Love Letters to the Left: The Best of Captain Capitalism 2016 to 2018

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Love Letters to the Left: The Best of Captain Capitalism 2016 to 2018

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LOVE LETTERS TO THE LEFT The Best of Captain Capitalism 2016-2018

Copyright © 2018 by Aaron Clarey All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Aaron Clarey,” at the e-mail address [email protected].


INTRODUCTION It is once again time to back up the ole blog because if the past 2 years of “Big Tech Monopoly” drama has taught us anything, it’s that they really don’t care about the freedom of speech. Be it the deplatforming of Alex Jones, Amazon banning nine of Roosh’s books, or YouTube’s bi-polar behavior in regards to its constantly-changing monetization policy, no content producer can ever assume his or her work is safe and we’re all just one click away from having our work deleted forever. Thus, I present to you “Love Letters to the Left” – the fourth back-up edition of my blog – Captain Capitalism. The past two years has seen a significant change in the focus of my blog. Whereas Captain Capitalism originally started out as a depository for empirical economic and political data, it became painfully apparent that most people do not care about facts, reality, statistics, or empiricism. People – especially leftists - are truly wedded to their ideologies, incapable of changing their minds or even acknowledging reality. This is in spite of how such ignorance and delusion can lead to dire societal consequences. Be it a simple recession where people believe housing prices will go up forever, a 9 year old tragically committing suicide because he came out as gay and was horrifically teased in class, unconsciously voting in a socialist, Orwellian dictatorship that we’re well on our way to now, or the starvation of millions that occur under a fully-bloomed communist system, the pride and ego of your average American is more important to them than the millions of lives, both present and future, who suffer when freedom, reality, and simple sanity goes away. But perhaps what’s worse is when you are assailed and assaulted, called an “ist” or an “ism,” even threatened financially or physically for merely pointing out the truth. Alas, when it became obvious that all my data, research, logic, and arguments were being ignored, and worse, leftists would attack me for merely pointing out the truth, I changed tactics and did the only thing I could do.

Mock and ridicule them. The American left is beyond reason or rationalization. Be it the K thru College brainwashing they’ve received from government institutions, the tempting human nature to be lazy and parasite off the work of others, or perhaps the equal intellectual laziness of virtue signaling instead of standing for something that’s truly meritorious, they have chosen the laziest path in life, yet demand the rewards of the industrious, the laborious, and the hard-working. But there is a cost for living this hypocritical life, contributing nothing to society, but demanding praise from it. It’s living a lie. It’s living in a dreamland. It’s not living in reality. And while the façade can be kept up as long as you’re in school or borrowing money for a Masters in Women’s Studies, inevitably the real world comes in with a vengeance and the delusional left pay a horrible price. Going $150,000 into debt for a worthless, leftist propagandist degree. Actually believing you’re a “quad-reverse-sapio-pan-sexual.” Putting your career ahead of the love of your spouse. Valuing your job more than your children. Constantly panhandling for government handouts and grant money. Thinking “big is beautiful” only to be ugly and morbidly obese. Mutilating your body with piercings and tattoos. Lying to yourself daily about your value and worth to society. And ultimately dying on your death bed knowing you simply pissed away your life. It may seem the left is winning, and in many regards they are. But trust you me, they are a miserable lot because deep down inside they know what they’re doing. They’re too weak to work real jobs and support themselves. They’re too cowardly to face reality and put forth the effort required to master it. And so they live the lie that they’re “great people doing great things” while constantly begging for other people’s money and resorting to “tattoos,” worthless masters

degrees, PC crusades, or made up sexualities to give their worthless lives some kind of faux value. All I want to do it point it out, remind them of it, and that’s been the point of Captain Capitalism these past two years. “Love Letters to the Left” is largely a collection of blog posts where I explore and expose the hypocrisies and delusions of the left. It is categorized (somewhat tongue and cheek) based on who they “hate” the most, not ironically starting with themselves. It then focuses on presumed allies of the left (minorities, women, Millennials, etc.) because when you see what the left stands for and how they use these groups of people, you realize the left does not care about them as much as it cares about exploiting them for political gain or mere “good feelings.” The book is finished with a final chapter that is a collection of posts that did not otherwise fit this theme, but were worthy of being backed up anyway. Finally, as is with all my backed up works, blog posts will be published in their original form, unedited and replete with all the loveable original typos. This is of course done because ideas are more important than grammar, it really pisses off the Grammar Nazis, and I am lazy. Thank you for the purchase of this book. Aaron Clarey

HOW LEFTISTS HATE THEMSELVES THE LEFT PUNISHES ITSELF…MERCILESSLY AND HORRIBLY I was talking to a buddy today. He was upset as he recently got into a Facebook war with a leftist friend of his. I can't remember the precise topic they disagreed on, but he was so flustered he was debating leaving facebook or at least giving up making political posts for good. I concurred with his decision and said, "Look, you're not going to change their minds, you're only going to make yourself more angry. So you might as well give up and enjoy the decline." He agree, but said, "Yeah, it just angers me that they don't get it. They just think more of other people's money will solve their problems. Or that it's the rich's fault for their own stupid mistakes. They never stop to think about it, plus they get bailed out all the time!" I asked, "Well how old is this gal? Is she a single mom? And how poor is she?" He confirmed all three of my suspicions. "She's about 46, single mom, lives in a crappy part of St. Paul." To which I responded, "Soooo...don't you think she's suffering enough?" And it is here a vitally important lesson all libertarians, republicans, conservatives and other "simply not leftists" need to learn. For if we don't realize this very important lesson we will let the leftists we know ruin our lives by forcing us to steep and stew in the erroneous belief that leftists somehow live blissful lives, completely unaffected and

unaccountable for their erroneous beliefs and horrible mistakes derived from those beliefs. For example, my buddy is not the only one to have a leftist facebook friend. Many years ago I too had a facebook friend. She was a single mom, aged horribly, got into the "raise organic chickens bandwagon," bought at the peak of the housing bubble, got foreclosed on, never learned any real skills, and pretty much made every horrific idiotic decision a young-now-aged woman could make. So who does she blame it on? Well she got fully infected with feminist indoctrination and now everything (obviously) is men's fault! PATRIARCHY! RICH WHITE MALES!!! IF IT WASN'T FOR SEXISM I WOULD HAVE A LIVING WAGE JOB!!!! REPUBLICAAAAANS!!!!! It wasn't that she got knocked up at 16. Had more kids than she could afford. Or never bothered to get a degree in accounting, or bought a house she couldn't afford. Nope, it's "patriarchy." She's now pushing 60 years old and is the stereotypical cat lady. She's too old and ugly to attract a man with any means. She has no savings. I don't even know what she's doing for work nowadays (but by her complaining about a living wage, I'd bet below $15 an hour). And if you were to look back in her life, bar from the age of 0-16 (when she first got pregnant) her life has been hell. What's it like living in poverty your entire adult life AND with three kids? What's it like to get foreclosed on? What's it like to be delusional to think all of

that is simply the fault of "men?" I don't know because I didn't screw up like she did, but I'd hate to find out. Take for example another friend of my friend. This guy was an ardent leftist. "The government needs to pay for this. The government needs to pay for that. Why we deserve a basic guaranteed income. We deserve free health care and education. And by god if it weren't for those evil, rich, fat cats and 1%'ers, we'd have the American dream we were all entitled to!" Good for him. It's nice to have dreams. The only problem is he mixed those dreams up with a heroin addiction and now (at the age of 48) is homeless, stuck in Minnesota while winter is upon us, and was hitting my buddy up for money to pay for "a hotel for just one night. I just need money for one night and I'll get back on my feet!" Sure you will skippy. Point again is I don't know what it's like to be homeless. I don't know what it's like to be 48 and bumming money off of people for lodging for ONE NIGHT. And I sure as hell made sure I would not be homeless as Minnesota's winter was upon me. All I know is I sure the hell never want to. And if you don't know a feminist cat lady or a 48 year old heroin addict, I'm sure you can throw a stone and hit any one of the millions of Millennial (and Gen X) liberal art students who could not bow down enough at the alter of leftism and could not spend enough at a worthless liberal arts college. At BEST they're working as baristas at your local coffee shop, some well into their 40's. At worst they're resorting to living in cars and prostitution as they're zealously committed to their ideological religion more than their own wellbeing. But I don't know what these things are like either because I majored in a reasonably employable subject and worked multiple jobs if necessary so I didn't have to blow dick in a back alley to make rent.

I could go on. Women who love government checks more than a husband, now aged spinsters with no one to love them, let alone visit them. Our poorest community (that would be the black community) BLINDLY believing in government and Obama instead of themselves and the individual. Now they can only point to Detroit and Compton as pinnacles of democrat, leftist achievement. The millions of aged Baby Boomer hippies who didn't save up enough for retirement and now desperately rely on Social Security. And heaven help the Gen Z'ers and Millennials who actually believe in the 31 flavors of gender (or were forced to at the age of 7). Male, female, bi, and gay, I can understand. But the life long mental insanity they self-inflicted on themselves with zhe/zher/pansexual/transsapiosexual/or whatever other bupkis has seemingly only translated into mental illness, a 40% suicide attempt rate, and a life of mental hell. Millions (and I would contend all) leftists in some way or another are suffering horribly living the lives they do. But there is one simple variable running in the background that explains it all and ties them all together. And it explains why no republican, libertarian, conservative or simply "non-leftists" has to raise a finger or their voice to get their pound of flesh out of the leftists who vote to parasite off of them. Leftists ignore the Reality Principle. Leftists ignore reality. And when you choose to ignore reality, living your life and basing your decisions in leftist-utopian la-la land, the real world will come

down on you like a 100 megaton bomb and cause such unimaginable pain and agony, even I don't wish it on the majority of leftists who inflict it upon themselves. For example, the REALITY of the labor market is that people demand things they want. And if you were to make a list of everybody's Christmas wishlist it is going to be populated with electronic gadgets, cell phones, computers, laptops, vehicles, clothes, games, drones, and a panoply of other goodies. Consider more boring "necessities" your old man wants and you add tools, gas, insurance, home repairs, auto repairs, lawnmowers, and a whole bunch of other stuff. But if you were to list the trades, professions, and skills that go into making and providing these things to the market, you will find NONE of them require people with "Women's Studies Skills." Or "Critical Thinking Skills." Or "Literature and Poetry" skills. Or "Communications Skills." They need engineers, accountants, actuaries, tradesmen, metal smithers, and a whole host of other people who actually provide VALUE to the rest of society. But this harsh reality of having to work for a living, providing value to others, working a job you don't necessarily like, never dawns on the majority of American high school graduates. It also is antithetical to leftist thought. And so what do 67% of them do? They major in the liberal arts. They follow their heart because the money will follow. They're going to major in something (because at the wise wise age of 18) they're going to "change the world." Now i don't have to explain to you what happens a short 4-8 years (depending on if they're dumb enough to get advanced degrees in these fields). For while they glibly and arrogantly lectured your chemical-engineering-majoring-ass about how you were polluting the environment, and you weren't helping society, and how great they

were "raising awareness" about the 3 out of every 2 women being raped on campus, after graduation after all the graduation parties after all the pomp and circumstance was over and after their parents and relatives are done kissing their asses the rest of the remaining 55 years of their lives started. And ALL of those 55 years WILL entail a hell of poverty, scraping by, begging for grant money, and vainly trying to validate their value to society as a single mom in East St. Paul earning below $15 on Facebook. Their lives are over. They have reached their peak. The remaining 2/3rds of their lives are now downhill and, frankly, pointless. Let's take another example. Feminism. Feminism is leftism + vagina. That's really all it is. Abdicate love, jettison pair bonding, and ignore your biological desire to get married and have some little rugrats. Those really smart 60's feminists came up with some theories about the sexual dynamics between men and women that in a short 60 years OBVIOUSLY obsoletes and replaces 2 million years of human evolution. And most women (sadly, leftist or not, but disproportionately leftist) bought it! Women don't need no man. Fish bicycle. You can have it all. Have you seen the first test subjects this poppycock was tried on? You probably haven't noticed because the human eye is naturally

gravitated towards youth and beauty, but look around at all the single Baby Boomer women. Short hair, no ring, wrinkly, aged and alone, and it isn't because they're widowed. They are the ones who "wanted it all" and by gum Oprah, feminists, media, and the government told them they could have it. Heck, Obama with "The Life of Julia" would pay for it with a government check. So off to have careers, children, husbands...and the inevitable divorce and mentally ill children that comes with biting off more than you can chew and outsourcing everything to day care. And so instead of a Norman Rockwell, nuclear family Christmas, you have what you got now - "A broken family, step-half-brother sister...who the hell are these people??? Meet mom's new boyfriend and his bastard children from three different mothers" Christmas. The larger point is no little grandchildren are going to be there. No husband or pair bonding will be there either. Feminists celebrate Christmas alone...which they probably don't because they're devoutly they cuddle up to and kiss their government grant check (look out for paper cuts on your lip). And just for good measure, a third example - millennial male feminists...heaven help them. These effeminate boys actually believe, actually think that if they agree with women, parroting the leftist talking points they think women want to hear, they're going to get laid. In one ear their biology is screaming for them to get laid, in the other ear leftism is screaming at them to do the precise OPPOSITE of what's going to get them laid. Not only does this damn them to the world of permavirgins and perma-friendzones, it condemns them to at least a decade of confusion. And given the overpowering biological urges they have, running smack dab against what leftism and feminism tells them to do, I can only imagine a 7 year old raised to be transgendered by his vegan parents would suffer more mental pain and agony than this generation of poor lost boys.

At best you're Johnathan MacIntosh cause you're not collecting a government check. At worst you're a NEET. But regardless, you are not seeing a woman naked ever in your life and you validate the complaint "Where have all the good men gone?!" The point is, even if you gathered all of your republican, conservative, libertarian and simply "non-leftists" buddies, and sat and conspired for weeks to concoct the most painful, horrific, devastating form of revenge on just ONE single leftist, the level of revenge you would exact wouldn't even compare to the lives leftists have chosen to live for themselves. And the reason why is that living outside the real world of economics, romance, love, logic, psychology, sex, friendship, and career ensures you will ruin those things forever in your life. And not only will you ruin them, they will torture you in every single one of those capacities until you are dead. Your life will not merely be "wasted" like a happy drunk or pothead, it will be TORTURED as your adamant and desperate belief in leftism never jives with reality. Again, if you think about it, it's a punishment you'd think twice about meting. So this Christmas, and for the rest of your life, do not let leftists or the fact they're "getting free money" or "vote against freedom" or "vote to increase your taxes" lessen your finite time on this planet. Though they'll never admit it, they are getting punished ENOUGH. Just be happy and take solace in the sanity, serenity, and good mental health that comes with living in the real world. And as the impoverished single mom feminist screams at you on the internet, or the black nurse says white women should kill their babies, or a university allows you to "self-identify" as a different race, just pour yourself a drink, throw on some jazz, appreciate your non-leftist friends, share this post with some fellow conservatives and enjoy the decline.

A LIFETIME OF PANHANDLING I had cleared Chinook pass on my bike and was coming down off the Cascades enroute to Tacoma. And the first exit I took the first time ever entering Tacoma I saw a site that was common in the Pacific northwest area - a panhandler. Not that I hadn't seen panhandlers before - they are a permanent fixture of the Pacific northwest - but what got me about this one was how old he was. You could tell he had been a panhandler his entire life and the toll it took on him was certainly showing. He wasn't some spoiled 24 year old "crusty" from the suburbs, panhandling because it's what all the "cool hip" kids do in Seattle. He was old, he was disheveled, he looked rough, and he most certainly had mental issues. All I could think to myself was "Man, this is how all hippies end. No matter how cool you were in 1968, the life of a parasite ends poorly if you never grow up and get a job." The light turned green and so I motored into downtown Tacoma and the scenery did not improve. There were more bums laying around, the architecture was minimalist and 70's, and what normal civilians that were there all dressed like the weather - ugly, depressing, and dark. But as I saw more and more bums I realized how laziness was explaining nearly everything I was seeing. Laziness made bums waste their entire lives. Laziness made the Tacoma girls fat and the Tacoma boys skinny fat. Laziness made the buildings ugly because beauty takes effort. A complete lack of effort, if not an outright fear of it, resulted in the ugliness that was Tacoma and I was thankful I was only staying there a couple days. But as I made my way through the city of ugly, I realized that laziness explained something a bit more fundamental about leftists.. Because if you're lazy you by default will have a political ideology of socialism. And that laziness fundamentally forces you into a particular profession. Ergo, regardless of their title or job, regardless

of their profession or degree, nearly every leftist out there is functionally, fundamentally, and economically a panhandler. Certainly the panhandlers in the Pacific northwest are begging for money. You can criticize them all you want, but they are at least honest about it and don't hide it. But how does panhandling for money differ from being a director or worker at a non-profit? A liberal arts professor teaching a worthless class? Social workers constantly lobbying for more money? One of the 237 "diversity hires" at the University of Michigan? Or any "employee" that needs government funding or grant money so they can not have to work work some kind of made up job? It is the constant begging for money that makes you a parasite/panhandler whether you're an honest panhandler off the interstate exit or a cowardly hypocrite hiding behind some fabricated cause like "global warming" or "feminism" demanding your program get more taxpayer money. There is however some good news and a la an "Enjoy the Decline" philosophy I'm trying to get people on the non-left to see this and take joy. For the old man panhandler I saw upon entering Tacoma holds a lesson. And that lesson is "lazy people work twice as hard." I've alluded to this before in my consulting. There's the hard way. And the REALLY hard way. There is NO EASY WAY. The "hard way" is to take your bullets up front, pay the price, and get it over with. Major in engineering, laydown the foundations for success when you're young, and do so while you're young and have the energy. The REALLY HARD WAY is the way most leftists go. Major in easy crap. Live off of student loans. Beg and plead and panhandle for other people's money. Get a masters with more student loans. Then go and beg and plead for some more taxpayers money for your completely unnecessary and made up job. Yes, you may get lucky and be a Betsy Hodges, becoming one in the 1,000 leftists that gets a cushy government job, but most of you will end up like the old man panhandler stuck under a bridge in Tacoma.

This is the good news for those of you who are non-leftists. Yes, an entire class of these people live off of you in a veritable parasitic way. But their lives are condemned to ruination just like the bum under the underpass in Tacoma. Because begging for other people's money goes against reality. Begging for other people's money does NOT have the world working for you. It goes against the world's best interests and you only get crumbs that are occasionally handed out because (shock of shocks) taxpayers want to keep their money! Thus begins the lifetime of panhandling, which would be better described as "tooth pulling" because you don't have the real world working for you. A highly skilled computer programmer has the world BENDING OVER BACKWARDS for him because he offers a good service. A beautiful woman who put effort into her appearance has men slaying themselves to marry her and support her. People who live in the real world and offer real value avail themselves of the real world because it will work for them. An entire global economy and infrastructure bending to your beckon call because you are skilled and offer something it wants. But if you're a bum. If you're lazy. If you're just another worthless person with a worthless liberal arts degree, you have to go begging. You have to go panhandling. You have to live a life where the real world and people's best self interests operate against you (because remember, you ARE a parasite). And thus the life of the old man I saw in Tacoma. Of course not all leftists end up like the old man in Tacoma. Many of you get your pet projects funded. Many of you get grants and taxpayer money to make-believe-play "real adult in the real world" as you do some non-profit thing or another. But there's never enough. There never will be enough. And only a select few like a Mark Dayton, a Hillary Clinton, or a Betsy Hodges will get the 6 figure salary and truly avoid a life of work, labor, sweat and toil. In other words the axiom "lazy people work twice as hard" will hold true for

most leftists. The vast majority of leftists will be damned to a life of panhandling be it under a bridge or filling out grant proposal forms. And like all panhandlers they will achieve nothing of value in life because that is the definition of being a parasite. You will not solve poverty. You will not end global warming. You will not close the wage gap. You won't help out minorities. But that has never been your intention. It's just the tool you use to get other people to part with their money. And even when you get it, you'll end up just as old, haggard, beaten, and destroyed as that panhandler in Tacoma. And you'll have wasted your life just like he did.

SILICON VALLEY: A BRILLIANT LEFTIST SUCCESS STORY This post is not intended to be tongue and cheek. It is not meant to be mocking and derisive as I normally am towards the left. And there are no spoilers at the end of this post, where I pull the rug out from underneath them. This post, in all sincerity, is a tipping of the hat, a golf clap, and admission to a genuine and brilliant achievement of the left that the right cannot hold a candle to. It is to admit an amazing success of the left that I did not realize until just this past week. And I would even say it raises the possibility that what the left aims to achieve is possible and feasible (though it means brainwashing entire generations and eliminating individuality, independent thought, and simple self respect). And that achievement is Silicon Valley. Hate California all you want. And loathe the epicenter of smugness called San Francisco. You cannot deny that Silicon Valley is one of

the few remaining and modern day American success stories. Admittedly the story dates back to the 1970's with the PC revolution, but today it is a reinvented success story with the internet and social media revolution. Like the Bakken oilfield a young man (or woman) with the right skills can go out there and make six figures. And also like the Bakken oilfield their skills WILL NOT go to waste as if it were some 1990's internship scam. And furthermore, while not every social media platform is guaranteed to be profitable, let alone truly advance society, the titans that have come out of Silicon Valley thus far have drastically improved the quality of life, entertainment, and happiness of the world, not to mention (I theorize) kept US GDP positive since the housing collapse. Silicon Valley, its leftist politics aside, has been a large net positive for the US and the world. But one thing kept nagging me, as I'm sure it nagged you. How can the people of Silicon Valley vote so left, so consistently, all the time? Shouldn't they be conservative? Or at least libertarian? Why are they - be it the billionaire CEO on top, or the "lowly" entry level programmer making "only" $120,000 on the bottom - willingly voting away half their salaries, effectively enslaving themselves to people who just plain don't want to work? Don't they know? Don't they care? Or do they know something we non-leftists don't? The truth is none of the above. What we're witnessing in Silicon Valley is not a lapse of judgement or faulty logic, nor is it a superior knowledge of socio-economics and politics us fly-over country plebs aren't hip to. Quite simply, all the left has done was successfully brainwash two full generations in socialism.

And they have done so masterfully. Like a nutmeg tree, the left has been patiently growing the Millennial and Gen X crop of leftists for the past 30 years. They have done so through the soft underbelly of the United States, namely the public schools and academia, because the nuclear family and US military were too strong. But slowly and surely, the seeds the left have sown in the 60's and 70's are paying off today. And Silicon Valley is their pinnacle achievement. Note that to be "old" in Silicon Valley is to be 35+. Not 50. Not 60. That's the proto-crop of Baby Boomers who were experimental and inevitably went right when Reagan came into office. But in perfecting their technique and having the Baby Boomers fully outsource the rearing of their own children to day care and the state schools, the left came to fully own the environment and primary media by which children were raised and educated. This included reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also included subtle (and not so subtle) leftist bias, "the ozone layer," "the rain forests," "kids starving in Africa," which evolved today to things like "privilege," "31 flavors of gender," "sexism," "the pay gap," "global warming" and "your carbon footprint." And if they weren't fully indoctrinated by then, college would cement their brainwashing, if not forcing it down students' throats as a prerequisite to graduate, graduate with honors, or mandatory pre-req classes. The result (for at least the STEM graduates bound for Silicon Valley) were highly skilled children who were programmed to value the commune over the individual. So not only would they produce a lot, but they'd be willing to vote themselves into slavery for half their working days. You can see this in the charts again where more and more money Silicon money is donated to democrats as the millennials enter the work force (or Silicon Valley's millennials having orgasms OVER A VERITABLE SOCIALIST WHO WANTED TO TAX THEM AT 75%) But what I find jaw-droppingly-amazing beyond that was how the left MASTERFULLY brainwashed these kids to think

they're "independent minded" on top of it. Like an auto-immune deficiency virus, this brilliant stroke of brainwashing ensured any attempts to instill GENUINE independent thought (heck, just a different thought) would be impossible since the host/slave themselves would not believe it possible they could be duped because "they're so smart and independent minded." The result is a drastic improvement over the Bolshevikian communism of the Soviet Union. First, unlike Soviet communism, the left is at least smart enough not to ban private property and tax people at 100%. It's kills people's incentive to work, it kills any desire to invest or innovate...and heck, it just kills people, so there's no wealth for the left to confiscate. But if you can get the government to be an effective 40% shareholder in corporations, train students to be workaholics, but brainwash them to WILLINGLY fork over half their life's work, the amount of money, wealth, and income that can be transferred is unimaginable. Second, if you substitute independent thought and a respect for the individual with leftist religious hokum, you can distract Jang or Steve, slaving away 80 hours a week in a cube and 20 hours a week in a commute in Silicon Valley, from just what veritable slaves they are. Why he's not "supporting an illegal alien family of four." He's "a good person because he's driving a Prius." Why she's not "paying for he lazy sisters grant money to pursue a degree in Women's Studies." She's "a good girl because she recycles." And why he's not working weekends only to bail out student loans, single mothers, and bankster scum. No, he's "a good man because he wore a pink pussy hat on his head." I cannot emphasize this enough, the false leftist religions have completely supplanted economic production and agency in the minds of Silicon Valley slaves. It means more to them to champion things like "diversity" and other politically correct pet leftist causes than think about the work life balance they have, not to mention the difference between gross and take home pay. But even getting 400,000 of America's highest paid and hardest working workers to willingly prostrate themselves for the rest of the

country to live off is not the final cherry on this brilliant leftist success. That is what I like to call "The Safety Valve of Buyers Remorse." Like miserable, ugly, spinster feminists who wasted their entire lives in feminism and women's studies, nobody in Silicon Valley is going to admit they were wrong about this fake religion that has stolen half their life's toil. It's too harsh a pill to swallow. Even if, through some miracle, they would start to wake up and ACTUALLY EXERCISE INDEPENDENT THOUGHT, I doubt the human mind or their egos would let them admit they had effectively been slaves for half their lives to the leftist political and parasitic classes. Furthermore, by the fact they're socialists they value their leftist religion/ideology more than they do their own labor and selves. And since that false religion has served as the source of value, agency, meaning, and purpose in many of these kids' lives, taking that away would leave them with an unbearable nothing. Sure, you'll get one or two genuinely independent minded rarities to acknowledge and endure this epiphany, but most will continue to lie to themselves and stay within the false religion. Sadly, this is "The Safety Value of Buyers Remorse," and is what will forever keep Silicon Valley's most productive enslaved. Just like a feminist won't admit she deep down inside wanted a husband, just like a career woman won't admit deep down inside she wanted children, too much has been invested in terms of time, career, education, money, resources, thought, and youth for Silicon's best to admit they should've gone fishing instead. Too much value and purpose has been placed on "going green" or virtue-signaling for whatever approved political cause the left told them to. It would be admitting the best years of their lives were wasted and they were indeed duped by their leftist professors, teachers, and politicians. And so on the leftist Silicon Valley Plantation they will stay working for their true masters.

So I do indeed tip my hat to the left. Like corporate America, you managed to snag the top talent of two full generations AND got them to enslave themselves willingly AND you programmed into them a poison pill that will make them yours forever. That is some wicked crazy amazing work and needs to be noted, highlighted, applauded, and jotted down in the history books. You not only improved upon your original communist template, but proved with simple (though long term and consistent) brainwashing you can get entire generations of humans to vote against themselves, vote against the individual and work instead for the commune "greater good." And for you hard working Silicon Valley slaves, enjoy the decline my friends. Enjoy that freaking decline.

WHY THE LEFT WILL ALWAYS AND INEVITABLY EAT ITS OWN Chris Bechtloff explains the ultimate end goal of leftism as: "The last human on Earth, who is a leftist, standing on top of a mountain of skulls as he/she eats a bullet." I never understood this as I've never understood the much more "PG" explanation I've been given in the past that "the left always eats its own." Do they not circle the wagons? Do they not stay together as a team? I've seen democrats rally around the most criminal and corrupt of people simply because they're on "team left." And I've been angrily jealous when the right spinelessly refuses to protect their own when faced with a potential accusation of an "ism" or an "ist." Still, for

every example of leftists protecting a Charlie Rangel, I could see a historical example of leftists turning on their own. Stalin on Trotsky. College SJW students on their leftist professors. And democratic candidates against each other during primaries (though that is to be expected). But I didn't understand why. I didn't understand the etymology of this belief. I did not understand the underlying philosophy. Until now. I sat down, put pen to paper, coffee to brain, and with some Sherlockian deducing finally figured it out. And, like other observations of the mental, psychological, and ideological traits of the left, I believe this observation will come in handy for non-leftists to understand them, as well as counter them, not to mention explain various political and historical phenomena we've witnessed in the past. First, you must understand what drives the majority of leftists and 100% of leftist politicians - laziness. I'm not talking about the hard-working life-long union democrat. The tradesman or laborer who actually produces something of value and votes democrat "because that's how grand-daddy did it and we're a democrat family damnit!" I'm talking the Hillary Clinton's, the Debbie Wasserman-Schultzes, the Stalin's, the Mao Zedong's, the SJW's, the Bernie Sanders, the leftist professors, the MSM and their journalism-majoring ilk, nearly all liberal arts majors, and the GameOf-Thrones-esque North Korean leaders. All of them, democratically elected or not, politicians or not, are the world's "leftist elite" who deem it their right and position in life to tell others what to do. To lead, but never toil in the field. To command, but never contribute one calorie of energy to bringing about their "glorious leftist utopia."

All of them, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY, are driven first and foremost by laziness. And this laziness trumps EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, AND ANYTHING in their lives. It rules their lives. It dominates their psyche. It determines and influences every decision. Their entire operating program, their entire point and purpose in life is simply to avoid toil, work, and rigor as much as possible. Second, you must understand where this laziness comes from - a 100%, complete and total fear of work. A 100% complete and total fear of labor. A 100% cowardice of the necessary toil required for self-supportation. These people are inferior, weak, but above all else, cowardly people who will do anything to avoid the everyday pain you, me, and others endure to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. Hillary Clinton went straight from her rich father to her first-governorthen-president husband because she was a worthless coward. Her laziness and fear of work was so complete she ignored Bill's infidelity as it would keep her from having to divorce him and get a real job. Nancy Pelosi and Mark Dayton are both trust-fund baby brats who viewed real work beneath them and have yet to work ONE MINUTE of honest work in their now-approaching 70 years of life on this planet. President Obama, also hailing from a rich grandmother, never held a real job until becoming president. And nearly every communist hero, be it Lenin, Marx, Mao, or what have you, hailed from privileged backgrounds, ne'er dipping a toe into an honest day's work. And you don't have to be a politician or leader to see how pervasive this pathetic cowardly fear of work is among the left. The millions of young men and women who declare liberal arts majors every year

are simply confessing their laziness, sloth, and cowardice to the world, unconsciously admitting they have no desire to work hard, provide society something of value, and demand the rest of the producers work harder to support their parasitic selves. Like I said before, bar the hard working (and completely misled) union democrat, nearly every leftist is cripplingly afraid of real work. Finally, ego. A mere welfare parasite who doesn't want to work, I can understand. He or she may be apoliticial, doesn't even care about politics, may not even be aware of their parasitic and unsustainable economic nature. The most they participate in politics is being the sheep herded out in droves to vote democrat because "republicans be racist/sexist/hate the poor/hate children/punch kittens." But the "professional left" cannot suffer such an inglorious life. For in a VERY CLOSE second place to "laziness" is ego. And their ego will not be satisfied with a mere government check. To fool themselves into thinking they're "good, productive citizens," let alone have ANY value in life, the left subscribes to any number of political crusades as long as it doesn't require work, toil, labor or effort. Crusades that kind of have a "no duh" aspect to them: We're for the environment! We're for the equal treatment of women! We're for the poor! We're for the children! We're for education! However, merely taking popular, uncourageous, and effortless political positions is not enough. Their ego demands more action. So these otherwise "no duh" political positions become fervent, even radical religions falsely providing leftists meaningless meaning in their lives.

Feminism Environmentalism Non-binary genderism Wealth redistribution/socialism or any other kind of ism that talentless and worthless liberal arts majors are celebrating today. These "isms" not only provide the non-working left faux meaning and agency in life, but a cause and crusade to cowardly hide behind in case they are accused or outed as being the lazy parasites they are. Because if you are against pissing away money on education, "you hate the children." If you're against affirmative action, "you're a racist!" If you're against feminism, "you're a sexist." And if you don't believe in global warming, "You hate the environment!" In the end, leftists' egos and their fabricated political crusades inoculate them from the demands of the real world, while insulating their minds from the fact they're meaningless, pointless, worthless people. Some believe their ideologies so much they find themselves fit to lead nations, and in Mao and Stalin's case, murder millions in the process. Worse, some are so deluded, even when their ideology results in their rape, they'll still stand by it. When you combine these three traits: Laziness Fear/cowardice and Ego you get socialism. Not because these three items are the ingredients to form a leftist, but because leftism is the ONLY economic and political philosophy that will abide a person who is ruled and defined by these three

inferior traits. Alas, the only real "job" or "profession" a leftist can have is one of politics. This "political career" can manifest itself in various forms in the real world, You can have an outright politician. You can have a professor, teacher or academian. You can have an artist, philosopher, musician, or author. You can have a bureaucrat, social worker, or other unessential government employee. You can be a mouthpiece for the government as an unpaid leftist blogger, journalist, or other propagandist. Or you have have NGO's, non-profits, or other entities that suck on the teat of government money. None of them require real work. None of them require real labor. All of them feed the egotist. The problem, however, is these industries are not self-sustaining. They are not self-supporting. They are not economic. They do not produce anything of value and are therefore entirely parasitic and reliant upon other sectors of the economy to be taxed to finance these make-work industries. And it is this economic fact that is key to understanding why the left will always eat its own. As long as the "other" parts of the economy are large and productive enough, there will be enough economic production to tax to fund and finance these fake/make-work industries. Overpaid baby sitters elementary school teachers will continue to receive their bloated pay. Professional hacks university professors will continue to receive tax-payer guaranteed student loan money to brainwash their idiot liberal arts majoring students. Women too lazy to study math, who loved their careers more than their own children social workers will continue to get paid to raise other women's problem children

which wouldn't be problem children if somebody stayed at home to raise them in the first place. And talentless trust fund babies professional activists will continue to get government grants so they can avoid working a real job that is actually needed in the real world. But what if the economy slows down? Or what if the economy becomes increasingly socialist and the government takes over industries that actually produces things? What if leftists become the majority be it an outright majority of the population or via government take over of various industries? What will inevitably happen (as in the case with all communist economies) is you will have all the leftists wanting to be leaders, and not enough wanting to be workers. Too many chiefs and not enough indians. You not only saw this in the bloated communist bureaucracies (and their ego-inflated titles and awards) and drastically underutilized factories, but you can see this in the democrat party (admittedly as well as the republican party) where all the volunteers think they're going to become an elected politician, but are merely used for their volunteer labor. And it is here the left will eat its own. Remember that socialism and leftism is the only political philosophy where a lazy, egotistical, coward can "work." Leftism is not DEFINED by these traits. It only ATTRACTS PEOPLE with these traits and it is therefore defined by the people. And an entity (be it an entire economy or a mere political party or movement) composed of people with these traits is simply not going to have enough money, resources, or ego-satisfying "leadership positions" to satiate everybody. Leftists with their inherent laziness and parasitism simply do not generate the money/resources necessary to satisfy everyone's ego about becoming "Assistant Vice Reserve Diversity Director" or "Vice Secretariat of the Communist Central Commission." All organizations, leftist or not, need a handful of leaders, and at least

thrice the workers. But since most leftists' egos are insatiable, not to mention their biggest and life-dominating fear is work, when the time comes and if necessary they will GLADLY abandon their ideology and throw their "beloved comrade" under the bus. Alas, leftism only really serves as an excuse, a mask, an ideological hide out for the world's lazy, cowardly, and egotistical. And if faced with the choice of supporting the cause (and working) or murdering the ideological brethren (to avoid work), they will gladly plant daggers in the back of every "fellow leftist." I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's a sad mental state to be a professional leftist. I know they fear work above all else, to the point it ruins their lives, but if they just put in half the effort working real jobs, producing real value that the real world wants, as they do in academia, politics, and media rationalizing the theft of others, they would be immeasurably better off. If instead of begging for grant money, a professional leftist worked a security guard shift, they'd have thrice the money. If instead of spending 8 years earning a worthless doctorate so you can teach for $20/hour, you joined the military, you'd be an officer with a pension now. And if instead of wasting your time protesting with a "pink pussy hat" against the patriarchy, you could be a wife with some children and a chemical engineering career waiting for you once the kids are off to school. Alas, the K-college industry and media has done a great job convincing millions of leftists every year to throw their lives away on an ideology that is as parasitic as it is pathetic. They've successfully sold you leftists that you are entitled to the easy life, long as you vote for them. And they've successfully got you to waste your entire lives in sacrifice for the politically connected and not the meritocratic. I'd say "Enjoy the Decline," but I'm afraid you're too brainwashed to understand.

SILICON VALLEY SLAVES I love it when leftists suffer at their own hand. Female refugee workers who get raped (and don't report it because they love their politics more than themselves). Liberal arts majors who go $150,000 in debt for a degree that is nothing more than leftist indoctrination and hatred for whites and males. Even parents who encourage their daughters to go be an activist in Africa…until their daughter gets murdered…and the parents “forgive” the tribe for the murder. It's not everyday the left is unshielded from the consequences of their actions, but it does happen. And the Slave of Silicon Valley is another perfect example. It's no secret young Silicon Valley executives vote democrat. Apple's CEO's are by corporate by-law to vote democrat, you can find any one of a number of articles of tech-start up executives donating heavily to the democrat party, and matter of fact I couldn't find any Silicon Valley big wig endorsing a republican. But the rank and file sheeple of Silicon Valley also vote overwhelmingly democrat. A simple search of voting patterns and maps of California shows Santa Clara county consistently on the left, confirming everybody's on board the socialist A-train. But at what cost? The thing about Silicon Valley professionals, executives or not, is they're great at IT, but horrible at economics. Because if they were

they would realize just how little they're working for themselves, and how they're veritable slaves to others. In 2013 the average Silicon Valley employee made $153,000. This was of course three years ago and at the time was rapidly growing, so let's just err on the side of caution and say it's $175,000 today. But, oh, foolish naive recent Stanford graduate. You think that's a lot of money, don't you? Now you get to pay for swallowing whole all the leftist BS you were fed in college. First, the federal government is going to want its share. That's 28% lopped right off the top for you privileged Silicon Slaves lucky enough to be making six figures. But, wait, aren't you Silicon Slaves all young people? That's right! You get to pay for the old people who didn't save up for retirement AND voted to piss away any surpluses that would go to otherwise fund social security and medicare. That's an additional 6.2% and .9% you get to pay for voting to be so charitable with other people's money. Throw in another 1% just for good medicaid and other measures, and you're looking at a total federal take of 36.1%. Second, please don't think it's just federal taxes you pay my fine Python programming friend! Because since you and all the other Californians are just so much more enlightened than the rest of us troglodytes you voted in a socialist utopia of California! And all that virtue-signalling and being charitable with other people's money also has costs! Specially, a state income tax rate of 9.3%, which now brings up the government's take to 45.4%! You good obedient liberal you! But hold on our MIT graduating friend! Third, you have local taxes! You see, state and local taxes are interesting. They don't just have "income tax." No, they have a whole potpourri of taxes you pay that make it impossible to measure. Gas tax, fees, property taxes, you

name it. There's a tax in every corner! But one of the larger local taxes which should account for at least a plurality of these local taxes you pay would be the state sales tax. And look at that, it's another 9.08%. Congratulations! You're paying an tax rate of 54.48%! Let's just call it 60% because I'm sure there's a couple minor taxes and fees you pay when you cross a bridge or use a paper bag. So when we tally it all up, the average Silicon Slave forfeits 60% of his/her income to pay for state, federal, and local government services. And I know you are all getting your money's worth over there in Silicon Valley. Why the wide open roads, adequate transportation systems, the local of traffic jams, cheap cost of living, low tuition, affordable housing (well, for illegal aliens and welfare recipients anyway), adequately funded schools, and let's not forget that everything is so cheap out there in the Bay Area. Why it is the epitome of socialist utopia! BUT IT DOESN'T STOP THERE! You see, if you're intellectually honest you'll study the federal, state and local budgets and realize that about 70% (give or take a couple percentage points) of the money you just paid into the system... go to pay for other people's stuff. Their food Their health care Their education Their transportation Their psychologist Fake-make-work government jobs Their tuition, and Their housing NOT YOURS!

You still get to pay for your own stuff, because, well, after all, you are a privileged Silicon Valley slave who didn't earn your position through 4 grueling years of studying IT and STEM. It was just handed to you! So what will that remaining $70,000 buy in Silicon Valley? Well, I suppose you need a place to live. Congratulations, with leftist "smart growth" policies, people's lemming mentality that "California" is the place to move, and your insistence that "you can't spend too much on education," property taxes and demand has driven rents to $2,500/month on average for just a one bedroom apartment. Lop off $30,000 of your remaining $70,000! And I suppose you need a car...but one that will impress your co-workers so you can keep up with the virtue-signaling rat race...hmmm, a Prius with financing should set you back about $8,000 a year in financing and maintenance costs. And, oh, that's right, pretty much EVERYTHING is twice the cost of what it normally is in Troglodyte country, so after groceries, energy, gas, and all the basic necessities in life, you're lucky if you have disposable income of around $10,000 in effective purchasing power. Here's the deal. Because of all the minute and many taxes, not to mention every person is different, it's impossible to calculate to the penny just what disposable income will be, let alone what percent of the time you're literally being a slave for other people. However, we do know, at minimum with 60% of your money being taxed and 70% of government money going to other people, you are literally a slave for 42% of your working hours. You then have the secondary effect of leftist taxation and regulation at the state and local levels, and your $70,000 in after tax income, is really more like $35,000 when adjusted for purchasing power and cost of living adjustments. When you add this up, I have a simple question for you: Is it worth it?

I don't mean the money. I know suffering Bay area traffic, taxation, and people is DEFINITELY not worth take home pay of $35,000 a year. And lord knows you Silicon Sheeple are working 60+ hours per week. There's no way in hell THAT comes anywhere near equitable. I'm talking about voting left all the time and by your own hand turning yourselves into slaves. Because I don't get it. You're some of the few students of today who actually majored in something worthwhile, yet you lack such self-respect you'll endure traffic, poor standards of living, a hellish work week, AND a 42% enslavement rate. Was the leftist indoctrination in school so thorough? Do you really feel guilty earning a (somewhat) decent salary after busting your ass off for 4 years in STEM or IT? Do you think you have an obligation to bail people out of their mistakes? And PLEASE don't tell me you suffer and endure things like "diversity training" or "sexual harassment training" at work. Because that would make it all that much richer. Regardless, for those of us outside of the echo chamber, it sure is fun watching you lefties vote for your own enslavement and demise. Oh, and before you think your Silicon Valley overlords are just as magnanimous, charitable, and virtuous as you, think again. The only ones getting duped are you Silicon Slaves.

THE PETTINESS OF THE LEFT It was when driving across Arizona I had a small, but important epiphany. I had the cheapest car I could rent, a cell phone approaching 3 years old, Wal-Mart attire, and would be sleeping on buddy's couch instead of having my own hotel room. Yet, despite these hallmarks of a lower-middle income life, I was perfectly happy, for soon I would be meeting my best friend for some hiking on some of Phoenix's finest trails. But then it dawned on me.

One of these trails (Camelback Peak) was located in the prestigious "Paradise Valley" neighborhood of Phoenix. This neighborhood was so rich, they often mocked and ridiculed Scottsdale as a place they "make investments." But although my income came nowhere near to that of your average Paradise Valleyite, how was my life any measurably worse than one of theirs? I had a car, I had grub in my stomach, I was going to enjoy the exact same trails they got to, and I was going to be listening to podcasts on my phone the entire way. One could have even argued I was better off given my digital nomad career. What, precisely then, did the richest man of Paradise Valley have that I didn't? This then got me thinking. Precisely what are the left so jealous of the rich over? What does the rich have that they don't? And as I thought about it, I soon realized a dark and sad truth about leftist psychology and leftism in general: Just how pathetic and petty their jealousy is. And consequently, how that jealousy ruins their lives. It is here we need a bit of historical context to understand the point I'm trying to make. We all know that today our poorest of the poor live like the richest of kings 500 years ago. Inventions like electricity, penicillin, plumbing all make today's humans infinitely better off than the richest of yesteryear. But we don't have to go 500 years ago in the past to see how incredibly better off today's humans are compared to past humans. Consider just 50 years ago. There were no cell phones, the cars (though pretty) were drastically inferior (and more dangerous), food today is markedly improved as well as dirt cheap, clothing is dramatically cheaper, we have PC's, and houses are almost thrice the size with a fraction of the heating and cooling costs. But forget 50 years ago. Let's just consider 20 years ago.

We have the internet. Smart phones. Exponentially faster computers and internet speeds. Netflix, huge and cheap flat screen TV's, hybrid cards, Tesla home batteries, Amazon, and the world's information at our finger tips. This allows us to teach ourselves, find things more rapidly, have ANYTHING we want delivered to our doorstep, not to mention this has opened up fields such as telecommuting, Ubering, and becoming a digital nomad. Consequently, our lives are dramatically improved compared to 1997 as we no longer have to commute (though we stupidly choose to), we no longer have to find dates at loud nightclubs, we can watch movies at home, we can run a myriad of chores from home (banking, bills, etc.), and we (I predict) will make college education free via the internet. And ALL of these great technologies, and the opportunities that lay within, are available to EVERYONE. Rich, poor. Young, old. Fat, skinny. Male, female. EVERYONE can avail themselves of all these innovations and advancements. So what is it, precisely, the left has its envious green panties in a bundle over? Well, consider 6 different items that the left would presumably begrudge the 1% over, which also, I believe, account for the majority of envy and jealousy on the left. 1. Cars Cars are a classic example of the have and the have nots. Some people own used, salvaged Kia Rios. Others own Ferrari's and

Telsa's. But aside from about $250,000 in price, can somebody tell me what the REAL difference between a used Hyundai Elantra is and a Mercedes G65? In all reality, nothing. My used, salvaged Kia Rio, which I paid $3,000 for, can do about 98% what the Mercedes G65 can. It can transport me in comfort, night or day, long distances regardless of the weather outside, all while playing music or podcasts from my cell phone. And not only can it do that, it can do it for a lot less in gas and about 1/100th the price. Period. The only thing the Mercedes G65 can do that my battled up Kia can't is heat my tush with leather heated seats and adjust the windshield wipers automatically to the amount of rain. Oh, and self-tinting windows. Can't forget that. The windows self-tint. Yet, despite this true pittance of a difference between my car and that of a Winnetka trophy wife's, poor, middle income, and lefties are greener than Kentucky Blue Grass over those stupid enough to buy luxury vehicles. They see a Ferrari drive by and can only come up with "huurrr, compensating for a small penis." I can't tell which is dumber. Blowing $250,000 for transportation that you could get for $3,000 or getting envious over it to the point you make penis jokes and vote to take their money. 2. Planes Specifically coach vs. first class. In the grand scheme of things all people aboard the flying aluminum bus should be AMAZED at the technology they're all availing themselves of. You're in a flying beer can, going nearly the speed of

sound, which allows you to travel to far away places for a couple hundred dollars, that just a mere century ago was not a possibility for all of human kind. But instead of marveling at this amazing technology and being thankful to be alive to take advantage of it, you're jealous of the smug looking dude bro in a suit sitting in first class. Again, the 99%/1% metaphor is lost on most OWS protestors and leftists in general. You are enjoying 99% of what air travel is offering, but you get your leftists tits in a sling over the fact Thadeus up in first class has a little more leg room and free drinks. Perhaps you can get further pissed as he rents a Corvette and you rent a Kia after you land. 3. Homes I recently rented a boat on Lake Minnetonka to celebrate paying off my house. Lake Minnetonka is home to family fortunes such as the Pillsburies, The Daytons (Target and Dayton Department Stores), Cambria, and Breath Right Nasal Strips (yes, the inventory has a house out there!). The captain of the boat also informed us that a couple of these estates would have Aerosmith and Tim McGraw play on their beaches where boaters could anchor and listen to the band occasionally. And although those veritable mansions were impressive, all I could think of was "that's a lot of vacuuming, dusting and rooms I ain't going to use." It doesn't matter how many bedrooms, bathrooms, jacuzzi's or guest houses you have on your estate, you can only sleep in one bed at a time, shit in one toilet at a time, and converse with people in one dining room at a time. The rest, in reality, is pointless excess that goes beyond the shelter, comfort and entertainment a house is supposed to provide.

But if we were to have taken your average leftist on my celebratory victory lap around Lake Minnetonka, instead of being in awe of the architecture and beauty of these homes, and instead of questioning more philosophically why a single couple would need an 18 bedroom palace, all they would be able to think of is how much more money these people had than them. All they could think about is how much "nicer" and bigger those mansions were than their simple bungalow in Longfellow. Never mind their simple bungalow or condo provides them heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer, and a comfortable and adequate place to live. Nope, it's just that "Rat Bourgeoisie Bastard Mark Dayton" has a nicer house than they do. 4. Clothes Clothes are personal to me because I remember getting in fights in school because I didn't wear Cavaricci jeans or wore France Varnet shirts. I also remember getting into fights because I had Wal-Mart velcro shoes while every other boy had "Nike High Tops." And though I was young, I knew enough to know that these kids were idiots to think the name of a shirt or the brand of some jeans was worth beating some kid up over. But ohhhhh, how little those people have learned. Because what was Cavaricci in 1988 is now "LuLuLemon" in 2017. What was FrancoisMirthBiguard jeans in 1990 is now Jimmy Choo in 2017. And what was Guess Jeans in 1989 is now DKNY in 2017. Full grown adults are blowing money not on the clothes or the materials the clothes are made out of. They are blowing money on the stamp, patch, or label that comes with it. Still, to lesser minds (leftist or not in this case), they cannot help but be envious of somebody with Gucci shoes or Armani shirts when a $10 pair of either from Wal-Mart (or Goodwill) will do the same. Yet,

it's only leftists that I see going the complete OPPOSITE/full-retard extreme by wearing hideous clothing, piercing their noses, and tatting up their bodies as if they're protesting beauty as presented to them by richer people. All they're doing is cutting their noses off to spite their face, and their green is all to easy to see. 5. Food I've told the story before, but I'll tell it again, I was ecstatic when Subway came out with their $5 footlongs. It was in the depths of the recession and every one of my revenue streams was hurting. In college it was bagels and 25 cent "day old bread" from the local subshop that kept me fueled, but as I no longer had to pay tuition and started making my own money "luxuries" like Davini's and Perkins were now within my budget. To this day my friends mock and ridicule me for liking Perkins or the local all you can eat Chinese buffet, but there is nothing wrong with the food a poor or lowermiddle income class person can afford to eat. But again, does the left see what was once the SINGLE LARGEST PROBLEM facing humans for 99.99999% of its 2 million year existence being solved? (that would be hunger by the way). Does the left cheer that OBESITY is now a "bigger" problem than malnutrition or starvation? Nope. Once again, all they can see as they're horking down their "lousy" Applebee's shrimp scampi is those rich bourgeoisie bastards eating at high end steak houses and seafood restaurants. All they can see is the 21 year old scotches rich people are drinking as they drink that Cutty Sark "swill." You know what? Those rich people probably have left over mahi tuna steak in their fridges while you have to walk ALL THE WAY DOWN THE STREET to Wal-Mart if you want to eat something at 3AM.

Once again, being envious of somebody who can afford sushi, while all you can afford is Perkins, to the point you're going to "stick it to the man and tax them more," ESPECIALLY in light of humanity's history with hunger, is petty, pathetic, and sad. and finally... 6. Cell Phones Oh is the pettiness rich in this one. Much like petulant little 13 year old girls complain about not having the latest iPhone or android, leftists get their communal tits in the bundle when all they can afford is a previous generation phone or have to resort to a FREAKING PAYMENT PLAN to get the cell phone they want. Never mind there REALLY IS NO DIFFERENCE between the iPhone 943Z and the iPhone 944A. Never mind a Samsung 9 does nothing more than the Samsung 8. Nope, I gotta get me some of datz because rich people have the most recent and up to date phone and "I gotta show them I'm a baller too!" Even if you get a free Obama phone, no doubt you are complaining that those rich, 1%, elitist bastards have nicer phones than you. You can't even say the technological difference between one generation of phone to the next is a 1% difference. But damnit if the left doesn't get their green thongs in a bundle over it. And the fact that Chip has a nicer phone than Jose is reason enough to vote Sanders and completely revamp the economy into a socialist one. I could go on highlighting different consumer items both the rich and the poor consume today and the barely perceptible difference in quality between them, but the point is how the left obsesses and hinges its entire confiscatory and parasitic ideology on these petty differences. Thadeus drives a Lexus while Bob drives a Chevy - let's tax Thadeus at 75%. Felix owns a boat while Jim occasionally rents one - let's tax Felix at 80% AND hate him at the same time. And

Chip owns a Rolex, while Jerome owns a Quartz. Chip is a 1% bastard, probably racist, AND let's tax him at 90%. But worse than the jealousy is how nearly every leftist lets the fact that other people have more ruin their lives. Certainly there are some leftist and democrats who do no begrudge those that have more. But the majority of them stew in their jealousy which turns into hatred, forcing them to live lives where all they do is obsess about the rich instead of appreciating what they have and getting lives of their own. Social justice warriors. Feminists. Professional activists. Professors. Unpaid leftist online journalists. Nearly every liberal arts major. How many leftist lives that are wasted envying what others have instead of saying, "WOW! I'm driving a car ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY at 80MPH to see the GRAND CANYON while eating food conveniently located EVERY 20 MILES at gas stations!"? How many leftists are pissed because the government won't pay for their birth control, instead of focusing on the fact that affordable birth control exists? How many leftists live angry, hate-filled lives because somebody has a 10 bedroom, 4 bathroom McMansion, ignoring the fact their modest 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house will more than adequately house them for the rest of their lives? I always like to look on the bright side of things. And the fact that leftists cannot be happy with the amazing advances and innovations capitalism has put in their green little hands, and choose instead to obsess over the petty and microscopically "better" things the "rich" have to the point it ruins their lives is justice and revenge enough for me. Understand this and understand this well about leftists. They are miserable people who will waste their entire, precious lives being envious of what others have instead of appreciating what they have. And when the day comes that they're on their death bed, all they will

have to point to is a life of whining, complaining, hatred, and jealousy.

