Matrices Connected with Brauer’s Centralizer Algebras

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Table of contents :
ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS .......................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... iv
1. Introd uction .......................................................................................................................... 1
1. A Theorem of Schur ..................................................................................................... 1
2. Centralizer algebras for 0 n and Sp 2 n ..................................................................... 3
3. A tower of ideals in A^ ........................................................................................... 6
4. Matrices whose nullspaces encode the semisimple structure of AjX^ ................. 7
5. A combinatorial definition for 16
6. Some results about the matrices Y a / a « ..................................................................... 19
7. The algebra 20
2. Determinants of M x^ and .......................................................................... 25
1. Column permutations of standard matchings ........................................................ 25
2. Product formulas for and 31
3. Eigenvalues of Tk{x) and Tk{yi,..., yn) ................................................................. 32
4. The column span of P .............................................................................................. 34
5. Computation of det M x^ and 41
3. Combinatorial algorithms and the Littlewood-Richardson r u le ..................... 48
1. Robinson-Schensted-Knuth row insertion .............................................................. 50
2. Dual Knuth relations and equivalence ..................................................................... 51
3. Jeu de Taquin for standard tableaux ........................................................................ 53
4. The Littlewood-Richardson r u le .............................................................................. 54
5. A theorem of Dennis White ........................................................................................ 55
4. Jeu de Taquin for standard m atchings ....................................................................... 56
1. Definition of the algorithm ........................................................................................ 56
2. Jeu de Taquin preserves standardness .................................................................... 59
3. Dual Knuth equivalence with Jeu de Taquin for tableaux ................................. 65
4. The normal shape obtained via Jeu de Taquin .................................................... 70
5. Alternate statements of Theorems 2.23 and 2 .2 5 ................................................. 74
5. Remaining P roblem s .......................................................................................................... 75
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 77
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Matrices Connected with Brauer’s Centralizer Algebras

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M atrices C onnected w ith B rauer’s C entralizer A lgebras

by Mark D. McKerihan

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) in The University of Michigan 1996

Doctoral Committee: Professor Philip J. Hanlon, Chair Professor Andreas R. Blass Associate Professor Kevin J. Compton Professor John R. Stembridge Associate Professor Berit Stens0nes

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I wish to th a n k several people for th e im p o rta n t roles th e y have played in m y g rad u ate education and in producing th is thesis. It has been m y pleasure to w ork u n d er th e direction of Professor P hilip H anlon, and I extend m y m ost heartfelt g ra titu d e to him . He has been an invaluable resource during m y tim e here, and I am p articu larly grateful for his unfailing patience. He has enriched m y experience as a g rad u ate stu d en t. I th a n k Professors A ndreas Blass and Jo h n Stem bridge for carefully reading m y thesis. Each pointed out errors and m ade suggestions which vastly im proved this m anuscript. Also, I th a n k Professor Stem bridge for several excellent courses he has ta u g h t. M y notes from his classes have been very useful to m e, and I expect th a t th ey will continue to be so. I w ant to th a n k W illiam Jockusch for several valuable conversations concerning th e subject of th is thesis. A conjecture of his was th e startin g point of th e research described here, and his insight was p articu larly useful to m e as I was beginning m y stu d y of B ra u er’s C entralizer A lgebras. For continually expressing th e ir confidence in m e, I th a n k m y p aren ts Jam es and B eth M cK erihan. T hey have always encouraged m e to pursue m y interests, and to th in k independently. Finally, I th a n k m y wife N avah Langm eyer for everything th a t we have together.


A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S ..........................................................................................................





CHAPTER 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n ..........................................................................................................................


1. 2. 3.

A Theorem of Schur..................................................................................................... Centralizer algebras for 0 n and Sp 2n ..................................................................... A tower of ideals in A ^ ...........................................................................................

1 3 6

4. 5. 6. 7.

