
Sheets measuring 20” x 28” (S00 x 700 mm) with the edges turned for flat seam roofing measure
19” x 27” (475 x 675 mm), and when locked to
other sheets, have a covering capacity of 18-1/2” x 26-1/2” (462 x 662 mm) or 490-1/4 sq. in. (3163.09 sq.cm). It requires 20-1/2 sheets to cover 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof. Tin for roofs may also be obtained in rolls 14” (350 mm), 20” (500 mm), 24” (600 mm), and 28” (700 mm) wide. When used for flat seam roofing the loss due to turning edges amounts to 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) on the width of any sheet. Tin in 14” (350 mm) rolls loses 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) or 11.2% of its width due to turning edges and laps. Another method is to take the length of the roof and divide by the net width of each sheet and the result will be the number of strips of tin required. Multiply the number of strips by the length of each strip to obtain the quantity of tin required for any roof.
The following table gives the covering capacity and allowances for edging and laps to be figured when using tin roofing in rolls for flat seam roofs:
Allowance for Edge and aps-Inches Laps-Inch
ee Or ERE to Edges nndlians
No. Sq.Ft. Required per Sq ,
Add for
Width of mm
for Edge and Casein P
| Loss Due
: Width mm | to Edges and Laps
ao ae
Required ers Ce
The quantities of galvanized iron or steel sheets required for flat seam roofing will depend upon the size of the sheets, as they may be obtained in sheets from 24” x 96” (600 x 2400 mm) to 48” x 120” (1200 x 3000 mm)
in size. The actual measurements of the sheets will be 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) less in width and length than the size of the sheet used. For instance, the actual covering capacity of a 24” x 96” (600 x 2400 mm) sheet will be only 22-1/2” x 94” = 2,115 sq. in. or 14.68 sq.ft. ($62 x 2350 mm
sq.mm). The following table gives the approximate covering capacity of one sheet of the different sizes, allowing 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) in width and length
for turning edge and lapping, together with the number of sheets of the different sizes required to cover one sq. (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) of surface:
Allowance Size of Sheet
for Edge Lap
io —rary i)
Cover Cap. Actual Size Sheet - Inches
= t=m
ee NP ae eeeSUP
112 25 Vo toe TRL leanne || 2412 94.10% 241/2"x 1181/2 "
1/2 | 112
28 18 28x
11/2 | 11/2 a 6" AHOLD Doe re Gd 1p aide” Le 26 1/2"x 1061/2 " 1208 — fbb tt | 26-82" 18 1/2
307% 120"
Size of Sheet
Allowance for Edge Lap
4% 120" 6% 96" Ti ae ae
One Sheet
Actual Size Sheet - mm
Nog Pers
per Square
7 | | : | | ,
Cover Cap. One Sheet Sq.M.
No. Sheets per Square
}600_x_2400 mm|37.50 [37.50 | 562.50_x_ 2362.50 mm] _1.33_ | 68 |
662.50» 1762.50 mm| 117 |
Standing Seam Metal Roofing. Standing seam roofing requires a larger allowance for waste than flat seam roofing. The standing seam, edged 1-1/4” (31.25 mm) and 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) takes 2-3/4” (68.75 mm) off the width and the flat cross seams edged 3/8” (9.37 mm), take 1-1/8” (28.13 mm) off the length. If 14” x 20” (350 x 500 mm) tin is used, each sheet covers 1 1-1/4” x
18-7/8” (281.25 x 471.87 mm) or 212.34 sq. in. (1370.01 sq.cm). It requires 68 sheets of 14” x 20” (350 x 500 mm) tin per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof. If 20” x 28” (500 x 700 mm) tin is used, each sheet covers 17-1/4 x 26-7/8” (431.25 x 671.87 mm) or 463.59 sq. in. (2991.08 sq.cm). It requires
32 sheets of 20” x 28” (500 x 700 mm) tin per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m). If roll tin is used, 2-3/4” (68.75 mm) should be allowed for the two
standing seams. The end waste will vary with the length of the sheets. Tin in 14” (350 mm) rolls loses 2-3/4” (68.78 mm) off the width due
to the standing seams, making it necessary to add 20% for waste. Another
method is to take the width of the roof and divide by 11-1/4” (281.25 mm),
the net width of the sheet, and the result is the number of strips of tin required. Multiply the number of strips by the length of the roof to obtain the quantity of tin required.
Method of Laying Standing Seam Metal Roofing
The following table gives the covering capacity and allowances for standing seams, when estimating roll roofing: Width of}
Sheets |for Standing]
| Seams - In.
Add for Loss Due
to Standing Seams
(metric) Width of}
Sheets | for Standing mm
Seams -mm
Width mm
Add for Loss Due
to Standing Seams
350mm [500 00 mm| 68.75 | 531.35] 13% | 10.50_| 700-mm 6312 If galvanized steel or any of the special process metals, such as Armco, Toncan, etc., are used for standing seam roofs, an allowance of 1-
1/4” (31.25 mm) and 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) or a total of 2-3/4” (68.75 mm) should be taken from the width of the sheets to allow for standing seams. The cross seams edged 3/8” (9.37 mm) take 1-1/8” (28.12 mm) off the length of each sheet. For instance, where 24” x 96” (600 x 2400 mm) sheets are used, the actual size of the sheets is 21-1/4” x 94-7/8” (531.25 x 2371.87 mm), or
each sheet will cover 2,016 sq.in. or 14 sq.ft. (1.30 sq.m). The following table gives the covering capacity of painted or galvanized steel sheets of the different sizes:
Size of Sheet Inches
Standing Seam & End Lap, Inches i
24"x 96" cL ae
RO Ta 23/44"
he 11/8"
200s CC
42" 4a he 48."% 48'"x
96" 420" 7.96." 120"
23/4"x 23/4 % 23/44 "x 23/4"
11/8" 4.18" 11/8" 11/8"
2314 498" Pea, a a 23/4". 1118) 234k ts?
Lap, mm
Square 211/4"x 211/4"x
-947/8" 1187/8"
O31 4"erale 27 1/4"x RIL 33.14%
Hs 7/8" 947/83" ae 94 7/8"
391/4"x 39 1/4"x 451/4"x 451/4"x
_947/8 " 1187/8" 947/8" 1187/8"
33 1/4 "x__118 7/8"
Standing Seam & End Size of Sheet mm
Actual Size Sheet Inches
pee Actual Size Sheet mm
No. of Sheets
[Per SoM. 74
V-Crimped Roofing. This type of roofing is used the same as standing seam roofing. It 1s usually furnished in sheets covering 24” (600 mm) in width and 6’-0” (1.83 m) to 10’-0” (3.04 m) long.
When estimating quantities of V-crimped roofing, allow for the end lap but there is no waste in the width as only the actual covering capacity is charged for by the manufacturer. For instance, a sheet 26” (650 mm) wide before crimping is 24” (600 mm) wide after crimping, but the sheet is sold as 24” (600 mm) wide. The following table gives the quantity of V-crimp roofing required to cover 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of roof with end laps 1” (25 mm) to 6” (150 mm):
eo eepe
End Laps, Inches
eee bes Mele
GAP et ey Tot |
Sq.Ft. of V-Crimp Roofing Required
ae ARE = I alee]S|ays 12 [Esa haeae Pee DF ow Ei TO ie10
End Laps, mm
Length of
ae heeo
Sq.M of V-Crimp Roofing Required
: [937 | 966 | 975 |9.85 |1003 | 948 | 9.66 |9.85 | 9.94 . 9.66 | 9.75 |9.75_| 3.0 30 | 938 | 948 | 957 | 9.66 | 975 | 975 | Material Cost of One Square (100 sq.ft. or 9.29 sq.m) Flat Seam Tin Roofing Using 14" x 20" (350 x 500 mm) Plates
63 shts. 14”x20” 40 Lb coated
[Costper100sqft. | | | 8236.48 *
ipsciitewtint =|Nial el sleal is Jacl
[Costnero2%gm | | +i| —=«dsaaaa ReEinI BISIele Eteliiels [etal [6 545| *Add for ridges, hips, valleys, flashing etc. ba
009) X OOFZ (WU
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Pissps oom lee pi
Bow, Box Bay and Angle Bay Window Units 45° Angle Bay Unit Sizes with High Performance (H.P.) Insulating Glass, Sun Insulating Glass and Double Pane Insulating Glass
pepesun |) CDSS «| ine | [Sizes Metets Widthx
SSA aes = SG! SAS" |003!'61 13/06" Ce Sie es ae tele
NnQO tentQa a 5
|Width x Height
: o Pa = 5 1.63 x 1.08 rosea on 63°x 157
1.63 x_1.88
oa ee f= 3a) s" Bese OL 3i lo" Te ae. Kat OF
2.23 x 0.96 225 x08 5 Dona Le
23 23 84 84
Nth —
ee Ss 0633/4" x Sat 7/8"
x 1.57 x 1.88 x_0.96 x_1.08
84 x Nw }w]ry
1.27 SK 2.84 x ; 1.57
DOORS AND WINDOWS Bow, Box Bay and Angle Bay Window Units 90° Angle Bay Unit Sizes with High Performance (H.P.) Insulating Glass, Sun Insulating Glass and Double Pane Insulating Glass
insect |Gitte
- 83/8” x 3’-4 13/16”
PISS)82 Sees
|_Size | Meters Size -Meters _|
; $49.00]
1.43 x 1.03
143 x 1.221
"= 8 3/8” x 5° 11. 7/8”
- 8 1/4” x 2-11 15/16” |$1,206.00] $55.00 [$56.00] DIDI fal op eee Beam $61.00] on)geen AO oO LL ae $82.00
2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
x 0.91 MI x 1.03 M x 1.22M x 152M
Roof Window Units (Skylights)
Roof windows, also called skylights, can enhance the appearance of a living space. However, the estimator must be cautious. Roof window installation is unique and usually requires additional costs. On the exterior, there might be flashing for ice build-up, curbs around the window on a flat roof, or on a sloped roof that is relatively flat, or deflector shield for maximum weather tightness. On the interior, additional finish work might be
required. Roof Windows, Basic and Stationary Unit with High Performance (H.P.) Insulating and Sun Insulating Laminated Tempered Glass ‘dth
Insulating | Shingle
| Flashing } Flashing
151/16 "x 30 5/16 "|$359.00 | $82.00 | $323.00 |$95.00 |376.56 15 1/16 "x 4015/16 "| $420.00 | $82.00 |$329.00 |$107.00] 376.56
x 757.81 mm x 1023.44 mm
26 "x 40 15/16 "|$503.00 | $98.00 |$348.00 |$116.00] 650.00
x 1023.44 mm
15 1/16"x__68 7/8 "|$613.00 |$94.00 |$388.00 |$167.00[_x_1721.8 376.56 8mm| 26 "x_ 53.15/16"
$128.00] 650.00 _x_1348.44 mm| $160.00 38_3/16 "x_40 15/16 "| $631.00 |$109.00 |$389.00 [$133.00] 954.69 _x_1023.44 mm| 38 3/16 "x 53 15/16 "| $768.00 | $109.00 | $412.00 |$143.00 [954.69 x_1348.44 mm|
Roof Windows, Venting Unit with High Performance (H.P.) Insulating
and Sun Insulating Tempered Glass
x — Height
Insulating | Shingle
Width — x
15 1/16 "x 27 2/16 "|$581.00 | $82.00 |$324.00 376.56 15 1/16 "x 37 3/4 "|$668.00 |$82.00 |$329.00 |$107.00] 376.56
x 678.13 mm x 943.75_mm
$128.00 353/16 "x_37_3/4 "|_$953.00 |$109.00 |$388.00 |$134.00] 879.69 x_943.75_mm| §
35 3/16 "x 50 3/4 "[$1,158.00] $109.00 |$412.00 |$143.00] 879.69 Window
x 1268.75 mm
Wood window screens have been largely replaced by aluminum and vinyl units. Most prefabricated windows have insect screens available to fit them and can be ordered as part of the window unit or separately later. The following prices are based on prefabricated window glass sizes.
MGMT 22 16 7/16 "x 24") $17.30] 20 7/8 "x 22"1 $18.00]
20 7/8 "x 24 "| $18.8 20 7/8 "x 28 "| $20.6 ,
~ Screen Size, mim 410.94 x 410.94 x 521.88 x
521.88 x 521.88 x 521.88 x m—1N 610.94 x PIA 610.94 x
/8" Rib Sen
EeoJes Ze |T |e w EaEAtS fa|= Jo
Nn+. =o° i) QoQQ.
= P15 o|o Sas [> = oO
Type of Lath
Min Wt. Lath
Minimum Allowable Spacing of Supports in mm Vertical Supports
Kg. per :
| 400 | 300 [| -—-- [| -—- |
Be Mhibe ie uenen es.=ol UNCUO. Mil etal SFoogettl MetalLath —s|| 2.17 ~—s«|_—600=S [| —-- [| 600__ SteelLath* ss | 2.44] 600 = | 600 Wosueded @ yw
Wire Fabric
* Used in studless solid partitions
Laps of Lath. Industry standards require overlapping at ends and sides of sheets of lath. Most sheets are manufactured slightly larger than nominal size and the estimator need not allow extra quantities on this account. A few extra ties are required in all laps, one between each supporting member, and where laps of the ends of sheets fall between supports, such laps should be laced with tie wire. These extra ties are considered part of normal lathing work and no extra allowance need be made for them. Attachment of Lath. Nail-on attachment of metal lath to horizontal or sloping surfaces (ceilings and soffits) requires the use of No. 11 ga. barbed, galvanized roofing nails with a head diameter of 7/16” (10.93 mm). The length of such nails must permit a minimum penetration into the wood of 1-3/8” (34.37 mm). In nail-on attachment of metal lath to vertical surfaces
(walls and partitions), 4d common nails are permitted. They should penetrate the wood at least 3/4” (18.75 mm). However, and the remainder should be bent over the strands of lath. Also, in vertical work, 1” (25 mm) long roofing nails with a head diameter
of 7/16” (10.93 mm)
are permitted.
They are
driven home without crushing the strands of metal. In direct attachment to masonry, concrete stub nails with 3/8” (9.37 mm) flat heads are generally used. Tie-on attachment of metal lath is generally done with 18 ga. galvanized annealed wire, a strand of wire passing through the mesh, around the support member, and back through the mesh with the two ends twisted together approximately three turns. This operation is more difficult for the lather when paper or foilbacked lath is being used, unless adequate openings in the backing have been provided. When estimating hand tying of lath having heavy backing, a reduction in labor productivity should be allowed. In certain cases 18 ga. tie wire is not permitted. Where metal lath is attached directly to structural elements of the building, such as concrete slabs orjoists or the bottom chord of open web steel joists, wire of heavier gauge, or more than one loop of 18 ga. wire, is required (16 ga. or 2-18 ga. for steel joist
j 1
difficulty of twisting and cutting the heavier gauge wires has been considered in the productivity rates suggested below. Special devices for attachment of laths are permitted, where they develop a fastening strength equal to the accepted standards. Such devices often result in noticeable labor savings but the estimator should not neglect to adjust his material costs as necessary. Horizontal Support Systems. Horizontal supports for metal lath fall under the general classifications of contact systems, where the lath is fastened in direct contact with the structural elements of the building, furred systems, or suspended systems. In both of the latter systems, the laths are attached in the usual manner to a framework of pencil rods or channel shapes which have
14 ga. twisted
or 10 ga. bent over
directly to, or suspended
for concrete
of the
building. In a furred system, the channels or pencil rod furring are attached to the structural elements of the building, by means of 16 ga. wire saddle ties— in open web steel joist construction, or by 18 ga. wire saddle ties supported by nails driven in or through wood joists. The forming of saddle ties is considered normal lathing work, and the productivity rates given below consider this type of tying. In a suspended system, the channels or pencil rods to which the lath 1s attached are called cross-furring. These members are saddle-tied with 16 ga. wire to the underside of an intersecting framework of heavier channels, which have been hung from the structural elements of the building by means of wire, rod, or flat steel hangers. Wire hangers and rods are saddle-tied around these support channels, which are called main runners, and flats may be welded or bolted to them. A combination of the furred and suspended systems is usually found where furring members are installed in contact with concrete joists. The furring members, which support the lath, are in contact with the bottoms of the joists, but they are supported by transverse channels, or runners, which are suspended between and run parallel to the joists. The furring members are saddle-tied with 16 ga. wire to the runners, and the runners are suspended by means of 10 ga. wire hangers embedded in the slab above. The wire hangers
are saddle-tied to the runners. Hanger Sizes for Suspended Ceilings Ceiling Area | Hanger Size Hangers for Supporting up to sq.ft. max. | minimum 25 Sq.Ft. Ceiling
sq.M. max.
0.74 Lu
1.16 1.49 1.63.
2.32 Sq.M. Ceiling
10 | 9ga.wire [4.69 mmrod{31.25 x | 8 ga.wire [5.47 mmrod{37.50 x |7a. wire |6.25 mm rod[37.50 x
4.69 mm flat 3.13 mm flat 4.69 mm flat
All wire hangers should be galvanized steel, all flat and rod hangers should be coated with a rust-inhibitor non-toxic paint.
Spans and Spacing for Main Runners in Suspended Ceilings Minimum Size and Type Inches and Lbs.
