Orthopedic Physical Assessment [7 ed.] 9780323522991, 2020931964

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Table of contents :
Front Matter
Preface to the Seventh Edition
1. Principles and Concepts
2. Head and Face
3. Cervical Spine
4. Temporomandibular Joint
5. Shoulder
6. Elbow
7. Forearm, Wrist, and Hand
8. Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine
9. Lumbar Spine
10. Pelvis
11. Hip
12. Knee
13. Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
14. Assessment of Gait
15. Assessment of Posture
16. Assessment of the Amputee
17. Primary Care Assessment
18. Emergency Sports Assessment
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Orthopedic Physical Assessment [7 ed.]
 9780323522991, 2020931964

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ORTHOPEDIC PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT David J. Magee, PhD, BPT, CM Professor Emeritus Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, MEd, SCS, ATC, CSCS Professor Wichita State University Department of Physical Therapy Via Christi Ascension Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy Wichita, Kansas, United States

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Elsevier 3251 Riverport Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63043

ORTHOPEDIC PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT, SEVENTH EDITION Copyright © 2021 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-­0-­323-­52299-­1

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Bernice Sharon Magee 1945–2019 “My Rock and the Family’s Glue”

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Preface to the Seventh Edition In 2014, when I completed the 6th edition of Orthopedic Physical Assessment, I thought it would be the last revision that I would do. Fortunately, I have been given an opportunity by Elsevier to do a 7th edition of the book and to work with the individual who will take over as author/editor of Orthopedic Physical Assessment–Dr. Robert Manske, who will work with my irreplaceable developmental editor, Bev Evjen, on any future editions. With the support of Elsevier, I believe the book is in good hands. I remember when the first edition was printed and Elsevier told me they were going to print a first run of 8000 copies. All I could think about was “how long would it take to sell 8000 copies when I only taught 40 physical therapy students a year?” The book went through three printings in the first year and the rest, as they say, “is history!” To do something in your life and have it succeed well beyond all of one’s expectations, hopes, and dreams has been very gratifying and hugely rewarding. The support of people who have provided input and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and their input has contributed greatly to the book. The support of these people, my models for the photos in the book, my students, and my family are greatly appreciated. When the first edition was published in 1987, I hoped at that time that I would be able to develop a series of books that would meet the needs of rehabilitation clinicians in the area of musculoskeletal conditions. With the assistance of the other editors, James Zachazewski, Sandy Quillen, and Rob Manske, and with a number of experts in their respective fields, my dream became a reality with the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, with Orthopedic Physical Assessment being the cornerstone of the book series. In this edition of Orthopedic Physical Assessment, information has been updated in all of the chapters with several

new tests and figures, especially in the area of concussions and assessment of the hip. The tables on the reliability and validity of many of the special tests and the examples of many functional tests have been moved to the Student Consult website, where they are available electronically for those who want them. Reliability studies for testing show variability in their outcomes, so key tests are highlighted using different icons because the value of the tests have been demonstrated clinically and/or statistically that they contribute to determining what the problem is. Hopefully, this will help students and clinicians determine which tests could be effective depending on the pathology being presented. These special tests do not replace a good history or examination. This book, as the title suggests, is about assessing for musculoskeletal pathology. It is not a pathology textbook. As part of the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, the companion book to Orthopedic Physical Assessment is Pathology and Interventions in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, which goes into much greater detail on pathological conditions and their treatment. As “bookends” to these two books, Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation provides information on healing of different tissue types, pain and aging, and the principles of different types of practice to treat different musculoskeletal tissue types; while Athletic and Sport Issues in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation deals with more acute injuries and issues related to the more active individual, specific groups, and specific activities as they relate to sport. David J. Magee, PhD, BPT, CM 2020

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Acknowledgments The writing of a book such as this, although undertaken by two people, is, in reality, the bringing together of ideas, concepts, and teachings developed and put forward by colleagues, friends, clinicians, and experts in the field of musculoskeletal assessment. When the book was first published in 1987, I had no idea of how successful it would be. It has succeeded in becoming more than I could have ever imagined in seven languages. In particular, for this edition, I would like to thank the following people: My family, especially my wife, Bernice, for putting up with my moods and idiosyncrasies, especially at 4 a.m.! Bev Evjen, our irreplaceable developmental editor and friend. Without her help, encouragement, persistence, and eye for detail, this edition, as with previous editions and in fact the whole Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, would not be what it is. Rob Manske, who has agreed to author Orthopedic Physical Assessment going forward. I believe the book is in good hands and will be well looked after in the future. Judy Chepeha, who has acted as the clinician model through five editions of the book. Her support and willingness to be part of the book has greatly enhanced it and added consistency to the book. Our undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students from Canada, the United States, Brazil, Chile, and Japan, who provided us with many ideas for revisions, collected many of the articles used as references, and helped us with many of the tables. The many authors and publishers, who were kind enough to allow us to use their photographs, drawings, and tables in the text so that explanations could be clearer and more easily understood. Without these additions, the book would not be what we hoped for. Ted Huff and Jodie Bernard, our medical illustrators, whose skills and attention to detail have made a significant contribution to the success of Orthopedic Physical Assessment.

Our photographer, Brian Gavriloff, whose photographic talents added immeasurably to the book. Dr. Andrew Porter for many of the radiographic images he provided for the diagnostic imaging portions of the book. Our models, Tanya Beasley, Paul Caines, Lee-­Anne Clayholt, Carolyn Crowell, Michelle Cuthbert, Vanessa de Oliveira Furino, Devon Fraser, Ian Hallworth, Nathaniel Hay, Sarah Kazmir, Megan Lange, Tysen LeBlanc, Dolly Magee, Shawn Magee, Theo Magee, Tommy Magee, Harry Magee, Henry Magee, Nicole Nieberding, Judy Sara, Paula Shoemaker, Holly Stevens, Ben Stout, Brandon Thome, Veronica Toy, Joan Matthews-­White, and Yung Yung Wong, whose patience and agreement to be models for the many explanatory photographs and videos is very much appreciated. Brent Davis, Luke Kriley, and Jameson Fay, who researched and updated the tables of psychometric properties of the Special Tests for this edition. My colleagues, who contributed ideas, suggestions, radiographs, and photographs, and who typed and reviewed the manuscripts. The people at WB Saunders (Elsevier), especially Kathy Falk who has guided me and supported me through several editions and Lauren Willis, Sarah Vora, and Rachel McMullen for their ideas, suggestions, assistance, and patience for this edition. My teachers, colleagues, and mentors, who encouraged me to pursue my chosen career. To these people and many others—thank you for your help, ideas, and encouragement. Your support played a large part in the success and completion of this book. David J. Magee, PhD, BPT, CM 2020

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Acknowledgments I would first and foremost like to thank David Magee for allowing me to help with this 7th edition of Orthopedic Physical Assessment. I commonly refer to this text as the “Orthopedic Bible.” I feel extremely blessed to have David mentor me through the process of revising a book of this magnitude and significance. Despite many unexpected events during this revision, David has always been gracious, kind, and patient with me through this process. It is never easy to give up control. However, he has slowly and patiently handed me pieces of rope, bit by bit, making sure that he did not give me enough to hang myself. He has taught me so much more than he will ever realize— things like taking pride in your work, overall work ethic, attention to detail, dependability, fairness, honesty, integrity, and humility to name just a few. The 7th edition of Orthopedic Physical Assessment with David and Bev will probably be one of my proudest work accomplishments. Secondly, I want to thank Bev Evjen. David told me many years ago when we worked on our Athletic and Sport Issues book, how important Bev is to Orthopedic Physical Assessment and the whole Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series. That was a complete understatement. This process

would not work without Bev’s unyielding friendship, attention to detail, persistence, and amazing organizational skills. She is an amazingly, wonderful person who is always looking out for our best interests. Thank you, Bev! Thirdly, I would like to thank the faculty, staff, and students at Wichita State University where I have worked for the last 23 years, all of my many colleagues I have worked with at various Via Christi–Ascension locations in Wichita over the last 25 years, and past and present patients who allow me to use the various tests from this book to help determine their orthopedic issues. They all drive me to continue to enhance my education and become not only a better teacher, but more importantly a better clinician. You are all incredibly talented therapists and staff and your friendship means so much to me. Finally, thank you to my beautiful wife, Julie, and our unbelievable children, Rachael, Halle, and Tyler. Thank you for adding so much to my life. Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, MEd, SCS, ATC, CSCS 2020

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C H A P TE R 1

Principles and Concepts A musculoskeletal assessment requires a proper and thorough systematic examination of the patient. A correct diagnosis depends on a knowledge of functional anatomy, an accurate patient history, diligent observation, and a thorough examination. The differential diagnosis process involves the use of clinical signs and symptoms, physical examination, a knowledge of pathology and mechanisms of injury, provocative and palpation (motion) tests, and laboratory and diagnostic imaging techniques. It is only through a complete and systematic assessment that an accurate diagnosis can be made. The purpose of the assessment should be to fully and clearly understand the patient’s problems, from the patient’s perspective as well as the clinician’s, and the physical basis for the symptoms that have caused the patient to complain. As James Cyriax stated, “Diagnosis is only a matter of applying one’s anatomy.”1 One of the more common assessment recording techniques is the problem-­oriented medical records method, which uses “SOAP” notes.2 SOAP stands for the four parts of the assessment: Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. This method is especially useful in helping the examiner to solve a problem. In this book, the subjective portion of the assessment is covered under the heading Patient History, objective under Observation, and assessment under Examination. Although the text deals primarily with musculoskeletal physical assessment on an outpatient basis, it can easily be adapted to evaluate inpatients. The primary difference is in adapting the assessment to the needs of a bedridden patient. Often, an inpatient’s diagnosis has been made previously, and any continuing assessment is modified to determine how the patient’s condition is responding to treatment. Likewise, an outpatient is assessed continually during treatment, and the assessment is modified to reflect the patient’s response to treatment. Regardless of which system is selected for assessment, the examiner should establish a sequential method to ensure that nothing is overlooked. The assessment must be organized, comprehensive, and reproducible. In general, the examiner compares one side of the body, which is assumed to be normal, with the other side of the body, which is abnormal or injured. For this reason, the examiner must come to understand and know the wide variability in what is considered normal. In addition, the

examiner should focus attention on only one aspect of the assessment at a time, for example, ensuring a thorough history is taken before completing the examination component. When assessing an individual joint, the examiner must look at the joint and injury in the context of how the injury may affect other joints in the kinetic chain. These other joints may demonstrate changes as they try to compensate for the injured joint. Each chapter ends with a summary, or précis, of the assessment procedures identified in that chapter. This section enables the examiner to quickly review the pertinent steps of assessment for the joint or structure being assessed. For further information, the examiner can refer to the more detailed sections of the chapter. Total Musculoskeletal Assessment • • • • • • • •

P atient history Observation Examination of movement Special tests Reflexes and cutaneous distribution Joint play movements Palpation Diagnostic imaging

Patient History Ideally, the environment for the assessment should be private and as free of distractions as possible. The examiner should always introduce himself or herself to the patient and then sit beside or in front of the patient to enhance the notion that the examiner is focused on the patient. Showing kindness and respect help to create an environment that facilitates the exchange of information.3 A complete medical and injury history should be taken and written to ensure reliability. This requires effective and efficient communication on the part of the examiner and the ability to develop a good rapport with the patient and, in some cases, family members and other members of the health care team. This includes speaking at a level and using terms the patient will understand (common sense questions); taking the time to listen; and being empathic, interested, caring, and professional.4 Naturally, emphasis in taking the history should be placed on the portion


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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

of the assessment that has the greatest clinical relevance. Often the examiner can make the diagnosis by simply listening to the patient.5,6 This really means the patient, with the appropriate prompting, will tell the clinician about the complex symptoms that leads the clinician to make the appropriate diagnosis.6 No subject areas should be skipped. Repetition helps the examiner to become familiar with the characteristic history of the patient’s complaints so that unusual deviation, which often indicates problems, is noticed immediately. Even if the diagnosis is obvious, the history provides valuable information about the disorder, its present state, its prognosis, and the appropriate treatment. The history also enables the examiner to determine the type of person the patient is, his or her language and cognitive ability, the patient’s ability to articulate, any treatment the patient has received, and the behavior of the injury. In addition to the history of the present illness or injury, the examiner should note relevant past history, treatment, and results. Past medical history should include any major illnesses, surgery, accidents, or allergies. In some cases, it may be necessary to delve into the social and family histories of the patient if they appear relevant. Lifestyle habit patterns, including sleep patterns, stress, workload, and recreational pursuits, should also be noted. It is important that the examiner politely but firmly keeps the patient focused and discourages irrelevant information. Questions and answers should provide practical information about the problem. In addition, the examiner should listen for any potential red flag signs and symptoms (Table 1.1) that would indicate the problem is not a musculoskeletal one or could be more serious pathology that should be referred to the appropriate health care professional.7–9 Serious systemic pathology may be indicated by sweating, pallor/flushing, sallow/jaundiced complexion, tremors/ shaking, increased body temperature, and altered blood pressure. A lone red flag would not necessarily indicate serious pathology. It should be considered in the context of the individual’s history and the findings of assessment.9 Yellow flag signs and symptoms are also important for the examiner to note as they denote problems that may be more severe or may involve more than one area requiring a more extensive examination, or they may relate to cautions and contraindications to treatment that the examiner might have to consider, or they may indicate overlying psychosocial issues that may affect treatment.10 The patient’s history is usually taken in an orderly sequence. It offers the patient an opportunity to describe the problem and the limitations caused by the problem as he or she perceives them. To achieve a good functional outcome, it is essential that the clinician heed to the patient’s concerns and expectations for treatment. After all, the history is the patient’s report of his or her own condition. Sometimes, patients’ reported outcomes are included as part of the history. These outcomes give the status of the patient’s health and problems and are given directly by the patient and how the problem(s)

TABLE  1.1

Red Flag Findings in Patient History That Indicate Need for Referral to Physician Cancer


Gastrointestinal/ Genitourinary



• P  ersistent pain at night • Constant pain anywhere in the body • Unexplained weight loss (e.g., 4.5–6.8 kg [10–15 lbs] in 2 weeks or less) (5% or more in 4 weeks) • Loss of appetite • Unusual lumps or growths • Unwarranted fatigue • Change in bowel or bladder habits • Sores that will not heal • Unusual bleeding or discharge • Obvious change in wart or mole • Nagging cough or hoarseness • Shortness of breath • Dizziness • Pain or a feeling of heaviness in the chest • Pulsating pain anywhere in the body • Constant and severe pain in lower leg (calf) or arm • Discolored or painful feet • Swelling (no history of injury) • Frequent or severe abdominal pain • Frequent heartburn or indigestion • Frequent nausea or vomiting • Change in or problems with bowel and/or bladder function (e.g., urinary tract infection), incontinence • Unusual menstrual irregularities • Fever or night sweats • Recent severe emotional disturbances • Swelling or redness in any joint with no history of injury • Pregnancy • Changes in hearing • Frequent or severe headaches with no history of injury • Problems with swallowing or changes in speech • Changes in vision (e.g., blurriness or loss of sight) • Problems with balance, coordination, or falling • Fainting spells (drop attacks) • Sudden weakness • Bilateral pins and needles

Adapted from Stith JS, Sahrmann SA, Dixon KK, et al: Curriculum to prepare diagnosticians in physical therapy, J Phys Ther Educ 9:50, 1995.

affects the patient’s quality of life.11 The clinician should ask questions that are easy to understand and should not lead the patient. For example, the examiner should not say, “Does this increase your pain?” It would be better to say, “Does this alter your pain in any way?” The examiner should ask one question at a time and receive an answer to each question before proceeding with another

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

Yellow Flag Findings in Patient History That Indicate a More Extensive Examination May Be Required • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

A bnormal signs and symptoms (unusual patterns of complaint) Bilateral symptoms Symptoms peripheralizing Neurological symptoms (nerve root or peripheral nerve) Multiple nerve root involvement Abnormal sensation patterns (do not follow dermatome or peripheral nerve patterns) Saddle anesthesia Upper motor neuron symptoms (spinal cord) signs Fainting Drop attacks Vertigo Autonomic nervous system symptoms Progressive weakness Progressive gait disturbances Multiple inflamed joints Psychosocial stresses Circulatory or skin changes

question. Open-­ended questions ask for narrative information; closed or direct questions ask for specific information. Direct questions are often used to fill in details of information given in open-­ended questions, and they frequently require only a one-­word answer, such as yes or no. In any musculoskeletal assessment, the examiner should seek answers to the following pertinent questions. 1.  What is the patient’s age and sex? Many conditions occur within certain age ranges. For example, various growth disorders, such as Legg-­Perthes disease or Scheuermann disease, are seen in adolescents or teenagers. Degenerative conditions, such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, are more likely to be seen in an older population. Shoulder impingement in young people (15 to 35 years) is more likely to result from muscle weakness, primarily in the muscles controlling the scapula, whereas the condition in older people (40+ years) is more likely to be the result of degenerative changes in the shoulder complex. Some conditions show sex and even race differences. For example, some cancers are more prevalent in men (e.g., prostate, bladder), whereas others occur more frequently in women (e.g., cervical, breast), yet still others are more common in white people. 2.  What is the patient’s occupation? What does the patient do at work? What is the working environment like? What are the demands and postures assumed?12 For example, a laborer probably has stronger muscles than a sedentary worker and may be less likely to suffer a muscle strain. However, laborers are more susceptible to injury because of the types of jobs they have. Because sedentary workers usually have no need for high levels of muscle strength, they may overstress their muscles or joints on weekends because of overactivity or participation in activity that


they are not used to. Habitual postures and repetitive strain caused by some occupations may indicate the location or source of the problem. 3.  Why has the patient come for help? This is often referred to as the history of the present illness or chief complaint.3 This part of the history provides an opportunity for patients to describe in their own words what is bothering them and the extent to which it bothers them. It is important for the clinician to determine what the patient wants to be able to do functionally and what the patient is unable to do functionally. In other words, is there a functional limitation? It is often this functional limitation that leads the patient to seek help. It is also essential to ensure that the clinician knows what is important to the patient in terms of outcome, whether the patient’s expectations for the following treatment are realistic, and what direction functional treatment should take to ensure the patient can, if at all possible, return to his or her previous level of activity or realize his or her expected outcome.13 4.  Was there any inciting trauma (macrotrauma) or repetitive activity (microtrauma)? In other words, what was the mechanism of injury, and were there any predisposing factors? If the patient was in a motor vehicle accident, for example, was the patient the driver or the passenger? Was he or she the cause of the accident? What part of the car was hit? How fast were the cars going? Was the patient wearing a seat belt? When asking questions about the mechanism(s) of injury, the examiner must try to determine the direction and magnitude of the injuring force and how the force was applied. By carefully listening to the patient, the examiner can often determine which structures were injured and how severely by knowing the force and mechanism of injury. For example, anterior dislocations of the shoulder usually occur when the arm is abducted and laterally rotated beyond the normal range of motion (ROM), and the “terrible triad” injury to the knee (i.e., medial collateral ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, and medial meniscus injury) usually results from a blow to the lateral side of the knee while the knee is flexed, the full weight of the patient is on the knee, and the foot is fixed. Likewise, the examiner should determine whether there were any predisposing, unusual, or new factors (e.g., sustained postures or repetitive activities, general health, or familial or genetic problems) that may have led to the problem.14 5.  Was the onset of the problem slow or sudden? Did the condition start as an insidious, mild ache and then progress to continuous pain, or was there a specific episode in which the body part was injured? If inciting trauma has occurred, it is often relatively easy to determine the location of the problem. Does the pain get worse as the day progresses? Was the sudden onset caused by trauma, or was it sudden with locking because of muscle spasm (spasm lock) or

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

Physiological Location Onset Duration Etiology Syndrome



Intensity Quality Pattern

Mood state Anxiety Depression Well-being





Meaning of pain View of self Coping skills and strategies Previous treatment Attitudes and beliefs Factors influencing pain

Communication Interpersonal interaction Physical activity Pain behaviours Medications Interventions Sleep

Family and social life Work and home responsibilities Recreation and leisure Environmental factors Attitudes and beliefs Social influences

Fig. 1.1  The dimensions of pain. (Redrawn from Petty NJ, Moore AP: Neuromusculoskeletal examination and assessment: a handbook for therapists, London, 1998, Churchill-­Livingstone, p 8.)

pain? Is there anything that relieves the symptoms? Knowledge of these facts helps the examiner to make a differential diagnosis. 6.  Where are the symptoms that bother the patient? If possible, have the patient point to the area. Does the patient point to a specific structure or a more general area? The latter may indicate a more severe condition or referral of symptoms (yellow flag). The way in which the patient describes the symptoms often helps to delineate problems. Has the dominant or nondominant side been injured? Injury to the dominant side may lead to greater functional limitations. Are the problems local (e.g., a sprain) or systemic (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis)? 7.  Where was the pain or other symptoms when the patient first had the complaint? Pain is subjective, and its manifestations are unique to each individual. It is a complex experience involving several dimensions (Fig. 1.1).15,16 If the intensity of the pain or symptoms is such that the patient is unable to move in a certain direction or hold a particular posture because of the symptoms, the symptoms are said to be severe. If the symptoms or pain become progressively worse with movement or the longer a position is held, the symptoms are said to be irritable.17,18 Acute pain is new pain that is often severe, continuous, and perhaps disabling and is of sufficient quality or duration that the patient seeks help. Acute injuries tend to be more irritable resulting in pain earlier in the movement, or minimal activity will bring on symptoms, and often the pain will remain after movement has stopped.4

Chronic pain is more aggravating, is not as intense, and has been experienced before, and in many cases, the patient knows how to deal with it. Acute pain is more often accompanied by anxiety, whereas chronic pain is associated with depression.19 When tissue has been damaged, substances are released leading to inflammation and peripheral sensitization of the nociceptors (also called primary hyperalgesia) resulting in localized pain. If the injury does not follow a normal healing pathway and becomes chronic, central sensitization (also called secondary hyperalgesia) may occur. Peripheral sensitization is a local phenomenon, whereas central sensitization is a more central process involving the spinal cord and brain. Central sensitization manifests itself as widespread hypersensitivity to such physical, mental, and emotional stressors as touch, mechanical pressure, noise, bright light, temperature, and medication.20,21 Has the pain moved or spread? The location and spread of pain may be marked on a body chart, which is part of the assessment sheet (eAppendix 1.1). The examiner should ask the patient to point to exactly where the pain was and where it is now. Are trigger points present? Trigger points are localized areas of hyperirritability within the tissues; they are tender to compression, are often accompanied by tight bands of tissue, and, if sufficiently hypersensitive, may give rise to referred pain that is steady, deep, and aching. These trigger points can lead to a diagnosis, because pressure on them reproduces the patient’s symptoms. Trigger points are not found in normal muscles.22

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

In general, the area of pain enlarges or becomes more distal as the lesion worsens and becomes smaller or more localized as it improves. Some examiners call the former peripheralization of symptoms and the latter, centralization of symptoms.23–25 The more distal and superficial the problem, the more accurately the patient can determine the location of the pain. In the case of referred pain, the patient usually points out a general area; with a localized lesion, the patient points to a specific location. Referred pain tends to be felt deeply; its boundaries are indistinct, and it radiates segmentally without crossing the midline. The term referred pain means that the pain is felt at a site other than the injured tissue because the same or adjacent neural segments supply the referred site. Pain also may shift as the lesion shifts. For example, with an internal derangement of the knee, pain may occur in flexion one time and in extension another time if it is caused by a loose body within the joint. The examiner must clearly understand where the patient feels the pain. For example, does the pain occur only at the end of the ROM, in part of the range, or throughout the ROM?14 8.  What are the exact movements or activities that cause pain? At this stage, the examiner should not ask the patient to do the movements or activities; this will take place during the examination. However, the examiner should remember which movements the patient says are painful so that when the examination is carried out, the patient can do these movements last to avoid an overflow of painful symptoms. With cessation of the activity, does the pain stay the same, or how long does it take for the pain to return to its previous level? Are there any other factors that aggravate or help to relieve the pain? Do these activities alter the intensity of the pain? The answers to these questions give the examiner some idea of the irritability of the joint. They also help the examiner to differentiate between musculoskeletal or mechanical pain and systemic pain, which is pain arising from one of the body’s systems other than the musculoskeletal system (Table 1.2).24 Functionally, pain can be divided into different levels, especially for repetitive stress conditions. Pain and Its Relation to Severity of Repetitive Stress Activity • L evel 1: Pain after specific activity • Level 2: Pain at start of activity resolving with warm-­up • Level 3: Pain during and after specific activity that does not affect performance • Level 4: Pain during and after specific activity that does affect performance • Level 5: Pain with activities of daily living • Level 6: Constant dull aching pain at rest that does not disturb sleep • Level 7: Dull aching pain that does disturb sleep Note: Level 7 indicates highest level of severity.


TABLE  1.2

Differentiation of Systemic and Musculoskeletal Pain Systemic


• D  isturbs sleep • Deep aching or throbbing • Reduced by pressure • Constant or waves of pain and spasm • Is not aggravated by mechanical stress • Associated with the following: ° Jaundice ° Migratory arthralgias ° Skin rash ° Fatigue ° Weight loss ° Low-­grade fever ° Generalized weakness ° Cyclic and progressive symptoms ° Tumors ° History of infection

• G  enerally lessens at night • Sharp or superficial ache • Usually decreases with cessation of activity • Usually continuous or intermittent • Is aggravated by mechanical stress

From Meadows JT: Orthopedic differential diagnosis in physical therapy—a case study approach, New York, 1999, McGraw Hill, p 100. Reproduced with permission of the McGraw-­Hill Companies.

9.  How long has the problem existed? What are the duration and frequency of the symptoms? Answers to these questions help the examiner to determine whether the condition is acute, subacute, chronic, or acute on chronic and to develop some understanding of the patient’s tolerance to pain. In general, acute conditions are those that have been present for 7 to 10 days, subacute conditions have been present for 10 days to 7 weeks, and chronic conditions or symptoms have been present for longer than 7 weeks. In acute on chronic cases, the injured tissues usually have been reinjured. This knowledge is also beneficial in terms of how vigorously the patient can be examined. For example, the more acute the condition, the less stress the examiner is able to apply to the joints and tissues during the assessment. A full examination may not be possible in very acute conditions. In that case, the examiner must select those procedures of assessment that will give the greatest amount of information with the least stress to the patient. Does the patient protect or support the injured part? If so, this behavior signifies discomfort and fear of pain if the part moves, usually indicating a more acute condition. 10. Has the condition occurred before? If so, what was the onset like the first time? Where was the site of the original condition, and has there been any radiation (spread) of the symptoms? If the patient

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

important difference.28,31 It is also important to realize that a 1 point intensity change from 8 to 9 represents a greater subjective increase than does an increase from 2 to 3.31 The McGill-­ Melzack pain questionnaire and its short form (eTools 1.1 and 1.2)32–34 provide the patient with three major classes of word descriptors—sensory, affective, and evaluative—to describe their pain experience. These designations are used to differentiate patients who have a true sensory pain experience from those who think they have experienced pain (affective pain state). Other pain-­rating scales allow the patient to visually gauge the amount of pain along a solid 10-­cm line (VAS) (Fig. 1.2) or on a thermometer-­type scale (Fig. 1.3).35 It has been shown that an examiner should consistently use the same pain scales when assessing or reassessing patients to increase consistent results.36–39 The examiner can use the completed questionnaire or scale as an indication of the pain as described or perceived by the patient. Alternatively, a self-­ report pain drawing (see eAppendix 1.1), which (with the training and guidelines of the raters) has been shown to have reliability, can be used for the same purpose.40 13. Is the pain constant, periodic, episodic (occurring with certain activities), or occasional? Does the condition bother the patient at that exact moment? If the patient is not bothered at that exact moment, the pain is not constant. Constant pain suggests chemical irritation, tumors, or possibly visceral lesions.24 It is always there, although its intensity may vary. If periodic or occasional pain is present, the examiner should try to determine the activity, position, or posture that irritates or brings on the symptoms, because

is feeling better, how long did the recovery take? Did any treatment relieve symptoms? Does the current problem appear to be the same as the previous problem, or is it different? If it is different, how is it different? Answers to these questions help the examiner to determine the location and severity of the injury. 11. Has there been an injury to another part of the kinetic chain as well? For example, foot problems can lead to knee, hip, pelvic, and/or spinal problems; elbow problems may contribute to shoulder problems; and hip problems can contribute to knee problems. 12. Are the intensity, duration, or frequency of pain or other symptoms increasing? These changes usually mean the condition is getting worse. A decrease in pain or other symptoms usually means the condition is improving. Is the pain static? If so, how long has it been that way? This question may help the examiner to determine the present state of the problem. These factors may become important in treatment and may help to determine whether a treatment is helping. Are pain or other symptoms associated with other physiological functions? For example, is the pain worse with menstruation? If so, when did the patient last have a pelvic examination? Questions such as these may give the examiner an indication of what is causing the problem or what factors may affect the problem. It is often worthwhile to give the patient a pain questionnaire, visual analog scale (VAS), numeric rating scale, box scale, or verbal rating scale that can be completed while the patient is waiting to be assessed.26–30 It has been shown that a reduction of approximately 30% change or 2 points (i.e., 2 cm) on a VAS from one test period to the next represents a clinically

On the line provided, please mark where your “pain status” is today.

No pain 0



Most severe pain 10


On the line provided, please mark where your “pain status” was when it was at its most severe on any occasion.

No pain 0 1







Most severe pain 8 9 10

Fig. 1.2  Visual analog scales for pain. Examples only. Note: For an actual examination, the lines would be 10 cm long divided into 1 cm sections.

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts


eTool 1.1  McGill-­Melzack pain questionnaire. (From Melzack R: The McGill pain questionnaire: major properties and scoring methods, Pain 1:280– 281, 1975.)

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts


























































































0 NO PAIN PPI 0 1 2 3 4 5



eTool 1.2  The short-­form McGill pain questionnaire. Descriptors 1 to 11 represent the sensory dimension of pain experience, and descriptors 12 to 15 represent the affective dimension. Each descriptor is ranked on an intensity scale of 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe. The present pain intensity (PPI) of the standard long-­form McGill pain questionnaire and the visual analog scale are also included to provide overall intensity scores. For actual examination, line would be 10 cm long. (Modified from Melzack R: The short-­form McGill pain questionnaire, Pain 30:193, 1987.)

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

Pain Rating Scale Instructions: Below is a thermometer with various grades of pain on it from "No pain at all" to "The pain is almost unbearable." Put an X by the words that describe your pain best. Mark how bad your pain is at this moment in time. The pain is almost unbearable

Very bad pain Quite bad pain Moderate pain Little pain No pain at all

Fig. 1.3  “Thermometer” pain rating scale. (Redrawn from Brodie DJ, Burnett JV, Walker JM, et  al: Evaluation of low back pain by patient questionnaires and therapist assessment, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 11[11]:528, 1990.)

this may help to determine what tissues are at fault. This type of pain is more likely to be mechanical and related to movement and stress.24 Episodic pain is related to specific activities. At the same time, the examiner should be observing the patient. Does the patient appear to be in constant pain? Does the patient appear to be lacking sleep because of pain? Does the patient move around a great deal in an attempt to find a comfortable position? 14. Is the pain associated with rest? Activity? Certain postures? Visceral function? Time of day? Pain on activity that decreases with rest usually indicates a mechanical problem interfering with movement, such as adhesions. Morning pain with stiffness that improves with activity usually indicates chronic inflammation and edema, which decrease with motion. Pain or aching as the day progresses usually indicates increased congestion in a joint. Pain at rest and pain that is worse at the beginning of activity than at the end implies acute inflammation. Pain that is not affected by rest or activity usually indicates bone pain or could be related to organic or systemic disorders, such as cancer or diseases of the viscera. The Roles-­Maudsley Score is sometimes used as a 4-­point assessment of pain and limitations of activity.


The Roles-­Maudsley Satisfaction Scorea Grade 1

Excellent—no symptoms, no pain, full movement and activity (no symptoms following treatment)

Grade 2

Good—occasional discomfort, full movement and activity (significant improvement from treatment)

Grade 3

Fair—some discomfort after prolonged activity (somewhat improved after treatment)

Grade 4

Poor—pain limits activities (symptoms unchanged or worse after treatment)


scores of patient satisfaction.

Chronic pain is often associated with multiple factors, such as fatigue or certain postures or activities. If the pain occurs at night, how does the patient lie in bed: supine, on the side, or prone? Does sleeping alter the pain, or does the patient wake when he or she changes position? Intractable pain at night may indicate serious pathology (e.g., a tumor). Movement seldom affects visceral pain unless the movement compresses or stretches the structure.17 Symptoms of peripheral nerve entrapment (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome) and thoracic outlet syndromes tend to be worse at night. Pain and cramping with prolonged walking may indicate lumbar spinal stenosis (neurogenic intermittent claudication) or vascular problems (circulatory or vascular intermittent claudication). Intervertebral disc pain is aggravated by sitting and bending forward. Facet joint pain is often relieved by sitting and bending forward and is aggravated by extension and rotation. What type of mattress and pillow does the patient use? Foam pillows often cause more problems for persons with cervical disorders because these pillows have more “bounce” to them than do feather or buckwheat pillows. Too many pillows, pillows improperly positioned, or too soft a mattress may also cause problems. 15. What type or quality of pain is exhibited? Nerve pain tends to be sharp (lancinating), bright, and burning and also tends to run in the distribution of specific nerves. Thus the examiner must have detailed knowledge of the sensory distribution of nerve roots (dermatomes) and peripheral nerves because the different distributions may tell where the pathology or problem is if the nerve is involved. Bone pain tends to be deep, boring, and localized. Vascular pain tends to be diffuse, aching, and poorly localized and may be referred to other areas of the body. Muscle pain is usually hard to localize, is dull and aching, is often aggravated by injury, and may be referred to other areas (Table 1.3). If a muscle is injured, when the muscle contracts or is stretched, the pain will increase. Inert tissue, such as ligaments, joint capsules, and bursa, tends to exhibit pain similar to muscle pain and may be indistinguishable from muscle pain in the resting state (e.g., when the examiner is taking the history);

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

TABLE  1.3

Pain Descriptions and Related Structures Type of Pain


Cramping, dull, aching


Dull, aching

Ligament, joint capsule

Sharp, shooting

Nerve root

Sharp, bright, lightning-­like


Burning, pressure-­like, stinging, aching

Sympathetic nerve

Deep, nagging, dull


Sharp, severe, intolerable


Throbbing, diffuse


however, pain in inert tissue is increased when the structures are stretched or pinched. Each of these specific tissue pains is sometimes grouped as neuropathic pain and follows specific anatomic pathways and affect specific anatomic structures.24 The Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) Pain Scale (eTool 1.3) has been developed to determine if neuropathic causes dominate the pain experience.41 In contrast, somatic pain is a severe chronic or aching pain that is inconsistent with injury or pathology to specific anatomic structures and cannot be explained by any physical cause because the sensory input can come from so many different structures supplied by the same nerve root.18 Superficial somatic pain may be localized, but deep somatic pain is more diffuse and may be referred.42 On examination, somatic pain may be reproduced, but visceral pain is not reproduced by movement.42 16. What types of sensations does the patient feel, and where are these abnormal sensations? If the problem is in bone, there usually is very little radiation of pain. If pressure is applied to a nerve root, radicular pain (radiating pain) results from pressure on the dura mater, which is the outermost covering of the spinal cord. If there is pressure on the nerve trunk, no pain occurs, but there is paresthesia, or an abnormal sensation, such as a “pins and needles” feeling or tingling. Paresthesia is an unpleasant sensation that occurs without an apparent stimulus or cause (to the patient). Autonomic pain is more likely to be a burning type of pain. If the nerve itself is affected, regardless of where the irritation occurs along the nerve, the brain perceives the pain as coming from the periphery. This is an example of referred pain. 17. Does a joint exhibit locking, unlocking, twinges, instability, or giving way? Seldom does locking mean that the joint will not move at all. Locking may mean that the joint cannot be fully extended, as is the case with a meniscal tear in the knee, or it may mean that it does not extend one time and does not flex the next time

(pseudolocking), as in the case of a loose body moving within the joint. Locking may mean that the joint cannot be put through a full ROM because of muscle spasm or because the movement was too fast; this is sometimes referred to as spasm locking. Giving way is often caused by reflex inhibition or weakness of the muscles, and so the patient feels that the limb will buckle if weight is placed on it or the pain will be too great. Inhibition may be caused by anticipated pain or instability. In nonpathological states, excessive ROM in a joint is called laxity or hypermobility. Laxity implies the patient has excessive ROM but can control movement in that range and no pathology is present. It is a function of the ligaments and joint capsule resistance.43 This differs from flexibility, which is the ROM available in one or more joints and is a function of contractile tissue resistance primarily as well as ligament and joint capsule resistance.43 Gleim and McHugh43 describe flexibility in two parts: static and dynamic. Static flexibility is related to the ROM available in one or more joints; dynamic flexibility is related to stiffness and ease of movement. Laxity may be caused by familial factors or may be job or activity (e.g., sports) related. In any case, laxity, when found, should be considered normal (Fig. 1.4). If symptoms occur, then laxity is considered to be hypermobility and has a pathological component, which commonly indicates the patient’s inability to control the joint during

Fig. 1.4  Congenital laxity at the elbow leading to hyperextension. This may also be called nonpathological hypermobility.

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Chapter 1  Principles and Concepts

THE LANSS PAIN SCALE Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs NAME


This pain scale can help to determine whether the nerves that are carrying your pain signals are working normally or not. It is important to find this out in case different treatments are needed to control your pain.



• Think about how your pain has felt over the last week. • Please say whether any of the descriptions match your pain exactly. 1) Does your pain feel like strange, unpleasant sensations in your skin? Words like pricking, tingling, pins and needles might describe these sensations. a) NO - My pain doesn’t really feel like this ......................................


b) YES - I get these sensations quite a lot .......................................


2) Does your pain make the skin in the painful area look different from normal? Words like mottled or looking more red or pink might describe the appearance. a) NO - My pain doesn’t affect the colour of my skin ........................


b) YES - I’ve noticed that the pain does make my skin look different from normal .....


3) Does your pain make the affected skin abnormally sensitive to touch? Getting unpleasant sensations when lightly stroking the skin, or getting pain when wearing tight clothes might describe the abnormal sensitivity. a) NO - My pain doesn’t make my skin abnormally sensitive in that area ...........


b) YES - My skin seems abnormally sensitive to touch in that area ....................


4) Does your pain come on suddenly and in bursts for no apparent reason when you’re still. Words like electric shocks, jumping, and bursting describe these sensations. a) NO - My pain doesn’t really feel like this .............................................


b) YES - I get these sensations quite a lot ...............................................


5) Does your pain feel as if the skin temperature in the painful area has changed abnormally? Words like hot and burning describe these sensations.




Skin sensitivity can be examined by comparing the painful area with a contralateral or adjacent non-painful area for the presence of allodynia and an altered pinprick threshold (PPT). 1) ALLODYNIA (Pain caused by something that normally would not cause pain) Examine the response to lightly stroking cotton wool across the non-painful area and then the painful area. If normal sensations are experienced in the non-painful site, but pain or unpleasant sensations (e.g., tingling, nausea) are experienced in the painful area when stroking, allodynia is present. a)

NO, normal sensation in both areas .....................................



YES, allodynia in painful area only .......................................


2) ALTERED PINPRICK THRESHOLD Determine the pinprick threshold by comparing the response to a 23-gauge (blue) needle mounted inside a 2-mL syringe barrel placed gently on to the skin in a non-painful and then painful areas. If a sharp pinprick is felt in the non-painful area, but a different sensation is experienced in the painful area (e.g., none/blunt only [raised PPT] or a very painful sensation [lowered PPT]), an altered PPT is present. If a pinprick is not felt in either area, mount the syringe onto the needle to increase the weight and repeat. a)

NO, equal sensation in both areas ........................................



YES, altered PPT in painful area ...........................................


SCORING: Add values in parentheses for sensory description and examination findings to obtain overall score.

TOTAL SCORE (maximum 24) .................................

a) NO - I don’t really get these sensations ...............................................


If score 0 indicates positive symptom history. 4. Exertion: Inquire whether any symptoms worsen with physical (e.g., running, climbing stairs, bike riding) and/or cognitive (e.g., academic studies, multitasking at work, reading or other tasks requiring focused concentration) exertion. Clinicians should be aware that symptoms will typically worsen or re-emerge with exertion, indicating incomplete recovery. Overexertion may protract recovery. 5. Overall Rating: Determine how different the person is acting from their usual self. Circle 0 (Normal) to 6 (Very Different). C. Risk Factors for Protracted Recovery: Assess the following risk factors as possible complicating factors in the recovery process. 1. Concussion history: Assess the number and date(s) of prior concussions, the duration of symptoms for each injury, and whether less biomechanical force resulted in reinjury. Recent research indicates that cognitive and symptom effects of concussion may be cumulative, especially if there is minimal duration of time between injuries and less biomechanical force results in subsequent concussion (which may indicate incomplete recovery from initial trauma).4-8 2. Headache history: Assess personal and/or family history of diagnosis/treatment for headaches. Recent research indicates headache (migraine in particular) can result in protracted recovery from concussion.8-11 3. Developmental history: Assess history of learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or other developmental disorders. Recent studies indicate the possibility of a longer period of recovery with these conditions.12 4. Psychiatric history: Assess for history of depression/mood disorder, anxiety, and/or sleep disorder.13-16 D. Red Flags: The patient should be carefully observed over the first 24–48 hours for these serious signs. Red flags are to be assessed as possible signs of deteriorating neurological functioning. Any positive report should prompt strong consideration of referral for emergency medical evaluation (e.g., CT scan to rule out intracranial bleed or other structural pathology).17 E. Diagnosis: The following ICD-10 diagnostic codes may be applicable. S06.0X0A (Concussion, with no loss of consciousness) – Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); no evidence of LOC (A5), skull fracture or intracranial injury (A1b). S06.0X1A (Concussion, with brief loss of consciousness < 30 minutes) — Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); positive evidence of LOC (A5), skull fracture or intracranial injury (A1b). S06.0X9A (Concussion, unspecified) — Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); unclear/unknown injury details; unclear evidence of LOC (A5), no skull fracture or intracranial injury. Other Diagnoses — If the patient presents with a positive injury description and associated symptoms, but additional evidence of intracranial injury (A1b) such as from neuroimaging, a moderate TBI and the diagnostic category of S06.890A (Intracranial injury) should be considered. F. Follow-Up Action Plan: Develop a follow-up plan of action for symptomatic patients. The physician/clinician may decide to (1) monitor the patient in the office or (2) refer them to a specialist. Serial evaluation of the concussion is critical as symptoms may resolve, worsen, or ebb and flow depending upon many factors (e.g., cognitive/ physical exertion, comorbidities). Referral to a specialist can be particularly valuable to help manage certain aspects of the patient’s condition. (Physician/clinician should also complete the ACE Care Plan included in this toolkit.) 1. Physician/clinician serial monitoring- Particularly appropriate if number and severity of symptoms are steadily decreasing over time and/or fully resolve within 3-5 days. If steady reduction is not evident, referral to a specialist is warranted. 2. Referral to a specialist — Appropriate if symptom reduction is not evident in 3–5 days, or sooner if symptom profile is concerning in type/severity. • Neuropsychological Testing can provide valuable information to help assess a patient’s brain function and impairment and assist with treatment planning, such as return to play decisions. • Physician Evaluation is particularly relevant for medical evaluation and management of concussion. It is also critical for evaluating and managing focal neurologic, sensory, vestibular, and motor concerns. It may be useful for medication management (e.g., headaches, sleep disturbance, depression) if postconcussive problems persist.

eTool 2.9, cont’d

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


Concussion Symptom Inventory (CSI) Randolph, Millis, Barr, McCrea, Guskiewicz, Hammeke, & Kelly (2008) Player Name: Date of injury:

Date of exam: absent 0

mild 1 2

moderate 3 4

severe 5 6


Headache Nausea Balance problems/Dizziness Fatigue Drowsiness Feeling like “in a fog” Difficulty concentrating Difficulty remembering Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to noise Blurred vision Feeling slowed down TOTAL: Other symptoms evident since injury?:

eTool 2.10  Concussion Symptom Inventory (CSI). (From Randolph C, Millis S, Barr WB, et al: Concussion symptom inventory: an empirically derived scale for monitoring resolution of symptoms following sport-­related concussion, Arch Clin Neuropsychol 24:219–229, 2009.)

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

Fig. 2.47 Examples of painful stimuli applied by the examiner. (A) Knuckle to sternum. (B) Squeezing trapezius muscle. (C) Squeezing tissue between the thumb and index finger. (D) Squeezing a fingertip. (E) Squeezing an object between two fingers.







B Fig. 2.48  (A) Decorticate rigidity. (B) Decerebrate rigidity.

difference in reaction between limbs should be carefully noted; this finding may indicate a specific focal injury.185 In the third test, verbal response is graded on a 5-­point scale to measure the patient’s speech in response to simple questions, such as “Where are you?” or “Are you winning the game?” For verbal responses, the patient who converses appropriately and shows proper orientation, being aware of oneself and the environment, is given a

grade of 5. The patient who is confused is disoriented and unable to completely interact with the environment; this patient is able to converse using the appropriate words and is given a grade of 4. The patient exhibiting inappropriate speech is unable to sustain a conversation with the examiner; this person would be given a grade of 3. A vocalizing patient only groans or makes incomprehensible sounds; this finding leads to a grade of 2. Again, the examiner should note any possible mechanical reason for the inability to verbalize. If the patient makes no sounds and thus has no verbal response, a grade of 1 is assigned. It is vital that the initial score on the Glasgow Coma Scale be obtained as soon as possible after the onset of the injury. The scale can then be repeated at 15-­or 30-­minute intervals, especially in the early stages, if changes are noted. If the score is between 3 and 8, emergency care is required. With the Glasgow Coma Scale, the initial score is used as a basis for determining the severity of the patient’s head injury. Patients who maintain a score of 8 or lower on the Glasgow Coma Scale for 6 hours or longer are considered to have a serious head injury. A patient

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

who scores between 9 and 11 is considered to have a moderate head injury, and one who scores 12 or higher is considered to have a mild head injury.185   Head Injury Scale.  This 16-­item scale (eTool 2.11) is completed by the injured individual to determine the severity of the head injury.237 The presence of a headache, nausea, and balancing difficulties are related to the neuropsychological symptoms, whereas fatigue, having trouble falling asleep, and drowsiness are related to the neurophysiologic group. Feeling slowed down, feeling “in a fog,” and having difficulty concentrating are related to the cognitive symptoms.237   Maddocks Questions/Score.  The Maddocks Questions/ Score (see SCAT5; Fig. 2.49) are questions asked of a patient and are designed to specifically measure orientation following a suspected concussion in an athletic event.33,42,57,186    Scandinavian Guidelines for Head Injury.  The Scandinavian Guidelines for Head Injury (eTool 2.12) is a management algorithm that may be used in the treatment of minimal, mild, and moderate head injuries in adults.238,239   Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5.  The SCAT (Fig. 2.49) is one of the more common concussion assessment tools used currently. It has been developed through four iterations (there is no SCAT4 or Child SCAT4).240,241 The SCAT5 is used for youths and adults (13 years of age plus), and the Child SCAT5 is used for children (5 to 12 years of age; Fig. 2.50).133,241 It may be used to establish preseason baseline values and following a concussion. Individuals with comorbid conditions (e.g., headaches, learning disability/dyslexia, attention-­deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], depression, anxiety, or other psychological history) all report higher symptoms in severity score at baseline.242,243 The tool includes the Glasgow Coma Scale, the SAC, modified Maddocks questions, a brief assessment of orientation, memory and concentration, an evaluation of the cervical spine, and an assessment of balance (BESS testing), as well as information on the mechanism of injury and background information on comorbidities (e.g., history of concussions, headaches, migraines, depression, and/or anxiety).66,133,162,243,244 The tool was originally developed to help with return to play decisions but currently is used to identify concussions and to provide initial management ideas for a suspected concussion.240 The tool should not be used in isolation, nor should it be used solely to make a diagnosis of concussion. During the acute phase, the tool is repeated to see if symptoms are increasing or decreasing and is often combined with neuropsychological testing a few days after the concussion.33,110 After the SCAT5 and any other testing has been completed, the clinician must still make a clinical judgment as to whether the individual has suffered a concussion and when he or she should be allowed to return to school, work, practice, and/or play.33    Standardized Assessment of Concussion.  The SAC (eTool 2.13) is a neurocognitive test that may be used alone or as part of the SCAT5.129,245 It should take no


more than 10 minutes to complete, and it should be administered in the resting state.54,110,133,154,228,240 The test is used to evaluate cognitive function and includes standard questions of orientation (i.e., place, time, months, year), working memory (i.e., immediate recall of selected words), concentration (i.e., recalling a list of numbers backward), and remote memory (i.e., delayed recall—e.g., remembering some words that were previously memorized). The SAC is sensitive to the immediate effects of concussion and is most effective in the first 48 hours following a concussion.15,54,57,110 The SAC score drops an average of 2.9 points immediately after concussion and returns to baseline within 5 to 7 days.41,54 Like the SCAT5, it is not used in isolation but is supported by neurocognitive testing, postural stability testing, and other tests following a concussion.110,246,247 Likewise, it is used as one of the tests for preseason baseline testing.248,249 It is used for orientation, immediate and delayed memory, and concentration.133,248 Differences in baseline values have been found in females and young athletes between the ages of 9 and 14 years of age.133 

Tests for Balance

If one is contemplating doing a balance test, there are several considerations that must be taken into account. First, the individual must be rested for at least 20 minutes after vigorous activity so that fatigue does not interfere with the test. Secondly, the test could be different from any baseline testing if the shoes the individual is wearing are different, tape is being used on the ankle or foot, a brace is being worn, or there is another lower limb injury.9,32,214,250 The sensitivity of balance testing is highest immediately after injury, and the sensitivity decreases from days 1 to 10.41,57,75,82,110,154,251 Balance problems are present approximately 30% of the time following a concussive injury. Only headache, dizziness, confusion, disorientation, and blurred vision occur more frequently with a concussion.213 Commonly, the results of balance testing return to normal within 3 to 5 days following a concussion.75 Balance disturbances may be an indicator of concussion but, as with the other tests, cannot be used in isolation as other conditions can lead to balance disturbances.  4-­Stage Balance Test.  The 4-­Stage Balance Test (eTool 2.14) is used to test balance but is more likely to be used in older people. With this group, it may be combined with the 30-­Second Chair Stand Test (eTool 2.15) and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test (eTool 2.16) to determine the risk of an individual falling. For the balance test, the patient is asked to stand in four positions as outlined in eTool 2.14 for 10 seconds in each position, holding the arms out or moving the body if desired to maintain balance but the feet must not move. The patient is asked to hold each position until he or she is told to stop (i.e., at 10 seconds).   Balance Error Scoring System.  The BESS is a clinical balance assessment tool developed to evaluate static postural stability following a concussion.9,82,154,213,214,252 The Text continued on page 134.

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


16-Item Head Injury Scale Symptom


Headache Nausea Vomiting Balance difficulty/dizziness Fatigue Trouble falling asleep Sleeping more than usual Drowsiness Sensitivity to light and noise Sadness Nervousness Numbness/tingling Feeling “slowed down” Feeling like “in a fog” Difficulty concentrating Difficulty remembering

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sometimes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Always 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

eTool 2.11  Head Injury Scale (a self-­report concussion-­symptoms scale). (From Piland SG, Motl RW, Ferrara MS, Peterson CL: Evidence for the factorial and construct validity of a self-­report concussion symptom scale, J Athl Train 38[2]:105, 2003.)

All adult patients with minimal, mild and moderate head injury (GCS 9–15) within 24 hours of injury


Mild high-risk

Mild medium-risk

Mild low-risk


GCS 9–13

GCS 14–15 and

GCS 14–15 and

GCS 14 or GCS 15 and

GCS 15


• Posttraumatic seizures • Focal neurological deficits • Clinical signs of depressed or basal skull fracture • Shunt-treated hydrocephalus • Therapeutic anticoagulation or coagulation disorders

• BOTH age ≥65 years AND anti-platelet medication







• Consider admission for observation ≥12 hours after injury as an alternative option CT abnormal


• Suspected/confirmed loss of consciousness • Repeated vomiting (≥2 episodes)



CT normal or abnormal


• If 30 kg/m2). Modified from Leddy JJ, Willer B: Use of graded exercise testing in concussion and return-­to-­activity management, Curr Sports Med Rep 12(6):372, 2013.

minute and each minute thereafter, the grade is increased by 1° while the heart rate and rate of perceived exertion (Fig. 2.66) and any symptom occurrence are noted. The test is stopped if there are any significant exacerbation of symptoms (defined as greater than or equal to three points from that day’s pre–treadmill test overall symptom score of rest on a visual analog scale [see eTool 2.21] or at exhaustion). (Note: If a cycle ergometer is used, the protocol cadence is maintained at 60 rpm and the resistance is initially set at level 1 being increased by one level every minute). If the patient reaches maximum incline and can still continue, the speed is increased by 0.04 mph for each subsequent minute until stopping criteria are fulfilled.48,79 The safety protocol dictates that exercise be stopped according to a predetermined stopping criterion.104 Once the diagnosis of a physiological


concussion has been established (i.e., the symptoms are due to a concussion) by treadmill testing and the patient symptoms threshold target heart rate is established, the patient is prescribed exercise at 80% to 90% of the symptom threshold heart rate which becomes his or her individual target heart rate. The patient is then asked to exercise for 20 minutes per day at 80% to 90% of the symptom threshold heart rate with a 5-­minute warm-up and 5-­minute cooldown for a total exercise duration of 30 minutes per day for 6 or 7 days per week. The use of a heart rate monitor is important to prevent athletes from overexerting, which will precipitate symptoms. The patient is advised to stop exercise if symptoms are exacerbated or after 20 minutes of exercise (i.e., 30 minutes total time) has been reached, whichever comes first. The patient may be advised to do the exercise program on the bicycle ergometer or elliptical machine to minimize any provocation of vestibular problems and then progress to treadmill running. The symptoms threshold heart rate is increased by 5 to 10 beats/min every 1 to 2 weeks, depending on how fast the patient responds to the exercise and the absence of any symptoms. Once the patient is able to do exercise at a greater than or equal to 85% of the symptoms threshold heart rate for 20 minutes, the patient should be evaluated to see if he or she can return to school, work, practice, or games. Advice on return to play is based not only on the test but also on history (e.g., depending on a number of prior concussions and the presence of other signs and symptoms [e.g., ocular or vestibular dysfunction] that need to be resolved) before full return to practice, work, or school is advised.77,104 It is advisable to have someone present during the exercise training for safety monitoring and who should terminate exercise at the first sign of symptom exacerbation. The test can be repeated every 2 to 3 weeks to establish new symptom threshold heart rate until symptoms are no longer exacerbated on the bike, elliptical, or treadmill, or one can establish the symptoms threshold heart rate on the initial test and increase exercise heart rate by 5 to 10 beats/min every 2 weeks, provided the patient responds favorably.79 Physiological resolution of postconcussion symptoms is defined as the ability to exercise to volunteer exhaustion at 85% to 90% of age-­ predicted maximum heart rate for 20 minutes without exacerbation of symptoms.79 If no postconcussion symptoms are occurring at this level, the patient can be cleared to return to practice, work, or games and follow the return to practice/game protocols.32,79,288 Stopping Criteria for the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test • • • • •

E xacerbation of symptoms Feeling faint or light-headed Borg scale rating of 6 or more Nausea Symptom severity scale >1

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

TABLE  2.29

Summary of Pathophysiology, Predominant Symptoms, Pertinent Physical Examination Findings, Graded Treadmill Test Results, and Treatment Options in Patients with Postconcussion Disorders71,79 Physiological PCD

Vestibulo-ocular PCD

Cerviogenic PCD


• P  ersistent alterations in neuronal • Dysfunction of the vestibular depolarization, cell membrane and oculomotor symptoms permeability, mitochondrial function, cellular metabolism, and cerebral blood flow

• M  uscle trauma and inflammation • Dysfunction of cervical spine proprioception

Predominant symptoms

• H  eadache exacerbated by physical and cognitive activity • Nausea, intermittent vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, slowed speech, light-headedness, pressure in head

• D  izziness, vertigo, nausea, light-headedness, gait instability and postural instability at rest • Blurred or double vision, difficulty tracking objects and focusing, motion sensitivity, photophobia, eye strain or brow-­ache, and headache exacerbated by activities that worsen vestibulo-ocular symptoms (e.g., when reading)

• N  eck pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion • Occipital headaches exacerbated by head movements and not physical or cognitive activity • Light-headedness and postural imbalance

Physical exam findings

• N  o focal neurological findings • Elevated resting HR

• I mpairments on standardized balance and gait testing • Impaired VOR, fixation, convergence, horizontal and vertical saccades

• D  ecreased cervical lordosis and range of motion • Paraspinal and suboccipital muscle tenderness/spasm • Impaired head-­neck position sense (i.e., proprioception)

• P  atients typically reach maximal exertion without exacerbation of vestibulo-ocular symptoms on graded treadmill tests • Vestibular rehabilitation program • Vision therapy program • School accommodations • Sub–symptom threshold aerobic exercise programs should be considered for adolescent athletes

• P  atients typically reach maximal exertion without exacerbation of cervicogenic symptoms on graded treadmill tests • Cervical spine manual therapy • Head-­neck proprioception retraining • Balance and gaze stabilization exercises • Sub–symptom threshold aerobic exercise programs should be considered for adolescent and adult athletes

Graded treadmill • G  raded treadmill tests are test often terminated early due to symptom onset or exacerbation Management options

• P  hysical and cognitive rest • School accommodations • Sub–symptom threshold aerobic exercise programs should be considered for adolescent and adult athletes

HR, Heart rate; PCD, postconcussion disorders; VOR, vestibulo-ocular reflex. Modified from Ellis MJ, Leddy JJ, Willer B: Physiological, vestibulo-ocular and cervicogenic postconcussion disorders: An evident space classification system with directions for treatment, Brain Inj 29(2):241, 2015.

If, during the test, the patient can exercise to exhaustion without reproduction of or exacerbation of the headache or other concussion symptoms, and he or she demonstrates a normal physiological response to exercise, then it can be concluded that the symptoms the patient is having are not due to a physiological concussion but to other problems such as a cervical injury, vestibular/ocular dysfunction, or a posttraumatic headache syndrome such as migraine.79 

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution With a head injury patient, deep tendon reflexes (see Table 1.30) should be tested. Accentuation of one or

more of the reflexes may indicate trauma to the brain on the opposite side. Pathological reflexes (see Table 1.32) may also be altered with a head injury. The corneal reflex (trigeminal nerve, cranial nerve V) is used to test for damage or dysfunction to the pons. In some cases, the patient may look to one side to avoid involuntary blinking. The examiner touches the cornea (not the eyelashes or conjunctiva) with a small, fine point of cotton (Fig. 2.67). The normal response is a bilateral blink because the reflex arc connects both facial nerve nuclei. If the reflex is absent, the test is considered positive. The gag reflex may be tested using a tongue depressor that is inserted into the posterior pharynx and depressed

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


Fig. 2.67  Test of corneal reflex.




7 2 5


Fig. 2.66 Borg scale of perceived exertion. (Copyright Gunnar Borg, 1970, 1985, 1994, 1998. From Borg G: Borg’s perceived exertion and pain scales. Champaign, IL, 1998, Human Kinetics.)

toward the hypopharynx. The reflex tests cranial nerves IX and X, and its absence in a trauma setting may indicate caudal brain stem dysfunction. Consensual light reflex may be tested by shining a light into one eye. This action causes the lighted pupil to constrict. If there is normal communication between the two oculomotor nerves, the nonlighted pupil also constricts. The jaw reflex is usually tested only if the temporomandibular joint or cervical spine is being examined. The examiner should check the sensation of the head and face, keeping in mind the differences in dermatome and sensory nerve distributions (Fig. 2.68). Lip anesthesia or paresthesia is often seen in patients with mandibular fracture.

Nerve Injuries of the Head and Face

Bell’s palsy involves paralysis of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) and usually occurs where the nerve emerges from the stylomastoid foramen. Pressure in the foramen caused by inflammation or trauma affects the nerve and therefore the muscles of the face (i.e., occipitofrontalis,

C2 C3


C3 4

C4 9



8 C4


Fig. 2.68  (A) Sensory nerve distribution of the head, neck and face. 1, Ophthalmic nerve; 2, maxillary nerve; 3, mandibular nerve; 4, transverse cutaneous nerve of neck (C2–C3); 5, greater auricular nerve (C2– C3); 6, lesser auricular nerve (C2); 7, greater occipital nerve (C2–C3); 8, cervical dorsal rami (C3–C5); 9, suprascapular nerve (C5–C6). (B) Dermatome pattern of the head, neck, and face. Note the overlap of C3.

corrugator, orbicularis oculi, and the nose and mouth muscles) on one side. The inflammation may result from a middle ear infection, viral infection, chilling of the face, or tumor. The observable result is smoothing of the face on the affected side owing to loss of muscle action, the eye on the affected side remaining open, and the lower eyelid sagging. The patient is unable to wink, whistle, purse the lips, or wrinkle the forehead. Speech sounds, especially those requiring pursing of the lips, are affected, resulting in slurred speech. The mouth droops, and it and the nose may deviate to the opposite side, especially in longstanding cases, of which there are remarkably few (90% of patients recover completely

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

TABLE  2.30

House-­Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System Parameter

Grade I

Grade II

Grade III

Overall appearance


Slight weakness on close inspection

At rest

Normal symmetry

Normal symmetry

Forehead movement

Grade IV

Grade V

Grade VI

Obvious but not Obvious weakness disfiguring and/or disfiguring difference between asymmetry both sides

Only barely perceptible motion

No movement

Normal symmetry

Normal symmetry



Normal with Moderate excellent to good function function

Slight to moderate function




Eyelid closure

Normal closure

Complete with minimum effort

Complete with maximal effort

Incomplete closure Incomplete with maximal effort closure with maximal effort

No movement


Normal and symmetric

Slight asymmetry

Asymmetry with maximum effort

Slight movement

No movement

Synkinesisa contracture and/or hemifacial spasm


Synkinesis contracture Synkinesis and/or asymmetrical contracture facial spasm leading and/or to disfiguring severe hemifacial enough to interfere spasm usually with function absent

No movement

Slight asymmetry with maximum effort May have Obvious but not very slight disfiguring synkinesis; no synkinesis contracture contracture and/ or hemifacial or hemifacial spasm spasm


an abnormal voluntary muscle movement causing simultaneous contraction of other muscles. Modified from Dutton M: Orthopedic examination, evaluation, and intervention, New York, 2004, McGraw Hill, p 1130. Adapted from Houie JW, Brackmann HE: Facial nerve grading system, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 93:146–147, 1985.

within 2 to 8 weeks). Facial sensation on the affected side is lost, and taste sensation is sometimes lost as well. The House-­ Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System (Table 2.30) may be used to grade the level of facial nerve involvement.289 

Joint Play Movements Because no articular joints are involved in the assessment of the head and face, there are no joint play movements to test. 

Palpation During palpation of the head and face, the examiner should note any tenderness, deformity, crepitus, or other signs and symptoms that may indicate the source of pathology. The examiner should note the texture of the skin and surrounding bony and soft tissues. Normally, the patient is palpated in the sitting or supine position, beginning with the skull and moving from anterior to posterior, to the face, and finally to the lateral and posterior structures of the head. The skull is palpated by a gentle rotary movement of the fingers, progressing systematically from front to back. Normally, the skin of the skull moves freely and has no tenderness, swelling, or depressions.

The temporal area and temporalis muscle should be laterally palpated for tenderness and deformity. The external ear or auricle and the periauricular area should also be palpated for tenderness or lacerations. The occiput should be palpated posteriorly for tenderness. The presence of Battle sign (see Fig. 2.17) should be noted, if observed, because this signals a possible basilar skull fracture. The sign may take 2 or 3 days to become visible. The face is palpated beginning superiorly and working inferiorly in a systematic manner. Like the skull, the forehead is palpated by gentle rotary movements of the fingers, feeling the movement of the skin and the occipitofrontalis muscle underneath. Normally, the skin of the forehead moves freely and is smooth and even with no tender areas. The examiner then palpates around the eye socket or orbital rim, moving over the eyebrow and supraorbital rims, around the lateral side of the eye, and along the zygomatic arch to the infraorbital rims, looking for deformity, crepitus, tenderness, and lacerations/scarring from previous lacerations (Fig. 2.69A and B). The orbicularis oculi muscles surround the orbit, and the medial side of the orbital rim and nose are then palpated for tenderness, deformity, and fracture. The nasal bones, including the lateral and alar cartilage, are palpated for any crepitus or deviation (Fig. 2.69C). The septum should be inspected to see if it has widened, possibly

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

indicating a septal hematoma, which often occurs with a fracture. It should also be determined whether the patient can breathe through the nose or smell. The frontal and maxillary sinuses should be inspected for swelling. To palpate the frontal sinuses, the examiner uses the thumbs to press up under the bony brow on each side of the nose (Fig. 2.70A). The examiner then presses



under the zygomatic processes using either the thumbs or index and middle fingers to palpate the maxillary sinuses (Fig. 2.70B). No tenderness or swelling over the soft tissue should be present. The sinus areas may also be percussed to detect tenderness. A light tap directly over each sinus with the index finger can be used to detect tenderness.





Fig. 2.69  Palpation of the face. (A) Upper orbital rim. (B) Lower orbital rim. (C) Nose. (D) Mandible. (E) Maxilla.



Fig. 2.70  (A) Palpation of frontal sinuses. (B) Palpation of maxillary sinuses.

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

Fig. 2.71 Palpation of maxillary fracture with anteroposterior rocking motion.

The examiner then moves inferiorly to palpate the jaw. The examiner palpates the mandible along its entire length, noting any tenderness, crepitus, or deformity. The examiner, wearing a rubber glove, may also palpate along the mandible interiorly, noting any tenderness or pain (Fig. 2.69D). The outside hand may be used to stabilize the jaw during this procedure. The mandible may also be tapped with a finger along its length to see if signs of tenderness are elicited. The muscles of the cheek (buccinator) and mouth (orbicularis oris) should be palpated at the same time. The maxilla may be palpated in a similar fashion, both internally and externally, noting position of the teeth, tenderness, and any deformity (Fig. 2.69E). The examiner may grasp the teeth anteriorly to see if the teeth and mandible or maxilla move in relation to the rest of the face, which may indicate a Le Fort fracture (Fig. 2.71). The trachea should be palpated for midline position. The examiner places a thumb along each side of the trachea, comparing the spaces between the trachea and the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which should be symmetric. The hyoid bone and the thyroid and cricoid cartilages should be identified. Normally, they are smooth and nontender and move when the patient swallows. 

Fig. 2.72  Normal anteroposterior view of the head and face showing a depressed parietal skull fracture (large arrowhead) with multiple bony fragments into the brain (small arrowheads). (From Albright JP, et al: Head and neck injuries in sports. In Scott WN, et al, editors: Principles of sports medicine, Baltimore, 1984, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, p 53.)

Diagnostic Imaging Plain Film Radiography

Common x-­rays taken involving the head and face are outlined in the following box. Common X-­Ray Views of the Head and Face Depending on Pathology • A nteroposterior view (Fig. 2.72) • Lateral view (Fig. 2.73)

Fig. 2.73  Normal lateral view of the head and face.

Anteroposterior View.  The examiner should note the normal bone contours, looking for fractures of the various bones (Figs. 2.74 and 2.75; see Fig. 2.72).  Lateral View.  The examiner should again note bony contours, looking for the possibility of fractures (Fig. 2.76). 

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

Computed Tomography

CT scans help to differentiate between bone and soft tissue and give a more precise view of fractures (Figs. 2.77 and 2.78). The Canadian Computed Tomography Head Rule or New Orleans Criteria have been developed to help the clinician decide when to use CT scans in minor head injury patients.59 The authors of the rule have defined minor head injury as witnessed loss of consciousness, definite amnesia, or witnessed disorientation in patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13 to 15. CT scans are not usually recommended in concussion cases unless there is



a suspected skull fracture, intracranial hemorrhage, neurological deficit, prolonged level of unconsciousness, or progressive deterioration of the patient.31,37,42,52–55 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI is especially useful for demonstrating lesions of the soft tissues of the head and face and for differentiating between bone and soft tissue (Figs. 2.79 and 2.80). As with CT scans, MRI is not usually recommended in concussion cases except with the same suspicions.31,37,42,52–55


Fig. 2.74  Incomplete fracture of angle of mandible on the left side (arrows). (A) Anteroposterior view. (B) Lateral view. (From O’Donoghue DH: Treatment of injuries to athletes, Philadelphia, 1984, WB Saunders, p 114.)

Fig. 2.75  Plain posteroanterior view showing blowout fracture of the orbit (arrowheads). (From Paton D, Goldberg MF: Management of ocular injuries, Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders, p 70.)

Fig. 2.76 Lateral radiograph of the nasal bones demonstrating a nasal fracture (arrow). (From Torg JS: Athletic injuries to the head, neck and face, Philadelphia, 1982, Lea & Febiger, p 229.)

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


Fig. 2.77  Axial computed tomogram of orbital blowout fracture showing fracture of the orbit (1) with orbital contents herniated into the maxillary sinus. (From Sinn DP, Karas ND: Radiographic evaluation of facial injuries. In Fonseca RJ, Walker RV, editors: Oral and maxillofacial trauma, Philadelphia, 1991, WB Saunders.)


Fig. 2.78  The computed tomographic scan is ideal for condylar fractures as seen in the right condyle. (From Bruce R, Fonseca RJ: Mandibular fractures. In Fonseca RJ, Walker RV, editors: Oral and maxillofacial trauma, Philadelphia, 1991, WB Saunders, p 389.)


Fig. 2.79  Magnetic resonance images showing blowout fracture. Sagittal (A) and coronal (B) T1-­weighted scans demonstrate a blowout fracture of the right orbit with depression of the orbital floor (white arrows) into the superior maxillary sinus. The inferior rectus muscle (long arrow) is clearly identified and is not entrapped by the floor fracture. (From Harms SE: The orbit. In Edelman RR, Hesselink JR, editors: Clinical magnetic resonance imaging, Philadelphia, 1990, WB Saunders, p 619.)

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


Maxillary sinus Coronoid process of mandible

Temporalis muscle Masseter

Lateral pterygoid muscle Longus capitis muscle Internal carotid artery

Adenoid tissue Pharyngobasilar fascia Mandibular condyle Internal jugular vein Hypoglossal nerve

Medulla Cerebellar tonsil


Nasolacrimal duct Orbital fat Maxillary sinus Zygomatic arch

Temporalis muscle

Lateral pterygoid muscle Clivus Medullary cistern Medulla

Pyramid Olive Mastoid sinus

Cerebellar hemisphere

PICA, tonsillar segment

Fig. 2.80  T1-­weighted axial magnetic resonance images of the head and brain at two levels. PICA, Posterior inferior cerebellar artery. (From Greenberg JJ, et al: Brain: indications, techniques, and atlas. In Edelman RR, Hesselink JR, editors: Clinical magnetic resonance imaging, Philadelphia, 1990, WB Saunders, p 384.)

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Chapter 2  Head and Face

PRÉCIS OF THE HEAD AND FACE ASSESSMENTa NOTE: Suspected pathology will determine which Special Tests are to be performed. History (sitting) Observation (sitting) Examinationa (sitting) Head injury Neural Watch Glasgow Coma Scale Concussion Memory tests Headache Expanding intracranial lesion Proprioception Coordination Head injury card Facial injury Bone and soft-­tissue contours Fractures Cranial nerves Facial muscles Eye injury Six cardinal gaze positions Pupils (size, equality, reactivity) Visual field (peripheral vision) Visual acuity Symmetry of gaze Hyphema Foreign objects, corneal abrasion Nystagmus Surrounding bone and soft tissue Saccades (horizontal and vertical) Accommodation Near point of convergence Smooth pursuits

Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) Tracking Nasal injury Patency Nasal cavities Sinuses Fracture Nose discharge (bloody, straw colored, clear) Tooth injury Number of teeth Position of teeth Movement of teeth Condition of teeth Condition of gums Ear injury Tenderness or pain Ear discharge (bloody, straw colored, clear) Hearing tests Balance Special tests Tests for expanding intracranial lesions Tests for concussion Tests for balance Tests for coordination Tests for cognitive function Tests of the vestibular system Tests for clinical reaction time Tests for proprioception Tests for hearing Graded exercise after concussion Reflexes and cutaneous distribution Palpation Diagnostic imaging


examining the head and face, if only one area has been injured (e.g., the nose), then only that area needs to be examined, provided the examiner is certain that adjacent structures have not also been injured. After any examination, the patient should be warned of the possibility of exacerbation of symptoms as a result of the assessment.

CASE STUDIES When doing these case studies, the examiner should list the appropriate questions to be asked and why they are being asked, identify what to look for and why, and specify what things should be tested and why. Depending on the patient’s answers (and the examiner should consider different responses), several possible causes of the patient’s problem may become evident (examples are given in parentheses). A differential diagnosis chart should be made up (see Table 2.31 as an example). The examiner can then decide how different diagnoses may affect the treatment plan. 1. You are providing medical coverage of a local mixed martial arts (MMA) event. A 30-­year-­old grappler takes a beating and loses in the third round from a technical knockout. Although he did not actually lose consciousness, he continues to be dizzy and has headache even 30 minutes after the fight. He has tinnitus and some retrograde amnesia. Does this athlete have a concussion or an intracranial lesion? What other findings would you expect to see with the

diagnosis that you made? What would be your immediate plan of care for this athlete? 2. You are providing coverage for a little league baseball tournament. A 10-­year-­old male baseball player, while sliding into home plate, is hit in the maxillary central incisor on the right with a baseball. There is severe bleeding from the right incisor. His right central incisor is loose but remains held in place by surrounding soft tissues and gums. Are there any other tests that need

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


CASE STUDIES—cont’d to be done to determine the overall extent of maxillary or tooth damage? How is the extent of damage determined? As you are doing these other procedures, the tooth falls out into your hand. What would now be your plan of care for this athlete? 3. A 27-­year-­old man was playing football. He received a “knee to the head,” rendering him unconscious for approximately 3 minutes. How would you differentiate between a first-­time, fourth-­degree concussion and an expanding intracranial lesion? 4. A 13-­year-­old boy received an elbow in the nose and cheek while play-­wrestling. The nose is crooked and painful and bled after the injury, and the cheek is sore. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (nasal fracture vs. zygoma fracture). 5. A 23-­year-­old woman was in an automobile accident. She was a passenger in the front seat and was not wearing a seat belt. The car in which she was riding hit another car that had run a red light. The woman’s face hit the dashboard, and she received a severe facial injury. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (Le Fort fracture vs. mandibular fracture).

6. An 83-­year-­old man tripped in the bathroom and hit his chin against the bathtub, knocking himself unconscious. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (cervical spine lesion vs. mandibular fracture). 7. An 18-­year-­old woman was playing squash. She was not wearing eye protectors and was hit in the eye with the ball. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (ruptured globe vs. blowout fracture). 8. A 15-­year-­old boy was playing field hockey. He was not wearing a mouth guard and was hit in the mouth and jaw by the ball. There was a large amount of blood. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (tooth fracture vs. mandible fracture). 9. A 16-­year-­old male wrestler comes to you complaining of ear pain. He has just finished a match, which he lost. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (cauliflower ear vs. external otitis). 10. A 17-­year-­old female basketball player comes to you complaining of eye pain. She says she received a “finger in the eye” when she went up to get the ball. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (hyphema vs. corneal abrasion).

TABLE  2.31

Differential Diagnosis of Concussiona and Intracranial Lesion Sign or Symptom


Intracranial Lesion

Confusion Amnesia Loss of consciousness Tinnitus Dizziness Headache Nystagmus or irregular eye movements Pupil inequality Irregular respiration Slowing of heart Intractable vomiting Lateralization Coordination affected Seizure Personality change

Yes, but should improve with time Posttraumatic, retrograde Yes, but recovers Severe Severe, but improves Often Not usually Not usually No No Not usually No Yes, but improves Not usually Possible

Will have increased confusion with time Not usually Lucid interval varies Not a factor May get worse Severe Possible Possible early; present later Possible early; present later Possible early; present later Possible Yes Yes, and gets worse Possible early; probable late Possible


of particular signs and symptoms may depend on severity of concussion.

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


eAPPENDIX 2.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Head and Face BALANCE ERROR SCORING SYSTEM (BESS) Reliability

Median/Mean Scores

• D  ouble-­leg stance ICC = 0.999; single-­leg stance ICC = 0.731; tandem-­firm stance ICC = 0.648290 • Intrarater r = 0.97291 • Intrarater r = 0.85291 • Interrater r = 0.93291 • Overall reliability = 0.64292

• Median totals: Ages 5–9 = 22; ages 10–13 = 17; ages 14–18 = 14; ages 19–23 = 13293 • Mean total scores: Ages 20–29 = 11.3 (SD 4.8); ages 30–39 = 11.5 (SD 5.5); ages 40–49 = 12.5 (SD 6.2); ages 50–54 = 14.2 (SD 7.5); ages 55–59 = 16.5 (SD 7.6); ages 60–64 = 18.0 (SD 7.8); ages 65–69 = 19.9 (SD 7.1)294


• • • • •


 est-­retest = 0.88295 T Intrarater r ≥ 0.93295 Intrarater r = 0.984296 Interrater r = 0.987296 r = 0.95297

• Accuracy 85%295

BRIEF SYMPTOM INVENTORY (BSI-­18) Intercorrelation • IC: Somatization α = 0.82, depression α = 0.87, anxiety α = 0.84, and GSI α = 0.93235

CALORIC TEST Sensitivity • To recognize presence of spontaneous and positional nystagmus warm monothermal test 97%, cool monothermal test 89%298 • W  hen no nystagmus is present, warm monothermal testing has 90% sensitivity and 92% specificity for predicting normal ABBT result299

DYNAMIC GAIT INDEX Reliability • Interrater k = 0.90–0.98 for time, 0.59–0.88 for GP, 0.84–1.0 for LOA300 • T  est-­retest: r = 0.91 for time, 0.91 for GP, 0.87 for LAO300

FINGER DRUMMING TEST Reliability • Interrater r = 0.67301



• I ntrarater dysmetria k = 0.54, tremor k = • Correlation with coin pick up 0.18, time of execution ICC = 0.97302 r = 0.77, pouring water r = • Interrater dysmetria k = 0.36, tremor k = 0.70–0.84, pick up phone r = 0.26, time of execution ICC = 0.91302 0.70–0.84303 • Interrater kinetic tremor: for starting position specify k = 0.37–0.64, no starting position specified k = 0.4–0.57, arm 90° of abduction and elbow extended k = 0.38–0.66, arm 90° of abduction touching nose for 5 sec k = 0.33–0.64303 • Intention tremor: for starting position specify k = 0.67–0.83, no starting position specified k = 0.63–0.84, arm 90° of abduction and elbow extended k = 0.55–0.87, arm 90° of abduction touching nose for 5 sec k = 0.61–0.83303

Normative Values • 2.9/3.0 s dominant/nondominant hand in athletes 15–40 years of age304

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L.eContinued 163.e1

163.e2 Chapter 2  Head and Face

eAPPENDIX 2.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Head and Face—cont’d FUNCTIONAL GAIT ASSESSMENT Reliability


• I ntrarater reliability ICC = 0.94305 • Intrarater reliability k = 0.61 for change in speed to 0.95 for stair climbing305 • Interrater reliability ICC = 0.94305 • Interrater reliability k = 0.61 for change in speed to 0.95 for stair climbing305 • Test-­retest = 0.91305 • Intrarater reliability ≥ 0.93295


• Internal consistency • α = 0.88305 • Concurrent validity rho = 0.50–0.76305 • Accuracy 80%305

 0.0%306 8

Sensitivity •

 0.6%306 8

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratios 4.03306



• Test-­retest k = 0.39–0.80307 • T  est-­retest k = 0.72, interrater k = 0.64 (severe commitment k = 0.59, minor commitment k = 0.69)308 • Test-­retest: experienced nurses reliability coefficient = 0.94, new graduates reliability coefficient = 0.94, student nurses reliability coefficient = 0.86309 • Test-­retest: eye opened r = 0.89, best motor response r = 0.85, best verbal response r = 0.97310 • Interrater: eye r = 0.75, k = 0.72, verbal r = 0.66, k = 0.48, motor r = 0.81, k = 0.63, total r = 0.86, k = 0.40311

• Correlation with a videotape and discussion within a group of experts P = .000307



• 8  1% when performed with passive brisk movements of the patient’s head from the 0° null position to 20° sideways; 90% when performed toward the center while the null position was a 20° head rotation to the right and to the left312 • 89% when performed with passive brisk movements of the patient’s head from the 0° null position to 20° sideways; 85% when performed toward the center while the null position was a 20° head rotation to the right and to the left312 • 63% when performed with passive brisk movements of the patient’s head from the 0° null position to 20° sideways; 82% when performed toward the center while the null position was a 20° head rotation to the right and to the left312 • 92% for lateral canals; 82% for posterior canals313

• 41% when performed with passive brisk movements of the patient’s head from the 0° null position to 20° sideways; 41% when performed toward the center while the null position was a 20° head rotation to the right and to the left312 • 18% when performed with passive brisk movements of the patient’s head from the 0° null position to 20° sideways; 32% when performed toward the center while the null position was a 20° head rotation to the right and to the left312 • 32% when performed with passive brisk movements of the patient’s head from the 0° null position to 20° sideways; 33% when performed toward the center while the null position was a 20° head rotation to the right and to the left312 • 71% for lateral canals; 43% for posterior canals313

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Chapter 2  Head and Face


eAPPENDIX 2.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Head and Face—cont’d KING-­DEVICK TEST Reliability • T  est-­retest ICC = 0.95; 95% CI = 0.78–0.98314 • Test-­retest ICC = 0.81; 95% CI = 0.73, 0.87271 • ICC = 0.89315 • ICC = 0.92; Pearson = 0.93316

Minimal Detectable Change




Odds Ratio

• Positive predictive value = 89%317 • Positive predictive value = 48%; negative predictive value = 73%280

• 96%317 • 69%280

• 98%317 • 53%280

• Positive • 6.35 seconds314 likelihood • 6.10 seconds271 ratio 11.6317


• • • • • •

 rief Best Test scores correlated to Mini Best r = 0.94297 B Interrater reliability ICC = 0.97206 Intrarater reliability ICC = 0.96206 Cronbach’s α 0.89–0.94206 Minimal detectable change at 95% CI was 3.0 points206 Interrater reliability ICC = 0.91207




• 87%319

• 62%319


Normative Values

• Interrater: eyes open ICC = 0.99, eyes closed ICC = 0.99320 • T  est-­retest: eyes open ICC = 0.90, eyes closed ICC = 0.74320

• 20.4/21.0 s dominant/nondominant lower extremity on firm surface; 3.4/3.3 dominant/nondominant lower extremity on foam in athletes 15–40 years old299

RINNE TEST Sensitivity • 72.9% using a force of 72.9% (accuracy is 76%)321

ROMBERG TEST Reliability


• B  etween morning • Association with and afternoon P > sway speed r = .84, 5 consecutive 0.46323 days P > .78322 • Interrater: eyes open ICC = 0.99, eyes close ICC = 0.99320 • Test-retest: eyes open ICC = 0.90, eyes close ICC = 0.76320



• 64% 40 years of age with horizontal canal or superior vestibular nerve involvement324

• 55% 40 years of age with horizontal canal or superior vestibular nerve involvement324


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163.e4 Chapter 2  Head and Face

eAPPENDIX 2.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Head and Face—cont’d SCANDINAVIAN GUIDELINES FOR HEAD INJURY Specificity


• 34% for detection of intracranial hemorrhage325

• 97% for detection of intracranial hemorrhage325 • 100% for detection of neurosurgery; 97.8% for detection of ciTBI; 95% for detection of brain injury326

SIT-­TO-­STAND Reliability • Interrater ICC = 0.98320 • T  est-­retest ICC = 0.92320


• • • • • • • • •

I nterrater ICC (children age 12–16 years old) = 0.59–0.95327 Intrarater ICC = 0.68–0.95327 ICC = 0.88–0.96; SEM = 2.41–3.30; SDD = 6.68–9.15328 Interrater ICC = 0.83–0.93; SEM 3.19–4.26; SDD 8.85–11.82328 Interrater ICC for both legs = 0.87–0.94329 Intrarater ICC for both legs = 0.87–0.94329 Interrater ICC = 0.86–0.92330 Interrater reliability = 0.89–0.94330 Test-­retest ICC = 0.84–0.92; 95% CI = 77.84–94.0; SEM = 2.21–2.94; SDD = 6.13–8.15331

ABBT, Alternate binaural bithermal caloric test; CI, confidence interval; ciTBI, clinically important traumatic brain injury; GP, gait pattern; GSI, Global Severity Index; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; k, kappa; LOA, level of assistance; SDD, smallest detectible difference; SEM, standard error of measurement.

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Cervical Spine Examination of the cervical spine involves determining whether the injury or pathology occurs in the cervical spine or in a portion of the upper limb. Cyriax1 called this assessment the scanning examination. In the initial assessment of a patient who complains of pain in the neck and/or upper limb, this procedure is always carried out unless the examiner is absolutely sure of the location of the lesion. If the injury is in the neck, the scanning examination is definitely called for to rule out neurological involvement. After the lesion site has been determined, a more detailed assessment of the affected area is performed if it is outside the cervical spine. Because many conditions affecting the cervical spine can be manifested in other parts of the body, the cervical spine is a complicated area to assess properly, and adequate time must be allowed to ensure that as many causes or problems are examined as possible.

Applied Anatomy The cervical spine consists of several pairs of joints. It is an area in which stability has been sacrificed for mobility, making the cervical spine particularly vulnerable to injury because it sits between a heavy, mobile head and a stable thoracic spine and ribs. The cervical spine is divided into two areas—the cervicoencephalic for the upper cervical spine and the cervicobrachial for the lower cervical spine. The cervicoencephalic or cervicocranial region (C0 to C2) shows the relationship between the cervical spine and the occiput, and injuries in this region have the potential of involving the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord (Fig. 3.1).2,3 Injuries in this area lead to symptoms of headache, fatigue, vertigo, poor concentration, hypertonia of the sympathetic nervous system, and irritability. In addition, there may be a cognitive dysfunction and a cranial nerve dysfunction.2,3 The atlanto-­occipital joints (C0 to C1) are the two uppermost joints. The principal motion of these two joints is flexion-­extension (15° to 20°), or nodding of the head. Side flexion is approximately 10°, whereas rotation is negligible. The atlas (C1) has no vertebral body as such. During development, the vertebral body of C1 evolves into the odontoid process, which is part of C2. The atlanto-­occipital joints are ellipsoid and act in unison. Along with the atlanto-­axial joints, these

joints are the most complex articulations of the axial skeleton. There are several ligaments that stabilize the atlanto-­ occipital joints. Anteriorly and posteriorly are the atlanto-­occipital membranes. The anterior membrane is strengthened by the anterior longitudinal ligament. The posterior membrane replaces the ligamentum flavum between the atlas and occiput. The tectorial membrane, which is a broad band covering the dens and its ligaments, is found within the vertebral canal and is a continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The alar ligaments are two strong rounded cords found on each side of the upper dens passing upward and laterally to attach on the medial sides of the occipital condyles. The alar ligaments limit flexion and rotation and play a major role in stabilizing C1 and C2, especially in rotation.4 The atlanto-­axial joints (C1–C2) constitute the most mobile articulations of the spine. Flexion-­ extension is approximately 10°, and side flexion is approximately 5°. Rotation, which is approximately 50°, is the primary movement of these joints. With rotation, there is a decrease in height of the cervical spine at this level as the vertebrae approximate because of the shape of the facet joints. The odontoid process of C2 acts as a pivot point for the rotation. This middle, or median, joint is classified as a pivot (trochoidal) joint. The lateral atlanto-­axial, or facet, joints are classified as plane joints. Generally, if a person can talk and chew, there is probably some motion occurring at C1–C2. At the atlanto-­axial joints, the main supporting ligament is the transverse ligament of the atlas, which holds the dens of the axis against the anterior arch of the atlas. It is this ligament that weakens or ruptures in rheumatoid arthritis. As the ligament crosses the dens, there are two projections off the ligament, one going superiorly to the occiput and one inferiorly to the axis. The ligament and the projections form a cross, and the three parts taken together are called the cruciform ligament of the atlas (Fig. 3.2). The vertebral artery—part of the vertebrobasilar system that passes through the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae usually starting at C6 but entering as high as C4—supplies 20% of the blood supply to the brain (primarily the hindbrain) along with the internal carotid artery (80%) (Fig. 3.3).5,6 In its path, the vertebral artery lies close to the facet joints and vertebral body where it

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine Medulla oblongata Cerebellum



Foramen magnum


Posterior longitudinal ligament Dura Vertebra prominens


Palate Anterior longitudinal ligament

C4 C5 C6 C7

Fig. 3.1  This sagittal view of the cervical spine shows the relations among the brain stem, the medulla oblongata, the foramen magnum, the spinal canal, and the cervical spine. The lower portion of the medulla is outside and below the foramen; therefore, with subluxation of the atlas on the axis, compression of the brain stem can occur through pressure of the odontoid against the upper spinal cord and the lower medulla. Note that the anterior arch of the atlas is only millimeters from the pharynx. (Redrawn from Bland JH: Disorders of the cervical spine, Philadelphia, 1994, W.B. Saunders, p 47.)

may be compressed by osteophyte formation or injury to the facet joint. In addition, in older individuals, atherosclerotic changes and other vascular risk factors (e.g., hypertension, high fat or cholesterol levels, diabetes, smoking) may contribute to altered blood flow in the arteries.7 The vertebral and internal carotid arteries are stressed primarily by rotation, extension, and traction movements, but other movements may also stretch the artery.8–10 Rotation and extension of as little as 20° have been shown to significantly decrease vertebral artery blood flow.11,12 The greatest stresses are placed on the vertebral arteries in four places: where it enters the transverse process of C6, within the bony canals of the vertebral transverse processes, between C1 and C2, and between C1 and the entry of the arteries into the skull.13,14 These latter two areas have the greatest potential for problems (e.g., thrombosis, dissection, stroke) related to treatment and their concomitant stress on the vertebral arteries.15 Dutton13 reports that the most common mechanism for nonpenetrating injury to the vertebral artery is neck extension, with or without side flexion or rotation.16,17 Given the type of injury possible, symptoms may be delayed.18,19 Symptoms related to the vertebral artery include vertigo, balance deficits, arm paresthesia, nausea, tinnitus, “drop attacks” (i.e., falling without fainting), visual disturbances, or, in rare cases, stroke or death.20 The lower cervical spine (C3 to C7) is called the cervicobrachial area, since pain in this area is commonly referred into the upper extremity.2,3 Pathology in this region leads to neck pain alone, arm pain alone, or both neck and arm pain. Thus, symptoms include neck and/or arm pain, headaches, restricted range of motion


(ROM), paresthesia, altered myotomes and dermatomes, and radicular signs. Cognitive dysfunction and cranial nerve dysfunction are not commonly symptoms of injuries in this area although sympathetic dysfunction may be. Injury to both areas, if severe enough, may result in psychosocial issues. There are 14 facet (apophyseal) joints in the cervical spine (C1 to C7). The upper four facet joints in the two upper thoracic vertebrae (T1 to T2) are often included in the examination of the cervical spine. The superior facets of the cervical spine face upward, backward, and medially; the inferior facets face downward, forward, and laterally (Fig. 3.4). This plane facilitates flexion and extension, but it prevents simple rotation or side flexion without both occurring to some degree together. This is called a coupled movement with rotation and side flexion both occurring with either movement.21 Ishii et al.22,23 reported that between C0 and C2, as well as C7 and T1, the two movements occur in opposite directions while between C2 and C7, they occur in the same direction. These joints move primarily by gliding and are classified as synovial (diarthrodial) joints. The capsules are lax to allow sufficient movement. At the same time, they provide support and a check-­rein type of restriction at end range. The greatest flexion-­extension of the facet joints occurs between C5 and C6; however, there is almost as much movement at C4 to C5 and C6 to C7. Because of this mobility, degeneration is more likely to be seen at these levels. The neutral or resting position of the cervical spine is slightly extended. The close packed position of the facet joints is complete extension. Cervical Spine Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

Midway between flexion and extension Full extension Side flexion and rotation equally limited extension

The recurrent meningeal, or sinuvertebral, nerve innervates the anterior dura sac, the posterior annulus fibrosus, and the posterior longitudinal ligament. The facet joints are innervated by the medial branch of the dorsal primary rami.24 For C3 to C7, the main ligaments are the anterior longitudinal ligament, the posterior longitudinal ligament, the ligamentum flavum, and the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments (Fig. 3.5). There are also ligaments between the transverse processes (intertransverse ligaments), but in the cervical spine, they are rudimentary. Some anatomists25–28 refer to the costal or uncovertebral processes as uncinate joints or joints of Luschka (Fig. 3.6). These structures were described by von Luschka in 1858. The uncus gives a “saddle”

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine Apical dental ligament

Tectorial membrane (reflected)

Alar ligament

Atlanto-occipital joint

Posterior elements of vertebra removed

Atlanto-axial joint

Superior crus Transverse ligament of atlas

Tectorial membrane (reflected)

Cruciform ligament

Inferior crus


Articular cavities Occipital bone External occipital protuberance Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane

Articular capsule of left atlantooccipital joint Ligamentum flavum

Articular capsule of right atlantoaxial joint


Anterior arch Dens of atlas

Superior articular facet

Transverse process

Transverse foramen Transverse ligament of atlas

Posterior arch


Membrane tectoria Occipital bone Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane Posterior arch of atlas Transverse ligament of atlas Inferior longitudinal band of cruciform ligament Ligamentum flavum

Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane Apical ligament of dens Superior longitudinal band of cruciform ligament Anterior arch of atlas Dens Body of axis Intervertebral disc

Spinal canal


Posterior longitudinal ligament

Anterior longitudinal ligament

Fig. 3.2  Ligaments of the upper cervical spine. (A) Posterior deep view. (B) Posterior superficial view. (C) Superior view. (D) Lateral view.

form to the upper aspect of the cervical vertebra, which is more pronounced posterolaterally; it has the effect of limiting side flexion. Extending from the uncus is a “joint” that appears to form because of a weakness in the annulus fibrosus. The portion of the vertebra above, which “articulates” or conforms to the uncus, is called the échancrure, or notch. Notches are found from C3 to T1, but according to most authors,25–28 they are not seen until age 6 to 9 years and are not fully developed

until 18 years of age. There is some controversy as to whether they should be classified as real joints because some authors believe they are the result of degeneration of the intervertebral disc. The intervertebral discs make up approximately 25% of the height of the cervical spine. No disc is found between the atlas and the occiput (C0–C1) or between the atlas and the axis (C1–C2). It is the discs rather than the vertebrae that give the cervical spine its lordotic shape

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine Circle of Willis

Spinous process

Posterior communicans artery Posterior cerebral artery

Internal carotid artery

Basilar artery

Superior cerebral artery

Anterior spinal artery


Supraspinal ligament

Body of vertebra C4 Intervertebral disc C5

Interspinal ligament




C1 nerve root

Ligamentum flavum


Spinal canal Posterior longitudinal ligament


Vertebral artery

5 6 C7 nerve root


Subclavian artery


Anterior longitudinal ligament

Fig. 3.5  Median section of C4 to C6 vertebrae to illustrate the intervertebral disc and the ligaments of the cervical spine.

T1 T2

Common carotid artery




Fig. 3.3  Anterolateral drawing of the course of the vertebral artery from C6 to C1 through the bony rings of the foramina transversaria. Note the double U-­turn the artery makes from C2 to C1 and the posterior course around the lateral mass of the atlas. (Modified from Bland JH, Nakano KK: Neck pain. In Kelley WN, et al., eds: Textbook of rheumatology, ed 1, Philadelphia, 1981, W.B. Saunders.) Superior facet Transverse process Inferior facet



Spinous process

Anterior portion Transverse process Superior facet 0o Posterior portion


Spinous process

Fig. 3.4 Cervical spine-­ plane of facet joints. (A) Lateral view. (B) Superior view.

Fig. 3.6  Joints of Luschka.

(Fig. 3.7). The nucleus pulposus functions as a buffer to axial compression in distributing compressive forces, whereas the annulus fibrosus acts to withstand tension within the disc. The intervertebral disc has some innervation on the periphery of the annulus fibrosus.29,30 There are seven vertebrae in the cervical spine with the body of each vertebra (except C1) supporting the weight of those above it. The facet joints may bear some of the weight of the vertebrae above, but this weight is minimal if the normal lordotic posture is maintained. However, even this slight amount of weight bearing can lead to spondylitic changes in these joints. The outer ring of the vertebral body is made of cortical bone, and the inner part is made of cancellous bone covered with the cartilaginous end plate. The vertebral arch protects the spinal cord, while the spinous processes, most of which are bifid in the cervical spine, provide for attachment of muscles. The transverse processes have basically the same function. In the cervical spine, the transverse processes are made up of two parts: the anterior portion that provides the foramen for the vertebral body, and the posterior portion containing the two articular facets (see Fig. 3.4B). In the cervical spine, the

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


1 2

Cervical lordosis


4 C4 disc


C3 C4



C5 disc

4 5 6

C5 6

C6 disc Thoracic kyphosis


3 C3 disc

7 1



C2 disc

3 4 5 6





7 C7 disc




C7 C8 T1


Fig. 3.8  Anterior view of cervical spine showing nerve roots. Note how each cervical nerve root is numbered for the vertebra below it.

1 2




Lumbar lordosis

4 5

Sacrococcygeal kyphosis

Fig. 3.7  The normal sagittal plane curvatures across the regions of the vertebral column. The curvatures represent the normal resting postures of the region. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 276.)

spinous processes are at the level of the facet joints of the same vertebra. Generally, the spinous process is considered to be absent or at least rudimentary on C1. This is why the first palpable vertebra descending from the external occiput protuberance is the spinous process of C2. Although there are seven cervical vertebrae, there are eight cervical nerve roots. This difference occurs because there is a nerve root exiting between the occiput and C1 that is designated the C1 nerve root. In the cervical spine, each nerve root is named for the vertebra below it. As an example, C5 nerve root exists between the C4 and C5 vertebrae (Fig. 3.8). In the rest of the spine, each nerve root is named for the vertebra above; the L4 nerve root, for example, exists between the L4 and L5 vertebrae. The switch in naming of the nerve roots from the one below to the one above is made between the C7 and T1 vertebrae. The nerve root between these two vertebrae is called C8, accounting for the fact that there are eight cervical nerve roots and only seven cervical vertebrae. 

Patient History In addition to the questions listed under Patient History in Chapter 1, the examiner should obtain the following information from the patient: 1.  What is the patient’s age? Spondylosis (also called spondylosis deformans) is often seen in persons 25 years of age or older, and it is present in 60% of those older than 45 years and 85% of those older than 65 years of age.31,32 It is a generalized disease of aging initiated by intervertebral disc degeneration. Symptoms of osteoarthritis do not usually appear until a person is 60 years of age or older (Table 3.1). 2.  What are the signs and symptoms, and which are most severe? Table 3.2 outlines many of the signs and symptoms that may arise from cervical spine pathology.33 Where are the symptoms most severe—in the neck, the shoulder, above or below the elbow, in the hands, and/or fingers?34 Location of the symptoms may help determine what level of the cervical spine is involved (e.g., tingling in the middle finger may indicate a problem at C6 to C7). Are the symptoms constant, intermittent, or variable?34 The Bone and Joint Decade 2000–10 Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders recommended that neck pain sufferers be divided into four groups (Table 3.3).35 Watkins36 provided a severity scale for neurological injury in football that can be used as a guideline for injury severity involving the cervical spine, especially if one is contemplating allowing the patient to return to activity (Fig. 3.9). A combined score (A + B) of

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


TABLE  3.1

Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Spondylosis, Spinal Stenosis, and Disc Herniation Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Cervical Disc Herniationa



May be unilateral or bilateral

May be unilateral (most common) or bilateral

Distribution of pain

Into affected dermatomes

Usually several dermatomes affected

Into affected dermatomes

Pain on extension



May increase (most common)

Pain on flexion



May increase or decreaseb (most common)

Pain relieved by rest




Age group affected

60% of those older than 45 years

11–70 years

17–60 years

85% of those older than 65 years

Most common: 30–60 years





Levels commonly affected

C5–C6, C6–C7






Diagnostic imaging


Slow (may be combined with spondylosis or disc herniation) Diagnostic

Diagnostic (be sure clinical signs support)

aPosterolateral bDepends

protrusion. on the direction of the herniation.

TABLE  3.2

TABLE  3.3

Signs and Symptoms Arising From Cervical Spine Pathology

Grading of Patients Suffering From Neck Pain




Clinical Presentation

• A  nesthesia (lack of sensation) • Asymmetry • Ataxia • Atrophy • Drop attack • Dysesthesia (abnormal sensation) • Falling • Fasciculation • Hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) • Nystagmus • Pathologic gait • Reflex changes • Spastic gait • Sweating or lack of sweating • Tender bones • Tender muscles • Tender scalp • Transient loss of hearing, consciousness, sight • Upper extremity weakness

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


No signs of major pathology

 rm and leg pain and ache A Auditory disturbance Cough Depressed mood Diarrhea Diplopia Dizziness Fatigue Gait disturbance Headache Insomnia Muscle twitch Nausea Pain Paresthesia Poor balance Restless arms and legs Sneeze Speech disturbance Stiff neck Threatened faint Tinnitus Torticollis Vertigo Visual disturbance

Modified from Bland JH: Disorders of the Cervical Spine, Philadelphia, 1994, W.B. Saunders Co, p 161.

Little or no interference with ADL 2

No signs of major pathology Interference with ADL

3 4

Pain with neurological signs of nerve compression (radiculopathy) Signs of major pathology (e.g., instability, infection)

ADL, Activities of daily living. Adapted from Guzman J, Haldeman S, Carroll LJ, et al: Clinical practice implications of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders: from concepts and findings to recommendations, J Manipulative Physiol Ther 32(2 Suppl):235, 2009.

4 is considered a mild episode, 4 to 7 is a moderate episode, and 8 to 10 is a severe episode. This scale can be combined with radiologic information on canal size (score C) to give a general determination of the possibility of symptoms returning if the patient returns to activity. In this case, a score of 6 (A + B + C) indicates minimum risk, 6 to 10 is moderate risk, and 10 to 15 is severe risk. Watkins36 also points out that extenuating factors (such as age of patient, level of activity, and risk versus benefit) also play a role and, although not included in the score, must be considered. Table 3.4

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Fig. 3.9  Watkins Severity Scale for Neurologic Deficit. (Data from Watkins RG: Neck injuries in football. In Watkins RG, editor: The spine in sports, St. Louis, 1996, Mosby-­Year Book, p 327.)

outlines some of the factors that increase the chances of recovery from neck pain. Chronic post-whiplash syndrome can lead to anxiety, pain catastrophizing (negative or heightened orientation toward pain), and other adverse psychosocial factors over time, and it can play a major role in the symptoms felt by the patient.37 Table 3.5 outlines yellow flags related to fear-­avoidance beliefs and possible long-­term disability. 3.  What was the mechanism of injury? Was trauma, stretching, or overuse involved? Was the patient moving when the injury occurred? Table 3.6 outlines warning signs and symptoms (red flags) of serious cervical spine disorders.38 These questions help determine the type and severity of injury. For example, trauma may cause a whiplash-­type (acceleration) injury or whiplash-­associated disorder (WAD) (Table 3.7),39 stretching may lead to “burners,” overuse or sustained postures may result in thoracic outlet symptoms, and

a report of an insidious onset in someone older than 55 years of age may indicate cervical spondylosis. Was the patient hit from the side, front, or behind? Did the patient see the accident coming?40 “Burners” or “stingers” typically occur from a blow to part of the brachial plexus or from stretching or compression of the brachial plexus (Table 3.8; Fig. 3.10). Backpack palsy (BPP)41 is sometimes reported from carrying a heavy backpack especially without waist support and the symptoms, commonly bilateral, are related to the brachial plexus (i.e., paresis, numbness, paresthesia, and painless motor weakness in the shoulder girdle and elbow flexor muscles). The answers to these questions help the examiner determine how the injury occurred, the tissues injured, and the severity of the injuries. 4.  Has the patient had neck pain before? Table 3.9 outlines factors that decrease chances of a new ­

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


TABLE  3.4

Factors That Increase Chances of Recovery From an Episode of Neck Pain Scenario and Grade of Neck Pain

Not Enough Evidence to Make Determination

Likely Increase

Might Increase

No Effect

General population

Younger age, no previous neck pain, good physical and psychological health, good coping, good social support

Being employed

At work

Exercise and sports, no prior pain or prior sick leave

Changing jobs (for certain job types), white collar job, greater influence over work

After a traffic collision

No prior pain or sick leave, fewer No prior pain initial symptoms, less symptom problems, good severity, Grade I WAD, prior health, non-­ good psychological health tort insurance, (e.g., not coping passively, no lawyer no fear of movement, no involvement, lower post-­injury anxiety), no early collision speed “overtreatment”

Age, ergonomics/ Gender, compensation, physical job demands, litigation, obesity, work-­related smoking, cervical psychosocial factors disc changes (but many such factors not studied) Collision-­specific Age, gender, culture, factors (such as head prior physical fitness, position when struck, cervical disc changes position in vehicle, direction of collision)

Gender, general exercise or fitness prior to pain episode, cervical disc changes

WAD, Whiplash-­associated disorder. From Guzman J, Haldeman S, Carroll LJ, et al: Clinical practice implications of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders: from concepts and findings to recommendations, J Manipulative Physiol Ther 32(2 Suppl):234, 2009.

episode of neck pain.35 In chronic cases of pain or headache, a pain diary may be useful to help determine pain patterns or factors that trigger the pain or headaches. 5.  What is the patient’s usual activity or pastime? Do any particular activities or postures bother the patient? What type of work does the patient do? Are there any positions that the patient holds for long periods (e.g., when sewing, typing, or working at a desk)? Does the patient wear glasses? If so, are they bifocals or trifocals? Upper cervical symptoms may result from excessive nodding as the patient tries to focus through the correct part of the glasses. Cervicothoracic (lower cervical/upper thoracic spine) joint problems are often painful when activities that require push-­ and-­pull motion (such as lawn mowing, sawing, and cleaning windows) are performed. What movements bother the patient? For example, extension can aggravate symptoms in patients with radicular signs and symptoms.42 6. Did the head strike anything, or did the patient lose consciousness? If the injury was caused by a motor vehicle accident, it is important to know whether the patient was wearing a seat belt, the type of seat belt (lap or shoulder), and whether the patient saw the accident coming. These questions give some idea of the severity and mechanisms of injury. If the patient

was unconscious or unsteady, the character of each episode of altered consciousness should be noted (see Chapter 2). 7.  Did the symptoms come on right away? Bone pain usually occurs immediately, but muscle or ligamentous pain can either come on immediately (e.g., a tear) or occur several hours or days later (e.g., stretching caused by a motor vehicle accident). Seventy percent of whiplash patients reported immediate symptom occurrence while the rest reported delayed symptoms.33,43–47 How long have the symptoms been present? Myofascial pain syndromes demonstrate generalized aching and at least three trigger points, which have lasted for at least 3 months with no history of trauma.48 8.  What are the sites and boundaries of the pain? Have the patient point to the location or locations of the pain. Symptoms do not go down the arm for a C4 nerve root injury or for nerve roots above that level. For example, C2 and C3 nerve roots go to the lateral neck while C4 and C5 nerve roots go to the lateral neck and shoulders. Cervical radiculopathy, or injury to the nerve roots in the cervical spine, presents primarily with unilateral motor and sensory symptoms into the upper limb, with muscle weakness (myotome), sensory alteration (dermatome), reflex hypoactivity, and sometimes focal activity being the primary signs.49–52 Acute

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine TABLE  3.5

TABLE  3.6

Clinical Yellow Flags Indicating Heightened Fear-­ Avoidance Beliefs and Risk of Patient Developing Long-Term Disability

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Serious Cervical Spine Disorders (Red Flags), Some of Which Will Necessitate Immediate Imaging Studies

Attitudes and Beliefs


Potential Cause

Clinical Characteristics

• B  elief that pain is harmful or disabling, resulting in guarding and fear of movement • Belief that all pain must be abolished before returning to activity • Expectation of increased pain with activity or work, lack of ability to predict capabilities • Catastrophizing, expecting the worst • Belief that pain is uncontrollable • Passive attitude to rehabilitation

• U  se of extended rest • Reduced activity level with significant withdrawal from daily activities • Avoidance of normal activity and progressive substitution of lifestyle away from productive activity • Reports of extremely high pain intensity • Excessive reliance on aids (braces, crutches, and so on) • Sleep quality reduced following the onset of back pain • High intake of alcohol or other substances with an increase since the onset of back pain • Smoking


Clinically relevant trauma in adolescent or adult Minor trauma in elderly patient Ankylosing spondylitis Follow Canadian C-­Spine Rules Pain worse at night Unexplained weight loss History of neoplasm Age of more than 50 or less than 20 years Previous history of cancer Constant pain, no relief with bed rest Fever, chills, night sweats Unexplained weight loss History of recent systemic infection Recent invasive procedure Immunosuppression Intravenous drug use Progressive neurologic deficit Upper-­and lower-­extremity symptoms Bowel or bladder dysfunction Muscle wasting of hand intrinsic muscles Sensory disturbance in the hands Unsteady gait Hoffman’s reflex present Hyperreflexia Bowel and bladder disturbances Multisegmental weakness and/or sensory changes Clonus (a series of involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions) Inverted supinator sign Occipital headache and numbness Severe limitation during neck active ROM in all directions Signs of cervical myelopathy Post trauma Rheumatoid arthritis Down syndrome Drop attacks Dizziness or light-headedness related to neck movement Dysphasia (difficulty swallowing) Dysarthria (difficulty speaking) Diplopia (double vision) Positive cranial nerve signs Ataxia (lack of muscle coordination) Nausea Temperature more than 37°C (98.6°F) Blood pressure more than 160/95 mm Hg Resting pulse more than 100 bpm Resting respiration more than 25 bpm Fatigue

Neoplasm (cancer)


Neurologic injury Cervical myelopathy

From Childs JD, Fritz JM, Piva SR, et al: Proposal of a classification system for patients with neck pain, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 34:686– 700, 2004. Data from Kendall, et al: Guide to assessing psychosocial yellow flags in acute low back pain: risk factors for long-­term disability and work loss, Wellington, New Zealand, 2002, Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Corporation of New Zealand and the National Health Committee.

radiculopathies are commonly associated with disc herniations, whereas chronic types are more related to spondylosis.50 Disc herniations in the cervical spine commonly cause severe neck pain that may radiate into the shoulder, scapula, and/or arm; limit ROM; and cause an increase in pain on coughing, sneezing, jarring, or straining.47 Using discography, it has been demonstrated that disc injury in the cervical spine can refer pain to the thoracic spine, especially along the medial scapular border.53 C3–C4 disc referral of pain is to the cervicothoracic junction and ipsilateral upper trapezius, C4–C5 is to the superomedial border of the scapula, C5–C6 to mid-­scapular area, and C6–C7 to lower scapular area and along the medial scapular border. Cervical myelopathy, or injury to the spinal cord itself, is more likely to present with spastic weakness, paresthesia, and possible incoordination in one or both lower limbs, as well as proprioceptive and/or sphincter dysfunction (Tables 3.10 and 3.11).54 With cervical myelopathy, hand symptoms may be evident early. This myelopathic hand results in weakness then loss of adduction and extension of the ulnar two or three fingers (finger escape sign or Wartenberg sign—difficulty with little finger adduction) and the patient has an inability to grip and release (grip and release test) these fingers rapidly.55 To do the test, the patient is asked to

Upper cervical ligamen­tous instability

Vertebral artery insufficiency

Inflammatory or systemic disease

ROM, Range of motion. Modified from Rao RD, Currier BL, Albert TJ, et al: Degenerative cervical spondylosis: clinical syndromes, pathogenesis, and management, J Bone Joint Surg Am 89(6):1360–1378, 2007; Childs JD, Fritz JM, Piva SR, et al: Proposal of a classification system for patients with neck pain, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 34:688, 2004.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine TABLE  3.7

The Quebec Severity Classification of Whiplash-­Associated Disorders Grade

Clinical Presentation


No neck symptoms, no physical sign(s)


No physical sign(s); neck pain; stiffness or tenderness only; neck complaints predominate; normal ROM; normal reflexes, dermatomes, and myotomes


Neck symptoms (pain, stiffness) and musculoskeletal sign(s), such as decreased ROM and point tenderness; soft-­tissue complaints (pain, stiffness) into shoulders and back; normal reflexes, dermatomes, and myotomes


Neck symptoms (pain, stiffness, restricted ROM) and neurological sign(s), such as decreased or absence of deep tendon reflexes, weakness (positive myotomes), and sensory (positive dermatome) deficits; x-­ray shows no fracture; CT/MRI may show nerve involvement; possible disc lesion Neck symptoms (pain, stiffness, restricted ROM) with fracture or dislocation and objective neurological signs, possible spinal cord signs


CT, Computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; ROM, range of motion. Modified from Spitzer WO, Skovron ML, Salmi LR, et al: Scientific monograph of the Quebec Task Force on Whiplash-­ Associated Disorders: redefining “whiplash” and its management, Spine 20(8 Suppl):8S–58S, 1995.


grip and release for 10 seconds. Normally, 20 or more repetitions are possible. 9. Is there any radiation of pain? It is helpful to correlate this answer with dermatome and sensory peripheral nerve findings when performing sensation testing and palpation later in the examination. Is the pain deep, superficial, shooting, burning, or aching? For example, when an athlete experiences a “burner,” the sensation is a lightning-­like, burning pain into the shoulder and arm, followed by a period of heaviness or loss of function in the arm. Fig. 3.11 shows the radiation of pain with facet (apophyseal) joint pathology.56,57 10. Is the pain affected by laughing, coughing, sneezing, or straining? If so, an increase in intrathoracic or intra-­ abdominal pressure may be contributing to the problem. 11. Does the patient have any headaches? If so, where? How frequently do they occur? Cervicogenic headaches occur as a symptom of musculoskeletal dysfunction in the cervical spine, especially C1, C2, and C3.58–61 Table 3.12 outlines the clinical criteria for a cervicogenic headache.58 If the patient complains of a headache, the examiner should record the headache history, its temporal pattern, symptoms behavior, and medication intake to ensure the headache is benign and can be classified.62 For example, do they occur every day, two times per day, two days per week, or one day per month?63 How intense are they? How long do they last? Are they affected by medication and, if so, by how much medication, and

TABLE  3.8

Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Nerve Root and Brachial Plexus Lesion Cause

Contributing factors Pain Paresthesia

Cervical Nerve Root Lesion

Brachial Plexus Lesion

Disc herniation Stenosis Osteophytes Swelling with trauma Spondylosis Congenital defects Sharp, burning in affected dermatomes

Stretching of cervical spine Compression of cervical spine Depression of shoulder

Numbness, pins and needles in affected dermatomes Over affected area of posterior cervical spine

Tenderness Range of motion Weakness Deep tendon reflexes Provocative test

Decreased Transient paralysis usually Myotome may be affected Affected nerve root may be depressed Side flexion, rotation, and extension with compression increase symptoms Cervical traction decreases symptoms Upper limb tension tests positive

Thoracic outlet syndrome Sharp, burning in all or most of arm dermatomes, pain in trapezius Numbness, pins and needles in all or most arm dermatomes (more ambiguous distribution) Over affected area of brachial plexus or lateral to cervical spine Decreased but usually returns rather quickly Transient muscle weakness Myotomes affected May be depressed Side flexion with compression (same side) or stretch (opposite side) may increase symptoms Upper limb tension tests may be positive

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


Compression (pinching)

Fig. 3.10  Mechanism of injury for brachial plexus (burner or stinger) pathology.

TABLE  3.9

Factors That Decrease Chances of Getting a New Episode of Neck Pain Scenario and Grade of Neck Pain

Not Enough Evidence to Make Determination

Likely Decrease

Might Decrease

No Effect

General population

No previous neck pain, no other musculoskeletal problems, good psychological health

Younger age, male gender, non-­ smoking, changing rules in sports (like in ice hockey)


Weight of school bags, cervical disc changes (on imaging)

At work

Younger age (peak risk in fourth and fifth decades), male gender, no previous pain in the neck, back or upper limbs, little psychological job strain, good coworker support, active work (nonsedentary), less repetitive or precision work —

Not being an immigrant or a visible minority, higher strength or endurance of the neck, not working with the neck bent for prolonged periods, non-smoking, no previous headaches, good physical health, “non-­type A” personality, not working in awkward positions, light physical work, adequate keyboard position, no awkward head, elbow and shoulder posture, no screen glare

Physical or sports activity during leisure, sleep quality, time spent on domestic activities, time spent on hobbies

Marital status, education, occupational class duration of employment, obesity, self-­assessed health status, mental stress, job satisfaction, working with hands above the shoulder level, height of computer screen, cervical disc changes Awareness of collision, head position at time of collision, severity of collision impact, cervical disc changes (on imaging)

After a traffic collision

Male gender, no previous neck pain, Tow bars in the riding in back seat, side collision, no car, age, type compensation for pain and suffering, of child seat specially engineered car seats and restraint headrests

From Guzman J, Haldeman S, Carroll LJ, et al: Clinical practice implications of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders: from concepts and finding to recommendations, J Manipulative Physiol Ther 32(2 Suppl):233, 2009.

what kind? Are there any precipitating factors (e.g., food, stress, posture)? See Tables 2.15–2.17, which indicate the influence of time of day, body position, headache location, and type of pain on diagnosis of the type of headache that the patient may have. Table 2.18 outlines the salient features of some of

the more common headaches. Craniovertebral joint dysfunction commonly is accompanied by headaches. For example, C1 headaches occur at the base and top of the head, whereas C2 headaches are referred to the temporal area. Cervical arterial dissection, although rare, may result in neck pain and

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


TABLE  3.10

Signs and Symptoms in Cervical Myelopathy Motor Changes

Sensory Changes

Initial Symptoms (Predominantly Lower Limbs)

• • • • • • • •

• S  pastic paraparesis • Stiffness and heaviness, scuffing of the toe, difficulty climbing stairs • Weakness, spasms, cramps, easy fatigability • Decreased power, especially of flexors (dorsiflexors of ankles and toes; flexors of hips) • Hyperreflexia of knee and ankle jerks, with clonus • Positive Babinski sign, extensor hypertonia • Decreased or absent superficial abdominal and cremasteric reflexes • Drop foot, crural monoplegia

Later Symptoms (In Order of Occurrence) • V  arious combinations of upper and lower limb involvement • Mixed picture of upper and lower motoneuron dysfunction • Atrophy, weakness, hypotonia, hyperreflexia to hyporeflexia, and absent deep tendon reflexes

• • • • • • •

 eadache and head pain H Neck, eye, ear, throat, or sinus pain Sensory symptoms in the pharynx and larynx Paroxysmal hoarseness and aphonia Rotary vertigo Tinnitus synchronous with pulse or continuous whistling noises Deafness Oculovisual changes (e.g., blurring, photophobia, scintillating scotomata, diplopia, homonymous hemianopsia, and nystagmus) Autonomic disturbance (e.g., sweating, flushing, rhinorrhea, salivation, lacrimation, nausea, and vomiting) Weakness in one or both legs, drop attacks with or without loss of consciousness Numbness on one or both sides of the body Dysphagia or dysarthria Myoclonic jerks Hiccups Respiratory changes (e.g., Cheyne-­Stokes respiration, Biot respiration, or ataxic respiration)

Modified from Bland JH: Disorders of the cervical spine, Philadelphia, 1994, W.B. Saunders, pp 215–216.

a migraine-­like headache.20 Dissection of a cervical artery (i.e., vertebral or internal carotid artery [Fig. 3.12]) usually results in “unusual” acute moderate to severe neck pain that is different from anything previously experienced. This may be followed by a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke.20 Vertebral artery dissection signs and symptoms include balance disturbances, ataxia (i.e., slurred speech, stumbling, falling [like being drunk]), syncope (i.e., fainting), drop attacks, dysphagia (i.e., difficulty swallowing), dysarthria (i.e., difficulty speaking), and visual defects (i.e., blurred vision) (Table 3.13).20,64 Many of these patients have transient neurological signs and symptoms days or weeks prior to dissection.20 Internal carotid artery dissection presents with unilateral frontal or retro-­orbital pain as well as constriction of the pupil (i.e., miosis) or facial palsy.20 If the headache is a major complaint especially following trauma, then the examiner should take a blood pressure measurement, assess the mental state of the patient as is done with a concussion (see Chapter 2 SCAT5), and assess the cranial nerves (see Table 2.1).65 12. Does a position change alter the headache or pain? If so, which positions increase or decrease the pain? The patient may state that the pain and referred symptoms are decreased or relieved by placing the hand or arm of the affected side on top of the head. This is called Bakody sign, and it is usually indicative of problems in the C4 or C5 area.66,67

13. Is paresthesia (a “pins and needles” feeling) present? This sensation occurs if pressure is applied to the nerve root. It may become evident if pressure is relieved from a nerve trunk. Numbness and/or paresthesia in the hands or legs and deteriorating hand function all may relate to cervical myelopathy (see Table 3.10). 14. Does the patient experience any tingling in the extremities? Are the symptoms bilateral? Bilateral symptoms usually indicate either systemic disorders (e.g., diabetes, alcohol abuse) that are causing neuropathies or central space–occupying lesions. 15. Are there any risk factors present? For example, hypertension can be a risk factor for carotid and vertebral artery disease.68 Instability due to problems with the craniovertebral ligaments could compromise neurological and vascular tissues in the upper cervical spine.68 Other risk factors related to vertebrobasilar insufficiency include cardiovascular disease, TIA, blood clotting disorders, anticoagulant therapy, oral contraceptives, smoking, long-­term use of steroids, and past history of trauma to the neck. 16. Are there any lower-­limb symptoms? This finding may indicate a severe problem affecting the spinal cord (myelopathy; see Table 3.10). These symptoms may include numbness, paresthesia, stumbling, difficulty walking, and lack of balance or agility. All of these symptoms could indicate cervical myelopathy. Likewise, signs of sphincter (bowel or bladder) or sexual dysfunction may be related to cervical myelopathy.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

TABLE  3.11

Differential Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders of the Cervical Spine and Upper Limb Cervical Radiculopathy (Nerve Root Lesion)

Cervical Myelopathy

Brachial Plexus Lesion (Plexopathy)

Burner (Transient Brachial Plexus Lesion)

Peripheral Nerve (Upper Limb)

Temporary pain in dermatome

No pain

Arm pain in dermatome distribution

Hand numbness, head pain, Pain more localized hoarseness, vertigo, tinnitus, to shoulder and deafness neck (sometimes face)

Pain increased by extension and rotation or side flexion

Extension, rotation, and side flexion may all cause pain

Pain on compression Pain on compression of brachial plexus or stretch of brachial plexus

Pain may be relieved by putting hand on head (C5, C6)

Arm positions have no effect on pain

Arm positions have no effect on paina

Arm positions have no Arm positions have no effect on paina effect on paina

Sensation (dermatome) affected

Sensation affected, abnormal pattern

Sensation (dermatome) affected

Sensation (dermatome) affected

Peripheral nerve sensation affected

Gait not affected

Wide-­based gait, drop attacks, ataxia; proprioception affected

Gait not affected

Gait not affected

Gait not affected

No pain early; if contracture occurs (late), pain on stretching

Altered hand function Loss of hand function

Loss of arm function Loss of function temporary

Loss of function of muscles supplied by nerve

Bowel and bladder not affected

Possible loss of bowel and bladder control

Bowel and bladder not affected

Bowel and bladder not affected

Bowel and bladder not affected

Weakness in myotome but no spasticity

Spastic paresis (especially in lower limb early, upper limb affected later)

Weakness in myotome

Temporary weakness in myotome

Weakness of muscles supplied by nerve

DTR hypoactive

Lower limb DTR hyperactive Upper limb DTR hyperactive

DTR hypoactive

DTR not affected

DTR may be decreased

Negative pathological reflex

Positive pathological reflex

Negative pathological Negative pathological reflex reflex

Negative pathological reflex

Negative superficial reflex Atrophy (late sign), hard to detect early

Decreased superficial reflex

Negative superficial reflex Atrophy

Negative superficial reflex Atrophy (not usually with neuropraxia)


Negative superficial reflex Atrophy possible


in neurotension test positions. DTR, Deep tendon reflexes.

17. Does the patient have any difficulty walking? Does the patient have problems with balance? Does the patient stumble when walking, have trouble walking in the dark, or walk with feet wide apart? Positive responses may indicate a cervical myelopathy. Abnormality of the cranial nerves combined with gait alterations may indicate systemic neurological dysfunction.69 18. Does the patient experience dizziness, faintness, or seizures? What is the degree, frequency, and duration of the dizziness? Is it associated with certain head positions or body positions? Semicircular canal problems or vertebral artery problems (Table 3.14) can lead to dizziness. Dizziness from a vertebral artery problem

is commonly associated with other symptoms. Falling with no provocation while remaining conscious is sometimes called a drop attack.70 Has the patient experienced any visual disturbances? Disturbances such as diplopia (double vision), nystagmus (“dancing eyes”), scotomas (depressed visual field), and loss of acuity may indicate severity of injury, neurological injury, and sometimes increased intracranial pressure (see Chapter 2).66 19. Does the patient exhibit or complain of any sympathetic symptoms? There may be injury to the cranial nerves or the sympathetic nervous system, which lies in the soft tissues of the neck anterior and lateral to the

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine



C2–3 C3–4 C4–5 C5–6


Basilar artery

Fig. 3.11  Referred pain patterns suggested with pathology of the apophyseal (facet) joints. (Redrawn from Porterfield JA, DeRosa C: Mechanical neck pain—perspective in functional anatomy, Philadelphia, 1995, W.B. Saunders, p 104. Adapted from Dwyer A, April C, Bogduk N: Cervical zygapophyseal joint pain patterns, Spine 15:453–457, 1990.)

TABLE  3.12

Clinical Criteria for the Diagnosis of Cervicogenic Headache • U  nilateral headache without side-­shift with an occipital or suboccipital component • Symptoms and signs of neck involvement: pain triggered by neck movement or sustained awkward posture and/or external pressure in the posterior neck or occipital region; ipsilateral neck, shoulder, and arm pain; reduced range of motion; abnormal mobility at C0–C1 • Pain episodes of varying duration or fluctuating continuous pain • Moderate, nonexcruciating pain, usually of a nonthrobbing nature • Pain starting in the neck, spreading to oculo-­fronto-­ temporal areas; suboccipital or nuchal tenderness • Anesthetic blockades abolish the pain transiently provided complete anesthesia is obtained, or occurrence of sustained neck trauma shortly before onset • Various attack-­related events and sensory abnormalities: autonomic symptoms and signs, nausea, vomiting, ipsilateral edema and flushing in the peri-­ocular area, dizziness, photophobia, phonophobia, or blurred vision in the ipsilateral eye Satisfying the first five criteria above qualifies for a diagnosis of possible cervicogenic headache Satisfying an additional three criteria above advances the diagnosis to probably cervicogenic headache Modified from Bogduk N, Govind J: Cervicogenic headache: an assessment of the evidence on clinical diagnosis, invasive tests and treatment, Lancet Neurol 8(10):959–968, 2009. Adapted from Antonaci F, Ghirmai S, Bono S, et al: Cervicogenic headache: evaluation of the original diagnostic criteria, Cephalalgia 21:573–583, 2001.

Internal carotid artery

Cerebellum Brain stem

Anterior circulation Vertebral artery

Posterior circulation

Fig. 3.12  Distribution of the internal carotid, basilar, and vertebral artery via the Circle of Willis. (Redrawn from Haneline M: The etiology of cervical artery dissection, J Chiro Med 6:111, 2007.)

TABLE  3.13

Differentiation Between Features of Cervical Artery Dissection and Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency Cervical Artery Dissection

Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency

Acute onset of neck pain or headache

Longstanding neck pain or headache

Young-­middle age (30–50 years)

Older person (>65 years of age)

History of recent trauma or infection

No report of recent trauma or infection

No clear link of signs and symptoms with head movement

Link of symptoms with head position or neck movement

Headache, neck pain

Neck pain

Moderate/severe pain Mild-­moderate pain 5 Ds (i.e., dizziness, 5 Ds (i.e., dizziness, diplopia, diplopia, dysarthria, dysarthria, dysphagia, drop dysphagia, drop attacks), attacks), pre­syncope other symptoms (e.g., limb paresthesia or weakness, Horner syndrome) From Thomas LC: Cervical arterial dissection: an overview and implications for manipulative therapy practice, Man Ther 21:2–9, 2016.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine TABLE  3.14

Signs and Symptoms of Vertebrobasilar Artery Insufficiencya

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

 izziness, vertigo D Giddiness Drop attacks, blackouts Syncope (loss of consciousness) Stroke Diplopia, blurred vision Visual hallucination Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) Flushing Sweating Lacrimation (tearing) Rhinorrhea (runny nose) Scotomata (visual defect in defined area of eye[s]) Hiccups Myotonic jerks Tremor and rigidity Disorientation Vertigo Photophobia (sensitivity to light) Numbness and tingling (around lips or face) Quadriparesis (weakness in all four limbs) Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) Dysarthria (difficulty speaking) Photopsia (sensation of flashing lights) Visual anosognosia (unawareness of visual defect) Nystagmus Ataxia (lack of voluntary muscle coordination/ unsteady gait) • Nausea/vomiting • Headache


paraspinal symptoms result mainly from rotation and extension of the neck, although they sometimes occur during flexion. The spectrum of neurologic symptoms and signs is as broad as that of the structures potentially involved. In a complex, bizarre, and poorly explained neurologic syndrome, vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency should be suspected. Modified from Bland JH: Disorders of the cervical spine, Philadelphia, 1994, W.B. Saunders Co., p 217.

cervical vertebrae. The cranial nerves and their functions are shown in Table 2.1. Severe injuries (e.g., acceleration/whiplash type) can lead to hypertonia of the sympathetic nervous system.2 Some of the sympathetic signs and symptoms the examiner may elicit are “ringing” in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness, blurred vision, photophobia, rhinorrhea, sweating, lacrimation, and loss of strength. 20. Is the condition improving, worsening, or staying the same? The answers to these questions give the examiner some indication of the condition’s progress. 21. Which activities aggravate the problem? Which activities ease the problem? Are there any head or neck positions that the patient finds particularly bothersome? These positions should be noted. For example, does reading (flexed cervical spine) bother the patient?

If symptoms are not varied by a change in position, the problem is not likely to be mechanical in origin. Lesions of C3, C4, and C5 may affect the diaphragm and thereby affect breathing. 22. Does the patient complain of any restrictions when performing movements? If so, which movements are restricted? It is important that the patient not demonstrate the movements at this stage; the actual movements will be done during the examination. 23. Is the patient a mouth breather? Mouth breathing encourages forward head posture and increases activity of accessory respiratory muscles. 24. Is there any difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), or have there been any voice changes? Such a change may be caused by neurological problems, mechanical pressure, or muscle incoordination. Pain on swallowing may indicate soft-­tissue swelling in the throat, vertebral subluxation, osteophyte projection, or disc protrusion into the esophagus or pharynx. In addition, swallowing becomes more difficult and the voice becomes weaker as the neck is extended. 25. What can be learned about the patient’s sleeping position and nighttime symptoms? Is there any problem sleeping? How many pillows does the patient use, and what type are they (e.g., feather, foam, buckwheat)? Foam pillows tend to retain their shape and have more “bounce”; they do not offer as much support as a good feather or buckwheat pillow. What type of mattress does the patient use (e.g., hard, soft)? Does the patient “hug” the pillow or abduct the arms when sleeping? These positions can increase the stress on the lower cervical nerve roots. 26. Does the patient display any cognitive dysfunction? If a possible head injury is suspected, the clinician should also consider testing for mental status (see Chapter 2). 27. Are there any behavioral or psychological problems present that may be contributing to the problem? These problems may be related to issues such as economic issues, coping skills, fear avoidance, pain catastrophizing, litigation, occupational issues, stress, and/ or quality of life.71–73 These concepts were developed from work by Waddell et al. on the lumbar spine.74 Table 3.15 outlines the tests that can be performed to determine if there is a psychological component to the patient’s problems.71,75,76 Issues such as depression can be screened using the Beck Depression Inventory, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-­ 21),77 and the Impact of Event Scale–Revised.78,79 28. Does the patient have any problems with the temporomandibular joints (TMJs)? The TMJ can refer pain to the cervical spine (see Chapter 4) and the cervical spine can refer pain to the TMJ.80,81 

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


TABLE  3.15

Reliable Behavioral (Nonorganic) Signs in the Cervical Spine and the Criteria for a Positive Testa Sign

Test Site

Palpation • Superficial tenderness • N  onanatomic tenderness

Criteria for a Positive Test

Palpation of cervical spine region Patient complains of pain with light touch or light pinching and upper thoracic region of the skin Deep palpation of the cervical, thoracic, Patient complains of widespread tenderness that is outside lumbar, and brachial region of the cervical and upper thoracic region


Examiner rotates patient’s head, • R  otation of head/ shoulders, trunk, and pelvis shoulders/trunk/pelvis while standing

Patient complains of neck pain with rotation

Patient rotates head as far as possible to the right and then left

Rotation is less than 50% of normal in each direction

• Sensory loss

Light touch or pinprick

• Motor loss

Formal manual muscle testing, observation


Examiner’s observation

Patient reports diminished sensation in a pattern that does not correspond to a specific dermatome of a nerve root(s) or peripheral nerve(s) Weakness detected in a nonanatomic pattern, the hallmark being “giveway weakness” Also positive if patient is observed to have normal muscle strength but on formal test exhibits weakness Examiner feels the patient is “overreacting” during the examination. Reliable behaviors include: • Moderate to extremely stiff, rigid, or slow movements • Rubbing the affected area for more than 3 seconds • Clutching, grasping, or squeezing the area for more than 3 seconds • Grimacing due to pain • Sighing

Cervical Range of Motion Regional Disturbance


considered three positive tests out of five as a cutoff for significant nonorganic problems affecting the patient. From Sobel JB, Sollenberger P, Robinson R, et al: Cervical nonorganic signs: a new clinical tool to assess abnormal illness behavior in neck pain patients: a pilot study, Arch Phys Med Rehabil 81(2):172, 2000.

Observation For a proper observation, the patient must be suitably undressed. However, the examiner should also watch the patient as he or she enters the examination room, and before or while he or she undresses. The spontaneous movements of these activities can be very helpful in determining the patient’s problems. For example, can the patient easily move the head when undressing? A male patient should remove clothing above the waist, and a female patient should wear a bra for this part of the assessment. In some cases, the bra may have to be removed to determine whether there are any problems, such as thoracic outlet syndrome, thoracic symptoms being referred to the cervical spine or to the sensory distribution of a thoracic nerve that radiates anteriorly along the ribs, or functional restriction of movement of the ribs. The examiner should note the willingness of the patient to move and the patterns of movement demonstrated. Facial expression of the patient can often give the examiner an indication of the amount of pain the patient is experiencing. If the patient is supporting the head and neck during the history and

observation and is afraid to move the head (i.e., Rust’s sign), it may be an indication of cervical instability and the examiner should proceed with caution as this action by the patient may indicate a fracture or ligamentous injury leading to instability in the upper cervical spine. The patient may be seated or standing. Usually, a standing posture is best because the posture of the whole body can be observed (see Chapter 15). Abnormalities in one area frequently affect another area. For example, excessive lumbar lordosis may cause a “poking” chin (cervical spine is in extension) to compensate for the lumbar deformity and to maintain the body’s center of gravity centered beneath the base of support. In the cervical spine region, the examiner should note the following: Head and Neck Posture (Standing).  Is the head in the midline, and does the patient have a normal lordotic curvature (30° to 40°) (see Figs. 3.7 and 3.13)? This curvature along with the other spinal curvatures in the lower spine provides a shock absorption mechanism for the spine and helps the body maintain its center of gravity.82 From the front, the chin should be in line with the sternum (manubrium) and from the side, the ears should be in line with the shoulder

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine




Fig. 3.13  Observation views of head and neck. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view. (C) Lateral or side view. With normal posture, the ear should be in line with the shoulder and the forehead vertical. Note that this model is a “chin poker” with the head sitting anteriorly, which leads to a decrease in the lordotic curve.

and the forehead vertical. Is there evidence of torticollis (congenital or acquired) (Fig. 3.14), Klippel-­Feil syndrome (congenital fusion of some cervical vertebra, usually C3 to C5) (Fig. 3.15), or other neck deformity? With acute torticollis due to a disc problem, the head is side flexed away from the painful side. Does the patient exhibit a poking chin or a “military posture?” A habitual poking chin can result in adaptive shortening of the occipital muscles. It also causes the cervical spine to change alignment resulting in increased comprehensive stress of the facet joints and posterior discs and other posterior elements (Fig. 3.16). The position may also lead to weaknesses of the deep neck flexors.83 Janda84 described a cervical “upper crossed syndrome” to show the effect of a “poking chin” posture on the muscles. With this syndrome, the deep neck flexors are weak, as are the rhomboids, serratus anterior, and often the lower trapezius. Opposite these weak muscles are tight pectoralis major and minor, along with upper trapezius and levator scapulae (Fig. 3.17). Does the head sit in the middle of the shoulders? Is the head tilted or rotated to one side or the other, indicating possible torticollis? Does this posture appear to be habitual (in other words, does the patient always go back to this posture)? Habitual posture may result from postural compensation, weak muscles, hearing loss, temporomandibular joint problems, or wearing of bifocals or trifocals. The trapezius neck line should be equal on both sides. Head and neck posture should be checked with the patient sitting and then standing, and any differences should be noted.  Shoulder Levels.  Usually the shoulder on the dominant side will be slightly lower than that on the nondominant

Fig. 3.14 Seven-­year-­old boy with left congenital muscular torticollis. (From Mauck BM: Congenital anomalies of the trunk and upper extremity. In Azar FM, Beaty JH, Canale ST, editors: Campbell’s operative orthopedics, ed 13, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier.)

side. This is known as part of handedness. With injury, the injured side may be elevated to provide protection (e.g., upper trapezius and/or levator scapulae) or because of muscle spasm. Rounded shoulders may be the result of or the cause of a poking chin. Rounding also causes the scapulae to protract, the humerus to medially rotate, and the anterior structures of the shoulder to tighten and posterior structures to be lengthened. 

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine





Fig. 3.15 Klippel-­ Feil syndrome. (A) This radiograph shows mild osseous involvement with fusion of the upper cervical segments. (B) In this radiograph, a different patient has severe osseous involvement in which C3 to C7 are fused and hypoplastic (i.e., underdeveloped). (C) Clinically the neck appears short and broad in the anterior view of this young child. (D) In this posterior view, the hairline is low and an associated Sprengel Deformity is present, the left scapula being hypoplastic and high riding. As a result, the patient is unable to fully raise his left arm. Typical webbing of the neck is not appreciable in this child. (From Deeney VF, Arnold J: Orthopedics. In Zitelli BJ, McIntire SC, Nowalk AJ, editors: Zitelli and Davis’ atlas of pediatric physical diagnosis, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.)



Flexion Extension Extension Flexion




Muscle Spasm or Any Asymmetry.  Is there any atrophy of the deltoid muscle (axillary nerve palsy) or torticollis (muscle spasm, tightness, or prominence of the sternocleidomastoid muscle) (see Fig. 3.14)? Another example is trapezius atrophy due to spinal accessory nerve palsy. 

Fig. 3.16  Protraction and retraction of the cranium. (A) During protraction of the cranium, the lower-­to-­mid cervical spine flexes as the upper craniocervical region extends. (B) During retraction of the cranium, in contrast, the lower-­to-­mid cervical spine extends as the upper craniocervical region flexes. Note the change in distance between the C1–C2 spinous processes during the two movements. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system— foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 284.)

Facial Expression. The examiner should observe the patient’s facial expression as the patient moves from position to position, makes different movements, and explains the problem. Such observation should give the examiner an idea of how much the patient is subjectively suffering. 

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Weak deep neck flexors

Tight upper trapezius and levator scapulae

the side, the earlobe should be in line with the acromion process and the high point on the iliac crest for proper postural alignment. The normal curve of the cervical spine is a lordotic type of curve. Referred pain from conditions, such as spondylosis, tends to occur in the shoulder and arm rather than the neck. 

Examination Weak rhomboids, serratus anterior and lower trapezius

Tight pectoralis (major & minor)

Fig. 3.17  Upper crossed syndrome.

A complete examination of the cervical spine must be performed, including the neck, upper thoracic spine, upper ribs, and both upper limbs.85 Many of the symptoms that occur in an upper limb originate from the neck. Unless there is a history of definite trauma to a peripheral joint, an upper limb scanning examination must be performed to rule out problems within the neck.

Active Movements The first movements that are carried out are the active movements of the cervical spine with the patient in the sitting position. The examiner is looking for differences in range of movement, the pattern of movement, and in the patient’s willingness to do the movement.86 If the pattern of movement is aberrant or uncontrolled, it is called cervical movement control dysfunction.87 The ROM taking place in this phase is the summation of all movements of the entire cervical spine, not just at one level. This combined movement allows for greater mobility in the cervical spine while still providing a firm support for the trunk and appendages. The ROM available in the cervical spine is the result of many factors, such as the flexibility of the intervertebral discs, the shape and inclination of the articular processes of the facet joints, and the slight laxity of the ligaments and joint capsules. Female patients tend to have a greater active ROM than males, except in flexion, but the differences are not great. The range available decreases with age, except rotation at C1–C2, which may increase.88,89 Active Movements of the Cervical Spine Fig. 3.18  Upper extremity swelling and discoloration in the left arm due to venous thoracic outlet syndrome.

Bony and Soft-­Tissue Contours. If the cervical spine is injured, the head tends to be tilted and rotated away from the pain, and the face is tilted upward. If the patient is hysterical, the head tends to be tilted and rotated toward the pain, and the face is tilted down.  Evidence of Ischemia in Either Upper Limb. The examiner should note any altered coloration of the skin, ulcers, or vein distention as evidence of upper limb ischemia (Fig. 3.18).  Normal Sitting Posture.  The nose should be in line with the manubrium and xiphoid process of the sternum. From

• • • • • • •

F lexion Extension Side flexion left and right Rotation left and right Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained positions (if necessary)

The movements should be done in a particular order so that the most painful movements are done last, and no residual pain is carried over from the previous movement. 1 If the patient has complained of pain on specific movements in the history, these movements are done last. In the very acute cervical

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

spine, only some movements—those that give the most information—are performed to avoid undue symptom exacerbation. If, when doing the active and passive movements, the symptoms are relieved when the patient returns to neutral, the condition is nonirritable. If the symptoms are not relieved, then the condition is irritable and movements may be restricted depending on the intensity of the symptoms. While the patient performs the active movements, the examiner looks for limitation of movement and possible reasons for pain, spasm, stiffness, or blocking. As the patient reaches the full active ROM, passive overpressure may be applied very carefully, but only if the movement appears to be full and not too painful (see passive movement in a later discussion). If, when doing active as well as passive movements, the patient is able to hold the end range position, the symptoms would not be considered severe. If the patient cannot hold the end range position, any symptoms would be considered more severe and overpressure should not be applied. The overpressure helps the examiner to test the end feel of the movement as well as differentiating between physiological (active) end range and anatomical (passive) end range. The examiner must be careful when applying overpressure to rotation or any combination of rotation, side flexion, and extension.8 In these positions, the vertebral artery is often compressed, which can lead to a decrease in blood supply to the brain. Should this occur, the patient may complain of dizziness or feel faint. If the patient exhibits these symptoms, the examiner must use extreme care during these movements, the rest of the assessment, and treatment. The examiner can differentiate between movement in the upper and lower cervical spine. During flexion, nodding occurs in the upper cervical spine, whereas flexion occurs in the lower cervical spine. If the nodding movement does not occur, it indicates restriction of movement in the upper cervical spine; if flexion does not occur, it indicates restriction of motion in the lower cervical spine. Movement can occur between C1 and C2 without affecting the other vertebrae, but this is not true with other cervical vertebrae. In other words, for C2 to C7, if one vertebra moves, the ones adjacent to it will also move. Thus, the active movements in the cervical spine can be divided into two parts: those testing the upper cervical spine (C0 to C2) and those involving the rest of the cervical spine (C2 to C7) (Fig. 3.19). Table 3.16 gives the approximate ROMs in the different parts of the cervical spine.90


To test flexion movement in the upper cervical spine, the patient is asked to nod or place the chin on the Adam’s apple. Normally this movement is pain free. Positive symptoms (e.g., tingling in feet, electric shock sensation down the neck [Lhermitte sign], severe pain, nausea, cord signs) all indicate severe pathology (e.g., meningitis, tumor, dens fracture) as the dura in the cervical


and thoracic spine is also being stretched.13 While the patient is flexing (nodding) the head, the examiner can palpate the relative movement between the mastoid and transverse process of C1 on each side comparing both sides for hypomobility or hypermobility between C0 and C1.13 Likewise, the examiner can palpate the posterior arch of C1 and the lamina of C2 during the nodding movement to compare the relative movement.13 For flexion, or forward bending, of the lower cervical spine, the maximum ROM is 80° to 90°. The extreme of ROM is normally found when the chin is able to reach the chest with the mouth closed; however, up to two finger-widths between chin and chest is considered normal. If the deep neck flexors are weak, the sternocleidomastoid muscles will initiate the flexion movement, causing the jaw to lead the movement, not the nose, since the sternocleidomastoid muscles will cause the chin to initially elevate before flexion occurs.63,91,92 In flexion, the intervertebral disc widens posteriorly and narrows anteriorly. The intervertebral foramen is 20% to 30% larger on flexion than on extension. The vertebrae shift forward in flexion and backward in extension (Figs. 3.20 and 3.21). Also, the mastoid process moves away from the C1 transverse process on flexion and extension. As the patient forward flexes, the examiner should look for a posterior bulging of the spinous process of the axis (C2). This bulging may result from forward subluxation of the atlas, which allows the spinous process of the axis to become more prominent. If this sign appears, the examiner should exercise extreme caution during the remainder of the cervical assessment. To verify the subluxation, the Sharp-­Purser test (see under Special Tests) may be performed, but only with extreme care. 


To test extension in the upper cervical spine, the patient is asked to lift the chin up without moving the neck. The examiner can lift the occiput at the same time. If serious symptoms arise (e.g., tingling in the feet, loss of balance, drop attack), it is suggestive of spinal cord compression or vertebrobasilar dysfunction.13 Extension, or backward bending of the cervical spine, is normally limited to 70°. Because there is no anatomic block to stop movement going past this position, problems often result from whiplash or cervical strain. Normally, there is sufficient extension to allow the plane of the nose and forehead to be nearly horizontal. When the head is held in extension, the atlas tilts upward, resulting in posterior compression between the atlas and occiput. 

Side Flexion

Side, or lateral, flexion is approximately 20° to 45° to the right and left (Fig. 3.22). As the patient does the movement, the examiner can palpate adjacent transverse processes on the convex side to determine relative movement at each level. When the patient does the movement, the

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


Fig. 3.19 Active movements of the cervical spine. (A) Anterior nodding (upper cervical spine). (B) Flexion (lower cervical spine). (C) Extension (lower cervical spine). (D) Posterior nodding (upper cervical spine). (E) Side flexion. (F) Rotation.






TABLE  3.16

Approximate Range of Motion for the Three Planes of Movement for the Joints of the Craniocervical Regiona Joint or Region Atlanto-­occipital joint Atlanto-­axial joint complex Intracervical region (C2–C7) Total across craniocervical region

Flexion and Extension (Sagittal Plane, Degrees)

Axial Rotation (Horizontal Plane, Degrees)

Lateral Flexion (Frontal Plane, Degrees)

Flexion: 5 Extension: 10 Total: 15 Flexion: 5 Extension: 10 Total: 15 Flexion: 35 Extension: 70 Total: 105 Flexion: 45–50 Extension: 85 Total: 130–135


About 5






About 40


horizontal and frontal plane motions are to one side only. Data are compiled from multiple sources and subject to large intersubject variations. From Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 278.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine



Craniocervical flexion








Ligamentum nuchae


C4 External auditory Flexion meatus Styloid Atlas process Ligamentum flavum






Atlanto-occipital joint

Anterior longitudinal ligament Compressed annulus fibrosus Capsule of apophyseal joint









Occipital bone Posterior atlantooccipital membrane and joint capsule







Atlanto-axial joint complex

Intracervical region (C2–C7)

Fig. 3.20  Kinematics of craniocervical flexion. (A) Atlanto-­occipital joint. (B) Atlanto-­axial joint complex. (C) Intracervical region (C2 to C7). Note in C that flexion slackens the anterior longitudinal ligament and increases the space between the adjacent laminae and spinous processes. Elongated and taut tissues are indicated by thin arrows; slackened tissue is indicated by a wavy arrow. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 281.) Craniocervical extension

Occipital bone



Mastoid process




Atlanto-occipital joint

Axis Atlanto-axial joint complex



C5 C6





Intracervical region (C2–C7)

examiner should ensure that the ear moves toward the shoulder and not the shoulder toward the ear. 




External acoustic meatus Extension Anterior capsule of apophyseal Styloid process joint Atlanto-occipital membrane and T Atlas O joint capsule PIV




Anterior longitudinal ligament






Normally, rotation is 70° to 90° right and left, and the chin does not quite reach the plane of the shoulder (Fig. 3.23). Rotation and side flexion always occur together (coupled movement) but not necessarily in the same direction.21,22 This combined movement, which may

Fig. 3.21  Kinematics of craniocervical extension. (A) Atlanto-­ occipital joint. (B) Atlanto-­ axial joint complex. (C) Intracervical region (C2 to C7). Elongated and taut tissues are indicated by thin arrows. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system— foundations for physical rehabilitation, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 280.)

or may not be visible in a given patient, occurs because of the shape of the articular surfaces of the facet joints; this shape is coronally oblique. Most of the rotation occurs between C1 and C2. If the patient can rotate 40° to 50°, then it is unlikely that the C1/C2 articulation is at fault.13 If, however, side flexion occurs early to allow full motion, C1–C2 is probably involved.13 If, in the history, the patient has complained that repetitive movements or sustained postures have

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine Craniocervical lateral flexion

l ra te n La exio fl





C2 C3


Mastoid process



Atlas Axis



C6 C7


Atlanto-occipital joint



Capsule of apophyseal joint Lateral flexion Rectus capitis lateralis






Occipital bone R








Fig. 3.22 Kinematics of craniocervical lateral flexion. (A) Atlanto-­occipital joint. The primary function of the rectus capitis lateralis is to laterally flex this joint. Note the slight compression and distraction of the joint surfaces. (B) Intracervical region (C2 to C7). Note the ipsilateral coupling pattern between axial rotation and lateral flexion. Elongated and taut tissue is indicated by thin arrows. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 286.)




Intracervical region (C2–C7)

Craniocervical axial rotation

90 rotation

C2 C3 Alar ligament (taut)




Fig. 3.23 Kinematics of craniocervical axial rotation. (A) Atlanto-­ axial joint complex. (B) Intracervical region (C2 to C7). (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 285.)



Vertebral canal






Superior facet of axis


Capsule of apophyseal joint





Superior view Atlanto-axial joint complex (C1–C2)

caused problems, not only should the specific movements be performed, but they should be either repeated several times or sustained to see if the symptoms are exacerbated. If a patient has complained in the history that a movement in other than a cardinal plane or a combined movement (e.g., side flexion, rotation, and extension combined) exacerbates the symptoms, then these movements should be performed as well. For example, the


Inferior facet of atlas

B Intracervical region (C2–C7)

cervical flexion-­rotation test in which the patient flexes the cervical spine to the point of pain or discomfort and then, while holding the position, rotates the head, is considered positive for pain and dysfunction arising from the C1–C2 segment in cervicogenic headaches if pain occurs with the rotation as well.93–95 Table 3.17 outlines examples of movement restrictions and possible causes. 

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine TABLE  3.17

Movement Restriction and Possible Causes Movement Restriction

Possible Causes

Extension and right side bending

Right extension hypomobility Left flexor muscle tightness Anterior capsular adhesions Right subluxation Right small disc protrusion Left flexion hypomobility Left extensor muscle tightness Left posterior capsular adhesions Left subluxation Left capsular pattern (arthritis, arthrosis) Left arthrofibrosis (very hard capsular end feel)

Flexion and right side bending Extension and right side bending restriction greater than extension and left side bending Flexion and right side bending restriction equal to extension and left side flexion Side bending in neutral, flexion, and extension

Uncovertebral hypomobility or anomaly

From Dutton M: Orthopedic examination, evaluation and intervention, New York, 2004, McGraw Hill, p 1050.

Passive Movements If the patient does not have full active ROM or the examiner has not applied overpressure to determine the end feel of the movement, the patient should be asked to lie in a supine position. The examiner then passively tests flexion, extension, side flexion, and rotation, as in the active movements. The passive ROM with the patient supine is normally greater than the active and passive ROM with the patient sitting. For example, in sitting, active side flexion is about 45°, whereas in supine lying, passive side flexion is




75° to 80° with the examiner often able to take the ear to the shoulder. This increased range in the supine position results from relaxation of the muscles that, in sitting, are trying to hold the head up against gravity. For the cervical spine, therefore, passive movements with overpressure should be performed along with active movements. Active movements with overpressure at end of range do not give a true impression of end feel for the cervical spine. When doing passive flexion with overpressure, if pain is felt in the lower extremities, it may indicate a lower-­extremity radiculopathy of one of the lower limb peripheral nerves as the movement stretches the dura (Lindner test).96 If the examiner’s second hand is placed over the sternum to prevent thoracic flexion, the test is called the Soto-­Hall test. Passive Movements of the Cervical Spine and Normal End Feel • • • •

F lexion (tissue stretch) Extension (tissue stretch) Side flexion right and left (tissue stretch) Rotation right and left (tissue stretch)

During passive movements, the examiner can palpate between adjacent vertebra to feel the relative amount of movement on each side. For flexion, the examiner palpates between the mastoid process and the transverse process for movement between C0 and C1 (Fig. 3.24A) and between the arch of C1 and spinous process of C2 for movement between C1 and C2 (Fig. 3.24B). For the rest of the cervical spine and upper thoracic spine, the examiner can palpate between the spinous processes at each level while passively and progressively flexing


Fig. 3.24  Testing passive movement in the cervical spine. (A) Position testing for atlanto-­occipital joint. (B) Position testing for atlanto-­axial joint. (C) Flexion testing of C2 to T1.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

the spine. To feel the movement, the examiner will find that as one works down the spine from C2 to C7, more flexion is required to feel the movement (Fig. 3.24C). Movement at each segment during side flexion and rotation may be felt by palpating the adjacent transverse processes on each side while doing the movement (Fig. 3.25). To test rotation between the occiput and C1, the examiner holds the patient’s head in position and palpates the transverse processes of C1 (Fig. 3.26). The examiner must first find the mastoid process on each side and then move the fingers inferiorly and anteriorly until a hard bump (i.e., the transverse process of C1) is palpated on each side (usually below the earlobe and just behind the jaw). Palpation in the area of the C1 transverse process is generally painful, so care must be taken and the patient warned that the palpation may be painful. The examiner then rotates the patient’s head while palpating the transverse processes; the transverse process on the side to which the head is rotated will seem to disappear (bottom one) while the other side (top one) seems to be ­accentuated in the normal case. If this disappearance/ accentuation does not occur, there is restriction of movement between C0 and C1 on that side. To test rotation at C1 to C2, the examiner stands beside the seated patient and side bends the head and neck, followed by rotation to the opposite side. As the rotation is performed, the examiner palpates the relative position of the C1 and C2 transverse processes as the head is rotated. To limit side flexion to a specific segment, as the examiner side flexes the head, the examiner applies an opposing translation force in the opposite direction to the passive movement to limit movement below that being tested.13 With all of these movements, the end feel should be a solid tissue stretch. If the passive movements with overpressure are normal and pain free, the examiner may, with great care, test other positions. For the flexion-­rotation test, the patient lies supine while the examiner flexes the neck fully and,

Fig. 3.25  Testing passive movement in the cervical spine. (A) Side flexion. (B) Rotation.


while holding this position, passively rotates the head as far as possible within the patient’s comfort limits.97 Hall and Robinson97 report significant restriction in rotation in patients complaining of cervicogenic headache indicating C1 to C2 segmental dysfunction. The quadrant position is end-­range extension, side flexion, and rotation, a position that increases the vulnerability of anterior, posterior, and lateral tissues of the neck, including the vertebral artery.98 If overpressure is applied in the quadrant position and symptoms result, it is highly suggestive of nerve root pathology (radicular signs), apophyseal joint involvement (localized pain), or vertebral artery involvement (dizziness, nausea).63

Fig. 3.26  Left rotation of the occiput on C1. Note the index finger palpating the right transverse process of C1.


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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


In addition to the passive movements of the whole cervical spine, physiological movements between each pair of vertebrae may be performed. These are called passive physiological intervertebral movements (PPIVMs). By stabilizing or blocking the movement of one vertebra (usually the distal one) and then passively moving the head through the different physiological movements (e.g., flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation), each segment can be tested. Needless to say, the amount of movement of each segment will be considerably less than the whole.99 Passive movements are performed to determine the end feel of each movement. This may give the examiner an idea of the pathology involved. The normal end feels of the cervical spine motions are tissue stretch for all four movements. As with active movements, the most painful movements are done last. The examiner should also note whether a capsular pattern (i.e., side flexion and rotation equally limited; extension less limited) is present. Overpressure may be used to test the entire spine (Fig. 3.27A) by testing it at the end of the ROM, or proper positioning may be used to test different parts of the cervical spine.100 For example, end feel for movement of the lower cervical spine into extension is tested with minimal extension and the head pushed directly posterior (Fig. 3.27C), whereas the upper cervical spine is tested by “nodding” the head into extension and pushing posteriorly at an approximate 45° angle (Fig. 3.27B).101 

as possible.” In this way, the examiner ensures that the movement is as isometric as possible and that a minimal amount of movement occurs (Fig. 3.28). The examiner should ensure that these movements are done with the cervical spine in the neutral position and that painful movements are done last. Neck flexion tests cranial nerve XI and the C1 and C2 myotomes as well as muscle strength or state. By using Table 3.18 and looking at the various combinations of muscles that cause the movement (Fig. 3.29), the examiner is often able to decide which muscle is at fault (Fig. 3.30). If, in the history, the patient has complained that certain loaded or combined movements (those movements giving resistance other than gravity) are painful, the examiner should not hesitate to carefully test these movements isometrically to better ascertain the problem. If a neurological injury is suspected, the examiner must carefully assess for muscle weakness to determine the structures injured. If a severe neuropraxia or axonotmesis has occurred, there may be residual weakness even though muscle atrophy may not be evident.

Resisted Isometric Movements

 Scanning Examination

The same movements that were done actively (flexion, extension, side flexion, and rotation) are then tested isometrically to determine relative muscle strength of each movement and to compare opposite movements.102 It is better for the examiner to place the patient in the resting position and then say, “Don’t let me move you,” rather than to tell the patient, “Contract the muscle as hard

Peripheral Joint Scan



Resisted Isometric Movements of the Cervical Spine • • • •

F lexion Extension Side flexion right and left Rotation right and left

After the resisted isometric movements to the cervical spine have been completed, a peripheral joint scanning examination is performed to rule out obvious pathology in the extremities and to note areas that may need more detailed assessment.1 The following joints are scanned bilaterally:


Fig. 3.27  (A) Overpressure to the whole cervical spine. (B) Overpressure to the upper cervical spine. (C) Overpressure to the low cervical spine. Clinician must differentiate between temporomandibular joint symptoms and cervical symptoms.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Fig. 3.28  Positioning for resisted isometric movement. (A) Flexion. Note slight flexion of neck before giving resistance. (B) Extension. Note slight flexion of neck before giving resistance. (C) Side flexion (left-side flexion shown). (D) Rotation (left rotation shown).





Peripheral Joint Scanning Examination Temporomandibular joints

Open mouth Closed mouth

Shoulder joints

Elevation through abduction Elevation through forward flexion Elevation through plane of scapula (SCAPTION) Apley’s scratch test (right and left) Rotation in 90° abduction

Elbow joints

Flexion Extension Supination Pronation

Wrist and hand joints

Flexion Extension Radial deviation Ulnar deviation Abduction of the fingers/thumb Adduction of the fingers/thumb Opposition of thumb and little finger

Temporomandibular Joints.  The examiner checks the movement of the joints by placing the index or little fingers in the patient’s ears (Fig. 3.31). The pulp aspect of the finger is placed facing forward to feel for

equality of movement of the condyles of the TMJs and for clicking or grinding as well as to ensure that the ears are clear. Pain or tenderness, especially on closing the mandible, usually indicates posterior capsulitis. As the patient opens the mouth, the condyle normally moves forward. To open the mouth fully, the condyle must rotate and translate equally bilaterally. If this does not occur, mouth opening will be limited and/or deviation of the mandible will occur (see Chapter 4). The examiner should observe the patient as he or she opens and closes the mouth and should watch for any deviation during the movement.  Shoulder Girdle.  The examiner quickly scans this complex of joints (glenohumeral, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, and “scapulothoracic” joint) by asking the patient to first actively elevate the shoulders (“lift your shoulders to your ears,” “shrug your shoulders”) and then to actively elevate each arm through abduction, followed by active elevation through forward flexion and elevation through the plane of the scapula (SCAPTION). These movements check the mobility of the scapula on the thorax and movement of the upper ribs. In addition, the examiner quickly tests medial and lateral rotation of each shoulder with the arm at the side and with the arm abducted to 90°. Any pattern of restriction should be noted. If the patient is able to reach full abduction without difficulty or pain, the examiner

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine TABLE  3.18

Muscles of the Cervical Spine: Their Actions and Nerve Supply Action

Muscles Acting

Nerve Supply

Forward flexion of head

1. Rectus capitis anterior 2. Rectus capitis lateralis 3. Longus capitis 4. Hyoid muscles

C1, C2 C1, C2 C1–C3 Inferior alveolar, facial, hypoglossal, ansa cervicalis C1 Accessory, C2 C4–C6 C1–C8 C6–C8 C6–C8 Accessory, C3, C4 C1 C1 C1 C1 Accessory, C2 Accessory, C3, C4 C4–C6 C6–C8 C1–C8 CI Accessory, C2 Accessory, C3, C4 C4–C6 C6–C8 C1–C8 C1 C1, C2 C1–C3 Accessory, C2 C2–C6 C4–C6 C3–C8 C6–C8 Ansa cervicalis, hypoglossal Inferior alveolar, facial, C1 C6–C8 C1–C8 C6–C8 C3, C4, Dorsal scapular C6–C8 C6–C8 C1–C8 C1–C8 Accessory C3, C4 C1 C1–C8 C3, C4, Dorsal scapular C4–C6 C6–C8 C6–C8 C1–C8 C1–C8 C1–C8

Extension of head

Rotation of head (muscles on one side contract)

Side flexion of head

Flexion of neck

Extension of neck

Side flexion of neck

5. Obliquus capitis superior 6. Sternocleidomastoid (if head in neutral or flexion) 1. Splenius capitis 2. Semispinalis capitis 3. Longissimus capitis 4. Spinalis capitis 5. Trapezius 6. Rectus capitis posterior minor 7. Rectus capitis posterior major 8. Obliquus capitis superior 9. Obliquus capitis inferior 10. Sternocleidomastoid (if head in some extension) 1. Trapezius (face moves to opposite side) 2. Splenius capitis (face moves to the same side) 3. Longissimus capitis (face moves to same side) 4. Semispinalis capitis (face moves to same side) 5. Obliquus capitis inferior (face moves to same side) 6. Sternocleidomastoid (face moves to opposite side) 1. Trapezius 2. Splenius capitis 3. Longissimus capitis 4. Semispinalis capitis 5. Obliquus capitis inferior 6. Rectus capitis lateralis 7. Longus capitis 8. Sternocleidomastoid 1. Longus colli 2. Scalenus anterior 3. Scalenus medius 4. Scalenus posterior 5. Infrahyoid muscles 6. Suprahyoid muscles 1. Splenius cervicis 2. Semispinalis cervicis 3. Longissimus cervicis 4. Levator scapulae 5. Iliocostalis cervicis 6. Spinalis cervicis 7. Multifidus 8. Interspinalis cervicis 9. Trapezius 10. Rectus capitis posterior major 11. Rotatores brevis 12. Rotatores longi 1. Levator scapulae 2. Splenius cervicis 3. Iliocostalis cervicis 4. Longissimus cervicis 5. Semispinalis cervicis 6. Multifidus 7. Intertransversarii

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

TABLE  3.18

Muscles of the Cervical Spine: Their Actions and Nerve Supply—cont’d Action

Rotationa of neck (muscles on one side contract)


Muscles Acting

Nerve Supply

8. Scaleni 9. Sternocleidomastoid 10. Obliquus capitis inferior 11. Rotatores breves 12. Rotatores longi 13. Longus colli 1. Levator scapulae (face moves to same side) 2. Splenius cervicis (face moves to same side) 3. Iliocostalis cervicis (face moves to same side) 4. Longissimus cervicis (face moves to same side) 5. Semispinalis cervicis (face moves to same side) 6. Multifidus (face moves to opposite side) 7. Intertransversarii (face moves to same side) 8. Scaleni (face moves to opposite side) 9. Sternocleidomastoid (face moves to opposite side) 10. Obliquus capitis inferior (face moves to same side) 11. Rotatores brevis (face moves to same side) 12. Rotatores longi (face moves to same side)

C3–C8 Accessory, C2 C1 C1–C8 C1–C8 C2–C6 C3, C4, Dorsal scapular C4–C6 C6–C8 C6–C8 C1–C8 C1–C8 C1–C8 C3–C8 Accessory, C2 C1 C1–C8 C1–C8

in conjunction with side flexion owing to direction of facet joints. Left side flexion

Right side flexion Strap muscles

Trachea Thyroid gland

Internal jugular vein


Common carotid artery Vagus nerve




8 7

Cervical vertebra



5 6



2 3 1


Fig. 3.29  Anatomic relations of the lower cervical spine. 1, Splenius capitis. 2, Splenius cervicis. 3, Semispinalis cervicis and capitis. 4, Multifidus and rotatores. 5, Longissimus capitis. 6, Longissimus cervicis. 7, Levator scapulae. 8, Scalenus posterior. 9, Scalenus medius. 10, Scalenus anterior. 11, Sternocleidomastoid. 12, Trapezius.

may decide that there is no problem with the shoulder complex (see Chapter 5).  Elbow Joints.  The elbow joints are actively moved through flexion, extension, supination, and pronation. Any restriction of movement or abnormal signs and symptoms should be noted, because they may be indicative of pathology (see Chapter 6). 

Wrist and Hand.  The patient actively performs flexion, extension, and radial and ulnar deviation of the wrist. Active movements (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and opposition) are performed for the fingers and thumb. These actions can be accomplished by having the patient make a fist and then spread the fingers and thumb wide. Again, any alteration in signs

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


Occiput Splenius capitis Sternocleidomastoid Levator scapulae


Accessory nerve (XI)

Spine of scapula

Rhomboid minor


Rhomboid major

Latissimus dorsi Triceps

Ligamentum nuchae Splenius capitis


Levator scapulae

Splenius cervicis Rectus capitis Semispinalis capitis posterior (cut) major Obliquus Rectus capitis Splenius capitis superior capitis posterior minor Rectus capitis lateralis Transverse process of atlas Longissimus capitis Longissimus cervicis

Erector spinae

B Obliquus capitis inferior Spinalis cervicis

Interspinalis cervicis Semispinalis cervicis

Splenius cervicis

Iliocostalis cervicis Multifidus

Levator scapulae

Rotatores brevis Rotatores longus

C Fig. 3.30  Muscles of the cervical spine. (A) Superficial posterior muscles. (B) Middle posterior muscles. (C) Deep posterior muscles.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Stylohyoid Splenius capitis Digastric Sternocleidomastoid


Levator scapulae

Thyrohyoid Sternohyoid

Middle scalene Posterior scalene


Anterior scalene Inferior belly of omohyoid

Trapezius Acromion of scapula


D Suprahyoid muscles: Mylohyoid Stylohyoid Digastric (posterior belly) Levator scapulae Longus capitis Scalenius medius Scalenius anterior Trapezius

Digastric (anterior belly) Hyoid bone

Infrahyoid muscles: Sternohyoid Thyrohyoid Omohyoid Sternothyroid Cricothyroid Sternocleidomastoid


Rectus capitis lateralis Obliquus capitis superior

Rectus capitis anterior

Longus capitis Levator scapulae

Longus colli

Middle scalene Anterior scalene Posterior scalene


Fig. 3.30, cont’d  (D) Lateral muscles. (E) Superficial anterior muscles. (F) Deep anterior muscles.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

and symptoms or restriction of motion or differences between sides should be noted (see Chapter 7). 


Having completed the peripheral joint scanning examination, the examiner should then determine muscle power and possible neurological weakness originating


from the nerve roots in the cervical spine by testing the myotomes (Table 3.19; Fig. 3.32). Myotomes are tested by resisted isometric contractions with the joint at or near the resting position. As with the resisted isometric movements previously mentioned, the examiner should position the seated patient and say, “Don’t let me move you,” so that an isometric contraction is obtained. Cervical Myotomes • • • • • • • •

 eck flexion: C1–C2 N Neck side flexion: C3 and cranial nerve XI Shoulder elevation: C4 and cranial nerve XI Shoulder abduction/shoulder lateral rotation: C5 Elbow flexion and/or wrist extension: C6 Elbow extension and/or wrist flexion: C7 Thumb extension and/or ulnar deviation: C8 Abduction and/or adduction of hand intrinsics: T1

The contraction should be held for at least 5 seconds so that weakness, if any, can be noted. Where applicable, both sides are tested at the same time to provide a comparison.

Fig. 3.31  Testing temporomandibular joints.

TABLE  3.19

Myotomes of the Upper Limb Nerve Root

Test Action



Neck flexion

Rectus lateralis, rectus capitis anterior, longus capitis, longus coli, longus cervicis, sternocleidomastoid


Neck side flexion

Longus capitis, longus cervicis, trapezius, scalenus medius


Shoulder elevation

Diaphragm, trapezius, levator scapulae, scalenus anterior, scalenus medius


Shoulder abduction

Rhomboid major and minor, deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, biceps, scalenus anterior and medius


Elbow flexion and wrist extension

Serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, subscapularis, teres major, pectoralis major (clavicular head), biceps, coracobrachialis, brachialis, brachioradialis, supinator, extensor carpi radialis longus, scalenus anterior, medius and posterior


Elbow extension and wrist flexion

Serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major (sternal head), pectoralis minor, triceps, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, scalenus medius and posterior


Thumb extension and ulnar deviation


Hand intrinsics

Pectoralis major (sternal head), pectoralis minor, triceps, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus, flexor carpi ulnaris, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor indicis, abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, scalenus medius and posterior Flexor digitorum profundus, intrinsic muscles of the hand (except extensor pollicis brevis), flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis


listed may be supplied by additional nerve roots; only primary nerve root sources are listed.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

If possible, the examiner must not apply pressure over the joints, because this action may mask symptoms if the joints are tender. To test neck flexion (C1–C2 myotome), the patient’s head should be slightly flexed. The examiner applies pressure to the forehead while stabilizing the trunk with a hand between the scapulae (see Fig. 3.32A). The examiner should ensure the neck does not extend when applying pressure to the forehead. To test neck side flexion (C3 myotome and cranial nerve XI), the examiner places one hand above the patient’s ear and applies a side flexion force while stabilizing the trunk with the other hand on the opposite shoulder (see Fig. 3.32B). Both right and left side flexion must be tested. The examiner then asks the patient to elevate the shoulders (C4 myotome and cranial nerve XI) to about half of full elevation. The examiner applies a downward force on both of the patient’s shoulders while the patient attempts to hold them in position (see Fig. 3.32C). The examiner should ensure that the patient is not “bracing” the arms against the thighs if testing is done while sitting. To test shoulder abduction (C5 myotome), the examiner asks the patient to elevate the arms to about 75° to 80° in the scapular plane with the elbows flexed to 90° and the forearms pronated or in neutral (see Fig. 3.32D). The examiner applies a downward force on the humerus while the patient attempts to hold the arms in position. To prevent rotation, the examiner places his or her forearms over the patient’s forearms while applying pressure to the humerus. To test elbow flexion and extension, the examiner asks the patient to put the arms by the sides with the elbows flexed to 90° and forearms in neutral. The examiner applies a downward isometric force (see Fig. 3.32E) to the forearms to test the elbow flexors (C6 myotome) and an upward isometric force (see Fig. 3.32G) to test the elbow



extensors (C7 myotome). For testing of wrist movements (extension, flexion, ulnar deviation) the patient’s arms are by the side; elbows at 90°; forearms pronated; and wrists, hands, and fingers in neutral. The examiner applies a downward force (see Fig. 3.32F) to the hands to test wrist extension (C6 myotome), and an upward force (see Fig. 3.32H) to test wrist flexion (C7 myotome). To apply a lateral force (radial deviation) to test ulnar deviation (C8 myotome), the clinician stabilizes the patient’s forearm with one hand and applies a radial deviation force to the side of the hand. In the test for thumb extension (C8 myotome), the patient extends the thumb just short of full ROM (see Fig. 3.32I). The examiner applies an isometric force to bring the thumbs into flexion. To test hand intrinsics (T1 myotome), the patient squeezes a piece of paper between the fingers while the examiner tries to pull it away; the patient may squeeze the examiner’s fingers, or the patient may abduct the fingers slightly with the examiner isometrically adducting them (see Fig. 3.32J). 

Sensory Scanning Examination

The examiner then tests sensation by doing a sensory scanning examination. This “sensory scan” is accomplished by running relaxed hands over the patient’s head (sides and back); down over the shoulders, upper chest, and back; and down the arms, being sure to cover all aspects of the arm. If any difference is noted between the sides in this “sensation scan,” the examiner may then use a pinwheel, pin, cotton batting, or brush (or a combination of these) to map out the exact area of sensory difference and to determine if any sensory difference is due to a nerve root (see later section on reflexes and cutaneous distribution), peripheral nerve, or some other neurological deficit. The sensory scanning examination may also include the testing of



Fig. 3.32 Positioning to test myotomes. (A) Neck flexion (C1, C2). (B) Neck side flexion to the right (C3). (C) Shoulder elevation (C4). (D) Shoulder abduction (C5).

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine








Fig. 3.32, cont’d   (E) Elbow flexion (C6). (F) Elbow extension (C7). (G) Wrist extension (C6). (H) Wrist flexion (C7). (I) Thumb extension (C8). (J) Finger abduction (T1).

reflexes, especially the deep tendon reflexes, to test for upper and lower neuron pathology and pathological reflexes for upper motor neuron pathology, and the performance of selected neurodynamic tests (e.g., upper limb tension test, slump test) if peripheral nerve irritability is suspected. 

Functional Assessment If, in the history, the patient has complained of functional difficulties or the examiner suspects some functional impairment, a series of functional tests or movements may be performed to determine the patient’s functional

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Functional Assessment of the Cervical Spine • A ctivities of daily living (ADLs) • Numerical scoring table (if desired)

capacity, keeping in mind the patient’s age and health. These tests may include activities of daily living (ADLs) such as the following: Breathing.  Normal, unlabored breathing should be seen with the mouth closed. There should be no gulping or gasping.  Swallowing.  This is a complex movement involving muscles of the lips, tongue, jaw, soft palate, pharynx, and larynx as well as the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles.  Looking Up at the Ceiling.  At least 40° to 50° of neck extension is usually necessary for everyday activities. If this range is not available, the patient will bend the back or the knees, or both, to obtain the desired range.  Looking Down at Belt Buckle or Shoe Laces.  At least 60° to 70° of neck flexion is necessary. If this range is not available, the patient will flex the back to complete the task.  Shoulder Check.  At least 60° to 70° of cervical rotation is necessary. If this range is not available, the patient will rotate the trunk to accomplish this task.  Tuck Chin In.  This action produces upper cervical flexion with lower cervical extension.101  Poke Chin Out. This action produces upper cervical extension with lower cervical flexion.101  Neck Strength. In athletes, neck strength should be approximately equivalent to 30% of body weight to decrease chance of injury.103 

Paresthesia.  Paresthesia, especially referred to the hands, may make cooking and handling utensils or power tools particularly difficult or even dangerous. Table 3.20 lists functional strength tests that can give the examiner some indication of the patient’s functional strength capacity. For flexion, if the jaw juts forward at the beginning of the movement, it indicates an imbalance pattern of strong sternocleidomastoid and weak deep neck flexors.13 Pinfold and others104,105 developed the Whiplash Disability Questionnaire (WDQ) (eTool 3.1) to assess the impact of WADs including social and emotional problems.106,107 Vernon and Mior108 have developed a numerical scoring functional test called the Neck Disability Index (NDI)109,110 (eTool 3.2), which is a modification of the Oswestry low back pain index.111 This index and similar tests (e.g., Bournemouth Questionnaire [eTool 3.3],112 the Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale [eTool 3.4],113 and the Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire [eTool 3.5]114,115) can be used to detect change in patients over time.116,117 The Whiplash Activity and Participation List (WAL) has been developed to determine the activity limitation and participation restrictions in patients with WAD.118,119 

Special Tests There are several special tests that may be performed if the examiner believes they are relevant and to help confirm a diagnosis. The tests should never be used in isolation and are sometimes combined to give better results.120–122 Some of these tests should always be performed (e.g., instability tests, vertebral artery tests), especially if treatment is to be given to the upper cervical spine, while others should be performed only if the

TABLE  3.20

Functional Strength Testing of the Cervical Spine Starting Position


Functional Testa

Supine lying

Lift head keeping chin tucked in (neck flexion)

Prone lying

Lift head backward (neck extension)

Side lying (pillows under head so head is not side flexed)

Lift head sideways away from pillow (neck side flexion) (must be repeated for other side)

Supine lying

Lift head off bed and rotate to one side keeping head off bed or pillow (neck rotation) (must be repeated both ways)

6–8 repetitions: Functional 3–5 repetitions: Functionally fair 1–2 repetitions: Functionally poor 0 repetitions: Nonfunctional Hold 20–25 seconds: Functional Hold 10–19 seconds: Functionally fair Hold 1–9 seconds: Functionally poor Hold 0 seconds: Nonfunctional Hold 20–25 seconds: Functional Hold 10–19 seconds: Functionally fair Hold 1–9 seconds: Functionally poor Hold 0 seconds: Nonfunctional Hold 20–25 seconds: Functional Hold 10–19 seconds: Functionally fair Hold 1–9 seconds: Functionally poor Hold 0 seconds: Nonfunctional


patients should be able to do the most repetitions and for the longest time; with age, time and repetitions decrease. Adapted from Palmer ML, Epler M: Clinical assessment procedures in physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1990, J.B. Lippincott, pp 181–182.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


WHIPLASH DISABILITY QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire has been designed to provide information on the impact that your whiplash injury and symptoms have upon your lifestyle. Please circle a number in each section to indicate how you have been affected by the whiplash injury and symptoms. If one or more questions are not relevant to you (e.g., you don’t participate in sporting activities), please leave the question blank. NAME:…………………………………………………


1. How much pain do you have today? 0 No pain










10 Worst pain imaginable



10 Unable to perform



10 Unable to perform

2. Do your whiplash symptoms interfere with your personal care (washing, dressing, etc.)? 0 Not at all








3. Do your whiplash symptoms interfere with your work/home/study duties? 0 Not at all








4. Do your whiplash symptoms interfere with driving or using public transport? 0 Not at all










10 Unable to travel in car/use public transport






10 Cannot sleep





10 Always





10 Unable to socialise





10 Unable to participate

5. Do your whiplash symptoms interfere with sleep? 0 Not at all





6. Do you feel more tired/fatigued than usual since your injury? 0 Not at all






7. Do your whiplash symptoms interfere with social activity? 0 Not at all






8. Do your whiplash symptoms interfere with sporting activity? 0 Not at all






Please turn the page eTool 3.1  Whiplash Disability Questionnaire. (From Pinfold M, Niere KR, O’Leary EF, et al: Validity and internal consistency of a whiplash-­specific disability measure, Spine 29[3]:263–268, 2004.)

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198.e2 Chapter 3  Cervical Spine Whiplash Disability Questionnaire—cont'd 9. Do your whiplash symptoms interfere with non-sporting leisure activity? 0 Not at all










10 Unable to participate



10 Always



10 Always



10 Always


10 Unable to concentrate

10. Do you experience sadness/depression as a result of your whiplash injury/symptoms? 0 Not at all








11. Do you experience anger as a result of your whiplash injury/symptoms? 0 Not at all








12. Do you experience anxiety as a result of your whiplash injury/symptoms? 0 Not at all








13. Do you have difficulty concentrating as a result of your whiplash injury/symptoms? 0 Not at all










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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


eTool 3.2  Neck Disability Index. (Modified from Vernon H, Mior S: The neck disability index: a study of reliability and validity, J Manip Physiol Ther 14:411, 1991.)

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198.e4 Chapter 3  Cervical Spine The following scales have been designed to find out about your neck pain and how it is affecting you. Please answer ALL the scales by circling ONE number on EACH scale that best describes how you feel: 1. Over the past week, on average how would you rate your neck pain? No pain Worst pain possible 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Over the past week, how much has your neck pain interfered with your daily activities (housework, washing, dressing, lifting, reading, driving)? No interference Unable to carry out activities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Over the past week, how much has your neck pain interfered with your ability to take part in recreational, social, and family activities? No interference Unable to carry out activities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Over the past week, how anxious (tense, uptight, irritable, difficulty in cocentrating/relaxing) have you been feeling? Not at all anxious 0 1 2






Extremely anxious 8 9 10

5. Over the past week, how depressed (down-in-the-dumps, sad, in low spirits, pessimistic, unhappy) have you been feeling? Not at all depressed Extremely depressed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. Over the past week, how have you felt your work (both inside and outside the home) has affected (or would affect) your neck pain? Have made it no worse Have made it much worse 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. Over the past week, how much have you been able to control (reduce/help) your neck pain on your own? Completely control it 0 1 2 3




No control whatsoever 7 8 9 10

eTool 3.3  Global dimensions of the Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire. (From Bolton JE, Humphreys BK: The Bournemouth Questionnaire: a short-­ form comprehensive outcome measure. II Psychometric properties in neck pain patients, J Manip Physiol Ther 25:148, 2002.)

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale Overview: The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale can be used to evaluate the disability experienced by patients with neck pain. The scores can be monitored over time to evaluate the disease course and response to any interventions. Questions: (1) Can you sleep at night without neck pain interfering? (2) Can you manage daily activities without neck pain reducing activity levels? (3) Can you manage daily activities without help from others? (4) Can you manage putting on your clothes in the morning without taking more time than usual? (5) Can you bend over the washing basin in order to brush your teeth without getting neck pain? (6) Do you spend more time than usual at home because of neck pain? (7) Are you prevented from lifting objects weighing from 2 to 4 kilograms due to neck pain? (8) Have you reduced your reading activity due to neck pain? (9) Have you been bothered by headaches during the time that you have had neck pain? (10) Do you feel your ability to concentrate is reduced due to neck pain? (11) Are you prevented from participating in your usual leisure time activities due to neck pain? (12) Do you remain in bed longer than usual due to neck pain? (13) Do you feel that neck pain has influenced your emotional relationship with your nearest family? (14) Have you had to give up social contact with other people during the past two weeks due to neck pain? (15) Do you feel that neck pain will influence your future? Direction of questions: • "positive" (a yes indicates good function): 1–5 • "negative" (a yes indicates poor function): 6–12 Response

Points for "Positive" Directed

Points for "Negative" Directed










disability index = SUM (points for all 15 questions) Interpretation: • minimum score: 0 • maximum score: 30 • The higher the score the greater the disability.

eTool 3.4  Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale. (From Manniche JA, Mosdal C, Hindsberger C: The Copenhagen Functional Disability Scale: a study of reliability and validity, J Manip Physiol Ther 21:520–527, 1998.)

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198.e6 Chapter 3  Cervical Spine THE NORTHWICK PARK NECK PAIN QUESTIONNAIRE Overview: The Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire was developed to measure neck pain and the consequent patient disability. It is relatively simple to use and provides an objective measure for monitoring symptoms over time. It was developed at Northwick Park Hospital in Middlesex, England. Parameters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

neck pain intensity neck pain and sleeping pins and needles or numbness in the arms at night duration of symptoms carrying reading and watching television working and/or housework social activities driving comparison of current state with the last time the questionnaire was completed

Instructions: This questionnaire has been designed to give us information as to how Neck Pain has affected your ability to manage in everyday life. Please answer every question and mark in each section ONLY THE ONE BOX which applies to you. We realize you may consider that two of the statements in any one section relate to you, but PLEASE JUST MARK THE BOX WHICH MOST CLOSELY DESCRIBES YOUR PROBLEM. Parameter Neck pain intensity

Neck pain and sleeping

Pins and needles or numbness in the arms at night

Status I have no pain at the moment My pain is mild at the moment My pain is moderate at the moment My pain is severe at the moment My pain is the worst imaginable at the moment My sleep is never disturbed by pain My sleep is occasionally disturbed by pain My sleep is regularly disturbed by pain Because of pain I have less than 5 hours sleep in total Because of pain I have less than 2 hours sleep in total I have no pins and needles or numbness at night I have occasional pins and needles or numbness at night My sleep is regularly disturbed by pins and needles or numbness Because of pins and needles or numbness I have less than 5 hours sleep in total Because of pins and needles or numbness I have less than 2 hours sleep in total

Points 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

eTool 3.5  Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire. (From Leak AM, Cooper J, Dyer S, et al: The Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire, devised to measure neck pain and disability, Br J Rheumatol 33:469–474, 1994.)

