360 87 18MB
English Pages 80 Year 1902
Sargent & Company M akers of
Artistic Hardware and F in e L o c k s 9 2 - 9 4 - 9 6 - 9 8 Centre Street 147-149-151-15-^ Leonard Street N e w York
Artistic D esign s, b o o h is published to illustrate the beautiful designs in Artistic H ardw are m anufactured by us and to enable you to select suitable trim m ings for your building if you so desire.
If your hardw are dealer cannot quote you
prices for the goods that you m ay select, have him send to us and we will give him prices.
you h a v e an a rc h ite c t’s specifications, get your hardw are m a n to send us a copy of the h ard w are w anted and we will m ake an e stim a te for him.
Our goods are m ade in proper proportions
and are right m echanically as well as being b e a u tiful in design.
W e furnish th e se artistic designs
in all desirable finishes.
bttSf of m etal deftly worked by skill ful artisans into handsom e trim m in g s for the doors and windows of beautiful hom es are e m b rac ed in the hardw are designs of S argent & Co.
People are selecting their trim m ings
with great ca re nowadays.
This book shows our
goods in groups, but we cannot illustrate the several finishes, heither does each group show all the goods of a design.
W e m ake every
thing in hardw are that is required for a building.
(c o l o n ia l )
(c o l o n ia l )
w r o u g h t
A D— A N T W E R P
( f l e m is h )
BRONZE b r o n z e
f ^OU propose builDing you cannot fail to be interested in the fine H ard w are shown in the groups in this book, nor will it pay you to ignore the claims th a t we m a k e for S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks.
W e say th a t they a re the
best goods m anufactured— best m ech an ism , best finish, best adapted for the purpose intended — but don’t you believe it simply be ca u se we say i t ; exam ine th e m yourself and we shall be satisfied.
In looking for our Easy Spring Locks,
be sure to see that of the lock.
is c a st on the case
( f r e n c h
A G— A R G O S
re n a is s a n c e )
(g re e k)
rooitt Dtffmnt if you so desire. F ro m this book you m ay se lec t one d e sign for the whole house and vary the finishes— Antique Copper,
Brass, Oxidized Silver,
V erde Antique, or any other finish— or you may select a different design for every floor, or you m ay choose to hav e every room different. For the parlor or library, the dining room or kitchen, a pleasing and satisfactory selection
can be
made, each piece adapted to its particular use, and all harmonizing with th e popular and modern styles of architecture.
(l 'a r t
(m o o ris h )
n o u v e a u
omfort tn
l)0inc is brought by the
use of S a rg e n t’s Locks ; suitable h a rd w are trim m ings add to the enjoyment.
this book you m ay select the designs which best suit your purpose, and we will furnish goods through your hardw are dealer that cannot fail to please. In looking for S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks, be sure th at you see
cast on
the case of the lock— don’t mind the label.
A R— A R A M I S
( c o lo n ia l)
anO t t a t should be considered in buying hardw are for any kind of a building.
Durable locks and trim m ings that will
stand all kinds of u s a g e — in other v/ords, S a r g e n t’s Easy Spring Locks and Artistic H ardw are — a re selected by careful people. T he better the building the better the trim m ings, but that does not m ean th at structures of m oderate cost can not be handsom ely t r i m m e d ; som e of our d e signs are very low in price.
(g re e k )
t\)e^ are beautiful
you m ust not
get the idea th a t they are extravagant. It will take only a few dollars to fit up your house with S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks and Artistic H ardware, and the difference in cost over ordi nary hardw are is trifling. This book will enable you to selec t what you like, and if you will talk to your hardw are dealer about it h e will give you the p r i c e s ;
if he cannot do so off-hand,
have him send to us and we will m a k e for him a n estim a te covering all your requirem ents.
B R— B E R G E R A C
( lo u is
(g re e k)
;rti0ttc tiarUioarr
adds m uch to the a p
pe aran ce of a building.
A beautiful d e
sign is pleasing to the eye of passers-by, and a satisfaction to the occupant of the house.
designs a re handsom e, and suitable for different styles of architecture.
Colonial houses should
be trim m ed with hardw are which will harmonize with that popular and ornate style of a rc h ite c ture.
F ro m the several Colonial Designs m ade
by us a selection can easily be made.
(c o l o n ia l )
( c o lo n ia l)
g ra D f applied to S a rg e n t’s Artistic H ardw are m e a n s that no better goods are m ade.
They a re intended for use in buildings
w here the best is required, and the best should be required in all buildings.
Daily use does not
injure good hardware, and locks and trim m ings m ade by us will stand the w ear and tea r in the hom e or store, the office or shop, the school or church.
T h e day of poor hardware for good
buildings is past.