LIFE’S TOO SHORT FOR POLITICS Allow me to tell you about my weekend. Both mornings I woke up with the long legged Amazonian around 10AM. She made us coffee. We sat in bed for an hour exchanging ideas and flirtations, in between checking out phones and seeing what was going on in the world. I can't remember if it was Saturday or Sunday morning there was the latest attack in London, but I didn't care, though we did chat a bit about how we didn't care. Inevitably we got up. Enjoyed a motorcycle ride towards Wisconsin. Dinner and lunches at various locales. And then my buddy picked us up in his convertible and we headed to a cigar lounge, after which we grabbed ice cream at a local ice cream parlor. I truly can't tell which events were on Saturday and which were on Sunday because it was all good. This La-La-Land was briefly punctured, however, when I went to the gym. Where on the boobtube were the talking heads of Fox and CNN, trying to digest the terror attack in London and Trump's exit from the Paris Accord as if it there were some kind of science. They all had stern faces, they were all so very serious, and though they all have impressive Mickey Mouse degrees from Columbia and Brown, I knew it was all pointless and irrelevant. Nothing I was going to do was going to change the events of the world. Nothing they were saying was going to change the events of the world. And putting the Serenity Prayer into practice, I continued about my day committed to enjoying the decline.

The same, however, could not be said of the people populating my various social media feeds. For there were two main camps of people letting politics ruin their otherwise glorious weekend; People freaking out over the latest terror attack and people freaking out over Trump leaving the Paris Accord. Admittedly, most of my feeds were populated with conservatives and other non-leftists taking the ultimate ZFG and "meh" approach to the latest visitation by The Truck of Peace. It was getting so bad I almost feel a lot of us are cheering on the terrorists because how can you respect a people who won't stand up for themselves? But if I left my echo chamber to check out what the "real world" was saying and it was the exact same regurgitated panic/slop that always comes with terrorists attacks. Hashtags OMG's! Prayers And signs at concerts telling the world how they are united. The other camp was purely leftists doing nothing but FREAKING THE FRICK OUT over Donald Trump leaving the climate claptrap scam accord. Kathy Griffin's stint of a beheaded Donald Trump understates just how pissed off these people were. These leftists were seething, uncontrollably angry at Donald Trump, so much so that it was apparent they were obsessed with whatever the Don was doing that weekend (Paris Accord or not), and consequently let that completely determine their mood...and thus their weekend. Ironically, the enemies of Trump were letting him have another victory in letting him ruin their precious and finite weekends. Alas, it is here, in the weekend of June 3rd-4th of 2017, that a vitally important lesson lies for all of us, whether you're a "political news junkie" addicted to Drudge Report or mentally retarded SJW frothing

at the mouth over Donald Trump's each and every move. And that lesson is just how many people let politics ruin their lives. Because whether you're on the right or on the left, too many of you are pissing away precious and vital time you don't have on things that you do not control, and therefore, ultimately doesn't matter. Take, for example, the right wing "news junkies" or people who intravenously consume their news from Fox, Drudge, Heat Street, or conservative talk radio. Worse, consider the increasing number of non-leftist Americans who actually believe the British tabloids like the Sun Herald or Daily Mail. Before the clock hits 8:01 AM, they're already pissed off, angry at the Anti-American world around them, and are immediately put on the defensive for the rest of the day. They post things on Facebook, Twitter, or what have you, about things they ultimately do not control, solely as a means of therapy so they may digest the world that is collapsing around them. I'm not saying the world isn't in a bad state, but I wonder if obsessing over it, to the point it is your life isn't worse than the fate of the world itself. Bad as that is though, the left takes politics to a whole new metastasized level. For while people on the right predominantly care about politics because it affects them, the left (and admittedly an increasing number of people on the right) obsess over politics because... they have nothing else in life. At least rightists have families, friends, hobbies, loved ones, etc., lives OUTSIDE of politics that they pursue and enjoy. They get upset when politics interrupts or threatens these lives and pursuits of happiness, which prompts their passionate interest in politics in the first place. But most leftists do not have families, hobbies, interests, or lives, leaving them only with politics as a sad and pathetic substitute. And if you don't believe, please, by all means look at the bio, background or social media profile of any leftist. You'll sadly see an emphasis on their politics, ideology, worthless liberal arts degree,

or whatever virtue signaling political crusade, instead of something fun or meaningful like hang-gliding, ballroom dancing, spouse, children, or business. In short, leftists have no core because cores usually take effort, labor, sacrifice, selflessness and work. And leftist politics, whatever their strain (feminism, environmentalism, rank socialism, racial politics, etc.) are an effortless faux religion that provides fabricated meaning to their meaningless lives. This provides a silver, albeit sad, lining to the cloud of socialism that is inexorably covering the world. Leftists are MISERABLE because all they have in life is their religion of politics. They cannot escape its grasp because there is nothing else they have in life. Ergo, they are completely at the whim of it. Their happiness is not determined by whether they start a company or go fishing. It's determined by whether a guy with a funny hair cut leaves a climate accord. It's not determined by spending time with their children or sex with their spouse. It's determined by what Anderson Cooper said that evening. It's not determined by going outside and climbing a mountain or finishing a marathon. It's determined by Dove soap making a fat-acceptance commercial. And their happiness is not determined by friends, engaging conversation, and the humor therein. It's determined by whether Bernie Sanders will forgive student loans. Look back at this past weekend and ask yourself a question. Did you enjoy it, or like a leftist, did you let politics ruin it for you? Because I don't know if you knew this or not, but you're going to die. And life is too short to be like a miserable SJW millennial, an angry

feminist, or even a "Fox News Junkie" to waste it on politics. I suggest you learn to enjoy the decline instead.

DAN PIEPENBRING: POSTERCHILD OF THE “MISERABLE LEFT” The city of Fort Collins faced an incredible and immediate crisis! There wasn't enough female street names in their fair city!!! And so a rapid response team was put in place to end this oppression upon the People's Republic of Fort Collins. Lists of female names were drafted. Historical records of the city of Fort Collins were consulted. And initiatives to form committees to start a dialogue about raising awareness of the blatant sexism in street names was achieved. All is well now and "there's nothing to see here, citizens, " so you can all return to your homes. But for those of us living in the real world with real problems, it makes us wonder how the hell it's come to this? We can chalk this inanity of municipal leftist politics up to the US already having too many laws and leftists with too much time on their hands. "Female street names" rank up there with non-problems such as banning plastic bags, genderless pronouns, bike lanes, and removing George Washington's plaque from a church. But an interesting observation must be made about the genesis of these "problems" - precisely, who the hell drives down the street and has such an easy life, has so little problems in life, that it occurs to them to poll street names based on gender and find offense in that?

So let me introduce you to the newest evolution of our socialistloving counterparts which explains their childish and petty behavior The Miserable Leftist." The "Miserable Leftist" is nothing new to me. I've been unofficially polling people with leftist bumper stickers for the past 20 years. And what I've nearly-always found (quite literally 95% of the time) is if a person has a leftist bumper sticker on their car, if you catch up to them and get a glimpse of the driver they are: 1. Frowning, and 2. Ugly Now you may be saying "Why is the left so unhappy? Aren't they winning? Don't they have socialized medicine? Don't they own the public schools, the youth, minorities and women? Isn't their dream of bringing down the US inevitably going to come to fruition?" And the answer is "yes" to all those questions. But you misunderstand the "Miserable Leftists'" psychology as much as they do. And so let us delve into the real reason leftists are so miserable, and we will use the newest member to the Miserable Left to explain why - Dan Piepenbring. Ms. Piepenbring wrote a piece in The New Yorker about the "creepiness" of Chick-fil-a opening more and more stores in New York City. I won't link to it because they are a socialist rag and her thoughts quite literally hold no value, but it belies just how pampered spoiled unchallenged easy cushy posh

and ultimately pointless Ms. Piepenbring's life has been. I don't know about you but I have much more pressing matters in my life to worry about than the increasing number of franchises opening up under a fast food chain. My life is also too short to worry about the ratio of male to female streets named in Fort Collins. And though I do throw plastic bags into the garbage, occasionally even into the recycle bin, if I were mayor of any major city, I would not waste one second of the taxpayer's time/money/resources banning them. The reason why is I have a life. I have important things going on, and more important than that, I have important people going on in my life. And though economics and politics play a hobby-like role in my life, the same cannot be said of leftists. For the reason leftists are so miserable, the reason you are guaranteed to see RBF on a woman driver with leftist bumper stickers (and the soyboys who try to woo them) is that all they have in life is their leftist politics. And trust you me, it is a world of hell. Ms. Piepenbring is the epitome of this. Admittedly, she doesn't have a profile about her background available to the public. Admittedly, I tried to find a bio, of which there was none. And at best you'll get her page at the New Yorker which tells you nothing. But we don't need it. We know everything we need to about Ms. Piepenbring (though at anytime she can come in here and correct me). And the reason we can be so presumptuous is she is a "Miserable Leftist." First, she majored in the liberal arts, likely journalism. Leftists do this for two reasons. One, they're lazy and don't want to work hard. Two, they're egotists and need to do "something" heroic or crusaderlike. They can't just be a good, humble parasite, collecting a government check, watching daytime TV, and refrain from lecturing us real world working adults. No, they must have some kind of SJW job like "journalist," "teacher," "activist" or counselor where they "change the world" or "change minds" or "help the children."

Regardless of their reasons, it doesn't allow them to evade the realities of the labor market. The liberal arts offer no tangible skills or trades the world demands. Additionally, the market is flooded with them. And though Ms. Piepenbring works for AN ESTABLISHED, MSM MAGAZINE, she has a mere fraction of Twitter followers a lowly hobbyist, citizen journalist like myself does. This means most leftists are always low on funds. And though they are the first to rush in and yell "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY YOU CAPITALIST PIG!!!!" it most certainly is about the money if you can't feed yourself, can barely pay your bills, have to work multiple jobs, demand the taxpayer pay for your student loans, and can barely make rent. Two, speaking of rent, could Piepenbring be anymore cliche by living in Brooklyn? I thought 30 something empowered, NYC women, all writing for fashion/gossip blogs with a feminist bent, had either their daddy or hubby paying for their rent. But Ms. Piepenbring (who is not female, btw) does not have such a benefactor. He has to make rent on his own. Still, leftists insist they live where there is postmodernist degenerative slop "culture" and other leftists, condemning them to live in the most expensive and overpriced rental markets in the world. This again adds incredible financial and psychological stress, making them even more miserable. Then there is physique. Yes I'm going there not because it's a low shot, but because it's vitally important to happiness no matter how much we try to sweep it under the rug. Being pretty/handsome and getting laid regularly, not to mention scoring an attractive spouse is a huge advantage in people's lives, especially to men. It makes us happier, makes us healthier, and it just makes life a lot more fun. The problem leftists face, however, is that while they can distribute wealth they cannot distribute looks. They could be like us, going to the gym, dieting right, and putting forth the effort to make themselves be attractive to the opposite sex. But that takes work, and remember, leftists fear labor, work, and toil above all other things in life.

The result? Pure insanity. Fat acceptance. Big is beautiful. Slut walks. Fish bicycle don't need no man. Soy Boys. Sapiosexual. And 31 other flavors of gender. They can lie to themselves all they want, but in the end they have a deep-seated hatred, anger, and - above all else - envy of good looking people and their superior sex lives. It's just over-powered by their fear of the work and toil that comes from hitting the gym. Which in turn condemns them to bad sex lives which in turn compounds the misery of the Miserable Leftist. Fourth and final, is agency and purpose in life. The left loves to use the phrase "first world problems" as a means to remind us real-world working adults that our problems are petty by world standards. While I agree with them, it's not like we didn't work hard to ensure we didn't have the problems that second and third world shitholes have. Over the millennia western civilization, though often at war with each other, inevitably figured out things like freedom, capitalism, free markets, low taxes, republics, and government for the people by the people. And over these millennia western civilization solved most of society's main problems. War (ehhh, well sorta) Starvation Medicine Plague Civility/civilzation Economic progress Crime Poverty

you name it, the majority of the first world's problems have been solved. Logic would then dictate that with most of the world's problems solved, we move onto production, innovation, and creation. We work to solve cancer. We work to put a colony on Mars. We perfect solar or clean energy. We build a better bridge out of composite materials. But the problem with "production, creation and innovation" is that those things are hard. And the reason they're hard is they have to improve upon 2 million years of human evolution, experience, and experimentation. This typically requires majoring in a tough field, learning hard STEM related disciplines, and putting forth years of effort, work, and toil to get to the cutting edge of technology to truly advance society. But UH OH, fellow readers! Did I just say,"Effort, work and toil?" Well we all know what that means. Leftists simply can't do that. But do you also remember what I said about leftists? That they can't just be a good, humble parasite and quietly collect a government check? That they NEED some kind of arrogant, SJW, crusade or purpose to go on? Well that explains why leftists are going after plastic bags, "female street signs," confederate statues and other "first world problems" they so mockingly deride. It also explains why Dan Piepenbring is going after Chick-fil-a. They're too damn lazy to put forth the effort to actually advance society and civilization, and would rather feed their egos tearing down her institutions in a fabricated and bogus moral crusade because (and pay attention boys and girls) it is easier to tear down society's institutions than build them up. The tremendous amount of arrogance, hubris, and outright evil is appalling. Many leftists, Ms. Piepenbring being one of them, have no moral qualms about masturbating their egos by attempting to take down productive, producing, and employing institutions and people

that are doing overall good for society. They are not saving anyone from anything, they are merely avoiding real work in the real world, while lying to themselves about the value they offer this planet. And this is where I believe the majority of their misery comes from. They know it. Deep down inside you can lie to yourself all you want, but in the end you know whether you're a parasitic scumbag or not. Mayors know banning plastic bags are bullshit, but it allows them to ignore the much more challenging problem of solving black urban poverty. Journalism majors know they chose their degree because they're lazy and arrogant, but it allows them to lie to themselves about being a "professional." Fat acceptance champions can say "big is beautiful" but they are just as disgusted as you'd imagine when they look in the mirror. Feminists can say they don't need no man, but they cry themselves to sleep at least thrice a fortnight. Nearly every leftist out there knows they are living a lie, and it is their fear of working a real job that prevents them from doing anything about it, condemning them to a life of hell. I've wrestled with some mighty dark demons in my life, but none as strong, long, vile, or permanent as that. And if I had to live a lie like only leftists can, I too would be incomprehensibly miserable too. In the end Ms. Piepenbring is guaranteed to waste his life on this planet. While we are hitting the gym, having sex with 7's and up, he will be drinking his soy in a posh little hipster cafe choosing between which hairy armpitted women's study major to hit on. While we will have worked hard to contribute to adequately funded 401k's, he'll celebrate paying off his student loans at 47. While some of us will have kids, raising strong, nuclear families, he will fail to adequately pay for his...assuming he finds a wife in the first place. While we will leave legacies as doctors, nurses, mechanics, chefs, accountants and soldiers, he will just be another unmentionable "millennial blogger" from the 2010's that will die into obscurity. But where I'll celebrate the most I'm not a "Miserable Leftist" is that I'm simply not

allergic to reality. I can wake up everyday, go outside, interact with other people, and not be constantly offended by everything and everyone. I won't worry if a fast food joint opens up a shop, I won't worry about the gender ratio of street names, and I won't worry about a statue in the park. That's a world for leftists. And I can't think of a world they deserve more.

HOW TRUMP HURTS THE LEFT THE MOST I didn't like Obama. Any self respecting man or woman who worked for a living didn't because no producer appreciates a parasite. And that's what Obama was. He was a parasite. I don't say that out of anger, hatred, or ideology, but the man's entire political career was all about taking money from those of us who worked and giving it to those who didn't. And you may not like the tone, the politics, or the insinuation, but in the end that WAS who Obama WAS. He was a man who advocated parasitism. He took money from producers and gave it to parasites. He was a socialist. Naturally this angered me and millions of other working Americans. We have a moral right to our own labor and should not have to support the lazy, indifferent, consciously incompetent, or the evil. But while it angered us, it didn't drive us insane. This is a democracy after all and the parasites that particular election cycle outnumbered the producers. And unless we wanted to become dictators, we weren't going to throw out democracy because then by default we'd have tyranny. And thus, we sat, enduring a lazy man

clamoring for our money for his constituents until the next election gave us Trump. But now that we have Trump, mercy how the times have changed. Because while I thought those of us in the working class were upset with Obama and his lamprey constituents, I have never seen such hatred, anger, rage, and (above all else) obsession than the left has for Donald Trump. Originally, I never thought the left could hate anybody more than George Bush Jr. You guys were INSANE with hatred for the man. Bush was to blame for everything, starting from the Dotcom Bubble to the fact Susie Johnson stood me up in the 8th grade. But then Trump comes along and you guys went apoplectic. And even apoplectic isn't a word strong enough to describe your insane hatred and obsession with the man. The word just doesn't simply exist. From CNN turning into the "24-7 Russia Show" To SJW's floating a balloon of Trump in the UK To full grown adults screaming in a street when he got elected To women wearing pussy hats. To the daily MILLIONS of human hours leftists rant against him on social media. I have never seen such insanity or obsession in my life over one, single human being. Which, in all honesty, is why I like Trump. I haven't paid any attention to him or politics in the past 3 years. I personally find some of his positions and statements rather disgusting and off-putting. And I still don't trust him because he WAS a democrat merely a decade ago. But if there's one thing I love about Trump (aside from that fact he beat Hillary), it's that he wastes so much time, effort, energy, emotion, and consequently money of the left.

Admittedly, I can understand why the left doesn't like Trump. He's not a democrat. He's cutting taxes (and thus income) to the parasitic classes. He doesn't kowtow to the group-think brainwashing of diversity, tolerance, and anti-Americanism that defines the core of the democratic party today. He's a real man that doesn't care what you think or say about him. And accusations of "ists" and "isms" roll right off of him. He is an incredibly thorn in your side. But whatever discomfort this man may be causing you politically, is it worth ruining your life over? This is a democracy. Your guy didn't win. And over the course of your life it is a guarantee sometimes the politicians want want are not going to be in office. So do you accept it and move on in your life, awaiting the next opportunity to put a new guy into office? Or do you throw an indescribable temper-tantrum for the next 4-8 years drastically lessening your life in the process? And here is the real problem the left faces with how they let Trump live their brains, 24-7, rent free. Do you not have anything else in your life but politics? Even though I loathed Obama, I had a grand time under his administrations. I rode my motorcycle all over North America including Alaska and Mexico. I worked hard and started a company that, though mockable, is successful. I made and met many great friends across the country. And even though he was a socialist shitbag who merely wanted my money to buy votes from lazy people, I didn't let his election ruin nearly a decade of my life because I had so much more to life than politics. The same, sadly, cannot be said of the left. Starting in kindergarten and running throughout college, nearly every one today, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z'ers have had an official religion installed in them just like a computer does Microsoft Windows. It's not an official or traditional religion like Judaism or

Christianity, but it's a religion just the same - socialism. Oh sure, it may take different forms such as "feminism," "environmentalism," "social justice," or "veganism," but let us be very clear, it is socialism just the same. And while we can debate the morality of the state installing a mandatory religion upon its children (or even if the state did such a thing), all I ask is did the government, your parents, your teachers, or any other authority figures install anything else into that brain of yours? Love? Friendship? Comradery? Children? Family? Husband? Philosophy? Independent thought? A career or profession THAT PAYS??? A passion for life? The comprehension of finiteness? Carpe Diem? Fun? Or is ALL you have your sad and pathetic politics? Sadly, when it comes to most leftists, we know the answer. The social justice warrior who spent 4 years earning a worthless degree in "social justice studies," is further endebted due to her "Masters in Social Work," and now "works" as a professional activist, constantly begging and pleading for hand outs and grant money. The professor at the University of Suchandsuch who had so little else going on, she concluded the best use of her time and finite budget was to fly to Washington DC and wear a pink pussy hat. The 38 year old NEET who still lives off of his parents, also beleaguered by now 20 year old student loans, who blames his

loserdom on "Trump," but practices veganism so he can lord it over others. Or the reluctant suburbanite parent who shirks his/her duties of parenting and instead brags about their Whole Foods-organic-fairtrade-free-trade credentials, while they force their children on an allsoy, no meat diet. I could go on, but it's painfully apparent most leftists today have nothing BUT politics in their lives. They have no family, no spouse, no children, no love, no passion, and even if they do, it ranks so far below their political-religion, it blinds them of the true blessings they have. Alas, this is how Trump hurts the left the most. If all you have in life is your politics, you have no life at all. But as it is with the normal whims and flows of any democracy, at times your religion is not going to be the one in office. So it is a guarantee that your entire value, your entire life, your entire purpose and meaning will be directly affected and threatened by whoever is elected that particular electoral cycle. And since you've nothing else going on in your life than what the state programmed you to have, ALL of your mental, psychological, physical, emotional and financial resources will be dedicated towards hating on that one guy. None of it will be spent enjoying life, living life, improving your life, or being happy. This is not Trump's fault, but yours. In lacking the true independent thought and intellectual strength to reject the brainwashing you received in K-college, you allowed the schools, the government and the media to make politics the most important thing in your life. Politics now takes ahold of your life and controls your thoughts every minute of every day. From wasting hours a day making political posts on social media, to ignoring your family to excessively and obsessively participate in politics, to simply letting Trump live rent-

free in your brain, you are now miserable, angry, hate-filled, and incapable of enjoying life. If I had to estimate it, Trump has cumulatively lowered every leftists' life-expectancy by at least one year. He has certainly cost them a year in wasted labor, time, and energy. And if we were to consider social media and the MSM media, thousands of millennia in leftist hours have been thrown into the black hole of time, ne'er to be retrieved again. I would tell my left-leaning colleagues to "enjoy the decline," but that would presume they have a life outside of politics. So I guess instead you should just spend the next couple of hours on social media making posts as to how much you hate Trump. Never mind hitting the gym, falling in love, riding motorcycles, spending time with the children, buying your wife flowers, or giving your husband a blow job. CNN just came out with a new article about Russia and that HAS TO BE shared on Facebook.

TRAITS ARE NO SUBSTITUTE FOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS If you've been paying attention, you've noticed an increased amount of insanity in the population. This insanity manifests itself in many ways, resulting in a relentless onslaught of what is seemingly an incoherent potpourri of madness. 31 flavors of pansexual genders. Why everybody else has "privilege" and should let blood for those who don't. Interstates blocked by Black Lives Matters (though it is seemingly only white people). Majoring in the world's easiest, but most worthless degrees...and then expecting a banker-like bailout.

Feminists carrying mattresses as they throw out false rape accusations. Leftists getting raped by Muslim invaders...and doing nothing about it. Priding oneself on going green as we ban plastic bags and Styrofoam. Claiming we're black or native American when we're not. Blaming your poverty, student loans, illegitimate children, and STD's on "CIS-gendered white males." And the list goes on and on. But while to the untrained eye there doesn't seem to be any logical rhyme or reason to this insanity, there is most certainly is. And once you figure that out, it not only grants us sanity by explaining precisely what is going on, it also allows us to actually attack the problem, and hopefully, resolve it. The first clue you should have is that NONE of this is coming from the political right. Triggly Puff, the student loan crisis, mattress girl, blaming Orlando on Christians, refusing to report your Muslim rapist, and accepting a monthly terrorist attack as "the new normal" are ALL, 100% the hallmarks and patents of the left. You don't see the engineer-majoring sons from nuclear families who likes Ronald Reagan demand the taxpayers bail them out of their stupid mistakes. You don't see the daughters from father-present families who want to perhaps get married and raise a stable family get raped and then not accuse her rapist. And you don't see your recent tradeschool graduate who landed a job as welder block traffic on an interstate like his 40 year old leftist counterparts. This insanity, and that's PRECISELY what it is, is all owned by the left. Now we can simply write them off as being leftists and, therefore because we disagree with them politically, flippantly dismiss them and say, "well, they're just crazy." But the truth is there is something

much more pathological happening here. And that is my "Universal Theory of How Laziness Explains Everything in Politics and History." It is no coincidence the cacophony psychotic behavior of today hails from the left, because...well...quite simply...they're lazy. They don't want to work. They don't want to study hard subjects. They don't want to try at life. Be it Barack Obama or the spoiled suburbanite Seattle scum panhandling in Pioneer Square, the left is simply lazy and doesn't want to work. But, unlike a truly indifferent welfare bum, who just wants to collect his government cheese, sleep in and play video games, the majority of leftists cannot abide that fact mentally. Their pride and ego cannot live with the fact that they are nothing more than parasites. But since their laziness and sloth prevents the obvious solution (work), how do they solve this problem? With the insanity and mental acrobatics mentioned above. If you look at the list above (or for that matter ANY example of craziness coming from the left) the one thing they have in common is deflecting responsibility. That black woman isn't poor because she never graduated from high school, or had 4 kids from 5 different fathers, or never gets off her fat ass to attend trade school and make something of herself. Not, it's "racism." The student with $200,000 in student loans for her doctorate in "Women's Studies" can't find a job NOT because she's a worthless, self-absorbed narcissist who was just too lazy to do math. No, it's "sexism."

And anybody who isn't doing well in life, either because they don't show up to work on time, majored in a stupid subject, can't save money, can't find a second job, etc. etc., certainly DON'T blame it on their lack of work ethic. No, blame it on "the corporations maaaaan!" These pretty lies they tell themselves spare their undeserving egos the truth that would otherwise crush them. They have no agency or responsibility in their lives. Their problems are ALWAYS somebody else's fault. So all is forgive and they can feel good about themselves. But whereas this mental-trick falsely absolves them of guilt, their egos, pride, and mania can't just settle for a guilt-free parasitic lifestyle. No, they need more. They need a purpose. And not just more, but something that makes them superior WITH the added benefit of not having to work. Introduce traits. Traits are an amazing thing. Everybody has them. Each trait is unique to oneself. And you can even identify yourself with traits. But the one thing about traits leftists have seized upon like a lamprey is that.... you're born with them. In other words, you don't have to do anything to get them. And that's PRECISELY why the left champions traits over genuine accomplishment. Because they don't have to work for them. For example; "diversity." The biggest canard I believe I will ever see in my life is the concept of "diversity." Starting in the 90's they shoved this down our throats claiming that somehow "diversity" had an intrinsic value unto itself. Common senses says it doesn't. Reality says it doesn't. And it's

also immoral, racist, and sexist to place value on mere traits one was born with over others without said traits. Still, this hasn't stopped the education system, government, media, even the private sector from capitalizing off of this lie either to garner votes, or use as a faux marketing campaign. The democrat party has masterfully enslaved their voting bloc by dividing the country up via traits. It has also (quite unbelievably) gotten the idiot sheeple masses to blame ALL their problems on white males. And whereas you'd think/hope the for-profit private sector would resist this, they've instead capitalized on it using it as a means to virtue signal their pro-not-white-male credentials to get lazy sheeple to buy their crap. Another example: "pansexuality." I lost count after 38, but if you're confused about the ever-increasing numbers of gender, don't be. It's just lazy leftist psychopaths who don't want to work, and instead pin their entire life's value on their recently-made up gender identity. Of course, if you grab a mirror, put it in front of their faces, and point this fact out, they'll throw a tempertantrum and scream that you're an "ist" of some kind. But their emotional theatrics aside, doesn't make it any less true, just more cowardly. And then there's leftist religions. Like a zealot or religious fanatic, leftist fanatics worship and use their made-up religions to fill the hole of nothingness that is otherwise known as their life. This is why you NEVER see the captain of the football team with a 3.8GPA join the "anarchist/marxist/minarchist" trench-coat wearing, movie-theater-shooting, nerd crowd. Or the studious Asian engineering major block the interstate near campus. They have lives. They have meaning. They have purpose. They have agency. They have value to the rest of society. But again, those things require work, effort, rigor, math, and intellectual honesty.

Ergo, why do all that hard stuff when you can just claim a religion? You're a feminist! You're going green! You eat only organic/non-GMO/glutenfree/whateverthefrickthey'llcomeupwithnextweek! You're fighting racism! You're helping the poor! You're a pacifist! You have a ADDHDHHDH Autism or Aspergers are bi-polar or whatever you want to tell yourself. You can claim allegiance to any one of an increasing number of bogus leftist religions and simply wear that trait on your sleeve like a badge of honor. And the best thing about it, so AWESOME in fact that leftists masturbate to it, is... you didn't have to expend one calorie of energy on work to get it. You simply "declared" you had this trait or believed this religion. And now, not only does your worthless life have faux-worth. You are a more intelligent, superior person to those troglodytes who don't understand "intersectionality." Of course, there are consequences for being veritably delusional and living a life of lies. The black community has made no progress to close the gaps with whites because they value their egos more than the taxing lifestyle it would take to have legitimate children, keep a father in the house, major in the right subjects, and bear responsibility for their actions. Generations of blacks have now suffered the lowest standards of living in America for living this lie. Women, notably of the Baby Boomer and increasingly Gen X variety, swallowed whole the "you can have it all" propaganda, throwing away their lives...not to mention shot at having a family or

husband...all so they could get that masters degree and become a professional non-profit something or other at the age of 40. These women also voted to replace men with the state, essentially wedding themselves to government. This is all well and fine as long as you remain attractive and your eggs remain fertile. But when that ends, and reality comes crashing down, it's sad how quickly they scramble to validate the feminist lives they've led by simply telling themselves more lies. 40 is the new 20! Test-tube babies! MILF's and Cougars! When, frankly, it just means nobody's visiting you in a nursing home in the end. But where the delusional lives of leftists run into reality full-force and there is carnage on top of consequences, is when leftists meet diversity in the form of Islamic culture. The monthly scheduled French attacks, Orlando, refugee workers getting raped, Malmo, Cologne - be it merely a butt being groped or 50 innocents slaughtered, leftist voting and leftist delusion is to blame. But here you see just how deep their mental illness goes. If you, I, or anybody else were attacked, we'd seek vengeance, retaliation, and justice. I carry a gun, and like Creasy, I'm intending to get at least 6 before I get taken down. But what has the response of the left been? In the case of Orlando, some leftists (though not all), blame guns, blame racism, they even blame Christians. In the increasing number of cases where some leftist idiot bint is raped they fail to mention who their rapists were. And some politicians are so wedded to their ideology when the perpetrator is NOT a Muslim they use it as a means to score more political points with Muslims. And while certainly some of this insanity could be chalked up to the fact they're more afraid of Muslims than they are non, the truth is even more pathetic and sad than that. They lack such meaning, purpose, and reason in life,

They are such worthless, pointless people, That when their ideology rapes them, or even kills them, They will still stand by it because... that's all they have life. It appalls me just how powerful the force of laziness is. Where you see millions of people, entire generations waste their lives, endure hardship, seeth in hatred for white males, even suffer rape and murder because they'd rather do that than own up to their own decisions, take responsibility, and get a job. But there is a silver lining. If you ever think it's hard being a conservative or libertarian is this increasingly parasitic world, just imagine what your life would be as a leftist who is so worthless that they'd prefer getting raped than giving up their ideology because you literally have nothing else in your life. Enjoy that decline!

HOW THE LEFT BROUGHT RACIST AND SEXIST TROLLING UPON ITSELF Though brash and callous, I draw the line at using words like "nigger," "spick," and "kike." These words have no benefit or upside to them, and while I'm very critical of black, hispanic, American female, and other minority cultures, it is a constructive criticism that aims to improve their lot in life. However, whereas I draw the line at using outright insulting phrases and terms, the same does not hold true for others. For example I wince every time Matt Forney claims he's a Nazi and, frankly, won't listen to Chris Cantwell because of his frequent use of the term "nigger."

However, I know Matt Forney and (after listening to several of Chris Cantwell's shows), am familiar with Chris Cantwell. And if I had to put money on it, I'd wager Matt is no Nazi and I have serious doubts Chris Cantwell genuinely hates blacks. But their flagrant and flippant use of these words, even though deep down inside they likely don't believe a word of it, is an interesting phenomenon. For if you step back and look at it, it's a response, if not outright backlash to the left's obsession with accusing everybody of racism and sexism. And it is here that the left has created a monster that will forever hound and haunt them. To understand this monster you have to understand its origins. And its origins come from the left's obsession with victim-politics. Without going into the long and belabored psycho-political explanation, leftists are at the core lazy people. They don't want to work. They don't want to do math. And so they approach life with a survival strategy of parasitism and forcing others to pay for them. However, life doesn't pay the parasitic, so leftists must become masters at rationalizing the theft of others. This results in the professional victim-whoring industry where they claim they're discriminated against because of their (choose any one of the following) race sex gender religion ethnicity mental illness disability etc. etc. etc. And since they're "discriminated against" this gives them the right to your life-labor in the form of extra money and taxes you get to pay. This pins not only the emphasis, BUT THEIR ENTIRE SURVIVAL on their ability to highlight discrimination. And so not only is every whiff

of genuine discrimination highlighted, magnified, and brought to the forefront, but things that aren't bigotry, but can be construed as bigotry, are spun thusly so (and let's not mention minorities faking their own hate crimes). Add to this most leftists have no value, worth, or agency in life, and they trip over themselves to highlight sexism and racism as a faux-profession, notably in journalism. The result in a constant cacophony of perpetually offended people who invariably blame the boogie man of "white males" for their laziness, sloth, parasitism, stupidity, and utter lack of achievement and success in life. It also results in a world of people (notably whites and males) having to walk around egg shells so as not to offend the precious, fragile feelings of the perpetually offended, not to mention avoid the career-destroying accusation of being a (GASP!!!!) RACIST/SEXIST! And so like the increasing cowards they are, men and whites tuck their tails behind their legs, and tip toe around the land mines the race-whores and sexist-pimps have laid out before them...except for one group of people. Those (predominantly) white males who have nothing to lose. The Great Recession had a great effect on the lives, and more importantly, futures of a entire generation. It more or less destroyed them. Saddled with $70,000 in student loans for a degree that land them zero jobs and released into the slowest growing economy since the Great Depression, millions of millennials (and Gen X'ers) have realized they will never achieve the American dream. They won't own a house, they won't have a loving, caring, or supporting wife. They won't have enough for retirement. And they won't have a career they were promised. Adding insult to injury, males and whites of these generations are falsely accused of having "privilege" and are constantly blamed for the failures of others when they themselves have no success to speak of. So with no job to lose, no career to be had, and no financial success to point towards, they simply say "fuck it" and rip apart the entire system.

This has resulted in a large digital, but veritable army of online bloggers, posters, commenters, and trolls with zero fucks to give. From their basements, their buddies' couches, or their local bar they slam and troll the precious sensibilities of the professional victimwhoring industry. Comments sections are filled with racial epitaphs, outright sexism, outright bigotry, and all manner of name calling. They blow through the mine-field of political correctness by jettisoning any pretense of political correctness, indifferent if they're accused of an "ism" or "ist," agreeing-and-amplifying with bulldoze force. And they only increase the ferocity of their attacks when the professional parasites whine about being attacked. In the end, these leftists who insist on being professional victims, are guaranteed to be hounded and harassed when they publicly post their whining and parasitism on line. And since that's how they get their money, they have condemned themselves to an entire life of online harassment, criticism, lecturing, and hatred. Just one problem. It's all trolling. Certainly there are some genuine sexists and racists out there. And no doubt there are bigots and homophobes on teh interwebz as well. But the increasing army of posters and commenters aren't racist or sexist. They're just sick of the constant lecturing, proselytizing, whining, and bitching coming from the professional victim-whiner-whore industry. Even women and minorities are sick of it as they don't want their skin or plumbing to be associated with such a whiny, parasitic, pathetic, and loser class. But since reason, evidence, and empiricism doesn't work, then why not just troll them and increase their blood pressure? Why not mock them and ridicule them, by showing them what real bigotry and racism would look like? This is why the majority of articles from these ist-whores don't have the comments section available. This is why Anita Sarkeesian doesn't allow comment on her channel. They are such weak and worthless people, they can hypocritically (and falsely I might ad)

blame others for their failings in life, but can't stand to take the criticism. And criticism is all they ever get in life. In the end you have to take inventory of who is really winning this battle. Yes, to be a professional victim-whore may sound nice. You don't have to work (a real job anyway). Life is easy. And all you have to do is take whatever handouts you can get. But while that may sound easy, the lack of honor, agency, and purpose in life invariably becomes taxing and destroys your life. Have you seen a happy feminist? Have you seen a content BLM protestor? Just imagine that instead of producing something of value, or raising a family, or working as a mechanic, your entire life was just 65 years of panhandling and concocting excuses as to why you have the right to be a thief. You will have achieved nothing of genuine intellectual, emotional, romantic, artistic, or industrial worth. You're just a parasite. But if you think that's bad, just imagine that life with millions of trolls harassing you everyday, exposing you for the fraud and leech that you are. And they're not going anywhere because you were so successful in implementing a socialist system you took away any future they might have had, any women they might have married, and dared to blame all of your failures on them. It's great when Dr. Frankenstein dies at the hand of his own creation.

TRAFFIC IS THE PRICE CALIFORNIANS PAY FOR SOCIALISM Last winter I had bought a motorcycle in Sarasota, Florida and decided to drive it across the country to San Diego, leaving it in Las

Vegas until the spring months came wherein I would be able to drive it back home to Minnesota. It was a very nice road trip with stops in Phoenix, Sedona, and Puerto Penasco, but as I crossed over from the Salton Sea on Highway 78 to Del Mar I was introduced to an experience I underestimated... Californian traffic. Not that I didn't know Californian traffic would be bad, but rather it was how the entire population is held hostage by it and just what a controlling and invasive role it plays in people's daily lives. The people I stayed with in Del Mar didn't bother leaving their house until it was late in the evening, at one time "risking it" to go to a beach during the noon hour. Another place I stayed near Huntington Beach, my host was delayed by 2 hours simply because of "traffic," but did not seem angered, angsted, or bothered by it, simply dismissing it as "well, traffic." I could go on with examples, but it became immediately clear, especially when driving in it, just what a determining and influential role traffic played in everyday Californians' lives. They weren't necessarily controlled by it, but it was definitely the primary determining factor in how they were going to lead their lives that day. This then got me thinking, and it wasn't until I was sitting in (you guessed it) traffic near San Bernardino, did I realize what I was witnessing. Traffic was the true price Californians were paying for the socialism they all loved and voted in. And upon thinking about it further, I realized just what a heavy price it was. First, understand that Californians already pay the most in taxes in nearly every form and facet. Sales tax, gas tax, income tax, fees, tolls, you name it. Additionally, with more regulation than anywhere

else in the country, they pay more for housing, transportation, insurance, and other living expenses, paying essentially a "regulation tax" which further erodes their purchasing power. When you point out this insanity, trying to explain to them that $3,000 for a San Francisco one bedroom apartment is insane, they are quick to explain the ingenious solution Californians have come up with to deal with these rapish-levels of taxation. They simply dismiss it all away and say, "You can't beat the weather!" (Though Bay area residents usually claim "The restaurants are great!")) Regardless, the point is Californians DO pay a financial price for the socialist state economy they've instituted. The second point, however, is that the financial price they pay is merely the explicit cost for this Californian socialism. The real price they pay comes from the fact the government they voted in puts socialism ahead of the REAL, TRADITIONAL duties of government, and those duties are to provide public goods that benefit every one. Defense. Legal systems. Cops. AND ROADS. And when given the choice Californians at the state and local levels would rather cut gibmedats checks to their parasites than build roads so their producers can get to work. This has resulted in the traffic jams that choke California AND every major city. People will contend it's population growth, but population growth would indicate a linear relationship with economic growth, and thus, taxes that could go to afford more roads. The truth is socialist local governments, be it the state of California, or the City of Chicago, CHOOSE to spend their money bribing single moms, welfare parasites, liberal arts students, and other sorts of socialists with government goodies to win their votes than provide the adequate highway systems that would be needed to get the engine of our economy (that would be the workers) quickly and efficiently to work. The result is the sheer amount of time we all waste in leftist socialist "utopias" in commutes and in traffic.

Urban Californians think nothing of spending 2 hours a day in traffic. That's 12.5% of their waking hours, and a full 25% of their free time wasted paying for the parasites of their socialist utopia. New Yorkers, I'm sure, are too busy patting themselves on the back for living in New York to notice their commute is taking a toll on their marriage back at home which is about to lead to divorce next week. And Chicagoans, while bragging about their Metra and El systems, are perfectly fine paying more in taxes so some stranger at the statefunded daycare or some unnecessary "student reserve assistant teacher" at an after school program can raise and spend more time with their kids than they the parents themselves do. But you see, it's all worth it because of California's weather, Chicago's culture, and those great restaurants in New York. When you add it all up, increasing amounts of producers' lives are being sucked up by the inadequate transportation systems because money that would have otherwise been earmarked for roads and highways is going to fund the parasites of these leftists' socialist utopias. Instead of 65% of the state and local budgets going to pay for the parasites of society, imagine if it had gone for roads instead. It's not that there would be no traffic or even (if you dare to dream) no such thing as a commute (though those are indeed benefits). It's the amount of your ever-dwindling free time you'd be able to spend on yourself, your spouse, your hobbies, your children, and your life. I'm absolutely sure that authentic, 100% organic Pakistani restaurant is worth your $4,000 a month rent in San Francisco. I'm absolutely sure that museum in NYC is worth the divorce papers that are about to be delivered to you in 20 minutes. And I'm sure the "Los Angeles weather" is totally worth missing out on your kids' childhood as you pump them full of ritalin and they blow their brains out at 17.

Besides, you provided free health care to all the bums, free child care to all the single mom hoot rats, and free education for all the illegal aliens. And we all know that's infinitely more important than your life.

HOW LEFTISTS HATE LOVE WHY SILICON VALLEY VOTES LEFT – SEX In my previous post, I asked Silicon Slaves why they work in an environment and state that results in them being slaves 42% of their working lives. Thankfully, a fair amount of insiders and former Siliconers responded, explaining to us normies in fly over country why so many Silicon employees willingly vote against their own best interests. The reasons were many and varied, ranging anything from the "excitement" to work in "the" Silicon Valley, propaganda in school that channeled their careers to the Slave Jose area, or outright simple mistakes of failing to account for cost of living adjustments. But while all these reasons were legitimate and I don't doubt a single one, there is one that explains at least why men slave away to...well...slave away at Silicon Valley. Sex. Let us be very clear why civilization exists. It exists because men wanted sex. And the way men traditionally got sex was by being good providers to women. This meant a combination of not only providing adequate resources to support a woman and her children, but the ability to defend them and keep them safe. In ancient times this meant being the strongest warrior, or perhaps and biggest barbarian, but as time went on and technologies advanced, accumulating resources wasn't a direct function of your brute strength or power. It was also determined by intelligence, creativity, and innovation. And thus men set out to build...well...basically everything, in the hope of making it rich and attracting mates. And this ages-long genetic ritual is simply playing itself out in Silicon Valley. There's just a couple problems.

One, while amassing resources and making it rich does certainly help with the ladies, the problem is that women (as well as men) are still genetically programmed to be attracted to what worked the past 2 million years of evolution, NOT the past 200. Yes, nerds, geeks, and capitalists can create the Standard Oils, Microsofts, and Facebooks of the world, but that does not turn on women as much as a tall, strong, aloof jock does. We see empirical evidence of this practically everywhere, but my favorite was the ballroom dance scene where nerds galore would master the art of salsa, tango, swing, and waltz, TEMPORARILY score a hot chick, maybe even marry her, only to have her abscond with the noob 6'2", ripped, good looking dudebro who showed up for one or two classes, and then leave. And this is the exact same problem the male nerds of Silicon Valley face. Yes, they may be making all the bank. Yes, they may make those magical six figures. But in the end, usually it's only the money the women are after, and even then, they're very unlikely to stay with your scrawny nerdy ass till death do you part...especially if they can take you for half. Two, ironically the leftist policies left-leaning Silicon males vote for obsolete women's need for them. In making sure socialist policies cover women (and men) from womb to tomb, a woman and her children (no matter from how many fathers) simply don't NEED a man. This (if you remember your college economics class) results in a price floor set above the market rate. Men in lefty Cali need to provide more than the STATE AND FEDERAL governments combined do to women. This means only particularly rich or well-todo men can out compete the state, leaving the majority of Silicon male slaves picking up the EBT tab for the woman who shot him down and is dating his boss' boss. Three is also a vital lesson in economics male Silicon Slaves may have overlooked - a lopsided sex ratio. While obsessed with landing

a job in "the Silicon Valley," I wonder how many men thought it would be any different than their Calc III class with 45 men and 2 Asian girls? Of course, it isn't that bad, but it isn't great either with a sex ratio of 115:100 men to women. And if you thought a generous welfare state, affirmative action, and competition from billionaires wasn't bad enough, just wait to see how picky a Silicon female can be when there's a 15% deficit of them. And then finally, there's the reason why rich, successful, hard working males of Silicon Valley vote against their interests and will be lining up to pull the lever for Hillary Clinton - they think agreeing with women increases their chances of getting laid. Understand, that for the most part, young women have replaced traditional religions and values such as Christianity, family, children, husband, home, god and country, etc., with leftist politics. I bet you'll be hard pressed to find a woman under 30, who in addition to her allimportant career, does NOT derive the majority of her agency, purpose, morality, and reason in life through some kind of leftleaning political crusade or cause. Going green. Feminism. Leaning-in. Closing the wage gap. Organic food. Dog/animal rescue. A woman in the white house. Ending sexual harassment. Helping the poor. Supporting the refugees. Etc. etc. And in addition to this laundry list of political causes, it's very unlikely they won't shut up about them. They will at minimum have a bumper sticker extolling their beliefs, but more likely will lecture and sermon

you to death about whatever leftist religion they have. It will be made PAINFULLY clear that politics is the number one thing in their lives - more important than love, a family, or even their career - and if you EVER hope to date her, let alone cop a feel (over the bra though mind you), you better be on board the feminism-kambuchasocialism-wage-gap substitute-for-real-meaning-in-this-world choo choo train. The only problem is the majority of these Silicon Valley men believe it. They actually think agreeing with a woman turns them on. Now, look, any real man over 25 knows agreeing with women never gets you laid. And any man married knows you never listen to what a woman says, you watch what she does. But these aren't your normal men. They're nerds. They're geeks. And love them to death, they don't know jack about women. They've spent the past 10 years since they were 13 SOLELY working towards the goal of becoming a great engineer or programmer in the vain hopes of "finally" making it big and attracting hot women with their money. They didn't want to hit the gym, they were afraid of physical toil and pain, and based on lies told to them by their mothers, teachers, professors, politicians, and Hollywood, they actually thought being: Supplicant Obedient Kind Caring Sensitive 90's men who agree with women would lead to sex.

It is this upbrining and their complete lack of knowledge of women I believe explains why men in Silicon Valley ignorantly vote for their own demise. They are not only drawn to Silicon Valley because of the "excitement" of being there, or because that's all they were told in school, but because they actually think agreeing with women is what turns them on. And since leftist politics has replaced anything of meaning or value in life for most women under 40, all men MUST agree with their new faux-religions lest they not wish to cop a coveted feel under the bra. Little do they know a high school dropout, Trump-supporting, motorcycle mechanic could likely come through Santa Clara county and get laid more than the lot of them. But, why try dispensing an ounce of reality into the slave plantation of the left coast? Enjoy the decline my fine male Silicon Slaves. Enjoy the decline.

WHY LEFTISTS DON’T LOVE THEIR OWN CHILDREN To put it succinctly, it wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. You always self-judge yourself, wondering if you have the intellectual integrity to validate your own political opinions, but when I ran into this veritable douche-bag it wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. He was your typical leftist. An ideologue. And like most leftists didn't know jack about 1. 2. 3. 4.

the basics of economics the budget debt math

And so the slaughter began. I'd go into the detail, but it wouldn't matter. We were at the bar. He started spouting shit. I didn't have the patience, plus, I had the experience to know how to defuse AND capitalize on the situation. So when the blabber mouth started to claim the national debt was BETTER under Obama than Bush, I said, "OK, I'll bet you the finest pour of scotch this bar has to offer you're wrong." Of course he didn't take, because like every leftist, he's not just a pussy, but a hypocrite and a coward. The moron didn't know whether the debt was worse or better under Obama or Bush. That would've taken effort and research! And why inconvenience the suburbanite poli-sci major-come-realtor with reality and facts? So he blathered on, obviously emotionally vested in the fact I wasn't at the alter of Obama, and came back at me with... "The economy has never been better!!!!" To which I responded "Oh really??? You want to bet the next beer average GDP growth is less now than it has been for the past 10 years???" Once again, pablum, blathering, and grandstanding, but the coward still wouldn't take my bet. We did this many times over. GDP figures lower than Clinton's/Bush's administrations? 5$ bet? Beer tab bet??? No. Unemployment higher than 5% average under Obama?

Is your opinion worth a $6 beer bet? No!!! Government debt to GDP??? Huh? How's that? Is THAT worth a $5 beer bet? No!!! (it's because GDP means nothing, you understand, to this leftist. It's all the "corporations maaaaan!!!") In the end the pussy, like all leftists are, wouldn't take any one of the NUMEROUS bets I offered him to prove his numerous opinions were fact or fiction. And so, since the coward wouldn't even put $5 down for a bet, it proves most leftist's opinions aren't even worth $5. But if it was only $5. For there was something infinitely more valuable this ignorant man was gambling with. His childrens' futures. We can go on about whether leftists have the heart or conviction in their beliefs to put down $5 of their own money or not. It is an academic question. But what is grand is that this particular leftist, like many others made a GRAAAAAVVVVEEEE mistake; He bred. He has two daughters. And ohhhhhh, my friends. Does that make the difference. For while I was trying to engage this fellow into the world of reality (not to mention score a few free drinks off the ignorant fuck) my other buddy who was at the bar watching this debate, was very much like me. Single Childless

Successful and zero fucks left to give And we knew precisely what authority, wisdom, and position we had. The irony was that I (along with him) were trying to get this leftist to understand he needed, ABSOLUTELY NEEDED to understand that he was wrong. Not for my ego. Not for my friend's ego. And not even for himself. But for his own god damned children. His voting and proverbial worship of socialism was not boding well for his children's futures. And even when i tried to explain it clearly to him, he simply dismissed me in a very millennial way of "wow, just wow! OK! I guess we're all nazi's now!" sort of way. I stood somewhat agape. You value your own god damned ignorance and intellectual laziness more than you do your own children? Your politics is more important than your children's futures??? It would be hilarious, if it wasn't so sad. It only convinced me more that leftists are inferior pieces of scum that are so obsessed with their own egos that they'll sell their children's futures out to their own ideology. That they value their own children so lowly that their children are not worth the time to spend 10 minutes looking at the federal budget and evaluating what kind of a future you're voting in for them. I may have had a vasectomy. I may personally not like children. But apparently I care more about the children who aren't mine more than leftists do their own flesh and blood. Enjoy that freaking decline baby. Enjoy that freaking decline.

WHY GIRLS NEVER ASK BOYS OUT A reader of mine sent me a post from the Daily Telegraph. In it was the lamentations of a precious British snowflake who was complaining that no men were asking her out. She admitted in the first quarter of the post that women, being equal, should be approaching men as well, but dismissed this on the flimsy grounds that there's a chance approaching a man might annoy him. I was going to dismiss it on the grounds that the Daily Telegraph was a tabloid looking for click-bait like the Daily Mail, but when I looked up the Daily Telegraph, it seemed to be not only a legitimate paper, but a center right one as well. Alas, I knew what I was dealing with. Another traditional, conservative, suburban "me too" republican type chick who is slowly realizing men are doing exactly what they were told by 60's-90's feminists, and leaving women alone. And it's scaring the hell out of her because deep down inside, no matter what women or feminists say, they want children, they want men, and the death of men approaching them strikes at this visceral genetic and darwinistic core. Her solution, however, is telling, for it belies a vital and VERY important lesson about women that all men, especially young ones, must learn. So pull up a chair and gather 'round older brother Cappy as he pours himself a scotch and explains this lesson to you "lads." First, you boys have to realize just what a coward this woman is. Leftist or rightist or not, after the 40 year cacophony of "rahrahfeminism,anythingmencandowomencandobetter," when it comes time to put up or shut up, she tucks her tail between her legs and BLATANTLY LIES saying "she doesn't want to inconvenience

men" by asking them out. Huh, funny. Because that's PRECISELY what makes asking out and approaching women so daunting. You don't want to offend them, interrupt them, or come off as creepy or a stalker. Yet, men push through this blockade, and not only push through it, but spend untold mental and creative resources trying to make said approaches, charming, dashing, entertaining and above all else, successful. Still, despite saying they want "X" for 40 years, when it comes time to own up to the responsibility side of equality, they retreat faster than the French. This leads to... Second, hypocrisy. Like Cafeteria Christians who pick and choose which aspects of Christianity they will and will not follow, your standard western feminists choose which aspects of feminism they want, and which aspects of traditionalism they want. When it comes to hard things, difficult things, or taking responsibility that comes with freedom and agency, they invariably play the "Why I'm Just a Traditional Girl Card." When it comes to easy things like education, cushy jobs, income, etc., then they can't pull out the "I'm A Feminist Who Demand's Equality Card" fast enough. Alas, why women are strangely absent when it comes to studying STEM, but demand equal wages. And why our precious snowflake above wants a man, but doesn't want to do any of the heavy lifting to get one. This leads to the third point or question - is it just the precious snowflake, or is the eschewing of the responsibility that comes with equality a universal trait amongst women? Naturally, asking people out is just one aspect of equality between the sexes. But if we are to use it as a proxy, in this one regard, yes, MOST DEFINITELY, women as a whole are shirking their feminist responsibilities they clamored for and are RUSHING back to those traditional and hatefilled 1950's standards, insisting men must run the gauntlet and ask them out. It is here we have to look at this phenomenon of cowardice and hypocrisy and recognize it for what it is:

An example of female inferiority. Of course, this is nothing shocking to men and women who have intellectual honesty and live in the real world. We know men and women are different, and we know men and women excel at certain things the opposite sex sucks at. But according to feminists and feminist doctrine, this is IMPOSSIBLE. An instance of where women are inferior to men just cannot exist. But it does, and the lack of women approaching men shines a glaring light into the shortcomings, dishonesty, falsehoods, and outright unfairness of feminism. Now, we could write this off as something "cute" and entertaining as the "battle of the sexes" continues on. "How quaint! How precious! When it comes down to it, deep down inside, girls want to be girls despite all that kerfuffle about feminism and equality. They still like boys and want to be chased! OK boys! Go chase them!!! Tee hee!!!" But there's two major problems with this. One, though "cute" and "darling" on the outside, who asks who out is arguably the most important part of equality between the sexes, because it speaks to arguably the most important thing in life - sex. Procreation. The continuation of the human race. Family. And dismiss it as you may, all of civilization has been built and created by men pursuing sex and the continuation of their genetic line. There is nothing else men have historically vested and valued MORE than the pursuit, and invariable conquering of a woman. So when a man approaches a woman to inevitably inquire as to whether she'd like to procreate, he is opening his entire (at least genetic and darwinistic) value to her for judgement. And in doing so risks having his entire value, his entire being, his entire life judged as "not worth it" or "worthless."