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Duration of symptoms

My neck and arms feel normal all day 0 I have symptoms in my neck or arms on waking which last less 1 than 1 hour Symptoms are present on and off for a total period of 1-4 hours 2 Symptoms are present on and off for a total of more than 4 hours 3 Symptoms are present continuously all day 4 Carrying I can carry heavy objects without extra pain 0 I can carry heavy objects but they give me extra pain 1 Pain prevents me from carrying heavy objects but I can manage 2 medium-weight objects I can only lift light weight objects 3 4 I cannot lift anything at all Reading and watching TV I can do this as long as I wish with no problems 0 I can do this as long as I wish if I'm in a suitable position 1 I can do this as long as I wish but it causes extra pain 2 Pain causes me to stop doing this sooner than I would like 3 Pain prevents me from doing this at all 4 Working/housework I can do my usual work without extra pain 0 I can do my usual work, but it gives me extra pain 1 Pain prevents me from doing my usual work for more than half 2 the usual time Pain prevents me from doing my usual work for more than a 3 quarter of the usual time Pain prevents me from working at all 4 Social activities My social life is normal and causes me no extra pain 0 My social life is normal but increases the degree of pain 1 Pain has restricted my social life but I am still able to go out 2 Pain has restricted my social life to the home 3 I have no social life because of pain 4 I can drive whenever necessary without discomfort 0 Drivinga I can drive whenever necessary, but with discomfort 1 Neck pain or stiffness limits my driving occasionally 2 Neck pain or stiffness limits my driving frequently 3 I cannot drive at all due to neck symptoms 4 Compared with the last time you answered this questionnaire is your neck pain: much better slightly better the same slightly worse much worse aThe question on driving is omitted if the patient did not drive a car when in good health

Neck pain score = SUM (points for the first 9 questions) If all 9 questions are answered then: NPQ percentage = (neck pain score) / 36 * 100% If only the first 8 questions are answered then: NPQ percentage = (neck pain score) / 32 * 100% Interpretation: • • • •

Minimum score: 0 Maximum score: 36 if all 9 questions answered; 32 if only the first 8 The percentages range from 0% to 100% The higher the percentage, the greater the disability

Performance: The questionnaire has good short term repeatability and internal consistency eTool 3.5, cont’d

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

examiner wants to use them as confirming tests. Some tests are provocative and should only be used if the examiner wants to cause symptoms. Other tests relieve symptoms and are used when the symptoms are present. The reliability of many of these tests commonly depends on the experience and skill of the examiner and whether the patient is sufficiently relaxed to allow the test to be performed.123,124 Key Tests Performed on the Cervical Spine Depending on Suspected Pathologya • F or cervical muscle (deep neck flexors) strength:    Craniocervical flexion test    Deep neck flexor endurance test • For neurologic symptoms:    Brachial plexus tension test    Brachial plexus provocation test    Doorbell sign    Distraction test (if symptoms are severe)  Foraminal compression test (three stages) (if symptoms are absent or mild)  Upper limb neurodynamic (tension) tests (specific to particular nerve/nerve root symptoms) • For myelopathy:    Romberg test • For vascular signsb:  Hold planned mobilization/manipulation position for at least 30 seconds watching for vertebral-­basilar artery signs • For cervical instabilityc:    Anterior shear stress test    Lateral flexion alar ligament stress test    Lateral shear test    Posterior atlanto-­occipital membrane test    Rotational alar ligament stress test    Transverse ligament stress test • For cervical spine mobility:    Cervical flexion rotation test • For first rib mobility:    First rib mobility

with head and neck in midrange, and an inflatable pressure sensor is placed under the cervical spine (Fig. 3.33). Towels may be used to keep the head and neck in midrange neutral (two parallel lines: one from forehead to chin and one from tragus of ear to the line of the longitudinal neck). The pressure device is inflated to 20 mm Hg to “fill in” the lordotic curve of the cervical spine. While keeping the head/occiput stationary (no pushing down or lifting up), the patient flexes the cervical spine by nodding the head to five graded segments of increasing pressure (22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 mm Hg) and holds each for 10 seconds with 10 seconds rest between each segment. Superficial cervical muscles (e.g., sternocleidomastoid, platysma, hyoid) must remain relaxed during the test.129 Normally, young and middle-­aged patients should be able to increase pressure to between 26 and 30 mm Hg and hold for 10 seconds without utilizing the superficial muscles. Elderly people are more likely to make greater use of the sternocleidomastoid muscle during the test.130 A positive test is considered if the patient cannot increase pressure to at least 26 mm Hg, is unable to hold a contraction for 10 seconds, uses the superficial neck muscles, or extends the head. The performance index is calculated as the increase in pressure times the number of repetitions, while the activation score is the maximum pressure achieved and held for 10 seconds. Signs of reduced endurance include an inability to hold the pressure steady or it decreases over time, the superficial flexors are or become active, and the pressure is held but with a jerky action.125  Deep Neck Flexor Endurance Test.32,131  The patient lies supine in crook lying. The chin is maximally retracted by the patient and maintained while the patient lifts the head and neck until the head is approximately 2 to 5 cm (1 inch) above the examining table. The examiner places a hand on the table under the patient’s head (occiput). The examiner watches the skin folds resulting from the chin tuck and neck flexion. As soon as the skin folds separate (due to loss of chin tuck) or the patient’s head touches the examiner’s hand, the test is terminated. Normal people


authors recommend these key tests be learned by the clinician to facilitate a diagnosis. See Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests. bThese tests should be performed if the examiner anticipates doing end-­range mobilization or manipulation techniques to the cervical spine, especially the upper cervical spine. If instability of vascular signs are present, mobilization and/or manipulation should not be performed. cBefore these tests are performed, the C-­spine rule for radiographs should be administered, and the results should indicate that no radiographs are required.

For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the cervical spine are available in eAppendix 3.1.

Tests for Cervical Muscle Strength

Craniocervical Flexion Test.32,125–128  The craniocervical flexion (CCF) test is a test of the deep cervical flexor muscle function.125 A pneumatic pressure device is needed for this test. The patient lies in supine with knees bent (crook lying)


Fig. 3.33  Craniocervical flexion test.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

should be able to hold for 39 ± 26 seconds while those with neck pain average 24 seconds.131 

Tests for Neurological Symptoms

These tests are designed to provoke neurological symptoms in most cases (distraction test is the exception) to determine the effect of applying pressure or stretching to the nervous tissue. They are specific to neurological tissue (i.e., they produce neurological symptoms), but they do not necessarily tell where the pathology is originating. The pathology may be the result of trauma, degeneration, or anatomical anomalies that may occur anywhere along the path of the affected nerve or nerve root.132,133 Tests for neurological symptoms that involve movement of the nerve are called neurodynamic tests, because they assess the sensitivity of nerve roots and peripheral nerves to movement and tension caused by the movement. This sensitivity has also been called neurologic mechanosensitivity.134 Neurodynamic Tests134 During neurodynamic testing, a positive test is considered present only when one or more of the following occur: • There is a reproduction of the patient’s symptoms. • There is asymmetric sensation between right and left limbs. • There is significant deviation from normal sensation. • Symptoms change with sensitizing movements.

Arm Squeeze Test.135  This test is used to differentiate cervical nerve root compression from shoulder lesions. The patient is seated and the examiner firmly squeezes the upper arm including the biceps and triceps on the side of shoulder pain (Fig. 3.34). A positive test is indicated by intense local pain in the arm and indicates a nerve root

Fig. 3.34  Arm squeeze test.

lesion (one or more nerve roots from C5 to T1). If pain results in the shoulder, it is a shoulder problem.  Brachial Plexus Compression Test.136  The examiner applies firm compression to the brachial plexus by squeezing the plexus under the thumb or fingers at the neck-shoulder interface (Fig. 3.35). Pain at the site is not diagnostic; the test is positive only if pain radiates into the shoulder or upper extremity. It is positive for mechanical cervical lesions having a mechanical component.  Brachial Plexus Provocation Test.137  The patient lies supine. Starting with the unaffected side or side with less symptoms, the examiner abducts the patient’s shoulder to about 90° with the elbow flexed and wrist extended while preventing shoulder elevation either with one hand (Fig. 3.36A) or using the elbow (Fig. 3.36B). The examiner then extends the patient’s elbow. Loss of ≥30° of elbow extension and moderate pain are considered positive for brachial plexus involvement. With whiplash, the test may be positive bilaterally. The test will not work if the shoulder is not kept depressed.  Distraction Test.  The distraction test is used for patients who have complained of radicular symptoms in the history and show radicular signs during the examination. It is used to alleviate symptoms. To perform the distraction test, the examiner places one hand under the patient’s chin and the other hand around the occiput, then slowly lifts the patient’s head (Fig. 3.37)—in effect, applying traction to the cervical spine. The test is classified as positive if the pain is relieved or decreased when the head is lifted or distracted, indicating pressure on nerve roots that has been relieved. This test may also be used to check radicular signs referred to the shoulder complex anteriorly or posteriorly. If the patient abducts the arms while traction is applied, the symptoms are often further relieved or lessened in the shoulder, especially if C4 or C5 nerve roots are involved. In this case, the test would still be indicative of nerve root pressure in the cervical

Fig. 3.35  Maneuver to compress and squeeze the brachial plexus at the neck-shoulder interface. Right side is demonstrated.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine



Fig. 3.37  Distraction test.

B Fig. 3.36  Brachial plexus provocation test. (A) Method one—the examiner keeps the patient’s shoulder depressed with the left hand while the patient’s elbow is extended and wrist and fingers extended. (B) Method two—the examiner keeps the patient’s shoulder depressed using the examiner’s left elbow while the patient’s elbow is extended and wrist and fingers extended.

spine, not shoulder pathology. Increased pain on distraction may be the result of muscle spasm, ligament sprain, muscle strain, dural irritability, or disc herniation.13  Doorbell Sign.138  This doorbell sign is also called the anterior cervical door push button sign. The patient is seated and the examiner stands behind the patient carefully moving the sternocleidomastoid muscle laterally out of the way and then with the index finger of the same hand, palpates the nerve roots in the vertebral gutter of each vertebra where they exit the gutter. The examiner applies a moderate pressure for 2 to 3 seconds to the nerve root (Fig. 3.38). The process is repeated with each nerve root. The examiner must be careful not to apply pressure to the carotid artery. A positive test would be symptoms of the particular nerve root into the arm or mid-thoracic

Fig. 3.38  Doorbell sign.

area (i.e., somatic referral pattern). Reproduction of arm symptoms suggests a radicular (i.e., nerve root) problem.  Foraminal Compression (Spurling) Test.139  This test is performed if, in the history, the patient has complained of nerve root symptoms, which at the time of examination are diminished or absent. This test is designed to provoke symptoms. The patient bends or side flexes the head to the unaffected side first, followed by the affected side (Fig. 3.39). The examiner carefully presses straight down on the head. Bradley and colleagues69 advocate doing this test in three stages, each of which is increasingly provocative; if symptoms are produced, one does not proceed to the next stage. The first stage involves compression with the head in neutral. The second stage involves compression with the head in extension, and the final stage is with the head in extension and rotation to the unaffected side, then to the side of complaint with compression. The third part of the test more closely follows the test as described

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine 2


is positive if pain radiates into the arm, indicating pressure on a nerve root. The pain distribution (dermatome) can give some indication of which nerve root is affected.66  Scalene Cramp Test.48  The patient sits and rotates the head to the affected side and pulls the chin down into the hollow above the clavicle by flexing the cervical spine. If pain increases, it is usually in the trigger points of the scalenes toward which the head rotates. Radicular signs may indicate plexopathy or thoracic outlet symptoms.  Shoulder Abduction (Relief) Test.  This test is used to test for radicular symptoms, especially those involving the C4

Fig. 3.39  Foraminal compression test. Patient flexes head to one side (1), and examiner presses straight down on head (2).

by Spurling.139 A test result is classified as positive if pain radiates into the arm toward which the head is side flexed during compression; this indicates pressure on a nerve root (cervical radiculitis). Radiculitis implies pain in the dermatomal distribution of the nerve root affected.69 Neck pain with no radiation into the shoulder or arm does not constitute a positive test. The dermatome distribution of the pain and altered sensation can give some indication as to which nerve root is involved. The test positions narrow the intervertebral foramen so that the following conditions may lead to symptoms: stenosis; cervical spondylosis; osteophytes; trophic, arthritic, or inflamed facet joints; herniated disc, which also narrows the foramen; or even vertebral fractures. If the pain is felt in the opposite side to which the head is taken, it is called a reverse Spurling sign and is indicative of muscle spasm in conditions such as tension myalgia and WADs.140 A very similar test is called the maximum cervical compression test . With this test, the patient side flexes the head and then rotates it to the same side. The test is repeated to the other side. A positive test is indicated if pain radiates into the arm.30 If the head is taken into extension (as well as side flexion and rotation) and compression is applied, the intervertebral foramina close maximally to the side of movement and symptoms are accentuated. Pain on the concave side indicates nerve root or facet joint pathology, whereas pain on the convex side indicates muscle strain (Fig. 3.40).141 This second position may also compress the vertebral artery. If one is testing the vertebral artery, the position should be held for 20 to 30 seconds to elicit symptoms (e.g., dizziness, nystagmus, feeling faint, nausea) that would indicate compression of the vertebral artery.  Jackson Compression Test.  This test is also a modification of the foraminal compression test. The patient rotates the head to one side. The examiner then carefully presses straight down on the head (Fig. 3.41). The test is repeated with the head rotated to the other side. The test

Fig. 3.40  Maximum cervical compression test.

Fig. 3.41  Jackson compression test.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

or C5 nerve roots. The patient is sitting or lying down, and the examiner passively or the patient actively elevates the arm through abduction so that the hand or forearm rests on top of the head (Fig. 3.42).66,142 A decrease in or relief of symptoms indicates a cervical extradural compression problem, such as a herniated disc, epidural vein compression, or nerve root compression, usually in the C4–C5 or C5–C6 area. Differentiation is by the dermatome (and possible myotome) distribution of the symptoms. This finding is also called Bakody’s sign.67 Abduction of the arm decreases the length of the neurological pathway and decreases the pressure on the lower nerve roots.142,143 If the pain increases with the positioning of the arm, it implies that pressure is increasing in the interscalene triangle.67  Shoulder Depression Test.  This test may be used to evaluate for brachial plexus lesions (see Table 3.11), since the test position is the mechanism of injury for these lesions, plexopathies, and radiculopathies. With brachial plexus lesions, more than one nerve root is commonly affected. The examiner side flexes the patient’s head to one side (e.g., the left) while applying a downward pressure on the opposite shoulder (e.g., the right) (Fig. 3.43). If the pain is increased, it indicates irritation or compression of the nerve roots or foraminal encroachments, such as osteophytes in the area on the side being compressed, or adhesions around the dural sleeves of the nerve and adjacent joint capsule or a hypomobile joint capsule on the side being stretched. Differentiation is by the dermatome (and possibly myotome) distribution of symptoms.  Tinel Sign for Brachial Plexus Lesions.144  The patient sits with the neck slightly side flexed. The examiner taps the area of the brachial plexus (Fig. 3.44) with a finger along the nerve trunks in such a way that the different nerve roots are tested. Pure local pain implies that there is an underlying cervical plexus lesion. A positive Tinel sign (tingling sensation in the distribution of a


nerve) means the lesion is anatomically intact and some recovery is occurring. If pain is elicited in the distribution of a peripheral nerve, the sign is positive for a neuroma and indicates a disruption of the continuity of the nerve.  Upper Limb Neurodynamic (Tension) Tests (Brachial Plexus Tension or Elvey Test).  The upper limb neurodynamic tests (ULNT) are equivalent to the straight leg raising (SLR) test in the lumbar spine. They are tension tests designed to put stress on the neurological structures of the upper limb by stretching them, although, in truth, stress is put on all the tissues of the upper limb. The neurological tissue is differentiated by what is defined as sensitizing tests (e.g., neck flexion with the SLR test). This test, first described by Elvey,100 has since been divided

Fig. 3.43  Shoulder depression test.

C5 C6 C7 C8 T1

Fig. 3.42  Shoulder abduction (Bakody’s) test.

Fig. 3.44  Tinel sign for brachial plexus lesions. Dots indicate percussion points.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

into four tests (Table 3.21). Modification of the position of the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, and fingers places greater stress on specific nerves (nerve bias).146 Each test begins by testing the good side first and positioning the shoulder, followed by the forearm, wrist, fingers, and last, because of its large ROM, the elbow. Davis et al.147 felt the tests should be considered positive only if neurological symptoms were manifested before 60° of elbow extension when elbow extension was the last movement performed. Each phase is added until symptoms are produced. To further “sensitize” the test, side flexion of the cervical spine may be performed.100,141 Symptoms are more easily aggravated into the upper limb than the lower limb when doing tension tests,146,148 and if the neurological signs are worsening or in the acute phase, or if a cauda equina or spinal cord lesion is present, these stress tests are contraindicated.146 When positioning the shoulder, it is essential that a constant depression force be applied to the shoulder girdle so that, even with abduction, the shoulder girdle remains depressed. If the shoulder is not held depressed, the test is less likely to work. While the shoulder girdle is depressed, the glenohumeral joint is taken to the appropriate abduction position (110° or 10°, depending on the test), and the forearm, wrist, and fingers are taken to their appropriate end-­of-­range position; for example, in ULNT2 the wrist is in full extension (Fig. 3.45). Elbow extension stresses the radial and median nerves, whereas flexion stresses the ulnar nerve. Wrist and finger extension stresses the median and ulnar nerve while releasing stress on the radial nerve.146 If required (ULNT2, 3, and 4), the

glenohumeral joint is appropriately rotated and held. The elbow position is often not performed until last because the large elbow ROM is easiest to measure when recording available range to show improvement over time. As the elbow is taken toward its extreme (end-­of-­range) position, symptoms are usually felt.148 Some of these symptoms are normal (Table 3.22), and some are pathological. If symptoms are minimal or no symptoms appear, the head and cervical spine are taken into contralateral side flexion. This final movement is sometimes referred to as a sensitizing test. This sensitizing test may be within or near the test limb (e.g., neck side flexion in ULNT), or it may be in another quadrant (e.g., right ULNT and right SLR). The tests are designed to stress tissues. Although they stress the neurological tissues, they also stress some contractile and inert tissues. Differentiation among the types of tissues depends on the signs and symptoms presented (Table 3.23). Finally, although specific ULNTs are described, if the patient describes neurological symptoms when doing functional movements (e.g., getting wallet out of back pocket) these movements should also be tested by positioning the limb and taking the joints toward their end range. Evans67 described a modification of the ULNT that he called the brachial plexus tension test . The sitting patient abducts the arms with the elbows extended, stopping just short of the onset of symptoms. The patient laterally rotates the shoulder just short of symptoms, and the examiner then holds this position. Finally, the patient flexes the elbows so that the hands lie behind the head

TABLE  3.21

Upper Limb Neurodynamic (Tension) Tests Showing Order of Joint Positioninga and Nerve Bias ULNT1133





Depression and abduction (110°)

Depression and abduction (10°)

Depression, shoulder medial rotation, abduction (40°), and extension (25°)

Depression and abduction (10° to 90°), hand to ear










Supination or pronation




Flexion and ulnar deviation

Extension and radial deviation

Fingers and thumb






Lateral rotation

Medial rotation

Lateral rotation

Cervical spine

Contralateral side flexion Median nerve, anterior interosseous nerve, C5, C6, C7

Contralateral side flexion Median nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, axillary nerve

Contralateral side flexion Radial nerve

Contralateral side flexion Ulnar nerve, C8 and T1 nerve roots

Nerve bias


elbow motion is often done last as the elbow ROM increase or decrease can be used to determine whether the patient is improving or regressing over time. ULNT, Upper limb neurodynamic tests.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine






TABLE  3.22

Upper Limb Neurodynamic (Tension) Test: Normal and Pathological Signs and Symptoms Normal (Negative)

Pathological (Positive)

• D  eep ache or stretch in cubital fossa (99%) • Deep ache or stretch into anterior and radial aspect of forearm and radial aspect of hand (80%) • Tingling to the fingers supplied by appropriate nerve (nerve bias) • Stretch in anterior shoulder area • Above responses increased with contralateral cervical side flexion (90%) • Above responses decreased with ipsilateral cervical side flexion (70%)

• P  roduction of patient’s symptoms (most important feature) • A sensitizing test in the ipsilateral quadrant alters the symptoms • Different symptoms between right and left (contralateral quadrant)

Adapted from Butler DS: Mobilisation of the nervous system, Melbourne, 1991, Churchill Livingstone.

(Fig. 3.46). Reproduction of radicular symptoms with elbow flexion is considered a positive test. This test is similar to ULNT4 and stresses primarily the ulnar nerve and the C8 and T1 nerve roots. Evans67 outlined a second similar test. The seated patient abducts the arm to 90° with the elbow fully flexed. The arm is extended at the shoulder and then the elbow

Fig. 3.45  Upper limb neurodynamic (tension) tests (Elvey tests). (A) Upper limb neurodynamic test (ULNT)1. (B) ULNT2. (C) ULNT3. (D) ULNT4.

is extended (Fig. 3.47). If radicular pain results, the test is positive (Bikele’s sign). This test in reality is a modification of the ULNT4 done actively.  Valsalva Test.  This test is used to determine the effect of increased pressure on the spinal cord. The examiner asks the patient to take a deep breath and hold it while bearing down, as if moving the bowels. A positive test is indicated by increased pain, which may be caused by increased intrathecal pressure. This increased pressure within the spinal cord usually results from a space-­occupying lesion, such as a herniated disc, a tumor, stenosis, or osteophytes. Test results are very subjective. The test should be performed with care and caution because the patient may become dizzy and pass out during the test or shortly afterward if the procedure blocks the blood supply to the brain. 

Tests for Upper Motor Neuron Lesions (Cervical Myelopathy)

In addition to the tests below, positive pathological reflexes (e.g., Babinski, Hoffman), hyperreflexia of the deep tendon reflexes, and clonus may indicate a cervical myelopathy.149 Grip and Release Test (10-­Second Test).55,150  Normally, patients can perform rapid grip and release from full finger flexion to full finger extension 20 times in 10 seconds. If the movement becomes slower over the 10 seconds (i.e., cannot do 20 times) or if exaggerated wrist extension occurs with finger extension or exaggerated wrist flexion occurs with finger flexion, the test is considered positive for a cervical myelopathy.  Lhermitte Sign.  This is a test for the spinal cord itself and a possible upper motor neuron lesion. The patient is in the long leg sitting position on the examining table.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

TABLE  3.23

Differential Diagnosis of Contractile, Inert, and Nervous Tissue Based on Stretch or Tension Contractile Tissue

Inert Tissue (Ligament)

Neurogenic Tissue


Cramping, dull, ache

Dull → sharp

Burning, bright, lightning-­like








Longer symptom duration

Dermatome pattern



Yes (if nerve root pathological)

Peripheral nerve sensory distribution Resistance to stretch



Muscle spasm

Boggy, hard capsular

Yes (if peripheral nerve or nerve root is affected) Soft tissue stretch




Fig. 3.46  Brachial plexus tension test. (A) The patient abducts and then laterally rotates the arms until symptoms are felt; the patient then lowers the arms until symptoms disappear, and the examiner holds the patient’s arms in the position. (B) While the shoulders are held in position, the patient flexes the elbows and places the hands behind the head. A positive test is indicated by return of symptoms.

The examiner passively flexes the patient’s head and one hip simultaneously with the leg kept straight (Fig. 3.48). A positive test occurs if there is a sharp, electric shock-­like pain down the spine and into the upper or lower limbs; it indicates dural or meningeal irritation in the spine or possible cervical myelopathy.67 Coughing or sneezing may produce similar results. The test is similar to a combination of the Brudzinski test and the SLR test (see Chapter 9).

Fig. 3.47  Bikele’s sign. (A) The arm is abducted to 90° with the elbow fully flexed. (B) The arm and then the elbow are extended.

If the patient actively flexes the head to the chest while in the supine lying position, the test is called the Soto-­Hall test. If the hips are flexed to 135°, greater traction is placed on the spinal cord.66  Romberg Test.  For the Romberg test, the patient is standing and is asked to close the eyes. The position is held for 20 to 30 seconds. If the body begins to sway excessively or the patient loses balance, the test is considered positive for an upper motor neuron lesion.  Ten-Second Step Test.151  The patient, while standing, is asked to step “in place” by lifting the thigh of one leg

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


Fig. 3.48 Lhermitte sign. (A) Patient in long sitting position. (B) Examiner flexes patient’s head and hip simultaneously.


parallel to the floor (i.e., hip and knees at 90°) and then lifting the other leg in a similar manner as though walking at maximum speed while not holding on to any object. The number of steps in 10 seconds is counted (Table 3.24). 

Tests for Vascular Signs (Vascular “Clearing” Tests)

Vertebral and internal carotid artery testing is an important component of the cervical spine assessment in cases where end range mobilization and manipulation treatment techniques are contemplated, especially if the techniques involve a rotary component (>45°) and the upper cervical spine (C0 to C3).152–154 The vertebral artery is especially vulnerable to injury as it transitions from its protective area in the foramen transversarium within the cervical spine transverse processes, then looping before it enters the cranial vault behind the first vertebra. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency leads to ischemic symptoms from the pons, medulla, and cerebellum (see Fig. 3.1).155 Several authors152,155–159 have reported that the vertebral artery tests have not been conclusively proven to be effective in indicating stretching and occlusion of the vertebral artery or internal carotid artery but do say that the tests should be performed to decrease the risk of potentially catastrophic complications when doing end-­range mobilization or manipulation, especially of the upper cervical spine. Thus, risk factors must be considered when doing the examination.68 In any case, it appears that although circulation may be slowed in one vessel, there is “enough slack in the system” that other vessels are able to compensate by increasing flow provided there is not significant disease processes present in the vessels.160 Table 3.25 outlines vertebral and internal carotid artery signs and symptoms associated with pathology.161 Although the following text discusses many vertebral artery tests, not all of them have to be performed. However, it is imperative that the patient be tested in the position in which the treatment will be given and held in that position for at least 10 to 30 seconds , especially if the technique is an end-­range technique or involves the upper cervical


TABLE  3.24

Normal Values (Number of Steps) of Ten-Second Step Test in Each Gender and Age Group Age




21.9 ± 2.6

20.6 ± 3.5


21.4 ± 3.7

20.9 ± 4.4


20.9 ± 3.5

19.9 ± 2.2


19.9 ± 3.1

19.0 ± 2.7


18.3 ± 2.8

18.2 ± 2.2

70–79 Average

17.5 ± 3.1 20.0 ± 3.5

16.9 ± 2.3 19.2 ± 3.3

Modified from Yukawa Y, Kato F, Ito K, et al: “Ten second step test” as a new quantifiable parameter of cervical myelopathy, Spine 34(1):82–86, 2009.

spine.6,162–164 This is called provocative positional testing.68 Any of the signs and symptoms that indicate vertebral-­ basilar artery problems would indicate the treatment should not be given (Table 3.26). When doing more than one test, 10 seconds should elapse between each test to ensure there are no latent symptoms from the previous test. It is recommended that if mobilization or manipulation of the cervical spine is contemplated, the clinician should follow the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s protocol for pre-­manipulative testing of the cervical spine.165 If, when performing the vertebral artery tests, or if in the history, the patient complains of signs and symptoms that may be related to the vertebral artery, care should be taken when mobilizing the upper cervical spine.153,166–168 Carotid and Vertebral Artery Risk Factors68 • H  ypertension • Hypermobility of craniovertebral ligaments (transverse and alar ligaments, tectorial membrane) • Cardiovascular disease

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Signs and Symptoms That May Indicate Possible Vertebral-­Basilar Artery Problems152,155 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

 izziness/vertigo D Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) Drop attacks Malaise and nausea Vomiting Unsteadiness when walking, incoordination Visual disturbances Severe headaches Weakness in extremities Sensory changes in face or body Dysarthria (difficulty with speech) Unconsciousness, disorientation, light-headedness Hearing difficulties Facial paralysis

Note: Similar symptoms may be seen with other conditions (e.g., benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, head injury, epilepsy, ear disease).

These tests are often more effective if performed with the patient sitting because the blood must flow against gravity and there is a restriction caused by the passive movement. However, the supine position allows greater passive range of movement.169 Movements to the right tend to have more effect on the left vertebral artery, and movements to the left tend to have more effect on the right artery.168 Barré Test.170  The patient stands with the shoulders forward flexed to 90°, elbows straight and forearms supinated, palms up and eyes closed, holding the position for 10 to 20 seconds. The test is considered positive if one arm slowly falls with simultaneous forearm pronation. The cause is thought to be diminished blood flow to the brain stem. This test is identical to the first part of Hautant’s test.  Hautant’s Test.67,171  This test has two parts and is used to differentiate dizziness or vertigo caused by articular problems from that caused by vascular problems.

TABLE  3.25

Vascular Pathology Signs and Symptoms Related to the Vertebral and Internal Carotid Arteries Factors to Consider When Assessing Cervical Vascular Problems

Vascular Risk Factors

• Hypertension • Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) • Hyperlipidemia (high fat) • Hyperhomocysteinemia (hardening of the arteries) • Diabetes mellitus • General clotting disorders • Infection • Smoking • Direct vessel trauma Vertebral Artery Nonischemic (Local) Signs and Symptoms • Iatrogenic causes (surgery, medical interventions) • Ipsilateral posterior neck pain • Occipital headache Internal Carotid Nonischemic (Local) Signs and Symptoms • C5–C6 cervical root impairment (rare) • Head/neck pain • Horner syndrome: a rare condition caused by injury to the sympathetic Vertebral Artery Ischemic Signs and Symptoms nerves of the face; involves a collection of symptoms including sinking • “Headache like no other” of the eyeball into the face (enophthalmia), small (constricted) pupils • Ipsilateral posterior upper cervical pain (miosis), ptosis (drooping eyelid), anhidrosis (facial dryness) • Occipital headache • Pulsatile tinnitus • Hindbrain transient ischemic attack: dizziness, • Cranial nerve palsies (most commonly cranial nerve IX–XII) diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, drop attacks, nausea, • Ipsilateral carotid bruit (less common) nystagmus, facial numbness, ataxia, vomiting, • Scalp tenderness (less common) hoarseness, loss of short-­term memory, weakness, • Neck swelling (less common) hypotonia/limb weakness (arm or leg), anhidrosis • Cranial nerve VI palsy (less common) (lack of facial sweating), hearing disturbances, • Orbital pain (less common) malaise, perioral dysesthesia, photophobia, papillary Internal Carotid Artery Ischemic Signs and Symptoms changes, clumsiness, and agitation • Ipsilateral frontal temporal headache (clusterlike, thunderclap, • Hindbrain stroke: Wallenberg syndrome (a migraine without aura, or simply “different from previous headaches”) neurological condition caused by a stroke in the • Upper/middle and anterolateral cervical pain, facial pain and vertebral or posterior inferior cerebral artery of the sensitivity (carotidynia) brain stem), symptoms include difficulty in swallowing, • Transient ischemic attack hoarseness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, rapid • Ischemic stroke involuntary movements of the eyes (nystagmus), and • Retinal infarction problems with balance and gait coordination • Amaurosis fugax (transient episodic blindness caused by decreased blood flow to the retina) • • • • • • •

 isk factors R Position testing (especially rotation and extension) Cranial nerve examination Eye examination Cognitive function Blood pressure examination “Headache like no other”

Data from Kerry R, Taylor AJ: Cervical artery dysfunction assessment and manual therapy, Man Ther 11:243–253, 2006.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

The patient sits and forward flexes both arms to 90° (Fig. 3.49). The eyes are then closed. The examiner watches for any loss of arm position. If the arms move, the cause is nonvascular. The patient is then asked to rotate, or extend and rotate, the neck; this position is held while the eyes are again closed. If wavering of the arms occurs, the dysfunction is caused by vascular impairment to the brain. Each position should be held for 10 to 30 seconds.  Naffziger Test.67,172  The patient is seated, and the examiner stands behind the patient with his or her fingers over the patient’s jugular veins (Fig. 3.50). The examiner compresses the veins for 30 seconds (Naffziger


recommended 10 minutes!) and then asks the patient to cough. Pain may indicate a nerve root problem or space-­ occupying lesion (e.g., tumor). If light-headedness or similar symptoms occur with compression of the jugular veins, the test should be terminated.  Static Vertebral Artery Tests.  The examiner may test the following passive movements with the patient supine or sitting, as advocated by Grant,173 watching for eye nystagmus and complaints by the patient of dizziness, lightheadedness, or visual disturbances. Each of these tests is increasingly provocative; if symptoms occur with the first test, there is no need to progress to the next test.

TABLE  3.26

Differential Diagnosis of Internal Carotid Artery Disease, Vertebrobasilar Artery Disease, and Upper Cervical Instability Internal Carotid Artery Disease

Vertebrobasilar Artery Disease

Upper Cervical Instability

Early Mid-­upper cervical pain, Mid-­upper cervical pain, occipital headache presentation pain around ear and jaw Acute onset of pain described as “unlike any other” (carotidynia), head pain (fronto-­temporo-­parietal) Ptosis Lower cranial nerve dysfunction (VIII–XII) Acute onset of pain described as “unlike any other” Late Transient retinal dysfunction Hindbrain transient ischemic attack (dizziness, presentation (scintillating scotoma, diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, drop attacks, amaurosis fugax) nausea, nystagmus, facial numbness, ataxia, Transient ischemic attack vomiting, hoarseness, loss of short-­term memory, Cerebrovascular accident vagueness, hypotonia/limb weakness [arm or leg], anhidrosis [lack of facial sweating], hearing disturbances, malaise, perioral dysesthesia, photophobia, papillary changes, clumsiness, and agitation) Cranial nerve dysfunction Hindbrain stroke (e.g., Wallenberg syndrome, locked-­in syndrome)

Neck and head pain Feeling of instability Cervical muscle hyperactivity Constant support needed for head Worsening symptoms

Bilateral foot and hand dysesthesias Feeling of lump in throat Metallic taste in mouth (VII) Arm and leg weakness Lack of coordination bilaterally

From Rushton A, Rivett D, Carlesso L, et al: International framework for examination of the cervical region for potential of cervical arterial dysfunction prior to orthopedic manual therapy intervention, Man Ther 19(3):222–228, 2014.



Fig. 3.49  Positioning for Hautant test. (A) Forward flexion of both arms to 90°. (B) Rotation and extension of neck with arms forward flexed to 90°.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

In the sitting position: 1. Sustained full neck and head extension 2. Sustained full neck and head rotation, right and left (if this movement causes symptoms, it is sometimes called a positive Barré-­Lieou sign)67 3. Sustained full neck and head rotation with extension right and left (DeKleyn test)67 4.  Provocative movement position (implies movement into the position that provokes symptoms) 5. Quick head movement into provocative position 6.  Quick repeated head movement into provocative position 7. Head still, sustained trunk movement left and right (10 to 30 seconds) 8. Head still, repeated trunk movement left and right In supine position: 1. Sustained full neck and head extension 2. Sustained full neck and head rotation left and right

Fig. 3.50  Naffziger test (compression of jugular veins).

3. Sustained full neck and head rotation with extension left and right (if combined with side flexion, it is called the Hallpike maneuver67). Extension combined with rotation has been found to be the position most likely to occlude the vertebral artery.152 4. Unilateral posteroanterior oscillation (Maitland grade IV) of C1 to C2 facet joints (prone lying) with head rotated left and right 5. Simulated mobilization and manipulation position Each position should be held for at least 10 to 30 seconds unless symptoms are evoked. Extension in isolation is more likely to test the patency of the intervertebral foramen, whereas rotation and side flexion or, especially, rotation and extension are more likely to test the vertebral artery (Table 3.27).10 If symptoms are evoked, care should be taken concerning any treatment to follow. Aspinall174 advocated the use of a progressive series of clinical tests to evaluate the vertebral artery. With these tests, the examiner progressively moves from the lower cervical spine and lower vertebral artery to the upper cervical spine and upper vertebral artery where it is more vulnerable to pathology. Table 3.28 demonstrates Aspinall progressive clinical tests for the vertebral arteries.  Underburg’s Test.67  The patient stands with the shoulders forward flexed to 90°, elbows straight, and forearms supinated. The patient then closes the eyes and marches in place while holding the extended and rotated head to one side. The test is repeated with head movement to the opposite side. The test is considered positive if there is dropping of the arms, loss of balance, or pronation of the hands; a positive result indicates decreased blood supply to the brain.  Vertebral Artery (Cervical Quadrant) Test.  With the patient supine, the examiner passively takes the patient’s head and neck into extension and side flexion (Fig. 3.51).175 After this movement is achieved, the examiner rotates the patient’s neck to the same side and holds it for approximately 30 seconds. A positive test provokes referring symptoms if the

TABLE  3.27

Relationship of Head Position to Blood Flow to Head and Neurological Function Head Position

Blood Flow

Neurological Space








Usually normal


Side flexion

Slight decrease in ipsilateral artery; normal in contralateral artery

Decrease on ipsilateral side; increase on contralateral side


Slight decrease in ipsilateral artery; significant decrease in contralateral artery

Decrease on ipsilateral side; increase on contralateral side

Extension and rotation Flexion and rotation

Bilateral decrease, greater in contralateral artery Bilateral decrease

Bilateral decrease, greater on ipsilateral side Decrease on ipsilateral side; increase on contralateral side

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


TABLE  3.28

Aspinall’s Progressive Clinical Tests for Vertebral Artery Pathology POSITION Vertebral Artery Area Area 1 (lower cervical spine) Area 2 (middle cervical spine)

Area 3 (upper cervical spine)

Sitting X X X X X X X X X




Test Active cervical rotation Active cervical rotation Passive cervical rotation Active cervical extension Passive cervical extension Passive cervical extension with rotation Passive segmental extension with rotation Passive cervical flexion Cervical flexion with traction Accessory oscillatory anterior/posterior movement—transverse processes C2–C7 in combined extension and rotation Sustained manipulation position Active cervical rotation Passive cervical rotation Active cervical extension Passive cervical extension Passive cervical rotation with extension Cervical rotation with extension and traction Cervical rotation with flexion Accessory oscillatory anterior/posterior movement—transverse processes C1–C2 in combined rotation and extension Sustained manipulation position

From Aspinall W: Clinical testing for the craniovertebral hypermobility syndrome, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 12:180–181, 1989.

compression in the lower cervical spine. To test the upper cervical spine, the examiner “pokes” the patient’s chin and follows with extension, side flexion, and rotation. 

Tests for Vertigo and Dizziness 2


1 Fig. 3.51 Vertebral artery (cervical quadrant) test. Examiner passively moves patient’s head and neck into extension and side flexion (1), then rotation (2), holding for 30 seconds.

opposite artery is affected. This test must be done with care. If dizziness or nystagmus occurs, it is an indication that the vertebral arteries are being compressed. The DeKleyn-­ Nieuwenhuyse test69,170 performs a similar function but involves extension and rotation instead of extension and side flexion. Both tests may also be used to assess nerve root

Dizziness Test.  The patient sits, and the examiner grasps the patient’s head. The examiner actively rotates the patient’s head as far as possible to the right and then to the left, holding the head at the extreme of motion for a short time (10 to 30 seconds) while the shoulders remain stationary. The patient’s head is then returned to neutral. Next, the patient’s shoulders are actively rotated as far to the right as possible, held for 10 to 30 seconds, and then to the left as far as possible, and held for 10 to 30 seconds while keeping the head facing straight ahead. If the patient experiences dizziness in both cases, the problem lies in the vertebral arteries, because in both cases the vertebral artery may be “kinked,” decreasing the blood flow. If the patient experiences dizziness only when the head is rotated, the problem lies within the semicircular canals of the inner ear. Fitz-­Ritson176 advocates a modification of this test. For the first part of the test, he advocates that the examiner hold the shoulders still while the patient rapidly rotates the head left and right with eyes closed. If vertigo results, the problem is in the vestibular nuclei or muscles and joints of the cervical spine. In addition, patients may lose their

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

balance, veer to one side, or possibly vomit. The second stage is the same as previously mentioned, except that the eyes are closed. If vertigo is experienced this time, Fitz-­ Ritson believes that the problem is in the cervical spine because the vestibular apparatus is not being moved.  Hallpike-­Dix Maneuver or Test.177,178  See Chapter 2 for description.  Temperature (Caloric) Test.179  The examiner alternately applies hot and cold test tubes several times just behind the patient’s ears on the side of the head; each side is done in turn. A positive test is associated with the inducement of vertigo, which indicates inner ear problems. 

Tests for Cervical Instability (Instability “Clearing” Tests)

Instability in the cervical spine is most commonly the result of ligament damage (e.g., transverse ligament, alar ligaments), bone or joint damage (e.g., fracture or dislocation), or weak muscles (e.g., deep flexors or extensors). The instability may be the result of chronic arthritic conditions (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis), trauma, long-­term corticosteroid use, congenital malformations, Down syndrome, and osteoporosis.13 One commonly should have a high level of suspicion of instability if in the history the patient complains of instability, a lump in the throat, lip paresthesia, severe headache (especially with movement), muscle spasm, nausea, or vomiting.13 If the examiner anticipates doing mobilization (especially end-­range techniques) or manipulation techniques to the cervical spine, especially the upper cervical spine, a selection of appropriate “clearing” tests should be performed to rule out instability. If instability is present, mobilization and/or manipulation should not be performed.

or bilaterally through the lamina of each vertebral body. In each case, the normal end feel is tissue stretch with an abrupt stop (Fig. 3.52). Positive signs, especially when the upper cervical spine is tested, include nystagmus, pupil changes, dizziness, soft end feel, nausea, facial or lip paresthesia, and a lump sensation in the throat.69  Lateral Flexion Alar Ligament Stress Test.124,171,180,182  The patient lies supine with the head in the physiological neutral position while the examiner stabilizes the axis with a wide pinch grip around the spinous process and lamina (Fig. 3.53). The examiner then attempts to side flex the head and axis. Normally, if the ligament is intact, minimal side flexion occurs with a strong capsular end feel and a solid stop.  Lateral (Transverse) Shear Test.171,180  This test is used to determine instability of the atlanto-­axial articulation caused by odontoid dysplasia. The patient lies supine with

Fig. 3.52  Anterior sagittal stress test.

Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Instability • • • • • • • • • • •

S evere muscle spasm Patient does not want to move head (especially into flexion) Lump in throat Lip or facial paresthesia Severe headache Dizziness Nausea Vomiting Soft-­end feel Nystagmus Pupil changes

Anterior Shear or Sagittal Stress Test.70,180,181  This test is designed to test the integrity of the supporting ligamentous and capsular tissues of the cervical spine. It is similar to the posteroanterior central vertebral pressure (PACVP) testing in the joint play section. The patient lies supine with the head in neutral resting on the bed. The examiner applies an anteriorly directed force through the posterior arch of C1 or the spinous processes of C2 to T1

Fig. 3.53  Lateral flexion alar ligament stress test. Examiner attempts to side flex the patient’s head while stabilizing the axis.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

the head supported. The examiner places the radial side of the second metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of one hand against the transverse process of the atlas and the MCP joint of the other hand against the opposite transverse process of the axis. The examiner’s hands are then carefully pushed together, causing a shear of one bone on the other (Fig. 3.54). Normally, minimal motion and no symptoms (spinal cord or vascular) are produced. Because this test is normally painful because of the compression of soft tissues against the bone, the patient should be warned beforehand that pain is a normal sensation to be expected. The test can also be used to test other levels of the cervical spine (i.e., C2 to C7).  Posterior Atlanto-­Occipital Membrane Test.183  This test assesses the stability between the occiput and atlas in the posterior part of the neck. The patient is seated and the patient’s head is cradled against the examiner’s chest. The fingers of the examiner’s upper hand grip the occiput while the lower hand stabilizes C1 by applying a downward pressure with fingers placed on the lateral mass of the atlas (Fig. 3.55). The test is performed by the examiner pulling with the left hand in the opposite direction to the downward pressure of the other hand. The pulling is repeated through different angles of neck flexion and on both sides starting with the uninjured or side with no symptoms. A positive test is indicated by abnormal motion relative to the other (uninjured) side and possible pain.  Rotational Alar Ligament Stress Test.180,182  The patient is in sitting position. The examiner grips the lamina and spinous process of C2 between the finger and thumb. While stabilizing C2, the examiner passively rotates the patient’s head left or right moving to the “no symptom” side first. If more than 20° to 30° rotation is possible without C2 moving, it is indicative of injury to the contralateral alar ligament especially if the lateral flexion alar stress test is positive in the same direction. If the excessive motion is in the opposite direction for both tests, the instability is due to an increase in the neutral zone in the joint (Fig. 3.56).


Fig. 3.55  Posterior atlanto-­occipital membrane test.

Fig. 3.56 Rotational alar ligament stress test. While the examiner grips the lamina of C2, the patient’s head is rotated left and right with the other hand.

Transverse process


B Fig. 3.54  (A) Atlanto-­axial lateral shear test. (B) Metacarpophalangeal joints against transverse processes.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Kaale et al.183 advocated doing the test in a different fashion. They advocate placing the patient in sitting position. The examiner supports the patient’s head against his or her body and places both hands on the same side of the patient’s occipitocervical junction. The lower hand (Fig. 3.57) stabilizes C2 by pressing the second and third fingers against the lateral aspect of C2 pulling it backwards. The other hand is placed above with the third finger under the lateral mass of the atlas and the second finger under the mastoid process pulling upward into rotation (see Fig. 3.57). The test is performed in different angles of rotation to locate the position of maximum movement between C1 and C2.  Sharp-­Purser Test.  This test should be performed with extreme caution. It is a test to determine subluxation of the atlas on the axis (Fig. 3.58). If the transverse ligament that maintains the position of the odontoid process relative to C1 (Fig. 3.59) is torn, C1 will translate

forward (sublux) on C2 on flexion. Thus, the examiner may find the patient reticent to do forward flexion if the transverse ligament has been damaged. The examiner places one hand over the patient’s forehead while the thumb of the other hand is placed over the spinous process of the axis to stabilize it (Fig. 3.60). The patient is asked to slowly flex the head; while this is occurring, the examiner presses backward with the palm. A positive test is indicated if the examiner feels the head slide backward during the movement. The slide backward indicates that the subluxation of the atlas has been reduced, and the slide may be accompanied by a “clunk.” Aspinall184 advocates use of an additional test if the Sharp-­Purser test is negative (Aspinall transverse ligament test). The patient is placed in supine. The examiner stabilizes the occiput on the atlas in flexion and holds the occiput in this flexed position. The examiner then applies an anteriorly directed force to the posterior aspect of the atlas (Fig. 3.61). Normally, no movement or symptoms are perceived by the patient. For the test to be positive, the patient should feel a lump in the throat as the atlas Transverse ligament intact

Normal relationship of C1 and C2 Fig. 3.57  Rotational alar ligament stress test. Kaale’s alternate method.

Fig. 3.58  Subluxation of the atlas on neck flexion. Note the bulge in the posterior neck caused by the forward subluxation of the atlas, bringing the spinous process of the axis into prominence beneath the skin (arrow). (Courtesy Harold S. Robinson, MD, Vancouver, BC.)

Torn transverse ligament

C1 slides forward on flexion

Fig. 3.59  Forward translation of C1 on C2 during flexion as a result of torn transverse ligament.

Fig. 3.60  The Sharp-­Purser test for subluxation of the atlas on the axis.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

moves toward the esophagus; this is indicative of hypermobility at the atlanto-­axial articulation. Rey-­Eiriz et al.185 advocated doing a similar test to test for hypomobility in the middle cervical spine (posterior-­anterior middle cervical spine gliding test ). The head and cervical

Fig. 3.61  Aspinall transverse ligament test.

spine are held in neutral and the examiner pushes anteriorly on the lamina of C3, C4, or C5. Hypomobility for the test was defined as abnormal resistance to movement, abnormal end feel, and/or reproduction of local or referred pain.  Transverse Ligament Stress Test.171,180  The patient lies supine with the examiner supporting the occiput with the palms and the third, fourth, and fifth fingers. The examiner places the index fingers in the space between the patient’s occiput and C2 spinous process so that the fingertips are overlying the neural arch of C1. The head and C1 are then carefully lifted anteriorly together, allowing no flexion or extension (Fig. 3.62). This anterior shear is normally resisted by the transverse ligament (Fig. 3.63). The position is held for 10 to 20 seconds to see whether symptoms occur, indicating a positive test. Positive symptoms include soft end feel; muscle spasm; dizziness; nausea; paresthesia of the lip, face, or limb; nystagmus; or a lump sensation in the throat. The test indicates hypermobility at the atlanto-­axial articulation. Kaale et al.183 advocated doing the test by stabilizing C2 from the front of the neck with the fingers pressed against the anterior aspect of the side of the transverse process on one side and the thumb in the same position on the opposite side of C2 (Fig. 3.64). Do not choke the patient! The examiner’s other hand is similarly placed on the posterior aspect of the transverse processes of C1 and against the inferior part of the occiput. C1 is pressed forward while C2 is pressed backward testing the translation of the dens of the atlas. 

Tests for Upper Cervical Spine Mobility Fig. 3.62  Testing the transverse ligament of C1. Examiner’s hands support head and C1.

Anterior arch Foramen for dens Superior articular facet Groove for vertebral artery Posterior arch Posterior tubercle

Dens of atlas Superior articular facet Inferior articular process Lamina


Cervical Flexion Rotation Test.61,97,186,187  The test is used to determine the mobility of the upper cervical spine (C1–C2) and to determine if the upper cervical spine is the

Transverse ligament Transverse foramen (vertebral artery) Transverse process Atlas Foramen for spinal cord

Transverse process

Facet for atlas Transverse process Vertebral foramen for spinal cord

Spinal cord Axis

Spinous process or spine Fig. 3.63  Relationship of C1 to C2 and the position of the transverse ligament.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Fig. 3.64  Transverse ligament stress test. Kaale’s alternate method.

cause of a cervicogenic headache.61,188–190 The patient is in supine lying position. The examiner sits or stands at the head of the patient and flexes the cervical spine fully. While holding the flexed position, the examiner then rotates the head left and right. Normal rotation in the flexed position should be about 45° each way (Fig. 3.65). Maintaining the flexed position is more likely to isolate the rotation to the C1–C2 area so that C1–C2 dysfunction may be evident if the rotation is less (hypomobility) or more (hypermobility) than normal. If the patient also has a headache, the restricted ROM to one side is likely to be cervicogenic in nature, not a migraine or other type of headache.190  Pettman’s Distraction Test.180,181  This test is used to test the tectorial membrane. The patient lies supine with the head in neutral position. The examiner applies gentle traction to the head. Provided no symptoms are produced, the patient’s head is lifted forward, flexing the spine, and traction is reapplied. If the patient complains of symptoms, such as pain, or paresthesia in the second position, then the test is considered positive for a lax tectorial membrane (Fig. 3.66). 

Tests for Movement Control Dysfunction

Tests for movement control are designed to test the ability of the patient to do an active movement correctly. Table 3.29 outlines how these tests are performed and what to look for to ensure proper controlled movement.87 





Fig. 3.65 Cervical flexion rotation test. (A) Flexion. (B) Rotation in flexion.

Fig. 3.66  Pettman’s distraction test. (A) First position. (B) Second (flexed) position.

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TABLE  3.29

Operational Definitions for the Movement Control Tests of the Cervical Spine Muscles/Direction of Movement Control

Correct Performance

Impaired Performance

1.  Active cervical extension in 4-point kneeling Instruction: Imagine you have a book between your hands. Look down to flex the head and neck together as far as you can and then curl your head back up as far as you can (lower and mid cervical spine), but maintain your eyes on the book.

Bias toward semispinalis cervicis/ multifidus which act only on the cervical spine and against superficial extensors, which also extend the head

Patient is able to dissociate mid-­lower from upper cervical extension: head remains in a neutral position while performing mid-­lower cervical extension to about 20°.

Patient is unable to dissociate mid-­lower from upper cervical extension. Different impairments can be observed: 1. The patient cannot reach 20° of cervical extension while keeping the craniocervical region in neutral. 2. The patient adopts a poor coordination strategy and uses superficial cervical muscles excessively, indicated by craniocervical extension (poked chin) and excessive use of the semispinalis capitis muscles indicated by their marked prominence on the back of the neck.

Bias toward the suboccipital rotators (obliquus capitis superior and inferior)

Patient is able to dissociate upper cervical rotation movement from movement at the mid-­lower cervical region: no motion of the mid-­lower cervical spine occurs.

Patient is unable to dissociate upper cervical rotation movement from movement at the typical cervical region: excessive motion of the typical cervical region occurs.

3.  Active cervical flexion in 4-point kneeling Instruction: Look down to flex the head and neck together as far as you can.

Extensor muscles

The flexion movement is predominantly anterior sagittal plane rotation of the head and cervical spine.

Movement: The head and the cervical spine translate anteriorly with diminished anterior sagittal plane rotation during the flexion movement. Lower cervical flexion greater than upper thoracic flexion.

4. Active cervical extension in sitting Instruction: Look toward the ceiling and follow the ceiling back with the eyes as far as possible.

Flexor muscles (eccentric control)

Head extends behind the frontal plane to 15°–20°. A pattern of smooth and even neck extension of upper, mid, and lower cervical regions should be observed.

Dominant upper cervical spine extension with minimal, if any, movement of the head posteriorly. The head moves backward but then reaches a point of extension where it appears to drop or translate backward.

The patient is to perform cervical extension, while keeping the craniocervical region in neutral. 2.  Active upper cervical rotation in 4-point kneeling Instruction: Rotate the head while keeping the cervical region still, as if saying ‘No.’ Examiner gently stabilizes the C2 vertebra (only for the practice sessions) to assist patient in locating the movement to the upper cervical region. Patient is instructed to perform small ranges of craniocervical rotation to both sides (no greater than 40°), while maintaining cervical spine in a neutral position.

Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

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Movement Control Tests



TABLE  3.29

Operational Definitions for the Movement Control Tests of the Cervical Spine—cont’d

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Correct Performance

Impaired Performance

5.  Return to neutral from the cervical Flexor muscles (concentric control) extension position in sitting Instruction: Return to neutral from the cervical extension position.

Return to neutral position starts with craniocervical flexion followed by lower cervical flexion.

Initiation of returning to neutral position with sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles resulting in lower cervical flexion but not upper craniocervical flexion. Craniocervical flexion is the last rather than first component of the pattern of movement.

6.  Active bilateral arm flexion in standing Instruction: Raise and lower your arms (palms facing in) as far as you can keeping your head steady.

Flexor, extensor muscle co-­contraction

Cervical spine remains still during 180° of bilateral arm flexion.

Compensatory/excessive forward head movement or extension of the cervical spine observed during 180° of bilateral arm flexion.

7.  Rocking backward in 4-­point kneeling Instruction: Rock backward slowly as far as you can.

Flexor, extensor muscle co-­contraction

Cervical spine remains in a neutral position during the movement.

Compensatory motion or excessive cervical extension is observed during the quadruped rocking back.

8.  Active unilateral arm flexion in standing Instruction: Raise and lower each arm separately (palms facing in) as far as you while keeping the head in a neutral position.

Flexor, extensor muscle co-­contraction

Cervical spine remains stable via observation during single-­arm flexion to 180° to both sides

Compensatory motion of cervical rotation/ lateroflexion is noted during arm flexion to 180° in either side.

9.  Active cervical rotation in sitting Instruction: Rotate your head and neck as far as you can to each side while maintaining the plane of the face vertical and eyes horizontal.

Rotation movement control

A pattern of smooth and even head rotation around a vertical axis should be observed to each side (70°–80° rotation to each side). The plane of the face should stay vertical with the eyes horizontal and with concurrent upper and lower cervical movement. No other components of motion (i.e., lateroflexion, extension, or flexion) should be observed.

Rotation to either side occurs with concurrent/ simultaneous lateral flexion, extension, or flexion and/or forward translation of the head and neck.

Note: bilateral cervical rotation is assessed with the scapula in a neutral position (hands on thighs).

Muscles/Direction of Movement Control

From Segarra V, Dueñas L, Torres R, et al: Inter-­and intra-­tester reliability of a battery of cervical movement control dysfunction tests, Man Ther 20(4):572, 2015.

Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Movement Control Tests

Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Tests for First Rib Mobility

Although the first rib would normally be included with assessment of the thoracic spine, the examiner should always test for mobility of the first rib when examining the cervical spine, especially if side flexion is limited and there is pain or tenderness in the area of the first rib or T1. For the first test , the patient lies supine while fully supported. The examiner palpates the first rib bilaterally lateral to T1 and places his or her fingers along the path of the patient’s ribs just posterior to the clavicles (Fig. 3.67A). While palpating the ribs, the examiner notes the movement of both first ribs as the patient takes a deep breath in and out, and any asymmetry is noted. The examiner then palpates one first rib and side flexes the head to the opposite side until the rib is felt to move up. The range of neck side flexion is noted. The side flexion is then repeated to the opposite side, and results from the two sides are compared. Asymmetry may be caused by hypomobility of the first rib or tightness of the scalene muscles on the same side. For the second test, the patient lies prone, and the examiner again palpates the first rib (Fig. 3.67B). Using the thumb, reinforced by the other thumb, the examiner pushes the rib caudally, noting the amount of movement, end feel, and presence of pain. The other first rib is tested in a similar fashion, and the two sides are compared. Normally, a firm


tissue stretch is felt with no pain, except possibly where the examiner’s thumbs are compressing soft tissue against the rib. 

Tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome See Special Tests in Chapter 5. 

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution If the examiner suspects neurological involvement during the assessment, reflex testing and cutaneous sensation should be tested. For the cervical spine, the following reflexes should be checked for differences between the two sides, as shown in Fig. 3.68: biceps (C5–C6), the brachioradialis (C5–C6), the triceps (C7–C8), and the jaw jerk (cranial nerve V). Bland33 felt the jaw jerk was a useful diagnostic test. A normal (negative) jaw jerk combined with positive (exaggerated) tendon reflexes in the upper limb suggested the lesion was below the foramen magnum. If both reflexes were abnormal, then the lesion is above the pons. The reflexes are tested with a reflex hammer. The examiner tests the biceps and jaw jerk reflexes by placing his or her thumb over the patient’s biceps tendon or at midpoint of the chin and then tapping the thumbnail with the reflex hammer to elicit the reflex. The jaw reflex may also be tested with a tongue depressor (see Fig. 3.68B). The examiner holds the tongue depressor firmly against the lower teeth while the patient relaxes the jaw and then strikes the tongue depressor with the reflex hammer. The brachioradialis and triceps reflexes are tested by directly tapping the tendon or muscle. Common Reflexes Checked in Cervical Spine Assessment • • • •


B Fig. 3.67  Testing mobility of the first rib. (A) In supine. (B) In prone.

B iceps (C5, C6) Triceps (C7, C8) Hoffmann sign (if upper motor neuron lesion suspected) Inverted supinator sign (if upper motor neuron lesion suspected)

If the examiner suspects involvement of the cranial nerves, then each of the cranial nerves should be tested (see Table 2.1). These nerves are more likely to be affected by a head injury but head and neck injuries can occur in unison so the examiner should test any cranial nerves that may be involved especially if the patient has complained about any signs or symptoms affecting the cranial nerves while the history is being taken. If an upper motor neuron lesion is suspected, the pathological reflexes (e.g., Babinski reflex) should be checked (see Table 1.32) and the deep tendon reflexes (see Table 1.30) may show hyperreflexia. Hoffmann sign is the upper limb equivalent of the Babinski test although its efficacy has been questioned.191 To test for Hoffmann sign, the examiner holds the patient’s middle finger and briskly flicks the distal phalanx. A positive sign is noted if the interphalangeal joint of the thumb of the same hand flexes/adducts (Fig. 3.69). The fingers may also flex. Denno and Meadows192 advocated a dynamic

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine






Fig. 3.68  Testing of upper limb reflexes. (A) Jaw. (B) Jaw (tongue depressor method). (C) Brachioradialis. (D) Biceps. (E) Triceps.

1 7 2

6 5



4 2

Fig. 3.69  Hoffmann sign. The examiner flicks the distal phalanx of the patient’s middle finger (third digit) (1). In a positive test, such action causes the patient’s thumb to flex and/or adduct (2).

Hoffmann sign. The patient is asked to repeatedly flex and extend the head, and then the test is performed as described previously. Denno and Meadows believed that the dynamic test showed positive results earlier than the static or normal Hoffmann sign. The inverted supinator sign (also called the inverted brachioradialis jerk) is a pathological reflex. Using a reflex hammer, the examiner rapidly taps near the styloid process at the wrist. A positive test results in finger flexion and slight elbow extension.193,194 Because an upper motor neuron lesion affects both the upper and lower limb, initially unilaterally and at later stages bilaterally, the Babinski test may be performed



Fig. 3.70 Sensory nerve distribution of the head, neck, and face. 1, Ophthalmic nerve. 2, Maxillary nerve. 3, Mandibular nerve. 4, Transverse cutaneous nerve of neck (C2–C3). 5, Greater auricular nerve (C2–C3). 6, Lesser auricular nerve (C2). 7, Greater occipital nerve (C2– C3). 8, Cervical dorsal rami (C3–C5). 9, Suprascapular nerve (C5–C6).

if desired. Clonus, most easily seen by sudden dorsiflexion of the ankle resulting in three to five reflex twitches of the plantar flexors, is also a sign of an upper motor neuron lesion.195,196 The examiner then checks the dermatome pattern of the various nerve roots as well as the sensory distribution of the peripheral nerves (Figs. 3.70 and 3.71) using a sensation scan (see previous discussion). Dermatomes vary from person to person and overlap a great deal, and the diagrams shown are estimations only. For example, C5 dermatome may stop distally on the radial side of the arm at the elbow, forearm, or wrist. Cervical radiculopathies may also show modified patterns. Levine et al.50 point out that about 45%

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine




C2 C2







C7 C8

T1 Fig. 3.71  Dermatomes of the cervical spine.

of patients have modified patterns and do not follow strict dermatome patterns. Classically, these patients also have referred pain into the trapezius and periscapular area posteriorly, and some will have pain into the breast area anteriorly. Because of the spinal cord and associated nerve roots and their relation to the other bony and soft tissues in the cervical spine, referred pain is a relatively common experience in lesions of the cervical spine. Within the cervical spine, the intervertebral discs, facet joints, and other bony and soft tissues may refer pain to other segments of the neck (dermatomes) or to the head, the shoulder, the scapular area, and the whole of the upper limb (Figs. 3.72

and 3.73).48,88 Table 3.30 shows the muscles of the cervical spine and their referral of pain.

Brachial Plexus Injuries of the Cervical Spine197,198

Brachial plexus injuries often result in paresthesia in one or both hands and all digits. If the injury is due to external pressure, the pins and needles may only be felt after the compression is removed. This is called a release phenomenon and can occur when the pressure is relieved on any peripheral nerve. Erb-­Duchenne Paralysis.  This paralysis is an upper brachial plexus injury involving injury to the upper nerve

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


Fig. 3.72  Referral of symptoms from the cervical spine to areas of the spine, head, shoulder girdle, and upper limb.

Sternocleidomastoid Semispinalis

roots (C5, C6) as a result of compression or stretching. The injury frequently occurs at Erb’s point. With this injury, it is primarily the muscles of the shoulder region and elbow that are affected; the muscles of the hand (especially the intrinsic muscles) are not involved. However, sensation over the radial surfaces of the forearm and hand and the deltoid area are affected.  Klumpke (Dejerine-­ Klumpke) Paralysis.  This injury involves the lower brachial plexus and results from compression or stretching of the lower nerve roots (C8, T1). Atrophy and weakness are evident in the muscles of the forearm and hand as well as in the triceps. The obvious changes are in the distal aspects of the upper limb. The resultant injury is a functionless hand. Sensory loss occurs primarily on the ulnar side of the forearm and hand.  Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy.199  These injuries to the brachial plexus occur in 0.1% to 0.4% of births with the majority showing full recovery within 2 months. Those infants who have not recovered within 3 months are at considerable risk of decreased strength and ROM in the upper limb.  Burners and Stingers.200,201  These are transient injuries to the brachial plexus, which may be the result of trauma (see Fig. 3.10) combined with factors such as stenosis or a degenerative disc (spondylosis). Recurrent burners are not associated with more severe neck injury, but their effect on the nerve may be cumulative.200 

Levator scapulae Splenius muscles Trapezius Fig. 3.73  Muscles and their referred pain patterns. Diagram shows primarily one side.

Joint Play Movements The joint play movements that are carried out in the cervical spine may be general movements (called passive intervertebral movements [PIVMs]) that involve the entire cervical spine (first four below) or specific movements isolated to one segment. As the joint play movements are performed, the examiner should note any decreased ROM, pain, or difference in end feel. Joint Play Movements of the Cervical Spine • • • • • • • •

S ide glide of the cervical spine (general) Anterior glide of the cervical spine (general) Posterior glide of the cervical spine (general) Traction glide of the cervical spine (general) Rotation of the occiput on C1 (specific) Posteroanterior central vertebral pressure (specific) Posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure (specific) Transverse vertebral pressure (specific)

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


TABLE  3.30

Muscles of the Cervical Spine and Their Referral of Pain Muscle

Referral Pattern


Right and left occiput, lateral aspect of head above ear to behind eye, tip of jaw Spinous processes to medial border of scapula and along spine of scapula; may also refer to lateral aspect of upper arm


Back and top of head, front of ear over forehead to medial aspect of eye; cheek Behind ear, ear to forehead

Splenius capitis

Top of head

Splenius cervicis

Posterior neck and shoulder angle, side of head to eye

Semispinalis cervicis

Back of head

Semispinalis capitis

Band around head at level of forehead


Occiput to posterior neck and shoulder angle to base of spine of scapula

Suboccipital Scalenes

Lateral aspect of head to eye Medial border of scapula and anterior chest down posterolateral aspect of arm to anterolateral and posterolateral aspect of hand

Side Glide.  The examiner holds the patient’s head and moves it from side to side, keeping the head parallel to the shoulders (Fig. 3.74).202  Anterior and Posterior Glide. The examiner holds the patient’s head with one hand around the occiput and one hand around the chin, taking care to ensure that the patient is not choked.101 The examiner then draws the head forward in the same plane as the shoulders for anterior glide (Fig. 3.75) and posteriorly for posterior glide. While doing these movements, the examiner must prevent flexion and extension of the head.  Traction Glide.  The examiner places one hand around the patient’s chin and the other hand on the occiput.103 Traction is then applied in a straight longitudinal direction with the majority of the pull being through the occiput (Fig. 3.76).  Vertebral Pressures. For the last three joint play movements (Fig. 3.77), the patient lies prone with the forehead resting on the back of the hands.175 These techniques are specific to each vertebra and are applied to each vertebra in turn, or at least to the ones that the examination has indicated may be affected by pathology. They are sometimes called passive accessory intervertebral movements (PAIVMs).99 The

Fig. 3.74 Side glide of the cervical spine. Glide to the right is illustrated.

Fig. 3.75  Anterior glide of the cervical spine.

Fig. 3.76  Traction glide of the cervical spine.

examiner palpates the spinous processes of the cervical spine, starting at the C2 spinous process and working downward to the T2 spinous process. The positions of the examiner’s hands, fingers, and thumbs in performing PACVPs are shown in Fig. 3.77A. Pressure is then applied through the examiner’s thumbs pushing

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine




Fig. 3.77  Vertebral pressures to the cervical spine. (A) Posteroanterior central vertebral pressure on tip of spinous process. (B) Posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure on posterior aspect of transverse process. (C) Transverse vertebral pressure on side of spinous process.

carefully from the shoulders, and the vertebra is pushed forward. The examiner must take care to apply pressure slowly, with carefully controlled movements, in order to “feel” the movement, which in reality is minimal. This “springing test” may be repeated several times to determine the quality of the movement and the end feel. Hypomobility would be indicated by abnormal resistance to movement, abnormal end feel, or reproduction of local or referred pain.185 End range can be determined by feeling the adjacent spinous process (above or below). When the adjacent spinous process begins to move, the end range of the vertebra to which the PACVP is being applied has been reached. For posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure (PAUVP), the examiner’s fingers move laterally away from the tip of the spinous process so that the thumbs rest on the lamina or transverse process, about 2 to 3 cm (1 to 1.5 inches) lateral to the spinous process of the cervical or thoracic vertebra (see Fig. 3.77B). Anterior springing pressure is applied as in the central pressure technique. This pressure causes a minimal rotation of the vertebral body. If one was to palpate the spinous process while doing the technique, the spinous process would be felt to move to the side the pressure is applied. Similarly, end range can be determined by feeling the adjacent spinous process (above or below). When the adjacent spinous process begins to rotate, the end range of the vertebra to which the PAUVP is being applied has been reached. Both sides should be done and compared. For transverse vertebral pressure, the examiner’s thumbs are placed along the side of the spinous process of the cervical or thoracic spine (see Fig. 3.77C). The examiner then applies a transverse springing pressure to the side of the spinous process, feeling for the quality of movement. This pressure also causes rotation of the vertebral body, and end range can be determined by feeling for rotation of the adjacent spinous process. 

Palpation If, after completing the examination of the cervical spine, the examiner decides the problem is in another joint,

palpation should be delayed until that joint is completely examined. However, during palpation of the cervical spine, the examiner should note any tenderness, trigger points, muscle spasm, or other signs and symptoms that may indicate the source of the pathology. Pain provocation and landmark location has been found to have the greatest intrarater reliability with palpation.203 As with any palpation, the examiner should note the texture of the skin and surrounding bony and soft tissues on the posterior, lateral, and anterior aspects of the neck. Usually, palpation is performed with the patient supine so that maximum relaxation of the neck muscles is possible. However, the examiner may palpate with the patient sitting (patient resting the head on forearms that are resting on something at shoulder height) or lying prone (on a table with a face hole) if it is more comfortable for the patient. To palpate the posterior structures, the examiner stands at the patient’s head behind the patient. With the patient lying supine, the patient’s head is “cupped” in the examiner’s hand while the examiner palpates with the fingers of both hands. For the lateral and anterior structures, the examiner stands at the patient’s side. If the examiner suspects that the problem is in the cervical spine, palpation is done on the following structures (Fig. 3.78). Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage First cricoid ring

Mandible C1 transverse process Mastoid process

Carotid tubercle

Facet joint

Spinous process External occipital protuberance


C3 C2

C5 C4



Fig. 3.78  Palpation landmarks of the cervical spine.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Posterior Aspect

External Occipital Protuberance.  The protuberance may be found in the posterior midline. The examiner palpates the posterior skull in midline and moves caudally until coming to a point where the fingers “dip” inward. The part of the bone just before the dip is the external occipital protuberance. The inion, or “bump of knowledge,” is the most obvious point on the external occipital protuberance and lies in the midline of the occiput.  Spinous Processes and Facet Joints of Cervical Vertebrae.  The spinous processes of C2, C6, and C7 are the most obvious. If the examiner palpates the occiput of the skull and descends in the midline, the C2 spinous process will be palpated as the first bump. The next spinous processes that are most obvious are C6 and C7, although C3, C4, and C5 can be differentiated with careful palpation and by flexing the spine. The examiner can differentiate between C6 and C7 by passively flexing and extending the patient’s neck. With this movement, the C6 spinous process moves in and out, and the C7 spinous process remains stationary. The movements between the spinous processes of C2 through C7 or T1 may be palpated by feeling between each set of spinous processes. While palpating between the spinous processes, the examiner can use the opposite hand or his/her chest to push the head into nodding flexion and releasing, causing the cervical spine to flex and extend; the palpating finger will feel the movement between the two spinous processes and tension (when flexing) in the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments. Relative movement between the cervical vertebrae can then be determined (i.e., hypomobility, normal movement, or hypermobility).101 The facet joint may be palpated 1.3 to 2.5 cm (0.5 to 1 inch) lateral to the spinous process. Usually the facet joints are not felt as distinct structures but rather as a hard bony mass under the fingers. The muscles in the adjacent area may be palpated for tenderness, swelling, and other signs of pathology. Careful palpation should also include the suboccipital structures.  Mastoid Processes (Below and Behind Earlobe).  If the examiner palpates the skull following the posterior aspect of the ear, there will be a point on the skull at which the finger again dips inward. The point just before the dip is the mastoid process. 

Lateral Aspect

Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae.  The C1 transverse process is the easiest to palpate. The examiner first palpates the mastoid process and then moves inferiorly and slightly anteriorly until a hard bump is felt. If the examiner applies slight pressure to the bump, the patient should say it feels uncomfortable. These bumps are the transverse processes of C1. If the examiner rotates the patient’s head while palpating the transverse processes of C1, the uppermost transverse process will protrude farther, and the lower one will seem to disappear. If this does


not occur, the segment is hypomobile. The other transverse processes may be palpated if the musculature is sufficiently relaxed. After the C1 transverse process has been located, the examiner moves caudally, feeling for similar bumps. Normally, the bumps are not directly inferior but rather follow the lordotic path of the cervical vertebrae under the sternocleidomastoid muscle. These structures are situated more anteriorly than one might suspect (see Fig. 3.78). During flexion, the space between the mastoid and the transverse processes increases. On extension, it decreases. On side flexion, the mastoid and transverse processes approach one another on the side to which the head is side flexed and separate on the other side.101  Lymph Nodes and Carotid Arteries.  The lymph nodes are palpable only if they are swollen. The nodes lie along the line of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The carotid pulse may be palpated in the midportion of the neck, between the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trachea. The examiner should determine whether the pulse is normal and equal on both sides.  Temporomandibular Joints, Mandible, and Parotid Glands.  The TMJ may be palpated anterior to the external ear. The examiner may either palpate directly over the joint or place the little or index finger (pulp forward) in the external ear to feel for movement in the joint. The examiner can then move the fingers along the length of the mandible, feeling for any abnormalities. The angle of the mandible is at the level of the C2 vertebra. Normally, the parotid gland is not palpable, because it lies over the angle of the mandible. If it is swollen, however, it is palpable as a soft, boggy structure. 

Anterior Aspect

Hyoid Bone, Thyroid Cartilage, and First Cricoid Ring.  The hyoid bone may be palpated as part of the superior part of the trachea above the thyroid cartilage anterior to the C2–C3 vertebrae. The thyroid cartilage lies anterior to the C4–C5 vertebrae. With the neck in a neutral position, the thyroid cartilage can be moved easily. In extension, it is tight and crepitations may be felt. Adjacent to the cartilage is the thyroid gland, which the examiner should palpate. If the gland is abnormal, it will be tender and enlarged. The cricoid ring is the first part of the trachea and lies above the site for an emergency tracheostomy. The ring moves when the patient swallows. Rough palpation of the ring may cause the patient to gag. While palpating the hyoid bone, the examiner should ask the patient to swallow; normally, the bone should move and cause no pain. The cricoid ring and thyroid cartilage also move when palpated as the patient swallows.  Paranasal Sinuses.  Returning to the face, the examiner should palpate the paranasal sinuses (frontal and maxillary) for signs of tenderness and swelling (Fig. 3.79).  First Three Ribs.  The examiner palpates the manubrium sternum and, moving the fingers laterally, follows the path of the first three ribs posteriorly, feeling whether one rib

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Frontal sinus

Maxillary sinus


B Fig. 3.79  Paranasal sinuses. Radiograph (A) and illustration (B) of frontal and maxillary sinuses.

is protruded more than the others. The examiner should palpate the ribs individually and with care, because it is difficult to palpate the ribs as they pass under the clavicle. The patient should be asked to breathe in and out deeply a few times so that the examiner can compare the movements of the ribs during breathing. Normally, there is equal mobility on both sides. The first rib is more prone to pathology than the second and third ribs and can refer pain to the neck and/or shoulder.  Supraclavicular Fossa.  The examiner can palpate the supraclavicular fossa, which is superior to the clavicle. Normally, the fossa is a smooth indentation. The examiner should palpate for swelling after trauma (possible fractured clavicle), abnormal soft tissue (possible swollen glands), and abnormal bony tissue (possible cervical rib). In addition, the examiner should palpate the sternocleidomastoid muscle along its length for signs of pathology, especially in cases of torticollis. 

Diagnostic Imaging Imaging techniques should primarily be performed as an adjunct to the clinical examination. The appearance of many degenerative changes or anatomical or congenital variations is relatively high in the cervical spine, and many of the changes have no relationship with the patient’s complaints.204

Plain Film Radiography

Normally, a standard set of x-­rays for the cervical spine is made up of an anteroposterior (AP) view, a lateral view, and an open or odontoid (“through-­ the-­ mouth”) view. Other views that may be included are the oblique view, flexion stress view (lateral view in flexion), and

extension stress view (lateral view in extension). For osteoarthritis, the x-­rays commonly taken are AP (C3 to C7), lateral, and oblique. In cases of trauma and an alert and stable patient, the Canadian C-­Spine Rule205–207 may be used to determine if diagnostic imaging is required (Fig. 3.80). The National Emergency X-­ Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) lowrisk criteria is another clinical decision rule related to the use of x-­rays.208,209 Common X-­Ray Views of the Cervical Spine • • • • • • •

A nteroposterior view (see Figs. 3.81 and 3.82) Lateral view (see Fig. 3.83A) Open mouth of odontoid view (following trauma) (see Fig. 3.90) Oblique view (see Fig. 3.92) Flexion stress view (lateral view in flexion) (see Fig. 3.83B) Extension stress view (lateral view in extension (see Fig. 3.83C) Swimmer’s view (following trauma) (see Chapter 5, Fig. 5.219B)

NEXUS Low-Risk Criteria for Cervical Radiographs208,209 Cervical spine radiographs are indicated for patients with trauma unless they meet all of the following criteria: • No posterior or midline cervical spine tenderness • Normal levels of alertness • No motor or sensory neurological deficit • No clinically apparent painful injury that may distract patient from cervical injury • No evidence of intoxication NEXUS, National Emergency X-­Radiography Utilization Study.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


For alert (Glasgow Coma Scale Score = 15) and stable trauma patients where cervical spine (C-Spine) injury is a concern

1. Any high-risk factor that mandates radiography? Age

65 years or Dangerous mechanisma or Paresthesias in extremities No


2. Any low-risk factor that allows safe assessment of range of motion? MVCb

Simple rear-end or Sitting position in ED or Ambulatory at any time or Delayed onset of neck painc or Absence of midline C-spine tenderness

Yes 3. Able to actively rotate neck? 45 left and right Able No radiography



aDangerous mechanism: • Fall from >1 m/5 stairs • Axial load to head, e.g., diving • MVC high speed (>100 km/h), rollover, ejection • Motorized recreational vehicles • Bicycle collision

bSimple rear-end MVC excludes:


• Pushed into oncoming traffic • Hit by bus/large truck • Rollover • Hit by high-speed vehicle

cDelayed: • Not immediate onset of neck pain

MVC, motor vehicle collision; ED, emergency department.

Fig. 3.80  The Canadian C-­spine rule. (From Stiell IG, Wells GA, Vandemheen KL, et al: The Canadian C-­spine rule for radiography in alert and stable trauma patients, JAMA 286[15]:1846, 2001.)


Cervical rib


B Fig. 3.81  Anteroposterior films of the cervical spine. (A) Normal spine. (B) Cervical rib.

Anteroposterior View.  The examiner should look for or note the following (Figs. 3.81 and 3.82): the shape of the vertebrae, the presence of any lateral wedging or osteophytes, the disc space, and the presence of a cervical rib. Frontal alignment should also be ascertained.  Lateral View.  Lateral views of the cervical spine give the greatest amount of radiological information. The examiner should look for or note the following (Figs. 3.83–3.86):

1.  Normal or abnormal curvature. The curvature may be highly variable, because 20% to 40% of normal spines have a straight or slightly kyphotic curve in neutral position.210 McAviney et al.211 reported the normal lordosis in the cervical spine as 30° to 40° (see Fig. 3.7) when measuring the lines intersecting the posterior aspects of the vertebral bodies of C2 and C7. They felt patients with a cervical lordosis of less than 20° were more likely to experience

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine Condyle of mandible Nasal septum Mastoid process

Atlanto-occipital joint

Occipital condyle Atlas

Atlanto-axial joint

Angle of mandible Odontoid process Facet joint Uncinate process

Uncovertebral joint space

Spinous process

Laryngeal cartilage Transverse process Transverse process of T1

Left first rib Trachea

Pedicle of vertebral arch

Left second rib

Fig. 3.82  Diagram of structures seen on anteroposterior cervical spine film.

cervicogenic symptoms. Are the “lines” of the vertebrae normal? The line joining the anterior portion of the vertebral bodies (anterior vertebral line) should form a smooth, unbroken arc from C2 to C7 (see Fig. 3.84). Similar lines should be seen for the posterior vertebral bodies (posterior vertebral line), which form the anterior aspect of the spinal canal, and the posterior aspect of the spinal canal (posterior canal line). Disruption of any of these lines would be an indication of instability possibly caused by ligamentous injury. 2.  “Kinking” of the cervical spine. Kinking may be indicative of a subluxation or dislocation in the cervical spine. 3.  General shape of the vertebrae. Is there any fusion, collapse, or wedging? The examiner should count the vertebrae, because x-­ray films do not always show C7 or T1, and it is essential that they be visualized for a proper radiological examination. 4.  Displacement. Do the vertebrae sit in normal alignment with one another (Figs. 3.87 and 3.88)? 5.  Disc space. Is it normal? Narrow? Narrowing may indicate cervical spondylosis (also called spondylosis deformans). 6.  Lipping at the vertebral edges. Lipping indicates degeneration (see Figs. 3.83A and 3.84). 7.  Osteophytes. Osteophytes indicate degeneration or abnormal movement (instability) (see Figs. 3.83A and 3.84). 8.  Ratio of the spinal canal diameter. Normally, the ratio of the spinal canal diameter to the vertebral body diameter (Torg ratio) in the cervical spine is 1. If this ratio is less than 0.8, it is an indication of possible

cervical stenosis.54,212–215 This comparison is shown in Fig. 3.85 (ratio AB:BC). Cantu213 points out that this measurement is a static measurement and may not apply to stenosis that occurs during movement of the cervical spine. 9.  Prevertebral soft-­tissue width. Measured at the level of the anteroinferior border of the C3 vertebra, this width is normally 7 mm.216 Edema or hemorrhage is suspected if the space is wider than 7 mm. The retropharyngeal space, lying between the anterior border of the vertebral body and the posterior border of the pharyngeal air shadow, should be 2 to 5 mm in width at C3. From C4 to C7, the space is called the retrotracheal space and should be 18 to 22 mm in width (see Fig. 3.85). 10. Subluxation of the facets. 11. Abnormal soft-­tissue shadows. 12. Forward shifting of C1 on C2. This finding indicates instability between C1 and C2. Normally, the joint space between the odontoid process and the anterior arch of the atlas (sometimes called the atlas-­dens index or atlantodens interval [ADI]) does not exceed 2.5 to 3 mm in the adult (4.5 to 5 mm in children). Instability is present when there is 3.5 mm ADI difference in flexion views. An ADI of more than 5 mm in adults commonly indicates a rupture of the transverse ligament. A 7-­mm difference may imply disruption of alar ligaments. The space available for cord (SAC) is measured between the posterior dens and the anterior cortex of the posterior ring of the atlas. In adults and teenagers, the SAC should be greater than 13 mm (Fig. 3.89).217

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine






Fig. 3.83  Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine. (A) Normal curve showing osteophytic lipping. (B) Cervical spine in flexion. (C) Cervical spine in extension.



13. Instability. Instability is present when more than 3.5 mm of horizontal displacement of one vertebra occurs in relation to the adjacent vertebra (see Fig. 3.87).  Open or Odontoid (“Through-­the-­Mouth”) View.  This AP view enables the examiner to determine the state of the odontoid process of C2 and its relation with C1 (Fig. 3.90; see Fig. 3.88). It may also show the atlanto-­occipital and atlanto-­axial joints.  Oblique View.  This view provides information on the neural foramen and posterior elements of the cervical spine. The examiner should look for or note the following (Figs. 3.91 and 3.92):

Fig. 3.84 X-­ ray films of a 68-­ year-­ old man with multiple radiologic signs of cervical osteoarthritis (arrows). (A) The cervical spine in flexion, which is very limited. Note that the atlas tips up, as compared with that in B. All intervertebral disc spaces below C2 to C3 are very narrow. Anterior and posterior osteophytes are apparent (arrows). The spine extends very little in (B) and is quite straight in (A) (i.e., no significant flexion). (From Bland JH: Disorders of the cervical spine, Philadelphia, 1994, W.B. Saunders, p 213.)

1. Lipping of the joints of Luschka (osteophytes) 2. Overriding of the facet joints (subluxation, spondylosis) 3. Facet joints and intervertebral foramen (see Fig. 3.92)  Pillar View.  This special view is used to evaluate the lateral masses of the cervical spine and especially the facet joints (Fig. 3.93). It is usually reserved for patients with suspected facet fractures.218 

Computed Tomography

Computed tomography (CT) helps to delineate the bone and soft-­tissue anatomy of the cervical spine in cross section and can show, for example, a disc prolapse. It also

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine





ratio =

a b





Fig. 3.85  (A) Normal cervical spine. Lateral projection. Note the alignment and appearance of the facet joints: A, anterior vertebral line; B, posterior vertebral line; C, posterior canal line. Retropharyngeal space (between top arrows) should not exceed 5 mm. Retrotracheal space (between bottom arrows) should not exceed 22 mm. (B) The Torg ratio is calculated by dividing the shortest distance between the posterior vertebral body and the spinolaminar line (a) by the vertebral body width (b). (A, Modified from Forrester DM, Brown JC: The radiology of joint disease, Philadelphia, 1987, W.B. Saunders, p 408. B, Redrawn from McAlindon RJ: On field evaluation and management of head and neck injured athletes, Clin Sports Med 21:10, 2002. Adapted from Torg JS, Pavlov H: Cervical spinal stenosis with cord neurapraxia and transient quadriplegia, Clin Sports Med 6:115–133, 1987; with permission.)

Odontoid process

Anterior arch of atlas Atlanto-axial joint

Atlanto-occipital joint

Articular pillar

Posterior arch of atlas Pharynx Facet joint

Articular process Spinous process

Hyoid bone Normal prevertebral tissue shadow Cricoid cartilage (if calcified) Transverse process

Fig. 3.86  Diagram of structures seen on lateral film of the cervical spine.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


shows the true size and extent of osteophytes better than do plain x-­rays (Fig. 3.94). CT scans are especially useful for showing bone fragments in the spinal canal after a fracture and bony defects in the vertebral bodies and neural arches. CT scans may be combined with myelography to outline the spinal cord and nerve roots inside the thecal sac (Fig. 3.95). CT scans are used only after conventional radiographs have been taken and a need for them is shown. 

Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging

Fig. 3.87  Atlanto-­axial subluxation. Flexion view shows abnormal widening of the atlanto-­axial space (arrow), which measures 4 mm. (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, Saunders, p 883.)


Diagnostic ultrasound is used rarely in the cervical spine. It may be used intermittently to examine the brachial plexus. Several specific areas should be addressed when examining the brachial plexus and include the extraforaminal area of the lower five nerve roots (i.e., C5, C6, C7, C8, T1), the intrascalene area including five nerve roots and three nerve trunks, the supraclavicular area with the six subdivisions, the infraclavicular area and the three nerve cords, and the axillary area and the five terminal nerve branches (i.e., musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, median and ulnar nerves) (see Fig. 1.8).219 Placing the transverse transducer at the anterolateral lower neck will


Fig. 3.88  Cervicobasilar junction: Normal osseous relationships. (A) Chamberlain line is drawn from the posterior margin of the hard palate to the posterior border of the foramen magnum. The odontoid process normally does not extend more than 5 mm above this line. (B) The bimastoid line (lower line), connecting the tips of the mastoids, is normally within 2 mm of the odontoid tip. The digastric line (upper line), connecting the digastric muscle fossae, is normally located above the odontoid process. (C) The basilar angle, which normally exceeds 140°, is formed by the angle of intersection of two lines—one drawn from the nasion to the tuberculum sellae, and the second drawn from the tuberculum sellae to the anterior edge of the foramen magnum. (D) The atlanto-­occipital joint angle, constructed on frontal tomograms by the intersection of two lines drawn along the axes of these articulations, is normally not greater than 150°. (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, Saunders, p 37.)

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine




A B Fig. 3.89  The atlantodens interval (ADI) and the space available for cord (SAC) are used in determining atlanto-­axial instability. The ADI increases as the SAC decreases. A SAC less than 13 mm is significant. (A) Normal. (B) Subluxation. (Redrawn from Ghanem I, El Hage S, Rachkidi R, et al: Pediatric cervical spine instability, J Child Orthop 2[2]:71–84, 2008.)

Occipital condyle Atlanto-occipital joint Odontoid process Joint space between C1–C2 C2 superior articular process Spinous process of C2

Fig. 3.90  Through-­the-­mouth radiograph.

demonstrate the hypoechoic nerve roots of the brachial plexus exiting the neural foramina (Fig. 3.96). Moving down the neck to the interscalene area demonstrates the five hypoechoic nerve roots of the brachial plexus (Fig. 3.97). Fig. 3.98 demonstrates the supraclavicular area which appears as a “cluster of grapes” dorsally and cranially to the subclavial artery and first rib. 


Myelograms are the modality of choice with brachial plexus avulsions, either Erb-­Duchenne paralysis (C5 and C6) or Klumpke paralysis (C7, C8, and T1). They may also be used to demonstrate narrowing in the intervertebral foramen and cervical spinal stenosis. They may be used to outline the contour of the thecal sac, nerve roots, and spinal cord (Fig. 3.99). 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

This noninvasive technique can differentiate between various soft tissues and bone (Figs. 3.100 and 3.101). Because it shows differences based on water content,

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can differentiate between the nucleus pulposus and the annulus fibrosus. MRI may be used to reveal disc protrusions, but it has been reported that patients showing these lesions are often asymptomatic, highlighting the fact that diagnostic imaging abnormalities should be considered only in relation to the history and clinical examination.220 An MRI allows visualization of the nerve roots, spinal cord, and thecal sac as well as the bone and bone marrow. It is also used to identify postoperative scarring and disc herniation.221 Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is an MRI examination of the blood vessels in which a dye is introduced into the bloodstream in a vein in the hand or forearm to see the vessels more clearly in the neck when the MRI is taken. It is also useful for determining the patency and status of the vertebral artery.222–224 


Xeroradiography helps to delineate bone and soft tissue by enhancing the interfaces between tissues (Fig. 3.102).

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

Pillar view


Anteroposterior view

Fig. 3.93  Diagram of pillar view showing orientation of facet joints.

Fig. 3.91  Abnormal x-­ray findings on oblique view. Note loss of normal curve; narrowing at C4, C5, and C6; osteophytes and lipping of C4, C5, and C6; and encroachment on intervertebral foramen at C4–C5, C5–C6, and C6–C7.

Fig. 3.94 Foraminal stenosis caused by hypertrophic facet arthropathy and by spondylosis. Metrizamide-­enhanced computed tomography scan through C5 foramina details the markedly overgrown facet (white arrow) and the bony “bar,” or spondylotic spurring (black arrows). The right foramen is almost occluded by abnormal bone. (From Dorwart RH, LaMasters DL: Application of computed tomographic scanning of the cervical spine, Orthop Clin North Am 16:386, 1985.)

Fig. 3.92  Oblique radiograph of the cervical spine showing intervertebral foramen and facet joints. Severe lipping in lower cervical spine and spondylosis are also evident.

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine Sternocleidomastoid Anterior scalene Brachial plexus roots

C6 –C7 An



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Fig. 3.97  Transverse entry into the intrascalene area showing hypoechoic roots of the brachial plexus. (From Weller RS: Ultrasound of the brachial plexus. In Walker FO, Cartwright MS, editors: Neuromuscular ultrasound, Philadelphia, 2011, Saunders/Elsevier) Fig. 3.95 Postcontrast computed tomogram showing normally patent neural foramen at the C6–C7 level on the left side (open arrow). The nerve root sleeve fills with contrast medium and enters the neural foramen. On the right side (closed arrow), there is no evidence of filling of the nerve root sleeve within the neural foramen as a result of lateral C6 disc herniation. (From Bell GR, Ross JS: Diagnosis of nerve root compression: myelography, computed tomography, and MRI, Orthop Clin North Am 23:410, 1992.)







Fig. 3.98  Transverse ultrasound at supraclavicular area shows hypoechoic divisions of the brachial plexus located dorsocranial to the subclavian artery (SA) akin to a “cluster of grapes.” Also seen are the shadow of first rib (arrowheads), the anterior scalene (AS), the middle scalene (MS), and the subclavian vein (SV) which lies superficial to the AS. (From Haun DW, Cho JC, Clark TB, Kettner NW: Normative cross-­sectional area of the brachial plexus and subclavian artery using ultrasonography, J Manip Physiol Ther 32[7]:566, 2009)

Fig. 3.96  Transverse ultrasound image of anterolateral lower neck shows hypoechoic roots of brachial plexus as they exit the neural foramina and move to the intrascalene area. Circular hypoechoic C5–C8 nerve roots (upper arrow to lower arrow, respectively) traversing the space between the hyperechoic fascicular pattern of the anterior scalene (AS) and middle scalene (MS) muscle. The anterior scalene (arrowhead) and the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) are visualized. (From Haun DW, Cho JC, Clark TB, Kettner NW: Normative cross-­sectional area of the brachial plexus and subclavian artery using ultrasonography, J Manip Physiol Ther 32[7]:566, 2009.)

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


TE = 28

L 10

L 10

Fig. 3.100  Magnetic resonance image of the cervical and upper thoracic spine. Sagittal view (left) with close-­up of cervical spine (right). (From Foreman SM, Croft AC: Whiplash injuries: the cervical acceleration/deceleration syndrome, Baltimore, 1988, Williams & Wilkins, p 126.)

Fig. 3.99  Myelogram of cervical spine.

Fig. 3.101  Posterior disc displacement: magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings. Sagittal T2-­weighted (TR/TE, 2608/96) fast spin echo MR image reveals an extruded paracentral disc of low signal intensity at the C6–C7 spinal level. (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, Saunders, p 415. Courtesy D. Goodwin, MD, Hanover, NH.)

Fig. 3.102 Xeroradiograph of cervical spine (lateral view). Arrow indicates calcified mass. (From Forrester DM, Brown JC: The radiology of joint disease, Philadelphia, 1987, W.B. Saunders, p 420.)

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

PRÉCIS OF THE CERVICAL SPINE ASSESSMENTa NOTE: Suspected pathology will determine which Special Tests are to be performed. History Observation (standing or sitting) Examination (sitting) Active movements Flexion Extension Side flexion (right and left) Rotation (right and left) Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained positions (if necessary) Resisted isometric movements (as in active movements) Scanning examination Peripheral joint: Temporomandibular joints (open mouth and closed mouth) Shoulder girdle (elevation through abduction, elevation through forward flexion, elevation through plane of scapula, medial and lateral rotation with arm at side; medial and lateral rotation at 90° abduction) Elbow (flexion, extension, supination, pronation) Wrist (flexion, extension, radial, and ulnar deviation) Fingers and thumb (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction) Myotomes: Neck flexion (C1, C2) Neck side flexion (C3) Shoulder elevation (C4) Shoulder abduction (C5) Elbow flexion (C6) and/or extension (C7) Wrist flexion (C7) and/or extension (C6) Thumb extension (C8) and/or ulnar deviation (C8) Hand intrinsics (abduction or adduction) (T1) Sensory scanning examination Functional assessment Special testsb (sitting) For neurological symptoms: Brachial plexus tension test Distraction test (if symptoms severe) Doorbell sign Foraminal compression test (three stages) (if symptoms absent or mild) For myelopathy: Romberg test For cervical instability: Posterior atlanto-­occipital membrane test For movement control dysfunction: Active cervical extension Active cervical rotation Return to neutral from the cervical extension position Reflexes and cutaneous distribution Biceps (C5, C6) Triceps (C7, C8) Hoffmann sign (or Babinski test) Sensory scan

Examination (standing) Special tests (standing) For movement control dysfunction: Active bilateral arm flexion Active unilateral arm flexion Examination (4-point kneeling) Special tests (4-point kneeling) For movement control dysfunction: Active cervical extension Active cervical flexion Active upper cervical rotation Rocking backwards Examination (supine) Passive movements Flexion Extension Side flexion Rotation Special testsb (lying) For cervical muscle (deep neck flexors) strength: Craniocervical flexion test Deep neck flexor endurance test For neurological symptoms: Brachial plexus provocation test Upper limb neurodynamic (tension) tests (specific to particular nerve/nerve root symptoms) For vascular signsc: Hold planned mobilization/manipulation position for at least 30 seconds watching for vertebral-­ basilar artery signs For cervical instabilityc: Anterior shear stress test Lateral shear test Lateral flexion alar ligament stress test Rotational alar ligament stress test Transverse ligament stress test For cervical spine mobility: Cervical flexion rotation test For first rib mobility: First rib mobility Joint play movements Side glide of cervical spine Anterior glide of cervical spine Posterior glide of cervical spine Traction glide of cervical spine Rotation of occiput on C1 Palpation Examination, prone Joint play movements Posteroanterior central vertebral pressure (PACVP) Posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure (PAUVP) Transverse vertebral pressure (TVP) Palpation Diagnostic imaging After any examination, the patient should be warned of the possibility of exacerbation of symptoms as a result of the assessment.


précis is shown in an order that limits the amount of moving that the patient has to do but ensures that all necessary structures are tested. authors recommend these key tests be learned by the clinician to facilitate a diagnosis. cThese tests should be performed if the examiner anticipates doing end-­range mobilization or manipulation techniques to the cervical spine, especially the upper cervical spine. If instability of vascular signs are present, mobilization and/or manipulation should not be performed. bThe

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


CASE STUDIES When doing these case studies, the examiner should list the appropriate questions to be asked and why they are being asked, what to look for and why, and what things should be tested and why. Depending on the answers of the patient (and the examiner should consider different responses), several possible causes of the patient’s problems may become evident (examples are given in parentheses). A differential diagnosis chart should be made up (see Table 3.31 as an example). The examiner can then decide how different diagnoses may affect the treatment plan. 1. A 59-­year-­old male, who works as a supervisor on a factory floor, comes to see you with a complaint of headaches and neck stiffness. He denies numbness or tingling into his extremities. He does have limited cervical active and passive ROM mostly right-­side rotation and side bending. He also has intermittent headaches at the base of the skull. Describe your assessment plan (migraine versus tension headache vs. facet syndrome). 2. A 61-­year-­old female comes to you with complaints of neck pain and right radicular pain that radiates distally to her hand and fingers. Her pain is intermittent and seems to be worse after sleeping and after any strenuous lifting using her upper extremities. There is intermittent numbness and tingling into radial and medial nerve distribution. Reflexes are normal and symmetrical, and there is no loss of upper extremity strength. Cervical ROM is limited into right side bending and right rotation. Flexion and extension cervical ROM appear normal. Describe your assessment plan (cervical spondylosis vs. cervical disc lesion). 3. A 2-­month-­old baby is brought to you by a concerned parent. The child does not move the head properly, and the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side is prominent. Describe your assessment plan before beginning treatment (congenital torticollis vs. Klippel-­Feil syndrome). 4. A 54-­year-­old man comes to you complaining of neck stiffness, especially on rising; sometimes he has numbness into his left arm. Describe your assessment plan (cervical spondylosis vs. subacromial bursitis). 5. An 18-­year-­old male football player comes to you complaining of a “dead arm” after a tackle he made 2 days ago. Although he can now move the left arm, it still does not feel right. Describe your assessment plan (brachial plexus lesion vs. acromioclavicular sprain). 6. A 23-­year-­old woman comes to you after a motor vehicle accident. Her car was hit from behind while stopped for a red light. She could tell the accident was going to occur because she could see in the rearview mirror that the car behind her was not going to be able to stop. The car that hit her was going 50 kph (30 mph), and skid marks were visible for only 5 m from the location of her car.

Describe your assessment plan (cervical sprain vs. cervical facet syndrome). 7. A 35-­year-­old woman comes to you complaining of persistent headaches that last for days at a time. She has recently lost her job. She complains that she sometimes sees flashing lights and cannot stand having anyone around her when the pain is very bad. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (migraine vs. tension headache). 8. A 26-­year-­old man comes to you complaining of pain in his neck. The pain was evident yesterday when he got up and has not decreased significantly since then. He thinks that he may have “slept wrong.” There is no previous history of trauma. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (acquired torticollis vs. cervical disc lesion). 9. A 75-­year-­old woman comes to you complaining primarily of neck pain but also of stiffness. She exhibits a dowager’s hump. There is no history of trauma. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (osteoporosis vs. cervical spondylosis). 10. A 47-­year-­old man comes to you complaining of elbow and neck pain. There is no recent history of trauma, but he remembers being in a motor vehicle accident 19 years ago. He now works at a desk all day. Describe your assessment for this patient (cervical spondylosis vs. tennis elbow vs. double crush injury). 11. A 16-­year-­old boy comes to you with a complaint of having hurt his neck. While “fooling” with some friends at the lake, he ran away from them and dove into the water to get away. The top of his head hit the bottom, and he felt a burning pain. The pain decreased as he came out of the water, but he still has a residual ache. Describe your plan for this patient (cervical fracture vs. cervical sprain). 12. A 14-­year-­old girl comes to you complaining of neck pain. She has long hair. She states that when she “whipped” her hair out of her eyes, which she has done many times before, she felt a sudden pain in her neck. Although the pain intensity has decreased, it is still there, and she cannot fully move her neck. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (cervical sprain vs. acquired torticollis).

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

TABLE  3.31

Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Facet Syndrome, Cervical Nerve Root Lesion, and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Signs and Symptoms Pain referral Pain on hyperextension and rotation Spine stiffness Paresthesia Reflexes Muscle spasm Tension tests Pallor and coolness Muscle weakness

Facet Syndrome Possible Yes (often without increased referral of symptoms) Yes No Not affected Yes May or may not be positive No No

Cervical Nerve Root Yes Yes with increased symptoms Possible Yes May be affected Yes Positive No Possible

Muscle fatigue and cramps



Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Possible No Possible Possible May be affected Yes May be positive Possible Not early (later small hand muscles) Possible

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


eAPPENDIX 3.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Cervical Spine ATLANTO-­AXIAL MEMBRANE TEST Specificity •


 00%183 1

• 96%183



• Right alar ligament 1.0; left alar ligament 0.96183

• Right alar ligament 0.69; left alar ligament 0.72183



• 91%135

• 96%135



Odds Ratio

• 96%225 • 99%226

• 24%225 • 10%226

• Positive likelihood ratios 0.80; negative likelihood ratios 4.9225 • Positive likelihood ratios 10; negative likelihood ratios 0.91226



 3%134 8

 9%226 6

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratios 4.06; negative likelihood ratios 0.37226



• Test-retest: ICC • 83% (compared = 0.83; SEM = to plain film 16.8227 radiography)230 • k = 0.35 right; left not calculated228 • k = 0.35229



• 11% (compared to plain film radiography)230

• Discriminant validity cardiac group × musculoskeletal group (P < .001); the cardiac group normally have more nerve commitment, and on the study they had significantly smaller angles227


• • 99%226

Sensitivity  %225 6

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratios 0.99; negative likelihood ratios 1.2225 • Positive likelihood ratios 8.0; negative likelihood ratios 0.93226

• • 8%226



 2.5%231 4

• 100%231



• Interrater for the position of the first rib; k = 1232

• Correlation with radiologic findings; k = 0.84232




Odds Ratio

• 64%226

• 49%226

• Positive likelihood ratios 1.36; negative likelihood ratios 0.80226

LContinued .e242.e1 Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

242.e2 Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

eAPPENDIX 3.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Cervical Spine—cont’d DISTRACTION (TRACTION) TEST Reliability 0.88226

• k = • k = 0.5230



Odds Ratio

• 100% for neurologic and radiologic signs229 • 90%226 • 97%229

• 26% for radicular sign; 32% for neurologic sign; 40% for radiologic sign; 43% for neurologic and radiologic sign229 • 44%226 • 44%229

• Positive likelihood ratios for neurologic and radiologic sign 43; negative likelihood ratios for neurologic and radiologic sign 0.57229



Odds Ratio

• Left: 67%233 • Right: 86%233 • 97.8%234

• Left: 0%233 • Right: 0%233 • 9.3%234

• Left: Positive likelihood ratios 0; negative likelihood ratios 1.49233 • Right: Positive likelihood ratios 0, negative likelihood ratios 1.16233 • Positive likelihood ratios 4.24; negative likelihood ratios 0.93234

FORAMINAL COMPRESSION (SPURLING) TEST Reliability • Inter­rater reliability k = 0.66229



 2%235 9

 7%235 7

• • 100% for radicular pain; 92% for neurologic and radiologic signs228 • 93% (neck extension with contralateral rotation)236 • 93% (without neck extension)228 • 94%237 • 95%238 • 90.9% negative predictive value238

• • 28% for radicular symptoms; 26% for neurologic signs; 36% for radiologic signs; 40% for neurologic and radiologic signs228 • 30% (neck extension with contralateral rotation)236 • 50% (without neck extension)228 • 95%237 • 92%238 • 96.4% positive predictive value238

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratios 9.62; negative likelihood ratios 0.25235 • Positive likelihood ratios: neurologic and radiologic signs 5; negative likelihood ratios for neurologic and radiologic signs 0.65228 • Positive likelihood ratios 4.29; negative likelihood ratios 0.75238



 00%239 1

 00%239 1

Odds Ratio • Not available




Odds Ratio

• With right shoulder/arm pain: right k = 0.61; left not available228,240 • With left shoulder/ arm pain: left k = 0.40; right not available228,240 • With right forearm/hand pain: right k = 0.77; left k = 0.54228,240

• 92% right; 100% left228,240

• 28% right; 33% left228,240

• Positive likelihood ratios: 1.05 right; left not available228,240 • Negative likelihood ratios: 0.78 right; 0.67 left228,240

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


eAPPENDIX 3.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Cervical Spine—cont’d NECK DISABILITY INDEX Reliability


• Test-­retest r = 0.89108 • Test-­retest ICC = 0.68241 • Test-­retest after 4 weeks ICC = 0.55242 • MCID = 9.5 points243 • Test-­retest ICC = 0.50244 • MCID = 19 percentage points244

• Internal consistency Cronbach’s alpha 0.80; correlation with McGill Pain Questionnaire r = 0.7, VAS 0.6108



 9%241 5

 2%241 5

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.27; negative likelihood ratios 0.81241

NECK FLEXOR MUSCLE ENDURANCE TEST Reliability • ICC = 0.67 with neck pain131 • ICC = 0.82 without neck pain131

NEXUS Specificity


• 12.9% all patients231 • 14.6% patients ≥ 65 years231

• 99% all patients231 • 98.5% patients ≥ 65 years231




Odds Ratio

• All blocks k = 0.67, C2–C3 k = 0.76, C5–C6 k = 0.46245

• All blocks 98%, C2–C3 98%, C5– C6 91%245

• All blocks 74%, C2–C3 78%, C5–C6 55%245

• Positive likelihood ratios for all blocks 37, for C2–C3 39, for C5-C6 6.11; negative likelihood ratios for all blocks 0.26, for C2– C3 0.22, for C5–C6 0.49245



Odds Ratio

• 79%235

• 82%235

• Positive likelihood ratio 3.90; negative likelihood ratio 0.23235





Odds Ratio

• Test-­retest: ICC = 0.82241 • r = 0.92246

• r = 0.73–0.83 when compared with NDI; r = 0.52–0.64 compared with prognosis rating246 • Sensitivity to change r = 0.79–0.83 compared with NDI; r = 0.46– 0.53 compared with prognosis rating246

• 100%241

• 95%241

• Positive likelihood ratio 95; negative likelihood ratio 0.05241

LContinued .e242.e3 Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

242.e4 Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

eAPPENDIX 3.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Cervical Spine—cont’d PINPRICK SENSATION TESTING Reliability



Odds Ratio

• C5: k = 0.67225 • C6: k = 0.28225 • C7: k = 0.40225 • C8: k = 0.16225 • T1: k = 0.46225

• C5: 86%225 • C6: 66%225 • C7: 77%225 • C8: 81%225 • T1: 79%225

• C5: 29%225 • C6: 24%225 • C7: 18%225 • C8: 12%225 • T1: 28%225

• C5: Positive likelihood ratios 0.82; negative likelihood ratios 2.1225 • C6: Positive likelihood ratios 1.16; negative likelihood ratios 0.69225 • C7: Positive likelihood ratios 1.07; negative likelihood ratios 0.76225 • C8: Positive likelihood ratios 1.09; negative likelihood ratios 0.61225 • T1: Positive likelihood ratios 1.05; negative likelihood ratios 0.83225




• Cronbach’s alpha for physical component 0.77; for mental component 0.77247

• Correlation with SF-­36 r > 0.92247

• Effect size for physical component 0.64; for mental component 0.75247



• Cronbach’s alpha for physical component 0.93; for mental component 0.89247 • Test-­retest physical functioning r = 0.81; social functioning r = 0.60; role limitations (P) r = 0.69; role limitations (E) r = 0.63; bodily pain r = 0.78; mental health r = 0.75; vitality r = 0.80; general health perception r = 0.80248


• Correlation with SF-­12 r >


• Effect size for physical component 0.73; for mental component 0.80247


Sensitivity radiographs)249

• 71% (compared to • 96% (compared to radiographs)250 • 96% (atlanto-­axial subluxation >4 mm)251

Odds Ratio radiographs)249

• 19% (compared to • 44% (compared to radiographs)250 • 88% (atlanto-­axial subluxation >4 mm)251

• Positive likelihood ratios 17.25; negative likelihood ratios 0.32251 • Predictive value of 85%251




Odds Ratio

• k = 0.20 when extremity rests on head225,228,240 • k = 0.21 (right side) when extremity is raised above the head225,228,240 • k = 0.40 (left side) when extremity is raised above the head225,228,240

• 100% for neurologic signs; 80% for radiologic signs228 • 105% for right; 100% for left225,228,240 • 92%225 • 85%228

• 31% for radicular symptom; 36% for neurologic sign; 38% for radiologic sign; 43% for neurologic and radiologic sign228 • 31% for right; 42% for left225,228,240 • 17%225 • 46%228

• Positive likelihood ratios for neurologic signs 36, for radiologic signs 1.90; negative likelihood ratios for neurologic signs 0.64, for radiologic signs 0.77228 • Positive likelihood ratios: not available; negative likelihood ratios: 0.69 for right, 0.58 for left225,228,240

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Chapter 3  Cervical Spine


eAPPENDIX 3.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Cervical Spine—cont’d SPURLING TEST Reliability • k =




 .8632 0

 .5032 0

Odds Ratio

• • 92%235

• • 77%235

• Positive likelihood ratios 3.50; negative likelihood ratios 0.5832 • Positive likelihood ratios 2.70; negative likelihood ratios 0.25235



Odds Ratio

• 50% (no cervical rotation)225

• 86% (no cervical rotation)225

• Positive likelihood ratios 1.72; negative likelihood ratios 0.28225




Odds Ratio

• k = 0.62225

• 74% (with ipsilateral rotation and neck extension)225

• 50% (with ipsilateral rotation and neck extension)225

• Positive likelihood ratios 1.92; negative likelihood ratios 0.67225

SPURLING A TEST Reliability • k =



SPURLING TO THE LEFT AND RIGHT Reliability • Left: k = 0.37 without knowledge of patient history; k = 0.46 with knowledge of patient history252 • Right: k = 0.37 without knowledge of patient history; k = 0.28 with knowledge of patient history252

STRAIGHT COMPRESSION TEST Reliability • k = 0.34 without knowledge of patient history252 • k = 0.44 with knowledge of patient history252



• 99%183

• 94%183

TRACTION TEST (SITTING) Reliability • Inter-­examiner reliability, k = 0.56 without knowledge; k = 0.41 with knowledge of history252



 9%183 9

• 65%183



Odds Ratio

• 93%225 • 95%226

• 3%225 • 10%226

• Positive likelihood ratios 1.05; negative likelihood ratios 40225 • Positive likelihood ratios 2.0; negative likelihood ratios 0.95226 Continued

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242.e6 Chapter 3  Cervical Spine

eAPPENDIX 3.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Cervical Spine—cont’d ULNT A (MEDIAN NERVE BIAS) Reliability • Inter-­examiner reliability: k = 0.76225



 2%225 2

 7%225 9

Odds Ratio

• • 94%235

• • 77%235

• Positive likelihood ratios 1.24; negative likelihood ratios 0.14225



Odds Ratio

 3%225 3

 2%225 7

ULNT B (RADIAL NERVE BIAS) Reliability • Inter-­examiner reliability: k = 0.83225 • Test-­retest right radial nerve ICC = 0.75; left radial nerve ICC = 0.81253

• Positive likelihood ratios 1.07; negative likelihood ratios 0.85225

ULTT 4 (ULNAR NERVE BIAS) Reliability • Test-­retest reliability right ulnar nerve ICC = 0.65253 • Test-­retest reliability left ulnar nerve ICC = 0.75253



• Radial for cervical neutral and first pain: ICC = 0.93, SEM = 3.88; cervical neutral strong pain: ICC = 0.96, SEM = 2.19; cervical side flexion first pain: ICC = 0.94, SEM = 4.03; cervical side flexion strong pain: ICC = 0.88, SEM = 4.65254 • Median nerve intrarater symptomatic group: ICC = 0.98, SEM 2.8; asymptomatic group: ICC = 0.97, SEM = 3.5255


• In vitro study using “buckle” force transducers in the nerve. ULTT for median nerve caused more tension on median nerve in comparison to the others (P < .001); for radial nerve, caused more tension on radial nerve comparing with ulnar (P < .001) but not when comparing with median nerve256 • The test of ulnar nerve had no significant differences between nerves256 • When tensioning the nerve on neck using flexion and rotation the tests caused more tension in the intended nerve when compared with the other two tests256

• Median 94%235

Sensitivity • Median


Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratios 12.83; negative likelihood ratios 0.24235




Odds Ratio

• k = 0.69255

• 94%225

• 22%225

• Positive likelihood ratios 3.66; negative likelihood ratios 0.83225

VERTEBRAL ARTERY TEST Reliability • Interrater k =

Validity 0.90156

• There was a significant relationship between mean Doppler frequency and the cervical spine position (P < .01)257 • Test hypothesis there is no difference between positions for vertebral artery: peak flow for negative group (P = .015), positive group (P = .001), end diastolic flow negative group (P = .08), positive group (P = .25), R peak flow for negative group (P = .0003), positive group (P = .0001), end diastolic flow negative group (P = .03), positive group (P = .0003)156

ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient; k, kappa; MCID, minimal clinically important difference; NEXUS, National Emergency X-­Radiography Utilization Study; NDI, Neck Disability Index; SEM, standard error of measurement; SF-­12, short form 12; SF-­36, short form 36; ULNT, upper limb neurodynamic test; VAS, visual analog scale. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

C H A P TE R 4

Temporomandibular Joint The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are two of the most frequently used joints in the body, but they probably receive the least attention. It has been shown that temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) affect 10% to 15% of adults.1 Without these joints, one would be severely hindered when talking, eating, yawning, kissing, or sucking. The TMJs should be included in any examination of the head and neck. TMDs consist of several complex multifactorial ailments involving many interrelating factors, including psychosocial issues.2–4 Oral lesions (e.g., herpes zoster, herpex simplex, oral ulcers), muscle overuse (e.g., clenching, bruxism), trauma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, and cancer pain can mimic TMDs.5–7 Three cardinal features of TMDs are orofacial pain, restricted jaw motion, and joint noise.2 Much of the work in this chapter has been developed from the teachings of Rocabado.8

Applied Anatomy The TMJs are located just anterior to the external auditory meatus (the ear).9 The TMJ is a synovial, condylar, modified ovoid, and hinge-­type joint with fibrocartilaginous surfaces rather than hyaline cartilage10,11 and an articular disc; this disc completely divides each joint into two cavities (Fig. 4.1). Both joints, one on each side of the jaw, must be considered together in any examination. Along with the teeth, these joints are considered to be a “trijoint complex.” Gliding, translation, or sliding movement occurs in the upper cavity of the temporomandibular joint, whereas rotation or hinge movement occurs in the lower cavity (Fig. 4.2). Rotation occurs from the beginning to the midrange of movement. The upper head of the lateral pterygoid muscle draws the disc, or meniscus, anteriorly and prepares for condylar rotation during movement. The rotation occurs through the two condylar heads between the articular disc and the condyle. In addition, the disc provides congruent contours and lubrication for the joint. Gliding, which occurs as a second movement, is a translatory movement of the condyle and disc along the slope of the articular eminence. Both gliding and rotation are essential for full opening

and closing of the mouth (Fig. 4.3). The capsule of the TMJs is thin and loose. In the resting position, the mouth is slightly open, the lips are together, and the teeth are not in contact but slightly apart. In the close packed position, the teeth are tightly clenched, and the heads of the condyles are in the posterior aspect of the joint. Centric occlusion is the relation of the jaw and teeth when there is maximum contact of the teeth, and it is the position assumed by the jaw in swallowing. The position in which the teeth are fully interdigitated is called the median occlusal position.12 Temporomandibular Joints Resting position: Mouth slightly open, lips together, teeth not in contact Close packed position: Teeth tightly clenched Capsular pattern: Limitation of mouth opening

The TMJs actively displace only anteriorly and slightly laterally. When the mouth is opening, the condyles of the joint rest on the disc in the articular eminences, and any sudden movement, such as a yawn, may displace one or both condyles forward. As the mandible moves forward on opening, the disc moves medially and posteriorly until the collateral ligaments and lateral pterygoid stop its movement. The disc is then “seated” on the head of the mandible, and both disc and mandible move forward to full opening. If this “seating” of the disc does not occur, full range of motion (ROM) at the TMJ is limited. In the first phase, mainly rotation occurs, primarily in the inferior joint space. In the second phase, in which the mandible and disc move together, mainly translation occurs in the superior joint space.13 The hyoid bone, found in the anterior throat region, is sometimes referred to as the skeleton of the tongue.12 It serves as an attachment for the extrinsic tongue muscles and infrahyoid muscles and, by so doing, provides reciprocal stabilization during swallowing; through its muscle attachments, it can affect cervical and even shoulder function. Fig. 4.4 outlines the effect of a forward head posture and the relation to the hyoid bone and related muscles.

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Superior compartment

Fibrocartilage of mandibular fossa Disc Fibrocartilage of condyle

Inferior compartment

Lateral pterygoid muscle External auditory meatus Mandible

Tympanic plate Condyle Neck of condyle

A Articular disc regions

Superior joint cavity

Posterior Intermediate

External acoustic meatus Retrodiscal laminae


ular fossa ndib Ma

ti Ar







in e nce

Temporomandibular joint capsule

Superior head Lateral pterygoid muscle

Inferior head Inferior joint cavity


Fig. 4.1  (A) The temporomandibular joint. (B) Close-up of temporomandibular joint. (B, Redrawn from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, CV Mosby, p. 357.)

Early phase






e m i n e nc




Intermediate Intermed region



ula ndib r foss a Ma Articular disc

Late phase

Oblique portion of lateral ligament

Superior retrodiscal lamina









Slight translation


Slight rotation





Fig. 4.2  Arthrokinematics of opening the mouth: (A) Early phase. (B) Late phase. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, CV Mosby, p. 360.) Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1 8





6 5

Fig. 4.3  Normal functional movement of the condyle and disc during the full range of opening and closing. Note that the disc is rotated posteriorly on the condyle as the condyle is translated out of the fossa. The closing movement is the exact opposite of the opening movement.


Mouth breather

Suprahyoids Hyoid bone Sternohyoid Omohyoid Scapula protracting and "dumping" forward

Fig. 4.4  A forward head posture shows one mechanism by which passive tension in selected suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles alter the resting posture of the mandible. The mandible is pulled inferiorly and posteriorly, changing the position of the condyle within the temporomandibular joint. Note the interrelationship to the cervical spine and shoulder. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, CV Mosby, p. 366.)

Central incisor (6–8) Lateral incisor (7–12) Canine (16–20) First molar (12–16) Second molar (20–30)

A Central incisor (7–8) Lateral incisor (7–10) Canine (9–14) First premolar (9–13) Second premolar (10–14) First molar (5–8) Second molar (10–14)


Third molar (Wisdom tooth) (17–24)

Fig. 4.5  Teeth in a child (A) and in an adult (B). Numbers indicate age (in months for a child, in years for an adult) at which teeth erupt. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

The TMJs are innervated by branches of the auriculotemporal nerve and masseteric branches of the mandibular nerve. The disc is innervated along its periphery but is aneural and avascular in its intermediate (force-­bearing) zone. The temporomandibular, or lateral, ligament restrains movement of the lower jaw and prevents compression of the tissues behind the condyle. In reality, this collateral ligament is a thickening in the joint capsule. The sphenomandibular and stylomandibular ligaments act as “guiding” restraints to keep the condyle, disc, and temporal bone firmly opposed. The stylomandibular ligament is a specialized band of deep cerebral fascia with thickening of the parotid fascia. In the human, there are 20 deciduous, or temporary (“baby”), teeth and 32 permanent teeth (Fig. 4.5). The temporary teeth are shed between the ages of 6 and 13 years. In the adult, the incisors are the front teeth (four maxillary and four mandibular), with the maxillary incisors being larger than the mandibular incisors. The incisors are designed to cut food. The canine teeth (two maxillary and two mandibular) are the longest permanent teeth and are designed to cut and tear food. The premolars crush and break down the food for digestion; they usually have two cusps. There are eight premolars in all, two on each side, top and bottom. The final set of teeth is the molars, which crush and grind food for digestion. They have 4 or 5 cusps, and there are 2 or 3 on each side, top and bottom (total 8 to 12). The third molars are called wisdom teeth. Missing teeth, abnormal tooth eruption, malocclusion, or dental caries (decay) may lead to problems of the TMJ. By convention, the teeth are divided into four quadrants—upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right (Fig. 4.6). 

Patient History In 1992, the Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (CDC/TMD) were published to provide a standardized definition of diagnostic subgroups of patients with orofacial pain and TMDs, including masticatory muscle disorders, TMJ internal derangements, and TMJ degenerative joint disease.14,15 The criteria were revised in 2010.9,16,17 Some have found the criteria too limiting relative to the diversity of TMJ patients, as the criteria do not take into account involvement of the cervical spine, nor do they deal with pain in a scientific manner.9 The latest criteria are now called Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) and are appropriate for clinical and research purposes.18 Table 4.1 outlines some conditions that can mimic TMDs5 and Table 4.2 provides a classification and lists the clinical patterns of T MDs.9 In addition to the questions listed under “Patient History” in Chapter 1, the examiner should obtain the following information from the patient19,20:

Mx 1







































Md Mx 5 5



6 2








Lt 5












7 Md

Fig. 4.6  Numeric symbols for dentition in an adult (A) and in a child (B). (From Liebgott B: The anatomical basis of dentistry, St Louis, 1986, CV Mosby.)

1.  Where is the pain? Is it in the face, jaw, temple, front of the ear? When did the pain begin? Is the pain constant, recurrent, or a one-­time problem? How would you rate your pain (see Fig. 1.2)?9 These questions will give the examiner some idea of the patient’s pain level and where the pain is felt. 2.  Does the patient have any difficulty chewing, eating soft or hard food, smiling or laughing, cleaning teeth or face, yawning, swallowing or talking? These questions will give the examiner an idea of the functional limitations affecting the patient. 3.  Is there pain or restriction on opening or closing of the mouth? Pain and other symptoms of TMJ dysfunction are usually associated with jaw movement.5 Signs and symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include facial pain, ear discomfort, headache, and jaw discomfort.5 Pain in the fully opened position (e.g., pain associated with opening to bite an apple, yawning) is probably caused by an extra-­articular problem, whereas pain associated with biting firm objects (e.g., nuts, raw fruit and vegetables) (i.e., dynamic loading) is probably caused by an intra-­ articular problem.21 Limited opening may be due to displacement of the disc anteriorly, inert tissue tightness, or muscle spasm. Restriction can lead to anxiety in patients because of its effect on everyday activities (e.g., eating, talking).4 4.  Is there pain on eating or dynamic loading? Does the patient chew on the right? Left? Both sides equally? Loss of molars or worn dentures can lead to loss of vertical dimension, which can make chewing painful. Vertical dimension is the distance between any two arbitrary

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

points on the face, one of these points being above and the other below the mouth, usually in midline. Often, chewing on one side is the result of malocclusion.21 5.  What movements of the jaw cause pain? Do the symptoms change over a 24-­ hour period? The examiner should watch the patient’s jaw movement while the patient is talking. A history of stiffness on waking with pain on function that disappears as the day goes on suggests osteoarthritis.22 6.  Do any of these actions cause pain or discomfort: yawning, biting, chewing, swallowing, speaking, or shouting? If so, where? All of these actions cause movement, compression, and/or stretching of the soft tissues of the TMJs. 7. Does the patient breathe through the nose or the mouth? Normal breathing is through the nose with the lips closed and no “air gulping.” If the patient is a “mouth breather,” the tongue does


not sit in the proper position against the palate. In the young, if the tongue does not push against the palate, developmental abnormalities may occur, because the tongue normally provides internal pressure to shape the mouth. The buccinator and orbicularis oris muscle complex provides external pressure to counterbalance the internal pressure of the tongue. Loss of normal neck balance often results in the individual becoming a mouth breather and an upper respiratory breather, making greater use of the accessory muscles of respiration. Conditions (such as adenoids, tonsillitis, and upper respiratory tract infections) may cause the same problem. 8.  Has the patient complained of any crepitus or clicking? Normally, the condyles of the TMJ slide out of the concavity and onto the rim of the disc. Clicking is the result of abnormal motion of the disc and man-

TABLE  4.1

Conditions That May Mimic Temporomandibular Disorders Condition


Pain Characteristics

Aggravating Factors

Typical Findings


Affected tooth

Hot or cold stimuli

Visible decay

  Cracked tooth

Affected tooth

Biting, eating

  Dry socket

Affected tooth

Intermittent to continuous dull pain Intermittent dull or sharp pain Continuous, deep, sharp pain

Often difficult to visualize crack Loss of clot, exposed bone

Giant cell arteritis

Temporal region

Sudden onset of continuous dull pain

Visual disturbance, loss Scalp tenderness, of vision absence of temporal artery pulse

Migraine headache

Temporal region, behind the eye, cutaneous allodynia

Acute throbbing, occasionally with aura

Activity, nausea, phonophobia, photophobia

Dental conditions

Hot or cold stimuli

Often normal, aversion during ophthalmoscopic examination, normal cranial nerve findings

Neuropathic conditions Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

Most often ear, Paroxysmal attacks of occasionally neck or electrical or sharp tongue pain Site of dermatomal nerve Continuous, burning, and its distribution sharp pain Unilateral trigeminal Paroxysmal attacks of nerve sharp pain

Coughing, swallowing, Pain with light touch touching the ear

Salivary stone

Submandibular or parotid region


Maxillary sinus, intraoral upper quadrant

  Postherpetic neuralgia   Trigeminal neuralgia

Eating, light touch


Cold or hot stimuli, eating, light touch, washing

Pain with light touch

Intermittent dull pain


Continuous dull ache

Headache, nasal discharge, recent upper respiratory infection

Tenderness at gland, palpable stone, no salivary flow Tenderness over maxillary sinus or upper posterior teeth

From Gauer RL, Semidey MJ: Diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders. Am Fam Physician 91(6):380, 2015.

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE  4.2

Classification and Clinical Patterns of Primary Recurrent Temporomandibular Disorder Myogenic


• Associated with stress, anxiety, clenching, bruxism; secondary component to all other forms of TMD • Palpable tenderness of musculature (temporalis, masseter, pterygoids) • Palpable MTrPs of TMJ musculature • Provocation with activity (mastication, bruxing, etc.) • Often bilateral when the primary disorder • Confirmed through muscular management techniques and patient education to reduce contributing factors

• Associated with joint line pain, arthritis or arthrosis, arthralgia, hypermobility and joint pain with movement • Palpable joint line tenderness • Crepitus (palpable or audible to the patient and/or clinician) • Positive joint compression test • Accessory motion irregularities • Confirmed through joint techniques including joint mobilization when applicable patient education for hypermobile joints

Disc Displacement with Reduction

Disc Displacement without Reduction

Cervical Spine Involvement

• Associated with joint noises (popping/ clicking) and blocked opening, may resolve spontaneously • Opening and/or reciprocal noise • Generally not associated with severe locking of the joint • Positive joint compression test • Generally unilateral • Confirmed through response to joint intervention, poor clinical differentiation of different disc displacements

• Associated with blocked opening and possibly a history of displacement with reduction • May have a history of opening and/or reciprocal noise • Locking that does not permit functional range • Positive joint compression test • Generally unilateral • Confirmed through response to joint intervention, poor clinical differentiation of different disc displacements

• Generally present across all patients with TMD • Upper cervical spine and/or head pain • Accessory movement restrictions • Multiple levels may be involved • Unilateral or bilateral • Confirmed through manual therapy and symptom reduction (high error rate with diagnostic imaging)

MTrPs, Myofascial trigger points; TMD, temporomandibular disorder; TMJ, temporomandibular joint. From Shaffer SM, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Courtney CA: Temporal mandibular disorders. Part one: Anatomy and examination/diagnosis, J Man Manip Ther 22(1):5, 2014.

dible. Early clicking implies a developing dysfunction, whereas late clicking is more likely to mean a chronic problem. Clicking may occur when the condyle slides back off the rim into the center (Fig. 4.7).23 If the disc sticks or is bunched slightly, opening causes the condyle to move abruptly over the disc and into its normal position, resulting in a single click on opening (see Fig. 4.7).24 There may be a partial anterior displacement (subluxation) or dislocation of the disc, which the condyle must override to reach its normal position when the mouth is fully open (Fig. 4.8). This override may also cause a click. Similarly, a click may occur if the disc is displaced anteriorly and/or medially, causing the condyle to override the posterior rim of the disc later than normal during mouth opening. It may also occur with closing, which is referred to as disc displacement with reduction. If clicking occurs in both directions, it is called reciprocal clicking (Fig. 4.9). The opening click occurs at some point during the opening or protrusive path, indicating that the condyle is slipping over the thicker posterior border of the disc to its position in the thinner middle or intermediate zone. The closing (reciprocal) click occurs near the end of the closing or retrusive path as the pull of the superior lateral pterygoid muscle causes the disc to slip more anteriorly and the condyle to move over its posterior border.

Clicks may also be caused by adhesions (Fig. 4.10), especially in people who clench their teeth (bruxism). These “adhesive” clicks occur in isolation, after the period of clenching.25 If adhesions occur in the superior or inferior joint space, translation or rotation will be limited. This presents as a temporary closed lock, which then opens with a click. If the articular eminence is abnormally developed (i.e., short, steep posterior slope or long, flat anterior slope), the maximum anterior movement of the disc may be reached before maximum translation of the condyle has occurred. As the condyle overrides the disc, a loud crack is heard, and the condyle-­disc leaps or jogs (subluxes) forward.25 The “soft” or “popping” clicks that are sometimes heard in normal joints are caused by ligament movement, articular surface separation, or sucking of loose tissue behind the condyle as it moves forward. These clicks usually result from muscle incoordination. “Hard” or “cracking” clicks are more likely to indicate joint pathology or joint surface defects. Soft crepitus (like rubbing knuckles together) is a sound that sometimes occurs in symptomless joints and is not necessarily an indication of pathology.26 Hard crepitus (like a footstep on gravel) is indicative of

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint


1 8




2 click

click 7











Fig. 4.7 Single click. Between positions 2 and 3, a click is felt as the condyle moves across the posterior border into the intermediate zone of the disc. Normal condyle-­disc function occurs during the remaining opening and closing movement. In the closed joint position (1), the disc is again displaced forward (and medially) by activity of the superior lateral pterygoid muscle.


1 8





Fig. 4.10  (A) Adhesion in the superior joint space. (B) The presence of the adhesion limits the joint to rotation only. (C) If the adhesion is freed, normal translation can occur.


3 click 4


Fig. 4.9  Reciprocal click.  Between positions 2 and 3, a click is felt as the condyle moves across the posterior border of the disc. Normal condyle-­ disc function occurs during the remaining opening and closing movement until the closed joint position is approached. A second click is heard as the condyle once again moves from the intermediate zone to the posterior border of the disc between positions 8 and 1.


Fig. 4.8  Functional dislocation of the disc with reduction.  During opening, the condyle passes over the posterior border of the disc into the intermediate area of the disc, thus reducing the dislocated disc.

arthritic changes in the joints. The clicking may be caused by uncoordinated muscle action of the lateral pterygoid muscles, a tear or perforation in the disc, osteoarthrosis, or occlusal imbalance. Normally the upper head of the lateral pterygoid muscle pulls the disc forward. If the disc does not move first, the condyle clicks over the disc as it is pulled forward by the lower head of the lateral pterygoid muscle.

Iglarsh and Snyder-­Mackler13 have divided disc displacement into four stages (Table 4.3). 9.  Has the mouth or jaw ever locked? Locking may imply that the mouth does not fully open (i.e., closed lock) or it does not fully close (i.e., open lock) and is often related to problems of the disc or joint degeneration. Locking is usually preceded by reciprocal clicking. If the jaw has locked in the closed position, the locking is probably caused by a disc with the condyle being posterior or anteromedial to the disc. Even if translation is blocked (e.g., “locked” disc), the mandible can still open 30 mm by rotation. If there is functional dislocation of the disc with reduction (see Fig. 4.8), the disc is usually positioned anteromedially and opening is limited. The patient complains that the jaw “catches” sometimes, so the locking occurs only occasionally; at those times opening is limited. If there is functional anterior dislocation of the disc without reduction, a closed lock occurs. Closed lock implies there has been anterior and/or medial displacement of the disc so that the disc does not return to its normal position during

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE  4.3

Temporomandibular Disc Dysfunction Stage


Stage 1

Disc slightly anterior and medial on mandibular condyle Inconsistent click (may or may not be present) Mild or no pain

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Disc anterior and medial Reciprocal click present (early on opening, late on closing) Severe consistent pain Reciprocal consistent click present (later on opening, earlier on closing) Most painful stage Click rare (disc no longer relocates) No pain

Data from Iglarsh ZA, Snydcr-­ M ackler L: Temporomandibular joint and the cervical spine. In Richardson JK, Iglarsh ZA (editors): Clinical orthopedic physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1994, WB Saunders.

1 8





6 5

Fig. 4.11  Closed lock.  The condyle never assumes a normal relation to the disc but instead causes the disc to move forward ahead of it. This condition limits the distance the condyle can translate forward.

the entire movement of the condyle. In this case opening is limited to about 25 mm, the mandible deviates to the affected side (Fig. 4.11), and lateral movement to the uninvolved side is reduced.25 If locking occurs in the open position, it is probably caused by subluxation of the joint or possibly by posterior disc displace-

1 1st opening click



2nd closing click


1st closing click


2nd opening click



5 Locking

Fig. 4.12 Open lock (disc incoordination). 1, The disc always stays in anterior position with the jaw closed. 1-­4, Disc is displaced posterior to the condyle with one or two opening clicks. 5-­6, The disc disturbs jaw closing after maximum opening. 6-­1, The disc is again displaced to anterior position from the posterior with one or two clicks.

ment (see Fig. 4.11). With an open lock, there are two clicks on opening, when the condyle moves over the posterior rim of the disc and then when it moves over the anterior rim of the disc; then there are two clicks on closing. If, after the second click occurs on opening, the disc lies posterior to the condyle, it may not allow the condyle to slide back (Fig. 4.12).27 If the condyle dislocates outside the fossa, it is a true dislocation with open lock; the patient cannot close the mouth, and the dislocation must be reduced.27 10. Does the patient have any habits, such as smoking a pipe, using a cigarette holder, leaning on the chin, chewing gum, biting the nails, chewing hair, pursing and chewing lips, continually moving the mouth, or any other nervous habits? All these activities place additional stress on the TMJs. 11. Does the patient grind the teeth or hold them tightly? Bruxism is the forced clenching and grinding of the teeth, especially during sleep. This may lead to facial, jaw, or tooth pain or headaches in the morning along with muscle hypertrophy. If the front teeth are in contact and the back ones are not, facial and temporomandibular pain may develop as a result of malocclusion. Normally the upper teeth cover the upper third to half of the bottom teeth (Fig. 4.13). 12. Does there appear to be any related psychosocial problems or stress-­related issues? Temporomandibular dysfunction is often accompanied by related psychosocial issues.2,28 Table 4.4 outlines psychosocial factors that may affect the TMJ.

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint


Fig. 4.13  Normally the maxillary anterior teeth overlap the mandibular anterior teeth almost half the length of the mandibular crowns. (From Okeson JP: Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion, St Louis, 1998, CV Mosby, p. 84.)

TABLE  4.4

Checklist of Psychological and Behavioral Factors 1. Clinically significant anxiety or depression 2. Evidence of drug abuse 3. Repeated failures with conventional therapies 4. Evidence of secondary gain 5. Major life events; for example, new job, marriage or divorce, death 6. Pain duration greater than 6 months 7. History of possible stress-­related disorders 8. Inconsistency in response to drugs 9. Inconsistent, inappropriate, and vague reports of pain, or both 10. Overdramatization of symptoms 11. Symptoms that vary with life events Note: The first two factors are the most significant and warrant further evaluation by a mental health professional; factors 3 through 6 need at least one more factor for consideration of referral; and factors 7 through 11 require three or more factors for consideration of referral to a mental health professional. From McNeili C, Mohl ND, Rugh JD, et al: Temporomandibular disorders: diagnosis, management, education and research, J Am Dent Assoc 120:259, 1990.

13. Are any teeth missing? If so, which ones, and how many? Loss of one or more teeth is called partial edentulism. The presence or absence of teeth and their relation to one another must be noted on a table similar to the one shown in Fig. 4.6. Their presence or absence can have an effect on the TMJs and their muscles. If some teeth are missing, others may deviate to fill in the space, altering the occlusion. 14. Are any teeth painful or sensitive? This finding may be indicative of dental caries or abscess. Tooth pain may lead to incorrect biting when chewing, which puts abnormal stresses on the TMJs. 15. Does the patient have any difficulty swallowing? Does the patient swallow normally or gulp? What happens to the tongue when the patient swallows? Does it move normally, anteriorly, or laterally? Is there any evidence of tongue thrust or thumbsuck-

Fig. 4.14  Normal resting position of the tongue.  Tongue position cannot be seen because of teeth but upper and lower teeth are not in contact.

ing? For example, the facial nerve (CN VII) and the trigeminal nerve (CN V), which control facial expression and mastication and contribute to speech, also control anterior lip seal. If lip seal is weakened, the teeth may move anteriorly, an action that would be accentuated in “tongue thrusters.” The normal resting position of the tongue is against the anterior palate (Fig. 4.14). It is the position in which one would place the tongue to make a “clicking” sound. 16. Are there any ear problems, such as hearing loss, ringing in the ears, blocking of the ears, earache, or dizziness? Symptoms such as these may be caused by inner ear, cervical spine, vestibular dysfunction, or TMJ problems. 17. Does the patient have any habitual head postures? For example, holding the telephone between the ear and the shoulder compacts the TMJ on that side. Reading or listening to someone while leaning one hand against the jaw has the same effect. 18. Has the patient noticed any voice changes? Changes may be caused by muscle spasm. 19. Does the patient have headaches? If so, where? TMJ problems can refer pain to the head. Is there any history of infection or swollen glands? 20. Does the patient ever feel dizzy or faint? 21. Has the patient ever worn a dental splint or other dental appliance? If so, when? For how long? 22. Has the patient ever been seen by a dentist, such as a periodontist (a dentist who specializes in the study of tissues around the teeth and diseases of these tissues), an orthodontist (a dentist who specializes in correction and prevention of irregularities of the teeth), or an endodontist (a dentist who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

tooth pulp, root canal, and periapical areas)? If so, why did the patient see the specialist, and what was done? 23. Does the patient have any cervical spine problems? TMJ problems can refer pain to the cervical spine and vice versa. If there are cervical spine symptoms, the examiner should include an examination of the cervical spine (see Chapter 3). 

Observation When the TMJs are being assessed, the examiner must also assess the posture of the cervical spine and head. For example, it is necessary that the head be “balanced” on the cervical spine and be in proper postural alignment. 1. Is the face symmetrical horizontally and vertically, and are facial proportions normal (Fig. 4.15)? The examiner should check the eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, length of mandible from center line, and distance from the nasolabial folds to the corners of the mouth for symmetry on both horizontal and vertical planes. Horizontally, the face of an adult is divided into thirds (Fig. 4.16); this demonstrates normal vertical dimension. Usually the upper and

lower teeth are used to measure vertical dimension. The horizontal bipupital, otic, and occlusive lines should be parallel to each other (Fig. 4.17). Loss of teeth on one side can lead to convergence in which at least two of the lines may converge because the jawline is short on one side relative to the other. A quick way to measure the vertical dimension is to measure from the lateral edge of the eye to the corner of the mouth and from the nose to the chin (Fig. 4.18). Normally the two measurements are equal, as are the lateral edges of the eye to the corner of the mouth bilaterally. If the second measurement is smaller than the first by 1 mm or more, there has been a loss of vertical dimension, which may have resulted from loss of teeth, overbite, or TMJ dysfunction. In children, elderly persons, and those with massive tooth loss, the lower third of the face is not well developed (lack of teeth) or has recessed (Fig. 4.19). As the teeth grow, the lower third develops into its normal proportion. The examiner should notice whether there is any paralysis, which could be indicated by ptosis (drooping of an eyelid) or by drooping of the mouth on one side (Bell’s palsy). 2. The examiner should note whether the teeth are normally aligned or there is any crossbite, underbite, or overbite (Fig. 4.20). With crossbite, the teeth of the mandible

Bipupital line Otic line Occlusive line


Fig. 4.17  Normally, bipupital, otic, and occlusive lines are parallel.


Fig. 4.15  Facial symmetry.  Look for asymmetry both vertically and horizontally. Asymmetric changes may be seen with no smile (A) or with smile (B). These asymmetrical differences may or may not be related to pathology.

Hair line 1 3

Bipupital line

1 3

Nose line

1 3

Chin line Fig. 4.16  Divisions of the face (vertical dimension).

Fig. 4.18 A quick measurement of vertical dimension. Normally, the bilateral distance from the lateral edge of the eye to the corner of the mouth should be equal and each one should equal the distance from nose to point of chin.

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint





Fig. 4.19  Human skull at birth (A) and in the adult (B). Note the difference brought about by development of the teeth and lower jaw in the adult.



Fig. 4.21  Overlap of maxillary anterior teeth.  (A) Vertical overlap (overbite). (B) Horizontal overlap (overjet). (Redrawn from Friedman MH, Weisberg J: The temporomandibular joint. In Gould JA, editor: Orthopedics and sports physical therapy, St Louis, 1990, CV Mosby, p. 578.) Underbite (Class III Occlusion)

Overbite (Class II Occlusion)

Fig. 4.20  Underbite and overbite.

are lateral to the upper (maxillary) teeth on one side and medial on the opposite side. There is abnormal interdigitation of the teeth. With anterior crossbite, the lower incisors are ahead of the upper incisors. With posterior crossbite, there is a transverse abnormal relation of the teeth. In underbite, the mandibular teeth are unilaterally, bilaterally, or in pairs in buccoversion (i.e., they lie anterior to the maxillary teeth). In overbite, the anterior maxillary incisors extend below the anterior mandibular incisors when the jaw is in centric occlusion. A small amount of overbite (1 to 2 mm) (i.e., the upper teeth lie slightly ahead of lower teeth) anteriorly is the most common position of the teeth (i.e., normal dental occlusion).5 This is because the maxillary arch is slightly longer than the mandibular arch. Overjet (Fig. 4.21) is the distance that the maxillary incisors close over the mandibular incisors when the mouth is closed. This distance is normally 2 to 3 mm. Occlusal interference refers to premature contact of the teeth, which tends to deflect the jaw laterally and/or anteriorly.29 Any orthodontic appliances or false teeth present should also be evaluated for fit and possible sore spots. 3. The examiner should note whether there is any malocclusion that could result in a faulty bite. Malocclusion may be a major factor in the development of disc problems of the TMJs. Occlusion occurs when the teeth are in contact and the mouth is closed. Malocclusion is defined as any deviation from normal occlusion.

Class I occlusion refers to the normal anteroposterior relation of the maxillary teeth to mandibular teeth. A slight modification with only the incisors affected and overjet slightly larger is sometimes classified as a Class I malocclusion. Class II malocclusion (i.e., overbite) occurs when the mandibular teeth are positioned posterior to their normal position relative to the maxillary teeth. This malocclusion deformity involves all the teeth, including the molars. The designation class II division 1 malocclusion (also called large overjet or horizontal overlap) indicates that the maxillary incisors demonstrate significant overjet. Class II division 2 malocclusion (also called deep overlap or vertical overlap) implies that overjet is not significant but that there is overbite and lateral flaring of the lateral maxillary incisors.30 Class III malocclusion (i.e., underbite) occurs when the mandibular teeth are positioned anterior to their normal position relative to the maxillary teeth. If maxillary and mandibular teeth are on the same vertical plane, a class III malocclusion would be present. 4. What is the facial profile? The orthognathic profile is the normal, “straight-­ jawed” form. With this facial profile, a vertical line dropped perpendicular to the bipupital line would touch the upper and lower lips and the tip of the chin. In a person with a retrognathic profile, the chin would lie behind the vertical line and the person would be said to have a “receding chin.” With the prognathic profile, the chin would be in front of the vertical line and the person would have a protruded or “strong” chin (Fig. 4.22).30

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint



teeth; it also occurs when the tongue is pushed against the upper teeth and the lower teeth are closed firmly against it, creating an oral seal.31 Tongue thrusters find it easier to thrust the tongue if the head is protruded. Therefore, to test for tongue thrusting, the patient’s head posture is corrected and the patient is asked to swallow. In the tongue thruster, swallowing causes the tongue to move forward resulting in protrusion of the head. Tongue thrusting may be due to hyperactivity of the masticatory muscles. When one swallows, the hyoid bone should move up and down quickly. If it moves only upward and slowly, and the suboccipital muscles posteriorly contract, it is suggestive of a tongue thrust.32 7. Where does the tongue rest? Is the tongue bitten frequently? Does the tongue have any scalloping or ridges? Does the patient swallow normally? Do the lips part when swallowing? What is the tongue position when swallowing? Do the facial muscles tighten on swallowing? All of these factors give the examiner some idea of the mobility of the structures of the mouth and jaw and their neurological mechanisms. 


Prognathic Fig. 4.22  Facial profiles.

5. The examiner should note whether the patient demonstrates normal bony and soft tissue contours. When the patient bites down, do the masseter muscles bulge as they normally should? Hypertrophy caused by overuse may lead to abnormal wear of the teeth. In looking at the soft tissues, it is important to note symmetry. The upper lip should normally cover two-­thirds of the maxillary teeth at rest. If it does not, the lip is said to be short.13 If the lip can be drawn over the upper teeth, however, the upper lip is said to be functional and no treatment is necessary. The lower lip normally covers the mandibular teeth and, when the mouth is closed, part of the maxillary teeth. 6. Is the patient able to move the tongue properly? Can the patient move the tongue up to and against the palate? Restriction may be caused by the small fold of mucous membrane (i.e., the lingual frenulum) extending from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the underside of the tongue. Can the tongue be protruded or rolled? Is the patient able to “click” the tongue? Tongue thrusting refers to forward movement of the tongue, usually to push against the lower

The examiner must remember that many problems of the TMJs may be the result of or related to problems in the cervical spine or teeth. Therefore, the cervical spine is at least partially included in any temporomandibular assessment.

Active Movements With the patient in the sitting position, the examiner watches the active movements, noting whether they deviate from what would be considered normal ROM and whether the patient is willing to do the movement. The patient is first asked to carry out active movements of the cervical spine. As the active cervical movements are carried out by the patient, the examiner watches not only the movement in the cervical spine but also notes any changes in position of the mandible, as its position can have an effect on cervical ROM (especially in the upper cervical spine).33 The most painful movements, if any, should be done last. Active Movements of the Cervical Spine • • • • • • •

F lexion Extension Side flexion, left and right Rotation, left and right Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained positions (if necessary)

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

During flexion of the neck, the mandible moves up and forward and the posterior structures of the neck become tight. During extension, the mandible moves down and back and the anterior structures of the neck become tight. The examiner should note whether the patient can flex and extend the neck while keeping the mouth closed or whether the patient must open the mouth to do these movements. The patient should be asked to place a fist under the chin and then to open the mouth while keeping the fist in place and the lower jaw against it. If the mouth opens in this way, movement of the neck into extension is occurring because the head is rotating backward on the temporomandibular condyles. This test movement would be especially important if the patient subjectively felt that there was a loss of neck extension. With side flexion of the neck to the right, maximal occlusion occurs on the right. Side flexion and rotation of the neck occur to the same side; therefore, if these movements are carried out to the right, maximal occlusion also occurs to the right. Having observed the neck movements, the examiner goes on to note the active movements of the TMJs. The movements of the mandible can be measured with a millimeter ruler, depth gauge, or Vernier calipers. When the examiner is using the ruler, he or she should pick a midline point from which to measure opening and lateral deviation.34 This same ruler can be used to measure protrusion and retrusion. Table 4.5 gives the active range of movement for the TMJ.

Active Movements of the Temporomandibular Joints • • • •

 pening of the mouth O Closing of the mouth Protrusion of the mandible Lateral deviation of the mandible, right and left


Opening and Closing of the Mouth

With opening (i.e., mandibular depression) and closing of the mouth (i.e., mandibular elevation), the normal arc of movement of the jaw is smooth and unbroken; that is, both TMJs are working in unison with no asymmetry or sideward movement, and both joints are bilaterally rotating and translating equally. Normally the mandible should open more than 30 to 35 mm5 and chewing typically requires an opening of about 18 mm. Any alteration may cause or indicate potential problems in the TMJs. To observe any asymmetries, opening and closing of the mouth must be done slowly. The first phase of opening is rotation, which can be tested by having the patient open the mouth as widely as possible while maintaining the tongue against the roof (hard palate) of the mouth. Usually this movement causes minimal pain and occurs even in the presence of acute TMJ dysfunction. The second phase of opening is translation and rotation as the condyles move along the slope of the eminence. This phase begins when the tongue loses contact with the roof of the mouth.3 Most of the clicking sensations occur during this phase. While the patient does the active movements, the examiner can palpate both joints simultaneously to compare the movement qualities occurring in both joints.9 The lateral pterygoid muscle is the primary opener of the mouth and is the strongest contributor to protrusion and medial and lateral deviation of the jaw.9 The temporalis, masseter, and medial pterygoids are the primary closers (Table 4.6).9 Normally the mandible should open and close in a straight line (Figs. 4.23 and 4.24) provided that the bilateral action of the muscles is equal and the inert tissues have normal pliability. Each movement is done at least three times to determine whether any deviation is present with each repetition and to enable the examiner to find out whether the deviation is due to muscular, neuromuscular, or mechanical dysfunction.35 This linear tracking

TABLE  4.5

Active Range-of-Motion Measurements by Age and Sex for the Temporomandibular Joints AGE Active Motion

6 Years

12–14 Years

18–25 Years (Women)

18–25 Years (Men)

Mean opening (mm) (±SD)

44.8 (±4.3) Range 33–60

53.9 (±5.9) Range 41–73

51.0 (±5.7) Range 39–75

55.5 (±7.1) Range 42–77

Mean lateral deviation (mm) (±SD)

8.2 (±1.3) Range 5–13

10.0 (±1.7) Range 6–15

9.7 (±1.1) Range 5–15

10.0 (±2.1) Range 6–16

Mean protrusion (mm) (±SD) Retrusion (mm)







SD, Standard deviation. Modified from Shaffer SM, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Courtney CA: Temporal mandibular disorders. Part one: Anatomy and examination/diagnosis, J Man Manip Ther 22(1):7, 2014.

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE  4.6

Muscles of the Temporomandibular Joint: Their Actions and Nerve Supply Action

Muscles Acting

Nerve Supply

Opening of mouth (depression of mandible)

1. Lateral (external) pterygoid 2. Mylohyoida 3. Geniohyoida 4. Digastrica

Mandibular (CN V) Inferior alveolar (CN V) Hypoglossal (CN XII) Inferior alveolar (CN V) Facial (CN VII)

Closing of mouth (elevation of mandible or occlusion)

1. Masseter 2. Temporalis 3. Medial (internal) pterygoid

Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V)

Protrusion of mandible

1. Lateral (external) pterygoid 2. Medial (internal) pterygoid 3. Massetera 4. Mylohyoida 5. Geniohyoida 6. Digastrica

Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V) Inferior alveolar (CN V) Hypoglossal (CN XII) Inferior alveolar (CN V) Facial (CN VII) Facial (CN VII) Mandibular (CN V)

7. Stylohyoida 8. Temporalis (anterior fibers) a Retraction of mandible

Lateral deviation of mandible

1. Temporalis (posterior fibers) 2. Massetera 3. Digastrica 4. Stylohyoida 5. Mylohyoida 6. Geniohyoida 1. Lateral (external) pterygoid (ipsilateral muscle) 2. Medial (internal) pterygoid (contralateral muscle) 3. Temporalisa 4. Massetera

Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V) Inferior alveolar (CN V) Facial (CN VII) Inferior alveolar (CN V) Inferior alveolar (CN V) Hypoglossal (CN XII) Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V) Mandibular (CN V)


only when assistance is required. CN, Cranial nerve.

Fig. 4.23  Mandibular motion.


is sometimes called mandibular gait.35 If deviation or deflection occurs to the left on opening (see Fig. 4.23; a C-­type curve) or to the right (a reverse C-­type curve), hypomobility is evident toward the side of the deviation



caused either by a displaced disc without reduction or unilateral muscle hypomobility;20 if the deviation is an S-­type or reverse S-­type curve, the problem is probably muscular imbalance or medial displacement as the condyle “walks

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint



Fig. 4.24  Active opening of mouth.  (A) Anteroposterior view. (B) Side view.

Fig. 4.25  Functional opening “knuckle” test.

around” the disc on the affected side.20 The chin deviates toward the affected side, usually because of spasm of the pterygoid or masseter muscles or an obstruction in the joint. Both of these curves return to midline. If there is deviation to one side that does not return to midline, it is due to muscle spasm or adhesions. Early deviation on opening is usually caused by muscle spasm, whereas late deviation on opening is usually a result of capsulitis or a tight capsule. Pain or tenderness, especially on closing, indicates posterior capsulitis. The examiner should then determine whether the patient’s mouth can functionally be opened. The functional or full active opening is determined by having the patient try to place two or three flexed proximal interphalangeal joints within the mouth opening (Fig. 4.25).36 This opening should be approximately 35 to 55 mm.4 Normally only about 25 to 35 mm of opening is needed for everyday activity. If the patient has pain on opening, the examiner should also measure the amount


of opening to the point of pain and compare this distance with functional opening.19 If the space is less than this, the TMJs are said to be hypomobile. Kropmans et al.37 have pointed out that for treatment, at least 6 mm of change must be seen to be a detectable difference when more than one measurement is being made or to determine the effect of treatment. As the mouth opens, the examiner should palpate the external auditory meatus with the index or little finger (fleshy part anterior). The patient is then asked to close the mouth. When the examiner first feels the condyle touch the finger, the TMJs are in the resting position. This resting position of the TMJs is called the freeway space, or interocclusal space. The freeway space is the potential space or vertical distance found between the teeth when the mandible is in the resting position. To determine the freeway space, the examiner marks a point on the chin and a point vertically above on the upper lip below the nose. The patient closes the mouth into centric occlusion, and the distance between the two points is measured. Then the patient is asked to say three simple words (e.g., “boy, boy, boy”) and then maintain this position of the jaw without moving. The distance between the two points is measured again. The difference between the two measurements is the freeway space.29 Normally, the space between the front teeth at this point is 2 to 4 mm. If rotation does not occur at the TMJ, the mouth cannot open fully. There may be gliding at the TMJ, but rotation has not occurred. If translation (gliding) does not occur, the mandible may still open up to 30 mm as a result of rotation. Normally, when the mouth opens, the disc moves forward approximately 7 mm, and the condyle moves forward approximately 14 mm.38 If clicking (see question 8 in the earlier “History” section) occurs on opening, the examiner should ask the patient to open the mouth with the jaw protruded and retruded. If the clicking is eliminated with protrusion and accentuated with retrusion, the problem is probably an anterior disc displacement with reduction.39 Anterior disc displacement without reduction cannot be determined as confidently.40 

Protrusion of the Mandible

The examiner asks the patient to protrude or jut the lower jaw out past the upper teeth (Fig. 4.26A). The patient should be able to do this without difficulty. The normal movement is more than 7 mm, measured from the resting position to the protruded position.4 The normal values vary depending on the degree of overbite (greater movement) or underbite (less movement). 

Retrusion of the Mandible

The examiner asks the patient to retrude or pull the lower jaw in or back as far as possible (Fig. 4.26B). In full retention or centric relation, the TMJ is in a close packed position. The normal movement is 3 to 4 mm.21 

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint




Fig. 4.26  Other active movements of the temporomandibular joint.  (A) Protrusion. (B) Retrusion. (C) Lateral deviation left and right. Note position of lower teeth relative to upper teeth.

Lateral Deviation or Excursion of the Mandible

For lateral deviation, the teeth are slightly disoccluded and the patient moves the mandible laterally, first to one side and then to the other (Fig. 4.26C). With the joints in the resting position, two points are picked on the upper and lower teeth that are at the same level. When the mandible is laterally deviated, the two points, which have moved apart, are measured, giving the amount of lateral deviation. The normal lateral deviation is 10 to 15 mm.4 During lateral deviation, the opposite condyle moves forward, down, and toward the motion side. The condyle on the motion side (e.g., left condyle on left lateral deviation) remains relatively stationary and becomes more prominent.21 Any lateral deviation from the normal opening position or abnormal protrusion to one side indicates that the lateral pterygoid, masseter, or temporalis muscle, the disc, or the lateral ligament on the opposite side is affected. When any changes are being charted, the examiner should note the type of opening deviation as well as the functional opening and any lateral deviation (Fig. 4.27). 

occurred (normally close to the roof of the mouth). The examiner, wearing rubber gloves, then separates the lips and notes the position of the tongue (e.g., between the teeth or at upper anterior palate?).29 During the swallowing, the examiner can also watch the action of the suprahyoid muscles. 

Cranial Nerve Testing

If injury to the cranial nerves is suspected, these nerves should be tested. 

Cranial Nerve Testing CN I CN II (optic nerve) CN III, IV, VI CN V (trigeminal nerve) CN VII (facial nerve)

Mandibular Measurement

Next, the examiner should measure the mandible from the posterior aspect of the TMJ to the notch of the chin (Fig. 4.28). Both sides are measured and compared for equality (the normal distance is 10 to 12 cm). Any difference indicates a developmental problem or structural change leading to left or right convergence; the patient may not be able to obtain balancing in the midline. 

Swallowing and Tongue Position

The patient is asked to relax, then swallow, and leave the tongue in the position it assumed when swallowing

CN VIII (auditory nerve) CN IX CN X (vagus nerve) CN XI (spinal accessory) CN XII

Smell coffee or some similar substance with eyes closed. Read something with one eye closed. Eye movements; note any ptosis. Contract muscles of mastication (masseter and temporalis). Move eyebrows up and down, purse lips, show teeth. This cranial nerve is the most commonly injured one. If the patient is unable to whistle or wink or close an eye on one side, the symptoms may be indicative of Bell’s palsy (paralysis of the facial nerve). Eyes closed; talk to patient and have him or her repeat what was said. Have patient swallow. Have patient swallow. Have patient contract sternomastoid. Have patient stick out tongue, move it to the right and left.

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint



is the horizontal distance from the edge of the upper central incisors to the lower central incisors (see Fig. 4.21). If the lower teeth extend over the upper teeth, this malocclusion condition is called an underbite. Overbite is the vertical overlap of the teeth. 


Normal End Feel at the Temporomandibular Joints 4 cm

• O  pening: Tissue stretch • Closing: Bone to bone







Fig. 4.27  Charting temporomandibular motion.  (A) Deviation to both right (R) and left (L) on opening; maximum opening, 4 cm; lateral deviation equal (1 cm each direction); protrusion on functional opening (dashed lines). (B) Capsule-­ligamentous pattern; opening limited to 1 cm; lateral deviation greater to right than left; deviation to left on opening. (C) Protrusion is 1 cm; lateral deviation to right on protrusion (indicates weak lateral pterygoid on opposite side).

Fig. 4.28  Measurement of the mandible.

Passive Movements Very seldom are passive movements carried out for the TMJs except when the examiner is attempting to determine the end feel of the joints. The amount of passive opening (full passive stretch) may also be measured and compared with the functional opening amount.19 The normal end feel of these joints is tissue stretch on opening and teeth contact (“bone to bone”) on closing. When the teeth are in maximal contact, the horizontal overjet is sometimes measured. The overjet

Resisted Isometric Movements Resisted isometric movements of the TMJs are relatively difficult to test. The jaw should be in the resting position. The examiner applies firm but gentle resistance to the joints and asks the patient to hold the position, saying “Don’t let me move you.” It is also important to test the muscles of the cervical spine (see Chapter 3) because there is a close correlation between muscles of the neck and those of the TMJs.1 Resisted Isometric Movements of the Temporomandibular Joints • D  epression (opening) • Occlusion (closing) • Lateral deviation left and right

Opening of the Mouth (Depression). This movement may be tested by applying resistance at the chin or, using a rubber glove, over the teeth with one hand while the other hand rests behind the head or neck or over the forehead to stabilize the head (Fig. 4.29A; see Table 4.6).  Closing of the Mouth (Elevation or Occlusion). One hand is placed over the back of the head or neck to stabilize the head while the other hand is placed under the chin of the patient’s slightly open mouth to resist the movement (Fig. 4.29B). In a second method, the examiner uses a rubber glove and places two fingers over the patient’s lower teeth (mandible) to resist the movement (Fig. 4.29C).  Lateral Deviation of the Jaw. One of the examiner’s hands is placed over the side of the head above the TMJ to stabilize the head. The other hand is placed along the jaw of the patient’s slightly open mouth and the patient pushes out against it (Fig. 4.29D). Each side is tested individually. 

Functional Assessment After the basic movements of the TMJs have been tested, the examiner should test functional activities or activities of daily living involving the use of the TMJs. These activities include chewing, swallowing, coughing, talking, and blowing. If the patient complains of pain while eating, the examiner can ask the patient to bite down on a tongue

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint





Fig. 4.29  Resisted isometric movements for the muscles controlling the temporomandibular joint.  (A) Opening of the mouth (depression). (B) Closing of the mouth (elevation or occlusion). (C) Closing of the mouth (alternative method). (D) Lateral deviation of the jaw.

depressor held between the teeth in different positions to see if the compressive movement is painful in the teeth or the TMJ. Biting down on one side stresses the TMJ on the opposite side.12 In addition, there are a number of function questionnaires that may be used as part of the functional assessment: the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD),16,17,41–44 the Limitations of Daily Function Questionnaire (TMJ; eTool 4.1),45 the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale (there are 8-­and 20-­item scales; eTool 4.2),46 the Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (MFIQ) (eTool 4.3),47–49 the History Questionnaire for Jaw Pain, and the TMJ Scale (eTool 4.4). 

Special Tests There are no routine special tests for the TMJs. Chvostek Test. This test may be used to determine whether there is pathology involving the seventh cranial (facial) nerve (Fig. 4.30). The examiner taps the parotid gland overlying the masseter muscle. If the facial muscles twitch, the test is considered positive. If the patient is suffering from a facial nerve injury (Bell’s palsy), the examiner may use the facial nerve grading system (see Table 2.30) developed by the American Academy of Otolaryngology.19  Flexion/Extension Test.35 The patient is in sitting position and, before doing any movement, is asked to keep the mouth closed and the tongue in contact with the roof of the mouth and front teeth in contact. While holding this position, the patient is asked to flex and extend the cervical spine. If, when doing these two movements, the patient loses contact with the roof of the mouth, it may indicate hyoid hypertonicity or a tight lingual frenulum.  Joint Compression Test.9 The patient is in side-­lying position with the head supported. The examiner pushes the mandible in a posterior and cranial direction with one hand to compress the condyle against the temporal bone while the other hand provides a counterforce on the

Fig. 4.30  Chvostek test.

cranium (Fig. 4.31A). The test may also be done with the patient in supine position and pushing both condyles in and up at the same time (cranial loading; Fig. 4.31B). A positive test results in pain.  Pressure Test.35 The examiner applies about 1 kg (2.2 lb) pressure over the temporalis (see Fig. 4.39A). If the muscle is tender, it indicates a pain generator and can help separate muscle pain from joint pain.  Reload Test.35 This test is used if clicking or popping is heard during the examination. The patient is seated and asked to open the mouth to the point where the clicking occurred. The examiner inserts a tongue depressor vertically between the molars on the clicking side (Fig. 4.32). With the tongue depressor inserted, the patient is asked again to open and close the mouth. If the click is eliminated with the tongue depressor in place, the splint is helping to reduce posterior loading of the joint and allows the disc to reposition.  Separation Clench Test.35 The patient is in sitting position and, starting with the unaffected side, is asked

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Limitation of Daily Function Questionnaire for Patients with TMD (LDF-TMD-Jaw Function Scale) This questionnaire has been designed to give the doctor information as to how “your jaw” has affected your ability to manage in even daily life. Please answer every section and mark in each section only the ONE box, which applies to you. We realize you may consider that two of the statements in any one section relate to you, but please just mark the box that most closely describes your problem (mark with an “X” in the option that applies to you). Name:


No Slightly Moderately Very Extremely problem difficult difficult difficult difficult

• How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from talking for a long period of time including telephone conversations? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from grinding thin foods? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from prolonged chewing during meals? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from activity at home, school, and/or work? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from clenching teeth when participating in sports (contact teeth together during sports)? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from opening your mouth widely? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from yawning? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from brushing your back teeth? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from falling asleep? • How much does your present jaw problem prevent or limit you from sleeping through the night? eTool 4.1  Limitation of Daily Function Questionnaire for Patients with Temporomandibular Disorder (LDF TMD Jaw Function Scale). (From Sugisaki M, Kino K, Yoshida N, et al: Development of a new questionnaire to assess pain-­related limitations of daily functions in Japanese patients with temporomandibular disorders, Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 33[5]:384–395, 2005.)

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260.e2 Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint Jaw Functional Limitation Scale – 20 For each of the items below, please indicate the level of limitation during the last month. If the activity has been completely avoided because it is too difficult, then circle ‘10’. If you avoid an activity for reasons other than pain or difficulty, leave the item blank. No limitation

Severe limitation


Chew tough food













Chew hard bread













Chew chicken (e.g., prepared in oven)













Chew crackers













Chew soft food (e.g., macaroni, canned or soft fruits, cooked vegetables, fish)













Eat soft food requiring no chewing (e.g., mashed potatoes, applesauce, pudding, pureed food)













Open wide enough to bite from a whole apple













Open wide enough to bite into a sandwich













Open wide enough to talk













Open wide enough to drink from a cup

































































Putting on a happy face













Putting on an angry face
































































Copyright Ohrbach R. Available at http://www.rdc-tmdinternational.org Version 12May2013. No permission required to reproduce, translate, display, or distribute.

eTool 4.2  Jaw Functional Limitation Scale – 20. (From Ohrbach R, Larsson P, List T: The jaw functional limitation scale: development, reliability and validity of 8-­item and 20-­item versions, J Orofacial Pain 22:219–230, 2008. Copyright Ohrbach R. Available at www.rdc-­tmdinternational.org)

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint NAME ______________________________________________


Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (M.F.I.Q) This questionnaire addresses functional jaw activities. With this questionnaire we want to learn to what extent your symptoms affect your ability to use your jaw. To this end it is important that you answer all questions honestly. With all activities mentioned in the questions, indicate how much difficulty you have using your jaw due to your present complaints by selecting one of possible answers: 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

no difficulty a little difficulty quite a bit of difficulty much difficulty very much difficulty or impossible without help not applicable

Explanation: 1 2 3 4 5

You can carry out the jaw-activity without any problem or extra effort. You experience some disturbance with carrying out the jaw-activity, but you can accomplish the task without difficulty. You can carry out the jaw-activity, but at the expense of extra effort or difficulty. You cannot carry out (part of) the jaw-activity properly and for this reason you avoid the activity occasionally. You cannot carry out (part of) the jaw-activity at all, and for this reason you have to avoid the activity or need help from others.

Answer the following questions using the scale explained above. How much difficulty do you have, owing to your jaw complaints, with: Quite a bit of difficulty

No difficulty

Very much difficulty or impossible


social activities (with family, friends, etc.)?










taking a large bite (e.g., from an apple)?








chewing hard food?








chewing soft food?








work and/or daily activities?
























chewing resistant food?













10. yawning?







11. kissing?







eTool 4.3  Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (MFIQ). (From Stegenga B, de Bont LG, de Lecuw R, et al: Assessment of mandibular function impairment associated with temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis and internal de­ rangement, J Orofacial Pain 7:183–195, 1993.)

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260.e4 Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint Eating food involves taking a bite, chewing, and swallowing. The following addresses some types of food. We want to know how much difficulty you have with eating these types of food. It may be possible that you have not eaten this food lately. In that case you should answer the question with a comparable type of food in mind or indicate how much difficulty you would have if you were forced to eat this type of food. How much difficulty do you have, owing to your jaw complaint, with eating: Very much difficulty or impossible

Quite a bit of difficulty

No difficulty 1.

a hard cookie?







meat (e.g., pork or beef)?







a raw carrot?







French bread/white bread?







peanuts or almonds?







an apple (not cut into pieces)?






Scoring key of the MFIQ Score per item: s = i-1 (range 0–4) (i = 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) sum score = S = s1··· + s17 maximal score = 17 × 4 = 68

SCORE ___________________

Rough score = C = S/68 (range: 0–1) Function impairment (“rating”) 0 all i  2 and C ≤ 0.3 1 at least one i  2 and C ≤ 0.3 2 all i  3 and 0.3  C  0.6 3 at least one i  3 and 0.3  C  0.6 4 all i  4 and C  0.6 5 at least one i = 4 and C  0.6 Qualitative measure for function impairment: I = low: rating = 0 or 1 II = moderate: rating = 2 or 3 III = severe: rating = 4 or 5

eTool 4.3, cont’d

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint Clinician Name Address



This questionnaire is designed to help your doctor evaluate your problem. Please answer all questions as honestly as possible. Use a dark #2 lead pencil. Mark answers clearly, erasing completely any changes. Make no marks outside answer spaces. Do not skip any (Marking Example: [ ] [ ] ) questions,even if you are not absolutely sure. Initials: ___ ___ ___

File No. (filled in by clinician) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Today’s Date ___/___/___

Age _____

Marital Status (mark one)

[ 1 ] Single [ 2 ] Married [ 3 ] Separated

[ 4 ] Divorced [ 5 ] Widowed [ 6 ] Remarried

Number of School Years (mark one) Problem Length (mark one)

Sex (mark one ) Ethnic/Racial Group (mark one)

[ 1]

[ 2 ] Female


[ 1 ] Black [ 4 ] White [ 2 ] Hispanic [ 5 ] Other [ 3 ] Asian

[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 5] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8] [9] [ 10 ] [ 11] [ 12] [ 13] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20+ ]

[ 1 ] None [ 3 ] 15 Months [ 2 ] Less Than 1 Month [ 4 ] 611 Months

[ 5 ] 12 Years [ 6 ] 35 Years

[ 7 ] 6-10 Years [ 8 ] 10+ Years

1. This question should only be answered if you have upper and lower front teeth or are wearing a replacement for them. Open your mouth as wide as possible and position your hand as shown in the diagram below. Place as many fingers as possible between your upper and lower front teeth. Now mark one number below indicating the number of fingers. (mark one) less than 1 finger………………………………………............ [ 0 ] at least 1 finger………………………………………............ [ 1 ] at least 2 fingers……………………………………..........… [ 2 ] at least 3 fingers……………………………………..........… [ 3 ] at least 4 fingers……………………………………….......... [ 4 ] For questions #2-8 below, locate each area on your face (except F) using the lettered diagram. Press each area firmly on both sides of your face. Mark the number that indicates the maximum amount of pain you feel. no pain 0 slight pain 1 A E moderate pain 2 B F quite a bit of pain 3 C G extreme pain 4


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Pressing my temples (A on diagram)………………………………………...... Pressing my jaw joints (B on diagram)……………………………………….... Pressing my jaw muscles (C on diagram)…………………………………...... Pressing the muscles under the sides of my jaw (D on diagram)………...... Pressing in my ears (E on diagram)………………………………………........ Pressing the back of my neck (G on diagram)……………………………...... Pressing the sides of my neck (H on diagram)………………………….........

(mark one) [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

[1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

[2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2]

[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]

[4 ] [4 ] [4 ] [4 ] [4 ] [4 ] [4 ]

S.R. Levitt M.D., Ph.D., T.F. Lundeen, D.M.D., M.W. McKinney, Ph.D. Copyright ©1984, 1987 Pain Resource Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

eTool 4.4  TMJ ScaleTM. (Copyright ©1984, 1987 Pain Resource Centre, Inc. Available at www.tmjscale.com)

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260.e6 Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint Mark the number which best describes how much of the time each statement below applies to you, using the following key: none of the time 0 a little of the time 1 a moderate amount of time 2 quite a bit of time 3 all of the time 4 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Just a light touch on my face causes shock-like pain...................................... My jaw must click or pop before I can open it wide......................................... My jaw opens all the way without any sideways movements.......................... My jaw locks open I have headaches which begin after seeing flashes of light or dark spots...... My jaw moves easily....................................................................................... I have health problems which haven't responded to treatment....................... I have pain in my jaw joint(s) (B on the diagram)............................................ My jaw tires easily when chewing................................................................... I have headaches which are made worse by bright light.................................

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

It hurts my teeth when I bite............................................................................ I have muscle or joint pain in areas other than my head or neck.................... I can move my jaw more to one side than the other........................................ I feel tense and worried................................................................................... I have drainage from my ear(s)....................................................................... I feel sad and depressed.................................................................................. I clench my teeth............................................................................................. My bite feels comfortable................................................................................. I have jaw pain which gets worse the more I move my jaw............................. It is difficult to find a comfortable position for my jaw......................................

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

I have pain in my ear(s) (E on diagram).......................................................... I have sinus problems..................................................................................... When I bite down normally, my front teeth touch............................................ During my life, I've had many different painful disorders................................. I have facial pain which comes on suddenly like electric shocks.................... I can open my mouth as far as possible without pain...................................... I have pain in or behind my eye(s).................................................................. My jaw makes a grating or grinding noise when it opens and closes.............. I think my bite is off.......................................................................................... I have pain which gets worse with stress or tension.......................................

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

2 eTool 4.4, cont’d

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint Mark the number which best describes how much of the time each statement below applies to you, using the following key: none of the time 0 a little of the time 1 a moderate amount of time 2 quite a bit of time 3 all of the time 4 (mark one) 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

My jaw clicks or pops when I chew.................................................................... I can bite down hard without pain in my jaw....................................................... One painful problem is followed by another....................................................... I have jaw pain which makes me feel sick and feverish..................................... I grind my teeth during the day........................................................................... I have numb areas on my face........................................................................... I use nerve pills, sleeping pills, or alcohol for relief............................................ I can move my jaw smoothly.............................................................................. I can chew without bumping my teeth unexpectedly.......................................... I have a feeling of pins and needles on my face................................................

[ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ]

49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

I have pain in my jaw muscles (C on diagram).................................................. I have pain in the back of my neck (G on diagram)............................................ Over the years, I've been under a lot of stress................................................... My jaw twitches or jerks uncontrollably.............................................................. When I bite down normally, my back teeth touch............................................... The way my front teeth fit seems to be changing............................................... A light touch on one side of my face causes shock-like pain on the other......... I have a ringing in my ear(s)............................................................................... I have pain which gets worse with certain people or situations.......................... I have pain in the side(s) of my neck (H on diagram).........................................

[ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ]

59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

I have a steady pain across my forehead.......................................................... I have many changing pains............................................................................... I feel angry.......................................................................................................... Other people notice noise from my jaw when I chew......................................... I can chew food as well as I used to.................................................................. I have health problems which seem to be getting worse................................... I have pain in the muscles under my jaw (D on diagram).................................. I have pain in my temple(s) (A on diagram)....................................................... I feel anxious...................................................................................................... I can open my mouth as wide as I used to.........................................................

[ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ]

[ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ]

[ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ]

[ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ] [ 0 ] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4 ]

3 eTool 4.4, cont’d

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260.e8 Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint Mark the number which best describes how much of the time each statement below applies to you, using the following key: none of the time 0 a little of the time 1 a moderate amount of time 2 quite a bit of time 3 all of the time 4 (mark one) 69. The way my back teeth fit seems to be changing.............................................. 70. I sleep well......................................................................................................... 71. I have head or facial pain which gets worse when I bend over......................... 72. When I touch one side of my face, the other side gets numb............................ 73. My jaw gets stuck and won't open all the way................................................... 74. The only real problems in my life are problems with my physical health........... 75. I've had conflicting doctors' opinions about health problems............................. 76. I can move my jaw in any direction without pain................................................ 77. I have facial pain which gets worse in cold weather.......................................... 78. I feel frustrated

[ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4]

79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.

I have a stuffy nose............................................................................................ Recently I've been under a lot of stress............................................................. I have headaches which make me feel sick to my stomach.............................. I can take big bites of things like apples............................................................ I have work or family pressures......................................................................... I have pain and stiffness in my finger joints....................................................... My back teeth feel like they fit properly............................................................. I believe I have an incurable problem in spite of reassurance by doctors......... In the morning my teeth are sore and my jaw is tired........................................ My ears feel blocked or stopped up...................................................................

[ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4]

89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97.

I have many health problems............................................................................ My jaw moves just as far forward as it used to.................................................. I have difficulty swallowing................................................................................ I have pain behind my ear(s) (F on diagram).................................................... I have facial pain when other joints are also sore.............................................. I have nervous problems................................................................................... I have throbbing headaches.............................................................................. I feel dizzy.......................................................................................................... I consider myself to be a sickly person..............................................................

[ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4]

[0] [1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4]

[ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2]

[ 3] [4]

[ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4]

[ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4] [ 0] [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [4]

4 eTool 4.4, cont’d

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint



B Fig. 4.31  Joint compression test.  (A) In side lying. (B) In supine lying. Both condyles are compressed at the same time.

Fig. 4.32  Reload test.

to bite down on a cotton roll or similar object placed between the mandibles (Fig. 4.33). The test is repeated on the other side. The placing of the cotton roll distracts the ipsilateral TMJ and compresses the contralateral joint. If the pain is in the muscle that closes the mouth, the affected muscle could be on either side. If the pain is in the joint on the distraction side, it suggests a capsular problem. If the pain is on the contralateral side, it indicates inflammation in the joint.  Tongue Blade Test.9,50–53 This test is used to rule out mandibular fractures. The uninvolved side is tested first. The patient is asked to bite down on a tongue depressor as it lies over the molars on one side. The examiner then attempts to twist and break the tongue depressor (see Fig. 2.30A). If the examiner is able to do so, the test is negative. If the patient cannot stabilize the tongue depressor because of pain, the test is positive and indicates the need for diagnostic imaging. The examiner can listen to (auscultate) the TMJs during movement (Fig. 4.34). The movements “listened to” include opening and closing of the mouth, lateral

Fig. 4.33  Separation clench test.

deviation of the mandible to the right and left, and mandibular protrusion. Normally, a sound would be heard only on occlusion. This is a single solid sound, not a “slipping” sound. A slipping sound could occur if the teeth were not hitting simultaneously. The most common joint noise is reciprocal clicking (see Fig. 4.9), which occurs when the mouth opens and when it closes. The clicking is clinical evidence that the condyle is slipping over the disc and then self-­reducing. The opening click results when the condyle slips under the posterior aspect of the disc (reduces) or slips anterior to the disc (subluxes) on opening. The second click, which is quieter, occurs when the condyle slips posterior to the disc (subluxes) or into its proper position and reduces. A single click may occur if the condyle gets caught behind the disc on opening (see Fig. 4.7) or if the condyle slips behind the disc on closing. On opening, the later the click occurs, the more anterior lies the disc. The later the opening click, the more the disc is displaced anteriorly and the more likely it is to lock. A closing click is usually caused by loosening of the structures attaching the disc to the condyle. Clicking is more likely to occur in hypermobile joints.54,55

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Grating noise (crepitus) is usually indicative of degenerative joint disease or a perforation in the disc. Painful crepitus usually means that the disc has eroded, the condyle bone and temporal bone are rubbing together, and much of the fibrocartilage has been lost. While the examiner is listening, each movement should be done four or five times to ensure a correct diagnosis.

Fig. 4.34  Auscultation of the left temporomandibular joint.

Fig. 4.35  Testing of the jaw reflex.  (A) Hitting examiner’s thumb. (B) Hitting tongue depressor.


For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the TMJ are available in eAppendix 4.1. 

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution The reflex of the TMJs is called the jaw reflex. The examiner’s thumb or finger is placed on the chin of the patient with the patient’s mouth relaxed and open in the resting position. The patient is asked to close the eyes. If this is not done, the patient commonly tenses as he or she sees the reflex hammer being swung toward the examiner’s thumb/finger or the tongue depressor, and the test does not work. The examiner then taps the thumbnail with a neurological hammer (Fig. 4.35A). The jaw reflex may also be tested by using a tongue depressor (Fig. 4.35B). The examiner holds the tongue depressor firmly against the bottom teeth; while the patient relaxes the jaw muscles, the examiner taps the tongue depressor with the reflex hammer. The reflex closes the mouth and is a test of CN V. The examiner must be aware of the dermatome patterns for the head and neck (Fig. 4.36) as well as the sensory nerve distribution of the peripheral nerves (see




C2 C2


Fig. 4.36  Dermatomes of the head.

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Fig. 4.37 Referred pain patterns to and from the temporomandibular joint in the teeth, head, and neck.

TABLE  4.7

Temporomandibular Muscles and Referral of Pain Muscle

Referral Pattern


Cheek, mandible to forehead or ear


Maxilla to forehead and side of head above ear

Medial pterygoid

Posterior mandible to temporomandibular joint

Lateral pterygoid

Cheek to temporomandibular joint


Lateral cervical spine to posterolateral skull Above eye, over eyelid, and up over lateral aspect of skull


Fig. 3.70). Pain may be referred from the TMJ to the teeth, neck, or head, and vice versa (Fig. 4.37). Table 4.7 shows the muscles of the TMJ and their referral of pain. 

Joint Play Movements The joint play movements of the TMJs are then tested. Pain on performing these tests may indicate articular problems or pathology to the retrodiscal tissues.56 Longitudinal Cephalad (Distraction) and Anterior Glide. Wearing rubber gloves, the examiner places the thumb on the patient’s lower teeth inside the mouth with the index finger on the mandible outside the mouth. The mandible is then distracted by pushing down with the thumb and pulling down and forward with the index finger while the other fingers push against the chin, acting as a pivot point. The examiner should feel the tissue stretch of the joint. Each joint is done individually while the other hand and arm stabilize the head (Fig. 4.38A). 


Lateral Glide of the Mandible. The patient lies supine with the mouth slightly open and the mandible relaxed. The examiner places the thumb inside the mouth along the medial side of the mandible and teeth. By pushing the thumb laterally, the mandible glides laterally.32 Each joint is done individually (Fig. 4.38B).  Medial Glide of the Mandible. The patient is in side-­lying position with the mandible relaxed. The examiner places the thumb (or overlapping thumbs) over the lateral aspect of the mandibular condyle outside the mouth and applies a medial pressure to the condyle, gliding the condyle medially.32 Each joint is done individually (Fig. 4.38C).  Posterior Glide of the Mandible. The patient is in side-­ lying position with the mandible relaxed. The examiner places the thumb (or overlapping thumbs) over the anterior aspect of the mandibular condyle outside the mouth and applies a posterior pressure to the condyle, gliding the condyle posteriorly.32 Each joint is done individually (Fig. 4.38D).  Caudal-Anterior-Medial (CAM) Glide. The patient is placed in the same position as for medial glide. The mobilizing hand is placed over the proximal (upper) mandibular ramus and pushes the ramus caudally, anteriorly, and medially, causing a CAM glide. The test can be performed in various amounts of mouth opening and tests the temporomandibular ligament.9 

Palpation Palpation should be carried out carefully because of the sensitivity of the tissues around the TMJ. To palpate the TMJs, the examiner places the fingers (padded part anteriorly) in the patient’s external auditory canals and asks the patient to actively open and close the mouth. As this is being done, the examiner determines whether both sides are moving simultaneously and whether the movement is smooth. If the patient feels pain on closing, the posterior capsule is usually involved. While palpating, the examiner looks to see if there is any tenderness and whether the joint is irritable or nonirritable. If the joint or structure being palpated (applying about 2 to 3 lb [approximately 1 kg] of force) is irritable, the patient’s symptoms increase with minimal pressure and it takes a relatively longer time for the sensation to return to baseline. If the joint or structure is nonirritable, the patient’s symptoms become evident only with more pressure and the time of the sensation to return to baseline is relatively short.9 The examiner can also apply pressure to the facial muscles (Fig. 4.39) to see if they are pain generators by comparing degrees of tenderness.35 The examiner then places the index fingers over the mandibular condyles and feels for elicited pain or tenderness on opening and closing of the mouth. The examiner may also palpate the medial pterygoid, the medial and lower border of the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid, the temporalis and its tendon, and the masseter muscles

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

1 2





Fig. 4.38  Joint play of the temporomandibular joints when each side is tested individually.  (A) Longitudinal cephalad and anterior glide. (B) Lateral glide of the mandible. Examiner pushes mandible laterally. (C) Medial glide of the mandible. Examiner pushes mandible medially while palpating temporomandibular joint with the other thumb. This causes the other temporomandibular joint to move laterally. (D) Posterior glide of the mandible. Examiner pushes mandible posteriorly while palpating temporomandibular joint with the other thumb.

and any other soft tissues for tenderness or indications of pathology (see Fig. 4.39). This procedure is followed by palpation of the following structures. Mandible. The examiner palpates the mandible along its entire length, feeling for any differences between the left and right sides. As the examiner moves along the superior aspect of the angle of the mandible, the fingers pass over the parotid gland. Normally the gland is not palpable, but with pathology (e.g., mumps), the site feels “boggy” rather than having the normal hard and bony feel.  Teeth. The examiner should note the position, absence, or tenderness of the teeth. The examiner wears a rubber glove and palpates inside the patient’s mouth. At the same time, the interior cheek region and gums may be palpated for pathology.  Hyoid Bone (Anterior to C2, C3 Vertebrae). While palpating the hyoid bone (Fig. 4.40), the examiner asks the patient to swallow. Normally the bone moves and causes no pain. The hyoid bone is part of the superior trachea.  Thyroid Cartilage (Anterior to C4, C5 Vertebrae). When the patient’s neck is in neutral position, the thyroid cartilage can easily be moved; when the neck is in extension, it is tight and the examiner may feel crepitations. The thyroid

gland, which is adjacent to the cartilage, may be palpated at the same time. If it is abnormal or inflamed, it will be tender and enlarged.  Mastoid Processes. The examiner should palpate the skull, following the posterior aspect of the ear. The examiner will come to a point on the skull where the finger dips inward. The point just before the dip is the mastoid process (see Fig. 3.78).  Cervical Spine. Beginning on the posterior aspect at the occiput, the examiner systematically palpates the posterior structures of the neck (spinous processes, facet joints, and muscles of the suboccipital region), working from the head toward the shoulders. On the lateral aspect, the transverse processes of the vertebrae, the lymph nodes (palpable only if swollen), and the muscles should be palpated for tenderness. A more detailed description of the palpation of these structures is given in Chapter 3. 

Diagnostic Imaging Diagnostic imaging should be used only when it will generate information that will influence treatment decisions.57,58

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Temporalis muscle


Temporomandibular ligament

External auditory meatus

Condyloid process Mandibular arch

Parotid gland




Masseter muscle

Angle of mandible


Mental protuberance Temporomandibular ligament Temporomandibular joint

Superior lateral pterygoid muscle

Temporal bone

Stylomandibular ligament Inferior lateral pterygoid muscle Medial pterygoid muscle



Coronoid process

Mandibular arch

Posterior digastric muscle Stylohyoid muscle


Hyoid bone

Anterior digastric muscle Mylohyoid muscle Intermediate tendon

Fig. 4.39  Muscles of the temporomandibular joint.  (A) Temporalis muscle. (B) Masseter muscle. (C) Medial pterygoid muscle. (D) Inferior and superior lateral pterygoid muscles. (E) Digastric muscle. (Modified from Okeson JP: Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion, St Louis, 1998, CV Mosby, pp. 18–20, 22.)

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Plain Film Radiography

On the anteroposterior view, the examiner should look for condylar shape and normal contours. On the lateral view, the examiner should look for condylar shape and contours, Hyoid bone (C3) Thyroid cartilage (C4 & C5) Cricoid cartilage (C6)

position of condylar heads in the opened and closed positions (Fig. 4.41), amount of condylar movement (closed vs. open), and relation of TMJ to other bony structures of the skull and cervical spine (Fig. 4.42). X-­ray views commonly taken for the TMJ are shown in the following box. A dental panoramic radiograph (Fig. 4.43) may sometimes be taken by a dentist to allow comparison of teeth on both sides of the jaw. 