3/4" 3/4" 11/2"
Max. Span Between Hangers or Supports
Max.CtoC Spacing of Runners
_0.300 Lbs
channel _0.300 Lbs channel _ 0.475 Lbs channel 0.475 Lbs
oe 2. . channel — 0:590) Lbs
2" 2"
CEG 4esigr
channel channel
0.590 Lbs _0.590 Lbs Max. Span Between Hangers or Supports
Minimum Size and Type mm and Kg 18.75 mm
channel 0.136 18.75 mm channel 0.136 18.75 mm channel 0.215 37.50 mm channel 0.215 37.50 mm channel 0.215 37.50 mm channel 0.215 37.50 mm channel 0.215 50.00 mm channel 0.268 50.00 mm channel 0.268 50.00 mm channel 0.268 All weights of channel are for
0.91 M Kg 0.76 M Kg 0.91 M Kg 0.61 M Kg 0.91 M Kg 1.07 M Kg 22M Kg 0.61 M Kg 1-52 M. Kg 1.22 M cold-rolled members.
Max.C to C 4
Spacing of Runners
0.76 0.91 0.61 0.91 1.07 1.22 0.61 1.07 1.22
| Spans and Spacing for Cross Furring Max. Span Minimum Size and Type Inches & Lbs.
Between Runners or
Supports Hes)
Max. CtoC Spacing of Cross Furring
Pencil Rod
Minimum Size and Type mm & Kg.
Runners or
Max. CtoC Spacing of Cross Furring
All weights of channel are for cold-rolled members. In contact, furred or suspended systems, the lath must be supported at spans not exceeding those given in the table of maximum spans, above. In furred and suspended systems, all pencil rods and channels are limited as to distance between supports and center to center spacing. In suspended systems the size of each hanger depends on the area of ceiling that it supports. The following tables list the usual elements and arrangements to be found in furred and suspended ceilings.
Courtesy Metal Lath Association Details of Suspended Ceiling
In most horizontal work, the laths, framing members, hangers, and inserts are installed in the usual manner. The estimator should look for the presence of large ducts, which might require additional framing or hangers not detailed on the drawings. He should allow for hung or tied supports at the perimeter of rooms and not plan to set channels into wall pockets. The estimator’s checklist of materials should have allowances for lath, furring channels, carrying channels, tie wire, hanger wire, nails, special inserts if any, corner reinforcing, and accessory items, if required, such as expansion bead or casing bead. Vertical Support Systems. Metal lath may be used in a number of wall and partition framing systems. A generalized classification would include hollow walls and partitions, solid plaster partitions, vertical furring, and wall cladding. Hollow assemblies may have either metal or wood studs. The metal studs are generally used where non-combustible construction is required, where concealed horizontal pipe must be accommodated, or where sound resistive qualities are needed. Although the majority of such studs are rated as non-loadbearing, because they are fabricated from light-gauge steel or rod, tests of completed walls have indicated surprising load carrying capacity and resistance to horizontal impact. Thin solid plaster partitions may be formed over a core of metal lath alone, or an assembly of metal lath and metal studs. The studless solid partitions are generally 2” (SO mm) thick and may be as much as 10’ (3.04 m) in height. The solid partitions with 3/4” (18.75 mm) cold rolled channels may range between 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) thickness and 8-1/2” (212.50 mm) height to 2-1/2” (62.50 mm) thickness and 16’ (4.87 m) height. Heavier channels
may be used for thicker and higher solid partitions. Vertical, or wall, furring systems may be braced from exterior walls, pilasters, or interior columns, or may be free-standing. They are sometimes decorative, other times functional. Functional aspects include concealment, fireproofing, acoustic treatment, and condensation and temperature control. The lathing installation is essentially that of a partition with studs, lathed on one side only. However, horizontally-placed 3/4” (18.75 mm) channels are required for stiffening steel studs, and above certain heights, depending on size of the studs, the framing must be braced from the structure behind. Exterior and interior wall claddings include overcoating (remodeling work), decorative surfacing, acoustic surfacing, and reinforcement.
In most vertical work, the laths are applied in the usual manner and the estimator need not look for hidden items of extra material and labor. However, a few unusual operations are worth noting. In erection of studless solid partitions, the laths must be braced temporarily until first, or scratch, coat of plaster has set. In erection
of sound
systems for separating the components of the partition may be encountered. These might include resilient clips and pencil rod furring between the metal studs and metal lath, staggered stud arrangements that require double the normal number of studs, or double rows of small studs with short pieces of
FINISHES cross-tie channels between them. Note also that most soundproofing partitions extend up to the structure itself, and are not terminated at the level of a suspended ceiling or the bottoms ofjoists. In wall cladding work, some of the denser back-up materials, such as reinforced concrete or old brick, may be difficult to penetrate with nails, slowing the progress of the lather. In certain areas of the country, the exterior walls of stuccoed dwellings may be constructed without sheathing. In this style of erection, known as line wire construction, the lathing work sometimes includes installation of 18 ga. wires, stretched taut completely around the building, and fastened securely to the studs at 6” (150 mm) intervals vertically. This operation is generally performed only when woven wire or stucco mesh is the plaster base. The estimator’s checklist of materials for vertical work should contain allowances for lath, studs if any, four shoes for each prefabricated metal stud (2 top and 2 bottom), ceiling and floor tracks for holding studs and shoes, nails for attachment of either the tracks or bent-over ends (of small studs) to
ceiling and floor, nails for attachment of lath to wood or solid back-up, wire for tying lath and shoes to studs, and shoes to tracks, if required, metal base or screeds, if any, and accessory items such as corner, casing or expansion beads, and picture molds, if required. In estimating requirements for studs, allow for double-studding at door frames where necessary, and where splicing is required, allow for an 8” (200 mm) lap and double wire-tying. Installation—Labor
Nail-On Attachment of Metal Lath. For either horizontal or vertical work, a lather should apply 90 to 100 sq.yds. (75.24 to 83.61 sq.m) of metal lath per 8-hr. day, depending on size of rooms. Ceiling 9 track Ag
Double studs ——. *
Jack stud. ——\
a n : os‘Oo x ga ) hydrated lime lon cu.ft. (0.17 cu.m) sand
*Based on 100-Ib. bag.
Labor Cost of 100 LF (30.48 M) of 6” (150 mm) Portland Cement Straight Base
abor fe)jo) n a [lie el
$26.16] $ 104.64 S So
5 =p
per lin. ft. For coved base, add 50%
Rate $32.41
to material and labor.
FINISHES Exterior Stucco
Exterior stucco is generally composed of a portland cement base. The scratch and brown coats should be mixed in the proportions of | part of portland cement by weight to 3 parts of clean sand by weight. Do not add more than 8 lbs. (3.62 kg) of lime to each 100 lbs. (45.36 kg) of portland cement used in the mixture. Portland cement plaster should not be applied when the outside temperature is below 32°F (O°C). The cost of portland cement stucco will vary according to the materials used and the grade of workmanship required. Applying Scratch Coat of Portland Cement Stucco. Where just an ordinary grade of workmanship is required, a plasterer should apply 120 to 140 sq.yds. (100.33 to 117.05 sq.m) of scratch coat per 8-hr. day on metal lath. Applying Brown Coat of Portland Cement Stucco. A plasterer should apply 75 to 85 sq.yds. (62.70 to 71.06 sq.m) of brown coat per 8-hr.
day, on brick, tile, or concrete block walls and 60 to 70 sq.yds. (50.16 to
58.52 sq.m) per 8-hr. day on metal lath. Applying Trowel Finish Coat of Portland Cement. A plasterer should apply 45 to 55 sq.yds. (37.620 to 45.99 sq.m) of portland cement trowel finish per 8-hr. day, where just an ordinary grade of workmanship is required and 35 to 40 sq.yds. (29.26 to 33.44 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, when first grade work is required. Applying Wet Rough Cast Finish to Portland Cement Stucco. If a wet rough cast finish is used and the mortar and aggregate are thrown against the wall with a paddle or similar tool, a plasterer should complete 30 to 40 sq.yds. (25.08 to 33.44 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. Applying Pebble Dash or Dry Rough Cast. When applying a pebble dash or dry rough cast finish where the aggregate is thrown against the wet cement or “butter” coat, a plasterer should apply 35 to 40 sq.yds. (29.26 to 33.44 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. Washing Exterior Stucco With Acid to Expose Crystals. Where the finish coat of stucco contains granite, marble, or crystal screenings, it is washed off with a solution of muriatic acid to expose the crystals. A worker should wash 475 to 525 sq.ft. or 53 to 58 sq.yds. (44.31 to 48.49 sq.m) per 8hr. day. On some jobs it will be necessary to wash the walls two or three times to bring out the crystals satisfactorily, and in such instances the labor cost should be increased accordingly.
Material Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 Sq.M) 3-Coat 1:3 Portland Cement Stucco, Float Finish, Applied to Metal Lath Over Wood Framing Ordinary Workmanship Scratch Coat-1:3 sacks Portland cement
0 Ibs. (27 kg) hydrated lime
$13.60 *
24 cu.ft. (0.68 cu.m) sand
Brown Coat-1:3
6 sacks Portland cement
$ 6.78
20 Ibs. (54 kg) hydrated lime
$13.60 *
8 cu.ft. (1.36 cu.m) sand
Float Finish-1:3 sacks w’p’f. Portland cement — 5 cu.ft. (0.42 cu.m) sand ost 100 sq. yds.
ioe) & oo
$ 0.77
£ ~) - i=)
De nleow
per sq. yd.
per sq. ft per sq.m
Add for metal lath. *Based on 100-lb. bag.
Labor Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 Sq.M) 3-Coat 1:3 Portland Cement Stucco, Float Finish, Applied to Metal Lath Over Wood Framing Ordinary Workmanship
Plssiptont 3 2 FAS SPRL Age SF INTs eT IH PE Oe Hyse Ine orae”
abort Serie DOR a
[ONS GON SDonor sa MOOeN
Brown Coat-1:3
abor Float Finish-1:3
ost 100 sq. yds.
388.92 $_156.96
per sq. yd.
per sq. ft. per sq.m
Add for metal lath.
If a smooth troweled finish is desired, add 4 hrs. plasterer time. If a textured finish coat is desired, add 2 hrs. plasterer time. If first grade workmanship is required, add 8 hrs. plasterer time to the above. Add for scaffold.
FINISHES Material Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 Sq.M) 3-Coat 1:3 Portland Cement Stucco, Float Finish, Applied Over Brick, Clay Tile or Cement Block Surfaces Ordinary Workmanship Scratch Coat-1:3 sacks Portland cement
5 Ibs. (20.25 kg) hydrated lime 8 c.f. (0.51 cu.m) sand
Brown Coat-1:3
0 sacks Portland cement
5 Ibs. (33.75 kg) hydrated lime 0 c.f. (0.85 cu.m) sand Float Finish-1:3 sacks w’p’f. Portland cement 15 c.f. (0.42 cu.m) sand
|o0 © TES | ~~] 00
—[a mT |Un VIS
ost 100 sq. yds. per sq. yd.
wees Se) See ZAl6
per sq. ft.
per sq.m *Based on 100-lb. bag.
| Labor Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 Sq.M) 3-Coat 1:3 Portland Cement Stucco, Float : Finish, Applied Over Brick, Clay Tile or Cement Block Surfaces Ordinary Workmanship
lee nies ape 0.00) S324] $194.46.
Brown Coat-1:3
For smooth troweled finish, add 4 hrs. plasterer time. If a textured finish coat is desired, add 2 hrs. plasterer time. If first grade workmanship is required, add 8 hrs. plasterer time to the above. Add for scaffold. Special Finishes for Portland Cement Stucco
If any of the following special finishes are wanted with portland cement stucco, deduct the finish coat given above and add cost of the finish coat.
Material Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 Sq.M) of White Cement Float Finish, Ordinary Workmanship
*Based on 100-lb. bag.
Labor Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 Sq.M) of White Cement Float Finish, Ordinary Workmanship
Material Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.611Sq.M) Finish Coat Colored Stucco, Float Finish - Ordinary Workmanship
18 lbs. (8.1 kg) color
Cost 100 sq. yds.
per sq. yd
$0.09 $0.97
*Based on 100-Ib. bag.
Labor Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 1Sq.M) Finish Coat Colored Stucco, Float Finish - Ordinary Workmanship Plasterer
FINISHES If a smooth troweled finish is desired, add 4 hrs. plasterer time. If a
textured finish is desired, add 2 hrs. plasterer time. If first workmanship is required, add 8 hrs. plasterer time to the above.
Material Cost of 100 Sq. Yds. (83.61 Sq.M) Wet Rough Cast Finish Coat
12 cu.ft. (0.34 cu.m) sand 500 Ibs. (225 kg) aggregate
*Based on 100-Ilb. bag.
*Based on 100-Ib. bag.
Cost 100 sq. yds.
per sq. yd.
$ 909.80
per sq. ft.
A dry rough cast finish requires a finish or “butter” coat 1/4” (6 mm) thick applied directly over the brown coat. This is brought to a straight, smooth finish and then the aggregate is thrown onto the “butter” coat dry.
If coarse aggregate is used, it requires about 1,000 lbs. per 100 sq.yds. (453.60 kg per 83.60 sq.m). If medium size aggregate is used, it requires 750 lbs. per 100 sq.yds. (340.02 kg per 83.61 sq.m). If fine aggregate is used, it requires 500 lbs. per 100 sq.yds. (218.05 kg per 83.61 sq.m).
eer Gigi DumondesPay
Approximate Prices on Lathing and Plastering Materials Metal Lath
Self-furring lath, add $0.25 per sq. yd. to the above prices. Rib Metal Lath
Het of
| Price per] Het. of
| Price per
Hot Rolled Channels
Width, Inches
Ca inciee
3/4 " Standard
Lbs. per |Price per 1,000 1,000 |Width, mm] Lins Ft. || Lin. Ft.
Kg per |Price per 100 100 Lin.M.} Lin.M.
Peforating, add $10.00 per 1,000 Lf. ($33.00 per 1000 m).
Cold Rolled Channels Width,|
Lbs. per |Price per are
idth, mm)
Inches | Inches
Kg per Price per
Leg, mm
|100 Lin. M.
FINISHES Studs & Tracks - 20 Ga.
Price per
IETeun OF beGi"acne *s|. $800.00 no LOOIOO man |" 426247
Price per
$ Expanded
| Price per
323: 75° )-S~ 10622
Bull Nose $ ICornerite |
647.50 |$ 212.43 $183.75 |$60.29
Price per
TtO00 LamPt
Price per
100 Lin.M.
/ 3/8 " plain
Ape se
9.38 Price per
1,000 Sq.Ft.
and size,
Price per
100: Sq.M.|
400 x 1200 x 12.50 mm| $ 376.75
Nails and Staples Price
$210.00 Annular ring nail (blued)
$210.00 [Brick-plain 2” 50 mm & 62.50 mm Lime and Finishing Plaster Decent Price per] Price per
100 Lbs. |100 Kg.
Pulverized Quicklime Plasterer’s Hydrated Lime
S295 |S, 28.55 $ 14.88 }$ 32.79
Gypsum Gauging Plaster
$ 16.63 |$ 36.65
No. | Moulding Plaster Keene’s Cement, Regular or Fast Portland Cement
$ 18.55] $ 40.90 | $ 29.68 |$ 65.43 nen 225) | (SS IS Oes
Plastering Items wee
Price per] Price per
Liquid Bonding Agent
$ 46.38
Gypsum Plaster Loti
Price per] Price per
$_ 26.46 Gypsum Trowel Finish
Silica Sand Float
$ 16.63 |$ 36.65
$ 27.01
Gypsum wallboard, or drywall, is manufactured from a gray-white colored rock called gypsum, which is a nonmetallic mineral composed of calcium sulphate chemically combined with crystallized water. After the gypsum ore is mined or quarried, it is crushed, dried, and ground into a fine powder. It is then heated to remove most of the chemically combined water. The calcined gypsum is then mixed with other ingredients and water to create a slurry that is sandwiched between two sheets of treated paper to form a smooth gypsum wallboard panel. After the gypsum core has set, the wallboard is cut to length, dried, finished, and packaged for shipment.
-.,. ‘Space Nlailsq7on Ceilngs 8° on Valls
indov || ° Edges finished with ee
Space Nails: 7 on:
Ceilings, 8 on Walls
Base Board -
eee Horizontal Application of Gypsum Wallboard
Advantages. Interior walls and ceilings built with gypsum panels form durable surfaces for most types of decorative treatment. The following are some of the advantages of gypsum wallboard.
Fire Protection: Gypsum wallboard is fire resistant and will not support combustion. When one surface is exposed to a flame, the opposite panel surface remains cool until the gypsum core is calcinized. Fire resistant ratings are up to 4 hours for fire partitions, 3 hours for floor-ceiling, and 4 hours for column and shaft fireproofing. Quick Installation: Wallboard panels are easily cut and quickly hung in large sheets, speeding productivity and reducing installation costs. Dry Installation: Because wallboard is a dry panel, less moisture is introduced into the building. Cold weather is less a factor in finishing surfaces. Only the joint finishing must be kept from freezing. Decoration: The strong, smooth face paper of the gypsum wallboard panel
5. 6.
is suitable
wallpaper, and textured coatings. Sound Control: Gypsum wallboard panels are a component in soundresistive partition and floor-ceiling systems. Expansion: Under average temperature and humidity, gypsum wallboard expands little and does not warp excessively. Availability: Standard gypsum wallboard products are easily obtainable on short notice.
Size and Thickness. Gypsum wallboard panels are manufactured in a number ofthicknesses and sizes with various longitudinal edge designs. Thick., as Inch
; Size, Feet
0" x SS OCD
ick. Tes mm
: Size - Meters
ae Desig
'| 6.25 mm] 1.22 x 2.44 to 3.66 m]S.E.*, T.E.**
6.0" x 10 = Oto 0x 1 0" to *Square Edge **Tapered Edge
Square edge panels may be used as the first layer of a two layer system or where the joints will be covered by a batten strip. The tapered edge panel should always be used on the finished surface layer, where the joints are to be finished with tape and compound. The tapered edge is a depression along the longitudinal edge that receives the tape and compound build-up to smooth and hide the butting edges of the gypsum panels. Thicknesses of Gypsum Wallboard Panels and Their Uses. The 1/4” (6.25 mm) gypsum wallboard is used as a lightweight, low cost utility wallboard. It is also used for curved surfaces, providing increased board flexibility and eliminating the need to score and moisten a panel to achieve a curved surface. The 3/8” (9.37 mm) gypsum wallboard is used principally for repair and remodeling work or in double wall construction. The 1/2” (12.50 mm) gypsum wallboard is used in single layer new construction, as well as for remodeling installations.