Men do this at least THOUSANDS of times in their lives. We invariably build up a tolerance and a courage to rejection. Some even lose a bit of their soul and humanity as they've become so calloused to it (and these men move onto become "the players" women claim to hate so much). But regardless of the path, it invariably leads to traits men have that women don't - fearlessness, courage, intellectual rigor, pain-tolerance, and tenacity. And in these regards, men are blindingly superior to women. But if this still doesn't convince you that "who asks who out" is likely the most important aspect of equality, consider this story. A female friend of mine had a crush on a male friend of mine. She would inquire about me setting her up, inviting them both to the same party, and doing all manners of theatrics to PUT HER IN THE PRESENCE of this young man. This went on for SIX MONTHS where she would inquire, ask, scheme, and plot to constantly be "conveniently" in his presence, all in the hopes he'd inevitably ask her out...which he never did. Inevitably I got sick of her asking me to pitch softballs over the plate and said, "Dude, just ask him out. You've been at this shit for six months! You'd have saved yourself all this time and energy and moved on regardless if he said yes or no." To which she started crying and sobbing uncontrollably at the MERE PROSPECT of having to ask a young man out. The fact that a mere THOUGHT reduced an otherwise functioning, controlled woman into a sobbing mess suggests "who asks who out" is neither "cute" nor "funny," but flirting with one of the universe's most powerful forces. The second problem is one of mootness or theoretics, because discuss this all we may, sorry took what you said these past 50 years to heart. You know that CONSTANT BARRAGE of propaganda you've been feeding young boys starting in kindergarten through college that women are not only equal, but any expression of romantic or sexual interest can be construed as...well...choose your poison:

sexual harassment creepiness stalker date rape rape etc.? You know how you made it illegal to cat-call women and wolfwhistling a punishable offense? Yeah, actions have consequences. And though most men may have honorable intentions, innocently intending to merely ask you out for coffee, the omnipresent and never-ending lecture that women are equal and approaching them can (and sometimes does) result in criminal charges or expulsion from school makes men somewhat loth to ask you out. Of course, there is a silver lining to all this drama. And that is for the first time women are actually getting what they want - equality. And this equality is coming in the form of forced-responsibility and owning the consequence of their actions. They told men they were equals in the "who asks who out" game, and men believed them. They told men approaching them could be construed as harassment or stalking activity, and men believed them. And thus a dearth of men approaching women has resulted, lessening the chances these women will marry, have children, and otherwise live meaningful lives. This is cause for celebration, because I know, ladies, you all wanted equality. And by god you're going to get it in spades, whether you like it or not.

WHY YOU SHOULD FEEL SORRY FOR MILLENNIAL GIRLS No more independent minded than their Gen X and Baby Boomer counterparts, Prone to vote for candidates "because vagina" 10 times more likely to accuse your attempt at hand holding as "rape" And completely monopolizing the "slut walk" market Millennial girls are debatably one of the more delusional generations of women the US has ever had. But I will grant them one large dollop of forgiveness - they unfortunately have to date millennial boys. Now I know this is EXACTLY what they wanted out of men, and I know this is EXACTLY how feminists intended to raise the "ideal boy," but deep down inside we all know no matter what they say, women want masculine men. And the millennial girls are going to be deprived of having them, or they're at least going to be in short supply. But an interesting "study" was conducted by Buzz Feed's "The Try Guys." They all got their testosterone tested. And the results were not shocking to any man who has worked a real job and seen the inside of a gym. If you google search “The Try Guys” you will see what they look like. And here are their scores: Eugene 363 Keith 259

Zack 252 Ned 212 Keep in mind the average male (well...non millennial anyway) has a testosterone level of 650 and yours truly came in at the decrepit age of 42 at 602. Admittedly, these are journalists. Hardly a profession that attracts real men. And admittedly they work for BuzzFeed, the reject bin of journalism on par with Vice and the Enquirer. But my god, you poor millennial girls. THIS is what you wanted? THIS is the promised land feminism wishes to drive men into? A bunch of socialist pussies who can't do a damn thing of worth in their lives, let alone satisfy you in bed? To normal men and women, it's painfully obvious just how leftist millennial men fail not only women and society, but themselves. You're not really able to protect society. You're not going to attract an attractive mate. You're not going to raise well anchored, productive, and resilient children. You're not going to produce anything of real value to society since it takes effort. And heaven help you if the economy were to crash. You'd like be enslaved or shot on site. But to those millennial boys in the echo chamber who don't realize just what utter failures they are in life, as time goes on they truly won't know why the real world isn't working out the way they were promised by their single mothers and feminist school teachers. And while some will get lucky like "The Try Guys" finding a spate of employment here and there, the majority of them will be the NEETS society loves to mock, yet insisted on raising. They will not find true point or meaning in life. And their entire lives will be wasted playing video games, watching porn, and getting the shit divorced out of them. Again, I can't personally complain. These are the same male feminists who accuse me and millions of other innocent men of privilege, misogyny, sexism, racism, and - that-old-millennial favorite

- "ignorance." They're the ones with 20 years of schooling, but not a day of real work in the real world who insist they know how to lead the world. They're the ones claiming everything is sexual harassment and assault. They deserve the cluelessness and mental drifting that will result in life long psychological torture. But from an academic standpoint it's just amazing to witness these clueless morons make a mad dash for the cliff just like all the other millennial lemmings were trained to do...oh...all while claiming they're so "independent minded." The country may be going to hell in a handbasket, but you millennials sure are making it an enjoyable final generation....oh...and leaving behind some horribly sexually frustrated women. Enjoy the decline.

HOW “GOOD SCHOOL DISTRICTS” RUIN FAMILIES Out of boredom I found myself walking on a newly paved path in a newly constructed development of suburbanite bliss. The paving was perfect. The houses were perfect. The yards were perfect. It was just so perfectly perfect it couldn't be perfected anymore. And though this particular development wasn't one of the elite suburbs of the Twin Cities such as Edina or Wayzata, it was one of the up-andcoming where the starting price for a BASE house was $530,000. I'm no longer in banking, so I'm no longer paid (nor bored at my desk enough) to study the housing market like I once did. But these type of "Perfectly Perfect to Perfection" suburbanite developments are popping up everywhere. And it is not uncommon for the starting

price to be on the higher side of half a million. And since this has been going on for the better part of 5 years, my spidey senses have been tingling. There's something amiss because there just isn't enough "Doctor-Accountant" couples out there to afford all of these high-end homes. Still, not really having any vested interest (professional or financial) in the outcome of the housing market, I contacted my Realty Agent in the Field to see what he thought was going on and he uttered just one phrase: Good school districts. Perplexed I looked at him, but my mind had already raced to the conclusion. So before I could speak my face went from one of being confused to that of "no way." He looked back at me and said, "Yep, Precious Princesses' kids just "HAVE TO" be in a good school district." I was then regaled with instances and explanations of the phenomenon I was seeing. There was one development where houses sold for an extra $50,000-$100,000 across the street from an identical development because one was in Wayzata while the other was in that filthy, no good "Plymouth" school district. The developments and trail systems I've been walking about are in Woodbury, Lakeville, Eagan, Lakeville, Lino Lakes, and far-flung Carver, all of which are far-flung, all of which make for hellish commutes, but all of which have "great school schools." My Realty Agent in the Field and I know each other well enough, plus my finely honed cynicism skills are advanced enough I was easily able to figure out what was happening while my buddy just nodded his head.

"Gen X'ers and what modicum of older millennials who can afford kids need a bigger house." Mmmmhmmmm. "A lot of them bought during the depths of the housing crash, and some actually have seen gains on their starter homes." Mmmmhmmmm. "But they don't want their kid going to Fridley, St. Louis Park, Richfield, or other leftist-shitholes they voted for and ultimately created and are now jettisoning out for the suburbs." Mmmmmhmmm. "And now that wifey poo has kids of her own, all that leftist rah rah diversity bullshit is out the window and they have to move to these picturesque suburbs." Mmmmhmmmm. And then I looked at him and said, "But there just CAN'T be that many doctors and surgeons and electrical engineers. I know low interest rates help people afford more houses, but there's no way all these people can actually afford these homes." And then he spilled the beans. Half the purchases are a proto-wanna-be power couple where they need two incomes to afford these Neo-McMansions. The kid is dropped off at daycare. Wifey gets to work and pursue what's more important in her life. Hubby works the real job to help keep the lifestyle facade up. The other half is wifey poo is a stay at home mom, but hubby's income is juuuuust enough to pay for the car PAYMENT, house PAYMENT, and credit card PAYMENT. And bar 5-

10% of genuine rich people who can actually afford these houses, 90%+ of these house are afforded by the same material used to build them - plastic. And this is where good school districts ruin families. Though sclerotic, economic growth has at least been consistent. And while most millennials and some Gen X'ers have dropped out of the labor force, those that remain are facing a pretty tight labor market and can make decent money. But as you know, I know, and any introductory student of economics knows, economies do and will go into recession. And since these people are leveraged to the hilt, living paycheck to paycheck, the slightest hiccup, the slightest bump in the economy can result in lay-offs, furloughs, or pay-cuts, any of which will through a monkey wrench into these perfectly-perfectplastic suburbanite plans. Wifey poos across the country, I doubt know this. I saw this in banking in the 00's where wives and girlfriends had NO CLUE their hubby or lover was technically insolvent. They simply didn't care. They also didn't know the difference between debt and equity spending. Long as their man was spending money on them, affording them this unsustainable lifestyle, wifey was happy. But whereas in the 00's it may have been luxury cars, McMansions in the suburbs, or downtown condos, it is now the insistence that wifey's precious little children have ONLY the BEST schools, which forces a bunch of pussy-addicted husbands to buy houses they can't afford in school districts that are really no better than the blue collar ones they left behind. This then paints the picture anybody who's been divorced or seen their parents get divorced is all too familiar with. Tight finances. Finances (in case you didn't know) is the number one reason cited for divorce and marital problems. And in case you didn't know, ALL financial problems are caused by debt - ie - spending more than you

make. And whereas it may have been material things such as luxury cars, trips to Europe, McMansions, and fancy clothes, my abbreviated research is telling me its school districts that are disproportionately driving this particular bubble. "Nothing's too good for my children" even if it means redlining your family finances, dramatically increasing the chances of divorce. "But it's a good school district" even though it's not better than the burb next door. "We need to get Jr. into the ABC School District!" even though the kid is doomed to bad grades because you're bad parents and never spent time with the kid and are stupid enough to think "Magic Dirt" theory will overcome your absentee parenting. It's not that I'm cheering on the demise of these fake, picture-perfect Ken and Barbie doll families. It's not that I'm jealous of having car and mortgage payments eat up 98% of my take home pay. It's my defeatedly-reluctant acceptance that you humans, even the presumably "smart ones" are truly idiotic sheep, incapable of independent thought, and will just do what you're told, even if it is at the expense of your family. That wifey-poos across America are seemingly incapable of GENUINE critical thinking (not the bullshit they told you in college) and hubbies across America are seemingly incapable of not letting pussy impair their thinking. And that your kids (which, again, you just love SOOOOO much) are going to end up suffering either because you get divorced, or your effectively absent anyway because you're always working to afford these stupid things in life.

WHEN HOLOGRAMS REPLACED WOMEN…AND MEN Not much surprises me anymore. My world view, which has been formulated from empirical data and a healthy dose of cynicism, has never failed me. It predicts the slow and inevitable devolution of society, that when I see a 48th gender created or another deluded college professor advocating the elimination of the white race or stories about pedophilia and pizza, I just shrug my shoulders and go "meh." But every great once in a while something happens that even I wasn't expecting. And one such a thing has happened that completely blind-sided me. A hologram wife that is being marketed as a substitute for the real thing. If you're unaware or don't have time to watch the above-linked video, in short, Japan is suffering a "sex/romance crisis" wherein fewer and fewer men are pursuing women. The purified/extreme form of this trend are called "herbivores," where men opt to completely abandon the pursuit of women, choosing a life of video games, grooming, living at home, anime, and porn instead. They are an interesting case study in not only are they the most "extreme" form of this woman/marriage boycott, but it results in some interesting behaviors, namely replacing real women with a substitute. The last time I was this shocked was hearing about the existence of "waifu pillows" and the shocking advances (and resources dedicated to) developing robot women. Odd as they may be, however, they are simply substitutes this small segment of Japanese men are using for women, so the creation of a holographic Stepford wife should come as no surprise. But while "waifu pillows" and (eerie as hell) "sexbots" could simply be dismissed as the sex toys of a fringe element of Japanese society, the hologram wife is different which makes it so shocking. Specifically... it's the free market telling us this trend isn't so fringe.

Not that every man in Japan is some herbivore metrosexual, dropping the $2,000 it takes to get a hologram wife, but there's enough of them that a commercial enterprise has invested the money into it to make it a reality AND they have the gall to advertise it on TV and the internet! Additionally, it's almost as if there's no shame as the commercial seems to be completely indifferent, indifferent and matter-of-fact about what it's advertising. It suggests that it's perfectly acceptable today in Japanese society to have a hologram wife instead of the real thing. When you think about it, this is incredibly sad and telling and on many levels. One, just how poorly have women been brought up that they're being out-competed by a hologram? The saddest part of the commercial I couldn't get over was how the hologram simply said simple and kind things that has been bred out of today's women. "How are you?" "When are you coming home?" "It's raining out, don't forget your umbrella." You laugh at it now, until you realize just how few women display such concern or care in Japan (or other western cultures) that it actually has become a rare commodity. It's a sad state that basic wifely courtesy and concern can be replaced with some voice recognition and computer code. And while you may be quick to deride, mock, and ridicule these herbivore men (and perhaps rightly so), remember, they're consciously choosing freaking pillows, sexbots, and holograms over the real thing. Two, while Japan may be down the "freaky-hologram-wife-sex-botpillow rabbit hole" further than it's other western counterparts, we here in Europe and the US face a similar phenomenon - porn. Mock the herbivore men all you want, there isn't a man under 30 40 50 alive today that hasn't looked at porn. And many men, when given the option, would rather spend 2 hours jerking off to porn than expend the 40 hours it would take to land a date, land a second, charm her on the third, and maybe have sex by the fourth in today's modern America. This manifests itself in many ways similar to what's happening in Japan. Japan has herbivores, we have

MGTOW's. They're watching animie porn, Europeans are watching...uhhhh...just "regular porn." Japan's birthrate has dropped below sustainable levels. The West's birthrate has dropped below sustainable levels. Men have gone on a marriage strike in Japan, and men have gone on a marriage strike in the West. This is all the result of (in part) a substitute good that is cheaper/easier/faster or whatever you want to call it, than the real thing. Third, the real thing. Understand what is happening here is 100%, PURE, CLASSICAL, ECONOMICS. Women are getting replaced with a substitute good. Normally people would say, "Why would you take a hologram over the real thing? What the hell is a matter with you?" But what normal people don't realize is that you are not these people and every person has their own tastes and preferences. Some people like chocolate. Others like vanilla. And some weirdos prefer black licorice. So you can judge and laugh all you want, but in the end these men/boys ARE opting to go with a substitute. It is perhaps the shock that we are finding out just how little it takes to be a substitute that makes this hard to believe. Namely digital or "virtual" simulations are equal to (or better) than the real thing to some men. But hard as it is to believe, the collapse in marriage rates makes your belief irrelevant. Finally, women. While my focus has been on substitutes for women, I am fully aware of the point many of you are screaming right now that women today themselves have changed (for the worse) making your right hand and a hologram wife the better of the two options. I am also fully aware of the economic and sociological arguments that student loans, a poor labor market, and a stagnant economy (all three variables of which are in play in Japan, the US and Europe) make marriage and dating impossible for many young men. But sticking with the effect digital technology has had on the sexes, we cannot ignore its effect on women. For while digital technology in the form of porn, digital wives, and sexbots are all competing against women for the attention of men, digital technology also competes against men for the attention of women. Namely, social media.

While demand for women has gone down because they've been substituted out, demand for men has also been decreasing because women have found their own substitute good - social media. Simplifying things a lot (but not by much), men want sex, women want attention. And while porn has certainly lowered men's demand for women, social media has DEVASTATED women's demand for men. Women no longer have to date you, tolerate you, be pretty, be nice, or be kind to get attention. They simply have to post a couple wellangled pics on Facebook or Twitter, and BOOM! A limitless source of attention from THE ENTIRE WORLD OF MEN. Flirts, winks, emoticons, texts, sexts. They're getting everything they want without having to give up sex or committing to one guy, so why should they buy the cow when they get the milk for free? This has not "cleared" the courting market, as much as it has evacuated it where both parties (suppliers and demanders) leave the market because they've found a substitute, if not, superior good. Men, who may have demanded women, are leaving the marriage market for porn, and women, who supply marriage/dates/sex, are also leaving for social media. The result is a drastic drop in marriage, sex, and dating that can be classically graphed using economics:

This, of course, spells doom for socialist economies and politicians who rely on bribing old people with social security to vote for them. Without younger people marrying, breeding, and having children,

minimalist herbivores and MGTOW's won't work up the tax base necessary to continue financing these social security ponzi schemes. This is why Japan (and other countries) have launched lame PSA campaigns trying to get native suckers younger adults to breed. What's worse, however, is the delicious irony that these exact same socialists are the ones who pushed feminism hard in all of Western civilization, which also provided great disincentive for men to marry and breed. You then throw in digital technology that has advanced to such a state, AND capitalizes on the disgust the sexes have for each other, and you've manage to destroy the entire marriage market and any hope future hosts children will be around to be parasited off of by the elders continue on society. But my view is a bit more empirical and cynical. If it's come to the point women would rather attention-whore on Facebook and men would rather marry a hologram than get together in the real world and rub naughty bits together, I say let it burn and enjoy the decline. Society, no matter what the country, doesn't deserve to continue on.

THE KNOXVILLE SWING DANCE ASSOCIATION: HOW SJW’S RUINED BALLROOM DANCE Ballroom dancing has not only served as a key passion and source of income in my life, but is a skill I recommend every young man learn. Not only is it good exercise, fun, and an excellent way to practice discipline, but it is an invaluable skill in order to attract women. So when I pulled into Knoxville, Tennessee on my latest motorcycling adventure, I decided to check in to see if there was any local dancing, and sure enough there was. The Knoxville Swing Dance Association.

Usually every major metro area in the US has some sort of group or association that lists all the various ballroom dancing activities going on in the area. Dances, lessons, competitions, etc., and I thankfully had found Knoxville's swing dancing chapter. But before I could get excited enough to pull out and iron my crumpled dress shirt from my saddle bags, something caught my eye: Their "Code of Conduct." I had never seen a "code of conduct" before listed on any swing, salsa, or tango site. Usually it was just a calendar, some photos, and some links to some social media. But when I read through their "code of conduct" I put away my crumpled shirt and looked for other plans because it was plainly obvious the Knoxville swing dance scene had been infected with people who were not first and foremost swing dancers, but social justice warriors. In case the code of conduct page is deleted or changed, the Orwellianly-cringey codes include: “This is regardless of, but no limited to age, body shape, ethnic background, gender, gender identities, life choices, political beliefs, race, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), sexual orientation, skill level, etc.” “Contact a Community Ambassador in person. These people can be identified by the rainbow paracord bracelets they will be wearing on their wrist. There will be at least 2 of these individuals at any KSDA sanctioned event.” “The KSDA reserves the right to take any action which it, in its sole judgement, deems appropriate in response to reports of abuse, harassment, threats, hazardous situations, or other inappropriate behavior…”

This is a development that I should have seen coming, as I was already familiar with the boom and bust cycle of ballroom dance scenes. This cycle consists of: 1. A new and unique scene truly independent minded individuals explore and pioneer, which 2. Attracts popular kids, SPECIFICALLY attractive women, to the scene as their primary goal in life is to be popular/scene/be validated. 3. Which in turn attracts men whose numbers (and money) now make the scene "hot." 4. Rumor spreads to commoners, regulars, and the not so pretty people, and soon you have a fad on your hands. 5. Rumor further spreads and because of the nature of ballroom dance, nerds, rejects, creepers, feelers, stalkers, green-card seekers, Single Christian Men, basement dwellers, and other lessthan-Cary-Grantish-men flood the scene because it's a (presumably) easy way to meet women. 6. These not-so-hot, awkward, creepy, and otherwise, less-desirable men drive away the hot women. 7. Without the hot women, the fuel which fed the fad dies. 8. The hot/cool/rich/normal men leave 9. Leaving MOST ballroom dance scenes at their pre-fad levels as refuges for nerds, dweebs, 50 something divorcees, and other forms of social outcasts.

It is at this point nobody pays attention to the formerly hot ballroom scene because why would you? There's nothing in it for anybody and it's not until the scene goes ghost and is discovered decades later by those pioneering individualists again does the cycle repeat itself. The cycle is complete. There is no new stage to be added. Except now. And the reason I say "except now" is because unlike history past we have the millennial generation. And the millennial generation is the first generation to be fully brainwashed into thinking they can't just "Be a lawyer" "Be a doctor" "Run a company" or "Be a housewife." No, they have been fully convinced they they need to "Be a lawyer" +advocate a social crusade "Be a doctor" +have a political cause "Run a Company" +champion Corporate Social Responsibility or "Be a housewife" +volunteer for a cause They simply can't have a profession and that in it of itself is enough to be of service to society. No, they need the ego fix to right some non-existent, fabricated, perceived wrong. They need to go beyond what their career, job, or education is. They need to be heroes, even if they have to make up a problem out of whole cloth, ruining everything good in the process. And the Knoxville Swing Dance Association has become precisely that.

Why, precisely, is there a disclaimer about "race, gender identities, political opinions, and life choices?" What does ANY of that have to do with swing dancing? Not once in my now 20 years of dancing have I ever struck up a conversation on the dance floor about gender, politics, and a person's opinion about abortion. Additionally, while I'm fully and ACUTELY aware of "creepers," "stalkers," and "feelers" that plague every dance community, these were largely handled naturally and in house. We didn't need to resort to nominating Gestapo Agents "Community Ambassadors" to wear a swastika rainbow band to go running to the SS the police. Finally, who died and made these self-ordained shitlords King of the Knoxville swing dance community? I'm aware that events hosted and paid for by the Knoxville Swing Dance Association are under their domain. They can organize an entire SS division and to manage their club however they see fit. But if the first hit you get when searching "Knoxville swing dance" is their site, I wonder if their politics doesn't deter people who just want to....ummmm...swing dance and not suffer a political sermon. If you operate from the erroneous premise that this club is about swing dancing, then their insistence on bringing politics into dancing is confusing. But if you realize swing dancing is merely a ruse, and they use it to put their egos first, running their little imaginary fiefdoms, then it makes complete sense. Sadly, it is dancing that suffers. The problem ballroom dancing's SJW infestation presents to normal people who just want to dance (or learn) is two-fold. One, the politics will drive any normal people away. Not because they're creepers or stalkers, or are necessarily afraid of creepers or stalkers, but who wants to be hawked over by dancing Nazi's or be subjected to a political sermon? I know leftist millennials in charge of this are brainwashed to make politics a mandatory component of

everything they do, but normal people (of all generations) don't want politics in EVERYTHING they do. Alas one of the greatest passions a person can have is corrupted. Two, when the anti-male spin on this Stasi "code of conduct" policy is combined with: the increasing trend of false rape accusations among the millennial girls AND the loosening standards as to what constitutes sexual harassment AND the outright threat to involve law enforcement (though I've NEVER seen ANY dance scene come to that!) it not only puts men in a very grey area, it's enough to send most running for the hills! And the reason is very simple No matter WHAT people say, no matter what dancers claim, men learn ballroom dancing to meet, date, get with, court, kiss, hug, fuck, marry (or any combination thereof) women. Men can act all platonic, holier-than-thou, and eunuch-y they want. In then end ballroom dancing has been, currently is, and always will be primarily a means to meet the opposite sex. But if you're going to lay land mines around for men, making an already challenging challenge more challenging, don't be surprised if men with options don't show up and there's a dearth of leads. Alas, I believe the introduction of social justice warriors to ballroom dancing will not only break the ballroom dance scene life cycle, but permanently leave it at where it stands today (I'll leave it to my

readers to see what I spy with my little eye). The swing dance scene will never recoup its former 1990's greatness. The salsa scene will never see again it's '00's sizzle. Like a supernova being the last stage of a star's life cycle, the social justice warriors swarming around the jettisoned carcass of a once-vibrant ballroom dance scene is its last and PERMANENT stage in life. Ergo, I suggest no man look for love, romance, sex, or courtship in today's dance scene (unless it's COMPLETELY void of any politics and social justice warrioring). Instead, I strongly recommend you use it to learn how to dance in anticipation of meeting a non-leftst, non-SJW marriage-material woman outside the dance scene who will actually deserve your dancing skills and talents....but if your skills happen to get you laid at a wedding where you're the only ballroom be it.

THE SAD TRUTH ABOUT WOMEN’S ECONOMIC VALUE It was with much ballyhoo (and a wink and a nod) that the world passed around the story about VietJet, an airline that is going to make Vietnam's first female private sector billionaire. Ms. Nguyen Thoa, the founder and majority owner of VietJet, has a very impressive background making her first million at 21 selling rubber and fax machines. However, the reason for the global wink and a nod is a service the baby boomer generation made sure to get rid of from American-based airlines long ago. Young pretty women. Not only has VietJet reintroduced young, pretty women into the aviation world, they also have them scantily clad in bikini's, heels,

and lingerie. And degrading and disgusting as many feminists, even non-feminist western women may find this, the reality is the free market has rewarded Ms. Thoa's airline with a $1 billion valuation. However, while this story may ruffle the feathers of a few prudes and get a couple discreet smirks from the few men in the world with red blood, there's a very valuable economic lesson here that all women, but especially western one's need to learn. And that is what determines their economic value. I have said it before, and I'll say it again, and the reason I'll do so is because it's true, but the most valuable commodity in the world is not oil or gold, silver or diamonds, copper or plutonium. The most valuable commodity in the world is female youth and beauty. And the reason why is very simple. Because it's true. No other commodity in the world is in as high of demand as female youth and beauty. And the reason why is that half the world's population (the would be men) demand it. And not only do they demand it, they demand it highly. They demand it so much that they built civilization to afford it win it over, so much so to the point we could say nearly all of human civilization and global historical GDP was created to get it. In short, women hands down, have ownership and agency over the world's most demanded commodity, and Ms. Thoa's VietJet airline is just another bit of empirical data to prove it. It is here women really need to stop themselves from defaulting into their preprogrammed state of thinking, going on a tirade about how women are not objects, and there's more to women than beauty, and beauty is a social construct, etc. etc. They need to view this from a purely economic, empirical, and clinical point of view that I'm trying to make, otherwise the vital economic lessons that lay within will be

lost on them and it will be their loss. Regardless, whether you like this fact or not does not matter. It is a fact. Half the population (that would be men again) demands and will pay a pretty penny for female youth and beauty. And there's really nothing you can do about it. This presents women a paradox. There is what they may want to do or become when they get older and then there's what the world is willing to pay them for. Men largely don't face this problem because our youth and beauty is nowhere near pursued or in demand as women's, but because there is such demand by men for women's looks and beauty AND men produce the vast majority of economic production in the world, whatever other skills, talents, desires, and ambitions a woman has, there just isn't going to be as much demand for them compared to youth and beauty. For example Cindy Crawford was originally a chemistry major until she became...well...Cindy Crawford. Hedy Lamarr (an actress from the 40's) was not only a stunner, but also a scientist on the side. But both were neither known for their STEM backgrounds and were much more highly compensated for their looks. The key thing for women to realize, however, is that this is not an "either or" decision. Choosing to major in electrical engineering or going on to become a computer scientist does not mean you must forego modeling, acting, or simply benefiting from female beauty, and vice versa. Being the most demanded commodity in the history of the world is an added bonus and additional choice conferred upon pretty, young women in addition to the same career choices men have. There's just one problem The majority of women choose neither.

Based on declared college majors and a simple walk in the public, the majority of women are neither majoring in STEM nor maintaining their beauty. They are instead opting to major in the liberal arts and eschewing the gym, neither of which are in demand in the real world. And the reason why is very simple. Hitting the gym and studying math is hard. To maintain your physical beauty you have to diet, eat right, run, work out and exercise. Additionally for women they must comport themselves accordingly, wear the right fashion, all of which is an effective and taxing part time job. To get a successful career you have to offer society a valuable skill most people do not have. This is done by mastering difficult and boring subjects, subjects that most people are not going to tackle. And most western women aren't doing that either. You may find this insulting, you may find this offensive, but the real world of economics does not care about your feelings or what you'd like. The real world demands engineers, computer programmers, doctors, accountants, plumbers, and electricians. And if you happen to be female you have the additional option of translating your youth and beauty into money. The only other option is what nearly 75% of women choose and that is to pursue fields where they need to beg, plead, and pull teeth to get funding. So whereas Intel will willingly pay a female computer science graduate $80,000 a year for a job in Silicon Valley, or a rich husband will willingly set up a beautiful woman for life, the ugly women's studies or communications major has to literally go begging to non-profits for charity or lobby the government to force taxpayers to pay for their pointless career that nobody ever demanded and does nothing to benefit the world. Now I know the immediate response on the part of many women in the western world and most of them on the left will be to point out that this is why we need to change men's perception of women.

That we need to re-program men to not view women as sex objects and to shame it out of existence. But here is the problem with that. Do not men have the right to like what they like? Are they not allowed to be free to have tastes and preferences? The problem in thinking there's something wrong with men for being attracted to female youth and beauty (as they have been since time immemorial) is that it is women forcing their desires on other people. It is telling them, nay, demanding others want what they want them to want. Not what the individual wants. And you can call it whatever euphemistic phrase academia has concocted to make it sound valid, good, and noble, but when you boil it down, it's nothing more than rank tyranny. Refusing to accept people's opinions, even if it is whether they want to hire you, date you, marry you, have sex with you, or have an opinion about you, and daring to force them to think otherwise is not only tyrannical, but delusional. But the real issue here is simply one of sanity. Do women want to live in reality? The reality is that the world demands STEM type majors. Not the touchy feely malarkey that passes for the liberal arts. And if you don't like that, women (unlike men) have a fortunate alternative option. An enviable "Plan B." You can use your looks and youth to score a husband, resources, a career, and other financial advantages men simply can't. Beyond that, there are no other options. And no matter how much you fight it, claim there's a "Plan C," or simply write this off as "misogyny," your 50 years of cute feminist theory is not going to undo 2 million years of human evolution. This is the real world. This is reality. This is why Ms. Thao is infinitely richer than all the world's women's studies professors combined (and probably much happier too). I suggest while you're here on the planet you live in the real world. It will not only prove more profitable and close the wage gap, but you'll

live a happier life as well. Otherwise you can look forward to living a happy and fulfilled life just like all those aged, dying, and lonely 1970's feminists, perhaps the pinnacle of which would be Hillary Clinton.

ANOTHER CASE FOR STAY AT HOME PARENTS: THE ELIMINATION OF SCHOOLS Of the many statistics and calculations I ran for my latest essay, perhaps the most interesting one is that: after going to college for 4-8 years and working hard to get that coveted non-profit or government position and after putting in 10 years of work to make your career a go when you factor in taxes extra commuting costs and especially daycare the average woman's job brings home a big, huge, whopping extra.... $4,000. Never mind your kids are ill-reared. Never mind you never got time to spend with your kids anyway. Never mind divorce is all but guaranteed. And never mind the tragic irony that many women's careers are simply taking care of anybody else's kids but their own

Nor the doubly rich irony that your labor is now taxed on what was previously untaxable labor Nope, that Masters is Social Work, pending divorce, broken family, wasted youth, and children that will grow to hate you was totally worth it because...well, dude...come on! THAT'S $4,000!!!! Now admittedly it's not always the woman working her pittance of a make-work government affirmative action job at the expense of her family. Often times it is the woman who is obvious breadwinner and there's a stay at home dad. Often times there are traditional families where one person stays at home to (GASP!) raise their children and the other works the 9-5. But given there's such a small financial advantage to outsourcing the rearing of your children, even in today's "hectic career obsessed world," it doesn't pay (well, OK, $4,000) to have that second income. Dedicate one parent to stay at home. Dedicate one person to rear your children. And the amount you'll save in Ritalin, Adderall, and psychologist visits alone will easily recoup those precious $4,000. But then the ole Captain got thinking again. Specifically, about the handful of women he knows that home-school their children. They do an infinitely better job than the public schools do. Some of their kids are already learning to program and code at age 12. Another one knows how to inseminate, milk, and tend cows. And all this from stay at home moms who "shockingly" don't have degrees, certifications, or licenses. So if for the vast majority of families it doesn't pay to have a two income household, and kids are better educated when home-schooled, would there not be a case for eliminating schools altogether? This is not only simple logic, nor wishful right-wing thinking. It's simple economics.

In the olden days before time saving devices such as vacuums and washing machines, being a home-keeper (male or female) was indeed a full-time job. There was cleaning and maintenance. Rearing the children. And one that I like to highlight in particular (because it was just as important as how much the family made) was the budgeting and spending of the family finances. Couponing, budgeting, making meals at home. All of that was just as important as the (traditionally) male role of being the breadwinner. But with the advent of washing machines and vacuums, hours were freed up for your typical house-keeper. And with the push of 1960's feminism and the commensurate outsourcing your children to day care, the (traditionally) female role of house keeper was obsoleted. Women were to enter the workforce just like men...even if the plurality of their jobs were to effectively be government-compensated mothers to other women's children...and now you'd be taxed on it. But add to this rapidly evolving mix of sex roles and true game changer. The internet. The internet not only saves households even more time in terms of shopping, banking, and a nearly limitless number of other chores. But it also makes entire industries obsolete. Education for example. There is no godly reason colleges and universities should even exist anymore. College degrees in all reality are obsolete, it's just the rest of the outdated and lethargic economy hasn't realized it. But while the real world slowly catches on that colleges and universities are going to go the way of the dinosaur, I contend we should also turn our focus to the public schools of K-12 because they too are obsolete.

Since it only pays an extra $4,000 to have a two income household, and there is so much time freed up for the home-keeper with appliances and the internet, what if every family had a stay at home parent that would not only maintain the home, rear the children, but educate them as well? The internet has the ENTIRE world's knowledge a fingertip away. There are tutorials and MOOC's online that could teach you and your children literally everything the K-12 can and more. Even Tom Woods (though the home schooling site links here) on a dare created an entire home schooling curriculum. This would not only result in much better educated children, but in eliminating the public schools, save Americans billions in unnecessary property taxes. Of course, I know this is politically infeasible. There are too many people vested in their make-work-government-careers and degrees to give it up and raise their own children. I know Big Education has a trillion-dollar per year vested interest in fleecing the taxpayer to keep up their inferior and obsolete industry. And the democrat party alone needs public schools and universities to continue to brainwash and make future democrat voters. There are huge political, psychological, sociological, and just plain evil hurdles to bringing about happier families and better educations to children. But just like the internet and e-mail technically made commuting an unnecessary chore in about 1999, it doesn't mean society is fast, sharp, or visionary enough to capitalize on it. And if commuting or the higher education bubble is any indicator, it's going to be at least three decades before the American sheeple wake up and realize K-college education can all be done at home, with a loving father or mother at the helm.


The long version is here if you care to read it, but the short version is 8 long years ago I put together my series on "Crusaderism." And in this series I highlighted a young 17 year old girl by the name of Jessica Assaf who at the time decided she was going to take on "Big Cosmetics" and launched a teenage crusade in California to ban various chemicals from make-up. For the purposes of that video I noted she came from a privileged background, got bit by the fame bug for her political crusadering, and though intelligent and capable of many things, would likely not be able to resist the temptation of fame combined with the dopamine fix she'd get from "crusadering." Thus I predicted she would be condemned to the life of a crusader, the modern day term of which is "social justice warrior." Fast forward 8 years and tune into this episode of The Cynical Libertarian (around the 33 minute mark) and I could not be more painfully correct. After forgetting her name and having to look her up again (to draw parallels between David Hogg and herself), I accidentally happened upon her latest productionless project - Cannabis Feminist. I couldn't even bother looking at the site because not only was is so laughable and cringe-worthy, it was all easily predictable 8 years ago. If you come from wealth and you get bit by the political crusader bug, not only is the fame too addicting, but so is the prospects of never having to work a real job or abide by the real world. This has spawned an entire generation and industry of (disproportionately) millennials who think going on crusades or advancing political causes is an actual career of which Ms. Assaf is merely one of many poster children. Sandra Fluke with her demanding I pay for her birth control even though I'm not fucking her. David Hogg, more recently, who is stepping on the corpses of his slain peer-students to jam that needle of fame into his veins. To the legions of Slate, Salon, and XOJane "writers" who all magically live in expensive Manhattan abodes, all of them are pursuing fame,

egotism, and an addiction...none of them are contributing one red cent to GDP or society. In the real world these people would die on the vine because nobody would pay them for their unwanted sermoning and lecturing. People simply don't want spoiled-rotten children from the suburbs telling them what to do. But since they come from wealth either in the familial form (of Daddy Warbucks), the hubby form (where nearly all Manhattan based Slate writers get their money), or the government form (where untold dollars in grants go to made-up liberal arts studies and professors), these valueless people continue on their crusades, not for anything as moral as helping the poor, helping minorities, closing the wage gap, or even legalizing pot, but simply to avoid what they fear most in life - the work, labor and toil that comes with being a self-supporting, independent adult in the real world. But while you may envy these people and their cushy, genuinely privileged lifestyles. Don't. For what prompted this article was when I listened to The Cynical Libertarian read an article from the Cannabis Feminist. And it is the saddest thing I've ever read. I'll let you read it at your leisure, but this is what's in store for America's spoiled, typically-leftist, crusaderist adult children who pursue crusade after crusade, ne'er dipping a toe into the real world or expending one calorie of energy on real, valuable work. In being shielded from the true costs and consequences of the real world, these people grow up stunted and authentically retarded to the point they think "empowering women with initiatives to become leaders in the cannabis industry" is actually a thing, let alone a career. Worse, if you look at the subtext to the picture in the...cough...*article* you see just how skewed her life priorities are as her favorite things in life are "The Scratch and Sniff Book of Weed, Medicine Box tinctures, Magu Beauty oils, CW Hemp oil, and Mondo" not "my husband, my children, my cycling group" or any other people for that matter. The

political crusade consumes them, becoming all they have in life, and denying them real relationships with real people in the real world. I could go on, but I don't have to. This is a full grown adult woman who is now 26 years of age. Even with a HARVARD BUSINESS DEGREE (proving she easily has the ability to do something productive) her greatest accomplishment in life is a Potemkin Village web site that doesn't even rank on Alexa and will sadly have a record traffic day due to this post. I've ripped on rich parents before, or parents who simply spoil their children as this is not a life that you want your daughter (or any child of yours) to live. And though I'm increasingly convinced it's impossible for rich parents to raise decent children, I vainly implore any of you rich or merely well-off parents out there to do your children a favor and make them learn the virtues and values of real work, real production, and the real world. And maybe, just maybe, we'll turn you daughters from "Cannabis Feminists" into engineers, doctors, pilots and actual productive members of society.

HOW LEFTISTS HATE WOMEN AND MINORITIES WHY WE SHOULD LET WOMEN HAVE CORPORATE AMERICA Women's Take Over of Corporate America An Agent in the Field of mine, deeply seeded in a large multinational, sent me an e-mail he received from company's Office of Diversity. It was heralding the "great success" of their "initiative" to employ and promote more women in the company. They had an arbitrarily set goal of increasing female employment (in this predominantly IT/Tech male company) up to 30%, and even handed out awards to employees that came up with the "top three ideas" on how to get more women on board (this included a "mother's contract," a blatantly sexist policy of hiring one woman for every man regardless of ability, and - the only sane one - to attract more women into STEM). You couple this with the recent statement from's new "Chief Equality Officer" Tony Prophet, "At Ford, quality is job one. At Salesforce, equality is job one." and it is painfully clear that corporate America has abandoned excellence as a means to profitability, replacing it instead with virtue signalling, rent seeking, politicking, and marketing/pandering to racial/sexual in-tribe biases. This, of course, is not only morally wrong, but blatantly sexist (and racist) as you consciously and purposely give preferential treatment to people based on the color of their skin, or their plumbing downstairs, over the content of their character. And anybody with an ounce of self-respect, intellectual honesty, a work ethic, and an

adherence to true fairness should be outraged at this cowardice and evil. But then the ole Captain's wheels started turning, and in a very Enjoy the Decline-esque way, he make a very important epiphany. Yes, it may be unfair we are giving preferential treatment to women over men. Yes, we are sacrificing a meritocracy for sexism. And yes, this will lead to lower production, lower economic growth, genuine injustice, and a lessening of standards of living. But so what? If you really sit down and think about it Corporate America isn't worth it. Let the women have it. It's All Yours, Sweetheart! If it were the 1950's and corporations were booming and headed up by more fair and meritocratic WWII managerial class, I could see Corporate America being a place you'd want to be. You'd be compensated for excellence and hard work. You'd be promoted for innovation and creativity. It would be a reasonably just system where loyalty was rewarded, stable employment was offered, and corporate corruption was at a minimum (at least compared to today). But it's not the 1950's any more. It's "the current year" and corporations are a fraction of the equitable places of employment they once were. Gone are the managers from the WWII generation that led these corporations to their heights and their Jack Welshian logical, but fair management. They are now replaced with legions of inept, MBAladen Baby Boomer scum whose only accomplishment was halving US economic growth, getting the largest bank bail out in history, and sending the US into the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Gone is stable employment and the goodies that came with it. You don't get pensions, you don't get health care, and you certainly don't get that 30 years of lifelong employment that once made a 30 year mortgage a relatively risk free proposition. Now you can get outsourced, train in your own replacements, be perpetually employed as a contractor, and let go if your job can be done for a fraction of a cent cheaper in China. And let's not forget the wave of psychotic political BS these past 20 years that has infected Corporate America and just chides the morality and honor of good, honest workers, particularly of the male persuasion. There's the HR lady epidemic where we put power hungry, inept, math-impaired 20 something ditzes at the helm of our hiring process. There's "Corporate Social Responsibility" where we force unrelated and unnecessary political crusades on our employees be it donating to the United Way, mandating weekends be spent on charities, or wearing pink every year. There's diversity, sexual harassment, and sensitivity training where we blatantly treat men like sexual predators, molesters, rapists, and racists, humiliating them to attend said trainings. There's the eggshell environment men get to work in, one mere false sexual harassment accusation away from being fired. There's the invasion of privacy into our personal lives where the politically correct Corporate Abwehr will fire you over a facebook post. There's progressive credentialism where the HR Reichstag demands you have masters degrees for entry level jobs. There's the blatant sexism against males as previously evidenced before with clearly sexist policies favoring less-qualified women for the sake of "diversity." And let's not forget this raw deal is topped off with the number one cause of divorce, marital strife, and problem children - commutes! I ask one simple question. Who the f*ck wants any part of this rotten deal? Who the f*ck wants to work at Initech? And I'm not joking.

I'm not saying this because deep down inside I want to work at Corporate America. I'm not saying this because I have this discreet dream to retake and recapture Corporate America for meritocratic males. I'm saying it because it's true. Corporate America is a HORRIBLE deal for any self-respecting man (or woman) who wants to live a free, healthy, happy, sane, and prosperous life. You, at minimum, must attend school for a quarter century, face daunting odds of just landing a job. That job will at best be entry level and mundane. You're then forced to get a masters if you have any hope of "making it" due to progressive credentialism. You are a mere merger away from being let go or laid off. Your compensation is significantly lower with both sexes now flooding the labor market, lowering the wage you can command. You can't have a political or social life your employer doesn't approve of. Compensation and promotion is increasingly based on your skin color and plumbing, not your hard work or effort. And if this wasn't a horrible deal enough, it's all under a psychotic environment where bosses who know they have you by the balls unleash their sadism on their employees simply to get off. There's just no godly reason to be part of Corporate America. The real question is, then, why do women seem so desperate and adamant on joining Corporate America? Why do they seem so obsessed over having a corporate career to the point they'll get one via legitimate means or not? And the answer is they've been sold a bill of goods. The Biggest Lie Ever Sold...To Women I've mentioned it before, but understand like housing, education or Dotcoms, women are buying into a bubble. Perhaps not a financial one like those mentioned before, but a bubble nonetheless. They go to college (a bubble and increasingly poor investment unto itself) at rates higher than men, earning the majority of worthless liberal arts degrees, also now accounting for the majority of worthless

masters/advanced degrees. With these worthless degrees, they then throw themselves onto the Omaha Beach of Corporate America where they forfeit family, children, husbands, a social life, and loved ones, all in exchange for promotions, careers, commutes, and Jimmy Choo shoes. They obsess about "leaning in" and getting the latest certification, credential, or promotion in their lives. And congratulations if they make that magical six figures. But to what end? Not only do they have to suffer the unacceptable environment laid out before, basically ruining and sacrificing their lives, but all so they can become "Queen Bee of Shit Island?" Alas, it's obvious women didn't consciously decide on their own to pursue the hell known as Corporate America. They were duped, lied to, propagandized, and fooled into becoming corporate slaves. And any simple, logical pondering will come up with the main culprits that misled women into choosing such a rotten deal. First, blame men. Not consciously, or maliciously, but men are to blame because I don't think they ever truly conveyed what they endured in Corporate America, working a real job to support the family. In the past, traditionally, men went to work, brought home the bacon, and in order to have a peaceful and enjoyable home, they didn't bring back their work with them. The wife didn't want to hear about the conditions of working on the railroad, the loneliness of being a traveling salesman, or the politics of a corporate office, and the man frankly didn't want to talk about it either. He wanted to eat good meal, have sex with his wife, play with his children, and enjoy his free time. This then misled women into thinking somehow work was fun. And not only was work fun, it was MUCH MORE FUN AND REWARDING than being a homekeeper, housewife, or mother. They only saw the financial upside of Corporate America, not the labor and responsibility that came with.

Second, feminism. The greatest scam ever pulled in the history of humans was not social security, nor buying Manhattan from the Indians for some beads, nor Seward's Folly. It was the con job bitter, angry, ugly, jealous, contemptuous women from the 60's and 70's pulled by convincing their prettier, younger counterparts that being a mother or a wife was not real work. It was fooling three full generations of women that they didn't need men, and that a paycheck (government or Corporate America issued) could replace a passionate kiss from a loving husband and a swarm of hugs from her children. The fact that women are trying to break into Corporate America, by any means possible, moral or not, sexist or not, while forfeiting a life of staying at home and spending time with their children is jaw dropping once you can remove the hood of leftist, feminist brainwashing. No sane, self-respecting person would do that back in the 50's, let alone in today's sadistic and enslaving corporate environment. Third, politicians. Like feminists, it is amazing the con job the democrat party pulled on women. By making women jealous of what men had, and not appreciating what they had, politicians created a problem that didn't exist. They thoroughly convinced women they were oppressed, discriminated against, and that sexism was rampant. And the only way to make things right was by voting in these politicians. Politicians would enforce affirmative action, enforce Title IX, give you a never ending litany of PSA's and speeches blasting those evil males for their inherent sexism and privilege, and as an added bonus, designate the government as your sole supporter and provider making those nasty evil men unnecessary and obsolete. This propaganda was so successful, it actually overrode women's genetic programming to the point they actually believed "women need men like a fish needs a bicycle." And if you needed more proof as to the completeness of the job, women look up to and envy the life of one of the world's most miserable women - Hillary Clinton. Women, once again, gave up anything and everything that gave them point and purpose in life, all

for a masters degree, a commute, and a cold career in Corporate America. And finally, there's Corporate America itself. The best thing for Corporate America was women entering the work force. It lowered wages, it boosted demand for their products (now that women had additional purchasing power), and it created demand for a whole new list of products and services. Daycare facilities, additional cars, more gas, more insurance, more dining out, more clothes, more cell phones, more divorce lawyers, more child therapists, more cleaning services, more ritalin, more lithium, more everything - the amount of material goods and services families had to buy now that you had two workers, no parents, and needed to outsource your child rearing easily boosted their sales by 50%. It was a boon in terms of both sales and lower labor costs that only outsourcing to China would outdo. Of course, the family suffered, divorce ravaged three generations, mal-raised children of broken homes drove up everybody's taxes, women we're becoming less happy, and the country's finances went to pot, but it didn't matter. Women had careers in Corporate America. And that's all that matters. So What Do Men Do Now? It's a foregone conclusion that with the support of government and corporations themselves, women will inexorably take over Corporate America. And any sober, realistic, self-respecting assessment of Corporate America will conclude we should let them have it. But if men are to give up Corporate America what are they supposed to do for work? What do we do for employment? What do we do for agency? What do we do in order to support ourselves and live our lives to the fullest? The prospective loss of what has traditionally kept us employed and alive is daunting, and willingly giving it up may seem insane. But giving up on a career in Corporate America is a reality we're just going to have to face. And not only one we have to face, but one we

should be welcoming. For while abandoning what has served as our primary means of support may be daunting, we men have a trick up our sleeves that have served us well since time immemorial. We adapt. Understand Corporate America is a bubble. It's the Titanic. It's going to burst and sink anyway, so you're better off living in reality and coming up with a Plan B. But while many of you may not see an obvious alternative to Corporate America for employment, millions of men have already blazed the trail to a new, and much better form of employment - minimalism and entrepreneurship. Though not the traditional corporate career we originally wanted or were brought up to desire, minimalism and entrepreneurship is the only logical choice for any man not already: 1. Steeped so far in Corporate America in terms of his career that it would not be economic for him to abandon it and start down the path of entrepreneurship, or 2. Endebted in terms of student loans, auto loans, mortgages, alimony, child support, etc. that he is a debt slave and therefore needs to be in Corporate America. The reason why is that minimalism and entrepreneurship is infinitely superior to working for Corporate America. One, in being a minimalist you do not need that much money to survive. You avoid debt, you avoid unnecessary luxuries, and in doing so you not only minimize what you need, but maximize your freedom. This leads to a second important benefit - the ability to insist on employment standards. If the pay isn't high enough, they won't let you telecommute, it isn't enjoyable work, or your client is just a lippy pain in the ass, simple. You fire them. You just quit. You don't need the money and therefore can do without them. This also leads to a third major benefit - you can bluff your way to higher compensation.

Unlike your divorced, debt-enslaved, Corporate American wage slave counterpart, you don't "need" the money. You have a choice. You aren't a beggar, you're a chooser. This allows you to demand $100 an hour, because if you don't get it, so what? You don't NEED it. Alas, if done right self-employment can, in the long run, become much more lucrative than a Sheryl Sandbergian corporate slave career. But perhaps the single largest benefit of the minimalismentrepreneurship form of employment is the happiness and sanity that comes with it. While you're sleeping in till 10, your SuperPower-Tripping-Corporate-America-Power-Woman is waking up at 6 to suffer her commute at 7. While you're at your local bar getting your morning coffee with Bailey's at 11 to answer e-mails, your rahrah empowered feminist counterpart is stuck in a meeting, begging the government for more grant money. When you decide you've done enough work at 2PM and it's time to hit the gym, your "You-GoGirrrrrrl Power-Moxie"(TM) Corporate America counterpart is only half way done with her day. And when your kids come home from school at 4PM, you can take them out for ice cream, go swimming with them, or give them noogies, the strong-independent, divorced, Corporate American "single mom hero" leaves her kids to decay in daycare till 7, and that's if traffic has cleared up. It's simply a no-brainer. The sad tragedy, for women at least, is that men are one, small epiphany away from realizing the wise words of Freddy Benson in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and switching our historical roles. It was already hard supporting oneself in this world. It's much, MUCH harder supporting a family. But if socialist, sexist (and racist) political forces are going to insist on turning Corporate America into a childish insane asylum like today's Academia with "safe spaces," "mandatory diversity training," and a blatant favoritism for women, forget it. "I say it's time for a change. I say let them give us money. Let's live off of them for a while." And men can do it, not just

because we're more capable of minimalism, but (hilariously and ironically) women have also voted in a huge welfare state. And if they want to be the ones to slave and work away in Corporate America, then they can pay the taxes to support men who just, meh, don't fee like working. Alas, women fought so hard (as well as unfair and dirty) to get ahead in Corporate America, I cannot think of a better fate than to let them have it. And the only way to give it to them is to realize losing Corporate America is no great loss, but a blessing. Let women do the work. Let women drive the commutes. Let women waste their lives in meetings and cubes while the world passes them by. I'm going fishing. I'm sleeping in. I'm working out. I'm riding motorcycles. I'm spending time with friends, families, and loved ones. I'm going to Enjoy the Decline. I suggest you do the same.