C E— C L E R M O N T
(e m p ir e )
C F — C A L V I (uouis xvi)
tDlll p lta fiP ^OU*
A m an in Indiana,
who had just finished building a new honne in which he used S a rg e n t’s H ardw are, w r o te : “ One of th e nicest parts of our new hom e is S a rg e n t’s H ardw are ; I a m well pleased with it. A m glad 1 could not be induced to have any other.” W h e n a dealer says th at som e other hardw are is “ as good as S a rg e n t’s ,” he acknowledges that S a rg e n t’s is the standard.
D on’t be induced
to purchase substitutes said to be “ as good," but use the standard and feel satisfied.
(g re e k )
( c o lo n ia l)
’W^^or Colonial
we illustrate in this
num ber of designs.
W e m ake
also Cut Glass Knobs, Door Knockers, Door L a tch es and other reproductions of the hardware of form er days, which will be of particular interest to those whose buildings a re to be of the Colonial style.
T h ese trim m ings are shown
in a special “ Colonial” booklet, which will be sent on application.
C R— R A N D O L P H
(c o l o n i a l )
o r ^OU th e proposition is a simple one. You intend to build and you need hard ware.
H ardw are is a very necessary part of
any building.
It m ust be so m ade that it will
stand the wear and tea r of daily use.
If it
com bines beauty with the needed utility so m uch the better.
S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks are
strongly m ade.
T he Easy Spring red uces the
friction, saves w ear and tear, prolongs the life of the lock.
S a rg e n t’s E asy Spring Locks give
satisfaction. T h e re is beauty in S arg en t’s A rtistic H a rd ware.
No m atter what the style of architecture,
we have designs th at will c o n fo rm ; designs which are artistic and useful a s well.
C W —W E S T B R O O K
D F— D U N K I R K
(c o l o n i a l )
( fr e n c h )
^ ^ ^ ^ 'a t t 0 f a c t t o n is g l b c n all around when the J f e ^ / house is trim m e d with S a rg e n t’s H a rd ware.
T he arc h itec t is p leased because he
specified i t ; the owner is pleased e a ch tim e he looks at the trim m ings, be ca u se they add so m uch to the beauty of the h o m e ; and everybody is pleased with the working of S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks.
If you build to sell, or if for any
reason you want to dispose of your house a d vantageously, it is well to have it finished with artistic trim m ings, which cost so little over ordinary hardw are.
F — F R O N T E N A C
( c o lo n ia l)
(l o u is
x v
t l^ d p s
a house to have it trim m ed
oMlo with handsom e hardw are and supplied with high-grade locks.
S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks
and Artistic H ardw are add to the value of the house when it is on sale, and m ake it more attractive a t all tim es.
In this book we show
designs to suit every taste and to harm onize with different styles of architecture.
(f r e n c h
g o t h i c
( fr e n c h )
^agcment ^tnDoins anu iFrrncl) ^tnOOtDSr are com ing into m ore g en eral use, and for th e m we m ak e a com plete line of
trim m ings—C rem orne
Espagnolette Bars, Fasteners, Adjusters, etc. —which cannot be shown in a book like this. Your hardw are dealer should be able to assist you in the selection of such trim m ings, but if he is not, send us a detail drawing of the windows and we will give you the benefit of our experience.
G — G O T H A
(g o t h i c )
(c o l o n i a l )
(c o l o n i a l )
C a s t
B r o n z e
W r o u g h t B ronze
front Door o f a iio u se should re ceive special attention.
T he custom ary
method is to trim it with a Knob and E scutcheon of suitable size, selected from the designs in this book, an d a P ush
B utton to m atch for
operating the electric bell. For som e houses, Colonial
especially those in the
arch itectu re.
F ront
H andles a re more appropriate. W e m ake a num ber of h andsom e patterns that are shown in our Colonial booklet, which we will send if you are interested
in these
This Colonial book also shows Door
and other
(c o l o n ia l )
(c o l o n i a l )
c a s t
f mP-
H F— H A V E N
b r o n z e
w r o u g h t
( fr e n c h )
b r o n z e
all over this fair land are
m a d e so by com pleteness of detail. Fine woodwork trim m e d with artistic hardware, h a r monizing in finish and style, and locks th at are right in proportion, working nicely and giving security, are part of th e detail which S a rg e n t’s Artistic provide.
H ardw are
(g o t h i c )
J —J E L S I
(j t a l i a n )
utility of rac^) piece of S arg e n t’s A rtistic H ardw are m ak es it desirable for first-class dwellings everyw here.
Our designs
perm it a careful selection for doors of all sizes; we have trim m ings for windows and dressers which are not too big, not too small, but just right in size and co rrect in every detail.
all kinds of buildings, and in harm ony with all schools of architecture, we can furnish suitable trimmings.