Matrices whose nullspaces encode the semisimple structure of AjX^ ................. A combinatorial definition for Some results about the matrices Y a/ a« ..................................................................... The algebra

7 16 19 20

2. D eterm in a n ts o f M x^ and



Column permutations of standard m atch in gs........................................................ Product formulas for and Eigenvalues of Tk{x) and T k { y i, . . ., yn) ................................................................. The column span of P .............................................................................................. Computation of det M x^ and

25 31 32 34 41

3. C om binatorial algorith m s and th e L ittlew ood -R ich ard son r u l e .....................


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Robinson-Schensted-Knuth row in s e r tio n .............................................................. Dual Knuth relations and equivalence..................................................................... Jeu de Taquin for standard tableaux........................................................................ The Littlewood-Richardson r u l e .............................................................................. A theorem of Dennis W h ite........................................................................................

50 51 53 54 55

4. Jeu d e Taquin for stan d ard m a tc h in g s .......................................................................


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Definition of the a lgorith m ........................................................................................ Jeu de Taquin preserves standardness.................................................................... Dual Knuth equivalence with Jeu de Taquin for ta b le a u x ................................. The normal shape obtained via Jeu de T a q u in .................................................... Alternate statements of Theorems 2.23 and 2 . 2 5 .................................................

56 59 65 70 74

5. R em ain in g P r o b l e m s ..........................................................................................................


B I B L I O G R A P H Y .............................................................................................................................




F igure 2.1

The sets A and B used in the Garnir relation....................................................................



A sequence of Jeu de Taquin moves for standard tableaux.............................................



A sequence of Jeu de Taquin moves for standard matchings............................................



Boxes near y' when y = d .........................................................................................................



The sets A, B, F and G in D .................................................................................................



The diagram D when 6(c) £ A ...............................................................................................



The sets A, B, F and G ..........................................................................................................






A T h e o re m o f Schur

B ra u er’s centralizer algebras were in troduced in 1937 by R ichard B rau er [Brr] in order to stu d y centralizer algebras of th e classical orthogonal and sym plectic groups on th e tensor powers of th e ir defining representations. In order to p u t B ra u er’s work in context, we will begin by describing related work of Schur concerning th e general linear group. D enote th e general linear group of n by n invertible m atrices w ith com plex entries by G L n (C) = G L n . Let V = C"' be th e n dim ensional com plex vector space w ith stan d a rd basis { e i ,. . . ,e n }. T h e general linear group of invertible linear tran sfo r­ m ations on V is denoted by G L ( V ) . A ny m a trix A £ G L n can be th o u g h t of as an invertible linear tran sfo rm atio n on V . Let p : G L n —> G L ( V ) be defined by

p (A )ei = Yj C j ( G L n) defined by

n-^A; where /(A) is the number o f parts in the partition A. In particular, (f> is an isom orphism i f and only i f n > f . Theorem 1.1is useful in th e proof of T heorem 1.2, th e double centralizer theorem for G L n .

3 T h e o r e m 1 .2 [Scu] A s an S f x G L n module, V® 1 ^ Q ) S X® W X AH/ where S x is the irreducible Specht module fo r S f indexed by X, and W x is the irre­ ducible Weyl module f o r G L n indexed by X. Theorem 1.2 shows th a t th e re is a pairing of th e irreducible representations for S f and certain irreducible representations of G L n , and is th e basis for th e b eau tifu l connection betw een th e represen tatio n theories of these tw o groups.

See [Wl] for

m ore inform ation on these theorem s and related topics. 2.

C e n t r a l i z e r a lg e b r a s f o r On a n d S p 2 n

B rauer was in terested in proving analogues of Theorem 1.1 for other Lie groups. In a 1937 p ap er [Brr] he did th is for th e orthogonal group On and th e sym plectic group S p 2 n- In p a rtic u la r B rauer found algebras A ^ and B j 2n^ respectively th a t play th e sam e role for these groups th a t CS f plays for G L n . We will discuss th e algebra A ^

in detail here.