FINISHES The 5/8” (15.62 mm) gypsum wallboard is used where a one-hour fire rating is required or where the framing is spaced in excess of 1/2” (12.50 mm) wallboard limitations. The thickness of these panels not only give increased resistance to fire exposure but also additional resistance to sound transmission. The stiffness decreases the likelihood of sagging. Tape Joint System for Gypsum Wallboard. A drywall joint treatment, using tape and joint compound, must provide a joint that is as strong as the gypsum wallboard itself. The hand method of concealing joints in gypsum wallboard is backed by more than a quarter century of joint reinforcing experience. It conceals the joints between boards and bonds the gypsum wallboard units together into a single, smooth, even wall and ceiling surface unit. First the hollow or channel at the edges of the wallboard is filled with joint compound, using a flexible 4”, 5”, or 6” (100, 125, or 150 mm) joint finishing broadknife. Apply the joint tape immediately, directly over the compound and press it into place with the broadknife, squeezing excess compound out from under the joint tape but leaving enough compound under tape for proper bond. The depth best not exceed 1/32” (0.78 mm). Apply a thin covering coat of joint compound immediately and let dry. Next, apply another thin coating of joint compound using a 7” to 10” (175 to 250 mm) flexible broadknife so that the tape will be completely hidden. Feather out edges beyond previous coat as smoothly as possible and let dry thoroughly. Intermediate nail heads should also be carefully filled with joint compound and brought flush with the surface of the wallboard. Apply a third thin finish coat of joint compound. It should be of thinner consistency to even up surface and edges ofjoint. This is usually accomplished using a wide finish coat applicator, wide enough to extend 2” (50 mm) beyond the edges of the second coat. Dry sand, as needed, between and after coats to insure a smooth, inconspicuous joint and to eliminate scratches, craters, and nicks. Mechanical Tape Applicator. There are several types of mechanical and semi-mechanical applicators. Joint compound is applied as before, by hand, and then the joint is taped mechanically. Then joint compound is then wiped down with a flexible broadknife and left to dry. Apply a second fill coat of joint compound over the tape using a hand finisher tool. Spot finish all nails or screws to bring them flush with the surface of the wallboard. Apply a third and final finish coat, feathering the edges about 2” (50 mm) beyond the last coat, and allow to dry. Dry sand as needed. Remember, drying time between coat applications will vary according to air temperature and humidity.
Types of Gypsum Panels
Foil-Back Gypsum Panels. These panels are made by laminating a sheet of aluminum foil to the back surface of the gypsum wallboard. The foil reduces outward heat flow in winter and inward heat flow in summer, has a significant thermal insulating value if facing an air space of 3/4” (18.75 mm) or more, and is effective as a vapor barrier.
In addition, foil-backed panels provide a water vapor retarder to help prevent interior moisture from entering wall and ceiling spaces. Foil-backed wallboard has some limitations. It is not recommended over tile, double layer installations, or where high outside temperatures prevail. Moisture Resistant Gypsum Panels. MR board has a special asphalt composition gypsum core and is covered with chemically treated face papers to prevent moisture penetration. This board is a little harder to cut, has a brownish color core, and is usually covered with a light green finish face paper. These panels were developed for application in bathrooms, kitchens, utility rooms, and other high moisture areas. Fire Rated Gypsum Panels. A specially formulated mineral gypsum core
is used to make
in 1/2” (12.50
thicknesses for application to walls, ceilings, and columns where a fire rated assembly is needed. The formulation must meet or exceed ASTM C36. Based on tests by Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., certain wall, floor/ceiling, and column assemblies give 45-minute to 4-hour fire resistance ratings. Cement Boards. These panels are produced with a portland cement core, usually wrapped in a fiber glass mesh and covered with a specially
FINISHES Approx. Lbs. Nalls Req'd per MSF Gypsum Panels
Fastener Description
7” ceiling 8° walls
1%” GWB-54 Annular Ring Nail 124% ga.;\%” dia. head with a slight taper to a small fillet at shank; bright
finish; medium diamond point; meets ASTM C380
1%” Annular
Ring Nail (Same as GWB-54
7° ceiling 8” walls
except for
Fastening Application
Fastener Used
GYPSUM PANELS TO STANDARD METAL FRAMING 4” single-layer panels to standard studs, runners, channels
\” Type S Bugle Head
%” single-layer panels to standard studs, runners, channels
1” Type S Bugle Head %*" double-layer panels to standard studs, runners, channels 156” Type S Bugle Head %” double-layer panels to standard studs, runners, channels
1” coreboard to metal angle runners in solid partitions
%” panels through coreboard to metal angle runners in solid partitions
1%” Type S Bugle Head
14%” Type S Bugle Head
1%” Type S Bugle Head
%” panels through coreboard to metal angle runners in solid partitions
2%" Type S Bugle Head
eee a GYPSUM PANELS TO 12-GA. (MAX.) METAL FRAMING %” and %” panels and gypsum sheathing to 20-ga. studs and runners ———————————————————————
1” Type S-12 Bugle Head OOOO
USG Self-Furring Metal Lath through gypsum sheathing to 20-ga. studs
and runners
1%" Type S-12 Bugle Head
%" and 4%” double-layer gypsum panels to 20-ga. studs and runners
1%” Type S-12 Bugle Head
el we Multi-layer gypsum panels to 20-ga. studs and runners
1%” Type S-12 Bugle Head
formulated smooth covering. Cement boards are used for interior and exterior construction, where there are areas subject to water, moisture or high humidity, such as bathroom showers and tubs and for kitchen countertops. These boards require special screws and tape for proper installation. They are not gypsum boards, and they have different stud spacing requirements. Gypsum Drywall Accessories
Gypsum wallboard can be attached to framing by several methods, depending on the type of framing and the results desired. Fasteners. Nails or screws can be used to attach gypsum panels to wood
be used
for attachment
to metal
framing members. There are four basic ways to fasten panels to framing:
Single Nailing Double Nailing Screw Attachment Adhesive Attachment Be
Nail Application: Nails are applied with a hammer, seating the nail so that the head is in a shallow dimple formed by the last blow of the hammer. The dimple should be no deeper than 1/32” (0.78 mm) for gypsum panels. Drive nails at least 3/8” (9.37 mm) from ends or edges of wallboard. Screw Application: Screws are applied with an electric power positive-clutch tool called an electric screwgun. Drive screws at least 3/8” (9.37 mm) from ends or edges of wallboard. Staple Application: Staples can be used to attach base layer boards to wood framing in a double layer application. Staples should be 16-gauge flattened galvanized wire and provide a minimum penetration of 5/8” (15.62 mm) into the wood framing. Double Nailing or Screwing: In this method perimeter screws are spaced 7” (175 mm) on center for ceilings and 8” (200 mm) on center for walls. Nails or screws are not doubled on the panel perimeter. For nails or screws attached to supports, pairs of nails or screws are attached 2” (50 mm) apart, and pairs are spaced every 12” (300 mm).
Adhesive Application: A continuous bead of adhesive is applied to a wood stud. The drywall panel is pressed onto the adhesive and supplementary screws or nails are attached. The main advantage of using adhesive is that it reduces the number of nails or screws required. Corner Bead. Metal and plastic corner bead is furnished in 8’-0” (2.43 m) and 10’-0” (3.04 m) lengths and is used on all external corners in drywall construction. Corner bead provides a true and straight finish line to corners. Stop Bead. Metal or vinyl stop beads are used to cap the edge of a gypsum panel at its termination point, whenever that edge is exposed and not covered by either a tape/compound finish or other trim members.
FINISHES Joint Tape. A strong fiber tape designed with feathered edges and lightly pre-creased for internal corners is used with the joint compound for finishing the butt joints of gypsum panels. Joint tape is packaged and sold in rolls of 75, 250 and 500 lin.ft. (22.86, 76.2 and 152.40 m) lengths and widths of 1-31/32” (49 mm) 2-1/16” (51.56 mm) wide. Usually, about 0.37 lin.ft. (0.11 m) of tape is required per sq.ft. (.0929 sq.m) of drywall panel. Joint Compound.
This material is available in many different forms,
e.g., powdered, ready-mixed, all-purpose, fast setting, exterior application, etc. The ready-mixed all-purpose joint compound is used extensively for all interior applications of taping and joint finishing, and is readily available in 5-gal. (18.93-liter) containers weighing about 61.7 lbs. (27.98 kg) each. -. Type of Compound Ready-mixed joint compound taping, topping, and all-purpose
Approximate Coverage 0.138 lbs. per square foot 0.674 kg per square meter
Ready-mixed lightweight all-purpose joint compound
0.0094 gal per square foot 0.383 liters per square meter
Powder Joint Compound - taping, topping, and all-purpose
0.083 lbs. per square foot 0.405 kg per square meter
Setting Type Joint Compound, easy sand
0.052 Ibs. per square foot 0.253 kg per square meter
Estimating Material Quantities for Gypsum Wallboard and Accessories
The estimator first measures the wall and ceiling surfaces to figure square feet (square meters) of surface to be covered. Do not deduct for openings smaller than 50 sq.ft. (4.65 sq.m). When doing the quantity takeoff, an estimator separates the square foot (square meter) quantities into proper categories of types, thicknesses, and sizes of panels. From these figures the estimator can easily determine the number of gypsum wallboards and other materials required, including accessories such as fasteners. Quantities of Fasteners. For nails or screws, the amount required depends on the framing spacing. If framing is spaced 16” (400 mm) on center, and fasteners are spaced 12” (300 mm) apart on a horizontal 8’ x 4’ (2.43 x 1.21 sq.m) panel, then it would require 1,094 fasteners per 1,000 sq.ft. (92.9 sq.m), or 35 fasteners per panel. “W” is used to denote wood fasteners, and “S” indicates steel fasteners.
Quantities of Joint Tape. Approximately 370 lin. ft. (112.77 m) of joint tape are required per 1,000 sq.ft. (92.9 sq.m) of wallboard. Quantities of Joint Compound. Approximately 138 Ibs. (62.59 kg) of all-purpose joint material is required to complete 1,000 sq.ft. (92.9 sq.m) of wallboard. The amount of compound is reduced if there are very few external comers to be finished.
Drywall Material Prices
Type of Gypsum Panel
| Thick., |Price per] Inches
|32 Sq.Ft.|
Price per
|Price per 3
1,000 Sq.Ft.
100 Sq.M.
|6.25 mm|$__7.55 |$251.82 |
12.50 mm
$ 12.65] $ 395.44 |15.63 mm|$ 12.77] G FSIS. IIS Le oe NS 55S
Add: For Foil Back Panels
Fasteners Baie t
D 11/4" 11/4"
$ 425.66 S185. 08
Price per
31.25 mm ) GWB Ring Nails 31.00 mm ) Type S Bugle Head Screws
$ |$
5.80 15.63
Corner Bead
oy ee ie Ce Lin. Ft. | Lin.M.
$__4.48|$ 14.70 Stop Bead
C2286 tl
250) 300 '
76.20 m (91.44 m
Roll Roll
iive per Lins Pt.
ee per obo:
S902 TapeclO $6.34]
Udo us $ 20.80
Joint Compound Container|
4.5 gal
4° x 8’ Board - Vertical Attachment Number of Screws per 1,000 Sq.Ft
1.21 Mx 2.43 M Board - Vertical Attachment Number of Screws per 100 Sq.M
200 mm :
656_| 369_|
| 1,749 2 1,749 | l, 469 [600 mm [1312 | 909 | 706 | s05_| 787 [|612 | 437_| 406 934 [787
FINISHES Number of Screws per 1,000 Sq.Ft
Frame Spacing]
1.21 Mx 3.04 M Board - Vertical Attachment Number of Screws per 100 Sq.M
Frame 8 "| 12 "{ 16 "| 24_"| Spacing
| 16"| 1,600 |1,100 | 850 | 600_| 4 x 12’ Board - Vertical Attachment Number of Screws per 1,000 Sq.Ft
cheats |2.7771 fosts96 |1,458 | 1,021 |
1.21 M x 3.66 M Board - Vertical Attachment Number of Screws per 100 Sq.M
704 Typical Weights of Gypsum Board
Sq. Ft. per Panel Regular Boards
32 Sq.Ft. _ by
36 Sq.Ft.
40 Sq.Ft.
48 Sq.Ft.
Total Sheet Weight in Lbs
57.60 67.20 81.60 110.40
Firecore Boards
aD= lo.2}=
a oo - S
91.20 105.60 120.00
WR Boards
(evs 1ees a) in 0)ae mes a 2.20] _70.40__[ 79.20 |_88.00__|_—105.60_| Sq.M. per Panel Regular Boards
3.0 Sg.M. =4
3.3 Sq.M
3.7 Sg.M.
4.5 Sq.M.
Total Sheet Weight in Kg
22.86 830] 24.68 [27.76 | 30.84 | 37.01 1.23] 33.38] 37.56 [41-73 |. 50.08
15.65 mm 1875mm | 12.21]
Example: The following list of material quantities is required for installation and finishing of 300 lin.ft. (91.44 m) of drywall partition, 8’-0” (2.43 m) high, covering both sides of the partition: 300 x 8 x 2 sides = 4,800 sq.ft. (445.92 sq.m.)
Drywall Material Cost Item 3/4” Drywall Regular - 4.800 sq.ft. crews 4.8M pcs. orner Bead 96 lin.fi. top Bead 40 lin.ft. - 8 rolls Cmoint Tape Joint Compound - 6 five-gallon cans ost per 4,800 sq.ft.
= =) any WwNs) )a
38.12 Be
48|$ 7.68 | $ hopmolye io oo Nn] Alaa
per sq.ft per sg.m
Labor Placing Gypsum Wallboard-Nailed. When (12.50 mm) gypsum wallboard in average size rooms, experienced in wallboard erection should place about 1,700 sq.m) of board (one-layer wall and ceiling) per 8-hr. day, at labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
placing 1/2” 2 carpenters sq.ft. (157.93 the following
For walls and ceilings higher than 12’-0”, decrease production by 10 to 15%.
When placing 5/8” (16 mm) gypsum wallboard in average size rooms, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 1,500 sq.ft. (139.35 sq.m) of board (one-layer wall and ceiling) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
For walls and ceilings higher than 12’-0”, decrease production by 10 to 15%.
Labor Placing Gypsum Wallboard-Screwed. When (12.50 mm) gypsum wallboard in average size rooms, experienced in wallboard erection should place about 2,000 sq.m) of board (one-layer wall and ceiling) per 8-hr. day, at labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
placing 1/2” 2 carpenters sq.ft. (185.80 the following
When placing 5/8” (15.62 mm) gypsum wallboard in average size rooms, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 1,700 sq.ft. (157.93 sq.m) of board (one-layer wall and ceiling) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
Labor Placing Gypsum Wallboard in Shafts-Screwed. When placing 1/2” (12.50 mm) wallboard in shafts, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection in shafts should place about 400 sq.ft. (37.16 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
Jeampenter 16.00 |$35.04] $560.64 | Cost per sq.ft.
When placing 5/8” (16 mm) gypsum wallboard in shafts, 2 carpenters experienced in this work should place about 350 sq.ft. (32.51 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
per sq.m
When placing 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) core board in shafts, 2 carpenters experienced in this work should place about 400 sq.ft. (37.16 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
Labor Placing Gypsum Wallboard, Column Enclosures-Screwed. When placing 1/2” (12.50 mm) gypsum wallboard around columns, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 400 sq.ft. (37.16 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
When placing 5/8” (15.62 mm) gypsum wallboard around columns, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 350 sq.ft. (32.51 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
Labor Placing Gypsum Wallboard, Enclosures Around Beams and Soffits-Screwed. When placing 1/2” (12.50 mm) gypsum wallboard around beams and soffits, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 400 sq.ft. (37.16 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
When placing 5/8” (15.62 mm) gypsum wallboard around beams and soffits, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 350 sq.ft. (32.51 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
Labor Placing Gypsum Wallboard, Light Wells-Screwed. When placing 1/2” (12.50 mm) gypsum wallboard in light wells, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 400 sq.ft. (37.16 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
Competes —_] ot per sq.ft.
1600 [sssos} se.) 15.09
FINISHES When placing 5/8” (15.62 mm) gypsum wallboard in light wells, 2 carpenters experienced in wallboard erection should place about 350 sq.ft. (32.51 sq.m) of board per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per sq.ft. (sq.m):
$35.04 |§_ 560.64 SS 00
Cos ee pees per sq.m
Labor Finishing Gypsum Wallboard. The finishing of gypsum wallboard is a multi-step process of tape coat, block coat, skim coat, and point-up coat. Sanding between the block and skim coats is not required if the finisher is careful and a first class mechanic. The complete finishing labor for 1,000 sq.ft. (92.90 sq.m) of wallboard is as follows:
Carpenter - Block Coat
| 1.60 |$35.04]$
per sq.ft. per sq.m
Metal Studs and Furring
Stud framing and wall or ceiling furring on commercial projects is normally accomplished with light gauge metal studs, runner channels, and furring members instead of wood framing. This material is manufactured from cold rolled galvanized metal and is available in a number of sizes, shapes, and gauges. Metal Stud Partitions. Runner channels are channel shaped members that are positioned at the top and bottom of the studs, as in top and bottom plates for a wood stud partition. The runner channels are attached to the floor and overhead structure with nails, screws, or powder-actuated drive pins. The metal studs, which are channel shaped with a backbend to give stiffness, are placed within the web of the runner channels, located for on-
center spacing, plumbed, and screwed into place with a 3/8” (9.37 mm) panhead screw, top and bottom. The web of the metal studs have cutouts for the passage of conduit and piping. Runner channels and studs are made in 1-5/8” (40.62 mm), 2-1/2” (62.50 mm), 3-5/8” (91 mm), 4” (100 mm) and 6” (150 mm) widths in 25 ga.,
2-1/2” (62.50 mm), 3-5/8” (90.62 mm), 4” (100 mm), 6” (150 mm) widths in 20 ga., and 4” (100 mm), 6” (150 mm) widths in 18 ga. and 16 ga. metals.