Common X-­Ray Views of the Temporomandibular Joints

Fig. 4.40  Position of the hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, and cricoid cartilage. Mandibular fossa

• • • • • • •

A nteroposterior view (mouth closed) (Fig. 4.44) Lateral view (open and closed mouth) of TMJ (Fig. 4.45) Lateral view (closed mouth) (Fig. 4.46) Lateral view (TMJ and cervical spine) (see Fig. 4.42) Transcranial (lateral oblique) view (Fig. 4.47) Submentovertex view (Fig. 4.48) Dental panoramic view (see Fig. 4.43)

TMJ, Temporomandibular joint. Joint cavity

Condyle Articular eminence External auditory meatus Neck of condyle Mastoid air cells

A Mandibular fossa

Articular eminence


External auditory meatus

Neck of condyle Mastoid air cells

B Fig. 4.41  Radiographs of the right temporomandibular joint.  (A) Mouth closed. (B) Mouth open. (From Liebgott B: The anatomical basis of dentistry, St Louis, 1986, CV Mosby, p. 295; Courtesy Dr. Friedman.)

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint


Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging

Diagnostic ultrasound imaging (DUSI) is beginning to be used in assessment of the TMJ. Its advantage is that it can project dynamic opening and closing of the joint.59–61 To be used for imaging the TMJ, high-­resolution devices (≥12 MHz) should be used.57,62 Similar to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), DUSI can be used to detect the normal condyle-­disc relationship, anterior disc displacement with and without reduction, joint effusion, and bone pathologies (Fig. 4.49).57,62,63 As with all DUSI techniques, the quality will depend on the operator’s experience and training.57,64 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI is considered by dentists to be the gold standard imaging technique for testing the reliability of clinical findings in the TMJ.14,59,60,62,64 This technique is used to differentiate the soft tissue of the joint, mainly the disc, from the bony structures. It has the advantage of using nonionizing radiation (Figs. 4.50 and 4.51). MRIs are contraindicated in patients with pacemakers, intracranial vascular clips, and metal particles in the eye or other vital structures.57

Fig. 4.42  Lateral radiographs of the skull, left temporomandibular joint, and cervical spine.

Fig. 4.43 Dental panoramic radiograph. (From Kaneda T, Weber AL, Scrivani SJ, et al: Cysts, tumors, and nontumorous lesions of the jaw. In Som PM, Curtin HD, editors: Head and neck imaging, ed 5, St. Louis, 2011, Mosby, Inc.)

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Fig. 4.46  Lateral view of the skull (closed mouth).

Fig. 4.44  Anteroposterior view of the temporomandibular joints (closed mouth).

Right Open




Left Fig. 4.47  Transcranial (lateral oblique) view (closed mouth).

Fig. 4.45  Lateral view of the temporomandibular joints (open and closed mouth).

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

Mandibular mentum Maxillary sinus Posterior palatine bone Sphenoid sinus


Nasal fossae Vomer and bony nasal septum Ethmoid sinus Mandibular body Mandibular coronoid Mandibular ramus Foramen ovale Foramen spinosum

Mandibular condyle

Mastoid air cells

Dens Cranial cortex Petrous pyramid

Foramen magnum

Fig. 4.48  Submentovertex (Schueller) cranial image with accurate positioning. (From McQuillen Martensen K: Radiographic image analysis, ed 3, St Louis, 2011, WB Saunders Company, p. 525.)


Fig. 4.49  Ultrasound examination of the temporomandibular joint.


Fig. 4.50  Acute temporomandibular joint lock from a nonreducing displaced disc.  (A) T1-­weighted sagittal spin-­echo magnetic resonance image with the mouth closed shows the dislocated disc (arrow) anterior to the condyle. (B) With attempted mouth opening, no appreciable anterior translation of the condyle occurs, but the disc folds on itself in the thin intermediate zone because of increased pressure from the condyle. The normal biconcave configuration of the disc and the normal intradiscal signal intensity are maintained (arrow). (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders, p. 516.)

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint











Fig. 4.51  Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).  (A) T1-­weighted sagittal spin-­echo MR image of a normal TMJ. View with the mouth closed shows high signal intensity from the condylar marrow (C) and articular eminence (E). Surrounding cortical bone is devoid of signal. The disc, of low signal intensity, is interposed between the condyle and the fossa; the intermediate zone articulates with the condyle and eminence where they are most closely apposed. The solid arrow points to the anterior band and the open arrow to the posterior band of the disc. (B) Sagittal gradient echo MR image used for fast (pseudodynamic) scanning shows a normal position of the disc with the mouth closed. Marrow becomes low in signal intensity with this sequence, and fluid in the inferior joint space becomes bright (arrows); the disc remains low in signal intensity. (C) Sagittal gradient image of a normal TMJ with the mouth open. The intermediate zone of the disc maintains its position between the condyle (C) and the eminence (E), whereas the posterior band slides posterior to the condyle (arrow). (D) T1-­weighted sagittal spin-­echo MR image in a patient with clicking and pain demonstrates internal derangement with both the anterior (solid arrow) and posterior (open arrow) bands of the disc displaced anteriorly relative to the condyle (C). C, Condyle; E, eminence. (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders, p. 509.)

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint



PRÉCIS OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT ASSESSMENT NOTE: Suspected pathology will determine which Special Tests are to be performed. History Observation Examination Active movements Neck flexion Neck extension Neck side flexion, left and right Neck rotation, left and right Extend neck by opening mouth Assess functional opening Assess freeway space Open mouth Closed mouth (occlusion) Measure protrusion of mandible

Measure retrusion of mandible Measure lateral deviation of mandible, left and right Measure mandibular length Swallowing and tongue position Cranial nerve testing, if necessary Passive movements (as in active movements), if necessary Resisted isometric movements Open mouth Closed mouth (occlusion) Lateral deviation of jaw Functional assessment Special tests Reflexes and cutaneous distribution Joint play movements Palpation Diagnostic imaging


entire assessment is usually done with the patient sitting. After any examination, the patient should be warned of the possibility of exacerbation of symptoms as a result of the assessment.

CASE STUDIES When doing these case studies, the examiner should list the appropriate questions to be asked and why they are being asked, what to look for and why, and what things should be tested and why. Depending on the answers of the patient (and the examiner should consider different responses), several possible causes of the patient’s problem may become evident (examples are given in parentheses). A differential diagnosis chart should be made up (see Table 4.8 as an example). The examiner can then decide how different diagnoses may affect the treatment plan. 1. A 52-­year-old housewife is being seen for painful clicking in her right jaw. She reports recent onset of jaw pain following a visit to the dentist for a standard tooth filling. The pain is unilateral and is increased with eating. She has pain near her TMJ on that side but also reports that she thinks she is still having tooth pain as she did prior to the dental procedure, including sharp pain with drinking hot or cold drinks. Describe how you would determine whether her problem is arising from TMJ, the dental procedure, or both? 2. You are treating a 28-­year-old male who competes in competitive Taekwondo. During a recent event, he was kicked in the mouth. Although he was wearing a mouth guard, the kick was hard enough that it caused damage to several of his teeth; and, he is also having left jaw pain. He has pain to opening and closing of his mouth on the left side only. This is even painful at times to open mouth enough to speak. Because of bruising present over his lateral face, you anticipate some of his problem may be soft tissue in origin. What muscles that affect TMJ function would be important to palpate for this patient? Additionally, what muscles would be important to manual muscle test and how would you test each of those muscles? 3. A 49-­year-­old woman comes to you complaining of neck and left temporomandibular joint pain. The pain is worse when she eats, especially if she chews on the left. Describe your assessment

plan for this patient (cervical spondylosis versus temporomandibular dysfunction; see Table 4.8). 4. A 33-­year-­old woman comes to you complaining of pain and clicking when opening her mouth, especially when the mouth is open wide. She states that there is a small click on closing but minimal pain. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (temporomandibular joint arthritis vs. temporomandibular disc dysfunction). 5. An 18-­year-­old male hockey player comes to you stating that he was hit in the jaw while playing. He is in severe pain and has difficulty speaking. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (cervical sprain vs. temporomandibular joint dysfunction). 6. A 35-­year-­old man comes to you with his jaw locked open. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (temporomandibular disc dysfunction vs. temporomandibular arthritis). 7. A 42-­year-­old woman comes to you complaining of jaw pain and headaches. She slipped on some wet stairs 3 days ago and fell, hitting her chin on the stairs. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (temporomandibular joint dysfunction vs. head injury). 8. A 27-­year-­old nervous woman comes to you complaining of jaw pain. She has recently had a new dental plate installed. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (cervical sprain vs. temporomandibular joint dysfunction).

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Chapter 4  Temporomandibular Joint

TABLE  4.8

Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Spondylosis and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Cervical Spondylosis

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Insidious onset May complain of referred pain into shoulder, arm, or head Stiff neck

Insidious onset May be related to biting something hard


Muscle guarding of neck muscles

Minimal or no muscle guarding

Active movements

Cervical spine movements limited

Cervical movements may be limited if they compress or stress TMJ TMJ movements may or may not be painful but range of motion is altered


TMJ movements normal

Pain may be referred to neck or head

Passive movements

Restricted May have altered end feel: muscle spasm or bone-to-bone


Resisted isometric movements

Relatively normal Myotomes may be affected


Special tests

Spurling’s test may be positive Distraction test may be positive


Reflexes and cutaneous distribution

Deep tendon reflexes may be hyporeflexic See history for referred pain

No effect See history for referred pain

TMJ, Temporomandibular joint.

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56. Langendoen J, Muller J, Jull GA. Retrodiscal tissue of the temporomandibular joint: clinical anatomy and its role in diagnosis and treatment of arthropathies. Man Ther. 1997;2:191–198. 57. Bas B, Yilmaz N, Gökce E, Akan H. Diagnostic value of ultrasonography and temporomandibular disorders. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;69(5):1304–1310. 58. Emshoff R, Innerhofer K, Rudisch A, Bertram S. Clinical versus magnetic resonance imaging findings with internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: an evaluation of anterior disc displacement without reduction. J Oral Maxillofacial Surg. 2002;60(1):36–41. 59. Emshoff R, Bertram S, Rudisch A, Gassner R. The diagnostic value of ultrasonography to determine the temporomandibular joint disk position. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1997;84(6):688–696. 60. Hechler BL, Phero JA, Van Mater H, Matthews NS. Ultrasound versus magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint and juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;47(1):83–89. 61. Klatkiewicz T, Gawriolek K, Radzikowska MP, Czajka-­ Jakubowska A. Ultrasonography in the diagnosis of temporomandibular joints: a meta-­analysis. Med Sci Monit. 2018;24:812–817. 62. Kaya K, Dulgeroglu D, Unsal-­Delialioglu S, et  al. Diagnostic value of ultrasonography evaluation of temporomandibular joint anterior disc displacement. J Cranio-­Maxillo-­Fac Surg. 2010;38(5):391–395. 63. Kundu H, Basavaraj P, Kote S, et  al. Assessment of TMJ disorders using ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool: a review. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013;7(12):3116– 3120. 64. Manfredini D, Guarda-­Nardini L. Ultrasonography of the temporomandibular joint: a literature review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;38(12):1229–1236. 65. Neiner J, Free R, Caldito G, et al. Tongue blade bite test predicts mandibular fractures. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr. 2016;9(2):121–124.

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Chapter Chapter4 4 Temporomandibular TemporomandibularJoint Joint


eAPPENDIX 4.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Temporomandibular Joint CDC(RDC)/TMD CRITERIA Specificity


• Absence of internal derangement, 85%; internal derangement type I, 21%14 • Myalgia, 99%18 • Myofascial pain, 98%18 • Arthralgia, 98%18 • Disc displacement without reduction with limited opening, 97%18 • Disc displacement with reduction, 94%18 • Disc displacement with reduction and intermittent locking, 98%18 • Disc displacement without reduction without limited opening, 79%18 • Degenerative joint disease, 61%18

• Absence of internal derangement, 25%; internal derangement type I, 85%14 • Myalgia, 90%18 • Myofascial pain, 86%4 • Arthralgia, 89%18 • Disc displacement without reduction with limited opening, 80%18 • Disc displacement with reduction, 34%18 • Disc displacement with reduction and intermittent locking, 38%18 • Disc displacement without reduction without limited opening, 54%18 • Degenerative joint disease, 55%18

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for absence of internal derangement, 1.66; for internal derangement type I, 1.0714 • Negative likelihood ratio for absence of internal derangement, 0.88; for internal derangement type I, 0.1914



• For anterior disc displacement, 79.2%39

Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 75.7%39 • Positive likelihood ratio, 3.64; negative likelihood ratio, 0.3139



Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 79.8%39 • For anterior disc displacement, 67.6%39 • Positive likelihood ratio, 3.45; negative likelihood ratio, 0.4139



Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 89%39 • For anterior disc displacement, 85.7%39 • Positive likelihood ratio, 7.79; negative likelihood ratio, 0.1639



• For anterior disc displacement, 15.6%40

Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 15.6%40 • Positive likelihood ratio, 0.18; negative likelihood ratio, 5.4140

DEFLECTION Specificity


• For anterior disc displacement, 27%40 • For anterior disc displacement, 27%40

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio, 0.37; negative likelihood ratio, 2.7040



Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 50%39 • For anterior disc displacement, 88.4%39 • Positive likelihood ratio, 1.77; negative likelihood ratio, 0.2339

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273.e2 Chapter Chapter 4  4  Temporomandibular Temporomandibular Joint Joint

eAPPENDIX 4.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Temporomandibular Joint —cont’d HISTORY OF CLICKING Specificity


• For anterior disc displacement, 96.7%40

Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 58%40

• Positive likelihood ratio, 17.57; negative likelihood ratio, 0.4340



• For anterior disc displacement, 83.6%40

Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 43.3%40 • Positive likelihood ratio, 2.62; negative likelihood ratio, 0.6840



• For anterior disc displacement, 77.8%40

Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 77.8%40 • Positive likelihood ratio, 3.50; negative likelihood ratio, 0.2840



• For anterior disc displacement, 79.8%39

Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 79.8%39 • Positive likelihood ratio, 3.99; negative likelihood ratio, 0.2539

MAXIMAL MOUTH OPENING Reliability • Interrater r = 0.9; intrarater r = 0.9 (minimal detectable difference, 6 mm)37

TMJ PAIN Specificity


• For anterior disc displacement, 59.1%40

Odds Ratio

• For anterior disc displacement, 59.1%40 • Positive likelihood ratio, 1.44; negative likelihood ratio, 0.6940




• k = 0.9650

• 68%50 • 9  5%65 • 88.9% for pediatric patients65

• 88.5%65 • 1  00% for pediatric patients65

Odds Ratio • Negative predictive value, 0.92; negative likelihood ratio, 0.0750 • Positive predictive value, 88.5%; negative predictive value, 95%65 • Positive predictive value, 75% for pediatric patients; negative predictive value, 100% for pediatric patients65

CDC, Centers for Disease Control; RDC/TMD, Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders; TMJ, temporomandibular joint.

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Shoulder The prerequisite to any treatment of a patient with pain in the shoulder region is a precise and comprehensive picture of the signs and symptoms as they present during the assessment and as they existed before that time. This knowledge ensures that the techniques used will suit the condition and that the degree of success will be estimated against this background. Shoulder pain can be caused by intrinsic disease of the shoulder joints, more than one structure in the shoulder or pathology in the periarticular structures, or it may originate from the cervical spine, chest, or visceral structures. To compound the issue, there is no one pain pattern that is distinct for one particular tissue in the shoulder. Most pain tissues in the shoulder show a similar pain pattern.1 For example, tendon injuries, rotator cuff syndrome, superior labrum anteroposterior (SLAP) lesions, osteoarthritis, and shoulder instability show similar symptoms.1 Pathology is commonly related to the level of activity, and age can play a significant role. The shoulder complex is difficult to assess because of its many structures (most of which are located in a small area), its many movements, and the many lesions that can occur either inside or outside the joints. Influences such as referred pain from the cervical spine and the possibility of more than one lesion being present simultaneously, as well as the difficulty in deciding what weight to give to each response, make the examination even more difficult to understand. Assessment of the shoulder region often necessitates an evaluation of the cervical spine (see Chapter 3) and thoracic spine (see Chapter 8), especially the ribs, to rule out referred symptoms. The examiner must be prepared to include the cervical spine and its scanning examination in any shoulder assessment in order to clear any issues involving peripheral nerves and nerve roots.

Applied Anatomy The glenohumeral joint is a multiaxial ball-­and-­socket synovial joint that depends primarily on the muscles and ligaments rather than bones for its support, stability, and integrity.2 Thus assessment of the muscles and ligaments/ capsule can play a major role in assessment of the shoulder. The labrum, which is the ring of fibrocartilage, surrounds and deepens the glenoid concavity of the scapula by about 30% to 50% (Fig. 5.1).3,4 The labrum functions as a “chock block,” increases the depth of the glenoid, resists translation, enables concavity compression (i.e.,

when the head of the humerus is compressed into the glenoid by the rotator cuff), centralizes the humeral head in the glenoid, and helps to maintain a negative intra-­ articular pressure within the joint, all of which help to stabilize the glenohumeral joint.4 Only part of the humeral head is in contact with the glenoid at any one time. This joint has three axes and three degrees of freedom. The resting position of the glenohumeral joint is 55° of abduction and 30° of horizontal adduction. The close packed position of the joint is full abduction and lateral rotation. When it is relaxed, the humerus sits centered in the glenoid cavity; with contraction of the rotator cuff muscles, it is compressed and pushed or translated anteriorly, posteriorly, inferiorly, superiorly, or in any combination of these movements. This movement is small, but full movement is impossible if it does not occur. The glenoid in the resting position has 5° of superior tilt or inclination and 7° of retroversion (slight medial rotation). Humeral torsion is the relative position of the humeral head and the axis of the elbow at the distal humerus (Fig. 5.2).5 The amount of torsion is determined by genetic as well as activity-­ related factors, with greater retrotorsion commonly found in the dominant limb. It is greatest at birth, decreases up to early adolescence, and normally stabilizes in teenagers.6–9 The amount of torsion present affects medial and lateral rotation of the shoulder and normally ranges from −5° to +50°, with a smaller angle in children.10,11 The larger the angle of torsion (i.e., less retroversion), the greater the amount of lateral rotation the patient can accomplish.10,12 The angle between the humeral neck and shaft is about 130°, and the humeral head is retroverted 25° to 30° in adults (from about 75° in babies) relative to the line joining the epicondyles (Fig. 5.3).4,13,14 The retroversion may be larger in overhead-­throwing athletes (i.e., the retrotorsion is restricted by repetitive throwing) such as pitchers and tennis players, who try to maintain maximum lateral rotation in the shoulder.5,6,14–21 This can Glenohumeral Joint Resting position: 40°–55° abduction, 30° horizontal adduction   (scapular plane) Close packed position: Full abduction, lateral rotation Capsular pattern: Lateral rotation, abduction, medial rotation

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


Acromioclavicular joint

Acromion process

Capsular ligament Clavicle

Subacromial bursa

Synovial membrane Glenoid labrum

Supraspinatus tendon

Supraspinatus muscle

Subdeltoid bursa

Deltoid muscle

Body of scapula

Glenoid articular surface

Humeral articular surface

Labrum Capsule

Axillary pouch

Fig. 5.1  Anterior view of a frontal plane cross section of the right glenohumeral joint. Note the subacromial and subdeltoid bursa within the subacromial space. Bursa and synovial lining are depicted in blue. The deltoid and supraspinatus muscles are also shown. (Redrawn from Neuman DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: foundations for rehabilitation, ed 2, St Louis, 2010, Mosby/Elsevier, p 143.)

Bicipital-forearm angle

Line of the ulna (forearm) Lateral epicondyle

Medial epicondyle

Humeral retroversion/ retrotorsion angle

Transepicondylar line Lesser tuberosity

Bicipital groove Humerus

Humeral torsion angle

Subscapularis Line bisecting the articular margins of the humeral head at the anatomical neck


Greater tuberosity

Articular surface of humeral head

Glenohumeral joint

Scapula Infraspinatus


Fig. 5.2  (A) The humeral head retroversion angle is the angle between a line bisecting the humeral articular margins and a line joining the epicondyles at the elbow. (B) The bicipital-forearm angle (BFA): the angle between the epicondylar axis (distal humerus) and a line connecting the two tuberosities (proximal humerus) represents the torsion of the humerus. Because the ulna is perpendicular to the epicondylar axis, the angle between the ulna and vertical is a measure of humeral retroversion. (A, Modified from Van Hoof T, Vangestel C, Shacklock M, et al: Asymmetry of the ULNT1 elbow extension range-of-motion in a healthy population: consequences for clinical practice and research. Phys Ther Sport 13:141-149, 2011. B, Redrawn from Dashottar A, Borstad JD: Validity of measuring humeral torsion using palpation of bicipital tuberosities, Physiother Theory Pract 29(1):67-74, 2013.)

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Chapter 5  Shoulder B

Glenoid cavity of the scapula








Acromion process



C Humerus



Bicipital groove

Humeral head Clavicle

Coracoid process

Corocoid process

Ribs Costal cartilage Fig. 5.3  Superior view of both shoulders in the anatomical position. Angle A: The clavicle is deviated about 20° posterior to the frontal plane. Angle B: The scapula (scapular plane or “scaption”) is deviated about 35° anterior to the frontal plane. Angle C: Retroversion of the humeral head about 30° posterior to the mediolateral axis at the elbow. The right clavicle and acromion have been removed to expose the top of the right glenohumeral joint. (Redrawn from Neuman DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: foundations for rehabilitation, ed 2, St Louis, 2010, Mosby/Elsevier, p 123.)

lead to increased glenohumeral internal (medial) rotation deficit (GIRD) and increased lateral rotation and possible posterior instability.22–25 Swimmers, on the other hand, show almost equal retroversion in both dominant and nondominant shoulders because swimming is a bilateral sport in which both shoulders commonly perform the same action (i.e., in freestyle swimming).26 The rotator cuff muscles play an integral role in shoulder movement. Their positioning on the humerus may be visualized by “cupping” the shoulder with the thumb anteriorly, as shown in Fig. 5.4. The biceps tendon (Fig. 5.5) runs between the thumb and index finger just anterior to the index finger. The long head of biceps tendon originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and is about 9 cm (3.5 inches) long.27 The biceps reflection pulley consists of the superior glenohumeral ligament, the coracohumeral ligament, and the deep fibers of supraspinatus and subscapularis tendons and helps to stabilize the long head of biceps as it passes over the joint line. It is anchored to the superior labrum and makes a 30° to 40°­turn where it is stabilized by the structures of the rotator interval as it exits the joint. 28–30 The tendon travels deep to the coracohumeral ligament and through the rotator interval before it exits the joint.30 Injuries to the pulley are associated with rotator cuff tears, SLAP lesions, and biceps instability and tears.28 The long head (and short head) of biceps stabilizes the glenohumeral joint anteriorly and acts as a dynamic depressor of the humeral head.30,31 The pulley has the greatest chance of injury by shear loading on forward flexion in neutral or medial rotation.27,30 The rotator cuff controls osteokinematic and arthrokinematic motion of the humeral head

Subscapularis muscle Supraspinatus muscle Infraspinatus muscle Teres minor muscle

Fig. 5.4  Positioning of the rotator cuff with thumb over subscapularis, index finger over supraspinatus, middle finger over infraspinatus, and ring finger over teres minor.

in the glenoid and, along with the biceps, depresses the humeral head during movements into elevation. The primary ligaments of the glenohumeral joint—the superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral ligaments and the coracohumeral ligament—play an important role in stabilizing the shoulder (Fig. 5.6).32,33 The superior glenohumeral ligament’s primary role is limiting inferior

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Chapter 5 Shoulder Acromion process


Coracoid process

“Cutout” for clarity Transverse humeral ligament Long head of biceps



Glenoid Short head of biceps

Coracoid process Head of humerus


Bicipital groove Fig. 5.5  The biceps apparatus.

Coracoacromial arch


Biceps brachi tendon (long head) Coracoacromial ligament

Supraspinatus Subacromial bursa

Coracohumeral ligament Coracoid process

Infraspinatus muscle Superior glenohumeral ligament Glenoid labrum

Subscapularis muscle

Glenoid fossa

Middle glenohumeral ligament

Teres minor muscle Anterior band Axillary pouch Posterior band

Inferior glenohumeral ligament

Body of scapula Fig. 5.6  Lateral aspect of the internal surface of the right glenohumeral joint. The humerus has been removed to expose the capsular ligaments and the glenoid fossa. Note the prominent coracoacromial arch and underlying subacromial bursa (blue). The four rotator cuff muscles are shown in red. (Redrawn from Neuman DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: foundations for rehabilitation, ed 2, St Louis, 2010, Mosby/Elsevier, p 139.)

translation in adduction. It also restrains anterior translation and lateral rotation up to 45° of abduction. The middle glenohumeral ligament, which is absent in 30% of the population, limits lateral rotation between 45° and 90° of abduction. The inferior glenohumeral ligament is the most important of the three ligaments. It has an anterior and posterior band with a thin “axillary pouch” in between, so it acts much like a hammock or sling. It supports the humeral head above 90° abduction, limiting inferior translation while the anterior band tightens on lateral rotation and the posterior band tightens on

medial rotation.34 Excessive lateral rotation, as seen in throwing, may lead to stretching of the anterior portion of the ligament (and capsule), thereby increasing glenohumeral laxity.35 The coracohumeral ligament primarily limits inferior translation and helps to limit lateral rotation below 60° of abduction. It also helps to stabilize the long head of biceps.29 This ligament is found in the rotator interval between the anterior border of the supraspinatus tendon and the superior border of the subscapularis tendon; thus, the ligament unites the two tendons anteriorly (Fig. 5.7).36–38 The rotator interval

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

is the anatomic space bound by the subscapularis, supraspinatus, and the coracoid.39 It consists of fibers of the coracohumeral ligament, middle and superior glenohumeral ligament, long head of biceps tendon and biceps tendon pulley, glenohumeral joint capsule, and part of the tendons of supraspinatus and subscapularis.38,40 Its Acromion process

role is as a passive stabilizer of the glenohumeral joint and to act as a “check rein” against excessive movement and posteroinferior glenohumeral translation.39,40 Injury to these structures can lead to contractures (e.g., frozen shoulder), biceps tendon instability, and anterior glenohumeral instability.38 See Table 5.1 for structures limiting movement in different degrees of abduction.34,41 The coracoacromial ligament forms an arch over the humeral head, acting as a block to superior translation.42 The transverse humeral ligament forms a roof over the bicipital groove to hold the long head of biceps tendon within the groove. The capsular pattern of the glenohumeral joint is most limited in lateral rotation, followed by abduction and medial rotation. Branches of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus and the suprascapular, axillary, and lateral pectoral nerves innervate the joint. The acromioclavicular joint is a plane synovial joint that augments the range of motion (ROM) of the humerus in the glenoid (Fig. 5.8). The bones making up this joint are the acromion process of the scapula and the lateral end of the clavicle. The acromion may have different undersurface shapes or types: type I, flat (17%); type II, curved (43%); type III, hooked (39%); and type IV,

Supraspinatus tendon Coracohumeral ligament

Rotator interval

Coracoid process

Transverse humeral ligment Biceps tendon

Subscapularis tendon

Long head of biceps

Capsule Short head of biceps

Fig. 5.7  Rotator interval (between dashed lines) showing the relationship between the supraspinatus tendon, subscapularis tendon, and the coracohumeral ligament.

TABLE  5.1

Structures Limiting Movement in Different Degrees of Abduction Angle of Abduction

Lateral Rotation


Medial Rotation

Superior GH ligament Anterior capsule

Coracohumeral ligament Superior GH ligament Capsule (anterior and posterior) Supraspinatus

Posterior capsule

0°–45° (note: 30°–45° of Coracohumeral ligament abduction in the scapular Superior GH ligament plane [resting position]— Anterior capsule maximal looseness of shoulder)

Middle GH ligament Posterior capsule Subscapularis Infraspinatus Teres minor

Posterior capsule


Middle GH ligament Coracohumeral ligament Inferior GH ligament (anterior band) Anterior capsule

Middle GH ligament Inferior GH ligament (especially anterior band) Subscapularis Infraspinatus Teres minor

Inferior GH ligament (posterior band) Posterior capsule


Inferior GH ligament (anterior band) Anterior capsule

Inferior GH ligament (especially posterior band) Middle GH ligament

Inferior GH ligament (posterior band) Posterior capsule


Inferior GH ligament (anterior band) Anterior capsule

Inferior GH ligament

Inferior GH ligament (posterior band) Posterior capsule


Inferior GH ligament (anterior band) Anterior capsule

Inferior GH ligament

Inferior GH ligament (posterior band) Posterior capsule

GH, Glenohumeral. Data from Curl LA, Warren RF: Glenohumeral joint stability—selective cutting studies on the static capsular restraints, Clin Orthop Relat Res 330:54–65, 1996; and Peat M, Culham E: Functional anatomy of the shoulder complex, In Andrews JR, Wilks KE, editors: The athlete’s shoulder, New York, 1994, Churchill Livingstone.

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Chapter 5 Shoulder Acromioclavicular ligament "cut" Coracoacromial ligament


Intra-articular disc


Acromion Subacromial space Coracohumeral ligament

Conoid ligament

Transverse ligament

Trapezoid ligament

Coracoclavicular ligament

Coracoid process

Biceps tendon Axillary pouch Humerus

Scapula (anterior)

Fig. 5.8  Anterior view of the right glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints. Note the subacromial space or supraspinatus outlet located between the top of the humeral head and the underside of the acromion. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: foundations for rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 107.)

close packed position of the acromioclavicular joint, the arm is abducted to 90°. The indication of a capsular pattern in the joint is pain at the extreme ROM, especially in horizontal adduction (cross flexion) and full elevation. This joint is innervated by branches of the suprascapular and lateral pectoral nerve. Acromioclavicular Joint Fig. 5.9  Acromion morphology. (A) Flat. (B) Curved. (C) Hooked. (D) Convex (upturn).

convex (upturned) (1%) (Fig. 5.9).43 About 70% of rotator cuff tears are associated with a hooked acromion.43 Some believe that the hooked acromion is not an anatomical variant but rather the result of ossification of the coracoacromial ligament at its attachment to the acromion.44 The joint has three degrees of freedom. The capsule, which is fibrous, surrounds the joint. An articular disc may be found within the joint. Rarely, the disc separates the acromion and clavicular articular surfaces. This joint depends on ligaments for its strength. The acromioclavicular ligaments surround the joint and control horizontal motion of the clavicle.45 These are commonly the first ligaments injured when the joint is stressed. The coracoclavicular ligament is the primary support of the acromioclavicular joint. It has two portions: the conoid (medial) and trapezoid (lateral) parts; they control the vertical motion of the clavicle.45,46 If a step deformity is found, this ligament has been torn. In the resting position of the joint, the arm rests by the side in the normal, standing position. In the

Resting position: Arm resting by side in normal physiological  position Close packed position: 90° abduction Capsular pattern: Pain at extremes of range of motion, especially   horizontal adduction and full elevation

The sternoclavicular joint, along with the acromioclavicular joint, enables the humerus in the glenoid to move through a full 180° of abduction (Fig. 5.10). It is a saddle-­shaped synovial joint with three degrees of freedom and is made up of the medial end of the clavicle, the manubrium of the sternum, and the cartilage of the first rib. It is the joint that joins the appendicular skeleton to the axial skeleton.47 A substantial disc lies between the two bony joint surfaces, and the capsule is thicker anteriorly than posteriorly. The disc separates the articular surfaces of the clavicle and sternum and adds significant strength to the joint because of its attachments, thereby preventing medial displacement of the clavicle. As in the case of the acromioclavicular joint, this joint depends on ligaments for its strength. The ligaments of the sternoclavicular joint include the anterior

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Chapter 5  Shoulder Left anterior jugular vein Right vagus nerve

Costoclavicular (rhomboid) ligament Interclavicular ligament Clavicle Joint capsule

Left common carotid artery Left internal jugular vein Left external jugular vein

Left subclavian vein First rib

Innominate artery

Costal cartilage Intra-articular disc Manubrium sternum


Right brachiocephalic vein Anterior sternoclavicular ligament


Superior vena cava

Left vagus nerve Aortic arch Pulmonary artery


Fig. 5.10  (A) Bony and ligamentous anatomy of the sternoclavicular joint. The major supporting structures include the anterior capsule, the posterior capsule, the interclavicular ligament, the costoclavicular (rhomboid) ligament, and the intra-­articular disc and ligament. (B) Retrosternal anatomy. Note the proximity of the sternoclavicular joint to the trachea, aortic arch, and brachiocephalic vein. (Redrawn from Higginbotham TO, Kuhn JE: Atraumatic disorders of the sternoclavicular joint, J Am Acad Ortho Surg 13:139, 2005.)

and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments, which support the joint anteriorly and posteriorly; the interclavicular ligament; and the costoclavicular ligament running from the clavicle to the first rib and its costal cartilage. This is the main ligament maintaining the integrity of the sternoclavicular joint. The movements possible at this joint and at the acromioclavicular joint are elevation, depression, protraction, retraction, and rotation. The close packed position of the sternoclavicular joint involves full or maximum rotation of the clavicle, which occurs when the upper arm is in full elevation. The resting position and capsular pattern are the same as with the acromioclavicular joint. The joint is innervated by branches of the anterior supraclavicular nerve and the nerve to the subclavius muscle. Major vessels and the trachea lie close behind the sternum and the sternoclavicular joint (see Fig. 5.10B).47 Sternoclavicular Joint Resting position: Arm resting by side in normal physiological  position Close packed position: Full elevation and protraction Capsular pattern: Pain at extremes of range of motion, especially   horizontal adduction and full elevation

Although the scapulothoracic joint is not a true joint, it functions as an integral part of the shoulder complex and must be considered in any assessment because a stable scapula enables the rest of the shoulder to function correctly. Some texts call this structure the scapulocostal joint. This “joint” consists of the body of

the scapula and the muscles covering the posterior chest wall. The muscles acting on the scapula help to control its movements. The medial border of the scapula is not parallel with the spinous processes but is angled about 3° away (top to bottom), and the scapula lies 20° to 30° forward relative to the sagittal plane.32 Because it is not a true joint, it does not have a capsular pattern nor a close packed position. The resting position of this joint is the same as for the acromioclavicular joint. The scapula extends from the level of T2 spinous process to T7 or T9 spinous process, depending on its size. The scapula acts as a stable base for the rotator cuff muscles; the muscles controlling its movements must be strong and balanced because the joint funnels the forces of the trunk and legs into the arm.48 When the shoulder is being assessed, especially in athletes and people who work overhead, it is important to look not only at the shoulder but also the whole kinetic chain (Table 5.2).49 Kinetic chain refers to the linkage of multiple segments of the body that allow the transfer of forces and motion starting at the feet, lower extremities, core, and trunk, which provide a base of support and generate energy or power that can be transferred to the shoulder, arm, and hand.50–53 Changes, deficits, or breaks in any of these segments can cause performance to decrease and injuries to occur.18,50 When assessing active individuals, it is often important to consider looking at the whole kinetic chain to determine which part or parts of the chain is/are contributing to the problem. Table 5.3 provides an example of a whole-­body kinetic chain involved in throwing and issues that can arise when there are deficits in a throwing kinetic chain.50 

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Chapter 5 Shoulder TABLE  5.2

Proximal to Distal Kinetic Chain Evaluation Examination Emphasis





One-­leg stability: stance

Negative Trendelenburg

Positive Trendelenburg

Decreased force to shoulder

Gluteus medius strength

One-­leg stability: squat

Control of knee Knee valgus or varus/valgus during corkscrewing during descent descent

Altered arm position during task

Dynamic postural control

Hip rotation

Bilateral symmetry within known normal limits

Side-­to-­side asymmetry and/or not within normal limits

Decreased trunk flexibility and rotation

Medial and lateral rotation of hip


Ability to maintain body position for at least 30 seconds

Inability to maintain body position

Decreased core stability and strength

Dynamic postural control in suspended horizontal position

Scapular dyskinesis

Bilateral symmetry with no inferior angle or medial border prominence

Side-­to-­side asymmetry Decreased rotator or bilateral cuff function prominence of inferior and increased angle and/or medial risk of internal border and/or external impingement

Shoulder rotation

Side-­to-­side Side-­to-­side asymmetry Altered kinematics asymmetry or of 15° or more in and increased load medial and lateral medial and/or lateral on the glenoid rotation values M



Aggravated by

Lateral rotation and abduction

Medial rotation and abduction



Lesser tuberosity

Posterior aspect of greater tuberosity Greater tuberosity

Acromioclavicular joint involvement




Calcification (if present)

Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and/or subscapularis

Supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus

Supraspinatus and/or subscapularis

Third-­degree strain biceps brachii (long head) Prognosis





Very good

Poor (without surgery)

From Kessel L, Watson M: The painful arc syndrome, J Bone Joint Surg Br 59:166, 1977.

90° 30°–50° 30°–35° 120° 60°

Fig. 5.35  Movement of the scapula, humerus, and clavicle during scapulohumeral rhythm.

That is, during 180° of abduction, there is roughly a 2:1 ratio of movement of the humerus to the scapula with 120° of movement occurring at the glenohumeral joint and 60° at the scapulothoracic joint; one should be aware, however, that there is a great deal of variability among individuals and may depend on the speed of movement,148 and authors do not totally agree on the exact amounts of each movement.146,147,149 Although all authors concede that there is more movement in the glenohumeral joint than in the scapulothoracic joint, Davies and Dickoff-­Hoffman believe the ratio

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

is greater, at least to 120° of abduction,150 whereas Poppen and Walker151 and others36,152 believe the ratio is less (5:4 or 3:2) after 30° of abduction. During this total simultaneous movement at the four joints, there are three phases; the reader should understand that others will give values of the amount of each movement that vary from those noted here. Scapulohumeral Rhythm Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Humerus Scapula Clavicle Humerus Scapula Clavicle

Phase 3:

Humerus Scapula Clavicle

30° abduction Minimal movement (setting phase) 0°–5° elevation 40° abduction 20° rotation, minimal protraction or elevation, and possibly posteriorly tilt 15° elevation and posterior rotation at sternoclavicular joint 60° abduction, 90° lateral rotation 30° rotation 30°–50° posterior rotation, up to 15° elevation

1. In the first phase of 30° of elevation through abduction, the scapula is said to be “setting.” This setting phase means that the scapula may rotate slightly in, rotate slightly out, or not move at all.126 Thus, there is no 2:1 ratio of movement during this phase. The angle between the scapular spine and the clavicle may also increase up to 5° by elevating at the sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints,145 but this depends on whether the scapula moves during this phase. The clavicle rotates upward minimally during this stage. 2. During the next 60° of elevation (second phase), the scapula rotates upward (inferior angle moves out) about 20° and begins to posteriorly tilt,153 and the humerus elevates 40° with minimal protraction or

elevation of the scapula.145 Thus there is a 2:1 ratio of scapulohumeral movement. During phase 2, the clavicle elevates because of the scapular rotation36,145 and begins to rotate posteriorly, retract, and minimally elevate at the sternoclavicular joint. At the acromioclavicular joint, the clavicle tilts posteriorly and upwardly and rotates medially. During the second and third phases, the rotation of the scapula (total of 60°) is possible because there are 20° of motion at the acromioclavicular joint and 40° at the sternoclavicular joint. The sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints contribute to scapulothoracic upward rotation by retraction at the sternoclavicular joint and medial rotation at the acromioclavicular joint.153 3. During the final 90° of motion (third phase), the 2:1 ratio of scapulohumeral movement continues and the angle between the scapular spine and the clavicle increases an additional 10°. Thus the scapula continues to rotate and now begins to elevate. The amount of protraction continues to be minimal when the abduction movement is performed. It is in this stage that the clavicle rotates posteriorly 30° to 50° on a long axis and elevates up to a further 15°.36 In reality, the clavicle rotates only 5° to 8° relative to the acromion because of scapular rotation.154,155 Also during this final stage, the humerus finishes its lateral rotation to 90°, so that the greater tuberosity of the humerus avoids the acromion process. Tables 5.11 and 5.12 outline the shoulder kinematics in healthy and pathological states.156 In the unstable shoulder, scapulohumeral rhythm is commonly altered because of incorrect dynamic functioning of the scapular or humeral stabilizers or both.157 This may be related to incorrect arthrokinematics at the glenohumeral joint; therefore the examiner must be sure to check for normal joint play and the presence of

TABLE  5.11

Summary of Scapular Kinematics During Arm Elevation in Healthy and Pathologic States Group

Healthy (Normal)

Impingement or Rotator Cuff Disease

Glenohumeral Joint Instability

Primary scapular motion

Upward rotation

Lesser upward rotation

Lesser upward rotation

Greater upward rotation

Secondary scapular motion

Posterior tilting

Lesser posterior tilting

No consistent evidence for alteration

No consistent evidence for alteration

Accessory scapular motion Presumed implications

Variable medial/lateral rotation Maximize shoulder ROM and available sub­acromial space

Greater medial rotation

Greater medial rotation

Presumed contributory to subacromial or internal impingement

Presumed contributory to lesser inferior and anterior joint stability

No consistent evidence for alteration Presumed compensatory to minimize functional shoulder ROM loss

Adhesive Capsulitis

ROM, Range of motion. Adapted with permission from Ludewig PM, Reynolds JF: The association of scapular kinematics and glenohumeral joint pathologies, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 39:95, 2009.

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


TABLE  5.12

Mechanisms of Scapular Dyskinesia Mechanism

Associated Effects

Inadequate serratus anterior activation

Lesser scapular upward rotation and posterior tilt

Excess upper trapezius activation

Greater clavicular elevation

Pectoralis minor tightness

Greater scapular medial rotation and anterior tilt

Posterior glenohumeral joint soft-­tissue tightness Thoracic kyphosis or flexed posture

Greater scapular anterior tilt


Greater scapular medial rotation and anterior tilt, lesser scapular upward rotation

Modified from Ludewig PM, Reynolds JF: The association of scapular kinematics and glenohumeral joint pathologies, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 39:97, 2009.

hypomobile structures that could lead to these abnormal motions.157 Kon et al. advocated using a 3-­kg (6.6-­lb) weight when checking scapulohumeral rhythm during the active movements, especially elevation, as the extra weight when these movements are being done requires greater muscle stabilization.158 Kibler pointed out that it is important to watch the movement, especially of the scapula, in both the ascending and descending phases of abduction.159 Commonly weakness of the scapular control muscles is more evident during descent, and an instability jog, hitch, or jump may occur when the patient loses control of the scapula. The speed of abduction may also have an effect on the ratio.160 Therefore it is more important to look for asymmetry between the injured and the good sides than to be concerned with the actual degrees of movement occurring at each joint. That being said, if the clavicle does not rotate and elevate, elevation through abduction at the glenohumeral joint is limited to 120°.145 If the glenohumeral joint does not move, elevation through abduction is limited to 60°, which occurs totally in the scapulothoracic joint. If there is no lateral rotation of the humerus during abduction, the total movement available is 120°, 60° of which occurs at the glenohumeral joint and 60° of which occurs at the scapulothoracic articulation.36 The normal end of ROM is reached when there is contact of a surgical neck of humerus with the acromion process. Reverse scapulohumeral rhythm (Fig. 5.36) means that the scapula moves more than the humerus. This occurs in conditions like the frozen shoulder. The patient appears to “hike” the entire shoulder complex (the shrug sign) rather than produce a smooth coordinated abduction movement. Active elevation through forward flexion is normally 160° to 180°, and at the extreme of the ROM, the arm

B Fig. 5.36  Reverse scapulohumeral rhythm (notice shoulder hiking) and excessive scapular movement. Examples include frozen shoulder (A) or tear of rotator cuff (B). In (B), the patient with a complete rotator cuff tear of the right arm is unable to hold the arm in the abducted position, and it falls to the patient’s side. The patient often shrugs or hitches the shoulder forward so as to use the intact muscles of the rotator cuff and the deltoid to keep the arm in the abducted position. (B, From Waldman SD: Physical diagnosis of pain: an atlas of signs and symptoms, Philadelphia, 2006, Saunders.)

is in the same position as for active elevation through abduction. As the movement is attempted, the examiner watches the movement of the scapula (i.e., is the movement the same on both sides?), the humerus and the clavicle. As well, the examiner may palpate the C7 to T4 spinal segments to feel for movement. Normally, in the last 30° of forward flexion elevation, the spinous processes will rotate to the same (i.e., ipsilateral) side. If they do not move, then either the facet joints or ribs are restricting the movement. These spinal and rib movements may have to be assessed to ensure normal movement of the kinetic chain.161 Active elevation (170° to 180°) through the plane of the scapula (30° to 45° of

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Chapter 5  Shoulder



Fig. 5.37  Measuring lateral rotation. (A) Supine. The patient’s arm is rotated until the scapula is felt to move and until an endpoint is reached. A handheld goniometer is used to measure medial and lateral rotation. (B) Side lying. The examiner rotates the arm until the scapula is seen to move and resistance is felt. The amount of lateral and medial rotation can be examined in this manner with a handheld goniometer.

forward flexion), termed scaption, is the most natural and functional motion of elevation (see Fig. 5.33). Elevation in this position is sometimes called neutral elevation. The exact angle is determined by the contour of the chest wall on which the scapula rests. Often, movement into elevation is less painful in this position than elevation through abduction in which the glenohumeral joint is actually in extension, or elevation in forward flexion. Movement in the plane of the scapula puts less stress on the capsule and surrounding musculature and is the position in which most of the functions of daily activity are commonly performed. Strength testing in this plane also gives higher values. It has been reported that elevation performed within a 30° arc of the scapular plane results in no change in shoulder muscle activation patterns.162 Patients with weakness spontaneously choose this plane when elevating the arm.163,164 During scaption elevation, scapulohumeral rhythm is similar to that of abduction, although there is greater individual variability. The three phases are similar, but there are differences. For example, in scaption elevation, there is little or no lateral rotation of the head of the humerus in the third phase.152 Also, the total elevation in scaption is about 170° with scapular rotation being about 65° and humeral abduction about 105°; although there is slightly more scapular rotation in scaption, this difference again may result from individual variation.152 More scapular protraction is likely to occur in scaption elevation, especially in elevation through forward flexion. Active lateral rotation is normally 80° to 90°, but it may be greater in some athletes, such as gymnasts and baseball pitchers. Care must be taken when applying overpressure with this movement, because it could lead to anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, especially in those with recurrent dislocation problems. If

glenohumeral lateral rotation is limited, the patient will compensate by retracting the scapula. To minimize scapular movement, lateral rotation may be measured with the patient in the supine or side-­lying position with the arm abducted to 90° and the elbow at 90° (Fig. 5.37). Wilk et al.165 have recommended that rotation be tested in supine with the arm abducted to 90°, the elbow at 90°, and the scapula stabilized to increase reliability. Active medial rotation is normally 60° to 100°. This is usually assessed by measuring the height of the “hitchhiking” thumb (i.e., thumb in extension) reaching up the patient’s back (Fig. 5.38A and B). Common reference points include the greater trochanter, buttock, waist, and spinous processes with T5 to T10 representing the normal degree of medial rotation.166 Van den Dolder et al.167 recommended drawing a line to join the two posterior superior iliac spines and then measuring up to the tip of the thumb (Fig. 5.39) and comparing both sides. When the test is done in this fashion, the examiner must be aware that, in reality, the range measured is not that of the glenohumeral joint alone. In fact, much of the range is gained by winging the scapula. In the presence of tight medial glenohumeral motion, greater winging and protraction of the scapula occurs. Awan et al.168 advised testing medial rotation in supine with the shoulder abducted to 90° and the elbow flexed to 90°. The examiner passively or the patient actively rotates the arm medially, and as soon as the scapula begins to lift, the movement is stopped and the amount of medial rotation is measured. This method eliminates the scapular movement that commonly contributes to the medial rotation and gives the true medial rotation occurring at the glenohumeral joint as body weight stabilizes or prevents the scapula from moving. The examiner may have to stabilize the scapula manually as medial rotation is attempted

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Chapter 5 Shoulder




Fig. 5.39 Assessing active medial rotation. The examiner is measuring from the patient’s thumb to an imaginary line joining the two posterior superior iliac spines (dots).

C Fig. 5.38  Measuring medial rotation. (A) Reaching up the patient’s back. Note winging of scapula (arrow) so that the result is made up of glenohumeral and scapular movement. (B) Position of hand when scapula begins to wing indicates end of true medial rotation at the glenohumeral joint. (C) Supine. Glenohumeral medial rotation passive range-­of-­ motion measurement using stabilization of the scapula by holding the coracoid process and the scapula down (arrow).

and tested (Fig. 5.38C). Lateral rotation may be tested in the same position, but in this case the examiner palpates for the first movement of the scapula, stops the movement, and measures the true lateral rotation at the glenohumeral joint. Doing the rotation testing in 90° abduction (if the patient can achieve this position) will give a clearer indication of the glenohumeral joint’s true medial and lateral rotation, measured when the scapula starts to move (see Fig. 5.38C). If rotation is tested in 90° of abduction and crepitus is present on rotation, it indicates abrasion of torn tendon margins against the coracoacromial arch and is called the abrasion sign.103 It is important to compare medial and lateral rotation, especially in active people who use their dominant arm at extremes of motion and under high-­load situations.

Most of this change in medial rotation gain is due to soft-­ tissue changes in the capsule and muscles, but some of it may be due to humeral retrotorsion changes from high-­ load stress in overhead activities.169 Normally, any gain in lateral rotation is accompanied by a comparable loss in medial rotation. Thus it is important to note any GIRD (Fig. 5.40),65 which is the difference in medial rotation between the patient’s two shoulders. Small changes in GIRD can lead to biomechanical changes in passive glenohumeral motion.170 For example, the loss of medial rotation may be due to thickness, contracture, or elasticity of the posteroinferior capsule, which in turn can lead to a SLAP lesion.81,171 Normally, the difference should be within 20°, or 10% of total rotation of the opposite arm.65,172,173 This may also be compared with the glenohumeral external (lateral) rotation gain (GERG) (see Fig. 5.40). If the GIRD/GERG ratio is greater than 1, the patient will probably develop shoulder problems.74,174 Wilk et al.174,175 advocate adding medial and lateral rotation bilaterally at 90° of abduction (giving total rotational motion) for both limbs and said that in throwing athletes, the dominant (throwing) arm should be within 5° of the nondominant limb if injuries were to be prevented. (This does not imply that the amounts of medial and lateral rotation are the same as in the dominant limb.) There may be a gain in lateral rotation and a deficit in medial rotation or vice versa. This change may be due to humeral retroversion (HR), which can vary depending on the age of the individual and his or her overhead activities.10–12,24,176 Normally,

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

Sh ou l

OM rR e d

Medial rotation




Lateral rotation Fig. 5.40 Range of shoulder motion showing glenohumeral internal (medial) rotation deficit (GIRD) and glenohumeral external (lateral) rotation gain (GERG). ROM, Range of motion.

humeral retrotorsion decreases with age; however, with high-­stress overload activities (e.g., pitching in baseball, playing tennis) into lateral rotation, the amount of retrotorsion decrease is slowed down and, when measured, gives the appearance of being greater than on the unaffected side.176 Excessive lateral rotation may lead to posterior internal impingement.177 In the unstable shoulder, it has been advocated that the examiner do the dynamic rotary stability test (DRST ), which assesses the rotator cuff’s ability to maintain the humeral head in the glenoid through the arc of rotation (i.e., the ability of the rotator cuff to maintain arthrokinematic control).178–180 The patient is positioned in sitting or lying with the arm abducted to about 90° and the elbow flexed to about 90°. The examiner controls the patient’s arm position with one hand while the other hand palpates the position of the humerus in the glenoid (it is best to palpate the joint line) (Fig. 5.41). The examiner places the patient’s glenohumeral joint in different positions of flexion and abduction close to the position where the patient has symptoms. The patient is asked to do an isometric contraction against light to moderate resistance and then isotonically (concentrically or eccentrically [eccentric break] depending on what movements caused the patient’s symptoms). While the patient does the contraction, the examiner palpates the joint line to see if and when arthrokinematic control is lost (i.e., does the humeral head slip or translate?).179 During the test, the scapula should be stable and should not translate. If the scapula protracts during the test, it indicates lack of scapular control. Magarey and Jones179 also advocated doing the dynamic relocation test (DRT), which tests the ability of the rotator cuff to stabilize the humeral head through cocontraction of the rotator cuff muscles. The

B Fig. 5.41  Dynamic rotary instability test demonstrating two different positions in which humeral head control can be evaluated. The examiner’s left hand is placed over the humeral head in order to detect any translation that may occur during contraction of the rotators. Isometric lateral rotation is resisted in midrange (A) and end range (B) in a position functionally relevant for a thrower.

patient is seated with the arm supported in 60° to 80° abduction in the scapular plane (scaption) (Fig. 5.42). With the middle finger of one hand palpating the subscapularis and the thumb along the outer edge of the acromion, the examiner uses the other hand to apply traction (longitudinal distraction) to the arm while asking the patient to pull the arm up into the socket. As the patient pulls the arm in and up, the examiner should feel for contraction of the rotator cuff, especially the subscapularis. If the pectoral muscles are overactive, the examiner may palpate the rotator cuff posteriorly.178 During the test, the scapula should not move. If the scapula protracts, it indicates an unstable scapula. Active extension is normally 50° to 60°. The examiner must ensure that the movement is in the shoulder and not in the spine because some patients may flex the spine or bend forward, giving the appearance of increased shoulder extension. Similarly, retraction of the scapula

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Chapter 5 Shoulder

increases the appearance of glenohumeral extension. Weakness of full extension commonly implies weakness of the posterior deltoid in one arm and is sometimes called the swallow-­tail sign because both arms do not extend the same amount either due to injury to the muscle itself or to the axillary nerve.181 Adduction is normally 50° to 75° if the arm is brought in front of the body. Horizontal adduction, or cross flexion, is normally 130°. To accomplish this movement, the patient first abducts the arm to 90° and then moves the

Fig. 5.42  Dynamic relocation test.




arm across the front of the body. Horizontal abduction, or cross extension, is approximately 45°. After abducting the arm to 90°, the patient moves the straight arm in a backward direction. In both cases, the examiner should watch the relative amount of scapular movement between the normal and pathological sides. If movement is limited in the glenohumeral joint, greater scapular movement occurs. Circumduction is normally approximately 200° and involves taking the arm in a circle in the vertical plane. In addition to the aforementioned movements, several of which involve movement of the humerus and scapula, the patient should actively perform two distinct movements of the scapulae: scapular retraction and scapular protraction (Fig. 5.43). For scapular retraction, the examiner asks the patient to squeeze the shoulder blades (scapula) together. Normally, the medial borders of the scapula remain parallel to the spine but move toward the spine with the soft tissue bunching up between the scapula (see Fig. 5.43B). Ideally, the patient should be able to do this movement without excessive contraction of the upper trapezius muscles. For scapular protraction, the patient tries to bring the shoulders together anteriorly so that the scapula moves away from midline with the inferior angle of the scapula commonly moving laterally more than the superior angle so that some lateral rotation of the inferior angle occurs (see Fig. 5.43C). Pain in the sternoclavicular joint during protraction may indicate a problem with the sternoclavicular joint.70 This protraction/retraction cycle may cause a clicking or snapping near the inferior angle or supramedial corner, which is sometimes called a snapping scapula, caused by the scapula rubbing over the underlying ribs at the scapulothoracic “articulation.”106 The condition may be due to incongruence between the concave scapula and the


Fig. 5.43  (A) Resting position. (B) Scapular retraction. (C) Scapular protraction.

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

convex thoracic wall, muscle imbalance or tightness, posture especially a kyphotic posture, or an inflamed bursa, resulting in pain and/or crepitus.182 Injury to the individual muscles can affect several movements. For example, if the serratus anterior muscle is weak or paralyzed, the scapula “wings” away from the thorax on its medial border. It also assists upper rotation of the scapula during abduction. Injury to the muscle or its nerve may therefore limit abduction. In fact, loss or weakness of serratus anterior affects all shoulder movements because scapular stabilization is lost.141 Similarly, weakness of the lower trapezius muscle can alter scapular mechanics resulting in anterior secondary impingement. Many of the tests for these muscles are described in the section titled “Special Tests,” later. When these movements are being observed, the examiner may ask the patient to perform them in combination, especially if the patient history has indicated that combined movements are bothersome. For example, the Apley’s scratch test combines medial rotation with adduction and lateral rotation with abduction (Fig. 5.44). This method may decrease the time required to do the assessment. In addition, by having the patient do the combined movements, the examiner gains some idea of the patient’s functional capacity. For example, abduction combined with flexion and lateral rotation or adduction combined with extension and medial rotation is needed to comb the hair, to zip a back zipper, or to reach for a wallet in a back pocket. However, the examiner must take care to notice which movements are restricted and which are not, because several movements are performed at the same time. Some examiners prefer doing the same


motion in both arms at the same time: neck reach (abduction, flexion, and lateral rotation at the glenohumeral joint) and back reach (adduction, extension, and medial rotation at the glenohumeral joint). Some believe this method makes comparison easier (Fig. 5.45).91 Often, the dominant shoulder shows greater restriction than the nondominant shoulder, even in normal people. An exception would be patients who continually use their arms at the extremes of motion (e.g., baseball pitchers). Because of the extra ROM developed over time doing the activity, the dominant arm may show greater ROM. However, the examiner must always be aware that shoulder movements include movements of the scapula and clavicle as well as the glenohumeral joint and that many of the perceived glenohumeral joint problems are in reality scapular muscle control problems. These may secondarily lead to glenohumeral joint problems, especially in people under 40 years of age. If, in the history, the patient has complained that shoulder movements in certain postures are painful or that sustained or repetitive movements increase symptoms, the examiner should consider having the patient hold a sustained arm position (10 to 60 seconds) or do the movements repetitively (10 to 20 repetitions). Ideally, these repeated movements should be performed at the speed and with the load that the patient was using when the symptoms were elicited. Thus the volleyball player should do the spiking motion in which he or she jumps up to hit the imaginary ball. Capsular tightness, although commonly tested during passive movement, can affect active movement by limiting some or all movements in the glenohumeral joint with compensating excessive movement of the scapula. Just as


Fig. 5.44  Apley’s scratch test. (A) The right arm is in lateral rotation, flexion, and abduction and the left arm is in medial rotation, extension, and adduction. (B) The left arm is in lateral rotation, flexion, and abduction and the right arm is in medial rotation, extension, and adduction. Note the difference in medial rotation and scapular winging in the right arm compared with the left arm in (A).

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The biceps tendon does not move in the bicipital groove during movement; rather, the humerus moves over the fixed tendon. From adduction to full elevation of abduction, a given point in the groove moves along the tendon at least 4 cm. If the examiner wants to keep excursion of the bicipital groove along the biceps tendon to a minimum, the arm should be elevated with the humerus in medial rotation; elevating the arm with the humerus laterally rotated causes maximum excursion of the bicipital groove along the biceps tendon. Patients who have deltoid or supraspinatus pathology sometimes use this laterally rotated position because lateral rotation allows the biceps tendon to be used as a shoulder abductor in a “cheating” movement. Humeral Movement Faults Superior humeral translation:


Anterior humeral translation: Inferior humeral translation: Decreased lateral rotation: Excessive scapular retraction during lateral rotation:

B Fig. 5.45  (A) Neck reach. (B) Back reach. Note the difference in medial rotation on both sides and greater winging of left scapula.

a frozen shoulder can affect all movements, selected tightness due to particular pathologies may affect only part of the capsule. For example, with anterior shoulder instability, posterior capsular tightness is a common finding combined with weak lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscles. Table 5.13 shows common selected capsular tightness and states their effect on movement. Likewise, muscle tightness can affect both active and passive movement. For example, with anterior shoulder instability, the following muscles may be found to be tight: subscapularis, pectoralis minor and major, latissimus dorsi, upper trapezius, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, and rectus capitus. Weak muscles include serratus anterior, middle and lower trapezius, infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior deltoid, rhomboids, longus colli, and longus capitus.106

Scapular downward rotators are predominating Weak subscapularis and teres major; tight infraspinatus, teres minor Weak upward scapular rotators; poor glenohumeral rotation timing Short pectoralis major and/or latissimus dorsi Tight anterior capsule; tight medial rotators; poor scapulothoracic muscle control

As the patient does the various movements, the examiner watches to see whether the components of the shoulder complex move in normal, coordinated sequence and whether the patient exhibits any apprehension when doing a movement. With anterior instability of the shoulder, the shoulder girdle often droops, and excessive scapulothoracic movement may occur on abduction. With posterior instability, horizontal adduction (cross flexion) may cause excessive scapulothoracic movement. Any apprehension on movement suggests the possibility of instability. The examiner should also watch for winging of the scapula on active movements. Winging of the medial border of the scapula indicates injury to the serratus anterior muscle or the long thoracic nerve; rotary winging of the scapula or scapular tilt indicates upper trapezius pathology or injury to the spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI; Table 5.14).100,166,183 Scapular tilt (the inferior angle of scapula moves away from the rib cage) may also be caused by a weak lower trapezius or a tight pectoralis minor. In some cases, it may be necessary to load the appropriate muscle isometrically (holding the contraction for 10 to 15 seconds) to demonstrate abnormal scapular stability. It has been reported that application of a resistance to adduction at 30° and at 60° of shoulder abduction is the best way to show scapular winging.166 Eccentric loading of the shoulder in different positions,

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

TABLE  5.13

Capsular Tightness: Its Effect and Resulting Humeral Head Translation Where

Effect (Signs and Symptoms)

Resulting Translation


Cross flexion decreased Medial rotation decreased Flexion (end range) decreased Decreased posterior glide Impingement signs in medial rotation Weak external rotators Weak scapular stabilizers

Anterior (with medial rotation)


Elevation anteriorly Medial rotation of elevated arm decreased Horizontal adduction decreased

Superior Anterosuperior Anterosuperior


Medial rotation limited



Flexion (end range) decreased Extension (end range) decreased Lateral rotation decreased Horizontal extension decreased Abduction (end range) decreased Decreased posteroinferior glide Impingement in medial rotation and cross flexion Increased night pain Weak rotator cuff May have positive ULNT Biceps tests may be positive Abduction decreased Extension decreased Lateral rotation decreased Horizontal extension decreased Increased posterior glide

Posterior (with lateral rotation)


Posterior (with lateral rotation of elevated arm)

ULNT, Upper limb neurodynamic test. Data from Matsen FA, et al: Practice evaluation and management of the shoulder, Philadelphia, 1994, WB Saunders.

TABLE  5.14

Winging of the Scapula: Dynamic Causes and Effects Cause

Effect (Signs and Symptoms)

Trapezius or spinal accessory nerve lesion

Inability to shrug shoulder

Serratus anterior or long thoracic nerve lesion

Difficulty elevating arm above 120°

Strain of rhomboids

Difficulty pushing elbow back against resistance (with hand on hip) Winging of upper margin of scapula on adduction and lateral rotation

Muscle imbalance or contractures

especially into horizontal adduction, may also demonstrate winging or loss of scapular control. Weakness of the scapular control muscles often leads to overactivity of the rotator cuff and biceps muscle, leading to overuse pathology in those structures.

Causes of Scapular Imbalance Patterns Increased protraction:

Increased depression: Loss of scapular stabilization:

Tight pectoralis minor Weak/lengthened lower trapezius Weak/lengthened serratus anterior Weak upper trapezius Early/excessive protraction Early/excessive lateral rotation of scapula Early/excessive elevation of scapula Tight lateral rotators Secondary impingement

Indications of Loss of Scapular Control • S capula protracting along chest wall, especially under load • Early contraction of upper trapezius on abduction, especially under load • Increased work of rotator cuff and biceps, especially with closed chain activity (reverse origin-­insertion) • Altered scapulohumeral rhythm

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Chapter 5 Shoulder

Scapular Winging Faults On concentric elevation: On eccentric forward flexion: Tilting of inferior angle:

Long/weak serratus anterior Overactive rotator cuff; underactive scapular control muscles Tight pectoralis minor; weak lower trapezius

If the scapula appears to wing, the examiner should ask the patient to forward flex the shoulder to 90°. The examiner then pushes the straight arm toward the patient’s body while the patient resists. If there is weakness of the upper or lower trapezius muscle, the serratus anterior muscle, or the nerves supplying these muscles, their inability to contract will cause the scapula to wing. Another way to test winging of the scapula is to have the patient stand and lean against a wall. The examiner then asks the patient to do a push-­up away from the wall while the examiner watches for winging (see Figs. 5.28B and 5.46A). Similarly, asking the patient


to do a floor push-­up may demonstrate this winging (Fig. 5.46B). The patient should be tested in a relaxed starting position and be asked to do the push-­up. Sometimes the winging is visible at rest only (static winging), sometimes during rest and activity, and sometimes only with the activity (dynamic winging). Injury to other nerves in the shoulder region must not be overlooked (Table 5.15). As previously mentioned, damage to the suprascapular nerve may affect both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles, or it may affect only the infraspinatus, depending on where the pathology lies (see Fig. 5.188), whereas injury to the musculocutaneous nerve can lead to paralysis of the coracobrachialis, biceps, and brachialis muscles. These changes affect elbow flexion and supination and forward flexion of the shoulder. There is also a loss of the biceps reflex. Injury to the axillary (circumflex) nerve leads to paralysis of the deltoid and teres minor muscles, affecting abduction and lateral rotation of the shoulder. A sensory loss over the deltoid insertion area also occurs. Damage to the radial nerve affects all of the extensor muscles of the upper limb, including the triceps. Triceps paralysis may be overlooked when examining the shoulder unless arm extension is attempted along with elbow extension against gravity. Both of these movements are affected in high radial nerve palsy, although some triceps function may remain (e.g., in radial nerve palsy after a humeral shaft fracture).

Passive Movements If the ROM is not full during the active movements and the examiner is unable to test the end feel, the examiner should perform all passive movements of the shoulder to determine the end feel, and any restriction should be A

TABLE  5.15

Signs and Symptoms of Possible Peripheral Nerve Involvement

B Fig. 5.46  Scapular winging is demonstrated by having the patient push against a wall (unilateral weakness demonstrated on left) (A) or the floor (bilateral weakness) (B) with both arms forward flexed to 90°. (A, From Li T, Yang ZZ, Deng Y, et al: Indirect transfer of the sternal head of the pectoralis major with autogenous semitendinosus augmentation to treat scapular winging secondary to long thoracic nerve palsy, J Shoulder Elbow Surg 26[11]:1970–1977, 2017.)

Spinal accessory nerve

Inability to abduct arm beyond 90° Pain in shoulder on abduction

Long thoracic nerve

Pain on flexing fully extended arm Inability to flex fully extended arm Winging starts at 90° forward flexion

Suprascapular nerve

Increased pain on forward shoulder flexion Shoulder weakness (partial loss of humeral control) Pain increases with scapular abduction Pain increases with cervical rotation to opposite side

Axillary (circumflex) Inability to abduct arm with neutral nerve rotation Musculocutaneous Weak elbow flexion with forearm nerve supinated

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

noted. This passive examination should include not only the mobility of the four shoulder joints but also the ribs and spine as limitations in rib and spinal movement can restrict shoulder movement. Passive Movements of the Shoulder Complex and Normal End Feel • E levation through forward flexion of the arm (tissue stretch) • Elevation through abduction of the arm (bone-­to-­bone or tissue stretch) • Elevation through abduction of the glenohumeral joint only (bone-­to-­ bone or tissue stretch) • Lateral rotation of the arm (tissue stretch) • Medial rotation of the arm (tissue stretch) • Extension of the arm (tissue stretch) • Adduction of the arm (tissue approximation) • Horizontal adduction (tissue stretch or approximation) and abduction of the arm (tissue stretch) • Quadrant test

When the ROM in the shoulder is being considered and both sides are compared, the total ROM for the dominant side should be no greater than 8°, side-­to-­side GIRD should be 20° or less, and glenohumeral lateral rotation should be 5° or less between sides. Any values above these values would indicate that treatment intervention should be considered.52,184–186 Anterior hyperlaxity is defined as lateral rotation greater than 85° with the arm at the side; inferior hyperlaxity is a positive hyperabduction test in which a side-­to-­side difference greater than 20° is positive.187 The end feel of capsular tightness is different from the tissue stretch end feel of muscle tightness.188 Capsular tightness has a harder, more elastic feel to it and usually occurs earlier in the ROM. If one is unsure of the end feel, the patient can be asked to contract the muscles acting in the opposite direction, 10% to 20% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), and then to relax. The examiner then attempts to move the limb further into range. If the range increases, the problem is muscular and not capsular. If the problem is capsular, capsular tightness should be measured. For example, a tight posterior capsule can cause increased scapular protraction and depression, leading to anterior tilting and insufficient scapular elevation, which in turn can lead to impingement.81 In addition, it can limit horizontal adduction, and posteroinferior tightness can increase the risk of injury to the rotator cuff.189 A frozen shoulder (i.e., adhesive capsulitis) can limit movements in all directions but primarily limits movements into lateral rotation, abduction, and medial rotation (i.e., a capsular pattern) and results in a reverse scapulohumeral rhythm (i.e., the scapula has greater ROM than the humerus, and on elevation movements, the patient exhibits the shrug sign).190 Frozen shoulder can be divided into primary, which is associated with an idiopathic onset and lasts about 12 months before “unthawing,” and secondary, which

is the result of forced inactivity following trauma.190 To measure posterior capsular tightness, the patient, suitably undressed (no shirt for males; bra for females), is placed in supine lying with the arm forward flexed to 90° and the elbow flexed to 90°. The examiner stands beside the patient and palpates the lateral edge of the scapula. The examiner then passively retracts the scapula and holds the retracted position with one hand. With the other hand, the examiner holds the distal humerus in 90° abduction and 0° rotation. The examiner then horizontally adducts the patient’s arm. As soon as the examiner feels the scapula begin to move or the humerus begin to rotate, the horizontal adduction is stopped and the angle relative to the vertical position is measured.191 Both sides, starting with the normal side, are measured (Fig. 5.47A).192 The test may also be done in side lying, but it is then harder to stabilize the scapula (Fig. 5.47B).193,194 The angle from the vertical to the arm indicates the passive ROM available and should be compared with the opposite side.191 If the pathological side has less ROM and the end feel is capsular, capsular tightness is present. This capsular tightness should correlate well with decreased medial rotation provided the scapula is not allowed to move in compensation.193,194 Similarly, passive medial rotation at the glenohumeral joint is measured with the subject in supine and the humerus in 90° of abduction (a towel may be placed under the humerus so that the humerus is horizontal to the examining table). The examiner then passively rotates the humerus medially with one hand while the other hand palpates the scapula. As soon as the scapula starts to move, the medial humeral rotation is stopped and the angle is measured and compared.191 Particular attention must be paid to passive medial and lateral rotation if the examiner suspects a problem with the glenohumeral joint capsule (see previous discussion of GIRD). Lunden et al.195 recommend that rotation, especially medial rotation, should be measured in side lying for greater reliability (Fig. 5.48). Ropars et al.143 recommend that lateral rotation should be measured using the “elbow on the table” (EOT) method as, according to them, it showed better reproducibility than other methods. The patient is in supine with the arm by the side and the elbow flexed to 90°. The examiner passively rotates the shoulder laterally. Ropars et al.143 considered a patient to be hyperlax if lateral rotation was more than 90° (Fig. 5.49). Excessive scapular movement may be seen as compensation for a tight glenohumeral joint. Subcoracoid bursitis may limit full lateral rotation, and subacromial bursitis may limit full abduction because of compression or pinching of these structures. If lateral rotation of the shoulder is limited, the examiner should check forearm supination with the arm forward flexed to 90°. Patients who have a posterior dislocation at the glenohumeral joint exhibit restricted lateral rotation of the shoulder and limited supination in forward flexion (Rowe sign ).196 Lateral rotation is the movement most commonly affected with a frozen shoulder and often a capsular pattern of lateral

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Fig. 5.48  Measuring medial rotation in the sleeper stretch position.

Fig. 5.49  “Elbow on the table” (EOT) method to measure lateral rotation of shoulder.

B Fig. 5.47  Testing for posterior capsular tightness. (A) Supine lying. Angle created by the end position of the humerus with respect to the starting position to determine glenohumeral horizontal adduction range of motion. Note stabilization of the scapula (arrow). (B) Starting position for the posterior shoulder flexibility measurement with the patient positioned in side lying. Note the scapular stabilization (arrow) with the torso perpendicular to the examining table. As soon as the scapula begins to move, the examiner stops.

Fig. 5.50  Passive abduction of the glenohumeral joint.

rotation, abduction, and medial rotation (in that order) may be found.197 Even if overpressure has been applied on active movement, it is still necessary for the examiner to perform elevation through abduction of the glenohumeral joint only (Fig. 5.50) and the quadrant test.

The examiner performs passive elevation through abduction or scaption of the glenohumeral joint with the clavicle and scapula fixed to determine the amount of abduction in the glenohumeral joint alone (see Fig. 5.50). This can give an indication of capsular tightness or

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B Fig. 5.51 Quadrant position. (A) Adduction test. (B) Abduction test (locked quadrant).

subacromial space pathology.91 Normally, this movement should be up to 120°, although Gagey and Gagey198 have stated that anything greater than 105° indicates laxity in the inferior glenohumeral ligament (Gagey hyperabduction test ).199 The rotation of the humerus in the quadrant position demonstrates the Codman “pivotal paradox”164,200 and MacConaill201 conjunct rotation (rotation that automatically or subconsciously occurs with movement) in diadochal movement (a succession of two or more distinct movements). For example, if the arm, with the elbow flexed, is laterally rotated when the arm is at the side and then abducted in the coronal plane to 180°, the shoulder will be in 90° of medial rotation even though no apparent rotation has occurred. The path traced by the humerus during the quadrant test, in which the humerus moves forward at approximately 120° of abduction, is

the unconscious rotation occurring at the glenohumeral joint. Thus the quadrant test is designed to demonstrate whether the automatic or subconscious rotation is occurring during movement. The examiner should not only feel the movement but also determine the quality of the movement and the amount of anterior humeral movement. This test and the following locked quadrant test assess one area or quadrant of the 200° of circumduction. The humerus must rotate in the quadrant of the circumduction movement to allow full pain-­ free movement. Although both of these tests should normally be pain free, the examiner should be aware that they place a high level of stress on the soft tissues of the glenohumeral joint, and discomfort should not be misinterpreted as pathological pain. If movement is painful and restricted, the tests indicate early stages of shoulder pathology.201 To test the quadrant position,202,203 the examiner stabilizes the scapula and clavicle by placing the forearm under the patient’s scapula on the side to be tested and extending the hand over the shoulder to hold the trapezius muscle and prevent shoulder shrugging (Fig. 5.51). To test the position, the upper limb is elevated to rest alongside the patient’s head with the shoulder rotated laterally. The patient’s shoulder is then adducted. Because adduction occurs on the coronal plane, a point (the quadrant position) is reached at which the arm moves forward slightly from the coronal plane. At approximately 60° of adduction (from the arm beside the head), this position of maximum forward movement occurs (i.e., at about 120° of abduction) even if a backward pressure is applied. As the shoulder is further adducted, the arm falls back to the previous coronal plane. The quadrant position indicates the position at which the arm has medially rotated during its descent to the patient’s side. The quadrant position also may be found by abducting the medially rotated shoulder while maintaining extension. In this case, the quadrant position is reached (at about 120° of abduction) when the shoulder no longer abducts, because it is prevented from laterally rotating by the catching of the greater tuberosity in the subacromial space. This position is referred to as the locked quadrant position.204 If the arm is allowed to move forward, lateral rotation occurs and full abduction can be achieved. Both the quadrant and locked quadrant simply indicate where the rotation normally occurs during shoulder abduction/ adduction. The capsular pattern of the shoulder is lateral rotation showing the greatest restriction, followed by abduction and medial rotation. Each of these movements normally has a tissue-­stretch end feel. Other movements may be limited, but not in the same order and not with as much restriction. Early capsular patterns may exhibit only limitations of lateral rotation or possibly lateral rotation and

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Chapter 5 Shoulder

abduction. Finding of limitation, but not in the order described, indicates a noncapsular pattern.

Resisted Isometric Movements Having completed the active and passive movements, which are done while the patient is standing, sitting, or lying supine (in the case of quadrant test), the patient lies supine to do the resisted isometric movements (Fig. 5.52). The disadvantage of this position is that the examiner cannot observe the stabilization of the scapula during the testing. Normally, the scapula should not move during isometric testing. Scapular protraction, winging, or tilting during isometric testing indicates weakness of the scapular control muscles. Although all the muscles around the shoulder can be tested in supine lying, it has been advocated that the muscles should be tested in more than one position (e.g., different amounts of abduction or forward flexion) to determine the mechanical effect of the contraction in different situations. If, in the history, the patient complained of pain in one or more positions, these positions should be tested as well. If the initial position causes pain, other positions (e.g., position of injury, position of mechanical advantage) may be tried to further differentiate the specific contractile tissue that has been injured. During the active movements, the examiner should have noted which movements caused discomfort or pain so that this information can be correlated with that obtained from resisted isometric movements. By carefully noting which movements cause pain on isometric testing, the examiner should be able to determine which muscle or muscles are at fault (Fig. 5.53; Table 5.16). The rotator cuff (especially supraspinatus and subscapularis in overhead athletes), biceps, and triceps should receive particular attention along with the scapular control muscles (i.e., trapezius, serratus anterior, levator scapulae, and pectoralis minor).205 For example, if the patient experiences pain primarily on medial rotation but also on


abduction and adduction, the examiner would suspect a problem in the subscapularis muscle, because the other muscles involved in these actions were found to be pain free in other movements. To do the initial resisted isometric tests, the examiner positions the patient’s arm at the side with the elbow flexed to 90°. The muscles of the shoulder are then tested isometrically with the examiner positioning the patient and saying, “Don’t let me move you.” Resisted Isometric Movements of the Shoulder Complex • • • • • • • •

F orward flexion of the shoulder Extension of the shoulder Adduction of the shoulder Abduction of the shoulder Medial rotation of the shoulder Lateral rotation of the shoulder Flexion of the elbow Extension of the elbow

Resisted isometric elbow flexion and extension must be performed, because some of the muscles (e.g., biceps, triceps) act over the elbow as well as the shoulder. In addition, the region of hypovascularity of the long head of biceps is 1.2 to 3 cm (0.5 to 1.2 inches) from its origin at the coracoid process, where it may rupture.27,206 The examiner should watch for the possibility of a third-­degree strain (rupture) of the long head of biceps tendon (at the shoulder) (“Popeye muscle” or Popeye sign) as the muscle will bulge distally (i.e., toward the elbow) while a distal rupture (at the elbow) will cause the bulge to be more proximal when testing isometric elbow flexion (Fig. 5.54).27 It has been reported that 96% of all biceps ruptures occur to the long head.27 During testing, the examiner will find differences in the relative strengths of the various muscle groups around the shoulder. The relative percentages for isometric testing will be altered for tests at faster speeds and tests in different planes. If, in the history, the patient complained that concentric, eccentric, or econcentric (biceps and triceps) movements were painful or caused symptoms, these movements should also be tested, with loading or no loading as required. Relative Isometric Muscle Strengths

Fig. 5.52  Positioning of the patient for resisted isometric movements.

• • • • • •

A bduction should be 50%–70% of adduction Forward flexion should be 50%–60% of adduction Medial rotation should be 45%–50% of adduction Lateral rotation should be 65%–70% of medial rotation Forward flexion should be 50%–60% of extension Horizontal adduction should be 70%–80% of horizontal abduction

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Chapter 5  Shoulder


Deep Splenius capitis muscle Rhomboid minor muscle Levator scapulae muscle

Trapezius muscle

Supraspinatus muscle Infraspinatus muscle

Deltoid muscle

Teres minor muscle Teres major muscle Rhomboid major muscle Triceps muscle Triceps muscle Latissimus dorsi muscle

Anconeus muscle





Subclavius muscle Subscapularis muscle

Deltoid muscle

Pectoralis minor muscle

Pectoralis major muscle

Teres minor muscle Teres major muscle

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Coracobrachialis muscle

Serratus anterior muscle

Biceps muscle

Biceps muscle

Triceps muscle Serratus anterior muscle Brachialis muscle

Brachialis muscle

Brachioradialis muscle External oblique muscle



Fig. 5.53  Muscles about the shoulder. Posterior view of superficial (A) and deep (B) muscles. Anterior view of superficial (C) and deep (D) muscles.

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Chapter 5 Shoulder TABLE  5.16

Muscles About the Shoulder: Their Actions, Nerve Supply, and Nerve Root Derivation Action

Acting Muscles

Nerve Supply

Nerve Root Derivation Retraction

Forward flexion

1. Deltoid (anterior fibers) 2. Pectoralis major (clavicular fibers) 3. Coracobrachialis 4. Biceps (when strong contraction required)

Axillary (circumflex) Lateral pectoral Musculocutaneous Musculocutaneous

C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (lateral cord) C5–C7 (lateral cord) C5–C7 (lateral cord)


1. Deltoid (posterior fibers) 2. Teres major 3. Teres minor 4. Latissimus dorsi 5. Pectoralis major (sternocostal fibers) 6. Triceps (long head)

Axillary (circumflex) Subscapular Axillary (circumflex) Thoracodorsal Lateral pectoral Medial pectoral Radial

C5, C6 (posterior cord) CS, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C6–C8 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (lateral cord) C8, T1 (medial cord) C5–C8, T1 (posterior cord)

Horizontal adduction

1. Pectoralis major 2. Deltoid (anterior fibers)

Lateral pectoral Axillary (circumflex)

C5, C6 (lateral cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord)

Horizontal abduction

1. Deltoid (posterior fibers) 2. Teres major 3. Teres minor 4. Infraspinatus

Axillary (circumflex) Subscapular Axillary (circumflex) Suprascapular

C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (brachial plexus trunk) C5, C6 (brachial plexus trunk)


1. Deltoid 2. Supraspinatus 3. Infraspinatus 4. Subscapularis 5. Teres minor 6. Long head of biceps (if arm laterally rotated first, trick movement)

Axillary (circumflex) Suprascapular Suprascapular Subscapular Axillary (circumflex) Musculocutaneous

C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (brachial plexus trunk) C5, C6 (brachial plexus trunk) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5–C7 (lateral cord)


1. Pectoralis major 2. Latissimus dorsi 3. Teres major 4. Subscapularis 5. Coracobrachialis

Lateral pectoral Thoracodorsal Subscapular Subscapular Musculocutaneous

C5, C6 (lateral cord) C6–C8 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5–C7 (lateral cord)

Medial rotation

1. Pectoralis major 2. Deltoid (anterior fibers) 3. Latissimus dorsi 4. Teres major 5. Subscapularis (when arm is by side)

Lateral pectoral Axillary (circumflex) Thoracodorsal Subscapular Subscapular

C5, C6 (lateral cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C6–C8 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord) CS, C6 (posterior cord)

Lateral rotation

1. Infraspinatus 2. Deltoid (posterior fibers) 3. Teres minor

Suprascapular Axillary (circumflex) Axillary (circumflex)

C5, C6 (brachial plexus trunk) C5, C6 (posterior cord) C5, C6 (posterior cord)

Elevation of scapula

1. Trapezius (upper fibers)

Accessory C3, C4 nerve roots C3, C4 nerve roots Dorsal scapular Dorsal scapular Dorsal scapular

CN XI C3, C4 C3, C4 C5 (C4), C5 (C4), C5

Long thoracic Lateral pectoral Medial pectoral Thoracodorsal Accessory C3, C4 nerve roots

C5, C6 (C7) C5, C6 (lateral cord) C8, T1 (medial cord) C6–C8 (posterior cord) CN XI C3, C4

2. Levator scapulae 3. Rhomboid major 4. Rhomboid minor Depression of scapula

1. Serratus anterior 2. Pectoralis major 3. Pectoralis minor 4. Lattissimus dorsi 5. Trapezius (lower fibers)


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Chapter 5  Shoulder

TABLE  5.16

Muscles About the Shoulder: Their Actions, Nerve Supply, and Nerve Root Derivation—cont’d Action

Acting Muscles

Nerve Supply

Nerve Root Derivation Retraction

Protraction (forward movement) of scapula

1. Serratus anterior 2. Pectoralis major 3. Pectoralis minor 4. Latissimus dorsi

Long thoracic Lateral pectoral Medial pectoral Thoracodorsal

C5, C6 (C7) C5, C6 (lateral cord) C8, T1 (medial cord) C6–C8 (posterior cord)

Retraction (backward movement) of scapula

1. Trapezius 2. Rhomboid major 3. Rhomboid minor

Accessory Dorsal scapular Dorsal scapular

CN XI (C4), C5 (C4), C5

Lateral (upward) rotation of inferior angle of scapula

1. Trapezius (upper and lower fibers)


2. Serratus anterior

Long thoracic

CN XI C3, C4 C5, C6 (C7)

Medial (downward) rotation of inferior angle of scapula

1. Levator scapulae 2. Rhomboid major 3. Rhomboid minor 4. Pectoralis minor

C3, C4 nerve roots Dorsal scapular Dorsal scapular Dorsal scapular Medial pectoral

C3, C4 C5 (C4), C5 (C4), C5 C8, T1 (medial cord)

Flexion of elbow

1. Brachialis 2. Biceps brachii 3. Brachioradialis 4. Pronator teres 5. Flexor carpi ulnaris 1. Triceps 2. Anconeus

Musculocutaneous Musculocutaneous Radial Median Ulnar Radial Radial

C5, C6 (C7) CS, C6 C5, C6 (C7) C6, C 7 C7, C8 C6–C8 C7, C8, (T1)

Extension of elbow

CN, Cranial nerve.

TABLE  5.17

Range of Motion Necessary at the Shoulder to Do Certain Activities of Daily Living

Fig. 5.54 In most patients with an acute full-­thickness tear of the long head of biceps tendon at the shoulder, the “Popeye” deformity on the left arm is readily apparent on observation. (From McFarland EG, Borade A: Examination of the biceps tendon, Clin Sport Med 35[1]:32, 2016.)

Functional Assessment The shoulder complex plays an integral role in the activities of daily living (ADLs), sometimes acting as part of an open kinetic chain and sometimes acting as part of a closed kinetic chain. Assessment of function plays an important part of the shoulder evaluation.207 Limitation of function can greatly affect the patient. For example, placing the hand behind


Range of Motion


70°–100° horizontal adductiona 45°–60° abduction

Combing hair

30°–70° horizontal adductiona 105°–120° abduction 90° lateral rotation

Reach perineum

75°–90° horizontal abduction 30°–45° abduction 90°+ medial rotation

Tuck in shirt

50°–60° horizontal abduction 55°–65° abduction 90° medial rotation

Place hand behind head

10°–15° horizontal adductiona 110°–125° forward flexion 90° lateral rotation

Put something on a shelf

70°–80° horizontal adduction 70°–80° forward flexion 45° lateral rotation

Wash opposite shoulder

60°–90° forward flexion 60°–120° horizontal adductiona


adduction is from 0° to 90° of abduction. Adapted from Matsen FA, et al: Practical evaluation and management of the shoulder, Philadelphia, 1994, WB Saunders, p 20, 24.

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


TABLE  5.18

Scoring for Functional Shoulder Movements of the Arm Hand-­To-­Back of Neck (Test 1) 0

The fingers reach the posterior median line of the neck with the shoulder in full abduction and lateral rotation. The wrist is not dorsally extended.


The fingers reach the median line of the neck but do not have full abduction and/or lateral rotation.


The fingers reach the median line of the neck, but with compensation by adduction (over 20° in the horizontal plane) or by shoulder elevation.


The fingers touch the neck.


The fingers do not reach the neck.

Hand-­To-­Scapula (From Behind) (Test 2) 0

The hand reaches behind the trunk to the opposite scapula or 5 cm beneath it in full medial rotation. The wrist is not laterally deviated.


The hand reaches the opposite scapula 6–15 cm beneath it.


The hand reaches the opposite iliac crest.


The hand reaches the buttock.


The hand cannot be moved behind the trunk.

Hand-­To-­Opposite Scapula (From In Front) (Test 3) 0

The hand reaches the spine of the opposite scapula in full adduction without wrist flexion.


The hand reaches the spine of the opposite scapula in full adduction.

2 3

The hand passes the midline of the trunk. The hand cannot pass the midline of the trunk.

Modified from Mannerkorpi K, Svantesson U, Carlsson J, et al: Tests of functional limitations in fibromyalgia syndrome: a reliability study, Arthr Care Res 12(3):195, 1999; and Dutton M: Dutton’s orthopedic examination, evaluation and intervention, ed 3, New York, 2012, McGraw-­Hill, p 511.

the head (e.g., to comb the hair) requires almost full lateral rotation, whereas placing the hand in the small of the back (e.g., to get a wallet out of a back pocket or undo a bra) requires almost full medial rotation. Matsen et al.103 have listed the functional ROM necessary to do some of the functional ADLs (Table 5.17), and Mannerkorpi et al.208 and Dutton209 have outlined functional movements of the arm (Table 5.18). The tables point out that although full ROM is desirable, most functional tasks can be performed with less than full ROM.210 Test 1 in Table 5.18 measures the ability to do activities such as arm reach, pulling or hanging an object overhead, combing one’s hair, or drinking from a cup. Test 2 measures the ability to do activities such as getting something out of a back pocket, scratching one’s back, or hooking a bra. Test 3 measures the ability to do such tasks as fastening a seatbelt or turning a steering wheel.208,209 The functional assessment may be based on a particular joint, structure (e.g., Nottingham Clavicle Score) (eTool 5.1),211 ADLs, work, or recreation and outcomes measures,212,213 because these activities are of most concern to the patient (eTool 5.2),214–220 or it may be based on numerical scoring charts (eTools 5.3 to 5.5 are examples), which are derived from clinical measures as well as functional measures. Some numerical evaluation scales

are designed for specific populations, such as athletes (see eTool 5.3), level of disability221–224 (see eTool 5.5), or specific injuries, such as instability.225–228 Other shoulder rating scales are also available.229–241 When numerical scoring charts are being used, the examiner should not place total reliance on the scores, because most of these charts are based primarily on the examiner’s clinical measures and not the patient’s subjective functional hoped-­ for outcome, which is the patient’s primary concern, and there has been concern whether the most appropriate data (based on the patient’s desired outcome) are being recorded.242–244 Probably the most functional numerical shoulder tests from a patient’s perspective are the simple shoulder test (eTool 5.6) developed by Lippitt, Matsen, and associates103,216,227,245–248; the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) test from Hudak et al. (eTool 5.7)216,249–251 and its modification—the Quick DASH227,251–254; the Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI) (eTool 5.8)238; the Instability Severity Index Score (ISIS) to select patients for stabilization surgery255,256; the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) (see eTool 5.4)222,223,227,257,258; the Penn Shoulder Score (eTool 5.9) by Leggin et al.259,260; the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Shoulder Score (eTool 5.10)235,247,257,261; the Oxford

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


Nottingham University Hospitals

NHS Trust

Nottingham Clavicle Score (for injuries to the collarbone, A/C & S/C Joint) The following questions relate to the pain levels and difficulties you have experienced around your collarbone/shoulder area during the last two months. 1. How would you describe the pain you usually 2. Have you been troubled by pain from your had from your shoulder/collarbone? shoulder/collarbone in bed at night? None


No nights


Very mild


Only 1 or 2 nights




Some nights




Most nights




Every night


3. How much has pain from your shoulder/ collarbone interfered with your usual work (including housework or driving)? 10 Not at all

4. How much has pain from your shoulder/ collarbone interfered with your sporting activities or hobbies? Not at all 10

A little bit


A little/occasionally




Some of the time




Most of the time


2 Totally 5. How much has the problem with your shoulder/collarbone interfered with your ability or willingness to lift heavy objects? 10 Not at all

All of the time 6. Has your shoulder/collarbone easily tired or felt weak with overhead activity? Not at all





A little/occasionally


Some days


Some of the time


Most days


Most of the time


2 Every day 7. Have you been happy about the appearance of your collarbone area?

All of the time 2 8. Have you felt any movements or clicking in the collarbone area that trouble or worry you?

Totally happy


Not at all


Very happy


A little/occasionally


Moderately happy


Some of the time


A little bit happy


Most of the time


2 Not at all happy 9. Do you experience tingling or numbness travelling up into your neck or down your arm?

All of the time 2 10. Have you experienced any dragging sensation or feeling of heaviness of your arm?

Not at all


Not at all


A little/occasionally


A little/occasionally


Some of the time


Some of the time


Most of the time


Most of the time


All of the time


All of the time


eTool 5.1  Nottingham Clavicle Score. (From Charles ER, Kumar V, Blacknall J, et al: The validation of the Nottingham clavicle score: a clavicle, acromioclavicular joint and sternoclavicular joints specific patient reported outcome measure, J Shoulder Elbow Surg 26:1734, 2017.)

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321.e2 Chapter 5  Shoulder Please indicate with an “X” how often you performed each activity in your healthiest and most active state, in the past year. Never or Once a Once a More than Daily less than month week once a once a week month Carrying objects 8 pounds or heavier by hand (such as a bag of groceries ) Handling objects overhead Weight lifting or weight training with arms Swinging motion (as in hitting a tennis ball, golf ball, baseball, or similar object) Lifting objects 25 pounds or heavier (such as 3 gallons of water) NOT INCLUDING WEIGHT LIFTING For each of the following questions, please circle the letter that best describes your participation in that particular activity. 1) Do you participate in contact sports (such as, but not limited to, American football, rugby, soccer, basketball, wrestling, boxing, lacrosse, martial arts)? A



Yes, without organized officiating


Yes, with organized officiating


Yes, at a professional level (i.e., paid to play)

2) Do you participate in sports that involve hard overhand throwing (such as baseball, cricket, or quarterback in American football), overhead serving (such as tennis or volleyball), or lap/distance swimming? A



Yes, without organized officiating


Yes, with organized officiating


Yes, at a professional level (i.e., paid to play)

eTool 5.2  Shoulder activity scale including five numerically scored items and two α-­scored items. (From Brophy RH, Beauvais RL, Jones EC, et al: Measurement of shoulder activity level, Clin Orthop Relat Res 439:105, 2005.)

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


eTool 5.3  Athletic shoulder outcome rating scale. ADLs, Activities of daily living. (From Tibone JE, Bradley JP: Evaluation of treatment outcomes for the athlete’s shoulder. In Matsen FA, Fu FH, Hawkins RJ, editors: The shoulder: a balance of mobility and stability, Rosemont, IL, 1993, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, pp 526–527.)

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321.e4 Chapter 5  Shoulder

Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) Please place a mark on the line that best represents your experience during the last week attributable to your shoulder problem.

Pain scale How severe is your pain? Circle the number that best describes your pain where: 0 = no pain and 10 = the worst pain imaginable. At its worst?












When lying on the involved side?












Reaching for something on a high shelf?












Touching the back of your neck?












Pushing with the involved arm?












Total pain score _____ /50 × 100 = _____ % (Note: If a person does not answer all questions divide by the total possible score, e.g., if 1 question missed divide by 40.)

Disability scale How much difficulty do you have? Circle the number that best describes your experience where: 0 = no difficulty and 10 = so difficult it requires help. Washing your hair?












Washing your back?












Putting on an undershirt or jumper?












Putting on a shirt that buttons down the front?












Putting on your pants?












Placing an object on a high shelf?












Carrying a heavy object of 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms)












Removing something from your back pocket?












Total disability score: _____ /80 × 100 = _____ % (Note: If a person does not answer all questions divide by the total possible score, e.g., if 1 question missed divide by 70.) Total SPADI score: _____ 130 × 100 = _____ % (Note: If a person does not answer all questions divide by the total possible score, e.g., if 1 question missed divide by 120.) Minimum Detectable Change (90% confidence) = 13 points (Change less than this may be attributable to measurement error) eTool 5.4  Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI). (From Roach KE, Budiman-­Mak E, Songsiridej N, et al: Development of a shoulder pain and disability index, Arthritis Care Res 4[4]:143–149, 1991.)

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Chapter 5 Shoulder

eTool 5.5  American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons shoulder evaluation form. (Courtesy the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.)

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321.e6 Chapter 5  Shoulder

eTool 5.6  Simple shoulder test questionnaire form. (From Lippitt SB, Harryman DT, Matsen FA, et al: A practical tool for evaluating function: the simple shoulder test, In Matsen FA, Fu FH, Hawkins RJ, et al., editors: The shoulder: a balance of mobility and stability, Rosemont, IL, 1993, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, p 514.)

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. No Difficulty

Mild Difficulty

Moderate Difficulty

Severe Difficulty

1. Open a tight or new jar.





Unable 5

2. Write.






3. Turn a key.






4. Prepare a meal.






5. Push open a heavy door.






6. Place an object on a shelf above your head.






7. Do heavy household chores (e.g., wash walls, wash floors).






8. Garden or do yard work.






9. Make a bed.






10. Carry a shopping bag or briefcase.






11. Carry a heavy object (over 10 Ibs).






12. Change a light bulb overhead.






13. Wash or blow dry your hair.






14. Wash your back.






15. Put on a pullover sweater.






16. Use a knife to cut food. 17. Recreational activities which require little effort (e.g., card, playing, knitting, etc.). 18. Recreational activities in which you take some force or impact through your arm, shoulder, or hand (e.g., golf, hammering, tennis, etc.).
















19. Recreational activities in which you move your arm freely (e.g., playing Frisbee, badminton, etc.).






20. Manage transportation needs (getting from one place to another).






21. Sexual activities.






Not at All



Quite a Bit







Slightly Limited

Moderately Limited

Very Limited











22. During the past week, to what extent has your arm, shoulder, or hand problem interfered with your normal social activities with family, friends, neighbors, or groups? (circle number)

Not Limited At All 23. During the past week, were you limited in your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your arm, shoulder, or hand problem? (circle number)


Please rate the severity of the following symptoms in the last week. (circle number)

None 24. Arm, shoulder, or hand pain.






25. Arm, shoulder, or hand pain when you performed any specific activity.






26. Tingling (pins and needles) in your arm, shoulder, or hand. 27. Weakness in your arm, shoulder, or hand.

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

28. Stiffness in your arm, shoulder, or hand.






eTool 5.7  Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) Questionnaire. (From Dutton M: Orthopedic examination, evaluation and intervention, New York, 2004, McGraw-­Hill, pp 449–450.)

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321.e8 Chapter 5  Shoulder DISABILITIES OF THE ARM, SHOULDER, AND HAND So Much Difficulty That I Can’t Sleep

No Difficulty

Mild Difficulty

Moderate Difficulty

Severe Difficulty






Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree






29. During the past week, how much difficulty have you had sleeping because of the pain in your arm, shoulder, or hand? (circle number)

30. I feel less capable, less confident, or less useful because of my arm, shoulder, or hand problem. (circle number)

Scoring DASH function/symptoms: Add up circled responses (item 1−30); subtract 30; divide by 1.20 = DASH score. SPORTS/PERFORMING ARTS MODULE (Optional) The following questions relate to the impact of your arm, shoulder, or hand problem on playing your musical instrument or sport. If you play more than one sport or instrument (or play both), please answer with respect to that activity which is most important. Please indicate the sport or instrument which is most important to you: I do not play a sport or an instrument. (You may skip this section.) Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: No Difficulty

Mild Difficulty

Moderate Difficulty

Severe Difficulty


1. Using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport?






2. Playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder, or hand pain?






3. Playing your musical instrument or sport as well as you would like?






4. Spending your usual amount of time practicing or playing your instrument or sport?






WORK MODULE (Optional) The following questions ask about the impact of your arm, shoulder, or hand problem on your ability to work (including homemakers if that is your main work role). I do not work. (You may skip this section.) Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: No Difficulty

Mild Difficulty

Moderate Difficulty

Severe Difficulty

1. Using your usual technique for your work?






2. Doing your usual work because of arm, shoulder, or hand pain? 3. Doing your work as well as you would like? 4. Spending your usual amount of time doing your work?






1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

eTool 5.7, cont’d

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


The Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI) Clinician's name (or ref)

Patient's name (or ref)

The following questions concern the symptoms you have experienced due to your shoulder problem. In all cases, please enter the amount of the symptom you have experienced in the last week. (please move the slider on the horizontal line.) 1. How much pain do you experience in your shoulder with overhead activities?

No pain

Extreme pain

2. How much aching or throbbing do you experience in your shoulder?

No aching/throbbing

Extreme aching/throbbing

3. How much weakness or lack of strength do you experience in your shoulder?

No weakness

Extreme weakness

4. How much fatigue or lack of stamina do you experience in your shoulder?

No fatigue

Extreme fatigue

5. How much clicking, cracking or snapping do you experience in your shoulder?

No clicking

Extreme clicking

6. How much stiffness do you experience in your shoulder?

No stiffness

Extreme stiffness

12. How much has your shoulder affected your ability to perform the specific skills required for your sport or work? (If your shoulder affects both sports and work, consider the area that is most affected.)

Not affected

Extremely affected

13. How much do you feel the need to protect your arm during activities?

Not at all


14. How much difficulty do you experience lifting heavy objects below shoulder level?

No difficulty

Extreme difficulty

15. How much fear do you have of falling on your shoulder?

No fear

Extreme fear

16. How much difficulty do you experience maintaining your desired level of fitness?

No difficulty

Extreme difficulty

17. How much difficulty do you have “rough housing” or “horsing around” with family or friends?

No difficulty

Extreme difficulty

eTool 5.8  Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI). (From Kirkley A, Griffin S, McLintock H, Ng L: The development and evaluation of a disease-­specific quality of life measurement tool for shoulder instability: The Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI), Am J Sports Med 26[6]:764–772, 1998.)

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321.e10 Chapter 5  Shoulder 7. How much discomfort do you experience in your neck muscles as a result of your shoulder?

No discomfort

Extreme discomfort

No difficulty

8. How much feeling of instability or looseness do you experience in your shoulder?

No instability

Not conscious

Extremely conscious

20. How concerned are you about your shoulder becoming worse?


No concern

10. How much loss of range of motion do you have in your shoulder?

No loss

Extreme difficulty

19. How conscious are you of your shoulder?

Extreme instability

9. How much do your compensate for your shoulder with other muscles?

Not at all

18. How much difficulty do you have sleeping because of your shoulder?

Extremely concerned

21. How much frustration do you feel because of your shoulder?

Extreme loss

No frustration

Extremely frustrated

11. How much has your shoulder limited the amount you can participate in sports or recreational activities?

Not limited

Extremely limited Physical symptoms Score is:

Sports/recreation/work Score is:

Lifestyle Score is:

Emotion Score is:

The WOSI Score is: Link for Reference:

0 0


0 0


0 0


0 0


0 0


The Development and Evaluation of a Disease-Specific Quality of Life Measurement Tool for Shoulder Instability The Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI). Am J Sports Med November 1998 vol. 26 no. 6 764-772 Alexandra Kirkley, MD, FRCSC*, Sharon Griffin, CSS, Heidi McLintock, BSc, PT, MSc and, Linda Ng, BSc, PT, http://ajs.sagepub.com/content/26/6/764.abstract Web Design London - James Blake Internet eTool 5.8, cont’d

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Chapter 5 Shoulder

Since beginning therapy for your shoulder, would you say that your shoulder is: Much worse Moderately worse Gotten slightly worse Stayed the same Gotten slightly better Gotten moderately better Gotten much better



Date of Birth:


Home Phone: Dominant Hand:


R Both

(circle one)

Work Phone: Gender:

Affected Arm:



(circle one)




(circle one)

PENN SHOULDER SCORE Part I: Pain & Satisfaction: Please circle the number closest to your level of pain or satisfaction Pain at rest with your arm by your side: No Pain

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 Worst Pain Possible

No Pain

(10 - # circled)

OFFICE USE ONLY Today’s Date: ___/___/___

7 8 9 10 Worst Pain Possible

Pain with strenuous activities (reaching, lifting, pushing, pulling, throwing): No Pain

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

PLEASE TURN OVER TO COMPLETE QUESTIONNAIRE ____________________________________


Pain with normal activities (eating, dressing, bathing): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


7 8 9 10 Worst Pain Possible PAIN SCORE:


_______ (10 - # circled) (score “0” if not applicable)

Pain Satisfaction Function

_______ (10 - # circled)


/30 /10 /60 /100

(score “0” if not applicable)


© 1999 Brian G. Leggin

**The author grants unrestricted use of this questionnaire for patient care and clinical research purposes.

How satisfied are you with the current level of function of your shoulder? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Not Satisfied

7 8 9 10 Very Satisfied

=___/10 (# circled)

eTool 5.9  Penn Shoulder Score. (© Brian G. Leggin. From Leggin BG, Michener LA, Shaffer MA, et al: The Penn shoulder score: reliability and validity, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 36:138–151, 2006.)

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321.e12 Chapter 5  Shoulder





eTool 5.9, cont’d

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Chapter 5 Shoulder ASES - Orthopaedic Scores ASES Shoulder Score Name



1) Usual Work

2) Usual Sport/Leisure activity?

3) Do you have shoulder pain at night?

4) Do you take pain killers such as paracetamol (acetaminophen), diclofenac,





5) Do you take strong pain killers such as codeine, tramadol, or morphine?

6) How many pills do you take on an average day?

Yes No

7) Intensity of pain? 10 Pain as bad as it can be





8) Is it difficult for you to put on a coat?





9) Is it difficult for you to sleep on the affected side?

Unable to do

Unable to do

Very difficult to do

Very difficult to do

Somewhat difficult

Somewhat difficult

Not difficult

Not difficult

10) Is it difficult for you to wash your back/do up bra?

11) Is it difficult for you manage toileting?

Unable to do

Unable to do

Very difficult to do

Very difficult to do

Somewhat difficult

Somewhat difficult

Not difficult

Not difficult

12) Is it difficult for you to comb your hair?

13) Is it difficult for you to reach a high shelf?

Unable to do

Unable to do

Very difficult to do

Very difficult to do

Somewhat difficult

Somewhat difficult

Not difficult

Not difficult

14) Is it difficult for you to lift 10 lbs. (4.5 kg) above your shoulder?

15) Is it difficult for you to throw a ball overhand?

Unable to do

Unable to do

Very difficult to do

Very difficult to do

Somewhat difficult

Somewhat difficult

Not difficult

Not difficult

16) Is it difficult for you to do your usual work?

17) Is it difficult for you to do your usual sport/leisure activity?

Unable to do

Unable to do

Very difficult to do

Very difficult to do

Somewhat difficult

Somewhat difficult

Not difficult

Not difficult

Nb: This page cannot be saved due to patient data protection so please print the filled-in form before closing the window.

Page design : Aaron Rooney


The Total ASES score is:


Reference : American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder Assessment Form, p section: reliability, validity, and responsiveness.Michener LA, McClure PW, Sennett BJ.J Shoulder E Nov-De

eTool 5.10 American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Shoulder Score. (From Research Committee of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Society (ASES), Richards RR, An KN, et al: A standardized method for the assessment of shoulder function, J Shoulder Elbow Surg 3:347– 352, 1994.) Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter 5  Shoulder

TABLE  5.19

Functional Testing of the Shoulder Starting Position


Function Testa


Forward flexing of arm to 90°

Lift 4-lb­to 5-­lb weight: functional Lift 1-lb to 3-­lb weight: functionally fair Lift arm weight: functionally poor Cannot lift arm: nonfunctional


Shoulder extension

Lift 4-lb to 5-­lb weight: functional Lift 1-lb to 3-­lb weight: functionally fair Lift arm weight: functionally poor Cannot lift arm: nonfunctional

Side lying (may be done in sitting with pulley)

Shoulder medial rotation

Lift 4-lb to 5-­lb weight: functional Lift 1-lb­to 3-­lb weight: functionally fair Lift arm weight: functionally poor Cannot lift arm: nonfunctional

Side lying (may be done in sitting with pulley)

Shoulder lateral rotation

Lift 4-lb to 5-­lb weight: functional Lift 1-lb­to 3-­lb weight: functionally fair Lift arm weight: functionally poor Cannot lift arm: nonfunctional


Shoulder abduction

Lift 4-lb to 5-­lb weight: functional Lift 1-lb to 3-­lb weight: functionally fair Lift arm weight: functionally poor Cannot lift arm: nonfunctional


Shoulder adduction (using wall pulley)

Lift 4-lb to 5-­lb weight: functional Lift 1-lb­to 3-­lb weight: functionally fair Lift arm weight: functionally poor Cannot lift arm: nonfunctional


Shoulder elevation (shoulder shrug)


Sitting push-­up (shoulder dysfunction)

5–6 repetitions: functional 3–4 repetitions: functionally fair 1–2 repetitions: functionally poor 0 repetitions: nonfunctional 5–6 repetitions: functional 3–4 repetitions: functionally fair 1–2 repetitions: functionally poor 0 repetitions: nonfunctional


more fit patients should easily be able to do more than the values given for these tests. A comparison between the good side and the injured side gives the examiner some idea about the patient’s functional strength capacity. Data from Palmer ML, Epler M: Clinical assessment procedures in physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1990, JB Lippincott, pp 68–73.

Shoulder Instability Score227,262; and the Constant-­ Murley Shoulder Score.233,263–266 However, some authors264,265 have questioned the last score and what it measures. Table 5.19 provides the examiner with a method of determining the patient’s functional shoulder strength and endurance. This table is based on the general population and would not indicate a true functional reading of athletes or persons who do heavy work involving the shoulders. Ahmad et al.267 have developed a Youth Throwing Score (YTS) (eTool 5.11) for the injury assessment of young (i.e., 10 to 19 years of age) baseball players, and the Kerlan-­ Jobe Clinic has developed the Kerlan-­Jobe Orthopedic Clinic Shoulder and Elbow Score (eTool 5.12) for adult overhead athletes.249,268,269 There is also the Degree of Shoulder Involvement in Sports (DOSIS) Scale, which can be used to determine how much the shoulder is used. It is similar to the Teglar Activity Scale for the knee.270 For athletes or those applying significant

load to their shoulders while forward flexed, the one-­arm hop test has been developed (Fig. 5.55). To do this test, the patient assumes the push-­up position, balancing on one arm. The patient then hops up onto a 10-­cm (4-­inch) step and then back to the floor. The hop is repeated five times and the time is noted. The patient starts with the good arm and then uses the injured arm, and the two times are compared. Provided that the patient is trained, completing this action in less than 10 seconds is considered normal.271 Burkhart et al. felt it was important to test core stability (i.e., testing kinetic chain function) and flexibility when the shoulder was being assessed so as to ensure the proper transfer of forces from the legs to the trunk and the shoulder as part of the kinetic chain.74 They advocated testing one-­legged stance (not Trendelenburg), one-­legged squat (stable pelvis), one-­legged step up and step down (stable pelvis), normal hip medial rotation bilaterally, and strength of hip abductors, trunk flexors, and abdominal muscles.

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Chapter 5 Shoulder


CSES SCORE FOR YOUTH THROWING ATHLETES Name: ________________________________________ Age: _______




City, State, Zip: ________________, _____________, _____________

Date of Birth: _______ / _______ / _______

Today’s Date: _______ / _______ / _______

Part 1. Please answer EACH of the following questions. 1. What is your main sport?


2. What position do you play most often?


3. What other positions do you play?


4. Have you ever had an injury to your throwing arm?



a. If so, what type of injury did you have?


b. What date (approximately) did this injury occcur?


5. Have you ever had surgery on your throwing arm?



a. If so, what type of surgery did you have?


b. What date (approximately) did this injury occcur?


6. What type of league(s) do you play in? School league

Out-of-school league

Both types of leagues

7. Describe the pain or discomfort level you felt the last time you played your sport. Please check only one box Playing without any arm pain or discomfort Playing with arm pain or discomfort Not playing due to arm pain or discomfort Part 2. Please answer EACH of the following 14 questions. Please mark only one box for each question. 1. Does your arm hurt when you throw? Never





















2. Does your arm hurt the day after your throw? Never


3. Does your arm get tired during a game or practice? Never


4. Does arm pain decrease your throwing accuracy? Never


5. Does arm pain limit how hard you can throw? Never


6. Does arm pain or weakness limit the number of innings you can play? Never



7. Does arm pain or weakness limit the number of games you can play? Never



eTool 5.11  Youth Throwing Score. (From Ahmad CS, Padaki AS, Noticewala MS, et al: The Youth Throwing Score—validating injury assessment in young baseball players, Am J Sports Med 45[2]:319, 2016.)

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322.e2 Chapter 5  Shoulder Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Shoulder & Elbow Score Name ________________________ Age ______ Sex _________ Dominant Hand (R) _______ (L) ______ (Ambidextrous) _______________ Date of Examination _____________________ Sport ________ Position ________ Years Played __________ Please answer the following questions related to your history of injuries to YOUR ARM ONLY: YES NO 1. Is your arm currently injured? 2. Are you currently active in your sport? 3. Have you missed game or practice time in the last year due to an injury to your shoulder or elbow? 4. Have you been diagnosed with an injury to your shoulder or elbow other than a strain or sprain? If yes, what was the diagnosis? _____________ 5. Have you received treatment for an injury to your shoulder or elbow? If yes, what was the treatment? (Check all that apply) Rest Therapy Surgery (please describe): _______________ Please describe your level of competition in your current sport: (Use Professional Major League, Professional Minor League, Intercollegiate, High School as the choices) 6. What is the highest level of competition you’ve participated at? __________ 7. What is your current level of competition? _______________________ 8. If your current level of competition is not the same as your highest level, do you feel it is due to an injury to your arm? Please check the ONE category only that best describes your current status: Playing without any arm trouble Playing, but with arm trouble Not playing due to arm trouble Instructions to athletes: The following questions concern your physical functioning during game and practice conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all questions relate to your shoulder or elbow. Please answer with an X along the horizontal line that corresponds to your current level. 1. How difficult is it for you to get loose or warm prior to competition or practice? Never feel loose during games or practice

Normal warm-up time

2. How much pain do you experience in your shoulder or elbow? Pain at rest

No pain with competition

3. How much weakness and/or fatigue (i.e., loss of strength) do you experience in your shoulder or elbow? Weakness or fatigue preventing any competition

No weakness, normal competition fatigue

4. How unstable does your shoulder or elbow feel during competition? “Popping out” routinely

No instability

eTool 5.12  Kerlan-­Jobe Orthopedic Clinic Shoulder and Elbow Score. (From Alberta FG, El Attrache NS, Bissell S, et al: The development and elevation of a functional assessment tool for the upper extremity in the overhead athlete, Am J Sports Med 38[5]:906–907, 2010.)

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Chapter 5  Shoulder 5. How much have arm problems affected your relationship with your coaches, management, and agents? Left team, traded or waived, lost contract or scholarship

Not at all

The following questions refer to your level of competition in your sport. Please answer with an X along the horizontal line that corresponds to your current level. 6. How much have you had to change your throwing motion, serve, stroke, etc., due to your arm? Completely changed, don’t perform motion anymore

No change in motion

7. How much has your velocity and/or power suffered due to your arm? Lost all power, became finesse or distance athlete

No change in velocity/power

8. What limitation do you have in endurance in competition due to your arm? Significant limitation (became relief pitcher, switched to short races for example)

No endurance limitation in competition

9. How much has your control (of pitches, serves, strokes, etc.) suffered due to your arm? Unpredictable control on all pitches, serves, strokes, etc.

No loss of control

10. How much do you feel your arm affects your current level of competition in your sport (i.e., is your arm holding you back from being at your full potential)? Cannot compete, had to switch sports

Desired level of competition eTool 5.12, cont’d

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Chapter 5 Shoulder



B Fig. 5.55  One-­arm hop test. (A) Start position. (B) End position.

Special Tests Special tests are often used in shoulder examinations to confirm findings or to make a tentative diagnosis. Many of the tests, especially those involving the labrum, have not shown high sensitivity or specificity; therefore a combination of tests (i.e., test clusters, clinical prediction rules) may often be more helpful,272–279 although even in these cases, the tests are not necessarily definitive or discriminatory.1,280 The problem is that too many pain-­ generating structures in the shoulder cause the same painful symptoms (e.g., tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, SLAP lesions, instability, impingement). Thus the tests are rarely

diagnostic but do raise the clinician’s level of suspicion as to whether the injury is treatable conservatively or should be referred to a surgeon.1,281 The examiner must be proficient in those tests that he or she decides to use. Proficiency increases the reliability of the findings, although the reliability of some of the tests has been questioned.273,282,283 Depending on the patient history, some tests are compulsory and others may be used as confirming or excluding tests. As with all passive tests, results are more likely to be positive in the presence of pathology when the muscles are relaxed, the patient is supported, and there is minimal or no muscle spasm.

Key Tests Performed at the Shoulder Depending on Suspected Pathologya • For anterior shoulder (glenohumeral) instability: Apprehension (crank) release (“surprise”) test and Jobe relocation tests and modifications Anterior drawer test of the shoulder Bony apprehension test Load and shift test Andrews anterior instability test Anterior instability (Leffert’s) test Dugas test Fulcrum test Protzman test Rockwood test Rowe test Supine apprehension test • For posterior shoulder (glenohumeral) instability: Jerk (Jahnke) test Load and shift test Norwood test Circumduction test Miniaci test Posterior apprehension or stress test Posterior drawer test Posterior subluxation test Push-­pull test

• For inferior and multidirectional shoulder (glenohumeral) instability: Sulcus sign Feagin test (abduction inferior stability test) Hyperabduction test (Gagey hyperabduction test) Hyperextension–internal (medial) rotation (HERI) test Knee–shoulder test Rowe test • For anterior impingement: Coracoid impingement sign Hawkins-­Kennedy test Neer test and modification Supine impingement test Yokum test Zaslav test (internal rotation resistance strength test [IRRST]) Impingement sign Reverse impingement (impingement relief) test • For posterior impingement: Posterior internal impingement test • For labral lesions b: Active compression test of O’Brien Kim test I (biceps load test II) Porcellini test Anterior slide test Biceps load test (Kim test II) Continued

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

Key Tests Performed at the Shoulder Depending on Suspected Pathology—cont’da


• For labral lesions (cont’d): Biceps tension test Clunk test Compression rotation test Forced shoulder abduction and elbow flexion test Mayo shear test Pain provocation (Mimori) test Passive distraction test Resisted supination external rotation test (RSERT) Supine flexion resistance test Throwing test Labral crank test Labral tension test O’Driscoll SLAP (dynamic labral shear) test Passive compression test SLAP prehension test • For scapular dyskinesia: Scapular dyskinesia test Scapular load test Lateral scapular slide test Scapular retraction test (SRT) Wall/floor push-­up Kinetic medial rotation test Scapular assistance test Scapular isometric pinch or squeeze test • For acromioclavicular joint pathology: Horizontal adduction (cross-­body adduction) test Paxinos sign Acromioclavicular shear test Ellman’s compression rotation test • For ligament and capsule pathology: Crank test Low flexion test Coracoclavicular ligament test Posterior inferior glenohumeral ligament test • For muscle pathology b: Biceps Biceps tightness test Speed’s test Yergason’s test Gilchrest’s test Heuter’s sign Lippman’s test Ludington’s test Upper-­cut test Deltoid Deltoid extension lag (swallow-­tail) sign Rotator cuff stability Dynamic relocation test (DRT) Dynamic rotary stability test (DRST) Lateral Jobe test Abrasion test Rotator cuff (general) Rent test aSee

Whipple test Drop-­arm (Codman’s) test Supraspinatus Champagne toast position “Empty can” test (Jobe or supraspinatus test) Drop-­arm test Subscapularis External rotation lag sign (ERLS) Lift-­off sign (Gerber’s test) Medial rotation lag or “spring back” test Belly-­off sign Belly press test (abdominal compression or Napoleon test) Bear-­hug test Infraspinatus Infraspinatus test Lateral rotation lag sign Dropping sign Infraspinatus scapula retraction test (ISRT) Teres minor Hornblower’s sign (Patte’s test) Lateral rotation lag sign Teres minor test Trapezius, rhomboids Trapezius test (three positions) Rhomboid weakness Latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor Latissimus dorsi weakness Pectoralis major contracture test Pectoralis minor tightness Scapula backward tipping test (pectoralis minor) Tightness of latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor Serratus anterior Punch out test Triangle sign • For neurological function: Upper limb neurodynamic (tension) test (ULNT) Median nerve (ULNT I) Median nerve (ULNT II) Radial nerve (ULNT III) Ulnar nerve (ULNT IV) Scratch collapse test (axillary nerve, long thoracic nerve) Active elevation lag Tinel’s sign • For thoracic outlet syndrome: Roos test Adson maneuver Costoclavicular (military thrust) syndrome Halstead maneuver Provocative elevation test Shoulder girdle passive elevation Wright test • Other: Olecranon-­manubrium percussion sign

Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests. has shown that no single test or even a group of tests can accurately diagnose a superior labrum anteroposterior (SLAP) or rotator cuff lesion.98,275,284–289


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Chapter 5 Shoulder

For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the shoulder are available in eAppendix 5.1.

Instability and Pseudolaxity Impingement

Anterior shoulder pain is commonly seen in patients young and old complaining of shoulder pain and dysfunction. Instability at the shoulder manifests itself as symptomatic abnormal motion within the shoulder complex, including the scapula. This abnormal motion may be the result of several intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as abnormal scapular or glenohumeral muscle patterning, hypo-­or hypermobility of the capsule (most commonly a tight posterior capsule) or ribs, a labral tear (a Bankart or SLAP lesion), a rotator cuff or biceps injury, altered surface area of contact between the glenoid and humeral head, and/ or a problem with the central or peripheral nervous system.178,290 Kuhn et al.68,291 advocated using the FEDS System (i.e., frequency, etiology, direction, and severity) for diagnosing glenohumeral instability. Lewis et al.292–294 suggested using the Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (SSMP) as part of the shoulder examination to demonstrate to the patient that rotator cuff symptoms are modifiable, which may increase individual confidence to move and to adhere to any treatment plans. However, the usefulness of the SSMP has been questioned.295 In the older patient (40 years old or older), mechanical impingement occurs because of degenerative changes to the rotator cuff, the acromion process, the coracoid process, and the anterior tissues from stress overload. In this case, impingement is the primary problem (thus the term primary impingement). It may be intrinsic because of rotator cuff degeneration or extrinsic because of the shape of the acromion and degeneration of the coracoacromial ligament.296 In the young patient (15 to 35 years old), anterior shoulder pain is primarily caused by problems with muscle dynamics, with an upset in the normal force couple action leading to muscle imbalance and abnormal movement patterns at both the glenohumeral joint and the scapulothoracic articulation. These altered muscle dynamics lead to symptoms of anterior impingement (thus the term secondary impingement). The impingement signs are a secondary result of altered muscle dynamics in the scapula or glenohumeral joint.296 As secondary impingement is primarily a problem with muscle dynamics, it commonly presents in conjunction with instability, either of the scapula or at the glenohumeral joint. A hypermobile or lax joint does not imply instability.297 Laxity implies that there is a certain amount of nonpathological “looseness” in a joint, so that ROM is greater in one or more directions and the shoulder complex functions normally. It is usually found bilaterally.


Instability implies that the patient is unable to control or stabilize a joint during motion or in a static position either because static restraints have been injured (as would be noted in an anterior dislocation with tearing of the capsule and labrum, also called gross or anatomical instability), or because the muscles controlling the joint are weak or the force couples are unbalanced (also called translational instability).298 Both primary and second impingements occur anteriorly (thus, the terms anterior primary impingement or anterior secondary impingement). Because the areas of impingement are in the supraspinatus outlet area, they are also called outlet impingement syndromes.90 Jobe and colleagues believed that impingement and instability often occur together in throwing athletes and, based on that assumption, developed the following classification75,299: • Grade I: Pure impingement with no instability (often seen in older patients) • Grade II: Secondary impingement and instability caused by chronic capsular and labral microtrauma • Grade III: Secondary impingement and instability caused by generalized hypermobility or laxity • Grade IV: Primary instability with no impingement In this classification, secondary impingement implies that the impingement occurs secondarily and that the main problem is instability. A third type of impingement is termed internal impingement or nonoutlet impingement. This type of impingement is found posteriorly rather than anteriorly, mostly in overhead athletes. It involves contact of the undersurface of the rotator cuff (primarily supraspinatus and infraspinatus) with the posterosuperior glenoid labrum when the arm is abducted to 90° and laterally rotated fully.271,300–305 If the patient history indicates instability, then at least one test each for anterior, posterior, and multidirectional instability should be performed. Because of the interrelation of impingement and instability, tests for both should be applied if the patient history indicates that either condition may be present.305 Traumatic first-­time subluxations and dislocations may result in a torn labrum (Bankart or SLAP lesion), Hill-­Sach lesion, osteochondral lesion, and/or capsular damage; therefore the examiner should consider the possibility of these problems existing during the assessment.306 When one is looking at shoulder instability, it is important to realize that instability includes a spectrum of conditions from gross or anatomical instability (as seen with the TUBS lesion) to translational instability (muscle weakness) (as seen with AMBRI lesions) (Table 5.20).103 Burkhart et al.65 also included pseudolaxity, which includes altered glenohumeral arthrokinematics because of the presence of a SLAP lesion, a tight posteroinferior capsule, and often

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

TABLE  5.20

Differential Diagnosis of Shoulder Instability (AMBRI Lesion) versus Traumatic Anterior Dislocation (TUBS Lesion) Shoulder Instability

Traumatic Anterior Dislocation


Feeling of shoulder slippage with pain Feeling of insecurity when doing specific activities No history of injury

Arm elevated and laterally rotated relative to body Feeling of insecurity when in specific position (of dislocation) Recurrent episodes of apprehension



Normal (if reduced; if not, loss of rounding of deltoid caused by anterior dislocation)

Active movement

Normal ROM May be abnormal or painful at activity speed

Apprehension and decreased ROM in abduction and lateral rotation

Passive movement

Normal ROM Pain at extreme of ROM possible

Muscle guarding and decreased ROM in apprehension position

Resisted isometric movement

Normal in test position May be weak in provocative position

Pain into abduction and lateral rotation

Special tests

Load and shift test positive

Apprehension positive Augmentation positive Relocation positive

Reflexes and cutaneous distribution

Normal reflexes and sensation

Reflexes normal Sensation normal, unless axillary or musculocutaneous nerve is injured

Palpation Diagnostic imaging

Normal Normal

Anterior shoulder is tender Normal, unless still dislocated; defect possible

AMBRI, Atraumatic cause, Multidirectional with Bilateral shoulder findings with Rehabilitation as appropriate treatment and, rarely, Inferior capsular shift surgery; ROM, range of motion; TUBS, Traumatic onset, Unidirectional anterior with a Bankart lesion responding to Surgery.

scapular dyskinesia. They felt that the apparent increased anterior laxity resulted from the decreased cam effect in the glenohumeral joint combined with functional lengthening of the anteroinferior capsule and glenohumeral ligament.65 A posterosuperior SLAP lesion permits laxity on the opposite side (the circle concept of instability).65 With the instability tests, the examiner is trying to duplicate the patient’s symptoms as well as to feel for abnormal movement. Therefore, a response of “that’s what my shoulder feels like when it bothers me” is much more significant than the degree of laxity or translation found.103

Tests for Anterior Shoulder Instability

Andrews’ Anterior Instability Test.307  The patient lies supine with the shoulder abducted 130° and laterally rotated 90°. The examiner stabilizes the elbow and distal humerus with one hand and uses the other hand to grasp the humeral head and lift it forward (Fig. 5.56). A reproduction of the patient’s symptoms gives a positive test for anterior instability. If the examiner hears a clunk, an anterior labral tear may be present. This test is a modification of the load and shift test.  Anterior Drawer Test of the Shoulder.308  The patient lies supine. The examiner places the hand of the affected shoulder in the examiner’s axilla, holding the patient’s hand with the arm so that the patient remains relaxed. The shoulder to be tested is abducted between 80° and

Fig. 5.56  Andrews’ anterior instability test.

120°, forward flexed up to 20°, and laterally rotated up to 30°. The examiner then stabilizes the patient’s scapula with the opposite hand, pushing the spine of the scapula forward with the index and middle fingers. The examiner’s thumb exerts counterpressure on the patient’s coracoid process. Using the arm that is holding the patient’s hand,

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Chapter 5 Shoulder

the examiner places his or her hand around the patient’s relaxed upper arm and draws the humerus forward. The movement may be accompanied by a click, by patient apprehension, or both. The amount of movement available is compared with that of the normal side. A positive test indicates anterior instability (Fig. 5.57), depending on

the amount of anterior translation. The click may indicate a labral tear or slippage of the humeral head over the glenoid rim. This test is a modification of the load and shift test.  Anterior Instability Test (Leffert’s Test).309  The examiner stands behind the shoulder being examined while the patient sits. The examiner places his or her near hand over the shoulder so that the index finger is over the head of the humerus anteriorly and the middle finger is over the coracoid process. The thumb is placed over the posterior humeral head. The examiner’s other hand grasps the patient’s wrist and carefully abducts and laterally rotates the arm (Fig. 5.58). If, on movement of the arm, the finger palpating the anterior humeral head moves forward, the test is said to be positive for anterior instability. Normally, the two fingers remain in the same plane. With a positive test, when the arm is returned to the starting position, the index finger returns to the starting position as the humeral head glides backward.  Apprehension (Crank) Test for Anterior Shoulder Dislocation.273  This test is primarily designed to check for traumatic instability problems causing gross or anatomical

Fig. 5.57  Anterior drawer test of the shoulder.




C Fig. 5.58  Anterior instability test. (A) Side view. (B) Superior view. With the patient’s arm by the side, the examiner’s fingers are in the same plane. (C) With a positive test, on abduction and lateral rotation, the index and middle fingers are no longer in the same plane. (Adapted from Leffert RD, Gumbery G: The relationship between dead arm syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome, Clin Orthop Relat Res 223:22–23, 1987.)

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

Fig. 5.59  Anterior apprehension (crank) test.

instability of the shoulder, although the relocation portion of the test is sometimes used to differentiate between instability and impingement. The examiner abducts the arm to 90° and laterally rotates the patient’s shoulder slowly (Fig. 5.59). By placing a hand under the glenohumeral joint to act as a fulcrum (Fig. 5.60), the apprehension test becomes the fulcrum test.310 Kvitne and Jobe75 recommended applying a mild anteriorly directed force to the posterior humeral head when in the test position to see if the patient’s apprehension or pain increases (Fig. 5.61). If posterior pain increases, this indicates posterior internal impingement.304 Hamner et al.311 suggested that if posterior superior internal impingement is suspected, the relocation test should be done in 110° and 120° of abduction. Translation of the humeral head in the glenoid is less than with other tests, provided the joint is normal, because the test is taking the joint into the close packed position.312 A positive test is indicated when the patient looks or feels apprehensive or alarmed and resists further motion. Thus the patient’s apprehension is greater than the complaint of pain (i.e., apprehension predominates). The patient may also state that the feeling resembles what it felt like when the shoulder was dislocated. This test must be done slowly. If the test is done too quickly, the humerus may dislocate. Hawkins and Bokor noted that the examiner should observe the amount of lateral rotation that exists when the patient becomes apprehensive and compare the range with the uninjured side.313

Fig. 5.60  Fulcrum test with the left fist pushing the head of the humerus anteriorly.

Castagna et al.314 recommended doing the Castagna test , which is similar to the apprehension test but is done with the arm at 45° abduction instead of 90° and the elbow at 90° and then laterally rotated (Fig. 5.62A). Posterosuperior pain indicates a loose anterior capsule and injury to the middle glenohumeral ligament. If the pain is relieved with relocation (see Jobe relocation test later) (Fig. 5.62B), the test is positive. Similarly, Bak315 recommended doing the apprehension test in swimmers at 135° abduction, as this is the position of the arm at the initiation of the pull-­through phase. If the examiner then applies a posterior translation stress to the head of the humerus or the arm (relocation test), the patient commonly loses the apprehension, any pain that is present commonly decreases, and further lateral rotation is possible before the apprehension or pain returns (see Figs. 5.61A and 5.61C). This relocation is sometimes referred to as the Fowler sign or test or the Jobe relocation test . The test is considered positive if pain decreases during the maneuver even if there was no apprehension.316,317 If the patient’s symptoms decrease or are eliminated during the relocation test, the diagnosis is glenohumeral instability, subluxation, dislocation, or impingement. If apprehension predominated during the crank test and disappears with the relocation test, the diagnosis is glenohumeral instability, subluxation, or dislocation. If pain predominated during the crank test and disappears

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Chapter 5 Shoulder






Fig. 5.61  Crank and relocation test. (A) Abduction and lateral rotation (crank test). (B) Abduction and lateral rotation combined with anterior translation of the humerus, which may cause anterior subluxation or posterior joint pain. (C) Abduction and lateral rotation combined with posterior translation of the humerus (relocation test). (D) “Surprise” test.


B Fig. 5.62  Castagna test. (A) Lateral rotation in 45° abduction. (B) With relocation.

with the relocation test, the diagnosis is pseudolaxity or anterior instability either at the glenohumeral joint or scapulothoracic joint with secondary impingement or a posterior SLAP lesion.318 The relocation test does not alter the pain for patients with primary impingement.75,307,319 If, when the relocation test is done posteriorly, posterior pain decreases, it is a positive test for posterior internal impingement.304,320 If the arm is released (anterior release or “surprise” test [see Fig. 5.61D]) in the newly acquired range, pain and forward translation of the head are noted in positive tests.305,317,321 The resulting pain from this release procedure may be caused by anterior shoulder instability, a

labral lesion (Bankart lesion or SLAP lesion—superior labrum, anterior posterior), or bicipital peritenonitis or tendinosus. Most commonly it is related to anterior instability because the pain is temporarily produced by the anterior translation.321 It has also been reported to cause pain in older patients with rotator cuff pathology and no instability.322 This release maneuver should be done with care because it often causes apprehension and distrust on the part of the patient, and it could cause a dislocation, especially in patients who have had recurrent dislocations. For most patients, therefore, when the relocation test is done, lateral rotation should be released before the posterior stress is released.

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Chapter 5  Shoulder


Fig. 5.63  Supine apprehension test. Fig. 5.64  Bony apprehension test.

The crank test may be modified to test lateral rotation at different degrees of abduction (see bony apprehension test, further on), depending on the patient history and mechanism of injury.323 The Rockwood test described later is simply a modification of the crank test. Milgrom et al.324 suggested that the supine apprehension test would be useful to determine the risk of recurrent instability in patients who had been rehabilitated following an anterior dislocation. The patient is lying supine with the affected arm in 90° of abduction with the elbow in 90° of flexion (Fig. 5.63). The examiner uses one hand to support the patient’s elbow and grasps the patient’s distal forearm with the other hand, then quickly rotates the arm laterally to about 90° of lateral rotation. If the patient shows apprehension or resists the movement, the test is considered positive and the patient is not allowed to return to full activity because further rehabilitation should occur before returning to activity. Milgrom et al. felt that the test could be performed at any time after 3 to 6 weeks following reduction of the dislocation.  Bony Apprehension Test.325–327  This test is designed to look for bony defects (e.g., a Hill-­Sach or Bankart lesion) in the patient with an anterior instability. The patient is tested in standing or sitting first with the arm abducted to 90° and the elbow flexed 90°. Then the examiner, while holding the patient’s elbow and hand, laterally rotates the arm, watching for apprehension (this part of the test is similar to the apprehension test). The examiner then repeats the test in 45° of abduction and 45° of lateral rotation (Fig. 5.64). If the patient shows apprehension with or without pain in both of these positions, the test is positive for a bony defect contributing to the anterior instability and confirmatory diagnostic imaging is required.  Dugas’ Test.328  This test is used if an unreduced anterior shoulder dislocation is suspected. The patient

is asked to place the hand of the test arm on the opposite shoulder and then attempt to lower the elbow to the chest. With an anterior dislocation, this is not possible, and pain in the shoulder results. If the pain is only over the acromioclavicular joint, problems in that joint should be suspected.  Load and Shift Test.166,316 This test is designed to check primarily atraumatic instability problems of the glenohumeral joint. The patient sits with no back support and with the hand of the test arm resting on the thigh. Ideally, the patient should be sitting in a properly aligned posture (i.e., earlobe, tip of acromion, and high point of iliac crest in a straight line). If the patient slouches forward, the scapula protracts, causing the humeral head to translate anteriorly in the glenoid and narrowing the subacromial space.329 For best results, the muscles about the shoulder should be as relaxed as possible. The examiner stands or sits slightly behind the patient and stabilizes the shoulder with one hand over the patient’s clavicle and scapula (Fig. 5.65A). With the other hand, the examiner grasps the head of the humerus with the thumb over the posterior humeral head and the fingers over the anterior humeral head (Fig. 5.65B). The examiner runs his or her fingers along the anterior humerus and the thumb along the posterior humerus to feel where the humerus is seated relative to the glenoid (Fig. 5.66). If the fingers “dip in” anteriorly as they move medially but the thumb does not, it indicates that the humeral head is sitting anteriorly. Normally the humeral head feels a bit more anterior (i.e., the “dip” is slightly greater anteriorly) when it is properly “seated” in the glenoid. Protraction of the scapula causes the glenoid head to shift anteriorly in the glenoid. The examiner must be careful with the finger and thumb placement. In the presence of anterior or posterior pathology, finger and thumb placement may cause pain. If necessary, the humerus is then gently pushed anteriorly

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Chapter 5 Shoulder




Fig. 5.65  (A) Load and shift test in sitting starting position. Note that the humerus is loaded or “centered” in the glenoid to begin. The examiner then shifts the humerus anteriorly or posteriorly. (B) Line drawing showing the position of the examiner’s hands in relation to the bones of the patient’s shoulder. Notice that the examiner’s left thumb holds the spine of the scapula for stability. Anterior

Coracoid process

Acromion process Posterior Fig. 5.66  Superior view of the shoulder showing palpation of the anterior and posterior glenohumeral joint to ensure that the humeral head is centered in the glenoid.

or posteriorly (most common) in the glenoid to seat it properly in the glenoid fossa.305 The seating places the head of the humerus in its normal position relative to the glenoid.91 This is the “load” portion of the test. If the load is not applied (as in the anterior drawer test), there is no “normal” or standard starting position for the test. The examiner then pushes the humeral head anteriorly (anterior instability) or posteriorly (posterior instability), noting the amount of translation and end feel. This is the “shift” portion of the test. With anterior translation, if the head is not centered, posterior translation will be greater than anterior translation, giving a false-­negative test. If the head is properly centered first, however, with anterior instability present, anterior translation is possible, but posterior translation is virtually absent because of the tight posterior capsule that accompanies a positive anterior instability. Differences between affected and normal sides should be compared in terms of the amount of translation and the ease with

which it occurs. This comparison, along with reproduction of the patient’s symptoms, is often considered more important than the amount of movement obtained. If the patient has multidirectional instability, both anterior and posterior translation may be excessive on the affected side compared with the normal side. The test may also be done with the patient in lying supine. Translation of 25% or less of the humeral head diameter anteriorly is considered normal, although results vary.313,330 Generally, anterior translation is less than posterior translation, although some authors disagree with this and say that anterior and posterior translation are virtually equal.331,332 Sauers et al.332 and Ellenbecker et al.333 stated that hand dominance does not affect the amount of translation, but Lintner et al.334 disagreed, saying that the nondominant shoulder shows more translation. Hawkins and Mohtadi,316 Silliman and Hawkins,305 and Altchek et al.335 advocated a three-­grade system for anterior translation (Fig. 5.67). These authors feel that the head normally translates 0% to 25% of the diameter of the humeral head. Up to 50% of humeral head translation, with the head riding up to the glenoid rim and spontaneous reduction, is considered grade I. For grade II, the humeral head has more than 50% translation; the head feels as though it were riding over the glenoid rim but reduces spontaneously. Normal hypermobile shoulders may show grade II translation in any direction.334 Grade III implies that the humeral head rides over the glenoid rim and does not spontaneously reduce. For posterior translation, translation of 50% of the diameter of the humeral head is considered normal, although results vary.305 Thus one would normally expect greater posterior translation than anterior translation when this test is done. However, all authors do not support this view.

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

Normal laxity A mild amount of translation (0%–25%)

Grade I A feeling of the humeral head riding up to the glenoid rim (25%–50%) Grade II A feeling of the humeral head over riding the rim, but spontaneously reduces (>50%) Grade III A feeling of the humeral head over riding the rim, but remains dislocated (50%) Fig. 5.67  Grades of anterior glenohumeral translation.

The load and shift test may also be done with the patient lying supine.323 To test anterior translation, the patient’s arm is taken to 45° to 60° scaption (abduction in the plane of the scapula) and in neutral rotation by the examiner, who is holding the forearm near the wrist (Fig. 5.68). The examiner then places the other hand around the patient’s upper arm near the deltoid insertion with the thumb anterior and the fingers posterior, feeling the movement of the humeral head in the glenoid while applying an anterior or anteroinferior translation force (with the fingers) or a posterior translation force (with the thumb). Ideally, the humerus should be “loaded” in the glenoid before starting the test. With the hand holding the forearm, the examiner controls the arm position and applies an axial load to the humerus. During the translation movements with the thumb or fingers, the scapula should not move. As the anterior or anteroinferior translation force is applied, the examiner, using the other hand (the one holding the forearm), rotates the humerus laterally and incrementally (see Fig. 5.68B). This causes greater involvement of the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament, which, if intact, will limit movement so that the amount of anterior translation decreases as lateral rotation increases. To test posterior translation (posterior instability), the arm is placed in scaption with 45° to 60° of lateral rotation (Fig. 5.69). In this case, the thumb pushes the humerus posteriorly.323,336 Incrementally, while applying the posterior translation, the examiner rotates the arm medially. Medial rotation causes the posterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament and the posteroinferior capsule to

become increasingly tight, so that posterior translation decreases as medial rotation increases.  Prone Anterior Instability Test.307 The patient lies prone. The examiner abducts the patient’s arm to 90° and laterally rotates it 90°. While holding this position with one hand at the elbow, the examiner places the other hand over the humeral head and pushes it forward (Fig. 5.70). A reproduction of the patient’s symptoms indicates a positive test for anterior instability. This test is a modification of the load and shift test.  Protzman Test for Anterior Instability.337  The patient is sitting. The examiner abducts the patient’s arm to 90° and supports the arm against the examiner’s hip so that the patient’s shoulder muscles are relaxed. The examiner palpates the anterior aspect of the head of the humerus with the fingers of one hand deep in the patient’s axilla while the fingers of the other hand are placed over the posterior aspect of the humeral head. The examiner then pushes the humeral head anteriorly and inferiorly (Fig. 5.71). If this movement causes pain and if palpation indicates abnormal anteroinferior movement, the test is positive for anterior instability. Anterior translation should normally be no more than 25% of the diameter of the humeral head.338 A click may sometimes be palpated as the humeral head slides over the glenoid rim. The test can also be done with the patient in the supine-lying position with the elbow supported on a pillow.  Rockwood Test for Anterior Instability.339  The examiner stands behind the seated patient. With the patient’s arm at the patient’s side, the examiner rotates the shoulder laterally. The arm is then abducted to 45° and passive lateral rotation is repeated. The same procedure is repeated at 90° and 120° (Fig. 5.72). These different positions are performed because the stabilizers of the shoulder vary as the angle of abduction changes (see Table 5.1). For the test to be positive, the patient must show marked apprehension with primarily posterior pain when the arm is tested at 90°. At 45° and 120°, the patient shows some uneasiness and some pain; at 0°, there is rarely apprehension. Similarly, the Rowe and fulcrum tests stress the anterior shoulder structures. They are more likely to bring on apprehension sooner, because they stress the anterior structures sooner (i.e., the examiner pushes the head of the humerus forward). In effect, they are the opposite of the relocation test; they are therefore called augmentation tests.  Rowe Test for Anterior Instability.340  The patient lies supine and places the hand of the affected side behind his or her head. The examiner places one hand (clenched fist) against the posterior humeral head and pushes up while extending the arm slightly (Fig. 5.73). This part is similar to the fulcrum test. If the patient appears to be apprehensive or in pain, a positive test for anterior instability is

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C Fig. 5.68  (A) Initial position for load and shift test for anterior instability testing of the shoulder in the supine-­lying position. The examiner’s hand grasps the patient’s upper arm with the fingers posterior. The examiner’s arm positions the patient’s arm and controls its rotation. The arm is placed in the plane of the scapula, abducted 45° to 60°, and maintained in 0° of rotation. The examiner’s arm places an axial load on the patient’s arm through the humerus. The examiner’s fingers then shift the humeral head anteriorly and anteroinferiorly over the glenoid rim. (B) The second position for the load and shift test for anterior stability is as described in (A) for the initial position except that the arm is progressively laterally rotated in 10° to 20° increments while the anterior dislocation force is alternatively applied and released. (C) The examiner quantifies the degree of lateral rotation required to reduce the translation from grade 3 or 2 to grade 1. The examiner compares the normal and abnormal shoulders for this difference in translation with the humeral rotation. The degree of rotation required to reduce the translation is an indicator of the functional laxity of the anteroinferior capsular ligaments.

indicated. A clunk or grinding sound may indicate a torn anterior labrum (see clunk test under “Tests for Labral Tears”).

Tests for Posterior Shoulder Instability341

Posterior instability is not as common as anterior instability in the shoulder, but the examiner should take care to also assess for posterior instability, especially in the presence of anterior instability and labral disruption.342

Without careful assessment, posterior dislocations have been missed even when the humeral head is posteriorly dislocated. A posterior humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament (HAGL) lesion can lead to persistent posterior shoulder instability.264 These lesions are best assessed by doing a posterior load and shift test with the arm abducted to 90° and in neutral rotation coupled with a posteriorly directed axial load.342– 345 With posterior instability, glenoid retroversion is

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Chapter 5  Shoulder

Fig. 5.69  Load-and-shift test for posterior instability testing of the shoulder. The patient is supine on the examining table. The arm is brought into approximately 90° of forward elevation in the plane of the scapula. A posteriorly directed force is applied to the humerus with the arm in varying degrees of lateral rotation.

Fig. 5.70  Prone anterior instability test. The examiner stabilizes the arm in 90° of abduction and lateral rotation and then pushes anteriorly on the humerus.

increased, there is deep posterior pain, and a positive finding in the other relevant tests (i.e., jerk test, Kim test, posterior load and shift test, and posterior stress test) are positive.346  Circumduction Test.347  The patient is in the standing position. Standing behind the patient, the examiner grasps the patient’s forearm with his or her hand. The examiner begins circumduction by extending the patient’s arm

Fig. 5.71  Protzman test for anterior instability (posterior view).

while maintaining slight abduction. As the circumduction continues into elevation, the arm is brought over the top and into the flexed and adducted position. As the arm moves into forward flexion and adduction from above, it is vulnerable to posterior subluxation if the patient is unstable posteriorly. If the examiner palpates the posterior aspect of the patient’s shoulder as the arm moves downward in forward flexion and adduction, the humeral head will be felt to sublux posteriorly in a positive test, and the patient will say, “That’s what it feels like when it bothers me” (Fig. 5.74).  Jerk Test (Jahnke Test).310,348,349  The patient sits with the arm medially rotated and forward flexed to 90°. The examiner grasps the patient’s elbow and axially loads the humerus in a proximal direction. While maintaining the axial loading, the examiner moves the arm horizontally (cross flexion/horizontal adduction) across the body (Fig. 5.75). A positive test for recurrent posterior instability is the production of a sudden jerk or clunk as the humeral head slides off (subluxes) the back of the glenoid (Fig. 5.76). When the arm is returned to the original 90° of abduction, a second jerk may be felt as the head reduces. Kim et al.349 reported that the positive signs also indicate a positive test for a posteroinferior labral tear.  Load and Shift Test.  This test is described under “Tests for Anterior Shoulder Instability.”  Miniaci Test for Posterior Subluxation.350  The patient lies supine with the shoulder off the edge of the examining table. The examiner uses one hand to flex (70° to 90°), adduct, and medially rotate the arm while pushing the humerus posteriorly. The patient may become apprehensive during this maneuver, because these motions cause the humerus to sublux posteriorly. With the other hand, the examiner palpates the anterior

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Fig. 5.72  Rockwood test for anterior instability. (A) Arm at side. (B) Arm at 45°. (C) Arm at 90°. (D) Arm at 120°.

Fig. 5.73  Rowe test for anterior instability.

and posterior shoulder. The examiner then abducts and laterally rotates the arm, a clunk is heard, and the humerus reduces (relocates), indicating a positive test (Fig. 5.77).  Norwood Stress Test for Posterior Instability.351  The patient lies supine with the shoulder abducted 60° to 100° and laterally rotated 90° and with the elbow flexed to 90°, so that the arm is horizontal. The examiner stabilizes the scapula with one hand, palpating the posterior humeral head with the fingers, and stabilizes the upper limb by holding the forearm and elbow at the elbow or wrist. The examiner then brings the patient’s arm into horizontal adduction to the forward flexed position. At the same time, the examiner feels the humeral head slide posteriorly with his or her fingers (Fig. 5.78). Cofield and Irving recommend medially rotating the forearm approximately 20° after the forward flexion then pushing the elbow posteriorly to enhance the effect of the test.352 Similarly, the thumb may push the humeral head posteriorly as horizontal adduction in forward flexion is

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Chapter 5  Shoulder



Fig. 5.74  Circumduction test. (A) Starting position. (B) The flexed adducted position where the shoulder is vulnerable to posterior subluxation.

Fig. 5.75  Jerk test.

carried out to enhance the effect making the test similar to the posterior apprehension test. A positive test is indicated if the humeral head slips posteriorly relative to the glenoid. Care must be taken because the test does not always cause apprehension before subluxation or dislocation. The patient confirms that the sensation felt is the same as that felt during activities. The arm is returned to the starting position, and the humeral head is felt to reduce. A clicking caused by the passage of the head over the glenoid rim may accompany either subluxation or reduction.  Posterior Apprehension or Stress Test.336,353  The patient is in a supine or sitting position. The examiner elevates the patient’s shoulder in the plane of the scapula to 90° while stabilizing the scapula with the other hand (Fig. 5.79). The examiner then applies a posterior force on the patient’s elbow. While applying the axial load, the examiner horizontally adducts and medially rotates the arm. A positive result is indicated by a look of apprehension or alarm on the patient’s face and the patient’s resistance to further motion or the reproduction of the patient’s symptoms. Pagnani and Warren reported that pain production is more likely than apprehension in a positive test.354 They reported that with atraumatic multidirectional (inferior) instability, the test is negative. If the test is done with the patient in the sitting position, the scapula must be stabilized. A positive test indicates a posterior instability or dislocation of the humerus. The test should also be performed with the arm in 90° of abduction. The examiner palpates the head of

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Chapter 5 Shoulder Axial load

Adduct arm



Fig. 5.76  Positive jerk test. The humeral head of the axially loaded arm slides out the back of the shoulder when the arm is adducted across the body and clunks back in when the arm position is aligned with the scapula. (From Matsen FA III, Lippitt SB: Shoulder surgery: principles and procedures, Philadelphia, 2004, WB Saunders.)

the humerus with one hand while the other hand pushes the head of the humerus posteriorly. Translation of 50% of the humeral head diameter or less is considered normal, although results vary.312 If the humeral head moves posteriorly more than 50% of its diameter (Fig. 5.80), posterior instability is evident.338 The movement may be accompanied by a clunk as the humeral head passes over the glenoid rim.  Posterior Drawer Test of the Shoulder.308,355  The patient lies supine. The examiner stands at the level of


the shoulder and grasps the patient’s proximal forearm with one hand, flexing the patient’s elbow to 120° and the shoulder to between 80° and 120° of abduction and between 20° and 30° of forward flexion. With the other hand, the examiner stabilizes the scapula by placing the index and middle fingers on the spine of the scapula and the thumb on the coracoid process. (The examining table partially stabilizes the scapula as well.) The examiner then rotates the upper arm medially and forward flexes the shoulder to between 60° and 80° while taking the thumb of the other hand off the coracoid process and pushing the head of the humerus posteriorly. The head of the humerus can be felt by the index finger of the same hand (Fig. 5.81). The test is usually not painful, but the patient may exhibit apprehension. A positive test indicates posterior instability and demonstrates significant posterior translation (more than 50% humeral head diameter). This test is similar to the Norwood test without the horizontal adduction.  Posterior Subluxation Test.356  The patient is in sitting or standing. Starting with the unaffected shoulder, the examiner places the test arm into adduction, medial rotation, and 70° to 90° forward flexion. The examiner then applies a posteriorly directed force at the patient’s elbow while slowly moving the shoulder into horizontal abduction and lateral rotation (Fig. 5.82). The affected shoulder is then tested. If a clunk is heard, the test is positive, indicating that the humeral head has reduced into the glenoid during the movement.  Push-­Pull Test.310  The patient lies supine. The examiner holds the patient’s arm at the wrist, abducts the arm 90°, and forward flexes it 30°. The examiner places the other hand over the humerus close to the humeral head. The examiner then pulls up on the arm at the wrist while pushing down on the humerus with the other hand (Fig. 5.83). Normally, 50% posterior translation can be accomplished. If more than 50% posterior translation occurs or if the patient becomes apprehensive or pain results, the examiner should suspect posterior instability.339

Tests for Inferior and Multidirectional Shoulder Instability

It is believed that if a patient demonstrates inferior instability, multidirectional instability is also present. Therefore, the patient with inferior instability also demonstrates anterior or posterior instability. The primary complaint of these patients is pain rather than instability with symptoms most commonly in midrange. Transient neurological symptoms may also be present.357  Feagin Test (Abduction Inferior Stability [ABIS] Test).339 The Feagin test is a modification of the sulcus sign test with the arm abducted to 90° instead of being at the patient’s side (Fig. 5.84). Some authors consider it to be

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Chapter 5  Shoulder



Fig. 5.77  Miniaci test for posterior subluxation. (A) To start, the examiner uses one hand to flex, adduct, and medially rotate the arm while pushing the humerus posteriorly. (B) The arm is then abducted and laterally rotated while the examiner palpates for a clunk.



Fig. 5.78  Norwood stress test for posterior shoulder instability. (A) The arm is abducted 90°. (B) The arm is horizontally adducted to the forward flexed position.

the second part of the sulcus test.358 The patient stands with the arm abducted to 90° and the elbow extended and resting on the top of the examiner’s shoulder. The examiner’s hands are clasped together over the patient’s humerus, between the upper and middle thirds. The examiner pushes the humerus down and forward (see Fig. 5.84A). The test can also be done with the patient in a sitting position. In this case, the examiner holds the

patient’s arm at the elbow (elbow straight) abducted to 90° with one hand and arm holding the arm against the examiner’s body. The other hand is placed just lateral to the acromion over the humeral head. Ensuring the shoulder musculature is relaxed, the examiner pushes the head of the humerus down and forward (see Fig. 5.84B). Doing the test this way often gives the examiner greater control when doing the test. A sulcus may also

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Chapter 5 Shoulder



B Fig. 5.79  Posterior apprehension test. (A) Supine. (B) Sitting, arm medially rotated and adducted.

Glenoid Humeral head Posterior (3–20 mm) Normal: 1/2 width of head



Anterior (2–13 mm) Normal: 1/4 width of head

Inferior (5–15 mm) Fig. 5.80 Normal translation movement of humeral head in glenoid. (Redrawn from Harryman DT II, Slides JA, Harris SL, et al: Laxity of the normal glenohumeral joint: a quantitative in vivo assessment, J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1:73, 1992.)

be seen above the coracoid process (Fig. 5.85). A look of apprehension on the patient’s face indicates a positive test and the presence of inferior capsular laxity.359 If both the sulcus sign and Feagin test are positive, it is a greater indication of multidirectional instability rather than just laxity, but it should only be considered positive

if the patient is symptomatic (e.g., pain/ache on activity, shoulder does not “feel right” with activity).359 This test position also places more stress on the inferior glenohumeral ligament.  Hyperabduction Test (Gagey Hyperabduction Test).199  This test is designed to test the inferior glenohumeral ligament. The patient is in sitting or standing and the examiner stands behind the patient. The examiner grasps the patient’s elbow (elbow is at 90°) and passively abducts the arm with one hand while stabilizing the scapula and clavicle with the other hand (Fig. 5.86). The examiner passively abducts the arm until the scapula and clavicle start to elevate. If the glenohumeral joint elevation is greater than 105°, the test is considered positive for laxity in the inferior glenohumeral ligament and a possible inferior labral tear. It should be noted however that, subjectively, normal passive scapulohumeral rhythm can show up to 120° of abduction at the glenohumeral joint.  Hyperextension–Internal Rotation (HERI) Test.360  This test is designed to assess the inferior glenohumeral ligament and inferior capsule with decreased risk of dislocation. The examiner stands behind the patient. Starting with the normal shoulder, the examiner carefully elevates the patient’s non-test limb to maximum elevation to prevent movement of the thoracic spine and scapulothoracic joint while at the same time medially rotating the test arm and extending it maximally (Fig. 5.87). This must

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Chapter 5  Shoulder





Fig. 5.81  Posterior drawer test of the shoulder. (A) The examiner first palpates the coracoid process and then slides the thumb laterally over onto the head of the humerus. (B) The arm is positioned and the examiner then pushes the humeral head posteriorly. (C and D) Superimposed view of bones involved in the test.



Fig. 5.82  Posterior subluxation test. The arm is pushed posteriorly (1) while the patient’s arm is abducted horizontally and rotated laterally (2).

Fig. 5.83  Push-­pull test.

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Chapter 5 Shoulder



Fig. 5.85  A 21-­year-­old female whose shoulder could be dislocated inferiorly and anteriorly and subluxated posteriorly. Note sulcus (arrow) anteriorly when the Feagin test is performed. She was unable to carry books, reach overhead, or use the arm for activities such as tennis or swimming. Associated episodes of numbness and weakness of the entire upper extremity sometimes lasted for 1 or 2 days. (From Neer CS, Foster CR: Inferior capsular shift for involuntary inferior and multidirectional instability of the shoulder, J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:900, 1980.)


C Fig. 5.84  Feagin test. (A) In standing. (B) In sitting. (C) Positive Feagin—note sulcus (arrow).

be done carefully as the patient may become apprehensive when the injured arm is elevated. Then the problem shoulder is tested. For a positive test, the extension of

the affected arm must be greater than 10° relative to the normal arm.  Knee-­Shoulder Test.361  The patient is seated and is asked to grasp one knee with both hands (Fig. 5.88). If pain results in the shoulder, it is considered a positive test. The patient will also feel the shoulder sliding out of the socket or an anteroinferior drawer will be visible. This is a test for anterior and multidirectional instability.  Rowe Test for Multidirectional Instability.340  The patient stands forward flexed at the waist to 45° with the arms relaxed and pointing to the floor. The examiner places one hand over the patient’s shoulder so that the examiner’s index and middle fingers sit over the anterior aspect of the humeral head and the thumb sits over the posterior aspect of the humeral head. The examiner then pulls the arm down slightly (Fig. 5.89). To test for anterior instability, the humeral head is pushed anteriorly with the thumb while the arm is extended 20° to 30° from the vertical position. To test for posterior instability, the humeral head is pushed posteriorly with the examiner’s index and middle fingers while the patient’s arm is flexed 20° to 30° from the vertical position. For inferior instability, more traction is applied to the arm and the sulcus sign becomes evident. 

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Chapter 5  Shoulder


Fig. 5.87  Hyperextension–internal (medial) rotation (HERI) test.

B Fig. 5.86 Hyperabduction test (Gagey hyperabduction test). (A) Start position. (B) End position.

Test for Inferior Shoulder Instability (Sulcus Sign).308,310 The patient stands with the arm by the side and shoulder muscles relaxed. The examiner grasps the patient’s forearm below the elbow and pulls the arm distally (Fig. 5.90A). The presence of a sulcus sign (Fig. 5.90B) may indicate inferior instability or glenohumeral laxity362 but should only be considered positive for instability if the patient is symptomatic (e.g., pain/ache on activity, shoulder does not “feel right” with activity).359 A bilateral sulcus sign is not as clinically significant as unilateral laxity on the affected side.358 The sulcus sign with a feeling of subluxation is also clinically significant.358 The sulcus sign may be graded by measuring from the inferior margin of the acromion to the humeral head. A +1 sulcus implies a distance of less than 1 cm; +2 sulcus, 1 to 2 cm (some authors say a +1 grade is 65 and Weakness in ER and Night pain • Age >60 and + Painful arc test and + Drop arm test and + Infraspinatus test • + Hawkins-­Kennedy test and + Painful arc test and • + Infraspinatus test • + Apprehension test and + Relocation test • + Relocation test and + Active compression test • + Relocation test and + Apprehension test

• Positive likelihood ratio 9.84; negative likelihood ratio 0.54624 • Positive likelihood ratio 28.0; negative likelihood ratio 0.09624

• Positive likelihood ratio 10.56; negative likelihood ratio 0.17624 • Positive likelihood ratio 39.68; negative likelihood ratio 0.19624 • Positive likelihood ratio 4.56; negative likelihood ratio 0.65624 • Positive likelihood ratio 5.43; negative likelihood ratio 0.67624



• Jobe and O’Brien • Jobe and apprehension • O  ’Brien and apprehension • Jobe and O’Brien and apprehension

• For any labral lesion including SLAP 91%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 93%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 82%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 91%405

Sensitivity • For any labral lesion including SLAP 41%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 38%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 38%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 34%405

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 4.55; negative likelihood ratio 0.65405 • Positive likelihood ratio 5.43; negative likelihood ratio 0.67405 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.11; negative likelihood ratio 0.76405 • Positive likelihood ratio 3.78; negative likelihood ratio 0.72405 Continued

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430.e6 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e6

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d COMBINATION FOR SLAP AND LABRAL LESIONS—CONT’D Test


• Jobe or O’Brien • Jobe or apprehension • O  ’Brien or apprehension • Jobe or O’Brien or apprehension • MRI and Crank • MRI and O’Brien


• For any labral lesion including SLAP 73%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 80%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 73%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 73%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 67%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 82%405

Odds Ratio

• For any labral lesion including SLAP 72%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 47%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 72%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 72%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 43%405 • For any labral lesion including SLAP 50%405

• Positive likelihood ratio 2.67; negative likelihood ratio 0.38405 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.35; negative likelihood ratio 0.66405 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.67; negative likelihood ratio 0.38405 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.67; negative likelihood ratio 0.38405 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.30; negative likelihood ratio 0.85405 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.78; negative likelihood ratio 0.61405




• All seven positive

• 97%

• 4%

• At least six positive

• 89%

• 30%

• At least five positive

• 86%

• 38%

• At least four positive

• 67%

• 70%

• At least three positive

• 44%

• 84%

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.33; negative likelihood ratio 0.99 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.73; negative likelihood ratio 0.79 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.71; negative likelihood ratio 0.72 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.12; negative likelihood ratio 0.45 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.36




• Labral tear • SLAP lesion 100%421


• Labral tear • SLAP lesion 25%421

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1, negative likelihood ratio 1289

CRANK TEST Specificity



• Labral tear • SLAP 67%, for any labral lesion including SLAP 73%405 • Labral tear 93%422 • Labral tear 56%611 • Unstable superior labral anterior posterior lesions 70%397 • SLAP 72%421 • For labral tear 75%277


• Labral tear • SLAP 39%, for any labral lesion including SLAP 40%405 • Labral tear 91%422 • Labral tear 46%611 • Unstable superior labral anterior posterior lesions 34.6%397 • SLAP 58%421 • For labral tear 34%277

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for SLAP 1.05, for any labral lesion 1.48; negative likelihood ratio for SLAP 0.91, for any labral lesion 0.82405 • Positive likelihood ratio 13; negative likelihood ratio 0.10422 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.04; negative likelihood ratio 0.96611 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.15; negative likelihood ratio 0.93397 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.40; negative likelihood ratio 0.88277

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Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d CROSS-­BODY ADDUCTION TEST Specificity


• Tendinitis and bursitis 79.7%, partial tear 78.5%, full tear 80.8%, overall 82%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 79%609

Odds Ratio

• Tendinitis and bursitis 25.4%, partial tear 16.7%, full tear 23.4%, overall 22.5%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 77%609

• Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 1.25, partial tear 0.78, full tear 1.22, overall 1.25; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.94, partial tear 1.06, full tear 0.95, overall 0.9556 • Positive likelihood ratio 3.67; negative likelihood ratio 0.29609



• Supraspinatus palpation test

• 92% (0.78, 0.95)


Odds Ratio

• 41% (0.18, 0.64)

• Positive likelihood ratio 1.6; negative likelihood ratio 0.20 • Infraspinatus palpation test • 33% (0.06, 0.79) • 66% (0.54, 0.76) • Positive likelihood ratio 0.97; negative likelihood ratio 1.00 • Subscapularis palpation test • 60% (0.23, 0.88) • 0% (0, 0.13) • Positive likelihood ratio 0.6; negative likelihood ratio N/A • Biceps palpation test • 85% (0.67, 0.94) • 48% (0.33, 0.62) • Positive likelihood ratio 1.63; negative likelihood ratio 0.31 aPopulation: 69 patients with shoulder pain; Reference standard: evidence of subacromial impingement on sonographic exam



• Test-­retest ICC = 0.96, SEM = 4.6627


• Construct validity: people still working had less disability P < .0001, • For observed change SRM = less disability in those who could do all they wanted P < .0001627 0.78 effect size 0.59, rating • Concurrent validity with shoulder pain and disability index (pain) r = problem as better SRM = 0.82, (function) r = 0.88, Brigham questionnaire (symptoms) r = 0.71, 1.06 effect size 0.75, rating (function) r = 0.89, pain severity r = 0.72, overall rating of problem r = function as better SRM = 0.71, ability to function r = 0.79, ability to work r = 0.76627 1.20 effect size 0.84627 628 • Subjects with workers’ compensation benefits scored worse P = .0047

DEPALMA’S CLASSIFICATION OF SHOULDER CALCIFIC TENDINITIS Reliability • Interrater k = 0.234, intrarater 0.332 < k < 0.57629

DROP-­ARM TEST Specificity


 7.2%625 9

 .8%625 7

• • Tendinitis and bursitis 77.3%, partial tear 77.5%, full tear 87.5%, overall 26.9%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 72%609 • Rotator cuff 66%, OA 81%612 • Impingement syndrome 92%630 • For rotator cuff tear 96%621 • For partial and full thickness rotator cuff tear 100%631

• • Tendinitis and bursitis 13.6%, partial tear 14.3%, full tear 34.9%, overall 88.4%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 35%609 • Rotator cuff 74%, OA 23%612 • Impingement syndrome 21%630 • For rotator cuff tear 24%621 • For partial and full thickness rotator cuff tear 5.3%631

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 2.78; negative likelihood ratio 0.95625 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.60, partial tear 0.63, full tear 2.79, overall 1.21; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 1.12, partial tear 1.10, full tear 0.74, overall 0.4356 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.25; negative likelihood ratio 0.90609 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 2.15, for OA 1.24612 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.60; negative likelihood ratio 0.86630 • Positive likelihood for rotator cuff tear 6.45621 • Positive likelihood ratio for partial and full thickness rotator cuff tear infinity; negative likelihood ratio 0.94631 Continued

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430.e8 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e8

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d DROPPING SIGN Specificity


Odds Ratio

• 100%469 • 100%469 • Positive likelihood ratio N/A; negative • 100%476 • 36%476 likelihood ratio 0.0469 • 100% at 90° abduction and 45° external • 1  00% at 90° abduction and 45° external • Negative likelihood ratio 0.64476 rotation for infraspinatus tear619 rotation for infraspinatus tear619 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.0; negative likelihood ratio 0.0619



• 51%406

• 78%406

Odds Ratio • Positive predictive value 2%; negative predictive value 100%406

“EMPTY CAN” TEST Specificity


• Pain 55%, muscle weakness 68%, pain, muscle weakness or both 50%632

• Pain 63%, muscle weakness 77%, pain, muscle weakness or both 89%632

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for pain 1.40, for muscle weakness 2.41, for pain, muscle weakness or both 1.78; negative likelihood ratio for pain 0.67, for muscle weakness 0.34, for pain, muscle weakness or both 0.22632

END FEEL OF SHOULDER EXTERNAL ROTATION Reliability • Intrarater k = 0.90, interrater k = 0.83633

END FEEL OF SHOULDER FULL ABDUCTION Reliability • Intrarater k = 0.86, interrater k = 0.44633

END FEEL OF SHOULDER GLENOHUMERAL ABDUCTION Reliability • Intrarater k = 0.63, interrater k = 0.1633

END FEEL OF SHOULDER HORIZONTAL ABDUCTION Reliability • Intrarater k = 1, interrater k = 0.75633

END FEEL OF SHOULDER INTERNAL ROTATION Reliability • Intrarater k = 0.89, interrater k = 0.43633



• 100%476 • Rotator cuff 84%, tendinosis 86%612 • 98% for supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus tear619

• 70%476 • Rotator cuff 7%, tendinosis 0612 • 69%–98% for supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus tear619

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio N/A; negative likelihood ratio 0.30476 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 0.46, for tendinosis 0.00612 • Positive likelihood ratio for supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus tear 15.5–34.50; negative likelihood ratio 0.2–0.32619

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Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d FULL CAN TEST Specificity


• Pain 64%, muscle weakness 74%, pain, muscle weakness or both 57%632

Odds Ratio

• Pain 64%, muscle weakness 74%, pain, muscle weakness or both 57%632

• Positive likelihood ratio for pain 1.83, for muscle weakness 2.96, for pain, muscle weakness or both 2.0; negative likelihood ratio for pain 0.53, for muscle weakness 0.31, for pain, muscle weakness or both 0.25632



• Tendon disease of supraspinatus: 84% lesion, 88% tendinitis, 95% tear172

Odds Ratio

• Tendon disease of supraspinatus: 50% lesion, 50% tendinitis, 50% tear172

• Positive likelihood ratio for lesion 3.13, for tendinitis 4.17, for tear 10; negative likelihood ratio for lesion 0.60, for tendinitis 0.57, for tear 0.53172



 5%378 3

 3%378 6

• • 35%–58% for long head of biceps tendinopathy619

Odds Ratio

• • 63%–74% for long head of biceps tendinopathy619

• Positive likelihood ratio 0.97; negative likelihood ratio 1.06378 • Positive likelihood ratio for long head of biceps tendinopathy 0.97–1.76; negative likelihood ratio 0.45–1.06619

GROWER SIGN Reliability • k = 0634



• Interrater k • 25%625 (95% CI): 0.71 • Tendinitis and bursitis (0.41, 1.0)610 44.5%, partial tear 44.4%, full tear 48.3%, overall 66.3%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 45%609 • Bursitis 44.3%, rotator cuff pathosis 42.6%, overall 60%635 • Impingement 73%172 • Rotator cuff 42%, tendinosis 76%612 • Impingement syndrome 56%277 • Impingement syndrome 57%630 • For rotator cuff tear 48%621 • For partial and full thickness rotator cuff tear 77.4%631 • For partial supraspinatus tear 92%636

Sensitivity • 92%625 • Tendinitis and bursitis 75.5%, partial tear 75.4%, full tear 68.7%, overall 71.5%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 47%609 • Bursitis 91.7%, rotator cuff pathosis 87.5%, overall 88.9%635 • Impingement 65%172 • Rotator cuff 71%, tendinosis 45%612 • 87%378 • Impingement syndrome 80%277 • Impingement syndrome 74%630 • For rotator cuff tear 64%621 • For partial and fullthickness rotator cuff tear 52.6%631 • For partial supraspinatus tear 82%636

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.23; negative likelihood ratio 0.32625 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 1.36, partial tear 1.36, full tear 1.33, overall 2.12; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.55, partial tear 0.55, full tear 0.65, overall 0.4356 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.85; negative likelihood ratio 1.78609 • Positive likelihood ratio for bursitis 1.65, rotator cuff pathosis 1.52, overall 2.22; negative likelihood ratio for bursitis 0.19, rotator cuff pathosis 0.29, overall 0.18635 • Positive likelihood ratio for impingement 2.41; negative likelihood ratio for impingement 0.48172 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 1.22, for tendinosis 1.36612 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.80; negative likelihood ratio 0.35277 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.70; negative likelihood ratio 0.46630 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff tear 1.23621 • Positive likelihood ratio for partial and full-thickness rotator cuff tear 2.33; negative likelihood ratio 0.61631 • Positive likelihood ratio for partial supraspinatus tear 10.25; negative likelihood ratio 0.20636

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430.e10 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e10

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d HORNBLOWER’S SIGN Specificity


 3%469 9

 00%469 1

• • 93%619 • 96%621

Odds Ratio

• • 93%619 • 96%621

• Positive likelihood ratio 14.29; negative likelihood ratio 0.0469 • Positive likelihood ratio 14.29; negative likelihood ratio 0.0619 • Positive likelihood ratio 4.81621



• 27.7%625

Odds Ratio

• 82%625

• Positive likelihood ratio 1.13; negative likelihood ratio 0.65625



Odds Ratio

• Rotator cuff 75%, tendinosis 80%, • Rotator cuff 22%, tendinosis 25%, • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 0.89, for acromioclavicular joint 79%612 acromioclavicular joint 77%612 tendinosis 1.25, for acromioclavicular joint 72.0612




 %56 9

 7%56 9

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.07; negative likelihood ratio 0.3356



• Tendinitis and bursitis 68.9%, partial tear 69.1%, full tear 84%, overall 90.1%58

Odds Ratio

• Tendinitis and bursitis 25%, partial tear 19.4%, full tear 50.5%, overall 41.6%58

• Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.80, partial tear 0.63, full tear 3.16, overall 4.20; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 1.09, partial tear 1.17, full tear 0.59, overall 0.6558 • Positive likelihood ratio for partial and full-thickness rotator cuff tear 9.78; negative likelihood ratio 0.86631

INSTABILITY CATCH Reliability • k = 0.25634



 6%476 9

 7%476 9

• • 96% for subscapularis tear619

Odds Ratio

• • 97% for subscapularis tear619

• Positive likelihood ratio 24.3; negative likelihood ratio 0.03476 • Positive likelihood ratio 24.3; negative likelihood ratio 0.03619



• k = 0.85381 • Interrater reliability 0.91348

• 96%381 • Labral lesion 94%348 • Rotator cuff tear 74.2%622 • Labral lesion 94%619


Odds Ratio

• 88%381 • Positive likelihood ratio 22; negative • Labral lesion 80%348 likelihood ratio 0.12381 622 • Rotator cuff tear 62.5% • Positive likelihood ratio 13.33; negative • Labral lesion 80%619 likelihood ratio 0.21348 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.42; negative likelihood ratio 0.5622 • Positive likelihood ratio 13.33; negative likelihood ratio 0.21619

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Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d INTERNAL ROTATION RESISTED STRENGTH TEST ( IRRST) •



 6%619 9

 6%619 8

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 22.0; negative likelihood ratio 0.13619

JERK TEST Specificity

Sensitivity 98%348

Odds Ratio 73%348

• Labral lesion • Labral lesion 98%619

• Labral lesion • Labral lesion 73%619

• Positive likelihood ratio 36.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.27348 • Positive likelihood ratio 36.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.28619

JOBE TEST Specificity


Odds Ratio

• Tendon disease of supraspinatus: lesion • Tendon disease of supraspinatus: lesion • Positive likelihood ratio for lesion 1.58, 50%, tendinitis 38%, tear 100%172 79%, tendinitis 72%, tear 19%172 for tendinitis 1.16; negative likelihood ratio for lesion 0.42, for tendinitis 0.74, for tear 0.81172

JOINT POSITION SPACE Reliability • 0.98 for medial and lateral rotation637

KINETIC MEDIAL ROTATION TEST (KMRT) Reliability • For subjects with shoulder pain: Interrater for glenohumeral anterior translation k = 0.68; for scapular forward tilt k = 0.65638 • For asymptomatic subjects: Interrater for glenohumeral anterior translation k = 0.61; for scapular forward tilt k = 0.85638 • Intrarater for glenohumeral anterior translation k = 0.66; for scapular forward tilt k = 0.87638

LAG TEST Validity


• A lag of 10°–15° was observed in all patients with complete rupture of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus, and 15 of 16 patients with infra-, supraand subscapularis476

• Internal rotation lag sign is as specific as lift-off test P = 1, external rotation lag sign is as specific as the drop test and both are more specific than Jobe test P = .002476 • Internal rotation lag for subscapularis tear 97%628 • External rotation lag sign at 0° 98%621 • External rotation lag sign at 90° 100%621


Odds Ratio

• Internal rotation lag sign more • Positive likelihood ratio sensitive as lift-off test P = for internal rotation lag for .002, external rotation lag sign subscapularis tear 6/70; is more sensitive as the drop negative likelihood ratio test P < .001 and less sensitive 0.83639 476 as the Jobe test P = .05 • Positive likelihood ratio for • Internal rotation lag for external rotation lag at 0°: subscapularis tear 20%639 6.06621 • External rotation lag sign at 0° 10%621 • External rotation lag sign at 90° 8%621

LATERAL JOBE TEST Specificity  8%475 8


• • 89% for rotator cuff tear475

• 58%475 • 81% for rotator cuff tear475

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430.e12 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e12

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d LATERAL SCAPULAR SLIDE TEST Reliability


• Intrarater ICC = 0.75 SEM = 0.61 for subjects without shoulder impairments, ICC = 0.52 SEM = 0.78 for subjects with shoulder impairments434


Odds Ratio

• Bilateral difference greater • Bilateral difference greater • Positive likelihood ratio for than 1-cm position 1 = 48%, than 1 cm position 1 bilateral difference greater than position 2 = 54%, position = 35%, position 2 = 1 cm position 1 = 67%, position 3 = 56%; differences greater 41%, position 3 = 43%; 2 = 0.89, position 3 = 0.98; than 1.5-cm position 1 differences greater than differences greater than 1.5 = 53%, position 2 = 58%, 1.5 cm position 1 = 28%, cm position 1 = 0.59, position position 3 = 52%434 position 2 = 50%, position 2 = 1.19, position 3 = 0.71; • Equal or greater than 3 = 34%434 negative likelihood ratio for 1.5-cm difference between • Bilateral difference 1-cm bilateral difference greater than right and left side with arm threshold at 0° abduction 1 cm position 1 = 1.35, position beside the body 54.9%, with = 93%–100%, 45° 2 = 1.09, position 3 = 1.02; hand on the waist 57.7%, abduction = 90%–93%, 90° differences greater than 1.5 cm with arms abducted 90° and abduction = 86%–96%429 position 1 = 1.36, position 2 = internally rotated 35.2%, • Bilateral difference 1.5-cm 0.86, position 3 = 1.27434 overall 26.7%640 threshold at 0° abduction • Bilateral difference 1-cm • Bilateral difference 1-cm = 90%–96%, 45° abduction threshold: positive likelihood threshold at 0° abduction = = 83%–93%, 90° abduction ratio 0° abduction = 1.01–1.30, 8%–23%, 45° abduction = = 80%–90%429 45° abduction = 0.94–1.21, 90° 4%–23%, 90° abduction = abduction = 0.90–1.13; negative 4%–15%429 likelihood ratio 0° abduction = • Bilateral difference 1.5-cm 0.875–0, 45° abduction = 2.5– threshold at 0° abduction = 0.3, 90° abduction = 0.27–3.5429 12%–26%, 45° abduction = • Bilateral difference 1.5-cm 15%–26%, 90° abduction = threshold: positive likelihood 4%–19%429 ratio 0° abduction = 1.02–1.30, 45° abduction = 0.98–1.26, 90° abduction = 0.83–1.11; negative likelihood ratio 0° abduction = 0.15–0.83, 45° abduction = 0.27–1.13, 90° abduction = 0.52–5.0429

LENNIE TEST Reliability


• Interrater distance from: midline ICC >0.66, angular position ICC >0.64, scapular symmetry ICC = 0.74102

• Correlation with landmarks and radiographic measurements distance from: midline r > 0.69, angular position r > 0.43, scapular symmetry r = 0.63102

LIFT-OFF TEST Specificity


• Rotator cuff 79%, tendinosis 85%, rotator cuff full thickness tear 62%612 • For impingement syndrome 97%630 • For rotator cuff tear diagnosis 94%621 • For weakness 100%622 • For partial and full-thickness rotator tear 100%631

• Rotator cuff 10%, tendinosis 0%, rotator cuff full-thickness tear 76%612 • For impingement syndrome 42%630 • For rotator cuff tear diagnosis 22%621 • For weakness 50%622 • For partial and full-thickness rotator tear 13.2%631

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 0.45, for tendinosis 0.00, for rotator cuff full-thickness tear 1.98612 • Positive likelihood ratio 14; negative likelihood ratio 0.60630 • Positive likelihood ratio 3/381621 • Positive likelihood ratio for weakness 4.62; negative likelihood ratio 0.5622 • Positive likelihood ratio for partial and full-thickness rotator cuff tear infinity; negative likelihood ratio 0.87631

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Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d LOAD AND SHIFT TEST Reliability • Intrarater between grades of • commitment: all grades k = 0.342, between grades I and II+ k = 0.529; interrater for all grades k = 0.091, between grades I and II k = 0.208 (when analyzing only grades I and II the end feel is excluded) • Test-­retest for dynamometer measurement r = 0.996641 • Test-­retest with KT1000, dominant side ICC = 0.67, non-dominant ICC = 0.76642 • Inter-­examiner anterior ICC: 0° = 0.68, 20° = no variance observed, 90° = 0.42616 • Inter-­examiner posterior ICC: 0° = 0.53, 20° = 0.60, 90° = 0.72607 • Inter-­examiner inferior ICC: 0° = 0.79, 20° = 0.79, 90° = 0.65616 • Interrater right k = 0.64; left k = 1.0 (k—95% CI)610



 5%537 8

 0%537 9

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 0.56; negative likelihood ratio 1.1537

LOW FLEXION TEST Reliability • Intrarater ICC ≥0.90454





 8%643 7

 9%643 8

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 4.04; negative likelihood ratio 0.14643

META-­ANALYSIS RESULTS OF COVARIATE ANALYSES FOR DETECTION OF PARTIAL-­THICKNESS ROTATOR CUFF USING MRI644 Pathology (95% CI) (number of studies) MRI Field Strength • 1.0 T or less (n = 3) • 1.5 T (n = 12) • 3.0 T (n = 3) MRI Reviewer • General Rad. (n = 8) • MSK Rad. (n = 13)

Specificity • 97% • 82% • 100% • 96% • 97%

Sensitivity • 80% • 81% • 82% • 80% • 87%

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 15.6; negative likelihood ratio 0.2 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.4; negative likelihood ratio 0.3 • Positive likelihood ratio 69.6; negative likelihood ratio 0.2 • Positive likelihood ratio 8.7; negative likelihood ratio 0.3 • Positive likelihood ratio 10.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.2 Continued

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430.e14 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e14

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d META-­ANALYSIS RESULTS OF COVARIATE ANALYSES FOR DETECTION OF FULL-­THICKNESS ROTATOR CUFF USING MRI644 Pathology (95% CI) (number of studies)


MRI Field Strength • 1.0 T or less (n = 4) • 1.5 T (n = 13) • 3.0 T (n = 3) MRI Reviewer • General Rad. (n = 8) • MSK Rad. (n = 11)

• 96% • 90% • 99% • 99% • 93%

Sensitivity • 89% • 90% • 96% • 91% • 93%

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 13.3; negative likelihood ratio 0.2 • Positive likelihood ratio 8.57; negative likelihood ratio 0.2 • Positive likelihood ratio 30.4; negative likelihood ratio 0.1 • Positive likelihood ratio 21.6; negative likelihood ratio 0.1 • Positive likelihood ratio 11.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.1



• 72%645

• 98%645

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 3.38; negative likelihood ratio 0.29645

Applicable Findings • Examiner applies a shear load to the joint by maintaining external rotation and horizontal abduction and lowering the arm from 120° to 60° of abduction645



 2%611 9

 2%611 4

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 5.25; negative likelihood ratio 0.637611



• Complete and partial tear together 67%, • Complete and partial tear together 100%, partial partial tear 68%646 tear 100%646 • Rotator cuff tear 100% (arthroscopy as • Rotator cuff tear 100% (arthroscopy as gold gold standard)647 standard)647 • 90%648 • 90%648

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for complete and partial tear together 4.35, partial tear 3.12; negative likelihood ratio for complete and partial tear together 0, partial tear 0646 • For rotator cuff tear using arthroscopy as gold standard: positive predictive value 1.00; negative predictive value 1.00647 • Positive likelihood ratio 6.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.1648

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Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d NEER IMPINGEMENT TEST Reliability


• Interrater k (95% CI) = 0.51 (0.13, 0.88)610


• 30.5%625 • Tendinitis and bursitis 49.2%, partial tear 47.5%, full tear 47.2%, overall 68.7%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 41%609 • Bursitis 47.5%, rotator cuff pathosis 50.8%, overall 62.5%635 • 31%476 • Impingement 73%172 • Rotator cuff 43%, tendinosis 49%612 • Impingement syndrome 58%630 • Impingement syndrome 60%277 • For rotator cuff tear 58%621 • For partial- and fullthickness rotator cuff tear 82.3%631 • For partial supraspinatus tear 96%636

Odds Ratio

• 88.7%625 • Tendinitis and bursitis 85.7%, partial tear 75.4%, full tear 59.32%, overall 68%56 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 57%609 • Bursitis 75%, rotator cuff pathosis 83.3%, overall 77%635 • 89%476 • Impingement 65%172 • Rotator cuff 64%, tendinosis 86%612 • 89%378 • Impingement syndrome 78%630 • Impingement syndrome 72%277 • For rotator cuff tear 60%621 • For partial- and fullthickness rotator cuff tear 63.2%631 • For partial supraspinatus tear 28%636

• Positive likelihood ratio 1.27; negative likelihood ratio 0.37625 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 1.69, partial tear 1.44, full tear 1.12, overall 2.17; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.29, partial tear 0.52, full tear 0.86, overall 0.4656 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.96; negative likelihood ratio 1.05609 • Positive likelihood ratio for bursitis 1.43, rotator cuff pathosis 1.69, overall 2.05; negative likelihood ratio for bursitis 0.53, rotator cuff pathosis 0.33, overall 0.37635 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.29; negative likelihood ratio 0.35476 • Positive likelihood ratio for impingement 2.41; negative likelihood ratio for impingement 0.48172 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 1.12, for tendinosis 1.69612 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.90; negative likelihood ratio 0.38630 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.80; negative likelihood ratio 0.47277 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff tear 1.42621 • Positive likelihood ratio for partialand full-thickness rotator cuff tear 3.56; negative likelihood ratio 0.45631 • Positive likelihood ratio for partial supraspinatus tear 7.0; negative likelihood ratio 0.75636

O’BRIEN SIGN Specificity

Sensitivity 90%649

• Acromioclavicular lesions • 28%360 • 17% for isolated supraspinatus tear360

Odds Ratio 16%649

• Acromioclavicular lesions • 94%360 • 75% for isolated SLAP lesion360

• Positive likelihood ratio for acromioclavicular lesions 1.6; negative likelihood ratio for acromioclavicular lesions 0.93649





 0%423 9

 00%423 1

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 10.0; negative likelihood ratio 0.0423 Continued

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430.e16 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e16

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d PAINFUL ARC TEST Reliability • In flexion k = 0.69, on return from flexion k = 0.61634 • Into flexion k (95% CI) = 1.0 for shoulder pain complaint610



 0.5%625 8

 2.5%625 3

• • 9.9%56 • Tendinitis and bursitis 46.9%, partial tear 47%, full tear 61.8%, overall 81.1%58 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 47%609 • Rotator cuff 50%, tendinosis 47%, rotator cuff fullthickness tear 62%, biceps 42%612 • Impingement syndrome 76%277 • 83.9% for partial- or fullthickness rotator cuff tear631

Odds Ratio

• • 97.5%56 • Tendinitis and bursitis 70.6%, partial tear 67.4%, full tear 75.8%, overall 73.5%58 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 50%609 • Rotator cuff 67%, tendinosis 71%, rotator cuff fullthickness tear 76%, biceps 83%612 • Impingement syndrome 53%277 • 39.5% for partial- or fullthickness rotator cuff tear631

• Positive likelihood ratio 1.67; negative likelihood ratio 0.84625 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.08; negative likelihood ratio 0.2556 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 1.33, partial tear 1.27, full tear 1.98, overall 3.98; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.63, partial tear 0.69, full tear 0.39, overall 0.3358 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.94; negative likelihood ratio 1.06609 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 1.34, for tendinosis 1.33, rotator cuff full-thickness tear 1.98, biceps 1.43612 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.30; negative likelihood ratio 0.62277 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.44; negative likelihood ratio 0.72631

PALM-­UP TEST Specificity


Odds Ratio

• Tendon disease of biceps brachii 58%172 • Tendon disease of biceps brachii 74%172 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendon disease of biceps brachii 1.76; negative likelihood ratio for tendon disease of biceps brachii 0.45172


Specificity • Acromioclavicular lesion 10%649

• Acromioclavicular lesion 96%649

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for acromioclavicular lesion 1.07; negative likelihood ratio for acromioclavicular lesion 0.50649

PALPATION OF SUBACROMIAL SPACE Reliability • Intra-­examiner ICC = 0.90–0.94 for shoulder instability650 • Inter-­examiner ICC = 0.77–0.89 for shoulder instability650

PATTES TEST Specificity


• Tendon disease of infraspinatus and teres minor: lesion 90%, tendinitis 71%, tear 95%172

• Tendon disease of infraspinatus and teres minor: lesion 71%, tendinitis 57%, tear 36%172

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for lesion 7.1, for tendinitis 1.97, for tear 7.2; negative likelihood ratio for lesion 0.32, for tendinitis 0.61, for tear 0.67172

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Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d PAXINOS TEST Specificity


• Acromioclavicular lesions


• Acromioclavicular lesions 79%649

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for acromioclavicular lesions 1.58; negative likelihood ratio for acromioclavicular lesions 0.42649




• Test-­retest overall ICC = 0.94, pain • Cronbach α = 0.93, correlation with • Effect size for overall score 1.01 SRM subscale ICC = 0.88 SEM = 3.8, constant shoulder score r = 0.85, = 1.27, pain subscale 0.85 SRM = 0.95, satisfaction subscale ICC = 0.93 SEM American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons satisfaction 1.19 SRM = 1.15, function = 1.3, function subscale ICC = 0.93 Shoulder Score = 0.87, correlation of 0.80 SRM = 1.09260 260 SEM = 6.1 each item with total score: pain r = 0.80, satisfaction r = 0.44, function r = 0.95260



• Predictive value positive = 92.6%; Predictive value negative = 100%426

 9.3%426 9

Sensitivity • 100%426



• Instability 100%, anterior instability 99%, posterior instability 99%612

• Instability 6%, anterior instability 3%, posterior instability 19%612

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for instability 14.53, for anterior instability 3.53, for posterior instability 25.0612



• Labral tears and rotator cuff tears 85%651 • 100% for articular-­sided internal impingement syndrome619

• Labral tears and rotator cuff tears 75.5%651 • 95% for articularsided internal impingement syndrome619

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for labral tears and rotator cuff tears 5.03; negative likelihood ratio for labral tears and rotator cuff tears 0.29651 • Negative likelihood ratio for articular-­ sided internal impingement syndrome 0.05619

POSTERIOR SHEAR TEST Reliability • k = 0.35634

PRONE INSTABILITY TEST Reliability • k = 0.87634

RELEASE TEST Reliability • Inter-­examiner for: pain ICC = 0.31, apprehension ICC = 0.63, pain and apprehension ICC = 0.45616 Continued Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

430.e18 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e18

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d RELOCATION, FOWLER, OR JOBE RELOCATION TEST Reliability


• Intrarater for amount of external rotation ICC = 0.89172 • Interrater for: pain ICC = 0.31, apprehension ICC = 0.71, pain and/ or apprehension ICC = 0.44616


• 54.35%172 • For SLAP 63%, for any labral lesion including SLAP 87%405 • With pain 58%, anterior relocation with pain 44%, anterior relocation with apprehension 100%319 • Relief of pain 58%, relief of apprehension 100%200 • Relief of pain 90%, relief of apprehension 92%618

Odds Ratio

• 45.83%172 • Positive likelihood ratio 1; • For SLAP 36%, for any negative likelihood ratio 0.99172 labral lesion including SLAP • Positive likelihood ratio for SLAP 44%405 0.97, for any labral lesion 3.38; • With pain 30%, anterior negative likelihood ratio SLAP relocation with pain 54%, 1.01, for any labral lesion 0.64405 anterior relocation with • Positive likelihood ratio with apprehension 68%319 pain 0.71, for anterior relocation • Relief of pain 30%, relief of with pain 0.96; negative apprehension 57%200 likelihood ratio with pain 1.21, • Relief of pain 30%, relief of for anterior relocation with pain apprehension 81%618 1.05, for anterior relocation with apprehension 0.32319

RENT TEST Specificity •


 7%652 9

Odds Ratio

 6%652 9

• Positive likelihood ratio 32; negative likelihood ratio 0.04652



• Unstable superior labral anterior posterior lesions 81.8%397

Odds Ratio

• Unstable superior labral anterior posterior lesions 82.8%397

• Positive likelihood ratio 4.55; negative likelihood ratio 0.21397

SCAPULA BACKWARD TIPPING TEST Reliability • k = 0.735 (CI = 95%)490 • 86.67% agreement490

SCAPULAR DYSKINESIA TEST Reliability • Interrater k = 0.59439


SHOULDER SEVERITY INDEX Reliability • ICC = 0.97614



• Rotator cuff 53%, OA


Odds Ratio

• Rotator cuff 95%, OA


• Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 2.03, for OA 2.10612



Validity • Patients on workers’ compensation performed worse on the test P = .0034614 Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d SLAP PREHENSION TEST Sensitivity • Type I SLAP 50%427 • Type II SLAP 86%427 • Type III and IV SLAP 100%427 • Large labral tears 90%427





 5.5%623 5

 8.5%623 6

• Interrater k (95% • Accuracy 56% • CI) = 0.52610 (arthroscopy)492 • 75% (arthroscopy as gold standard for biceps and SLAP)492 • For SLAP 74%, for any labral lesion including SLAP 87%405 • Tendinitis and bursitis 69.8%, partial tear 70.6%, full tear 75.3%, overall 83.3%58 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 71%609 • 14%653 • Rotator cuff 63%, tendinosis 70%, SLAP 58%, biceps 67%603 • For SLAP 54%275 • 45% for biceps pathology621 • Biceps pathology with full-thickness rotator cuff tear as reference 31.6%622 • 14%–75% for long head of biceps tendinopathy619 • 38%360 • 14% for isolated supraspinatus tear360

• • 44% (arthroscopy as gold standard for biceps and SLAP)492 • For SLAP 9%, for any labral lesion including SLAP 18%405 • Tendinitis and bursitis 33.3%, partial tear 33.3%, full tear 39.9%, overall 38.3%58 • Chronic acromioclavicular lesions 24%609 • 90%653 • Rotator cuff 47%, tendinosis 33%, SLAP 53%, biceps 50%612 • For SLAP 50%275 • 75% for biceps pathology621 • 32%–90% for long head of biceps tendinopathy619 • 60%360 • 58% for isolated SLAP lesion360

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.54; negative likelihood ratio 0.57623 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.76; negative likelihood ratio 0.75492 • Positive likelihood ratio for SLAP 0.35, any labral lesion 1.38; negative likelihood ratio for SLAP 1.23, any labral lesion 0.94405 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 1.10, partial tear 1.13, full tear 1.61, overall 2.29; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.95, partial tear 0.94, full tear 0.80, overall 0.7458 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.83; negative likelihood ratio 1.07609 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.00; negative likelihood ratio 0.71653 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 1.27, tendinosis 1.10, SLAP 1.26, biceps 1.51612 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.10; negative likelihood ratio 0.93275 • Biceps pathology positive likelihood ratio 1.35621 • Negative likelihood ratio for biceps pain with fullthickness rotator cuff tear as reference 3.17; positive likelihood ratio not reported622 • Positive likelihood ratio for long head of biceps tendinopathy 1.0–1.28; negative likelihood ratio 0.71–0.91619 Continued

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430.e20 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e20

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d SUBJECTIVE SHOULDER RATING SCALE Reliability • ICC = 0.71614

SULCUS SIGN Reliability



 5%538 8

 0%538 9

• Inter-examiner k = 0.03– • 0.06; Intra-examiner k = • 93%421 0.01–0.20282 • Inter-examiner ICC = 0.60616

• • 17%421

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 0.56; negative likelihood ratio 1.1538 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.9421

SUPINE APPREHENSION TEST Findings • 79% (CI = 52%–92%) with a positive anterior apprehension test result re-­dislocated; 53% (CI = 37%–68%) with a negative anterior apprehension test result re-­dislocated324



 9%360 6

• • 75% for isolated SLAP lesion360

• 80%360 • 92% for isolated SLAP lesion360



• Measuring rotator cuff pathology—interrater k = 0.43492 • Pain: interrater k (95% CI) = 0.69610 • Weakness: interrater k (95% CI) = 0.35610

• Partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus 54%, full-thickness tear 70%, large and massive fullthickness tears 70%654 • Tendinitis and bursitis 6.9%, partial tear 67.8%, full tear 82.4%, overall 89.5%58 • For impingement syndrome 62%630 • For rotator cuff tear 62%621 • Pain for rotator cuff tear 11.1%622 • Weakness for rotator cuff tear 61.1%622 • For both partial- and fullthickness rotator cuff tear 56.6%631 • For partial supraspinatus tear 90%636

Sensitivity • Partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus 62%, full-thickness tear 41%, large and massive full thickness tears 88%654 • Tendinitis and bursitis 25%, partial tear 32.1%, full tear 52.6%, overall 44.1%58 • For impingement syndrome 69%630 • For rotator cuff tear 88%621 • Pain for rotator cuff tear 90.5%622 • Weakness for rotator cuff tear 80.9%622 • For both partial and full-thickness rotator cuff tear 68.4%631 • For partial supraspinatus tear 76%636

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for partialthickness tears of the supraspinatus 1.35, full-thickness tear 1.36, large and massive full-thickness tears 2.93; negative likelihood ratio for partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus 0.70, full-thickness tear 0.84, large and massive full-thickness tears 0.17654 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 0.27, partial tear 1, full tear 2.99, overall 4.2; negative likelihood ratio for tendinitis and bursitis 10.87, partial tear 1, full tear 0.57, overall 0.6258 • Positive likelihood ratio for impingement syndrome 1.80; negative likelihood ratio 0.50630 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff tear 2.30621 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff tear pain 1.02; negative likelihood ratio 0.86622 • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff tear weakness 2.08; negative likelihood ratio 0.31622 • Positive likelihood ratio for both partial and full thickness rotator cuff tear 1.57; negative likelihood ratio 0.56631 • Positive likelihood ratio for partial supraspinatus tear 9.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.23636

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Chapter 5  5 Shoulder Shoulder


eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d “SURPRISE” TEST (ANTERIOR INSTABILITY) Specificity


• 98.91%172 • 89%–99%619

• 63.89%172 • 64%–92%619

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 58.61; negative likelihood ratio 0.3617172 • Positive likelihood ratio 8.36–58.6; negative likelihood ratio 0.9–0.37619



• Complete and partial tear together 67%, partial tear 80%646 • Rotator cuff tear 71% (MRI gold standard)647 • Rotator cuff tear 100% (arthroscopy as gold standard)647 • 86%648

Odds Ratio

• Complete and partial tear together 97%, • Positive likelihood ratio for complete partial tear 98%646 and partial tear together 2.94, partial • Rotator cuff tear 75% (MRI gold tear 4.9; negative likelihood ratio for standard)647 complete and partial tear together • Rotator cuff tear 100% (arthroscopy as 0.04, partial tear 0.02646 647 gold standard) • Positive predictive value for rotator • 91%648 cuff tear 0.90; negative predictive value 0.46 (MRI gold standard)647 • Positive predictive value for rotator cuff tear 1.00; negative predictive value 0.29 (with arthroscopy gold standard)647 • Positive likelihood ratio 6.5; negative likelihood ratio 0.1648




 8%645 7

 3%645 7

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 3.38; negative likelihood ratio 1.40645

UPPER-­LIMB-­TENSION (BRACHIAL PLEXUS TENSION) TEST Reliability • Medial nerve: intrarater ICC > 0.88, SEM < 2.41; interrater ICC = 0.33, SEM = 6.35655



• 65%56

• 64%56

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.83; negative likelihood ratio 0.5556

WHIPPLE TEST Specificity


• Rotator cuff 33%, tendinosis 24%612 • SLAP type II 42%276

• Rotator cuff 80%, tendinosis 75%612 • SLAP type II 65%276

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for rotator cuff 1.18, for tendinosis 0.99612 Continued

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430.e22 Chapter 5  Shoulder 430.e22

eAPPENDIX 5.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Shoulder—cont’d YERGASON’S TEST Validity

Specificity 63%492

• Accuracy • EMG showed that the activity of the upper and lower subscapularis was significantly higher than the other muscles (P > .05)656 • EMG showed that the subscapularis had a mean activation greater than 50% MMT. Using a denervation anesthetic technique and a group of patients with detached subscapularis, they had the same EMG patter but were unable to perform the maximum internal rotation test (elevating the dorsum of the hand from the posterior-­ inferior border of the scapula)482

Sensitivity SLAP)492

• 79% (arthroscopy for biceps and • For SLAP 96%, for any labral lesion including SLAP 93%405 • 86%625 • Tendon disease of biceps brachii 58%172 • For labral tear 95%277 • 73.7% for biceps pathology with fullthickness rotator cuff tear as reference622 • 58%–79% for long head of biceps tendinopathy216

• 43% (arthroscopy for labral biceps and SLAP)492 • For SLAP 12%, for any labral lesion including SLAP 9%405 • 37%625 • Tendon disease of biceps brachii 74%172 • For labral tear 12%277 • 43%–74% for long head of biceps tendinopathy216

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 2.05; negative likelihood ratio 0.72492 • Positive likelihood ratio for SLAP 3, any labral lesion 1.28; negative likelihood ratio for SLAP 0.92, any labral lesion 0.98405 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.64; negative likelihood ratio 0.73625 • Positive likelihood ratio for tendon disease of biceps brachii 1.76; negative likelihood ratio for tendon disease of biceps brachii 0.45172 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.50; negative likelihood ratio 0.91277 • Positive likelihood ratio for biceps pathology with full-thickness rotator cuff tear as reference622 • Positive likelihood ratio for long head of biceps tendinopathy 1.76–2.05; negative likelihood ratio 0.45–0.72216

YOCUM TEST Specificity


• Impingement 73%172

• Impingement 65%172 • 78%378

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio for impingement 2.41; negative likelihood ratio for impingement 0.48172

AC/OA, Acromioclavicular/osteoarthritis; CI, confidence interval; EMG, electromyography; GH/OA, glenohumeral/osteoarthritis; ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient; k, kappa; LHB, long head of biceps; MMT, manual muscle test; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MSK, musculoskeletal; SEM, standard error of measurement; SLAP, superior labrum anterior to posterior; SRM, standard response mean.