We have replaced n by x to

generalize B ra u e r’s definition allowing any real num ber a; as a param eter. Hanlon and W ales showed in [HW1] th a t B ^ is isom orphic to A^~x^, hence we only need to consider A ^ for all real x. T he algebra A ^ has a vector space basis consisting of 1-factors on 2 / points. A 1-factor is a graph in which each vertex is incident w ith exactly one edge. We draw a 1-factor


in two rows of / vertices. T he set of vertices in th e to p row is denoted

t(S) and th e set of vertices in th e b o tto m row is denoted b(S). Let F f be th e set of 1-factors on 2 / points. To m ultiply tw o 1-factors


\ and

6 2

, we begin by identifying th e vertices in b(S\)

w ith th e ir corresponding vertices in t(S 2 ) to o btain a graph B { 6 \, S2) on 3 / points. By

ignoring th e m iddle row of B ( 8 i, 8 2), and regarding p a th s w ith vertices in th e m iddle row as single edges, we obtain a new 1-factor /3(8i,82) on th e vertices £( i + 1 and I > i + 1, th en (2.35) holds as well since 7r has no effect on edges betw een rows k and I in th a t case. We conclude th a t if th e re is a difference betw een ttfr(e) and w

th e n it m u st occur in row i or

above, and we have already shown th a t th e lem m a holds in th a t case. B

T h eo rem 2.20 The set {e(£) : S G A x/^} fo r m s a basis f o r the vector space e(Vx/^). Proof. We already know th a t th e set of e(e) such th a t e is a row increasing m atching of shape X/p, spans

(see (2.20)). We can im prove th is slightly as follows:

e(VA/^) = (e(e) : e G F x ^ , e row increasing, e(e) ^ 0)

Define Wx/n = (e(6) :



G A x /f) . We will in d u ct on th e order -h £o(y)- Define th e sets A and B as in L em m a 2.19. Let such th a t Tfeh = e0. N ote th a t

C be th e num ber of p erm u tatio n s it £ Sym(v4 U B ) C ^ 0, since th e id e n tity clearly works.F urtherm ore,

note th a t for any m atching e we have

e(e) = e(e).


This follows from th e definition of e, and th e fact th a t e differs from e by a row perm u tatio n . Using th e G arnir relation (T heorem 2.18) we now ob tain Ce(e0) = -

e(7re0) •7rgSym(/luB),7^07^0

= -





By Lem m a 2.19, each Weo th a t appears in th e right hand side of (2.38) satisfies T(Wefi) -< T'(eo)) so by our choice of e0, we have e(?feo) = 0. Hence,

e(e0) = 0,


which contradicts our choice of eo. We deduce th a t th e re can be no such boxes x and y , and therefore e0 m ust be a sta n d a rd m atching, i.e. e0 £ 4 \//o a n d e(e0) € Now, if e is a row increasing m atch in g w ith T (e) y T ( e 0), such th a t e ^ A \ / ^ th en th e re is som e box x im m ediately above a box y w ith e(x) >h e(y). Define A

and B as before, and let C be th e num ber of p erm u tatio n s 7r £ Sym (A U B ) such th a t 7fe = e. N ote th a t C

/ 0. U sing th e G arn ir relation we o btain

Ce{e) = —





By L em m a 2.19, every We th a t appears in th e right h an d side of (2.40) satisfies T(We) -< T (e), so by induction every te rm on th e right hand side is in W x / ^ which im plies th a t e(e) £ W x/^ as well. We have shown th e e(V y M) = W x / ^ It rem ains only to show th a t 8

th e set {e(5) :

€ A \ /n } is linearly independent. Suppose th a t th e re is a linear relation


We w ant to show th a t ag

— 0 for all

a se( 8 ) = 0.



£ Ax/p. If n o t, th en

m atching th a t m axim izes T ( 8 0) am ong those



8 0

be th e stan d ard

£ A x / Mw ith ag ^ 0 .

In th e proof of L em m a 2.21 below, we show th a t for any sta n d a rd m atch in g 8 , e( 8 ) has a non-zero


coefficient in V x /^ and th a t if Si and

w ith T ( 8 i) -< T ( 8 2), th en th e In p a rticu lar, for any zero. Since th e

8 0


8 2

8 2

are tw o stan d a rd m atchings

coefficient of e{ 8 \) is zero.

£ Ax/n such th a t T ( 8 ) -< T ( 8 0), th e So coefficient of e( 8 ) is

coefficient of e(50) is no t zero, we m u st have ag0 = 0, co ntradicting

our choice of £0. Hence, we m ust have ag = 0 for all


£ A x /fl. H

A nother way to s ta te T heorem 2.20 is th a t th e colum ns of P form a basis for th e space eiVx/n). 5.

