The Bishops, Kings, and Saints of York 0198222629, 9780198222620

Alcuin of York (c. 735 – 19 May 804) was an English scholar, clergyman, poet, and teacher from York, Northumbria. A cen

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English, Latin Pages cxxxii+202 [340] Year 1982

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Table of contents :
i. Alcuin: The Reputation and the Research xxxiii
ii. The Life of Alcuin and its Sources xxxv
iii. The Date and Character of Alcuin’s Poem on York xxxix
iv. The Political and Ecclesiastical Background xlvii
v. The School of York and the Sources and Audience of Alcuin’s Poem lx
vi. Anglo-Latin Literature before 800 and the Poetry of Alcuin lxxv
vii. The Rise of the 'opus geminatum' and the Form of Alcuin’s Poem on York lxxviii
viii. The Genre and Influence of Alcuin’s Poem on York lxxxviii
ix. Language, Style, Metre, and Prosody xciii
X. Orthography cx
xi. History of the Text cxiii
xii. Construction of this Edition cxxix
APPENDIX: Bishops and Archbishops of York and Kings of Northumbria until Alcuin’s Death (804) 136
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MEDIEVAL TEXTS General Editors

C. N. L. B R O O K E

D. E. G R E E N W A Y

M. W I N T E R B O T T O M









Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford


PRESS 19 8 2


Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford 0 X 2 6DP London Glasgow New York Toronto Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi Kuala Lumpur Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Dar es Salaam Cape Town Melbourne Auckland and associates in Beirut Berlin Ibadan Mexico City Nicosia

Published in the United States by Oxford University Press, New York

© Peter Godman 1982 All rights reserved. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission o f Oxford University Press

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Alcuin The bishops, kings and saints o f York. /. Title IL Godman, Peter 87V.03 PA6202.A/ ISBN 0 -19-822262-9

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Alcuin, 735-804 . The bishops, kings, and saints o f York. (Oxford medieval texts) Text in Latin and English; commentary in English. Bibliography: p. Includes indexes. 1. York (North Yorkshire)— History— Poetry. 2. England— Church history— Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 — Poetry. 3 . Northumbria (Kingdom)— History— Poetry. I. Godman, Peter. II. Title. III. Series. PA8245.D4E5 1983 874\03 82-8205 ISBN 0 -19-822262-9 Typeset by Joshua Associates, Oxford, Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Oxford by Eric Buckley Printer to the University


Was man sich und dem Leser als erzählende Dichtung zumutete, zeigt Alcuins annalenartige Kirchengeschichte von York . . . (Cu r t i u s )

Wenn ein Buch und ein K op f zusammenstossen und es klingt hohl, liegt das allemal im Buch? (Li c h t e n b e r g )


W H E N J.-K . Huysmans described the literary tastes o f his anti-hero, des Esseintes, he singled out those Latin poets who, in the eyes o f an orthodox public, seemed most obscure and boring. Commodian and Orientius, Dracontius and Tatwine could engage des Esseintes’s perverse attention. But at Alcuin and the authors o f his time even des Esseintes seems to have drawn the line: ‘son attirance diminuait . . . peu ravi, en somme, par la pesante masse des latinistes carlovingiens, les Alcuin et les Eginhard . . . ’ (A Rebours , Garnier-Flammarion, p. 9 3 ). Scholarly opinion, almost paradoxically, shares des Esseintes’s view o f Alcuin as an imaginative writer. ‘Para­ doxically’ because Alcuin’s name is generally the first among authors o f the Carolingian period that springs to mind and to print, and yet there is little interest in him as a literary figure. This paradox can be partly explained by recent scholarship on Alcuin which, in its variety and high quality, creates an illusion o f issues settled and o f comprehensiveness achieved. The present state o f edition and interpretation o f Alcuin’s major poetical work provides a measure o f the neglect which this area o f his writing has received. A century has passed since the last published edition o f Alcuin’s poem on York, and it marks no dramatic textual improvement over the editio princeps o f 16 9 1. The poem on York is one o f our chief literary sources for eighth-century Northumbrian history and for Alcuin’s biography; it occupies a significant place in the development o f Anglo-Latin and Carolingian literature; its interest as a witness to early medi­ eval scholarship is recognized, but there exists no sustained attempt at interpretation o f any one o f these aspects o f Alcuin’s work. The Latinity o f the author often regarded as the principal agent o f Charlemagne’s linguistic reforms has never been studied, nor has his cultural background, as re­ flected in this text, been systematically examined in its Insular and Carolingian contexts. There would thus seem



to be room for a fresh appraisal o f Alcuin’s work, but sympa­ thetic revaluation is unlikely to lead to artificial enthusiasm. Anglo-Latin and Carolingian poetry contain few masterpieces, and Alcuin’s poem on York is not among their number. N o illusion o f issues settled and o f comprehensiveness achieved will be created by the present edition. I have attempted, imperfectly, to provide some o f the philological, literary, and historical material with which to interpret this poem , the interest o f which reaches beyond more than one specialized discipline. I hope that others will correct and extend what I have seen. There are problems posed by Alcuin’s text, such as the list o f authors in the York library o f his youth, which seem to me ultimately insoluble, and in discussing them I have chosen to stress the limitations o f our evidence. Older and more experienced scholars may think otherwise. O f some aspects o f Alcuin’s writing, such as his hagiography, I have deliberately provided a summary account, knowing that other research was in progress else­ where. By reason o f these limitations of scope and defi­ ciencies o f execution, the present edition is intended to be nothing more than an editio minor. This book, written chiefly in the years 1 9 7 9 -8 1 , has been generously supported by a number o f institutions, scholars, and friends. M y first debt is to Corpus Christi College, Cam­ bridge, which made a home for me when I went there to read Medieval Latin after school in New Zealand. The Jebb Studentship in the University of Cambridge during 1 9 7 8 -9 facilitated the travel to foreign libraries upon which parts o f this edition are based. To Christ Church, O xford, which appointed me to a Research Lectureship in 1 9 7 9 , and to Pembroke College, O xford, which elected me to a Tutorial Fellowship in 1 9 8 0 , I owe the congenial environment in which my work was completed. The staffs o f a number o f libraries in Munich, Reims, Paris, O xford, Cambridge, and London have greatly assisted my research and, in particular, I should like to thank the Director and staff o f the Warburg Institute in the University o f London, locus amoenus. Inquiries about specific words have been answered with courtesy and despatch by the editorial staffs o f the Dictionary o f Medieval Latin from



British Sources, the Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch and the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. A grant from the British Academy defrayed the costs o f preparing successive drafts of a com ­ plicated manuscript. Special thanks are due to Mrs Dorothy Tanfield for the meticulous care with which she has typed my work. Since I was an undergraduate, I have talked about Alcuin with Professor Donald Bullough and Professor Dieter Schaller. Their kindly interest and welcome advice have made me feel that this subject is worth doing and that this book might perhaps be worth writing. Dr Michael Winterbottom has been my prop and stay. Professor Christopher Brooke and Dr Diana Greenway, as editors o f the Oxford Medieval Texts, provided valuable criticism and tactful support. My work has benefited from the comments o f Professor Julian Brown and Dr Michael Lapidge, who examined the Cambridge disserta­ tion upon which this edition draws; and Dr Lapidge has been so kind as to read through a draft o f the Introduction and Commentary. M y friend Mr Michael Reeve made excellent suggestions for change and improvement o f parts o f the manuscript, which I have gratefully adopted. A number o f scholars have answered queries or provided me with offprints o f their work, and these debts are specified in my notes. Here I should like to thank m y colleagues in Oxford, parti­ cularly the early medieval historians, who have made the perilous transition from another place so stimulating, and to acknowledge those scholars who have generously discussed with me points o f detail and o f interpretation, especially Mr P. Dronke, Professor H. Gneuss, Mme M.-P. Laffitte, Dr V . Law, Mr C. Leach, Dr J. Marenbon, Mr and Mrs P. Meyvaert, Professor F. Munari, Mr M. Parkes, Mr D. Phillips, Professor G. Rigg, Dr G. Silagi, and Mr N. Wright. The errors which remain are m y own, and no one thanked in this preface will doubt m y capacity for independent misjudge­ ment. Oxford St. Bartholomew’s Day, 1981

P. G.






INTRODUCTION i. Alcuin: The Reputation and the Research ii. The Life o f Alcuin and its Sources iii. The Date and Character of Alcuin’s Poem on York iv. The Political and Ecclesiastical Background V.

The School o f York and the Sources and Audience o f A lcuin’s Poem

vi. Anglo-Latin Literature before 8 0 0 and the Poetry o f Alcuin vii. The Rise o f the opus geminatum and the Form of Alcuin’s Poem on York viii. The Genre and Influence o f Alcuin’s Poem on York ix. X.

Language, Style, Metre, and Prosody Orthography

xi. History o f the Text xii. Construction o f this Edition SIGLA AND EDITORIAL ABB RE VIATIONS T E X T , T R A N S L A T I O N , AND C O M M E N T A R Y

xxxiii xxxiii xxxv xxxix xlvii lx lxxv Ixxviii lxxxviii xciii cx cxiii cxxix cxxxi 1

APPENDIX: Bishops and Archbishops o f York and Kings o f Northumbria until A lcuin’s Death (8 0 4 )













Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti.


Anglo-Saxon England , edd. P. Clemoes et ai


B. Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Stuttgart, 1966, 1967.

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2 vols.

A. Blaise (rev. A. Dumas), Le vocabulaire latin des principaux thèmes liturgiques. Tumhout, 1966. G. B. Blumenshine (ed.), Liber Alcuini Contra Felicis. Edition with an Introduction, Studi e Testi 85. Città dei Vaticano, 1980.



D. A. Bullough, ‘Hagiography as Patriotism: Alcuin’s York Poem and the Early Northumbrian Vitae Sanctorum ’. In Hagiographie, Cultures, et Sociétés , Centre de recherche sur l’antiquité tardive et le haut moyen âge, Université de Paris (Paris, 1981), pp. 339-59.


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Cramp, Anglian

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Haddan and Stubbs

A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs, Councils and Ecclesiastical D ocum ents Relating to Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. Oxford, 1869-78.

History o f York Minster

A History o f York M inster , edd. G. E. Aylmer and

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Karl der Grosse

Karl der Grosse. Lebenswerk und N achleben , i. Persönlichkeit und Geschichte , ed. H. Beumann; ii. Das Geistige L eb en , ed. B. Bischoff. Düsseldorf, 1965.


P. Klopsch, Einführung in die Dichtungslehren des lateinischen Mittelalters. Darmstadt, 1980.


Latham, Dictionary

R. E. Latham, A Dictionary o f Medieval Latin fro m British Sources. 2 vols. Oxford, 1975-


M. Leumann, J. B. Hofmann, A. Szantyr, Latein ische Grammatik. 2 vols. Munich, 1977.

Levison, England

W. Levison, England and the Continent in the Eighth Century. Oxford, 1946.

and the Continent

Löfstedt, Kom m entar

Löfstedt, Late

E. Löfstedt, Philologischer Kom m entar zur Peregrinatio Aetheriae. Uppsala, 1911. id., Late Latin. Oslo, 1959.


Löfstedt, Syntactica

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Studien und Beiträge zur historischen Syntax des Lateins i2, ii. Lund, 1956.

id., Vermischte Studien zur lateinischen Sprachkünde und Syntax. Lund, 1936.

Medium Æ v u m


Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Auctores Antiquissimi



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Mlat. Jb.

Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch

Mlat. Wb.

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M onum enta Alcuiniana

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Neues Archiv

Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft fü r ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde.


J. F. Niermeyer, Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus. Leiden, 1976.

L exicon

Norberg, Beiträge

D. Norberg, Beiträge zur spätlateinischen Syntax. Uppsala, 1944.


id., Introduction à Vétude de la versification latine médiévale. Uppsala, 1958.


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id., Syntaktische Forschungen auf des




dem Gebiete frühen Mittelalters.

Stockholm, 1943. Oxford Classical Texts.


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Proceedings o f the British A cadem y.


J.-P. Migne, Patro logia Latina.

Plummer, i, ii

C. Plummer, Venerabilis Bedae Opera Historica. 2 vols. Oxford 1896.


Rolls Series.


Studies in Church History.


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P. Salway, Roman Britain. Oxford, 1981.


D. Schaller and E. Könsgen, Initia Carminum Latinorum Saeculo Undecimo Antiquiorum. Bibliographisches Repertorium fü r die lateinische Dichtung der Antike und des früheren Mittelalters. Göttingen, 1977.

Soldier and Civilian

R. M. Butler, Soldier and Civilian in Roman Yorkshire . Leicester, 1971.

Spoleto . . . Settimane

Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sulValto m edioevo (Spoleto).


F. M. Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England3. Oxford, 1971.




Thesaurus Linguae Latinae.

Tangi, Epp.

M. Tangi, Die Briefe des heiligen Bonifatius und Lullus. M G H , Epistolae Selectae , i. Berlin, 1916.

Taylor i, ii, iii

H. M. and J. Taylor, Anglo-Saxon Architecture. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1965-78.


J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship in England and on the Continent. Oxford, 1971.

Early Germanic Kingship


id., Early Medieval History. Oxford, 1975.

Early Medieval History

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L. Wallach, Alcuin and Charlemagne. Studies in Carolingian History and Literature , Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, 30. 2 Ithaca, 1959.



Y. Arch. Jnl.

Yorkshire Archaeological Journal.


Whitelock, English Historical D ocum ents , C .5 0 0 -1 Q 4 2 , i2. London and New York, 1979. Zeitschrift fü r romanische Philologie.


Museum Plantin-Moretus, M. 17. 4, lxviii, n. 1 BAM BERG

Staatsbibliothek, B. II. 10 (Mise. Patr. 17), lxv, n. 5 ; lxviii and n. 1; lxxi, n. 2 (E A S T ) B E R L IN

Staatsbibliothek der Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Diez. B. Sant. 66, lxxiii, n. 2 lat. fol. 877, lxiii, n. 2 C A M B R ID G E

Corpus Christi College, 173, lxx and n. 2 Trinity College, 1130 (0.2.26) [T, T 1, T2] , cxi; cxv-cxx; exxiicxxviii; cxxxi; 184 University Library, Kk. 5. 16, 1600 ff. CUES

Hospitalbibliothek MS. 171, lxix-lxx and n. 1 DURHAM

Dean and Chapter Library, B. II. 30, 1546 DÜ SSELDORF

Heinrich-Heine-Institut, B. 215, 1546 ” ” ” C. 118, 1546 Staatsarchiv, Fragm. 20, 1546 ” MS. 2. 4. No. 2, 1543 FLORENCE

Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, pi. XLV. 15, 1556 H A U Z E N S T E IN

Graf Walderdorff Sammlung [C .L .A . viii 1052], lxiii, n. 2 KASSEL

Landesbibliothek MS. Theol. fol. 21, 1541 1 For a bibliography o f Alcuin’s life and work, see the Introduction, pp. xxxiii-ix. 2 Only extant manuscripts are listed here. Sigla employed in this edition are listed in square brackets beside the manuscript to which they refer. (See further pp. cxxxi-cxx xii). C.L.A . numbers are noted in the case o f manuscripts in private collections. References in bold type are to the Introduction (Roman numerals) and Commentary (Arabic numerals).




National Public (Saltykov-Shchedrin) Library, F. V. i. 3, 1541 Q. V. xiv. 1, lxx and n. 7 LEID EN

Universiteitsbibliotheek Voss. lat. F. 4, 1545 LONDON

British Library, Add. 4277, cxvi, n. 4 ” ” Harley 2793, cxi and n. 5 M AESEYCK

Eglise Ste-Cathérine, Trésors SN, lxiii, n. 2 M ILA N

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 74 sup., lxxi and n. 2 M U N ICH

Hauptstaatsarchiv, Raritäten-Selektion 108, lxiii, n. 2 P A R IS

Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 8051, 1554 ” ” lat. 9347, lxxi and n. 2, cxxix and n. 3 REIM S

Bibliothèque municipale, 426 [Ä, r ] , cxi, cxiii, n. 1, cxx-cxxviii, cxxxi, 1436-7, 1437, 1438-5, 1441-5, 1446 SPAN GEN BERG

Pfarrbibliothek SN, 1557 V A T IC A N

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 235, lxx and n. 6 ” ” ” Reg. lat. 226, 1447 ” ” ” Reg. lat. 2078, cxxix and n. 4 W EINH EIM (?)

E. Fischer Sammlung SN. [C .L .A . ix 1370], lxiii, n. 2; 1549

B. P R IN T E D P R IM A R Y S O U R C E S 1

Alcuin [Ale.]

Carmina, ed. E. Dümmler, M G H P L A C i, pp. 113,

160-351, 631-3; ii, pp. 690-3; ed. K. Strecker iv. 2, pp. 904-10, 1128; vi, p. 159. Poem on Y ork , see pp. cxxxi-ii.

1 Sections B and C list texts quoted in or relevant to this edition, with the exception o f those which appear in the list o f Abbreviations (Introduction and Commentary). Relevant works o f major authors are listed in full (see under Alcuin). The abbreviation in square brackets indicates the form in which each author/text is referred to in apparatus ii or apparatus iii. The edition which first appears in this list is the one quoted in app. ii or app. iii.



De Orthographia, ed. A. Marsili. Pisa, 1952. De Rhetorica et de Virtutibus, ed. C. Halm, Rhetores latini minores (Leipzig, 1863), pp. 52550; (with translation) W. S. Howell, The Rhetoric o f Alcuin and Charlemagne. Princeton, 1941. Disputatio, edd. W. Suchier and L. W. Daly, Disputatio regalis et nobilissimi iuvenis Pippini cum Albino scholastico; in Altercatio Hadriani Augusti et Epicteti philosophi . Illinois Studies in

Language and Literature 24, nos. 1-2. Urbana, 1939. Epistolae, ed. E. Dümmler, M G H Epp. iv, pp. 1-481; V , pp. 643-5; Colin Chase, Two Alcuin Letter-Books. Toronto Medieval Latin Texts

5. Toronto, 1975. Hagiographie a : Vita Richarii confessons Centulensis, ed. B. Krusch, M G H SrM iv, pp. 381-401. Vita Vedastis episcopi Atrebatensis, ed. B. Krusch, M G H SrM iii, pp. 414-27; iv, p. 770;

vii, pp. 819-20. Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi . Traiectensis (prose), ed. W. Levison, M G H SrM vii, pp. 81-141, 856-8; (metrical), ed. E. Dümmler, M G H P L A C i, pp. 207-20; A. Poncelet, A A SS O SB , Novembris iii (Brussels, 1910), pp. 435-57. Propositiones ad acuendos iuvenes, ed. M. Folkerts, Denkschriften der österreichischen Akadem ie der Wissenschaften , Mathematisch­

naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 116, 6. Abhandlung (Vienna, 1978), pp. 15-78. Opera cetera, PL c, ci.

S. Allott, Alcuin o f York (York, 1974); H. Kusch, Einführung in das lateinische Mittelalter, i (Berlin, 1957); H. Waddell, Mediaeval Latin Lyrics (London, 1933), pp. 78 f f.; id., More Latin Lyrics (London, 1976), pp. 146 ff.; Son Translations:

Well-Beloved: Six Poem s by Alcuin, Translated by the Benedictines o f Stanbrook (Worcester, 1967).


Opera , ed. R. Ehwald, M G H A A xv. Berlin, 1919.


Translation: M. Lapidge and M. Herren, Aldhelm : The Prose Works. Ipswich and Totowa, 1979.



Arator [Arat.]

T. Arnold (ed.), Sym eonis monachi Dunelmensis Opera omnia , ii (R.S. ) (London, 1885), pp. 3166. De Actibus A p o stoloru m , ed. A. P. McKinlay, CSEL lxxii. Vienna, 1951.


Epistolae 1-123, ed. A. Goldbacher, CSEL xxxiv.

'Annales Eboracenses* [‘Ann. Ebor. ’]

Prague, Vienna, and Leipzig, 1895. Avitus, Alcimus [Avit.]

Poemata , ed. R. Peiper, M G H A A vi. 2 (Berlin, 1883), pp. 201-94.

Æthelwulf [Æthelw.]

De A bbatibus , ed. A. Campbell (Oxford, 1967). ed. E. Dümmler, M G H PL A C i, pp. 583-604.


Carmina. rhythm i ,

Bedae Venerabilis liber hym n oru m , variae preces , ed. J. Fraipont, CCSL

cxxii (Tumhout, 1955), pp. 405-70. D e A rte Metrica , ed. C. B. Kendall, Bedae Venera­ bilis Opera i, Opera didascalia, CCSL cxxiii. A

(Tumhout, 1975), pp. 59-141. D e Orthographia , ed. C. W. Jones, ibid., pp. 1-

57. Epistola ad Ecgbertum , ed. Plummer i, pp. 405-23. H E 9 edd. Colgrave-Mynors; Plummer i, pp. 1-363. Historia A b b a tu m , ed. Plummer i, pp. 364-87. Vita S. Cuthberti (prose), ed. B. Colgrave, Two Lives o f St. Cuthbert. Cambridge, 1940; (metrical), ed. W. Jaager, Bedas metrische ‘ Vita Sancti Cuth­ berti’9Palaestra 198. Leipzig, 1935.

Boniface [Bonif.]

Ænigmata9 ed. Fr. Glorie, Ænigmata Bonifatii: Ænigmata 'Laureshamensia’, CCSL cxxxiii (Tum­ hout, 1968), pp. 273-343; M G H P L A C i, pp. 3-23. Epistolae , ed. Tangl, Epp.

Calendarium Eboracense metricum [Cal. Ebor. metr .]

A. Wilmart (ed.), ‘Un témoin anglo-saxon du calendrier métrique de York’, Revue bénédictine 46 (1934), pp. 41-69; U. Westerbergh, Beneventan Ninth Century Poetry (Stockholm, 1957), pp. 74-90.

Carmina Salisburgensia [Carm. Salisb. ]

E. Dümmler (ed.), M G H P L A C ü, pp. 637-48.


De Oratore , ed. A. S. WUkins. Oxford, 1892.

Continuations to Bede’s H E [HE Contin .]

Colgrave-Mynors (ed.), pp. 572-6.



Dracontius [Drac.]

Carmina , ed. F. Vollmer, M G H A A

xiv (Berlin,

Eddius Stephanus

Vita Wilfridi, ed. B. Colgrave, Eddius Stephanusf L ife o f Bishop Wilfrid . Cambridge, 1927.


Vita Karoli Magni , ed. L. Halphen, Vie de Charle­ m agne. Paris, 1923.

1905), pp. 22-113.

Epitaphia Civitatis E. Diimmler (ed.), M G H P L A C i, pp. 101-5. Papiae [Epitaph. Civ. Pap.]

Ermoldus Nigellus [Ermold.]

Carmina , ed. E. Diimmler, M G H P L A C ii, pp. 1-93.

E. Faral (ed.), P o èm e sur Louis le Pieux et épîtres au ro i Pépin. Paris, 1932. Felix

L ife o f St. G uthlacf ed. B. Colgrave. Cambridge,

1959. Florus o f Lyons [Flor. Lugd.]

Carmina , ed. E. Diimmler, M G H P L A C ii, pp. 507-


Fortunatus, Venantius [Ven. Fort.]

Carmina , ed. F. Leo, M G H A A iv. 1. Berlin, 1881.

Gildas [Gild.]

D e E xcid io B riton u m , ed. M. Winterbottom, Gildas : The Ruin o f Britain and O ther D ocu m en ts.

London and Chichester, 1968. Heiric o f Auxerre [Heiric]


Helpidius Rusticius

Catania, 1953.

‘Hibemicus Exui’ [‘Hib. Exui’ ]

Carmina , ed. F. Diimmler, M G H P L A C i, pp. 395-413.

Horaee [Hor.]

O pera , ed.5 F. Klingner. Leipzig, 1970.

Hrabanus Maurus [Hrab. Maur.]

Carmina , ed. L. Traube, M G H P L A C iii, pp. 427Carmen de%Iesu Christi B en eficiis , ed. F. Corsaro.

Carmina9 ed. E. Diimmler, M G H P L A C ii, pp. 117,


Isidore o f Seville [Isid.]

E ty m o lo g ia e , ed. W. M. Lindsay, O CT. 2 vols.


Versus in B ib lio th eca , ed.

Oxford, 1911. A. Ortéga,H elm antica

12 (1961), pp. 261-99. Jerome John o f Fulda [Joh. Fuld.]

D e Viris Illustribus , ed.

C. A. Bernoulli. Freiburgim-Breisgau and Leipzig, 1895. Versus , ed. E. Diimmler, M G H P L A C i, p. 392.



Joseph Scottus [Joseph Scott.]


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‘The Position o f the Altar in Early Anglo-Saxon Churches’ , The A ntiquaries Journal , 53 (1973), pp. 52-8.

INTRODUCTION i. Alcuin: The Reputation and the Research A L C U I N ’ S many-sided activity in England and on the Continent has guaranteed his reputation both as a scholar and as an architect o f Charlemagne’s political, religious, and cul­ tural reforms. 1 A rich tradition o f historical scholarship, that has no exponent more lucid than Wilhelm Levison2 and none more emphatic than Liutpold Wallach,3 stresses Alcuin’s impor­ tance at the court o f Charlemagne. Alcuin’s hagiographical, philosophical, and theological writings are discussed in a number o f recent studies.4 His didactic treatises, from the programmatical Disputatio de Vera Philosophia5 to his rhetorical, orthographical, and even mathematical tracts,6 1 The subject o f D. A. Bullough’s Ford Lectures in English History, delivered before the University o f Oxford, Hilary Term 1980, under the title Alcuin: The Achievement and the Reputation (forthcoming). A valuable recent survey o f this subject is provided by C. Leonardi, ‘Le ambizioni di una cultura unitaria: Alcuino e l’Accademia palatina’ , Spoleto . . . Settimane, 27, 1981, pp. 4 59 -9 6. 2 id., England and the Continent See further Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, especially chapters IV and V. 3 id., Alcuin and Charlemagne and Diplomatic Studies in Latin and Greek Documents from the Carolingian Age (Ithaca and London, 1977). 4 Most recently by I. Deug-Su, ‘ L’opera agiografica di Alcuino . . . ’ SM (3 a Ser.) 21. 1 (1980), pp. 4 7-96 (on Alcuin’s Vita S. Willibrordi) and ibid. (3 a Ser.) 21. 2 (1980), pp. 6 65-706 (on Alcuin’s Vita Vedastis); Sibylle Mahl, Quadriga Virtu­ tum: Die Kardinaltugenden in der Geistesgeschichte der Karolingerzeit, Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 9 (Cologne and Vienna, 1969), Part II. D; V. Serralda, La Philosophie de la Personne chez Alcuin (Paris, 1978); C. IneichenEder, ‘Theologisches und philosophisches Lehrmaterial aus dem Alcuin-Kreise’, Deutsches Archiv 34 (1978), pp. 192-201; J. Marenbon, From the Circle o f Alcuin to the School o f Auxerre (Cambridge, 1981), especially chapter 2; W. Heil, Alcuinstudien i (Düsseldorf, 1970) and ‘Der Adoptianismus, Alkuin und Spanien’ , Karl der Grosse, ii, pp. 95-155. 5 See F. Brunhölzl, ‘Der Büdungsauftrag der Hofschule’ , in Karl der Grosse, ü, pp. 28-41, and P. Courcelle, La Consolation de Philosophie dans la Tradition littéraire (Paris, 1967), pp. 33-47. 6 For the De Rhetorica et de Virtutibus, see W. S. Howell, The Rhetoric o f Alcuin and Charlemagne (Princeton, 1941; repr. New York, 1965). Editions o f the De Orthographia are listed below, p. cxi, n. 4. It is discussed by R. Wright, ‘Late Latin and Early Romance: Alcuin’s De Orthographia and the Council o f Tours (813 A D )’ , Papers o f the Liverpool Latin Seminar 3 (1981), pp. 343-61



have been re-examined, and a book is devoted to his work on the liturgy.1 The splendid studies o f Bonifatius Fischer have illuminated Alcuin’s role in Carolingian reform o f the Bible.2 His letters, placed on a firm textual foundation by Th. Sickel and Ernst Dümm ler,3 have been investigated as a sociological source4 and have been edited anew from the excerpts o f two medieval letter collections.5 It would be otiose to multiply bibliographical evidence o f recent interest in Alcuin’s life and work. A t no time since the Middle Ages has there been such varied and documented concern with virtually every aspect o f Alcuin’s writing— every aspect, that is, except his poetry. Alcuin the scholar overshadows Alcuin the poet, and orthodox views o f his verse are plainly expressed in the judgement o f F. J. E. Raby: ‘a great teacher, if a mediocre poet’.6 Less plain are the grounds for this judgement. No critical study o f Alcuin’s poetry exists, nor is there any adequate and C. Dionisotti, ‘On Bede, Grammars, and Greek* Revue bénédictine 92 (1982), pp. 129-41. The Propositiones ad acuendos iuvenes ascribed to Alcuin are edited and discussed by M. Folkerts, ‘Die älteste mathematische Aufgabensammlung in lateinischer Sprache: Die Alkuin zugeschriebenen Propositiones ad acuendos iuvenes. Überlieferung, Inhalt, kritische Edition’ , Denkschriften der öster­ reichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 116, 6. Abhandlung (Vienna, 1978), pp. 15-78. There is a useful edition o f Alcuin’s Disputatio cum Pippino by W. Suchier and L. W. Daly in Altercatio Hadriani Augusti et Epicteti philosophi, Illinois Studies in Language and Litera­ ture 24, nos. 1-2 (Urbana, 1939). 1 G. Ellard, S.J., Master Alcuin , Liturgist. A Partner o f Our Piety (Chicago, 1956). 2 Die Alkuin-Bibel, Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel 1 (Freiburgim-Breisgau, 1957); ‘ Bibeltext und Bibelreform unter Karl dem Grossen*, Karl der Grosse, ii, pp. 156-216; and Die Bibel von Moutier-Grandval, British Library Additional MS. 10,546 (facs.), edd. B. Fischer et al (Bern, 1971), especially pp. 49-98. 3 Th. Sickel, ‘Alcuinstudien*, Sitzungsberichte der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philologisch-historische Klasse 79 (Vienna, 1875), pp. 4 61-550 and E. Dümmler, MGH Epp. iv. 4 W. Edelstein, eruditio und sapientia. Untersuchungen zu Alcuins Briefen (Freiburg, 1965). 5 Two Alcuin Letter-Books , ed. C. Chase, Toronto Medieval Latin Texts 5 (Toronto, 1975). 6 The Oxford Book o f Medieval Latin Verse (Oxford, 1959), p. 466, sub no. 48. Cf. ‘. . . his poems by their number, extent and influence, if not by their merit, occupy the first place, “ though real inspiration is rare” *, W. Levison, England and the Continent, p. 163. The quotation is from M. L. W. Laistner, Thought and Letters in Western Europe, A.D . 500 to 9002 (London, 1957), p. 192.



account o f the literary context in which his verse may be set.1 The only survey o f early Anglo-Latin literature ends with Bede, Alcuin’s immediate predecessor; and it is less than a conspi­ cuous success.2 The standard literary histories o f Medieval Latin, on the other hand, offer a panorama o f the entire Middle Ages. They have no time to linger over a single poet: an entire millennium is grist to their mill. There is, in con­ sequence, a contrast between the close and sympathetic attention paid to most o f Alcuin’s writing by recent scholar­ ship and its comparative neglect o f his poetry. In this area the last century has seen little progress in the critical edition and interpretation o f Alcuin’s w ork.3 Even his major narrative poem on Y ork , the importance o f which is signalled by historians and philologists alike,4 has attracted scant notice. And yet this poem , known generally by the title Versus de [Patribus Regibus] et Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae,5 has a significant place among the primary sources for Northumbrian history and for Alcuin’s career, as will emerge from an account o f its author’s life. ii. The Life o f Alcuin and its Sources Alcuin’s life is among the most richly documented o f any intellectual’s o f the eighth century.6 1 A study o f the authenticity o f the canon o f Alcuin’s poetry is presented by H. D. Burghardt, ‘Philologische Untersuchungen zu den Gedichten Alkuins’, diss. phil. (Heidelberg, 1960). 2 W. F. Bolton, A History o f Anglo-Latin Literature, 597-1066 (Princeton, 1967): ‘Die Geschichte der anglolateinischen . . . Literatur ist nach wie vor zu schreiben’ (D. Schaller, review o f Bolton, op. cit., Anglia, 90/2 (1972), p. 207). 3 The major exception is K. Strecker’s edition o f the rhythmical poetry attri­ buted to Alcuin (MGH PLAC'w. 3, pp. 9 03 -1 0). 4 Cf. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, p. 87, Brunhölzl, Geschichte , pp. 268-9. 5 On the authority for this title, see com m, pp. 2-3fl. 6 Biographies: F. Lorentz, Alkuins Leben (Halle, 1829 (translated by J. M. Slee as The Life o f Alcuin (London, 1937)); K. Werner, Alcuin und sein Jahr­ hundert (Paderborn, 1876); C. J. B. Gaskoin, Alcuin, His Life and Work (London, 1904; repr. New York, 1966); G. F. Browne, Alcuin o f York (London, 1908); A. Kleinclausz, Alcuin , Annales de l’Université de Lyon iii. 15 (Paris, 1948); E. S. Duckett, Alcuin , Friend o f Charlemagne: his World and his Work (New York, 1951). The best short account o f Alcuin’s career is by E. Dümmler, ‘Zur Lebensgeschichte Alchuins*, Neues Archiv , 18 (1893), pp. 51-70. See further id., ‘Alchuinstudien’, Sitzungsberichte der königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Klasse (Berlin, 1891), pp. 4 9 5 -5 2 3 ; D. Schaller,



Born in Northumbria in the second quarter o f the eighth century,1 possibly o f noble fam ily,2 Alcuin spent his early years in the cathedral community o f Y o rk .3 There his teacher, patron, and friend was Æ lberht, the future bishop ( 7 6 7 -7 3 ) and archbishop ( 7 7 3 -8 ) , whom he succeeded as master at the school o f York in 7 6 7 .4 Æ lberht travelled to Rome and to Francia, and Alcuin accompanied the biblio­ phile prelate on his continental journeys.5 By 7 7 8 -8 0 , the date o f a poetic epistle which he addressed to friends abroad after returning to England,6 Alcuin’s contacts among the lay and ecclesiastical aristocracy o f Carolingian Europe were already appreciable. Although widely travelled and well connected, Alcuin derived his standing until middle age chiefly from his office at York and from the patronage o f his teacher and friends. Alcuin’s official position in the Church counted for little. He was never to advance beyond the deacon’s orders which he had taken during his youth in Northumbria. In 781 came, the turning-point in Alcuin’s career. Return­ ing from Rom e, where he had been sent on behalf o f Æ lberht’s successor Eanbald to receive the archbishop’s pallium from Pope Hadrian I, Alcuin met Charlemagne at Parma, probably on 15 March 7 8 1 .7 (This was not their ‘Alkuin (Alchuine)’, in Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, edd. K. Ruh et al i. 1 (Berlin and New York, 1978), cols. 2 41-53; and W. Heil, ‘Alcuin’, in Theologische Realenzyklopädie ii. 1/2 (Berlin, 1977), pp. 266-76. 1 See comm, to w . 1635-6. The traditional date o f c. 735 is discussed by Dümmler, Neues Archiv 18 (1893), pp. 53-4. It is a mystery to me why S. Allott, Alcuin o f York (York, 1974), pp. iii and v, gives Alcuin’s date o f birth as ‘c. 732’. 2 See comm, to w . 754-5. 3 See vv. 1651-3, with app. iii ad loc. 4 See w . 1526 ff., especially w . 1533-5 with app. iii ad loc. 5 See Carmen ii. 7-10 (MGHPLAC i, p. 2 0 6 ), Ep. 172 (MGHEp. iv,p. 2 8 5 ,3 -4 ), and Ep. 271 (ibid., p. 429, 1-2, with nn. 5 and 6). At least one o f these journeys (to Rome) was made before 767. See w . 1454-9 with comm, and app. iii to w . 1450 ff. On the (improbable) conjecture that Charlemagne sent Alcuin as an envoy to Pope Hadrian in 773, see M. Papetti, Tntom o ai viaggi di Alcuino in Italia’, Sophia, 3 (1935), pp. 216-18 and Levison, England and the Continent, p. 154, n. 3. 6 Carmen iv (MGH PLAC i, pp. 220-3). On the date and genre o f this poem, see D\ Schaller, ‘Vortrags- und Zirkulardichtung am H of Karls des Grossen’, Mlat. Jb. 6 (1970), p. 19 and n. 18. 7 Not Pavia, as recorded by Brunhölzl, Geschichte, p. 268. For the meeting with Charlemagne, see Vita Alcuini, c. IX (Arndt, p. 198 [= Monumenta Alcuiniana, c. VI, P. 1 7]).



first encounter.1) Invited to join the Frankish court and to assist Charlemagne in his educational and cultural reforms, Alcuin left England either in 781 or early in 7 82. In later life, he was to regard this move as the due fulfilment o f an earlier prophecy.2 Alcuin remained on the Continent until the end o f his life, with the exception o f two return visits to England, in 7 86 and 7 9 0 -3 . His activities on both o f these occasions point to his new-found eminence. In 786 he accompanied the papal legates, on their first visitation to England since the Augustinian mission, to the Northern synod and the court o f King O ffa .3 During his stay o f 7 9 0 -3 the ‘York Annals’ embedded in Symeon o f Durham’s Historia Regum record Charle­ magne’s despatch to England o f a translation o f the proceed­ ings o f the Council o f Nicaea (7 8 7 ), to which Alcuin replied with a letter.4 N ow the companion o f papal legates and the counsellor o f kings, Alcuin derived much o f his standing from the influence he had come to enjoy over Charlemagne. And that influence derived in turn from two qualities displayed by Alcuin with a flair unrivalled among his contemporaries: practical erudition and didactic efficiency.5 A t Charlemagne’s courts, itinerant between 782 and 793 but settled at Aachen in 7 9 4 ,6 Alcuin was at the centre o f that international élite o f scholars and poets in whose work is celebrated the first brilliant- phase o f the Carolingian renovatio.1 Already abbot o f St.-Loup at Troyes and o f 1 Vita Alcuini, c. IX; see Dümmler, MGHPLAC i, p. 160, n. 9. 2 Perhaps made by the Northumbrian anchorite Echa. See v. 1393 with app. iii and com m, ad loc. 3 The legatine report is printed in MGH Epp. iv. 3, pp. 19-29. For a concise appraisal o f this mission, see Stenton, pp. 215-16. 4 lv, s.a. 792 (Arnold, Symeonis Monachi Opera Omnia, ii, pp. 5 3-4 (transi, in Whitelock, p. 272)). On these annals see P. Hunter Blair, ‘Some Observations on the Historia Regum attributed to Symeon o f Durham’, in Celt and Saxon: Studies in the Early British Border , edd. K. Jackson et al (Cambridge, 1963; revised 1964), pp. 63-118 and M. Lapidge, ‘Byrhtferth o f Ramsey and the Early Sections o f the Historia Regum Attributed to Symeon o f Durham’, ASE 10 (1981), pp. 72-122. See further pp. lvi-lvii, lxix. 5 Cf. Einhard, Vita Karoli Magniy X X V . 6 See J. Fleckenstein, ‘Karl der Grosse und sein H of’, in Karl der Grosse, i, pp. 24-50, on the successive ‘phases’ o f Charlemagne’s courts. 7 Bibliography on this subject is immense. Volumes i and ii o f the Karl der Grosse symposium are fundamental. See too Levison, England and the Continent, pp. 132 f f .; W. Ullmann, The Carolingian Renaissance and the Idea o f Kingship

XXX Vlll


Ferrières, in 796 he acquired the abbacy o f St. Martin’s at Tours.1 Although he was to travel back to the court after that date, his last years were spent in increasing retirement at St. Martin’s. Alcuin died on 19 May 8 0 4 .2 His career marks the final and most fertile point o f contact between Anglo-Saxon and continental scholarship in the eighth century.3 Our primary sources for Alcuin’s life and work are o f unequal value. Analysis o f them begins with the conspectus o f Alcuin’s career which survives in the anonymous Vita

Alcuini. Composed between 823 and 8 2 9 , probably at Ferrières, under the inspiration o f Alcuin’s pupil Sigulf, this local portrait sets Alcuin chiefly in his retirement at Tours. Its anonymous author, influenced by hagiographical models com m on in the ninth century, was scarcely more interested in his subject’s work on dialectic, grammar, or orthography than in the story that Alcuin commented on Psalm 118 with a golden pen.4. He provides corroborative, sometimes plaus­ ible, evidence for material attested elsewhere, but little which is o f independent authority. The richest body o f evidence for Alcuin’s life and work is provided not in the Vita Alcuini, but in Alcuin’s own poems and letters. Alcuin’s letters tell us most about the last decade o f his career. For his earlier years they are less revealing. If we wish to know what Alcuin was doing in 7 9 3 , his letters are highly informative.5 If we wish to know what he was doing in 7 8 3 , they tell us next to nothing. From a total o f more than three hundred extant letters, little more than one-eighth antedates the last ten years o f his life.6 A mere handful was written (London, 1969), pp. 1 -2 0; H. Fichtenau, Das Karolingische Imperium (Zürich, 1949), pp. 56 ff. For outstanding studies o f the court circle o f poets see the items listed under Schaller and Bischoff (Select Bibliography C. ii, pp. xxvi and xxv). 1 See J. Chélini, ‘Alcuin, Charlemagne, et Saint-Martin de Tours’ Revue d*histoire de VÉglise de France, 47 (1961), pp. 19-50 and F. J. Felten, Ä b te und Laienäbte im Frankreich (Stuttgart, 1980), pp. 234 ff. 2 Testimonia are conveniently assembled by Levison, England and the Con­ tinent, p. 155, n. 1. 3 See Levison, op. cit., especially p. 155. 4 c. XXI (Arndt, pp. 194-5 [= Monumenta Alcuiniana c. XII, p. 28] ). 5 MGH Epp. iv, Epp. 15-40, pp. 40-83 . 6 Ibid., Epp. 1-2, 4 -3 8, pp. 18-19, 29-81.



before 7 9 0 , and their dating is largely conjectural.1 Alcuin’s letters provide an invaluable testimony to his middle and old age. But they tell us very little about his boyhood, youth, or early manhood. The chief autobiographical sources for the earliest period o f Alcuin’s life are the few poems which antedate 7 8 1 /2 . O f these, Carmen iv provides evidence o f Alcuin’s continental connections before he left England,1 2 while Carmen ii adds little to the information which can be derived from else­ where.3 It is in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae that we find a description o f Alcuin’s teachers, a sketch o f the authors available to him at York, and an out­ line o f developments which took place in Northumbria within his own living mem ory, from c. 732 (the close o f Bede’s HE) to c. 7 8 2 .4 The poem on York is therefore o f special interest as an autobiographical witness to Alcuin’s early career. It is also one o f the rare sources for fifty years o f Northumbrian history in which our only other literary evidence is provided by the ‘Northern recension’ o f the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,5 by the Continuations to Bede’s HE and by the cryptic entries o f the ‘York Annals’ . Much o f the authority o f this poem as an autobiographical and historical source depends upon its date and character. iii. The Date and Character o f Alcuin’s Poem on York The 1658 hexameters o f Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae celebrate the political, ecclesiastical, and intellectual history o f his native Northumbria, with its spiritual centre at Y o rk .6 Two-thirds o f his poem draws on Bede’s HE and prose and metrical lives o f St. Cuthbert;7 the rest describes events o f Alcuin’s own lifetime. His interest is trained on the propagation o f the faith in Northumbria, 1 MGH Epp. 1-2, 4 -6 , pp. 18-19, 29-31. 2 See p. xxxvi, n. 6 above. 3 See ibid., n. 5 above. 4 w . 1215-1658. 5 On this ‘recension’, see D. Whitelock, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Norwich, 1961), p. xiv and The Peterborough Chronicle, Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, 4 (Copenhagen, 1954), pp. 29 ff. 6 The MGH text has 1657 lines. On the ‘new* verse, see com m, to v. 578. 7 w . 19-1205. Alcuin states his debt to Bede at lines 685 ff., 741 ff., 781 ff., and 1207 ff. See further pp. xlvii-lviii, lxviii-lxix, lxxv-lxxvii, lxxxiv-lxxxix below.



on the kingdom’s defence and extension, and on the moral example provided by the miraculous deeds o f the Northern bishops, saints, and anchorites. Alcuin refashions Bede’s text to these ends, and his work culminates in an account o f the school and archbishops o f York during his youth. The central themes o f Alcuin’s poem may be represented by a brief synopsis:1 w . 1 -1 8

Invocation o f Christ and the saints; plea for divine inspiration; statement o f theme.

vv. 1 9 -4 5

The Roman foundation o f Y o rk ; its site and amenities; the withdrawal o f the Romans and inept rule by the Britons; Pictish incursions.

vv. 4 6 -7 8

The Saxons are enlisted against the Piets; they turn against their allies and assume power in accordance with G o d ’s will.

w . 7 9 -8 9

Pope Gregory the Great’s initiative in the conversion o f the English.

w . 9 0 -1 3 3

A heavenly messenger prophesies Edwin’s successes; his restoration and excellent rule; his marriage.

w . 1 3 4 -2 3 3

The mission o f Paulinus; conversion o f Edwin; rejection o f paganism by Coifi the high priest; foundation of the Church o f Y o rk ; its elevation to be chief city of the realm; death o f Edwin.

w . 2 3 4 -5 0 6

Accession o f Oswald and revenge for Edwin’s death; defeat o f Cadwallon; bene­ factions to the church; the prophecy o f Aidan and the posthumous miracles o f Oswald.

vv. 5 0 7 -7 4

Oswiu’s initial difficulties as king; his victory over Penda; security for Northum ­ bria and conversion o f Mercia; military successes o f Oswiu.

1 For fuller discussion, see pp. xlvii-lx. A chronological table o f the bishops, archbishops, and kings o f Northumbria in Alcuin’s lifetime is provided in the Appendix (pp. 136-7).



w . 5 7 5 -6 4 5

Accession o f Ecgfrith; life and attainments o f Wilfrid I.

w . 6 4 6 -7 5 0

The career o f Cuthbert; a summary o f Bede’s Lives o f the Saint.

w . 7 5 1 -8 4 6

Reign o f Ecgfrith; miracles o f Æthelthryth and o f the thegn Im m a; defeat and death o f Ecgfrith; accession o f Aldfrith.

w . 8 4 7 -7 5

Bosa’s ecclesiastical reforms.

w . 8 7 6 -1 0 0 7

Vision o f Dryhthelm.

w . 1 0 0 8 -7 7

Activities o f the Anglo-Saxon missionaries on the Continent and in Ireland.

w . 1 0 7 7 -1 2 1 5

Return to the theme o f the Northumbrian kings and bishops; miracles o f John o f Beverley.

w . 1 2 1 6 -5 0

Endowments o f the church by Wilfrid II; his reign as bishop.

w . 1 2 5 1 -8 7

Admirable episcopacy o f Egbert;his régime; his harmony with the king; elevation o f York to archiépiscopal status.

w . 1 2 8 8 -1 3 1 8

Death o f Bede; account o f his life and works; his miracle.

w . 1 3 1 9 -8 7

The anchorite Balthere;his spiritual achieve­ ments.

w . 1 3 8 8 -9 3

The hermit Echa.

w . 1 3 9 4 -1 5 9 6

The life and teaching o f archbishop Æ lberht; his endowments to the church and con­ struction o f Sancta Sophia; his books; lament for his death.

w . 1 5 9 7 -1 6 4 8

A prophecy and a vision o f the community o f York in heaven as witnessed in Alcuin’s youth.

w . 1 6 4 9 -5 8

Final prayer and conclusion.

Alcuin’s longest narrative poem , the Versus d e . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae are comparable to the metrical Life o f St. Willibrord,1 which Alcuin wrote in commemoration o f 1 See further, pp. xliii-xliv, lxxviii.



his kinsman, the apostle o f the Frisians and founder o f the monastery o f Echternach.1 The remainder o f Alcuin’s poetry is o f a lyrical, dedicatory, and panegyrical character.2 With the exception o f Carmen ii and Carmen iv,3 it derives from the last twenty-two years o f his life ( 7 8 2 -8 0 4 ) , when he was largely absent from his homeland. The extant Latin verse o f one o f Anglo-Saxon England’s most eminent poets was written chiefly on the Continent. Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae are com m only regarded as his earliest composition in verse. The poem is generally attributed to the period before his departure for Charlemagne’s court and is often assigned, more specifically, to the years 7 8 0 -2 . The problem o f dating this text has special interest, given the sparseness o f primary evidence for Northumbrian history in the half-century before 782 and the lack o f reliable biographical material for the early years o f Alcuin’s career. If a date before 782 is accepted, it would establish the poem on York as a historical and auto­ biographical spurce o f singular authority. The received dating o f this text is founded on internal evidence. External evidence is wanting. The transmission history o f the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae provides no clues as to their date o f com position.4 Recent scholarship has followed Alcuin’s nineteenth-century editor, Wilhelm Wattenbach, who assigned the poem to the years 7 8 0 -2 on the grounds that there is nothing in it to indicate that its author was separated from the clergy o f the church at Y o rk .5 It is true that there is nothing in Alcuin’s poem -to prove that he was separated from the clergy o f the church o f York. However, it is also true that there is nothing in the text to prove that he was not separated from them. The pride in the institutions and traditions o f York displayed in Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae remains equally prominent in a number o f letters and in a poem which he 1 On Willibrord see com m, to w . 1037-43. 2 See the classification by Schaller (art. cit., p. xxxv, n. 6 above), col. 245. 3 See above, p. xxxvi, nn. 5, 6. 4 See pp. cxiii-cxxix below. 5 Monumenta Alcuiniana, p. 80. Cf. Diimmler, MGH PLAC i, p. 162; Brunhölzl, Geschichte , pp. 268-69: ‘ Es stammt ohne Zweifel noch aus den Jahren, da Alkuin in York lehrte’ (my italics).



wrote between 793 and 8 0 1 , on the Continent.1 The regional interest o f the poem on York has therefore been used too simply as evidence for its date o f composition: Alcuin’s concern for his patria was not restricted to any one period o f his literary output, but continued throughout his life, including the years after 7 8 1 /2 spent abroad. A t w . 1408 ff. o f his poem on York Alcuin addresses the Euboricae . . . iuventus. 2 This suggests that his poem was intended for an audience at York, but does not demonstrate that he was there when he wrote it. Moreover, the unambigu­ ous evidence for Alcuin’s travel abroad in the years 7 8 0 -1 and o f his subsequent departure from England casts further doubt upon Wattenbach’s hypothesis that Alcuin composed his most complex, ambitious, and lengthy poetical work in the eventful months following the death o f Æ lberht. Nothing in the text disproves the (counter-)hypothesis that Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae, like Carmen lix, which is addressed in the same manner to the young men o f Y o rk ,1 *3 were written after 7 8 1 /2 and from the Continent. Since Alcuin returned to England both in 786 and in 7 9 0 -3 , there is every reason to believe that he maintained personal as well as written contact with his circle at York (where he spent Lent o f 793) after the move to Charlemagne’s court. This leads in turn to the second counter-hypothesis, that one o f these return visits to England in 7 8 6 or 7 9 0 -3 prompted Alcuin to compose or finally to revise his poem on York, a hypothesis that is supported by the evidence o f this work’s nearest analogues, earliest diffusion, and historical back­ ground. In style, scale, and content, none o f Alcuin’s poems is so closely related to the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae as his metrical Life o f St. Willibrord. Like the poem on York, much o f which is a re-working in verse o f the text o f Bede, the Vita S. Willibrordi metrica is designed as a poetical counterpart to Alcuin’s prose Vita. The metrical Life observes and extends the conventions o f the opus 1 Carm. lix (MGH PLAC i, p. 273) and MGHEpp. iv, nos. 16, 17, 18, 30, 42, 43, 44, 4 6 ,4 7 ,4 8 , 108, 109, 114, 115, 116, 125, 226, 232, 233. * p. 110. 3 ‘ Moenibus Euboricae habitans tu sacra iuventus’ (MGHPLAC i, p. 273, v. 8).



geminatum , by which the poem on York is also influenced.1 Alcuin’s only other large-scale narrative poem , the Vita S. Willibrordi metrica reveals similar hagiographical and histori­ cal interests to those displayed in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. These affinities o f scale and content, reinforced by a large number o f verbal parallels,2 are too close and too numerous to be referred to mere similarity o f genre. The verse Life o f St. Willibrord was issued, together with Alcuin’s prose work, no earlier than 785 and perhaps as late as 7 9 7 .3 If Alcuin wrote the two poems at the same time, then the date o f the metrical Life o f St. Willibrord lends support to the hypothesis that Alcuin composed his poem on York after 7 8 1 /2 . The poem known as the Miracula S. Nyniae was written, probably at Whithorn, by a pupil o f Alcuin’s after his depar­ ture for the Continent.4 It draws on many o f the same sources (especially Aldhelm and Bede) as the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae, but never plainly borrows from Alcuin’s poem. If the Versus de . . . Sanctis Eubori­ censis Ecclesiae were composed by Alcuin in York before his departure for the Continent in 7 8 1 /2 , it is curious that they made no positive impact on Anglo-Latin verse written during his lifetime, by one o f his own pupils, such as the Miracula S. Nyniae. N ot until the composition o f Æ th elw u lf’s De Abbatibus , in the first quarter o f the ninth century is an Anglo-Latin poem clearly indebted, both in style and in substance, to Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae.5 This 1 See pp. lxxviii-lxxxviii below. 2 The evidence, assembled in app. iii, is listed on p. 143. 3 See Levison, MGH SrM vii, p. 85. A dating to 796-7 has been proposed by I. Deug-Su, SM (3a Ser.) 2. 1 (1980), p. 61. 4 Ed. K. Strecker, MGH PLAC iv. 3 (Berlin, 1896), pp. 943-62. The Miracula S. Nyniae are referred to by Alcuin at Ep. 273 (MGH Epp. iv, p. 431, 3 2-7) and possibly at Carmen lix. 14 (MGHPLAC i, p. 273, with n. 1 ad loc.). On the poem as a whole, see Strecker, ‘ Zu den Quellen für das Leben des heiligen Ninian’ , Neues Archiv, 43 (19 2 0 -2 ), pp. 1 -26; W. Levison, ‘An Eighth-Century Poem on St. Ninian’ , Antiquity, 14 (1940), pp. 2 80-91; W. W. MacQueen, ‘Miracula Nynie Episcopi’ , Transactions o f the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society (Ser. 4) 38 (1 9 59 -6 1), pp. 21-57. 5 Ed. A. Campbell (O xford, 1967); Dümmler, MGH PLAC i, pp. 583-604. The poem is dated by Campbell (p. xxiii) to 803-21. See L. Traube, Karolingische Dichtungen, Schriften zur germanischen Philologie, i (Berlin, 1888), especially



corresponds to what can be reconstructed o f the York poem ’s influence on continental literature written during or soon after Alcuin’s lifetime. The first extant work o f Carolingian Latin poetry to display substantial affinities with the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae is ‘Karo lus Magnus et Leo Papa\ o f the first decade o f the ninth cen­ tury.1 There is no doubt that Alcuin’s poem circulated on the Continent, but in England, even allowing for the fragmentary state o f our evidence due to Viking devastation in the ninth century, the diffusion o f this text seems to have been ex­ tremely limited and relatively late. These facts from philology and literary history in support o f the hypothesis that Alcuin issued the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae later in his career are reinforced by the political background o f the work. A t w . 3 8 8 -9 1 Alcuin describes and praises the benefac­ tions o f O ffa, king o f Mercia ( 7 5 7 -9 6 ) , to the shrine o f Oswald.2 How are we to account for this emphasized refer­ ence to O ffa o f Mercia in Alcuin’s account o f the seventhcentury saints and kings o f Northumbria? In the elevation o f York to the status o f a major episcopal see in 735 and, especially, in the harmony between Arch­ bishop Egbert (c. 7 3 2 -6 6 ) and his brother king Eadberht ( 7 3 7 -5 8 ) Alcuin saw the coming o f a ‘Golden A ge’ o f the Northern Church which Bede in his HE had set in the time o f Theodore.3 The learning of the school o f York, and the example o f the career o f his own teacher, Archbishop Æ lberht, gave Alcuin further reason for pride.4 But if the spiritual and ecclesiastical history o f Northum ­ bria in Alcuin’s youth was a story o f success, its later political history was a dismal chronicle o f unrest.5 The ‘Golden A ge’ pp. 2 4 -5 ; Kamphausen, Traum und Vision in der lateinischen Poesie der Karoling­ erzeit, Lateinische Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters 4 (Bern and Frankfurt, 1975), pp. 86 ff.; and D. A. Howlett, T h e Provenance, Date, and Structure o f

de Ab batibus\ Arc hae o logia Aeliana (Ser. 5) 3 (1975), pp. 121-30. 1 Dating following Schaller ‘Das Aachener Epos für Karl den Kaiser’, Fm. St 10 (1976), pp. 134 ff. For the stylistic affinities o f this poem with Alcuin’s, see app. iii and pp. lxxxix-xci below. 2 See p. lx below. 3 See w . 1251 ff. and p. lvi. 4 See w . 1395 ff. 5 Cf. Stenton, pp. 92-3. A different view o f the political history o f this period is set out in P. H. Sawyer’s From Roman Britain to Norman England (London, 1978), pp. 107-8.



in which Egbert and Eadberht ruled over Church and king­ dom, depicted in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae (vv. 1 2 7 7 -8 7 ), must be seen in full contrast to the political turbulence o f Alcuin’s manhood. A usurper o f non­ royal birth, Æ thelwald ‘M oll’ seized power in 7 5 9 , and was not expelled until 7 6 5 . A rebellion o f 7 7 4 cost King Alhred his throne; and after four or five years Æthelred the son o f Æ thelwald ‘M oll’ , who had replaced him, was also driven into exile. His two successors reigned for no more than a decade between them, and Æ thelred, again king o f Northumbria from 789 to 7 9 6 , was considered by Alcuin in an unfavour­ able light.1 The years in which the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae were written, following either the accepted hypothesis o f 7 8 0 -2 or my own suggestion o f a date o f composition or revision as late as the 790s, repre­ sented a nadir o f Northumbrian kingship. In these circumstances, Alcuin’s reference to the benefac­ tions made by O ffa to the shrine o f Oswald can be seen as a pointed turning away from the Northumbrian tyrants and usurpers o f his own times to the powerful monarch o f neigh­ bouring Mercia. There O ffa had secured a political stability which Alcuin’s own strife-torn patria lacked. It is significant that the only contemporary king apart from Eadberht o f Northumbria whom Alcuin praises in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae is O ffa o f Mercia— a power­ ful overlord, like Alcuin’s heroes Edwin, Oswald, and Oswiu.2 An act o f calculated deference to the Mercian king would appear most natural when O ffa ’s relations with Northumbria were most harmonious. In 792 O ffa married a daughter to King Æ thelred o f Northumbria— and in that year Alcuin was, as we have noted, back in England. Is the allusion to O ffa ’s gifts to the shrine o f one o f the leading Northumbrian royal saints a sign o f the rapprochement between Mercia and Alcuin’s homeland in the early 790s and a tribute to the in­ fluence o f the great Mercian king3 with whom Alcuin enjoyed ' MGHEpp. i\,Ep. 9 (dated 793), p. 35, 7-10. 2 See below, pp. xlix-li. 3 On O ffa’s influence, see Stenton, p. 212; id., ‘The Supremacy o f the Mercian Kings’, in Preparatory to Anglo-Saxon England, being the Collected Papers o f Frank Merry Stenton, ed. Doris Mary Stenton (O xford, 1970), especially pp. 6 0 -1 ; and Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, pp. 111-12.



friendly relations?1 This would be in keeping with the other evidence o f the poem ’s stylistic affinities and influence, which points to a date o f final composition and ‘publication’ after Alcuin had left England in 7 8 1 /2 , perhaps as late as 7 9 2 /3 . The poem on York remains a privileged witness to the Northumbrian history o f Alcuin’s youth and early manhood and it continues to be a rare source for his own biography, but it would be rash to assume that it is a documentary account o f even the events o f his lifetime. The genre of Alcuin’s work is influenced by panegyric, and fond remini­ scence is one o f his motives for writing.2 A properly critical view o f this text’s value as a historical and biographical source will take these factors into account. This leads us to the ecclesiastical and political background o f the Northum­ bria Alcuin describes in his poem on York. iv. The Political and Ecclesiastical Background In a letter to Æ thelred, king o f Northumbria, written after the Vikings had sacked the monastery o f Lindisfarne in 7 9 3 , Alcuin stated with urgency the ties that ought to bind his fellow Northumbrians to one another: ‘by a double bond o f kinship we are fellow citizens o f one city in Christ: that is, as sons o f Mother Church and as natives of one fatherland.’ 3 This perspective, uniting the Northumbrian patria and the church o f Y ork, is embodied in Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. Alcuin’s vision o f the political and ecclesiastical development o f Northumbria, from the Roman foundation o f York until the final quarter o f the eighth century, can be recovered by examining this poem in the light o f the views implied by his use o f Bede and ex­ pressed in his letters. The Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae open 1 MGH Epp. iv, Epp. 7 (p. 33); 9 (p. 35); 61 (pp. 1 04 -5 ); 62 (pp. 105-6); 82 (pp. 1 24-5); 85 (p. 128); 87 (p. 131); 100 (pp. 1 44-6); 101 (pp. 146-7); 102 (pp. 1 48-9); 122 (p. 180); and Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, p. 116. 2 See below, pp. lxv-lxvi. 3 Ep. 16 (MGH Epp. iv, p. 42): ‘Duplici enim germanitate concives sumus unius civitatis in Christo: id est, matris ecclesiae filii et unius patriae indigene’ (my repunctuation).



with a firm regional emphasis. Patriotism, centred on York and Northumbria, is a major theme o f Alcuin’s work. It shaped his sense o f relevance. After dwelling on the achieve­ ments o f the Anglo-Saxon missionaries in Ireland and on the Continent later in his poem (w . 1 0 0 8 -7 7 ), Alcuin was to draw back, on the grounds that it was time to revert to his central theme o f the kings and bishops o f York (w . 1077 ff.). In this regional emphasis, stated at the beginning and sus­ tained in the course o f the poem , Alcuin differs from Bede, who sees Northumbria, his native land, partly in the perspec­ tive o f Canterbury.1 For Bede’s description o f the situs Britanniae at HE i. 1 Alcuin substitutes an ekphrasis on York (vv. 1 9 -3 7 ). The opening o f his poem has been compared with the eighthcentury encomia on Milan (of c. 740) and Verona (o f c. 7 9 6 ),2 but the resemblance is superficial. The Italian urban encomia deal with the foundation, amenities, and rulers o f the cities that are their subjects. Brevity is o f their essence. They celebrate a plaçe, but do not set out a developed view o f its past. Ekphrasis, not history, is what they are chiefly about. For Alcuin, by contrast, a description o f York serves only as the preface to a narrative o f Northumbrian history which he adapted and extended from Bede. From Bede and from Gildas3 Alcuin took over a dismissive view o f the Britons as a corrupt and slothful race, justly conquered by the Saxons. His pride in the toughness o f his own people, apparent in the play on Isidore’s etym ology o f the name Saxones at v. 4 8 , is also reflected in letters that Alcuin wrote in 7 9 3 , using the example o f the martial valour o f the pagan Anglo-Saxon forefathers to spur on their Christian descendants at a time o f Viking incursion.4 To Bede’s account o f the Britons’ defeat and subjection, pre­ sented in a similar moral light and influenced by Gildas, Alcuin goes on to add and to emphasize (vv. 5 8 -6 0 ) the 1 See Wallace-Hadrill, Early Medieval History , p. 104. 2 See app. ii to v. 19. For the comparison, and for the conjecture that Alcuin may have been inspired by a lost Italian urban encomium, see Bullough, pp. 340, 354-5. 3 Whose De Excidio Britonum Alcuin knew at first hand. See app. iii to w . 4 1-5 and app. ii to w . 23, 38 ff., 41 ff., 49, 62 ff. and comm, to w . 71-9. 4 See w . 4 6-8, with app. iii ad loc.



themes o f love o f liberty and o f the patria.1 There is nothing nostalgic about these lines: they are highly charged. Set against the background o f internal dissension and external threat to his native Northumbria in the 780s and 790s, Alcuin’s poem , like his letters, assumes at its outset a tone o f stern admonition.2 The conversion o f Northumbria, to which Alcuin turns at w . 78 ff., is presented in terms o f the personal initiative o f three central figures: Pope Gregory the Great, King Edwin, and (arch)bishop Paulinus o f Y o rk .3 Scant attention is paid to the chronology provided by Bede’s HE, and no mention is made o f Augustine o f Canterbury or Æthelberht of Kent. Alcuin’s view is strictly Northumbrian and Romanist. Like the anonymous author o f the Whitby Vita S. Gregorii Magni ( 7 0 4 -1 4 ) ,4 he is chiefly interested in Edwin o f Northumbria and Gregory the Great, and less preoccupied with Paulinus o f York. Paulinus is depicted as the agent o f R om e; his acquisition o f the archbishop’s pallium is seen (vv. 2 0 5 -1 0 ) as the simple fulfilment o f Gregory’s plans; the conversion o f Edwin is the first fruit o f an initiative that began with Northumbria’s great benefactor in Rome (vv. 78 ff.). Y o rk ’s first bishop, in Alcuin’s poem , is subordinated to the cultus o f Rome and o f Gregory the Great. Bede depicted a trio o f kingly virtue in the early books o f the H E . 5 Alcuin shared and amplified Bede’s admiration for the first member o f this trio, Edwin o f Northumbria (vv. 9 0 ff.). For Bede, Edwin was an excellent ruler. For Alcuin, he was the supreme example o f Anglo-Saxon kingship (vv. 2 3 1 -3 ) . Predictably, the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae emphasize the importance o f Edwin’s conversion. But they lay stress too on his generosity, his mercy, his 1 Signalled by Diimmler, MGHPLAC i, p. 171, n. 1. 2 See pp. lii-liii and lix. For the language o f Alcuin’s admonitions, see Godman, ‘Alcuin’s Poetic Style and the Authenticity o f O mea cella' SM (3a ser.) 20. 2 (1 9 7 9 ), pp. 581 ff. * The archbishop’ s pallium, was conferred on Paulinus in 634, but he had fled Northumbria long before that date. See Stenton, p. 115, and B. Colgrave, The Earliest Life o f Gregory the Great, by an Anonymous Monk o f Whitby (Lawrence, Kansas, 1968), pp. 156-7. 4 Colgrave ed. cit., p. 48, and see p. Ixxvi below. 5 See Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, chapter IV, especially pp. 86 ff.



justice (w . 124 ff.) and, rhetorically, on the extent o f his hegemony (vv. 1 1 9 -2 3 ) .1 Edwin, in Alcuin’s poem , emerges as a model o f warrior-kingship. Oswald, the second member o f this kingly trio, is pre­ sented in a different light. Oswald is depicted as the instru­ ment o f divine vengeance for Edwin’s murder, as a benefactor o f the Church,2 and as a hero for his victory over Cadwallon. But the living Oswald has a far smaller part in Alcuin’s poem than does his reputation after death. What impressed Alcuin, like Bede, about Oswald was his combination o f kingship and sanctity. It is the miracles Oswald performed after death that are prominent in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae: his career in life is reduced almost to a prelude to his posthumous deeds. Its significance is presented in terms o f the activity o f divine power- in the material world. Bishop Aidan, for example, enters Alcuin’s account o f Oswald only to make his celebrated prophecy that the royal saint’s hand, because o f his humility, would survive un­ corrupted after death (w . 291 ff.). Each o f the miracles producing conversions, moral reform, and acts o f wondrous healing recorded by Alcuin at vv. 3 0 0 -4 9 8 serves to emphasize Oswald’s role in the propagation o f the faith. More space is devoted to Oswald’s royal and saintly attributes, unique among early Northumbrian kings, than to any-other figure in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. From Oswald Alcuin passes directly to Oswiu (w . 5 0 3 -6 ) . This transition is noteworthy for what it omits. The third member of Bede’s trio o f royal virtue, Oswine, king o f Deira— portrayed by Bede as a rex humilis, a protector o f the Church, and a saintly ruler3— is never referred to in Alcuin’s account. This omission is also one o f the main reasons why Aidan plays such an insignificant role in the poem, being mentioned only in connection with Oswald. Aidan was too much bound up with the memory o f Oswine. And Oswine himself never appears in the poem on York because his murder, described and censured by Bede,4 casts little credit upon Oswiu, who was one o f Alcuin’s heroes. 1 See comm, to v. 123. 2 See comm, to w . 275-83. 3 HE iii. 14; see Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, pp. 8 5-7. 4 HE iii. 14.



To Alcuin, Oswiu shared with Edwin and Oswald the regal attributes o f munificence, justice, and equitability. But the essential com m on feature in his portrayal of all three kings is a stress on their role as father o f the patria and defender of the faith. Thus Oswiu’s victory over the Mercian Penda, described and emphasized by epic hyperbole,1 is seen as the proper outcome of a just war which brought the Mercians into the Christian fold and preserved the Northumbrians against the heathen (w . 5 5 6 -6 4 ) . Throughout the poem Alcuin makes little or no room for the Irish influence in the Northumbrian church. His stand­ point is strictly Romanist. The four Irish bishops who held the Northern see in the thirty years after the flight of Paulinus ( 6 3 3 -6 4 ) are ignored even more pointedly than is Aidan earlier in the Versus . . . de Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. Even Chad, bishop Wilfrid’s rival claimant to the Northumbrian episcopate, is never mentioned.2 To read the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae it is as if the synod o f Whitby (6 6 4 ) had not needed to be held, and indeed Alcuin never refers to it. A logical consequence o f these unstated but firm anti-Irish sentiments was Alcuin’s sympathy for the ardent Romanist bishop, Wilfrid I o f York. Alcuin’s account o f Wilfrid (vv. 5 7 7 ff.) betrays a note­ worthy bias by its deliberate omissions and silences. Bede is known for a certain reserve about the controversies provoked by Wilfrid’s turbulent career; Eddius Stephanus for partisan advocacy o f his patron’s cause.3 Alcuin differs from both o f these writers. He omits anything which might conceivably 1 w . 525 ff. 2 J. Campbell, ‘Bede*, in Latin Historians, ed. T. A. Dorey (London and Edin­ burgh, 1966), p. 189, n. 76 points out that Eddius claims that Wilfrid was made bishop o f all Northumbria but that Chad supplanted him when he was abroad, while Bede implies that Northumbria was divided between them. The metrical Calendar o f York (see p. lxiv, below) omits Chad from its otherwise complete list o f bishops o f Y ork up to Wilfrid II (71 8-32 ). 3 The troubled history o f these years, and the value o f Eddius* and Bede’s accounts, has been admirably discussed by E. John, ‘The Social and Political Problems o f the Early English Church’, in Agricultural History Review , 18th Supplement (1970), ed. J. Thirsk, pp. 39-63. See further D. P. Kirby, ‘North­ umbria in the Time o f Wilfrid’, in Saint Wilfrid at Hexham , ed. Kirby (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974), pp. 1 -34; and G. Isenberg, ‘Die Würdigung Wilfrieds von York in der Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum Bedas und der Vita Wilfridi des Eddius’, diss. hist. (Münster, 1978).



present Wilfrid in an unfavourable light. He says nothing about the strife between the bishop and King Ecgfrith, about Wilfrid’s expulsion from his see, or the division o f the North­ umbrian diocese. Instead Alcuin selects and combines (w . 6 0 6 ff.) material from HE v. 19, referring to events that took place in 7 0 4 , into a narrative o f events that occurred in or before 6 7 2 , deriving from the fourth book o f Bede’s history. This is one o f the few points at which Alcuin departs radi­ cally from the narrative sequence o f the HE and his object in doing so is plain. Wilfrid figures in Alcuin’s poem on York as a missionary renowned for his work among the pagan Saxons and Frisians. There is no hint that much o f that work was done in forced exile. The most controversial bishop o f the early Northumbrian church is represented in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae as a straightforward figure o f uncontested sanctity. Alcuin whitewashes Wilfrid’s career.1 With the appearance o f St. Cuthbert in his poem Alcuin’s perspective changes: from kings and bishops in a Romanized context to an ascetic saint trained within an originally Celtic tradition. Cuthbert was bishop o f Lindisfarne, never bishop o f York. There are several churchmen o f eminence in the North whom Alcuin never mentions, such as Chad, or on whom he touches only fleetingly, such as Aidan. But Cuth­ bert he could not exclude. This fact lends a different emphasis to the anti-Irish senti­ ments detectable earlier in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Eubori­ censis Ecclesiae. Alcuin’s York was in Romanist Deira, and it would be easy to allege that his poem retains traces o f a thinly-veiled antagonism to the Irish traditions o f neighbour­ ing Bernicia.1 2 However, the inclusion and lengthy celebration o f Cuthbert in his poem indicate that this was the kind o f regionalism which Alcuin sought to overcome. His Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae identify Cuthbert with the whole o f Northumbria; the centre o f the saint’s cult is made to seem far less important than its diffusion. It would 1 Cf. comm, to w . 1467-8. 2 On the early history o f Bernicia see B. Hope-Taylor, Yeavering. An Anglo British Centre o f Early Northumbria, Department o f the Environment Archaeo­ logical Reports 7 (London, 1977), pp. 276 ff.



be tendentious to argue from this an attempt by Y o rk ’s leading eighth-century advocate to check the rival pretensions o f Lindisfame. When Lindisfarne is mentioned in Alcuin’s letters its special associations and importance are acknow­ ledged, but it is firmly set in the context o f the entire northern see.1 In his Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae Alcuin was following a tradition begun by Bede at Wearmouth-Jarrow:2 of celebrating the career o f the out­ standing northern saint in comparatively recent times, and o f assimilating his cult to the Northumbrian patria as a whole. In these circumstances, the hypothesis that St. Cuthbert and Lindisfarne were intended to be to the English what St. Martin and Tours were to the Franks3 is unnecessary. Alcuin’s taste in saints was similar to his taste in kings. Like Bede,4 he admired expansionists: men capable, spiritually or politically, o f uniting both halves o f Northumbria. The earlier Irish influence in the northern see goes unmentioned in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae not only because it ran counter to Alcuin’s Romanist sympathies but also be­ cause it was divisive. For Alcuin (as for Bede), Lindisfarne was part o f Northumbria in the same way as were WearmouthJarrow and York, and St. Cuthbert was a central figure in the spiritual traditions o f a united Northumbrian church. By the stage in the poem at which he turned to Cuthbert, kingship had already ceased to be one o f Alcuin’s chief concerns. Ecgfrith (6 7 0 -8 5 ) and Aldfrith ( 6 8 5 -7 0 4 /5 ) are the last Northumbrian kings he mentions before dealing with events o f his own lifetime. A bout Ecgfrith (w . 751 ff.) we learn that he was a warrior-king whose expedition against the Irish was unprovoked and unjust. O f his quarrels with Wilfrid 1 ‘ ecclesia sancti Cuthberti . . . locus cunctis in Britannia venerabilior . . . ubi primum post discessum sancti Paulini ab Euborica Christiana religio in nostra gente sumpsit initium’, Ep. 16 (MGH Epp. iv, pp. 4 2 -3 ); and cf. Ep. 17 (ibid., p. 57). These passages are discussed by Bullough, pp. 345-6 and R. A. Markus, Bede and the Tradition o f Ecclesiastical Historiography (Jarrow Lecture, 1965), pp. 12 ff. 2 Vita S. Cuthberti metrica 26-9 (Jaager, p. 60). 3 Wallace-Hadrill, Early Medieval History, p. 91. At Vita S. Cuthberti metrica, 11-29 (Jaager, pp. 5 9-60), Bede lists the patron saints o f the Christian peoples, beginning with Rome and SS. Peter and Paul and ending with St. Cuthbert. Here, if anywhere, one might expect a comparison between St. Martin and St. Cuthbert, had this been in Bede’s mind. Martin, significantly, is never mentioned. 4 Wallace-Hadrill, Early Medieval History, p. 90.



we hear nothing: one could not be sure from Alcuin’s account that they were even contemporaries. There is no hint o f Eddius Stephanus’ contention that Ecgfrith’s success co­ incided with his friendship with Wilfrid and his failure with the bishop’s opposition. Alcuin’s sensitivity about Wilfrid colours his portrayal o f Ecgfrith. Ecgfrith’s career serves simply as a frame for an account o f his queen Æ thelthryth’s chastity1 and o f the thegn captured in battle whom chains could not bind.2 What mattered to Alcuin were the visible signs o f divine intervention that touched the queen or the king’s subjects rather than Ecgfrith himself. Similarly, the cultivated Aldfrith, rex et magister (the very combination o f qualities praised by Alcuin in his panegyrics on Charlemagne), is given only the briefest o f notices (w . 8 4 3 -6 ) . It is on the achievements o f kings as propagators o f the faith and as defenders o f the Church and kingdom that attention is focused in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae: their other successes have second place. In Alcuin’s perspec­ tive, which made some room, but not much, for political history, Edwin, Oswald, and Oswiu, royal heroes o f the seventh century, took the limelight. Unlike the Irish bishops who held office in Northumbria after Paulinus, the monks o f Whitby who became bishops o f York were not regarded as a threat by Alcuin. He pays general tribute to the ecclesiastical reforms o f Bosa (678-86, 691-C.705), who became bishop after Wilfrid’s first expulsion from Northumbria and who ruled the diocese o f York until his death except for the five years (686-91) o f Wilfrid’s restoration (w. 847-75). The saintly John o f Beverley, another former monk o f Hexham, who succeeded Bosa, is singled out for special and lengthy praise (vv. 1084-1215). Between his accounts o f these bishops is placed a brief narra­ tive (vv. 1008 ff.) o f the missionary activities abroad o f the Anglo-Saxons that leads to a momentary enlargement o f Alcuin’s purview, from the specific affairs of Northumbria to the wider achievements o f his compatriots. Alcuin lays particular stress on the miraculous, as provid­ ing examples of divine intervention in the affairs o f the Northumbrian kingdom and illustrations o f the pressing need 1 HE iv. 19(17), 20(18) [= w . 7 51 -8 5 ].

2 Ibid. iv. 22(20) [ = w . 7 8 6 -8 35 ].



for moral reform. Visions, in particular, play an important role in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae, from the heavenly messenger who prophesies Edwin’s delivery from his enemies and his kingdom to come (vv. 9 0 -1 0 7 , 145 ff.) to the experience o f Dryhthelm related at w . 8 7 6 -1 0 0 7 . Alcuin follows Bede’s account o f Dryhthelm’s vision with scrupulous fidelity. His approach is cautionary, and his emphasis is on corporate salvation (vv. 8 7 6 -8 ) . Both Bede and St. Boniface in a famous letter1 write about visions to remind their audience o f the nearness o f Heaven and Hell. To their tradition Alcuin in his account o f Dryhthelm gives a further, ascetic emphasis. He repeats from Bede2 Dryhthelm’s resolve to give up the pleasures o f the flesh (w . 8 9 5 -9 ) . But the renunciation is hardly an act o f repentance. Far from being sinful, Dryhthelm’s life and conduct before the vision were positively commendable (v. 8 8 4 ). His story is more than an admonitory tale for wrong-doers: it advocates the superiority o f ascetic and celibate over marital life. In the next section o f his poem , describing the ascetics Echa and Balthere, Alcuin was to develop this theme further. Dryhthelm’s vision urges a renunciation o f the world which Echa and Balthere, like Cuthbert, had made. To describe in full the spiritual history o f his patria Alcuin goes beyond the HE. A t w . 1215 ff. he ceases to draw on Bede and writes about contemporary events. From Bede Alcuin had gained two approaches to the history o f Northumbria: the one stressed Romanist tradition in the North and considered the kings o f the seventh and eighth centuries in its light; the other, centred upon St. Cuthbert, emphasized moral reform, world renunciation, and asceticism. To this second approach, and to the history o f the York episcopate, Alcuin turned when he began to describe his own times. Alcuin’s interest in the bishops and archbishops o f his own lifetime lay partly in the moral example they provided and partly in the benefactions they made to the church at York. Wilfrid II ( 7 1 8 -3 2 ) , by virtue o f his munificence (w . 1222 ff.), is presented as a fitting precursor to Egbert. And Egbert, whose reign saw the confirmation o f Y o rk ’s full metropolitan 1 Ed. Tangl, Ep. 10 (pp. 8 ff.).

2 HE v. 12.



status in 735 (v. 1 2 8 0 ) ,1 directed the Northumbrian see in perfect harmony with his brother, the warrior-king Eadberht (vv. 1 2 7 7 -8 7 ). This concord between the secular and spiritual rulers o f Northumbria during his youth represented to Alcuin an ideal o f ecclesiastical and political order.2 By it he took the measure o f earlier history and, in particular, o f the rela­ tions between Wilfrid I and Ecgfrith,3 whose reigns hardly provided an edifying example o f royal and episcopal col­ laboration. In Egbert, possibly the only bishop or archbishop o f royal birth in the early history o f the Northumbrian see, Alcuin identified an architect o f the growing ascendancy o f the church at Y ork .4 It is significant that his commemoratory lines on Bede (w . 1 2 8 8 -1 3 1 8 ) , whom he revered as ‘magister’, as ‘nostrae cathegita terrae’ , and to whom he deferred as the major source for his own work, are deliberately placed within an account o f Egbert’s reign and draw attention to Bede’s background at Jarrow (w . 1 2 9 3 -5 ). Here, perhaps even more than in his treatment o f St. Cuthbert, one can see how far regionalism was from Alcuin’s mind. The outstanding achievements o f all Northumbria could be seen as a unity in the reign o f Bede’s protégé, Archbishop Egbert o f Y o rk .6 The best traditions o f the northern Church were not con­ fined to the (arch-)episcopate, and at vv. 1319 ff. Alcuin turns to the anchorites Balthere and Echa, whose deaths are recorded in the ‘York Annals’7 and whose names are listed among the nomina anchoritarum in the Lindisfarne portion o f the Durham Liber Vitae* Neither Balthere nor Echa lived at York. Balthere ‘ fought with the hosts o f the air’ at a place described by Alcuin as the very opposite o f a locus amoenus and identified by the later Middle Ages with the Bass R ock .9 1 See the comm, to this verse. 2 See p. xlv above. 3 See pp. lii, liv above. 4 See further p. lxii. 5 ‘Magister’ at v. 1547; ‘ nostrae cathegita terrae’ Carm. ix. 175 (MGH PLAC i, p. 233), Carm. lxxii. 5 (ibid., p. 294). 6 For Bede’s Letter to Egbert see Plummer i, pp. 4 05-23, and cf. Boniface, ed. Tangl Ep. 75, pp. 156 ff., Ep. 91, pp. 206 ff. 7 See app. iii to w . 1319 ff., w . 1388 ff. 8 See J. Stevenson, Liber Vitae Ecclesiae Dunelmensis> Surtees Society 13 (London, 1841), p. 6, facsimile, with introduction by A. Hamilton Thompson (Surtees Society 136), f. 15. 9 See w . 1325 ff., with comm, ad loc. For an identification o f these sites and for valuable discussion o f the role o f both anchorites in Alcuin’s poem, see Bullough, pp. 349-54.



The earliest annalistic compilations note his death in 756 at Tyningham in East Lothian.1 Echa died in 767 at a place identified as Crayke.1 2 Until the ‘York Annals’ are convincingly dated and located it will remain unclear whether Alcuin referred to them for knowledge o f the two anchorites or whether he and an annalist, writing at or near York, were drawing upon oral information and their personal experience. The inclusion o f Balthere and Echa in the poem on York linked Alcuin’s times to Cuthbert’s, laying stress on a continuous tradition o f ascetic spirituality and o f prophecy (v. 1 3 9 3 ), and setting it in the context o f the patria as a whole. Balthere and Echa showed that the asceticism o f Lindisfarne lived on in the Northumbria o f Alcuin’s own times. The Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae com ­ memorate the learning o f the school at York and the career o f Alcuin’s teacher, Archbishop Æ lberht. A substantial part o f the poem is given over to a description o f Æ lberht and, especially, to a prolonged lament for his death (vv. 1 5 6 3 9 6 ). To the Roman foundation and occupation o f York are devoted nineteen lines o f Alcuin’s poem : the death o f Æ lberht alone receives thirty-four!3 The subjects upon which Alcuin naturally chose to dwell were his teacher, Archbishop Æ lberht, and the school o f York in which he himself had taught.4 The Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae do not end with the death o f Æ lberht, even though Alcuin says himself (w . 1 5 9 7 -8 ) that he had thought o f concluding them there. The lament for the archbishop is offset by hope, by a vision o f reunion in the other world which seems to hold a place specially appropriated to the community o f York (w . 1 6 2 3 -5 ) .5 Alcuin’s account o f Northumbrian history, which began in Roman York, ends in Heaven. Alcuin defers to Bede, explicitly and at length, in a number 1 Bullough, p. 349 and n. 42. 2 Cric in the ‘York Annals’ ; cf. app. iii to v. 1388. The identification is Arnold’s op. cit. (p. 43). 3 See further SM (3a Ser.) 20. 2 (1979), pp. 579 ff. 4 See pp. lx-lxxv below. 5 In a letter o f c, 795 (MGH Epp. iv, Ep. 42, p. 86) to the community at York Alcuin recalls a similar vision (see app. iii to w . 1623-5).



o f passages in the Versus d e . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. 1 In his specified debts to the Ecclesiastical History Ludwig Traube saw a total dependence,1 2 and others have regarded Alcuin as an unoriginal compiler o f others’ ideas.3 Although he draws extensively on Bede’s work, Alcuin offers a distinc­ tive and substantially independent view o f Northumbrian history. His poem on York is neither wholly original nor merely imitative: it is the work o f an independent intelligence. Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae are a celebration o f a united Northumbrian patria, centred on York and once (w . 1008 ff.) including the whole AngloSaxon people. Am ong the poem ’s heroes are the seventhcentury kings who not only defended the fatherland and promoted the faith but also lived in harmony with their bishops. Considering his own times, Alcuin took pride in a continuous tradition o f asceticism and learning, and in his master Æ lberht. Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae are also a reflection o f Y o rk ’s rise to the status o f a major episcopal see, a rise welcomed with approval by Bede in his letter to Archbishop Egbert,4 whose own Dialogus Ecclesiasti­ cae Institutionis is a treatise on the organization o f the Church and the role o f its bishops. The papal legation to England o f 7 8 6 , which Alcuin accompanied, drew up a docu­ ment emphasizing the value o f harmony between royal and episcopal power, the sanctity o f the king’s person, and the authority o f Pope Gregory.5 The same subjects figure promin­ ently in Alcuin’s poem on York. In 793 Alcuin wrote to O ffa, answering a query about the authority o f the two metropolitans by reference to Bede’s work. In this letter, Alcuin drew his evidence from HE i. 17 and 18, where Bede records Pope Honorius’s gift o f the pallium to the two arch­ bishops, one o f them being Paulinus o f Y o rk .6 The place and 1 See p. lxxxviii, n. 1. 2 ‘ Alchuine hatte Beda hinter sich und konnte ihn für den grössten theil fast wörtlich benutzen’, Karolingische Dichtungen, p. 24. 3 ‘ He created nothing, he originated nothing, he added nothing to what had gone before*, Gaskoin, Alcuin, His Life and Work (London, 1904), p. 246. 4 Ed. cit., p. lvi, n. 6. 5 Ed. Dümmler, MGH Epp. iv, pp. 20-9. 6 The letter is reprinted from Lehmann’s edition by Levison, England and the Continent, pp. 245-6.



organization o f the Church, matters which concerned Alcuin in his practical life and on which both Bede and Egbert had written, are reflected in the Northumbrian patriotism o f his poem on York. Alcuin’s apparent optimism at the end o f the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae about the state o f affairs he saw around him is deceptive. The turbulence o f Northum­ brian politics in the 780s and 790s lends his work a tone o f pointed remonstrance. The rapid succession o f corrupt and violent rulers which he traced from the reign o f Æ lfw ald ( 7 7 8 /9 - 8 8 ) 1 had com mitted crimes that in the past had cost kings their kingdoms and nations their patria, 2 The royal virtues, which Alcuin identified with the fortunes o f the people, needed urgent reconsideration: such is the theme o f a succession o f his letters from the early 7 9 0 s.3 That is why the unsatisfactory kings o f eighth-century Northumbria, with the single exception o f Archbishop Egbert’s brother, Eadberht, are excluded from the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. Looking back to the past, Alcuin saw in kings such as Edwin, Oswald, and Oswiu the qualities needed in his own day: qualities o f justice, valour, and piety linked to co-operation with the Church.4 The failure o f con­ temporary kings provided a further reason why, in recounting the history o f Northumbria, Alcuin laid special emphasis on the intellectual and spiritual traditions o f the contemporary Church. With the influence o f the ancient centres o f Bamburgh and Lindisfarne on the wane, the renascent arch­ bishopric o f York could offer a moral primacy for a united Northumbria which Northumbrian kings were no longer 1 \ . . A diebus Aelfwaldi regis fornicationes adulteria et incestus inundaverunt super terram ..." MGH Epp. iv, Ep. 16 (o f 793), p. 4 3; and see Appendix (p. 137). Æ lfw ald’s sons, Œ lf and Œ lfwine, were forcibly abducted from York and murdered in 791, a year in which Alcuin may have been there to witness these events ('Ann. Ebor.' s.a. [= Symeon, Hist. Reg. lv], Arnold, p. 53). 2 MGH Epp. ivyEp. 16. 3 See Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, pp. 105, 118-19. 4 ‘Nichil melius patriam defendit quam principum equitas et pietas et serv­ orum Dei intercessiones* MGH Epp. iv, Ep. 16, p. 44. Cf. Alcuin’s cautionary words to Eanbald II, archbishop o f York, in 801: ‘Tu ipse vidisti, quom odo peri­ erunt reges, principes, qui adversati sunt antecessoribus tuis et ecclesiae Christi’, MGH Epp. iv, Ep. 232, p. 377, 31-2. See further H. H. Anton, Fürstenspiegel und Herrscherethos in der Karolingerzeit, Bonner Historische Forschungen 35 (Bonn, 1968), pp. 84 ff.



capable o f providing. Alcuin’s view o f kingship was increas­ ingly theocratic.1 A t a time o f violent upheaval in his native land, he saw hope for stability partly in the influence o f O ffa,2 partly in the example o f the past, and, above all, in the continuous traditions o f a successful Church. It was a message to which kings might attend.3 Set against the politi­ cal and ecclesiastical background o f Northumbria in the late eighth century, Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae go beyond historical panegyric to appeal in time o f crisis for unity from his fellow citizens in one patria and one Church. V.

The School o f York and the Sources and Audience o f Alcuin ’s Poem

Political circumstance as well as personal loyalty determined that the primary audience o f Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae should be the cathedral community o f Y ork .4 In particular, Alcuin’s poem was addressed to and commemorated the Minster school in which he had been educated and had taught.5 The most enduring monument to the Minster and school o f Alcuin’s day remains his own poem on York. N o material trace o f the Anglo-Saxon buildings has yet been uncovered. Recent excavations, completed by Mr Derek Phillips and soon to be published by the Royal Commission on Historical M onum ents,6 have uncovered nothing o f Edwin’s church or o f the basilica constructed by archbishop Æ lberht with the assistance o f Alcuin and his contemporary, the future arch­ bishop Eanbald I, and consecrated to Sancta Sophia ten days before Æ lberht’s death in 7 8 0 .7 As a result o f extensive excavations undertaken in connection with the consolidation o f the towers in the years 1 9 6 7 -7 2 , the earliest foundations o f York Minster have now conclusively been proved to be 1 See com m , to v. 1479. 2 See pp. xlv-xlvii above. 3 See com m , to v. 1479. 4 See pp. xlii-xliii above. 5 S e e w . 1408-11, 1649-58. 6 I wish to thank Dr B. H eywood and Mr D. Phillips, who allowed me to see this report before publication. See further p. lxi, n. 1 below. 7 w . 1518-20. See further comm, to w . 79 ff., 197 ff., 220-2, 275-83, 1218, 1396, 1488 ff., 1507 ff., 1512, 1513, 1515-17.



the work o f Thomas o f Bayeux, the first Norman archbishop ( 1 0 7 0 - 1 1 0 0 ) .1 For the construction o f Sancta Sophia and the splendour o f Æ lberht’s endowments to York Minster, Alcuin’s poem is our only source. Hardly less obscure are the origins o f the school attached to the Minster.2 Traditions o f learning and education are com m only supposed to have existed at York under the pre­ decessors o f Archbishop Egbert, but the evidence for them is slight. Paulinus’ foundation o f an enduring school in 627 is the stuff o f legend.3 Some have favoured the initiative o f Wilfrid I.4 Chapter xxi o f Eddius’ Life of Wilfrid suggests, but does not describe, the household instruction offered by this ecclesiastical magnate,5 without specifying that it took place at York (rather than at Ripon or Hexham, Wilfrid’s other sees); and it is difficult to envisage how, in his turbu­ lent career, which involved so much foreign travel, Wilfrid might have commanded the leisure necessary to establish a major school at Y o rk .6 Moreover, Alcuin, in his Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae, never associates Wilfrid with that school; and he is not inclined to minimize the antiquity o f the see or the achievements o f its bishops. Bede’s allusion to a number o f ‘young men, mostly laymen’ in the retinue o f John o f Beverley7 proves little about formal instruction in Alcuin’s native city during the early eighth century. N ot until the reigns o f the archbishops o f Alcuin’s own lifetime, Egbert and Æ lberht, is there firm evidence for a school at York. 1 For an account o f the results o f these works and the difficulties involved in them see D. Phillips, ‘ Excavations o f York Minster, 1 96 7-73 ’, in Friends o f York Minster 46th Annual Report (1975), pp. 19-27; id., ‘ Excavation Techniques in Church Archaeology’, in The Archaeological Study o f Medieval Churches, edd. P. V. Addyman and R. Morris, CBA Research Reports 13 (London, 1976), pp. 5 4 -6 0 ; and id. and N. Hutchinson, ‘ York Minster: The Excavations’, in N. Pevsner, The Buildings o f England: Yorkshire: East Riding ii (revised edn., forthcoming). 2 The best short sketch is by C. B. L. Barr, ‘The Minster Library’ , in History o f York Minster, pp. 487 -5 38 . 3 S. M. Toyne, St. Peter's School and Alcuin , York Minster Historical Tracts 6 (London, 1928) (unpaginated). 4 G. F. Browne, Alcuin o f York (London, 1908), p. 69; and recently R. M. T. Hill in History o f York Minster, pp. 9 ff. 5 ‘Principes quoque saeculares, viri nobiles filios suos ad erudiendum sibi dederunt, ut aut Deo servirent, si eligerent, aut adultos, si maluissent, regi armatos commendaret’, ed. B. Colgrave (Cambridge, 1927), p. 44. 6 Cf. Stenton, p. 184. 7 HE v. 6; Hill, art. cit., p. 10.



The impulse to renewal, if not the actual foundation, o f the school at York is often attributed to Archbishop Egbert.1 This is possible, but far from certain. One o f the two extant accounts o f Egbert’s teaching is transmitted in a continental source written some sixty years after his death by an author whose reliability may be questioned.1 2 Alcuin himself in the poem on York, our second and most important source for the development o f this school, hardly describes Egbert as a teacher. Rather, he celebrates Egbert’s success as an adminis­ trator.3 The one surviving work certainly attributable to Egbert— his Dialogus Ecclesiasticae Institutionis— corro­ borates this picture. I see no reason for preferring the tradition o f the Vita Alcuini to what Alcuin tells us himself. The man who made the school at York what it represented to Alcuin was not Egbert, but his successor Æ lberht.4 It is fair to assume that Archbishop Egbert created the condi­ tions in which it might flourish and that, a protégé o f Bede, he transmitted something o f Bede’s teaching to those in his charge; but tfre presiding intellect o f the school, the creator o f its library, and the most significant figure in Alcuin’s intellectual development seems to have been his teacher, Archbishop Æ lberht. Detailed evidence o f the size and character o f the cathedral school in Æ lberht’s reign is not provided by our sources: the picture o f an establishment ‘staffed with a faculty numbering about one hundred and fifty canons’ we owe to the imagina­ tion o f Virgil R. Stallbaumer, O .S .B .5 Knowledge o f Æ lberh t’s school and its activity derives largely from the example o f Alcuin’s career and the testimony o f his Versus de . . . Sanctis

Euboricensis Ecclesiae. 1 e.g. J. Godfrey, The Church in Anglo-Saxon England (Cambridge, 1962), p. 213. The foundation o f the library is ascribed to Egbert by William o f Malmes­ bury, Gesta Regum, RS 90 (London, 1847), p. 68 and Gesta Pontificum , RS 52 (London, 1870), p. 246 and repeated by later writers, e.g. J. Leland, Commen­ tarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis (London, 1709), p. 121. 2 See above, p. xxxviii and com m, to w . 1259-60. 3 w . 1251 ff. Other aspects o f Alcuin’s portrayal o f Egbert are discussed on pp. xlv-xlvi, lv-lvi, lxiii-lxiv. 4 1397 ff. Cf. P. Hunter Blair, ‘ From Bede to Alcuin’ in Famulus Christi, pp. 254-5. 5 ‘The York Cathedral School’, American Benedictine Review , 22 (1971), pp. 293 and 296. See further com m, to v. 1218.



Æ lberht, we know from Alcuin, was a collector and an organizer, both of books and o f men. His teaching and patronage gave the school o f York an eminence which, by the final quarter of the eighth century, even the school o f Wearmouth-Jarrow seems to have lacked. Unlike Bede, and partly b y virtue o f his noble birth and powerful connections, Æ lberht was not only a teacher but also an effective adminis­ trator. This practical emphasis is significant. The milieu in which Alcuin was trained was less a monastic community o f reflective scholarship than the cathedral church o f a major episcopal see on the rise. Educated in a city the metropoli­ tan status o f which had been reaffirmed as recently as 73 5 , the pupil o f a school organized with deliberation and flair, Alcuin, trained in the York o f Æ lberht, was naturally impelled to commemorative poetry.1 There survive only scant remnants o f the intellectual activity o f the community commemorated by Alcuin in his poem on York. Few, if any, extant manuscripts have been convincingly assigned to the York o f the later eighth century.2 Other written sources are rare. Although Bede’s Epistola ad Ecgbertum provides valuable evidence o f the state o f the Northumbrian see in 734 and o f the provisions made for its future prom otion, his letter was not written in Y o rk .3 Egbert’s Dialogus Ecclesiasticae Institutionis— a collection, in dialogue form, o f practices o f canon law designed to help an ecclesiastical community in its relations with secular society— attests administrative and legal practice at York in 1 Cf. pp. xlvii-lx. 2 Three fragmentary manuscripts— E. Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz lat. fol. 877 and Hauzenstein, Graf Walderdorff Sammlung (Calendar and Sacramentary: CLA viii. 1052, p. 9; T. Brandis et aL, Zimilieru Abendländ­ ische Handschriften (Wiesbaden, 1975), no. 12; and G. Kotzor, Abhandlungen der

Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philologisch-Historische Klasse. NF 8 8 /1 -2 (1981) i, pp. 261 ff.); Munich, Hauptstaatsarchiv, Raritäten-Selekt. 108 (Calendar: CLA ix. 1236, p. 3); Weinheim (?), E. Fischer Sammlung S.N. (Justinus, Epitome: CLA ix. 1370, p. 3 8 )— have been attributed, unconvincingly, to York in the second half o f the eighth century. See Bullough, Spoleto . . . Settimane 20 (1972), pp. 574-5 and comm, to v. 1549. A single illuminated manu­ script o f the early eighth century has been ascribed to York on highly speculative grounds: Maeseyck, Eglise Ste Catherine, Trésors S.N., ff. 1-5 (Gospel book, fragmentary: CLA x. 1558, p. 34; A. Grabar and C. Nordenfalk, Early Medieval Painting (Skira, 1957), p. 120; J. J. G. Alexander, Insular Manuscripts, 6th to the 9th Century (London, 1978), n. 22.) 3 Discussed by Hill, Famulus Christi, pp. 102 ff.