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Elbow The elbow’s primary role in the upper limb complex is to help an individual position his or her hand in the appropriate location to perform its function. Once the shoulder has positioned the hand in a gross fashion, the elbow allows for adjustments in height and length of the limb, allowing one to position the hand correctly. In addition, the forearm rotates, in part at the elbow, to place the hand in the most effective position to perform its function.

Applied Anatomy The elbow consists of a complex set of joints that require careful assessment for proper treatment. The treatment must be geared to the pathology of the condition, because the joint responds poorly to trauma, harsh treatment, or incorrect treatment. Because they are closely related, the joints of the elbow complex make up a compound synovial joint with injury to any one part affecting the other components as well (Fig. 6.1). In addition, the ulnar and humeral articulations “fit” together rather intimately, which does not allow much “give” as compensation when an injury occurs. Thus, this joint often does not respond well to trauma. The elbow articulations are made up of the ulnohumeral joint and the radiohumeral joint. In addition, the complexity and intricate relation of the elbow articulations are further increased by the superior radioulnar joint, which has continuity with the elbow articulations. These three joints make up the cubital articulations. The capsule and joint cavity are continuous for all three joints. The combination of these joints allows 2° of freedom at the elbow. The trochlear joint allows 1° of freedom (flexion-­extension), and the radiohumeral and superior radioulnar joints allow the other° of freedom (rotation). The ulnohumeral or trochlear joint, which is the major determinant of elbow stability (see Fig. 6.1), is found between the trochlea of the humerus and the trochlear notch of the ulna and is classified as a uniaxial hinge joint. The bones of this joint are shaped so that the axis of movement is not horizontal but instead passes downward and medially, going through an arc of movement. This position leads to the carrying angle at

the elbow (Fig. 6.2). The resting position of this joint is with the elbow flexed to 70° and the forearm supinated 10°. The neutral position (0°) is midway between supination and pronation in the thumb-­up position (Fig. 6.3). The capsular pattern is flexion more limited than extension, and the close packed position is extension with the forearm in supination. On full extension, the medial part of the olecranon process is not in contact with the trochlea; on full flexion, the lateral part of the olecranon process is not in contact with the trochlea. This change allows the side-­to-­side joint play movement necessary for supination and pronation. A small amount of rotation occurs at this joint. In early flexion, 5° of medial rotation occurs; in late flexion, 5° of lateral rotation occurs. Ulnohumeral (Trochlear) Joint Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

70° elbow flexion, 10° supination Extension with supination Flexion, extension

The radiohumeral joint is a uniaxial hinge joint between the capitulum of the humerus and the head of the radius (see Fig. 6.1). The resting position is with the elbow fully extended and the forearm fully supinated. The close packed position of the joint is with the elbow flexed to 90° and the forearm supinated 5°. As with the trochlear joint, the capsular pattern is flexion more limited than extension. Radiohumeral Joint Resting position: Full extension and full supination Close packed position: Elbow flexed to 90°, forearm supinated to 5° Capsular pattern: Flexion, extension, supination, pronation

The ulnohumeral and radiohumeral joints are supported medially by the ulnar (medial) collateral ligament (also called the medial ulnar collateral ligament—MUCL),1 a fan-­shaped structure, and laterally by the radial (lateral) collateral ligament and the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL),1 a cordlike structure (Fig. 6.4).2 These ligaments, along with

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Chapter 6  Elbow 0o (Neutral) Humerus

Radial fossa

Coronoid fossa

Lateral epicondyle

Medial epicondyle



Radiohumeral joint Radial head

Ulnohumeral joint Olecranon Articular capsule (cut) Synovial membrane

Annular ligament





Fig. 6.3  “Thumb-­up” or neutral (zero) position between supination and pronation.

Coronoid process Oblique cord

Superior radioulnar joint

Upper part of middle radioulnar "joint"

Fig. 6.1 Anterior view of the right elbow disarticulated to expose the ulnohumeral and radiohumeral joints. The margin of the proximal radioulnar joint is shown within the elbow’s capsule.

Fig. 6.2  Carrying angle of the elbow.

the ulnohumeral articulation, are the primary restraints to instability in the elbow.3 The lateral (radial) collateral ligament is the primary restraint to posterolateral instability (most common instability), whereas the medial (ulnar) collateral ligament is the primary restraint to valgus instability.3 In extension, the medial collateral ligament, the anterior capsule, and the ulnohumeral articulation resist valgus translation. In

90° of flexion, the anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament provides the main restraint against valgus translation.4 The lateral collateral ligament complex is made up of several structures—the radial (lateral) collateral ligament, the annular ligament, the accessory lateral collateral ligament, and the LUCL.1 It is these structures along with the extensor muscles that protect the elbow from rotary instability. The radial head plays a significant role in tensioning the lateral ligament complex.4 Disruption of the complex results in posterolateral rotary instability.4 The ulnar collateral ligament has three parts, which along with the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, form the cubital tunnel through which passes the ulnar nerve (see Fig. 6.4). Any injury or blow to the area or injury that increases the carrying angle puts an abnormal stress on the nerve as it passes through the tunnel. This can lead to problems such as tardy ulnar palsy, the symptoms of which can occur many years after the original injury and may be caused by the “double crush” phenomenon of a cubital tunnel problem combined with a cervical spine problem. The superior radioulnar joint is a uniaxial pivot joint. The head of the radius is held in proper relation to the ulna and humerus by the annular ligament (see Figs. 6.1 and 6.4), which makes up four-­fifths of the joint.5 The resting position of this joint is supination of 35° and elbow flexion of 70°. The close packed position is supination of 5°. The capsular pattern of this joint is equal limitation of supination and pronation. Superior Radioulnar Joint Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

35° supination, 70° elbow flexion 5° supination Equal limitation of supination and pronation

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Chapter 6  Elbow


Ulnar nerve Ulnar nerve


Ulnar collateral ligament (posterior)

Medial epicondyle Annular ligament

Cubital tunnel

Oblique cord Radius

Flexor carpi ulnaris Anterior portion Posterior portion Oblique portion


Ulnar (medial) collateral ligament


Humerus Head of radius

Lateral epicondyle

Lateral collateral ligament complex



Radial collateral ligament

Annular ligament


Lateral (ulnar) collateral ligament

Fig. 6.4  Ligaments of the elbow. (A) Ligaments on medial side of elbow. Note the passage of the ulnar nerve through the cubital tunnel. (B) Ligaments on the lateral side of elbow.

The three elbow articulations are innervated by branches from the musculocutaneous, median, ulnar, and radial nerves. The middle radioulnar articulation is not a true joint but is made up of the radius and ulna and the interosseous membrane between the two bones. The interosseous membrane is tense only midway between supination and pronation (neutral position). Although this “joint” is not part of the elbow joint complex, it is affected by injury to the elbow joints; conversely, injury to this area can affect the mechanics of the elbow articulations. The interosseous membrane prevents proximal displacement of the radius on the ulna. The displacement is most likely to occur with pushing movements, or a fall on the outstretched hand (FOOSH). The oblique cord connects the radius and ulna, running from the lateral side of the ulnar tuberosity to the radius slightly below the radial tuberosity. Its fibers run at right angles to those of the interosseous membrane (see Fig. 6.1). The cord assists in preventing displacement of the radius on the ulna, especially during movements involving pulling or when a distractive force is exerted on the radius. 

Patient History In addition to the questions listed under the “Patient History” section in Chapter 1, the examiner should obtain the following information from the patient: 1. How old is the patient? What is the patient’s occupation? Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) problems usually occur in persons 35 years of age or older and in those who use a great deal of wrist flexion and extension in their occupations or activities, requiring wrist stabilization in slight extension (functional position). If the patient is a child who complains of pain in the elbow and lacks supination on examination, the examiner could suspect a dislocation of the head of the radius. This type of injury is often seen in young children. A parent may give the child a sharp “come-­along” tug on the arm, or the child may trip while the parent is holding the hand, dislocating the head of the radius. Between the ages of 15 and 20, osteochondritis dissecans may be found.6 Older individuals may show decreased range of motion (ROM) because of degenerative

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Chapter 6  Elbow



A Fig. 6.5  Valgus overload to the elbow. (A) Mechanism of injury. (B) Anterior view. (C) Posterior view. Injury may lead to (1) stretching of medial collateral ligament, (2) stress on epicondylar growth plate (pitcher’s or little leaguer’s elbow), (3) compression at radiohumeral joint, or (4) compression of the olecranon in the fossa, which may lead to osteophyte and loose body formation.

processes or aging (e.g., osteophytes, loose bodies, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis) and disease processes such as rheumatoid arthritis may lead to swelling, pain, damaged joints, ankylosis, or deformation of the joints. 2.  What was the mechanism of injury? Did the patient experience a FOOSH injury or a fall on the tip of the elbow? Catching oneself from falling (Fig. 6.5) or repetitive stress in sports (e.g., throwing) can create a severe valgus extension force to the elbow, causing a medial side traction injury (e.g., sprain of the medial collateral ligament) and a lateral side compression injury.7–9 This can lead to injury at the radiohumeral joint, abnormal stress at the medial epicondyle (“little leaguer’s elbow”—if from repetitive stress from throwing), and osteochondral damage either on the olecranon process or olecranon fossa. If the injury is due to overuse from throwing, then the examiner will have to consider the age of the patient, the number of pitches thrown per day, the kind of pitches thrown (e.g., fastball, curve ball), throwing motion (see Fig. 5.13), the amount of retrotorsion of the humerus (those with greater humeral retrotorsion are more likely to have elbow injuries), and posture.10,11 Were any repetitive

activities involved? Does the patient’s job involve any repetitive activities? Did the patient perform any unusual activities in the previous week? Did the patient feel a “pop” when throwing or doing other activity? If the pop was followed by pain and swelling on the medial side of the elbow, it may indicate an ulnar collateral ligament sprain.12 A centralized pop and weakness of elbow flexion may be the result of a distal biceps rupture. Such questions help determine the structure injured and the degree of injury. 3.  How long has the patient had the problem? Does the condition come and go? What activities aggravate the problem? Such questions indicate the seriousness of the condition and how much it bothers the patient. 4.  What are the details of the present pain and other symptoms? What are the sites and boundaries of the pain? Is the pain radiating, does it ache, and is it worse at night? Aching pain over the lateral epicondyle that radiates may indicate a tennis-­elbow problem. Depending on the patient’s age and past history, the examiner may want to consider referral of pain from the cervical spine or the possibility of a double crush neurological injury. Also, multiple joint diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis) must be

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.6  Bruising around elbow following dislocation (now reduced).

considered if the patient complains of pain in several joints. 5.  Are there any activities that increase or decrease the pain? Does pulling (traction), twisting (torque), or pushing (compression) alter the pain? For example, writing, twisting motions of the arm (e.g., turning key, opening door), ironing, gripping, carrying, and leaning on forearm all stress the elbow.13 Such questions may indicate the tissues being stressed or the tissues injured. 6.  Are there any positions that relieve the pain? Patients often protectively hold the elbow to the side (in the resting position) and hold the wrist for support, especially in acute conditions. 7.  Is there any indication of deformity, bruising (Fig. 6.6), wasting, muscle spasm, or instability? Patients with posterolateral rotary instability have pain and discomfort in the elbow along with possible locking, clicking, snapping, or slipping, most likely noted at 40° of flexion as the arm goes into an extension arc of motion, especially with the forearm supinated.4 8.  Are any movements impaired? Which movements make the patient feel restricted? If flexion or extension is limited, two joints may be involved, the ulnohumeral or the radiohumeral. If supination or pronation is problematic, any one of five joints could be involved: the radiohumeral, superior radioulnar at the elbow, middle radioulnar, inferior radioulnar, or ulnomeniscocarpal joints at the wrist. 9.  What is the patient unable to do functionally? Which hand is dominant? Is the patient able to position the hand properly? Are abnormal movements of the upper limb complex necessary to position the hand? A neuropathy at the elbow may result in hand and grip problems. Specific questions related


to precision hand pinch activities that are controlled by the intrinsic muscles should be asked. These would include questions such as difficulty doing up buttons, opening bottles, and difficulty typing.14 Questions such as these help the examiner determine how functionally limiting the condition is to the patient and whether a peripheral nerve or nerve root may be involved. 10. What is the patient’s usual activity or pastime? Have any of these activities been altered or increased in the past month? 11. Does the patient complain of any abnormal nerve distribution pain? The examiner should note the presence and location of any tingling or numbness for reference when checking dermatomes and peripheral nerve distribution later in the examination. Snapping on the medial side may indicate recurrent dislocation of the ulnar nerve or the medial head of the triceps dislocating over the medial epicondyle.6 12. Does the patient have a history of previous overuse injury or trauma? This question is especially important in regard to the elbow because the ulnar nerve may be affected by tardy ulnar palsy. 

Observation The patient must be suitably undressed so that both arms are exposed to allow the examiner to compare the two sides. If the history indicates an insidious onset of elbow problems, the examiner should take the time to observe full body posture, especially the neck and shoulder areas, for possible referral of symptoms. The examiner first places the patient’s arm in the anatomic position to determine whether there is a normal carrying angle (see Fig. 6.2).15 It is the angle formed by the long axis of the humerus and the long axis of the ulna and is most evident when the elbow is straight (i.e., 180°) and the forearm is fully supinated (Fig. 6.7). In the adult, there is a slight valgus deviation between the humerus and the ulna when the forearm is supinated and the elbow is extended. In males, the normal carrying angle is 11° to 14°; in females, it is 13° to 16°.16 If the carrying angle is more than 15°, it is called cubitus valgus; if it is less than 5° to 10°, it is called cubitus varus (Fig. 6.8). Because of the shape of the humeral condyles that articulate with the radius and ulna, the carrying angle changes linearly dependin g on the° of extension or flexion. Cubitus valgus is greatest in extension. The angle decreases as the elbow flexes, reaching varus in full flexion.17 If there has been a fracture or epiphyseal injury to the distal humerus and a cubitus varus results, a gunstock deformity may occur in full extension (Fig. 6.9; see Fig. 6.8). This is

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.7  Carrying angle. The carrying angle may be determined by noting the angle of intersection between a line connecting midpoints in the distal humerus and a line connecting midpoints in the proximal ulna.


: 5o–10o : 10o–15o


Normal carrying angle

often the result of damage to the epiphyseal (growth) plate in the presence of a supracondylar fracture in the adolescent. If swelling exists, all three joints of the elbow complex are affected because they have a common capsule. Joint swelling is often most evident in the triangular space between the radial head, tip of olecranon, and lateral epicondyle (Fig. 6.10). Swelling resulting from olecranon bursitis (student’s elbow) is more discrete, being more sharply demarcated as a “goose egg” over the olecranon process (Fig. 6.11). With swelling, the joint would be held in its resting position, with the elbow held in approximately 70° of flexion, because it is in the resting position that the joint has maximum volume. The examiner should look for normal bony and soft-­ tissue contours anteriorly and posteriorly. Often, athletes (such as pitchers, tennis players, other throwers, and rodeo riders) have a much larger forearm because of muscle and bone hypertrophy on the dominant side. The examiner should note whether the patient can assume the normal position of function of the elbow (Fig. 6.12). A normal functional position is 90° of flexion with the forearm midway between supination and pronation.18 The forearm may also be considered to be in a


Excessive cubitus valgus



Cubitus varus



Gunstock deformity

Fig. 6.8  (A) The elbow’s axis of rotation extends slightly, obliquely in a medial-­lateral direction through the capitulum and the trochlea. Normal carrying angle of the elbow is shown with the forearm deviated laterally from the longitudinal axis of the humerus axis between 5° and 15°. (B) Excessive cubitus valgus deformity is shown with the forearm deviated laterally 30°. (C) Cubitus varus deformity is depicted with the forearm deviated medially −5°. (D) Gunstock deformity with −15° medial deviation. (A–C, Redrawn from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 138.)

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Chapter 6  Elbow


Radial collateral ligament

Olecranon bursitis


Annular ligament

B Fig. 6.11  (A) Olecranon bursitis. (B) Actual inflamed bursa. The orange color is from disinfectant applied before aspiration. Fig. 6.9 A 29-­year-­old man presented with left cubitus varus (“gunstock”) deformity. (From Murase T: Morphology and kinematics studies of the upper extremity and its clinical application in deformity correction, J Orthop Sci 23(5):722–733, 2018.)

Fig. 6.10 The triangular area in which intra-­articular swelling is most evident in the elbow.

functional position when slightly pronated, as in writing. From this position, forward flexion of the shoulder along with slightly more elbow flexion (up to 120°) enables the person to bring food to the mouth; supination of the forearm decreases the amount of shoulder flexion necessary to accomplish this. At 90° of elbow flexion, the olecranon process of the ulna and the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus normally form a scalene triangle (i.e., three unequal sides).19 (Note: Some authors believe it is an isosceles triangle—two sides of

Fig. 6.12  Position of most common function of the elbow—90° flexion, midway between supination and pronation.

equal length; Fig. 6.13) When the arm is fully extended, the three points normally form a straight line.20 The triangle is sometimes called the triangle sign. If there is a fracture, dislocation, or degeneration leading to loss of bone or cartilage, the distance between the apex and the base decreases and the triangle no longer exists. The triangle can be measured on x-­ray films.17 

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.14  Normal elbow hyperextension.

Fig. 6.13  Relation of the medial and lateral epicondyles and the olecranon at the elbow in extension (left) and flexion (right).

Examination If the history indicates an insidious onset of elbow symptoms, and if the patient has complained of weakness and pain, the examiner may consider performing an examination of the cervical spine, which includes the upper limb peripheral joint scanning examination and myotome testing. Because of the potential referral of symptoms from the cervical spine and the necessity of differentiating nerve root symptoms from peripheral nerve lesions, the consideration to include cervical assessment is essential.

Active Movements The examination is performed with the patient in the sitting position. As always, active movements are done first, and it is important to remember that the most painful movements are done last. In addition, structures outside the joint may affect ROM. For example, with lateral epicondylitis, the long extensors of the forearm are often found to be tight or shortened, so the position of the wrist and fingers may affect movement.

Active Movements of the Elbow Complex • • • • • • •

F lexion of the elbow (140° to 150°) Extension of the elbow (0° to 10°) Supination of the forearm (90°) Pronation of the forearm (80° to 90°) Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained positions (if necessary)

Active elbow flexion is 140° to 150°. Movement is usually stopped by contact of the forearm with the muscles of the arm.

Active elbow extension is 0°, although up to a 10° hyperextension may be exhibited, especially in women. This hyperextension is considered normal if it is equal on both sides and there is no history of trauma. For example, collegiate and professional baseball players commonly show loss of elbow extension on the throwing arm. Normally, the movement is arrested by the locking of the olecranon process of the ulna into the olecranon fossa of the humerus. In some cases, under violent compressive loads (e.g., gymnastics, weightlifting), the olecranon process may act as a pivot, resulting in posterior dislocation of the elbow. This mechanism of injury is more likely to occur in someone with elbows that normally hyperextend (Fig. 6.14). Loss of elbow extension is a sensitive indicator of intra-­articular pathology. It is the first movement lost after injury to the elbow and the first regained with healing. However, terminal flexion loss is more disabling than the same° of terminal extension loss because of the need of flexion for many activities of daily living (ADLs). Loss of either motion affects the area of reach of the hand, which in turn affects function. Active supination should be 90° so that the palm faces up. The examiner should ensure that the shoulder is not adducted further in an attempt to give the appearance of increased supination or to compensate for a lack of sufficient supination (Fig. 6.15).21 For active pronation, the ROM is approximately the same (80° to 90°) so that the palm faces down. The examiner should be sure that the patient does not abduct the shoulder in an attempt to increase the amount of pronation or to compensate for a lack of sufficient pronation.21 However, for both supination and pronation, only about 75° of movement occurs in the forearm articulations. The remaining 15° is the result of wrist action. If, in the history, the patient has complained that combined movements, repetitive movements, or sustained positions cause pain, these specific movements should be included in the active movement assessment. If the patient has difficulty or cannot complete a movement, but it is pain-­free, the examiner must consider a severe injury to the contractile tissue (rupture) or a neurological injury, and further testing is necessary. 

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Chapter 6  Elbow

140o–150o Flexion

10o–15o Hyperextension

0o (Neutral)





Fig. 6.15  Range of motion at the elbow.

Passive Movements If the ROM is full on active movements, overpressure may be gently applied to test the end feel in each direction. If the movement is not full, passive movements should be carried out carefully to test the end feel and to test for a capsular pattern. Passive Movements of the Elbow Complex and Normal End Feel • • • •

E lbow flexion (tissue approximation) Elbow extension (bone-­to-­bone) Forearm supination (tissue stretch) Forearm pronation (tissue stretch)

It should be pointed out that although tissue approximation is the normal end feel of elbow flexion, in thin patients the end feel may be bone to bone as a result of the coronoid process hitting in the coronoid fossa. Likewise, in thin individuals, pronation may be bone to bone. In addition to the end feel tests during passive movements, the examiner should note whether a capsular pattern is present. The capsular pattern for the elbow complex as a whole is more limitation of flexion than extension.


In some cases, the examiner may want to determine whether muscles crossing the elbow are tight. If the muscles are tight, the end feel will be a muscle stretch, and ROM at one of the joints that the muscle passes over will be restricted (usually the joint that is the last to be stretched). If the muscle is normal, the end feel will be the normal joint tissue stretch end feel and the ROM will be normal. To test biceps length (Fig. 6.16A and B), the patient is placed in supine with the shoulder to be tested off the edge of the bed. The shoulder is passively extended to end range and then the elbow is extended.22 Normally, elbow extension should be the same as that seen with active movement. To test triceps length (Fig. 6.16C), the patient is placed in sitting position. The examiner passively forward flexes the arm to full elevation while the elbow is in extension. The elbow is then passively flexed.18 Normally, elbow flexion should be similar to that seen with active movement. To test the length of the long wrist extensors (as one would want to do with lateral epicondylitis), the examiner passively flexes the fingers and then flexes the wrist (Fig. 6.16D and E).22 Normally, wrist flexion and finger flexion should be the same as found with active movement. To test the length of the long wrist flexors, the examiner passively extends the fingers and then the wrist (Fig. 6.16F and G).22 Normally, wrist extension and finger extension should be the same as that found with active movement. 

Resisted Isometric Movements For proper testing of the muscles of the elbow complex, the movement must be resisted and isometric. Muscle flexion power around the elbow is greatest in the range of 90° to 110° with the forearm supinated. At 45° and 135°, flexion power is only 75% of maximum.18 Isometrically, research shows that men are two times stronger than women at the elbow; extension is 60% of flexion, and pronation is about 85% of supination.23 To perform the resisted isometric tests, the patient is seated (Fig. 6.17). If the examiner finds that a particular movement or movements cause pain, Table 6.1 can be used to help differentiate the cause. Carrying out wrist extension and flexion is also necessary, because a large number of muscles (Fig. 6.18) act over the wrist as well as the elbow. Resisted Isometric Movements of the Elbow Complex • • • • • •

E lbow flexion Elbow extension Supination Pronation Wrist flexion Wrist extension

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Chapter 6  Elbow








Fig. 6.16  Testing length of tight muscles. (A) Biceps—method 1: hyperextend shoulder with elbow straight. (B) Biceps—method 2: first hyperextend shoulder with elbow bent, then extend elbow to tightness and measure elbow flexion. (C) Triceps. (D) Long wrist extensors—start position. (E) Long wrist extensors—end position. (F) Long wrist flexors—start position. (G) Long wrist flexors—end position.

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Chapter 6  Elbow








Fig. 6.17  Positioning for resisted isometric movements. (A) Elbow extension. (B) Elbow flexion. (C) Forearm supination. (D) Forearm pronation. (E) Wrist flexion. (F) Wrist extension.

If, in the history, the patient has complained that combined movements under load, repetitive movements under load, or sustained positions under load cause pain, the examiner should carefully examine these resisted isometric movements and positions as well, but only after the basic movements have been tested

isometrically. For example, the biceps is a strong supinator and flexor of the elbow, but its ability to generate force depends on the position of the elbow. The biceps play a greater role in elbow flexion when the forearm is supinated than when it is pronated. At 90° of elbow flexion, biceps makes the greatest contribution

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Muscles About the Elbow: Their Actions, Nerve Supply, and Nerve Root Derivation Action

Muscles Acting

Nerve Supply

Nerve Root Derivation

Flexion of elbow

1. Brachialis 2. Biceps brachii 3. Brachioradialis 4. Pronator teres 5. Flexor carpi ulnaris 1. Triceps 2. Anconeus 1. Supinator 2. Biceps brachii 1. Pronator quadratus 2. Pronator teres 3. Flexor carpi radialis 1. Flexor carpi radialis 2. Flexor carpi ulnaris 1. Extensor carpi radialis longus 2. Extensor carpi radialis brevis 3. Extensor carpi ulnaris

Musculocutaneous Musculocutaneous Radial Median Ulnar Radial Radial Posterior interosseous (radial) Musculocutaneous Anterior interosseous (median) Median Median Median Ulnar Radial Posterior interosseous (radial) Posterior interosseous (radial)

C5, C6, (C7) C5, C6 C5, C6, (C7) C6, C7 C7, C8 C6-­C8 C7, C8, (T1) C5, C6 C5, C6 C8, T1 C6, C7 C6, C7 C6, C7 C7, C8 C6, C7 C7, C8 C7, C8

Extension of elbow Supination of forearm Pronation of forearm

Flexion of wrist Extension of wrist


B Brachioradialis


Biceps brachii

Biceps brachii, tendon Supinator Pronator teres

Biceps brachii

Flexor carpi radialis Triceps brachii

Palmaris longus


Pronator quadratus Biceps aponeurosis

Brachioradialis Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Extensor carpi radialis longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus Anconeus Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Pronator quadratus

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Extensor digitorum communis

Fig. 6.18  Muscles about the elbow. (A) Anterior muscles. (B) Deep anterior muscles. (C) Posterior muscles.

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Chapter 6 Elbow

Fig. 6.19  Popeye sign. Rupture of the biceps tendon at the distal attachment at the elbow. (From Boileau P, Chuinard C: Arthroscopic biceps tenotomy: technique and results, Oper Tech Sports Med 15(1):35–44, 2007.)

to supination.24 If the history indicates that concentric, eccentric, or econcentric movements have caused symptoms, these movements should also be tested with load or no load, as required. If the resisted isometric contraction is weak and pain-­free, the examiner must consider a major injury to the contractile tissue (third-­degree strain) or neurological injury. For example, weakness of elbow flexion and supination may occur with a rupture of the distal biceps tendon, especially if these findings follow a sudden sharp pain in the antecubital fossa when an extension force is applied to the flexing elbow.24 This may result in a Popeye sign indicating either a tear of the long head of the biceps at the shoulder or a tear of the distal end of the biceps tendon at the elbow (Fig. 6.19). If there is no history of trauma, the most likely cause is neurological, either a nerve root or peripheral nerve lesion. By selectively testing the muscles and sensory distribution (Table 6.2) and by having a knowledge of nerve compression sites (see the “Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution” section), the examiner should be able to determine the neurological tissue injured and where the injury has occurred. 

Functional Assessment When assessing the elbow, it is important to remember that the elbow is the middle portion of an integral upper limb kinetic chain. It allows the hand to be positioned in space, helps stabilize the upper extremity for power and detailed work activities, and provides power to the arm for lifting activities.25 Motion in the


elbow allows the hand to be positioned so that daily functions can be performed easily. Thus, functionally, the elbow is often one important part of a functional assessment that may also involve the shoulder and/ or hand. This is especially true for athletes who put several joints in the kinetic chain under stress at the same time. For example, the Kerlan-­Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic (KJOC) shoulder and elbow score (see eTool 5.12) is designed to look at a functional outcome score involving the shoulder and elbow in overhead athletes.26,27 The full range of elbow movements is not necessary to perform these activities; most ADLs are performed at between 30° and 130° of flexion and between 50° of pronation and 50° of supination (Figs. 6.20 and 6.21).28 To reach the head, approximately 140° of flexion is needed. The activities of combing or washing the hair, reaching a back zipper, and walking with crutches require a greater ROM. Activities such as pouring fluid, drinking from a container, cutting with a knife, reading a newspaper, and using a screwdriver require an adequate range of supination and pronation. Figs. 6.22 and 6.23 show the ROM or arc of movement necessary to do certain activities or the ROM needed to touch parts of the body. Examiners must remember that elbow injuries may preclude lifting objects as light as a cup of coffee, owing to lifting mechanics. Because of the length of the lever arm of the forearm when the elbow is at 90°, loads at the hand are magnified tenfold at the elbow.29 eTool 6.1 is a numerical scoring assessment form that can be used to assess the elbow and includes an important functional component. Table 6.3 demonstrates functional tests of strength for the elbow. Some of the more common functional elbow outcome measures include the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (eTool 6.2),28,30 the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire (see eTool 5.7),28,31 QuickDASH, and the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons—Elbow (ASES-­E) scoring system (eTool 6.3).32,33 Longo et al.,34 Evans et al.,35 and Nuttal et al.28 outline many of the functional elbow questionnaires available. 

Special Tests An examiner should perform only those special tests that have relevance or will help to confirm the diagnosis. If the history has not indicated any trauma or repetitive movement that could be associated with problems, the examiner, depending on the age of the patient, may want to include some of the nerve root compression tests (see Chapter 3) to rule out the possibility of referred symptoms from the cervical spine or the possibility of a double crush injury. For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the elbow joint are available in eAppendix 6.1.

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Chapter 6  Elbow


Nerve Injuries About the Elbow Nerve

Motor Loss

Sensory Loss

Functional Loss

Median nerve (C6 to C8, T1)

Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor pollicis longus Lateral half of flexor digitorum profundus Pronator quadratus Thenar eminence Lateral two lumbricals

Palmar aspect of hand with thumb, index, middle, and lateral half of ring finger Dorsal aspect of distal third of index, middle, and lateral half of ring finger

Pronation weak or lost Weak wrist flexion and abduction Radial deviation at wrist lost Inability to oppose or flex thumb Weak thumb abduction Weak grip Weak or no pinch (ape hand deformity)

Anterior interosseous nerve (branch of median nerve)

Flexor pollicis longus Lateral half of flexor digitorum profundus Pronator quadratus Thenar eminence Lateral two lumbricals


Pronation weak especially at 90° elbow flexion Weak opposition and flexion of thumb Weak finger flexion Weak pinch (no tip-­to-­tip)

Ulnar nerve (C7 to C8, T1)

Flexor carpi ulnaris Medial half of flexor digitorum profundus Palmaris brevis Hypothenar eminence Adductor pollicis Medial two lumbricals All interossei

Dorsal and palmar aspect of little and medial half of ring finger

Weak wrist flexion Loss of ulnar deviation at wrist Loss of distal flexion of little finger Loss of abduction and adduction of fingers Inability to extend second and third phalanges of little and ring fingers (benediction hand deformity) Loss of thumb adduction

Radial nerve (C5 to C8, T1)

Anconeus Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor pollicis longus and brevis Abductor pollicis longus Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor indices Extensor digiti minimi Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor pollicis longus and brevis Abductor pollicis longus Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor indices Extensor digiti minimi

Dorsum of hand (lateral two-­ thirds) Dorsum and lateral aspect of thumb Proximal two-­thirds of dorsum of index, middle, and half ring finger

Loss of supination Loss of wrist extension (wrist drop) Inability to grasp Inability to stabilize wrist Loss of finger extension Inability to abduct thumb


Weak wrist extension Weak finger extension Difficulty stabilizing wrist Difficulty with grasp Inability to abduct thumb

Posterior interosseous nerve (branch of radial nerve)

Tests for Ligamentous Instability

These tests are designed to test for valgus and varus instability in the elbow. Chair (or Standing) Push-­up Test.3,6,8,16,38,39  The patient is seated in a chair with arms so elbows are at 90°. The patient is asked to push up on the arms of the chair with his or her hands with the forearms fully supinated into standing. If the patient’s symptoms are reproduced, the patient becomes apprehensive, medial pain results, or the radial head

dislocates as the elbow extends,4 the test is positive for injury to the posterior band of the medial collateral ligament and there is posterolateral rotary instability (Fig. 6.24). If lateral pain results, it is probably lateral epicondylitis.1  Gravity-­Assisted Varus Stress Test.39,40  The patient stands with the arm abducted to 90° and in neutral rotation (i.e., thumb facing forward). The patient is then asked to flex and extend the elbow while keeping the hand and shoulder in the same position (Fig. 6.25). The

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Chapter 6  Elbow


Elbow flexion Degrees 140 120 145°


130° 80 60 40 20 0

30° 0° Fig. 6.20 Normal range of elbow flexion is approximately 0° to 145°. However, the functional arc of motion is somewhat less, and most activities can be performed with flexion of 30° to 130°. (Redrawn from Regan WD, Morrey BF: The physical examination of the elbow. In Morrey BF, editor: The elbow and its disorders, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1993, WB Saunders, p 81.)

Activities of daily living Door Pitcher Chair News- Knife Fork Glass Telepaper phone Shoe Sacrum Waist Head Chest Neck Head vertex occiput

Fig. 6.22  The arc and position of elbow flexion required to accomplish fifteen daily activities. Most of these activities are accomplished within a flexion range of 30° to 130°. (Modified from Morrey BF, Askew LJ, Chao EY: A biomechanical study of normal functional elbow motion, J Bone Joint Surg Am 63:873, 1981.) Degrees 80 60 Pronation 40 20 0 20


Supination 40


60 80 75°




Fig. 6.21 Pronation and supination motions average 75° and 85°, respectively. Most activities of daily living, however, can be accomplished with 50° of each motion. (Redrawn from Regan WD, Morrey BF: The physical examination of the elbow. In Morrey BF, editor: The elbow and its disorders, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1993, WB Saunders, p 81.)

position allows gravity to apply a varus stress while doing the elbow flexion and extension motion.  Lateral Pivot Shift Test of the Elbow.3,41  The patient lies supine with the arm to be tested overhead. The examiner grasps the patient’s wrist and forearm with the elbow extended and the forearm fully supinated.42 The patient’s elbow is then flexed while a valgus stress and axial compression is applied to the elbow while maintaining supination (Fig. 6.26). This causes the radius (and ulna) to sublux off the humerus leading to a prominent radial head posterolaterally

Activities of daily living Glass Fork Chair Door Pitcher Knife Tele- Newsphone paper Sacrum Head Neck Chest Waist Head Shoe occiput vertex

Fig. 6.23 Fifteen activities of daily living accomplished with pronation and supination of up to 50° each. (Modified from Morrey BF, Askew LJ, Chao EY: A biomechanical study of normal functional elbow motion, J Bone Joint Surg Am 63:874, 1981.)

and a dimple between the radial head and capitellum.3,42 If the examiner continues flexing the elbow, at about 40° to 70° (see Fig. 6.26B), there is a sudden reduction (clunk) of the joint, which can be palpated, and a dimple in the skin can be seen proximal to the radial head.4,43 If the patient is unconscious, subluxation and a clunk on reduction when the elbow is extended may occur, but these symptoms seldom present in the conscious patient who will show apprehension.4  Ligamentous Valgus Instability Test.  To test for valgus instability, the patient’s arm is stabilized with one of the examiner’s hands at the elbow and the other hand placed above the patient’s wrist. An abduction or valgus force at

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Chapter 6 Elbow


eTool 6.1  Clinical elbow evaluation form that provides objective data and grading as well as functional information. The use of such a rating index in the clinical setting provides an objective means of comparing different treatment options. (From Morrey BF, An KN, Chao EYS: Functional evaluation of the elbow. In Morrey BF, editor: The elbow and its disorders, Philadelphia, 1985, WB Saunders, pp 88–89. Copyright Mayo Clinic Foundation, Rochester, MN.) Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

445.e2 Chapter 6  Elbow

MAYO ELBOW PERFORMANCE INDEX Patient Name __________________________________________

Date ________________________

Please read carefully: Please answer Section I and III and mark ONLY ONE response which most closely describes your elbow right now. Mark each FUNCTION in SECTION IV you are able to perform. Point Score I.




PAIN (45 points) ( ) None ( ) Mild ( ) Moderate ( ) Severe

45 30 15 0

MOTION (To Be Completed by Health Care Provider) (20 points) ( ) Arc > 100 degrees ( ) Arc 50 – 100 degrees ( ) Arc < 50 degrees

20 15 5

STABILITY* (10 points) ( ) Stable ( ) Moderate instability ( ) Gross instability

10 5 0

DAILY FUNCTION OF ELBOW (Yes = Able to perform the listed task, No = Not able to perform the listed task) Yes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

No ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )

Comb Hair Feed self Hygiene Shirt Shoe

5 5 5 5 5 Maximum Total: 100 points†


__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _

Examiner: ___________________________________________ *Stable = no apparent varus-valgus laxity clinically; Moderate instability = less than 10° of varus-valgus laxity; Gross instability = 10°or more of varus-valgus laxity †90 points or more = excellent; 75 – 89 points = good; 60 – 74 points = fair; and less than 60 points = poor

eTool 6.2  Mayo Elbow Performance Score. (From Morrey BF: The elbow and its disorders, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1993, WB Saunders.)

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Chapter 6 Elbow


ASES-E Scoring System PATIENT SELF-EVALUATION: PAIN Do you experience pain in your elbow? Yes No Rate your pain: 1 1) When it is at its worst 1 2) At rest

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10











3) Lifting a heavy object 4) When doing a task with repeated elbow movements 5) At night 0 = no pain; 10 = worst pain ever

Yes No

PATIENT SELF-EVALUATION: FUNCTION Circle the number that indicates your ability to do the following activities 0 = unable to do; 1 = very difficult to do; 2 = somewhat difficult; 3 = not difficult ACTIVITY RIGHT ARM 0 1 2 3 Do up top button on shirt Manage toileting 0 1 2 3 Comb hair 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Tie shoes Eat with utensil 0 1 2 3 Carry a heavy object 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Rise from chair pushing with arm 0 1 2 3 Do heavy household chores 0 1 2 3 Turn a key Throw a ball 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Do usual work (describe) Do usual sport (describe) 0 1 2 3

LEFT ARM 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

PATIENT SELF-EVALUATION: SATISFACTION Are you satisfied with elbow surgery? 1 3 2 Not at all satisfied







10 Very satisfied

PHYSICIAN ASSESSMENT: MOTION ACTIVE RANGE OF MOTION (degrees) Flexion Extension Flexion/Extension arc Pronation Supination Pronation/Supination arc



eTool 6.3  American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons—Elbow (ASES-­E) scoring system. (From King GJW, Richards RR, Zuckerman JD, et al: A standardized method for assessment of elbow function, J Shoulder Elbow Surg 8:351–354, 1999.) Continued

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445.e4 Chapter 6  Elbow PHYSICIAN ASSESSMENT:STABILITY 0 = no instability; 1 = mild laxity with good endpoint; 2 = moderate laxity no endpoint; 3 = gross instability INSTABILITY Valgus Varus Posterolateral rotatory

RIGHT 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

LEFT 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

PHYSICIAN ASSESSMENT: STRENGTH 0 = no contraction; 1 = flicker; 2 = movement with gravity eliminated; 3 = movement against gravity; 4 = movement with some resistance; 5 = normal power RIGHT LEFT Y/N Y/N Testing affected by pain? 012345 012345 Flexion 012345 Extension 012345 012345 Pronation 012345 012345 Supination 012345 Grip strength (Kg) 012345 012345 PHYSICIAN ASSESSMENT:SIGNS 0=none; 1=mild; 2=moderate; 3=severe SIGN Ulnohumeral tenderness Radiocapitellar tenderness Medial flexor origin tenderness Lateral extensor origin tenderness Medial collateral ligament tenderness Posterior interosseous nerve tenderness Other tenderness—specify: Impingement pain in flexion Impingement pain in extension Pain on resisted wrist extension Pain on resisted wrist flexion Pain on resisted long finger extension Pain on resisted wrist pronation Pain on resisted wrist supination Ulnohumeral crepitus Radiocapitellar crepitus Scars (location) Atrophy (location) Deformity (describe) Ulnar nerve tinels Cubital tunnel stretch test Other joints limiting activity: Shoulder/wrist Other physical findings

RIGHT 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Y/N 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N

0 0 0 0 0 0

LEFT 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Y/N 0 1 2 0 1 2 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N

0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

From Longo UG, et al: Rating systems for evaluation of the elbow. British Medical Bulletin 2008. eTool 6.3, cont’d

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Key Tests Performed at the Elbow Depending on Suspected Pathologya,36,37 • For ligamentous instability: Capitellar shear test Chair push-­up test Gravity-­assisted varus stress test Lateral pivot shift test of the elbow Ligamentous valgus instability test Ligamentous varus instability test Milking maneuver Moving valgus stress test Posterolateral rotary apprehension test Posterolateral rotary drawer test Prone push-­up test Tabletop relocation test Trochlear shear test Valgus extension overload test • For muscle injury (third-­degree strain): Biceps crease interval Biceps squeeze test Bicipital aponeurosis flex test Flexion initiation test Hook (distal biceps) test Popeye sign (distal biceps tendon) Supination-­pronation test TILT sign Triceps squeeze test • For epicondylitis (epicondylalgia): Cozen’s test aSee

Golfer’s elbow test Kaplan’s test Maudsley’s (middle finger) test Mill’s test Polk’s test Tennis elbow shear test For plica: Extension-­supination plica test Flexion-­pronation plica test Plica impingement test Radiohumeral joint plica compression test For posterior impingement: Arm bar (posteromedial impingement) test Extension impingement test For joint dysfunction: Active radiocapitellar compression test Radiohumeral joint distraction test For fractures: East Riding Elbow Rule (ER2) Montreal children’s elbow test For neurological dysfunction: Elbow pressure test Maudsley’s (middle finger) test Pinch grip test (anterior interosseous branch of median nerve) Rule-­of-­nine (RON) test Scratch collapse test for ulnar, median and/or radial nerve Test for pronator teres syndrome Tinel sign at elbow (ulnar nerve) Wadsworth elbow flexion test (ulnar nerve) Wartenberg sign

Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests.


Functional Testing of the Elbow Starting Position


Functional Testa


Bring hand to mouth lifting weight (elbow flexion)

Lift 2.3 kg–2.7 kg: Functional Lift 1.4 kg–1.8 kg: Functionally fair Lift 0.5 kg–0.9 kg: Functionally poor Lift 0 kg: Nonfunctional

Standing 90 cm from wall, leaning against wall

Push arms straight (elbow extension)

5–6 Repetitions: Functional 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional

Standing, facing closed door

Open door starting with palm down (supination of arm)

5–6 Repetitions: Functional 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional

Standing, facing closed door

Open door starting with palm up (pronation of arm)

5–6 Repetitions: Functional 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional


patients should be able to lift more (2.7 kg to 4.5 kg) more often (6 to 10 repetitions). With age, weight and repetitions decrease. Data from Palmer ML, Epler M: Clinical assessment procedures in physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1990, JB Lippincott, pp 109–111. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.24  Chair (or standing) push-­up test for medial collateral ligament of the elbow.

the distal forearm is applied to test the medial collateral ligament (valgus instability) while the ligament is palpated (Fig. 6.27B).3 Regan and Morrey advocate doing the valgus stress test with the humerus in full lateral rotation.29 The examiner should note any laxity, decreased mobility, or altered pain that may be present compared with the uninvolved elbow. Anakwenze et al.4 advocated doing the test in maximum medial rotation of the shoulder and elbow in pronation, thus locking the radiocapitellar joint. A valgus stress is then applied with the patient’s elbow in 30° of flexion, as this is the position in which the medial (radial) collateral ligament is the primary stabilizer to valgus instability (Fig. 6.28).  Ligamentous Varus Instability Test.  With the patient’s elbow slightly flexed (20° to 30°) and stabilized with the examiner’s hand, an adduction or varus force is applied by the examiner to the distal forearm to test the lateral collateral ligament (varus instability) while the ligament is palpated (Fig. 6.27A). Normally, the examiner feels the ligament tense when stress is applied. Regan and Morrey advocated doing the varus stress test with the humerus in full medial rotation.29 The examiner applies the force several times with increasing pressure while noting any alteration in pain or ROM. If excessive laxity is found when doing the test, or a soft end feel is felt, it indicates injury to the ligament (1°, 2°, or 3° sprain) and may, especially with a 3° sprain, indicate posterolateral joint instability. Posterolateral elbow instability is the most common pattern of elbow instability in which there is displacement of the ulna (accompanied by the radius) on the humerus, so the ulna supinates or laterally rotates away from or off the trochlea.41  Milking Maneuver.3,8,16,41  The patient sits with the elbow flexed to 90° or more and the forearm


supinated. The examiner grasps the patient’s thumb under the forearm and pulls it, imparting a valgus stress to the elbow (Fig. 6.29A). Reproduction of symptoms (i.e., apprehension, medial joint pain, gapping, instability) indicates a positive test and a partial tear of the medial collateral ligament. It has been suggested that abducting and laterally rotating the shoulder with the elbow at 70° and a valgus stress applied by the examiner’s thumb can be used as part of the milking motion (Fig. 6.29B).39,44  Moving Valgus Stress Test.1,3,8,9,45  The patient lies supine or stands with the arm abducted and laterally rotated, and elbow flexed fully. While maintaining a valgus stress and holding the thumb, the examiner quickly extends the patient’s elbow. Reproduction of the patient’s pain between 120° and 70° indicates a positive test and a partial tear of the medial collateral ligament (Fig. 6.30). If medial pain is present at ≤60° (usually 10° to 40°), it is called the Trochlear Shear Test and suggests a posteromedial chondral erosion.46 If pain is more lateral and occurs around 45°, it is called the Capitellar Shear Test46 and may indicate fracture of the capitellum.  Posterolateral Rotary Apprehension Test.3,41–43,47,48   The patient lies supine with the arm to be tested overhead. The elbow is supinated at the wrist, and a valgus stress is applied to the elbow while the examiner flexes the elbow. This movement (between 20° and 30° flexion) and stress cause the patient to be apprehensive that the elbow will dislocate, while reproducing the patient’s symptoms. In the conscious patient, actual subluxation is rare. A positive test indicates posterolateral rotary instability (Fig. 6.31).  Posterolateral Rotary Drawer Test.3  The patient lies supine with the arm to be tested overhead and the elbow flexed 40° to 90° while the examiner holds the forearm and arm similar to doing a drawer test at the knee. As the humerus is stabilized and the radius and ulna are pushed posterolaterally, the radius and ulna rotate around an intact medial collateral ligament indicating a tear of the lateral collateral ligament and posterolateral instability at the elbow (Fig. 6.32). Apprehension or the presence of a dimple is considered to be a positive test.  Prone Push-­up Test.1,8,16,39,49  The patient, in prone, attempts to do a push-­up starting with the elbow at 90° and arms abducted to more than shoulder width—first with the forearms maximally supinated (Fig. 6.33A) and then repeated with the forearms maximally pronated (Fig. 6.33B). The test is positive for posterolateral rotary instability if symptoms (i.e., pain and apprehension) occur when the forearms are supinated but not pronated. If pain occurs when the test is done with the forearm pronated, the pain most likely indicates lateral epicondylitis.1  Tabletop Relocation Test.1,4,8,38,39,50  The patient is asked to stand in front of a table with the symptomatic arm placed over the table’s lateral edge and elbow

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Chapter 6  Elbow


B Fig. 6.25  Gravity-­assisted varus stress test. (A) In extension. (B) In flexion.

Supination Valgus stress






Fig. 6.26  Posterolateral pivot-­shift apprehension test of the elbow. (A) The patient lies supine with the arm overhead. A mild supination force is applied to the forearm at the wrist. The patient’s elbow is then flexed while a valgus stress and compression is applied to the elbow. (B) If the examiner continues flexing the elbow, at about 40° to 70°, a subluxation and a clunk on reduction when the elbow is extended may occur, but usually only in the unconscious patient. (C) Actual test with elbow positioned to resemble knee.



Fig. 6.27  Testing the collateral ligaments of the elbow. (A) Lateral collateral ligament. (B) Medial collateral ligament. Note the elbow is slightly flexed or “unlocked.” Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6  Elbow

extended. First, the patient is asked to do a push-­up (down phase) with the elbow pointed laterally maintaining the arm in supination by flexing the elbow (Fig. 6.34A). If the patient has posterolateral rotary instability, pain and apprehension will occur near 40° of flexion. Secondly, the movement is repeated while the examiner places a thumb over the radial head, pushing against the head to stabilize it, and when the patient does the “down” movement, the pain and apprehension are relieved (Fig. 6.34B). If the examiner removes the thumb, the pain and apprehension will return.  Valgus Extension Overload Test.7  The patient is in standing. The examiner grasps the patient’s test arm at the wrist with the patient’s elbow in 20° to 30° of flexion. With the examiner’s other hand at the patient’s






B Fig. 6.29  (A) Milking maneuver to test medial collateral ligament. (B) Modified milking maneuver in abduction.

Fig. 6.28  Modified ligamentous valgus instability test.

Shear angle (pain zone)

Valgus Valgus




Fig. 6.30  (A) Moving valgus stress test in supine. (B) Schematic representation of the moving valgus stress test. The shear range refers to the range of motion that causes pain while the elbow is being extended with valgus stress. The shear angle is the point that causes maximum pain. (Used with permission of the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved.) Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter 6  Elbow


Fig. 6.31  Posterolateral rotary apprehension test.

B Fig. 6.33  Prone push-­up test. (A) With forearms supinated. (B) With forearms pronated.

Fig. 6.32  Posterolateral rotary drawer test.

elbow, the examiner forcibly extends the elbow while applying a valgus stress (Fig. 6.35). The test is designed to replicate the symptoms caused by valgus extension overload stress (see Fig. 6.5) on the ulnar collateral ligament. Pain may also indicate pinching or entrapment of soft tissue in the posterior and medial olecranon fossa of the humerus.8 

Tests for Muscle Injury (Third-­Degree Strain)

Biceps Crease Interval.8,51,52  The patient is seated. Starting with the patient’s unaffected arm in flexion, the examiner extends the patient’s elbow fully. A line is drawn across the flexion crease in the antecubital fossa. The examiner then lightly strokes the contour of the distal biceps back and forth along a central longitudinal line until the examiner can identify the point at which the distal biceps begins to turn most sharply toward the antecubital fossa and marks a transverse line at the distal cusp of the biceps. The examiner then measures the distance between the two transverse lines (Fig. 6.36). The distance is recorded as the biceps crease interval (BCI) and both arms are compared. The BCI is normally 4.8 cm ± 0.6 cm for both the dominant and non-­dominant arm. If the BCI

is greater than 6.0 cm or the biceps crease ratio between the two arms is greater than 1.2, the test is positive for a distal biceps tendon rupture. The biceps crease ratio is a comparison of the BCI between the injured and non-­ injured arm.8,52  Biceps Squeeze Test.49,53  The patient’s elbow is flexed to between 60° and 80°. The examiner then squeezes the biceps muscle belly (Fig. 6.37). If the biceps tendon is ruptured, the patient’s forearm will not supinate.  Bicipital Aponeurosis Flex Test.54  When evaluating for the possibility of a distal biceps tendon rupture, it is also necessary to check for the integrity of the bicipital aponeurosis (Fig. 6.38). In some cases, the distal biceps may tear (3° strain) and the aponeurosis may remain intact, which may “hide” the rupture by supporting the biceps and allowing the biceps to have the appearance of normal length.54 The test is performed with the patient seated with the elbow flexed to 75°. The patient is then asked to “make a fist” and actively flex the fingers and wrist with the forearm supinated (the examiner may offer isometric resistance to the patient’s forearm with one hand). This action tenses the aponeurosis. While the aponeurosis is under tension, the examiner palpates the medial, lateral, then central parts of the antecubital fossa. If the bicipital aponeurosis is intact, a sharp thin edge of the aponeurosis will be felt medially (see Fig. 6.38). On the lateral side, the biceps tendon may be felt as a thick round structure. If the tendon has ruptured, there is a palpable gap between the two structures. Both arms should be compared.  Flexion Initiation Test.52,55  The patient is seated with the test arm extended, forearm supinated, and holding a

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Chapter 6  Elbow





Fig. 6.34  Tabletop relocation test. (A) Push-­up position as patient goes down with elbows pointed laterally. (B) Examiner stabilizes radial head as patient does “down” portion of push-­up.

Biceps turn



Fig. 6.36  Determining the biceps crease interval (double-headed arrow).

Fig. 6.35  Valgus extension overload test.

4.5-­kg (10-­lb) weight in the hand. The patient is then asked to flex the elbow (Fig. 6.39). An inability to flex the elbow fully is a positive test for rupture of the distal biceps tendon.  Hook Test.16,49,56  The patient abducts the shoulder to 90° with the elbow flexed to 90° and the arm supinated so that the thumb faces up (Fig. 6.40). The patient is then asked to actively supinate the forearm against resistance of the examiner. With the index finger of the other hand, the examiner attempts to “hook” underneath the biceps tendon, “hooking” from lateral to medial. If no cordlike structure can be hooked, the test is positive for a rupture of the distal biceps. Devereaux et al.51 advocated

doing the hook test, the passive forearm pronation test and the BCI test in sequence, along with a thorough history, to confirm the distal biceps tendon rupture (3° strain).  Supination-­Pronation Test.8,16,57  The patient stands with both shoulders abducted to 90° and elbows flexed to 60° to 70°. The examiner stands in front of the patient and observes the contour of the biceps bilaterally as the patient actively supinates and pronates the forearm. If the distal biceps is intact, the shape of the biceps noticeably changes as the patient supinates (biceps moves proximally or rises; Fig. 6.41A) and pronates (biceps moves distally or falls; Fig. 6.41B). Lack of migration of the biceps muscle indicates a positive test. It has also been found that the same results occur if the test is done passively.1,8,51 It may then be called the passive forearm pronation test58 , with the biceps muscle showing little movement on

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Chapter 6  Elbow

supination or pronation if the distal biceps tendon is ruptured.  TILT Sign.59  The patient is seated with the elbow flexed to 90°. The examiner firmly palpates the radial tuberosity (where biceps inserts into the radius) just distal to the radial head (about 2.5 cm [1 inch] distal) while supinating and pronating the forearm. In reality, the tuberosity can only be palpated when the arm is in full pronation (Fig. 6.42). A positive test is indicated by tenderness over the lateral (radial) aspect of the tuberosity

(TILT) only in full arm pronation. This indicates a partial tear of the distal biceps tendon.  Triceps Squeeze Test.1,8  The patient is seated with the test forearm hanging comfortably over the back of the chair and the elbow is flexed to 90°. (The test may also be done in prone with the elbow at the edge of the examining table and forearm hanging down.) The examiner then squeezes the triceps muscle with both hands (Fig. 6.43). If the arm extends slightly without pain, the triceps tendon inserting into the olecranon is normal. If the movement is painful, the triceps tendon is partially torn. If no movement occurs or the movement is not painful, the triceps tendon is torn (3° strain). 

Tests for Epicondylitis

Fig. 6.37  Biceps squeeze test. Muscle is squeezed near insertion at the elbow.

Chronic overuse injury to the extensor (tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis) or flexor (golfer’s elbow, or medial epicondylitis) tendons at the elbow result from repeated microtrauma to the tendon, leading to disruption and degeneration of the tendon’s internal structure (tendinosus).60 It appears to be a degenerative condition in which the tendon has failed to heal properly after repetitive microtrauma injury.60,61 When testing for epicondylitis, whether medial or lateral, the examiner must keep in mind that there may be referral of pain from the cervical spine or peripheral nerve involvement.62 If the epicondylitis does not respond to treatment, the examiner would be wise to check for neurological pathology. Flexor muscles







Bicipital aponeurosis

3 Triceps



Cubital fossa


Fig. 6.38  Bicipital aponeurosis flex test. Photograph (A) and anatomic drawing (B) of the left elbow demonstrating the positioning for the bicipital aponeurosis flex test. Location 1: where the examiner palpates the sharp medial edge of the bicipital aponeurosis; Location 2: where the examiner palpates the rounder lateral edge of the distal biceps tendon; Location 3: the palpable “valley” or gap between the diverging medial edge of the distal biceps tendon and lateral edge of the bicipital aponeurosis. (Modified from El Maraghy A, Devereaux M: The bicipital aponeurosis flex test: evaluating the integrity of the bicipital aponeurosis and its implications for treatment of distal biceps tendon ruptures, J Shoulder Elbow Surg 22:908–914, 2013.)

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Kaplan’s Test.8,63,64  The patient is seated with the elbow flexed to 90°. The examiner tests grip strength using a hand dynamometer and records the result. The examiner then applies a tennis elbow brace snugly about 3 cm (1.1 inch) below the elbow joint line over the bulk of the extensor muscles in the forearm (Fig. 6.44) and grip strength testing is repeated. If the grip strength increases with the brace and pain is decreased, the test is positive for lateral epicondylitis. Dorf et al.64 noted that, in the presence of lateral epicondylitis, grip strength was less if tested

Fig. 6.39  Flexion initiation test.

Fig. 6.40  Hook test for distal biceps rupture at the elbow. It is important to do the “hook” from lateral to medial.


in extension as opposed to 90° flexion. Normally, there should be no difference in strength between extension and 90° flexion.  Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow or Cozen’s) Test (Method 1).8  The patient’s elbow is stabilized by the examiner’s thumb, which rests on the patient’s lateral epicondyle (Fig. 6.45). The patient is then asked to actively make a fist, pronate the forearm, and radially deviate and extend the wrist while the examiner resists the motion. A sudden severe pain in the area of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus is a positive sign. The epicondyle may be palpated to indicate the origin of the pain.  Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow or Mill’s) Test (Method 2).8  While palpating the lateral epicondyle, the examiner passively pronates the patient’s forearm, flexes the wrist fully, and extends the elbow (see Fig. 6.45). Pain over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus indicates a positive test. This maneuver also puts stress on the radial nerve and, in the presence of compression of the radial nerve, causes symptoms similar to those of tennis elbow.65 Electrodiagnostic studies help differentiate the two conditions.  Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow, Maudsley’s or Middle Finger) Test (Method 3).8  The examiner resists extension of the third digit of the hand distal to the proximal interphalangeal joint, stressing the extensor digitorum muscle and tendon (see Fig. 6.45). A positive test is indicated by pain over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. This same test may indicate a problem with the posterior interosseous nerve (posterior interosseous nerve syndrome), a branch of the radial nerve. In this case, there is weakness (but no pain) of resisted forearm supination and extension of the middle finger.  Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow) Test.8  While the examiner palpates the patient’s medial epicondyle, the patient’s forearm is passively supinated and the examiner extends the elbow and wrist. A positive sign is indicated by pain over the medial epicondyle of the humerus.  Polk’s Test.8,63,66  The patient is seated with the elbow flexed. The patient is asked to lift a 2.5-­kg (5.5-­ lb) weight. The test is done in two parts. First, the patient attempts to lift the weight with the forearm pronated by flexing the elbow (Fig. 6.46A). If the pain is in the area of the lateral epicondyle, it is suggestive of lateral epicondylitis. Next, the patient is asked to repeat the movement with the forearm supinated (Fig. 6.46B). If the pain is in the area of the medial epicondyle, it is suggestive of medial epicondylitis. These motions also test the biceps (see flexion initiation test) and brachialis muscles.  Tennis Elbow Shear Test (Medial Test).67   The patient is in sitting or standing. The examiner asks the patient to fully flex the elbow, pronate the forearm, and flex the wrist (Fig. 6.47A). The examiner then uses both hands to resist the patient’s wrist flexion and forearm pronation while the patient quickly extends the elbow as if throwing a pitch

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Chapter 6  Elbow



Fig. 6.41  Supination-­pronation test for biceps. The examiner is watching the contour of the biceps change as the patient’s forearm moves from supination to pronation. (A) In supination. (B) In pronation.

Fig. 6.42  TILT sign. Fig. 6.44  Kaplan’s test with tennis elbow splint.

(Fig. 6.47B). The test is positive if it reproduces pain in the medial elbow at the common flexor-­pronator origin. 

Tests for Plica

Fig. 6.43  Triceps squeeze test.

Plica Impingement Test.49,68   The examiner applies a valgus load to the elbow while passively flexing the elbow with the forearm held in pronation (Fig. 6.48A). Pain or snapping (more important) between 90° and 110° of flexion indicates a positive test for the anterior radiocapitellar plica (flexion-­pronation plica test ). To test the posterior radiocapitellar plica, the examiner applies a valgus load to the elbow while passively extending the elbow with the forearm held in supination (Fig. 6.48B; extension-­supination plica test ). Pain or a snap would indicate a positive test indicating a possible plica problem or radiocapitellar chondromalacia. If just pain occurs, it is unlikely to be a plica.  Radiohumeral Joint Plica Compression Test.69  The examiner stands facing the standing patient. The patient places his or her hands on the examiner’s waist while the examiner holds and supports the patient’s forearm with the palms while the patient’s elbows are at 90°. The

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Chapter 6  Elbow


Tests for Posterior Impingement


Patient Stabilize

METHOD 1 Cozen’s Test (Active)

Arm Bar Test (Posteromedial Impingement Test).8,9,49  The patient, while standing, rests the hand of the test arm on the examiner’s shoulder with the elbow extended and shoulder medially rotated (thumb pointing downwards). The examiner pulls down on the olecranon or distal humerus to simulate forced extension (Fig. 6.50). Reproduction of pain, especially posteromedially along the olecranon, is a positive test for posterior impingement. The patient may also lack full extension.  Extension Impingement Test.8,9,49  The examiner applies a valgus stress to the elbow while quickly extending and flexing the elbow from 20° to 30° flexion to terminal extension repeatedly (Fig. 6.51). The test is then repeated without the valgus stress while the posteromedial olecranon is palpated for tenderness. This palpation differentiates tender impingement due to instability from pain over the medial olecranon without instability. 

Tests for Joint Dysfunction

Extension Flexion

METHOD 2 Mill’s Test (Passive)

METHOD 3 Maudsley’s (Middle Finger) Test (Active) Fig. 6.45  Tests for tennis elbow.

examiner palpates the radiohumeral joint line using the index fingers. The examiner, while palpating and maintaining compression over the lateral joint line, moves the patient’s elbows from 90° to full extension (Fig. 6.49). At the end of extension, the examiner determines how much pain was elicited and whether the palpating digit was able to remain within the radiohumeral indentation. If pain results and the finger is pushed out of the indentation, a possible hypertrophic plica is indicated. 

If the patient complains of pain in the elbow joint, especially on elbow movement, the examiner can perform two tests to differentiate between the radiohumeral and ulnohumeral joints. To test the radiohumeral joint , the examiner positions the elbow joint at the position of pain and then radially deviates the wrist to compress the radial head against the humerus. The production of pain would be considered a positive test. To test the ulnohumeral joint , the examiner again positions the elbow joint at the position of discomfort and causes compression of the ulnohumeral joint by ulnar deviation at the wrist.13 Again, pain indicates a positive test. Active Radiocapitellar Compression Test.9,49  The examiner applies an axial (compression) load to the elbow in full extension. It has been advocated by some that the compression should be applied with the elbow in 90° flexion as the radiocapitalar joint is in closed pack in 90° flexion, which causes more compression. The patient is asked to actively supinate and pronate the forearm while the compression is maintained (Fig. 6.52). Pain in the lateral compartment of the elbow is a positive test and may indicate an osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum.  Radiohumeral Joint Distraction Test.69  The patient and examiner are in standing. The examiner grasps the patient’s distal radius with a lumbrical grip (see Fig. 7.53F) and allows the dorsum of the patient’s hand to rest under the examiner’s forearm while the examiner stabilizes the distal humerus with the other hand (Fig. 6.53). The patient is then asked to extend the wrist against the examiner’s forearm, applying as much resistance as possible. The examiner notes the amount of force generated and asks whether the patient’s pain was produced and rates the pain intensity on a scale of 1 to 10. The patient relaxes and the examiner then applies and maintains a traction force along the line of the radius. While maintaining the traction, the patient is again asked to extend the wrist against the examiner’s

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Chapter 6  Elbow

forearm. The examiner then again asks about pain generation and grades the pain. If the pain is less on the second test, the test indicates a possible loose body in the joint. 

compares the amount of extension. Test Two involves palpating five areas of the elbow for tenderness: supracondylar region of the distal humerus, medial epicondyle, lateral condyle, olecranon, and radial head. The test is considered positive for possible fracture if any one or more of the six components of the two tests are positive. If all six components were negative, the test is negative. X-­rays would be used to confirm if any of the six components are positive. The authors felt that if all six parts were negative, then a fracture was unlikely and x-­rays would not be needed. 

Tests for Fractures

East Riding Elbow Rule (ER 2).70  This test is designed to rule out the need for x-­rays following an elbow injury. The test has two parts. For Test One, both of the patient’s arms are exposed and the patient is asked to fully extend both elbows and the examiner compares the amount of extension in the two limbs. Test Two involves looking for swelling/bruising, and palpating the anterior forearm, the radial head, the medial epicondyle, and olecranon for tenderness. If any of the signs from the two tests are positive, the patient should be x-­rayed.  Montreal Children’s Elbow Test (Index Test).71,72  The test is designed for children 18 years of age or under and involves two parts. For Test One (elbow extension test), both of the patient’s arms are exposed and supinated. The patient is asked to extend the elbows fully and the examiner

Tests for Neurological Dysfunction Elbow Flexion Test (Wadsworth Elbow Flexion Test).  The patient is asked to fully flex the elbow with extension of the wrist and shoulder girdle abduction (90°) and depression,73,74 and to hold this position for 3 to 5 minutes (Fig. 6.54). Ochi et al.75 modified the test to include medial rotation of the shoulder, calling it the shoulder internal (medial) rotation elbow flexion test (Fig. 6.55). They



Fig. 6.46  Polk’s test. (A) For lateral epicondylitis: with forearm pronated (palm down). (B) For medial epicondylitis: with forearm supinated (palm up).



Extension Resist



B Fig. 6.47  Tennis elbow shear test. (A) Start position. (B) End position.

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Chapter 6  Elbow

state that symptoms should develop in less than 5 seconds. Tingling or paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution of the forearm and hand indicates a positive test. The test helps to determine whether a cubital tunnel (ulnar nerve) syndrome is present (Fig. 6.56).


B Fig. 6.48  Plica impingement tests. (A) Flexion-­pronation plica testto test the anterior radiocapitellar plica. (B) Extension-­supination plica test to test the posterior radiocapitellar plica.





The test may be modified by the examiner applying direct pressure over the ulnar nerve with the index and middle finger between the posteromedial olecranon and the medial epicondyle76 (elbow flexion compression test or cubital tunnel compression test ; Fig. 6.57).  Elbow Pressure Test.77  The examiner holds the patient’s arm in 20° flexion with forearm supinated. The examiner then applies external pressure just proximal to the cubital tunnel for 60 seconds. A positive test is indicated by presence of worsening of numbness or paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution.  Maudsley’s Test (Middle Finger Test).8  See Tests for Epicondylitis.  Pinch Grip Test.  The patient is asked to pinch the tips of the index finger and thumb together. Normally, there should be a tip-­to-­tip pinch (“OK” sign). If the patient is unable to pinch tip-­to-­tip and instead has an abnormal pulp-­to-­pulp pinch of the index finger and thumb, this is a positive sign for pathology to the anterior interosseous nerve, which is a branch of the median nerve (Fig. 6.58). This finding may indicate an entrapment of the anterior interosseous nerve as it passes between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle.78 If there is hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb (Jeanne sign) when attempting the tip-­to-­tip test, it is an indication of loss of use of the adductor pollicis muscle which is supplied by the ulnar nerve.  Rule-­of-­Nine (RON) Test.1,79–82  The test involves constructing nine equal size circles (or squares) on the anterior aspect of the forearm at the elbow (Fig. 6.59) and noting those circles where tenderness is elicited. Equal-­ size circles are drawn from the elbow crease and based on the width of the patient’s fully extended elbow and fully supinated forearm; the distal extent of the circles is determined so that there are three rows and three columns of circles. The posterior interosseous nerve travels through the lateral column and the medial nerve passes


Fig. 6.49  Radiohumeral joint plica compression test. (A) In flexion. (B) In extension.

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.50  Arm bar test for posterior impingement.

Fig. 6.51  Extension impingement test. Valgus stress shown.

through the middle column. No nerve passes through the medial column. If one palpates along the medial pathway of the median nerve, reproduction of pain or paresthesia within 30 seconds of compression indicates a positive test for pronator syndrome. The test is then called the pronator compression test .1  Scratch Collapse Test for the Radial Nerve.83  The patient is in sitting with the upper arm by the side, elbow flexed to 90°, and the forearm and wrist in neutral. The examiner faces the patient, and applies an isometric force to resist the patient who attempts to do wrist extension and thumb/ index finger extension (Fig. 6.60A). The amount of resistance by the examiner is just enough to “balance” the contractions of the patient. The patient then relaxes while the examiner strokes or scratches where the radial nerve moves from the posterior to the anterior compartment at the lateral elbow as it passes through the lateral intermuscular septum or fascia (see RON test) (Fig. 6.60B). Following the stroking, the examiner quickly tests the patient’s wrist extension and thumb/index finger extension isometric strength again. If they are weak, it is a positive sign of radial neuropathy.  Scratch Collapse Test for the Ulnar and Median Nerves (MacKinnon’s Scratch Collapse Test).16,84–86  The patient stands with the elbows flexed to 90° by the side (i.e., the shoulders in neutral at the side of the body and forearms and wrists in neutral), fingers in full extension, and the

patient’s back not leaning against anything. The patient is asked to laterally rotate and abduct the forearms against isometric resistance provided by the examiner, which is a balanced force; the patient then relaxes (Fig. 6.61). The examiner then scratches along the course of the ulnar nerve at the elbow or anywhere along its path and then asks the patient to again resist the movement against isometric resistance for at least 2 to 3 seconds. If the patient shows weakness on the second isometric lateral rotation movement on the affected side, the test is considered positive for an ulnar nerve neuropathy.87,88 It is important that the patient keep the elbows tight against the sides. If the patient starts to abduct the arms, the patient is trying too hard or the resisting force by the examiner is too great.84,89 A similar test may be used to test the median nerve in the forearm, especially if anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, pronator syndrome, or carpal tunnel syndrome are suspected.86,90 In this case, the stroking is over the median nerve distribution. Davidge et al.84 put forth the idea of a “hierarchical” scratch collapse test. The idea of the test was to try to determine where the nerve was compromised. For example, the ulnar nerve may be compromised in the cubital tunnel, when passing through flexor carpi ulnaris, in Guyon canal (antebrachial fascia), in the hand (deep motor branch of the ulnar nerve), in the Arcade of Struthers, at the brachial plexus (thoracic outlet), and parascapular muscles. If the examiner did the test at each site and sprayed ethyl chloride (i.e., freeze spray) over each site after finding a positive test, the test at that position would become negative. By testing each site, the examiner could determine where the problem is.  Test for Pronator Teres Syndrome.29  The patient sits with the elbow flexed to 90°. The examiner strongly resists pronation as the elbow is extended. Tingling or paresthesia in the median nerve distribution in the forearm and hand indicates a positive test.  Tinel Sign (at the Elbow).  The area of the ulnar nerve in the groove (between the olecranon process and medial epicondyle) is tapped. A positive sign is indicated by a tingling sensation in the ulnar distribution of the forearm and hand distal to the point of compression of the nerve (Fig. 6.62). The test indicates the point of regeneration of the sensory fibers of a nerve. The most distal point at which the patient feels the abnormal sensation represents the limit of nerve regeneration.  Wartenberg Sign.  The patient sits with his or her hands resting on the table. The examiner passively spreads the fingers apart and asks the patient to bring them together (i.e., adduct them) again. Inability to squeeze the little finger to the remainder of the hand indicates a positive test for ulnar neuropathy or cervical myelopathy.29,87 As a modification, if the patient holds the fingers extended and adducted, and the little finger (i.e., fifth digit) spontaneously abducts due to weakness of the intrinsic muscle, it is called the finger escape sign and is associated with cervical myelopathy.91 

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Chapter 6  Elbow






Fig. 6.52  Active radiocapitellar compression test. (A) Compression in supination and full extension. (B) Compression in pronation and full extension. (C) Compression in supination and 90° flexion. (D) Compression in pronation and 90° flexion.


Fig. 6.54  Elbow flexion test for ulnar nerve pathology. Fig. 6.53  Radiohumeral joint distraction test. The examiner stabilizes the humerus with the right hand while applying traction with the left hand. The patient pushes up into the examiner’s arm.

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.57  Elbow flexion compression test for ulnar nerve.

Fig. 6.55  Shoulder medial rotation elbow flexion test. Medial rotation of the shoulder, maximum elbow flexion, maximum forearm supination, and maximum wrist extension.



Ulnar nerve

Ulnar nerve Medial epicondyle

Medial epicondyle Anterior medial collateral ligament Ulna

Olecranon process of ulna


Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle


Aponeurosis of flexor carpi ulnaris

Ulnar nerve



Cubital tunnel retinaculum (reflected)


Cubital tunnel retinaculum

Normal cubital tunnel retinaculum




Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (reflected)

Thickened cubital tunnel retinaculum



Anconeus epitrochlearis muscle



Fig. 6.56  Cubital tunnel. (A) Aponeurosis of flexor carpi ulnaris and retinaculum of cubital tunnel. (B) Aponeurosis and retinaculum reflected. Floor of tunnel formed by posterior and transverse components of medial collateral ligament and joint capsule. (C) Types of carpal tunnel. 0, No retinaculum; Ia, normal retinaculum (CTR); Ib, thickened retinaculum; II, retinaculum replaced by muscle (i.e., anconeus epitrochlearis/accessory anconeus). (Redrawn from O’Driscoll SW, Horii E, Carmichael SW, Morrey BF: The cubital tunnel and ulnar neuropathy, J Bone Joint Surg Br 73(4):613–617, 1991.) Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 6  Elbow


Normal pinch (“OK” sign) (tip-to-tip)

Abnormal pinch (pulp-to-pulp)

Fig. 6.58  Normal tip-­to-­tip pinch (“OK” sign) compared with the abnormal pulp-­to-­pulp pinch seen in anterior interosseous nerve syndrome.


Fig. 6.59  Rule-­of-­nine test. Note pathway of radial (posterior interosseous) nerve and median nerve.

B Fig. 6.60  Scratch collapse test for the radial nerve. (A) The test. (B) The “scratch.”




Fig. 6.61  Isometric scratch collapse test for the ulnar and median nerves. (A) The test—isometric lateral rotation. (B) Scratch along the ulnar nerve distribution. (C) Scratch along median nerve distribution.

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Ulnar nerve


Fig. 6.62  Tinel sign at the elbow for the ulnar nerve.

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution The reflexes around the elbow that are often checked (Fig. 6.63) include the biceps (C5–C6), brachioradialis (C5–C6), and triceps (C7–C8). The examiner should also assess the dermatomes around the elbow and the cutaneous distribution of the various nerves, noting any differences (Figs. 6.64 and 6.65). When looking at the dermatomes, the examiner should realize there is a great deal of variability in the distribution patterns. Except for the T2 dermatome, which commonly ends at the elbow, all other dermatomes extend distally to the forearm, wrist, and hand; therefore, the elbow cannot be looked at in isolation when viewing dermatomes. Similarly, the peripheral nerves extend into the forearm, wrist, and hand, and so testing for sensory loss must involve the whole upper limb, not just the elbow. Pain may be referred to the elbow and surrounding tissues from the neck (often mimicking tennis elbow), the shoulder, or the wrist (Fig. 6.66; Table 6.4). In the extremities, the neurological tissues (nerve roots and peripheral nerves) play a significant role in function. Injury, pinching, or stress to these structures can have dire consequences functionally for the patient. The next section is a review of the peripheral nerves and how and where they may be traumatized around the elbow.

Peripheral Nerve Injuries Around the Elbow92–94

Median Nerve (C6–C8, T1).  In the elbow region, the median nerve proper can be injured by trauma (e.g., lacerations, fractures, dislocations), by systemic disease, and especially by compression and/or traction.94–96

The median nerve may also be pinched or compressed above the elbow as it passes under the ligament of Struthers, an anomalous structure found in approximately 1% of the population (Fig. 6.67).97 The ligament runs from an abnormal spur on the shaft of the humerus to the medial epicondyle of the humerus. Because the brachial artery sometimes accompanies the nerve through this tunnel, it may also be compressed, resulting in possible vascular as well as neurological symptoms. In this case, the neurological involvement would include weakness of the pronator teres muscle and of those muscles affected by the pronator syndrome (see later discussion). The condition may also be called the humerus supracondylar process syndrome. Pressure in the ligament of Struthers area leads to motor loss (see Table 6.2) and sensory loss (see Fig. 7.123) of the median nerve. Initially, the patient complains of pain and paresthesia in the elbow and forearm; abnormality of motor function is secondary. With time, however, motor function is also affected, with wrist and finger flexion as well as thumb movements being most affected. A second area of compression of the median nerve as it passes through the elbow occurs where it passes through the two heads of pronator teres (pronator syndrome or proximal median nerve entrapment).80 In this case, the pronator teres remains normal, but the other muscles supplied by the median nerve (see Table 6.2) are affected, as is its sensory distribution. Pronation is possible, but weakness is evident as pronation is loaded. If the elbow is flexed to 90° and pronation is tested, noticeable weakness occurs, because in this position the action of the pronator teres is minimized. Butlers and Singer98 reported four possible ways of eliciting median nerve symptoms if the nerve is suffering from pathology: • Resisted pronation with elbow and wrist flexion for 30 to 60 seconds • Resisted elbow flexion and supination • Resisted long finger flexion at the proximal interphalangeal joint • Direct pressure over the proximal aspect of pronator teres during pronation It is interesting to note that one of the tests is similar to Mill’s test for lateral epicondylitis. The results should be compared with the good side, and production of the patient’s symptoms is considered a positive test.  Anterior Interosseous Nerve.  The anterior interosseous nerve, which is a branch of the median nerve, is sometimes pinched or entrapped as it passes between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle, leading to pain and functional impairment of the flexor pollicis longus, the lateral half of the flexor digitorum profundus, and the pronator quadratus muscles. The condition is called anterior interosseous nerve syndrome or Kiloh-­Nevin syndrome or sign (Fig. 6.68)80,99–101 and is characterized by

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Chapter 6  Elbow


C5 C5






Fig. 6.64  Dermatomes around the elbow.





3 Anterior aspect

5 3


Posterior aspect

Fig. 6.63 Reflexes around the elbow. (A) Biceps (C5-­ 6). (B) Brachioradialis (C5-­6). (C) Triceps (C7-­8).

Fig. 6.65  Sensory nerve distribution around the elbow. 1, Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm (radial); 2, medial cutaneous nerve of arm; 3, medial cutaneous nerve of forearm; 4, lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm (musculocutaneous nerve); 5, posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm (radial nerve).

a pinch deformity in which the patient is unable to make the “OK” sign with the thumb and index finger (see Fig. 6.58).101 The deformity results from the paralysis of the flexors of the index finger and thumb. This leads to extension of the distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger and the interphalangeal joint of the thumb. The resulting pinch is pulp to pulp rather than tip to tip. It has been reported that the nerve may also be injured with a forearm fracture (Monteggia fracture).102 With anterior interosseous syndrome, there is no sensory loss, because

the anterior interosseous nerve is a motor nerve; signs and symptoms of the condition are related to motor function.  Ulnar Nerve (C7–C8, T1).  In the elbow region, the ulnar nerve is most likely to be injured, compressed, or stretched in the cubital tunnel (see Fig. 6.4A).14,80,87,94,97,103–107 In fact, it is a common entrapment neuropathy, second only to carpal tunnel syndrome. The ulnar nerve may be injured or compressed as a result of swelling (e.g., trauma, pregnancy), osteophytes, arthritic diseases, trauma, or repeated microtrauma. This tunnel, which is relatively


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Chapter 6  Elbow TABLE 6.4

Elbow Muscles and Referral of Pain

Fig. 6.66  Pain referred to the elbow. Referral is more likely from proximal areas rather than distal areas.

long, can compress the nerve as the nerve passes through the tunnel or between the two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (Osborne’s band).84,89 Compression is altered as the elbow moves from extension (decreased) to flexion (increased), causing traction on the nerve, and is further enhanced if a significant cubitus valgus is present.108,109 Symptoms therefore are more likely to occur when the elbow is flexed. It is usually in the cubital tunnel area that the ulnar nerve is affected, leading to tardy ulnar palsy. If the problem is the result of restriction in the cubital tunnel, direct pressure over the tunnel may reproduce or exacerbate the symptoms (see “Cubital Tunnel Compression Test”).94 Tardy ulnar palsy implies that the symptoms of nerve injury come on long after the patient has been injured; this delayed reaction seems to be unique to the ulnar nerve. Although most common in adults, it has been reported in children, and in children the delay has been up to 29 months.110 In adults, the possibility of a double crush injury (at cervical spine and elbow) should always be considered. Injury to the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel affects the flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulnar half of the flexor digitorum profundus in the forearm, the hypothenar eminence in the hand (flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi, and adductor pollicis), the interossei, and the third and fourth lumbrical muscles (see Table 6.2). Commonly, patients cannot fully adduct the little finger and hold the finger


Referral Pattern


Upper shoulder (bicipital groove) to anterior elbow


Anterior arm, elbow to lateral thenar eminence


Posterior shoulder, arm, elbow, and forearm to medial two fingers, medial epicondyle


Lateral epicondyle, lateral forearm to posterior web space between thumb and index finger


Lateral epicondyle area


Lateral epicondyle and posterior web space between thumb and index finger

Pronator teres

Anterior forearm to wrist and part of anterior thumb

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Medial wrist

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Posterior forearm to posterior wrist

Extensor carpi radialis longus

Lateral epicondyle to posterolateral wrist

Extensor indices

Posterior forearm to appropriate digit

Palmaris longus

Anterior forearm to palm

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Palm to appropriate digit

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Anteromedial wrist

Flexor carpi radialis

Anteromedial wrist

abducted and extended, because the denervated palmar interosseous muscle cannot oppose the abductor digiti minimi (see “Wartenberg Sign”).87 If there is loss of the hypothenar muscles and flattening of the palmar metacarpal arch, it is called Masse’s sign. If there is an inability to flex the distal interphalangeal joints of the little and ring fingers (i.e., loss of flexor digitorum profundus), it is called Pollock’s sign. Both indicate ulnar nerve involvement, as does clawing of the fourth and fifth digits (benediction sign, preacher’s sign, or Duchenne sign) due to lumbrical paralysis of the fourth and fifth digits.80,87 Although these muscles show weakness and atrophy over time, the earliest and most obvious symptoms are sensory, with pain and paresthesia in the medial elbow and forearm, and paresthesia in the ulnar sensory distribution of the hand (see Fig. 7.123).

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Median nerve

Bony spur

Radial nerve


Median nerve Biceps muscle

Ligament of Struthers

Deep head of pronator teres Superficial head of pronator teres (cut)

Brachial artery

Posterior interosseous nerve

Radial recurrent artery

Superficial radial nerve

Arcade of Frohse

Supinator muscle

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Fig. 6.69  Canal, or arcade, of Frohse.

Fig. 6.67 Compression of the median nerve under ligament of Struthers and in pronator syndrome. In the pronator syndrome, the median nerve may be kinked against the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle or compressed by the forceful action or structural hypertrophy of the deep head of the pronator teres. Compression of the nerve above the elbow (ligament of Struthers) leads to weakness of the pronator teres, while this muscle is spared in the pronator syndrome, because the branches to the two heads of the pronator teres arise proximally to the muscle.

Median nerve Fibrous arch Pronator teres Anterior interosseous nerve

Fig. 6.68  Anterior interosseous syndrome.

Calfee et al.111 recommended testing for a hypermobile ulnar nerve, which is reported to be found in over 30% of the population (hypermobile ulnar nerve test ). The patient maximally flexes the elbow with the forearm supinated. The examiner then places a finger on the proximal, posteromedial aspect of the medial epicondyle. The patient is asked to extend the elbow while the examiner holds the finger in place. If the ulnar nerve stays anterior to the examiner’s finger, it is said to dislocate. If the nerve is below the examiner’s finger, it is perched on the medial humeral epicondyle. If the nerve cannot be palpated, it is stable in the groove.  Radial Nerve (C5–C8, T1).  The radial nerve may be injured near the elbow if there is a fracture of the shaft of the humerus. The nerve may be damaged as it winds around behind the humerus in the radial groove. Injury may occur at the time of the fracture, or the nerve may get caught in the callus of fracture healing. Because the radial nerve supplies all of the extensor muscles of the arm, only the triceps is spared with this type of injury, and even it may show some weakness. Symptoms include pain on resisted supination and pain on resisted extension of the middle finger (Maudsley’s sign), which suggests compression of the nerve at the flexor digitorum superficialis arch.92,112 The major branch of the radial nerve in the forearm is the posterior interosseous nerve, which is given off in front of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.80,97,113 This branch may compress as it passes between the two heads of the supinator in the arcade or canal of Frohse (most common site for radial nerve compression112), a fibrous arch in the supinator muscle occurring in 30% of the population (Fig. 6.69). Compression can lead to functional involvement of the forearm extensor muscles (see Table 6.2) and functional wrist drop, and so the patient has difficulty or is unable to stabilize the wrist for proper hand function. Diagnosis of this condition is often delayed because there is no sensory deficit. Direct pressure over the supinator muscle while resisting supination may elicit weakness of supination or tenderness

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Chapter 6  Elbow




Fig. 6.70  Joint play movements of the elbow complex. (A) Radial and ulnar deviation of the ulna on the humerus. (B) Distraction of the olecranon process from the humerus. (C) Anteroposterior movement of the radius.

(supinator compression test ).94,114 This compression zone is one of five sites in the tunnel through which the radial nerve passes.115 The nerve may also be compressed at the entrance to the radial tunnel anterior to the head of the radius, near where the nerve supplies brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus (leash of Henry), between the ulnar half of the tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis and its fascia, and at the distal border of supinator.92,116,117 This condition, sometimes called radial tunnel syndrome, elicits pain with little muscle weakness and may mimic tennis elbow.75,81,112,114,116,118–122 If the patient has a persistent form of tennis elbow, although radial tunnel pain is usually more distal,114 a possible nerve lesion or cervical problem should be considered.44,112 A third area of pathology is compression of the superficial branch of the radial nerve as it passes under the tendon of the brachioradialis. This branch is sensory only, and the patient complains primarily of nocturnal pain along the dorsum of the wrist, thumb, and web space. Trauma, a tight cast, any swelling in the area, or forearm pronation with wrist flexion and ulnar deviation may cause the compression and produce paresthesia.94 Direct pressure at the junction of extensor carpi radialis longus and brachioradialis may also reproduce the paresthesia or numbness.94 The condition is referred to as cheiralgia paresthetica or Wartenberg disease/sign.106 

Joint Play Movements When examining the joint play movements (Fig. 6.70), the examiner must compare the injured side with the normal side. Radial and ulnar deviations of the ulna and radius on the humerus are performed in a fashion similar to those in the collateral ligament tests but with less elbow flexion.

The examiner stabilizes the patient’s elbow by holding the patient’s humerus firmly and places the other hand above the patient’s wrist, abducting and adducting the forearm (see Fig. 6.70A). The patient’s elbow is almost straight (extended) during the movement, and the end feel should be bone-­to-­bone. Joint Play Movements of the Elbow Complex • • • •

R adial deviation of the ulna and radius on the humerus Ulnar deviation of the ulna and radius on the humerus Distraction of the olecranon from the humerus in 90° of flexion Anteroposterior glide of the radius on the humerus

To distract the olecranon from the humerus, the examiner flexes the patient’s elbow to 90°. Wrapping both hands around the patient’s forearm close to the elbow, the examiner then applies a distractive force at the elbow, ensuring that no torque is applied (see Fig. 6.70B). If the patient has a sore shoulder, counter-­force should be applied with one hand around the humerus. To test anteroposterior glide of the radius on the humerus, the examiner stabilizes the patient’s forearm. The patient’s arm is held between the examiner’s body and arm. The examiner places the thumb of his or her hand over the anterior radial head while the flexed index finger is over the posterior radial head. The examiner then pushes the radial head posteriorly with the thumb and anteriorly with the index finger (see Fig. 6.70C). Commonly, posterior movement is easier to obtain with anterior movement in normal clients, being the result of the radial head returning to its normal position with a tissue stretch end feel. This movement must be performed with care, because it can be very painful as a result of pinching of the skin between the examiner’s digits and the bone. In addition,

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pain may result from the force being applied even in the normal arm, so both sides must be compared. The anterior and posterior glide of the radius may be tested in a slightly different way as well. To do anteroposterior glide of the head of the radius, the patient is placed in supine with the arm by the side. The examiner stands beside the patient, facing the patient’s head, and holds the patient’s arm slightly flexed by holding the hand between the examiner’s thorax and elbow. The examiner places the thumbs over the head of the radius and carefully applies an anteroposterior pressure to the head of the radius, feeling the amount of movement and end feel. To do posteroanterior glide, the patient is in supine lying with the arm at the side and the hand resting on the stomach. The examiner places the thumbs over the posterior aspect of the radial head and carefully applies a posteroanterior pressure (Fig. 6.71). 



B Fig. 6.71  Joint play of the head of the radius (method 2). Anteroposterior (A) and posteroanterior (B) glide of the radius.

With the patient’s arm relaxed, the examiner begins palpation on the anterior aspect of the elbow and moves to the medial aspect, the lateral aspect, and finally the posterior aspect (Fig. 6.72). The patient may sit or lie supine, whichever is more comfortable. The joint line is located about 2 cm below an imaginary line joining the two epicondyles.6

Olecranon fossa

Triceps tendon


Medial supracondylar line Olecranon fossa Olecranon Olecranon fossa Olecranon

Lateral supracondylar line Capitellum

Groove for ulnar nerve Medial epicondyle Trochlea Ulnar ridge

Lateral epicondyle Radial head

Ulnar styloid



Fig. 6.72  Palpation around the elbow. (A) Olecranon fossa. (B) Posterolateral aspect of the elbow. (C) Posteromedial aspect of the elbow.

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Chapter 6  Elbow

The examiner is looking for any tenderness, abnormality, change in temperature or in texture of the tissues, or abnormal bumps. As with all palpation, the injured side must be compared with the normal or uninjured side.

Triceps brachii (long head)

Anterior Aspect

Cubital Fossa.  The fossa is bound by the pronator teres muscle medially, the brachioradialis muscle laterally, and an imaginary line joining the two epicondyles superiorly. Within the fossa, the biceps tendon, brachialis, and brachial artery may be palpated. After crossing the elbow joint, the brachial artery divides into two branches, the radial artery and the ulnar artery. The examiner must be aware of the brachial artery, because it has the potential to be injured as a result of severe trauma at the elbow (e.g., fracture, dislocation). Trauma to this area may lead to compartment syndromes, such as Volkmann ischemic contracture. The median and musculocutaneous nerves are also found in the fossa, but they are not palpable. Pressure on the median nerve may cause symptoms in its cutaneous distribution.  Coronoid Process, Head of Radius, and Radial Tuberosity.  Within the cubital fossa, if the examiner palpates carefully so as not to hurt the patient, the coronoid process of the ulna and the head of the radius may be palpated. Palpation of the radial head is facilitated by supination and pronation of the forearm. The examiner may palpate the head of the radius from the posterior aspect at the same time by placing the fingers over the head on the posterior aspect and the thumb over it on the anterior aspect. In addition to the muscles previously mentioned, the biceps and brachialis muscles may be palpated for potential abnormality. If, on the anterior aspect, the examiner moves just distally to the radial head (about 1 inch [2.5 cm]), the radial tuberosity may be palpated when the arm is fully pronated. If the arm is then supinated, the tuberosity will disappear.59 If the patient is complaining of pain and/or tenderness along the anteromedial humerus, radius, or ulna, especially after repeated stress, the examiner should palpate the specific area. This tenderness or pain may be due to periostitis resulting in humeral shin splints or “forearm splints,” which may be precursors to stress fractures. 

Medial Aspect

Medial Epicondyle.  Originating from the medial epicondyle are the wrist flexor–forearm pronator groups of muscles. Both the muscle bellies and their insertions into bone should be palpated. Tenderness over the epicondyle where the muscles insert is sometimes called golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow of the medial epicondyle and may indicate epiphyseal injury in skeletally immature patients.  Medial (Ulnar) Collateral Ligament.  This fan-­shaped ligament may be palpated, because it extends from the medial epicondyle to the medial margin of the

Olecranon tip

Lateral epicondyle Anconeus

Radial head

Fig. 6.73  Palpation of anconeus in triangle of olecranon tip, lateral epicondyle, and radial head.

coronoid process anteriorly and to the olecranon process posteriorly.  Ulnar Nerve.  If the examiner moves posteriorly behind the medial epicondyle, the fingers will rest over the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel (proximal part). Usually, the nerve is not directly palpable, but pressure on the nerve often causes abnormal sensations in its cutaneous distribution. It is this nerve that is struck when someone hits his or her “funny bone.” 

Lateral Aspect

Lateral Epicondyle.  The wrist extensor muscles originate from the lateral epicondyle, and their muscle bellies as well as their insertions into the epicondyle should be palpated. It is at this point of insertion of the common extensor tendon that lateral epicondylitis originates. Tenderness along the epicondyle in the skeletally immature may indicate an epiphyseal injury.1 When palpating, the examiner should remember that the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle inserts above the epicondyle along a short ridge extending from the epicondyle to the humeral shaft. The examiner palpates the brachioradialis and supinator muscles on the lateral aspect of the elbow at the same time. If the examiner palpates the lateral epicondyle, the posterior radial head, and the olecranon tip, the anconeus “soft spot” will be found within this triangle (Fig. 6.73).49 Pressure applied over the patient’s lateral forearm about 3 to 5 cm (1.2 to 2 inches) distal to the elbow crease (over the supinator muscle) with the wrist in full supination will cause pain if there is pathology in the radial nerve.80,101 (See RON test for radial nerve pathway.)  Lateral (Radial) Collateral Ligament.  This cordlike ligament may be palpated as it extends from the lateral

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Chapter 6  Elbow


epicondyle of the humerus to the annular ligament and lateral surface of the ulna.  Annular Ligament.  Distal to the lateral epicondyle, the annular ligament and head of the radius may be palpated if this has not previously been done. The palpation is facilitated by supination and pronation of the forearm. 

Posterior Aspect

Palpation of posterior structures is shown in Fig. 6.72. Olecranon Process and Olecranon Bursa.  The olecranon process is best palpated with the elbow flexed to 90°. Tenderness along the distal and lateral aspect of the olecranon may be an indication of a stress fracture in throwing athletes.7 If the elbow will not fully extend, the examiner should palpate the edges (especially the posteromedial tip) of the olecranon (normally smooth) for possible osteophytes.7 If the examiner then grasps the skin overlying the process, the olecranon bursa can be palpated. Normally, it just feels like slippery tissue as the skin is moved. The examiner should note any synovial thickening, swelling, or the presence of any rice bodies, which are small seeds of fragmented fibrous tissue that can act as further irritants to the bursa should it be affected.  Triceps Muscle.  The triceps muscle, which inserts into the olecranon process, should be palpated both at its insertion and along its length for any signs of abnormality. 

Diagnostic Imaging


B Fig. 6.74  Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of the elbow.

Plain Film Radiography

Common x-­ray views of the elbow are outlined in the box below. Common X-­Ray Views of the Elbow (Depending on Pathology) • • • • •

A nteroposterior view (see Fig. 6.74A) Lateral view at 90° flexion (see Fig. 6.74B) Cubital tunnel view (see Fig. 6.79) Anteroposterior internal oblique view (trauma) (Fig. 6.75B) Anteroposterior external oblique view (trauma) (Fig. 6.75A)

Anteroposterior View.  The examiner should note the relation of the epicondyles, trochlea, capitulum, radial head, radial tuberosity, coronoid process, and olecranon process (Fig. 6.74). Any bone spurs, osteochondral lesions, enthesopathy (i.e., disorders involving attachment of tendon or ligament to bone), loose bodies, calcification, myositis ossificans, joint space narrowing, or osteophytes should be identified.44 A slight widening of the ulnohumeral joint (i.e., the drop sign) or posterior displacement of the radial head relative to the capitellum may be seen with posterolateral rotary instability. This may also be seen in the lateral view.4 If the patient is a young child, the examiner should check the epiphyseal (growth) plate to see if it is normal for each bone. In the



Fig. 6.75 (A) Anteroposterior external oblique view of the elbow. (B) Anteroposterior internal oblique view of the elbow.

upper limb, most growth in the humerus occurs at the shoulder and in the radius and ulna at the wrist.  Lateral View.  The examiner should note the relation of the epicondyles, trochlea, capitulum, radial head, radial tuberosity, coronoid process, and olecranon

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.76  Excessive ossification (arrow) after dislocation of elbow treated by early active use. (From O’Donoghue DH: Treatment of injuries to athletes, ed 4, Philadelphia, 1984, WB Saunders, p 232.)

Fig. 6.78  Coronoid process fracture with hemarthrosis. The posterior fat pad (arrows) is shown clearly on this lateral view with the arm flexed to 90°, indicating joint effusion. The anterior fat pad (open arrow) is clearly visible. There is a fracture of the coronoid process (curved arrow) and a loose body (arrowhead). (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, p 179.)



Fig. 6.77  Lateral film of a posterior dislocated elbow, showing the lower end of the humerus resting on the ulna in front of the coronoid. Note fragmentation of the coronoid. (From O’Donoghue DH: Treatment of injuries to athletes, ed 4, Philadelphia, 1984, WB Saunders, p 227.)

process. As with the anteroposterior view, any loose bodies, calcifications in or around the joint (Fig. 6.76), myositis ossificans, dislocations (Fig. 6.77), joint space narrowing, or osteophytes should be noted. The presence of the fat-­pad sign (Fig. 6.78) occurs with elbow joint effusion and may indicate, for example, a fracture, acute rheumatoid arthritis, infection, or osteoid osteoma.123 A dislocation of the radial head may also cause an impaction defect to the capitellum (Hill-­Sachs lesion of the elbow).4 Plain radiographs may also be used to visualize the cubital tunnel (Fig. 6.79) and to measure the carrying angle (see Fig. 6.7). 

Fig. 6.79 Cubital tunnel. The ulnar nerve (asterisk) lies in a tunnel bridged by the arcuate ligament (dashed line), which extends from the medial epicondyle to the olecranon process. LAT, Lateral.

Axial View.  This view is taken with the elbow flexed to 45°. It shows the olecranon process and epicondyles. It is useful for showing osteophytes and loose bodies.78 


Fig. 6.80 illustrates the views seen in normal elbow arthrograms. With the advent of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this technique is seldom used today. 

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C Fig. 6.80  Normal elbow arthrogram. Anteroposterior (A), external oblique (B), and lateral (C) views in extension show the normal annular (a), anterior (A), and posterior (P) recesses. (D) Lateral tomogram with the arm extended. The area of the trochlea that is devoid of cartilage (arrow) is shown. (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, p 178.)

Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging

The elbow is especially well suited for ultrasound imaging because most of the structures that require viewing are relatively superficial. Ultrasound examination of the elbow can be performed from each of the four portions of the elbow. Different structures can be seen more clearly from a variety of angles, including anterior, medial, lateral, and posterior. Structures to be viewed include distal biceps tendon, brachialis tendon, common extensor and flexor tendons, lateral and medial collateral ligaments, triceps tendon, and median, ulnar, and radial nerves.124–127 Anterior View.  The position used to examine the distal biceps brachii tendon is performed with the forearm supinated and the ultrasound transducer in the transverse axis just proximal to the elbow joint (Fig. 6.81). The cortex of the distal humerus will be seen inferiorly. The brachialis will also be seen inferiorly with the biceps brachii superior. In a normal muscle, the tissue will appear hypoechoic with some hyperechoic fibro-­adipose separations (Fig. 6.82). By turning the transducer 90°, one

can then view the biceps tendon in its long axis (Fig. 6.83). The normal tendon will be long and fibrillar with uniform thickness (Fig. 6.84). If it is not possible to visualize the tendon using the anterior approach, then the tendon can also be seen from a lateral approach. The probe is placed longitudinally over the lateral arm with the forearm supinated and the elbow flexed to 90°. The transducer is actually in the short axis across the proximal radius in this position. The curved echogenic structure that can be seen is the radial head. As the forearm is pronated and supinated, the tendon of the biceps brachii can be seen moving dynamically. The radial head will also be seen rotating in this image. The brachialis tendon can be seen deep to the biceps brachii tendon in the anterior arm. Along the anterior brachium, the transducer can be placed in the long axis. The coronoid and radial fossa may be seen as concavities in the distal humerus, with the brachialis overlying these depressions.  Lateral View.  The common extensor tendon is viewed from the lateral side of the elbow with the transducer in

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.81  Transverse view of anterior elbow proximal to elbow joint.

Fig. 6.83  Longitudinal view of anterior elbow proximal to elbow joint.



Fig. 6.82 Ultrasound of distal anterior elbow showing biceps brachii (BT), brachialis (BR), and brachial artery (A).

the long axis relative to the radius (Fig. 6.85). The hyperechoic radial head and the capitullum can be seen. Just off the lateral epicondyle, one will find the fibrillar common extensor tendon (Fig. 6.86). The common flexor tendon can be found on the medial elbow with the transducer placed in the long axis relative to the ulna. The common flexor tendon will be seen as hyperechoic and fibrillar just off the medial epicondyle, and will become hypoechoic muscle as one follows it further distally. The lateral collateral ligament is not always easy to find. It is often difficult to differentiate the common extensor tendon from the lateral collateral ligament. If these structures are followed distally, the deeper radial collateral ligament will attach to the annular ligament immediately over the radial head while the common extensor tendon becomes more muscular superficially. The lateral collateral ligament can also be seen when the extensor carpi radialis brevis is torn.128 If the transducer is placed over the lateral elbow and angled posteriorly from the distal humerus to

Fig. 6.84  Longitudinal image of biceps brachii (BT) in long axis superficial to the brachialis (BR).

the ulna, the hyperechoic and fibrillary LUCL can be seen (Fig. 6.87). The radial nerve can be seen laterally between the brachialis and the brachioradialis muscles. Placing the transducer in the short axis transversely will demonstrate hypoechoic fascicles surrounded by a hyperechoic epineurium.128 The nerve can be followed proximally as it traverses the intermuscular fascia and follows the humerus. The nerve can also be followed in the long axis by turning the transducer 90°. Following distally, the nerve will branch into the deep branch entering the supinator muscle; the superficial branch will continue distally into the forearm.  Medial View.  The medial elbow view is used primarily to examine the common flexor tendon and the ulnar collateral ligament. The elbow is placed near full extension or

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Fig. 6.85  Longitudinal view of common extensor tendon.

Fig. 6.87  Longitudinal view of lateral elbow demonstrating the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (arrowheads) from the humerus (H) to the ulna (U). (From Jacobson JA: Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.)


Fig. 6.86  Longitudinal image of common extensor tendon (arrows) in the forearm over the radial head (R).

in slight flexion with the forearm in supination. The transducer is placed in the long axis with respect to the forearm to begin (Fig. 6.88). The bony contour of the medial epicondyle and the proximal ulna will be seen. Running between these two bony prominences is the common flexor tendon superficially and the ulnar collateral ligament deeper. The common flexor tendon is hyperechoic and fibrillary. It changes to a hypoechoic structure, however, as it runs distally to become muscular. The ulnar collateral ligament will be seen as hyperechoic and fibrillary (Fig. 6.89). One needs to be careful to stay perpendicular to the ligament as anisotropy may make the ligament appear less uniform. Ulnar collateral ligament thickness can vary from patient to patient; however, it has been shown that thickness increases in professional baseball players depending on their years of experience.129  Posterior View.  The posterior view of the elbow visualizes the triceps tendon, the anconeus muscle, and the ulnar nerve. To examine the triceps tendon and the olecranon bursa, the elbow is flexed to 90° with arm resting on a table. The transducer is placed in the short axis and moved from the olecranon process to the myotendinous junction of the triceps muscle (Fig. 6.90). By toggling

Fig. 6.88  Longitudinal view of ulnar collateral ligament on medial side of arm.



Fig. 6.89  Longitudinal image of ulnar collateral ligament (arrows), medial epicondyle (ME), and trochlea (T). White dots are part of the bottom portion of tendon.

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Fig. 6.92  Longitudinal view of posterior elbow and triceps tendon. Fig. 6.90  Transverse view of posterior elbow joint and triceps tendon.




Fig. 6.91  Transverse image of posterior elbow including triceps tendon (T) and humeral surface (H).

the ultrasound head, the examiner may be able to see the different components of the medial, lateral, and deep triceps tendinous compartments.130 The tendon is usually fibrillar in nature (Fig. 6.91). By rotating the transducer 90°, the tendon can be viewed in its long axis (Fig. 6.92). The tendon should be clearly seen to be linear with some striations that are thought to be fat between tendon fibers.128 If the tendon is followed distally, it can be seen over the top of the olecranon and superficial to the olecranon fossa (Fig. 6.93). Effusion in the elbow can be seen by flexing the elbow up to 45° which moves the fluid posteriorly into the olecranon recess. Gentle pressure by the probe can detect even slight effusions within the joint.

Fig. 6.93  Longitudinal image of posterior elbow flexed showing triceps muscle (T) and olecranon fossa with fat pad (F).

In select individuals, one may be able to find the anconeus epitrochlearis muscle, an accessory muscle located between the posterior aspect of the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the medial aspect of the olecranon. It may be too small to even be palpated, but can be seen as a small isolated ovoid mass forming the floor of the condylar groove just superficial to the ulnar nerve.131 The ulnar nerve can be seen at the medial side of the elbow. To find the ulnar nerve, the transducer is placed in the short axis over the posterior medial elbow, over the olecranon and the medial epicondyle (Fig. 6.94). The nerve can be seen as a hypoechoic structure within a hyperechoic nerve sheath. The patient may be asked to flex and extend the elbow while the examiner watches

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Chapter 6  Elbow


for normal or abnormal translation of the ulnar nerve. Abnormal movement would include subluxation of the nerve over the medial epicondyle. 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI is used to differentiate bone and soft tissues. Because of its high soft-­tissue contrast, MRI, a noninvasive technique, is able to discriminate among bone marrow, cartilage, tendons, nerves, and vessels without the use of a contrast medium (Figs. 6.95 to 6.97).132,133 The technique is used to demonstrate tendon ruptures, collateral ligament ruptures, cubital tunnel pathology, epicondylitis, and osteochondritis dissecans.8,134–136 


Fig. 6.98 illustrates the detailed borders of the various structures around the elbow.

Fig. 6.94  Evaluation of the ulnar nerve (posteromedial aspect of arm).



Fig. 6.95  Normal common extensor tendon and the medial collateral ligament (MCL) on magnetic resonance imaging. (A) Oblique coronal T1-­ weighted A spine echo and fat-­saturated proton density. (B) Fast spin echo image demonstrates the normal, smooth, thin contour and low signal of the common extensor tendon (long arrow) and anterior bundle of the MCL (short arrows). (From Schenk M, Dalinka MK: Imaging of the elbow: an update, Orthop Clin North Am 28:519, 1997.)

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Chapter 6  Elbow



Fig. 6.96  Lateral epicondylitis tendinitis on magnetic resonance imaging. Oblique coronal fat-­saturated proton density (A) and T2-­weighted (B) fast spin echo images. Focal calcification within the common extensor tendon (white arrow). There is a moderately increased signal within the tendon, without fiber disruption. Note the edema in the peritendinous tissues (black arrows), suggesting active inflammation. (From Schenk M, Dalinka MK: Imaging of the elbow: an update, Orthop Clin North Am 28:524, 1997.)



Fig. 6.97  (A and B) Medial collateral ligament (MCL) tear on magnetic resonance imaging. Surgically proven tear in an athlete who was injured 3 months before imaging and complained of persistent pain with throwing. Oblique coronal fat-­saturated proton density image shows a complete tear of the anterior bundle at its distal attachment to the ulna (long arrow). Note the lateral ulna collateral ligament inserting into the ulna (short arrows). Also note the bright signal within the subcutaneous fat laterally (open arrows), which is secondary to incomplete fat suppression and should not be mistaken for edema. Three-­dimensional gradient echo image reformatted along the plane of the MCL also demonstrates the distal tear (arrow). (From Schenk M, Dalinka MK: Imaging of the elbow: an update, Orthop Clin North Am 28:528, 1997.)

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Chapter 6  Elbow

Posterior Fat Pad

Anterior Fat Pad


Supinator Fat Stripe

Fig. 6.98  Xerogram of the elbow demonstrating the fat pads and supinator fat stripe resulting from subtle radial head fracture. (From Berquist TH: Diagnostic radiographic techniques of the elbow. In Morrey BF, editor: The elbow and its disorders, Philadelphia, 1993, WB Saunders, p 106.)

PRÉCIS OF THE ELBOW ASSESSMENTa NOTE: Suspected pathology will determine which Special Tests are to be performed. History Observation Examination Active movements Elbow flexion Elbow extension Supination Pronation Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained positions (if necessary) Passive movements (as in active movements, if necessary) Resisted isometric movements Elbow flexion Elbow extension Supination Pronation Wrist flexion Wrist extension Functional assessment Special tests For ligamentous instability: Chair push-­up test Gravity-­assisted varus stress test Lateral pivot shift test of the elbow Ligamentous valgus instability test Ligamentous varus instability test Milking maneuver Moving valgus stress test Posterolateral rotary drawer test Prone push-­up test Tabletop relocation test Valgus extension overload test For muscle injury (third-­degree strain): Biceps crease interval Biceps squeeze test Bicipital aponeurosis flex test Flexion initiation test Hook (distal biceps) test Popeye sign (distal biceps tendon)

Supination-­pronation test TILT sign Triceps squeeze test For epicondylitis (epicondylalgia): Cozen’s test Golfer’s elbow test Kaplan’s test Maudsley’s (middle finger) test Mill’s test Polk test Tennis elbow shear test For fractures: East Riding Elbow Rule (ER2) Montreal children’s elbow test For joint dysfunction: Trochlea shear test For neurological dysfunction: Pinch grip test (anterior interosseous branch of median nerve) Rule-­of-­nine (RON) test Scratch collapse test for ulnar, median, and/or radial nerve Shoulder internal rotation elbow flexion test (ulnar nerve) Tinel sign at elbow (ulnar nerve) Wadsworth elbow flexion test (ulnar nerve) Reflexes and cutaneous distribution Reflexes Sensory scan Peripheral nerves Median nerve and branches Ulnar nerve Radial nerve and branches Joint play movements Radial deviation of ulna and radius on humerus Ulnar deviation of ulna and radius on humerus Distraction of olecranon process on humerus in 90° of flexion Anteroposterior glide of radius on humerus Palpation Diagnostic imaging


entire assessment may be done with the patient in sitting position. After any examination, the patient should be warned of the possibility that the assessment may exacerbate symptoms.

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Chapter 6  Elbow

CASE STUDIES When doing these case studies, the examiner should list the appropriate questions to ask the patient and should specify why they are being asked, what to look for and why, and what things should be tested and why. Depending on the patient’s answers (and the examiner should consider numerous different responses), several possible causes of the patient’s problem may become evident (examples are given in parentheses). The examiner should prepare a differential diagnosis chart (Table 6.5 is an example for question 1). The examiner can then decide how different diagnoses may affect the treatment plan. 1. A 16-­year-­old right-­hand dominant male baseball pitcher comes to see you for elbow pain. One year ago, he had an ulnar nerve transposition which did well immediately after his surgery. When he started throwing, his numbness and tingling returned. He then had a second operation which was a partial triceps resection to decrease compression and irritation on the transposed ulnar nerve. He presents with medial elbow pain on palpation. He has 4/5 elbow and forearm strength. He does not presently have any numbness or tingling as he has not been throwing. Describe your assessment plan and your differential diagnosis. 2. A 17-­year-­old right-­hand dominant female comes to see you three weeks after a posterior elbow dislocation and reduction following a fall from her horse. She did not incur any fractures with her accident. She comes to you in a sling. The referring physician has stated that her elbow is stable throughout her ROM now. Describe your assessment plan to evaluate her for initiation of treatment. 3. A 40-­year-­old male comes to see you following an injury to the right elbow. Three days ago, he was helping his brother move a 136-­kg (300-­lb) piece of angle iron from their father’s barn. His brother accidently dropped his end causing the patient to have all the weight. He felt a “pop” and immediate pain in his right elbow. Since then, he has noticed swelling in his right anterior elbow. Yesterday, he started to notice a deformity and some ecchymosis. He has pain and cramping sensations with active elbow flexion ROM. Describe your assessment plan for this patient and your differential diagnosis (2° muscle strain vs. 3° rupture). 4. A 24-­year-­old woman comes to you complaining of pain in her right elbow on the medial side. The pain sometimes extends into the forearm and is often accompanied by tingling into the little finger and half of the ring finger. The pain and paresthesia are particularly bothersome when she plays recreational volleyball, which she enjoys very much. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (ulnar neuritis vs. medial epicondylitis).

5. A 52-­year-­old man is referred to you with a history of right elbow pain. He complains of tenderness over the lateral epicondyle. He informs you that he has not done any repetitive forearm activity and does not play tennis. He has some restriction of neck movement. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (cervical spondylosis vs. lateral epicondylitis). 6. A 26-­year-­old male football player is referred to you after surgery for a ruptured (third-­degree strain) left biceps tendon at its insertion. His cast has been removed, and you have been asked to restore the patient to normal function. Describe your assessment plan for this patient. 7. Parents bring their 4-­year-­old daughter in to see you. They state that about 2 hours previously they were out shopping, and the mother was holding the little girl’s arm. The little girl tripped, and the mother “yanked” her up as she fell. The little girl started to cry and would not move her elbow. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (radial head dislocation vs. ligamentous sprain). 8. A 46-­year-­old man comes to you complaining of diffuse left elbow pain. When he carries a briefcase for three or four blocks, his elbow becomes stiff and sore. When he picks up things with his left hand, the pain increases dramatically. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (lateral epicondylitis vs. osteoarthritis). 9. A 31-­year-­old man comes to you complaining of posterior elbow pain. He says he banged his elbow on the table 10 days earlier, and he has had posterior swelling for 8 or 9 days. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (olecranon bursitis vs. joint synovitis). 10. A 14-­year-­old female gymnast comes to you complaining of elbow pain. She explains she was doing a vault and bent her elbow backward, at which time she heard a snap. The injury occurred 1 hour earlier, and there is some swelling; she does not want to move the elbow. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (biceps tendon rupture vs. epiphyseal fracture).

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Chapter 6  Elbow



Differential Diagnosis of Ulnar Neuritis and Medial Epicondylitis Ulnar Neuritis

Medial Epicondylitis


May follow repetitive activity May follow contused elbow May follow previously injured elbow Pain in forearm and into ulnar distribution of hand

Usually follows repetitive activity Pain in forearm, may radiate to wrist and may not follow normal dermatomal pattern




Active movements

Weakness of ulnar deviation Weakness of little and ring finger flexion

Slight pain on forearm pronation and wrist flexion

Passive movements

Normal, or pain may come on with elbow flexion and wrist flexion

Normal, but pain may occur with elbow extension and wrist extension

Resisted isometric movements

Weakness of ulnar deviation Weakness of little and ring finger flexion Pain on wrist flexion and pronation

Pain on wrist flexion with elbow extension Pain on pronation and wrist and finger flexion

Special tests

Tinel sign positive Wartenberg sign positive Elbow flexion test positive Paresthesia and pain in forearm, little finger, and half of ring finger

Golfer’s elbow test positive No paresthesia


Pain in forearm, possibly to wrist

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Chapter 6 Elbow


eAPPENDIX 6.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Elbow BICIPITAL APONEUROSIS FLEXION TEST Specificity


• 0.9054

Odds Ratio

• 1.0054

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture 10; negative likelihood ratio not described54



 .5551 0

Odds Ratio

 .8851 0

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture 1.76; negative likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture 0.2451



• 1.0053

Odds Ratio

• 0.9653

• N  egative likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture 0.0453



• 1.0051

• 1.0051



• C  ubital tunnel syndrome 0.9576

Odds Ratio

• Cubital tunnel syndrome


• P  ositive likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 19.6; negative likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 0.0276



• ( 95% Ci) = 0.70 (0.61, 0.78)137 • (95% Ci) = 0.69 indication of bony or joint injury138

Odds Ratio

• ( 95% Ci) = 0.91 (0.81, 1.0)137 • (95% Ci) = 0.97 indication of bony or joint injury138

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 3.03; negative likelihood ratio 0.13137 • Positive likelihood ratio 3.13; negative likelihood ratio 0.04138

FAT PAD SIGN Specificity


• R  adial head fractures 0.50139

• Radial head fractures

Odds Ratio 0.85139

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for radial head fractures 1.7; negative likelihood ratio for radial head fractures 0.30139

FLEXION/EXTENSION CLASSIFICATION OF ENDFEEL Reliability • Inter-­examiner k = 0.40 (flexion), 0.73 (extension)140

FLEXION TEST Specificity


• C  ubital tunnel syndrome 0.9976 • Cubital tunnel syndrome NT73

• C  ubital tunnel syndrome 0.7576 • Cubital tunnel syndrome 0.9373

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 75; negative likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 0.2576 Continued

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481.e2 Chapter 6 Elbow

eAPPENDIX 6.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Elbow–cont’d GRIP STRENGTH IN PATIENTS WITH LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS Reliability • • • •

 ain-­free: inter-­rater ICC = 0.97141 P Maximum strength: inter-­rater = 0.98141 Pain-­free: inter-­repetition ICC = 0.95–0.99; inter-­occasion ICC = 0.87–0.99142 Maximum inter-­repetition ICC = 0.95–0.98; inter-­occasion ICC = 0.95–0.98 (uninvolved arm ICC = 0.98, involved arm ICC = 0.60)142



 .0051 1

 .8151 0

• • 1.0056

• • 1.0056

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture not described; negative likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture 0.1951



 5%45 7

• 100%45



 .0051 1

 .0951 0

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture not described; negative likelihood ratio for biceps tendon rupture 0.9151

PATIENT RELATED FOREARM EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE Reliability • Test-­retest: pain section ICC = 0.87; function section ICC = 0.77; total ICC = 0.86143



 .9876 0

 .7076 0

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 35; negative likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 0.3176



• C  ubital tunnel syndrome 0.9876

• Cubital tunnel syndrome 0.8976

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 44.5; negative likelihood ratio for cubital tunnel syndrome 0.1176

Ci, Curie; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; k, kappa.

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Forearm, Wrist, and Hand The hand and wrist are the most active and intricate parts of the upper extremity. Because of this and their complexity, they are vulnerable to injury, which can lead to large functional difficulties because of their role in eating, grooming and other activities of daily living (ADLs), and they do not respond well to serious trauma. Their mobility is enhanced by a wide range of movement at the shoulder and complementary movement at the elbow. The 28 bones, numerous articulations, and 19 intrinsic and 20 extrinsic muscles of the wrist and hand provide a tremendous variability of movement. In addition to being an expressive organ of communication, the hand has a protective role and acts as both a motor and a sensory organ, providing information on such things as temperature, thickness, texture, depth, and shape as well as the motion of an object. It is this sensual acuity that enables the examiner to accurately examine and palpate during an assessment. The assessment of the hand and wrist should be performed with two objectives in mind. First, the injury or lesion should be assessed as accurately as possible to ensure proper treatment. Second, the examiner should evaluate the remaining function to determine whether the patient will have any incapacity in everyday life. Although the joints of the forearm, wrist, and hand are discussed separately, they do not act in isolation but rather as functional groups. The position of one joint influences the position and action of the other joints. For example, if the wrist is flexed, the interphalangeal joints do not fully flex, primarily because of passive insufficiency of the finger extensors and their tendons. Each articulation depends on balanced forces for proper positioning and control. If this balance or equilibrium is not present because of trauma, nerve injury, or other factors, the loss of counterbalancing forces results in deformities. In addition, the entire upper limb should be considered a kinetic chain that enables the hand to be properly positioned. The actions of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints enable the hand to be placed on almost any area of the body.

Applied Anatomy The distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is a uniaxial pivot joint that has 1° of freedom.1 Although the radius moves

over the ulna, the ulna does not remain stationary. The radius moves back and laterally during pronation and forward and medially during supination in relation to the ulna. The resting position of the joint is 10° of supination, and the close packed position is 5° of supination. The capsular pattern of the DRUJ is full range of motion (ROM) with pain at the extreme of rotation. Distal Radioulnar Joint Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

10° of supination 5° of supination Full range of motion, pain at extremes of rotation

The radiocarpal (wrist) joint is a biaxial ellipsoid joint.1,2 The radius articulates with the scaphoid and lunate. The distal radius is not straight but is angled toward the ulna (15° to 20°), and its posterior margin projects more distally to provide a “buttress effect.”3 The lunate and triquetrum also articulate with the triangular cartilaginous disc (triangular fibrocartilage complex [TFCC]) (Figs. 7.1 and 7.2), which sits between the ulna and the lunate and triquetrum.4 The TFCC is made up of the ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral ligament, the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon and its sheath, the ulnar capsule, the anterior and posterior radioulnar ligaments, the ulnomeniscal homolog (i.e., an organ corresponding to another organ in function and make up) and the triangular fibrocartilaginous disc,4–7 and it is thicker in ulnar negative (i.e., short ulna) wrists.4,8 The DRUJ (Fig. 7.3) is stabilized by the TFCC, extensor carpi ulnaris, interosseous ligament, pronator quadratus and other forearm muscles.4 In the ulnar neutral wrist, the axial load across the TFCC is about 18%.9 The disc extends from the ulnar side of the distal radius and attaches to the ulna at the base of the ulnar styloid process. The disc adds stability to the ulnocarpal articulations and the DRUJ.5,8,10 The anterior part of the TFCC is tight on pronation and prevents posterior displacement of the ulna while the posterior part is tight on supination and prevents anterior displacement of the ulna. Forced ulnar deviation (e.g., swinging a bat or racquet) increases the load on the TFCC.5,8,10 The TFCC creates a close relationship between the ulna and carpal

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Capitate


Trapezoid 1st metacarpal

5th Metacarpal



Scaphoid (navicular)


Radiocarpal Ulnar joint styloid Distal radioulnar joint TFCC Radius

Triquetrum Lunate TFCC Ulna





Fig. 7.1  Bones and triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC). (A) Palmar view. (B) End view of TFCC and radius and ulna.

Radiocarpal (Wrist) Joint Resting position: Close packed: Capsular pattern: LUNATE


1 2


Fig. 7.2  Articulations of the wrist: specific compartments. Ulnar limit of the radiocarpal compartment (coronal section). Note the extent of this compartment (1), its relationship to the inferior radioulnar compartment (2), the intervening triangular fibrocartilage (arrow), and the prestyloid recess (arrowhead), which is intimate with the ulnar styloid (s). (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders, p 27.)

bones and binds together and stabilizes the distal ends of the radius and ulna.11,12 With the triangular disc in place and a neutral ulna, the radius bears 60% of the load and the ulna, through the triangular disc, bears 40%. If the disc is removed, the radius transmits 95% of the axial load and the ulna transmits 5%.13 Therefore, the triangular cartilaginous disc acts as a cushion for the wrist joint and as a major stabilizer of the DRUJ.3,14 The most common mechanism of injury to the TFCC is forced extension and pronation. The distal end of the radius is concave and the proximal row of carpals is convex, but the curvatures are not equal. The joint has 2° of freedom, and the resting position is neutral with slight ulnar deviation. The close packed position is extension with radial deviation, and the capsular pattern is equal limitation of flexion and extension.

Neutral with slight ulnar deviation Extension with radial deviation Flexion and extension equally limited (works with midcarpal joints)

The stability of the carpals (wrist) is primarily maintained by a complex configuration of ligaments and bones (Fig. 7.4).15 The ligaments stabilizing the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum are the most important.16 Of these ligaments, the radioscapholunate ligament, the scapholunate and the lunotriquetral ligaments are the most important intrinsic ligaments and are the ligaments most commonly disrupted.17–19 These ligaments are most likely to be injured with a pronated fall on outstretched hand (FOOSH) injury (i.e., wrist extension, ulnar deviation, and intercarpal supination).16,20 The scaphoid acts as a strut transmitting movements of the distal carpal row to the proximal carpal row. The scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum are described as an intercalated segment.21 The scapholunate interosseous ligament is the primary stabilizer of the scapholunate joint and if injured (3° sprain), the result is dynamic instability but not static instability, which only occurs when secondary ligamentous supports are also injured.21 The bones of the intercalated segment work together with movement of one bone affecting the movement of the other two because of their ligament attachments. For example, during radial deviation, the scaphoid flexes, causing the lunate to flex because of the scapholunate ligament. However, excessive flexion of the lunate is restricted by the lunotriquetral ligament. As the triquetrum is linked to the distal carpal row by the triquetrocapitate ligament, there is an extension moment in the wrist with radial deviation.22 Lunotriquetral injuries are more likely to occur with wrist extension, radial deviation, and intercarpal supination.16 The palmar ligaments are much stronger than the dorsal ligaments. The palmar extrinsic ligaments control the movement of the wrist and scaphoid

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Ulnocapitate ligament Lunotriquetral interosseus ligament

Radiolunate ligament (long)

Triquetrum Radioscaphocapitate ligament

Scaphoid Ulnotriquetral ligament


Ulnar collateral ligament Meniscus homologue (ulnarmeniscal homologue)


Ulnar styloid Radioulnar ligaments

Lister’s tubercle


Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon and sheath

Radiolunate ligament (short) Triangular fibrocartilaginous disc (TFCC)

Ulnolunate ligament

Fig. 7.3  Distal radioulnar joint anatomy. The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is made up of the ulnar collateral ligament, meniscus homologue, triangular disc, and the radioulnar ligaments formed of the triangular ligament styloid band and the triangular ligament foveal band.

with the radioscapholunate ligament acting as a sling for the scaphoid.17 This ligament—along with the radiolunate ligament—allows the scaphoid to rotate around them, and both stabilize the scaphoid at the extremes of motion.17 On the ulnar side, the ligaments (i.e., palmar lunotriquetral, capitotriquetral, dorsal intercarpal, and the fibrocartilaginous disc) control the triquetrum. The intercarpal joints include the joints between the individual bones of the proximal row of carpal bones (i.e., scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum) and the joints between the individual bones of the distal row of carpal bones (i.e., trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate). Perilunate injuries involve the lunate and its relation with the other carpals as well as the radius and ulna.23 They are bound together by small intercarpal ligaments (i.e., dorsal, palmar, and interosseous), which allow only a slight amount of gliding movement between the bones. The close packed position is extension, and the resting position is neutral or slight flexion. The pisotriquetral joint is considered separately, because the pisiform sits on the triquetrum and does not Intercarpal Joints Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

Neutral or slight flexion Extension None

take a direct part in the other intercarpal movements. Interestingly, the flexor carpi ulnaris inserting into the pisiform and hamate via the pisohamate ligament is the only muscle to insert into any of the wrist carpals. Thus, the examiner should understand carpal motion is primarily determined by passive forces, joint surface configurations, ligaments and load, and active forces only act indirectly.24 The midcarpal joints form a compound articulation between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones with the exception of the pisiform bone. On the medial side, the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum articulate with the capitate and hamate, forming a compound sellar (saddle-­shaped) joint. On the lateral aspect, the scaphoid articulates with the trapezoid and trapezium, forming another compound sellar joint. As with the intercarpal joints, these articulations are bound together by dorsal and palmar ligaments; however, there are no interosseous ligaments between the proximal and distal rows of bones. The distal row of carpals (i.e., the hamate, capitate, trapezoid and trapezium) are bound together by strong interosseous ligaments that limit motion between them and the metacarpals.21 Therefore, greater movement exists at the midcarpal joints than between the individual bones of the two rows of the intercarpal joints. The close packed position of these joints is extension with ulnar deviation, and the resting position is neutral or slight flexion with ulnar deviation.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Dorsal view



Short dorsal ligaments of distal row

Scaphotrapezial ligament


Trapezium Scaphoid Radial collateral ligament Dorsal radiocarpal ligament Radius


Dorsal intercarpal ligament Ulnar collateral ligament Articular disc


Palmar view Capitotriquetral ligament Transverse carpal ligament (cut) Hamate Lunotriquetral ligament

Ulnocarpal complex

Ulnar collateral ligament Palmar ulnocarpal ligament Articular disc

Short palmar ligaments of distal row Trapezoid Capitate Transverse carpal ligament (cut) Lunate Radial collateral ligament Scaphoid Radiocapitate Radiolunate




Palmar radiocarpal ligament


Fig. 7.4  Ligaments of the wrist. (A) Dorsal aspect of the right wrist. (B) Palmar aspect of the right wrist. The transverse carpal ligament has been cut and reflected to show the underlying ligaments. (Redrawn from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, CV Mosby, pp 178–179.)

Midcarpal Joints Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

Longitudinal arch

Proximal transverse arch

Neutral or slight flexion with ulnar deviation Extension with ulnar deviation Equal limitation of flexion and extension (works with radiocarpal joints)

The proximal transverse arch (Fig. 7.5) that forms the carpal tunnel is formed by the distal row of carpal bones. In this relatively rigid arch, the capitate bone acts as a central keystone structure.25 At the thumb, the carpometacarpal joint is a sellar joint that has 3° of freedom, whereas the second to fifth carpometacarpal joints are plane joints.26 The capsular pattern of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is

Transverse arches

Distal transverse metatarsal arch

Fig. 7.5  Longitudinal and transverse arches of the hand (lateral view).

abduction most limited, followed by extension. The resting position is midway between abduction and adduction and midway between flexion and extension. The close packed position of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is full opposition. For the second to fifth carpometacarpal

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Dorsal-ulnar view of the index finger’s MCP joint (metacarpal removed) Extensor digitorum and indicis Radial collateral ligaments First dorsal interosseus Palmar plate First lumbrical

Terminal tendon of extensor mechanism

Dorsal hood Ulnar collateral ligaments Second palmar interosseus

Deep transverse Flexor digital metacarpal ligament and superficialis sheath (A1 pulley)

Flexor digitorum profundus

Fibrous digital sheath Oblique retinacular ligament Central band Lateral band

Oblique fibers Distal attachment of extensor pollicis longus Insertion of abductor pollicis brevis Adductor pollicis

Transverse fibers

Dorsal hood

First lumbrical Extensor digitorum First dorsal interosseus

Opponens pollicis Extensor pollicis brevis

Extensor pollicis longus

Abductor pollicis longus

Fig. 7.6  A lateral view of the muscles, tendons, and extensor mechanism of the right hand. The illustration in the box highlights the anatomy associated with the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger. MCP, Metacarpophalangeal. (From Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, ed 2, St Louis, 2010, CV Mosby, p 269.)

joints, the capsular pattern of restriction is equal limitation in all directions. The bones of these joints are held together by dorsal and palmar ligaments. In addition, the thumb articulation has a strong lateral ligament extending from the lateral side of the trapezium to the radial side of the base of the first metacarpal, and the medial four articulations have an interosseous ligament similar to that found in the carpal articulation. Carpometacarpal Joints Resting position:

Thumb, midway between abduction and adduction, and midway between flexion and extension Fingers, midway between flexion and extension Close packed position: Thumb, full opposition Fingers, full flexion Capsular pattern: Thumb, abduction, extension Fingers, equal limitation in all directions

The carpometacarpal articulations of the fingers allow only gliding movement. The second and third carpometacarpal joints tend to be relatively immobile and are the primary “stabilizing” joints of the hand, whereas the fourth and fifth joints are more mobile to allow the hand to adapt

to different shaped objects during grasping. The carpometacarpal articulation of the thumb is unique in that it allows flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, and circumduction. It is able to do this because the articulation is saddle shaped. Because of the many movements possible at this joint, the thumb is able to adopt any position relative to the palmar aspect of the hand.26 The plane intermetacarpal joints have only a small amount of gliding movement between them and do not include the thumb articulation. They are bound together by palmar, dorsal, and interosseous ligaments. The metacarpophalangeal joints are condyloid joints. The collateral ligaments of these joints are tight on flexion and relaxed on extension. These articulations are also bound by palmar ligaments and deep transverse metacarpal ligaments. The dorsal or extensor hood (Fig. 7.6) reinforces the dorsal aspect of the metacarpophalangeal joints while volar or palmar plates reinforce the palmar aspect (see Fig. 7.6).3 The flexor tendons and finger annular pulleys are key anatomical structures for the complex grasping function of the hand.27 The pulleys orient the force of the flexor tendons and convert linear translation into rotation at the interphalangeal joints and prevent bowstringing.27 Each joint has 2° of freedom. The first metacarpophalangeal joint has 3° of freedom, thus facilitating the movement of the carpometacarpal joint of the

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand 14o









Fig. 7.7  Alignment of the fingers. (A) Normal physiological alignment. (B) Oblique flexion of the last four digits. Only the index ray flexes toward the median axis. When the last four digits are flexed separately at the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints, their axes converge toward the scaphoid tubercle. (Redrawn from Tubiana R: The hand, Philadelphia, 1981, WB Saunders, p 22.)

thumb.26 The close packed position of the first metacarpophalangeal joint is maximum opposition, and the close packed position for the second through the fifth metacarpophalangeal joints is maximum flexion.28 The resting position of the metacarpophalangeal joints is slight flexion, whereas the capsular pattern is more limitation of flexion than extension. Metacarpophalangeal Joints Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

Slight flexion Thumb, full opposition Fingers, full flexion Flexion, extension

The distal transverse arch (see Fig. 7.5) passes through the metacarpophalangeal joints and has greater mobility than the proximal transverse arch, allowing the hand to form or fit around different objects. The second and third metacarpophalangeal joints form the stable portion of the arch while the fourth and fifth metacarpophalangeal joints form the mobile portion (see Fig. 7.39).25 The longitudinal arch follows the more rigid portion of the hand running from the carpals to the carpometacarpal joints providing longitudinal stability to the hand. The second and third metacarpophalangeal joints are the keystone to both the distal transverse arch and the distal longitudinal arch.25

The interphalangeal joints are uniaxial hinge joints, each having 1° of freedom (flexion and extension). The close packed position of the proximal interphalangeal joints and distal interphalangeal joints is full extension; the resting position is slight flexion. The capsular pattern of these joints in flexion is more limited than extension. The bones of these joints are bound together by a fibrous capsule and by the palmar and collateral ligaments. During flexion, there is some rotation in these joints so that the pulp of the fingers faces more fully the pulp of the thumb. If the metacarpophalangeal joints and the proximal interphalangeal joints of the fingers are flexed, they converge toward the scaphoid tubercle (Fig. 7.7). This is sometimes referred to as a cascade sign. If one or more fingers do not converge, it usually indicates trauma (e.g., fracture) to the digits that has altered their normal alignment. Interphalangeal Joints Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

Slight flexion Full extension Flexion, extension

Patient History The assessment of the forearm, wrist, and hand often takes longer than that of other joints of the body because of the importance of the hand to everyday function and

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand POSTERIOR (DORSAL) • 1st CMC joint arthritis • STT joint arthritis • Radial styloid arthritis • De Quervain’s tenosynovitis • Intersection syndrome • Wartenberg syndrome • ECRL/ECRB tendinitis • Scapholunate instability • RSC instability • Extensor carpi radialis tendonitis


• Lunotriquetral instability • DRUJ osteoarthritis • DRUJ instability • ECU tendonitis • ECU instability


• Midcarpal instability • Scapholunate dysfunction • Keinbock ′s disease • SLAC wrist • Carpal tunnel syndrome • Ganglion • Wrist osteoarthritis • Wartenberg syndrome • Median nerve neuropathy

• 1st CMC joint arthritis • FCR tendinitis • Scaphoid fracture/non-union • Carpal tunnel syndrome • CMC instability • CMC arthritis • Intersection syndrome


• FCU tendonitis • Ulna nerve compression (Guyon's canal) • Pisotriquetral arthritis • TFCC tear • Ulnocarpal abutment/impact syndrome • Fracture hook of hamate

ANTERIOR (VOLAR) pain.29–31

Fig. 7.8  Wrist pathology listed by site of CMC, Carpometacarpal; DRUJ, distal radioulnar joint; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; FCR, flexor carpi radialis; FCU, flexor carpi ulnaris; RSC, radioscapulocapitate; SLAC, scapholunate advanced collapse; STT, scaphotrapezial trapezoid; TFCC, triangular fibrocartilage complex. (Modified from Newton AW, Hawkes DH, Bhalaik V: Clinical examination of the wrist, Orthop Trauma 31(4):237–247, 2017.)

because of the many structures and joints involved (Fig. 7.8). Palpation of the various bones and their overlying tendons and ligaments can play a significant role in differentiating which structures are at fault. To properly examine the forearm, wrist, and hand, the examiner should face the patient across a table so that the examiner can talk, observe and move the joints and the structures being assessed while watching the patient’s reactions to the movements. This position also allows the patient to rest his or her elbow and arm on the examining table during the assessment.31 In addition to the questions listed under the “Patient History” section in Chapter 1, the examiner should obtain the following information from the patient: 1.  What is the patient’s age? Certain conditions are more likely to occur at different ages. For example, arthritic changes are most commonly seen in patients who are older than 40 years of age.32 Kienbock’s disease is more likely to be seen in males between 20 and 40 years of age.5 2.  What is the patient’s occupation? Have there been any increased physical demands on the wrist? Certain occupations are more likely to affect the wrist and hand. For example, typists are more likely to suffer repetitive strain injuries, and automobile mechanics are more likely to suffer traumatic injuries. 3.  What was the mechanism of injury?32,33 For example, a FOOSH injury may lead to a lunate dislocation,

Colles fracture, scaphoid fracture, injury to the TFCC, or extension of the fingers may cause dislocation of the fingers. Which side of the hand did the patient fall on? Flexion and supination injuries usually affect the radial side of the wrist while extension and pronation injuries affect the ulnar side of the wrist.34 A rotational force applied to the wrist or near it may lead to a Galeazzi fracture, which is a fracture of the radius and dislocation of the distal end of the ulna. Compressive overload of the ulnar head onto the lunate and triquetrum can lead to ulnocarpal impaction causing pain when the arm is pronated (e.g., pushing a shopping cart).5 If the wrist is in extension and ulnar deviation, impaction at the thenar eminence forces the hand into supination as the forearm pronates injuring the scapholunate interosseous ligament resulting in instability or fracture (Fig. 7.9).35 This mechanism is seen in gymnastics in which the physis may close prematurely or hypertrophic posterior carpal synovitis may occur due to overuse.35 Racquet sports, golf, baseball, and tennis can lead to a fracture of the hook of hamate (Fig. 7.10; also see Fig. 7.176), which, like the scaphoid, may not heal.9 Hypothenar hammer syndrome is a vascular injury to the ulnar artery due to repetitive blunt trauma to the hypothenar eminence (i.e., using the palm as a hammer!). The TFCC may be injured from repetitive load bearing and rotational

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Force Force



Fig. 7.9  The position of the hand on the forearm at the time of impact load (FOOSH injury) determines the location of tension forces. (A) Impaction on thenar eminence. (B) Impaction on hypothenar eminence. FOOSH, Fall on out­stretched hand.


* Fig. 7.10  Location of the hook of the hamate (*) relative to end of a baseball bat.

stresses (i.e., hyperpronation).6,9 Skier’s or gamekeeper’s thumb involves injury to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) between the first metacarpal and the proximal phalanx of the thumb (Fig. 7.11).36–39 4.  What tasks is the patient able or unable to perform? For example, is there any problem with buttoning, dressing, tying shoelaces, or any other everyday activity? This type of question gives an indication of the patient’s functional limitations. Although normal actual ROM is greater than that usually needed for normal functional activity, functionally at the wrist, the patient should have about 40° flexion, 40° extension, 15° radial deviation and 20° ulnar deviation.34

Fig. 7.11  Mechanism of injury resulting in a skier’s thumb (also called gamekeeper’s thumb or tear of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb). The ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint is disrupted by an abduction force. (From Dugan SA, Abreu Sosa SM: Ulnar collateral ligament sprain. In Frontera WR, Silver JK, Rizzo TD, editors: Essentials of physical medicine and rehabilitation, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2019, Elsevier. Reprinted from Mellion MB: Office sports medicine, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1996, Hanley & Belfus, p 228.)

Normal Functional Wrist Movement For normal functional wrist movement, an individual should have: • 40° flexion • 40° extension • 15° radial deviation • 20° ulnar deviation

5.  When did the injury or onset occur, and how long has the patient been incapacitated? These questions are not necessarily the same; for instance, a burn may occur at a certain time, but incapacity may not occur until hypertrophic scarring appears. The wrist is commonly injured by weight bearing (e.g., gymnastics), by rotational stress combined with ulnar deviation (e.g., hitting a racquet), by twisting, and by impact loading (FOOSH injury).33,40

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Distal PIP skin crease Distal palmar skin crease

No-man’s land

Fig. 7.12  Surgical “no-­man’s land” (palmar view). PIP, Proximal interphalangeal.

6.  Which hand is the patient’s dominant hand? The dominant hand is more likely to be injured, and the functional loss, at least initially, is greater. 7.  Has the patient injured the forearm, wrist, or hand previously? Was it the same type of injury? Was the mechanism of injury the same? If so, how was it treated? 8.  Which part of the forearm, wrist, or hand is injured? If the flexor tendons (which are round, have synovial sheaths, and have a longer excursion than the extensor tendons) are injured, they respond much more slowly to treatment than do extensor tendons (which are flat or ovoid). Within the hand, there is a surgical “no-man’s land” (Fig. 7.12), which is a region between the distal palmar crease and the midportion of the middle phalanx of the fingers. Damage to the flexor tendons in this area requires surgical repair and usually lead to the formation of adhesive bands that restrict gliding. In addition, the tendons may become ischemic, being replaced by scar tissue. Because of this, the prognosis after surgery in this area is poor. 9.  Does pain or abnormal sensation (e.g., tingling, pins and needles) predominate? In the hand and fingers, the examiner must take the time to differentiate exactly where the symptoms are to differentiate peripheral nerve neuropathy, nerve root symptoms, and other painful localized conditions.41,42 What does the patient do if symptoms are worse? In the case of a nerve injury, certain fingers may be affected by different peripheral nerves causing part of the hand to “go to sleep” (i.e., tingling and numbness). To relieve the numbness, the patient often shakes or flicks the wrist and hand several times. This has been called the flick sign.43,44 In older patients, insidious onset

Fig. 7.13  Clamp sign for scaphoid injury.

of symptoms in the hand may be coming from the cervical spine.34 10. Where is it painful? The patient may describe a large or small area which may indicate injury to a specific structure or several structures. For example, if the patient grasps the scaphoid anteriorly and posteriorly (the clamp sign) (Fig. 7.13), saying that is where the pain is, the examiner might suspect a scaphoid fracture, avascular necrosis of the scaphoid, or injury to the scapholunate joint or ligaments.34 

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand




While observing the patient and viewing the forearms, wrists, and hands from both the anterior and posterior aspects, the examiner should note the patient’s willingness and ability to use the hand doing activities such as removing a jacket, opening a door, weight-bearing on armrests while sitting down or standing up, taking something out of a pocket, and writing.5 In some cases, a hand diagram (Fig. 7.14), that can be completed by the patient and/or the examiner, can be used to delineate different signs and symptoms with markings or colors which may help with the diagnosis.45,46 For example, with carpal tunnel syndrome, a Katz scoring system of hand diagrams may sometimes be used for a diagnosis.45–47 Normally, when the hand is in the resting position and the wrist is in the normal position, the fingers are progressively more flexed as one moves from the radial side of the hand to the ulnar side. Loss of this normal attitude may be caused by pathology affecting the hand, such as a lacerated tendon, or by a contracture, such as Dupuytren contracture. The bone and soft-­tissue contours of the forearm, wrist, and hand should be compared for both upper limbs, and any deviation should be noted. For example, excessive prominence of the distal ulna (Fig. 7.15) compared to the other side may indicate disruption of the DRUJ. The cosmetic appearance of the hand is very important to some patients. The examiner should note the patient’s reaction to the appearance of the hand and be prepared to provide a cosmetic evaluation. This evaluation should always be included with the more important functional assessment. The posture of the hand at rest often demonstrates common deformities. Are the normal skin creases present? Skin creases occur because of movement at the various joints. The examiner should note any muscle wasting on the thenar eminence (median nerve), first dorsal interosseous muscle (C7 nerve root), or hypothenar eminence (ulnar nerve) that may be indicative of peripheral nerve or nerve root injury. Any localized swellings (e.g., ganglion) that are seen on the dorsum of the hand should be recorded (Fig. 7.16).48 In the wrist and hand, effusion and synovial thickening are most evident on the dorsal and radial aspects. Swelling of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints is most obvious on the dorsal aspect. The dominant hand tends to be larger than the nondominant hand. If the patient has an area on the fingers that lacks sensation, this area is avoided when the patient lifts or identifies objects, and the patient uses another finger instead with normal sensitivity. Therefore, the examiner should watch for abnormal or different patterns of movement, which may indicate adaptations or modifications necessitated by the presence of pathology. Any vasomotor, sudomotor, pilomotor, and trophic changes should be recorded. These changes may be






Symptoms 1: ache 6: pain/numb/tingle 2: burn 7: stiff 3: loss of colour 8: swelling 4: numb/tingle 9: scar 10: other 5: pain Fig. 7.14 Hand symptom diagram. (Modified from Bonauto DK, Silverstein B, Fan ZJ, et al: Evaluation of a symptom diagram for identifying carpal tunnel syndrome, Occup Med 58(8):561–566, 2008.)

Fig. 7.15  Prominence of the distal ulna (arrow), indicating distal radioulnar joint disruption. (From Skirven TM, Osterman AL, Fedorczyk J, Amadio PC: Rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity, ed 6, St Louis, 2011, Elsevier.)

Fig. 7.16  Ganglion or small cystic swelling on the dorsum of the right hand just distal to the wrist joint.

indicative of a peripheral nerve injury, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, Raynaud disease, or reflex neurovascular syndromes (also called complex regional pain syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia,

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

TABLE  7.1

Budapest Diagnostic Criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome50–52 1. Continuing pain, which is disproportionate to any inciting event 2. Must report at least one symptom in three of the four following categories: • S ensory: reports of hyperesthesia (excessive skin sensitivity) and/or allodynia (central pain sensitization) • V  asomotor (affects blood vessels): reports of temperature asymmetry and/or skin color changes and/or skin color asymmetry • S udomotor (affects sweat glands) or edema: reports of edema and/or sweating changes and/or sweating asymmetry • M  otor or trophic (changes in soft tissue due to interruption of nerve supply leading to accumulation of fibrous tissue): reports of decreased range of motion and/or motor dysfunction (weakness, tremor, dystonia [repetitive muscle contractions or fixed postures]) and/or trophic changes (hair, nail, skin) 3. Must display at least one sign at time of evaluation in two or more of the following categories: • S ensory: evidence of hyperalgesia (enhanced pain response) (to pinprick) and/or allodynia (to light touch and/or deep somatic pressure and/or joint movement) • V  asomotor: evidence of temperature asymmetry and/ or skin color changes and/or asymmetry • S udomotor or edema: evidence of edema and/or sweating changes and/or sweating asymmetry • M  otor or trophic: evidence of decreased range of motion and/or motor dysfunction (weakness, tremor, dystonia) and/or trophic changes (hair, nail, skin) 4. There is no other diagnosis that better explains the signs and symptoms Modified from Harden RN, Bruehl S, Perez RS, et al: Validation of proposed diagnostic criteria (the “Budapest Criteria”) for complex regional pain syndrome, Pain 150(2):268–274, 2010.

shoulder-­hand syndrome, and Sudeck atrophy), which can be initiated by minor trauma, fracture, immobilization, stroke or surgery and is most prevalent in the upper limb.49 The clinical signs and symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome affect the limb involved in a “glove” or “stocking” distribution (see Fig. 7.37), which is different from peripheral nerve distribution and the pain is often out of proportion to the injury. The changes seen in complex regional pain syndrome could include loss of hair on the hand, brittle fingernails, increase or decrease in sweating of the palm, shiny skin, radiographic evidence of osteoporosis, or any difference in temperature between the two limbs. Table 7.1 illustrates the Budapest Diagnostic Criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.51–57



C Fig. 7.17  (A) Bouchard nodes. (B) Heberden nodes. (C) Osteoarthritis of both hands. Note the large swellings of the distal interphalangeal joints (Heberden nodes) associated with some inflammation, and the earlier changes in the proximal interphalangeal joints (Bouchard nodes). (C, From Creamer P, Kidd BL, Conaghan PG: Osteoarthritis and related disorders. In Waldman SD, editor: Pain management, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2011, Elsevier.)

The examiner should note any hypertrophy of the fingers. Hypertrophy of the bone may be seen in Paget disease, neurofibromatosis, or arteriovenous fistula. The examiner should also look for a carpal or metacarpal boss, which is seen with arthritis and is hard swelling on the dorsum (i.e., back) of the hand as a bone spur forms at the base of the carpometacarpal joints of the index and middle finger or over the capitate and trapezoid. It is only of concern if painful and usually is seen in young adults (aged 20 to 40 years).58–60 The presence of Heberden or Bouchard nodes (Fig. 7.17) should be recorded. Heberden nodes appear on the dorsal surface of the distal interphalangeal joints and are associated with osteoarthritis. Bouchard nodes are on the dorsal surface of the proximal interphalangeal joints.61 They are often associated with gastrectasis and osteoarthritis. Skin color changes can give an indication of the state of the vascular system to the hand. Hyperemia may be the result of infection while dry and shiny skin may indicate systemic disease.5,62

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Fig. 7.18  Ulnar drift at the metacarpophalangeal joints especially in the right hand. (From Dall’Era M, Wofsy D: Clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosus. In Firestein GS, Budd RC, Gabriel SE, et al, editors: Kelley and Firestein’s textbook of rheumatology, ed 10, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier.)

Any ulcerations may indicate neurological or circulatory problems. Any alteration in the color of the limb with changes in position may indicate a circulatory problem. The examiner should note any rotational or angulated deformities of the fingers or wrist, which may be indicative of previous fracture. The nail beds are normally parallel to one another. The fingers, when extended, are slightly rotated toward the thumb to aid pinch. Ulnar drift (Fig. 7.18) may be seen in rheumatoid arthritis, owing to the shape of the metacarpophalangeal joints and the pull of the long tendons. The presence of any wounds or scars should be noted because they may indicate recent surgery or past trauma. If wounds are present, are they new or old? Are they healing properly? Is the scar red (new) or white (old)? Is the scar mobile or adherent? Is it normal, hypertrophic, or keloid? Palmar scars may interfere with finger extension. Web space scars or congenital webbing (i.e., syndactyly) may interfere with finger separation and metacarpophalangeal joint flexion. The examiner should take time to observe the fingernails. “Spoon-­shaped” nails (Fig. 7.19) are often the result of fungal infection, anemia, iron deficiency, long-­ term diabetes, local injury, developmental abnormality, chemical irritants, or psoriasis. They may also be a congenital or hereditary trait. “Clubbed” nails (Fig. 7.20) may result from hypertrophy of the underlying soft tissue or respiratory or cardiac problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe emphysema, congenital heart defects, or cor pulmonale.62 Table 7.2 shows other pathological processes that may affect the fingernails.

Common Hand and Finger Deformities Ape Hand Deformity.   Wasting of the thenar eminence of the hand occurs as a result of a median nerve palsy, and the thumb falls back in line with the fingers as a result of


Fig. 7.19  Spoon-­shaped nails.


B Fig. 7.20  Nail clubbing. (A) Close-­up side view of clubbing on the right in comparison to normal on the left. (B) Dorsal view. (A, From Zipes DB, Libby P, Bonow RO, Braunwald E: Braunwald’s heart disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2005, Saunders; B, From Avidan AY, Kryger M: Physical examination in sleep medicine. In Kryger M, Roth T, Dement WC, editors: Principles and practice of sleep medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier. Courtesy Dr. Meir H. Kryger.)

the pull of the extensor muscles. The patient is also unable to oppose or flex the thumb (Fig. 7.21).  Bishop’s Hand or Benediction Hand Deformity (Duchene’s Sign).  Wasting of the hypothenar muscles of the hand, the interossei muscles, and the two medial lumbrical muscles occurs because of ulnar nerve palsy (Fig. 7.22). There is hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joint and flexion of the interphalangeal joints.63,64 If the wrist flexes with metacarpophalangeal extension when the extrinsic

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TABLE  7.2


Glossary of Nail Pathology Condition



Beau lines

Transverse lines or ridges marking repeated disturbances of nail growth

Systemic diseases, toxic or nutritional deficiency states of many types, trauma (from manicuring)

Defluvium unguium (onychomadesis)

Complete loss of nails

Certain systemic diseases, such as scarlet fever, syphilis, leprosy, alopecia areata, exfoliative dermatitis

Diffusion of lunula unguis

“Spreading” of lunula

Dystrophies of the extremities

Eggshell nails

Nail plate thin, semitransparent bluish-­ white with a tendency to curve upward at the distal edge


Fragilitas unguium

Friable or brittle nails

Dietary deficiency, local trauma


Nails very soft, split easily

Following contact with strong alkalis; endocrine disturbances, malnutrition, syphilis, chronic arthritis

Hippocratic nails

“Watch-­glass nails” associated with “drumstick fingers”

Chronic respiratory and circulatory diseases, especially pulmonary tuberculosis; hepatic cirrhosis


“Spoon nails”—nails are concave on the outer surface

Dysendocrinisms (acromegaly), trauma, dermatoses, syphilis, nutritional deficiencies, hypothyroidism


White spots or striations or rarely the whole nail may turn white (congenial type)

Local trauma, hepatic cirrhosis, nutritional deficiencies, and many systemic diseases

Mees’ lines

Transverse white bands

Hodgkin’s granuloma, arsenic and thallium toxicity, high fevers, local nutritional derangement

Moniliasis of nails

Infections (usually paronychial) caused by yeast forms (Candida albicans)

Occupational (common in food-­handlers, dentists, dishwashers, and gardeners)


Atrophy or failure of development of nails

Trauma, infection, dysendocrinism, gonadal aplasia, and many systemic disorders


Nail plate is greatly thickened

Mild persistent trauma, systemic diseases, such as peripheral stasis, peripheral neuritis, syphilis, leprosy, hemiplegia; or at times may be congenital


Inflammation of the nail matrix causing deformity of the nail plate

Trauma, infection, many systemic diseases


Any deformity of the nail plate, nail bed, or nail matrix

Many diseases, trauma, or chemical agents (poisoning, allergy)


“Claw nails”—extreme degree of hypertrophy, sometimes with horny projections arising from the nail surface

May be congenital or related to many chronic systemic diseases (see Onychauxis)


Loosening of the nail plate beginning at the distal or free edge

Trauma, injury by chemical agents, many systemic diseases


Shedding of all the nails (defluvium unguium)

Dermatoses, such as exfoliative dermatitis, alopecia areata, psoriasis, eczema, nail infection, severe systemic diseases, arsenic poisoning


Nail biting



Longitudinal ridging and splitting of the nails

Dermatoses, nail infections, many systemic diseases, senility, injury by chemical agents, hyperthyroidism


Lamination and scaling away of nails in thin layers

Dermatoses, syphilis, injury by chemical agents


Alteration of the nail structures caused by persistent neurotic picking of the nails



Extreme thickening of all the nails; the nails are more solid and more regular than in onychogryphosis Thinning of the nail fold and spreading of the cuticle over the nail plate

Usually congenital and associated with hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles

Pterygium unguis

Associated with vasospastic conditions, such as Raynaud phenomenon and occasionally with hypothyroidism

From Berry TJ: The hand as mirror systemic disease, Philadelphia, 1963, FA Davis. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Fig. 7.21  Ape hand deformity. Rupture

Fig. 7.23  Boutonnière deformity. Note the flexion deformity at the proximal interphalangeal joint.

Fig. 7.22  Bishop’s hand or benediction hand deformity.

Fig. 7.24  Claw fingers (intrinsic minus hand). Fingers are hyperextended at the metacarpophalangeal joints and flexed at the interphalangeal joints.

extensors contract, it is a positive sign called the André-­ Thomas sign.64  Boutonnière Deformity.  Extension of the metacarpophalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints and flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint (primary deformity) are seen with this deformity. The deformity is the result of a rupture of the central tendinous slip of the extensor hood and is most common after trauma or in rheumatoid arthritis (Fig. 7.23). Carpal (Carpometacarpal) Bossing.  This deformity is an overgrowth of hard bone on the posterior aspect of the hand where the index and/or middle finger meets the trapezoid and capitate bones.59,60 It is an indication of arthritis and can be seen on x-­ray. Unless it causes pain, it is usually left alone.  Claw Fingers.  This deformity results from the loss of intrinsic muscle action and the overaction of the extrinsic (long) extensor muscles on the proximal phalanx of the fingers. The metacarpophalangeal joints are hyperextended, and the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints are flexed (Fig. 7.24). If intrinsic function is lost, the hand is called an intrinsic minus hand. The normal cupping of

the hand is lost, both the longitudinal and the transverse arches of the hand (see Fig. 7.5) disappear, and there is intrinsic muscle wasting. The deformity is most often caused by a combined median and ulnar nerve palsy. If there is flattening of the dorsal transverse metatarsal arch (see Fig. 7.5) and the hand appears flattened, it is called Masse’s sign and is the result of hypothenar muscle paralysis.63,64  Dinner Fork Deformity.  This deformity is seen with a malunion distal radial fracture (Colles fracture) with the distal radial fragment angulated posteriorly (Fig. 7.25).  Drop-­Wrist Deformity.  The extensor muscles of the wrist are paralyzed as a result of a radial nerve palsy, and the wrist and fingers cannot be actively extended by the patient (Fig. 7.26).  Dupuytren Contracture/Disease.   This progressive disease of genetic origin results in contracture of the palmar fascia.65 There is a fixed flexion deformity of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints (Fig. 7.27). Dupuytren contracture is usually seen in the ring or little finger, and the skin is often adherent to the fascia. It affects men more often than women and is usually seen in the 50-­ to 70-­year-­old age group.66 

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Fig. 7.25 Displaced distal radial fracture with a classic “silver fork” or “dinner fork” deformity. Note the pronation and dorsal angulation of the hand on the forearm. (From Green JB, Deveikas C, Ranger HE, et al: Hand, wrist, and digit injuries. In Magee DJ, Zachazewski JE, Quillen WS, Manske RC, editors: Pathology and intervention in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, ed 2, St. Louis, 2016, Elsevier.)

Fig. 7.27  Dupuytren’s contracture.

A Force

Fig. 7.26  Drop-­wrist deformity.

Extensor Plus Deformity. This deformity is caused by adhesions or shortening of the extensor communis tendon proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint. It results in the inability of the patient to simultaneously flex the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints, although they may be flexed individually. Mallet Finger.67  A mallet finger deformity is the result of a rupture or avulsion of the extensor tendon where it inserts into the distal phalanx of the finger. The distal phalanx rests in a flexed position (Fig. 7.28).  Myelopathy Hand.  This deformity is a dysfunction of the hand caused by cervical spinal cord pathology in conjunction with cervical spondylosis. The patient shows an inability to extend and adduct the ring and little finger and sometimes the middle finger, especially rapidly, despite

B Fig. 7.28  Mallet finger. (A) Patient actively attempting to extend distal phalanx. (B) Mechanism of injury. Tendon is ruptured or avulsed from bone. (A, from Kreger VC, Canders CP: A man who is unable to extend his middle finger, Visual J Emerg Med 7:40–41, 2017.)

good function of the wrist, thumb, and index finger. In addition, the patient shows an exaggerated triceps reflex and positive pathological reflexes (e.g., Hoffman reflex).68  Pitres-­Testus Sign.  The Pitres-­Testus sign is evident when the patient is asked to shape the hand in the form of a cone (modified cylinder grasp) and cannot do so because of loss of hypothenar muscles due to ulnar nerve neuropathy.64  Polydactyly and Triphalangism.  Polydactyly is a congenital anomaly characterized by the presence of more than the normal number of fingers or, in the case of the foot, toes (Fig. 7.29A). Triphalangism implies there are three phalanges instead of the normal two as would be seen in the thumb.69 

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand




Tendon sheath Tendon


C Fig. 7.29  (A) Polydactyly. (From Kay SP, McCombe DB, Kozin SH: Deformities of the hand and fingers. In Wolfe SW, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC, et al, editors: Green’s operative hand surgery, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier. Courtesy Shriners Hospital for Children, Philadelphia.) (B) Syndactyly. (From Hovius SER, van Nieuwenhoven CA: Congenital hand IV: syndactyly, synostosis, polydactyly, camptodactyly, and clinodactyly. In Chang J, Neligan PC, editors: Plastic surgery: Volume 6: hand and upper extremity, ed 2, St. Louis, 2018, Elsevier.) (C) Trigger finger. (From Silverstein JA, Moeller JL, Hutchinson MR: Common issues in orthopedics. In Rakel RE, Radel DP, editors: Textbook of family medicine, ed 9, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.)

Prominent Ulnar Head.58  A prominent ulnar head may indicate DRUJ pathology (e.g., posterior dislocation), ulnar side carpal pathology (e.g., subluxation and pronation of ulnar carpals), or TFCC pathology (see Fig. 7.15). In rheumatoid arthritis, this is known as ulnar caput syndrome. If there is no pathology present, it tends to occur in wrists where there is radial shortening with no tilt and is common in congenital ulnar plus wrists.58  Shoulder Sign of the Thumb.  Subluxation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb may occur in arthritis and

if the subluxation is more than 2 to 3 mm, there will be a slight step at the joint. The step is sometimes called the “shoulder sign” (Fig. 7.30).34,70 If axial loading is applied through the first carpometacarpal joint, pain and crepitus may be felt.70  Swan Neck Deformity.  This deformity usually involves only the fingers. There is flexion of the metacarpophalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints, but the real deformity is extension of the proximal interphalangeal joint. The condition is a result of contracture of the intrinsic

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand



Fig. 7.30  First carpometacarpal arthritis. (A) Radial subluxation of the base of the first metacarpal giving the “shoulder sign” (arrow). (B) Anteroposterior radiograph of the same hand. (From Young D, Papp S, Giachino A: Physical examination of the wrist, Hand Clin 26(1):21–36, 2010.)

Fig. 7.31  Swan neck deformity. Note the hyperextension at the proximal interphalangeal joint.

muscles or tearing of the volar plate and is often seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or following trauma (Fig. 7.31).  Syndactyly.  This deformity is a congenital condition in which some fingers (or toes in the feet) are wholly or partially united, joined, or webbed (Fig. 7.29B).70 In the hand, if present, webbing is most common between the ring and middle finger (57%); ring and little finger (27%); index and middle finger (14%); and thumb and index finger (3%).71  Trigger Finger.72  Also known as digital tenovaginitis stenosans, this deformity is the result of a thickening of the flexor tendon sheath (Notta’s nodule), which causes sticking of the tendon when the patient attempts to flex the finger (Fig. 7.29C). A low-­grade inflammation of the proximal fold of the flexor tendon leads to swelling and constriction (stenosis) in the digital flexor tendon. When the patient attempts to flex the finger, the tendon sticks, and the finger “let’s go,” often with

a snap. As the condition worsens, eventually the finger will flex but not let go, and it will have to be passively extended until finally a fixed flexion deformity occurs. The condition is more likely to occur in middle-­aged women, whereas “trigger thumb” with a flexion deformity of the interphalangeal joint is more common in young children.73 The condition usually occurs in the third or fourth finger. In adults, it is most often associated with rheumatoid arthritis and tends to be worse in the morning.  Ulnar Drift.  This deformity, which is commonly seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis but can occur with other conditions, results in ulnar deviation of the digits because of weakening of the capsuloligamentous structures of the metacarpophalangeal joints and the accompanying “bowstring” effect of the extensor communis tendons (see Fig. 7.18).  Ulnar Variance.  The relationship of the distal articular surface of the ulna to the articular surface of the radius. It is positive if the ulna is more distal than the radius. It is negative (i.e., ulnar negative) if the ulna is shorter than the articular surface of the radius. It can be measured clinically with the shoulder abducted to 90°, elbow flexed to 90°, forearm in neutral and wrist and hand in neutral. The examiner then puts his or her nail beds at 90° to the long axis of the patient’s forearm with one nail bed against the radial styloid and one against the ulnar styloid (Fig. 7.32). The level of the two landmarks gives a measure of clinical ulnar variance (measured from the styloid) as opposed to true ulnar variance (referenced from the ulnar head on x-­ray).70 Neutral ulnar variance means the articular surfaces of the radius and ulna are equal. It becomes more positive in pronation and during power grips. It decreases in supination. If it is negative, greater loads pass through the radius. It is more common to measure ulnar variance on x-­ray if the examiner thinks the variance is not normal (see Fig. 7.142). 

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand




Fig. 7.32  Clinical ulnar variance. (A) Right wrist with normal clinical ulnar variance. (B) Left wrist with increased clinical ulnar variance after distal radius malunion (shortening). (From Young D, Papp S, Giachino A: Physical examination of the wrist, Hand Clin 26(1):21–36, 2010.)

Taut flexor pollicis longus

Extensor pollicis longus

Overstretched palmar plate at the metacarpophalangeal joint

Ruptured ligaments Dislocated carpometacarpal joint Fig. 7.33  Palmar view showing the pathomechanics of a common zigzag deformity of the thumb caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The thumb metacarpal dislocates laterally at the carpometacarpal joint, causing hyperextension at the metacarpophalangeal joint. The interphalangeal joint remains partially flexed owing to the passive tension in the stretched and taut flexor pollicis longus. Note that the “bowstringing” of the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus across the metacarpophalangeal joint creates a large extensor moment arm, thereby magnifying the mechanics of the deformity. (From Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, CV Mosby, p 237.)

Zigzag Deformity of the Thumb.  The thumb is flexed at the carpometacarpal joint and hyperextended at the metacarpophalangeal joint (Fig. 7.33). The deformity is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. A “Z” deformity is due to hypermobility and may be familial (Fig. 7.34). 

Fig. 7.34  “Z” deformity of the thumb.

Other Physical Findings The hand is the terminal part of the upper limb. Many pathological conditions manifest themselves in this structure and may lead the examiner to suspect pathological conditions elsewhere in the body. It is important for the examiner to take the time to view the hands when assessing any joint, especially if an abnormal pattern is presented or the history gives an indication that more than one joint may be involved. For example, if a patient presents with insidious neck pain and demonstrates nail changes that indicate psoriasis, the examiner should consider the possibility of psoriatic arthritis affecting the cervical spine as well as the hand. Some conditions involving the hand include the following: 1. Generalized or continued body exposure to radiation produces brittle nails, longitudinal nail ridges, skin keratosis (thickening), and ulceration. 2.  The Plummer-­ Vinson syndrome produces spoon-­ shaped nails (see Fig. 7.19). This condition is a dysphagia with atrophy in the mouth, pharynx, and upper esophagus. 3. Psoriasis may cause scaling, deformity, and fragmentation and detachment of the nails. Psoriasis may lead to psoriatic arthritis affecting spinal and peripheral joints. 4. Hyperthyroidism produces nail atrophy and ridging with warm, moist hands.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Fig. 7.37  “Opera glove anesthesia,” showing area of abnormal sensation.

Fig. 7.35  Beau lines.

Fig. 7.38 Deformity seen with Volkmann ischemic contracture. Note clawed fingers. Fig. 7.36  “Pill rolling hand,” seen in Parkinson disease.

5. Vasospastic conditions produce a thin nail fold and pterygium (abnormal extension) of the cuticle. 6. Trauma to the nail bed, toxic radiation, acute illness, prolonged fever, avitaminosis, and chronic alcoholism produce transverse lines, or Beau lines, in the nails (Fig. 7.35). 7. Many arterial diseases produce a lack of linear growth with thick, dark nails. 8. Lues (syphilis) produces a hypertrophic overgrowth of the nail plate. The nails break and crumple easily. 9. Chronic respiratory disorders produce clubbing of the nails (see Fig. 7.20). 10.  Subacute bacterial endocarditis may produce Osler nodes, which are small, tender nodes in the finger pads. 11. Congenital heart disease may produce cyanosis and nail clubbing. 12. Neurocirculatory aesthesia (loss of strength and energy) produces cold, damp hands. 13.  Parkinson disease produces a typical hand tremor known as “pill rolling hand” (Fig. 7.36). 14. Causalgic states produce a painful, swollen, hot hand. 15. “Opera glove” anesthesia is seen in hysteria, leprosy, diabetes, or complex regional pain syndrome. It is a condition in which there is numbness from the elbow to the fingers (Fig. 7.37). 16. Raynaud disease produces a cold, mottled, painful hand. It is an idiopathic vascular disorder

characterized by intermittent attacks of pallor and cyanosis of the extremities brought on by cold or emotion. 17. Rheumatoid arthritis produces a warm, wet hand as well as joint swelling, dislocations or subluxations, and ulnar deviation or drift of the wrist (see Fig. 7.18). 18. The deformed hand of Volkmann ischemic contracture is one that is very typical for a compartment syndrome after a fracture or dislocation of the elbow (Fig. 7.38).74  

Examination The examination of the forearm, wrist, and hand may be very extensive, or it may be limited to one or two joints, depending on the area and degree of injury. Regardless, because of its functional importance, the examiner must take extra care when examining this area. Not only must clinical limitations be determined, but functional limitations brought on by trauma, nerve injuries, or other factors must be carefully considered to have an appropriate outcome functionally, cosmetically, and clinically. Because there are so many joints, bones, muscles, and ligaments involved, the examiner must develop a working knowledge of all of these tissues and how they interact with one another. The examiner should remember that adduction of the hand (ulnar deviation) is greater

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Outline of Physical Findings of the Hand I. Variations in size and shape of hand A. Large, blunt fingers (spade hand) 1. Acromegaly 2. Hurler’s disease (gargoylism) B. Gross irregularity of shape and size 1. Paget disease of bone 2. Maffucci’s syndrome 3. Neurofibromatosis C. Spider fingers, slender palm (arachnodactyly) 1. Hypopituitarism 2. Eunuchism 3. Ehlers-­Danlos syndrome, pseudoxanthoma elasticum 4. Tuberculosis 5. Asthenic habitus 6. Osteogenesis imperfecta D. Sausage-­shaped phalanges 1. Rickets (beading of joints) 2. Granulomatous dactylitis (tuberculosis, syphilis) E. Spindliform joints (fingers) 1. Early rheumatoid arthritis 2. Systemic lupus erythematosus 3. Psoriasis 4. Rubella 5. Boeck’s sarcoidosis 6. Osteoarthritis F. Cone-­shaped fingers 1. Pituitary obesity 2. Fröhlich’s dystrophy G. Unilateral enlargement of hand 1. Arteriovenous aneurysm 2. Maffucci’s syndrome H. Square, dry hands 1. Cretinism 2. Myxedema I. Single, widened, flattened distal phalanx 1. Sarcoidosis J. Shortened fourth and fifth metacarpals (bradymetacarpalism) 1. Pseudohypoparathyroidism 2. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism K. Shortened, incurved fifth finger (symptom of Du Bois) 1. Mongolism 2. “Behavioral problem” 3. Gargoylism (broad, short, thick-­skinned hand) L. Malposition and abduction, fifth finger 1. Turner’s syndrome (gonadal dysgenesis, webbed neck, etc.) M. Syndactylism 1. Congenital malformations of the heart, great vessels 2. Multiple congenital deformities 3. Laurence-­Moon-­Biedl syndrome 4. In normal individuals as an inherited trait N. Clubbed fingers 1. Subacute bacterial endocarditis 2. Pulmonary causes a. Tuberculosis b. Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula c. Pulmonic abscess d. Pulmonic cysts


e. Bullous emphysema f. Pulmonary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy g. Bronchogenic carcinoma 3. Alveolocapillary block a. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis b. Sarcoidosis c. Beryllium poisoning d. Sclerodermatous lung e. Asbestosis f. Miliary tuberculosis g. Alveolar cell carcinoma 4. Cardiovascular causes a. Patent ductus arteriosus b. Tetralogy of Fallot c. Taussig-­Bing complex d. Pulmonic stenosis e. Ventricular septal defect 5. Diarrheal states a. Ulcerative colitis b. Tuberculous enteritis c. Sprue d. Amebic dysentery e. Bacillary dysentery f. Parasitic infestation (gastrointestinal tract) 6. Hepatic cirrhosis 7. Myxedema 8. Polycythemia 9. Chronic urinary tract infections (upper and lower) a. Chronic nephritis 10. Hyperparathyroidism (telescopy of distal phalanx) 11. Pachydermoperiostosis (syndrome of Touraine, Solente, and Golé) O. Joint disturbances 1. Arthritides a. Osteoarthritis b. Rheumatoid arthritis c. Systemic lupus erythematosus d. Gout e. Psoriasis f. Sarcoidosis g. Endocrinopathy (acromegaly) h. Rheumatic fever i. Reiter’s syndrome j. Dermatomyositis 2. Anaphylactic reaction-­serum sickness 3. Scleroderma II. Edema of the hand A. Cardiac disease (congestive heart failure) B. Hepatic disease C. Renal disease 1. Nephritis 2. Nephrosis D. Hemiplegic hand E. Syringomyelia F. Superior vena caval syndrome 1. Superior thoracic outlet tumor 2. Mediastinal tumor or inflammation 3. Pulmonary apex tumor 4. Aneurysm


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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Outline of Physical Findings of the Hand—cont’d G. Generalized anasarca, hypoproteinemia

      H. Postoperative lymphedema (radical breast amputation)

I. Ischemic paralysis (cold, blue, swollen, numb) J. Lymphatic obstruction 1. Lymphomatous masses in axilla K. Axillary mass 1. Metastatic tumor, abscess, leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease L. Aneurysm of ascending or transverse aorta, or of axillary artery M. Pressure on innominate or subclavian vessels N. Raynaud disease O. Myositis P. Cervical rib Q. Trichiniasis R. Scalenus anterior syndrome III. Neuromuscular effects A. Atrophy 1. Painless a. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis b. Charcot-­Marie-­Tooth peroneal atrophy c. Syringomyelia (loss of heat, cold, and pain sensation) d. Neural leprosy 2. Painful a. Peripheral nerve disease 1. Radial nerve (wrist drop) a. Lead poisoning, alcoholism, polyneuritis, trauma b. Diphtheria, polyarteritis, neurosyphilis, anterior poliomyelitis 2. Ulnar nerve (benediction palsy) a. Polyneuritis, trauma 3. Median nerve (claw hand) a. Carpal tunnel syndrome 1. Rheumatoid arthritis 2. Tenosynovitis at wrist 3. Amyloidosis 4. Gout 5. Plasmacytoma 6. Anaphylactic reaction 7. Menopause syndrome 8. Myxedema B. Extrinsic pressure on the nerve (cervical, axillary, supraclavicular, or brachial) 1. Pancoast tumor (pulmonary apex) 2. Aneurysms of subclavian arteries, axillary vessels, or thoracic aorta 3. Costoclavicular syndrome 4. Superior thoracic outlet syndrome 5. Cervical rib 6. Degenerative arthritis of cervical spine 7. Herniation of cervical intervertebral disc C. Shoulder-­hand syndrome 1. Myocardial infarction 2. Pancoast tumor 3. Brain tumor 4. Intrathoracic neoplasms 5. Discogenetic disease

6. Cervical spondylosis 7. Febrile panniculitis 8. Senility 9. Vascular occlusion 10. Hemiplegia 11. Osteoarthritis 12. Herpes zoster D. Ischemic contractures (sensory loss in fingers) 1. Tight plaster cast applications E. Polyarteritis nodosa F. Polyneuritis 1. Carcinoma of lung 2. Hodgkin’s disease 3. Pregnancy 4. Gastric carcinoma 5. Reticuloses 6. Diabetes mellitus 7. Chemical neuritis a. Antimony, benzene, bismuth, carbon tetrachloride, heavy metals, alcohol, arsenic, lead, gold, emetine 8. Ischemic neuropathy 9. Vitamin B deficiency 10. Atheromata 11. Arteriosclerosis 12. Embolic G. Carpodigital (carpopedal spasm) tetany 1. Hypoparathyroidism 2. Hyperventilation 3. Uremia 4. Nephritis 5. Nephrosis 6. Rickets 7. Sprue 8. Malabsorption syndrome 9. Pregnancy 10. Lactation 11. Osteomalacia 12. Protracted vomiting 13. Pyloric obstruction 14. Alkali poisoning 15. Chemical toxicity a. Morphine, lead, alcohol H. Tremor 1. Parkinsonism 2. Familial disorder 3. Hypoglycemia 4. Hyperthyroidism 5. Wilson’s disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) 6. Anxiety 7. Ataxia 8. Athetosis 9. Alcoholism, narcotic addiction 10. Multiple sclerosis 11. Chorea (Sydenham’s, Huntington’s)

Modified from Berry TJ: The hand as a mirror of systemic disease, Philadelphia, 1963, FA Davis.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


A tm i


Fig. 7.39  Palmar view of hand, showing stable segment (stippled areas).