HOW VALERIE JOHNSON PERFECTLY DEFINES WHITE PRIVILEGE If you didn't know, one of the local suburban mayors here - one Valerie Johnson - had a meltdown when she was challenged on "white privilege" during a city council meeting. There's not much to say about her (as there's surprisingly little about her on the internet), but I am not here to analyze her politics or to administer her The Clarey Test. There is more important role she serves and that is she allows us to truly understand what "white privilege" is so that instead of rolling your eyes the next time a leftist brings it up or blindly believing it as a liberal or leftist, we know exactly what we're talking about and we can actually move the concept forward and make tangible progress in improving race relations. First, notice it is largely leftist white people who are the most ardent supporters of white privilege. Certainly non-whites may believe in

the concept, just as women would be prone to believe in "male privilege," but when it comes to race notice it's most ardent cheerleaders are not blacks, hispanics, latinos, or Asians, but whites, typically in public positions. Mayors, congressmen, professors, university administrators, media types, even white people on social media. As long as the spot light is on them, they all eerily seem to really care about "white privilege." This should raise the hairs on non-whites who believe in "white privilege" and raise the eyebrows of nearly everybody. Why is it white public figures all of the sudden have jumped on the white privilege bandwagon these past 5 years, while nearly no white person when asked in private believes in white privilege. There is something about being in public that forces you to believe in white privilege, bringing up the prospect that you really don't believe it deep down inside at all. And that missing variable is "acceptance." Acceptance for what? Well acceptance for your own personal advancement. For example, it's very clear why mayoral candidates and other politicians claim to believe in white privilege - it gets them the minority vote. Notice how the entire New Brighton City Council is all white. Or how Minneapolis' former mayor was white too (but couldn't shut the f up about "privilege" her entire administration). Odd they believe so much in white privilege because if they did, they'd give up their seat and allow some non-whites to serve. But it's not relegated simply to candidates for public office paying lip service to minorities to win their vote (the democrats have been doing that to blacks for years!). Take for example universities. Universities have be lauding their white-privilege and diversity credentials for about the past 2 decades under the premise they want to help minorities close the wage gap. And they intend to do

that by providing minorities college educations that will lead them to great careers. But do they? In reality universities, and ESPECIALLY programs like "African American Studies" completely scam minority students out of their money simply to enrich themselves. I don't have to highlight the score of articles written about some poor minority college student who wasted $150,000 on some worthless liberal arts degree or got some kind of law degree in "social justice" endebting them an additional $200,000 in debt, and now can't find a job. Up front and with all the lip service, yes, these university professors and administrators all seemed to want to help non-whites, because.. "well of course! They SAID they believe in white privilege!" But in hindsight they simply robbed minorities (and especially women I might add) out of 100's of thousands of dollars and 4 to 8 years of their youth. The ulterior motive of public white people who stand by "white privilege" could not be any clearer. And then there's just popularity. This is more the domain of social media and celebrity types. Angelina Jolie and others who adopt minority children are merely virtue signaling to show you what good, open-minded, non-racists they are (even though they don't give a damn about the children). The infamous Amy Biehl murder, whose parents forgave her black murderers, is another example of putting your popularity above...well, nearly everything else. But more commonly you just have to go to your average white woman/girl under 30's social account and she will more than likely, and loudly, proclaim how much she believes in white-privilege and can't wait to welcome some refugees into the country. Again, the hair on the back of your head should go up when a drunk white girl tries to tell you how much you're oppressed and how much she loves minorities because she's doing it for popularity and herself, not you.

This ultimately is what defines white-privilege (or any political concept of privilege). It is a tool to win over non-whites so that that person may advance themselves individually. The problem though is blaming white people does nothing tangibly to improve the plight of minorities (hello democrat party? hello detroit?) Worse, it wrongly diagnoses the problem minorities, women, or other victims of privilege face, ensuring their problem is never solved and their lives never improve. For example, you can take the TOTALITY of ALL the written works about racism and white-privilege, be it academic studies, journals, news media, social media and political speeches, etc., as to why minorities (bar Asians and middle-easterners and a handful of other races) make less than whites. It would be MILLIONS of pages long with hundreds of billions of words. And you could take all of it that has been written, read, or discussed over the past 30-40 years. None of that will help minorities as much as the following microscopic bit of advice: Do not have kids you can't afford. Do not major in stupid stuff. Do not get in trouble with the law. Get good grades. Wait until you're married to have kids. You could take the same totality of everything that has been written about men and women, and sexism and misogyny. Which going back to the Susan B. Anthony/Elizabeth Stanton days would go back a hundred years. All the books written, all the screeds on feminist pages, all the words women's studies professors have said as to why women are oppressed, and let's just throw in the protests and "slut walks" to boot. None of that will help women as much as the following few bits of advice:

Don't become a single mother. Don't major in stupid stuff. Learn math, IT, STEM, and programming. Stay in shape. It's alright to want a husband and kids. It's alright to be feminine. Your beauty will leave you some day. And these two different bits of advice for two presumably oppressed groups exposes "white privilege" (and the white people who ardently claim to believe in it) for what it truly is. Cowardice. I have absolutely no reservations about telling people, minority or not, female or not, the truth. No matter how harsh, the truth is a better medicine than the most sweet tasting of lies because it is the truth. It is reality. And any decisions made from or based in truth is going to be infinitely better and more successful than decisions made in lies. So the medicine may taste harsh, but it WILL solve the problem and it WILL, over the long run help out the intended recipient more than a lifetime of feelings-sparring lies. But to tell the truth takes courage. In the context of "privilege" you have to face accusations of racism or sexism if you don't tell a political group what they want to hear. Heck, you can be part of the group yourself and you'll be called a traitor, an "Uncle Tom" even threatened and assaulted. But liberal, leftist, democrat white people simply do not have the courage NOR DO THEY CARE ENOUGH ABOUT MINORITIES to take this risk and tell them the truth. They are cowards. And not only are they cowards, their ultimate goal, their ulterior motive was never about advancing or tangibly helping minorities or women.

It was just to get your vote, money, acceptance, or popularity from you. Therefore, I ask any minority of female who believes in privilege to consider these things. I'm not saying you DON'T have to believe in privilege or certain groups of people have it better off than you. What I'm imploring you to do is ask what REALLY is driving this odd choir of democrat white people to fervently, and ironically, universally claiming to believe in white privilege. They ultimately do NOT have your best interests at heart and Valerie Johnson epitomizes this, ultimately defining what "white privilege" is.

FEMINSM IS RUINING WOMEN’S FINANCES Strippers and Security Guards Allow the Captain to tell you the tale of two people. The first one being the loveable Captain himself and the other a stripper he had come across in conversation. From 1993 to 1997 there was a good chance you could find the Captain in uniform, at night, patrolling the U of MN campus into the wee hours of the early morning. He was doing this to scratch out what little living he could in order to pay for food, clothing, shelter, insurance, gas, tuition and ALL other living expenses, all of which on a starting wage of $6.90 per hour ($11.70 in today's money). If he was lucky he would be able to time it where he could get 40 hours in before a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas would start, which would allow him to compound overtime work on top of holiday pay, earning him 2.25 times his normal wage. This would allow him to earn at most during his security career $20.95 per hour (a very

handsome wage indeed for the time) and was instrumental in him graduating from college without a penny in college debt. Of course, there were some drawbacks to this. First, the Ole Captain had to work LOOONG hours, often packing in 40 hours in two days, so he (and other security guards) could avail themselves of holidays that would start just two mere days into the work week. There were uncountable number of dog/graveyard shifts which wreaked havoc on his (and others) health, both physical and mental. And the cold. I cannot even begin to explain the pain of the cold. Minnesota winters were long, brutal, and lacking sun, with night time temperatures regularly dropping below -10 and windchills over the Mississippi river bridge dropping below -40. Oh, and by the way whinny Millennials, this was all while attending school full time. The experience was so brutal, miserable, and galvanizing, the Captain has no pity for any non-handicapped poor person and to this day refuses to donate to any charity. The second story is one of a stripper-come-lawyer. Cappy ran into this girl at a party during his twenties. He was not so much impressed with her pretty physique as he was the story as to how she paid for 7 years of post-high school education. In short, it was simple. The girl would go to college during the day time, study in the afternoon, and head to the strip club at night where she would proceed to make about $50 per hour shaking her booty in front of horny, desperate men. This translates into $85.00 per hour in 2018 money, roughly $160,000 in an annual salary if you were to work full time. Of course, with school the young lady wasn't able to work full time, but in the three hours she'd strip each night, she made more than what Cappy did, also graduating from GRAD SCHOOL debt free. Of course, there are also some drawbacks to this route of financing college.

The girl had to endure 7 years of lewd, hollering men. Showing your privates daily while prostrating yourself to the public, must take a mental toll. I'm sure many men made passes at her. And if you are unaware of stripper culture, she had to constantly avoid offers for drugs, prostitution, booze, and partying. But all these things considered, it was only 3 hours a day, it was in a climate controlled room, and she was not sleep deprived in the end. And all these drawbacks considered, she made over 7 times what Cappy did per hour for roughly equally skilled work. I never knew what happened to her after that, but I do know I would have gladly traded places. The Horrible, Mean, Evil, Reality of Economics Lamenting the past aside, there is an important and vital economics lesson here for everyone to learn. And while the lesson may be politically incorrect and not what the vast majority of women, leftists, and politically correct people want to hear, it doesn't make it any less true. This is a fact and the sooner people realize it and base their actions in it, the more effective our life decisions will be and the more success we will have in life. The number one commodity in the world is not: Oil Gas Diamonds Palladium Timber Gold or Iron It is female beauty. And the reason it is the most valuable commodity in the world is because:

1. HALF the population wants it and 2. To such a fervent extent they will do practically anything for it, including, but not limited to: Building civilization Murder Declaring war Going to war Committing crime Creating and innovating...well...everything Mastering science Enslaving themselves to a corporate career Endebting themselves to go to college Commuting Buying McMansions they don't need Borrowing money to afford you a Range Rover Throwing money at this commodity just to look at it Even trying to play god to synthesize this commodity Never has one half of the population held such sway and power over the other half, nor had such an advantage. You would think with such an edge, such an advantage, women would avail themselves of this power and use it to enrich and advance themselves...and for the most part they have historically. Women would use their beauty to attract the most powerful and richest mate, ensuring their off spring would not only be protected, but cared for. The stripper-turned-lawyer I knew certainly wielded this advantage to extract $50 an hour worth of wealth out of men (while the Ole Captain pulled-teeth to negotiate a $6.90/hour out of the U of MN Police Department). And for the most part after a man died, the women would inherent what remainder of wealth he had to see her through old age. The system worked, it was perfected and

honed over 2 million years of human evolution, the way, the entirety of civilization and all the wonders of modern day technology was created in the process. This didn't mean women could just show up and lollygag through life if they were pretty (although, that does happen too). There was childbirthing, child rearing, home keeping, and not being allowed to participate in the management, construction, and advancement of society/the economy. But when it came to physical exertion, toil, not to mention early death women, to this day, come nowhere near to the calories of energy men have expended. They still do have the easier "physical" life, even though historically this meant giving up suffrage and playing a first officer to a spousal captain. Let's Ruin a Good Thing Whether you agreed with how society evolved and the traditional role that resulted for women, you would think that going forward you would like to keep the advantages of the past, and combine them with new advantages in the future. And, to be perfectly honest, women will never "get rid" of the advantage they have over men in terms of them owning and controlling the world's most sought after commodity because it's inherently programmed into our genetics. But if there's way to ruin a good time. If there's a way to piss in the punch bowl. If there's a way to give up an incomparable, nearly unlimited-poweradvantage feminists will find a way to do it. This at first may seem ironic and contradictory. Feminists and "feminism," presumably, even with its Latin base wording, would imply it is for the benefit of women. And perhaps at some point in time it was. But if you look at its historical track record, especially

the past 50 years, and you look at its consequences, feminism has ironically hurt women much more than helped. First, there is the ultimate thing that matters - happiness. Women are not getting happier, no matter what advances and successes feminism has claimed. They make more money, they have more education, they have careers, they're having it all, but ironically once they got what feminism promised, they're not happier. I would claim it's because you're going against 2 million years of human evolution and programming and maybe your kids would like to see you (instead of the day care/nanny you outsourced them to). I would also make the PAINFULLY obvious claim that working and commuting sucks. But this simple logic is not enough to dislodge the thoroughly entrenched brainwashing women have received since they were 5 about the importance of a career and feminism. Second, feminists offer HORRIBLE financial advice. The wage gap could be closed tomorrow if women simply majored in STEM and not the worthless liberal arts they are conditioned to. Instead, if you look at ardent and professional feminists, the vast majority of them themselves major in subjects that can only be considered fake (Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Sociology, etc.), while standard ranked and file women who claim to be feminists major in fields that just don't pay. At best women enter "HR"or some kind of business discipline where they have a 1/1,000,000 to become a Cheryl Sandberg, while at worst (and more likely) you're working as a barista or adjunct professor with your "Masters in Art History," forever impoverished by the student loans professional feminists told you you should incur. And so instead of becoming engineers, doctors, programmers, and mechanics, most feminist women today ironically make peanuts compared to men and non-feminist counterparts (some, sadly and ironically resorting to prostitution). Third, wasted lives. If you combine misery with poverty and add time, you get wasted lives. And this is perhaps the worst way feminism has served failed women. It may feel good at 20 to believe

you're oppressed and there's this sisterhood or philosophy that approaches a religion that gives you immediately agency, purpose, and even a feel of supremacy, but if that philosophy is a religion and NOT based in reality, it dooms its adherents to waste their lives. Thus the unlimited number of 50, 60, even 70 something feminists facing their horrific mortality today. They're alone, they have cats and pets as a surrogate family, no children, no real career, and unlike their traditional and oft-mocked 1950's housewife who received her passed-away husband's pension, they have $120,000 in student loans for their "Masters in Health Administration" degree and it is all because they swallowed whole what feminism told them. The rest of their (very short) lives will be alone, poor, and miserable, largely thanks to feminism. I could go on, but the point is feminism has a horrible track record when it comes to benefiting women and making them happy. Worse, if you truly follow it and look at 60's feminists as the empirical consequences of it, this is a not a path you want to go down. But why does "feminism"- something presumably intended and designed to help women - fail so miserably? Why do feminists, who no doubt ARE for women, end up worse off on average than nonfeminists? And the answer to that lies in the Grid-Girl news story. Crabs in a Bucket If you didn't know, the Grid Girls news story is simply that they're all getting fired. Historically "grid girls" were the cheerleaders of the Formula One racing circuit and have been there since wheels have been on cars. But the powers that be decided this was degrading to women and got rid of this long standing tradition, firing them all in the process.

There were howls and hoots coming from fans, normal people, and men who just like female beauty, but perhaps the loudest howls were coming from the grid girls themselves who not only found themselves out of a job, but (rightly) wondered how feminism getting a whole profession of women fired was "benefiting women." And while these poor girls (not to mention some intellectually honest feminists) were dazed how feminism could deliver such a traitorous blow, those of us who are wiser, smarter, and more cynical roll our eyes as it highlights, exposes, and belies arguably the darkest truth about feminism we've all know for quite some time. Feminism is not for all women. It's for lazy, envious, jealous and petty women. And this is where we must revisit female beauty. Beauty Takes Work. HARD WORK To be beautiful takes work. To be handsome takes work. Matter of fact anything of value, worth, or excellence takes work. But the problem is work sucks. Toil sucks. It's painful to work out, it's painful to focus and exert yourself. And if you look at the vast majority of feminists (and certainly women's studies professors) they are ugly. This does not mean they are genetically ugly, born with ugly features and an ugly face. The truth is very few people are genuinely "ugly," it's just they don't put forth the work effort required to make themselves beautiful/handsome. Ergo, being ugly is not so much a function of bad genetics or bad luck, but laziness and choice. And if you look at feminism it is chock full of laziness and lazy choices. First, there is obesity and the painfully obvious fact feminists don't hit the gym. It's so bad they even created the mental acrobatics of "body shaming" and "fat pride" to convince themselves that "big is beautiful." All so they can avoid the pain of dieting and the gym.

Second, their choice of majors and careers. Yes, there are some honest feminists who are doctors, surgeons, cops, programmers, CEO's, and mechanics. They work hard and put forth the effort. But for every one of them, there is at least a score of women's studies majors, English majors, Sociology majors, and whatever potpourri of worthless, math-and-rigor-avoidance degrees out there. These girls (and some boys) do not choose these careers or professions for anything as noble as the equality of women, but because they are first and foremost easy degrees with easy (though low paying) make work government jobs attached to them. Again, they are lazy, not noble. This then leads into the third bit of proof that it is laziness, not nobleness that drives feminists - constant and never-ending victimhood. Instead of working harder or choosing more-in-demand professions, feminists expend more energy whining and complaining about sexism and misogyny than they would three life times at a gym. They demand quotas, preferential treatment by government and employers, more money for education, and more government checks and programs to make up for the "sexism" that will seemingly never go away. They could at anytime move out to the Bakken oil field and work an oil rig. They could at anytime join the military, enter ROTC and becoming officers in the military. They could at anytime major in computer engineering and start making $65,000 a year, but they don't. And the reason they don't is it's easier to sit in an air-conditioned office in academia, bitch about non-existent sexism, and demand taxpayer funded government grants to explain why bitcoin is sexist. Again, it is laziness that defines feminism today, not an egalitarian pursuit of the equal treatment of women. But for this cushy (though mentally delusion and damaging) lazy life, there is a price to pay. And it is the ULTIMATE price. Yes, you may get the taxpayer or students to create you an entirely worthless, pointless make work government job career. Yes, you won't have to do a day's honest work of real toil or labor, stuffing your face with carbs and you get some token amount of placating by Target the "big

is beautiful." And yes, you can tell yourself the most fantastic of lies that "you're proud to be a slut" and you are somehow a real, responsible, grown up adult. But because all of this delusion was derived from laziness, you will be condemned to be... ugly, obese, overweight, and unattractive and therefore you will give up your single largest advantage you have over men, not to mention your single largest economic and financial advantage - female beauty. The Choice is NOT Yours If feminism was relegated to this - a group of lazy women who just plain didn't want to work hard - the largest price to society would be some increased taxation, some annoyance listening to their constant complaining, some fake-rape accusations on college campuses, and the ruination of the nuclear family. However, what the elimination of the grid girls' career shows us is that some feminists are not simply happy commiserating amongst themselves. For not only are they lazy, deep down inside their ideology is so sad and pathetic, they are also jealous. It's not enough that they don't make as much money as other people, a lot of feminists can't stand people being better than them in ANY regard or capacity. Beauty, physique, talent, artistic ability, creativity, intelligence, work ethic, morality, or any other skill, talent, or quality that brings beauty and all that is good the world. And whereas you'd like to think that something on the face of it that is noble as feminism, backed up with decades worth of research and presumably terabytes of academic and philosophical work, in the end it's just rank laziness combined with jealousy. Unfortunately, this is antithetical to women's best interests because it directly threatens their single biggest financial advantage - their

physical beauty. You may not like this fact, you may not like that men will forever be more impressed with your breasts than your brains, but if you didn't notice by now this post and this site does not care about what you'd "like" as much as "what is." And if women truly wanted what was best for them, and if feminists truly wanted what was best for women, everybody would be intellectually honest and courageous enough to admit this fact - most women will make the most money and accumulate the most wealth via their physical beauty than most any other means. This doesn't mean you shouldn't major in engineering. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have a career. By all means I champion and encourage women to go into STEM, develop their brains, and make the most money as possible. But this does mean to realize and acknowledge this great power and advantage you have and to simply use it to your advantage. It is also to highlight and expose a huge threat that faces women, one the demise of the grid girls shows you. Most feminists today do not have women's best interests at heart. And this is proven by how they jealously begrudge and often times aim to eliminate the financial advantage beauty confers upon beautiful women. It's very simple. Stay beautiful and stay smart. But stay wary of the promises of feminism.

IS THERE ANY HAPPINESS IN FEMINISM??? I try to ignore the world of feminism as it's nothing more than a religious hate group full of zealots who abdicate responsibility and worship at the feet of marxism. It's merely glorified parasitism with a pair of drooping, ugly, pruny tits. Nothing more, nothing less, and it sure as hell isn't an intelligent discipline or study that women's

studies vainly attempts to make it. But every once in a while their psychotic behavior shocks even me and therefore deserves highlighting, especially for the benefit of warning young boys and men about just what a sick and vile virus feminism is, infecting the girls they wish to court. And this week there were two such instances. One, an article in Cosmo (which I won't link to, but will link to the Federalist instead) that says it's bad when men enjoy women having orgasms during sex. The tongue and cheek analysis is funny and rightly skewers the author as the painfully common liberal-artsmajor-turned-poverty-striken-New-York-blogger that she is. But my god, now "women having orgasms" is bad and sexist because "men enjoy it." Two, the kerfuffle over Wonder Woman's armpit hair has gotten feminists in a tizzy, not to mention given agency-less baby boomer and Gen X media types something to write about in their equallypointless "journalist" careers. Multiple articles have been written about this "crisis," but feminists have once again taken a movie about historical American comic book hero, that promised to be fund for the whole country, and managed to ruin it for the rest of us with their faux-victim-whore-seeking-rage. Again, can you not just sit back, buy some popcorn, and have some fun? But while we can focus on the seeming blood-oath feminists have sworn to being miserable, I'm not focusing on them on account they can't be saved. Instead I'm going to focus on a group of people that are going to take the brunt of this mentally-diseased group of people - young mens and boys. Because they are going to have a Darwinistic interest in the young women this poison called feminism will infect. Ergo, to make sure they know they're not going crazy, and that no, you didn't don't anything wrong, I'm simply going to stand here and say:

"Dude, just open your eyes, look at this shitshow, and see just what a bunch of miserable, unhappy people feminists are." Though the fine net of the internet has dragged up all sorts of horrific floor dwelling vermin for the world to see, young boys and men who literally don't know any better (especially given their female-centric education in the public schools) need to be shown this type of feminist sadness, anger and misery so that as they age and attempt to court women, they understand just what poison their female counterparts have been fed. Be it getting yelled at because you cutely referred to your date as "kid" in reference to Casablanca (two girls hated me for this as early as in the 90's) Be it being lectured for walking a girl to her car or door. Be it being admonished for having a sexy cheesecake photo (which feminists will call "degrading and objectifying") of your girlfriend on your phone these normal, historic, genetic, and ultimately, happy, joyful, fun, playful, and loving inter-sex acts between men and women are hated by feminists. And especially when young women are particularly prone to swallow (if not at least parrot) a lot of this hate, it won't be until they grow up and mature a little bit will they have the adult, reasoned, and altruistic mind capable of being part of a loving (or at least) mutually beneficial dating relationship. Until then, they are simply not capable of being a quality girlfriend or wife. The sad thing (for feminists anyway) is that their behaviors and temper tantrums are so outlandish, so petty, and so extreme that young boys (even girls), steeped in the leftist indoctrination of universities and K-12 can realize feminism is not some legitimate ideology with legitimate concerns about the sexes, fairness, progress

and the equal treatment of women. But instead, it's a mentally-ill, hateful cult filled with women who are anti-fun anti-love anti-joy and anti-male and can simply be written off as miserable women who hate life. Warn your young boys, sons, and nephews about this poison they are going to run into as they get older. Warn your daughters, sisters, and nieces so that they don't waste their lives being miserable like feminists. And you don't need to show them this article to do so. Just merely point out what feminists are doing today and even a child's mind can realize their misery.

WHY BEING CALLED A “RACIST” OR “SEXIST” NO LONGER MEANS ANYTHING TODAY Right before I fell asleep I had a pleasant, though melancholy thought. It was about how great it was to be a kid in the 80's. The cartoons were great. The movies were great. We would bike everywhere. We were the last generation of kids who could "just go outside and play." And for those of us old enough to remember the 70's, we VERY MUCH appreciated the stability and jobs Ronald Reagan provided for our families (and I'm not even being disingenuous in the slightest, Ronald Reagan WAS a calming, father

figure). But perhaps #3 of the "Top 3 Things I Miss About the 80's" was that racism and sexism never entered my mind once during that entire decade...unlike the daily scourge it is today with the left and media constantly shoving it in our faces. Think about that (or perhaps reminisce back to those days). Days, weeks, months, even years, where you didn't have to worry about being called a racist, having "privilege," let alone watching your neighbors actively hating, even acting on the demise of the country. We'd play with our buddy Luther (black kid). We'd watch The Cosby Show. And like every other kid we dressed like Michael Jackson in the 4th grade Halloween party (we had those in school). And nobody batted an eye. Want to know why? Because nobody was racist or sexist. It was a nice time. A wonderful time. And I'd dare say that if an HONEST sociologist (ha ha, I know) were to study it, I'd bet we'd find race and sex relations to be at a peak during the 80's (bar the Olympiad Baby Boomers who were specializing in divorce at the time). Enter in the reliable left. With a game that is as old as 2nd wave feminism, but a new one we didn't recognize at the time, a concerted and conscious effort to split the country along the lines of race, gender, ethnicity, and religion, pitting them against one another, while making "whites," "straights," and "males" the villain, was implemented and pursued aggressively. The attack increased and intensified over time into the 90's, and the crescendo hasn't relented, resulting in the never ending and daily cacophony of accusations of people being an "ist" of some sort today. It has gotten so absurd the left borrowed a page from the

Christian playbook accusing all people of having "original sin," manifesting itself as "privilege" and "institutional racism/sexism," meaning me and my 8 year old cohorts in 1983 actually were racist against Luther and sexist again Christy, we just didn't know it, AND we are certainly oppressing minorities and women today. And while pitting neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, and destroying the sexes for one another for two full generations is a digusting sin the left will never be forced to atone for, one cannot deny they were entirely successful with it. Two full generations, both Gen X and the Millennials, were so steeped in this leftist brainwashing in school and college that they either forgot the halcyonic days of the 80's, or never got to experience the joy of a truly post racial society. Conditioned to blame the triumvirate bogeyman of "white," "male," and "straight," you not only have the majority of the population obsessing about race and sex, but the media and academia, now both thoroughly taken over by brainwashed (and talentless I might ad) Gen X and Millennials, is only capable of obsessing over race and gender, penning scores of pieces daily that do nothing but propagate the fires of racism and sexism. Ergo not only is "racism" and "sexism" the fake topic dejour they've been conditioned to write about, that's all they seem to write about, obsess over, and discuss. And while it may anger those of us who don't like being falsely accused of "unconscious sexism" or "racism," because of the number AND intensity by which Gen X and CERTAINLY the Millennials obsess over it, their constant mentioning of it does one thing... It lessens their value. Matter of fact, I wouldn't say the constant choir and accusations of racism and sexism lessens the value of their meaning, but at the rate Gen X and Millennials are going, it makes these words completely meaningless. And if you don't believe me, just think about it. If you had to hire somebody who was accused of being a racist in 1990, would you hire him? Likely not. But today if somebody was called a

"racist" or a "sexist" you're almost more likely to hire that person simply because 1. Not only do millennials and Gen Xer's call everybody that bests them a racist or sexist, but 2. It means that person probably stood for something and therefore has character But the real reason the terms racist and sexist no longer carry any meaning is simple economics. They've been overused. The baby boomer left was certainly successful in getting two generations to blame everything on skin color and "vagina," but in doing so flooded the US public forum with the word to the point the law of supply means those words mean nothing. We don't have data going back to the glory days of the 80's, but in just the 12 years of Google trend data that is available (and indexing them to those years) we see just how over used the terms "racist" and "sexist" are.

From 2004, when the strategy of falsely accusing people of of racism and sexism was certainly in full swing, this cowardly (but highly successful) tactic tripled upon its previous success to today. People are talking and I would say accusing people of being an "ist" at thrice the rate they were in 2004. When you look at the despicable and cowardly term "glass ceiling" it's even more exponentially repugnant, showing a increase of 10 TIMES that in 2004

But for all that success in getting society to hate itself and loathe their neighbors, to saner minds, to more mature people, and to people who simply don't have their heads up their ass, such an overuse of the terms now renders them useless. You don't have to be an economist to know that when you triple or increase supply 10 fold the value of whatever you are supplying will tank. If I triple the number of XBox's in the market, triple the number of girls at a night club, or GM triples their production, the value of said items will crash. And with words it's no different. According to the left EVERYBODY's a racist. According to feminists "EVERYBODY'S a sexist. To para-quote Syndrome from "The Incredibles" "When every one's a racist/sexist, then no one will be."

WE’VE REACHED “PEAK VAGINA” I've told the story before but I shall tell it again, it was 1984. Me and my other 9 year old compatriots were at recess playing basketball. There had been a tiff between the boys and girls in that we didn't want to play basketball with the girls because they sucked at playing basketball. Mind you this didn't prevent them from playing basketball

- they had an entire court to themselves. But we boys, on our own, with the modicum of free time we were allotted for recess did not want to spend OUR TIME playing with girls. Then our teacher, Mrs. Koors thought she'd be clever. We noticed the top five players were missing in recess. Normally they were the first to be picked for teams, so we were wondering where they had gone. And soon enough we found out. They came out, Mrs. Koors having themdressed like girls, in wigs and skirts and summarily proceeded to kick our asses. This, according to the logic of Mrs. Koors, would teach us girls are equal and should be picked for basketball. In reality all it did was make us hate the loathesome woman more than we already did, make less inclined to play with girls...oh...and by the did not change the fact the girls still sucked at basketball. This event was merely one of thousands we would endure over the next several decades about women being equal and how we boys had to be punished for being boys. Nor was it the first one, as nearly every one of our 1980's parents with their 1960's politics constantly banged it into our heads that women were equal to men. Women could do everything men could do. Women this, women that, you should respect women. This cacophony would continue and increase in volume into high school, take a slight respite in college (as in the 90's it was an operational given men and women were equal), but then get turned up to 14 in the 00's and 10's with the advent of social media. Now, 40 years later, we have reached "peak vagina." 40 years of anything will lose it's value. And if you exponentially flood the market with it, it will lose its value even more quickly. This is basic economics. Ferrari's are incredibly expensive cars in part because they're expensive to manufacture, but also because they're

rare. Prada hand bags are merely cheap material, but cheap material assembled in limited supply, driving their market value up. But damnit if I can't go 4 hours without some petty and whinny news article or media outlet constantly reminding me about the plight of women, "#meetoo," the wage gap, or some truly insignificant achievement by a woman celebrated as "brave" or "amazing." And while the proponents of feminism and women think this is helping advance their "cause," because of the law of economics, it is now actually hurting them. Not only because the market is flooded with vagina, but because its nature has been that of nagging and lecturing. And men (and some women) are getting mightily sick of it. For example plagiarizing male movies and simply "adding vagina." Feminist Ghostbusters was a sad copy-cat version of the original, but more recently than that was Ocean's 8. Nobody I think begrudges you if you want to remake classics (because you lack the creativity to make originals), but what was truly off-putting was the nagging that followed about how "white male reviewers" were harming Ocean's 8 at the box office. And this for a movie that by all measures was a decently profitable and successful film. Another example (which was the snowflake that caused this avalanche of an article), was a tweet I got in my twitter feed about Reese Witherspoon being "amazing" and "brave" in her upcoming Direct TV show "Shine On." It's a show that showcases female entrepreneurs. Perfect. Good. Fine. But not "brave" or "amazing" or "empowering." The fact we take simple things women do and reward and praise them with euphemisms such as "brave" and "amazing" once again floods the market with those words to the point it means nothing.

Alas in 1944 "Lieutenant Johnson and his men landed at Omaha Beach against several MG-42 emplacements, losing half his men. They were very brave" meant something vs. today where "Amy Johnson started a GoFundMe to raise awareness about having a discussion about how student loans oppress women more than men. She's so brave!" means absolutely nothing. Worse, (and revisiting how constantly flooding the market with vagina results in a backlash to it) is only singing the praises for one of the sexes, while also subtly (and sometimes, not so subtly) accusing the other of being the problem, not only tunes them out, but breeds resentment, hatred, and potentially an actual bigotry that counters what you purported to originally want to achieve. But perhaps what does the most damage to modern day women's causes is lying. The biggest lie of which is that women are constantly oppressed or somehow treated poorly in the western world, and therefore need all this praise, leg ups, handicaps, hashtags, pity, affirmative action, hiring preferences, and 4 decades of constant nagging and complaining. This isn't to say bad things don't happen to women, but western women are so spoiled the slightest to-be-expected-life-inconvenience is proof of oppression and needs to be addressed immediately. So much so, the movement has now gone from fighting against what could have been construed as genuine oppression to fighting reality, which is also to say "gone insane."

A guy who dares to caution a woman "don't walk down that alley at night, it's dangerous" is immediately and vehemently accused of "slut shamming" or "victim blaming." The logic and reason? Women should be able to go wherever they want, whenever they want, wearing whatever they want. Being obese is no longer something to be ashamed of, but something to be celebrated. Never mind FACTUALLY men do not find it attractive. Never mind FACTUALLY obesity is bad for your health. Never mind (despite howls of not needing a man) these two items alone will guarantee a lesser life for women. According to "Peak Vagina" such factors are "patriarchy" or "oppression" and you dirty, dirty, sexist boys and your HARDWIRED biological programming to like svelte girls with big tits are to blame for it. And perhaps my favorite lie - the wage gap. Men major in and study tougher, higher paying subjects. We also work more dangerous jobs. That is a fact. That is reality. The wage gap could have been closed long ago if feminists and women in general had the intellectual honesty and courage to accept this reality and put forth the same effort as men into their careers (it would've been so "brave."). But they didn't. They instead preferred to continue the decades-long nagging/complaining/whining route demanding crutches, handicaps, leg-ups and "mentor her" hashtags, none of which will actually close the wage gap, but sure makes it a lot easier on women's careers. This is perhaps the lie I loathe the most coming from the modern day women's movement because it exposes your true intentions. With enough indoctrination I can see why you would think "big is beautiful" or at least in theory you have a right to walk down dark alleys, in short skirts, and "should not" be assaulted or raped. I can also see with a constant and life-long environment, from kindergarten onto your 30's, where the entirety and totality of that environment is telling you you're oppressed and a victim, where you might non-maliciously actually believe those lies. But the wage gap, and women's

PURPOSED AND CONSCIOUS decision to avoid the hard labors, studies, and toils that would close it BUT THEN STILL COMPLAIN ABOUT IT tells me you are consciously playing a victim game and have no intention or desire to be equal to men. The money making operation for most of the modern women's movement is to be a victim, thus requiring either a drastic lowering of standards for their employment and success, or outright financial hand outs be it scholarships for worthless degrees, government checks, or even creating entire make-work industries (non-profits, CSR, social work, academia, etc.) so women can pretend to be self-supporting adults (while men die in mines and gas explosions). You're not fooling anyone. Well, perhaps yourselves and a contingent of younger men who are stuck in the Kindergarten-20's indoctrination system. Or young men who just want to get laid and will tell younger women whatever they want to hear. But what is truly undermining the women's movement today is overkill combined with pettiness. In the 1910's the absence of women's suffrage was a tangible, logical, even ethical consideration and concern for women. I'd even argue abortion in the 1960's was also a genuine concern and issue for women. But today, when your biggest problems are: "White male reviewers" didn't like our movie as much Women have more student loan debt...even though we go to college more I don't make as much as an engineer (when your job description ACTUALLY HAS "RAISE AWARENESS" IN IT!) or "Blonde privilege" do not tell me your oppressed, underprivileged, let alone need society to bend over backwards to make life even easier for you. You're spoiled, you're pampered, you're shielded from the majority of harshness of reality, and I don't need to hear your Peak Vagina

nagging and whining 6 times a day from the MSM, colleges, academics, government, corporate CSR departments, or television. Put on your big girl pants, get a real job, spend less than you make, and truly "man up." It's what you've always wanted and nobody is stopping you from doing so.

SOCIALISM IS ONLY FOR “REALLY REALLY WHITE” PEOPLE The latest news coming out of Venezuela surprises no one who has a basic understanding of economics, let alone common senses. However it did jump-start a question that had been lurking in my mind before, and I'm surprised I hadn't thought of earlier: "Is socialism/communism only for white people?" And by white people understand I mean REALLY REALLY white people, because if you think about it, the only place "socialism" has worked (sorta), is the Nordic countries. Latino/Hispanic Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia have all gone through large swings to the left and only have a shortage of toilet paper to show for it. Chinese communism (again, not white) only managed to kill more people during peacetime than any world war ever did. Its smaller oriental siblings of Vietnam and Cambodia certainly didn't make a good go of communism either. Ethiopia (again, not white) needed both Soviet money and easily-duped 1980's American kids' monies to not starve. Greece, hee hee, Greece. And even the Soviet Union, though pretty-darn white and even the original practitioner, was just not white enough to pull off communism successfully. Apparently, it is only the Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, and Danes who can do socialism the justice the rest of the world can't.

But why? First, we need to take out the obvious outlier of the group, Norway. Again, the left loooooves rushing to Norway as the perfect place to live. It sure is, especially since it has so much oil it sovereign wealth fund makes all of its citizens millionaires. And remember, oil is evil...unless it's under a state owned enterprise, then you never mention it. Second, are they really socialist? Depending on the country you look at the government "only" spends 45%-60% of GDP leaving a whopping 55%-40% of money in the private hands of those rat bastard people. Not pure socialism by any stretch of the imagination. And then, let's not forget these "communist" countries not only ALLOW evil private corporations to exist, but they tax them at rates roughly half that of the US!!! Anywhere between 20% and 25%! Those traitors!!! So in short, even the most successful examples of "communism" aren't communist. They're at best the exception-to-the-rule-mixedEuropean-model-economies. Still, why do they succeed where every other non-REALLY-REALLY white country fail? Well first they are racially homogeneous...for now. Don't worry, diversity and the introduction of non-Scandinavian cultures will prove the myth of magic dirt wrong soon enough. But for now, they are racially homogeneous. This has nothing so much to do with their skin, but more the climate they've evolved in over the years. No sun and cold temperatures result in very very white people. That is a function of the climate. But with such cold temperatures also comes short growing seasons, which forces cooperation, heavy reliance

upon thy neighbor, a team spirit, and over the years, trust. You force a people to live in that environment over the course of millennia, they will evolve both consciously and unconsciously to vote in a more socialist economic model than one where fruit and bananas are falling from trees on warm tropical beaches. Second, this instinctual work ethic makes them unconscious dupes. Even though the United States (and to a lesser extent, western civilization) has made the technological advances that allows the individual to work for himself, support himself, and finally be free, those precious Scandinavians just can't jettison thousands of years of environmental and social conditioning. They are not as individualistic of a people. They put their country and society ahead of themselves and their family. They are genetically most borg-like because that is what resulted in survival in the past. And a mere 250-year American experiment won't simply undo all that programming. Therefore, not only do they enslave themselves to the rest of their own society, they're "dupey" enough they'll enslave themselves to completely different societies that largely hate them, or at least view them for the easy marks they are. Regardless, this willing "dupiness" is necessary for a socialist economy to work. Everybody has to willingly value society more than themselves in order to work at the slave-like tax rates necessary to finance a communist/socialist state. The Swedes, Norwegians, Finns and Danes on the whole are more than willing to do this, while the Greeks, Russians, Venezuelans...and pretty much the rest of the world are not. This is why "sorta socialism" works best in Scandinavia...and pretty much nowhere else. But the thing I really get a kick out of is what this spells for our beloved western SJW's, leftists, academians, professional protestors, faux millennial intellectuals, media types, and social frauds scientists. A world of cognitive dissonance.

Because along with the constant drum beat for socialism and enslaving the world's population, there's nothing more these people masturbate to than diversity and the insistence there's no such thing as culture or race or ethnicity (which ironically would be diversity). And these two things (socialism and diversity) are mutually exclusive. Unless you're a REALLY REALLY white person, you simply have too much self-respect to vote in your own slavery. You're not working for other people, you're nobody's slave, and you're going to try to keep as much of yours as possible. Of course, this won't prevent you from voting for socialism anyway because you think you're special. That you won't have to actually be the slave and pay the taxes. That's for other people. And thus, unlike our Scandinavian counterparts you'll vote for socialism, but won't put forth the selflesswork ethic to make it work. Alas, socialist hell holes like...well...all of them form. Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, the Soviet Union, North Korea, East Germany, etc. etc. All people of all colors of the rainbow just won't take communism, but they'll sure as hell vote it in. And thus non-REALLY REALLY white people suffer. Latinos in Venezuela. Blacks in Detroit. Chavs in the UK. Chinese buried in mass-graves. Liberal arts-majoring millennials in college campuses. In short, the number one thing in these elitist leftists' lives, their only god, purpose, agency, and meaning in life - socialism - is bound to fail, and pronouncedly so in non-REALLY REALLY white cultures. This is doubly destructive because not only will their ideology fail, but

it will hypocritically and disproportionately harm those the left purports to love the most - non-whites. Of course, in the end, I seriously doubt any leftist cares about socialism or non-white people. If they did, then they'd be empiricists and bravely deliver whatever socio-economic medicine was required to truly advance their fellow human being no matter how harsh. They instead, are largely lazy, cowardly, self-absorbed ego maniacs who put their egos above the lives of billions, insisting billions suffer, and millions die, all so they can haughtily play "social science god." What's worse, is the majority of humanity swallows whole the slop they're serving. Oh well, enjoy the decline.

FEMALE LABOR AS A COMMODITY Most of my epiphanies strike when I'm in the middle of nowhere, driving to some destination or another, where my mind has nothing to do but wander. And I remember precisely when this epiphany struck because it's the only way I'll ever remember the town of Midland, South Dakota. Specifically: Why is it OK that Hershey's chocolate costs less than Godiva, but the world has its panties in a bundle that women make less than men? This then sent my brain down the road of pricing, commodities, and efficient market theory, which I all sussed out by the time I reached Phillip, South Dakota. So let me explain.

Different commodities of different quality have different prices. This reflects the value they offer to whoever uses them. Hershey's chocolate, which is about the worst chocolate you can ever buy, is appropriately priced at 3 cents a pound (or whatever it is) because only kids with no palate can manage to eat that stuff. Godiva chocolates on the other hand are priced around $.50 to $1 per piece because they are not only made from superior ingredients, but also taste infinitely better. Sweet crude oil has a higher price than heavy oil. This is because it's easier to refine and has a higher viscosity making it easier to pump and transport. Refiners and extractors know this and the market reflects this in sweet crude's pricing. And coffee, of its infinite varieties and blends, has an amazing variation in pricing all based on its quality, where it's from, is it organic, is it fair-trade, and did it come out of a cats ass (not joking). Matter of fact, nearly everything we buy, commodity or not, has price variation based on it's quality, efficiency, profitability, taste, and all the other variables that ultimately result in value. Ferrari's versus Fiats. Bush Mills Black vs. Canadian Windsor Nordstrom's vs. Wal-Mart Pure breds vs. mutts Regular vs. premium You name it, pretty much everything we buy in the market has gradiated pricing to reflect differing values. And it's the exact same thing between male and female labor. While the lie politically correct excuse for the lower pay of women is "sexism," my epiphany forces me to ask a simple question - why is the market efficient at pricing nearly millions of goods and services in

the economy, but when it comes to women, it's all of the sudden "sexism?" Am I to believe the market, which prices everything accurately from lumber to licorice, from manure to moccasins, all of the sudden just "fails" when it comes to valuing women's labor? The truth is the myth of the female wage gap has been thoroughly debunked that any intellectually honest person (male or female) knows and accepts this. They know women disproportionately major in worthless subjects, take more time off, work less, etc. etc. And when you account for these variables, the wage gap disappears. But I am not here to debate the wage gap any further. I know leftists and feminists will forever cling to it because it supports their religion and their profitable victim-whoring industry. I am here, however, to shoot another simple, but logical torpedo into the wage gap myth that the average idiot on the street can understand. For example, Dennis Prager pointed out that if women made 25% less for EQUAL WORK, all corporations would fire all men overnight and only women would be employed. This is a simple, logical argument that normies and morons can comprehend. Because of this it does more to fight the lie of the female wage gap than any amount of studies, research, statistics, or math that flies over most people's heads. And though my argument may be a bit more nuanced with the concept of "efficient market hypothesis," the average idiot on the street, even your average liberal arts major, can understand that if the market can accurately price the varying qualities of millions of goods, services, and commodities, then it's also likely valuing female labor precisely where it should be. Still, I wouldn't hold your breath in hope this bit of economic logic ends the professional victim-whoring wage gap debate.

BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE DOES NOT PRODUCE GDP First it was the Million Meg March, then it was a day without immigrants, then it was Netflix's "Dear White People," and these are merely three grains of sand to add to the desert of anti-white and anti-male propaganda that has been in full swing since the 90's. I take a very indifferent and flippant attitude towards such things because when they're boiled down to their base elements, they're nothing more than socialists making a naked grab for other people's money while cowardly hiding behind their gender and their skin color. However, this led me to a previous epiphany I've had before. Specifically, what do leftists do for a living? While certainly some of the immigrants in the protest do indeed work, and one or two people at Netflix must do some real job, what precisely does the average Million Meg March participant do for a living? Extend these three examples to leftists at large. The Berkeley protestors that shut down Milo's attention whoring speech. The protestors during Trump's inauguration. And forget protestors, what about leftists in general? Students, professional students, professors, academians, NGO employees, coffee slingers, activists, slacktivists, politicians, teachers, Peace Corp workers, AmeriCorp workers, public sector administrators, diversity counselors, diversity consultants, bloggers, vloggers, media personalities, etc. etc. If you think about it, all they do is complain. They never actually DO anything. They never actually work. Their entire "business" model, their entire profession, their entire life's existence is to bitch and whine, thereby rationalizing the theft of others (white males being the current target).

But I have bad news for leftists, regardless of your gender or skin color - complaining about white people and males doesn't produce GDP. This makes me wonder, precisely what utopia are modern day leftists, especially academics, rushing towards? Bar some Silicon Valley Virgins among them, none of them actually produce anything of economic value. There are no farmers, no tradesmen, no butchers, no roofers. There are no carpenters, mechanics, or almond growers. Nearly all of the non-old-school-union-democrats offering nothing of tangible value to society, so who is going to keep the lights on? Furthermore, like it or not, their most hated group - the Evil White Males - are the ones who do the majority of the producing and keeping the lights on. This is in part because they account for the largest male percent of the US population, but it's also because (bar Asian males), white males enter professions that produce the majority of economic production, growth, and wealth (and is the number one reason they enjoy higher standards of living). Without them, the United States would be a collapsed socialist hell hole, with a mere fraction of the standards of living it enjoys today...which will only serve to enrage the non-union left because, sadly, white males don't need you, but you need them. Regardless, I'm writing this as a warning because what is guaranteed to happen is what always happens when the nonworking, always complaining, academic, professorial, theoretical, airconditioned class gets their way - communism. And while to many leftists that is their goal, realize you're not all going to be professors. You're all not going to be Vice Diversity Directors. And realize you're not all going to be commissars, bureau chiefs, or life long public school teachers. Like Zimbabwe, SOMEBODY is going to have to till the fields. Somebody is going to have to go out at night to repair the downed electrical line. And somebody will have to grow the food. And all of you (especially you precious suburbanite white kids) with

your worthless degrees, "Masters in Social Work," and whatever other unemployable, talentless dipshittery you claim to be an education, are simply incapable of producing those things. This will ultimately culminate into one of two things. A Zimbabwe like collapse where you replace competent, skilled, and trained people (white or not, male or not) with laughably incompetent replacements as the engines of economic growth OR you will have to enslave the productive people to do your bidding while you play make-believe-leader at some made up, unnecessary government job or all work as "teeeeeaaacheersssss." The latter of which will not work either because slaves are not as productive as free people, and well, frankly, at least half the men I know would rather kill as many of you as possible and die themselves before they get on that cattle car. Of course, I could be wrong. Perhaps somewhere in the world's financial exchanges there's a market for "Complaining About Whites." Perhaps people are willing to pay good money and currency for "Fighting Against the Patriarchy." And I know, like gold, your "Masters in Ethno-Victim-Whoring Studies" carries the cache and intrinsic value just like the skills of an electrician. But, as an economist, if I had to put my money on it? I'd say you'll all be eating dirt and boiling sewer water, wiping your asses with your "Doctorates in Anthropology," still psychotically obsessed with blaming it all on "white males" because your ego cannot sustain the fact you're an economically worthless person and you have nobody to blame but yourselves for your craptastic lives. So please, for your own benefit. So you don't waste any more of your finite and quickly dwindling life that you've wasted already. Please do something of value BESIDES bitching about other

people. Because bitching and whining never solved anything. And majoring in it to the tune of $150,000 in student debt doesn't help either.

YOUR GENDER AND SKIN COLOR HAVE NO VALUE I try to stay in the real world. It may not be nice but the rules are known and it is merocratic. Typically if I work hard, I am rewarded hard. I'm fully aware that things aren't always fair. I am aware of the existence of luck and chance (both good and bad). And I do not blame anybody but myself when I make mistakes or make successes. But the best thing about living in the real world is it is sane. It may not always go my way, but at least I understand WHY things are happening. And by following this "real world political ideology" it confers upon me sweet and blessed sanity. But then I got a peek into the world of academia. A world where gravity does not pull down. Your chromosomes do not determine your sex. Being lazy should be rewarded. And nearly all of its participants have NEVER set a toe in the real world. There's many a-strange things going on there, and the participants in academia are suffering from their insanity. But one of the stranger things my buddy told me about in academia was a veritable and actual "hierarchy" among the liberal arts departments where the more disabilities you had, the higher ranked you were. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the concept of this "Professional Whiners Arms Race." A white male who is straight is the lowest ranked member in this world.

You get a leg up if you happen to be female. You get another point if you're not straight. You get another promotion in if you're not white. You get an extra added bonus if that race is black. Yet another point if you're neither straight, nor gay, but one of the 40 imaginary genders that's been made up in the past 2 years. Another point if you're physically disabled. And another point if you're mentally disabled. And if you can pull off all 8 of the above, you can add the cherry on the top of simply not being Christian. And though most of us in the real laugh at this veritable bigotry, hatred, and insanity, the participants in academia take it VERY seriously. You LITERALLY DO have more clout, more cache if you're a lesbian black woman who's disabled, than if you're a Latina straight woman (no matter how great your communist credentials). You LITERALLY DO have more pull and value in the organization if you're a phlebosexual female Zoroastrian, than if you are phlebosexual MALE Zoroastrian. As long as you can prove you are more of a mental, fauxdisadvantaged nut case than the other, you will get preferential treatment in terms of hiring, made-work jobs, professional status, social standing, and, ideally, money. But there is a message I would like to pass on into the world of academia. The world of education. The world of the media. And any other insane world where people's gender, skin color, who they want to fuck, and what they identify as is viewed as being meritorious and valuable. Traits don't have value.

I'm going to say it again, in case you didn't get it the first time. Traits, including yours', have no value. And the reason traits have no value is two fold. First, traits produce nothing of value. Me being white, my buddy Richard being black, and my friend Kari being female produces nothing and offers nothing of value to anybody. However, my buddy Kahn (gay) DOES produce something of value for society. Not because he prefers to suck dick over bang pussy, but because he's an architect. He builds beautiful (and safe) buildings that will house people, house businesses, provide something aesthetically pleasing for the public to look at, and save some money for the owner in energy efficiency. I produce value in authoring a suite of books that, for what meager price I charge, will save you easily 100's of thousands of dollars in the future, not to mention decades of your life. This is regardless of me being white or liking girls with big titties. And then there's my buddy Atham. You in academia may be masturbating to the fact he's Mexican, and certainly you would give him more scholarship money and job offers than his white, straight counterpart. But him simply being Mexican does not offer society anything of value. He DOES however produce value in that he is a window washer and an engineering major. He in all truth and reality produces more value in a single hour washing windows than all of the humanities and liberal arts professors do in their entire "careers." The real issue to understand with value is that it's a lot like beauty - it is not unto yourself. It requires the acknowledgement and demand of other people. You can't simply say "I'm beautiful" because it is other people (namely the opposite sex) that determine whether you are or not. And "value" is the same thing. Until you produce

something of value that other people want, you are by all technical definitions a worthless human. Second, you do nothing to earn your traits. You're born with them. Or perhaps you choose them. But not one person in the world of academia's Disability Oppression Arms Race Industry has expended a calorie of energy "earning" their coveted traits. They were simply born with them or lazily chose them. Good for you. Your dad was black. Your mom was black. They fucked. And you came out. No value. Good for you. You hate religion. You're from a poor family. You're a lesbian. And you got a really neato tattoo to signify what it means to you. No value. Good for you. You're a straight white have the ADHDHDAspergerAustism-itis AND you can't shut up about being an atheist? No value. All of you lack the work, toil, challenge and effort it takes to actually ACCOMPLISH something. To achieve something of greatness or just tangible worth. And while you think you're being clever substituting your effortless traits in for hardship, toil, labor, and effort, it is in eschewing those things you deny yourself the galvanizing experiences that forge great people. You don't start a business. You don't employ people. You do not pick fruit. You don't even babysit. You mentally masturbate over your traits (both real and imagined) because actually accomplishing something is too hard. And thus you waste your life as an unmentionable and unaccomplished person.

What's really going on here is clear as day to anybody who isn't a low IQ moron or conformist. You're all too lazy to work jobs. You're all too sad and pathetic to carry your own weight. But you can't very well come out and say, "we want the rest of you people to be our slaves so we don't have to work real jobs." And so you make way for academia where the canard that "college students and college professors are smart" protects you from the non-critical-thinking person's eye. American sheep vote in "more money for education" because you "just can't put a price on education" and you financially rape young American students of their tuition money for completely worthless and bogus degrees. Even more vile you create and concoct entirely new and fabricated traits so even more people can get into the racket (it is no coincidence 435 genders and I would also contend ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, etc. were created so spoiled white kids from the suburbs could also play the victim game). But the worst thing you do is cowardly hide your laziness and parasitism behind your traits, accusing anybody who accuses you of being a fraud an "ist" or an "ism." Lucky for you most people are just too stupid too see through this Professional Victim Whoring, and those that do are often times too tempted by the easy work-avoidant life of being a professional victim whore themselves. I am completely confident that the future will entail even more academics, students, and other work-fearing people. I have no doubt academia will continue strong as you continue to endebt poor kids up to $150,000 for a degree in "Transgendered African Disabled Poetry" or convince Tanner "The SWPL" Swanson that he has social anxiety disorder, is disabled and is thus entitled to other people's money. The sweet lie of a work-free life is very tempting and most Americans are too lazy and stupid to refuse it. But there is a cost and it was what I referenced before. Sanity. To keep up the lie, especially in academia, not only do you have to spend an inordinate amount of time making it look like a profession, what microcosmic bits of genuine thought or intelligence have to be

stretched out over a 4, 6 or 8 year degree. Worse, if you wish to continue in academia, your thesis and "research" has to be on something new. It's hard enough to write a thesis and do research, but it's impossible to do so on a topic of true nothingness. Alas, if you read any syllabus or course description of any humanities or social science class it is a painfully verbose and euphemistic explanation of absolutely nothing. But where the professional victim academic whores really drive themselves insane is where their fear of work is so strong, and their desire to be validated unsatiable, they will actually live the lie to the point of brain damage and insanity. The Seattle councilman who actually thought sidewalk sprayers were "racist." A 9 year old who thinks he's gay. Professors who want genocide. And an increasing number of professional victims who purposely make themselves ugly and mutilate themselves. What minuscule, short, finite blip of life they had on the planet is not only a wasted one, but a tortured one. There are all people of all colors who work hard and produce something of value. There are all people of all genders who produce great works and will leave society better off when the first arrived. And there are all people of all mental states who raise good families, have good careers, and have good lives. But none of them for once thought their traits were of something of value or the reason for it. Only the Professional Victim Whores of Academia and the fools that believe them think that. And they pay a very dear price.