C o m p u t a t i o n o f det M x^ a n d d e t M x^

T he com putations of det M and d et M. are v irtu ally id entical, so we will only com pute det M explicitly, and m erely s ta te th e corresponding resu lt for det M..

42 Suppose th a t v € V2v is an eigenvector of Tk( x ) w ith eigenvalue h 2 u{x). Since Tk(x) com m utes w ith th e action of Sx/^, we have Tjb(®)(e(u)) = e(T k(x)v) = e{h 2 v(x)v) = h 2 u{x)e{v), (2.42)

i.e. e(v) is also an eigenvector of Tk( x ) w ith eigenvalue h 2 l/(x). F urtherm ore, it is not h ard to see th a t th e h 2 v(x) are all d istin c t, so we m ust have e(i>) G V2v. We have shown th a t


e {V2u) Q V2u.

It now follows th a t e(Vx/^) = e




= ® e(V2l/). 2i/(-2fc (2.44)

Let dv = d*u be th e dim ension of e{Vv) (thus, if v is not even th en dv = 0). For every even p a rtitio n


v b


k, le t £?2l/ = {e ( uj " ) , . . . , e ( u ^ )} be a basis for e(V2u).

Let B \ / M= ( J B 2v. We now have two bases for

nam ely

and B \ / M.

Let Q be th e Fx/^ x Bx/n m a trix whose colum n indexed by e{v2v) is th e expansion of e ( v fu) in V * i n term s of th e basis F

x Let S be th e Ax/fj x Bx/n m a trix such

th a t

P S = Q.


43 T he m a trix S is an invertible tra n sitio n m a trix from th e basis e(Ax/n), f° th e basis Bx/ti


T he im portance of th e m a trix Q is th e fact th a t its colum ns are eigenvectors for Tfc(x). Thus,

(Tk( x ) Q ) e(v?v) = h 2 v{x )Q e(v2iuy


T his is equivalent to saying th a t Tk (x) Q = Q D , w here D is a Bx/fj, x Bx/n diagonal m a trix whose diagonal e n try in th e colum n indexed by e(v?"), is /i2„(a:). We can use these facts to stu d y th e p ro d u ct form ulation of th e m a trix M as follows: S lM = S tP tT k ( x ) J = Q lT k{ x ) J = D Q 'J = D S tP t J. (2.47)

From th is we obtain det M = d et D d e t( P o — n n — 1 . . . 2 1.

T h eo rem 3 .7 For any a 6 S n , the follow ing properties o f R S K hold: ( 1 ) (P(lo 0 ctujo),Q(ll!0 ctuj0)) = (P ((r)evac, Q(cr)evac)), where P evac is obtained fro m P by a process known as evacuation (see [SciilJ). ( 2 ) (P e v a c )* =

( P ‘)e v ac

( 3 ) [ S C U 2 ] ( P e v a c ) ev ac — P •

(4) shape Pevac = shape P . (5) (P(oru 0 ),Q (cru0)) = (P(o-)‘,Q (h s'{. H T he claim ju s t proved is an obvious contradiction because

it im plies th a t th e sizes

of A and G are infinite. So, S'(c),S'(d) ) = shape P ( tcs)- In p a rtic u la r, suppose th a t S' is a sta n d a rd m atching of norm al shape V2 - In th a t case v 2 = shape S' = sh ap e P ( tts>) = shape P(7Tfi) =


Here, th e second equality comes from th e fact th a t since S' has norm al shape, T h e­ orem 3.11 im plies th a t we m ust have P ^ s 1) = S'. ■


C orollary 4 .1 0 I f the standard m atching S is taken to a standard m atching 8 ' fo r a norm al even shape v via J d T , then


' is independent o f the sequence o f J d T moves

chosen. In fact, v = shape P(tts)> and


' is the unique standard m atching o f shape

v. Proof. T his follows from T heorem 4.9 and C orollary 2.9. ■ B ecause of Corollary 4.10, we can m ake th e following definition.

D efin itio n 4.11 I f


is a standard m atching, then let v ( 8 ) denote the shape o f the

standard m atching o f norm al shape obtained fro m


via J dT.

For th e norm al shape v h 2n, by g*v we denote th e num ber of tim es v appears as v ( 8 ) for som e


6 A \ /^. T h e following theorem shows th a t g*u is th e Littlew ood-

R ichardson coefficient c*„. Its proof m akes heavy use of theorem s from ch ap ter 3.