Alcuin’s youth and early m anhood.1 From Archbishop Æ lberht there survives a letter addressed to the missionary Lui, that ends with six metrical lines.2 Alcuin refers to being trained by Æ lberht in versification,3 and three quotations in the archbishop’s verse post scriptum are illustrative o f the literary training his pupil received at the school o f York. Once Æ lberht cites Bede, once he cites Caelius Sedulius, and once he quotes a line which may have been taken from Lucan, Dracontius, Venantius Fortunatus, or an AngloSaxon collection o f papal epitaphs and inscriptions.4 These quotations from Bede, Alcuin’s intellectual debt to whom was all-pervasive,5 from Caelius Sedulius, a representative o f the Christian Latin tradition which, chiefly through the lateantique Biblical epic, exercised a powerful influence in eighth-century Northumbria,6 and from a source o f un­ decided origin indicating a real, but often indeterminable, debt to the Latin classics and their later imitators, point to authors mentioned, by name or obliquely, in Alcuin’s sketch o f the archbishop’s library at Y o rk .7 These hints o f Æ lberht’s reading, preserved in his only surviving work, and supported by the evidence o f Alcuin’s poem , should not be ignored. The correspondence o f Anglo-Saxon missionaries on the Continent with Egbert and Æ lberht, requesting copies o f the works o f Bede,8 further illustrates the strong interest in his writings in later eighth-century York. The ‘York Annals’ , contemporary with Alcuin, preserve a record o f events kept by an annalist probably working at or near Alcuin’s native city;9 while a metrical calendar bears witness to the saints and martyrs venerated at York towards the end o f the eighth century.10 From Alcuin himself survive a number o f letters 1 Ed. Haddan and Stubbs iii, pp. 403-13. Cf. w . 1259-60, with comm, ad loc. The authenticity o f the Penitential and Pontifical once attributed to Egbert has been either disproved or brought into question. 2 Ed. Tangl Ep. 124, p. 262. 3 w . 1438-9, with comm, ad loc. 4 V. 4: cf. Bede, Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 135; v. 6: cf. Caelius Sedulius, Carm. pasch. i. 368; v. 3: cf. Lucan, Bell. civ. ii. 389; Dracontius, de Laud. Dei iii. 20; Ven. Fort. iii. 22. 5; and the syllogae discussed by Wallach, Alcuin and Charle­ magne, pp. 261 ff. 5 See p. lxviii, and pp. lxxxiv-lxxxviii below. 6 See below, pp. lxxx-lxxxii, lxxxvi-lxxxvii. 7 w . 1547, 1551, 1553, 1554. ft See comm, to w . 1533-5. 9 See pp. xxxvii and n. 4, xxxix, lvi and n. 7, lvii and nn. 1, 2 above. 10 Recorded in the comm, ad loc. For editions o f this text see the Biblio­ graphy, B, p. X X .



and poems relating to England in general and to York in particular,1 but only two brief compositions in verse date with strong probability from the years he spent there,2 and their number does not include the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. 3 The florilegium compiled by Alcuin and containing the Miracula S. Nyniae 4 was assembled after he had left York in 7 8 1 /2 .5 The literary evidence that can be dated and attributed with any probability to what has been described as ‘the principal centre o f English scholarship’6 in the later eighth century is severely limited. The fragmentary state of the evidence for texts read and written at York in Alcuin’s lifetime will affect our interpre­ tation o f the picture o f Æ lberht’s school drawn in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. The little we know makes it difficult to verify the claims made by Alcuin, either by reference to extant manuscripts containing the texts he appears to cite, or by comparison with works composed at Y ork, or by analogy with his own writings. Virtually all o f Alcuin’s surviving works were written after he had gone to Charlemagne’s court in 7 8 1 /2 . They naturally reflect something o f Alcuin’s learning in England, but to dis­ tinguish what he brought to the Continent from what he acquired during his years in Charlemagne’s entourage is a speculative task. Moreover, special problems are posed by the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae and, in particular, by the outline o f ‘York books’ at w . 1 5 3 6 -6 2 .7 The first o f these problems lies in the character o f Alcuin’s description. He displays the names o f the best authorities, and suggests a store o f learning both varied and profound 1 Listed at p. xliii, n. 1. 1 See p. xxxix. 3 See pp. xliii-xlvii. 4 See p. xliv and n. 4 above. 5 The best-known manuscript o f this florilegium is the tenth-century contin­ ental MS. Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek B. II. 10 (Mise. Patr. 17). For a description and analysis o f its contents see F. Leitschuh, Katalog der Handschriften der königlichen Bibliothek zu Bamberg, i. 1. 3 (Bamberg, 1903), no. 17, pp. 3 6 3 -6 ; F. Vollmer, MGH AA xiv (Berlin, 1905), pp. xiv-xvi; and K. Strecker, MGH PLAC iv. 2, pp. 4 52 -4 . A study o f this florilegium, incorporating his recent dis­ coveries about its textual transmission, is being prepared by D. A. Bullough. Preliminary accounts include R. Constantinescu, ‘Alcuin et les Libelli Precum de l’époque carolingienne’, Revue d ’histoire de la Spiritualité, 50 (1974), pp. 17-56; and M. Lapidge, in ASE 8 (1979), pp. 294-5. Brief remarks below, pp. lxviii and n. 1. 6 Stenton, p. 188. 7 pp. 122-6.



(vv. 1 5 3 6 -4 0 , 1 5 5 8 -6 2 ) ; but one can easily overrate the list o f forty-one authors in his poem on York. It resembles less a catalogue than a learned advertisement. Its purpose is to impress rather than to inform .1 A general reference to a great figure in the list o f authors is no guarantee that all o f his writings were to be found at York in Alcuin’s day.1 2 It is 1 possible that a considered principle o f selection lay behind Alcuin’s mention o f some writers and exclusion o f others, but brevity and metre also dictated which names he might and might not include.3 These problems are compounded by the circumstances o f the poem ’s composition. Alcuin’s recollections o f Æ lberh t’s library may not be wholly innocent o f romantic nostalgia or generous pride, particularly if he wrote or revised the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae after he had left Y ork .4 Nor would a later dating o f the poem allow one to claim that, in writing or revising it after spending some years in the literary circle o f Charlemagne’s entourage, Alcuin drew exclusively on books he had read at the school o f Æ lberht. The poem remains our chief surviving witness to what Alcuin asserts York was able to offer in the later eighth century, but the sparseness o f relevant external evidence and the problematical character o f the text itself do not permit us to equate its sources with what Alcuin had learnt in Æ lberht’s library. From this it follows that there can be no hard-and-fast method o f assessing which texts cited by Alcuin in his poem might have been made accessible to him by his training at York. Only a scale o f probability can be constructed, the co-ordinates o f which are few and inexact. Three criteria seem relevant to this problem: the mention o f an author’s name in the sketch o f Æ lberht’s library at vv. 1536 ff. ; quotation from that author’s text both by Alcuin and by Bede, the principal Northumbrian writer in the 1 Cf. P. Riche, Education et Culture dans l’Occident barbare, VIe-VIIIe siècles (Paris, 1962), p. 433: ‘Il s’agit moins . . . de souvenirs, que de la présenta­ tion d’un modèle d’école.’ While accepting a date o f com position in 781-2, Riché also suggests that the work was ‘destinée à encourager les lettrés carolingiens qui, à cette époque, réorganisaient les écoles franques’. 2 Cf. Laistner, Intellectual Heritage, p. 118. 3 w . 1558-62. 4 See pp. xliii-xlvii.



generation before Alcuin who also had links with Y o rk ; and the existence o f an eighth-century manuscript o f Northum ­ brian origin o f the work in question. If Alcuin quotes from a major poet such as Lucan, who was also known to B ede,1 then it is possible that a text o f the Bellum civile was avail­ able in Æ lberh t’s York, as v. 1 5 5 4 would imply. If Alcuin cites extensively from an author o f late Antique Biblical epic, whose name is listed among those poets he claims were available in Æ lberh t’s library and whose works, also quoted by Bede, survive in an eighth-century manuscript o f Northumbrian origin,2 then possibility hardens into prob­ ability. But even the coincidence o f these three criteria falls short o f firm proof that Alcuin first became familiar with any given text at York. The identification o f verbal borrowings, often subjective and ambiguous, is indispensable in attempting to establish this point; and authors whose works Alcuin cites, without mentioning their names, may have had their place among Æ lberht’ s books. Nor does infrequent quotation from a poem necessarily prove limited acquaintance with it. It is possible to be familiar with a text, and to cite from it rarely. The study o f verbal borrowings, if made in a purely quantita­ tive manner, can be insensitive to the reality o f this semi­ passive knowledge. Although Prudentius and Alcimus Avitus are included in Alcuin’s list o f authors, his use o f the one in this poem is slight and his use o f the other appears even slighter.3 Prosper o f Aquitaine’s name is listed by Alcuin at v. 1 5 5 2 , but only his Carmen de Ingratis and De Providentia Dei 4 attributed to him are cited by Alcuin, although excerpts 1 Bede cites Lucan, Bell. civ. i. 1-3, 10-12 at De Arte Metrica, i. 11. 62-9 (Kendall, p. 115). 2 As in the case o f Paulinus o f Nola (see p. lxx and nn. 4 -7 . 3 Both names are recorded at v. 1552. Cf. Index o f Quotations and Allusions, pp. 151 and 145 respectively. Note that the reading ‘Alcimus* at v. 1552 rests on Froben’ s emendation. On Aldhelm and Alcimus Avitus and Prudentius, see Ehwald, MGH AA xv, p. 432 (on v. 1912) and p. 458 (on v. 2631). Bede cites Prudentius in his De Arte Metrica i. 14. 6 3-6 (Kendall, p. 125) and echoes are discerned in the metrical Life o f Cuthbert by Jaager (p. 94, on v. 478; p. 112, on v. 709), who records one borrowing from Alcimus Avitus in the work (pp. 62-3, on v. 61). See further Manitius, ‘Zu Aldhelm und Beda’ , Sitzungsberichte der phil-hist. Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 112 (Vienna, 1886), pp. 571-2, 579, 619, 623. 4 See Index o f Quotations and Allusions, p. 151.



from Prosper’s Epigrams are included among the Christian Latin poems in the florilegium compiled by A lcu in .1 The influence o f Lactantius, if he is the author o f the De Ave Phoenice, is not pronounced.2 All these poets share a number o f recurrent expressions— some liturgical reminiscences, others mere clichés— which make it difficult to ascribe commonplace features o f Alcuin’s verse to any one o f them. The absence of specific and extensive borrowings from an author listed in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae does not necessarily point to rhetorical exaggera­ tion on Alcuin’s part. His poetical sketch o f the York library is not a catalogue o f his sources. Can this sketch, according to the three criteria described above, be considered broadly representative o f Alcuin’s reading at the school o f Æ lberht? Long tracts o f Alcuin’s poem closely follow Bede’s H E ,3 possibly in a text o f the ‘M -type’.4 The thorough knowledge o f the prose and metrical Lives o f St. Cuthbert displayed in Alcuin’s poem is accompanied by some acquaintance with Bede’s minor yerse.5 Second only to Bede’s influence ranks that o f Aldhelm, every one o f whose metrical works was known to Alcuin. Alcuin’s debts to Aldhelm range from dozens o f verbal echoes6 to one outright plagiarism (v. 1 4 4 9 ). A mere list o f borrowings cannot do justice to the influence o f these two writers on Alcuin’s text, an influence which will receive separate analysis in this Introduction.7 It is, 1 Alcuin’ s excerpts from Prosper’s Epigrams occur on fol. 152v o f Bamberg Staatsbibliothek B. II. 10 (Mise. Patr. 17) (see p. lxv, n. 5 above). Bede quotes extensively from them in both the De Arte Metrica and the metrical Life o f St. Cuthbert. Aldhelm’ s borrowings from Prosper are listed by Ehwald, MGH AA xv, p. 545. See further Manitius, ‘ Zu Aldhelm und Beda’ (art. cit. p. lxvii, n. 3), pp. 573-4 and 621. The MS. Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus M. 17. 14 (s. ix in.) represents a copy o f an eighth-century Northumbrian MS. containing both Pros­ per’s Epigrammata and Caelius Sedulius, Carmen paschale (this work is discussed further at p. lxx). See J. J. G. Alexander, Insular Manuscripts, 6th to 9th Century (London, 1978), no. 65. 2 See comm, to v. 1325 ff. There is no clear evidence that the poem was known in Anglo-Saxon England until the ninth century, when the most important witness is vernacular. See The Phoenix , ed. N. F. Blake (Manchester, 1964), pp. 17-24. On the authorship o f this poem see M. C. Fitzpatrick, Lactanti ‘de ave Phoenice9(Philadelphia, 1933), pp. 3 1 -7 ; E. Rapisarda, Il Carme ‘de ave Phoenice* di Lattanzio3 (Catania, 1959), pp. 93-113. 3 e.g. vv. 876-1007 [= HE v. 12]. 4 See comm, to vv. 1600 ff. 5 See Index o f Quotations and Allusions, p. 145. 6 Ibid., pp. 143-4. 7 See pp. lxxvi-lxxvii, lxxxii-lxxxviii.



however, noteworthy that when Alcuin set about composing a large-scale poem in celebration o f his patria he turned first to Bede and Aldhelm : to both o f the leading figures in pre­ vious Anglo-Latin literature. In the early part o f the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae Alcuin draws on Gildas,1 while in the later portion o f the poem , dealing with the events o f his own lifetime, he includes information also to be found in the ‘York Annals’. 2 Many o f the bishops, saints, and martyrs recorded in the metrical Calendar o f York are commemorated by A lcuin.3 He cites too from the poetry o f St. Boniface,4 and shares com m on sources with Felix’s Life o f St. Guthlac5 and similar concerns with earlier Northumbrian hagiography.6 In these respects, Alcuin’s poem on York represents the first major work o f imaginative writing whose primary debts are to a literary culture that, in source and inspiration, was neither exclusively Northumbrian nor Southumbrian, but fully Anglo-Latin. The Anglo-Latin writers upon whom Alcuin drew in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae were heirs to a tradition o f late Antique and early Medieval Latin poetry which, by the end o f the eighth century, had formed a defin­ able ‘school canon’.7 A t w . 1 5 5 1 -3 o f his poem Alcuin lists the names o f many o f the authors whose writings made up this canon. The late Antique poets whom Alcuin knew and cited in similar proportions are Caelius Sedulius, Arator, and Juvencus.8 Familiar to both Bede and Aldhelm , the works o f these three writers formed a core o f Biblical epic poetry which enjoyed a wide circulation in early Anglo-Saxon Eng­ land. The Cues, Hospitalbibliothek MS. 171 (? Northumbria, 1 See the references listed p. xlviii, n. 3. 2 See pp. lvi-lvii and com m , to w . 1319 ff., 1388 ff. 3 Noted in the com m, throughout. 4 See Index o f Quotations and Allusions, p. 147. 5 See com m , to w . 1327 ff. 6 See p. lxxvi. 7 See G. Glauche, Schullektüre im Mittelalter. Entstehung und Wandlungen des Lektürekanons bis 1200 nach den Quellen dargestellt, Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung 5 (Munich, 1970), especially pp. 1011; and R. Herzog, Die Bibelepik der lateinischen Spätantike, i (Munich, 1975), pp. xxiii-xxxiii. 8 Index o f Quotations and Allusions, pp. 151, 144-5, 149.



s. vii2) , 1 containing a bifolium o f Juvencus, and the Cam­ bridge, Corpus Christi College MS. 173 (Kentish, s. viii1),2 containing Caelius Sedulius’ Carmen paschale, are the scat­ tered remnants o f a tradition o f late antique Biblical epic that was diffused both north and south o f the Humber, on which Alcuin drew extensively and at key points in his w ork.3 Alcuin’s knowledge o f the entire poetic corpus o f Paulinus o f Nola compares favourably with his use o f any other late Antique poet. Before Alcuin, Paulinus seems to have been known most extensively in the North: Aldhelm does not cite him at any length,4 but Bede quotes Paulinus repeatedly in the De Arte Metrica, the commentary on Luke, the metrical Life o f St. Cuthbert and, especially, his Vita S. Felicis, which is based on the Natalicia.5 The early Insular tradition o f Paulinus’ text is represented in Vatican, Pal. lat. 235 (North­ umbria, ss. vii—viii)6 and in its contemporary, MS. Leningrad, National Public Library (lat. Q. V . xiv. 1 (Northumbria).7 It therefore seems probable that, in drawing on Paulinus, Alcuin was using an author whose works were readily avail­ able in Northumbria, if not elsewhere. Verbal borrowings alone are, exceptionally, enough to show Alcuin’s familiarity with the eleven-book collection o f Venantius Fortunatus’s occasional verse and with his metrical Life o f St. Martin.8 Whole passages o f the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae are directly modelled on the 1 CLA viii. 1172, p. 42. The dating o f this and o f the following three MSS. is T. J. Brown’s. Lowe assigns this MS. to s. vii ex . 2 CLA ii.2 123, p. 3. Dated s. viii by Lowe. 3 Cf. w . 1 ff. 4 See Ehwald, MGH AA xv, p. 545 and M. Manitius, ‘ Zu Aldhelm und Beda’, Sitzungsberichte der phiL-hist. Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschäften, 112 (Vienna, 1886), p. 571. 5 The evidence is summarized by T. W. Mackay, ‘Bede’s Hagiographie al Method: His knowledge and Use o f Paulinus o f Nola’ , Famulus Christi, pp. 77-9. Still fundamental for the study o f Paulinus’ influence is E. Châtelain, ‘Notice sur les manuscrits des poésies de S. Paulin de Noie, suivie d ’observations sur le texte’, Bibliothèque des Ecoles françaises d*Athènes et de Rom e , 14 (Paris, 1880), espe­ cially pp. 1-30. 6 CLA i. 87, p. 26. This manuscript is dated s. viii by B. Bischoff, Lorsch im Spiegel seiner Handschriften (Munich, 1974), pp. 78, 108. 7 CLA y xi. 1622, p. 12. Dated s. viii2' 4 by Lowe. See further Brown in C. D. Verey, T. J. Brown, and E. Coatsworth, The Durham GospelSy Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile 20 (Copenhagen, 1980), pp. 48-9. 8 Index o f Quotations and Allusions, p. 148.



Vita S. Martini and there can be little doubt that Alcuin’s use o f Fortunatus (whose name he cites at v. 1553) is far more extensive than Bede’s.1 Alcuin’s verbal debts to Venantius Fortunatus are o f the same order as his debts to Paulinus and to the three authors o f late antique Biblical epic dis­ cussed above. The absence o f any Insular manuscript o f Fortunatus’s verse antedating the tenth century therefore casts little doubt upon Alcuin’s knowledge o f Fortunatus’s text. It points only to a vicissitude o f manuscript trans­ mission which, in the absence o f other external evidence, prevents one from being certain that Alcuin read Fortunatus’s works at York. The group o f late Antique and early Medieval Latin poets whom Alcuin lists at vv. 1 5 5 1 -3 and from whom he quotes repeatedly— Caelius Sedulius, Arator, Juvencus, Paulinus o f Nola, and Venantius Fortunatus— form a coherent whole. They correspond to texts contained in a number o f com ­ posite manuscripts o f the early ninth century, such as Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 74 sup. and Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 9 3 4 7 , which are among our major witnesses to a poetical ‘school canon’ .2 The list o f poets in the ‘ Versus Isidori’ X , attributed to Isidore o f Seville, and in Venantius Fortunatus’s Vita S. Martini i. 1 4 -2 5 point to the earlier circulation o f a similar body o f texts.3 This argument is not affected by Alcuin’s minimal acquaintance with Christian Latin poets such as ‘Cyprianus Gallus’, Commodian, and ‘Proba’, marginal to the canon; while the absence from Alcuin’s list (and sources) o f poets known to Venantius Fortunatus, such as Paulinus o f Périgueux, the author of a metrical paraphrase o f Sulpicius Severus’s Life o f St. Martin, may simply reflect the popularity in the later eighth century o f Fortunatus’s own version o f the same text. In substance 1 For a brief account o f the circulation o f Venantius Fortunatus’s poetry in early Anglo-Saxon England, see M. Lapidge, ASE 8 (1979), pp. 289-95. 2 Descriptions in Glauche, Schullektüre, pp. 3 1-2. The Milan manuscript shares with Alcuin’ s list Venantius Fortunatus (occasional poetry and Vita S. Martini), Arator, Paulinus o f Nola (Natalicia), Prosper, Juvencus; the Paris manu­ script contains Caelius Sedulius, Juvencus, Prosper, Arator, and Fortunatus (occa­ sional poetry). The same authors, together with Bede and Aldhelm, are among those excerpted for the Bamberg florilegium (Vollmer, p. xvi). 3 See app. ii to w . 1551-4 and Glauche, Schullektüre, pp. 5, 7, and cf. pp. 23 ff.



and in some detail it therefore seems probable that at Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae 1 5 5 1 -3 Alcuin referred to, and knew well, a ‘school canon’ o f late Antique and early Medieval Latin poetry in one o f the forms it had assumed since the time o f Venantius Fortunatus, and in which it cir­ culated in early Anglo-Saxon England and was available at York. Alcuin’s knowledge o f Classical Latin poetry was chiefly confined to the epic, as v. 1 5 5 4 implies. The influence o f Virgil, from the entire Aeneid to the Georgies and Eclogues, is all-pervasive in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae.1 Alcuin’s debts to Lucan are smaller, but by no means unimportant. In at least one place where the textus receptus requires emendation2 the allusion is plainly to Lucan, and a number o f other echoes are not to be ignored.3 Borrowings from Statius are rarer.4 Allusions to Ovid and to Horace, which some have found in the Versus d e . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae,5 can be paralleled with greater preci­ sion from Christian and early Medieval Latin sources. Many had become proverbs or mere clichés by the late eighth cen­ tury.6 A t most, Alcuin’s acquaintance with Ovid and Horace was slight and at second hand.7 The sum total o f Alcuin’s acquaintance with Classical Latin poetry is thus modest indeed: overwhelmingly Virgilian, with elements o f ‘ Silver A ge’ epic, it amounts to no more than a strictly limited choice. In the reading o f Bede and o f Aldhelm, Lucan figures infrequently and Statius hardly at all, but extensive use is made o f Virgil.8 If Alcuin’s quotation 1 See Index o f Quotations and Allusions, pp. 152-4. Alcuin’s use o f Virgil has been studied by D. F. Long, Studies in Honour o f Basil L. Gildersleeve (Balti­ more, 1902), pp. 377-86 and E. M. Sanford, Classical Journal, 26 (1925), pp. 526-33. 2 v. 184 with comm, ad loc. 3 Index o f Quotations and Allusions, p. 150. 4 Ibid., p. 152. 5 Manitius, Neues Archiv , 11 (1886), pp. 5 5 8 -6 1 ; Dümmler, MGH PLAC ii, pp. 6 9 0 -3 ; J. D. A. Ogilvy, Books known to the English, 597-1066 2, Medieval Academy o f America (Cambridge, Mass., 1967), p. 211. 6 See comm, to v. 785. 7 Cf. Schaller, Verfasserlexikon, i, col. 246. 8 The view that Bede derived his knowledge o f Virgil from grammarians (P. Hunter Blair, Famulus Christi, pp. 244-50) is convincingly rebutted by N. Wright, ‘Bede and Virgil’, Romano barbaric a, 6 (1981), pp. 145-62.



o f Classical Latin poetry in his Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae is representative o f Æ lberht’s library, then at Y ork, as at other English centres, the pre-eminence o f Virgil, exploited as a grammatical as well as a literary source, is further evidence for the maintenance o f a curriculum o f strictly orthodox range.1 With the possible exception o f Statius, no Latin poet cited by name or echoed verbally in Alcuin’s poem points to the rich variety o f classical texts available in the exceptional library o f Charlemagne.1 2 A number of works that occupied an important place in Alcuin’s general culture are also referred to in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. The Bible, Isidore, and collections o f inscriptional texts3 all leave their mark on the poem. The possibility that the Latin traditions upon which Alcuin drew explicitly were supplemented at certain points by vernacular poetry o f which he was incidentally aware may not be pressed.4 The poem on York is the product o f a distinctively latinate and Insular culture, the principal areas o f which may now be distinguished as follow s:5

Insular Latin Authors

Bede, HE,

Vitae S. Cuthberti, Opera poetica

minora Aldhelm , Opera poetica Gildas, De Excidio Britonum Boniface, Carmina

1 See comm, to w . 1558-62. 2 Bischoff, ‘Die Bibliothek im Dienste der Schule*, Spoleto . . . Settimane, 19. 1 (1971), pp. 3 8 7 -8 ; id., Karl der Grosse ii, pp. 57 ff. and Sammelhandschrift Diez B. Sant. 66. Grammatici Latini et Catalogus Librorum . . . , Codices Selecti Phototypice Impressi 42 (Graz, 1973), introduction. On the unusual range o f this library on the Continent see Glauche, Schullektüre, p. 22. 3 The importance o f such collections as the Sylloge Epigraphica Cantabrigiensis is stressed by Wallach, Alcuin and Charlemagne, pp. 261 ff. See further M. Lapidge, ‘Some Remnants o f Bede’s Lost Liber Epigrammatum\ EHR 90 (1975), especially p. 801; and J. Higgitt, ‘The Dedication Inscription at Jarrow and its Context’, The Antiquaries Journal, 59 (1979), pp. 343-74. 4 See comm, and app. iii to v. 1325. For a different view o f this question see W. F. Bolton, Aleuin and Beowulf. An Eighth-Century View (London, 1979). 5 If Alcuin’s use o f a work or an author is doubtful, then the title or name in question is placed within square brackets.



Late Antique Biblical Epic

Arator, De Actibus Apostolorum, [Ep. ad Parthenium] Caelius Sedulius, Carmen Paschale Juvencus, Historia Evangeliorum Prudentius, Psychomachia, [Hamartigena, Apotheosis ] Alcimus Avitus, Poemata

Late Antique Christian Latin Poetry

Paulinus o f Nola, Opera Poetica Prosper o f Aquitaine, Carmen de Ingratis, De Providentia Dei (attrib.) Licentius, Carmen1 [Publilius Optatianus Porfyrius, Carmina] [ ‘Lactantius’ , De Ave Phoenice ] Venantius





Martini metrica Classical Epic Virgil, Aeneid, Georgies, Eclogues and other Lucan, Bellum civile Poetry ‘ Statius, Thebaid, Achilleid, Silvae Scripture Isidore, Etymologiae Epigraphical Sources

Sylloge Epigraphica Cantabrigiensis

The breadth o f Alcuin’s reading is neither great nor unusual among poets o f his time. His familiarity with a wide range o f late Antique texts, his sound knowledge o f Venantius Fortunatus’s poetical works, and his thorough acquaintance with Virgil were matched by European writers o f the same period,1 2 and in certain areas he was left far 1 behind. Prudentius, who appears at the margins o f Alcuin’s 1 See app. ii to w . 1412, 1590-1. 2 Two o f the best critical editions that enable one to assess these questions are K. Neff, Die Gedichte des Paulus Diaconus, Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters 3. 4 (Munich, 1908) and D. Norberg, L'œuvre poétique de Paulin d ’Aquilée , Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Handlingar, Filologisk-Filosofiska Serien 18 (Stockholm , 1979). On Theodulf, see Schaller, ‘ Philologische Untersuchungen zu den Gedichten Theodulfs von Orleans’ , diss. phil. Heidelberg, 1956.



learning, or Ovid, who scarcely figures in his work, played a significant part in the reading o f a number o f Alcuin’s continental contemporaries, notably Theodulf o f Orléans. It is Alcuin’s reliance upon the chief Latin authors of his native land that truly sets his Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae apart from the work o f continental poets and links it with Northumbrian Latin literature composed during or shortly after his lifetime, such as the anonymous Miracula S. Nyniae and Æ th elw u lf’s De Abbatibus.1 Prob­ ability indicates that Alcuin knew in England sources o f his poem such as Virgil, a number o f late Antique epic poets, Paulinus o f Nola, and Venandus Fortunatus. His extensive use o f Bede and Aldhelm enables one to go further. Where Alcuin first studied these two authors is not a matter for doubt. What distinguished Alcuin’s background as a poet from that o f fellow writers at Charlemagne’s court and linked it with Latin verse in the Northumbria o f his own times is that detailed knowledge o f the works o f Bede and Aldhelm which he acquired at school in Æ lberht’s York. vi. Anglo-Latin Literature before 8 0 0

and the Poetry o f Alcuin A t the centre o f Alcuin’s literary culture, acquired at York and reflected in the sources o f his Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae, stand Bede and Aldhelm, the two principal writers o f early Anglo-Latin. What light does Anglo-Latin literature before 8 0 0 cast on Alcuin’s back­ ground as a poet and, especially, on his poem on Y o rk ?1 2 By the final quarter o f the eighth century, from which dates most of Alcuin’s poetry, the Latin literature o f AngloSaxon England reached back only a century. Its first master­ piece is a work o f prose: Bede’s HE. In founding his poem on York on the history o f his own people, written by the leading Northumbrian scholar and counsellor to Archbishop Egbert, 1 The sources o f the Miracula S. Nyniae are examined exhaustively by Strecker, MGH PLAC iv. 3, pp. 944-62. On the De Abbatibus see Dümmler, ibid, i, pp. 583 ff. and Campbell, Æ thelwulf *de Abbatibus*, pp. xliv-xlvii. 2 For a bibliographical survey o f early Anglo-Latin literature see M. Lapidge in Insular Latin Studies. Papers on Latin Texts and Manuscripts o f the British Isles: 550-1066 (Toronto, 1981), pp. 45-82.



Alcuin chose not only the outstanding model o f previous Anglo-Latin prose but also the one most immediate to him. History intermingled with works o f clerical biography and o f hagiography. Four o f these works are especially relevant to an understanding o f Anglo-Latin literature in the time o f Alcuin: the anonymous Whitby Vita Gregorii Magni, Bede’s Lives o f St. Cuthbert, the same author’s Historia Abbatum , and Eddius Stephanus’s Life o f Wilfrid. Eddius Stephanus’s Life o f Wilfrid is a justificatory biography o f the bishop, written by one o f his fervent supporters.1 Bede’s Historia Abbatum ( 7 2 5 - 3 1 ) 2 is a less plainly partisan work. It presents a collective vita o f the abbots o f Wearmouth-Jarrow, stressing the corporate achieve­ ments o f their exemplary com m unity and the saintliness o f its individual members. The anonymous author o f the Vita Gregorii Magni, writing at Whitby between 7 0 4 and 7 1 4 3 with great ingenuity and little knowledge o f his subject, admired Edwin o f Northumbria as much as he revered Gregory the Great. Bishop and ascetic unite in the central figure o f Bede’s Lives o f St. Cuthbert. This cluster o f works from the north o f England in the eighth century betrays a number o f regional preoccupations: in the Whitby Life o f Gregory is found an emphasis on Romanist tradition expressed in the cult o f Gregory the Great; the Historia Abbatum is concerned with the develop­ ment o f a spiritual com m unity; and the interest in episcopal power and the northern see in Eddius’s Life o f Wilfrid is matched in Bede’s Vitae by an ideal o f the asceticism Cuth­ bert had represented. These local interests o f early Northum ­ brian hagiography and biography are reflected in A lcuin’s poem on Y ork .4 Exemplary and often polemical, much Anglo-Latin prose 1 Ed. cit., p. lxi, n. 5. 2 Ed. Plummer, i, pp. 364-87. 3 Ed. B. Colgrave, The Earliest Life o f Gregory the Great, by an Anonymous Monk o f Whitby (Lawrence, Kansas, 1968). For a valuable study o f this life, see O. Limone in SM (3 a ser.) 19 (1978), pp. 37-68. 4 See pp. xlix-lv above and Bullough, pp. 339 ff. For surveys o f early AngloLatin hagiography see B. Colgrave, ‘The earliest Saints’ Lives written in England’, PBA 44 (1958), pp. 3 5 -6 0 ; C. W. Jones, Saints9 Lives and Chronicles in Early England (repr. New York, 1968); A. Thacker, ‘The Social and Continental Back­ ground to Early Anglo-Saxon Hagiography’ (unpublished D.Phil. thesis; O xford, 1976).



Alcuin lives one life with verse. Bede’s Vitae S. Cuthberti provide one example o f this point; for another we must look to the South, to Aldhelm ’s De Virginitate, which enjoyed such widespread influence in Anglo-Saxon England, both during and after the eighth century.1 Aldhelm ’s was a moral-didactic treatise; Bede’s was hagiography. Aldhelm ’s metrical De Virginitate was conceived as a verse counterpart to his prose tract; Bede’s prose Life o f Cuthbert was designed to complement his metrical Vita. The practice o f these two writers would influence Alcuin when he came to adapt prose works by Bede. In their edifying purpose the minor works o f Anglo-Latin poetry are comparable to the narrative verse o f Bede and Aldhelm. In oblique form the aenigmata or riddles present facts about the natural or spiritual w orld;2 the hymns, prayers, and other religious poems celebrate sacred themes;3 while inscriptional and commemorative pieces express a practical, generally didactic, design.4 In verse, the arduous medium o f an acquired language, Anglo-Latin authors offered a statement o f what they considered instructive and true. Their works, in style and conception, are all sententious.5 Poetry o f an admonitory and metaphorical character, written to complement prose on historical, hagiographical, or moral-didactic themes, thus figures as one o f the central currents in Anglo-Latin literature before 8 0 0 . Its unity derives partly from the dominance o f two leading writers and partly from its limited range. Bede and Aldhelm between them command barely half the genres in which Alcuin wrote, and the variety o f his poetical works6— from inscriptions to panegyrics and from verse-epistles to hymns— reflects the varied circumstances o f their production. It is chiefly in Alcuin’s longer poems that these currents in early AngloLatin reach their point o f confluence. before

1 The difficulty o f dating this work is discussed by Lapidge, Aldhelm: The Prose Works (Ipswich and Totowa, N.J., 1979), pp. 14-15. For its diffusion see ibid., pp. 2-3. 2 The aenigmata o f Aldhelm are edited by Ehwald, MGH AA xv, pp. 9 7-1 4 9 ; the principal collections o f other early Anglo-Latin aenigmata are published in CCSL cxxxiii, lcxxxiiia (Tum hout, 1968). 3 Bede’s Hymni and Preces are edited in CCSL cxxii, pp. 407 ff. 4 For Aldhelm ’s Carmina Ecclesiastica see Ehwald, pp. 11-32. s See further pp. lxxxii-lxxxviii below. 6 See p. xlii and n. 2 above.



All three o f Alcuin’ s longer poems were written as verse counterparts to works in prose. The metrical Life o f St. Willibrord was intended to be one half o f a com position, the other half o f which was formed by Alcuin’s Vita S. Willibrordi prosaica. Carmen ix, Alcuin’s elegiac epistle on the destruction o f Lindisfarne by the Vikings in 7 9 3 ,1 refashions the central themes o f a number o f consolatory letters which he sent to England soon after that date.1 2 In a manner fre­ quently oblique and invariably edifying both poems sum up the subject-matter o f the prose works to which they are matched. These formal and stylistic features o f Alcuin’s Carmen ix and Vita S. Willibrordi metrica are amply displayed in his poem on York. In tracing the historical factors which influenced Alcuin’s choice o f literary form when he set out in this poem to write a counterpart to Bede’s HE and Lives o f St. Cuthbert, some o f the links between the major works o f early Anglo-Latin literature and its classical background become clearer. vii. The Rise o f the opus geminatum and the

Form o f Alcuin’s Poem on York Behind Alcuin’s use o f Bede lay the traditions o f a literary form whose most influential exponent for the early Middle Ages was the fifth-century poet, Caelius Sedulius.3 The form which Sedulius initiated and to which Alcuin was indebted is the opus geminatum : a work o f two paired parts, the one in prose, the other in verse.4 Its 1 The poem is translated by H. Waddell, More Latin Lyrics (London, 1976), pp. 160-75. Cf. Alcuin, Ep. 20 (MGH Epp. iv, pp. 56-8). For discussion and further examples see SM (3a Ser.) 20. 2 (1979), pp. 581 ff. 2 Ibid., pp. 564 ff. 3 All references are to the CSEL edition o f J. Huemer (Vienna, 1885). The best study o f Caelius Sedulius’s biography remains that o f Huemer, De Sedulii poetae vita et scriptis commentatio (Vienna, 1878). 4 Aldhelm, De Virg. metr.t w . 2868 and 2870 (Ehwald, p. 469) uses the term opus geminum. The first use o f opus geminatum as a technical term occurs at Bede, HE v., 18, a reference to be discussed below. However, Caelius Sedulius’s allusion (second Epistola ad Macedonium [Huemer, Sedulius, p. 171. 5 -6 ]) to ‘ quod placuerit [i.e., the Carmen paschale] ideo geminari volueris’ is in keeping with literary and grammatical usage o f the verb from which this term developed. See TLL vi. 2. II. B. 2, col. 1745. Valuable studies which take the opus gemina­ tum into account are: E. R. Curtius, ‘Dichtung und Rhetorik im Mittelalter’,





origins are to be found in the rhetorical practice of A ntiquity.1 The practice o f conversio or paraphrase in Roman rhetorical training was a vital factor in the rise o f the opus geminatum. Conversio, the exercise o f turning poetry into prose and vice versa, is first mentioned in Latin by Cicero at De Oratore, i. 34. 1 5 4 -5 .2 There, in a criticism of paraphrase as one o f the progymnasmata or preparatory exercises in com posi­ tion, Cicero provides a valuable description o f the school task o f turning a poem or a speech into carefully chosen words o f the opposite medium. His reservations were not shared by Quintilian, whose earliest remarks on paraphrase appear in the context o f a discussion o f the elementary exercises with which grammatici should educate the young. A t Institutio Oratoria, i. 9. 2 - 4 Quintilian lays stress on the difficulty o f paraphrase: it is not just a useful tool for beginners; it can tax even an expert.3 Verse, according to Quintilian, should be turned into prose by resolving the metre o f the original, substituting prosaic for poetic vocabu­ lary and abbreviating and embellishing the prose version without substantially altering the sense o f its verse model. Prominent in Quintilian’s account is a criterion o f fidelity to the text paraphrased which was to be echoed in the late Antique poets studied by Alcuin. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, 16 (1938), pp. 4 3 7 -7 5 ; P. Klopsch, ‘ Prosa und Vers in der mittellateinischen Litera­ tur*, Mlat. Jb . 3 (1966), pp. 9 -2 4 ; M. L. Roberts, ‘Alcuin’s Life o f St. Willibrord and its Literary Antecedents’ (M.A. thesis, University o f Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1974); R. Herzog, Die Bibelepik der lateinischen Spätantike, i (Munich, 1975); and D. Kartschoke, Bibeldichtung: Studien zur Geschichte der Bibelparaphrase von Juvencus bis Otfrid von Weissenburg (Munich, 1975). The best account o f the relation between Roman rhetoric and late Antique Biblical epic is M. L. Roberts, ‘The Hexameter Paraphrase in Late Antiquity: Origins and Applications to Biblical Texts’ (Ph.D. dissertation, University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1978). Ernst Walter, ‘Opus Geminum, Untersuchungen zu einem Form typ in der mittellateinischen Literatur* (diss. phil. Erlangen-Nürnberg, 1973) and V. Schupp, Studien zu Williram von Ebersberg (Bern and Munich, 1978), pp. 113-70 present useful surveys o f the development o f this form up to the twelfth century. For a study o f the origins and early history o f the opus geminatum see Godman, ‘The Anglo-Latin opus geminatumi from Aldhelm to Alcuin’, M Æ 50. 2 (1981), pp. 215-29, upon which these pages draw. 1 Discussion o f medieval texts is confined to those which demonstrably influenced Alcuin. Fuller bibliography and discussion are to be found in the article cited above. 2 Ed. A. S. Wilkins (O xford, 1892), pp. 148-9. 3 Ed. M. Winterbottom (O xford, 1970), p. 58.



A similar emphasis is to be found in Quintilian’s descrip­ tion o f exercises which he recommends at Institutio Oratoria, X . 5. 4 - 1 1 1 to advanced students in order to provide fullness and fluency o f expression. Applicable both to one’s own writings and to those o f other people, the techniques o f paraphrase outlined by Quintilian are discussed and practised in a range o f ancient sources from the Younger Pliny to Suetonius and St. Augustine.2 The reception into Christian Latin literature o f the para­ phrastic methods long established in Roman rhetorical practice is marked by the Evangelia o f Juvencus.3 Composed between 329 and 3 3 0 , this verse paraphrase o f parts o f the Bible (chiefly the Gospel according to St. Matthew) was intended, experimentally, as a stylistic elaboration o f Scrip­ ture.4 To the educated classes Juvencus set out to make the subject-matter of Scripture attractive by re-expressing it, without altering its content, in the special charm o f verse. His fidelity to the Biblical original, demanded by its unique authority as a. text, also reflects the criteria set out in Quin­ tilian’s account of paraphrase. The experiment was a success. Juvencus is the only poet whom St. Jerome included in his De Viris Illustribus. 5 Juvencus’ example was followed and extended in the mid fifth century by Caelius Sedulius, in a work o f two parts known as the Carmen and Opus paschale. The Carmen paschale treated o f divine miracles recounted in the Four Gospels, with an introductory book devoted to miracles selected from the Old Testament. In two letters to his patron Macedonius, intended as prefaces to the Carmen and Opus paschale, Caelius Sedulius set out what he took to be the character and purpose of his w ork.6 A m ong the reasons for 1 Winterbottom, pp. 607-8. 2 See MÆ 50 (1981), p. 217. 3 Ed. Huemer, CSEL xxiv (Vienna, 1891). 4 iv. 804-5 (Huemer, pp. 145-6). 5 Ch. lxxxiv. ed. C. A. Bernoulli (Freiburg-im-Breisgau and Leipzig, 1895), p. 45. See further M Æ 50 ( 1981), p. 218. 6 'cur autem metrica voluerim haec ratione componere, non differam breviter expedire. raro . . . divinae munera potestatis stilo quisquam huius modulationis aptavit et multi sunt quos studiorum saecularium disciplina per poeticas magis delicias et carminum voluptates oblectat, ni quicquid rhetoricae facundiae

perlegunt, neglegentius adsequuntur, quoniam illud haud diligunt; quod autem





versifying Scripture which he gave to Macedonius in the first o f these letters was a wish to provide in Christian poetry the pleasures o f secular verse without the drawbacks o f its profane subject-matter. Sedulius drew attention to the mnemonic value o f his paraphrase.1 He made free with his text, both by omissions and by extended verse commentary upon it. The result, in the Carmen paschale, is a disconnected series o f single episodes. In writing the Opus paschale, a prose counterpart to his earlier poem , Caelius Sedulius did more than adopt tech­ niques o f conversio described by Quintilian.2 By producing a work o f two paired parts, the one in prose and the other in verse, Sedulius created the literary form which came to be known as the opus geminatum. In the second Letter to Macedonius prefatory to his prose work Caelius Sedulius emphasized that there was no difference, save one o f style, between his Carmen and Opus paschale. 3 Quintilian’s state­ ment that prose could fill the deficiencies and restrain the stylistic excesses o f verse4 was echoed by Sedulius’ profession that his second work supplied what was lacking in the first and by his allusions, perhaps not wholly sincere, to a fear o f being criticized on the score o f fidelity to his original. The two parts o f his com position, in subject and arrangement, were identical.5 He claimed not to be altering the Carmen's account but merely to be expanding it stylistically. versuum viderint blandimento mellitum, tanta cordis aviditate suscipiunt ut in alta memoria saepius haec iterando constituant et reponant’ (Huemer, pp. 4 -5 ). 1 For the voluptas o f poetry cf. Quintilian, Inst Orat x. 1. 28; for the mnemonic value o f paraphrase cf. Cicero, De Oratore i. 34, 157. 2 Inst Orat x. 5. 8—11 (Winterbottom, pp. 6 08 -9 ). 3 ‘ Praecepisti, reuerende mi domine, paschalis carminis textum, quod officium purae deuotionis simpliciter exsecutus uobis obtuli perlegendum, in rhetoricum me transferre sermonem, utrum quod placuerit, ideo geminari uolueris, an quod offenderit (ut potius arbitror) stilo censueris liberiore describi, sub dubio uideor fluctuare iudicio . . . siquidem multa pro metricae necessitatis angustia priori commentario nequaquam uidentur inserta, quae postmodum linguae resolutio magis est adsecuta, dederimus hinc aliquam forsitan obtrectatoribus uiam, dicentque nonnulli fidem translationis esse corruptam, quia certa uidelicet sunt in oratione quae non habentur in carmine . . . nostri prorsus ab se se libelli non dis­ crepant, sed quae defuerant primis addita sunt secundis, nec impares argumento uel ordine, sed stilo uidentur et oratione dissimiles . . .’ (Huemer, pp. 171-3). 4 Inst Orat x. 5. 4 -5 (Winterbottom, pp. 6 07 -8 ). s Cf. Quintilian i. 9. 2 -4 (Winterbottom, p. 58).



This is not strictly accurate. In his Opus paschale Caelius Sedulius adopts the presentation and order o f the Carmen, but greatly extends its doctrinal exposition and Biblical allusion. The marked differences between the two parts o f his work appear to have been grasped by his later audience, which opted for one or the other part o f it. Only four manu­ scripts contain both the Carmen and the Opus paschale. The poem is transmitted in approximately five times as many manuscripts as the prose Opus.1 To Anglo-Latin writers from Aldhelm to Alcuin, Caelius Sedulius bequeathed a general statement o f what the relation between the prose and verse parts o f an opus geminatum might be. That its form imposed tight restrictions or that its conventions were inflexible was not to be inferred from his work. Bede pointed out the debt o f Aldhelm ’s De Virginitate to Caelius Sedulius in terms which reveal that he considered the parts o f an opus geminatum as two halves o f a single whole rather than as the distinct libelli which they had remained for Sedulius.1 2 The same point o f view is taken by Aldhelm. In his prose work, which he wrote before the verse, he applies to his opus geminatum a metaphor o f building which represents its two parts as a unity, neither o f which was complete without the other.3 A t the beginning and end o f the Carmen de Virginitate he refers explicitly to his inten­ tion that they should be read together.4 Although Aldhelm imitates Sedulius in his choice o f form, refers to him by 1 For the codices see Huemer, pp. iiii-xxv and J. Claudel, ‘Un nouveau manu­ scrit de YOpus Paschale de Sedulius’, Revue philologique, 28 (1904), pp. 283-92. 2 HE V. 18: ‘ Scripsit et de virginitate librum eximium , quem in exemplum Sedulii geminato opere , et versibus exametris et prosa com posuit.’ 3 ‘Porro quemadmodum intactae virginitatis gloriam rethoricis relatibus favorabiliter venerari nitebar, sic identidem . . . heroicis exametrorum versibus eiusdem praeconium pudicitiae subtiliter comere Christo coopérante conabor et, velut iactis iam rethoricis fundamentis et constructis prosae parietibus, cum tegulis trochaicis et dactilicis metrorum imbricibus firmissimum culmen caelesti confisus suffragio imponam’ (c. LX, Ehwald, p. 321). 4 Da pius auxilium . . . ut prius ex prosa laudabat littera castos, sic m odo heroica stipulentur carmina laudem . . . (w . 17, 19-20, Ehwald, p. 353). Nunc in fine precor prosam metrumque legentes Hoc opus ut cuncti rimentur mente benigna. (w . 2867-8, Ehwald, p. 469; and cf. w . 2219-21, p. 444.)





name, and cites the Carmen paschale,* he displays a marked, and perhaps considered, reluctance to refer to the conven­ tions o f the opus geminatum as described by Sedulius. The grounds for Aldhelm ’s reticence are to be found in the struc­ ture o f the verse and prose versions o f his De Virginitate. The prose De Virginitate has two principal themes: the place and praise of women who, although technically no longer virgins, ‘becom e’ virgins by becoming nuns, and virgins as athletae Christi. In the later part o f Aldhelm ’s prose work the celebration o f athletae Christi assumes the greatest impor­ tance; the fact that the athletae are also virgins slips into oblivion.1 2 This second theme o f Aldhelm ’s prose is amplified in his metrical De Virginitate. There mention o f virginity is often made in no more than a perfunctory aside, as an instance o f the miraculous virtue distinguishing the athletae Christi. Aldhelm assumes his audience’s foreknowledge o f the prose, for without that assumption the title o f his poem would barely be justified. The relation between the verse and the prose parts o f the work, despite A ldhelm ’s own claims and Bede’s flattering notice, is even looser than that between the Carmen and Opus paschale o f Sedulius. This is most striking towards the end o f the metrical De Virginitate (w . 2 4 4 6 -7 6 1 ) , in the passage dealing with the eight vices. The relation between the prose and most o f the metrical De Virginitate might be thought tenuously to conform to Sedulius’s declaration that the only difference between the two parts o f an opus geminatum should be one o f style. Aldhelm ’s virtuoso piece on the eight vices could not, and so constrained his silence. These essential differences between the prose and metrical D e Virginitate suggest why the two were always copied separately, never as a single work, in the extant manuscript tradition.3 Aldhelm implied that the poetry and the prose formed a unified whole, but his practice does not conform to this implication. It was perhaps for this reason that he hesitated to formulate rules for his opus geminatum. Aldhelm ’s reluctance to be explicit about this form must 1 Ehwald, pp. 544-6. 2 Cf., for example, c. xxv (Ehwald, pp. 257-60). 3 See Ehwald, pp. 329 ff.



be borne in mind when one considers his immense influence upon subsequent Anglo-Latin tradition.1 The Continent too had an important part to play in the development of paraphrastic techniques in England. Am ong the continental works read by Alcuin and exploited in his Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae the most impor­ tant in this connection was Venantius Fortunatus’s Vita S. Martini metrica. 2 Fortunatus’s metrical version o f Sulpicius Severus’s Life o f St. Martin set a precedent, followed by Alcuin, for composing a verse counterpart to a prose work written by someone else. Biographical details o f Martin’s life and work recorded by Sulpicius Severus are abbreviated or omitted by Fortunatus, who concentrates instead on miracles or on episodes which emphasize the saint’s virtue. In Venantius Fortunatus, as in Aldhelm , liberty in handling his prose source inspired reticence about his intentions as paraphrast. More immediate in time and place was the example pro­ vided for Alcuin by Bede. In Northumbria, between 7 0 0 and 7 0 5 , Bede composed a prose version o f Paulinus o f N ola’s Carmina Natalicia on the life o f St. Felix. In his preface3 Bede emphasizes the general usefulness o f prose, based upon its familiar accessibility and entailing clarity o f style. His motive in writing was to provide an attractive and easily understandable version o f Paulinus o f N ola’s poems for the more ‘general reader’. .'Bede abandons the ancient theory o f verse’s charm to which Sedulius had subscribed. For Bede poetry is almost the recherché form. His view o f its com ­ plexity was to be borne out by the frequently oblique and sometimes obscure style o f his own metrical Life o f St. Cuthbert. The Vita S. Cuthberti metrica, written by Bede between 1 Cf. M Æ 50 (1981), p. 229, n. 39. 2 pp. lxx-lxxi. 3 ‘ Felicissimum beati Felicis triumphum, quem in Nola Campaniae civitate, Domino adiuvante, promueruit, Paulinus eiusdem civitatis episcopus, versibus hexametris pulcherrime ac plenissime descripsit; qui quia metricis potius quam simplicibus sunt habiles lectoribus, placuit nobis ob plurimorum utilitatem eandem sancti confessoris historiam planioribus dilucidare sermonibus eiusque imitari industriam, qui Martyrium beati Cassiani de metrico opere Prudentii in commune apertumque omnibus eloquium transtulit' (J. A. Giles, Venerabilis Bedae Opera, iv (London, 1843), p. 174. A new, and much-needed, edition o f this text is being prepared by T. W. Mackay [ Famulus Christi, p. 77] ).





705 and 7 1 6 together with his prose work o f c. 7 2 1 ,1 repre­ sents the first application of the opus geminatum to a hagiographical subject in Anglo-Latin literature. In a clear-cut moralistic manner Bede’s poem sums up the principal events o f Cuthbert’s career, displaying at every turn o f its senten­ tious style a penchant for metaphor and a distaste for the particular.1 23Bede also announced his intention, in the preface to the metrical Life, o f complementing it with a later prose Vita, in language which recalls criteria invoked in Caelius Sedulius’s second Epistola ad Macedonium 3 and which implies the familiarity o f this convention. Some years later, in the preface to his prose Life o f St. Cuthbert, Bede was to give the Anglo-Latin opus geminatum a new articulateness about source. His critical and historical standards45 entailed literary criteria, above all, o f clarity, which Bede had also advocated in his Vita S. Felicis.5 Laying stress on the completeness o f his work, he judged the unity o f its two parts in aesthetic terms.6 A ldhelm ’s implication o f the unity o f the two parts o f his opus geminatum and Bede’s statement o f the unity o f his are echoed and carried into effect by Alcuin. The two parts o f his Vita S. Willibrordi were presented to Beornrad, arch­ bishop o f Sens and abbot o f Echternach, at the same time and as a single whole. Alcuin’s first innovation over his pre­ decessors lay, therefore, in the simultaneous appearance o f the two books o f his opus geminatum. 1 On the date o f the two versions o f the Life o f St. Cuthbert, see Jaager,

Palaestra, 198, pp. 4 -6 ; B. Colgrave, PBA 44 (1958), p. 42; and Bolton, A History o f Anglo-Latin Literature, pp. 138-40. 2 See, for example, w . 95-119 (Jaager, pp. 6 5-7) and cf. Alcuin, w . 690-1. 3 See the passage cited at com m, to w . 685-7 and cf. p. lxxxi n. 3 above, especially ‘integrare non plena* and ‘quae defuerant primis addita sunt secundis*. 4 ‘. . . nec tandem ea quae scripseram sine subtili examinatione testium indubi­ orum passim transcribenda quibusdam dare praesumpsi, quin potius primo dili­ genter exordium, progressum et terminum gloriosissimae conversationis ac vitae illius ab his qui noverant investigans. Quorum etiam nomina in ipso libro aliquotiens ob certum cognitae veritatis indicium apponenda iudicavi. . .’ (Colgrave, p. 144). 5 ‘. . . ablatis omnibus scrupulorum ambagibus ad puram, certam veritatis indaginem simplicibus explicitam sermonibus commendare membranulis . . . curavi’ (ibid.). 6 ‘ Si non deliberato ac perfecto operi nova interserere, vel supradicere minus congruum atque indecorum esse constaret’ (ibid.).



In the preface to his prose Life Alcuin defined clearly the purpose o f his opus geminatum.1 The prose Vita was intended to be read aloud in church, section by section; and to its conclusion he added a substantial homily for the feastday o f St. Willibrord. Alcuin’s preface goes on to contrast the stately pace o f prose (‘gradientem’) with the speed o f verse (‘currentem’); and similar terms are used in the metrical Vita.2 His language accurately implies that the verse Life is less full than the prose: it is cursory and it abbreviates (a tendency detected earlier in Venantius Fortunatus’s metrical Life o f St. Martin). Alcuin feels free to rearrange and even to truncate his earlier prose account. Like Bede in the Vita S. Cuthberti metrica, Alcuin is less concerned with details o f the saint’s life than with his moral qualities and divine mission, describing these by preference in a firmly positive style that cultivates the metaphor and the abstract noun. The didactic value o f his poem , intended to be ‘ruminated’ 3 by students, is clear. The Vita S. Willibrordi metrica was to be used in private study as an edifying model o f versification. Committed to memory, it served as a means o f inculcating Latin vocabulary and poetic style. A continuity can be traced in the works read and used by Alcuin, and in his own writings, through the parallel develop­ ment of prose and verse. Between Caelius Sedulius’s Carmen paschale in the mid fifth century and c.8 0 0 all the major works o f Latin narrative poetry cited by Alcuin are o f a 1 ‘ . . . tuis parui, pater sancte, praeceptis et duos digessi libellos, unum prosaico sermone gradientem, qui puplice fratribus in ecclesia, si dignum tuae videatur sapientiae, legi potuisset; alterum Piereo pede currentem, qui in secreto cubili inter scolasticos tuos tantummodo ruminari debuisset’ (Levison, p. 113). 2 Cf. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xiii. 1-7: Plurima perque suum fecit miracula servum, quae nunc non libuit versu percurrere cuncta, sed strictim quaedam properanti tangere plectro, et gestis titulos paucos praefigere musis, ad prosamque meum lectorem mittere primam: illic inveniet iam plenius omnia gesta pontificis m agni. . . The reference at v. 5 to sending the reader back to his prose Life as ‘prosam . . . primam’ demonstrates that it is the earlier and fuller work on which the verse account is based. 3 On the term ruminari, borrowed from the vocabulary o f meditation on Scripture, see J. Leclercq, Initiation aux auteurs monastiques du Moyen Age: Vamour des lettres et le désir de Dieu2 (Paris, 1963), pp. 72-3.





hagiographical or moral-didactic character, and all o f them were written as verse counterparts to prose. From the Roman school exercise o f paraphrase through the late Antique Bibli­ cal epic and, in particular, the work o f Caelius Sedulius had grown the medieval opus geminatum , a form in which both the large-scale poems in early Anglo-Latin were composed. In Venantius Fortunatus, and before him in Juvencus, Alcuin saw respectable precedents for a metrical version o f a prose work written by a different author, in a style, language, and manner hardly distinguishable from those employed in the

opus geminatum. Flexible but clear conventions had emerged in this tradi­ tion before Alcuin. Verse, to whose com plexity Bede refers, was seen as a suitable vehicle for formulating the moral sig­ nificance o f a prose statement in lofty style. Learnt in the classroom, poetry retained a practical value in clerical educa­ tion which is affirmed in Alcuin’s metrical Life o f St. Willi­ brord. Emphasis upon the brevity o f verse accompanied this view o f its elevation and utility. Although no author o f an opus geminatum felt shackled by the criterion o f fidelity expressed by Quintilian in his account o f conversio and reiterated by Caelius Sedulius in his Letters to Macedonius, this standard lived on in the ideal o f unity repeatedly invoked in the ‘double works’ and paraphrases o f the early Middle Ages read by Alcuin. Finally, the writing o f Bede, particu­ larly his Lives o f St. Cuthbert, had imported into this form a critical and quasi-historical attention to source. Each o f these conventions influenced Alcuin’s under­ standing and choice o f literary form in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. His tendency to abbreviate, rearrange, and omit from the HE and Lives o f St. Cuthbert1 reflects the practice o f earlier authors, while his stress on the moral utility o f his poem (w . 7 8 7 -8 ) finds parallels in the history and hagiography o f Bede. Alcuin gives prominence to the ideal o f brevity2 and even goes so far as to formulate a ius brevitatis to which verbs such as currere, tangere, and properare in his Vita S. Willibrordi metrica more vaguely refer.3 This in turn led him to compare his verse narrative 1 See pp. lxviii-ix, especially pp. lii-liii. 2 See com m , to w . 289-90. 3 v. 1206 and p. lxxxvi, n. 2 above.



with the HE in a systematic and critical manner, signalling omissions, pointing to digressions, and cautioning himself against gratuitous repetition o f Bede’s w ork.1 Alcuin’s attention to his prose source is not only a mark o f his reverence for Bede; it also reflects an increasing articu­ lateness on the subject o f this literary form , which we have traced both in his predecessors and in his own Life o f St. Willibrord. By refashioning inherited material from the body o f sources described earlier2 Alcuin produced in the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae the first major narrative poem on a historical subject in the extant Latin literature o f the medieval West. A measure o f the originality o f his work will appear in an account o f its genre and influence. viii. The Genre and Influence o f Alcuin’s Poem on York For the form and content o f the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae we have been able to specify a number o f sources and analogues in Latin literature before Alcuin. In poetry, however, we have not found a true parallel to Alcuin’s historical narrative. What was new about his poem on York, and what impact did it make on later literature? The following pages attempt to define the genre and to describe the influence o f the Versus de . . . Sanctis Eubori­ censis Ecclesiae by comparing them with the large-scale narrative verse known to Alcuin, and with the work o f other Carolingian poets. The terms in which Alcuin himself describes the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae reveal little about their genre. What view o f narrative verse can Alcuin have formed from the large-scale poems that were among his chief sources? With a single exception, none o f the narrative poems known to Alcuin was on a profane subject. The Christian epics o f late Antiquity dealt with Biblical themes. Bede and Fortunatus composed saints’ lives in verse. Aldhelm wrote o f the exploits o f virgins as athletae Christi, and about the eight vices. Am ong the sources available to Alcuin, only Virgil’s Aeneid was a political poem which combined a message for the present with a glorification o f the past. 1 w . 741-6, 781-5, 1207-9.

2 pp. lxvii-lxxv.



The Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae have affinities with each o f these types o f narrative verse, but can be identified with none o f them. The poem treats of saints and bishops, and celebrates the traditions o f the northern Church. But its subject is also ‘reges et proelia’ , 1 and it makes a forceful statement about the kind o f kingship Alcuin admired in the historical past and wished for in his own times.2 The model of Bede’s HE accounts for much in this respect, as we have seen; but Virgil too influenced both the style and the conception o f Alcuin’s work. For his account o f the historical destiny o f his fatherland, with its spiritual and political capital at York, one o f Alcuin’s most important models in Latin narrative poetry was the Aeneid, an epic about the patria whose centre and sym bol was Rome. The principal literary influences on Alcuin’s work thus fall into two broad classes. The moral-didactic and hagiographical verse o f Aldhelm and Venantius Fortunatus and the late Antique Biblical epic find echoes in the spiritual and ecclesiastical themes o f Alcuin’s poem on York. They place it in a line o f direct descent from the Christian Latin poetry o f the early Middle Ages. But Alcuin goes further than this. Drawing upon Bede and Virgil, he gained models for a largescale narrative poem on the history o f his patria. These historical and national interests of Alcuin’s work, embracing his own times, were applied by the earliest authors o f Carolingian epic to the heroic exploits o f the emperors o f their day.3 In this sense the Versus d e . . . Sanctis Eubori­ censis Ecclesiae represent a point o f transition from the dominantly moral-didactic and hagiographical traditions o f large-scale Latin narrative poetry written between the sixth and eighth centuries to the increasingly secular character o f epic in the early Carolingian period.4 With two major poems o f the early ninth century— the one traditionally known as ‘Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa\ which has recently been shown to be the third book o f an 1 Virgil, Eclogue , vii. 3. 2 Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, p. 87, and pp. xlvii-lx above. 3 Discussed below. 4 A recent bibliographical survey o f early Carolingian epic is provided by A. Ebenbauer, Carmen historicum. Untersuchungen zur historischen Dichtung im karolingischen Europa, i, Philologica Germanica 4 (Vienna, 1978).



epic probably composed in the first decade o f the ninth century,1 and the other Ermoldus Nigellus’s In honorem Hludowici Pii o f 8 2 6 /8 , an account in four books o f the achievements o f Louis the Pious1 2— Alcuin’s poem on York shares a composite character. The Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae are lent epic colouring by Alcuin’s use o f Virgilian similes and o f hyperbole,3 while the encomia on kings and bishops which introduce his accounts o f their historical deeds are inspired by the example o f Venantius Fortunatus.4 Like Alcuin’s poem , both early Carolingian epics owe primary debts to Virgil’s Aeneid, displayed in a variety o f verbal echoes and in a number o f borrowed epic similes. Hardly less considerable is their use o f Venantius Fortunatus’s poetry, and especially o f his panegyrics. These epic and panegyrical sources, keenly imitated and imperfectly controlled, affected not only the two poem s’ style but also their form and structure. In the description o f isolated incidents and as encomium, both the In hpnorem Hludowici Pii and ‘Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa’ achieve an intermittent power which they lack as connected narrative. Long passages o f panegyric, which list the moral qualities o f Charlemagne and Louis the Pious, break up their accounts of successive events; and in the alternation o f description and encomium there emerge short vignettes and full-scale eulogies, but nothing more sustained.5 Reproduced and expanded in the four books o f Ermoldus Nigellus’s In honorem Hludowici Pii, the episodic structure 1 On the poem ’s genre and dating, see Schaller, Fm. St. 10 (1976), pp. 134 ff. The most recent edition is by H. Beumann, F. Brunhölzl, and H. Winkelmann, Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa. Ein Paderborner Epos vom Jahre 799 (Paderborn, 1966). Most aspects o f this edition have been critically reviewed by Schaller, art. cit., and ‘ Interpretationsprobleme im Aachener Karlsepos’ , Rheinische Viertel­ jahrsblätter 41 (1977), pp. 160 ff. The earlier edition o f Dümmler (MGH PLAC i, pp. 366 ff.) is still indispensable. A good systematic guide to the older biblio­ graphy is in Repertorium fontium historiae medii aeviy iii (Rom e, 1970), p. 132. 2 Ed. Dümmler, MGH PLAC ii, pp. 4 -7 9 and E. Faral, Poème sur Louis le Pieux et Épxtres au Roi Pépiny Les Classiques de l’Histoire de France au Moyen Age 14 (Paris, 1964), pp. 2-201. Full bibliography in Ebenbauer, Carmen historicum , pp. 101-49. 3 See com m , to w . 178 ff. 4 See com m, to v. 1397. 5 On the panegyrical character o f these poems see F. Bittner, Studien zum Herrscherlob in der mittellateinischen Dichtung, diss. phil., Würzburg (Volkach, 1962) pp. 48 ff.



o f ‘Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa’ prevents either poem from achieving sustained narrative on a single them e.1 This in turn makes them susceptible to classification according to their component parts: the hybrid terminology o f modern criti­ cism reflects the composite character o f the literature which it describes.2 The essential characteristics o f epic in this period cannot be strictly delimited. They lie partly in aspects o f poetic form, and partly in com m on sources and content. Epic, to early Carolingian poets, amounted to politically motivated narrative poetry on secular subjects, closely linked with panegyric and taking much o f its inspiration from Virgil and from contemporary events. The uneasy shifts from en­ comium to narrative in ‘Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa’ and in Ermoldus’s poem are the signs o f a (not wholly successful) attempt to create an independent epic narrative; an attempt which takes its initial impetus from Alcuin’s metrical version o f Bede.3 The first step towards renewal o f the genre o f national, historical epic was taken for the early Middle Ages in Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae, through the originally paraphrastic techniques o f the opus geminatum, as a verse counterpart to prose. What impact did the poem on York have on poetry other than the early Carolingian epic? In England, we are confronted with major discontinuities. The later development o f AngloLatin literature, severely disrupted by Viking invasion in the ninth century, was hardly influenced by Alcuin’s poem. The only exception is the Northumbrian Æ th elw u lf’s De Abbatibus, a work on the lives o f the abbots o f a monastic com m unity, possibly o f Bywell in Northumberland, written 1 Cf. the accounts o f the chase at Karolus Magnus 137 ff. (discussed by M. Thiébaux, Romance Philology, 22 (1968), pp. 288-9) and Ermoldus iv. 484 ff. These two passages are analysed in my ‘ Latin Poetry under Charles the Bald and Carolingian Poetry’, in Charles the Bald: Court and Kingdom , edd. M. Gibson and J. Nelson (Oxford, 1981), pp. 229-301. 2 Cf. E. R. Curtius on ‘zeitgeschichtliches panegyrisches Epos’ , in Gesammelte Aufsätze zur romanischen Philologie (Bern and Munich, 1970), pp. 125-6 and P. Dronke on ‘ Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa’ in id., Barbara et Antiquissima Carmina (Barcelona, 1977), p. 76, n. 99. 3 The most perceptive analysis o f this question remains the work o f A. Ebert, in ‘Die literarische Bewegung zur Zeit Karls der Grossen’ , Deutsche Rundschau, 11 (1877), expecially pp. 4 0 2 -4 , and Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Abendlandes im Mittelalter bis zum Beginne des XL Jahrhunderts, ii (Leipzig, 1880), pp. 27 ff.



between 8 0 3 and 8 2 1 .1 Æ thelw ulf, who borrows repeatedly from Alcuin,2 derived from him the inspiration for a pane­ gyric on his teachers and church. Two visions are recounted in the De Abbatibus, 3 and the second, experienced by Æ th el­ wulf himself, ends with a revelation o f his teacher Hygelac in Heaven, just as Alcuin’s poem on York concludes in a vision o f the other world that holds a special place for his own community. The De Abbatibus, our only testimony to the influence o f Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae in England, suggests that the poem on York did little to change the previous character o f Anglo-Latin literature. A t a time when the Viking threat to the north o f England was growing more urgent, when Hiberno-Latin authors were turning to literature which offered a vision o f escape from their own turbulent times, such as the Navigatio S. Brendani,4 the Northumbrian Æ thelw ulf produced, under the influence o f Alcuin, spiritual poetry with the same kind o f regional interest that had been established in biography and hagio­ graphy from the north o f England since the early eighth century.5 In Alcuin’s homeland, the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae were read as a verse chronicle o f local, ecclesiastical history. On the Continent, the impact o f Alcuin’s poem on York was both greater and more durable. One o f the writers who provides the firmest evidence o f Alcuin’s lasting impact is an anonymous Saxon poet, writing between the years 8 8 8 and 8 9 1 , perhaps at Corvey, a five-book account o f the deeds o f Charlemagne.6 1 Dating after Campbell, p. xxiii, location after Howlett, Archaeologia Aeliana (Ser. 5) 3 (1975), pp. 122-4. 2 Borrowings listed on p. 145. 3 xi (Campbell, pp. 2 6 -3 2 ); xxii (Campbell, pp. 5 4 -6 2 ; cf. Alcuin, Versus. . . 1602 ff.). 4 The philological evidence o f G. Orlandi points convincingly to a date o f com position at the beginning o f the ninth century, and in Ireland (Navigatio S. Brendani, Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità 38 (Milan, 1968), espe­ cially pp. 131-60— as against C. Selmer, Navigatio S. Brendani Abbatis . . . University o f Notre Dame Publications in Medieval Studies 16 (Notre Dame, 1959) pp. xxix ff. 5 See pp. lxxvi-lxxvii. 6 The best study o f the ‘Poeta Saxo* ’s Annales is by B. Bischoff, ‘Das Thema des Poeta Saxo’, Speculum Historiale: Festschrift Johannes Spörl (Munich, 1968),



The chief sources o f the ‘Poeta Saxo’ ’s Annales are the annalistic compilation wrongly attributed to Einhard, the annals o f Fulda, and Einhard’s own Gesta Karoli Magni, o f which he produced a metrical paraphrase.1 Bernhard Bischoff has convincingly emphasized the Saxon poet’s interest in Charlemagne not only as a great historical figure, but also as the one responsible for the conversion o f his own people.2 In the ‘ Poeta Saxo’ ’s decision to versify the prose sources for Charlemagne’s career can be detected the in­ fluence o f A lcuin.3 The ‘Poeta Saxo’ reproduced Alcuin’s two-fold concern with the progress o f conversion in his patria and with the rulers who achieved it. Charlemagne in his Annales takes the place o f the seventh-century Northumbrian bretwaldas in Alcuin’s poem ; for the north o f England is substituted Carolingian Saxony, and instead o f the HE ‘Poeta Saxo’ draws on biographical and annalistic sources. On the basis o f Carolingian prose writing he does what Alcuin had done with Anglo-Latin texts. The model for a historical poem on a major scale, designed as a verse counterpart to prose, ‘Poeta Saxo’ derived from the Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae. The true beneficiary o f the Anglo-Saxon Alcuin’s poem on York was a Saxon poet, writing at the end o f the ninth century about the conversion o f his people and the achievements o f Alcuin’s patron. ix. Language, Style, Metre, and Prosody The Latinity o f Alcuin, an Anglo-Saxon writing an acquired language, is deeply influenced by the Latinity o f his principal sources. A measure o f Alcuin’s literary scholarship, as o f his skill and fluency, is provided by his language, style, metre, and prosody, the distinctive features o f which are outlined pp. 198-203. For an account o f its sources, see J. Bohne, ‘Der Poeta Saxo in historiographischer Tradition des 8.-10. Jahrhunderts’ (diss. hist. Frankfurt am Main, 1965). Further bibliography in Schaller-Könsgen, p. li. 1 See, especially, Bohne (diss. cit.), pp. 17-104; M. Lintzel in Neues Archiv, 44 (1921), pp. 1 ff., ibid., 49 (1932), pp. 183 f f.; and K. Strecker, ibid., 43 (1922), pp. 490 ff. 2 ‘Das Thema des Poeta Saxo’ (art. cit.), p. 199. 3 Parallels between the two works and references to com m on sources are listed on p. 151.



below. Many o f them find parallels in the usage o f other late Latin and early Medieval Latin poets; some distinguish Alcuin’s practice from that o f Classical Latin authors o f the ‘Golden A ge’. 1 The following pages illustrate its chief points o f correspondence to and divergence from Classical and early Medieval Latin usage.2 (i)

Grammar and Syntax

(a) Gender and Number. There are few departures from Classical usage in the poem on York. Prora, if that reading is secure at v. 2 8 , is neut. acc. pi., although Alcuin elsewhere construes the noun as feminine as in C L (see app. iii ad loc.). Substantival use o f adjectives is frequent (see (c) 1, 2 ): adjectival use o f substantives is normally eschewed. ( b ) The Cases. Alcuin’s usage is in general correct. The following aspects o f case-usage in his poem on York deserve comment. (i) Nominative nominativus pendens: e.g. v. 9 3 7 . nominative used as vocative: e.g. v. 1 (with com m , ad loc.). (ii) Accusative accusative o f direction towards som e­ times replaces in + acc.: e.g. v. 3 2 4 . intrare is regularly used with the acc. (com m , to v. 1 1 4 ). (iii) Genitive

the genitive o f definition is frequent (see com m , to v. 7 0 7 ) and sometimes replaces the attributive adjective (v. 25 ). the subjective genitive, instead o f the corresponding possessive o f the personal pronoun, is regularly employed (e.g. w . 3 4 , 9 6 1 ). one unusual use o f the genitive o f quality: ‘pulveris . . . pannum’ (v. 3 4 5 ).

1 Discussed above, pp. lxxii-lxxiii. Features o f Alcuin’s language are discussed by Burghardt, ‘Philologische Untersuchungen. . . ’ (diss. cit., p. xxv, n. 1), pp. 35 ff. Philological studies o f Alcuin’s sources relevant to this problem include Druhan, Syntax. M. Henshaw, ‘The Latinity o f the Poems o f Hrabanus Maurus’ (Ph.D. diss., University o f Chicago, 1933) discusses Alcuin’s close imitator and chief pupil. 2 A number o f com m on and classical features are recorded below. A list o f anomalies would make Alcuin’ s usage appear more unusual than it is.


(iv) Dative

(v) Ablative

(vi) Locative


the genitive o f the adjectival form of a place-name is twice used in ellipsis (‘Euboricae [ecclesiae] ’ v. 2 2 0 , and V . 1218). ‘nominis unius . . . vocatus’ (v. 1046). the dative o f advantage and the ‘ethical’ dative are frequent (e.g. vv. 5 5, 4 7 4 ). the dative o f the pronominal adjective is formed both in -i and in - o : e.g. ‘uni’ (v. 8 5 8 ), ‘soli’ (v. 6 6 1 ), ‘to to ’ (v. 79), ‘alio’ (v. 1 2 1 1 ), ‘nullo’ (v. 5 3 0 ). ‘iure’ (v. 5 3 0 ): dative in -e, metri causa. the ablative o f comparison is preferred to the construction with the conjunction quam (v. 1354). the ablatives o f accompaniment and manner are frequent and at times unusual (v. 4 7 4 ). the frequent occurrence o f the ablative absolute, with both the present and past participles, conforms to classical usage, the ablative o f extent o f time is used with in (v. 6 7 0 ), without in (w . 21 5 , 4 9 9 ), and with sub (v. 5 8 8 ). ‘erexit honore’ replaces erexit in honorem (v. 6 4 4 ). one instance (v. 1 0 9 6) o f quis, the poetic abl. pi. o f the relative pronoun. occurs only once: humi (v. 3 3 1 ).

(c) The Adjective and the Adverb 1. In conform ity to Biblical usage, apostolicus is used as a substantive at v. 1 2 8 0 (see com m , ad loc.) but as an adjective at vv. 6 5 1 , 1 3 5 5 . 2. Daemoniacus is used as an adjective at v. 7 0 4 but as a substantive at v. 73 1 . 3. Expers takes both the genitive (v. 6 5 8 ) and the ablative (v. 11 9 3). 4. The comparative is once formed with magis (v. 770). 5. The comparative is often used for the positive metri causa (e.g. v. 3 3 9 ).



6. The formation o f the adverb is regular. 7. Istic = illic (v. 3 3 9 ), qua - ubi (e.g. v. 3 1 5 ), nimium and satis = valde (e.g. vv. 3 4 9 , 5 5 6 ). 8. Noctu occurs once (v. 1 0 6 6 ); nocte is much more com ­ mon. 9. A t v. 4 9 0 the adverbial form aeternum is the lectio diffi­

cilior. 10. olim = ‘just/recently’ (v. 146, with com m , ad loc.). 11. eras = ‘on the next day’ (v. 12 0 4). (d) The Pronoun. Special emphasis is given, for purposes o f stress or contrast, to the personal pronoun. Ego occurs six times and is once reinforced by ipse (v. 6 3 9 ); tu and vos are frequent. Reduplicated sese is frequent; the forms temet and tibimet recur. As is com m on in early Medieval Latin, the personal pronoun often replaces the possessive adjective (see under (b) iii above); suus supplants eius; and proprius is used in lieu of the reflexive adjective pronoun suus. Ille is A lcuin’s preferred demonstrative pronoun but retains an intensive force, chiefly “in quotations (v. 1 5 5 ; but cf. v. 2 3 2 ). Hie, generally avoided in the nom. sing, and pi., is often sup­ planted by praedictus and praefatus and once (v. 1 5 3 0) by praesens. Ipse and iste are used now as intensives (w . 165, 2 4 7 ) and now as synonyms for one another and for ille. Idem is rare. Talis is used both in a defining sense (v. 23 3 ) and as a synonym for the demonstrative pronoun (w . 6 3 1 , 8 2 8). The distinctions between aliquis, qui, quis, quisque, quisquis, and quisquam are blurred (w . 7, 3 2 2 , 8 6 5 , 9 2 4 , 9 3 9 , 1 0 51). The ‘ fossilized’ form of quisque recurs (v. 145, with comm, ad loc.). Nullus is occasionally used as a substan­ tive, replacing nemo (v. 4 0 5 ). Cuncti for omnes is frequent. Alius and alter are interchangeable; ‘alii atque alii’ (= ‘more and more’ ) occurs once (v. 1 0 7 2). Unus in the indefinite, not numerical, meaning o f ‘one’ is frequent. (e) Prepositions. The following uses require m ention:



‘praecisam a’ (v. 3 0 2 ); ‘rediens a m orte’ (v. 8 9 3 ); ‘surrexi a m orte’ (v. 8 9 7 ); ‘ab aequore fessus’ (v. 2 9 ); ‘ab origine claram’ (v. 1 3 2 ); ‘alter ab his’ (v. 10 6 6). = ejex occurs very frequently (cf. w . 7 2, 8 8 , 9 0 ,



iuxta per post propter sub

super usque


etc.) and is used elliptically in this sense at w . 3 4 1 , 3 9 8 (‘tulerat de pulvere’). = a/ab : ‘praecisae de’ (v. 4 4 0 ; cf. a/ab above), ‘nece de praesente . . . salvavit’ (v. 5 8 7 ). = e: ‘ de m ore’ (v. 11 5 5). ‘largus in’ + acc. (v. 1 1 6 ); ‘in nocte dieque’ (v. 2 1 1 ); ‘in populos sparsit’ (v. 2 1 2 ); ‘ fiu n t. . . in languentes dona salutis’ (vv. 3 7 5 -6 ) ; ‘usus in armis’ (v. 5 2 2 ); ‘dans in pessum’ (v. 5 2 8 ); ‘multis in annis’ (v. 1 0 4 0 ); ‘in libris . . . studiosior’ (v. 10 4 9). once (v. 3 1 5 ) a preposition. instrumental or explanatory (w . 64, 117). as in CL, sometimes = postea (vv. 4 2 6 , 6 8 7 ). ‘in comparison with’ (v. 9 8 1 ). ‘statuit sub nomine Petri’ (v. 3 0 7 ); ‘domuit sub marte’ (v. 7 5 2 ); ‘nocte sub ipsa’ (v. 8 9 1 ; cf. v. 1 4 7 ); ‘sub tempore pacis’ (v. 1 0 8 2 ); ‘sub Tartara’ (v. 1357"); ‘dubia sub m orte’ (v. 1617). ‘super hostem cachinnum’ (v. 9 4 1 ); ‘caras super omnia gazas’ (v. 1 5 2 6 ). both a preposition (w . 6 8 4 , 1 0 2 1 , 1061) and an adverb (v. 3 7 5 ).

(f) The Verb. There are few departures from normal usage. The (regular) forms ‘eructuat’ (v. 9 9 1 ) and ‘lavatus’ (v. 188) occur metri causa. The active form ‘epulare’ (v. 343) for the deponent appears once. Simplex pro composito is well attested, e.g. ‘duci’ = adduci (v. 3 2 8 ); ‘manere’ = permanere (v. 3 6 9 ); ‘ tangere’ = contingere (v. 3 8 7 ); ‘ciens’ = acciens (v. 5 4 0 ), ‘scisci’ = ascisci (v. 1 1 5 4). Compositum pro simplici occurs, e.g. ‘persensit’ = sensit (v. 3 3 2 ). (g) Nominal Forms o f the Verb (i) The Infinitive 1. The accusative with the infinitive (e.g. v. 6 9 9 ) alternates with quod/quid (e.g. v. 787) with verbs o f speech, command, feeling, understanding, and recollection. 2. Notew orthy uses o f the infinitive with verbs expressing intention or action include ‘prandere sedebant’ (v. 11 7 0), ‘ causa. . . fu e ra t. . . convertere’ ( 6 8 -9 ) .



3. With impersonal verbs, and with verbs o f command and advice, ut + subjunctive is used less frequently than an infini­ tive. 4. The archaic passive infinitive is only once attested, in the deponent ‘tutarier’ (v. 5 3 2 ). 5. The infinitive is regularly construed with facio ; cf. v. 3 6 9 . (ii) The Gerund 1. The accusative of the gerund expresses purpose with and even (v. 4 9 3 ) without ad. 2. The genitive o f the gerund is used with concrete nouns, often with overtones o f purpose, e.g. ‘tecta manendi’ (v. 7 0 7 ). In a number o f instances it is construed with an object in the accusative (v. 1481). 3. The ablative of the gerund is used as the equivalent o f a present participle, to indicate concomitance (v. 8 9 0 ) and, with an object in the accusative, to indicate agency (v. 21). It occurs once with dignus (v. 788). (iii) The Supine 1. As in CL, the supine occurs after verbs o f m otion (v. 4 4 9 ) to express purpose. 2. The ablative o f the supine is found with dignus (v. 8 8 1 ). (iv) The Participles. A distinctive trait o f Alcuin’s Latinity is its exploitation o f a large number o f participles. 1. The predicative use of the present participle where the gerund with instrumental force would be expected is fre­ quent. 2. The present participle with a future or final sense is well attested. 3. The present participle may denote action prior or subse­ quent to that o f the main verb (e.g. vv. 5 2 7 , 8 6 3 ). 4. The perfect participle is regularly used as attribute (e.g. v. 4 7 8 ). 5. ‘manens’ (v. 650) and ‘positus’ (v. 9 3 0 ) replace the non­ existent present participle o f esse. 6. Both the attributive and the predicative use o f the future participle are attested (w . 9 1 , 1618).

(h) Independent Clauses 1.

There are no instances o f the absolute use o f transitive verbs.



2. Alcuin displays great freedom in his use o f tense. The present and the future or future perfect, the perfect and the imperfect, are interchanged constantly. Metre most fre­ quently dictates Alcuin’s substitutions o f the pluperfect for the perfect (cf. vv. 5 3 3 , 5 3 4 , 5 3 6 (‘legit . . . venerat . . . poposcit’). The imperfect with aorist meaning and the perfect vie as the most com m on tense o f narration. 3. The sequence o f tenses is observed with temporal conjunc­ tions (cf. w . 2 2 6 -7 ) and with dependent clauses (w . 6 7 2 -3 ) . 4. Most questions are introduced by interrogative adverbs or the pronouns quis/quid. Num, numquid, and nonne do not occur. An introduces both direct and reported questions (com m , to V . 177). 5. The enclitic -que occurs 2 2 0 times as against 2 1 0 instances o f et. Et and atque occur in the same verse (e.g. v. 6 2 5 ). Vel and seu for et are standard (e.g. w . 1 76, 3 1 0 , 1 3 0 3 , 14 5 6). A ut is weakened to a mere equivalent o f vel (v. 6 9 0 ) and may co-ordinate with non (v. 1 4 7 9 ). Sic is found in a consecutive sense equivalent to deinde (v. 1 0 7 0 ). 6. In final clauses with ut, quo magis, quo, and ne, in conces­ sive clauses with cum, licet, etc., and in some reported ques­ tions, the subjunctive is scrupulously observed. The dubita­ tive subjunctive occurs (v. 61). 7. Non is used with prohibitions in the future tense (v. 1 3 5 1 ). 8. The use o f periphrastic constructions is frequent, e.g. v. 74 ‘servaturus . . . fuisset’, v. 9 6 4 ‘ fuimus stantes’. 9. Foret, fieret, and esset are used as synonyms (vv. 24, 2 5, 27). 10. Fore for esse occurs twice (w . 3 0 8 , 8 2 0 ).

(i) Subordinate Clauses 1. Alcuin’s use of relative clauses generally corresponds to classical usage. The subjunctive is used in clauses o f purpose or definition; otherwise the indicative is observed. 2. A nte quam and prius quam take the imperfect or plu­ perfect subjunctive (w . 7 0 5 , 1 5 1 9 ). Dum, meaning ‘while’, generally takes the indicative. Once (v. 124) it is reinforced by interea. Used in narrative, it rarely expresses reason or proviso. Donee means ‘until’ rather than ‘as long as’ and always takes the indicative. Quousque and ubi take the indicative. The iterative use o f ubi is not attested.



3. Quamvis replaces quamquam ; the subjunctive is observed (e.g V . 8 2 1 ). Licet is used with adjectives (v. 1 599) and the subjunctive. Quasi replaces tamquam or is used as a synonym for (sic)ut (v. 9 5 4 ). 4. The extensive occurrence o f cum in Alcuin is tempered by two factors: its temporal use is encroached upon by dum and its causal use (more slightly) by quia. Both the indica­ tive and the subjunctive are employed in temporal and concessive clauses with cum (w . 4 1 0 , 7 48, 9 2 1 ). 5. Quod is rarely used in the causal sense; its place is taken by quapropter, quia, quoniam (with the indicative), and cum. In indirect statements, especially after verba sentiendi et declarandi, quod is normal; quia is not used in this manner. Quomodo and qualiter are used in indirect statements with the subjunctive. 6. In final and consecutive clauses, A lcuin’s usage is regular. There are no examples o f ut non for ne. 7. Conditional sentences of fact take the indicative in both the protasis and the apodosis; unreal conditions observe the future perfect or the subjunctive (e.g. v. 1 7 6). The distinction is not always firm (v. 3 7 7 ). (j ) Negation. The variety o f Alcuin’s negatives is considerable. Nec is most often used in double negative constructions: ‘nec n on ’ (v. 3 9 2 ); ‘nec mora quin’ + indicative (v. 4 9 1 ); ‘nec . . . negabat’ (v. 1 1 6 6 ); ‘nec non et’ (v. 6 8 1 ); ‘nec non ceu’ (v. 9 4 1 ). It combines with vel (w . 4 4 , 4 5 ) to mean ‘neither . . . nor’. ‘Nec solum ’ is attested at v. 83. Nec is used, with special emphasis, as an equivalent o f ne . . . quidem". ‘non . . . effugies, nec si tenearis’ (v. 1 3 5 1 ). Neque occurs only once (v. 1 4 8 0 ). Non combines readily with nec, but is used m ost frequently in direct negations (v. 5 8 9 ). Ni regularly takes the subjunctive ( w . 1 2 9 , 4 7 8 , 7 4 5 ). Nisi quod + indicative = ‘except that’. (ii)


1. M ost words o f Greek origin em ployed by Alcuin had long been absorbed into early Medieval Latin usage: anachoreta (v. 1 3 8 9 ); baptisma (v. 195 et passim)-, basilica (v. 1 5 0 7 ); capsa (v. 4 0 9 ) ; Castalidus (v. 1 4 3 8 ); catholicus (w . 1 3 9 ,



1 3 9 9 ); chelydrus (v. 7 7 6 ); chrisma (v. 7 1 7 ); coenobium (v. 3 8 1 ); cymba ( w . 1 3 2 2 , 1 6 5 7 ); daemon (v. 3 9 5 et passim); diadema (w . 5 7 5 , 1 2 8 1 ); dogma (v. 6 5 5 ); draco (v. 6 6 5 ); ecclesia (v. 8 0 et passim); emporium (v. 2 4 ); episcopus (v. 157 et passim); ergastulum (v. 6 7 9 ), exenium (v. 5 6 ); heremita (v. 6 6 3 ); heremus (w . 1 3 8 9 , 1 4 7 5 ); mandra (v. 1 1 2 1 ); metro­ polis (v. 2 0 4 , with com m , ad lo c .); nummisma (v. 8 6 8 ); obrizum (v. 1 5 0 4 ); oroma (v. 9 3 ); orphanus (w . 1 4 0 2 , 1 5 7 7 ); paralysis (v. 3 2 5 ); paschalis (v. 1 9 4 et passim );patriarcha (v. 1 5 6 7 ); phalanx (v. 2 5 7 et passim );Pierius (v. 1 3 1 9 ); scamma (v. 3 1 5 ); scolasticus (v. 4 6 2 ) ; sophia (v. 1 4 1 4 etc.); sophista (v. 8 4 5 ); theoricus (v. 1 0 2 5 ); toxicus (v. 6 6 5 ); trophaeum (v. 2 4 8 ); tyrannus (v. 1 3 5 6 ); zona (v. 1 4 4 2 ). The majority o f these words had already been accepted into Classical Latin; others become com m on in Christian Latin. Sophista seems to have gained a fresh currency with Alcuin (see v. 8 4 5 , app. iii). Only Castalidus, presumably on analogy with Castalides (K aaraXtç) and Castalius, appears to be an Alcuinian coinage (if it is not a copyist’s error). 2. A distinctive feature o f A lcuin’s vocabulary is its fondness for com pound adjectives and nouns: altithronus ( w . 6 3 2 , 1 1 3 4 ); armipotens (v. 1 2 5 ); belliger (v. 2 2 7 et passim); bellipotens (w . 1 3 2 7 , 1 4 9 0 ); caelicola (v. 6 9 4 ); christicola (v. 2 8 2 ); flammiger (w . 5 9 0 , 6 3 1 ); flammivomus (w . 9 1 6 , 9 4 5 ); floriger (v. 31 et passim), fructifer (v. 6 5 2 ); frugifer (v. 6 0 1 ); horrisonus (v. 5 4 7 ); lucifluus (v. 1 5 4 0 ); mellifluus (w . 8 7, 1 4 1 1 ); mirificus (v. 4 3 2 ); mortifer (v. 6 6 5 ); multi­ modus (v. 1 3 2 9 ); omnipotens (v. 2 3 4 et passim); rorifluus (v. 7 4 9 ); ruricola (v. 4 3 7 ); salutifer (v. 190 et passim);

undivagus (v. 1 3 7 6 ); veridicus (w . 7 1 3 , 1 4 3 6 ); versificus (w . 1 3 1 2 , 1 4 0 8 ). This use o f compound nouns and adjec­ tives derives from the elevated style o f late Antique Latin epic poetry. It has nothing to do with the Germanic kenning. 1 Although Alcuin cultivates com pound formations, none o f the more playful and neologistic usages to be found in his lyric poetry (e.g. Carmen iv. 7, ‘vaccipotens’) figure in the poem on York. 1 Pace H. Reuschel, Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur., 62 (1938), pp. 143-55 and W. F. Bolton, Alcuin and Beowulf. An Eighth-Century View (London 1979), pp. 67 ff.



3. Alcuin exploits noun formations terminating in -or: amator (v. 2 et passim ); auctor (w . 167, 1 5 5 4 ); bellator (v. 6 5 9 ); cultor (v. 81 et passim)', dator (v. 3 ); defensor (vv. 1 4 0 0, 1 4 3 0 ); doctor (v. 139 et passim); factor (v. 2 ); fautor (v. 1 3 9 9 ); genitor (v. 1 4 1 5 ); interventor (v. 1 3 5 8 ); lector (vv. 3 7 9 , 1 5 5 8 ); ministrator (v. 1 5 2 1 ); occisor (v. 5 1 9 ); pastor (v. 725 et passim)',praeceptor (v. 1 3 9 9 ); rector (v. 130 et passim)', renovator (v. 2 ); servator (v. 1 3 4 ); solator (v. 1 4 0 2 ); tutator (v. 2 6 7 ); vastator (v. 5 1 9 ); viator (v. 3 1 4 et passim)', victor (vv. 2 5 8 , 5 4 6 ). A number o f these nouns had been commonplace for centuries (e.g. amator, viator, victor)', others are rarer and are employed by Alcuin in a specialized sense. Renovator, for example, appears before 8 0 0 only in a small number o f late Antique texts and in inscriptions.1 Interventor is also uncom m on.1 2 Defensor, used o f a bishop, preserves something o f its ancient administrative meaning (com m, to v. 1 4 3 0 ). Ministrator rarely occurs in Medieval Latin before this poem .3 Alcuin had a modest role in enlarg­ ing and invigarating the technical vocabulary o f spirituality and ecclesiastical office (cf. 5 below). 4. Nouns terminating in -men are favoured: conamen (v. 1 1 8 7 ); medicamen (v. 4 3 4 ); moderamen (v. 217 et passim)', molimen (v. 1 4 9 9 ); refluamen (v. 1 4 3 5 ); reg(i)men (v. 8 43 ef passim)', specimen (v. 3 9 0 et passim), spiramen (v. 6 1 9 ); tegmen (v. 7 3 9 ); tutamen (v. 1 1 2 1 ); velamen (w . 2 7 8 , 3 3 4 ); volumen (v. 1307 etc.). Although none o f these words is new or employed in a novel sense, their frequency is noteworthy. 5. Discrimination in the sense and form o f words is evident: aequor is used to mean ‘plain’ at v. 1 1 8 5 ; elsewhere, in both sing, and pi., it means ‘ sea’. The distinction between decor (e.g. v. 221) and decus (e.g. v. 26) is preserved. Both honos (v. 1 5 9 6) and honor (v. 6 6 2 et passim) are attested. In accordance with CL usage dies meaning ‘day’ (as opposed to night) is masculine (e.g. v. 1 4 2 ); used to mean a unit o f time 1 e.g. Augustine, Fid. et Symb. ix. 20; (CSEL xxxi, p. 27, 4 -5 ); Ps.-Tertullian, Carm. adv. Marc. i. 39 (CCSL 2, p. 1422). 2 See TLL vii. 1. 2301. 3, 54 ff. Alcuin’s knowledge o f this word probably derived from Paul Nol. Carm. xxvi. 195. 3 Adam nan, De locis sanctis, ii. 30. 9, ed. D. Meehan, Scriptores latini Hiberniae, iii (Dubiin, 1958), p. 100 uses the term. I have found no instance o f its application to a bishop in pre-800 ML. Alcuin’s source for the word was probably patristic (cf. TLL viii. 1016. 6 7-75 ).



it is feminine (e.g. v. 145). Alcuin points to the difference between sound and speech: ‘nullis . . . verba loquelis’ (v. 1 1 0 1). Fanum and templum are distinct (com m, to v. 170). The alternatives queat for possit (v. 6) and mars (v. 752) and duellum (v. 4 2 et passim) for bellum are used indistinguishably. The com m on synonyms sacerdos, praesul, and episcopus (meaning ‘bishop’ , ‘archbishop’, and ‘pope’), and caballus (v. 1186) and equus are employed. Technical terms, such as vicedom(i)nus (v. 1 2 1 8 ), occur. (iii) Style Alcuin’s style— now ornate and epical, now starkly para­ phrastic— combines considerable variety with frequent clumsiness. (a) Sense-Unit, Sentence, and Verbal Effect 1. A t the simplest level, Alcuin’s narrative style consists o f short sentences of between 2 and 5 lines, with simple co­ ordination or subordination. Interruptions o f grammar and o f syntax mark a parenthesis as often as they introduce a new sentence (e.g. v. 3 8 4 ; see further (iv) 6 and com m , to v. 50). 2. A t the most formal and elevated level, particularly in speeches (e.g. w . 243 ff.) and invocations (w . 1 ff.), Alcuin’s style is elaborate. A brief analysis o f w . 1 -7 will isolate features to be found elsewhere in the poem : asyndeton at w . 1 -2 ; anaphora at w . 4 (‘da . . . da’) and 6 -7 (‘lingua. . . dicere’/ ‘dicere lingua’, ‘ de te’/ ‘te sine’), antithesis at v. 5 ( ‘stolidum vivaci’ ). Hyperbaton is found throughout the text; at times it is violent (e.g. w . 3 6 3 -5 ) . Word-play, ranging from the simplest annominatio (e.g. v. 11 ‘regi regalia’, v. 6 4 8 ‘signis insignis’) to etymological puns (v. 4 8 and v. 1545 ( ‘ Fulgentius . . . coruscant’)), is marked. The principal source o f epic similes is Virgil’s Aeneid (cf. w . 178 ff., with com m , ad loc.). Recurrent metaphors derive chiefly from Scripture and from Christian Latin sources. Mixed metaphors are not uncom m on (w . 1 5 6 9 -7 0 ). Pleonasms (e.g. v. 7 1 4 ‘praescius ante vide­ bat’) and explanatory periphrases (v. 2 7 9 ‘auri brateolis’, w . 3 3 7 -8 ‘loci spatium . . . /unius’) recur. 3. Even in lengthier passages o f heightened narrative the



repetition o f conjunctions is often heavy and m onotonous (cf. w . 24, 2 5 , 26 ‘ut’, ‘et’, ‘ et’). In passages which closely summarize Bede the prosaic multiplication o f subordinate clauses has a leaden effect. Cf. the accumulation o f reported questions at w . 6 8 5 -7 4 0 . This is the poetry o f crossreference. 4. Direct speech is Alcuin’s principal means o f narrative variation; cf. w . 9 0 6 ff. (6) Symmetry, Homoeoteleuton, Alliteration 1. Sym m etry . The use o f patterns o f symmetry, commended by Bede in his De Arte Metrica , is marked in Alcuin. The poem on York has several examples o f the ‘golden line’, e.g. V . 2 6 4 , where it seryes to lay stress on Oswald’s splendid victory over the Mercians: claraque magnifico cessit victoria regi. Chiastic patterns also occur, e.g. v. 2 1 9 : ecclesiasque suis fundavit in urbibus amplas. Symmetrical patterns with initial verbs, irrorans stolidum vivaci flumine pectus (v. 5), are matched by patterns with the verb in second position: assiduis superans hostilia castra triumphis (v. 1 1 9 ). 2. Homoeoteleuton o f nouns and adjectives in agreement, especially between an adjective in the third strong caesura and a final noun, is frequent: quae fere continue Pictorum pressa duellis (v. 4 2 ). Examples o f the adjective placed before the fourth weak caesura to achieve hom oeoteleuton with a final noun are less com m on: fertilitate sui multos habitura colonos (v. 34 ). Occasionally hom oeoteleuton is attained by placing nouns and adjectives on either side o f the fifth fo o t: Hinc Romana manus turbatis undique sceptris (v. 3 8 ). Examples o f internal rhyme without agreement are rarer: iustitiae cultor, verus pietatis amator (v. 138). Although leonine rhyme is attested at vv. 6 3 3 -4 , 9 1 3 -1 4 et



passim , sustained internal rhyme is not a feature of Alcuin’s poem on York or o f his poetry in general.1 3. Alliteration , a marked feature of Latin,1 2 is cultivated in the works o f Virgil exploited by A lcuin.3 Alcuin employs initial, medial, and final alliteration, and he does not hesitate to combine alliteration on three or even four words with alliterative pairs within a single line. The effect is to reinforce the predominantly dactylic rhythm o f his verse, especially in swift-moving passages o f heightened narrative, such as w . 2 3 6 -5 2 : Qui subito veniens externis exsul ab oris, /irm iter mvictae Fidei con/isus in armis, agmina parva rapit properans et pergit in hostem vastantem patriam /erro /lam m isque cremantem milibus m numeris, spoliis nimiumque superbum. Sed pius Osuualdus numero non territus ullo alloquitur propriam constanti pectore turmam: ‘O quibus est semper bellorum civida cirtus, nunc, precor, incictas animis adsumite aires, auxiliumque Dei cunctis praestantius armis poscite corde pio;precibus prosternite nestros aultus ante crucem, quam nertice montis in isto erexi, rutilat Christi quae clara trophaeo, eufur) ,5 Alcuin would have pronounced the OE name with an eu/eo diphthong. Moreover, intervocalic b does not exist in OE o f this period, and the voiced allophone o f / would be an obvious sound-substitute for it. Alcuin’s vernacular pronunciation o f this name, trans­ ferred to his Latin pronunciation, may thus be reflected in the orthography o f the manuscripts; and the existence 1 See R. Müller, Untersuchungen über die Namen des nordhumbrischen Liber Vitae, Palaestra ix (Berlin, 1901) and T. J. M. van Eis, The Kassel Manuscript o f Bede's *Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum' and its Old English Material (Nijmegen, 1972). 2 Listed in full in P. F. Jones, A Concordance to the Historia Ecclesiastica o f Bede (Cambridge, Mass., 1929), s.v. p. 169. 3 Ep . 121 yMGHEpp. iv, p. 177. 9; cf. Ep . 43 ibid., p. 43. 1. 4 Cf. Parker Chronicle (c.891) s.a. 644 in C. Plummer, Two Anglo-Saxon Chronicles Parallel, i (repr. O xford, 1972), p. 26. 5 I follow the chronology o f K. Luick, Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache, i. 1 (repr. Stuttgart, 1964), pp. 209, 228, n. 5, and A. Campbell, Old English Grammar (Oxford, 1959), pp. 88, 210. See further A. H. Smith, Three Northumbrian Poems2 (London, 1968), p. 31, and H. Ström, Old English Personal Names in Bede's History (Lund, 1939), p. 117.



o f this possibility should give editors reason to pause before emending to the form Eboracensis. In the tenuous state o f our evidence, much o f Alcuin’s orthography, especially in the case o f proper names and place-names, remains necessarily speculative. Where it is consistent, the manuscript transmission o f these names is preserved, except when it departs significantly from the criteria outlined above.1 Spellings explicitly prescribed in Alcuin’s De Orthographia are adopted in the text.1 2

xi. History o f the Text An account o f the textual transmission o f Alcuin’s poem on York in the Middle Ages is inseparable from an analysis o f its editorial history. Although there survives only one medieval manuscript containing this work, lost codices can be distinguished by examining the papers o f its seven­ teenth century editors, Thomas Gale and Jean Mabillon.3 The first edition o f any part o f Alcuin’s poem was printed by Mabillon in 1 6 7 2 .4 Under the title Fragmentum

Historiae de Pontificibus et Sanctis Ecclesiae Eboracensis Scriptae a Poeta A nonym o . . . Mabillon published w . 1 -9 8 (omitting v. 66) and w . 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8 . He chose not to print the work in its entirety, but only what its author had added to Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, which Mabillon recognized as the principal source o f the poem on Y o rk .5 Mabillon’s text was founded on a manuscript from the monastery o f Saint-Thierry near Reims discovered by the 1 e.g. v. 358 A edilredi, Osthryda (cf. Bede, HE. iii. 2); w . 575-6 Ecgfrido ; v. 753 Acdilthryda ; v. 843 Aldfrido ; v. 1274 Eadberctus (where his reading is little more than expansion o f R ); v. 1388 Echha. 2 e.g. affatim , not adfatim (Marsili, p. 108, 38); exsilium, not exilium (Marsili, p. 111. 11) and, by analogy, exsul; gnatus9 not natus (Marsili, p. 112. 28);pen e, not paene (Marsili, p. 115. 42); so\emnia9 not sollemnia (Marsili, pp. 118. 46, 119. 1), etc. 3 Preliminary studies o f this problem are published in my ‘Mabillon, Ruinart, Gale et YEboracum d’Alcuin*, Revue Mabillon, lix (1978), pp. 254-60 and ‘The Textual Tradition o f Alcuin’s Poem on York*, Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), pp. 35-50. See further F. Dolbeau, ibid. 17 (1982, forthcoming). 4 AASSOSB iii. 2, pp. 556-69. 5 ‘. . . tantum ea quae adiecit historiae Venerabilis Bedae, a quo cetera mutua­ tus est’ (p. 556).