B than abduction (radial deviation) because of shortness of the ulnar styloid process. Supination of the forearm is stronger than pronation, whereas abduction has a greater ROM in supination than pronation. Adduction and abduction ROM is minimal when the wrist is fully extended or flexed. Both flexion and extension at the fingers are maximal when the wrist is in a neutral position (not abducted or adducted); flexion and extension of the wrist are minimal when the wrist is in pronation. The wrist and hand have both a fixed (stable) and a mobile segment. The fixed segment consists of the distal row of carpal bones (trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate) and the second and third metacarpals. This is the stable segment of the wrist and hand (Fig. 7.39), and movement between these bones is less than that between the bones of the mobile segment. This arrangement allows stability without rigidity, enables the hand to move more discretely and with suppleness, and enhances the function of the thumb and fingers when they are used for power and/or precision grip. The mobile segment is made up of the five phalanges and the first, fourth, and fifth metacarpal bones. The functional position of the wrist is extension to between 20° and 35° with ulnar deviation of 10° to 15°.28 This position, sometimes called the position of rest, minimizes the restraining action of the long extensor tendons and allows complete flexion of the finger; thus, the greatest power of grip occurs when the wrist is in this position (Fig. 7.40). In this position, the pulps of the index finger and thumb come into contact to facilitate thumb-­finger action. The position of wrist immobilization (Fig. 7.41) is further extension than is seen in the position of rest with the metacarpophalangeal joints more flexed and the

Fig. 7.40  Position of function of the hand. (A) Normal view. (B) The hand is in the position of function. Notice in particular that a very small amount of motion in the thumb and fingers is useful motion in that it can be used in pinch and grasp. Notice the close relation of the tendons to bone. The flexor tendons are held close to bone by a pulley-­like thickening of the flexor sheath as represented schematically. With the hand in this position, intrinsic and extrinsic musculature is in balance, and all muscles are acting within their physiological resting length. ab, Abductor pollicis brevis; ad, adductor pollicis brevis; APL, abductor pollicis longus; EDC, extensor digitorum communis; EPB, extensor pollicis brevis; EPL, extensor pollicis longus; FDP, flexor digitorum profundus; FDS, flexor digitorum sublimis; FPL, flexor pollicis longus; i, interossei; l, lumbrical; tm, transverse metacarpal ligament. (B, Redrawn from O’Donoghue DH: Treatment of injuries to athletes, Philadelphia, 1984, WB Saunders, p 287.)

interphalangeal joints extended. In this way, when the joints are immobilized, the potential for contracture is kept to a minimum. During extension at the wrist (Fig. 7.42), most of the movement occurs in the radiocarpal joint (approximately 40°) and less occurs in the midcarpal joint (approximately 20°).26 The motion of extension is accompanied by slight radial deviation and pronation of the forearm. During wrist flexion (see Fig. 7.42), most of the movement occurs in the midcarpal joint (approximately 40°) and less occurs in the radiocarpal joint (approximately 30°).26 This movement is accompanied by slight ulnar deviation and supination of the forearm. Radial deviation occurs primarily between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones (0° to 20°) with the proximal row moving toward the ulna and the distal row moving radially. Ulnar deviation occurs primarily at the radiocarpal joint (0° to 37°).28

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand



Fig. 7.43  Axis or reference position of the hand. The middle finger provides a central reference from which the other fingers abduct and adduct.

Fig. 7.41  Position of immobilization. 30 40% 40 60%



20 33.5% 40 66.5% Fig. 7.42  During flexion of the wrist, the motion is more midcarpal and less radiocarpal. During extension of the wrist, the motion is more radiocarpal and less midcarpal. (Modified from Sarrafian SK, Melamed JL, Goshgarian GM: Study of wrist motion in flexion and extension, Clin Orthop 126:156, 1977.)

Active Movements Active movements are sometimes referred to as physiological movements. If there is pathology to only one area of the hand or wrist, only that area needs to be assessed, provided the examiner is satisfied that the pathology is not affecting or has not affected the function of the other areas of the forearm, wrist, and hand. For example, if the patient has suffered a FOOSH injury to the wrist, the examiner spends most of the examination looking at the wrist. However, because positioning of the wrist can affect the function of the rest of the hand and forearm, the examiner must determine the functional effect of

the injury to these other areas. If the injury is chronic, adaptive changes may have occurred in adjacent joints. In addition, when asking the patient to do specific movements, the examiner should watch for any compensatory movements. For example, if the patient is asked to maximally supinate the forearm, the patient may inadvertently laterally rotate the shoulder in an attempt to increase supination range.34 Examination is accomplished with the patient in the sitting position. As always, the most painful movements are done last. When the examiner is determining the movements of the hand, the middle finger is considered to be midline (Fig. 7.43). Wrist flexion decreases as the fingers are flexed just as finger flexion decreases as the wrist flexes, and movements of flexion and extension are limited, usually by the antagonistic muscles and ligaments. In addition, pathology to structures other than the joint may restrict ROM (e.g., muscle spasm, tight ligaments/capsules). If the examiner suspects these structures, passive movement end feels will help differentiate the problem. The patient should actively perform the various movements. Initially, the active movements of the forearm, wrist, and hand may be performed in a “scanning” fashion by having the patient make a fist and then open the hand wide. As the patient does these two movements, the examiner notes any restrictions, deviations, or pain. Depending on the results, the examiner can then do a detailed examination of the affected joints. This detailed examination is initiated by selection of the appropriate active movements to be performed, keeping in mind the effect one joint can have on others. Active pronation and supination of the forearm and wrist are approximately 85° to 90°, although there is variability between individuals and it is more important to compare the movement with that of the normal side. Approximately 75° of supination or pronation occurs in the forearm articulations. The remaining 15° is the result of wrist action. Full pronation and full supination will tighten the anterior or posterior parts of the TFCC respectively and stabilize the DRUJ.58 If full pronation or supination is not attainable, the stabilizers at the distal ulna may be affected.58 If the patient complains of pain on supination, the examiner can differentiate between the DRUJ and the radiocarpal joints by passively supinating

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

the radius on the ulna with no stress on the radiocarpal joint. If this passive movement is painful, the problem is in the DRUJ, not the radiocarpal joints. The normal end feel of both movements is tissue stretch, although in thin patients the end feel of pronation may be bone-­to-­bone. Active Movements of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

P ronation of the forearm (85°–90°) Supination of the forearm (85°–90°) Wrist abduction or radial deviation (15°) Wrist adduction or ulnar deviation (30°–45°) Wrist flexion (80°–90°) Wrist extension (70°–90°) Finger flexion (MCP, 85°–90°; PIP, 100°–115°; DIP, 80°–90°) Finger extension (MCP, 30°–45°; PIP, 0°; DIP, 20°) Finger abduction (20°–30°) Finger adduction (0°) Thumb flexion (CMC, 45°–50°; MCP, 50°–55°; IP, 85°–90°) Thumb extension (MCP, 0°; IP, 0°–5°) Thumb abduction (60°–70°) Thumb adduction (30°) Opposition of little finger and thumb (tip-­to-­tip) Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained positions (if necessary)

CMC, Carpometacarpal; DIP, distal interphalangeal; IP, interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; PIP, proximal interphalangeal.

Radial and ulnar deviations of the wrist are 15° and 30° to 45°, respectively. The normal end feel of these movements is bone to bone. Wrist flexion is 80° to 90°; wrist extension is 70° to 90°. The end feel of each movement is tissue stretch. Midcarpal instability may be evident on ulnar deviation. Normally, with radial deviation, the proximal carpal row flexes and the scaphoid moves out of the way to allow the trapezoid and trapezium to move in a radial direction. With ulnar deviation, the proximal row of carpals extends, the triquetrum moves out of the way and the hamate moves in an ulnar direction. These movements allow the distance between the capitate and radius to remain constant.24 If there is midcarpal instability as the wrist is taken into ulnar deviation, the proximal row of carpals stays flexed longer and then audibly snaps or clunks into dorsiflexion (known as a “catch up clunk”).16,75,76 Instability at the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints involving groups of bones may be called carpal instability nondissociative (CIND). If there is instability of one bone relative to the other bones in the same row, it may be called carpal instability dissociative (CID).77 Pain in the forearm, about 4 cm (1.5 inches) above the wrist may indicate intersection syndrome, which results in pain, swelling, and crepitus on the radial side of the arm where the muscle bodies of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis cross over the tendons of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis.5,29,78


Flexion of the fingers occurs at the metacarpophalangeal joints (85° to 90°), followed by the proximal interphalangeal joints (100° to 115°) and the distal interphalangeal joints (80° to 90°). This sequence enables the hand to grasp large and small objects. Extension occurs at the metacarpophalangeal joints (30° to 45°), the proximal interphalangeal joints (0°), and the distal interphalangeal joints (20°). Hyperextension at the proximal interphalangeal joints can lead to a swan neck deformity. This hyperextension is usually prevented by the volar plates.3 The end feel of finger flexion and extension is tissue stretch. Finger abduction occurs at the metacarpophalangeal joints (20° to 30°); the end feel is tissue stretch. Finger adduction (0°) occurs at the same joint. The digits are medially deviated slightly in relation to the metacarpal bones (see Fig. 7.7). When the fingers are flexed, they should point toward the scaphoid tubercle; this is known as the Cascade sign. In addition, the metacarpals are at an angle to each other. These positions increase the dexterity of the hand and oblique flexion of the medial four digits but contribute to deformities (e.g., ulnar drift) in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Thumb flexion occurs at the carpometacarpal joint (45° to 50°), the metacarpophalangeal joint (50° to 55°), and the interphalangeal joint (80° to 90°). It is associated with medial rotation of the thumb as a result of the saddle shape of the carpometacarpal joint. Extension of the thumb occurs at the interphalangeal joint (0° to 5°); it is associated with lateral rotation. Flexion and extension take place in a plane parallel to the palm of the hand. Thumb abduction is 60° to 70°; thumb adduction is 30°. These movements occur in a plane at right angles to the flexion– extension plane.28 The thumb is controlled by three nerves, a situation that is unique among the digits. The radial nerve controls extension and opening of the thumb as it does for the other digits. The ulnar nerve controls adduction, produces closure of pinch, and gives power to the grip; the median nerve controls flexion and opposition, producing precision with any grip. 3 The intrinsic muscles are stronger than the extrinsic muscles of the thumb; the opposite is true for the fingers.3 If the history has indicated that combined or repetitive movements and/or sustained postures have resulted in symptoms, these movements should also be tested. For example, the dart throwing action (i.e., supination– radial deviation–extension [Fig. 7.44A] to pronation– ulnar deviation–flexion [Fig. 7.44B]) is a motion that the scaphotrapezial trapezoid joint complex is stressed in the first position and the ulnotriquetral joints are stressed in the second position.31 The examiner must be aware that active movements may be affected because of neurological as well as contractile tissue problems. For example, the median nerve is sometimes compressed as it passes through the carpal tunnel (Fig.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand



Fig. 7.44  The dart throwing movement. (A) Start: supination–radial deviation–extension. (B) End: pronation–ulnar deviation–flexion.

Hamate Carpal tunnel


Trapezoid Flexor pollicis longus Trapezium Flexor carpi radialis

Ulnar nerve Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis

Median nerve

Fig. 7.45  Cross section of the wrist showing the carpal tunnel.

7.45), affecting its motor and sensory distribution in the hand and fingers. The condition is referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome. If the examiner asks the patient to squeeze the thumb and little finger together, normally a “dimple” appears on the side of the hypothenar eminence (Fig. 7.46). If the deep branch of the ulnar nerve in the hand has been injured, the dimple (which is caused by contraction of the palmaris brevis) will not appear due to palmaris brevis paralysis. This is called the palmaris brevis sign. Similarly, patients have an inability to flex the distal phalanx of the little finger if ulnar neuropathy is present. This is sometimes called the fingernail sign.64 If the patient does not have full active ROM and it is difficult to measure ROM because of swelling, pain, or contracture, the examiner can use a ruler or tape measure to record the distance from the fingertip to one of the palmar creases (Fig. 7.47).79 This measurement provides baseline data for any effect of treatment. It is important to note on the chart which crease was used in the measurement. The majority of functional activities of the hand require that the fingers and thumb to open at least 5 cm (2 inches), and the fingers should be able to flex within 1 to 2 cm (0.4 to 0.8 inch) of the distal palmar crease.80 

Fig. 7.46  A “dimple” appears on the side of the hypothenar eminence when squeezing the thumb and little finger together.

Passive Movements If, when watching the patient perform the active movements, the examiner believes the ROM is full, overpressure can be gently applied to test the end feel of the joint in each direction. If the movement is not full, for example, the patient cannot lay the hand flat on a flat surface or cannot put the hands palm to palm as in “saying his or her prayers,” passive movements must be carefully performed by the examiner to test the end feel. Normally the end feel between bones is tissue stretch while a more springy end feel indicates soft tissue obstruction or carpal malalignment while a hard end feel is more related to arthritis.5 If there is limitation of wrist flexion with

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand




Fig. 7.47  A, Gross flexion is measured as the distance between fingertips and proximal palmar crease. B, Gross extension is measured as the distance between fingertips and dorsal plane.

a springy end feel, the examiner should evaluate the scapulolunate interval (see Fig. 7.158). If the scapulolunate joint is unstable, the lunate will extend posteriorly and slides anteriorly which decreases the space in the carpal tunnel. This posteriorly facing lunate is referred to as dorsal intercalated segment instability (DISI).5 If left untreated, the capitate will become wedged between the scaphoid and lunate. If passive extension is limited, the problem is probably on the ulnar side of the wrist and the lunotriquetral interval may be affected and the lunotriquetral ligament injured. In this case, the injury may progress to a volar (anterior) intercalated segmental instability (VISI). Passive Movements of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand and Normal End Feel • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

P ronation (tissue stretch) Supination (tissue stretch) Radial deviation (bone-­to-­bone) Ulnar deviation (bone-­to-­bone) Wrist flexion (tissue stretch) Wrist extension (tissue stretch) Finger flexion (tissue stretch) Finger extension (tissue stretch) Finger abduction (tissue stretch) Thumb flexion (tissue stretch) Thumb extension (tissue stretch) Thumb abduction (tissue stretch) Thumb adduction (tissue approximation) Opposition (tissue stretch)

The examiner should palpate for movement between the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum. Normally when the scaphoid moves anteriorly, the triquetrum moves posteriorly.5 At the same time, the examiner must watch for the presence of a capsular pattern. The passive movements are the same as the active movements, and the examiner must remember to test each individual joint.

The capsular pattern of the DRUJ is full ROM with pain at the extremes of supination and pronation. At the wrist, the capsular pattern is equal limitation of flexion and extension. At the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints, the capsular pattern is flexion more limited than extension. At the trapeziometacarpal joint of the thumb, the capsular pattern is abduction more limited than extension. In some cases, the examiner may want to test the length of the long extensor and flexor muscles of the wrist (Fig. 7.48). If the length of the muscles is normal, the passive range on testing is full and the end feel is the normal joint tissue stretch. If the muscles are tight, the end feel is muscle stretch, which is not as “stretchy” as tissue or capsular stretch, and the ROM is restricted. To test the length of the long wrist extensors, the patient is placed in supine lying with the elbow extended. The examiner passively flexes the fingers and then flexes the wrist.81 If the muscles are tight, wrist flexion is restricted. To test the length of the long wrist flexors, the patient is placed in supine lying with the elbow extended. The examiner passively extends the fingers and then extends the wrist.81 If the muscles are tight, wrist extension is limited. Conjunct rotation can be tested by folding and fanning the hand (Fig. 7.49). To do this, the examiner holds the scaphoid and trapezium with the index and middle finger of one hand and the pisiform and hamate of the other hand while the capitate is held with the thumbs on the dorsum of the hand. The examiner then folds and fans the hand feeling the passive movement.82 

Resisted Isometric Movements As with the active movements, the resisted isometric movements to the forearm, wrist, and hand are done with the patient in the sitting position. Not all resisted isometric movements need to be tested, but the examiner must keep in mind that the actions of the fingers and thumb and the wrist are controlled by extrinsic muscles (wrist, fingers, thumb) and intrinsic muscles (fingers, thumb), so injury

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

affecting these structures requires testing of the appropriate muscles. The movements must be isometric and must be performed in the neutral position (Figs. 7.50 and 7.51). For example, if resisted isometric radial abduction of the thumb causes pain on the ulnar side of the wrist, the pain may be due to tendinitis of the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (i.e., extensor carpi ulnaris synergy test) as it acts with flexor carpi ulnaris to synergistically stabilize the wrist.34 If the history has indicated that concentric, eccentric, or econcentric movements have caused symptoms, these different types of resisted movement should be tested, but only after the movements have been tested isometrically. For example, resisted supination with pain in the anatomical snuff box may indicate a scaphoid fracture.83 Table 7.3 shows the muscles (Fig. 7.52; see Fig. 6.18) and their actions for differentiation during resisted isometric testing. If measured by test instruments, the strength ratio of wrist extensors to wrist flexors is approximately 50%, whereas the strength ratio of ulnar deviators to radial deviators is approximately 80%. The greatest torque is produced by the wrist flexors, followed by the radial deviators, ulnar deviators, and finally the wrist extensors.84


Resisted Isometric Movements of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

B Fig. 7.48  Testing the length of the long extensor (A) and flexor (B) muscles of the wrist.


P ronation of the forearm Supination of the forearm Wrist abduction (radial deviation) Wrist adduction (ulnar deviation) Wrist flexion Wrist extension Finger flexion Finger extension Finger abduction Finger adduction Thumb flexion Thumb extension Thumb abduction Thumb adduction Opposition of the little finger and thumb

B Fig. 7.49  (A) Fanning of the hand. (B) Folding of the hand.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand



B Fig. 7.50  Resisted isometric movements of the wrist. (A) Flexion. (B) Extension.



3 2




ADDUCTION (Ulnar deviation)

7 13 12


15 11

ABDUCTION (Radial deviation)

9 10

EXTENSION Fig. 7.51  Muscles and their actions at the wrist. 1, Flexor carpi ulnaris; 2, flexor digitorum profundus; 3, flexor digitorum superficialis; 4, palmaris longus; 5, flexor carpi radialis; 6, abductor pollicis longus; 7, extensor pollicis brevis; 8, extensor carpi radialis longus; 9, extensor carpi radialis brevis; 10, extensor pollicis longus; 11, extensor digitorum; 12, extensor digiti minimi; 13, extensor carpi ulnaris; 14, flexor pollicis longus; 15, extensor indices.


Muscles of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand: Their Actions, Nerve Supply, and Nerve Root Derivation Action Supination of forearm Pronation of forearm

Extension of wrist

Flexion of wrist

Ulnar deviation of wrist Radial deviation of wrist

Muscles Acting 1. Supinator 2. Biceps brachii 1. Pronator quadratus 2. Pronator teres 3. Flexor carpi radialis 1. Extensor carpi radialis longus 2. Extensor carpi radialis brevis 3. Extensor carpi ulnaris 1. Flexor carpi radialis 2. Flexor carpi ulnaris 3. Palmaris longusa 1. Flexor carpi ulnaris 2. Extensor carpi ulnaris 1. Flexor carpi radialis 2. Extensor carpi radialis longus 3. Abductor pollicis longus 4. Extensor pollicis brevis

Nerve Supply Posterior interosseous (radial) Musculocutaneous Anterior interosseous (median) Median Median Radial Posterior interosseous (radial) Posterior interosseous (radial) Median Ulnar Median Ulnar Posterior interosseous (radial) Median Radial Posterior interosseous (radial) Posterior interosseous (radial)

Nerve Root Deviation C5, C6 C5, C6 C8, T1 C6, C7 C6, C7 C6, C7 C7, C8 C7, C8 C6, C7 C7, C8 C6, C7 C7, C8 C7, C8 C6, C7 C6, C7 C7, C8 C7, C8

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Muscles of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand: Their Actions, Nerve Supply, and Nerve Root Derivation—cont’d Action

Muscles Acting

Nerve Supply

Nerve Root Deviation

Extension of fingers

1. Extensor digitorum communis 2. Extensor indices (second finger) 3. Extensor digiti minimi (little finger) 1. Flexor digitorum profundus

Posterior interosseous (radial) Posterior interosseous (radial) Posterior interosseous (radial) Anterior interosseous (median) Anterior interosseous (median): lateral two digits Ulnar: medial two digits Median First and second: median; third and fourth: ulnar (deep terminal branch) Ulnar (deep terminal branch) Ulnar (deep terminal branch) Ulnar (deep terminal branch) Ulnar (deep terminal branch)

C7, C8 C7, C8 C7, C8 C8, T1 C8, T1

Ulnar (deep terminal branch)

C8, T1

Posterior interosseous (radial) Posterior interosseous (radial) Posterior interosseous (radial) Superficial head: median (lateral terminal branch) Deep head: ulnar Anterior interosseous (median) Median (lateral terminal branch) Posterior interosseous (radial) Median (lateral terminal branch) Ulnar (deep terminal branch) Median (lateral terminal branch Superficial head: median (lateral terminal branch) Median (lateral terminal branch) Ulnar (deep terminal branch)

C7, C8 C7, C8 C7, C8 C8, T1

Flexion of fingers

2. Flexor digitorum superficialis 3. Lumbricals

Abduction of fingers (with fingers extended) Adduction of fingers (with fingers extended) Extension of thumb

Flexion of thumb

Abduction of thumb Adduction of thumb Opposition of thumb and little finger

4. Interossei 5. Flexor digiti minimi (little finger) 1. Dorsal interossei 2. Abductor digiti minimi (little finger) 1. Palmar (dorsal) interossei 1. Extensor pollicis longus 2. Extensor pollicis brevis 3. Abductor pollicis longus 1. Flexor pollicis brevis

2. Flexor pollicis longus 3. Opponens pollicis 1. Abductor pollicis longus 2. Abductor pollicis brevis 1. Adductor pollicis 1. Opponens pollicis 2. Flexor pollicis brevis 3. Abductor pollicis brevis 4. Opponens digiti minimi


C8, T1 C7, C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1

C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C7, C8 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1 C8, T1

in 87% of limbs.34

Functional Assessment (Grip) Having completed the basic movement testing of active, passive, and resisted isometric movements, the examiner then assesses the patient’s functional active movements. Functionally, the thumb is the most important digit. Because of its relation with the other digits, its mobility, and the force it can bring to bear, its loss can affect hand function greatly. The index finger is the second most important digit because of its musculature, its strength, and its interaction with the thumb. Its loss greatly affects lateral and pulp-­to-­pulp pinch and power grip. In flexion,

the middle finger is strongest, and it is important for both precision and power grips. The ring finger has the least functional role in the hand. The little finger, because of its peripheral position, greatly enhances power grip, affects the capacity of the hand, and holds objects against the hypothenar eminence.3 In terms of functional impairment, the loss of thumb function affects about 40% to 50% of hand function. The loss of index finger function accounts for about 20% of hand function; the middle finger, about 20%; the ring finger, about 10%; and the little finger, about 10%. Loss of the hand accounts for about 90% loss of upper limb function.85

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Flexor digitorum profundus tendon Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon (cut) Fibrous digital sheath of head Lumbrical muscles Adductor pollicis

Common flexor sheath Opponens digiti minimi Hypothenar eminence

Flexor pollicis brevis

Flexor digiti minimi brevis

Opponens pollicis

Abductor digiti minimi

Adductor pollicis Thenar eminence

Abductor pollicis brevis

Flexor retinaculum

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Palmaris longus (not always present)

Palmar fascia Palmaris brevis


Palmar carpal ligament Palmaris longus (not always present)

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Pronator quadratus

Flexor digitorum superficialis

B Flexor pollicis longus

Second palmar interosseous

Flexor carpi radialis

Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

Third palmar interosseous Fourth palmar interosseous

C Fig. 7.52  Muscles of the hand. (A) Thenar and hypothenar eminences. (B) Superficial anterior (palmar) muscles. (C) Palmar interossei.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon (cut)

Attached to dorsal hood

Flexor digitorum profundus tendon Flexor pollicis longus tendon

Third and fourth lumbricals (bipennate)

First and second lumbricals (unipennate)

Flexor retinaculum

Dorsal aponeurosis (Dorsal hood): lateral tracts

Dorsal aponeurosis (Dorsal hood): medial tracts First dorsal interosseous

Abductor pollicis

D Intertendinous connections Extensor digiti minimi Abductor digiti minimi

Extensor pollicis longus Abductor pollicis longus Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon Tendons of palmar interossei

Extensor digitorum communis tendons

Extensor retinaculum Extensor pollicis brevis

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Abductor pollicis longus


Extensor digiti minimi

Second dorsal interosseous First dorsal interosseous

Tendons of lumbricals Third dorsal interosseous Fourth dorsal interosseous

F Fig. 7.52, cont’d  (D) Lumbricals. (E) Muscles of the posterior (dorsal) hand. (F) Deep posterior muscles. Note: For forearm muscles, see Fig. 6.18.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand




deviation and 15° of ulnar deviation.86–89 Normally, the wrist is held in slight extension (10° to 15°) and slight ulnar deviation and is stabilized in this position to provide maximum function for the fingers and thumb. Excessive radial deviation, like ulnar drift of the fingers, can affect grip strength adversely.90 Functional flexion at the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints is approximately 60°. Functional flexion at the distal interphalangeal joint is approximately 40°. For the thumb, functional flexion at the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints is approximately 20°.80 Within these ROMs, the hand is able to perform most of its grip28,91 and other functional activities. Stages of Grip



1. Opening of the hand, which requires the simultaneous action of the intrinsic muscles of the hand and the long extensor muscles 2. Positioning and closing of the fingers and thumb to grasp the object and adapt to the object’s shape, which involves intrinsic and extrinsic flexor and opposition muscles 3. Exerted force, which varies depending on the weight, surface characteristics, fragility, and use of the object, again involving the extrinsic and intrinsic flexor and opposition muscles 4. Release, in which the hand opens to let go of the object, involving the same muscles as for opening of the hand

Estimated Use of Grips for Activities of Daily Living91,93,94



Fig. 7.53  Parts of a functional wrist and hand scan. (A) Standard fist (power grip). (B) Hook grasp fist. (C) Straight fist. (D) Pulp-­to-­ pulp pinch. (E) Tip-­to-­tip pinch. (F) Lumbrical grip.

• • • • • • • •

20% Pulp-­to-­pulp pinch: T hree-­lateral pinch: Five-­finger pinch: Fist grip: Cylinder grip: Three-­fingered (thumb, index finger, middle finger) pinch: Spherical grip: Hook grip:

20% 20% 15% 15% 14% 10% 4% 2%

Functional Wrist and Hand Scan • • • • • • •

 rist flexion and extension W Wrist ulnar and radial deviation Making a standard fist Making a hook grasp Making a straight fist Pulp-­to-­pulp thumb to all fingers pinch Tip-­to-­tip thumb to all fingers pinch

Hand function can be quickly assessed by performing a number of movements to test overall function of the wrist and hand (functional hand and wrist scan) (Fig. 7.53). Although the wrist, hand, and finger joints have the ability to move through a relatively large ROM, most functional daily tasks do not require full ROM. The optimum functional ROM at the wrist is approximately 10° flexion to 35° extension along with 10° of radial

The thumb, although not always used in gripping, adds another important dimension when it is used. It gives stability and helps control the direction in which the object moves. Both of these factors are necessary for precision movements. The thumb also increases the power of a grip by acting as a buttress, resisting the pressure of an object held between it and the fingers. The nerve distribution and the functions of the digits also present interesting patterns. Flexion and sensation of the ulnar digits are controlled by the ulnar nerve and are more related to power grip. Flexion and sensation of the radial digits are controlled by the median nerve and are more related to precision grip. The muscles of the thumb, often used in both types of grip, are supplied by both nerves. In all cases of gripping, opening of the hand or release of grip depends on the radial nerve.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Power Grip.  A power grip requires firm control and gives greater flexor asymmetry to the hand (Fig. 7.54). During power grip, an example of which is the standard fist grip, the ulnar side of the hand works with the radial side to give stronger stability. The ulnar digits tend to work together to provide support and static control.3,28,91,92 This grip is used whenever strength or force is the primary consideration. With this grip, the digits maintain the object against the palm; the thumb





Fig. 7.54  Types of power grips.


may or may not be involved, and the extrinsic (forearm) muscles are more important. The combined effect of joint position brings the hand into line with the forearm. For a power grip to be formed, the fingers are flexed and the wrist is in ulnar deviation and slightly extended. Examples of power grips include the hook grasp, in which all or the second and third fingers are used as a hook controlled by the forearm flexors and extensors. The hook grasp may involve the interphalangeal joints only or the interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints (the thumb is not involved). In the cylinder grasp, a type of palmar prehension, the thumb is used, and the entire hand wraps around an object. With the fist grasp, or digital palmar prehension, the hand moves around a narrow object. Another type of power grip is the spherical grasp, another type of palmar prehension, in which there is more opposition and the hand moves around the sphere. Crimp grip (Fig. 7.55) is also a power grip, commonly used by climbers, that can result in a rupture of one of the flexor tendons.27  Precision or Prehension Grip.  The precision grip is an activity limited mainly to the metacarpophalangeal joints and involves primarily the radial side of the hand (Fig. 7.56).28,91,92 This grip is used whenever accuracy and precision are required. The radial digits (index and long fingers) provide control by working in concert with the thumb to form a “dynamic tripod” for precision handling.3 With precision grips, the thumb and fingers are used and the palm may or may not be involved; there is pulp-­to-­pulp contact between the thumb and fingers, and


Fig. 7.55  Pulley injuries caused by the crimp grip. (A) The crimp grip is very useful when faced with small flat ledges in the rocks during rock climbing. It consists of a hyperextended distal interphalangeal, flexed proximal interphalangeal, and discrete flexion of the metacarpophalangeal. (B) Sometimes, for additional strength the thumb is locked over the dorsal side of the second finger’s P3. (From Lapegue F, Andre A, Brun C, et al: Traumatic flexor tendon injuries, Diagn Interv Imaging 96:1279–1292, 2015.)

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Tip Pinch (tip-to-tip prehension) Chuck or Three-fingered Pinch (digital prehension)

Lateral or Key Pinch (lateral prehension)

Fig. 7.56  Types of precision grips or pinches.

the thumb opposes the fingers. The intrinsic muscles are more important in precision than in power grips. Thus, if an ulnar or median nerve lesion is suspected, specific questions should focus on activities that are controlled by the intrinsics and ulnar or median nerve (e.g., buttoning buttons, opening bottles, difficulty typing).63 The thumb is essential for precision grips, because it provides stability and control of direction and can act as a buttress, providing power to the grip.3 There are three types of pinch grip. The first is called a three-­point chuck, three-­ fingered, or digital prehension, in which palmar pinch, or subterminal opposition, is achieved. With this grip, there is pulp-­to-­pulp pinch, and opposition of the thumb and fingers is necessary (e.g., holding a pencil). This grip is sometimes called a precision grip with power. The second pinch grip is termed lateral key, pulp-­to-­side pinch, lateral prehension, or subterminolateral opposition. The thumb and lateral side of the index finger come into contact. No opposition is needed. An example of this movement is holding keys or a card. The third pinch grip is called the tip pinch, tip-­to-­tip prehension, or terminal opposition. With this positioning, the tip of the thumb is brought into opposition with the tip of another finger. This pinch is used for activities requiring fine coordination rather than power. 

Testing Grip Strength

When testing grip strength using the grip dynamometer, the examiner should use the five adjustable hand spacings in consecutive order with the patient grasping the dynamometer with maximum force (Fig. 7.57). Both hands are tested alternately, and each force is recorded.95,96 Care must be taken to ensure that the patient does not fatigue. The results normally form a bell curve (Fig. 7.58) with the greatest strength readings at the middle (second and third) spacings and the weakest at the beginning and at the end. There should be a 5% to 10% difference between the dominant and nondominant hands.97 With injury, the

Fig. 7.57  Jamar dynamometer. Arm should be held at the patient’s side with elbow flexed at approximately 90° when grip is measured.

bell curve should still be present, but the force exerted is less. If the patient does not exert maximum force for each test, the typical bell curve will not be produced, nor will the values obtained be consistent. Discrepancies of more than 20% in a test-­retest situation indicate that the patient is not exerting maximal force.96,98 Usually, the mean value of three trials is recorded, and both hands are compared.80 Table 7.4 gives normal values by age group and gender. 

Testing Pinch Strength

The strength of the pinch may be tested with the use of a pinch meter (Fig. 7.59). Average values are given for pulp-­to-­pulp pinch of each finger with the thumb (Table 7.5), lateral prehension (Table 7.6), and pulp-­to-­ pulp pinch (Table 7.7) for different occupational levels. Normally, the mean value of three trials is recorded, and both hands are compared. 

Other Functional Testing Methods

In addition to testing grip and pinch strength, the examiner may want to perform a full functional assessment of the patient.99 eTools 7.1 and 7.2 give examples of functional assessment forms for the hand. These forms are

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand







Kilogromi force

Kilogromi force



60 50 40







10 2





Handle spacing













Handle spacing

Fig. 7.58  (A) The grip strengths of a patient’s uninjured hand (a) and injured hand (b) are plotted. Despite the patient’s decrease in grip strength because of injury, curve b maintains a bell-­shaped pattern and parallels that of the normal hand. These curves are reproducible in repeated examinations with minimal change in values. A great fluctuation in the size of the curve or absence of a bell-­shaped pattern casts doubt on the patient’s compliance with the examination and may indicate malingering. (B) If the patient has an exceptionally large hand, the curve shifts to the right (d); with a very small hand, the curve shifts to the left (c). In both cases, the bell-­shaped pattern is maintained. (Redrawn from Aulicino PL, DuPuy TE: Clinical examination of the hand. In Hunter J, Schneider LH, Mackin EJ, et al, editors: Rehabilitation of the hand: surgery and therapy, St Louis, 1990, CV Mosby, p 45.)

TABLE  7.4

Normal Values by Age Group (Years) and Gender for Combined Right-­and Left-­Hand Grip Strength (kg) AGES 15–19 Excellent

AGES 20–29









AGES 30–39

AGES 40–49

AGES 50–59

AGES 60–69

















Above 103–112 64–70 113–123 65–70 average

113–122 66–72

110–118 65–72

102–109 59–64

93–101 54–59


95–102 59–63 106–112 61–64

105–112 61–65

102–109 59–64





Below average Poor


54–58 97–105






















Modified from Canadian Standardized Test of Fitness: Operations Manual, Ottawa, Fitness and Amateur Sport, Canada, 1986, p 36.

TABLE  7.5

Average Strength of Chuck (Pulp-­to-­Pulp) Pinch with Separate Digits (100 Subjects) PULP-­TO-­PULP PINCH (KG) MALE HAND Digit

Fig. 7.59  Commercial pinch meter to test pinch strength.

















3.8 2.3

3.6 2.2

2.5 1.7

2.4 1.6

From Hunter J, Schneider LH, Mackin EJ, et al, editors: Rehabilitation of the hand: surgery and therapy, St Louis, 1990, CV Mosby, p 115.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand TABLE  7.6

Average Strength of Lateral Prehension Pinch by Occupation (100 Subjects) LATERAL PREHENSION PINCH (KG) MALE HAND Occupation
















Manual Average

8.5 7.5

7.7 7.1

6.0 4.9

5.5 4.7

From Hunter J, Schneider LH, Mackin EJ, et al, editors: Rehabilitation of the hand: surgery and therapy, St Louis, 1990, CV Mosby, p 114.

TABLE  7.7

Average Strength of Chuck (Pulp-­to-­Pulp) Pinch by Occupation (100 Subjects) PULP-­TO-­PULP PINCH (KG) MALE HAND Occupation
















Manual Average

8.5 7.9

7.6 7.5

6.1 5.2

5.6 4.9

From Hunter J, Schneider LH, Mackin EJ, et al, editors: Rehabilitation of the hand: surgery and therapy, St Louis, 1990, CV Mosby, p 114.

not numerical scoring charts, but they do include some functional aspects. Buchanan et al.100 found the most important questions to ask patients with wrist injuries, especially fractures, were questions related to severity of pain, ability to open food packets, cut meat, and perform household chores or usual occupation. Levine et al.101 have developed a severity questionnaire including a functional component to measure severity of symptoms and functional disability for a nerve—in this case, the median nerve in the carpal tunnel (eTool 7.3). Chung et al.102 have developed a very comprehensive hand outcomes questionnaire—the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire—which gives the patient’s evaluation of his or her outcome based on overall hand function, ADLs, pain, work performance, esthetics, and patient satisfaction (eTool 7.4).103 Likewise, Dias et al.104 have developed the Patient Evaluation Measure (PEM) Questionnaire (eTool 7.5).105–107 The Mayo Wrist Score,108 the Disability of Shoulder, Arm, and Hand (DASH)109–111 (see eTool 5.7), and the Patient Rated Wrist and Hand Evaluation Form112 are examples of other useful functional outcome measures.99,110,113,114 Table 7.8 provides a functional testing method. These strength values would be


considered normal for an average population. They would be considered low for an athletic population or for persons in occupations subjecting the forearm, wrist, and hand to high repetitive loads. Functional coordinated movements may be tested by asking the patient to perform simple activities, such as fastening a button, tying a shoelace, or tracing a diagram. Different prehension patterns are used regularly during daily activities.94 These tests may also be graded on a four-­point scale.95 This scale is particularly suitable if the patient has difficulty with one of the subtests, and the subtests can be scale-­graded: • Unable to perform task: 0 • Completes task partially: 1 • Completes task but is slow and clumsy: 2 • Performs task normally: 3 There have also been upper limb physical performance tests developed for athletes including the Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test (CKCUEST)115–118 (eTool 7.6) (see Chapter 5); the two-­ handed shotput; the unilateral seated shotput; the medicine ball throw; the modified push-up; and the one-­arm hop test.116 Although most of these functional tests primarily stress the shoulder, the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand are also stressed by the loaded dynamic movement. As part of the functional assessment, manual dexterity tests may be performed. Many standardized tests have been developed to assess manual dexterity and coordination. If comparison with other subjects is desired, the examiner must ensure that the patient is compared with a similar group of patients in terms of age, disability, and occupation. Each of these tests has its supporters and detractors. Some of the more common tests include the ones that follow. Jebson-­Taylor Hand Function Test.  This easily administered test involves seven functional areas: (1) writing; (2) card turning; (3) picking up small objects; (4) simulated feeding; (5) stacking; (6) picking up large, light objects; and (7) picking up large, heavy objects. The subtests are timed for each limb. This test primarily measures gross coordination, assessing prehension and manipulative skills with functional tests. It does not test bilateral integration.80,119–121 Anyone wishing to perform the test should consult the original article122 for details of administration.  Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test.  This test involves five activities: (1) placing; (2) turning; (3) displacing; (4) one-­hand turning and placing; and (5) two-­hand turning and placing. The activities are timed for both limbs and compared with normal values. The test primarily measures gross coordination and dexterity.80,119,120  Purdue Pegboard Test.  This test measures fine coordination with the use of small pins, washers, and collars. The assessment categories of the test are: (1) right hand; (2) left hand; (3) both hands; (4) right, left, and

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eTool 7.1  Functional assessment form for the hand, designed for evaluation of rheumatoid and arthritic hands. (Modified from Swanson AB: Flexible implant resection arthroplasty in the hand and extremities, St Louis, 1973, CV Mosby.)

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517.e2 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eTool 7.2  Hand Evaluation Record. This form is designed for posttraumatic conditions and other disorders of the hand. (Modified from Swanson AB: Flexible implant resection arthroplasty in the hand and extremities, St Louis, 1973, CV Mosby.)

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eTool 7.3  Carpal tunnel (median nerve) function disability form. (Modified from Levine DW, Simmons BP, Koris MJ, et al: A self-­administered questionnaire for the assessment of severity of symptoms and functional status in carpal tunnel syndrome, J Bone Joint Surg Am 75:1586–1587, 1993.)

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517.e4 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eTool 7.3, cont’d

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand



eTool 7.4  Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire. (From Chung KC, Pillsbury MS, Walter MR, et al: Reliability and validity testing of the Michigan hand outcomes questionnaire, J Hand Surg Am 23:584–587, 1998.)

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517.e6 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eTool 7.4, cont’d

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eTool 7.4, cont’d

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517.e8 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eTool 7.5  The Patient Evaluation Measure (PEM) Questionnaire. (From Dias JJ, Bhowal B, Wildin CJ, et al: Assessing the outcome of disorders of the hands—is the patient evaluation measure reliable, responsive, and without bias? J Bone Joint Surg Br 83:236, 2001.)

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test

Client’s name:

DOB: Date of Injury/surgery:

Clinician: Diagnosis:


In. Wt:


PROCEDURE 1. Subject assumes push-up (male) or modified push-up (female) position. 2. Subject has to move both hands back and forth from each line as many times as possible in 15 s. Lines are 3 ft apart. 3. Count the number of lines touched by both hands. 4. Begin with one submaximal warm-up. Repeat three times and average. 5. Normalize score by the following formula: • Score = Average number of lines touched Height (in.) • Determine power by using following formula (68% body weight = trunk, head, and arms): • Power = 68% weight × Average number of lines touched 15






Touches Score: Power:

NORMATIVE DATA Average number of touches





©2009 Human Kinetics. From M.P. Reimam and R.C. Manske, 2009, Functional Testing in Human Perfomance (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics). From Gundersen Lutheran Sports Medicine, Onalski, WI. © Dr. George Davies.

eTool 7.6  Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test (CKCUEST). (© 2009 Human Kinetics. From Reiman MP, Manske RC: Functional testing in human performance, Champaign, IL, 2009, Human Kinetics. From Gundersen Lutheran Sports Medicine, Onalski, WI. © Dr. George Davies.)

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

TABLE  7.8

Functional Testing of the Wrist and Hand Starting Position


Functional Test

1. Forearm supinated, resting on table

Wrist flexion

Lift 0 lbs: Nonfunctional Lift 1–2 lbs: Functionally poor Lift 3–4 lbs: Functionally fair Lift 5+ lbs: Functional

2. Forearm pronated, resting on table

Wrist extension lifting 1–2 lbs

0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 5+ Repetitions: Functional

3. Forearm between supination and pronation, resting on table

Radial deviation lifting 1–2 lbs

0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 5+ Repetitions: Functional

4. Forearm between supination and pronation, resting on table

Thumb flexion with resistance from rubber banda around thumb

0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 5+ Repetitions: Functional

5. Forearm resting on table, rubber band around thumb and index finger

Thumb extension against resistance of rubber banda

0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 5+ Repetitions: Functional

6. Forearm resting on table, rubber band around thumb and index finger

Thumb abduction against resistance of rubber banda

0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 3–4 Repetitions: Functionally fair 5+ Repetitions: Functional

7. Forearm resting on table

Thumb adduction, lateral pinch of piece of paper

Hold 0 seconds: Nonfunctional Hold 1–2 seconds: Functionally poor Hold 3–4 seconds: Functionally fair Hold 5+ seconds: Functional

8. Forearm resting on table

Thumb opposition, pulp-­to-­pulp pinch of Hold 0 seconds: Nonfunctional piece of paper Hold 1–2 seconds: Functionally poor Hold 3–4 seconds: Functionally fair Hold 5+ seconds: Functional

9. Forearm resting on table

Finger flexion, patient grasps mug or glass using cylindrical grasp and lifts off table

0 Repetitions: Nonfunctional 1–2 Repetitions: Functionally poor 3–4 Repetition: Functionally fair 5+ Repetitions: Functional

10. Forearm resting on table

Patient attempts to put on rubber glove keeping fingers straight

21+ seconds: Nonfunctional 10–20 seconds: Functionally poor 4–8 seconds: Functionally poor 2–4 seconds: Functional

11. Forearm resting on table

Patient attempts to pull fingers apart (finger abduction) against resistance of rubber banda and holds

Hold 0 seconds: Nonfunctional Hold 1–2 seconds: Functionally poor Hold 3–4 seconds: Functionally fair Hold 5+ seconds: Functional

12. Forearm resting on table

Patient holds piece of paper between fingers while examiner pulls on paper

Hold 0 seconds: Nonfunctional Hold 1–2 seconds: Functionally poor Hold 3–4 seconds: Functionally fair Hold 5+ seconds: Functional



band should be at least 1 cm wide. Data from Palmer ML, Epler M: Clinical assessment procedures in physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1990, JB Lippincott, pp 140–144.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

both; and (5) assembly. The subtests are timed and compared with normal values based on gender and occupation.80,119,120  Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test.  This test measures fine coordination, including the use of tools such as tweezers and screwdrivers to assemble things, to adjust equipment, and to do engraving.80,119  Simulated Activities of Daily Living Examination.  This test consists of nineteen subtests, including standing, walking, putting on a shirt, buttoning, zipping, putting on gloves, dialing a telephone, tying a bow, manipulating safety pins, manipulating coins, threading a needle, unwrapping a Band-­Aid, squeezing toothpaste, and using a knife and fork. Each subtask is timed.94  Moberg’s Pickup Test.  An assortment of 9 or 10 objects (e.g., bolts, nuts, screws, buttons, coins, pens, paper clips, keys) is used. The patient is timed for the following tests: 1. Putting objects in a box with the affected hand 2. Putting objects in a box with the unaffected hand 3. Putting objects in a box with the affected hand with eyes closed The examiner notes which digits are used for prehension. Digits with altered sensation are less likely to be used. The test is used for median or combined median and ulnar nerve lesions.123  Box and Block Test.  This is a test for gross manual dexterity in which 150 blocks, each measuring 2.5 cm (1 inch) on a side, are used. The patient has 1 minute in which to individually transfer the blocks from one side of a divided box to the other. The number of blocks transferred is given as the score. Patients are given a 15-­second practice trial before the test.121  Nine-­Hole Peg Test.  This test is used to assess finger dexterity. The patient places nine 3.2-­cm (1.3-­inch) pegs in a 12.7 × 12.7-­cm (5 × 5-­inch) board and then removes them. The score is the time taken to do this task. Each hand is tested separately.121 

Special Tests For the forearm, wrist, and hand, no special tests exist that are commonly done with each assessment. Depending on the history, observation, and examination to this point, certain special tests may be performed. In the latest literature, the authors have tended to divide wrist problems into two groups—radial side problems and ulnar side problems. It is important to understand that this does not mean that problems on one side do not affect the other side—they do, but dividing the problems this way helps the examiner focus and makes the assessment of the wrist and hand more systematic. The examiner picks the appropriate test or tests to help confirm the diagnosis. Ideally, when doing special tests, the examiner should start with the uninjured side of the body (i.e., the opposite limb) as that tells the patient what to do in the test, establishes a baseline for the examiner, and


decreases patient apprehension.58 However, as with all special tests, the examiner must keep in mind that they are confirming tests. When they are positive, they are highly suggestive that the problem exists, but if they are negative, they do not rule out the problem. This is especially true for the tests of neurological dysfunction. Many of the special tests in this section are similar to joint play movements described in that section. The examiner may use either the special test or joint play movement to test for the relationship between the bones of the wrist and DRUJ. For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the forearm, wrist, and hand are available in eAppendix 7.1.

General Tests for Wrist Pain

Carpal Shake Test.34  The examiner grasps the patient’s distal forearm and passively extends and flexes (“shakes”) the patient’s wrist (Fig. 7.60). Lack of pain, resistance or complaint indicates there is likely nothing wrong with the wrist.  Sitting Hands (Press) Test.126,127  The patient places both hands on the arms of a stable chair and pushes off, suspending the body while using only the hands for support (Fig. 7.61). This test places a great deal of stress (axial ulnar load) at the wrist (and elbow; see elbow instability tests in Chapter 6) and is too difficult for the patient to do in the presence of significant wrist synovitis or wrist pathology.  Windmill Test.34  The examiner grasps the patient’s forearm and passively and rapidly rotates (“windmills the wrist”) the patient’s wrist in a circular fashion. Lack of pain, resistance, or complaint indicates there is nothing wrong with the wrist. 

Tests for Bone, Ligament, Capsule, and Joint Instability

Carpal instability is the result of loss of normal bony alignment of the carpal bones and/or the radioulnar joint along with ligament damage so that there is a loss of balance between these joints resulting in altered biomechanics, changes in ROM, and pain. There are intrinsic ligaments connecting the different carpals and extrinsic ligaments that attach the carpals to the radius and ulna, and others that attach the carpals to the metacarpals. Functionally, the two most important intrinsic ligaments are the scapulolunate ligament and the ulnotriquetral ligament. With dynamic instability, malalignment occurs only under certain loads and certain positions while static instability is always present regardless of the load. The classifications of instability vary in the literature but there is most agreement with four types of carpal instabilities seen on x-­ray:128,129 1. Dorsiflexed intercalated (lunate) segment instability (DISI). This is the most common and occurs when one falls on the thenar eminence of the hand

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Key Tests Performed at the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Depending on Suspected Pathologya,124,125 • General tests for wrist pain: Carpal shake test Sitting hands (press) test Windmill test • For bone, ligament, capsule, and joint instability: Anterior-­posterior drawer test (Fisk’s forward shift test—modified) Axial load test Catch-­up clunk test Derby relocation test Distal radioulnar joint stability (ballottement) test Dorsal capitate displacement apprehension test Finger extension (shuck) test Gripping rotary impaction test (GRIT) Kleinman’s shear test Ligamentous instability test (fingers) Linscheid squeeze test Lunotriquetral ballottement (Reagan’s) test Lunotriquetral compression test Murphy’s sign Piano keys (DRUJ) test Pisiform boost test Pisotriquetral grind test Pivot shift test of midcarpal joint Prosser’s relocation test Radioulnar shift test Scaphoid compression test Scapulolunate ligament test Steinberg sign Supination lift test Test for tight retinacular ligament Testing ligaments of the TFCC Thumb grind test Thumb ulnar collateral ligament laxity or instability test Traction-­shift (grind) test of thumb Triangular fibrocartilage complex load test (Sharpey’s test) Triquetral lift maneuver Ulnar fovea sign (ulnar snuff box) test Ulnar impaction (grind) test Ulnar styloid triquetral impaction (USTI) provocation test Ulnocarpal stress test Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide test Walker-­Murdoch sign

Watson (scaphoid shift) test Wrist hanging test • For tendons and muscles: Boyes test Bunnel-­Littler test Extensor carpi ulnaris synergy test Finkelstein (Eichhoff) test Lindburg’s sign Sweater finger sign Test for extensor hood rupture Wrist hyperflexion and abduction of thumb (WHAT) test • For neurological dysfunction: Abductor pollicis brevis weakness André-­Thomas sign Carpal compression test Closed fist sign Crossed finger test Dellon’s moving two-­point discrimination test Egawa’s sign Finger flexion sign First dorsal interossei screening test Flick maneuver Froment’s “paper” sign Hand elevation test Nail file sign Ninhydrin sweat test Okutsu test Phalen’s (wrist flexion) test Pollock sign Reverse Phalen’s (prayer) test Scratch collapse test Square wrist sign Tethered median nerve stress test Tinel sign at wrist Tourniquet test Weber’s (Moberg’s) two-­point discrimination test Wrinkle (shrivel) test • For circulation and swelling: Allen test Digital blood flow Figure-­of-­eight measurement for swelling Hand volume test

DRUJ, Distal radioulnar joint; TFCC, triangular fibrocartilage complex. aThe authors recommend these tests be learned by the clinician to facilitate a diagnosis. See Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests.

with the wrist in pronation and extended.128 If the scapholunate gap is greater than 4 mm, it indicates the scapholunate ligament has been torn (see Fig. 7.158).128 The gap is sometimes called the Terry Thomas sign. 2. Volar flexed intercalated (lunate) segment instability (VISI) 3. Ulnar translocation (proximal row is ulnarly deviated relative to radius) 4. Dorsal translocation (carpals are subluxed in a posterior [dorsal] direction secondary to fracture)

The reader is referred to other sources for detailed discussion on types of wrist instability—some based on radiological findings, others on motion patterns.10,21,24,129,130 Many of the tests for wrist ligaments and joint instability are provocative tests that are designed to stress different pairs or groups of carpals resulting in the patient’s symptoms.131 Many of these tests do not have high reliability or validity and only really become effective in the hands of an examiner who has a good knowledge of the anatomy of the area, how the bones interact with each other, and what happens when ligaments are injured.131

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Fig. 7.62  Anterior-­posterior drawer test. Fig. 7.60  Carpal shake test.

Fig. 7.61  Sitting hands test.

Anterior-­Posterior Drawer Test.58  The patient sits with the forearm midway between supination and pronation (i.e., thumb faces up). The examiner holds the patient’s forearm with one hand just proximal to the DRUJ and the other hand is around the metacarpal heads (Fig. 7.62). With the distal hand, the examiner applies axial traction and while applying slight traction, an anteroposterior

(AP) force is applied to the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints. Normally, the translation is about 1 cm (0.4 inch). The test is similar to the anterior–posterior glide in joint play except in this case, two rows of carpals are tested. In joint play, each row of carpals is tested separately. If there is pathology in the wrist, muscle spasm will limit the amount of translation. This pseudostability (i.e., lack of movement) is equivalent to apprehension in other joints. The test has also been called the Fisk’s Forward Shift Test—Modified.58  Axial Load Test.  The patient sits while the examiner stabilizes the patient’s wrist with one hand. With the other hand, the examiner carefully grasps the patient’s thumb and applies axial compression. Pain and/or crepitation indicate a positive test for a fracture of metacarpal or adjacent carpal bones or joint arthrosis. A similar test may be performed for the fingers. If the wrist is then ulnarly deviated and the axial compression repeated, and pain occurs, it may indicate a TFCC problem or ulnar impingement syndrome.  Catch-­Up Clunk Test.132  The patient has the forearm in pronation while radially and ulnarly deviating the wrist. Normally, during this movement, the proximal row of carpals rotates from flexion to extension while the distal row translates from anterior (palmar) to posterior when going from radial deviation to ulnar deviation. If there is midcarpal or radiocarpal instability during the movement from radial deviation to ulnar deviation, the proximal row remains flexed and the distal row remains anteriorly and takes longer to translate. As the soft tissue restraints become tighter, there is a sudden “catch-­up” of the proximal row into extension and the distal row posteriorly often accompanied by a “clunk” indicating a positive test.  Derby Relocation Test.5,30,133  This test assesses the integrity of the lunotriquetral interval and is used to assess for peritriquetral and triquetrolunate injuries. The patient is first asked “does the wrist feel unstable or loose?” (i.e., the question). This is then followed by three tests. If the findings of the tests are positive, including “yes” to the question, the overall test is considered positive. For Test

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

1 2




Fig. 7.63  Derby relocation test. (A) Test one. (B) Test two. (C) Test three.




Fig. 7.64  Distal radioulnar joint stability (ballottement) test. (A) Forearm in neutral. (B) Forearm in pronation. (C) Forearm in supination.

One, the patient is seated with the arm resting on a table and elbow flexed to 90° and the wrist pronated, extended and radially deviated. The examiner places a thumb on the anterior aspect of the patient’s pisiform and applies a posteriorly directed force while bringing the patient’s wrist into neutral (Fig. 7.63A). In this position, a positive response is resolution of the subjective instability and improvement and/or grip strength can be maintained longer. For Test Two, the examiner then moves the patient’s wrist until the patient’s subjective feeling of wrist instability returns and the wrist is then pronated, radially deviated and in neutral flexion. The examiner then applies a posterior to anterior directed force to the dorsum of the patient’s triquetrum while ulnarly deviating the patient’s wrist (Fig. 7.63B). A positive test is pain with the wrist in ulnar deviation. For Test Three, the examiner moves the wrist until the subjective instability returns. The wrist is again pronated, radially deviated and in neutral flexion. The examiner places his or her thumb onto the anterior aspect of the patient’s pisiform and applies a posteriorly directed force while ulnarly deviating the patient’s wrist (Fig. 7.63C). A positive test is less pain with the wrist ulnar deviation than was experienced in test two. 

Distal Radioulnar Joint Stability (Ballottement) Test.5,30  The DRUJ is tested with the forearm in neutral (Fig. 7.64A), full pronation (Fig. 7.64B) and finally full supination (Fig. 7.64C) with the elbow at 90°. The distal ulna is stabilized about 4 cm (1.5 inches) above the wrist by the examiner with one hand to avoid structures that may cause pain while the other hand is placed around the patient’s palm. In each of the above three positions, the joint is glided anteriorly and posteriorly, allowing it to spring back to neutral each time to determine the amount of movement and whether the movement is painful. The wrist can then be radially deviated to see if stability increases (due to TFCC injury). If the TFCC is torn, stability will not improve. This test is similar to the anterior–posterior joint play movement described in the joint play section.  Dorsal Capitate Displacement Apprehension Test.  This test is used to determine the stability of the capitate in its relation to the lunate.5,134 The patient sits facing the examiner. The examiner holds the forearm (i.e., radius and ulna) with one hand. The thumb of the examiner’s other hand is placed over the palmar aspect of the capitate while the fingers of that hand hold the patient’s hand in neutral (no flexion or extension; no radial or ulnar deviation) and

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


Fig. 7.66  Finger extension or “shuck” test. Fig. 7.65  Dorsal capitate displacement apprehension test. Note the position of the examiner’s thumb over the capitate to push it posteriorly.

applies a counter pressure when the examiner pushes the capitate posteriorly with the thumb (Fig. 7.65). The test may also be done similar to a joint play movement with the patient’s lunate being stabilized with the thumb and index finger of one hand of the examiner while the thumb and index finger of the other hand glide the capitate anteriorly and posteriorly. The amount of movement is compared with the other limb.5 Reproduction of the patient’s symptoms, apprehension, or pain indicates a positive test for capitolunate instability.135 A click or snap may also be heard when pressure is applied.  Finger Extension or “Shuck” Test.136,137  The patient is placed in sitting. The examiner holds the patient’s wrist flexed and asks the patient to actively extend the fingers against resistance-­ loading the radiocarpal joints. Pain would indicate a positive test for radiocarpal or midcarpal instability, scaphoid instability, inflammation, or Kienböck disease (Fig. 7.66).  Gripping Rotary Impaction Test (GRIT).129,131,138  Using a standard grip dynamometer (see Fig. 7.57), the patient’s grip strength is tested with the arm in neutral, supinated, and then pronated, with both arms being tested. The GRIT ratio is calculated by dividing the supinated grip strength by the pronated grip strength. A GRIT greater than 1.0 is considered positive for lunate cartilage damage when it is accompanied by pain.  Kleinman’s Shear Test.6,30,34  This test is used to assess instability of the lunotriquetral joint. The examiner holds the patient’s wrist in the neutral position with the patient’s forearm supinated. With the same hand, the examiner places a finger over the posterior surface of the lunate. With the thumb of the other hand, the examiner applies a posteriorly directed force to the pisiform (and the triquetrum) while stabilizing the lunate or while pushing the lunate anteriorly (Fig. 7.67). Reproduction of the patient’s symptoms is a positive test. The test is similar to joint play between the joints as described in Kaltenborn’s carpal mobilization (see Joint Play Movements section, later). 

Fig. 7.67  Kleinman’s shear test.

Ligamentous Instability Test for the Fingers  The examiner stabilizes the test finger with one hand proximal to the joint to be tested. With the other hand, the examiner grasps the finger distal to the joint to be tested. The examiner’s distal hand is then used to apply a varus or valgus stress to the joint (proximal or distal interphalangeal) to test the integrity of the collateral ligaments (Fig. 7.68). The results are compared for laxity with those of the uninvolved hand, which is tested first.  Linscheid Squeeze Test.30,126,139  This test is used to detect ligamentous instability of the second and third carpometacarpal joints. The examiner supports the metacarpal shafts with one hand. With the other hand, the examiner pushes the metacarpal heads dorsally, then palmarly (Fig. 7.69). Pain localized to the second or third carpometacarpal joints is a positive test.  Lunotriquetral Ballottement Test (Reagan’s Test, Reagan’s Shuck Test, Masquelet’s Ballottement Test, Lunotriquetral Shuck Test).  This test is used to determine the integrity of the

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A Fig. 7.68  Ligamentous instability test for the fingers. Varus stress applied to proximal interphalangeal joint.







B Fig. 7.69  Linscheid squeeze test.

lunotriquetral ligament.18,22 The patient is seated with the elbow flexed in neutral rotation and forearm resting on the examining table. The examiner grasps the pisotriquetrum (i.e., the pisiform and triquetrum) between the thumb and second finger of one hand and the lunate with the thumb and second finger of the other hand (Fig. 7.70A). The examiner then moves the lunate up and down (anteriorly and posteriorly), noting any laxity, crepitus, or pain, which indicates a positive test for lunotriquetral instability by comparing with the uninjured side. The lunotriquetral shear test (also called the pisotriquetral shear test) is similar except the examiner’s thumb of the opposite hand loads the pisotriquetral joint, applying a shearing force to the lunotriquetral joint while moving the radiocarpal joint from ulnar (Fig. 7.70B) to radial deviation (Fig. 7.70C).5,18,35,131,140,141 The test is similar to a joint play movement between the lunate and triquetrum.18,142,143 





C Fig. 7.70 (A) Lunotriquetral ballottement test (Reagan’s test) for lunotriquetral interosseous ligament dissociations. One hand stabilizes the lunate and the other hand moves the triquetrum. (B) Lunotriquetral shear test in ulnar deviation. (C) Lunotriquetral shear test in radial deviation.

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Fig. 7.72  “Piano keys” test (DRUJ test).

Fig. 7.71  Lunotriquetral compression test.

Lunotriquetral Compression Test.6,35,70  This test loads the lunotriquetral joint in an ulnar to radial direction eliciting pain with instability or degenerative joint disease. The examiner’s thumb applies a hard radially directed pressure on the triquetrum in a rocking manner just distal to the ulnar styloid at the “ulnar snuff box” between the tendons of flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris (Fig. 7.71). Pain indicates a positive test for lunotriquetral pathology.  Murphy’s Sign.  The patient is asked to make a fist. If the head of the third metacarpal is level with the second and fourth metacarpals, the sign is positive and can be indicative of a lunate dislocation.144 Normally, the third metacarpal would project beyond (i.e., further distally) the second and fourth metacarpals.  “Piano Keys” Test (Distal Radioulnar Joint Test [DRUJ test]).34  The patient sits with patient’s arm in pronation. The examiner stabilizes the patient’s arm with one hand so that the examiner’s index finger can push down on the distal ulna. The examiner’s other hand supports the patient’s hand and radius. The examiner pushes down on the distal ulna, as one would push down on a piano key, pushing the ulnar head anteriorly while the pisiform is stabilized with a posteriorly directed force (Fig. 7.72). The results are compared with the nonsymptomatic side. A positive test is indicated by a difference in mobility and the production of pain and/or tenderness. A positive test is demonstrated by the ulnar head springing back into position (like a piano key) when the force is released and indicates instability of the DRUJ.6,30,31,33,131  Pisiform Boost Test.34  The examiner applies a posteriorly (dorsally) directed pressure over the pisiform which lifts the triquetrum (Fig. 7.73). If pain, crepitus or clicking occur, it suggests pathology of the support structures on the ulnar side of the wrist. 




Fig. 7.73  Pisiform boost test.

Pisotriquetral Grind Test.30,58,70  The examiner holds the patient’s hand in one hand with the patient’s wrist in flexion and palpates the pisiform moving it medially and laterally while flexing (more movement) (Fig. 7.74A) and extending the wrist (less movement because of the tightness of flexor carpi ulnaris) (Fig. 7.74B). The examiner may also apply compression to the pisiform while doing the movement. Crepitus or pain indicates pisotriquetral degenerative joint disease.70 The test is the same as the joint play of the pisiform except in this case, the wrist is flexed and extended while doing the movement. The examiner should be aware that normally the pisotriquetral joint is stabilized by the pisohamate ligament, the pisometacarpal ligament, the flexor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar pisotriquetral ligament, abductor digiti minimi, and extensor and flexor retinaculum. Increased motion in the pisiform may lead to ulnar nerve symptoms because the pisiform forms the ulnar border of the Guyan’s canal.141 

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


B Fig. 7.74  Pisotriquetral grind test. (A) With wrist flexion. (B) With wrist extension.



Fig. 7.75  Pivot shift (midcarpal shift) test for midcarpal joint instability. (A) The patient’s forearm is stabilized in pronated position at 15° of ulnar deviation and by directing pressure palmarly over the distal capitate to reproduce the palmar translation. (B) The wrist is axially loaded and ulnarly deviated. A positive test is one that reproduces the patient’s clunk and pain. The midcarpal shift test should be performed on the contralateral wrist for comparison. Many patients with generalized ligamentous laxity demonstrate bilateral midcarpal laxity as well. (From Lichtman DM, Reardon RS: Midcarpal instability. In Slutsky D, editor: Principles and practice of wrist surgery, Philadelphia, 2010, Elsevier.)

Pivot Shift Test of the Midcarpal Joint (Lichtman, Midcarpal Shift, or Catch-­ Up Clunk Test).31,35,58,70,145  The patient is seated with the elbow flexed to 90° and resting on a firm surface and the hand fully supinated. The examiner stabilizes the pronated forearm in 15° ulnar deviation with one hand and with the other hand takes the patient’s hand into full radial deviation with the wrist in neutral and applies an anteriorly directed load through the capitate noting the amount and ease of translation (Fig. 7.75A).34 While the examiner maintains the patient’s hand position and applies an axial load, the patient’s hand is taken into full passive ulnar deviation (Fig. 7.75B). A positive test results if a painful “catch-­up” clunk occurs as the capitate “shifts” away from the lunate (i.e., the distal row of carpals snap back together in normal physiological position), indicating injury to the anterior capsule and interosseous ligaments.3,58,146 The clunk represents an abrupt change of the proximal carpal row from flexion to extension as the capitate engages the lunate and the hamate engages the triquetrum under compressive load.34 The examiner

can then stabilize the pisiform by direct pressure and with the same movement, the active clunk will disappear because stabilizing the pisiform rotates the proximal carpal row out of its flexed position, re-­engaging the normal midcarpal joint contact forces.147  Prosser’s Relocation Test.34  The examiner grasps the patient’s forearm for stabilization. With the other hand placed over the proximal carpal row, the examiner pronates the forearm and glides the proximal carpals posteriorly gliding the carpals on the ulna (see Fig. 7.134). The test is positive if wrist pain is decreased as the maneuver relocates the proximal carpals into alignment with the ulna. This test is the same as joint play at the radiocarpal joint.  Radioulnar Shift Test.5  There are two parts to this test. The normal unaffected side is tested first. Test One is used to test the anterior radioulnar ligaments. The patient’s arm is in pronation while the examiner stabilizes the patient’s distal ulna and the ulnar carpal column (i.e., ulna, trapezoid, hamate) while using the other hand to

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Fig. 7.76  (A) Radioulnar shift test in pronation (testing anterior radioulnar ligaments). (B) Radioulnar shift test in supination (testing posterior radioulnar ligaments).


Fig. 7.77  Scaphoid compression test.

anteriorly translate the distal radius noting the amount of movement and end feel, which is compared with the normal side (Fig. 7.76A). Test Two is used to test the posterior radioulnar ligaments. The patient’s arm is in supination, the examiner again stabilizes the patient’s ulna and ulnar carpal column, and with the other hand, posteriorly translates the distal radius (Fig. 7.76B). As with the first test, in the presence of pathology, the amount of movement will increase, and there will be a soft end feel.5 This is compared with the normal side.  Scaphoid Compression Test.146,148  The patient is seated and the examiner holds the patient’s forearm with one hand. With the other hand, the examiner grasps the patient’s thumb and applies a longitudinal compression pressure along the thumb metacarpal towards the carpals (i.e., trapezium and scaphoid) (Fig. 7.77). If the scaphoid is fractured, the maneuver will cause pain.  Scapulolunate Ligament Test.35  The patient is asked to flex the wrist fully and while holding that position, extend the fingers maximally (Fig. 7.78). This action pushes the capitate against the scaphoid and lunate increasing tension on the scapulolunate ligament. Pain indicates a positive

test. The examiner should watch to ensure the wrist does not extend when the fingers extend.  Steinberg Sign.  The patient is asked to fold the thumb into a closed fist (Fig. 7.79). The test is positive if the thumb tip extends beyond the palm of the hand. It is used to test for hypermobility and in the clinical evaluation of patients with Marfan syndrome.  Supination Lift Test.149  This test is used to determine pathology in the TFCC (also called the triangular cartilaginous disc). The patient is seated with elbows flexed to 90° and forearms supinated. The patient is asked to place the palms flat on the underside of a heavy table (or flat against the examiner’s hands). The patient is then asked to lift the table (or push up against the resisting examiner’s hands). Localized pain on the ulnar side of the wrist and difficulty applying the force are positive indications for a dorsal TFCC tear. Pain on forced ulnar deviation causing ulnar impaction is a symptom of TFCC tears (Fig. 7.80).  Test for Tight Retinacular (Collateral) Ligaments (Haines-­ Zancolli Test).150  This test tests the structures around the proximal interphalangeal joint. The proximal interphalangeal joint is held in a neutral position while the distal interphalangeal joint is flexed by the examiner (Fig. 7.81). If the distal interphalangeal joint does not flex, the retinacular (collateral) ligaments or proximal interphalangeal capsule are tight. If the proximal interphalangeal joint is flexed and the distal interphalangeal joint flexes easily, the retinacular ligaments are tight and the capsule is normal. During the test, the patient remains passive and does no active movements.  Testing the Ligaments of the TFCC.35  This test is divided into two parts. Test One tests the posterior (dorsal) deep fibers of the TFCC. The patient’s forearm is placed in full supination which brings the deep fibers under tension, and keeps the fossa of the radius from translating on to the seat of the ulna. With the patient’s forearm in supination, the examiner places four fingers on the palmar

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Fig. 7.78  Scapulolunate ligament test. (A) Start position. (B) End position. Note how wrist has slightly extended when fingers extend.

Patient's hand

Clinician's hand

Fig. 7.79  Positive Steinberg sign. (From Bilodeau JE: Retreatment of a patient with Marfan syndrome and severe root resorption, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 137(1):123–134, 2010.) Fig. 7.81  Test for retinacular ligaments.

Fig. 7.80  Supination lift test.

surface of the distal radius and prepares to pull the radius forward. At the same time, the examiner places the thumb of the opposite arm on the posterior aspect of the distal ulna with the fingers of the same hand supporting the distal ulna on its anterior surface (Fig. 7.82A). The examiner pushes the ulna away with the thumb while pulling the radius toward the examiner. A positive test is pain. Test Two tests the anterior (palmar) deep fibers of the TFCC. The examiner places the patient’s forearm in full pronation which tightens the deep anterior fibers. The ulna is then pushed away by the examiner using the thumb while the radius is pulled toward the examiner with the fingers (Fig. 7.82B). Pain is a positive test.  Thumb Grind Test.  The examiner holds the patient’s hand with one hand and grasps the patient’s thumb below the metacarpophalangeal joint with the other hand. The examiner then applies axial compression and rotation to the metacarpophalangeal joint (Fig. 7.83). If pain is elicited, the test is positive and indicative of degenerative joint disease in the metacarpophalangeal or metacarpotrapezial joint.98,151 Axial compression with rotation to any of the wrist and hand joints may also indicate positive tests to those joints for the same condition.  Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Laxity or Instability Test.31,36  The patient sits while the examiner stabilizes

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Fig. 7.82  Testing the triangular fibrocartilage complex ligaments. Arrows show direction of movement. (A) In supination. (B) In pronation.


Fig. 7.83  Thumb grind test.

the patient’s hand with one hand and takes the patient’s thumb into extension with the other hand. While holding the thumb in extension, the examiner applies a valgus stress to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb, stressing the UCL and accessory collateral ligament (Fig. 7.84). If the valgus movement is greater than 30° to 35°, it indicates a complete tear of the ulnar collateral and accessory collateral ligaments.152 If the ligament is only partially torn, the laxity would be less than 30° to 35°. In this case, laxity would still be greater than the unaffected side (normal laxity in extension is about 15°) but not as much as with a complete tear. To test the collateral ligament in isolation, the carpometacarpal joint is flexed to 30° and a valgus stress is applied.153 This is a test for gamekeeper’s

Fig. 7.84  Laxity of the ulnar collateral ligament (dashed arrow). Solid arrow shows examiner’s thumb pushing patient’s thumb back. (Modified from Pitts G, Willoughby J, Cummings B, Uhl TL: Rehabilitation of wrist and hand injuries. In Andrews JR, Harrelson GL, Wilk KE, ed: Physical rehabilitation of the injured athlete, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2012, Saunders.)

or skier’s thumb (see Fig. 7.11).36–39,154 Functional movements that may cause the same impaction pain include putting hand in back pocket, repetitive page turning, and distal supinated hand on stick (e.g., hockey, lacrosse).70  Traction-­Shift (Grind) Test of the Thumb.29,31  With the patient’s forearm and wrist supported by the examiner with one hand, the examiner’s other hand grasps the head of the patient’s first metacarpal, applies traction to the metacarpal, and extends the patient’s thumb. At the same time, the examiner’s thumb applies pressure to the dorsal aspect of the base of the first metacarpal (Fig. 7.85). A positive test is indicated by crepitus and pain, and is an indication of arthritis. The traction being applied is the same as in the joint play section. 

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Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Load Test (Sharpey’s The examiner holds the patient’s forearm with one hand and the patient’s hand with the other hand. The examiner then axially loads and ulnarly deviates the wrist while moving it dorsally and palmarly or by rotating the forearm. A positive test is indicated by pain, clicking, or crepitus in the area of the TFCC or ulnocarpal abutment.  Triquetral Lift Maneuver.70  The patient’s arm is placed in full pronation. The examiner resists the posterior movement of the triquetrum as the wrist moves from ulnar to radial deviation by placing a thumb over the dorsal aspect of the triquetrum to resist its posterior movement (Fig. 7.86). Resisting the posterior movement stresses the lunotriquetral joint and the triquetrohamate joint and causes pain if instability is present.  Ulnar Fovea Sign (Ulnar Snuff Box) Test.5,6,30,34,59  The test is used to differentiate between ulnotriquetral ligament tear, lunotriquetral instability, triquetrum/hamate pathology, or foveal disruption. The patient stands or sits Test).58,126 



Fig. 7.85  Traction-­shift (grind) test of the thumb.


and the patient’s wrist and forearm are in neutral. The examiner presses a thumb or finger into the interval or depression (fovea or ulnar snuff box) between the ulnar styloid process and the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon on the triquetrum between the anterior surface of the ulnar head and the pisiform directing the force against the lunate (Fig. 7.87). The test is considered positive if the patient’s pain is replicated or the area is very tender compared to the unaffected side.155 The pain is believed to be due to distal radioulnar ligaments and ulnotriquetral ligament. Ulnotriquetral ligament tears are commonly associated with a stable DRUJ and fovea disruptions of the TFCC are associated with an unstable DRUJ.155,156 Crepitus while doing the test with the wrist moving from ulnar to radial deviation is called a positive Linscheid squeeze test (see Fig. 7.69).30  Ulnar Impaction (Ulnar Grind) Test (TFCC Compression Test).70,82,131  This test is used if the distal ulnar head or styloid impinge on the lunate when ulnar deviation occurs. The patient is seated with the elbow flexed to 90° and the wrist in ulnar deviation. The examiner holds the patient’s forearm with one hand and then applies an axial compression force through the fourth and fifth metacarpals (Fig. 7.88). A positive test is indicated by pain and may be related to a central tear of the TFCC or ulnar impaction syndrome.  Ulnar Styloid Triquetral Impaction (USTI) Provocation Test.70,132  The patient is seated. The examiner holds the patient’s elbow in one hand while the patient’s wrist is extended and ulnarly deviated, and the forearm pronated (Fig. 7.89A). The test can be positioned in various degrees of wrist flexion and extension.58 While maintaining extension and ulnar deviation, the forearm is supinated (Fig. 7.89B). Pain at the ulnar styloid indicates a


Fig. 7.86  (A) Triquetral lift maneuver in ulnar deviation (start position). (B) Triquetral lift maneuver in radial deviation (end position).

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

positive test for pathological impaction (i.e., ulnar impaction syndrome).  Ulnocarpal Stress Test (Nakmura’s Ulnar Stress Test).6,30,31  The patient sits with the test elbow at 90°, neutral forearm rotation and maximum ulnar deviation of the wrist. The examiner applies an axial load while passively supinating and pronating the ulnarly deviated wrist (Fig. 7.90). The test will be positive in anyone having ulnar-­ sided wrist pathology (e.g., ulnocarpal abutment syndrome [i.e., ulnar impaction syndrome], TFCC injuries, lunotriquetral injuries, or arthritis).6  Ulnomeniscotriquetral Dorsal Glide Test  The patient sits or stands with the arm pronated. The examiner places a thumb over the ulna dorsally and places the proximal

A Capitate Triquetrocapitate ligament Hamate Triquetrohamate ligament

Lunotriquetral ligament

Triquetrum Pisiform

Lunate Ulnotriquetral ligament

Ulnar collateral ligament Ulnar snuff box (on side) Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon

Ulnolunate ligament Triangular fibrocartilage complex Interosseous membrane




Fig. 7.87  Ulnar fovea sign (ulnar snuff box) test. (A) Area of palpation. (B) Anatomical area of palpation (line art).

Fig. 7.88  Ulnar impaction test.






Fig. 7.89  Ulnar styloid triquetral impaction provocation test. (A) In pronation. (B) In supination.

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Fig. 7.90  Ulnocarpal stress (Nakmura’s ulnar stress) test.

Fig. 7.91  Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide test.

interphalangeal joint of the index finger of the same hand over the pisotriquetral complex anteriorly. While stabilizing the ulna, the examiner applies a posteriorly directed force through the pisotriquetral complex stressing the TFCC (Fig. 7.91). Excessive laxity or pain when the posteriorly directed force is applied indicates a positive test for TFCC pathology.131,157  Walker-­Murdoch Sign.  The patient is asked to grip his or her wrist with the opposite hand (Fig. 7.92). If the thumb and fifth finger of the gripping hand overlap with each other, the test is positive. Like the Steinberg sign, this sign is used to help diagnose patients with Marfan syndrome. If the Steinberg and the Walker-­Murdoch signs are both positive and there is hypermobility (see Beighton Score), there is a 90% chance the patient has Marfan syndrome.  Watson (Scaphoid Shift, Kirk Watson, Radial Stress) Test.21,31,34,58,70,158–160  For this provocative test or maneuver, the patient sits with the elbow resting on

Fig. 7.92 Positive Walker-­Murdoch sign. (From Jones KL, Jones MC, Del Campo M: Smith’s recognizable patterns of human malformation, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2013, Elsevier. Courtesy Dr. Lynne M. Bird, Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego.)

the table and forearm pronated. The examiner faces the patient. The test is first done on the unaffected side for comparison. Ideally, the patient is relaxed before the test is attempted. With one hand, the examiner takes the patient’s wrist into full ulnar deviation and slight extension while holding the metacarpals. The examiner presses the thumb of the other hand against the patient’s scaphoid tubercle on the palmar side of the wrist to prevent it from moving toward the palm while the examiner’s fingers provide a counter pressure on the dorsum of the forearm (Fig. 7.93A). Correct placement of the thumb on the scaphoid tubercle is determined by moving the patient’s wrist from ulnar to radial deviation. During the deviation movement, the examiner should feel the scaphoid flex toward the examiner’s thumb.29 With the first hand, the examiner radially deviates and slightly flexes the patient’s hand (Fig. 7.93B) while maintaining pressure on the scaphoid tubercle. This creates a subluxation stress if the scaphoid and the scapholunate joint are unstable and the scapholunate ligament is torn. If the scaphoid (and lunate) are unstable, the dorsal pole of the scaphoid subluxes or “shifts” over the dorsal rim of the radius and the patient complains of pain, indicating a positive test.19,40,143,161 If the scaphoid subluxes with the thumb pressure, when the thumb is removed, the scaphoid commonly returns to its normal position with a “thunk” but no pain. If the ligamentous tissue is intact, the scaphoid normally moves forward, pushing the thumb forward with it. The test may also be used if a scaphoid fracture is suspected. In this case, pain occurs without the “thunk.” A gritty sensation or clicking may indicate arthritis.70 It should be pointed out that a clunk without pain may be normal in wrists without pathology if hypermobility is present at the joint.21 The test done actively by the patient doing the radial deviation is called the scaphoid stress (compression)

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B Fig. 7.93  Watson (scaphoid shift, Kirk Watson, radial stress) test. (A) Start position. (B) End position.

test or scaphoid thrust test.34,159 Tenderness on palpating the scaphoid tubercle (scaphoid tubercle tenderness test), inside the anatomic snuff box (ASB) (ASB tenderness test), and the scaphoid compression test are suggestive of a scaphoid fracture.146  Wrist Hanging Test.70,108  The patient is asked to hang the wrist over the end of a table with the forearm supinated. If this action causes discomfort in the wrist, there may be capitolunate instability. 



Tests for Tendons and Muscles

Boyes Test.162,163  This test also tests the central slip of the extensor hood. The examiner holds the finger to be examined in slight extension at the proximal interphalangeal joint. The patient is then asked to flex the distal interphalangeal joint. If the patient is unable or has difficulty flexing the distal interphalangeal joint, it is considered a positive test.  Bunnel-­Littler (Finochietto-­Bunnel) Test.  This test tests the structures around the metacarpophalangeal joint. The metacarpophalangeal joint is held slightly extended while the examiner moves the proximal interphalangeal joint into flexion, if possible (Fig. 7.94).164 If the test is positive (which is indicated by inability to flex the proximal interphalangeal joint), there is a tight intrinsic muscle or contracture of the joint capsule. If the metacarpophalangeal joints are slightly flexed, the proximal interphalangeal joint flexes fully if the intrinsic muscles are tight, but it does not flex fully if the capsule is tight. The patient remains passive during the test. This test is also called the intrinsic-­plus test.3  Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Synergy Test.165  This test is used to diagnose extensor carpi ulnaris tendinitis. The patient sits with the arm supported on a table with the elbow flexed 90o and the wrist in neutral. The examiner grasps the patient’s thumb and long fingers with one hand and

Fig. 7.94  Positioning for the Bunnel-­Littler test.

palpates the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon with the other hand. The patient then isometrically abducts the thumb against resistance.166 The extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris will contract to stabilize the wrist (Fig. 7.95). Pain along the dorsal ulnar aspect of the wrist is considered a positive test. In addition, the examiner should be aware that the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon may dislocate or sublux close to the ulnar styloid. The patient’s wrist should be put in extension and pronation, and the examiner palpates the tendon while the patient moves the wrist into flexion and supination. As the wrist moves toward the second position, the examiner palpates the tendon to see if it subluxes.  Finkelstein (Eichhoff) Test.  The Finkelstein test29,167 is used to determine the presence of de Quervain or Hoffmann disease, a paratenonitis in the thumb.72 The patient makes a fist with the thumb inside the fingers (Fig. 7.96). The examiner stabilizes the forearm and deviates the wrist toward the ulnar side. A positive test is indicated by pain over the abductor pollicis longus and extensor

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Fig. 7.95  Extensor carpi ulnaris synergy test.

Fig. 7.97  Sweater finger sign. Rupture of the flexor profundus tendon in the ring finger of a football player (finger does not flex at the distal interphalangeal joint when making a fist).



Fig. 7.96  Finkelstein (Eichhoff) test.

pollicis brevis tendons at the wrist and is indicative of a paratenonitis of these two tendons. Because the test can cause some discomfort in normal individuals, the examiner should compare the pain caused on the affected side with that of the normal side. Only if the patient’s symptoms are produced is the test considered positive.  Linburg’s Sign.  The patient flexes the thumb maximally onto the hypothenar eminence and actively extends the index finger as far as possible. If limited index finger extension and pain are noted, the sign is positive for paratenonitis at the interconnection between flexor pollicis longus and flexor indices (an anomalous tendon condition seen in 10%–15% of hands).142,168  Sweater (Jersey/Rugby) Finger Sign.  The patient is asked to make a fist. If the distal phalanx of one of the fingers does not flex, the sign is positive for a ruptured flexor digitorum profundus tendon (Fig. 7.97). It occurs most often to the ring finger27 and can occur when the patient

Fig. 7.98  Testing for rupture of the extensor hood.

grasps something using only the fingers to hold something. It is primarily seen in football and rock climbing.  Test for Extensor Hood Rupture.162  The finger to be examined is flexed to 90° at the proximal interphalangeal joint over the edge of a table. The finger is held in position by the examiner. The patient is asked to carefully extend the proximal interphalangeal joint while the examiner palpates the middle phalanx (Fig. 7.98). A positive test for a torn central extensor hood is the examiner’s feeling little pressure or resistance from the middle phalanx while the distal interphalangeal joint is extending.  Wrist Hyperflexion and Abduction of the Thumb Test (WHAT).29,31  The patient is asked to maximally flex the wrist and while holding that position abducts the thumb against the resistance of the examiner (Fig. 7.99).

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand







Fig. 7.99  Wrist hyperflexion and abduction of the thumb (WHAT) test.

Fig. 7.100  Testing for abductor pollicis brevis weakness.

Reproduction of the patient’s symptoms (i.e., pain, crepitus) is a positive test for tendinitis of the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus (de Quervain disease or tenosynovitis). 

Tests for Neurological Dysfunction

Tests for neurological dysfunction are highly suggestive of a particular nerve lesion if they are positive, but they do not rule out the problem if they are negative. In fact, they may be negative 50% of the time, or more, when the condition actually exists with the symptoms varying during the day and daily, and the symptoms complained of by the patient are often outside the “normal” peripheral nerve territory.42,66 Thus, diagnostic criteria for entrapment neuropathies, regardless of where they occur in the body may vary.66 Electrodiagnostic tests are more conclusive but not infallible.169–172 Keith et al.42 noted that clinical tests by themselves are not reliable, but when symptoms, clinical tests, and electrodiagnosis are combined, the diagnosis is more reliable. Abductor Pollicis Brevis Weakness.43,173  The examiner faces the patient who is seated with the arm supinated on the table. The examiner passively abducts the patient’s thumb fully (Fig. 7.100). The examiner asks the patient to hold the position while the examiner tries to push the thumb’s interphalangeal joint posteriorly toward the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index (second) finger noting any weakness. Both sides are compared. Any weakness is noted and indicates either injury to the muscle or the median nerve which is its nerve supply.  André-­Thomas Sign.64  In patients with ulnar nerve pathology and the loss of the lumbricals, clawing of the fourth and fifth fingers (Benediction sign—see Fig. 7.22) is made worse by the unconscious attempt by the patient to extend the fingers with tenodesis of the extensor digitorum communis by flexion of the wrist. 

Fig. 7.101 Carpal compression (Durkan carpal compression/pressure provocation) test.

Carpal Compression Test (Durkan Carpal Compression Test, Pressure Provocation Test).31,34,43,174–183  The examiner holds the supinated wrist in both hands and applies direct, even pressure over the median nerve in the carpal tunnel for 30 to 60 seconds (some say 1 to 2 minutes) (Fig. 7.101). Production of the patient’s symptoms is considered to be a positive test for carpal tunnel syndrome and median nerve involvement (see Fig. 7.123). This test is a modification of the reverse Phalen’s test. The test may also involve flexing the wrist to 60° before applying the pressure (called the wrist flexion and carpal compression test) and whether symptoms are relieved when the examiner lets go (it may take a few minutes for the symptoms to be relieved).178,184 The wrist flexion is felt to make the test more sensitive. 

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Fig. 7.102  Crossed finger test.

Closed Fist Sign (Berger Test, Lumbrical Provocation Test).43,44,180,182,185,186  The patient makes a tight fist and holds it for 60 seconds. A positive test is indicated by numbness or tingling in the median nerve distribution (see Fig. 7.123). It has been shown that during finger flexion, the lumbricals move into the carpal tunnel, which could contribute to the median nerve symptoms.187  Crossed Finger Test.64,188  The examiner asks the patient to cross the middle finger over the index finger of both hands (Fig. 7.102). A positive test is indicated by an inability to cross the fingers, indicating ulnar nerve involvement (i.e., the interossei are affected).  Dellon’s Moving Two-­Point Discrimination Test.  This test is used to predict functional recovery; it measures the quickly adapting mechanoreceptor system.91 The test is similar to Weber’s two-­point discrimination test except that the two points are moved during the test. This test is best for hand sensation related to activity and movement. The examiner moves two blunt points from proximal to distal along the long axis of the limb or digit, starting with a distance of 8 mm between the points. The distance between the points is increased or decreased, depending on the response of the patient, until the two points can no longer be distinguished. During the test, the patient’s eyes are closed and the hand is cradled in the examiner’s hand. The two smooth points, whether a paper clip, a two-­point discriminator, or calipers, are gently placed longitudinally. There should be no blanching of the skin indicating too much pressure when the points are applied. The patient is asked whether one or two points are felt. If the patient is hesitant to respond or becomes inaccurate, the patient is required to respond accurately 7 or 8 of 10 times before the distance is narrowed and the test repeated.80,123,189,190 Normal discrimination distance recognition is 2 to 5 mm.191 The values obtained for this test are slightly lower than those obtained for Weber’s static two-­point discrimination test.189 Although the entire hand may be tested, it is more common to test only the anterior digital pulp.  Egawa’s Sign.  The patient flexes the middle digit at the metacarpophalangeal joint and then alternately deviates the finger radially and ulnarly (i.e., abducts both ways) (Fig. 7.103). If the patient is unable to do this, the interossei are affected. A positive sign is indicative of ulnar nerve palsy. 

Fig. 7.103  Testing for Egawa’s sign. (From Goldman SB, Brininger TL, Schrader JS, Koceja DM: A review of clinical tests and signs for the assessment of ulnar neuropathy, J Hand Ther 22(3):209–220, 2009.)

Finger Flexion Sign.64  The patient sits with both arms on a table with forearms and wrists in neutral. The examiner places a piece of paper between the middle and ring fingers of both hands and asks the patient to prevent the pieces of paper from being pulled away distally by the examiner (Fig. 7.104). Normally, both sides are equal. In the presence of interosseous muscle weakness, the metacarpophalangeal joints will flex to compensate indicating ulnar nerve involvement.  First Dorsal Interossei Screening Test.64  The patient places the radial aspects of the index fingers of both hands together in abduction and then the patient pushes the index fingers together. If the test is positive, the involved index finger will be overpowered by the uninvolved side and will be pushed into adduction (Fig. 7.105).  Flick Maneuver.178,192,193  The patient is seated or standing and complains of paresthesia in the hand in the median nerve distribution (see Fig. 7.123). The patient is asked to vigorously shake the hands or “flick” the wrists (Fig. 7.106). A resolution of the symptoms after flicking or shaking the hands is considered a positive test for median nerve pathology primarily in the carpal tunnel.  Froment‘s “Paper” Sign.  The patient attempts to grasp a piece of paper between the thumb and index finger (Fig. 7.107).194 When the examiner attempts to pull away the paper, the terminal phalanx of the patient’s thumb flexes because of paralysis of the adductor pollicis muscle, indicating a positive test for anterior interosseous nerve involvement.64 It has been recommended to do the test in slight wrist flexion which will help eliminate substitution using extensor pollicis longus. If, at the same time, the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb hyperextends, the hyperextension is noted as a positive Jeanne’s sign.98 Both tests, if positive, are indicative of ulnar nerve paralysis.  Hand Elevation Test.195,196  The patient raises both hands over the head and maintains the position for at

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Fig. 7.104  Finger flexion sign. (From Goldman SB, Brininger TL, Schrader JS, Koceja DM: A review of clinical tests and signs for the assessment of ulnar neuropathy, J Hand Ther 22(3):209–220, 2009.)

Fig. 7.106  Flick maneuver.

Fig. 7.105  First dorsal interossei screening test.

Clinician's hand



Patient's hand

Fig. 7.107  Froment’s “paper” sign. (A) Start position. (B) Thumb flexes when paper is pulled away (positive test).

least 3 minutes (Fig. 7.108). A positive test is indicated if symptoms are reproduced in the median nerve distribution (see Fig. 7.123) in less than 2 minutes.  Nail File Sign.64  The patient is asked to make a hook grasp as if he or she was going to file his or her nails (see Fig. 7.53B). The examiner places his or her index finger along the anterior surface of the patient’s ring and little finger leaving the distal interphalangeal joints free to flex

(Fig. 7.109). Strength of the ring and little finger is compared to the other hand. A positive test of muscle weakness indicates possible ulnar nerve involvement.  Ninhydrin Sweat Test  The patient’s hand is cleaned thoroughly and wiped with alcohol. The patient then waits 5 to 30 minutes with the fingertips not in contact with any surface. This allows time for the sweating process to ensue. After the waiting period, the fingertips

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Fig. 7.110  Okutsu test.

Fig. 7.108  Hand elevation test for median nerve.

Fig. 7.111  Phalen’s test.

Fig. 7.109  Nail file sign.

are pressed with moderate pressure against good-­quality bond paper that has not been touched. The fingertips are held in place for 15 seconds and traced with a pencil. The paper is then sprayed with triketohydrindene (Ninhydrin) spray reagent and allowed to dry (24 hours). The sweat areas stain purple. If the change in color (from white to purple) does not occur, it is considered a positive test for a nerve lesion.123,197 The reagent must be fixed if a permanent record is required.  Okutsu Test.198  The examiner grasps the patient’s relaxed hand in a “shaking hands” position with the patient’s metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the thumb in extension while the wrist is moved into radial deviation and held for one minute (Fig. 7.110).

Development of median nerve neurological signs is considered a positive test.  Phalen’s (Wrist Flexion) Test.177,179,182,183,199,200  The examiner flexes the patient’s wrists maximally and holds this position for 1 minute by pushing the patient’s wrists together (Fig. 7.111).5 A positive test is indicated by tingling in the thumb, index finger, and middle and lateral half of the ring finger, and is indicative of carpal tunnel syndrome caused by pressure on the median nerve.201  Pollock Sign.202  This is a test of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle following an ulnar nerve injury. The examiner asks the patient to hook the little finger of both hands (Fig. 7.112). The patient is then asked to pull the two fingers apart while trying to keep the distal phalanges flexed. If the flexor digitorum profundus muscle is weak due to ulnar nerve injury, the distal and middle phalanges on the affected side will extend.  Reverse Phalen’s (Prayer) Test.  The examiner extends the patient’s wrist while asking the patient to grip the examiner’s hand. The examiner then applies direct pressure over the carpal tunnel for 1 minute. The test is also described by having the patient put both hands together

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and bringing the hands down toward the waist while keeping the palms in full contact, causing extension of the wrist. Doing the test this way does not put as much pressure on the carpal tunnel. A positive test produces the same symptoms as those seen in Phalen’s test and is indicative of pathology of the median nerve.142  Scratch Collapse Test for Median or Ulnar Nerve.203,204  This test is used to test for peripheral nerve neuropathy, specifically the median (carpal tunnel syndrome) at the wrist or ulnar nerve (cubital tunnel syndrome) at the elbow.203 The patient stands with the elbows flexed to 90° and wrist in neutral so as to resist shoulder medial rotation. The examiner isometrically attempts to medially rotate the patient’s arms while the patient resists with lateral rotation. The examiner then scratches the patient’s skin over the area of nerve compression (median nerve— anterior wrist/ulnar nerve—posteromedial elbow) and then quickly has the patient resist isometric medial rotation of the shoulder again (see Fig. 6.61). If the patient has allodynia due to a compression neuropathy, a brief loss of resisted lateral rotation strength will occur. Other authors have described the same test for the long thoracic nerve,187 peroneal nerve,70 axillary nerve, and radial nerve. The sensitivity of the test for carpal tunnel syndrome is about 32%.204–206 

Square Wrist Sign.43,44,181,200,207  The examiner measures the anterior-­posterior and medial-­lateral dimension of the wrist at the distal wrist crease using a caliper (Fig. 7.113). If the anterior-­posterior dimension divided by the medial-­lateral dimension is greater than 0.70, it indicates an increased possibility of development of carpal tunnel syndrome.  Tethered Median Nerve Stress Test.208  For the tethered median nerve stress test (TMNST), the patient stands or sits with the elbow flexed and forearm supinated with wrist in slight extension. The examiner then hyperextends the index finger at the distal interphalangeal joint (Fig. 7.114). If anterior radiating forearm pain is felt, the test is considered positive for median nerve pathology.208 Positive results are more likely in chronic conditions.209,210  Tinel Sign (at the Wrist) (Hoffman-­Tinel Sign).167,173,182,183, 200,211  The examiner taps over the carpal tunnel at the wrist (Fig. 7.115). A positive test causes tingling or paresthesia

Fig. 7.112  Pollock sign.

Fig. 7.114  Tethered median nerve stress test.


B Fig. 7.113  Square wrist sign using caliper. (A) Anterior-­posterior dimension. (B) Medial-­lateral dimension.

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Fig. 7.115  Tinel sign at the wrist. Light percussion is applied along nerve starting at “A” and progressing proximally. The point at which paresthesia is elicited is the level of axonal regrowth.

into the thumb, index finger (forefinger), and middle and lateral half of the ring finger (median nerve distribution). Tinel sign at the wrist is indicative of a carpal tunnel syndrome. The tingling or paresthesia must be felt distal to the point of pressure for a positive test. The test gives an indication of the rate of regeneration of sensory fibers of the median nerve. The most distal point at which the abnormal sensation is felt represents the limit of nerve regeneration. Some authors173,182 have advocated using a reflex hammer to provide the mechanical percussion and if there is a visible “motor jerk,” the test is positive for motor axons of the ulnar nerve being affected.  Tourniquet Test (Gilliat Test).43,180–182,212–214  A tourniquet is applied to the patient’s upper arm in the normal manner and inflated above the patient’s systolic pressure for 1 to 2 minutes. A positive test is indicated by tingling or numbness in the median nerve distribution (see Fig. 7.123).  Weber’s (Moberg’s) Two-­Point Discrimination Test.183  The examiner uses a paper clip, two-­point discriminator, or calipers (Fig. 7.116) to simultaneously apply pressure on two adjacent points in a longitudinal direction or perpendicular to the long axis of the finger; the examiner moves proximal to distal in an attempt to find the minimal distance at which the patient can distinguish between the two stimuli.91 This distance is called the threshold for discrimination. Coverage values are shown in Fig. 7.117. The patient must concentrate on feeling the points and must not be able to see the area being tested. Only the fingertips need to be tested. The patient’s hand should be immobile on a hard surface. For accurate results, the examiner must ensure that the two points touch the skin simultaneously. There should be no blanching of the skin, indicating too much pressure when the points are applied. The distance between the points is decreased or increased depending on the response of the patient. The starting distance between the points is one that the patient can easily distinguish


B Fig. 7.116  Devices used to test two-­point discrimination. (A) The Disk-­ Criminator is a set of two plastic discs, each containing a series of metal rods at varying intervals from 1 mm to 25 mm apart. This device evaluates both moving and static two-­point discrimination. (B) Two-­point esthesiometer.

(e.g., 15 mm). If the patient is hesitant to respond or becomes inaccurate, the patient is required to respond accurately on 7 or 8 of 10 trials before the distance is narrowed and the test repeated.80,123,189,191 Normal discrimination distance recognition is less than 6 mm, but this varies from person to person. This test is best for hand sensation involving static holding of an object between the fingers and thumb and requiring pinch strength. Table 7.9 demonstrates some two-­point discrimination normal values and distances required for certain tasks.  Wrinkle (Shrivel) Test.  The patient’s fingers are placed in warm water for approximately 5 to 20 minutes. The examiner then removes the patient’s fingers from the water and observes whether the skin over the pulp is wrinkled (Fig. 7.118). Normal fingers show wrinkling, but denervated ones do not. The test is valid only within the first few months after injury.215–217 Absence of wrinkling is a sign of small fiber neuropathy and sympathetic function. 

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Fig. 7.117  Two-­point discrimination. (A) Technique of performing the two-­point discrimination test of Weber (after Moberg). (B) Values of discrimination in the Weber test in millimeters in the different zones of the palm. The largest figure indicates the average values, the other two figures the minimum and maximum values (after Moberg). (From Tubiana R: The hand, Philadelphia, 1981, WB Saunders, pp 645–646.)

TABLE  7.9

Two-­Point Discrimination Normal Values and Discrimination Distances Required for Certain Tasks Normal

Less than 6 mm


6–10 mm


11–15 mm


1 point perceived


0 points perceived

Winding a watch

6 mm


6–8 mm

Handling precision tools Gross tool handling

12 mm Greater than 15 mm

Adapted from Callahan AD: Sensibility assessment for nerve lesions-­in-­ continuity and nerve lacerations. In Hunter J, Schneider LH, Mackin EJ, et al, editors: Rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity, St Louis, 2002, Mosby, p 233.

Tests for Circulation and Swelling

Allen Test.  The patient is asked to open and close the hand several times as quickly as possible and then squeeze the hand tightly (Fig. 7.119A).201,218 The examiner’s thumb and index finger are placed over the radial and ulnar arteries, compressing them (Fig. 7.119B). As an alternative technique, the examiner may use both hands, placing one thumb over each artery to compress the artery and placing the fingers on the posterior aspect of the arm for stability (Fig. 7.119D). The patient then opens the hand while pressure is maintained over the arteries. One artery is tested by releasing the pressure over that artery to see if the hand flushes (Fig. 7.119C). The other artery

Fig. 7.118  The wrinkle test may be reliable for digital nerve sympathetic function if the fingers (in this case, the radial digital nerve of the fourth and fifth digits) are completely denervated. (From Waylett-­Rendall J: Sensibility evaluation and rehabilitation, Orthop Clin North Am 19:48, 1988.)

is then tested in a similar fashion. The examiner may time how long it takes for the area to flush. The radial artery normally takes about 2.5 to 3.5 seconds to flush while the ulnar artery takes about 2 to 3 seconds.34 Anything over 6 seconds is considered a positive test.62 Both hands should be tested for comparison. This test determines the patency of the radial and ulnar arteries and determines which artery provides the major blood supply to the hand. Thrombosis of the ulnar artery may result from using the

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A B Clinician's hand


D Fig. 7.119  Allen test. (A) The patient opens and closes the hand. (B) While the patient holds the hand closed, the examiner compresses the radial and ulnar arteries. (C) One artery (in this case, the radial artery) is then released, and the examiner notes the filling pattern of the hand until the circulation is normal. The process is then repeated for the ulnar artery. (D) Alternative hand hold applying pressure first on one side and release, and then repeated on the other side.

hand as a hammer by repeated impacts to the ulnar side of the hand (called ulnar hammer or hypothenar hammer syndrome).34  Digital Blood Flow.  To test distal blood flow, the examiner compresses the nail bed and notes the time taken for color to return to the nail (Fig. 7.120). Normally, when the pressure is released, color should return to the nail bed within 3 seconds. If return takes longer, arterial insufficiency to the fingers should be suspected. Comparison with the normal side gives some indication of restricted flow.  Figure of Eight Measurement.  Swelling of the hand and wrist may also be measured using a tape measure. The examiner places a mark on the distal aspect of the

ulnar styloid process as a starting point. The examiner then takes the tape measure across the anterior wrist to the most distal aspect of the radial styloid process (Fig. 7.121A). From there, the tape is brought diagonally across the back (dorsum) of the hand and over the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint line (Fig. 7.121B, palmar view; and 7.121C, dorsal view), across the anterior surface of the metacarpophalangeal joints (Fig. 7.121D) and then diagonally across the back of the hand to where the tape started (Fig. 7.121E).219,220 Wrist swelling alone may be measured by measuring the circumference of the wrist just distal to the radial and ulnar styloids.34 The examiner may also measure around the proximal interphalangeal joints individually, around the

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Fig. 7.120  Checking digital blood flow. (A) Starting position. (B) Compression on finger. (C) Immediately after pressure released. (D) Three seconds after pressure released. Note darker color of nail as blood flow returns.

metacarpophalangeal joints as a group, and/or around the palm and wrist. The values for both hands are compared.  Hand Volume Test.  If the examiner is concerned about changes in hand size, a volumeter (Fig. 7.122) may be used. This device can be used to assess change in hand size resulting from localized swelling, generalized edema, or atrophy.119 Comparisons with the normal limb give the examiner an idea of changes occurring in the affected hand. Care must be taken when doing this test to ensure accurate readings. There is often a 10-­ mL difference between right and left hands and between dominant and nondominant hands. If swelling is the problem, differences of 30 to 50 mL can be noted.80,221 

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution Although it is possible to obtain reflexes from the tendons crossing the wrist, this is not commonly done. In fact, no deep tendon reflexes are routinely tested in the forearm, wrist, and hand. The only reflex that may be tested in the hand is Hoffman reflex, which is a pathological reflex. This reflex may be tested if an upper motor neuron lesion

is suspected. To test the reflex, the examiner “flicks” the terminal phalanx of the index, middle, or ring finger. A positive test is indicated by reflex flexion of the distal phalanx of the thumb or a finger that was not “flicked.” The examiner must be aware of the sensory distribution of the ulnar, median, and radial nerves in the hand (Fig. 7.123) and must be prepared to compare peripheral nerve sensory distribution with nerve root sensory (dermatome) distributions for hypalgesia (i.e., decreased sensitivity to pain), tingling or numbness. As previously mentioned, there is variability in both distributions. However, it has been reported that each peripheral nerve of the upper limb has a “constant” area in the hand that is always affected if the nerve is injured. For the radial nerve, it is on the dorsum of the thumb near the apex of the anatomical snuff box; for the median nerve, it is the tip of the index finger; and for the ulnar nerve, it is the tip of the little finger.222 The median nerve gives off a sensory branch above the wrist before it passes through the carpal tunnel. This sensory branch supplies the skin of the palm (Fig. 7.124). Thus, most commonly, carpal tunnel syndrome does not

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E Fig. 7.121  Figure of 8 measurement for hand swelling. (A) Across wrist. (B) Across back of hand (supinated view). (C) Across back of hand (pronated view). (D) Across anterior metacarpal head. (E) Across back of hand to start point.

affect the median sensory distribution in the palm but results in altered sensation in the fingers. Several sensation tests may be carried out in the hand. Table 7.10 illustrates the tests used and the sensation and nerve fibers tested. Pinprick is used to test

for pain. Constant light touch, which is a component of fine discrimination, may be tested in the hand using a Semmes-­Weinstein pressure esthesiometer (Von Frey test). This kit has 20 probes, each with different thicknesses of nylon monofilament (Fig. 7.125). The patient is

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


TABLE  7.10

Tests for Cutaneous Sensibility

Fig. 7.122  Volumeter used to measure hand volume.



Fiber/Receptor Type



Free nerve endings



Free nerve endings

Cotton wool

Moving touch

Quick adapting

Finger stroking

Moving touch

Quick adapting


Moving touch

Quick adapting

Tuning fork


Quick adapting

Von Frey

Constant touch

Slow adapting


Constant touch

Slow adapting


Constant touch

Slow adapting

Precision sensory grip Gross grip

Constant touch

Slow adapting

Constant touch

Slow adapting

Modified from Dellon AL: The paper clip: light hardware to evaluate sensibility in the hand, Contemp Orthop 1:40, 1979. Radial nerve Median nerve Ulnar nerve

Dorsal surface

Palmar surface

Fig. 7.123  Peripheral nerve distribution in the hand.

Fig. 7.125  The Semmes-­Weinstein monofilament is applied perpendicular to the skin for 1 to 1.5 seconds, held in place for 1 to 1.5 seconds, and lifted for 1 to 1.5 seconds.

Fig. 7.124 Sensory distribution of branches of the ulnar and median nerves given off above the wrist.

blindfolded or otherwise unable to see the hand, and each filament is applied perpendicularly to the finger with the smallest filament being used first. The filament is pushed against the finger until the filament bends. The next filament is then used, and so on until the patient feels one

just before or just as it bends.81,152 The test is repeated three times to ensure a positive result.191 Normal values vary between probes 2.44 and 2.83 (Table 7.11). When doing the Semmes-­Weinstein test, the hand and fingers are commonly divided into a grid (Fig. 7.126), and only one point (usually in the center) is tested in each square. It is primarily the palmar aspect of the hand that is tested. Stereognosis or tactile gnosis, which is the ability to identify common objects by touch, should also be tested. Objects are placed in the patient’s hand while the patient is blindfolded or otherwise unable to see the object. The time taken to recognize the object is noted. Normal subjects can usually name the object within 3 seconds of contact.189

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

TABLE  7.11

Light Touch Testing Using Semmes-­Weinstein Pressure Esthesiometer Esthesiometer Probe Number

Calculated Pressure Interpretation (g/mm2)



Normal light touch



Diminished light touch, point localizationa intact





Minimal light touch, area localizationb intact Sensation but no localization sensibility


localization: The dowel is in contact with the skin point stimulated. bArea localization: The dowel is in contact with any point inside the zone of the area being tested (in the hand or foot). From Omer GE: Report of the committee for evaluation of the clinical result in peripheral nerve injury, J Hand Surg Am 8:755, 1983.

Fig. 7.127 Symptoms can be referred to the wrist and hand from the elbow, shoulder, and cervical spine.

Palmar aspect Fig. 7.126  Grid pattern used for recording results of light touch sensation testing.

Vibratory sense is tested using a 256-­cps (high-frequency) or 30-­ cps (low-­ frequency) tuning fork. The patient, who cannot see the test site, indicates when vibration is felt as the examiner touches the skin with the vibrating tuning fork and whether the vibration feels the same. The score is the number of correct responses divided by the total number of presentations.223 To test moving touch, the examiner’s fingers stroke the patient’s finger. The patient notes whether the stroking was felt and what it felt like. It must be remembered that pain may be referred to the wrist and hand from the cervical or upper thoracic

spine, shoulder, and elbow. Seldom is wrist or hand pain referred up the limb (Fig. 7.127). Table 7.12 shows the muscles acting on the forearm, wrist, and hand and their pain referral patterns when injured. The examiner can attempt a differential diagnosis of paresthesia in the hand if altered sensation is present. A comparison with a normal dermatome chart should be made, and the examiner should remember that there is a fair amount of variability and overlap with dermatomes (Fig. 7.128). In addition, there are areas of the hand where sensation is more important (Fig. 7.129). Abnormal sensation may mean the following: 1. Numbness in the thumb only may be caused by pressure on the digital nerve on the outer aspect of the thumb. 2. A “pins and needles” feeling in the thumb may be caused by a contusion of the thenar branch of the median nerve. 3. Paresthesia in the thumb and index finger may be caused by a C5 disc lesion or C6 nerve root palsy. 4. Paresthesia in the thumb, index finger, and middle finger may be caused by a C5 disc lesion, C6 nerve root palsy, or thoracic outlet syndrome. 5. Paresthesia of the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger on the palmar aspect may be caused by an injury to the median nerve, possibly through the carpal tunnel; on the dorsal aspect, it could be caused by injury to the radial nerve.

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


TABLE  7.12

Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Muscles and Referral of Pain Muscles

Referral Pattern


Lateral epicondyle, lateral forearm, and web space between thumb and index finger

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Medial side of dorsum of wrist

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Middle of dorsum of wrist

Extensor carpi radialis longus

Lateral epicondyle, forearm, and lateral dorsum of hand

Extensor digitorum

Forearm, wrist to appropriate digit

Extensor indices

Dorsum of wrist to index finger

Palmaris longus

Anterior aspect of forearm to palm

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Anteromedial wrist into lateral palm

Flexor carpi radialis

Forearm to anterolateral wrist

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Palm into appropriate digit

Flexor pollicis longus


Adductor pollicis

Anterolateral and posterolateral palm into thumb

Opponens pollicis

Anterolateral wrist into anterior thumb

Abductor digiti minimi

Dorsomedial surface of hand into little finger Into adjacent digit, and for first interossei, dorsum of hand


6. Numbness of the thumb and middle finger may be caused by a tumor of the humerus. 7. Paresthesia on all five digits in one or both hands may be caused by a thoracic outlet syndrome. If it is in both hands, it may be caused by a central cervical disc protrusion. The level of protrusion would be indicated by the distribution of the paresthesia. 8. Paresthesia of the index and middle fingers may be caused by a trigger finger or “stick” palsy, if it is on the palmar aspect, or by a C6 disc lesion or C7 nerve root palsy. On the dorsal aspect of the hand, it may be caused by a carpal exostosis or subluxation. Stick palsy is the result of an inordinate amount of pressure from a cane or crutches on the ulnar nerve as it passes through the palm. 9.  Paresthesia of the index, middle, and ring fingers may be caused by a C6 disc lesion, C7 nerve root injury, or carpal tunnel syndrome.






Fig. 7.128  Dermatomes of the hand. Note overlap at dermatomes. Both views are palmar.

Fig. 7.129 Importance of hand sensation. Darker areas indicate where sensation is most important; lighter areas, where sensation is a little less important; and white areas, where sensation is least important. (Redrawn from Tubiana R: The hand, Philadelphia, 1981, WB Saunders, p 74.)

10. Paresthesia of all four fingers may be caused by a C6 disc lesion or injury to the C7 nerve root. 11. Paresthesia of the middle finger only may be caused by a C6 disc lesion or C7 nerve root lesion. 12. Paresthesia of the middle and ring fingers may be caused by a C6 disc lesion, C7 nerve root lesion, or stick palsy. 13. Paresthesia of the middle, ring, and little fingers may be caused by a C7 disc lesion or C8 nerve root palsy. The same would be true if there were paralysis of the ring and little fingers. This paresthesia also may be the result of a thoracic outlet syndrome. 14. Paresthesia on the ulnar side of the ring finger and the entire little finger may be caused by pressure of the ulnar nerve at the elbow or in the palm.

Peripheral Nerve Injuries of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Median Nerve).  The most common “tunnel” syndrome in the body is the carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is compressed under the flexor retinaculum at the wrist (see Fig. 7.45).177 This compression may follow trauma

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

TABLE  7.13

Nerve Injuries (Neuropathy) about the Wrist and Hand Nerve

Motor Loss

Sensory Loss

Functional Loss

Median nerve (C6–C8, T1; carpal tunnel)

Flexor pollicis brevis Abductor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis Lateral two lumbricals

Thumb opposition Thumb flexion Weak or no pinch Weak grip

Ulnar nerve (C7, C8, T1; pisohamate canal)

Flexor digiti minimi Abductor digiti minimi Opponens digiti minimi Adductor pollicis Interossei Medial two lumbricals Palmaris brevis

Palmar and dorsal thumb, index, middle and lateral half of ring finger If lesion above carpal tunnel, palmar sensation also affected Little finger, half of ring finger Palm often not affected

Thumb adduction Inability to extend PIP and DIP joints of fourth and fifth fingers Finger abduction Finger adduction Flexion of little finger

DIP, Distal interphalangeal; PIP, proximal interphalangeal.

TABLE  7.14

The 6-­Item Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms Scale The following questions refer to your symptoms for a typical 24-­hour period during the past 2 weeks. Mark one answer to each symptom. How severe are the following symptoms in your hand?





Very Severe

    Pain at night

    Pain during daytime

    Numbness or tingling at night

    Numbness or tingling during daytime

How often did the following symptoms in your hand wake you up at night?



2 or 3 Times

4 or 5 Times

More Than 5 Times

□ □

□ □

□ □

□ □

□ □

    Pain     Numbness or tingling

From Atroshi I, Lyrén PE, Gummesson C: The 6-­item CTS symptoms scale: a brief outcomes measure for carpal tunnel syndrome, Qual Life Res 18:347–358, 2009.

(e.g., a Colles fracture or lunate dislocation),224 overuse of fingers and wrist (e.g., mobile phone keying, typing),34 flexor tendon paratenonitis, hypertrophy of the lumbricals, a ganglion, arthritis (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis), or collagen disease. Different classification systems have been developed to determine the severity of the condition.225,226 As many as 20% of pregnant women may experience median nerve symptoms because compression of the nerve as a result of fluid retention causing swelling in the carpal tunnel and the primary symptoms are motor loss.227–229 With carpal tunnel syndrome, the symptoms, which are primarily distal to the wrist, are usually worse at night and include burning, tingling, pins and needles, and numbness into

the median nerve sensory distribution although it has been reported that many patients experience neurological symptoms outside the normal median nerve distribution (Table 7.13).137,230 Table 7.14 outlines a six-­item carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms scale.231–234 In severe cases, pain may be referred to the forearm. Symptoms are often aggravated by wrist movements, and long-­standing cases show atrophy and weakness of the thenar muscles (flexor and abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis) and the lateral two lumbricals. The condition is most common in women (3×)43 between 30 and 60 years of age, and, although it may occur bilaterally, it is seen most commonly in the dominant hand.180 It is also commonly seen in younger patients who use

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

their wrists a great deal in repetitive manual labor or are exposed to vibration.235 Wainner et al.175 developed a clinical prediction rule for diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome. Because of the apparent connection between carpal tunnel syndrome and cervical lesions resulting in double crush syndromes, the examiner should take care to include cervical assessment if the history appears to warrant such inclusion.236–238 Clinical Prediction Rule for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome175 • • • • •

S haking hand(s) for symptom relief Wrist-­ratio index >0.67 Symptom severity scale >1.9 Reduced median sensory field of digits (especially thumb) Age greater than 45 years


on supination and pronation, the lesion is probably in the ulnameniscocarpal joint or inferior radioulnar joint. Joint Play Movements of the Hand WRIST • • • •

L ong-­axis extension (traction or distraction) Anteroposterior glide of the individual bones Side glide of bone rows Side tilt 

INTERMETACARPAL JOINTS • Anteroposterior glide 


Guyon (Pisohamate) Canal (Ulnar Nerve).  The ulnar nerve is sometimes compressed as it passes through the pisohamate, or Guyon canal (Fig. 7.130). The condition may also be called ulnar tunnel syndrome, because the nerve may be compressed in the wrist from trauma (acute or repetitive), a space occupying lesion, or vascular lesion.228,239 The nerve may be compressed from trauma (e.g., fractured hook of hamate in racquet sports), use of crutches, or chronic pressure, as in people who cycle long distances while leaning on the handlebars or those who use pneumatic jackhammers. If the problem is in the Guyon canal, direct pressure over the canal may reproduce or exacerbate the symptoms (Guyon canal compression test [cyclist’s palsy34] ).171 The ulnar nerve gives off two sensory branches above the wrist. These branches supply the palmar and dorsal aspects of the hand, as illustrated in Fig. 7.124, resulting in sensory symptoms alone240 and do not pass through the Guyon canal. Therefore, if the ulnar nerve is compressed in the canal, only the fingers show an altered sensation, and the primary symptoms are motor loss (see Table 7.13).228,240 Motor loss includes the muscles of the hypothenar eminence (flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi, and opponens digiti minimi), adductor pollicis, the interossei, medial two lumbricals, and palmaris brevis (Fig. 7.131). 

Joint Play Movements When assessing joint play movements, the examiner should remember that if the patient complains of instability or pain on wrist flexion, the lesion is probably in the midcarpal joints. If the patient complains of instability or pain on wrist extension, the lesion is probably in the radiocarpal joints, because it is in these joints that most of the movement occurs during these actions. If the patient complains of pain or instability

• • • •

L ong-­axis extension (traction or distraction) Anteroposterior glide Rotation Side glide

The amount of movement obtained by the joint play should be compared with that of the normal side and considered significant only if there is a difference between the two sides and there are other symptoms (e.g., pain, clunk, crepitus). Reproduction of the patient’s symptoms would also give an indication of the joints at fault. Many of the joint play movements are similar to the special tests for wrist pain and tests for bone, ligament, capsule, and joint instability. The examiner would only need to do both if there is a need to help confirm the diagnosis. 


To perform long-­axis extension at the wrist, the examiner stabilizes the radius and ulna with one hand (the patient’s elbow may be flexed to 90°, and stabilization may be applied at the elbow if there is no pathology at the elbow) and places the other hand just distal to the wrist. The examiner then applies a longitudinal traction movement with the distal hand (Fig. 7.132). AP glide is applied at the wrist in two positions. The examiner first places the stabilizing hand around the distal end of the radius and ulna just proximal to the radiocarpal joint and then places the other hand around the proximal row of carpal bones. If the examiner’s hands are positioned properly, they should touch each other (Fig. 7.133). The examiner applies an AP gliding movement of the proximal row of carpal bones on the radius and ulna, testing the amount of movement and end feel. Then, the stabilizing hand is moved slightly distally ( .51276

Specificity • • • •

• • • • •

 3%184 9 90%174 84%277 95% (when compared to polyneuropathy) for carpal tunnel syndrome; 95% (when compared to control) for carpal tunnel syndrome278 74%173 95%279 92%280 30%175 52.9% for carpal tunnel syndrome176

Sensitivity • • • • • • • • •

 5%184 7 87%174 66%277 42%278 28%173 87%279 83%280 64%175 80.6% for carpal tunnel syndrome176

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio 10.71, negative likelihood ratio 0.93184 • Positive likelihood ratio 8.7, negative likelihood ratio 0.14174 • Positive likelihood ratio 5.56, negative likelihood ratio 0.13277 • Positive likelihood ratio 8.4, negative likelihood ratio 0.61278 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.08, negative likelihood ratio 0.97173 • Positive likelihood ratio 17.4, negative likelihood ratio 0.14279 • Positive likelihood ratio 10.38, negative likelihood ratio 0.18280 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.91, negative likelihood ratio 1.2175

COMMERCIAL VOLUMETER (IDYLLWILD, CA) Reliability • Interrater ICC = 0.99, intrarater ICC = 0.99281

COMMERCIAL VOLUMETER (KIMAX USA) Reliability • Test-­retest ICC = 0.99282

CROSSED FINGER TEST Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio = infinity, negative likelihood ratio 0.36179

DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT INSTABILITY (BALLOTTEMENT) TEST (DRUJ TEST) Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.79, negative likelihood ratio 0.3179

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d DURKAN’S TEST Specificity • C  arpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 91%, carpal tunnel syndrome/ normal/other hand problems 66%277 • 52.1% for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome283


Odds Ratio

• C  arpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 89%, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/other hand problems 89%277 • 59.2% for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome283

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 9.89, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/other hand problems 2.62; negative likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome x normal subjects 0.12, carpal tunnel syndrome/ normal/other hand problems 0.17277

EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS SYNERGY TEST Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 2.9, negative likelihood ratio 0.0179



• Intrarater ICC = 0.98, interrater ICC = 0.99220

• C  oncurrent validity comparing with volumetric measurement r = 0.93220

FINGER GRIND TEST Specificity • 96.7%284


Odds Ratio

• 30%284

• P  ositive predictive value 90%, negative predictive value 58%284 • Positive likelihood ratio 4.45, negative likelihood ratio 0.6179


Odds Ratio

• 37% for carpal tunnel syndrome192

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.42, negative likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 0.85192

FLICK MANEUVER Specificity • 7  4% for carpal tunnel syndrome192

GRIP AND PINCH TESTING Reliability • Symptomatic ICC = 0.93, asymptomatic ICC = 0.94285

GRIP STRENGTH Reliability • • • • •

 est-­retest dominant r = 0.70–0.86, nondominant r = 0.84–0.94286 T Inter-­examiner ICC = 0.93–0.97 injured, 0.92–0.94 noninjured287 Intra-­examiner ICC = 0.96, inter-­examiner ICC = 0.95288 Inter-­examiner ICC = 0.99 right, 0.99 left96 Test-­retest = 0.79–0.88 right, 0.86–0.93 left96

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577.e4 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d GRIPPING ROTARY IMPACTION TEST (GRIT) Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.12, negative likelihood ratio 0.83179

HAND ELEVATION TEST Specificity • 9  9% for carpal tunnel syndrome195


Odds Ratio

• 76% for carpal tunnel syndrome195

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 76, negative likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 0.24195


Odds Ratio

• C  arpal tunnel syndrome normal subjects 76%, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/other hand problem 76%277

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 38, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/other hand problems 4.75; negative likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 0.24, carpal tunnel syndrome/ normal/other hand problems 0.28277

HAND DIAGRAM Specificity • C  arpal tunnel syndrome normal subjects 98%, carpal tunnel syndromes/ normal/other hand problem 84%277



• 95%–99%289

• 49%–84%289

JAW PINCH STRENGTH Reliability • Intra-­examiner ICC = 0.88–0.93; inter-­examiner ICC = 0.891288

KEY PINCH STRENGTH Reliability • I nter-­examiner ICC = 0.94 injured, 0.86 uninjured287 • Symptomatic ICC = 0.94, asymptomatic ICC = 0.93285 • Intra-­examiner ICC = 0.99 right, 0.98 left96 • Test-­retest = 0.73–0.83 right, 0.83–0.87 left96



Odds Ratio

• 52%277

• 33%277

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 0.69, negative likelihood ratio 1.29277

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d LATERAL PINCH STRENGTH Reliability • Intra-­examiner ICC = 0.93–0.97, inter-­examiner ICC = 0.93290

LUMBRICAL PROVOCATION TEST Specificity • 7  1% for carpal tunnel syndrome291


Odds Ratio

• 43% for carpal tunnel syndrome291

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.28, negative likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 0.89291



Odds Ratio

• 6  4%292 • 64%179

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 1.2, negative likelihood ratio 0.8292 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.03, negative likelihood ratio 0.8179 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.14, negative likelihood ratio 0.82157



Odds Ratio

• 79%293

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 79, negative likelihood ratio 0.79293

MEDIAN SENSORY FIELD DEFICIT OF INDEX FINGER PAD Reliability • Intra-/inter-­examiner k = 0.50 for carpal tunnel syndrome175

MEDIAN SENSORY FIELD DEFICIT OF MIDDLE FINGER PAD Reliability • Intra-/inter-­examiner k = 0.40 for carpal tunnel syndrome175

MEDIAN SENSORY FIELD DEFICIT OF THUMB PAD Reliability • Intra-/inter-­examiner k = 0.48 for carpal tunnel syndrome175

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577.e6 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d MICHIGAN HAND OUTCOMES QUESTIONNAIRE Reliability


• T  est-­retest overall hand function ICC = 0.89, activities of daily living ICC = 0.94, work performance ICC = 0.93, pain ICC = 0.91, aesthetics ICC = 0.81, satisfaction with hand function ICC = 0.96294 • Test-­retest overall hand function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis ICC = 0.95110 • Test-­retest overall hand function ICC = >0.85110

• C  orrelation between self-­assessment and score change in the questionnaire r < 0.43295 • Internal consistency Cronbach alpha overall hand function 0.93, activities of daily living 0.95, work performance 0.94, pain 0.86, aesthetics 0.87, satisfaction with hand function 0.93294 • Concurrent validity with SF-­12 activities of daily living r = 0.64, work performance 0.54, pain 0.79294 • Internal consistency alpha values of 0.84–0.93110

MIDCARPAL SHIFT TEST Validity • T  here was a significant association of maximum slope in an instrument to measure instability and the clinical grade of midcarpal laxity P = .007296



• T  est-­retest placing test ICC = 0.83, turning test ICC • C  orrelation with box and block test with the placing test r = −0.63, = 0.79297 Purdue pegboard test with placing test r = −0.64, turning test r = −0.63297



• T  he test was • significantly different between patients with no flow and increased, decreased and reversed flow groups according to Doppler ultrasonography dynamic test P < .02, but not between the decreased, increased and reversed flow groups P > 0.4298

 lnar artery 97.1%, U superficial palmar branch of RA 96.6%, dorsal digital thumb artery 97.1%298


Odds Ratio

• U  lnar artery 66.7%, superficial palmar branch of RA 28.6%, dorsal digital thumb artery 100%298

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for ulnar artery 23, superficial palmar branch of RA 8.41, dorsal digital thumb artery 34.48; negative likelihood ratio for ulnar artery 0.34, superficial palmar branch of RA 0.74, dorsal digital thumb artery 0298



• Test-­retest r = 0.95299

• C  onstruct validity (grip strength r = 0.44, nine-­hole peg test r = 0.86, University of Maryland arm questionnaire r = 0.10)299

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d MOTOR POWER Reliability • Intra-­examiner k = 1.0 for carpal tunnel syndrome; inter-­examiner k = 0.25 for carpal tunnel syndrome300

MURPHY’S SIGN Specificity • 54%301


Odds Ratio

• 49%301

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 1.06, negative likelihood ratio 0.94301



• I nterrater r = 0.99, test-­retest r = 0.79302 • Test-­retest reliability ICC = 0.85–0.89275 • Interrater reliability ICC >0.98275

• C  oncurrent validity with Purdue pegboard test r = 0.74302 • In regard to grip strength r = 0.71275 • In regard to Jebsen hand function r = 0.83–0.95275

OKUTSU TEST Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio 1.0179

PAIN WITH LONGITUDINAL COMPRESSION OF THUMB Specificity • 98% for scaphoid fractures303


Odds Ratio

• 9  8% for scaphoid fractures303

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 49.0, negative likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 0.02303


Odds Ratio

• 1  00% for scaphoid fractures303

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 50.0, negative likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 0.00303

PAIN WITH SUPINATION AGAINST RESISTANCE Specificity • 98% for scaphoid fractures303

PALMER PINCH STRENGTH Reliability • I nter-­examiner ICC = 0.98 right, 0.99 left96 • Test-­retest = 0.65–0.81 right, 0.81–0.85 left96



• T  est-­retest acute fracture ICC = 0.90, treated fracture ICC = 0.97, 1-­year scaphoid ICC = 0.91112

• P  RWE × SF-­36 bodily pain r = −0.64, SF-­36 physical function r = −0.48, SF-­36 physical summary score r = −0.57, SF-­36 mental summary score r = −0.41112

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577.e8 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d PHALEN’S (WRIST FLEXION) TEST Reliability


• I ntrarater k = 0.53, • interrater k = 0.65304 • Interrater k = 0.88300 • Interrater k = 0.58276 • Intra-/inter-­ examiner k = 0.79175


 ore severe • M carpal tunnel syndrome more likely to have test positive P < .05276 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • •

 arpal tunnel C syndrome normal subjects 95%, carpal tunnel syndrome/ normal/other hand problem 71%277 76%173 54%301 100%293 Tester 1: 90%, tester 2: 86%300 47%305 48%170 91%195 90%279 74%192 84%174 83%184 80%306 76%173 72% (when compared to polyneuropathy) for carpal tunnel syndrome; 93% (when compared to control) for carpal tunnel syndrome278 59%307 40%175 100%308 92%280 35.3% for carpal tunnel syndrome176 50.5% for carpal tunnel syndrome283


Odds Ratio

• C  arpal tunnel syndrome normal subjects 75%, carpal tunnel syndromes /normal/ other hand problem 75%277 • 51%173 • 58%301 • 71%293 • Tester 1: 87%, tester 2 86%300 • 74%305 • 86%170 • 68%195 • 87%279 • 34%192 • 70%174 • 61%184 • 71%306 • 51%173 • 69%278 • 67%307 • 77%175 • 88%308 • 79%280 • 51% to 91%42 • 59.7% for carpal tunnel syndrome176 • 60% for carpal tunnel syndrome283

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 15, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/ other hand problems 2.59; negative likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 0.26, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/other hand problems 0.35277 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.12, negative likelihood ratio 0.64173 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.03, negative likelihood ratio 0.77301 • Positive likelihood ratio 71, negative likelihood ratio 0.29293 • Positive likelihood ratio tester 1: 8.7, tester 2: 6.14; negative likelihood ratio tester 1: 0.14, tester 2: 0.16300 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.4, negative likelihood ratio 0.55305 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.65, negative likelihood ratio 0.29170 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.15, negative likelihood ratio 0.78195 • Positive likelihood ratio 8.7, negative likelihood ratio 0.14279 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.31, negative likelihood ratio 0.89192 • Positive likelihood ratio 4.38, negative likelihood ratio 0.36174 • Positive likelihood ratio 3.59, negative likelihood ratio 0.47184 • Positive likelihood ratio 3.55, negative likelihood ratio 0.36306 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.13, negative likelihood ratio 0.64173 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.11, negative likelihood ratio 0.57278 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.63, negative likelihood ratio 0.56307 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.3, negative likelihood ratio 0.58175 • Positive likelihood ratio n/a, negative likelihood ratio 0.12308 • Positive likelihood ratio 9.88, negative likelihood ratio 0.23280 • Positive likelihood ratio for wrist provocation 2.68, negative likelihood ratio 0.54179

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d PINCH STRENGTH Reliability • k = 0.76300



Odds Ratio

• T  ester 1: 88%, tester 2: 78%300

• T  ester 1: • Positive likelihood ratio tester 1: 6, 72%, tester 2: tester 2: 3.18; negative likelihood ratio 70%300 tester 1: 0.31, tester 2: 1.36300

POWER GRIP Reliability


• Test-­retest ICC = 0.90–0.96309

• S  tronger results with wrist 15° or 30° of extension with neutral radioulnar deviation than wrist 15° of ulnar deviation with or without extension P = .021–.004309



• T  est-­retest female right r = 0.76, left r = 0.79, both r = 0.81; male right r = 0.63, • There was no significant difference left r = 0.64, both r = 0.66310 between groups of patients with or • Test-­retest ICC = 0.66–0.90311 without sensation decrease P = .22315 • Test-­retest one trial ICC = 0.85–0.90, sum of three trials ICC = 0.92–0.96312 • Test-­retest one trial right hand ICC = 0.37, left hand ICC = 0.61, both hands ICC = 0.58, right + left + both ICC = 0.70, assembly ICC = 0.51; sum of three trials right hand ICC = 0.82, left hand ICC = 0.89, both hands ICC = 0.85, right + left + both ICC = 0.89, assembly ICC = 0.81313 • Test-­retest dominant r = 0.59–0.88, nondominant r = 0.35–0.77286 • Test-­retest reliability for five subjects ICC = 0.73–0.88314 • Minimal detectable change was 3.0 or 22.9% for dominant hand subtest, 3.1 or 26.1% for nondominant hand subtest, 3.0 or 31.7% for both hands subtests, 6.1 or 17.7% for dominant + nondominant + both hands subtest and 8.5 or 35.3% for assembly subtest314

SCAPHOID COMPRESSION TENDERNESS Specificity • 80% for scaphoid fractures273


Odds Ratio

• 1  00% for scaphoid fractures273

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 5.0, negative likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 0.00273


Odds Ratio

• 7  0%316 • 100%317

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 0.9, negative likelihood ratio 1.4316 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.92, negative likelihood ratio 0.0317


Odds Ratio

• 100%318

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 1.52, negative likelihood ratio 0.00318

SCAPHOID COMPRESSION/STRESS TEST Specificity • 2  2%316 • 48%317

SCAPHOID FRACTURE TEST Specificity • 34%318

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577.e10 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d SCAPHOID SHIFT TEST Specificity


• 66% for carpal instability157

Odds Ratio

• 6  9% for carpal • P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal instability157 instability 2.03, negative likelihood ratio for carpal instability 0.47157 • Positive likelihood ratio for wrist provocation 2.76, negative likelihood ratio 0.25179

SCAPHOID TUBERCLE TENDERNESS Specificity • 51% for scaphoid fractures273


Odds Ratio

• 8  3% for scaphoid fractures273

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 1.69, negative likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 0.33273

SCRATCH COLLAPSE TEST FOR ULNAR/MEDIAN NERVE Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio 69.99, negative likelihood ratio 0.31179 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.99, negative likelihood ratio 0.73179



• I nterrater ICC = • 59%301 0.15, intrarater ICC = 0.71304 • Inter-­examiner k = 0.22 for carpal tunnel syndrome300


Odds Ratio

• 59%301

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 1.44, negative likelihood ratio 0.69301


Odds Ratio

• 1  00% for scaphoid fractures303

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 50.0, negative likelihood ratio for scaphoid fractures 0.00303


Odds Ratio

• 6  9%173 • 47%–69%181

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 2.55, negative likelihood ratio 0.42173 • Pooled odds ratio 4.56 for wrist ratio ≥ to 0.70, and 2.73 for < 0.70 for carpal tunnel syndrome207,319

SNUFF BOX TENDERNESS Specificity • 98% for scaphoid fractures303

SQUARED-­SHAPED WRIST Specificity • 7  3%173 • 73%–83%181

TETHERED MEDIAN NERVE TEST Reliability • Inter-­examiner k = 0.49 for carpal tunnel syndrome300

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d THREE-­JAW PINCH STRENGTH Specificity • 49%277


Odds Ratio

• 43%277

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 0.84, negative likelihood ratio 1.16277

TINEL SIGN Reliability


• I ntrarater k = 0.80, • interrater k = 0.77304 • k = 0.81300 • Interrater k = 0.51276


 o N • Carpal tunnel association syndrome normal with the subjects 99%, severity of carpal tunnel carpal tunnel syndromes/ syndrome normal/other hand and test problem 83%277 results P > • 87%173 276 .11 • 6  3%301 • 100%293 • Tester 1: 92%, tester 2: 94%300 • 98%320 • 90%195 • 91%192 • 77%307 • 91%184 • 80%174 • 94%306 • 67%305 • 57%170 • 56% (compared to poly­neuropathy group); 90% (compared to control)278 • 97%279 • 76%321 • 100%308 • 47.1% for carpal tunnel syndrome176 • 52% for carpal tunnel syndrome283


Odds Ratio

• C  arpal tunnel syndrome normal subjects 64%, carpal tunnel syndromes /normal/ other hand problem 64%277 • 23%173 • 42%301 • 71%293 • Tester 1: 59%, tester 2: 41%300 • 70%320 • 68%195 • 27%192 • 60%307 • 74%184 • 56%174 • 44%306 • 60%305 • 62%170 • 41%278 • 33%279 • 68%321 • 67%308 • 65.3% for carpal tunnel syndrome176 • 64.9% for carpal tunnel syndrome283

• P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 64, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/ other hand problems 3.76; negative likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome/normal subjects 0.36, carpal tunnel syndrome/normal/other hand problems 0.43277 • Positive likelihood ratio 1, negative likelihood ratio 1173 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.13, negative likelihood ratio 0.92301 • Positive likelihood ratio 71, negative likelihood ratio 0.29293 • Positive likelihood ratio tester 1: 7.35, tester 2: 6.83; negative likelihood ratio tester 1: 0.44, tester 2: 0.63300 • Positive likelihood ratio 35, negative likelihood ratio 0.31320 • Positive likelihood ratio 6.80, negative likelihood ratio 0.36195 • Positive likelihood ratio 3.0, negative likelihood ratio 0.80192 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.61, negative likelihood ratio 0.52307 • Positive likelihood ratio 8.22, negative likelihood ratio 0.29184 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.8, negative likelihood ratio 0.55174 • Positive likelihood ratio 7.33, negative likelihood ratio 0.60306 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.82, negative likelihood ratio 0.60305 • Positive likelihood ratio 1.44, negative likelihood ratio 0.67170 • Positive likelihood ratio 0.94, negative likelihood ratio 1.05278 • Positive likelihood ratio 11, negative likelihood ratio 0.69279 • Positive likelihood ratio 2.8, negative likelihood ratio 0.42321 • Positive likelihood ratio n/a, negative likelihood ratio 0.33308 • Positive likelihood ratio for wrist provocation 2.95, negative likelihood ratio 0.57179

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577.e12 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d TINEL A SIGN Reliability • I ntra-/inter-­ examiner k = 0.47 for carpal tunnel syndrome175



Odds Ratio

• 5  8% for carpal tunnel syndrome175 • 28%–73%41

• 4  1% for • carpal tunnel syndrome175 • 44%–95%41



• 67% for carpal tunnel syndrome175

• 4  8% for • P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal carpal tunnel tunnel syndrome 1.4; negative syndrome175 likelihood ratio to carpal tunnel syndrome 0.78175

 ositive likelihood ratio for carpal P tunnel syndrome 0.98; negative likelihood ratio to carpal tunnel syndrome 1.0175

TINEL B SIGN Reliability • I ntra-/inter-­ examiner k = 0.35 for carpal tunnel syndrome175

Odds Ratio



• I nter-­examiner ICC • 38%277 = 0.99 right, 0.99 left96 • Test-­retest = 0.51–0.82 right, 0.69–0.82 left96 • Intra-­examiner ICC = 0.86–0.94; inter-­ examiner ICC = 0.91288 • Inter-­examiner ICC = 0.89 injured, 0.84 non­injured287


Odds Ratio

• 65%277

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 1.05, negative likelihood ratio 0.92277


Odds Ratio

TOURNIQUET TEST (GILLIATT’S TEST) Specificity • S  uprasystolic: 61%271 • Suprasystolic: 33%212 • Infrasystolic: 100%212

• S  uprasystolic: • Suprasystolic: positive likelihood ratio 59%271 1.5, negative likelihood ratio 0.67271 • Suprasystolic: • Suprasystolic: positive likelihood ratio 67%212 1.0, negative likelihood ratio 1.0212 • Infrasystolic: • Infrasystolic: positive likelihood ratio 55%212 55.0, negative likelihood ratio 0.46212



Odds Ratio

• 66.7%284

• P  ositive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 75%284

TRIPOD STRENGTH Reliability • Symptomatic ICC = 0.88, asymptomatic ICC = 0.87285

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Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand


eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d TWO-­POINT DISCRIMINATION Reliability • I ntra-­examiner moving ICC = 0.58, static ICC = 0.77 for carpal tunnel syndrome300 • Inter-­examiner moving ICC = 0.45, static ICC = 0.66 for carpal tunnel syndrome300

ULNAR CARPAL STRESS TEST (NAKMURA’S STRESS TEST) Specificity • 41%–44% for the ulnar fovea sign and MRI322


Odds Ratio

• 7  3%–76% for the ulnar fovea sign and MRI322

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 1.0179 • Positive predictive value 0.53–0.55322


Odds Ratio

ULNOMENISCO-­TRIQUETRAL DORSAL GLIDE Specificity • 64% for carpal instability157

• 6  6% for carpal • P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal instability157 instability 1.69, negative likelihood ratio for carpal instability 0.56157

UPPER LIMB TENSION TEST A Reliability • I ntra-/inter-­ examiner k = 0.76 for carpal tunnel syndrome175



Odds Ratio

• 13% for carpal tunnel syndrome175

• 7  5% for • P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal carpal tunnel tunnel syndrome 0.86, negative syndrome175 likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.9175

UPPER LIMB TENSION TEST B Reliability • I ntra-/inter-­ examiner k = 0.83 for carpal tunnel syndrome175



Odds Ratio

• 30% for carpal tunnel syndrome175

• 6  4% for • P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal carpal tunnel tunnel syndrome 0.91, negative syndrome175 likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 1.2175

VIBRATION SENSE Reliability • I ntra-­examiner k = 1.0 for carpal tunnel syndrome300 • Inter-­examiner k = 0.40 for carpal tunnel syndrome300

WRIST ANTERIOR-­POSTERIOR WIDTH Reliability • Intra-/inter-­examiner ICC = 0.77 for carpal tunnel syndrome175

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577.e14 Chapter 7  Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

eAPPENDIX 7.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Forearm, Wrist and Hand–cont’d      

WRIST EXTENSION Reliability • I nter-­examiner k = 0.72 (0.55, 0.88) for carpal tunnel syndrome300



Odds Ratio

• 8  2% (when compared to polyneuropathy) for carpal tunnel syndrome; 96% (when compared to control) for carpal tunnel syndrome278

• 5  5% for • P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal carpal tunnel tunnel syndrome 3.06, negative syndrome278 likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 0.55278

WRIST EXTENSORS FOR STRENGTH Reliability • I nter-­examiner ICC = 0.94323 • Intra-­examiner ICC = 0.88324

WRIST FLEXION AND EXTENSION FOR STRENGTH Reliability • Inter-­examiner ICC = 0.94 flexion, 0.91 extension325



Odds Ratio

• 99%326

• P  ositive predictive value 67%, negative predictive value 95%326

WRIST MEDIAL-­LATERAL WIDTH Reliability • Intra-/inter-­examiner ICC = 0.86 for carpal tunnel syndrome175



• 26% for carpal tunnel syndrome175

Odds Ratio

• 9  3% for • P  ositive likelihood ratio for carpal carpal tunnel tunnel syndrome 1.3, negative syndrome175 likelihood ratio for carpal tunnel syndrome 0.29175

ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient; k, kappa; n/a, not applicable; p, probability; PRWE, patient-rated wrist evaluation; RA, radial artery; SF, short form.

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C HA P T E R 8

Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine Assessment of the thoracic spine involves examination of the part of the spine that is most rigid because of the associated rib cage. The rib cage in turn provides protection for the heart, lungs, and other vital organs. Normally, the thoracic spine, being one of the primary curves, exhibits a mild kyphosis (posterior curvature); the cervical and lumbar sections, being secondary curves, exhibit a mild lordosis (anterior curvature). When the examiner assesses the thoracic spine, it is essential that the cervical and/or lumbar spines be evaluated at the same time (Fig. 8.1; see Fig. 3.7). Because the spine and ribs protect vital organs (e.g., heart, lungs, and viscera), it is important that the examiner be able to differentiate problems with the vital organs (see Chapter 17) from mechanical problems occurring in the thoracic spine and ribs. These include cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and renal problems. Finally, when assessing the thoracic spine, the examiner should be aware that movements in the shoulder may give the appearance of movement in the thoracic spine and vice versa, and that rib movement and pathology can affect shoulder movement.

Applied Anatomy The costovertebral joints are synovial plane joints located between the ribs and the vertebral bodies (Fig. 8.2). There are 24 of these joints, and they are divided into two parts. Ribs 1, 10, 11, and 12 articulate with a single vertebra. The other articulations have no intra-­ articular ligament that divides the joint into two parts, so each of ribs 2 through 9 articulates with two adjacent vertebrae and the intervening intervertebral disc. The main ligament of the costovertebral joint is the radiate ligament, which joins the anterior aspect of the head of the rib radiating to the sides of the vertebral bodies and disc in between. For ribs 10, 11, and 12, it attaches only to the adjacent vertebral body. The intra-­ articular ligament divides the joint and attaches to the disc. The costotransverse joints are synovial joints found between the ribs and the transverse processes of the vertebra of the same level for ribs 1 through 10 (see Fig. 8.2). Because ribs 11 and 12 do not articulate with the

transverse processes, this joint does not exist for these two levels. The costotransverse joints are supported by three ligaments. The superior costotransverse ligament runs from the lower border of the transverse process above to the upper border of the rib and its neck. The costotransverse ligament runs between the neck of the rib and the transverse process at the same level. The lateral costotransverse ligament runs from the tip of the transverse process to the adjacent rib. The costochondral joints lie between the ribs and the costal cartilage (Fig. 8.3). The sternocostal joints are found between the costal cartilage and the sternum. Joints 2 through 6 are synovial, whereas the first costal cartilage is united with the sternum by a synchondrosis. Where a rib articulates with an adjacent rib or costal cartilage (ribs 5 through 9), a synovial interchondral joint exists. As in the cervical and lumbar spines, the two apophyseal or facet joints (also called the zygapophyseal joints) make up the main trijoint complex along with the disc between the vertebrae. The superior facet of the T1 vertebra is similar to a facet of the cervical spine. Because of this, T1 is classified as a transitional vertebra. The superior facet faces up and back; the inferior facet faces down and forward. The T2 to T11 superior facets face up, back, and slightly laterally; the inferior facets face down, forward, and slightly medially changing from a 45° to 60° inclination (T2-­ T3) to 90° inclination (T4-­T9) (Fig. 8.4). This shape enables slight rotation in the thoracic spine. In fact, the facet joints limit flexion and anterior translation and facilitate rotation.1 Thoracic vertebrae T11 and T12 are classified as transitional, and the facets of these vertebrae become positioned in a way similar to those of the lumbar facets. The superior facets of these two vertebrae face up, back, and more medially; the inferior facets face forward and slightly laterally. The ligaments between the vertebral bodies include the ligamentum flavum, the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments, and the intertransverse ligament. These ligaments are found in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. The close packed position of the facet joints in the thoracic spine is extension.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Facet Joints of the Thoracic Spine Resting position: Midway between flexion and extension Close packed position: Full extension Capsular pattern: Side flexion and rotation equally limited, extension

Within the thoracic spine, there are 12 vertebrae, which diminish in size from T1 to T3 and then increase progressively in size to T12. These vertebrae are distinctive in having facets on the body and transverse processes for articulation with the ribs. The spinous processes of these vertebrae face obliquely downward (Fig. 8.5). T7 has the greatest spinous process angulation, whereas the upper three thoracic vertebrae have spinous processes that project directly posteriorly. In other words, the spinous process of these vertebrae is Costochondral joint 1st rib

Cervical (secondary) curve


Sternocostal joint Clavicular facet



Manubriosternal ligament over manubriosternal joint

3rd True ribs


Costal facet of the 4th chondrosternal junction (Sternocostal joint)


Thoracic (primary) curve


Xiphoid process Interchondral ligaments


False ribs

9th 10th

Lumbar (secondary) curve Floating ribs


Sacral (primary) curve

COCCYGEAL Fig. 8.1  The articulated spine. Radiate ligament Costotransverse ligaments



Fig. 8.3 Anterior view of the part of the thoracic wall highlights the manubriosternal joint, sternocostal joints with costochondral and chondrosternal joints, and interchondral joints. The ribs are removed on the left side to expose the costal facets. (Modified from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St. Louis, 2002, CV Mosby, p 370.)

Costotransverse joint

Lateral costotransverse ligament

Transverse process Superior costotransverse ligament


Costovertebral joint



Exposed interchondral joint




Anterior longitudinal ligament Radiate ligament of head Intervertebral disc Intra-articular ligament of head (of rib)

Posterior longitudinal ligament

Body of vertebra

Supraspinous ligament Spinous process

Anterior longitudinal ligament Ligamentum flavum Lamina

Interspinal ligament


Intervertebral disc Intervertebral foramen

Fig. 8.2  Joints and ligaments of the thoracic vertebrae and ribs. (A) Superior view. (B) Anterolateral aspect. (C) Median section through vertebra. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

on the same plane as the transverse processes of the same vertebrae. T4 to T6 vertebrae have spinous processes that project downward slightly. In this case, the tips of the spinous processes are on a plane halfway between their own transverse processes and the transverse processes of the vertebrae below. For T7, T8, and T9 vertebrae, the spinous processes project downward, the tip of the spinous processes being on a plane of the transverse processes of the vertebrae below. For the T10 spinous process, the arrangement is similar to that of the T9 spinous process (i.e., the spinous process is level with the transverse process of the vertebra below). For T11, the arrangement is similar to that of T6 (i.e., the spinous process is halfway between the two transverse processes of the vertebra), and T12 is similar to T3 (i.e., the spinous process is level with the transverse process of the same vertebra). The location of the spinous processes becomes important if the examiner wishes to perform posteroanterior central vertebral pressures (PACVPs). For example, if the Superior facet Rib articulations Transverse process Inferior facet Spinous process 60o


Superior facet Rib articulations

examiner pushes on the spinous process of T8, the body of T9 also moves. In fact, the vertebral body of T8 probably arcs backward slightly, whereas T9 will move in an anterior direction. T7 is sometimes classified as a transitional vertebra, because it is the point at which the lower limb axial rotation alternates with the upper limb axial rotation (Fig. 8.6). The ribs, which help to stiffen the thoracic spine, articulate with the demifacets on vertebrae T2 to T9. For T1 and T10, there is a whole facet for ribs 1 and 10, respectively. The first rib articulates with T1 only, the second rib articulates with T1 and T2, the third rib articulates with T2 and T3, and so on. Ribs 1 through 7 articulate with the sternum directly and are classified as true ribs (see Fig. 8.3). Ribs 8 through 10 join directly with the costocartilage of the rib above and are classified as false ribs. Ribs 11 and 12 are classified as floating ribs because they do not attach to either the sternum or the costal cartilage at their distal ends. Ribs 11 and 12 articulate only with the bodies of the T11 and T12 vertebrae, not with the transverse processes of the vertebrae nor with the costocartilage of the rib above. The ribs are held by ligaments to the body of the vertebra and to the transverse processes of the same vertebrae. Some of these ligaments also bind the rib to the vertebra above. At the top of the rib cage, the ribs are relatively horizontal. As the rib cage descends, they run more and more obliquely downward. By the 12th rib, the ribs are more vertical than horizontal. With inspiration, the ribs are pulled up and forward; this increases the anteroposterior diameter of the ribs. The first six ribs increase the anteroposterior dimension of the chest, mainly by rotating around their long axes. Rotation downward of the rib neck is associated with depression, whereas rotation upward of the same portion is associated with elevation. These movements are known as a pump handle action and are accompanied by elevation of the manubrium sternum upward and forward (Fig. 8.7A).2–4 Ribs 7 through 10 mainly increase in lateral,

Transverse process 20o


Spinous process

Fig. 8.4  Thoracic vertebra. (A) Side view. (B) Superior view. T7 Superior facet Transverse process Facet joint

Inferior facet


Spinous process Fig. 8.5  Spinous process of one thoracic vertebra at level of body of vertebra below (T7–T9).




Rotation Fig. 8.6  Axial rotation of the spine going from left to right on heel strike.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


Patient History A thorough and complete history should include past and present problems. By listening carefully, the examiner is often able to identify the patient’s problem, develop a working diagnosis, and then use the observation and examination to confirm or refute the impressions established from the history. All information concerning the present pain and its site, nature, and behavior is important. If any part of the history implicates the cervical or lumbar spine, the examiner must include these areas in the assessment as well. Clinical Note


In the thoracic spine, because of the many internal organs surrounded by the ribs and spine, the potential for red flags from other systemic problems (see Table 8.1) must always be kept in mind and cleared so that one is confident that he or she, as the examiner, is dealing with a musculoskeletal issue.5 If not, consideration should be given to referral to the appropriate health care provider.6


C Fig. 8.7 Actions of the ribs. (A) Pump handle action (T1–T6). (B) Bucket-­handle action (T7–T10). (C) Caliper action (T11–T12). (A and B, Modified from Williams P, Warwick R, editors: Gray’s anatomy, ed 37, Edinburgh, 1989, Churchill Livingstone, p 498.)

or transverse, dimension. To accomplish this, the ribs move upward, backward, and medially to increase the infrasternal angle, or they move downward, forward, and laterally to decrease the angle. These movements are known as a bucket-­handle action. This action is also performed by ribs 2 through 6 but to a much less degree (Fig. 8.7B). The lower ribs (ribs 8 through 12) move laterally, in what is known as a caliper action, to increase lateral diameter (Fig. 8.7C).3 The ribs are quite elastic in children, but they become increasingly brittle with age. In the anterior half of the chest, the ribs are subcutaneous; in the posterior half, they are covered by muscles. 

In addition to the questions listed under the “Patient History” section in Chapter 1, the examiner should obtain the following information from the patient: 1. What are the patient’s age and occupation? For example, conditions such as Scheuermann’s disease typically occur in young people between 13 and 16 years of age. Idiopathic scoliosis is most commonly seen in adolescent females. 2.  What was the mechanism of injury? Most commonly, rib injuries are caused by trauma. Thoracic spine problems may result from disease processes (e.g., scoliosis) and may have an insidious onset. Pain from true thoracic trauma tends to be localized to the area of injury. Facet syndromes present as stiffness and local pain, which can be referred.7,8 3.  What are the details of the present pain and other symptoms? What are the sites and boundaries of the pain? Have the patient point to the location or locations. Is one spot picked or does the patient identify an area? Is there any radiation of pain? Is the pain present at night, at rest, with activity?5 The examiner should remember that many of the abdominal structures, such as the stomach, liver, and pancreas, may refer pain to the thoracic region (see Tables 8.1 and 8.2 for thoracic spine and rib cage red flags and chest pain patterns). It should be remembered that thoracic spine pain and visceral pain can mimic each other. With thoracic disc lesions, because of the rigidity of the thoracic spine, active movements do not often show the characteristic pain pattern, and sensory and strength deficits are difficult if not impossible to detect.9 Thoracic root involvement or spondylosis usually causes pain that follows the path of the ribs or a deep, “through-­the-­chest” pain. Costovertebral, and costotransverse joints, and ribs commonly refer pain

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine TABLE  8.1

Thoracic Spine and Rib Cage Red Flags Condition

Red Flags

Myocardial infarction

Chest pain Pallor, sweating, dyspnea, nausea, or palpitations Presence of risk factors: previous history of coronary heart disease, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, and elevated blood serum cholesterol (>240 mg/dL) Men aged over 40 years and women aged over 50 years Symptoms lasting greater than 30 minutes and not relieved with sublingual nitroglycerin

Stable angina pectoris

Chest pain or pressure that occurs with predictable levels of exertion (if not, suspect unstable angina pectoris) Symptoms are also predictably alleviated with the rest or sublingual nitroglycerin (if not, suspect unstable angina pectoris) Sharp or stabbing chest pain that may be referred to the lateral neck or either shoulder Increased pain with left side lying Relieved with forward lean while sitting (supporting arms on knees or a table) Chest, shoulder, or upper abdominal pain Dyspnea Severe, sharp knife-­like pain with inspiration History of a recent or coexisting respiratory disorder (e.g., infection, pneumonia, tumor, or tuberculosis) Chest pain that is intensified with inspiration, ventilation, or expanding rib cage Recent bout of coughing or strenuous exercise or trauma Hyperresonance upon percussion Decreased breath sounds Pleuritic pain that may be referred to shoulder Fever, chills, headache, malaise, or nausea Productive cough Colicky pain in the right upper abdominal quadrant with accompanying right scapula pain Symptoms may worsen with ingestion of fatty foods Symptoms unaffected by activity or rest Dull, gnawing pain, or burning sensation in the epigastrium, mid back, or supraclavicular regions Symptoms relieved with food Localized tenderness at the right epigastrium Constipation, bleeding, vomiting, tarry colored stools, and coffee ground emeses Recent or coexisting urinary tract infection Enlarged prostate Kidney stone or past kidney stone


Pulmonary embolus Pleurisy




Peptic ulcer


Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones)

Sudden, severe back or flank pain Chills and fever Nausea or vomiting Renal colic Symptoms of urinary tract infection Reside in hot and humid environment Past episode(s) of kidney stone(s)

From Dutton M: Dutton’s orthopedic examination, evaluation and intervention, ed 3, New York, 2012, McGraw Hill, p 1247.

along the rib. Progressive abdominal pain preceding nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and loss of appetite in children is suggestive of acute appendicitis.6 There may also be localized tenderness on the right side, muscle guarding, tachycardia, and rebound tenderness.6 4.  Does the pain occur on inspiration, expiration, or both? Pain related to breathing may signal pulmonary

problems or may be related to movement of the ribs. Pain referred around the chest wall tends to be costovertebral in origin. Does the patient have any difficulty in breathing? If a breathing problem exists, it may be caused by a structural deformity (e.g., scoliosis); thoracic trauma, such as disc lesions, fractures, or contusions; or thoracic pathology, such as pneumothorax, pleurisy, tumors, or pericarditis.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


TABLE  8.2

Chest Pain Patterns Origin of Pain

Site of Referred Pain

Type of Disorder

Substernal or retrosternal

Neck, jaw, back, left shoulder and arm, and abdomen


Substernal, anterior chest

Neck, jaw, back, and bilateral arms

Myocardial infarction

Substernal or above the sternum

Neck, upper back, upper trapezius, supraclavicular area, left arm, and costal margin


Anterior chest (thoracic aneurysm); abdomen Posterior thoracic, chest, neck, shoulders, (abdominal aneurysm) interscapular, or lumbar region

Dissecting aortic aneurysm


Variable, depending on structures involved


Costochondritis (inflammation of the costal cartilage): sternum and rib margins

Abdominal oblique trigger points: pain referred up into the chest area

Upper rectus abdominis trigger points (left side), pectoralis, serratus anterior, and sternalis muscles: precordial pain

Pectoralis trigger points: pain referred down medial bilateral arms along ulnar nerve distribution (fourth and fifth fingers)

Precordium region (upper central abdomen and diaphragm)

Sternum, axillary lines, and either side of vertebrae; lateral and anterior chest wall; occasionally to one or both arms


Substernal, epigastric, and upper abdominal quadrants

Around chest area, shoulders, and upper back region


Within breast tissue; may be localized in pectoral and supraclavicular regions

Chest area, axilla, mid back, and neck, and posterior shoulder girdle

Breast pain

Commonly substernal and anterior chest region No referred pain


From Dutton M: Dutton’s orthopedic examination, evaluation and intervention, ed 3, New York, 2012, McGraw Hill, p 1246.

5.  Is the pain deep, superficial, shooting, burning, or aching? Thoracic nerve root pain is often severe and is referred in a sloping band along an intercostal space. Pain between the scapulae may be the result of a cervical lesion. It has been reported that any symptoms above a line joining the inferior angles of the scapula should be considered of cervical origin until proven otherwise, especially if there is no history of trauma.10 6. Is the pain affected by coughing, sneezing, or straining? Dural pain is often accentuated by these maneuvers. 7.  Which activities aggravate the problem? Active use of the arms sometimes irritates a thoracic lesion. Pulling and pushing activities can be especially bothersome to a patient with thoracic problems. Costal pain is often elicited by breathing and/or overhand arm motion. 8.  Which activities ease the problem? For example, bracing the arms often makes breathing easier because this facilitates the action of the accessory muscles of respiration. 9.  Is the condition improving, becoming worse, or staying the same? 10. Does any particular posture bother the patient? Can the patient comfortably lie supine? Prone? On side?

Sit? Stand? Pathology in the thoracic spine often does not enable the patient to assume different postures comfortably. For example, sitting upright into full extension may be painful for those with facet pathology; forward flexed postures may be painful in those with anterior vertebral compression fractures and could add to the deformity. 11. Is there any paresthesia or other abnormal sensation that may indicate a disc lesion or radiculopathy? 12. Are the patient’s symptoms referred to the legs, arms, or head and neck? If so, it is imperative that the examiner assess these areas as well. For example, shoulder movements may be restricted with thoracic spine or rib problems. Any positive responses to this question may indicate a neurological exam going over sensory testing, nerve root testing, neurological screening, and upper motor neuron reflexes is also necessary. 13. Does the patient have any problems with digestion? Pain may be referred to the thoracic spine or ribs from pathological conditions within the thorax or abdomen. Visceral pain tends to be vague, dull, and indiscrete and may be accompanied by nausea and sweating. It tends to follow dermatome patterns in its referral. For example, cardiac pain is referred to the shoulder (C4) and posteriorly to T2. Stomach

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine




Fig. 8.8  Normal posture. (A) Front view. (B) Posterior view. (C) Side view.

pain is referred to T6–T8 posteriorly. Ulcers may be referred to T4–T6 posteriorly.7 14. Is the skin in the thorax area normal? Conditions, such as herpes zoster, can cause unilateral, spontaneous pain. In the observation, the examiner should watch for erythema and grouped vesicles.9 15. Have there been previous examinations for other systemic problems? Does the patient have a history of heart problems? High blood pressure? Diabetes? Fever? Being bedridden? Difficulty breathing? Receiving a blow to the chest? All these questions are related to possible problems beyond the musculoskeletal system. 

important to observe the total body posture from the head to the toes and look for any deviation from normal (Fig. 8.8). Thus one looks for symmetry in the spinal curves and any compensation, any deviations, shoulder and pelvic levels, scapular position, limb position, muscle bulk and tone, gait, weight transfer when moving, and motion patterns (e.g., lifting arms over head, sit to stand, side lying to sitting). Posteriorly, the medial edge of the spine of the scapula should be level with the T3 spinous process, whereas the inferior angle of the scapula is level with the T7–T9 spinous process, depending on the size of the scapula. The medial border of the scapula is parallel to the spine and approximately 5 cm lateral to the spinous processes.



The patient must be suitably undressed so that the body is exposed as much as possible. In the case of a female, the bra is often removed to provide a better view of the spine and rib cage. The patient is usually observed first standing and then sitting. As with any observation, the examiner should note any alteration in the overall spinal posture (see Chapter 15), because it may lead to problems in the thoracic spine. It is

Kyphosis is a condition that is most prevalent in the thoracic spine (Fig. 8.9). The examiner must ensure that a kyphosis is actually present, remembering that a slight kyphosis, or posterior curvature, is normal and is found in every individual. Normal kyphosis in the thoracic spine is 20° to 40° and will depend on age (increases) and sex, although the actual degrees has been questioned.11 Hyperkyphosis is a kyphotic angle of greater than 40°

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

commonly measured by the Cobb method (see Fig. 8.70) on a lateral x-­ray measuring between T4 and T12.12 After age 40, the thoracic kyphosis tends to increase and the increase is higher in females.11,12 In addition, some people have “flat” scapulae, which give the appearance of an

Fig. 8.9 A 16-­year-­old boy with 70° kyphosis and midthoracic pain. (From Johnston CE: Kyphosis. In Herring JA, editor: Tachdjian’s pediatric orthopaedics, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2014, Saunders.)



excessive kyphosis, as does winging of the scapulae. The examiner must ensure that it is actually the spine that has the excessive curvature. Types of kyphotic deformities are shown in Fig. 8.10 and listed as follows13: 1. Round back is decreased pelvic inclination (20°) with a thoracolumbar or thoracic kyphosis (Fig. 8.11). Most forms of kyphosis seen show a decreased pelvic inclination. To compensate and maintain the body’s center of gravity a structural kyphosis, usually caused by tight soft tissues from prolonged postural change or by a growth disturbance, results, causing a round back deformity. 2. Scheuermann’s disease is the most common structural kyphosis in adolescents but can occur in adults. Its etiology is unknown.14 3. Hump back is a localized, sharp, posterior angulation called a gibbus.12 This kyphotic deformity is usually structural and often results from an anterior wedging of the body of one or two thoracic vertebrae. The wedging may be caused by a compression fracture, tumor, or bone disease. The pelvic inclination is usually normal (30°). 4. Flat back is decreased pelvic inclination (20°) with a mobile spine. This kyphotic deformity is similar to round back, except that the thoracic spine remains mobile and is able to compensate throughout its length for the altered center of gravity caused by the decreased pelvic inclination. Therefore, although a kyphosis is or should be present, it does not have the appearance of an excessive kyphotic curve. 5. Dowager’s hump12 results from postmenopausal osteoporosis. Because of the osteoporosis, anterior wedge fractures occur to several vertebrae, usually in the upper to middle thoracic spine, causing a structural scoliosis that also contributes to a decrease in height. 

GIBBUS Fig. 8.10  Kyphotic deformities.


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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine



Fig. 8.11  (A) Severe kyphosis of the thoracic spine secondary to vertebral wedging in a patient with glycogen storage disease. To stand upright, the patient must increase his lumbar lordosis and thrust his head forward to center it above the pelvis. (B) The kyphotic deformity is accentuated on forward bending. (From Deeney VF, Arnold J: Orthopedics. In Zitelli BJ, McIntire SC, Nowalk AJ, editors: Zitelli and Davis’ atlas of pediatric physical diagnosis, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.)

Scoliosis Scoliosis is a deformity in which there are one or more lateral curvatures of the lumbar or thoracic spine; it is this spinal deformity that was suffered by the “Hunchback of Notre Dame.” (In the cervical spine, the condition is called torticollis.) The curvature may occur in the thoracic spine alone, in the thoracolumbar area, or in the lumbar spine alone (Fig. 8.12). Scoliosis may be nonstructural (i.e., relatively easily correctable once the cause is determined) or structural. Poor posture, hysteria, nerve root irritation, inflammation in the spine area, leg length discrepancy, or hip contracture can cause nonstructural scoliosis. Structural changes may be genetic, idiopathic, or caused by some congenital problem, such as a wedge vertebra, hemivertebra, or failure of vertebral segmentation. In other words, there is a structural change in the bone, and normal flexibility of the spine is lost.15 A number of curve patterns may be present with scoliosis (Fig. 8.13).15 The curve patterns are designated according to the level of the apex of the curve (Table 8.3). A right thoracic curve has a convexity toward the right, and the apex of the curve is in the thoracic spine. With a cervical scoliosis, or torticollis, the apex is between C1 and C6. For a cervicothoracic curve, the apex is at C7 or T1. For a thoracic curve, the apex is between T2 and T11. The thoracolumbar curve has its apex at T12 or L1. The lumbar curve has an apex between L2 and

L4, and a lumbosacral scoliosis has an apex at L5 or S1. The involvement of the thoracic spine results in a very poor cosmetic appearance or greater visual defect as a result of deformation of the ribs along with the spine. The deformity can vary from a mild rib hump to a severe rotation of the vertebrae, causing a rib deformity called a razorback spine. With a structural scoliosis, the vertebral bodies rotate to the convexity of the curve and become distorted.16 If the thoracic spine is involved, this rotation causes the ribs on the convex side of the curve to push posteriorly, causing a rib “hump” and narrowing the thoracic cage on the convex side. As the vertebral body rotates to the convex side of the curve, the spinous process deviates toward the concave side. The ribs on the concave side move anteriorly, causing a “hollow” and a widening of the thoracic cage on the concave side (Fig. 8.14). Lateral deviation may be more evident if the examiner uses a plumb bob (plumb line) from the C7 spinous process or external occipital protuberance (Fig. 8.15). The examiner should note whether the ribs are symmetric and whether the rib contours are normal and equal on the two sides. In idiopathic scoliosis, the rib contours are not normal, and there is asymmetry of the ribs. Muscle spasm resulting from injury may also be evident. The bony and soft-­tissue contours should be observed for equality on both sides or for any noticeable difference.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Right thoracic curve

Right thoracolumbar curve

Left lumbar curve

Right thoracic and left lumbar curve (double major curve)


Fig. 8.13  Examples of scoliosis curve patterns. A


B Fig. 8.12  Idiopathic scoliosis. (A) Postural deformity caused by idiopathic thoracolumbar scoliosis. (B) Asymmetry of posterior thorax accentuated with patient flexed. Note “hump” on the right and “hollow” on the left. (From Zhou C, Liu L, Song Y et al: Two-­stage vertebral column resection for severe and rigid scoliosis in patients with low body weight, Spine J 13[5]:481-­486, 2013.)

The examiner should note whether the patient sits up properly with the normal spinal curves present (Fig. 8.16A); whether the tip of the ear, tip of the acromion process, and high point of the iliac crest are in a straight line as they should be; and whether the patient sits in a slumped position (i.e., sag sitting, as in Fig. 8.16B). The skin should be observed for any abnormality or scars (Fig. 8.17). If there are scars, are they a result of surgery or trauma? Are they new or old scars? If from surgery, what was the purpose of the surgery? 

As part of the observation, the examiner should note the patient’s breathing pattern. Children tend to breathe abdominally, whereas women tend to do upper thoracic breathing. Men tend to be upper and lower thoracic breathers. In the aged, breathing tends to be in the lower thoracic and abdominal regions (Fig. 8.18). The examiner should note the quality of the respiratory movements as well as the rate, rhythm, and effort required to inhale and exhale. The examiner should also note whether the patient is using the primary muscles of respiration and/or the accessory muscles of respiration, because this will help to indicate the ease of the patient’s breathing (Table 8.4). In addition, the presence of any coughing or noisy or abnormal breathing patterns should be noted. Because the chest wall movement that occurs during breathing displaces the pleural surfaces, thoracic muscles, nerve and ribs, pain is accentuated by breathing and coughing if any one of these structures is injured. 

Chest Deformities In addition to rib movements during breathing, the examiner should note the presence of any chest deformities. The more common deformities are shown in Fig. 8.19 and are listed as follows: 1. With a pigeon chest (pectus carinatum) deformity, the sternum projects forward and downward like the

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

TABLE  8.3

Curve Patterns and Prognosis in Idiopathic Scoliosis CURVE PATTERN Primary Lumbar


Combined Thoracic and Lumbar

Primary Thoracic


Incidence (%)






Average age curve noted (year)






Average age curve stabilized (year)






Extent of curve


T6 or T7–L1 or L1, L2

Thoracic, T6–T10 Lumbar, T11–L4


C7 or T1–T4 or T5

Apex of curve

L1 or L2

T11 or L2

Thoracic, T7 or T8 Lumbar, L2

T8 or T9 (rotation extreme, convexity usually to right)


Average angular value at maturity (degrees) Standing







Thoracic, 51.9; lumbar, 41.4 Thoracic, 41.4; lumbar, 37.7



Most benign and least deforming of all idiopathic curves

Not severely Good deforming Body usually well Intermediate aligned, curves even between if severe tend to thoracic and compensate each lumbar curves other High percentage of very severe scoliosis if onset before age of 10 years

Worst Progresses more rapidly, becomes more severe, and produces greater clinical deformity than any other pattern Five years of active growth during which curve could increase

Deformity unsightly Poorly disguised because of high shoulder, elevated scapula, and deformed thoracic cage

Supine Prognosis

Adapted from Ponseti IV, Friedman B: Prognosis in idiopathic scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 32(2):381–395, 1950. Rib pushed posteriorly and thoracic cage narrowed (hump)

Spinous process deviated toward concave side

Thoracic cage wider (hollow)

Vertebral body distorted toward convex side DIRECTION OF ROTATION CONVEX SIDE OF CURVE


Fig. 8.14  Pathological changes in the ribs and vertebra with idiopathic scoliosis in the thoracic spine.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine




Fig. 8.15  Right thoracic idiopathic scoliosis (posterior view). (A) The left shoulder is lower, and the right scapula is more prominent. Note the decreased distance between the right arm and the thorax with the shift of the thorax to the right. The left iliac crest appears higher, but this results from the shift of the thorax with fullness on the right and elimination of the waistline; the “high” hip is only apparent, not real. (B) Plumb line dropped from the prominent vertebra of C7 (vertebra prominens) measures the decompensation of the thorax over the pelvis. The distance from the vertical plumb line to the gluteal cleft is measured in centimeters and is recorded along with the direction of deviation. If there is a cervical or cervicothoracic curve, the plumb should fall from the occipital protuberance (inion). (From Moe JH, Winter RB, Bradford DS, et al: Scoliosis and other spinal deformities, Philadelphia, 1978, WB Saunders, p 14.)


B Fig. 8.16  Sitting posture. (A) Normal position. (B) Sag sitting.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Adrenalectomy, sympathectomy Nephrectomy Cholecystectomy Appendectomy

Laparotomy Laminectomy

Colon or sigmoid resection



Fig. 8.17  Common surgical scars of the abdomen and thorax. (Redrawn from Judge RD, Zuidema GD, Fitzgerald FT: Clinical diagnosis: a physiologic approach, Boston, 1982, Little Brown, p 295.)

TABLE  8.4

Muscles of Respiration Inspiration



Diaphragm Levator costorum External intercostals Internal intercostals (anterior)

Scaleni Sternocleidomastoid Trapezius Serratus anterior and posterior Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Subclavius

Both Expiration

Latissimus dorsi Internal obliques External obliques Rectus abdominis Transverse abdominis Transversus thoracis Transverse intercostals Internal intercostals (posterior)

Serratus posterior inferior Quadratus lumborum Iliocostalis lumborum

Fig. 8.18  Normal breathing patterns for child, adult female, adult male, and elderly person.

heel of a boot, increasing the anteroposterior dimension of the chest. This congenital deformity impairs the effectiveness of breathing by restricting ventilation volume. 2. The funnel chest (pectus excavatum) is a congenital deformity that results from the sternum’s being pushed posteriorly by an overgrowth of the ribs.17 The anteroposterior dimension of the chest is

decreased, and the heart may be displaced. On inspiration, this deformity causes a depression of the sternum that affects respiration and may result in kyphosis. 3. With the barrel chest deformity, the sternum projects forward and upward so that the anteroposterior diameter is increased. It is seen in pathological conditions, such as emphysema. 

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine





Fig. 8.19 Chest deformities. Lower vertical views show change in chest wall contours with deformity.

Examination Although the assessment is primarily of the thorax and thoracic spine, if the history, observation, or examination indicates symptoms into or from the neck, upper limb, or lumbar spine and lower limb, these structures must be examined as well using an upper or lower scanning examination. If any signs or symptoms are elicited in the scanning exam, more detailed examination of the cervical or lumbar spine may be performed. Therefore the examination of the thoracic spine may be an extensive one. Unless there is a history of specific trauma or injury to the thoracic spine or ribs, the examiner must be prepared to assess more than that area alone. If a problem is suspected above the thoracic spine, the scanning examination of the cervical spine and upper limb (as described in Chapter 3) should be performed. If a problem is suspected below the thoracic spine, the scanning examination of the lumbar spine (as described in Chapter 9), lower limb especially the hip (Chapter 11) and pelvis (Chapter 10), and shoulder (Chapter 5) should be performed. Added to this is the potential of issues with the other “systems” protected by the thoracic spine and rib cage. Only examination of the thoracic spine is described here.

Active Movements The active movements of the thoracic spine are usually done with the patient standing. Movement in the thoracic spine is limited by the rib cage and the long spinous processes of the thoracic spine. When assessing the thoracic spine, the examiner should be sure to note whether the movement occurs in the spine or in

the hips. A patient can touch the toes with a completely rigid spine if there is sufficient range of motion (ROM) in the hip joints. Likewise, tight hamstrings may alter the results. The movements may be done with the patient sitting, in which case the effect of hip movement is eliminated or decreased. Similarly, shoulder motion may be restricted if the upper thoracic segments or ribs are hypomobile.1 As with any examination, the most painful movements are done last. The active movements to be carried out in the thoracic spine are shown in Fig. 8.20. Active Movements of the Thoracic Spine • • • • • • • • •

F orward flexion (20°–45°) Extension (25°–45°) Side flexion, left and right (20°–40°) Rotation, left and right (35°–50°) Costovertebral expansion (3–7.5 cm) Rib motion (pump handle, bucket handle, and caliper) Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained postures (if necessary)

Forward Flexion

The normal ROM of forward flexion (forward bending) in the thoracic spine is 20° to 45° (Fig. 8.21). Because the ROM at each vertebra is difficult to measure, the examiner can use a tape measure to derive an indication of overall movement (Fig. 8.22). The examiner first measures the length of the spine from the C7 spinous process to the T12 spinous process with the patient in the

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine





Fig. 8.20  Active movements. (A) Forward flexion. (B) Extension. (C) Rotation (standing). (D) Rotation (sitting).


Fig. 8.21 Average range of motion in the thoracic spine. (Adapted from Grieve GP: Common vertebral joint problems, Edinburgh, 1981, Churchill Livingstone, pp 41–42.)



C7–T1 T1–T2 T2–T3 T3–T4 T4–T5 T5–T6 T6–T7 T7–T8 T8–T9 T9–T10 T10–T11 T11–T12 T12–L1 L1–L2

12o 8o 4o


normal standing posture. The patient is then asked to bend forward, and the spine is again measured. A 2.7-­cm (1.1-­inch) difference in tape measure length is considered normal. If the examiner wishes, the spine may be measured from the C7 to S1 spinous process with the patient in the normal standing position. The patient is then asked to bend forward, and the spine is again measured. A 10-­cm (4-­inch) difference in tape measure length is considered normal. In this case, the examiner is measuring movement in the lumbar spine as well as in the thoracic spine; most movement, approximately 7.5 cm (3 inches), occurs between T12 and S1. A third method of measuring spinal flexion is to ask the patient to bend forward and try to touch the toes

EXTENSION C6–C7 C7–T1 T1–T2 T2–T3 T3–T4 T4–T5 T5–T6 T6–T7 T7–T8 T8–T9 T9–T10 T10–T11 T11–T12 T12–L1 L1–L2


4o 8o 12o

8o 6o 4o


0o 4o 6o 8o

while keeping the knees straight. The examiner then measures from the fingertips to the floor and records the distance. The examiner must keep in mind that with this method, in addition to the thoracic spine movement, the movement may also occur in the lumbar spine and hips; in fact, movement could occur totally in the hips. Each of these methods is indirect. To measure the ROM at each vertebral segment, a series of radiographs would be necessary. The examiner can decide which method to use. However, it is of primary importance to note on the patient’s chart how the measuring was done and which reference points were used. While the patient is flexed forward, the examiner can observe the spine from the “skyline” view (Fig. 8.23). With

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

nonstructural scoliosis, the scoliotic curve disappears on forward flexion; with structural scoliosis, it remains. With the skyline view, the examiner is looking for a hump on one side (convex side of curve) and a hollow (concave side of curve) on the other. This “hump and hollow” sequence is caused by vertebral rotation in idiopathic scoliosis, which pushes the ribs and muscles out on one side and causes the paravertebral valley on the opposite side. The vertebral rotation is most evident in the flexed position. When the patient flexes forward, the thoracic spine should curve forward in a smooth, even manner with no rotation or side flexion (Fig. 8.24). The examiner should look for any apparent tightness or sharp angulation, such as a gibbus, when the movement is performed. If the patient has an excessive kyphosis to begin with, very little forward flexion movement occurs in the thoracic spine. McKenzie10 advocates doing flexion while sitting to decrease pelvic and hip movements. The patient then slouches forward flexing the thoracic


Fig. 8.23  Examiner performing skyline view of spine for assessment of scoliosis.






Fig. 8.22  Tape measurements for thoracic spine movement. (A) Positioning of tape measure for determining flexion and extension in the thoracic spine. (B) Positioning of tape measure for determining flexion or extension in the thoracic and lumbar spines combined. (C) Forward flexion measurement of thoracic and lumbar spines. (D) Forward flexion measurement of thoracic and lumbar spines and hips (fingertips to floor). (E) Side flexion measurement (fingertips to floor).

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

spine. The patient can put the hands around the neck to apply overpressure at the end of flexion. If symptoms arise from forward flexion on the spine with the neck flexed by the hands, the examiner should repeat the movement with the neck slightly extended and the hands removed. This will help to differentiate between cervical and thoracic pain.

During flexion and extension of the thoracic spine, the facet joints and ribs also move. During flexion, the ribs roll forward, their anterior aspect drops, and the facet joints glide superiorly (Fig. 8.25A). During extension, the opposite occurs with the ribs rolling backward, their anterior aspect elevates, and the facet joints glide inferiorly (Fig. 8.25B).18 



Fig. 8.24  Side view in forward bending position for assessment of kyphosis. (A) Normal thoracic roundness is demonstrated with a gentle curve to the whole spine. (B) Limited forward bending with increased kyphosis in a boy with juvenile ankylosing spondylitis. (B, From Herring JA: Arthritis. In Herring JA, editor: Tachdjian’s pediatric orthopaedics, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2014, Saunders.)

Thoracic spine extension



Thoracic spine flexion Roll


Rib extension (widen and elevate anteriorly

Rib flexion (narrow and depress anteriorly


B Fig. 8.25  Movement of ribs and facet joints during (A) flexion and (B) extension.

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Extension (backward bending) in the thoracic spine is normally 25° to 45°. At a minimum, the normal kyphotic posture of the thoracic spine should disappear on active and passive extension with the spine becoming straight. If it does not, then there is hypomobility in one or more segments. Because this movement occurs over 12 vertebrae, the movement between the individual vertebrae is difficult to detect visually. As with flexion, the examiner can use a tape measure and obtain the distance between the same two points (the C7 and T12 spinous processes). Again, a 2.5-­cm (1-­ inch) difference in tape measure length between standing and extension is considered normal. McKenzie10 advocated having the patient place the hands in the small of the back to add stability while performing the backward movement or to do extension while sitting or prone lying (sphinx position). As the patient extends, the thoracic curve should curve backward or at least straighten in a smooth, even manner




Fig. 8.26  Kyphosis and lordosis. (A) On physical examination, definite increases in thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are visualized. (B) Thoracic kyphosis does not fully correct on thoracic extension. (C) Lumbar lordosis, on the other hand, usually corrects on forward bending; in this case, some lordosis remains. (From Moe JH, Winter RB, Bradford DS, et al: Scoliosis and other spinal deformities, Philadelphia, 1978, WB Saunders, p 339.)



with no rotation or side flexion. Lee19 advocates asking the patient to fully forward flex the arms during extension to facilitate extension. The examiner should look for any apparent tightness or angulation when the movement is performed. If the patient shows excessive kyphosis (Fig. 8.26), the kyphotic curvature remains on extension; that is, the thoracic spine remains flexed, whether the movement is tested while the patient is standing or lying prone (see Fig. 8.26). If extension is tested in prone lying, the normal thoracic kyphosis should, for the most part, disappear. If there is a structural kyphosis, the kyphotic curve will remain on extension. McKenzie10 advocated doing prone extension by using a modified push-­up straightening the arms and allowing the spine to “sag down” toward the bed (Fig. 8.27). 