T h e o re m 4 .1 2 For any skew shape X /p and any norm al even shape v with \X/p\ = \v\, we have g*v = cj„.

Proof. We find a bijection , betw een th e set of stan d a rd m atchings


w ith u ( 8 ) = u ,

and th e set of LR fillings T of shape X /p such th a t h x has weight v. Suppose


€ A\ f n, and v{ 8 ) = v. T h en h$ is a fixed point free involution of

w here X / p has size 2n. F urtherm o re, hs = ttsu>q. Taking inverses, we o btain hs = ojottJ 1.


Since 8 is sta n d a rd tab leau , by T heorem 3.16, we have lp(P(7T5)) = h x for som e LR filling T of shape A/ p . By C orollary 4.10, shape P{tts) = v , and it follows th a t h r has w eight u. We define (f)(8 ) = T. Now, if T is a LR filling of shape X / p such th a t h x has weight v, th en let P be th e stan d a rd tab leau of shape v such th a t lp (P ) = h x . Let 7r £ Sin be th e p e rm u tatio n

73 such th a t P { * ) = P, Q(ir) =


P evac.

Using Theorem 3.7 (5), (2) an d (3), we obtain P(7ro;o) = P \ and

Q( TTWo) = (Pevac)Lc =


Since P l consists entirely of even colum ns, Theorem s 3.5 and 3.6 im ply th a t t^ujq is a fixed point free involution in


T hus,

TTWo = (tTCUo)-1

Uq7T_ 1 .



We have lp(P(7r)) = h?, so by T heorem 3.16, too^r-1 = hg for som e stan d ard tab leau S of shape X/fX. S i m

M oreover, since a;07r_1 isa fixed

fi isa m atching of shape X/ fi, and hence


point free involution of

To show th a t u( 8 ) = v , we

com pute v(fi) = shape P(irg) = shape P(hgto0)

= shape P(cuo7r_1a;o) = shape P ( 7 r _ 1 ) e va c = shape P(7r-1 ) = shape Q ( tt) = v. ( 4 . 35 )

74 Clearly, (5) = T . In fact, it is no t h a rd to see th a t is a bijection, which finishes th e proof of th e theorem . B


A lte r n a te sta te m e n ts o f T h eo re m s 2.23 and 2.25

Theorem 4.12 allows us to re s ta te T heorem 2.23 in term s of Jeu de Taquin for m atchings as follows.

T h eo rem 4.13 det M =

\ Rs \ \ Cs \ hv(s){x).

feAx/p Sim ilarly, we can re sta te T heorem 2.25.

T h eo rem 4 .1 4

det A4 =

JJ s €A>.ln

\R s \ \ C s \ Z ( i u{s)){ y u . . . , y n).


Remaining Problems

In th is ch ap ter we give a list of problem s th a t rem ain open concerning B rau er’s centralizer algebras. We list th ese problem s m ore or less in order of increasing diffi­ culty. P r o b l e m 1: T heorem s 4.13 and 4.14 give a nice com binatorial form to th e d eterm in an t for­ m ulas for

and M . I t

would be nice to have a m ore direct proof of these

theorem s th a t b e tte r illum inates th e role of th e Jeu de Taquin algorithm . P r o b l e m 2: F ind a d e term in a n t form ula for Y P r o b l e m 3: F ind a d eterm in a n t form ula for y x^ . P r o b l e m 4: F ind th e nullspaces of th e m atrices M x^ a t all integer values of x. P r o b l e m 5: a t n-tuples y i , . .. , y n th a t are roots of

F ind th e nullspaces of th e m atrices

th e ir d eterm in an ts (so th ey will be roots of zonal polynom ials).


P r o b l e m 6: F ind th e nullspaces of th e m atrices Y

a t all integer values of x. A solution

to th is problem would give com plete inform ation ab o u t th e sem isim ple stru c tu re of

P r o b lem 7: Find th e nullspaces of th e m atrices

a t all n -tu p les y i , . . . , y n - A solution

to this problem would give com plete inform ation ab o u t th e sem isim ple stru c tu re of Aj [k).





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