(e n g lis h
g o t h i c
(g re e k )
tnoDern batt)rooni, with its porcelain ?! tub and snowy walls, requires the a c co m panim ent of H ardw are trim m ings finished to m atch th e plumbing. For this purpose we re c o m m e n d the plain designs m ade
either of nickel-plated
m etal or our “ E clipse” metal, a kind of white bronze, which is particularly desirable, and is easily kept clean and bright. Iron trim m ings should not be used in a bath room, as th e m oisture will c au se them to rust.
I- C
(c o l o n i a l )
(g re e k )
p t o p l c m ake their own selection of Hardware; om m endation
others depend upon th e r e c the
A rchitects
everywhere are specifying S a rg en t’s Hardware, and this book shows why.
Art m etal work,
correct in detail and harm onious in finish, is appreciated by those who ha v e m ade a study of such subjects.
M A — M A R IO N
a r t
n o u v e a u
(adam s)
S O n tf lorallttCSr the plain patterns are generally
preferred, and the trim m ings
shown on the following page a re the most es teem ed. T h e se patterns m ake a rich appearance in the highly polished natural Bronze color, and they take special finishes.
beautifully any of our
M B— M I L T O N S B —S T A F F O R D
(c o l o n i a l ) (c o l o n i a l )
c a s t
b r o n z e
w r o u g h t
( c o lo n ia l)
b r o n z e
armon^ can be sfccurcti
in fine houses
by the use of Artistic H ardw are of proper size and shape, m atching the woodwork and corresponding with the style
S a rg e n t’s H ardw are is harm onious in its details, and it can be furnished in all of the finishes that m odern taste requires.
M F— M O N T F O R T
(m o d e rn
f r e n c h )
M G— M I L O
(g re e k )
rtg^t tiling for tl^e rigl)t place can be se cu red if careful, personal attention is given to the selection of H ardware. S a rg e n t’s H ardw are com prises everything that is needed in a building; the front doors, side doors, interior doors, sliding doors, swinging doors, c a sem en t windows, F re n c h windows, double hung windows, swinging windows, transom s and all parts of the house can be fitted with trim mings that perform in the services that are required.
best m anner the
P E— E X E T E R
(r o m a n e s q u e )
(c o l o n i a l )
OUnt t\)t CO0t.
T h ere is no econom y in
the use of cheap hardw are ; in the long run it does not pay.
Durable locks and trim
mings that will last and give good service as long as the building stands are the kind you need for your new hom e.
S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks
and Artistic H ardw are stand the test. give satisfaction.
P R— P A R M A
re n a is s a n c e )
^ ^ 0 lU^ole f a m i l y
is in terested in the
selection of hardw are for the new hom e. It is an im portant m atter, but a selection can be easily m ade from the beautiful designs shown in this book.
Beautiful trim m ings add to the
finish of fine woodwork and increase the a t tractiveness of the hom e, while S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks, by their perfect construction and easy working, add to the comfort.
( ro c o c o )
)V& a matter of taste—to som e extent— this selecting hardw are trim m in g s ; th at is why we show so m any designs in this book. W ith the m any patterns there is no reason why a
be tastily
trim m e d with artistic and suitable hardw are a t a very small advance upon the cost of the poor stuff so frequently used.
Good hardw are stands
the w ear and te ar of every-day use.
R F— R O Y A N
( lo u is
( c o lo n ia l)
t IS p o s s i b l e for you to select for your house the
sa m e
trim m ings
th at
neighbor selects, but it is not a t all probable as our styles are so varied and ta ste s are so dif ferent.
If, however, you fear duplicating, and
want som ething exclusively your own, w e can m ake it for you from your own designs, but, of course, the expense will be m uch g re ater than if you should select any of the beautiful designs shown in this book.
S A —S P A R T A
(i t a l i a n )
(g re e k )
f tie importance of t\)t l^arutoare
is not
realized by all people. W h e n it is, more care is used in its selection, and the result is that the hom e is beautified with but slight, if any, increase in cost, and the occupants experience the pleasure that com es with the use of trim mings that are appropriate and correspond with the other fittings of the building.
S C —S t O C K B R I D G E
S D— D A K O T A
( c o lo n ia l)
( c o l o n i a l )
substantial ^OUSie, with m assive
doors, large windows, and an appearance which prom ises y ears
of service, should be
trim m ed with hardw are corresponding with its solidity. S o m e of the designs shown in this book are m ade in sizes which would be proper for this use, and S a rg e n t’s Locks— especially the heavier styles— a r e solid and substantial, suit able for any building in which they m ight be u s e d ; they a re intended for active service as long as the building stands.