Benedictine Christophe Daubin.1 In that codex, according to Mabillon, the title given to the poem was Historia anglica carmine heroico a quodam sapiente facta (p. 5 5 7 ). Without identifying the poet, Mabillon recognized that this text was the work o f a pupil o f Æ lberht, archbishop o f York, and that vv. 1 5 2 9 -3 0 imply that its author’s name had been affixed to the autograph.2 His edition contains two con­ jectures and brief marginal notes indicating the subject o f each section.3 The editio princeps o f the entire poem was published by Thomas Gale in 1 6 9 1 .4 Gale was the first to attribute the work to Alcuin, and this ascription has been correctly and almost universally accepted ever since.5 Gale stated that his text was based on manuscripts from Saint-Thierry and Saint-Remi, generally supposed to be two in number and now presumed to be lost. He reproduces Mabillon’s marginal notes beside those parts o f the text that Mabillon had edited in 1 6 7 2 , to which Gale added v. 6 6. How his edition wgs constructed and on which manuscript sources it was based are problems that have never been resolved. Gale declares in his preface that he owed his text o f Alcuin’s poem on York to M abillon.6 Later editors have linked this acknowledgement to their assumption that Mabillon received from Daubin a transcription o f a Saint-Thierry manuscript containing the work. They have inferred either that the transcription attributed to Daubin, supplemented by readings from a Saint-Remi codex, was passed on to Gale by Mabillon; or that Gale 1 ‘. . . poematium istud haud inelegans e ms. codice Monasterii S. Theodorici prope Remos eruit noster Christophorus Daubin’ , ibid, (m y italics: on this verb, see below, p. cxv). 2 See com m , ad loc. and on the title pp. cxvii, cxxiv, pp. 2 -3 a. 3 certatim for sepulchri at v. 36 and carmen for canna at v. 1271. He indicated a lacuna o f one word (terra) at the beginning o f v. 1381 and tacitly omitted ibi at v. 1298, est at v. 1461, together with v. 66. 4 Historiae Britannicae, Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae Scriptores X V (Oxford, 1691), pp. 703-32. 5 The earliest debate on the attribution o f the poem is recounted in MlaU Jb. 15 (1980), pp. 3 9 -4 0 (especially n. 5). On the ill-founded doubts expressed by Casimir Oudin in 1722 see ibid., p. 34, n. 4. 6 \ . hoc poëma beneficio . . . / . Mabillonii accepi’, Gale, Historiae . . . scriptores X V 9preface (unpaginated).



himself collated the Saint-Thierry and Saint-Remi manu­ scripts.1 The second o f these inferences is untenable because Gale never travelled out o f Britain.2 The first is belied by Gale’s copy-text, the Trinity College, Cam­ bridge manuscript 1 1 3 0 ( 0 .2 .2 6 ) ,3 in which the script o f Daubin never appears. Nor is there other evidence that Daubin did more than discover (‘eruit’ )4 a manuscript o f the poem at Saint-Thierry. The hand which produced most o f Gale’s copy-text was that o f Thierry Ruinart, and can be identified from his surviving letters.5 Ruinart was the scholar whose investigation o f manuscripts extant at Reims in the mid 1680s contributed most to the publica­ tion o f Alcuin’s complete poem , yet until recently his name has not figured in its editorial history.6 Ruinart was responsible for writing into Gale’s copytext the part o f Alcuin’s poem on York which had not been published by Mabillon in 1 6 7 2 : vv. 9 9 -1 2 0 5 (om it­ ting V . 5 7 8 o f m y edition).7 The remainder o f the poem — vv. 1 -9 8 (omitting v. 66) and vv. 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8 — as it appears in that copy-text, is in the script o f two French amanuenses. These palaeographical facts establish Ruinart’s involvement in the early stages o f Gale’s publica­ tion. They are supported and clarified by a number o f letters and drafts for letters between Gale, Ruinart, and 1 Wattenbach, p. 81 (follow ed by Dümmler, MGHPLAC i, p. 162) and Raine, p. lxv. 2 On Gale’s life and work, see now E. Jeauneau, ‘ La traduction érigénienne des Ambigua de Maxime le Confesseur. Thomas Gale (16 36 -1 70 2 ) et le Codex Remensis\ in Jean Scot Erigène et l’Histoire de la Philosophie, Colloques Inter­ nationaux du CNRS, no. 561 (Paris, 1977), pp. 135-44. 3 See M. R. James, The Western Manuscripts in the Library o f Trinity College, Cambridge iii (Cambridge, 1920), p. 120 (no. 1130, 0.2.26 [= m.g. N o. 4 1 7 ]). 4 See p. cxiv, n. 1. 5 Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), pp. 39 ff. 6 On Ruinart see H. Leclercq, Dictionnaire d ’archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie, XV. 1 (Paris, 1950), cols. 163-82, and H. Jadart, Dom Thierry Ruinart (Paris, 1886), and id., ‘ L ’Origine de D. Mabillon à Saint-Pierremont et sa liaison avec D. Thierry Ruinait’, Mélanges et documents publiés à l’occasion du 2e centenaire de la mort de Mabillon (Paris, 1908), pp. 30 ff. For a recent account, with extensive bibliography, o f the circle o f Ruinart and Mabillon see B. NeVeu, ‘Mabillon et l’historiographie gallicane vers 1700. Erudition ecclesiastique et recherche historique au XVIIIe siècle’, Historische Forschung im 18. Jahrhundert. Organisation. Zielsetzung. Ergebnisse, ed. K. Hammer a n d j. Voss, Pariser Histor­ ische Studien 13 (Bonn, 1976), pp. 27-81. 7 Preserved only in Reims 426, a manuscript discussed below. See comm, ad loc.



Mabillon that survive in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris and the British Library, London and enable us .to re­ construct what have seemed lost stages in the text’s trans­ mission and edition.1 As early as 1679 Thomas Gale had been interested in the poem on York, and had recognized that it was the work o f Alcuin.1 2 In March 1685 Gale requested from Mabillon a transcription o f the Saint-Thierry manuscript upon which his Acta edition had been based. Between April 1685 and July 1686 Mabillon made the iter italicum o f which he wrote a famous account.3 During that period he entrusted the task o f examining relevant manuscripts to his colleague and assistant at Saint-Germain-des-Prés, dom Thierry Ruinart, as a letter o f Ruinart’s makes clear.4 Ruinart was unable personally to collate the SaintThierry manuscript used for Mabillon’s edition. He had seen it at Saint-Thierry in -1684 and could remember a year later that it -preserved no indication o f the poem ’s authorship. Ruinart wrote a number o f times for the codex to Saint-Thierry. By 22 October 1685 he had received a reply that it was not to be found, and he sent a letter to Gale apologizing for the consequent delay. For Ruinart, the only means o f access to Mabillon’s Saint-Thierry manuscript was therefore Mabillon’s Acta edition o f w . 1 -9 8 (omitting v. 66) and w . 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8 . That is why he had two amanuenses reproduce this part o f the poem in Trinity 1130 (0 .2 .2 6 ), the transcription that was to become Gale’s copy-text. In the same letter Ruinart announced his discovery o f an older manuscript from Saint-Remi at Reims containing the poem on York together with Bede’s HE and De Die Iudicii. He recorded that it was some 7 0 0 years old, thus implicitly assigning it to the tenth century, and carried it 1 In the following pages I refer to the edition o f these letters in Mlat. Jb. 15, with redatings established in Mlat. Jb. 17 (art. cit., above, p. cxiii, n. 3). 2 Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), pp. 46-7. 3 Iter Italicum Litterarium in Museum Italicum . . . , i (Paris, 1687), pp. 2-244. 4 Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), pp. 4 8 -9 , no. 3 [= the draft]. The letter has been identified by P. Petitmengin as BL Additional MS. 4277, ff. 147-8 (The British Library, Catalogue o f Additions to the Manuscripts, 1756-1782 (London, 1977), pp. 83-4, 622). Its date is XI cal. nov. 1685 (= 22 October).


C X V ll

o ff with him to Paris, whence he promised to send a tran­ scription to Gale. In a draft o f a letter written in early or mid November 1 6 8 5 1 Ruinart went on to describe his Saint-Remi manu­ script. He suggested that Mabillon’s Saint-Thierry codex had been copied from this Remigianus, noting the fre­ quency o f such a pattern o f transmission; and conjectured that the manuscript had belonged to the poet and historian Flodoard ( 8 9 3 /4 - 9 6 6 ) .2 Ruinart distinguished two hands in his Saint-Remi manu­ script. The first o f them had produced the body o f the text; while the second, o f roughly the same date, which Ruinart identifies with that o f Flodoard himself, was re­ sponsible for a number o f marginal notes. Ruinart observed that the first scribe did not know who had written the poem because he recorded next to the incipit that it was composed ‘a quodam sapiente’. A list o f variants and marginal annota­ tions accompanied the letter which Ruinart sent to Gale. His statement o f the date and provenance o f the Saint-Remi manuscript, repeating the fact that it was distinct from Mabillon’s Saint-Thierry codex, is confirmed in a note o f 26 November 1 6 8 5 .3 The main body o f Gale’s copy-text, as it survives in the Trinity manuscript, therefore represents two stages o f research on this poem : a transcription o f w . 1 -9 8 (ex­ cluding V . 66) and w . 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8 from Mabillon’s 1672 edition, together with its marginal notes; and a transcrip­ tion, in the hand o f Ruinart, o f vv. 9 9 -1 2 0 4 from his Saint-Remi manuscript, sent to Gale on 26 November 1 6 85. The first readings o f Gale’s copy-text in w . 1 -9 8 (excluding v. 66) and w . 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8 may be eliminated because they derive from Mabillon’s edition, which there­ fore emerges, at this stage o f the text’s history, as the 1 Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), pp. 47-8. Classified 4 Nov. 1685. An allusion to Mabillon’s return to Rome after his journey to Naples does not prove that this letter was written on a date after 16 Nov. (H. Leclercq, Ma bMon, i (Paris, 1953), pp. 3 76 -7 ), for Ruinart may be recounting Mabillon’s travel plans rather than his actual journeys. 2 On Flodoard’s reading see P. C. Jacobsen, Flodoard von Reims. Sein Leben und seine Dichtung 4De Triumphis Christi*, Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 10 (Leiden and Cologne, 1978), especially pp. 88-199. 3 Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), p. 49.



primary witness to the readings o f Mabillon’s Saint-Thierry manuscript. Whether the 1672 edition can retain this status is a problem which will be examined below. For the readings o f Gale’s copy-text o f w . 9 9 -1 2 0 4 , our nearest extant witness to Ruinart’s Saint-Remi manuscript, the siglum T is adopted. The marginal and interlinear variants o f Gale’s copytext may be divided into three classes, the first o f which is indicated by the siglum T l. T 1 represents those variants which can be proved to have derived from Ruinart’s codex Remigianus. They occur only in w . 1 -9 8 . Between p. 5 and p. 6 o f the Trinity manuscript is an unnumbered page, in the same format as the rest o f Gale’s copy-text, on which Ruinart himself lists seven variants (including v. 66), specifying that they derive from his codex Remigianus.1 Six o f these variants are recorded in the text or in the margin o f pp. 1 -5 of the Trinity manuscript: five o f them by Gale,1 2 and one by an amanuensis.3 These variants are all that can be certainly identified with a number o f variae lectiones from the Saint-Remi manuscript sent to Gale by Ruinart in his letter o f early to mid November 1 6 8 5 .4 Their special authority is therefore marked by a distinct siglum. The second class o f marginal or interlinear variants in Gale’s copy-text is represented by the siglum T2. Five o f them occur in w . 1 -9 8 . Two o f these indicate, by means o f numbers, a word-order different from that o f Mabillon’s edition.5 The other three are in the hand o f G ale.6 It is unlikely that Gale made no use o f further variants communicated to him by Ruinart from the Saint-Remi 1 The variants Ruinart specifies are: v. 36 spe lucri; v. 54 ilia; v. 59 movebat (d el); v. 64 per; v. 61 tibi; v. 66 entire; v. 95 adivit. Below these variants Ruinart copies w . 9 9-19 9. 2 All variants listed in the preceding note, with the exception o f v. 66, are recorded by Gale with notes indicating that their source was the Remigianus. 3 v. 66 is inserted without indication o f its source. The variant to v. 59 deleted by Ruinart is not recorded in the Trinity manuscript, pp. 1-5. It is eliminated from the following account. 4 See p. r cxvii and n. 1. i g 5 v. 48 duritiam2 dicti propter ; v. 49 hanc placuit ducibus donis conducere 4regni. 6 v. IS gratis; v. 28 oceano, vela.



manuscript, but the absence of any internal evidence o f their source in the Trinity manuscript makes it as impossible to determine as it is tempting to speculate whether these four variants are independent conjectures or readings derived from Ruinart’s Saint-Remi manuscript. The same is true o f the variants in w . 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8 o f Gale’s copy-text, which are also represented by the siglum T2. The third class o f variants occurs only in T, w . 9 9 -1 2 0 4 . They are all in the autographs o f Ruinart and Gale. Since Gale, in this part o f the poem , had only Ruinart’s tran­ scription o f w . 9 9 -1 2 0 4 o f the Remigianus before him, variants in his autograph represent his own conjectures and are therefore ascribed to him by nam e.1 Variants in the hand o f Ruinart pose a greater problem. They could repre­ sent his own conjectures or his corrections o f an earlier transcription o f the Remigianus from the manuscript itself. Although variants in Ruinart’s hand are assigned to him by name in my edition, one may not exclude the possibility that they reflect a second and more accurate collation by him o f the Remigianus. The ambiguous status o f these variants will affect our argument at a later stage.2 The Trinity manuscript 1 1 3 0 (0 .2 .2 6 ), together with Mabillon’s edition o f 1672 and the correspondence of Ruinart, thus.enables us to distinguish with some exacti­ tude the state o f the text o f Alcuin’s poem on York when Gale handed it to his printer. Mabillon’s edition, re­ produced in Gale’s copy-text, was the chief witness to the readings in w . 1 -9 8 (excluding v. 66) and vv. 1 2 0 5 1658 o f an inaccessible manuscript from Saint-Thierry. That part o f the poem, supplemented by six variants from Ruinart’s Saint-Remi manuscript (T 1) and by other variants o f uncertain origin (T 2), was combined with the text o f vv. 9 9 -1 2 0 4 copied by Ruinart from his Remigianus ( T ) and annotated by Ruinart’s own correc­ tions or conjectures and by those o f Gale. This state o f affairs was to remain essentially unchanged until the twentieth century. 1 Gale’s corrections and clarifications, chiefly o f an orthographical nature, to Ruinart’s transcription are not recorded in the apparatus criticus. 2 pp. cxxvi-cxxvii.



Gale’s edition o f 1691 has no authority independent o f Mabillon’s text, T, T 1, T2 and the corrections and con­ jectures o f Ruinart and Gale as recorded in T. It may be eliminated from any future apparatus criticus. Its elimina­ tion marks a discontinuity in the editorial history o f the poem. Alcuin’s eighteenth- and nineteenth-century editors1 simply added to G ale’s printed text historical commentary and conjectural criticism, in which none o f them, save Wattenbach, made any notable advance.2 N o separate edition o f the poem on York has ever been published. N ot until the MS. Reims, Bibliothèque municipale 4 2 6 became accessible3 have editors been in a position substan­ tially to improve on the state in which Gale left this text in 1 6 9 1. Reims 4 2 6 is a Saint-Thierry manuscript which contains Isidore’s Etymologiae , Alcuin’s poem on York, and a com ­ pendium o f Bede’s HE. Ff. 1 -1 1 7 are o f the early ninth century; the remainder (ff. 1 1 8 -2 1 6 ) dates from the early twelfth century.4 The twelfth-century ex-libris occurs passim and establishes the Saint-Thierry provenance o f the codex as a whole; on folio 2r appears the signature o f the fifteenthcentury abbé Arnoult d ’Anglade.5 The manuscript, cited in M ontfaucon’s catalogue o f 1 7 3 9 ,6 measures 315 X 2 1 0 mm. 1 Discussed and evaluated in Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), p. 34. 2 Wattenbach anticipates a number o f readings contained in R : e.g. v. 86 fluctus ; v. 105 suo ; v. 176 si sit ; v. 299 comprendit, v. 3 8 4 percipit 520 bello ; v. 596 qua\\. 1273 fiera;v. 1490 ubi. 3 Recorded by H. Loriquet, Catalogue général des manuscrits des biblio­ thèques publiques de France, xxxviii (Paris, 1902), pp. 568-9. Signalled by K. Strecker MGH PLAC iv. 3, p. 1128 (where the manuscript as a whole is assigned to the ninth century) and W. Levison, Antiquity , 14 (1940), p. 290, n. 18 and id., England and the Continent, p. 197, n. 2. I have collated this manuscript. 4 F. M. Carey, ‘The Scriptorium o f Reims during the Archbishopric o f Hincmar (8 4 5 -8 8 2 )’, in Classical and Medieval Studies in Honour o f Edward Kennard Rand (New York, 1938), p. 57, dates ff. 1-117 to 800-25, and (p. 59) ff. 118-210 to 1000-1100. See further M. de Lemps and R. Laslier, Trésors de la Bibliothèque municipale de Reims (Reims, 1978), no. 4 (unpaginated) and M.-P. Lafitte, ‘Esquisse d’une bibliothèque médiévale. Le fonds de manuscrits de l’Abbaye de Saint-Thierry’, in Saint Thierry, une abbaye du VIe au X X e siècle, Actes du Colloque international d ’Histoire monastique, Reims-SaintThierry, 11-14 octobre 1976 (Saint-Thierry, 1979), p. 94, no. 70. 5 Laffitte, art. cit., p. 84, n. 58, p. 94. 6 Bibliotheca bibliothecarum manuscript orum nova (Paris, 1739), ii, p. 1235, no. 70. Michael Reeve points out that this part o f the work had probably been drawn up by 1720 (i, praef. p. i).



Its written surface area is 255 X 160 mm. There are 32 lines per folio. Alcuin’s poem on York is contained on ff. 2 1 0 r- 2 1 4 v, and 2 1 5 V o f Reims 4 2 6 . This part o f the manuscript was pro­ duced by two scribes, the first o f whom wrote most of ff. 2 1 0 r—2 1 1 v and the second of whom wrote most o f the rest, with the first scribe taking over from time to time in shortish passages o f between 10 and 20 lines. Ff. 2 1 0 -1 1 have three columns per folio, while f. 212 has four columns in cramped script. Ff. 2 1 3 -1 5 return to the earlier three-column format. The reason for the interest o f these two scribes in Alcuin’s poem on York is suggested by the contents o f the manuscript itself. The poem appears immediately after a text o f Isidore’s Etymologiae . The only part o f Alcuin’s text to be glossed is vv. 1 4 3 4 -4 9 , which describe the teaching o f the seven liberal arts at York under Egbert. N ot merely are individual words provided with glosses, but couplets are given their own ‘subheadings’ . Before vv. 1 4 3 5 -6 , for example, the first scribe wrote de grammatica et rhetorica in the main body o f the text. Before w . 1436 ff. he wrote de dialectica et musica,2 The interest in Alcuin’s poem o f the first scribe, whose hand is to be found in marginal notes and glosses throughout the text o f Isidore’s Etymologiae on folios l r-2 1 0 r, clearly lay in what it had to say about the seven liberal arts. The second scribe, immediately after the apparent end o f the poem on f. 2 1 4 v, made in conjunction with the first a compendium o f the earlier parts of Bede’s H E, together with a list o f Bede’s other writings. His interest in early English history and in Bede suggests his motive for producing a text o f Alcuin’s poem, which draws extensively on Bede, supplementing the account o f eighth-century Northumbria provided in the HE. This dual interest in English intellectual tradition and history may explain the motives behind the production o f Reims 4 2 6 . There are a few marginal notes in the codex and these are confined to ff. 2 1 0 r-v. 3 Word-division within the line is not systematic. The often cramped format o f Reims 4 2 6 results 1 See pp. cxxii. 2 Recorded in full in the comm, to w . 1434-49. 3 See pp. cxxiv, n. 1 below.

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in words being split at the end o f the line and completed at the end o f the preceding or following verse where there is greater space.1 The two scribes often correct one another [dator at v. 1 3 4 1, for example, is emended to datur by the second hand) or add variants (hisdem for isdem at v. 87 6 is an instance). There arc signs o f erasure at several points where correction is made: the crux at vv. 8 7 1 -2 arrived in its present form in Reims 4 2 6 after words had been rubbed out. The state o f the codex, with its numerous variants and corrections and omissions later filled, suggests corruption in its exemplar. I propose the siglum R to designate the main body o f the text in Reims 4 2 6 and the siglurn r to represent any variant or correction either by the first or by the second scribe. Reims 4 2 6 was collated from photographs by M. L. Hargrove for her unpublished Cornell dissertation o f 1 9 3 7 .2 She noted a mark o f omission in the first column o f f. 21 l r immediately after v. 2 8 5 , which is then followed by v. 3 3 8 , and therefore .assumed a loss or omission from R o f 51 lines. However, the omission mark immediately after v. 285 on f. 21 l r, column 1 o f Reims 4 2 6 , is repeated on f. 2 1 5 r, column 3, where w . 2 8 6 -3 3 7 are copied after what is chiefly a compendium o f Bede’s HE. Reims 4 2 6 preserves, therefore, a complete twelfth-century witness to the text. The text established by Hargrove in her 1937 dissertation relies heavily on Reims 4 2 6 . To that extent it marks an improvement over Diimmler’s edition o f 1881. Hargrove recorded a conjecture o f H. Caplan’s which is patently correct,3 and made seven proposals o f her own, none o f which has been received into the present text.4 She collated Trinity 1130 from rotographs, and drew attention to a number o f places where errors committed by Gale and perpetuated by other editors might have been eliminated by consulting this manuscript.5 The scholarly papers of Ruinart and Gale, which elucidate the different stages o f the text embodied in Trinity 1 1 3 0 , 1 See p. cxxv (adivit). 2 ‘ Alcuin’ s “ Poem on York” . The Latin Text, with an Introduction, an English Translation and Notes’ (Ithaca, N.Y., 1937). 3 v. 58 ducti. 4 See app. i to w . 435, 592 (ter)> 698, 872, 1464. 5 Her collation is far more systematic than that o f Jaffé or Raine (pp. 7-8).


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were inaccessible to Hargrove. Her attempt to investigate the affiliations o f Reims 4 2 6 and Gale’s copy-text, through no fault o f her own, thus begins from false premises. Hargrove’s dissertation contains an English translation, at times substantially independent o f its Latin original, and a number of brief and sometimes pertinent textual notes. Her apparatus criticus represents the first attempt to supply anything worthy o f that name to Alcuin’s poem on York. The chief problem now posed by the history o f this text is the relationship o f the Saint-Thierry and Saint-Remi manu­ scripts presumed to be lost with Reims 4 2 6 . Is Reims 4 2 6 the Theodoricanus used by Mabillon? Was Ruinart’s Remigianus the exemplar o f Reims 4 2 6 ? 1 We know from the signature o f Arnoult d ’Anglade on f. 2r o f Reims 4 2 6 that the manuscript was at Saint-Thierry at the end o f the fifteenth century. That it remained there until the eighteenth century is attested both by the seventeenthcentury ex-libris and by the appearance o f the manuscript in the catalogue o f M ontfaucon.1 2 On external grounds it is 1 therefore possible that Reims 4 2 6 was accessible to Mabillon. Four criteria enable one to test this hypothesis. I begin with the internal evidence which supports it. 1. Agreements in Error o f Mabillon’s edition with Reims 4 26 where T 1 or T 2 have the truth 36 54 1298 1310

sepulcri illi ibi omitted qui

1346 1371 1398 1469 1626

iuvenis lenius bonus annis complexibus

Mabillon’s Theodoricanus and Reims 4 2 6 are therefore related, nor is the apparent evidence against their proximity provided by our second and third criteria sufficient to shake this hypothesis.

1 This question is implied by Ruinart’s observation on Mabillon’s SaintThierry manuscript: ‘fallor nisi ex codice Remigiano isdem sicut plerique alii Theodoricani excriptus sit’ (Mlat. Jb. 15 (1980), p. 48). 2 See above, p. cxx and n. 6.



2. The marginalia o f Mabillon’s edition and Reims 426. The marginalia to vv. 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8 published by Mabillon do. not occur in Reims 4 2 6 .1 There is, however, no indication that they derive from Mabillon’s Theodoricanus, and their summary style o f reference to events, figures, and places in the text indicates that they, like the marginalia in the text o f Flodoard following (pp. 5 6 9 -6 0 8 ) , are o f Mabillon’s own invention. Mabillon records (p. 5 5 7 ) that ‘Istius Poematis inscriptio sic se habet in cod. ms: HISTORIA A N G LIC A CARMINE HEROICO A QUODAM SAPIENTE E A C T A .’ Reims 4 2 6 has no such inscription. In the margin to w . 1 ff., r reads: ‘ A quodam sapiente facta dei sanctorumque eius invocacio in adiutorium sequentis sui operis hoc ponitur in prohem io.’ Mabillon used a transcription o f his Theodoricanus sup­ plied by a copyist who was less than reliable.2 The discrep­ ancy between the inscription recorded at p. 5 5 7 o f Mabillon’s edition and the reading o f r to vv. 1 ff. can be explained if the copyist supplied Mabillon with a paraphrase o f the sub­ ject o f Alcuin’s poem , perhaps incorporating the first three words o f r’s marginalia, and provided no further account o f it, thus leaving Mabillon to infer that this was what his SaintThierry exemplar had as an inscription.3 3. True readings in Mabillon’s edition not contained in Reims 4 2 6 4 52 1220 1240 1242 1322 1403

collaudat Mabillon: colladat R summi Mabillon: summis R quo Mabillon : quos R reliquit Mabillon: leliquit R caerula Mabillon : cerulam R bonis Mabillon: bonus R

1 R is paraphrased by r in the margin to w . 1 ff.; 18-27, 4 6-50 , 6 8-76 , 79-83, 9 0-4. 2 See below 3, 4. 3 Cf. the descriptive entry in Montfaucon (p. cxx, n. 6 above): ‘In hoc cod. continentur historia Ecclesiastica Anglorum a quodam sapiente poëtice , soluta oratione a Beda* (my italics). 4 The readings o f both R and r are taken into account. When r anticipates Mabillon’ s reading the variant in R cannot be used to demonstrate this point, e.g. V. 13 vos r Mabillon: quos R ; 1219 fretus r Mabillon: fletus R; v . 1385 penitus r Mabillon: petimus R ; v. 1524 decus r Mabillon: ductus R; v. 1561 scribi r Mabillon: scripsi R; v. 1575 magistri r Mabillon: patroni R; v. 1640 et r Mabillon: ad R \v. 1653 verenter r Mabillon: reverenter R .

HISTORY OF THE TEXT 1448 1495 1504 1530 1562 1619 1623 1652


m axim a Mabillon: maxime R supra Mabillon: super R ut Mabillon: om. R prodent Mabillon: prodant R postulat Mabillon: postulet R manibus Mabillon: remanibus R ubi Mabillon: ut R quae Mabillon: quem R

This evidence is insufficient to prove the independence of Mabillon’s edition from Reims 4 2 6 . In every case the reading o f R is so patently corrupt and the remedy is so simple that one need only postulate a modest capacity for obvious correction on the part o f Mabillon’s copyist or, more prob­ ably, o f Mabillon himself. We come to our fourth and final criterion. 4. A number of disagreements between R and Mabillon’s edition can be explained by assuming that misunderstanding o f R arose through its irregular word-division and cramped form at,1 through the carelessness and the inability o f Mabillon’s copyist correctly to interpret abbreviations, or by simple error.

Disagreements o f Reims 4 26 with Mabillon’s edition due to mistakes and mis-readings 29 48 56 6 4 (cf. 1 3 4 8 ) 66 86 93 95

97 1207 1211

iam R : ut Mabillon ( \à. confused with lC ) duritiam propter dicti R : duritiam dicti propter Mabillon ubi digna R : indigna Mabillon p e r i?: post Mabillon ora. Mabillon fluctus R : fluctu Mabillon oroma R : orama Mabillon adivit R : deinde Mabillon (c)B in R, with -ivit at end o f 9 3 , interpreted by the copyist as deinde ) vir R : vix Mabillon haec R : hic Mabillon vivens R : iuveni Mabillon 1 See pp. cxxi-cxxii above.




proprius R : propius Mabillon

1273 1274 1313 1348 1380 1381 1434 1442 1445 1461 1475 1479 1490 1537 1543 1545 1565 1594 1597 1604

item R : idem Mabillon Eberctus R : Adbertus Mabillon actu R : acta Mabillon per R : post Mabillon nisu pelagi R : pelagi nisu Mabillon terra R : om. Mabillon gnaviter R : graviter Mabillon zonas R : conas Mabillon volucrum atque R : volucrumque Mabillon est R : om. Mabillon vasti R : vasta Mabillon non R : nec Mabillon (n ) ubi R : ut Mabillon per R : pro Mabillon acutus R : avitus Mabillon coruscant/?: coruscans Mabillon quaternos R : quot annos Mabillon gramina R : germina Mabillon hic R : sic Mabillon rexit R : vexit Mabillon

On internal grounds a case cannot be established against the affiliation o f Reims 4 2 6 and Mabillon’s Theodoricanus. It is highly probable, on both internal and external evidence, that his edition derives, through an imperfect copy, from Reims 4 2 6 . From this it follows that Mabillon’s edition may be excluded from the apparatus criticus except where its aberrant readings account for a variant being recorded in Trinity 1130. Reims 4 2 6 is thus an independent witness. Whether Ruinart’s lost Saint-Remi manuscript served as its exemplar1 is therefore a historical and not an editorial problem. The Remigianus was presumably destroyed, as Loriquet first supposed,2 in the fire o f 15 January 1774 which ravaged the library o f Saint-Remi. Its loss throws us back on T l and T. T contains variants in Ruinart’s hand which may represent 1 The lost manuscript is not identical with, nor does it descend from, Reims 426, as is shown by the dates o f Ruinart’s Remigianus (s. x, according to Ruinart, p. cxv) and o f Reims 426 ($. xii m., p. cxx nn. 3 ,4 ) , together with the evidence on p. cxxvii. 2 Catalogue, p. 569-



either his own conjectures or his corrections, after a second reading, o f a first collation o f the Remigianus, or both. The indeterminable origin o f these variants requires them to be excluded from an analysis o f the internal evidence for and against the possiblity that Ruinart’s Saint-Remi manuscript was the exemplar o f Reims 4 2 6 , and yet their exclusion may lead to unavoidable distortions o f T's exemplar. As Reims 4 2 6 and Trinity 1130 are independent o f each other, it is natural that each contains both truths and corruptions not found in the other,1 even though they sometimes agree in error.2 However, no analysis o f these variants could show the exact relationship o f Reims 4 2 6 and the Remigianus from which T descends. Only slight external evidence as to the possible affiliations of the Remigianus and Reims 4 2 6 is provided by the extant manuscript’s appearance and by the correspondence o f Ruinart. In his letter o f early to mid November 1 6 8 5 3 Ruinart notes that the words a quodam sapiente occur in the margin to v. 1 o f his Remigianus. The same marginalia are recorded by r at the same place in Reims 4 2 6 , and may have been copied from its exemplar. The numerous signs that the two scribes o f Reims 4 2 6 found difficulty in reading their exemplar (pp. cxxi-cxxii) seem to arise from its corruption, a hypothesis borne out by the high incidence o f error in T and perhaps supported by the fact that the copyist of Ruinart’s Remigianus did not know who had written the poem. These points, however, are in themselves insufficient to demonstrate the dependence o f Reims 4 2 6 on Ruinart’s lost manuscript. Given the ambiguous status o f the readings T2 and o f the variants recorded by Gale and Ruinart in Trinity 1 1 3 0 (see above, pp. cxviii-cxix), the inconclusive nature o f the in­ ternal evidence, and the absence o f firm external evidence, the hypothesis that Ruinart’s Remigianus was the exemplar o f 1 References are to the apparatus criticus here and in the next note; only selected examples are provided: (i) corruptions in T absent from R : 105, 186, 238, 314, 778, 840, 1111, etc.; (ii) Corruptions in R absent from 7"1 and T : 36, 54, 353, 669, 914, 1155, etc. 2 T and R agree in error against a variant in the hand o f Ruinart at (e.g.) w . 545, 695, 951, 1034; and against editorial conjectures at (e.g.) 282, 357, 920. 3 Mlat.Jb. 15 (1980), p. 47.



Reims 4 2 6 can be neither confirmed nor denied. The follow ­ ing stemma is therefore tentative:

In tabular form the manuscripts to be used in the present edition appear thus: vv. 1 -9 8 w . 9 9 -1 2 0 4 w . 1 2 0 5 -1 6 5 8

R , T\ T1. R , T (with marginal or interlinear variants by Gale and Ruinart) R , T2.

The exclusively continental tradition o f Alcuin’s poem on York corresponds to the pattern o f transmission o f several other works o f Anglo-Saxon authorship from the eighth and ninth centuries, the survival o f which also depends on manu­ scripts produced on the C ontinent.1 Due weight must be 1 See Brown, Spoleto . . . Settimane, 22 (1974), pp. 280 -1 ,



given to the disruptions caused both by natural loss and by the Viking invasions o f the ninth century. It would be rash to assume that Alcuin’s earliest extant compositions were his first. We know so little about the Latin poetry which he may have written in his youth or early manhood at Y o rk 1 as a result o f the yawning gaps in its textual transmission. Similarly, it is certain that his poem on York had a limited diffusion in England,2 but its availability there cannot be assessed in terms o f surviving manuscripts. On the Continent, Reims emerges as the area which preserved Alcuin’s poem on York since at least the tenth century. The palaeographical interest o f this area is not con­ fined to the crucial role it played in the transmission o f Alcuin’s verse; it is also enhanced by the general importance o f Reims in the textual history o f early Medieval Latin poetry. In the ninth century Reims produces such remarkable collections o f late Antique and early Carolingian poetry as Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 9 3 4 7 3 and Vatican, Reginensis lat. 2 0 7 8 .4 In the time o f Flodoard, and in the early twelfth century, the reconstructible textual history o f Alcuin’s Versus de . . . Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae centres wholly upon the area o f Reims. A full palaeographical study o f the part played by Reims in the transmission o f early Medieval Latin poetry would therefore seem a real desideratum.

xii. Construction o f this Edition 1. Alcuin’s extensive borrowings from Bede are indicated by references in the left-hand margin o f the Latin text. Italics in the body o f the text indicate those passages which are verbally closest to Bede’s HE and Lives o f St. Cuthbert. 1 See pp. xxxvi, xxxix above. 2 pp. xliv-xlv above. 3 See p. lxxi above. Further bibliography in F. Leo, MGH AA iv. 1, pp. v f f .; W. Meyer, ‘ Über die Handschriften der Gedichte Fortunats’, Nachrichten von der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Göttingen), phil.-hist. Klasse (1908), pp. 8 2-1 1 4 ; R. Koebner, Venantius Fortunatus. Seine Persönlichkeit und seine Stellung in der geistigen Kultur des Merowinger Reiches, Beiträge zur Kultur­ geschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance 22 (Leipzig and Berlin, 1915), pp. 125-43; and K. Langosch, Geschichte der Textüberlieferung . . . , ii, Über­ lieferungsgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Literatur, edd. H. Hunger and O. Steg­ müller (Zürich, 1964), p. 40 and n. 89. 4 On this manuscript see Bischoff, Karl der Grosse, ii, p. 238 and n. 38.



2. Below the Latin text are three apparatus, the purposes o f which are as follows.

Apparatus i. The apparatus criticus records the evidence needed to determine what Alcuin wrote and to illustrate the affiliation o f the manuscripts. It is not intended to provide a comprehensive history o f scribal or editorial practice.1 Apparatus ii lists the principal sources and nearest ana­ logues o f the text.1 2 Apparatus iii contains evidence o f Alcuin’s use o f repeated phrases, formulas, and cliches, traces the continuity o f his poetic diction in his other works, notes the use o f similar sources by poets contemporary with and later than Alcuin and records the influence o f his poem on York. The passages directly germane to these purposes are cited verbatim ; in other cases a reference without quotation is provided. Square brackets indicate doubtful parallels, which are generally discussed in the Introduction and/or commentary, e.g.: app. ii and app. iii to w . 1325 [ -6 ] with commentary ad loc. 3. Facing the Latin text is a Translation. 4. The commentary follows apparatus iii. 1 Examples o f readings excluded: v. 36 certatim Mabillon; v. 246 substernite

Froben'yV. 1272 vicibus Froben ; etc. 2 Dr M. T. Van Poll-van de Lisdonk’s dissertation on the sources o f w . 1-604

(Alcuins Versus de Sanctis Euboricensis Ecclesiae, vers 1-604. De Brunnen van een Carolingisch Epos (Nijmegen, 1981) appeared after this b ook had gone to press. I will review it in Medium Ævum. )


Reims, Bibliothèque municipale 4 2 6 (saec. xii in.).


any variant or correction by the first or second scribe in R.


the readings o f Ruinart’s lost Saint-Remi manu­ script as represented by the transcription o f w . 9 9 -1 2 0 5 (excluding v. 5 7 8 ) preserved in Trinity 1 1 3 0 (0 .2 .2 6 ) (saec. xvii ex.).


variants in w . 1 -9 8 from Ruinart’s lost Saint-Remi manuscript recorded in Trinity 1130.


variants o f unspecified origin in w . 1 -9 8 , 1 2 0 5 1658 o f Trinity 1 1 3 0.


Gale’s marginal or interlinear variants in Trinity 1 1 3 0.


Ruinart’s marginal or interlinear variants in Trinity 1 1 3 0. Ed i t i o n s


J. Mabillon, ‘ Fragmentum Historiae De Ponti­ ficibus et Sanctis Ecclesiae Eboracensis, Scriptae à Poeta anonymo, Æ lberti Episcopi discipulo, circiter annum D C C L X X X V ’, AASSOSB Saeculum III, Pars II (Paris, 1 6 7 2 ), pp. 5 5 8 -6 9 .


F. Froben, ‘Poema de Pontificibus et Sanctis Ecclesiae Eboracensis’, Beati Flacci Albini

seu Alcuini abbatis, Caroli magni regis ac imperatoris, magistri Opera. Post primam editionem, a viro clarissimo D. A . QUERCETANO curatam, de novo collecta, multis locis emendata, et opusculis primum repertis plurimum aucta, variisque modis illustrata cura ac studio FROBENII, S.R.I. principis


SIGLA AND EDITORIAL ABBREVIATIONS et abbatis ad S. Emmeramum Ratisbonae, ii. 1 (Regensburg, 1 7 7 7 ), pp. 2 4 2 -5 8 [= PL ci, cols. 8 1 2 -4 8 ] .


W. Wattenbach, ‘Alcuini de Pontificibus et Sanctis Ecclesiae Eboracensis Carmen’ , Monu­ menta Alcuiniana, edd. P. Jaffé, W. Watten­ bach and E. Dümmler, Bibliotheca Rerum Ger­ manicarum, vi (Berlin, 1 8 7 3 ), pp. 8 0 -1 3 1 .


J. Raine, ‘De Pontificibus et Sanctis Ecclesiae Eboracensis Carmen [Auctore Alcuino] ’ , The

Historians o f the Church o f York and its Archbishops, i (London, 1 8 7 9 ), pp. 3 4 9 -9 8 . Dümmler

E. Dümmler, ‘ [Versus de Patribus Regibus et Simetis Euboricensis Ecclesiae] ’, M G H PLAC i (Berlin, 1 8 8 1), pp. 1 6 9 -2 0 6 .


M. L. Hargrove, ‘A lcuin’s Poem on Y o r k ’ (Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 19 3 7).


- P. Godman, ‘Alcuin’s Poem on York and the Literature o f his Tim es’ (2 vols.) ii (Ph.D. dissertation, University o f Cambridge, 1 9 8 0 ). Su p p l e m




Cr itic is m

Dümmler, Add.

M G H P L A C i, Addenda p. 63 2 .


L. Traube, Karolingische Dichtungen, Schriften zur Germanischen Philologie i (Berlin, 1 8 8 8 ), p. 4 7 .


V E RS US DE P A T R I B U S R E G I B U S ET S A N C T I S E U B O R I C E N S I S ECCLESIAE" CHRISTE deus, summi virtus sapientia patris, vita, salus, hominum factor, renovator, amator, unica lingua Dei, donorum tu dator alme, munera da mentis, fragili da verba poetae irrorans stolidum vivaci flumine pectus, ut mea lingua queat de te tua dicere dona; te sine nulla valet dignum quid dicere lingua. Vos quoque suppliciter cives contestor Olym pi, o sancti, populus fortis, gens diva Tonantis, victrices aquilas caeli qui fertis in arcem aethereo regi regalia dona ferentes, qui vestri causa sacratum sponte cruorem



1 ff. A quodam sapiente facta dei sanctorumque eius invocacio in adiutorium sequentis sui operis hoc ponitur in prohemio r in marg: a quodam sapiente Ruinart 1 1 Cor. 1: 24 Christum Dei virtutem et Dei sapientiam; Sedul; Carrn. pasch. i. 312; Paul. Nol. xxii. 135; Pubi. Optat. Porf. xxiv. 18 ; Syll. Epig. Cantab. 23.1 1-2 Prosper Carrn. de Ingrat 979 vita salus virtus sapientia gratia Christi; Drac. Laud. Dei ii. 2 3 Paul. Nol. xvi. 213 4 Arat, de A c t ApostoL i. 227 munera da linguae, qui das in munere linguas; [id. Ep. ad Parth. 85] ; Bede Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 38 munera da verbi linguae tua dona canenti; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 37 auxilium fragili. . . dedere servo 5 id. Ænigm. pref. 15 inspirans stolidae pia gratis munera menti; Ven. Fort. Vit S. Mart i. 131 fontibus ingenii sitientia pectora rorans 6-7 Paul. Nol. xv. 4 5 -6 tua non queo fari / te sine; id. ii. 3 quid dignum 7 Virg. Georg, iii. 42 te sine nil altum mens incohat; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 36 Te sine nam digne fari tua gratia nescit 8-9 1 Petr. 2: 9 vos . . . gens sancta, populus; Paul. Nol. xxvii. 213 vos etiam, sancti, subplex deposco 10 Prud. Psych. 645 victrices aquilas; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2287 11 Virg. Aen. ii. 49 dona ferentis 1 Alc. c. i. 1 Christe deus; id. xx. 8 patris virtus, sapientia Christus w . 267, 1399; Paul. Diae. iv. 1. 28; Joseph Scott, v. 1 4 Hrab. Maur. 3 da munera linguae 5-6 Æthelw. de Abbat. 15-16 6 Paul. xxxiv. 1-3 Christe . . . / annue . . . ut tua . . . dona queamus / dicere v. 562; Alc. c. i. 6 vos quoque . . . rogo 10 cf. v. 569; Alc. cix. 17. 4

2 cf. xviii. Diae, 8 cf.

a Alcuin’s poem descends to us without a title. The above title, by which it is generally known, is o f editorial confection and adapted from w . 1654-5. The copyist o f his Saint-Remi manuscript, according to Ruinart (Introduction, p. cxvii), did not know who had written the poem. If Ruinart was correct in assigning this manuscript to the tenth century, then medieval knowledge o f Alcuin’s authorship

POEM ON THE BI SHOPS, KI NGS, A N D S A I N T S OF THE C HU R C H OF Y O R K 0 CHRIST divine, strength and wisdom of the Father Almighty, life, salvation, creator, redeemer, and lover o f mankind, sole voice o f G od, kindly bestower o f gifts, grant inspiration, grant words to this feeble poet, bedewing m y dull heart with the waters o f life that by you my tongue may proclaim your gifts; without you no tongue can speak worthily about you. Citizens o f Olym pus, you too I humbly beseech, o saints, valiant host, divine race o f the Thunderer, who bear the standards of victory to the heights o f Heaven, carrying royal gifts to the heavenly king, who, for your sake, chose to shed his hallowed blood had perished early in the poem ’s textual tradition. It is a reasonable assumption (shared by both Ruinart and Gale) that w . 1529-30 imply that Alcuin’s name had been affixed to the autograph. On the inscriptions and marginalia to the poem see Introduction, pp. cxiv, cxvii-cxix, cxxi, cxxiv. 1 ff. The tripartite proemium— 1. invocation o f Christ (w . 1 -7 ); 2. appeal to the saints (w . 8 -1 6 ); and 3. statement o f theme (w . 1 6-18 )— introduces Alcuin’s account o f Roman York. Parts 1 and 2 o f Alcuin’s proemium are modelled chiefly on the late antique Biblical epic (see Introduction, pp. lxix-lxx, lxxx-lxxxii, lxxxviii-lxxxix, with bibliography). New to Medieval Latin narrative poetry is Part 3: the statement o f Alcuin’s historical and regional theme (comm, to w . 16-18). On conventions o f the proemium in Latin narrative poetry earlier than and contemporary with Alcuin, see D. Schaller, Fm. St. 10 (1976) pp. 140 ff. (with bibliography) and Klopsch, Einführung pp. 7 ff. On the stylistic features o f this proemium see Introduction, p. ciii (iii) (a) 2. 1. deus: one o f Alcuin’s less com m on adjectival uses o f the substantive (Intro­ duction p. xciv (i) (a)). For the vocative, see Löfstedt, Syntactica, i2, pp. 92 ff. On its use in invocations c f Schaller-Könsgen, pp. 165 ff. 2. renovator: see Introduction, p. cii 3. Cf. 2 Cor. 5: 17 and the liturgical terms for redemption listed by Blaise, Vocabulaire latin, pp. 375-6. 3. Christ is invoked as divine Logos. 6. d e[te]: causal-instrumental (and antithetical to te sine at v. 7). For the replacement o f the causal and instrumental ablative by de cf. Leumann-HofmannSzantyr, ii, p. 261 ; Löfstedt, Kommentar, p. 104. On Alcuin’s use o f this preposi­ tion, see Introduction, pp. xcvi-xcvii (e). 8 -9 . Olympi . . . Tonantis: the application o f these Classical allusions to a Christian subject, frequent in late and early Medieval Latin verse, is an integral feature o f Alcuin’s poem (Introduction, pp. ciii (iii) (a) 2 ad fin.) and serves to heighten his style. Only once (w . 747 ff., with comm, ad loc.) are the pagan and Christian deities opposed.



V E R S U S L ) E E A l K l B U a R t U l D U ð n.1

fuderat in terris, ut vos salvaret ab umbris inque Dei patris secum deduceret aulam! Mecum ferte pedes, vestris componite carmen hoc precibus, patriae quoniam mens dicere laudes et veteres cunas properat proferre parumper Euboricae raris praeclarae versibus urbis! Hanc Romana manus muris et turribus altam fundavit primo, comites sociosque laborum indigenas tantum gentes adhibendo Britannas— nam tunc Romanos fecunda Britannia reges sustinuit, merito mundi qui sceptra regebant— ii. 3 ut fo re t emporium terrae com m une marisque et fieret ducibus secura potentia regni et decus imperii terrorque hostilibus armis; esset ab extremo venientibus hospita portu




13 vos r: quos R 15 pedes R : preces Froben com ponite R: commendite Traube 18 raris R: gratis T 2 23 sustinuit merito, Dümmler 27 portu R: portus Froben 13 Juvene. Evang. iii. 1 fuderat in terras 15 Virg. Georg, i. 11 ferte sim ul. . . pedem 16 id. EcL vi. 6 dicere laudes 17 id. Aen. iii. 105 18 ibid. iv. 655 19 1 Mcc. 4: 6 0 \cf. Laud. MedioL civ. i-iv (1 -1 2 ); Laud. Veron. civ. ii (4 -6) 20 Stat. Silv. v. 2. 35 comitem belli sociumque laborum 22 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 878 fecunda Britannia cives; [Ven. Fort. viii. 3. 155 (= Bede, HE i. 7)] 23 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1095 mundi qui sceptra regebat; Gild. de Excid. v. 1 reges Romanorum cum orbis imperium obtinuissent 25 Ps. 144: 11 26 Lucan Bell. civ. ix. 747 ; Virg. Aen. xi. 83 hostilibus armis 27-8 id. Georg, iii. 362 puppibus . . . hospita 13 cf. v. 580 15 cf. w . 1408-9 versifico . . . pergere gressu / . . . mecum 18 Moduin, Egloga ii. 36 carmina rara 19 cf. w . 38, 196 22 Alc. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. i. 5 fecunda Britannia [ibid, xxxiii. 3] 26 A lc. lxxxii. 2 15. Traube’s conjecture commendite is attractive and consistent with Alcuin’s poetic style (cf. xx. 25; li. 5.5 et passim). Componite , however, completes the in­ vocation. Alcuin calls first on Christ and then on the saints to inspire his poem : by a well-attested topos the poet is represented as the instrument o f divine or saintly will (cf. Klopsch, Einführung, pp. 24-5). 16-18. This is the earliest instance in extant Medieval Latin o f a major narra­ tive poem which begins with praise o f a country and a city. See Curtius, pp. 157-8; Introduction, pp. xlvii-xlviii (on this poem and the urban encomium) and pp. xlviii-xlix, li, lv, lx (on Alcuin’s sense o f patria); comm, to v. 30. mens . . . properat: Among the sources known to Alcuin I have found no true parallel for this expression. As at v. 7 so here Alcuin may have adapted Virg. Georg, iii. 42 (mens incohat). For mens in the sense o f ‘will’ or ‘intention’ see T.L.L. V m , 725, II A, 26, 44 ff. and with verbs ibid. 731 II A, 4. 6 2-78 . (Note­ worthy CL examples o f the idiom include Horace, Ep. i, 14, 8 and Ovid, Met. i, 1). For the convention see Curtius, Z.f.r.Ph. 59 (1939) p. 137.



on earth to save you from the shades and lead you away with him into the mansion o f God the Father. Keep pace with me, compose this my poem with your prayers, for my mind is eager to speak in praise of my homeland and swiftly to proclaim the ancient foundation o f Y o rk ’s famed city in rare verse! Y ork, with its high walls and lofty towers, was first built by Roman hands, that summoned only the native Britons as comrades and partners in the labour— for at that time the Romans, rightly supreme throughout the world, held fertile Britain in their sway— to be a general seat o f commerce by land and sea alike, both a powerful dominion, secure for its masters, and an ornament to the empire, a dread bastion against enemy attack; as a haven for ocean-going ships from the farthest ports, 18. raris: The sense ( ‘scant* or ‘meagre* rather than ‘excellent’ and antitheti­ cal to praeclaris) represents only a slight extension o f this w ord’s numerical con­ notations at V. 535. Cf. w . 431, 437, 741-6, 783, and 1649-56, where Alcuin emphasizes, in a self-deprecatory manner, that his treatment o f his theme should be brief, twice (w . 437, 742) using verbs o f rapid movement like properat at V. 17. There is no exact parallel to this usage in CL, the nearest being Stat. Theb. ii 377. In early Carolin gian poetry Moduin o f Au tun (app. iii ad loc) is closest. 19 ff. Alcuin’s account o f the foundation o f York owes nothing to any extant literary source. Archaeological evidence shows, however, that some o f the build­ ings o f Roman York were still extant in Alcuin’s lifetime. The principia o f the legionary fortress continued to be used and repaired into the late Saxon period. A stone tower on the fortress wall between the western angle and the north-west gate was built, possibly c.650, to strengthen and supplement the Roman defences. O f these, only the north-west and north-east sides remained in use. Evidence is summarized by M. Biddle in Archaeology , p. 117, with p. 145, nn. 131-6. F ora survey o f the monuments o f Roman York see Ebvracvm. Recent accounts o f the Roman foundation o f York in Soldier and Civilian, pp. 4 5-54 , and o f its early defences ibid., pp. 9 7 -1 0 6 ; Salway, pp. 325-8. On the growth and development o f the city’ , see Bibliography, C (v) pp. xx x-xxxi. 2 2 -3 . This is Alcuin’s only reference to Roman rule over Britain. Elsewhere he refers chiefly to Romanist tradition in the Church (MGHEpp. iv, p. 627, cols. 2-3 and Introduction, pp. xlix, li-lii). On the political usage o f Britannia, see E. John, Orbis Britanniae (Leicester, 1966), pp. 5 ff. and comm, to v. 88. 24. emporium: Alcuin adapts Bede’s description o f London (HE ii. 3 ‘ mult­ orum emporium populorum terra marique venientium’). See further w . 36-7 with com m. 2 5-6. Y ork was a centre o f land communications for the Roman legions. On its strategic importance see Ebvracvm, pp. xxix ff., 1-48; Soldier and Civilian, pp. 55 ff.; Salway, pp. 136-7, 221-2, 384, 528, 564. 2 7 -9 . Sea-going ships o f this period could navigate the Ouse. Supplies were also conveyed by the water transport which linked York with the Fenland (,Ebvracvm, p. xxxi). On the commercial significance o f Roman York see Ebvracvm, pp. 4 9 -14 4 and Soldier and Civilian, pp. 127-42.



navibus oceani, longo sua prora remulco navita qua properans iam sistat ab aequore fessus. Hanc piscosa suis undis interluit Usa florigeros ripis praetendens undique campos; collibus et silvis tellus hinc inde decora: nobilibusque locis habitatio pulchra, salubris fertilitate sui multos habitura colonos. Quo variis populis et regnis undique lecti spe lucri veniunt quaerentes divite terra divitias, sedem sibimet, lucrumque laremque. Hinc Romana manus turbatis undique sceptris postquam secessit cupiens depellere saevos hostes Hesperiae regnum sedemque tueri, urbis tunc tenuit sceptrum gens pigra Britonum. HE i. 12-13 Quae fere continuis Pictorum pressa duellis servitii pondus tandem vastata subivit, nec valuit propriis patriam defendere scutis vel libertatem gladiis revocare paternam. Est antiqua, potens bellis et corpore praestans Germaniae populos gens inter et extera regna, 28 occeani R : oceano T2

prora R: vela T1





36 spe lucri T' : sepulcri R

28-9 Isid. Etym. xix. 4. 8 Hic mea me longo succedens prora remulco / laetan­ tem gratis sistit in hospitiis 29 Virg. Aen. v. 715 30 ibid. iii. 4 1 8 19 34 Arat, de Act. ApostoL i. 99 fertilitate sui; Lucan Belt civ. iv. 807 civisque habitura beatos 35 Virg. Aen. viii. 723; Arat, de Act. ApostoL i. 553 37 Virg. Georg, iii. 344 tectumque laremque 38 ff. Gild. de ExcidL xviii 40 Virg. Aen. iv. 355 regno Hesperiae 41 ff. Gild. de Excid. xix-xxi 42 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 610 Pictorum . . . premeret dum regna duello 43 Juvene. Evang. iii. 480 servitiique p rem it. . . pondere 44 Virg. Aen. ii. 447 44-5 Lucan BelL civ. ii. 282 46 Virg. Aen. i. 531 antiqua, potens armis; ibid. i. 71 47 ibid. iv. 350 extera regna 28 Alc. iv. 4 praelongo . . . prora remulco 30-2 Alc. xxiii. 3 -5 , 7-8 Un­ dique te cingit ramis resonantibus arbos, / silvula florigeris semper onusta comis. / Prata salutiferis florebunt omnia et herbis / . . . flumina te cingunt florentibus undique ripis, / retia piscator qua sua tendit ovans 31 cf. v. 968 33 Alc. xxiii. 1 35 Poet. Saxo i. 299 35 ff. ‘Karolus Magnus’ 495 -6 40 ff. Poet. Saxo ii. 211 ff. 41-5 M c.Ep. 17 (p. 47, 17 ff.) Legitur vero in libro G ild i. . . quod . . . ipsi Brettones propter . . . pigritiam . . . et malos mores populi patriam perdiderunt 42 Poet. Saxo i. 324 continui premerentur pondere belli 4 4-5 cf. v. 60 45 Poet. Saxo i. 348 libertate . . . prisca patriaque carerent 46 Aie. Vit. S. WiUibr. metr. xxi. 1 Est antiqua, potens muris et turribus ampla 4 6 -8 id. Ep. 17 (p. 47, 12 ff.) Patres itaque nostri, Deo dispensante, licet pagani, hanc patriam bellica virtute . . . possederunt



where the eager sailor, weary from the sea, could at last m oor his ship with its long tow-rope. Through York flows the Ouse, its waters teeming with fish, along its banks stretch fields laden with flowers, all about the countryside is lovely with hills and woods, and this beautiful, healthy place o f noble setting was destined to attract many settlers by its richness. T o York from divers peoples and kingdoms all over the world, they come in hope o f gain, seeking wealth from the rich land, a hom e, a fortune, and a hearth-stone for themselves. After the Roman troops, their empire in turmoil, had withdrawn, intending to rout their savage foe and to defend Italy, their native realm, the slothful race o f Britons then held sway over York. Overwhelmed by almost unending struggle against the Piets, finally vanquished, they yielded to burdensome slavery, unable to shield their fatherland or with the sword to regain the liberty enjoyed by their forefathers. Between the peoples o f Germany and the outlying realms there is an ancient race, powerful in war, of splendid physique, 28. sua prora: Here neut. acc. pi; but see Introduction p. xciv (i) (a). 30 ff. A standard feature o f the ancient and early medieval urban encomium (Curtius, pp. 157 ff., pp. 195 ff., C. J. Classen, Die Stadt im Spiegel der descrip­ tiones und laudes urbium (Hildesheim and N.Y., 1980) pp. 37 ff.), this descrip­ tion o f the site o f York as an ideal landscape was adapted by Alcuin later in the 790s in his Carm. xxiii, an elegy on his second intellectual and spiritual home at Aachen (cf. app. iii ad loc. and Godman, SM (3 a Ser.) 20.2 (1979), pp. 555-83). 33. habitatio occurs only twice in eighth-century poetry: here and at Alcuin Carm. xxiii. 1. On this usage see TLL vi. 3. 2469-70. 2B. II 2. 64 ff. 356. In the eighth century there was a colony o f Frisian merchants at York (Altger, Vita Liutgeri, i. 12 (MGH SS ii, p. 408) [= Whitelock, pp. 788-9] ). 367. Evidence for commercial activity at York between the Roman occupa­ tion and Alcuin’s times is slight. Three York ‘ thrymsas’ o f the seventh century (described in C. H. V. Sutherland, Anglo-Saxon Gold Coinage . . . (London, 1948), p. 94, no. 75 a-c, discussed by P. Grierson, British Numismatic Journal, 31 (1962), pp. 8 ff.) suggest the maintenance there, as in the south-east, o f a gold standard (M. Dolley, Archaeology , p. 351). See further D. M. Metcalf in Coins and the Archaeologist, edd. J. Casey and R. Reece, British Archaeological Reports 4 (O xford, 1974), pp. 206 ff., especially p. 211, and I. Stewart in Scripta Nummaria Romanay edd. R. Carson and C. Kraay (London, 1978), p. 155 (on the Wigmund solidus). 38 ff. See H. G. Ramm, Soldier and Civilian, pp. 179-200, and P. Hunter Blair, T h e Origins o f Northumbria’, Archaeologia Aeliana (Ser. 4) 25 (1947), pp. 1-51. 4 1 -5 . The disdain for the Britons, implicit at w . 21-2, is now made plain. See further com m, to w . 71-9.



duritiam propter dicti cognomine saxi. HE i. 14 Hanc placuit ducibus donis conducere missis, ut foret auxilio patriae pavor hostibus atque. Ore favet vulgus clamoso mobile statim et bona collaudat patrum consulta suorum. Atria gazarum rumpunt regalia, genti mittere dona parant ignotae, quo magis illa annuat, ut placitae feriant sibi foedera pacis. Ast ubi digna vident tantis exenia votis, legatos exire iubent, vada salsa carinis iam sulcare citis. Ducti formidine vota ingeminant lacrimis, quoniam sic ipse monebat libertatis amor, patriae spes ac redimendae. h e i. 15 Quid tibi plura canam? Properans exercitus ecce venerat undosi vectus trans aequora ponti subsidium sociis referens, hostemque nefandum expulit et vicit multis per bella triumphis donec Pictus atrox timido simul agmine fugit, contentus propriis sese defendere in oris.





48 duritiam propter dicti R : duritiam2 dicti propter T 2 saxi Traube: Saxi 49 donis conducere missis r: donis conducere regnis R : donis condu­ cere regni Mabillon: donis conducere 4 regni T2 52 collaudat Mabillon: colladat R 54 illa T1: illi R 56 ubi digna R: indigna Mabillon 58 ducti H. Caplan (Hargrove, pp. 50, 251-2): dulci R 59 monebat R: movebat T1 (del) 61 tibi T 1 R: iam Mabillon 64 per T 1 R: post Mabillon 65 Pictus atrox Munari: Picto ferox Mabillon: Poeto ferox R 66 sic T1 R edd. : om. Mabillon


48 Isid. Etym. ix. 2. 100 Saxonum gens . . . appellata quod sit durum et validis­ simum genus hominum; Ven. Fort. iii. 9. 103; Virg. Aen. i. 530 cognomine dicunt 49 Gild, de Excid. xxii 50 Ven. Fort. ix. 1. 25 55 Lucan BelL civ. iv. 365 placuerunt foedera pacis; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 779 57 Virg. Aen. V. 158 sulcant vada salsa carina [Arat, de Act. Apostolorum i. 989] 58-9 Virg. Aen. iii. 261 votis precibusque iubent exposcere pacem; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 340-1 precamina . . . / vocibus ingeminat 59 Virg. Aen. vii. 110 sic . . . ipse monebat 60 ibid. vi. 8 2 1 ,3 pro libertate amor patriae 62 Virg. Georg, i. 469 62 ff. Gild, de Excid. xxiii 64 Ven. Fort. Vit. 5. Mart. i. 264 65 Paul. Nol. xxvi. 192

48 cf. vv. 657, 1013, 1289; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxxiii. 13 dictus cogno­ mine; Poet. Saxo i. 32; [Widukind Res gest. Sax. 6, 7] 55 Alc. lx. 9 58-9 Ermold. In hon. Hlud. iv. 523 ingeminantque preces precibus 60 cf. V. 118; Poet. Saxo i. 105 libertatis iam spes viteque tenende 61 cf. w .



called by the name o f ‘rock’ because o f its toughness. This people the Britons’ leaders tried to enlist by sending bribes to protect their fatherland and ward o ff their foe. With loud applause the fickle commoners at once praised and approved their elders’ decrees. Bursting open the royal treasure-troves, they prepared gifts to send to the unknown people and gain its assent to striking an acceptable treaty o f peace. When they felt that their gifts matched their high hopes they sent emissaries swiftly to sail across the briny ocean. Driven by fear, with tears in their eyes, they redoubled promise upon promise, spurred on by love o f liberty and the hope o f regaining their fatherland. Let my poem be brief. In haste an army came, borne over the billowing ocean-waves, bringing aid to its allies, driving out the dread foe, victorious and triumphant in many a battle, until, in faltering rank, the barbarous Piets fled, glad to defend themselves on their own shores. 1409, 1654; Ale. xliv. 49 quid tibi plura canam propiiisque repulsus ab oris

65-6 'Karolus Magnus' 536

48. For the reading o f R , cf. anastrophe with propter at w . 473, 817, 1353, 1480. saxi / Saxi: Editorial capitalization implies a proper name. Alcuin never uses the noun Saxus for Saxon: he always uses Saxones (w . 123, 482, 1050) or Saxonia (583). His poetic usage is in keeping with his prose usage, and with that o f Bede. For the construction dictus cognomine , cf. w . 657, 1013-14, 1289. With the word-play saxum / Saxot cf. v. 1545 Basilius. . . Fulgentius. . . coruscant On Alcuin’s attitude to the pagan Anglo-Saxon forefathers see app. iii to w . 46-8 and Introduction, p. xlviii. 49 ff. Archaeological evidence for the presence o f Saxon foederati at York is summarized by Cramp, Anglian and Viking York , p. 2 with nn. 5-6. 50. End-stopped atque is eschewed in CL verse. Atque in final position is found in classical poets but is not attested as the final word in the sentence. See the useful survey in O. Schumann, Lateinisches Hexameter-Lexikon , i, A-C , (Munich, 1979), pp. 155 ff. 60. patriae spes: Alcuin’s poem on Northumbrian history, partly for metrical reasons, contains no specific term for Northumbria. Patriay employed (as here) in a broad sense, can point a contrast between man’s earthly and heavenly home­ lands (e.g. v. 1015) and refer not only to Northumbria (e.g. v. 239) but also to foreign parts (v. 463). Cf. comm, to v. 88. On Alcuin’s departure here from Gildas and Bede see Introduction, pp. xlviii-xlix. 61. The specific audience o f the poem, as w . 1409 ff. make clear, is the studious youth trained at Y ork by Ælberht and his successors. For the reading tibi cf. app. iii ad loc; but see also Ale. ix 111.




Haec inter maiora dari stipendia poscit externus sibimet miles: haec causa duelli in sociam fuerat gentem convertere ferrum et segnem populum patrio depellere regno. Hoc pietate Dei visum, quod gens scelerata ob sua de terris patrum peccata periret intraretque suas populus felicior urbes, qui servaturus Domini praecepta fuisset. Quod fuit affatim factum, donante Tonante iam nova dum crebris viguerunt sceptra triumphis et reges ex se iam coepit habere potentes gens ventura Dei. Rexit tunc temporis almus i. 23, U. 1 Gregorius praesul, toto venerabilis orbi, ecclesiae sedem Romanae maximus, atque agrorum Christi cultor devotus ubique plurima perpetuae dispersit semina vitae. Vomere nec solum Latios confregerat agros, sed bonus atque pius peregrini cultor agelli oceani tumidos ultra sulcavit aratro [596] pectora divini fluctus gentilia Verbi arida mellifluis perfundens arva fluentis, de quibus aequorei potus hausere Britanni iam sibi perpetuae, Christo donante, salutis. HE ii. 12 Eduin interea veterum de germine regum,






69 Virg. A en. ix. 427 70 ibid. i. 620 finibus expulsum patriis 72 Lev. 26: 38-9 peribitis inter gentes . . . et propter peccata patrum suorum et sua adfligentur; Virg. Aen. ix. 137 ferro sceleratam exscindere gentem 74 Joh. 1 5 :1 0 79 Ven. Fort. viii. 16. 3 toto venerabilis orbe 82 Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 55 semina vitae 84 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2750 cultor agelli 85-6 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. iii. 161 alloquiis fera pectora cultor arare 87 Aldh. Carm. eccl . iv. 10. 14 arida divinis irrorans corda scatebris; Is. 4 4: 3 effundam aquam super sitientem et fluenta super aridam 88 Prosper Epigr. (PL li. cois. 151, 194) aequorei. . . Britanni [= HE i. 10] 89 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1089 Christo donante, salute 90 Ven. Fort. iv. 8. 11 74 cf. V. 1231 75. Alc. xxviii. 25 donante Tonante 79 Alc. ix. 49. id. cx. 17. 1 praesul, toto venerabilis orbe 82 cf. w . 206, 1012 87 cf. V. 1432; Alc. lxxxix. 5. 4 imbribus aethereis arida rura rigans 89 cf. w . 581, 609; Aie. Vit. S. Willihr. metr. viii. 5 perpetuae, Christo pandente, salutis 71-9. Like Gildas, Alcuin employs the language o f Scripture to censure the Britons; but he goes beyond both Gildas and Bede in this panegyric o f the Saxons as G od ’s people. By v. 78 the extemus miles o f v. 68 has become the new Israel.



In the meantime the foreign soldiers demanded higher pay: this was the cause of the conflict which turned the sword against an ally and drove a slothful people from its ancestral kingdom. In His goodness G od determined that the wicked race should lose its fathers’ kingdoms for its wrongdoing and that a more fortunate people should enter its cities, a people destined to follow the Lord’s commands. G o d ’s will was abundantly fulfilled: for, by His grace, through repeated victories a new power came into the ascendant and G o d ’s destined race began to produce from its own ranks powerful kings. A t that time the blessed Gregory, universally revered, ruled as supreme pontiff the see o f Rome. A thoroughly ardent tiller o f the fields o f Christ, he scattered abroad manifold seeds o f everlasting life. N ot only did he plough the fields o f Latium, but, a kindly and pious tiller o f foreign fields, far beyond the reaches o f the swelling ocean, with the plough o f G od ’s word he furrowed too the hearts o f pagans, on those dry fields pouring honey-sweet waters, from which the Britons, dwellers by the sea, quenched their thirst in draughts o f everlasting salvation granted by Christ. Meanwhile Edwin, the descendant o f ancient kings, On the terms gens and populus see H. Vollrath-Reichelt, Königsgedanke und Königtum bei den Angelsachsen, Kölner Historische Abhandlungen (Cologne and Vienna, 1971), pp. 43 ff. 79 ff. The cult o f Gregory the Great (c. 540-604), celebrated at length by his anonymous Whitby biographer and by Bede, was commemorated by a porti­ cus or chapel in the cathedral church o f St. Peter’s at York (as at Canterbury and Whitby), in which the head o f King Edwin was buried. Bede counselled Egbert, archbishop o f York, to study Gregory’s Cura Pastoralis (Plummer, i, p. 406), and Alcuin gave the same advice to archbishop Eanbald II (Ep. 113, MGH Epp. iv, p. 166. 9 -1 3 ). The metrical Calendar o f York, contemporary with Alcuin, records Gregory’s feast-day at v. 14. Vv. 79 ff. o f this poem are the first full expression o f the saint’s cult in Anglo-Latin poetry. See further Introduction, p. xlix. 8 6 -7 . For the metaphor, see D. Schaller, Mlat. Jb. 1 (1964), pp. 59-64. 88. aequorei . . . Britanni: the expression occurs only once in the HE where it is borrowed from Prosper o f Aquitaine (Plummer ii, p. 22). Alcuin uses it else­ where in his poem (w . 140, 461, 567) to describe the territory or people o f Britain. The term Britannus, in his usage, can refer both to the native Britons (v. 123) and to the Anglo-Saxons (w . 455, 723), just as Britannia is applied in­ differently to Roman Britain (v. 22) and Anglo-Saxon England (w . 233, 433, 501).



Euborica genitus, dominus per cuncta futurus, pulsus in exsilium fugit puer invida regna oroma gentilis qua viderat ipse supernum nocte soporata, solus dum tempore quodam anxia corda gerens curis loca congrua adivit et tacitus sedit sublustri lumine lunae. Vir stetit ignotus habitu vultuque repente ante oculos iuvenis, verbisque affatur amicis: ‘Quae te dura coquit, iuvenum fortissime, cura? Rex Deus aeternus caeli qui sidera fecit, quae tu pulchra vides, solatia dat tibi certa. Ecce tuam vitam quaerenti servat ab hoste; insuper imperium latum tibi terminat undis: rex Deus ille tibi totum sit semper in aevum !’ Imponensque suo capiti pro foedere dextram: ‘Haec tibi’ , dixit, ‘erunt nostri signacula pacti.’ Nuntius his dictis subito discessit ab illo. Cui vigor affatim venas discurrit in omnes, pulsa procul fugiens et desperatio fibras liquerat. Eventus venientis dicta probavit hospitis: occubuit statim rex ense nefando invidus imperii vitae simul illius atque. Tunc iuvenis rediens intravit amabilis urbes iam patrias, populi procerumque favore receptus.





93 oroma i?: orama Mabillon 95 adivit Tl R : deinde Mabillon gerens curis, Diimmler 104 sit semper T : semper sit r: semper R 105 suo Ä : tuo T 107 his T: iis Æ 108 discurrit R : decurrit T 113 tunc T : tun R 114 iam T: in R 92 Virg. A en. x. 852 pulsus ob invidiam solio sceptrisque paternis 93 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1276 oroma per noctem cernebat rite supernum 94 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 775 soporata . . . nocte 95 Paul. Nol. xvi. 45 anxia corda regens; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2048 96 Paul. Nol. xviii. 372 sublustri lumine noctis 97 id. vi. 41 vultuque habituque 98 Bede, Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 500 dictisque illam . . . affatur amicis; [Virg. Aen. x. 466] 99 Virg. Aen. vii. 345 curaeque . . . coquebant; id. Georg, iv. 445 100 Prud. Apoth. 153 qui lucida sidera fecit 102 Jr. 19:9 103 Virg. Aen. i. 287 imperium oceano . . . terminat 104 id., EcL i. 7 erit ille mihi semper deus 106 ibid. v. 74 haec tibi . . . erunt . . . rei probavit eventus 112 Ecclus. 18: 33 793

110 Gen. 4 1 :1 3 postea 113-14 Virg. Aen. xi.

93 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. pr. ii intempesta noctis quiete caeleste in somnis vidit oroma 93-4 Paulin. Aquil. v. 7. 1-2 in nocte soporatus . . . / vidit somnia 95 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxxiv. 42 loca . . . congrua corde suo



a native o f York and the future lord of all the land, was driven into exile as a boy and fled the realms o f his foes. There, while still a pagan, he witnessed in the depths o f night a vision sent from on high. Once, lonely and careworn, he came to a spot which suited his m ood, and sat in silence by the glimmering light o f the m oon. Suddenly before the young m an’s eyes appeared a man, strangely dressed and o f unfamiliar appearance, who addressed him in friendly words: ‘What care torments you so, brave young man? G od the everlasting king, who made the stars in Heaven, that you see in their beauty, grants you certainty and support. L o,h e will save you from the enemy who seeks to take your life, and limit your wide empire only by the waves: let him be your G od and king for all tim e!’ Placing his right hand on Edwin’s head in token o f a promise: ‘ Let this’ , said he, ‘be a sign o f our b on d .’ With these words the messenger suddenly left him. Strength coursed through his veins and despair, put to rout, fled his being. The outcome proved the stranger’s words: for the king, who coveted Edwin’s kingdom and menaced his life, soon perished by the murderous sword. Then the young man returned once more to his ancestral cities, popular and acclaimed by the people and nobles alike. 100 cf.



104 cf.



105 cf.



91. Euborica genitus: Bede never says that Edwin was bom at York. Alcuin’s statement may reflect an authentic tradition, or it may be part o f his general attempt to focus the events o f Edwin’s reign on that city. 9 2-3 ff. exsilium . . . qua: Edwin fled from his enemy, Æthelfrith o f North­ umbria, first to Mercia and then to the court o f Raedwald, king o f the East Angles. His exile is incisively set in historical context by J. Campbell, Bede’s ‘Reges’ and ‘Principes’ (Jarrow Lecture, 1979), pp. 9-10. In what follows Alcuin departs from Bede’s narrative in two chief respects: he omits Æ thelfrith’s attempt to have Edwin assassinated (HE ii. 12) and he places the account o f Edwin’s imperium, marriage, and reception o f Paulinus (HE ii. 9 [= w . 131 ff.]) after the vision described at HE ii. 12 [= vv. 9 0-11 9]. The entire events o f Edwin’s reign are made to proceed from this prophetic vision. 101. solatia = ‘support’, ‘help’ ; see Löfstedt, Late Latin, pp. 148-9. 110. The victory o f Edwin’s protector Raedwald over Æthelfrith at the battle o f the river Idle in 616 led to Edwin’s acceptance as king in both Bernicia and Deira. 114. iam: Alcuin uses intrare twelve times in the poem, eleven o f them transitively, without the preposition in; cf. w . 73, 344, etc. (the exception is v. 982 with quo). In therefore runs counter to his poetic usage. For iam cf. v. 29.



[616] Qui mox accipiens sceptri regalis honorem quaesivit propriae genti bona, largus in omnes, nec per sceptra ferox, sed de pietate benignus, factus amor populi, patriae pater, et decus aulae, assiduis superans hostilia castra triumphis, HE ii. 5,9 imperioque suo gentes superaddidit omnes, finibus atque plagis qua tenditur insula longa. Iamque iugum regis prona cervice subibant Saxonum populus, Pictus Scotusque, Britannus. HE ii. 16 Interea placida regni dum pace tribunal rexerat armipotens, sopitis undique bellis, iustitiae validis populos frenabat habenis. Nec rapit arma furor, legum sub pondere pressus ultrices timuit capiti quia quisque secures, provida ni toto servaret pectore scita, quae posuit populis rector servanda subactis. HE H. 9 Accipit uxorem australi de parte fidelem, moribus egregiam patrumque ab origine claram [625] omnibus ac sanctae Fidei virtutibus almam. Cui datur antistes vitae servator honestae, nomine Paulinus, civis clarissimus urbis Romanae, magno meritorum fretus honore, qui fuit ore simul verax et pectore prudens,






115 sceptri T : regni R 116 propriae genti T : propria egenti R 121 longa T R: longe Froben 128 capiti R: capitis T 134 datur T r : datori? 135 civis r: cives T R 137 pectore R Gale: pectora T 115 Aldh. Carm. eccL iv. 12. 4 regni sceptra regebat 116 1 Macc. 14:4 quaesivit bona genti suae 117 Paul. Nol. xxi. 43 pietate benignus 118 Ven. Fort. vii. 16. 37 amor populi; id. viii. 21. 6 pater patriae 119 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2020 assiduis . . . triumphis 122 Jr. 27: 11 gens quae subiecerit cervicem suam sub iugo regis; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 403 124-5 Virg. Aen. viii. 325 placida populos in pace regebat 126 Aldh. Carm. eccL i. 4 p op u li. . . frena gubernant 127 Virg. Aen. i. 150 furor arma ministrat; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2401 pondere pressus; Ven. Fort. vi. 2. 86 pondera . . . legum 128 Virg. Aen. ii. 130 quae sibi quisque timebat 132 id., Georg, iv. 286 134 Lucan Bell civ. ii. 389 servator honesti 137 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1130 prudens pectore 115 cf. w . 576, 1274 118 Alc. xlv. 3 amor populi; id. vii. 15 pater o patriae, decus; ‘Karolus Magnus’ 92 amor populique decusque 119 cf. w . 254, 1330; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. ix. 2 gentes superando triumphis 127 Alc. ix. 189 132 cf. w . 268, 649 134 Paul. Diae. iv. 1. 19 136 cf. V. 1219



Readily accepting the royal office o f king, he sought the best interests o f his people; generous to all, not harsh in the exercise o f power, but gentle and kindly, he became the nation’s idol, father o f his country, the paragon of the court. Ever victorious over the camps o f the foe, he annexed to his own empire all the peoples that this long island holds within its far-flung bounds. And now in total submission there came under his kingly yoke the Saxon peoples, the Piets, Irish, and Britons. In the calm o f peace throughout his realm, this warrior-king ruled as a judge, with war at a lull, holding his peoples in check with firm reins of justice. Under the weight o f law, m en’s anger turned not to violence, since everyone feared the axe o f vengeance on his own head, if he failed wholeheartedly to observe the wise decrees which the leader had determined his subjects should uphold. Edwin took a wife from the South country, a faithful woman o f excellent character and illustrious descent, endowed with all the virtues of the holy Faith. Accom panying her was a priest staunch in the upright life called Paulinus, a Roman citizen o f high renown and great distinction assured by his own achievements. His words were truthful and his heart was wise, 120. imperium: on this much-discussed term see now Vollrath-Reichelt (op. cit.) pp. 79 ff. (with bibliography). 123. Alcuin, as noted by Dümmler, MGHPLAC i, p. 172, n. 3, adds the Piets and the Irish to Bede’s account o f the extent o f Edwin’s overlordship. On his dealings with the peoples listed here, see Stenton, pp. 80-1. 124-30. On the kingly virtues embodied iri the peace o f Edwin’s reign see Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kingship, pp. 81, 87 (Bede and Alcuin); Early Medieval History , pp. 106-7. 131-3. Æthelburh, daughter o f king Æthelberht o f Kent, one o f the first warrior-converts to Christianity (HE ii. 5). Pope Boniface V ’s letter to her is re­ corded by Bede at HE ii. 11. Her life and role in Edwin’s conversion are set in context by J. Nicholson, Medieval Women, SCH Subsid. 1, ed. D. Baker (Oxford, 1978), p. 24 and by R. Hill in Saints, Scholars, and Heroes. Studies. . . in Honour o f Charles W. Jones i, edd. M. H. King and W. M. Stevens (Ann Arbor, 1979), p. 68. 134-44. Paulinus probably went North with Æthelburh not in 625, as re­ corded by Bede (HE ii. 9), but in 619. The implications o f this date are discussed by D. P. Kirby, ‘Bede and Northumbrian Chronology’, EHR 78 (1963), p. 522. Alcuin mentions Paulinus’s mission at Ep. 16 (MGH Epp. iv, p. 43, 1-3). See further Introduction, p. xlix and P. Hunter Blair in England Before the Conquest. Studies . . . presented to Dorothy Whitelock, edd. P. Clemoes and K. Hughes (Cambridge, 1971), pp. 5-13.



iustitiae cultor, verus pietatis amator, catholicus doctor, caelestia dona ministrans gentibus aequoreis. Solis ceu Lucifer ortum praecurrens tetras tenebrarum discutit umbras atque diem monstrat mundo venisse serenum, sic pater ille pius divino lumine Verbi HE ii. 12 expulit humanis tetricas de cordibus umbras. Quique die quadam constanti pectore regem aggressus retulit signum, quod diximus olim nocte sub obscura iuvenem vidisse paternis finibus expulsum, posuitque in vertice dextram. HE ii. 13 Territus agnoscens praedictae signa salutis rex solio supplex statim descendit ab alto et ruit ante pedes venerandi antistitis, atque ‘Omnia nunc faciam’, dixit, ‘quaecumque spospondi, atque Deum caeli credens venerabor ubique, qui mihi concessit vitam regnique coronam; namque erit ille mihi solus Deus omne per aevum! Sed m odo dic nobis, sit qualiter ille colendus.’ Cui prompto gaudens respondit episcopus ore: ‘ Foeda procul fugiat primum cultura deorum, nec pecorum sanguis falsis plus fumet in aris, nec calidis omen fibris perquirat aruspex, nec cantus volucrum servet vanissimus augur: omnia sternantur fundo simulacra deorum !’ Hinc pius antistes Fidei mysteria coepit






138 Ven. Fort. vi. la. 21 iustitiae cultor pietatis amore coruscans; [Lucan Be IL 139 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 565 caelestia dona ministrans 140-1 Bede Hymn. viii. 16. 3-4 praecurrat . . . / solem rubens ut lucifer; Ven. Fort. vii. 8. 4 5-8 141 Virg. Georg, iii. 357 discutit umbras 143 id. Aen. X . 875 sic pater ille 144 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 1-3 Multa suis dominus fulgescere lumina saeclis / donavit, tetricas humanae noctis et umbras / lustraret divina poli de culmine flamma 147 Juvene. Evang. ii. 177 nocte sub obscura; [Virg. Georg, i. 478] 147-8 id. Aen. i. 620 finibus expulsum patriis 149 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 852 signa salutis 150 Virg. Aen. viii. 541 solio se tollit ab alto 151 Ven. Fort. i. 13. 3 venerandi antistitis; id. Vit. S. Mart. iii. 350 connut ante pedes 155 ~ Virg. EcL i. 7 158 Prud. Psych. 29; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1518 159 ff. Arat, de Act. Apost. ii. 183-4 162 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1331 sternuntur fundo simulacra

civ. ii. 389]

138 cf. V. 1401 ; Alc. xcix. 22. 3 140 cf. v. 856 140-4 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. pr. ii ceu solem praecedens lucifer . . . luce veritatis caliginosos tene­ brarum errores discutit [Willibrordus]. (Cf. id. Vit. S. Richar. vi) 143 cf. v. 1341 144 cf. w . 455 -7 , 580 149 Alc. lxxxix. 2. 4



a pillar o f justice, a true lover o f piety, a doctor o f the Church, he bestowed the gifts o f Heaven upon the peoples dwelling by the sea. Like the morning star, hastening before sunrise, dispelling the foul shades o f gloom, and announcing to the world the coming o f bright day, that holy father, by the light o f G o d ’s word, drove the ugly darkness from m en’s hearts. One day, without wavering, he approached the king, recalling the sign that, as I have just mentioned, Edwin had witnessed in the depths o f night, while a young man exiled from his homeland. On his head Paulinus placed his hand. Terrified, but recognizing the sign that foretold his salvation, the king immediately descended from his high throne, and fell in entreaty at the revered priest’s feet, saying: ‘N ow I shall fulfil all my promises and as a believer shall worship in every respect the G od in Heaven who granted me life and the crown o f this realm. He will be my only G od for ever and ever! But now tell me how he should be worshipped.’ Joyously and eagerly the bishop replied: ‘ First banish afar the foul worship o f idols, on their profane altars let the blood o f animals smoke no more, nor the soothsayer look for omens in the warm entrails, nor the meaningless augur attend to the songs o f birds: let all images o f the gods be smashed to the ground!’ Then the pious bishop began calmly to expound 155 cf. w . 300, 758, etc. 1 1 0 4 ,1 1 4 4 ,1 2 2 8

158 c f v. 1054

163 c f w . 873,

138. On the sources o f this verse see Wallach, Alcuin and Charlemagne, pp. 194-7. 144. For the liturgical connotations o f the language, cf. Blaise, Vocabulaire latin, p. 558. 145. quique = qui ( ‘ fossilized -que*). Cf. w . 677, 1604, et passim. On this idiom see Löfstedt, Vermischte Studien, pp. 4 2 -3 , Norberg, Beiträge, pp. 92-6. 145 ff. The anonymous author o f the Whitby Vita Gregorii Magni xvi (Colgrave, p. 101), unlike Bede, identifies Paulinus with the heavenly messenger o f w . 97-107. 146. olim: on this usage in Medieval Latin, see H. Hoffmann, Deutsches Archiv 28 (1972), pp. 4 5-57 . 149 ff. In omitting Bede’s account o f Edwin’s hesitation before his conversion and o f the council that preceded it, Alcuin’s poem excludes perhaps the most poetic simile in Bede: the likeness o f human life to a sparrow’s flight through a mead-hall (HE ii. 13).



testificare palam constanter in ordine cunctis, donec ipse Fidem concepit pectore toto rex pius et populo persuasit credere Christum. Ecce sacerdotum Coefi tunc temporis auctor errorumque caput fuerat. Cui rex ait: ‘ Eia, arripe tela tibi prius inconsueta, sacerdos, et iaculo celsum primus tu pollue fanum! Qui fueras scelerum doctor, nunc esto salutis!’ Annuit his dictis senior, paucisque respondit: ‘Hactenus incerto mea stamine vita pependit, obruit et dubiis animum caligo tenebris; exhinc certa sequar cupiens agnoscere verum aetemumque Deum, vel si sit vita futura, an tormenta malis, maneant an praemia iustis.’ His rapuit dextra dictis hastile minaci atque marem conscendit equum non more sueto, cui per colla iubae volitant, tumet ardua cervix, pectore sublato velox fodit ungula terram, impatiensque morae quatiebat morsibus aurum. Terribilis qualis curvo fit Parthus in arcu, vel si longa levis vibrat hastilia Maurus, talis et ipse petit iaculo fastigia fani. O nimium tanti felix audacia facti! Polluit ante alios quas ipse sacraverat aras. Plena fides patuit, nec adhuc in fonte lavatus






167 tunc T : fuerat tunc R 170 fanum T : templum R 172 his T: iis Ä 17 6 vel si sit R : vel sistit T 184 levis . . . Maurus Go dman (cf. Lucan Bell, civ. i. 210) : brevis . . . Maurus R : levis . . . in auris T : leves . . . in auras Gale 186 tanti R Gale: tanta T 164 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 536 165 Lucan Bell civ. v. 163 167 Virg. Aen. ii. 318 ff. 167-8 ibid. xi. 361 ca p u t. . . et causa malorum 172 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 923 173 ibid. 700-1 in dubio p e n d it. . . / stamine; Paul. Nol. xxvii. 289 mea vita pependit 174 Act. 13: 11 177 Paul. Nol. vi. 281 malis poenas et praemia iustis 180 Virg. Aen. xi. 497 iubae per colla; id. Georg, iii. 79 ardua cervix 181 Job 39: 21 terram ungula fodit 182 Lucan Bell civ. vi. 424 impatiensque morae 183 ibid, ix. 267 184 ibid. i. 210 levis si lancea Mauri 186 Virg. Aen. iv. 657; [Ovid Ep. xviii. 195 felix audacia] 187 Virg. Aen. ii. 501-2 per aras / . . . quos ipse sacraverat ignis 188 Virg. Ecl. iii. 97 164 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxii. 22 cxvi. 1 185 cf. V. 364

166 Poet. Saxo i. 307

173 Aie.



the mysteries o f the Faith openly and systematically to all, until the pious king wholeheartedly embraced the creed and persuaded his people to believe in Christ. A t that time Coifi was the chief priest and fountain-head o f error. T o him the king said: ‘Go, priest, seize weapons that you have not handled before, and be the first to defile the lofty shrine with a spear! Otice you were a teacher o f sin: now be a guide to salvation!’ The old man assented to these words, and briefly replied: ‘M y life to this m oment has hung by a thread o f uncertainty, my spirit has been darkened by the shadows o f doubt; henceforth I shall follow the truth, longing to know the real and eternal G od, whether there is a life to come, punishments for the evil and rewards for the ju st.’ With these words, brandishing a spear in a gesture o f threat, he flouted custom by mounting a stallion whose mane flowed over a neck arched high in pride. The steed reared up, its eager h o o f pawed the ground; impatient with delay, it chafed the bit o f gold. Just as the dread Parthian pulls taut the curved bow or the nimble M oor lets fly his long spear, so the priest aimed his dart at the lofty temple. O great deed! Happy boldness! Before others he defiled the very altars he had consecrated. Revealed before baptism in the fullness o f his faith, 168 ff. In Bede, Coifi himself suggests desecrating the pagan altars, partly because his former faith had failed to reveal to him truth, partly through its lack o f material advantage. Alcuin has king Edwin urge Coifi to the act, and emphasizes the ethical benefit o f Christianity through a speech (w . 173-7) in which the pagan high priest declares his longing for it. 170. fanum/templum : fanum always refers to a heathen temple in Alcuin’s usage (cf. w . 185, 192); templum to a Christian church (w . 281, 306). 177. an . . . an: see Norberg, Beiträge, pp. 100 ff. 178 ff. The first o f three passages, modelled partly or chiefly on Virgil, which lend epic colouring to Alcuin’s poem (cf. w . 255 ff.; 517 ff.). Through this description o f Coifi, filled with conviction and cast in the mould o f an epic hero, Alcuin turns Bede’s striking but single exploit into a total triumph for the faith. 184. levis/brevis . . . Maurus: for the use o f brevis to describe human stature, see TLL ii. 10. 2182. 42 ff. I find no true parallel for this usage in eighth-century poetry. Moreover, the contrast pointed by brevis between the shortness o f the M oor and the length o f his spear borders on the comical. I am inclined to see in brevis a scribal corruption o f levis, the reading o f T and an imitation o f Lucan.



explevit virtutis opus pietate fideli. Turba salutiferum sequitur m ox tota magistrum, viribus unanimis sternunt caeduntque sacellum. Tunc erecta ruit fani structura profani, funditus in cineres etiam destructa fatescit. HE ii. 14 Affuit interea tempus paschale per orbem, quo rex cum populo statuit baptisma subire [627] Euboricae celsis etiam sub moenibus urbis, in qua tecta Deo iussit cito parva locari, sumeret ut sub eis sacram baptismatis undam. Dum festiva dies inluxit temporis almi, cum gnatis ducibusque simul, cum plebe sequenti, undecimo regni Christo sacratus in anno est fonte salutifero praefatae in moenibus urbis, cuius abhinc culmen sublimius extulit ille, metropolimque sui statuit consistere regni. HE i. 29 Sic quoque Gregorius praesul decreverat olim, semina dum vitae Romana misit ab arce gentibus Anglorum: confestim praecipit urbem hanc caput ecclesiis et culmen honoris haberi, pallia pontificesque in ea vestire sacratos.