ARE BLACK WOMEN REALLY THE “MOST EDUCATED GROUP IN AMERICA?” A friend of mine who happens to be black posted some kind of rah rah women can do it all female empowerment article on Facebook. Under the post he tagged me with the sarcastic quote "remember, black women are the most educated group in America!" I didn't think much of it until I realized that that phrase couldn't have been random. It must have been uttered before and was making the rounds. So I asked him, "You got to be kidding me?" He said, "Nope. They're officially the most educated group in America. And they won't shut up about it either!" Naturally this of course raised an eyebrow because obviously there was a study done and, assuming the methodology wasn't hack, I almost knew where the flaw in it would be. Alas, my work for this post wasn't going to be trying to find the flaw in the study (I wouldn't doubt there are more black women in college as a percent of their population). It was going to confirm there was a flaw in the reasoning as to why such a high percentage of a particular group in college is a good thing. And yes, for my regular readers you can easily predict where this one is going. This first question I had was "was the statement true?" Are black women TRULY the most educated group in America? And it is, more or less. Based on some statistics by the NCES, black women have the highest enrollment percentage out of all the binary race-sex groups,

9.7%. This means of all adult aged women in that group, 9.7% of them have either graduated or are currently in college. This makes them technically the most educated group in America. While this is certainly good news, I simply ask the $64,000 question..."educated in what?" Here statistics are a bit tricky for both black AND female college students. You can get data on females. You can get data on blacks. But you can't easily find out what black women are studying. So I looked at females first. It is of course no surprise to anyone here that the majority of women major in worthless and easy subjects. Based on my research for "Worthless," about 2/3rds of worthless degrees are earned by women. But using some more recent research, it again shows women prefer easier subjects, with less math and rigor, and therefore are in less demand in the labor market.

So already it's no shocker why "women earn the majority degrees" across all racial groups. When you consider race, it only magnifies the percentage of worthless degrees. Using enrollment data from the U of MN as a proxy, blacks (male and female) major in worthless subjects 74% of the time, contrasted to their white peers who "only" major in worthless degrees 57% of the time. Once again, reiterating the importance of my question "educated in what?" But if there is proof positive that black women are simply majoring in easier (not higher paying) subjects, it was the (admittedly) anecdotal

bit of evidence I saw with the hashtag "#womenwithdegrees." If you're not familiar with it, it was a hashtag trending on Twitter this past summer. In it was pictures of women graduating from college, noting their degree and what their plans were. And two major things stood out: 1. The vast majority of women in this hashtag were black and 2. The VAST VAST majority of them were all majoring with worthless, easy subjects. Child psychology, criminology, women's studies, African American studies, communications, sociology, you name it. I counted only one accounting major and one engineer. So hopeful were these women (and in for such a rude awakening) I felt bad enough to together one of my more kind and polite videos trying to warn them about the path they were going down. But neither here nor there, it's painfully obvious why black women are truly (and unenviably, I might add) the most educated group in America: Because they're the largest investors (and therefore victims) in the worthless degree education bubble. It is here, as an economist, an empiricist, and one who genuinely wishes to help out his fellow man (black females in this particular case), I want to make a plea for reason, common sense, logic, and reality with black women. And you have the choice here ladies. You can continue reading below in which case it can only help, or you can dismiss me as a "racist" or a "sexist" in which case I can guarantee your life will be much worse. 1. Understand that like the Dotcom Bubble, the Tulip Bulb Bubble, and the housing bubble women and minorities are investing into an education bubble at rates and amounts higher than their white male counterparts. You THINK you're doing better. You THINK you're

making progress. But all you're doing is precisely what suckers did in the housing bubble: Borrowing money you can't afford to pay back, for an asset that isn't worth it. This doesn't mean college isn't worth it. Nor am I an "evil white male" trying to dissuade you from going to college. It is however meant to deal a dose of reality into your educational plans that it's not WHETHER you go to college that will determine success, but WHAT YOU STUDY that will determine success. That's too bad you don't like math. You think Asians and males enjoy doing calculus either? And that's too bad you find programming boring. That's where the money is. But since so few people major in programming or engineering, while there's (literally) MILLIONS of "early child hood education" majors, don't be surprised when you're making $30,000 a year and Yang or Chip is bringing down $80,000. If you REALLY want to close that gap and not just bitch about it, major in a real degree like engineering instead. 2. You WILL ruin your financial future investing more and more into this bubble. In the #womenwithdegrees hashtag, the majority of women were going on to get equally worthless, but twice as expensive advanced degrees in those same crappy fields that are so bad you can't land a decent job with a bachelors. I know your teachers, guidance counselors, politicians, and media moguls are telling you that "you can do anything." They're lying. They don't want to hurt your feelings, and most of them either want your tuition money or your vote.

You may find me insulting and enraging, but that only means I'm the first and only person to tell you the truth. The truth is you are going $100,000 in debt ($200,000 if you are foolish enough to enter law school) all for a degree that will maybe generate $30,000-$40,000. This will cripple you for at least a decade, probably more as you struggle to "finally" pay off your student loans in your 40's. This will also postpone things such as buying a house, starting a family, YOUR STUDENT LOANS WILL CERTAINLY DETER QUALITY MEN FROM YOU, and many other "fun" in things in life will be put on hold. This worthless degree posing as an ego trip WILL ruin your life. 3. Your degree doesn't matter. Right now the single greatest accomplishment you have likely achieved in life was earning your degree. Too bad the simple act of "earning a degree" does not matter. It's your career and what genuine contributions to society you make in your life that matter. And thus far, you've made no contributions in life. You merely walked down an aisle and picked up a piece of paper. The real test as to your value in life comes now. Do you work? Do you contribute? Or do you beg for grant money or more taxes that nobody really wants to pay just so you can have a job? Do you go back to school where society has to support you another 2-4 years because you're just not ready to be a self-supporting adult yet? Even though since the age of 5 school is all you've ever known, in the end schooling with no production or contribution to society is merely masturbation and killing time. Get your asses out of academia and into the real world.

4. Your careers are largely make-work government charities that no one wants. If you look at where the majority of black female graduates are supposed to work (based on their degrees) its in the arts, the government, or the non-profit. And the key thing to note here is that people are FORCED to pay for your services and employment. This differs from computer programmers, petroleum engineers, waitresses, pilots, and auto workers whose skills are willingly demanded by free people. But the "Vice Reserve Assistant Deputy Diversity Director" at the college? The "professor of Hispanic Lesbian, Unicorn Theater Studies?" The "Save the Humans Fund Outreach Director?" Please, don't even joke with me. They are all completely unecessary and only exist either by forced taxation, politics, CSR, or the reluctant charity of donors. You may find this pill of reality hard to swallow, but entire sectors of the economy were created not to solve some kind of social ill or "educate the children." They're make-work government programs which means your entire "discipline" isn't a legitimate career, but Truman Show-level bunk. Anybody without your degree can do your job. And if you don't believe that, just wait till you're 4 years into your make-work career and realize "I could have done this without a degree, without the debt, and at the age of 13." Then also realize just how charitable the rest of the country is for working the extra hours to pay the taxes so you can have these make-work faux careers, let alone the hubris and ego to think you're "a successful independent woman." 5. And finally, do you want to BE equal or do you want to PRETEND to be equal? Do you want genuine progress in life or do you want the rest of society to lie to you? Trust me, I understand women like to be lied to. They reward men with sex, politicians with votes, liberal arts colleges with tuition

money, and Oprah with billions when they're lied to. But like all lies, they're not based in truth and when you believe in them (let alone drop $200,000 and 6 years of your youth pursuing them), your ruin your life and waste what precious time you have on this planet. The question is what kind of life do you want? One of ignorant bliss where your feelings are spared but your life is a nightmare? Or one where you're truly treated as an equal, held to real-world standards, are guaranteed to have some tough challenges, but in the end have a great life because it's based in reality? Because if black women were TRULY the most educated group in America, they'd wake up, they'd realize they're being duped, and they'd ALL be switching their degrees to STEM starting tomorrow. Unfortunately, as it stands right now, they're the biggest and latest victims of the education bubble because the lies are just too sweet, and their degrees too easy to quit cold turkey.

WILL LEFTIST POLITICS TRUMP BIOLOGY? In the latest instance of virtue signaling insanity, Playboy has announced the very first ever transsexual Playboy Playmate. Never mind this misses the mark by 180 degrees. Never mind no straight man will ever want this. And never mind it's simply in the absolute worst financial interests of Playboy, Inc. This is the new marketing strategy corporate America has embraced, not to mention proof that such leftist lunacy is NOT relegated to the

radical fringes of leftist ideologues, but is becoming institutionalized among America's mainstream institutions. But this trend of American corporations, governments, schools and other institutions embracing rank leftist insanity begets an interesting question. Will it work? Will it stick? Because when you boil down this political movement to its core, it's simply trying to take a political ideology and change human nature with it. To wipe out humanity with a socialist utopia. To deny humans their right to live and evolve as they see fit, and control it instead with a naive (and untested) leftist blueprint. Disgusting as this may seem to sane people, it still piques my interest because it allows me to witness a galactic collision of an unstoppable force with an immovable object. In one corner you have the unstoppable force of leftist politics. 31 flavors of gender. Gender and race are social constructs. You don't need fathers. Womendon'tneednomanfishbicycle ™. Follow your heart and the money will follow. In short the entirety of the past 50 years of leftist politics. In the other corner you have the immovable object of a mere 2 million years of human evolution. And, as is always the case when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object, the laws of physics dictates an explosion...or as Sammy Davis dictates "something's gotta give." But if leftist politics is unstoppable, and human nature immovable, what exactly is "going to give?" Leftist politics will relent on, and human nature won't budge, so what in this world of "socio-politicalphysics" is "going to give" to balance out this equation? And the answer is - the quality of human life. Humans are going to suffer, and horrendously so. Mentally, psychologically, financially, economically, romantically. Suffering, all across the board, for every

human foolish enough to be part of this collision. And it ain't going to be pretty. Let us be clear. Between the two fighters entering the ring, one is a naive 50 year old, cultish religion, born from humanity's most spoiled, softest, weakest, yet fanatically-dedicated minds, while the other is an 800 pound gorilla called "2 million years of human nature." And no matter how adamant, unstoppable, and relentless, when you don't abide or live by reality, the laws of nature, or human nature, that 800 pound gorilla is going to beat you senseless and you will take damage. The real issue is whether you learn from human nature and start abiding by it, or (as is the case with leftists) keep throwing yourself up against this gorilla. And while I've certainly learned my lessons getting beaten by the gorilla of reality, so fervent, so dedicated, and so brainwashed are leftists today, they will stay in the ring with that gorilla until they're dead, thus ensuring they live completely miserable and wasted lives. The examples are many, funny, and sadly sometimes tragic. For example take liberal arts majors. Always "follow your heart and the money will follow." "Make a change and major in social justice!" "Study critical thinking" and somehow think there's a career in it for you. In the end you've crippled yourself financially for the next decade with student loans. You're not going to be able to buy a house or raise a family. And some of you may even have to resort to prostitution to make ends meet. Another example - transgendered people and the push for the 31 flavors of gender. I'm actually quite libertarian when it comes to sexuality and sexual choices. I'm pro gay marriage, I personally don't care what you do

with your body as it's yours. And if you want to believe you're a "pansexual" buy all means go right ahead. But under the boisterous celebration of transexuality, the institutional championing of it, and the political rush to bow down and worship it, lays tormented souls where 41% of transgendered people attempt suicide. Again, plaster as many transgendered Playboy Playmates as you want on the centerfolds, the "Gorilla of Reality" does not care, condemning many of these people to tortured psychological lives. Feminism anyone? For eons men and women played a yin and yang, complimentary relationship. Where men had weaknesses, women had strengths, and vice versa, and when combined into one, humanity not only succeeded, but excelled. It's so painfully obvious all one has to do is look at a penis and a vagina and ponder how the two might possibly get together. But no, some really smart upper middle class white women who were bored from the 1960's knew better than the entire genetic code. And they oh so brilliantly figured out women can be - and should be - men, and that sex is a social construct anyway. The result? Well... women are less happy ever since they became "liberated," they still can't close the wage gap (even though we keep telling them to major in STEM), despite their precious careers they inevitably collapse and admit around 34 they wanted a husband and children all along, they cry themselves to sleep at night, they have "starter marriages," a quarter are on mental drugs,

and articles about freezing eggs or 60 year olds giving healthy births are eerily championed and forwarded as if nature was winning all along. Some angry, bitter feminists may have made some fortunes on the naivety of American women, but the Gorilla of Reality has ensured millions of women who believed such poppycock lived miserable lives void of love, family, husbands, great sex, children, happiness, and belonging. But at least they got that oh-so-coveted "Gender Studies Degree." And the children. Ahhhh, yes "the chilllldrennnnnn." The left's favorite cause to champion and hide behind. Why NOTHING is too good for the children. Where do I even begin? First you have the left's assault on the nuclear family, replacing fathers with government checks. Kids grow up under a broken home, and suffer horribly be it poor school performance, fights, poverty, drugs, lesser careers, and a perpetuation of this hell upon their children. You have bogus mental diseases you accuse children of having all so teachers don't have to teach and parents don't have to parent...and lord what hell does that do to a child as they age into adulthood!? You LIE to these children DEMANDING they go to college all so a leftist K-College "Big Education Industrial Complex" can make a trillion a year off of them...even if you cripple them financially well into their 40's.

And if you're a particularly vile leftist you'll raise your children "transgendered" or you'll force an all vegan diet on which case the Gorilla of Reality will sadly and tragically kill them. I could go on, but I don't have to. It's apparent who is going to win this fight. No matter how cacophonous, complete, total, and successful the leftist indoctrination and mental illness is today, in the end reality is "reality." It will not be changed, and it will always win. True believers, even part time believers in leftist scripture can expect to live financially poorer, physically unhealthier, and mentally unhealthier lives, some even being driven to insanity. This provides us sane people the one silver lining to this vile, evil, and mental leftist cloud descending on America and the West. Our taxes may go up. Our children may be attempted to be brainwashed. And we will have to suffer such idiotic notions of "transgendered playmates." But at least we have sanity. At least we live in reality. At least we aren't left wondering why we can't find a job with our "Masters in Puppetry" and are laden with $120,000 in unforgivable student loans. At least we aren't the rah rah college party girl feminist, doped up on antidepressants, "who don't need no man" who cries herself to sleep every night. At least we're not sucking dick to pay for our English degree. And thank god our parents weren't militant vegans or loved transgendered politics more than they did us. Our lives on this planet will be infinitely more enjoyable than the people who swallow whole this leftist slop and it's simply due to one thing; We acknowledge and live in reality. Enjoy the decline.

HOW LEFTISTS HATE MILLENNIALS WHY MILLENNIALS NEED DON RICKLES Donning my “Charming as Fuck Tuxedo,” I was feeling a bit smug since I bought it when I was 19 and still managed to fit into it 23 years later. After posting a couple pictures on teh interwebz and social mediaz my ego was further vindicated with tons of likes and even the occasional female saying, “Wow, for the first time I don’t want to throw up when I see you!” But the reason I was donning my rarely-donned tux was because it was a special occasional. I was going to see the (quite literally) legendary Don Rickles, who at the age of 90 is not only still performing, but may not be performing for us much longer. Being familiar with his work I knew what to expect in terms of comedy and shtick, but what I didn’t know was how he would perform physically and whether it would be a short show. At his age he certainly wouldn’t be able to repeat his energetic performances from the 60’s and 70’s. And so I tempered my expectations of a boisterous man, whose loudness was to only be outdone by his laser-guided-precision as he masterfully flayed witting and honored members of the audience. I was wrong to temper my expectations. Mr. Rickles is of course very old and naturally he had to sit down most of the time. But his brain was just as fast as it had always been. Pulling happy victims from the audience he would ask what they were ethnically and do everything from goose-stepping if you were German, calling you a fag if you were Swedish, and asking “Why are there Chinks in Iowa” if you were Chinese and grew up in

Des Moines. There were no hecklers, but overenthusiastic fans, some of which were women, who when they “wooed” or “hollered” Mr. Warmth would say, “my god they all want my body.” Further blasting past any concerns for political correctness he, in the witness of a sold out crowd, plainly, blatantly, and purposely sexually harassed a female drummer in the orchestra telling her to come up to his room after the performance, to which the entire audience and drummer herself laughed. It was a great time enjoyed by a (much older than myself) crowd and I’m happy as hell I got to see him before he passes on to join Frank and his mother. But that was the key thing. The crowd was much older. Which means it was much more mature. And because of that this crowd got to enjoy a type and level of humor no stereotypical Gen Xer or millennial of today every will because, in what I would surmise Don Rickle would say… ”You’re all a bunch of faggots.” Understand Mr. Rickles has lived a full life, served in WWII, has been married 51 years, has a career that has spanned 60, has a full family, contributed more to this world than you ever will, and at the age of 90 is the poster child for “zero fucks to give.” He is completely untouchable by today’s thought police, academia’s nazis, and the complete faux-intellectual pussies posing as millennial liberal art students. This position means he is the perfect barometer of truth and reality because he is immune and pardoned from any of the would-be attacks that would come from (what I would predict Mr. Rickles would call) “precious faggots.” The millions of weak-minded fools that parade themselves today as faux-intellectual college students, professors, politicians and journalists would not be able to be in the room with this great legend for more than 10 seconds without their weak and fragile minds being more triggered than there was triggering in all of WWII. And because of their hubris and arrogance these SJW’s, millennials, and perpetual-victim-status-

seekers would merely dismiss this genius and jewel of America because “racism” and “sexism.” Which is ultimately and truly their loss. For in merely dismissing Don Rickles as an outdated “has been” they miss out on not just the humor, but some vitally important lessons his humor teaches us about humanity. Understand the average American today, with its complete sheeple regimen of 13 years K-12 brainwashing and an extra 4-8 years of worthless academic study, is likely to be triggered just in the fact there was a sell-out crowd enjoying (GASP!!!) RACIST AND SEXIST JOKES, because they have been trained to be 1. Constantly offended 2. Constantly be on the look out to be offended 3. Constantly be searching for ways to be a victim, all so they can 4. Demand taxpayer money because they’re oppressed or disable (link to article on IVF) This means they not only fail to realize it’s a joke (ARGUABLY some leftists are not even capable of enjoying or identifying humor), but that they lack other important skills it takes to survive in this world. The first and foremost skill insult-humor hones is the ability to determine if you can trust somebody. Understand only true egomaniacs, people who value themselves above others, take offense at a joke that pokes fun at them. They are so full of themselves and value themselves more than others that they can’t brook an insult, joke or not. This is why racial or sexist jokes are a great determiner of whether a person is humble, doesn’t value him/herself more than others, and has the intelligence to not only be able to identify humor, but appreciate it as well. Irish jokes, black jokes, German jokes, white jokes, Polish jokes, you’ll trust your kids more with a guy who can laugh at a joke at his own expense than

you will one that gets his panties in a bundle. Matter of fact this is such a good skill to have I implicitly do NOT trust anybody who compliments me or calls me “sir.” It would genuinely freak me out and depress me if my friends all of the sudden started treating me nice because it meant I had done something that made them feel uncomfortable and they are now acting disingenuous. Two, it’s a secret tell. To a charlatan, con man, or anybody trying to get something out of you, logic says you should treat people nice so they like you. But anybody who has tried to date women or make friends with men know that acting nice gets you nowhere. Most people who are trying to screw you over cannot get past this simple logical fallacy because their untrustworthy goals are not long term or sincere, but more immediate. Therefore they don’t care about you long term because they have no intentions for you long term. This becomes immediately evident when they treat you nice right away (a bum about to beg for money calling you “sir”) and the hair on your neck stands up. Trustworthy people, on the other hand, have the urge or need to occasionally pick on those they love or care about. Trustworthy people test others occasionally to see if that person can take it, and therefore has the capacity for selflessness, altruism, and above all else, humor, which makes them good candidates for friends and loved ones. In return trustworthy, honorable people can take, will take, AND APPRECIATE a joke at their expense because at either a conscious or instinctual level they know it is a sign of care, consideration, or love. This ability to ID trustworthy and untrustworthy people is arguably a more valuable benefit of insult humor than the humor itself. Three, it is also a secret tell you’re a dick. If your life support strategy is to:

constantly look for offense so you can feign victimization so you can demand other people’s money this strategy, though you think it’s clever and clandestine, stinks to high hell. And so much so it will immediately raise the self-defensive instincts of others, even to the point they automatically disrespect and hate you, but don’t know why. For example, look up “smugglypuff.” Do you like this person even though you don't know him? How can you? There’s physical tells these SJW type of people are evil and fully intend on living off of you. But in addition to having a very punchable face, these people cannot laugh at themselves, let alone find humor in anything, AND it all stems from their constant attempt to parasite off of others. If this is you, you will NEVER have any real life time friends, you will NEVER have an honest or reliable spouse, your children will NOT grow up to become successful, and you will never have any success or happiness in life. It’s all because you look to live off of people and not be friends with them. Four, constructive, but loving criticism. The black community is largely in last place because nobody wants to hurt feelings or deliver, blunt force truth. But if you look at black men in the military they tend to do much better in nearly every category. Not only is this a function of blunt truth (of which there is plenty in the military), but the comradery and help from fellow men wherein the constant ripping, joshing, belittling, and besmirching build and forge better, stronger, and more trustworthy men. However, ensconced in this smack talk and insults are hidden bits of constructive criticism. Constructive criticism that’s there NOT because the person hates you or is bigoted towards you, but

because the person genuinely cares about you and wants you to do better. “Nice shooting fuck face. Know I can’t rely on you to protect my ass in the field.” “No, you didn’t scare her with your 50 texts in 24 hours. You just made her call the cops and put your ass on a sexual predator list.” “Hey dicknuts, WTF were you thinking majoring in communications was a good idea?” But if you’re a pampered little civilian (black or not), and especially if you’re a precious, spoiled high school or college student with all sorts of ADHD, Asperger’s, and social anxiety disorder problems (definitely a monopoly of white SWPL folks), any incoming joke intended as either an initial test of trustworthiness, a genuine sign of care or compassion, or a well-intended bit of constructive criticism couched in humor, you will purposely misread as an insult because you value any potential victim-shekels you can squeeze from that person more than you do their potential friendship or comradery. And finally, it’s funny. The fact two generations of Gen X and Baby Boomer professors, politicians, and public school teachers have brainwashed your faggoty asses so far up your faggoty asses you can’t take a joke means you’re denying yourselves one of the greatest forms of humor and the joy that comes with it. The fact that millions of SJW’s mental growth is so retarded and stunted that a Dean Martin celebrity roast wouldn’t get a laugh is tragic. What young people are missing out on in terms of the ability to laugh at ourselves and the friendship that comes with it is incalculable.

When you add it all up, I cannot imagine a life without these 5 skills/benefits that come from insult humor. I would not have the trustworthy, loving people I have in my life today, I would not have the thousands of hours of joy, laughter and happiness under my belt, and for the life of me I don’t know how the SJW, leftist, victimpimping, millennials live or enjoy life without it. I imagine many of you live a Stalinesque lives where destroying others is all you have in life. Or worse, you’re so blinded by your race and the constant victim-pimping from school, you’ll never enjoy this humor or the true kindness that is behind it. If there was any justice in this world, and colleges and universities were truly “institutions of free thought and open minds,” they would send their students to see Don Rickles. But since they’re more concerned about banning types of free speech that promoting it, it is (in my humble opinion) every Millennial’s job to see Don Rickles more for their own sake than his. And if you just plain have your head out of your ass and aren’t a (as I would predict Don RIckles would say) “a millennial faggot,” go see him before this great man passes away.

WHAT GEN Z CAN LEARN FROM MILLENNIALS A disproportionate percentage of my success did not come from working hard, working smart, or anything unto myself. It simply came from watching my elders make mistakes and learning from them. I titled this "Monkey See, Monkey Don't Do" and it included things like not getting divorced, not having kids I couldn't afford, staying away from crime, avoiding drugs, etc. It may not have led me to make billions, but it did keep me out of jail, keep me out of bankruptcy, taught me frugality, and is largely why I'm retired today.

A similar, though MUCH greater opportunity exists for members of Generation Z. On the precipice of entering adulthood, college, and the working world, this generation has such a learning opportunity to make their lives immeasurably better that I cannot even begin to explain the potential benefits of practicing "Monkey See, Monkey Don't Do." And the reason there is such a great opportunity to improve their lives over previous generations is because of the spectacular, unlimited, and incomprehensibly stupid mistakes the generation before them made - The Millennials. Let us be very clear. The time of the Millennials is over. They are now aging out of the age demographic that markers, corporations, media, politicians, and (not to mention) the opposite sex care about. They are no longer the "hot cool 20 somethings," spending other people's money freely, but debt-laden parents of children they can ill afford in housing they can barely afford. And if you look at nearly every aspect of the Millennials it quite literally is a wasted generation, a wasted crop of humans, whose only purpose on this planet was to serve as a warning to others. Never has such a lemon been born into this world, and thus, never has the opportunity to make so much lemonade existed. So if Generation Z wants to avoid the lifecrippling, life-destroying mistakes of their elder brothers and sisters, I suggest you look at America's "Butt End of the Joke" generation and glean the following vitally-important life lessons from them. Your Gender and/or Race Has No Value In an attempt to avoid hard work, a job, or any other sort of labor or toil that is required to become a self-reliant, self-sustaining adult who is a contributing member to society, Millennials have rapidly replaced skills and talent with "traits." Understand that traits you are born with have no value because they do not offer, nor produce anything of value to society. Be you black, white, brown or Asian, or male,

female, straight or bi, those are things you were born with and did nothing to earn. Unfortunately (for the Millennials anyway), society doesn't pay for traits. They need skills. The iPhone you like, the electricity you use, the food you eat, the clothes you wear were not produced by a man's "blackness" just as the car you drive was not produced by a woman's "pansexuality." It was produced by hard working men and women who dedicated their time to learn a skill or trade and then sacrificed part of their finite lives WORKING to build the things you consume and enjoy today. The problem is learning skills and trades that are in demand takes time, hard work, not to mention the work itself you need to spend on providing something of value to society. And this life of labor is such a terrifying threat to some Millennials they have even created entirely made up genders that do not exist and are not a thing, solely for the purpose of fooling themselves into thinking they have value and/or are of value to society. They are not. They are often parasitic, collecting some form of a government check, living off of their parents, or living on government grants in colleges and universities, teaching this poison to future college students. Worse, they are delusional, often times mentally ill because living a lie, especially about your sexuality, for 20 years will do that to you. Gen Z has a choice. You can accept your sex, gender and race for what it is, perhaps even taking some modicum of pride in it, but knowing it offers nothing of value to society. You can accept that you need to produce something of value for society in order for you to have value. Or...

You can live a delusional lie that because of pigmentation in your skin or because you identify as a "sapiosexual gender fluid" that you have "value" and then scream at society for not providing you any in return. It is Excellence, Not Participation, That Matters Along the same lines of providing society value to have value unto yourself, Gen Z can learn a lot from the world's first "Participation Trophy" generation. In rewarding millennials for simply showing up or merely "existing" we have deprived them of the much-needed drive to pursue excellence. Excellence, much like in-demand skills, is vital to society because it advances society and produces the best aspects of society. Excellence in art. Excellence in production. Excellence in innovation. Excellence in education. Excellence in everything. But in sparing an entire generation's feelings by refusing to keep score, eliminating GPA's, eliminating valedictorians, and grade inflation at universities, we have produced a generation that has no excellence. Worse, it is defeat, failure, and competition that galvanizes people much like steel to become hardened, improved, and ultimately forged into excellent people themselves capable of excellent things. Sadly, the millennials were spared this forging experience and have become the softest, weakest, lamest generation living at home at the age of 33 and with testosterone levels below their grandparents. Gen Z has a choice. They can avoid competition, challenge, defeat, failure and pain, in which case they're condemned to become the sad group of "adults" the Millennials are today, or they can embrace

it with the idealistic goal of becoming on par with the honorable WWII generation. You are Not Independent Minded or Unique. You are a Conformist. Though nearly every generation since Gen X is guilty of this... No you are not independent minded. And, no, you are not unique. What I need you to do is step back, wipe your eyes clean, look at your generation (and every generation of high school students before you) and ask "Do I agree with the majority of my high school, middle school, and college peers?" If you do, then you are not independent minded and you are not unique. You are a conformist. You do not think. You have been programmed by your teachers. You have not put forth any intellectual effort into thinking on your own, forming your own thoughts and ideas, and are merely a sheep among the flock regurgitating the same talking points you've been conditioned to. This is not your fault. You have been purposely conditioned and brainwashed in kindergarten through college to think a certain way about everything ranging from politics, race, environmentalism, economics and careers. But when I was in college a girl who: was majoring in Child Psychology voted democrat was a feminist who believed in the ozone hole (that was the predecessor to "global warming") and wanted to "just help the children"

was soooo common they were a dime a dozen. They were worthless. They were not unique nor had the ability to be intellectually stimulating. This doesn't mean you all have to vote republican and wear blazers while sipping cognac, but what you want to avoid is the insanely hypocritical phenomenon where Millennials all claimed they were "independent minded" while they all dressed up in pink salmon jeans, grew out their beards, voted Bernie Sanders, drank craft beers, and could not be more bland, common, conformist or BORING human being if they tried. Don't say you're "different." BE DIFFERENT. No, You Don't Have a Mental Illness Let us once again be very clear. Do things like Asperger's, Autism, Bi-Polar Disorder, or Social Anxiety Disorder exist? Sure. To the extent that 1 in 4 of Millennials actually have a mental disorder? No. What's going on here is very simple, though hard to swallow. One, Millennials were raised by incredibly poor parents fraught with divorce, broken homes, absentee parenting, outsourcing, and a love for their careers more than their children. And while I am slamming on the Millennials, their parents (Baby Boomers and some Gen X'ers) were absolutely atrocious, namely when it came to doing the "hard part of parenting" aka "discipline." Without a father in the

household, or a father present - but too cowardly to discipline his children - it became much easier to just say your misbehaving child had a mental disorder, abdicating any responsibility for your incredibly crappy parenting. Worse, while the child's brain was still developing you administered mind-altering drugs to the child in the hopes of doping him/her out so they wouldn't be a bother to the teacher or yourself. One could argue the drugs themselves caused mental illness later on in life, but parents (and teachers) refusing to raise their children is not a mental illness. It's just horrific parenting. Two, just like "sex" or "race" Millennials can't wait to rush and claim to be a victim via having some kind of mental illness. Not only does this beget pity and lower standards for lazy millennials, it can also confer financial benefits via claiming "disability" for a government check or perhaps even financial aid and scholarship when it comes to college. Worse, especially when it comes to dating, some particularly evil Millennials will use their made up mental disorder to mentally abuse, torture and control people they're dating. There is, however, a drawback to faking mental illness, presenting Gen Z'ers yet another choice. You can fake having a mental illness to get all the attention and (sometimes) government money in the world. But whether you genuinely have a mental illness or not, FAKING ONE for decades WILL ENSURE you go insane. Just look at any millennial who claims they have "social anxiety disorder" and you're looking at a 29 year old virgin who still lives at home and can't hold down a job, or worse, a 48 year old Gen X'er living with her cats and sitting in government housing (true story). "Big Isn't Beautiful" - AKA - There are Objective Beauty Standards As the Millennial generation simply went to pot, their physical standards did as well. At one time the likes of Sophia Loren and Rita Hayworth were heralded as the ideal when it came to female beauty, just as the likes of Cary Grant and Gregory Peck were male. But as

with work, schooling, and careers, staying in shape and being beautiful/handsome takes work and effort. And just like Indiana Jones is afraid of snakes, so too are Millennials afraid of work. What resulted is something very similar where Millennials replaced hard-earned skills with effortless-traits. Just as it's easier to take fake value and pride in a made up gender, Millennials - too lazy to hit the gym, diet, and exercise - decided to "redefine" what is beautiful and what is handsome. So much so in many of their delusional minds they actually think beauty is subjective. In came the rush of tattoos, piercings, shaved heads, blue hair. Soy Boys, flooded college campuses with their impeccable grooming habits and easily snapable arms. Feminists vehemently protested looks with "big is beautiful," "fat acceptance," and "slut walks." Even the mainstream real world bought some of the bogus with Target displaying fat "plus-size" models and Playboy putting a transexual up on its cover. In the end it was nothing more than Milleannials lying to themselves about the nature of men and women because living the lie was less painful than hitting the gym. Gen Z'ers can live the lie and have a horrible/non-existent sex life. Or you can accept the reality that has been reality for the past 2 million years of human existence: Women want strong, tall men, with confidence, humor, a touch of aloofness, and a decent income. Men want women with big tits, long legs, a tight ass and long hair...and no ladies, they REALLY don't care about your education or your career. Your Education and Career are Not the Most Important Things in Your Life The most important thing in life is other human beings. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you can own a Ferrari, a Nintendo

Switch, and have all the material things in life, but it doesn't compare to the infinite behaviors, thoughts, challenges, and love that can come from a fellow human being. Matter of fact, your goal in life should be to live as long as possible and spend as much time as possible OUTSIDE of work, and instead spend it with humans you enjoy, love, and cherish. But we told (and the Millennials, Gen X'ers and Baby Boomers believed) it was their career and education that mattered most. To be blunt, this is a lie told more to young women than it is men. Historically men did have to go out and get some kind of training or education so they could then land a job which would result in a career that would generate the money so they could pay for the family. So for men a career and education held more importance than it did for women. But today both men and women have traded hugs from their children, conversations with friends, and kisses from their loved ones all for commutes in traffic jams to offices while getting a masters at night while outsourcing their children to daycare while incurring more student debt I'd like to think that seeing your divorced parents, harrowed and haggard from commuting back and forth to work, while shipping you off to daycare and screaming at each other would teach Gen Z'ers this painfully obvious lesson. But since careers and educations have destroyed more lives than helped, I want to make sure Gen Z knows PRECISELY what role careers and educations play in one's life. Understand that your career is a TOOL by which you use to support and live the rest of your life.

IT IS NOT YOUR LIFE. Along the same line, the education by which you attain your career is ALSO A TOOL. IT IS NOT YOUR LIFE And if you don't believe me, all one has to do is look at the Millennials and see that all they have in life is their career and education. Worse, many millennials (ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN) don't even have a career to point to. They merely have a worthless degree in a worthless field that they will waste the rest of their lives vainly trying to make a career out of. And guarantee-you-me if you go and talk to the now-post-menopausal Gen X career women they will admit (though drunk and late at night after a night of clubbing) all they wanted was to be a stay at home mom, raising children, married to a Ward Cleaver-esque husband. I cannot begin to explain to Gen Z the amount of money, resources, labor, and time that is going to go into propagandizing you to become as miserable as previous generations, trading in humans for a career and an education. But it will happen, and it will happen in college. College is (Mostly) a Scam What appalls me is even though there is a daily article in the news of some nitwit who majored in "Puppetry" or some moron who incurred

$200,000 to get a degree in "English," parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and professors all keep perpetuating these tired, loathsome, and stale old lies of: "Follow your heart and the money will follow." "Any degree is a good degree." "You need that sheepskin to get your foot in the door." Worse, is the Millennials (who, just like you were so "independent minded") bought and swallowed whole these lies, dedicating 4-8 years of their youth in college, often times to the tune of $100,000 in debt, all for degrees that are completely worthless pieces of paper. AND NOW they have the gall to demand the taxpayers bail them out of their student loans just like the bankers. So let us once again be TRIPLY clear as to what is going on. America's colleges, universities and other higher education institutions are scamming you out of about $750 billion a year in unnecessary tuition, fees, and other costs. In all honesty, education should be free, or near free with the advent of the internet, and you should not be forced by society or employers to commute to a campus, fork over $300 a credit, all so you "might" have the chance to land a career and become a contributing member of society. But with the complete and thorough brainwashing you've received in K12, not to mention the media, the news, your parents, your guidance counselors, politicians, and the colleges themselves, you believe you are entitled to this "birthright" of a "college experience." Because unless you go into STEM (engineering, etc.), the trades, Medicine, Accounting, the military, or IT, college is a complete waste of time. Even if you do go to college for a legitimate degree, you still are going to waste two years of your life taking "pre-requisite" classes that have nothing to do with your degree. And these prerequisites highlight why college is often a scam.

College is not there to "educate our precious future childrensss." It's there as a means to employ otherwise COMPLETELY worthless and unhireable professors and academics who have such worthless degrees they simply can't do anything else in the real world. It is NOT a coincidence that the insanity of 31 flavors of gender, "fat acceptance," "privilege," laughably worthless degrees such as "women's studies" degrees (or any other degree where you study traits and NOT skills), and other such politically correct insanity is occurring on college campuses because that's where society's worthless people flock to and scratch out what pathetic careers they can. And in forcing EVERYBODY to take 2 years worth of these worthless classes colleges and universities not only employ thousands of these worthless people, but reap HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS from you kids every year. Gen Z once again has a choice. You can follow the footsteps of your older brother who still lives at home at 28, can't find a job with his "Creative Writing" degree, protests for his student loans to be paid off and may still be a virgin. Or you can major in something that has a job at the end of it (even attending accredited online schools) and become a real adult. Politics is Not a Substitute for Accomplishment You will find that many Millennials (despite being "independent minded") fell hook, line, and sinker for the various scams elder generations laid out for them. They are now poor, destitute, debtridden and largely unemployable. They are also very likely depressed and suffering an existential crisis as they wonder how and why their 30 years of life on this planet was wasted. It's at times like these people are desperate enough to turn to religion. But not a religion in a traditional sense such as Christianity, Judism, or Islam. Rather a political religion that excuses their piss-poor performance in life and deflects any responsibility for their decisions. Also, a religion

that gives them some kind of "value" in life without (again) having to work for a living. Enter the "isms" and "ists" "I'm an environmentalist." "I'm a vegan." "I'm a socialist." "I'm a communist!" "I'm for feminism!" Again, this is not by accident. Just as you were brainwashed to attend college at all costs, you have no doubt been thoroughly indoctrinated to support socialism (no matter what variant of socialism it is that I listed above). Matter of fact many of you don't even have to become as destitute as the Millennials in order to subscribe to these variant religions of socialism because you are already guilty of choosing a religion because it's easy and it feeds your ego, AND you don't have to work for it. "We're against genocide!" "We're for the environment!" "We're for women's rights!!!" Well, good for you Gen Z Skippy. Who the hell isn't? Why don't you try out for the football team and hit the gym or get a 4.0 in math instead of espousing idiotic and common sense ideas that take zero calories of energy? The risk here for Gen Z is again one where laziness wastes your life. Be it the delusional fat girl who wants to lie to herself that big is beautiful. Or the political activist who is going to campaign for Trump or Bernie. Or the all-too-common-and-boring high school student who's "for the environment." What you are doing is replacing work, production, and value with mere "political positions." And just like the color of your skin, the plumbing you have downstairs, or the

gender you affiliate with, it has no value. It doesn't produce anything of worth. It won't put food on the table. Certainly by all means participate politically for whatever cause or crusade you want. But do not make it your full time career where you end up like many shameful Millennials who actually list "activist" on their resume. Never Trust Anybody Over 30 One of the greatest ironies, if not outright hypocrisies, was the old Baby Boomer saying, "Don't trust anybody over 30." I found this odd because if you do the math right it was the then-teenage and 20 something baby boomers saying that about their parents. Their parents were the WWII generation that fought off national socialism, defended the world against communism, and build the greatest economy the world had ever seen. They had created a country where their Baby Boomer children enjoyed childhoods that were unrivaled in human history. I use their quote today in delicious irony because it was painfully obvious the Baby Boomer SHOULD HAVE trusted people over 30, but when they themselves turned over 30, THAT'S when their saying became true. And today that saying holds more value than every before. I would like to say your elders have your best interests at heart. I would like to say people over 30 are wise, mature, full grown adults who have their lives together and know what they're doing. I would like to say you can seek their wisdom and they will guide you down the right path. But the truth is much worse. AT BEST you have your parents who do not consciously or maliciously hate you. They do indeed love you and want what's best

for you, they are just ignorant themselves about the real world and are just slightly less lost than you are. So the advice you get from them may be well intended, but it will destroy your life just the same. "You must go to college." "Any degree is a good degree." "Girls like a nice, caring, sensitive man." What is much more likely is you have people over 30 actively and consciously salivating over how they can make money off of you. Worse, is how they present themselves as your friends. For example teachers and professors. Do not think for a second they actually give a damn about you. Teachers became teachers not because they wanted to help the children or "change lives." They became teachers because they wanted summers off and didn't want to math in college. This is why the majority of your teachers are extraordinarily unmentionable and unremarkable. This is why school sucks and is boring. Your teachers are NOT primarily motivated by your education, but by making some easy money and avoiding a real job. Related is the political indoctrination you received. I do not wish to delve much into politics because it's not part of the lessons I'm trying to impart on you, but if you really are INDEPENDENT MINDED, don't you find it ODD 98% of your teachers and professors are always for voting for socialism and the democrats? They ALWAYS want more money? They're always against private schools, but send their kids there? I merely wish to plant a seed of curiosity you might follow up on later, but they do have a FINANCIAL ulterior motive that has NOTHING to do with educating the precious children. If that doesn't convince you, perhaps you'll agree that paying $300 a credit and $400 a book for two years of college classes you don't need IS INDEED FINANCIALLY MOTIVATED? That those deans

and professors counselors aren't your friends but are leeches sucking as much money out of you, your parents, and the taxpayers so you can "maybe" get a college degree and "maybe" get a job? Or do you actually think that "African American Studies" professor is helping some poor black student learn the skills and trades he needs to land a job and be financially successful? And what about the programming and conditioning you get to put your career and education first and above all else in life? No selfrespecting man or woman would suffer or tolerate a commute to a downtown area with traffic and $20 a day in parking fees for a $45,000 a year job. And no self-respecting man or woman would get masters degrees for a mere promotion or the "chance" to get an entry level position. "Self-respecting" anyway. Good thing they conditioned all those Millennials and Gen X'ers to get masters degrees they didn't need. And the media? How about the media? After getting your masters degree (just like the Millennials) are you going to take on more debt because a commercial convinced you to buy a car you couldn't afford? How about the banks offering you low interest rates to buy your dream McMansion neither you nor your future spouse can afford? It's "almost" as if employers and marketers know that if they can have an entire generation in debt, that generation will be so desperate for a job they will work for peanuts and have to take the abuse from their bosses and employers just to make ends meet. All of these people; Your teachers Your counselors Your professors Your politicians

The media Your employer They're all over 30 and they are licking their chops to take advantage of you. Conclusion Having lived four decades on this planet and making many of the same mistakes Millennials have, I cannot in good faith just sit here and watch another generation come online and literally piss away and destroy their lives as the Millennials have. Not only have they destroyed their lives believing in the lies their elders told them, but "destroyed" would indicate some kind of end or finality to their problems. Sadly, they are so mentally warped and so brainwashed, it's quite literally impossible for many of them to salvage what remains of their life expectancies on this planet. They're almost condemned to live mentally tortured lives because of the indoctrination they believed and their refusal to take responsibility for their actions. The question posed to you young Gen Z'ers is which kind of life do you want to live? And whereas in the past I would have thought the indoctrination and brainwashing you received in K-college would have been so complete you wouldn't have even given this article a thought, the Millennials have so spectacularly failed their horrific trainwreck of a life might jar you into waking up and TRULY critically thinking about the advice you've been given and where that would lead. This article is merely a bullet point of some of the key lessons I think you can learn from the mistakes of Millennials and others. I strongly recommend that if you are interested in your life and having a successful future you consider buying the following books:

Worthless - The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major Bachelor Pad Economics - The Financial Advice Bible for Men (and women too) Poor Richard's Retirement - Retirement for Everyday Americans Curse of the High IQ - A book for smart students who need perspective as to where they sit in life. Additionally, if you have a question that is more specific to your situation, you may want to consider hiring my consulting services (which I do charge for). Finally, if you know of a young Gen Z'er that could benefit from this article, please share it with him or her. Life is too short to have this generation end up like the millennials and it is the least we can do to help them make wiser choices in their lives.


An economic mystery was flummoxing me. Why is it so hard for millennials NOT to go to college? With college tuition being literally unaffordable, stories after stories about the plight of un/underemployed college graduates, horror stories of the same with crippling student loans, and it no longer being a secret that college is a bubble, why is it so hard for 18 year olds to say, "screw this, I'm going home?"

Furthermore, why MORE SCHOOL? Didn't these millennials have enough? Aren't they SICK of school? Why are they willingly signing up by the millions for 4 years more? And they get to pay for it this time! Wouldn't you be RELIEVED you no longer have to go to college? Shouldn't you be happy this HUGE added responsibility is no longer needed? Shouldn't it be an easy decision NOT to go, and instead go find a job instead? Yet still, there the lemmings are, lining up by the millions for their turn to jump to their financial deaths and ruin their lives. But why? WHY? And I finally figured it out. The problem was, as is often the case, I was operating from a wrong premise. I was operating from the premise that the point of college, college's true economic nature was that of education. People go to college, pay for tuition, and attend classes so that they receive an education which allows them to make more money over the course of their lives. But whereas this was certainly the case before, it no longer is now, and I consciously knew this at some level because in the past I've said students treat college as a consumption good, not an investment. Still, while I knew college was no longer an investment good, this did not explain the unique consumption good behavior of millions of college students every year. Nor did it explain the insane prices students would be willing to pay and go into debt for. Ergo, college wasn't some kind of fad consumption good like Pokemon trading cards or Beanie Babies where you'd drop maybe at most a couple hundred dollars on. It was something more. It was TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars, 4 YEARS of their youth, MIND NUMBING CLASSES, for the past TWO GENERATIONS, all in the face of mounting evidence college was a losing financial proposition. And

then I asked myself a question that sent my brain down the path that would inevitably led me to discover it's true modern day economic nature. What other consumption goods have these traits? What things in the world do people: 1. Spend 4 years of their lives investing/working on/preparing for? 2. Go into debt to pay for? 3. That have price tags from mid five-to-low-six-figures? 4. That also have a fad-like, lemming-like, sheeple like conformity about it? and this was the key trait 5. And are pushed by all of society to purchase? At first I was thinking sporting events. Those are consumption goods. Thousands of Minnesota's dumbest pay $100 a ticket and $100 in food and $25 in parking to see the Minnesota Vikings lose every year. They probably put it on their credit card. But it isn't a $75,000 price tag. Then I was thinking larger sporting events, perhaps even once in a lifetime religious-like events. Say the Super Bowl, Burning Man, Sturgis, the declaration of a new pope, or pilgrimages to Mecca. Still, you may prepare years to attend, but even attending these events in luxury does not cost $100,000. So what possible consumer good exists, that people can't afford, will go into debt for, that doesn't offer anything of tangible financial value afterwards, and has this societal push, borderline obssession to buy it regardless? Then it hit me.

Weddings. Weddings are the identical twin sibling of college. The reason why can be summarized in one simple phrase: "It's my day." However, whereas "my day" is the exclusive preserve of women on their wedding day, there is a similar sense of entitlement to having "my day" FOR BOTH SEXES when it comes to college. And the reason why is that college is NOT sold to young kids today as the education it was supposed to be, but the "college experience" it is has successfully and falsely been propagated and inflated to what it is now (an industry that is more than TEN TIMES THE SIZE OF THE WEDDING INDUSTRY). First, there is a HUUUUUGE element of Exodus and liberation philosophy and psychology that simply CAN NOT be understated. K-12 school SUCKS. IT SUUUUUUUCKS. It is so bad and so torturous that it sucks the life out of normal students and is a veritable mental prison for high IQ students. An entire artificial environment children are forced to attend that is managed and operated by the country's dumbest college graduates. This environment results in a place that at best is a prison for collegebound students, but usually is pure torture as we prevent kids (of all intelligence levels) from achieving their best. NOBODY is happy. NOBODY like their pathetic sad saps called teachers. And everybody cannot wait to leave. However, the hope that is sold to college-bound students is that "college" is where the REAL smart people are. That when you get to "college" everything will be better. That when you go to "college" all this pain and misery will end and you will TRULY find "your people."

In short, because K-12 is so bad, college becomes a veritable second heaven, a Land of Canaan, a birthright that all intelligent kids are entitled to for enduring the hell of K-12. And because they are so young, and because they have not lived in the real world, AND BECAUSE THEY LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO HOPE FOR, college is not a means to an education and a better job, but the finish line to freedom and happiness. And that freedom and end to their slavery GREATLY outshines the purported educational benefits of college. Second, nearly all authority figures lie, both consciously and unconsciously, to children about the realities of college. Parents lie to their children because they don't want to hurt their feelings or destroy their children's doomed hope. Teachers don't want to tell their students because...well...they're teachers and they NEVER LEFT the artificial environment of school. For all they know school is great and the entire economy's GDP should be "teachers." The media has no incentive to tell kids the truth about college because they need to sell good and being the bearer of bad news is poor salesmanship. Corporations CERTAINLY have no incentive to tell kids the truth because they need those kids to not only borrow $100,000 to do the training that would otherwise befall on corporate training programs, but they need students desperately in debt so they make good, loyal slaves workers. And colleges have every incentive in the world to lie to these kids for without them, damn well near 90% of the colleges and universities would close overnight because we only really need 10% of the college graduates we have. The exact same cacophonous brainwashing occurs with weddings. Nearly every economic entity has the incentive to get people hitched. Corporations, travel agencies, airlines, the government, divorce lawyers, divorce courts, day care, child care, the schools, nurseries, credit companies, pastors, priests, rabbis, imams, parents who want grandchildren, and siblings who want nephews, everybody wants to push people into marriage. Furthermore, EVERYBODY lies

to women that the most important day in their life will be their wedding day. Thinking they're entitled to "their day" just like kids are entitled to the "college experience," nobody, and I mean NOBODY is going to tell them any different. GOD HIMSELF could come down from the heavens above and tell the bride to be "no, dude, this ain't the guy for you," just as the entire COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS could come out and tell all high school seniors not to go to college, it would not matter, women are going to have their day and millennials are going to borrow $100,000 to have the college experience. And then finally, the price. To have this birthright, to have this entitlement, nobody cares about logic, reason, evidence, finances, or math. College, just like "her day," is worth any price because up to this point in these kids' lives, we as a society have given them nothing else to live for. We get divorced, we mock nuclear families, we value things over friends, we cripple the economy, we load up on debt, we hate our own country, we criminalize success - precisely, what do these kids have to look forward to after they graduate from college? As far as they're concerned life is over at 22 and then they lead the lives you do, which, sadly, for the most part is pretty pathetic in their eyes. Worse, you've made their childhoods so painful with the craptastic public prisons schools, any childlike idealism or hope has been squash and the only light at the end of that tunnel is college. The price of tuition could go up another 300%, it won't matter, they'll still pay it because these kids have nothing else to live for. Alas, it should be no shock that college is no longer acting economically like the educational service it was meant to be. It is one, big, huge ass party. A birthright to all American teenagers. A utopia society falsely sold it as. And sadly, a lie bigger than telling American women "their day" is the most important day in their lives. It is the "college experience." And there's some Dotcom's from 1999 that have infinitely more value.

ACADEMIA’S TRUE ULTERIOR PURPOSE TODAY – PROPAGANDA MINISTRY Historically college, university, academia and in general "higher education" has served three roles in society: In the medieval times it was largely a luxurious pursuit of the elite and upper classes. Learning languages, teaching latin, and reading philosophy was the preserve of rich or royal children so they could wear pantyhose (either men or women), powdered wigs, and impress equally talentless bluebloods at parties and balls before heads were put into guillotines. During and after the industrial revolution, science and the scientific method replaced the liberal arts as academia's new role wherein pursuit of more practical studies would provide the knowledge and skills that would make a man's (or woman's) time infinitely more valuable. From roughly the 1870's to the 1970's western civilization enjoyed the increasing opportunity to postpone work, enter college, learn a valuable trade and then enter the workforce, increasing their lifetime earnings multi-fold for what time they invested in college. This then gave way to the third role academia played starting circa roughly the 1980's. With now everybody going to college and EVERYBODY flooding the labor market, the value of degrees decreased. Of course this didn't matter to most entitled and spoiled Gen X'ers, plus their baby boomer parents didn't know jack about economics, so the recommended they attend anyway. So even though degrees were becoming increasingly worthless, demand for degrees was at an all-time high, nay, an entitlement to the "college experience." And so the role of academia went from one of altruistic support and advancement of society, to that of maliciously

capitalizing off of it. The primary and ulterior goal of higher education was to now transfer as much wealth from younger generations to enrich an entire class of talentless liberal-arts majoring hacks posing as professors, teachers, sociologists and other liberal arts "professionals." You would think this is the current and final stage of academia's evolution, however, there has been a fourth evolution. And that would be one of becoming a veritable Ministry of Propaganda for various socialist, leftist, and communist political parties throughout the world. This is not "hyperbole" or Alex Jones' like "conspiracy" simply because it's painfully obvious. Academia has simply become a joke. First you have a 2015 study that shows 2/3rds of psychology studies cannot be repeated. We're not talking those cute studies you did in your (mandatory) Freshman Psychology class. We're talking the tippy top, super elite, getting their doctorate, with "peer reviewed" level "authorities" and "experts" in their fields sending in slop and passing it on as empirically proven truth. Given psychology is one of the more "legitimate" fields of the social sciences, it's practically guaranteed the rot is equal-or-greater in the remaining fields. The entire realm of the liberal arts and humanities is debunked (and it's primary job would be re-validation instead of political propaganda). But how much soul searching do you see these "social scientists" doing versus vehemently defending their quackery as today's education bubble spectacularly bursts? Second is the BLATANT political agenda. Forget that over 90% of stunted-adult-children professors vote religiously left and purposely direct nearly all of their studies towards the rationalization of stealing other people's money, just look at the modern day shit show that is academia today. Genuine black bigots who hate white people

demanding segregated housing at UCLA, the tiring and completely fabricated drama of zhe zer and non-binary gender pronouns, and the limitless number of stories where PAINFULLY OBVIOUS socialist indoctrination is passed on for "freshman orientation." The only thing more enraging than this naked grab for youth's minds and our money, is the balless parents who stupidly still pay for their idiot childrens' worthless degrees. And if none of that convinces you, there is again no limit to the number of stories where you find out your hard earned tax dollars are subsidizing some worthless parasite acting as a graduate student as they pursue research in some popcockery or another. The most recent one that comes to mind is Lisa Jordan Powell, a hack, who is studying how pumpkin spiced lattes cause racism. I'd like to say I'm joking, but academia has become the joke. If you seriously think with this blatant racist, sexist, communist crap that academia still has some merit or is somehow not a parasitic organization here to live off of otherwise hard working people, then fuck you, you're a liar, and I pray for the day the world collapses so there is no law and I meet you for coffee. Regardless, you combined all of this veritable bullshit and the precise goal of academia’s new ulterior motive is perfectly clear - to get the American public to no longer trust their own eyes. The goal is to, through “official academia studies,” redefine lies as truth, even though the world around us collapses and everybody is worse off. It is to designate “academia” as the final arbiter of truth, allowing the parasites, scum, thieves, psychos, SJW’s, cowards, and tyrants in both academia and politics their continued theft of society’s money and hard-earned wealth unopposed and unabated. To what few eyes remain unbrainwashed it is plainly obvious academia is nothing more than a cowardly, sniveling, Ministry of Truth for global socialism. For the rest of the sheeple, however, whether they’re just plain stupid or are conscious worthless, parasitic participants in this game, it’s the only thing they have in their

meaningless, pointless lives. And since the west is all democracies, you can more or less be guaranteed to be forced to enjoy the decline.

