140 48 68MB
English Pages 62 Year 1956
You hear it all the time: " Who 's responsib le?" In lots of cases, it's right hard to pin down, but not so when it comes to Preventive Maintenance. Yessir. The Who 's Responsible for Preventive Maintenance is right there in black -and-white - in AR 750-5 (23 Jan 53). Just scoot down to paras 9 and 10.
have got to see that their men carry out Preventive Maintenance procedures and instructions right. They 've got to make sure each man is trained in how to do his Preve ntive Mainte nanc e job. And, they 've got to give their men e nough time to get that job done right. that's As to Who's Responsible for actually doing th e job? That's easy. you, the man who operates , uses or wears Army equipment. And you mechanics and armorers who have special tools and the know-how for doing the real complicated work. You 're the men who get the job done- and done right- so your equipment, your own unit and th e whole Army will be ready if and when th e time " Then, " you say, " for the showdown , I'm responsible. " Exactly right.
You hear it all the time: "Who's responsib le?" In lots of cases, it's right hard to p in down, but not so when it comes to Preventive Maintenance. Yessir. The Who 's Responsible for Preventive Maintenance is right th e re in black -and .white - in AR 750-5 (23 Jan 53). Just scoot down to paras 9 and 10.
Published by the De,artment of the .Army for the informa· tion of organizational maintenance and supply personnel. Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limitationsofavailability,older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency. Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE DEPARTMENTS· Connie Rodd Half-Mast Armament Quartermaster Chemical Engineer Contributions Connie Rodd's Briefs
ME! have got to see that their men carry out Preventive Maintenance procedures and instructions right. Th ey've got to make sure each man is trained in how to do his Preventive Maintenance job. And, they've got to give their men enough time to get that job done right. As to Who's Re sponsible for actually doing the job? That 's easy. that's you, the man who operates, uses or wears Army equipme nt. And you me chanics and armorers who have spec ial tools and the know -h ow for doing th e real compli· cated work. You're the men who get the job done-and done righ t-so your equipmen t, you r own unit and the whole Army will be ready if and when the time " Then," you soy, " for the showdown, Exactly right.
"m responsible."
12 29 32 38 40 42 46 49
M48 Tank Turret Taboos General Mechanic's Tool Set Handling Radioactive Tubes (Cartoon Section) M62 Wrecker Warning Light Cold Weather Care for FCS Missile Notes Forklift Guards Smoke Generators Rix Capping Compressors Automobile Hoist
16 21 29 34 36 38 40 44 46
PS wants" your ideas and contributions, and is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: Srt Half·Mast, PS, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey, Names and ad· dresses are kept in confidence. hf ..1I11III of " _III .. , 1111 P'ltf(IITtn MAlIIUII.lleI JlllIITIIlY, h - " " , " 1111 Ilnctlr, ...... II 1111 a.Ipt {( .... 53), . . I, 11••1"," • hi ...., IISnllllTlCNI, acnu ..... ', ... Ud, ,-,{I)""",, DCSI'lI(2), DCI\.M (III; U, I. (l); ' " h., 0.. (1) I_lit CIIIIIII (JI), COfG •• 12(1), 1_ (25); . . . 1. & TN (I); II~ c.....e till; II .... c., {I);.S .... c., (S); MI. ('); .... 10' (51); ell" (S); Dh (1) "'""" .... ahl (111); "II (l); hI1J~' (l), II (I), u (m uceM IiIeII C. I'); II I C. (I), II. , II' Sft Soli (I) UAIlt I ... Soli (1111, ... 'cIo(n), IIIIIScIo(2'S),HMl(H);JllotS"'(I);S,..lIollltSclo(S); " " ' ( l ) "_I I'VST Dr' •• n: Uoill (n); III u.,.ts II); $H, kI a ... ts (,), ..... ts (I); ... ''''_IC.,(lll);.II ·(I);Iff",, · fole .. (1I1), SIIIII. Iuo,.rs''(lI), ' ... T... l..le.'m,.nor'... I..I(J),OIS .......II.(2I;"I(OS)!S);NII), A..... I.I2'), CMUMUCOM"(25); II (:1); t ... fllajot c.. (1"/'1); Cflil 1IIa'- 511 1111 IhI 1... (1)0""'". . 1 . . . . . ."1... (11); tilt I ... {ttl. . . , SWllt •• s,ocllot Ult.I/S..,MilIIotSI!IdIIUlt.r.. l .. illllloeef .....IIfIfII_ ...