Side Flexion

Side (lateral) flexion is approximately 20° to 40° to the right and left in the thoracic spine. The patient is asked to run the hand down the side of the leg as far as possible without bending forward or backward. The examiner can then estimate the angle of side flexion or use a tape measure to determine the length from the fingertips to the floor and compare it with that of the other side (see Fig. 8.22E). Normally, the distances should be equal. In either case, the examiner must remember that movement in the lumbar spine as well as in the thoracic spine is being measured. As the patient bends sideways, the spine should curve sideways in a smooth, even, sequential manner. The examiner should look for any tightness or abnormal angulation, which may indicate hypomobility or hypermobility at a specific segment when the movement is performed. If, on side flexion, the ipsilateral paraspinal muscles tighten or their contracture is evident (Forestier’s bowstring sign), ankylosing spondylitis or pathology causing muscle spasm should be considered.20 In reality, side flexion cannot occur without rotation so both occur together (called rotation by some) and in the same direction, especially as one nears and reaches end range.21 


Rotation in the thoracic spine is approximately 35° to 50° and is the primary movement in the thoracic spine.22 The patient is asked to cross the arms in front or place

B Fig. 8.27  Thoracic extension in prone lying. (A) Prone extension. (B) McKenzie prone extension.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Fig. 8.28  Trunk (thoracic spine) rotation. (A) Using a pole to eliminate shoulder movement. (B) Placing hands behind head to eliminate shoulder movement.


the hands on opposite shoulders and then rotate to the right and left while the examiner looks at the amount of rotation, comparing both ways. The examiner must also ensure that the patient does not add shoulder movement (i.e., protraction of the scapula on one side, retraction on the other side) to give the appearance of more rotation in the thoracic spine. It has been advocated that the patient, while seated, hold a pole or bar across the shoulders held by the arms when doing the rotation (Fig. 8.28A) or place the hands behind the head (Fig. 8.28B). This eliminates shoulder movement which could potentially give the appearance of increased trunk rotation. When doing the rotation, the examiner watches to see how much movement occurs in each thoracic ring (a thoracic ring is made up of two vertebrae, the adjacent two ribs and their attachments into the sternum, the intervertebral disc and the costal cartilage and sternum, so there are 10 thoracic rings). Because of the shape of the facets, there is more rotation in the upper thoracic spine than the lower thoracic spine. The examiner must remember that movement in the lumbar spine and hips as well as in the thoracic spine is occurring. To eliminate or decrease the amount of the hip movement, rotation may be done in sitting. When doing the rotation, the examiner should watch and palpate the movement of the vertebra and ribs as the movement is different on both sides (Fig. 8.29). For example, with right rotation, the T5 vertebra rotates and side flexes to the right and translates to the left relative to T6 while at the same time, the right sixth rib posteriorly rotates and translates anteromedially relative to the T6 transverse process and the right sixth rib rotates anteriorly and translates posterolaterally relative to the T6 transverse


process (Fig. 8.30).21–23 The examiner, when palpating the thoracic ring, is looking for incorrect alignment, improper thoracic ring movement, and loss of movement control. If any of these are present, then a nonoptimal load transfer (NOLT) may be occurring and will need correction.22 The correction may involve mobilization techniques to the costovertebral or costotransverse joints, or stabilization techniques for the thoracic spine muscles. If the history indicated that repetitive motion, sustained postures, or combined movements caused aggravation of symptoms, then these movements should also be tested, but only after the original movements of flexion, extension, side flexion, and rotation have been completed. Combined movements that may be tested in the thoracic spine include forward flexion and side bending, backward bending and side flexion, and lateral bending with flexion and lateral bending with extension. Any restriction of motion, excessive movement (hypermobility) or curve abnormality should be noted. These movements would be similar to the H and I test described in the lumbar spine (see Chapter 9). 

Costovertebral Expansion

Costovertebral joint movement is usually determined by measuring chest expansion (Fig. 8.31). The examiner places the tape measure around the chest at the level of the fourth intercostal space. The patient is asked to exhale as much as possible, and the examiner takes a measurement. The patient is then asked to inhale as much as possible and hold the breath while the second measurement is taken. The normal difference between inspiration and expiration is 3 to 7.5 cm (1 to 3 inches).5

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine





Fig. 8.29  Seated trunk rotation with thoracic ring palpation and correction. (A) Examiner’s hand position for palpation of the 4th and 5th thoracic rings. The examiner performs the palpation using the distal end of the flat fingers; there should be no pressure posteriorly from the heel of the hand or palm. (B) The patient right rotates while the examiner notes the range of motion and any nonoptimal load transfer of the upper thoracic rings during the movement. The patient then returns to neutral. (C) Right rotation with correction of the 5th thoracic ring on the right and the 4th thoracic ring on the left showing facilitation of optimal biomechanics. Range of motion should increase resulting from this ring correction. (Concept from Lee LJ: The thoracic ring approachTM—a whole person framework to assess and treat the thoracic spine and ribcage. In Magee DJ, Zachazewski JE, Quillen WS, Manske RC, editors: Pathology and intervention in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.)

Fig. 8.30  Two “thoracic rings,” with the upper thoracic ring depicting the osteokinematics that occur with right rotation. During right rotation, the vertebra rotates right, the right rib rotates posteriorly, and the left rib rotates anteriorly, and there is a left (i.e., contralateral) translation of the thoracic ring that can be palpated at the lateral aspect of the ring using the technique described in Fig. 8.29. (Copyright LJ Lee Physiotherapist Corp. From Lee LJ: The thoracic ring approachTM— a whole person framework to assess and treat the thoracic spine and ribcage. In Magee DJ, Zachazewski JE, Quillen WS, Manske RC, editors: Pathology and intervention in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier, p 448.)

A second method of measuring chest expansion is to measure at three different levels. If this method is used, the examiner must take care to ensure that the levels of measurement are noted for consistency. The levels are (1) under the axillae for apical expansion, (2) at the nipple line or xiphisternal junction for midthoracic expansion, and (3) at the T10 rib level for lower thoracic expansion. As before, the measurements are taken after expiration and inspiration.

After the measurement of chest expansion, it is worthwhile for the patient to take a deep breath and cough so that the examiner can determine whether this action causes or alters any pain. If it does, the examiner may suspect a respiratory-­related problem or a problem increasing intrathecal pressure in the spine. Evjenth and Gloeck24 have noted a way to differentiate thoracic spine and rib pain during movement. If the patient has pain on flexion, the patient is returned to neutral and is asked to take a deep breath and hold it. While holding the breath, the patient flexes until pain is felt. At this point, the patient stops flexing and exhales. If further flexion can be accomplished after exhaling, the problem is more likely to be the ribs than the thoracic spine. Extension can be tested in a similar fashion. 

Rib Motion

The patient is asked to lie supine. The examiner’s hands are placed in a relaxed fashion over the upper chest. In this position, the examiner is feeling anteroposterior movement of the ribs (Fig. 8.32). As the patient inhales and exhales, the examiner should compare both sides to see whether the movement is equal. Any restriction or difference in motion should be noted. If a rib stops moving relative to the other ribs on inhalation, it is classified as a depressed rib. If a rib stops moving relative to the other ribs on exhalation, it is classified as an elevated rib. It must be remembered that restriction of one rib affects the adjacent ribs. If a depressed rib is implicated, it is usually

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine





Fig. 8.31  Measuring chest expansion. (A) Fourth lateral intercostal space. (B) Axilla. (C) Nipple line. (D) Tenth rib.



C Fig. 8.32  Feeling rib movement. (A) Upper ribs. (B) Middle ribs. (C) Lower ribs.

the highest restricted rib that causes the greatest problem. If an elevated rib is present, it is usually the lowest restricted rib that causes the greatest problem although for both depressed and elevated rib the opposite may be true.4,25 Rib springing or the presence of pain on stressing the rib joints will help to confirm the level that is hypomobile. The examiner then moves his or her hands down the patient’s chest, testing the movement in the middle and lower ribs in a similar fashion. To test lateral movement of the ribs, the examiner’s hands are placed around the sides of the rib cage approximately 45° to the vertical axis of the patient’s body. The

examiner begins at the level of the axilla and works down the lateral aspect of the ribs, feeling the movement of the ribs during inspiration and expiration and noting any restriction. Rib dysfunctions may be divided into structural, torsional, and respiratory (Table 8.5).26 Structural rib dysfunctions are due to joint subluxation or dislocation. Torsional rib dysfunctions are due to thoracic vertebra dysfunction as a result of hypomobility or hypermobility. Respiratory rib dysfunctions are due to either hypomobility between the ribs (e.g., intercostal shortening) or hypomobility at the costotransverse or costovertebral joints.26

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


TABLE  8.5

Rib Dysfunction STRUCTURAL RIB DYSFUNCTION Dysfunction

Rib Angle

Midaxillary Line

Intercostal Space

Anterior Rib

Anterior subluxation

Less prominent


Tender, often with intercostal neuralgia

More prominent

Posterior subluxation

More prominent


Tender, often with intercostal neuralgia

Less prominent

Superior first rib subluxation

Superior aspect of first rib elevated (5 mm)

Hypertonicity of the scalene muscles on the same side

Anterior posterior rib compression

Less prominent


Tender, often with intercostal neuralgia

Less prominent

Lateral compression

More prominent

Less prominent


More prominent

Laterally elevated



Narrow above, wide below

Exquisitely tender at pectoral minor

Marked tenderness of the superior aspect


Rib Angle

Midaxillary Line

Intercostal Space

External rib torsion

Superior border prominent and tender


Wide above, narrow below

Internal rib torsion

Inferior border prominent and tender


Narrow above, wide below


Rib Angle

Key Rib

Inhalation restriction

During inspiration the rib or group of ribs that cease rising

Top or superior rib

Exhalation restriction

During exhalation the rib or group of ribs that stop falling

Bottom or inferior rib


Modified from Bookhout MR: Evaluation of the thoracic spine and rib cage. In Flynn TW, editor: The thoracic spine and rib cage, Boston, 1996, Butterworth Heinemann, pp 163, 165, 166.



To test the movement of the ribs relative to the thoracic spine, the patient is placed in a sitting position. The examiner places one thumb or finger on the transverse process and the thumb of the other hand just lateral to the tubercle of the rib. The patient is asked to forward flex the head (for the upper thoracic spine) and thorax (for lower thoracic spine) while the examiner feels

Fig. 8.33  Testing mobility of rib relative to thoracic vertebra. Note one thumb is on the transverse process of the vertebra and one thumb is on the rib. (A) Upper ribs. (B) Lower ribs.

the movement of the rib (Fig. 8.33). Normally, the rib rotates anteriorly and the rib tubercle stays at the same level as the transverse process on the forward movement. If the rib is hypermobile, the rib elevates relative to the transverse process. If the rib is hypomobile, its motion stops before the thoracic spine.19 Extension may also be tested in a similar fashion, but the rib rotates posteriorly. 

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Passive Movements Because passive movements in the thoracic spine are difficult to perform in a gross fashion, the movement between each pair of vertebrae may be assessed. With the patient sitting, the examiner places one hand on the patient’s forehead or on top of the head (Fig. 8.34). With the other hand, the examiner palpates over and between the spinous processes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spines (C5–T3) and feels for movement between the spinous processes while flexing (move apart) and extending (move together) the patient’s head. Rotation (one side moves forward, the other moves back) and side flexion (one side moves apart, one side moves together) may be tested by rotating and side flexing the patient’s head. To test the movement properly, the examiner places the middle finger over the spinous process of the vertebra being tested and the index and ring fingers on each side of it, between the spinous processes of the two adjacent vertebrae. The examiner should feel the movement occurring, assess its quality, and note whether the movement is hypomobile or hypermobile relative to the adjacent vertebrae. The hypomobility or hypermobility may be indicative of pathology.25 Although an individual examiner may be able to differentiate passive movements in the thoracic spine, it has been reported that interrater reliability is poor.27 Passive Movements of the Thoracic Spine and Normal End Feel • • • •

F orward flexion (tissue stretch) Extension (tissue stretch) Side flexion, left and right (tissue stretch) Rotation, left and right (tissue stretch)

If, when the spinous processes are palpated, one process appears to be out of alignment, the examiner can then palpate the transverse processes on each side and compare them with the levels above and below to determine whether the vertebra is truly rotated or side flexed. For example, if the spinous process of T5 is shifted to



the right and if rotation has occurred at that level, the left transverse process would be more superficial posteriorly, whereas the right one would appear deeper. If the spinous process rotation was an anomaly, the transverse processes would be equal as would the ribs. Passive or active movement of the spine while palpating the transverse processes also helps to indicate abnormal movement when comparing both sides or when comparing one level to another. If the alignment is normal to begin with and becomes abnormal with movement, or if it is abnormal to begin with and becomes normal with movement, it indicates a functional asymmetry rather than a structural one. In general, a structural asymmetry would be evident if it remains through all movements.26 To test the movement of the vertebrae between T3 and T11, the patient sits with the fingers clasped behind the neck and the elbows together in front. The examiner places one hand and arm around the patient’s elbows while palpating over and between the spinous processes, as previously described. The examiner then flexes and extends the spine by lifting and lowering the patient’s elbows. Side flexion and rotation of the trunk may be performed in a similar fashion to test these movements. The patient sits with the hands clasped behind the head. The examiner uses the thumb on one side of the spinous process and/or the index finger and/or the middle finger on the other side to palpate just lateral to the interspinous space. For side flexion, the examiner moves the patient into right side flexion and then left side flexion and by palpation compares the amount and quality of right and left movement including adjacent segments (Fig. 8.35A). For rotation, the examiner rotates the patient’s shoulders to the right or left, comparing by palpation the amount and quality of movement of each segment as well as that of adjacent segments (Fig. 8.35B).25 

Resisted Isometric Movements Resisted isometric movements are performed with the patient in the sitting position. The examiner places one leg

Fig. 8.34  Passive flexion/extension movement of the thoracic spine. (A) Upper thoracic spine. (B) Middle and lower thoracic spine. Note how the examiner uses her left hand/arm to control movement of the patient’s head and shoulders.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine



Fig. 8.35 (A) Passive side flexion of the thoracic spine. (B) Passive rotation of the thoracic spine. Note how the examiner uses her left hand/arm to control movement of the patient’s head and shoulders.

behind the patient’s buttocks and the upper limbs around the patient’s chest and back (Fig. 8.36). The examiner then instructs the patient, “Don’t let me move you,” and isometrically tests the movements, noting any alteration in strength and occurrence of pain. Resisted Isometric Movements of the Thoracic Spine • • • •

F orward flexion Extension Side flexion, left and right Rotation, left and right

The thoracic spine should be tested in a neutral position, and the most painful movements are done last. Table 8.6 lists the muscles of the thoracic spine (Figs. 8.37 and 8.38), their actions, and their innervations. It must be remembered that the resisted isometric testing of the spine is in reality a very gross test, and subtle alterations in strength are almost impossible to detect. However, if the muscles being tested have been strained (1° or 2°), contraction of the muscle commonly produces pain. However, in some cases, the spine and thorax may have to be repositioned to isolate a particular muscle. 

Fig. 8.36  Positioning for resisted isometric movements.

TABLE  8.6

Muscles of the Thorax and Abdomen: Their Actions and Nerve Root Derivation/Nerve Supply in the Thoracic Spine Action

Muscles Acting

Nerve Root Derivation

Flexion of thoracic spine

1. Rectus abdominis 2. External abdominal oblique (both sides acting together) 3. Internal abdominal oblique (both sides acting together)

T6–T12 T7–T12 T7–T12, L1

Extension of thoracic spine

1.   Spinalis thoracis 2. Iliocostalis thoracis (both sides acting together) 3. Longissimus thoracis (both sides acting together) 4. Semispinalis thoracis (both sides acting together) 5. Multifidus (both sides acting together) 6. Rotatores (both sides acting together) 7. Interspinalis

T1–T12 T1–T12 T1–T12 T1–T12 T1–T12 T1–T12 T1–T12 Continued

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

TABLE  8.6

Muscles of the Thorax and Abdomen: Their Actions and Nerve Root Derivation/Nerve Supply in the Thoracic Spine—cont’d Action

Muscles Acting

Nerve Root Derivation

Rotation and side flexion of thoracic spine

1. Iliocostalis thoracis (to same side) 2. Longissimus thoracis (to same side) 3. Intertransverse (to same side) 4. Internal abdominal oblique (to same side) 5. Semispinalis thoracis (to opposite side) 6. Multifidus (to opposite side) 7. Rotatores (to opposite side) 8. External abdominal oblique (to opposite side) 9. Transverse abdominis (to opposite side)

T1–T12 T1–T12 T1–T12 T7–T12, L1 T1–T12 T1–T12 T1–T12 T7–T12 T7–T12, L1

Elevation of ribs

1. Scalenus anterior (first rib) 2. Scalenus medius (first rib) 3. Scalenus posterior (second rib) 4. Serratus posterior superior (second to fifth ribs) 5. Iliocostalis cervicis (first to sixth rib) 6. Levatores costarum (all ribs) 7. Pectoralis major (if arm fixed)

10. Sternocleidomastiod (if head fixed)

C4–C6 C3–C8 C6–C8 2 to 5 intercostal C6–C8 T1–T12 Lateral pectoral (C6, C7) Medial pectoral (C7, C8, T1) Long thoracic (C5–C7) Lateral pectoral (C6, C7) Medial pectoral (C7, C8) Accessory C2, C3

Depression of ribs

1. Serratus posterior inferior (lower four ribs) 2. Iliocostalis lumborum (lower six ribs) 3. Longissimus thoracis 4. Rectus abdominis 5. External abdominal oblique (lower five to six ribs) 6. Internal abdominal oblique (lower five to six ribs) 7. Transverse abdominal (all acting to depress lower ribs) 8. Quadratus lumborum (twelfth rib) 9. Transverse thoracis

T9–T12 L1–L3 T1–T12 T6–T12 T7–T12 T7–T12, L1 T7–T12, L1 T12, L1–L4 T1–T12

Approximation of ribs

1. Iliocostalis thoracis 2. Intercostals (internal and external) 3. Diaphragm

T1–T12 1 to 11 intercostal Phrenic


1. External intercostals 2. Transverse thoracis (sternocostalis) 3. Diaphragm 4. Sternocleidomastoid 5. Scalenus anterior 6. Scalenus medius 7. Scalenus posterior 8. Pectoralis major

1 to 11 intercostal 1 to 11 intercostal Phrenic Accessory C2, C3 C4–C6 C3–C8 C6–C8 Lateral pectoral (C5, C6) Medial pectoral (C7, C8, T1) Lateral pectoral (C6, C7) Medial pectoral (C7, C8) Long thoracic (C5-C7) Thoracodorsal (C6, C8) 2 to 5 intercostal T1–T12

8. Serratus anterior (lower ribs if scapula fixed) 9. Pectoralis minor (second to fifth ribs if scapula fixed)

9. Pectoralis minor 10. 11. 12. 13.


Serratus anterior Latissimus dorsi Serratus posterior superior Iliocostalis thoracis

1. Internal intercostal 2. Rectus abdominis 3. External abdominal oblique 4. Internal abdominal oblique 5. Ilicostalis lumborum 6. Longissimus 7. Serratus posterior inferior 8. Quadratus lumborum

1 to 11 intercostal T6–T12 T7–T12 T7–T12, LI L1–L3 T1–L3 T9–TI2 T12, Ll–L4

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Superficial Sternocleidomastoid


Middle Semispinalis capitis Splenius capitis Rhomboid minor

Upper trapezius Middle trapezius

Levator scapulae Supraspinatus

Lower trapezius

Infraspinatus Deltoid

Teres minor Teres major Rhomboid major


Triangle of auscultation Latissimus dorsi

Serratus anterior Serratus posterior inferior

Thoracolumbar fascia Erector spinae External oblique Internal oblique

Internal oblique

Gluteus medius

Gluteus maximus

A Fig. 8.37  Posterior muscles of the thoracic spine/thorax, lumbar spine and pelvis. (A) Superficial layer (left) and middle layer (right). Erector spinae consists of the iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis muscles.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Rectus capitis posterior minor Obliquus capitis superior Rectus capitis posterior major Obliquus capitis inferior Semispinalis capitis

Interspinalis cervicis Rotatores cervicis Rotatores thoracis

Serratus posterior superior

Semispinalis thoracis Iliocostalis thoracis Longissimus thoracis Spinalis thoracis Levatores costarum

External intercostal Serratus posterior inferior

Internal intercostal Innermost intercostal

Iliocostalis lumborum Transversus abdominis

Lateral intertransversarius Interspinalis lumborum Quadratus lumborum Multifidus

B Fig. 8.37 cont’d  (B) Deep layer.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Latissimus dorsi

Pectoralis major Abdominal part of pectoralis major

Location of diaphragm

External abdominal oblique Linea alba Aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique

Umbilicus Anterior superior iliac spine

Serratus anterior

External abdominal oblique

Inguinal ligament

Rib 10 Transversus abdominis aponeurosis

Conjoint tendon

Aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique


Aponeurosis of internal abdominal oblique

Linea alba Anterior superior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine


External abdominal oblique

Rectus abdominis Posterior wall of rectus sheath Tendinous intersection

Internal abdominal oblique Arcuate line Transversalis fascia

Linea alba Pyramidalis muscle

C Fig. 8.38  Anterior muscles of the thoracic spine/thorax, lumbar spine, and pelvis. (A) Superficial muscles. (B) Middle layers. (C) Deepest layer.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Functional Assessment When doing specific activities, the thoracic spine primarily plays a stabilization role. Therefore activities involving the cervical spine, lumbar spine, and shoulder may be impaired as a result of thoracic lesions. Functional activities involving these three areas should be reviewed or considered if functional impairment appears to be related to the thoracic spine or ribs. Activities such as lifting, rotating the thorax, or doing heavy work; any activity requiring stabilization of the thorax; or any activity increasing cardiopulmonary output are most likely to provoke thoracic symptoms. Functional disability scales, such as the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire28 (see Chapter 9), although designed for the lumbar spine, could be used to test functional capacity in the thoracic spine as well.28–30 The Oswestry Disability Questionnaire is better suited for persistent severe disability.29 The Neck Disability Index, although designed for the cervical spine (see Chapter 3), may be useful for upper thoracic complaints. Other more general outcome measures include the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (see Chapter 1) and the Patient Specific Functional Scale (see Chapters 3 and 12). The Functional Rating Index (eTool 8.1) has been designed to show clinical change in conditions affecting the spine, whether cervical, thoracic, or lumbar.31 In addition, there are specific functional outcome measures related to specific spinal deformities such as the Quality of Life Profile for Spinal Deformities (QLPSD),32 the SRS-­ 22 Patient Questionnaire (eTool 8.2),32–34 the Spinal Appearance Questionnaire (SAQ),32,35,36 the Trunk Appearance Perception Scale (TAPS) (eTool 8.3),32,36,37 and the Walter Reed Visual Assessment Scale (eTool 8.4).38 

Special Tests For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the thoracic spine are available in eAppendix 8.1.

Tests for Neurological Involvement

If the examiner suspects a problem with movement of the spinal cord, any of the neurodynamic tests that stretch the cord may be performed. These include the straight leg raising test and the Kernig sign (see Chapter 9). Either neck flexion from above or straight leg raising from below stretches the spinal cord within the thoracic spine. The following tests should be performed only if the examiner believes they are relevant.   First Thoracic Nerve Root Stretch.  The patient abducts the arm to 90° and flexes the pronated forearm to 90°.

Key Tests Performed on the Thoracic Spine Depending on Suspected Pathologya39,40 • For neurological involvement:   Slump test   Upper limb neurodynamic (tension) tests (ULNT) • For thoracic outlet syndrome:   Adson maneuver   Costoclavicular syndrome test   Cyriax release test   Hyperabduction test (elevated arm stress test [EAST])   Roos test • For rib mobility:   Deep breath and flexion test   First rib mobility   Rib spring test • For thoracic spine and sternal involvement:   Reflex hammer test   Schepelmann sign   Sternal compression test • For failed load transfer (kinetic chain instability):   Prone arm lift (PAL) test   Sitting arm lift or single arm lift (SAL) test • For medical screening:   Kehr’s sign   Murphy’s percussion test aThe

authors recommend these key tests be learned by the clinician to facilitate a diagnosis. See Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests.

No symptoms should appear in this position. The patient then fully flexes the elbow, putting the hand behind the neck/head (Fig. 8.39). This action stretches the ulnar nerve and T1 nerve root. Pain into the scapular area or arm is indicative of a positive test for T1 nerve root.41 Care should be taken to ensure the patient does not forward flex the neck or forward flex the arm so that the stress is taken off the nerve root. If the patient has upper limb symptoms that have become evident at the same time as thoracic symptoms, upper limb tension tests should also be considered to rule out referral of neurological symptoms from the thoracic spine.42    Passive Scapular Approximation.  The patient lies prone, stands, or sits while the examiner passively approximates the scapulae by lifting the shoulders up and back (Fig. 8.40). Pain in the scapular area may be indicative of a T1 or T2 nerve root problem on the side on which the pain is being experienced.41,43    Slump Test (Sitting Dural Stretch Test).  The patient sits on the examining table and is asked to “slump” so that the spine flexes and the shoulders sag forward while the

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


eTool 8.1  Functional rating index. (Modified from Feise RJ, Menke JM: Functional rating index—a new valid and reliable instrument to measure the magnitude of clinical change in spinal conditions, Spine 26:85–86, 2001. © 1999 Institute of Evidence-­Based Chiropractic; www.chiroevidence.com.)

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606.e2 Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

eTool 8.1 cont’d

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


SRS-22r Patient Questionnaire First Name :

Last Name :

Today’s Date :



Date of Bir th :



Age :

We are carefully evaluating the condition of your back and it is IMPORTANT THAT YOU ANSWER EACH OF THE QUESTIONS YOURSELF. Please CIRCLE THE ONE BEST ANSWER TO EACH QUESTION. 1. Which one of the following best describes the amount of pain you have experienced during the past 6 months? None



Moderate to severe


2. Which one of the following best describes the amount of pain you have experienced over the last month? None



Moderate to severe


3. During the past 6 months have you been a very nervous person? None of the time

A little of the time

Some of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

4. If you had to spend the rest of your life with your back shape as it is right now, how would you feel about it? Very happy

Somewhat happy

Neither happy nor unhappy

Somewhat unhappy

Very unhappy

5. What is your current level of activity? Bedridden

Light labor and light sports

Primarily no activity

Moderate labor and moderate sports

Full activities without restriction

6. How do you look in clothes? Very Good




Very bad

7. In the past 6 months have you felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer you up? Very often







8. Do you experience pain when at rest? Very often



9. What is your current level of work/school activity? 100% normal

75% normal

50% normal

25% normal

0% normal

10. Which of the following best describes the appearance of your trunk; defined as the human body except for the head and extremities? Very Good




Very poor

11. Which of the following best describes your pain medication use for back pain? None

Non-narcotics weekly or less (ex : aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen)

Non-narcotics daily

Narcotics weekly or less (ex : Tylenol III, Lorcet, Percocet)

Narcotics daily

12. Does your back limit your ability to do things around the house? Never




Very often

13. Have you ever felt calm and peaceful during the past 6 months? All of the time

Most of the time

Some of the time

A little of the time

None of the time

14. Do you feel that your back condition affects your personal relationships? None





eTool 8.2  Scoliosis Research Society 22-Item (SRS-22) Patient Questionnaire. (From Asher M, Min Lai S, Burton D, Manna B: The reliability and concurrent validity of the scoliosis research society—22 patient questionnaire for idiopathic scoliosis, Spine 28[1]:63–69, 2003.)

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15. Are you and/or your family experiencing financial difficulties because of your back? Severely





16. In the past 6 months have you felt down hearted and blue? Never




Very often

17. In the last 3 months have you taken any days off of work, including household work, or school because of back pain? 0 days

1 day

2 days

3 days

4 days or more

18. Does your back condition limit your going out with friends/family? Never




Very often

19. Do you feel attractive with your current back condition? Yes, very

Yes, somewhat

Neither attractive nor unattractive

No, not very much

No, not at all

20. Have you been a happy person during the past 6 months? None of the time



Most of the time

All of the time

21. Are you satisfied with the results of your back management? Very satisfied


Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied


Very unsatisfied

22. Would you have the same management again if you had the same condition? Definitely yes

Probably yes

Not sure

Probably not

Patient’s signature :

Definitely not

Date :



Date :



Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please comment if you wish.

Patient’s signature :

eTool 8.2 cont’d

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


Trunk Appearance Perception Scale (TAPS) Which of these pictures represent better the appearance of your body? Women


eTool 8.3  Trunk Appearance Perception Scale (TAPS). (From Bago J, Sanchez-­Raya J, Perez-­Grueso FJ, Climent JM: The trunk appearance perception scale (TAPS): a new tool to evaluate subjective impression of trunk deformity in patients with idiopathic scoliosis, Scoliosis 5:6–15, 2010.) Body Cur ve

Head Pelvis

Rib Prominence

Shoulder Level

Flank Prominence

Scapular Rotation

Head Rib Pelvis

eTool 8.4  Walter Reed Visual Assessment Scale. (From Sanders JO, Polly DW, Cats-­Baril W, et al: Analysis of patient and parent assessment of deformity in idiopathic scoliosis using the Walter Reed Visual Assessment Scale, Spine 28:2158-­2163, 2003.)

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Fig. 8.39  First thoracic nerve root stretch. Elbow should be behind plane of head.

same leg to see if symptoms are produced (Fig. 8.41). The process is repeated with the other leg. Symptoms of sciatic pain or reproduction of the patient’s symptoms indicates a positive test, implicating impingement of the dura and spinal cord or nerve roots.44 Butler45 and Lee22 suggested that, when testing the thoracic spine while the patient is in the slump position, trunk rotation left and right should be added. Butler felt this maneuver increased the stress on the intercostal nerves. Lee22 felt that the examiner should palpate the thoracic rings and look for any rings demonstrating any nonoptimal load transfer (i.e., excessive or asymmetrical compression, lateral translation or rotation, side flexion) as the patient moves into the slump position (Fig. 8.42). If the thoracic rings are normal, they will remain “stacked” (i.e., vertical) throughout the slump test.22 The pain is usually produced at the site of the lesion in a positive test.    Upper Limb Neurodynamic (Tension) Test.  See Chapter 3 for a description of the upper limb neurodynamic (tension) test (ULNT4). Lee22 suggests that if the examiner feels the ULTT tests are necessary, it is advisable to repeat the positive test while palpating the lateral border of the thoracic rings to feel for any lateral translation or any other nonoptimal load transfer (normally the lateral borders should be relatively vertically aligned) (Fig. 8.43). If the lateral translation is treated and the test repeated and the symptoms decrease, the affected thoracic ring should be included in the treatment. 

Tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Fig. 8.40  Passive scapular approximation.

examiner holds the chin and head erect. The patient is asked if any symptoms are produced. If no symptoms are produced, the examiner flexes the patient’s neck and holds the head down and shoulders slumped to see if symptoms are produced. If no symptoms are produced, the examiner passively extends one of the patient’s knees to see if symptoms are produced. If no symptoms are produced, the examiner then passively dorsiflexes the foot of the


There are several special tests that the examiner may consider if thoracic outlet syndrome is suspected. Because all of the tests have questionable statistical value in terms of their reliability, the examiner should listen to the patient and use the test that best replicates the position or positions in which the patient has symptoms.   Adson Maneuver.  See Chapter 5 for a description of the test.    Costoclavicular Syndrome (Military Brace) Test.  See Chapter 5 for a description of the test.    Cyriax Release Test.  The patient is sitting with elbows flexed. The examiner stands behind the patient and grasps under the patient’s forearms while the patient’s forearms, wrists, and hands are in neutral (Fig. 8.44). The examiner then leans the patient’s trunk backward approximately 15° and lifts the patient’s shoulder girdle to end range holding the position for 3 minutes. The production of symptoms or the disappearance of neurological signs (release phenomenon) indicates a positive test.    Halstead Maneuver.  See Chapter 5 for a description of the test.    Roos Test (Elevated Arm Stress Test).  See Chapter 5 for a description of the test. The Roos test may also be used

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


B Fig. 8.41  Slump test. (A) Classic test. (B) Trunk rotation added to classic test.

to test the arterial portion of thoracic outlet syndrome (testing the radial artery) by positioning the patient in the same position but while looking for neurological signs, the radial pulse is also taken. If the pulse decreases when the patient is in the test position (called the hyperabduction test or elevated arm stress test [EAST] ), it is considered a positive test for thoracic outlet syndrome.    Wright Test or Maneuver.  See Chapter 5 for a description of the test. 

Tests for Rib Mobility

See Chapter 3.   Deep Breath and Flexion Test.1  The test is used if a patient complains of pain on forward flexion. The patient is seated, sitting tall and the spine in neutral. The patient is asked to take a deep breath and hold it while forward flexing until pain is felt and stops at this point. The patient then slowly exhales and attempts further flexion. If the patient can forward flex further after exhaling, the source of the pain is more likely the ribs than the thoracic spine.    Rib Spring Test.1  The patient is in prone with the examiner on one side of the patient opposite the side to be tested (e.g., on the left to test the right side). The examiner then places the extended thumb and adjacent finger along the right rib to be tested (Fig. 8.45A). The examiner then applies a posteroanterior springing force to the rib. This action is the same as left rotation. The examiner then uses the ulnar border of the left hand or thumb over the left transverse process or right spinous process to block the vertebra from rotating (Fig. 8.45B). The examiner then repeats the springing action to the rib. If the second part of the test causes pain and the

Fig. 8.42 Slump test for neurodynamic and thoracic ring function testing. The examiner spans several rings with the flat of the fingers to determine if nonoptimal load transfer (NOLT) occurs as the patient performs the slump test. The overall range of motion of the slump test (i.e., the amount of leg extension and ankle dorsiflexion) is noted, and all thoracic rings are palpated to identify any levels displaying nonoptimal alignment, biomechanics, or control during the slump test. Timing of NOLT relative to initiation of the slump movement is noted, and the rings displaying NOLT the earliest are corrected first while the slump test is repeated. The impact of the correction on leg extension and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and on the patient’s symptoms are then noted. If the NOLT is corrected and symptoms relieved when the slump test is repeated, it is the NOLT that is the primary problem or “driver.” (Concept from Lee LJ: The thoracic ring approachTM—a whole person framework to assess and treat the thoracic spine and ribcage. In Magee DJ, Zachazewski JE, Quillen WS, Manske RC, editors: Pathology and intervention in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.)

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Fig. 8.43  Upper limb neurodynamic test for neurodynamic and thoracic ring function testing. The examiner performs the appropriate variation of the upper limb neurodynamic test (ULNT1 shown in photo) based on the patient’s symptoms and restricted motion compared to the opposite side. Several thoracic rings are then palpated laterally while the test is repeated if positive. If lateral translation or other types of nonoptimal load transfer are found in one or more thoracic rings during the test, the examiner returns to the start position and performs a thoracic ring correction.22 While maintaining optimal ring alignment, the test is repeated. A significant increase in range of motion at the elbow or wrist and/or decrease in symptoms supports that the thoracic ring(s) may be a driver for the restriction in the neurodynamic test. (Concept from Lee LJ: The thoracic ring approachTM—a whole person framework to assess and treat the thoracic spine and ribcage. In Magee DJ, Zachazewski JE, Quillen WS, Manske RC, editors: Pathology and intervention in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.)



B Fig. 8.45 Rib spring test. (A) The examiner places the extended thumb and adjacent (second) finger along the rib on the side to be tested (in this case, the right side is tested). (B) The examiner then uses the thumb of the left hand over the left transverse process, or over the right side of the spinous process to block the vertebra from rotating while a downward pressure is applied to the rib.



Fig. 8.44  Cyriax release test. (A) Start position. (B) Three-­minute hold position.

first does not, the problem is in the costovertebral or costotransverse joints. The amount and quality of movement occurring on both sides can be noted looking for hypomobility or hypermobility in relation to the others being tested. 

Tests for Thoracic Spine and Sternal Involvement

  Reflex Hammer Test.1  This test is used if there has been trauma to the posterior elements of the thoracic

vertebra. The patient is seated, sitting tall. The examiner then taps over each spinous process to see if pain or muscle spasm is provoked (Fig. 8.46A). If so, a fracture may be suspected. One may also use a closed fist in place of the reflex hammer (Fig. 8.46B). In this case, it is called the closed-­fist percussion sign.18 The examiner may also percuss the paravertebral tissue which, if pathological, will go into spasm.43    Schepelmann Sign.43  The patient stands and elevates both hands over the head and then side flexes one way and then the other (Fig. 8.47). If pain occurs on the concave side, either the intercostals or the costovertebral or costotransverse joints on the concave side are affected. If pain occurs on the convex side, it may be a problem with the intercostals or lungs or there may be NOLT of the ribs.    Sternal Compression Test.43  The patient lies in relaxed supine. The examiner places the thenar eminence of one hand supported by the other over the sternum and applies a vertical force to the sternum (Fig. 8.48). A positive test is pain which may indicate a fracture or

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Fig. 8.46  (A) Reflex hammer test for spinous process of thoracic spine. (B) Closed fist percussion for spinous process of thoracic spine.



costochondritis. The examiner may also use the test to determine the flexibility of the sternum and ribs. 

Tests for Failed Load Transfer (Kinetic Chain Instability or Loss of Movement Control)

These tests have been designed to demonstrate the transfer of load through the thoracic spine as part of the kinetic chain. The tests identify the site within the thorax where there are load transfer problems and where in the thoracic area stabilization does not occur during movement.   Prone Arm Lift Test.46  The prone arm lift (PAL) test is a modification of the sitting arm lift (SAL) test. It assesses the ability of the arm to take a load in a higher angle of shoulder flexion. This test is especially useful in people who do overhead activities or who complain of problems when they try to lift heavy loads or try to move the arm too quickly. The patient lies prone with the arms overhead at approximately 140° of flexion and fully supported on the bed. The patient is then asked to lift one arm 2 cm and then lower it (Fig. 8.49A). This is repeated with the other side. If one arm is heavier than the other, it is considered the positive side. The examiner can then proceed to do an assessment like the second part of the SAL test, palpating the ribs for abnormal translation, watching the movement of the scapula for scapular dyskinesia, ensuring that the head of the humerus remains centralized in the glenoid, and palpating the cervical spine for abnormal translation (Fig. 8.49B).    Sitting Arm Lift or Single Arm Lift Test.46  The patient sits on the bed with the hands resting on the thighs. The examiner asks the patient to lift one arm (the unaffected side first) into elevation through shoulder flexion with the arm straight and the thumb up. The patient then does the

Fig. 8.47  Schepelmann sign.

same movement with the opposite side. The examiner asks the patient whether one arm feels heavier to lift than the other. The examiner notes whether any symptoms are produced and which arm requires more effort to lift. If one arm is heavier and requires more effort to lift, the first part of the test is considered positive. The patient is then asked to repeat the movement several times while the examiner palpates the ribs individually by placing the thumb on

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

the spinous process and index finger along the rib, noting whether there is any translation of the rib, especially in the first 90° of movement (Fig. 8.50). Normally, when the patient lifts the arm, the muscles of the thorax are activated, stabilizing the thoracic spine so that there is no translation. A positive test for the second part of the test would be indicated by one or more of the thoracic rings (i.e., ribs or vertebrae) translating along any axis or rotating in any plane during the test. The examiner should note the level and direction of the loss of control. Normally what is seen is loss of rotational control with concurrent lateral translation either to the same side as the arm lift or to the contralateral side. This loss of control is usually seen between 0° and 90° of forward flexion. The SAL test may also be used to demonstrate stability in the scapula, glenohumeral joint, and cervical spine. For the scapula, the examiner should watch the movement of the scapula to determine if there is any scapular dyskinesia indicating a loss of control. For the glenohumeral joint, the head of the humerus should remain centered in the glenoid fossa throughout the full forward flexion into elevation movement. To test the cervical spine, the examiner palpates the lateral aspect of the articular pillars of the cervical spine vertebra bilaterally while the patient does the movement. If there is translation of one vertebra relative to another when the patient does the SAL test, it indicates a lack of control of that individual segment. 

Tests for Medical Screening

  Kehr’s Sign.  Kehr’s sign is pain referred from the diaphragm via the phrenic nerve to cause pain above the clavicle at the tip of the shoulder. It may be due to blood in the peritoneal cavity, injury to the spleen, renal calculi, or ruptured ectopic pregnancy.47 Testing for the sign is pain when the patient is lying down with the legs elevated. The sign has also been called the Saegesser’s Sign or Phrenic-Point test. In this case, the examiner, standing at the head of the patient, places the thumb of one hand on the right side of the neck between the sternocleidomastoid and scalenus anterior muscles. The examiner then directs pressure with the thumb backward toward the larynx and vertebral column (Fig. 8.51). This pressure will cause pain in the upper or lower part of the abdomen, usually in line with the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle on the side of the body on which the pressure was exerted.48 

Fig. 8.48  Sternal compression test.



Fig. 8.50  Sitting arm lift or single arm lift test.

B Fig. 8.49  (A) Prone arm lift test. (B) Prone arm lift test while palpating ribs.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

  Murphy’s Percussion Test (Costovertebral Angle Tenderness or Murphy’s Sign).  This test is used to rule out kidney problems. The patient is in prone or sitting. The examiner places one hand over the costovertebral angle of the patient’s back and with the other hand (in a fist) provides a percussive thump over the first hand (Fig. 8.52). The thump should be applied to both the right and left sides. A positive test is indicated by costovertebral tenderness or back/flank pain indicating renal involvement.49 

reflexes—the patellar reflex (L3–L4), the medial hamstrings reflex (L5–S1), and the Achilles reflex (S1– S2)—because pathology in the thoracic spine can affect these reflexes. Thoracic nerve root symptoms tend to follow the course of the ribs and may be referred as follows50: • T10 to T11: Pain in epigastric area • T5: Pain around nipple • T7 to T8: Pain in epigastric area • T10 to T11: Pain in umbilical area • T12: Pain in the groin

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution

Muscles of the thoracic spine may also refer pain into adjacent areas (Table 8.8). 

Within the thoracic spine, there is a great deal of overlap of the dermatomes (Fig. 8.53). The dermatomes tend to follow the ribs, and the absence of only one dermatome may lead to no loss of sensation. Pain may be referred to the thoracic spine from various abdominal organs (Fig. 8.54; Table 8.7). Although there are no reflexes to test in conjunction with the thoracic spine, the examiner would be wise to test the lumbar

Joint Play Movements The joint play movements performed on the thoracic spine are specific ones that were developed by Maitland.50 They are sometimes called passive accessory intervertebral movements (PAIVMs). When testing joint play movements, the examiner should note any decreased ROM, muscle spasm, pain, or difference in end feel. The normal end feel is tissue stretch. Joint Play Movements of the Thoracic Spine • • • •

P osteroanterior central vertebral pressure (PACVP) Posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure (PAUVP) Transverse vertebral pressure (TVP) Rib springing

Fig. 8.51  Kehr’s sign.

T3 T5

T2 T4 T6

T7 T1

T9 T11

T8 T10 T12


Fig. 8.52  Murphy’s percussion test (costovertebral angle tenderness or Murphy’s sign).


Fig. 8.53 The cutaneous areas (dermatomes) supplied by the thoracic nerve roots (after Foerster). By comparing both sides, the degree of overlapping and the area of exclusive supply of any individual nerve root may be estimated. (Adapted from Williams P, Warwick R, editors: Gray’s anatomy, ed 37, Edinburgh, 1989, Churchill Livingstone, p 1150.)

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine Shoulder (from undersurface diaphragm)

Shoulder blade (from gallbladder)


TABLE  8.8

Thoracic Muscles and Referral of Pain Muscles

Referral Pattern

Levator scapulae

Neck shoulder angle to posterior shoulder and along medial edge of scapula

Latissimus dorsi

Inferior angle of scapula to posterior shoulder; iliac crest


Medial border of scapula


Upper thoracic spine to medial border of scapula

Fig. 8.54  Referred pain in the thorax and chest. (Modified from Judge RD, Zuidema GD, Fitzgerald FT: Clinical diagnosis: a physiologic approach, Boston, 1982, Little Brown, p 285.)

Serratus anterior

Lateral chest wall to lower medial border of scapula

Serratus posterior

Medial border of arm to medial two fingers

TABLE  8.7

Serratus superior

Scapular area to posterior and anterior arm down to little finger


Adjacent to spinal column


Spinal column to line along medial border of scapula

Epigastrium (from heart)

Left chest (from spleen)

Abdomen (from lung and pleura)

Umbilicus (from appendix, pancreas) Testis (from ureter)

Differences in Pain Perception Conscious Pain Perception


Effective Stimulusa


Discrete touch, prick, heat, cold

Precisely localized, superficial, burning, sharp

Chest wall (muscles, ribs, ligaments, parietal pleura)

Movement, deep pressure

Intermediate in localization and depth; aching, sharp, or dull

this type of joint mobility testing showed good intraexaminer reliability as long as more than one vertebral level was assessed.51

Thoracic viscera

Ischemia, distension, muscle spasm

Vague, diffuse, deep, aching, usually dull

Posteroanterior Central Vertebral Pressure


effectiveness of a stimuli is heightened by the presence of inflammation. From Levene D: Chest pain: an integrated diagnostic approach, Philadelphia, 1977, Lea & Febiger.

For the vertebral movements, the patient lies prone. The examiner palpates the thoracic spinous processes, starting at C6 and working down to L1 or L2. The occurrence of muscle spasm and/or pain on application of the vertebral pressure gives the examiner an indication of where the pathology may lie. However, the examiner must take care because the pain and/or muscle spasm at one level may be the result of compensation for a lesion at another level. For example, if one level is hypomobile as a result of trauma, another level may become hypermobile to compensate for the decreased movement at the traumatized level. It is probable that both the hypomobile and the hypermobile segments will cause pain and/or muscle spasm. It is then important to determine which joint complex is hypomobile and which is hypermobile, because the treatment for each is different. It has been found that

Some call this the thoracic spring test.1 The examiner’s hands, fingers, and thumbs are positioned as in Fig. 8.55A. The examiner then applies pressure to the spinous process through the thumbs, pushing the vertebra forward. Care must be taken to apply pressure slowly and with careful control, so that the movement, which is minimal, can be felt. This springing test may be repeated several times to determine the quality of the movement. The load applied to the spinous process is primarily taken up by the thoracic spine, although part of it is taken up by the rib cage.52 Each spinous process is done in turn, starting at C6 and working down to L1 or L2. When doing this test, the examiner must keep in mind that the thoracic spinous processes are not always at the level of the same vertebral body. For example, the spinous processes of T1, T2, T3, and T12 are at the same levels as the T1, T2, T3, and T12 vertebral bodies, but the spinous processes of T7, T8, T9, and T10 are at the same levels as the T8, T9, T10, and T11 vertebral bodies, respectively. 

Posteroanterior Unilateral Vertebral Pressure

The examiner’s fingers are moved laterally away from the tip of the spinous process so that the thumbs rest on the

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine






Fig. 8.55  Hand, finger, and thumb positions for joint play movements. (A) Posteroanterior central vertebral pressure (PACVP). (B) Posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure (PAUVP). (C) Transverse vertebral pressure (TVP). (D) Rib springing in prone using hypothenar eminence to spring ribs. (E) Rib springing in supine using hypothenar eminence to spring ribs.

appropriate lamina or transverse process of the thoracic vertebra (Fig. 8.56; see Fig. 8.55B). The same anterior springing pressure is applied as in the PACVP technique. Again, each vertebra is done in turn. The two sides should be examined and compared. It must be remembered that in the thoracic area, the spinous process is not necessarily at the same level as the transverse process on the same vertebra. For example, the T9 spinous process is at the level of the T10 transverse process. Therefore it is necessary to move the fingers up and out from the tip of the T9 spinous process to the T9 transverse process, which is at the level of the T8 spinous process. This difference does not hold true for the entire thoracic spine. It is also important to realize that a posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure (PAUVP) applies a rotary force to the vertebra; it therefore places a greater stress at the costotransverse joints because the ribs are also stressed where they attach to the vertebrae. A PAUVP applied to the right transverse process causes the vertebral body to rotate to the left. 

Transverse Vertebral Pressure

The examiner’s fingers are placed along the side of the spinous process, as shown in Figs. 8.55C and 8.56. The examiner then applies a transverse springing pressure to

the side of the spinous process, feeling for the quality of movement. As before, each vertebra is assessed in turn, starting at C6 and working down to L1 or L2. Pressure should be applied to both sides of the spinous process to compare the movement. This technique also applies a rotary force to the vertebra but in the opposite direction to that caused by the PAUVP. A TVP applied to the right side of the spinous process causes the spinous process to rotate to the left and the vertebral body to rotate to the right. The individual apophyseal joints may also be tested (Fig. 8.57). The patient is placed in a prone lying position with the thoracic spine in neutral. To test the superior glide at the apophyseal joint (i.e., to test the ability of the inferior articular process of the superior vertebra [e.g., T6] to glide superiorly on the superior articular process of the inferior vertebra [e.g., T7]), the examiner stabilizes the transverse process of the inferior vertebra (e.g., T7) with one thumb while the other thumb glides the inferior articular process of the superior vertebra (e.g., T6) superoanteriorly, noting the end feel and quality of the motion (see Fig. 8.57A).19 To test the inferior glide at the apophyseal joint (i.e., to test the ability of the inferior articular process of

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

the superior vertebra [e.g., T6] to glide inferiorly on the superior articular process of the inferior vertebra [e.g., T7]), the examiner stabilizes the transverse process of the inferior vertebra (e.g., T7) with one thumb while the other thumb glides the inferior articular process of the superior vertebra (e.g., T6) inferiorly, noting the end feel and quality of the movement (see Fig. 8.57B).19 To test the costotransverse joints, the patient is placed in a prone lying position with the spine in neutral. The examiner stabilizes the thoracic vertebra by placing one thumb along or against the side of the transverse process. The other thumb is placed over the posterior and/or superior aspect of the rib just lateral to the tubercle. Some examiners may find it easier to cross thumbs. An anterior or inferior glide is applied to the rib, causing an anterior or inferior movement (Fig. 8.58). 




Rib Springing

With the patient in relaxed prone or supine and the arms hanging over the plinth to protract the scapulae out of the way, the examiner places the hypothenar eminence of one hand supported by the other hand over several ribs starting at the top of the rib cage and working down and applies a vertical springing force to the ribs, noting any pain and the flexibility of the rib movement (Fig. 8.55D and E). The examiner can do the rib springing movements from above down and right to left, and in supine or prone comparing the rib movement. Care should be taken when doing this on older or osteoporotic patients, as the springing may cause a fracture. See Chapter 3 for first rib mobility. 

Palpation As with any palpation technique, the examiner is looking for tenderness, muscle spasm, temperature alteration, swelling, or other signs that may indicate disease. Palpation should begin on the anterior chest wall, move around the lateral chest wall, and finish with the posterior structures (Fig. 8.59). Palpation is usually done with the patient sitting, although it may be done by combining the supine and prone lying positions. At the same time, the thorax may be divided into sections (Fig. 8.60) to give some idea, in charting, where the pathology may lie.

Anterior Aspect

TOP VIEW Fig. 8.56 Direction of pressure during joint play movements. PACVP, Posteroanterior central vertebral pressure; PAUVP, posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure; TVP, transverse vertebral pressure.


Sternum.  In the midline of the chest, the manubrium sternum, body of the sternum, and xiphoid process should be palpated for any abnormality or tenderness.  Ribs and Costal Cartilage.  Adjacent to the sternum, the examiner should palpate the sternocostal and costochondral articulations, noting any swelling, tenderness, or abnormality. These “articulations” are sometimes sprained or subluxed, or a costochondritis (e.g., Tietze syndrome) may be evident. The ribs should be palpated as they extend


Fig. 8.57  (A) Superior glide of inferior facet of superior vertebra on inferior vertebra. (B) Inferior glide of inferior facet of superior vertebra on inferior vertebra.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

around the chest wall with any potential pathology or crepitations (e.g., subcutaneous emphysema) noted.  Clavicle.  The clavicle should be palpated along its length for abnormal bumps (e.g., fracture, callus) or tenderness.  Abdomen.  The abdomen should be palpated for tenderness or other signs indicating pathology. The palpation is done in a systematic fashion, using the fingers of one hand to feel the tissues while the other hand is used to apply pressure. Palpation is carried out to a depth of 1 to 3 cm (0.5 to 1.5 inches) to reveal areas of tenderness and abnormal masses. When palpating, if the examiner

Fig. 8.58  Testing costotransverse joints. (A) Anterior glide with crossed thumbs. (B) Inferior glide.

places the hand on the abdomen away from the area of suspected pathology and palpates deeply and then quickly removes the hand, if pain is felt on release, it is called rebound tenderness and may indicate an inflamed peritoneum. Palpation is usually carried out using the fourquadrant or the nine-­ region system (Fig. 8.61). To palpate the abdominal aortic pulse, the patient is placed in crook lying with the abdominal muscles relaxed. The examiner palpates to the left of the navel (i.e., umbilicus or belly button) feeling for a pulse. Once the pulse is found, the examiner continues laterally until the pulse



Suprasternal notch T2 Manubrium

Scapula Spinous process

Ribs Sternum

T7 Gallbladder Liver

Xiphisternum T12


Intercostal angle

Kidney Ureter


Posterior Fig. 8.59  Landmarks of the thoracic spine.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine













Fig. 8.60  Lines of reference in the thoracic area: 1, midsternal line; 2, parasternal line; 3, midclavicular line; 4, anterior axillary line; 5, midaxillary line; 6, posterior axillary line; 7, midspinal (vertebral) line; 8, midscapular line. RUQ Liver Gallbladder Duodenum Pancreas (R) Kidney Hepatic flexure RLQ Cecum Appendix (R) Ovary and tube (R) Ureter Ascending colon







Midline Bladder Uterus

LUQ Stomach Spleen (L) Kidney Pancreas Splenic flexure Adrenal gland Colon flexure

Hypochondrium Epigastrium Hypochondrium Flank

LLQ Sigmoid colon (L) Ovary and tube (L) Ureter Descending colon



Inguinal Suprapubic Inguinal


Fig. 8.61  Superficial topography of the abdomen. (A) Four-­quadrant system. LLQ, Left lower quadrant; LUQ, left upper quadrant; RLQ, right lower quadrant; RUQ, right upper quadrant. (B) Nine-­regions system. (From Judge RD, Zuidema GD, Fitzgerald FT: Clinical diagnosis: a physiologic approach, Boston, 1982, Little Brown, p 284.)

is no longer detected. If the distance between the two points is greater than 2.5 cm (1 inch), the patient should be referred for follow-­up for possible aortic damage (e.g., aneurysm). 

Posterior Aspect

Scapula.  The medial, lateral, and superior borders of the scapula should be palpated for any swelling or

tenderness. The scapula normally extends from the spinous process of T2 to that of T7–T9. After the borders of the scapula have been palpated, the examiner palpates the posterior surface of the scapula. Structures palpated are the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles and the spine of the scapula.  Spinous Processes of the Thoracic Spine.  In the midline, the examiner may posteriorly palpate the thoracic spinous

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

processes for abnormality. The examiner then moves laterally approximately 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 inches) to palpate the thoracic facet joints. Because of the overlying muscles, it is usually very difficult to palpate these joints, although the examiner may be able to palpate for muscle spasm and tenderness. Muscle spasm may also be elicited if some internal structures are injured. For example, pathology affecting the following structures can cause muscle spasm in the surrounding area: gallbladder (spasm on the right side in the area of the eighth and ninth costal cartilages), spleen (spasm at the level of ribs 9 through 11 on the left side), and kidneys (spasm at the level of ribs 11 and 12 on both sides at the level of the L3 vertebra). Evidence of positive findings with no comparable history of musculoskeletal origin could lead the examiner to believe the problem was not of a musculoskeletal origin. 

Diagnostic Imaging Plain Film Radiography

Common x-­ray views of the thoracic spine are outlined in the box below. Common X-­Ray Views of the Thoracic Spine • • • • •

A nteroposterior view (routine) (Fig. 8.63) Lateral view (include ribs and sternum) (routine) (Fig. 8.66) Lateral view (arm overhead) Oblique view (include ribs and sternum) (Fig. 8.68) Swimmer’s view (Fig. 8.69)

Anteroposterior View.  With this view (Fig. 8.62), the examiner should note the following: 1. Any wedging of the vertebrae 2. Whether the disc spaces appear normal 3. Whether the ring epiphysis, if present, is normal 4. Whether there is a “bamboo” spine, indicative of ankylosing spondylitis (Fig. 8.64) 5. Any scoliosis (Fig. 8.65) 6. Malposition of heart and lungs 7. Normal symmetry of the ribs  Lateral View.  The examiner should note the following: 1. A normal mild kyphosis 2. Any wedging of the vertebrae, which may be an indication of structural kyphosis resulting from conditions such as Scheuermann’s disease or wedge fracture from trauma or osteoporosis (Fig. 8.67). Scheuermann’s disease is radiologically defined as an anterior kyphosis in which there is a 5° or greater anterior wedging of at least three consecutive vertebral bodies.14 3. Whether the disc spaces appear normal 4. Whether the ring epiphysis, if present, is normal

5. Whether there are any Schmorl’s nodules, indicating herniation of the intervertebral disc into the vertebral body 6. Angle of the ribs 7. Any osteophytes  Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis.  This condition of unknown etiology is indicated by ossification along the anterolateral aspect of at least four contiguous vertebrae leading to back pain and spinal stiffness. It is most common in the thoracic spine, followed by cervical and lumbar spines. It does not involve the sacroiliac joints.  Measurement of Spinal Curvature for Scoliosis.  With the Cobb method (Fig. 8.70), an anteroposterior view is used.15,53,54 A line is drawn parallel to the superior cortical plate of the proximal end vertebra and to the inferior cortical plate of the distal end vertebra. A perpendicular line is erected to each of these lines, and the angle of intersection of the perpendicular lines is the angle of spinal curvature resulting from scoliosis. Such techniques have led the Scoliosis Research Society to classify all forms of scoliosis according to the degree of curvature: group 1: 0° to 20°; group 2: 21° to 30°; group 3: 31° to 50°; group 4: 51° to 75°; group 5: 76° to 100°; group 6: 101° to 125°; and group 7: 126° or greater.16 Other noninvasive methods of measuring the curve have been advocated. However, the examiner should use the same method each time for consistency and reliability.55,56 The rotation of the vertebrae may also be estimated from an anteroposterior view (Fig. 8.71). This estimation is best done by the pedicle method, in which the examiner determines the relation of the pedicles to the lateral margins of the vertebral bodies. The vertebra is in neutral position when the pedicles appear to be at equal distance from the lateral margin of the peripheral bodies on the film. If rotation is evident, the pedicles appear to move laterally toward the concavity of the curve. 

Computed Tomography

Computed tomography is of primary use in evaluating the bony spine, the spinal contents, and the surrounding soft tissues in cross-­sectional views. 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive technique that is useful for delineating soft tissue, including herniated discs and intrinsic spinal cord lesions, as well as bony tissue (Fig. 8.72). However, MRI should be used only to confirm a clinical diagnosis, because conditions such as disc herniation have been demonstrated on MRI in the absence of clinical symptoms.57,58

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine






Fig. 8.62  Structural scoliosis caused by congenital defect. (A) Left midlumbar and right lumbosacral hemivertebrae in a 3-­year-­old child (example of hemimetameric shift). (B) A first cousin also demonstrates a midlumbar hemivertebra as well as asymmetric development of the upper sacrum. (C) This girl has a semisegmented hemivertebra (arrow) in the midlumbar spine with a mild 12° curve. (D) Her identical twin sister showed no congenital anomalies of the spine. (From Moe JH, Winter RB, Bradford DS, et al: Scoliosis and other spinal deformities, Philadelphia, 1978, WB Saunders, p 134.)

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

Fig. 8.63  Anteroposterior view of the thoracic spine.



Fig. 8.64  Ankylosing spondylitis of spine. Note the bony encasement of vertebral bodies on the lateral view (A) and the bamboo effect on the anteroposterior view (B). (From Gartland JJ: Fundamentals of orthopedics, Philadelphia, 1979, WB Saunders, p 147.)


































y u

m s

o e


s o


U l

s y

e .



Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine







10 + 7



Fig. 8.65  The natural history of idiopathic scoliosis. (A) Note the mild degree of vertebral rotation and curvature and the imbalance of the upper torso. (B) Note the rather dramatic increase in curvature and the increased rotation of the apical vertebrae 1 year later. (C) Further progression of the curvature has occurred, and the opportunity for brace treatment has been missed. (From Bunnel WP: Treatment of idiopathic scoliosis, Orthop Clin North Am 10:813–827, 1979.)


2 3

Fig. 8.66  Lateral view of the thoracic spine (including ribs).

Fig. 8.67 A classic x-­ ray appearance of the spine in a patient with Scheuermann disease. Note the wedged vertebra (1), Schmorl nodules (2), and marked irregularity of the vertebral end plates (3). (From Moe JH, Bradford DS, Winter RB, et al: Scoliosis and other spinal deformities, Philadelphia, 1978, WB Saunders, p 332.)

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

End vertebrae


Fig. 8.68  Oblique view of the thoracic spine (including ribs and sternum).



Fig. 8.70 (A) Cobb method of measuring scoliotic curve. (B) Measurement of idiopathic scoliosis (Cobb method). This 10-­year-­old girl has a T4–T11 right spinal curvature of 20° and a T11–L4 left spinal curvature of 27°. Note that T11 is included in both curve measurements. Minimal rotation occurs in the thoracic region and essentially none in the lumbar segment. (B, From Ozonoff MB: Pediatric orthopedic radiology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1992, WB Saunders.)


Fig. 8.69  Swimmer’s projection in demonstration of the cervicothoracic junction. (A) Initial lateral radiograph includes only the first five cervical vertebrae. There is a small fracture from the anterior inferior margin of C3. (B) A swimmer’s projection clearly demonstrates dislocation at C7–T1 (arrows). (From Adam A, Dixon AK, editors: Grainger & Allison’s diagnostic radiology: a textbook of medical imaging, ed 5, Edinburgh, 2008, Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.)

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


Normal (pedicles in normal position) (transition or neutral vertebra) Pedicles move to left (in this case) as rotation deformity increases


Fig. 8.71  Rotation of vertebra in scoliosis. On radiography, the pedicles appear to be off center as the curve progresses.

Fig. 8.72  Osteoporotic compression fracture of thoracic spine. Midline sagittal T1-­weighted magnetic resonance image (SE 500/30) shows compression fracture of upper thoracic vertebral body (arrowhead), indicated by anterior wedging. Marrow signal intensity is maintained (arrowhead). Schmorl nodule is incidentally noted at a lower level (arrow). (From Bassett LW, Gold RH, Seeger LL: MRI atlas of the musculoskeletal system, London, 1989, Martin Dunitz, p 49.)

PRÉCIS OF THE THORACIC SPINE ASSESSMENTa NOTE: Suspected pathology will determine which Special Tests are to be performed. History Observation (standing) Examination Active movements (standing or sitting) Forward flexion Extension Side flexion (left and right) Rotation (left and right) Combined movements (if necessary) Repetitive movements (if necessary) Sustained postures (if necessary) Passive movements (sitting) Forward flexion Extension Side flexion (left and right) Rotation (left and right) Resisted isometric movements (sitting) Forward flexion Extension Side flexion (left and right) Rotation (left and right) Functional assessment Special tests (sitting) Adson test

Costoclavicular maneuver Cyriax release test Deep breath and flexion test Hyperabduction test (elevated arm stress test [EAST]) Murphy’s percussion test Reflex hammer test Roos test Slump test Reflexes and cutaneous distribution (sitting) Reflex testing Sensation scan Special tests (prone lying) Rib spring test Joint play movements (prone lying) Posteroanterior central vertebral pressure (PACVP) Posteroanterior unilateral vertebral pressure (PAUVP) Transverse vertebral pressure (TVP) Rib springing Palpation (prone lying) Special tests (supine lying) First rib mobility Rib springing Upper limb neurodynamic (tension) test 4 (ULNT4) Palpation (supine lying) Diagnostic imaging

After any assessment, the patient should be warned of the possibility of exacerbation of symptoms as a result of assessment. aThe précis is shown in an order that limits the amount of movement that the patient has to do but ensures that all necessary structures are tested.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

TABLE  8.9

Differential Diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Thoracic Spinal Stenosis Ankylosing Spondylitis

Thoracic Spinal Stenosis


Morning stiffness Intermittent aching pain Male predominance Sharp pain → ache Bilateral sacroiliac pain may refer to posterior thigh

Intermittent aching pain Pain may refer to both legs with walking (neurogenic intermittent claudication)

Active movements


May be normal

Passive movements


May be normal

Resisted isometric movements



Special tests


Bicycle test of van Gelderen may be positive Stoop test may be positive



May be affected in long-­standing cases

Sensory deficit


Usually temporary

Diagnostic imaging

Plain films are diagnostic

Computed tomography scans are diagnostic

CASE STUDIES When doing these case studies, the examiner should list the appropriate questions to be asked and why they are being asked, what to look for and why, and what things should be tested and why. Depending on the answers of the patient (and the examiner should consider different responses), several possible causes of the patient’s problems may be evident (examples are given in parentheses). If so, a differential diagnosis chart (see Table 8.9 as an example) should be made up. The examiner can then decide how different diagnoses may affect the treatment plan. 1. A 16-­year-­old high school female comes to see you with a 2-­week history of mid to low back pain following starting volleyball practice. She can practice but usually about halfway through a 2-hour practice, she has significant back pain. It is worse with running and setting and seems to be better when she is sitting slumped. She has full strength of her trunk and extremities. There are no radicular symptoms. She does have point tenderness to palpation of the transverse and spinous processes around T10. Symptoms are increased when she actively or passively extends her spine past neutral. Give your assessment plan and differential diagnosis. 2. A 72-­year-­old female is seeing you for mid back pain following a recent fall down a stair at home. She was carrying laundry down to her basement bathroom and accidently missed the last step and fell. She noticed immediate pain in her mid back that has not resolved. Spinal extension aggravates her symptoms. She is having difficulty sleeping due to pain while laying on her back. She appears to have some increased kyphosis in the upper to mid thoracic spine area. She also has point

tenderness to spinous process of T7 and T8. She has not yet had diagnostic imaging. Give your assessment plan and differential diagnosis. 3. A 52-­year-­old male comes to see you for left shoulder and upper back pain. He has a history of high blood pressure and a family history of cardiac disease. During exercise in the last two weeks, he has felt shortness of breath and has also felt some slight left neck, jaw, upper back, and arm pain that increases with his exercise intensity. He states that he wonders sometimes if he is a hypochondriac and is usually hesitant to seek medical help. You are unable to find any palpable pain, and he seems to be in no distress at the moment. He has full shoulder and trunk mobility. You assess his blood pressure, and it is rather high at 170/100 while resting. Describe your assessment plan and differential diagnosis. 4. A 17-­year-­old, male, right-hand dominant baseball player comes to see you for lower to mid back pain on the left following “getting beaned” by a baseball in a recent game. He bats right and turned to his right to get away from the wild pitch. He has a large area of discoloration in the

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


CASE STUDIES—cont’d left lower back area near ribs T9–12. He is also tender to palpation of that area. The area feels somewhat enlarged and swollen. He also reported a rebound type pain when palpating the ribs in that area. You are somewhat concerned as you know that the spleen lies directly under these ribs in this location. Describe your assessment plan and your differential diagnosis. 5. A 33-­year-­old patient comes to you complaining of stiffness in the lower spine that is extending into the thoracic spine. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (ankylosing spondylitis vs. thoracic spinal stenosis). 6. A 14-­year-­old boy presents complaining of a severe aching pain in the mid-dorsal spine of several weeks’ duration. He is neurologically normal. X-­rays reveal a narrowing and anterior wedging at T5 with a Schmorl nodule into T4. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (kyphosis vs. Scheuermann disease). 7. A 23-­year-­old woman has a structural scoliosis with a single C curve having its apex at T7.

Describe your assessment plan before beginning treatment. How would you measure the curve and the amount of rotation? 8. A 38-­year-­old woman comes to your clinic complaining of chest pain with tenderness at the costochondral junction of two ribs on the left side. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (Tietze syndrome vs. rib hypomobility). 9. A 26-­year-­old male ice hockey player comes to you complaining of back pain that is referred around the chest. He explains that he was “boarded” (hit between another player and the boards). He did not notice the pain and stiffness until the next day. He has had the problem for 2 weeks. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (rib hypomobility vs. ligament sprain). 10. A 21-­year-­old female synchronized swimmer comes to you complaining of pain in her side. She says she was kicked when she helped boost another athlete out of the water 5 days ago. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (rib fracture vs. rib hypomobility).

References 1. Dutton M. Dutton’s Orthopedic Examination, Evaluation and Intervention. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-­ Hill Education; 2017. 2. Williams P, Warwick R, eds. Gray’s Anatomy. 36th ed. British, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1980. 3. MacConaill MA, Basmajian JV. Muscles and Movements: A Basis for Human Kinesiology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1969. 4. Mitchell FL, Moran PS, Pruzzo NA. An Evaluation and Treatment Manual of Osteopathic Muscle Energy Procedures. Valley Park, MO: Mitchell, Moran & Pruzzo, Assoc; 1979. 5. Michael AL, Newman J, Rao AS. The assessment of thoracic pain. Orthop Trauma. 2009;24:63–73. 6. Hijaz NM, Friesen CA. Managing acute abdominal pain in pediatric patients: current perspectives. Pediatric Health Med Ther. 2017;8:83–91. 7. Henderson JM. Ruling out danger: differential diagnosis of thoracic spine. Phys Sportsmed. 1992;20:124–132. 8. Dreyfuss P, Tibiletti C, Dreyer SJ. Thoracic zygapophyseal joint pain patterns: a study in normal volunteers. Spine. 1994;19:807–811. 9. Ombregt L, Bisschop P, ter Veer HJ, et al. A System of Orthopedic Medicine. London: WB Saunders; 1995. 10. McKenzie RA. The Cervical and Thoracic Spine: Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. Waikanae, New Zealand: Spinal Publications; 1981. 11. Fon G, Pitt MJ, Thies AC. Thoracic kyphosis: range in normal subjects. Am J Roentgenol. 1980;134(5):979–983. 12. Katzman WB, Wanek L, Shepherd JA, et  al. Age-­ related hyperkyphosis: its causes, consequences

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35. Sanders JO, Harrast JJ, Tuklo TR, et  al. The spinal appearance questionnaire – Results of reliability, validity, and responsiveness testing in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Spine. 2007;32(24):2719–2722. 36. Thielsch MT, Wetterkamp M, Boertz P, et al. Reliability and validity of the spinal appearance questionnaire (SAQ) and the trunk appearance perception scale (TAPS). J Orthop Surg Res. 2018;13(1):274–283. 37. Bago J, Sanchez-­Raya J, Perez-­Grueso FJ, Climent JM. The trunk appearance perception scale (TAPS): a new tool to evaluate subjective impression of trunk deformity in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis. 2010;5:6–15. 38. Pineda S, Bago J, Gilperez C, Climent JM. Validity of the Walter Reed Visual Assessment Scale to measure subjective perception of spine deformity in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis. 2006;1:18–26. 39. Cook CE, Hegedus EJ. Orthopedic Physical Examination Tests—An Evidence Based Approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson; 2008. 40. Cleland JA, Koppenhaver S. Netter’s Orthopedic Clinical Examination—An Evidence Based Approach. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier; 2011. 41. Cyriax J. Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine. Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Lesions. vol. 1. London: Bailliere Tindall; 1982. 42. Wilke A, Wolf U, Lageard P, et  al. Thoracic disc herniation: a diagnostic challenge. Man Ther. 2000;5:181–184. 43. Evans RC. Illustrated Orthopedic Physical Assessment. 3rd ed. St Louis: Elsevier; 2009. 44. Maitland GD. The slump test: examination and treatment. Aust J Physiother. 1985;31:215–219. 45. Butler DS. Mobilization of the Nervous System. Melbourne: Churchill Livingstone; 1991. 46. Lee L-­J, Lee D. The thoracic spine and ribs. In: Magee DJ, Zachazewski J, Quillen W, eds. Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation—Pathology and Intervention. St Louis: Elsevier; 2009.

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Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine


eAPPENDIX 8.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Thoracic Spine ADAM’S FORWARD BEND TEST Specificity

Sensitivity 0.6059

• For thoracic curves = 0.9259 • F  or lumbar curves = 0.7359 • 0.8760

• For thoracic curves = • F  or lumbar curves = 0.6859 • 0.9360



 0.0%61 9

• 87.5%61



• 7  7 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • 85 (hepatobiliary disease)62

Odds Ratio

• 5  7 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • 51 (hepatobiliary disease)62

• P  ositive likelihood ratio = 2.5 (hepatobiliary infection), negative likelihood ratio = 0.56 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • Positive likelihood ratio = 3.3 (hepatobiliary disease), negative likelihood ratio = 0.58 (hepatobiliary disease)62

MURPHY’S SIGN Specificity


• 8  7 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • 88 (hepatobiliary disease)62

Odds Ratio

• 4  0 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • 27 (hepatobiliary disease)62

• P  ositive likelihood ratio = 3.0 (hepatobiliary infection), negative likelihood ratio = 0.69 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • Positive likelihood ratio = 2.3 (hepatobiliary disease), negative likelihood ratio = 0.82 (hepatobiliary disease)62



• 8  7 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • 88 (hepatobiliary disease)62

Odds Ratio

• 2  7 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • 22 (hepatobiliary disease)62

• P  ositive likelihood ratio = 2.0 (hepatobiliary infection), negative likelihood ratio = 0.85 (hepatobiliary infection)62 • Positive likelihood ratio = 1.8 (hepatobiliary disease), negative likelihood ratio = 0.89 (hepatobiliary disease)62



• I nterrater for reproduction of symptoms and subsequent reduction with cervical extension k = 0.89, increase with knee extension k = 0.8363 • Interrater reliability between therapists when defining positive test as reduction of symptoms and increased knee ROM upon cervical extension k = 0.8963

• Positive predictive value = 0.77, negative predictive value = 0.8864 • Slump + pain location positive predictive value = 1.0, negative predictive value = 0.6764 • Slump + pain quality positive predictive value = 0.70, negative predictive value = 0.6464 • Slump + pain location and quality positive predictive value = 1.0, negative predictive value = 0.6364

Specificity • 0.7064 • Slump + pain location = 1.064 • Slump + pain quality = 0.7064 • Slump + pain location and quality = 1.064 • 0.8365 • 0.5566

Sensitivity • 0.9164 • Slump + pain location = 0.5564 • Slump + pain quality = 0.6464 • Slump + pain location and quality = 0.4664 • 0.8465 • 0.8366

Odds Ratio • Positive likelihood ratio = 3.03, negative likelihood ratio = 0.1364 • Slump + pain location positive likelihood ratio = 11.9, negative likelihood ratio = 0.4864 • Slump + pain quality positive likelihood ratio = 2.12, negative likelihood ratio = 0.5264 • Slump + pain location and quality positive likelihood ratio = 10.08, negative likelihood ratio = 0.5764

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626.e2 Chapter 8  Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine

eAPPENDIX 8.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Thoracic Spine— cont’d

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Lumbar Spine Back pain is one of the great human afflictions. Almost anyone born today in Europe or North America has a great chance of suffering a disabling back injury regardless of occupation.1 The lumbar spine supports the upper body and transmits the weight of the upper body to the pelvis and lower limbs. Because of the strategic location of the lumbar spine, this structure should be included in any examination of the spine as a whole (i.e., posture) or in any examination of the hip or sacroiliac joints. Unless there is a definite history of trauma, determining whether an injury originates in the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joints, or hip joints is often difficult; therefore all three should be examined in a sequential fashion.

Applied Anatomy There are 10 (five pairs) facet joints (also called apophyseal or zygoapophyseal joints) in the lumbar spine (Fig. 9.1).2 These diarthrodial joints consist of superior and inferior facets and a capsule. The facets are located on the vertebral arches. With a normal intact disc, the facet joints carry about 20% to 25% of the axial load, but this may reach 70% with degeneration of the disc. The facet joints also provide 40% of the torsional and shear strength.3 Injury, degeneration, or trauma to the motion segment (the facet joints and disc) may lead to spondylosis4 (degeneration of the intervertebral disc), spondylolysis5 (a defect in the pars interarticularis or the arch of the vertebra), spondylolisthesis5 (a forward displacement of one vertebra over another), or retrolisthesis (backward displacement of one vertebra on another). The superior facets, or articular processes, face medially and backward and in general are concave; the inferior facets face laterally and forward and are convex (Fig. 9.2). There are, however, abnormalities, or tropisms, that can occur in the shape of the facets, especially at the L5–S1 level (Figs. 9.3 and 9.4).6 In the lumbar spine, the transverse processes are virtually at the same level as the spinous processes. These posterior facet joints direct the movement that occurs in the lumbar spine. Because of the shape of the facets, rotation in the lumbar spine is minimal and is accomplished only by a shearing force. Side flexion, extension, and flexion can occur in the lumbar spine, but the facet joints control the direction of movement. The

close packed position of the facet joints in the lumbar spine is extension. Normally, the facet joints carry only a small amount of weight; however, with increased extension, they begin to have a greater weight-­bearing function. The resting position is midway between flexion and extension. The capsular pattern is side flexion and rotation equally limited, followed by extension. However, if only one facet joint in the lumbar spine has a capsular restriction, the amount of observable restriction is minimal. The first sacral segment is usually included in discussions of the lumbar spine, and it is at this joint that the fixed segment of the sacrum joins with the mobile segments of the lumbar spine. In some cases the S1 segment may be mobile. This occurrence is called lumbarization of S1, and it results in a sixth “lumbar” vertebra. At other times, the fifth lumbar segment may be fused to the sacrum or ilium, resulting in a sacralization of that vertebra. Sacralization results in four mobile lumbar vertebrae. These abnormal segments are sometimes called transitional vertebra.7 Lumbar Spine Resting position: Close packed position: Capsular pattern:

Midway between flexion and extension Full extension Side flexion and rotation equally limited, extension

The main ligaments of the lumbar spine are the same as those in the lower cervical and thoracic spine excluding the ribs. These ligaments include the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, the ligamentum flavum, the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments, and the intertransverse ligaments (Fig. 9.5). In addition, there is an important ligament unique to the lumbar spine and pelvis—the iliolumbar ligament (Fig. 9.6), which connects the transverse process of L5 to the posterior ilium.8 This ligament helps to stabilize L5 with the ilium and to prevent anterior displacement of L5.9 The intervertebral discs make up approximately 20% to 25% of the total length of the vertebral column. The function of the intervertebral disc is to act as a shock absorber, distributing and absorbing some of the load applied to the spine, to hold the vertebrae together and allow movement

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

between the bones, to separate the vertebra as part of a functional segmental unit (Fig. 9.7; Table 9.1) acting in concert with the facet joints and, by separating the vertebrae, to allow the free passage of the nerve roots out from the spinal cord through the intervertebral foramina. With age, the percentage of spinal length attributable to the T12 L1 L2



Facet joint L5


Coccyx Fig. 9.1  Lateral view of the lumbar spine.

discs decreases as a result of disc degeneration and loss of hydrophilic action in the disc. The annulus fibrosus, the outer laminated portion of the disc, consists of three zones: (1) an outer zone made up of fibrocartilage (classified as Sharpey’s fibers) that attaches to the outer or peripheral aspect of the vertebral body and contains increasing numbers of cartilage cells in the fibrous strands with increasing depth, (2) an intermediate zone made up of another layer of fibrocartilage, and (3) an inner zone primarily made up of fibrocartilage and containing the largest number of cartilage cells.10 The annulus fibrosus contains 20 concentric, collar-­like rings of collagenous fibers that crisscross each other to increase their strength and accommodate torsional movements (Fig. 9.8).11 The nucleus pulposus is well developed in both the cervical and lumbar spines. At birth, it is made up of a hydrophilic mucoid tissue, which is gradually replaced by fibrocartilage. With increasing age, the nucleus pulposus increasingly resembles the annulus fibrosus.12–14 The water-­binding capacity of the disc decreases with age, and degenerative changes (spondylosis) begin to occur after the second decade of life. Initially, the disc contains approximately 85% to 90% water, but the amount decreases to 65% with age.15 In addition, the disc contains a high proportion of mucopolysaccharides, which cause the disc to act as an incompressible fluid. However, these mucopolysaccharides decrease with age and are replaced with collagen. The nucleus pulposus lies slightly posterior to the center of rotation of the disc in the lumbar spine.

Superior facet Transverse process Transverse process

Spinous process

Superior facet Inferior facet



Spinous process

B Fig. 9.2  Lumbar vertebra. (A) Side view. (B) Superior view.




Fig. 9.3  Facet anomalies (tropisms) at L5–S1.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

Anterior longitudinal ligament Iliolumbar ligament




Lumbosacral ligament


Anterior sacroiliac ligament

Sacrotuberous ligament

Sacrospinous ligament





Anterior Iliolumbar ligament

Supraspinous ligament




Short posterior sacroiliac ligament


Long posterior sacroiliac ligament

Fig. 9.4  The varieties of orientation and curvature of the lumbar zygapophyseal joints. (A) Flat joints oriented close to 90° to the sagittal plane. (B) Flat joints orientated at 60° to the sagittal plane. (C) Flat joints orientated parallel (0°) to the sagittal plane. (D) Slightly curved joints with an average orientation close to 90° to the sagittal plane. (E) “C”-­shaped joints orientated at 45° to the sagittal plane. (F) “J”-­shaped joints orientated at 30° to the sagittal plane. (Redrawn from Bogduk N, Twomey LT: Clinical anatomy of the lumbar spine, New York, 1987, Churchill Livingstone, p 26.)

Sacrospinous ligament


Sacrotuberous ligament Posterior

Fig. 9.6 Ligaments of the sacrum, coccyx, and some in the lumbar spine. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view.

Anterior longitudinal ligament Interspinal ligament

Posterior longitudinal ligament


Intervertebral foramen Nerve root

Supraspinous ligament

Ligamentum flavum

Fig. 9.5  Ligaments of the lumbar spine.

The shape of the disc corresponds to that of the body to which it is attached. The disc adheres to the vertebral body by means of the cartilaginous end plate. The end plates consist of thin layers of cartilage covering the majority of the inferior and superior surfaces of the vertebral body. The cartilaginous end plates are approximately 1 mm thick and allow fluid to move between the disc and the vertebral body. The discs are primarily avascular, with only the periphery receiving a blood supply. The remainder of the disc receives nutrition by diffusion, primarily through the cartilaginous end plate. The end plate serves

Posterior portion

Anterior portion

Fig. 9.7  Functional segmental unit (FSU) (three-­joint complex) in the lumbar spine. Such a complex may also be seen in the cervical and thoracic spines.

as a biologic filter, which restricts both the movement of large molecules into the disc and also the expulsion of water from the nucleus when the disc is compressed.16 Until the age of 8 years, the intervertebral discs have some vascularity; with age, however, this vascularity decreases. The intervertebral disc usually has no nerve supply, although the peripheral posterior aspect of the annulus

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

TABLE  9.1

Description of the Morphological Grades of the Human Functional Segmental Intervertebral Disc Unit Grade

Nucleus Pulposus (NP)

Annulus Fibrosus (AF)

Cartilaginous End Plate

Vertebral Body


Bulging gel

Discrete fibrous lamellae

Hyaline, uniformly thick

Margins rounded


White fibrous tissue peripherally

Mucinous material between Thickness irregular lamellae

Margins pointed


Consolidated fibrous tissue (loss of distraction between NP and AF)

Extensive mucinous infiltration; loss of annular-­nuclear demarcation

Focal defects in cartilage

Early chondrophytes or osteophytes at margins


Horizontal clefts parallel to end plate; fissures

Focal disruptions


Clefts extend through nucleus and annulus

Fibrocartilage extending from Osteophytes less than subchondral bone (Schmorl’s nodules) 2 mm Irregularity and focal sclerosis in subchondral bone Diffuse sclerosis Osteophytes greater Schmorl’s nodules than 2 mm

Modified from Thompson JP, Pearce RH, Schechter MT, et al: Preliminary evaluation of a scheme for grading the gross morphology of the human intervertebral disc, Spine 15(5):412, 1990.



Fig. 9.8  Gross features of the aged human discs. Axial sections of young (16 years) (A) and aged (55 years) (B) lumbar discs. Old discs exhibit an overall loss of hydration, loss of demarcation between the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus boundary, and tissue discoloration (old disc more yellowish). Average lumbar disc cross-­sectional diameter is 45 to 55 mm for humans. (From Vo NV, Hartman RA, Patil PR, et al: Molecular mechanisms of biological aging in intervertebral discs, J Orthop Res 34:1292, 2016. Courtesy Dr. Ian Stokes.)

fibrosus may be innervated by a few nerve fibers from the sinuvertebral nerve.17,18 The lateral aspects of the disc are innervated peripherally by the branches of the anterior rami and gray rami communicants. The pain-­ sensitive structures around the intervertebral disc are the anterior longitudinal ligament, posterior longitudinal ligament, vertebral body, nerve root, and cartilage of the facet joint. With the movement of fluid vertically through the cartilaginous end plate, the pressure on the disc decreases as the patient assumes the natural lordotic posture in the lumbar spine. Direct vertical pressure on the disc can cause the disc to push fluid into the vertebral body. If the pressure is great enough, defects may occur in the cartilaginous end plate, resulting in Schmorl’s nodules, which are herniations of the

nucleus pulposus into the vertebral body (Fig. 9.9). These are found in 20% to 30% of individuals.19 Normally, an adult is 1 to 2 cm (0.4 to 0.8 inch) taller in the morning than in the evening (20% diurnal variation).3,20 This change results from fluid movement in and out of the disc during the day through the cartilaginous end plate. This fluid shift acts as a pressure safety valve to protect the disc. If there is an injury to the disc, four problems can result, all of which can cause symptoms.21 There may be a protrusion of the disc, in which the disc bulges posteriorly without rupture of the annulus fibrosus. In the case of a disc prolapse, only the outermost fibers of the annulus fibrosus contain the nucleus. With a disc extrusion, the annulus fibrosus is perforated, and discal material (part of the nucleus pulposus) moves into the epidural

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine


space. The fourth problem is a sequestrated disc, or a formation of discal fragments from the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus outside the disc proper (Fig. 9.10).22 These injuries can result in pressure on the spinal cord itself (upper lumbar spine), leading to a myelopathy; pressure on the cauda equina, leading to cauda equina syndrome (saddle anesthesia [Fig. 9.11] bowel/bladder dysfunction);23 or pressure on the nerve roots (most common). The amount of pressure on the neurological tissues determines the severity of the neurological deficit.24 The pressure may be the result of the disc injury itself or may occur in combination with the inflammatory response to the injury. Saal has outlined favorable, unfavorable, and neutral factors in relation to a positive prognosis for a nonoperative lumbar disc herniation (Table 9.2).21 Within the lumbar spine, different postures can increase pressure on the intervertebral disc (Fig. 9.12). This information is based on the work of Nachemson and colleagues,25,26 who performed studies of intradiscal pressure changes in the L3 disc with changes in posture. The pressure in the standing position is classified as the norm; the values given are increases or decreases above or below this norm that occur with the change in posture.


Activity and Percentage Increase in Disc Pressure at L3

B Fig. 9.9  (A) X-­ray of Schmorl’s nodes (arrow). Note the sharply defined dome-­like densities arising from the end plate in these two adjacent vertebrae. (B) Magnetic resonance image of Schmorl’s nodes going through the cartilaginous end plate (arrow). (A, From Adam A, Dixon AK, Grainger RG, Allison DJ: Grainger & Allison’s diagnostic radiology, ed 5, Edinburgh, 2007, Churchill Livingstone; B, From Slotkin JR, Mislow JMK, Day AL, Proctor MR: Pediatric disk disease, Neurosurg Clin North Am 18[4]:659–667, 2007.)

Annulus fibrosus

• • • • • • • •

 oughing or straining: C Laughing: Walking: Side bending: Small jumps: Bending forward: Rotation: Lifting a 20-­kg weight with the back straight and knees bent: • Lifting a 20-­kg weight with the back bent and knees straight:


In the lumbar spine, the nerve roots exit through relatively large intervertebral foramina; as in the thoracic

Disc herniations (Annular fibers disrupted)

Nucleus pulposus

5%–35% 40%–50% 15% 25% 40% 150% 20% 73%

Free nuclear material




Fig. 9.10  Types of disc herniations.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

S3 S4 S5



Fig. 9.11  Saddle anesthesia. The S3, S4, and S5 nerves provide sensory innervation to the inner thigh, perineum, and rectum.

spine, each root is named for the vertebra above it (in the cervical spine, the nerve roots are named for the vertebra below). For example, the L4 nerve root exits between the L4 and L5 vertebrae. Because of the course of the nerve root as it exits, the L4 disc (between L4 and L5) only rarely compresses the L4 nerve root; it is more likely to compress the L5 nerve root (Fig. 9.13). In general, the L5–S1 segment is the most common site of problems in the vertebral column because this level bears more weight than any other vertebral level. The center of gravity passes directly through this vertebra, which is of benefit because it may decrease the shearing stresses to this segment. There is a transition from the mobile segment, L5, to the stable or fixed segment of the sacrum (S1), which can increase the stress on this area. Because the angle between L5 and S1 is greater than the angles between the other vertebrae, this joint has a greater chance of having stress applied to it. Another factor that increases the amount of stress on this area is the relatively greater amount of movement that occurs at this level compared with other levels of the lumbar spine. 

TABLE  9.2

Prognostic Factors for Positive Outcome With Nonoperative Care for Lumbar Disc Herniation Favorable Factors

Unfavorable Factors

Neutral Factors

Questionable Factors

• A  bsence of crossed SLR • Spinal motion in extension that does not reproduce leg pain • Large extrusion or sequestration • Relief of >50% reduction in leg pain within the first 6 weeks of onset • Positive response to corticosteroid treatment • Limited psychosocial issues • Self-­employed • Motivated to recover and return to function • Educational level >12 years • Good fitness level • Motivated to exercise and participate in recovery • Absence of spinal stenosis • Progressive return from neurological deficit within the first 12 weeks

• • • •

• • • • • •

• • • •

• • • • • • • • • • •

 ositive crossed SLR P Leg pain produced in spinal extension Subligamentous contained LDH Lack of >50% reduction in leg pain within the first 6 weeks of onset Negative response to corticosteroid treatment Overbearing psychosocial issues Worker’s compensation Unmotivated to return to function Educational level 90% back pain) Myotomes seldom affected Dermatomes not affected

Flexion Stiff in morning


Back/buttocks Myotomes seldom affected Dermatomes not affected



Leg (usually below Flexion knee) Myotomes commonly affected (especially in chronic cases) Pain in dermatomes Leg (usually below Walking(extension) knee; may be bilateral) Myotomes commonly affected (especially in chronic cases) Pain in dermatomes


Where Pain Is Worst





Probable Cause


Hours to days

Days to months (sudden or slow)

Disc involvement (minor herniation, spondylosis), sprain, strain


Minutes to hours

Days to weeks (sudden)

Facet joint involvement, strain


Hours to days

Weeks to months

Nerve root irritation (most likely cause—disc herniation)

Rest With (sitting) walking and/or postural change


Neurogenic intermittent claudication (stenosis)

Modified from Hall H: A simple approach to back pain management, Patient Care 15:77–91, 1992.

6.  W here are the sites and boundaries of pain? Have the patient point to the location or locations. Note whether the patient indicates a specific joint or whether the pain is more general. The more specific the pain, the easier it is to localize the area of pathology. Unilateral pain with no referral below the knee may be caused by injury to muscles (strain) or ligaments (sprain), the facet joint, or, in some cases, the sacroiliac joints. This is called mechanical low back pain (in older books, it is called “lumbago”). With each of these injuries, there is seldom if ever peripheralization of the symptoms. The symptoms tend to stay centralized in the back. If the muscles and ligaments are affected, movement will decrease and pain will increase with repeated movements.

If the pain extends to the hip, the hip must be cleared by examination. With facet joint problems, the range of motion (ROM) remains the same (it may be restricted from the beginning), as does the pain with repeated movements. Pain on standing that improves with walking and pain on forward flexion with no substantial muscle tenderness suggests disc involvement. 44 The sacroiliac joints will show pain when pain-­p rovoking (stress) tests are used. A minor disc injury (protrusion) may show the same symptoms, but the pain is more likely to be bilateral if it is a central protrusion, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, or metastases. 45,46 Dural pain is extra segmental and felt over a larger area (e.g., it may spread upward to the chest or down both thighs to the ankles),

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

TABLE  9.5

Some Implications of Painful Reactions Activity

Reaction of Pain Possible Structural and Pathological Implications

Lying sleeping

↓ ↑

Decreased compressive forces—low intradiscal pressures Absence of forces produced by muscle activity Change of position—noxious mechanical stress Decreased mechanoreceptor input Motor segment “relaxed” into a position compromising affected structure Poor external support (bed) Nonmusculoskeletal cause

First rising (stiffness)

Nocturnal imbibition of fluid, disc volume greatest Mechanical inflammatory component (apophyseal joints) Prolonged stiffness, active inflammatory disease (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis)


Compressive forces High intradiscal pressure

Intradiscal pressure reduced Decreased paraspinal muscle activity Greater compromise of structures of lateral and central canals Compressive forces on lower apophyseal joints

With extension

↑ With flexion

↓ ↑

Prolonged sitting ↑

Little compressive load on lower apophyseal joints Greater volume lateral and central canals Reduced disc bulge posteriorly Very high intradiscal pressures Increased compressive loads upper and mid apophyseal joints Mechanical deformation of spine Gradual creep of tissues

Sitting to standing

Creep, time for reversal, difficulty in straightening up Extension of spine, increase disc bulge posteriorly


Shock loads greater than body weight Compressive loads (vertical creep) Leg pain Neurogenic claudication Vascular claudication


Coughing, sneezing, straining

Sitting: compressive forces Vibration: vibro creep repetitive loading, decreased hysteresis loading, decreased hysteresis Increased dural tension sitting with legs extended Short hamstrings: pull lumbar spine into greater flexion Increased pressure subarachnoid space (increased blood flow, Batson plexus, compromises space in lateral and central canal) Increased intradiscal pressure Mechanical “jarring” of sudden uncontrolled movement

From Jull GA: Examination of the lumbar spine. In Grieve GP, editor: Modern manual therapy of the vertebral column, Edinburgh, 1986, Churchill Livingstone, p 553.

whereas radicular pain is usually restricted to one dermatome. 46 Pressure on a nerve root sheath by a disc lesion will usually result in pain followed by paresthesia. If any paresthesia is painless, a disc problem is unlikely and conditions such as cord compression, diabetes, pernicious anemia, or multiple sclerosis should be considered. 46 If

the patient indicates pain in the upper lumbar/ lower thoracic spine, the examiner should be alert to the fact that disc lesions in this area are rare but that serious disorders unrelated to activity (e.g., septic or rheumatic inflammation, tumors, metabolic disorders) are often found in this area. 46

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine TABLE  9.6

Some Mechanisms of Musculoskeletal Pain Behavior of Pain

Possible Mechanisms

Constant ache

Inflammatory process, venous hypertension

Pain on movement

Noxious mechanical stimulus (stretch, pressure, crush)

Pain accumulates with activity

Repeated mechanical stress Inflammatory process Degenerative disc—hysteresis decreased, less protection from repetitive loading

Pain increases with sustained postures Latent nerve root pain

Fatigue of supporting muscles Gradual creep of tissues may stress affected part of motor unit Movement has produced an acute and temporary neurapraxia

From Jull GA: Examination of the lumbar spine. In Grieve GP, editor: Modern manual therapy of the vertebral column, Edinburgh, 1986, Churchill Livingstone, p 553.

“Mechanical” Low Back Pain3 • • • • • • • • •

P ain is usually cyclic Low back pain is often referred to the buttocks and thighs Morning stiffness or pain is common Start pain (i.e., when starting movement) is common There is pain on forward flexion and often also on returning to the erect position Pain is often produced or aggravated by extension, side flexion, rotation, standing, walking, sitting, and exercise in general Pain usually becomes worse over the course of the day Pain is relieved by a change of position Pain is relieved by lying down, especially in the fetal position

7.  Is there any radiation of pain? Is the pain centralizing or peripheralizing (Fig. 9.14)?47,48 Centralization implies that the pain is moving toward or is centered in the lumbar spine.49–52 Peripheralization implies the pain is being referred or is moving into the limb. If so, it is helpful for the examiner to remember and correlate this information with dermatome findings when sensation is being evaluated. With regard to the lumbar spine, the examiner must be careful not to consider every back problem a disc problem. It has been reported that disc problems account for only about 5% of patients with low back pain.53 Some authors feel the only definitive clinical diagnosis of a disc problem is neurological pain extending below the knee.32 This means that although there may be pain in the back and in the leg, the leg pain is dominant.3 Pain on the anterolateral aspect of the leg is highly suggestive of L4 disc problems, whereas, if the history indicates that a disc may be injured, pain radiating to the posterior


aspect of the foot suggests L5 disc problems.54 Pain radiating into the leg below the knee is highly suggestive of a disc lesion, but isolated back or buttock pain does not rule out the disc. Minor injuries, such as protrusion of the disc, may result only in back or buttock pain.54 Such an injury makes diagnoses more difficult because such pain may also result from muscle or ligament injury or from injury or degeneration to the adjacent facet joints. Lumbar and sacroiliac pain tends to be referred to the buttock and posterior leg (and sometimes to the lateral aspect of the leg). Hip pain tends to be in the groin and anterior thigh although it may be referred to the knee (usually medial side). The hip can be ruled out later in the examination by the absence of a hip capsular pattern and a negative sign of the buttock.55 The examiner must also determine whether the musculoskeletal system is involved or whether the pain is being referred from another structure or system (e.g., abdominal organs). Abnormal signs and symptoms or red flags (see Table 1.1) would lead the examiner to consider causes other than the musculoskeletal system. 8.  Is the pain deep? Superficial? Shooting? Burning? Aching? Questions related to the depth and type of pain often help to locate the structure injured and the source of pain. 9.  Is the pain improving? Worsening? Staying the same? The answers to these questions indicate whether the condition is settling down and improving, or they may indicate that the condition is in the inflammation phase (acute) or in the healing phase. Does the patient complain of more pain than the injury would suggest should occur? If so, psychosocial testing may be appropriate. 10. Is there any increase in pain with coughing? Sneezing? Deep breathing? Straining? Laughing? All of these actions increase the intrathecal pressure (the pressure inside the covering of the spinal cord) and would indicate the problem is in the lumbar spine and affecting the neurological tissue.28 11. Are there any postures or actions that specifically increase or decrease the pain or that cause difficulty?47,56 What is the relationship between the pain and activity?46 For example, if sitting increases the pain and other symptoms, the examiner may suspect that sustained flexion is causing mechanical deformation of the spine or increasing the intradiscal pressure.57 Classically, disc pathology causes increased pain on sitting, lifting, twisting, and bending.58 It is the most common space-­occupying lesion in the lumbar spine; therefore it is the most common cause of radiating pain below the knee. If standing increases the pain and other symptoms, the examiner may suspect that extension, especially relaxed standing, is the cause. If walking increases the pain and other symptoms, extension is probably causing the mechanical

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

Centralization Peripheralization Fig. 9.14 Centralization of pain is the progressive retreat of the most distal extent of referred or radicular pain toward the lumbar midline. Peripheralization of pain moves in the opposite direction.

deformation, because walking accentuates extension. If lying (especially prone lying) increases the pain and other symptoms, extension may be the cause. Persistent pain or progressive increases in pain while the patient is in the supine position may lead the examiner to suspect a neurogenic or space-­occupying lesion, such as an infection, swelling, or tumor. It is important to remember that pain may radiate to the lumbar spine from pathological conditions in other areas as well as from direct mechanical problems. For example, tumors of the pancreas refer pain to the low back. Stiffness or pain after rest may indicate ankylosing spondylitis or Scheuermann disease. Pain from mechanical breakdown tends to increase with activity and decrease with rest. Discogenic pain increases if the patient maintains a single posture (especially flexion) for a long period. Pain arising from the spine is almost always influenced by posture and movement. The pelvis is the key to proper back posture. Ideally, an individual should be able to stand with the pelvis in neutral. In this position, the anterosuperior iliac spines (ASISs) are one to two finger widths lower than the posterosuperior iliac spines (PSISs). For the pelvis to “sit” properly on the femora, the abdominal, hip flexor, hip extensor, and back extensor muscles must be strong, supple, and “balanced” (Fig. 9.15). Any deviation in the normal alignment should be noted and recorded. For example, shoe heel height can modify the pelvic angle and lumbar curve, thus altering the stress on the spine.59 12. Is the pain worse in the morning or evening? Does the pain get better or worse as the day progresses? Does the pain wake you up at night? For example, osteoarthritis of the facet joints leads to morning stiffness, which in turn is relieved by activity. 13. Which movements hurt? Which movements are stiff? How does the patient move when walking? When

Erector spinae


Iliopsoas, Iliopsoas and rectus femoris, femoris and sartorius

Gluteus maximus Hamstrings Fig. 9.15 Muscles “balancing” the pelvis. (Modified from Dyrek DA, Micheli LJ, Magee DJ: Injuries to the thoracolumbar spine and pelvis. In Zachazewski JE, Magee DJ, Quillen WS, editors: Athletic injuries and rehabilitation, Philadelphia, 1996, WB Saunders, p 470.)

sitting? When getting up from sitting? Table 9.7 demonstrates some of the causes of mechanical low back pain and their symptoms. The examiner must help the patient differentiate between true pain and discomfort that is caused by stretching. Postural,

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine


TABLE  9.7

Differential Diagnosis of Mechanical Low Back Pain Muscle Strain

Herniated Nucleus Pulposus


Spinal Stenosis










Back (unilateral)

Back, leg (unilateral)

Back (unilateral)

Leg (bilateral)





Acute (prior episodes)








– –

+ –

– +

+(stress) +

– +

– +

Age (years) Pain pattern

Straight leg raise Plain x-­ray

From Borenstein DG, et al: Low back pain: medical diagnosis and comprehensive management, Philadelphia, 1995, WB Saunders, p 189.

or static, muscles (e.g., iliopsoas) tend to respond to pathology with tightness in the form of spasm or adaptive shortening; dynamic, or phasic, muscles (e.g., abdominals) tend to respond with atrophy. Pathology affecting both or one of the types of muscles can lead to segmental instability between the vertebra and possibly a pelvic crossed syndrome (discussed later). Does the patient describe a painful arc of movement on forward or side flexion? Painful arc in this case means that there is pain in only part of the ROM being attempted. If so, it may indicate a disc protrusion with a nerve root riding over the bulge or instability in part of the ROM.56 Patients with lumbar instability or lumbar muscle spasm have trouble moving to the seated position, whereas those with discogenic pain usually have pain in flexion (e.g., sitting) and the pain may increase the longer they are seated. If pain is not aggravated by activity or relieved by rest, a non–activity-related problem possibly involving the visceral tissue should be considered.46 Unilateral pain in the upper sacroiliac region or in the groin on extension may indicate injury to the iliolumbar ligaments. 14. Is paresthesia (a “pins and needles” feeling) or anesthesia present? A patient may experience a sensation or a lack of sensation if there is pressure on a nerve root. Paresthesia occurs if pressure is relieved from a nerve trunk, whereas if the pressure is on the nerve trunk, the patient experiences a numb sensation. Does the patient experience any paresthesia or tingling and numbness in the extremities, perineal (saddle) area, or pelvic area? Abnormal sensations in the perineal area often have associated micturition (urination) problems. These symptoms may indicate a myelopathy and are considered by many

to be an emergency surgical situation because of potential long-­term bowel and bladder problems if the pressure on the spinal cord is not relieved as soon as possible.60,61 The examiner must remember that the adult spinal cord ends at the bottom of the L1 vertebra and becomes the cauda equina within the spinal column. The nerve roots extend in such a way that it is rare for the disc to pinch on the nerve root of the same level. For example, the L5 nerve root is more likely to be compressed by the L4 intervertebral disc than by the L5 intervertebral disc (Fig. 9.16). The nerve root is seldom compressed by the disc at the same level except when the protrusion is more lateral. 15.  Has the patient noticed any weakness or decrease in strength? Has the patient noticed that his or her legs have become weak while walking or climbing stairs? This may be the result of an injury to the muscles themselves, their nerve supply, or reflex inhibition caused by pain.35,62 16. What is the patient’s usual activity or pastime? Before the injury, did the patient modify or perform any unusual repetitive or high-­stress activity? Such questions help the examiner to determine whether the cause of injury was macrotrauma, microtrauma, or a combination of both. 17. Which activities aggravate the pain? Is there anything in the patient’s lifestyle that increases the pain? Many common positions assumed by patients are similar to those in some of the provocative special tests. For example, getting into and sitting in a car is similar to the slump test and straight leg raise test. Long sitting in bed is a form of straight leg raise. Reaching up into a cupboard can be similar to an upper limb tension test. A word of caution: There can be 10° to 20° of difference in

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine





Fifth lumbar root L5





Fig. 9.16  Possible effects of disc herniation. (A) Herniation of the L4–L5 disc compresses the fifth lumbar root. (B) Large herniation of the L5–S1 disc compromises not only the nerve root crossing it (first sacral nerve root) but also the nerve root emerging through the same foramen (fifth lumbar nerve root). (C) Massive central sequestration of the L4–L5 disc involves all of the nerve roots in the cauda equina and may result in bowel and bladder paralysis. (Redrawn from MacNab I: Backache, Baltimore, 1977, Williams & Wilkins, pp 96–97.)

straight leg raise while lying and sitting because of the change in lordosis and position of the pelvis.3 18. Which activities ease the pain? If there are positions that relieve the pain, the examiner should use an understanding of anatomy to determine which tissues would have stress taken off them in the pain-­relieving postures; these postures may later be used as resting postures during the treatment. 19. What is the patient’s sleeping position? Does the patient have any problems sleeping? What type of mattress does the patient use (hard, soft)? The best sleeping position is in side lying with the legs bent in a semifetal position. If the patient lies prone, the lumbar spine often falls into extension, thus increasing the stress on the posterior elements of the vertebrae. In supine lying, the spine tends to flatten out, decreasing the stress on the posterior elements. 20. Does the patient have any difficulty with micturition? If so, the examiner should proceed with caution, because the condition may involve more than the lumbar spine (e.g., a myelopathy, cauda equina syndrome, tabes dorsalis, tumor, multiple sclerosis). Conversely, these symptoms may result from a disc protrusion or spinal stenosis with minimal or no back pain or sciatica. A disc derangement can cause total urinary retention; chronic, long-­standing partial retention; vesicular irritability; or the loss of desire or awareness of the necessity to void. 21. Are there any red flags that the examiner should be aware of, such as a history of cancer, sudden weight loss

for no apparent reason, immunosuppressive disorder, infection, fever, or bilateral leg weakness? 22. Is the patient receiving any medication? For example, the long-­term use of steroid therapy can lead to osteoporosis. Also, if the patient has taken medication just before the assessment, the examiner may not get a true reading of the pain. 23. Is the patient able to cope during daily activities? Psychosocial issues often play a role in low back pain, especially if it is chronic.63–66 Waddell et al.67 defined nonorganic signs (Waddell’s signs) as those seen in patients who need a more intense psychosocial examination (see the section titled “Functional Assessment,” further on). It is normal for people suffering prolonged pain to exhibit altered psychosocial behaviors; these are subject to wide individual differences and the effects of learning.68 Fear-­ avoidance questionnaires, especially that of Waddell et al.69 titled Fear-­Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) (eTool 9.1); the Tampa Bay Scale of Kinesiophobia70–75 (eTool 9.2); and Linton and Hallden’s Acute Low Back Pain Screening Questionnaire76 (eTool 9.3) are becoming more commonly used in lumbar examinations.77–83 The New Zealand Acute Low Back Pain Guide and the New Zealand Guide to Assessing Psychosocial Yellow Flags in Acute Low Back Pain84 outline yellow flags that indicate psychosocial barriers for recovery, with questions related to attitudes and beliefs about back

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine









Here are some of the things other patients have told us about their pain. For each statement please circle the number from 0 to 6 to indicate how much physical activity such as bending, lifting, walking, or driving affects or would affect your pain.

Completely Disagree

Completely Agree


1. My pain was caused by physical activity.








2. Physical activity makes my pain worse.















4. I should not do physical activities that (might) make my pain worse.








5. I cannot do physical activities that (might) make my pain worse.








3. Physical activity might harm my


The following statements are about how your normal work affects or would affect your pain.

Completely Disagree

Completely Agree


6. My pain was caused by my work or by an accident at work.








7. My work aggravated my pain.








8. I have a claim for compensation for my pain.








9. My work is too heavy for me.























12. I should not do my regular work with my present pain.








13. I cannot do my normal work with my present pain.








14. I cannot do my normal work until my pain is treated.








15. I do not think that I will be back to my normal work within 3 months.








16. I do not think that I will ever be able to go back to that work.








10. My work makes or would make my pain worse. 11. My work might harm my

eTool 9.1  Fear-­Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ). (From Waddell G, Newton M, Henderson I, et al: A fear-­avoidance beliefs questionnaire [FABQ] and the role of fear-­avoidance beliefs in chronic low back pain and disability, Pain 52:157–168, 1993.)

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640.e2 Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (Miller, Kori, & Todd, 1991) 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = agree 4 = strongly agree 1. I’m afraid that I might injury myself if I exercise





2. If I were to try to overcome it, my pain would increase





3. My body is telling me I have something dangerously wrong





4. My pain would probably be relieved if I were to exercise





5. People aren’t taking my medical condition seriously enough





6. My accident has put my body at risk for the rest of my life





7. Pain always means I have injured my body





8. Just because something aggravates my pain does not mean it is dangerous





9. I am afraid that I might injure myself accidentally





10. Simply being careful that I do not make any unnecessary movements is the safest thing I can do to prevent my pain from worsening





11. I wouldn’t have this much pain if there weren’t something potentially dangerous going on in my body





12. Although my condition is painful, I would be better off if I were physically active





13. Pain lets me know when to stop exercising so that I don’t injure myself





14. It’s really not safe for a person with a condition like mine to be physically active





15. I can’t do all the things normal people do because it’s too easy for me to get injured





16. Even though something is causing me a lot of pain, I don’t think it’s actually dangerous





17. No one should have to exercise when he/she is in pain





eTool 9.2  Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia74 (From Vlaeyen JW, Kole-­Snijders AM, Boeren RG, van Eek H: Fear of movement/(re) injury in chronic low back pain and its relation to behavioral performance, Pain 62[3]:371, 1995; Kori SH, Miller RP, Todd DD: Kinesiophobia: a new view of chronic pain behavior. Pain Management Jan/Feb:35–43, 1990.)

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine


Acute Low Back Pain Screening Questionnaire (Linton & Halldén, 1996)


Today’s Date



ACC Claim Number


Telephone (






Job Title (occupation)

Date stopped work for this episode



These questions and statements apply if you have aches or pains, such as back, shoulder, or neck pain. Please read and answer each question carefully. Do not take too long to answer the questions. However, it is important that you answer every question. There is always a response for your particular situation. 1. What year were you born? 2. Are you:



female yes

3. Were you born in New Zealand? 4. Where do you have pain? Place a neck

no 2X count

for all the appropriate sites.


upper back

lower back


5. How many days of work have you missed because of pain during the past 18 months? Tick (

) one.

0 days [1]

1–2 days [2]

3–7 days [3]

8–14 days [4]

15–30 days [5]

1 month [6]

2 months [7]

3–6 months [8]

6–12 months [9]

over 1 year [10]

6. How long have you had your current pain problem? Tick (

) one.

0–1 weeks [1]

1–2 weeks [2]

3–4 weeks [3]

4–5 weeks [4]

6–8 weeks [5]

9–11 weeks [6]

3–6 months [7]

6–9 months [8]

9–12 months [9]

over 1 year [10]

7. Is your work heavy or monotonous? Circle the best alternative. 0 Not at all










10 Extremely

8. How would you rate the pain that you have had during the past week? Circle one. 0










No pain

10 Pain as bad as it could be

9. In the past three months, on average, how bad was your pain? Circle one. 0










No pain

10 Pain as bad as it could be

10. How often would you say that you have experienced pain episodes, on average, during the past 3 months? Circle one. 0











10 Always

11. Based on all the things you do to cope, or deal with your pain, on an average day, how much are you able to decrease it? Circle one. 0









Can’t decrease it at all



Can decrease it completely


12. How tense or anxious have you felt in the past week? Circle one. 0









Absolutely calm and relaxed



As tense and anxious as I’ve ever felt

13. How much have you been bothered by feeling depressed in the past week? Circle one. 0 Not at all










10 Extremely

eTool 9.3  Acute Low Back Pain Screening Questionnaire. (From Linton SJ, Halldén K: Can we screen for problematic back pain? A screening questionnaire for predicting outcome in acute and subacute back pain, Clin J Pain 14[3]:209–215, 1998.) Continued

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640.e4 Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine 14. In your view, how large is the risk that your current pain may become persistent? Circle one. 0 No risk









9 10 Very large risk

15. In your examination, what are the chances that you will be working in 6 months? Circle one. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No chance Very large chance


16. If you take into consideration your work routines, management, salary, promotion possibilities and work mates, how satisfied are you with your job? Circle one. 0 Not at all satisfied











10 Completely satisfied

Here are some of the things which other people have told us about their back pain. For each statement please circle one number from 0 to 10 to say how much physical activities, such as bending, lifting, walking, or driving would affect your back. 17. Physical activity makes my pain worse. 0 1 2 3 4 Completely disagree






10 Completely agree

18. An increase in pain is an indication that I should stop what I am doing until the pain decreases. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Completely Completely disagree agree 19. I should not do my normal work with my present pain. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Completely disagree




10 Completely agree

Here is a list of 5 activities. Please circle the one number which best describes your current ability to participate in each of these activities. 20. I can do light work for an hour. 0 1 2 3 Can’t do it because of pain problem 21. I can walk for an hour. 0 1 2 Can’t do it because of pain problem







9 10 Can do it without pain being a problem






9 10 Can do it without pain being a problem



22. I can do ordinary household chores. 0 1 Can’t do it because of pain problem 23. I can go shopping. 0 1 Can’t do it because of pain problem








9 10 Can do it without pain being a problem









9 10 Can do it without pain being a problem


24. I can sleep at night. 0 1 Can’t do it because of pain problem








9 10 Can do it without pain being a problem


Score Scoring Instructions-Acute Pain Screening Questionnaire. • For Question 4, count the number of pain sites and multiply by 2. • For Questions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 19 the score is the number that has been ticked or circled. • For Questions 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 the score is 10 minus the number that has been ticked or circled. • Write the score in the shaded box beside each item-Questions 4 to 24. • Add them up, and write the sum in the box provided. This is the total score. Note: the scoring method is built into the questionnaire. Interpretation of Scores-Acute Pain Screening Questionnaire. Questionnaire scores greater than 105 indicate that the patient is At Risk. This score produces: • 75% correct identification of those not needing modification to ongoing management • 86% correct identification of those who will have between 1 and 30 days off work • 83% correct identification of those who will have more than 30 days off work

eTool 9.3, cont’d Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine


TABLE  9.8

Indications of Serious Spinal Pathology Red Flags

Cauda Equina Syndrome/Widespread Neurological Disorder

Inflammatory Disorders (Ankylosing Spondylitis and Related Disorders)

• P  resentation age 55 years • Violent trauma, such as a fall from a height or a car accident • Constant, progressive, nonmechanical pain • Thoracic pain • Previous history of immune system failure, carcinoma, use of systemic steroids, drug abuse • Weight loss (unexpected) (i.e., >4.5 kg [10 lb] over preceding 6 months) • Systematically unwell • Persisting severe restriction of lumbar flexion • Widespread neurological abnormalities (e.g., bilateral symptoms, loss of bowel and bladder control) • Structural deformity • Investigations when required erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) >25; plain x-­ray: vertebral collapse or bone destruction • Blood in urine or stools • History of osteoporosis • Corticosteroid use • Fever/chills—infection • Immunosuppression

• D  ifficulty with micturition • Loss of anal sphincter tone or fecal incontinence • Saddle anesthesia about the anus, perineum, or genitals • Widespread (>1 nerve root) or progressive motor weakness in the legs or gait disturbance • Sensory level

• G  radual onset before age 40 years • Marked morning stiffness • Persisting limitation of spinal movements in all directions • Peripheral joint involvement • Iritis, skin rashes (psoriasis), colitis, urethral discharge • Family history • Morning stiffness >1 hour

Modified from Waddell G: The back pain revolution, New York, 1998, Churchill Livingstone, p 12.

pain, behavior, compensation issues, diagnosis and treatment, emotions, family, and work.68 These yellow flags should be seen as factors that can be influenced positively to facilitate recovery and reduce work loss and long-­term disability.68 Their presence shows an increased risk of developing chronic pain and long-­term disability.28 Haggman et al.85 felt that two questions were particularly significant to ask the patient in screening for depressive symptoms: (1) “During the past month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?” and (2) “During the past month, have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?”44,86 If the answers to these questions are positive, the patient should be monitored closely; if progress does not occur, then further psychological follow-­ups should be considered.87 Does the patient have trouble with work, leisure activities, washing, or dressing? How far can the patient walk before the pain begins?88 What is the patient’s level of disability? Disability implies the effect of the pathology on activity, not pain. Thus disability testing commonly revolves around activities of daily living (ADLs) and functional activities. This question may be tied in with the use of the questions in the functional assessment discussed later.

Psychosocial Yellow-­Flag Barriers to Recovery68 • • • • • • • • •

B elief that pain and activity are harmful “Sickness behaviors” (such as extended rest) Low or negative moods, social withdrawal Treatment that does not fit best practice Problems with claim and compensation History of back pain, time off, other claims Problems at work, poor job satisfaction Heavy work, unsociable hours Overprotective family or lack of support

Finally, the examiner must be aware that although, in most cases, people who have low back pain have simple mechanical back problems or have nerve root problems involving the disc, there is always the possibility of nonmusculoskeletal causes (e.g., kidney stones, abdominal aortic aneurysm, pancreatic problems) or serious spinal pathology (e.g., tumors).27,44 Waddell outlined signs and symptoms that would lead the examiner to conclude that more serious pathology is present in the lumbar spine (Table 9.8).3,89 

Observation The patient must be suitably undressed. Males must wear only shorts, and females must wear only a bra

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

and shorts. While doing the observation, the examiner should note the patient’s willingness to move and the pattern of movement. The patient should be observed for the following traits, first in the standing and then in the sitting position.

Attitude What is the patient’s appearance? Is the patient tense, bored, lethargic, healthy looking, emaciated, or over weight? 

Total Spinal Posture

Body Type There are three general body types (see Fig. 15.19): ectomorphic—thin body build, characterized by relative prominence of structures developed from the embryonic ectoderm; mesomorphic—muscular or sturdy body build, characterized by relative prominence of structures developed from the embryonic mesoderm; and endomorphic—heavy (fat) body build, characterized by relative prominence of structures developed from the embryonic endoderm. 

Gait Does the gait appear to be normal when the patient walks into the examination area, or is it altered in some way? If it is altered, the examiner must take time to find out whether the problem is in the limb or whether the gait is altered to relieve symptoms in the spine or elsewhere. 



The patient should be examined in the habitual relaxed posture (see Chapter 15) that he or she would usually adopt. With acute back pain, the patient presents with some degree of antalgic (painful) posturing. Usually, a loss of lumbar lordosis is present, and there may be a lateral shift or scoliosis. This posturing is involuntary and often cannot be reduced because of the muscle spasm.90,91 The patient should be observed anteriorly, laterally, and posteriorly, looking for symmetry (Fig. 9.17). During the observation, the examiner should pay particular attention to whether the patient holds the pelvis “in neutral” naturally; if not, is he or she able to achieve the “neutral pelvis” position in standing (normal lordotic curve with the ASISs being slightly lower [one to two finger widths] than the PSISs)? Many people with back pain are unable to maintain a neutral pelvis position. Three questions should be considered when one is


Fig. 9.17  Views of the patient in the standing position. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view. (C) Lateral view.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

looking for a neutral pelvis and whether the pelvis can be stabilized: 1. Can the patient get into the neutral pelvis position? If not, what is restricting the movement or what muscles are weak so the position cannot be attained? 2. Can the patient hold (i.e., stabilize) the neutral pelvis statically? If not, what muscles need to be strengthened? 3. Can the patient hold (i.e., stabilize) the neutral pelvis when moving dynamically? If not, which muscles are weak and/or not functioning correctly (i.e., functioning isometrically, concentrically, or eccentrically)? These questions will help the examiner to determine if the pelvis (and lumbar spine) can be stabilized during different movements or positions so that other muscles originating from the pelvis can function properly. For example, side lying hip abduction should be able to be performed in the frontal plane with the lower limbs, pelvis, trunk, and shoulder aligned in the frontal plane (active hip abduction test ) (Fig. 9.18).92 If the leg wobbles, the pelvis tips, the shoulders or trunk rotate, the hip flexes, or the abducted limb rotates medially or laterally, it is an indication of lack of movement control and lack of muscle strength and balance. This concept is related to spine and core stability, in which the muscles of the trunk and pelvis function to stabilize the lower spine, pelvis, and hips along with proprioceptive feedback from mechanoreceptors to stabilize the area statically and dynamically.93–95 Anteriorly, the head should be straight on the shoulders and the nose should be in line with the manubrium, sternum, and xiphisternum or umbilicus. The shoulders and clavicle should be level and equal, although the dominant side may be slightly lower. The waist angles should be equal. Does the patient show a lateral shift or list (Fig. 9.19)? Such a shift may be straight lateral movement or it may be a structural scoliosis (rotation involved). The straight shift is more likely to be caused by mechanical dysfunction and muscle spasm (functional scoliosis) and is likely to disappear on lying down or hanging.3,96 True structural scoliosis commonly has compensating curves and does not change with lying down or hanging. The arbitrary “high” points on both iliac crests should be the same height. If they are not, the possibility of unequal leg length should be considered. The difference in height would indicate a functional limb length

discrepancy. This discrepancy could be caused by altered bone length, altered mechanics (e.g., pronated foot on one side), or joint dysfunction (Table 9.9). The ASISs should be level. The patellae should point straight ahead. The lower limbs should be straight and not in genu varum or genu valgum. The heads of the fibulae should be level. The medial malleoli should be level, as should the lateral malleoli. The medial longitudinal arches of the feet should be evident, and the feet should angle out equally. The arms should be an equal distance from the trunk and equally medially or laterally rotated. Any protrusion or depression of the sternum, ribs, or costal cartilage,as well as any bowing of bones should be noted. The bony or soft tissue contours should be equal on both sides. From the side, the examiner should look at the head to ensure that the earlobe is in line with the tip of the shoulder (acromion process) and the arbitrary high point of the iliac crest. Each segment of the spine should have a normal curve. Are any of the curves exaggerated or

Compensatory curve Main curve Compensatory curve

Sciatic "list" or lateral shift

Scoliosis Fig. 9.19  Lateral shift or list.

TABLE  9.9

Functional Limb Length Difference Joint

Functional Lengthening

Functional Shortening








Lowering Extension Lateral rotation Anterior rotation

Lifting Flexion Medial rotation Posterior rotation


Fig. 9.18  Active hip abduction test. Note how the shoulders, trunk, pelvis, and lower limbs are all in alignment in a negative test.


From Wallace LA: Lower quarter pain: mechanical evaluation and treatment. In Grieve GP, editor: Modern manual therapy of the vertebral column, Edinburgh, 1986, Churchill Livingstone, p 467.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

decreased? Is the anterior pelvic tilt normal? (Normal values are 10° to 13° on x-­ray.) Is excessive lordosis present? Is there a kyphosis (usually in the cervical or thoracic spine)? Do the shoulders droop forward? Normally, with a neutral pelvis, the ASISs are slightly lower (one to two finger widths) than the PSISs. Are the knees straight, flexed, or in recurvatum (hyperextended)? Normally, if a person has the correct pelvic tilt, he or she would stand with the knees slightly flexed or “unlocked.” The gluteus maximus and hamstrings work with the abdominals to produce posterior pelvic tilt while the iliopsoas and rectus femoris work with the erector spinae to produce anterior pelvic tilt. From behind, the examiner should note the level of the shoulders, spines and inferior angles of the scapula as well as any deformities (e.g., a Sprengel deformity). Any lateral spinal curve (scoliosis) should be noted, along with the presence of excess hair in the midline (Fig. 9.20). Eighty percent of occult spinal dysraphism (i.e., incomplete fusion of the spinal neural tube) show excessive midline hair.46 If the scoliotic curve is due to a disc herniation, the herniation usually occurs on the convex side of the curve.97 The waist angles should be equal from the posterior aspect, as they were from the anterior aspect with the iliac crests level with the spinous process of L4. The PSISs should be level. The examiner should

note whether the PSISs are higher or lower than the ASISs and should also note the patient’s ability to maintain a neutral pelvis. The gluteal folds and knee joints should be level. The Achilles tendons and heels should appear to be straight. Marked wasting of the calves, hamstrings, and/or buttocks can occur with L1 or S1 root palsies.46 The examiner should note whether there is any protrusion of the ribs. Any deviation in the normal spinal postural alignment should be noted and recorded. The various possible sources of pathology related to posture are discussed in Chapter 15. Janda and Jull described a lumbar or pelvic crossed syndrome (Fig. 9.21) to show the effect of muscle imbalance on the ability of a patient to hold and maintain a neutral pelvis.98 With this syndrome, they hypothesized that there was a combination of weak long muscles and short strong muscles that resulted in an imbalance pattern leading to low back pain.99 They felt that only by treating the different groups appropriately could the back pain be relieved. The weak and long inhibited muscles were the abdominals and gluteus maximus, whereas the strong and tight (shortened) muscles were the hip flexors (primarily the iliopsoas) and the back extensors. The imbalance pattern promotes increased lumbar lordosis because of the forward pelvic tilt and hip flexion contracture and overactivity of the hip flexors, which are compensating for the weak abdominals. The weak gluteals result in increased

Abdominals (lengthened and weak)

Erector spinae (tight) PSIS high

ASIS low

Iliopsoas (tight)

Gluteals (lengthened and weak) Hamstring tension (tight)

Fig. 9.20 Congenital scoliosis and a diastematomyelia in a 9-­year-­old girl. This type of hairy patch strongly indicates a congenital maldevelopment of the neural axis. (From Rothman RH, Simeone FA: The spine, Philadelphia, 1982, WB Saunders, p 371.)

Fig. 9.21  The pelvic crossed syndrome as described by Janda and Jull. ASIS, Anterior superior iliac spine; PSIS, posterior superior iliac spine.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

activity in the hamstrings and erector spinae as compensation to assist hip extension. Interestingly, although the long spinal extensors show increased activity, the short lumbar muscles (e.g., multifidus, rotatores) show weakness. Also, the hamstrings show tightness as they


attempt to pull the pelvis backward to compensate for the anterior rotation caused by the tight hip flexors. Weakness of the gluteus medius results in increased activity of the quadratus lumborum and tensor fasciae latae on the same side. This syndrome is often seen in conjunction with the upper crossed syndrome (see Chapter 3). The two syndromes together are called the layer syndrome.98 

Markings A “faun’s beard” (tuft of hair) may indicate a dysraphism (e.g., spina bifida occulta or diastematomyelia) (see Fig. 9.20).100 Café-­au-­lait spots may indicate neurofibromatosis or collagen disease (Fig. 9.22). Unusual skin markings or the presence of skin lesions in the midline may lead the examiner to consider the possibility of underlying neural and mesodermal anomalies. Musculoskeletal anomalies tend to form at the same time embryologically. Thus if the examiner finds one anomaly, he or she must consider the possibility of other anomalies. 

Step Deformity

Fig. 9.22 Neurofibromatosis with scoliosis. Note the café-­au-­lait spots (arrows) on the back. (From Diab M: Physical examination in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, Neurosurg Clin North Am 18[2]:229–236, 2007.)

A step deformity in the lumbar spine may indicate a spondylolisthesis. The “step” occurs because the spinous process of one vertebra becomes prominent when either the vertebra above (for example, spondylitic spondylolisthesis) or the affected vertebra (e.g., spondylolytic spondylolisthesis) slips forward on the one below (Fig. 9.23). 

Bump Bump




Fig. 9.23  Step deformity in the lumbar spine. (A) Caused by spondylosis. (B) Caused by spondylolisthesis. (C) Protrusion of spinous process caused by step deformity (arrow).

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

Examination When the lumbar spine is being assessed, the examiner must remember that referral of symptoms or the presence of neurological symptoms often makes it necessary to “clear” or rule out the lower limb pathology. Many of the symptoms that occur in the lower limb may originate in the lumbar spine. Unless there is a history of definitive trauma to a peripheral joint, a screening or scanning examination must accompany assessment of that joint to rule out problems within the lumbar spine referring symptoms to that joint. It is often helpful at this stage to ask the patient to demonstrate the movements that produce



or have produced the pain. After asking the patient to do this, the examiner must allow time for symptoms to disappear before completing the examination.

Active Movements Active movements are performed with the patient standing (Fig. 9.24). The examiner is looking for differences in ROM and the patient’s willingness to do the movement. The ROM taking place during the active movement is normally the summation of the movements of the entire lumbar spine, not just movement at one level, along with hip movement. The most painful movements are done






Fig. 9.24  Active movements of the lumbar spine. (A and B) Forward flexion being measured with a tape measure. (C) Extension. (D) Side flexion (anterior view). (E) Side flexion (posterior view). (F) Rotation (standing). (G) Rotation (sitting).

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

last. If the problem is mechanical, at least one or more of the movements will be painful.34 Active Movements of the Lumbar Spine • • • • • • •

F orward flexion (40°–60°) Extension (20°–35°) Side (lateral) flexion, left and right (15°–20°) Rotation, left and right (3°–18°) Sustained postures (if necessary) Repetitive motion (if necessary) Combined movements (if necessary)

While the patient is doing the active movements, the examiner looks for limitation of movement and its possible causes, such as pain, spasm, stiffness, or blocking including a painful arc in part of the movement as pathognomonic (i.e., a specific characteristic) of a disc lesion.46 The painful arc may occur during the movement or on the return to neutral. As the patient reaches the full range of active movement, passive overpressure may be applied, but only if the active movements appear to be full and pain free. The overpressure must be applied with extreme care because the upper body weight is already being applied to the lumbar joints by virtue of their position and gravity. If the patient reports that a sustained position increases the symptoms, then the examiner should consider having the patient maintain the position (e.g., flexion) at the end of the ROM for 10 to 20 seconds to see whether symptoms increase. Likewise, if repetitive motion or combined movements have been reported in the history as causing symptoms, these movements should be performed as well, but only after the patient has completed the basic movements. The greatest motion in the lumbar spine occurs between the L4 and L5 vertebrae and between L5 and S1. There is considerable individual variability in the ROM of the lumbar spine (Fig. 9.25).101–105 In reality, little obvious movement occurs in the lumbar spine, especially in the individual segments, because of the shape of the facet joints, tightness of the ligaments, presence of the intervertebral discs, and size of the vertebral bodies. For flexion (forward bending), the maximum ROM in the lumbar spine is normally 40° to 60°. The examiner T10–11 T11–12 T12–L1 L1–2 L2–3 L3–4 L4–5 L5–S1


12o 8o






8o 12o


must differentiate the movement occurring in the lumbar spine from that occurring in the hips or thoracic spine. Some patients can touch their toes by flexing the hips, even if no movement occurs in the spine. On forward flexion, the lumbar spine should move from its normal lordotic curvature to at least a straight or slightly flexed curve (Fig. 9.26).106 If this change in the spine does not occur, there is probably some hypomobility in the lumbar spine resulting from either tight structures or muscle spasm (e.g., the erector spinae). The degree of injury also has an effect. For example, the more severely a disc is injured (e.g., if sequestration has occurred rather than a protrusion), the greater the limitation of movement.107 With disc degeneration, intersegmental motion may increase as disc degeneration increases up to a certain point and follows the Kirkaldy-­Willis description of degenerative changes in the disc.108 This author divided the changes into three stages: dysfunctional, unstable, and stable. During the first two phases, intersegmental motion increases in flexion, rotation, and side flexion109 and then decreases in the final stabilization phase. During the unstable phase, it is often possible to see an instability “jog” during one or more movements, especially flexion, returning to neutral from flexion, or side flexion.110,111 An instability jog is a sudden movement shift or “rippling” of the muscles during active movement, indicating an unstable segment.106,112 Similarly, muscle twitching during movement or complaints of something “slipping out” during lumbar spine movement may indicate instability.113 If the patient bends one or both knees

Fig. 9.26  On forward flexion, the lumbar curve should normally flatten or go into slight flexion, as shown.

T10–11 T11–12 T12–L1 L1–2 L2–3 L3–4 L4–5 L5–S1


12o 8o






8o 12o

Fig. 9.25  Average range of motion in the lumbar spine. (Adapted from Grieve GP: Common vertebral joint problems, Edinburgh, 1981, Churchill Livingstone.)

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

Fig. 9.27  The sphinx position.

on forward flexion, the examiner should watch for nerve root symptoms or tight hamstrings, especially if spinal flexion is decreased when the knees are straight. If tight hamstrings or nerve root symptoms are suspected, the examiner should perform suitable tests (see “Special Tests,” later) to determine if the hamstrings or nerve root restriction (see “Knee Flexion Test,” later) are the cause of the problem. When he or she is returning to the upright posture from forward flexion, the patient with no back pain first rotates the hips and pelvis to about 45° of flexion; during the last 45° of extension, the low back resumes its lordosis. Commonly, in patients with back pain, most movement occurs in the hips, accompanied by knee flexion and sometimes with hand support working up the thighs.114 As with the thoracic spine, the examiner may use a tape measure to determine the increase in spacing of the spinous processes on forward flexion. Normally, the measurement should increase 7 to 8 cm (2.8 to 3.1 inches) if it is taken between the T12 spinous process and S1 (see Fig. 9.24A and B). The examiner should note how far forward the patient is able to bend (i.e., to midthigh, knees, midtibia, or floor) and compare this finding with the results of straight leg raising tests (see “Special Tests,” later). Straight leg raising, especially if bilateral, is essentially the same movement done passively except that it is a movement occurring from below upward instead of from above downward. During the active movements, especially during flexion or extension, the examiner should watch for a painful arc. The pain seen in a lumbar painful arc tends to be neurologically based (i.e., it is lancinating or lightening like); but it may also be caused by instability. If it does occur on movement in the lumbar spine, it is likely that a space-­occupying lesion (most probably a small herniation of the disc) is pinching the nerve root in part of the range as the nerve root moves with the motion.96 Maigne described an active movement flexion maneuver to help confirm lumbar movement and control.90 In

the happy round maneuver, the patient bends forward and places the hands on a bed or on the back of a chair. The patient then attempts to arch or hunch the back. Most patients with lumbar pathology are unable to sustain the hunched position. Extension (backward bending) is normally limited to 20° to 35° in the lumbar spine. While performing the movement, the patient is asked to place the hands in the small of the back to help stabilize the back. Bourdillon and Day have advocated doing this movement in the prone position to hyperextend the spine.115 They called the resulting position the sphinx position. The patient hyperextends the spine by resting on the elbows with the hands holding the chin (Fig. 9.27), allowing the abdominal wall to relax. The position is held for 10 to 20 seconds to see if symptoms occur or, if symptoms present, to see whether they become worse. Dobbs et al.116 advocated holding the extension for up to a minute and then repeating the test but combining extension and side flexion. If the patient is over 50 years old, symptoms are produced to the same side as the side flexion and symptoms radiate below the gluteal fold, the test is positive for lumbar spinal stenosis. The authors called this the Modified Extension Test (MExT) .116 They also advocated that the patient remain in the clinic for 10 minutes after the test to make sure that no immediate adverse effects had occurred. Side (lateral) flexion or side bending is approximately 15° to 20° in the lumbar spine. The patient is asked to run the hand down the side of the leg and not to bend forward or backward while performing the movement. The examiner can then eyeball the movement and compare it with that of the other side. The distance from the fingertips to the floor on both sides may also be measured, noting any difference. In the spine, the movement of side flexion is a coupled movement with rotation. Because of the position of the facet joints, both side flexion and rotation occur together, although the amount of movement and its direction may not be the same. Table 9.10 shows how different authors interpret the coupled movement in the spine. As the patient side flexes, the examiner should watch the lumbar curve. Normally the lumbar curve is smooth on side flexion, and there should be no obvious sharp angulation at only one level. If angulation does occur, it may indicate hypomobility below the level or hypermobility above the level in the lumbar spine (Fig. 9.28). Mulvein and Jull advocated having the patient do a lateral shift (Fig. 9.29) in addition to side flexion.117 Their viewpoint is that lateral shift in the lumbar spine focuses the movement more in the lower spine (L4–S1) and helps to eliminate the compensating movements in the rest of the spine. Rotation in the lumbar spine is normally 3° to 18° to the left or right, and it is accomplished by a shearing movement of the lumbar vertebrae on each other. Although the patient is usually in the standing position, rotation may be performed while sitting to eliminate pelvic and hip movement. If the patient stands, the examiner

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine


TABLE  9.10

Coupled Movements (Side Flexion and Rotation) Believed to Occur in the Spine in Different Positions (Note the Differences) Author

In Flexion

In Extension















Fryette Pearcy


In Neutral


Ipsilateral (L5–S1) Contralateral (L4, 5) Ipsilateral (L5–S1)a Contralateral (L5–S1)b


side flexion is induced first. rotation is induced first. Ipsilateral implies both movements occur in the same direction, contralateral implies they occur in opposite directions. bIf

Fig. 9.29  Lumbar lateral shift.

Fig. 9.28  Lateral (side) flexion. Note that the lower lumbar spine stays straight and the upper lumbar and lower thoracic spine side flexes, although the curve is not a smooth one.

must take care to watch for this accessory movement and try to eliminate it by stabilizing the pelvis. If a movement such as side flexion toward the painful side increases the symptoms, the lesion is probably intra-­ articular, because the muscles and ligaments on that side are relaxed. If a disc protrusion is present and lateral to the nerve root, side flexion to the painful side increases the pain and radicular symptoms on that side. If a movement (such as side flexion away from the painful side) alters the symptoms, the lesion may be articular or muscular in origin, or it may be a disc protrusion medial to the nerve root (Fig. 9.30). McKenzie advocated repeating the active movements, especially flexion and extension, 10 times to see whether the movement increased or decreased the symptoms.47 He also advocated, as did Mulvein and Jull,117 a side-­ gliding movement in which the head and feet remain in position and the patient shifts the pelvis to the left and to the right. If the examiner finds that side flexion and rotation have been equally limited and extension has been limited to a lesser extent, a capsular pattern may be suspected. A capsular pattern in one lumbar segment, however, is difficult to detect. Because back injuries rarely occur during a “pure” movement (such as flexion, extension, side flexion, or rotation),

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine



Fig. 9.30  Patients with herniated disc problems may sometimes list to one side. This is a voluntary or involuntary mechanism to alleviate nerve root irritation. The list in some patients is toward the side of the sciatica; in others, it is toward the opposite side. A reasonable hypothesis suggests that when the herniation is lateral to the nerve root (A), the list is to the side opposite the sciatica because a list to the same side would elicit pain. Conversely, when the herniation is medial to the nerve root (B), the list is toward the side of the sciatica because tilting away would irritate the root and cause pain. (Redrawn from White AA, Panjabi MM: Clinical biomechanics of the spine, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1990, JB Lippincott, p 415.) (© Augustus A. White III and MM Panjabi.)





Fig. 9.31  Combined active movements. (A) Lateral flexion in flexion. (B) Lateral flexion in extension. (C) Rotation and flexion. (D) Rotation and extension.

it has been advocated that combined movements of the spine should be included in the examination.118,119 The examiner may want to test the following more habitual combined movements: lateral flexion in flexion, lateral flexion in extension, flexion and rotation, and extension and rotation. These combined movements (Fig. 9.31) may cause signs and symptoms different from those produced

by single-­plane movements and are definitely indicated if the patient has shown that a combined movement is what causes the symptoms. For example, if the patient is suffering from a facet syndrome, combined extension and rotation is the movement most likely to exacerbate symptoms.120 Other symptoms that would indicate facet involvement include absence of radicular signs or neurological deficit,

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

Fig. 9.32  Quick test.

hip and buttock pain, and sometimes leg pain above the knee, no paresthesia, and low back stiffness.121,122 While the patient is standing, the examiner may perform a quick test of the lower peripheral joints (Fig. 9.32) provided that the examiner believes that the patient will be able to do the test. The patient squats down as far as possible, bounces two or three times, and returns to the standing position. This action quickly tests the ankles, knees, and hips as well as the sacrum for any pathological condition. If the patient can fully squat and bounce without any signs or symptoms, these joints are probably free of pathology related to the complaint. However, this test should be used only with caution and should not be done with patients suspected of having arthritis or pathology in the lower limb joints, pregnant patients, or older patients who exhibit weakness and hypomobility. If this test is negative, there is no need to test the peripheral joints (peripheral joint scan) with the patient lying down. The patient is then asked to balance on one leg and to go up and down on the toes four or five times. This is, in effect, a modified Trendelenburg test. While the patient does this, the examiner watches for the Trendelenburg sign (Fig. 9.33). A positive Trendelenburg sign is shown by the non–stance side ilium dropping down instead of elevating, as it normally would when a person is standing on one leg. A weak gluteus medius muscle or a coxa vara (abnormal shaft-­ neck angle of the femur) on the stance leg side may produce a positive sign. If the patient is unable to complete the movement by going up and down on the toes, the examiner should suspect an S1 nerve root lesion. Both legs are tested. McKenzie advocated doing flexion movements with the patient in the supine position as well.47 In the standing position, flexion in the spine takes place from above downward, so pain at the end of the ROM indicates that L5–S1 is affected. When the patient is in the supine position with the knees being lifted to the chest, flexion takes


place from below upward, so that pain at the beginning of movement indicates that L5–S1 is affected. It is well to remember that greater stretch is placed on L5–S1 when the patient is in the lying position. During the observation stage of the assessment, the examiner will have noted any changes in functional limb length (see Table 9.9). Wallace developed a method for measuring functional leg length.123 The patient is first assessed in a relaxed stance. In this position, the examiner palpates the ASISs and the PSISs, noting any asymmetry. The examiner then places the patient in a symmetric stance, ensuring that the subtalar joint is in the neutral position (see Chapter 13), the toes are straight ahead, and the knees are extended. The ASISs and PSISs are again assessed for asymmetry. If differences are still noted, the examiner should check for structural leg length differences (see Chapters 10 and 11), sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or weak gluteus medius or quadratus lumborum (Fig. 9.34). The pelvis may also be leveled with the use of calibrated blocks or cards so that the functional length difference can be recorded. 

Passive Movements Passive movements are difficult to perform in the lumbar spine because of the weight of the body. If active movements are full and pain free, overpressure can be attempted with care. However, it is safer to check the end feel of the individual vertebrae in the lumbar spine during the assessment of joint play movements. The end feel is the same, but the examiner has better control of the patient and is less likely to overstress the joints. Passive Movements of the Lumbar Spine and Normal End Feel • • • •

F lexion (tissue stretch) Extension (tissue stretch) Side flexion (tissue stretch) Rotation (tissue stretch)

Resisted Isometric Movements Resisted isometric muscle strength of the lumbar spine is first tested in the neutral position. The patient is seated. The contraction must be resisted and isometric so that no movement occurs (Fig. 9.35). Because of the strength of the trunk muscles, the examiner should say, “Don’t let me move you,” so that movement is minimized. The examiner tests flexion, extension, side flexion, and rotation. Fig. 9.36 shows the axes of movement of the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine should be in a neutral position, and the painful movements should be done last. The examiner should keep in mind that strong abdominal muscles help to reduce the load on the lumbar spine by approximately 30% and on the thoracic spine by approximately 50% as a result of the increased intrathoracic and intra-­ abdominal pressures caused by the contraction

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine




Fig. 9.33  Trendelenburg and S1 nerve root test. (A) Negative Trendelenburg test (hip hikes) while doing S1 test (up and down on toes). (B) Positive Trendelenburg test (hip drops) while doing the S1 test. If the patient cannot go up on his or her toes, it would indicate a positive S1 test. (C) Posterior view. Positive Trendelenburg test for a weak right gluteus medius.





Fig. 9.34  Effect of different leg lengths and posture. Note the presence of scoliosis on the side with the “short” limb. (A) Normal. (B) Short left femur. (C) Short left tibia. (D) Pronation of left foot.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

of these muscles. Table 9.11 lists the muscles acting on the lumbar vertebrae (Fig. 9.37; see also Figs. 8.37 and 8.38). Resisted Isometric Movements of the Lumbar Spine • • • • • • • • •

F orward flexion Extension Side flexion (left and right) Rotation (left and right) Dynamic abdominal endurance Double straight leg lowering Dynamic extensor endurance Isotonic horizontal side support Internal/external abdominal oblique test



Fig. 9.35 Positioning for resisted isometric movements of the lumbar spine. (A) Flexion, extension, and side flexion. (B) Rotation to right.


Provided that neutral isometric testing is normal or only causes a small amount of pain, the examiner can go on to other tests that will place greater stress on the muscles. These tests are often dynamic and provide both concentric and eccentric work for the muscles supporting the spine. With all of the following tests, the examiner should make sure that the patient can hold a neutral pelvis. If there is excessive movement of the ASISs (supine) or PSISs (prone) when doing the test, the patient should not be allowed to do them. In normal individuals, the ASISs or PSISs should not move while the tests are being done. Motivation may also affect the results.124 Dynamic Abdominal Endurance Test.125–127 This test checks the endurance of the abdominals. The patient is supine with the hips at 45°, knees at 90°, and hands at sides. A line is drawn 8 cm (for patients over 40 years of age) or 12 cm (for patients under 40 years of age) distal to the fingers. The patient tucks in his or her chin and curls the trunk to touch the line with the fingers (Fig. 9.38) and repeats as many curls as possible using a cadence of 25 repetitions per minute. The number of repetitions possible before cheating (holding breath, altered mechanics) or fatigue occurs is recorded as the score. The test may also be done as an isometric test (Fig. 9.39) by assuming the end position and holding it. The grading for this isometric abdominal test would be as follows128–130: • Normal (5) = Hands behind neck until scapulae clear table (20-­to 30-­second hold) • Good (4) = Arms crossed over chest until scapulae clear table (15-­to 20-­second hold) • Fair (3) = Arms straight until scapulae clear table (10-­ to 15-­second hold)

FLEXION Linea alba Rectus abdominus

External oblique Internal oblique Transverse abdominus


Psoas Quadratus lumborum Latissimus dorsi Transversalis Longissimus



Serratus posterior inferior Lumbar fascia EXTENSION Fig. 9.36  Diagram of relations of the lumbar spine showing movement.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

TABLE  9.11

Muscles of the Lumbar Spine: Their Actions and Nerve Root Derivations Nerve Root Derivation


Muscles Acting

Forward flexion

1. Psoas major 2. Rectus abdominis 3. External abdominal oblique 4. Internal abdominal oblique 5. Transversus abdominis 6. Intertransversarii

L1–L3 T6–T12 T7–T12

1. Latissimus dorsi

Thoracodorsal (C6–C8) L1–L3 L1–L3 L1–L5 L1–L5 L1–L5 T12, L1–L4 L1–L5 L1–L5 L1–L5


2. Erector spinae Iliocostalis lumborum Longissimus thoracis 3. Transversospinalis 4. Interspinales 5. Quadratus lumborum 6. Multifidus 7. Rotatores 8. Gluteus maximus Side flexion


1. Latissimus dorsi 2. Erector spinae Iliocostalis lumborum Longissimus thoracis 3. Transversalis 4. Intertransversarii 5. Quadratus lumborum 6. Psoas major 7. External abdominal oblique 1. Transversalis 2. Rotatores 3. Multifidus

T7–T12, L1 T7–T12, L1 L1–L5

Thoracodorsal (C6–C8) L1–L3 L1–L3 L1–L5 L1–L5 L1–L5 T12, L1–L4 L1–L3 T7–T12 L1–L5 L1–L5 L1–L5


little rotation occurs in the lumbar spine because of the shape of the facet joints. Any rotation would be a result of shearing movement.

• P  oor (2) = Arms extended toward knees until tops of scapulae lift from table (1-­to 10-­second hold) • Trace (1) = Unable to raise more than head off table McGill131 advocated doing the isometric test by starting with the patient resting against a back rest angled at 60° from the horizontal with the hips and knees flexed to 90°, the arms folded across the chest, and the hands on opposite shoulders (Fig. 9.40). The patient’s feet are held securely and the back rest is lowered away from the patient’s back while the patient maintains the 60° position as long as possible.  Dynamic Extensor Endurance Test.125,127,132,133 This test is designed to test the strength of iliocostalis lumborum (erector spinae) and multifidus. The patient is placed prone with the hips and iliac crests resting on the end of

the examining table and the hips and pelvis stabilized with straps (Fig. 9.41). Initially the patient’s hands support the upper body in 30° flexion on a chair or bench (see Fig. 9.41A). Keeping the spine straight, the examiner instructs the patient to extend the trunk to neutral and then lower the head to the start position. During the exercise, the patient’s arms are crossed at the chest. The cadence is 25 repetitions per minute. The number of repetitions possible before cheating (holding breath, altered mechanics) or fatigue occurs is recorded as the score. The test may also be done isometrically, and the examiner times how long the patient can hold the contraction without pelvic or spinal movement. This test may also be done with the patient beginning in the prone position and extending the spine if the preceding test is too hard.134,135 In this case, the patient can start with the hands by the side, moving the hands in the small of the back, and finally moving the hands behind the head for increasing difficulty. The test, if done isometrically (isometric extensor test) (Fig. 9.42), would be graded as follows128–130: • Normal (5) = With hands clasped behind the head, extends the lumbar spine, lifting the head, chest, and ribs from the floor (20-­to 30-­second hold) • Good (4) = With hands at the side, extends the lumbar spine, lifting the head, chest, and ribs from the floor (15-­to 20-­second hold) • Fair (3) = With hands at the side, extends the lumbar spine, lifting the sternum off the floor (10-­to 15-­second hold) • Poor (2) = With hands at the side, extends the lumbar spine, lifting the head off the floor (1-­to 10-­second hold) • Trace (1) = Only slight contraction of the muscle with no movement Biering and Sorensen described a similar test (Biering-­ Sorensen fatigue test) in which the subject had arms by the side; then the time for which the patient was able to hold the straight position before fatigue was recorded (i.e., the patient could not hold the position).127,136,137 The start position is the same as for the dynamic test. Table 9.12 shows normative data from several authors. Double Straight Leg Lowering Test.134,135,141 (Note: This test checks the abdominals. It should be performed only if the patient receives a “normal” grade in the dynamic abdominal endurance test or the abdominal isometric test.) This is an abdominal eccentric test that can place a great deal of stress on the spine, so the examiner must make sure that the patient is able to hold a neutral pelvis before doing the exercise. It also causes greater abdominal activation than curl-­ups.142 The patient lies supine and flexes the hips to 90° (Fig. 9.43A) and then straightens the knees (Fig. 9.43B). The patient then positions the pelvis in neutral (i.e., the PSISs are slightly superior to the ASISs) by doing a posterior pelvic tilt and holding the spinous processes tightly against the examining table. The straight legs are eccentrically lowered

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine


Serratus anterior Latissimus dorsi

Cut edge of internal oblique Thoracolumbar fascia Transversus abdominis Cut edge of aponeurosis of internal oblique Anterior superior iliac spine

Cut edge of posterior lamina of aponeurosis of internal oblique Posterior lamina of sheath of rectus abdominis Arcuate line Transversalis fascia

Gluteus medius Gluteus maximus Inguinal ligament Transversalis fascia

Rectus abdominis (cut) Cut edge of aponeurosis of external oblique Tensor fascia latae Spermatic cord



Quadratus lumborum Transversus abdominis Intertransversarii

Psoas major Quadratus lumborum Psoas minor

Iliacus Anterior superior iliac spine

Piriformis Inguinal ligament

Tensor fascia latae Sartorius Adductor magnus

Symphysis pubis Gracilis


Adductor brevis Adductor longus Adductor magnus

Fig. 9.37  Muscles of the lumbar spine (see also Figs. 8.37 and 8.38). (A) Side view. (B) Anterior view.

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

Medial intertransversarii Interspinalis lumborum

Lateral intertransversarii

Quadratus lumborum Transversospinalis:

Transverse process

Rotatores longus

Spinous process

Rotatores brevis Multifidus

C Fig. 9.37, cont’d  (C) Posterior view.

(Fig. 9.43C). As soon as the ASISs start to rotate forward, the test is stopped, the angle is measured (plinth-­ to-­thigh angle), and the knees are bent. The test must be done slowly, and the patient must not hold his or her breath. The grading of the test is as follows129: • Normal (5) = Able to reach 0° to 15° from table before pelvis tilts • Good (4) = Able to reach 16° to 45° from table before pelvis tilts • Fair (3) = Able to reach 46° to 75° from table before pelvis tilts • Poor (2) = Able to reach 75° to 90° from table before pelvis tilts • Trace (1) = Unable to hold pelvis in neutral at all  Internal/External Abdominal Obliques Test.134,135 This test checks the combined action of the internal oblique muscle of one side and the external oblique muscle on the opposite side. The patient is in the supine position with hands by the side. The patient is asked to lift the head and shoulder on one side and reach over and touch the fingernails of the other hand (Fig. 9.44A). The examiner counts the number of repetitions the patient performs. The patient’s feet should not be supported and the patient should breathe normally. The test can be made

Fig. 9.38  Dynamic abdominal endurance test. The patient tucks in the chin and curls up the trunk, lifting the trunk off the bed. Ideally, the scapula should clear the bed.

more difficult by asking the patient to put the hands on the opposite shoulders across the chest (Fig. 9.44B) and do the test by taking the elbow toward where the fingers would have rested beside the body or, more difficult still, by putting the hands behind the head and taking the elbows toward the position where the fingernails would have rested beside the body (Fig. 9.44C). The grading of the test, if done isometrically (isometric internal/external abdominal oblique test), would be as follows129:

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine






Fig. 9.40  McGill’s isometric abdominal test. (A) Start position: back rest at 60°. (B) Hold position.



E Fig. 9.39 Isometric abdominal test. (A) Hands behind neck. (B) Arms crossed over chest, scapulae off table. (C) Arms straight, scapulae off table. (D) Hands behind head, top of scapulae off table. (E) Arms straight, only head off table.

• N  ormal (5) = Flexes and rotates the lumbar spine fully with hands behind head (20-­to 30-­second hold) • Good (4) = Flexes and rotates the lumbar spine fully with hands across chest (15-­to 20-­second hold) • Fair (3) = Flexes and rotates the lumbar spine fully with arms reaching forward (10-­to 15-­second hold)

• P  oor (2) = Unable to flex and rotate fully • Trace (1) = Only slight contraction of the muscle with no movement • (0) = No contraction of the muscle  Dynamic Horizontal Side Support (Side Bridge) Test.143 This movement tests the quadratus lumborum muscle. The patient is in a side lying position, resting the upper body on his or her elbow (Fig. 9.45A). To begin, the patient side lies and flexes the knees to 90°. The examiner asks the patient to lift the pelvis off the examining table (Fig. 9.45B) and straighten the spine. The patient should not roll forward or backward when doing the test. The patient repeats the movement as many times as possible in a dynamic test or holds for as long as possible in an isometric test. In younger, more fit patients, the test can be made more difficult by having the legs straight and asking the patient to lift the knees and pelvis off the examining table with the feet as the base so that the whole body is straight (Fig. 9.45C). As an isometric test, the test would be graded as follows: • Normal (5) = Able to lift pelvis off examining table and hold spine straight (10-­to 20-­second hold) • Good (4) = Able to lift pelvis off examining table but has difficulty holding spine straight (5-­to 10-­second hold) • Fair (3) = Able to lift pelvis off examining table and cannot hold spine straight (0.41 for subitems • Spondylolisthesis effect size = (correlation with the questionnaire with 0.82, disc herniation effect size = preadmission self-­rating score, postperformance 0.55363 test self-­rating, observer postperformance test rating)363 • Construct validity correlation with Oswestry Disability Index r = 0.61, Million scale r = 0.54363


Specificity 0.25125

• Interrater ICC = • I ntrarater ICC = 0.95365


• M  ale subjects 70%; female subjects 52.4%366

• M  ale subjects 91.5%; female subjects 97.2%366

ISOMETRIC EXTENSOR TEST Reliability • Interrater ICC = 0.24125 • I ntrarater ICC = 0.71353

KRAUS SIT-­UP TEST Validity • F  emale (concentric isokinetic r = 0.42, eccentric isokinetic r = 0.40); male (concentric isokinetic r = –0.18, eccentric isokinetic r = –0.21)367



• T  est-­retest r = 0.92 (kappa for all items separately ranged from 0.51 to 0.86)368

• Internal consistency Cronbach α 0.79368


Syndrome categories

• • • •

Types of subsyndromes

• • • • • •

Lateral shift

k = 1369 k = 0.6370 k = 0.84 (lumbar patients k = 1, cervical patients k = 0.63)371 k values ranged from 0.28 to 0.56 depending on level of education of practicing therapist372 k = 0.7369 k = 0.7370 k = 0.87 (lumbar patients k = 0.89, cervical patients k = 0.84)371 Presence k = 0.52, relevance k = 0.85369 Presence of clinical relevance k = 0.16373 Presence k = 0.2, direction k = 0.4, relevance k = 0.7371

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

eAPPENDIX 9.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Lumbar Spine—cont’d McKenzie Evaluation—cont’d


Lateral component

• Presence k = 0.95369


• k = 0.7370 • k values ranged from 0.11 to 0.39372

Direction preference

• k = 0.9370 • k values ranged from 0.27 to 0.33 depending on level of education of practicing therapist372

NUMERICAL PAIN RATING SCALE FOR LOW BACK PAIN Responsiveness • Effect size 1 week 0.95, 4 weeks 1.2374


• • • •


 est-­retest Cronbach α T Test-­retest ICC = 0.94364 Test-­retest ICC = 0.83376 Test-­retest ICC = 0.84, SEM = 9155 0.86375


• I nternal consistency Cronbach α 0.86375

• Effect size 0.39375 • S  RM = 0.52155 • MCID = 12.81377




• I nterrater ICC = 0.89 (for individual • Correlation with ODS r = 0.43, • Area under the curve 0.88378 components ICC between 0.35 and SF-­36 r = 0, pain rating r = 0.47, 0.91)378 depressive symptoms r = –0.05, fear avoidance r = 0.24, nonorganic signs r = 0.36378

PRESSURE CHANGE (MM HG) TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS Validity • EMG latency test—correlation is r = 0.48379

PRONE BRIDGE TEST Reliability • Test-­retest ICC = 0.99380



• Test-­retest ICC =



 3%–78%381 7

• 18%–27%381



• T  est-­retest ICC = 0.84, SEM = 11155

• SRM =


Specificity •

 7%382 7

Sensitivity • 78%382

REPETITIVE ARCH UP Reliability • Intrarater r = 0.65383 Continued

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723.e4 Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

eAPPENDIX 9.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Lumbar Spine—cont’d REPETITIVE SIT UP Reliability • Intrarater r = 0.84383

REPETITIVE SQUATTING Reliability • Intrarater r = 0.47383

ROBERTSON CURL-­UP TEST Validity • F  emale (concentric isokinetic r = –0.07, eccentric isokinetic r = –0.08); male (concentric isokinetic r = –0.41, eccentric isokinetic r = –0.38)367






• T  est-­retest ICC • Internal • Scale • Scale • SRM = 0.55155 = 0.53 SEM = consistency interval interval • SDC = 5.0353 5.2155 Cronbach’s from (0 to from (0 to • M  CID = 30%387 • Test-­retest ICC α coefficient 24) 62%; 24) 60%; = 0.42, SEM = 0.87384 (0–8) 88%, (0–8) 64%, 5.4384 (5–12) (5–12) • Test-­retest ICC 81%, (9– 69%, (9– = 0.91, limits 16) 77%, 16) 85%, of agreement/ (13–29) (13–29) normal variation 80%, 80%, over sessions ± (14–17) (14–17) 5.4385 78%386 100%386 • ICC = 0.68, SEM = 2.72165 • Test-­retest ICC = 0.92161

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratios scale from (0 to 24) 1.58, from (0 to 8) 5.33, from (5 to 12) 3.63, from (9 to16) 3.69, (13 to 29) 4, from (14 to 17) 4.54; negative likelihood ratios scale from (0 to 24) 0.64, from (0 to 8) 0.41, from (5 to 12) 0.38, from (9 to 16) 0.19, (13–29) 0.25, from (14 to 17) 2.28386

SCHOBER TEST Reliability

Responsiveness 0.65388

• Test-­retest r = • T  est-­retest (flexion ICC = 0.78, extension ICC = 0.69); interrater (flexion ICC = 0.72, extension ICC = 0.76)389

• Effect size = 0.75, SRM = 0.69390

SF-­36 Validity • 68% of subjects presented worst score possible showing floor effect155

SF-­36 BODILY PAIN SCALE Reliability


• T  est-­retest ICC = 0.37, SEM = 25155

• I nternal consistency Cronbach’s α 0.79375

Responsiveness • Effect size 0.44375 • S  RM = 0.67155



• T  est-­retest ICC = 0.83, SEM = 14155

• I nternal consistency Cronbach’s α 0.91375

Responsiveness • Effect size 0.27375 • S  RM = 0.44155

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Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine


eAPPENDIX 9.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Lumbar Spine—cont’d SF-­36 ROLE LIMITATIONS—PHYSICAL SCALE Reliability



• I nternal consistency Cronbach’s α 0.85375

• T  est-­retest ICC = 0.39, SEM = 40155

• Effect size 0.03375 • S  RM = 0.45155

SF-­36 SHORT FORM Validity • Correlation with modified Harris hip score (r = 0.71)391


Responsiveness 0.99392

• Test-­retest of distance to walk ICC = • C  laudication distance ICC >0.68, maximum walking distance ICC >0.87393

• F  itness effect size = 1.42, control effect size = 0.23, orthopedic clinical effect size = 0.94392

SIT-­UP TEST Validity • F  emale (concentric isokinetic r = 0.27, eccentric isokinetic r = 0.32); male (concentric isokinetic r = –0.25, eccentric isokinetic r = –0.28)367

SLUMP TEST Reliability


• I nterrater ICC = 0.92 SEM = 3, test-­retest ICC = 0.80 SEM = 5394


 3%387 8

• 84%387

STANDING FLEXION TEST Reliability • Interrater k = 0.052, intrarater k = 0.46395

STATIC BACK ENDURANCE Reliability • Intrarater r = 0.63383



• P  ositive agreement 33%, • 98% of positive negative agreement 96%, correlation of interrater k = 0.33396 the test with • For patients with radiating presence of disc pain k = 0.33, positive protrusion230 agreement 40%, negative agreement 94%; for patients without radiating pain, negative agreement 98%396 • Interrater of passive test ICC = 0.93 SEM = 4, test-­retest ICC = 0.91 SEM = 4394

Specificity  7%397 8

• • 8  9%398 • 28%399

Sensitivity  3%397 3

• • 5  2%398 • 92%399

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratios 2.53; negative likelihood ratios 0.77397

THOMAS TEST Reliability • Interrater ICC = 0.90 SEM = 3, test-­retest ICC = 0.69 SEM = 5394

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723.e6 Chapter 9  Lumbar Spine

eAPPENDIX 9.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Lumbar Spine—cont’d TREADMILL TEST Reliability




Odds Ratio

• 1  .2 mph time first • Correlation • Diagnose stenotic • Diagnose stenotic • Positive symptom CCC coefficient of dural and nonstenotic and nonstenotic likelihood ratios = 0.9; 1.2 mph cross-­sectional patients (earlier patients (earlier for diagnosing total ambulation area and walking onset of symptoms onset of symptoms stenotic and time CCC = 0.89 distance r = with level walking with level walking nonstenotic (preferred speed 0.53401 83.3%, longer 68%, longer total patients (earlier time first symptom total walking time walking time onset of symptoms CCC = 0.98; total during inclined during inclined with level walking ambulation time walking 92.3%, walking 50%, 4.07, longer CCC = 0.96)400 prolonged recovery prolonged recovery total walking • Claudication after level walking after level walking time during distance ICC > 68.4%)402 81.8%)402 inclined walking 0.86, maximum 6.49, prolonged walking distance recovery after ICC > 0.87393 level walking 2.59); negative likelihood ratios for diagnosing stenotic and nonstenotic patients (earlier onset of symptoms with level walking 0.38, longer total walking time during inclined walking 0.54, prolonged recovery after level walking 0.26)402

TREATMENT-­BASED CLASSIFICATION (TBC) TEST Reliability • Intrarater for inexperienced physical therapist k = 0.45403



• Test-­retest ICC = 0.74, SEM = 1.7155 • I nterrater reliability k = 0.52404

• SRM = 0.35155

CCC, Concordance correlation coefficient; EMG, electromyography; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; k, kappa; MCID, minimum clinically important difference; MCS, mean crossing speed; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; ODS, Oswestry Disability Score; P, probability; PCS, physical component score; SDC, smallest detectable change; SEM, standard error of the mean; SF, short form; SRM, standardized response mean; TAT, total ambulatory time; TFS, time to first symptoms.

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C H A P T E R 10

Pelvis The sacroiliac joints form the “key” of the arch between the two pelvic bones; with the symphysis pubis, they help to transfer weight from the spine to the lower limbs and vice versa; they also provide elasticity to the pelvic ring (Fig. 10.1). Restriction (i.e., decreased range of motion [ROM]), loss of strength, or muscle imbalance in any of the lower limb joints can alter the kinetic chain, putting greater stress on the joints above the joint that is restricted, is weak, or has an imbalance of the controlling muscles. This, in turn, interferes with the efficient transmission of kinetic energy.1 In addition, this triad of joints also acts as a buffer to decrease the force of jars and bumps to the spine and upper body caused by contact of the lower limbs with the ground. Because of this shock-­absorbing function, the structure of the sacroiliac and symphysis pubis joints is different from that of most other joints. Assessment of the pelvic joints is often an assessment of exclusion. Because the symptoms that arise from the sacroiliac joints are similar to those arising in the lumbar spine and/or hip, because these symptoms occur in the same areas (i.e., back and leg [lateral thigh]), and because injury or degeneration are seen more commonly in the lumbar spine and hip, the examiner will commonly do an assessment of the lumbar spine and/or hip. If it is found that the problems are not coming from these areas (i.e., assessment has cleared these areas), the examiner will do an assessment of the pelvic joints. The only case where this might not occur is when there has been direct trauma to the pelvic joints.2-­4

Applied Anatomy The sacroiliac joints are part synovial (i.e., diarthrosis) joint and part syndesmosis; thus they are sometimes called amphiarthrosis (slightly movable) joints. A syndesmosis is a type of fibrous joint in which the intervening fibrous connective tissue forms an interosseous membrane or ligament. The synovial portion of the joint is C shaped, with the convex iliac surface of the C facing anteriorly and inferiorly. Kapandji5 states that the greater or more acute the angle of the C, the more stable the joint and the less the likelihood of a lesion to the joint. The sacral surface is slightly concave. The sacroiliac joints act as shock absorbers to shear forces and provide a torsional load-­ attenuation mechanism for forces between the lower legs

and trunk that arise during daily activities.6,7 The normal overall motion at the joints is about 7°.4 Sacroiliac Joint Resting position: Capsular pattern: Close pack: Loose pack:

Neutral Pain when joints are stressed Nutation Counternutation

The size, shape, and roughness of the articular surfaces of the sacrum vary greatly among individuals. In the child, these surfaces are smooth. In the adult, they become irregular depressions and elevations that fit into one another; by so doing, they restrict movement at the joint and add strength to it for transferring weight from the lower limb to the spine. The articular surface of the ilium is covered with fibrocartilage; the articular surface of the sacrum is covered with hyaline cartilage that is three times thicker than that of the ilium. In older persons, parts of the joint surfaces may be obliterated by adhesions. Although the sacroiliac joints are relatively mobile in young people, they become progressively stiffer with age. In some cases, ankylosis results. The movements that occur in the sacroiliac and symphysis pubis joints are slight compared with the movements occurring in the spinal joints. The sacroiliac joints are supported by several strong ligaments (Fig. 10.2)—the long posterior sacroiliac ligaments that limit anterior pelvic rotation8 or sacral counternutation, the short posterior sacroiliac ligament that limits all pelvic and sacral movement, the posterior interosseous ligament that forms part of the sacroiliac articulation (the syndesmosis), and the anterior sacroiliac ligaments.9 The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments limit nutation and posterior innominate rotation; they also provide vertical stability.9 The iliolumbar ligament stabilizes L5 on the ilium.9,10 These ligaments and the complex arrangement of dense connective tissue acting like a “ligamentous stocking” play a major role in stabilizing the sacroiliac joints.11,12 The interosseous sacroiliac ligament is the major connection between the sacrum and the ilium and is one of the strongest ligaments in the body.10,13


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Chapter 10 Pelvis

The sacroiliac joints and symphysis pubis have no muscles that control their movements directly, although muscles do provide pelvic stability, so they are influenced by the action of the muscles moving the lumbar spine and hip because many of these muscles attach to the sacrum and pelvis (Table 10.1). The sacroiliac joints are stabilized through two mechanisms—form closure and force closure.14,15 Form closure is due to specific anatomic features of the joint themselves (e.g., rough texture, ridges, depressions), which prevent shear. It refers to the close packed position of the joint where no outside forces are necessary to hold the joint stable. Thus intrinsic factors such as joint shape, coefficient of

friction of the joint surfaces, and the integrity of the ligaments contribute to form closure.15-­17 Force closure is the compression generated by the muscles and, through them, the tensing of the ligaments when they act to accommodate specific load situations. It is the effect of changing joint reaction forces generated by tissue tension, resulting in a self-­bracing mechanism (Fig. 10.3).10,15,17-­21 Force closure would be similar to the loose packed position in that extrinsic factors, primarily the muscles and their neurological control as well as their ability to tension the ligaments, along with the capsule are needed to maintain functional stability of the joint as well as the forces applied to the joint.15-­17,20,21 These two forms of closure and neurological control enable the sacroiliac joints to self-­lock as they go into close pack and to release slightly when the joints unlock. (See later discussion under “Observation” on nutation and counternutation and under “Active Movements”). The muscles that support the pelvic girdle as well as the lumbar spine and hips can be divided into groups.16,22,23 The outer group consists of four groupings, which act primarily in crossing or oblique patterns of force couples to stabilize the pelvis. The deep posterior longitudinal system consists of the erector spinae, thoracolumbar fascia, and hamstring muscles along with the sacrotuberous ligament (Fig. 10.4). The superficial posterior oblique system includes the latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and intervening thoracolumbar fascia (Fig. 10.5A). The anterior oblique system consists of the internal and external obliques, the contralateral adductors, and the abdominal fascia in between (Fig. 10.5B). The lateral system consists of the gluteus medius and minimus and the contralateral adductors (Fig. 10.6). The innermost muscle group consists of the multifidus, transverse abdominis, diaphragm (Fig. 10.7), and pelvic floor muscles (Fig. 10.8), which can play a role in stabilizing the pelvis and indirectly the lumbar spine. The anterior-­posterior superficial group controls the anteroposterior rotation of the pelvis on the fixed femur. This group consists of the hamstrings and

Lumbar spine Sacroiliac joint

Sacroiliac joint Iliac crest llium

Hip joint

Femur Pubic symphysis Pubis



Fig. 10.1  The components of the pelvic ring. The arrows show the direction of body weight force as it is transferred between the pelvic ring, trunk, and femora. The keystone of the pelvic ring is the sacrum, which is wedged between the two ilia and secured bilaterally by the sacroiliac joints. (Redrawn from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system, ed 2, St Louis, 2010, CV Mosby, p 360. Redrawn after Kapandji LA: The physiology of joints, vol 3, New York, 1974, Churchill Livingstone.) Anterior longitudinal ligament

Iliolumbar ligament Iliolumbar ligament Supraspinous ligament

Lumbosacral ligament Anterior sacroiliac ligament Sacrotuberous ligament

Short posterior sacroiliac ligament

Sacrospinous ligament


Long posterior sacroiliac ligament



Sacrospinous ligament Posterior

Sacrotuberous ligament

Fig. 10.2  Ligaments of the pelvis. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

TABLE 10.1


Muscles Attaching to the Pelvis Muscles

Nerve Root Derivation

Latissimus dorsi

Thoracodorsal (C6–C8)

Erector spinae




External oblique


Internal oblique

T7–T12, L1

Transverse abdominis

T7–T12, L1

Rectus abdominis



Subcostal (T12)

Quadratus lumborum

T12, L1–L4

Psoas minor



Femoral (L2, L3)

Levator ani

S4, inferior rectal nerve/ pudendal nerve

Sphincter ani externus


Superficial transverse perineal ischiocavernous



S4, S5

Gluteus maximus

Inferior gluteal (L5, S1,S2)

Gluteus medius

Superior gluteal (L5, S1)

Gluteus minimus

Superior gluteal (L5, S1)

Obturator internus

Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)

Obturator externus

Obturator (L3, L4)


L5, S1, S2

Interior gemellus

Nerve to quadratus femoris (L5, S1)

Superior gemellus

Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)


Femoral (L2, L3)


Sciatic (L5, S1, S2)


Sciatic (L5, S1, S2)

Biceps femoris

Sciatic (L5, S1, S2)

Tensor fascia lata

Superior gluteal (L4, L5)


Femoral (L2, L3)

Rectus femoris

Femoral (L2–L4)


Obturator (L2, L3)

Adductor magnus

Obturator/sciatic (L2–L4)

Adductor longus Adductor brevis

Obturator (L2–L4) Obturator (L2–L4)

Force closure

Force closure Form closure

Ground reaction forces Fig. 10.3  Form closure stabilizes because of the shape of the sacroiliac joints. Force closure stabilizes because of the action of the muscles, ligaments, and fascia. The two closures act together to form a self-­bracing mechanism (dashed lines).

Erector spinae





Sacrotuberous ligament

Biceps femoris Semimembranosus and semitendinosus

Fig. 10.4  The deep longitudinal muscle system of the outer group (includes the erector spinae, deep lamina of the thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament, and biceps femoris muscle).

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Latissimus dorsi

Thoracolumbar fascia

Internal and external obliques Abdominal fascia

Gluteus maximus Adductors



Fig. 10.5  (A) The posterior oblique muscle system of the outer group (includes the latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and intervening thoracolumbar fascia). (B) The anterior oblique muscle system of the outer group (includes the external and internal obliques, contralateral adductors of the thigh, and intervening anterior abdominal fascia).



Transversus abdominis

Gluteus medius and minimus Sacrum Pelvic floor muscles Adductors Fig. 10.7  The inner muscle unit including the multifidus, transverse abdominis, and pelvis floor muscles.

Fig. 10.6  The lateral muscle system of the outer group (includes the gluteus medius and minimus and contralateral adductors of the thigh).

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Chapter 10 Pelvis Coccyx Anal hiatus

Sacrum Sacroiliac joint Ilium Piriformis muscle

Ischial spine Obturator internus muscle (covered by fascia)

Coccygeus muscle Iliococcygeus Pelvic diaphragm Pubococcygeus Levator Puborectalis ani muscle

Obturator foramen

Pubis Symphysis pubis

Tendinous arch of levator ani muscle


Genital hiatus

Genital hiatus

Pubic bone

Ischocavernosus muscle Urogenital diaphragm Perineal body Acetabulum

Symphysis pubis Puborectalis Pubococcygeus Iliococcygeus Anal hiatus

Levator ani muscle Pelvic diaphragm Coccygeus muscle


Ischial tuberosity Sacrotuberous ligament (cut)

Obturator internus muscle (cut)

Sacrospinous ligament (cut)


Piriformis muscle (cut)

Superficial transverse perineal muscle Sacrum Coccyx Obturator internus muscle and obturator fascia (cut) Coccygeus muslce

Pelvic diaphragm

Levator Iliococcygeus ani muscle Pubococcygeus Puborectalis

Anococcygeal ligament

Sacroiliac joint Sacrum Piriformis muscle

Obturator foramen Tendinous arch of Levator ani muscle Symphysis pubis Left pubis (cut) Genital hiatus Anal hiatus


Coccyx Anococcygenal ligament (cut) Left pubococcygenus muscle (cut) Left puborectalis muscle (cut) Superficial transverse perineal muscle (cut)

Urogenital triangle Pubic symphysis Ischiopubic ramus Ischial tuberosity

Tip of coccyx


Anal triangle

Fig. 10.8  Muscles of the pelvic floor. (A) Superior view. (B) Inferior view. (C) Medial view (female). (D) Subdivisions of the perineum.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

External oblique muscle Posterior tilt

Rectus abdominis muscle


lliopsoas muscle Erector spinae muscle Anterior tilt

Gluteus maximus muscle Sacrotuberous ligament (pulled tight by hamstrings)

Sartorius muscle Taut iliofemoral ligament Rectus femoris muscle

Hamstring muscles



Fig. 10.9  The anterior-posterior superficial muscle group. (A) Muscles and ligaments involved in posterior tilt. (B) Muscles and ligaments involved in anterior tilt.

gluteus maximus, erector spinae, rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, psoas, rectus femoris and sartorius, and iliofemoral and sacrotuberous ligaments (Fig. 10.9). These muscle systems help to actively stabilize the pelvic joints and contribute significantly to load transfer during gait and pelvic rotational activities.16 The symphysis pubis is a fibrocartilaginous joint held together by the pubic ligament. There is a disc of fibrocartilage between the two joint surfaces called the interpubic disc. This joint does allow limited movement. The sacrococcygeal joint is usually a fused line (symphysis) united by a fibrocartilaginous disc. It is found between the apex of the sacrum and the base of the coccyx. Occasionally the joint is freely movable and synovial. With advanced age, the joint may fuse and be obliterated. 

Patient History In addition to the questions listed under “Patient History” in Chapter 1, the examiner should obtain the following information from the patient: 1.  Was there any known mechanism of injury? Has there been more than one episode? For example, the sacroiliac joints are commonly injured by a sudden jar caused by inadvertently stepping off a curb, an overzealous kick (either missing the object or hitting the ground), a fall on the buttocks, or a lift and twist maneuver, thus commonly combining axial loading and rotation.24,25 Has the patient experienced any recent

falls, twists, or strains? These movements increase the chance of sacroiliac joint sprains. 2.  Where is the pain and does it radiate? With a lesion of the sacroiliac joint, deep, diffuse, dull, undefined pain that is difficult to localize, tends to be unilateral and can be referred to the posterior thigh, iliac fossa, and buttock on the affected side.7 Sacroiliac joint pain can spread to the abdominal area and sometimes to the groin, although groin pain is more commonly associated with hip problems.6 The pain has been described as sclerotomal pain.7 Sacroiliac pain does not commonly extend below the knee, although it can.6 Both pain and numbness can originate from the sacroiliac joint and its ligaments, primarily the posterior sacroiliac ligaments.11 Symptoms from sacroiliac problems do not usually follow a dermatomal pattern, which is common in the lumbar spine if the nerve roots are aggravated.6 Most patients with sacroiliac joint pathology indicate pain around the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) or buttock. Thus the point sign (Fortin finger test), in which the patient points slightly inferior and medial to the PSIS as the source of pain, may help with diagnosis.26 Pain arising from the posterior sacroiliac ligament is mainly on the lateral, posterolateral, and posteromedial thigh.4,7,27 When doing movements, it is often better to ask whether the movement or test reproduces the pain of complaint rather than if it is just painful. If the pain of complaint is reproduced, it is likely that the tissue at fault is being stressed.4

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

TABLE 10.2

TABLE 10.3

Pelvic Motions With Lumbar Spine Movement

Pelvic Motions With Hip Movement

Lumbar Spine






Anterior rotation

Nutation followed by counternutation


Posterior rotation


Posterior rotation (slight)



Anterior rotation

Medial rotation

Inflare (medial rotation)


Same side: posterior rotation Opposite side: anterior rotation

Nutation on same side

Lateral rotation

Outflare (lateral rotation)

Abduction Adduction

Superior glide Inferior glide

Side flexion

Same side: anterior rotation Opposite side: posterior rotation

Side bend

Adapted from Dutton M: Orthopedic examination, evaluation and intervention, ed 3, New York, 2012, McGraw-­Hill.

3.  When does the pain occur? Does the pain keep the patient awake? Pain that is caused by sacroiliac joint problems is usually felt when turning in bed, getting out of bed, or stepping up with the affected leg. Often, the pain is constant and unrelated to position. Symphysis pubis pain tends to be localized and increases with any movement involving the adductor or rectus abdominis muscles. 4.  What particular movements bother the patient? Usually transitional-­ type movements (e.g., sit to stand, single-­leg squat) cause pain in the sacroiliac joint if it is involved. 5.  What is the patient’s habitual working stance? Is a great deal of sitting or twisting involved? The examiner should look for postures that potentially increase the stress on the sacroiliac joints (e.g., standing, especially on one leg). 6.  Are there any risk factors that may be present?28 Risk factors include obesity, leg length discrepancy, gait abnormalities, low-­ grade/persistent trauma (e.g., jogging), vigorous prolonged exercise, scoliosis, pregnancy, surgery.25,28 7.  What is the patient’s usual activity or pastime? Again, would any of these activities stress the sacroiliac joints? Has endurance capacity for standing, walking, or sitting decreased? In the presence of sacroiliac joint pathology, endurance will decrease.18,29 8.  Is there any particular position or activity that aggravates the condition? Climbing or descending stairs, walking, and standing from a sitting position all stress the sacroiliac joint (Tables 10.2 and 10.3). 9.  What is the patient’s age? Apophyseal injuries and avulsion fractures of the pelvis can occur in young athletes.30 Ankylosing spondylitis is found primarily in men between the ages of 15 and 35 years.

Adapted from Dutton M: Orthopedic examination, evaluation and intervention, ed 3, New York, 2012, McGraw-­Hill.

Hypomobility is likely to be seen in men between 40 and 50 and in women after 50 years of age.31 10. Does the patient have or feel any weakness in the lower limbs? Neurological deficit in the limbs can be present if the sacroiliac joint is affected. 11. Has the patient had any difficulty with micturition? It has been reported that sacroiliac joint dysfunction can lead to urinary problems.32 12. Has there been a recent pregnancy? In females, sprain of the sacroiliac ligaments can be the result of increased laxity of the ligaments caused by hormonal changes. It may take 3 to 4 months or longer for the ligaments to return to their normal state after a pregnancy. 13. Does the patient have a past history of rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter syndrome, or ankylosing spondylitis? Each of these conditions can involve the sacroiliac joints. 14. Are there any psychosocial issues that are relevant in the presence of pathology? Questions about anxiety, depression, and other psychosocial issues should be addressed if considered important.15 

Observation The patient must be suitably undressed. For the sacroiliac joints to be observed properly, the patient is often required to be nude from the middle of the chest to the toes. If he or she wishes to wear shorts, they must be rolled down as far as possible so that the sacroiliac joints are visible. The posterior, superior, and inferior iliac spines must be visible. The patient stands and is viewed from the front, side, and back. The examiner should note the following: 1.  Are the posture (see Chapter 15) and gait (see Chapter 14) normal? Nutation16,33 (sacral locking) is the forward motion of the base of the sacrum into the pelvis; it could also be described as the backward rotation of the ilium on the sacrum (Fig. 10.10). It is the most stable position of the sacroiliac joint, increases the tension of the major ligaments of the sacroiliac joints including the short dorsal sacroiliac ligaments and interosseous ligament, and is an example of form closure.12 When moving from supine

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

lying to standing, the sacrum normally moves bilaterally, just as it does in early movement of trunk flexion. The ilia move closer together and the ischial tuberosities move farther apart.31 Unilaterally, the sacrum normally moves with hip flexion of the lower limb.16 Pathologically, if nutation occurs only on one side (when it should occur bilaterally), the examiner will find that the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) is higher and the PSIS is lower on that side.33 The result is an apparent or functional short leg on the same side.34 Nutation is limited by the anterior sacroiliac ligaments, sacrospinous ligament, and sacrotuberous ligament and is more stable than counternutation. Nutation occurs when a person assumes a “pelvic tilt” position. During nutation, the sacrum will slide down its short part and then posteriorly along its long part (Fig. 10.11).16


    Counternutation (sacral unlocking), or contranutation as it is sometimes called, is the opposite movement to nutation. It indicates an anterior rotation of the ilium on the sacrum or backward motion of the base of the sacrum out of the pelvis.16 The iliac bones move farther apart and the ischial tuberosities approximate.31 Pathologically, if counternutation occurs only on one side as it does during extension of the extremity on that side, the lower limb on that side will probably be medially rotated.16 Pathological or abnormal counternutation on one side occurs when the ASIS is lower and the PSIS is higher on one side.33 Counternutation is limited by the posterior sacroiliac ligaments. Counternutation occurs when a

Sacral nutation Inferoposterior glide Ilium movement

Short arm of sacrum Long arm of sacrum

Sacrum movement

Fig. 10.11 When the sacrum nutates, its articular surface glides inferoposteriorly relative to the innominate bones. (Redrawn from Lee D: The pelvic girdle, ed 3, Edinburgh, 2004, Churchill Livingstone, p 60.) Nutation

Ilium movement

Sacral counternutation Anterosuperior glide

Sacrum movement

Counternutation Fig. 10.10  Movements of nutation and counternutation occurring at the sacroiliac joint.

Fig. 10.12  When the sacrum counternutates, its articular surface glides anterosuperiorly relative to the innominate bones. (Redrawn from Lee D: The pelvic girdle, ed 3, Edinburgh, 2004, Churchill Livingstone, p 60.)

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

person assumes a “lordotic” or “anterior pelvic tilt” position. During counternutation, the sacrum will slide anteriorly along its long arm and then superiorly up its short arm (Fig. 10.12).16 This motion is resisted by the long posterior sacroiliac ligament supported by the multifidus (contraction of multifidus causes nutation of the sacrum).16     Levine and Whittle35 found that anterior and posterior pelvic tilt has an effect on lumbar lordosis with an average change of 20° being possible (9° posteriorly and 11° anteriorly). Thus looking for the “neutral pelvis” position becomes important, especially for later rehabilitation. Based on their data, a neutral pelvis would be somewhere between the two extremes. Pelvic tilt is the angle between a line joining the ASIS and PSIS and a horizontal line (Fig. 10.13). Average pelvic tilt is 11° ± 4°.35,36 Ideal pelvic alignment would see the ASIS on the same vertical plane as the symphysis pubis.37

L2 L3

Lumbar lordosis

L4 Pelvic tilt angle

PSIS ASIS Horizontal

Fig. 10.13  Pelvic tilt angle (7° to 15°). ASIS, anterior superior iliac spine; PSIS, posterior superior iliac spine.