193 destructa R : distructa T fatescit R T : fatiscit edd. 198 sacram 203 abhinc R: ab hinc T 209 pontificesque T: pontificisque R

T: sacri R

189 Virg. Aen. x. 469 virtutis opus; Paul. Nol. xvi. 266 pietate fideli; Rustic. Helpid. 66 190 Paul. Nol. xvi. 233 salutiferum . . . magistrum 191 Lucan Bell. civ. iv. 558 stemuntque caduntque 192 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 319 fana eruit; Aldh. Carm. eccL iv. 3 .11 fana profana 193 [‘Lactant*. De Ave phoen. 98 solvitur in cinerem] 194 Ven. Fort. Vit S. Mart iv. 284 dies aderant paschalia festa gerentes; Juvene. Evang. ii. 153 195-6 Bede Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 398 celsis statuit sub moenibus 198 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1136 199 Ven. Fort. iii. 8. 1 inluxit festiva dies 205 ff. Aldh. de Virg. metr. 875 Gregorius praesul . . . descripserat olim ;c/. Bede Ep. ad Ecgbert. ix. sanctus papa Gregorius . . . duodecim . . . episcopos . . . ordinandos esse decre­ vit; in quibus Eboracensis antistes, accepto a sede apostolica pallio, metropolitanus esse deberet 190 Poet. Saxo i. 350 magna salutiferum suscepit turba lavacrum 191 Æthelw. de Abbat. 145 192 Aie. Vit S. Willibr. metr. ii. 7 ruunt. . . fana profana; Poet. Saxo i. 74 fani subversio . . . profani 193 cf. v. 1053 196 cf. v. 202 198 cf. 597, 1490 208 cf. w . 674, 1406, 1484 197 ff. ‘Edwin o f Deira’s baptism in the church that Easter may suggest that there was already a royal residence in the city and that, as in Winchester, the



with unwavering piety he performed the virtuous deed. Soon the entire crowd followed his guide to salvation; in strength united, they levelled and destroyed the shrine. Then that building erected as a heathen temple crashed to the ground, collapsed, scattered in ashes. A t the coming o f Easter throughout the world, the king decided to be baptized together with his people under the lofty walls o f the city o f York; there, in the little church which he had swiftly built in honour of God, to receive the waters o f holy baptism. When the festive day o f that hallowed season dawned, with his children and nobles and a train o f the people, in the eleventh year o f his reign, Edwin was dedicated to Christ at the font o f salvation, beneath the walls of that city, whose heights he then raised to greater eminence, by choosing to make it the chief city o f his realm. This was in keeping with what pope Gregory had decreed, when he sent the seeds o f life from the lofty city of Rome to the English people. His immediate command was that this city be a capital and prime see o f the Church, and that archbishops be enrobed and consecrated there. church was established in the first instance to serve the residence’ (Biddle,

Archaeology , p. 47). See further comm, to w . 220-2. 202 ff. Alcuin envisages York as the political and ecclesiastical capital o f Northumbria, in accordance with the plans o f Edwin and o f Gregory the Great. The city had been a metropolitan see o f Roman Britain (J. C. Mann, Antiquity , 35 (1961), pp. 3 1 6 -2 0 ; S. Frere, Britannia (London, 1967), p. 332), and its special status in the early Northumbrian church may reflect the preservation o f a sub-Roman British tradition (E. John, Agricultural History Review , 18 Suppl. (1970), p. 4 8 ; cf. J. Campbell, SCH 16 (1979), pp. 119-21) or simply Pope Gregory’s desire to revive antique sees (Cramp, Anglian and Viking York , p. 4). 203. abhinc: see Norberg, Beiträge, p. 76. 204. metropolim: this word, meaning ‘capital’, is used by Bede twice o f Canterbury and once o f London (J. Campbell in Names, Words, Graves: Early Medieval Settlement, ed. P. H. Sawyer (Leeds, 1979), pp. 38-9, 43). Alcuin applies this term to York in the same manner at v. 204, with which cf. Ep. 16 ‘Euborica civitate . . . que caput est totius regni’ (MGH Epp. iv, p. 43. 17-18). 209. The pallium, or archbishop’s scarf o f lamb’s w ool (see Plummer ii, pp. 4 9 -5 2 ), sent to Paulinus in 634, reached him only after his flight from Northumbria. Egbert was thus the first archbishop o f York de iure et de facto (Plummer ii, p. 117 and v. 1280, with com m .). Alcuin stresses the importance o f the pallium at Ep. 125: ‘de patria mea venerunt et civitate mea more canonico atque apostolico beati, Gregorii praedicatoris nostri sacri pallei depraecari digni­ tatem . . . valde illis in partibus sacri pallei auctoritas necessaria est ad opprimen­ dam improborum perversitatem et sanctae ecclesiae auctoritatem conservandam* (MGHEpp. iv, p. 184. 27 ff.).



HE ii. 17 Sic pius antistes primum Paulinus habebat

qui Domini legem meditans in nocte dieque, sedulus in populos sparsit praecepta salutis; plurima quapropter convertit milia Christo et Fidei flammis virtutis et igne coruscans frigora bis ternis borealia depulit annis HE ii. 20 rex, quibus egregius regnaverat Eduinus idem, disposuitque suas iusto moderamine leges, inlicitans servare Fidem donisque minisque, ecclesiasque suis fundavit in urbibus amplas. Ex quibus Euboricae, solidis suffulta columnis, nobilis illa manet celso speciosa decore, qua statione sacra fuit ille lavatus in unda, quamque diu vixit Christi praecepta tenebat. Illi quapropter clemens meliora parabat tradere regna Deus, luci sociata perenni; nam sibi praescriptae mortis dum venerat hora, belliger occubuit subito socialibus armis. O res caeca nimis terreno fidere regno, quod praeceps Fortuna rotat, fatisque malignis vertitur et variis semper mutatur in horis! Ecce decem et septem postquam regnaverit annis, Eduinus occubuit regum clarissimus ille,






210-11 a lacuna lies between these verses 216 Eduinus T : eduin R 217 disposuitque T r : deposuitque R 222 lavatus T: levatus R 230 mutatur R: motatur T 231 regnaverit T R: regnaverat Gale 211 Ps. 1: 2 in lege D om in i. . . meditabitur die ac nocte 213-14 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2111-12 plures nam Christo convertit. . . / . . . coruscans 217 Ju­ vene. Evang. ii. 575 iusto moderamine legis 218 Stat. Theb. vi. 319 220 Paul. Nol. xxvii. 393 223 Juvene. Evang. i. 7 legis praecepta tenebant 224 Ven. Fort. iv. 4. 3 meliora paravit 225 id. viii. 3. 41 luci sociata perenni 226 Juvene. Evang. iii. 556 ubi tertia venerat hora 227 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2850; Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 112 211 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xiii. 10 legibus in sacris meditans noctesque diesque 212 Alc. lxvi. 1 .3 213 cf. vv. 608, 852, 1306 217 cf. V. 884; Theodulf xxviii. 63 legum et moderamine iustus 220 cf. v. 1509 228-30 Alc. xi. 10-11 adversis variant prospera cuncta cito / omnia tristifico mutantur gaudia luctu ;cf. id. ix. 5 -1 2 ; xxiii. 24 210-11. habebat lacks the necessary accusative. I posit a lacuna o f one verse, lying between v. 210 and v. 211, referring to Paulinus’s metropolitan authority. 220-2. Edwin’s cathedral, encompassing the wooden oratory in which he was



And so Y o rk ’s first archbishop was the devout Paulinus who meditated on G o d ’s law both day and night; zealously spreading the word o f salvation among the people, he converted many thousands to Christ. For six years, shining with the flames o f Faith and the fire of virtue he fought o ff the chill disbelief of the North. During these years reigned Edwin, the excellent king, whose laws were ordered with justice and fairness. By gifts and by threats he incited men to cherish the Faith, and founded spacious churches in the cities o f his realm. A m ong them the church o f York, supported by strong columns, survives to this day, lofty, splendid and graceful. In that place Edwin was baptized with holy water, who upheld Christ’s teaching as long as he lived. And so G od in His mercy prepared for that king finer dominions, realms joined to eternal light; for when the appointed hour o f his death arrived, the warrior-king was suddenly murdered by his allies. What blindness it is to put much trust in worldly power, which giddy fortune wheels about, with cruel strokes o f fate changing, ever mutable with each passing hour! Edwin, the finest o f kings, was slain after a reign o f seventeen years, baptized, is described by Bede at HE ii. 14: ‘curavit . . . maiorem ipso in loco et augustiorem de lapide fabricare basilicam, in cuius medio ipsum, quod prius fecerat, oratorium includeretur. Praeparatis ergo fundamentis in gyro prioris oratorii per quadrum coepit aedificare basilicam.’ This church, begun by Edwin soon after 627 and dedicated to St. Peter, was completed by king Oswald. Used from the first as a royal mausoleum, it was still standing c. 1080 (Harrison, Y. Arch . Jnl 40 (19 59 -6 2), pp. 233-4, 240-1). Its actual site remains unknown. Recent archaeological evidence indicates that the Roman basilica at York survived into Edwin’s time and beyond. It is possible that St. Peter’s was built in the open ground o f the Roman basilica’s southern courtyard (B. Hope-Taylor, Under York Minster. Archaeological Discoveries 1966-1971 (York 1971), pp. 38-9. Conjec­ tural plan in Taylor, p. 701; recent discussion (1977) by R. Hill, History o f York Minster, pp. 5 -6 . Bibliography and testimonia (up to 1970) in K. H. Krüger, Königsgrab kirch en der Franken, Angelsachsen und Langobarden zur Mitte des 8. Jahrhunderts (Munich, 1971), pp. 290 ff. See Introduction, pp. lx-lxi. 227. Edwin was killed at the battle o f Hatfield, 12 Oct. 633, by the forces o f Cadwallon, king o f Gwynedd, and o f Penda o f Mercia. 228 ff. On the language and theme o f mutability, recurrent in Alcuin*s poetry, see Godman, SM (3 a Ser.) 20. 2 (1979), pp. 577-82. 231. regnaverit: on the interchangeability o f the perfect, future perfect, and pluperfect tenses see Introduction, p. xcix (h) (2).



post quem non habuit praeclara Britannia talem. HE Ui. 1-2 Hoc tamen Omnipotens fieri non passus inultum est, sed dedit Osuualdum regis regnare nepotem. [635] Qui subito veniens externis exsul ab oris, firmiter invictae Fidei confisus in armis, agmina parva rapit properans et pergit in hostem vastantem patriam ferro flammisque cremantem milibus innumeris, spoliis nimiumque superbum. Sed pius Osuualdus numero non territus ullo alloquitur propriam constanti pectore turmam: ‘O quibus est semper bellorum vivida virtus, nunc, precor, invictas animis adsumite vires, auxiliumque Dei cunctis praestantius armis poscite corde pio; precibus prosternite vestros vultus ante crucem, quam vertice montis in isto erexi, rutilat Christi quae clara trophaeo, quae quoque nunc nobis praestabit ab hoste triumphum.’ Tunc clamor populi fertur super astra precantis et cruce sic coram Dominumque Deumque potentem poplitibus flexis exercitus omnis adorat. His etiam gestis, promptus processit in hostem caedibus inrumpens hostilia castra cruentis. Ut leo cum catulis crudelis ovilia vastat et pecus omne ferus mactat manditque roditque, haud secus Osuualdus rex stravit ubique phalanges barbaricas. Victor gradiens per tela, per hostes, caedit et inculcat, fugientesque atterit alas.






238 parva R Ruinart: prava T rapit R: trahit Gale: om. T 239 creman­ tem R Gale: vorantem T 241 osuualdus R: Oswaldus T 256 roditque T R: trahitque Gale 257 haud T : haut R Osuualdus R: Osvaldus T 236 Ven. Fort. iv. 1. 17 exui ab oris 237 Bede Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 803 confisus in armis 239 Lucan Bell, civ. vii. 261 patriam ferro flam­ misque 240 Virg. Aen. viii. 202 spoliisque superbus 241-2 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1585 pius alloquitur . . . catervas 243 Lucan Belt civ. ix. 379 o quibus; Virg. Aen. v. 754 bello vivida virtus 244 ibid. vi. 261 nunc animis opus 247 ibid. xi. 526 248 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 383 crucis rutilo fugat arma tropheo 250 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 582 vulgi clamor ferit aethera; id. Carm. eccl. i. 8 populorum vota precantum 251 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. iii. 200 dominumque deumque; Virg. Aen. vi. 621 dominumque potentem;Juvene. Evang. iv. 49 252 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iv. 7. 10 poplitibus flexis; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 281 et genibus dominum positis veneratus adorat 255-6 Virg. Aen. ix. 339-41 impastus ceu plena leo per ovilia turbans / . . .



and fair Britain has not had such a ruler again. Omnipotent G od did not allow this to go unavenged, but granted the kingdom to Oswald, nephew o f Edwin. Returning immediately from exile in foreign lands, with firm trust in the weapons o f invincible Faith, Oswald assembled in haste a small army and advanced on the foe as they ravaged and razed the fatherland, by sword and by fire, their number countless in thousands, their pride overweening in their spoils. Undaunted by numbers, the devout Oswald addressed his warband with unwavering heart: ‘O staunch and courageous champions in battle, resolve now, I pray, to be valiant and invincible; with pious heart implore G o d ’s aid, that is more mighty than any weapon. Prostrate yourselves in prayer before the cross I have set up on that mountain-top, where it shines brightly as a sign o f Christ’s triumph, and even now will ensure our victory over the fo e .’ The din o f the host’s prayers was carried beyond the stars, and so, before the cross, the entire army worshipped its Lord G od on bended knee. This done, they marched directly on the enemy, bursting in bloody slaughter upon his camp. Just as the cruel lion and its cubs ravage the sheep folds, killing in its fury, devouring and tearing at the flock, so king Oswald laid low the barbarian hosts on every side. Advancing in triumph through the armed battalions o f the foe, cutting and trampling, he crushed their fleeing ranks. manditque trahitque / molle pecus 259 id. Georg, iv. 203-4 alas / attrivere

258 Virg. A en. ii. 358 per tela per hostis

237 cf. w . 522, 790 238 cf. v. 253 250 cf. w . 680, 692, 1063, 1362, 1648; Ale. lxxxviii. 3. 9 populi clamantis ad astra 252 *Karolus Magnus*4 5 5 -6 [= 501-2] exercitus omnis . . . fusus adorat 258 Alc. ix. 253 235 ff. Alcuin omits any mention o f the collapse o f the Northumbrian king­ dom at Edwin’s defeat or o f its split into the two component parts o f Deira and Bemicia (HE iii. 1). Oswald succeeded Edwin after Osric, the dead king’s cousin and ruler o f Deira, had been defeated and killed by Cadwallon in 633 and Eanfrith, son o f Æthelfrith, and pretender to the Bemician throne, had sued for peace. Cadwallon’s ravages in Northumbria, described at w . 238-40, were checked by Oswald at the end o f 633. After Cadwallon’s defeat and death, Oswald was accepted as king in both Deira and Bemicia. The succession thus reverted to the line o f Æthelfrith.



Opprimit Osuualdi sternendo exercitus hostes, sanguineos campis rivos post terga relinquens, donec ipse luens cecidit Caduuala nefandus perfidiae poenas, moriens in strage suorum, claraque magnifico cessit victoria regi. Hostibus occisis regnum sanctissimus Osuuald ingreditur, heres veterum condignus avorum: vir virtute potens, patriae tutator, amator, moribus egregius, Christi mandata secutus, pauperibus largus, parcus sibi, dives in omnes, iudiciis verax, animi pietate benignus, excelsus meritis, summissus mente sed ipsa, hostibus horribilis, cunctis iocundus amicis: ut bello indomitus, sic pacta in pace fidelis. HE iii. 3 Invaluit postquam sceptris et culmine regni, exstruit ecclesias donisque exornat opimis, vasa ministeriis praestans pretiosa sacratis. Argento, gemmis aras vestivit et auro, serica parietibus tendens velamina sacris auri brateolis pulchre distincta fcoron isf





260 opprimit R : premit T : praevenit Gale 263 perfidiae T : perfidia R 265 Osuald T : Osuualdi R 266 heres R : heros T 268 secutus T r : securus R 271 sed R: sub T 279 brateolis R: blateolis T coro­ nis T r : coloris R: coronas Wattenbach', coruscis Reeve : coronans; Godman 263 Lucan Bell. civ. iv. 797 ceciditque in strage suorum 267 Arat, de Act. 269 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 559 pauperibus qui dives, inops sibi 270 Paul. Nol. xxi. 43 273 Lucan Bell. civ. viii. 364 indomitus bellis 276 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. iv. 171 278 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1146 serica . . . praebens velamina; id. Carm. eccl. iii. 71 279 id. Ænigm. xcvi. 11

Apost. ii. 78

260 Alc. xlv. 51 opprimit et miseros quorundam saeva potestas 261 Theodulf xxviii. 123 262-3 Poet. Saxo i. 298 264 cf. v. 430 267 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. i. 2 269 cf. v. 1019 273 cf. v. 571 275 cf. v. 1229 276 cf. v. 1224; Aie. lxxxix. 1. 11-12 officiis domini fecit quoque vasa sacrata / argento, necnon aurea tota quidem 277 cf. vv. 389, 1267, 1492; Theodulf 1. 9 argento, gemmisque exornat et auro 278 cf. v. 1268 263. perfidiae: in Alcuin’s political vocabulary this term and its cognates are highly charged. Describing to Offa the anger o f Charlemagne at king Æ thelred’s (790-6) murder by the Northumbrians, he writes (Ep. 101): ‘in tantum iratus est contra gentem ut ait: “ illam perfidam et perversam et homicidam dominorum suorum,,) peiorem eam paganis aestimans’ (MGHEpp. iv, p. 147, 13-15). Perfidiay for Alcuin, is the worst attribute o f pagan enemies, treacherous allies, and faith-



So Oswald’s army overpowered and annihilated its enemy, leaving the battlefield behind it in rivers o f blood until the wicked Cadwallon himself fell, paying the price for his treachery, dying amid the massacre o f his men, and yielding a brilliant victory to that splendid king. His enemies slain, the holy Oswald entered his realm, a worthy heir o f its ancient line: a man o f mighty virtue, guardian and lover o f the fatherland, following Christ’s commands with outstanding character; generous to the poor, self-denying, but unstinting to all, true in his judgments, kindly and pious of spirit, o f signal distinction but humbly tempered, terrible to his enemies but genial to each o f his friends, as invincible in war as he was scrupulous to maintain peace treaties. His position secured on the throne and throughout the realm, he built churches and endowed them with fine gifts, providing precious vessels for the office o f worship. He arrayed the altars with silver, gold, and jewels, hanging on the hallowed walls silken tapestries beautifully picked out with gold leaf; fchandelierst less subjects: it is an offence against the ideal o f fidelitas which he regarded as the root o f political stability (cf. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Medieval History , pp. 164-5). 2 65 -7 3. Again, the language o f Alcuin’s panegyric on Oswald’s regal virtues is o f a piece with the advice he gave in letters to the kings o f his own times. Cf. Ep. 18 (to Æthelred o f Northumbria, in 793): ‘Regis est omnes iniquitates pietatis suae potentia obprimere; iustum esse in iudiciis, pronum in misericordia . . . sobrium in moribus, veridicum in verbis, largum in donis, providum in con­ siliis’ (MGHEpp. iv, p. 51. 19-22). 2 75-83. Oswald’s benefactions to the Church are stressed by Alcuin but scarcely noted by Bede (cf. Plummer ii, p. 140). Less than thirty years after Oswald’s death, Wilfrid I, at his accession in 669, found St. Peter’s in a state o f grave dis­ repair (Eddius, Vita Wilfridi, xvi [Colgrave, p. 35]). In the period o f war and internal dissension that followed Oswald’s death, and during the years o f the Celtic Church’s ascendancy in Northumbria, York Minster appears to have been neglected. It is significant that Alcuin, in his panegyric on Oswiu (w . 565-76), never men­ tions any gifts to the church. See further Hill, History o f York Minster, pp. 6-8. 279. If Wattenbach’s proposal is adopted, a semi-colon must be placed before coronas. Difficulty lies in the (exceptional) interruption o f sense and subject that requires coronas to be taken with the following line. Reeve’s proposal removes this difficulty and provides an adjective in keeping with Alcuinian style (cf. w . 505, 678, 1232, 1644). An alternative is to read coronans, and to place a semi­ colon at the end o f the verse. The present participle would thus stand parallel to tendens in v. 278 and the construction would be velamina / . . . auri brate olis . . . coronans: ‘encircling the tapestries . . . with gilding o f gold’. Cf. Bede, Hist Ab bat ix: ‘picturas, quibus totam . . . ecclesiam in gyro coronaret’, and Latham, Dictionary f ii, C, p. 495, col. 3. 4a.



sanctaque suspendit varias per tecta lucemas, esset ut in templis caeli stellantis imago; christicolasque greges duxit devotus in illa, ut fierent Domino laudes sine fine canentum. O pietas, o celsa fides! Nam quidquid habebat prodigus in Domini gazarum sparsit honorem. Quapropter titulis virtutum claruit atque signorum celebri fama est vulgatus ubique, quae m odo per mundum chartis inscripta leguntur, quorum pauca libet lyrico nunc tangere plectro, et partes cantus calamo currente referre. HE iii. 6 Tempore nam quodam praesul sanctissimus Aedan cum rege et populo paschalia festa peregit; eius rex monitis nam omni servivit in actu.

Plurima per plateas inopum tunc turba iacebat a rege stipem rogitans clamore frequenti. Ingrediens recubat iam et rex simul atque sacerdos, argentique pius pensantem plurima discum pondera cum çlapibus statim direxit egenis. Vidit ut hoc praesul, dextram comprendit et infit: 'Incorrupta, precor, maneat manus ista per aevum !’ Quod fuit et factum; sancto nam rege perempto, HE iii. 12 gentili gladio praecisam a corpore dextram stipite suspendunt. Veniens rex illius heres, Osuui germanus germani et sanguinis ultor,






282 illa Godman : illas T R 285 domini Gale: dominum R : deum T 286-337 om. R, f. 2 l l r\recorded f. 2 1 ? 289 libet T: liber/? 293 omni T r: omnis R servivit T : sevivit R 294 tunc T : om. R 297 pius R: prius T 299 comprendit R Ruinart: comprehendit T 304 Osuui R: Oswi Ruinart: Osulus T 281 Stat. Theb. vi. 579 caeli stellantis imago 282 Arat, de A ct. Apostol. ii. 928 christicolas . . . greges 283 Bonif. Carm. iv. 5 dominum semper laudant sine fine dicantes 284 Ven. Fort. Vit S. Mart. ii. 217 O pietas et celsa fides! 284-5 Sylt Epig. Cantab. 4 1 .9 -1 0 quicquid habebat / in tua distribuit munera 286 Bede Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 562 287 Virg. Aen. i. 457 288 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 544 quae m odo per mundum chartis inserta leguntur 289 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 563 quae lyrico liceat cursim contingere plectro 291 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 838 295-8 ibid. 682 303 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iii. 18 280 Ale. lxxxix. 1. 9 283 Alc. xcix. 7. 8 284 c/. w . 1576, 1589 284-5 Alc. lxxxviii. 14. 3-4 nam quidquid habebat / sparserat 286 cf. v. 578;Hrab. Maur. xlvii. 6 287 cf. v. 613



and lanterns he placed throughout the holy buildings, there to represent the starry heaven, and led the faithful in their droves into the temples to hymn the Lord in unending songs of praise. 0 piety, o noble faith! Prodigal of his treasure, he distributed freely all his possessions in honour o f the Lord. And so his outstanding virtue won him fame, andhe swiftly became a universal byword through his miracles, which are now on written record throughout the world. 1 will now touch on a few o f them with lyric strain, and record some o f this theme with my swift pen. On one occasion the holy bishop Aidan celebrated Easter with the king and his people; on every issue Oswald would follow his advice. A t that time a great throng o f beggars lay in the streets, clamouring again and again to the king for alms. King and bishop went indoors, but as they sat down pious Oswald commanded that a silver dish o f great weight with the food upon it should immediately be given to the poor. When the bishop saw this, he took the king’s right hand and said: ‘May this hand, I pray, remain incorruptible for ever!’ A nd so it came about: for after that holy king was slain, they hung his right hand, severed by a pagan’s sword, upon a stake. King Oswiu his heir, his brother, and the avenger o f his blood came, 289 cf. w . 746, 1439; Ale. iv. 59 lyrico . . . tangere plectro 289-90 Com­ pare V. 378; Ale. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. praef. 4; ibid, xxxiv. 57 currenti tangere plectro 292 Poet. Saxo ii. 432 298 cf. v. 1254 299 cf. w . 625, 974 2 89 -9 0. pauca . . . / . . . calamo currente: Alcuin repeatedly emphasizes the modesty and brevity o f his verse account (cf. w . 378, 431, 437-8, 741-6, 783, 1649-56), and at v. 1206 he formulates an explicit ius brevitatis to which at w . 1561-2 he refers again. (See Introduction, pp. lxxxvii-lxxxviii.) lyrico . . . plectro carries no specific overtones o f genre but is used as a general expression for poetry cf. w . 746, 1439, and the description o f Alcuin in Theodulf o f Orleans’s Carm. xxv. 132: ‘ qui potis est lyrico multa boare pede* (MGH PLAC i, p. 486). 296. sacerdos: ‘bishop’. See Blaise, Vocabulaire latin9pp. 500 ff. 301 ff. Oswald was defeated and killed by Penda on 5 August 641. His body was dismembered, and his relics were venerated in different places (summarized in Farmer, Dictionary, pp. 304-5, with bibliography; Plummer ii, pp. 157-60). Generally Alcuin follows Bede’s account, both in detail and in emphasis upon Oswald’s posthumous deeds (Introduction, p. 1). 303 -4 . See com m, to w . 506 ff.



arripuit dextram Bebbamque ferebat in urbem, argenti condens loculo sub culmine templi, quod prius ipse Deo statuit sub nomine Petri. Hactenus integram fore signo est ungula crescens, flexilis et nervus, viridis caro, forma venusta. HE iii. 9 Cuius quanta fides fuerat vel vis meritorum, [642] post mortem nituit magis ac magis undique signis. Namque ubi pro patria pugnans a gente peremptus pagana cecidit, fiunt de pulvere multa signa salutifero. Quidam tunc forte viator egit iter iuxta, fuerat qua scamma duelli, cuius equus subito totis lassescere membris coeperat et frendens ore spumare cruento atque ruens campo volvi moriturus in illo, inque locum versans venit, quo rex pius Osuuald occubuit quondam, tunc statim corpore sano exsurgens avide carpebat amoena virecta. Intellexit eques quicquam praestantius illo esse loco; titulum ponens equitabat abinde, hospitium veniens quo tenderat. Ecce puella tabida paralysis gelido languore iacebat, ultima congeminans miserae suspiria vitae. Cumque domus neptim patris turbata gemebat, suggerit hospes eam duci, quo forte caballus sanatus fuerat ; carroque imposta puella ducitur, ut iussit monstrans loca sancta viator, et sita corpus humi paulum dormivit ibidem, evigilansque suam persensit adesse salutem. Inde petivit aquam, faciem sibi lavit et ipsos composuit crines, caput et velamine texit







310 quanta T : cuncta i? 314 tunc R : om . T : dum Gale: nam Wattenbach 317 et frendens T r: extendens R 323 abinde R : ab inde T 324 quo R Gale: quod T 325 gelido T: gelida R 328 suggerit R Ruinart: suggerat T caballus T : caballas R 306 Ven. Fort. x. 6. 13 culmina templi 309 id. iv. 7. 11 forma venusta 310 id. x. 6. 128 quanta fides cuius 311 Lucan Bell. civ. i. 395 undique signis 316 Paul. Nol. xviii. 350 totis . . . membris 317 Virg. Aen. ix. 341 fremit ore cruento 321 ibid. vi. 638 amoena virecta 325 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 368 tabida paralysis gelido languore puella 326 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iv. 3. 15 ultima mortalis clausit spiracula vitae 334 Stat. Achill. i. 348



seized that hand, and carried it o ff into the city of Bamburgh, where he placed it in a silver casket within the lofty temple, which he had dedicated to God in the name of St Peter. As a sign o f incorruptibility, its nails grow still, its sinews are supple, its flesh has life, its shape is handsome. The greatness o f Oswald’s faith and the power of his merits gained added lustre after his death through his miracles for many wonders were performed by that miraculous dust from the spot where he had fallen in battle for his fatherland, slain by a pagan people. A traveller then happened to pass by the place where the battle had taken place; his horse suddenly grew weak in every limb, began to gnash its teeth, to foam with blood at the mouth, and, falling to the ground, it writhed in that field, about to die. In its convulsions it came to the spot where once had fallen pious king Oswald. Then, o f a sudden, it recovered, rose up, and avidly cropped the sweet turf. Its rider understood that there was something extraordinary about that place, and, marking it, he rode away, arriving at the inn which had been his destination. There lay a girl, wasting away in a chill coma, unable to move, ending her careworn life in groans and sighs. In an uproar her father’s household was lamenting his niece, when the guest suggested that she be taken to the spot where the horse had happened to be cured. The girl was put on a cart and carried along, as the traveller commanded, while he led the way to the holy place where her body was placed on the ground. She slept for a little and, on waking, realized that she had been cured. Then she found some water, washed her face, arranged her hair, covered her head with a scarf 306 cf. V . 1535 307 cf. v. 1493 314 cf. v. 721 317 cf. 403 318 c f w . 381, 1190 325 f f . Ale. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. X X X . 1-4 mulier totis paralitica membris languit. . . / tabida . . . / ultima vix monens suspiria corde trahebat 327 [ibid. xxii. 1] V.

3 08 -9 . On the b o d y ’s incorruptibility after death as a sign o f sanctiiy see Colgrave-Mynors, pp. 240-1, n. 2. 311 ff. Alcuin’s attitude to miracles and the miraculous is discussed at Intro­ duction, pp. liv-lv. 327. On the transitive use o f gemere in poetry see Leumann-HofmannSzantyr ii. p. 32.



ductoresque suos alacris deinde secuta est. HE üi. 10 Alter iter faciens praefatae per loca pugnae, ecce loci spatium campo iocundius omni unius inspexit, viridique venustius herba. Haec reputat secum: ‘Cecidit vir sanctior istic, arbitror, idcirco prodest haec terra saluti.’ Atque ligans panno tulerat de pulvere secum, venit et ad quandam lassescens vespere villam. Plebs epulare casam villae tunc venit in unam, quam quoque susceptus veniens intraverat hospes, pulveris ac pannum posta suspendit in alta. Contigit ut subito flammis volitantibus altum ignis edax culmen raperet nec viribus ullis exstingui valuit, donec incendia totam consumpsere dom um ; nimium res mira sed acta est: pulvere sacratam postam timet igneus ardor tangere, sed penitus flammis intacta remansit. Qua virtute quidem visa, stupor omnibus ingens incubuit statim. Tunc cognovere quod ille pulvis erat sacro regis cum sanguine mixtus Osuualdi, multis fuerat qui causa salutis. HE üi. 11 Claruit his signis postquam locus iste peractis, ecclesiis Christi iocunda et reddita pax est, regis Aedilredi regina Osthryda fidelis, quae fuit Osuualdi sancti iam filia fratris, curavit sancti sacris inducere tectis reliquias patrui dignoque recondere honore. Ossibus allatis stupuit miracula late







335 deinde T : exinde R 344 quam R : qua T 345 posta R: porta T r 350 postam R: portam T r 353 quod ille T : quod almus r: om. R 355 Osuualdi i?: Osvaldi T 357 pax est Wattenbach: pace T R 358 Edilredi T: Hedilredi R : Edelredi Gale Osthfrida T : hostrida R 359 Osuualdi R : Osvaldi T

345 Virg. A en. v. 489 malo suspendit ab alto 347 ibid. ii. 758-59 ignis edax summa ad fastigia . . . / volvitur ix. 349 362 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 665 stupuit miracula

335 cf. w . 688, 1339 355 cf. w . 420, 779

341 cf. v. 398 356 cf. w . 678, 1031

346 ibid. xi. 751 354 ibid,

347 Ale. ix. 84 361 cf. v. 1071



and swiftly followed those who had brought her there. Journeying by the site o f that battle, another man saw a plot o f ground that was more attractive and pleasant and had greener grass than anywhere in the field. He mused to himself: ‘In that place, I should think, died a holy man, and so this earth can perform acts o f healing.’ He wrapped up some o f the dust in a cloth and took it with him. Wearily, in the evening, he came to a village, where the folk had gathered together in a cottage for a feast. He arrived, was received and taken in as a guest, and hung the cloth with the dust high on a beam. A consuming fire suddenly sprang up, its flames soaring to the roof on high. N o effort could put it out, and the inferno finally consumed the entire house. But then a miracle occurred. The burning heat flinched from touching the post hallowed by the dust, and there it stood, completely untouched by the flames. When this sign o f G o d ’s power was seen, everyone was thunderstruck. They then understood that the dust was mixed with king Oswald’s holy blood, which had brought salvation to many souls. After the performance o f these miracles made that spot famous, and sweet peace was restored to the churches o f Christ, Osthryth, king Æ thelred’s faithful queen, the daughter o f sainted king Oswald’s brother, saw to it that the remains o f her holy uncle were brought into that hallowed building and laid to rest again with due honour. On the translation o f the bones o f the saint 3 37 -8 . loci spatium . . . / unius: the periphrasis is o f Biblical origin. Cf. Jos. 10: 13. 341. On partitive de see Löfstedt, Syntactica, i2, pp. 145 ff. 342. villam: as v. 343 makes plain, Alcuin is using this word as a synonym for Bede’s vicum (cf. HE iv. 27(25): circumpositas . . . villas). Bede also employs villa to mean ‘estate’ (HE ii. 16: civitates seu villas aut provincias), ‘hall’ (HE ii. 9 villa regalis), and simply ‘dwelling’ (HE v. 4). 358. Osthryth, wife o f Æthelred, king o f Mercia (ob. 697). 3 6 2 -3 . Hargrove took the adverb to show the extent o f the onlookers’ surprise and compared the ME idiom ‘highly amused’. I find no evidence for this usage in early Medieval Latin or in Scripture. The adverb cannot be taken with accola (despite Virg. Aen. i. 21 populum late regem), because accola is not adjectival but the main subject, and the line division precludes its close attachment to late. The adverb is therefore to be construed in its literal sense with stupuit (cf. w . 936,1459).



accola Lindissae cemens super illa columnam ossa viri sancti summi ad fastigia caeli luminis aetherei tota fulgescere nocte, maior reliquias qua tunc aulea tegebat. Nam priscis odiis adsumere primitus ossa inque monasterium saevi deferre negantes nocte manere foras illa fecere coloni. Sed dum divini viderunt luminis ignem, quae prius abnuerant secum retinere rogabant, maneque sareofago condentes lota parato ecclesiae tulerant magno sub culmen honore, divitias terris curantes condere vivas. In quo multa loco fiunt nunc usque patroni ob meritum tanti in languentes dona salutis, sanctae si Fidei virtus comitatur eosdem. E quibus hoc unum properanti tangere plectro sufficit, ut credas devotus cetera, lector. HE iii. 12 Febre puer quidam iacuit per tempora longa, coenobio languens citius moriturus in illo. Ecce die quadam miser ad loca sancta sepulcri ducitur, Osuualdi meritis ne tangeret illum febris acerba— fides nam percipit omne quod orat. Credidit ut languens, citus ad sua tecta cucurrit, corpore sanato properans et pectore laeto, morbida nec audet plus illum tangere febris. Postea rex felix ornaverat O ffa sepulcrum argento, gemmis, auro, multoque decore, ut decus et specimen tumbae per saecla maneret, praemia pro modico sumpturus magna labore. Nec non terra micat caelestibus inclyta signis







366 qua R : quas T 383 Osuualdi R : Osvaldi T 384 percipit R : praeci­ pit T omne T : unde unde R 387 nec T R : non Gale 364 Virg. A en. ii. 758 summa ad fastigia 365 Arat, de Act. Apostol. ii. 624 aethereis fulgebat. . . signis; Bede Soliloq. 29 nocte refulget 376 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 411 378 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 144 tangere sed breviter exemplis sufficit unum 384 Matt. 7: 7 392 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 842 caelestibus inclita signis 365 cf. V. 1065 367 ff. Æthelw. de Abbat. 229 ff. 376 cf. w . 441, 609 377 Heide Vit. S. German, iv. 335 salus comitatur euntem 378 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xiii. 3 quaedam properanti tangere plectro; [ibid, xxxiv. 57] 380 c/. V. 489 382 cf. w . 396, 1459 389 cf. v. 277 392 cf. v. 683



the people who lived in Lindsey were amazed far and wide to see above the bones o f that holy man a miraculous column o f ethereal light shining up to the heights o f Heaven all night in the place where a great pall was covering them. For the savage country people, because o f a long-standing feud, had at first refused to carry the bones into the monastery, and had made them stay outdoors that night. But when they saw the fiery light sent by God, they then begged to keep what they had earlier refused to have, and, the next morning, before burying the bones in the tomb they washed and carried them with pomp into the lofty church, laying their living wealth to rest in the earth. There, to this day, through the greatness o f that patron saint many acts o f healing are performed on the sick, if they possess the virtue o f holy faith. It is enough for me, reader, to touch with my swift lyre on one o f them for you devoutly to believe the rest. For a long time a boy lay ill with fever in that monastery, growing weaker and weaker, on the point o f death. Then, one day, the poor boy was taken to that holy spot, where Oswald was buried, to save him from the raging fever by the saint’s virtues— for faith receives its every request. As soon as the sick b oy had faith, he ran swiftly home, eager, healed in body and happy at heart, and the deadly fever dared not touch him again. Later blessed king O f fa adorned the tomb with silver, gold, gems, and much finery, making o f it a splendid and enduring monument, and winning great rewards for such small effort. Resplendent with miracles sent from Heaven is the very earth 366. qua: grammatically ambiguous. Although translated as ‘in the place where’ it may be taken as co-ordinate with nocte (= ‘in the night in which'). 3 67 -9 . The story Alcuin tells differs subtly from Bede’s. Half a century after Oswald’s death the monks o f Bardney in Lindsey refused to accept his relics ‘quia de alia provincia ortus fuerat et super eos regnum acceperat, veteranis eum odiis etiam mortuum insequebantur’ (HE iii. 11 ; discussed by Sten ton, p. 83). Alcuin makes no mention o f the monks. Instead it is the saevi coloni who refuse to bear Oswald’s bones into the monastery. At every point in Alcuin’s narrative the Church is made to appear in a favourable light. 369. foras = foris: B. Axelson, Unpoetische Wörter (Lund, 1945), p. 96. 3 88 -9 1. This is our only eighth-century source for O f fa’s benefactions to the tomb o f Oswald. See Introduction, pp. xlv-xlvi.



corporis, ut dixi, quae sancti lota lavacro est, sumpsit et effectum vincendi tela maligni daemonis et sanos vexatis reddere sensus. HE iii. i i

Abbatissa quidem quaedam loca sancta videre advenit, sese et meritis committere sancti; iamque domum rediens tulerat de pulvere terrae, ablutis sacram quae ex ossibus hauserat undam. Tempore transacto veniebat hospes ad illam, daemone qui fuerat nocturnis saepius horis vexari solitus. Clamoribus ecce repente coeperat horrendis frendens loca lata replere, morsibus et furiens semet lacerare nefandis. Et cum nullus eum potuit constringere vinclis vel miseri saevos flagris cbmpescere motus, haec abbatissae quidam narrare cucurrit. Illa videns miseros motus vocesque furentis iusserat adferri sacro cum pulvere capsam. Et cum virgo ferens veniebat, ut atria tecti intraret, subito tacuit furiosus et omnes composuit motus, somno quasi membra dedisset. Quisque rei adstantes spectabant exitus esset. Post horae spatium vexatus et ipse resedit, suspirans graviter: ‘Sanus sum, sensibus’, inquit, ‘redditus, et vacuas fugit vagus hostis in auras. ’ Mirantur cuncti stupidis hinc inde loquelis, incolumem subito cernentes corpore toto, ossibus et nervis nec non et mente vigentem. Inquirunt subitae causam mirando salutis. Qui respondit ovans: ‘Ut venit virgo locellum portans et pedibus tetigit haec atria, statim discessere procul qui me torquere solebant daemones, ut fugiunt venienti luce tenebrae.’ 404 furiens T R : furens edd. venientes R: veniente Froben

410 ut R : et T







424 venienti T r:

398 Gen. 13; 16 400 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1251 tempore transacto 402-3 id. Ænigm. lxviii. 2 403 Virg. Aen . ii. 495 late loca . . . com ­ plent 416 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iv. 2. 13 in vacuasque procul fugiens . . . auras 419 id. Ænigm. xiv. 2 ossibus ac nervis 401-2 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxii. 2 saepius incursu vexatur daemonis atri 416 Milo Vit. S. Amand. ii. 165 vagus in vacuas fugiens evanuit auras 419 Alc.



washed by water in which, as I said, the saint’s body was bathed. And so it became capable o f routing the Devil’s attacks and o f restoring sanity to those possessed. An abbess came to see the place, with full trust in the saint’s virtues and, on returning home, she took with her some dust from the earth which had absorbed the holy water that had washed Oswald’s bones. Time passed, and there came to that abbess a man who was often tormented at night-time by a demon. All o f a sudden he began to groan, filling the land all about with his terrible cries, biting and tearing horribly at himself. When nobody could bind him with chains or contain with blows the wretch’s flailings, someone ran to tell the abbess about it. Hearing his tormented cries and seeing him writhing in misery, she ordered a box containing that holy dust to be fetched. A nd when a girl came carrying the relic and entered the house, the frenzied man suddenly fell silent, ceased to move, and grew still, as if his limbs were settling to sleep, and the bystanders looked to see what would happen. After an hour the possessed man sat up again, sighing gravely and saying: ‘I am healed, restored to my senses, and the unquiet demon has fled into the empty air.’ All around the onlookers fell silent and marvelled at seeing his sudden and complete recovery, that he was healed in bones, nerves, and mind. Bewildered, they asked how he had recovered so suddenly. He replied joyou sly: ‘As soon as the maiden carrying that little box touched this threshold with her step, the demons which used to torment me retreated afar, as the shadows flee at the coming o f dawn.’ Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxx. 11 ossibus et nervis 394 -5 . tela maligni: on the Biblical and liturgical origins o f these terms, see Blaise, Vocabulaire latin9p. 466. 396. Æthelhild, sister o f Æthelwine, bishop o f Lindsey, and o f Ealdwine, abbot o f Partney (Colgrave-Mynors, p. 247, n. 4). 4 0 5 -6 . On the treatment o f vexati a diabolo cf. Theodore’s Penitential (Haddan and Stubbs iii, p. 197). 419. nec non et: on the development o f this pleonasm see Löfstedt, Kom­ mentar, pp. 95 ff. and, in general, Syntactica, ii, pp. 209 ff.



Cui portanda data est secum pars pulveris almi ac post talis ei fuerat vexatio numquam. HE iii. 2 Te quoque sancta, potens, virtutibus inclyta multis, crux veneranda, canam, nequeam si promere dignos laude tua versus. Reparasti perdita pridem; nunc iterum per te cedit victoria regi Osuualdo, ut quondam paucae cecinere camoenae. Exin mirificis fulsit tua gloria signis; ad te tota fide famosa Britannia currit quaerere pro variis sibimet medicamina morbis, et spes ad te etiam venientem fallere nescit; namque salutis opes redeuntes saepe reportant. Nec ego ruricola possum percurrere plectro




omnia, multo ties quae per te signa geruntur: et pecora atque homines, etiam iuvenesque senesque. Denique praecisae de te ducuntur ubique particulae, per quas fiunt pia dona salutis. Sufficit e cunctis hoc solum dicere signum. Frater erat quidam casu confractus acerbo, infractique dolens penitus gemit ossa lacerti, cumque dolor nimius succreverat et tumor ardens, pectoris ingeminat lacrimans suspiria fessi. De cruce cui quidam veteres iam vespere muscos



431 Osuualdo R : Osualdo T 435 spes Reeve : spe T R: spem Dümmler: ipsa Hargrove te etiam T R: temet iam Traube: te te etiam Dümmler venien­ tem T R: venientum Dümmler, Add. nescit T R: nescis Gale 437 nec T R: non Gale ruricola Gale: ruricula T: ruriculo R 438 -9 a lacuna lies between these verses 439 et T R : in Godman 444 infractique T : infractoque R gemit ossa T : gemitos se R 427 Virg. Georg. iii. 1 427 ff. Arat, de Act. Apostol. i. 801-2 Te quoque, laude potens, caelestibus incluta signis /... canimus; Paul. Nol. xix. 716 Nunc ad te, veneranda Dei crux, verto loquellas 429 Arat, de Act. ApostoL ii. 106 435 Virg. Georg, ii. 467; id. Aen. viii. 218 436 ibid. vii. 285 437 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 23 non rogo ruricolas; Bede Soliloq. 14 percurrere plectro 437-8 Virg. Aen. vi. 625, 627 non . . . / omnia . . . percurrere nomina possum 439 Ven. Fort. iii. 6. 3 iuvenesque senesque 443 Virg. Aen. v. 700 casu concussus acerbo 444 ibid. v. 422 ossa lacertosque 427 Milo Vit. S. Amand. iii. 180 Te quoque, sancte 433 cf. v. 501 435 Walahfr. ix. 2. 5 436 Alc. lxix. 32 437 id. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. praef. 4 percurrens titulis inclyta gesta citis; ibid. xiii. 2-3 4 3 7 -8 Ermold. In hon. Hlud. i. 9, 15 cum sim rusticulus . . . / non ego gestorum per singula quaeque precurram; Heiric Vit. S. German, i. 188 plectro percurrere



He was given a portion o f that blessed dust to take with him and never afterwards suffered from such torment. O f you, too, shall I sing, holy, powerful, venerable cross, famed for many miracles, even though my verse is unworthy to praise you. Y ou bestowed what was lost in the past; now, once again, by you victory was granted to king Oswald, as m y poor verse has told. From that moment, your glory shone forth in wondrous miracles, and all Britain, acclaimed for her faith, thronged to you, seeking a cure for her various ills, and hope does not deceive those who come to you, for they often return taking with them the riches o f salvation. I, a country bumpkin, cannot run in verse through all the miracles which you have repeatedly performed [on] both beasts and men, young and old. A nd so small pieces are cut from your every side, and holy deeds o f healing are performed by them. From them all it is enough to recount this single miracle. There was a m onk who had suffered a fracture in a bad accident and was groaning, deeply in pain from his broken arm; as the suffering grew and the swelling burned, he wept, heaving sigh upon sigh from his weary heart. Then, in the evening, someone brought him hoary moss textum

439 c f w . 528, 1587

443 cf. 1191

427 ff. Alcuin interrupts his narrative with a hymn on the Cross, to which he also devoted an acrostic poem ( Carm. vi; for bibliography see Schaller-Könsgen, p. 137, no. 01, and, in general, Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien ii, pp. 284303). A survey o f this genre is provided by J. Szövérffy, Hymns o f the Holy Cross (Brookline and Leyden, 1976). On the cult o f the cross in early Northumbria, reflected in sculpture and in vernacular poetry, see M. Swanton, The Dream o f the Rood (Manchester and New York, 1970), pp. 45 ff., and U. Schwab in Gedenkschrift für Richard Kienast edd. U. Schwab and E. Stutz (Heidelberg, 1978), pp. 157 ff. The sculpture is discussed by R. Cramp, Early Northumbrian Sculp­ ture (Jarrow Lecture, 1965), pp. 8 ff., W. G. Collingwood, Northumbrian Crosses o f the pre-Norman Age (London, 1927), pp. 19 ff. and T. D. Kendrick, AngloSaxon Art to A.D. 900 (London, 1938), pp. 126-42. 435. spes justifies nescit, removes an impossible hiatus after spe , and makes sense. 4 3 8 -9 . Syntax and sense are disrupted if one reads et with the manuscripts at V. 439. I posit the loss o f at least one verse, perhaps referring to the place where Oswald’s host prayed at the battle o f Denisesbum and these miracles were per­ formed (as at Bede, HE iii. 2). An alternative is to emend et to in at v. 439. 443. Bothelm, a monk o f Hexham, still alive in Bede’s lifetime (HE iii. 2).




attulit, in gremium sibimet quos proicit aeger; cumque iret cubitum oblitus deponere muscum, nescius in gremio somno praeventus habebat. Evigilans medio morbosus tempore noctis, ecce aliquid gelidi lateri sibi sensit adesse, admotaque manu sanum se forte fuisse reperit atque nihil fractura sensit ab illa. Hi. 13 Inclyta fama viri non solum iure Britannos inlustrat populos, trans insuper aequora ponti aspersit radios, quibus et Germania fulsit, e quibus et quaedam populosa Hibernia sensit. Sed nobis signum vero inter multa relatu hoc narrare placet: dirae nam tempore pestis, aequoreos populos lata quae clade peremit, Scotorum genere scolasticus, acer in arte, hoc fuerat morbo patria percussus in illa, librorum studio doctus, sed nulla futurae cura fuit misero vitae. Sibi cumque videret mortis adesse diem, magno trepidare timore coeperat ob merita scelerum, ne ad Tartara dira mortuus Inferni raperetur. Voce gementi alloquitur socium: ‘Frater, mihi mortis amarae articulus properat, citiusque ad Tartara ducar perpetuae mortis, quoniam non tempore parvo criminibus tantum penitus servire solebam. Proh dolor! haec propter novi feralia flammis Tartara parta mihi. Totis mihi sensibus est hinc, si velit Omnipotens misero concedere vitam, viribus annisis mores mutare malignos. Nec tamen esse mei meriti scio vivere tantum, 453 manu T: manum R 455 non T: nec R quam T : quia iam Gale: quianam Raine







471 quoniam R:

455-7 Bede Vit St Cuthb. metr. 25 f. Nec iam orbis contenta sinu trans aequora lampas / spargitur effulgens 465 Paul. Nol. xi. 8 466 Sedul. Carm. pasch. v. 120 trepidare timore 469 -7 0 Bede de Die Iud. 30 461 Poet. Saxo ii. 78 469-70 Aie. Vit S. Willibr. metr. xxxii. 10 mortis in articulo 472 cf. v. 712 475 cf. v. 627 462. scolasticus: Alcuin generally uses the term to refer to a pupil or student



from the cross, which the sick man tossed in his lap. When he went to bed he forgot to remove it. Unawares, he left it in his lap, prevented from sleeping. Lying awake in his illness in the middle o f the night, he felt something cold near his side, and, touching the fracture, he found that he was cured and that it gave him no pain. This saint’s splendid fame not only cast proper lustre upon the peoples o f Britain but also spread its rays over the ocean, enlightening even the peoples o f Germany and touching also upon populous Ireland. I think it best truly to relate only this one o f many miracles: at the time when a severe plague was ravaging far and wide the peoples dwelling by the sea, a scholar o f the Irish race, o f subtle learning, was struck down by illness in his fatherland. Although a scholar, learned and well-read, the unhappy man had been unconcerned about the life to come. When he saw the day o f his death approach, he began to tremble in great dread for the due punishment o f his sins, afraid o f being dragged after death into the terrible realms o f Hell. With groans in his voice he said to a fellow-monk: ‘Brother, the bitter end is upon me and I shall go down direct to Hell and perpetual death, for I have long served in absolute bondage Sin, m y only master. Alas! I know that for these misdeeds the flames o f dire Hell are reserved for me. I am resolved with all m y being that, if Omnipotent G od will deign to grant me life in my misery, I shall from this m oment strive to change my wicked habits. I know that I shall not exist so long through my own merits: (Carm. xxxii. 23 \Ep. 273: ‘per fideles nostros discipulos, Eboracensis aecclesiae scolasticos* (MGH Epp. iv, p. 431. 3 5 -6 )). Here, following Bede, he describes a mature scholar. 4 6 8 -9 . Alcuin’s view o f Hell is given vivid expression in Ep. 18: ‘O quam miser erit, qui semper arsurus erit in igne, qui tenebris circumdatur horrendis, qui nil audiet nisi voces flentium et stridentium dentibus horrorem, qui nil sentit nisi flammas edaces et frigora ingentia et vermium venenatos dentes* (MGH Epp. iv, p. 51. 4 -6 ). 477. mei meriti: repeated in this passage (w . 479, 488) and recurrent throughout the poem ; the different senses o f this important term are discussed by Blaise, Vocabulaire latin (p. 435). For this construction see Löfstedt, Kom­ mentar, pp. 278-9.



n i m i h i c o n c e d a t v it a e m o d o m u n u s a m a ta e s a n c t o r u m m e r i t i s m is e r a n tis g r a tia C h risti. A u d iv i q u o n d a m c e le b r i r u m o r e r e fe r ri


O s u u a ld i r e g is la u d e s v i r t u t i b u s a m p la s. T u q u ia d e g e n e r e e s S a x o n u m c o l l e g a n a tu s , f o r s a n h a b e s e iu s q u i c q u a m m o d o r e l i q u i a r u m ? 9 C u i s o c i u s s ta tim f i d a m p r o f a t u r in a u r e m : ‘P ars in v e n t a s a c r i e s t m e c u m d e s t i p i t e lig n i,


i n f i x u m f u e r a t c a p u t o c c i s i illiu s in q u o ; e t s i f i r m a t e n e s F i d e i tu p e c t o r a c r e d e n s , p e r t a n t i p i e t a s m e r i t u m d iv in a p a t r o n i h u iu s a d h u c v it a e d o n a t t i b i t e m p o r a l o n g a ; i n s u p e r a e t e r n u m p r a e s t a b i t g a u d ia f o r s a n . 9


N e c m o r a q u in t o t o d i x i t s e c r e d e r e c o r d e . T u m b e n e d ix it a q u a m s o c iu s , p a r te m q u e sa cra ti r o b o r is im m itte n s a eg ro d e d it a tq u e b ib e n d u m . Q u i m o x c o n v a l u it , m o r t i q u e e r e p t u s a b illa e s t. E x h i n c i n c o l u m i s m u l t a ia m t e m p o r e v i x i t ,


a d D o m i n u m q u e s u a m v ita m c o n v e r t e r a t o m n e m , m a g n i f i c a s q u e D e o la u d e s r e f e r e b a t u b i q u e e t D o m in i fa m u lu m m a g n o c e le b r a b a t h o n o r e . he

iii. 9 Sanctus ter ternis Osuuald feliciter annis imperio postquam regnorum rexit habenas—


in s e q u o d r e t i n e t f a m o s a B r ita n n ia g e n t e s HE iii. 6 d iv isa s lin g u is , p o p u l i s p e r n o m i n a p a t r u m — [642]

atque annos postquam ter denos vixit et octo, Augustas sacra Nonas iam morte dicavit, 481 Osualdi R: Osvaldi T 490 aeternum R: aeternae T 491 corde 493 bibendum T R: bibendam edd. 496 suam T r: 499 ter ternis T : terrenis R Osualt R: Osvald T 501 in quod R: quas T r 502 divisas T R: divisis Gale

T r : velle R suum R se R: ipse T

479 Paul. Nol. xvi. 283 gratia Christi;id. xix. 164 Christi miserantis

484 Bede

Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 962 fidam cui fatus in aurem; [Virg. ^4en. v. 547] 488 Paul. Nol. xviii. 5 490 Matt. 25: 23 491 Juvene. Evang. ii. 412 se credere corde fatentur 494 Virg. Aen. xii. 157 496 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1864 ad dominum tota conversus mente 497 Juvene. Evang. i. 96 magni­ ficas laudes . . . rependit 498 Virg. Aen. v. 58 500 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 516 qui regat imperii . . . habenas; Ven. Fort. iv. 4. 19 502 Gen. 10: 31-2 479 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxxi. 11 miserantis gratia Christi; Paul. Diae, xxxiii. 14 Christi per miserantis opem 488 Alc. lxxxix. 2. 3 491 Paulin.



the grace o f Christ in His mercy, by the intercession of the saints, must grant me the gift o f life which I now love dearly. 1 have once heard swift rumour speak in resounding praise o f king Oswald for his virtuous deeds. Since you too are by birth a fellow-member o f the Saxon race, have you by chance any relic o f him ?’ His companion immediately declared to his trusting ear: ‘I have with me a piece o f holy wood found from the stake on which Oswald’s head was nailed after his murder, and if you believe staunchly at heart in the Faith G o d ’s goodness, through the merit o f this great saint, will grant you a long span in this life, and perhaps assure you joys for evermore.’ Without hesitation the man declared his wholehearted faith. Then his companion blessed some water, put in it a piece o f the hallowed w ood, and gave it to the sick man to drink. He soon recovered, saved by it from death. He then lived a long and healthy life, completely devoted to the Lord, offering up splendid praise to Him at every point and extolling with high honour His servant [Oswald]. Saint Oswald ruled prosperously for nine years and after holding in his sway the empire— for famed Britain holds within her bounds peoples divided by language and separated by race according to their ancestors’ names— after a lifetime o f thirty-eight years, he made the fifth o f August a calendar-day by his holy death, ascending Aquil. i. 9 492 -3 Ale. Vit. S. Willibr. pros, xxi aquam benedixit. . . ac aegrotantibus potandum transmisit 494 cf. v. 1633 497 Æthelw. de Ab bat. 173 4 99-500 Walthar. 1450 ter denis populum rexit feliciter annis 500 cf. v. 566; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. ix. 1 regales rexit habenas 502 ‘Karolus Magnus9 4 9 5 -6 quam varias . . . linguis . . . / miratur gentes; Walthar. 2 moribus ac linguis varias et nomine gentes 482. collega = socius (v. 484). See Latham, Dictionary, ii, C, s.v. p. 380, coi. 2. 1. For the prosody cf. ‘David’ viii, 21 (MGHPLAC i, p. 112): ‘O mihi non prolis tantum, set collega fidus.’ 493. bibendum: cf. Bede HE iii. 13 ‘benedixi aqiuzra et astulam roboris prae­ fati inmittens obtuli egro potanebm ’ and cf. app. iii to w . 492-3. 501. quod [= quia]. The clause w . 501-2 is parenthetical, and describes the imperium o f v. 500. On Oswald’s supremacy see Stenton, pp. 81-2. On his sanc­ tity and kingship, see E. Hoffmann, Die heiligen Könige bei den Angelsachsen . . . (Neumünster, 1975), pp. 26 ff.; Introduction, p. 1.



ascendit meritis caelestia regna coruscis, Osui germano terrestria sceptra relinquens. HE iii. 13 Interea tenuit multo iam sceptra labore principio propriae rector novus Osui gentis: impugnatus enim fuerat hinc inde vicissim saepius externis praedantibus undique fines. Insuper a propriis perpessus bella propinquis, qui crudele manu lacerabant viscera regni cognato implentes sceleratas sanguine dextras, nec metuunt patrias gentilia castra per urbes invidia cogente fera deducere, vel sic viribus externis conantes sternere regem. HE iii. 24 Cui fuit ante alios primis infestus ab annis hostes rex Pendan fortis virtute doloque, occisor fratris, regni et vastator acerbus. Qui ter dena sibi conduxit milia bello, [655] ter denosque duces totidem deducere turmas disposuit, quorum certus fuit usus in armis. Hac vastare manu veniensque evertere regnum, moenia destruxit, homines mucrone peremit. Imbribus exundans torrens ceu montibus altis sternit agros segetesque rapit silvasque recidit, sic dux ipse ferox devastans omnia pressit, dans simul in pessum pueros iuvenesque senesque.

Nullus eum sexus vel nulla retraxerat aetas ad pietatis opus, nullo qui iure pepercit.







506 Osui R: Osuvi T 507 tenuit R: obtinuit T 508 Osui R: Osvi T 515 vel sic T r: vel sic sic i? 518 hostes T R : hostis Ruinart for­ tis T : forti R 519 et T: om. R 520 bello R Ruinart: bella T 523 veniensque T : veniens R 529 vel T r: per R 530 qui T: quia R

505 Ps. 138: 8; 2 Tim. 4: 18 512 V irg.^en. vi. 833 patriae . . . in viscera vertite viris; ibid. xii. 98 manu . . . lacerare 513 Lucan BelL civ. iv. 554 cognato implerunt sanguine 514 Virg. Aen. xi. 793 patrias . . . urbes 518 ibid. ii. 390 dolus an virtus, quis in hoste requirat? 525 ibid. xii. 523 de montibus altis 525 ff. ibid., ii. 305-7 . . . rapidus montano flumine torrens / sternit agros . . . / praecipitisque trahit silvas

506 cf. V. 576 518 Alc. Ep. 149 (p. 242, 21 ff.) tria videntur in hoste consideranda: virtus, dolus, pax; Poet. Saxo i. 251 521 id. iii. 7 528 Paul. Diae, xxxiii. 21



through his brilliant virtues into the realms o f Heaven, leaving his earthly kingdom to his brother Oswiu. Oswiu, the new leader o f his people, had to struggle at first to hold the throne, for time and again he was attacked on all sides by foreigners pillaging every part o f his realm. He suffered too from feuds with his own relatives, who cruelly rent the heart o f his kingdom, covering their criminal hands with kinsmen’s blood, not hesitating to bring pagan troops into the cities o f their homeland, spurred by pitiless envy, and so attempted to overthrow the king by foreign force. From his earliest years on the throne Oswiu’s deadliest enemy was Penda, a king mighty in strength and in guile, the murderer o f Oswiu’s brother and cruel ravager o f his kingdom. Penda raised thirty thousand troops for battle, appointing thirty captains for as many divisions, whose experience in arms was tested and proven. With this force he came to ravage and overturn the kingdom, smashing down walls, putting men to the sword. As a torrent, brimming over with rain from the high mountains, covers the fields, destroys the crops, lays low the woods, so that barbarian chieftain ravaged and crushed all beneath him, slaying children, youths, and the old alike. Neither age nor sex held him to observe the obligation o f m ercy; he spared no law. 506 ff. On Oswald’s death in 641 Oswiu succeeded in Bemicia. Oswine, son o f Osric, became king in Deira (Bede HE iii. 14, with Colgrave-Mynors, p. 256, n. 2). In 651 Oswiu invaded Deira, expelling Oswine and having him murdered. These local and factional rivalries are largely eliminated by Alcuin, who con­ sistently treats Northumbria in this period as a unified kingdom (see Introduction, pp. lii-liii). Oswine was succeeded by Æthelwald, a son o f Oswald, who placed himself under the protection o f Penda o f Mercia. Penda in turn attacked Oswiu in 654. 507. tenuit, which accords better with interea than obtinuit, is confirmed by HE iii. 14: ‘Et per annos X XX V III laboriosissime tenuit.’ 512. crudele: ablative in -e, metri causa. 518. On Penda’s position and strategy in 654 see Stenton, pp. 83-4. 520 -1 . Bede states that Penda had thirty legiones with as many duces at the battle o f Winwaed (on which see Plummer ii, p. 183, and J. O. Prestwich, ‘King Aethelhere and the Battle o f the Winwaed’, EHR 83 (1968), pp. 89-95). 530. nullo . . . iure: dative o f the pronominal adjective in -o (Introduction, p. xcv (i) (b) (iv)), probably in agreement with iure (dative in -e, metri causa). If iure is construed as an ablative the object remains nullo but the sense is obscure.



Sed rector, cui cura fuit defendere gentem, seque suosque simul Christi tutarier armis, legit et ipse viros fortes, atque agmina tanta venerat haud trepido contra rex pectore promptus milite cum raro, primo sed numen Olym pi fletibus et votis constanti corde poposcit. His actis etiam hostiles ut vidit ubique innumeras acies latis discurrere campis, [Nov. 15] has contra opposuit parvum licet impiger agmen, milia trina ciens tantum, sed prompta duello. Nec mora quin mediis se immiserat hostibus audax, proturbans acies Christi testudine fretus. M ox timor impactas populorum dispulit alas, qui pugnae immemores, armis telisque relictis, tuta fugae petiere loca et sua signa revellunt. Palantum cuneos victor rex cedit ubique, horrisona increpitans fugientes voce phalanges. Arma cruore natant, mutantur sanguine fontes; fugit et ipse simul, tanta vix clade coactus, dux Pendan cernens caedes stragesque suorum. Nec tamen evaluit fugiens evadere mortem, sed gladio cecidit victrici occisus et ille. Curritur ad praedam passim et laus digna Tonanti redditur aeterno, semper qui liberat omnes in se sperantes clemens et salvat ubique.






Hoc erat, hoc etiam multis satis utile bellum; namque suam gentem rex hostibus eruit acris, 534 promptus R Ruinart: promptum T 536 fletibus R Ruinart: preci­ bus T 537 etiam hostiles T r: hostes etiam hostiles R 545 revellunt Ruinart: repellunt T R 547 phalanges T R: phalangas Ruinart 532 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 147 seque suosque rogans precibus tutarier almi 535 Prud. Psych. 197 536 Virg. Aen. i. 666 supplex tua numina posco 538 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 77 innumerasque acies; Lucan Bell. civ. iv. 733 late discurrere campis 542 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1024 Christi testudine fretus 545 Lucan Bell civ. vii. 77 signa revellent 548 ibid. vii. 537 mutentur san­ guine fontes 549 ibid. vii. 648 tota vix clade coactus 552 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 365 556 Virg. Aen. xii. 259 h oc erat, hoc . . . 556 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xii. 1 H oc opus, hoc fuerat. . . 531 ff. Alcuin omits Oswiu’s pledge that, if he won the battle, he would dedicate twelve estates to religious uses and his infant daughter to G od ’ s service.



But king [Osw iu], anxious to defend his people, to protect himself and his followers with the weapons o f Christ, chose stalwart men and advanced against those mighty forces with an unflinching spirit but with a small company invoking first G od in Heaven with tears, vows, and trusting heart. The prayer ended, he saw their ranks racing back and forth on every side, spread, countless in number, over the broad field. Against them he valiantly pitted his small force— calling up only three thousand men, but they were ready to fight. Into the enem y’s midst he charged with speed and bravado, relying on Christ’s protection, throwing them into turmoil. Fear soon scattered the thronged battalions o f that host which, forgetting the battle, abandoned all its weapons, uprooted its standards, and sought safety in flight. The king cut down on all sides the stragglers’ ranks, taunting their retreating battle-lines in dread tones. Weapons ran with gore, streams were turned to blood, and Penda their leader, unwilling, but forced to yield before his defeat, took flight on seeing the massacre o f his men. Nor did he contrive to avoid death by fleeing, but perished at the victor’s sword. All over the battlefield men ran after b ooty, and due praise was given to eternal God, who at all times and places mercifully delivers and preserves those who have hope in Him. This was a war from which many men gained, for the king saved his people from the cruel enemy 538. discurrere: the verse is modelled on Lucan, and the use o f the variant

discurrere here (v.l. decurrere in Lucan) may indicate that Alcuin’s exemplar o f the Bell. civ. was related to the family PGU isolated by Housman (ed. cit., pp. xiv and 115). On the importance o f such variants see J. E. Cross, PBA 58 (1972), p. 5 and n. 3. 556. utile bellum: cf. Bede, HE iii. 24: ‘Hoc autem bellum rex Osuiu . . . cum magna utriusque populi utilitate con fecit.’ Gregory the Great had recommended the use o f warfare as a means o f propagating the Faith: ‘bella vos frequenter appetere . . . dilatandae causa rei publicae . . . quatenus Christi nomen per sub­ ditas gentes . . . discurrat’ (MGH Epp. i, p. 93. 16)— discussed by D. H. Green, The Carolingian Lord (Cambridge, 1965), p. 296. See further Wallace-Hadrill, Early Medieval History , p. 27 and, in general, P. H. Russell, The Just War in the Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1975), pp. 21 ff. 557. acris: abl. pi. ‘Acer facit pluraliter acri, acris pluraliter facit acres’ (Alcuin, De Orthographia, ed. Marsili, p. 107. 18; cf. Bede, De Orthographia, ed. Jones, p. 11. 108).



M e r c i o r u m F i d e i s c e p t r i s e t s u b d i d i t a lm is,

sacrato faciens baptismatis amne lavari. Perque illum donante Deo ditatur uterque magnifico populus caelestis munere doni: ille heres patriae factus, hic civis Olympi. A m bo gentiles gemino micuere triumpho, daemonis ille iugo, terreno hic hoste solutus. Plurima continuis domuit post regna triumphis Osuui, nobiliter patrias et rexit habenas, aequoreasque sibi gentes hinc inde subegit, has terrore premens, illas mucrone coercens: victrices aquilas per regna ferebat ubique. Legibus ille etiam fuerat iustissimus aequis, invictus bellis nec non in pace fidelis, donorum largus miseris, pius, omnibus aequus. HE iv. 5 Imperium retinens septenos nam quater annos, [670] compositis rebus felix in pace quievit, Ecgfrido tradens proprio diademata gnato, Ecgfrido moriens regalia sceptra relinquens. HE iv. 13 Tempore nam micuit Uuilfridus episcopus illo virtutum meritis longe lateque per orbem, quem Deus omnipotens infudit luce superna, errorum tetricas terris ut pelleret umbras:






558 Merciorum T r: Mercunum R 566 Osuui R : Osvi T 570-4 re­ duplicated but deleted in T 575, 576 Egfredo TR 576 doublet or interpolation? 577 Uilfridus R: Vilfridus T 578 sic R: om. T 563-4 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 445, 447 Iste hostis laqueis, erroribus ille solu­ tus / . . . uterque . . . gemino micuere triumpho 570 Bonif. Carm. i. 41 572 Ven. Fort. ix. 15. 15 574 Virg. A en. i. 249 placida compostus pace quievit 576 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 512 577-8 Paul. Nol. xix. 11-12 longe lateque per orbem / . . . emicuit 578 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 896 virtutum meritis 580 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 22 discutit errorum vera iam luce tenebras 565 ff. Poet. Saxo iv. 330-1 innumeras postquam gentes hostesque triumphis subdiderat 572 Alc. Ep. 119 (p. 174, 13) esto largus in miseris, pius . . . cf. V. 1235; Æthelw. de Abbat. 411 574 cf. v. 1043 576 cf. v. 1274; Ermold. in laud. Pipp. reg. ii. 39 578 Alc. vii. 25 virtutum meritis ;Heiric Vit. S. Germ. i. 177 signorum titulis longe lateque celebris 578-9 Æthelw. de Abbat. 93-4 580 cf. w . 144, 656 565 ff. By his victory at the battle o f Winwaed Oswiu earned the overlordship o f all the southern kingdoms, until in 657 his rule was undermined by a revolt o f



and brought the Mercians under the gentle sway o f the Faith causing them to be bathed in the hallowed river o f baptism. Through him, by G o d ’s grace, both peoples were enriched by a splendid gift from on high: the one regained its homeland, the other won entry into Heaven. In the light o f this double triumph both peoples were bathed, one freed from the Devil’s yoke, one from an earthly foe. With unbroken victories Oswiu conquered many a realm, reigning nobly over his fathers’ kingdom and subduing to his command all the peoples dwelling by the sea, crushing some by terror, compelling others by the sword, bearing his standards of victory throughout the realm. He was a paragon o f justice with equitable laws, invincible in battle and trustworthy in peace, open-handed to the needy, kindly and fair to all. After a reign o f eight and twenty years, amid peace and order, he died in happiness, bestowing the crown on Ecgfrith his son, leaving to Ecgfrith the royal sceptre. A t that time bishop Wilfrid’s fame shone far and wide throughout the world by virtue of his achievements. Omnipotent G od filled him with light from Heaven that he might drive from the land foul shades o f ignorance. the Mercian nobles that restored Penda’s son Wulfhere (Stenton, pp. 84-5). 570 ff. Cf. the panegyrics o f Edwin (w . 115 ff.) and Oswald (w . 265 ff.). Oswiu completes Alcuin’s favoured group o f seventh-century Northumbrian kings (Introduction, pp. 1-li, liv). 576. Here, as at v. 872 (see comm, ad loc.), there may be reason to suspect interpolation. Against this must be set the tendency to repetitious stylistic varia­ tion which is so pronounced a feature of Alcuin’s writing (Introduction, pp. cvi-cvii (iii) (c)) and the (speculative) possibility that these lines are authorial alternatives preserved from an earlier draft. 577 ff. On Alcuin’s highly selective treatment o f Wilfrid, see Introduction, pp. li-lii. It is noteworthy that Alcuin never mentions the repairs to St. Peter’s at York commissioned by Wilfrid and recorded only by Eddius Stephanus, Vita Wilfridi xvi (Colgrave, p. 35; comm, to w . 275-83). The omission o f this signifi­ cant fact about the Minster’s history, the absence o f any reference in the poem to Eddius’ work, together with Alcuin’s consistent reliance upon Bede, make it improbable that he used (or knew) the Life o f Wilfrid while writing his own account o f Wilfrid’s life. 578. O f the authenticity o f this verse, preserved only in R , there can be little doubt. It provides an opening to the passage consistent with its tone o f warm praise. And it embodies the characteristically Alcuinian expression virtutum meritis. With the example cited ad loc. in app. iii cf. Ale. Carm. x. 10; xeix. 1 1.2 ; xxviii. 7 ;lxii. 2, 4. Vox longe late que per orbem , cf. id. Carm. lxxxvii. 15. 11.



per loca perpetuae quapropter multa salutis gentibus et populis doctrinae lumina sparsit. Illius australis studio Saxonia Christum credidit et claro perfusa est lumine vitae. Nec solum populos animae de morte maligna illos antistes doctrinis eruit almis, sed nece de praesente simul salvavit eosdem. Tempore continuis illo nam sub tribus annis non ros, non imber sitientes inrigat agros, arida flammigeris tabescit terra sub astris et victum pariter hominique feraeque negabat, atque famem sequitur morientum cladis acervus, praecipitesque ruunt multi de rupibus altis;

ast alii rapidis se demersere sub undis, ut sibi praeriperet longum cita mors cruciatum. Ipsa namque die, qua gens susceperat illa doctrinis imbuta sacris baptismatis undam, descendit pluvia telluribus aura serena,. et terris rediit specimen viridantibus arvis: florigero campi montesque ornantur amictu. Frugifer agricolis laetantibus inditur annus, inque Deum carnes cunctorum cordaque vivum exultaverunt, cecinit sicut antea David, certius aeternis inhiantes pectore donis, quo sumpsere prius sibimet terrena per Illum. HE V. 19 Hic quoque compulsus Romam properabat adire, [677] sed prius est ventis Fresonum vectus in oras






584 lumine R : lampade T 588 continuis Godman : contiguis T R 592 at­ que T : neque R: unde Hargrove cladis T : clað R: clades Hargrove acervus Gale: acerbae R: acervae T : acerba Hargrove 593 praecipitesque T: percipitesque R 594 se dimersere R: sese mersere T (demergere HE v. 14; i. 33) 595 longum T'. dirum R 596 qua R: quo T 598 pluvia telluribus T R : pluvia et telluribus Gale 599 terris R : terrae T 600 campi T r : campo R 602 vivum Ruinart : virum T : virorum R cor­ daque T : corda R 606 hic T R : hinc Godman 589 2 Sam. 1> 21 nec ros nec pluviae veniant super vos ; Ps.-Prosper de Prov. Dei 682; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 260 ff. aridus ut nullis roraret nubibus aether / atque negarentur latices 591 Virg. A en. iii. 142 victum seges aegra negabat; ibid. X . 245 caedis acervus 593 ibid. xi. 673 praecipites pariterque ruunt, Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 471-2 me . . . celsa de rupe . . . / praecipitem mittunt; [Virg. Georg, iii. 273] 598 [Matt. 7: 25] 599 Ven. Fort. i. 20. 7 viridantibus arvis 601 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 785 laetantibus indidit 602 Ps. 83:



Thus he spread the light and teaching o f eternal salvation through many places, nations, and peoples. By his efforts the South Saxons came to believe in Christ and were suffused in the shining light o f life. N ot only did that bishop by his holy teaching save those people from the hideous death o f the soul, but he preserved them too from doom on this earth. A t that time, for three years without respite, neither dew nor rain watered the parched fields and the earth wasted in dryness beneath the flaming stars, denying food to man and beast alike. Mass suicides followed the famine, many people raced headlong from the high cliffs, while others cast themselves beneath the swirling waves, to deliver themselves from long torment by a swift death. The very day on which that people, imbued with holy teaching, received the waters o f baptism, a breeze settled with a calm shower on the earth, the fields grew green, and beauty returned to the land: the plains and the mountains were arrayed in a flowering mantle. T o the farmers’ delight the harvest was fruitful, in flesh and at heart, all men rejoiced in the living G od, even as David has sung in times past, yearning more firmly at heart for eternal gifts, since they had taken earth’s bounty from Him before. Driven by compulsion, he hastened to Rom e, but first he was carried by the winds to the Frisian coast, 3 cor meum et caro mea exultaverunt in Deum vivum 603 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1912 ut cecinit dudum; id. Ænigm. praef. 34 cecinit quod carmine David 582 Ale. lxxxix. 19. 3 ; Walthar. 1384 588 c f vv. 565, 860; Ale. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxx. 2 continuis . . . septenis . . . annis 607 cf. V. 1466 588. continuis: the required sense is not one o f proximity but o f duration. In Alcuin’s poetry this is expressed by continuus, o f which the reading o f T and R is a facile corruption. Cf. the passages cited in app. iii ad loc. 598. The subject is aura. Pluvia serena is an ablative o f accompaniment; the expression is taken from HE iv. 13. 599. terris: poetic plural, parallel to telluribus; cf. w . 13, 1594. 606. hic/hinc: for the conjecture cf. w . 38, 958: Hinc compulsus (‘driven from here’ ) — a further stage in Wilfrid’s travels.



atque ibi m ox populi convertit milia Christo plurima perpetuae demonstrans dona salutis. Et quocumque pedem movit, pia semina sevit, pectora perfundens arentia rore superno, inclyta caelesti complevit et horrea fructu, et celebri fama lato laudatur in orbe. [704] Dum pius illud iter gestit complere sacerdos, ecce repente fuit morbo perculsus acerbo, perque dies multos valido crescente dolore venit ad extremum confecto corpore finem. Bis binosque dies sensu sine corporis omni exanimis iacuit pene et spiraminis exsors, voce carens, membrisque stupens, in pectore tantum frigida vix tenui duxit suspiria flatu. Discipuli socii stabant hinc inde gementes lugentesque sui funus lacrimabile patris. Ecce die quinta subito pater ipse resedit atque levans oculos socios conspexit et infit: ‘Quid iuvat atroci tantum indulgere dolori? Cui vult, omnipotens poterit mitescere iudex, extremamque novum vitam convertere in ortum. Namque suum clemens legatum misit ab astris, qui steterat niveo nimium praeclarus amictu et mihi flammigero praedixit talia vultu: “ Me pius altithronus Michaelem misit O lym po dicere, quod morbo nunc confortaberis isto pro meritis sanctae matris precibusque Mariae, quae gemitus, lacrimas, sociorum et vota tuorum auribus e solio caelesti audivit apertis deposcens tibimet vitam simul atque salutem.







613 lato T R : laeto Proben 619 exsors T: exors R 622 socii T r: socios R 623 lugentesque T : lugentes R 628 extremamque R Gale: extra namque T 629 clemens R Ruinart: demens T

613 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 800 crebro mundus rumore celebrat 615 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 235 perculsus . . . pavore; ibid. 575 m orbo . . . acerbo 620 Aldh. Ænigm. xxxi. 3 voce carens 621 Paul. Nol. xv. 273 tenui cernit . . . suspiria flatu 626 Virg. Aen. ii. 776 quid tantum insano iuvat indulgere dolori? 629 Arat, de Act. Apostol. i. 234 misit ab astris 630 Sedul. Carm. pasch, v. 328 niveo praeclarus amictu 632 Aldh. Carm. eccl. ii. 17 cum pater altithronus Gabrihel misisset ab astris; [id. de Virg. metr. 1695]



there soon to make thousands o f converts to Christ, revealing to them the manifold gifts of eternal salvation. And wherever he set foot, he sowed seeds of piety, watering their parched hearts with dew from Heaven, filling their noble granaries with food from on high, and his fame was celebrated throughout the wide world. While that devout bishop was longing to reach his journey’s end, an acute illness suddenly struck him, and for many days the pain grew stronger, until his weakened body reached the limit o f its endurance. For four days he lay insensible, half-dead and almost devoid o f breath, mute, his limbs benumbed, heaving only chill sighs and feeble gasps. A bout him stood his pupils and comrades, groaning and lamenting the tearful death o f their father. Then, on the fifth day, he suddenly sat up, raised his eyes, and, gazing at his companions, said: ‘What point is there in giving way to such wild grief? The omnipotent judge can take pity upon whom He chooses and can transform death into rebirth. Mercifully He sent His messenger from the stars who stood before me, resplendent in snow-white garb, with fiery countenance, and made this prophecy to me: “ G od enthroned on high sent me, Michael, from Heaven to say that you will be restored from this illness through the good offices and prayers of our holy mother Mary, who to your comrades’ groans, tears, and petitions has listened attentively from her heavenly throne, interceding for your life and salvation. 635 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 119 vota suorum auribus . . . nunc exaudit apertis

636 Bede de Die lud. 35

608 cf. V. 1038 611 cf. w . 87, 1463; Ale. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. i. 12-13 sitientia rura rigare . . . rore superno 613 Ale. xliii. 17; id. xlv. 73 615 c/. V. 927 616 = v. 886 618 c/. v. 1194 621 cf. v. 1159; Theodulf xvii. 29-30 . . . suspiria pectus anhela, / et tenui sonitu vox geme­ bunda sonat 637 Ale. lxxv. 3. 1 pacis simul atque salutis; Walthar. 955

629 ff. Cf. the vision related at w . 1607 ff.



Esto tamen quarto veniente paratus in anno; ipse ego tunc iterum veniam te visere, nam tu tempore tranquillo patriae morieris in oris.” ’ Angelicos sequitur monitus mox vita salusque, nec non expletos post quatuor exitus annos praesulis egregii praedicto est fine secutus. Sic et in ecclesia, quam Petri erexit honore, [709] Hripensi est positus, felix in pace sepultus. HEiv. 27(25) Vir quoque temporibus sanctus fulgebat in illis, angelicam Cuthberctus agens in corpore vitam, qui fuit a puero signis insignis apertis: moribus et meritis statim succrevit honestis, atque manens monachus primaevo tempore clarus doctor apostolicus fuit hinc et presbyter almus, et loca fructiferis implens inculta virectis fontibus aeternis sitientia prata rigabat; divina et cunctos firmans virtute sequaces dogmatis aetherei radios spargebat ubique discutiens tenebras errorum luce serena. HE iv. 28(26) Est locus oceano dictus cognomine Fame, insula fontis inops et frugis et arboris expers. Hanc petit intrepidus Christi bellator opimus contemplativos cupiens et carpere flores; ipse Deo soli solus servire sategit, ne mundanus honor mentem mutaret alacrem. Hic heremita sacer non parvo tempore vixit;






638 veniente Froben : venienti T R paratus Gale: partus T R 639 ve­ niam te R Gale : veni ante T 640 oris T r : annis R 641 monitus R Gale: monitis T 645 Hripensi T : Hypensi R 647 Cuthberctus R: Cuthbertus T 652 implens R: replens T 654 firmans R: for­ mans T 640 Ven. Fort. vi. 8. 5 patris . . . ab oris 647 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 28 Cuthbertus agens per sidera vitam 656 Aldh. Carm. eccL iii. 66 luce serena; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 22 discutit errorum vera iam luce tenebras 657 Virg. Aen. iii. 163 Est locus, Hesperiam Grai cognomine dicunt 657-9 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 390 Farne petit 658 ibid. 406 fontis inops; Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 150 insula frugis inops 660-1 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 944-5 contemplativos carpens . . . maniplos / dum solus soli Christo famularier optat 638 cf. w . 729, 1583 641 c f v. 688 647 cf. v. 1392 648 cf. w . 765, 1090 653 cf. v. 1089; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. i. 12 sitientia rura rigare 654 ibid. i. 14 auxiliisque Dei famulum firmavit honestis 659 ff. ibid, xxxiv. 40 ff 660 cf. v. 1094; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxxiv.



None the less be prepared four years from now: I shall come to visit you again, for you will die in peace on the shores o f your native land.” ’ Life and health soon followed the angel’s prophecy, and, after four years had run their course, that excellent bishop died, as had been predicted. He was buried in the church that he had built in honour of St. Peter at Ripon, and was laid to rest in happiness and peace. Another holy man was a shining light at that time: Cuthbert, who led the life of an angel while still on this earth. From boyhood he was set apart by manifest signs: his virtue increased, his character became ever nobler. He was from the beginning an outstanding monk, then became a teacher o f the Gospel and a holy priest, filling the wastelands with flowering greenness, watering the dry meadows with eternal fountains and strengthening all his followers in virtue; he spread everywhere the rays o f heavenly teaching, dispelling the shades o f error with serene light. There is a place in the ocean called Fame, an island with little water, barren o f crops and trees. Fearlessly, Christ’s excellent champion sought out this place, and wishing to gather the flowers o f contemplation, he strove to serve the one true G od in isolation that worldly honour might not sway his intent mind. There, for a long time, he lived in sanctity as a hermit. 43 aetherios possit decerpere flores; id. lxxxviii. 10. 14 644 -5 . Wilfrid is named in the metrical Calendar o f York (w . 22-3). Recent summaries o f his life and work by Farmer, Dictionary, pp. 402-3, and id., Saint Wilfrid at Hexham , ed. D. P. Kirby (Newcastle upon Tyne (1974) pp. 35-59). If Wilfrid campaigned for Y ork’s metropolitan status (M. Gibbs, Speculum 48 (1973), pp. 213-46), it is surprising that his efforts are never mentioned by Y ork ’s principal apologist in this poem. 646 ff. The place o f St. Cuthbert (c.634-87) in Alcuin’s work is discussed on pp. lii-liii. The saint’s links with York were close. According to the (later) Historia de Sancto Cuthberto 9 at his consecration at York in 645, Cuthbert was granted by king Ecgfrith ‘all the land that lies from the wall o f St Peter’s church to the great west gate, and from the wall o f St Peter’s church to the city wall towards the south’ (Harrison, Y. Arch . Jnl. 40 (19 59 -6 2), pp. 234, 241). His name is recorded at V. 15 o f the metrical Calendar o f York. Notice in Farmer, Dictionary, pp. 94-6. 650. manens: ‘being* (~ the non-existent present participle o f esse). 651. apostolicus: on the application o f this term to bishops see Blaise, Vocabulaire latin, p. 520.




saepius angelicis felix affatibus usus toxica mortiferi vincebat tela draconis. Attamen abstractus multis rogitantibus inde tandem consensit secretam linquere sedem, pontificisque gradum, populis et rege coactus, quandoque suscepit cunctis orantibus illum; nobiliter binis digne quem rexit in annis, plurima conquirens animarum lucra Tonanti, et bene commissum sibimet servavit ovile, ne lupus insidians Christi deroderet agnos. Sed mox mundani culmen vitavit honoris ipse petens iterum soliti secreta cubilis atque ibi praesentis spectaverat ultima vitae; iv. 29(27) quaeque Dei famuli sacrata est insula morte. [687] N am locus ille nitet signis hucusque coruscis, ex quo pontificis linquens ergastula carnis spiritus alta petens scandit super astra polorum. Nec non et claris fiunt miracula rebus facta loco, Sacrum pausat quo corpus humatum, cuius tota fuit caelestibus inclyta signis usque diem mortis primaevo tempore vita. Omnia quae dudum praeclarus Beda sacerdos prosaico primum scripsit sermone magister et post heroico cecinit miracula versu:






669 orantibus T : hortantibus R 670 digne quem T : quem digne R 677 quaeque T R: sicque Munari 682 loco R Ruinart: locum T sacrum R Ruinart: sacro T 684 primaevo tempore T R: primaevo a tempore Winterbottom 686 prosaico T R: prosaice edd.

664 Arat, de A c t Apostol. i. 52 angelicis . . . affatibis usa 672 Sedul. Carm. pasch. i. 82-3 servat . . . / pastor ovile ;Syll. Epig. Cantab. 28. 7-8 commis­ sumque . . . servasti / . . . gregem 672-3 Bede Ep. ad Egbert xiv te . . . deprecor . . . ut commissum tibi gregem sedulus ab irruentium luporum improbi­ tate tuearis 673 SylL Epig. Cantab. 3.8 ne lupus insidians vastet ovile dei; [Virg. Georg. iii. 537;Joh . 10: 12] 678 Bede Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 381 nitens per signa coruscus 679 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1403 linquens ergastula 680 Virg. A en. v. 508 682 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iv. 5. 17 pausat in . . . corpore 684 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 729 primaevo a flore

671 c/. v. 852; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. 672-3 Alc. ix. 229-30 ut pius egregium conservet pastor ovile, / ne . . . rapidis capiat hoc lupus insidiis 665 Alc. cxiv. 2. 7 tela draconis

metr. xii. 2 plurima. . . animarum luc'a tonanti



Often communicating with angels, he succeeded in thwarting the poisoned weapons o f the deadly serpent. A t many people’s request he was induced to return and eventually agreed to leave his retreat; at the urging o f the people and the king he eventually assumed the office o f bishop, as everyone begged him to do, discharging it nobly for two years, winning great riches in souls for G od, he guarded well the fold committed to his care, stopping the prowling w olf from devouring the lambs o f Christ. Soon he escaped from this high worldly honour in search o f the privacy of his former cell, and there ended his life on this earth. That island is hallowed by the death of G o d ’s servant, for, to this day, it has been resplendent with brilliant miracles, since the time when, escaping the confines o f the flesh, the bishop’s spirit mounted up beyond the stars in Heaven. Miracles and wondrous deeds are performed in the spot where his holy body was buried and now rests. Cuthbert’s entire life, from the day o f his birth to the hour o f his death, was marked out by signs from Heaven. Bede, that famous priest and teacher, wrote all about these miracles, first in prose and then in hexameter verse: 673 cf. V. 1472; Ale. Ep. 130 (p. 193, 24-5) ne . . . lupus insidians aliquos ex grege Christi devorare valeat 674 cf. w . 1406, 1484 676 c f w . 874, 1290 679 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxviii. 3 linquens ergastula camis 680 cf. v. 1648 682 cf. v. 1161 684 c/. v. 1021; Ale. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xviii. 14 usque diem mortis 685-7 Ale. ix. 175-6 Dum prius heroicis praeclarus Beda magister / versibus explicuit inclita gesta patris 679. On the metaphor see Blaise, Vocabulaire latin, p. 540. 685-7. Alcuin confuses the order o f composition o f the two parts o f Bede’s work. Bede wrote first the metrical then the prose Vita. In the preface to his metrical Life Bede says ‘spero me in alio opere nonnulla ex his, quae praeter­ miseram, memoriae redditurum* (Jaager, p. 57) and in the epistle to Eadfrith, prefatory to the prose Life, he writes: ‘vitam . . . , quam vobis prosa editam dedi . . . heroicis dudum versibus edidi. . . . In cuius operis praefatione promisi me alias de vita et miraculis eius latius esse scripturum. Quam videlicet promissionem in praesenti opusculo . . . adimplere satago’ (Colgrave, p. 146). This error does not prove in itself that Alcuin’s exemplar o f Bede lacked the prefaces to the Lives of St. Cuthbert. 687. heroico . . . versu = ‘hexameters’. Cf. HE v. 24 ‘vitam . . . Cudbercti, et prius heroico metro et postmodum plano sermone descripsi.’



Vit S. Cuthb. rubr. pr. ii: m. ü

q u a l i t e r a n g e l i c o s m o n i t u s m e d i c in a s e c u t a e s t , d u m t u m o r in t e n e r o s u c c r e v i t c o r p o r e f e r v e n s ;

pr. iii: m. iii

a u t q u o m o d o i p s e p u e r v e n t i s p e r c a e r u la p u p p e s


ia c ta ta s p r e c i b u s r e v o c a b a t a b a e q u o r e q u in a s ; pr. iv: m. iv

q u a l i t e r a u t a n im a m f e r r i s u p e r a stra v i d e b a t p r a e s u lis A e d a n i , t e n e r o s d u m p a s c e r e t a g n o s ;

pr. vii: m. vii

c a e lic o la m q u o m o d o te r r e n o p a n e f o v e r e d u m c u p e r e t, m e r u it c a e le s te s s u m e r e ab illo ;

pr. x: m. viii


u t b e l u a e g e l id u m v illo f l a t u q u e f o v e b a n t , c e r n e n te m fr a tr e m m o r b o c u lp a q u e r e la x a t;

pr. xi: m. ix

u t q u e p r e c a n d o f a m e m p r o i e c t u s a b a e q u o r e n a u tis e x p u lit e t ce r tu m p r a e d ix it a d esse s e r e n u m ;

pr. xii: m. x

a u t q u o m o d o e x a q u ila d e l a t o p i s c e c ib a n d u m


s e s o c i u m q u e s u u m p r a e d i x i t , e t e s t ita f a c t u m ; pr. xiv: m. xii a u t q u o m o d o a r d e n t e s a v e r t i t a b a e d ib u s ig n e s

i n c u m b e n s p r e c i b u s , iu v e n u m q u o s d e x t r a n e q u i b a t ; pr. xv: m. xiii d a e m o n i a c a q u i d e m v e l q u a l i t e r u x o r a b illo

s i t sa n a ta , p r i u s q u a m t e c t a r o g a n tis i n i s s e t ;


pr. xvii: m. xv d a e m o n e s a u t q u o m o d o s a n c t u s d e F a r n e m a lig n o s

e x p u le r it, iu x ta fa c ie n s s ib i te c ta m a n e n d i; 690-1 puppes . . . quinas T : quinas . . . puppes R 695 caelestes Ruinart: caelestis T R: caelestem Godman 696 ut beluae R Gale: urbe lue T 698 proiectus T : praeiectus R : praeclusus Hargrove nautis Ruinart: nauta T R 699 expulit R: extulit T: abstulit Ruinart praedixit R Ruinart : perdix T 703 quos Froben : quas T R 707 expulerit R Ruinart: expuleret T iuxta Ruinart: iussu T R sibi Ruinart: ibi R: ubi T manendi T R: manenti Munari 688 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 91 monitus medicina secuta est 688-9 [see commentary] quom odo genu dolente claudus effectus sit et angelo medicante sanatus 690 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 104 per caerula puppis

690-1 quom odo ventis oratione mutatis rates oceano delapsas revocaverit ad litus 691 Virg. A en i. 29 iactato aequore 692-3 quom odo cum pastoribus positus animam sancti Aidani episcopi ad coelum ab angelis ferri aspexerit 693 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 120f teneros . . . dum . . . agnos pasceret 694-5 quo­ m odo angelum hospitio suscipiens dum panem querit ministrare terrenum, coelesti ab eodem remunerari meruerit 696 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 229 gelidas villo flatuque foventia plantas 696-7 quom odo animalia maris, in quo per­ nox oraverat, illi egresso praebuerint obsequium, et frater qui haec videbat prae timore languescens eius sit oratione recreatus 697 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 247 culpamque relaxat 698-9 Quom odo nautis tempestate praeclusis sere­ num mare ad certum diem praedixerit et orando cibos impetraverit 700-1 quo­ m odo iter faciens aquila ministra viaticum et percepturum se esse praedixerit et perceperit 702-3 quom odo flammas domus cuiusdam [pr. vero igne] ardentis orando restrinxerit 703 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 336 iuvenum quae dextra



how he was cured by following an angel’s command when a swelling turned to fever in his weakened body; how, when a boy, by his prayers he called back from the sea five rafts tossed by wind on the ocean waves; or how he saw bishop Aidan’s soul borne above the stars as he tended young lambs which were grazing; how, by being willing to feed an angel with earthly bread, he rightly gained heavenly manna from him; how with their fur and breath the wild beasts warmed him, or how he saved from illness and sin a monk who watched this ; how, thrown up by the sea, he averted the sailors’ hunger by his prayers, and certainly foretold calm weather; or how Cuthbert prophesied that he and a companion would eat a fish brought by an eagle, and so it was done; or how, by the ardour o f his prayers, he turned a raging fire from some houses, which strong young men could not do; or how a married woman possessed by a demon was cured by him before he entered her house, as invited by her husband; how that saint drove evil demons away from Fame, making a place nearby to live in himself; nequibat 704-5 qualiter daemonium ab uxore [pr. praefecti, m. cuiusdam] necdum adveniens eiecerit 706-7 [pr. ] qualiter sibi in insula Farne pulsis daemonibus habitationem fecerit 688 cf ; V. 1147 699 Paul. Diae, xxxiii. 18

690 cf. v. 1322

692 c f v. 725

688-740. These lines are based on the rubrics to Bede’s prose and metrical

Vitae S. Cuthbertiy supplemented by a number o f other quotations, chiefly from the metrical Life. The entries in the margin o f the text indicate the chapters of the prose and verse accounts which Alcuin summarizes. App. ii records the rubrics to these chapters (without repeating the references). When the rubrics to both versions are (near-)identical a single entry is given. When they differ substantially variants are recorded within square brackets. Alcuin’s source for vv. 735-6 and 739-40 is the metrical Life o f St Cuthbert alone. At w . 702-3, 708-9, 719-22, 731-2 his summary is nearest to Bede’s verse, while at w . 706-7, 733-4, 737-8 it follows the prose. See further Introduction, pp. lii-liii, lxxxviii. 695. caelestes/caelestem: acc. sing, with panem understood from v. 694. But cf. Bede, Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 202: ‘Tres inibi e nitido fulgentes polline panes.* 707. iuxta: cf. w . 315, 1161. sibi: this reading is supported by the rubric to the prose Life. tecta manendi: genitive o f the gerund with a concrete noun, a usage generally avoided in CL. The sense is final-causal. See Löfstedt, Syntactica, i2, pp. 169 ff. Cf. HE v. 2 manendi locum and see further Druhan, Syntax, p. 131.



Vit S. Cuthb. rubr. pr. xviii:

e x s i c c o u t liq u id a m p r o d u x i t c a e s p i t e l y m p h a m ,


q u a e a d v o t u m p a tr is p r a e s t a b a t in o r e s a p o r e m ;

pr. Xix:

q u a l i t e r i p s e s i b i m e s s e m s e v i s s e t in a g r o

m. xvii

e f v o l u c r e s v e r b o ta n tu m p e p u l i s s e t a b illa ;


pr. xxi: m . xix u t m a r e c u m b e lu is s a n c t o s e r v i r e s o l e b a t ; pr. xxiv:

p lu r im a v e r i d i c o p r a e d i x i t e t o r e f u t u r a

m. xxi

d e s e d e q u e aliis, q u a e p r a e s c i u s a n t e v i d e b a t ;

pr. xxix:

q u a l i t e r u x o r i c o m i t i s , c u i m is e r a t u n d a m

m. xxin

s a c r a m , r e s t i t u i t d e p u ls a p e s t e s a l u t e m ;

pr. XXX:

c h r i s m a t e s ic q u a n d a m s a n a v e r a t ip s e p e r u n c t a m


a m o r b o la te r is c a p i t i s q u e d o l o r e p u e l l a m ;

pr. xxxi:

u t b e n e d i c t u s i t e m d e la t u s p a n is a b illo

m. XXV

im m is s is l y m p h i s q u e n d a m s a n a v e r a t a e g r u m ;

pr. xxxii: m. xxvi

a u t q u o m o d o iu v e n e m m o r itu r u m f o r t e v ia to r r e p p e r it, o ra n d o c u i r e d d id it ip s e s a lu t e m ;

pr. xxxiii:

u t p i u s a t q u e p a t e r , m o r b o v a s ta n t e B r it a n n o s ,

m. xxvii

p r a e d ix it m a tri g n a ti d o m u s q u e s a lu te m ;

pr. xxxiv:

q u a lit e r a u t a n im a m p a s t o r i s a b a r b o r e la p s i

m. xxxi

a n g e lic o s c a e lo c o e t u s in fe r r e v id e r e t;

pr. xxxviii:

a t q u e s u u m a e g r o t a n s c u r a v e r a t i p s e m in is tr u m ,


p r o f l u v i i v e n t r is f u e r a t q u i t a b e g r a v a tu s ;



pr. xlii:

q u a l i t e r u n d e c i m o p o s t m o r t e m c o r p u s in a n n o

m. xxxvin

in te g r u m f u e r a t t o t a c u m v e s t e r e p e r t u m ;




pr. xli: m. xl d a e m o n i a c u s h u m o , s u p r a q u a m f u n d i t u r u n d a , 715 uxori Ruinart: uxorem T R 721 aut quom odo i?: qualiter aut T 731 humo T R: hom o Froben quam T R: quem Gale 708-9 [ra. ] qualiter precibus aquam de arida produxerit, qui etiam bibendo quondam aquas in vinum convertit 709 Virg. Georg, iv. 277 710-11 quali­ ter a messe, quam sua manu seruerat, verbo volucres abegerit 712 qualiter [pr. eius necessitatibus etiam, m. eidem] mare servierit 713 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 491 praedixerat ore futurum 713-14 [ra. prophetia eiusdem, pr: quod sciscitanti eidem Elfedge] de vita Ecgfridi regis et episcopatu suo [pr. praedixerat] 715-16 [pr. quom odo] uxorem comitis per presbyterum suum aqua benedicta sanavit 717-18 [pr. quom odo] puellam erismate perunctam a dolore capitis laterisque curavit 718 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 571-2 laterali tacta dolore / virgo premebatur capitisque gravedine 719-20 [m.] pane a viro dei benedicto sanatur infirmus 721-2 [m.] oblatum in itinere iuvenem moriturum oratione revocarit ad vitam 723 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 589 pestis vastabat dira Britannos 723-4 [pr. quo­ m odo] tempore mortalitatis morientem puerum matri sanum restituerit 724 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 596 cuius dicta salus puerique domusque secuta est



how he brought flowing water from the arid turf, which, in answer to his prayer, provided that father with drink; how he sowed for himself a crop in a field, and by only a word kept the birds from it; how the sea as well as wild beasts used to obey the saint; how in words o f truth he prophesied many future events which he had foreseen, concerning himself and others; how the wife o f a gesith on whom he sprinkled holy water was restored to health and the plague driven from her; how, by anointing a girl with holy oil, he cured her from a pain in the side and an aching in the head; how, likewise, bread that had been blessed and offered up by him cured a sick man when it was mixed with water; or how on a journey he happened to find a young man on the point o f death and restored him to health by praying; how, when Britain was swept by an epidemic, that father prophesied to a mother safety for her son and household or how he saw a company of angels bearing up to heaven the soul o f a shepherd who had fallen from a tree; and how, although sick himself, Cuthbert cured one o f his attendants who was gravely ill with diarrhoea; or how, ten years after his death, his body was found intact with all its robes; how a boy vexed by evil spirits was cured by the earth 725-6 [pr. ] [quom odo] animam cuiusdam, qui de arbore cadendo mortuus est, ad coelum ferri conspexerit 727-8 [pr, quom odo] ministrum suum a profluvio ventris [pr, ipse aegrotus] sanaverit [m. aegrotus] 728 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 764 729-30 quom odo corpus ipsius post undecim [m. sit] annos sine corruptione [pr. sit] repertum 731-2 [pr. ] quom odo puer daemoniacus sit humo cui lavacrum corporis infusum est in aquam missa sanatur 713 cf. V. 1393

715 c/. v. 1144

728 c/. v. 1578

730 cf. v. 767

715. comitis: gesith. On this term and the words for thegn see H. Loyn, ‘Gesiths and Thegns in Anglo-Saxon England from the Seventh to the Tenth Century’, EHR 70 (1955), pp. 529-49. 731. humo . . . quam: cf. Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. pr. xli: ‘venit clanculo ad locum ubi noverat effusam fuisse aquam, qua corpus eius defunctum fuerat lotum, tollensque inde modicam humi particulam, immisit in aquam. Quam deferens ad patientem infudit in ore eius. . . . Q u i. . . mane de somno simul et vesania consur­ gens, liberatum se a demonio quo premebatur beati Cuthberti meritis et inter­ cessione cognovit.’ The true reading had already been recognized by Jaager, in his note on the rubric to Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. xl (ed. cit., pp. 123-4).