Metal Runner
Metal Stud
i ‘4
2-Furring Channel
4 Ke"
1)” Furring
Metal .
The 25 ga. runners and studs are usually specified for non-loadbearing partitions up to 14’ (4.26 m) to 16’ (4.87 m) in height. Over this height and up to 22’ (6.70 m), the 20 ga. material is used. The 18 ga. and 16 ga. materials are used for greater heights, loadbearing walls, and for exterior wall construction where lateral pressure (wind loads) will be imposed, requiring greater stiffness and less deflection. Metal Furring. This material is made from 25 gauge metal in the following shapes: 1.
2. 3.
Z furring channel is used in conjunction with rigid insulation board when furring exterior wall surfaces. The hat shaped furring channel is used for furring walls and ceilings when insulation board is not required. The resilient channel is used primarily on ceilings to provide a separation between the gypsum panels and the framing members for the floor above. It is used extensively in wood framed garden apartments for noise dampening between apartment units.
Estimating Material Quantities. To determine the quantity of runner channel, studs, and fasteners for a partition, the estimator would measure the total length of partition to be erected. Note the thickness and gauge of materials specified, ascertain the height of the partition for length of studs, ascertain the required spacing of studs, and add extras for door or window openings and at corners, and determine what type and spacing of fasteners is required for attachment of the runner channels to the floor and overhead structure. Horizontal stud bridging or fire stops are usually not required as in wood frame partition, but be sure to check, because this item in metal is expensive to install. To determine the quantity of furring channel required, ascertain the on-center spacing of the members for quantity of pieces by the length of the members (height of wall, as furring members are usually vertically installed)
FINISHES to give total lineal feet (meters) to be installed. Determine the fastener type and spacing for attachment to the furring channel. Material Prices
25 ga.-
25 ga.-
40.63 mm
1,000 Lin.Ft. | 100 Lin.M.
) Runner Channel
( 40.63 mm ) Stud
62.50 mm_)
Runner Channel
25 ga.-
(90.63 mm_)
25 ga. -
25 ga.-
6" (150.00 mm ) Stud
25 ga.-
Eaice per
(100.00 mm
_) Runner Channel
"(0.00 mm ) Resilient Channel ( 62.50 mm
Serres 00
Runner Channel
20 ga.-
20 ga.-
20 ga.-
35/8" ( 90.63 mm ) Stud
) Runner Channel
(62.50 mm ) Stud
20 ga.-
4" ( 100.00 mm ) Stud
20 ga. -
(150.00 mm_)
20 ga.-
(150.00 mm _) Stud
Runner Channel
Pan Head Screws
Cost per
Cost per
Powder Actuated Drive Pins (avg. cost inc. shot)
Example. The following list of material quantities would be required for a metal stud partition 200 lin.ft. (60 m) long, 10 lin.ft. (3 m) high, stud at 24” (600 mm) o.c., 25 ga. metal and installed with drive pins at 24” (600 mm) 0.c., top and bottom to concrete slabs:
2-1/2” (62.50 mm)25 ga. Runner, 400 lin. ft.(121.92 lin.M)
$ 104.80
2-1/2” (62.50 mm) 25 ga. Stud, 1” (25 mm) Drive Pins -202 ea.
$ 290.88 oS 1050
3/8” (9 mm) Pan Screws - 0.4 M
$ Bs
ost for 200 lin. ft.
Add extra studs for door and window openings and corners.
Labor to Install Metal Stud Partitions. Using the above example given for materials, 2 carpenters should erect the 200 lin.ft. (60.96 m) of partition at the following labor cost:
ayout Wall Line
asten Bottom Runner |Lsasten Top Runner
$ 140.16 $ 140.16
nstall Studs
lumb & Screw Studs |
Cost for 200 lin.ft. per lin. ft. per lin.M.
Ceramic tile provides a durable, colorful surface that is virtually maintenance-free. Its applications include interior and exterior finishes for functional and decorative purposes in all types of structures. Special uses include acid resistant and electrically conductive installations. Ceramic tile is available in many sizes, shapes, and finishes. Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile. This has an impervious facial finish fused onto the body ofthe tile. The glazed surface comes in a wide variety of colors. The Porcelain Enamel Institute (P.E.I) has set up a guide to durability. The grades ratings measure the wear resistance of the tile surface. They do not rate the quality or price oftile. Class I — No foot traffic: Basically for residential bathrooms where softer footwear is worn. Note that many manufactures do not produce this class of tile. Class II — Light Traffic: For residential traffic, except kitchens, entrance halls, and other heavy traffic areas within a residential dwelling. Class III - For all residential and light commercial areas such as office and reception areas. Class TV — Moderate to Heavy Traffic: For medium commercial and light institutional applications such as restaurants hotels, hospital lobbies and corridors. This class of tile is also used in homes Class V — Heavy to Extra Heavy Traffic: For heavy traffic and wet areas such as walkways, shopping centers, building entrances, food service areas and around Swimming pools. This class oftile usually is not used in homes due to what can be called a commercial look.
Ceramic Mosaic Tile. This tile, either glazed or unglazed, has a facial area of less than 6 sq. in. and is usually mounted on sheets or mesh, about 2’ x 1’ (0.61 x 0.30 m), to facilitate setting.
Quarry Tile. This is a rugged ceramic tile used primarily as a finish flooring, interior and exterior, where a long wearing, easily cleanable surface is desired. Recent developments in the ceramic tile industry make it necessary to stress the importance of relating tile costs to each individual job specification. Glazed ceramic wall tile, for example, can be backmounted
or unmounted,
and can be installed using conventional portland cement mortar, various types of adhesives, or the more recently developed “dry-set” portland cement mortar.
All of these variations
can affect costs, both material
and labor.
Review job requirements carefully before doing the estimate. However, the estimator’s job has been simplified in recent years. Virtually the entire ceramic tile industry has adopted a “simplified practice”, prepared under the auspices of the Tile Council of America, which has reduced the number of sizes and shapes and which has established generally recognized standards for the industry. Estimating Quantities. Ceramic tile is estimated by the square foot, with trim pieces such as base, cap, etc. being estimated by the lineal foot. The estimator should deduct door and window openings, but the trim pieces necessary to finish the openings must be added. The quantities should be related to the type and size of ceramic tile, since these items will affect the
cost of the ceramic tile when priced. Estimate Composition. include the following items:
tile estimate
Cost of ceramic tile delivered to the job site.
Cost of accessory materials such as wire mesh, sand, and cement for
floor fill under ceramic tile. Cost of mixing and placing floor fill. ahh Direct labor cost of laying and cleaning the ceramic tile. 5. The ceramic tile contractor’s overhead and profit. Variable Factors Influencing Costs. As in the other construction trades, estimating the labor costs of setting ceramic tile requires an intimate knowledge of the labor market in which the work is to be performed. Wage rates vary throughout the country, and it is important the estimator determine the rate in his locality. Ceramic tile is unique in that it is often necessary to install it in very small quantities (for example, in 1 or 2 bathrooms in a house), and the costs
can vary greatly. But such small installations are the exception, and the costs given below are based on the assumption that areas involved are large enough to permit the tile contractor to operate efficiently. These costs are based on 4-1/4” x 4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) glazed wall tile, 1” x 1” (25 x 25 mm) ceramic mosaic tile, and 6” x 6” x 1/2”
(150 x 150 x 12.50 mm) quarry tile, since these are the sizes most commonly employed. If other sizes are specified, substitute the material price only. For all practical purposes, the labor cost remains constant regardless of size. The
developed costs do not include areas where an unusually large amount oftrim is required. Make an allowance for extra trim pieces in such special cases. Setting Methods. Three common methods of adhering ceramic tile to a subsurface are described below. Conventional Portland Cement Mortar Method. This method is to bond each ceramic tile with a layer of pure portland cement paste to a portland cement setting bed. This is done while the setting bed is still plastic. Wall tile must be soaked in water so that the water needed for curing is not absorbed from the paste. This is the traditionally accepted method, but it is also the costliest method. Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar Method. This method uses a dry curing portland cement mortar, accomplished through the use of water retaining additives, and has made ceramic tile installation cheaper and simpler. “Dry-set” is ideally suitable for use with concrete masonry, brick, poured concrete, and portland cement plaster. It should not be used over wood or gypsum plaster. Labor costs are appreciably reduced when this method is used. Water-Resistant Organic Adhesive. Organic adhesives can be used over smooth base materials, such as wallboards, plywood, and metal. Labor productivity is comparable to that of “dry-set” mortar. Labor Productivity per Sq.Ft. (Sq.M) per Team Day Team is | Tile Setter and | Helper Face
| mounted
| mounted
Face mounted |Back mounted}
‘eramic mosaic
uarry tile
MO = 15 “Dry-Set” Mortar
Organic Adhesive
Glazed wall tile
76 | 20020040] a
20 - 140]125 - ae 50 - 175/175 - 200] =~ Lin.Ft
G a ne
L115 - 13.01}11.61 - 13.94 [13.94 - 16.26|16.26 - 18.58 Lin.M.
FINISHES Approximate Prices of Ceramic Tile Materials Ceramic Wall Tile
= lat
tile, all colors, incl. white
aaa ite Me eee am Mme eet eran reel 5
]106.25 x 112.50 mm]
llid MEnie
$ 14.53
Gt KeB ANS. 10.85.
eee 0a 2"x__6"|$ AA x 41/4" ara Nx Caria"
Double bullnose
0.85] 50.00 x150.00 mm] $9.15] 150.00 x_ 150.00 mm] $ 12.38 150.00 x 150.00 mm| $_12.92 |
150.00 x 150.00 mm] $ 16.15
Miscellaneous trim shapes
6 "x 33/4" 9"x_51/8"|$
2.20 }225.00 x 128.13 mm] $23.68 |
*Prices are for stretchers, for angles, multiply prices by two. Ceramic Mosaic Tile Description - Unglazed, Modular, Solid Color
Whites &
Size, inches
Grays per
25.00 x 25.00 mm
50.00 x 25.00 mm 3/4” Series trim pieces same price as 1” Series
Various manufacturers furnish, as standard items, patterns made from combinations of modular tile sizes and colors. Prices vary depending on number
of different
of colors,
of colors
Patterns such as these are too numerous to itemize, but the general range is from $1.90 to $2.40 per sq.ft. ($20.45 to 25.83 per sq.m). There are exceptions to this range, and when a specific pattern price is needed, check with the specific supplier.
Price per Sq.Ft.
Abrasive Ceramic Mosaic Tile
35. = $5.12
A ee Oe et
Glazed Textured Finish Ceramic Mosaic Tile
eae bl
nae) eel
Abrasive Granitized Ceramic Mosaic Tile
Price per Sq.M
Fab 2882497)
tw ies)S)
es ie oe
IalTY SIMI “Nn w]rm]fr]r 56 nln es. i S|RI|coslolo|ls
$ 55.11
- $237.67
Venetian glass mosaics, mounted on sheets 12-1/4” x 12-1/4” (306.25 x 306.25 mm) square, are $3.71 per sq.ft. ($39.93 per sq.m) for 3/4” x 3/4” (18.75 x 18.75 mm), $4.10 per sq.ft. ($44.13 per sq.m) for 1” x 1” (25 x 25 mm) and $4.35 per sq.ft. ($46.82 per sq.m) for 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” (37.50 x 37.50 mm). Metallic finishes run considerably more. Beads and coves for glass mosaics will run $3.00 per lin.ft. ($9.84 per m).
Sculptured tiles which can be used for wall surfacing, murals, screens, and sculpture are available in a wide range of ceramic designs and treatments. Design-Technics of New York have tiles in sizes 4-1/4” x 8-1/2” x 1/4” (106.25 x 212.50 x 6.25 mm) at approximately $6.00 to $7.50 per sq.ft. ($64.58 to $80.73 per sq.m), 12” x 12” x 3/8” (300 x 300 x 9.37 mm) at $7.50 to $9.30 per sq.ft. ($80.73 to $100.10 per sq.m), and 12” x 12” x 1-3/8” (300 x 300 x 34.37 mm) at $9.70 to $11.50 per sq.ft. ($104.41 to $123.79 per sq.m). Quarry Tile Size, Inches
Deep red, plain surface,
62x 6 es 1S Ge BIA
Size, mm
Price per
2208 UE S50 «150100. x 219 50 mmm |. 99.99
6"x 6"x_3/4"1$ 6"x_6"x_3/4"1$
3.60] 150 x 150.00 x_18.75 mm] $_38.75| 4.40] 150 x_150.00 x_18.75 mm] $_47.36 |
Other colors, with the exception of green, are virtually the same price as the red shown above. Green in the 6” x 6” x 1/2” (150x150x13mm) size costs $3.00 per sq.ft. ($32.29 per sq.m). Extras, when specified, are:
Was coBt Sapien oan aeae
enw aie
8"x 4"x
100x 43.75 mm
tray packed
8"x 4"x
100 x 43.75 mm )
[iniscaled carton
244) 5426.26)
There are many specially cast heavy floor and wall tiles that compliment the popular provincial and country modes. Many ofthese are quite expensive and are not regularly stocked. Always check locally for availability and prices, and for similar tiles that might be allowed for substitution. Ceramic Tile Bathroom Accessories
Numerous ceramic tile bathroom accessories are available in a variety of sizes and qualities. They may be recessed or surface mounted, and they come in the full range oftile colors. Some of the more commonly used items are as follows:
Pri piece
Recessed soap holder
Recessed glass holder {Roll paper holder
12275 15.90
Decorative Ceramic Wall Tiles
Glazed ceramic wall tile containing designs as an integral part of each piece of tile is also available. Normally supplied in 4-1/4” x 4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) and 6” x 6” (150 x 150 mm) sizes, the price ofthis material will vary with the design selected and number of colors in the design. If the design is known, the estimator should obtain a firm price from a supplier.
Description Inches
Price per Sq.Ft.
Description mm
] : 8.53 _6"1$ 2.50 ]150.00 x 150.00 mm] $ 26.91
6"x Two colors,
41/4"x .
Organic adhesive
41/4"|$ "1 $
3.20 3.00
106.25 x 106.25 mm] $150.00 x 150.00 mm
35 125 100 15_ = 20
$ 34.4 2
SqFt. pergal
Lbs. per 100 Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft. per gal Sq.Ft. per Unit* SqFt. prIb ** Sakic
$ 0.67
per Lb
*Unit consists of 1gallon (3.785 liters) liquid and 34 lbs. (15.3 kg) aggregate. **When used with 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" (106.25 x 106.25 mm) tile
Ceramic Tile Adhesives and Accessory Materials - Metric
3.07 _- 4.1 sq.m/kg 2.46 - 3.1 _sq.mlkg *Unit consists of 1gallon (3.785 liters) liquid and 34 lbs. (15.3 kg) aggregate. **When used with 4-1/4" x 4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) tile.
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 4-1/4”x4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm)
Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile Using Conventional Mortar Method ofInstallation ( Unmounted Tile)
100 sq.ft. (9 sq.m) glazed wall tile 7 Ibs. (3.15 kg) wet tile grout mix
$ 2.00}
$ 200.00
FINISHES Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 4-1/4x4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile Using Conventional Mortar Method ofInstallation ( Unmounted Tile)
ee Cost per sq.ft.
Hotits | Rate | Total | $4.61
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 4-1/4x4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile Using Water Resistant Organic adhesive (Unmounted Tile)
9 Ibs. (4.05 kg) dry tile grout mix Cost per 100 sq.ft.
$ 0.
per sq.m
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 4-1/4”x4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile Using Water Resistant Organic adhesive (Unmounted Tile)
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 4-1/4x4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar (Unmounted Tile)
35 Ibs. (16.75 kg) “dry-set” mortar mix
100 sq.ft. (9 sq.m) glazed wall tile 9 Ibs. (4.05 kg) dry tile grout mix
SROMZNTS a eeoe20 $ 2.00 |$ 200.00 $ 0.56}$ 5.04
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 4-1/4x4-1/4” (106.25 x 106.25 mm) Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar (Unmounted Tile)
|S 3.42 $3.42 |
per sq.m
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1°x1” (25 x 25 mm) Ceramic Mosaic Tile Floors Using Conventional Mortar Method of Installation (Face-Mounted Tile)
4 cu.ft. (0.11 cu.m) sand 17 Ibs. (7.65 kg) wet tile grout mix
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1”°x1” (25 x 25 mm)
Ceramic Mosaic Tile Floors Using Conventional Mortar Method ofInstallation (Face-Mounted Tile)
Material Cost of 100 Sqibts O29 Sq Mi) all 2 (25x 25 mm)
Ceramic Mosaic Tile Floors Using Water Resistant Organic Adhesive (Face-Mounted Tile) 2.5 gals. (9.46 liters) adhesive
FINISHES Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1x1” (25 x 25 mm) Ceramic Mosaic Tile Floors Using Water Resistant Organic Adhesive (Face-Mounted Tile)
Hours TRate [Total |
| Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1”x1” (25 x 25 mm)
Ceramic Mosaic Tile Floors Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar (Face-Mounted Tile)
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1x1” (25 x 25 mm)
Ceramic Mosaic Tile Floors Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar (Face-Mounted Tile)
peilevSecteree 2
ee [PO STANT |$5307.53.)
