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English Pages 61 Year 1956
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That's one quescions always asked by ope . r and mechanics who want to d t aintcnance jobs out don't know . to get the publications now your tro ubles are over. The army as come up with a new they tlt:~ ~ meth( , ~ getting those much-needed publications to you-the man who really n ~ and uses 'em. In adaition to TM's, this new merhod'l1 get you Supply ~~s. Lubrication Orders, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins and Modi· $:.). tion Work Orders. How does it work? Draw yo~ frosty one, have.. a pretzel, and lend an ear. You now get your publi~~ u st like you get your ~arts. Yep, thac's right -same channels as you do ~~arcs. This means i ~ you're hurrin' for an Ord· nance publication, you ee~~ t theu your Ordnance Property Officer. If it's for Engineer equipment d~~ 're missing a publication, order thru your Engineer Prope;:riy Officer. ~ r)'gh t on down the line w.ith the other . Technical se v · . stallation propereyofficers I 'em TSIPO's) are respoosibl
~ atic distributio~f
M's, lO's, TB's, S8's, ,and MWO's to the using unit (that's you.) 2. Automatic distribution of any new or revised publications. ~ 3. Replacing all maintenance pub- ~.""i"'/.;'''1:~:> lications xou 've worn out or lost. ~ 4. Making sure you have the right kind and right amountofpubIkations on hand to take care of your equipment like you should. If you're overseas ~et your publications the same way. Your TSIPO is a R::J~ imporcant guy. He nOt only can tell you what publications are av~ in your area, bue he also knows just what publications ~~ you can put y :;.~. on ... and what new publications have rolled off the pre~ and what 01 u lications have been revised. ~ Of c9.9r~u still requisition publications on DA Form 17. ~ A
~at you can quote in case you run across one of those "~~ 0" tter from Department of the ~ rmy, Office of the A~ jU eneral, s mgton 25, D. C, dated 2 Dec 55, file AGAM·P (M) 4 ( . ov 55) , ~ ,SUBJECT: Distribution of Supply arid Maintenance Pu aUons. H
&~ • • ~ No Sw~~etting 'Em ~U'YV. ~do
T~ need?" ~~
"How in the I get that I . That's one o~i; questio~ always asked by ope r and mechan~cs ~ho want to d t aintenance Jobs hut don't know to get the publtcatlons they 11C'\.~~ now your troubles are over. The army as come up with a new methQtl ~,\, getting those much-needed publications to you-the man who really n ~"1« and uses 'em. fn addition to TM's, this new method'll get you Supply ~~s, Lubrication Orders, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins and ModiK2 don Work Orders. How does it work? Draw you ~II frosty one, have a pretzel, and lend an ear. You now get your publi~1tfjtst like you gc~ yo ~,parts. ~e~. that's right -same channels as you do ~v.arts. This means l~ YOU rc hurnn for an Ordnance publication, you gf~~t thru your Ordnance Pr6 perty Officer. If it's for Engineer equipment t~ 're missing a publication, order thru your En.gineer Property Officer. ~ r!gh i: on down the line with the other Technical se v . stallation prop~,......,.., ~-",,ecry officers I 'em TSIPO's) are ~=----===-r responsibl matic distribution of M's, lO's, T8's, 58's, ,and MWO's to the using unit (that 's you.) 2. Automotic distribution of any new or revised publications. ~ 3. Rep lacing all maintenance pub- ~ lica tions you've worn out or lost. ~ 4. Making sure you have the right kind and rightamountofpub· liGations o n hand to take ca re of your equipment like you should. If you're overseas y~et your publications the same way. Your TSIPO is a n;:dl. important guy. He not only can tell you what pub. lications are avWai in your area , but he also knows JUSt what publications .4... ~ you can puty u ;.%.iJ· on ... and what new publications have rolled off the pre~ and what 01 u lications have been revised. " It ~ Of c r u still requisition publications on DA Form 17. ~ H" at you can quote in case you elln across onc of those 0" ~ tree from Departmenc of the Arm. y, Office of the Ad j..u~~ eneral, ~1ifngton 25, D. C, dated 2 Dec 55, file AGAM·P (M) ~~ ov 55) , , SUBJECT: Distribution of Supply and Maintenance Pugjltatlons.
«WI '
luu. No. 49
Published by the Department of tlte Army for the information of orlanizational maintenance and 'supply personnel. Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limitations of availability, older issues may be obtai ned direct from Preven· tive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey
IN THIS ISSUE FEATURE. ARTICLES KHping those Vehicles in Tune . Maintenance of Fan Belts . BaHery Care (Cartoon Section) Testing Your .3O-c:al·M37 Machine Gun Clark Model 45 Planeloader . Cure for Sticky Gas Pedals
16 21 lS 36 45
DEPARTMENTS Connie Rodd . Half-Most. Armament Quartermaster Chemical Engineers . Contributions . Connie Rodd's Briefs Perpetual Index· .
29 32 36 38 40 44 47
PS wants your ideas and contributions, and ,is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: Sit Half-Mast, PS, Raritan Arsenal. Metuchen, N. J. Names and addresses are kept in confidence.