Vit. S. Cuthb. mbr■ pr. xliv:

s a n a tu r , s a c r o s p a tr is q u a e la v e r a t a r t u s ; a e g r a tr a h e n s q u id a m s u s p ir ia q u a l i t e r o r a n s


illiu s a d t u m u l u m m o r b o e s t s a n a tu s a b i l l o ;

m. xlii

la n g u id u s u t q u e o c u l i s ta n g e n s o ra ria v a tis,


illiu s e x visu d o l o r e t c a lig o r e c e s s i t , pr. xiv:

C a lc ia m e n t a p a tr is r e s o l u t o c o r p o r e q u id a m

m. xim

in d u it e t sa n is p e r r e x i t g r e s s i b u s in d e ,

m. xliv

Q u a liter in fir m i c u r e n tu r te g m in e , s u b q u o s p ir itu s a stra p e t i t s a n c t i t e r r e n a r e l i n q u e n s :


h a e c b r e v i t e r te t ig i, ne tota tacere viderer

HE iv. 19(17)

inclyta rurali perstringens carmine gesta, haec quoniam cecinit plenis cum versibus olim praeclarus nitido Beda sermone magister. Ni praevenisset nostras pius ille camoenas, inciperem lyricas omnes extendere fibras, non Pana rogitans Phoebi nec numen inane, sed tua cum toto suffragia corde precarer, ut mihi rorifluam donares, Christe, loquelam ad narranda pii digne praeconia patris. Belliger Ecgfridus postquam hinc inde triumphos gesserat et gentes domuit sub marte feroces,



734 morbo est sanatus . . . R: morbo sanatus e s t . . . T: m orbo sanatus ab illo est Gale 735 utque T R: ut quae Gale tangens R Gale: frangens T vatis T R: vasis edd. 745 ille T R: ipse Froben 747 Pana T R: Panem J. Huemer (Diimmler, Add.) 751 Egfridus T R

732 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 187 artus abluitur sacros [ibid. 855] 733 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 585 aegre suspiria saeva trahentis 733-4 [pr. ] qualiter aegrotus ad tumbam eius orando sit curatus 735 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 873 oraria vatis 736 ibid. 872 dolor et caligo 735-6 [m.] oculos quidam languentes orario illius adtactos sanavit 737-8 [pr. quom odo] paraliticus sit per eius calciamenta sanatus 739-40 Quod tegmine parietis eius infirmi curentur 740 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 8 9 2 ;SylL Epig. Cantab. 32. 3 spiritus astra petit 742 Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 96 perstringere pauca relatu 746 Paul. Nol. xxvii. 100 lyricas . . . chordas; id. xv. 26 totis inten­ dere fibris 747-50 cf. id. xv. 30 ff. ; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 23 ff.; Bede HE iv. 20(18). 2-8

732 cf. V. 775 734 cf. v. 1318 737 Milo de Sobr. i. 532 740 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxviii. 4 spiritus astra petit 742 cf. v. 1655; Alc. vii. 2 rurali carmine laudes; id. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. praef. 4 percurrens titulis in­ clyta gesta citis 744 cf. w . 1207, 1547 747 Ermold. In hon. HlucL



on which had been poured the water that had washed Cuthbert’s holy limbs; how a man sighing in illness was cured by prayers at Cuthbert’s tom b; how a man with an eye complaint touched the prophet’s robe, and the darkness and pain in his sight were relieved. A man stricken with paralysis put on that priest’s sandals and walked away, his body healed and his step firm. The sick are cured by the covering beneath which that holy m an’s spirit left this earth and set forth for the heavens. N ot to seem wholly silent I have touched briefly on these things, passing swiftly over his wondrous deeds in m y rude verse; for Bede, the peerless master, once wrote a full-scale poem on this subject in splendid style. Had not pious Bede written his poem before mine, I should expand on this theme in lyric strain, not invoking Pan nor A pollo, that hollow deity, but praying with all my heart to Christ for aid to grant me power of expression flowing like dew to proclaim as I should the praises o f that devout father. After Ecgfrith had won victories on all sides, and subdued fierce peoples in battle, praef, 13 ff. nec rogo Pierides, nec Phoebi tramite limen . . . ; Walahfr. Vit, Mamm. praef. 6-7 750 Heiric Vit S, German. i. 197 nostri . . . praeconia . . . patris

741-6. Cf. w . 685 ff., 781-5, 1207-9, where Alcuin defers to Bede. For parallel passages stressing the brevity o f this account, see comm, to w . 18, 289-90. 7 47-50. A topos of rejection o f the pagan deities o f profane verse (see Curtius, pp. 234 ff.; Klopsch, Einführung, pp. 26 ff.). Curtius, p. 237 and Z. /. r, Ph. 59 (1939) pp. 147-8, uses this passage to illustrate his contention that Alcuin distinguished between secular poetry, in which the Muses were allowed a role, and spiritual verse, from which they were banned. In the sacred sphere, according to Curtius, Alcuin decreed that the Muses could have no place. That is true o f w . 747 ff. The Muses have no place in this context. They are not even mentioned. For Alcuin, as for Aldhelm (cf. app. ii ad loc.), Pan and A pollo were symbolic o f a style which he attacked; the Muses, on the other hand, were innocuous. In this text alone there are seven allusions to the Muses: w . 1077-8 and 1393-5 refer to its personified subject; w . 431, 745, 882, 1091 describe its verse by metonym y; and at w . 1597-8 Thalia is invoked as the presiding spirit o f the poem. Curtius’s distinction between secular and spiritual poetry cannot be upheld. Naturally assimilated into Alcuin’s style, the Muses did not need to be banned. 751 ff. The chronology o f Ecgfrith’s reign (670-85) is analysed by K. Harrison, Y, Arch, Jnl 43 (1971), pp. 79-84.



accepit sponsam Aedilthrydam nomine dictam, nobilium genitam regali stirpe parentum, nobilior longe casta quae mente manebat. Nam licet illa foret thalamo coniuncta superbo, regia bis senos pariter iam sponsa per annos, intemerata tamen permansit virgo per aevum, inter iura thori vincens incendia camis.


HE V. 7 V irgin is a lm a f i d e s , r e g is p a t i e n t i a m ir a !


[Epitaph. Vincitur hic precibus, sed amore Tonantis et illa;

ambo sacris Fidei ferventes ignibus intus, permansere simul coniunx cum coniuge casti. Quamque integra foret vivens in corpore virgo, post mortem Dominus signis patefecit apertis: nam caro sex denos etiam tumulata per annos incorrupta quidem tota cum veste reperta est. Corpus erat vegetum nervis et flexile totum et facies rutilo fulgebat sancta decore; et quod iure magis multum mirabile dictu est: ante dies mortis binos in corpore vulnus, quod medicus fecit, nimio cogente timore, apparet sanum, tenuissima visa cicatrix ulceris obtendens veteris vestigia tantum. Vestis item, sacros quae texit virginis artus, expulit atrocem de obsessis saepe chelydrum. Nec non tumba prior, tenuit quae virginis almae sacrosancta sinu sub terris membra receptans, 753 Adiltruda T R 768 flexile R Ruinart: flexibile T tans R: receptas T : recepta edd.




778 recep­

754 Ven. Fort. viii. 5. 1 regali de stirpe 757 Juvene. Evang. i. 281 bissenos . . . annos 758 Virg. A en. xi. 583-4 virginitatis amorem / intemerata colit; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 707 permansit virgo perennis 759 ibid. 804 763 Ven. Fort. iv. 26. 69 765 Bede Vit. S. Cuthh. metr. 711 certis . . . patescere signis 768 ibid. 830 flexile iam tota corpus conpage videtur 774 Virg. Aen. iv. 23 veteris vestigia 775 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2327 artus virgineos; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 832 sanctos quae texerat artus 111 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1789-90 tumbam, qua clausum virginis almae / . . . corpus 753 760 cf. 764 cf. 773 cf.

cf. V. 1397 V. 997 V. 1346 V. 978

754-5 cf. w . 1252-3 757 cf. w . 766, 763 Theodulf xliii. 27 coniunx . . . cum coniuge 769 cf. v. 1223 772 cf. v. 775 Flor. Lugd. xix. 13 sacrati corporis

1135 casto 1338 artus



he took a wife called Æthelthryth o f royal descent and noble parentage, who became far nobler by remaining chaste of spirit. Although in marriage she made a proud alliance, although wedded to the king for twelve years, she remained an immaculate virgin throughout her life, vanquishing the fires o f the flesh in the sacrament of marriage. How pure was her faith, how wondrous his patience! He was won over by her prayers, and she by love of God! Afire, both o f them, with inward flames o f the holy Faith, in chastity they remained together as husband and wife. The truth o f Æ thelthryth’s purity during her life on earth the Lord revealed after her death by undeniable signs. Sixty years after her burial her flesh was found uncorrupted, with all her clothes undecayed. The sinews in her body had life, nor was her corpse stiff; her holy countenance was aglow with high colour and grace, and— what is indeed far more wondrous to tell— an incision which a doctor had made with great concern two days before her death was seen to be healed, leaving only a very fine scar just covering the traces o f the tumour which she had suffered. Similarly, the clothes covering that maiden’s hallowed limbs would often drive the hideous demon from those possessed. Just so, the original tom b, which had held in its underground embrace the sacrosanct limbs o f that sweet virgin, 778 *Karo lus Magnus* 116 (receptans)

753 ff. St. Æthelthryth, daughter o f Anna, king o f East Anglia and founder o f the double monastery at Ely, married Ecgfrith in 660. Recent notices in Farmer, Dictionary, pp. 138-9, and J. Nicholson, Medieval Women, SCH SubsicL i, ed. D. Baker (O xford, 1978), p. 21. 754-5. nobilium . . . stirpe parentum / nobilior . . . mente: on this hagiographical topos , com m on in Bede, see Plummer ii, pp. 90-1. Its occurrence in the Vita Alcuini ( ‘vir Domini Albinus nobili gentis Anglorum exortus prosapia, nobilior Christi Iesu regeneratus undis extitit vitalibus’ , Arndt i, p. 24 = Monu­ menta Alcuiniana, i, p. 6) has led m odem critics to doubt the literal truth of Alcuin’s noble descent. See D. A. Bullo ugh, Spoleto . . . Settimaney 20 (1971) pp. 580-1. 760-3. Alcuin omits Bede’s account o f Ecgfrith’s impatience at Æthelthryth’s refusal to consummate their marriage, together with Bede’s insistence that the royal saint’s virginity was not to be doubted (HE iv. 19).



exstiterat multis optatae causa salutis atque aegris oculis praestaverat ipsa medelam. HE iv. 20(18) Istius ergo sacrae praedictus Beda puellae in laudem fecit praeclaris versibus hym num ; quapropter tetigi parcis haec pauca libellis, utpote commemorans veteris proverbia dicti: ‘Tu ne forte feras in silvam ligna, viator.’ HE iv. 22(20) Tunc quoque forte fuit quiddam memorabile gestum, aestimo quod multis prodesse legentibus ista (si tamen haec quisquam reputabit digna legendo). [679]

Exstinctus regis frater fuit Æ lfuine bello, in quo miles item quidam prostratus in armis nobilis occubuit, crudeli strage peremptus, exanimisque diem duxit cum nocte sequenti. Qui tamen, exstinctos anima redeunte per artus, redditus est vitae, et sumpta virtute valescens atque ligans sibimet refluentia vulnera fesso coepit abire gradu, sed captus ab hostibus atque ad comitem quendam reflexo est calle reductus. Cui comes instituit de se narrare quis esset. Ille tamen metuit clara se stirpe fateri progenitum, dicens: 'Pauper sum et rusticus unus atque maritali vivebam iure ligatus. ’ Quem comes accipiens primo curare sategit; ne tamen aufugeret vinciri iussit. A t ille vinciri numquam potuit, nam cuncta resolvi vincula sponte sua mirando more solebant. Haec dum cernebant stupefactis mentibus hostes, 783 libellis T : labellis R T R: Aelfwine Gale festo edd.

785 tu ne R Gale: tunc T 792 sequenti T : sequente R







789 Aelfuine 795 fesso T R:

779 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2433 785 [Hor. Serm. i. 10. 34] 793 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1411 anima redeunte; Sedul. Carrn. pasch, iii. 293 virtus regressa per artus 796 Paul. Nol. xix. 549 gradu coepisset abire 797 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1074 reflexo tramite

785 Alc. Ep. 126 (p. 187, 18) Ego vero veteris immemor proverbii: ‘Non feres ligna in silvam’ ; [Ep. 28 (p. 70, 27; p. 71, 1)] 792 cf. v. 1113 797 cf. w . 1314, 1628



became well known to many as a source o f healing, and provided a cure for diseases o f the eye. Bede, o f whom I have spoken, wrote in splendid verse a hymn in honour o f that holy maid, and so I have only touched on this subject in sparing style, remembering the words o f the old proverb: ‘D on’t carry w ood into the forest.’ Another memorable event occurred, which I think will be o f value to many readers (should anyone think these lines worth reading). In the battle at which Æ lfw ine the king’s brother perished, a thegn was also laid low, slain in action amid that terrible massacre. For a day and the following night he lay lifeless. The soul however returned to his lifeless body and he was restored to life, regaining his vigour and strength, and, staunching his bleeding wounds, he set o ff with weary step, but was captured by the enemy and led back along a winding path to a gesith. The gesith instructed him to say who he was. Afraid to admit that he was o f distinguished birth, he said: T am a poor man, a peasant, and I lived within marriage’s bonds.’ The gesith took him in, ensured that he was cared for, and ordered him to be tied up to prevent him from fleeing. But the prisoner could never be shackled, for o f their own accord, wondrously, his chains would become unfastened. While the enemy gazed on this in utter amazement, 781-2. For Bede’s alphabetical and epanaleptic hymn on Æthelthryth see Plummer ii, p. 241. 783. libellis: on the poetic usage o f this term, see TLL vii. 2: 1269. ii, B 9 ff. 785. This quotation had long been proverbial (cf. A. Otto, Die Sprichwörter der Römer (repr. Hildesheim and N.Y., 1971) p. 323), and is used as such by Alcuin in the letter quoted in app. iii. It proves nothing about his direct know­ ledge o f Horace (cf. Schaller, Verfasserlexikon i, col. 246; P. v. Winterfeld, Rhein­ isches Museum , 60 (1905) pp. 31 ff.). 789. Æ lfwine died in 678 at the battle o f Trent (Stenton, p. 85). His body was carried to York (Eddius, Vita Wilfridi, xxiv (Colgrave, p. 50)). 790. Called Imma in Bede. His brother’s name was Tunna (v. 813). This inci­ dent is discussed by Wallace-Hadrill, Early Medieval History , pp. 84 ff. 798. instituit: used generally by Alcuin o f education (cf. vv. 1018, 1438), the verb is here employed in the sense o f ‘command’.



a r t ib u s e x m a g ic is s e u s c r i p t i s e s s e p u t a n t e s , s a e p iu s a d d e b a n t p r is c is n o v a v in c u la v in clis. H a e c c o m e s a m m ir a n s s e c r e t e c o n v o c a t illu m e t c u r n o n p o s s e t v in c ir i in q u i r i t a b illo ,


a n p r iu s a u t m a g ic a s d i d i c i s s e t f o r s i t a n a r te s . N o s s e n ih il s tu d iis s e e x ta lib u s ille f a t e t u r : ‘E s t m i h i s e d f r a t e r d e v o t i p e c t o r i s , ' i n q u it , ‘q u e m s c i o q u o d C h r is to p r o m e s o l e m n i a c a n t a t m is s a r u m , q u o n i a m m e m e p u t a t e s s e p e r e m p t u m .


E t s i f o r t e a n im a m n u n c a lte r a v ita t e n e r e t , illiu s illa p r e c e s p r o p t e r m is s a s q u e f r e q u e n t e s lib e r a , c r e d o , f o r e t p o e n a s q u e e v a d e r e t o m n e s . ’ T u n c c o g n o v i t e u m r e s p o n s i s ille r e c e p t i s d u x f o r e p r a e c la r a g e n i t u m d e s t i r p e p a r e n t u m ;


e t q u a m v is s i b i m e t visu s s i t iu r e n e c a n d u s e r i p i t h u n c m o r t i , c u id a m s e d v e n d id it illu m , q u i q u o q u e t e m p t a t e u m d u r is v in c ir e c a t e n is . N e c p o t u i t : q u o n ia m , p r a e d ic t o m o r e s o lu tu s , l i b e r a b i m p o s i t is r e m a n e b a t c o r p o r e v in c lis .


S a e p iu s h a e c ê q u i d e m s e d p r a e s t i t i t h o r a d i e i te r tia , q u a f r a t e r m is s a r u m d o n a s o l e b a t c o r d e o f f e r e p i o . D o m i n u s d u m ta lia c e r n i t m ira , f a c u l t a t e m d a t e i s e s e r e d im e n d i. L i b e r e t ille r e d i t p r e t i i s u b iu r e r e d e m p t u s


a t q u e d o m u m r e p e t e n s n a r r a v e r a t o m n ia fr a t r i, s e d r e f e r e n t e illo c o g n o v i t t e m p o r a f r a t e r illa, q u ib u s v in c lis r e s o l u t u m s e r e f e r e b a t , h a e c e a d e m fie r i, q u ib u s e t s o le m n ia s e m p e r m is s a r u m c e l e b r a s s e D e o s e s e r e c o l e b a t .


[684] P r a e f u i t E c g f r i d u s r e g n o f e l i c i t e r a n n is HE IV. 26(24) f e r q u in is f a c i e n s v ic t r ic ia b e lla , q u o u s q u e 809 haec R: hoc T 811 prius T: om. R 815 meme R: me T 816-20 in marg. R 823 duris R : diris T 826 equidem R Gale: quidem T 833 illa /? : illo T 836 Egfridus T R 818 Virg. Georg, iv. 485 casus evaserat omnes 822 id. Aen . ii. 134 836 Sedul. Carm. pasch. ii. 12 837 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 852 807 Walahfr. Vit. Mamm. xvi. 22 826 cf. v. 1195 835 cf. v. 1265 836 Ale. xlv. 11 regnet multis feliciter annis 836 ff. Æthelw. de A bbat 35 ff.; ‘Hib. Exui’ xix. 7-8



thinking that it happened by magic arts and written charms, they added fresh chains upon chains to the old ones. Astonished by what was happening, th egesith summoned him privately, and asked him why he could not be fettered, and whether he had perhaps learnt magic. The captive declared that he knew nothing o f such arts, and explained: T have a brother whose heart is devout and I know that he offers up High Mass to Christ on my behalf, for he thinks that I have perished. And if by chance my soul were to be held in the other life, because o f the prayers and masses that he says so often, it would now be free, I believe, and would escape all punishment.’ The gesith then realized from his prisoner’s replies that his captive was o f distinguished birth, and, although he knew he should have been slain, he saved him from death, and sold him to another man, who also tried to bind him with hard chains. This could not be done, for he was unbound in the way I have mentioned, and his body remained free o f the shackles which were put on it. This happened most often at the third hour o f the day, when it was his brother’s habit to say mass with pious heart. When his master noticed these wondrous events, he gave the captive a chance to ransom himself. Then, freed and duly ransomed, he returned home and recounted everything to his brother. As he told his tale, his brother realized that those times when he told o f being released from the chains were invariably one and the same as those at which he remembered celebrating High Mass to God. For fifteen years Ecgfrith reigned with success, waging victorious wars, until, with savage intent, 807. artibus ex magicis seu scriptis: seu in Alcuin, as in Bede (Druhan, Syntax , p. 150), is virtually equivalent to et (Introduction, p. xcix (i) (h ) 5). Scriptis is therefore a past participle in agreement with artibus and parallel to magicis: ‘by magic arts and written charms’ (Alcuin’s version o f Bede’s litteras solutorias). Alcuin envisaged both spells pronounced before battle to secure the man from captivity, and magical charms employing written techniques. He probably refers to an amulet o f parchment, bone, or w ood, with letters written or inscribed on it and a text either providing a magical formula or using magical symbols, such as those cited by G. Storms, Anglo-Saxon Magic (The Hague, 1948), p. 311, no. 86, and R. I. Page, ‘Anglo-Saxon Runes and Magic*, Journal o f the British Archaeological Association (Ser. 3) 27 (1964), pp. 21-2.



a g m in ib u s m issis a n i m o tra n s a e q u o r a s a e v o , p r a e c ip ie n s g e n te s S c o to r u m c a e d e c ru en ta v a s ta r e in n o c u a s , A n g l i s e t s e m p e r a m ic a s ,


m o x a d v e r s u s e u m P i c tis b e l l a n t i b u s i p s e o c c u b u i t v i c t u s m is e r a c u m c l a d e s u o r u m

imperii linquens Aldfrido regmina fratri, qui sacris fuerat studiis imbutus ab annis aetatis primae, valido sermone sophista, acer et ingenio: idem rex simul atque magister. HE iv. 12 Praefuit ecclesiae venerandus Bosa sacerdos, condignis gradui meritis tunc temporis alto, vir, monachus, praesul, doctor moderatus, honestus, quem divina sacris virtutum gratia sertis compserat et multis fecit fulgescere donis. Plurima quapropter congessit lucra Tonanti: retia mundanas immittens sacra per undas aequoreas Christo praedas ad litora traxit. Vir sine fraude bonus, dives pietate superna inque domo Domini fulsit ceu Lucifer ardens. Hic pater ecclesiae cultum decoravit et illam moribus a plebis penitus secernit et uni deservire Deo statuit simul omnibus horis: ut lyra continuo resonaret mystica plectro, aethereas Domini decantans laudibus odas vox humana quidem superum pulsaret Olym pum , [685]





840 Anglis R Ruinart: angelis T 843 Altfrido T : Agfrido R 852 lucra T r: dona R 856 dom o R: domum T 839 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1046 847 ibid. 693; Ven. Fort. iii. 3. 3 849 Ven. Fort. Vit S. Mart. i. 221 vir monachus 852 Sylt Epig. Cantab. 32. 14 domino . . . plurima lucra 853-4 Matt. 4: 18-19; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 537 retibus angelicis raptos ex aequore mundi 855 Juvene. Evang. ii. 112 virtutem puram servant sine fraude maligna. Ven Fort. v. 5. 11 ditans virtute superna 860 Bede, Vit. S. Cuthb. 820 resonat lyra mistica cantu 862 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1537 celsum pulsabat Olym­ pum; [Virg. A en. x. 216 medium pulsabat Olympum] 845-6 Theodulf xvii. 55 sophista potens . . . rex inclytus; ‘Karolus Magnus' 70 summus apex regum, summus quoque in orbe sophista; Walthar. 104 857 Alc. lxxxix. 8. 2 858 ff. Æthelw. de Abbat. 219 ff. 862 *Karolus Magnus' 518 vox ardua pulsat Olympum 840-2. Ecgfrith’s expedition o f 684 against the Irish was followed the next



he sent troops across the sea, ordering them to slaughter and ravage the innocent Irish race, which had always been friendly to the English. The Piets soon made war against him and he fell, vanquished, amid a terrible massacre o f his followers, leaving the throne to his brother Aldfrith, a man from the earliest years of his life imbued with love o f sacred learning, a scholar with great power o f eloquence, o f piercing intellect: a king and a teacher at the same time. A t the head o f the church was the revered bishop Bosa, a man whose merits were equal to his high rank, a m onk, a bishop, a staunch and upright teacher, whom divine grace had adorned with garlands o f holy virtue, and made resplendent by many a gift. And so he amassed great treasures for the Lord, casting his holy nets through the oceans o f the world, and netting from that sea prizes for Christ. A good and guileless man, rich in piety towards Heaven he shone in the house o f the Lord like the blazing morning star. This father o f the church endowed its fabric and made its clergy live a life apart from the com m on people, decreeing that they should serve the one God at every hour: that the mystical lyre should sound in unbroken strain, that human voices, forever singing heavenly praises to the Lord, should beat upon the heights o f Heaven; year by a raid upon the Piets. On 20 May 685 he and his army were destroyed at the battle o f Nechtanesmere. 8 43 -6 . Alcuin’s rapid summary o f the reign o f Aldfrith (685-704), son o f Oswiu, hardly indicates the importance o f the security that king provided for the Northumbrian church in the age o f Bede. Aldfrith was educated for the priest­ hood (v.*844), perhaps at a school in Wessex, as may be deduced from a letter o f Aldhelm to him (MGH A A xv, pp. 6 1 -2 ); later he studied in Ireland and Iona. Aldhelm dedicated his treatise on metre to Aldfrith; Adamnan’s De Locis Sanctis was copied at the king’s behest for use in Northumbria. Aldfrith’s learning is praised both by Bede and by Eddius (concise appraisal in Stenton, pp. 88-9). 847 ff. Bosa (67 8-86 and 6 91-705), the first o f three monks o f Whitby who became bishops o f York (Introduction, p. liv). This passage o f Alcuin’s poem, apart from scattered references in Bede, is our largest primary source for Bosa’s career and the only one to mention his endowments o f the church at York. Bosa is recorded in the metrical Calendar o f York (w . 61-2). 854. aequoreas . . . praedas: the metaphor is o f scriptural origin (see app. ii to w . 8 53 -4 ), and the adjective aequoreas, used o f the Anglo-Saxons throughout the poem (see com m, to v. 88), fits neatly into Alcuin’s description o f Bosa as the fisher o f men’s souls. (Other examples o f word-play are noted at comm, to v. 48.)



omnia dispensans alternis tempora causis: lectio nunc fieret, sed nunc oratio sacra. Quisque Dei laudes praeferret corporis usu, iusserat hunc raptim complere negotia camis: omnibus ut fieret parvus sopor, esca sub ictu, non terras victusque, domus, nummismata, vestes, HE i. 27 nec quicquam proprium sibimet iam vindicet ullus, omnia sed cunctis fierent communia semper. tQ ui terrena sibi celorum possidet heres gaudia qui cunctis speret communia regnif


Hic pius antistes magnis virtutibus huius implevit postquam praesentis tempora vitae, transit in aetheream laetus feliciter aulam. 12 Visio temporibus memorabilis acta sub isdem,




863 dispensans T : dispensas R 865-6 Quisque . . . usu. / Iusserat . . . 866 hunc T R : hinc Wattenbach 867 parvus Ruinart : sopor T : sapori? sub ictu Godman (c/. Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. ii. 412): sub actu Gale: subiectu T: sub estu R 871 possidet R: vel possit T : vel petit Gale “ 871-2 in ras. R 872 qui T R: hic Hargrove speret R: fieret T 876 isdem T R: hisdem r

Diimmler parvo T R

863-4 [I Cor. 14: 4 0 ]; Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. ii. 414-15 tempus utrumque dicans causis repetendo duabus: / lectio nunc resonans sibi, nunc oratio cur­ 866 ff. Ven. Fort. rens 865 Sedul. Carm. pasch, iii. 91 corporis usu Vit. S. Mart. ii. 408-9, 411-12 otia nulla terens et nulla negotia camis, / quidquid agendum esset totum velociter implens / . . . / non cibus et somnus nisi quod natura necessat: / tardus edax, velox vigilans sopor, esca sub ictu 868 ff. Act. 2: 44-7 omnes etiam, qui credebant, erant pariter et habebant omnia communia. Possessiones et substantias vendebant et dividebant illa omnibus prout cuique opus erat . . . conlaudantes Deum; [Act. 4: 3 2 -4 \Reg. S. Ben. xxxiii. 6] 874 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iv. 6. 20 praesentis tempore vitae 875 id. de Virg. metr. 708 aetheream . . . migraret in aulam

869-70 Alc. Ep. 168 (p. 276, 14 ff.) Hanc [vitam] primitiva per apostolos in Iudaea initiavit aecclesia, quibus omnia communia esse leguntur, et nemo aliquid suum esse dicebant 874 id. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. 8. 8 -9 tempora vitae / praesentis complens 875 ~ v. 1568 876 ff. cf. v. 1070;Æ thelw . de Abbat. 321 ff.

863-4. Cf. Ep. 114 (to Eanbald II, archbishop o f York, 796): ‘Omnia vestra honeste cum ordine fiant. Tempus statuatur lectioni, et oratio suas habeat horas’ (MGHEpp. iv, p. 168, 1-2). 865. praeferret: Hargrove translates this as ‘prefer’, taking usu as a rare dative



regulating every hour with alternate duties: now a reading, now a holy prayer. Whoever wished to proclaim the Lord’s praise by his treatment o f the flesh he commanded swiftly to satisfy his physical needs: that all should sleep but little and take what food was to hand, that no one should claim lands, food, houses, m oney, clothes, or anything as his private property, that everything should always be shared. t

...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................t

After that pious bishop had completed his span in this life, amid great and virtuous achievements, he passed with blissful happiness into the realms o f Heaven. A t that time occurred a memorable vision in -u. Thus the line, in her view, means: ‘he determined . . . each one to prefer the praises o f God to physical enjoym ent.’ Praeferre in Alcuin means ‘to carry forth’ or ‘ to proclaim’ ; cf. w . 1012, 1431. Usu is ablative. 865 -6 . The sense is obscured by Diimmler’s punctuation; Wattenbach’s con­ jecture hinc is unnecessary. A comma should be read after v. 865 because the line is a relative clause defining hunc in v. 866, not an independent clause, as Diimm­ ler’s punctuation implies. The construction is quisque . . . hunc : ‘whoever’ ; quisque being used as the equivalent o f quisquis (Introduction, p. xcvi, d ). 867. sub ictu: ‘within range*, i.e. ‘ to hand* (cf. TLL viii. 1. iii c, 171. 53 ff.). For its corruption into subiectu in T, and thence to sub actu / estu , cf. the variants to Ven. Fort. Vit S. Mart ii. 412 (Leo, MGH AA iv. 1, p. 327 ad loc.). 871-2 are neither sense nor Latin. Since Gale’s edition o f 1691 they have been consistently obelized. Vv. 865-72 contrast what each man should not desire with what he should, the general object being their com m on good. Vv. 871-2 in the original presumably formed a transition from the community o f earthly goods achieved by Bosa’s ecclesiastical reforms to the com m on joys o f heaven to which w . 873-5 consign the bishop. Without radical emendation neither v. 871 nor v. 872 can stand. V. 871 embodies an expression that is characteristically Alcuinian; cf. v. 562, ‘ille heres patriae factus, hic civis Olympi’, and v. 1215, ‘est patriae proprius caelesti redditus heres*. V. 872, however, repeats in almost identical language v. 870. The suspicion that v. 872 was confected from v. 870 to make good a lacuna cannot be proven because o f the formulaic and repetitive quality o f Alcuin’s style (Introduction, pp. cvi-cvii (iii) (c); comm, to v. 576). 876 ff. The vision o f Dryhthelm is recorded in The Anglo Saxon Chronicle D and E as taking place in 693. On the vagueness o f Bede’s dating, see Plummer ii, p. 294. The criterion o f moral usefulness in relating this vision is copied directly by Alcuin from Bede. Visions o f the other world occur frequently in early AngloLatin literature. A recent survey o f the visionary literature o f Alcuin’s age is pro­ vided by H. J. Kamphausen, Traum und Vision in der lateinischen Poesie der Karolingerzeit (Bern and Frankfurt, 1975), expecially pp. 123 ff. (with biblio­ graphy), and see discussion by P. Dinzelbacher, Vision und Visionsliteratur im Mittelalter (Stuttgart, 1981), pp. 202 ff.



ut reor, in nostro fuerit si carmine scripta, p r o d e r i t a e t e r n a m u ltis d e m o r t e v o c a n d is . P o s s e t u t e r g o a n im a s v itiis s a n a r e p e r e m p t a s m o r t u u s e c c e d iu s u r r e x i t c o r p o r e q u id a m


m u l t a q u e , q u a e v id it, m e m o r a t u d ig n a f e r e b a t ,

e quibus hic nostris addemus pauca camoenis. Ergo domum propriam communi in plebe maritus atque suam rexit iusto moderamine vitam. Qui post tactus erat morbo iam camis acerbo, perque dies multos valido crescente dolore infirmus recubans extrema pericula duxit; mortuus ac tandem primo sub tempore noctis, eius in extrema respirans parte revixit atque resurgendo cunctos simul inde fugavit funeris exsequias peragentes nocte sub ipsa. Plus sed amore vigens coniunx ibi sola remansit, quam nimium pavidam rediens a morte maritus coeperat hortari, reliquis fugientibus illinc: ‘Quae mihi fida satis remanes ex om nibus,’ inquit, ‘te rogo, ne metuas nunc me, dulcissima coniunx. Vivo equidem, vere surrexi a morte remissus, sed mihi longe aliter nunc altera vita sequenda est, gaudia vel luxus meme damnare necesse est.’ Nec mora, divitiis m ox omnibus ille relictis iura monasterii devoto est corde secutus atque ibi tam duro domuit sub pondere corpus, ut facile ex vita possent cognoscere cuncti quae vel quanta prius ductus de corpore crevit. Isto namque m odo quae vidit ferre solebat: ‘S p l e n d i d u s i n q u i t , ‘e r a t, q u i m e d e c o r p o r e d u x i t






e t c o n t r a a e s t iv u m s o l i s p r o c e s s i m u s o r t u m , q u o a d la ta m v a lle m d e v e n i m u s a t q u e p r o f u n d a m , c u iu s in o b l o n g u m e x t e n s a e s t s i n e f i n e v o r a g o , 877 fuerit T R : sic erit Gale

885 acerbo R Ruinart: acervo T

884 Ven. Fort. iv. 11. 15 886 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 694 inque dies . . . cum incresceret. . . ardor 891 Ven. Fort. iii. 9. 59 895 id. vii. 8. 55 omnibus una manens 896 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 643 me rogo ne linquas 897 Virg. A en. iii. 315-16 vivo equidem . . . / vera vides 901 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iii. 7



which will help, I believe, to save many men from eternal death if it is recorded in this poem. T o restore souls ruined by vice a man who had long been dead rose in the flesh and told o f many memorable things he had seen, a few o f which I shall now include in my poem. He was a commoner who had been married and had ordered his household and his life with justice and moderation. Later he fell ill with a painful disease, his pain growing sharply over many days. Lying back in his illness, he was approaching the last pangs, and at last died at the first night-watch when, at the end o f night, he regained life and breath and rose up again, putting to flight all those who were conducting his funeral that very evening. But his w ife’s love overcame her fear. She alone remained, and her husband, coming back from death, set about encouraging her when the others fled: ‘Sweet w ife,’ said he, ‘you are the only one among them all to remain faithful to me, and I beseech you not to fear me. I am alive; I have truly risen from the dead. But now I must follow a very different life and must put an end to all idle pleasures.’ Without delay he abandoned all his riches and devoutly followed the monastic law, there subduing his flesh in such great mortification that from his manner o f life everyone could easily see the impact o f what he had beheld when led from the body. He used to give this account o f what he had seen: ‘ Radiant was the being that led me from my b o d y ,’ said he, ‘we went in the direction o f the rising summer sun and on our way came to a valley both wide and deep, along which there stretched an endless abyss, 884 ‘Hib. Exul* xvii. 13 regit propriam iusto moderamine carnem V. 1160

891 c/.

8 83 -4 . Dryhthelm lived, according to Bede, in a district o f Northumbria now identified with Cunningham (see Colgrave-Mynors, p. 488, n. 1). He later became a monk (v. 901) at Melrose.



quae latus horrendum flammis ferventibus unum atque aliud habuit glaciali grandine plenum. Haec animabus erat hominum hinc inde repleta, quae, nimis exustae dum flammas ferre nequibant, frigoris in medium miserae mox prosiliebant. Cumque ibi nec poterant requiem reperire, vicissim flammivomum flentes iterum ferebantur in ignem. Haec cernens mecum meditabar, forte quod esset poena infernalis, quam saepe audire solebam. Ductor et ille mihi meditanti talia dixit: “Non, sicut ipse putas, istic Infernus habetur. ” Cumque haec aspicerem, pavidum me duxit inante. Tunc subito vidi tenebris loca cuncta repleri, intrantesque illas densatae noctis imago nos circa incubuit, nec quicquam cernere praeter ductoris speciem potui vestesque nitentes. Et sic ingressi sola sub nocte per umbras, ecce repente globi flammarum valde tetrarum sicut de puteo surgunt iterumque residunt. Tunc aberat subito ductor, solusque remansi in mediis positus trepidus stupidusque tenebris. Cumque globi flammae peterent alta atque vicissim motibus alternis repetebant ima barathri, omnia flammarum fastigia cerno repleri spiritibus hominum miseris, qui more favillae cum flammis pariter scandebant atque cadebant; sed nimius foetor late loca cuncta replebat. Longius haec cernens circumstetit undique terror, utpote quid facerem, possem quo vertere gressum inscius, aut misero qui finis forte maneret. Audio tum subito sonitum post terga gementum nec non ceu vulgi capto super hoste cachinnum;








910 unum fi: urunt T 911 atque T: at fi 914 miserae T: misere fi 915 nec T r: non fi 917 quod T: quid fi 920 sicut Winterbottom (cf. w . 603, 975): ut T fi 924 praeter fi Gale : propter T 928 sicut fi: siçuti T 932 motibus Ruinart', montibus T R

910 ff. Bede de Die Iud. 95 916 Virg. Aen. ix. 451 flentes in castra fere­ bant 926 ibid. vi. 268 ibant obscuri sola sub nocte per umbras 927 id. Georg, i. 473 flammarumque globos [Juvene. Evang. i. 341] 932 Prud. Hamart. 722 motibus alternantem; Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 302 petit ima profundi;



one side o f which was filled with terrible, raging flames and the other with freezing hail. It was crowded on both sides with the souls of men, who, when excessively burned and unable to endure the burning, would leap in their misery into the midst of the cold. And when they could find no respite even there, they were carried back again, wailing, into the fire’s belching flames. Seeing this I mused that it was perhaps Hell’s punishment, o f which I had often heard. But even as I considered this my guide said: “ This is not, as you think, the region o f Hell.” As I gazed with fear, he led me in ahead. Then, suddenly, I realized that on all sides gloom was descending, and a cover o f darkest night settled upon us as we entered the shades. I could see nothing but the outline o f m y guide and his shining garments. A nd so, as we entered through the shadows in the lonely night, balls o f hideous flame suddenly rose up as if from a pit, and then sank back again. My guide went away and I remained there alone in the midst o f the gloom, terrified and in awe. As the balls o f flame soared up on high and then, reversing their movement, sank back to the bottom o f the pit, I saw that the tip o f every flame was filled with the spirits o f wretched men who, like sparks, mounted up and fell back with the fire, and a powerful stench filled everywhere, both far and wide. As I gazed on this for a long time, utter horror surrounded me, not knowing what I should do, where I should turn m y step, or what end might await me in my misery. Then, o f a sudden, I heard behind me the groaning o f wretches, like the jeer o f the com m on people at a captured enemy, Bonif. Carm. i. 291 baratri repetant lustrantes ima profundi ii. 495 late loca . . . complebat 920 cf. v. 975 922 cf. v. 936 petit ima profundi; Theodulf. viii. 3. 16

936 Virg. Aen.

932 cf. v. 944; Paulin. Aquil. i. 97 936 cf. v. 1459

910 ff. On the extremes o f heat and cold endured in Hell, see Plummer ii, p. 296. 921. inante: see Löfstedt, Late Latin, p. 165; Campbell, Æthelwulf, de Abbatibus, p. xxxv.



q u i p r o p e d u m v e n i u n t , h o s t e s a g n o s c o m a lig n o s a d p o e n a s a n im a s u lu la n te s q u i n q u e t r a h e n t e s c u m q u i b u s in m e d i i d e s c e n d u n t im a b a ra th ri.


F l a m m i v o m o e p u t e o q u id a m d e i n d e m a lig n i d a e m o n e s a s c e n d u n t o c u lis fla m m a n tib u s a tq u e m e c i r c u m s t e t e r a n t , p u t i d u m d e n a r ib u s ig n e m o r e q u e s p ir a n t e s , ig n itis m e q u e m in a n t u r p r e n d e r e f o r c i p i b u s , n e c m e c o n t i n g e r e t a n tu m


ia m p o t e r a n t , q u a m v is m u l t u m t e r r e r e v a le r e n t . T u n c e g o c o n c lu s u s te n e b r is e t ab h o s te c o a c tu s c i r c u m s p e x i o c u l i s , a liq u id s i f o r t e v e n i r e t a u x ilii, q u o ia m s a lv a r e r a b h o s t e c r u e n t o . T u n c m ih i p o s t te r g u m f u l s i t q u a s i s t e lla p e r u m b r a s , q u a e m a g is a c c r e s c e n s p r o p e r a n s q u e f u g a v e r a t h o s t e s :


d u x e r a t ille m e u s v e n i e n s c u m l u c e r e p e n t e , c u iu s in a d v e n tu f u g e r u n t d a e m o n e s atri. H i n c c o n v e r t i t i t e r b r u m a le m s o l i s a d o r t u m , n o c t i q u e e r e p t u m n itid a s m e d u x i t in a u ra s,


a n t e u b i n o s m u r u s s u b i t o c o m p a r u i t in g e n s , q u i s i n e f i n e s u i s ic v isu s l o n g u s e t a ltu s , n u llu s u t e x t e n s o v i d e r e t u r t e r m i n u s illi. S e d p r o p e d u m v e n i m u s q u o q u a li n e s c i o c e r t e o r d i n e , n o s f u i m u s s t a n t e s in c u l m i n e m u ri. E c c e ! ib i ca m p u s era t m agn u s p u lc h e r r im u s a tq u e ,


c u iu s ta n tu s e r a t fr a g r a n tis n i d o r o d o r i s , a m e f o e to r e m m o x u t d e p e lle r e t o m n em , e t l u x ta n ta s a c r u m p e r f u d e r a t u n d i q u e c a m p u m , v i n c e r e t u t l u c e m s o l i s s i m u l a t q u e d iei.


I n h is e r g o l o c i s la e ta s h a b it a r e v i d e b a m s a n c t o r u m tu r m a s , s e d e s q u e t e n e r e b e a ta s . H a e c e g o c o n s p ic ie n s m e c u m m ed ita b a r , an e s s e n t

943 quinque T R : quasque Diimmler 947 putidum Ruinart: fetidum 951 coactus Ruinart: coactis T R 966 nidor Wattenbach: nitor T R 968 sacrum R Gale: sanctum T perfuderat undique cam­ pum R Ruinart: undique perfuderat agrum T


952 Virg. Aen. ii. 68 oculis . . . circumspexit 957 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 372 eius ad adventum fugiens; [Virg .Aen. vi. 798] ; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 349 daemonis atri 958 Virg. Georg, iii. 277 971 id. Aen. vi. 639


cf. V.




v. 991

951 Walafr.

Vit. M am m .

xiv. 17


SANCTIS EUBORICENSIS ECCLESIAE and as they came nearer I recognized the wicked demons dragging five howling souls to punishment with whom they went down to the bottom of Hell. Then the wicked demons rose up again from the pit that belched fire and surrounded me, their eyes ablaze, their mouths and nostrils darting stinking flames, threatening to seize me with their fiery tongs. They could not even touch me, although frighten me they certainly did. Encompassed by darkness and set upon by the fiends, I gazed about to see if there might be some help at hand to save me from that grisly foe. Behind me there gleamed like a star in the darkness, growing brighter and brighter, swiftly routing the fiends, my guide, who suddenly appeared in a burst o f light, and at his coming the black demons fled. From here he directed our journey toward the rising o f the winter sun, rescuing me from night and leading me into the clear air. There suddenly rose before us a huge wall, so endlessly long and high, that its dimensions seemed limitless. But as we drew nearer to it, I know not how, there we were, standing on the top o f the wall. Suddenly there came into sight a large and beautiful plain. So delicious was its fragrance that it soon drove from m y memory that foul stench. So radiant a light shone all over that sacred plain that it surpassed the sunlight o f an entire day. I saw that in this region the saints in joyous throngs live and dwell in blessedness. Gazing on them I wondered whether these were 957 Ermold. In hon. Hlud. iv. 63 958 cf. v. 1629 S. Willibr. metr. xxvi. 1 miri fragrantia odoris

966 Ale. Vit.

942. hostes . . . malignos (cf. w . 9 45 -6 ): see Blaise, Vocabulaire latin, pp. 466 ff. 943. quinque: the allusion here is to HE v. 12: ‘Considero turbam malig­ norum spirituum, quae quinque animas hominum merentes . . .’ 947. Neither reading scans. I retain putidum because o f Bede, HE v. 12: ‘. . . de ore ac naribus ignem putidum efflantes angebant’ ; cf. putidum v. 991, where the adjective may have formed its short vowel on analogy with puteus.



r e g n a s u p e r n a p o l i c u n c t i s p r o m i s s a b e a tis . H a e c m ih i v o l v e n t i r e s p o n d i t d u c t o r e t i n f i t : “ N o n , s i c u t i p s e p u t a s , is tic s u n t r e g n a p o l o r u m . ”


F u l g e t in a n t e n o v a e m a i o r m ih i g r a tia lu c is , q u a e n im io s u p e r a t lu c e m fu l g o r e p r io r e m , n a m t u n c illa p r i o r v e r e te n u is s im a visa e s t. V o x q u o q u e c a n t a n t u m r e s o n a t d u lc is s im a i b i d e m , e t c u m l u c e f u i t m ir i fr a g r a n tia o d o r i s ,


u t m i h i p r o p t e r e a m p a r v is s im a p r i m a p u t a t a e s t. Q u o n o s d u m la e t u s s p e r a r e m in tr a r e , r e p e n t e s u b s titit ip s e m e u s d u c t o r g r e s s u m q u e r e t o r q u e t , m e q u e via, p e r q u a m n o s v e n im u s , i n d e r e d u x i t . I n tr a n te s q u e ite r u m c a m p i lo c a p u lc h r a p r io r is ,


o m n ia q u a e v id i s i s c i r e m f o r t e r e q u ir it. “ N e s c i o , ” c u i d ix i, s t a t i m q u e h a e c a d d id it i l l e : “ V id is ti v a lle m f l a m m i s e t f r i g o r e p l e n a m , in q u a n u n c a n im a e p o e n i s p u r g a n t u r a c e r b i s a c r e d i e n t i t e r u m p u r g a t a e a d p r a e m ia v ita e .


A t v e r o p u t e u s , p u t i d u m q u i e r u c t u a t ig n e m e s t o s I n f e r n i : 'ru erit n a m q u is q u is in illu m f o r t e s e m e l , n u m q u a m p o s t h a e c s a lv a b itu r in d e . F l o r i g e r i s t e l o c u s , q u e m p o s s i d e t a lb a iu v e n t u s , e s t r e q u i e s , in q u a s p e c t a n t c a e l e s t i a r e g n a


q u i b o n a g e s s e r u n t , q u a m v is e x p a r t e m in u s q u a m p o s t u l a t a lm a F id e s . N a m q u i p e r f e c t u s u b i q u e e s t , u t m o r i t u r , s t a tim c a e l i p e n e t r a b i t in a u la m . P e r t i n e t a d c u iu s v ic in ia f u l g i d u s ille l u c e l o c u s n im ia , m ir i q u o q u e p l e n u s o d o r i s ,


d e q u o c a n t a n t u m s u a v is s im a v o x r e s o n a b a t . T u q u ia n u n c i t e r u m d e b e s a d s u m e r e c o r p u s a t q u e h o m i n e s i n t e r m o r i t u r a v i v e r e v ita , c o r r ig e , q u a e s o , tu o s m o r e s e t v erb a v e l a ctu s, u t tu a in h is s a n c t a r e p u t e t u r m a n s io tu r m is . ”


H a e c u b i d i c e b a t , q u o m o d o s e d s c i r e n e q u iv i, in d u tu m ù r o ù r i o s ta tim m e c o r ù o r e vid i. ’ 977 superat Gale: fuerat T R 979 vox quoque Gale: voxque T R 990 ac Gale: hae T R redient T R: redeunt Gale

9 7 5 A ld h .d e Virg. metr. 755 990 Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 341

976 Juvene. Evang. iv. 150 gratia lucis 994 Ven. Fort. ii. 7. 4 9 -5 0 1005 [Joh.



the heavenly kingdoms on high promised to all the blessed. As I was reflecting on this my guide answered: “ There are not, as you think, the realms o f Heaven.” Before me there gleamed a greater and lovelier light, which so outshone the other with its surpassing brightness that the first came to seem very dim indeed. Sweet voices raised in song resounded there and with the light came a scent so wonderfully fragrant that the first in comparison seemed very slight. I waited, joyously expecting us to go in, when suddenly my guide halted, turned about again, and led me back along the road which we had taken. As we entered the fair field that we had once visited, he happened to ask me whether I understood all that I had seen. “ I do n o t,” I replied and he immediately added: “ Y ou have seen a valley filled with flames and with ice, in which souls are purged by bitter punishments and shall return again, cleansed, to life’s rewards. But the pit which belches forth stinking fire is the mouth o f Hell, and he who chances but once to fall into it can never again be saved. That pleasance, filled with flowers, the home o f young men clad in white, is a place o f rest, where those who have done good, although rather less than sweet Faith requires, gaze upon the kingdom o f Heaven. Those who are wholly perfect will enter into the courts o f Paradise as soon as they die. Close by is that place which shines with great brilliance, full o f wondrous fragrance, where lovely voices were resounding forth, singing their songs. Since you must once again enter the body and live among men a life that will end in death, I entreat you to reform your character, your words, and deeds, so that your blessed home may be in that com pany.” When he had finishe'd speaking, I suddenly saw— I know not how — that I was covered in the mantle o f my own b o d y .’ 14: 23]

1006 Virg. Aen . ii. 790 Haec ubi dicta dedit

979 cf. V. 1001 penetravit in arcem

980 cf. v. 1000

998 Ale. cix. 17. 4 caeli



HE V. 9



Nec gens clarorum genetrix haec nostra virorum, quos genuit soli sibimet tunc ipsa tenebat, intra forte sui concludens viscera regni, sed procul ex illis multos trans aequora misit, gentibus ut reliquis praeferrent semina vitae. E quibus ille fuit, dictus cognomine sanctus Ecgberct antistes, primis aetatis in annis qui liquerat patriam patriae caelestis amore, et peregrina petens Scotis iam maxima vitae tunc exempla dabat, doctrinae lampade fulgens, actibus instituens, verbis quoscumque docebat. Pauperibus largus, sibimet sed semper egenus, sic bonus egregiae duxit moderamina vitae usque diem mortis clara pietate coruscans. Cui fuerat socius meritis et moribus aptus et comes exsilii Uuibert praeclarus in omni religione satis, sed post divisus ab illo theoricam solus vitam districtus agebat. Inde suae gentis monachis construxit ovile egregium, vitae meritis et moribus illud exornans, ovibus Christi studiosus alendis, ipse per angustam quas recto tramite callem duxit ad aeterni devotus pascua regni. Claruit idcirco signis et more prophetae multa futura videns permansit clarus ubique; postea caelestis penetravit gaudia vitae. 10 Ast alii ratibus vecti trans aequor eoum 1023 Uuibert R : Wibert T 1030 aeterni T R : aetherei Frohen Ruinart clarus R : praeclarus T






1026 monachis R : monachus T 1032 permansit T R : mansit 1034 aequor Ruinart : aequora


1008 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 25 Nec iam orbis contenta sinu trans aequora 1017 Ven. Fort. vi. 1. 101 lampade fulgens 1029 Is. 26: 7; Ven. Fort. ii. 16. 17 per augustam . . . callem ; A ldh. Ænigm. lix. 3 directo tramite

1013 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. i. 9 1015 cf. v. 1455; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. iv ob caelestis patriae amorem dom o patria cognationeque relicta 1016 ibid. metr. i. 8 peregrina petens 1025 cf. v. 1097; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxxiv. 40 theoricam cupiens solus adire viam 1032 cf. v. 1393 1033 Alc. cxxi. 15.4




This race o f ours, mother o f famous men, did not keep her children for herself, nor held them within the confines of her own kingdom, but sent many o f them afar across the seas, bearing the seeds o f life to other peoples. One o f them was a holy bishop called Egbert who, early in life, had left his native country for love o f his heavenly homeland and, travelling abroad, set the Irish an example o f how to live; a shining light in his teaching, he instructed all manner o f men by his words and deeds. Generous to the poor, but stinting himself, this goodly man led an excellent life brilliant with outstanding piety until the day o f his death. His fitting companion by character and achievements and comrade in exile was Wihtberht, a figure o f high renown for his godliness. Later he separated from Egbert to lead in strict solitude a life o f contemplation. Then he built an excellent shelter for the monks o f his race, and was a credit to it through his upright and moral life. Zealous to feed the sheep o f Christ, he led them devoutly, by the straight and narrow, to the pastures o f the eternal kingdom. So he became famous for his miracles and, prophet-like, saw much o f the future, his fame remaining widespread, and afterwards entered the joys o f eternal life. Others travelled in ships across the eastern seas 1008 ff. Although Alcuin here follows Bede, his own works provide primary evidence for the Anglo-Saxon missions to the Continent (comm, to w . 1037-43). On these missions see Levison, England and the Continent, pp. 45 ff. 1014-21. Egbert (d. 721), a Northumbrian o f noble birth and a monk o f Lindisfame, was staying in an Irish monastery when his companions were killed by the plague o f 664. He vowed to go into voluntary exile for life if spared. Later he was to inspire the missionary activities o f the Anglo-Saxons Wihtberht and Willibrord described by Alcuin below (Levison, pp. 5 2 -3 ; Farmer, Dictionary, p. 127). Egbert is mentioned in the metrical Calendar o f York, w . 20-1. 1022-33. Wihtberht’s career is recorded only by Bede (HE v. 9) and by Alcuin (here and at Vit. S. Willibr. pr. iv (Levison, pp. 118-19)). His two-year mission in Frisia was fruitless. 1025. theoricam . . . vitam: after returning from the Continent, Wihtberht lived for many years as a hermit in Ireland. 1026-33. These verses are our only source for Wihtberht’s foundation o f a monastery (in Ireland?) and for his prophecies.



paganum petiere solum, qua verba salutis spargere temptabant in agrestia corda serendo. Ut fuit egregius Uuilbrordus episcopus ille, plurima qui populi Fresonum milia Christo lucratus monitis fuerat caelestibus atque pontificale decus multis ornavit in annis, ecclesiasque Deo plures construxit ibidem presbyteros in eis statuens Verbique ministros; [738] omnia perficiens felix in pace quievit.

Illius ecce duo fuerunt exempla secuti presbyteri, nimio accensi fervore Fidei, nominis unius Heuualdus uterque vocatus. Par opus ambobus vitae, sed et exitus unus. Albus hic, ille niger, distantia sola capillis; ast niger in libris fuerat studiosior albo. Ergo hi Saxonum paganae compita plebis intrabant, aliquos si Christo acquirere possent. Sed dum forte novos mores habitusque Fidei agnoscunt miseri, metuunt, ne funditus omnis iam caderet citius veterum cultura deorum. Hos subito raptos crudeli morte necarunt, album sed trucidant statim mucrone cruento, longa sed exquirunt duro tormenta nigello atque peremptorum Rheni sub fluminis undas corpora proiciunt. Quae sed mox ordine miro contra praevalidos ferebantur fluminis ictus milia et usque suos socios undena natabant. Ast quocumque loco veniebant corpora nocte, maximus hinc lucis radius super astra refulsit,







1037 Uuibrordus R : Wilbrordus T 1044 fuerunt T R : fuerant Froben 1045 nimio accensi T: accensi nimio R 1046 Heuualdus R: Heruwaldus T : Hewaldus Gale 1061 undena Traube: undana T R: (milia) ad (usque suos) passus undaque (natabant) Diimmler, Add. 1036 Virg. Aen. x. 87; Arat, de A c t Apostol. ii. 1167 agrestia corda 1039 Bede Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 918 1040 ibid. 812 1055 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2267 crudeli morte necaret; [id. Carm. ecct iv. 4. 2] 1056 id. de Virg. metr. 1749 1058 Virg. A en. iii. 389 1063 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1403 1035 Alc. c. 7 1037 cf. v. 1201 1040 cf. v. 1524 1041-7 Alc. Vit. S. Willibr. pr. xii mox ecclesias in eis aedificare iusserat, statuit que per eas singulas presbiteros et verbi Dei sibi cooperatores 1044 Alc. xc. 12. 3 1045 id. xcix. 14. 4 1055 Flor. Lugd. i (In evang. Matt.) 194



in quest o f pagan lands, where they attempted to spread the word o f salvation by sowing it in barbarian hearts. Thus was the excellent bishop Willibrord, who had won many thousands o f the Frisian people for Christ through G o d ’s instruction and for many years had brought glory to his episcopal office, he built there many a church to God arid set in them priests and ministers of the Word. After completing all this labour, he ended his life in peace. Tw o priests followed his example, burning with intense fervour for the Faith, and both o f them were called by the same name o f Hewald. Their mission in life was the same; identical were their deaths. One was fair, the other dark, the only difference being the colour o f their hair; but dark Hewald was keener on learning than the fair Hewald. They entered the land o f the pagan Saxons, attempting to win some o f them over to Christ. But when the wretches saw the new morals and customs o f the Faith, they were afraid that the cult o f their ancient gods might be subverted rapidly and completely. Suddenly they laid hold o f the monks and put them to a cruel death: fair Hewald was immediately murderously slaughtered but rugged dark Hewald, poor wretch, they long tortured, and tossed the corpses o f both into the waters o f the Rhine. The bodies were carried o ff in a wondrous way against that river’s powerful current, floating eleven miles back to their companions. Wherever the bodies touched at night-time, a brilliant ray o f light shone more brightly than the stars 1037 ff. On the Frisian mission see Levison, England and the Continent, pp. 52-69. 1037-43. A lcu ii deals briefly with the achievements o f his kinsman St. Willibrord (65 8-73 9), about whom he wrote a prose and a metrical Life (Intro­ duction, pp. xliii-iv, lxxxv-vii). Willibrord’s life and work are brilliantly discussed by Levison in the chapter o f England and the Continent cited above (previous note) and in Aus rheinischer und fränkischer Frühzeit (Düsseldorf, 1948), pp. 304-46. Notice in Farmer, Dictionary, pp. 406-8. 1055. The two Hewalds, missionaries to the Old Saxons, were martyred on 3 October c.695 (Farmer, Dictionary, p. 191). They are commemorated in the metrical Calendar o f York, v. 63. 1061. undena: perhaps arose through XL [milia possum] at HE v. 10 being read as XL



l u m e n e t h o c illi, q u i s a n c t o s a n t e n e c a b a n t , a s p iciu n t o m n i s e m p e r fu l g e s c e r e n o c t e .


A l t e r a b h is n o c t u s o c i o r u m v is u s a t u n i e s t : ‘C o r p o r a ’, c u i d i x i t , ‘s t a tim r e p e r i r e p o t e s t i s n o s tr a , u b i d e c a e lis l u c e m r a d ia re v id e tis . ’ V is io t u n c s o c i o s ta lis n e c illa f e f e l l i t ; c o r p o r a n a m q u e l o c i s s ic s u n t i n v e n t a s u b is d e m


m a r t y r i b u s q u e p iis d ig n o c o n d u n t u r h o n o r e . JE V. 11

/ £ v . 18



HE V. 2

Ast alii atque alii praefata ex gente ministri sermonis fuerant illis in partibus orbis. E quibus egregii Suidberct et Uuira sacerdos temporibus fulsere suis, qui culmine clari virtutum fuerant, nostro quos carmine cunctos tangere non libuit. Nunc namque revertere musam urbis ad Euboricae fas est— procul inde recessit— pontifices summos seriemque relinquere regum, qui post Aldfridum variarunt tempora regni, imperio functum denis simul atque novenis orbibus annorum, qui post sub tempore pacis appositus patribus suprema sorte quievit. Interea Bosa felicia regna petente, accipit ecclesiae regimen clarissimus ille vir pietate, fide, meritis et mente Iohannes, pontificalis apex, priscorum formula patrum, flumina doctrinae fundens e pectore puro, e quibus intente vivacia prata rigavit, quem virtutis honor signis comitatur apertis, quorum pauca libet nostris memorare camoenis. Dum pater ipse pius ieiunia sancta gerebat, parvula saepta viris repetit comitatus honestis,





1064 necabant T R : necarant Munari 1070 isdem T : hisdem R 1074 Suidberct r: Suidbrect R: Suidbert T Uuyraque Gale : et Uire R : iureque T 1078 inde T R: unde Froben 1090 honor T : honos R

1072-3 Lc. 1: 2 ministri . . . sermonis 1073 Virg. Aen. xi. 708 1087 Ven. Fort. i. 15. 33 pontificalis apex 1089 Bede Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 682 vivida prata rigat 1090-1 ibid. 30-1 Hunc virtutis honor . . . / . . . signis comitatur apertis

1087 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. iv. 1

1090 Hrab. Maur. xiii. 41



and the murderers o f these holy men saw it gleaming on throughout the night. One o f them appeared at night to a comrade of his, and said: ‘Y ou can find our bodies without delay, where you see the light streaming from the heavens.’ Nor did this vision deceive the Hewalds’ comrades, for they found the corpses in that very place and buried them with the honour that is due to holy martyrs. More and more servants of the Word from our people came to that part o f the world. Am ong them were the excellent Swithberht and the priest Wira, who enjoyed outstanding fame in their own time, and were distinguished for the highest virtue. I cannot deal with all o f them in m y poem , for now I should return to the bishops o f the city o f Y ork— far from there have I wandered— and leave the succession o f kings reigning at various times after Aldfrith, who, discharging his royal duties for a span o f nineteen years, passed away in a time o f peace and was at last laid to rest beside his fathers. When Bosa had departed for the realms o f bliss, famed John reigned over the church, a man renowned for his piety, faith, merits, and intellect, a high pontiff, cast in the mould o f the ancient fathers, from his pure heart pouring forth streams o f learning, with which he eagerly watered the meadows of life. Honour and virtue attended him with undeniably miraculous signs, a few o f which I am pleased to recount in this poem. While that devout father was piously fasting with a company o f upright men, he sought out a small retreat 1064. necabant: such changes o f tense are usual in Alcuin. See Introduction, р. xcix (i) (h) 2. 1074. Swithberht (d. 713) and Wira, possibly the bishop o f Utrecht (d. с. 753). See Levison, England and the Continent, pp. 82 (with n. 2)-83, Farmer, Dictionary, pp. 364-5, 410. 1078-9. Alcuin refers to the personified theme o f his poem: musa\m\i the object o f revertere and the subject o f recessit Fas est governs both relinquere and revertere. If one reads unde with Froben a comma must be placed between est and procul at v. 1078. My translation adopts the first person, in keeping with ME idiom. 1084 ff. John o f Beverley (d. 721) was the second monk o f Whitby who became bishop o f York (notice in Farmer, Dictionary, p. 216). The miracle re­ counted at 1092-1119 occurred while John was bishop o f Hexham.



posset ut aethereos animo decerpere flores et Domino propriae decimas persolvere vitae, e quis divitias caelo reperiret opimas.



Intrans ergo locum districtis usibus aptum tunc inopes iussit per proxima compita quaeri, per se pauperibus victum ut deferret egenis. Tunc aeger iuvenis mutusque adducitur illi, promere qui nullis poterat iam verba loquelis, cui caput horribili fuerat scabrigine tectum et pro crine cutis maculis vestita remansit. Huic pius antistes casulam congessit egeno, in qua susciperet stipem miser ille suetam; postque dies septem transacti temporis illum iusserat adduci mutamque ostendere linguam. Cui crucis impressit sanctae signando figuram atque diu tacitam iussit proferre loquelam. Qui dicto citius patris praecepta secutus ore loquens prompto taciturna silentia rupit et pleno est penitus mutus sermone locutus atque die tota pariter cum nocte sequenti non cessavit ovans varias proferre loquelas atque suae mentis secretas pandere causas. Et cum voce cutis pariter iam sana reversa est, reddunturque novi crispato crine capilli, pulcherque est iuvenis factus, promptusque loquela, sicque domum propriam gaudens sanatus adibat. 3 Nec meminisse aliud taedet laudabile signum. Dum lustrat pastor vigili tutamine mandras, sanctarum venit famularum visere cellam, de quarum numero recubat virguncula quaedam, 1096 quis T R: queis Gale 1104 congessit T R : concessit Munari 1112 pleno T: plano R m u tu s Ä :m u to 7







1098 proxima T: maxima R 1111 rupit R Ruinart: rumpit T 1121 mandras T: mandres R

1096 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 973 1097 Bede 1098-9 Juvene. Evang. iii. 79 quaerens per com ­ pita victum 1111 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. iv. 220 taciturna silentia rum­ pens; [Virg. Aen. x. 6 3-4 ] 1121 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 135 vigili tutamine mandris; ibid. 583 iam commissa vigil dum lustrat ovilia pastor 1095 Lev. 27: 32

Vit S. Cuthb. metr. 454

1094 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxxiv. 43 aetherios . . . decerpere flores 1109 cf. V. 1114 1110 cf. V. 1231 1 1 1 4 c/. w . 1204, 1455;Æ thelw. de Abbat. 141 1119 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxx. 13 atque



to gather in spirit the flowers o f Heaven and pay tithes to the Lord for his life, through them to store up splendid riches in Heaven. And so, on coming to a place suited to fasting and abstinence, he ordered a search to be made high and low for those in want, in order to offer food to the poor and the needy himself. There was brought to him a young man who was ill, a mute, unable to utter any word in speech, whose head was covered by a horrible scurf, the skin filled with sores in place o f hair. The bishop had a small hut built for this poor young man, in which that sad wretch took his daily rations, and after seven days had passed, he had him brought forth, and commanded him to show his speechless tongue. On it he made the sign o f the holy cross, commanding it to break its long silence. No sooner was this said than the father’s command was obeyed: the total mute broke his silence and spoke fluently, replying clearly in eloquent words. For the entire day and the following night he never ceased to talk joyously o f many things, revealing the hidden thoughts o f his mind. His skin was restored to health along with his voice and a new head o f curly hair grew on his head. He became a handsome young man, with a ready tongue. So, rejoicing and cured, he returned home. It is interesting to recall another miracle which deserves praise. When that shepherd was visiting the folds in his charge, he came to see a community o f holy nuns, one o f w hom , a young maiden, lay ill. domum propriis gaudens se currere plantis 1121 Aie. ii [Epit. Æ lb .\. 4 vigili tutamine mandras; id. Vit S. Willibr. metr. xii. 5 1112. pleno / plano . . . sermone: plano . . . sermone has a precise technical sense in Anglo-Latin o f this period, and means ‘prose*; cf. HE v. 24: ‘vitam . . . Cuthbercti et prius metro heroico et postmodum plano sermone descripsi.’ Alcuin wishes to stress the new-found eloquence o f the erstwhile mute. 1120-35. This is the first o f John o f Beverley’s miracles that took place while he held the bishopric o f York. 1122. cellam: at Watton in the East Riding o f Yorkshire. In the poetry o f Alcuin this term is used o f a spiritual community and never refers to a single monastic cell (Godman, SM (3a Ser.) 20. 2 (1979), pp. 567 ff.). 1123. Called Cwenburh in Bede.




vena cui nuper medio est incisa lacerto et manus obstipuit nimio grassante tumore; ergo videbatur citius moritura puella. Hanc sed restituit Domini virtute saluti antistes sanctus, qui tecta a matre rogatus virginis intrabat recubamque ex more salutat atque preces fundens manui benedixerat aegrae. Invaluit statim fugiente dolore puella, inque modum mirum toto de corpore tota cum redeunte foras secessit praesule pestis. Protinus Altithrono magnis erepta periclis virgo canit laudes multos victura per annos. V. 4 Huic aliud simili successit in ordine signum. Ecce comes quidam venerandum iure Iohannem advocat, ecclesiae Domino qui tecta dicaret. Uxor erat cuius multis infirma diebus, quadraginta iacens noctes depressa dolore algida nec valuit sese relevare cubili. Lurida cui gelidus pallor praetexerat ora, naribus alternis tenuis vix flatus anhelat. Huic pius antistes benedictam miserat undam, qua prius ecclesiam Domino sacraverat illam, ut potaret eam atque dolentia membra liniret. Quod dum fecisset, sequitur medicina per artus atque salutifero morbi periere sub haustu, venit et optatae virtus concessa salutis, surgit et e strato statim tunc femina sospes atque sacerdoti renovatis viribus almo pocula deportat, cunctisque impigra ministrat, reddidit atque Deo proprio cum coniuge grates.







1124 vena T: vela R 1125 grassante R: crassante T 1129 intra­ bat T: intrabant R e x i? :a T 1136 huic T: hinc R 1143 flatus anhelat Gale : flabat anhelus T R 1153 proprio T: propria R 1129 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 80 1134 Virg. Aen. iii. 711 tantis . . . erepte periclis 1143 Aldh. Ænigm. lxxi. 4 Spiritus alterno . . . flatu; Stat. Theb. vi. 873 flatibus alternis 1148 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 581 medellifero morbi cessere sub haustu 1149 Sedul. Carm. pasch. iii. 100 1150 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1278 protinus e strato festina surgere; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 570 femina sospes 1153 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1114; Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. iii. 389 coniuge cum propria



A vein had recently been cut in the middle o f her upper arm; as the swelling increased apace, her hand grew numb, and so it seemed that the girl would soon die. But through the Lord’s power the holy bishop restored her to health. Entering her home at her mother’s request, he greeted her in the usual way as she lay there, and, uttering prayers, he blessed her sick hand. The pain immediately fled, the girl grew well, and, wondrously, the disease left her body as the bishop left their house and went outdoors again. Saved from great danger, the girl, who was destined to live for many years, sang praises to G od enthroned on high. Another miracle after this occurred in a similar way. A gesith summoned the revered bishop John to dedicate a church building to the Lord. His wife had lain ill for many days, suffering for forty nights from severe pains, in a chill and unable to rise from the bed. A cold pallor had spread over her wan face, from her nostrils came scarcely a faint breath. The goodly bishop sent blessed water, with which he had previously consecrated the church, for her to drink and use to anoint her suffering limbs. When she had done this, the medicine flowed through her veins and her illness vanished with the healing draught. The vigour and health for which she yearned were granted her, and immediately she rose up from bed, cured, her strength renewed, and bore the cup o f hospitality to the ministering priest, serving all with care and, with her husband, giving thanks to G od.

1 1 2 9 c/. V . 1168 1 13 0c/. w . 1165, 1360 1138 c/. v. 1155 1140 Flor. Lugd. i (In Evang. Math.). 74 1143 cf. v. 1159; Walafr. lxxxiv. 12 dum flatus anelat; Milo Vit. S. Amand. iv. 352 tenuem flatum de nare . . . efflans 1144 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxii. 14 benedictam miserat undam 1145 cf. v. 1155

1125. grassante: cf. Vit. S. Willibr. pr. xxviii grassante. . . infirmitate. 1128. a matre rogatus: the girl’s mother was Hereburh, the abbess, who wished her daughter to succeed her. 1137. Bede records that the name o f the gesith was Puch.


92 he

V. 5

A s t c o m e s h u n c a liu s d iv e r s o t e m p o r e s c i s c i f e c i t a d e c c l e s i a m D o m i n o d e m o r e d ic a n d a m ,


c u iu s f o r t e p u e r , m o r t a l i p e s t e s u b a c t u s , m o r t u u s e x o m n i m e m b r o r u m p a r t e r e m a n s it, s p ir itu s e x c e p t o q u o d p e c t o r a f e s s a m o v e b a t , fr ig id a v i x t e n u i g e m i n a n s s u s p ir ia f l a t u . F u n e r is e x s e q u i a s c u i t u n c c o m e s ip s e p a r a b a t


e t lo c u lu s iu x ta sta b a t, q u o c o r p u s h u m a n d u m m o x f u e r a t , v it a e q u o n i a m s p e s n u lla m a n e b a t . P r o q u o p o n t i f i c e m la c r im a n s d u x ip s e r o g a b a t , u t d ig n a r e tu r p u e r o b e n e d i c e r e p r e s s o a t q u e p r e c e s D o m i n o p r o h u iu s f u n d e r e vita .


N e c q u o d p l e n a F i d e s r o g i t a b a t iu r e n e g a b a t v ir p i u s e t c l e m e n s , s t a tim s e d v is ita t a e g r u m e t b e n e d i x i t e u m , r e d i e n s e x m o r e s a lu t a t : 4M o x r e v a l e s c e p u e r , ’ d i c e n s , 4v i r e s q u e r e s u m e ! ’ P o s t h a ec cu m p ra esu l v el d u x p ra n d ere sed e b a n t,


p o s t u l a t in fir m u s s i t i e n s s i b i p o c u l a f e r r i . C u i d o m i n u s g a u d e n s q u o d ia m p o t a r e v a le r e t , m o x c a l i c e m v in i b e n e d i c t u m a p r a e s u l e m is it. U t b i b i t h u n c , s t a tim s a n u s s u r r e x i t e t ib a t, in tr a v itq u e d o m u m q u o d u x e t p r a e s u l e d e b a n t,


c u m q u e illis b i b e r e e t v e s c i s e v e l le p r o f a t u r . P o t a t e d i t q u e s e d e n s la e t u s l a e t a n t ib u s illis, p o s t h a e c e t m u ltis v i v e b a t s o s p e s in a n n is. HE V. 6

A s t q u o q u e p r a e s u l i t e r p e r q u a n d a m c u r s ib u s a p ta m p la n icie m c a m p i c u m c le r o g e s s it e q u e s te r ;


tu n c iu v e n e s a r d e n t cu rsu c o n te n d e r e e q u o r u m , s e d p iu s a n tis te s v e t u it s p e c ia lite r u n u m e x s o c i i s , l u d o n e s e m i s c e r e t in a n i. I l l e ta m e n c o n t r a v e t i t u m p e t u l a n t e r h a b e n a s s o l v i t e q u o f i d e n s m e d i u m q u e e r u m p i t in a e q u o r .


E r g o c a v u m q u o d d a m d u m f e r v i d u s ille c a b a llu s tr a n s ilit e t v a lid o iu v e n is c o n a m i n e la p su s in la p id e m c e c i d i t , q u i f o r t e a e q u a lis h a r e n a e 1154 scisci Gale: sisti R: scissi T 1158 quod T: quo R


1155 ad T: e t/? domino T R: domini 1164 presso T R: praesto edd.

1159 Virg. Ecl. viii. 14 frigida vix 1161 id. Aen. vi. 161 quod corpus humandum 1166 Arat, de A c t ApostoL ii. 939 1181 Virg. Aen. V. 291 contendere cursu 1183 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 63 levi subdis



A t another time, a different gesith summoned John to dedicate a church, as custom demanded. A servant boy o f his was struck down by a mortal illness and lay there, lifeless in all his limbs, except that his breathing moved his weary breast, as he heaved sigh upon sigh, chill and faint. Even then the gesith was preparing his funeral and a coffin stood nearby in which his body was soon to be laid, since he had no hope of surviving. In tears on his behalf, the nobleman asked the bishop to be kind enough to bless the afflicted boy and offer up prayers to the Lord for his life. What the fullness o f Faith demanded that goodly and kindly man did not refuse. He immediately visited the sick boy, blessed him, and, on returning as usual, gave him this greeting: ‘N ow be restored to health and strength, my b o y .’ Later, as the bishop and gesith were sitting down to their meal, the sick boy asked that a goblet of wine be brought to quench his thirst. Delighted that he was well enough to drink, his master sent a glass o f wine blessed by the bishop. On drinking, the b oy immediately rose up in good health, began to walk, and entered the house where the gesith and bishop were eating, declaring that he wished to take food and drink with them. They rejoiced together, and he sat down to eat and drink and for many years after lived on in health. That bishop was once making a journey on horseback with some o f his clergy over a level field well-suited to racing. The young men longed to compete with one another on horseback, but the kindly bishop expressly forbade one o f them to take part in his companions’ idle sport. Flouting the prohibition, the young man gave his horse free rein, and galloped confidently into the middle of the plain. But, as his hot-blooded stallion was leaping over a ditch, the young man strained hard, slipped, and fell on to a stone, which happened to lie hidden in the middle of the field, per inania lu d o; Virg. Georg, iv. 105

1185 id. Aen. x. 181

1154. Called Addi in Bede. 1158. excepto quod: cf. Löfstedt, Kommentar, pp. 298-9, Norberg, Syntak­ tische Forschungen, p. 234.



in m e d i o c a m p i la t u it s u b c a e s p i t e t e c t u s . ( N e c la p is a l t e r e r a t c a m p o r e p e r t u s in i l lo ).


H u ic c a p u t a t q u e m a n u m c a s u c o l l i s i t a c e r b o , v e r t i c i s e t s o l v i t iu n c t u r a s ; a t q u e c e r e b r o q u a s s a to c u n c t i s i a c u it ia m s e n s i b u s e x p e r s e t m o r i b u n d u s e r a t m o t u s i n e c o r p o r i s u llo . S e p t im a n e m p e f u i t t u n c c i r c i t e r h o r a d ie i,


s e m i a n i m i s q u e d o m u m s o c i i s d e f e r t u r a b ip sis. A t v ig il in p r e c i b u s p e r s t a b a t n o c t e s a c e r d o s , v e n i t a d in f i r m u m p r i m o s e d m a n e r e v e r s u s , in p o s ita q u e m a n u c a p iti b e n e d ix it e u n d e m a t q u e illu m p r o p r i o c o m p e l l a n s n o m i n e c la m a t.


E r g o g r a v i v e l u t i d e s o m n o s u r g e r e t , ille r e c lu d e n s o c u lo s p a tr i r e s p o n d it a m a to c o n v a l u i t q u e c i t o r e c r e a t i s v ir ib u s a t q u e cras e q u ita v it o v a n s c a r o c u m p r a e s u le p e r g e n s .


Multa alia, ut referunt, hic fecit signa Iohannes, quae m odo non libuit brevitatis iure referri. Diximus haec tantum, posuit quae Beda magister, indubitante fide texens ab origine prima historico Anglorum gentes et gesta relatu. Consenuit postquam praefatus episcopus ille, tunc alio vivens sedem concessit honoris atque monasterium devoto corde petivit, condignamque Deo vitam complevit ibidem, iuraque tunc tandem terrae peregrina relinquens est patriae proprius caelesti redditus heres. Presbyter egregius successit iure Iohanni Uuilfridus, heres patri dignissimus almo, qui prius Euboricae fuerat vicedomnus et abbas,




1207 haec R : h ic Mabillon: hac T2 1211 alio vivens R T2: alio iuveni Mabillon: alii vivens Froben 1217 Uuilfridus R: Wilfridus T 1205 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1455 plurima hic gessit virtutum signa sacerdos 1208 Arat, de Act. ApostoL i. 953 indubitata fides; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 510 ab origine prima 1209 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. iv. 426 gesta . . . relatu 1215 Paul. Nol. xvi. 257 divitiis . . . patriis possederat heres 1197 Alc. xci. 2. 3 studio brevitatis omitto

1205-6 Milo Vit. S. Amand. i. 281 plurima praeteriens 1208-9 ibid. iv. 310 historiae manifesta fides

1205 ff. With one possible exception (w . 1291-1318) Alcuin from this point ceases to draw on the HE, which closes in the year 731. The remainder o f his



level with some sand and covered by turf. (No other stone was found in that field.) Falling badly, he struck his head and hand, splitting the crown o f his head and crushing the brain. There he lay without any sense of movement or feeling, on the point o f death, his body motionless. It was then about the seventh hour o f the day; hè was carried home unconscious by his comrades. The bishop stayed up all night praying, and returned to see him early in the morning. He placed his hand on the sick man’s head, gave a blessing, and called out to him urgently by his own name. The sick man rose up as if from a heavy sleep and, opening his eyes, replied to his beloved father. He quickly regained his health and strength, and the following day rode away, rejoicing, in the bishop’s company. This John, they say, performed many other wondrous deeds which the rule o f brevity prevents me from setting out now. I have related only what Bede the master laid down with unquestionable accuracy in his historical account o f the English peoples and their deeds from their first beginnings. When that bishop grew old he yielded his place o f honour in his own lifetime to another man, and entered a monastery with devout heart, there ending a life well suited to G od, and, taking leave o f his exile on this earth, he returned, as its true heir, to his heavenly homeland. John was duly succeeded by an excellent priest called Wilfrid, a most worthy heir to that good father, who had been bishop’s deputy and abbot at York. poem constitutes a primary source for Northumbrian history from that date to c. 780 (Introduction, pp. xxxix, lv-lx). On the topos o f brevity see Curtius, pp. 48 ff. 1210-15. John retired to the monastery o f Beverley which he had founded in 717, some four years before his death on 7 May 721. 1216-17. Wilfrid II (d. 744), the third monk o f Whitby to become bishop o f York. This is the only extant source for his ecclesiastical benefactions and the longest for his career. Wilfrid is included in the metrical Calendar o f York (w . 245). Notice in Farmer, Dictionary, pp. 403 -4 . 1218. Euboricae vicedomnus et abbas: on vicedom(i)nus see Niermeyer, Lexicon , s.v. 2, pp. 1093-4. The existence o f a monasterium, in the sense o f a community o f clerks, at York is implied by this verse and by v. 1417, where Alcuin states that Ælberht in b oyh ood was committed to a monasterium (there




postea sed magno meritorum culmine fretus, pontificis summi condignus sumpsit honorem, omavitque gradum meritis et moribus almis. Plurima nam titulis sanctae ornamenta venustis addidit ecclesiae, rutilo qui vasa decore apta ministeriis argentea iure sacratis fecit et argenti lamnis altare crucesque texerat auratis: nolensque abscondere gazas prudens praesul eas divino impendit honori. Haec pius Euborica faciens antistes in urbe, ecclesias alias donis ornavit opimis, nec minus ille pio curam de corde gerebat multiplicare greges, Domini praecepta secutus, doctrinae monitis exemplis atque coruscis. Hos mentis dapibus, illos sed carnis alebat; hos fovet aethereis, illos carnalibus auget, ore manuque simul donorum largus utrisque, rem pietatis agens duplici moderamine rector omnibus acceptus, venerandus, honestus, amatus. Ast sua facta Bonus postquam compleverat ille pastor in ecclesiis, specialia saepta petivit, quo servire Deo tota iam mente vacaret, contemplativae seseque per omnia vitae dans, mundi varias curasque reliquit inanes, et quamvis ipso resideret corpore terris,






1219 fretus r: fletus R 1220 summi Mabillon: summis R 1225 lamnis corr. Traube (Diimmler, Add.): laminis R 1240 quo Mabil­ lon: quos R 1242 reliquit Mabillon: leliquit R 1220 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 525 pontificis summi . . . honore 12201 SylL Epig. Cant. 28. 6 sumpsisti meritis pontificale decus 1221 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 565 mundum propriis ornabat moribus 1224 Ven. Fort, ii. 16. 119 apta ministeriis; 1 Chron. 28: 13 1225-6 2 Chron. 3: 5 1228 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 541 praesul in urbe 1231 Ez. 36: 37; Sedul. Carm. pasch, iii. 78 1239 SylL Epig. Cantab. 3. 5-6 pastor . . . septa . . . / servans 1220 cf. V . 1575 1221 cf. w . 1253, 1302, 1426, 1469; Alc. cix. 24. 3 meritis et moribus almus; Ioseph Scott, i. 7 gradum meritis ornas et moribus almis 1222 Alc. lxxxix. 1 .5 1223 cf. v. 1489 is no evidence that the future archbishop was trained anywhere other than at York). Bede in his Letter to Egbert (Plummer i, p. 405) says ‘cum . . . in monasterio tuo demorarer’. Discussing the possible elevation o f the church at



Later, on the basis o f his great merits, he assumed the highest rank o f bishop, as he deserved, gracing that position by his good deeds and sweet character. He added many ornaments with fine inscriptions to the holy church; having vessels of shining lustre and silver made for the holy services, covering the altar and crosses with layers o f gilded silver: not wishing to hoard up treasure, the wise bishop placed it in the church to honour God. While performing these works in the city o f York, he endowed other churches with fine gifts, nor did he neglect to fulfil with devout heart the charge o f multiplying his flock, following G o d ’s commands, by the urging o f his teaching and his shining example. T o some he gave nourishment for the mind, to others food for the flesh, some he favoured by heavenly, others by earthly, means. He was generous both in word and in deed, a leader performing deeds of piety in a twofold way welcomed, revered, honoured, and beloved by all. After that good shepherd had completed his work in the church, he went in search o f a place o f retreat, there to serve G od with all his mind, and, giving himself up entirely to the contemplative life, he left the varied and empty cares o f the world. Although his body remained on earth, York to metropolitan status in the same work (Plummer i, p. 413) he states: ‘Quod si hoc . . . perfeceris . . . Eboracensis ecclesia metropolitanum possit habere pontificem. A c si opus esse visum fuerit, ut tali monasterio, causa episcopatus suscipiendi, amplius aliquid locorum ac possessionum augeri debeat, sunt loca innumera . . . ’ It is therefore clear that there was a monasterium in York, closely linked to the episcopal see, at the accession o f its abbot Wilfrid to the bishopric in 718, which was still functioning in 734 when Bede wrote to Egbert. It seems fair to assume that the monasterium existed both before and after those dates. In 741 the ‘York Annals’ record that a ‘ monasterium in Eboraca civitate’ was burned (Arnold, p. 38 [= Whitelock, p. 2 4 0 ]); this has been identi­ fied with St. Peter’s (Harrison, Y. Arch. Jnl. 40 (1959-62), p. 235). Writing to the ‘Euboracensis ecclesiae fratribus’ in c. 795 Alcuin (Ep. 42) refers to ‘nostrae frater­ nitatis animas’ (MGH Epp. iv. p. 86. 14) and enjoins ‘regularis vitae vos ordinet disciplina’ (ibid. 30; cf. Ep. 43, ‘estote . . . concordes in omni regularis vitae disciplina’ , p. 88. 9 -10). Lupus o f Ferrières addresses Altsige o f York as abbati in 852 (MGH Epp. vi. p. 62. 9). On the character o f the York school see Intro­ duction, pp. lx-lxv. 1233-4. See Blaise, Vocabulaire latin, pp. 535 ff. 1238-48. Wilfrid II died, twelve years after his retirement, at Ripon.



attamen ex omni iam mente manebat O lym po, pervigil exspectans caelestis praemia vitae. Tempore quae certo, vita praesente peracta, sumpserat angelicis caelo transvectus in ulnis. Hic pastoralis posuit dum pondera curae, tradidit Ecgbercto venerandae iura cathedrae, quem sibi pontificem fecit succedere summum. Hic fuit Ecgberctus regali stirpe creatus, nobilium coram saeclo radice parentum, sed Dom ino coram meritis praeclarior almis: dives opum terrae, miseris quas spargit egenis, ditior ut fieret, caelo dum colligit illas. Qui curas inopum devotus semper agebat pauperibus tribuens devoto pectore gazas, quas terris perdens, sibimet condebat O lym po. Hic erat ecclesiae rector clarissimus atque egregius doctor, populo venerabilis omni, moribus electus, iustus, affabilis atque efferus in pravos, mitis simul atque severus. Sacris divisit vicibus noctesque diesque, impiger assidue spatiosis noctibus orans, missarum celebrans solemnia sancta diebus, inque Dei domibus multa ornamenta paravit. Illas argento, gemmis vestivit et auro, serica suspendens peregrinis vela figuris






1257 devoto R : gaudenti T1 1245 Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 341 perpetuae . . . praemia vitae 1246 Arat. de Act. ApostoL ii. 123 1247 Sedul. Carm. pasch, ii. 206 angelicis sub­ vectus . . . ulnis; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 709 angelicis vectus caeli ad convexa 1251 Virg. Aen. x. 543 stirpe creatus 1252-3 Rom. 12: 17 1254 Virg. A en. i. 14 dives opum; Paul. Nol. xviii. 255; Avit. de Diluv. 196 sparsit egenis 1254-5 Lc. 1: 53 1257 Ven. Fort. iv. 5. 15 1257-8 Job 36: 6; Luc. 12: 33; Matt. 6: 19-20; Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 348 1258 Ven. Fort, ii. 8. 17 terris . . . Olympo 1260 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 501 egregius doctor 1263 Virg. Aen. vi. 556 noctesque diesque 1247 cf. V. 1351 ;CaL Ebor. metr. 23 angelico gaudens vectus trans culmina coetu 1248 cf. V. 1480 1248-50 HE Contin. s.a. 732 Ecgberct pro Uilfrido Eboraci episcopus factus 1259 cf. v. 1400 1265 cf. v. 1506 1249-50. Egbert’s accession to the bishopric on the resignation o f his pre­ decessor in 732 is recorded in the Continuations to the HE (app. iii ad loc.). His consecration took place in 734 and he received the pallium in 735. (These dates are discussed by Plummer ii, p. 378 and Harrison, The Framework o f Anglo-



his spirit was entirely in Heaven, awaiting vigilantly the rewards o f eternal life. These he gained at a determined time, at the end of his present life, when he was carried to Heaven in the arms o f angels. When Wilfrid laid aside the burden o f pastoral duties, he gave up the direction o f his venerable see to Egbert, whom he made his successor as bishop. This Egbert was the descendant o f kings, eminent by his royal ancestry in the eyes o f men, but more outstanding in G o d ’s sight through his goodly merits; rich in earthly wealth, he distributed it among the poor and needy, to become all the richer by amassing treasure in Heaven. Always concerned with the cares o f those in want, he bestowed his treasures upon the poor with devout heart, storing up in Heaven the riches he had lost on earth. He was a famous prelate o f the Church and an excellent teacher, beloved o f all his people, o f exceptional character, just, affable, and relentless to the wicked, both gentle and severe. The days and nights he divided between various holy duties, praying with unceasing diligence during the long night-watches, celebrating holy mass in the daytime, and preparing many ornaments for the houses o f God. He adorned them with silver, gold, and gems, hanging silken tapestries o f foreign pattern, Saxon History to 900 (Cambridge, 1976), pp. 107, 113). 1251-3. Egbert was the son o f Eata, a descendant o f Ida, founder, according to tradition, o f the Bemician dynasty. On this topos see comm, to w . 754-5. 1254 ff. The virtues embodied by Egbert were those Alcuin urged upon the bishops o f his own day: ‘ Esto miseris consolator, pauperibus pater . . . sint tibi mores humanitate praeclari, humilitate laudabiles, pietate amabiles. . . . Lectio sanctae scripturae saepius tuis reperiatur in manibus. . . . Vigiliae et orationes assiduae sint tibi . . .’ (Ep. 17, to Æthelhard, archbishop o f Canterbury in 793 (MGHEpp. iv, p. 46. 8 ff.)). 1259-60. ecclesiae rector . . . egregius doctor: an epitome o f ecclesiastical law, in the form o f a series o f questions and answers between pupil and master, is set out in Egbert’s Dialogus Ecclesiasticae Institutionis (Introduction, pp. lxiii-lxiv and n. 1). A description o f Egbert’s teaching at York is given at Vita Alcuini V (Arndt, pp. 186-7 [= Monumenta Alcuinianay i, pp. 9 -1 1 ]). 1268. peregrinis . . . figuris: Egbert had travelled to Rome, where he was ordained deacon (Bede, Ep. ad Ecgbert, xv; see further comm, to w . 1454-9). This passage provides further evidence for continental influences in early English art (cf. P. Meyvaert, ‘Bede and the church paintings at Wearmouth-Jarrow’, ASE 8 (1979), pp. 63-77).



sacravitque probos altaribus ipse ministros, ordinibus variis celebrent qui festa Tonantis. Davidisque alios fecit concinnere canna, qui Domino resonent modulatis vocibus hymnos. Cuius frater item Tyrio nutritus in ostro [737] sumpserat Eadberctus gentis regalia sceptra, qui dilatavit proprii confinia regni saepius hostiles subigens terrore phalanges. Tempora tunc huius fuerant felicia gentis, quam rex et praesul concordi iure regebant: hic iura ecclesiae, rex ille negotia regni. [735] Hic ab apostolico humeris fert pallia missa, ille levat capiti veterum diademata patrum. Fortis hic, ille pius; hic strenuus, ille benignus, germanae pacis servantes iura vicissim, ex alio frater felix adiutus uterque. Rexit hic ecclesiam triginta et quatuor annis, ille annis tenuit ter septem sceptra parentum; ambo felices meritis in pace sepulti. Temporibus plimis praefati praesulis huius, presbyter eximius meritis, cognomine Beda, astra petens clausit praesenti lumina vitae.






1271 canna R: carmen Mabillon in marg. 1274 Iberctus R : Adbertus 1290 praesenti Godman : praesentis T R


1270 Ven. Fort. viii. 3. 264 ordinibus variis 1271 id. Vit S. Mart. ii. 262 davitica canna 1272 Paul. Nol. xxvii. 561 1273 Virg. Georg. iii. 17 Tyrio . . . in ostro; [Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 552] 1279 I Macch. 6: 56 1281 Avit. de Virg. 546 diadema . . . in vertice sumat

1269 Alc. xxvi. 7 -8 ; id. lxxxix. 1. 13 1270 id. xxiii. 24 ordinibus variis; Moduin, Egloga ii. 112 celebrantes gaudia festis 1271 cf. v. 1437 1279 Poet. Saxo ii. 21 1280 Theodulf xvii. 17 1281 cf. w . 1313, 1536;Æ thelw. de Ab bat. 67 suo capiti portare coronam; ibid. 182 levant capiti . . . coronas 1290 cf. w . 1519-20; Alc. xlv. 13 praesentis tempora vitae

1273-6. Eadberht, king o f Northumbria (73 7-58 ), made extensive conquests beyond Northumbria’s northern border, including the capture o f Alcluith, the British capital, in 756. In 758 he retired to live in his brother’s Minster, leaving the Northumbrian kingdom more secure and further expanded than it had been since the defeat and death o f Ecgfrith (Stenton, p. 92). The charisma o f Eadberht’s



consecrating upright men to serve the altars and celebrate G o d ’s festive days at their various time. Others he taught to sing with David’s pipe and resound hymns to G od in well-trained voices. Eadberht his brother, likewise born in the purple, reigned over the Northumbrian people, extending the bounds o f his own kingdom, subduing the enem y’s forces in many a terrible defeat. These were fortunate times for the people of Northumbria, ruled over in harmony by king and bishop: the one ruling the church, the other the business o f the realm. On his shoulders the one wore the pallium sent by the pope, on his head the other bore his ancestors’ ancient crown. The one was powerful and energetic, the other devout and kindly, both lived in peace together as kinsmen should: two brothers helping one another gladly. For thirty-four years the one ruled the church, the other wore his ancestors’ crown for twenty-one years; both, happy in their achievements, were buried in peace. Early in the reign o f Archbishop Egbert, a priest o f outstanding merits named Bede closed his eyes on this present life and sought the kingdom of the stars. royal birth, to which Alcuin refers at v. 1273, was a matter o f prime importance. The failure o f kings in England in his own day was partly attributable to their low birth (Wallace-Hadrill, Early Medieval History , p. 16 8; Early Germanic Kingship , p. 119). 1277 ff. On the harmony o f Egbert’s and Eadberht’s reigns see Introduction, p. xlv and n. 3. Some o f the earliest Northumbrian sceattas bear the name o f the king and the archbishop together. (Illustrated in ASE 5 (1976), Plate V ille; discussed by C. C. S. Lyon, British Numismatic Journal, 38 (1955-7), p. 228.) 1280. Alcuin refers to Y ork’s elevation to metropolitan status in 735 (see com m, to w . 202 ff. and 209, and app. ii to v. 205), which had been planned by Gregory the Great, and discussed by Bede in 734, in his Ep. ad Ecgbert. x (cited at com m , to v. 1218). See Levison, England and the Continent, p. 243. ab apostolico: cf. v. 651 with comm. Substantival use o f the adjective to mean ‘p ope’ is com m on in ML o f this period. See Mlat. Wb. i. 5, s.v. 764, ii. b 42 ff. and cf. Ale. Ep. 216: ‘Apostolicum suos superare adversarios referebat’ (MGH Epp. iv, p. 360. 14) and ‘ Karolus Magnus’ 519, 534. 1286. Eadberht’s retreat from the world is set in context by K. H. Krüger, Fm. St. 7 (1973), pp. 182-3. 1288 ff. Alcuin dwells on the life and work o f Bede, but displays no know­ ledge o f Cuthbert’s letter on Bede’s death. Bede’s posthumous reputation is best discussed by D. Whitelock, After Bede (Jarrow Lecture 1960) [= id., From Bede to Alfred. Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Literature and History (London, 1980), pp. 3 -1 6 ].