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1°x1” (25 x 25 mm)
Ceramic Mosaic Tile on Walls Using Conventional Mortar Method ofInstallation (Face-Mounted Tile)
2 sacks portland cement 4 cu.ft. (0.11 cu.m) sand
$ 6.00]$ $ 0.72
100 sq.ft. (9 sq.m) ceramic mosaic tile
$ 1.91
17 Ibs. (7.65 kg) wet tile grout mix
$ 0.41
]$ 191.00
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1°x1” (25 x 25 mm)
Ceramic Mosaic Tile on Walls Using Conventional Mortar Method of Installation (Face-Mounted Tile)
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1°x1” (25 x 25 mm)
Ceramic Mosaic Tile on Walls Using Water Resistant Organic Adhesive (Face-Mounted Tile)
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1x1” (25 x 25 mm) Ceramic Mosaic Tile on Walls Using Water Resistant Organic Adhesive (Face-Mounted Tile)
rite Setter 00 ae 3075) Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1”°x1” (25 x 25 mm) Ceramic Mosaic Tile on Walls Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar (Face-Mounted Tile)
1 cu.ft. (0.02 cu.m) sand
100 sq.ft. (9 sq.m) ceramic mosaic tile
23 Ibs. (10.35 kg) dry tile grout mix
per sq.m
0.72 191200
FINISHES Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 1”x1” (25 x 25 mm) Ceramic Mosaic Tile on Walls Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar (Face-Mounted Tile)
Le et Desctiptions EHS ce se PO
[Hours [Rate | Totals | 00. [34.17 besser |
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 6” x 6”x 1/2” (150 x 150 x 12.50 mm) Quarry Tile Floors Using Conventoional Mortar Method of Installation
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 6” x 6x 1/2” (150 x 150 x 12.50 mm)
Quarry Tile Floors Using Conventoional Mortar Method of Installation
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 6” x 6”x 1/2” (150 x 150 x 12.50 mm) Quarry Tile Floors Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar
35 Ibs. (15.75 kg) “dry-set” mortar Mix
2 cu.ft. (0.06 cu.m) of sand 100 sq.ft. (9 sq.m) quarry tile plain surface
35 Ibs. (15.75 kg) Portland cement grout
$1.44 SEO
Cost per 100 sq.ft.
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of 6” x 6”x 1/2” (150 x 150 x 12.50 mm)
Quarry Tile Floors Using "Dry-Set" Portland Cement Mortar
Material Cost of 100 Lin.Ft. (30.48 M) of Cove or Base
(Ceramic or Quarry Tile)
100 lin.ft. (30 m) cove
$ 255.00
Adhesive or mortar-allow
$ 9.54 | $
Labor Cost of 100 Lin.Ft. (30.48 M) of Cove or Base (Ceramic or Quarry Tile)
Material Cost of 100 Lin.Ft. (30.48 M) of Wainscot Cap
Labor Cost of 100 Lin.Ft. (30.48 M) of Wainscot Cap (Glazed Ceramic Wall Tile)
Cost per lin.ft.
Placing Cement Floor Fill. Cement floor fill under ceramic tile floors is usually placed by tile setters and helpers (one tile setter and one or two helpers working together). The fill is placed one or two days in advance
FINISHES of the tile if the overall thickness from rough floor to finished tile surface is over 3” (75 mm). For 3” (75 mm) thickness and under, fill and setting bed
may be placed in one operation. When such tile floors are to be placed over wood subfloors, it is necessary to first place a layer of waterproof building paper and a layer of wire mesh reinforcing before placing the fill. A tile setter and two helpers should place 450 to 500 sq.ft. (41.80 to 46.45 sq.m) of fill per 8-hour day in areas large enough to permit efficient operations, at the following cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
HDCT Aton k toawaited atdvelA uf neiiailen wieets fon Aubn) Bind0:56 eH SET Pt pe elite Aas oe weal) Lynd GOS Labor Costs
Tile Setter Helpe
| 3.00 |$26.16[$
Metal Wall Tile
Wall tile of aluminum, having a baked enamel finish in various colors, or tile of copper or stainless steel are used for the same purposes. They require the same type of base and are applied with adhesive. A worker will apply about 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) per day. Metal tile mastic weighs about 16 Ibs. per gal. (1.92 kg per liter), and it requires 1/2 lb. per sq.ft. (2.5 kg per sq.m), or one gal. (3.78 liters) is sufficient for 32 sq.ft. (2.97 sq.m) of tile. Price about $11.90 per gal. Aluminum metal tile cost about $2.25 per sq.ft. ($24.22 per sq.m). Copper or stainless steel tile cost about $5.55 per sq.ft. ($59.74 per sq.m). MARBLE
To prepare an accurate estimate of cost on marble work, the estimator should understand the correct method of measuring and listing quantities from the plans, the manner in which the marble should be handled and set on the job, as well as the most economical and practical methods of handling the work.
When estimating marble wainscoting, it is incorrect to take the height of the wainscot from the floor to the cap and multiply by the number of lin. ft. (meters), because in all probability the wainscot is made up of three members, (base, die, and cap) and each member should be estimated separately: the base and cap by the lin. ft. (meters) and the die by the square foot (square meter). The length and size of the pieces of marble has considerable bearing on the labor cost, because it usually costs as much to set a 6” (150 mm) piece
as one 2’-0” (0.60 m) long, so that a job made up of short pieces will cost more per foot than a job having a larger percentage of long pieces of marble. Trade Practice. Trade practice in the marble industry recognizes all marbles and stones commonly used for interior building purposes, as falling within one of four groups or classifications, according to their respective characteristics and working qualities. Therefore, for purposes of standardization
and clearer definition, the Marble
Institute of America
officially adopted these four classifications: Group A: Sound marbles and stones that require no sticking, waxing, or filling; characteristically uniform and favorable working qualities. Group B: Marbles and stones similar in character to the preceding group but somewhat less favorable working qualities; occasional natural faults and requiring a limited amount of waxing and sticking. Group C: Marbles of uncertain variation in working qualities, geological
flaws, voids, veins, and lines of separation common;
shop practice to repair nature’s shortcomings by sticking, waxing, and filling; liners and other forms of reinforcement freely employed when necessary. Group D: Marbles and stones similar to the preceding group and subject to the same methods of finishing and manufacture but embracing those materials that contain a larger proportion of natural faults and a maximum variation in working qualities, etc. This group comprises many of the highly colored marbles prized for their decorative qualities. Below is a list of some of the more commonly marbles and stones and the groups to which they belong: Group A Alabama-usual grades
Napoleon Gray (Vt.)
Blanco P Brocadillo, Vermont Carthage
Tennessee, Gray and Pink Vermont, Black Vermont, White Grades
Georgia Italian White Italian English Vein
Vermont Pavonazzo Westland Green Vein Cream
Group B Alabama Cream Veined A Belgian Black
used varieties of
Imperial Black, Tenn. Mankato Buff
Champville Cremo Italian
Travertine (Italian)
Group C Belgian Grand Antique Bois Jourdan Botticino Breche Opal Escalette
Red Levanto Red Verona Rosato Tavernelle, all types Verdona
Verona, Yellow
Mankato Pink Ozark Rouge
Vermont Verde Antique Westfield Green
Group D Alps Green Black and Gold Bleu Belge Breche Oriental
Grand Antique, Italian Onyx, Pedrara Rouge Antique Sienna
Forest Green
Verde Antico (Italian)
Grand Antique, French
Vert St. Denis
Estimating Quantities of Marble Work. When measuring and listing quantities of marble work from the plans, there are several general rules that should be followed to insure accuracy. To estimate accurately the quantity of marble base, obtain the number of lineal feet (meters) of base, listing the various heights separately. All base under 1’-0” (0.30 m) high is extended and priced on a lineal foot (meter) basis. All base 1’-0” (0.30 m) or over is extended and priced on a square foot (square meter) basis. Always bear in mind that no piece of marble should be figured as being less than 1’-0” (0.30 m) long, as it requires just as much time to set a 6” (150 mm) piece as one 2’-0” (0.61 m) long. Short pieces are usually found around pilasters, door and window returns, and the like. Marble die is estimated by the square foot (square meter), and the labor costs computed in the same manner. When listing quantities, obtain the length of each run and multiply by the height, and the result will be the number of sq. ft. (sq.m) of die. If marble pilasters project beyond the face of the wall, list each projection according to its actual dimensions, and if less than a 6” (150 mm) projection, it should be priced as 6” (150 mm) wide, but if the pilasters are over 6” (150 mm) wide, then use actual dimensions. Marble wainscot cap under 1’-0” (0.30 m) wide or any marble under 1’-0” (0.30 m) wide, should be measured by the lineal foot (meter). Marble stair treads should be measured by the square foot (square meter), as they are ordinarily 12” (300 mm) or more in width. Be sure to mention length, width, and thickness of all treads, type of nosing, etc. Marble stair risers should be estimated by the lin. ft. (meter) giving length, height, and thickness of each riser. It costs practically as much to set a
short riser as a long one.
When estimating toilet stall work consisting of toilet backs, partitions, stall fronts, stiles, etc., the fronts should be estimated by the square foot (square meter) if over 12” (300 mm) wide and by the lin. ft. (meter) if less than 12” (300 mm) wide. Partitions and backs should be estimated by the
square foot (square meter). Marble cap is usually estimated by the lin. ft. (meter). Some marble contractors figure toilet work at a certain price per stall, including all labor in connection with same, although most contractors recommend pricing on a square or lineal foot (meter) basis. Marble column bases and caps formed of solid stock over 2” (50 mm)
thick, should be estimated at a certain price for each base or cap, mentioning the size and number of cu.ft. (cu.m) in each. Marble floor tile and border are usually estimated by the square foot (square meter), giving size of tile, such as 6” x 6” (150 x 150 mm), 9” x 9” (225 x 225 mm), 12” x 12” (300 x 300 mm), etc. Small or irregular sized tile, such as dots, etc., are estimated in the same manner, except that a notation should be made of the class of work, as it costs more to lay small and irregular shaped tile.
Marble handrail, moldings, etc., should be estimated by the lin. ft. (meter), giving the size of each, in order that the quantities may also be stated in cu.ft. (cu.m) if over 2” (50 mm) thick. All classes of circular work, such as base, wainscot, or die, should be
estimated in the same units as straight work, except that circular work should be estimated separately, because it usually requires considerably more cutting and fitting than straight work. All marble work cut and set “on the rake’, such as stair wainscoting,
wainscoting under stairs, etc., should be estimated by the sq.ft. (sq.m), using the largest dimensions. Work ofthis kind should be estimated separately as it is more expensive to set than straight work. Handling and Setting Interior Marble. Estimating the labor cost of handling and setting interior marble will depend much on the conditions under which the work is performed. The amount of labor handling, sorting, and distributing the marble on the job before it is set should be considered, and also whether it is necessary to hoist the marble above the first floor, because this will require considerably more handling. The average size of the pieces should be considered, such as the average length of base, size and thickness of wainscot, length of thresholds, treads, risers, and caps.It costs almost as much to handle and set a short piece of marble as a long one. This is especially true on stock that can be handled by one person. The labor costs given below are based on the performance of an average crew. If it is necessary to hire temporary workers, daily production may decrease as much as 25%. On practically all jobs it is necessary to have laborers handle the marble and distribute it ready for the setters, although in some localities, all marble must be handled by marble setters and helpers.
FINISHES Hoisting Marble. The proposal sheet of practically all marble contractors states that the marble contractor shall have free use of the general contractor’s hoisting facilities, ranways, etc., so for this reason no allowance
has been made for hoisting in the following estimates of cost. However, if it is necessary for the marble contractor to pay for the use of hoist for hoisting marble to the upper floors of a building, figure about 1/2 hr. hoist time per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of marble. Trucking on Marble From Mill or Cars to Job. If the marble is furnished by an out of town mill and it is necessary to haul it in trucks from cars to the job, the cost will vary with the length of the haul. If the marble 1s furnished by a mill located in the same town, the price of the marble will probably include delivery to the job. Marble Contractor’s Foreman Expense. It is necessary to have a foreman on all jobs of any size to supervise the arrival, unloading, and distribution of the stock, as well as to lay out the work and supervise the setting. On average allow 1/16 to 1/8 hr. foreman time to each hour setter’s time, depending on the size of the job and the number of setters employed. (Most small jobs will not require a foreman.) Average Labor Cost Setting Interior Marble. While the labor cost of marble setting varies with the kind of material handled, some of the large
marble companies estimate the setting cost of the entire job at a certain price per foot. The quantities for the entire job are taken, which include base, cap, wainscot or die, treads, risers, etc., and the labor is priced per sq.ft. (sq.m); 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) should cost as follows:
orhelper_ «8.00 Labor
§ § 410.04 $34.17|$ 410.04 $_209.28 |$26.16]
The above price includes setting on jobs consisting principally of 7/8” (22 mm)
1-1/4” (31 mm)
stock. If 2” (50 mm)
is used, the
handling and setting cost will increase considerably, and the labor per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) should cost as follows:
On jobs having an average amount of base, wainscot or die, cap, toilet stalls, treads and risers, etc., the above prices will prove close enough, but where there are large quantities of any one class of work, it is advisable to refer to that particular class of work to obtain accurate quantities and costs. Setting Marble Base. The cost of setting marble base varies with the size of the rooms, whether straight walls or broken up with pilasters, piers, etc., and whether the job consists of long or short pieces ofbase. In small corridors and other spaces having numerous pilasters, piers, etc., requiring short pieces of base, a setter and helper should set 60 to 75 lin.ft. (18.29 to 22.86 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin. ft. (30.48 m):
If the base can be set in reasonably long pieces, a marble setter and helper should set 80 to 100 lin.ft. (24 to 30 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m): = oreman Marble settet 208 TA
| 1.00 [$38.17] $ 38.17 | | 9,00 1934.17 8 230788 | 9.00 | $ 307.53 § 8.00
|e (@)
Setting Circular Base. Setting circular base costs about double the cost of straight work of the same kind set under similar conditions. There is usually considerable cutting and fitting on all circular work. Setting Marble Wainscot or Die. The labor cost of setting marble wainscot or die will vary with the size of the pieces, the height of the wainscot or die, etc. A marble setter will set almost as many lin.ft. (meters) of 5’-0” (1.52 m) wainscot as 3-0” (0.91 m) wainscot. The labor cost handling
stock will be increased somewhat, as it will require 2 to 4 laborers or helpers to handle each piece of marble and place it on the floor ready for the setter, while lighter stock, such as base, risers, treads, etc., can be handled by one worker. Setting Marble Wainscot Up to 3’-0” (0.91 m) High. When setting marble wainscot up to 3-0” (0.91 m) high, a marble setter and helper should
FINISHES set 22 to 26 lin.ft. (6.70 to 7.72 m) containing 66 to 78 sq.ft. (6.13 to 7.24 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
@ ost 100 sq.ft.
$10.18 $109.61
The cost of setting circular wainscot or die will run about double the cost of straight work on account ofthe extra cutting and fitting. Setting Marble Wainscot 3’-0” (0.9 m) to 4’-0” (1.21 m) High. A marble setter and helper should set 20 to 25 lin.ft. (6.09 to 7.62 m) containing 75 to 90 sq.ft. (6.96 to 8.36 sq.m) of wainscot per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Labor or helper
The cost of setting circular wainscot or die will run about double the cost of straight work on account of the extra cutting and fitting. Setting Marble Wainscot 4’-0” (1.21 m) to 5’-0” (1.52 m) High. Where the marble wainscot varies from 4’-0” to 5’-0” (1.21 to 1.52 m) high,
a marble setter and helper should set 20 to 23 lin.ft. (6.09 to 7.01 m) containing 85 to 100 sq.ft. (7.89 to 9.290 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Rate | Total | Hours |ption | [CCSCSCSCSCéDescri Borgia Ue Wes CRS ISAG eck 5. eae S $34.17 |$307.53
Marble Setter Helper Labor or helper ICost 100 sq.ft.
| $26.16]
$ 209.28 S
pper Sq .m
The cost of setting circular wainscot or die will run about double the cost of straight work on account of the extra cutting and fitting. Setting Marble Wainscot Over 5’-0” (1.52m) High. When
marble wainscot 5’-0” to 7’-0” (1.52 to 2.13 m) high, a marble setter and
helper should set 90 to 110 sq.ft. (8.36 to 10.21 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m): Description
per sq.m
The cost of setting circular wainscot or die will run about double the cost of straight work on account ofthe extra cutting and fitting. Wainscot over 7’-0” (2.13 m) high will require working from a scaffold, which decreases the production considerably. In such cases the labor cost of that portion of wainscot over 7’-0” (2.13 m) high should be
increased 50% to 100%, and the cost of erecting and removing steel tubular scaffold should be added. Setting Marble Wainscot Cap. When setting marble wainscot cap, a marble setter and helper should set 60 to 75 lin.ft. (18.28 to 22.86 m) per 8hr. day, at the following cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
$38.17|$ 57.26 $_410.04 Marble Setter Helper
Setting Marble Stair Treads. The cost of setting marble stair treads will vary with the thickness and length of the treads. The shorter each piece of marble, the higher the cost per lin. ft. (meter). If the treads are 3’-0” (0.91 m) to 3’-6” (1.06 m) long and
(31.25 mm) thick, a marble setter and helper should set 20 to 22 treads containing 60 to 77 lin.ft. (18.29 to 23.46 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
If the treads vary from 4’-0” to 6’-0” (1.21 to 1.82 m) long, a marble
setter and helper should set 80 to 90 lin.ft. (24.38 to 27.43 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Speineiees ee Mpp et
Setting Marble Stair Risers. The cost of setting marble stair risers will vary with the length ofthe pieces of marble, width of stairs, etc. Where the stairs are 3°-0” to 3’-6” (0.91 to 1.06 m) wide, a marble setter and helper should set 60 to 75 lin.ft. (18.28 to 22.86 m) of risers per 8hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Cie mh Bry
eednd Soe wet wheres cpl SOL) S98 SL BST26 |
Labor or helper
$26.16 |$ 209.28
ee Reenliees MPaidats a fel Se t baeit gabe e pe If the marble stairs are over 4’-0” (1.21 m) wide, a marble setter and
helper should set 80 to 90 lin.ft. (24.38 to 27.43 m) of risers per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
Description Foreman
Labor or helper
per lin.M.