'*" ..","'. _, c... ft, c,
Tn ".~., II lIIil PAiiuliu HI lilt 8ire~lIr .1 lilt kflll I' In kdllt (21 iF. lUi). DISTRIBUT10N , ACTIn Uln, , .. SUI, " (1) II",' Dcsm (t); ss, ~ (I), Tet Sft. " (5) mept COf£NtRS (IS) cllfo.n (m), Adlli. I TI~ Sn III (5): IfII ~lIWt (11); os Ihi IS!; os lut C.., (3): IDW U): AnliIl(SI):CD[JS(3): Dif(2}flce,tAno'Dit(ll111);8'*1(l):'rlt/C,(3): h(5), CI (1) tI~1 till til (II lid C. (II 01 C. (I), 1&), GtI' Sf S", St~ (~) tlU,1 E"It 5th (1.) Or. $Q (Z5); IISMJ IZ5): Joi,1 Sa (5): S,tcillisl Sell I~~ '1ST (3)
'MST Ofd RlITC hill (25): GI. O.pell IS): Sill
Cli Depotl
(5): a.,.ts(SI:'. (S): us ar., Till til (51), I'OE (OS)(3~ T"'I h ....nI C.., (31. T. .iuI (31: os S., ~ (7): " (5), "1..11, (n~ o. (U): trlil Mail Sta (3): lit btrl2l: 'isl hlJ (%I). 1tC: Statile Sjlltciallilt. US.., IU 1111
Ult. hI'
UfIIuti. 11 IMmialiHI fief $II sa 321-Sf.1.
luue No. 49
1956 Series
Published by the Department of-the Army for the information of organizational maintenance and supply personnel. Distribution is made through normal publication channels. Within limitations of availability, older issues'may be obtained direct from Preven· tive Maintenance Agency, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey
IN THIS ISSUE FEATURE. ARTICLES Keeping those Vehicles in Tune . Maintenance of Fan Belts. Battery Core (Cartoon Sedionl Testing Your .30-col M37 Machine Gun Clark Model 45 Plonelooder . Cure for Sticky Gas Pedals
16 21 3'5 36 45
DEPARTMENTS Connie Rodd . Half-Most. . Armament Quartermaster Chemical Engineers . Contributions . Connie Rodd's Briefs Perpetual Index- .
29 32 36 38 40 44 47 48
PS wants your ideas and contributions, and .is glad to answer your questions. Just write to: Sgt Half·Mast, PS, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, N. J. Names and addresses are kept in confidence. n, ,rIotil, . , lIIil 'I~igtil' ~u HI'I ""ond ~, 1111 Dile~lIr If Ibl krul II 1111 Bud", (21 l,tf. 115&). GISTRIBUnON, AcmE UMY, eel SuI, OA m IUflIl DCSPER (%): $S, OA (1); II~Sn, DA(S) IUlplCOFEMGRS (IS) CIlfOIn(21S); !!hIi. 1 Sn 84 (5); III! COMUC (11); 9S Mlj C.... ISl; os BUf CI.' (3): MOW (5): Anlin (9); COif' (3); Dif (t) u~e,'mod Oil (101); Brit (ll: AelVep (3): BI (5): CI (11) tI~tJll till C. (I) Med CI (II QM C. (I): Ft 1 C_ (6): Gu , Br $" Se~ (5) lIet,1 EaV Sm (lit) Or~ Su (15); USIU (2Sj; Jail! S~~ (5): S,eciallsl Se~ (~): 'Mn (3) lI~tJlt PMST O.d ROTC Ulils (25): GeQ De,,11 (5): S., SIC. Gil nepoll (5); Dr,.\! (5); AM (5): US lrIIJ' I., C,. ($I); POE (OS) (3~ Trill 1e.IliDil Co.; (1):
mol 11l1Iilll (3); ns Slip A&udH (7): " (5): ~le.:tIs 1m DB rm: Croit Mar. SU (3); Di, £IV (2): Disl lIV (21). 11/:, Stili AG Splcial ti,l USU, M~ Dill s,.~iaI
UII. rtf Ilflwlin l'iMII'"illi'ISlIt' Set S. 320·51-1.
KEEPING THOSE VEHICLES IN !Je :Jformula on (/Compression First off, after lifting the hood, take out the spark plugs and lay them aside on a clean surface.
Then take compression gage (Ord Stock No. 41-G124) from your second echelon tool kit and go from
cylinder to cylinder checkjog compression. Meanwhile
your buddy's cranking the engine (at least four complete revolutions) until you
During test, throttie and chokt; should be opened all the way (choke knob on dash pushed all the way in) and the engine should be at normal operating temperature ..
0' "\ .
~", ,'. ' ,',
:::,:r. reading on 'he ga~ge ~~~,:/E
~ ~" ~-1/llifI
.~.• . -~
~ ~ --- ~
_tb.1arr:: Good batteries are needed since a tfue test depends on engine cranking speed. To make sure of an accurate reading recheck first cylinder after checking the others.
'I ~
If this cylinder checks lower than the first time, the have weakened. The readings then for the other cylinders were probably lower than what they really are because of low cranking speed. If that's the way she shows up, check her again, this time with fully charged batteries.
. 10
~~-= -
!Je jformu{a on Fics(off,afrcr lifting the hood, take Out the spark plugs and lay them aside on a clean surface.
your buddy's crankmg the
~ "
engine (at least four com-
Then take compression gage (Ord Stock No. 41-G124) from your secood echelon tool kit and go from cylinder to cylinder checkiog compression. Meanwhile
During test, throttie and chokt; shou ld be opened all the way (choke knob on dash pushed all the way in) and the engine should be at normal operating temperature ..
plete revolutions) until you
::::te:. reading on the
ga~ge :;\~~LE
~ ~"
~-1/II ,t'1
batteries are needed since a (cue test depends on engine cranking speed. To make sure of an accurate reading recheck first cylinder after checking the others.
'i ~
. ~ ~"!'
If this cy linder checks lower than the first time, the batteries have weakened. The readings then for the ocher cylinders were probably lower than what chey really are because of low cranking speed. If that's che way she shows up, check her again, this time with fully charged batteries. ~t
JM!!Stic lttabingS on IComprtSSion ICbart