    Three questions should be considered when one is looking for a neutral pelvis and whether the pelvis can be stabilized: i. Can the patient get into the neutral pelvis position? If not, what is restricting the movement or what is weak so that the movement does not occur? ii.  Can the patient hold (i.e., stabilize) the neutral pelvis statically while moving distal joints dynamically? If not, what muscles need to be strengthened? iii. Can the patient hold (i.e., stabilize) the neutral pelvis when moving it dynamically? If not, which muscles are weak and/or not functioning correctly (i.e., functioning isometrically, concentrically, eccentrically)?     These questions will help the examiner determine if the pelvis (and lumbar spine) can be stabilized during different movements or positions so that other muscles that originate from the pelvis can function properly. The ability to stabilize the pelvis statically or dynamically plays a significant role in proper functioning of the whole kinetic chain. For example, it should be possible to perform side-­lying hip abduction with the lower limbs, pelvis, trunk, and shoulders aligned in the frontal plane (active hip abduction test ).38 If the leg wobbles, the pelvis tips, the shoulders or trunk rotate, the hip flexes, or the abducted limb rotates medially, it is an indication of lack of movement control, lack of muscle balance, and inability to stabilize the pelvis while doing the movement so that the muscles have a firm base from which to function.     Gait is often affected if the pathology involves the pelvis. If the sacroiliac joints are not free to move, the stride length is decreased and a vertical limp may be present.24 A painful sacroiliac joint may also cause reflex inhibition of the gluteus medius, leading to a Trendelenburg gait or lurch.


Fig. 10.14  Anterior observational view. (A) Level of the anterior superior iliac spines. (B) Level of the iliac crests.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis






Fig. 10.15  Posterior observational view. (A) Level of the iliac crests. (B) Level of the posterior superior iliac spines. (C) Level of the ischial tuberosities. (D) Level of the gluteal folds.

2.  Are the ASISs level when viewed anteriorly (Fig. 10.14)? On the affected side, the ASIS often tends to be higher and slightly forward. The examiner must remember this difference, if present, when the patient is viewed from behind (Fig. 10.15). If the ASIS and PSIS on one side are higher than the ASIS and PSIS on the other, this indicates an upslip of the ilium on the sacrum on the high side, a short leg on the opposite side, or muscle spasm caused by lumbar pathology (e.g., a disc lesion).39–42 If the ASIS is higher on one side and the PSIS is lower at the same time, it indicates an anterior torsion of the sacrum (pathological nutation) on that side.39 This torsion may result in a spinal scoliosis, an altered functional leg length, or both. Anterior rotational dysfunction is seen most frequently following a posterior horizontal thrust of the femur (dashboard injury), golf or baseball swing, or any forced anterior diagonal pattern.40 The sacrum is lower on the side of the pelvis that has rotated backward. The most common rotation of the innominate bones is left posterior torsion or rotation (pathological counternutation). The posterior rotational dysfunctions are usually the result of falling on an ischial tuberosity, lifting when the body is forward flexed with the knees straight, repeated standing on one leg, vertical thrusting onto an extended leg, or sustaining hyperflexion and abduction of the hips. 3. Are both pubic bones level at the symphysis pubis? The examiner tests for level equality by placing one

Fig. 10.16  Determining the level of the pubic bones.

finger or thumb on the superior aspect of each pubic bone and comparing the heights (Fig. 10.16). If the ASIS on one side is higher, the pubic bone on that side is suspected to be higher; this can be confirmed by this procedure, indicating a backward torsion problem of the ilium on that side. This procedure is usually done with the patient lying supine. 4. Does the patient, when standing, have equal weight on both feet, favor one leg, or have a lateral pelvic tilt? This finding may indicate pathology in the sacroiliac joints, the leg, the spine, or a short leg.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

15. Do the feet face forward to the same degree? Often, the affected limb is medially rotated. With spasm of the piriformis muscle, the limb is laterally rotated more on the affected side.  Pelvic inlet


A Sacrosciatic notch Ischial spine


Subpubic arch




Fig. 10.17 Gynecoid (predominantly female) and android (primarily male) pelvises. (A) Superior view. (B) Lateral view. (C) Anterior view of the pubis and ischium.

TABLE 10.4

A Comparison of the Two Most Common Types of Pelvis Feature






Sacrosciatic notch

Average size


Sacrum Subpubic arch

Average Inclination curved

Forward Inclination straight

5. Are the ASISs equidistant from the center line of the body? 6. What type of pelvis does the patient have?43 Gynecoid and android types are the most common (as described in Fig. 10.17 and Table 10.4). 7. Are the iliac crests level? Altered leg length may alter their height. 8. Are the PSISs level? 9. Are the buttock contours or gluteal folds normal? The painful side is often flatter if there is loss of tone in the gluteus maximus muscle. 10. Is there any unilateral or bilateral spasm of the erector spinae muscles? 11. Are the ischial tuberosities level? If one tuberosity is higher, it may indicate an upslip of the ilium on the sacrum on that side.39 12. Is there excessive lumbar lordosis? Forward or backward sacral torsion may increase or decrease the lordosis. 13. Are the PSISs equidistant from the center line of the body? 14. Are the sacral sulci equal? If one is deeper, it may indicate a sacral torsion.

Before assessing the pelvic joints, the examiner should first assess the lumbar spine and hip unless the history definitely indicates that one of the pelvic joints is at fault. The lumbar spine and hip can and frequently do refer pain to the sacroiliac joint area. Because the sacroiliac joints are in part a syndesmosis, movements at these joints are minimal compared with those of the other peripheral joints. It should also be remembered that any condition that alters the position of the sacrum relative to the ilium causes a corresponding change in the position of the symphysis pubis. Although numerous tests and test movements have been described to help determine if there is sacroiliac dysfunction, many of them are imprecise and their reliability has been questioned.44–56 However, at present they are the best tests available. It is important for the examiner to consider all aspects of the assessment, including the history and the patient’s symptoms along with the various tests and movements before diagnosing sacroiliac joint problems.9,16,44,57–59

Active Movements Unlike other peripheral joints, the sacroiliac joints do not have muscles that directly control their movement. However, because contraction of the muscles of the other joints may stress these joints or the symphysis pubis, the examiner must be careful during the active or resisted isometric movements of other joints and must be sure to ask the patient about the exact location of the pain on each movement. Table 10.1 outlines the muscles that attach to the pelvis. For example, if the joint is injured, resisted abduction of the hip can cause pain in the sacroiliac joint on the same side because the gluteus medius muscle pulls the ilium away from the sacrum when it contracts strongly. In addition, side flexion to the same side increases the shearing stress to the sacroiliac joint on that side. When the patient is doing active movements, the examiner is attempting to reproduce the patient’s symptoms rather than just looking for pain. The sacroiliac joints move in a “nodding” fashion of anteroposterior rotation. Normally the PSISs approximate when the patient stands and separate when the patient lies prone. When he or she stands on one leg, the pubic bone on the supported side moves forward in relation to the pubic bone on the opposite side as a result of rotation at the sacroiliac joint. During the active movements of the pelvic joints, the examiner looks for unequal movement, loss of or increase in movement (hypomobility or hypermobility), tissue contracture, tenderness, or inflammation.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

Active Movements That Stress the Sacroiliac Joints • • • • • • • • • •

F orward flexion of the spine (40° to 60°) Extension of the spine (20° to 35°) Rotation of the spine, left and right (3° to 18°) Side flexion of the spine, left and right (15° to 20°) Flexion of the hip (100° to 120°) Abduction of the hip (30° to 50°) Adduction of the hip (30°) Extension of the hip (0° to 15°) Medial rotation of the hip (30° to 40°) Lateral rotation of the hip (40° to 60°)

The movements of the spine put stress on the sacroiliac joints as well as on the lumbar and lumbosacral joints. During forward flexion of the trunk, the innominate bones and pelvic girdle as a whole rotate anteriorly as a unit on the femoral heads bilaterally. The same thing occurs when one rises from supine lying to sitting. If one leg is actively extended at the hip, the innominate on that side will unilaterally rotate anteriorly.16 During the anterior rotation of the innominate bones (counternutation), the innominate slides posteriorly along its long arm and inferiorly down its short arm (Fig. 10.18).16 Initially, the sacrum nutates up to about 60° of forward flexion, but once the deep posterior structures (deep and posterior oblique muscle systems, thoracolumbar fascia, and the sacrotuberous ligament) become tight, the innominates continue to rotate anteriorly on the femoral heads but the sacrum begins to counternutate.16 This counternutation causes the sacroiliac joint to be vulnerable to instability, as greater muscle action (force closure) is


required to maintain stability with counternutation.23 Thus the earlier counternutation occurs during forward flexion, the more vulnerable the sacroiliac joint will be to instability problems. Excessive counternutation is more likely to occur in patients who have tight hamstrings.16 To test forward flexion, the patient stands with weight equally distributed on both legs. The examiner sits behind the patient and palpates both PSISs (Fig. 10.19). The patient is asked to bend forward while keeping the knees straight (i.e., extended) (see Tables 10.2 and 10.3), and the symmetry of movement of the PSIS superiorly is noted. As long as both PSISs move equally and symmetrically, the movement is normal. If one PSIS moves upward less than the other, the hypomobile side is considered positive for limited movement of the ilium on the sacrum (called the standing flexion test).60 At the same time, the examiner should note the amount of flexion that has occurred when sacral nutation begins. This can be done by having the patient repeat the forward bending motion while the examiner palpates the PSIS (inferior aspect) on one side with one thumb while the other thumb palpates the sacral base so that the thumbs are parallel. In the first 45° of forward flexion, the sacrum will move forward (nutation) (Fig. 10.20A), but near 60° (normally), the sacrum will begin to counternutate or move backward (Fig. 10.20B).16 During the sacral counternutation, the two PSISs should move upward equally in relation to the sacrum and toward each other or approximate. At the same time, the ASIS will tend to flare out. During extension, the opposite movements occur (see Tables 10.2 and 10.3).16,24 During extension or backward bending of the trunk, the innominate bones

Anterior rotation innominate Inferoposterior glide

Fig. 10.18  When the innominate rotates anteriorly, its articular surface glides inferoposteriorly relative to the sacrum. (Redrawn from Lee D: The pelvic girdle, ed 2, Edinburgh, 1999, Churchill Livingstone, p 51.)

Fig. 10.19  Examiner palpating the posterior superior iliac spine prior to forward flexion.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis



Fig. 10.20  Examiner palpating for sacral nutation. One thumb is on the posterior superior iliac spine; the other thumb is parallel to it on the sacrum. The examiner is feeling for forward movement (nutation) of the sacrum, which occurs early in movement (A), and backward movement (counternutation) of the sacrum, which normally occurs at around 60° of hip flexion (B).

(the pelvic girdle) as a whole unit rotate posteriorly (nutation) on the femoral heads bilaterally. If one leg is actively flexed at the hip, the innominate on that side unilaterally rotates posteriorly.16 During the posterior rotation of the innominate bones, the innominate slides anteriorly along the long arm and superiorly up the short arm. This movement is the same as sacral nutation (Fig. 10.21). With backward bending, both PSISs move inferiorly an equal amount. Lee16 advocates doing active hip extension (active prone hip extension test) with the leg straight under three conditions (also called prone active straight leg raise test). The first condition is hip extension (Fig. 10.22A). With sacroiliac pathology, there is a significant delay in gluteus maximus contraction. The second condition includes the same movement as the first with the examiner applying manual compression to the innominate bones (i.e., form closure) (Fig. 10.22B). This decreases the delay in the contraction of the gluteus maximus muscle. The third condition has the examiner resisting extension of the contralateral medially rotated leg or extended arm (i.e., force closure) as the patient extends the straight leg (Fig. 10.22C). If function improves when force closure stabilization is used, exercise will probably benefit the patient.61 To test backward bending, the patient stands with weight equally distributed on both legs. The examiner sits behind the patient and palpates both PSISs. The patient is asked to bend backward while the examiner notes any asymmetry (Fig. 10.23). Normally, the PSISs move inferiorly. During backward bending, the innominate bones and sacrum remain in the same

position, so there should be no change in their relationship.16 The examiner palpates both sides of the sacrum at the level of S1. As the patient extends, the sacrum should normally move forward. This is called the sacral flexion test. Side flexion normally produces a torsion movement between the ilia and the sacrum. As the patient side flexes, the innominate bones bend to the same side and the sacrum rotates slightly in the opposite direction; the thumb of the examiner on the same side (the thumbs are palpating on each side of the sacrum at the level of S1) moves forward. This is called the sacral rotation test.16 If this torsion movement does not occur (e.g., in hypomobility), the patient finds that more effort is required to side flex and it is harder to maintain balance.24 During rotation, the pelvic girdle moves in the direction of the rotation, causing intrapelvic torsion. The innominate, which is on the side to which rotation is occurring, rotates posteriorly while the opposite innominate rotates anteriorly, pushing the sacrum into rotation in the same direction (i.e., right rotation of the trunk and pelvis causes right rotation of the sacrum). This causes the sacrum to nutate on the side to which rotation occurs and counternutate on the opposite side.16 The hip movements performed are also affected by sacroiliac lesions. As the patient flexes each hip maximally, the examiner should observe the ROM present, the pain produced, and the movement of the PSISs. The examiner first notes whether the PSISs are level before the patient flexes the hip. Normally, flexion of the hip with the knee flexed to 90° or more causes the sacroiliac joint

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Posterior rotation innominate

Anterosuperior glide


Fig. 10.21  When the innominate rotates posteriorly, its articular surface glides anterosuperiorly relative to the sacrum. (Redrawn from Lee D: The pelvic girdle, ed 2, Edinburgh, 1999, Churchill Livingstone, p 51.)

on that side to drop or move caudally in relation to the other sacroiliac joint (Gillet test). If this drop does not occur, it may indicate hypomobility on the flexed side. The examiner can observe this movement by placing one thumb over the PSIS and the other thumb over the spinous process of S2 (Fig. 10.24A). In the patient with a normal sacroiliac joint, the thumb on the PSIS drops (Fig. 10.24B). If it is hypomobile, the thumb moves up on hip flexion. The two sides are compared. Sturesson and colleagues62 have questioned whether much movement occurs at all because the stress of doing the test on one leg causes “force closure” of the sacroiliac joints, thus limiting movement. The examiner then leaves the one thumb over the sacral spinous process and moves the other thumb over the ischial tuberosity (Fig. 10.24C). The patient is again asked to flex the hip as far as possible. Normally, the thumb over the ischial tuberosity moves laterally (Fig. 10.24D). With a fixed or hypomobile joint, the thumb moves superiorly or toward the head. Again, the two sides are compared. The examiner then sits in front of the standing patient and palpates the ASIS. Testing one leg at a time, the patient pivots the leg on the heel into medial and lateral rotation. When doing these movements, the ASIS should move medially and laterally. Both sides are compared and the movement should be equal.16 Depending on where the patient complains of pain, the affected joint may be hypomobile or hypermobile. The position of the sacrum can then be determined. To do this, the examiner tests the patient in two positions—sitting and prone—doing three movements: flexion, staying in neutral, and extension. Before testing,


C Fig. 10.22 Functional testing of prone active hip extension or prone straight leg raise. (A) Patient actively extends straight leg to provide comparison with ease of doing the test in other two positions. (B) Second part of the test with form closure augmented (compression of innominate bones). (C) Third part of the test with force closure augmented (resisted muscle action).

the examiner palpates the base of the sacrum and the inferior lateral angle (near the apex) of the sacrum on both sides (Fig. 10.25). Normally, the sacral bone and the inferior lateral angle of the sacrum are level (i.e., one is not more anterior or posterior than the other). The first test involves the patient sitting with the feet supported and the spine fully flexed. The examiner palpates the four points (Fig. 10.26) and determines their relationship to one another. The patient is then put in prone lying with the spine in neutral and the

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

relationship of the four points determined. The examiner then asks the patient to fully extend the spine and then determines the relationship of the four points. In any of the positions tested, if the examiner found, for example, an anterior left sacral base along with a

posterior right inferior lateral angle, it would indicate a left rotated sacrum.16 The final active movements of the pelvis that the examiner may observe is the action of the pelvic floor muscles (Table 10.5; see Figs. 8.37 and 8.38). If the pelvis has been found to be unstable or the patient is suffering from incontinence, the examiner can ask the patient to contract the muscles by asking him or her to squeeze the muscles tight by trying to stop peeing and holding the contraction. With strong pelvic floor muscles, the patient should have little trouble holding the contraction for at least 30 seconds. 

Passive Movements

Fig. 10.23  Examiner palpating posterior superior iliac spine for asymmetric movement on backward bending.



The passive movements of the pelvic joints involve stressing of the ligaments and the joints themselves. They are not true passive movements, like those done at other joints, but are in reality stress or provocative tests. It should be noted, however, that the effectiveness of these tests in confirming sacroiliac joint problems has been questioned even when combined in a clinical prediction rule.57,63,64 Lee15 feels these passive movements or tests should be used to determine symmetry or asymmetry of stiffness rather than normal, hypermobile, or hypomobile. It is her contention that asymmetry at the two sacroiliac joints is the problem, not the amount of movement. Laslett et al.56 and van der



Fig. 10.24  Active movements demonstrating how to show hypomobility of the sacroiliac joints. (A) Starting position for sacral spine and posterior superior iliac spine. (B) Hip flexion; the ilium drops, as it normally should (arrow). (C) Starting position for sacral spine and ischial tuberosity. (D) Hip flexion. Ischial tuberosity moves laterally (arrow), as expected.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Key Stress Tests (Passive Movements) of the Sacroiliac Jointsa Approximation test Femoral shear (POSH) test Gapping test Hip abduction and external (lateral) rotation (HABER) test Ipsilateral prone kinetic test Knee-­to-­shoulder test Passive extension and medial rotation of ilium on sacrum Passive flexion and lateral rotation of ilium on sacrum Prone gapping test Sacral thrust test Thigh thrust test Fig. 10.25  Examiner palpating the base of the sacrum and inferior lateral angle of the sacrum for anteroposterior symmetry.


Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests.

Laslett et al.’s Clinical Prediction Rule for Sacroiliac Joint Involvement7,11,26,54,56 SACROILIAC PROVOCATION TESTS (SIJ SPECIAL JOINT CLUSTER): 1 . Approximation test (compression provocation test) 2. Gapping test (distraction provocation test) 3. Sacral thrust test 4. Thigh thrust test 5. Gaenslen’s test (see “Special Tests”) 6. Pain on palpation of the sacral sulcus medial to posterior superior iliac spine Note: If two of the first four tests or three or more of the six tests are positive, then the sacroiliac joint pathology is present.

Fig. 10.26  Examiner palpating the position of the sacrum in flexed sitting.

Wurff et al.48,54 felt that individually the sacroiliac provocative tests were not reliable enough to make a diagnosis but that a combination of the tests was. If two of four tests were positive, these tests were the best predictors of an intra-­ articular sacroiliac joint block. If all six tests were negative, sacroiliac joint pathology could be ruled out.55 Doing the passive movement is more likely to eliminate muscle tension effects that cause compression and increased stiffness.15 Because of their anatomic makeup, the pelvic joints do not move to the same degree or in the same fashion as other joints of the body. When doing these provocative passive movements/tests, the examiner is looking for the reproduction of the patient’s symptoms, not just pain or discomfort.59,65

Approximation (Transverse Posterior Stress) Test.16,56 The patient is in the side-­lying position and the examiner’s hands are placed over the upper part of the iliac crest, pressing toward the floor (Fig. 10.27). The movement causes forward pressure on the sacrum. An increased feeling of pressure in the sacroiliac joints indicates a possible sacroiliac lesion and/or a sprain of the posterior sacroiliac ligaments.  Femoral Shear (Posterior Shear [POSH]) Test.  The patient lies in the supine position. The examiner slightly flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates the patient’s thigh at approximately 45° from the midline. The examiner then applies a graded force through the long axis of the femur, which causes an anterior-­to-­posterior shear stress to the sacroiliac joint on the same side (Fig. 10.28).66  Gapping (Transverse Anterior Stress or Distraction Provocation) Test.16,56  The patient lies supine while the examiner applies crossed-­arm pressure to the ASIS (Fig. 10.29A) (some examiners prefer not to cross arms; Fig. 10.29B). The examiner pushes down and out with the arms. The test is positive only if unilateral gluteal or posterior leg

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

TABLE 10.5

Muscles of the Pelvic Floor, Their Actions, and Their Nerve Root Derivation Muscles


Nerve Root Derivation

Obturator internus

Rotates thigh laterally Abducts flexed thigh at hip

Nerve to obturator internus


Rotates thigh laterally Abducts flexed thigh Stabilizes hip

Ventral rami of S1, S2

Gluteus maximus

Extends thigh Rotates pelvis back on femur Rotates thigh laterally Abducts thigh

Inferior gluteal nerve, L5, S1, S2

Levator ania,b

Supports pelvic viscera Raises pelvic floor

Ventral rami of S3, S4 Perineal nerve

Coccygeusb (also called ischiococcygeus)

Supports pelvic viscera Draws coccyx forward Supports pelvic viscera

Ventral rami of S4, S5

Superficial transverse perineal (transverse peroneal profundus) aMade


Pudendal nerve, S2, S3, S4

up of three muscles: iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus and puborectalis depending on origin and insertion. two muscles make up the pelvic or urogenital diaphragm.


Fig. 10.28  Femoral shear (POSH) test.

B Fig. 10.27 Approximation test. (A) Diagram of posterior view. (B) Anterior view.

pain is produced, indicating a sprain of the anterior sacroiliac ligaments. Care must be taken when performing this test. The examiner’s hands pushing against the ASISs can elicit pain because the soft tissue is being compressed between the examiner’s hands and the patient’s pelvis.  Hip Abduction and External (Lateral) Rotation (HABER) Test.29  The patient lies prone. Starting with the unaffected leg, the examiner flexes the patient’s knee to 90° to facilitate lateral rotation of the hip. The examiner then abducts and laterally rotates the hip in 10° increments until the patient complains of pain or the end of the range is reached (Fig. 10.30). The result is compared with the

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Chapter 10 Pelvis





Fig. 10.29  Gapping test. (A) In supine with crossed arms. (B) In supine with arms not crossed. (C) In prone using hip medial rotation.

Fig. 10.31  Ipsilateral prone kinetic test. On extension, the posterior superior iliac spine and sacral crest move superiorly and laterally.

Fig. 10.30  Hip abduction and external (lateral) rotation (HABER) test.

affected leg. The lateral rotation and abduction progressively increase the stress on the ipsilateral sacroiliac joint. Any difference between the two legs of greater than 30° is considered a positive test for sacroiliac joint involvement.  Ipsilateral Prone Kinetic Test.16,24  This test is designed to assess the ability of the ilium to flex and to rotate laterally or posteriorly. The patient lies prone while the examiner places one thumb on the PSIS and the other thumb parallel to it on the sacrum. The patient is then asked to actively extend the leg on the same side (Fig. 10.31). Normally, the PSIS should move superiorly and laterally. If it does not, it indicates hypomobility with a posterior rotated ilium, or outflare.  Passive Extension and Medial Rotation of Ilium on Sacrum.16,24  The patient is in side-­lying position on the side that is not being tested. The examiner places one hand

over the ASIS area of the anterior ilium. The other hand is placed over the PSIS in such a way that the fingers of the hand palpate the posterior ilium and sacrum. The examiner then pulls the ilium forward with the hand over the ASIS and pushes the posterior ilium forward with the other hand while feeling the relative movement of the ilium on the sacrum (Fig. 10.32). The unaffected side is then tested for comparison. If the affected side moves less, it indicates hypomobility and a posterior rotated ilium, or outflare.  Passive Flexion and Lateral Rotation of Ilium on Sacrum.  The patient is positioned as for the previously mentioned test. In this case, the examiner pushes the anterior ilium backward with the anterior hand, and the posterior hand and arm pull the ilium posteriorly while palpating the relative movement (Fig. 10.33). The unaffected side is then tested for comparison. If the affected side moves less, it is a sign of hypomobility and an anterior rotated ilium, or inflare. If both this test and the previously mentioned one are positive, it means that an upslip has occurred to the ilium relative to the sacrum. 

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

Fig. 10.34  Sacral apex pressure test. Patient is lying prone. Fig. 10.32  Passive extension and medial rotation of the ilium on the sacrum. The innominate bone is held in extension and medial rotation. The examiner palpates the sacrum and ilium with the fingers while rotating the ilium forward. With hypomobility, the relative movement is less than on the unaffected side, indicating an outflare.

Fig. 10.35  Sacroiliac rocking (knee-­to-­shoulder) test.

Fig. 10.33  Passive flexion and lateral rotation of the ilium on the sacrum. The innominate bone is held in flexion and lateral rotation. The examiner palpates the sacrum and ilium with the left fingers while rotating the ilium backward. With hypomobility, the relative movement is less than on the unaffected side, indicating an inflare.

Passive Lateral Rotation of the Hip.  The patient lies supine. The examiner flexes the hip and knee to 90° and then laterally rotates the hip to end range. This movement, provided that the hip is normal, stresses the sacroiliac joint on the test side.31  Prone Gapping (Hibb’s) Test.  The posterior sacroiliac ligaments may be stressed with the patient in the prone position (Fig. 10.29C). To perform the test, the patient’s hips must have full ROM and be free of pathology. The patient lies prone and the examiner stabilizes the pelvis with his or her chest. The patient’s knee is flexed to 90° or greater and the hip is rotated medially as far as possible. While pushing the hip into the very end of medial rotation, the examiner palpates the sacroiliac joint on the same side. The test is repeated on the other side, with

the examiner comparing the degree of opening and the quality of the movement at each sacroiliac joint as well as stressing the posterior sacroiliac ligaments.  Sacral Apex Pressure (Prone Springing, Cranial Shear, Midline Sacral Thrust, or Sacral Thrust) Test.28,56  The patient lies in a prone position on a firm surface while the examiner places the base of his or her hand at the apex of the patient’s sacrum (Fig. 10.34). Pressure is then applied to the apex of the sacrum, directed cranially causing a shear of the sacrum on the ilium. The test may indicate a sacroiliac joint problem if pain is produced over the joint. If pressure is applied anteriorly instead of cranially, it causes a rotational stress to the sacroiliac joints.     Sacroiliac Rocking (Knee-­to-­Shoulder) Test. This test is also called the sacrotuberous ligament stress test. The patient is in a supine position (Fig. 10.35). The examiner flexes the patient’s knee and hip fully and then adducts the hip. To perform the test properly, both the hip and knee must demonstrate no pathology and have full ROM. The sacroiliac joint is “rocked” by flexion and adduction of the patient’s hip. To do the test properly, the

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

Fig. 10.36  “Squish” test.

knee is moved toward the patient’s opposite shoulder. Some authors16,66 believe that the hip should be medially rotated as it is flexed and adducted to increase the stress on the sacroiliac joint. Simultaneously, the sacrotuberous ligament may be palpated (see Fig. 10.2 for location) for tenderness. Pain in the sacroiliac joints indicates a positive test. Care must be taken, because the test places a great deal of stress on the hip and sacroiliac joints. If a longitudinal force is applied through the hip in a slow, steady manner (for 15 to 20 seconds) in an oblique and lateral direction, further stress is applied to the sacrotuberous ligament.16 While performing the test, the examiner may palpate the sacroiliac joint on the test side to feel for the slight amount of movement that normally is present.  “Squish” Test.  With the patient in the supine position, the examiner places both hands on the patient’s ASISs and iliac crests and pushes down and in at a 45° angle (Fig. 10.36). This movement tests the posterior sacroiliac ligaments. A positive test is indicated by pain.  Superoinferior Symphysis Pubis Stress Test. 16,24  The patient lies supine. The examiner places the heel of one hand over the superior pubic ramus of one pubic bone and the heel of the other hand over the inferior pubic ramus of the other pubic bone. The examiner then squeezes his or her hands together, applying a shearing force to the symphysis pubis (Fig. 10.37). Production of pain in the symphysis pubis is considered a positive test.  Thigh Thrust Test (Oostagard, 4P, Sacrotuberous Stress, or Posterior Pelvic Pain Provocation Test).12,56,60  The patient lies supine while the examiner passively flexes the hip on the test side to 90°. Using one hand to palpate the sacroiliac joint, the examiner thrusts down through the patient’s knee and hip on the test side (Fig. 10.38). Pain in the sacroiliac joint on thrusting is a positive test.  Torsion Stress Test.16  The patient lies prone. The examiner palpates the spinous process of L5 with one


Fig. 10.37 Superoinferior symphysis pubis stress test. Patient is lying supine.

Fig. 10.38  Thigh thrust test.

Fig. 10.39  Torsion stress test. Patient is lying prone.

thumb holding it stable. The examiner’s other hand is placed around the anterior ilium on the opposite side and lifts the contralateral ilium up (Fig. 10.39). This rotational movement stresses the lumbosacral junction, the

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

iliolumbar ligament, the anterior sacroiliac ligament, and the sacroiliac joint. 

Resisted Isometric Movements As previously stated, there are no specific muscles acting directly on the sacroiliac joints and symphysis pubis. However, contraction of adjacent muscles can stress these joints and cause force closure.17 The examiner performs these movements with the patient supine and attempts to reproduce the patient’s symptoms. It has been reported that if the leg is abducted to 30° with the patient in supine and with legs extended and the examiner resists further isometric abduction by the patient, pain in the area of the sacroiliac joint is considered a positive test.60 Resisted Isometric Movements Stressing the Sacroiliac Joints

• • • • •

F orward flexion of spine (the abdominals stress the symphysis pubis) Flexion of hip (the iliacus stresses the sacroiliac joint) Abduction of hip (the gluteus medius stresses the sacroiliac joint) Adduction of the hip (the adductors stress the symphysis pubis) Extension of hip (the gluteus maximus and erector spinae cause force closure) • Pelvic floor muscles—transverse abdominis/multifidus force couple causes force closure • Abdominal obliques cause force closure • Latissimus dorsi causes force closure

joints are at fault68 (see “Passive Movements,” earlier). Dreyfuss et al.57,69 showed that the sacral sulcus (the area of soft tissue just medial to the PSIS) was tender in 89% of sacroiliac joint patients. When these tests are performed, especially the stress or provocative tests, the examiner is attempting to reproduce the patient’s symptoms. Key Tests Performed on the Sacroiliac Joints Depending on Suspected Pathologya,70,71 • F or neurological involvement:    Prone active straight leg raise test (three parts)    Straight leg raise test    Supine active straight leg raise test (three parts) • For joint involvement:    Drop test    Flamingo test    Gaenslen’s test    Gillet test    Patrick test    Piedallu’s sign    Posterior superior iliac spine distraction test    Supine-­to-­sit test    Yeoman’s test • For limb length:    Leg length measurement • For muscle dysfunction:    90–90 straight leg raise test    Trendelenburg test aSee

Functional Assessment Functional assessment of the pelvic joints by themselves is very difficult because these joints do not work in isolation. Functionally, they should be considered part of the lumbar spine or part of the hip joint, depending on the area that the presenting pathology most affects. Individuals who have been diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction show a pattern similar to that seen in patients with low back pain or hip pain when completing the sit-­to-­ stand test. When doing the movement from sit to stand, these patients put more load on the uninjured side, having a greater vertical reaction force on the unaffected side. This generates greater hip peak moments on the unaffected side having smaller ROM on the affected side, disrupting key muscle activity in the muscles providing force closure on the affected side.67 

Special Tests The examiner should use only those special tests that are considered necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Few special tests have been validated to accurately diagnose sacroiliac joint pathology.17,48 In fact, a combination of tests appears to be needed to determine if the sacroiliac

Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests.

If muscle tightness is suspected as part of the problem, muscle should be tested for length. For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the pelvis are available in eAppendix 10.1.

Tests for Neurological Involvement

Prone Knee Bending (Nachlas) Test.  Normally this is used to test for a tight rectus femoris, an upper lumbar joint lesion, an upper spine nerve root lesion, or a hypomobile sacroiliac joint. The patient lies prone and the examiner flexes the knee so that the heel is brought to the buttocks. If pain is felt in the front of the thigh before full range is reached, the problem is with the rectus femoris muscle flexibility. If the pain is in the lumbar spine, the problem is in the lumbar spine, usually the L3 nerve root, especially if these are radicular symptoms. If the problem is a hypomobile sacroiliac joint, the ipsilateral pelvic rim (ASIS) rotates forward, usually before the knee reaches 90° flexion.66,72  Straight Leg Raising (Lasègue’s) Test.  Although the Lasègue sign is primarily considered a test of the neurological tissue around the lumbar spine, this test also places a stress on the sacroiliac joints. With the patient

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

in the supine position (Fig. 10.40), the examiner passively flexes the patient’s hip with the knee extended. Pain occurring after 70° is usually indicative of joint pain (i.e., hip, sacroiliac, or lumbar facet pain). In most people, the lumbar nerve roots are fully stretched by this point. However, in hypermobile persons, joint pain is often not experienced until after 120° of hip flexion. Therefore, it is more important to watch for the production of the patient’s symptoms than for the actual ROM. In addition, the ROM obtained should be compared with the unaffected side. If the examiner then does a passive bilateral straight leg raising (SLR) test in a similar fashion, pain occurring before 70° is usually indicative of sacroiliac joint problems. DonTigny73 has reported that the straight leg raise can be affected by sacroiliac problems. If, when doing SLR, the pain in the sacroiliac joint is unaltered or decreases, the examiner may suspect an anterior torsion. If the pain in the sacroiliac joint increases, a posterior torsion is possible. If pain increases on the opposite side, an anterior torsion on the opposite side should be suspected. Lee16 advocated several modifications to the straight leg test (Fig. 10.41A) if sacroiliac joint problems are suspected. These tests are called active SLR tests and were originally designed to test for postpartum pelvic problems.74–76 In the first modification, Lee recommends


that the test be done actively by the patient in supine (supine active straight leg raise test ).15,74–76 As the patient actively lifts the leg, the examiner asks whether the patient notes any “effort differences” between the two sides. The examiner then stabilizes and compresses the pelvis while the patient actively does the straight leg raise, providing form closure of the joints by squeezing the innominate bones together anteriorly (Fig. 10.41B). If the pain decreases or the SLR is easier to do with form closure (with no increased neurological signs), the test is



C B Fig. 10.40  Straight leg raising test. (A) Unilateral (head may be flexed, ankle may be dorsiflexed, or both). (B) Bilateral.

Fig. 10.41 Functional test of supine-­active straight leg raise. (A) Patient actively does straight leg raise to provide comparison with ease of doing test in other two positions. (B) With form closure augmented (compression of innominate bones). (C) With force closure augmented (resisted muscle action).

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

considered positive for possible sacroiliac joint problems. At the same time, the examiner can check the contraction of the pelvic floor/transverse abdominis/multifidus force couple by palpating medial to the ASIS bilaterally. If the force couple functions properly, tension is felt symmetrically and the abdomen moves inward. If superficial tension is felt, it means that the internal obliques are contracting and there is a force-­couple imbalance.15 The multifidus may be palpated close to the spinous process, and it should contract when the pelvic floor muscles contract. Another modification tests force closure at the sacroiliac joints.16 The patient is asked to flex and rotate the trunk toward the side on which the SLR is actively being performed. The trunk motion is resisted by the examiner (Fig. 10.41C). The two sides are compared for any difference. Force closure tests the ability of the muscles to stabilize the sacroiliac joints during movement. A more detailed description of the SLR test is given in Chapter 9. 

On the non–weight-­bearing side, the opposite occurs, but the stress is greatest on the stance side.31 Pain in the symphysis pubis or sacroiliac joint indicates a positive test for lesions in whichever structure is painful. The stress may be increased by having the patient hop on one leg. This position is also used to take a stress x-­ray of the symphysis pubis.  Gaenslen’s Test.  The patient lies on the side with the upper leg (test leg) hyperextended at the hip (Fig. 10.43A). The patient holds the lower leg flexed against the chest. The examiner stabilizes the pelvis while extending the hip of the uppermost leg. Pain indicates a positive test. The pain may be caused by an ipsilateral sacroiliac joint lesion, hip pathology, or an L4 nerve root lesion.

Tests for Sacroiliac Joint Involvement

Lee15 has reported that active mobility tests should not be used to test the passive mobility of the sacroiliac joints. She felt that passive movements used to look for asymmetry were more effective. Drop Test.7  Starting with the good leg, the patient is asked to stand on one leg with the knee straight. The patient then stands “on the toes” of the foot by lifting the heel off the floor. The patient is then asked to allow the heel to suddenly drop, delivering an ipsilateral mechanical “jolt” to the pelvis. The test is then repeated on the affected side. The test mimics one of the possible mechanisms in which the sacroiliac joint is injured. A positive test would be reproduction of symptoms.  Flamingo Test or Maneuver.  The patient is asked to stand on one leg (Fig. 10.42). When the patient is standing on one leg, the weight of the trunk causes the sacrum to shift forward and distally (caudally) with forward rotation. The ilium moves in the opposite direction.


Fig. 10.42  Flamingo test.


Fig. 10.43  Gaenslen’s test. (A) With patient in side-­lying position, the examiner extends the test leg. (B) With patient supine, the test leg is extended over the edge of the table.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Fig. 10.44  Gillet (sacral fixation) test.

The Gaenslen’s test is sometimes done with the patient supine (Fig. 10.43B), but this position may limit the amount of hyperextension available. The patient is positioned so that the test hip extends beyond the edge of the table. The patient draws both legs up onto the chest and then slowly lowers the test leg into extension. The other leg is tested in a similar fashion for comparison. Pain in the sacroiliac joints is indicative of a positive test.  Gillet (Sacral Fixation, Stork Standing, Stork) Test.40  This test is also called the ipsilateral posterior rotation test. While the patient stands, the sitting examiner palpates the PSISs with one thumb and the other thumb parallel with the first thumb on the sacrum. The patient is then asked to stand on one leg while pulling the opposite knee up toward the chest. This causes the innominate bone on the same side to rotate posteriorly. The test is repeated with the other leg palpating the other PSIS. If the sacroiliac joint on the side on which the knee is flexed (i.e., the ipsilateral side) moves minimally or up, the joint is said to be hypomobile, or “blocked,” indicating a positive test.50 On the normal side, the test PSIS moves down or inferiorly (Fig. 10.44). This test is similar to the test performed during hip flexion in active movement; the only difference is the points of palpation during the movement. The test may also show altered muscle activation patterns with the weight transfer to one leg. With sacroiliac pathology, there is early activation of biceps femoris (i.e., lateral hamstrings) and delayed activation of the internal obliques and multifidus (in normal subjects, the opposite occurs).12 It can also be used as the Trendelenburg test to test gluteus medius.18 Jackson9 has suggested a modification to the test. After completing the Gillet test, he suggests that the examiner palpate the same PSIS and sacrum and ask the patient to do a repeat of the Gillet test using the other leg, which causes the opposite innominate bone to rotate posteriorly. As the patient flexes the hip and knee, the lumbar spine begins to flex, causing the sacrum to move inferiorly,

Fig. 10.45  Ipsilateral anterior rotation test.

resulting in the test innominate (side opposite to the leg being flexed) to rotate anteriorly.  Goldthwait Test.  The patient lies supine. The examiner places one hand under the lumbar spine so that each finger is in an interspinous space (i.e., L5–S1, L4–L5, L3– L4, and L2–L3 interspaces). The examiner uses the other hand to perform SLR. If pain is elicited before movement occurs at the interspaces, the problem is in the sacroiliac joint. Pain during interspace movement indicates a lumbar spine dysfunction. As with the SLR test, pain may be referred along the course of the sciatic nerve if there is neurological (e.g., nerve root) involvement.72  Ipsilateral Anterior Rotation Test.16  The patient stands with weight equally distributed on both feet. The examiner sits behind the patient and palpates one PSIS with one thumb and the sacrum on a parallel line with the other thumb. The patient is asked to extend the ipsilateral leg. Normally, the PSIS should move superiorly and laterally (Fig. 10.45). The other side is tested for comparison. This test determines the ability of the innominate on the test side to rotate anteriorly while the sacrum rotates to the opposite side.16  Laguere’s Sign.  The patient lies supine (Fig. 10.46). To test the left sacroiliac joint, the examiner flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates the patient’s left hip, applying an overpressure at the end of the ROM. The examiner must stabilize the pelvis on the opposite side by holding the opposite ASIS down. Pain in the left sacroiliac joint constitutes a positive test. The other side is tested

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

A Fig. 10.46  Laguere’s sign.

for comparison. This test should be performed with caution for patients with hip pathology because hip pain may ensue.  Mazion’s Pelvic Maneuver (Standing Lunge Test).77  The patient stands in a straddle position with the limb on the unaffected side forward so that the feet are 0.5 to 1 m (2 to 3 feet) apart. The patient bends forward, trying to touch the floor, until the heel of the back leg lifts off the floor. If pain is produced in the lower trunk on the affected side, it is considered a positive test for unilateral forward displacement of the ilium relative to the sacrum.  Patrick Test.  See Chapter 11.  Piedallu’s Sign.  The patient is asked to sit on a hard flat surface (Fig. 10.47). This position keeps the muscles (e.g., hamstrings) from affecting the pelvic flexion symmetry and increases the stability of the ilia. In effect, it is a test of the sacrum on the ilia. The examiner palpates the PSISs and compares their heights. If one PSIS, usually the painful one, is lower than the other, the patient is asked to forward flex while remaining seated. If the lower PSIS becomes the higher one on forward flexion, the test is positive; it is that side that is affected. Because the affected joint does not move properly and is hypomobile, it goes from a low to a high position. This is believed to indicate an abnormality in the torsion movement at the sacroiliac joint.  Posterior Superior Iliac Spine Distraction Test.78  The pati­ent lies prone on the examining table with the arms by the side with the PSIS exposed. The examiner stands to one side of the patient at the level of the patient’s hips and positions the thumbs on the inside of the PSIS (Fig. 10.48). The examiner then applies a quick forceful medial to lateral distraction force with the thumbs (or pisiform bones) to the insides of the PSIS. A positive test is indicated by pain or reproduction of the patient’s symptoms. 


Fig. 10.47  Piedallu’s sign. (A) Starting position. (B) Test position.

Supine-­to-­Sit (Long Sitting) Test.  The patient lies supine with the legs straight. The examiner ensures that the medial malleoli are level. The patient is asked to sit up, and the examiner observes whether one leg moves up (proximally) farther than the other (Figs. 10.49 and 10.50). If so, it is believed that there is a functional leg length difference resulting from a pelvic dysfunction caused by pelvic torsion or rotation.66,79,80 It may also be caused by spasm of the lumbar muscles in the presence of lumbar pathology.  Yeoman’s Test.3  The patient lies prone. The examiner flexes the patient’s knee to 90° and extends the hip (Fig. 10.51). Pain localized to the sacroiliac joint indicates pathology in the anterior sacroiliac ligaments. Lumbar pain indicates lumbar involvement.72 Anterior thigh paresthesia may indicate a femoral nerve stretch. 

Tests for Limb Length

Functional Limb Length Test.81  The patient stands relaxed while the examiner palpates the ASISs and PSISs, noting any asymmetry. The patient is then placed in the “correct” stance (subtalar joints neutral, knees extended [not hyperextended], and toes facing straight ahead), and the ASISs and PSISs are palpated with the examiner noting whether the asymmetry has been corrected. If the asymmetry has been corrected by “correct” positioning of the limb, the leg is structurally normal (i.e., the bones have proper length), but abnormal joint mechanics (functional deficit) are producing a functional leg length difference. Therefore, if the asymmetry is corrected by proper positioning, the test is positive for a functional leg length difference. See Table 9.9 for lower limb joint changes that can affect functional leg length. 

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Chapter 10 Pelvis



B Fig. 10.48  Posterior superior iliac spine distraction test. (A) Using thumbs. (B) Using pisiform bones.





Fig. 10.49  Supine-­to-­sit test for functional leg length discrepancy. (A) Initial position. (B) Final position. (C) Symmetric leg lengths. (D) Asymmetric leg lengths.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis Posterior innominate rotation Normal Anterior innominate rotation


Supine Anterior rotation

Posterior rotation

Posterior innominate rotation Normal


Fig. 10.52 Measuring leg length (anterior superior iliac spine to medial malleolus).

Anterior innominate rotation


Fig. 10.50  Supine-­to-­sit test. Leg length reversal; supine (A) versus sitting (B). If the lower limb on the affected side appears longer when a patient lies supine but shorter when sitting, the test is positive, implicating anterior innominate rotation of the affected side. (Redrawn from Wadsworth CT, editor: Manual examination and treatment of the spine and extremities, Baltimore, MD, 1988, Williams & Wilkins, p 82.)

Fig. 10.53  Test of functional length of hamstrings and the sacrotuberous ligament.

Fig. 10.51  Yeoman’s test.

leg length is measured by placing the patient in a supine position with the ASISs level and the patient’s lower limbs perpendicular to the line joining the ASISs (Fig. 10.52). Using a flexible tape measure, the examiner obtains the distance from the ASIS to the medial or lateral malleolus on the same side. The measurement is repeated on the other side and the results are compared. A difference of 1 to 1.3 cm (0.5 to 1 inch) is considered normal. It should be remembered, however, that leg length differences within this range may also be pathological if symptoms result.82 

Other Tests Leg Length Test.  The leg length test, described in detail in Chapter 11, should always be performed if the examiner suspects a sacroiliac joint lesion. Nutation (backward rotation) of the ilium on the sacrum results in a decrease in leg length—as does counternutation (anterior rotation) on the opposite side. If the iliac bone on one side is lower, the leg on that side is usually longer.73 True

Functional Hamstring Length.16  The patient sits on the examining table with the knees flexed to 90°, no weight on the feet, and the spine in neutral. The examiner sits behind the patient and palpates the PSIS with one thumb while the other thumb rests parallel on the sacrum. The patient is asked to actively extend the knee (Fig. 10.53). Normally, full knee extension is possible

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Chapter 10 Pelvis



Fig. 10.54 Sign of the buttock test. (A) Hip is flexed with knee straight until resistance or pain is felt. (B) The knee is then flexed to see whether further hip flexion can be achieved. If further hip flexion can be achieved, the test is negative.

without posterior rotation of the pelvis or flexion of the lumbar spine. Tight hamstrings would cause the pelvis to rotate posteriorly and/or the spine to flex.  90–90 Straight Leg Raising Test for Hamstring Tightness.  See Chapters 11 and 12.  Sign of the Buttock Test.  With the patient supine, the examiner performs a passive unilateral SLR test as done previously (Fig. 10.54). If restriction or pain is found on one side, the examiner flexes the patient’s knee while holding the patient’s thigh in the same position. Once the knee is flexed, the examiner tries to flex the hip further. If the problem is in the lumbar spine or hamstrings, hip flexion increases. This finding indicates a negative sign of the buttock test. If hip flexion does not increase when the knee is flexed, it is a positive sign of the buttock test and indicates pathology in the buttock, such as a bursitis, tumor, or abscess. The patient with this pathology would also exhibit a noncapsular pattern of the hip.  Thoracolumbar Fascial Length.16  The patient sits on the examining table with the knees bent to 90° and a neutral spine. The examiner stands behind the patient. The patient is asked to rotate left and right fully and the examiner notes the ROM available (Fig. 10.55A). The patient is then asked to forward flex the arms to 90° and laterally rotate and adduct the arms so the little fingers touch each other and palms face up (Fig. 10.55B). Holding this arm position, the patient is again asked to rotate left and right as far as possible. The motion will be restricted in the second set of rotations if the thoracolumbar fascia or latissimus dorsi is tight.  Trendelenburg Test or Sign.  The patient is asked to stand or balance first on one leg and then the other (Fig. 10.56). While the patient is balancing on one leg, the examiner watches the movement of the pelvis. If the




Fig. 10.55  Test of functional length of the thoracolumbar fascia and the latissimus dorsi muscle. (A) Test without stretch. (B) Test with muscle and fascia under stretch. Hands are rotated laterally so palms face upward.



Fig. 10.56  Trendelenburg sign. (A) Negative test. (B) Positive test.

pelvis on the side of the nonstance leg rises, the test is considered negative, because the gluteus medius muscle on the opposite (stance) side lifts it up as it normally does in one-­legged stance. If the pelvis on the side of the nonstance leg falls, the test is considered positive and is an indication of weakness or instability of the hip abductor muscles, primarily the gluteus medius on the stance leg

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Chapter 10 Pelvis TABLE 10.6

Muscles and Referral of Pain to Pelvic Area S3 S2 S4

S3 L5 S1


Referral Pattern

Longissimus thoracis

From lower thoracic spine to posterior iliac crest and gluteal area

Iliocostalis lumborum Multifidus

From area lateral to lumbar spine to sacral and gluteal area Sacral area

S1–2 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve


Inguinal ligament


Fig. 10.57  Posterior sacral dermatomes. The representation at the lower left is an anterior view.

Fig. 10.59 Meralgia paresthetica. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve supplies the skin of the lateral thigh. An area from the inguinal ligament to the knee may be affected.



Fig. 10.58  Referred pain from the sacroiliac joint (A) and to the sacroiliac joint (B).

side. Therefore, although the examiner is watching what happens on the nonstance side, it is the stance side that is being tested. 

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution There are no reflexes to test for the pelvic joints. However, the examiner must be aware of the dermatomes from the sacral nerve roots (Fig. 10.57). Pain may be referred to the sacroiliac joints from the lumbar spine and the hip (Fig. 10.58). It has been reported that pain from the sacroiliac joints is localized to the gluteal region (94%) and referred to the lower lumbar area (72%), groin (14%), upper lumbar region (6%) or abdomen (2%), and lower

limb (28%).26 Typically the pain runs from the back/buttock outer thigh to the knee. In addition, the sacroiliac joint may refer pain to these same structures or along the courses of the superior gluteal and obturator nerves. The muscles of the spine may also refer pain to the sacral area (Table 10.6).

Peripheral Nerve Injuries About the Pelvis

Meralgia Paresthetica.83,84  This condition is the result of pressure or entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve near the ASIS because the nerve passes under the inguinal ligament. It may result from trauma such as that caused by a seat belt in a car accident, during delivery (in stirrups), by tight clothing, or as a complication of surgery (e.g., hernia). This nerve is sensory only, so the patient experiences sensory alteration and/or burning pain on the lateral aspect of the thigh (Fig. 10.59).  Ilioinguinal Nerve.85  This nerve, which lies within the transverse abdominis muscle, may be compressed by spasm of the muscle (Fig. 10.60). The nerve is sensory only, and the sensory alteration and/or pain occurs in the superior aspect of the anterior thigh (in the L1 dermatome area) as well as in the scrotum or labia. There have

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Ilioinguinal nerve Inguinal ligament


Fig. 10.60  Ilioinguinal syndrome. The ilioinguinal nerve lies within the transversus abdominis and emerges below the inguinal ligament. An area of skin on the medial thigh near the genitalia is affected.

been reports in the literature86–89 that this nerve may be entrapped with injury to the external oblique muscle aponeurosis (hockey player’s syndrome). The patient feels pain especially on ipsilateral hip extension and contralateral torso rotation. The pain may radiate to the groin, scrotum, hip, and back.  B

Joint Play Movements The joint play movements (Fig. 10.61) are minimal for the sacroiliac joints and are similar to the passive movements in that they are stress or provocative tests. Joint Play Movements of the Sacroiliac Joints • C  ephalad movement of the sacrum with caudal movement of the ilium (left and right) • Cephalad movement of the ilium with caudal movement of the sacrum (left and right) • Anterior movement of the sacrum on the ilium • Anteroposterior translation of ilium on sacrum • Superoinferior translation of ilium on sacrum • Inferoposterior translation of ilium on sacrum • Superoanterior translation of ilium on sacrum

To test each of these movements, the patient is in the prone position. For the first joint play movement, the examiner places the heel of one hand over the iliac crest and the heel of the other hand over the apex of the sacrum. The ilium is pushed down or caudally with one hand while the sacrum is pushed up or cephalad with the other hand. The test is repeated for the other ilium (see Fig. 10.61A). The examiner should feel only

C Fig. 10.61  Joint play movements of the sacroiliac joints. (A) Cephalad movement of sacrum with caudal movement of ilium. (B) Cephalad movement of the ilium with caudal movement of the sacrum. (C) Anterior movement of the sacrum on the ilium (left side demonstrated).

minimal movement, and there should be no pain in the joint if the joint is normal. In an affected sacroiliac joint, there is usually pain over the joint and little or no movement. This positioning tests for cephalad movement of the sacrum and caudal movement of the ilium.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

Fig. 10.62  Position of the posterior hand for palpation during mobility and stability testing of the sacroiliac joint.

To test caudal movement of the sacrum and cephalad movement of the ilium, the examiner places the heel of one hand over the base of the sacrum and the heel of the other hand over the ischial tuberosity (see Fig. 10.61B). The examiner then pushes the pelvis cephalad and the sacrum caudally. The test is repeated with the other half of the pelvis being moved. The movement and amount of pain are compared. The anterior movement of the sacrum on the ilium is tested with the patient lying prone (see Fig. 10.61C). The examiner places the heel of one hand over the sacrum and places the other hand under the iliac crest in the area of the ASIS on one side. The hand is then pushed down on the sacrum while the other hand lifts up. The process is repeated on the other side, and the results are compared. Similarly, with the patient supine, a wedge may be used against the sacrum with the patient’s body weight acting to push the sacrum forward. Lee16,90 has advocated a way to test other translations at the sacroiliac joint. The patient lies supine with the hips and knees in the resting position. The examiner palpates the sacral sulcus just medial to the PSIS with the middle and ring fingers of one hand and the lumbosacral junction with the index finger of the same hand (Fig. 10.62). The middle and ring fingers monitor movement between the sacrum and innominate (ilium) bone while the index finger notes movement between the sacrum and L5. To test anteroposterior translation of the ilium on the sacrum, the examiner, using the other hand, applies pressure through the iliac crest and ASIS. Posterior movement of the ilium should be noted and end range is achieved at the sacroiliac joint when the pelvis is felt to rotate or move at L5–S1 (Fig. 10.63). The motion is compared with the other side. To test superoinferior translation of the innominate (ilium) bone on the sacrum, the examiner applies a superior force through the ischial tuberosity (Fig. 10.64). The end of motion is reached when the pelvic girdle is felt to laterally bend beneath L5–S1. The motion is compared with the opposite side.

Fig. 10.63  Anteroposterior translation of the ilium on the sacrum.

Fig. 10.64  Superoinferior translation of the ilium on the sacrum.

To test inferoposterior translation of the innominate on the sacrum, the examiner, using the heel of the other hand, applies an anterior rotation force to the ipsilateral ASIS and iliac crest (Fig. 10.65). This produces an inferoposterior glide at the sacroiliac joint and is associated with nutation of the sacrum. To test superoanterior translation of the innominate on the sacrum, the examiner, using the heel of the other hand, applies a posteriorly rotating force to the ipsilateral ASISs and iliac crest (Fig. 10.66). This produces a superoanterior glide at the sacroiliac joint and is associated with counternutation of the sacrum. An unstable sacroiliac joint has a softer end feel, increased translation, and possible production of symptoms.90 Superoinferior Translation of the Symphysis Pubis.16  The patient lies supine. The examiner places the heel of one hand on the superior aspect of the superior ramus of

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Fig. 10.67  Superoinferior translation of one pubic bone on the other. Fig. 10.65  Anterior rotation of the innominate requires an inferoposterior glide at the sacroiliac joint.

T12 vertebra 12th rib L2 intervertebral disc L3 vertebra Level of L4–L5 interspace Iliac crest Lumbosacral joint Anterior superior iliac spine Sacroiliac joint Anterior inferior iliac spine Sacrococcygeal joint Symphysis pubis


Ischial tuberosity

Iliac crest Posterior superior iliac spine Sacroiliac joint Posterior inferior iliac spine Coccyx

Fig. 10.66  Posterior rotation of the innominate requires a superoanterior glide at the sacroiliac joint.

B one pubic bone and the heel of the other hand on the inferior aspect of the superior ramus of the opposite pelvic bone. A slow steady inferior force is applied with the uppermost hand while a superior force is applied with the lower hand (Fig. 10.67). The examiner is testing the end feel and looking for the production of symptoms. 

Palpation91 Because many structures are included in the assessment of the pelvic joints, palpation of this area may be extensive, beginning on the anterior aspect and concluding posteriorly. While palpating, the examiner should note any

Ischial tuberosity

Fig. 10.68  Landmarks of the sacroiliac joints and symphysis pubis. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view.

tenderness, muscle spasm, or other signs that may indicate the source of pathology.

Anterior Aspect

The following structures should be carefully and thoroughly palpated (Fig. 10.68A). Iliac Crest and Anterior Superior Iliac Spine.  The palpating fingers are placed on the iliac crests on both sides and gently moved anteriorly until each ASIS is reached. “Hip pointers” (crushing or contusion of abdominal muscles that insert into iliac crest) may result in tenderness or

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

pain on palpation of the iliac crest, as may undisplaced fractures. The inguinal ligament attaches to the ASIS and runs downward and medially to the symphysis pubis.  McBurney’s Point and Baer’s Point.  The examiner may then draw an imaginary line from the right ASIS to the umbilicus. The McBurney’s point lies along this line approximately one third of the distance from the ASIS and is especially tender in the presence of acute appendicitis. The Baer’s point is located in the right iliac fossa anterior to the right sacroiliac joint and slightly medial to the McBurney’s point. It is tender in the presence of infection or when there are sprains of the right sacroiliac ligament and indicates spasm and tenderness of the iliacus muscle.  Lymph Nodes, Symphysis Pubis (Pubic Tubercles), Greater Trochanter of the Femur, Trochanteric Bursa, Femoral Triangle, and Surrounding Musculature.  The examiner returns to the ASIS and gently palpates the length of the inguinal ligament, feeling for any tenderness or swelling of the lymph nodes or possible inguinal hernia. At the distal end of the inguinal ligament, the examiner comes to the pubic tubercles and symphysis pubis,92 which should be carefully palpated for tenderness or signs of pathology. The examiner then places the thumbs over the pubic tubercles and moves the fingers laterally until the bony greater trochanter of the femur is felt. The trochanters are usually level. The trochanteric bursa lies over the greater trochanter and is palpable only if it is swollen. Returning to the ASIS, the examiner can move on to palpate the femoral triangle, which has as its boundaries the inguinal ligament superiorly, the adductor longus muscle medially, and the sartorius muscle laterally. It is in the superior aspect of the triangle that the examiner palpates for swollen lymph nodes. The femoral pulse can be palpated deeper in the triangle. Although it is almost impossible to palpate, the femoral nerve lies lateral to the artery whereas the femoral vein lies medial to it. The psoas bursa may also be palpated within the femoral triangle, but only if it is swollen. Before moving on to the posterior structures, the examiner should determine whether the adjacent musculature—the abductor, flexor, and adductor muscles—shows any indication of pathology (e.g., muscle spasm, pain). 

Posterior Aspect

To complete the posterior palpation, the patient lies in the prone position and the following structures are palpated (Fig. 10.68B). Iliac Crest and Posterior Superior Iliac Spine.  Again, the examiner places the fingers on the iliac crest and moves posteriorly until they rest on the PSIS, which is at the level of the S2 spinous process. On many patients, dimples indicate the position of the PSIS. The long dorsal sacroiliac ligament which has a close relationship with the erector spinae muscles (see Fig. 10.2) may be palpated distal to the PSIS and inner lip of the iliac crest as a thick band that attaches distally and medially to the lateral sacral crest

Fig. 10.69  Palpation of the right sacroiliac joint.

of S3 and S4.12 The ligament becomes taut and painful to palpation when the pelvis is counternutated in the presence of sacroiliac pathology.8,12 The reverse occurs for the sacrotuberous ligament.8  Ischial Tuberosity.  If the examiner then moves distally from the PSIS and down to the level of the gluteal folds, the ischial tuberosities may be palpated. It is important that they be palpated because the hamstring muscles attach here and the bony prominences are what one “sits on.”  Sacral Sulcus and Sacroiliac Joints.  Returning to the PSIS as a starting point, the examiner should palpate slightly below it on the sacrum adjacent to the ilium. (This area is sometimes referred to as the sacral sulcus.) The depth on the right side should be compared with that on the left side. If one side is deeper or shallower than the other, sacral torsion or rotation on the ilium around the horizontal plane may be indicated. If the examiner then moves slightly medially and distal to the PSIS, the fingers rest adjacent to the sacroiliac joints. To palpate these joints, the patient’s knee is flexed to 90° or greater and the hip is passively medially rotated while the examiner palpates the sacroiliac joint on the same side (Fig. 10.69). This procedure is identical to the prone gapping test previously described under “Passive Movements.” The procedure is repeated on the other side and the two results are compared.  Sacrum, Lumbosacral Joint, Coccyx, Sacral Hiatus, Sacral Cornua, and Sacrotuberous and Sacrospinous Ligaments.  The examiner again returns to the PSIS and moves to the midline of the sacrum, where the S2 spinous process can be palpated. Moving superiorly over two spinous processes, the fingers now rest on the spinous process of L5. As a check, the examiner may look to see if the fingers rest just below a horizontal line drawn from the high point of the iliac crests. This horizontal line normally passes through the interspace between L4 and L5. Having

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

Sacral articular facet Sacral canal Sacral spinous process

Sacral foramen Sacral hiatus Sacral cornu Coccyx

Fig. 10.70  Posterior view of the sacrum and coccyx.


at the sacrococcygeal joint. Normally this action should not cause pain. The examiner then returns to the PSIS. Moving straight down or distally from the PSIS, the fingers follow the path of the sacrotuberous ligament, which should be palpated for tenderness. Conversely, the examiner may palpate the insertion of the long head of biceps femoris (i.e., lateral hamstrings) into the ischium and move superiorly to the superior aspect of the ischium where the ligament inserts just above the ischial tuberosity and follow it superiorly. Slightly more than halfway between the PSIS and ischial tuberosity and slightly medially, the fingers pass over the sacrospinous ligament, which is deep to the sacrotuberous ligament. Tenderness in this area may indicate pathology of this ligament. 

Diagnostic Imaging93 Ilium Greater trochanter

Plain Film Radiography

Ischial tuberosity Anus

Sacrum Coccyx

X-rays that may be commonly taken in the pelvic area if pathology is suspected are shown in the following box. Common X-­Ray Views of the Pelvic Area

Fig. 10.71  Palpation of the coccyx.

found the L5 spinous process, the examiner then palpates between the spinous processes of L5 and S1, feeling for signs of pathology at the lumbosacral joint. Moving laterally approximately 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 inches), the fingers lie over the lumbosacral facet joints, which are not palpable. However, the overlying structures may be palpated for tenderness or spasm, which may indicate pathology of these joints or related structures. In a similar fashion, the spinous processes and facet joints of the other lumbar spines and intervening structures can be palpated. The examiner then returns to the S2 spinous process or tubercle. Carefully palpating farther distally (just before the coccyx), the examiner may be able to palpate the sacral hiatus lying in the midline. If the fingers are moved slightly laterally, the sacral cornua, which constitute the distal aspect of the sacrum, may be palpated (Fig. 10.70). To palpate the coccyx properly, the examiner performs a rectal examination (Fig. 10.71). A rubber glove is put on, and the index finger is lubricated. The index finger is then carefully pushed into the rectum as the patient relaxes the sphincter muscles. The index finger then palpates the anterior surface of the coccyx while the thumb of the same hand palpates its posterior aspect. While holding the coccyx between the finger and thumb, the examiner is able to move it back and forth, rocking it

• A nteroposterior view (see Fig. 10.76) • Judet view of the hip and pelvis (Fig. 10.79) • Sacroiliac joints—Ferguson view (30° cephalad angulated anteroposterior) (Fig. 10.80) • Pelvis—pelvic inlet/outlet views (for pelvic ring fracture) (Fig. 10.81)

On plain film radiography, anteroposterior views (bilateral and single stance) (Figs. 10.72 through 10.74), the examiner should look for or note the following: 1. Ankylosis of sacroiliac joints (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis; Fig. 10.75). 2. Displacement of one sacroiliac joint and/or the symphysis pubis (Fig. 10.76).94

Fig. 10.72  Anteroposterior radiograph of the sacroiliac joint.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis



Fig. 10.73  Normal sacroiliac joints. Angled (A) and oblique (B) anteroposterior views show normally maintained cortices and cartilage spaces. (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, p 347.)

Fig. 10.74  A properly centered anteroposterior radiograph must be controlled for rotation and tilt. Proper rotation is confirmed by alignment of the coccyx over the symphysis pubis (vertical line). Proper tilt is controlled by maintaining the distance between the tip of the coccyx and the superior border of the symphysis pubis at 1 to 2 cm. (From Byrd JWT: Arthroscopic management of femoroacetabular impingement, Op Tech Sports Med 19:81–94, 2011.)

Fig. 10.75  Fusion of sacroiliac joint spaces in the late stage of sacroiliitis of ankylosing spondylitis (anteroposterior view). The sclerosis has resorbed, and there is slight narrowing of the left hip joint. (From Rothman RH, Simeone FA: The spine, Philadelphia, 1982, WB Saunders, p. 921.)

Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging 3. Demineralization, sclerosis, or periosteal reaction of one or both pubic bones at the symphysis pubis (e.g., osteitis pubis; Fig. 10.77). 4. Any fracture. 5. Relation of the sacrum to the ilium. 6. Single leg stance (Flamingo) x-­rays can show up to 5 mm of movement at the symphysis pubis in asymptomatic subject comparing alternate leg views.95,96 7. Ferguson’s angle (also called lumbosacral angle, sacral base angle, or sacral slope)97 is formed by a line along the top of the sacral base and a horizontal line (normal: 41°) (Fig. 10.78). 

At present, there is minimal use for musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound imaging (DUSI) in the sacroiliac region. Le Goff et al.98 have examined the posterior sacroiliac ligaments. There are several ligaments that maintain sacroiliac joint stability—the anterior ligament, the interosseous ligament, and the posterior sacroiliac ligaments. The posterior ligaments have been identified as a potential source of atypical back pain.99 To find the posterior sacroiliac ligaments, the patient is positioned prone. The bony spinous process in the midline of the sacrum and the sacral wings are seen as regular echogenic lines on each side of the spinous process. The transducer is

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Ferguson’s angle 41°

Fig. 10.76  Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis. Note the higher left pubic bone. Fig. 10.78  Ferguson’s angle (normal is approximately 41°).


Fig. 10.79  Judet view of the left hip and pelvis.

then moved in the short axis laterally (Fig. 10.82) until the PSIS is visualized as a curved echogenic line (Fig. 10.83).98 The short posterior sacroiliac ligament is the oblique ligament stretching from the posterior tuberosity of the ilium to the sacral wings. The transducer can then be rotated slightly obliquely (Fig. 10.84) where the long sacroiliac ligament appears as the structure attached superiorly to the PSIS and inferiorly to the third sacral transverse tubercle (Fig. 10.85).

B Fig. 10.77  Osteitis pubis. (A) Anteroposterior view of the pelvis showing a well-­concealed bony lesion at the inferior corner of the left pubis at the symphysis (arrowhead). (B) Posterior view of the same pelvis; the bone fragment is well delineated in this view. (From Wiley JJ: Traumatic osteitis pubis: the gracilis syndrome, Am J Sports Med 11:360–363, 1983.)

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Chapter 10 Pelvis




Sacoiliac joint Ilium

Fig. 10.80 Ferguson view (30° cephalad angulated anteroposterior) of the lumbosacral junction and sacroiliac joints. (From Frank ED, Long BW, Smith BJ: Merrill’s atlas of radiographic positioning and procedures: 3-­volume set, ed 12, St Louis, 2012, Mosby.)

Fig. 10.82 Ultrasound transducer placement in short axis to identify the posterior inferior iliac spine, the ilium and short posterior sacral ligament.






Fig. 10.83 Short-­axis ultrasound scan of the short posterior sacroiliac ligament (SPSL), the sacrum (S), and the ilium (I).

B Fig. 10.81  (A) An anteroposterior inlet projection of a 22-­year-­old man who suffered a type III Malgaigne fracture-­dislocation reveals minimally displaced vertical fractures (arrows) of both the left superior pubic ramus and the left ischiopubic ramus. On this view, the sacrum, ilium, and sacroiliac joints appear normal. (B) On the anteroposterior outlet view, the diastasis of the left sacroiliac joint becomes obvious (open arrows). (From Taylor JA, et al: Skeletal imaging, ed 2, St Louis, 2010, WB Saunders.)

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


Fig. 10.85  Long-­axis oblique ultrasound image of the long posterior sacroiliac ligament (LPSL), the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS), and the sacrum (S).

Fig. 10.84 Ultrasound transducer placement in long axis and slightly oblique to identify the long posterior sacroiliac ligament, the posterior inferior iliac spine, and the sacrum.

PRÉCIS OF THE PELVIS ASSESSMENTa NOTE: Suspected pathology will determine which Special Tests are to be performed. History (sitting) Observation (standing) Examination Active movements (standing) Flexion of the spine Extension of the spine Rotation of the spine (left and right) Side flexion of the spine (left and right) Flexion of the hip Abduction of the hip Adduction of the hip Extension of the hip Medial rotation of the hip Lateral rotation of the hip Special tests (standing) Drop test Flamingo test Gillet test Trendelenburg test Special tests (sitting) Piedallu’s sign Passive movements (supine) Femoral shear test Gapping test Rocking (knee-­to-­shoulder) test Sacral apex pressure test Sacral thrust test Thigh thrust test Resisted isometric movements (supine)b Forward flexion of the spine Flexion of the hip Abduction of the hip Adduction of the hip Extension of the hip Special tests (supine) Leg length measurement 90–90 straight leg raise

Patrick test Straight leg raise test Supine active straight leg raise test Supine-­to-­sit (long sitting) test Passive movements (side lying) Approximation test Passive extension and medial rotation of ilium on sacrum Passive flexion and lateral rotation of ilium on sacrum Special tests (side lying) Gaenslen’s test Reflexes and cutaneous distribution (supine, then prone) Passive movements (prone) Hip abduction and external (lateral) rotation (HABER) test Ipsilateral prone kinetic test Prone gapping (Hibb’s) test Sacral apex pressure test Special tests (prone) Posterior superior iliac spine distraction test Prone active straight leg raise test Yeoman’s test Joint play movements (prone) Cephalad movement of the sacrum with caudal movement of the ilium Cephalad movement of the ilium with caudal movement of the sacrum Palpation (prone, then supine) Diagnostic imaging As previously stated, assessment of the sacroiliac joints and symphysis pubis is done only after an assessment of the lumbar spine and hips unless there has been specific trauma to the sacroiliac joints or symphysis pubis. Completion of the examination of the sacroiliac joints and symphysis pubis, therefore, may involve only passive movements, special tests, joint play movements, and palpation because the other tests would have been completed when the other joints were assessed. After any examination, the patient should be warned of the possibility of exacerbation of symptoms as a result of the assessment.

aThe bIf

précis is shown in an order that will limit the amount of moving or changing position that the patient has to do and yet ensure that all necessary structures are tested. not done in standing.

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Chapter 10 Pelvis

CASE STUDIES When doing these case studies, the examiner should list the appropriate questions to be asked and why they are being asked, what to look for and why, and what things should be tested and why. Depending on the patient’s answers (and the examiner should consider different responses), several possible causes of the patient’s problem may become evident (examples are given in parentheses). A differential diagnosis chart (Table 10.7) should be made up. The examiner can then decide how different diagnoses may affect the treatment plan. 1. A 20-­year-­old female softball player reports an insidious onset of bilateral lower back and hip pain that causes radiating pain along the lateral hip and into the anterior thigh; the pain is increased with running. She does not remember any traumatic event that caused these symptoms. They are usually worse after softball practice. Describe your assessment of this condition and how to differentiate (sacroiliac vs. neurological dysfunction). 2. A 54-­year-­old male professor fell on ice a week earlier and landed directly on his buttocks. He reports right-­sided low back and sacroiliac pain. He reports feeling as though his hip and sacroiliac joint were “jammed up” on the right. He is walking with a limp on the right due to pain. His ASIS and PSIS are both higher on the right as compared with the left. He has significant lumbar paraspinal muscle tone on the right compared with the left. Describe your assessment of his condition and how

to differentiate (sacroiliac dysfunction vs. leg length difference vs. up slip). 3. A 26-­year-­old male soccer player complains of lower abdominal pain that is referred into the right groin. Sit-­ups are painful, and he experiences pain when he kicks the ball. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (abdominal strain vs. osteitis pubis). 4. A 35-­year-­old man complains of “back pain.” He says that his back is stiff and sore when he gets up in the morning and that the stiffness remains for most of the day. Sclerosis of the sacroiliac is evident on x-­ray. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (ankylosing spondylitis vs. osteoarthritis of the sacroiliac joints). 5. An 18-­year-­old female figure skater complains of back pain that increases when she is skating; the pain is prominent on one leg. The ASIS and PSIS are higher on the right side. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (sacroiliac dysfunction vs. short leg syndrome).

TABLE  10.7

Differential Diagnosis Between Ankylosing Spondylitis and Sacroiliac Arthritis Ankylosing Spondylitis Bilateral sacroiliac pain that may refer to posterior thigh Morning stiffness Male predominance

Sacroiliac Arthritis Bilateral sacroiliac pain referring to gluteal area (S1–S2 dermatomes) Morning stiffness (prolonged) Coughing painful


Stiff, controlled movement of pelvis

Controlled movement of pelvis

Active movement


Side flexion and extension full Slight limitation of flexion

Passive movement



Resisted isometric movement

Pain and weakness, especially if sacroiliac joints are stressed

Pain, especially if sacroiliac joints are stressed

Special tests

Sacral stress tests probably positive

Sacral stress tests probably positive

Sensation and reflexes




Tender over sacroiliac joints

Tender over sacroiliac joints

Diagnostic imaging

X-­rays diagnostic

X-­rays diagnostic

Lab tests

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased human leukocyte antigen (HLA)—B27 HLA present in 80%



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Chapter 10 Pelvis

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Chapter 10 Pelvis


eAPPENDIX 10.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Pelvis ARM FOSSA Specificity


Odds Ratio

• 69%100

• 54%100

• P  ositive likelihood ratios 1.74; negative likelihood 0.66100

ARM FOSSA AND GILLET TEST CONSISTENCY Reliability • Interexaminer k = 0.55101




Odds Ratio

• Test-­retest k = 0.5853

• 6  9%56 • 100%78

• 6  0%56 • 26%78

• P  ositive likelihood ratios 2.20; negative likelihood ratios 0.4656 • Positive predictive value 100%; negative predictive value 59%78




Odds Ratio

• Test-­retest k = 0.4653

• 8  1%56 • 100%102 • 98%78

• 6  0%56 • 55%102 • 23%78

• P  ositive likelihood ratio 3.20; negative likelihood ratio 0.4956 • Positive predictive value 93%; negative predictive value 57%78


EXTEND PUSH Specificity


Odds Ratio

• 59%100

• 56%100

• P  ositive likelihood ratios 1.36; negative likelihood 0.74100



Odds Ratio

• 72%100

• 46%100

• P  ositive likelihood ratios 1.64; negative likelihood 0.75100



Odds Ratio

• 8  6%100 • 92%78

• 1  0%100 • 34%78

• P  ositive likelihood ratios 0.41; negative likelihood 1.05100 • Positive predictive value 81%; negative predictive value 60%78




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764.e2 Chapter 10 Pelvis

eAPPENDIX 10.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Pelvis–cont’d GAENSLEN’S TEST Reliability



Odds Ratio

• Test-­retest k = 0.5853

• R  ight 71%, left 77%56 • 94%78

• R  ight 53%, left 50%56 • 31%78

• P  ositive likelihood ratios right 1.84, left 2.21; negative likelihood ratios right 0.66, left 0.6556 • Positive predictive value 83%; negative predictive value 59%78

GILLET TEST (SACRAL FIXATION OR IPSILATERAL POSTERIOR ROTATION TEST) Reliability • I ntrarater k = 0.08, interrater k = 0.00103 • Intrarater k = 0.18, interrater k = 0.02104

HEEL BUTTOCK Specificity


Odds Ratio

• 83%100

• 44%100

• P  ositive likelihood ratios 2.59; negative likelihood 0.67100



• 71%–72%29

• 67%–78%29

KNEE FLEXION Specificity


Odds Ratio

• 79%100

• 33%100

• P  ositive likelihood ratios 1.57; negative likelihood 0.85100

PALPATION Reliability • • • •

I ntrarater posterior superior iliac spine k = 0.33, sacral sulcus k = 0.24, sacral inferior lateral angle k = 0.21105 Interrater posterior superior iliac spine k = 0.04, sacral sulcus k = 0.07, sacral inferior lateral angle k = 0.08105 Interrater posterior superior iliac spine k = 0.063106 Interrater posterior superior iliac spine k = 50.5° and head-­neck offset less than 8 mm.



Fig. 11.13 Femoroacetabular impingement (hip impingement). (A) Normal hip. (B) Reduced femoral head-­neck offset (cam-­type impingement). (C) Excessive overcoverage of the femoral head (pincer-­type impingement). (D) Combination of cam and pincer types of impingement.

is the same as as that of cam-­type degeneration of the labrum and adjacent cartilage.15,56,130,132,135,141–143 In the presence of acetabular retroversion or decreased femoral anteversion, hip flexion in the neutral line is limited to as little as 90° but full range is accomplished if the hip is allowed to rotate laterally and abduct. Lateral rotation may exceed 60°, with medial rotation limited.122,144 Pincer and cam types of FAI may occur in isolation or more commonly together (see Fig. 11.13D).13,84 If they are not combined, the cam type is more common.13 Signs and symptoms of FAI include anterior groin pain—which can be referred to the buttock, greater trochanter, thigh, and medial knee—clicking, locking, catching, instability, stiffness, and giving way (Table 11.6).13,137 ROM will be decreased and impingement tests (see “Special Tests” section) may be positive. The examiner should palpate the ASIS when testing hip movements. In the presence of FAI, the ASIS moves early due to limited hip flexion as the lumbar spine flexes to allow more movement.84,145 If medial rotation is measured at 90° of flexion, medial rotation in the FAI patient will be limited.84 The amount of medial rotation occurring at 90° of hip flexion correlates with the amount of space between the femoral neck and the acetabular rim.35 Excessive end-­range repetitions into medial rotation (cam type—e.g., butterfly position in hockey goal tenders; hockey, basketball, and soccer players; or dancers) or lateral rotation (pincer type—e.g., dancers) or front-­back or side splits (dancers) and other ballet maneuvers can lead to FAI.35,146–148 During the movement, if the abdominals

FAI, femoroacetabular impingement; ROM, range of motion. From Cheatham SW, Enseki KR, Kobler MJ: The clinical presentation of individuals with femoral acetabular impingement and labral tears: a narrative review of the evidence, J Bodyw Mov Ther 20(2):349, 2016.

are weak, the pelvis rotates anteriorly (see Fig. 11.11). If the hip flexors are weak, the pelvis rotates posteriorly. Iliopsoas impingement may also occur with flexion and has been linked to acetabular labral tears.59,149–151 Likewise, subspine impingement between the AIIS and the femoral neck can occur with knee flexion and hip extension and can lead to avulsion of the AIIS (i.e., an osteochondral lesion) from overactivity of the rectus femoris in an adolescent patient (Table 11.7).59,149 Extension of the hip normally ranges from 0° to 15°. The patient is in the prone position, and the examiner must differentiate between hip extension and spinal

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Chapter 11 Hip


TABLE  11.7

Common Types of Extra-­articular Hip Impingement Patient Demographics

Clinical Presentation

Pathological Characteristics

Iliopsoas impingement

Average age: 25–35 years Gender: females more than males

Patients are typically active individuals with reports of “anterior hip pain.” Clinical findings include a positive hip impingement test.

The pathology may be caused by: (1) a tight or inflamed iliopsoas tendon that causes impingement during hip extension, (2) a repetitive traction injury by the iliopsoas tendon that is scarred or adherent to the capsule-­labrum complex of the hip.

Subspine (AIIS) impingements

Average age: 14–30 years Gender: males more than females

Ischiofemoral impingement

Average age: 51–53 years Gender: females more than males

Patients are typically active individuals with reports of “anterior hip or groin pain.” Clinical findings include limited hip flexion and palpable tenderness over the AIIS. Patients typically report nonspecific pain in the hip, groin, buttock, or lower extremity. There are no specific clinical tests. Diagnosis is typically done with MRI.

The pathology is caused by a prominent AIIS abnormally contacting the distal femoral neck during hip flexion. This may be due to an avulsion injury to the AIIS due to excessive muscular activity of the rectus femoris during repetitive knee flexion and hip extension. The pathology is caused by a narrowed space between the ischial tuberosity and the lesser trochanter resulting in repetitive pinching of the quadratus femoris muscle.

AIIS, Anterior inferior iliac spine; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. From Cheatham SW, Enseki KR, Kobler MJ: The clinical presentation of individuals with femoral acetabular impingement and labral tears: a narrative review of the evidence, J Bodyw Mov Ther 20(2):348, 2016.

extension. Patients often have a tendency to extend the lumbar spine at the same time that they are extending the hip, giving the appearance of increased hip extension. Elevation of the pelvis or superior movement of the PSIS indicates that the patient has passed the end of hip extension. Posteriorly, there are several places where extra-­ articular impingement of the hip can occur; most are rare and will result in symptoms at the end range of extension, adduction, and lateral rotation.152–154 The most common are the ischiofemoral impingement (IFI) between the ischium and lesser trochanter of the femur; the deep gluteal syndrome (DGS) (Table 11.8), which includes the piriformis muscle (i.e., piriformis syndrome); the greater trochanteric-­pelvic impingement seen with morphological abnormalities of the hip (e.g., Legg-­Calvé-­ Perthes disease), where abduction is limited; and psoas impingement of the psoas tendon against the anterior aspect of the labrum. IFI occurs during extension in the narrow space between the ischial tuberosity and the lesser trochanter and may involve the quadratus femoris muscle.149,152,154–158 This muscle assists lateral rotation and adduction of the hip.155 Pinching of contractile or neurological tissue can also occur between the lateral aspect of the ischium and the lesser trochanter of the proximal femur by combined extension, adduction, and lateral rotation.152,159,160 These patients have chronic groin or lower buttock pain with no history of injury. The pain may

radiate into the lower leg, as the sciatic nerve lies close by.152,155 Limitation of hip extension can lead, over time, to increased load on L3-­L4 and L4-­L5 lumbar facets, leading to back pain (sometimes called hip-­spine syndrome because of hyperlordosis and excessive pelvic rotation).157 On examination, most end-­range movements are painful and there may be a snapping sensation, crepitation, or locking.155,161 The mean femoral anteversion is greater in patients with this problem.159 In the posterior hip, the examiner must be able to differentiate between different extra-­articular impingements—IFI, DGS, and hamstring syndrome—all of which involve the sciatic nerve.159,162 If the sciatic nerve is trapped along its course through the hip area, the patient will demonstrate an inability to sit for more than 30 minutes, with radicular pain and paresthesia into the affected leg.162 Activities that hold the hip in 30° hip flexion can produce sciatic symptoms when the hamstrings are activated (hamstring syndrome). Patients with IFI are comfortable sitting, while long-­stride walking can exacerbate the pain.157 Patients with IFI may also present with low back pain.157,159,162 Short stride or hip abduction alleviates the pain.163 With IFI there is deep gluteal pain and distal pain lateral to the ischium.162,163 The condition is caused by narrowing between the ischium and the lesser trochanter, increased neck-­shaft angle, or coxa breva (i.e., short femoral neck). If the foot is medially rotated and if the hip adducts during gait, the pelvic tilt associated with the rotary motion may contribute to lesser

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Chapter 11 Hip

TABLE  11.8

Differential Diagnosis of Deep Gluteal Syndromes Diagnosis


Physical Examination

Ancillary Tests

Pudendal nerve entrapment

Pain in the anatomical territory of the pudendal nerve, worsened by sitting, does not wake the patient at night Numbness

Tenderness at the medial ischium

Injection guided by imaging Intrapelvic tests

Ischiofemoral impingement

Sciatic nerve complaints Lower back pain Limping

Long stride walking reproduces MRI showing decreased the pain during terminal hip ischiofemoral and extension quadratus femoris space, Tenderness at the lateral ischium and quadratus femoris Positive ischiofemoral impingement muscle edema test

Greater trochanter ischial impingement

Sciatic nerve complaints Laxity? Limping

Ischial tunnel syndrome

Sciatic nerve complaints Limping Pain increased by flexion of the hip and extension of the knee

Tenderness at the posterior aspect of the greater trochanter Pain in deep flexion, abduction, and external rotation Tenderness at lateral ischium Positive hamstring active test

Injection guided by imaging

Injection guided by imaging MRI showing hamstring origin avulsion with edema around the sciatic nerve

MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging. From Martin HD, Reddy M, Gomez-­Hoyos J: Deep gluteal syndrome, J Hip Preserv Surg 2(2):103, 2015.

trochanteric impingement against the ischium.162 The test for IFI is discussed under “Special Tests,” later. The condition is more common in women.83 The pain often begins without a precipitating event and is usually felt in adduction and lateral rotation. The final, relatively rare impingement is greater trochanteric-­pelvic impingement, in which a high greater trochanter (decreased neck-­ shaft angle—coxa vara) abuts against the ilium during hip abduction in extension.59,149 This impingement is typically caused by Legg-­Calvé-­Perthes disease that has resulted in a morphological change in the femoral head and femoral neck, leading to contact between the ilium and greater trochanter when the hip is extended in abduction.83,167 Patients may have a shortened involved leg (due to arrested growth of the proximal femoral physis) and a positive Trendelenburg gait. The “gear-­stick sign” will be positive (see “Special Tests,” later). The examiner should also be aware that coxa valga (i.e., neck-­shaft angle >135°) and femoral anteversion, which are associated with hip dysplasia, will also demonstrate limited extension, adduction, and lateral rotation.149 For the hamstring syndrome (or ischial tunnel syndrome), the pain is lateral to the ischium and pain occurs at heel strike (Fig. 11.14).164,165 During the heel strike, the hamstrings act eccentrically, decelerating the forward leg. If pain is referred lateral to the ischium, there has probably been a proximal hamstring injury.162 It is often associated with recurrent proximal hamstring

tears,164,166 as posttraumatic scar tissue or congenital fibrotic bands may irritate the sciatic nerve.160 If pain is felt in the extended hip, it is more likely due to hip pathology (e.g., arthritis). Pain is in the lower gluteal area and may spread to the popliteal space. Sitting is painful, as is forcefully driving the leg forward (e.g., sprinting, hurdling, or kicking a ball hard). There will be local tenderness around the ischial tuberosity.166 For DGS (including piriformis syndrome), the spinal, sacroiliac, and intrapelvic structures as well as the gluteal space must be examined and cleared. Pain is more proximal at the level of the piriformis, and is felt when the active and passive piriformis tests—the Pace’s and Freiberg’s tests—are positive (see “Special Tests,” later).162,165 Tenderness is usually felt over the piriformis muscle and retrotrochanteric area, and sitting for more than 20 to 30 minutes is painful.165 In addition to piriformis syndrome, the DGS may include involvement of fibrous bands, obturator internus/gemellus syndrome, and quadratus femoris muscle. They all result in neurological signs due to involvement of the sciatic nerve.63 Hip abduction normally ranges from 30° to 50° and is tested with the patient in the supine position. Before asking the patient to do the abduction or adduction movement, the examiner should ensure that the patient’s pelvis is “balanced,” or level, with the ASISs being level and the legs being perpendicular to a line joining the two ASISs. The patient is then asked to abduct one leg at a time. Abduction is stopped when the pelvis begins

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Chapter 11 Hip





Fig. 11.14  Hamstring syndrome. (A) Short-­stride walking—no pain in either leg. (B) Long-­stride walking with right knee in extension—pain in the left hamstring, a positive sign. (C) If there is pain in the left hamstring on extension, the pain is probably due to hip pathology.

to move. Normally, the patient should be able to do hip abduction while the lower extremities, pelvis, trunk, and shoulders remain aligned in the frontal plane.168 Pelvic motion is detected by palpation of the ASIS and by telling the patient to stop the movement as soon as the ASIS on either side starts to move. Normally, the ASIS on the movement side elevates while the opposite ASIS may drop or elevate. When the patient abducts the leg, the opposite ASIS tends to move first; with an adduction contracture; this occurs earlier in the ROM. If, during abduction, lateral rotation and slight flexion occur early in the movement, the tensor fascia lata may be stronger and gluteus medius/minimus weak. If lateral rotation occurs later in the ROM, the iliopsoas or piriformis may be overactive. If the pelvis tilts up at the beginning of movement, the quadratus lumborum is overactive. All of these movements demonstrate imbalance patterns. Hip adduction is normally 30° and is measured from the same starting position as abduction. The patient is asked to adduct one leg over the other while the examiner ensures that the pelvis does not move. An alternative method is for the patient to flex the opposite hip and knee and hold the limb in flexion with the arms; the patient then adducts the test leg under the other leg. This method is useful only for thin patients. When the patient adducts the leg, the ASIS on the same side moves first. This movement occurs earlier in the ROM if there is an abduction

contracture. Adduction can also be measured by asking the patient to abduct one leg and leave it abducted; the other leg is then tested for the amount of adduction present. The advantage of this method is that the test leg does not have to be flexed to clear the other leg before doing the adduction movement. Rotational movements can be performed with the patient supine, prone, or sitting. The seated position ensures that the ischium is square to the table, but the testing is done in 90° of flexion; therefore, if the patient complains of symptoms while walking or running, supine or prone is the preferred test position.3 In the flexed position, the iliofemoral ligament is relaxed. In flexion and extension, the ischiofemoral ligament is under tension.3 Medial rotation normally ranges from 30° to 40° and lateral rotation from 40° to 60°. Asymmetric lateral rotation may indicate acetabular retroversion, femoral retrotorsion, or femoral head-­ neck abnormalities (e.g., FAI).3 Loss of medial rotation is one of the first signs of internal hip pathology.43 In the supine position, the patient simply rotates the straight leg on a balanced pelvis (i.e., leg rolling). Turning the foot or leg outward tests lateral rotation; turning the foot or leg inward tests medial rotation. If, in supine lying, the patient demonstrates enough lateral rotation that the lateral border of the foot touches the table, there is probably a lax anterior capsule or hip retroversion. Conversely, limited lateral rotation may indicate capsular hypomobility or hip anteversion.6 In

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Chapter 11 Hip

another supine test (see Fig. 11.11E), the patient is asked to flex both the hip and knee to 90° as the patient would do when being tested in sitting.169 When this method is used, it must be recognized that having the patient rotate the leg outward tests medial rotation, whereas having the patient rotate the leg inward tests lateral rotation. With the patient prone, the pelvis is balanced by aligning the legs at right angles to a line joining the PSISs. The patient then flexes the knee to 90°. Again, medial rotation is being tested when the leg is rotated outward, and lateral rotation is being tested when the leg is rotated inward (see Fig. 11.11F). Usually one of these last two methods (i.e., sitting or prone) is used to measure hip rotation, because it is easier to measure the angle when the test is being performed. However, in prone, the measurement is done on a straight leg, whereas in sitting or supine, rotation is measured with the hip flexed to 90°. It has been found that there is a difference in the amount of lateral rotation between the flexed (less) and straight position, whereas medial rotation shows little difference when measured in the two positions.169 Flexibility can also be tested using the Bent-Knee Fall-­Out Test, in which the patient is in the supine crook-­lying position (i.e., hip at 45° flexion, knee at 90° flexion) with the knees together. The patient then allows the knees to fall outward while keeping the feet together (Fig. 11.15A). The examiner tests the end feel at the end of the ROM and then bilaterally measures from the head of the fibula to the table (Fig. 11.15B).170 

Passive Movements If the ROM was not full and the examiner was unable to test end feel during the active movements, passive


movements should be performed to determine the end feel and passive range of motion (PROM). The passive movements performed are the same as the active movements. All the movements except extension can be tested with the patient in the supine position. Because of the many different structures around the hip, passive end feel becomes an important part of the examination to help differentiate the tissue that is causing problems.3 It is also at this point that the examiner may check general laxity (see the Carter and Wilkinson criteria in Chapter 17) to determine whether the problem may have a systemic component.3 Passive Movements of the Hip and Normal End Feel • • • • • •

F lexion (tissue approximation or tissue stretch) Extension (tissue stretch) Abduction (tissue stretch) Adduction (tissue approximation or tissue stretch) Medial rotation (tissue stretch) Lateral rotation (tissue stretch)

The capsular pattern of the hip is flexion, abduction, and medial rotation. These movements are always the ones most limited in a capsular pattern, although the order of restriction may vary. For example, medial rotation may be most limited, followed by flexion and abduction. The hip joint is the only joint to exhibit this altered pattern of the same movements. Pain on passive flexion and medial rotation indicates there may be an intra-­articular source of the problem.56 Snapping of iliopsoas can be assessed by passively (or actively) moving the hip from a flexed, abducted, and laterally rotated position to one of extension and medial

B Fig. 11.15  Bent knee fall-­out test. (A) Examiner is testing end feel. (B) Examiner measures from head of fibula to bed.

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Chapter 11 Hip

rotation (see Fig. 11.8).56 Normally, if the contralateral hip is flexed to its normal end range (approximately 120°), the posterior aspect of the opposite leg should be able to touch the examining table. If it does not, a flexion contracture may be present in the straight leg.61 The pelvis should not move during passive hip movements. Groin discomfort and a limited ROM on medial rotation are good indications of hip problems. Passive hip flexion, adduction, and medial rotation, if painful, may indicate acetabular rim problems or labral tears, especially if clicking and pain into the groin is elicited.171 Intra-­abdominal inflammation in the lower pelvis, as in the case of an abscess, may cause pain on passive medial and lateral rotation of the hip when the patient is supine with the hip and knee at 90°. 


Resisted Isometric Movements The resisted isometric movements are performed with the patient in the supine position (Fig. 11.16). The muscles of the hip play a very significant role in stabilizing the pelvis, so they must be included in any assessment dealing with issues of pelvic control. Manual muscle testing or a handheld dynamometer may be used.172 The examiner should note whether the muscles are weak or strong and tight and whether the muscle force-­couples are acting correctly.173 When these muscles and the back and abdominal muscles are being dealt with, the examiner must be able to answer the following three questions in the affirmative to ensure that pelvic control is present:










J Fig. 11.16  Resisted isometric movements around the hip. (A) Flexion. (B) Extension. (C) Adduction (knee straight). (D) Adduction (knee bent). (E) Abduction (knee straight). (F) Abduction (knee bent). (G) Medial rotation. (H) Lateral rotation. (I) Knee flexion. (J) Knee extension.

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Chapter 11 Hip

1. Can the patient actively position the pelvis in neutral (especially while doing hip movements)? 2.  Can the patient hold the neutral position statically while doing hip movements? (This may include distal movement.) 3. Can the patient control dynamic movement of the pelvis while doing hip movements? Resisted Isometric Movements of the Hip • • • • • • • •

F lexion of the hip Extension of the hip Abduction of the hip Adduction of the hip Medial rotation of the hip Lateral rotation of the hip Flexion of the knee Extension of the knee

Because the hip muscles are very strong and there are many of them (Table 11.9; Fig. 11.17), the examiner should position the patient’s hip properly and say to the patient, “Don’t let me move your hip,” to ensure that the movement is isometric and that the patient does not initiate any compensatory movements (e.g., grasping the table, rotating the trunk).89 Delahunt et al.175–177 advocate testing the adductors with the hip flexed to 30° to 45° as the optimal test position (thigh adductor squeeze test or the fist squeeze test)178 [also see “Special Tests,” later]). Reiman et al.89 reported that testing the adductors bilaterally with the knees extended (bilateral adductor test) was the most diagnostic of the adductor tests. By carefully noting which movements cause pain or show weakness when the tests are done isometrically, the examiner should be able to determine which muscle, if any, is at fault (see Table 11.9).44,89 For example, the gluteus maximus is the only muscle that is involved in all of the following movements: extension, adduction, and lateral rotation. Therefore, if pain resulted from only these three movements, the examiner would expect the gluteus maximus muscle to be at fault. As with active movements, the most painful movements are performed last. If the examiner does a resisted isometric test of abduction with the patient’s knee straight, it is primarily gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata that are being tested. If the isometric test is done with the knee bent, it is primarily gluteus medius and minimus being tested.18 Boren et al.179 showed that side plank abduction elicited the highest electromyography (EMG) value for gluteus medius, whereas front plank with hip extension (knee at 90°) elicited the highest EMG value for gluteus maximus. Almeida et al.180 advocated using the hip stability isometric test (HipSIT) to test gluteal muscle strength. Resisted isometric flexion and extension of the knee must also be performed, because there are two joint muscles (hamstrings and rectus femoris) that act over the

knee as well as the hip. If the history has indicated that concentric, eccentric, or econcentric movement causes symptoms, these movements should also be tested, but only after the isometric tests have been completed. For example, strength of the hamstrings may be determined by doing a supine plank test in which the patient is in crook lying, resting on his or her elbows (Fig. 11.18).181 The patient then lifts the buttocks off the table while maintaining the body weight on the elbows and heels. The patient then alternately lifts the injured leg and then the good leg. If pain occurs at the ischial origin or in the hamstrings musculature, or if pelvic “collapse” or rotation occurs, the test is positive for weak hamstrings. The examiner must be aware that intra-­ abdominal inflammation in the area of the psoas muscle may cause pain on resisted hip flexion. Intra-­ abdominal inflammation may also result in a rigid abdominal wall. It has been reported that the hip flexors and hip extensors are almost equal in strength182 and that the adductors are 2.5 times as strong as the abductors.183 These ratios may vary depending on whether the movement is tested isometrically or isokinetically. 

Functional Assessment Hip motion is necessary for more activities than just ambulation. In fact, more hip ROM is required for activities of daily living (ADLs) than for gait; activities such as shoe tying, sitting, getting up from a chair, and picking up things from the floor all require a greater ROM. Table 11.10 illustrates the ROM necessary for various activities. Ideally, the patient should have functional ranges of 120° of flexion, 20° of abduction, and 20° of lateral rotation. Functional Tests of the Hip • S quatting • Going up and down stairs one at a time • Crossing the legs so that the ankle of one foot rests on the knee of the opposite leg • Going up and down stairs two or more at a time • Running straight ahead • Running and decelerating • Running and twisting • One-­legged hop (time, distance, crossover) • Jumping

There are several numerical rating scales or patient-­ reported outcome measures with which to rate hip function.59,184–192 These rating methods are based primarily on pain, mobility, and gait. Tables 11.11 through 11.13 and eTools 11.1 and 11.2 illustrate different rating scales. D’Aubigné and Postel184 (see Tables 11.11 through 11.13) developed one of the first hip rating scales based on pain, mobility, and ability to walk.185 The Harris Hip Function Scale186 (see eTool 11.1) is one of the more

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Chapter 11 Hip


TABLE  11.9

Muscles of the Hip: Their Actions, Innervation, and Nerve Root Derivation174 Action

Muscles Acting


Nerve Root Derivation

Flexion of hip

1. Psoas 2. Iliacus 3. Rectus femoris 4. Sartorius 5. Tensor fasciae latae 6. Pectineus 7. Adductor longus 8. Adductor brevis 9. Gracilis 10. Gluteus medius (anterior fibers)

L1–L3 Femoral Femoral Femoral Superior gluteal Femoral Obturator Obturator Obturator Superior gluteal

L1–L3 L2, L3 L2–L4 L2, L3 L5, S1, S2 L2, L3 L2–L4 L2, L3 L2, L3 L5, S1

Extension of hip

1. Biceps femoris (long head) 2. Semimembranosus 3. Semitendinosus 4. Gluteus maximus 5. Gluteus medius (middle and posterior part) 6. Adductor magnus (ischiocondylar part)

Sciatic Sciatic Sciatic Inferior gluteal Superior gluteal Sciatic

L5, S1, S2 L5, S1, S2 L5, S1, S2 L5, S1, S2 L5, S1 L2–L4

Abduction of hip

1. Tensor fasciae latae 2. Gluteus minimus 3. Gluteus medius 4. Gluteus maximus 5. Sartorius 6. Piriformis 7. Rectus femoris

Superior gluteal Superior gluteal Superior gluteal Inferior gluteal Femoral L5, S1, S2 Femoral

L4, L5 L5, S1 L5, S1 L5, S1, S2 L2, L3 L5, S1, S2 L2–L4

Adduction of hip

1. Adductor longus 2. Adductor brevis 3. Adductor magnus (ischiofemoral part) 4. Gracilis 5. Pectineus 6. Biceps femoris (long head) 7. Gluteus maximus (posterior fibers) 8. Quadratus femoris 9. Obturator externus

Obturator Obturator Obturator Obturator Femoral Sciatic Inferior gluteal N. to quadratus femoris Obturator

L2–L4 L2–L4 L2–L4 L2, L3 L2, L3 L5, S1, S2 L5, S1, S2 L5, S1 L3–L4

Medial rotation of hip

1. Adductor longus 2. Adductor brevis 3. Adductor magnus (posterior head) 4. Gluteus medius (anterior part) 5. Gluteus minimus (anterior part) 6. Tensor fasciae latae 7. Pectineus 8. Gracilis 1. Gluteus maximus 2. Obturator internus 3. Obturator externus 4. Quadratus femoris 5. Piriformis 6. Gemellus superior 7. Gemellus inferior 8. Sartorius 9. Gluteus medius (posterior part) 10. Gluteus minimus (posterior part) 11. Biceps femoris (long head)

Obturator Obturator Obturator and sciatic Superior gluteal Superior gluteal Superior gluteal Femoral Obturator Inferior gluteal N. to obturator internus Obturator N. to quadratus femoris L5, S1–S2 N. to obturator intemus N. to quadratus femoris Femoral Superior gluteal Superior gluteal Sciatic

L2–L4 L2–L4 L2–L4 L5, S1 L5, S1 L4, L5 L2, L3 L2, L3 L5, S1, S2 L5, S1 L3, L4 L5, S1 L5, S1, S2 L5, S1 L5, S1 L2, L3 L5, S1 L5, S1 L5, S1, S2

Lateral rotation of hip

N, Nerve.

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Chapter 11 Hip

Psoas major

Psoas minor

Iliacus Psoas major

Sartorius (cut)

Iliacus Iliofemoral ligament Pectineus (cut)

Piriformis Tensor fascia lata

Obturator externus Adductor longus (cut) Gracilis (cut)

Pectineus Gracilis Adductor longus Sartorius

Adductor brevis

Iliotibial band Vastus lateralis

Adductor magnus

Rectus femoris

Gluteus medius Vastus Gluteus lateralis (cut) medius Iliotibial Gluteus band (cut) maximus Rectus femoris (cut) Vastus medialis (cut) Adductor Sartorius (cut) magnus

Vastus medialis


Gluteus maximus (cut) Piriformis Gemellus superior Obturator internus Gemellus inferior Quadratus femoris Gluteus maximus (cut) Biceps femoris (cut) Semitendinosus Semimembranosus

Anterior Iliotibial band

Adductor magnus

Biceps femoris (long head) Semitendinosus

External oblique

Biceps femoris (short head) Biceps femoris (long head) (cut)

Semimembranosus Gracilis Iliac crest

Lumbodorsal fascia

Gracilis (cut) Semitendinosus (cut) Semimembranosus (cut)

Anterior superior iliac spine

Gluteus medius

Abdominal fascia

Gluteus maximus (inserting into iliotibial band)




Tensor fasciae latae Rectus femoris

Iliotibial tract (band) Biceps femoris, long head Vastus lateralis Iliotibial tract (band) Semimembranosus Biceps femoris, short head


Gastrocnemius, lateral head

Patellar ligament

Head of fibula



Fig. 11.17  Muscles of the hip and knee. (A) Anterior view. The right side shows the primary flexor and adductor muscles of the hip. Many muscles on the left side are cut to expose the adductor brevis and adductor magnus. (B) Posterior view. The left side highlights the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles (long head of biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus). The right side shows the hamstring muscles cut to expose the adductor magnus and short head of the biceps femoris. The right side shows the gluteus medius and five of the six short external rotators (i.e., piriformis, gemellus superior and inferior, obturator internus, and quadratus femoris). (C) Lateral view showing extent of tensor fasciae latae and iliotibial band. (A and B, Redrawn from Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system—foundations for physical rehabilitation, St Louis, 2002, CV Mosby, pp 411, 419; C, From Paulsen F, Washcke: Sobotta atlas of human anatomy, ed 16, Munich, 2019, Urban & Fischer.)

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Chapter 11 Hip


a single rating value. The Oxford Hip Score,205 the Mayo Hip Score,187 and the Hip Outcome Score206,207 (eTool 11.5) for hip arthroplasty make use of greater patient (functional) and radiographic input (to predict long-­term results). These scores correlate well with the Harris scale.185,187 Johanson and colleagues188 developed a numerical scale that is related to what patients are able to do functionally after total hip replacement. Its value Fig. 11.18  The supine plank test is used to assess hamstring strength. The patient elevates the pelvis while keeping the body weight on the elbows and heels. The legs are alternately lifted, starting with lifting the injured leg. (This tests the good leg first.) Pelvic collapse or rotation or pain at the hamstring origin as the contralateral leg is lifted indicates hamstring weakness.

common questionnaires and is useful for rating hips before and after surgery.92 This scale is most often used because it emphasizes pain and function. The Victorian Institute of Sport Australia developed the VISA-­G questionnaire for GTPS (i.e., trochanteric bursitis) (eTool 11.3).193 The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC)194–199 and the Lower Extremity Function Scale (LEFS) (eTool 11.4)200–203 were developed to evaluate clinically important and patient-­relevant changes in health status primarily with arthroplasties of the hip and knee. The WOMAC scale is made up of three sections, with scores ranging from 1 (none) to 5 (extreme). The sum of three scores is called the index or global score. The higher the score, the greater the disability. The SF-­36 questionnaire is also sometimes used as a functional assessment tool in arthroplasty cases.199,204 The Iowa Scale (see eTool 11.2) provides

TABLE  11.10

Range of Motion Necessary at the Hip for Selected Activities Activity

Average Range of Motion Necessary

Shoe tying

120° of flexion

Sitting (average seat height)

112° of flexion


125° of flexion


115° of flexion/20° of abduction/20° of medial rotation

Ascending stairs (average stair height)

67° of flexion

Descending stairs (average stair height)

36° of flexion

Putting foot on opposite thigh (putting on socks)

120° of flexion/20° of abduction/20° of lateral rotation

Putting on trousers Walking on level surface

90° of flexion 30°–44° of hip flexion

TABLE  11.11

Method of Grading Functional Value of Hipa Grade



Ability to Walk


Pain is intense and permanent

Ankylosis with bad position of the hip



Pain is severe, even at night

No movement; pain or slight deformity

Only with crutches


Pain is severe when walking; prevents any activity

Flexion less than 40°

Only with canes


Pain is tolerable with limited activity

Flexion between 40° and 60°

With one cane, for less than 1 hour; very difficult without a cane


Pain is mild when walking; it disappears with rest

Flexion between 60° and 80°; patient can reach own foot

A long time with a cane; a short time without cane and with limp


Pain is mild and inconstant; normal activity No pain

Flexion between 80° and 90°; abduction at least 15° Flexion more than 90°; abduction to 30°

Without cane but with slight limp




used in conjunction with Table 11.12. From D’Aubigné RM, Postel M: Functional results of hip arthroplasty with acrylic prosthesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 36:459, 1954.

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Chapter 11 Hip

TABLE  11.12

D’Aubigné and Postel Scale for Functional Grading of the Hip Pain (P)

Ability to Walk (W)

Mobility Normal or Nearly Normal


Very Good

P + W = 11 or 12



Walk without cane, with no pain and no limp



Walk without cane, with no pain but slight limp



Walk without cane, with no limp but slight pain when starting Good

P + W = 10



Walk without cane, with slight pain and slight limp



Walk without cane, with pain but no limp



Walk without cane, without pain; a cane used to go outdoors



Slight pain; a cane is used outdoors



Pain after walking some minutes; no cane is used, but there is a slight limp



No pain; a cane used all the time







Slight pain; a cane is used all the time



Pain after walking; a cane is used outdoors




P + W = 7 or less


the mobility is reduced to 4, the result is classified one grade lower. the mobility is reduced to 3 or less, the result is classified two grades lower. Adapted from D’Aubigné RM, Postel M: Functional results of hip arthroplasty with acrylic prosthesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 36:460, 1954. bIf

TABLE  11.13

Method of Evaluating Improvement Brought About by Operation in Problems of the Hip (Relative Result) Pain Mobility Ability to walk

Preoperative Grading

Postoperative Grading

3 2 3

5 5 4


Improvement =9

Very great improvement = 12 or more, great improvement = 7–11, fair improvement = 3–7, failure = less than 3. From D’Aubigné RM, Postel M: Functional results of hip arthroplasty with acrylic prosthesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 36:461, 1954.

comes from its focus on the outcome from the patient’s perspective (eTool 11.6). As Burton and coworkers189 have pointed out, the notion of expectations is more important than the notion of success. Table 11.14 gives a testing scheme for functional strength and endurance of the hip. Two of the newer outcome scales are the International Hip Outcome Tool208–212 (in two versions, iHOT33 and iHOT12) [eTools 11.7 and 11.8]), which are geared toward hip problems in young people, and the Copenhagen Hip and Groin

Outcome Score (HAGOS),212,213 which has six subscales assessing pain, symptoms, physical function in ADLs, physical function in sport and recreation, participation in physical activities, and hip/groin-­r elated quality of life. Several walking tests have been developed, especially for the elderly, to give an indication of musculoskeletal functional impairment of the lower limb. These may be included in any assessment involving injury to the lower limb joints.214 Testing dynamic stability, endurance, falls risk, and ability to step over low objects, they include the

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Chapter 11 Hip


Harris Hip Function Scale (Circle one in each group) Pain (44 points maximum) None/ignores Slight, occasional, no compromise in activity Mild, no effect on ordinary activity, pain after unusual activity, uses aspirin Moderate, tolerable, makes concessions, occasional codeine Marked, serious limitations Totally disabled Function (47 points maximum) Gait (walking maximum distance) (33 points maximum) 1. Limp: None Slight Moderate Severe Unable to walk 2. Support: None Cane, long walks Cane, full/most of time One crutch Two canes/walking sticks Two crutches Unable to walk 3. Distance walked: Unlimited Six blocks (30 minutes) Two to three blocks (10-15 minutes) Indoors only Bed and chair only Functional Activities (14 points maximum) 1. Stairs: Normally without using banister Normally with banister Any method Not able to do stairs 2. Socks and tie shoes: With ease With difficulty Unable 3. Sitting: Any chair, 1 hour High chair, 1/2 hour Unable to sit 1/2 hour any chair 4. Enter public transport Able to use public transportation (bus) Not able to use public transportation (bus)

44 40 30 20 10 0

11 8 5 0 0 11 7 5 4 2 0 0 11 8 5 2 0 4 2 1 0 4 2 0 5 3 0 1 0

Absence of Deformity (requires all four) (4 points maximum) 1. Fixed adduction 140°

Fig. 11.118  Legg-­Calvé-­Perthes disease of the left hip.



Fig. 11.119  Anteroposterior view of the pelvis in an adult patient with coxa vara of the hip joint shows a neck-­shaft angle of less than 125° and a decreased trochanteric acetabular distance (white arrows). This configuration contributes to the potential for abnormal joint reaction forces with an increased risk of a medial osteoarthritis developing at the hip joint. In this patient, loss of the medial joint space and/or early arthrokatadysis or medial migration of the femoral heads can be seen, as can early development of osteophytes at the acetabulum and femoral head. (From Johnson TR, Steinbach LS: Essentials of musculoskeletal imaging, Rosemont, IL, 2004, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, p 458.)

Perkins’ line is vertical, drawn through the upper outer point of the acetabulum (Fig. 11.136). Normally the developing femoral head or ossification center of the femoral head lies in the inner distal quadrant formed by the two lines. If the ossification center lies in the upper outer quadrant, the finding is indicative of a dislocation or DDH.284 In the newborn, the ossification center is not visible (Fig. 11.137). 23. “Sagging rope” sign: With Legg-­Calvé-­Perthes disease, only the head of the femur is affected. If avascular necrosis of a developing femoral head occurs,

Fig. 11.120  Anteroposterior view of an adult patient with a valgus alignment at the hip joint shows a neck-­shaft angle that exceeds 140° (white dotted arrow). Note also the increased portion of the articular aspect of the femoral head that is uncovered (white arrow). This attribute becomes even more important if the superior aspect of the weight-­bearing surface of the acetabulum is smaller than normal. In this patient, the trochanteric acetabular distance (the distance from a line drawn parallel to the superior aspect of the weight-­bearing surface of the dome to a line parallel to the superior aspect of the tip of the greater trochanter) exceeds 2.5 cm (arrowheads). Normally, the trochanteric acetabular distance in adults averages about 2.2 cm. (From Johnson TR, Steinbach LS: Essentials of musculoskeletal imaging, Rosemont, IL, 2004, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, p 457.)

Fig. 11.121  Anteroposterior radiograph demonstrating global acetabular overcoverage (i.e., coxa profunda), which may lead to cam-­type femoroacetabular impingement. (From Sierra RJ, Trousdale RT, Ganz R, et al: Hip disease in the young active patient: evaluation and nonarthroplasty surgical options, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 16:693, 2008.)

the “sagging rope” sign may be seen (Fig. 11.138). It indicates damage to the growth plate with marked metaphyseal reaction. Its presence indicates a severe disease process. 24. “Teardrop” sign: Migration of the femoral head upward in relation to the pelvis, caused by degeneration as seen in osteoarthritis, may be detected

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Chapter 11 Hip


Fig. 11.122 The radiographic appearance of protrusio acetabuli on an anteroposterior pelvic view. Line A represents the ilioischial line and line B represents the floor of the acetabular fossa, which is medial to line A. A similar pathologic condition can also be seen on the radiograph of the patient’s left hip. (From Clohisy JC, Carlisle JC, Beaulé PE, et al: A systematic approach to the plain radiographic evaluation of the young adult hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am 90:53, 2008.)

by the teardrop sign (Fig. 11.139). The teardrop is visible at the base of the pubic bone, extending vertically downward to terminate in a round teardrop, or head. The x-­ray beam must be centered relative to the pelvis. A line is drawn between the two teardrops and extended to the femoral heads on both sides. The examiner can then measure from the teardrop to the femoral head. A difference of more than 10 mm between the two sides indicates significant migration of the head of the femur. Serial films or films taken over time often show a progression of the migration. 25. “Head at risk” signs: With Legg-­Calvé-­Perthes disease, the examiner should note the following radiologic head-­at-­risk signs on an anteroposterior film: a. The Cage sign, a small osteoporotic segment on the lateral side of the epiphysis that appears to be translucent (Fig. 11.140) b. Calcification lateral to the epiphysis (if collapse is occurring) c. Lateral subluxation of the head (an increase in the inferomedial joint space) d. Angle of the epiphyseal line (horizontal, in this case) e. Metaphyseal reaction Patients who exhibit three or more head-­ at-­ risk signs have a poor prognosis, and surgery is usually performed. 26. Signs of an SCFE357: With a SCFE (Fig. 11.141), the following x-­ray signs may be noted: a. The epiphyseal line may widen. b. Lipping or stepping may be seen, as occurs on lateral films.

c. The superior femoral neck line does not transect the overhanging ossified epiphysis as it does in the normal hip. d. The Shenton’s line does not describe a continuous arc. (The line is also broken if the hip is dislocated or subluxed.) In addition to an SCFE causing a coxa vara, other causes such as fractures or congenital malformations can lead to the same deformity (Figs. 11.142 and 11.143). 27. Normally if, on each side of the body, a line (i.e., the shoemaker’s line) is projected from the greater trochanter to the ASIS until the lines intersect, the lines will meet at midline at or above the umbilicus (Fig. 11.144). If the lines intersect below the umbilicus or are off center, it indicates a femoral neck fracture, dislocation of one femur upward, or malalignment. 28. The lateral coverage index (LCI) is a measure used to determine hip dysplasia and is defined as the center-­edge (CE) angle minus the acetabular inclination (Fig. 11.145). Ligamentum teres tears are less frequent with higher LCI scores.32,320 29.  Acetabular coverage of the femoral head may be determined by the lateral center-­edge (LCE) angle, the anterior LCE angle, acetabular inclination (Tönnis angle), and acetabular index (Fig. 11.146).11,358 The normal LCE angle is 25° or greater. Less than 25° indicates acetabular dysplasia. 30. For FAI, the cam type is diagnosed from the alpha angle greater than 57°, pistol-­grip deformity, acetabular index (Tönnis angle) less than 0°, femoral head-­neck offset less than 8 mm, offset ratio, or triangular index, whereas the pincer type is diagnosed from the crossover sign, the posterior wall sign, anterior and LCE angle greater than 40°, the prominence of the ischial spine sign, or coxa profunda.59,135,138,139,359–362 31. The orientation of the acetabulum can affect hip stability. A retroverted acetabulum may lead to posterior instability and an anteverted acetabulum or an anteverted femoral neck may lead to anterior instability.11,50,363 Acetabular retroversion is suggested by the posterior wall sign and/or ischial spine sign.36 32. It should be noted that osteopenia is not evident on plain films until there has been 40% loss in bone mineral density.1 33. Signs of joint effusion in the hip: a. Lateral subluxation of femoral head so that joint space is larger (common in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) b.  Absence of a vacuum effect—if traction (long leg) is applied as the x-­ray is taken, normally the negative pressure is observed as a radiolucent crescent between the joint surfaces. This phenomenon does not appear in joints with even small amounts of extra fluid.

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Chapter 11 Hip











B Fig. 11.123  (A) Radiograph and tracing of the normal (anteverted) acetabulum. The posture of this pelvis is flexed more at the lumbosacral junction than in the case described in (B). The outline of the obturator foramen is more circular and the ischial spine is obscured. In such a flexed pelvis, the anteverted attitude of the acetabulum is seen at a maximum. When an acetabulum is retroverted, adoption of a similar posture minimizes the appearance of retroversion. The line of the edge of the posterior wall is located at or even lateral to the center of the femoral head. (B) Radiograph and tracing showing acetabular retroversion and the “crossover” or figure-­eight sign. Compare with (A). The line of the posterior wall appears thin whereas that of the anterior wall looks thick. The line of the edge of the posterior wall is located well medial to the center of the femoral head. (From Reynolds D: Retroversion of the acetabulum: a cause of hip pain, J Bone Joint Surg Br 81:285, 1999.)

Fig. 11.124  Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis of a 22-­year-­old woman who presented with groin pain. Clinical examination strongly suggested femoroacetabular impingement. The radiograph demonstrates bilateral acetabular retroversion as determined by crossover of the anterior and posterior acetabular walls (dotted lines) (crossover sign) on the right hip. The left hip demonstrates a pistol-­grip deformity. (From Parvizi J, Leunig M, Ganz R: Femoroacetabular impingement, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 15[9]:561–570, 2007.)

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Chapter 11 Hip

Distance 10mm >10mm >20° >20° +++(gross) marked


Compartment Findings ∆Crepitus Ant. Compartment ∆Crepitus Med. Compartment ∆Crepitus Lat. Compartment

? none ? none ? none

? moderate ? moderate ? moderate

crepitation with ? mild pain ? >mild pain ? mild pain ? >mild pain ? mild pain ? >mild pain


Harvest Site Pathology

? none

? mild

? moderate

? severe


X-ray Findings Med. Joint Space Lat. Joint Space Patellofemoral Ant. Joint Space (sagittal) Post. Joint Space (sagittal)

? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?


Functional Test One-Leg Hop (% of opposite side)

? ≥90%

** Final Evaluation

none none none none none

mild mild mild mild mild

? 89 to 76%

moderate moderate moderate moderate moderate

? 75 to 50%

severe severe severe severe severe

? A. (From Kolowich PA, Paulos LE, Rosenberg TD, et al: Lateral release of the patella: indications and contraindications, Am J Sports Med 18:361, 1990.)





and location. The passive motion is repeated three or four times. The crepitus grade is determined using the criteria in Table 12.13.  Passive Patellar Tilt Test.424  The patient lies supine with the knee extended and the quadriceps relaxed. The examiner stands at the end of the examining table and lifts the lateral edge of the patella away from the lateral femoral condyle. The patella should not be pushed medially or laterally but rather should remain in the femoral trochlea.96 The normal angle is 15°, although males may have an angle 5° less than that of females (Fig. 12.131). Patients with angles less than this are prone to patellofemoral syndrome, specifically excessive lateral pressure syndrome. Watson et al.437 have questioned the reliability of this test, especially when performed by inexperienced examiners.  Step Up Test.433  The patient stands beside a stool that is 25 cm (10 inches) high. The examiner asks the patient to step up sideways onto the stool using the good leg. The test is repeated with the other leg. Normally, the patient should have no difficulty doing the test and have no pain. Inability to do the test may indicate patellofemoral arthralgia, weak quadriceps, or an inability to stabilize the pelvis (Fig. 12.127A).  Vastus Medialis Coordination Test.435,439  The patient lies supine while the examiner places a fist under the patient’s knee (Fig. 12.132). The patient is asked to slowly extend the knee without pressing into the examiner’s fist or lifting the leg away from the fist while trying to achieve full extension. The test is considered positive if the patient cannot fully extend the knee or has difficulty achieving full extension smoothly or tries to use the hip flexors or extensors to accomplish the task. 



Fig. 12.129  McConnell test for chondromalacia patellae. (A) 120°. (B) 90°. (C) 60°. (D) 30°. (E) 0°. (F) Testing at 60°, holding patella medially.

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Chapter 12 Knee

Waldron Test.  This test also assesses the presence of patellofemoral syndrome and functions in a similar fashion to the step up test and the eccentric step test.72 The examiner palpates the patella while the patient performs several slow deep knee bends (these may be unilateral squats or bilateral for easier comparison) (Fig. 12.127C). As the patient goes through the ROM, the examiner should note the amount of crepitus (significant only if accompanied by pain), where it occurs in the ROM, the amount of pain, and whether there is “catching” or poor tracking of the patella (see Fig. 12.31) throughout the movement. If pain and crepitus occur together during the movement, it is considered a positive sign.72  Zohler’s Sign.128  The patient lies supine with the knees extended. The examiner pulls the patella distally and holds it in this position. The patient is asked to contract the quadriceps (Fig. 12.133). Pain indicates a positive test for chondromalacia patellae. However, the test may be positive (false-­positive) in a large proportion of the normal population. 


Other Tests

Coactivation Tests for Quadriceps and Hamstrings.143  1. Single-­Limb Dead-­Lift: The patient balances on one leg (the uninjured one to begin) with the knees and hips flexed approximately 30°. The patient slowly flexes the hip and trunk so as to touch the contralateral finger to the foot or ground beside the support foot and returns to starting position (Fig. 12.134 A and B). Ideally, the knee is kept at





Fig. 12.131  Passive patellar tilt test. (Redrawn from Kolowich PA, Paulos LE, Rosenberg TD, et al: Lateral release of the patella: indications and contraindications, Am J Sports Med 18:361, 1990.)

Flexion Extension

Fig. 12.132  Vastus medialis coordination test.

Fig. 12.130  Motion palpation test.

TABLE  12.13

Crepitation Grading Scale for Patella with Cartilage Damage Tactile Friction Sound





Smooth motion No sound

Fine-­grade sandpaper No sound

Medium-­grade sandpaper Squeaky floorboard

Bone-­on-­bone grinding Popping-­cracking-­crunching

Modified from Lancaster AR, Nyland J, Roberts CS: The validity of the motion palpation test for determining patellofemoral joint articular cartilage damage, Phys Ther Sport 8(2):59–65, 2007.

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Chapter 12 Knee

Fig. 12.133  Zohler’s sign for chondromalacia patellae.



30° throughout the movement so the knee is over the toes of the same foot. Both legs are compared for form and timing. 2. Lateral Hop: The patient stands with the feet close together. The patient (starting with the uninjured leg) hops laterally one-­half of his or her body height, being instructed to “land as softly as possible” with the knee flexed and over the toes (Fig. 12.134C and D). The patient is instructed to balance on the “hopped” leg for 3 seconds. Both legs are compared for form and timing. 3. Transverse/Diagonal Hop: The patient stands with the feet close together. The patient (starting with the uninjured leg) hops in a transverse plane one-­half of






Fig. 12.134  Coactivation tests for quadriceps and hamstrings. (A) Single-­limb dead-­lift—start position. (B) Single-­limb dead-­lift—end position. (C) Lateral hop—start position. (D) Lateral hop—end position. (E) Transverse/diagonal hop—start position. (F) Transverse/diagonal hop—end position. (G) Rubber bands (“ankle tubes”) may be used to offer resistance in different directions and during walking.

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Chapter 12 Knee

his or her body height, being instructed to “land as softly as possible” with the knee flexed and over the toes (Fig. 12.134, E and F). The patient is instructed to balance on the “hopped” leg for 3 seconds. Both legs are compared for form and timing. 4. Lateral Band Walks: The patient stands with an elastic band tied around the ankles while standing upright and feet together (approximately 30 cm [11.8 inches] expansion should be allowed in the band). While keeping the hips and knees flexed to 30°, the patient (starting with the uninjured leg) side steps a distance of 130% of his or her shoulder width (marked on the floor) to assume a single limb stance on the sidestepped foot while keeping the toes pointing straight ahead and the knee over the toes (Fig. 12.134G). The patient may also move in an oblique direction. Both legs are compared for form and timing.  Daniel’s Quadriceps Neutral Angle Test.440  The patient lies supine, and the unaffected leg is tested first. The patient’s hip is flexed to 45°, and the knee is flexed to 90° with the foot flat on the examining table. The patient is asked to extend the knee isometrically while the examiner holds down the foot. If tibial displacement is noted, knee flexion is decreased (posterior tibial displacement) or increased (anterior tibial displacement). The process is repeated until the angle at which there is no tibial displacement is reached (Fig. 12.135). This angle, the quadriceps neutral angle, averages 70° (range, 60° to 90°). The injured knee is placed in the same neutral angle position, and the patient is asked to contract the quadriceps. Any anterior displacement indicates posterior cruciate ligament insufficiency. The quadriceps neutral angle is primarily used for machine testing of laxity (e.g., KT-­1000 arthrometer, Stryker knee laxity test apparatus).  Fairbank’s Apprehension Test.  This is a test for dislocation of the patella.320,441 The patient lies in the supine position with the quadriceps muscles relaxed and the knee flexed to 30° while the examiner carefully and slowly pushes the patella laterally (Fig. 12.136). Tanner et al.442 believed the patella should be pushed laterally and distally to make the test more sensitive. If the patient feels the patella is going to dislocate, the patient contracts the quadriceps muscles to bring the patella back “into line.” This action indicates a positive test. The patient will also have an apprehensive look.  Functional Leg Length.  The patient stands in the normal relaxed stance. The examiner palpates the anterior superior iliac spines (ASISs) and then the posterior superior iliac spines (PSISs) and notes any differences. The examiner then positions the patient so that the patient’s subtalar joints are in neutral while bearing weight (see Chapter 13). While the patient holds this position with the toes straight ahead and the knee straight, the examiner repalpates the ASISs and the PSISs. If the previously noted differences remain, the pelvis and sacroiliac joints should be evaluated further. If the previously noted differences


Quadriceps neutral angle 60°–75°






Fig. 12.135  During open chain knee extension, tibial translation is a function of the shear force produced by the patellar tendon. (A) Quadriceps neutral position. The patellar tendon force is perpendicular to the tibial plateaus and results in compression of the joint surfaces without shear force. (B) At flexion angles less than the angle of the quadriceps neutral position, orientation of the patellar tendon produces anterior shear of the tibia. (C) At angles greater than the angle of the quadriceps neutral position, patellar tendon force causes a posterior shear of the tibia. (From Daniel DM, Stone ML, Barnett P, et al: Use of the quadriceps active test to diagnose posterior cruciate ligament disruption and measure posterior laxity of the knee, J Bone Joint Surg Am 70:386–391, 1988.)

Fig. 12.136  Apprehension test. (Redrawn from Hughston JC, Walsh WM, Puddu G: Patellar subluxation and dislocation, Philadelphia, 1984, WB Saunders, p 29.)

disappear, the examiner should suspect a functional leg length difference caused by hip, knee, ankle, or foot problems—primarily ankle or foot problems. Functional Test for Quadriceps Contusion.  The patient lies in the prone position while the examiner passively flexes the knee as much as possible. If passive knee flexion is 90° or more, it is only a mild contusion. If passive knee flexion is less than 90°, the contusion is moderate to severe, and the patient should not be allowed to bear weight. Normally, the heel-­ to-­ buttock distance should not exceed 10 cm (4 inches) in men and 5 cm (2 inches) in women. This test may also be used to test tightness of the quadriceps (vasti) muscles. If the range is limited and the end feel is muscle stretch, the vastus medialis,

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Chapter 12 Knee



Fig. 12.137  Measuring leg length (to the lateral malleolus).

lateralis, and/or intermedius is tight. Testing for a tight rectus femoris is described in Chapter 11.  Measurement of Leg Length.  The patient lies in the supine position with the legs at a right angle to a line joining the two ASISs. With a tape measure, the examiner obtains the distance from one ASIS to the lateral or medial malleolus on that side, placing the metal end of the tape measure immediately distal to and up against the ASIS (Fig. 12.137). The tape is stretched so that the other hand pushes the tape against the distal aspect of the medial (or lateral) malleolus, and the reading on the tape measure is noted. The other side is tested similarly. A difference between the two sides of as much as 1.0 to 1.5 cm is considered normal. However, the examiner must remember that even this difference may result in pathological symptoms. If there is a difference, the examiner can determine its site of occurrence by measuring from the high point on the iliac crest to the greater trochanter (for coxa vara), from the greater trochanter to the lateral knee joint line (for femoral shaft length), and from the medial knee joint line to the medial malleolus (for tibial length). The two legs are then compared. The examiner must also remember that torsion deformities to the femur or tibia can alter leg length.  Measurement of Muscle Bulk (Anthropometric Measurements for Effusion and Atrophy).  The examiner selects areas where muscle bulk or swelling is greatest and measures the circumference of the leg. It is important to note on the patient’s chart how far above or below the apex or base of the patella one is measuring and whether the tape measure is placed above or below that mark. The following are common measurement points: 1. 15 cm (6 inches) below the apex of the patella 2. Apex of the patella or joint line 3. 5 cm (2 inches) above the base of the patella 4. 10 cm (4 inches) above the base of the patella 5. 15 cm (6 inches) above the base of the patella 6. 23 cm (9 inches) above the base of the patella Hughston78 advocated using the lateral joint line rather than the patella for the beginning point of measurement; he believed that the joint line was more constant. The

Fig. 12.138  Noble compression test for iliotibial band friction syndrome.

examiner must also note, if possible, whether swelling or muscle bulk is being measured and remember that there is no correlation between muscle bulk and strength. It is important to understand that circumferential measurements are useful for swelling and noting atrophy; however, the values do not give a good indication of muscle strength, power, or function. The values can show change but are not correlated with torque output.443  Moving Patellar Apprehension Test (MPAT) for Lateral Patellar Instability. 444  For the moving patellar apprehension test, the patient lies supine with the thigh on the examining table and the examiner holding the leg in full extension off the table. The examiner then translates the patella laterally using the examiner’s thumb, and the patella is held laterally while the examiner passively flexes the knee to 90° and then returns the leg to full extension (step 1). If there is patient apprehension or contraction of the quadriceps, the test is considered positive. If the patella is then translated medially and the knee flexed, there will be no apprehension or protective quadriceps contraction (step 2) because the patella most commonly subluxes or dislocates laterally. For the test to be positive, both step 1 (apprehension) and step 2 (no apprehension) must occur.  Noble Compression Test.  This is a test for iliotibial band friction syndrome.445 The patient lies in the supine position, and the examiner flexes the patient’s knee to 90°, accompanied by hip flexion (Fig. 12.138). Pressure is then applied to the lateral femoral epicondyle, or 1 to 2 cm (0.4 to 0.8 inch) proximal to it, with the thumb. While the pressure is maintained, the patient’s knee is passively extended. At approximately 30° of flexion (0° being straight leg), the patient experiences severe pain over the lateral femoral condyle. Pain indicates a positive test. The patient states that it is the same pain that occurs with activity.  Quadriceps Angle (Q-­Angle) or Patellofemoral Angle.  The Q-­angle is defined as the angle between the quadriceps muscles (primarily the rectus femoris) and the patellar

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Chapter 12 Knee

tendon and represents the angle of quadriceps muscle force (Fig. 12.139).446–449 The angle is obtained by first ensuring that the lower limbs are at a right angle to the line joining the two ASISs with the patient usually in supine

Anterior superior iliac spine


Midpoint of patella Tibial tubercle

Fig. 12.139  Quadriceps angle (Q-­angle).

(standing may also be used), legs straight, and quadriceps relaxed.450 Some feel the knee should be in 20° to 30° flexion because the patella is more centralized in this position and may represent the gait stance phase better.447,450 A line is then drawn from the ASIS to the midpoint of the patella on the same side and from the tibial tubercle to the midpoint of the patella. The angle formed by the crossing of these two lines is called the Q-­angle. The foot should be placed in a neutral position in regard to supination and pronation and the hip in a neutral position in regard to medial and lateral rotation, because it has been found that different foot and hip positions alter the Q-­angle.451 Normally, the Q-­angle is 13° for males and 18° for females when the knee is straight (Fig. 12.140), although Grelsamer et al.452 reported male and female values are similar when patient height is considered. Any angle less than 13° may be associated with chondromalacia patellae, patella alta, or patellar instability.450 An angle greater than 18° is often associated with PFPS, chondromalacia patellae, subluxing patella, increased femoral anteversion, genu valgum, lateral displacement of tibial tubercle, or increased lateral tibial torsion. During the test, which may be done either with radiographs or physically on the patient, the quadriceps should be relaxed. If measured with the patient in the sitting position, the Q-­angle should be 0° (Fig. 12.141). While the patient is in a sitting position, the presence of the “bayonet sign,” which indicates an abnormal alignment of the quadriceps musculature, patellar tendon, or tibial shaft, should be noted (Fig. 12.142).

Femoral neck anteversion



Increased Q-angle (>20°)

Femoral neck retroversion



Decreased Q-angle (50 years of age ° Crepitus ° Morning stiffness ≤30 min ° Female ° Overweight 


A t least 3 of the following: ° >50 years of age ° Stiffness 50 years of age ° Stiffness 2 years

 1-2 years

 6-12 months

 1-6 months

 < 1 month

3. If you have seen an athletic trainer, physician, or healthcare provider how did he/she categorize your most serious ankle sprain?  Have not seen someone

 Mild (Grade I)

 Moderate (Grade II)

 Severe (Grade III)

4. If you have ever used crutches, or other device, due to an ankle sprain how long did you use it?  Never used a device

 1-3 days

 4-7 days

1-2 weeks

 2-3 weeks

 >3 weeks

5. When was the last time you had "giving way" in your ankle?  Never

 > 2 years

 1-2 years

 6-12 months

 1-6 months

 < 1 month

6. How often does the "giving way" sensation occur in your ankle?  Never

 Once a year

 Once a month

 Once a week

 Once a day

7. Typically when you start to roll over (or ''twist'') on your ankle, can you stop it?  Never rolled over



 Unable to stop it

8. Following a typical incident of your ankle rolling over, how soon does it return to ''normal''?  Never rolled over


 < 1 day

 1-2 days

 > 2 days

9. During "Activities of daily life" how often does your ankle feel UNSTABLE?  Never

 Once a year

 Once a month

 Once a week

 Once a day

10. During "Sport/or recreational activities" how often does your ankle feel UNSTABLE?  Never

 Once a year

 Once a month

 Once a week

 Once a day

eTool 13.8  Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI) (From Simon J, Donohue M, Docherty C: Development of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI), Foot Ankle Int 33[9]:755–763, 2012.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Special Tests When assessing the lower leg, ankle, and foot, it is important to always assess the neutral position of the talus in both weight-­bearing and non–weight-­bearing situations. This will help the examiner to differentiate functional from structural deformities. Other tests that should be carried out include alignment, functional leg length, and tibial torsion tests. Of the other tests, only those that the examiner wishes to use as confirming tests need be performed. Special tests should never be used in isolation but can be used to confirm clinical findings. It has been found that functional movement screens that may be used to assess risk of potential ankle and foot injuries have, to date, not been recommended because of low predictive value and injury risk miscalculation.219,220 That being said however, programs such as the FIFA 11+ Injury Prevention Program have been shown to prevent or reduce injuries.221 For the reader who would like to review them, the reliability, validity, specificity, sensitivity, and odds ratios of some of the special tests used in the lower leg, ankle, and foot are available in eAppendix 13.1.

Tests for Neutral Position of the Talus

The neutral position of the talus is often referred to as the neutral or balanced position of the foot. This so-­ called neutral position is an ideal position that, in reality, is not commonly found in people in normal weight bearing.67,222,223 For most patients, the subtalar joint is normally in slight valgus with the forefoot in slight varus

and the calcaneus in slight valgus. The tibia is in slight varus,224 so each joint slightly compensates for the adjacent one. The neutral position is used as a starting position to determine foot and leg deviations. When the subtalar joint is in neutral, calcaneal inversion is twice (2×) calcaneal eversion.26,225 Functional asymmetry may occur in the lower limb in normal standing; the examiner should then put the talus in the neutral position to see whether the asymmetry remains. If it does, there is anatomical or structural asymmetry as well as functional asymmetry. If the asymmetry disappears, there is only functional asymmetry, which is often easier to treat. Neutral Position of the Talus (Prone—Non–Weight-­Bearing Position).  The patient lies prone with the foot extended over the end of the examining table (Fig. 13.68). The examiner grasps the patient’s foot over the fourth and fifth metatarsal heads with the index finger and thumb of one hand. The examiner palpates both sides of the talus on the dorsum of the foot, using the thumb and index finger of the other hand. The examiner then passively and gently dorsiflexes the foot until resistance is felt (Fig. 13.69). While maintaining the dorsiflexed position, the examiner moves the foot back and forth through an arc of supination (talar head bulges laterally) and pronation (talar head bulges medially). As the arc of movement is performed, there is a point in the arc at which the foot appears to fall off to one side or the other more easily. This point is the neutral, non–weight-­bearing position of the subtalar joint.75,96,121,226 This prone test position is best for determining the relation of the hindfoot to the leg. 

Key Tests Performed on the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Depending on Suspected Pathologya • For determining the position of the talus: Navicular drop test Talar neutral position (non–weight-­bearing) (supine and prone) Talar neutral position (weight-­bearing) • For alignment: Forefoot-­heel alignment Leg-­heel alignment Tibial torsion (prone) Tibial torsion (sitting) Tibial torsion (supine) “Too many toes” sign • For ligamentous instability: Anterior drawer test (supine and prone) Talar tilt • For joint instability (syndesmosis): Cotton test External rotation stress test Fibular translation test Medial subtalar glide test aThe


• For medial tibial stress syndrome: Shin oedema test (SOT) Shin palpation test (SPT) • For third-­degree strain (rupture): Matles (knee flexion) test Thompson’s (Simmonds’) test • For swelling: Figure-­eight measurement • Other tests: Dorsiflexion-­eversion test for tarsal tunnel syndrome Functional hallux limitus test Leg length discrepancy/functional leg length Morton’s (squeeze) test Synovial impingement test Tests for peroneal tendon dislocation Tinel’s sign (3 positions) Triple compression test Windlass test (great toe extension)

authors recommend these key tests be learned by the clinician to facilitate a diagnosis. See Chapter 1, Key for Classifying Special Tests.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Neutral Position of the Talus (Supine—Non–Weight-­ Bearing Position).  The patient lies supine with the feet extending over the end of the examining table. The examiner grasps the patient’s foot over the fourth and fifth metatarsal heads, using the thumb and index finger of one hand. The examiner palpates both sides of the head of the talus on the dorsum of the foot with the thumb and index finger of the other hand (Fig. 13.70). The examiner then gently, passively dorsiflexes the foot until resistance is felt. While the examiner maintains the

Fig. 13.68  Prone lying with leg, which is not being assessed, in figure-­4 position to allow easier assessment of the neutral position of the right subtalar joint.


dorsiflexion, the foot is passively moved through an arc of supination (talar head bulges laterally) and pronation (talar head bulges medially). If the foot is positioned so that the talar head does not appear to bulge to either side, the subtalar joint will be in its neutral non–weight-­ bearing position.75,96,121,226 This supine test position is best for determining the relation of the forefoot to the hindfoot.    Neutral Position of the Talus (Weight-­Bearing Position).  The patient stands with the feet in a relaxed standing position so that the base width and Fick angle are normal for the patient. Usually, only one foot is tested at a time. The examiner palpates the head of the talus on the dorsal aspect of the foot with the thumb and forefinger of one hand (Fig. 13.71). The patient slowly rotates the trunk to the right and then to the left, which causes the tibia to medially and laterally rotate so that the talus supinates and pronates. If the foot is positioned so that the talar head does not appear to bulge to either side, then the subtalar joint will be in its neutral position in weight bearing.96 Mueller et al.227 described a progression of the neutral talus position in standing called the navicular drop test to quantify midfoot mobility and its effect on other parts of the kinetic chain.86,228 Using a small rigid ruler, the examiner first measures the height of the navicular from the floor in the neutral talus position using the most prominent part of the navicular tuberosity and then measures the height of the navicular in normal relaxed standing (Fig. 13.72A and B). The difference is called the navicular drop and indicates the amount of foot pronation or flattening of the medial longitudinal arch during standing (Fig. 13.72C).228,229 Any measurement greater than 10 mm is considered abnormal. Experience in measuring is necessary to ensure reliable measures.230 The test does not measure the amount of deformation that occurs


Fig. 13.69  Determining the neutral position of the subtalar joints in the prone position. (A) Side view. (B) Superior view.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

with functional activities, such as walking or running.231 McPoil et al.232 advocated measuring the change in navicular height by doing a sit-­to-­stand test measuring navicular height in sitting (i.e., non-­weight-­bearing) and then in standing (i.e., weight-­bearing) to measure navicular drop. 

Tests for Alignment

Alignment tests are used to determine the relation of the leg to the hindfoot and the relation of the hindfoot to the forefoot.233,234 These tests are used to differentiate functional from anatomical (structural) deformities or asymmetries. Coleman Block Test.235  This test differentiates a hindfoot varus resulting from a forefoot valgus from a hindfoot varus resulting from a tight tibialis posterior. If the patient is found to have a hindfoot varus in standing, the examiner places a lift or block under the lateral side

of the forefoot. If the hindfoot varus is corrected, it indicates the hindfoot is flexible and the hindfoot varus is due to a plantar flexed first ray or a valgus forefoot (Fig. 13.73). If it does not correct, the tibialis posterior is tight.  Forefoot-­Heel Alignment.  The patient lies supine with the feet extending over the end of the examining table. The examiner positions the subtalar joint in supine neutral position. While maintaining this position, the examiner pronates the midtarsal joints maximally and then observes the relation between the vertical axis of the heel

Fig. 13.71  Determining the neutral position of the subtalar joint in standing (weight bearing).

Fig. 13.70  Determining the neutral position of the subtalar joint in supine position.




Navicular drop

Navicular height standing with talus in neutral Navicular height with normal relaxed standing

C Fig. 13.72  Navicular drop test. “Drop” is the difference in height between the navicular height in standing relaxed (A) and standing with talus in neutral (B). (C) Illustration of two different foot positions required for navicular drop measurement.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Fig. 13.73  Coleman block test. (A) On initial examination, the hindfoot is in varus. (B) The patient stands with a book or block under the lateral side of the forefoot, and the hindfoot is reexamined. Heel varus correction indicates that the hindfoot deformity is flexible and that the varus position is secondary to the plantar flexed first ray, or valgus position of the forefoot.

Fig. 13.75  Alignment of leg and heel.

Leg-­Heel Alignment.  The patient lies in the prone position with the foot extending over the end of the examining table. The examiner places a mark over the midline of the calcaneus at the insertion of the Achilles tendon. The examiner makes a second mark approximately 1 cm distal to the first mark and as close to the midline of the calcaneus as possible. A calcaneal line is then made to join the two marks. Next, the examiner makes two marks on the lower third of the leg in the midline. These two marks are joined, forming the tibial line, which represents the longitudinal axis of the tibia. The examiner then places the subtalar joint in the prone neutral position. While the subtalar joint is held in neutral, the examiner looks at the two lines. If the lines are parallel or in slight varus (2° to 8°), the leg-­to-­heel alignment is considered normal.226 If the heel is inverted, the patient has hindfoot varus; if the heel is everted, the patient has hindfoot valgus (Fig. 13.75). 

Tests for Tibial Torsion

Fig. 13.74  Alignment of forefoot and heel (superior view).

and the plane of the second through fourth metatarsal heads (Fig. 13.74). Normally, the plane is perpendicular to the vertical axis. If the medial side of the foot is raised, the patient has a forefoot varus; if the lateral side of the foot is raised, the patient has a forefoot valgus.75,226 

When testing for tibial torsion, the examiner must realize that some lateral tibial torsion (13° to 18° in adults, less in children) is normally present.236 If tibial torsion is more than 18°, it is referred to as a toe-­out position. If tibial torsion is less than 13°, it is referred to as a toe-­in position. Excessive toeing-­in is sometimes referred to as pigeon toes and may be caused by medial tibial torsion, medial femoral torsion, or excessive femoral anteversion (see Table 13.3). Tibial Torsion (Prone).  The patient lies prone with the knee flexed to 90°. The examiner views from above the angle formed by the foot and thigh (Fig. 13.76) after

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Fig. 13.78  “Too ­many toes” sign signifying lateral foot or tibial rotation. Two-­and-­one-­half toes shown on the left foot, four toes on the abnormal right foot. (Redrawn from Baxter DE, editor: The foot and ankle in sport, St Louis, 1995, Mosby, p 45.)

Fig. 13.76  Measurement of tibial torsion in the prone position.

Torsion angle Knee axis



Fig. 13.77  Determination of tibial torsion in sitting (superior view). The torsion angle (normal: 12° to 18°) determined by the intersection of the knee axis and the ankle axis. (Modified from Hunt GC, editor: Physical therapy of the foot and ankle, clinics in physical therapy, New York, 1988, Churchill Livingstone, p 80.)

the subtalar joint has been placed in the neutral position, noting the angle the foot makes with the tibia.237 This method is most often used in children, because it is easier to observe the feet from above.  Tibial Torsion (Sitting).  Tibial torsion is measured by having the patient sit with the knees flexed to 90° over the edge of the examining table (Fig. 13.77). The

examiner places the index finger of one hand over the apex of one malleolus and the index finger of the other hand over the apex of the other malleolus. Next, the examiner visualizes the axes of the knee and of the ankle. The lines are not normally parallel but instead form an angle of 12° to 18° owing to lateral rotation of the tibia.65  Tibial Torsion (Supine).  The patient lies supine. The examiner ensures that the femoral condyle lies in the frontal plane (patella facing straight up). The examiner palpates the apex of both malleoli with one hand and draws a line on the heel representing a line joining the two apices. A second line is drawn on the heel parallel to the floor. The angle formed by the intersection of the two lines indicates the amount of lateral tibial torsion.  “Too Many Toes” Sign.  The patient stands in a normal relaxed position while the examiner views the patient from behind. If the heel is in valgus, the forefoot abducted, or the tibia laterally rotated more than normal (tibial torsion), the examiner can see more toes on the affected side than on the normal side (Fig. 13.78).238 Similarly, lateral femoral torsion could cause the “too many toes” test to be positive. If the talus is positioned in neutral and the calcaneus is in neutral, the “too many toes” sign means the forefoot is adducted on the rearfoot and may be seen with excessive pronation (hyperpronation).129,239 Hyperpronation is often associated with metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis, hallux valgus, and posterior tibial tendon pathology.129 

Tests for Ligamentous (Joint) Instability

Anterior Drawer Test of the Ankle.  This test is designed primarily to test for injuries to the anterior talofibular ligament, the most frequently injured ligament in the ankle.240–242 The patient lies supine with the foot relaxed.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

The examiner stabilizes the tibia and fibula, holds the patient’s foot in 20° of plantar flexion, and draws the talus forward in the ankle mortise (Fig. 13.79A).243–246 Sometimes, a dimple appears over the area of the anterior talofibular ligament on anterior translation (dimple or suction sign) if pain and muscle spasm are minimal.247–249 In the plantar-­flexed position, the anterior talofibular ligament is perpendicular to the long axis of the tibia. By adding inversion, which gives an anterolateral stress, the examiner can increase the stress on the anterior talofibular ligament and the calcaneofibular ligament. A positive


B Fig. 13.79 Anterior drawer test. (A) Method 1—drawing the foot forward. (B) Method 2—pushing the leg back.

anterior drawer test may be obtained with a tear of only the anterior talofibular ligament, but anterior translation is greater if both ligaments are torn, especially if the foot is tested in dorsiflexion.250 If straight anterior movement or translation occurs (Fig. 13.80B), the test indicates both medial and lateral ligament insufficiencies. This bilateral finding, which is often more evident in dorsiflexion, means that the superficial and deep deltoid ligaments, as well as the anterior talofibular ligament and anterolateral capsule, have been torn. If the tear is on only one side, only that side would translate forward. For example, with a lateral tear, the lateral side would translate forward, causing medial rotation of the talus and resulting in anterolateral rotary instability (Fig. 13.80C), which is increasingly evident with plantar flexion of the foot.73,76,251–253 Miller et al.254 found that doing an anterolateral drawer movement rather than doing a straight anterior drawer test caused twice the lateral talar displacement. Ideally, the knee should be placed in 90° of flexion to alleviate tension on the Achilles tendon. The test should be performed in plantar flexion and in dorsiflexion to test for straight and rotational instabilities. The test may also be performed by stabilizing the foot and talus and pushing the tibia and fibula posteriorly on the talus (Fig. 13.79B). In this case, excessive posterior movement of the tibia and fibula on the talus indicates a positive test.  Cotton Test (Lateral Stress Test).26,255–259  This test is used to assess for syndesmosis instability caused by separation of the tibia and fibula (diastasis). The two bones are normally held together by four ligaments (the tibiofibular interosseous ligament, anteroinferior tibiofibular ligament, posteroinferior tibiofibular ligament, and transverse tibiofibular ligament).259 The examiner stabilizes the distal tibia and fibula with one hand and applies a lateral translation force (not an eversion force) with the other hand to the foot.26 Any lateral translation (more than 3 to 5 mm) or clunk indicates syndesmotic instability.26,260 Stoffel et al.261 felt this test was better than the lateral rotation stress test for determining syndesmotic instability on stress x-­ray. If the examiner applies a medial







Fig. 13.80  Anterior drawer test. (A) Normal relation between talus and malleoli. (B) Straight anterior translation (one-­plane anterior instability). (C) Anterolateral rotary translation (anterolateral rotary instability).

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

translation force, the test is called the medial subtalar glide test .  Crossed Leg Test.24,262,263  The patient sits in a chair with the affected leg crossed over the opposite knee so the midpoint of the fibula is resting on the opposite knee (Fig. 13.81). The examiner then applies a gentle force to the medial aspect of the knee of the injured leg. If the patient experiences pain in the area of the distal syndesmosis, it indicates a positive test.  Dorsiflexion Compression Test.24,262,264  While in bilateral weight bearing, the patient is asked to move

Fig. 13.81  Crossed-­leg test. The patient sits in a chair, with the injured leg resting across the knee of the uninjured leg. The examiner applies a gentle force on the medial knee of the injured leg.



his or her ankle into extreme dorsiflexion (Fig. 13.82A). The patient is asked to note whether this maneuver is painful while the examiner notes the end ROM. The patient then assumes a normal standing position again. The examiner applies a compression force using two hands surrounding the malleoli of the injured leg. While this compression is maintained, the patient is asked to move into dorsiflexion again (Fig. 13.82B). A decrease in pain on dorsiflexion or an increase in dorsiflexion range indicates a positive test.  Dorsiflexion Maneuver.24,262,265,266  The patient sits on the edge of the table. The examiner stabilizes the patient’s leg with one hand and with the other hand passively and forcefully dorsiflexes the foot by holding on to the heel and using the forearm to dorsiflex the foot (Fig. 13.83). Pain on forced dorsiflexion indicates a positive test for a syndesmosis problem.    External (Lateral) Rotation Stress Test (Kleiger Test).24,242,249,255,262,264,267–269  The patient is seated with the leg hanging over the examining table with the knee at 90°. The examiner stabilizes the leg with one hand. With the other hand, the examiner holds the foot in plantigrade (90°) and applies a passive lateral rotation stress to the foot and ankle. The test is positive for a syndesmosis (“high ankle”) injury if pain is produced over the anterior or posterior tibiofibular ligaments and the interosseous membrane (Fig. 13.84).24,270,271 It is important to note that syndesmosis sprains are associated with prolonged recovery with chronic ankle dysfunction and take longer to heal than medial or lateral ankle sprains.22 If the patient has pain medially and the examiner feels the talus displace from the medial malleolus, it may indicate a tear of the deltoid ligament. On a stress radiograph, if the medial clear space is increased (see Fig. 13.138), it suggests rupture of the


Fig. 13.82  Dorsiflexion compression test. (A) Step 1: Patient dorsiflexes feet while standing. (B) Step 2: Patient dorsiflexes feet while examiner squeezes malleoli together.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Fig. 13.85  Fibular translation test showing anterior translation.

Fig. 13.83  Dorsiflexion maneuver. The examiner stabilizes the leg with one hand and passively moves the foot toward dorsiflexion with the other hand using the forearm.

Fig. 13.86  Heel thump test. The examiner holds the patient’s leg with one hand and with the other hand applies a gentle but firm thump on the heel with the fist.

Fig. 13.84  External rotation stress test.

ligament (see the discussion in the Diagnostic Imaging section) if the lateral malleolus is intact.  Fibular Translation Test.257,258,272  The patient is side lying. The examiner faces the foot to be examined from behind and stabilizes the tibia with one hand and translates the fibular malleolus anteriorly and posteriorly with the other hand (Fig. 13.85). If pain occurs during the translation or if the movement is greater on the affected

side, the test is considered positive for a syndesmosis injury.  Heel Thump Test.24,262,273  The patient is sitting or lying. The examiner uses one hand to stabilize the leg. With the other hand, the examiner applies a firm thump on the heel with the fist so that the force is applied to the center of the heel and in line with the long axis of the tibia (Fig. 13.86). A positive test (i.e., pain) in the area of the ankle indicates a syndesmosis injury. Pain along the shaft of the tibia may indicate a stress fracture.  Point (Palpation) Test.78,262,264  The patient is positioned in sitting or supine. The examiner then applies a gradual pressure over the anteroinferior tibiofibular ligament (anterior aspect of the distal tibia fibular syndesmosis)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

using the thumb or index finger (Fig. 13.87). Pain in the syndesmosis area indicates a positive test.  Prone Anterior Drawer Test.274  The patient lies prone with the feet extending over the end of the examining table. With one hand, the examiner pushes the heel steadily forward (Fig. 13.88). Excessive anterior movement and a sucking in of the skin on both sides of the Achilles tendon indicate a positive sign. The test, like the previous one, indicates ligamentous instability, primarily the anterior talofibular ligament.  Single Leg Balance Test.275  The patient is asked to stand on one foot without shoes with the contralateral knee bent and not touching the floor or the test leg (i.e., weight-bearing leg). The patient starts with the

Fig. 13.87  Point (palpation) test. The examiner applies pressure over the anterior aspect of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis.

Fig. 13.88  Prone anterior drawer test.


eyes open fixing on a spot on a wall. The patient is then asked to close the eyes for 10 seconds. If the patient loses balance, the legs touch each other, the contralateral leg touches down, or the arms move from their start position, the test is considered positive for a potential ankle sprain.  Squeeze Test of the Leg.  The patient lies supine. The examiner grasps the lower leg at midcalf and squeezes the tibia and fibula together (Fig. 13.89).24 The examiner then applies the same load at more distal locations moving toward the ankle. Pain in the lower leg may indicate a syndesmosis injury, provided that fracture, contusion, and compartment syndrome have been ruled out.24,31,242,255,264,276,277 Brosky and associates called this test the distal tibiofibular compression test and applied the compression over the malleoli rather than the shaft of the tibia and fibula (Fig. 13.90).266 Nussbaum et al.267 reported that the “length of tenderness” above the lateral malleolus indicates severity. 

Fig. 13.89  Squeeze test for stress fracture or ankle syndesmosis pathology.

Fig. 13.90  Distal tibiofibular compression test.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Talar Tilt.  The patient lies in the supine or side-­ lying position with the foot relaxed (Fig. 13.91).73,278 The patient’s gastrocnemius muscle may be relaxed by flexion of the knee. This test is to determine whether the calcaneofibular ligament is torn.241,250 The normal side is tested first for comparison. The foot is held in the anatomical (90°) position, which brings the calcaneofibular ligament perpendicular to the long axis of the talus. If the foot is plantar flexed, the anterior talofibular ligament is more likely to be tested (inversion stress test).249 The talus is then tilted from side to side into inversion and eversion. Inversion tests the calcaneofibular ligament and, to some degree, the anterior talofibular ligament by increasing the stress on the ligament.36 Eversion stresses the deltoid ligament, primarily the tibionavicular, tibiocalcaneal, and posterior tibiotalar ligaments. On a radiograph, the talar tilt may be measured by obtaining the angle between the distal aspect of the tibia and the proximal surface of the talus (see the discussion of stress radiographs in the Diagnostic Imaging section). 

Other Tests

Buerger’s Test.  This test is designed to test the arterial blood supply to the lower limb.79 The patient lies supine while the examiner elevates the patient’s leg to 45° for at least 3 minutes. If the foot blanches or the prominent veins collapse shortly after elevation, the test is positive for poor arterial blood circulation. The examiner then asks the patient to sit with the legs dangling over the edge of the bed. If it takes 1 to 2 minutes for the limb color to be restored and the veins to fill and become prominent, the test is confirmed positive.  Dorsiflexion-­Eversion Test for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.280 The patient sits on the examining table with the legs bent over the end of the table. The examiner takes the foot into full dorsiflexion with the heel everted and all the toes fully extended (Fig. 13.94). If neurological symptoms (i.e., pain, numbness) related to the tibial nerve and its branches result (i.e., medial aspect of sole, heel), the test is positive. 

Tests for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

Shin Oedema Test (SOT).279  The patient is lying supine on the examining table with the test leg flexed to 45° at the hip and 90° at the knee. The examiner applies sustained palpation/pressure (for 5 seconds) to the distal two-­thirds of the medial surface of the tibia (Fig. 13.92). Both legs are compared. Pitting edema indicates a positive test.  Shin Palpation Test (SPT). 279  The patient is lying supine on the examining table with the test leg flexed to 45° at the hip and 90° at the knee. The examiner palpates along the distal two-­thirds of the posteromedial leg including the posteromedial border of the tibia and associated musculature (Fig. 13.93). Both legs are compared. Diffuse pain indicates a positive test. Localized point-­ s pecific pain may indicate a stress fracture if history indicates previous overload activity. 

Fig. 13.91  Talar tilt test.


Fig. 13.92  Shin oedema test (SOT).

Fig. 13.93  Shin palpation test (SPT).

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Fig. 13.94  Dorsiflexion-­eversion test for tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Fig. 13.96  Figure-­eight ankle measurement for swelling.


B Fig. 13.95  (A) Feiss line in non–weight-­bearing. Navicular is in normal position. (B) Feiss line in weight-­bearing. Navicular is slightly below line (within normal limits).

Duchenne Test.79  The patient lies supine with the legs straight. The examiner pushes up on the head of the first metatarsal through the sole, pushing the foot into dorsiflexion. The test is positive for a lesion of the superficial peroneal nerve or a lesion of L4, L5, or S1 nerve root if, when the patient is asked to plantar flex the foot, the medial border dorsiflexes and offers no resistance while the lateral border plantar flexes.  Feiss Line.75,86  The examiner marks the apex of the medial malleolus and the plantar aspect of the first metatarsophalangeal joint while the patient is not bearing weight (Fig. 13.95A). The examiner then palpates

the navicular tuberosity on the medial aspect of the foot, noting where it lies relative to a line joining the two previously made points. The patient then stands with the feet 8 to 15 cm (3 to 6 inches) apart. The two points are checked to ensure that they still represent the apex of the medial malleolus and the plantar aspect of the metatarsophalangeal joint. The navicular tubercle is again palpated. The navicular tubercle normally lies on or close to the line joining the two points (Fig. 13.95B). If the tubercle falls one third of the distance to the floor, it represents a first-­degree flatfoot; if it falls two thirds of the distance, it represents a second-­degree flatfoot; if it rests on the floor, it represents a third-­degree flatfoot (see Fig. 13.42A).  Figure-­Eight Ankle Measurement for Swelling.281–284  The patient is positioned in long sitting with the ankle and lower leg beyond the end of the examining table with the ankle in plantigrade (90°). Rohner-­ Spengler et al.285 recommend placing the ankle in 20° plantar flexion (called figure-­of-­eight-­20). Using a 6-­mm (¼ inch) wide plastic tape measure, the examiner places the end of the tape measure on the tibialis anterior tendon, drawing the tape medially across the instep just distal to the navicular tuberosity. The tape is then pulled across the arch of the foot just proximal to the base of the fifth metatarsal, across the tibialis anterior tendon, and then around the ankle joint just distal to the tip of the medial malleolus, across the Achilles tendon, and just distal to the lateral malleolus, returning to the starting position (Fig. 13.96). The measurement is repeated three times and an average taken.  Functional Hallux Limitus Test.286,287  The patient lies supine with the leg supported on the bed. The examiner uses one hand to keep the subtalar joint in neutral while using the same hand to keep the first metatarsal in dorsiflexion. The examiner’s other hand dorsiflexes the

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Fig. 13.97  Functional hallux limitus test. Note the right hand of the examiner ensuring the foot is in the neutral position while the hallux is dorsiflexed or extended.

Fig. 13.99  Functional leg length in standing position (subtalar joint in neutral). Dots on back indicate posterior superior iliac spines.


B Fig. 13.98 Homans sign for thrombophlebitis. (A) Test. (B) Palpation for tenderness in thrombophlebitis.

proximal phalanx of the hallux. If the first metatarsal plantar flexes when the toe is dorsiflexed, the test is considered positive for abnormal midtarsal joint function leading to abnormal midtarsal joint pronation during late midstance (Fig. 13.97).  Hoffa’s Test.  The patient lies prone with the feet extended over the edge of the examining table. The examiner palpates the Achilles tendon while the patient plantar flexes and dorsiflexes the foot. If one Achilles tendon (the injured one) feels less taut than the other one, the test is considered positive for a calcaneal fracture. Passive dorsiflexion on the affected side is also greater. 

Homans Sign.  The patient’s foot is passively dorsiflexed with the knee extended. Pain in the calf indicates a positive Homans sign for deep vein thrombophlebitis (Fig. 13.98). Tenderness is also elicited on palpation of the calf. In addition to these findings, the examiner may find pallor and swelling in the leg and a loss of the dorsalis pedis pulse.  Leg Length Discrepancy (Anisomelia) and Functional Leg Length (see Chapter 11).288,289  The patient stands in the normal relaxed stance (Fig. 13.99). The examiner palpates the anterior superior iliac spines and then the posterior superior iliac spines and notes any differences. The examiner then positions the patient so that the patient’s subtalar joints are in neutral position while weight bearing. The patient maintains this position with the toes straight ahead and the knees straight, and the examiner re-­palpates the anterior and the posterior superior iliac spines. If the previously noted differences remain, the pelvis and sacroiliac joints should be evaluated further. If the previously noted differences disappear, the examiner should suspect a functional leg length difference resulting from hip, knee, or ankle and foot problems—primarily, ankle and foot problems (Table 13.12; see Table 9.9). The examiner must then determine what is causing the difference. For example, foot pronation is often seen with forefoot or hindfoot varus, tibial varus, tight muscles (e.g., calf, hamstrings, hip flexors), or weak muscles (e.g., ankle invertors, piriformis). Leg length discrepancy may be structural (bony difference) or functional (altered mechanics), and can affect loading on the foot.290 Structural leg length

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


TABLE  13.12

Dynamic Limb Length Evaluation Asymmetric Shoe Wear Shoe upper Heel counter Varus or valgus

Asymmetric Callus Medial first distal interphalangeal Medial first metatarsal Second and third metatarsal heads

Shoe sole Posterior lateral heel Posterior central heel Posterior medial heel

Fourth and fifth metatarsal heads Calcaneus Lateral Central Medial

Asymmetric Posture Foot Ankle Knee Hip Pelvis

Asymmetric Alignment or Movement Toe-­out Toe-­grasp Patellar alignment over foot Knee flexion Hip drop Propulsion

Modified from Wallace LA. Limb length difference and back pain. In Grieve GP, editor: Modern manual therapy of the vertebral column, Edinburgh, 1986, Churchill Livingstone, p 469.

Fig. 13.100  Matles test. Negative test is demonstrated. If the Achilles tendon is ruptured, the foot would move into more dorsiflexion (arrow).

Fig. 13.101  Patla tibialis posterior length test.

deformity is sometimes called true leg length discrepancy. Compensation patterns may include pronation; hip or knee flexion on the longer leg; and/or supination, hip, or knee extension on the shorter leg. If there is no compensation, the anterior superior iliac spine and/or posterior superior iliac spine will be lower on the short leg resulting in postural or functional scoliosis. On the shorter side, stance time is decreased, walking velocity is decreased, cadence is increased, and step length is decreased.  Matles Test (Knee Flexion Test).27,291  The patient lies prone with the foot over the end of the examining table while the clinician stands near the end of the table. The patient is asked to actively flex the knee to 90° (Fig. 13.100). During the motion, the examiner watches the foot. Normally, it will be slightly plantar flexed in knee flexion. If the foot falls into neutral or slight

dorsiflexion, the test is positive for a 3° strain (rupture) of the Achilles tendon.  Morton’s (Squeeze) Test.79  The patient lies supine. The examiner uses the thumb and index finger of one hand to squeeze on the dorsal and plantar aspect of each intermetatarsal space. The examiner then grasps the foot around the metatarsal heads with the other hand and squeezes the heads together. Pain is a positive sign for stress fracture or neuroma. Sometimes a palpable click (Mulder’s click) is felt during the test.2  Patla Tibialis Posterior Length Test.128  The patient is in prone lying with the knee flexed to 90° and the calcaneus held in eversion and the ankle in dorsiflexion with one hand (Fig. 13.101). With the other hand, the examiner’s thumb contacts the plantar surface of the bases of the second, third, and fourth metatarsals while the index and middle fingers contact the plantar surface of the navicular.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Pr es s

ur e


Fig. 13.103  Synovial impingement test.

Fig. 13.102  Swing test for posterior tibiotalar subluxation.

The examiner then determines the end feel by pushing dorsally on the navicular and metatarsal heads. The end feel is compared with the normal side. A reproduction of the patient’s symptoms indicates a positive test.  Swing Test for Posterior Tibiotalar Subluxation.292  The patient sits with feet dangling over the edge of the examining table (Fig. 13.102). The examiner places the hands around the dorsum of the foot using the fingers to keep the feet parallel to the floor. With the thumbs, the examiner palpates the anterior portion of the talus. The examiner then passively plantar flexes and dorsiflexes the foot and compares the quality and degree of movement between feet, especially into dorsiflexion. Resistance to normal dorsiflexion in the injured ankle indicates a positive test for posterior tibiotalar subluxation.  Synovial Impingement Test.34  The patient is in long sitting on the examining table. The examiner stands at the end of the table and grasps the calcaneus so the thumb of one hand rests in the anterolateral gutter of the ankle joint. The other hand grasps the forefoot. The examiner first takes the foot into plantar flexion, then applies pressure in the lateral gutter. While maintaining the pressure in the lateral gutter, the examiner passively takes the patient’s foot into dorsiflexion (Fig. 13.103). If hypertrophic synovium is present, it is forced into the joint by the examiner’s thumb and is impinged between the neck of the talus and the distal tibia causing pain (or increasing pain caused by thumb pressure), indicating a positive test.  Test for Peroneal Tendon Dislocation.293  The patient is placed in prone on the examining table with the knee flexed to 90°. The posterolateral region of the ankle is

Fig. 13.104  Test for peroneal tendon dislocation. Arrow indicates where to look for subluxing tendon (also see Fig. 13.58).

inspected for swelling. The patient is then asked to actively dorsiflex and plantar flex the ankle along with eversion against the examiner’s resistance (Fig. 13.104). If the tendon subluxes from behind the lateral malleolus, the test is positive.  Thompson’s (Simmonds’) Test (Sign for Achilles Tendon Rupture).  The patient lies prone or kneels on a chair with the feet over the edge of the table or chair (Fig. 13.105). While the patient is relaxed, the examiner squeezes the calf muscles. The absence of plantar flexion when the

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot




Fig. 13.105  Thompson’s test for Achilles tendon rupture. (A) Prone lying position. (B) Kneeling position. In each case, foot plantar flexes (arrow) if the test result is negative.




Fig. 13.106  Tinel’s sign. (A) Anterior tibial branch of deep peroneal nerve. (B) Posterior tibial nerve. (C) Morton’s neuroma. Tapping between third and fourth metatarsals.

muscle is squeezed indicates a positive test and a ruptured Achilles tendon (third-­degree strain).294–297 One should be careful not to assume that the Achilles tendon is not ruptured if the patient is able to plantar flex the foot while not bearing weight. The long flexor muscles can perform this function in the non–weight-­bearing stance even with a rupture of the Achilles tendon. 

Tinel’s Sign at the Ankle (Percussion Sign).  Tinel sign may be elicited in three places around the ankle. The anterior tibial branch of the deep peroneal nerve may be percussed in front of the ankle (Fig. 13.106A). The posterior tibial nerve may be percussed as it passes behind the medial malleolus (Fig. 13.106B). The third place is for Morton’s neuroma. With one hand, the examiner

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot





Fig. 13.107 Triple compression test for tibial nerve and tarsal tunnel syndrome involves three steps: (1) full plantar flexion, (2) heel inversion, and (3) compression over nerve. Tibia rotates laterally

passively extends the toes and while holding this position, uses the middle finger of the dominant hand to tap between the metatarsals proximal to the metatarsal heads five times (Fig. 13.106C).15,111 Web space tenderness indicates a positive test. In all cases, tingling or paresthesia felt distally is a positive sign.  Triple Compression Test.298  The test is used to assess for tarsal tunnel syndrome. The examiner takes the ankle into full plantar flexion and foot and heel inversion, and then applies an even constant pressure over the posterior tibial nerve for 30 seconds (Fig. 13.107). A positive test is reproduction of neurological symptoms.  Windlass Test (Great Toe Extension Test, First Metatarsal Rise Test).2,55,287,299  The patient stands on a stool or chair with the foot positioned so that the metatarsal heads rest on the edge of the stool while the patient maintains weight through the leg. The examiner then passively dorsiflexes the big toe at the metatarsophalangeal going as far as it will go (Fig. 13.108A). Normally, this action will cause elevation of the medial longitudinal arch and lateral rotation of the tibia (Fig. 13.108B). If both actions do not occur, the foot cannot function normally.300 Pain or increased pain at the insertion of the plantar fascia (see Fig. 13.25) indicates a positive test for plantar fasciitis. Lack of extension may indicate hallux rigidus. The test may also be used to test for a flexible flatfoot. In this case, the test is performed the same way but is called the Hubscher’s maneuver or Jack’s test.115 

Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution The examiner must be aware of the sensory distribution of the various peripheral nerves in the foot, especially the

Examiner fully extends big toe (hallux)


Medial longitudinal arch rises

Fig. 13.108  Windlass (great toe extension, first metatarsal rise) test. (A) The test. Examiner passively dorsiflexes the big toe. (B) Schematic diagram showing what should happen normally while doing the test. The medial longitudinal arch rises and the tibia laterally rotates. (B, Redrawn from Rose GK, Welton EA, Marshall T: The diagnosis of flat foot in the child, J Bone Joint Surg Br 67(1):71–78, 1985.)

superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, and saphenous nerves, and the branches of the tibial nerve (sural, medial calcaneal, medial plantar, and lateral plantar; Fig. 13.109). The examiner must also differentiate between the peripheral nerve sensory distribution and the sensory nerve root distribution or dermatomes (Fig. 13.110). Although dermatomes vary among individuals, their pattern is never identical to the peripheral nerve distribution, which tends to be more consistent among patients. The examiner should test the patient’s sensation by running his or her hands over the anterior, lateral, medial, and posterior surfaces of the patient’s leg below the knee, foot, and toes (sensation scanning examination). Any difference

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

in sensation should be noted and can be mapped out in more detail with a pinwheel, pin, cotton batten, or brush. The examiner must test the patient’s reflexes. Commonly checked in this region are the Achilles reflex301

Saphenous nerve

Lateral cutaneous nerve of calf

Sural nerve Deep peroneal nerve

Tibial nerve

Sural nerve

Saphenous nerve Lateral plantar nerve Medial plantar nerve

Fig. 13.109 Peripheral nerve distribution in the lower leg, ankle, and foot.



(S1–S2; Fig. 13.111) and the posterior tibial reflex (L4– L5; Fig. 13.112). These reflexes may be affected by age and may be absent in older normal individuals.301 The examiner may also wish to test for pyramidal tract (upper motor neuron) disease. There are various methods for testing the pathological reflexes, including the Babinski, Chaddock, Oppenheim, and Gordon reflexes (Fig. 13.113). A positive sign in all of these tests is extension of the big toe. The Babinski reflex also causes fanning of the second through fifth toes. The most common and reliable test is the Babinski test.302 The examiner must remember that pain may be referred to the lower leg, ankle, or foot from the lumbar spine, sacrum, hip, or knee (Fig. 13.114). Conversely, pain from a lesion in the lower leg, ankle, or foot may be transmitted to the hip or knee. Table 13.13 shows the muscles of the lower leg, ankle, and foot, and their patterns of pain referral.

Peripheral Nerve Injuries of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Superficial peroneal nerve

When assessing the patient, and depending on the history, the examiner should be able to differentiate between peripheral nerve injuries in the lower limb, peripheral neuropathy, referral of symptoms from lumbosacral or other lower limb peripheral joint pathologies, upper motor neuron disease, and central nervous system pathology based on the symptoms and where they occur.303 Deep Peroneal Nerve (L4 to S2).  The deep peroneal nerve, a branch of the common peroneal nerve, which is itself a branch of the sciatic nerve (Figs. 13.115 and 13.116), is most commonly injured (compressed) in anterior compartment syndrome in the leg, and where it passes under the extensor retinaculum (anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome).237,304–310 Compression may be caused by trauma, tight shoelaces, a ganglion, or pes


L5 S1 L5




S1, S2



Fig. 13.110  Dermatomes of the lower leg, ankle, and foot.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


B Fig. 13.111  Test of Achilles reflex (S1–S2). (A) Prone lying. (B) Kneeling.

Fig. 13.112  Tibialis posterior reflex (L4–L5).

Fig. 13.114  Pattern of referred pain to and from the ankle. Chaddock


Gordon Oppenheim Fig. 13.113  Pathological reflexes for pyramidal tract disease.

cavus, or it may be due to intramuscular swelling with activity (chronic exertional compartment syndrome) in which there is increase in the intramuscular compartment pressure.306 Roscoe et al.311 have outlined diagnostic criteria for measuring the intramuscular compartment pressure. Motor loss (Table 13.14) includes an inability to dorsiflex the foot (drop foot), which results in a high steppage gait and an inability to control ankle movement. Because the deep peroneal nerve is primarily motor, there is minimal sensory loss, but this loss can be aggravating, especially in anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome (see Fig. 13.116). The sensory loss is a small triangular area between the first and second toes. Pain is

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


TABLE  13.13

Muscles of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot and Referral of Pain Muscle

Referral Pattern

Tibialis anterior

Anterior lower leg, medial dorsum of foot to hallux

Peroneus longus

Superolateral aspect of lower leg

Peroneus brevis

Lower lateral leg, over lateral malleolus and lateral aspect of foot

Peroneus tertius

Lower lateral leg, anterior to lateral malleolus and onto dorsum of foot, or behind lateral malleolus to lateral heel


Behind knee, posterior leg to instep of foot


Posterior leg to heel and sometimes to sole of foot


Posterior knee to upper half of posterior leg

Tibialis posterior

Posterior leg, Achilles tendon, heel, and sole of foot

Extensor digitorum longus

Anterolateral leg to dorsum of foot

Extensor hallucis longus

Anterior leg to dorsomedial foot

Flexor digitorum longus

Posteromedial leg, over medial malleolus, distal sole of foot

Flexor hallucis longus

Plantar aspect of hallux

Extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis

Dorsum of foot

Abductor hallucis

Medial heel and instep

Abductor digiti minimi

Sole of foot over fifth metatarsal

Flexor digitorum brevis

Over metatarsal head

Quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius)

Plantar aspect of heel

Adductor hallucis

Sole of foot over metatarsals

Flexor hallucis brevis

Dorsal and plantar aspect of first metatarsal and hallux Dorsum and plantar aspect of equivalent metatarsal and toe


often accentuated by plantar flexion.306 With the tunnel syndrome, muscle weakness is minimal (extensor digitorum brevis); there is burning pain between the first and second toes that is sometimes referred to the dorsum of the foot.  Superficial Peroneal Nerve (L4 to S2).  Injuries to the superficial peroneal nerve, a branch of the common peroneal nerve (Fig. 13.117; and see Fig. 13.115), are rare but they have been reported to be associated with lateral ankle (inversion) sprains causing stretching of the nerve, or the nerve

Common peroneal nerve at fibular neck

Anterior compartment

Lateral compartment

Superficial peroneal nerve exiting fascia

Deep peroneal nerve Deep peroneal nerve passing below retinaculum Fig. 13.115  Superficial peroneal nerve travels in the lateral compartment of the leg and can be entrapped as it pierces the fascia 8 to 12 cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus. The deep peroneal nerve can be compressed as it pierces the intermuscular septum to travel in the anterior compartment and under the retinaculum.

may be entrapped as it pierces the deep fascia to become subcutaneous about 10 to 13 cm (4 to 5 inches) above the lateral malleolus (Fig. 13.118).25,239,305,308,309,312–315 Motor loss with the high lesion near the head of the fibula is primarily loss of foot eversion and loss of ankle stability. With both lesions, the sensory loss is the same. The superficial peroneal nerve has a greater sensory role than the deep branch; it supplies the lateral side of the leg and dorsum of the foot (see Fig. 13.117). This sensory alteration is often greater with activity. If the examiner plantar flexes and inverts the foot while applying pressure over the distal site, symptoms usually result.316 Pahor and Toppenberg reported that the slump test (see Chapter 9) combined with plantar flexion and inversion of the foot can be performed to rule out neurological injury to the nerve following lateral ankle sprains.317  Tibial Nerve (L4 to S3).  The tibial nerve, a branch of the sciatic nerve (Fig. 13.119), has a major role to play in the lower leg, ankle, and foot because it supplies all the muscles in the posterior leg and on the sole of the foot. The nerve may be injured in the popliteal area at the knee from trauma (e.g., dislocation, blow) or from entrapment as it passes over the popliteus and under the soleus. Popliteal entrapment syndrome or injury may accompany an ankle sprain.313 In the odd case, the tibial nerve and/or popliteal artery may be compressed in the deep posterior compartment from chronic exertional activity (deep posterior chronic

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

TABLE  13.14

Peripheral Nerve Injuries (Neuropathy) of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Nerve

Muscle Weakness

Sensory Alteration

Reflexes Affected

Deep peroneal nerve (L4 through S2)

Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorum longus Extensor digitorum brevis Extensor hallucis longus Peroneus tertius

Triangular area between the first and second toes


Superficial peroneal nerve (L4 through S2)

Peroneus longus Peroneus brevis Gastrocnemius Soleus Plantaris Tibialis posterior Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucis longus Flexor accessorius (quadratus plantae) Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Lumbricals Interossei Adductor hallucis Abductor hallucis Flexor digitorum brevis Flexor hallucis brevis

Lateral aspect of leg and dorsum of foot Sole of foot except medial border, plantar surface of toes


Tibial nerve (L4 through S3)

Inferior extensor retinaculum (cruciform ligament) Lateral branch pinched by extensor tendons Lateral branch of the deep peroneal nerve Extensor hallucis brevis muscle Extensor digitorum longus tendons

Achilles (S1–S2) Tibialis posterior (L4–L5)

Deep peroneal nerve Superior extensor retinaculum

Deep peroneal nerve

Deep peroneal nerve pinched by superior extensor retinaculum

Tibialis anterior Peroneus longus

Deep peroneal nerve pinched by inferior extensor retinaculum

Peroneus brevis Superficial peroneal nerve Extensor digitorum longus

Medial branch pinched by extensor hallucis brevis muscle

Extensor hallucis longus

Medial branch of the deep peroneal nerve

exertional compartment syndrome) with the patient reporting pain and tightness in the calf within half an hour of starting activity (e.g., running) along with weakness of muscles supplied by the tibial nerve (see Table 13.10) and diminished sensation in the tibial nerve distribution.52,318 At the ankle, the nerve may be compressed as it passes through the tarsal tunnel, which is formed by the medial malleolus, calcaneus,

Superficial peroneal

Peroneus tertius Extensor hallucis and extensor digitorum brevis

Fig. 13.116 Compression of deep peroneal nerve by the extensor retinaculum or other structures.

Lateral sural cutaneous

Deep peroneal

Anterior view Fig. 13.117  Common peroneal nerve and its branches, the superficial and deep peroneal nerves.

and talus on one side and the deltoid ligament (primarily the tibiocalcaneal ligament) on the other. This compression is referred to as tarsal tunnel syndrome (Fig. 13.120).120,305,310,319–321 Injury to the nerve at the knee causes a major functional disability. Functionally, the patient is unable to plantar flex

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Superficial peroneal nerve pinched by fascia

Gastrocnemius muscle

High tarsal tunnel (site of compression of posterior tibial nerve)

Sural nerve stretched by inversion

Tarsal tunnel (site of compression of posterior tibial nerve)

Posterior tibial nerve

Superior site of compression of branches of posterior tibial nerve

Flexor retinaculum

Branches of the superficial peroneal nerve stretched by inversion Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve


Distal site of compression of posterior tibial nerve Jogger's foot (site of compression of medial plantar nerve)

Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve Fig. 13.118  Stretching of the superficial peroneal nerve as a result of inversion of ankle.

Abductor hallucis Nerve to abductor digiti minimi Lateral plantar nerve

Fig. 13.120  Tarsal tunnel syndrome.

L4 L5 Medial sural cutan. and sural

S1 S2 S3

Lateral plantar

Sciatic nerve Biceps, long head

Medial plantar


Medial calcaneal

Semimembranosus Biceps short head

Adductor magnus, posterior part

Common peroneal nerve

Tibial nerve Plantaris

Deep peroneal nerve (going anterior)

Adductor hallucis

Gastrocnemius Popliteus

Peroneus longus


Peroneus brevis

Flexor hallucis longus

Superficial peroneal nerve

Flexor digitorum longus Tibialis posterior

All plantar interossei

Flexor hallucis brevis

All dorsal interossei

First lumbrical

Three lateral lumbricals

Flexor digiti torum brevis

Flexor digiti minimi brevis

Abductor hallucis

Abductor digiti minimi

Medial plantar nerve

Quadratus plantae Lateral plantar nerve

Posterior view

Plantar view

Fig. 13.119  Distribution of the sciatic nerve and its branches (tibial and common peroneal nerves). Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

and invert the foot, which has a major effect on gait. In addition, the patient is unable to flex, abduct, or adduct the toes. Sensory loss involves primarily the sole of the foot, lateral surface of the heel, and plantar surfaces of the toes. With popliteal entrapment syndrome, the popliteal artery is often compressed with the nerve, leading to vascular symptoms (e.g., numbness, tingling, intermittent cramping, weakened dorsalis pedis pulse) and neurological signs. Compression in the tarsal tunnel may be caused by swelling after trauma, a space-­occupying lesion (e.g., ganglion), inflammation (e.g., paratenonitis), valgus deformity, or chronic inversion.122,307–309,322–329 Sammarco and associates reported the possibility of double crush injury in the lower limb involving the sciatic nerve (L4 to S3) and one of its branches.330 The examiner must always keep this possibility in mind when assessing for nerve pathology in the lower limb, especially in patients who do not appear to be recovering. Pain and paresthesia into the sole of the foot are often present and are worse after long periods of standing or walking or at night.305 The pain may be localized or may radiate over the medial side of the ankle distal to the medial malleolus. The condition is sometimes misdiagnosed as plantar fasciitis (Table 13.15).331 In long-­standing cases, motor weakness may become evident in the muscles of the sole of the foot that are supplied by the terminal branches of the tibial nerve (i.e., the medial and lateral plantar nerves). The sural nerve (L5 to S2) is a sensory branch of the tibial nerve supplying the skin on the posterolateral aspect of the lower one third of the leg and the lateral aspect of the foot (Fig. 13.121). Injury can result from a blow, trauma (e.g., fracture), or stretching (e.g., accompanying an ankle sprain).122,239,308,329 Shooting pain and paresthesia in its sensory distribution are diagnostic signs.305 The medial plantar nerve (Fig. 13.122), another branch of the tibial nerve that is found in the foot, may be entrapped in the longitudinal arch, causing aching in the arch, burning pain in the heel, and altered sensation

Common peroneal nerve Tibial nerve anterior to soleus Sural nerve

Tarsal tunnel

Lateral plantar nerve

Medial plantar nerve

Fig. 13.121  Sural nerve travels between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and then becomes superficial in the distal third of the leg. The common peroneal nerve may become entrapped as it courses anteriorly between the fibular head and the peroneus longus. The tibial nerve may be entrapped as it passes through soleus and in the tarsal tunnel.

TABLE  13.15

Differential Diagnosis of Plantar Fasciitis and Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Plantar Fasciitis

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome



Trauma, space occupying lesion, inflammation, inversion, pronation, valgus deformity


Plantar aspect of foot, anterior calcaneus Worse with walking, running, and in the morning (sometimes improves with activity)

Medial heel and medial longitudinal arch Worse with standing, walking, and at night



Prolonged motor and sensory latencies

Active movements

Full ROM

Full ROM

Passive movements

Full ROM

May have pain on pronation

Resisted isometric movements


Weakness of foot intrinsics may be present

Sensory deficits Reflexes

No Normal

Possible Normal

ROM, Range of motion. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Posterior tibial nerve

Posterior tibial nerve

Quadratus plantae

Calcaneal nerve

Medial plantar nerve site of compression Plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament

First branch of the lateral plantar nerve site of compression


Fig. 13.122  Jogger’s foot (entrapment of the medial plantar nerve).

in the sole of the foot behind the hallux. This condition is associated with hindfoot valgus and may be referred to as jogger’s foot.305,310,332,333 Similarly, the lateral plantar nerve (Baxter’s nerve) may be entrapped between the deep fascia of the abductor hallucis and the quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius) muscles (Fig. 13.123).305,334 The patient complains of chronic, dull, aching heel pain that is accentuated by walking and running. There is no complaint of numbness. The condition is accentuated by excessive foot pronation.334 The plantar digital nerves are branches of the tibial nerve. Injury to these nerves can result in a Morton’s or interdigital neuroma114 (see the earlier “Morton’s Metatarsalgia [Interdigital Neuroma]” section).  Saphenous Nerve.  This nerve is a sensory branch of the femoral nerve. If it is injured, sensation on the medial side of the leg and foot is affected.335 More details are given in Chapter 12. 

Joint Play Movements The joint play movements (Figs. 13.124 to 13.127) are performed with the patient in the supine or side-­lying position, depending on which movement is being performed. A comparison of movement between the normal or unaffected side and the injured side should be made. Joint Play Movements of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Talocrural (ankle joint) Subtalar joint Midtarsal joints Tarsometatarsal joints Metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints

Long-­axis extension (traction) Anteroposterior glide Talar rock Side tilt medially and laterally Anteroposterior glide Rotation Anteroposterior glide Rotation Long-­axis extension (traction) Anteroposterior glide Lateral or side glide Rotation


Posterior tibial nerve Abductor hallucis

Medial plantar nerve site of compression Lateral plantar nerve site of compression Medial plantar nerve Lateral plantar nerve Quadratus plantae (medial and lateral heads) Abductor digiti minimi


Site of compression Plantar fascia

Flexor digitorum brevis

B Fig. 13.123  Entrapment of the lateral plantar nerve as it changes direction. (A) Medial view. (B) Posterior view.