HE V. 24 Qui m ox a puero libris intentus adhaesit

et-toto studiis servivit pectore sacris, utpote septennem quem fecit cura parentum arta monasterii Girvensis claustra subire. Cui iam praeclarus Ceolfridus praefuit abbas, qui, peregrina petens Christi deductus amore, Hist. Abbat. mortuus est exsul Linguanae in finibus urbis 21, 23 atque ibi condigno felix tumulatus honore est. Cuius corpus erat post tempora multa repertum integrum penitus, patriamque exinde reductum. Ergo monasterio Beda enutritus in illo ornavit teneros praeclaris moribus annos. HE V. 24 D i s c e r e n a m q u e s a g a x iu v e n is s e u s c r i b e r e s e m p e r f e r v i d u s i n s t a b a t , non segni mente laborans; et sic proficiens est factus iure magister. Plurima quapropter praeclarus opuscula doctor edidit, explanans obscura volumina sanctae Scripturae, nec non metrorum condidit artem. De quoque temporibus mira ratione volumen, quod tenet astrorum cursus, loca, tempora, leges scripsit et historicos claro sermone libellos; plurima versifico cecinit quoque carmina plectro. Actu, mente, fide veterum vestigia patrum semper dum vixit directo est calle secutus. Huius vita quidem qualis fuit ante, magistri 1294 arta R: arcta T2 1298 ibi T2: om. R qui R 1313 actu R T1: acta Mab illo n





1315 1310 quod T2:

1293 Juvene. Evang. iii. 492 1304 Virg. A en. ix. 350 fervidus instat 1310 Paul. Nol. xxii. 129 astrorum cursus; Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 67 . . . cursus, loca, tempora 1312 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1912 ce cin it. . . carmine 1313 Stat. Silv. V. 3. 177 patrum vestigia 1294 Alc. lxxxvii. 1 .6 1296 id. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. i. 8 peregrina petens Domini deductus amore; [id. cix. 24. 6] 1310 cf. v. 1443 1312 Alc. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxxiii. 9 versifico . . . plectro; [id. xiv. 15] 1313 cf. v. 1536 1291-1318. There is every reason to believe that Alcuin could have written these lines without reference to any written source: his own works display an intimate familiarity with the entire corpus o f Bede’s writings; Egbert had been a protégé o f Bede and archbishop Ælberht, Alcuin’s teacher, had received requests for Bede’s works. However the outline o f Alcuin’s account corresponds, once closely (w . 1303-4), to Bede’s description o f his own career and writings at HE



From early boyhood he had concentrated intensely on books, and had devoted himself wholeheartedly to sacred studies. With loving concern his parents had made him enter at the age o f seven the cloistered precincts o f the monastery of Jarrow, where the famous Ceolfrith presided as abbot. Led by love o f Christ, Ceolfrith went on pilgrimage and died in exile in the city o f Langres, where that happy man was buried with due honour. After a long time his body was found wholly uncorrupted, and brought back from there to his native land. Bede was brought up in that monastery, and his tender years were a pattern o f outstanding behaviour. Wise even as a youth, he was always keen and eager to learn or to write, working with unfailing diligence, and such was his progress that he was made a teacher, as he deserved. This famous scholar wrote many works, unravelling the mysterious volumes o f Holy Scripture, and composed a handbook on the art o f metre. He also wrote with marvellous clarity a book on time, containing the courses, places, times, and laws o f the stars. He was the author in lucid prose o f books on history, and the composer o f many poems in metrical style. He followed the footsteps o f the ancient fathers in actions, spirit, and faith walking the straight and narrow path through all his days. The quality o f this teacher’s life was clearly revealed V. 24. One further detail suggests that Alcuin was drawing on another written source (see com m, to w . 1297-1300). 1297-1300. The death o f Ceolfrith in Langres on 25 September 716 is never mentioned by Bede in the HE , although it is recorded at Hist. Abbatum 21, 23 and in the anonymous Hist. Abbatum 32, 36, and it is on these sources that Alcuin probably drew if he made use o f written authority. V. 1300 is our earliest evidence for the translation o f Ceolfrith’s uncorrupted body from Langres to England. 1300. exinde: see Löfstedt, Syntactical ii, pp. 150-1, Norberg, Beiträge,p. 76. 1303-4. These lines are a paraphrase o f Bede’s ‘semper aut discere aut docere aut scribere dulce habui* (HE v. 24). 1306-13. Alcuin selects only Bede’s major writings: the Biblical commen­ taries, De Arte Metrica, De Temporum Ratione (the title o f which is paraphrased in verse at v. 1309); his historical and poetical works. These, together with the prose and metrical Lives o f St. Cuthbert, were among the principal influences on Alcuin’s own work. 1315-18. Alcuin is our only source for this posthumous miracle. It resembles, perhaps by a chance similarity o f diction, a famous miracle o f St. Cuthbert’s recounted at w . 733-4.



claro post obitum signo est patefacta salutis. Aeger enim quidam, patris dum cingitur almi reliquiis, penitus peste est sanatus ab illa. Te quoque Pierio tangentes, Balthere, plectro, et tibi, sancte, locum nostris in versibus istum signantes petimus, placida tu mente teneto et rege nunc nostram pelagi per caerula cymbam inter monstra maris, scopulosas inter et undas ut possit portum portans attingere tutum. Est locus undoso circumdatus undique ponto, rupibus horrendis praerupto et margine saeptus, in quo bellipotens terreno in corpore miles saepius aerias vincebat Balthere turmas, quae sibi multimodis variabant bella figuris. Qui tamen intrepidus hostilia castra relisit, tela malignorum semper crucis arma beatus belliger opponens, galeam scutumque Fidei. Vir pius ille quidem quodam dum tempore solus incubuit precibus meditans caelestia tantum, horribilem subito strepitum simul atque fragorem audivit, veluti vulgi erumpentis in hostes. Tunc anima ex superis cuiusdam nubibus eius ante pedes cecidit nimio tremefacta timore, quam m ox turba minax ingenti horrore secuta est cum variis miseram poenis torquere volentum. A t pater ille pius placidis amplexibus illam arripuit gremio, statimque inquirit ab illa






1322 caerula Mabillon: cerulam R 1316 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 711 certis . . . patescere signis 1318 Arat. de Act. Apostol. i. 777 sanavit ab illa 1321 Virg. Aeru iii. 388 1322 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1736 caerula ponti; [Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 136] 1325 [ ‘Lac­ tant.’ de Ave Phoen. 1 Est locus in primo felix oriente remotus; Ven. Fort. i. 18. 1] 1326 Aldh. Ænigm. Ivi. 1 praeruptis . . . in margine ripis 1330 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. ii. 172 hostilia tela relidens 1331 ibid. i. 264 obtulit arma crucis [ibid. i. 277] 1332 Ephes. 6: 16 1334 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 335 incubuit precibus 1319 Paul. Diae, xxiii. 4 1319 ff. Mnn. Ebor.' s.a. 756 Balthere anachoreta viam sanctorum patrum est secutus migrando ad eum qui se reformavit ad imaginem filii sui [= ‘Symeon Dunelm.’ Hist. Reg. xlii] 1322 cf. v. 1657 1325-6 [The Seafarer 18-19, 23 þaer ic ne gehyrde butan hlimmam sae, / iscealdne waeg . . . I Stormas þaer stanclifu beotan . . .] 1326 cf. v. 1367 1339 cf.



after his death by a miraculous act o f healing: when a sick man was surrounded by relics o f that blessed father he was completely cured from his illness. N ow I shall touch on you in lyric measure, holy Balthere, and mark a place for you in this my poem ; with your calm spirit, I pray, preserve and guide my frail craft through the ocean depths, among the sea-monsters and waves as high as cliffs, that it may safely reach harbour with its cargo. There is a place completely encircled by the ocean waves, hemmed by terrible crags and steep cliffs, where Balthere, the mighty warrior, during his life on this earth vanquished time and again the hosts o f the air, that waged war upon him in countless shapes. This saint fearlessly crushed his enem y’s forces and the arms o f wicked demons, always opposing them with the weapons o f the Cross, the helmet and shield o f Faith, in successful combat. That pious man was once alone and praying fervently, his only thoughts were o f Heaven, when o f a sudden he heard a terrible uproar and din like that o f a host charging the enemy. From the upper clouds there fell at his feet a soul which quivered in great fear. Hard on its trail followed a terrifying, menacing throng bent on torturing the unhappy man with various punishments. But that pious father clasped it to his bosom in gentle embrace and immediately asked it what it was, why it was in flight w . 1377, 1412, 1626

1341 cf. v. 1626

1319 ff. Balthere ( ‘Baldred o f the Bass’). See Bullough, pp. 348 ff., pp. 352 ff. 1322-4. On this nautical metaphor, completed at w . 1385-7, see comm, to w . 1649 ff. 1325 ff. The Bass R ock in late medieval Scottish tradition (Bullough, pp. 3 53-4). Here Alcuin deliberately inverts the traditional rhetorical description of a locus amoenus (Curtius, pp. 195-202), perhaps implicitly contrasting Balthere’s place o f tribulation with such idyllic sites as those depicted in the poem De Ave phoenice attributed to Lactantius or in Venandus Fortunatus, Carm. i. 18, to both o f whom Alcuin refers at v. 1553. There is also a resemblance, which should not be exaggerated, to Anglo-Saxon poetry o f exile (for all three references see app. ii and iii ad loc.). 1327 ff. Alcuin’s description o f Balthere’s fights with the ‘hosts o f the air’ owes much to a tradition o f hagiography influenced especially by Evagrius’s translation o f Athanasius’s Vita Antonii . Cf. Felix, Vita S. Guthlaciy xxix-xxxvi (Colgrave, pp. 94-116).



quae esset, cur fugeret, faceret vel quae mala. Cui tunc respondit: ‘ Levita fui, sed mente maligna feminea amplexus manibus sum pectora tantum et culpam erubui vivens in came fateri. Nunc idcirco feri duris incursibus hostes per triginta dies meme torquere sequuntur. Nec captata fui, sed nec secura remansi.’ Tunc terrebat eum clamans ex hostibus unus: ‘Non hodie effugies, nec si tenearis in ulnis Petri, sed meritas patieris, pessime, poenas.’ Sanctus at irascens Petri convicia propter haec ait: ‘Ecce minor meritis sum centies illo principe apostolico; sed de pietate Tonantis confidens dico tibi, trux et saeve tyranne: “ Non hodie portabis eam sub Tartara tecu m !” ’ Tunc pius interventor humo prosternitur atque cum lacrimis Domino pro culpa supplicat illa, nec prius ille preces desistit fundere sacras quam propriis animam ferri vidisset ocellis altius angelicas caeli super astra per ulnas. Par quoque iam veteri signumque aequabile signo hoc de patre pio gessit clementia Christi. Nam velut aequoreas Petrus calcaverat undas, sic huic evenit; gradiens nam tempore quodam rupis in excelsae praerupto margine, casu contigit ut caderet; sed fluctibus ille marinis suffultus graditur siccis super aequora plantis, et ceu rura soli premeret, sic ambulat undis iam, nisi quod levius susceperat unda ruentem, 1346 vivens T2: iuvenis R 1371 levius T1: lenius Ä







1348 per R T2: post Mabillon

1344 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1850 mente malignus 1346 Lev. 13: 14; Paul. Nol. xxiv. 827 in carne vivens 1351 Virg. Ecl. iii. 49 numquam hodie effugies 1355 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1514 1363 Matt. 14: 29 1364 Arat, de Act. ApostoL ii. 520 dat clementia Christi 1365 Sedul. Carm. pasch, iii. 226 superambulat undas 1369 Aldh. Ænigm. xxxviii. 6 pedibus gradior super aequora siccis 1369-70 Prud. Apoth. 655 -6 ipse super fluidas plantis nitentibus undas / ambulat ac presso firmat vestigia fluctu 1370 Sedul. Carm. pasch, iii. 227 premit arva freti; ibid. iii. 226 superambulat undas


cf. V.




v. 1357

1356 Milo

Vit. S. Am ancL



and what wrong it had done. To him the soul replied: T was once a deacon, but with evil intent, I once laid hands on a w om an’s breasts— no more. When I lived on earth I was ashamed to admit my sin. And so the cruel demons have been pursuing me relentlessly for thirty days in order to torment me. I have not been captured, but I have never been free from anxiety.’ Then one o f the demons terrifying him cried out: ‘Today you will not escape, no, not if you were clasped in the arms o f St. Peter. You will suffer the punishment you deserve, evil on e.’ The saint grew angry at the insult to Peter, and said: T am a hundred times less worthy than that prince o f the apostles, but with trust in G o d ’s goodness I say to you, tyrant ruthless and cruel, that you shall not carry this soul o ff to Hell with you to d a y !’ Then, in kindly mediation, he prostrated himself on the ground and implored G od with tears for the guilt of that soul, ceaselessly pouring forth holy prayers, until he saw with his own eyes that it was carried high over the stars in Heaven in the arms o f angels. In His clemency Christ achieved another miracle through this pious father, which was the exact equivalent o f one performed in ancient times. For just as Peter trod the waves o f the sea, so did this holy father. Once, while walking along the steep border o f a high cliff, he chanced to fall. Buoyed up by the ocean waves he passed over the water with dry feet, walking on the waves as if stepping in a country field, except the wave received him more smoothly when he hurtled down ii. 170 saeve tyranne 1368-9 Flor. Lugd. i (In Evang. Matt). 136 per fluctus graditur, maris aequora calcat; Heiric Vit. S. German, iv, praef. 4 7 -8 1369 Alc. lxix. 67 siccis super aequora plantis 1370 cf. V. 1375 1344. The correct behaviour o f the diaconate had a particular significance for Alcuin, who held that rank all his adult life. The sixth canon o f the Northern synod o f 786, which Alcuin attended, decreed ‘ut nullus episcoporum presbiterum vel diaconum ordinare praesumat, nisi probatae vitae fuerint’ (MGH Epp. iv, p. 22. 33-4). 1363. veteri . . . signo: the allusion is to Christ’s command that Peter walk on the waters (Matt. 14: 29). Alcuin makes no higher claim for any miracle in this poem : the anchorite Balther o f his own day is represented as a match for the Apostle Peter.



quam si dura virum accepissent arva cadentem. Dum ruit, unda fluit, casus ne laederet illum: gressibus arva manent, illum ne mergeret aequor; ambulat ergo freto solido ceu tramite terrae, donec ad undivagam pervenerat ipse carinam, quam mox ascendit securo calle pedester. Non in veste liquor, non soccis haeserat humor. Quod natura negat, hoc dat tua dextera, Christe, unda tuo iussu pelagi fit pervia iustis; terra sed econtra vindex fit gurges iniquis: suffert ista humiles, dum devorat illa superbos. Nunc sed te petimus devoti, Balthere sancte, ut sicut unda tuum portabat ab aequore corpus te sanum penitus revehens ad litora nota, sic precibus nostras animas evadere fluctus [756] mundanos facias portumque intrare salutis. Claruit his etiam venerabilis Echha diebus, anachoreta sacer, heremi secreta secutus, terrenos fugiens iam corpore castus honores, ut cum rege Deo caelestes posset habere. Angelicam terris vitam devotus agendo, multa prophetali praedixit mente futura, de quo plura vetat narrari Musa recurrens carminis ad finem propriique ad gesta magistri qui post Ecgberctum venerandae insignia sedis [767] suscepit sapiens Ælberctus nomine dictus. 1380 iussu T1: nisu R secreta secutus heremi T2

1385 penitus r: petimus R






1389 sic R:

1379 Arat, de Act. Apostol. i. 528 Quod natura negat; [Sedul. Carm. pasch, iv. 8] ; Juvene. Evang. i. 737 tum dextera Christi; [Juvenal i. 79] 1385 Virg. Aen. ii. 256 1389 Ven. Fort. i. 5. 5 heremi secreta 1392 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 480 1393 ibid. 162 prophetali praefatur mente futura; [Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. ii. 116] 1396 Paul. Nol. xv. 112 1388 ‘Ann. Ebor.’ s.a. 767 Etha anachorita feliciter in Cric obiit, qui locus distat ab Eboraca civitate x. miliariis [= ‘Symeon. Dunelm.’, Hist. Reg. xlvi] 1393 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxiii. 1 praedixerat ante futura; id. Ep. 200 (p. 332, 24 ff.) ad gloriosum. . . regem Carolum . . . adveni, sicut mihi quidam sanctissimus vir prophetiaeque spiritu praeditus Dei esse voluntatem in mea praedixerat patria; etiam et ut vir venerabilis totusque Deo deditus meus mihi mandatum dederat magister 1396 ‘Ann. Ebor. ’ s.a. 766 Ecgberht archiepiscopus Eboracae civitatis in pace Christi requievit xiii. kal. Decefnbris, xxxiv. anno episcopatus sui [= ‘Symeon. Dunelm.’ , Hist. Reg. xlv]



than the unyielding earth would have taken a falling man. When he fell, the wave flowed to prevent it injuring him, remaining as firm as earth beneath his step lest he drown, and so he walked on the sea, as if on a solid path o f earth, until he came to a boat adrift on the waves, into which he climbed— his journey made safely on foot. There was not a drop o f water on his clothes, no dampness on his boots: what nature denies Christ’s power can dispense; at Christ’s command sea-waves become a path for the just; the earth is turned into a whirlpool to punish the wicked, the sea bears up the humble while the land engulfs the proud. But now, holy Balthere, we reverently implore you that, just as the wave carried your body from the sea, bearing you back in perfect safety to familiar shores, so with your prayers you may help our souls escape the storms o f this world and enter the port o f salvation. Famous in those days was a venerable hermit, Echa, who, far from men, in the wilderness lived a life o f chastity, shunning worldly honours, that he might enjoy heavenly ones with God the king. By leading the life o f an angel devoutly on earth he predicted much o f the future like a prophet. My Muse forbids me to tell more o f his story, as she hurries back to the end o f the poem and the deeds o f my teacher, the sage Æ lberht, who succeeded Egbert in the honours o f that respected see. 1388 ff. On the anchorite Echa see Introduction, pp. lvi-lvii. Alcuin’s interest in contemporary anchorites, reflected in his notices o f Echa and Balther, is also attested in a letter o f 790 to Colcu, an Irishman teaching in northern England, asking him to distribute ‘ per singulos anachoritas III siclos de puro argento’ (MGHEpp. iv, no. 7, p. 33. 4 -5 ). 1393. Alcuin mentions Echa’s predictions and then describes his teacher Ælberht. In Alcuin’s Ep. 200 (app. iii) the archbishop’s command that he travel to Francia and the Northumbrian prophecy o f his future association with Charle­ magne are linked in the same sentence. Identification o f Echa with the author o f this prophecy must remain speculative, but the inclusion o f the anchorite in this poem would gain point if his predictions had personal significance for Alcuin. 1396. Egbert died on 19 November 766. His brother Eadberht was buried with him two years later at York in what the A version o f the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records as ‘ on anum portice’ (s.a. 738). Their buried in the Minster may reflect a longstanding custom (comm, to w . 220-2). 1397. The career o f archbishop Ælberht (767-78), Alcuin’s teacher, receives Alcuin’s special attention (Introduction, pp. lvii, lxii-lxiv). Ælberht served as a pattern for the ideal qualities o f a prelate as seen by Alcuin, and this lengthy



Vir bonus et iustus, largus, pius atque benignus, catholicae fidei fautor, praeceptor, amator, ecclesiae rector, doctor, defensor, alumnus, iustitiae cultor, legis tuba, praeco salutis, spes inopum, orphanisque pater, solator egentum, trux rigidis, blandusque bonis durusque superbis, fortis in adversis, humilis fuit inque secundis, mente sagax, non ore loquax, sed strenuus actu. Cui quantum crevit cumulati culmen honoris, tantum mens humili sese pietate subegit. De quo versifico paulo plus pergere gressu Euboricae mecum libeat tibi, quaeso, iuventus, hic quia saepe tuos perfudit nectare sensus mellifluo dulces eructans pectore succos. Quem m ox a primis ratio pulcherrima cunis corripuit rerum, summamque vehebat in arcem doctrinae pandens illi secreta sophiae. Hic fuit ergo satis claris genitoribus ortus: ex quorum cura studiis m ox traditur almis atque monasteirio puerilibus inditur annis, sensibus ut fragilis sacris adolesceret aetas. De puero nec cassa fuit spes tanta parentum. Iam puer egregius crescebat corpore quantum, ingenio tantum librorum proficiebat. Sic meritis crescens annis et mente sagaci iam levita sacer condigno est ordine factus. Hunc bene dum felix adolescens gessit honorem, iura sacerdotii iuvenis suscepit honestus, cresceret ut gradibus, meritis qui creverat almis. 1398 pius T2: bonus R







1403 bonis Mabillon: bonus R

1401 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 126 tuba legis, praeco 1402 id. iv. 13.9 1405 Arat, de Act. Apostol. i. 404; Ven. Fort. ix. I. 92 1406-7 Paul. Nol. XXV. 146-7 1409 Virg. Ecl. ii. 28 libeat. . . tibi 1410 Virg. Georg. iv. 384 perfundit nectare 1412 (Augustin. Ep. xxvi) Licent, carm. 37 ratio pulcherrima mundi 1412-13 Virg. Georg, ii. 534 rerum pulcherrima 1415 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1266 claris natalibus ortam 1417 Arat. Ep. ad Parth. 49 1418 Virg. Aen. xii. 438 matura adoleverit aetas 1422 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 248 inque dies meritis crescenti 1425 Ven. Fort. v. 3. 9 iura sacerdoti 1426 Paul. Nol. xvi. 241 crevit meritis 1400 Alc. xxvi. 6 ecclesiae rector, defensor, amator 1405 Æ thelw. de 1409 Alc. lix. 10 moenibus Euboricae habitans tu sacra

Abbat. 39



He was a good and just man, generous, devout, and kind, a pillar, teacher, and lover of the Catholic faith, the leader and master o f his church, its protector and son, a lover o f justice, a clarion o f the law, a herald of salvation, hope o f the poor, father to orphans, comforter of the needy, strong in adversity and humble in good fortune, stern to the hardened, gentle to the good, harsh to the proud, o f discerning intellect, not wordy in speech, but energetic to act; the greater and higher his honours grew, the more he humbled himself with lowly pride. I ask you, please, to walk a little further with me, keeping step with my poem , young men o f York, for he often steeped your senses in nectar, pouring sweet draughts from his honeyed soul. From his earliest days reason, the loveliest o f things, had held him in her sway and carried him to the highest summit o f learning, revealing to him wisdom’s secrets. He was o f highly distinguished birth and his family soon devoted him with care to sacred studies, attaching him to the monastery in his boyhood, that he might mature in spiritual powers during his tender years. Nor were his parents’ high hopes in vain. For as that outstanding b oy grew up, his learning made equal progress. Thus growing in qualities, in years, and wisdom, he became a holy deacon at the proper time. In youth he filled this station successfully and well, and as an upright young man took vows to the priesthood, advancing in office, as he grew in holy merits. iuventus 1415 ff. id. Vit. S. Willibr. pr. iii tradidit eum pater . . . fratribus religiosis studiis et sacris litteris erudiendum, ut fragilior aetas validioribus in­ valesceret disciplinis 1426 Heiric Vit. S. German, i. 128 crescebat meritis panegyric, modelled on Venantius Fortunatus’s encomia o f bishops (cf. Carm. iii. 8. 15 ff.; iv. 3. 9 ff.; iv. 10. 11 ff.), combines many o f the virtues singled out by Alcuin in earlier bishops and kings (cf. vv. 116-18, 136-40, 266-73, 570-2, 1254-62). On this type o f panegyric see A. Georgi, Das lateinische und deutsche Preisgedicht des Mittelalters (Berlin, 1969), pp. 47 ff. 1417. See comm, to V . 1218. ' 1423. The minimal canonical age for ordination to the diaconate was 23/24 and to the priesthood 24/25 (v. 1425). Bede’s ordination as deacon at age 19 was unusually early. (See P. Hunter Blair, The World o f Bede (London, 1970), p. 5.)



Tunc pius et prudens doctor simul atque sacerdos pontificique comes Ecgberct coniunctus adhaesit, cui quoque sanguineo fuerat iam iure propinquus; a quo defensor clero decernitur omni et simul Euborica praefertur in urbe magister ille, ubi diversis sitientia corda fluentis doctrinae et vario studiorum rore rigabat, his dans grammaticae rationis gnaviter artes, illis rhetoricae infundens refluamina linguae. Istos veridica curavit cote polire, illos Aonio docuit concinnere cantu, Castalida instituens alios resonare cicuta et iuga Parnassi lyricis percurrere plantis. Ast alios fecit praefatus nosse magister harmoniam caeli, solis lunaeque labores,




1436 veridica R : iuridica T2 1433 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 131 sitientia pectora rorans 1433 Deut. 32: 2 concrescat ut pluvia doctrina mea; fluat ut ros eloquium meum 1435 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 29 parvula grammaticae lambens refluamina guttae 1436 ibid. i. 31 cote ex iuridica 1439 Virg. Ecl. x. 11 Parnasi. . . iuga; Aldh. de Virg. metr. 473 1441 Virg. Georg, ii. 478 solis . . . lunaeque labores; [id. Aen. i. 742] 1427 cf. V. 1482; Alc. cx. 17. 2 1433 id. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. vi. 6 rore rigans; [ibis. i. 12-13] ; id. Vit. S. Richarii iv arida corda superno perpetuae salutis rore inrigavit 1437 Moduin, Egloga i. 91 Aonias . . . recitare camenas 1441-8 Alc. Ep. 148 (p. 239, 22 ff.) Quid aliud in sole et luna et sideribus consideramus et miramur nisi sapientiam creatoris et cursus illorum naturales? . . . Solebat magister meus mihi saepius dicere: ‘Sapientissimi hominum fuerunt, qui has artes in naturis rerum invenerunt . . Sed nunc pusillanimitas multorum non curat scire rationes rerum, quas creator condidit in naturis. Scis, op­ time, quam dulcis est in rationibus arithmetica, quam necessaria ad cognoscendas scripturas divinas; quam iocunda est cognitio caelestium astrorum et cursus illorum. 1430. defensor (cf. v. 1400): the term, as applied to bishops, had been used since the late Roman empire to describe their legal role as guardians o f the clergy’s interests. See Niermeyer, Lexicon s.v. 6, p. 313 and A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire, 284-662 , ii (Oxford, 1964), p. 911. 1432-3. The following idealized picture is our only first-hand source for Æ lberht’s teaching o f the trivium and quadrivium, the place o f which in the curricula o f Aldhelm, Bede, and Alcuin is discussed by P. Riche, Education et culture dans Toccident barbare (Paris, 1962), pp. 419 ff. and by M. Roger, L ’enseignment des lettres classiques d ’Ausone à Alcuin (Paris, 1905), pp. 288 ff. Alcuin himself discusses the seven Liberal Arts in his Disputatio de vera Philo­ sophia (PL ci. 849-54), and each o f the subjects described here is represented in his own writings. 1434-5. Glossed in R as de grammatica et de rhetorica, on both o f which sub-



Then, as a pious and wise teacher and priest, he became a boon companion o f bishop Egbert, to whom he was related by blood and who marked him out to defend the entire clergy, making him a teacher in the city o f York. There he watered parched hearts with diverse streams o f learning and the varied dew o f knowledge: skilfully training some in the arts and rules o f grammar and pouring upon others a flood o f rhetorical eloquence. Some he polished with the whetstone o f true speech, teaching others to sing in Aonian strain, training some to blow on the Castalian pipe, and run with lyric step over the peaks o f Parnassus. To others this master taught the harmony o f the spheres, the labours o f the sun and the m oon, jects Alcuin wrote. For the De Grammatica, a new edition o f which is badly needed, see PL ci. 854-902. The De Rhetorica et de Virtutibus is edited by C. Halm, Rhetores latini minores (Leipzig, 1863), pp. 525-50 and by W. S. Howell (with translation), The Rhetoric o f Alcuin and Charlemagne (Princeton, 1941). Studies in Mahl, Quadriga virtutumy pp. 109-15 and Wallach, Alcuin and Charlemagne, pp. 29-82. 1436-7. Glossed, probably correctly, in R as de dialectica et musica. It has been denied that dialectic had any place in the curriculum o f Ælberht and alleged that law was studied instead (Roger, op. cit., p. 315). This interpretation rests on the reading iuridica at v. 1436, which itself may be a copyist’s conjecture, on the basis o f Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 31. Veridica supplies the third element o f the trivium, defined by Cassiodorus at Instit. ii, pref. 4 as ‘ disputationibus subtilis­ simis ac brevibus vera sequestrat a falsis’ (cited by Isidore, Etym. i. 2 and by Alcuin’s pupil Hrabanus Maurus, De Clericorum Instit. iii. 20), o f which definition veridica is an apt rendering. Alcuin, described by Einhard (Vita Karoli Magniy xxv) as Charlemagne’s teacher o f dialectica, is the author o f a tract on that subject (PL cL 9 50 -7 6), the importance o f which he also stresses in his De Trinitate (see further com m , to v. 1550). The full trivium, including dialectic, had its place in Æ lberht’s curriculum. 1437. A onio . . . concinnere cantu: glossed sonare musico in R. Cf. vv. 1271— 2, where the allusion is to hymnody. Teaching in this subject was doubtless avail­ able at York from at least the reign o f Egbert to that o f Ælberht. Alcuin is said (Vit. Alcuini xxi (Arndt, p. 194) [= Monumenta Alcuiniana, xii, p. 28]) to have written a work De Musica, now lost. See Bischoff, Spoleto . . . Settimaney 19 (1971), p. 405. On the association o f ‘Aonian Song’ with poetry in early Carolingian verse see Schaller, Fm. St. 10 (1976), pp. 165-7. 1438-9. While v. 1438 may refer not only to versification but also to musical performance (as it is interpreted by r, who glosses ‘Castalida . . . cicuta’ as musica fistula)y v. 1439 certainly describes the composition o f poetry. In these meta­ phorical terms Alcuin outlines his own training as a poet at the school o f Ælberht. See further com m , to w . 1551-4. 1441-5. Glossed as astrologia in R y this section describes astronomy, to which Charlemagne, according to Einhard (Vita xxv), ‘plurimum et temporis et laboris



quinque poli zonas, errantia sidera septem, astrorum leges, ortus simul atque recessus, aerios motus, pelagi terraeque tremorem, naturas hominum, pecudum, volucrum atque ferarum, diversas numeri species variasque figuras, paschalique dedit solemnia certa recursu, maxima Scripturae pandens mysteria sacrae; nam rudis et veteris legis patefecit abyssum. Indolis egregiae iuvenes quoscumque videbat, hos sibi coniunxit, docuit, nutrivit, amavit, quapropter plures per sacra volumina doctor discipulos habuit diversis artibus aptos. Non semel externas peregrino tramite terras iam peragravit ovans, sophiae deductus amore, si quid forte novi librorum seu studiorum, quod secum ferret terris reperiret in illis. Hic quoque Romuleam venit devotus ad urbem, dives amore Dei, late loca sancta peragrans.




1442 zonas R T2: conas Mabillon 1448 maxima Mabillon: maxime R 1449 Suspected, needlessly, by Wattenbach and Dümmler: cf. Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1625 1453 aptos R: auctos T2 1442 Virg. Georg, i. 233 quinque tenent caelum zonae 1444 ibid. ii. 479 1445 id. Aen. vi. 728 hominum pecudumque genus vitaeque volantum 1447 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1577 1449 ibid. 1625 nam rudis et priscae legis patefecit abyssum; [Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 146] 1450 I Chron. 12: 28 1452 Aldh. Carm. eccl. iii. 58 1458 Paul. Nol. xix. 483 Romuleam . . . ad urbem 1459 Ven. Fort. viii. 8. 5. dives amore dei 1442 Walahfr. Ivi. 23 errantia sydera septem [Theodulf xlvi. 85] 1450 ff. Alc. ii [Epitaph. Ælberht. ] 5-10 Imbuit hic teneros liberalibus artibus annos / sollicita primo mente docendo meos; / quem quocumque quidem, Christo ducente cucurrit / promptus mente pede iam que secutus eram, / dum Romam cunctis venerandam gentibus urbem, / vel tam Francorum florida regna petit 1451 id. cix. 24. 5 d o c u it. . . nutrivit, amavit; Paul Diae, xxxviii. 6 impertivit’ under Alcuin’s instruction. His more important letters on this subject include MGH Epp. iv, no. 126, pp. 185-7; no. 148, pp. 2 37-41; no. 155, pp. 249-53; no. 171, pp. 281-3. The tract De Saltu Lunae ac Bissexto ascribed at PL ci. 981-1002 to Alcuin was not written by him (C. W. Jones, Bedae Opera de Temporibus (Camb. (Mass.), 1943), pp. 375 ff.). Alcuin’s expansive account o f Æ lberht’s system appears, by v. 1445, to include natural history, which Bede also links to computus (De Temp. Rat. praef.). On the links between these parts o f Æ lberht’s curriculum, as expounded by Alcuin, cf. Ep. 148 (app. iii ad loc.). 1446. Geometry and arithmetic (glossed origo matheseos in R). The Proposi­ tiones ad acuendos iuvenes, the oldest collection o f mathematical problems in



the five zones o f heaven, the seven planets, the regular motions o f the stars, their rising and setting, the movements o f the air, the tremors o f the earth and sea, the natures o f men and cattle, o f birds and wild beasts, the diverse forms and shapes of numbers. He regulated the time for Easter’s celebration, revealing the great mysteries o f holy Scripture, for he fathomed the depths o f the rough and ancient law. Whenever he saw young men of excellent character, he took them to him, to teach, cherish, and love. And so this teacher had several pupils whom he trained in various disciplines by means o f the holy writings. More than once he took the pilgrim’s route to foreign lands with jo y , led by love o f holy wisdom and hope o f finding new books and studies there to bring back with him. He travelled devoutly to the city o f Rom e, rich in love o f G od, visiting holy places far and wide. Latin, have been ascribed to Alcuin and are now available in the excellent edition o f M. Folkerts (Introduction, p. xxxiv, n. 5 (cont.)). 1447. Computus y on which Alcuin, following Bede, had written is represented in a number o f his letters about astronomy (see comm, to w . 1441-5); cf. MGH Epp. iv, no. 170, pp. 278-81. Alcuin’s most important letters on computistical and astronomical questions are assembled in the Vatican manuscript Reg. lat. 226. 1448-9. Alcuin regarded the seven liberal arts as septem Philosophiae gradus, a propaedeutic to the culmina Sanctarum Scripturarum (see Disputatio de Vera Philosophiar PL ci. 853-4, with the studies o f Brunhölzl and Courcelle cited at I p. xxxiii, n. 5, and M. T. d’Alvemy, Mélanges . . . F. Grat i (Paris, 1946), pp. 245 ff.). Cf. further Ep. 280 (MGHËpp. iv, p. 437. 25-38). Alcuin’s works on Scripture include a critical revision o f the Bible (see Fischer, p. xxxiv, n. 2) and exegesis o f a number o f Scriptural texts (edited in PL c), and systematic theology, particularly tw o works De Trinitate (PL ci. 13-58, 59-64) and the De Animae Ratione ad Eulaliam (MGH Epp. iv, pp. 473-8). 1449. The Old Testament. 1450-3. The two most famous pupils o f Æ lberht’s school were Eanbald, the future archbishop o f York, and Alcuin himself (cf. vv. 1515-17 and app. iii ad loc.). Their number probably also included Sigulfus presbyter; custos Eboricae civitatis ecclesiae y who is cited as a source for the Vita Alcuini (Arndt, viii, p. 189 [= Monumenta Alcuinianay v. p. 16]). 1454-9. Æ lberht’s continental journeys, on which he was accompanied by Alcuin, took place before his consecration in 767 (see D. A. Bullough, SCH 14, ed. D. Baker (O xford, 1977), p. 31, n. 16). On the established practice o f AngloSaxon pilgrimage to Rome, see Levison, England and the Continent y pp. 36 ff.; W. J. Moore, The Saxon Pilgrims to Rome and the Scola Saxonum (Freibourg, 1937), pp. 73 ff.; P. Sims-Williams, ASE 5 (1976), p. 15. One o f Alcuin’s Roman journeys involved a halt in Murbach (see Ep. 271, MGH Epp. iv, p. 429).



Inde domum rediens, a regibus atque tribunis doctor honorifice summus susceptus ubique est, utpote quem magni reges retinere volebant, qui sua rura fluens divino rore rigaret. Ad sibi sed properans praefinita facta magister, dispensante Deo, patriae prodesse redibat. Nam proprias postquam fuerat delatus in oras, m ox pastoralem compulsus sumere curam, [767] efficitur summus populo rogitante sacerdos, officiumque suis meritis decoraverat almis, ordinis atque bonus pastorque repertus ubique est. Namque tuebatur divinum cautus ovile, ulla ex parte lupus Christi ne laederet agnos; ille quibus sacri praestabat pabula Verbi, ne sitis atque fames ullo vexaret acerbo. De gregeque errantes heremi per devia vastae ad Domini caulas humeris revehebat amicis, nolentesque sequi placido sermone vocantem insequitur iuris terroribus atque flagellis. Non regi aut ducibus iustus parcebat iniquis, sed neque decrevit, curarum pondera propter, Scripturas fervens industria prisca legendi, factus utrumque: sagax doctor pius atque sacerdos, sensibus hos augens, illos et moribus ornans. Nec pater adveniens in tantum culmen honoris






1464 ad sibi sed . .. praefinita facta T R: ad sua sed . . . post finita facta Raine: at sibimet . . . praefinita ad facta Traube : sed sibimet . . . ad facta Hargrove 1469 suis R: sui r almis T 2: annis R 1475 heremi per R : per eremi T 2 vastae T2: vasti R : vasta 1466 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 252 1471 Aldh. de Virg. metr. praef. 19 1475 Stat. Theb. v. 248 per devia vastae 1477-8 Jdt. 7: 20 1479 Ps.-Prosper de Prov. D ei 822 1480 Ven. Fort. ix. 1. 123 curarum pondera portans 1484 id. v. 15. 1 1461-2 *Karolus Magnus’ 534-5 1467-8 ‘Ann. Ebôr. ’ s.a. 767 Alberht Eboracae civitatis et Alchmund Hagustaldensis ecclesiae ordinati sunt episcopi viii. kal. Mai [= ‘Symeon Dunelm.’, Hist. Reg. xlvi] 1475 Theodulf xxviii. 29 heremi per devia 1467-8. Ælberht was consecrated on 24 April 767, the dies depositionis o f Wilfrid. It is possible that Alcuin attended this ceremony. The choice o f the date o f Wilfrid’s consecration probably reflects a cult at York, which may have



Then, returning home, the great teacher was everywhere received with honour by the mighty o f the earth. Powerful kings wished to keep him with them to water their fields with his stream o f divine learning. But hastening to the business foreordained for him, by G o d ’s grace, this master returned to serve his homeland. Arriving back on his native shores, he was soon made to take on a pastoral charge, and was elected archbishop by popular acclaim. By his holy achievements he was a credit to his office, and proved himself a good shepherd in every respect, for he guarded G o d ’s fold with care, preventing the w olf from harming the lambs o f Christ, offering them the food of the holy Word, sparing them from the pangs o f hunger and thirst. Wanderers through the desert’s boundless waste he carried back to the Lord’s fold on loving shoulders, and those unwilling to attend to his gentle preaching he pursued with the terrible punishment o f the law. In his justice that bishop did not spare evil kings or nobles, and his former eagerness and zeal for reading Scripture grew no less under the burden o f responsibility. He was both things at once: a wise teacher and a pious priest, improving the understanding of some, refining others’ character. When that father advanced to his high honour, influenced Alcuin’s favourable portrayal o f Wilfrid (see Introduction, pp. li-lii, liii-liv). 1479. Alcuin’s letters to kings reflect the importance he attached to the role o f bishops. In 793 he wrote (Ep. 16) to Æthelred o f Northumbria and his optimates: ‘Oboedite sacerdotibus Dei. Illi enim habent rationem reddere Deo, quom odo vos ammoneant; et vos, quom odo oboediatis illis’ (MGH Epp. iv, p. 44. 23-24). See J. Chélini, Le vocabulaire politique et social dans la correspondance d*Alcuin, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres d ’Aix-en-Provence, Travaux et Mémoirs, 12 (Aix-en-Provence, 1959), pp. 27 ff. Æ lberht’s chastisement o f con­ temporary rulers was a proper function o f his office, lent special urgency by Northumbrian politics (Introduction, pp. lix-lx). 1480-1. One o f Alcuin’s frequent enjoinders to bishops: cf. Ep. 17 (to Æthelhard, archbishop o f Canterbury, in 793): ‘Lectio sanctae scripturae saepius tuis reperiatur in manibus* (MGHEpp. iv, p. 46. 16). 1484-7. Cf. Ep. 20 (to Hygebald of Lindisfarne, 793): ‘Sint vestimenta tuo gradui condigna . . . Inanis ornatus vestimentorum et cultus inutilis tibi est obprobrium ante homines et peccatum ante Deum. Melius est animam in perpetuum permanentem bonis ornare moribus, quam corpus cito in pulvere putrescens exquisitis comere vestibus’ (MGHEpp. iv, p. 58. 3 -7 ).



vestibus atque cibis veterem mutaverat usum; deliciosa nimis fugiens, nec vilia valde sectatus fuerat, medio moderamine gaudens. Nec minus interea vario ornamenta decore addidit ecclesiis, Fidei fervore repletus. Namque ubi bellipotens sumpsit baptismatis undam Eduuin rex, praesul grandem construxerat aram, texit et argento, gemmis simul undique et auro, atque dicavit eam sancti sub nomine Pauli doctoris mundi, nimium quem doctor amabat. Hoc altare farum supra suspenderat altum, qui tenet ordinibus tria grandia vasa novenis, et sublime crucis vexillum erexit ad aram et totum texit pretiosis valde metallis. Omnia magna satis, pulchro molimine structa, argentique meri compensant pondera multa. Ast altare aliud fecit, vestivit et illud argento puro, pretiosis atque lapillis, martyribusque crucique simul dedicaverat ipsum. Iussit ut obrizo non parvi ponderis auro ampulla maior fieret, qua vina sacerdos funderet in calicem, solemnia sacra celebrans. Ast nova basilicae mirae structura diebus praesulis huius erat iam coepta, peracta, sacrata. Haec nimis alta domus solidis suffulta columnis, suppositae quae stant curvatis arcubus, intus emicat egregiis laquearibus atque fenestris.

1495 supra Mabillon: super R







1504 ut Mabillon: om. R

1486 Ven. Fort. vi. 12. 49 1487 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 831 1488 Virg. Georg, ii. 429 nec minus interea 1497 Sedul. Carm. pasch. i. 337 crucis vexilla 1498 Aldh .Ænigm. xcvi. 11 fulvis pretiosa metallis 1499 id. Carm. eccl. iii. 1 pulchro molimine structum 1504 id. de Virg. metr. 2182 obrizum . . . metallum 1497 Ale. cxiv. 1. 1 vexillum sublime crucis; Æthelw. de Ahhat. 1499 Carm. Salisb. ii. 7


1488 ff. Alcuin records three distinet enterprises at York during the episco­ pate o f archbishop Ælberht. The first, described at w . 1490-1506, involved gifts to the Minster, and included the dedication o f an altar to St. Paul. In 796, the ‘York Annals’ record that king Eardwulf o f Northumbria was consecrated at York



he did not change his former habits in food and dress; though avoiding luxury, he was no fanatic for the excessively simple, rejoicing instead in a middle course. He also endowed the churches with ornaments o f varied beauty, filled with zeal for the Faith. In the spot where Edwin, the warrior king, was baptized the bishop raised a great altar and covered it with gold, silver, and jewels, dedicating it in the name o f St. Paul, the universal teacher, whom he loved with all his heart. High above this altar he hung a chandelier, which held three great vessels, each with nine tiers. A t the altar he erected the noble standard o f the cross covering it entirely with most precious metals. It was all on a grand scale and built on a lovely design, weighing many pounds in pure silver. He erected another altar and covered it too with pure silver and precious stones, dedicating it both to the martyrs and to the Cross. He ordered a large cruet to be made in pure gold and o f great weight, from which the priest celebrating holy mass could pour wine into the chalice. During his bishopric a new basilica o f wondrous design was begun, completed, and consecrated. This lofty building, supported by strong columns, themselves bolstering curving arches, gleams inside with fine inlaid ceilings and windows.

‘in ecclesia Sancti Petri ad altare beati Apostoli Pauli* (Symeon, Hist. Reg. lviii, p. 58 [= Whitelock, p. 274]). This altar, together with the one to the martyrs and the Cross described at v. 1503, may have been placed in the transepts at the junc­ tion o f the nave and chancel. It has been conjectured that all three altars were part o f an elaborate ‘west work’ covering a baptistery to the west o f Edwin’s church (Cramp, Anglian and Viking York , pp. 9-10). 1507 ff. Æ lberht’s second enterprise, the new basilica at York, dedicated (unusually) to Sancta Sophia (v. 1520) and containing thirty altars (v. 1514), supplemented St. Peter’s and did not replace it (Harrison, Y. Arch. JnL 39 (1 9 5 6 -8 ), p. 436). Its site is unknown. For the conjecture that Sancta Sophia stood to the east o f the present Minster, between the West Front and Central Tower, see Harrison, Y. Arch. Jnl. 40 (1959-62), p. 242. In a letter o f 801 Alcuin announces the gifts o f 100 lbs. o f tin for roofing the belfry and o f four screens o f lattice-work (MGH Epp. iv, no. 226, p. 370. 12-14; see further Cramp, Anglian and Viking York , p. 10).



Pulchraque porticibus fulget circumdata multis, plurima diversis retinens solaria tectis, quae triginta tenet variis ornatibus aras. Hoc duo discipuli templum, doctore iubente, aedificaverunt Eanbaldus et Alcuinus, ambo concordes operi devota mente studentes. Hoc tamen ipse pater socio cum praesule templum, ante die decima quam clauderet ultima vitae lumina praesentis, Sophiae sacraverat almae. Ergo ministrator clarissimus ordine sacro, praesul perfectus meritis plenusque dierum, tradidit Eanbaldo dilecto laetus alumno pontificale decus, sibimet secreta petivit saepta, Deo soli quo iam servire vacaret. Tradidit ast alio caras super omnia gazas librorum gnato, patri qui semper adhaesit, doctrinae sitiens haurire fluenta suetus. (Cuius si curas proprium cognoscere nomen, fronte sua statim praesentia carmina prodent.) His divisit opes diversis sortibus: illi ecclesiae regimen, thesauros, rura, talenta; huic sophiae specimen, studium sedemque librosque, undique quos clarus collegerat ante magister egregias condens uno sub culmine gazas. 1514 triginta Mabillon: xer R dent Mabillon: prodant/?

1524 decus r: ductus R

1512 Paul. Nol. xxviii. 7 porticibus . . . circumdata longis xxviii. 28 variis ornatibus 1517 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 2049 25: 8 1535 Be de Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 699 condere gazas





1535 1530 pro­

1514 id. 1522 Gen.

1515-17 Alc. Ep. 112 (p. 162. 23 ff.) [Eanbaldus] mihi et pater et frater et amicus fidelissimus, etiam et condiscipulus sub magistro meo 1522 id. lxxxviii. 15. 15 perfectus meritis pastor plenusque dierum; id. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxiv. 5 1524 cf. v. 1566 1526 cf. v. 1535 1533-5 Alc. Ep. 114 (p. 167, 8 ff.) thesauris sapientiae, in quibus me magister meus dilectus Ælberhtus archiepiscopus heredem reliquit; id. Ep. 121 (p. 177, 4 ff.) exquisitiores eruditionis scolasticae libelli, quos habui in patria per bonam et devotissimam magistri mei industriam 1512. porticibus: ‘sanctuary (or mortuary) chapel’ ; cf. comm, to w . 220-2 and see H. M. Taylor, T h e Position o f the Altar in Early Anglo-Saxon Churches’, The Antiquaries Journal, 53 (1973), pp. 52-8. 1513. solaria: ‘upper chambers’ or ‘galleries’, possibly made o f w ood. See Tay­ lor in The Anglo-Saxonsf ed. P. Clemoes (Cambridge, 1959), pp. 137 ff.;A . W. Clap-



It shines in its beauty, surrounded by many a chapel with many galleries in its various quarters, and thirty altars decorated with different finery. On their teacher’s orders this church was built by Eanbald and Alcuin, the two working together with intense devotion to the task. With his associate bishop, Æ lberht dedicated the church to holy Wisdom nine days before he closed his eyes on this present life. And so this minister, famous in the ranks o f the clergy, a bishop o f outstanding achievements and full o f days, joyfully handed on his episcopal rank to Eanbald, his beloved pupil, and retired into solitude, there to dedicate all his time to the service o f God alone. Father-like, he entrusted his books, treasures he valued above all, to his other son, who was constantly at his side and whose thirst for learning Æ lberht would satisfy. (If you wish to know this man’s name the beginning o f this poem will reveal it immediately.) He divided his wealth in different ways, granting to the one government o f the church, treasure, lands, and money, and to the other his choice learning, his study and collection o f books, which that famous teacher had collected everywhere, storing these priceless treasures under one roof. ham, English Romanesque Architecture before the Conquest (Oxford, 1930), p. 47. 1515-17. Alcuin never mentions elsewhere the part played by himself and Eanbald in the building o f Sancta Sophia. The splendour o f its construction, and o f the endowments described at w . 1488 ff., reinforces Alcuin’s claims about Y ork ’s wealth and commercial importance (w . 35-7). 1518. After Æ lberht’s ‘retirement’ in 778 Eanbald, his future successor in the archbishopric, became associate bishop o f York (w . 1523-5). At v. 1587 Eanbald is described as praesul when attending Ælberht’s funeral. 1521. ministrator: see Introduction, p. cii (3). 1529-30. See p. 2, com m. (a). fronte sua: cf. Bede, Vit 5. Cuthb. pr., praef : ‘praefationem aliquam in fronte iuxta morem ’ (Colgrave, p. 142). On the convention see P. Klopsch, ‘Anonymität und Selbstnennung mittellateinischer Autoren’, Mlat Jb. 4 (1967), pp. 9 ff. 1533-5. Æ lberht’s third and major achievement was the collection o f a library at York. His work doubtless began before his accession to the arch­ bishopric. Boniface and Lui, in a number o f letters dating between c. 747 and 778 (Tangl, Epp. 75, 91, 125, 126), request from Egbert and Ælberht copies o f Bede's works. In 773 the Frisian Liutger returned home from York ‘habens secum copiam librorum’ (Altger, Vita Liutgeri i. 12, MGH SS ii, p. 408 [= Whitelock, p. 7 89 ]), and in 796/7 Alcuin wrote to Charlemagne, expressing regret for the books available at York in his youth (app. iii to w . 1533-5 [= Whitelock, p. 853]).



Illic invenies veterum vestigia patrum: quicquid habet per se Latio Romanus in orbe, Graecia vel quicquid transmisit clara Latinis, Hebraicus vel quod populus bibit imbre superno, Africa lucifluo vel quicquid lumine sparsit: quod pater Hieronymus, quod sensit Hilarius atque Ambrosius praesul, simul Augustinus et ipse sanctus Athanasius, quod Orosius edit acutus, quicquid Gregorius summus docet et Leo papa, Basilius quicquid Fulgentius atque coruscant, Cassiodorus item, Chrysostomus atque Iohannes; 1537 per R: pro Mabillon 1545 coruscanti? T2: coruscans Mabillon



1543 acutus i? T1: avitus Mabillon

1536 Sedul. Carm. pasch. praef. 11-12 Illic invenies quidquid . . . / quidquid 1539 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 390 imbre superno 1541 ff. Ven. Fort. viii. 1. 54-9 quidquid Gregorius Basiliusque docent, / acer Athanasius, quod lenis Hilarius edunt, / quos causae socios lux tenet una duos, / quod tonat Ambrosius, Hieronymus atque coruscat, / sive Augustinus fonte fluente rigat, / Sedulius dulcis, quod Orosius edit acutus; Ps.-Isid. Vv. de Biblioth. iv-viii 1536 cf.


1558; Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xiii. 6 illic inveniet

1536 ff. veterum vestigia patrum: the expression is a favourite o f Bede’s (see P. Meyvaert, Famulus Christi, pp. 62-3, n. 7). What follows is not a catalogue o f Æ lberht’s library but an outline, with explicit omissions (w . 1558-62), o f the major authors whom Alcuin claims to have been available at York (Introduction, pp. lxiv-lxv). Few o f his prose works are available in m odem critical editions; none o f them dates from his years in England. It is therefore impossible to establish that a given text was studied by Alcuin in York. Brief bibliographical notices o f a number o f Alcuin’s works relevant to this outline and o f the external evidence that provides a context for it are provided in the Commentary. MSS. in Insular script which cannot with absolute certainty be considered English are included in the commentary below. 1537-40. The très linguae sacrae o f early medieval exegesis (W. Berschin, Griechisch-lateinisches Mittelalter (Bern and Munich, 1980), pp. 31 ff.) with the addition o f Africa, presumably as the homeland o f the principal exegetes such as St. Augustine. Alcuin’s first-hand acquaintance with Greek was negligible; his knowledge o f Hebrew less. These verses refer to Latin translations and patristic commentaries. 1541. A number o f Alcuin’s exegetical works are largely com posed o f excerpts from Jerome. Cf. Alcuin’s Explanationes in Epistolas S. Pauli ad Titum, ad Philemonem et ad Hebraeos (PL c. 1007 ff.). Jerom e’s Commentary on Isaiah, a work abbreviated at Alcuin’s prompting by his pupil Joseph Scottus (metrical preface in MGH PLAC i, p. 151), survives in the (probably) Northumbrian MS. Leningrad, Nat. Publ. Libr. F. V. i. 3, ff. 39-108 (s. viii2) [= CLA xi. 1600, p. 5). The Kassel, Landesbibliothek Ms. Theol. f. 21 (s. viii, ? Northumbrian) [= CLA viii. 1134, p. 33] contains Jerome, In Ecclesiasten, a text also used by Alcuin. Hilary o f Poitiers’s De Trinitate is exploited in Alcuin’s exegetical and polemical



There you will find the legacy o f the ancient fathers: all the Roman possessed in the Latin world, whatever famous Greece has transmitted to the Latins, draughts o f the Hebrew race from Heaven’s showers, and what Africa has spread abroad in streams o f light: the perceptions o f father Jerome and o f Hilary, o f bishop Am brose, Augustine, and o f saint Athanasius, the writings o f astute Orosius, the teachings o f Gregory the Great and o f pope Leo, the glowing words of Basil and Fulgentius, of Cassiodorus and John Chrysostom; writings, particularly the Contra Haeresim Felicis (Blumenshine, p. 35). On Jerome and Hilary in Bede see Laistner, Intellectual Heritage, pp. 129 ff., 133 ff. 1541 ff. Alcuin’s list falls into coherent sections. Vv. 1541-6 comprise auctores o f the Church; v. 1547 the chief Anglo-Latin authors before Alcuin; V. 1548 theology and/or translation; v. 1549 history (see com m .); v. 1550 philo­ sophy and rhetoric; w . 1551-4 poets; w . 1555-7 grammarians. 1542. Both Ambrose and Augustine are employed in Alcuin’s exegesis, parti­ cularly his Expositio super Iohannem (PL c. 733 ff.). Augustine’s De Trinitate is Alcuin’s principal source for the three-book De Fide Sanctae et Individuae Trinitatis (PL ci. 10 ff.); the pseudo-Augustinian Categoriae decern influenced Alcuin’s ontology (see J. Marenbon, From the Circle o f Alcuin to the School o f Auxerre , pp. 30 ff.). On Alcuin and Augustine’s De Catechizandis Rudibus see J.-P. Bouhot, Recherches augustiniennes 15 (1980), pp. 176-240. Bede’s extensive use o f both writers is discussed by Laistner, Intellectual Heritage, pp. 128 ff., 130 ff. 1543. Athanasius’s Life o f St. Antony in Evagrius’s Latin translation was employed both by Bede and by Felix in his Life o f St. Guthlac (Colgrave, pp. 17, 184 ff.). Cf. com m, to w . 1327 ff. Orosius’s Historiae, a source for Bede’s HE and exegetical works, survives in the Düsseldorf Staatsarchiv MS. 2. 4. No. 2 ($. viii, ? Northumbrian). Cf. comm, to v. 1549. 1544. The works o f Gregory the Great, preserved in a number o f early North­ umbrian MSS. and exploited by Bede (see P. Meyvaert, Bede and Gregory the Great (Jarrow Lecture 1964)), were a major source o f Alcuin’s exegetical works. Certain letters and homilies o f Pope Leo I figure in Alcuin’s controversial writings, although their use in earlier Anglo-Latin authors is slight. 1545. St. Basil o f Caesarea’s Hexaemeron9 used chiefly in the Latin versions o f Eustathius by Bede for his chronological writings, HE , and Scriptural commen­ taries, hardly appears in Alcuin’s work, and may provide an example o f a writer available to but unused by him at York. Fulgentius o f Ruspe’s^ld Trasimundumy used by Bede (Laistner, Intellectual Heritage, p. 133), is cited by Alcuin in his

De Trinitate. 1546. Cassiodorus’s Commentary on Psalms is preserved in a number o f early Northumbrian MSS., o f which an abbreviation survives in Durham, Dean and Chapter Library B. II. 30 (s. vin med.) [= CLA ii. 152, p. 11]. The context here suggests this work, quoted extensively by Alcuin in his own Commentaries on Psalms (PL c. 569-638) and Adversus Elipandum. On Alcuin’s use o f Cassio­ dorus, especially B ook ii o f the Institutiones, see P. Lehmann, Erforschung des Mittelalters y ii, pp. 89 ff. On Bede and Cassiodorus see ibid., pp. 85 ff. and



quicquid et Althelmus docuit, quid Beda magister; quae Victorinus scripsere Boethius atque historici veteres: Pompeius, Plinius; ipse acer Aristoteles, rhetor quoque Tullius ingens; quid quoque Sedulius vel quid canit ipse Iuvencus, Alcimus et Clemens, Prosper, Paulinus, Arator, quid Fortunatus vel quid Lactantius edunt, quae Maro Virgilius, Statius, Lucanus et auctor; artis grammaticae vel quid scripsere magistri,



1552 Alcimus Froben : Alcuinus R 1551-4 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 14-25 primus enim docili distinguens ordine carmen / maiestatis opus metri canit arte Iuvencus. / hinc quoque conspicui radia­ vit lingua Seduli / paucaque perstrinxit florente Orientius ore, / martyribusque piis sacra haec donaria mittens / prudens prudenter Prudentius inmolat actus. / stem­ mate corde fide pollens Paulinus et arte / versibus explicuit Martini dogma magis­ tri. / sortis apostolicae quae gesta vocantur et actus / facundo eloquio sulcavit vates Arator. / quod sacra explicuit serie genealogus olim, / Alcimus egregio digessit acumine praesul; Ps.-Isid. Vv. de Biblioth. x. 1-6 Si Maro, si Flaccus, si Naso et Persius horret, / Lucanus si te Papiniusque tedet, / pareat eximio dulcis Prudentius ore, / carminibus variis nobilis ille satis; / perlege facundi studiosum carmen Aviti; / ecce Iuvencus adest Seduliusque t ib i. . . 1551 ff. Theodulf xlv. 13-18 Sedulius rutilus, Paulinus, Arator, Avitus, / et Fortunatus, tuque Iuvence tonans; / diversoque potens prudenter promere plura / metro, o Prudenti, noster et ipse parens. / Et m odo Pompeium, m odo te, Donate, legebam / et m odo Virgilium, te m odo, Naso loquax Laistner, Intellectual Heritage, pp. 85 ff. John Chrysostom, the Latin translation of whose Homilies on Hebrews is cited in Alcuin’s Contra Haeresim Felicis (Blumenshine, p. 38), is used by Bede (Laistner, Intellectual Heritage, p. 141). Frag­ ments o f a Northumbrian MS. o f Chrysostom’s De Compunctione Cordis and De Reparatione Lapsi survive in Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-Institut B 215 + C 118 + Staatsarchiv Fragm. 20 (s. viii med.) [= CLA viii. 1187, p. 4 6 ]). 1547. Aldhelm and Bede take their place immediately after Alcuin’s patristic auctores. Their prominence in this list is certainly deliberate (cf. Introduction, pp. lxviii-lxix, lxxv). Complete works o f Alcuin, such as De Orthographia, derive from Bede’s treatises on the same subject (see now C. Dionisotti, Revue béné­ dictine 92 (1981), pp. 129-41); the influence of Aldhelm on Alcuin’s prose writing is much more restricted. 1548. This combination o f names suggests Marius Victorinus, whose influence on Alcuin is analysed by P. Hadot, ‘Marius Victorinus et Alcuin*, Archives d'his­ toire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen A gey 21 (1954), pp. 5-19. Alcuin may refer to the theological tracts o f Victorinus and Boethius or to their translations o f Aristotle’s Categories (cf. v. 1550), or to both. The presence in England before the ninth century o f Boethius’s Philosophiae Consolatio, used extensively by Alcuin in his Disputatio de vera Philosophia (a work written at Charlemagne’s court), has yet to be demonstrated (see recent discussions by P. Hunter Blair, Famulus Christiy pp. 253-4, and F. Troncarelli, Tradizione Perdute. La *Con­ solatio Philosophiae*neirAlto Medioevo (Padua, 1980), pp. 107 ff.).



the teaching o f Aldhelm and of Bede the master, the writings o f Victorinus and Boethius, and the ancient historians Pompey and Pliny, o f keen-minded Aristotle and o f Cicero the great rhetorician; all the poetry o f Sedulius and Juvencus, o f Alcimus Avitus and Prudentius, Prosper, Paulinus, Arator, the works o f Fortunatus and Lactantius, the authoritative writings o f Virgil, Statius, and Lucan; and the masters o f the grammatical art; 1549. historici veteres: writers o f both political and natural history. Pompeius = Pompeius (Trogus), in Justin’s epitome. It has been proposed that the MS. Weinheim(?), E. Fischer Sammlung S. N. (5. viii med.) [= CLA ix. 1370, p. 38] was written in York and was the exemplar that transmitted this text to the Con­ tinent (Brown, Spoleto . . . Settimane, 22 (1975), p. 286). Alcuin uses Pliny chiefly in problems o f astronomy and computus, as does Bede (Laistner, Intellec­ tual Heritage, pp. 124-5; C. W. Jones, Bedae Opera de Temporibus (Camb. (Mass.), 1943), p. 129). Extracts from Pliny’s Natural History are preserved in Leyden, Universiteitsbibliotheek Voss. lat. F. 4. ff. 4 -3 3 (s. viii2, ? Northumbria) [= CLA X. 1578, p. 4 1 ]. Alcuin’s knowledge o f ancient history was limited and while Orosius (v. 1543) figures in his reading, this verse does not require one to posit the availability of even a few classical historians at York (pace Brown, loc. cit., 22 (1975) pp. 26-7). 1550. Translations or paraphrases o f Aristotle’s Categories or De Interpreta­ tione may have been available in York (cf. J. Isaac, Le Pçri Hermeneias en Occident de Boèce à Saint Thomas (Paris, 1953), pp. 39-40). Cicero’s De Inven­ tione et De Oratore are among the principal sources o f Alcuin’s Dialogus de rhetorica et de virtutibus (cf. S. Mahl, Quadriga Virtutum, pp. 83 ff.); Cicero’s Topica and De Inventione are employed in Alcuin’s De Grammatica. This verse lists authors unused elsewhere in England at this period but read at the court o f Charlemagne. 1551-4. On this section, devoted to the poets, see Introduction, pp. lxixlxxiii. 1552. Alcimus [Avitus]: Froben’s emendation has rightly been accepted by subsequent editors. On the confusion Alcimus/Alcuinus see A. Streib, ‘Wer ist der Verfasser der Praecepta vivendi? 9, Münchener Museum für Philologie des Mittelalters y 2 (1914), pp. 360 ff. and M. Boas, Alcuin and Cato (Leiden, 1937), p. 15., n. 52. Clemens = Prudentius. 1554. Statius: on Alcuin's unusual knowledge o f this author see Introduction, pp. lxxii-lxxiii. The theory o f A. Klotz that a York exemplar o f the Thebaid and the Achilleid lies behind B.N. Par. lat. 8051 (Philologus 63 (N.F. 17) (1904), pp. 157-60) merits further investigation. 1555. This list does not include all the authors, such as Caper, used by Alcuin in his De Orthographia or De Grammatica. The grammatical sources o f this second work are discussed by J. Frey, Jahresbericht über das königliche Gymnasium zu münstery 66 (Münster, 1886), pp. 1 -14; W. Schmitz, Alcuins Ars Grammatica: die lateinische Schulgrammatik der karolingischen Renaissance, diss. Greifswald (Ratin­ gen, 1908); and H. W. Fortgens, ‘De paedagoog Alcuin in zijn “ Ars Grammatica” ’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 60 (1947), pp. 57-65. On grammarians used by Insu­ lar authors see now V. Law, The Insular Latin Grammarians (Woodbridge, 1982).



quid Probus atque Focas, Donatus Priscianusve, Servius, Euticius, Pompeius, Cominianus. Invenies alios perplures, lector, ibidem egregios studiis, arte et sermone magistros, plurima qui claro scripsere volumina sensu, nomina sed quorum praesenti in carmine scribi longius est visum quam plectri postulat usus. [780] His ita dispositis complens sua tempora summus [Nov. 8] antistes, totus meritis maturus et annis,


post annos binos, menses simul atque quaternos, 1565 ex quo saepta sacer praesul secreta petivit, discipulis coram pastor, patriarcha, magister, transit ad aetheream laetus feliciter aulam. Hanc tamen, hanc citius, lugubris mea fistula, partem, desere, ne pereas lacrimarum gurgite mersa; 1570 dum properas portum velis hucusque secundis, quid memorare studes nobis maestissima fata, 1561 scribi r: scripsi R nos R : quot annos Mabillon

1562 postulat Mabillon: postulet R

1558 Virg. EcL ii. 73 invenies alium let usus; Paul. Nol. xx. 6 1570 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 1448 secundis; id. Georg, iv. 116 ff.

1565 quater­

1562 Prud. Psych. 609 quam postu­ 1566 Virg. A en. viii. 463 secreta petebat 1571 Virg. A en. iii. 683 ventis . . . vela

1556 Alc. iv. 33-4 patres et profer honestos / Priscianum, Focam Flor. Lugd. V. 160 1567 Alc. xc. 25. 1


1556. Probus: Alcuin can only have known the excerpts from the geniune Probus cited in later grammarians. Am ong the suppositious works attributed to Probus the De Nomine is cited by Insular grammarians (Law, op. cit., pp. 26-7). Focas: The Ars de Nomine et Verbo o f this mid-fifth-century grammarian was used by both Aldhelm and Boniface (Law, p. 22). On its manuscript trans­ mission see C. Jeudy, Viator 5 (1974), pp. 61-156. Cf. Priscianus below. Donatus: both the Ars major and the Ars minor o f Aelius Donatus were used in Alcuin’s De Grammatica. For the conjectures that Alcuin knew Tiberius Claudius Donatus’s commentary on Virgil at York and that the MS. Florence, Bibl. Med. Laurenziana pi. XLV, 15 ff. 1-56 (s. viii2) [= CLA iii. 297a and b, 7] was copied there, see P. Hunter Blair, Famulus Christi, pp. 251-2. The succinct discussion o f L. Holtz, Donat et Renseignement de la tradition grammaticale (Paris, 1981), pp. 318 ff., especially p. 321, is indispensable. Priscianus: the Institutiones Grammaticae are a principal source for Alcuin’s De Grammatica and De Orthographia. On Alcuin’s excerpts from Priscian, see J. R* O’ Donnell, ‘Alcuin’s Priscian’ in Latin Script and Letters, AD 400-900 (Festschrift . . . L. Bieler)y edd. J. O ’Meara and B. Naumann (Leiden, 1976), pp. 222-35. Some o f Priscian and Phocas was probably available at York. Carm. iv, which was written in 780-1 (pp. xxxvi and n. 6, p. xxxix) at York, records Alcuin’s despatch o f works by these two grammarians to Beomrad o f Sens, abbot o f Echternach (app. iii to this line).



the works o f Probus and Focas, Donatus and Priscian, Servius, Eutyches, Pompeius and Cominianus. There, reader, you will find many others, teachers outstanding for their learning, art, and style, who wrote many volumes with clear meaning. But to include all their names in this poem would take longer than poetic usage demands. After ordering his affairs in this way the archbishop came to the end o f his life, in rich maturity o f age and achievements. Tw o years and four months after his retirement into solitude, in the presence o f his pupils, this shepherd, patriarch, and teacher passed joyously into* the courts o f Heaven. Leave swiftly this part o f the tale, m y mournful poem , lest you perish, drowned in an ocean o f tears, as you hurry to port, the wind fair behind you until now. Why do you remind me o f events so sad, 1557. Servius: probably De Finalibus, though its use in Alcuin is minimal. Cf. the Spangenberg fragment, with OE glosses, o f Servius’s Commentary on Virgil, Spangenberg, Pfarrbibliothek S. N. (5. viii1) [= CLA Supp. 1806, p. 39]. On Insular symptoms in the textual transmission o f Servius’s commentaries see C. H. Beeson, SM N.S. 5 (1932), pp. 81-100. Euticius: the Ars de Verbo o f Eutyches (5. vi). On its textual tradition see C. Jeudy, Mélanges F. Labande (Poitiers, 1974), pp. 421-36. Pompeius: this fifth-century grammarian is quoted by Alcuin in his De Gram­ matica. On the transmission o f Pompeius’s Commentum artis Donati see L. Holtz, Revue de philologie 45 (1971), pp. 4 8-53 . Cominianus: as known through the Ars grammatica o f the fourth-century scholar Charisius. Rarely cited by Alcuin. 1558-62. Alcuin’s reference to his own omissions is plainly true. An outline o f Æ lberht’s books that fails to mention the Bible and Gildas, inter alia9 is not representative o f even major texts which were studied at Y ork; nor does Alcuin’s list include all the authors whose works were needed to teach a curriculum on the scale described at w . 1432-49. He omits technical literature, such as books on canon law or ecclesiastical councils, together with anonymous works, such as some saints’ lives. Specific details o f this list are not verifiable (comm, to w . 1536 ff.) but the dominance o f patristic auctores and grammarians in it suggests a library at York which in general emphasis was comparable to those which can be reconstructed from Bede’s reading and from the catalogues o f early ninthcentury monastic libraries on the Continent (cf. especially the oldest catalogue o f Reichenau, ed. G. Becker, Catalogi bibliothecarum antiqui (Bonn, 1885), no. 6, pp. 4 -1 3 ). See further Bischoff, Spoleto . . . Settimane, 19 (1971), pp. 389-92. 1569 ff. Alcuin’s lament for Ælberht, the central figure in his own intellectual development (Introduction, p. lxii), expands into personal elegy the Epitaphium he com posed for the archbishop (app. iii to w . 1450 ff.). 1569-71. The mixed metaphors, pastoral and nautical, for poetry occur earlier in the poem (w . 742, 1322-4). See further w . 1649 ff. with com m, ad loc.



cum subito ante oculos cunctis mors invida nostros lumina supremo clausit veneranda sopore pontificis summi, nostri patris atque magistri? O nobis, o nigra dies! O clara sed illi! Nos sine patre dies orphanos ille reliquit fletibus, exsilio duroque labore gravatos. Reddidit ast illum patriae patrique superno, fletibus, exsilio duroque labore solutum iam cui Christus amor, potus, cibus, omnia Christus, vita, fides, sensus, spes, lux, via, gloria, virtus. Qui decimo et quarto summi dormivit in anno ordinis accepti, octavo sub sole Novembris, dum gravis illa dies sexta fulgebat in hora. Eius ad exsequias magnum concurrerat agmen, cum clero praesul, populus iuvenesque senesque, patris honorifice curantes condere corpus. O pater, o pastor, vitae spes maxima nostrae, te sine nos ferimur turbata per aequora mundi, te duce deserti variis involvimur undis, incerti qualem mereamur tangere portum. Dum sol noxque sibi cedunt, dum quatuor annus dividitur vicibus, crescunt dum gramina terris, sidera dum lucent, trudit dum nubila ventus, semper honos nomenque tuum laudesque manebunt! Hic ego dum volui certo te fine, Thalia, claudere, res nostris occurrit gesta diebus. Fessa licet paucos quapropter adhuc cane versus 1575 magistri r : patroni R






1578 gravatos R: solutum T1

1576 Virg. Aen. vi. 429 atra dies; id. v. 43 clara dies 1581-2 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. ii. 440-1 cui Christus amor, Christus honor, omnia Christus, / flos odor esca sapor fons lux via gloria Christus 1587 Virg. Aen. ix. 309 1589 ibid. ii. 281; Sedul. Carm. pasch, ii. 97 spes maxima vitae; [Bede Soliloq. 31] 1590-1 (Augustin. Ep. xxvi) Licent, carm. 76-7, 81 sine te nullos promit­ tunt carbasa portus / erramusque procul turbata per aequora vitae / . . . miseri volvuntur in undis 1591 Sedul. Carm. pasch, i. 85 te duce; Virg. Aen. v. 629 volvimur undis 1593 ibid. i. 607 ff. 1594 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 167 dum promit germina tellus 1596 Virg. Aen. i. 609 semper honos nomenque tuum laudesque manebunt; [id. Ecl v. 78] 1578 cf. v. 1580; Alc. ix. 3 1582-3 *Ann. Ebor.’ s.a. 780 Eodem anno Alberht archiepiscopus ex hac luce migravit ad aeternae lucis perennitatem [= ‘Sym eonDunelm.’,//&£. Reg. 1] ; Vit. Alc. viii (v) laetus sanctus pater Elcbertus episcopus migravit ad Deum 6. Idus Novembris, quem pius Albinus ut matrem



when before our gaze Death, our general enemy, suddenly closed in his last sleep the hallowed eyes o f that archbishop, our father and teacher? Black was that day for us, but how radiant it was for him! That day left us fatherless and orphaned, bowed by tears, exile, and grim suffering, but him it restored to his homeland and father in Heaven, winning him freedom from tears, exile, and grim suffering. Christ was his love, his food and drink, his all; life, faith, understanding, hope, light, the way, glory, and virtue. In the fourteenth year o f his term as bishop, on the eighth o f November he closed his eyes forever, while that doleful sun shone in the sixth hour. A great throng attended his funeral, the bishop with the clergy, the people, young and old alike, careful to bury their father’s body with honour. O father and shepherd, greatest hope o f our life, without you we are buffeted on the waters o f the world, bereft o f your guidance we are tossed by countless waves, not knowing which harbour we will reach. While day yields to night and night to day, while the year divides into four seasons, so long as the grass grows on the earth, the stars shine, and the wind sweeps away the clouds, your honour, fame, and praise will remain forever! When I wanted to close my poem here there came to mind an event that happened in my own time. Tired though you are, m y rustic Muse, sing a few more verses deplorans lacrimis, nolebat tamen consolationem recipere 1583-5 Aie. Vit S. Willibr. metr. xxiv. 5-8 Qui postquam vitae meritis perfectus in annis, / bis octena pius complevit lustra sacerdos, / ter quater et menses, mensis iam iamque Novembri / Idibus octenis caeli migravit ad aulam 1589 id. xcix. 12. 6 vitae spes maxima nostrae 1590 Milo Vit S. Amand. ii. 247 se sine non passus fluctus portarier illos 1590-3 Moduin Egloga i. 7-9 Nos egra variis agitati mente procellis, / fluctibus in mediis ferimur per naufraga ponti. / Litora nulla fuit mihimet spes certa videnti 1596 Flor. Lugd. xxix. 50 1597 Joh. Fold. 11 (Thalia); E rm old./n laud. Pipp. reg. i. 1 ff. 1597. Thalia is not simply invoked as a Muse o f poetry (Manitius, Geschichte, p. 555, n. 3) but expressly as the Muse o f Pastoral, the humblest literary genre. Alcuin lays stress on the rusticity o f his poem, on its countrified, unpolished quality (w . 437, 742, 1655). By calling on Thalia as the tutelary Muse o f his work Alcuin emphasizes the humility o f his subject and the rusticity o f his style. On bucolic terms in Alcuin’s verse, see Schaller, in Medium Ævum Vivum. Festschrift für W. Bulsty edd. H. R. Jauss and D. Schaller (Heidelberg, 1960), p. 32.



atque mei pueri causam succinge parumper, cui quoque praesentem testem me contigit esse. Ergo fuit quidam iuvenis nutritus in urbe Euborica, simplex animo, sed fervidus actu, quique meae rexit puerilis tempora vitae consilio. Solus quadam qui nocte suetis insistit precibus Christi genetricis in aula. Tunc lux alma domum subito repleverat illam, et cum luce simul venit vir vestibus albis, fulgidus aspectu, statu sublimis honesto et blandis iuvenem nimio terrore cadentem elevat alloquiis, librumque ostendit apertum. Perlegit hunc iuvenis, dixit cui codice clauso candidus ille: ‘Sciens iterum maiora videbis.’ His dictis subito nitidus disparuit hospes. Hinc quoque post aliquos non longo tempore menses percutitur iuvenis currenti peste per artus, aegrotusque diu dubia sub morte iacebat, angustis retrahens perituram naribus auram; inque meis recubans manibus, tunc spiritus eius est raptus subito, corpusque remansit inane. Post spatium rediens iterum sed membra movebat et mihi narrabat, quidam quod duxerit illum ad loca pulchra nimis, multos ubi vidit ovantes, ignotos notosque simul, sed maxime sanctae illius ecclesiae laetos agnovit alumnos. Qui mox suscipiunt placidis amplexibus illum 1619 manibus Mabülon: remanibus R 1626 amplexibus T2: complexibus R







1623 u b i Mabülon: ut R

1604 Aldh. de Virg. metr. 464 1609 ibid. 2369 1616 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 510 mors . . . diffunditur . . . per artus 1617 Sedul. Carm. pasch, iii. 301 dubia sub morte 1618 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. i. 374 trahens . . . perituram naribus auram 1600 Paulin. Aquil. i. 134 carmine succincto 1602 ff. Æthelw. de Abbat. 692 ff. 1603 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. i. 3 fervidus actu 1604 Æ thelw. de Abbat. 63 1623-5 Alc. Ep. 42 (p. 86, 13-15) sicut puer noster Seneca se vidisse testatur, nostrae fraternitatis animas in eodem laetitiae loco congregan­ das esse credimus 1626 cf. v. 1646 1600 ff. See Introduction, p. lxviii. In a letter o f 795, addressed to the com ­ munity at York (app. iii to w . 1623-5), Alcuin seems to refer to this vision in a manner which suggests that it had formed a local tradition. Certain details o f the vision may indicate which text o f Bede’s HE was used by Alcuin. The manuscript



and touch briefly on an experience o f my boyhood, which I happened to witness personally. There was a young man reared in the city of York, simple o f spirit, but energetic to act, who deeply influenced my boyhood with his counsel. One night he was praying fervently, as usual, alone in the chapel o f the mother o f Christ. A gentle light suddenly filled that house and with the light there appeared a man dressed in white, o f shining countenance and tall, upright bearing. The young man fell in terror at his feet; he raised him up with gentle words and showed him an open book. The youth read it and, when he closed the book, the resplendent figure said to him: ‘Now that you know you will witness even greater things.’ With these words, the shining messenger disappeared and, a few months later, the youth was stricken by a disease in his limbs. For long he lay there, with death impending, straining to draw breath which was about to fail. As he rested in m y arms, his spirit was suddenly snatched away, and his body remained there as if dead. Then, coming to life after a space, he moved his limbs again and told me how he had been led to a beautiful place, where he had seen many men rejoicing, some known to him, others unfamiliar; but he recognized especially the happy members o f that holy church. They welcomed him with gentle embraces, transmission o f the HE divides into two main classes (Colgrave-Mynors, pp. xl ff.). The ‘M-type’— so named after the Moore manuscript o f this text (ColgraveMynors, pp. xliii-xliv)— preserves an additional and authentic chapter (iv. 14) which transmits a posthumous miracle o f St. Oswald. Bede’s account o f this miracle bears a marked resemblance to the vision related here by Alcuin: a boy, lying gravely ill in a monastery, is visited by messengers from Heaven who offer him a vision o f the other world which holds out special hope for his own com ­ munity. Later the boy dies. In specific details Bede’s account differs from Alcuin’s. Yet it remains possible that Alcuin cast the vision he had witnessed in boyhood on the lines o f the one related at HE iv. 14, just as he modelled his own account o f Northumbrian history on Bede’s work. If so, Alcuin read the HE in a text o f the ‘M-type’. As the ‘Moore-Bede’ (Cambridge University Library MS. Kk. 5. 16) belonged to the palace library o f Charlemagne (Bischoff, Karl der Grosse ii, p. 56) and was produced in Northumbria during Alcuin’s lifetime, it is a tantalizing possibility that the manuscript itself was brought to the Frankish court by Alcuin, and that a copy o f his own exemplar of the HE thus sired the family o f that text most widely diffused on the Continent.



et secum penitus semper retinere volebant, sed cito ductor eum converso calle reduxit ad proprium corpus, dicens quod: ‘Solis ad ortum iam melius habiturus eris; de fratribus alter sed hodie moriturus erit cuiusque paratam vidisti sedem.’ Iuvenem nec sermo fefellit. Nam cito convaluit, dum sol rutilabat ad ortum ; ante diem medium fuerat sed mortuus alter. Ille tamen iuvenis parvum post tempus eodem anno percutitur populantis peste doloris atque mihi statim morbo praedixit in illo: ‘Hac lue iam moriar, cito carnis claustra relinquam.’ Nec secus evenit, quoniam vis magna doloris crevit et extremam iuvenem deduxit in horam. Qui tenui moriens animam traducere flatu dum coepit, fuerat vigilans e fratribus unus, vir probus et verax, vidit qui culmine ab alto descendisse virum facie seu veste coruscum et posuisse suum m ox os morientis ad ora. Blandius amplexus manibus quoque membra cubantis, regressusque animam solvens de carcere camis evexit volitans secum super astra polorum. Haec ego, nauta rudis, teneris congesta carinis per pelagi fluctus et per vada caeca gubernans Euboricae ad portum commercia iure reduxi, utpote quae proprium sibi me nutrivit alumnum 1635 tamen r T2: stamen R Mabillon: quem R

1640 et r: ad R






1652 quae

1628 Arat, de A ct. ApostoL i. 54 calle citato 1632 Virg. Aen. vi. 691 1645 Paul. Nol. xv. 294 morientis ad ora 1647 Bede Vit. S. Cuthb. metr. 535; Paul. Nol. xxxi. 334 1649 ff. Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. pref. 1 nauta rudis; id. viii. 3. 397, 398-400 opto, per hos fluctus, animas tu, Christe, guber­ nes I . . . I ut post emensos mundani gurgitis aestus / in portum vitae nos tua dextra locet; Paul. Nol. xvii. 173-6 per . . . / vada caeca . . . / donec optatos liceat salutis / tangere portus 1650 Virg. Aen. i. 536 1650-1 Ven. Fort. Vit. S. Mart. iv. 1 post mare fluctivagum repetens ad litora portum . . . 1632 Aie. Vit. S. Willibr. metr. xxx. 8 1635-6 HE Contin. s.a. 759 magna tribulatio mortalitatis venit et duobus ferme annis permansit, populantibus duris ac diversis egritudinibus, maxime tamen dysenteriae languore 1649-50 Alc. lxv. 4. 1 nauta rudis pelagi, ut saevis ereptus ab undis 1652-3 Aie. Ep. 114 (p. 167, 7) in aecclesia, ubi ego nutritus et eruditus fueram; [Ep. 42 (p. 85,



wanting to keep him with them for ever and ever, but his guide swiftly led him back along the path to his own body, saying: ‘At sunrise you will recover, but another o f the brothers will die today, and his dwelling you have seen prepared.’ His words were true. When the sun glowed red in the dawn the young man swiftly recovered, but before midday another brother was dead. None the less, a short time later in the same year that young man was struck down by a raging epidemic, and in that illness at once foretold to m e: ‘I shall die o f this sickness, soon I shall leave the bounds o f the flesh.’ So it happened, for the pain grew mightily, and brought that young man to his last hour. As he lay dying and his soul ebbed with fleeting breath, one o f the brothers who was keeping watch, an upright and truthful man, saw descend from the heavens above a being o f radiant countenance and shining dress, who kissed the lips o f the dying man, gently embracing the prostrate b ody; he freed its soul from the prison o f the flesh and carried it o ff with him, flying over the stars in Heaven. Like a rough sailor with these goods loaded on my fragile bark, sailing through the ocean waves and the hidden shallows, I have brought them back, as I should, to the port o f York, which reared me as its foster-son, 21 ff. )] ;Epytaph. Civ. Pap. i. 1 me sibi praeclarus doctor nutrivit . 1635-6. The Continuations to the HE s.a. 759 (app. iii ad loc.) record a series o f ‘malignant diseases that wasted the people* o f Northumbria in the years 760-1. The continuator uses language similar to that employed here by Alcuin to describe the epidemic which killed his boyh ood friend. There is no evidence for another calamity on this scale in Northumbria between 730 and 780. If these two catastrophes are identical and Alcuin’s friend died a iuvenis, when Alcuin was a puer , then we have a clue to Alcuin’s date o f birth. Pueritiay according to the definition given by Isidore (Etym. iii. 2. 3) and observed by Alcuin, began at the age o f 7 and ended at that o f 14. It would follow that Alcuin was bom 737/8745/6. A date some five to ten years later than the one currently accepted is, on this hypothesis, no more shaky than c. 735, which coincides, perhaps too conveni­ ently, with Bede’s obit (Introduction, p. xxxvi and n. 1). 1649 ff. On the nautical metaphor for literary composition, developed earlier in the poem, see Curtius, pp. 128-30; D. Schmidtke, Geistliche Schiffahrt (Tübingen, 1969), pp. 357 ff.; E. de Saint-Denis, Le rôle de la mer dans la poésie latine (Lyons, 1936).



imbuit et primis utcunque verenter ab annis. Haec idcirco tibi propriis de patribus atque regibus et sanctis ruralia carmina scripsi. Hos pariter sanctos, tetigi quos versibus istis, deprecor, ut nostram mundi de gurgite cymbam ad portum vitae meritis precibusque gubernent. 1653 verenter r: reverenter R

1654 tibi R : cui 7"*




wisely training me from my earliest years. And so for you have I written this rustic poem about its bishops, kings, and saints. I beseech too those saints, upon whom I have touched in m y verse, to guide my light vessel from the sea o f the world by their intercession and prayers to the port of life.


Bishops and Archbishops o f York and Kings o f Northumbria until Alcuin 's Death (804)

(i) BI SHOPS A N D A R C H B I S H O P S OF Y O R K 1 Consecration


Termination o f Office


21 July 625


resigned 633 to Rochester

Vacancy 633-64




resigned 669 to Lichfield]

Wilfrid I



deprived 678 (Selsey 680)




deprived 686

restored 686

deprived 691 (Leicester 692)

Wilfrid I

restored 691

c. 705

John o f Beverley


705 (translated from Hexham)


Wilfrid II



resigned 732



732 archbishop 735

19 November 766


24 April 767


8 November 780

Eanbald I



10 August 796

Eanbald II

14 August 796




1 Following F. M. Powicke and E. B. Fryde, Handbook o f British Chronology1 (London, 1961), with reference to K. Harrison, The Framework o f Anglo-Saxon History to 900 (Cambridge, 1976). Square brackets indicate a bishop not men­ tioned by Alcuin (see Introduction, p. li). Bibliography o f the dispute which has arisen over some o f these dates is omitted from this Appendix.



K I NGS OF N O R T H U M B R I A 1 Accession













685 704/5






Osred I











760/4 deposed and restored 731 resigned 737



768 resigned 758




Æthelwald ‘M oll’


unknown expelled 765



unknown exiled 774

Æthelred I


796 exiled 778/9 restored 790; killed 796

Ælfwald I



Osred II


792 expelled 790



799 expelled 796



unknown expelled 806/8

1 Asterisks indicate kings mentioned in the poem.


I Concordance o f Dümmler’s edition

with the present edition The table shows on which pages o f the present edition the first word o f each page o f Diimmler’s edition is to be found. References in italics are to line-numbers o f the poem.I Dümmler 169, 1 170, 10 1 71,53 172, 96 173, 140 174, 183 175, 230 176, 276 177, 321 178 ,36 5 179, 410 180, 456 181 ,5 0 4


2 4

8 12 16 18

22 26 30 34 36 40 42

Dümmler 182, 545 183 ,59 5 184, 641 185, 687 186, 732 187, 779 188, 820 1 8 9 , 866 1 9 0 , 912 1 9 1 , 961 192, 1012 193, 1060 1 9 4 , 1105

Godman 46 50 54 56 62

66 68 72 76 78 82 84

Dümmler 1 9 5 , 1153 196, 1199 197, 1242 1 9 8 , 1285 1 9 9 , 1329 2 0 0 , 1377 201 ,1419 2 0 2 , 1458 2 0 3 , 1502 2 0 4 , 1542 2 0 5 , 1586 2 0 6 , 1631

Godman 90 94 96

100 104 108

110 114 118

122 128 132


II Concordance o f the present edition

with Dümmler’s edition The table shows on which page o f Diimmler’s edition the first word o f each page o f the present edition is to be found. References in italics are to the line-numbers o f the poem. Godman

2,1 4 , 13 6, 28

8 ,4 8 10, 67 12, 91 1 4 , 115 1 6 , 138 1 8 , 164 2 0 , 189 22, 210 24, 233 26, 260

Dümmler 169 170 170 170 171 171 172 172 173 174 174 175 175

Godman 2 8 , 280 3 0 ,3 0 5 3 2 ,335 34 ,363 36 ,3 9 3 3 8 ,4 2 5 4 0 ,4 4 8 4 2 ,4 7 8 4 4 ,5 0 5 4 6 , 531 4 8 ,5 5 8 5 0 , 581 5 2 , 608

Dümmler 176 176 177 177 1 78 179 179 180 181 181 182 182 183

Godman 5 4 , 638 5 6 , 664 5 8 ,6 8 « 60, 708 62, 732 64, 753 66, 779 6 8 ,8 0 7 7 0 ,8 3 « 7 2 , 863 74 ,8 7 7 7 6 , 910 7 8 , 942

Dümmler 183 184 185 185 186 186 187 187 188 188 189 189 190

CONCORDANCE OF EDITIONS Godman 8 0 , 973 82, 1008 84, 1035 86, 1064

88,1094 90 ,1124 92, 1154 94 ,1189 96, 1219 98 ,1244






191 191 192 193 193 194 195 195 196 197

100 ,1269 1 0 2 , 1291 104 ,1316 106,1343 108 ,1 3 72 110 ,1398 1 1 2 , 1427 114, 1442 11 6,1460

197 198 198 199 199 200 201 201 202

118 ,1485 120, 1512 122 ,1536 124, 1547 126, 1556 128 ,1573 1 3 0 , 1600 1 3 2 , 1627 134, 1653

202 203 203 204 204 204 205 205 206

I N D E X OF Q U O T A T I O N S A ND A L L U S I O N S 1 (i) Genesis 10:31-2 13:16 25: 8 41: 13


502 398 1522


Leviticus 13: 14 26: 38-9 27: 32

1346 72 1095

Deuteronomy 32: 2


2 Samuel 1: 21

1 Chronicles 12: 28 28: 13

Isaiah 26: 7 44: 3 Jeremiah 19: 9 27: 11

102 122

Ezekiel 36: 37


1 Maccabees 4: 60 6 : 56 14: 4

19 1279 116


1450 1224

2 Chronicles 3: 5


Judith 7: 20


Matthew 4: 18-19 6 : 19-20 7: 7 25 14: 29 25: 23

853-4 1257-8 384 598 1363 490


1: 2 53 12: 33

Job 36: 6 39: 21

1029 87

1257-8 181

Psalms 1: 2 83: 3 138: 8 1 44 :1 1

602 505 25

Ecclesiasticus 18: 33



1072-3 1254-5 1257-8


10: 12 14: 23 15: 10 Acts 2: 44-7 4: 32-4 13: 11

673 1005 74

868 ff. 868 ff. 174

1 References on the left o f the column are to the work cited; references on the right o f the column are to the text o f Alcuin’s poem.



Paul Romans 12: 17 1 Corinthians 1: 24 14: 40




ii. 4 5-10 iv. 4 33-4 59 vii. 2 15 25 ix. 3 5-12 49 84 175-6 189 229-30 253 xi. 10-11 xiv. 15

8 1 3-5, 6-8 24

11 13 51 73 lix. Ix. lxv. lxvi. lxix.

1 Peter 2: 9

lxxxii. lxxxvii. lxxxviii.

xxvi. 6 7-8 xxviii. 25 xliii. 17 xliv. 49 xlv. 3


9 41 3 32 67 lxxv. 3. 1










Ephesians 6 : 16 2 Timothy 4: 18

1121 1450 ff. 28 1556 289 742 118 578 1578 228-30 79 347 685-7 127 672-3 258 228-30 1312


212 436 1369 637

3 .9 10. 14 14. 3-4 15. 15 1. 5 9


xc. xci. xcix.

1 33 30-2 228-30, 1270 1400 1269 75 613 61 118 836 1290 260 613 1408-9 55 1649-50

2 1. 6


13 2. 3 4 5. 4 8. 2 19. 3 12. 3 25. 1 2. 3 7. 8 12. 6 14. 4 22. 3 1. 1

6 cix.

7 17. 4 24. 3 5

6 cx.

17. 1


2 1. 1 2. 7

cxvi. cxxi.

1 1 5 .4

26 1294 250 660 284-5 1522

1222 280 276 1269 488 149 87 857 582 1044 1567 1197 283 1589 1045 138

1 8 1035 10,995

1221 1451 1296 79 1427 1497 665 173 1033

Epistolae 17 28 42

112 114

4 1 -5 ,4 6 -8 785 1623-5, 1652-3 1515-17 1533-5, 1652-3

INDEX OF QUOTATIONS AND ALLUSIONS 119 121 126 130 148 149 168 200

570 1533-5, 1652-3 785 673 1441-8 518 869-70 1393

Vita S. Richarii 1433 140-4

iv vi

13 11 10 3 9 13 xxxiv. 40 40 ff. 42 43 57

xxxi. xxxii. xxxiii.

143 1119 479 469-70 22 1312 48 1025 659 ff. 95 660 ,10 9 4 289-90, 378

Vita S. Willibrordi prosaica

Vita S. Willibrordi metrica 2 8 9 -9 0 ,4 3 7 , 742 praef. 4


267 1603 22 1016,1296 1013 653 6 1 1 ,14 3 3 654 192 1087 1433 89 874 500 119 556 671 1121 437 378 1536 211 684 46 327 401-2 1144 164 1393 1522 1583-85 966 679 740 325 ff. 588 1632 419

iii iv xii xxi

i. 2 3 5 8 9 12 12-13 14 ii. 7 iv. 1 vi. 6 viii. 5 8-9 ix. 1 2 xii. 1 2 5 xiii. 2-3 3 6 10 xviii. 14 xxi. 1 xxii. 1 2 14 22 xxiii. 1 xxiv. 5 5-8 xxvi. 1 xxviii. 3 4 XXX. 1-4 2 8 11

93 140-4 1415 ff. 1015 1041-7 492-3


Ænigmata praef. 15 xiv. xxxi. xxxviii. lvi. lix. lxviii. lxxi. xcvi.

34 2 3 6 1 3 2 4 11

5 603 419 620 1369 1326 1029 402-3 1143 2 79,1498

Carmina ecclesiastica i. 4 8 ii. 17 iii. 1 7 18 58 66 71 iv. 2. 13 3. 11 15 4 .2 5. 17 iv. 6. 20 7. 10 10. 14 1 2 .4

126 250 632 1499 901 303 1452 656 278 416 192 326 1055 682 874 252 87 115



De Virginitate metrica praef. 19 23 23 ff. 37 167 260 ff. 390 411 464 473 501 510 537 541 544 565 582 665 682 693 707 708 709 755 779 800 804 831 838 852 875 878 896 944-5 973 1024 1046 1074 1089 1095 1114 1130 1136 1146 1251 1266 1276 1278 1331 1403 1411 1448

1471 437 747-50 4 1594 589 1539 376 1604 1439 1260 1208 853-4 1228 288 1221 250 362 295-8 847 758 875 1247 975 55 613 759 1487 291 149,837 205 ff. 22 578 660-1 1096 542 839 797 89 23 1153 137 198 278 400 1415 93 1150 162 6 7 9 ,10 6 3 793 1570

1205 1355 158 862 1447 241-2 1449 632 1322 1056

1455 1514 1518 1537 1577 1585 1625 1695 1736 1749 1789-90 1850 1864 1912 2020 2048 2049 2111-12 2182 2267 2287 2327 2369 2401 2433 2750 2850

111 1344 496 603, 1312 119 95 1517 213-14 1504 1055 10

lib 1609 127 779 84 227

‘Annales Eboracenses* (in Symeon o f Durham, Historia

Regum) s.a. 756 [= Hist Reg. xlii] s.a. 766 \= Hist. Reg. xlv] s.a. 767 [= Hist. Reg. xlvi] s.a. 780 [= Hist Reg. 1]

1319 ff. 1396 1388 1467-8 1582-3


De Actibus Apostolorum i. 52 54 99 227 234 404 528 553

111 801-2 953 989

664 1628 34 4 629 1405 1379 35 1318 427 ff. 1208 57


78 106 123 183-4 520 624 928 939 1167

267 429 1246 159 ff. 1364 365 282 1166 1036

Epistola ad Parthenium 49 85 AUGUSTINE

Epistola (see Licentius)


Poemata De Diluvio (IV) 1254

De Virginitate (VI) 546



De Abbatibus 15-16 35 ff. 39 63 67 93-4 141 145 173 182 219 ff. 229 ff. 321 ff. 411 692 ff. 737

5-6 836 ff. 1405 1604 1281 578-9 1114 191 497 1281 858 ff. 367 ff. 876 ff. 572 1602 ff. 1497


De Die Iudicii 30

636 910 ff.

Epistola ad Ecgbertum 205 ff. 672-3

ix xiv

Historia Abbatum 21, 23


Historia Ecclesiastica 1417 4


35 95



i. 7 10 12-13 14 15 23 27 29 ii. 1 3 5 9 12 13 14 16 17 20 iii. 1 2 3 6 9 10 11 12 13 24 iv. 5 12 13 19(17) 20(18) 22(20) 26(24) 27(25) 28(26) 29(27) V. 2 3 4 5

22 88 42-8 49-60 61-78 79-89 869 205-9 79-89 24 120-3 120-3, 131-43 90-119, 144-8 149-93 194-204 124-30 210-15 216-33 234-73 2 3 4 -7 3 ,4 2 7 -5 4 274-90 2 9 1 -3 0 1 ,5 0 2 -6 3 10 -3 5 ,4 9 9 -5 0 1 336-55 356-79, 396-426 302-9, 380-95 455-98, 507-16 517-72 573-6 847-75 577-605 751-80 781-5 786-835 836-46 646-56 657-76 677-81 1092-1119 1120-35 1136-53 1154-78



Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica (cont.) 1179-1205 6 760 7 1008-33 9 1034-71 10 1072-9 11 876-1007 12 1080-91 18 606-45 19 24 1291-6, 1299-1318

Hymni viii.