Setting Marble Stair Wainscot on the Rake. Where marble wainscoting is set on the rake of the stairs, the labor cost will run considerably higher than straight work on account of the additional cutting and fitting necessary. If the wainscoting is 3’-0” to 3’-6” (0.91 to 1.06 m) high, a marble
setter and helper should set 10 to 15 lin.ft. (3.04 to 4.57 m) containing 35 to 45 sq.ft. (3.25 to 4.18 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sqtin(9.29 Sqn):
$_ 683.40 Labor helper) or 18200 [$26.16 [8 209.28 |
the wainscot
is 5’-0”
to 7’-0”
(1.52 to 2.13
m) high and
follows the rake of the stairs, a marble setter and helper should set 50 to 65 sq.ft. (4.65 to 6.03 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Setting Marble Toilet Stalls and Partitions. The cost of handling and setting marble toilet stalls, backs, partitions, stiles, etc., will vary greatly with the individual job. On work of this kind, the marble partition slabs are seldom less than 5’-0” (1.52 m) in height and width and each slab contains 25 to 30 sq.ft. (2.32 to 2.78 m) of marble. The backs are usually the same height as the partitions but not so wide and each back contains 16 to 20 sq.ft. (1.48
FINISHES to 1.85 sq.m) of marble. The stall fronts or stiles are usually 6” (150 mm) to 8” (200 mm) wide and 6’-0” (1.82 m) to 7’-0” (2.13 m) high and extend to the floor to support the dividing partitions where metal standards are not used. As an average on toilet stall work, a good marble setter should complete a stall in 3 to 3-1/2 hours, after the marble backs are in place. Since the average partition contains about 25 sq.ft. (2.32 sq.m) and each stile and cap about 7 sq.ft. (0.65 sq.m), a setter and helper should set 75 to 80 sq.ft. (6.96 to 7.43 sq.m) of marble per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost for one complete stall exclusive of back:
Labor or helper Toilet partition work is estimated by the sq. ft. (sq.m) by most marble contractors.
Setting usually 6’-0” should set 75 labor cost per
Marble Toilet Backs. The marble backs for toilet stalls are to 7’-0” (1.82 to 2.13 m) high. A marble setter and helper to 85 sq.ft. (6.75-7.65 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Labor or helper
| 8.00. | $26.16
Cost 100 sq.ft.
$341.70 $341.70 § 209.28 5 938.48 9.38
sg er pet
Setting Marble Door and Window Trim. A marble setter and helper should set 45 to 55 lin.ft. (13.71 to 16.76 m) of marble door and window trim
or casings per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m):
| Total Raten io House] Descript |876.34 | 838.17 2.00 Cd Foreman $546.72 | | [834.17 «00 C S r S Marblesette |8546.72 | =* «6.00 |$34.17 Helper SSSSSC SS Setter —— [Marble Labor or helper
Cost 100. lin.ft.
Setting Marble Countertops. When setting marble countertops, a marble setter and helper should set 75 to 85 sq.ft. (6.96 to 7.89 sq.m) per 8hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Labor or helper
$ 209.28
Setting Marble Thresholds. When setting marble thresholds 3’-0” to 3’-6” (0.91 to 1.09 m) long, a marble setter and helper should set 12 to 14 thresholds per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost each:
Setting Marble Plinths. When setting marble plinths at door openings, a marble setter and helper should set 20 to 25 plinths per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 plinths:
Labor or helper
Setting Marble Stair Railings and Balusters. On jobs having marble balusters up to 6” (150 mm) in diameter and 2’-6” (0.76 m) long, a marble setter and helper should set about 20 balusters per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 balusters:
Foreman 5 Labor 16.00 orhelper_ Cost 100 balusters
Hours 5.00 38d
[$26.16 $3,343.01
$33.43 Setting Marble Ashlar. Where marble ashlar is used for the interior walls of buildings, it is customary to use 7/8” (21.87 mm) or 1-1/4” (31.25
FINISHES mm) marble and the method of handling and setting is similar to that used for setting exterior work, as it is often necessary to use a light breast derrick to set the marble. On work of this kind, a marble setter and helper should handle and set 60 to 80 sq.ft. (5.57 to 7.43 sq.m) of ashlar per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
$34.17 Cost 100 sq.ft.
Ete. On jobs having light
marble moldings, stair handrail, well hole rail, etc., where the marble is about
6” (150 mm) square and furnished in reasonably long pieces, a marble setter and helper should set 75 to 85 lin.ft. (22.86 to 25.91 m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 lin.ft. (30 m):
_| Total _| ion Hours [Rate | ript TSCSC~C#éesc Foreman 20 $38.17 $34.17] $341.70 |$341.70 dtC‘ir 0 |$34.17 SetterHelper—SCSCSCSCSCSCSCSCS~* Marble $_209.28
i re CL el ee ie: o Pind
Setting Marble Column Bases. When setting marble column bases 2-6” to 3-0” (0.23 to 0.27 m) square feet and 0’-9” to 1’-3” (0.22 to 0.31 m)
high, a marble setter and helper should handle and set about one base per hr. at the following labor cost per base:
n | | Rate_|_ Total Hoursptio scri T_SSSSSC=Cée| $3.82 $38.17 L CC Foreman 834.17 | 834.171 00 SSSSC*YC. SetterHelper —SS Marble D
Labor or helper Cost per base
|$26.16|$ $
13.08 85.24
Laying Marble Floor Tile. There are three labor operations to be considered when estimating the labor cost of setting marble floor tile: the cement bed under the marble floor, labor handling and setting floor tile, and the cost of rubbing or smoothing the floors after they have been laid.
As a general rule, the cement bed under the marble floor is 2-1/2” to 3” (62.50 to 75 mm) thick, composed of cement and sand mixed rather dry. It
requires about 1-1/2 bdls. of portland cement and one cu.yd. (0.76 cu.m) of sand to each 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of floor.
Material and labor per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of floor fill should cost as follows:
6 sacks portland cement
$ 6.00
1 cu-yd. (0.76 cu.m) sand
$20.00 | $
If the marble floor tile vary from 6” x 6” (150 x 150 mm) to 12” x 12”
(300 x 300 mm) in size, a marble setter and helper should handle and lay 90 to 110 sq.ft. (8.36 to 10.22 sq.m) of floor per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
Marble Setter Helper
$794. per sq.M. When laying marble floors it is customary to ahead of the tile, and the entire work is performed laying the floor. If the subfloor is sound and even, light commercial work is only 3/8” (9.37 mm) thick
place the cement bed just by the setter and helper marble in residential and and set in mastic. Setting
costs would average about $0.25 per sq.ft. ($3.12 sq.m) less, unless the area
was small and irregular, or set with an intricate pattern. Smoothing Marble Floors. After the marble floors have been laid, it is necessary to rub them with carborundum stone to remove the uneven spots at the joints. It is customary to use a rubbing machine powered by gasoline or electricity, which is operated by one worker and runs back and forth over the
FINISHES floors and grinds them to an even surface. A machine rents for about $7.50 per hour. The quantity of floor that can be surfaced per day will vary with the kind of marble used, as it is possible to surface considerably more soft marble than hard marble. When rubbing and surfacing soft marble, a machine should surface 125 to 150 sq.ft. (11.61 to 13.93 sq.m) per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m):
When rubbing and surfacing hard marble, a rubbing machine should surface 100 to 125 sq.ft. (9.29 to 11.61 sq.m) of floor per 8-hr. day, at the following labor cost per 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m): $37.89
Setting Marble Floor Border. Where the marble floor has a different colored marble border, the labor setting the border will cost about the same as the balance ofthe floor.
Setting Structural Slate. The labor cost of setting structural slate work, such as base, treads and risers, toilet stalls and partitions, etc., will run about the same as for the same class of marble work and should be estimated
accordingly. If, however, field cutting should be required, as is often the case with window stools and door thresholds, the labor costs should be increased 20% to 25% as slate is more difficult to work than marble.
Estimating Quantities of Interior Marble
When estimating quantities of interior marble, any fraction of an inch will be treated as a whole inch. No piece of marble will be considered as being less than 6” (150 mm) wide and 1’-0” (0.30 m) long. Thickness. Thicknesses given are approximate but not exact.
For is price list the to 10% of charge extra an thickness, given a to slabs gauged made. Extra Lengths. On slabs 10’-0” to 12’-0” (3.04 to 3.65 m) long, add 10% to list price; on slabs over 12’-0” (3.65 m) long, add 20%.
Extra Widths.
On slabs over 5’-6” (1.67 m) wide, add 10% to list
Polished Both Sides. Prices given are based on marble having one side polished unless otherwise noted. If both sides are to be polished, add
$2.10 per sq.ft. ($22.60 per sq.m) for marbles in Group A and B and $1.75 per sq.ft. ($18.83 per sq.m) for marbles in Group C and D. Hone Finish. Hone finish takes the same price as polished work. Sand Finish. If marble is finished with sand finish on one side only,
deduct $0.25 per sq.ft ($2.69 sq.m). If sand finish on both sides, add $0.35 per sq.ft. ($3.76 per sq.m). Polished Edges. For each polished edge of 7/8” (21.87mm) and 11/4” (31.25 mm) thickness, add $0.75 per lin.ft. ($2.46 per m) of edge; on 1-
1/2” (37.50 mm) and 2” (50 mm) thickness, add $1.05 per lin.ft. ($3.28 per m).
Beveled or Rounded Edges. For each beveled or rounded edge on 7/8” (21.87 mm) and 1-1/4” (31.25 mm) thickness, add $0.70 per lin.ft. ($2.29 per m); on 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) and 2” (S50 mm) thickness, add $0.1.05 per lin.ft. ($3.44 per m). Ogee Molding. For single member ogee molding $4.60 per lin.ft.
($15.09 per m) of edge on 7/8” (21.87 mm) thick; $4.90 per lin.ft. ($16.07 per m) on 1-1/4” (31.25 mm), and $6.00 per lin.ft. ($19.68 per m) on 1-1/2” (37.50 mm). For each additional member, add $3.15 per lin.ft. ($10.33 per m) of edge on 7/8” (21.87mm) and 1-1/4” (31.25 mm), and $3.50 lin.ft. ($11.48 per m) on 1-1/2” (37.50 mm). Countersinking. For countersinking 1/4” (6.25 mm) deep or less, $3.00 per sq.ft. ($32.9 per sq.m) of surface. For each additional 1/4” (6.25 mm) deeper, or fraction thereof, add extra $3.50 per sq.ft. ($37.67 per sq.m) of surface. Grooving. For grooving 1/4” (6.25 mm) deep or less, $2.10 per lin.ft. ($5.89 per m) for each groove. For each additional 1/4” (6.25 mm) deeper, or fraction thereof, add extra $2.10 per lin.ft. ($6.89 per m) of each groove.
Rabbeting. For rabbeting 1/4” (6.25 mm) deep orless, $2.10 per lin.ft. ($6.89 per m) for each rabbet. For each additional 1/4” (6.25 mm) deeper, or fraction thereof, add extra $1.75 per lin.ft. ($5.74 per m) of each rabbet. Special Cutting, Polishing, Drilling, Etc. All special work other than listed above will be charged for extra.
Shipping Weights of Marble. The approximate shipping weights of marble, boxed for shipment, are as follows per sq.ft. (sq.m): 7/8” (21.87mm)
thick, 15 Ibs. (75 kg); 1-1/4” (31.25 mm) thick 20 lbs. (100 kg); 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) thick 24 Ibs. (120 kg); 2” (50 mm) thick 32 lbs. (160 kg); per cu.ft., 192 Ibs. (per cu.m, 3050 kg).
FINISHES Approximate Material Prices per S.F. (Sq.M) of 7/8” (21.87 mm) Marble, Polished One Side
Always check local sources for price and availability. Foreign marbles are always affected by exchange rates. The trend has been to marbles of even color. Many of the quarries for the more colorful marbles have been shut down, and when a block of such marble is found, the price may be out of line because of scarcity. Type of Marble Alabama Clouded “A” or Cream “A”
Price per | Price per arr $
@ le5|
Kasota Yellow es
: :
$228.20 § [WG Weg) § 182.99 $_ 182.99 $171.15 : [7aats § 205.60 : 182.99
Fossil SC York
$250.81 19.10 $205.60
Foreign Marbles
The above prices are for marble in less than carload lots, uncrated, f.0.b. mill. Crating $1.00 to 1.50 per sq.ft. for marble up to 2” (50 mm) thick.
Approximate Material Prices on Sand Finish Marble Floor, Tile and Border 7/8" (21.87 mm) Thick - Tile Size 6" x 6" (150 x 150 mm) to 1'- 0" x 2'- 0" (300 x 600 mm)
Prices per Sq.Ft.(Sq.M.)
Price per’ |’ Price’per
Hialanewouehe ee de pe ino 700 |e —
9.60 9.60 8.50 14.90
4 +
Approximate Material Prices on 3/8” (9.37 mm) Thinset Marble Tiles Per Sq-Ft..(Sq. M.) Deccan ears *
Polished | Honed per per Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft.
Travertine Filled ravertine Unfilled White Italian 12”x12” (300 x 300 mm) tiles, 3/8” (9 mm) thick, 10 tiles per box.
Slate is a natural mica granular crystalline stone. Its main sources are Vermont, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Vermont produces colored slates, including greens; purples; mottled green, purple and red; as well as the standard dark grays. Slate is usually graded into clear stock and ribbon stock. Ribbon stock has bands of a darker color running through it and is cheaper than clear stock, which has no ribbons but will have some spots and veining in it. Finishes available are as follows:
Natural Cleft: Natural split or cleaved face, moderately rough with some textural variations. Sand Rubbed Finish: Wet sand on a rubbing bed is used to eliminate any natural cleft, and leave slate in an even plane.
Honed Finish: This is a semi-polished surface. Slate is used for spandrels, sills, stools, treads and risers, toilet stalls,
floors and walks, fireplace facings and hearths. Spandrels are generally clear slate with either cleft, rubbed or honed finish. Thickness is generally 1” (25 mm), 1-1/4” (31 mm), or 1-1/2” (37.50 mm). Sizes are somewhat limited, with a length of no more than 6’ (1.8 m) and width of 2’-6” (0.76 m) to 4’ (1.21 m) being standard recommendations, although larger sizes may be available for certain conditions. Many spandrels today are set in metal grid frames. Otherwise, they must be anchored with bronze or stainless steel anchors in each corner. Sills and stools may be either ribbon or clear stock. Exterior sills are generally furnished with a sand rubbed finish in lengths up to 4’ (1.21 m) and 1” (25 mm) to 2” (50 mm) in thickness. Sills may have drip grooves cut in at additional cost. Interior stools and fireplace surrounds are usually 1” (25 mm) thick with honed finish, a maximum length of4’ (1.21 m) being most economical. Treads and risers on the exterior are generally natural cleft finish. Interior work is usually sand rubbed rather than honed, because it is both cheaper and gives a good non-slip surface, although the front edges may be honed. Thickness is generally 1” (25 mm) or 1-1/4” (31.25 mm) for stairs, 11/2” (37.25 mm) to 2” (50 mm) for landings. The cost of slate is determined by the grade, the size involved and the
finish. Ribbon grade, often used on stairs, will run around $7.00 per sq.ft. ($75.35 per sq.m) in 1” (25 mm) thickness and $11.25 per sq.ft. ($121.10 per sq.m) for 2” (50 mm) thickness, sand finished. Honed finishes will add $0.70 per sq.ft. ($7.53 per sq.m) to the cost. Clear grade, 1” (25 mm) thick and sand finished, will be about $7.70
per sq.ft. ($82.88 per sq.m) in sizes to 3 sq.ft. (0.27 sq.m), $10.85 to $12.25 in sizes 3 sq.ft. (0.27 sq.m) to 6 sq.ft. (0.55 sq.m), and $15.50 in sizes over 6 sq.ft. (0.55 sq.m). Lineal foot (meter) costs for sills and stools will vary with both length and width. Up to 6” (150 mm) wide stock will cost about $6.65 per lin.ft. ($21.81 per m) for 1” (25 mm) thickness; $10.50 per lin.ft. ($34.45 per m) for 2” (50 mm) thickness. The 10” (250 mm) wide stock will cost $10.50 per lin.ft. ($34.45 per m) for 1” (25 mm) thickness to $13.00 per lin.ft. ($42.65 per m) for 2” (50 mm) thickness. Slate for flooring is available for either mortar bed or thin set application. This slate is 1/4” (6.25 mm) thick and available in 3” (75 mm) multiples 6” x 6” (150 x 150 mm) to 12” x 12” (300 x 300 mm). It weighs 33/4 Ibs. per sq.ft. (18.75 kg per sq.m). It is set in 1/4” (6.25 mm) mastic applied with a notched trowel over concrete or plywood. It can have grouted
joints or be ordered for butt joints. Cost will run $2.80 per sq.ft. ($30.14 per sq.m) for material and $3.50 per sq.ft. ($37.67 per sq.m) for labor. Slate for heavier duty floors and for outside applications is generally 1/2” (12.50 mm), 3/4” (18.75 mm), or 1” (25 mm) thick, weighing 7-1/2 lbs. (3.4 kg), 11-1/4 lbs. (5 kg) and 15 Ibs. (6.75 kg) respectively. It is set in 1”
(25 mm) mortar beds on concrete slabs or plywood. Plywood should be covered with felt and metal lath, nailed on. Minimum thickness is 1-1/2” (37.50 mm). If plywood is set over joists without a subfloor, it should be at least 3/4” (18.75 mm) thick. Sizes are 6” x 6” (150 x 150 mm) to 24” x 18”
(600 x 450 mm), in multiples of 3” (75 mm). Cost runs from $5.50 per sq.ft. ($59.20 per sq.m) for 1/2” (12.50 mm) to $7.00 per sq.ft. ($75.35per sq.m) for 1” (25 mm).