WHY THE MILLENNIALS WILL GET THE PUNISHMENT THEY DESERVE The 2016 presidential election showed me the true and horrific colors of the modern day left. From... threatening the lives of electoral college electors, to denying Bernie Sanders a fair vote in the Democratic party, to beating up Trump supporters, to the abysmal cry-baby shit show that followed a legitimate election, to vomiting the canard to our children that "we apologize for you having to grow up in this world" to the hypocrisy claiming democracy was broken the left has shown they are a hate-filled, racist, bigoted, violent group, who have no interest in democracy, and will gladly institute a dictatorship if they can get their way and other people's money. Naturally not all leftists are like this. Many of them are also complete tools, unaware of the evil that is festering and growing within their own party, naively thinking today's democrats are the JFK party "of the little guy." And, of course, we hope the 2016 election woke some of them up to the point they'd maybe clean house in the democrat party. But it wasn't until I was talking to a buddy of mine did I see a clear delineation line, a trait that more or less identifies which leftists in the democrat party are simply well-intended, though ignorant

bleeding hearts, and those that are tyrants, thugs, racists, and hatemongers whose hearts are filled with envy, greed, and jealousy. Age. Specifically, the millennials. Understand there are evil people across all age groups (and parties). And the errant behaviors of one or two people does not reflect the group or political party as a whole. But if you recall the reelection of (the hated) George Bush Jr. in 2004, certainly there was anger and rage on the part of the left, but there was none of the threats, violence, and purposeful undermining of our democracy we saw in 2016. The left, much like the right when Obama was elected...twice...did not protest, riot, shut down interstates, or threaten the lives of college electors. They were mature adults about it, respecting the wishes of the people and democracy and went on to field a better candidate who would win 4 and 8 years later. But after 8 years of Obama, my how the left has changed. The potpourri of criminal and temper tantrum behavior on the part of the democrat party is disgusting compared to 2004. And the only variable I can come up with is that the millennial generation has come online and is the reason for the inexcusable and dictatorial behavior we saw in the 2016 election. Of course, the millennials did not do this simply on their own. They were led, taught, and indoctrinated by the public school system and universities which is honeycombed with the most worthless, talentless members of the baby boomer and Gen X generations. Never setting foot in the real world, nor having an independent thought, thousands of teachers and professors successfully brainwashed millions of millennials into leftists. And not just leftists, but the most entitled, spoiled, incompetent, irresponsible, delusional, brainless, programmable, and narcissistic group of leftists the world

has ever seen. Coupled with the choir of worthless parents who pampered the genetic crap that resulted from their copulation, these veritable worthless human beings are incapable of self-supportation, independent thought, honoring the golden rule, sympathy, and respecting other people's rights. And if they got their way, they would have enslaved the rest of us to pay for their parasitic lifestyles, while working crusaderishly to chisel away at freedom, democracy, and the United States. However, they face one problem. Trump. Understand their entire plan hinged on one thing - the election of a democrat. The reason this was vital was because without a democrat in office these rabid, anti-democracy millennials would have to spend their time working to make ends meet instead of relying on government cheese. This means they'd have to find job instead of pursuing their socialist obsessions of bringing down the United States. And most importantly, they needed a democrat like Sanders or Clinton in office so somebody would forgive them of their self-inflicted student loan debt. And none of that is going to happen now. This is good news (at least for those of us who are adults, who work for a living, and who support ourselves) because if there is a punishment worse than death that these leftist millennials are afraid of, it's honest work. Understand that socialists, leftists, communists, etc., are not deep thinkers, philosophers, or intellectuals. Very much like Marx they are simply losers and parasites who are so weak, so pathetic, and so pampered, they'll spend their entire lives concocting the most fanciful and elaborate of fabricated theories as to why they're entitled to other people's labor and money. "Privilege," "institutional racism,"

"31 flavors of gender." It's no shock that nearly all of the liberal arts in academia are geared towards rationalizing the theft of others. But no matter how hard they try to make themselves sound smart or intellectual, in the end it is simple and rank laziness (and jealousy) that drives their socialist ideology of parasitism and theft. But what one should take particular note of is just how much effort they dedicate towards the theft of others. Be it studying the social sciences, spending 10 years in college, working on political campaigns, working for non-profits, not to mention the irrationally high amount of emotional investment and agency they put into this faux-religion, their entire waking lives is eating, breathing, and sleeping "the theft of others." This fanaticism (not to mention waste of life) is driven by two things. One, their previously-mentioned weak character which is deathly afraid of the toil that comes with labor. And two, the fact they have nothing of value in life, but their parasitic ideology. When you combine these two things it's very easy to understand why these millennial leftists are so violent, angry, and unhinged. For the first time in their lives these leftist millennials are facing the prospect they might have to WORK. And not just work, but WORK FOR THEIR ENTIRE LIVES! Overnight their lives went from one of elitist Roman luxury to that of the slave class. The mere thought of it scares the living daylights out of them. But this is only the half of it! Without toil, labor, work, pain, and failure, one cannot achieve anything. And the millennial leftist's ego cannot abide that. They MUST have SOMETHING to point to in terms of achievement. They must have some point, purpose, reason and agency in long as it doesn't require work. And conveniently socialism and leftism provides them this faux, virtue-signaling religion as a substitute for genuine accomplishment. You don't have to work. You just have to virtue signal. You don't have to study a hard subject. You just need

an advanced degree in some worthless humanities subject. You don't have to produce anything of value. You merely have to blame whites and males for all the world's problems. And you don't have to support yourself. You just need to claim your a vegan or are going green. Unfortunately for them, however, this is all going to go away with a Trump presidency. Understand just how devastating a Trump presidency is to these people. In their eyes it is complete. It is total. It takes away and destroys everything these millennial leftists hold dear and rely upon. Not only will they have to face their harshest fear (labor), and not only will there be no salvation from their student loans (condemning them to an entire life-time of labor), the fact their ideology didn't win takes away all of their purpose, meaning and worth in this world. It's a full-length mirror of reality shoved into their faces for the first time, forcing them to stare into the abyss and acknowledge the reality that their lives will not be one of continual government support as they pursue faux-intellectual pursuits in academic, but one of labor, toil, and commonness. It shows them not only that they're worthless, and not only will they have to (GASP!) work for a living, but that their entire lives up to this point have been a complete and total waste. This explains nearly everything we witnessed post-election. The inordinate amount of crying from Hillary supporters when their candidate didn't win. The YouTube freak-show where millennials were having melt-downs because Trump won. Teachers and other Gen X/Baby Boomer leftists "apologizing" to their children/students that "they'd have to grow up in this world." And of course the criminal element shutting down interstates claiming "democracy is lost." It is nothing more than a generation-wide temper tantrum these adult children were throwing because it was the first time they were ever treated like an adult.

The question is whether they're going to learn from this experience, take inventory of their lives and themselves, and try to improve upon it, or just double down on the same leftist religion of theft and parasitism. And we pretty much know the answer to that. These are not mentally strong individuals of high intellectual caliber. Shoot, they don't even have basic common sense. Again, they've been brainwashed for 25 years from the K-college educational system. They lack any capacity for reason, intellectual honesty, empiricism, and objectivity. Their entire lives were simply to be programmed drones to vote and support the democrat party/socialism. They know no other life because the Baby Boomer and Gen X generations (of teachers and parents predominantly) failed to show them. And now, for the first time, as many of them are leaving the artificial-life-support environment of the education system, they are entering the real world which they are COMPLETELY incapable of living in. You want to talk about a most horrific punishment? Imagining having another 50 years of life expectancy to live in a world you're simply not capable of surviving in because you've been brainwashed to the point you're effectively mentally disabled. Enjoy that freaking decline.

HOW LEFTISTS HATE EVERYTHING ELSE WHERE’S THE HISTORICAL WORKING MODEL OF SOCIALISM? A simple, but important question occurred to me as I was driving my motorcycle out to Sturgis: "Precisely where is the historical, functional working model of socialism that socialists can cite as proof that socialism works?" You know, where socialists can point to a time in history and say, "Here, here it is. Here is the example of how socialism not only works, but succeeds?" Something tangible and empirical that would provide economists, philosophers, politicians, sociologists, and even skeptics an actual model they could study and learn from and see with their own eyes how socialism works? Because if that existed, then I could see where the left might have a point. They'd have empirical proof that socialism did indeed work (well, once, anyway), and we could study and learn from that example to see how and why. But as far as I can tell, it doesn't exist. There is no example throughout all of history that socialism works or ever has worked*. And this simple observation has GRAVE ramifications not only for socialists, but for all of society. Namely, the left is gambling the entire economic future of the world world on a... theory. Ignore the millennia of historical and economic proof that a freer people do better than an enslaved one.

Ignore the billions of people who have died over thousands of years and hundreds of wars to grant us the freedoms of Western Civilization. And ignore the morality of letting people keep the majority of the fruits of their labor. No, you see some really good theoreticians in Academia over the past 50 years studied the ideas of an 1840's parasitic hack who lived off of his buddy Engel's and never worked for a living. And they have this theory, see? And this theory is to eliminate private property and put everything under the state. Never mind it's never worked once in the history of the world. And never mind that it usually kills more people through starvation than nuclear bombs did in war when implement. The difference is these really smart people have DOCTORATES in the LIBERAL ARTS, and they know more than the cumulative 30 billion people that have lived since the Greeks (and certainly more than you). So let's risk the entire world's population's freedom, futures, and livelihoods on a gamble unproven theory. It is this insane risk that not only appalls me, but frightens me. Damn well near half of the West's population (in the form of people who vote left) is willing to risk, basically everything, for a theory. A hunch. A gamble. A pathetic religion, just as unfounded as all the others, all so they can have "teh feelz" and actually fool themselves into thinking there's some magical path to a free lunch. Of course, I wish it was only people's entire financial and economic futures the left is willing to gamble on an unfounded theory. But sadly, they don't stop there. Oh no. Enter in feminism. Feminism today, no matter how you slice it, is simply matriarchy. That's cute you've all managed to train young college girls into thinking "it's just the equal treatment of men and women." (Very nice, now go participate in a slut walk and carry a mattress around). But I ask again, where in the entire history of the world does an

example of a successful matriarchy exist? Is there any point in time forcing women to be men and vice versa resulted in a successful and longevous society? There's certainly examples of "matriarchies," but most of them are third-world crap-holes that don't have electricity (duly noting "Iceland," the one 1st world country dubiously included on the list, which STILL went bankrupt in 2007). Some might point to the Amazons of the middle east, but they are largely of Greek myth (and obviously short lived). About the ONLY historical account of a successful matriarchy was the AMAZONIANS (not to be confused with AMAZONS) of Futurama. And even there the entire male population was wiped out by Snu Snu. But despite the absolute absence of a successful matriarchy (or perhaps "genderless society") those really smart, 1960's feminists had a theory, damnit! And that was the world's entire problems were caused by men! And if we could just get women to rule the world, then peace would ensue and we'd all be singing kumbaya together! Of course, never mind this resulted in divorce rates not seen since ever. A decline in women's happiness. A division between the sexes. A welfare state. The replacement of fathers with a government check. And two full generations of mal-raised children. You see these self-important, upper-class, white feminists had a THEORY, and it was very important that they risk the entire romantic, familial, and love lives of the entire western world to make their socialist utopia a reality. There's even a third unfounded theory the left insists gambling the future lives, safety, and happiness of the world on - multiculturalism. Once again, show me where it's worked. Point me to the model where different races not only "tolerate" each other, but thrive and grow faster than they would separately. South Africa I think both blacks and whites agree it's not ideal. I'm sure if you talk to the Swedes in private about Malmo not everybody is happy. About the "best' model we have of true multi-culturalism is Brazil, and that is at best a second world, zika-infested, crap-hole.

But once again, the left have a THEORY. And by gum, despite there being no historical or empirical evidence (and a lot of genuine evidence to the contrary), they're going to shove multi-culturalism down your throats whether you like it or not. Because despite millions of years of evolution, history, and genetics, this time it's different because they're professors and academians from the 60's and 70's. And shucks howdy they know better than nature! (Oh, and by the way, if you disagree with them, then you're a racist). The point is socialism, leftism, communism, whatever you want to call it, is a religion. It's a groundless, baseless, fanatical belief worthless people have to give their worthless lives faux meaning. And the three largest "tenets" or "principles" of the leftist religion today are forced economic equality, the elimination of the sexes, and the forced integration of the races. However, just like all religions, there is also no empirical proof that these things are preferable, let alone feasible. But feasibility and practicality be damned. It is more important to socialism's followers and zealots that humanity come to heel under their baseless religion than to let society advance, succeed, and live their lives as they see fit. Ergo leftists have no moral qualms about forcing humanity to gamble EVERYTHING, and I do mean, EVERYTHING on an ill-thought out, self-serving, psychotic theory, a bunch of ego-masturbating spoiled brat children from the 60's came up with. The economic system that provides us the goods and services we need just so we can live? Naw, let's tinker with it because Maduro and Chavez have a religious obsession with socialism. The nuclear family which over 2 million years evolved to be the optimal structure to raise a family? Screw that and screw the mental happiness and health of the children. We 60's feminists need validation for our doctorates in Women's Studies no matter how much it destroys the black

community. Men are women, women are men, fish bicycle, exchange the father for a government check. And the fact that humans naturally separate by race, though can peacefully interact with each other? Screw that! Bring in a culture honeycombed with radical, suicide bombing, ideologues and let them lose among a population they're sworn to destroy. In short, the left wants to risk everything that brings happiness, joy, and reason to live to satiate their religious egos. The ability of the economy to function normally and provide the necessities that are required for life. The ultimate happiness and joy that comes from finding love and having children. And the right to be safe and associate with whom you please. You take those three things away and you have the only real model of socialism that ever existed. The USSR North Korea East Germany Venezuela Communist China And the embryonic psycho circuses that Western nations are quickly becoming. Only leftists could be so narcissistic, ego-maniacal, and evil to take such a gamble with other people's lives in the face of these historical odds all so in their little inferior minds they could play god for a short, mortal 75 years. Oh well, enjoy the decline.

FEMINIST GHOSTBUSTERS GOING BUST There is not much to say about the upcoming feminist movie “Ghostbusters.” For those of us who aren’t in the echo chamber of Hollywood and the media, we see this movie for what it is - a truly inferior, slipshod affirmative action piece that is so blatant in its pandering towards “team woman” it’s pretty much insulting everybody. It’s so bad even avid consumers of “Round House Kicking Chick Cop Shows” aren’t swallowing it, as evidenced by its trailer receiving more downvotes than a Hitler speech in a synagogue. But for Hollywood, and by Hollywood, I mean Sony Entertainment, they are so blinded by political correctness, not to mention the fad of taking anything men have made and slapping a “woman” sticker on it, they are completely unaware as to the millions of dollars they’re going to lose on this guaranteed-to-flop movie. And it is here Hollywood could stand to learn a lesson about the market it’s trying to sell such slop to, as well as a lesson "The Sheeple Society of America" could learn about how Hollywood views them. Yes, your average American is an idiot. And yes, you average American woman can be sold a bill of goods if you merely slap the label of “rah rah female” on it. But what Sony did was take a hallmark of American culture, a genuine apolitical cinematic classic that young and old hold dear to their heats, and shit all over it with politics. And even the most ardent feminists doesn’t like to see her childhood heroes defecated upon. It’s one thing to take obscure comic book heroes, even notable ones, and kill off all the male/white characters. This is done daily by the basement-dwelling SJW nerds in the bowels of Marvel’s moneylosing comic book department. And you can certainly float trial balloons about turning somebody like James Bond into a black man. But you NEVER take valued and beloved cultural icons like The

Ghostbusters and castrate them, let alone invest money into such a stupid and bigoted venture. And thus Hollywood (and certainly Sony) is about to learn that this dumber-than-hell strategy of merely “feminizing” or “de-whiting” movies that were already made won’t sell if it’s so blatant that even your average American idiot can see what you’re doing. Turning a secondary character like Felix in James Bond from a blond Texan to a black guy? Sure. Nobody will notice. Making a movie about a one-armed woman and calling it “Mad Max?” Maybe. Just make sure there’s a flame-throwing guitar player to distract the sheeple. But taking a childhood hero classic like Ghostbusters and smothering it in “vag?” No, nobody’s falling for it. In the end Hollywood needs to take a lesson from the democrat party in Washington DC – If you want to sell shit to minorities and women you need to cover it in soft racism and bigotry. It can’t be obvious what you’re doing because even the most left-wing minority’s pride and self-respect will be insulted. But don’t worry, over time you will gently nudge Overton’s window to the left enough that SOME in society will accept a black James Bond, a transvestite Captain Kirk, and an all female Ghostbusters. Just don’t’ expect these copy-cat, affirmative action, wanna-be movies to be anywhere near as good as the originals. And don't be shocked when society revolts because they're sick and tired of you trying to shove political-vag down their throats.

SIMPLIFYING MARXISM Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and Aurini To my great pleasure, my friend and colleague Davis Aurini started up his YouTube channel again. I enjoy his videos very much because I lack any formal education or training in philosophy and his channel does an amazing job of separating the wheat from the chaff for people like me who have an interest in philosophy, but aren't stupid enough to waste 8 years studying it in college. So when his video "Lenin and Trotsky: Early Marxist Philosophers An in Depth Analysis" was posted, I was excited because while I am thoroughly familiar with the economic side of Marxism, I knew little of its philosophical underpinnings. So off I went, downloaded the video, converted it to an MP3, put it on my phone and started listening to it over the course of my day. It was a 41 minute waste of time. Not because Mr. Aurini did a poor job or somehow failed to make any kind of interesting philosophical insights (it's actually impossible for him not to). But because he made a mistake that ensured he wasted his time making the video, I wasted my time listening to it, and anybody else who studied communism wasted their time too. And that mistake was he stayed within these long-dead communists' frame, and in doing so lent credence, credibility, and legitimacy to faulty premises and arguments. Faulty Premises Waste Our Time Not that I am against "communist premises and arguments." I certainly am in a real world, but the point I am trying to make here is one of argument and debate tactics. One of trying to advance one's

philosophical understanding on anything (communism included) in the most efficient way possible. And if we operate from flawed, faulty or (what I contend is the case of the original communist philosophers) intellectually-dishonest premises, all - AND I MEAN ALL - time, effort, energy, and resources spent discussing it, debating it, and philosophizing about it, are wasted. And communist philosophy is the epitome of what I'm talking about here. For example, take two premises about communism and what it is. 1. Communist philosophers' views on communism vs. 2. My own. The communist philosophers' opinions and views on communism are lengthy, long, varied, diverse, and arguably limitless. They are complex, ever-evolving, and encompass completely new concepts, theories, and vocabulary that didn't exist a short 200 years ago. Karl Marx's "Das Kapital" alone is 610 pages. The "essential" works of Lenin only comes in at 410 pages. Trotsky's "History of the Russian Revolution" is 1,040 pages. And that's just arguably the first three founding members of communism! You throw in the literally millions of pages that have been written by other communists, leftistjournalists, propagandists, and (perhaps the most prolific writers of them all) academians, and there are hundreds-of-thousands of lifetime works dedicated towards communism, what it is, its theories, and its philosophies. Now replace all of that with my own personal take on communism: "It's an excuse for lazy fucks to steal your shit so they don't have to work"

and ask which premise is more accurate, more grounded in truth, and is therefore going to result in more progress being made about this political philosophy. Simplifying Marxism To be honest, I don't have the time, and neither do you, to sit and listen to the fanciful blatherings of socialists in academia or the meandering, blathering, screeds of long-dead and empirically disproven "philosophers." And especially so in light of communism's abysmal historical economic and human rights track record. But more importantly, we need to step back, clear our eyes, and ensure we don't fall for the very first trap communists always lay. And that trap is that somehow their philosophy of "communism" is a philosophy at all. That it has merit. That the debate of communism is some kind of "higher-intelligence" debate that is the preserve of PhD's, academics, and "social scientists" AND can only be argued within the confines of "communist philosophy." We need to never accept this premise in the first place, rejecting their flawed frame, therefore avoiding the faux-philosophical pablum and hokum that ensnared Aurini, and did nothing to genuinely advance or resolve the debate about communism. So permit me to offer a much more succinct, concise, and empirical explanation of communism that will save us all a lot of time, a lot of headache, tons of brain cells, not to mention, explain what communism truly is and advance society more than Marx ever did. Communism is a method by which lazy people concoct reasons and rationales to steal other people's money legally. That's all it is. There's nothing more to it than that.

They're lazy people, deathly afraid of work, labor, and toil, and instead of suffering the pain of work that all of us do, they'd rather spend lifetimes concocting reasons why the rest of society should be enslaved to provide them a free living. And that's precisely what they do. Academians constantly begging for more money in fake disciplines such as "sociology," "women's studies," and "lesbian-PortugueseAnthropological-Studies" all so they can avoid the real world. Millennial college students forever perpetually putting off adulthood, DEMANDING their student loans be forgiven so they can avoid the working world as long as possible. Politicians who find real work beneath them, opt to instead divide us against one another, blaming those who work harder have more wealth for the idiotic mistakes misfortunes of others. Non-profits and their army of "employees" always championing some cause or another, yet never solving it. And all of them, ALL OF THEM, blaming people with more money as the cause of the world's problems, yet ironically demanding rich people's evil money as the solution. One could even argue that the true job of a communist, socialist or leftist is to CONSTANTLY come up with new reasons and rationales as to why they're disadvantaged, oppressed, discriminated against, etc., and therefore deserving of other people's life and labor. It makes me wonder if they had just put forth the same effort they did into parasiting off of others towards productive endeavors in the real world, whether or not they'd all be millionaires. Regardless, if you look at people who advocate socialism you will see them wasting nearly every minute of their fininte lives begging, scamming, and demanding other people's

Of course, none of this makes sense unless I provide some evidence. And the empirical proof I'd like to tender are the founders, supporters, and advocates of communism themselves. For if you look at them the vast majority of them are precisely what my theory would predict they'd be: rich, spoiled brats, that hail from the upper classes of society, who were so lazy and so fearful of real work, they spent the lions share of their lives advocating the theft of others. And it is AMAZING how accurate and applicable this description is to all communists over the ages. Karl Marx himself hailed from a well-to-do family where his father was a lawyer and vineyard owner, allowing Karl to attend private schools and join a drinking club. Avoiding work with all of his might, Karl fancied himself a great philosopher which led to his genuinely unintelligible writings, but also a perpetual parasitic reliance on others to support him. Most notably, Friedrich Engels...who was also a spoiled brat pampered son of a rich man. The irony that communism couldn't exist without first parasiting off of capitalism should make one think. Vladimir Lenin, perhaps the original executor and implementer of socialism, also was not missing any meals in his childhood. His father, Ilya, was a rather well to do director in the school system in Russia. Despite the passing of his father early in life, there was enough money to send Lenin to university where today's millennials...majored in protesting and not any kind of serious study. Mao Zedong, the son of an incredibly rich father, was just another spoiled brat in a different country...who ended up starving out 50 million of his own countrymen. And a little to his south, a few years later would come Pol Pot, the son of a relatively well to do farmer, who would go on to study in France (which most of us never had the money to do)...and kill only 2 million of his own countrymen. Both early adapters, advocates, and implementers of socialism.

I could go on with historical communist figures, and you'd find a shocking majority of them were just spoiled rich kids who wanted to tell the world what to do, but you will see a similar, almost identical profile of people who advocate socialism, communism, and leftism today. Today's professorial class, ESPECIALLY in the liberal arts are by FAR the weakest minded, most fraudulent parasites in today's western world. Not only are they too lazy to work real jobs, they're complete hypocrites living off of their presumed beloved "young." Having no real skills to offer society, they instead sell their fake "trade" to naive college students for $200 a credit and $150 per textbook. In exchange these naive students receive a worthless piece of paper, sopping wet with rank leftist propaganda, so they're too brainwashed to realize how much they just got screwed over by their professors. Of course, to keep this racket up, this communist class of professors need a perpetual inflow of government money, and therefore it should notbe surprising they are the most fervent advocates of communism. Today's students are simply the proto-professorial class. Most of them hailing from the SWPL white suburbs, or flooded with tons of scholarship money because of their minority status or vagina, they too are spoiled children who like Marx, Mao, and Lenin find real work beneath them. Thus when given the choice between majoring in engineering or political science, they'll chose political science because (once again) they're lazy and are deathly afraid of real work. Of course, just like Marx, Mao, and Lenin, this won't stop them from telling the rest of the world how to live...perhaps become parasitic professors themselves...but such intellectual hypocrisy won't bother them as they vote for Bernie Sanders to take your money so they can live the parasitic life of a professional student. Journalists anyone? Speaking of lazy and worthless degrees, could there be a better major that more clearly declares to the world "I'm lazy, don't want to work hard, but want to have a job that strokes my

ego!"? Their desperate desire for an easy and lazy life shines through with the horrendous political bias "journalists" have. And that political bias is, you guessed it, to the left. And politicians. Unless specifically anti-communist, nearly every democrat/labor/leftist/socialist/left-leaning political party in the world is staffed by worthless, lazy people, typically from rich backgrounds, who have the gall to not only demand other people work hard to pay for their salaries, but demand to be put in charge of the world's governments, and thus rule the world. If there is proof that there's a second "incentive" or motive for communists and socialists beyond laziness/weakness/fear, it is ego. You see it in professors, protestors, college students, media, non-profit directors, and others. But nowhere is ego as prominent as it is in our politicians. So my question to you is, why would you bother wasting your time arguing the differences between "Trotskyite communism" vs. "Leninism" vs. "Marxism" when the entire political philosophy is explained in one word - parasitism? Why would you waste your time arguing at their pig-in-mud level when you can simply dismiss them all as lazy pigs? Communists, whatever their incarnation, be they historical figures, your university professors, your local democratic politician, etc., are lazy, worthless, parasitic human beings who cowardly hide behind lofty and fabricated academic theories, solely created to steal your wealth, all while boosting their egos as they fool themselves into thinking they're somehow smart, educated, or superior. And if it isn't lofty, fabricated academic theories, it's rank and cowardly lies such as "privilege," "racism," "the glass ceiling," etc. My life, as well as yours, is too damn short to tolerate these lazy, egotistical, and above all else, evil people. And I am not going to validate them by giving their arguments credit or trying to debate them using their premises. I'm going to simply call them what they are and dismiss them as such, because that's all they deserve.

They're a bunch of spoiled brat, lazy, weak, parasites.

THE END OF AWARDS It was last night the GF said unto me, "Cappy, let's get some dinner." Preoccupied with taxes and mundane busy work, I said, "Fine. Find a place and let's go." And in about 10 minutes she had found a place - "Culinary Drop Out." So off to the preppy parts of Scottsdale we went where upon entering the restaurant we both knew she had made a mistake. For the restaurant was not so much a restaurant but a dog-rescue like non-profit where the last vestiges of hipsters, millennials, and people confused about their sexual identity were hired and provided a nice little preserve to live in (ironically...or perhaps not so ironically... in the most preppy, conformist part of Arizona). It was bad enough I could not look at our server, who although nice and very good at her job, was so pierced, tattooed and poorly dressed, it ruined the dining experience. We ordered quick. Ate fast. And got the hell out of there. However, whilst waiting for our food I couldn't help but notice what was on two TV's that hung above the bar. One TV was showing the X games, the other some "music awards ceremony." One TV had snowboarders working amazing tricks on the half pipe. The other had two aged baby boomer hippies playing guitars. One had 20 somethings flipping snowmobiles off of jumps.

The other had some old washed up 60 somethings blathering on about some cause or another. One had youth cheering on loudly as skiers did triple-lindys off a jump. The other had middle-agers donned in tuxes and formal regalia, golf clapping at the latest award awarded to some person or another for some thing. The two could not have been more juxtaposed and they highlighted an important lesson for everybody to learn about awards - they no longer mean anything. After watching Bruno Mars (I can at least visually identify him) win "Best New Album" I finally broke down and looked up which award ceremony was being broadcasted on CBS and it turned out to be the "Grammy's." At one time, when I was in single digits these ceremonies and awards might have meant something. My mom would sit me down to watch Ms. America, which at least in theory celebrates beauty. I recall watching the various "ammy's" because there was no cable, they had pomp and circumstance, and there wasn't much else to do that late in the evening for an 8 year old. But the first hint I received that something was amiss and that these award ceremonies were absolutely pointless was when Jack Nicholson wasn't even nominated for his role as the Joker in Batman. I didn't have much time to think about it soon after that because I would be shipped off to college soon thereafter and my consumption of pop culture would tank for the next 6 years. But further bits of data and evidence would soon appear proving nearly every societal establishment, institution, guild, and pillar was corrupt and their "prestigious awards" completely pointless.

While in college Arafat won a Nobel Peace prize in 1994, which only echoed various UN nominations of dictators to human right's commissions and positions. This was confirmed when a man who LITERALLY HAD NO REAL WORLD WORKING EXPERIENCE AND HADN'T DONE ANYTHING YET won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 - Barack Obama. There was the fact I had a 3.96 but couldn't technically graduate with "honors" because I didn't spend enough time in extracurricular activities that included diversity, working with the poor, and other such political claptrap. All of which was backdropped by now two decade's worth of "ammy" awards where skill and talent is rarely discussed, but speeches against BushHitlerTrumpIraqEtc., seemed to be all that mattered. Stephen Colbert's hosting of one of these "ammy" awards recently, where all he did was obsess over Trump like a teenage girl, epitomized this. But while the awards of our global institutions have been co-opted for blatant leftist political reasons, awards in nearly every aspect of American life have also become pointless. For example take the self-inflicted sob story of arguably America's dumbest woman - Sarah Pool. Among the story of self-inflicted ruination, Sarah holds up her 3.95 GPA in "English" as an accomplishment or prize, when in reality it doesn't take much to get a high GPA in the liberal arts and grad inflation is rampant. Those hipsters working at the Culinary Dropout? Merely representatives of the first generation of adults who had meaningless participation trophies, not to mention the elimination of GPA's and valedictorians in some of their schools. And in what can only be described as the most perfect example of mental and ego masturbation the "Chicago Bird Collision Monitors Awards" which merely award awards to each other and is endemic among non-profits, academia, and CSR departments. What is happening is very simple. To actually achieve something noteworthy takes effort, rigor, sacrifice, thought, and time. In short, you must pay a price, beyond financial, to do something noteworthy,

let alone win a real award. But with a softening of American resolve and a decay in the quality and caliber of Americans, more and more people want the benefits of the award without the actual achievement that would earn them one. This is not only hypocritical, but insane, because I don't know how you can enjoy or take pride in an award when you did nothing to earn it. This is epitomized in the vast number of various civilian awards, titles, and honors issued by the Soviet government to aggrandized themselves and legitimize communism even though there was nothing of genuine accomplishment to celebrate. The "donating blood" award was merely the Soviet's equivalent of a soccer mom's bumper sticker of "My Student is a Great Student and Dumfuck Elementary,"but in all honesty is more of an accomplishment than Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. The question is whether society realizes this or they fail to see past these formerly glorious institutions' past reputations. Does little Johnny actually think he's "a great student" because his mommy (and every other students' mommies) have bumper stickers on their SUV's? Does little Suzie with her 48 participation trophies think she's accomplished at anything? Do all the graduate students in the liberal arts think they're education and not indoctrinated simply because they have an advanced degree in some leftist liberal arts slop? And much as you may like him, you gotta know that Barack himself doesn't actually believe he deserved that Nobel Prize. The good news is that even though I was in the hipster-rescue charity called "The Culinary Dropout," nobody was watching the Grammy awards. They were more focused on the actual display of athletic excellence being portrayed on the X Games and not the washed up hippies playing their guitars and the nearly-dead golfclapped them on as they no doubt called for more of other people's money to solve problems they really cared about. I charter this more to the fact flipping snowmobiles is just more impressive and eye catching, but there is also salvation in the internet. The internet has truly democratized media where CBS, the MSM, and large traditional

institutions no longer have the pull they once did. Not only because "the youth" today no longer watch TV and are instead glued to their cell phones, but the old dinosaur institutions that present awards are so far up their own asses and too busy blowing each other, they've lost touch with the younger generations and lost touch with what it means to be "excellence." Dragging Bono's ass up on stage thinking the 19-34's are going to watch him (yet again) lecture them about how they should feel guilty does not have the pull as to whether Shawn White is going to make that epic flip. Having Madonna's wrinkly corpse up on stage lecture the 19-34 year olds is not as exciting as whether or not their post was liked on Facebook or Suzie Q is going to Snapchat a nudie pic to Bobby Joe. It is the laziness, lack of genuine excellence, political corruption, and the alternatives the internet provides that has ended the value and ultimate meaning of the world's traditional awards. And thank god because they mean absolutely nothing.

HOW TRUMP WILL EXPOSE THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR THE FARCE IT IS There's a problem with awards. "Awards," by their very definition, must award something. That something would logically be something of noteworthiness, accomplishment, value, or excellence. And something so noteworthy or valuable, that it stands out from the rest of normal people's accomplishments that it deserves recognition. So a person with a perfect SAT score, a hero in a war, or even a creative and savvy entrepreneur - those people are "awarded" with a scholarship, a medal, financial wealth, etc.

But achieving something of great value and accomplishment takes effort. And effort, especially of the noteworthy variety, takes hard work. And as well all know this goes against all non-blue collar leftists' nature. So what is an egotistical leftist to do? The answer is "destroy awards." Not so much by eliminating them or actually destroying them, but by lowering and destroying the standards by which excellence is awarded. So the elimination of the honor roll, participation trophies, completely made up awards, removing the swimsuit competition from Miss. America, non-art, or the political co-opting of awards (such as the Oscars or anything ending with an "ammy") - all of these things are done so inferior people can avoid hard work, but still bask in the glow of "achievement" and "celebration." Meanwhile, genuinely amazing humans of great accomplishment and achievement are overlooked for these politically connected, horrific inferiors. Which brings us to Donald Trump. Again, for the 38th time, I am no big fan of Donald Trump. But I am a fan of the world having objective standards by which we measure and recognize excellence so that society may not only advance, but enjoy the accomplishments of truly amazing people (not "Oprah Amazing"). So it is with great curiosity I look forward to the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. For while there is a great many things to criticize Trump over, his ability to bring a prospective peace to North and South Korea is easily the pinnacle act to bring peace to this world in 2018. I want to emphasize the conclusivity and concreteness of that statement.. It is a fact that Donald Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobody has done more to advance peace in 2018 than Donald Trump. That's not an opinion, that's not my bias. The man brokered the end of the Korean War and did more to bring the two countries

together in the past 6 months than thousands did in the past 68 years. Oh, and he may also have resulted in the freeing of the world's most oppressed people without firing a shot or costing one human life. I'm sure there's a very nice lady teaching poor third world children how to read somewhere, but unequivocally Donald Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. But the point of this article is not about whether Trump deserves the prize. That is fact. That is truth to anybody who still is capable of independent thought. The real point of this article is to highlight and preemptively expose the frauds in the Nobel Prize Committee who will continue on the leftist tradition of co-opting awards for political purposes and deny him the award. This is not that brave or ballsy of a prediction. The Nobel committee's track record already exposes their ulterior political motives. Awarding Barack Obama the Nobel prize in 2009 for essentially "being Barack Obama" was perhaps the ultimate slap across humanity's face that woke people up to the worthlessness of the award. But like newspaper articles, atrocious legislation, or shutting down lemonade stands, nobody investigates and profiles the people behind such acts, merely that the act happened. And so I want to profile and expose the members of the Nobel Peace Prize committee so we can all understand who they are, how they simple political ideologues, and the LAST thing they care about is "peace." Berit Reiss-Andersen - She is the chairman of the committee, lawyer, life-long government worker and politician, and a member of Norway's labor party. She has never spent a second in the private sector working a real job, working with real people, yet politically espouses beliefs to help the common man like many limousine leftists do. Henrik Syse - If you thought Ms. Reiss-Andersen was a privileged limousine leftist, allow me to introduce you to Henrik Syse. Like Ms. Reiss-Andersen he too has never set foot in the real world suffering

one second of actual physical toil or labor. A lifelong academic he has never left academia since the Cold War where he currently is a "professor of peace." Oh, incidentally he is Norway's Chief Nepotist as he is also the son of Jan Syse, Norway's former prime minister. Thorbjorn Jagland - Ensuring there is no political diversity in the Nobel committee is another labor party member, Mr. Thorbjorn Jagland. He stands out from other party members in that he worked extra hard at avoiding work, opting to go into politics at the age of 16. There is literally nothing else of note about Mr. Jagland as he's done literally nothing else in his life. He has arrogantly insisted (and Norwegians naively capitulated) to tell other people what to do since he was a child and has never gone through any galvanizing experiences that would have otherwise turned him into an adult. My 13 year old cousin has more work experience baby sitting that this adult child. Anne Enger - A bit harder to find a thorough biography on, Ms. Enger is AGAIN another career politician. In office since 1985 (assuming my Norwegian was correct) she has wallowed in the halls of public sector privilege since the Cold War. In all intellectual honesty she is NOT a member of the labor party, but instead was the one-time leader of Norway's Centrist Party. Regardless, no mention of having any real or tangible employment was found in any of her biographies. Alse Toje - Like Ms. Enger, Mr. Toje is also not a member of the labor party, but he has pretty much everything else in common with the rest of the Nobel Peace Prize committee. In my 43 years of life I have worked as a landscaper, security guard, analyst, banker, dance instructor, author, laborer, radio show host, clerk, and window washer. Mr. Toje at the same age has been a.... professor.

That's it. That's all he's done. He's cushily been parked in academia his entire adult life ne'er setting one foot in the world of real work. His politics may not align with the rest of the committee, but his work ethic (or lack thereof) most certainly does. You may certainly research these people in more detail, but the point is these are not real people who worked in the real world and actually care about world peace. These are Norwegian bureaucrats who are deathly afraid of labor and toil, yet want to be popular on the international stage. And since their primary motivation in participating in the Nobel Peace Prize is not peace, but self-servance I can guarantee you they will not award Donald Trump the Nobel "Peace Prize," but somebody else more politically aligned with them and popular amongst their academic, political, bureaucratic circles. Alas, the Nobel Peace Prize will continue on being the joke that it's become. The question is whether the rest of the world will be duped into believing it's anything but.

MICRO COMMUNISM FAILS AGAIN One of, if not the biggest complaint I have about communists is, like a multi-cultural society, they have no successful track record of getting communism to work just once. I'm all for society experimenting and trying different things because that is how you advance, but on just a simple logical level, don't you think you should try communism on a small scale before rolling it out for all 7 billion people on the planet? And in light of the Soviet Union, Moaist China, Pol Pot, North Korea, and Venezuela, don't you think it should be tried on a small scale

first before applying it an entire country? You know, before you starve another 100 million people? Which is why I find this story particularly interesting. "Pizza with a Purpose" is what I like to call "micro-communism." It's a small scale attempt at implementing a socialist economy, albeit on a micro-scopic level. It allows people to experiment with communism to see if they can "finally" fine tune it and "do it right this time." But they just keep failing. Beforehand there was a "Marxist" restaurant in Michigan that closed. There was also an anti-cop coffee barista who had to close her shop as well. I'm sure if you dig you'll find a dozen cafes, shops, bistros, and restaurants, all headed up by (ironically) communist capitalists who just can't keep a cafe open. Which begets the question - if you can't run a restaurant, how the hell do you people expect to run an economy? Of course, to most communists this question is moot. They value their religion of communism more than the lives it would destroy. Their ego and religion is more important than the reality it hasn't worked, it won't work, and likely will never work. And this is a point I'm desperately trying to convey to those not on the left - stop trying to argue reason and evidence with these people. They simply do not care to debate with intellectual honesty, and they truly don't care to bring about a "better world." They simply want other people to pay for their stuff. They simply want free shit. They want to parasite off of you and these elaborate economic, philosophical and political "theories" are merely bunk to mask their cowardice and parasitism. What piques my interest is when these people actually put their money where their mouths are and open a communist restaurant.

They're so delusional, and so fervent in their marxist religion, they'll ruin their own financial lives attempting to run a "communist company." It's at times like that you simply pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back and watch the show. And then when they blame it on "patriarchy" or "sexism" or whatever bogus excuses parasites come up with for their own failure, you merely enjoy the decline.

WHY AMY SCHUMER IS SO POPULAR It was 2013 and I was road tripping out in the American south west. I was lucky enough to get a car with Sirius satellite radio which meant even in the most remote locales of the country I was able to listen to pretty much whatever I wanted. So there I was, in Canyonlands National Park, far far away from the only civilization in Moab, when a hilarious comedian by the name of Amy Schumer came on the air. She was funny. She was hilarious. She made my trip all that much enjoyable. And I took a note in my little notepad to look her up when I returned home. But like many items on my to do list, I forgot to look her up. And whereas normally this would mean the name "Amy Schumer" would likely forever be lost on a piece of paper as I unconsciously threw it in the garbage, I would NEVER forget Amy Schumer because at about that same time the

traditional media social media alternative media print media and Hollywood went gangbusters promoting the hell out of Amy Schumer, ne'er letting me forget this woman existed. Oddly, however, it wasn't her comedy as much as it was just...well...her they were promoting. Not that she had done anything amazing (aside from her comedy), but quite the opposite. She was just your average, obese American woman, and the media had launched a cognizant and purposeful campaign blitz celebrating that fact. She was Amy Schumer! She was large and in charge! She was body-positive! And she's all about feminism! 3 years later neither you nor I can go a week without seeing her on some social media meme, on the cover of a trashy grocery store magazine, or some other such theatrics blasted over the internet. She's Amy Schumer! And by god she's overweight! And she's in your face about it! And we're going to celebrate this fact! HA! Naturally, this in-your-face-24-7-Amy-Schumer-channel has ruffled the feathers of conservatives, libertarians, or people who just don't like being told what they should and should not find attractive. But in addition to this (intended and planned) revulsion, a common

question coming from my conservative and libertarian circles, AS WELL as some associates of mine on the left is: Why the hell is Amy Schumer so popular? And it is here a very important lesson lies for us all, regardless of politics, So strap in lieutenants and pour yourselves a stiff one because in understanding why Amy Schumer is so popular you will be able to attain an element of serenity and calm previously not had before. By all measures of sanity and logic Amy Schumer should be popular because of her comedy and humor. My hatred for her does not blind me to the fact she is an incredibly talented comedian and is one of the funniest people I've heard. But if you look at nearly ALL of the media, attention, and hype Schumer has received in the past couple of years it has NOT been to promote her comedy, her humor, or her literary works, but rather push a political agenda, namely one of fat acceptance (and to a larger extent, feminism). A sane and logical mind would ask "what gives?" Why would she abandon her true talent of humor to become just another harpy harping on fat-acceptance and feminism? The market is flooded with such women, and it certainly is not as rewarding as being a comedian. But while you're focusing on her talent as a humorist (and the general hatred that mars the world of feminism), what you fail to see is a market that is MUCH larger than the comedy market, and one that is much more profitable: Pretty lies. Currently the largest industry in the world right now is government. Governments are the largest organizations by far, they are the largest consumers of resources, and they employ the most amount

of people. But in Western governments in particular the primary service they provide is not defense roads infrastructure cops or judicial systems but rather... pretty lies. And these lies are told with the sole purpose of getting corrupt politicians re-elected so they can avoid real jobs in the real world/private sector. You're not poor because you had 6 children from 4 different fathers. You're poor because you're black and whitey hates you. You're not making 76% of what men make because you majored in "French Lesbian Communication Studies." You're making 76% of what men make because "sexism." And you're not an overpaid union member who drove jobs overseas with your bloated pay. You're a victim of "The Evil Corporations Maaaaan!" This racket is a multi-trillion dollar industry and is the largest scam ran on all of humanity.... except for religion. It is no coincidence that the predecessor to government was religion. Previous to those evil-white-males introducing secular

government and ending the pointless deaths caused by theocracies, religion was the state and maintained this age-long multi-trillion dollar racket by providing the same service modern day governments do: Pretty lies. "There's an afterlife!" "You're immortal! You're all going to heaven!" "You're the chosen ones!" "You are superior to non-believers!" "You have the right to kill them all!" "And take all their stuff!" It's the same thing governments do today, but with "god" and immortality as the prominent lies. But while you'd think religion and governments have a duopoly on this market, think again. The human demand for pretty lies is insatiable. There's trillions more to go around! And the private sector also wants its share of this racket. Enter in: the media Hollywood the fashion industry Oprah/The View/Daytime talk shows Reality TV Academia and a whole host of other industries designed to lie right to people's faces so they mindlessly part with their money. And that is the industry Amy Schumer is in.

Sadly, the free market has determined that Amy's skills as a comedian, though impressive, are outshone by her ability to sell lies. Yes there are likely thousands, tens of thousands, even perhaps millions of people who would buy her DVD or buy tickets to her shows. But there is MORE demand from (predominantly) overweight women who want to believe that there is something wrong with society and men for liking and being attracted to skinny chicks. Thus why nobody has heard of Amy's latest comedy tour (if she even has one), but EVERYBODY knows how fat her thighs look. The result is the confusion (and frustration) we're all enduring over the inexplicable popularity of Amy Schumer. She is not an actress of any type, she isn't funny when propagandizing politics, and I really am sick and tired of seeing her fat ass showing up everywhere on facebook. However, we all have to realize that all of this "Amy Schumer All the Time Show" is not intended for us, but rather the mindless sheeple whose lives are so void of meaning they need to live off of lies. Schumer's antics are not to agitate conservatives or libertarians. Schumer's showmanship is not to anger men over what they should or should not find attractive. Just like People Magazine, the "Schumer Media Blitz" is to tell sad, pitiful women the lie that big is beautiful, all women are gorgeous, and they can "have it all" (TM), etc. etc. There is of course a problem. These lies don't come free Yes there are the few dollars here or there women spend on magazines or any media outlet willing to publish a body-positive piece of propaganda. And yes, anybody using Ms. Schumer as a marketing tool will get those ladies' hard earned dollars as well. But the real price is these women waste their lives in a delusional world thinking:

Big is beautiful! "Loud and proud" is a noble aim. And men are shallow for not liking overweight, obnoxious women! Which condemns them to living in a delusional world, guaranteeing them no real success with the opposite sex, finding a quality man, or having a healthy, functional family. They will have wasted their one shot in life, their minute spark of existence in this universe on lies, and that's a higher price paid than all the taxes paid to governments and all the tithes paid into all the world's religions. If you think about it, it's actually quite precious and full of poetic justice. It almost makes you want to cheer Ms. Schumer on.

WHY CORPORATIONS ARE SEEMINGLY LEFTIST Medtronic was (emphasis on "was") a Minneapolis-based company until it decided it would move to Ireland under a "tax inversion" that would lower its corporate tax rate from 35% to 5%. With the savings they had repurchased $5 billion in shares giving shareholders $5 billion in value that would have otherwise been given to parasites via government programs had it been taxed. Abbott Labs did something similar. And Halliburton also moved it's corporate headquarters to Dubai. These are moves we expect from corporations because it makes sense. It lowers their expenses and increases profits. But then there are companies, especially those in from Silicon Valley, who do not seem to be the quintessential "right wing, pro-capitalist" corporations. Instead they're actually quite leftist not only taking leftist positions, but donating monies to the democrat party.

Naturally lobbying the socialist party of the US is nothing new, but this goes beyond that with companies and their executives taking outright politically left-stands when it would only serve to increase their corporate taxes. Apple's CEO telling people Apple doesn't want global warming deniers' money (fine by me). Mozilla's firing of Brendan Eich for making a anti-gay marriage political donation several years ago. Don't get me started about all the Fortune 500 companies that brag about their commitment to diversity. And companies like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's that purposely target leftists with their organic and fair trade foodstuffs (though admittedly that's marketing). Still, it doesn't make sense to most people as to why an increasing number of corporations would advocate and advance leftist political issues when in the end it just means higher corporate taxes. But if you stop thinking logically and instead look at this phenomenon through a different set of eyes it's actually quite apparent what corporations are doing. And what you'll find is that it's a combination of today's Gen X'ers taking over corporate leadership roles combined with a lack of any new ideas or talent. Welcome to the new marketing strategy of corporate America. Let us be very clear why there's a seemingly leftist bend in corporations - the current generation of business leaders plain have no new plans or ideas. Gen X is not particularly bright, most business leaders aren't real leaders as much as they are obedient, very average MBA clones. And until the millennials came on the scene we were hands down the laziest generation this country had ever begotten. But worse, Gen X is the first generation and "SJW prototype" to have been brainwashed by leftist indoctrination as it pertains to businesses.

This laziness and ineptitude, combined with the brainwashing they received is now infecting corporate American in full force. And it shows in the often confusing leftist policies FOR-PROFIT corporations endorse and enact. They enact these policies NOT because it's going to help the corporation. They enact those policies because it's the only marketing strategy they can think of. They enact these policies because it (in their minds) improves their reputation with the American people. They pursue these policies because, in short, they think leftism sells. And we see this every day. It originally started about 30 years ago with "diversity." Diversity was being shoved down college students throats since the late 80's. When we hit college in the 90's it didn't matter, we knew it for the BS that it was. But after three decades of telling people they're special because of traits (and not hard work or accomplishments) that's a sales pitch even Oprah can't match. Then came "going green" or CSR (corporate social responsibility). A corporation wasn't just a private entity owned by and completely beholden to its shareholders. No, now it was part of society and must put profits below it's "corporate social responsibility" to society. Under this BS was diversity, sexual harassment training, sensitivity training, etc., but it also laid the ground work for the "green" and "organic" fads that rushed through America in the past decade. Of course none of this did anything to improve the bottom line, increase shareholder value, or improve products for the customer, but it was just like the latest business management fad textbook - it provided nothing of value, but took nothing to enact, but still looked like you were doing something. A dream come true for most lazy business managers. And most recently, and we see this especially so in our entertainment industries, is the rebooting of old shows or movies because we just don't have the creative juices to create another Indiana Jones or Harry Potter.

A new Star Wars. A new Mad Max. Call of Duty 57 And now they're rebooting Scooby Doo It would be one thing if they were just too lazy to come up with new ideas, but these reboots have a particularly cute and leftist twist replacing traditionally white male characters with non-white male characters. The Hulk is now Asian. Ms. Marvel is a female Muslim. Chris Bechtloff can tell you about all the new gay or lesbian charcters. The new Ghostbusters is just a blatant pandering to women. And they even tried floating a balloon to see if they could make James Bond black (please do and launch the "White Shaft" while you're at it Hollywood). I could go on, but the strategy here is something very simple and one politicians have been using for years - divide and conquer. Of course corporations and their newest generation of "leaders" don't really want to "conquer" anything. They just want to sell their wares. But reliably and predictably, despite all claiming to be "independent minded," the brainwashing in school and college worked. Today's business leaders really do think taking political positions on race, sex, privilege, the environment, etc., is a genuine and effective business strategy. They think bragging about how they hire "minorities" but not "the best" is a long term managerial strategy. They think donating 5% of their pre-tax profit (because a corporate tax rate of 40% just wasn't enough) will win people over. Alas, this is the newest generation of business leaders. People who use "fads," "political correctness" and "leftism" to sell their products. And if you thought the Baby Boomers were bad business managers,

just wait for these over-educdated, political-correct-crusaderist Gen X'ers to fully be at the helm. Heaven help us.

DEAR POLITICALLY UNDECIDED: WHERE IS AMERICA’S POLITICAL INSANITY COMING FROM? I told the story before, but I'll tell the story again, but many years ago when Cappy was but a young 20 something in Minneapolis, it was a near-guarantee he would be the only non-leftist at the various house parties he attended. In part because of his peer group's age, in part because of Minneapolis' politics, he was almost always guaranteed to be the sole non-left at a party. Sure enough this presented some social hurdles to clear in that sooner or later, usually in the midst of macking on some girl, a pansy, limp-wristed guy would come up to the Captain and tell the girl he was trying to woo that "did you know he's a REPUBLICAN!!!!???" Sure enough this would bring Cappy's CaryGrant-level romantic advances to a screeching halt as the object of his affection would then start to interrogate him instead of waiver between going home with him. To combat this the Captain would burn CD's (because that was the technology in the day) with various economic data so when the party he was at decided to gang up against him, he could point to the data, charts, and graphs empirically proving he was right, they were brainwashed, and perhaps they could reconsider their political and philosophical positions in life...and that cute redhead would go home with him. Fat chance.

All that would happen is not much different than what happens today. If you didn't go with the crowd, if you didn't believe in socialism, if you didn't vote DFL/democrat, then you were a racist, hated women, murdered kittens, and punched puppies. And so I learned early on that you simply cannot convince leftists or any ideologue who subscribes to a particular political religion because they did not go out and study charts, graphs and data like the humble Captain did. Just like religion, they CHOSE to believe in said unsubstantiated political-religion and there's no way to convince somebody when they simply "choose." Therefore, I'm laying down a challenge to those of you who are undecided, centrists, or are just apolitical. And that is to simply entertain... one simple painfully clear observation. "Where on the political spectrum is America's current day political insanity coming from?" Taking politics out of it, you have to admit that it seems American politics has become increasingly insane. Everyday in the news the internet seems to drudge up ever increasing and ever-more political insanity that not only makes you shake your head, but makes you worried about America's future. And though there is no way to neatly categorize these news stories, after some thought and consideration I've managed to come up with roughly 4 general categories you're almost guaranteed to see a new news story about insanity in American politics.