S F —ST. D E N I S
{ lo u is
■Tr .-g;!;11m nijjut,'tigyw yi i
s p a f ite r IScp
may be as
successfully applied to hom es as it is to hotels and office buildings.
W e can supply
locks each of which has its individual key that will open no other door but the one for w hich it is intended, and yet all the locks m ay be under the control of a M aster Key w hich is carried by the owner himself.
T he convenience of this
system, which can be exten ded to the stable, the garage, the factory, an d the store, will appeal to m any m en who would substitute one key for the many they are now compelled to carry.
T F —T O U L O N
re n a is s a n c e )
( fr e n c h )
lerdonal attention to the selection of hardw are will be to your advantage and you will be repaid m any tim es for any trouble you m ay take.
T he trim m ings illustrated in this
book ha v e a decorative value that is appreciated by those whose object is to m a k e the ho m e com plete in all its appointments.
( fr e n c h
U G— U L Y S S E S
re n a is s a n c e )
(g re e k)
^OU Oon’t quite Ufee one design, look Li> through this book and select som ething
that will just satisfy you.
If you fall in love with
more than one style of ornam entation, follow out the suggestion m ade elsew here and select different trim m ings for different room s.
All our
H ardw are m ay be depended upon for constant service, and, in connection with our Easy Spring Locks, will last a lifetime.
V —V E N D O M E
( lo u is
V F— V E R N O N
fijlectton o f finislirs^ affords opportunity for difference in taste. W e finish our Bronze Metal and B rass Goods in a variety of shadings and colorings—som e with polished surfaces and others with th e sanded effect. W e have Silver Plated, Gold Plated, N ickel Plated, V erde Antique and “ R ustless Iron” F inishes, as well as many others.
Your hardw are dealer
should have on exhibition sam ples of our differ ent finishes from which you can choose.
V R— V E R O N A
W —W I C K F O R D
re n a is s a n c e )
n im poitant point to be considered by hom e-builders is that the order for the hardw are should be placed early, not waiting until the house is ready for the trim m ings. S a rg e n t’s A rtistic H ardw are is m ad e in great variety, and a s tastes differ in the m a tte r of designs and finishes, each order m ust be handled separately and given special attention in the various departm ents of a very busy factory. W e suggest, therefore, that you m ake your selection of designs and place your order for hardw are as soon as the building is started, and so give us the tim e we need to properly attend to the order when your dealer sends it to us.
W G —W E S T M I N S T E R
(g o th ic )
Y— Y G R A N D E
( lo u is
^ t o r e EDOOr
(used also for the
front doors of dwellings) we m anufacture in an almost endless variety.
Illustrated h e r e
with are two of the m ost elaborate and popular patterns for fine work.
Although those shown
are fitted for S a rg e n t’s Cylinder Locks, we also furnish fine Store Door Handles with F lat K ey Locks as well.
Easy Spring Locks I ^ ^ K a r g C n t ’S Easy Spring enables the L atch Bolt to work very freely, so that the door does not have to be slam m ed nor stand ajar, but latches gently as it is closed.
T his is a c c o m
plished by using a good stiff spiral spring, with a long leverage for the L atch Bolt and a direct pull for the Knob, thus producing the desirable combination of
Easy on th e Latch Bolt Firm on the Knob The Spring cannot rub on the case, and it is impossible for it to bow or to get out of position. W orking in a direct line, and so short a distance, without friction, gives great durability—no springs to be replaced, nothing to get out of order.
S a rg en t’s Easy Spring
S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Lock.
To insure getting
the Easy Spring, be sure th a t you see cast on the case of the lock— don’t mind the label.
C ylinder Locks t e a t security and a small key a re d e sirable features, which, when com bined with our famous E asy Spring principle, produce
S argen t’s Cylinder Locks the best in the world.
T he application of the
Easy Spring to our Cylin der Locks is not shown in the cut on preceding page, but it is the sa m e prin ciple, and it produces the sa m e results in all of our Easy Spring Locks, both Cylinder and Bit-Key. S a r g e n t ’s
C y lin d e r
Locks are m ade in differ ent styles for the different classes of work, all using the sa m e small key, so handy to carry.
“ G ently as a W h is p e r '’ of the most experienced a rc h ite cts in this country, who has used S a rg e n t’s Easy Spring Locks in his own house, w r ite s : “ T he E asy Spring Lock m ade by your firm is simply perfection.
T h e door will close as gently
as a whisper without any resistance whatever from the lock.” A rch itects everyw here are now specifying
S argen t’s Easy Spring Locks and hom e-builders are insisting upon their use. They give satisfaction and they will last as long as the building stands.