09400 TERRAZZO The cost of terrazzo work varies with the size of the job, size of rooms or spaces where the floors are to be installed, floor designs, strips of brass or other non-rusting material, and method oflaying the floors. Two methods are used in laying terrazzo floors over concrete construction. One is to bond it to the concrete and the other to separate it from the structural slab. When the first method is used, the concrete fill is provided for by another contractor and should be left 2” (SO mm) below the finished floor. Before the terrazzo
installs his underbed,
he must
see that this
concrete fill is thoroughly cleaned of plaster droppings, wood chips and other debris, and wetted to insure cohesion. The second method is used in buildings where cracking 1s anticipated either from settlement, expansion and contraction or vibration. In this case the terrazzo contractor begins his work from the structural floor slab up. This method requires a thickness of at least 3” (75 mm). The concrete slab is covered with a thin bed of dry sand over which a sheet of tar paper is laid. Over the paper the underbed is installed as in the first method except that coarser aggregate can be used in the underbed, such as cinders or fine gravel where its thickness exceeds 2-1/2” (62.50 mm). When this method is used, the cracks originating in the structural slab are not likely to appear on the surface but terminate at the sand bed. When terrazzo is laid over wood floors a thickness of not less than 2” (50 mm) is required. The floor should first be covered with tarred paper. Over this paper, nail galvanized wire netting no. 14 gauge, 2” (50 mm) mesh. Then lay the concrete underbed as specified under the second method. The underbed for terrazzo consisting of | part portland cement and 4 parts sharp, screened sand shall be spread and brought to a level not less than 1/2” (12.50 mm) nor more than 3/4” (18.75 mm) below the finished floor. Into this underbed,
while still in a semi-plastic
state, install metal
strips or preassembled decorative units, having proper bonding features.
FINISHES The terrazzo topping shall be not less than 1/2” (12.50 mm) nor more than 3/4” (183.75 mm) in thickness and shall be of granulated marble of colors selected. The topping shall be uniform in composition and the marble granule that appears on the surface shall be used for its entire thickness. The granule to be composed of such proportions of Nos. 1-2-3 sizes as required. Composition for terrazzo mixture shall be in the proportion of 200 Ibs. (90 kg) of marble granules to 100 Ibs. (45 kg) of gray or white portland cement, mixed dry, and water added afterward to make the mix plastic, but, not too wet. The mix shall then be placed in the spaces formed by the metal dividing strips and rolled into a compact mass by means of heavy stone or metal rollers until all superfluous cement and water is extracted, after which it must be hand troweled to an even surface, disclosing the lines of the metal
strips on a level with the terrazzo filling. When the floors have set sufficiently hard, they shall be machine rubbed, using coarse carborundum grit stones for the initial rubbing after which a light grouting of pure gray white portland cement shall be applied to the surface, filling all voids, and allowed to remain until the time of final
cleaning. Floors shall have the grouting coat removed by machine, using a fine carborundum grit, after which it must be thoroughly washed. Do not use acids in cleaning terrazzo floors. Ramped or other surfaces in terrazzo floors so specified, shall be made anti-slip by the addition of an abrasive aggregate. For heavy duty floors, the proportion shall be 2 parts of abrasive to 3 parts of marble granule and the abrasive shall be mixed in the terrazzo topping for its entire thickness. For light traffic floors, the abrasive shall be sprinkled on the surface only, and show a proportion of 5 parts marble granule and | part abrasive aggregate. Terrazzo Base. Terrazzo base is usually coved at the floor and may be any height desired. If the base is to finish flush with the finish plaster, a metal base bead shall be furnished and set by the plasterer. The base shall be divided approximately every 4 lin.ft. (1.21 m) using metal base dividers. The walls back of the base shall have a scratch coat of cement and sand mortar brought to a line 3/8” (9 mm) back of the finished face of the base, into which the base dividers shall be set. Base shall be finished with a very fine stone, so as to leave the surface at a hone finish. Estimating the Cost of Terrazzo Work. In addition to the direct cost of labor and materials entering into terrazzo work, an allowance should be made to provide for wood grounds, carborundum stone for rubbing, wiring for electric power, depreciation on machines, use of hoist, cleaning up rubbish, freight and trucking on machines and tools. This will vary with size and location of job. The costs on the following pages are based on an average job containing about 3,000 sq.ft. (278.70 sq.m). The labor on a small job
containing 100 to 200 sq.ft. (9.29 to 18.58 sq.m) will run twice as much per sq.ft. (sq.m) as on a job containing 5,000 sq.ft. (464.50 sq.m). Metal Strips in Terrazzo Floors and Base. Brass strips or other nonrusting metals are used in practically all terrazzo floors and add to the cost in proportion to the quantity used. Standard brass strips, B & S gauge No. 20, cost $0.85 per lin. ft. ($2.79 per m) including waste. Metal strips, B & S gauge No. 14, cost $1.45 per lin.ft. ($4.75 per m) including waste in brass and $0.75 per lin.ft. ($3.29 per m) in zinc. The cost of metal strips per sq.ft. of floor will vary with the size of the squares or design and should be estimated accordingly. Terrazzo base is jointed every 4’-0” (1.21 m) with vertical metal joint dividers. Estimating Quantities of Terrazzo Work. Terrazzo floors are estimated by the sq.ft. (sq.m) and will vary from 2” (50 mm) to 3” (75 mm) thick, depending upon the subfloors. Terrazzo floor borders are estimated by the sq.ft. (sq.m) when over 12” (300 mm) wide and by the lin.ft. (meter) when less than 12” (300 mm) wide. Terrazzo base is estimated by the lin.ft. (meter) stating height. An allowance of 1’-0” (0.30 m) should be made for each corner or miter.
Double cove terrazzo base having 2 finished faces, such as ordinarily used under narrow partitions, shower stalls, etc. are estimated by the lin. ft. (meter) and the cost is double that of single cove base.
Labor Placing Terrazzo, Floor and Base. The labor cost of placing terrazzo work will vary with the size of the rooms, design ofthe floor, size of the squares or pattern requiring brass strips, etc., as the smaller the squares, the more metal strip required and the higher the cost. The following are approximate quantities of various classes of terrazzo work a crew of 2 mechanics and 3 helpers should install per 8-hr. day: ey
Description Floor Blocked off into
Sq.Ft per 8-hr. Da
100 SqFt
ane a of ——
Sq.M per 8-hr. Da
1400 400 =- 450) 450
Description Blocked off 1
Sea easy
2°-0" squares 25.55 - 30.19[Border 30-61 Mwide_] Terrazzo Cove Base
Terrazzo cove base, 3” high
(30 m)
Terrazzo cove base, 6” high 16.00 Double cove base, double time given for single base.
| 13.00 16.0
[5.57 - 6.04]75 mm high -_
}150 mm high
Rubbing and Finishing Terrazzo Work. Terrazzo floors are rubbed by machine and by hand only in corners where the machine cannot reach. On
FINISHES jobs consisting of large and small rooms, a worker rubs and completes about 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of terrazzo floor per 8-hr. day. A worker should rub and finish about 80 lin. ft. (24.38 m) ofterrazzo base per 8-hr. day. Cost of Concrete Subbase Under Terrazzo Floors. There are three methods of applying the concrete underbed for terrazzo floors, as described previously: bonded to the structural concrete slab, separate from the structural slab, or applied over wood floors. Inasmuch as terrazzo topping is 1/2” (12.50 mm) thick for all types of floors, cost of finished floor varies with type of underbed. Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of Concrete Underbed 1-1/4” (31.25 mm) Thick Bonded to Structural Concrete Slab
11 cu.ft. (0.31 cu.m) sand Cost 100 sq.ft.
SeOW 2a be 192 Sue. 2
$12.79 Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of Concrete Underbed, Consisting of 1/4” (6.25 mm) Dry Sand, | Thickness Tarred Felt and 2" (50 mm) of Concrete, Underbed Separated from Structural Slab
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of Concrete Underbed 2” (50 mm) Thick,
Applied over Wood Floor
18 cu.ft. (0.50 cu.m) sand
Cost 100 sq.ft.
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of Terrazzo Floor 1/2” (13 mm) Thick, Applied over Concrete Underbed
0.5 sack port. cement (grout)
*Varies according to kind of granules used. Add for metal strips.
Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 5’-0” (1.52 m) Squares, Including | 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
*Varies according to kind of granules used. Add for metal strips. ** Varies according to kind and gauge ofsteel
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 5’-0” (1.52 m) Squares, Including | 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
If terrazzo is placed over wood subfloor or separated from concrete floor, add difference in cost of underbed.
FINISHES Material Cost of 100 Sq.F.t (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 4'- 0" (1.22 M) Squares Including | 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
$ 0.80 *Varies according to kind of granules used. Add for metal strips. ** Varies according to kind and gauge of steel
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 4'- 0" (1.22 mm) Squares Including 1 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
is 00206 ple | 99 Labor 8.00 rubandfinish |$26.16 ©
If terrazzo is placed over wood subfloor or separated from concrete floor, add difference in cost of underbed. Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into
3'- 0" (0.90 M) Squares Including | 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
Underbed 1-1/4” (31 mm) thick 3 Sacks Portland Cement
0 lin.ft. (24 m) metal strips **
0.13 2 Ors
*Varies according to kind of granules used. Add for metal strips. ** Varies according to kind and gauge ofsteel
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 3'- 0" (0.90 M) Squares Including | 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
If terrazzo is placed over wood subfloor or separated from concrete floor, add difference in cost of underbed. Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 2'- 0" (0.90 M) Squares Including | 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
*Varies according to kind of granules used. **Varies according to kind and gauge of metal. Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 2'- 0" (0.60) Squares Including | 1 /4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
per sq.m
If terrazzo is placed over wood subfloor or separated from concrete floor, add difference in cost of underbed.
FINISHES Material Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into I'- 0" (0.30 M) Squares Including | 1/4" (31.25 mm) Concrete Underbed
*Varies according to kind of granules used. Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Terrazzo Floors Blocked Into 1'- 0" (0.30 M) Squares Including | 1/4" Concrete Underbed
| 8.00.1 $26.16 |$209.28 |
a a ak eae ae Pe ae aa
If terrazzo is placed over wood subfloor or separated from concrete floor, add difference in cost of underbed. Material Cost of 100 Lin.Ft. (30.48 m) of 6” (150 mm) Terrazzo Cove Base
Total 3 cu.ft. (0.08 cu.m) sand
$6.00] $ 9.00 $ 0.72
errazzo Base
1 sack Portland cement
$ 6.00
200 Ibs. (90 kg) marble granules * 25 metal dividers**
*Varies according to kind ofgranules used.
**Varies according to kind and gauge ofmetal.
Labor Cost of 100 Lin.Ft. (30.48 m) of 6” (150 mm) Terrazzo Cove Base
Double cove base, double cost of single cove base.
If terrazzo is placed over wood subfloor or separated from concrete floor, add difference in cost of underbed. Abrasive Materials for Terrazzo Floors and Stair Treads. Where an anti-slip surface is required on terrazzo floors, platforms, landings, and treads, mix 2 parts abrasive aggregates with 3 parts marble granule. For heavy duty floors, the abrasive aggregate shall be mixed in the terrazzo topping for its entire thickness. For light traffic floors, the abrasive shall be sprinkled on the surface only, to show in the proportion of 3 parts marble granule and | part abrasive aggregate. Abrasive aggregates for 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of heavy duty floors should cost as follows: 240 Ibs. (108 kg) abrasive aggregates Cost per sq.ft.
$ 0.80]
$ $
190.80 EO
Deduct cost of 240 Ibs. (108 kg) of marble granules included in itemized estimates. Abrasive aggregates for 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) of light duty floors should cost as follows:
For prices on special terrazzo
floors, such as venetian, mosaic, and
conductive, it is advisable to contact a local installation contractor. There are several products on the market that resemble terrazzo floors and are installed by terrazzo mechanics. These are magnisite, latex, epoxy, and polyester resin type terrazzo floors. These floors can be installed over any sound existing floor in 1/2” (12.50 mm) thickness, with the exception of the epoxy and polyester resin types, which can be installed as thin as the marble granules will allow. The cost of these floors is similar to that of regular terrazzo. Precast terrazzo 1s available for base, floor, wainscots, and stair treads. Straight 6” (150 mm) base costs about $6.00 per lin.ft. ($19.68 per m), and
FINISHES one mechanic sets 125 lin.ft. (38.10 m) per 8 hr. day. Floor tiles, 1” (25 mm) thick cost $6.50 per sq.ft. ($70.00 per sq.m) and one mechanic sets 60 to 70 sq.ft. (5.57 to 6.50 sq.m.) per 8 hr. day. Stair treads cost around $15.75 per lin.ft. ($61.67 per m), because they are heavy. On a stair of any width, it takes a mechanic and helper to set 100 lin.ft. (30.48 m) per 8 hr. day. 09500
There is a large variety of prefabricated acoustical products available on the market. In general, they fall into three categories: acoustical tiles that are mounted on ceilings, on suspended boards, or clipped or splined to suspension systems; acoustical panels for lay-in systems on exposed runners; and metal pan systems for mechanical suspension. Many systems today are also engineered to distribute air and light as well as to control sound; also, some systems are rated as fire resistive assemblies. Acoustical tiles are applied to ceilings and walls for the purpose of absorbing and deadening sound in offices, banks, and other spaces where the utmost quiet is desired and in auditoriums to obtain optimum reverberation time. Acoustical tiles are made of many different materials, such as wood fiber, cane fiber, mineral wool, cork, specially processed mineral filaments, perforated metal units, and other insulating materials. They are made in a variety of sizes, such as 12” x 12” (300 x 300 mm), 12” x 24” (300 x 600 mm), 24” x 24” (600 x 600 mm), 24” x 48” (600 x 1200 mm),
etc., and vary from
1/2” (12.50 mm) to 2” (50 mm)
depending upon the materials used. Acoustical tile may be installed over sound, dry plaster or concrete that is thoroughly seasoned, over gypsum board, or nailed or screwed to 1” x 3” wood furring strips or by means of mechanical suspension systems. Acoustical tile work is simple to estimate, but because it is almost always factory cut and prefinished, it is extremely important to see that job conditions are the very best. Once installed, there is little opportunity to “touch up” the work. Call backs can quickly eat up profits as well as ruin reputations. One of the most important conditions to check is temperature and humidity. These should always approximate the interior conditions that will exist when the building is occupied. All plastering, poured roof decks, concrete and floor work should be complete and dry; all windows and doors in place and glazed. If weather demands it, the building heating, rather than space heating, should be turned on and kept on as though the building were occupied. The trend today is to square edge tile, which minimizes joint visibility. However, tile work will always have slight unevenness in it, and if the job conditions include cove lights or high windows where light strikes the tile surface at a small angle, tile with beveled edges will help conceal any unevenness.
Budget Prices on Acoustical Tile. Most acoustical tile jobs are sublet to concerns specializing in this work. They have mechanics experienced in applying their particular brands of tile and can complete the job at less cost than a general contractor who purchases the tile and attempts to install them. The following are approximate prices on the various classes of tile erected in place on fair size jobs as they might be quoted by a subcontractor including his overhead and profit.
7 ypeoff
allaatition InstInstall
e per e per] Pric bec Pric tee
1/2” (12.50 mm) wood fiber tile surface applied /8” (15.62 mm) mineral tile suspended*
(15.62 mm)
mineral fiberboard suspended*
Air distributing ceilin
*Including hangers but not additional channel supports.
Acoustical Tile Directly Applied. When acoustical tile is cemented, four spots of cement or adhesive should be applied to each tile on each corner of 12” x 12” (300 x 300 mm) tiles. The spots should be placed as uniformly as possible with relation to the corners of the tile. A sufficient area on each corner of the tile should be primed prior to the application of the spot to receive the entire spot when it has been pressed to its final diameter. The spots of cement should be applied to these primed areas using a putty knife or trowel. The spot should be approximately the size and shape ofa walnut, and should be nearly uniform in size and shape, except where thicker spots are required to level surfaces. They should stand out from the tile about 1/2” (12.50 mm) to 3/4” (18.75 mm) so as to contact the surface at about the same
time. The diameter of the spot when pressed in place should be approximately 2-1/2” (62.50mm) to 2-3/4” (68.75mm) and about 1/8” (3.12 mm) thick.
In placing, the tile should be held with both hands so that when the pressure is applied it will be between the spots rather than outside them. The tile should be held as nearly parallel to its final position as possible and pressed to position with a firm pressure. A slight lateral sliding motion of the hands while setting is necessary to settle the cement into the ceiling surface. It is important that the tile be pressed to level when setting. A crew of at least two workers is required to handle the installation efficiently, one on the scaffold applying the adhesive to the tile and the other placing the tiles on the ceiling.
of acoustical
is sufficient
approximately 60 sq.ft. (5.57 sq.m) of tile under average conditions, although this varies somewhat with the surface to which it is applied. Adhesive costs about $10.00 per gal. ($2.64 per liter). The labor cost of placing acoustical tile on ceilings will vary with the size of the rooms or spaces where the tile are to be applied, pattern in which the tile are laid, and height of scaffolding. The following quantities are based on 2 mechanics working together from a 4’ (1.21 m) to 6’ (1.82 m) scaffold and laying tile in plain square or ashlar designs:
Size of Acoustical Tile
pape gUHeIDAy
Mechanic Size of Hrs. per 100 | Acoustical Sq.Ft.