The first category is feminism. Like the other three categories there is a limitless number of examples of political insanity. There was the pussy hat protests where women knitted pink hats, made to look like a woman's vagina, and they marched on DC to protest the election of Donald Trump. Closely related are slut walks that have nothing to do with the election of Donald Trump but is a favorite past time of feminists where they dress like sluts and march in public because women should be allowed to wear whatever they want without attracting the attention of men, specifically in the form of sexual assault and harassment. There's the fake rape epidemic epitomized by the University of Virginia's false rape accusation further perpetrated by an article in Rolling Stone magazine. But this should have been prevented had you followed Antioch's sexual consent policy where a man must ask, at each stage of sexual progress, permission to hold a girl's hand, put his hand on her shoulder, kiss her, and (GASP) maybe even fornicate! To top it all off, then there's feminists just yelling and screaming at the sky when Trump is elected, or (if you wish to be more formal about it) you put together an event where you communally yell at the sky to commemorate Trump being elected. Second, and somewhat closely related, the ever increasing number of sexes. 10 years ago there was straight, bi and gay. Today, 63. There are, of course, not 63 genders. There are three. Straight, bi and gay. The remainders are variations, derivations, and permutations of the aforementioned, introducing concepts like "sapio sexual" (being attracted to intelligent people) which are nothing more than splitting hairs. But while you'd think nobody would really believe in these ever-increasing number of genders, oh how mistaken you were. For not only does creating new genders make worthless academics feel like they're doing something for that

taxpayer government grant you gave them, it also gives valueless people something to glom onto providing them false worth. "I'm a pansexual androgine lesbian!" "I'm a Masculine Bisexual Androfemale!" Well good for you. Do you have a job? Do you support yourself? Are you majoring in engineering? Do you pay taxes? And what you'll find out is they don't...but they do have that obscure gender nobody else does! And that's gotta count for something! Right??? The result is largely what you're witnessing among confused millennials where you have emasculated men, masculinized women, nobody having dates or sex, and an explosion in other forms of differentiation (yet no production). Tattoos, piercings, and (my all time favorite form of body mutilation) ear gauges. This would be funny if it weren't for the fact these people insist on foisting their religion of pseudo-gender on the rest of society via law. Do you remember the transgender bathroom fiasco Americans were forced to endure? What about that bakery that was forced (then fined for not) baking a cake for a gay couple on religious grounds? It's all cute fun and games until you're forced through law NOT to acknowledge their sexual preference (which you should), but rather to obey these people's pseudo-gender religion and dance to their tune. Third, racism and sexism any one? The pinnacle example is privilege. It originally started with "white privilege" and "male privilege," but soon rapidly expanded (just like the number of genders) to include any other traits or variables normal, middle of America, Americans had.

Able-bodied privilege. Mental health privilege. Financial privilege. Christian privilege. Hetero privilege. The insanity gets to be so much that unless you are a minority, nonstraight female (or hermaphrodite) in a wheel chair who is not a Christian or hails from wealth... then you should feel ashamed, guilty, and need to pay more in taxes. Examples of political racism/sexism borne insanity doesn't end there. If you're part of BLM you apparently have the right to block interstates. Women will never seem to stop complaining about the wage gap, just as they never seem they'll ever be willing to major in subjects that will actually CLOSE the wage gap. We're going to remove George Washington's pew from a church because he owned slaves 250 years ago. And apparently women are so oppressed they can't afford birth control, so you better afford it for them. This isn't to say racism and sexism hasn't existed in the history of this country or the world, but the above have nothing to do with race, but mental illness mixed with entitlement and a professional level of playing the victim for preferential treatment while cowardly hiding behind the genuine suffering of those who genuinely endured racism and sexism in the past. And perhaps the most psychotic of them all - academia. Here (like sexual harassment complaints) you can find a new and exciting example of mental illness coming out of America's colleges and universities EVERY DAY. "Safe spaces," "triggering," "micro-aggressions," the aforementioned false rape accusation epidemic, all while you the taxpayers are

guaranteeing these kids' worthless degrees. The result is a generation of both professors and students who just refuse to adhere to reality or grow up, living in a state of perpetual adolescence. Evergreen College's "day without whites." Mizzou's racist temper tantrum in 2015 over...well, whites and privilege. Dr. Jordan Peterson's refusal to use fake "zhe/zher" pronouns "triggered" precious Canadian college students. And you just have to consult The College Fix to see a welldocumented litany of higher education's complete unhinging from reality and its further sinking into the depths of insanity. Now, I could go on, but, my fine centrist, politically undecided friend, riddle me this.... from where in the political spectrum is this literal mental insanity coming from? I know, I know, back in the 80's you had to worry about the "religious right." Nancy Reagan might have told you not to do drugs and Christians prefer you not abort your children. And I know, I know, some right wing idiots protested in Charlottesville several months ago. But in the totality of mental illness and insanity this country is drowning in, is it coming from the right or the left? The democrats or the republicans? The socialists or the capitalists? The answer is simple. The left has a COMPLETE monopoly on the political mental illness that is currently infecting (or trying to infect) the country. The left TOTALLY owns the insanity you see coming across the news wires daily. It is the left that screams at the sky, feeds their infants all vegan diets, claim "Baby It's Cold Outside" is

rapey, conjure up ideas like "safe spaces, ne'er leave academia to work in the real world, force people to use transgender bathrooms, force people to violate their religion, force people to use "genderless pronouns," and in general act like the world's most spoiled group of insolent, petulant little brats it has ever known, AND if you don't obey them, they threaten you with fees, fines, jail, the law, and force. This is not an argument that you should all go out and become cardcarrying republicans today. Nor is it to say the right is not without its problems. I am merely trying to point out which side of the political spectrum is leaving you alone to do as you please, while the other is demanding you do things for them, pay things for them, even demanding you THINK like them and if you don't, they will punish you. Consider this the next time there's an election.

EXPERIMENTING WITH MICRO-COMMUNISM I had a debate a while ago on Taleeb Starkes show, where he ambushed both me and a veritable communist by getting us to be on his show under false pretenses. Much like Iraq soldiers would get various insects or spiders to battle each other for entertainment, it was the same thing as natural enemies will attack each other. There wasn't much to say about the debate except for the fact the communist he had on was a purist, even going so far as to support North Korea (though choosing to live in Canada). I can't find the video (because I believe it's hidden behind a paypal on Taleeb's site), but with the limited time we had I wanted to clearly understand the point and position the communist was making. And what it ultimately boiled down to was that he truly believed in Marx's

theory about communist and that we had yet (of course) to implement communism correctly and were not yet at that stage. This prompted me to ask then, "Has a working model of communism ever been successfully implemented in all of human history" to which he said no. To which I responded "well don't you think you should try to get a small working model first before rolling it out on all 7 billion people?" which promptly won the argument. However, this got me thinking: what about experimenting with small "micro-communism" environments? Not necessarily because I want to implement communism, or that I'm curious to see if it would work. But because before we upend the entire global system that has naturally evolved over time (that would be "capitalism" for those of you in academia) which would CERTAINLY cause some inefficiencies...or outright millions of deaths due to starvation (if history is any indication)...wouldn't it be prudent, wise, and HUMANE to test it out FIRST on a small group and small scale of people so it could be perfected BEFORE forcing all 7 billion people under a gun to accept it? Alas, this article sent to me from our good Australian Agent in the Field, Adam Piggott. Apparently, in an effort to follow marxist maxims "Lentils as Anything's" (they needed to hire Asshole Consulting before naming their company that), would allow people to pay only what they could and not what was necessary to cover the expenses to pay the wages and overhead of the working-class people who supplied the restaurant with food, supplies, labor, and...well...everything. And as they found out, people, when given the choice, would not pay what was necessary to make the restaurant a viable economic concern and it was forced to close. This is nothing more than another repeat "micro-communist" experiment where another restaurant, Bartertown Diner, also failed to keep it's doors open. Unlike "Lentils as Anything's," Bartertown's

communist philosophy focused on management and not pricing. They decided not to have any management, allow employees to show up whenever and do whatever, allowed employees to determine their own wage, and even had such libertine policies as no-official hours. Once again, this micro-experiment in communism failed and the diner is no longer around. We can go on, but I do like this concept of experimenting with communism on a micro-level first, before rolling it over out onto for the people. Despite economic differences between me and communists, I would assume they have the best wishes of the people at heart. And if you're going to insist on changing the current socio-economic system from what it is to a communist one, then you'd make damn sure you could run a measly restaurant, let alone an entire economy. It's only the moral and right thing to do. But if you can't get restaurant to work, then why would you insist on implementing socialist policies nation wide, let alone municipal wide? It only hurts the people you're claiming to help. Venezuela is only the most recent nation-wide implementation of this ill-tested prototype political-economic philosophy following such successes as North Korea, the USSR, East Germany and Cuba. Detroit, Chicago, the black community, and academia are also "municipal" sized experiments that have cost millions of innocent people their livelihoods, futures and, some people, their actual lives). And Minneapolis just made a huge stride towards nationalizing private property under the guise of section 8 housing, already adding to a huge communist push by their privileged white girl major (if you don't know about Minneapolis, it's fallen under disrepair from their latest Mayor Betsy Hodges). About the only socialist success story, that unfortunately COMPLETELY depends on capitalism and free markets to provide its participants with the luxury of claiming to be socialists...while the

major employers of this economy ship their tax nexus overseas...would be Silicon Valley. But that took decades worth of K-college brainwashing and (once again) only works within a capitalist economy. Of course, what sadly is more likely the case in the majority of communists, socialists, democrats, and active politicians is that they care more about free stuff, easy jobs, government positions, and political power than they do the millions of lives their political religion destroys. They truly don't care how many brown people in Venezuela starve or how many black people in Zimbabwe die or how many black people get shot in Chicago. It's more important to them that they don't have to work and can live off of western government teats, not to mention feel good when virtue signaling in college as they pursue advanced liberal arts degrees. ANYTHING to avoid real work and labor, while hypocritically claiming to be the party of the worker. And so when a logical, obvious, humane, and SAFE option exists to experiment, perfect, and THEN roll out a feasible and practical communist society (which by the way if you can swing it, I'm all ears), it sadly falls on deaf ears because the majority of socialists/communists/democrats don't care about the people. They just care about themselves. So much so they have no problems ruining the lives of everybody else on the planet. You may hate capitalism. You may think it's cruel and evil. But at least it's been tested. Both on a small scale and large scale. Enjoy the decline!

WHY TECHNOLOGY, NOT ENVIRONMENTALISTS, WILL STOP GLOBAL WARMING I am going to make a prediction. And when I make predictions, people should pay attention because my track record is pretty good. Plus the prediction is hopeful and optimistic, so this rarity should definitely be paid attention to. Telecommuting will become standard within yours and my lifetimes. I didn't think it would happen, but the good news is the single largest hurdle to telecommuting is going away - Baby Boomer bosses. They're getting old, they're retiring out of the work force, some are dying, and even some are starting to get it through their incredibly thick skulls that this 20 year old technology can be implemented without the world collapsing. The day is coming where every white collar worker will have a commute like me...which is merely walking upstairs to my home office in my boxer shorts, grabbing coffee and turning on the computer. This is of course great news because of many reasons. One, I believe it will result in stronger, more stable families as more adults spend more time at home and less stuck in traffic. Two, I believe it will result in better children who spend more time with their parents as opposed to a daycare operator or parentsubstitute. Three, I believe there will be less divorce in the country since time and financial constraints are the #1 cause of divorce. Four, transportation budgets will be drastically cut because our roads do not need as much repair and maintenance.

Five, family finances will improve as we spend less on gas, auto repairs, insurance, and the cars themselves. Six, housing will become cheaper as people no longer have to live near hubs of economic activity (read-cities), but can move out to more rural areas drastically improving their budgets. Seven, taxes will be lowered as people are allowed to escape leftist crapholes like California and New York and move to tax free states such as Florida or Texas. Eight, costs of goods will go down because corporations will not longer have to shell out office expense, be it renting expensive downtown buildings or building cubicle farms. Nine, there will no longer be a commute/rush hour and the commensurate traffic jams that come with it and finally Ten, with nobody commuting western countries will drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, certainly more than any arbitrarily applied "reduction schedule" governments had signed onto. This will finally achieve the reduction in greenhouse gases environmentalists have wanted and (at least western countries) will have done their part to stop global warming. This will be cause for celebration. And I would contend not for the fact we will have ended global warming, but because of all the economic and standard-of-living improvements that come with being able to telecommute. But what is going to be very telling are the lessons, realities, and facts that will be observed AFTER we reach this stage in telecommuting/green house gas reduction. First, as is always the case, society's problems will not be solved by protestors, activists, slacktivists, sociologists, SJW's, politicians or

other worthless, talentless people. It will be solved by innovators, creators, scientists, and engineers. I don't care how precious a religion "global warming" and "the environment" is to the zealots who put the false religion of environmentalism at the core of their being. The truth is all green technology is created and produced by engineers. STEM majors. Not the professional parasites and whiners too lazy to do calculus and actually DO something about it. Second, we cannot help but point out global warming will also be solved by entrepreneurs and visionaries who saw the potential for different technologies and innovations to make life easier and solve problems. These entrepreneurs were of course driven by profit, which means whether you like it or not, it is also capitalism that solved global warming. To quote Newt Gingrich (regardless of whether you like him or not) "E-mail saved more trees than any tree hugger." Third, while the western world will move towards a commute-free world, making actual tangible change towards reducing global emissions, this doesn't change the fact that environmentalists, protestors, and activists are still going to want their iPhones, laptops, cheap clothing, and...well...every material good they've always wanted which are produced predominantly... outside the western world. i.e.-China, India, and the score of other Asian/second world countries where most actual physical production is done. This means the fight to stop global warming will have to be taken overseas to get those countries to lower their emissions. Which brings about my final and key point. Fourth, will the global warming crusaders and environmentalist religion zealots actually go overseas to help stop global warming?

This is so easy to predict, I feel I don't have to write it, but I will for thoroughness' sake. Everybody, including the environmentalists themselves, know damn well they're not going to. And the reason why is evidenced by every action environmentalist, protestors, and people who supposedly care about the environment take - none. They take no tangible, effective real action at all. And they do so because at their core they're lazy. If environmentalists actually cared about the environment, they would major in STEM, engineering, science, and pursue careers that would actually bring about the end of global warming. But at their core are just like all other religious people - fakers and frauds. They don't actually care about the environment, they just want to use environmentalism to provide their worthless, lazy selves with some kind of fabricated purpose, agency, or validation. So once it becomes inconvenient to bitch and whine about a problem, or the problem itself is solved, they won't stop and repurpose themselves into another capacity that actually serves society. They will simply find another cause or crusade to bitch about. They will simply find another religion. This will become painfully clear when telecommuting becomes widespread across the western world. Spoiled kids from the suburbs, replete with the worthless liberal arts degrees will be unable to complain in their home countries about global warming. But since to continue the fight against global warming would require going overseas (you know, actual effort), most will drop out of the fight because of cost (both in terms of time and money). The real issue (and even my prediction skills aren't this good) is what new "problem" or "crisis" will the environmentalist/professional crusaderist/lazy good-for-nothings come up with next to provide their meaningless lives with fake meaning? I'm always amazed at the left's ability to pull crises out of thin air, but even more flabbergasted when the sheeple public swallow it whole.

First it was global cooling. Then it was the ozone layer. Then it was the kid's starving in Africa. Then it was the rainforests. Then it was global warming. Then it was "climate change." Then it was "privilege." And (one I still can't believe the sheep swallow whole) the 31 flavors of gender. It's almost worth staying alive just to see what genuine craziness they pull out of their communal ass next. Regardless, mark my words, these people will not simply "go away," hang up their environmentalist robes, and return to society as accountants, cooks, mechanics or other productive members of society. Their entire life's purpose is to avoid real work, while hiding behind the fabricated nobility and morality of some leftist cause. And this hypocrisy will be exposed for a brief moment when the west adapts telecommuting.

BATTLEFIELD “V AGINA” – RUINING FUNWITH POLITICS The short version is this: Electronic Arts releases the trailer for "Battlefield V" a sequel to a long-running series of war FPS games. The trailer gets horrific reviews because of the blatant politics where there is a handicapped woman on the cover of the game, who also

happens to be the hero of the game. Never mind women were scarcely present on the battlefields of WWII, never mind it alienated your customer base, Battlefield "V agina" will be shoved down your throats. Electronic Arts doubles down saying that "women heroes are here to stay"because they think lying about history and virtue signaling will get more female players and boost sales. Alan Kertz, a lead designer (I believe) of the game, triples down saying that his daughter's desire to play a WWII female soldier is more important than...well... anything else...including the $100 million MINIMUM it took to develop it and another $100 million I estimate to market it. And if you were still hoping that you would not be lectured by gender politics in one of the few havens of fun left in your life, EA QUADRUPLES down with one of their executives, Patrick Soderlund, who said "Accept it or Dont buy the game." Since then Mr. Soderlund has left EA. Naturally when you ignore the demands of your customers and put politics ahead of profits, it tends to take a toll on your sales and your stock price. But do not fear my fine fellow EA shareholder. EA's corporate executives and managerial staff will never give up their precious politics and no amount of your profit can convince them otherwise. This is the new marketing strategy. This is the new point and purpose of going into business. This is the new paradigm. Politics must come before profits. However, let the Ole Captain provide you a little bit of free consulting which he normally doesn't do. I don't know if the people at Dice (EA's subsidiary in charge of Battlefield V agina) are too busy avoiding no go zones in Sweden (they're Swedish) as they bend over bow down to the altar of

diversity, but perhaps they missed a couple other attempts at forcing politics in with people's fun. Feminist Ghostbusters was (in case you didn't know Kertz) a flop. Solo, which was actually a good movie, also flopped in part because of flooding the market with Star Wars movies, but also in part because of identity politics. And if movies are too far removed, perhaps people remember Mass Effect Andromeda where the characters were made purposely ugly to appease an SJW minority. I remember when it was launched and it was a debacle, but the interwebz has kept ultimate sales obscure, which leads me to believe final sales were a disappointment. I could go on, but my point ironically is not political. It's logical. It's simple. It's ethical. It's even childish. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HAVING POLITICS FORCED INTO THEIR FUN, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN! When I was a kid I remember getting gifts on Christmas that were about Christ and Christianity. They sucked because religion (which is not fun) was forced into, and thus ruined, my fun. The past two years football fans, who bust their asses off during the week, and just want to sit down and enjoy a good football game on Sunday, have to have Colin Kapernic's dick shoved down their throats while he and his dipshit brigade of ungrateful millionaires claim they're oppressed and take a knee during the national anthem. This forces politics in people's much-coveted fun, and the NFL has paid a dear price. And if these examples don't paint a clear enough picture for you, perhaps imagining pouring yourself one of your favorite finest scotches after a long hard of working on some

major project. And right before I serve it to you I drop a big old turd into it and make you smell it. Now I know you Swedish developers at Dice and you corporate executives in EA have been completely indoctrinated in school and college to think everything in your life has to have a political element to it. I know every corporation in the western world simply can't make a good product at a good price, they have to virtue-signal to the rest of the world just how leftist-socialist-green-utopia-diversityvagina-for-the-poor-transgendered-unicorn you all are. And I know, quite literally, your entire lives have been in an echo-chamber that you forgot what it's like to be a child and just want to have fun, BUT.... the rest of us in the real world haven't. And we don't like politics forced into our fun. The real issue is whether you guys are going to be employees for a corporation, of which you are going to work hard to put forth a product people want, making us happy, making your employer money, and making yourselves a successful career? OR Are you going to become ideologues or SJW's, forcing your politics into everybody's fun? And if you choose the later then realize that not only are you tyrants, but you're also dicks because there's no more of a dick move than ruining other people's fun. Again, just my free advice, but I'd kindly suggest you take your turds out of my drinks.

IT TOOK TOO LONG TO IDENTIFY THE EDUCATION BUBBLE Out of America's 320 million people there are enough independent, intelligent adults who can and have identified various asset bubbles in the US economy. Some not only identified them, but they also had the foresight to predict them warning people long before the bubbles burst. Had Normie and Conformie Americans listened to these people we would have avoided a world of pain. The Great Depression, the Dotcom Crash (and the subsequent recession) and the most recent "Great Recession." All of these bubbles and their consequential economic pain could have been avoided if the mainstream media, government officials, academics and just regular common folk...stopped...took a big breath...thought...and stopped buying into the bubble, ending the bubble in its tracks and thus limiting the economic damage it would wreak on the economy. Sometimes it takes months, usually, it takes a couple years, but most people alive today have cummulatively and unnecessarily paid trillions in lost economic production and potential to these bubbles. But the education bubble is different. And the reason it is different is the APPALLING amount of time it has taken the American sheeple to wake up and get hip to the scam known as higher education. Worse, our presumed American institutions that are to serve and protect us, failed the American people spectacularly. The mainstream media was (as usual) asleep at the wheel, too busy peddling socialism under the guise of brown journalism. Our politicians, as usual, are too stupid and short sighted to see what flooding the labor market with degrees would do. And academia, who should presumably be studying education and the labor market and warning us about it, were complicit as much as bankers during the housing bubble as they were the drug peddlers profiting off the education bubble. Without America's effective "nervous system" to

tell us what is going on in the economy, country, and the labor market, the same worthless outdated advice was given to our children "the future" "Any degree's a good degree!" "It doesn't matter what you major in, it's what you do with your degree that matters." "Follow your heart and the money will follow." And thus we Idiot Americans kept our hands on the educational stove and for the past 20 years shoveled ever-so-roughly-around $6.5 trillion of our money on worthless degrees - much more if you consider the interest paid on those worthless debts - and more than what we spent on the Iraq war. The costs, sadly, are not merely financial. Students released into the wild real world suffer an indescribable psychological toll as they cannot find a job, are crippled with debt, and often times must return for pointless "advanced degrees" to make anything of their undergrad. Worse is the insanity that must ensure when you realize you've been lied to the entire time, your entire SEVENTEEN YEAR educational career was wasted, and you now get to relearn everything from the ground up. But if this psychological torture was not enough, all one has to do is look at the insanity that happens to today's unfortunate millennials in college on a daily basis. From denying people the freedom of speech, to fake rape epidemics, to blatant racism and sexism, to the delusional obsession of creating synthetic genders, not only has academia become a laughing stock to normal, sane, working Americans, they have mentally impaired nearly a generation, condemning them to a life of misery and mental torture. And if I were to estimate it about half of Gen X, all of the millennials, and soon to be all the Gen Z'ers will have their lives sacrificed into this education bubble. When the totality of the damage of the education bubble is taken into account, it is simply the most costly bubble in US history.

But there is hope, and by "hope" I mean on the level of hope offered by President Obama. Merely, a theory, a potential, a possibility for educating the American people, bursting this bubble, making our decisions based in the real world, and preventing our current and future children from wasting their youth on worthless degrees. The MSM is FINALLY waking up. Though way too little and way too late, when you have an article in PBS written by a man who is a worthless-degreed victim of the education bubble himself, highlighting that EVEN HIPPY DIPPY CALIFORNIA is throwing a token $6 million towards an initiative to start a conversation to raise awareness to form a committee to start a discussion about the merits of vocational training, it could be the snowflake that causes the avalanche. Of course Mr. Krupnick is not the first snowflake from the MSM to hint at an education bubble. There has been the rare article on CNN and your local newspaper that has identified the education bubble. But as I said these are merely woefully inadequate tokens of hope. A sign that SOME in the MSM, government, even intellectually honest academics are aware of the bubble...but the heck if anyone is going to do anything about it. And this is where I have further bad news. It took 20 years for just SOME nerve cells in America's Nervous System to identify that America has had its hand on the higher education stove for all this time. And despite my and other's best efforts, do you have any clue how long it's going to take for America and her institutions to do something about it? First, Academia is THOROUGHLY entrenched in its mob-like shake down of America's children. No honest studies or efforts at reforming themselves for the betterment of America's labor force and America it self should be expected. Yes, there's WGU and a movement to go online, but these institutions should have been the norm, not the exception, A DECADE AGO.

Second, the likes of Mr. Krupnick and Joe Soucheray are the exception, not the rule in the MSM. They're actual journalists. And though it may sound petty and sad, I believe most people in the media today simply have too much pride to admit their degrees were worthless, and are too steeped in pro-education-forever indoctrination commonly found in their heavily-left biased environment. They may know their hands are on the stove, but just can't bring themselves to admit it. At minimum it will be pulling teeth to get the MSM to admit there's an education bubble. Third, basic ignorance of the normies and conformies. Specifically American parents. I still cannot believe that Gen X parents today, who were likely the first victims of earning worthless degrees, regurgitate the same slop their Baby Boomer parents feed them 35 years ago. "Any degree's a good degree." "You need that sheepskin." Even if 16 year old read the newspapers, the stereo brainwashing they get between their teachers and parents that they MUST go to college is deafening. And finally, "the college experience." I've pointed it out before and I'll point it out again, "college" is not viewed by young college-bound Americans as a means to skills and a career, but a birthright to a 4 year party after a 13 year prison sentence. We have NOT painted our children with a picture of the future that is anything but "college." Worse, we have made it like a "Promised Land of Canaan" as we force them into the legal prison system of K-12 education, putting way more value and emphasis on college than their degrees could ever possibly provide. The MSM, government, parents, and academia itself could warn these kids in a coordinated, uniform cacophony about the perils of the education bubble, but students would still line up to pay $100,000 for a "Masters in Puppetry" anyway. And so while it may have taken America's "adults" 20 years to IDENTIFY the education bubble, I'm afraid it will take 20 more to

deflate it. Gen Z is currently now getting the finishing touches on its brainwashing in high school about the merits, nay, mandatory nature of college. Millennials are still flailing around as fish out of water, slinging coffee, desperately clinging on and citing their socialist talking points as to why they can't find meaningful employment and why taxpayers should bail them out of their student loans just like the bankers. Politicians, in an attempt to get elected, are going to say they're for more money for education...failing to realize how flooding the market with more money causes tuition inflation. Academics have absolutely NO incentive admit to the realities of worthless degrees. And the MSM, though the rare Mr. Krupnick and Soucheray may point out the folly of "African American Studies" degrees, is so far removed from genuine journalism its in the late stages of Huntington's disease offering nothing of value to America. America and Americans can expect to wander the desert another 20 years as it slowly digests this education bubble. And like the previous two decades before it, you can expect to pay an equivalent price, both financial and mental. But if you dare to be a truly independent thinker and don't want to suffer the consequences of another bubble, ensure you or your children major in the right thing. You don't have to sling coffee with a masters degree. You don't have to be in debt until you're 40. You don't have to eat like a college student until you're 45. And you don't have to shamefully and parasticially demand the taxpayers bail you out just like the bankers.

MISCELLANEOUS, BUT STILL SUPER AWESOME POSTS THE CASE FOR EVIL The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" is an amazing movie and is an absolute must for every person to see. There is the Hollywood-good "Blondie" played by Clint Eastwood. The Saturday-morning-cartoonvillain bad "Angel Eyes" played by Lee Van Cleef. And the relateable ugly "Tuco" played by Eli Wallach. The story that unfolds as the three try to abscond with $200,000 in Civil War gold is unrivaled and I shan't ruin a single bit of the movie for you here. But the title is as catchy as the movie is good because it prompts people to conveniently categorize all of society into these three categories. The good. The bad. and The ugly. The truth is, however, this is wrong. Society does not break down neatly between the good, the bad, and the ugly, and this can be seen in the character of Tuco (the ugly). Tuco may be dirty, low-life, skeeze. He may indeed be ugly. But he has a trait that outshines his ugliness, puts him on par with the good and the bad, and makes it possible for the movie to happen. He's smart. And in the real world society does NOT neatly break down between

The good. The bad and The smart. It DOES, however, most certainly break down between The good. The bad. and The stupid. And it is here a moral case for evil exists. The Stupid Understand nearly all western nations and societies can be broken down between the good, the bad, and the stupid. Where a small 10% of the population is good. Another small 10% of the population is bad. And though both of these minorities are smart, the remaining 80% of society is stupid. This makes the battle between good and bad a lopsided one (I'd even say deterministic) in favor of the bad. The bad can easily prey upon the stupid. The bad can easily convince the stupid they're good. The bad can even get the stupid to attack the good. And with a few mere lies, the bad can more or less have the stupid at their complete disposal. The good on the other hand have to fight with one hand tied behind their back. The good don't lie. The good don't cheat. The good have moral qualms taking advantage of the stupid. Alas the good are not only constantly on the defensive, but outnumbered at times 9 to 1. Worse, the good can never get around to actually doing good, progressing as a society or excelling at life, as the majority of their efforts have to go fighting the bad and vainly trying to convince the

stupid they're not the enemy. And so society wallows in painfully slow and incremental progress, often times regressing because the stupid are so easily duped by the bad. Take for example democracies. After 3,000 years of war, philosophy, revolution, and blood, western civilization finally evolved to the point we minimized the government and wrestled it under the control of the people. Now, the stupid, over the past 100 years have been convinced by the bad (politicians) that a larger government is a good government, and in these past 100 years have largely undone what our western civilization ancestors so tenaciously fought for the past three millennia. Closely related, the democrats exclusive private property ownership of blacks. Is there a better example of an evil group of people ruining the lives of another group of people with lies and false promises? The democrats have convinced nearly 90% of blacks that their entire fate, their entire lives are controlled and oppressed by "whitey" and "republicans," and that the ONLY way they can get out of their oppression is by (surprise, surprise) electing more democrats into power. The true evil of "the bad" in this scenario is where blacks continue to remain in last place, suffering mightily under democrat cities and policies, but are still so brainwashed they don't realize it is the bad/the democrats who are their true oppressors. Paralleling very closely to the plight of blacks are another prey of the bad in this country - women. Certainly the democrat party view women as a victim class to advance and enrich themselves, but feminism and feminists are the true villains in this movie. Wanting to avoid real work at any cost, feminism and feminists have created and entire victim-whoring industry out of whole cloth. And they did so by telling women the most damaging of lies. Women are men. Gender is a social construct. You don't need a man.

Being a mom/stay at home wife is oppression. You are oppressed. The glass ceiling. Patriarchy. The wage gap. Etc. Surprise, surprise again it is only feminism and feminists that can solve and remedy these injustices. And the way we do this apparently is by creating entire departments of women's studies, channeling women into "social justice" or "liberal arts" fields (where they coincidentally pay $100,000 for worthless degrees), financing make work government programs to employ these otherwise unemployable people, replacing men with government checks, and convincing women that working, paying taxes, and a career is more important than having a husband or children. But at what price? There are now three full generations of women (baby boomers, Gen X and now millennials) who put a paycheck, a career, their politics, feminism, and their education ahead of their biological and heart-felt desires to have and raise a family. They'll never admit it, but they're miserable and have wasted their entire lives. But at least the bad feminists made off $100,000 in tuition, Oprah is a billionaire, Jimmy Choo made a lot of money on shoes, corporate America got some cheap labor, the government got a lot of tax revenue, and the democrats/labour/socialist party got a lot of votes. What's only worse than the ruination of millions of women's lives is how they still claim to be independent minded when they were so obviously hoodwinked and screwed over by feminism. How about the mentally ill? Well, not really the mentally ill, but the legions of lazy young people who all want to claim they too are victims and in need of government assistance, legs up in society,

handicaps, and hand outs and therefore falsely claim to have a mental illness? ADHD ADD Bi-polar Asperger's Autism Social anxiety disorder. Depression. Etc., These things certainly may exist, but one thing is for certain - there certainly are millions of millennials, Gen Xer's, even baby boomer faking it all so they can collect government handouts, disability, legs up in society, and (last but not least) an excuse for their laziness and utter patheticness. Sadly, the bad is all too eager to help accommodate them in their own self delusion. Not only do the usual socialist suspects rear their ugly heads to champion free mental health care, government programs, and blank government checks (all in exchange for a vote, of course), but the psychology "profession" and pharmaceutical industry are all too eager to capitalize on these faked mental illnesses. Is your 9 year old boy acting like...well...a 9 year old boy? Ritalin! Are you feeling down and depressed like...well...EVERYBODY does now and then? Zoloft! Are you anxious because you're a pampered spoiled brat from the suburbs?

Xanax!! Are you just an evil, insufferable person conveniently looking to hide behind a made up mental disorder so you can continue to manipulate and abuse people? Lithium! And let's not forget the legions of psychology majors who are otherwise unemployable and rush to the scene to provide unneeded psychological services to children, long as they get to suckle on that government teat. Never mind millions of people's lives will be ruined thinking/faking they have a mental illness. The government, the psychology industry, and the pharmaceutical industry made billions off of these sheep. And if the pharmaceutical and psychology industries didn't consume enough in billions of GDP, let's talk about a $1 trillion plus, per year industry where the bad just completely rape the stupid, while also COMPLETELY brainwashing them against the good. College. Does a better example of evil exist, where people profit and parasite off of a naive and innocent people, than modern day liberal arts and humanities colleges? The bad are so good at enslaving the stupid in this case I almost feel compelled to applaud them. They not only convince the stupid that the good are their enemy, but they also: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Convince the stupid they're entitled to free everything Convince the stupid that nothing is ever their fault. Convince the stupid they're smart. Convince the stupid to enslave themselves to the state

and (where I tip my hat to the bad)

5. Convince the stupid to borrow $150,000, financially crippling themselves forever, to pay for these worthless degrees. I know the stupid are the stupid, but for them to fall for such idiotic poppycock is unbelievable. It's Good to Be Bad The problem with this complete and total level of stupidity is that it lessens, if not outright ruins the lives of the good. We not only have to fight the bad, but must also tolerate, often fight the stupid. I argue this is the true societal cost of the stupid in that the good are not allow to come anywhere near to achieving their full potential. If it weren't for stupid people we wouldn't be paying 40% in taxes, traffic would be non-existent, we would have landed on the moon in 1200 AD, and cancer would be cured. Instead we need to bail out banks, single moms, liberal arts students, and dedicate nearly half our economy to shield the stupid from their own mistakes. But if putting up with this total and complete price of stupidity wasn't insulting enough, what, I ask you, do we get in return for being good? In the movies the good wins in the end. In the movies the good vanquishes the bad and makes off with the girl But what happens in the real world? The truth is you're punished. Any attempt at doing good in today's world is met with fierce resistance, not only from the bad, but the stupid as well. And the bad are so good at brainwashing the stupid, they even have scripted verbiage they've trained these sheep to not only use, but actually believe in. You're "racist!" You're "sexist!"

You have "privilege!" You're "oppressing me!" There's "institutionalized ism/ist." The "patriarchy." The "glass ceiling." Literally Hitler. Fascist! Etc. And merely being called names is the best punishment the good can hope for. If you dare to help out the stupid, tell them the truth, or try to get them to wake up, you run the risk of losing your job, getting doxed, or having your entire career and life ruined, simply because you want to "be good." Donglegate, Brendan Eich, and the Orwellian nightmare that corporate America is becoming is not only proof the bad are winning, but shows just how pervasive and successful the bad have become. The simple question is, is it worth it? Morality and religious reasons aside, take a cold, secular look at humanity and ask yourself why not be bad? Not that bad or evil itself has merit, but does the stupid in society deserve the good? And not only does the stupid deserve the good, but with their idiocy, ungratefulness, and outright hatred for the good, does not the stupid deserve the bad in spades? It is here you almost have to reluctantly admit that "the bad" was right all along. Of course, I argue the bad is bad because they're lazy and have no moral compass, accidentally choosing the right path. But from a practical, functional view it not only pays to be bad, but it is precisely what the stupid deserve. In this case, you almost have to applaud and respect the democrat party, feminists, academia, the psychology industry, and all the other "bad"

institutions for the James-Bond-Villain-level global domination plan they've pulled off. And since the stupid is not only all for being the victim to these plans, but hates any good person that tries to help them, even going so for as to ruin these good Samaritans' lives, I cannot help but conclude: It's good to be bad. If a wife is going to cheat on her husband, you do yourself no favors refusing to sleep with her. You simply pass up free sex because she's going to cheat anyway. Might as well be the guy to bang her, because it's not going to change the outcome. If a minority is going to vote for a democrat because of the free gibmedats, he's going to vote for the democrat no matter what. You simply pass up a cushy public office position running as a republican. His poverty is guaranteed regardless, so you might as well lie to him, run as a democrat, and get your government check as well. If a 20 year old girl is going major in social justice, you're only going to piss her off telling her her dreams are stupid and she should major in engineering. Ergo, push her along and encourage her to ruin her life. You'll not only get on her good side (be you a parent or a boyfriend), but again, she was condemned to major in social justice anyway. And all my contesting and fighting against the approval of bad loans during the run up to the housing bubble did absolutely nothing to stop it. I would quite literally be a million dollars richer had I just played ball, and NOTHING, NOT ONE THING would be different. And before you start claiming that any of the above would be immoral and unethical, realize being moral or ethical would have no effect on ANY of the outcomes above. The only difference is

whether you profited off of it in the end, delivering the lies the stupid so richly deserve, and were condemned to believe. It is here I make the argument that for those of us who are "the good," we need to really sit and contemplate the consequences for being so. I know some of you have children and therefore have a vested interest in doing what you can to make the future brighter for them. I know some of you have religious reasons that would prevent you from taking such a Machiavellian approach to humanity. But as I've alluded to in my podcasts before, I am very lucky to make a living as a purveyor of truth. It took two decades and a life of hell to scratch out this morsel of business, but I am incredibly thankful for it and we do a lot of GENUINE good. But the day it goes away, the day the stupid and/or the bad make it illegal, ban channels, ban sites, etc. etc., is the day they leave me no choice. And if Oprah, the democrat party, bankster scum, and academia are any indication, that day is going to be a very profitable one for me indeed because I will aggressively sell the poison and lies the sheep so desperately crave. Just be aware, that day might be coming for you too. And it'd be best if you knew there was a moral case for evil.

THE AUTHORITATIVE “HOW DO I GET THE GIRLS?” Eliminating a Disease Deep down inside, despite all my cynicism, nihilism, defeatism and indifference, a small piece of me idealistically yearns for one thing and one thing only - progress. Not necessarily in my own personal life, but in humanity for that is all we have. Whether we're alive today, or after we're gone tomorrow, humanity continues its march

forward into eternity and I would (at least in theory) like its future to be better than its past. The problem with progress is it just doesn't seem to stick. Matter of fact, people seem outright hostile towards it, commonly preferring to believe lies, often reacting violently against truth, damning us all to regress instead of progress. This then forces me to "let go" of my care for humanity, and often times turn against it, logically concluding that if I'm going to get punished for telling the truth, it's at least profitable to capitalize on humanity's addiction for lies and therefore, well, frankly... fuck progress. This is why the majority of my future work will be dedicated to selling lies to the naive masses, because not only do they NOT deserve progress, they deserve to be punished. However, there is one bit of progress I am going to hold out for. One small morsel of good I hope to leave society before I die. And it is a bit of progress that like eradicating Small Pox or Polio can do the world a world of good. And that simple tidbit of progress is to get you boys to understand WHY you should stop chasing women. There is already a library of work on this subject ranging from videos, articles, discussion forums, even books. Even in the embryonic days of the Red Pill community the phrase "stop putting pussy on the pedestal" identified the risks and costs associated with dedicating your entire life towards chasing girls. However, like Polio it's not so much the fact the disease hasn't been identified (it has), it's how few men are inoculated against it and just how poorly the vaccine has been distributed. Because for every guy who knows WHY you should not dedicate your entire life towards chasing girls, there's at least a thousand out there who don't, condemning them to waste their lives. So I implore you to read this article thoroughly, put in the effort to comprehend and understand it completely, forward it to any men who need it, and then you will not only learn why you should not chase women, but in an ironic sense how you can actually get them.

"HOW DO I GET DA GURLZ???" t is now nearly a monthly event I get the same damn, tiring request at my consultancy: "How do I get girls?" And nearly every time it comes from a man with very distinct and specific characteristics. First, he is 100% invariably some kind of STEM or IT professional. An engineer, a computer programmer, an accountant. He has worked hard, in a hard field, and is consequently gainfully employed and successful at his career. Second, because of his choice in education he is consequently financially successful. None of my clients had any lingering student loans. None of them have any foolish debts. Most are making over six figures and most are sitting on six figures in cash and cash equivalents. Money is the least of their problems and they would make exceptional providers for any woman interested in dating them. Third, they are methodical and logical in all things. Their career. Their finances. Their education. Everything. Any problem, hurdle, or challenge they approach in a logical and thoughtful manner. However, they also approach women and their romantic life in the same robotic manner. I had one client create an Excel spreadsheet model where he would record various variables and characteristics of women and run probability statistics on whether she'd would go out with him. I had another take stand up comedy to learn a routine (not to be "funny", BUT A GOD DAMNED ROUTINE) he could use to make women laugh. More than one wanted to know "statistically where the highest ratio of women to men were in large American towns." And another looked for the lowest divorce rates amongst various religions to find a quality woman (never mind whether he actually believed in the religion or not).

Fourth, most (but not all) were ugly and/or short. There were a smattering of well-built, very attractive young men who hit the gym regularly, but nearly 85% of the men were short and/or ugly. Fifth, uncomfortable as it may be, a majority of them were Asian. Some were immigrants, others were domestics, but nearly all of them were Asian. And by "Asian" I do not necessarily mean the ethnicity, as much as I mean their culture. They could be raised in America, but by East Indian parents, under East Indian values. Or they could be fresh from the University of Shenzhen working their first job in the US. There were culturally Asian trying to unlock the algorithm of western dating and western women. Finally, they were all at some level obsessed about women. This is somewhat understandable as nearly everything else in life was going their way. Only women remained. And it is also understandable in that all men are supposed to be obsessed about women at some level. But here their level of obsession was above the industrial average. If the American average male's obsession with women was an 8, these guys were turned up to a 12. You combine all these traits and you may have the ingredients for success when it comes to your career, your education, and your finances, but it is a DISASTER when it comes to chasing women and your dating life. First, most of these men are used to success and achieving what they set out to do. "Not being good with girls" could very well be the first time they failed at something in life. This only makes successful men want to try harder in that they're doubly obsessed with not failing. Second, their lesser physique and shortness does nothing to help them, making it nearly impossible they'll get a girl no matter how hard they try. Third, their cultural upbringing (Asian, nerd, or whatever) hands them a heavy social/romantic handicap as if their physique was not bad enough. But perhaps the death-blow is their methodical and logical nature. All problems, challenges, and hurdles in their pasts they've solved through math, engineering, programming or some other kind of

logic. They always approach women the same way, as if solving their romantic problems was like solving a quadratic equation. This not only won't work, but condemns them to failure because women are humans, not robots nor algebraic formulae. "We're All a Nerdy, Formulaic-Obsessed, Engineer, Asian a Little Bit" But before we pick on these men, let's admit we either currently are, or were, a little bit like them at one time. The question of "how to get girls" has plagued all of mankind since forever and we've still yet to arrive at an answer (cough cough...until now). It's only natural men would use their logical, statistical, and mathematical brains to help increase their chances of meeting women. Additionally Pick Up Artistry does hold some valid truths and lessons that can be learned and will increase your chances. And there's certainly nothing wrong with being a financially successful engineer, doctor, actuary or accountant. The problem lies in misdiagnosing the problem as a 100% scientific one with no artistic component. We think the problem of "getting girls" can be solved logically, mathematically, and with concrete finite answers. We view the problem of courting women as a chemist does a formula. If I just hit the gym, and am above 6' tall, and earn 6 figures, and "neg them" then I can approach them using "game" and they'll give me a number, which I'll wait 4.39 days to text back, giving her exactly 36 hours to agree to meet me at a bar where I will only buy her alcoholics drinks. Failing to account for the artistic and human side of women damns nearly all of your pursuits to failure, and much, much, worse, a wasting of your precious and finite life. And if men started putting forth the effort to understanding this artistic component we'd all have a lot more success in "getting da gurlz"...and I would get to stop answering that damn infernal question.

You're a Bland Drink To understand this artistic component to the pursuit of women every young man needs to view himself as a bland drink. An empty hard drive. An empty canvas. This doesn't mean you have no value, nor that you don't bring anything to the table, but it is simply to say you are young, inexperienced, and thus pretty boring. You do not have the life experiences that makes you interesting, enables you to tell engaging stories, or tickle the fancies of women with charm, wit, interesting anecdotes, nor impressive life achievements. Yes, you may luckily stumble across a young 21 year old girl in college, inebriated to the point she'd go home with you. And yes, there's a chance you'll meet a nice 19 year old who is completely taken by your personality. But these are statistical oddities, not industry standards. The vast majority of women are looking for interesting men who stand out from the rest with their own record of accomplishments, achievements, and success. They are looking for a fine, aged scotch. A rare vintage of wine. Heck they're looking for a Jack and Coke. Not a glass of water. So how does one become an interesting drink? Simple, you don't waste your time chasing women and instead invest it in yourself. The paradox male biology presents to every young man is that your primary goal is women, but chasing women does NOT improve your chances with them since it does not improve you as a man. There is nothing special about going to a night club. There is nothing special about painfully and awkwardly approaching a girl at a party. Merely pursuing women does not make you stand out from the literally billions of every other man out there who do that everyday. And for every second you're chasing a girl at a club, that's one less second you could spend on self-improvement. This is why spending three hours at the gym is an infinitely better investment than three hours at a club.

This is why hitch-hiking across Asia for a month is better than taking some cockamamie PUA seminar packed with nerds. This is why becoming a semi-pro fisherman, working at the CERN labs, or riding motorcycles across the world is better than "swiping left" on Tinder. These life experiences are the ingredients by which you ultimately create the best version-drink of yourself. These life experiences are the flavors that make you an interesting man. And though you may not be every girls' cup of tea, you will certainly be more appealing than a mere glass of common water. There is, however, a much more important reason to invest in selfimprovement than merely chasing girls - yourself. Life is finite. You are going to die. Do you want to be the balding, beer gut guy at the middle aged singles bar? Or the world's most interesting man? Do you want to be the washed up dude-bro attending divorced, Christian singles meetups at 50? Or have a quality, reliable woman and perhaps family at 40? Do you want to be the desperate man who mail-ordered his bride from Russia and gets divorced once she gets her green card? Or do you want to be Indiana Jones pursuing archeology and having his students throw themselves at him? The true cost of chasing after women at the expense of improving yourself is a life wasted. Everything you could have achieved had you committed those trillions of calories of energy into a doctorate degree, carpentry and trades, hiking and adventuring, or health and working out is gone when you put women as the number one priority in life. And the real kicker in the nuts is if you had invested in yourself and become the best version of you you ever could, you would have gotten more high quality girls in the long run than you'd find in a thousand years gaming at night clubs. You simply cannot

afford to waste your time chasing women - your life and success with women depends on it. Impatience, Cowardice, and Laziness ow you would think that like a vaccine for Polio or a cure for cancer there would be great rejoicing and celebration. We have ultimately unlocked the secret of women. We have finally figured out "how do I get da gurls?" Quite literally millions of men's lives both today and into the future will be saved and better-invested. And quite literally millions of men both today and into the future will get more women than they ever were going to had they not had this epiphany. However, here is where the analogy between using selfimprovement to get girls and using a vaccine to cure a disease ends. Because whereas getting a vaccine is easy and simple, selfimprovement is arduous and hard. And this is where the REAL problem in "getting da gurls" lays because most of you will fail on a combination of three fronts - Impatience, Cowardice, and Laziness. The reason I keep getting this question, the reason the entire Red Pill community keeps going around in circles about "getting da gurlz," and the reason PUA's can continue to fleece you for the lie that women are solvable, algorithmic robots is because deep down inside most of you just plain don't want to put forth the work that is required in self-improvement. We have the answer. We have the key. We unlocked the secret. You just don't want to go through with it. First, you must be patient. The forgiveable paradox is that you are most interested in women when you're young and therefore have nothing really to offer women. Self-improvement takes time, at least a decade of hard, dedicated work, and when you throw on a college degree with its commensurate college debt most young men are working at a significant handicap against their more-experienced, financially better-off, 30 and 40 something peers. However, most young men are too impatient, incapable of the delayed gratification

that is required to become an interesting drink, and are at some level going to waste significant amounts of time and resources chasing the girls, meeting the same fate many of our forefathers did throwing themselves at Omaha Beach. Again, this is forgiveable as every man has done this to some extent. But most fail by letting women dictate their entire lives instead of themselves. Second, cowardice. While I understand your biological hard-wiring makes you impatient, I have absolutely no tolerance for cowardice and the "fear of rejection." Every man worth his salt has overcome his fear of rejection by courageously and indifferently asking out as many women as it took to build a callous, and therefore indifference, to rejection. Most real men I know laugh when a girl shoots him down because they are such an interesting drink they know that woman is losing out. However, no matter how many times I answer the question, "How do I get da Gurlz?," I know what lies at the core of my clients' and most men's preference to rely on a scientific methodologies to meet women is a cowardice of putting yourself out there and getting rejected. A fear of getting on the mat and sparring with your partner. A refusal to go out there and get your nose bloodied up. Alas, if you can't take a life-saving vaccine because you're afraid of needles, you're not going to "get da gurlz" if you're too much of a coward to face rejection. And finally, laziness. Self-improvement is hard. It requires work and sacrifice in nearly all fronts of life. Educational, intellectual, career, physical, and financial. If you wish to be an exceptional man with exceptional chances of meeting exceptional girls, you need to put in an exceptional amount of work. STEM degrees, hard careers, a lifelong commitment to working out, proper dieting, engaging hobbies, advancing your understanding of philosophy, frugality and good financial management. Nearly every aspect of your life must be geared towards excellence. The problem is most men don't want to put this level of work and effort into their lives. Most men already have this pre-existing expectation of how hard life will be. And when you throw in all the added, life-long requirements and responsibilities

it will take to become an interesting man, the majority of men opt for video games and an easy life: They hope their mom was right and that girls will like them for their personalities. They hope being a leftist or male-feminist will get them laid. They hope an over-priced luxury car they leased will make girls magically fall from the sky and land on their dick. They hope Slicky McSlickerson's $5,000 Advanced PUA Course will "finally" unlock the secrets of women. Anything to avoid the gym. Anything to avoid rigor. Anything to keep your sedentary life style. The Real Question The real question facing men today is not "how do I get da gurlz?" It's "Are you willing to put forth the effort to become an interesting man and consequently get the girls?" I can understand just how daunting the requirements to become a real man and get the girls can be. I can see choosing more of a monk lifestyle where you focus on yourself and have a "women-worries-free" life. And I can sympathize with those of you who were lied to about how all you had to do was be a "nice guy" and girls would like you for your "personality." I merely ask for that modicum of progress I requested before. That we stop chasing this canard around that there is some magical short cut to getting women that does not require work and excellence on our part. And that if you are not willing to put forth that work and effort, to stop asking that damn infernal question, and accept your girl-less fate.

TRUMP VICTORY TRIGGERS TWIN CITIES TO CALL IN SICK, RUSH HOUR A BREEZE In full intellectually honest disclosure I must admit that the day after the election I intended to drive around and visit all the coffee houses in the Uptown area of Minneapolis. This is where all the hipsters who live off of their parents or taxpayers' monies hang out to convince one another that they are all smart, independent minded, and special while epitomizing the word "conformity." I wanted to see them in their misery. These are the same leftist sheep who voted to destroy this nation, who constantly remind me that I'm evil because of my skin color and plumbing, and at such a young age have the arrogance to think they're smarter than people who have been on this planet twice, even thrice as long as they have. I also knew they were worthless people, having no real value to them except their religion of politics and political crusades. So with this defeat their entire life-meaning and purpose would be called into question in their minds and I wanted to witness this show as I rightly deserved to enjoy their grief. But before I could even get to Uptown I started noticing on the interstate... "Geez there's NO traffic!" Normally at that time of day the roads would be "slow and go." I would get mightily frustrated and it was the largest factor weighing on my mind against going to Uptown. But then a thought occurred to me. Quickly I grabbed my cell phone and called my girlfriend. I said, "Girlfriend, was traffic bad this morning?" She said, "No, it's almost like it was a government holiday. Why?"

I called a buddy of mine and said, "Buddy of Mine, how was traffic this morning." He said, "Traffic? What traffic? It was like a weekend!" It then dawned on me that Donald Trump had triggered so many people in the Twin Cities that enough of them called into work sick that there was no morning rush hour. I tried to do some actual journalism by calling different Twin Cities employers to see if a higher than normal number of people called in sick. None of them could disclose that information because of company policy But the more ancillary and indirect evidence I saw, the more I realized it HAD TO BE weak-minded leftists calling into work because they needed a "mental health day." There were the numerous reports of colleges accommodating students who were traumatized by a Trump win democracy. The baristas I talked to said business was slow. And Uptown was a ghost town. I had not seen it so desolate ever.

This then made me realize it wasn't just your average college kid who was this weak, but damn well near 20% of the adult Twin Cities population. There are so many weak, emotionally fragile people that a democratic election triggered them to the point they had to call in sick for a day. Of course, the real reason for this odd phenomenon was not that these petulant little children with pubic hair couldn't handle a Trump victory. It's that society has brainwashed them, conditioned them, and spoiled them to the point that at the age of 30,

40, even 50 they actually think in their feeble minds they're entitled and need to take a day off because things didn't go their way. The constant Minnesotan-socialism-pampering they're received these past 3 decades both in terms of government checks and pretty lies they were told about themselves and society, has resulted in a major metro area populated by pussies who simply cannot handle real life. It is here I will say it again, as I've said it before, DO NOT MOVE, INVEST, LIVE, OR GO TO SCHOOL IN MINNESOTA! It is a socialist hell hole with the contiguous US' coldest temperatures, which is only outdone by the world's coldest people. They are arrogant, snooty, dumb, clueless, and smugger than the smuggest of faux intellectuals. Out of the entire country there are THOUSANDS of infinitely better places to start a business, find a spouse, raise a family, attend school, retire, or just plain enjoy life. Because if you have to wait for a republican presidential victory to make it so traffic is tolerable you are dealing with a highly pampered and spoiled society. One that is very unlikely to offer anything of value to genuinely productive and intelligent people.