Long-­Axis Extension

Long-­ axis extension is performed by stabilizing the proximal segment and applying traction to the distal segment. For example, at the ankle, the examiner stabilizes the tibia and fibula by using a strap or just allowing the leg to relax. Both hands are then placed around the ankle, distal to the malleoli, and a longitudinal distractive force is applied. At the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints, the examiner stabilizes the metatarsal bone or proximal phalanx and applies a longitudinal distractive force to the proximal or distal phalanx, respectively. 

Anteroposterior Glide

Anteroposterior glide at the ankle joint is performed by stabilizing the tibia and fibula and drawing the talus and foot forward. To test the posterior movement, the examiner pushes the talus and foot back on the tibia and fibula. There is a difference in the arc of movement between the two actions in tests of joint play. During the anterior movement, the foot should move in an arc into plantar flexion; during the posterior movement, the foot should move in an arc into dorsiflexion. Although similar to the anterior drawer test, the movements are not the same. Anteroposterior glide at the midtarsal and tarsometatarsal joints is performed in a fashion similar to that used to

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


B Fig. 13.125 Joint play movements at the subtalar joint. (A) Talar rock with slight traction applied. Talus is rocked anteriorly and posteriorly. (B) Side tilt.

B Fig. 13.124  Joint play movements at the talocrural joint. (A) Long-­ axis extension. (B) Anteroposterior glide at the talocrural joint.

test the carpal bones at the wrist. For the midtarsal joints, the examiner stabilizes the navicular, talus, and calcaneus with one hand by grasping the bones in the web space, thumb, and fingers. The other hand is placed around the distal row of tarsal bones (cuneiforms and cuboid). If the hands are positioned properly, they should touch each other, as in Fig. 13.126. An anteroposterior gliding movement of the distal row of tarsal bones is applied while the proximal row of tarsal bones is stabilized. The examiner’s hands are then moved distally so that the stabilizing hand rests over the distal row of tarsal bones and the mobilizing hand rests over the proximal aspect of the metatarsal bones. Again, the hands should be positioned so that they touch each other. An anteroposterior gliding movement of the metatarsal bones is applied while the distal row of tarsal bones is stabilized. Anteroposterior glide of the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints is performed by stabilizing the proximal bone (metatarsal or phalanx) and moving

the distal bone (phalanx) in an anteroposterior gliding motion in relation to the stabilized bone. 

Talar Rock

Talar rock is the only joint play movement performed with the patient in the side-­lying position.278 Both the hip and knee are flexed. The examiner sits with his or her back to the patient, as illustrated in Fig. 13.125A, and places both hands around the ankle just distal to the malleoli. A slight distractive force is applied to the ankle, and a rocking movement forward and backward (plantar flexion-­dorsiflexion) is applied to the foot. Normally, the examiner should feel a clunk at the extreme of each movement. As with all joint play movements, the movement is compared with that of the unaffected side. 

Side Tilt

Side tilt at the subtalar joint is performed by placing both hands around the calcaneus (see Fig. 13.125B). The wrists are flexed and extended, tilting the calcaneus medially and laterally on the talus. The examiner keeps the patient’s foot in the anatomical position while performing

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Tests for Tarsal Bone Mobility

In addition to testing of the tarsal bones as a group, the bones should be tested individually, especially if symptoms resulted from group testing. The examiner may test these individual bones using whatever method is desired realizing that the amount of movement normally is minimal. An example of individual tarsal bone testing was put forward by Kaltenborn,336 who advocates 10 tests to determine the mobility of the tarsal bones. Kaltenborn’s Ten Tests for Tarsal Mobility


1. Fixate the second and third cuneiforms, and mobilize the second metatarsal bone. 2. Fixate the second and third cuneiform bones, and mobilize the third metatarsal bone. 3. Fixate the first cuneiform bone, and mobilize the first metatarsal bone. 4. Fixate the navicular bone, and mobilize the first, second, and third cuneiform bones. 5. Fixate the talus, and mobilize the navicular bone. 6. Fixate the cuboid bone, and mobilize the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. 7. Fixate the navicular and third cuneiform bones, and mobilize the cuboid bone. 8. Fixate the calcaneus, and mobilize the cuboid bone. 9. Fixate the talus, and mobilize the calcaneus. 10. Fixate the talus, and mobilize the tibia and fibula.

B Fig. 13.126  Joint play movements in the midtarsal and tarsometatarsal joints. (A) Anteroposterior glide. (B) Rotation.

the movement. The movement is identical to that used to test the calcaneofibular ligament in the talar tilt test. 


Rotation at the midtarsal joints is performed in a similar fashion to the anteroposterior glide at these joints. The proximal row of tarsal bones (navicular, calcaneus, and talus) is stabilized, and the mobilizing hand is placed around the distal tarsal bones (cuneiforms and cuboid). The distal row of bones is then rotated on the proximal row of bones. Rotation at the tarsometatarsal joints is performed in a similar fashion. Rotation at the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints is performed by stabilizing the proximal bone with one hand, applying slight traction, and rotating the distal bone with the other hand. 

Side Glide

Side glide at the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints is performed by stabilizing the proximal bone with one hand. The examiner then uses the other hand to apply slight traction to the distal bone and moves the distal bone sideways (right and left) in relation to the stabilized bone without causing torsion motion at the joint. 

Palpation The examiner palpates for any swelling, noting whether it is intracapsular or extracapsular. Extracapsular swelling around the ankle is indicated by swelling on only one side of the Achilles tendon, whereas intracapsular swelling is indicated by swelling on both sides (see Fig. 13.16). Pitting edema, if present, should be noted. If swelling is present at the end of the day and absent after a night of recumbency, venous insufficiency, caused by a weakening or insufficiency of the action of the muscle pump of the lower leg muscles, may be implied. Swelling in the ankle may persist for many weeks after injury as a result of this insufficiency. The examiner should also notice the texture of the skin and nails. The skin of an ischemic foot shows a loss of hair and becomes thin and inelastic. In addition, the nails become coarse, thickened, and irregular. Many of the nail changes seen in the hand (see Chapter 7) in the presence of systemic disease are also seen in the foot. With poor circulation, the foot will also feel colder. The foot is palpated in the non–­weight-­bearing and long leg sitting or supine positions. The following structures, including the joints between them, should be palpated.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot





Fig. 13.127  Joint play movements at the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. (A) Long-­axis extension. (B) Anteroposterior glide. (C) Side glide. (D) Rotation.

distal middle Phalanges




First metatarsal

Metatarsal Cuneiforms Cuboid Navicular Talus

Lisfranc joints (tarsal/metatarsal joints) Cuneiforms

medial intermediate lateral

Tuberosity of navicular Head of talus Chopart's joints (midtarsal joints)

Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal Groove for peroneus longus Tuberosity of cuboid

Sustentaculum tali Groove for flexor hallucis longus




B Fig. 13.128  Bones of the ankle and foot. (A) Dorsal view. (B) Plantar view. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Palpation Anteriorly and Anteromedially Toes and Metatarsal, Cuneiform, and Navicular Bones.  Starting on the medial side, the great toe and its two phalanges are easily palpated. Moving proximally, the examiner comes to the first metatarsal bone (Fig. 13.128). The head of the first metatarsal should be palpated carefully. On the medial aspect of the foot, the examiner palpates for any evidence of a bunion (exostosis, callus, and inflamed bursa), which is often associated with hallux valgus. On the plantar aspect, the two sesamoid bones just proximal to the head of the first metatarsal may be palpated.337 The examiner then palpates the first metatarsal bone along its length to the first cuneiform bone and notes any tenderness, swelling, or signs of pathology. While moving proximally past the first cuneiform on its medial aspect, the examiner will feel a bony prominence, the tubercle of the navicular bone. The examiner then returns to the first cuneiform bone and moves laterally on the dorsal and plantar surface, palpating the second and third cuneiforms (Fig. 13.129). Like the first cuneiform, the navicular and second and third cuneiform bones should be palpated on their dorsal and plantar aspects for signs of pathology such as fracture, exostosis, or Köhler’s bone disease (osteochondritis of the navicular bone). Moving laterally, the examiner palpates the three phalanges of each of the lateral four toes. Each of the lateral four metatarsals is palpated proximally to check for conditions, such as Freiberg disease (osteochondrosis of the second metatarsal head). Under the heads of the


second and third metatarsals on the plantar aspect, the examiner should feel for any evidence of a callus, which may indicate a fallen metatarsal arch. Care must be taken to palpate the base of the fifth metatarsal (styloid process) and adjacent cuboid bone for signs of pathology such as a fracture or positional faults or Morton’s neuroma which is usually found in the interspace between the third and fourth metatarsal bones. Also, the lateral aspect of the head of the fifth metatarsal may demonstrate a bunion similar to that seen on the first toe. This is called a tailor’s bunion (see Fig. 13.30). In addition to palpating the metatarsal bones, the examiner palpates between the bones for evidence of pathology (e.g., interdigital neuroma) as well as the intrinsic muscles of the foot.  Medial Malleolus, Medial Tarsal Bones, and Posterior Tibial Artery.  The examiner stabilizes the patient’s heel by holding the calcaneus with one hand and palpates the distal edges of the medial malleolus for tenderness or swelling with the other hand. Moving from the distal extent of the medial malleolus along a line joining the navicular tubercle, the examiner moves along the talus until the head of the talus is reached. As the head of the talus is palpated, the examiner may evert and invert the foot, feeling the movement between the talar head and navicular bone. Eversion causes the talar head to become more prominent, as does pes planus. At the same time, the tibialis posterior tendon may be palpated where it inserts into the navicular and cuneiform bones. Rupture (third-­degree strain) of this


lateral intermediate medial

Peroneal trochlea



Sinus tarsi



Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal Groove for peroneus longus


Talus Sustentaculum tali

Intermediate cuneiform Medial cuneiform


Tuberosity of first metatarsal



Fig. 13.129  Bones of the foot from the lateral (A) and medial (B) sides.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

tendon leads to a valgus foot and a decreased arch. The four ligaments that make up the deltoid ligament may also be palpated for signs of pathology. Returning to the medial malleolus at its distal extent, the examiner moves further distally (approximately one finger width) until he or she feels another bony prominence, the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus. This bony prominence is often small and difficult to palpate. Moving further posteriorly, the examiner palpates the medial aspect of the calcaneus for signs of pathology (e.g., sprain, fracture, tarsal tunnel syndrome). As the examiner moves to the plantar aspect of the calcaneus, the heel fat pad, intrinsic foot muscles, and plantar fascia are palpated for signs of pathology (e.g., heel bruise, plantar fasciitis, bone spur). The examiner then returns to the medial malleolus and palpates along its posterior surface, noting the movement of the tibialis posterior and long flexor tendons (and checking for paratenonitis) during plantar flexion and dorsiflexion and noting any swelling or crepitus. At the same time, the posterior tibial artery, which supplies blood to 75% of the foot, may be palpated as it runs posterior to the medial malleolus. This pulse is often difficult to palpate in individuals with “plump” ankles and in the presence of edema or synovial thickening. As the examiner moves proximally along the shaft of the tibia, he or she should feel for any tenderness or swelling (i.e., pitted edema) which may indicate the development of a medial tibial stress syndrome (see shin palpation test and shin oedema test in Special Tests).279  Anterior Tibia, Neck of Talus, and Dorsalis Pedis Artery.  The examiner moves to the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus and follows its course laterally onto the distal end of the tibia. As the examiner moves distally, the fingers rest on the talus. If the ankle is then plantar flexed and dorsiflexed, the anterior aspect of the articular surface of the talus can be palpated for signs of pathology (e.g., osteochondritis dissecans [OCD], talar dome fracture). As the examiner moves further distally, the fingers can follow the course of the neck of the talus to the talar head. Moving distally from the tibia, the examiner should be able to palpate the long extensor tendons, the tibialis anterior tendon, and, with care, the extensor retinaculum (Fig. 13.130). If the examiner moves further distally over the cuneiforms or between the first and second metatarsal bones, the dorsalis pedis pulse (branch of the anterior tibial artery) may be palpated. It may be found between the tendons of extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus over the junction of the first and second cuneiform bones. If an anterior compartment syndrome is suspected, this pulse should be palpated and compared with that of the opposite side. It should be remembered, however, that this pulse is normally absent in 10% of the population. 

Superior extensor retinaculum

Tibialis anterior tendon Inferior extensor retinaculum Dorsalis pedis artery Extensor digitorum longus tendons

Extensor hallucis longus tendon

A Tibialis anterior tendon Extensor digitorum longus tendons Superior extensor retinaculum Peroneus brevis tendon Peroneus longus tendon Inferior extensor retinaculum Superior peroneal retinaculum Inferior peroneal retinaculum

B Fig. 13.130  Retinaculum of the ankle. (A) Anterior view. (B) Lateral view.

Palpation Anteriorly and Anterolaterally

Lateral Malleolus, Calcaneus, Sinus Tarsi, and Cuboid Bone.  The lateral malleolus is palpated at the distal extent of the fibula. It should be noted that the lateral malleolus extends further distally and lies more posterior than the medial malleolus. The examiner palpates the calcaneus (calcaneal squeeze test), paying particular attention to the sides of the calcaneus (calcaneal fracture), the posterior calcaneus or tuberosity (retrocalcaneal bursa or fracture), and the medial calcaneal tubercle on the plantar aspect of the foot (plantar fasciitis). At the same time, the peroneal tendons can be palpated as they angle around the lateral malleolus to their insertion in the foot and up to their origin in the peroneal muscles of the leg. The peroneal retinaculum, which holds the peroneal tendons in place as they angle around the lateral malleolus, is also palpated for tenderness (see Fig. 13.130). While palpating the retinaculum, the examiner should ask the patient to invert and evert the foot. If the peroneal retinaculum is torn, the peroneal tendons will often slip out of their groove or dislocate on eversion (see Fig. 13.58). While the lateral malleolus is being palpated, the lateral ligaments (anterior talofibular, calcaneofibular, and posterior talofibular) should be palpated for tenderness and swelling (see Fig. 13.1). Returning to the lateral malleolus, the examiner palpates its anterior surface and then moves anteriorly to the

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

extensor digitorum brevis muscle, the only muscle on the dorsum of the foot. By palpating carefully and deeply through the muscle, the examiner can feel a depression (the sinus tarsi) which lies between the lateral talus and the calcaneus, usually under a fat pad (Fig. 13.131).2 If the fingers are left in the depression and the foot is inverted, the examiner will feel the neck of the talus, and the fingers will be pushed deeper into the depression. Tenderness in this area may indicate a sprain to the anterior talofibular ligament (see Fig. 13.131), the most frequently injured ligament in the lower leg, ankle, and foot. The cuboid bone may be palpated in two ways. The examiner may move further distally from the sinus tarsi (approximately one finger width) so that the fingers lie over the cuboid bone. Or the styloid process at the base of the fifth metatarsal bone may be palpated, and, as the examiner moves slightly proximally, the fingers lie over the cuboid bone. In either case, the cuboid should be palpated on its dorsal, lateral, and plantar surfaces for signs of pathology.  Inferior Tibiofibular Joint, Tibia, and Muscles of the Leg.  Starting at the lateral malleolus and following its anterior border, the examiner should note any signs of pathology. The inferior tibiofibular joint is almost impossible to feel; however, it lies between the tibia and fibula and just superior to the talus. The examiner then follows the shin, or crest, of the tibia superiorly, observing for signs of pathology (e.g., shin splints, anterior compartment syndrome, stress fracture). At the same time, the muscles of the lateral compartment (peronei) and anterior compartment (tibialis anterior and long extensors) should be carefully palpated for tenderness or swelling. 


Calcaneus and Achilles Tendon.  The examiner palpates the calcaneus and surrounding soft tissue for swelling (i.e., retrocalcaneal bursitis), exostosis (e.g., pump bump—Haglund deformity), or other signs of pathology. In children, care should be taken in palpating the calcaneal epiphysis for evidence of Sever’s disease (calcaneal apophysitis; Fig. 13.132). Moving proximally, the examiner palpates the Achilles tendon where it inserts into the calcaneus, 2 to 6 cm (0.8 to 2.4 inches) above the insertion where vascularity of the tendon is decreased, and the musculotendinous junction for pathology,91 noting any swelling or thickening (e.g., paratenonitis, retro-­Achilles bursitis) or crepitation on movement. A palpable gap in the Achilles tendon may indicate a rupture of the tendon.140 Any swelling caused by an intracapsular sprain of the ankle would also be evident posteriorly. Proximal to the Achilles tendon, the dome or superior surface of the calcaneus may also be palpated.  Posterior Compartment Muscles of the Leg.  Moving further proximally, the examiner palpates the superficial (triceps surae) and deep posterior compartment muscles (tibialis posterior and long flexors) of the leg

Palpation Posteriorly

The patient is then asked to lie in the prone position with the feet over the end of the examining table. The examiner palpates the following structures.



Tibia Fibula Sinus tarsi Talus Navicular

Anterior talofibular ligament Calcaneus


Fig. 13.131 Palpation of the sinus tarsi and the anterior talofibular ligament.



Fig. 13.132  In Sever’s disease (calcaneal apophysitis), there is fragmentation of the posterior apophysis off the calcaneus, causing achillodynia. (A) Lateral roentgenogram of a 10-­year-­old boy with pain around the insertion of the Achilles tendon. (B) Axial view of the calcaneus. (C and D) Representations of films A and B, respectively. (From Kelikian H, Kelikian AS: Disorders of the ankle, Philadelphia, 1985, WB Saunders, p 121.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

along their lengths for signs of pathology (e.g., strain, thrombosis). 

Diagnostic Imaging

A Posterior edge or tip of lateral malleolus 6 cm


Plain Film Radiography338 When viewing any radiograph, the examiner should look for changes and differences between the right and left lower legs, ankles, and feet, such as osteoporosis or alterations in soft tissue, joint space, fracture, and alignment.339 Both weight-­bearing and non–weight-­bearing views should be taken.340 Routinely, anteroposterior, lateral, and mortise views are taken.31,341,342 However, x-­rays should not be used indiscriminately and findings should be considered in conjunction with other clinical signs and symptoms.343

B Base of fifth metatarsal


6 cm

Posterior edge or tip of medial malleolus

Common X-­Ray Views of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Depending on Pathology


• A nteroposterior view of the leg and ankle (weight-­bearing or non– weight-­bearing) (Fig. 13.140) • Anteroposterior view of the foot/toes (routine) (Fig. 13.141) • Lateral view of the leg and ankle (see Fig. 13.142) • Mortise view (anteroposterior oblique) (routine—ankle) (see Fig. 13.136B) • Anteroposterior view of the ankle (routine) (see Fig. 13.136A) • Dorsoplanar view of the foot (see Fig. 13.147) • Medial 45° oblique view of the foot (non–weight-­bearing) (see Fig. 13.148) • Stress (inversion) oblique view (see Fig. 13.153) • Anteroposterior lateral stress view (see Fig. 13.155) • Lateral view of foot/toes (see Fig. 13.143) • Medial oblique view of the ankle • Lateral oblique view of the ankle • Posterior tangential (subtalar)

Stiell and others have developed rules (Ottawa ankle rules [OAR] ) for the proper use of x-­rays after ankle or foot injuries (Fig. 13.133).344–351 Leddy and associates modified these rules with the Buffalo modification.352 In addition to the Ottawa rules, the Buffalo modification includes the crest (midportion) of the malleolus, proximal to the ligament attachments (see Fig. 13.133). OAR do not apply to people under the age of 18, in the presence of multiple painful injury, head injury, intoxication, pregnancy, or neurological deficit.249 The Bernese Ankle Rules (BAR) were developed to improve upon the OAR and can be used in conjunction with OAR. The BAR includes three steps: 1) direct pressure 10 cm (4 inches) proximal to fibular malleolus (Fig. 13.134A), 2) direct stress or pressure on the medial malleolus (Fig. 13.134B), and 3) simultaneous compression of the midfoot and hindfoot (Fig. 13.134C).353–356 A third ankle rule was developed for



Fig. 13.133 Ottawa rules for ankle and foot radiographic series in ankle injury patients. Radiographic series are needed only if there is bone tenderness at A, B, C, or D; inability to bear weight, and malleolar or midfoot pain. Gray shaded areas show Buffalo modification.

fractures called the Leiden Ankle Rule in which 7 items are weighted. If the sum of the scores exceeds 7, radiography is recommended.257,357 Concern must also be given for the mechanism of injury.358 For example, snowboarders commonly fracture the lateral process of the talus. Thus, a history of falling while snowboarding with tenderness below the lateral malleolus indicates the need for an x-­ray.130 To be viewed properly, individual radiographs must be made of the ankle, lower leg, or foot, and in some cases, all three to rule out injury proximal or distal to where the patient is complaining of pain.31,75,359–362

Ottawa Rules for Ankle X-­Rays (with Buffalo Modifications) • • • •

T enderness over lateral malleolus to 6 cm (2.4 inches) proximally Tenderness over medial malleolus to 6 cm (2.4 inches) proximally Tenderness over navicular Tenderness over base of fifth metatarsal

Bernese Ankle Rules353–356 • • • •

P ressure bilaterally 10 cm (4 inches) proximal to fibular malleolus Direct pressure on medial malleolus Compression of hindfoot Compression of midfoot

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot



10 cm (4 inches)



Medial malleolus

Fibular malleolus

Fig. 13.134  Bernese ankle rules. (A) Pressure 10 cm (4 inches) proximal to fibular malleolus. (B) Direct pressure on medial malleolus. (C) Compression of midfoot and hindfoot.


1 1


2 7

3 5 8








Fig. 13.135  Radiological assessment template for the ankle. A standard radiographic series of the ankle has a minimum of three views including an anterior-­posterior view (A), a mortise view (B), and a lateral view (C). There are 11 target sites that represent vulnerable areas where fractures occur including the medial (1) and lateral (2) malleoli, anterior tibial tubercle (3) and posterior tibial malleolus (4), talar dome (5), lateral talar process (6), tubercles of the posterior talus process (7), dorsal to the talonavicular joint (8), anterior calcaneus process (9), calcaneal insertion of the extensor digitorum brevis (10), and the base of the fifth metatarsal bone (11). (From Yu JS, Cody ME: A template approach for detecting fractures in adults sustaining low-­energy ankle trauma, Emerg Radiol 16[4]:309–318, 2009.)

Leiden Ankle Rules Clinical Feature • Deformity, instability, crepitation • Inability to bear weight • Pulseless or weakened posterior tibial artery • Pain on palpation of malleoli or fifth metatarsal • Swelling of the malleoli or fifth metatarsal • Swelling or pain of the Achilles tendon • Age divided by 10

Scorea 5 3 2 2 2 1 Variable

Yu and Cody363 have suggested three views are necessary for detecting fractures in the ankle area (Fig. 13.135). Radiographs may also be used to identify and classify fractures and osteoarthritis.364–367 Anteroposterior View of the Ankle.  The examiner notes the shape, position (whether the medial clear space is normal), and texture of the bones and determines whether there is any fractured or new subperiosteal bone (Fig. 13.136). Fig. 13.137 outlines the radiographic parameters of the ankle. The medial clear space is the space


the sum of the individual scores exceeds 7, radiography is recommended. From Glas AS, Pijnenburg BA, Lijmer JG, et al: Comparison of diagnostic decision rules and structured data collection in assessment of acute ankle injury, Can Med Assoc J 166(6):728, 2002. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Kager's triangle




Fig. 13.136  Radiographs of normal ankle. (A) Anteroposterior view. Note tibiofibular overlap (between arrows). (B) Internal oblique (mortise) view. Arrow demonstrates alignment of lateral talus with posterior cortex of tibia. (C) Lateral view. Note the presence of Kager’s triangle with an intact Achilles tendon. (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, pp. 590–591.)

or OCD (Fig. 13.139).73 OCD is more likely to be seen in females (1.5 times more likely than males), and teenagers have 7 times the risk compared to children 6 to 11 years of age.367,372,373 If epiphyseal plates are present, the examiner should note whether they appear normal. Any increase or decrease in joint space, greater reduction of the tibial overlap, widening of the interosseus space, and greater visibility of the digital fossa should also be noted.

Incisura fibularis Overlap Clear space 1 cm




Fig. 13.137 Ankle radiographic parameters. (A) Normal syndesmotic relationships include a tibiofibular clear space (open arrows), 6 mm in both the anteroposterior (AP) and mortise views, as well as a tibiofibular overlap (solid arrows) greater than 6 mm or greater than 42% of the width of the fibula on the AP view, or greater than 1 mm on the mortise view. The overlap is measured 1 cm proximal to the plafond (ceiling of ankle joint or the articular surface of the distal end of the tibia). (B) AP radiograph demonstrating a widened syndesmosis and increased medial clear space and no overlap. (A and B, From Stephen D: Ankle and foot injuries. In Kellam JF et al, editors: Orthopaedic knowledge update: trauma 2, Rosemont, IL, 2000, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, p 210.)

between the talus and medial malleolus (Fig. 13.138). It is normally ≤ 4 mm wide, and values greater than this indicate a lateral talar shift with disruption of the ankle mortise (e.g., fibular fracture)259,343,368 with disruption of the deltoid and tibiofibular ligaments369 and, therefore, of the tibiofibular syndesmosis.31,255,262,370 The tibiofibular overlap or tibiofibular clear space (see Fig. 13.136A) should be at least 6 mm, and greater than 1 mm in the mortise view, although any alteration and related injury has been questioned.259,369,371 In addition, the configuration, congruity, and inclination of the talar dome in relation to the tibial vault above it should be noted, because it may indicate an osteochondral lesion

Criteria for Syndesmosis Injury75,374 Medial clear space Tibiofibular overlap Clear space between fibula and peroneal incisura of tibia Medial clear space

>4 mm 10

Fig. 13.153  Ankle stress (inversion) view.

10 more than on normal side 2–3 mm




Fig. 13.154  Positive findings on diagrammatic stress radiographs. (A) Abduction stress. (B) Adduction stress. (C) Increased (2 to 3 mm) medial clear space (lateral rotary stress).

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


B Right






Fig. 13.155  Abnormal stress views: anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligament tears. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) views of the right ankle showing hypertrophic lipping from the anterior tibia and talus. The syndesmosis is slightly wide. Comparison varus stress views of the right (C) and left (D) ankles show abnormal talar tilt on the right, particularly when compared with the normal left side. This is diagnostic of an anterior talofibular ligament tear on the right, with or without a calcaneofibular ligament tear. The anterior drawer test is abnormal on the right (E) compared with the left (F). Comparison can be made by noting the anterior shift of the midtalus in relation to the midtibia (arrows) on each side, the loss of parallelism of the subchondral cortices on the right, or the marked widening of the posterior joint space (lines) on the abnormal as compared with the normal side. This is consistent with an anterior talofibular ligament tear on the right. (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, p 600.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Long axis of tibia



joint a





x = 84o (range 68.5o–99o) x = 80o (range 68o–88o)

int axis

Ankle jo

Middle of foot



Fig. 13.156  Orientation of the ankle joint axis. Mean values measure (A) 80° from a vertical reference and (B) 84° from the longitudinal reference of the foot. (Adapted from Hunt GC, editor: Physical therapy of the foot and ankle, New York, 1988, Churchill Livingstone; and Isman RE, Inman VT: Anthropometric studies of the human foot and ankle: technical report No. 58, San Francisco, 1968, University of California.)



t ub

t in




x = 23o (range 4o–47o)


x = 41o (range 20.5o–68.5o)

Transverse plane Subtalar joint axis



Middle of foot

Fig. 13.157  Orientation of the subtalar joint axis. Mean values measure (A) 41° from the transverse plane and (B) 23° medially from the longitudinal reference of the foot. (Adapted from GC Hunt, editor: Physical therapy of the foot and ankle, New York, 1988, Churchill Livingstone; and Isman RE, Inman VT: Anthropometric studies of the human foot and ankle: technical report no. 58, San Francisco, 1968, University of California.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Normal Alignment





Fig. 13.159 Drawing of normal alignment of a healthy foot in lateral weight-­bearing view. A, Hindfoot height; B, talar declination angle; C, lateral talocalcaneal angle (method 2); D, calcaneal pitch.

Flatfoot Deformity





Fig. 13.158  Drawing of normal and pathologic alignment of a pes planus in anteroposterior and lateral views. CI, Calcaneal inclination; TC, talocalcaneal angle; TMT, talometatarsal angle.

Fig. 13.160  Measurement of hallux valgus deformity. On the left, the angle of intersection of the long axes of the proximal phalangeal and the first metatarsal shafts (dotted lines) is 40°. Normally, this angle is no greater than 10°. On the right, there is rotation of the great toe and lateral subluxation of the proximal phalanx, leaving about one half of the articular surface of the metacarpal uncovered. The angle of the first and second metatarsal shafts (solid lines) is 22°. On standing views, angles of greater than 10° indicate metatarsus primus varus. (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, p 657.)

Common Ossicles in the Foot  s trigonum (separate posterior talar tubercle) O Os tibiale externum (separate navicular tuberosity) Bipartite medial cuneiform (separated into upper and lower halves) Os vesalianum (separate tuberosity of the base of the fifth metatarsal) • Os sustentaculi (separate part of the sustentaculum tali) • Os supranaviculare (dorsum of the talonavicular joint)


• • • •

Films Showing Bone Development.  Like the bones of the hand, the bones of the foot form within a certain time period (Fig. 13.163). However, because the foot is subjected to greater forces and environmental effects than the hand, it is not usually used to determine skeletal age. X-­rays of the foot often show the developing bone deformities seen in clubfoot (Fig. 13.164). Although not all of the bones are present at birth, a series of films will show differences when compared with films of normal feet. 


Arthrograms of the ankle are indicated whenever there is acute ligament injury, chronic ligament laxity, or indications of loose body or OCD (Figs. 13.165 and 13.166).31,73,388,389 Leakage of the contrast medium indicates tearing of the joint capsule or capsular ligaments. Normally, the talocrural joint admits only about 6 mL of contrast medium. 

Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging

This technique makes use of the ultrasonic waves to determine possible tissue injury. With an experienced operator, it may show injury to growth plates in the presence of a

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Os trigonum

A Stieda process

B Fig. 13.162  Lateral view of the ankle, showing the os trigonum (A) and Stieda process (B). (Redrawn from Brodsky AE, Khalil MA: Talar compression syndrome. Foot Ankle 7:338–344, 1987.)

58.5 (36.2)

53.7 (34.0) 52.2 (30.3)

15.5 (9.4)

Fig. 13.161 Accessory tarsal bones. 1, Os sesamoideum tibialis anterior; 2, os cuneometatarsale I tibiale; 3, os cuneometatarsale I plantare; 4, os intermetatarsale I; 5, os cuneometatarsale II dorsale; 6, os unci; 7, os intermetatarsale IV; 8, os vesalianum; 9, os paracuneiforme; 10, os naviculocuneiforme I dorsale; 11, os intercuneiforme; 12, os sesamoideum tibialis posterior (according to Trolle, this may be the same as 15); 13, os cuboideum secundarium; 14, os peroneum; 15, os tibiale (externum); 16, os talonaviculare dorsale; 17, os calcaneus secundarius; 18, os supertalare; 19, os trochleae; 20, os talotibiale dorsale; 21, os in sinu tarsi; 22, os sustentaculi proprium; 23, calcaneus accessorius; 24, os talocalcaneare posterior; 25, os trigonum; 26, os aponeurosis plantaris; 27, os supracalcaneum; 28, os subcalcaneum; 29, os tendinis Achilles. (Redrawn from Klenerman L: The foot and its disorders, Boston, 1982, Blackwell Scientific, p 361.)

normal radiograph or prenatal pathology.390,391 It has been proposed that diagnostic ultrasound imaging (DUSI) may be used to diagnose ligament injuries in “real time,” for example, using the ultrasound when doing the Thompson test to diagnose Achilles tendon ruptures.392,393 Ankle injuries account for nearly 15% of sports-­ related orthopedic emergency room visits.394 Due to the superficial nature of structures surrounding the ankle, ultrasound imaging can be very beneficial during an evaluation. Examination should include ligaments and tendons around the ankle, as well as a more specific detailed examination around the lower leg and foot.

20.7 (13.6) 18.1 (11.5) 20 (12.7) 30.5 (20.9)

27.7 (18.8) 35.3 (24.3) 42.1 (28.6) 47.8 (33.4) 53.6 (38.9)

28.5 (19.9) 24.1 (15.7)

29.3 (20.0)

33.8 (23.3)

90.3 (68.3) Fig. 13.163 Anteroposterior diagram of the foot showing the times of appearance (in months) of the centers of ossification for boys (and for girls, in parentheses). (Redrawn from Hoerr NL, Pyle SI, Francis CC: Radiographic atlas of skeletal development of the foot and ankle, Springfield, IL, 1962, Charles C Thomas, with kind permission of Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Tarsal joints Distal row



Middle row Proximal row



C B A Talus

Cuboid Calcaneus (rotated)

B Fig. 13.164 Representations of the foot as seen on radiographs. (A) Representation of the normal foot. The cuboid blocks medial movement of the foot at the middle row of tarsal joints because of its unique location. It alone occupies a position in both rows of tarsal joints. The talocalcaneal angle (angle A) is measured by drawing lines through the long axes of the talus and calcaneus. One should attempt to be as accurate as possible in making these measurements. The normal range for this measurement is 20° to 40° in the young child. The talus-­first metatarsal angle (angle B) is measured by drawing lines through the long axis of the talus and along the long axis of the first metatarsal. The normal range is 0° to −20°. (B) Hindfoot varus, as manifested by a decreased talocalcaneal angle (angle A), and talonavicular subluxation, as manifested by a talocalcaneal angle of less than 15° and a talus-­first metatarsal angle (angle B) of more than 15°. Talonavicular subluxation occurs through the medial movement of three bones, which move as a unit. The navicular, cuboid, and calcaneus move medially through the combined movements of medial translation and supination of the proximal tarsal bones, whereas the calcaneus inverts beneath the talus. (Redrawn from Simons GW: Analytical radiography and the progressive approach in talipes equinovarus. Orthop Clin North Am 9:189, 1978.)

Anterior.  One of the first areas to be examined in the evaluation of the anterior ankle is the anterior joint recess. This is seen with the patient in supine with the foot relaxed. The distal tibia and the proximal talus are landmarks that guide the examiner to the anterior joint recess. The transducer is placed longitudinally along the tibia and talus (Fig. 13.167). The bony contours of the tibia and talus will appear


Fig. 13.165 Normal positive-­contrast ankle arthrogram. (A) Anteropos­ terior view; (B) internal oblique or mortise view; (C) lateral view; and (D) a tomogram in the internal oblique projection show contrast agent coating the articular surfaces and filling normally present anterior (white arrows), posterior (open arrow), and syndesmotic (black arrows) recesses. There is no extension of contrast medium into the soft tissue medially or laterally. (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, p 596.)

hyperechoic. A thick line of hypoechoic articular cartilage can also be seen along the margins of the bone. Normally, a fat pad will sit between the tibia and the talus, and can be seen (Fig. 13.168). The transducer can then be moved into the short axis near the joint line to view the tendons of the anterior ankle including the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, and extensor digitorum. The tibialis anterior will be most medial and larger than all the other tendons. In its cross section, it will appear hyperechoic and fibrillar. The extensor hallucis longus tendon will run parallel and lateral to the tibialis anterior tendon, while the extensor digitorum longus will be most lateral. It is generally unmistakable due to its multiple tendons that run distally to the digits. The dorsalis pedal artery lies near the extensor hallucis longus and will be seen in cross section. The deep peroneal nerve and the tibial artery can be seen in short axis at the level of the distal tibia.  Posterior.  To best view the posterior ankle, the patient should lie comfortably in the prone position. The posterior evaluation can begin with the transducer placed on the posterior Achilles in the long axis (Fig. 13.169). The tendon should be thick and uniform in shape. The tendon can be viewed from the intermuscular attachment all the way distal to the calcaneus (Fig. 13.170). The transducer

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Seepage Seepage

Joint capsule Torn anterior talofibular ligament

Torn anterior talofibular ligament





Fig. 13.166  Contrast arthrography showing acute tear of the anterior tibiofibular ligament. (A) Anteroposterior arthrogram of the right ankle 14 hours after the injury showing extravasation of contrast medium in front and around the lateral aspect of the fibula. (B) Lateral view of the same. (C and D) Illustrations of arthrograms A and B, respectively. (Modified from Kelikian H, Kelikian AS: Disorders of the ankle, Philadelphia, 1985, WB Saunders, p 143.)

Fig. 13.167  Transducer placement for anterior joint recess long-axis view.

Fig. 13.169 Transducer placement for posterior ankle and Achilles tendon.

T Ta F

Fig. 13.168 Longitudinal image over anterior joint recess showing fat pad (F), tibia (T), and talus (Ta).


Fig. 13.170  Longitudinal image of Achilles tendon in long axis (arrows) and calcaneus (C).

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

can then be rotated to the short axis. In this view, the tendon should be uniform and hyperechoic and relatively flat and broad. The plantar aponeurosis can be viewed in the long axis which will appear as a hyperechoic structure. The insertion of the aponeurosis can clearly be seen to its attachment onto the calcaneus.  Medial.  For best results, the medial ankle can be visualized with the foot relaxed and the proximal hip slightly laterally rotated. The imaging should begin in short axis above the medial malleolus (Fig. 13.171). As the transducer is moved posterior to the tibia, the tibialis posterior tendon, the flexor digitorum longus and the flexor hallucis longus are seen as hyperechoic fibrillary structures (Fig. 13.172). Because of the contour of the surrounding bone and soft tissues, anisotropy may occur requiring the examiner to toggle the transducer to get a clearer image. The tibialis posterior is much larger in size than that of the flexor hallucis and flexor digitorum longus. In this same area, the tibial nerve will be situated between the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis

Fig. 13.171  Transducer placement for medial ankle short-axis view.


Fig. 13.172 Short-axis image superior and posterior to medial malleolus showing tibialis posterior (arrows), and the flexor digitorum longus (open arrows) tendons, and flexor retinaculum (arrowheads). Tib, Tibia. (From Jacobson JA: Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.)

longus tendons. In the short axis view, the fascicles of the nerve can be seen surrounded by hyperechoic connective tissue. The transducer can then be brought to the frontal or coronal plane as the tendons change direction under the medial malleolus. In this area, the sustentaculum tali protrudes from the medial calcaneus. At the sustentaculum tali, the tibialis posterior is more superficial and dorsal, while the flexor digitorum longus lies immediately superficial. The flexor hallucis longus tendon is inferior and lies in the bony groove of the calcaneus.395 The transducer can then be brought back to the long axis along the tendons as they run distally into the medial foot. The distal tibialis posterior will be able to be traced as it runs distally to insert onto the navicular, cuneiforms, and then the metatarsals on the sole of the foot. The flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus can be followed in the long axis until they are lost under the foot. The deltoid ligament is the large broad ligament that provides a primary restraint to eversion of the ankle. The transducer can be placed in the coronal plane initially at the medial malleolus. The deltoid ligament can be seen running from the tibia to the calcaneus as a think superficial hyperechoic ligament.  Lateral.  Because of injuries to the lateral ankle ligamentous structures, this is the area that DUSI is most often used. The patient can lay supine with the hip in slight medial rotation (Fig. 13.173). Starting with the transducer in the short axis posterior to the fibula, the peroneus brevis and longus tendons can be viewed (Fig. 13.174). If a muscle is seen by the peroneus longus, it will be the belly of the peroneus brevis. As the transducer is moved distally, the muscle belly should taper to the tendon. As the transducer is rotated in an oblique axis under the tip of the lateral malleolus, the calcaneofibular ligament can be seen deep to the peroneal tendons. As the examiner continues distally, the peroneal tubercle will be seen. The peroneal tubercle is the site where the two peroneal tendons run in different locations. The peroneus brevis runs above the tubercle while the longus runs distal to the tubercle. The brevis can be followed distally to its attachment on the fifth metatarsal. The longus runs distally to dive under the peroneal or cuboid groove proximal to the fifth metatarsal to insert underneath the foot at the medial cuneiform and the base of the first metatarsal. The peroneal tendons can also be viewed in the long axis. Starting above the malleolus, the transducer is moved posteriorly to the fibula in the recess behind the malleolus. With the transducer in an oblique plane, the brevis and longus can usually be seen in one isolated image. As they are followed distally, just like with the short axis, they can be followed distally to the fifth metatarsal or to the peroneal or cuboid groove.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

Fig. 13.173  Transducer placement for lateral ankle short axis slightly posterior to lateral malleolus.


Fig. 13.175 Transducer placement longitudinally along the anterior talofibular ligament on the lateral ankle.



Fig. 13.174  Short-axis image superior and posterior to the lateral malleolus showing peroneal tendons including the peroneus longus tendon (arrowheads), and the peroneus brevis muscle (arrows) and tendon (curved arrow). F, Fibula. (From Jacobson JA: Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.)

To assess the anterior talofibular ligament the transducer is placed along the ligament’s long axis (Fig. 13.175). The ligament will appear as either a hyper-­or a hypoechoic structure due to anisotropy and the oblique course of the ligament as it runs from the fibula to the talus (Fig. 13.176). To better view the ligament, the transducer may need to be toggled slightly. A normal ligament has full continuity. The calcaneofibular ligament can be seen by placing the transducer at the tip of the fibula and slightly posterior

Fig. 13.176  Axial image of the anterior talofibular ligament in long axis (arrows), as well as the fibula (F) and tibia (T).

toward the calcaneus. This ligament is also seen as a hyperechoic fibrillary structure. However, in the short axis, it may appear hypoechoic again due to anisotropy. Lastly, the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament should be examined as it is crucial if a high ankle sprain is suspected. In the short axis, the transducer is moved distally to the level of the distal tibia and fibula. At this level, the cortical outline of the tibia and fibula can be seen. As the transducer is moved inferiorly, there comes a location where the tibia ends and the fibula continues. The transducer should angle toward the continuing fibula and at this point, the hyperechoic fibrillary anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament can be found. 

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot




t s

ST c








C Fig. 13.177  Normal anatomy of the ankle and foot as seen on computed tomography scans. (A) Coronal section through the ankle and subtalar joint. T, Talus, C, calcaneus, F, fibula. (B) Farther anteriorly, the sustentaculum tali (S), the site of insertion of the talocalcaneal ligament (X), the subtalar joint (ST), and the mid-­talocalcaneonavicular joint (t) are shown. (C) Anterior to the sustentaculum tali, the talus (T) and the calcaneus (C), are shown. (D) The peroneus brevis (PB), peroneus longus (PL), posterior tibial (TP), and flexor digitorum longus (FDL) muscles are shown. AD, Abductor digiti quinti pedis; AHL, abductor hallucis longus, FDB, flexor digitorum brevis, QP, quadratus plantae. This scan is at the level of the posterior aspect of the sustentaculum tali. (From Weissman BNW, Sledge CB: Orthopedic radiology, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders, p. 632.)

Computed Tomography

Computed tomography scans are useful for determining the relation among the bones and for giving a view of the relation between bony and soft tissues (Figs. 13.177 and 13.178). 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI is an especially useful, although sometimes overused, technique for delineating bony and soft tissues around the ankle and foot (Figs. 13.179 to 13.182).25 MRI may be used to diagnose ruptured tendons (e.g., Achilles, peroneal), ligament tears (Fig. 13.183), and fractures (e.g., stress fractures, osteochondral fractures, osteonecrosis).375,396–409 

Bone Scans

Bone scans are used in the lower limb, ankle, and foot to diagnose stress fractures. Areas of high risk for stress fractures include the tibia (anterior diaphysis) (Figs. 13.184 and 13.185), navicular, and proximal fifth metatarsal.410 

Fig. 13.178  Coronal computed tomographic view showing talocalcaneal coalition on the right. (From Rettig AC, Shelbourne KD, Beltz HF, et al: Radiographic evaluation of foot and ankle injuries in the athlete, Clin Sports Med 6:914, 1987.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot








Fig. 13.179  Sagittal and coronal magnetic resonance images of the ankle. (A) Sagittal projection. Note the white bone marrow (BM) and subcutaneous fat (F), black tendons (T) and ligaments, gray muscles (M) and articular cartilage (C), and black cortical bone (B). (B) Coronal projection. Note the black appearance of the deltoid ligament (white arrow) and interosseous ligament (black arrowhead) between the talus and calcaneus. (From Kingston S: Magnetic resonance imaging of the ankle and foot, Clin Sports Med 7:19, 1988.)





Fig. 13.180  Magnetic resonance images showing partial Achilles tendon tear. Sagittal, proton-­density (A) and T2-­weighted magnetic resonance images (B) reveal a large tear at the Achilles insertion with intratendinous fluid (long arrow) and fraying and thickening of the distal tendon (short arrow). (C) Complete Achilles tendon tear. Sagittal, proton-­ density magnetic resonance (MR) image reveals disruption of the Achilles tendon (long arrows) and thickening of its distal portion (short arrow). (D) On an axial, T1-­weighted MR image, only gray granulation tissue is shown within the paratenon (short arrow). The intact plantaris tendon passes along the medial border of the paratenon (long arrow). (From Kerr R, Forrester DM, Kingston S: Magnetic resonance imaging of foot and ankle trauma, Orthop Clin North Am 21:593, 1990.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot



Fig. 13.181  Morton’s neuroma. (A) Coronal T1-­weighted (TR/TE, 600/20) spin-echo magnetic resonance (MR) image shows a mass (arrow) of low signal intensity between the third and fourth metatarsal heads. (B) This mass (arrow) has high signal intensity on a coronal fat-­suppressed fast spin echo (TR/TE, 3500/50) MR image. A small amount of fluid may be present in the intermetatarsal bursa (arrowhead). (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders, p 1051.)





Fig. 13.182  Appearance of normal ankle ligaments. (A) The intact anterior talofibular ligament (arrowheads) is of low signal intensity on this T1-­ weighted transaxial image. Note the elliptical shape of the talus and the presence of the lateral malleolar fossa. (B) Intact anterior (arrowheads) and posterior (arrows) tibiofibular ligaments are of uniform low-signal intensity. The medial border of the lateral malleolus is flattened, indicating that this is the level of the tibiofibular ligaments. (C) Intact tibiotalar component of the deltoid (arrowheads). Note the osteochondral defect of the lateral talar dome. (D) Posterior talofibular ligaments (arrowheads) on T1-­weighted coronal image. The deltoid and posterior talofibular ligaments have a striated appearance rather than a homogeneous low-­signal-­intensity appearance like the anterior talofibular ligament. (© 2001 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, vol 9[3], pp. 187–199, with permission.)

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Fig. 13.183  Chronic tear of the anterior talofibular ligament. This transaxial T2-­weighted image demonstrates the absence of the anterior talofibular ligament, with high-­signal-­intensity fluid (arrows) filling the expected location of the ligament. (© 2001 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, vol 9[3], pp. 187–199, with permission.)



Fig. 13.185  Stress fracture of the tibia and anterior shin splint. A short fusiform area of increased uptake in the posterior aspect of the distal shaft of the tibia represents a stress fracture (large arrow). A long longitudinal area of increased uptake in the anterior aspect of the tibial shaft is consistent with a shin splint (small arrows). (From Resnick D, Kransdorf MJ: Bone and joint imaging, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders, p 103.)

Fig. 13.184  Bone scan of whole body. Arrow indicates area of increased isotope uptake (“hot spot”) in the right tibia, which is consistent with a stress-­related lesion.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

PRÉCIS OF THE LOWER LEG, ANKLE, AND FOOT ASSESSMENTa NOTE: Suspected pathology will determine which Special Tests are to be performed. History Observation Examination Active movements, weight-­bearing (standing) Plantar flexion Dorsiflexion Supination Pronation Toe extension Toe flexion Functional assessment (standing) Special tests (standing) Neutral position of talus “Too many toes” sign Windlass test (great toe extension) Active movements, non–­weight-­bearing (sitting or supine lying) Plantar flexion Dorsiflexion Supination Pronation Toe extension Toe flexion Toe abduction Toe adduction Special tests (sitting) Dorsiflexion-­eversion test for tarsal tunnel syndrome External rotation stress test Navicular drop test Synovial impingement test Tibial torsion Passive movements (supine lying) Plantar flexion at the talocrural (ankle) joint Dorsiflexion at the talocrural joint Inversion at the subtalar joint Eversion at the subtalar joint Adduction at the midtarsal joints Abduction at the midtarsal joints Flexion of the toes Extension of the toes Adduction of the toes Abduction of the toes

Resisted isometric movements (supine lying) Knee flexion Plantar flexion Dorsiflexion Supination Pronation Toe extension Toe flexion Special tests (supine lying) Anterior drawer sign Cotton test Figure-­eight measurement of ankle Forefoot-­heel alignment Functional hallux limitus test Leg length Medial subtalar glide test Morton’s (squeeze) test Neutral position of talus Shin oedema test Shin palpation test Talar tilt Tibial torsion Tinel’s sign at the ankle Triple compression test Reflexes and cutaneous distribution (supine lying) Special tests (side lying) Fibular translation test Joint play movements (supine and side lying) Long-­axis extension Anteroposterior glide Talar rock Side tilt Rotation Side glide Tarsal bone mobility Palpation (supine lying and prone lying) Special tests (prone lying) Leg-­heel alignment Matles test Neutral position of talus Prone anterior drawer test Tibial torsion Thompson test Diagnostic imaging


précis is shown in an order that limits the amount of moving that the patient has to do but ensures that all necessary structures are tested. It does not follow the order of the text. After any examination, the patient should be warned of the possibility that symptoms will exacerbate as a result of the assessment.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot


CASE STUDIES When doing these case studies, the examiner should list the appropriate questions to be asked and why they are being asked, identify what to look for and why, and specify what things should be tested and why. Depending on the patient’s answers (and the examiner should consider different responses), several possible causes of the patient’s problem may become evident (examples are given in parentheses). A differential diagnosis chart should be made (see Table 13.16 as an example). The examiner can then decide how different diagnoses may affect the treatment plan. 1. A 26-­year-­old male firefighter is being seen following a fascial release in the lower leg due to increased inter-­compartmental pressures while running. He is a recreational athlete who enjoys ultra-­marathon running. Describe your assessment plan for him following this surgical procedure. In particular, describe how you would assess entire neurological function of lower extremity and ROM specific to a high-­level recreational runner. 2. A 36-­year-­old emergency room physician comes to see you as a direct access patient following a basketball injury. He reports that, while playing basketball over the weekend, he was kicked in the back of his right heel. He has swelling in the posterior heel but no discoloration at this time. He has enough weakness such that he is having trouble walking normally. He feels as though he has no control to stop dorsiflexion during gait, and has little strength during the push-­off phase of gait in terminal stance. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (Achilles tendon rupture vs. Achilles tendinopathy). 3. A 38-­year-­old man ruptured his Achilles tendon 4 weeks earlier and had it surgically repaired. The cast has been removed. Describe your assessment plan for this patient. 4. A 24-­year-­old woman presents at your clinic with a painful left foot. There is no history of trauma; however, the pain has been present for approximately 6 years and has become worse in the past year. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (Morton’s neuroma vs. plantar fasciitis).

5. A 59-­year-­old man comes to you complaining of pain in his right calf and some numbness in his right foot. He also complains of some stiffness in his back. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (lumbar spondylosis vs. tibial nerve palsy). 6. A 10-­year-­old boy recently had a triple arthrodesis for talipes equinovarus. The cast has now been removed. Describe your assessment plan for this patient. 7. A 16-­year-­old female volleyball player comes to you complaining of left ankle pain and difficulty walking after she stepped on another player’s foot and went over on her ankle. The injury occurred 30 minutes earlier, and her ankle is swollen. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (malleolar fracture versus ligament sprain). 8. A 25-­year-­old woman tells you that she is training for a marathon but that every time she increases her mileage, her right foot hurts. Some time ago, someone told her she had a cavus foot. Describe your assessment plan for this patient. 9. Parents bring a 2-­year-­old boy to you and express concern that the child appears to have flat feet and “pigeon toes.” Describe your assessment plan for this patient. 10. A 32-­year-­old woman comes to you complaining of ankle pain. She states that she sprained it 9 months earlier and thought it was better. However, she has now returned to training, and the ankle is bothering her. Describe your assessment plan for this patient (proprioceptive loss vs. instability).

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

TABLE  13.16

Differential Diagnosis of Lower Leg Compartment Syndrome Pain (type)

Compartment Syndrome Shin Splintsa Severe cramping, diffuse Diffuse along medial pain, and tightness two-­thirds of tibial border

Stress Fracturea Tumor Deep, nagging localized Deep, nagging (bone) with minimal radiation with some radiation

Pain with rest

Decreases or disappears

Decreases or disappears

Present, especially night pain

Present, often night pain

Pain with activity



Present (may increase)


Pain with warm-­up

May increase or become May disappear present



Range of motion

Limited in acute phase





Gradual to sudden




Altered sensation





Muscle weakness or paralysis




Not usually


Increases pain

Increases pain

Minimal pain alteration

No increase in pain




Early, negative; late, positive (?)

Usually positive

Bone scan


Periosteal uptake




Affected sometimes





Tender, tight compartment

Diffuse tenderness

Point tenderness

Point or diffuse tenderness


Muscle expansion




None without rest

Up to 3 months

None without treatment

Duration and recovery None without surgery aThese

two conditions are different stages of tibial stress syndrome. From Magee DJ: Sports physiotherapy manual, Edmonton, 1988, University of Alberta Bookstore.

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Chapter 13  Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot 436. Neelly K, Wallmann HW, Backus CJ. Validity of measuring leg length with a tape measure compared to a computed tomography scan. Physiother Theory Pract. 2013;29(6):487–492. 437. Rose KJ, Burns J, Ryan MM, et al. Reliability of quantifying foot and ankle muscle strength in very young children. Muscle Nerve. 2008;37:626–631. 438. Kelln BM, McKeon PO, Gontkof LM, et al. Hand-held dynamometry: reliability of lower extremity muscle testing in healthy, physically active, young adults. J Sport Rehab. 2008;17:160–170. 439. Möller M, Lind K, Styf J, et al. The reliability of isokinetic testing of the ankle joint and a heel-raise test for endurance. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2005;13:60–71. 440. Power CM, Maffucci R, Hampton S. Rearfoot posture in subjects with patellofemoral pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1995;22(4):155–160. 441. Erichsen N, Lund H, Moller JO, et al. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of tests of translatoric movements and range of movements in the subtalar and talocrural joints. Adv Physiother. 2006;8:161–167. 442. Kwon OY, Tuttle LJ, Commean PK, et  al. Reliability and validity of measures of hammer toe deformity angle and tibial torsion. The Foot. 2009;19:149–155. 443. Rosen AB, Do J, Brown CN. Diagnostic accuracy of instrumented and manual talar tilt tests in chronic ankle instability populations. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015;25:214–221.

444. Van den Bekerom MPJ, Mutsaerts EL, Niek van Dijk C. Evaluation of the integrity of the deltoid ligament in supination external rotation ankle fractures: a systematic review. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009;129:227–235. 445. Cornwall MW, McPoil TG, Lebec M, et al. Reliability of the modified foot posture index. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2008;98(1):7–13. 446. Glasoe WM, Getsoian S, Myers M, et  al. Criterionrelated validity of a clinical measure of dorsal first ray mobility. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2005; 35:589–593. 447. Gaebler C, Kukla C, Breitenseher MJ, et al. Diagnosis of lateral ankle ligament injuries: comparison between talar tilt, MRI and operative findings in 112 athletes. Acta Orthop Scand. 1997;68(3):286–290. 448. Picciano AM, Rowlands MS, Worrel T. Reliability of open and closed kinetic chain subtalar joint neutral positions and navicular drop test. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1993;18(4):553–558. 449. Shultz SJ, Nguyen A, Windley TC, et  al. Intratester and intertester reliability of clinical measures of lower extremity anatomic characteristics: implications for multicenter studies. Clin Sport Med. 2006;16(2): 155–161. 450. Torbum L, Perry J, Gronley JK. Assessment of rearfoot motion: passive positioning, one-legged standing gait. Foot Ankle Int. 1998;19(10):688–693.


451. Smith-Oricchio K, Harris BA. Interrater reliability of subtalar neutral, calcaneal inversion and eversion. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1990;12(1):10–15. 452. Elveru RA, Rothstein JM, Lamb RL. Goniometric reliability in a clinical setting: subtalar and ankle joint measurements. Phys Ther. 1988;68(5): 672–677. 453. Sell KE, Verity TM, Worrell TW, et al. Two measurement techniques for assessing subtalar joint position: a reliability study. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1994;19:162–167. 454. Yamamoto K, Miyata T, Onozuka A, et al. Plantar flexion as an alternative to treadmill exercise for evaluating patients with intermittent claudication. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2007;33:325–329. 455. Troester JC, Jasmin JG, Duffield R. Reliability of single-leg balance and landing tests in rugby union; prospect of using postural control to monitor fatigue. J Sports Sci Med. 2018;17(2):174–180. 456. Pieper B, Templin TN, Birk TJ, et  al. The standing heel-rise test: relation to chronic venous disorders and balance, gait, and walk time injection drug users. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2008;54(9):18–22, 24, 26–30. 457. Burns J, Redmond A, Ouvrier R, et al. Quantification of muscle strength and imbalance in neurogenic pes cavus, compared to health controls, using hand-held dynamometry. Foot Ankle Int. 2005;26 (7):540–544.

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Chapter Chapter 13 13  Lower Lower Leg, Leg, Ankle, Ankle, andand Foot Foot 1095.e1 1095.e1

eAPPENDIX 13.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot ANKLE CIRCUMFERENCE Reliability • Inter-­examiner ICC = 0.96 (right) and 0.97 (left)411

ANKLE DORSIFLEXION LUNGE Reliability • Interobserver ICC = 0.96; intraobserver ICC = 0.98412

ANKLE FLEXIBILITY USING LUNGE TEST Reliability • Test-­retest ICC = 0.87413

ANKLE GONIOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS Reliability • D  orsiflexion intrarater ICC = 0.81–0.99, for subjects with neurologic disorders ICC = 0.95, for combining subjects with orthopedic and neurologic disorders ICC = 0.90, for subjects with orthopedic disorders ICC = 0.80414 • Dorsiflexion interrater ICC = 0.29–0.75, for subjects with neurologic disorders ICC = 0.77, for combining subjects with orthopedic and neurologic disorders ICC = 0.50, for subjects with orthopedic disorders ICC = 0414 • Plantar flexion intrarater ICC = 0.99, for subjects with neurologic disorders ICC = 0.72, for combining subjects with orthopedic and neurologic disorders ICC = 0.86, for subjects with orthopedic disorders ICC = 0.89414 • Plantar flexion interrater for subjects with orthopedic disorders ICC = 0.74, for combining subjects with orthopedic and neurologic disorders ICC = 0.72, for subjects with neurologic disorders ICC = 0.6414 • Plantar flexion interrater for normal subjects ICC = 0.81415

ANKLE JOINT POSITION SENSE Reliability • Test-­retest ICC = 0.90–0.94416

ANKLE METER (ANTERIOR DRAWER) Validity • Radiography and ATD measurements r = 0.91417

ANKLE STRENGTH Reliability • Test-­retest dorsiflexion ICC = 0.88,413 ankle inversion ICC = 0.88,416 ankle eversion ICC = 0.86–0.89416

ANKLE STRETT RADIOGRAPHIC Reliability • I nterobserver for anterior talar drawer test ICC = 0.73–0.97, for talar tilt ICC = 0.78–0.97, for calcaneocuboid angle ICC = 0.35–0.91, for calcaneocuboid joint-­space distance ICC = 0.81–0.95; Intraobserver for ankle stress testing ICC = 0.78–0.97, for calcaneocuboid stress radiography ICC = 0.67–0.94418 Continued

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1095.e2 Chapter 1095.e2 Chapter 13 13  Lower Lower Leg, Leg, Ankle, Ankle, andand Foot Foot

eAPPENDIX 13.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot–cont’d ANTERIOR DRAWER TEST Reliability


• A  nterolateral drawer test with direct anatomic measurement r = 0.93 and ICC = 0.945419 • In supine ICC = 0.16 SEM 1.11; in crook lying ICC = 0.06 SEM 1.39420 • Intrarater using the LigMaster arthrometer 0.65, Interrater using the LigMaster arthrometer 0.81421 • Interrater 0.59270

• W  hen 3 mm or more is used as the threshold to diagnose a lateral ligament rupture 100%419 • Isolated tears of the ATFL 74%422 • 43%270 • 100%423 • 2.3 mm or greater instability: 0.38424 • 3.7 mm or greater instability: 0.40424

Sensitivity • W  hen 3 mm or more is used as the threshold to diagnose a lateral ligament rupture 100%419 • Isolated tears of the ATFL 60%, combined ruptures of the ATFL and CFL 68%422 • Without discrimination of the lateral ligaments affected by injury 32% to 80%422 • 36%270 • 58%423 • 2.3 mm or greater instability: 0.74424 • 3.7 mm or greater instability: 0.83424

Odds Ratio • P  ositive likelihood ratio 0.63; negative likelihood ratio 1.50270 • Positive likelihood ratio infinity; negative likelihood ratio 0.42423 • 2.3 mm or greater instability: positive likelihood ratio 1.21; negative likelihood ratio 0.66424 • 3.7 mm or greater instability: positive likelihood ratio 1.40; negative likelihood ratio 0.41424

ARCH INDEX Reliability


• Test-­retest ICC =


• V  alidity correlation with radiographic measurements r = 0.514–0.708425




• R2 = 0.88 agreement with water volumetry426

CALF HEEL RAISES Reliability • Interobserver ICC = 0.99; intraobserver ICC = 0.99412

CHRONIC ANKLE INSTABILITY SCALE (CAIS) Reliability • Test-­retest ICC for total score = 0.84; Cronbach alpha for the subscales = 0.62–0.80427

COTTON TEST Reliability


• Interrater = 0.156270

• 71%270

Sensitivity • 2  9%270 • 25%423

Odds Ratios • P  ositive likelihood ratio 1.00; negative likelihood ratio 1.00270

CROSS SIX-­METER HOP FOR TIME Reliability • Test-­retest ICC = 0.89416



• Test-­retest ICC =


• C  AIT and LEFS P = .5; CAIT and VAS P − .76203 • Construct validity alpha = 0.83203

Specificity •

 4.7%203 7

Sensitivity • 82.9%203

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Chapter Chapter 13 13  Lower Lower Leg, Leg, Ankle, Ankle, andand Foot Foot 1095.e3 1095.e3

eAPPENDIX 13.1 Reliability, Validity, Specificity, and Sensitivity of Special/Diagnostic Tests Used in the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot–cont’d DERIFIELD-­THOMPSON TEST Reliability • Intrarater (differences in mean values 6.5 mmol/L or low-­density lipoprotein cholesterol >4.0 mmol/L

• • • • •

Complications of Hypertension • • • • • • •

 ardiovascular disease C Heart failure Left ventricular hypertrophy Stroke Intracerebral hemorrhage Chronic renal insufficiency Renal disease

 enal disease R Oral contraceptives Cushing syndrome Sleep apnea syndrome Endocrine (thyroid, parathyroid conditions) • Coarctation of aorta • Renovascular disease • Adrenal cortex dysfunction

The following examination sections may be part of the primary care examination, but this will depend on what has been found from taking the history and vital signs. Only those sections that the examiner feels are relevant or are areas of concern would normally be investigated.

 General Medical Problems There are general systemic problems that the examiner must always keep in mind when doing an assessment. Some of the general medical (systemic) questions include the following23,44,69: 1. Have you ever been diagnosed with a systemic disease (e.g., diabetes)? 2.  Have you ever been diagnosed with a progressive disease (e.g., muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis)? 3. Have you ever been told you have cancer? 4. Have you ever had anything similar to what you have now? How often? 5. Where exactly is your pain? What is the quality, frequency, and pattern of the pain?70 What have you tried to do to alleviate the pain? On a scale of 1 (no pain) to 10 (pain is bad as it could possibly get), how would you rate your pain level? 6. Do you have any other symptoms? 7. Have you ever had any infections? How were they treated? 8. Do you have unexplained fatigue? 9. Have you ever had any unexplained weakness? 10. Do you bruise easily? 11. Is your present weight steady or has it increased or decreased in the last year? Sudden weight loss in a short time for no reason may indicate the presence of a tumor. Obesity may have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and other body systems.71 The presence of systemic disease (e.g., diabetes) does not rule out work or activity, but the examiner must ensure that there is either good control by the use of medication or that the disease will not cause undue risk to the patient or his or her well-­being. It must also be determined whether the extent or intensity of the activity the patient has to do poses a significant threat to the patient’s physical condition.72 The examiner must also be concerned about problems such as acute infection and malignancy and progressive diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Acute illnesses tend to be self-­limiting and usually require only that the patient temporarily withdraw from work or activity, often to prevent spread of disease to others.46 Dehydration is made worse by febrile illness, which could, in certain circumstances, lead to heat disorders. 

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

Adverse Effects of Obesity • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Increases in insulin resistance ° Glucose intolerance ° Metabolic syndrome ° Type 2 diabetes mellitus Hypertension Dyslipidemia ° Elevated total cholesterol ° Elevated triglycerides ° Elevated LDL cholesterol ° Elevated non-­HDL cholesterol ° Elevated small, dense LDL particles ° Decreased HDL cholesterol ° Decreased apolipoprotein-­A1 Abnormal left ventricular geometry ° Concentric remodeling ° Left ventricular hypertrophy Endothelial dysfunction Increased systemic inflammation and prothrombotic state Systolic and diastolic dysfunction Heart failure Coronary heart disease Atrial fibrillation Obstructive sleep apnea/sleep-­disordered breathing Albuminuria Osteoarthritis Cancers

HDL, High-­density lipoprotein; LDL, low-­density lipoprotein. From Lavie CJ, Milani RV, Ventura HO: Obesity and cardiovascular disease: risk factor, paradox, and impact of weight loss, J Am Coll Cardiol 53(21):1926, 2009.

Head and Face Eye Examination

Visual acuity is usually examined with the use of a Snellen (or common) eye chart. Peripheral vision and depth perception may also be tested. Questions related to the eye examination include the following46,73: 1. Have you had any problems with vision or your eyes? 2. Have you ever injured your eyes? 3.  Do you wear glasses, contact lenses, or protective eyewear? 4. Are you color-­blind? 5. Do you have a peripheral vision problem? 6. Have you ever used medications for an eye problem? 7. Have you ever had an eye infection? Any abnormalities found or positive answers may require further examination. Uncorrected vision of less than 20/40 should be checked further.51 Visual loss of 20/50 means that the patient can read at 20 feet what the average person can read at 50 feet. The health care professional should watch for problems that may preclude work, preclude participation in the chosen activity or sport, or affect the patient’s safety. Vision in only one eye results in lack of depth perception, which can be detrimental in certain situations. Patients with sight in only one eye should work at specific jobs or participate in physical activities only


if they have an understanding of the dangers of participating and accept the risks. Such patients should not work or participate in sports for which there is no adequate eye protection. Examples of Eye Conditions or Signs and Symptoms Requiring Further Examination • • • • • • • • • •

S udden vision loss Visual loss greater than 20/40 Vision in one eye only Severe myopia Retinal detachment Retinal tear Corneal abrasion Iritis Conjunctivitis Proptosis (protrusion) of eye

If the patient wears glasses, the health care professional should ensure that the lenses are made of plastic, polycarbonate, or heat-­treated (safety) glass to prevent them from shattering during work or activity. Myopia, or nearsightedness, should be noted on the chart; such patients are more likely to suffer retinal degeneration, which increases the possibility of retinal detachment. Patients who have had a retinal detachment are sometimes excluded from contact sports or high-­ exertion jobs. People who have a retinal tear should be allowed to do strenuous activities only if cleared by a physician or specialist, and they should have a qualifying letter allowing them to return to work. Pupillary size should also be evaluated. In some patients, the pupils are obviously of different sizes (anisocoria). This difference should be noted in case the patient has to be evaluated for a head injury at a later date.74 Assessment of the eyes is discussed in Chapter 2. 

Dental Examination

Questions to be asked concerning the patient’s dental record include the following73: 1. When did you last see a dentist? 2. Have you ever had any problems with your teeth or gums? 3. Have you ever had any teeth knocked out, damaged, or extracted? 4. Do you wear a mouth guard? 5. Do you smoke or chew tobacco? 6. Have you ever had an injury to your face or jaws? When a patient is being examined for dental problems, which is usually done by a dentist, it is important to determine how many teeth the patient has and the last time he or she saw a dentist. 

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

Ear Examination

Questions to be asked concerning the patient’s ear problems include the following: 1. Do you have any problems with hearing? 2. Do you have an earache? (When was the onset? Is it getting worse?) 3. Is the earache associated with a cold, flu, or trauma? 4. Is there a discharge from the ear? Ear problems are commonly referred to a physician or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. Assessment of the ear is discussed in Chapter 2. 

Nose Examination

Questions to be asked concerning the patient’s nose include the following: 1. What is the problem with your nose? 2. Can you breathe through your nose? 3.  Do you have any discharge from your nose (e.g., blood, mucus)? 4. Do you use any medication through your nose (nose drops, nasal spray)? 5. Are both nostrils affected? Assessment of the nose is discussed in Chapter 2. Nose problems other than colds are commonly referred to a physician or ENT specialist. 

Neurological Examination and Convulsive Disorders (Including Head Injury) The neurological examination is very important, especially in relation to contact or collision activities or when there is a suspected head injury. Some of the more common questions asked in the neurological examination include the following23,46: 1. Have you ever been knocked out or been unconscious? 2. Have you ever had a head injury? 3. Have you had or do you have frequent or severe headaches? 4. Have you ever had a stinger or burner? 5. Have you ever had a time when one or more of your limbs went numb or “to sleep” during activity? 6. Have you ever fainted (syncope)? 7. Have you ever had a paralyzed limb? 8. Have you ever lost feeling or muscular control of your arms or legs? 9. Have you ever had a seizure? 10. Have you ever been in a motor vehicle accident or fallen and hit your head? A positive answer to any of these questions could have a significant impact on what the patient is allowed to do and whether the patient is allowed to return to work or to participate in contact or collision activities. In the neurological examination, the examiner may assess the status of a head injury (see Chapter 2), perform a cranial nerve assessment (see Chapter 2) and sensation scan, and evaluate the different reflexes (see Chapter 1)

if problems are suspected. The examiner must check for concussions and nerve palsies. Any positive neurological signs and symptoms uncovered in the examination, such as recurrent concussions or nerve palsies, should preclude strenuous activity until investigated further by a specialist before clearance to return to previous activities is given. Examples of Neurological Conditions or Signs and Symptoms Requiring Further Examination • • • • • • • • • • •

 ore than one concussion M Postconcussion syndrome Any history of head injury Expanding intracranial lesion Any history of seizure Neurological symptoms of undetermined cause Any history of stinger, burner, or neurapraxia Persistent weakness, numbness, or arm or leg pain Any history of transient quadriplegia Upper motor neuron symptoms Any history of nerve palsy

With convulsive disorders, the examiner must determine the frequency of the episodes; how or whether control of the convulsions has been achieved; the use of routine medication; any circumstances that activate the convulsions; and whether the patient understands the disorder, its hazards, and the predisposing factors. Patients with epilepsy should be discouraged from activities such as skiing, scuba diving, parachuting, and climbing because of the inherent dangers.46 If the activity involves water sports (e.g., swimming alone, scuba diving), auto racing, or any activity in which recurrent head trauma or unexpected falls may cause serious injury (e.g., mountain climbing, working at heights), then the patient with a convulsive disorder should be discouraged from engaging in these activities. Patients whose activities should be restricted include those who experience daily or weekly seizures, those who display bizarre forms of psychomotor epilepsy, and those whose postconvalescent state is prolonged or typically includes markedly abnormal behavior. It is important to understand whether the medication taken can maintain good control of the patient’s condition, not only in everyday situations but also in stress situations. For example, hyperventilation may precipitate an epileptic seizure, and seizures tend to occur after exercise, not during the event. In addition, it is important to know whether the extent or intensity of the participation poses a significant threat to the patient’s physical condition. If the examiner is treating the patient for head, face, or temporomandibular joint pain, he or she should always be cognizant of the possibility of meningitis, a primary brain tumor, or a subarachnoid hemorrhage.75 Meningitis is a rare infection that affects the meninges, causing brain swelling, bleeding, and death in 10% of cases.76 

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

Musculoskeletal Examination Like the neurological examination discussed previously, the musculoskeletal examination is often a very important part of an evaluation. Questions in the history related to this examination include the following48,77–­81: 1. Have you ever pulled (strained) or hurt a muscle? 2. Have you ever torn (sprained) or stretched a ligament? 3. Have you ever subluxated or dislocated a joint or had a bone come out of joint? 4. Have you ever broken (fractured) a bone? 5. Have any of your joints ever swollen? 6. Have you ever had pain in your muscles or joints at work or during or after activity, exercise, or sports (Table 17.4)? 7. Have you ever had regular prolonged (more than 30 minutes) morning stiffness? 8. Have you ever had any rashes, eye infections, diarrhea associated with joint pain, and/or swelling? 9. Have you ever had any proximal weakness, excessive cramping, or muscle fasciculations? A positive response to any of these questions requires further investigation. The musculoskeletal examination begins with observation of the patient’s posture (see Chapter 15), looking for any asymmetry. Asymmetry, combined with the history, may lead the examiner to do a detailed assessment of a specific joint (see Chapters 3 to 13). If no problems are noted, the examiner can do a quick upper and lower scanning or screening examination to check for potential problems and abnormal movement (e.g., hypomobility, TABLE  17.4

Comparison of Systemic and Musculoskeletal Joint Pain Systemic


• • • • • • • • • • • •

• D  ecreases with rest • Sharp • Ceases when stressful action is stopped • Associated signs and symptoms • Usually none • Trigger points may be accompanied by nausea, sweating

 wakens at night A Deep aching, throbbing Reduced by pressure Constant or waves/spasm Jaundice Migratory arthralgias Skin rash Fatigue Weight loss Low-­grade fever Muscular weakness Cyclic, progressive symptoms • History of infection (hepatitis, streptococcosis, mononucleosis, measles)

From Goodman CC, Snyder TE: Differential diagnosis in physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1995, WB Saunders, p 526.


hypermobility, capsular patterns, weakness, abnormal movement patterns, “cheating movements”).65,82 Upper and Lower Scanning Examination • C  ervical spine: flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation • Shoulder shrug (resistance may be added) • Shoulder: elevation through abduction, forward flexion and the plane of the scapula; medial and lateral rotation (resistance may be added) • Elbow: flexion, extension, supination, pronation • Wrist: flexion, extension, radial, and ulnar deviation • Fingers and thumb: open hands wide, make a tight fist • Thoracic and lumbar spine: flexion (touch toes, knees straight— watch for spine versus hip movement), extension, side flexion, rotation • Tighten quadriceps (quadriceps strength, symmetry) • Test hamstring tightness • Hip, knee, ankle, and foot: squat and bounce, heel-­toe walking

If any deviation, weakness, or abnormality is found or if the patient has reported a previous injury to a joint, a more detailed examination may be performed to assess active movements, passive movements, resisted isometric movements, special tests, functional tests, reflexes, sensation, myotomes, joint play, and to palpate that joint or associated joints. Examples of Musculoskeletal Conditions or Signs and Symptoms Requiring Further Examination • J oint or spinal instability (static and dynamic) • Joint swelling • Unhealed muscle or ligament injury (especially 3° or if avulsion suspected) • Possible fractures or dislocations/subluxations • Unhealed or healing fracture • Degenerative diseases • Inflammatory diseases • Unusual hypermobility or hypomobility • Muscle weakness • Growth or maturation disorders • Repetitive stress disorders • Myopathy • Metabolic disease

When the examiner is looking for musculoskeletal problems, it is important to consider whether the patient’s job or what he or she wants to do will exacerbate an existing disease or injury, increase an existing deformity, or cause further bone or joint damage. When the examiner is looking for musculoskeletal problems, he or she may look at the patient’s flexibility, strength, and endurance

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

as well as static and dynamic stability. Spinal instability (especially instability of the cervical or lumbar spine) or spondylolisthesis may preclude the patient from taking part in some activities. Maturation may also have to be considered when dealing with patients who are still growing, as well as previous injuries, congenital problems, and growth abnormalities in this age group. 

Cardiovascular Examination The cardiovascular examination should be performed in a quiet area because of the need to auscultate. In this part of the evaluation, the examiner looks for subtle but significant cardiac abnormalities to reduce the incidence of unexpected sudden death in sports or similar incidents at work.4,49,83–­88 In some cases, electrocardiograms (ECGs) or stress ECGs may be appropriate.89 More than 90% of sudden deaths in exercise and sports among participants younger than 30 years of age involve the cardiovascular system. The following questions should be asked in the history concerning the cardiovascular system19,23,44,46: 1. Have you ever had a heart attack? 2. Do you have a pacemaker or other device to assist your heart? 3. Have you ever had heart surgery? 4. Have you ever had frequent heartburn? 5.  Have you ever experienced dizziness, fainting, or passing out during or after activity, exercise, or sports? 6. Have you ever experienced chest pain, tightness, a crushing sensation, squeezing, or pressure in the chest at work or during or after activity, exercise, or sports (Tables 17.5 and 17.6)? 7. When you are working or doing an activity, exercise, or sport, do you tire more quickly than others doing the same things? 8. Have you ever had high blood pressure? 9. Has your heart ever “raced” or skipped beats? 10. Have you ever been told you have a heart murmur? 11. Has anyone in your family ever had heart problems or died of heart disease? 12. Has anyone in your family died suddenly before the age of 50 years? 13. Have you had a severe viral infection (myocarditis, mononucleosis) within the last month? 14. Has a physician denied or restricted your participation in any activity because of heart problems? 15. Do your ankles and/or legs swell?90 If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the examiner must consider the possibility of cardiomyopathy, conduction abnormalities, arrhythmias, valvular problems, coronary artery defects, and lung or related problems.91 If cardiovascular problems are suspected, the examiner may organize further tests (e.g., ECG, treadmill stress tests, laboratory tests)92 to detect cardiac abnormalities.

Examples of Cardiovascular Conditions or Signs and Symptoms Requiring Further Examination • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

 hest pain C Dizziness with activity or vertigo Irregular heartbeat (rate, rhythm) Hypertension (labile or organic) Heart murmur Family history of heart problems Hypertrophic cardiomegaly Conduction abnormalities Arrhythmias Myocarditis Valvular problems Aortic coarctation Marfan syndrome Enlarged (athlete’s) heart Atherosclerotic disease (positive ankle-­arm index [AAI]) Mitral insufficiency Anemia Enlarged spleen Unexplained fatigue

When the examiner is looking for cardiovascular problems, it is important to be alert for the following unusual or abnormal findings: 1. Heart rate faster than 120 beats/min or inappropriate tachycardia for a specific activity 2. Arrhythmias or irregular beats93 3. Midsystolic clicks, indicating a leaky valve or mitral valve prolapse 4. Murmurs that are grade 3 or louder The loudness of systolic murmurs is graded from 1 to 6, with grade 1 being a very faint murmur requiring concentration to be heard. A grade 2 murmur is a faint murmur but one that is heard immediately after the stethoscope is placed on the chest. Grade 3 is an intermediate murmur louder than grade 2. Most dynamically significant murmurs in humans are at least grade 3. Grade 4 is a loud murmur, frequently associated with a palpable sensation known as a thrill. A grade 5 murmur is a very loud murmur still requiring at least the edge of the stethoscope to remain in contact with the chest. The grade 6 murmur is a murmur audible with the stethoscope just breaking contact with the chest.94 Diastolic murmurs are graded from 1 to 4, 1 representing the faintest and 4 the loudest murmur. A benign functional murmur or systemic mitral valve prolapse does not preclude exercise or sports but must be evaluated on an individual basis. The examiner must be aware of congenital heart abnormalities such as aortic coarctation (stenosis of the artery), which may be revealed by a difference in the femoral and brachial pulses. In such a case, strenuous activity is contraindicated. As another example, 90% of patients with Marfan syndrome (an autosomal dominant condition)

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment TABLE  17.5

Causes of Chest Pain Systemic Causes

Neuromuscular Causes

• P  ulmonary º Pulmonary embolism º Spontaneous pneumothorax º Pulmonary hypertension º Cor pulmonale º Pleurisy with pneumonia • Cardiac º Myocardial ischemia (angina) º Pericarditis º Myocardial infarct º Dissecting aortic aneurysm • Epigastric/Upper GI º Esophagitis º Upper GI index • Breast º Breast tumor º Abscess º Mastitis º Lactation problems º Mastodynia º Trigger point • Other º Rheumatic diseases º Anxiety

• • • • • • • •

 ietze syndrome T Costochondritis Hypersensitive xiphoid Slipping rib syndrome Trigger points Myalgia Rib fracture Cervical spine disorders • Neurologic º Thoracic outlet syndrome º Neuritis º Shingles (herpes zoster)  Dorsal nerve root º irritation

GI, Gastrointestinal. From Goodman CC, Snyder TE: Differential diagnosis in physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1995, WB Saunders, p 532.

have cardiac abnormalities. The examiner must be aware of atrial septal defects (an abnormal communication between the chambers of the heart), dextrocardia (the heart is moved within the thoracic cavity), and paroxysmal auricular tachycardia (an abnormal increase in heartbeat for short periods). Patients with these conditions should be cleared by a specialist before any strenuous activity because of the possibility of fainting in a stressful situation. The examiner must also be aware of heart enlargement (“athlete’s heart”). This condition does not necessarily preclude activity but should be investigated further if found. If any of these abnormalities have been surgically corrected, they should be evaluated by a specialist on an individual basis to determine whether the patient can take part in the proposed activity. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common cause of sudden death in athletes, followed by aortic rupture associated with Marfan syndrome, congenital coronary artery anomalies, and atherosclerotic coronary artery


disease.46,95 If any of these conditions is present, strenuous activity is precluded. Other cardiovascular problems include thromboembolic disease, pulse irregularities, valvular problems (such as mitral insufficiency or mitral valve prolapse), and abnormally high blood pressure (hypertension). Systolic pressure of 140 mm Hg on repeated measurements is considered abnormal (see Chapter 1, Table 1.9).85 Also, patients with labile hypertension (an unstable condition of free and rapid change in tension) or organic hypertension caused by structural problems should be investigated further. These patients should have a complete comprehensive coronary risk factor workup. Mild hypertension does not preclude strenuous activity, but this slight abnormality should be noted and evaluated on an individual basis.46 When blood pressure is being taken, a proper cuff size must be used to ensure an accurate reading. If the initial reading is high, the reading should be repeated two or three times after the patient has been lying supine for 20 to 30 minutes. Only if the blood pressure is elevated after the third reading should the patient be considered hypertensive.

Detecting Cardiac Risks in Examinations: Key Physical Findings of Cardiac Evaluation by Physician Heart rate faster than 120 beats per minute • If repeated tests on second occasion are high, suggest monitoring and recording of pulse at home by a trained parent or nurse friend. • Pulse recovery tests after jumping or hopping exercises are useless routines except for multiple extrasystoles or arrhythmias. Multiple extrasystoles or arrhythmias. Check after jumping or hopping 20 times to ascertain if arrhythmias appear or disappear. Resting blood pressure higher than 130/80 mm Hg for students aged 6–11 years, 140/90 mm Hg for students aged 12–18 years. • For validity, be certain that the pressure cuff covers at least two-­ thirds of the upper arm, from elbow to shoulder (adult cuff = 30 × 13 cm; pediatric cuff = 22 × 10 cm; obese cuff = 39 × 15 cm). • If high, repeat test three times and take average. All systolic murmurs grade 3–6 or louder at any location; all diastolic murmurs of any intensity at any location; or any continuous murmur. Heart should be auscultated at four chest locations: • Pulmonic area (second intercostal space at left sternal border) • Aortic area (second intercostal space at right sternal border) • Tricuspid area (fourth intercostal space at left sternal border) • Mitral area (fourth intercostal space at left midclavicular line) Routinely palpate femoral and brachial pulses. Note if absent or if large discrepancy exists between them. Modified from Schell NB: Cardiac evaluation of school sports participants: guidelines approved by the Medical Society of New York, NY State J Med 78:942–943, 1978.

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

TABLE  17.6

Characteristics of Cardiac Chest Pain Angina

Myocardial Infarct

Mitral Valve Prolapse


1–5 minutes

30 minutes to hours


Hours to days

Moderate intensity

Severe (can be painless)

Rarely severe

Varies; mild to severe

Tightness, chest discomfort

Crushing pain; intolerable (can be painless)

May be asymptomatic; unlike angina in quality or quantity

Asymptomatic; varies; can mimic MI

Subsides with rest or nitroglycerin

Unrelieved by rest or nitroglycerin

Unrelieved by rest or nitroglycerin

Pain related to tone of arteries (spasm)

Pain related to heart ischemia Mechanism of pain unknown

Relieved by kneeling on all fours, leaning forward, or sitting upright Pain related to inflammatory process

MI, Myocardial infarct. From Goodman CC, Snyder TE: Differential diagnosis in physical therapy, Philadelphia, 1995, WB Saunders, p 94.

Detecting Cardiac Risks in Examinations: Key Historical Facts Obtained from Students, Parents, and School Health Records • C  yanotic heart disease early in life • Murmur early in life based on anatomic diagnosis of left-­to-­right shunt or pulmonic or aortic stenosis • Rheumatic heart disease • Fainting spells (syncope) • Chest or abdominal pains (not otherwise diagnosed) • Dyspnea on exertion • Cardiac surgery • Enlarged heart • Cardiac rhythm disturbances • Familial heart diseasea or rhythm disturbances • Functional or innocent murmur of 4 or more years’ duration aHypertension, early

stroke (before 50 years), or early coronary disease (before 50 years) in close relatives. Modified from Schell NB: Cardiac evaluation of school sports participants: guidelines approved by the Medical Society of New York, NY State J Med 78:942–943, 1978.

Another condition the examiner should be aware of is anemia. If anemia is suspected, the level of hemoglobin (the oxygen-­carrying pigment in human blood) is tested. Anemia is more likely to be seen in women during menstruation, and sickle cell anemia is more common in black individuals. In some cases anemia is caused by an increase in blood volume, which decreases the concentration of red blood cells. In this case, the individual has normal red blood cells but appears to be anemic. If cardiovascular or cardiopulmonary disease is suspected, an exercise stress test is often recommended.51,96 Fig. 17.1 provides a flowchart for considerations before such a test is done. Some 20% to 35% of those with heart disease have a normal stress test, so it is important to remember that any stress test is valid only to the load at

which the heart has been stressed when the test is being done. Among runners above 40 years of age, 45% have irregular results on their ECGs. Further, different types of activity (e.g., static or dynamic) lead to different stresses on the heart. Contraindications to Exercise Testing • • • • • • • • •

P hysical inability to walk on the treadmill Unstable angina or new resting ECG changes Acute pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis Uncompensated CHF, S3 gallop, rales Severe aortic stenosis Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Known LMCA or equivalent stenoses Uncooperative patient Other serious medical problem or problems

CHF, Congestive heart failure; ECG, electrocardiogram; LMCA, left main coronary artery. From Cavell RM: The exercise treadmill test for diagnosis and prognosis of coronary artery disease, J La State Med Soc 147:198, 1995.

Common Causes of False-­Positive Exercise Tests • • • • • • • • •

 ongenital and valvular heart disease C Digoxin Electrolyte abnormalities Nonfasting state Pre-­excitation syndromes, WPW Bundle branch block Mitral valve prolapse Left ventricular hypertrophy Hyperventilation

WPW, Wolff-­Parkinson-­White syndrome. From Cavell RM: The exercise treadmill test for diagnosis and prognosis of coronary artery disease, J La State Med Soc 147:198, 1995.

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

Indications for Termination of the Exercise Test • P atient’s request • Achievement of maximum effort • Appearance of serious arrhythmia, multiform PVCs, triplets, rapid SVT • Fall in systolic BP in the face of increasing workload • Progressive anginal pain • CNS symptoms, dizziness, ataxia • Signs of poor perfusion, pallor, cyanosis, cool extremities • More than 0.3 mV of horizontal or downsloping SVT depression • Technical loss of monitoring ability BP, Blood pressure; CNS, central nervous system; PVC, premature ventricular contraction; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia. From Cavell RM: The exercise treadmill test for diagnosis and prognosis of coronary artery disease, J La State Med Soc 147:198, 1995.

Patient age 40 years or under One or no CHD risk factor

Two or more CHD risk factors

Health problem(s)

No health problem(s)

Health problem(s)

No health problem(s)





Patient age 41 years or older No CHD risk factor

One or more CHD risk factors

Health problem(s)

No health problem(s)

Health problem(s)

No health problem(s)





Risk factors for coronary heart disease

Health problems

Hyperlipidemia Cigarette smoking Hypertension Hyperglycemia or diabetes mellitus Hyperuricemia or gout Obesity

Cardiopulmonary disease Neurological disease Endocrinopathy Musculoskeletal disorder Psychiatric disorder Renal or hepatic disease Anemia Current drug use Other acute or chronic disease

a Exercise stress testing is recommended if patient has cardiopulmonary

disease. b Diagnostic laboratory testing is indicated if CDH risk factors include

hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, or hyperuricemia.

Fig. 17.1  Pre-­exercise evaluation flow sheet. CDH, Coronary heart disease; CPE, comprehensive physical examination; DLT, diagnostic laboratory testing; ECG, resting electrocardiogram; EST, exercise stress test; LPE, limited physical examination; MLT, minimal laboratory testing. (Redrawn from Taylor RB: Pre-­exercise evaluation: which procedures are really needed? Consultant, April 1983, pp 94–101.)


The ankle-­arm index (AAI) may also be used to screen for atherosclerotic (cardiovascular) disease.97,98 This is the ratio of the ankle systolic pressure to that of the arm when measured using a Doppler ultrasound device.97 The lower the AAI, the greater the risk of disease.98 

Pulmonary Examination The pulmonary examination is often done in a quiet area in conjunction with the cardiovascular examination. Questions related to the pulmonary system may include the following23,44,49: 1. Have you ever had trouble breathing? 2. Have you ever had a pulmonary disease? 3. Do you use any breathing aids? 4. Have you ever had a chest x-­ray? When? 5. Have you ever experienced long periods of intermittent coughing? 6. Do you cough anything up? Have you had a recent productive cough (e.g., sputum, blood, what color)? 7. Have you ever experienced coughing at work or during or after activity, exercise, or sports? What type of work or activity were you doing? 8. Have you ever experienced shortness of breath or wheezing at work or during or after activity, exercise, or sports? Do you have any allergies? 9. When did shortness of breath begin? 10. Did the shortness of breath begin suddenly or slowly over time? 11. Do you wake up suddenly with shortness of breath (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)? 12. Do you know when your shortness of breath started? 13. Is your shortness of breath constant? 14. Does your shortness of breath occur with exertion only? At rest, or only during certain positions? 15. Is your breathlessness related to anything in particular (e.g., exercise, pollen, emotion)? 16. Do you have asthma? If so, how do you treat it? 17. Have you ever broken your nose? 18. Do you suffer from chronic sinus irritation or a runny nose? 19. Do you have a history of deep venous thrombosis (DVT)?99 Signs and Symptoms of Deep Venous Thrombosis • • • • • •

 hest pain C Light-­headedness Breathlessness Leg tenderness (with redness and warmth) Leg swelling Positive Homan’s sign (but only in the presence of other clinical signs)

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

TABLE  17.7

Examples of Pulmonary Conditions or Signs and Symptoms Requiring Further Examination

Arterial Blood Gas Values Normal Values pH


PCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide)

35–45 mm Hg

HCO3 (bicarbonate ion)

22–26 mEq/L

PO2 (partial pressure of oxygen)

80–100 mm Hg

O2 saturation (oxygen saturation)


Critical Values pH



60 mm Hg


40 mEq/L

PO2 O2 saturation



Male Child 1–19


From Chernecky C, et al: Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures, Philadelphia, 1993, WB Saunders, p 932.

TABLE  17.10

Serum Electrolyte Levels

Common Laboratory Tests • • • • •

 ematocrit H Urinalysis Blood chemistry (glucose, creatine, electrolytes) Fasting lipid profile Electrocardiogram

TABLE  17.8


Normal Values

Serum potassium

3.5–5.3 mEq/L

Serum sodium

136–145 mEq/L

Serum calcium

8.2–10.2 mg/dL (4.5–5.5 mEq/L)

Serum magnesium

1.8–3 mg/dL (1.5–2.5 mEq/L)

Adapted from Chernecky C, et al: Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures, Philadelphia, 1993, WB Saunders.

Blood Cholesterol Levels Age (Years)

Values (mg/dL)


1–2 inches)c

Step length (observe distance between two steps of stance foot and heel of swing foot; observe from side; do not judge first few or last few steps; observe one side at a time)

At least the length of individual’s foot between the stance toe and swing heel (step length usually longer but foot length provides basis for observation)

Step length less than described under normalc

Step symmetry (observe the middle part Step length same or nearly same on both of the path not the first or last steps; sides for most step cycles observe from side; observe distance between heel of each swing foot and toe of each stance foot)

Step length varies between sides or patient advances with same foot with every step

Step continuity

Begins raising heel of one foot (toe off) as heel of other foot touches the floor (heel strike); no breaks or stops in stride; step lengths equal over most cycles

Places entire foot (heel and toe) on floor before beginning to raise other foot; or stops completely between steps; or step length varies over cyclesc

Path deviation (observe from behind; observe one foot over several strides; observe in relation to line on floor [e.g., tiles] if possible; difficult to assess if patient uses a walker)

Foot follows close to straight line as patient advances

Foot deviates from side to side or toward one directiond

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment


TABLE  17.15

Performance-­Oriented Assessment of Gaita—cont’d OBSERVATION Componentsb



Trunk stability (observe from behind; side to side motion of trunk may be a normal gait pattern, need to differentiate this from instability)

Trunk does not sway; knees or back are not flexed; arms are not abducted in effort to maintain stability

Any of preceding features presentd

Walk stance (observe from behind)

Feet should almost touch as one passes other

Feet apart with steppinge

Turning while walking

No staggering, turning continuous with walking; and steps are continuous while turning

Staggers; stops before initiating turn; or steps are discontinuous


patient stands with examiner at end of obstacle-­free hallway. Patient uses usual walking aid. Examiner then asks patient to walk down hallway at his or her usual pace. Examiner observes one component of gait at a time (analogous to heart examination). For some components, the examiner walks behind the patient; for other components, the examiner walks next to patient. May require several trips to complete. bAlso ask patient to walk at a “more rapid than usual” pace and observe whether any walking aid is used correctly. cAbnormal gait finding may reflect a primary neurologic or musculoskeletal problem directly related to the finding or reflect a compensatory maneuver for other, more remote problem. dAbnormality may be corrected by walking aid (e.g., cane); observe with and without walking aid if possible. eAbnormal finding is usually a compensatory maneuver rather than a primary problem. From Tinetti ME: Performance oriented assessment of mobility problems in elderly patients, J Am Geriatr Soc 34(2):119–126, 1986.

a high rate of speed.3 Agility and balance tests are often measured by time or accuracy (e.g., correct two out of three).3,176 Agility and Balance Tests • • • • • • • • • • • •

 arioca C Run-­and-­cut drills Backpedal and throw at stationary or moving target Kick at stationary or moving target (different distances) One-­arm spin Shuttle drills Pivoting drills Blocking drills Figure-­eight running Front-­to-­back and side-­to-­side hops Sidestep tests Beam-­walking tests

Sharpened Romberg Test152,155 1. With eyes open, stand with feet together for 10 seconds. 2 . Repeat step 1 with eyes closed. 3. With eyes open, place one foot halfway in front of the other for 10 seconds. 4. Repeat step 3 with eyes closed. 5. With eyes open, place one foot directly in front of the other for 10 seconds. 6. Repeat step 5 with eyes closed.

Maturation and Growth

Maturation assessment is a method of determining how far a patient has progressed toward physical maturity. It also helps to identify periods of rapid growth.174,177,178 This is especially important where there is a possibility that there will be stress applied to a growth plate, which is commonly the “weak link” in traumatic injury. That is, during a rapid growth spurt period, the growth plate is weaker and more susceptible to injury than the ligaments and/or capsule. Maturation profiling should not be used to push children into specific activities unless chosen by the child, and it should not be used to exclude a child unless documented evidence demonstrates unacceptable risk for the child.179 In adolescents, growth patterns can have an effect on participation in activities, exercise, and sports and may affect injury patterns. For example, a growth spurt for a gymnast may adversely affect balance and flexibility. Pubertal growth accounts for 20% to 25% of final adult height, and pubertal weight gain accounts for 50% of ideal adult weight.107 Skeletal development is usually measured by wrist x-­rays, using the Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Development of the Wrist and Hand, by W. W. Greulich and S. U. Pyle,180 for interpretation. The most common method of measuring maturation in males and females is the Tanner scale.45,174,181 The five stages of the Tanner scale are based on pictorial standards of genitalia and pubic hair for males and

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

breast development and pubic hair for females (Figs. 17.2–17.4 and Table 17.16). Some people have recommended that collision sports not be allowed for boys until they reach level 5 of development. For females, onset of menstruation is another suitable index of maturity and maturation. 

Stage 1

Body Composition and Anthropometry

Body composition profiling is designed to provide a relatively detailed analysis of an individual’s muscle, fat, and bone mass.178,182 Anthropometry may be used to determine the individual’s body type (mesomorphic, endomorphic, ectomorphic) to see whether he or she is properly

Stage 2

Stage 4

Stage 3

Stage 5

Fig. 17.2  Breast development in girls. The development of the mammae can be divided into five stages. In stage 1, only the nipple is raised above the level of the breast (as in the child). In stage 2, the budding stage, there is bud-­shaped elevation of the areola. On palpation, a fairly hard button can be felt that is disc or cherry shaped. The areola is increased in diameter, and the surrounding area is slightly elevated. In stage 3, there is further elevation of the mammae; the areolar diameter is further increased, and the shape of mammae is visibly feminine. In stage 4, fat deposits increase, and the areola forms a secondary elevation above that of the breast. This secondary mound occurs in approximately half of all girls and in some cases persists in adulthood. In stage 5, the adult stage, the areola usually subsides to the level of the breast and is strongly pigmented. (Redrawn from Halpern B, Blackburn T, Incremona B, et al: Preparticipation sports physicals. In Zachazewski JE, Magee DJ, Quillen WS, editors: Athletic injuries and rehabilitation, Philadelphia, 1996, WB Saunders, p 855.)

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Fig. 17.3  Pubic hair development in females. In the development of pubic hair, five stages can be distinguished. In stage 1, there is no growth of pubic hair. In stage 2, initial, scarcely pigmented hair is present, especially along the labia. In stage 3, sparse dark, visibly pigmented, curly pubic hair is present on the labia. In stage 4, hair that is adult in type but not in extent is present. In stage 5, there is lateral spreading (type and spread of hair are adult). (Redrawn from Halpern B, Blackburn T, Incremona B, et al: Preparticipation sports physicals. In Zachazewski JE, Magee DJ, Quillen WS, editors: Athletic injuries and rehabilitation, Philadelphia, 1996, WB Saunders, p 855.)

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4


Stage 5

Fig. 17.4  Genital and pubic hair development in males. The development of external genitalia and pubic hair can be divided into five stages. In stage 1, the testes, scrotum, and penis are the same size and shape as in the young child and there is no growth of pubic hair (hair in pubic area is no different from that on the rest of the abdomen). In stage 2, there is enlargement of the scrotum and testes. The skin of the scrotum becomes redder, thinner, and wrinkled. The penis has not grown (or just slightly so). Pubic hair is slightly pigmented. In stage 3, there is enlargement of the penis, especially in length, further enlargement of testes, and descent of scrotum. Dark, definitely pigmented, curly pubic hair is present around the base of penis. In stage 4, there is continued enlargement of the penis and sculpturing of the glans with increased pigmentation of the scrotum. This stage is sometimes best described as not quite adult. Pubic hair is definitely adult in type but not in extent (no further than the inguinal fold). In stage 5, the adult stage, the scrotum is ample and the penis reaches almost to the bottom of the scrotum. Pubic hair spreads to the medial surface of the thighs but not upward. In 80% of men, hair spreads along the linea alba. (Redrawn from Halpern B, Blackburn T, Incremona B, et al: Preparticipation sports physicals. In Zachazewski JE, Magee DJ, Quillen WS, editors: Athletic injuries and rehabilitation, Philadelphia, 1996, WB Saunders, p 855.)

TABLE  17.16

Maturity Staging Guidelines Boys’ Stage

Public Hair



Girls’ Stage

Public Hair




Preadolescent (infantile)


Preadolescent (none)

Preadolescent (no germinal button)


Slight, long, slight pigmentation

Slight enlargement

Enlarged scrotum, pink slight rugae


Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight medial border of labia

Breast and papilla elevated as small mound; areolar diameter increased


Darker, starts to curl, small amount




Darker, beginning to curl, increased

Breast and areola enlarged; no contour separation


Coarse, curly, adult type, but less quantity

Increase in glans size and breadth of penis

Larger, darker scrotum


Coarse, curly, abundant, but less than adult

Areola and papilla form secondary mound


Adult, spread to inner thighs




Adult female triangle and spread to medial surface

Mature, nipple projects, areola part of general breast contour

From Tanner IM: Growth and adolescence, Oxford, 1962, Blackwell Scientific.

suited for the desired activity, exercise, sport, or position played in a sport. Anthropometry also involves body fat measurements, such as skinfold measurements or underwater weighing.183 Of the two, skinfold measurement is more common because it is easier and faster. Seven skinfold sites are most commonly used (Fig. 17.5), although some people believe that measurement at three sites is sufficient (i.e., a different three for males and females).183 Most males should fall below 12% to 15% body fat. Endurance athletes (e.g., distance runners, gymnasts, wrestlers) are often below

7%. Football, baseball, and soccer players average 10% to 12%.184 No one should be below 5% body fat. If the percentage of body fat is greater than the upper normal limit of 14% for males and 17% for females, the patient should be put on a weight-­loss program or on weight training to increase lean body mass; but again, this depends on the activity in which the patient wishes to participate. Other methods of body composition measurement include girth measurements, bone diameter measurements, ultrasound measurement, and radiographic measurements of the arm.182 

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

Skinfolds Triceps



Iliac crest



Front thigh

Medial calf

Fig. 17.5  Skinfold sites for measuring body fat. (Reprinted, by permission, from Ross WD, Marfell-­Jones MJ: Kinanthropometry. In MacDougal JD, Wenger HA, Green HJ, editors: Physiological testing of the high performance athlete, ed 2, Champaign, IL, 1991, Human Kinetics, p 238.)

Tests for Return to Activity Following Injury Tests for return to activity should attempt to replicate the activity to which the patient is returning. They should be functional—including the testing of such parameters as strength, endurance, flexibility, and proprioception—to decrease the chance of the patient being reinjured. The tests are more commonly used for individuals returning to sport activities but could be modified to test an individual’s functional level. For people who are less active, different timing or load tests could be used. For more sedentary people, numeric rating scales or walking tests

(see Chapter 11 for examples) could be used. The following tests are simply examples of functional tests that may be used to test a patient for return to activity. Forward Step-­Down Test.185  This test is used to determine eccentric muscle strength for lowering the body to the ground. If a force plate is used, a vertical impact score that is greater on the affected side indicates loss of motor control coinciding with knee extensor weakness. The patient is asked to step down from an 8-­inch (20-­cm) step. As the patient does so, the examiner should watch for such things as contralateral hip drop, ipsilateral hip

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

hike, increased knee valgus, and increased plantar flexion (reaching), which may indicate imbalances or weaknesses.  Yo-­ Yo Endurance Test (Also Called the Beep, Bleep, Progressive Shuttle Run, and the Leger Shuttle Run).186,187 This is a “field” test used to evaluate physical capacity and basic fitness involving the lower limb. For the test, two markers (pylons) are placed 20 m (66 feet) apart and an audio compact disc (CD) or metronome is used to control the speed, which is regularly increased over time (i.e., a “beep” occurs at set intervals when the individual should be at the marker) until the patient can no longer maintain a specific speed (Fig. 17.6A). The test involves running continuously between two points that are 20 m apart while the interval between successive beeps decreases, forcing the individual to increase his or her velocity over the test until he or she can no longer remain synchronized with the beep; that is, the individual reaches each pylon at a beep, runs around pylon, and starts to return to go back the other way. The recording normally is structured with 23 “levels,” with the time to complete each interval varying from 68 to 61 seconds (to complete 20 m). The highest level attained before failing to keep up is recorded as the test score. Test results show the distance covered and can be related to the specific activity to which the individual wants to return. The test usually takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete.  Yo-­Yo Intermittent Endurance Test.185  This test is set up as described earlier, but the patient does intermittent intense exercise repeatedly (Fig. 17.6B). This too can be geared to the specific activity to which the patient is returning. The test lasts 10 to 20 minutes and involves activity for 5-­to 18-­second intervals interspersed with 5-­second rest periods. It evaluates the patient’s ability to perform repeated activity intervals over time. It is a test of the aerobic system and is a good test for sports such as tennis, soccer, hockey, and basketball.  Yo-­Yo Intermittent Recovery Test (Yo-­Yo 1R2 Test).185  This test is set up as described earlier and lasts 2 to 15 minutes; it is designed to test the anaerobic system and determines the patient’s ability to recover after intense exercise. Between each exercise bout (5 to 15 seconds), there is a 10-­second pause. The number of repetitions is measured and can be equated to the activity repetitions the individual will do when returning to his or her specific activity. It is a good test for sports such as football, soccer, and hockey. 

Sports Participation For any primary care evaluation, the physician is the final arbitrator. Any decision as to whether someone should be allowed to work or participate in an activity or as to the patient’s functional level must be based on accurate


Start 20m






Fig. 17.6  (A) Beep or yo-­yo test. The individual times the run so that he or she arrives at the pylon at the beep, runs around pylon, and runs back to the other pylon repeating the process until he or she no longer keeps up with the beep. (B) Beep or yo-­yo intermittent test. The individual times the runs so that he or she arrives at the pylon at the beep and has a 5-­s rest period before running back to the other pylon repeating the process until he or she no longer keeps up with the beep. The time to complete the interval is decreased as the test progresses while the rest period remains the same.

diagnosis of the condition, knowledge of the disease process involved in the condition, knowledge of the job or sport, knowledge of the physical needs of the patient and the activity, and direct evaluation of the individual.134 The examiner must also keep in mind the rights of handicapped people and the limits of informed consent. Although standards are often given for participation, in the end the examiner must make his or her final decision on an individual basis, being primarily concerned with the health and safety of the patient. Any individual with a solitary paired organ—such as an eye, kidney, or testicle—should not take part in contact sports, especially if the organ is abnormal. Children should be channeled into noncontact sports. High-­caliber or older athletes know the rules and should make their own decisions. Table 17.17 lists conditions that are contraindications to specific sports, and the levels of these activities can be extrapolated to the physical stresses of everyday jobs.5,45

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

TABLE  17.17

Conditions Commonly Disqualifying an Individual from Participation in Sports TYPE OF SPORT Conditions





?? X X ?

?? X X ?

– – – –

– – – –



X ? X

X ? –





X ? X X X X

X ? X X X X

X ? – – – –

? ? – – – –



X X – X X X X

X X – – X X X





?? X X X X ??

?? X X X X ??

– X – X X –

– X – – X –





Eyes Absence of one eye Congenital glaucoma Retinal detachment Severe myopia

Musculoskeletal Acute inflammatory conditions Spinal instability Congenital or growth abnormalities that are incompatible with demands of sport Chronic or unhealed conditions (unless cleared by physician)

Neurological Uncontrolled convulsive disorder Controlled convulsive disorder Repeated concussions Serious head trauma Previous head surgery Transient quadriplegia (unless cleared by physician)

Cardiovascular Acute infection Cardiomegaly Enlarged spleen Hemorrhage (bleeding) disorders Heart abnormalities (unless cleared by cardiologist) Organic hypertension Previous heart surgery (unless cleared by cardiologist)

Pulmonary Acute infection Pulmonary insufficiency Uncontrolled asthma (unless cleared by pulmonary physician)

Urogenital Absence of one kidney Acute infection Enlarged liver Hernia (inguinal or femoral, unless cleared by physician) Renal disease Absent or undescended testicle (unless cleared by physician)

Gastrointestinal Jaundice

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment


TABLE  17.17

Conditions Commonly Disqualifying an Individual from Participation in Sports —cont’d TYPE OF SPORT Conditions









? X X

? X X

? X –

? X –

Dermatological (Integumentary) Acute infection (e.g., boils, herpes simplex, impetigo)

General or Systemic Disease Acute systemic infection or illness Uncontrolled diabetes Physical immaturity (relative to level of competition) aExamples

include boxing, football, hockey (ice and field), rugby. include baseball, basketball, lacrosse, martial arts, rodeo, soccer, volleyball, wrestling. cExamples include dance, rowing, skiing, squash, swimming, tennis, track, cross country. dExamples include archery, bowling, golf, shooting, track and field events. ?, Depends on individual case and clearance by physician; ??, athlete may compete if athlete knows risks and informed consent form is completed (protective equipment may be necessary); X, participation prohibited; –, participation permitted. Adapted from the Committee on Medical Aspects of Sports: Medical evaluation of the athlete: a guide, American Medical Association, ©1966. bExamples

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Chapter 17  Primary Care Assessment

180. Greulich WW, Pyle SU. Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Development of the Wrist and Hand. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press; 1959. 181. Tanner JM. Growth and Adolescence. Oxford, England: Blackwell Scientific; 1962. 182. Katch FI, Katch VL. The body composition profile: techniques of measurement and applications. Clin Sports Med. 1984;3:31–63.

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Chapter Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment 1214.e1 1214.e1

eAPPENDIX 17.1 Primary Care Assessment Patient Questionnaire DATE:____/____/____ LAST NAME:








DATE OF BIRTH (Day/Month/Year):


MARRIED (Yes/No/Spouse’s Name):















________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________










________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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1214.e2 Chapter 1214.e2 Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment

eAPPENDIX 17.1 Primary Care Assessment Patient Questionnaire­—cont’d WHY ARE YOU HERE TODAY? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IF YOU WERE INJURED, HOW DID YOU INJURE YOURSELF? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Continued

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Chapter Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment 1214.e3 1214.e3


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■





■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


SPECIFY:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


No ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■

■ ■


HAVE YOU EVER OR HAVE YOU NOW: Yes ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

No ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


1214.e4 Chapter 1214.e4 Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment

eAPPENDIX 17.1 Primary Care Assessment Patient Questionnaire—cont’d Yes No ■



































ARE YOU PRESENTLY UNDER A PHYSICIAN’S CARE FOR ANY DIFFICULTY NOT ALREADY DISCUSSED? Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment 1214.e5 1214.e5

eAPPENDIX 17.1 Primary Care Assessment Patient Questionnaire—cont’d MENSTRUAL AND GYNECOLOGICAL HISTORY (IF APPLICABLE) AT WHAT AGE DID YOU FIRST MENSTRUATE?_________________________________________ AT WHAT AGE DID YOUR PERIODS BECOME REGULAR?________________________________ HOW OFTEN ARE YOUR PERIODS NOW?_______________________________________________ Yes










INDICATE DATE OF YOUR LAST PAP TEST __________________________                                                                                                                                                  MONTH



WHAT IS THE INTENSITY OF YOUR PAIN? Visual Analogue Scale (VAS): Intensity of Pain No pain

As bad pain as it could possibly get Pain: constant, periodic, episodic, occasional

PATIENT-­SPECIFIC FUNCTIONAL SCALE187 Baseline Assessment Please identify important activities that you are unable to do or are having difficulty with as a result of your problem today. Activity 1 (specify): ________________________________________________________________________________________ Patient-­Specific Activity Scoring Scheme (circle one number): 0











Unable to perform activity

Able to perform activity at same level as before injury or problem

Activity 2 (specify): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Patient-­Specific Activity Scoring Scheme (circle one number): 0











Unable to perform activity

Able to perform activity at same level as before injury or problem

Activity 3 (specify): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Patient-­Specific Activity Scoring Scheme (circle one number): 0


Unable to perform activity









10 Able to perform activity at same level as before injury or problem

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1214.e6 Chapter 1214.e6 Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment

eAPPENDIX 17.1 Primary Care Assessment Patient Questionnaire—cont’d

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Chapter Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment 1214.e7 1214.e7

eAPPENDIX 17.2 Primary Health Care Examination DATE____/____/____ TEMP___________° F___________° C

HEIGHT___________METERS___________CM WEIGHT___________KILOGRAMS

MENTAL STATUS ______________________________________________________________________________________________








Central Nervous System




٪ MYOTOMES ٪ SENSORY ٪ NERVE ROOT ٪ PERIPHERAL NERVE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IF ABNORMAL FINDINGS ARE PRESENT, PLEASE SPECIFY

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1214.e8 Chapter 1214.e8 Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment

eAPPENDIX 17.2 Primary Health Care Examination—cont’d Ear, Eye, Nose, and Throat

□ EYE—VISUAL ACUITY □L □R □ NYSTAGMUS □ HEARING □ TONSILS □ FALSE TEETH ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IF ABNORMAL FINDINGS ARE PRESENT, PLEASE SPECIFY.




________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IF ABNORMAL FINDINGS ARE PRESENT, PLEASE SPECIFY.

Cardiovascular BLOOD PRESSURE:______/______


___________ UPRIGHT


PERIPHERAL PULSES □ _________________________ CHARACTER RHYTHM











VARICOSITES □ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ IF ABNORMAL FINDINGS ARE PRESENT, PLEASE SPECIFY.





















Musculoskeletal System




________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IF ABNORMAL FINDINGS ARE PRESENT, PLEASE SPECIFY. Continued

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Chapter Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment 1214.e9 1214.e9






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1214.e10 Chapter 1214.e10 Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment


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Chapter Chapter 17 17  Primary Primary Care Care Assessment Assessment1214.e11 1214.e11

eAPPENDIX 17.2 Primary Health Care Examination—cont’d LABORATORY STUDIES Urinalysis SG



______________ ______________ ______________

Hematology _______RECORD TIME OF EXAM SERUM FERRITIN__________ HEMOGLOBIN_____________


Blood Chemistry


SMA 12 (OPTIONAL)________


______________ DATE__________________________

TETANUS TOXOID ______________ DATE__________________________ OTHERS




VIEWS:________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________







NOTES:_______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________


SPECIFY: ________________________________________ SIGNATURE PRINT NAME:__________________________ Ant., Anterior; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; Post., po.

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C H A P TE R 1 8

Emergency Sports Assessment This chapter will enable the health care professional to immediately assess a patient before applying first aid or transportation to the hospital. This assessment should be divided into two parts. The first part concerns the primary evaluation or survey, which usually takes place at the location in which the patient is found to ensure that life-­threatening situations are handled immediately. The second part of the assessment is performed when the examiner has more time and the patient is not under immediate threat of death or permanent disability.

Emergency Protocol • Designated personnel • Emergency vehicle access routes • Location of emergency equipment • Location of telephone • Communication plan

Pre-­Event Preparation Before any sporting event, the examiner should establish a written Emergency Action Plan (EAP), practice emergency protocols, and review sideline preparedness.1–5 When a player sustains an acute injury that requires on-­ field management, the medical personnel must follow a predetermined algorithm for complete evaluation of the injured player (see Fig. 18.15). This minimizes the possibility of missing a more severe, potentially life-­threatening injury.6 This preparation includes designating personnel for specific tasks and establishing emergency vehicle routes and entrances. The examiner and the assistants should know the location of additional medical assistance, emergency equipment (e.g., spinal board, neck supports, sandbags, stretchers, blankets, emergency first-­aid kit), and a telephone. The equipment must be compatible with the needs, size, and age of the athletes and with the equipment of other health care professionals. Near the telephone, the examiner should post emergency telephone numbers (e.g., ambulance, physician, dentist), identify the name and address of the sports facility, specify the entrance to be used, and note any obvious landmarks, because the person making the emergency call may forget information or give inappropriate information when under stress (Fig. 18.1). Included in the preparation is a communication plan for on-­field or at-­site injuries. This plan may involve preestablished hand signals (e.g., crossed arms may mean “send a physician out,” whereas a hand on top of one’s head may signify “send ambulance or emergency medical services [EMS] personnel”) or walkie-­talkies to communicate with other professionals working on the sideline.7

Fig. 18.1  Telephone emergency protocol (to be put near emergency telephones or taped to mobile phone). (Modified from Sports Physiotherapy Division Newsletter, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, July/August 1991, p 3.)

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

The examiner should take the time to give the facility a safety check by looking for potential hazards and meet with the medical team of the opposition if available.4,5 Visiting teams should also be informed of emergency protocols. In addition, emergency situations and protocols must be practiced repeatedly to ensure that proper care will be given in an emergency. 

TABLE  18.1

Priorities in the Management of Injuries: Beware of Injury to the Cervical Spine! Highest Priority 1. Respiratory and cardiovascular impairment: Facial, neck, and chest injuries 2. Hemorrhage: External, severe

Primary Assessment

High Priority 3. Retroperitoneal injuries: Shock, hemorrhage

After an injury occurs, the examiner must first take control of the situation and ensure that no additional harm comes to the patient. The primary survey, which takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes with the maximum on-­scene time being 10 minutes, is carried out with little or no movement of the patient.8 It is used to determine whether injuries are life threatening, the severity of injury, and how the patient can be moved. With severe injuries, the longer the assessment takes, the higher the mortality rate is likely to be. If, at any time, the examiner finds that a major injury has occurred (Table 18.1), he or she may terminate the assessment process and ensure the patient receives higher levels of care by calling for the ambulance or EMS. The examiner is designated as the charge person, or person in control. The examiner takes control by not allowing the patient to be moved until some type of assessment is made, the spine is supported as much as possible, and, if required, assistance is obtained. Emergency Evaluation • Airway evaluation (A): • Breathing (ventilation) check (B): • Circulation/heart rate (C): • Blood loss: • Neurological injury:

5–7 seconds 5–8 seconds 20–30 seconds 20–30 seconds 10–20 seconds


60–95 seconds

For the primary emergency assessment, the examiner should call at least one person to provide immediate assistance, relay messages, and obtain additional help, if necessary. This person is designated the call person, and he or she should know the location of the closest telephone (a cell phone would be ideal) and what telephone numbers to call in specific emergencies. This information can be posted on or by the telephone (see Fig. 18.1). When telephoning, the call person should state the caller’s name, the number of the telephone being used, the exact emergency (type of injury), the degree of urgency, and the exact location of the facility; ask for an estimated time of arrival; and explain the location of the best entrance to the

4. Intraperitoneal injuries: Shock, hemorrhage 5. Craniocerebral spinal cord injuries: Open or closed, observation 6. Severe burns: Extensive soft-­tissue wounds

Low Priority 7. Lower genitourinary tract: Hemorrhage, extravasation 8. Peripheral vascular, nerve, locomotor injuries: Open or closed 9. Facial and neck injuries: Except priorities 1 and 2 10. Cold exposure

Special 11. Fractures, dislocations: Splinting 12. Tetanus prophylaxis From Steichen FM: The emergency management of the severely injured, J Trauma 12:787, 1972.

facility for responding emergency personnel. Other individuals (as many as six or seven) may be called as necessary to act as transporters or help move the patient.

Emergency Telephone Information • Caller’s name • Phone number of telephone being used • Type of emergency • Degree of urgency • Exact location of facility • Emergency vehicle access route • Estimated time of arrival • Best entrance

While performing the initial assessment, the examiner must keep in mind that six situations can immediately threaten the life of a patient: airway obstruction, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, severe heat injury,

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

head (craniocerebral) injury, and cervical spine injury.9 It is for these situations, along with severe bleeding, that the examiner must be most prepared, because they are the most common emergency life-­threatening situations. Only practice can ensure proper care in an emergency.

Life-­Threatening Emergency Situations • Airway obstruction • Respiratory failure • Cardiac arrest • Severe heat/cold injury • Head (craniocerebral) injury • Cervical spine injury • Severe bleeding

Initially, the examiner stabilizes and immobilizes the patient’s head and cervical spine in case the patient has suffered a cervical spine injury (Fig. 18.2).10 If the patient has suffered trauma above the clavicles, he or she should be considered to have suffered a cervical spine injury until proven otherwise.11 Simultaneously, the examiner talks to the patient. If the patient replies in a normal voice and gives logical answers to questions, the examiner can assume that the airway is patent and the brain is receiving adequate perfusion. The examiner asks the patient what happened to determine how the injury occurred (mechanism of injury). The patient is asked to describe the symptoms (e.g., pain, numbness) and how severe he or she thinks the injury is. The examiner then explains what he or she is going to do and reassures the patient.12 If the patient is unable to speak or is unconscious, the examiner must ask witnesses what happened. If the patient is unconscious (“collapsed athlete”),

Fig. 18.2 Stabilization of the patient’s head and neck before initial assessment.


the examiner must work with the assumption that a neck (cervical spine) injury has occurred until proven otherwise.13

Emergency On-­Field Procedures • Stabilize head and spine (Do not move patient.) • Talk to patient and determine level of consciousness • Move patient only if in respiratory or cardiac distress • Check or establish airway • Check heartbeat/rate/pulse • Check for bleeding, shock, cerebrospinal fluid • Check pupils • Check for spinal cord injury (Neural Watch) • Position the patient • Check for head injury • Assess for heat injury • Assess movement

While the examiner is talking to the patient, he or she should be observing whether the patient moves, is still, or is having a seizure. If the patient moves, it means he or she is at least partially conscious, has no apparent neurological dysfunction, and has some cardiopulmonary function. If the patient is still, it means he or she is unconscious, has some neurological dysfunction, or has some other major system failure. A seizure indicates neurological, systemic, or psychological dysfunction. The examiner should also observe the position of the patient (e.g., normal, deformity) and look for altered joint alignment (e.g., fracture, dislocation), swelling, or discoloration.7 In case there is a spinal cord injury, the patient should be left in the original position until the nature and severity of the injury have been determined, except in cases of respiratory or cardiac distress. If the athlete is suspected of having a head injury and is mobile, the examiner can use the Concussion Recognition Tool 5 (Fig. 18.3) on the sideline to determine if a concussion has occurred.14,15 A rapid assessment of the brain and spinal cord can be accomplished by asking the patient to do simple movements, such as sticking out the tongue16 (see the “Assessment for Spinal Cord Injury” section, presented later). If a concussion is suspected, an on-field or sideline evaluation should be conducted (see box on following page).17 It should be remembered that the concussion is a very common and challenging injury to diagnose because its constellation of signs and symptoms can evolve over hours or even days after the initial event.18 Thus, if a concussion is suspected, the individual is continually monitored and never left alone.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

CONCUSSION RECOGNITION TOOL 5© To help identify concussion in children, adolescents and adults


Fig. 18.3  Concussion Recognition Tool 5. (©Concussion in Sport Group 2017. From Echemendia RJ, Meeuwisse W, McCrory P, et al: The Concussion Recognition Tool 5th Edition [CRT5]: background and rationale, Br J Sports Med 51[11]:872, 2017.)

On-­Field or Sideline Evaluation of Acute Concussion When a player shows any features of a concussion (see Table 2.11): A. The player should be evaluated by a physician or other licensed health care provider on-­site using standard emergency management principles and particular attention should be given to excluding a cervical spine injury. B. The appropriate disposition of the player must be determined by the treating health care provider in a timely manner. If no health care provider is available, the player should be safely removed from practice or play and urgent referral to a physician arranged. C. Once the first aid issues are addressed, an assessment of the concussive injury should be made using the SCAT5 (see Fig. 2.49) or other sideline assessment tools. D. The player should not be left alone following the injury and serial monitoring for deterioration is essential over the initial few hours following injury. E. A player with diagnosed concussion should not be allowed to return to play on the day of injury. SCAT5, Sideline Concussion Assessment Tool—5th edition. From McCrory P, Meeuwisse W, Dvorak J, et al: Consensus statement on concussion in sport – the 5th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Berlin, October 2016. Br J Sports Med 51(11):1–10, 2017.

Level of Consciousness The examiner must quickly determine whether the patient is conscious. At no time during the initial assessment should ammonia inhalants be used to arouse the patient. Inhalants should be used only after the examiner is absolutely sure there is no spinal injury, because the fumes may cause a reflex head jerk, complicating the possible neck injury.11 At this early stage, the examiner simply determines whether the patient is alert (fully conscious), confused (drowsy), in delirium, in obtundation (dulled sensations, especially pain and touch), in a stupor, or in a coma. A patient is classified as alert if he or she is able to carry on an appropriate conversation with no delays and is aware of time, place, and identity. See Chapter 2 for an explanation of the levels of consciousness. The examiner determines the level of consciousness or arousal by talking to the patient, not by moving the patient. This stage is sometimes referred to as the “shake and shout” stage, in which the examiner tries to arouse the unconscious individual by gentle shaking (without allowing movement of the head and neck) and by

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

shouting into each ear. If the patient does not respond to this verbal stimulus, the examiner can, at least initially, assume that the patient is unconscious or not fully conscious and proceed under that assumption. Further neurological assessment is left until the examiner is sure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing normally, and has a heartbeat. If the patient is conscious, the examiner should reassure the patient that help has arrived. The patient should be informed of what the examiner is doing and proposes to do in terms of examining and moving the patient. Regardless of the patient’s state of consciousness, he or she should not move or be moved until the examination has been completed. On the sideline, the examiner can perform a Sideline Concussion Assessment Tool—5th edition (SCAT5) exam (see Chapter 2) and begin a Neural Watch to provide serial monitoring (see later discussion) for the possibility of an increasingly severe head injury (i.e., progressive deterioration of signs and symptoms). In addition, balance testing may be performed using the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS).19 This is a quantifiable low-­ technology test that uses only a stopwatch and a piece of medium-­density foam. The athlete is asked to do three different stances (double, single, and tandem) twice on two different surfaces (the ground and the foam) (see Fig. 2.51) for a total of six trials. The athlete begins in the required stance with the hands on the iliac crests and, while standing quiet and motionless, is asked to close both eyes for 20 seconds. During the single leg stance, the athlete stands on the nondominant foot and is asked to hold the opposite non–weight-­bearing limb in 20o to 30o of hip flexion and 40o to 50o of knee flexion. For tandem stance, the nondominant foot is placed behind the dominant foot. If the athlete is losing his or her balance, he or she can make any necessary adjustments and returns to the test position as quickly as possible. The athlete is scored by adding one error point for each committed error (see Table 2.25). If the athlete cannot maintain the desired stance for at least 5 seconds of the 20 second test period, the athlete has failed the test. The maximum error score for normal athletes is 10.


Establishing the Airway While waiting for assistance, the examiner can immediately begin to check for abnormal or arrested breathing, abnormal or arrested pulse, internal and external bleeding, and shock.20 This initial assessment is called the airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs) of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). New guidelines also include the use of automated defibrillators if required.21 The first priority is to maintain an adequate airway, normal ventilation, and hemodynamic stability (see Table 18.1).22,23 In addition, obvious bleeding should be controlled by compression. While the cervical spine is protected and immobilized, the examiner quickly assesses the airway for patency by looking, listening, and feeling for spontaneous respirations.8,11 Respirations can be determined by watching for movement of the chest, feeling the breath on the examiner’s cheek, or hearing the air move in and out (Fig. 18.4). The normal resting ranges of respirations are 10 to 25 breaths/min for adults and 20 to 25 breaths/min for children. An athlete or someone who has been exerting before injury may show a higher rate. If a patient is not breathing and has no heartbeat, clinical death occurs between 0 and 4 minutes (Fig. 18.5). If breathing and heartbeat are not restored within 4 to 6 minutes, brain damage is probable. If there is no breathing and no heartbeat for 6 to 10 minutes, biological death occurs, and brain damage is likely.24 If the patient is breathing without difficulty, the rate and rhythm of the respirations and their characteristics should be noted. Cheyne-­Stokes and ataxic respirations are often associated with head injuries.25 Table 18.2 indicates some of the abnormal breathing patterns that may occur in a patient in an emergency situation. If the conscious patient exhibits abnormal or arrested breathing (asphyxia), the examiner should look for

Indications That Athlete Should Be Referred to an Emergency Facility • Worsening headache • Very drowsy or cannot be easily awakened • Cannot recognize people or places • Develops significant nausea or vomiting • Behaves unusually, more confused or irritable • Develops seizures • Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs • Slurred speech or unsteadiness of gait Modified from Putukian M, Raftery M, Guskiewicz K, et al: Onfield assessment of concussion in the adult athlete. Br J Sports Med 47:285–288, 2013.

Fig. 18.4  Examiner positioning to determine respiration of the patient. The examiner can feel the breath on the cheek, hear the breath, and watch the chest move.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

possible causes.26 Causes include compression of the trachea; tongue falling back, blocking the airway; foreign bodies (e.g., mouthguard, gum, chewing tobacco); swelling of the tissues (e.g., anaphylactic shock after a bee sting); fluid in the air passages; presence of harmful gases or fumes; pulmonary and chest wall trauma; and suffocation.26,27 0–4 min

4–6 min


B Brain damage unlikely

Brain damage possible 6–10 min

C Brain damage likely Fig. 18.5 If the brain is deprived of oxygen for 4 to 6 minutes, brain damage is possible. After 6 minutes, brain damage is extremely likely.

Causes of Asphyxia • Compression of trachea • Tongue blocking airway • Foreign bodies (e.g., gum, mouthguard) • Tissue swelling • Fluid in air passages • Harmful gases or fumes • Suffocation

Falling back of the tongue is the most common cause of airway obstruction after a sports injury, especially in the unconscious patient. Normally, the tone of the tongue muscles ensures airway patency. However, the unconscious person, especially one in the supine position, loses muscle tone and the tongue falls back, potentially leading to an obstruction. If the tongue is the cause of obstruction, the examiner can simply pull the chin forward in a chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver to restore the airway, being careful to keep movement of the cervical spine to a minimum. The chin lift maneuver is less likely to compromise the cervical spine.28,29 Either maneuver pulls the retropharyngeal musculature forward, thus opening the airway.26 If the examiner can see an object obstructing the airway, an oral screw and a tongue forceps can be used to remove the object. The mouth should be held open with the oral screw or something similar, and the examiner can use a finger to sweep the mouth clear of debris (e.g., broken teeth, dentures, mouthguard, chewing gum, tobacco). If the jaw is not held open and blocked from closing, the examiner should put fingers in the patient’s mouth only with caution. If the cause of the blockage is something other than the tongue (e.g., foreign body), the patient, if conscious, should be asked to cough. If this does not expel the object, the Heimlich maneuver should be performed

TABLE  18.2

Abnormal Breathing Patterns Location of Possible Neurological Lesions




Abnormal increase in the depth and rate of the respiratory movements


Periods of nonbreathing


Ataxic breathing (Biot respiration)

Irregular breathing pattern, with deep and shallow breaths occurring randomly



Prolonged, rapid hyperpnea, resulting in decreased carbon dioxide blood levels

Midbrain, pons

Cheyne-­Stokes respirations

Periods of hyperpnea regularly alternating with periods of apnea, characterized by regular acceleration and deceleration in depth

Cerebrum, cerebellum, midbrain, pons

Cluster breathing

Breaths follow each other in disorderly sequence with irregular pauses between them

Pons, medulla

Adapted from Hickey JV: The clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgical nursing, Philadelphia, 1986, JB Lippincott, p 138.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

until the patient expels the object. If the patient loses consciousness, he or she should be placed supine and ventilation attempted. If it is unsuccessful, 6 to 10 subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrusts are applied. This sequence of ventilation and subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrusts is repeated until a physician or EMS personnel arrive to perform a laryngoscopy.30 Other causes of asphyxia may be treated by epinephrine (anaphylaxis) or intubation.30 If the examiner is concerned about maintaining a patent airway, an oropharyngeal airway may be used. As a last resort, a wide-­bore needle (18 gauge or larger) may be inserted into the trachea to ensure an airway.26 If the patient is not breathing, artificial ventilation (mouth-­to-­mouth resuscitation) must be initiated immediately, by using the breathing portion of the CPR techniques or by using a similar artificial breathing method. If the patient is conscious but obviously in respiratory or cardiac distress, the examiner must deal with the presenting situation immediately (Table 18.3). If the patient does not have a patent airway, an airway must be established, as has been described. If the patient is moving in an attempt to get air into the lungs, the examiner may assume that a severe cervical injury is less likely to have occurred. However, movement of the head in relation to the cervical spine should be kept to a minimum. Keeping in mind the possibility of a cervical injury, the examiner should position the patient so that airway clearance and resuscitation can easily be accomplished. This change in position must be performed carefully to ensure that


movement of the cervical spine is kept to a minimum. If the patient is reasonably comfortable in the side-­lying or prone position and there is no problem with cardiac function or breathing, it is not necessary to move the patient to the supine position. After the airway has been established, whether by the use of an airway device, by proper head or jaw positioning, by the use of tongue forceps, or by a tracheotomy, the examiner must ensure that the airway is maintained and that the patient continues breathing. If respiration is not spontaneous, assisted ventilation (e.g., mouth-­to-­ mouth, bagging) should be instituted. Supplemental oxygen and use of bag-­valve-­masks increase saturation rates for athletes in distress and should be available for use.4 Ventilation can be compromised by a flail chest or pneumothorax (tension or open).11,27 Endotracheal intubation is necessary if nasopharyngeal bleeding, laryngeal trauma, secretions, or aspirations prevent maintenance of an adequate airway or end-­ventilation.22,26,31 Transtracheal ventilation is the treatment of choice for patients with breathing problems caused by brain, cervical spine, or maxillofacial injuries. An endotracheal tube may cause straining and venous hypertension, leading to increased brain edema, and extension of the head and neck to open upper airways may aggravate cervical spine injuries. In addition, hemorrhage in maxillofacial injuries prevents the effective use of a breathing mask and does not allow adequate visualization.23 

Establishing Circulation

TABLE  18.3

Airway Obstruction Conscious Athlete

Unconscious Athlete

1. If patient is breathing or coughing, leave him/her alone but continue to watch 2. If no air is going in and out of lungs, administer four abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver); some people also administer four back blows 3. Repeat until patient can breathe independently or patient becomes unconscious

1. Perform head tilt if no cervical spine injury is suspected 2. If no response, try to ventilate 3. If no success, reposition head and try to ventilate again 4. If unsuccessful, follow with four abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver); some people also administer four back blows 5. Perform a quick sweep of the mouth 6. If unsuccessful, repeat steps 1 through 5 until there is no longer obstruction, or qualified help arrives; a tracheotomy may follow if obstruction continues

Adapted from American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Athletic training and sports medicine, Park Ridge, IL, 1984, AAOS, p 454.

While the examiner is determining whether breathing is normal, the patient’s circulation should be checked for 10 or 15 seconds using the carotid (preferred), brachial, radial, or femoral pulse (Fig. 18.6). For a sedentary adult, the normal heart rate is 60 to 90 beats/min. For children, the rate is 80 to 100 beats/min. In the highly trained athlete of either sex, the rate may be as low as 40 beats/min. With activity, the heart rate will be greater than these levels, and the examiner should take this fact into account when taking the pulse. Depending on the type and level of the individual’s activity, the heart rate for a fit person should decrease to slightly above normal values within 5 minutes. The examiner should note whether the pulse is absent, rapid and rebounding, or weak and diminishing.

Rapid Assessment Criteria for Circulation 1. Skin color 2. Carotid pulse palpable (systolic blood pressure, ≥ 60 mm Hg) 3. Femoral pulse palpable (systolic blood pressure, ≥ 70 mm Hg) 4. Radial pulse palpable (systolic blood pressure, ≥ 80 mm Hg) Modified from Driscoll P, Skinner D: Initial assessment and management: I. Primary survey. Br Med J 300:1266, 1990.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

Subclavian artery

Carotid artery

Axillary artery Brachial artery Radial artery Ulnar artery

Descending aorta

Femoral artery

Popliteal artery

Anterior tibial artery Peroneal artery Posterior tibial artery Dorsalis pedis Fig. 18.6  Major arteries in the body. Pressure applied to any of the arteries (pressure points) can decrease bleeding if applied proximal to the bleeding.

The pulse is most often checked at the carotid artery because this artery is large and easy to locate. Therefore the examiner has less chance of missing the pulse and does not have to move from the area of the patient’s head to perform palpation. If a pulse cannot be detected, it should be assumed that the patient does not have a heartbeat, and CPR should be initiated using either manual methods or an automated external defibrillator. The use of the defibrillator increases the chance of survival in cardiac arrest.32 Although cardiac arrest is rare in athletes, sudden death or commotio cordis resulting from low-­ impact blunt trauma is always a possibility in sports.33 When the pulse is assessed, the examiner should estimate its rate, strength, and rhythm to obtain an indication of the cardiac output. Circulatory sufficiency may also be determined by squeezing the nail bed or hypothenar eminence. Capillary refill is delayed if the pink color does not return to the nail bed or hypothenar eminence within 2 seconds after release of the pressure.34 Squeezing the hypothenar eminence is a better indicator if the patient is hypothermic. The pulse may also be used to determine the patient’s blood pressure. If a carotid pulse can be palpated, systolic blood pressure is 60 mm Hg or higher. If the femoral pulse is palpable, systolic blood pressure is 70 mm Hg or higher. If the radial pulse can be palpated, the systolic blood pressure is 80 mm Hg or higher.16,25,34 Like heart rate, blood pressure should drop to almost normal levels within 5 minutes following termination of exercise.

Fig. 18.7  The shock cycle.

A weak or rapid pulse usually indicates shock, heat exhaustion, hypoglycemia, fainting, or hyperventilation. A slowing pulse is sometimes seen when there is a large increase in intracranial pressure, which usually indicates a severe lower brain stem compression.35 A pulse that is rebounding and rapid is often the result of hypertension, fright, heat stroke, or hyperglycemia. If the pulse rate is beginning to weaken, the patient may be going into shock (Fig. 18.7). Shock is characterized by signs and symptoms that occur when the cardiac output is insufficient to fill the arterial tree and the blood is under insufficient pressure to provide organs and tissues with adequate blood flow. However, it should be noted that patients who maintain pink skin, especially in the face and extremities, are seldom hypovolemic after injury. If the skin of the face or extremities turns ash-­gray or white, this usually indicates blood loss of at least 30%.11 Common types of shock and their causes are shown in Table 18.4. A patient going into shock becomes restless and anxious. The pulse slowly becomes weak and rapid, and the skin becomes cold and wet, often clammy. Sweating may be profuse, and the face is initially pale and later cyanotic (blue) around the mouth. Respirations may be shallow, labored, rapid, or possibly irregular and gasping, especially if a chest injury has occurred. The eyes usually become dull and lusterless, and the pupils become increasingly dilated. The patient may complain of thirst and feel nauseated or vomit. If shock develops quickly, the patient may lose consciousness. To prevent or delay the onset of shock, the examiner may cover the patient, elevate the patient’s legs, or attempt to eliminate the cause of the problem.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment TABLE  18.4

TABLE  18.5

Types of Shock and Their Causes

Bleeding Characteristics and Their Source





Bleeding Characteristics

Hemorrhagic (hypovolemic)

Blood loss


Bright red, spurting or pulsating flow


Inadequate blood supply


Dark red, steady flow


Loss of vascular control by nervous system


Slow, even flow


Common fainting


Bright red, frothy


Insufficient pumping of blood by the heart


“Coffee grounds” vomitus

Upper bowel

Tarry black stools


Severe infection and blood vessel damage


Smoky, red urine


Red urine, difficulty urinating


Allergic reaction



Loss of body fluid

Blood not visible; abdominal rigidity, pain, difficulty breathing

Signs and Symptoms of Shock • Increased and weak heart rate • Cold, clammy, pale skin • Increased and shallow respiratory rate • Profuse sweating • Increased thirst • Restlessness and anxiousness • Altered level of consciousness • Dilated pupils • Nausea or vomiting

Circulatory collapse in trauma patients is caused primarily by blood loss from vascular damage or fracture, or hypovolemic shock, but the examiner must remember that shock in trauma may also be caused by tension pneumothorax, central nervous system injury, or pericardial tamponade (heart compression resulting from blood in the pericardium)—all emergency conditions that require physician intervention.36 By the time hypovolemic shock becomes evident, blood loss may be as high as 20% to 25%. The normal range of blood pressure is 100 to 120 mm Hg for systolic pressure and 60 to 80 mm Hg for diastolic pressure. With shock, the blood pressure gradually decreases. If the blood pressure can be measured, it is best to assume that shock is developing in any injured adult whose systolic blood pressure is 100 mm Hg or less. If the examiner is caring for a dark-­skinned person, it may be difficult to determine from observation whether the patient is going into shock. A healthy person with dark skin usually has a red undertone and shows a healthy pink color in the nail beds, lips, and mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue. However, a dark-­skinned patient in shock has a gray cast to the skin around the nose and mouth, especially if experiencing respiratory shock. The mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, the lips, and the nail beds have a blue tinge. If the shock is caused

by hypovolemia, the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue will not be blue; rather they will have a pale, graying, waxy pallor.37 If no pulse is present, then the cardiac portion of CPR techniques should be initiated. Sports equipment (e.g., shoulder pads or rib pads) should be removed, at least anteriorly, to give the examiner clear access to the anterior chest wall. CPR provides only approximately 25% of normal cardiac output, so it is imperative that it is performed properly by knowledgeable persons.38 CPR is maintained until the patient recovers or EMS personnel arrive. If a cervical spine injury is suspected, CPR must be done with care because compression to the heart can cause repeated flexion-­extension of the cervical spine.23 

Assessment for Bleeding, Fluid Loss, and Shock The examiner should look for any signs of external bleeding or hemorrhage (Table 18.5). The types of wounds in which external bleeding or hemorrhage may be seen are incisions, which are clean cuts, or lacerations that have jagged edges. A contusion may produce internal bleeding, whereas a puncture or abrasion may also show bleeding or oozing on the surface. Major traumatic injuries, such as fractures (e.g., pelvis, femur), can cause a great deal of internal bleeding. Of the five types of wounds, the puncture wound is probably the most difficult to treat, because it has the highest probability of infection. The examiner should watch for bleeding from the lungs, the stomach, the upper bowel, the lower bowel, the kidneys, or the bladder. If the liver, spleen, or kidney is injured, serious internal bleeding may result; the blood will not be visible because it is contained within the abdominal cavity. In this case the patient may experience abdominal rigidity, pain, and difficulty breathing (pressure on diaphragm). When inspecting a bleeding structure, the examiner should note the type of vessel affected. For example, an artery spurts blood, whereas a vein provides an

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

ARTERIES: Spurting blood Pulsating flow Bright red color

CAPILLARIES: Slow even flow

VEINS: Steady flow Dark red color

Fig. 18.8  Bleeding characteristics.

even flow. Capillaries tend to ooze bright blood (Fig. 18.8).24 Because arterial bleeding is of greatest concern, the examiner must be aware of the pressure points in the body (see Fig. 18.6) so that he or she will know where to apply proper treatment. The examiner chooses the pressure point closest to the area of bleeding and applies pressure to the artery to slow or stop the bleeding. Tourniquets should be used only with extreme caution and in selected instances (e.g., accidental amputation of a limb, very severe bleeding from a major artery, or the need to apply CPR with no assistance available) and then only with enough pressure to stop bleeding. If a tourniquet is used, the time of tourniquet application should be noted carefully to prevent unnecessary tissue damage. Hemodynamic stability is best maintained by applying direct pressure to an open wound, keeping the patient in a recumbent position, and minimizing the number of times the patient is moved.22 If signs and symptoms of shock are present but visible bleeding is minimal, the examiner should suspect hidden bleeding within the abdomen, chest, or extremities.25,39 If bleeding is suspected in the abdomen, the examiner should palpate the abdominal wall for shape and distention. To check for bleeding in the chest or extremities, the examiner should look for deformities (e.g., fractures). The fingers may be used to percuss the chest area, noting any loss of hollow sounds, to help locate the presence of fluid or blood. Hyporesonance may indicate a solid organ or the presence of fluid or blood; hyperresonance usually indicates air-­or gas-­filled spaces.25 After the ABCs systems have been assessed and controlled, the examiner can proceed to the remainder of the primary assessment. The examiner should check the ears and nose for the presence of cerebrospinal fluid. If blood or cerebrospinal fluid leaks from the ear, this may indicate a skull fracture. The examiner should incline the head toward the affected side to facilitate drainage, unless a cervical injury is suspected. The examiner can place a gauze pad over the patient’s ear or nose where

Fig. 18.9  Checking the ear for blood or cerebrospinal fluid.

the bleeding is occurring to collect the fluid on the gauze (Fig. 18.9). The examiner should look for an orange halo forming on the pad (see Fig. 2.34). The halo is cerebrospinal fluid, the presence of which is a good indication of a skull fracture.40 

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sudden cardiac arrest in athletes is not all that common, with an incidence of 0.75 per 100,000 athlete years41–43; however, it is of upmost importance as a first symptom.44 The examiner should be aware that the highest incidence of sudden cardiac arrest occurs in soccer, followed by football, basketball, ice hockey, and baseball.45 This issue can occur to someone who appears to be healthy and has not had previous symptoms. Two cardiac disorders that may lead to sudden cardiac death are arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and hypertrophic cardiac myopathy (HCM). ARVC is an inherited disorder in which the heart muscle is replaced with scar and fat tissue leading to abnormal rhythms and weakness of the heart. The athlete with ARVC may have a history of fainting after physical activity.44 HCM is another congenital disorder caused by abnormal thickening of the left ventricle. HCM is the number one cause of cardiovascular death in athletes.46 This leads to conductivity and arrhythmia problems, causing ventricular fibrillation.44 Symptoms include dizziness, chest pain, fainting, shortness of breath, and fatigue.47 A surprising 55% to 80% of athletes are asymptomatic, contributing to the difficulty of early detection until a catastrophic event occurs.48 Lastly, commotio cordis (Latin for “agitation of the heart”)49 is usually the result of a direct blow to the chest wall. This can occur from a baseball, hockey puck,

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

helmet, or any other blunt object forcefully striking the chest wall or sternum area. The blow most commonly occurs to the left precordial area and the trauma involved is related to the speed and force of impact. This is most common in younger males with immature skeletons and physical development from the ages of 5 to 15 years of age. Adolescents have a narrower anteroposterior chest diameter and greater chest-­wall compliance, which are thought to contribute to greater force transmission to the heart.50 The trauma to cause commotio cordis occurs 15 to 30 milliseconds prior to the T-­wave peak during cardiac repolarization resulting in significant electrical disarray and cardiac arrhythmias.50 Commotio cordis accounts for almost 20% of youth cardiac deaths.51–53 The arrhythmia that occurs may be refractory to standard resuscitation measures, including defibrillation. The survival rate of this injury is approximately 15%.54 Above a certain threshold of trauma/impact, structural cardiac damage may also occur, and this is termed contusion cordis.54,55 One way to try to prevent commotio cordis is by using chest protection. However, even with chest protection, death can and has occurred.56 Recent evidence from an animal model has demonstrated that chest wall protection of modest thickness can be achieved and can be effective prevention for ventricular fibrillation on the playing field.57 

Pupil Check Pupil assessment should be performed on anyone suspected of having any head injury. This is extremely important as it appears that even among sports medicine clinicians who regularly attend to patients with concussions, there is insufficient awareness that concussions can lead to abnormal eye tracking behavior. Snegireva and colleagues58 found that 77% of clinicians dealing with sports injuries did not use any eye movement assessment tools other than their own clinical assessment, with half the respondents inspected by less than half of the clinicians. The examiner checks the pupils for shape and for response to light by using a penlight or by covering the eye with one hand and then taking it away. The pupil normally reacts to the intensity of light or focal distance. The pupils dilate in a dark environment or with a long focal distance, and they constrict in a light environment or with a short focal distance. Normally, the pupils are equally or almost equally dilated (diameter range, 2 to 6 mm; mean of 3.5 mm), but injury to the central nervous system (e.g., head injury) may cause the pupils to dilate unevenly. Some people normally have unequal pupil sizes, and the health care professional must be aware of this possibility. In a fully conscious, alert person who has sustained a blow near the eye, a dilated, fixed pupil is most likely the result of trauma to the short ciliary nerves of that eye rather than the result of third cranial nerve compression caused by brain herniation.22 Drugs may also affect the


pupillary size. For example, opiate drugs cause pinpoint pupils, whereas amphetamines may cause dilated pupils.25 To test pupil reaction, the examiner holds one hand over one eye and then moves the hand away quickly, or shines the light from a penlight into the eye, and observes the pupil’s reaction when the light is shone on the eye (normal reaction: constriction) or when the light source is removed (normal reaction: dilation). The examiner tests the other eye in a similar fashion and compares the results. The pupillary reaction is classified as brisk (normal), sluggish, nonreactive, or fixed. An ovoid or slightly oval pupil or a fixed and dilated pupil indicates increasing intracranial pressure.25 If both pupils are midsize, midposition, and nonreactive, midbrain damage is usually indicated. The fixation and dilation of both pupils is a terminal sign of anoxia and ischemia to the brain.25,59 

Assessment for Spinal Cord Injury Spinal cord injuries can have catastrophic and irreversible neurologic consequences, so early recognition of the problem is essential.60 If the athlete walks off the field before notifying the medical staff of a potential neck injury, he or she should be examined using a regular cervical assessment (see Chapter 3). If the player appears to have or communicates a neck injury on the field or is unconscious, then a neck or head injury should be assumed, and he or she is treated as indicated later. The cervical assessment is modified so as much of the examination as possible is done without moving the athlete. After examination, the athlete is immobilized and transported to a medical facility.61 An upper spinal cord injury should be suspected, at least initially, if the patient has neck pain; the patient’s head position is asymmetric or abnormal; the patient is having respiratory difficulty, especially if the chest is not moving (absence of abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing); the patient is demonstrating priapism (erection of the penis); or the patient is unconscious after a fall or other contact activity. Other indications of neurological injuries in the conscious patient include numbness, tingling, or burning, especially below the clavicles; muscle weakness; twitching; or paralysis of the arms or legs, especially bilaterally (flaccid paralysis).25

 ituations in Which Cervical Spine Injury Must Be S Suspected Until Proven Otherwise • Neck pain or stiffness • Cervical muscle spasm • Asymmetric or abnormal head position • Respiratory difficulty (chest not moving) • Priapism • Unconsciousness • Numbness, tingling, or burning • Muscle weakness or paralysis • Loss of bowel or bladder control

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

The examiner may ask the patient to stick out the tongue, wiggle the toes, move the feet or arms, or squeeze the examiner’s fingers.16 This quick test provides a rapid assessment of the brain and spinal cord by showing whether the patient can follow instructions and can do the activity. If the patient is unconscious (Table 18.6), the examiner should reassess the level of unconsciousness if possible and treat the patient as though a spinal injury has occurred. In the unconscious patient, the examiner should watch for spontaneous limb movement, especially after the application of a painful stimulus, because movement indicates that the patient is less likely to have suffered a severe cervical injury.25 In addition, the examiner should look for tonic posturing that indicates a severe head injury. The fencing response may occur at the time of impact, with one limb extending and the other flexing regardless of position or gravity (Fig. 18.10).62 Decerebrate rigidity is evidenced by all four extremities being in extension (see Fig. 2.48B). With decorticate rigidity, the lower limbs are in extension and the upper limbs are in flexion (see Fig. 2.48A). 

Assessment for Head Injury (Neural Watch) The patient’s level of consciousness is then reassessed. If a concussion is suspected, the athlete is NOT allowed to return to the playing field. See Chapter 2 for more information on concussions. Chapter 2 also outlines some vestibular tests which can be performed on the sideline if necessary. At no time should the athlete be left alone, and he or she should be checked at regular intervals to ensure that the airway remains patent, breathing is normal, and the pulse is within normal limits, as well as watching for any indication of mental deterioration as a result of the concussion.20 The examiner should now institute a Neural Watch (Fig. 18.11) or a similar observation scheme to note any changes in the patient over time. The Neural Watch should initially be performed every 5 to 15 minutes, because it also facilitates monitoring of the patient’s vital signs.25 After the patient has stabilized, Neural Watch recordings may be made every 15 to 30 minutes.35 If possible, reassessment by the same examiner allows the detection of subtle changes. The examination should include an evaluation of the patient’s facial expression; a determination of the patient’s orientation to time, place, and person; and the presence of both posttraumatic amnesia and retrograde amnesia. Signs and symptoms that demand emergency action in a patient who has sustained a blow to the head are increased headache, nausea and vomiting, inequality of pupils, disorientation, progressive or sudden impairment of consciousness, gradual increase in blood pressure, and diminution of pulse rate.

Emergency Signs and Symptoms of Head Injury • Increased headache • Nausea and vomiting • Inequality of pupils • Disorientation • Altered level of consciousness • Increased blood pressure • Decreased pulse rate • Decreased reaction to pain • Decreased or altered values on Neural Watch Chart or GCS GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale.

Reaction to pain and the level of consciousness can be determined by the use of physical and verbal stimuli. If there is no cervical injury, the verbal stimuli may include calling the patient’s name and shaking and shouting at the patient. Physical stimuli (see Fig. 2.47) include squeezing the Achilles tendon, squeezing the trapezius muscle, squeezing the soft tissue between the patient’s thumb and index finger, squeezing an object (pen or pencil) between the patient’s fingers, squeezing a fingertip, or applying a knuckle to the sternum. (This must be done with caution because it may cause bruising.) In comatose patients, a motor response to a painful stimulus to an extremity may indicate intact pain appreciation from that site, especially if it is accompanied by a more remote response, such as a grimace or a change in respiration or pulse.22 The level of consciousness can best be determined with the use of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) (see Table 2.5).63–65 The sooner the patient is tested with the scale, the better, because the initial assessment can be used as a baseline for improvement or deterioration in the patient. The GCS is often used in conjunction with the Neural Watch. For a description of the test, see Chapter 2. Deterioration of consciousness may result from many conditions, such as increased intracranial pressure caused by an expanding intracranial lesion, hypoxia (which can aggravate cerebral edema and increase the intracranial pressure), epilepsy, meningitis, or fat embolism. The examiner should always look for signs of expanding intracranial lesions (see Chapter 2), especially if the patient is conscious. These lesions are emergency conditions that must be attended to immediately because of their potentially high mortality rate (up to 50%). If the patient experiences loss of consciousness or appears to have disturbed senses, is seeing stars or colors, is dizzy, or has auditory hallucinations or a severe headache, the patient should not be left alone or allowed to return to activity (Table 18.7). In addition, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, increasing blood pressure, disturbed sensation of smell, or a diminished pulse should lead the examiner to the same conclusion. Amnesia, hyperirritability, an open wound, unequal pupils, or leaking of

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TABLE  18.6

Some Common Causes of Unconsciousness in Patients Category






Loss of consciousness

Injury or disease

Shock, head injury, other injuries, diabetes, arteriosclerosis

Need for CPR, triage


Diabetic coma

Hyperglycemia and acidosis

Inadequate use of sugar, acidosis

Complex treatment for acidosis

Insulin shock


Excess insulin


Myocardial infarct

Damaged myocardium

Insufficient cardiac output

Oxygen, CPR, transport


Damaged brain

Loss of arterial supply to brain or hemorrhage within brain

Support, gentle transport

Hemorrhagic shock



Control external bleeding, recognize internal bleeding, CPR, transport

Respiratory shock

Insufficient oxygen

Paralysis, chest damage, airway obstruction

Clear airway, supplemental oxygen, CPR, transport

Anaphylactic shock

Acute contact with agent to which patient is sensitive

Allergic reaction

Intramuscular epinephrine, support, CPR, transport

Cerebral Blunt head injury contusion, concussion, or hematoma

Bleeding into or around brain, concussive effect

Airway, supplemental oxygen, CPR, careful monitoring, transport


Psychogenic shock

Emotional reaction

Sudden drop in cerebral blood flow

Place supine, make comfortable, observe for injuries



Excessive heat, inability to sweat

Brain damage from heat

Immediate cooling, support, CPR, transport

Electric shock

Contact with electric current

Cardiac abnormalities, fibrillation

CPR, transport; do not treat until current controlled

Systemic hypothermia

Prolonged exposure to cold

Diminished cerebral function, cardiac arrhythmias

CPR, rapid transport, warming at hospital


Oxygen, carbon dioxide, breath-­ holding, water

Cerebral damage

CPR, transport

Air embolism

Intravascular air

Obstruction to arterial blood flow CPR, recompression by nitrogen bubbles

Decompression sickness (“bends”)

Intravascular nitrogen

Obstruction to arterial blood flow CPR, recompression by nitrogen bubbles


Excess intake

Cerebral depression

Support, CPR, transport


Excess intake

Cerebral depression

Support, CPR, transport (bring drug)

Plant poisons

Contact, ingestion

Direct cerebral or other toxic effect

Support, recognition, CPR, identify plant, local wound care, transport

Animal poisons

Contact, ingestion, injection

Direct cerebral or other toxic effect


Brain injury, scar, genetic predisposition, disease

Excitable focus of motor activity in brain

Recognition, support, CPR, identify agent, local wound care, transport Support, protect patient, transport in status epilepticus


Injected or ingested agents


CPR, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. From the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Athletic training and sports medicine, ed 2, Park Ridge, IL, 1991, AAOS, pp 618–619.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment



C Fig. 18.10  The fencing response during a knockout. (A) Athlete receives a blow to the head. (B) After the traumatic blow to the head, the unconscious athlete immediately exhibits extension in one arm and contralateral flexion while falling to the ground. (C) During prostration, the rigidity of the extended and flexed arms is retained for several seconds as flaccidity gradually returns.62

cerebrospinal fluid or blood from the ears or nose also indicates an emergency condition. Numbness on one side of the body or a large contusion in the head area should likewise lead the examiner to handle the patient with care. If the frontal area of the brain is affected, the patient may experience lapses of memory, personality changes, or impairment of judgment. If the temporal lobe has been affected, the patient may experience feelings of unreality, déjà vu, or hallucinations involving odors, sounds, or visual disturbances, such as macropsia (seeing objects as larger than they really are) or micropsia. The literature indicates that head injury depends not only on the magnitude and direction of impact and the structural features and physical reactions of the skull but also on the state of the head/brain at the moment of impact.9,66,67 If the patient has received a head injury and has been checked by a physician and it has been determined that it is not necessary to send the patient to the hospital, the clinician should ensure that the patient and whoever lives with the patient understands what to look for in terms of signs and symptoms that may indicate increasing severity of head injury. Fig. 2.29 demonstrates typical home health care guidelines. 

Assessment for Heat Injury Heat-­related illness includes heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke and are a common concern for

Fig. 18.11 Neural Watch chart. (Modified from American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Athletic training and sports medicine, Park Ridge, IL, 1984, AAOS, p 399.)

clinicians working in sports medicine.68 Most heat-­related deaths are associated with American football, wrestling, cross-­ country, and track and field.69 If the examiner suspects a heat-­type injury with no cervical injury, only heat exhaustion and heat stroke need be considered as life-­threatening.13,70 Heat fatigue or exhaustion occurs when a person is exposed to high environmental temperature or humidity and perspires excessively without salt or fluid replacement. Heat stroke can occur when a nonacclimatized person is suddenly exposed to high environmental temperature or humidity. The thermal regulatory mechanism fails, perspiration stops, and the body temperature increases. Above 42°C oral body temperature, brain damage occurs, and death follows if emergency measures are not instituted. The diagnostic

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment TABLE  18.7

TABLE  18.8

Indications for Immediate Removal from Activity

Skin Changes and Their Cause

Area of Injury

Indications for Immediate Removal from Activity


Blunt trauma, visual difficulty, pain, laceration, obvious deformity


Loss of consciousness, disturbed sensorium, stars or colors being seen, dizziness, auditory hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, severe headache, rising blood pressure, disturbed smell, diminishing pulse, amnesia, hyperirritability, large contusion, open wounds, unequal pupils, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid or blood from ears or nose, numbness of one side of body


Obvious deformity, restricted motion, weakness of extremity, pain on movement, localized tenderness, numbness of extremity (pinched nerve), paresthesias


Obvious deformity, crepitus, loss of range of motion, loss of sensation, effusion, pain on use, unstable joint, open wounds, significant tenderness, significant swelling


Dizziness or syncope, nausea, persisting pallor, vomiting, history of infectious mononucleosis, abnormal thirst, muscle guarding, localized tenderness, shoulder pain, distension, rapid pulse, clamminess and sweating

Reprinted by permission from the New York State Journal of Medicine, copyright by the Medical Society of the State of New York. Adapted from Greensher J, Mofenson HC, Merlis NJ: First aid for school athletic emergencies, NY State J Med 79:1058, 1979.

keys in this situation are the high body temperature and the absence of sweating. Initial signs of heat injury include muscle cramps, excessive fatigue or weakness, loss of coordination, decreased reaction time, headache, decreased comprehension, dizziness, and nausea and vomiting.

Signs of Heat Injury • Muscle cramps • Excessive fatigue or weakness • Loss of coordination • Headache • Decreased comprehension • Dizziness • Nausea and vomiting • Decreased reaction time


Skin Change


Hot and dry

Heat stroke, high fever, hyperglycemia

Cold and clammy

Fainting, hypoglycemia, hyperventilation, shock

Cool and moist

Heat exhaustion

Cool and dry


White pallor

Decreased circulation

Cyanosis (blue pallor)

Respiratory distress

Red pallor

Fever, heat stroke, inflammation, exercise

The body temperature varies according to the site at which the measurement is taken. The oral body temperature is 37°C (98.6°F). Taken in the armpit or axilla, the temperature is 36.4°C to 36.7°C (97.5°F to 98.1°F), and in the rectum, it is 37.3°C to 37.6°C (99.1°F to 99.7°F). Because oral, axillary, tympanic, and forehead measurements do not accurately assess core temperature in athletes,71 recent recommendations suggest the use of rectal temperature as the most reliable way to assess core temperature and asserts that sports medicine staff must be prepared and willing to implement it.72 If a heat injury is suspected, the quickest and easiest way to cool down an athlete is ice-­water immersion.73 The examiner may palpate the skin to get some idea of the external temperature of the body and possible pathology (Table 18.8). Hot and dry skin is often caused by heat stroke, high fever, or hyperglycemia. Cold and clammy skin is caused by hypoglycemia, shock, fainting, or hyperventilation. Cool and moist skin is often caused by heat exhaustion, whereas cool and dry skin is caused by exposure to cold. Skin color can also play a significant role. Pallor, or whitish skin, indicates circulatory disturbance or decreased circulation and is most often associated with trauma and shock. Cyanosis, or a blue tint to the skin, indicates respiratory distress, as does a gray tint. Redness indicates an increase in blood flow as a result of fever, heat stroke, or exercise. 

Assessment for Movement While doing the initial assessment, the examiner should also be considering how the patient will be moved and immobilized (e.g., self-­ ambulation, stretcher, spinal board) depending on the severity of the injury and whether the patient can move himself or herself or can move only with assistance.74 If the patient has not already done so, the examiner asks the patient to move the limbs to reassess for a cervical

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment





Fig. 18.12  Moving a patient to the supine position after injury. Note that the head and neck are stabilized throughout the movement. (A) Patient prone, examiner stabilizes head, and gives instruction to helpers. (B through D) Patient is log-­rolled onto spinal board.

spine injury and look for major trauma (e.g., fracture, dislocation, third-­ degree strain, third-­ degree sprain). At the same time, the examiner may palpate the areas of potential injury, noting any pain, abnormal bone or joint alignment, swelling, hypersensitive or hyposensitive areas, or palpable defect (third-­degree strain).7 If movement is relatively normal, the examiner quickly checks the myotomes of the upper or lower body for any possible motor involvement or motor impairment. Changes in limb power may be caused by a contractile tissue injury, a neurological injury, or an expanding intracranial lesion, which will be displayed as progressive weakness in the contralateral arm or leg.35 Decreased limb power can also be caused by reflex inhibition as a result of previously unrecognized limb injury. In these cases, contractions are weak and painful. These types of injuries are placed in the low-­priority group (see Table 18.1) because they represent a threat to the limb rather than to the life of the patient.23 

Positioning the Patient Normally, a patient is left in the position in which he or she is found until the primary assessment is completed. However, if the patient is having difficulty breathing or there is no pulse, the patient must be positioned to do CPR. If the conscious patient is prone and in respiratory difficulty, the examiner, with assistance, should log-­roll the patient (Fig. 18.12) onto a spinal board so that an attempt can be made to restore the airway. During any movement of the patient, the examiner should apply traction of approximately 4.5 kg (10 lbs) to the cervical spine to maintain stability. The patient should be reassured that

others are going to carefully move the patient while he or she remains still. Before any movement is attempted, the patient and those who are going to assist the examiner should know what the examiner plans to do and what their jobs are. This requires frequent practicing of emergency procedures. The sequence of movement and positioning of the extremities and body of the patient should be thought out beforehand so that everyone is aware of what is going to happen and in what order. The proper procedure for moving the patient should be practiced often to ensure competency. To roll the patient, at least three assistants are needed. There should be two-­ way communication between the examiner and the patient at all times to continually evaluate the patient’s comfort level and neurological signs. The assistants should place the spinal board beside the patient and then kneel beside the spinal board and patient (see Fig. 18.12A). They should reach over the patient and hold the patient’s shoulder, hip, and knees (see Fig. 18.12B). On command from the examiner, the assistants roll the patient toward them while the examiner stabilizes the head (see Fig. 18.12C) until the patient is lying supine on the spinal board (see Fig. 18.12D). Only rolling—not lifting—should occur. With the patient in the supine position, proper CPR techniques may be applied, or the patient may be transported. The patient may also be covered with a blanket to provide warmth. If a spinal injury is suspected and the conscious patient is in the prone position but has no difficulty breathing, the patient is log-­rolled halfway toward the assistants while another assistant slides the spinal board as close as possible to the patient’s side. The patient is then rolled

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

directly onto the spinal board in the prone position. Similarly, if a spinal injury is suspected and the patient is in the supine position and breathing normally, the patient is rolled toward the assistants while another assistant slides the spinal board under the patient as far as possible. The patient is then rolled back onto the spinal board in the supine position. If a spinal injury is suspected and the patient is in side-­lying position, the patient is log-­rolled directly onto the spinal board and into the supine position. In each of these cases, the examiner controls the head, applies traction, and instructs the assistants. The patient’s head is then stabilized and immobilized with sandbags, a head immobilizer, or triangular bandages, and the patient is strapped to the spinal board with restraining belts. If a collar is used to stabilize the spine, it must do so during movement and when the patient is stationary; it must not hinder access to the carotid pulse, airway, or performance of CPR; it must be easy to assemble and apply; it must be adaptable to patients of all ages and sizes; and it must allow radiological examination without removal.75,76 Any major injury (such as a head injury, a spinal injury, or a fracture) requires appropriate handling, slow and deliberate management, and proper transportation to provide a satisfactory outcome. These techniques must be practiced repeatedly. If possible and if time permits, especially if the assistants are not used to working together, a simulated roll and transport using an uninjured person should be attempted before moving the patient to ensure that all involved know what they are doing in terms of patient positioning, movement sequence, and specific handling (e.g., head, hands, feet) so that any transfer or movement of the patient is effective and organized. During the emergency assessment, if the patient is nauseated, is vomiting, or has fluid draining from the mouth, and provided breathing and circulation are normal, the patient should be placed in the recovery position (Fig. 18.13) as long as there is no suspicion of a spinal injury. This side-­lying position enables the patient to be continually monitored (ABCs) and allows the examiner to easily observe any change in condition while waiting for emergency personnel. The patient’s head should be positioned to keep the airway open and to allow drainage from the throat and mouth. If the blood flow to the heart and brain

Fig. 18.13  Recovery position.


has diminished, circulation can be improved by elevating the lower limbs, provided that the position change can be accomplished without causing further pain or breathing problems or aggravating an injury. If the patient has breathing difficulties or a chest injury or has experienced a heart attack or stroke, it may be desirable to lower blood pressure in the injured parts by elevating the upper part of the body slightly, if the position change can be accomplished without causing further pain or breathing problems. If the patient is unconscious and the cardiac and circulatory functions are not compromised, the patient should be left in the original position until consciousness is regained. However, if the patient is unconscious and lying supine, the examiner should always watch for the possibility that the patient may “swallow” the tongue and obstruct the airway. In addition, an unconscious patient loses the cough reflex, and if vomiting or bleeding occurs, vomitus, mucus, or blood may enter and obstruct the airway. Therefore the examiner may elect to put the patient in the recovery position. If the patient is unconscious and in respiratory or cardiac distress, the examiner must quickly assess the patient and attempt to restore respiratory and cardiac function. This patient is then treated the same as the conscious patient. If the patient’s spine is twisted or flexed and the patient is reasonably comfortable, the patient should be stabilized in that position until a spinal injury is ruled out. If there has been a loss of breathing or cardiac function, the examiner must carefully correct the deformity, place the patient in the supine lying position, and perform the appropriate measures to deal with the problem. If a cervical spine injury has occurred to a child of 7 years of age or younger, the examiner should realize that in these children, the head is normally larger in proportion to the rest of the body. If the child is positioned on a spinal board without modification, the neck will be forced into some flexion. To alleviate this problem, the spinal board should have a cutout for the head, or a pad for the chest or rest of the body should be added to elevate it in relation to the head.77 If the patient is in the water and unconscious, he or she must be reached as quickly as possible. The rescuer should not jump into the water, because this action creates waves that may rock the victim’s head and could cause severe consequences if a neck injury has occurred. The examiner should approach the patient head-­on and place an extended arm down the middle of the patient’s back with the patient’s head in the examiner’s axilla. The examiner then grasps the patient’s biceps with the forearm around the patient’s forehead, slowly lifts the arm, and turns the patient faceup. The examiner’s forearm locks the patient’s head in the examiner’s axilla during the turn. Once the patient is supine, both of the examiner’s arms support the

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

patient’s head and spine in the water. An assistant then slides the spinal board under the patient in the water and blocks the patient’s head with towels. The patient is next strapped to the spinal board with restraining straps and is lifted out of the water.78 If a spinal board is not available and a cervical injury is suspected, the patient should be supported in the water until emergency personnel arrive. In some sports (e.g., ice hockey, lacrosse, motor car or motorcycle racing, football), the athletes wear helmets. Whether the helmet should be removed to institute emergency procedures is a controversial issue and often depends on the type of training (EMS versus sports therapy) and experience of the health care professional.2,74,79–82 In general, if the patient is unconscious, the helmet should not be removed unless the examiner is absolutely certain that there has not been a neck injury. In the patient who wears both helmet and shoulder pads, both should be left on the patient, because they help to maintain the cervical sagittal alignment close to normal. Ideally, the helmet and shoulder pads should be removed in a controlled setting, such as the emergency department.2,83,84 Helmets should be removed only if the face mask or visor interferes with adequate ventilation;83,85 if the face mask interferes with the clinician’s ability to restore an adequate airway;83,85 if the helmet is so loose that it does not provide adequate immobilization of the head when secured to the spinal board;83,85 if life-­threatening hemorrhage under the helmet cannot be controlled;83,85 if, in children, the helmet is too large and causes flexion of the neck when used as part of the immobilization;77,83,85 or if it is necessary to defibrillate the patient. In the last case, the shoulder pads must be removed, so the helmet should be removed to maintain spinal position.7 If the patient is in respiratory distress, face masks can usually be easily removed with the use of an X-­Acto knife or similar device to release the restraining straps while holding the mask in place. If, for whatever reason, the decision is made to remove the headgear, the neck and head must be held as rigid as possible. Therefore at least two people are needed: one to stabilize the head and neck and one to remove the face mask. One person, usually the assistant, first applies in-­line traction to the helmet to ensure initial stability. A second person, usually the examiner, then stands at the side of the patient and uses in-­line traction by applying a traction force through the patient’s chin and occiput. The assistant stops applying traction and, if the helmet is a football helmet, first removes the cheek pads by sliding a flat object (e.g., scissors handle) between the

cheek pad and helmet, twisting the object to cause the pads to unsnap. After the pads are removed, the assistant applies bilateral expansion to the helmet so that the ears are cleared as the helmet is removed.7 After the helmet has been removed, the assistant reapplies in-­line traction from the head, and the examiner then releases the traction and continues the primary examination.67 If desired, the examiner may apply a cervical collar, such as the Stifneck collar, but this should be done with caution because cervical collars do not completely eliminate movement in the cervical spine.86 If the helmet is removed and the patient is wearing shoulder pads, the person holding the head must ensure that the head does not fall back into extension, and a modification must be made to the spinal board. The shoulder pads should be removed only if it is impossible to do this or if defibrillation is necessary. If the patient is conscious and there appears to be no cervical injury or other severe injury, the patient may be moved to another area for a more appropriate and complete secondary assessment. If the injury is in the upper limb and the injured part is immobilized, the patient may first be moved from a supine to a sitting or kneeling position, then from sitting or kneeling to supported standing, to unsupported standing, and finally the person may walk off the field. During these changes in position, the examiner or assistants are positioned to provide support and assistance if the patient feels dizzy or unsteady. If the injury is in the lower limb, the athlete may be helped off the field by teammates, stretcher, or cart. Spinal injuries require greater care and the use of a spinal board and cervical collar with support. Again, assistance may be required, and everyone, including the patient and assistants, should be aware of the movement sequence before it is attempted. Movement Sequence to Remove Conscious, Mobile Athlete from Field of Play Supine lying ↓ Sitting (supported) ↓ Kneeling (supported, 4 point → 2 point) ↓ Standing (supported) ↓ Standing (unsupported) ↓ Walk off field (assistance ready)

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment


Fig. 18.14  Trauma score (see Table 18.9 for survival rate based on trauma score). (From Champion HR, Sacco WJ, Carnazzo AJ, et al: Trauma score, Crit Care Med 9:673, 1981.)

Injury Severity During the primary assessment, the examiner must use some method of determining the severity of injury. There are several scales that may be used to test the severity of injury or to triage the patient, including the Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test,87 which tests for posttraumatic amnesia; the Abbreviated Injury Scale;88 the Injury Severity Score;88–90 the Trauma Score;91 the Triage

Index;92,93 the Circulation, Respiration, Abdomen, Motor, and Speech (CRAMS) Scale;94,95 and the Trauma Index.96 Of these, the Trauma Score illustrates the ease of scoring (Fig. 18.14) and the survival probabilities (Table 18.9) that can be expected in trauma patients. This tool provides a dynamic score that monitors changes in the patient’s condition and is useful in making triage decisions. The CRAMS scale illustrates a similar scoring pattern (Table 18.10). 

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

TABLE  18.9

TABLE  18.10

Trauma Score and Probability of Survival Based on the Score


Trauma Score


































From Champion HR. Sacco WJ, Carnazzo AJ, et al: Trauma score, Crit Care Med 9:674, 1981.



2: Normal capillary refill and BP >100 mm Hg systolic 1: Delayed capillary refill or BP 85–99 systolic 0: No capillary refill or BP < 85 systolic


Respiration 2: Normal 1: Abnormal (labored, shallow, or rate >35) 0: Absent


Abdomen 2: Abdomen and thorax not tender 1: Abdomen or thorax tender 0: Abdomen rigid, thorax flail, or deep penetrating injury to either abdomen or thorax


Motor 2: Normal (obeys commands) 1: Responds only to pain—no posturing 0: Posturing or no response


Speech 2: Normal (oriented) 1: Confused or inappropriate

Secondary Assessment The examiner can proceed to the secondary assessment if the patient is conscious, is able to respond by talking coherently, shows minimal or no distress in terms of breathing, and displays normal circulation. However, the examiner must keep in mind that the patient may still have suffered a catastrophic injury (e.g., cervical spine injury) that, although not life-­threatening at the present time, could lead to significant problems. For the most part, the secondary survey is predicated on the patient’s being clinically stable.11 If the patient is conscious, the examiner must constantly reassure the patient to reduce potential anxieties. By the time the secondary assessment begins, the examiner should have eliminated any possible life-­ threatening situations and can then complete the injury assessment. In the case of a sudden injury, the examiner should remember that the patient has had no time to prepare psychologically or practically for the injury. Therefore the injury can represent a sudden and frightening change in the patient’s physical state. Other concerns experienced by the patient may be related to the patient’s job, financial situation, family, or prognosis, and these concerns, suddenly magnified, may affect the patient’s behavior, especially in later secondary or “sideline” assessments.

0: No sounds or unintelligible sounds


Total (Score of 6 or less indicates referral to trauma center should be initiated)


BP, Blood pressure; CRAMS, circulation, respiration, abdomen, motor, and speech. From Hawkins ML, Treat RE, Mansberger AR: Trauma victims: Field triage guidelines, South Med J 80:564, 1987. Reprinted by permission from the Southern Medical Journal.

The secondary assessment is a head-­to-­toe rapid physical examination97 and can be performed after the examiner has ascertained that there is no threat to the patient’s life. The patient must be conscious for the examiner to perform the secondary assessment properly. The secondary survey involves a complete body survey to detect other injuries that may cause serious complications or lead to a patient’s not being allowed to return to activity. The patient should be instructed not to move unless requested by the examiner, who should also explain to the patient what is being done while the examination is being performed. It is important to maintain communication with the patient throughout the examination. During this time, the examiner is testing for possible spinal injuries, fractures, dislocations, or soft-­tissue injuries. Care must be taken that injuries are not missed.98

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

Musculoskeletal Injuries Commonly Missed during Emergency Assessment98 • Closed tendon injuries of the hand • Carpal bone injuries • Occult elbow fractures • Femoral neck fractures • Posterior shoulder dislocations • Epiphyseal plate injuries • Pubic ramus fractures • Patellar tendon rupture • Lisfranc (tarsometatarsal) fractures • Compartment syndromes

While performing the secondary assessment, the examiner is considering whether the patient should be allowed to return to activity. The examiner must decide whether further evaluation is required on-­ site or whether the patient should be taken to some other venue (e.g., training room, hospital). In addition, the examiner should keep in mind that home monitoring may be necessary and therefore should determine whether a responsible person is at home to watch for changing signs and symptoms in the patient (see Fig. 2.29). Emergency Care Levels of Decision 1 . Is the injury life threatening? 2. What care (first aid) must be given on-­site or “on the field”? 3. Can and should the patient be moved? 4. If the patient is to be moved, what is the best way to do it? 5. What steps are to be taken before the patient is moved? Spinal board? Splinting? Instruction? 6. If the patient is to be moved, where to? Sidelines? Locker room? Training room? Hospital? 7. How is the patient to be transported? Ambulance? Parent’s vehicle? 8. If the injury is not severe enough to require transportation to the hospital, what protocols are to be followed for return to activity? 9. If the patient is not allowed to return to activity, what protocols are to be followed? Adapted from Haines A: Principles of emergency care, Athletic J 26:66–67, 1984.

When progressing to the secondary assessment, the examiner must continue to do the Neural Watch or the GCS and watch for signs of an expanding intracranial lesion or other complications. Advanced cerebral edema may further reduce the perfusion of an already damaged hemisphere of the brain, and compression of the descending motor tracts may decrease limb power. In addition, the patient’s level of consciousness can reveal a deficit previously overshadowed by other evidence of severe brain injury. During the secondary assessment, there is time to carry out a more thorough assessment for head injury or perform other tests in addition to the Neural Watch and GCS. The patient’s abilities to assimilate information and


act with split-­second timing are more likely to be impaired after a concussion than are strength and endurance. If a head injury is suspected, it is important to determine the patient’s reasoning and processing ability (see Chapter 2). The examiner also checks coordination or motor neurological function.99 When testing for proper neurological function, the examiner should palpate the neck and back for any pain or tenderness.100 There are a number of tests for eye-­hand coordination (see Chapter 2). Balance and motor coordination can be tested by determining whether the patient can maintain balance through unsupported standing, the Romberg test, standing with eyes closed, being pushed from side to side, balancing on one leg, or normal walking. Motor neurological function is tested by checking the patient’s grip strength or the various myotomes. Eye coordination and peripheral vision can be checked by asking the patient to follow the examiner’s fingers up and down, side to side, diagonally, and in circles, noting any wandering eye movements. To test visual disturbance, the patient is asked to read or observe something from a short distance (e.g., eye chart, how many fingers the examiner is holding up). To test for vision at distance, the patient can be asked to read the score clock, as an example. After brain function has been tested, the remainder of the secondary assessment is similar to the “clearing,” or scanning, assessments performed for the cervical or lumbar spine. The examiner clears the different areas of the body so that a detailed assessment of the specifically injured joints or structures can be performed. At this stage, the assessment follows the same basic protocol as in the detailed assessment of specific joints—that is, a more detailed history of the injury is taken, the patient is observed for obvious or potential problems, and the entire body is quickly scanned for injury. This is followed by a detailed examination of the specifically injured structures, including active, passive, and resisted isometric movements, special tests, testing of reflexes and cutaneous sensory distribution, joint play movement tests (if applicable), and, finally, palpation and other diagnostic tests, such as imaging and laboratory tests (see Chapters 3 to 13). Because the examiner is one of the first persons to talk to the patient, the examiner will probably obtain the most accurate history. Simple nonleading questions should be asked, and information should be clarified in an attempt to find out what happened and what injury or injuries the patient believes have occurred. Appropriate questions related to specific joints or areas of the body can be found elsewhere in this text. The patient often can provide the examiner with the diagnosis if the examiner listens carefully. After the patient has been thoroughly questioned, others who witnessed the accident or injury may also be questioned to complete the history. Informed conversation with other persons sometimes helps the examiner to detect abnormal behavior that may not be noticed

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

initially. If the patient has a previous medical file, it may also prove beneficial to review the contents for information regarding preexisting conditions, previous trauma, and medications. While obtaining the patient’s history, the examiner continues to observe the patient and notes levels of consciousness, developing symptoms, pain patterns, and altered functional abilities. In addition, the examiner should carefully watch for developing signs and symptoms of an expanding intracranial lesion by noting changes in facial expression, the pupils, and the level of consciousness and by performing the Neural Watch and GCS several times. The basic observation is the same as that performed during joint assessment and includes observation of bony and soft-­tissue contours, scars, deformities, the ability to move, and body alignment. The next part of the secondary assessment is the scanning examination, in which the examiner quickly scans the entire body through observation, by asking the patient to make particular movements (depending on where the suspected injury has occurred), and by testing myotomes, dermatomes, and reflexes. During this phase, the examiner should explain what is being done and why, not only to reassure the patient but also to ensure cooperation and relaxation. This part of the examination may be done without removing the patient’s clothes, although it is better to do so because clothing may obstruct the view of the injured area. However, if the examination is being performed in the presence of other people, clothing removal should be left to a later time, or the patient should be moved to a more appropriate location. If the clothes need to be removed, the patient should be warned, especially if in a public place, and every effort should be made to maintain the patient’s dignity. After the specific area or areas of injury have been narrowed down through the scanning examination, the

examiner can perform a detailed assessment of the appropriate parts of the body, as specified in other chapters. Failure to perform a proper examination may lead to a missed assessment and more problems than originally anticipated. The patient must be immediately sent to a hospital or trauma center if at any time during the primary or secondary evaluation the following signs are exhibited: pupillary or extraocular movement abnormality, facial or extremity weakness, amnesia, confusion or lethargy, sensory or cranial nerve abnormality, positive Babinski sign, deep tendon reflex asymmetry, or posttraumatic seizures.59,101 Proper care for the patient must always be uppermost in the mind of the examiner. Signs Indicating Need for Immediate Transport to Hospital • Abnormal pupila or extraocular movement • Increasing facial or extremity weakness or flaccid paralysis • Amnesia, confusion, or lethargy • Sensory or cranial nerve abnormality • Decreasing value in GCS • Positive Babinski sign • Deep tendon reflex asymmetry • Posttraumatic seizures aAssumes

examiner knows whether athlete normally has equal size pupils bilaterally. GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale.

After the assessment has been completed and the patient has been stabilized, has returned to competition, or has been referred for further medical care by ambulance, the examiner should be sure to document what happened and the subsequent care that was given, noting any potential difficulties. These notes, if taken at the sideline, should be transferred to the patient’s medical record as soon as possible.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment


PRÉCIS OF THE EMERGENCY SPORTS ASSESSMENT The sequence to be followed for assessment of acute injury is shown in Fig. 18.15. INJURY Take Control (Stabilize head and neck) "Shake and Shout" (Verbal and physical stimulation)

Call for assistance

Unconscious (Not breathing)

Unconscious (Breathing with difficulty)

Conscious (Not breathing)

Conscious (Breathing with difficulty)

Unconscious (Breathing normally)

Conscious (Breathing normally)

Position patient (Spinal board) Establish airway

Position patient (Spinal board) Clear and maintain airway

Reassure patient Position patient (Spinal board) Establish airway

Reassure patient Position patient (Spinal board) Clear and maintain airway

Recovery position (Spinal board)

Reassure patient

Check circulation No circulation Initiate cardiac massage (Remove shoulder pads)

Check circulation

Normal pulse Check for bleeding and CSF leakage, shock

Ensure no cervical injury

Initiate artificial ventilation (Remove face mask)

Initiate artificial ventilation (Remove face mask)

Check for bleeding and CSF leakage, shock

Continue CPR until patient recovers or Ambulance arrives

Check circulation No circulation Initiate cardiac massage (Remove shoulder pads)

Check circulation

Check circulation

Normal pulse

Normal pulse

Normal pulse

Check for bleeding and CSF leakage, shock

Check for bleeding and CSF leakage, shock

Check for bleeding and CSF leakage, shock

Check for bleeding and CSF leakage, shock

Institute Neural Watch Look for head injury (Consciousness) Ask patient to move limbs

Neural Watch Emergency transport to hospital (Ambulance)

Sidelines Neural Watch repeat Including vital signs Glasgow Coma Scale initiated Triage scale initiated

Sensory check (pain, sensation, tinnitus, speech, orientation)

Neural Watch repeat including vital signs

Roll/Evacuation transport (Spinal board) Plan of action, Communication with assistants, Reassure patient

Secondary assessment

Myotome check



Observed Examination


Observation Signs of expanding intracranial lesion

Neural Watch repeat Including vital signs

No restriction Scanning Examination

Return to activity

Fig. 18.15  Assessment sequence following acute head/neck injury. CPR, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. Downloaded for Anonymous User (n/a) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on September 07, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

CASE STUDIES When reviewing or practicing these case studies, the examiner should outline the necessary protocol for dealing with the situations described. The examiner can develop different scenarios depending on the degree of severity of the injury. These scenarios, including assessment and movement of the patient, should be practiced often so that the examiner is fully aware of what to do and how to handle emergency situations. 1. A diver misjudges his take-­off from the 10-­m board, hits his head on the concrete platform, and falls unconscious into the pool, displaying decorticate rigidity as he falls. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 2. During a squash game, a player is struck near the eye by her opponent’s squash racquet. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 3. A 22-­year-­old professional basketball player is under his own net and suddenly collapses and lapses into unconsciousness during a game. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 4. During a race on a hot, humid day, a 10,000-­m runner collapses on the track during the event and lies motionless. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 5. During a baseball game, a batter is hit on the chest by a pitched ball and collapses at home plate. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 6. A defensive back tackles a runner and makes the tackle but does not move when the other players get up, even though he is conscious. He is having difficulty breathing. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient.

7. A rugby player hits his head during a collapsing scrum. He is knocked unconscious, is not breathing, and has no pulse. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 8. A hockey player receives a deep cut to the neck when another player’s skate accidentally cuts him. He is bleeding profusely. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 9. A gymnast on the balance beam misses her dismount and lands on her head, neck, and shoulders and is knocked unconscious. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 10. A wrestler is thrown to the mat near the end of the first round. He lands hard on the side of his face with his neck twisted. He is lying prone and unconscious. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 11. While playing soccer, an athlete is stung by a bee and develops anaphylactic shock. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient. 12. A hockey player is “checked” into the boards from behind. He falls to the ice and has difficulty breathing; he had been chewing gum. Describe your emergency protocol for this patient.

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Chapter 18  Emergency Sports Assessment

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