Mechanic Hrs. per 10
When acoustical tile are laid in herringbone pattern, it requires 30% to 40% more time than regular squares or common bond. Diagonal patterns require 20% to 25% more time than regular squares or common bond, while mixed ashlar designs require about 50% more time than straight squares or common bond. When placing tile in auditoriums and other spaces requiring high scaffolding, additional scaffolding will have to be added to the cost of installing the tile. Large jobs are applied faster proportionately than small jobs. 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) mineral tile, 3/4" (18.75 mm)*
LS aet26) FTE
[REE a a Ee per sq.m *Cost of tile varies according to kind and thickness.
Labor Cost of 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 12” x 12” (300 x 300mm)
econ = we StSUS
er eae
Acoustical Tile On Suspended Systems Lay-in type systems for 2’ x 2’ (0.61 x 0.61 m) and 2’ x 4’ (0.61 x
1.22 m) grids will have a material cost of around $0.85 and $0.75 per sq.ft. ($9.14 and $8.07 per sq.m) respectively, not including any channel supports if they are needed. One worker should install 700 sq.ft. (65.03 sq.m) per 8-hr.
day of2’ x 4’ (0.61 x 1.22 m) grid, 600 sq.ft. (55.74 sq.m) for 2’ x 2’ (0.61 x
0.61 m) grid. Concealed spline systems are more time consuming. Material costs will run about $0.90 per sq.ft. ($9.69 per sq.m), and one worker will install 500 sq.ft. (46.45 sq.m) per day. If channel carriers are required, the material cost will be about $0.25 per sq.ft. ($2.15 per sq.m), and one worker installs about 500 sq.ft. (46.45 sq.m) per 8-hr. day. Labor Cost to Install 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 2' x 2' (0.61 x 0.61 M.)
Labor Cost to Install 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) 2' x 4' (0.61 x 1.21 M.)
tg eee ne
eters ubatnonDescriplOtis. salt Tol yen ac as| Fouts RA Mls ehOtl aad
Fi A
aaaaaee |eT
Labor Cost to Install 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Channel Ceiling Supports
L Descripti | Hours [on Rate | Total _|
Mechanics CS« 6 * 835.04 [TS 56.06 Cost per sq.ft. $ 0.56 pec agit TT zee ee ee
Acoustical Tile For Suspended Grid Systems. This material is made “cut to size” ready to install into the grid system. The 24” x 24” (600 x 600 mm) and 24” x 48” (600 x 1200 mm) boards cost about $0.75 to 0.90 per sq.ft. ($8.07 to $9.69 per sq.m) depending on the type of tile, and one worker should install about 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) per hr. The 12” x 12” (300 x 300 mm) tiles for the Z bar system costs about $1.15 to $1.30 per sq. ($1237 16 $14.00 per sq.m), and one worker should install about 100 sq.ft. (9.29 sq.m) in 2 hrs. Estimating a Suspended Grid Ceiling. To estimate a suspended grid ceiling, it is necessary to determine the number of square feet (Square meters) and lineal feet (lineal meters) ofthe ceiling.
FINISHES Sample Suspended Ceiling Estimate Given:
A room measures 18’ (5.5m) wide by 36’ (11m) long and needs a 2x4 (50x100) acoustical ceiling.
Number of Main Runners 12’ (3.6m) long: Main runners will placed once every 4’ (1.2m) in this layout. 18° x 36° = 648 sq.ft. room (5.5m x 11m = 60 sq.m.)
648 sq.ft. x 0.25 spacing + 12’ = 13.5 or 14 each Main Runners 60 sq.m. + 1.2m spacing + 3.6m = 13.8 or 14 each Main Runners Number of 4’ (1.2m) Tees: 648 sq.ft. x 0.25 x 0.5 = 81 each 4’ Tees 60 sq.m. + 1.2m + 0.61m = 81 each 100mm Tees Number of2’x4’ (SOmm x 100mm) Tiles: 648 sq.ft. + 8 sq.ft. = 81 each 2’x4’ Tiles 60 sq.m. + 0.74 sq.m. = 81 each 50x100 Tiles Number of Wall Angle 12’ (3.6m) long:
(18 + 36’) x 2+ 12’ =9 each Wall Angle (5.5m + 11m) x 2 + 3.6m = 9 each Wall Angle
Number of Wire: 648 sq.ft. + 16 sq.ft. = 40.5 or 41 each Wire 60 sq.m. + 1.49 sq.m. = 40.2 or 41 each Wire
Metal Pan Type Acoustical Tile. This type of acoustical treatment consists of metal units
12” x 24” (300 x 600 mm)
in size, having center
grooves which result in the appearance of 12” x 12” (300 x 300 mm) units when applied. The edges, which are beveled and returned vertically, are firmly held in place on the 12” (300 mm) sides by special tee runners. Within the metal units and supported on crimped, galvanized wire mesh, or on miniature channels, are mineral wool absorbent pads. These systems will install at the rate of around 250 sq.ft. (23.22 sq.m) per day, including sound absorbing pads, but without channel supports if they are required. Materials will cost about $3.00 for steel, $4.50 for aluminum,
and $7.00 for stainless. Labor Cost to Install 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) Suspended Steel Pan System
Estimating Quantities of Wood Flooring. When estimating the quantity of board feet (b.f.) of wood flooring required for any job, take the actual number of sq.ft. (sq.m) in any room or space to be floored, and add allowances as given in the following tables: No. Bd. Ft.
To Obtain
Measured Size, Inches
Finished Size, Inches
heaton Waste Percentage
Quantity Flooring : : Repaired Multiply
Flooring Required for 100 Sq.Ft. Floor
area by
70 |
LUSior e330).
13310 |
ae | anise
No. Cu.M.
To Obtain
Measured Size, mm
25_x__ 25%) 25_x D
: Waste Percentage
9.38 x 21.88 mm]
56.3 68/8 75.0 100.0
Quantity Flooring ie ; Repaired Multiply area by
q corue Required for 10 Sq.M.
|16-2/3_ | 1 1/16 or 1.170]
0.30. |
9.38" x 37:SOmm| 9 124 oe| 2335482) Siege 1.330) —034 9.38 _x_ 50.00 mm 11/4 or 1.250] 0.32
mm| 19.53 x 37.50mm| 12 _[ 5013 | 112or mil! 19.53 x -'50100 mm). 12 8710 | Bee mm| 19.53_x_56.25mm| 12 ~ |" 33-13 | 1 i/Sor mm] 19.53_x_81.25mm] 8 [| 25 ~—[ =11/4or
1.500[ 038 13975! Os 1330] 034. 1.250; 032
| | | |
Amount of Surface 1,000 Bd.Ft. of Flooring Will Cover and Quantity of Nails Required to Place It Covers Sq.Ft. Flooring
Threaded Nails
1x3 [25/32x 2-1/4 25/32
Nails Req'd.
20 Tes aa eut |e es
So ee
Ti-Ibs- 8d" ut
56 Ibs. 8d" cut | 47 Ibs 7“
64 Ibs. 8d” cut | __54 Ibs 7“a” 29 Ibs. 8“d” cut | 24 Ibs 7“a”
FINISHES Amount of Surface 2.36 Cu.M. of Flooring Will Cover and Quantity of Nails Required to Place It Weer Pingen Covers | Nailed Nails Req’d. Measures 51 Sq.m. Spacing, Helicall
OE See Re es ee DETICE Cie DOR GE BE Re 25/32 x 1-1/2] 61.96 | 300mm|3175Kg 1 x 2-3/4 x4
Drill flooring for nails, if possible, for best results. No predrilling is required for helically threaded nails. The above figures are based on laying the flooring straight across a rectangular room without producing any design whatever. Rules for Grading Hardwood Flooring. In many instances the specifications of the architects and owners are confusing and not in accordance with the standard rules for grading as adopted by the manufacturers. The rules adopted by the National Oak Flooring Manufacturers Association (NOFMA) standardize flooring grades. Below is the NOFMA grading system so that it may be compared with the architect’s specifications and the proper grade of flooring figured. Clear Grade. The highest grade offering the most uniform look and is highly selected in order to obtain uniformity: Defects: None allowed including knots, splits, checks, wormholes, excessive mineral streaks or contracsting sapwood. Color: Color selected to disallow any piesces that are too dark/light or wildy grained in order to create a harmonious color/grain selection: Lengths: In standard nested distribution packaging of 84” to 88” (2100 to 2200 mm) long, the minimum length average will be 36” (900 mm) and typically is slightly longer. Select Grade. The second highest grade, which differs only from Clear grade in that Select grade allows a greater range of color/grain found in a species and includes the Clear grade that develops in the production run. Defects: None allowed including knots, splits, checks, wormholes, excessive mineral streaks or contrasting sapwood. Color: Minimally color selected but does disallow extreme dark/light or wildly grained pieces that contrast too strongly. Lengths: In standard distribution packaging of 84" to 88” (2100 to 2200 mm) long, the length average will be 36" (900 mm). Low Select Grade. The third highest grade, which contains all the pieces that are Select Grade in terms of lack of defects, but that have been
selected out from the Clear and Select grades as having too much color/grain variation. This grade is available only on an accumulation basis as it develops
as a small percentage of the grading when producing Clear/Select grades of flooring. Defects: None allowed including knots, splits, checks, wormholes, excessive mineral streaks or contrasting sapwood. Color: Contains all the dark and light colored pieces as well as wilder grained pieces that have been selected out from the Clear and Select grades. Lengths: In standard nested distribution packaging of 84" to 88" (2100 to 2200 mm) long, the length average will be approximately 32" (800 mm). Natural Grade. This grade allows most ofa given Species color and grain range along with most ofthe natural character that develops in a wood. Defects: Allows small knots, splits, checks, wormholes, mineral streaks and contrasting sapwood. Color: Contains the full range of Color and Grain to be found in a species. Lengths: \n standard nested distribution packaging of 84" to 88" long, the length average will typically be approximately 26" to 28" (650 to 700 mm) long. Rustic Grade. This grade allows even more of the natural character that develops in a wood than found in the Natural grade. Defects: Allows more numerous and larger knots, splits, checks, wormholes, mineral streaks and contrasting sapwood than found in the Natural grade. Color: Contains the full range of Color and Grain to be found in a species. Lengths: In standard nested distribution packaging of 84" to 88" (2100 to 2200 mm) long, the length average will typically be approximately 22" to 26" (550 to 650 mm) long. Graining Selections:
Mixed Grain - is a mixture of straight graining and flat sawn (with the "flower" figure of the wood) and is the typical unselected for graining that most wood flooring is offered in and unless specified otherwise is the default graining offered. Quartered - is a selection of graining, whereby the flooring is selected for straight graining only. Quartered is also typically used in the oaks to denote the ray / fleck that is visible in some of the straight grained selection. Straight grain provides for more uniform coloring and a more formal, less busy look. Rift - is a selection of graining whereby the flooring is selected for straight graining only. It is principally used in the oaks to denote the straight grained material without the ray / fleck that is visible in some of the straight grained selection. Rift and Quartered - is principally used when describing the grain in oaks and is used to describe a straight grain selection which has pieces both with and without rays / flecks.
FINISHES Flat Sawn w/straight grained pulled - this is the graining left over after all or most of the Quartered and Rift straight grain has been pulled to make that selection leaving mostly the flat sawn graining and a "busier" look. Color Selections. Occasionally offered, color selections vary species to species but typically are selected light and selected dark selections. See Individual Species for color details. Clear Grade Light Northern Hard Maple. This grade is selected for light color. The color tones in individual strips will vary somewhat, but after laying, it provides a luxurious “light” floor. It costs about $6.00 per sq.ft. ($64.58 per sq.m) for material. Selected Clear Grade Amber Northern Hard Maple. This grade is selected for amber color. The color tones in individual strips will vary somewhat, but after laying, this grade provides a luxurious “amber” appearing floor. The cost is $5.75 per sq.ft. ($61.89 per sq.m) for material. Oak Flooring - Quarter Sawed Clear. The face shall be practically clear, admitting an average 3/8” (9.37 mm) of bright sap. The question of color shall not be considered. Bundles to be 2’ and up. Average length is 3-3/4’ (1.14 m). Select. The face may contain sap, small streaks, pin worm holes, burls, slight imperfections in working, and small tight knots that do not average more than one to every 3’ (0.92 m). Bundles to be 2’ (0.61 m) and up. Average length is 3-1/4’ (0.98 m). Plain Sawed
Clear. The face shall be practically clear, admitting an average of 3/8” (9.37 mm) bright sap. The question of color shall not be considered. Bundles to be 2’ (0.6 m) and up. Average length 3-3/4’ (1.14 m). Select. The face may contain sap, small streaks, pin worm holes, burls, slight imperfections in working, and small tight knots which do not average more than one to every 3’ (0.92 m). Bundles to be 2’ (0.61 m) and up. Average length 3-1/4’ (0.98 m). Standard Thicknesses and Widths 25/32” (19.53 mm) thickness; widths 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) face, 2” (50 mm) face, 2-1/4” (56.25 mm) face, and 3-1/4” (81.25 mm) face. 3/8” (9.37 mm) thickness; width 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) face and 2” (50 mm) face. 1/2” (12.50 mm) thickness; width 1-1/2” (37.50 mm) face and 2” (50 mm) face.
Above tongue and groove and end matched.
Square Edge Strip Flooring
Grades as shown above but bundling and lineals as follows: 5/16x 2” (7.8) x 50 mm), 5/16x [-1/2" (7.81 x 37:50 mm), 3/16x 1-1/3" (7:81 x 33.25 mm), 5/16x1-1/4” (7.81 x 31.25 mm), 5/16x 1-1/8” (7.81 x 28.12 mm), 5/16x 1” (7.81 x 25 mm), 5/16x 7/8” (7.81 x 21.87 mm). Also made rough back in 11/32x 2” (8.59:-x 50 mm) and 11/32% 11 1/2%e(8.59'x 37.50).
Clear. Bundled 2’ (0.61 m) and up. Average length 5-1/2’ (1.67 m). Select. Bundled 2’ (0.61 m) and up. Average length 4-1/2’ (1.37 m). No. 1 Common. Bundled 2’ (0.61 m) and up. Average length 3-1/2’ (1.06 m). No. 2 Common. May contain defects of all characters, but will lay a serviceable floor. Bundles to be 1-1/4’ (0.38 m) and up. Average length 2-1/2’ (0.76 m). All faces shown above in 5/16” (7.81 mm) square edge are finished 1/64” (0.39 mm) over face.
Approximate Prices of Oak Flooring Oak flooring prices will vary widely throughout the country. A recent quote gives 25/32” x 2-1/4 (19.53 x 56.25 mm) oak at $5.00 per sq.ft. ($53.82 per sq.m), select, $4.50 per sq.ft. ($48.44 per sq.m) common. Clear will run 30% more than select, if it is at all available. Grading Rules on Prefinished Hardwood Flooring
Oak. White and Red Oak to be separated in each grade. Grades are established after the flooring has been sanded and finished. Prime Grade. Face shall be selected for appearance after finishing, but sapwood and the natural variations of color are permitted. Minimum average length 4’ (1.22 m). Bundles 2’ (0.61 m) and longer. Standard Grade. Will contain sound wood characteristics which are even and smooth after filling and finishing and will lay a sound floor without cutting. Minimum average length 3° (0.92 m). Bundles 1-1/4’ (0.38 m) and longer. Standard and Better Grade. A combination of Prime and Standard to contain the full product of the board except that no pieces are to be lower than Standard Grade. Minimum average length 3-1/2’ (1.06 m). Bundles 11/4’ (0.38 m) and longer. Tavern Grade. Shall be of such nature as will make and lay a serviceable floor without cutting, but purposely containing typical wood characteristics, which are to be properly filled and finished. Minimum average length 2-1/2’ (0.76 m). Bundles 1-1/4’ (0.38 m) and longer. Beech and Pecan (Will be furnished only in a combination grade of Tavern and Better)
FINISHES Tavern and Better. A combination of Prime, Standard, and Tavern to
contain the full product of the board, except that no pieces are to be lower than Tavern Grade. Minimum average length 3’ (0.9 m). Bundles 1-1/4’ (0.38 m) and longer. General Rules for All Species Hardwood flooring is bundled by averaging the lengths. A bundle may include pieces from 6” (150 mm) under to 6” (150 mm) over the nominal length of the bundle. No piece shorter than 9” (225 mm) admitted. The percentages under 4’ (1.22 m) referred to apply on total footage in any one shipment of the item. A 3/4” (18.75mm) allowance shall be added to the face length when measuring the length of each piece of flooring. Flooring shall not be considered of standard grade unless the lumber from which the flooring is manufactured has been properly kiln dried. Laying and Finishing Wood Floors
The following pages contain detailed itemized costs of laying and finishing all kinds of soft and hardwood floors.
Labor Laying 100 Sq.Ft. (9.29 Sq.M) of Hardwood Floors . Sq.Ft.per 8- | Carp. | Labor Size in Metric f W. Hours mm Ordinary Workmanship Face Softwood floors for
Face Third Grade Maple,
fae t
F : porches, kitchens, factories, stores, etc.
for warehouse, factory 7 m7
a0 25/32"x
and loft building floors
aoe Face Oak or Birch in
500 “42