Published by the Department of the Army for the informa· tion of organizational maintenance and supply personnel. Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limitations of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from Preventive Maintenance Agency. Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE Connie Rodd Half-Mast Armament Quartermaster Chemical Engineer Contributions Connie Rodd's Briefs
12 29 32 38 40 42 46 49
FEATURE ARTICLES M48 Tank Turret Taboos General Mechanic's Tool Set Handling Radioactive Tubes (Cartoon Sectionl M62 Wrecker Warning Light Cold Weather Care for FCS Missile Notes Forklift Guards Smoke Generators Rix Capping Compressors Automobile Hoist
16 21 29 34 36 38 40 44 46
PS wants your ideas and contributions, and is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: Set Half·Mast, PS, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey: Names and ad· dresses are kept in confidence. n.t ",,,,.., If P'S 111....1.., till "EUIfTIU 1II.,lInlllllCE IIIllInlLl. Is -""I tile 1'''-, of tile . .It 51), .... at 1111_, "llIIIaTlOII, ACTIYl alII', C.. Sid, .. " I .... Jt Dell'll DeSUC (Ill: U, "(1);T"'... ' .. (I) .... JtCctf(JI5l(1I). COfG.ICZl1), TGIIICC2S): .... I• • T••
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U . g force to insert the splined . sln l 'vot shaft which holds the . (AA) mount stee pi .50.c~\ machine gU,n 010 This '. to the commander s cup shaft fits into a soft brass b~shln9,
and the splines on the bush.n,g ~~: to damage if yOU don t easy . h 'th those on the em up ng t WI • take steel shaft. Toke your hmeyour time .,.
. t;'j
leaving the ran
~' i: ,~~:
t'ave' 'ock (
9,e f,"de, out of M.48's only) the front end of Ih . This lock-on -is there to h Id ,e range finder it from $wjngj~ ;:esteady, k~ep about and dam g. e, slamming when it's not
09109 Your optics.
LOCK ITWRONG 'O*? ~~ttin9 the ran . It S on th ge dnYe (T.25 "0" e early 4A's) at th '"
U . 9 force to insert the splined . Sin,
'vot shaft which holds the
stee pi
50-cal machine gun
h h fits into a soh brass bushmg, :nad the splines on the bushin,g ~re easy to damage if you don t !tne em up right with those on the steel shaft, Take your time-take your time ",
prior to b
(AA) mount
~o the commander's cupola, ~
f}. .. '
e wrong
will turn
range scales on t~~:;'~htjn9. The two COmplete tu
a lot of confu r~s-which causes theY're SIOn as to 'Nh th' at the right "0" T en '"9S straight , . 0 get
knob COunte
" urn
locks; then sfo~;
the range
until it
to "0". Now ytu~n'tclockwjse ready, she S right and
~ ".
-" v "
tM\ .{//.
, .\; '
TRAVELING? le av in g th tr av el n lo cke ra . I w he n it's n t .e ar y fonder ou t of th f MAS's on 0 In us e. This lo ck ly ) e ro nt en -o -i s th er e d of th . to h Id " ra ng e fond n it from er ab ou t an d do . ' si am m ag ln 9 yo ur opm m g tic s.
swingi~g ~:es~ead
y, k~ep
WRONG '0 '1 ~etting
It'S on th e fo n . e ea "0 " pr io rl ~~,dnve (T·25 r to Y b 5) ~t th e w ro ng ra ng
~t-~'~ht turns~ nv ing.
e scales on
tw o co m
, a
pl et e
.e wi ll tu rn of co nf us io n wh,ch ca us es re at th e right th in gs st w he ra ig ht t o . To gen kn ob co un te r" ~l o~ rn locks; then ~he ra ng et 51 I kW lse to "0 ". until Noo:ytu~ni tdockwiseit re ad y. sh e s rig ht an d
.~s .~o
circuit s which eleva te the gun tube when it's traver sed over the rear deck. Should your tube be hangi ng low when the switch is flippe d, the gun may immed iately elevote ... which can smash up anythi ng under the breech , including somebody's leg. (You can get similar troubles if your contro l handle s are not in neutra l when the switch is flipped .)
Allowing the bore evacu ator to partial ly hang onto the end of the gun tube when remov ing it. This'll foul the thin seal on the rear inside of the evacu ator. When remov ing or installing the evacu ator, keep its center line paralle l with the center line of the gun tube.
Screw evacu ator forwa rd firmly agains t the muzzl e brake after the key has been compl etely inserte d in the muzzl e brake keywa y-like your TM says. 4