16. 3-4


Soliloquium 437 365 1589

14 29 31

Vita S. Cuthbertiprosaica rubrics ii iii iv vii X xi xii xiv XV xvii xviii xix xxi xxiv xxix XXX xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxviii xli xlii xliv xlv

688-9 690-1 692-3 694-5 696-7 698-9 700-1 702-3 704-5 706-7 708-9 710-11 712 713-14 715-16 717-18 719-20 721-2 723-4 725-6 727-8 731-2 729-30 733-4 737-8

Vita 5. Cuthberti metrica rubrics ii iii iv vii

688-9 690-1 692-3 694-5

viii ix X xii xiii XV

xvi xvii xix xxi xxiii xxiv XXV xxvi xxvii xxxi XXXV xxxviii xl xli xlii xliii xliv 1-3 22 25 25 f. 28 30-1 36 38 63 80 91 96 104 119 120 f. 135 144 147 162 187 229 235 247 248 252 281 335 336 340-1

696-7 698-9 700-1 702-3 704-5 706-7 708-9 710-11 712 713-14 715-16 717-18 719-20 721-2 723-4 725-6 727-8 729-30 731-2 733-4 735-6 737-8 739-40 144 5 8 0 ,6 5 6 1008 455-7 647 1090-1 7 4 1183 1129

688 858 690 635 693 1121 378 532 1393 732 696 615 697 1422 1466 252 1334 703 58-9

INDEX OF QUOTATIONS AND ALLUSIONS 348 349 365 372 381 383 390 398 403 406 454 471-2 480 491 500 510 512 516 525 535 536 552 559 562 563 565 570 571-2 575 581 583 585 589 596 610 643 682 694 699 700-1 711 729 764 775 785 803 812 820 830 832 842 855 872

1257-8 957 552 957 678 248 657-9 195-6 122 658 1097 593 1392 713 98 1616 576 500 1220 1647 164 1273 269 286 289 139 1150 718 615 1148 1121 733 723 724 42 896 1089 886 1535 173 7 65 ,1316 684 728 94 601 237 1040 860 768 775 392 732 736

873 892 918 923 962

147 735 740 1039 172 484


Carmina i. 41 291 iv. 5

570 932 283

Calendarium Eboracense metricum 23


Carmina Salisburgensia ii.




De laudibus Dei ii. 2


Epytaphia Civitatis Papiae i.




In honorem Hludowici Pii praef. 1 ff. i. 9, 15 iv. 63 523

747 437-8 957 58-9

In laudem Pippini regis i ff. ii 39

1597 576


Carmina i. 74 136 194 V. 160 xix. 13 xxix. 50

1140 1368-9 1055 1562 775 1596



Vita S. Martini praef. 1



Carmina i.

5. 13. 15. 18. 20. 7. ii. 8. 16.

5 3 33 1 7 49-50 17 17 119 iii. 3. 3 6. 3 8. 1 9. 59 103 iv. 1. 17 4. 3 19 5. 15 7. 11 8. 11 11. 15 13. 9 2 6 .6 9 * V. 3 .9 5. 11 15. 1 vi. 1. 101 l a. 21 2. 86 8. 5 12. 49 vii. 8. 45-8 55 16. 37 viii. 1. 54-9 3. 41 155 264 3 9 7 ,3 9 8 -4 0 0 5. 1 8. 5 16. 3

21.6 ix.


1. 25 92 123 15. 15 6. 13 128

1389 151 1087 1325 599 994 1258 1029 1224 847 439 199 891 48 236 224 500 1257 309 90 884 1402 763 1425 855 1484 1017 138 127 640 1486 140-1 895 118 1541 ff. 225

22 1270 1649 ff. 754 1459 79 118 50 1405 1480 572 306 310


1649 1551-4 1434 1436 538 227 1401 5, 1432 658 849 6 4,1 33 1 1331 192 325 1618 563-4 1393 1330 284 1271 866 ff. 863-4 1581-2 85-6 251 151 1153 1650-1 276



284 426

194 1209

14-25 29 31 77

112 126 131 150

221 264 277 319 368 374 445, 447 ii. 116 172 217 262 408-9, 411-12 414-15 440-1 iii. 161

200 350 389 iv.



De Excidio Britonum V.


xviii xix-xxi xxii xxiii

23 38 ff. 41 ff. 49 62 ff.


Vita S. Germani i.

128 177 188 197

iv. praef. 4 7-8 335

1426 578 437 -8 750 1368-9 377



De Christi Jesu Beneficiis

Saturae 189


i. 79


Carmina 13 7-8

i. 7 96 281 341 737 ii. 112 153 177 412 575 iii. 1 79 480 492 556 iv. 49 150

884 836

HE, Continuations S .O .

1248-50 1635-6


s,a, 759


Sermones i.




xvii. xix.


10. 34



Carmina xiii. 41 xviii. 3 xlvii. 6

1090 4 286


Etymologiae ix. 2. 100 xix. 4. 8

48 28-9

223 497 757 921 1379 855 194 147 491 217 13 1098-9 43 1293 226 251 976

‘Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa* 70 92 116 455-6 [501-2] 495-6 518 534-5 536

845-6 118 778 252 35 ff., 502 862 1461-2 65-6

LACTANTIUS [attrib.]

Pseudo-Isidore, Versus de Bibliotheca iv-viii 1541 ff. X, 1-6 1551-4

De Ave Phoenice


Laudes Mediolanensis civitatis

1 98 i—iv( 1—12)

1325 193 19

Carmen 1597


Laudes Veronensis civitatis ii(4—6) LICENTIUS



Carmina i. 7 V. 1


1221 2

37 76-7, 81

1412 1590-1





Bellum civile i. 210 395 ii. 282 389 iv. 365 tu. a 554 558 733 797 807 V. 163 vi. 424 vii. 77 261 537 648 viii. 364 ix. 267 379 747 a

184 311 44-5 134, 138 55 t 1o 515 191 538 263 34 165 182 545 239 548 549 273 183 243 26


De Sobriertäte 532


Vita S. A\mandi i. 281 ii. 165 170 247 iii. 180 iv. 310 352

1205-6 416 1356 1590 427 1208-9 1143

i. 9 97 134 V. 7. 1-2


Carmina ii. 3 vi. 41 281 xi. 8 XV. 26 30 ff. 45-6

112 273 294 xvi. 45 213 233 241 257 266 283 xvii. 173-6 xviii. 5 255 350 372 xix. 11-12 164 483 549 716 XX.


Egloga i. 7-9 91 ii. 36


1590-3 1437 18 1270


Epistolae xviii



491 932 1600 93-4


xxi. 43 xxii. 129 135 xxiv. 827 XXV. 146-7 ' xxvi. 192 xxvii. 100 213 289 393 xxviii. 7 28 561 xxxi. 334

6-7 97 177 465 746 747-50 6-7 1396 621 1645 95 3 190 1426 1215 189 479 1649 ff. 488 1254 316 96 577-8 479 1458 796 427 ff. 1562 117, 270 1310

1 1346 1406-7 65 746 8-9 173

220 1512 1514 1272 1647







Carmina iv.i.

19 28 xxiii. 4 xxxiii. 14 18

21 xxxiv. 1-3 xxxviii. 6


2 1319 479 699 528

29 197 609 645

158 535 1562





Annales i. 32 74 105 251 298 299 307 324 348 350 ii. 21 78

211 ff. 432 iii. 7 iv. 330-1

48 192 60 518 262-3 35 166 42 45 190 1279 461 40 ff. 292 521 565 ff.


Carmen de Ingratis 979


Epigrammata in obtrectatorem Augustini PL li, cois. 151, 194



De Providentia Dei 682 822

589 1479


Apotheosis 153 655-6


100 1369-70




Regula Sancti Benedicti xxxiii. 6

868 ff.

The Seafarer 18-19, 23



Carmen paschale praef. 11-12 i. 55 67 82-3 85 96 136 146 302 312 337 341 ii. 14 97 206 iii. 78 91

100 226 227 293 301 iv. 8 V. 120 328

1536 82 1310 672 1591 742 1322 1449 932

1 1497 9 90 ,12 4 5 836 1589 1247 1231 865 1149 1365, 1370 1370 793 1617 1379 466 630



150 249 287 457 530 531 536 607 ff. 609 620


Achilleis 334

i. 348

Silvae v. 2 .3 5 3. 177

20 1313

Thebais 1475 218 281 1143

V. 248 vi. 319 579 873

666 ii.


Sylloge Epigraphica Cantabrigiensis 1239 673

3. 5-6


1 1220-1

23. 1 28. 6 7-8 32. 3 14 41. 8-9

672 740 852 284-5


see 'Annales E b orae ense s * iii.


Carmina viii. 3. 16 xvii. 17 29-30 55 xxviii. 29 63 123 xliii. 27 xlv. 13-18 xlvi. 85 1. 9

932 1280 621 845-6 1475 217 261 763 1551 ff. 1442 277


Aeneid i.

14 29 71

1254 691 46

742 49

iv .


130 134 256 281 305-7 318 ff. 358 390 447 495 501-2 758 758-9 776 790 105 142 163 261 315-16 388 389 418-19 683 711 23 350 355 655 657 43 58 158 291 422 489 508 547 629

127 574 103 287 48 46 1650 1593 1596 70, 147-8 536 1441

11 952 128 822 1385 1589 525 ff. 167 258 518 44 4 0 3 ,9 3 6 187 364 347 626 1006 17 591 657 58-9 897 1321 1058 30 1571 1134 774 47 40 18 186 1576 498 57 1181 444 345 680 484 1591








700 715 754 161 261 268 429 556 621 625, 627 638 639 691 728 798 821, 3 833 110 285 345 202 218 325 463 541 723 137 309 339-41 341 349 350 427 451 63-4 87 181 216 245 466 469 543 852 875 83 361 497 526 583-4 673 708 751 793

443 29 243 1161 244 926 1576 1263 251 437-8 321 971 1632 1445 957 60 512 59 436 99 240 435 124-5 1566 150 35 72 1587 255-6 317 354 1304 69 916 1111 1036 1185 862 591 98 189 1251 92 143 26 167-8 180 247 758 593 1073 346 113-14, 514

xii. 98 157 259 438 523

153 512 494 556 1418’ 525

Eclogues i. 7 ii. 28 73 iii. 49 97 V. 74 78 vi. 6 viii. 14 X. 11

104,155 1409 1558 1351 188 106 1596 16 1159 1439

Georgies i. 11 233 469 473 478 ii. 429 467 478 479 534 iii. 1 17 42 79 273 277 344 357 362 537 iv. 105 116 ff. 203-4 277 286 384 445 485

15 1442 62 927 147 1488 435 1441 1444 1412-13 427 1273 7 180 593 958 37 141 27-8 673 1183 1571 259 709 132 1410 99 818

Vita Alcuini anonyma viii(v)






2 Vita Mammae praef. 6-7 xiv. xvi.



747 951 807

104 955 1384 1450

502 845-6 637 582 499-500

Carmina ix. 2. 5 lvi. 23 lxxxiv. 12

435 1442 1143


Res gestae Saxonicae 6 ,7


I N D E X N O M I N U M ET V E R B O R U M 1

a (prep.) 295, 302, 312, 511, 648, 718, 858, 893, 897, 967, 1128, 1 1 7 3 ,1 2 9 1 ,1 4 1 2 ,1 4 3 0 ,1 4 6 0 ab 13, 27, 29, 102, 107, 132, 150, 206, 236, 249, 454, 494, 517, 629, 691, 695, 698, 702, 704, 711, 719, 725, 734, 7 9 6 ,8 1 0 ,8 2 5 , 844, 951, 953, 1024, 1066, 1196, 1208, 1280, 1318, 1342, 1384, 1643, 1653 abbas, -atis 1218, 1295 abbatissa, -ae 396, 407 abeo, -ire 796 abhinc 203 abinde 323 abluo, -ere 399 abnuo, -ere 371 abscondo, -ere 1226 abstraho, -ere 666 absum, -esse 929 abyssus, -i 1449 ac 60, 133, 3 1 1 ,3 4 5 ,4 2 6 , 8 8 8 ,9 9 0 accendo, -ere 1045 accipio, -ere 115, 131, 753, 802, 1 08 5,1 2 37 , 1372, 1584 accola, -ae 363 accresco, -ere 955 acer, -ris, -re 462, 557, 846, 1550 acerbum, -i 1474 acerbus, -a, -um 384, 443, 519, 615, 8 8 5 ,9 8 9 , 1191 acervus, -i 592 acies, -iei 538, 542 acquiro, -ere 1051 actus, -us 293, 1004, 1018, 1313, 1405, 1603 acutus, -a, -um 1543 ad 342, 364, 382, 385, 400, 433, 435, 467, 470, 496, 530, 553, 617, 709, 734, 7 5 0 ,7 9 7 , 854, 908, 943, 958, 990, 999, 1030, 1078,

1155, 1198,1376,1385, 1395 (bis), 1458, 1464, 1476, 1497, 1568, 1586, 1623, 1629 (6w), 1633, 1 64 5,1651, 1658 addo, -ere 808, 882, 987, 1223, 1489 adduco,-ere 1100, 1107 adeo, -ire 95, 606, 1119 adfero, -ferre 362, 409, 448 adhaero, -ere 1291, 1428, 1527 adhibeo, -ere 21 adhuc 1 88 ,48 9 , 1599 adiuvo, -are 1284 admoveo, -ere 453 adolescens, -centis 1424 adolesco, -ere 1418 adoro, -are 252 adsto, -are 413 adsum, -esse 194, 332, 452, 466, 699 adsumo, -ere 244, 367, 1002 advenio, -ire 397, 1484 adventus, -us 957 adversa, -orum 1404 adversus (prep.) 841 advoco, -are 1138 aedes, -ium 702 aedifico, -are 1516 aeger, -ra, -rum 448, 493, 720, 733, 7 8 0 ,1 1 0 0 ,1 1 3 0 ,1 1 6 7 ,1 3 1 7 aegroto, -are 727 aegrotus, -a, -um 1617 aequabilis, -e 1363 aequalis, -e 1188 aequor, -oris 29, 62, 456, 691, 698, 838, 1011, 1034, 1185, 1369, 1 37 4,1 3 84 , 1590 aequoreus, -a, -um 88, 140, 461, 567, 8 54 ,13 6 5 aequus, -a, -um 570, 572 aerius, -a, -um 1328, 1444 aestimo, -are 787 aestivus, -a, -um 907

1 References are to the line-numbers o f Alcuin’s poem. Place-names and proper names appear in the Latin form which occurs in the text. Words obelized in the text are placed in square brackets in this Index.



aetas, -atis 529, 845, 1014, 1418 aeternum (adv,) 490 aeternus, -a, -um 100, 176, 554, 604, 6 5 3 ,8 7 8 ,1 0 3 0 aethereus, -a, -um 11, 365, 655, 861, 8 7 5 ,10 9 4, 1234, 1568 aevum, -i 104, 155, 300, 758 affabilis, -e 1261 affatim 75, 108 affatus, -us 664 affor, -ari 98 Africa 1540 agellus, -i 84 ager, -ri 8 1 ,8 3 , 526, 589, 710 aggredior, -i 146 agmen, -mis 65, 238, 533, 539, 838, 1586 agnosco, -ere 1 4 9 ,1 7 5 ,9 4 2 ,1 0 5 3 ,1 6 2 5 agnus, -i 673, 693, 1472 ago, -ere 315, 349, 537, 647, 876, 1025, 1236, 1256,1392 agrestis, -e 1036 agricola, -ae 601 Aidan 2 91 ,6 9 3 aio 168, 1354 ala, -ae 259, 543alacris, -e 335, 662 albus, -a, -um 994, 1048, 1049, 1056, 1608 Alcimus (Avitus) 1552 Alcuinus 1516 Aldfridus 843, 1080 algidus, -a, -um 1141 aliquis, -uid 452, 952, 1051, 1615 éditer 898 alius, -a, -ud 187, 517, 594, 714, 911, 1034, 1072 (6w), 1 12 0,1136,1154, 1205, 1211, 1229, 1271, 1284, 1438, 1440, 1 5 0 1 ,1 5 2 6 ,1 5 5 8 alloquium, -ii 1611 alloquor, -i 242, 469 almus, -a, -um 3, 78, 133, 199, 425, 558, 586, 651, 760, 777, 997, 1151, 1217, 1221, 1253, 1317, 1416, 1426, 1469, 1520, 1607 alo, -ere 1028, 1233 alta, -orum 680, 931 altare, -is 1225, 1269, 1495, 1501 altior, -ius 1362 alter, -a, -um, 336, 816, 898, 1066, 1 1 9 0 ,1 6 3 0 ,1 6 3 4 alternus, -a, -um 863, 932, 1143 Althelmus 1547

altithronus, -a, -um 632, 1134 altus, -a, -um 19, 150, 345, 346, 525, 5 9 3 ,8 4 8 ,9 6 1 , 1495, 1509, 1643 alumnus, -i 1400, 1523, 1625, 1652 amabilis, -e 113 amarus, -a, -um 469 amator, -ris 2, 138, 267, 1399 ambo, -ae, -o 563, 762, 1047, 1287, 1516 Ambrosius 1542 ambulo,-are 1370, 1375 amictus, -us 600, 630 amicus, -a, -um 98, 840, 1476 amicus, -i 272 ammiror, -ari 809 amnis, -is 559 amo, -are 478, 1202, 1237, 1451, 1494 amoenus, -a, -um 321 amor, -ris 60, 118, 761, 892, 1015, 1 29 6,1 4 55 , 1459, 1581 amplector, -ti 1345, 1646 amplexus, -us 1341, 1626 amplus, -a, -um 219, 481 ampulla, -ae 1505 an 177 (6w), 8 1 1 ,9 7 2 anachoreta, -ae 1389 angelicus, -a, -um 641, 647, 664, 6 8 8 ,7 2 6 ,1 2 4 7 , 1362, 1392 Angli, -orum 207, 840, 1209 angustus, -a, -um 1029, 1618 anhelo, -are 1143 anima, -ae 585, 671, 692, 725, 793, 816, 879, 912, 943, 989, 1337, 136 1,1 3 86 , 1641, 1647 animus, -i 174, 244, 270, 838, 1094, 1603 annitor, -iti 476 annuo, -ere 55, 172 annus, -i 201, 215, 231, 499, 503, 517, 573, 588, 601, 6 3 8 ,6 4 2 , 670, 729, 757, 766, 836, 844, 1014, 1040, 1082, 1135, 1178, 1285, 1286, 1302, 1417, 1422, 1564, 1565; 1 5 8 3 ,1 5 9 3 ,1 6 3 6 ,1 6 5 3 ante 98, 151, 187, 247, 517, 714, 771, 960, 976, 1064, 1315, 1338, 151 9,1 5 34 , 1573, 1634 antea 603 antiquus, -a, -um 46 antistes, -itis 134, 151, 163, 210, 586, 873, 1014, 1 1 0 4 ,1 1 2 8 ,1 1 4 4 ,1 1 8 2 , 1228, 1564

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM anxius, -a, -um 95 Aonius, -a, -um 1437 apertus, -a, -um 636, 648, 765, 1090, 1611 apex, -icis 1087 apostolicus, -a, -um 651, 1355 apostolicus, -i 1280 apparere 773 appono, -ere 1083 aptus, -a, -um 1022, 1097, 1179, 1224,1453 aqua, -ae 333, 492 aquila, -ae 10, 569, 700 ara, -ae 159, 187, 277, 1491, 1497, 1514 Arator 1552 aratrum, -ri 85 arbitror, -ari 340 arbor, -oris 658, 725 arcus, -us 183, 1510 ardeo, -ere 445, 702, 856, 1181 ardor, -oris 350 arduus, -a, -um 180 areo, -ere 611 argenteus, -a, -um 1224 argentum, -i 277, 297, 306, 389, 1 2 2 5 ,1 2 6 7 ,1 4 9 2 ,1 5 0 0 ,1 5 0 2 aridus, -a, -um 87, 590 Aristoteles 1550 arma, -orum 26, 127, 227, 237, 245, 5 2 2 ,5 3 2 ,5 4 4 ,5 4 8 ,7 9 0 ,1 3 3 1 armipotens 125 arripio, -ere 169, 305, 1342 ars, -tis 462, 807, 811, 1308, 1434, 1 4 5 3 ,1 5 5 5 ,1 5 5 9 articulus, -i 470 artus, -a, -um 1294 artus, -us 732, 775, 793, 1147, 1616 aruspex, -spicis 160 arva, -orum 87, 599, 1372, 1374 arx, -cis 10, 206, 1413 ascendo, -ere 505, 946, 1377 aspectus, -us 1609 aspergo, -ere 457 aspicio, -ere 9 2 1 ,1 0 6 5 assidue 1264 assiduus, -a, -um 119 ast 56, 594, 1034, 1049, 1062, 1072, 1154, 1179, 1238, 1440, 1501, 1507, 1526, 1579 astra, -orum 250, 590, 629, 680, 692, 740, 1063, 1290, 1310, 1362, 1 443,1648


at 803, 991, 1066, 1197, 1341 ater, -ri, -rum 957 Athanasius 1543 atque 50, 80, 84, 112, 121, 142, 151, 153, 179, 286, 296, 318, 341, 439, 454, 493, 503, 533, 592, 608, 625, 637, 650, 676, 723, 727, 780, 795, 796, 801, 831, 846, 884, 890, 9 0 2 ,9 0 8 ,9 1 1 ,9 3 1 , 935, 946, 965, 969, 1003, 1039, 1058, 1072, 1081, 1109, 1113, 1115, 1130, 1146, 1148, 1151, 1153, 1165, 1191, 1192, 1200, 1203, 1212, 1232, 1259, 1261, 1262, 1298, 1335, 1341, 1358, 1398, 1417, 1427, 1443, 1445, 1460, 1470, 1474, 1478, 1482, 1485, 1493, 1502, 1511, 1541, 1545, 1546, 1548, 1556, 1565, 1 5 7 5 ,1 6 0 0 ,1 6 3 7 , 1654 atria, -orum 53, 410, 422 atrox 65, 626, 776 attamen 666, 1244 attero, -ere 259 attingo, -ere 1324 auctor, -oris 167, 1554 audacia, -ae 186 audax 541 audeo, -ere 387 audio, -ire 480, 636, 918, 940, 1336 aufugio, -ere 803 augeo, -ere 1234, 1483 augur, -uris 161 Augustinus 1542 augustus, -a, -um 504 aula, -ae 14, 118, 875, 998, 1568, 1606 aulea, -ae 366 aura, -ae 416, 598, 959, 1618 auratus, -a, -um 1226 auris, -is 484, 636 aurum, -i 182, 277, 279, 389, 1267, 1492,1504 australis, -e 131, 583 aut 690, 692, 700, 702, 706, 721, 7 2 5 ,8 1 1 ,9 3 9 ,1 4 7 9 auxilium, -ii 50, 245, 953 averto, -ere 702 avide 321 avus, -i 266 Ælberhtus 1397 Ælfuine 789


158 Ædilredus 358 Ædilthryda 753

Balthere 1319, 1328, 1383 baptisma, -atis 195, 198, 559, 597, 1490 barathrum, -i 932, 944 barbaricus, -a, -um 258 basilica, -ae 1507 Basilius 1545 beatus, -a, -um 9 7 1 ,9 7 3 , 1331 Bebba 305 Beda 685, 744, 781, 1207, 1289, 1301,1547 bellator, -oris 659 belliger, -ra, -rum 227, 751, 1332 bellipotens 1327, 1490 bello, -are 841 bellum, -i 46, 64, 125, 243, 273, 511, 520, 556, 571, 789, 837, 1329 belua, -ae 696, 712 bene 672, 1424; melius 1630 benedico, -ere 492, 719, 1130, 1144, 1 1 6 4 ,1 1 6 8 ,1 1 7 3 ,1 1 9 9 benignus, -a, -um 117, 270, 1282, 1398 bibo, -ere 493, 1174, 1176, 1539 binus, -a, -um 618, 670, 771, 1565 bis 215, 618, 757 blandius (adv.) 1646 blandus, -a, -um 1403, 1610 bona, -orum 116, 996 bonus, -a, -um 52, 84, 855, 1020,1238, 1398, 1403, 1470; melior 224 borealis, -e 215 Boethius 1548 Bosa 847, 1084 brateola, -ae 279 brevitas, -atis 1206 breviter 741 Britannia, -ae 22, 233, 433, 501 Britannus 88, 1 23 ,45 5 , 723 Britannus, -a, -um 21 brumalis, -e 958 Britones, -um 41 caballus, -i cachinnus, cado, -ere 1054, 1610

328, 1186 -i 941 262, 313, 339, 552, 935, 1188, 1338, 1368, 1372,

Caduuala 262 caecus, -a, -um 228, 1650 caedes, -is 839 caedes, -ium 254, 550 caedo, -ere 191, 259, 546 caelestis, -e 139, 392, 505, 561, 612, 636, 683, 695, 995, 1015, 1033, 1039,1215, 1245, 1334, 1391 caelicola, -ae 694 caelum, -i 10, 100, 153, 281, 364, 726, [87 1], 998, 1068, 1096, 1247, 125 5,1 3 62 , 1441 caerula, -orum 690, 1322 caespes, -itis 708, 1189 calamus, -i 290 calciamentum, -i, -om 737 calco, -are 1365 calidus, -a, -um 160 caligo, -inis 174, 736 calix, -icis 1173, 1506 callis, -is 797, 1029, 1314, 1377, 1628 camoenae, -arum 431, 745, 882, 1091 campus, -i 31, 261, 318, 337, 538, 600, 965, 968, 985, 1180, 1189, 1190 candidus, -a, -um 1613 canna, -ae 1271 cano, -ere 61, 283, 428, 431, 603, 687, 743, 1135, 1312, 1551, 1599 canto, -are 814, 979, 1001 cantus, -us 161, 290, 1437 capilli, -orum 1048, 1117 capio, -ere 796, 941 capsa, -ae 409 capto, -are 1349 caput, -itis 105, 128, 168, 208, 334, 4 8 6 ,7 1 8 , 1102, 1191, 1199, 1281 career, -eris 1647 careo, -ere 620 carina, -ae 57, 1376, 1649 carmen, -inis 15, 742, 877, 1076, 1 3 1 2 ,1 3 9 5 ,1 5 3 0 , 1561, 1655 carnalis, -e 1234 caro, -nis 3 0 9 ,6 0 2 ,6 7 9 , 759, 766, 866, 8 8 5 ,1 2 3 3 ,1 3 4 6 , 1638, 1647 carpo, -ere 321, 660 carrum, -i 329 carus, -a, -um 1204, 1526 casa, -ae 343 Cassiodorus 1546 cassus, -a, -um 1419

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM Castalidus, -a, -um 1438 castra, -orum 119, 254, 514, 1330 castus, -a, -um 755, 763, 1390 casula, -ae 1104 casus, -us 443, 1191, 1367, 1373 catena, -ae 823 cathedra, -ae 1249 catholicus, -a, -um 139, 1399 catulus, -i 255 caulae, -arum 1476 causa, -ae 12, 68, 355, 420, 779, 863, 1 11 5,1 6 00 cautus, -a, -um 1471 cavum, -i 1186 cedo, -ere 264, 430, 1593 celebris, -e 2 8 7 ,4 8 0 ,6 1 3 celebro, -are 498, 835, 1265, 1270, 1506 cella, -ae 1122 celsus, -a, -um 170, 196, 221, 284 centies 1354 Ceolfridus 1295 cerebrum, -i 1192 cerno, -ere 363, 418, 550, 697, 806, 8 2 8 ,9 1 7 ,9 2 4 ,9 3 3 ,9 3 7 certe (adv.) 9 63 ; certius 604 certus, -a, -um 101, 175, 522, 699, 1 24 6,1 4 47 , 1597 cervix, -icis 122, 180 cesso, -are 1114 cetera, -orum 379 ceu 140 5 2 5 ,8 5 6 ,9 4 1 ,1 3 7 0 ,1 3 7 5 charta, -ae 288 chelydrus, -i 776 chrisma, -atis 717 christicola, -ae 282 Christus 1, 8 1 ,8 9 , 166, 201, 213, 223, 248, 268, 357, 479, 532, 542, 583, 608, 6 5 9 ,6 7 3 ,7 4 9 ,8 1 4 , 854, 1028, 1038, 1051, 1296, 1364, 1389, 1472, 1581 (bis), 1606 Chrysostomus (Johannes) 1546 cibo, -are 700 cibus, -i 1485, 1581 cicatrix, -icis 773 cicuta, -ae 1438 cieo, -ere 540 cingo, -ere 1317 cinis, -eris 193 circa 924 circiter 1195 circumdo, -are 1325, 1512 circumspicio, -ere 952


circumsto, -are 937, 947 cito 197, 1203, 1628, 1633, 1638; citius 381, 470, 1054, 1110, 1126, 1569 citus, -a, -um 58, 385, 595 civis, -is 8, 135, 562 clades, -is 4 6 1 ,5 4 9 ,5 9 2 ,8 4 2 clamo, -are 1200, 1350 clamor, -oris 250, 295, 402 clamosus, -a, -um 51 claresco, -ere 286, 356, 1031, 1388 clarus, -a, -um 132, 135, 232, 248, 264, 584, 650, 681, 799, 1008, 1021, 1032, 1075, 1085, 1259, 1311, 1316, 1415, 1521, 1534, 1538, 1560,1576 claudo, -ere 1290, 1519, 1574, 1598, 1612 claustra, -orum 1294, 1638 Clemens (Prudentius) 1552 clemens, -ntis 224, 555, 629, 1167 clementia, -ae 1364 clerus, -i 1180, 1430, 1587 codex, -icis 1612 Coefi 167 coenobium, -ii 381 coepi, -isse 77, 163, 317, 403, 467, 7 9 6 ,8 9 4 ,1 5 0 8 ,1 6 4 2 coerceo, -ere 568 coetus, -us 726 cognatus, -a, -um 513 cognomen, -inis 48, 657, 1013, 1289 cognosco, -ere 353, 8 1 9 ,8 3 2 ,9 0 3 , 1529 cogo, -ere 515, 549, 668, 772, 951 collaudo, -are 52 collega, -ae 482 collido, -ere 1191 colligo, -ere 1255, 1534 collis, -is 32 collum, -i 180 colo, -ere 156 colonus, -i 34, 369 columna, -ae 220, 363, 1509 comes, -itis 20, 715, 797, 798, 802, 809, 1023, 1137, 1154, 1160, 1428 Cominianus 1557 comitatus, -us 1093 comitor, -ari 377, 1090 com memoro, -are 784 commercium, -ii 1651 com mitto, -ere 397, 672 communis, -e 24, 870, [872], 883 com o, -ere 851



compareo, -ere 960 com pello, -are 1200 com pello, -ere 606, 1467 compenso, -are 1500 com pesco, -ere 406 compita, -orum 1050, 1098 com pleo, -ere 612, 614, 866, 1213, 1238,1563 com pono, -ere 15, 334, 412, 574 comprendo, -ere 299 conamen, -inis 1187 concedo, -ere 154, 475, 478, 1149,

1211 concinno, -ere 1271, 1437 concipio, -ere 165 concludo, -ere 951, 1010 concors 1278, 1517 concurro, -ere 1586 condignus, -a, -um 266, 848, 1213, 1 2 2 0 ,1 2 9 8 ,1 4 2 3 condo, -ere 306, 372, 374, 1071, 1258, 1 3 0 8 ,1 5 3 5 ,1 5 8 8 conduco, -ere 49, 520 confestim 207 conficio, -ere 617 confido, -ere 237, 1356 confinium, -ii 1275 conforter, -ari 633 confrango, -ere 83, 443 congemino, -are 326 congero, -ere 852, 1104, 1649 congruus, -a, -um 95 coniungo, -ere 756, 1428, 1451 coniunx, -ugis 763 (bis), 892, 896, 1153 conor, -ari 516 conquiro, -ere 671 conscendo, -ere 1 79 consenesco, -ere 1210 consentio, -ire 667 consilium, -ii 1605 consisto, -ere 204 conspicio, -ere 625, 972 constans 145, 242, 536 constanter 164 constringo, -ere 405 construo, -ere 1026, 1041, 1491 consultum, -i 52 consumo, -ere 349 contemplativus, -a, -um 660, 1241 contendo, -ere 1181 contentus, -a, -um 66 contestor, -ari 8

contingo, -ere 346, 949, 1368, 1601 continuus, -a, -um 42, 565, 588, 860 contra 5 3 4 ,5 3 9 ,9 0 7 , 1060, 1184 convalesco, -ere 494, 1203, 1633 converto, -ere 69, 213, 496, 608, 6 2 8 ,9 5 8 , 1628 convicium, -ii 1353 convoco, -are 809 coquo, -ere 99 cor, -dis 95, 144, 246, 491, 536, 602, 748, 828, 901, 1036, 1212, 1230, 1432 coram 251, 1252, 1253, 1567 corona, -ae 154, [279] corpus, -oris 46, 302, 320, 331, 386, 393, 418, 617, 618, 647, 682, 689, 729, 737, 764, 768, 771, 825, 865, 880, 902, 904, 906, 1002, 1007, 1059, 1062, 1067, 1070, 1132, 1161, 1194, 1243, 1299, 1327, 1384, 1390, 1420, 1 5 8 8 ,1 6 2 0 ,1 6 2 9 corrigo, -ere 1004 corripio, -ere 1413 corusco, -are 214, 1021, 1545 coruscus, -a, -um 505, 678, 1232, 1644 cos, -tis 1436 cras 1204 creber, -ra, -rum 76 credo, -ere 153, 166, 379, 385, 487, 491, 5 8 4 ,8 1 8 cremo, -are 239 creo, -are 1251 cresco, -ere 308, 616, 886, 904, 1406, 1420, 1422, 1426 (bis), 1594, 1640 crimen, -inis 472 crinis,-is 334, 1103, 1117 crispo, -are 1117 cruciatus, -us 595 crudelis, -e 255, 512, 791, 1055 cruentus, -a, -um 254, 317, 839, 953, 1056 eruor, -oris 12, 548 crux, -cis 247, 251, 428, 447, 1108, 1 22 5,1 3 31 , 1497, 1503 cubile, -is 675, 1141 cubo,-are 1449, 1646 culmen, -inis 203, 208, 274, 306, 347, 373, 674, 964, 1075, 1219, 1406, 1484, 1535, 1643 culpa, -ae 697, 1346, 1359 cultor, -oris 8 1 ,8 4 , 138, 1401

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM cultura, -ae 158, 1054 cultus, -us 857 cum ( conj .) 327, 405, 410, 445, 449, 465, 915, 921, 931, 1170, 1573 cum (prep.) 14, 15, 195, 200 (bw), 255, 292, 298, 339, 341, 354, 371, 409, 425, 485, 535, 712, 730, 743, 748, 763, 767, 792, 842, 917, 935, 944, 956, 980, 1113, 1116, 1133, 1176, 1180, 1204, 1340, 1357, 1359, 1391, 1409, 1457, 1518, 1587, 1608, 1627, 1648 cumulo, -are 1406 cunae, -arum 17, 1412 cuncti, -ae, -a 91, 164, 245, 272, 417, 442, 602, 654, 669, 804, 870, [872], 890, 903, 922, 936, 973, 1 0 7 6 ,1 1 5 2 ,1 1 9 3 ,1 5 7 3 cuneus, -i 546 cupio, -ere 39, 175, 660, 695 cur 8 10 ,13 4 3 cura, -ae 95, 99, 465, 531, 1230, 1242, 1248, 1256, 1293, 1416, 1467, 1480,1529 curo, -are 360, 374, 727, 739, 802, 1436, 1588 curro, -ere 290, 385, 407, 433, 553, 1616 cursus, -us 1179, 1181, 1310 curvo, -are 1510 curvus, -a, -um 183 Cuthberctus 647 cutis, -is 1103, 1116 cymba, -ae 1322, 1657

daemon, -onis 395, 401, 424, 564, 7 0 6 ,9 4 6 ,9 5 7 daemoniacus, -a, -um 704, 731 damno, -are 899 dapis, -is 298, 1233 dator, -oris 3 David 603, 1271 de 6, 72, 88, 90, 117, 131, 144, 313, 341, 398, 440, 447, 482, 485, 585, 587, 593, 706, 714 ( bis), 776, 798, 820, 878, 904, 906, 928, 947, 1001, 1068, 1123, 1132, 1155, 1201, 1230, 1309, 1355, 1364, 1394, 1408, 1419, 1475, 163 0,1 6 47 , 1654, 1657


debeo, -ere 1002 decanto, -are 861 decem 231 decerno,-ere 205, 1430, 1480 decerpo, -ere 1094 decima, -ae 1095 decimus, -a, -um 1519, 1583 decor, -oris 221, 389, 769, 1223, 1488 decoro, -are 857, 1469 decorus, -a, -um 32 decus, -oris 26, 118, 390, 1040, 1524 dedico, -are 1503 deduco, -ere 14, 515, 521, 1296, 1455, 1640 defendo, -ere 44, 66, 531 defensor, -oris 1400, 1430 defero, -ferre 368, 700, 719, 1099, 1196,1466 deinde 335, 945 deliciosus, -a, -um 1486 demergo, -ere 594 demonstro, -are 609 denique 440 denso, -are 923 denus, -a, -um 503, 520, 521, 766, 1081 depello, -ere 39, 70, 215, 716, 967 depono, -ere 449 deporto, -are 1152 deposco, -ere 637 deprecor, -ari 1657 deprimo, -ere 1140 derodo, -ere 673 descendo, -ere 150, 598, 944, 1644 desero, -ere 1570, 1591 deservio, -ire 859 desisto, -ere 1360 desperatio, -onis 109 destruo, -ere 193, 524 Deus, Dei 3, 14, 71, 78, 100, 104, 153, 155, 176, 197, 225, 245, 251, 307, 497, 560, 579, 6 0 2 ,6 6 1 ,6 7 7 , 835, 859, 865, 1041, 1 153,1213, 1240, 1 266.1391, 1459, 1465, 1525 deus, dei 1, 158, 162, 1054 devasto, -are 527 devenio, -ire 908 devia, -orum 1475 devoro, -are 1382 devotus, -a, -um 81, 282, 379, 813, 901, 1030, 1212, 1256, 1257, 1 383.1392, 1458, 1517



dext(e)ra, -ae 105, 148, 178, 299, 302, 305, 513, 703, 1379 diadema, -atis 575, 1281 dico, -are 504, 1138, 1155, 1493 dico, -ere 6, 7, 16, 48, 106, 146, 152, 156, 393, 4 4 2 ,4 9 1 ,6 3 3 , 657, 753, 770, 800, 919, 987, 1006, 1013, 1067, 1169, 1207, 1356, 1397,1612, 1629 dictum, -i 107, 110, 172, 178, 784, 1110,1614 dies, -ei 142, 145, 199, 211, 3 8 2 ,4 6 6 , 596, 616, 618, 624, 684, 771, 792, 826, 886, 969, 1021, 1106, 1113, 1139, 1195, 1263, 1265, 1348, 1388, 1507, 1519, 1522, 1576, 1577, 1 5 8 5 ,1 5 9 8 ,1 6 3 4 digne 670, 750 dignor, -ari 1164 dignus, -a, -um 7, 56, 361, 428, 553, 7 8 8 ,8 8 1 ,1 0 7 1 , 1217 dilato, -are 1275 dilectus, -a, -um 1523 directus, -a, -um 1314 dirigo, -ere 298 dirus, -a, -um 460* 467 discedo, -ere 107, 423 discipulus, -i 622, 1453, 1515, 1567 disco, -ere 811, 1303 discurro, -ere, 108, 538 discus, -i 297 discutio, -ere 141, 656 dispareo, -ere 1614 dispello, -ere 543 dispenso, -are 863, 1465 dispergo, -ere 82 dispono, -ere 217, 522, 1563 distantia, -ae 1048 distinguo, -ere 279 districtus, -a, -um 1025, 1097 dito, -are 560 diu 223, 880, 1109, 1617 diversus, -a, -um 1154, 1432, 1446, 1453,1513, 1531 dives, -itis 36, 269, 855, 1254, 1459; ditior, -ius 1255 divido, -ere 502, 1024, 1263, 1531, 1594 divinus, -a, -um 86, 143, 370, 488, 6 5 4 ,8 5 0 ,1 2 2 7 , 1463, 1471 divitiae, -arum 37, 374, 900, 1096 divus, -a, -um 9 do, -are 4 (6Û), 67, 101, 134, 235,

412, 425, 493, 528, 829, 1017, 1 24 2,1 3 79 , 1434, 1447 doceo, -ere 464, 1018, 1437, 1451, 1544,1547 doctor, -oris 139, 171, 651, 849, 1260, 1306, 1400, 1427, 1452, 1461, 1482, 1494 (bis), 1515 doctrina, -ae 582, 586, 597, 1017, 1 08 8,1 2 32 , 1414, 1433, 1528 dogma, -atis 655 doleo, -ere 444, 1146 dolor, -oris 445, 473, 615, 625, 718, 7 3 6 ,8 8 6 ,1 1 3 1 , 1140, 1636, 1639 dolus, -i 518 Dominus, -i 74, 211, 251, 283, 285, 496, 498, 765, 856, 861, 1095, 1127, 1138, 1145, 1155, 1165, 1 2 3 1 ,1 2 5 3 ,1 2 7 2 ,1 3 5 9 ,1 4 7 6 dominus, -i 9 1 ,8 2 8 , 1172 dom o, -are 565, 752, 902 domus, -us 327, 349, 398, 724, 831, 856, 868, 883, 1119, 1175, 1196, 1 26 6,1460, 1509, 1607 Donatus 1556 donec 6 5 ,1 6 5 , 262, 348, 1376 dono, -are 75, 89, 489, 560, 749 donum, -i 3, 6, 11, 49, 54, 139, 218, 275, 376, 441, 561, 572, 604, 609, 827, 851, 1229,1235 dormio, -ire 331, 1583 draco, -onis 665 dubius, -a, -um 174, 1617 duco, -ere 58, 282, 330, 383, 440, 470, 621, 792, 887, 904, 906, 921, 959, 1020, 1030, 1622 ductor, -oris 335, 919, 925, 929, 974, 9 8 3 ,1 6 2 8 dudum 685 duellum, -i 42, 68, 315, 540 dulcis, -e 896, 979, 1411 dum 76, 94, 124, 199, 206, 226, 370, 614, 689, 693, 695, 806, 828, 913, 942, 963, 982, 1052, 1092, 1121, 1147, 1186, 1248, 1255, 1314, 1317, 1333, 1373, 1382, 1424, 1571, 1585, 1593 ( M , 1594,1595 (bis), 1597, 1633, 1642, duo, -ae 1044, 1515 duplex, -icis 1236 duritia, -ae 48 durus, -a, -um 99, 823, 902, 1057, 134 7,1 3 72 , 1403, 1578, 1580 dux, -cis 25, 49, 200, 328, 521, 527,

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM 550, 820, 956, 1163, 1170, 1175, 1479,1591

e 378, 442, 458, 6 3 6 ,8 8 2 ,9 4 5 , 1013, 1 0 7 4 ,1 0 8 8 ,1 0 9 6 , 1150, 1642 Eadberctus 1274 Eanbaldus 1516, 1523 ecce 61, 102, 167, 231, 324, 337, 382, 402, 4 5 2 ,6 1 5 ,6 2 4 ,8 8 0 , 927, 9 6 5 ,1 0 4 4 , 1137, 1354 ecclesia, -ae 80, 208, 219, 275, 357, 373, 644, 847, 857, 1041, 1085, 1138, 1145, 1155, 1223, 1229, 1239, 1259, 1279, 1285, 1400, 1489, 1532,1625 Ecgberct(us) 1014, 1249, 1251, 1396, 1428 Ecgfridus 575, 576, 751, 836 Echha 1388 econtra 1381 edax 347 e d o 1, -ere 1175, 1177 ed o2, -ere 1307, 1543, 1553 Eduin(us) 90, 216, 232, 1491 effectus, -us 394 effero, -erre 203 efferus, -a, -um 1262 efficio, -ere 1468 effugio, -ere 1351 egenus, -a, -um 298, 1019, 1099, 1104, 1254 egeo, -ere 1402 ego etc 15, 154, 155, 423, 437, 469, 474 (bis), 478, 485, 631, 632, 639, 749, 813, 814, 815 (bis), 895, 896, 898, 899 (bis), 906, 917, 919, 921, 947, 948, 949, 951, 954, 959, 967, 972 (bis), 974, 976, 981, 984, 1007, 1348 (bis), 1409, 1597, 1601, 1622, 1637, 1649, 1652 egregius, -a, -um 132, 216, 268, 643, 1020, 1027, 1037, 1074, 1216, 1260, 1420, 1450, 1511, 1535, 1559 eia 168 elevo, -are 1611 eligo, -ere 1261 emico, -are 1511 emporium, -ii 24 enim 509, 1317


ensis, -is 111 enutrio, -ire 1301 eo, -ire 449, 1174 eous, -a, -um 1034 episcopus, -i 157, 577, 1037, 1210 epulo, -are 343 eques, -itis 322 equester, -ra, -rum 1180 equidem 826, 897 equito, -are 323, 1204 equus, -i 179, 316, 1181, 1185 ergastulum, -i 679 ergo 781, 879, 883, 970, 1050, 1097, 1126, 1186, 1201, 1301, 1375, 1415, 1521, 1602 erigo, -ere 192, 248, 644, 1497 eripio, -ere 494, 822, 959, 1134 erro, -are 1442, 1475 error, -oris 168, 580, 656 erubesco, -ere 1346 eruct(u)o,-are 991, 1411 erumpo, -ere 1185, 1336 eruo, -ere 557, 586 esca, -ae 867 et 17, 19, 25, 26, 32, 35, 46, 47, 52, 64, 70, 77, 96, 109, 118, 137, 151, 166, 170, 174, 185, 208, 214 (bis), 230, 231, 238, 251, 256, 259, 274, 277, 290, 292, 296, 299, 301, 304, 309, 317, 331, 333, 334, 342, 357, 3 8 6 ,3 9 0 ,3 9 4 , 395, 397, 404, 405, 410, 4 1 1 ,4 1 4 ,4 1 6 , 419 (bis), 422, 435, 439, 445, 457, 458, 487, 498, 503, 519, 533, 535, 545, 549, 552, 553, 555, 558, 566, 582, 584, 5 9 1 ,5 9 9 ,6 1 0 , 612, 613, 619, 625, 6 3 1 ,6 3 5 ,6 4 4 ,6 4 9 , 651, 652, 654, 658 (bis), 660, 668, 672, 681, 687, 699, 701, 711, 713, 736, 738, 752, 7 6 1 ,7 6 8 ,7 6 9 ,7 7 0 , 794, 800, 8 1 0 ,8 1 6 ,8 2 1 ,8 3 0 ,8 3 4 , 840, 846, 851, 8 5 7 ,8 5 8 , 907, 919, 926, 951, 961, 968, 974, 980, 988, 1004, 1016, 1022, 1023, 1027, 1031, 1047, 1061, 1064, 1074, 1086, 1095, 1103, 1112, 1116, 1125, 1149, 1150, 1161, 1167, 1168, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1178, 1187, 1192, 1194, 1209, 1218, 1221, 1225, 1243, 1267, 1278, 1285, 1292, 1305, 1311, 1320, 1322, 1323, 1326, 1346, 1356, 1370, 1398, 1422, 1427, 1431,



et (cont.) 1433, 1 4 3 9 ,1 4 49 ,14 83 ,1 49 2 (bis), 1497, 1498, 1501, 1516, 1542, 1544, 1547, 1552, 1554, 1559, 1564, 1583, 1608, 1610, 1622, 1627, 1640, 1643, 1645, 1650, 1653,1655 etiam 193, 196, 253, 435, 439, 537, 5 5 6 ,5 7 0 ,7 6 6 , 1388 Euboricus, -a, -um 18, 91, 196, 220, 1078, 1218, 1228, 1409, 1432, 1603, 1651 Euticius 1557 evado, -ere 5 5 1 ,8 1 8 , 1386 evaleo, -ere 551 eveho, -ere 1648 evenio, -ire 1366, 1639 eventus, -us 110 everto, -ere 523 evigilo, -are 332, 451 ex 77, 220, 399, 679, 700, 708, 736, 807, 812, 895, 903, 996, 1011, 1072, 1157, 1168, 1183, 1244, 1284, 1337, 1350, 1416, 1472, 1566 exanimis, -e 619, 792 excelsus, -a, -um 271, 1367 excipio, -ere 1158 exemplum, -i 1017, 1044, 1232 exenium, -ii 56 exeo, -ire 57 exercitus, -us 61, 252, 260 exhinc 175, 495 eximius, -a, -um 1289 exin 432 exinde 1300 exitus, -us 413, 642, 1047 exorno, -are 275, 1028 expello, -ere 64, 144, 148, 699, 707, 776 expers 658, 1193 explano, -are 1307 expleo, -ere 189, 642 exquiro, -ere 1057 exsequiae,-arum 891, 1160, 1586 exsilium,-ii 92, 1023, 1578, 1580 exsors 619 exspecto, -are 1245 exstinguo, -ere 348, 789, 793 exsto, -are 779 exstruo, -ere 275 exsul, -ulis 236, 1297 exsurgo, -ere 321

extendo, -ere 746, 909, 962 externus, -a, -um 68, 236, 510, 516, 1454 exterus, -a, -um 47 extremus, -a, -um 27, 617, 628, 887, 8 8 9 ,1 6 4 0 exuito, -are 603 exundo, -are 525 exuror, -uri 913 facies, -iei 333, 769, 1644 facile (adv.) 903 facio, -ere 100, 118, 152, 301, 336, 369, 559, 701, 707, 772, 782, 837, 851, 938, 1147, 1155, 1205, 1225, 1228, 1250, 1271, 1293, 1305, 1343, 1387, 1440, 1482, 1501 factor, -oris 2 factum, -i 186, 1238, 1464 facultas, -atis 829 fallo, -ere 435, 1069, 1632 falsus, -a, -um 159 fama,-ae 2 8 7 ,4 5 5 ,6 1 3 fames, -is 592, 698, 1474 famosus, -a, -um 433, 501 famula, -ae 1122 famulus, -i 498, 677 fanum, -i 170, 185, 192 Fame 657, 706 farum, -i 1495 fas 1078 fastigium, -ii 185, 364, 933 fateor, -eri 799, 812, 1346 fatesco, -ere 193 fatum, -i 229, 1572 fautor, -oris 1399 faveo, -ere 51 favilla, -ae 934 favor, -oris 114 febris, -is 380, 384, 387 fecundus, -a, -um 22 feliciter 4 9 9 ,8 3 6 ,8 7 5 , 1568 felix, -icis 186, 388, 574, 645, 664, 1043, 1084, 1277, 1284, 1287, 1298, 1424; felicior, -ius 73 femina, -ae 1150 femineus, -a, -um 1345 fenestra, -ae 1511 fera, -ae 591, 1445 feralia, -ium 473 fere 42 ferio, -ire 55

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM fero, ferre 10, 11, 15, 250, 305, 341, 373, 398, 410, 569, 692, 785, 881, 905, 913, 916, 1060, 1171, 1 2 8 0 ,1 3 6 1 ,1 4 5 7 ,1 5 9 0 ferox 117, 527, 752 ferrum, -i 69, 239 fertilitas, -atis 34 ferus, -a, -um 256, 515, 1347 ferveo, -ere 689, 762, 910, 1481 fervidus, -a, -um 1186, 1304, 1603 fervor, -oris 1045, 1489 fessus, -a, -um 29, 446, 795, 1158, 1599 festa, -orum 292, 1270 festivus, -a, -um 199 fibra, -ae 109, 160, 746 fidelis, -e 131, 189, 273, 358, 571 fideo, -ere 228, 1185 Fides, -ei 133, 163, 165, 214, 218, 237, 377, 487, 558, 762, 997, 1 04 5,1 0 52 , 1166, 1332, 1489 fides, -ei 188, 284, 310, 384, 433, 760, 1 0 8 6 ,1 2 0 8 ,1 3 1 3 , 1399, 1582 fidus, -a, -um 484, 895 figura, -ae 1108, 1268, 1329, 1446 filia, -ae 359 finis, -is 121, 148, 283, 510, 617, 643, 909, 939, 961, 1297, 1395, 1597 fio, -eri 25, 75, 183, 234, 283, 313, 375, 441, 681, 682, 834, 864, 867, 8 7 0 ,1 1 1 8 ,1 2 5 5 ,1 3 8 0 , 1381, 1423, 1505 firmiter 237 firmo, -are 654 firmus, -a, -um 487 fistula, -ae 1569 flagellum, -i 1478 flagrum, -i 406 flamma, -ae 214, 239, 346, 351, 473, 910, 913, 927, 931, 933, 935, 988 flammo, -are 946 flammiger, -a, -um 590, 631 flammivomus, -a, -um 916, 945 flatus, -us 621, 696, 1143, 1159, 1641 flecto, -ere 252 fleo, -ere 916 fletus, -us 536, 1578, 1580 flexilis, -e 309, 768 floriger, -ra, -rum 31, 600, 994 flos, -oris 660, 1094 fluctus, -us 86, 1368, 1386, 1650 fluentum, -i 87, 1432, 1528


flumen, -inis 5, 1058, 1060, 1088 fluo, -ere 1373, 1463 Focas 1556 fodo, -ere 181 foedus, -eris 55, 105 foedus, -a, -um 158 foetor, -oris 936, 967 fons, -tis 188, 202, 548, 653, 658 foras 369, 1133 forceps, -ipis 949 forma, -ae 309 formido, -inis 58 formula, -ae 1087 forsan 483, 490 forsitan 811 forte 314, 328, 453, 721, 785, 786, 816, 917, 939, 952, 986, 993, 1010, 1052, 1156, 1188, 1456 fortis, -e 9, 518, 533, 1282, 1404; fortissimus, -a, -um 99 Fortuna, -ae 227 Fortunatus 1553 foveo, -ere 694, 696, 1234 fractura, -ae 454 fragilis, -e 4, 1418 fragor, -oris 1335 fragrantia, -ae 980 fragro, -are 966 frater, -ris 359, 443, 469, 519, 697, 789, 813, 827, 831, 832, 843, 1273, 1284, 1630, 1642 fraus, -dis 855 frendo, -ere 317, 403 freno, -are 126 frequens 295, 817 Fresones, -um 607, 1038 fretum, -i 1375 fretus, -a, -um 136, 542, 1219 frigidus, -a, -um 621, 1159 frigus, -oris 215, 914, 988 frons, -tis 1530 fructifer, -ra, -rum 652 fructus, -us 612 frugifer, -ra, -rum 601 frux, -gis 658 fuga, -ae 545 fugio, -ere 65, 92, 109, 158, 259, 416, 424, 547, 549, 551, 894, 957, 1131, 1343, 1390,1486 fugo, -are 890, 955 Fulgentius 1545 fulgeo, -ere 432, 457, 646, 769, 856, 9 5 4 ,9 7 6 ,1 0 1 7 ,1 0 7 5 , 1512, 1585



fulgesco, -ere 365, 851, 1065 fulgidus, -a, -um 999, 1609 fulgor, -oris 977 fumo, -are 159 funditus 193, 1053 fundo, -are 20, 219 fundo, -ere 13, 731, 1088, 1130, 1165, 1 360,1506 fundus, -i 162 fungor, fungi 1081 funus, -eris 623, 891, 1160 furio, -ire 404 furiosus, -a, -um 411 furo, -ere 408 furor, -oris 127 futurus, -a, -um 91, 176, 464, 713, 1032, 1393 galea, -ae 1332 gaudeo, -ere 157, 1119, 1172, 1487 gaudium, -ii 490, [872], 899, 1033 gaza, -ae 53, 285, 1226, 1257, 1526, 1535 gelidus, -a, -um 325, 452, 696, 1142 gemino, -are 1159 geminus, -a, -um 563 gemitus, -us 635 gemma, -ae 277, 389, 1267, 1492 gemo, -ere 327, 444, 468, 622, 940 genetrix, -tricis 1008, 1606 genitor, -oris 1415 gens, -tis 9, 2 1 ,4 1 , 53, 69, 71, 78, 116, 120, 140, 207, 312, 5 0 1 ,5 0 8 , 531, 557, 567, 582, 596, 752, 839, 1008, 1012, 1026, 1072, 1209, 1274,1277 gentilis, -e 86, 93, 302, 514, 563 genus, -eris 462, 482 Germania, -ae 47, 457 germanus, -a, -um 304, (5zs), 506, 1283 germen, -inis 90 gero, -ere 95, 438, 752, 786, 996, 1 0 9 2 ,1 1 8 0 ,1 2 3 0 , 1364, 1424 gesta, -orum 253, 742, 1209, 1395, 1598 gestio, -ire 614 gigno, -ere 91, 754, 820, 1009 Girvensis, -e 1294 glacialis, -e 911 gladius, -ii 45, 302, 552 globus, -i 927, 931 gloria, -ae 432, 1582 gnatus, -a, -um 200, 575, 724, 1527

gnaviter 1434 gradior, gradi 258, 1366, 1369 gradus,-us 668, 7 9 6 ,8 4 8 , 1221, 1426 Graecia, -ae 1538 gramen, -inis 1594 grammaticus, -a, -um 1434, 1555 grandis, -e 1491, 1496 grando, -inis 911 grassor, -ari 1125 grates, -um 1153 gratia, -ae 479, 850, 976 gravis, -e 1201, 1585 graviter 415 gravo, -are 728, 1578 Gregorius 79, 205, 1544 gremium, -ii 448, 450, 1342 gressus, -us 738, 938, 983, 1374, 1408 grex,-gis 282, 1231, 1475 guberno, -are 1650, 1658 gurges, -itis 1381, 1570, 1657 habena, -ae 126, 500, 566, 1184 habeo, -ere 34, 77, 208, 210, 233, 284, 450, 483, 911, 920, 1391, 1453, 1 537,1630 habitatio, -onis 33 habito, -are 970 habitus, -us 97, 1052 hactenus 173, 308 haero, -ere 1378 harena, -ae 1188 harmonia, -ae 1441 hastile, -is 178, 184 haud 257, 534 haurio, -ire 88, 399, 1528 haustus, -us 1148 Hebraicus, -a, -um 1539 herba, -ae 338 heremita, -ae 663 heremus, -i 1389, 1475 heres, -edis 266, 303, 562, [871], 1215, 1217 heroicus, -a, -um 687 Hesperia, -ae 40 Heuualdus 1046 Hibernia, -ae 458 hic, haec, hoc 16, 19, 30, 49, 67, 68, 71, 106, 107, 172, 178, 208, 234, 253, 299, 339, 3 4 0 ,3 5 6 ,3 7 8 ,4 0 7 , 422, 442, 460, 4 6 3 ,4 7 3 , 489, 523, 537, 539, 556 (bis), 562, 564, 568, 606, 659, 663, 741, 743, 761, 783, 788, 806, 809, 8 2 2 ,8 2 6 ,8 3 4 , 857,

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM 866, 873 (bis), 882, 912, 917, 921, 937, 970, 972, 9 7 4 ,9 8 7 ,9 9 3 ,1 0 0 5 , 1006, 1008, 1048, 1050, 1055, 1064, 1066, 1104, 1127, 1136, 1144, 1154, 1165, 1170, 1174, 1178, 1191, 1205, 1207, 1228, 1233, 1234, 1248, 1251, 1259, 1277, 1279, 1280, 1282 (bis), 1285, 1288, 1315, 1354, 1364, 1366, 1379, 1388, 1410, 1415, 1424, 1434, 1451, 1458, 1483, 1495, 1508, 1509, 1515, 1518, 1531, 1533, 1563, 1569 (bis), 1597, 1612, 1614, 1638, 1649, 1 65 4,1 6 56 Hieronymus 1541 Hilaxius 1541 hinc 32, 38, 163, 417, 474, 509, 567, 622, 651, 751, 912, 958, 1 063,1615 historicus, -i 1549 historicus, -a, -um 1209, 1311 hodie 1351, 1357, 1631 hom o, -inis 2, 439, 524, 591, 912, 9 3 4 ,1 0 0 3 , 1445 honestus, -a, -um 134, 649, 849, 1093, 1 2 3 7 ,1 4 2 5 ,1 6 0 9 honor, honos, -oris 115, 136, 208, 285, 361, 373, 498, 644, 662, 674, 1071, 1090, 1211, 1220, 1227, 1298, 1390, 1406, 1424, 1484, 1596 honorifice 1461, 1588 hora, -ae 226, 230, 4 0 1 ,4 1 4 , 826, 859, 1 19 5,1 5 85 , 1640 horrendus, -a, -um 403, 910, 1326 horreum, -ei 612 horribilis, -e 272, 1102, 1335 horrisonus, -a, -um 547 horror, -oris 1339 hortor, -ari 894 hospes, -itis 1 1 1 ,3 2 8 ,3 4 4 ,4 0 0 , 1614 hospita, -ae 27 hospitium, -ii 324 hostilis, -e 26, 119, 254, 537, 1276, 1330 hostis, -is 40, 50, 63, 102, 238, 249, 253, 258, 260, 265, 272, 416, 518, 541, 557, 564, 7 9 6 ,8 0 6 ,9 4 1 , 942, 951, 953, 955, 1336, 1347, 1350 Hripensis, -e 645 hucusque 678, 1571


humanus, -a, -um 144, 862 humerus, -i 1280, 1476 humilis,-e 1382, 1404, 1407 humo, -are 682, 1161 humor, -oris 1378 humus, -i 3 3 1 ,7 3 1 , 1358 hymnus, -i 782, 1272 iaceo, -ere 294, 325, 380, 619, 1140, 1193,1617 iacto, -are 691 iaculum, -i 170, 185 iam 29, 58, 76, 77, 89, 114, 122, 296, 359, 398, 447, 4 9 5 ,5 0 4 ,5 0 7 , 757, 869, 885, 950, 953, 1016, 1054, 1101, 1116, 1172, 1193, 1240, 1244, 1295, 1363, 1371, 1390, 1420, 1423, 1429, 1455, 1508, 1525, 1581, 1630,1638 ibi 608, 676, 892, 902, 915, 965, 1298 ibidem 331, 979, 1041, 1213, 1558 ictus, -us 867, 1060 idcirco 340, 1031, 1347, 1654 idem, eadem, idem 216, 377, 587, 834, 8 4 6 ,8 7 6 ,1 0 7 0 , 1199, 1635 ieiunium, -ii 1092 igneus, -a, -um 350 ignis, -is 214, 347, 370, 702, 762, 9 1 6 ,9 4 7 ,9 9 1 ignitus, -a, -um 948 ignotus, -a, -um 54, 97, 1624 ille, -a, -ud 54, 104, 107, 112, 143, 155, 156, 203, 2 2 1 ,2 2 2 ,2 2 4 , 232, 282, 303, 318, 3 2 2 ,3 5 3 ,3 6 3 , 369, 381, 383, 387, 4 0 0 ,4 0 8 ,4 5 4 , 463, 486, 494, 552, 560, 562, 564, 568, 570, 577, 583, 5 8 6 ,5 8 8 , 596, 605, 614, 646, 669, 6 7 8 ,6 9 5 , 704, 711, 719, 734 (bis), 736, 745, 756, 761, 799, 803, 809, 810, 812, 817 (&**), 819, 822, 830, 832, 833, 857, 900, 919, 923, 956, 962, 978, 987, 992, 999, 1011, 1013, 1024, 1027, 1037, 1044, 1048, 1064, 1069, 1073, 1085, 1100, 1105, 1106, 1145, 1176, 1177, 1184, 1186, 1190, 1200, 1201, 1210, 1230, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1255, 1267, 1279, 1281, 1282 (bis), 1286, 1301, 1318, 1333, 1341 (bis), 1342, 1354, 1359, 1360, 1368, 1373, 1374, 1382, 1414, 1432, 1435, 1437, 1457, 1473, 1483,



ille (cont.) 1501, 1531, 1576, 1577, 1579, 1585, 1607, 1613, 1622, 1625, 1626, 1635,1637 illic 1536 illinc 894 ima, -orum 932, 944 imago, -inis 281 ,92 3 imber, -ris 525, 589, 1539 imbuo, -ere 597, 844, 1653 immemor 544 immitto, -ere 493, 541, 720, 853 impatiens 182 impendo, -ere 1227 imperium, -ii 26, 103, 112, 120, 500, 5 7 3 ,8 4 3 , 1081 impiger, -ra, -rum 539, 1152, 1264 impingo, -ere 543 impleo, -ere 513, 652, 874 impono, -ere 105, 329, 825, 1199 imprimo, -ere 1108 impugno, -are 509 in 10, 13, 14, 66, 69, 92, 104, 108, 116, 148, 159, 1 64 ,18 3 , 188, 193, 197, 201, 202, 2 0 9 ,2 1 1 ,2 1 2 , 219, 222, 230, 237-, 238, 247, 253, 263, 269, 273, 281, 282, 285, 293, 305, 318, 319, 343, 3 4 5 ,3 6 8 ,3 7 5 , 376, 381, 416, 448, 4 5 0 ,4 6 2 ,4 6 3 , 484, 486, 501, 522, 5 2 8 ,5 5 5 , 5 7 1 ,5 7 4 , 602, 607, 613, 620, 628, 638, 640, 644, 645, 6 4 6 ,6 4 7 ,6 7 0 ,6 8 9 , 709, 710, 729, 764, 771, 782, 785, 790 (bis), 856, 875, 877, 883, 889, 909, 914, 916, 930, 944, 957, 959, 964, 970, 976, 989, 992, 995, 998, 1005, 1014, 1023, 1036, 1040, 1042, 1043, 1049, 1073, 1105, 1132, 1136, 1178, 1185, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1197, 1228, 1239, 1247, 1262, 1266, 1273, 1287, 1297, 1301, 1320, 1327 (bis), 1336, 1346, 1351, 1367, 1378, 1404 (bis), 1413, 1431, 1457, 1466 1484, 1506, 1537, 1561, 1583, 1585, 1602, 1606, 1619, 1637, 1640 inanis, -e 747, 1183, 1242, 1620 inante 921 incendium, -ii 348, 759 incertus, -a, -um 173, 1592 incido, -ere 1124 incipio, -ere 746

inclytus, -a, -um 392, 427, 455, 612, 6 8 3 ,7 4 2 incolumis, -e 418, 495 inconsuetus, -a, -um 169 incorruptus, -a, -um 300, 767 increpito, -are 547 incubo, -are 353, 924, 1334 inculco, -are 259 incultus, -a, -um 652 incumbo, -ere 703 incursus, -us 1347 inde 32, 333, 417, 509, 567, 622, 666, 738, 751, 890, 912, 984, 993, 1 0 2 6 ,1 0 7 8 ,1 4 6 0 indigena, -ae 21 indo, -ere 6 01 ,14 1 7 indoles, -is 1450 indomitus, -a, -um 273 indubito, -are 1208 induco, -ere 360 indulgeo, -ere 626 induo, -ere 738, 1007 industria, -ae 1481 ineo, -ire 705 infernalis, -e 918 Infernus, -i 468, 920, 992 infero, inferre 726 infestus, -a, -um 517 infigo, -ere 486 infirmus, -a, -um 739, 887, 1139, 1171,1198 infit 299, 625, 974 infringo, -ere 444 infundo, -ere 579, 1435 ingemino, -are 59, 446 ingenium, -ii 846, 1421 ingens 352, 960, 1339, 1550 ingredior, -gredi 266, 296, 926 inhio, -are 604 iniquus, -a, -um 1381, 1479 inlicito, -are 218 inlucesco, -ere 199 inlustro, -are 456 innocuus, -a, -um 840 innumerus, -a, -um 240, 538 inops 2 9 4 ,6 5 8 ,1 0 9 8 , 1256, 1402 inquiro, -ere 420, 810, 1342 inquit 415, 813, 895, 906 inrigo, -are 589 inrumpo, -ere 254 inscius, -a, -um 939 inscribo, -ere 288 insequor, -sequi 1478

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM insidior, -ari 673 insignia, -ium 1396 insignis, -e 648 insisto, -ere 1606 inspicio, -ere 338 instituo, -ere 798, 1018, 1438 insto, -are 1304 insula, -ae 1 21 ,65 8 , 677 insuper 103, 456, 490, 511 intactus, -a, -um 351 integer, -ra, -rum 308, 730, 764, 1300 intellego, -ere 322 intemeratus, -a, -um 758 intente 1089 intentus, -a, -um 1291 inter 4 7 ,6 7 ,4 5 9 ,7 5 9 , 1003, 1323 (bis) interea 90, 124, 194, 507, 1084, 1488 interluo, -ere 30 interventor, -oris 1358 intra 1010 intrepidus, -a, -um 659, 1330 intro, -are 73, 113, 344, 411, 923, 982, 985, 1051, 109 7,1 1 29 , 1175, 1387 intus 762, 1510 inultus, -a, -um 234 invaleo, -ere 274, 1131 invenio, -ire 485, 1070, 1536, 1558 invictus, -a, -um 237, 244, 571 invidia, -ae 515 invidus, -a, -um 92, 112, 1573 involvo, -ere 1591 iocundus 272, 357; iocundius 337 Iohanne:> (Chrysostomus) 1546 Iohannes 1086, 1137, 1 205,1216 ipse, -a, -um 59, 93, 165, 185, 187, 262, 271, 307, 333, 414, 527, 533, 549, 596, 624, 639, 6 6 1 ,6 7 5 , 690, 710, 717, 7 2 2 ,7 2 7 ,7 8 0 , 841, 891, 920, 975, 983, 1009, 1029, 1092, 1160, 1163, 1196, 1243, 1269, 1376, 1503, 1518, 1542, 1549,1551 irascor, -sci 1353 irroro, -are 5 is, ea, id 198, 209, 293, 328, 405, 426, 483, 529, 819, 823, 829, 841, 889, 981, 1042, 1146, 1168, 1227, 1337, 1350, 1357, 1493, 1 5 8 6 ,1 6 1 9 ,1 6 2 8 iste, -a, -ud 247, 300, 356, 633, 781, 787, 905, 994, 1320, 1382, 1436, 1656


istic 3 3 9 ,9 2 0 ,9 7 5 ita 701, 1563 item 719, 775, 790, 1273, 1546 iter, -ineris 315, 336, 614, 958, 1179 iterum 430, 639, 675, 916, 928, 985, 9 9 0 ,1 0 0 2 , 1613, 1621 iuba, -ae 180 iubeo, -ere 57, 197, 330, 409, 803, 866,1 0 9 8 ,1 1 0 7 ,1 1 0 9 ,1 5 0 4 ,1 6 1 5 iudex, -icis 627 iudicium, -ii 270 iugum, -i 122, 564, 1439 iunctura, -ae 1192 ius, iuris 455, 530, 759, 770, 8 0 1 ,8 2 1 , 830, 901, 1137, 1166, 1206, 1214, 1216, 1224, 1249, 1278, 1279, 1283, 1305, 1425, 1429, 1478, 1651 iussus, -us 1380 iustitia, -ae 126, 138, 1401 iustus, -a, -um 177, 217, 884, 1261, 1380, 1398, 1479. iustissimus, -a, -um 570 Iuvencus 1551 iuvenis, -is 98, 99, 113, 147, 439, 528, 703, 721, 1100, 1 118,1181, 1187, 1303, 1425, 1450, 1587, 1602, 1610, 1612, 1616, 1632, 16^5, 1640 iuventus, -tutis 994, 1409 iuvo, -are 626 iuxta 315, 707, 1161 labor, -i 725, 1187 labor, -oris 20, 391, 507, 1441, 1578, 1580 laboro, -are 1304 lacero, -are 404, 512 lacertus, -i 444, 1124 lacrima, -ae 59, 635, 1359, 1570 lacrimabilis, -e 623 lacrimo, -are 446, 1163 Lactantius 1553 laedo,-ere 1373, 1472 laetor, -ari 601, 1177 laetus, -a, -um 386, 875, 970, 982, 1 1 7 7 ,1 5 2 3 ,1 5 6 8 ,1 6 2 5 lamna, -ae 1225 lampas, -adis 1017 langueo, -ere 376, 3 81 ,38 5 languidus, -a, -um 735 languor, -oris 325 lapillus, -i 1502



lapis, -idis 1188, 1190 laquear, -aris 1511 lar, laris 37 largus, -a, -um 116, 269, 572, 1019, 1235,1398 lassesco, -ere 316, 342 late 362, 5 7 8 ,9 3 6 , 1459 lateo, -ere 1189 Latinus, -a, -um 1538 Latium, -ii 1537 Latius, -a, -um 83 latus, -eris 452, 7 18 ,91 0 latus, -a, -um 103, 403, 4 6 1 ,5 3 8 , 613, 908 laudabilis, -e 1120 laudo, -are 613 laus, -dis 16, 283, 429, 481, 497, 553, 7 8 2 ,8 6 1 ,8 6 5 , 1135, 1596 lavacrum, -i 393 lavo, -are 188, 222, 333, 372, 393, 5 59 ,73 2 lectio, -onis 864 lector, -oris 379, 1558 legatus, -i 57, 629 lego, -ere 35, 288, 533, 787, 788, 1481 Leo 1544 leo, -onis 255 levis, -e 184 levita, -ae 1344, 1423 levius (adv.) 1371 lëvo, -are 625, 1281 lex, legis 127, 211, 217, 570, 1310, 1401,1443, 1449 libellus, -i 783, 1311 liber, -era, -erum 818, 825, 830 liber, -ri 464, 1049, 1291, 1421, 1456, 1527,1533, 1611 libero, -are 554 libertas, -tatis 45, 60 libet 289, 1077, 1091, 1206, 1409 licet 539, 756, 1599 lignum, -i 485, 785 ligo, -are 341, 795, 801 Lindissa, -ae 363 lingua, -ae 3, 6, 7, 502, 1107, 1435 Linguanus, -a, -um 1297 linio, -ire 1146 linquo, -ere 110, 667, 679, 843, 1015 liquidus, -a, -um 708 liquor, -oris 1378 litus, -oris 854, 1385 locellus, -i 421 loco, -are 197

loculus, -i 306, 1161 locus, -i 33, 95, 319, 323, 330, 336, 337, 356, 375, 3 8 2 ,3 9 6 ,4 0 3 , 545, 581, 652, 657, 6 7 8 ,6 8 2 , 922, 936, 970, 985, 994, 1000, 1062, 1070, 1097, 1310, 1320, 1325, 1459, 1623 longe 578, 755, 898; longius 937, 1562 longus, -a, -um 28, 121, 184, 380, 489, 5 9 5 ,9 6 1 , 1057, 1615 loquax, -acis 1405 loquela, -ae 417, 749, 1101, 1109, 1114,1118 loquor, -i 1111, 1112 Lucanus 1554 luceo, -ere 1595 lucerna, -ae 280 Lucifer 140, 856 lucifluus, -a, -um 1540 lucro, -are 1039 lucrum, -i 36, 37, 671, 852 ludus, -i 1183 lues, -is 1638 lugeo, -ere 623 lugubris, -e 1569 lumen 96, 143, 365, 370, 582, 584, 106 4,1 2 90 , 152 0,1 5 40 , 1574 luna, -ae 96, 1441 luo, -ere 262 lupus, -i 673, 1472 luridus, -a, -um 1142 lustro, -are 1121 lux, -cis 225, 424, 579, 656, 956, 968, 969, 976, 977, 980, 1000, 1063, 106 8,1 5 82 , 1607, 1608 luxus, -us 899 lympha, -ae 708, 720 lyra, -ae 860 lyricus, -a, -um 289, 746, 1439 macto, -are 256 macula, -ae 1103 maestissimus, -a, -um 1572 magicus, -a, -um 807, 811 magis 54, 311 (bis), 770, 955 magister, -ri 190, 686, 744, 846, 1207, 1305, 1315, 1395, 1431, 1440, 1464, 1534, 1547, 1555, 1559, 1567,1575 magnificus, -a, -um 264, 497, 561 magnus, -a, -um 136, 373, 391, 466, 498, 873, 965, 1134, 1219, 1462,

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM 1499, 1586, 1639; maior, -ius 67, 366, 976, 1505, 1613; maximus, -a, -um 80, 1016, 1063, 1448, 1589 malignus, -a, -um 229, 394, 476, 585, 706, 942, 945, 1331, 1344 malum, -i 177, 1343 mandatum, -i 268 mando, -ere 256 mandra, -ae 1121 mane 372, 1198 maneo, -ere 177, 221, 300, 369, 390, 650, 707, 755, 939, 1162, 1244, 1 37 4,1596 mansio, -onis 1005 manus, -us 19, 38, 300, 453, 512, 523, 1125, 1130, 1191, 1199, 1 2 3 5 ,1 3 4 5 ,1 6 1 9 , 1646 mare, -ris 24, 712, 1323 margo, -inis 1326, 1367 Maria 634 marinus, -a, -um 1368 maritalis, -e 801 maritus, -i 883, 893 Maro 1554 Mars, -tis 752 martyr, -ris 1071, 1503 mas 179 mater, -ris 634, 724, 1128 maturus, -a, -um 1564 Maurus, -i 184 maxime (adv.) 1624 medela, -ae 780 medicamen, -inis 434 medicina, -ae 688, 1147 medicus, -i 772 meditor, -ari 2 1 1 ,9 1 7 , 919, 972, 1334 medius, -a, -um 451, 541, 914, 930, 944, 1124, 1185, 1189, 1487, 1634 mellifluus, -a, -um 87, 1411 membra, -orum 316, 412, 620, 778, 1146, 1 1 5 7 ,1 6 2 1 ,1 6 4 6 memini, -isse 1120 memorabilis, -e 786, 876 memoratus, -us 881 memoro, -are 1091, 1572 mens, -tis 4, 16, 271, 419, 662, 755, 806, 1086, 1115, 1233, 1240, 1244, 1304, 1313, 1321, 1344, 1 3 9 3 ,1 4 0 5 ,1 4 0 7 ,1 4 2 2 ,1 5 1 7 mensis, -is 1565, 1615 Mercii, -orum 558 mereo, -ere 695, 1592


mergo, -ere 1374, 1570 merito 23 meritum, -i 136, 271, 310, 376, 383, 397, 467, 4 7 7 ,4 7 9 ,4 8 8 ,5 0 5 , 578, 634, 649, 848, 1022, 1027, 1086, 1219, 1221, 1253, 1287, 1289, 1354, 1422, 1426, 1469, 1522, 1564,1658 meritus, -a, -um 1352 merus, -a, -um 1500 messis, -is 710 -met 37, 68, 404, 434, 448, 605, 637, 672, 795, 821, 869, 1009, 1019, 1258,1524 metallum, -i 1498 metropolis, -is 204 metrum, -i 1308 metuo, -ere 514, 799, 896, 1053 meus, -a, -um 6, 173, 477, 956, 983, 1 5 6 9 ,1 6 0 0 ,1 6 0 4 , 1619 Michael 632 mico, -are 392, 563, 577 miles, -itis 68, 535, 790, 1327 mille 213, 240, 520, 540, 608, 1038, 1061 minae, -arum 218 minax 178, 1339 minister, -tri 727, 1042, 1072, 1269 ministerium, -ii 276, 1224 ministrator, -oris 1521 ministro, -are 139, 1152 minor, -ari 948 minus (adv.) 996, 1230, 1488 mirabilis, -e 770 miraculum, -i 362, 681, 687 mirificus, -a, -um 432 miror, -ari 417, 420, 805 mirus, -a, -um 349, 760, 829, 980, 1 0 0 0 ,1 0 5 9 ,1 1 3 2 ,1 3 0 9 , 1507 misceo, -ere 354, 1183 miser, -ra, -rum 326, 382, 406, 408, 465, 475, 572, 842, 914, 934, 939, 1 0 5 3 ,1 1 0 5 ,1 2 5 4 ,1 3 4 0 miseror, -ari 479 missa, -ae 815, 817, 827, 835, 1265, 1280 mitesco, -ere 627 mitis, -e 1262 mitto, -ere 49, 54, 206, 629, 632, 715, 8 3 8 ,1 0 1 1 , 1144, 1173 mobilis, -e 51 moderamen, -inis 217, 884, 1020, 1236, 1487



moderatus, -a, -um 849 modicus, -a, -um 391 m odo (adv.) 156, 288, 478, 483, 905, 1206 modulor, -ari 1272 modus, -i 1132 moenia, -ium 196, 202, 524 molimen, -inis 1499 monachus, -i 650, 849, 1026 monasterium,-ii 368, 901, 1212, 1294, 1301,1417 moneo, -ere 59 monitum, -i 293, 1039, 1232 monitus, -us 6 4 1 ,6 8 8 mons, -ntis 247, 525, 600 monstro, -are 142, 330 monstrum, -i 1323 mora, -ae 182, 4 9 1 ,5 4 1 ,9 0 0 morbidus, -a, -um 387 morbosus, -a, -um 451 morbus, -i 434, 463, 615, 633, 697, 7 1 8 ,7 2 3 ,7 3 4 , 885, 1148, 1637 moribundus, -a, -um 1194 morior, -i 263, 318, 381, 576, 592, 640, 721, 998, 1003, 1126, 1631, 1638, 1641,4645 mors, -tis 226, 311, 466, 469, 471, 494, 504, 551, 585, 595, 677, 684, 729, 765, 771, 822, 878, 893, 897, 1 0 2 1 ,1 0 5 5 ,1 5 7 3 , 1617 morsus, -us 182, 404 mortalis, -e 1156 mortifer, -ra, -rum 665 mortuus, -a, -um 468, 880, 888, 1157, 1297,1634 mos, moris 132, 179, 268, 476, 649, 805, 824, 858, 934, 1004, 1022, 1027, 1031, 1052, 1129, 1155, 1168, 1221, 1261, 1302, 1483 motus, -us 406, 408, 412, 932, 1194, 1444 moveo, -ere 610, 1158, 1621 mox 115, 190, 494, 543, 608, 641, 674, 841, 900, 914, 967, 1059, 1162, 1169, 1173, 1291, 1339, 1377, 1412, 1416, 1467, 1626, 1645 mucro, -onis 524, 568, 1056 myltimodus, -a, -um 1329 multiplico, -are 1231 multoties 438 multum (adv.) 770, 950 multus, -a, -um 34, 64, 313, 355, 375,

389, 427, 459, 495, 507, 556, 581, 593, 616, 6 6 6 ,7 7 9 , 787, 851, 878, 881, 886, 1011, 1032, 1040, 1135, 1139, 1178, 1205, 1266, 1299, 1393, 1500, 1512, 1623;plus 61, 1041, 1394, 1452; plurimus, -a, -um 82, 213, 294, 297, 565, 609, 671, 713, 852, 1038, 1222, 1306, 1 31 2,1 5 13 , 1560 mundanus, -a, -um 662, 674, 853, 1387 mundus, -i 23, 142, 288, 1242, 1494, 1590,1657 munus, -eris 4, 478, 561 murus, -i 19, 960, 964 Musa, -ae 1394 musa, -ae 1077 muscus, -i 447, 449 muto, -are 230, 476, 548, 662, 1485 mutus, -a, -um 1100, 1107, 1112 mysterium, -ii 163, 1448 mysticus, -a, -um 860

nam 22, 155, 226, 284, 291, 293, 301, 312, 267, 384, 4 3 6 ,4 6 0 ,5 5 7 ,5 7 3 , 577, 588, 596, 6 2 9 ,6 3 9 ,6 7 8 ,7 5 6 , 766, 804, 905, 978, 992, 997, 1070, 1077, 1222, 1303, 1365, 1366, 1449, 1466, 1471, 1490, 1633 nares, -ium 947, 1143, 1618 narro, -are 407, 460, 750, 798, 831, 1394,1622 nascor, -i 482 nato, -are 548, 1061 natura, -ae 1379, 1445 nauta, -ae 698, 1649 navis, -is 28 navita, -ae 29 ne 383, 467, 662, 673, 7 4 1 ,7 8 5 ,8 0 3 , 896, 1053, 1183, 1373, 1374, 1 47 2,1 4 74 , 1570 nec 44, 83, 117, 127, 159, 160, 161, 188, 347, 387, 3 9 2 ,4 1 9 ,4 3 7 , 477, 491, 514, 541, 551, 571, 585, 642, 681, 747, 777, 8 2 4 ,8 6 9 ,9 0 0 ,9 1 5 , 924, 941, 949, 1008, 1069, 1120, 1141, 1166, 1190, 1230, 1308, 1349 (bis), 1351, 1360, 1419, 1 4 8 4 ,1 4 8 6 ,1 4 8 8 , 1632, 1639 necesse 899 neco, -are 821, 1055, 1064

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM nectar, -aris 1410 nefandus, -a, -um 63, 111, 262, 404 nego, -are 368, 591, 1166, 1379 negotium, -ii 866, 1279 nempe 1195 nepos, -otis 235 neptis, -is 327 neque 1480 nequeo 4 2 8 ,7 0 3 ,9 1 3 , 1006 nervus, -i 309, 419, 768 nescio, -ire 435, 963, 987 nescius, -a, -um 450 nex, necis 587 ni 1 29 ,47 8 , 745 nidor, -oris 966 nigellus, -a, -um 1057 niger, -ra, -rum 1048, 1049, 1576 nihil 454, 812 nimis 228, 913, 1486, 1509, 1623 nimium (adv.) 186, 240, 349, 630, 8 9 3 ,1 4 9 4 nimius, -a, -um 445, 772, 936, 977, 1000, 1 0 4 5 ,1 1 2 5 ,1 3 3 8 ,1 6 1 0 nisi 1371 niteo, -ere 3 1 1 ,6 7 8 , 925 nitidus, -a, -um 744, 959, 1614 niveus, -a, -um 630 nobilis, -e 33, 221, 754, 755, 791, 1252 nobiliter 566, 670 nocte 1062, 1197 noctu 1066 nocturnus, -a, -um 401 nolo, nolle 1226, 1477 nomen, -inis 135, 307, 502, 753, 1046, 1200, 1397, 1493, 1529, 1561, 1596 non 179, 233, 234, 241, 392, 419, 455, 471, 571, 589 (bis), 642, 663, 681, 747, 777, 8 1 0 ,8 6 8 ,9 2 0 ,9 4 1 , 975, 1077, 1114, 1206, 1304, 1308, 1351, 1357, 1378 (bis), 1405, 1454, 1479, 1504, 1615 Nonae, -arum 504 nos, nostrum 156, 249, 459, 924, 960, 964, 982, 984, 1572, 1576, 1 57 7,1590 noster, -ra, -rum 106, 745, 877, 882, 1008, 1068, 1076, 1091, 1320, 1322, 1386, 1573, 1575, 1589, 1598, 1657 notus, -a, -um 1385, 1624 Novembris, -is 1584


novenus, -a, -um 1081, 1496 novi, nosse 812, 1440 novus, -a, -um 76, 473, 508, 628, 808, 976, 1052, 1117, 1456, 1507 nox, noctis 94, 147, 211, 365, 369, 451, 792, 888, 891, 923, 926, 959, 1065, 1113, 1140, 1263, 1 26 4,1 5 93 , 1605 nubes, -is 1337 nubila, -orum 1595 nullus, -a, -um 7, 405, 464, 529 (bis), 530, 962 1101, 1162 numen, -inis 535, 747 numerus, -i 241, 1123, 1446 nummisma, -atis 868 numquam 426, 804, 993 nunc 152, 171, 244, 249, 289, 375, 430, 633, 816, 864 (6w), 896, 898, 989, 1002, 1077, 1322, 1347, 1383 nuntius, -ii 107 nuper 1124 nutrio, -ire 1273, 1451, 1602, 1652 o 9, 186, 228, 243, 284 (bis), 1576 (ter), 1589 (bis) ob 72, 3 76 ,46 7 obitus, -us 1316 obliviscor, -sci 449 oblongus, -i 909 obrizum, -i 1504 obruo, -ere 174 obscurus, -a, -um 147, 1307 obsessus, -a, -um 776 obstipesco, -ere 1125 obtendo, -ere 774 occido, -ere 265, 486, 552 occisor, -oris 519 occubo, -are 111, 227, 232, 320, 7 91 ,84 2 occurro, -ere 1598 oceanus, -i 28, 85, 657 ocellus, -i 1361 octavus, -a, -um 1584 octo 503 oculus, -i 98, 625, 735, 780, 946, 9 5 2 ,1 2 0 2 , 1573 oda, -ae 861 odium, -ii 367 odor, -oris 966, 980, 1000 Offa 388 offero, -ferre 828



officium, -ii 1469 olim 1 4 6 ,2 0 5 ,7 4 3 Olympus, -i 8, 535, 562, 632, 862, 1244,1258 omen, -inis 160 Omnipotens, -ntis 234, 475 omnipotens 579, 627 omnis, -e 108, 116, 120, 133, 152, 155, 162, 252, 256, 269, 293, 337, 352, 384, 411, 4 3 8 ,4 9 6 , 527, 554, 572, 6 1 8 ,6 8 5 , 7 46 ,81 8 , 8 3 1 ,8 5 9 , 863, 867, 870, 895, 900, 933, 967, 986, 1023, 1043, 1053, 1065, 1157, 1237, 1241, 1244, 1260, 1430, 1 49 9,1 5 26 ,15 81 opes, -um 436, 1254, 1531 opimus, -a, -um 275, 659, 1096, 1229 oppono, -ere 539, 1332 opprimo, -ere 260 opto, -are 779, 1149 opus, -eris 189, 530, 1047, 1517 opusculum, -i 1306 ora, -ae 66, 236, 607, 640, 1466 orarium, -ii 735 oratio, -onis 864 orbis, -is 79, 194, 578, 613, 1073, 1082,1537 ordo, -inis 164, 964, 1059, 1136, 1270, 1423, 1470, 1496, 1521, 1584 origo, -inis 132, 1208 orior, -iri 1415 ornamentum, -i 1222, 1266, 1488 ornatus, -us 1514 orno, -are 388, 600, 1040, 1221, 1229, 1302, H 8 3 oro, -are 384, 669, 722, 733, 1264 oroma, -atis 93 Orosius 1543 orphanus, -i 1402, 1577 ortus, -us 140, 628, 907, 958, 1443, 1629,1633 os, oris 51, 137, 157, 317, 709, 713, 948, 992, 1111, 1142,1235, 1405, 1645 (bis) os, ossis 362, 364, 367, 399, 419, 444 ostendo,-ere 1107, 1611 Osthryda 358 ostrum, -i 1273 Osuuald(us) 235, 241, 257, 260, 265, 319, 355, 359, 3 8 3 ,4 3 2 ,4 8 1 ,4 9 9 Osuui 3 0 4 ,5 0 6 ,5 0 8 ,5 6 6 ovile,-is 2 5 5 ,6 7 2 , 1026, 1471

ovis, -is 1028 ovo,-are 421, 1114, 1204, 1455 1623

pabulum, -i 1473 paciscor, -sci 273 pactum, -i 106 paganus, -a, -um 313, 1035, 1050 palam 164 pallium, -ii 209, 1280 pallor, -oris 1142 palo, -are 546 Pan 747 pando, -ere 1115, 1414, 1448 panis, -is 694, 719 pannum, -i 3 4 1 ,3 4 5 papa, -ae 1544 par 1047, 1363 paralysis, -is 325 parco, -ere 530, 1479 parcus, -a, -um 269, 783 parens, -entis 754, 820, 1252, 1286, 1293, 1419 paries, -etis 278 pario, -ire 474 pariter 591, 757, 935, 1113, 1116, 1656 Parnassus, -i 1439 paro, -are 54, 224, 372, 638, 1160, 1266, 1631 pars, -tis 131, 290, 425, 485, 492, 889, 996, 1073, 1157, 1472, 1569 Parthus, -i 183 particula, -ae 441 parumper 17, 1600 parvulus, -a, -um 1093 parvus, -a, -um 197, 238, 471, 539, 663, 867, 981, 1504, 1635; minor, -us 1488 paschalis, -e 194, 292, 1447 pasco, -ere 693 pascua, -orum 1030 passim 553 pastor, -oris 725, 1121, 1239, 1470, 1567,1589 pastoralis, -e 1248, 1467 patefacio, -ere 765, 1316, 1449 pateo, -ere 188 pater, -ris 1, 14, 52, 72, 118, 132, 143, 327, 502, 623, 624, 709, 723, 732, 737, 750, 857, 1083, 1087, 1092, 1110, 1202, 1217, 1281, 1313, 1317, 1341, 1364, 1402, 1484,

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM 1518, 1527, 1536, 1541, 1575, 1 5 7 7 ,1 5 7 9 ,1 5 8 8 ,1 5 8 9 ,1 6 5 4 paternus, -a, -um 45, 147 patientia, -ae 760 patior, pati 234, 1352 patria, -ae 16, 44, 50, 60, 118, 239, 267, 312, 463, 562, 640, 1015 (bis), 1215, 1300, 1465, 1579 patriarcha, -ae 1567 patrius, -a, -um 70, 114, 514, 566 patronus, -i 375, 488 patruus, -i 361 paucus, -a, -um 172, 289, 431, 783, 8 8 2 ,1 0 9 1 ,1 5 9 9 Paulinus (o f Nola) 1552 Paulinus (o f York) 135, 210 paulo 1408 paulum 331 Paulus 1493 pauper, -eris 269, 800, 1019, 1099, 1257 pauso, -are 682 pavidus, -a, -um 893, 921 pavor, -oris 50 pax, pacis 55, 124, 273, 357, 571, 5 7 4 ,6 4 5 ,1 0 4 3 ,1 0 8 2 ,1 2 8 3 ,1 2 8 7 peccatum, -i 72 pectus, -oris 5, 86, 129, 137, 145, 165, 181, 242, 386, 446, 487, 534, 604, 611, 620, 813, 1088, 1158, 1257, 1292, 1345, 1411 pecus, -oris 159, 256, 439 pecus, -udis 1445 pedester, -ra, -rum 1377 pelagus, -i 1322, 1380, 1444, 1650 pello, -ere 92, 109, 580, 711 Pendan 518, 550 pendo, -ere 173 pene 619 penetro, -are 998, 1033 penitus 351, 444, 472, 858, 1112, 1 30 0 ,1 3 1 8 , 1385, 1627 penso, -are 297 per 64, 91, 117, 155, 180, 194, 258 (bis), 280, 288, 294, 300, 336, 380, 390, 430, 438, 441, 488, 502, 514, 560, 569, 578, 581, 605, 616, 690, 757, 758, 766, 793, 853, 886, 926, 954, 984, 1029, 1098, 1099, 1135, 1147, 1179, 1241, 1322, 1348, 1362, 1452, 1475, 1537, 1590, 1616, 1650 (6w)


perago, -ere 292, 356, 891, 1246, 1508 peragro, -are 1455, 1459 percello, -ere 615 percipio, -ere 384 percurro, -ere 437, 1439 percutio, -ere 463, 1616, 1636 perdo, -ere 429, 1258 peregrinus, -a, -um 84, 1016, 1214, 1268,1296, 1454 perennis, -e 225 pereo, -ire 72, 1148, 1570, 1618 perficio, -ere 997, 1043, 1522 perfidia, -ae 263 perfundo, -ere 87, 584, 6 1 1 ,9 6 8 , 1410 pergo, -ere 238, 738, 1204, 1408 peric(u)lum, -i 887, 1134 perimo, -ere 301, 312, 461, 524, 791, 8 1 5 ,8 7 9 , 1058 perlego, -ere 1612 permaneo, -ere 758, 763, 1032 perpatior, -pati 511 perpetuus, -a, -um 82, 89, 471, 581, 609 perplures, -ium 1558 perquiro, -ere 160 persentio, -ire 332 persolvo,-ere 1095 persto, -are 1197 perstringo, -ere 742 persuadeo, -ere 166 pertineo, -ere 999 perungeo, -ere 717 pervenio, -ire 1376 pervigil 1245 pervius, -a, -um 1380 pes, pedis 15, 1 51 ,42 2 , 610, 1338 pessimus, -a, -um 1352 pessum 528 pestis, -is 460, 716, 1133, 1156, 1318, 1616, 1636 peto, -ere 185, 333, 545, 659, 675, 680, 740, 931, 1016, 1035, 1084, 1212, 1239, 1290, 1296, 1321, 138 3,1 5 24 , 1566 Petrus 307, 644, 1352, 1353, 1365 petulanter 1184 phalanx, -gis 257, 547, 1276 Phoebus 747 Pictus, -i 42, 65, 123,841 Pierius, -a, -um 1319 pietas, -atis 71, 117, 138, 189, 270, 284, 488, 530, 855, 1021, 1086, 1 23 6,1355, 1407



piger, -ra, -rum 41 piscis, -is 700 piscosus, -a, -um 30 pius, -a, -um 84, 143, 163, 166, 210, 241, 246, 297, 319, 441, 572, 610, 614, 632, 723, 7 45 ,75 0 , 828, 873, 1071, 1092, 1104, 1144, 1167, 1182, 1228, 1230, 1282, 1333, 1341, 1358, 1364, 1398, 1427, 1482 placeo, -ere 49, 55, 460 placidus,-a, -um 124, 1321, 1341, 1477,1626 plaga, -ae 121 planicies, -iei 1180 planta, -ae 1369, 1439 platea, -ae 294 plebs, -bis 200, 343, 858, 883, 1050 plectrum, -i 289, 378, 437, 860, 1312, 1319,1562 plenus, -a, -um 188, 743, 911, 988, 1000,1112, 1166, 1522 Plinius 1549 plus (adv.) 159, 387, 892, 1408 pluvia, -ae 598 poculum, -i 1152; 1171 poena, -ae 263, 818, 918, 943, 989, 1340, 1352 poeta, -ae 4 polio, ire 1436 polluo, -ere 170, 187 polus, -i 680, 973, 975, 1442, 1648 Pompeius (Trogus) 1549 Pompeius (grammarian) 1557 pondus, -eris 43, 127, 298, 902, 1248, 1 48 0,1500, 1504 pono, -ere 130, 148, 323, 645, 930, 1 207,1248, 1645 pontifex, -ficis 209, 668, 679, 1079, 1 1 6 3 ,1 2 2 0 ,1 2 5 0 ,1 4 2 8 ,1 5 7 5 pontificalis, -e 1040, 1087, 1524 pontus, -i 62, 456, 1325 poples, -itis 252 populor, -ari 1636 populosus, -a, -um 458 populus, -i 9, 3 5 ,4 7 , 70, 73, 114, 118, 123, 126, 130, 166, 195, 212, 250, 292, 456, 461, 502, 543, 5 6 1 ,5 8 2 , 585, 608, 668, 1038, 1260, 1468, 1539,1587 porticus, -us 1512 porto, -are 422, 425, 1324, 1357, 1384

portus, -us 27, 1324, 1387, 1571, 1592, 1651, 1658 posco, -ere 67, 246, 536 possideo, -ere [871], 994 possum, posse 405, 437, 627, 804, 810, 824, 879, 903, 915, 925, 938, 950, 1051, 1067, 1094, 1101, 1324,1391 post 233, 261, 311, 414, 426, 565, 642, 687, 729, 765, 885, 940, 954, 993, 1024, 1080, 1082, 1106, 1170, 1178, 1299, 1316, 1396, 156 5,1 6 15 , 1621, 1635 posta, -ae 345, 350 postea 388, 1033, 1219 postquam 39, 231, 274, 356, 500, 503, 7 5 1 ,8 7 4 ,1 2 1 0 , 1238, 1466 postulo, -are 997, 1171, 1562 potens 46, 77, 251, 267, 427 potentia, -ae 25 poto,-are 1146, 1172, 1177 potus, -us 88, 1581 praeceps 229, 593 praeceptor, -oris 1399 praeceptum, -i 74, 212, 223, 1110, 1231 praecido, -ere 302, 440 praecipio, -ere 207, 839 praeclarus, -a, -um 18, 233, 630, 685, 744, 782, 820, 1023, 1295, 1302, 1306; praeclarior 1253 praeco, -onis 1401 praeconium, -ii 750 praecurro, -ere 141 praeda, -ae 553, 854 praedico, -ere 631, 699, 701, 713, 724, 1393,1637 praedictus, -a, -um 149, 643, 781, 824 praedor, -ari 510 praefatus, -a, -um 202, 336, 1072, 1 21 0,1 2 88 , 1440 praefero, -ferre 865, 1012, 1431 praefinio, -ire 1464 praemium, -ii 177, 3 9 1 ,9 9 0 , 1245 praeripio, -ere 595 praeruptus, -a, -um 1326, 1367 praescius, -a, -um 714 praescriptus, -a, -um 226 praesens 587, 676, 874, 1246, 1290, 1 52 0,1 5 30 , 1561, 1601 praestans 46, 245, 276, 322 praesto, -are 249, 490, 709, 780, 8 2 6 ,1 4 7 3

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM praesul, -ulis 79, 205, 291, 299, 643, 693, 849, 1133, 1 17 0,1 1 73 , 1175, 1179, 1204, 1227, 1278, 1288, 1491, 1508, 1518, 1522, 1542, 1566,1587 praesum, -esse 836, 847, 1295 praetego, -ere 1142 praetendo, -ere 31 praeter 924 praevalidus, -a, -um 1060 praevenio, -ire 450, 745 prando, -ere 1170 pratum, -i 653, 1089 pravus, -a, -um 1262 preces, -um 16, 246, 634, 691, 703, 761, 817, 1130, 1165, 1197, 1334, 1 3 6 0 ,1 3 8 6 ,1 6 0 6 ,1 6 5 8 precor, -ari 244, 250, 300, 698, 748 premo, -ere 42, 127, 527, 568, 1164, 1370 prendo, -ere 949 presbyter, -eri 651, 1042, 1045, 1216, 1289 pretiosus, -a, -um 276, 1498, 1502 pretium, -ii 830 pridem 429 primaevus, -a, -um 650, 684 primitus (adv.) 367 primo (adv.) 20, 535, 802, 1198 primum (adv.) 158, 210, 686 primus, -a, -um 170, 517, 845, 888, 981, 1014, 1208, 1287, 1412, 1653 princeps, -ipis 1355 principium, -ii 508 prior, -ius 777, 977, 978, 985 Priscianus 1556 priscus, -a, -um 367, 808, 1087, 1481 prius (adv.) 169, 307, 371, 605, 607, 7 0 5 ,8 1 1 ,9 0 4 , 1145, 1218, 1360 pro 105, 312, 391, 434, 634, 814, 1 1 0 3 ,1 1 6 3 ,1 1 6 5 ,1 3 5 9 probo, -are 110 Probus 1556 probus, -a, -um 1269, 1643 procedo, -ere 253, 907 proceres, -um 114 procul 109, 1 5 8 ,4 2 3 , 1011, 1078 prodigus, -a, -um 285 prodo, -ere 1530 produco, -ere 708 profanus, -a, -um 192 profero, -ferre 1 7, 1109, 1114 proficio, -ere 1305, 1421


profluvium, -ii 728 profor, -ari 484, 1176 profundus, -a, -um 908 progenitus, -a, -um 800 proh 473 proicio, -ere 448, 698, 1059 promitto, -ere 973 promo, -ere 428, 1101 promptus, -a, -um 157, 253, 534, 540, 1111, 1118 pronus, -a, -um 122 prope 942, 963 propero, -are 17, 29, 61, 238, 378, 3 8 6 ,4 7 0 ,6 0 6 , 955, 1464, 1571 propheta, -ae 1031 prophetalis, -e 1393 propinquus, -a, -um 511, 1429 proprius, -a, -um 44, 66, 116, 242, 508, 511, 575, 869, 883, 1007, 1095, 1119, 1153, 1200, 1215, 1275, 1361, 1395, 1466, 1529, 1629, 1652,1654 propter 48, 473, 8 1 7 ,9 8 1 , 1353, 1480 prorum, -i 28 prosaicus, -a, -um 686 prosilio, -ire 914 Prosper 1552 prosterno, -ere 246, 790, 1358 prosum, prodesse 340, 787, 878, 1465 protinus 1134 proturbo, -are 542 proverbium, -ii 784 providus, -a, -um 129 proximus, -a, -um 1098 prudens 137, 1227, 1427 puella, -ae 324, 329, 718, 781, 1126, 1131 puer, -ri 92, 380, 528, 648, 690, 1156, 1164, 1169, 1291, 1419, 1420, 1600 puerilis, -e 1417, 1604 pugna, -ae 336, 544 pugno, -are 312 pulcher, -ra, -rum 33, 101, 985, 1118, 1499, 1512, 1623; pulcherrimus, -a, -um 965, 1412 pulchre 279 pulso, -are 862 pulvis, -eris 313, 341, 345, 350, 354, 3 9 8 ,4 0 9 ,4 2 5 puppis, -is 690 purgo, -are 989, 990



purus, -a, -um 1088, 1502 puteus, -i 928, 945, 991 putidus, -a, -um 947, 991 puto, -are 807, 815, 920, 975, 981 qua (adv.) 29, 93, 121, 197, 315, 1035,1145 quadraginta 1140 quaero/quaeso, -ere 36, 102, 116, 434, 1 004,1098, 1409 qualis, -e 1 83 ,96 3 , 1315, 1592 qualiter 156, 688, 692, 704, 710, 715, 7 2 5 ,7 2 9 , 733, 739 quam (adv.) 223, 705, 764, 996, 1361, 1372,1519, 1562 quamvis 8 2 1 ,9 5 0 , 996, 1243 quando 669 quantus, -a, -um 310, 904, 1406, 1420 quapropter 213, 224, 286, 581, 783, 8 5 2 ,1 3 0 6 ,1 4 5 2 , 1599 quartus, -a, -um 638, 1583 quasi 412, 954 quasso, -are 1193 quater 573 quaternus, -a, -um 1565 quatio, -ere 182 quatuor 642, 1285, 1593 -que 14, 20, 24, 26, 33, 37 (bis), 40, 63, 73, 97, 98, 105, 114, 120, 122, 123, 132, 145, 148, 154, 155, 168, 172, 176, 191, 200, 204, 209, 211, 217, 218 (bis), 219, 223, 229, 239, 240, 245, 251 (bis), 256 (few), 259, 264, 275, 280, 282, 297, 305, 312, 319, 3 2 7 ,3 2 9 , 332, 335, 338, 361, 368, 3 7 2 ,3 8 9 ,4 0 8 , 436, 439 (bis), 444, 445, 449, 453, 465, 470, 492, 494, 4 9 6 ,4 9 7 ,5 1 8 , 521, 523, 526 (6w), 528 (bis), 532 (bis), 544, 550, 557, 560, 567, 578, 591 (bis), 593, 596, 600, 602 (bis), 616, 618, 620, 6 2 3 ,6 2 8 ,6 2 9 ,6 3 4 , 641, 668, 6 6 9 ,6 7 7 ,6 9 6 ,6 9 7 , 698, 701, 714, 718, 7 2 4 ,7 3 5 ,7 6 4 , 792, 817, 818, 856, 868, 8 8 1 ,8 8 6 , 915, 921, 923, 925, 9 2 8 ,9 2 9 , 930, 931, 948, 955, 959, 9 7 1 ,9 8 3 ,9 8 4 , 985, 987, 1041, 1042, 1052, 1070, 1071, 1077, 1079, 1100, 1106, 1107, 1117, 1118 (bis), 1119, 1129, 1132, 1152, 1169, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1185, 1196, 1199, 1203, 1213, 1214, 1221, 1225,

1226, 1235, 1 24 1,1 2 42 ,12 63 ( bis), 1266, 1269, 1271, 1300, 1332, 1342, 1363, 1387, 1395, 1402, 1403 (bis), 1404, 1413, 1428, 1441, 1444, 1446, 1447, 1469, 1470, 1475, 1477, 1490, 1500, 1503 (bis), 1512, 1522, 1533 (bis), 1578, 1579, 1580, 1587 (bis), 1593, 1596 (bis), 1604, 1611, 1617, 1619, 1620, 1624, 1631, 1647,1658 queo 6 qui, quae, quod 10, 12, 23, 42, 74, 75, 88, 9 9 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 1 ,1 0 8 , 115,130, 134, 137, 145, 146, 154, 157, 168, 171, 180, 187, 203, 211, 216, 220, 222, 229, 233, 236, 243, 247, 248, 249, 288, 289, 3 0 1 ,3 0 7 ,3 1 0 , 316, 319, 324, 344, 352, 355, 359, 366, 371, 375, 378, 384, 393, 399, 401, 421, 423, 425, 438, 441, 447, 448, 457, 458, 461, 484, 486, 494, 501, 512, 517, 520, 5 2 2 ,5 3 0 ,5 3 1 ,5 4 4 , 554, 579, 596, 6 2 7 ,6 3 0 , 635, 644, 648, 670, 677, 679, 682, 683, 685, 703, 709, 714, 7 1 5 ,7 2 2 , 728, 731, 732, 739, 755, 770, 772, 775, 111, 790, 793, 798, 802, 814, 823, 827, 833, 834, 844, 850, [8 7 1 ], [8 7 2 ], 881, 882, 885, 8 9 3 ,8 9 5 ,9 0 4 , 905, 906, 909, 910, 9 1 3 ,9 1 8 , 934, 939, 942, 944, 953, 955, 957, 961, 966, 977, 984, 986, 9 8 7 ,9 8 9 ,9 9 1 ,9 9 4 , 995, 996, 997, 999, 1001, 1009, 1013, 1015, 1022, 1029, 1038, 1059, 1064, 1067, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1080, 1082, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1096, 1101, 1102, 1105, 1108, 1110, 1123, 1124, 1128, 1138, 1139, 1142, 1147, 1156, 1160, 1161, 1163, 1166, 1172, 1175, 1188, 1206, 1207, 1218, 1223, 1246, 1250, 1254, 1256, 1258, 1270, 1272, 1273, 1275, 1278, 1291, 1293, 1295, 1296, 1299, 1310, 1327, 1329, 1330, 1339, 1343 (ter), 1377, 1379, 1394, 1396, 1406, 1408, 1412, 1416, 1426, 1429, 1430, 1457, 1462, 1463, 1473, 1494, 1496, 1505, 1510, 1514, 1527, 1529, 1534, 1539, 1541 (bis), 1543, 1548, 1554, 1560, 1561, 1566,

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM 1581, 1583, 1601, 1604, 1605, 1612, 1626, 1641, 1643, 1652, 1656 quia 1 2 8 ,4 8 2 , 1002, 1410 quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque 152, 1018, 1450 quidam, quaedam, quoddam 94, 145, 291, 314, 342, 380, 382, 396, 407, 443, 447, 458, 717, 720, 733, 737, 790, 797, 822, 880, 945, 1123, 1137, 1179, 1186, 1317, 1333, 1337, 1366, 1 6 0 2 ,1 6 0 5 ,1 6 2 2 quiddam 786 quidem 352, 396, 704, 767, 862, 1 315,1333 quiesco, -ere 574, 1043, 1083 quin 491, 541 quinque 943, 1442 quintus, -a, -um 624 quinus, -a, -um 691, 837 quis, quid 7, 61, 626, 798, 938, 1456, 1547, 1551 (bis), 1553 (bis), 1 5 5 5 ,1 5 5 6 ,1 5 7 2 quisquam, quaequam, quicquam 322, 483, 7 8 8 ,8 6 9 ,9 2 4 quisque, quaeque, quodque 128, 413, 865 quisquis, quidquid 284, 992, 1537, 1538, 1540, 1544, 1545, 1547 quo (adv.) 35, 54, 195, 328, 605, 908, 938, 963, 982, 1240, 1525 quocumque 610, 1062 quod (conj.) 71, 353, 633, 787, 814, 917, 1158, 1172, 1371, 1622, 1629 quom odo 690, 694, 700, 702, 706, 7 2 1 ,1 0 0 6 quondam 320, 431, 480 quoniam 16, 59, 471, 743, 815, 824, 1 16 2,1639 quoque 8, 205, 249, 344, 427, 606, 646, 786, 823, 979, 1000, 1179, 1309, 1312, 1319, 1363, 1429, 1458, 1550, 1551, 1601, 1615, 1646 quousque 837 radio, -are 1068 radius, -ii 457, 655, 1063 radix, -icis 1252 rapidus, -a, -um 594 rapio, -ere 127, 178, 238, 347, 468, 5 2 6 ,1 0 5 5 , 1620


raptim 866 rarus, -a, -um 18, 535 rates, -is 1034 ratio,-onis 1309, 1412, 1434 recedo, -ere 736, 1078 recepto, -are 778 recessus, -us 1443 recido, -ere 526 recipio, -ere 114, 819 recludo, -ere 1202 recolo, -ere 835 recondo, -ere 361 recreo, -are 1203 rector, -oris 130, 508, 531, 1236, 1259,1400 rectus, -a, -um 1029 recubo, -are 296, 887, 1123, 1619 recubus, -a, -um 1129 recurro, -ere 1394 recursus, -us 1447 reddo, -ere 357, 395, 416, 554, 722, 7 9 4 ,1 1 1 7 ,1 1 5 3 , 1215, 1579 redeo, -ire 113, 398, 436, 599, 793, 830, 893, 990, 1133, 1168, 1460, 1465, 1621 redimo, -ere 60, 829, 830 reduco, -ere 797, 984, 1300, 1628, 1651 refero, -ferre 63, 146, 290, 480, 497, 832, 833, 1205, 1206 reflexus, -a, -um 797 refluamen,-inis, 1435 refluo, -ere 795 re fulgo, -ere 1063 regalis, -e 11, 53, 115, 576, 754, 1251, 1274 reg(i)men, -inis 843, 1085, 1532 regina, -ae 358 regius, -a, -um 757 regno, -are 216, 231, 235 regnum, -i 25, 35, 40, 47, 70, 92, 124, 154, 201, 204, 225, 228, 265, 274, 500, 505, 512, 5 1 9 ,5 2 3 ,5 6 5 , 569, 836, [872], 973, 975, 995, 1010, 1030, 1080, 1084, 1275, 1279 rego, -ere 23, 78, 125, 500, 566, 670, 8 8 4 ,1 2 7 8 , 1285, 1604 regredior, -di 1647 relatus, -us 459, 1209 relaxo, -are 697 relevo, -are 1141 relido, -ere 1330



religio, -onis 1024 relinquo, -ere 261, 506, 544, 576, 740, 900, 1079, 121 4,1 2 42 , 1577, 1638 reliquiae, -arum 3 6 1 ,3 6 6 , 483, 1318 reliquus, -a, -um 894, 1012 remaneo, -ere 351, 825, 892, 895, 9 2 9 ,1 1 0 3 ,1 1 5 7 ,1 3 4 9 ,1 6 2 0 remitto, -ere 897 remulcum, i 28 renovator, -oris 2 renovo, -are 1151 reor, reri 877 reparo, -are 429 repente 97, 402, 615, 927, 956, 982 reperio, -ire 454, 722, 730, 767, 915, 1067, 1096, 1190, 1299, 1457, 1470 repeto, -ere 831, 932, 1093 repleo, -ere 403, 912, 922, 933, 936, 1489, 1607 reporto, -are 436 reputo, -are 339, 788, 1005 requies, -iei 915, 995 requiro, -ere 986 res, rei 228, 349, 413, 574, 681, 1236, 1413, 1598 resido, -ere 414, 624, 928, 1243 resolvo, -ere 737, 804, 833 resono, -are 860, 979, 1001, 1272, 1438 respiro, -are 889 respondeo, -ere 157, 172, 421, 974, 1202,1344 responsum, -i 819 restituo, -ere 716, 1127 resumo, -ere 1169 resurgo, -ere 890 rete, -is 853 retineo, -ere 371, 501, 573, 1462, 1513,1627 retorqueo, -ere 983 retraho, -ere 529, 1618 revalesco, -ere 1169 reveho, -ere 1385, 1476 revello, -ere 545 reverto,-ere 1077, 1116, 1198 revivisco, -ere 889 revoco, -are 45, 691 rex, regis 11, 2 2 ,7 7 ,9 0 , 100, 104, 111, 122, 145, 150, 166, 168, 195, 216, 232, 235, 257, 264, 292, 293, 295, 296, 301, 303, 3 1 9 ,3 5 4 ,3 5 8 , 388,

430, 481, 516, 5 1 8 ,5 3 4 546, 557, 668, 760, 789, 846, 1079, 1278, 1279, 1322, 1391, 1460, 1462, 1 4 7 9 ,1 4 9 1 ,1 6 5 5 Rhenus 1058 rhetor, -oris 1550 rhetoricus, -a, -um 1435 rigidus, -a, -um 1403 rigo, -are 653, 1089, 1433, 1463 ripa, -ae 31 rivus, -i 261 robor, -oris 493 rodo, -ere 256 rogito, -are 295, 666, 747, 1166, 1468 rogo,-are 371, 705, 896, 1128, 1163 Roma, -ae 606 Romanus, -a, -um 19, 22, 38, 80, 136, 206 ,15 3 7 Romuleus, -a, -um 1458 rorifluus, -a, -um 749 ros, roris 589, 611, 1433, 1463 roto, -are 229 rudis, -e 1449, 1649 rumor, -oris 480 rumpo, -ere 53, 1111 ruo, -ere 151, 192, 318, 593, 992, 1371,1373 rupes, -is 593, 1326, 1367 ruralis, -e 742, 1655 ruricola, -ae 437 rus, ruris 1370, 1463, 1532 rusticus, -i 800 rutilo, -are 248, 1633 rutilus, -a, -um 769, 1223 sacellum, -i 191 sacer, -ra, -rum 198, 222, 278, 354, 360, 399, 409, 485, 504, 597, 663, 682, 716, 732, 762, 775, 781, 844, 850, 853, 864, 968, 1263, 1292, 1360, 1389, 1418, 1423, 1448, 1452, 1473, 1506, 152 1,1 5 66 sacerdos, -dotis 167, 169, 296, 614, 685, 847, 1074, 1151, 1197, 1 42 7,1 4 68 , 1482, 1505 sacerdotium, -ii 1425 sacro, -are 12, 187, 201, 209, 276, 350, 492, 559, 677, 1145, 1224, 1269, 1508, 1520 sacrosanctus, -a, -um 778 saec[u]lum, -i 390, 1252 saepe 436, 7 7 6 ,9 1 8 ,1 4 1 0 ; saepius 401, 5 1 0 ,6 6 4 ,8 0 8 , 826, 1276, 1328

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM saepio, -ire 1326 saepta, -orum 1093, 1239, 1525, 1566 saevus, -a, -um 39, 368, 406, 838, 1356 sagax 1303, 1405, 1422, 1482 salsus, -a, -um 57 salubris, -e 33 salus, -utis 2, 89, 149, 171, 212, 332, 340, 355, 376, 4 2 0 ,4 3 6 , 4 4 1 ,5 8 1 , 609, 637, 641, 7 1 6 ,7 2 2 , 724, 779, 1035, 1127, 1149, 1316, 1387, 1401 salutifer, -fera, -ferum 190, 202, 314, 1148 saluto,-are 1168, 1129 salvo, -are 13, 555, 587, 953, 993 . sanctus, -i 9, 393, 397, 479, 706, 712, 7 4 0 ,9 7 1 , 1013, 1 064,1320, 1353, 1 65 5,1656 sanctus, -a, -um 133, 280, 301, 330, 339, 359, 360, 364, 377, 382, 396, 427, 499, 634, 646, 769, 1005, 1092, 1108, 1122, 1128, 1222, 1265, 1307, 1383, 1459, 1493, 1543, 1624; sanctissimus, -a, -um 265, 291 sanguineus, -a, -um 261, 1429 sanguis, -inis 159, 304, 354, 513, 548 sano, -are 329, 386, 705, 717, 720, 7 3 2 ,7 3 4 ,8 7 9 , 1119, 1318 sanus, -a, -um 320, 395, 415, 453, 738, 7 7 3 ,1 1 1 6 ,1 1 7 4 ,1 3 8 5 sapiens 1397 sapientia, -ae 1 sapor, -oris 709 sarcofagus, -i 372 satago, -ere 661, 802 satis 556, 895, 1024, 1415, 1499 Saxones, -um 123, 482, 1050 Saxonia, -ae 583 saxum, -i 48 scabrigo, -inis 1102 scamma, -atis 315 scando, -ere 680, 935 sceleratus, -a, -um 7 1 ,5 1 3 scelus, -eris 171,467 sceptrum, -i 23 38, 41, 76, 115, 117, 274, 506, 507, 558, 576, 1274, 1286 scio, -ire 477, 814, 986, 1006, 1613 scisco, -ere 1154 scitum, -i 129


scolasticus, -i 462 scopulosus, -a, -um 1323 Scotus, -i 1 2 3 ,4 6 2 ,8 3 9 , 1016 scribo, -ere 686, 807, 877, 1303, 1311, 1548, 1555, 1560, 1561, 1655 Scriptura, -ae 1308, 1448, 1481 scutum, -i 44, 1332 se, sui, sibi 14, 37, 55, 66 (bis), 68, 77, 89, 226, 269, 333, 339, 341, 371, 397 (bis), 404, 425, 434, 448, 452, 453, 465, 491, 501, 520, 532, 541, 555, 567, 594, 595, 605, 672, 701, 707, 710, 714, 795, 798, 799, 812, 821, 829 (bis), 833, 935 (bis), 869, 871, 961, 1009, 1019, 1099, 1141 (bis), 1171, 1176, 1183, 1241 (bis), 1250, 1258, 1329, 1407 (bis), 1451, 1457, 1464, 1524, 1537, 1593, 1627, 1648, 1652 secedo, -ere 39, 1133 secerno, -ere 858 secrete 809 secretus, -a, -um 667, 675, 1115, 1389, 1 414,1524, 1566 sector, -ari 1487 secundus, -a, -um 1404, 1571 securis, -is 128 securus, -a, -um 25, 1349, 1377 secus 257, 1639 sed 84, 117, 156, 235, 241, 349, 351, 370, 459, 464, 531, 535, 540, 552, 587, 607, 674, 748, 761, 796, 813, 822, 826, 832, 864, 870, 892, 898, 936, 963, 1006, 1011, 1019, 1024, 1047, 1052, 1056, 1057, 1059, 1127, 1167, 1182, 1198, 1219, 1233, 1253, 1344, 1349, 1352, 1355, 1368, 1381, 1383, 1405, 1464, 1480, 1561, 1576, 1603, 1621, 1624, 1628, 1631,1634 sedeo,-ere 96, 1170, 1177 sedes, -is 37, 40, 80, 667, 971, 1211, 1 39 6,1533, 1632 Sedulius (Caelius) 1551 sedulus, -a, -um 212 seges, -etis 526 segnis, -e 70, 1304 semel 993, 1454 semen, -inis 82, 206, 610, 1012



semianimis, -e 1196 semper 104, 230, 243, 554, 834, 840, 870, 1019, 1065, 1256, 1303, 1 3 1 4 ,1 3 3 1 ,1 5 2 7 ,1 5 9 6 ,1 6 2 7 senex, -is 439, 528, 1587 senior 172 sensus, -us 395, 415, 474, 618, 1193, 1410,1418, 1483, 1560, 1582 sentio, -ire 452, 454, 458, 1541 senus, -a, -um 757 sepelio, -ire 645, 1287 septem 231, 1106, 1286, 1442 septennis, -e 1293 septenus, -a, -um 573 septimus, -a, -um 1195 sepulcrum, -i 382, 388 sequax, -acis 654 sequor, sequi 175, 190, 200, 268, 335, 592, 641, 643, 688, 792, 898, 901, 1044, 1110, 1113, 1147, 1231, 1314, 1339, 1348, 1389,1477 serenus, -a, -um 142, 598, 656, 699 sericus, -a, -um 278, 1268 series, -ei 1079 sermo, -onis 686, 744, 845, 1073, 1 1 1 2 ,1 3 1 1 ,1 4 7 7 ,1 5 5 9 ,1 6 3 2 sero, -ere 610, 710, 1036 serta, -orum 850 servator, -oris 134 servio, -ire 293, 472, 661, 712, 1240, 1292,1525 servitium, -ii 43 Servius 1557 servo, -are 74, 102, 129, 130, 161, 2 1 8 ,6 7 2 , 1283 seu 807, 1303, 1456, 1644 severus, -a, -um 1262 sex 766 sextus, -a, -um 1585 sexus, -us 529 si 176, 184, 377, 428, 475, 487, 788, 816, 877, 952, 986, 1051, 1351, 1372, 1456, 1529 sic 59, 143. 205, 210, 251, 273, 515, 527, 644, 717, 926, 961, 1020, 1070, 1119, 1305, 1366, 1370, 1386,1422 siccus, -a, -um 708, 1369 sicut 603, 920, 928, 975, 1384 sidus, -eris 100, 1442, 1595 signaculum, -i 106 signo, -are 1108, 1321

signum, -i 146, 149, 287, 308, 311, 314, 356, 392, 432, 438, 442, 459, 545, 648, 678, 683, 765, 1031, 1090, 1120, 1136, 1205, 1316, 1363 (bis) silentium, -ii 1111 silva, -ae 32, 526, 785 similis, -e 1136 simplex, -icis 1603 simul 65, 112, 137, 200, 296, 528, 532, 549, 587, 637, 763, 846, 859, 890, 969, 1081, 1235, 1262, 1335, 1427, 1431, 1443, 1492, 1503, 1542, 1 5 6 5 ,1 6 0 8 ,1 6 2 4 simulacrum, -i 162 sine 7, 283, 618, 855, 909, 961, 119 4,1 5 77 , 1590 sino, -ere 331 sinus, -us 778 sisto, -ere 29 sitio,-ire 5 8 9 ,6 5 3 , 1171, 1432, 1528 sitis, -is 1474 soccus, -i 1378 socialis, -e 227 socio, -are 225 socius, -ii 20, 63, 469, 484, 492, 622, 625, 635, 701, 1022, 1061, 1 06 6,1 0 69 , 1183, 1196, 1518 socius, -a, -um 69 sol, solis 140, 907, 958, 969, 1441, 1 5 8 4 ,1 5 9 3 ,1 6 2 9 , 1633 solarium, -ii 1513 solatium, -ii 101 solator, -oris 1402 solemnia, -orum 814, 834, 1265, 144 7,1 5 06 soleo, -ere 402, 423, 472, 675, 712, 8 0 5 ,8 2 7 ,9 0 5 ,9 1 8 solidus, -a, -um 220, 1375, 1509 solium, -ii 150, 636 solum (adv. ) 83, 455, 585 solum, -i 1035, 1370 solus, -a, -um 94, 155, 442, 661 (bis), 892, 926, 929, 1009, 1025, 1048, 1 33 3,1525, 1605 solvo, -ere 564, 824, 1185, 1192, 1580,1647 somnus, -i 412, 450, 1201 sonitus, -us 940 Sophia, -ae 1520 sophia, -ae 1414, 1455, 1533 sophista, -ae 845 sopitus, -a, -um 125

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM sopor, -oris 867, 1574 soporatus, -a, -um 94 sors, sortis 1083, 1531 sospes, -itis 1150, 1178 spargo, -ere 212, 285, 582, 655, 1036, 1254, 1540 spatiosus, -a, -um 1264 spatium, -ii 337, 414, 1621 specialis, -e 1239 specialiter 1182 species, -iei 925, 1446 specimen, -inis 390, 599, 1533 speciosus, -a, -um 221 specto, -are 413, 676, 995 spero, -are 555, [872], 982 spes, spei 36, 60, 435, 1162, 1402, 1 41 9 ,1 5 8 2 , 1589 spiramen, -inis 619 spiritus, -us 680, 740, 934, 1158, 1619 spiro, -are 948 splendidus, -a, -um 906 spolium, -ii 240 spondeo,-ere 152 sponsa, -ae 753, 757 sponte 12, 805 spumo, -are 317 stamen, -inis 173 statim 51, 111, 150, 298, 320, 353, 422, 484, 649, 987, 998, 1007, 1056, 1067, 1131, 1150, 1167, 1174, 1 3 4 2 ,1 5 3 0 ,1 6 3 7 statio, -onis 222 Statius 1554 statuo, -ere 195, 204, 307, 859, 1042 status, -us 1609 stella, -ae 954 stello, -are 281 sterno, -ere 162, 191, 257, 260, 516, 526 stipendium, -ii 67 stipes, -itis 303, 485 stips, stipis 295, 1105 stirps, -is 754, 799, 820, 1251 sto, -are 97, 622, 630, 964, 1161, 1510 stolidus, -a, -um 5 strages, -is 263, 550, 791 stratum, -i 1150 strenuus, -a, -um 1282, 1405 strepitus, -us 1335 structura, -ae 192, 1507 struo, -ere 1499


studeo, -ere 1517, 1572 studiosus, -a, -um 1028; studiosior 1049 studium, -ii 464, 583, 812, 844, 1292, 1 416,1433, 1456, 1533, 1559 stupefacio, -ere 806 stupeo, -ere 362, 620 stupidus, -a, -um 417, 930 stupor, -oris 352 suavissimus, -a, -um 1001 sub 127, 147, 196, 198, 306, 307, 373, 588, 590, 594, 739, 752, 778, 830, 867, 876, 888, 891, 902, 926, 1058, 1070, 1082, 1148, 1189, 1357, 1493, 1535, 1584, 1617 subdo, -ere 558 subeo, -ire 43, 122, 195, 1294 subigo, -ere 130, 567, 1156, 1276, 1407 subito, 107, 227, 236, 316, 346, 411, 418, 624, 922, 929, 940, 960, 1055, 1335, 1573, 1607, 1614, 1620 subitus, -a, -um 420 sublimis, -e 1497, 1609; sublimior 203 sublustris, -e 96 subsidium, -ii 63 substo, -are 983 succedo,-ere 1136, 1216, 1250 succingo, -ere 1600 succresco, -ere 445, 649, 689 succus, -i 1411 suesco,-ere 179, 1105, 1528, 1605 suffero, -ferre 181, 1382 sufficio, -ere 379, 442 suffragium, -ii 748 suffulcio, -ire 220, 1369, 1509 suggero, -ere 328 Suidberct 1074 sulco, -are 58, 85 sum, esse 24, 27, 46, 50, 69, 74, 75, 104, 106, 137, 155, 156, 168, 171 (bis), 176, 201, 222, 234, 243, 281, 287, 301, 308 (bis), 310, 315, 323, 329, 3 3 5 ,3 4 9 ,3 5 4 ,3 5 5 , 357, 359, 393, 401, 4 1 3 ,4 1 5 , 425, 426, 443, 453, 463, 465, 474, 477, 482, 485, 486, 494, 509, 517, 522, 531, 556, 570, 584, 607, 615, 638, 643, 645, 648, 651, 657, 677, 683, 688, 701, 705, 728, 730, 734, 756, 764, 767, 768, 770, 786, 789, 794, 797,



sum (cont.) 798, 800, 807, 8 1 3 ,8 1 5 , 818, 820, 821, 844, 877, 8 8 5 ,8 9 8 ,8 9 9 ,9 0 1 , 906, 909, 912, 9 1 7 ,9 5 6 ,9 6 4 ,9 6 5 , 966, 972, 975, 978, 980, 9 8 1 ,9 9 2 , 995, 997, 1013, 1022, 1037, 1039, 1044, 1049, 1066, 1070, 1073, 1076, 1078, 1102, 1112, 1116, 1118, 1124, 1139, 1162, 1190, 1194, 1195, 1215, 1218, 1251, 1259, 1277, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1305, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1318, 1325, 1339, 1343, 1345, 1349, 1354, 1404, 1415, 1419, 1423, 1429, 1461, 1466, 1470, 1487, 1508, 1562, 1601, 1602, 1620, 1 6 3 0 ,1 6 3 1 ,1 6 3 4 , 1642 summissus, -a, -um 271 summus, -a, -um 1, 364, 1079, 1220, 1250, 1413, 1461, 1468, 1544, 1563, 1575,1583 sumo, -ere 198, 391, 394, 605, 695, 7 9 4 ,1 2 2 0 ,1 2 4 7 , 1274, 1467, 1490 super 250, 363, 680, 692, 941, 1063, 1 3 6 2 ,1 3 6 9 ,1 5 2 6 ,1 6 4 8 superaddo, -ere „I 20 superbus, -a, -urn 240, 756, 1382, 1403 supernus, -a, -urn 93, 579, 611, 855, 9 7 3 ,1 5 3 9 ,1 5 7 9 supero, -are 119, 977 superus, -a, -urn 862, 1337 supplex 150 suppliciter 8 supplico, -are 1359 suppono, -ere 1510 supra 731, 1495 supremus, -a, -um 1083, 1574 surgo, -ere 880, 897, 928, 1150, 1174,

1201 suscipio, -ere 344, 596, 669, 1105, 1 3 7 1 ,1 3 9 7 ,1 4 2 5 ,1 4 6 1 ,1 6 2 6 suspendo, -ere 280, 303, 345, 1268, 1495 suspirium, -ii 326, 446, 621, 733, 1159 suspiro, -are 415 sustineo, -ere 23 suus, -a, -urn 28, 30, 34, 52, 72, 73, 105, 120, 204, 217, 219, 263, 332, 335, 385, 496, 532, 545, 550, 557, 623, 629, 701, 727, 805, 842, 884, 1010, 1026, 1061, 1075, 1115, 1238, 1463, 1469,

1530, 1 563,1645 tabes, -is 728 tabesco, -ere 590 tabidus, -a, -urn 325 taceo, -ere 411, 741 taciturnus, -a, -urn 1111 tacitus, -a, -urn 96, 1109 taedet 1120 talentum, -i 1532 talis, -e 185, 233, 426, 631, 812, 8 2 8 ,9 1 9 , 1069 tam 902 tamen 234, 477, 551, 638, 758, 788, 793, 799, 803, 1184, 1330, 1518, 1 569.1635 tandem 4 3 ,6 6 7 , 888, 1214 tango, -ere 289, 351, 378, 383, 387, 422, 735, 741, 783, 885, 1077, 1 31 9,1592, 1656 tantum (adv.) 21, 472, 477, 540, 620, 626, 711, 774, 949, 1207, 1334, 1 34 5,1 4 07 , 1421 tantus, -a, -um 56, 186, 376, 488, 5 3 3 ,5 4 9 ,9 6 6 , 968, 1419, 1484 Tartara, -orum 467, 470, 474, 1357 tectum, -i 197, 280, 360, 385, 410, 7 0 5 ,7 0 7 , 1128, 1138, 1513 tegmen, -inis 739 tego, -ere 334, 366, 775, 1102, 1189, 1492, 1498 tela, -orum 169, 258, 394, 544, 665, 1331 tellus, -uris 32, 598 templum, -i 281, 306, 1515, 1518 tempto, -are 823, 1036 tempus, -oris 78, 94, 167, 194, 199, 291, 380, 400, 4 5 1 ,4 6 0 ,4 7 1 ,4 8 9 , 495, 577, 588, 6 4 0 ,6 4 6 , 650, 663, 684, 832, 848, 863, 874, 876, 888 , 1075, 1080, 1082, 1106, 1154, 1246, 1277, 1288, 1299, 1309, 1310, 1333, 1366, 1563, 1 604.1635 tendo, -ere 121, 278, 324 tenebrae, -arum 141, 174, 424, 656, 9 2 2 ,9 3 0 ,9 5 1 teneo, -ere 41, 223, 487, 507, 777, 816, 971, 1009, 1 28 6,1 3 10 , 1321, 1 3 5 1 ,1 4 9 6 ,1 5 1 4 tener, -ra, -rum 689, 693, 1302, 1649 tenuis, -e 621, 1143, 1159, 1641;

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM tenuissimus, -a, -um 773, 978 ter 499, 503, 520, 5 2 1 ,8 3 7 , 1286 tergum, -i 261, 940, 954 termino, -are 103 terminus, -i 962 ternus, -a, -um 215, 499 terra, -ae 13, 24, 36, 72, 181, 340, 374, 392, 398, 580, 590, 599, 778, 868, 1214, 1243, 1254, 1258, 1375, 1381, 1392, 1444, 1454, 1 45 7,1 5 94 terrenus, -a, -um 228, 564, 605, 694, 740, 871, 1327, 1390 terreo, -ere 149, 241, 950, 1350 terrestris, -e 506 terribilis, -e 183 terror, -oris 26, 568, 937, 1276, 1478, 1610 tertius, -a, -um 827 testifico, -are 164 testis, -is 1601 testudo, -inis 542 teter, -ra, -rum 141, 927 tetricus, -a, -um 144, 580 texo, -ere 1208, 1226 thalamus, -i 756 Thalia 1597 theoricus, -a, -um 1025 thesaurus, -i 1532 thorus, -i 759 timeo, -ere 128, 350 timidus, -a, -um 65 timor, -oris 466, 543, 772, 1338 titulus, -i 286, 323, 1222 Tonans 9, 75, 553, 671, 761, 852, 1270, 1355 tormenta, -orum 177, 1057 torqueo, -ere 423, 1340, 1348 torrens, -entis 525 totidem 521 totus, -a, -um 79, 104, 129, 165, 190, 316, 348, 3 6 5 ,4 1 8 ,4 3 3 ,4 7 4 , 491, 683, 730, 741, 748, 767, 768, 1113, 1132 (bis), 1240, 1292, 1 49 8,1 5 64 toxicus, -a, -um 665 trado, -ere 225, 575, 1249, 1416, 1 5 2 3 ,1 5 2 6 traduco, -ere 1641 traho, -ere 733, 854, 943 trames, -itis 1029, 1375, 1454 tranquillus, -a, -um 640 trans 62, 4 5 6 ,8 3 8 , 1011, 1034


transago, -agere 400, 1106 transeo, -ire 875, 1568 transilio, -ire 1187 transmitto, -ere 1538 transveho, -ere 1247 tremefacio, -ere 1338 tremor, -oris 1444 trepido, -are 466 trepidus, -a, -um 534, 930 tres, tria 588, 1496 tribunal, -alis 124 tribunus, -i 1460 tribuo, -ere 1257 triginta 1285, 1348, 1514 trinus, -a, -um 540 triumphus, -i 64, 76, 119, 249, 563, 565, 751 trophaeum, -i 248 trucido, -are 1056 trudo, -ere 1595 trux, -cis 1356, 1403 tu 3, 6, 7, 61, 99, 101 (bis), 103, 104, 106, 169, 170, 4 2 7 ,4 3 0 ,4 3 3 ,4 3 8 , 440, 482, 487, 489, 637, 639 (bis), 785, 896, 1002, 1319,1320, 1321, 1356, 1357, 1383, 1385, 1409, 1590, 1591, 1597,1654 tuba, -ae 1401 tueor, -eri 40, 1471 Tullius 1550 tum 492, 940 tumba, -ae 390, 777 tumeo, -ere 180 tumidus, -a, -um 85 tumor, -oris 445, 689, 1125 tumulo, -are 766, 1298 tumulus, -i 734 tunc 22, 41, 78, 113, 167, 192, 250, 294, 314, 320, 343, 353, 366, 639, 786, 819, 848, 922, 929, 951, 954, 978, 1009, 1017, 1069, 1098, 1100, 1150, 1160, 1181, 1195, 1211, 1214, 1277, 1337, 1343, 1350, 1358, 1427, 1607, 1619 turba, -ae 190, 294, 1339 turbo, -are 38, 327, 1590 turma, -ae 242, 5 2 1 ,9 7 1 , 1005, 1328 turris, -is 19 tutamen, -inis 1121 tutator, -oris 267 tutor, -ari 532 tutus, -a, -um 545, 1324



tuus, -a, -um 6, 102, 429, 432, 635, 748, 1004, 1005, 1379, 1380, 1384,1410, 1596 tyrannus, -i 1356 Tyrius, -a, -um 1273

ubi 56, 312, 960, 1006, 1068, 1432, 1490,1623 ubique 81, 153, 257, 287, 440, 497, 537, 546, 555, 569, 655, 997, 1032, 1461, 1470 ulcus, -eris 774 ullus, -a, -um 241, 347, 869, 1194, 1472,1474 ulna, -ae 1247, 1351, 1362 ultimus, -a, -um 326, 676, 1519 ultor, -oris 304 ultra 85 ultrix 128 ululo, -are 943 umbra, -ae 13, 141, 144, 580, 926, 954 unanimis,-e 191 unda, -ae 30, 103, 198, 222, 399, 594, 597, 745, 731, 853, 1058, 1144, 1323, 1365, 1370, 1371, 1373, 1380, 1384, 1490, 1591 undecimus, -a, -um 201, 729 undenus, -a, -um 1061 undique 31, 35, 38, 125, 311, 510, 9 3 7 ,9 6 8 , 1325, 1492, 1534 undivagus, -a, -um 1376 undosus, -a, -um 62, 1325 ungula, -ae 1 81,308 unicus, -a, -um 3 unus, -a, -um 338, 343, 378, 800, 858, 910, 1046, 1047, 1066, 1182, 1350,1535, 1642 urbs, urbis 18, 41, 73, 113, 135, 196, 202, 207, 219, 305, 514, 1078, 1 2 2 8 ,1 2 9 7 ,1 4 3 1 ,1 4 5 8 ,1 6 0 2 Usa 30 usque 3 7 5 ,6 8 4 ,1 0 2 1 , 1061 usus, -us 522, 865, 1097, 1485, 1562 ut 6, 13, 24, 50, 55, 198, 255, 273, 281, 283, 299, 330, 346, 379, 385, 390, 393, 410, 4 2 1 ,4 2 4 ,4 3 1 ,5 3 7 , 580, 595, 696, 698, 708, 712, 719, 723, 735, 749, 8 6 0 ,8 6 7 ,8 7 7 ,8 7 9 , 903, 962, 967, 969, 981, 998, 1005, 1012, 1037, 1094, 1099, 1146, 1164, 1174, 1205, 1255,

1324, 1368, 1384, 1391, 1418, 142 6,1 5 04 , 1657 utcunque 1653 uterque 560, 1046, 1235, 1284, 1482 utilis, -e 556 utor, uti 664 utpote 7 84 ,93 8 , 1293, 1462, 1652 Uuibert 1023 Uuilfridus 577, 1217 Uuilbrordus 1037 Uuira 1074 uxor, -oris 131, 704, 715, 1139 vaco, -are 1240, 1525 vacuus, -a, -um 416 vadum, -i 57, 1650 vagus, -a, -um 416 valde 927, 1486, 1498 valeo,-ere 7, 44, 3 4 8 ,9 5 0 , 1141, 1172 valesco, -ere 794 validus, -a, -um 126, 616, 845, 886, 1187 valles, -is 908, 988 vanissimus, -a, -um 161 vario, -are 1080, 1329 varius, -a, -um 35, 230, 280, 434, 1114, 1242, 1270, 1340, 1433, 144 6,1 4 88 , 1514, 1591 vas, vasis 276, 1223, 1496 vastator, -oris 519 vasto, -are 43, 239, 255, 523, 723, 840 vastus, -a, -um 1475 vates, -is 735 vegetus, -a, -um 768 veho, -ere 1413; vehor, vehi 62, 607, 1034 vel 45, 176, 184, 310, 406, 515, 529, 704, 899, 904, 1004, 1170, 1343, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1551, 1553, 1555 velamen, -inis 278, 334 velox 181 velum, -i 1268, 1571 velut(i) 1201, 1336, 1365 vena, -ae 108, 1124 vendo, -ere 822 venerabilis, -e 79, 1260, 1388 venerandus, -a, -um 151, 428, 847, 1 1 3 7 ,1 2 3 7 ,1 2 4 9 , 1396, 1574 veneror, -ari 153 venio, -ire 27, 36, 62, 78, 110, 142, 226, 236, 303, 3 1 9 ,3 2 4 , 342, 343,

INDEX NOMINUM ET VERBORUM 344, 400, 410, 421, 424, 435, 523, 534, 617, 638, 639, 942, 952, 956, 963, 984, 1062, 1122, 1 1 4 9 ,1 1 9 8 ,1 4 5 8 ,1 6 0 8 venter, -ris 728 ventus, -i 607, 690, 1595 venustus, -a, -um 309, 1222; venustior 388 verax 137, 270, 1643 Verbum, -i 86, 143, 1042, 1473 verbum, -i 4, 98, 711, 1004, 1018, 1035, 1101 vere 897, 978 verenter 1653 veridicus, -a, -um 713, 1436 vero 459, 991 versificus, -a, -um 1312, 1408 verso, -are 319 versus, -us 18, 429, 687, 743, 782, 1 32 0,1 5 99 , 1656 vertex, -icis 148, 247, 1192 verto, -ere 230, 938 verus, -a, -um 138, 175 vescor, -vesci 1176 vespere 342, 447 vester, -ra, -rum 12, 15, 246 vestigium, -ii 774, 1313, 1536 vestio, -ire 209, 277, 1103, 1267, 1501 vestis, -is 730, 767, 775, 868, 925, 1378, 1485, 1608, 1644 veto, -are 1182, 1184, 1394 vetus, -eris 17, 90, 266, 447, 774, 784, 1054, 1281, 1313, 1363, 1 44 9 ,1 4 8 5 , 1536, 1549 vexatio, -onis 426 vexillum, -i 1497 vexo, -are 395, 402, 414, 1474 via,^ae 984, 1582 viator, -oris 314, 330, 721, 785 vibro, -are 184 vicedomnus, -i 1218 vicinium, -ii 999 vicis 1263, 1594 vicissim 509, 915, 931, 1283 victor, -oris 258, 546 victoria, -ae 264, 430 Victorinus 1548 victrix 10, 552, 569, 837 victus, -us 5 9 1 ,8 6 8 , 1099 video, -ere 56, 93, 101, 147, 299, 370, 396, 408, 465, 537, 692, 714, 726, 741, 881, 905, 922, 962, 970, 986,


988, 1007, 1032, 1068, 1361, 1450, 1613, 1623, 1632, 1643; videor, -eri 71, 352, 7 7 3 ,8 2 1 ,9 6 1 , 9 7 8 ,1 0 6 6 ,1 1 2 6 , 1562 vigeo, -ere 76, 419, 892 vigil,-ilis 1121, 1197 vigilo, -are 1642 vigor, -oris 108 vilis, -e 1486 villa, -ae 342, 343 villus, -i 696 vincio, -ire 803, 804, 810, 823 vinco, -ere 64, 394, 665, 759, 761, 842, 969, 1135, 1328 vinc(u)lum, -i 405, 805, 808 (bis), 825, 833 vindex 1381 vindico, -are 869 vinum, -i 1173, 1505 vir, viri 97, 267, 339, 364, 455, 533, 646, 849, 855, 1008, 1086, 1093, 1167, 1333, 1372, 1398, 1608, 1643, 1644 virectum, -i 3 2 1 ,6 5 2 Virgilius 1554 virgo, -inis 410, 421, 758, 760, 764, 7 7 5 ,7 7 7 ,1 1 2 9 ,1 1 3 5 virguncula, -ae 1123 viridans 599 viridis, -e 309, 338 virtus, -utis 1, 133, 189, 214, 243, 267, 286, 352, 377, 427, 481, 518, 578, 654, 794, 850, 873, 1076, 1 0 9 0 ,1 1 2 7 ,1 1 4 9 , 1582 vis, vis 191, 244, 310, 347, 476, 516, 1 1 5 1 ,1 1 6 9 ,1 2 0 3 ,1 6 3 9 viscera, -rum 512, 1010 visio, -onis 876, 1069 visito, -are 1167 viso, -ere 639, 1122 visus, -us 736 vita, -ae 2, 82, 102, 112, 134, 154, 173, 176, 206, 326, 465, 475, 478, 489, 496, 584, 628, 637, 641, 647, 676, 684, 794, 816, 874, 884, 898, 903, 990, 1003, 1012, 1016, 1020, 1025, 1027, 1033, 1047, 1095, 1162, 1165, 1213, 1241, 1245, 1246, 1290, 1315, 1392, 1519, 1582, 1589, 1604, 1658 vitium, -ii 879 vito, -are 674



vivax 5, 1089 vividus, -a, -um 243 vivo, -ere 223, 477, 495, 503, 663, 764, 801, 897, 1003, 1178, 1211, 1314,1346 vivus, -a, -um 374, 602 vix 5 4 9 ,6 2 1 , 1143, 1159 voco, -are 878, 1046, 1477 volito, -are 180, 346, 1648 volo, velle 475, 627, 1176, 1340, 1462, 1597, 1627 volucris, -is 161, 711, 1445 volumen, -inis 1307, 1309, 1452, 1560

volvo, -ere 318, 974 vomer, -eris 83 vorago, -inis 909 vos 8 ,1 3 votum, -i 56, 58, 536, 635, 709 vox, vocis 408, 468, 547, 620, 862, 9 7 9 ,1 0 0 1 ,1 1 1 6 , 1272 vulgo, -are 287 vulgus, -i 5 1 ,9 4 1 , 1336 vulnus, -eris 771, 795 vultus, -us 97, 247, 631 zona, -ae 1442



This index refers to the Introduction and Commentary. References in Roman numerals are to the Introduction. Unless otherwise indicated, references in Ara­ bic numerals are to the Commentary. Excluded from the General Index are extant manuscripts, which are indexed in the Select Bibliography (pp. xvii-xviii); Latin names and words, which are listed in the Index Nominum et Verborum (pp. 155— 88), and some authors or works not discussed in the Introduction or Commentary, which appear in the Index o f Quotations and Allusions (pp. 139-54). Aachen, xxxvii, 30 ff.

abbas, use of, 1218; and see Index Nominum et Verborum ablative, case, formation and use of, xcv, xcviii, 512, 557 accusative, case, use of, xciv, xcvii, xcviii acrostic poems, 427 ff. Adamnan, his De Locis Sanctis in Nor­ thumbria, 843-6 Addi, gesithy 1154 adjectives, use of, xciv, xcv, ci, 530, 651 adverbs, formation and use of, xcvi, xcvii, cix, 362-3 aenigmata, Anglo-Latin, lxxvii Africa, texts from, 1537-40 agency, expression of, xcviii Aidan, St., bishop o f Lindisfame, 1, lii Alcluith, British capital, 1273-6 Alcuin: — and his poem on York, passim ; reputation of and recent scholar­ ship on, vii-viii, xxxiii-xxxv — life of, xxxv-xxxviii ; biographies of, XXXV; date and place o f birth, xxxvi, 1635-6; possible noble descent, xxxvi, 754-5; friendship, teaching and patronage by Aelberht, xxxvi, 1438-9, 1450-3, 1454-9; miracle witnessed in youth, 1600 ff.; train­ ing at school o f Aelberht, lxii-lxiii, lxiv, 1437, 1438-9, 1450-3; suc­ ceeds as master o f school o f York in 767, xxxvi; role in construction o f basilica o f Sancta Sophia, lx, 1515-17

— continental journeys of, xxxvi, xliii, 1393, 1454-9; meets Charlemagne in 781, moves to Charlemagne’s court, influence there, xxxvii, 14367, 1441-5; prophecies concerning his move to court, xxxvii, 1393; re­ turn journeys o f 786 and 793, xxxvii; teaching of, 1 43 2-3,1436-7, 1441-5; made abbot o f St. Martin’s in 796, xxxviii; death in 804, xxxviii — sources for Alcuin’s career, xxxviiixxxix — works of: astronomy, 1441-5; Bible and biblical exegesis, xxxviii, 14489, 1541, 1542, 1546; computus, 1447; De Grammatica of, 1550, 1555, 1556, 1557; De Musica attri­ buted to, 1437; letters: editions of and research on, xxxiv, as a source for Alcuin’s career, xxxviii-xxxix, as a source for Alcuin’s view of Northumbrian history, xlvii, to Offa, lviii; antedating 790, xxxix, n. 1 ; antedating 794, xxxviii-xxxix; written 793-801 on the continent to York, xlii-xliii; and see Index of Quotations ; liturgy, xxxiv ;mathemàtical (ascribed), xxxiii, 1446; ortho­ graphy, xxxiii, cx-cxiii, 557, 1555, 1556; philosophical-theological, xxxiii, 1448-9, 1542, 1546, 1548, 1550 — Poem on York, authorship of, cxiv, pp. 2-3a; autograph and autograph marginalia of, cx, cxi, cxiv, pp. 2-3a; scholarship on, vii-viii, xxxv; charac­ ter and synopsis of, xxxix-xlvii;date



Alcuin ( cont. ) of, xlii-xlvii; source for Alcuin’s career, xxxv, xlii; source for Nor­ thumbrian history, xxxv, xlvii-lx; the school of York and Alcuin’s reading and sources, lx-lxxv; its place in Anglo-Latin literature, lxxvlxxviii; influence on Carolingian and Anglo-Latin poetry, lxxxviii-xciii; its form and previous literature, lxxviii-lxxxviii; language of, xciiicx; orthography, cx-cxiii; textual history, cxiii-cxxix; and see under Bede, Gale, Mabillon, Reims, Ruinart, and see Index o f Quota­ tions — poetry: (general), xxxiv-xxxv, xlii, 1438-9; Carmen ii, xxxvi, xxxix; Carmen iv, xxxvi, xxxix; Carmen lix, xliii; rhetorical works, xxxiii, 1434-5; Vitae S. Willibrordi (prose and metrical), xxxiii, xliii, lxxviii, lxxxv-lxxxviii Aldfrith, king o f Northumbria, liii, liv, 843-6 Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne, xliv, lxxv; Alcuin’s debts to and use of, lxvii n., lxviii-lxix, lxxiii, lxxv; De Virginitate, prose and metrical ver­ sions, lxxvii, lxxxii-lxxxiv, lxxxviii; De Metris, cviii n., 8 4 3 -6 ; debts to Caelius Sedulius, lxxxii, to Alcimus Avitus and Prudentius, lxvii, to Prosper of Aquitaine, lxvii-lxviii, to Caelius Sedulius, Arator, Juvencus, lxix, slight knowledge o f Paulinus o f Nola, lxx, and o f Lucan and Sta­ tius, lxxii, quotations from Phocas, 1556; use o f alliteration, cv n., cvi, use o f third strong caesura, cvii, use o f written formulae, cvii, letter to Aldfrith, 8 43 -6 ; opinion of secular poetry, 747-50, teaching of, 14323, works o f at York, 1547; and see Index of Quotations Alhred, king o f Northumbria, xlvi alliteration, use of, cv-cvi, cx allusions, classical to Christian subjects, 8-9 altar, pagan, 168 ff. ; at York, dedicated to St. Paul, 1488 ff.; in Sancta Sophia, 1507 ff., 1512 Altger, Vita Liutgeri of, 35-6, 1533-5

Altsige, abbot o f York, letter o f Lupus o f Ferrières to, 1218 Ambrose, St., o f Milan, works o f at York, 1542 amulet, magical, 807 anaphora, ciii anastrophe, 48 anchorites, xli, lvi-lvii, 1025, 1388 ff. Anglade, A m ould d., cxx, cxxiii Anglo-Latin literature, development of, vii, viii, lxix, lxxv-lxxviii, lxxxivlxxxv, xci; gaps in and Viking deva­ station, xlv, xci, cxxix, orthography o f Anglo-Saxon place- and proper names, cxii-cxiii; surveys of, xxxv, lxxv Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ‘Northern re­ cension’ of, xxxix Anna, king o f East Anglia, 753 ff. Annales \ see under ‘Poeta Saxo’ annominatio, ciii antithesis, ciii aphaeresis, cviii apodosis, c A pollo, 747-50 apostolicusy xcv, 651, 1280; and see Index Nominum et Verborum apparatus, i, ii, and iii, purpose and organization of, cxxx Arator, lxix, lxxiv; and see Index o f Quotations aristocracy, Carolingian, xxxvi Aristotle, works o f at York, 1548,1550 art, English continental influence on, 1268 asceticism, lv; and see under anchorites asyndeton, ciii Athanasius, Evagrius’s translation of, 1327 ff., 1543 athletae Christiy in Aldhelm, lxxxiii, lxxxviii audience, o f Alcuin’s poem, xliii, xlvixlvii, lx-lxxv, 61 Augustine, archbishop o f Canterbury, mission of, xxxvii Augustine, St., o f Hippo, works o f at York, 1537-40, 1542; and see In­ dex o f Quotations Avitus, Alcimus, lxvii, lxxiv, 1552; and see Index o f Quotations Ælberht, archbishop o f York, Alcuin’s description of, 1393; bibliophile

GENERAL INDEX and patron, xxxvi, lxiii; books and library of, xxxix, xli, lxii-lxxv, 1533-5, 1536 ff., 1537-40, 1541, 1541 ff., 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1555, 1556, 1557, 1558-62; career and example of, xlv, lvii-lviii, 1397; chastisement of contemporary rulers, 1478-9; commands that Al­ cuin travel to Francia, 1393; con ­ secration of, 1467-8; continental journeys of, xxxvi, 1454-9; death of, xliii, lvii, 1518; endowments to York Minster, lxi, 1488 ff.; founda­ tion o f Sancta Sophia, lx, lxi, 1507 ff., 1515-17; funeral of, 1518; lament for, 1569 ff.; letter and verse post scriptum of, lxiv; receives request for Bede’s works, 12911318, 1533-5; retirement of, 1518; students of, xxxvi, lxiii, cxiv, 61, 1450-3; teaching of, xxxvi, lxiilxiv, 1432, 1436-7, 1438-9, 14415; virtues of, 1397 Ælfwald, king o f Northumbria, lix Ælfwine, brother o f king Ecgfrith, 789 Æthelberht, king o f Kent, xlix, 131-3 Æthelburh, wife o f king Edwin, 131-3, 134-44 Æthelfrith, king o f Northumbria, 92-3 ff., 110, 235 ff. Æthelhard, archbishop o f Canterbury, letter o f Alcuin to, 1480-1 Æthelhild, sister of Æthelwine and Ealdwine, 396 Æthelred, king o f Mercia, 358 Æthelred, king o f Northumbria, letters o f Alcuin to or about, xlvii, 263, 265-73, 1478-9 Æthelthryth, St., liv, 753 ff., 760-3, 781-2 Æthelwald ‘Moll*, king o f Northumbria, xlvi Æthelwine, brother o f Æthelhild, 396 Æthelwulf, author o f De Abbatibus, xliv, lxxv, xci-xcii; and see Index o f Quotations back-mutation, o f e o y cxii ‘Baldred o f the Bass’ ; see Balthere Balthere, anchorite, lv-lvii, 1319 ff., 1325 ff., 1327 ff., 1363, 1388 ff. Bam burgh, lix

1 91

baptism, o f Edwin, 197 ff., 220-2 Bardney, Lindsey, monks of, 367-9 Basil, St. o f Caesarea, Hexaemeron o f at York, 1545 basilica, Roman at York, 220-2 Bass Rock, lvi, 1325 ff. Bede, the Venerable, life, teaching, milieu, death, and miracles of, lvi, lxii, lxiii, 1315-18, 1423, 1432-3; and Anglo-Latin literary history, XXXV, lxxv-lxxvi; allusions to Aldhelm, lxxxiii; reference to letter o f Pope Boniface V, 131-3; knowledge o f Prosper o f Aquitaine, lxviii n., o f Alcimus Avitus and Prudentius, lxvii n., o f Caelius Sedulius, Arator, Juvencus, lxix, o f Paulinus o f Nola, lxx, o f Fortunatus, lxxi, o f Virgil and Lucan, lxxii, o f Statius, lxxii, o f Jerome and Hilary, 1541, o f Ambrose and Augustine, 1542, o f Evagrius’s translation o f Athanasius, 1543, o f Gregory the Great, 1544, o f Eustathius’s version o f Basil’s Hexaemeron , 1545, o f Fulgentius o f Ruspe, 1545, o f Cassiodorus and Chrysostom, 1546, o f Pliny, 1549; De Arte Metrica of, lxvii nn., lxviii n., lxx, cviii n., cix n., cx;D e Ortho­ graphia of, cxi, 557; Epistola ad Ecgbertum of, lxiii, 79 ff., 1218; genres used by and minor verse of, lxxviii; Historia Abbatum of, lxxvi, 279, 1297-1300 — HEyAlcuin’s text of, lxviii, 1600 ff.; Alcuin’s selection of, xxxix, lxviiilxix; Alcuin’s chief adaptations of, xlviii—lviii ; different perspective from Bede; substitutes ekphrasis o f York for Bede’s description o f Britain, xlviii; adds themes o f love o f liberty and the patria, xlix; ig­ nores Bede’s chronology, xlix; amplifies Bede’s account o f Edwin, xlix; follows Bede’s treatment o f Oswald, 1; omits Oswine, 1; never refers to Irish bishops o f York, li; selects and combines from Bede’s account o f Wilfrid, interrupting narrative sequence o f HEy lii; fol­ lows and extends Bede’s portrayal o f Cuthbert, lii-liii; truncates Bede’s accounts o f Ecgfrith and Aldfrith,



Bede (cont. ) liii-liv; follows Bede on Dryhthelm, lv; debts to and independence from Bede, lv-lx, especially lvii-lviii, 577 ff., 1288 ff., 1291 ff. — points of common concern and minor adaptation between HE and Alcuin, Addi, 1154; Aldfrith, 843 6 ; Anglo-Saxon missionaries, 1008 ff.; battle ofWinwaed, 520-1 ;C oifi, 168, 178 ff.; Dryhthelm, 883 -4 ; Ecgfrith and Æthelthryth, 760-3, 781-2; Edwin, 91, 92-3 ff., 123, 149 ff., 220 ff.; Gregory the Great, 79 ff.; Imma, 790 ff.; London, 24; Oswald, 275-83, 301 ff., 3 67 -9 ; Paulinus, 134-44, 145 ff.; Saxons, 71-9; Wihtberht, 1022-33 — Continuations to HE, xxxix, 16356 ; compendium o f and interest o f scribes o f Reims 426 in, cxxi — Vitae S. Cuthberti (prose and metri­ cal) of, xxxix, lxiv n., lxviii, lxx, lxxiii, lxxvi-lxxvii, lxxxiv-lxxxviii, cx, 685-7, 688-740, 731, 741-6; Vita S. Felicis of, lxxxiv, lxxxv; use o f metropolis, 204, o f patria, 5 9-60 ; of Sax ones, Saxonia, 48 — other writings of, general, 12911318, 1306-13; De Temporum Ra­ tione, 1441-5; on computus, 14415, 1549; on chronology, 1545; in library at York, 1547; copies of Bede’s works requested from York by Anglo-Saxon missionaries, lxiv, 1533-5 Beornrad, abbot o f Echternach and archbishop o f Sens, lxxxv, 1556 Bemicia, kingdom of, lii, 110, 235 ff., 506 ff., 1251-3 Beverley, monastery of, 1210-15; and see John of Beverley Bible, the (Scripture), lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxx, ciii, 71-9; and see Index o f Quotations biography, Carolingian, xciii; Northum­ brian, xcii, xciii Bischoff, B., xcii n., xciii Boethius, influence o f in England, 1548 Boniface V, pope, 131-3 Boniface, St., lvi n., lxxiii, 1533-5, 1556; and see Index o f Quotations

books, see under Ælberht, books and library o f Bosa, bishop o f York, liv, 847 ff., 871-2 Bothelm, monk o f Hexham, 443 bretwalda, xciii brevity, as a criterion or feature o f style, xlviii, lxvi, lxxxvii, 18, 2899 0 ,7 4 1 -6 Britain and the Britons, censure of, 719 ; defeat of, xlviii; disdain for, 4 1 -5 ; terms for, 22-3, 88; and see Index Nominum et Verborum ‘bucolic diaeresis’, cviii Bywell, monastery of, xci Cadwallon, king o f Gwynedd, 1, 227, 235 ff. caesura, character and types of, civ, cvii-cviii calendar, metrical o f Y ork; see under

Calendarium Eboracense metricum Calendarium Eboracense metricum, li n., lxiv, lxix, 79 ff., 6 4 4 -5 , 646 ff., 847 ff., 1014-21, 1044, 1216-17 canon law, collections o f at Y ork, lxiii Canterbury, 79 ff., 204 Caper, Alcuin*s use of, 1555 Cassiodorus, definition o f dialectic, 1436-7 ; works o f at York, 1546 catalogues, ninth century, o f libraries, 1558-62 cella, use of, 1122; and see Index Nomi­ num et Verborum Ceolfrith, abbot o f Jarrow, 1297-1300 Chad, bishop o f York, li, lii Charisius, Ars grammatica o f at York, 1557 charisma, o f royal birth, 1273-6 Charlemagne, king and emperor, anger o f at Æ thelred’s murder, 263; courts and court circle of, xxxvii, lxv, lxvi; letters o f Alcuin to or about, 263, 1533-5; library of, lxxiii; meets Alcuin and invites him to court, xxxvi, xxxvii; panegyrics on, liv, xc; poem on, see ‘Poeta Saxo’ ; pupil o f Alcuin, 1436-7, 1441-5; reading at court of, 1550; reforms of, xxxiii, xxxvii; Gesta Karoli Magni, see Einhard charms, magical, 807 chiasmus, chiastic patterns in hexame­ ter, civ

GENERAL INDEX Christ, command to St. Peter, 1363; invocation of, 1 ff., 15 Chrysostom, John, translations o f at York, 1546 Cicero, De Oratore of, lxxix; works o f at Y ork, 1550 Classics, the Latin, lxiv, lxxii-lxxv, lxxxix clauses, concessive, final, independent, subordinate etc., xcviii-c cliches, cvi-cvii Coifi, pagan high priest, 168 ff., 178 ff. coinages, verbal, ci Colcu, anchorite, 1388 ff. commerce, at York, 2 7-9, 36-7 Comminianus, excerpts from works o f at Y ork, 1557 Com modi an, lxxi comparative, the, its formation and use, xcv compositum pro simplici, xcvii com pound adjectives and nouns, ci concomitance, its expression, xcviii conditionals, real and unreal, c conjunctions, civ consecration, of Ælberht, 1454-9, 1467-8; o f Egbert II, 1249-50 conversioy lxxix, lxxxi conversion, o f Edwin, xlix, 149 ff., 168 ff.; o f Mercians, li; by Oswald, 1; o f continental Saxons, xciii Corvey, monastery of, xcii Crayke, lvii Cross, veneration o f the, 427 ff. Cunningham, district o f Northumbria, 883-4 Curtius, E. R., xci n. Cuthbert, St., Alcuin’s view of, lii-liii, lv, lvi, lvii; consecration of, 646 ff.; granted land by king Ecgfrith, 646 ff.; in Calendarium Eboracense metricum y 646 ff.; miracles of, 1315-18; ties with York, 646 ff.; fo r Bede’s Lives of St. Cuthbert, see under Bede Cwenburh, nun o f Watton, 1123, 1128 dactyls, and dactylic rhythm, cv dative, formation and use of, xcv, 530 Daubin, C., cxiv-cxv De Abbatibus, see under Æthelwulf deacons and the diaconate, xxxvi, 1268, 134 4,1 4 23


defences, o f Roman York, 19 ff.

defensor, cii, 1430 \and see Index No­ minum et Verborum Deira, kings and kingdom of, 1, lii, 110, 197 ff., 235 ff., 506 ff. deities, pagan and Christian, 8-9, 74750 Denisebum, battle of, 438-9 deponent, verbs, formation and use of, xcviii deus, vocative o f and use in invocations, 1

diaconate, the, see under deacons dialectic, teaching o f at York, 1436-7 Donatus, works o f at York, 1556 Dracontius, lxiv Dryhthelm, example and vision of, lv, 876 ff., 883-4 duces y o f Penda, 520-1 Durham, Liber Vitae of, lvi, cxii Eadberht, king o f Northumbria, con­ quests of, 1273-6; death and burial of, 1396; harmony with Egbert, xlv-xlvi, lvi, lix, 1277 ff.; retire­ ment of, 1273-6, 1286; royal birth, 1273-6 Eadfrith, bishop o f Lindisfame, 685-7 Ealdwine, abbot o f Partney, 396 Eanbald I, archbishop o f York, Alcuin collects pallium for in Rome, xxxvi; associate bishop o f York, 1518; pupil o f Ælberht, 1450-3; role in construction o f basilica o f Sancta Sophia, lx, 1515-17 Eanbald II, archbishop o f York, Al­ cuin’s letters to, lix n., 79 ff., 863-4 Eanfrith, son o f Æthelfrith, 235 ff. Eardwulf, king o f Northumbria, 1488 ff. East Anglia, 753 ff. Easter, 197 ff. Eata, father o f Egbert o f York, 1251-3 Ecgfrith, king o f Northumbria, at battle o f Nechtanesmere, 840 -2 ; career of, liii-liv; chronology o f reign of, 751 ff.; death of, 8 4 0 -2 ; expedition against Irish, liii, 8 4 0 -2 ; grants land to St. Cuthbert, 646 ff.; marriage to St. Æthelthryth, liv, 753 ff., 760-3; raid on Piets, 840-2 ; relations with Wilfrid I, lii—liv Echa, anchorite, lv-lvii, 1388 ff., 1393



Echternach, lxxxv, 1556; and see Beomrad Eddius Stephanus, and his Life o f Wil­ frid, li, liv, lxi, lxxvi, 275-83, 8436 ; Alcuin’s probable ignorance of, 577 ff. Edwin, King o f Northumbria, accession of, 110; assassination attempt on, 9 2 -3 ; birth of, 91; his church at York, lx, 220-2 conversion of, xlix, 131-3, 149 ff.; death of, 227, 235 f f.; flight from Æthelfrith, 9 2 -3 ; head of, buried at York, 79 ff.; imperium of, 9 2 -3 ; marriage of, 9 2 -3 ; model o f kingship, xlvi, xlix-1, li, liv, lix, 124-30; overlordship over Piets and Irish, 123; panegyric on, 570 ff.; plans for York, 202 ff.; prophetic vision of, 9 2 -3 ; reception o f Paulinus, 9 2 -3 ; urges Coifí to desecrate pagan altars, 168 ff.; in Whitby Life o f Gregory the Great, xlix, lxxvi efury back-mutation and orthography of, cxii Egbert, archbishop o f York, accession of, 1249-50; archbishopric of, xlv, lv-lvi, 209; consecration of, 124950; death and burial of, 1396; Dia­ logus Ecclesiasticae Institutionis of, lviii, lxiii, 1259-60; glosses on in Reims 426, exxi; harmony with King Eadberht, xlv-xlvi; letter o f Bede to, lviii, 79 ff.; noble descent of, 12513; ordination as deacon, 1268; requests to for copies of Bede’s works, 1291-1318, 1533-5; and school o f York, lxi-lxii; teaching at York, lxii, 1259-60, 1437; travels to Rome, 1268; virtues of, 1254 ff. Egbert, monk and missionary, 1041-21 Einhard, Gesta Karoli Magni of, xxxvii n., xciii, 1436-7, 1441-5; annalistic compilation attributed to, xciii ekphrasisy xlviii elision, use of, cvii-cviii, cx Ely, double house of, 753 ff. emperors, Carolingian, in poetry, lxxxix-xci enclitic -quey xci encomium, elements o f in epic, x c; on Ælberht, 1397; urban, xlviii, 16-18, 30 ff.

end-stopping, cviii, cx, 50 enjambment, cviii, cx epanalepsisy in Bede's hymn to Æthelthryth, 781-2 epic, Alcuin's poem as, lxxxix-xci; classical, lxxii-lxxiv; Carolingian, lxxxix-xci; emergence o f indepen­ dent epic narrative, xci;late Antique Biblical, lxiv, lxvii,lxix-lxxii,lxxxix, 1 ff.; terminology for, xci; and see under Index o f Quotations Ermoldus, Nigellus, his In Honorem Hludowici Piiy x c-x ci; and see In­ dex o f Quotations Esseintes, des; see under Huysmans, J.-K. Euboricensisy orthography of, cxii-cxiii Eustathius, Latin translation o f St. Basil's Hexaemeron at York, 1545 Eutyches, Ars de Verbo o f at York, 1557 Evagrius, translation o f Athanasius's Vita Antonii at York, 1327 ff.

fado y with the infinitive, xcviii; and see Index Nominum et Verborum Faith, propagation o f as an ideal, 1, liv, 556 Felix, his Life o f St. Guthlac,lxix, 1543 Fenland, water transport between York and the, 27-9 Fischer, B., xxxiv Flodoard o f Reims, cxvii, cxxiv, cxxix foederati y Saxon at York, 49 ff. foot, hexametrical, types o f, civ, cviii formulae, poetical, evi-evii, 871-2 Fortunatus, Venantius, lxiv, lxx-lxxii, lxxiv-lxxv, 1325 ff., 1397; Vita S. Martini metrica of, lxxiv, lxxxvi, lxxxvii, lxxxviii; and see Index o f Quotations Francia, and the Franks, xxxvi, liii, 1393 Frisia, Frisians, colony o f merchants of, at Y ork, 3 5 -6 ; conversion of, lii; Liutger returns to, 1 53 3-5; mis­ sion ofW ihtberhtto, 1 02 2-33 ,1 03 5 Fulgentius o f Ruspe, his Ad Trasimundum at Y ork, 1545 Gale, Thomas, first edition o f entire poem and editorial method, cxiiiexx; attribution o f poem on York

GENERAL INDEX to Alcuin, cxiv; autograph variants of, cxix; copy-text of, cx v -cx ix ; let­ ters to Mabillon and to and from Ruinart, cxv-cxvii, cxxii-cxxviii; pp. 2 -3 a ‘Gallus’, ‘Cyprianus*, lxxi genitive, case, use of, xciv-xcv, xcviii gens, use o f the term, 71-9; and see In­ dex Nominum et Verborum gerund, use of, xcviii gesith , Addi, 1154; Latin terms for, 7 1 5 ;Puch, 1137 Gildas, Alcuin’s knowledge o f and debts to, xlviii, lxix,lxxiii, 5 9 -6 0 ;attitude to the Britons, 7 1 -9 ; and see Index o f Quotations glosses, in Reims 426, cxxi, 1434-5, 1436-7, 1437, 1441-5, 1446 ‘Golden A ge’ , Alcuin’s view of, xlvxlvi, lvi; Latin, xciv grammar, Alcuin’s work on, 1434-5 grammatici, ancient, lxxix Greek, Alcuin’s acquaintance with, 1537-40; words derived from, c-c i Gregory the Great, pope and saint, ad­ vocacy of war to propagate the Faith, 556; authority of, lviii; cult of, xlix, 79 ff. ; Cura pastoralis of, 79 ff.; desire to revive antique sees, 202 ff.; Life of, see under Whitby, Vita S. Gregorii Magni; plans for York as capital o f Northumbria, 202 ff.; plans for York as metropoli­ tan see, 1280; recorded in Calen­ darium Eboracense metricumy 79 ff.; works o f at York, 1544 Guthlac, St., Life of, see Felix Gwynedd, 227

hy initial, metrical function of, cix Hadrian I, pope, xxxvi hagiography, Northumbrian, lxix,lxxvi, xcii Hargrove, M. L., cxxii-cxxiii, 362-3 Hatfield, battle of, 227 heaven, Alcuin’s view of, lv, lvii, xcii Hebrew, Alcuin’s ignorance of, 1537— 40 hell, Alcuin’s view of, lv, 4 6 8 -9 ; tem­ peratures in, 910 ff. Hereburh, abbess o f Watton, 1128 ‘Hermann’s bridge’, cviii hermits, see under anchorites


Hewald, dark and fair, missionaries, 1044 Hexham, monks and monastery of, liv, 443; see of, lxi, 1084 ff.; bishop of, see John o f Beverley Hibemo-Latin, authors c.800, xcii Hilary o f Poitiers, works o f at York, 1541 Historia de Sancto Cuthbertot 646 ff. homodynes, cviii, cx homoeoteleuton, civ-cv Honorius I, pope, lviii Horace, Alcuin’s knowledge of, lxxii, 785 Hrabanus Maurus, De Clericorum Insti­ tutione of, 1436-7 Humber, river, lxx Huysmans, J.-K., A Rebours of, vii Hygebald, bishop o f Lindisfame, letter o f Alcuin to, 1484-7 Hygelac, teacher o f Æthelwulf, xcii hymns, on the Cross, 427 ff.; on St. Æthelthryth, by Bede, 781-2 hyperbaton, ciii hyperbole, in epic, li Ida, founder o f Bemician dynasty, 1251-3 idem, use of, xcvi Idle, battle o f river of, 110 Imma, thegny 790 ff. imperfect, use o f in narrative, xcix imperium y interpretation of, 120; and see Index Nominum et Verborum inante y use o f 921 ;and see Index Nomi­ num et Verborum incorruptibility, o f the body and sanc­ tity, 308-9 indicative, m ood, use of, x cix -c infinitive, the, use of, xcvii-xcviii inscriptions to the text, cxiv, cxvii, cxxiv, pp. 2-3 a interpolation, problem o f identifying, cvi-cvii, 578, 871-2 invocations, ciii, 1, 1 ff., 15 Iona, island and monastery of, 843-6 Ireland, education o f Aldfrith in, 8436 ; monasteries and anchorites in, 1014-21, 1025, 1026-33; Irish bishops o f Northumbria, li, liv; Ecgfrith’s expedition against, liii, 8 4 0 -2 ; influence in Northumbrian Church, li; traditions in Bemicia, lii



Isidore, St. o f Seville, Etymologiae of, xlviii, lxxiii, cxxi, 1436-7, 1635-6; ‘ Versus de Bibliotheca* attributed to, lxxi; and see Index o f Quota­ tions Israel, the new, Saxons as, 71-9 Jerome, St., lxxx; works o f at York, 1541 John o f Beverley, St., bishop o f York and Hexham, liv, 1084 ff. ; founda­ tion o f Beverley, 1210-15; instruc­ tion by, lxi; miracles and praise of, liv, 1084 ff., 1120-35; monk of Whitby, 1084 ff.; retirement at Beverley, 1210-15 Joseph, Scottus, 1541; and see Index o f Quotations just war, li, 556 Juvencus, lxix-lxxi, lxxiv, lxxx, lxxxvii; and see Index o f Quotations

‘Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa\ xlv, lxxxix-xci; and see Index o f Quota­ tions

kenning yGermanic, ci kingship, failures of, xlv, lix ,lx , 1273— 6 ; ideal of, xlix, lv, 1, liii, liv, lvi, lix, 124-30, 265-73, 1273-6, 1478-9 Lactantius, Alcuin’s use o f De Ave Phoenice attributed to, lxviii, lxxiv, 1325 ff.; and see Index o f Quota­ tions etc. lacunae, posited, 210-11, 438-9 Langres, 1297-1300 legates, papal, xxxvii; reports of, lviii legionary fortresses, principia o f at York, 19 ff. Leo I, pope, works o f at York, 1544 Levison, W., xxxiii Liberal Arts, glossed in Reims 426, cxxi, 1432-3 Licentius, lxxiv; and see Index o f Q uo­ tations Lindisfame, bishopric and monastery of, lii-liii, lxxviii, 1014-21 ; portion o f Durham Liber Vitae y lvi; and see under Aidan, Cuthbert, Eadfrith, Hygebald Lindsey, bishopric and kingdom of, 367-9, 396 linguae sacrae, tres, 1537-40

Liutger, St., 1533-5, life o f, see under Altger locative, case, xcv locus amoenuSy inversion of, lvi LogoSy divine, Christ as, 3 London, 24, 204 Loriquet, H., cxx n., cxxvi Lucan, Bellum civile of, lxvii, lxxii, lxxiv; Alcuin’s imitations of, 184, 538; and see Index o f Quotations Lui, St., archbishop o f Mainz, lxiv, 1533-5; and see Index o f Quota­ tions Lupus o f Ferrières, letter to Altsige o f York, 1218 Mabillon, J., first edition o f part o f the poem on Y ork, cxiii-cxiv, cxv; copyist of, cxxiv-cxxvi; journey to Italy, cxvi; letters from Thomas Gale, cxv-cxvii; manuscript used by and Reims 426, cxxiii-cxxvi Macedonius, patron o f Caelius Sedulius, lxxx-lxxxi magic, see under amulet, spells Mainz, archbishopric o f, see under Lui manuscripts, as evidence for the school at York, lxiii, Ixv-lxx, 1536 ff.; o f Aldhelm’s De Virginitate, lxxxiii; o f Caelius Sedulius’s Carmen and Opus paschale y lxxxii; continental, o f texts o f Anglo-Saxon authorship, cxxviii-cxxix ; and see Index o f Manuscripts, xvii-xviii Martin, St., metrical Lives of, by Pauli­ nus o f Périgueux, lxxi; by Sulpicius Severus, lxxi, lxxxiv; and see under Fortunatus, Venantius martyrdom, o f the two Hewalds, 1044 Matthew, St., Gospel o f versified, lxxx; and see Index o f Quotations etc. mead-hall, in Bede, 149 ff. Melrose, monastery of, 883-4 merchants, Frisian, 35-6 Mercia, its relations with Northumbria, xlv-xlvii, li; Edwin’s flight to, 9 2 -3 ; revolt o f nobles of, 565 iî.; and see under Æthelred; Osthryth ; Penda metaphors, o f building and unity,lxxxii; o f fishing, 854; mixed, ciii; nautical, 1322-4, 1649 ff.; o f prison, 679; o f rain etc., 8 6 -7 ; o f sparrow’s flight

GENERAL INDEX through the mead-hall in Bede, 149 ff. metonym y, 747-50 metropolitan, authority o f archbishop o f York, xlv, xlix, lv-lvi, lviii-lx, lxiii; status o f York, 202 ff., 644 5 ,1 2 1 8 ,1 2 8 0 Milan; see under encomium miracles, and the miraculous, Alcuin’s attitude to, liv-lv; o f Aldhelm’s athletae Christi, lxxxiii; o f Balthere, 1363; o f Bede, 1315-18; in the Bible, versified by Caelius Sedulius, lxxx; o f Denisebum, 4 3 8 -9 ; o f John of Beverley, liv, 1084 ff., 1120-35; o f Oswald I, 1600 ff.; witnessed by Alcuin, lvii, 1600 ff. Miracula S. Nyniae, xliv, lxv missionaries, Anglo-Saxon, in Frisia, lii, liv; in Ireland, xli; among continen­ tal Saxons, lii, 1008 ff., 1014-21; correspondence of, lxiv, 1533-5; and see Index o f Quotations Moduin, o f Autun, 18 monks, o f Bardney, 367-9 ; Bothelm o f Hexham, 443; Dryhthelm o f Mel­ rose, lv, 8 8 3 -4 ; John o f Beverley, at Whitby, 1084 ff.; o f Lindisfame, 1014-21; of Whitby, liv, 847 ff., 1216-17 monosyllables, elision of, cviii Montfaucon, B. de, cxx, cxxiii Moors, stature of, 184 Muses, the, 747-50, 1078-9, 1597 mutability, language and theme o f in Alcuin, 228 ff. narrative, poetry, in Latin, lxxx-xciii, 16-18 Navigatio S. Brendani, xcii neologism, ci nominative, case, use of, xciv Northumberland, x d Northumbria, Alcuin’s youth in, xxxvi; Alcuin’s return visits to, xxxvii, xliii; Bede’s perspective on, xlvii, liii, lv; capital of, 202 ff.; cult o f the cross in, 427 ff.; epidemic in, 1635; history, ecclesiastical, of, xxxix, xl, xlv-lx, 209, 275-83, 843 6 ; history, political, of, xxxix, xl, xlv-lx, 235 ff., 263, 570 ff., 12736, 1478-9, 1488 ff.; Alcuin’s lack


o f special term for, 59-60; Latin literature of, xliv-xlv, lxvi-lxvii, lxix, lxxv-lxxviii, lxxxiv-lxxxviii, xci-xcii; manuscripts originating from, lxvii, lxviii, lxix-lxx, cxi, 1600 ff., relations with Mercia, xlvi-xlvii, lx; sceattas of, 1277 ff.; unity of, lii-liii, lviii-lx \andsee under Alcuin, biography, hagiography, kingship, York, (arch-)bishops and (arch-) bishopric o f nouns, use of, ci

-oy final, treatment of, cix-cx Offa, king o f Mercia, Alcuin’s relations with, xlvi-xlvii, lviii; benefactions o f to shrine o f Oswald, xlv-xlvii, 3 88 -9 1; influence of, xlvi, lx; let­ ters to, from Alcuin, xlvii, 1, lviii, 263; marriage o f daughter to Æthelred o f Northumbria, xlvi opus geminatum y history and develop­ ment of, xliii-xliv, lxxviii-lxxxviii, xd oratory, used for Edwin’s baptism,

220-2 ordination, to the diaconate and priest­ hood, 1423 Orosius, Historiae o f at York, 1543, 1549 orthography, Alcuin’s, cx-cxiii; o f Anglo-Saxon proper and placenames, cxii-cxiii; Bede’s, cxi; o f B.L. Harley, 2793, cxi; o f the Dur­ ham Liber Vitae, cxii; o f manu­ scripts o f the poem on York, cxi; o f manuscripts containing Bede’s HEy cxi Osric, king o f Deira, 235 ff. Osthryth, wife o f Æthelred, king o f Mercia, 358 Oswald, king o f Northumbria, Æthelwald, son of, 506 ff.; acceptance of, 235 ff.; army of, at Denisebum, 4 3 8 -9 ; benefactions to the Church, 1, 2 75-83; checks Cadwallon, 235 ff.; completes York cathedral, 27583; death of, 1, 275-83, 301 ff., 367-9, 506 ff.; defeat of, 301 ff.; dismemberment of, 301 ff.; Offa’s benefaction to tomb of, xlvi, 38891; panegyric on, 570 ff.; posthu­ mous deeds of, 1, 301 ff., 1600 ff.;



Oswald (cont ) relics of, 301 ff., 367 -9 ; succeeds to throne, 235 ff.; supremacy of, 501; virtues of, li, liv, lix, 26573; war and dissension after death of, 275-83 Oswine, king o f Deira, 1, 506 ff. Oswiu, king o f Northumbria, attributes of, li; Aldfrith, son of, 8 43 -6 ; at­ tacked by Penda, 506 ff.; murderer o f Oswine, 1, 506 ff.; overlordship of, 565 ff.; panegyric on, 2 75 -8 3; pledge before battle of Winwaed, 531 ff.; revolts in reign of, 565 ff.; succession of, 506 ff.; victory over Penda, li, 565 Ouse, river, 27-9 Ovid, lxxii, lxxv Œ lf, son o f Ælfwald, lix n. Œ lfwine, son o f Ælfwald, lix n.

pallium y archbishop’s scarf, xxxvi, lviii, 209, 1249-50; and see Index Nomi­ num et Verborum Pan, 747-50 panegyric, elements o f in epic, xc; in­ fluence o f on Alcuin’s poem, xlvii; on Charlemagne, liv; on Edwin, Oswald, and Oswiu, 570 ff.; on Os­ wald, 2 65 -7 3; on Oswiu, 275-83; on Saxons, 71-9 paraphrase, and paraphrastic tech­ niques, lxxix-lxxxviii, xci, ciii-civ parenthesis, ciii Paris, Saint-Germain-des-Pres in, cxvi Parma, city of, xxxvi participles, use of, cxviii, 650 Partney, abbey of, 396 patriay Alcuin’s view of, xliii, xlvii, xlviii, xlix, liii, lviii—lx, lxix, lxxxix, xciii, 16-18, 59-60 Paul, St., altar dedicated to at York, 1488 ff. Paulinus, (arch-)bishop o f York, depic­ tion by Alcuin, xlix; flight from Northumbria, li, 209; identified with heavenly messenger, 145 ff.; legendary foundation o f a school at York, lxi; metropolitan authority and pallium of, xlix, lviii, 209, 21011 ; mission of, 134-44 Paulinus o f Nola, works of, lxx-lxxi,

lxxiv, lxxv, lxxxiv; and see Index o f Quotations Penda, king o f Mercia, attacks Oswiu, 506 ff.; at battle o f .Hatfield, 227; at battle o f Winwaed, 5 2 0 -1 ; de­ feats and kills Oswald, 301 ff.; defeat by Oswiu, li; position and strategy of, 518; protector o f Æthelwald, 506 ff.; Wulfhere, son of, 565 ff. periphrase and periphrastic construc­ tions, xcix, 337-8 Peter, St., apostle, Balthere likened to, 1363; dedication o f York cathedral to, 2 20 -2 ; monasterium dedicated to, 1218; and see Index o f Quota­ tions Phocas, Ars de nomine et verbo o f at York and Echternach, 1556 Piets, the, 123, 840-2 plague, o f 664, 1014-21 pleonasm, ciii, 419 Pliny, the Elder, works o f at York, 1549 Pliny, the Younger, lxxx poet, the, as an instrument o f divine or saintly will, 15 ‘Poeta Saxo*, ‘Annales’ of, xcii-xciii; and see Index o f Quotations poetry, cult o f the cross in, 427 ff.; at school o f Ælberht, lxiii, lxiv; secu­ lar, 7 47 -5 0; and see narrative Pompeius, Commentum artis Donati o f at York, 1557 Pompeius, Trogus, works o f at York, 1549 positive, the, expressed by the compara­ tive, xcv prepositions, use of, xcvi-xcvii Priscian, works o f at York and Echter­ nach, 1556 ‘Proba’, cento by, lxxi Probus, excerpts from works of, 1556 proemium, conventions of, 1 ff. progymnasmata, lxxix prohibition, expression of, xcix pronoun, use of, xevi prophecy, lvii, 1393 Prosper, o f Aquitaine, lxvii-lxviii, lxxiv, 8 8 ;and see Index o f Quotations protasis, use of, c proverb, use of, 785 Prudentius, works o f at York, lxvii,

GENERAL INDEX lxxiv, 1552; and see Index o f Quo­ tations Puch, a gesith, 1137 pueritia, definition of, 1635-6 puns, etymological, ciii purpose, expression of, xcviii, xcix questions, reported etc., xcix, 177 Quintilian, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxi, lxxxvii Raby, F. J. E., xxxiv Raedwald, king o f the East Angles, 9 23, 110 redemption, liturgical terms for, 2 reforms, ecclesiastical of Bosa, liv, 871-2 regionalism, in and opposed by Alcuin, xlviii, lii-liii, lvi Reichenau, oldest library catalogue of, 1558-62 Reims, centre o f production o f manu­ scripts containing early Carolingian poetry, cxxix; fire of, cxxvi; SaintRemi, lost manuscript from, cxivcxix, cxxvi-cxxviii, pp. 2-3a; SaintThierry, lost manuscript from, cxiiicxix, cxxiii-cxxvi; for Reims 426, see Bibliography, Index o f Manu­ scripts relics, o f Oswald, 301 ff., 367-9 renovatio, Carolingian, xxxvii, cx repetitions, in Alcuin’s poetry, cvi-cvii revolt, o f Mercian nobles, 565 ff. rhetoric, Alcuin’s work on, 1434-5 rhyme, internal and leonine, civ-cv rhythm, dactylic etc., cv, cvii, cx Ripon, lxi, 1238-48 Romans, basilica o f at York, 2 20 -2 ; foundation and defences o f York, xlvii, lvii, 19 ff.; legions of, 2 5 -6 ; rule over Britain, 2 2-3, 88, 202 ff. Rome, Church and city of, attitudes to, xlix, li, lii, lv, lxxvi, 2 2 -3 ; pil­ grimages to, xxxvi Ruinart, Thierry, role o f in editorial history o f the poem on York, cxvcxx, cxxii, cxxiii, cxxvi-cxxviii; autograph variants of, cxix, cxxvicxxvii; letters to Thomas Gale, cx v-cxix; lost Saint-Remi manu­ script of, cxiv-cxix, cxxvi-cxxviii, pp. 2-3 û rusticity, affectation o f, 1597


s impura, vowels before, cix Saint-Remi, lost manuscript from con­ taining poem on Y ork; see under Reims Saint-Thierry, lost manuscript from containing poems on York; see under Reims saints, appeal to, 1 ff.; incorruptibility o f the body as p roof of, 3 08 -9 ; in­ vocation of, 15; taste o f Alcuin in, iii, liii Saxon, pagan Anglo-Saxons, xlviii, liii, 48, 7 1-9; continental and their con­ version, lii, 1044 \foederati at York, 49 ff.; Saxones, Saxonia, use o f and puns on, 48; and see Index Nomi­ num et Verborum sceattas, Northumbrian, 1277 ff. scholasticus y use of, 462 school, canon o f late Antique Biblical epic, lxxi-lxxii scribes, o f Reims 426, their methods o f work and interest in Alcuin, cxxicxxii, cxxvii sculpture, Northumbrian, 427 ff. Sedulius, Caelius, lxiv, lxix-lxxi, lxxviii; Carmen and Opus paschale of, lxxxlxxxiii, lxxxvi; letters to Macedonius of, lxxx-lxxxi, lxxxv, lxxxviii; and see Index o f Quotations Sens, archbishopric of, lxxxv Servius, works o f at York, 1557 Severus, Sulpicius, lxxi, lxxxiv ships, sea-going on the Ouse, 27-9 Sigwulf, pupil o f Ælberht, 1450-3 simile, epic, ciii simplex pro composito , xcviii solidusyWigmund, 36-7 speech, direct, civ spelling, see under orthography spells, magical used before battle, 807 spondees, and spondaic rhythm, cvii, cviii Stallbaumer, V., lxii statements, indirect, c Statius, works o f at York, lxxii-lxxiii, lxxiv, 1554 stops, internal, cviii style, ciii—cvii ; alliteration, cv-cvi; homoeoteleuton, civ-cv; repetitions, clichés, formulae, cvi-cvii; senseunit, sentence and verbal effect, ciii-civ; symmetry, civ



subjunctive, use of, x cix -c substantives, use of, xciv, xcv Suetonius, lxxx supine, use of, xcviii Swithberht, companion o f Willibrord, 1074 syllables, final, treatment of, cix syllogae, Anglo-Saxon, lxiv, lxxiii, lxxiv ‘Symeon o f Durham’, Historia Regum of, xxxvii; and see under ‘York Annals’ symmetry, patterns of, civ, cx syncope, cx synizesis, cx synod, Northern of 786, xxxvii tense, use of, xcix Testaments, the New, lxxx; the Old, lxxx, 1449; and see Index o f Quo­ tations Thalia, the Muse, 1597 thegnSy xli, liv; Latin term for, 715 Theodore, o f Tarsus, archbishop o f Canterbury, xlv, 405-6 Theodulf o f Orléans, lxxv, 289-90 Thomas o f Bayeux, archbishop o f York, lxi thrymsas, attributed to York, 36-7 title, o f Alcuin’s poem on York, cxiv, pp. 2-3 a topoiy of modesty, 289-90; o f noble birth and nobler spirit, 754-5; o f the poet as instrument o f divine or saintly will, 15; of rejection of pagan deities, 747-50 Tours, and Saint-Martin’s of, xxxviii, liii towers, in the Roman walls o f York, 19 ff. Traube, L., lviii Trent, battle o f river of, 789 triviumy Ælberht’s teaching of, 1432-3 Troyes, Saint-Loup of, xxxvii Tunna, brother o f Imma, 790 ff. Tyningham, East Lothian, lvii verb, use of, xcvii-xcviii vernacular, poetry in, lxxiii, 1325 ff. vices, the eight, lxxxiii, lxxxviii Victorinus, Marius, works o f at York, 1548 Vikings, Alcuin’s poem on their destruc­ tion o f Lindisfame, lxxviii; devasta­

tions o f and Anglo-Latin literature, xlv, xci, cxxix; threat to the North o f England, xcii Virgil, influence of, lxxiii, lxxv, xci, cv; on form and substance, lxxxviiilxxxix; on style, li, xc, 178 ff ,;and see Index o f Quotations virgins, and virginity, liv, lxxxiii, 760-3 visions, in Alcuin’s youth, 1600 ff.; o f Dryhthelm, lv, 876 ff.; o f Wilfrid, 629 ff. Vita Alcuiniy date and character of, xxxvii and n., lxii; on De Musica attributed to Alcuin, 1437; reports o f Alcuin’s work on dialectic, gram­ mar, orthography, xxxviii; Sigwulf cited as source for, 1450-3; and see Index o f Quotations Vita S. Gregorii Magni; see under Whitby Life o f St. Gregory vocative, use of, 1 ff. warfare, as means o f propagating the Faith, 556 Wattenbach, W., xliii, cxx Watton, convent of, 1122, 1128 Wearmou th-Jarrow, abbots and mona­ stery of, liii, lxiii, lxxvi Wessex, school at, 843-6 Whitby, Life of St. Gregory the Great, xlix, lxxvi, 79 ff., 145 ff.; monks o f, as bishops o f York, 847 ff., 1084 ff., 1216-17; porticus commemorating Gregory the Great, 79 ff. Whithorn, xliv Wihtberht, missionary and monk, in Frisia, 1022-33; foundation o f a monastery, 1026-33; inspired by Egbert, 1014-21; missionary acti­ vity of, 1014-21, 1022-33; prophe­ cies of, 1026-33 Wilfrid I, bishop o f York, Alcuin’s view of, li—liv ; finds York cathedral in dis­ repair, 2 75 -8 3; recorded in metrical Calendar o f Y ork, 644-5 ; and school o f York, lvi; travels to Rome and to Frisia, lii, 606; vision of, 629 ff. — Life of, see under Eddius Stephanus Wilfrid II, abbot at York, 1218; bishop o f York, benefactions of, lv, 121617, 1218; cult of, 1467-8; death of, 1 238-48; monk o f Whitby, 121617; retirement, 1238-48

GENERAL INDEX Willibrord, St., Alcuin’s kinsman, life of, xlii, 1037-43; companions of, 1074; inspired by Egbert, 1014-21; missionary activity of, 1014-21, 1074; Lives of, 1037-43; and see under Alcuin Winchester, 197 ff. Winwaed, battle of, 520 -1 , 565 ff. Wira, bishop o f Utrecht, 1074 Wulfhere, son o f Penda, 565 ff.

York, (arch-)bishops and (arch-)bishopric of, xxxvi, xl, xlv, xlvi, xlix-lxiv, cii, 202 ff., 296, 577 ff., 644-5, 847 ff., 863 -4 , 1084 ff., 1120-35, 1210-15, 1249-50, 1251-3, 1254 ff., 1259-60, 1268, 1277 ff., 1393, 1396, 1 3 9 7 ,1 4 5 0 -3 ,1 4 7 8 -9 ,1 4 8 0 1, 1488 ff.; and see Ælberht, Bosa, Chad, Eanbald I, Eanbald II, Eg­ bert o f York, Paulinus, Thomas o f Bayeux, Wilfrid I, Wilfrid II York, cathedral and churches of, exca­ vations at, lx-lxi and nn.; Roman basilica, possible site of, 220-2; Edwin’s church, lx, 197 ff., 2 20 -2 ; com pletion by Oswald, 2 20 -2 ; dis­ repair o f before Wilfrid I, 2 75 -8 3; Wilfrid’s repairs to, 577 ff.; grants by Ecgfrith to church o f St. Cuthbert’s, 646 ff.; Bosa’s endowments to, 847 ff.; used as mausoleum, 79


ff., 789, 1396; endowments o f Æ l­ berht to, 1488 ff.; Ælberht’s dedi­ cation o f altar to St. Paul, 1488 ff.; monasterium at, 1218; porticus of Gregory the Great in, 79 ff.; basilica o f Sancta Sophia, lx, 1507 ff., 151517; consecration o f Eardwulf, 1488 ff.; library of, lxv-lxxv, 1533-5, 1536 ff., 1558-62; cathedral com ­ munity of, XXXV, xlii, lvii York, city of, Roman, basilica at, 2202; buildings of, 19 ff.; centre o f land communications, 2 5-6; commerce at, 2 7-9; defences of, 27-9, 36-7; foundation of, lvii, 19 ff.; monu­ ments of, 19 ff.; site of, 30 ff.; royal residence at, 197 ff.; Frisian mer­ chants at, 3 5 -6 ; Saxon foederati at, 49 ff.; birth o f Edwin at, 91 ; metro­ polis used to describe, 202 ff.; thrymsas of, 36-7 York, school of, Alcuin master in 767, xxxvi; legendary origins of, lxi; Egbert and Ælberht’s roles, lxiilxiii; evidence o f intellectual life at, lxii-lxv; students at, 61 ‘York Annals’, xxxvii, lvi-lvii, lxiv, 1218, 1488 ff. ‘York Calendar’ , see under Calendarium

Eboracense metricum ‘York poem*, see Alcuin ‘York thrymsas\ see under thrymsas Yorkshire, East Riding of, 1122