EVEN CONSERVATIVES DON’T DESERVE AMERICA Though I wrote the book "Enjoy the Decline," my 37 years of life previous to its authoring still left some semblance, some nagging ounce of hope, and love for this country. That perhaps, through spectacular luck and unseen natural economic and political forces, the country would wake up, vote against the state, and pursue a new path towards freedom, liberty, and greatness. Of course, I have no genetic skin in the country's future game, but still, it was a dormant

hope that kept popping up, and one that (though appreciated) I still managed to keep in check. Sadly, that hope is now officially gone as I've realized even the majority of conservatives do not deserve America. This final nail in the coffin came in the form of a new podcast I was listening to over my Memorial Day travels. It was clever, it was intelligent, it was libertarian, it had 35,000 subscribers. And so I was hopeful I could run some ads for my own books on their show resulting in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Of course, when the segment came up where they'd normally run advertising, they did the most non-conservative, non-capitalist, 100% NPR thing - they asked for donations. This then sent me into a tirade as not only were my hopes at future profit and a better life dashed, but this was just one more of the many "conservative, libertarian, pro-freedom, procapitalist" social media sites that proved to be only capitalist in theory. This experience then reminded me of the exhausting, wasteful, pointless, and sometimes outright costly experiences I've had doing business with effectively "not liberals." When I was on my "Worthless" book tour I was sponsored by a young conservative college group. I took a full week of vacation and a week of leave of absence to tour the country, giving a speech about the risks of majoring in worthless subjects. Hoping this would prove mutually beneficial (I would profit, young college students would invest wisely in their education), I was instead greeted by impossibly inept republican, conservative, or libertarian college students which made the entire tour a waste. They'd only book the room for 15 minutes, while the speech was an hour. They forgot to bring an LCD projector, and one time chairs.

Some conservative college groups failed to advertise the speech altogether, and thus... We'd have a whopping 3-4 people in the audience if anybody showed up at all. Then there was the two speeches I gave to the MN GOP and Tea Party. Thinking these were wiser, older, more mature people, I expected we would not endure the same youth-caused logistical problems that plagued my book tour. Which we didn't. We did, however, get to deal with a whole new problem. It fell on deaf ears. Not that the speech wasn't good. Not that the audience didn't love it (they did). But the whole point of the speech was how to get young men interested in conservative politics. At best, both audiences had 20 years left of life expectancy, and they wanted to bring new blood into the GOP. And after delivering a rousing speech, which clearly and cleverly laid out a brilliant strategy to do this....nothing. Not a single thing. No call. No inquiry. No follow up. I even called MULTIPLE chapters of the GOP to volunteer only to NEVER have a single call returned. I even attended the republican caucus HANDING MY CARD TO THE INTERIM CHAIR, EXPLICITLY STATING I'D LIKE TO HELP only to once again, never hear back. It became apparent to me that this ineptitude and laziness is so rife and complete within the republican party, that its presumed most ardent cheerleaders don't even care about freedom enough to expend the 2 calories of energy it takes to call people back. Then there's boycotting. Boycotting is very simple to me. If you as a company, an actor, or some other agent in the US is/are going to advocate an action that lessens my freedom and life, I'm not going to

give you any of my business, money, or time. I don't buy Apple. I don't shop at Target. I don't buy Starbucks. I don't bank at any bank that took TARP money. And I'd Napster U2's music (if I wanted to listen to very bland, very beige, baby boomer tripe). But oh no, that's too much of an inconvenience for 95% of the conservatives in America. They will line up for every Leonardo DiCaprio movie, get their daily starbucks, fork over their children's college fund for the newest iPhone, bank at Bank of America, and will support communism directly by getting gas at Citgo. Of course, the hypocrisy is if the 50% of the American public (which is presumably conservative) were to all cut off these agent whores of socialism, then there'd be more REAL change overnight than there was during Reagan's entire administration. But that's just too inconvenient to drive the 5 minutes down to Dunn Brothers, the 6 minutes down to Wal-Mart, and geez, we SWPL republican suburbanites just can't let the neighbors see us with a Samsung! Then there's my personal experiences with so called "capitalists" in my own life. Related to my frustration over the "non-profit capitalist" podcast that didn't run ads, most conservatives, libertarians, capitalists and free marketers I've meet in my life just lack the hustle and desire to achieve excellence. They just plain lack the work ethic and hunger it takes to push themselves, and thus as a group, society to new levels of success, innovation, achievement, and accomplishment. And so when I try to employ them, either through contract work, reaching out to them to conduct business, or perhaps offering them money outright, the responses I get are... never calling me back, 6 month delays, lethargy, a completely lack of hustle, a cluelessness about the opportunity that is being wasted, no appreciation for the insane value of time, no appreciation for the potential of profit,

shoddy work, or no work at all They, like the aforementioned podcast, are merely academian, theoretician, Monday morning quarterback capitalists. They like to claim they are, but never put forth the effort to become actual capitalists. This, among other things, has forced me to conclude that the majority of conservatives (not all) are very much like most liberals and leftists. They view politics and economics not as the key to unlock and unleash the total potential of human kind, allowing us to drastically improve the lives of future generations, and achieve untold levels of greatness in our own. They view it as a religion, a therapy session, and a substitute for real and genuine accomplishment in life because they're too damn lazy to put any real work or effort into it. This is why after 40 years of Rush Limbaugh and 35 years of conservative talk radio, nothing has been achieved because, just like going to church, it's easier to bitch, whine, lament, rue, and mope, than actually put forth the work and effort. And just because they claim to be conservative doesn't meant they have a harder work ethic or know better. They just happened to be lucky to choose the political model that actually works. All these drawbacks aside, however, there is a silver lining. The epiphany that most conservatives are just as inept and lazy as leftists has allowed me to achieve great solace, serenity, and calm in my philosophical and political-psychological-life because, frankly, the vast majority of Americans do not deserve America. Democrat or Republican, conservative or socialist, capitalist or communist, the majority of people are just too damn lazy and incompetent to deserve something as great as America. This should be of great alleviation to both you and me because we no longer have to: worry

fret or burden ourselves with the future of this country because... this country and its people will get PRECISELY what they deserve. It is perfect justice, it is right and correct, and for us to get in its way is not only wrong, but a waste of what few and precious moments of life we have on the planet. Cheer it on and... Enjoy the decline.

WHAT THE HECK ARE “CRITICAL THINKING” SKILLS ANYWAY? "Critical thinking" or "critical thinking skills" come up in two common scenarios. One, when a leftist defends their worthless liberal arts degree, claiming it provides them with the rare and enviable skill of "critical thinking." And Two, when liberal arts professors defend their bogus fields of study by claiming the "#1 thing employers look for in college graduates is critical thinking!" Of course, I never gave "critical thinking" much thought, writing it off as some kind of worthless, commonsensical skill your average person develops during childhood. But because of the cacophony coming from academia, not to mention, the academic left's complete and utter reliance upon and championing of it, I decided to find out, once and for all, what the heck are "critical thinking skills anyway."

A standard google search will pull up a ton of results, but the first thing you'll notice is that there's NO standard definition of critical thinking skills. You can go to Wikipedia and you'll see two amorphous definitions with pages and pages of text vainly trying to define it. You can even go to the "Critical Thinking Community" (which serves, I presume, as the "professional association" of critical thinkers) and even they have four separate, equally amorphous definitions. But as far as my evil, empirical, logical, and sane mind can tell me, critical thinking closely follows what I set out in my "reality principle" video. It is merely the discovering of reality. A commitment to intellectually honesty. Or what we normal people, with normal jobs, who live in the real world call... "getting to the bottom of things." Naturally, leave it to the wanna-be adults of academia to take a simple concept your average 10 year old understands and turn it into an entire 4 year study unto itself. Leave it to inferior-minded people to extrapolate thousands of painful pages from a concept as simple as "be intellectually honest." And do you want pain? Just imagine how anal retentive, unimaginative, and truly void of any intelligence you have to be to come up with a "Critical Thinking Community" replete with: a bookstore a library research professional development and assessment and testing. But, as are with most things in academia, their championing of "critical thinking" is not merely an intellectually-void, navel-gazing, masturbation exercise to falsely validate handing out worthless doctorates and self-importance in a field that provides no value to

society. It is to provide them authority over the rest of society. And it is here their nefarious and malicious intent is exposed. On the face of it, any introductory video to critical thinking will explain it as intellectual honesty, the pursuit of reality, and (as we commoners call it) "getting to the bottom of things." It is based in sanity, reason, logic, and reality. However, if you delve into the world of academia and critical thinking "experts," you'll start to notice a common refrain. They not only obfuscate a simple concept like "reality" in volumes of unnecessary pablum, but they always include some sort of "social awareness" or "adherence to other people's feelings/thoughts/opinions/culture" political component to that definition. AND usually that component trumps reality. Matter of fact, I rarely saw the word "empirical" or "empiricism" mentioned in these definitions. And all one has to do is take a look at a sample definition from one of these "critical thinking authorities:" "Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, emphatically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked. They strive to diminish the power of their egocentric and sociocentric tendencies. They use the intellectual tools that critical thinking offers – concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, and vested interest. They strive to improve the world in whatever ways they can and contribute to a more rational, civilized society. At the same time, they recognize the complexities often inherent in doing so. They

avoid thinking simplistically about complicated issues and strive to appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others. They recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth living , because they realize that many unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world. ~ Linda Elder, September, 2007" That's a whole lot of SJW-ing and crusaderism when all we want to do is get down to the truth. But keep in mind this overkill of verbosity is on purpose as they are more concerned about advancing political agendas (not to mention keeping their academic fiefdoms financed by leftist governments) than they are pursuing empiricism. And they obfuscate these ulterior motives by attempting to not only hijack a concept like "critical thinking," but by self-appointing themselves as the final authorities and arbiters as to what is "reality," "truth," and "empiricism." This not only grants them sweeping powers (in their minds anyway) to dictate to the rest of us what reality is and how society should be ran, but why when one of us "commoners" question their politics, their motives, and their incentives, they simply bog you down in minutiae, academic pablum, bogus studies, and of course, the always reliable accusation of "you lack critical thinking skills." However, rather than fight them in their own turf, allow me to simply debunk, disprove, and destroy them in a much simpler, and sniper like way from the opposite direction. If they are so committed to reality. If they are so correct. And if they truly know better than all of us. Then why have nearly all the liberal arts and humanities failed to improve, let alone solve, any of the social ills they purport to be solving? The wage gap between blacks and whites has not closed, nor has the wage gap between men and women.

Income distribution has worsened since the academic left's wet dream of The Great Society has been implemented. Divorce, single-parenthood, and broken families have skyrocketed. And they never seem to point to any success they've had in solving the social ills they purport to (thus always resulting in a hypocritical clamoring for more money and funding). It is exactly like the laughable Keynesian economists, whose economic policies have spectacularly failed to combat the great recession, but still have the gall to demand the taxpayer "didn't pay enough, because if they did THEN our policies would have worked." In short, the irony is that if we were to use GENUINE critical thinking, we'd look at all those academic left champions of critical thinking, see that they have made virtually NO progress in their OWN respective fields, and empirically deduce they not only have failed, but are con-artists, charlatans, and parasites cowardly using "critical thinking" as a means to avoid working real jobs in the real world so they may continue to live off of the rest of us. So the next time you hear an academian, a liberal arts graduate, or any other variety of leftist boast about their "critical thinking skills" tell them the truth. Critical thinking as a skill is no more impressive than wiping your own ass. And sadly, most of them lack the intelligence to do either.

HOW CHARITY DESTROYS PRICE DISCOVERY… AND THUS SOCIETY The economic concepts of "markets" and "price discovery" are boring to your average American. Too obsessed about what Kim Kardashian is doing with her ass or the pre-post-post-pre game

show of Sportzball, your average American lacks the intelligence and thus interest to appreciate the ramification of things such as "markets" and "price discovery." But thankfully my readership is not your average American, so we'll actually learn something today. First, while markets are considered places of exchange where buyers and sellers meet to conduct commerce, and are ultimately where economic production comes to fruition, they also have a very important "fringe benefit." They provide pricing. While buyers and sellers haggle, not to mention streamline their operations to cut costs so as to maximize their profits, the entirety of their efforts and the accounting information collected along the way results in a "price." This price is very important because it measures, precisely, what the real value (and cost) of a product or service is. Of course, prices are in a constant state of flux because on the supplier's side the inputs are constantly changing (price of raw materials, labor, managerial efficiency, etc.) and on the demander's side their tastes and preferences are also constantly changing (lost jobs, fads, economic conditions, family budget, etc.). But in the end, the totality of EVERYTHING that goes into producing and buying that product is played out in the market, ultimately resulting in that price. This price is incredibly precious because it tells everybody what it's value is and allows people (either investors, consumers, or businessmen) to calculate and determine whether it is worth buying that particular product or service. It also enables investors and businessmen to plan, allowing them to determine whether they should build a new plant, purchase new equipment, or start another business, ultimately affecting economic growth. Therefore, it is vital that markets produce prices that reflect as accurately as possible their true value, for if they don't, and prices are either overstated or

understated, consumers can waste their money and investors malinvest, resulting in lower economic growth. Again, at first this may seem boring because this is just theoretical talk. But there are two VERY relevant and recent instances of mispricing and failed markets that has struck every American close to home and should be of much more interest than Kim Kardashian's ass and the opening game of Swingystick: The housing bubble and the education bubble. In both instances we have the classic example of where the market failed and there was massive mispricing in both the value of a house and a college education. And like most mispricings, both were caused by an inordinate amount of debt (or "credit") that flooded the market, driving prices way above their real values. In the case of the housing bubble trillions of dollars in debt were introduced to the market by ARM's, variable mortgages, and other forms of short term lending. Additionally, lending standards of traditional 30 year mortgages were reduced eliminated completely lending money to any dipshit who could sign loan documents. This fabricated demand caused developers to overproduce housing, so much so it outstripped even the debt-inflated demand, resulting in the housing crash of 2007. This "boring" economic phenomena of mispricing directly affected the GLOBE as so large was the malinvestment, it threw us all, smart and stupid, into the worst recession since the Great Depression. And those times were so bad even they were seared into the memories of the dumbest Americans. The exact same thing is playing itself out now in the education industry. Millions of stupid children, propagandized to believe "follow your heart and the money will follow," willing sign their futures away by taking on inordinate amounts of student debt to pay for a piece of

paper that has even less utilitarian value than toilet paper. Here, however, it is not so much greedy bankers willingly financing the dreams of stupid people, but the federal government lending over $1 trillion to this industry. Consequently, just like housing prices, tuition prices are skyrocketing...and oh...these precious students (of the OWS variety no less) will be bailed out in the EXACT same manner as the banker scum they so loathe. Now we already know how mispricing has dramatically affected Americans, all for the worse, between these two bubbles. But there's an even bigger bubble growing, and instead of a trillion here or a trillion there, it's roughly a $4.2 trillion PER YEAR bubble. And that bubble is charity. At first you may find this distasteful. "Come on Cappy, how can you go after something like charity." But remember, for anybody who dared to criticize housing or education, they were equally lambasted because "housing should be a right" and "you can't put a price on education." But need I remind you of the Great Recession and the problems the millennial generation is facing with their un-repayable student loans? And if you think these are/were problems, just wait till the charity bubble bursts. Regardless, the key point to be made about the "charity bubble" is that its origins hail from the exact same origins as the housing and education bubbles. Mispricing. But the question is "the mispricing of what?" And the answer is "the mispricing of stupid decisions." Understand that bar charities for cancer, disease, etc., the vast majority of charity is simply bailing out stupid, irresponsible people from their stupid, irresponsible decisions. If I took my life savings and invested it in Beanie Babies, I made a stupid decision and deserve to lose my entire investment.

If you were a young man who graduated from high school and bought a brand new car to "impress the chicks," you made a stupid decision and deserve to live in poverty as you try to make the car payment. And if you were one of those idiot investment bankers who threw money into a "Dotcom" technology you didn't completely understand, only to find out it was IT geek fraudsters talking over your head so they could score the funding to pay themselves bloated executive salaries, you (and your clients) deserve to lose all of your original investment. But what if you make the most stupid decision of them all? What if you make the most damaging decision a human being can make? What if you bring a child into this world you can't afford? Well then the government, society, non-profit, for-profit, and practically the whole world bends over backward to give you money and reward you for your mistake. And it is this reward for stupidity that causes the cost of stupid decisions to be mispriced. To boil it down very simply, we spend between state, federal and local governments about $4.2 trillion on welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid, TANF, EBT, WIC, section 8, and a whole host of other programs that go to one purpose and one purpose only: To bail stupid people out from their stupid decisions. Historically people who made stupid decisions either died or at least didn't breed more stupid people because, simply, they couldn't afford it. There was no taxpayer-financed "forgiveness," no taxpayer financed "second chances," and there sure as hell was none of this "hurray for single moms heroism" going on in the past. If you made a stupid mistake, you suffered the consequences and, quite literally, were financially prevented from making much others.

But today people are shielded from the true costs of their stupid mistakes. Had a kid you can't afford? Here's some money! Hurray for you! Vote for me! Paid $250,000 for an English degree? Never fear! We'll bail you out! Didn't save up enough for retirement? Vote for me and I'll tax your grandchildren to pay for you! Bought a house you couldn't afford? That's alright, we'll put together TARP! And so, like housing, like education, stupidity is not only mispriced, but encouraged and subsidized, resulting in a population where roughly half of us are parasitic. But the true cost of this "stupidity bubble" is not that the stupid are rewarded by being able to live off of the productive and smart (though that is a cost). It's a dual cost in terms of lives wasted and the inevitable economic crash that always follows bubbles. First, understand how important it is to suffer the consequences of stupid decisions. Everybody, smart or dumb, makes stupid decisions. And as long as you learn from them you will advance. Matter of fact, that is how most advancement in humanity was made - learning from failures. But if for political purposes and votes, you shield people from the costs of their mistakes, they will never learn and are thus condemned to be fractions of what they could have become. The single mom of one would have learned from her mistake quickly and maybe salvaged her family by marrying a very charitable man. But with a government-check -get-out-of-jail-free-card she spits out 4 more, all equally condemned to repeat her miserable lives.

The troublesome kid in school who was coddled through special-ed classes and "guidance counselors" will never learn his lesson and forever become a criminal. But perhaps a discreet bathroom beating by the larger bully might have set him straight. Or the immigrant who comes here from some god-forsaken third world shit hole. Instead of being held to the rigors of traditional America, sink or swim, become an engineer, and live the American dream, he is now trampled by the number of socialist politicians desperately willing to bribe him from his harsh reality all in exchange for a vote...and a sacrificing of his future. It is the impossible promise of eliminating negative conditioning from people's lives through a government-check-for-your-vote bribe that has turned now nearly 3 generations of Americans into pariahs, denying them a greatness they could have become. Second, Idiocracy. Like all bubbles this one will crash. May not happen today, may not happen tomorrow, but having a society that is constantly bailed out from their stupid decisions will never learn, never advance, and certainly not produce the economic production necessary to make good on all those gubmint promises. And when those government checks bounce (or more likely, due to inflation, they won't buy anything), the stupid people will revolt, killing whatever few remaining smart/productive ones exist, and then it's all over. Matter of fact, you should pray for Idiocracy as it at least wasn't violent. It will be more like Mad Max. Regardless, you can only expect something egregious or life-ending to happen to society when you prevent people from learning from, paying for, and living with their mistakes. And since you've underpriced the cost of stupidity, even rewarding it,you have signed the death certificate of western civilization, perhaps accelerating it to the point we may see its end in our lifetimes. Enjoy the decline!

ONLY 1/3 OF “ENTREPRENEUR PROFESSORS” EVER STARTED COMPANIES I quit my research early only after 31 data points. And the reason I quit my research early is, frankly, because "I have shit to do." I run a real business, that no matter how obscure, has paying clients unlike today's topic - "Entrepreneurship Professors." And since I don't have the time to prophecize, theorize, and pontificate all day to naive 20 year olds, I decided 31 datapoints was enough, as it was time to move on with my day. In short I took the time to scratch a curiosity itch I've had for quite some time: Precisely what percentage of entrepreneurship professors have experience starting and running a business? I knew the whole concept of an entrepreneurship degree was flawed (because you get a degree to get hired by an employer - the antithesis of entrepreneurship). And I also knew most professors are scam artists who could never work it in the real world, and thus sell worthless, over priced pieces of paper to naive millennials. But there was also a piece of me who theorized there MUST be some old timer who retired, made their millions, and just wanted to share their experience to help young, budding entreprenuers. Oh, foolish Cappy. You had an idealistic thought didn't you?

The truth is 66% of the "entrepreneurship professors'" resumes I searched had NO experience in being entrepreneurs. The vast majority of them, like all their professor brethren, were the epitome of "those who can't do, teach." Merely bystanders, spectators, studiers-of, and observers of real entrepreneurs in the real world making real change. Simply the marching band who lacked the talent, skill, and work ethic required to make it on the football team. But even those who listed "entrepreneurship" experience in their resumes were questionable. A significant amount of professors claimed they were a "founding partner" of some kind of venture capital group. Or sat on some board of a company they invested in. Another great one was where they run some kind of "consulting company" that advises (you guessed it) entrepreneurs on how to start up their companies! A further layer of dubiousness was added when it was obvious nearly ALL these "real world entreprenuerscome-professors" relied on teaching as their primary source of income and NOT (ironically) their super-awesome successful businesses they started. In short, NOBODY STARTED A FREAKING BUSINESS AND BUILT IT FROM THE GROUND UP! They simply either consulted or invested, but NEVER "entrepreneured." In short, my suspicions were correct. Not only is entrepreneurship logically a stupid degree, it is just another field of academia that is populated by a world of losers who couldn't hack it in the real world, and now suck off the blood of naive youth to sustain their parasitic existence. Were there some genuine entrepreneurs who had a passion for business, made their wealth, and wanted to share their experiences? Of course. But they are rare for the real entrepreneurs out there are too busy and too successful making money to piss away 4 years of their lives

getting a "PhD" in "entrepreneurship" just so academia will deign them "qualified" to teach about the topic. It is the epitome of "those who can't do, teach" in the world of "entrepreneurship professors."

IMPROVE UPON THE PROTOTYPE The tone of this post will at first seem arrogant and pompous. Please read the post in its entirety as that is not its intent. The past decade of internet access has brought about many revolutions and upheavals in society. And for those of you in Cappyland one of the more notable ones has been the rediscovery, amassing, fine-tuning, and creation of an amazing array of masculine wisdom, philosophy, and empiricism. This amazing array has manifested itself into what we roughly refer to as "The Manosphere" and has, truthfully, saved the lives of what I estimate to be millions of young men (and women). The founders of this philosophy, frankly, had to build it not only from scratch, but... 1. Through trial and error 2. With no ability to compare notes across the world via the internet 3. All while operating under false premises various political and social forces forced on society through decades' worth of propaganda. and

4. While having no clue whether it was them or the world that was insane. This resulted in an enormous mental, psychological, emotional, financial and physical toll paid by these founders. Entailing anything from being shot down by over thousands of women just to prove a correlation, to wasting their youths on worthless degrees and careers, these men spent decades of their lives exploring this new sociological and psychological frontier, laying the ground work and mapping it out so that future generations would not only be able to navigate it successfully, but be spared the pain of having to learn it for themselves. Normally these "founders" would be called "visionaries," "pioneers," "revolutionaries," and "leaders." And many of you have been kind enough to bestow upon us those humbling titles. However, the truth is that we aren't so much visionaries or pioneers as much as we are... guinea pigs. And there's a lesson to learn here. Previous to the internet it was nearly impossible to overcome and override society's media, governmental, and educational institutions. They had a monopoly on the information network by which nearly all data, thoughts, philosophies, and theories were disseminated to society. This made any development of a counter-theory very difficult because you had no idea of the sheer volume and omnipresence of lies that were being told and maintained. Ergo, if you started trusting your eyes and said, "You know, I think western girls are batshit insane." or

"You know, these baby boomer-led corporate American employers seem to be a racket." society would come crushing down on you calling you a "misogynist" or "not a team player." This caused an inordinate amount of mental torture as what you were witnessing with your very own eyes conflicted with what society was screaming at you. Not only did this make advancing and achieving success in life nearly impossible (ie-doing what society demanded ALWAYS led to failure) but if you dared to question society, they would ostracize you and ensure you paid a price. Still, for some the insanity and lack of success was invariably too much to bear. And with absolutely no success (and therefore, nothing to lose) some truly bold (and desperate) men started rejecting society, risking the ostracization, punishment, and pain society constantly threatened. Sure enough, since they were basing their decisions in reality they started finding success in life. More of them were getting laid. More of them were starting successful businesses. And many of them starting to find true happiness in life. But you must understand however, just what a Herculean and ballsy effort this was preinternet. There was no way to confirm whether they were on the right track until they threw away convention and their entire lives to take this risk...all in the face of SCREAMING opposition. These are the true pioneers and Daniel Boones of our time. Then came the internet. Even with the internet, it still took a decade of testing, note comparison, and wandering in the desert to slowly, but surely crystallize the laws, theories, wisdom, and philosophies we have today. But sure enough, just like the pioneers of 30 years past who dared to question convention in the 80's, these "internet pioneers" of the past 15 years achieved the same. They dared to believe their

eyes, they dared to think independently, and they dared to give a lying-society the finger. And now, for the first time since the 1950's, they not only had the answers humankind previously spent millennia discovering, but with the help of the internet were disseminating it to the masses. And because of all that, nobody, from here on into the future, has to endure that hell ever again. Naturally, you may look favorably upon these "pioneers." Roosh, Roissy, Rollo, myself, Tom Leykis, Cernovich, Molyneux, Paul Elam, and the many others who laid this foundation. You may even view us as "dad" or the "older brother you never had" (which we are humbled for). But the truth is we were just a bunch of guys that were sick of it, had nothing left to lose, and decided we weren't going to go off quietly into the night. We're no different than you, we just happened to have been born before you were. Ergo, it is a vital and important lesson that every reader in the Manosphere, alt-right, Neo-masculinity, etc., needs to learn that you should not be aiming to become like us, but you should be aiming to improve upon us and surpass us. And not just by a marginal amount, but by leaps and bounds. The sheer decades of time, labor, money, and mental resources that you will save learning from the wisdom that has been unearthed is astounding. First, consider education. If it were up to previous generations past, you'd be stuck in a viscous progressive-credentialism black hole, earning your doctorate in "14th Century Transgendered Latino Sculpture Studies" that not only would sap you of all your youth until you were darn well near 30, but condemn you to financial servitude until you were 60. The sheer savings on this alone would be $100,000 in wasted tuition and 20 years in wasted life.

Second, courting, dating and marriage. The amount of mental pain and anguish young men suffered in the 70's-90's, thinking there was something wrong with them when the girls they were trying to date stood them up, threw temper tantrums for no reason, spermjacked them, played mind games, and a limitless litany of other psychologically-draining psychotic bullshit, is incalculable. But image how much pain and agony would have been saved that if at the age of 14 young boys weren't told: "It's your fault if the girl's unhappy." "Just be yourself." "Maybe you attract the wrong type of girl" but instead were just simple told, "Most girls are batshit insane, love drama, and need a strong man to stand up to them." Hundreds of billions of hours of psychological pain across hundreds of millions of men would have been spared. And this doesn't even include the incalculable savings young men are spared today being fully warned about the risks of marriage, divorce, alimony, cuckoldry, and child support. Again, you add to the two decades and $100,000 you saved yourself not majoring in a stupid subject, the $500,000 in alimony and child

support, not to mention another decade of your life wasted, you're $600,000 and three decades ahead of your contemporaries. Third, economics. Specifically, minimalism. While society and convention is pushing you to get that $100,000 liberal arts degree, followed by a $50,000 car, a $600,000 McMansion, and a wife and children who are likely to beget an additional $100,000 in life-long credit card debt, the "Wisdom of the Manosphere" tells you it can all be replaced with a used car, a skilled trade, a cheap studio apartment, a used motorcycle, and network of loving, caring people. I'll say it again for the cheap seats, "The most important thing in life is other people." And once you realize that, you can save yourself an easy $500,000 in lodging expenses, $100,000 in life long car expenses, $100,000 in credit card debt for crap you don't need...not to mention...find yourself a decent quality girl...instead of a psychopath with tits and a spending problem attached to it. There are certainly many more ways the wisdom of the Manosphere will save you time, money, and psychological pain, but if you add it all up it is amazing the leg-up you have over your pre-internet predecessors. Well over $1 million in life time financial savings. Well over 50 years of your life not wasted. And the psychological pain you've avoided is as priceless as it is immeasurable. It is from this enviable position, assuming you take the time to study, understand, and incorporate this knowledge into your own lives, that you can blow past all the "pioneers" and "visionaries" who founded this philosophy and leave us in the dust. If you play your cards right you will make more money than we do, save more money than we

ever will, work a fraction as hard, endure a fraction of the psychological pain, slay more ladies, and live happier and better lives than what we could ever imagine. You will also be able to advance the philosophy, and thus the progress of men (as well as women), to heights we "founders" will unfortunately not be alive to see. But that in itself will be such an intellectual treat, I predict that will make your lives all that much better. The most common lament I hear from my colleagues in this world is: "Had I known back then, what I do now." But for you guys it is not a lament nor regret. It's a reality if you choose to accept it.

OMNIPRESENT NOISE OF GEN X BAR OWNERS My friend called me and said, "Hey, we're going to be near your neck of the woods and a band is playing at one of the local bars. Do you want to join us and attend?" Naturally, because of the convenience I agreed and was looking forward to my friend and her friends visit. However, upon walking into the bar I realized they decided to bivouac right in front of the monstrously loud band, in part because the birthday girl of the party rarely got out, and also in part because of this group's naivety about bars. They were of the married-withchildren variety and so, of course, ANY bar with ANY music must be a better bar than one without. Still, this did not forgive the fact that the band was so loud and their proximity to it so close that it was literally impossible to have a conversation. It was so bad that for the first time in my life my friend and I were having a text conversation when we were no more than 1 foot away from each other. It LITERALLY was the best way to communicate.

Time warp back a mere two weeks ago and a similar such situation also occurred. I was at La Casa, one of my favorite cigar lounges in Las Vegas. It was Friday night so naturally it was mandatory the lounge hire a loud and amplified band to blare music into what was normally a quiet and serene cigar lounge during the day. The music was so loud that when I was trying to buy my cigar the connoisseur could not hear me and said, "what?" which prompted me to yell (with full intent to imply he fucktardedly hired a band that was too loud) I WANT A V CUT AND A DIET COKE!!!! He jumped back because I yelled so loud, but you could see in his eyes that maybe... just maybe... he got the fact that the band he hired was maybe... just maybe... a weeeeeee bit too loud since people one foot away from him had to blare out his ear drum so he could understand which type of cut his customers wanted on their freaking cigars. Alas, it is time for a plea to all the bars, cigar lounges, night clubs, and venues in America for one simple thing. Turn down the fucking music. I know that as the 50's have faded so too has the quality, caliber, intelligence and wit of your average American. I know the baby boomers lacked the Cary Grant and Walter Matthau charm that was an acquired skill needed to woo and whittle people's fancies, so they introduced Woodstock, concerts, and bars as the usurper to ballroom dancing to meet one's mate. And I know that today your

modern day Gen X'ers and Millennials lack any conversational skills whatsoever and are in desperate need of "noise" to cover this gaping inadequacy so they might futilely "grind" or stumble their way to a stable, divorce-proof nuclear family. But in constantly making venues so loud, so cacophonous, you are denying Americans (and westerners) the much-needed training they need to hone, practice, and develop their charismatic and conversational skills. And by association, their ability to become charming, intellectual, wooing, engaging, interesting, and devastating adults. And that is a price society pays in spades. I know, I know, it's easier for the mop-headed sheeple inferiors of society to just walk into a sports bar with blaring music to yell at a girl "I THINK YOU'RE HAWT!!!!!" or "CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK!!???" as they slightly tilt their flat-brimmed cap 3 degrees to the left. And I know, I know the entire night club industry heavily relies on loud blaring music to make it impossible for a man to get to know a girl, but still enable him to buy her drinks. I know. But in the end, this bullshit will end. And here's the reason why. Teh interwebz. In addition to buttfucking the snooty east coast New York publishing houses with self publishing

and In addition to ass-raping the arrogant west coast recording labels with iTunes and MP3's the internet has now usurped the dating/meat market from night clubs and bars to that of online dating, social media, and just general digital flirtation. I've been out of the dating market for about 7 years, but if I ever had to go back I would NEVER set foot into a night club a bar a discotech or a "hot spot" ever again. I'd be on the internet the entire time because.... well... it's quiet. And I can listen to jazz or the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack all while trying to land me some play. That is the impossible competition you idiot "noise pimps" are competing against today. But at least in the 90's there was a low enough volume level that you could theoretically and practically speak to girls. I know many times at First Avenue (Prince's former club) it was not IMPOSSIBLE to

speak with a woman using the English language. But at this latest bar and this latest cigar lounge, forget it. You noise whores have jacked up the volume SO MUCH there was ABSOLUTELY no way to not only woo a woman with charm, wit, and charisma, but I couldn't plain have a fucking conversation with my friends. And while you bar/cigar lounge/night club owners may be 100% right that today's single, inept, intellectually-retarded rejects lack the intellectual capacity for ANY intelligent conversation, blaring music so loud to assist them as a handicap merely drives every one of genuine value and worth away. We'd simply like to hear what the person 12 FUCKING INCHES AWAY FROM US ARE SAYING, even though you think we're so lacking in intelligence we need your loud blaring noise to absolve us of the "chore" of conversation. Regardless, it doesn't matter. The generational migration is moving from the night club to online. This is where the VAST majority of millennials and Gen "Z-er's" interact socially (and romantically) and (since these are the younger, and thus hotter people) soon the stereotypical loud bar will be obsolete, and thus a thing of the past. It will be a museum memorial to the Gen X and Baby Boomer generations. It will be as pathetic as the "our time" baby boomer dating site or Oprah's and the women's magazine industry's attempt to convince 60 year old women they're still hot and "cougars." And the more and more you attempt to compensate for the fact people have no social skills, making the music so loud conversation is impossible, the more and more intelligent and competent people you will drive away. Soon, just like Florida or Sturgis, you'll have nothing but wrinkly, pruny-boobed Gen X, intellectually-inferior gray hairs coming into your club hoping to get a taste of geriatric Z-Cavaricci ass as they reminisce about the 80's and get nostalgic about "Iron Maiden" and "The Scorpions." Which will be fine.

Because most will be deaf by that age anyway. So please, turn up the music just a little bit more. I think I could actually hear that fount of intelligence my buddy 10 inches away from me said. And I wouldn't want to hear anything intelligent in a public social setting because that shitty ass band you hired is doing a shitty ass rendition of Kurt Cocaine's crappy ass 90's song so loud it's more important I waste some brain cells listening to that shit than merely hearing music in the background while at the same time.... GASP!!!!! BEING ABLE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION!!!! Oh, I'm sorry...


IT’S 12 O’CLOCK HIGH FOR THE TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE ESTABLISHMENT The Traditional Conservative Establishment's Obsolescence The above picture needs a bit of explaining, but when done this post will make a lot of sense and hopefully, unlike the past 20 years, lead to or at least initiate a movement to the political right.

Not amongst Americans. I'm nowhere near that optimistic. But "conservatives" and "republicans" in this country. The screen shot is from the movie "12 O 'Clock High" from 1949 starring Gregory Peck. It's about the US Air Corps in WWII where General Savage (played by Peck) has to take over a squadron of bombers that just isn't cutting it and getting the job done. In this particular scene you see General Savage and Lt. Colonel Davenport or "Keith" as Savage and Davenport are friends. You see no animosity between them. They are obviously on the same side. And they are both sincere, intent men who want to get the job done. The problem is the job isn't getting done, so the higher ups replace Davenport with Savage. The movie goes on where Savage changes the bomber squadron's tactics, coddles no one (punishing the worst by throwing them in with "Leper Colony"), lowers the bombing ceiling, and pushes the men 24-7 demanding "maximum effort" from all of them until exhaustion. Many of the men crack from the stress, all of them file for transfer orders, but in the end, guess what? The job gets done. Savage turns the squadron around, bombing raids are more successful, and morale increases, until he himself succumbs to exhaustion and "maximum effort" by the end of the movie. The same must be done within the traditional conservative movement in America. For the past 30 years, perhaps time-stamped with the start of Rush Limbaugh's talk radio career, my entire adult life we have had the same conservative establishment, the same conservative leaders using the same milquetoast conservative tactics that have ultimately failed.

Government spending as a percent of GDP EVEN UNDER REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS has grown during this time to levels on par with Europe. Our national debt is the highest it's ever been during peacetime, and will soon surpass our WWII peak. National health care has been implemented. American women, for the most part, prefer a government check over real men. We don't have the spine to protect the sovereignty of our nation. A veritable socialist who loathed the country has been elected twice as president. And now an admitted socialist stands a good chance of getting elected. In nearly every aspect and facet of American life the conservative establishment's tactics have miserably failed. However, like Col. Davenport, this doesn't mean those who populate the traditional establishment are wrong, corrupt, or weren't trying. Rush Limbaugh is 100% right and tried his damnedest. George Will and Charles Krauthammer do pen thoughtful and correct pieces. Fox News does what it can to counter...basically...the ENTIRE media. And our politicians, I'm sure in the demented, warped little minds, are trying to do "what they can under the rules of Washington" to save the greatness that 4,000 years of Western Civilization took to build. In other words, bar genuine cuckservatives, these are good people on our side, who like Col. Davenport did their best. The job still isn't getting done. Enter General Savage With the National Review's hit piece on Donald Trump, it because apparent to me not only how ineffective this group has been for the

past three decades, but how out of touch they are from the political reality on the ground. They, eerily similar to their leftist academian counterparts, pine and pontificate haughtily thinking penning one more piece in the WSJ or one more interview on Fox News will somehow convince millennials not to vote in more of their own financial slavery, or get women to realize there isn't a war on them by white male republicans. But the problem is, quite simply, their time is over. And I don't mean that in a leadership way. I mean that in a literal way. These guys are old. Their lives are over. Ann Coulter like Jennifer Aniston WAS hot. And the battle is no longer about what kind of America THEY are going to live in (they've already lived in it - a failing one). The battle is now ours and what we want America to become. And thus it is time to relieve the traditional conservative establishment. But who is General Savage? Who will precisely replace the Sean Hannities and his harem of women with pretty legs? And will his tactics work? Enter in the Alt-Right. The Alt-Right is by no means defined, organized, or even embodied within one person, let alone a cabal of people. It is the natural, organic growth of conservative and libertarian minded people, predominantly younger ones, who are fed up with the abysmal performance of the poor stewards of the conservative movement these past 30 years. However, whereas most of them had to watch helplessly from the sidelines as kids or young adults via television, talk radio, or the newspapers (National Review being one of them), the internet has allowed them to not only vent their frustrations, but take matters into their own hands and become a force unto itself that rivals the traditional establishment.

I doubt George Will has more readers under 30 than even the most average of Alt-Right blogs. Glenn Beck's media empire is losing listeners, while scores of much more manly and specialized podcasters are experiencing 100%+ annual growth in their listenership. I don't know anybody 40 or under who still listens to Hannity, but I know scores of men who listen to Adam Carolla. And don't even get me started about the precious naivety of thricemarried Dennis Prager advocating young men get married in today's America and what kind of response that evokes from young men who know better. Regardless, the point is the Alt-Right is more in tune and in touch with the real American people than the cute little Ivy-LeagueAcademian-Crony Club of Hannity-Prager-Medved-CoulterKrauthammer-Will in DC. Furthermore, they are much more blunt and direct as the urgency by which their future American lives are threatened forces them to be so. They don't cower at being called a racist. They don't preface every statement like "not all women are like this, but," and they simply blast through whatever leftists defenses and attacks come their way because, well, frankly, they never had any hope for anything to live for anyway, and thusly have nothing to lose. But the real reason the Alt-Right needs to relieve the traditional right is much simpler (and more pathetic) than all the reasons listed above. We simply have different ideas. You have to understand just how bad the situation is with the current conservative leadership and establishment. The only group of people who tried MORE than the conservative establishment to make FAILED POLICIES work is the black community. It's just instead of 60 years of pursuing socialist policies for blacks, the conservative movement has been pursuing this spineless pussy-

footing strategy of appeasement and reason for the past 30. And unless we want to see if cowardice and being "democrat light" will work on the 31st year, like the black community ANY ideas are by default better because there's at least a CHANCE they may work. Even if they don't, they would at least serve the benefit of experimentation to the point we develop strategies that do. New Tactics So what are these new tactics? Well, I'd love to tell you, but it is here in all honesty I must admit I cannot divulge all my thoughts on the many and infinitely more effective tactics I believe will work in winning over the American people. The reason is simple - I charge for advice. And like the Joker says, "If you're good at something, never do it for free." Additionally, after making several approaches to the republican party, not to mention delivering two speeches to them, their ineptitude and utter lack of action thoroughly convinced me it would be infinitely easier to simply start a new party and obsolete them...or perhaps consult the democrat party instead. Two ideas I actually am kicking around. Regardless, while I won't throw pearls before swine, I will tell the swine where they're wrong which would provide some insight as to what new tactics the Alt-Right would pursue...but reserving some of my more devastating and effective gems for the highest bidder. One, grow a pair. It is APPALLING how the the left with a cowardly tactic of name calling people they disagree with "racist" or "sexists" sends the conservative establishment running. It immediately forces them to abandon their position, change topics, and race to prove they are "not a racist."

I've found treating minorities and women as GENUINE equals, ESPECIALLY holding them to the same standards of criticism and critique, calling them on their BS may not make smiles, but earns more respect and trust in the long run than some ass-kissing "metoo-ism" republican vowing to do "more for minorities." Two, eliminate the cronyism. The cabal that currently exists within the conservative leadership is just as corrupt and nepotistic and cronyistic as the Clinton's. From the fact the son AND brother of TWO presidents is considering running for president all the way to the fact nobody at Fox News seems to come from outside the New York-DC Ivy League cesspool costs the conservative movement face and reputation. Additionally, it's laughable you advocate meritocracy when no effort is made to develop a system that would ID, hunt down, and identify the best candidates that would advance freedom, liberty, conservatism, and American ideas. It shows you place more value on using an ideology as your career than the noble purposes it portends. Three, no crying. For all that is sacred and holy, there will be no crying. None. There will from hence forth only be real men in your party, and especially your political and media leaders. There will be no effeminate, pansyassed Glenn Beck's. There will be no castrated, cry-baby John Boehner's. There will be real men in this party which will do more to win over women as being a real man gets you more women than kissing their asses. You are only allowed to cry upon the death of a loved one and the loss of your dog, and you are NEVER to do it on national television or radio. Four, win over minorities.

It's possible. WAAAAY more possible than your realize. I'd like to tell you how, but that would lead to the republicans ruling over America for 100 years, not to mention the incredible economic growth that would come with that. Yes, for that gem, you will pay. Five, win over women. Again, like minorities, but with a lot more votes. Again, you will pay. And finally, turn secular. Religion has no place in politics. Too many millions of people were killed, tortured, and slain ensuring theocracy was relegated to the Mid East crap holes of this world. Certainly, go and practice whatever religion you want, but the republican party absolutely must jettison the religious right that infects it. There is more. Infinitely more. And the future of America could be salvaged in one election cycle. But given the entrenchment of the conservative establishment, their cluelessness about the real world, their debilitating cronyism, and sadly, their increasing irrelevance, I doubt they are even capable of making any effective changes, let alone in time for them to witness said changes before they die. Sorry Keith, you're relieved.

HR AND “PEOPLE SKILLS” This is an excerpt from the upcoming book/essay "Curse of the High IQ!"

The HR ditz also Introduces a new aspect of careers and the employment world. One that is the bane of existence for abnormally intelligent people. “Soft” or “people skills.” In 2012 I had a job interview with a bank in Rapid City, South Dakota. I had not been this excited in nearly a decade in that Rapid City and the Black Hills area is my favorite place in the world, and I was now looking at the prospects of finally living there with gainful employment. However, on my drive there I ran into the worst snow storm I have ever experienced in my life. Scores of cars were stuck in the drifts, at least five semi-trailers were in the ditch, and invariably it got so bad they closed the interstate down. It was only through some strategic driving, “piggy backing” off of semi-trucks to plow through the drifts, and raw determination did I manage to make it to Rapid City. Unfortunately, I had not arrived until 4AM and only managed to get three hours sleep before my interview. I walked into my interview a bit fatigued. The interview went very well and I even got the job in the end. But after receiving the job offer my future boss called me and said, “We need to talk about something.” Curious as to what it was I returned his called and found out he had a concern. “Well, I noticed when you walked into the interview you weren’t smiling. You see, were here at the Rapid City Bank want to give our customers an experience. And we need everybody to be smiling and happy to provide that warm welcoming environment. But when you walked into our office you were frowning and that kind of demeanor can…”

I cut him off and told him I was no longer interested in the job. Whether it’s a bank in South Dakota or a parking lot in Miami employers value “soft skills” or “people skills” more than real ones. And the reason is very simple. Normal and dumb people value feeling good over actual, genuine progress. A perfect example is Oprah Winfrey. Criticize her as you may, Oprah is a genius because she realized people would rather feel good than actually achieve good in their lives. And thus, she went out and told millions of women for over 20 years what they WANTED to hear, not what they NEEDED to hear. You’re not fat, you’re beautiful inside! Your husband should love you for who you are! Follow your heart and the money will follow! You deserve it girl! For this she was rewarded billions of dollars in net worth. The problem is high IQ people (unless they jettison their morals) simply can’t do this which puts them at a disadvantage in the employment world. First they cannot keep up the charade or façade of emotional interest. It just isn’t in their nature and it’s simply too taxing mentally. High IQ people can plainly see a problem for what it is, what logical decisions need to be made in order to solve it, and can remove any emotional or psychological preferences they might have about it. They offer direct, blunt, emotionless solutions that are guaranteed to solve the problem, but unfortunately step on people’s precious little toes.

This then leads to a second problem, because not only does the majority of clients prefer good feelings over production, but so too does the majority of co-workers and bosses. Your entire employment environment is driven by everybody’s insistence you place feelings and emotions over reality and truth. This is simply maddening for smart people because what needs to be done in the real world counters what your boss, co-workers, and clients are demanding of you. A colleague of mine worked at a video game store and was lectured for up-selling a client a $60 boxed-DVD set and NOT getting her to sign up for their “membership card.” During my days in banking I was routinely lectured for being “too harsh” when analyzing and rejecting loans...until I was proven right when they all went into default and bankruptcy. And no doubt you personally have experienced some instance of contradictory insanity in your own job where reality is telling you “X” and your boss is threatening to fire you if you don’t do “Y.” It doesn’t matter. Dumb and average people account for the majority of the customer base. Dumb and average people also account for the majority of workers at your firm. Thus, it is feelings and emotions that rule the day, guaranteeing you will suffer this cognitivedissonance insanity during your entire career. "Curse of the High IQ" is slated to come out in two weeks! Tell friends! Particularly the smart ones!

HOW TRADTHOTS PROVE WESTERN CIVILIZATION DOESN’T DESERVE TO SURVIVE Six full years before "Conservathots" and "Tradthots" were coined, and a full 4 years before Laura Southern provided masturbation material for hard-up conservative beta males, there was a young girl called "Katie Kieffer." She was a local Minneapolis girl, attending the University of St. Thomas I believe, and she hit the local conservative news network with force. She was interviewed on the Jason Lewis show, she was interviewed on all the local conservative talk shows, she got a gig on Townhall, and soon was on Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC and all the other networks. Who was this conservative starlet? What great insights did she have into politics others didn't? Was this the second coming of Ann Coulter? And what sage wise Milton-Friedmanesque wisdom did this woman have? The answer was "nothing." She was just the original "protoConservathot." After hearing enough about her I decided to look into her and found out she was just a pretty young 23 year old, regurgitating political talking points that Hannity had been doing for decades, and economic philosophers for centuries. What particularly irked me was here was: a spoiled child from the suburbs, living on Daddy's dime, attending a prestigious private college, majoring in a worthless degree, never worked a DAY in her life, who couldn't possibly have the life experience to be sought after or championed by the conservative establishment

yet she gets on all the talk shows, all the middle aged men in media pulling her favors, a publishing deal from Random House, for a millennial driveling book (though not a pamphlet like Laura Southern's), paid speaking gigs, and a plethora of other perks and preferential treatment that culminates into what is nothing short than an entire FREE life long career, just because she's a cute set of T & A. At the time I wrote it off for what it was - male nature. Old, middle aged men want to bang hot younger women. And if that rare unicorn of a cute young girl who isn't a liberal comes along, well just like the one black guy at a libertarian rally, he becomes your keynote speaker. And so I left it at that, knowing "boys will be boys." But then an interesting thing happened since 2011. Specifically, bandwidth. It was increasing, coming down in price and this new company called "YouTube" was allowing people to make videos and post them on the internet for free. I thought it was a great innovation, allowing the new media to pull off the trifecta of print (blogs), radio (podcasts), and television(YouTube) that the dinosaur media had, but it opened hell's gate to a scourge that would inevitably flood us - the TradThots. It started with Julie Borowski who to this day I do not consider a Conservathot. She was original, she was funny, and there was more than an ounce of original thought and originality to her videos. But what could not be denied was the disproportionate number of views and followers she had compared to her male contemporaries. A cute girl, saying obvious shit, would garner 500% more followers

than men doing equal, if not, harder original intellectual work. And not only would she get 500% more followers, nearly all those followers would be sexually deprived, beta conservative cucks who would sing their praises, telling them daily, nay, hourly how beautiful AND intelligent they were, not to mention... contribute livable amounts of money to their patreon accounts. Once the word got out, it became apparent Julie was merely going to be the original pioneer, blazing a trail for scores of lesser Tradthot settlers. And from 2014 they came in by the truckload. Tomi Lahren Laura Southern Libertarian Girl Michelle Fields Kirstin Tate Brittany Pettibone Shoe on Head Lauren Rose and my all time favorite Leanne McAdoo But come in by the truckload as they may, the scores of them rarely, if ever contributed anything of value, worth, or merit to the canon of conservative, free market, and libertarian work. Not one of them advanced conservative or libertarian thought. Not one of them originated an epiphany that might genuinely intrigue an intelligent mind. They were merely eye candy, the cheerleaders on the sidelines, yet playing make-believe as if they were actually doing the heavy lifting on the field.

If there was an ounce of intellectual honesty, a modicum of meritocracy amongst the "non-left," these Tradthots would be recognized for the more-or-less pointless people they are. Yes, they're pretty. And what guy doesn't like seeing a pretty set of legs on Foxnews? But they're not. They are instead instantly promoted to the top ranks of the establishment and social right. They are rewarded with the fanfare, followers, subscribership, and popularity they have today. Worse, the establishment invests precious economic, financial, time, media, and social capital into these Conservathots, more often than not presenting them as a poor face for the conservative movement. But perhaps what was the straw that broke this camel's back was Laura Southern's book. And not so much her book, but the response to it. Laura Southern, perhaps the "Queen Thot" of the "conservative movement," wrote a book with the title: "Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Generation." You would think with a deep and heavy title like that it would be a long and thought-filled piece. Each topic alone (Baby Boomers, immigration, Islam, Millennials, and generational economics) warranting easily 200 pages each. Why, this must be her pinnacle life's work. Her opus magnum. Something that would take weeks to read, perhaps years to digest, and would rank among "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith. It's a 90 page pamphlet. 90 freaking

pages. This lackluster, lazy, and ultimately "mailing it in" work effort should obviously have been mocked and ridiculed right off the stage. Forget that it was written by a know-nothing (then) 20 year old child. Forget that it could not have done ANY of the topics in the title adequate justice. A book with that title coming in at only 90 pages should have an Amazon sales rank of 12,000,000th place, a 1 star review, and no more than 30 copies sold to close (and charitable) family and friends. The reality? It's currently ranked 58,000th place (VERY GOOD for a self published book) Has 377 reviews. And a 4.5 star rating out of 5 possible stars. This puts this comic-book-size-joke of a book on par with OR ABOVE actual great intellectual works such as The Way of Men, Capitalism and Freedom, Pushing Rubber Downhill, and Bang. And it is SOLELY due to the fact that Laura Southern has a cute set of tits. The lesson to learn here, however, is not one of besmirching, mocking and ridiculing Conservathots and Tradthots. In all honesty I can't blame these pretty girls (whether they're actually conservative or not) at all for capitalizing on their beauty. If conservative, libertarian, and non-leftist men are horny and stupid enough to reward beauty over intelligence, then so be it. I hope these girls continue to make millions on their patreons and really lousy books. But that's the key point right there. "Rewarding beauty over intelligence." And that is why western civilization deserves to die.

Understand I don't expect a lot of people in my corner. Women are lobbied and propagandized to love a government check more than their family or husband. Minorities are lobbied to sacrifice economic success for the democrat party. And shoot, the political ideology of libertarianism, freedom, and excellence is just not all that palatable to the rank and file sheeple out there who want their gubmint gimmedats and craddle-to-grave hammock socialism. But if you can't even get conservative and libertarian men to reward excellence, intelligence, freedom, meritocracy, and genuine intellectual originality over T & A, then what kind of society can you possibly expect to have? If you have what is presumably the most conservative, freedom loving and moral of men, the stewards and defenders of a free society, sending their likes, subscriptions, forwards, money, and overall general support to 21 year old female children because "titties" why should genuine intellectual titans, philosophers, and advocates defend that civilization? I wrote the book "Enjoy the Decline" for a reason. And now that I see a cute set of tits is more important to the majority of selfproclaimed conservative and libertarian men than the freedom and greatness Western Civilization became over these past 3,000 years, you'll forgive me if I do just that.


I am a connoisseur of American bars. Be it the hoity toity bars sitting atop skyscrapers in downtown areas, serving $300 pours of scotch, The run of the mill franchise bars such as Applebee's and Ruby Tuesday that dot the suburbanite landscape, The classical dive bars that have hide out in the country's major metros, yet to be affected by gentrification, Or the quiet token VFW or corner bar that every prairie state small town must have, my motorcycle adventuring combined with alcoholism has ensured I've sampled my fair share of bars in these United States of America. But one thing has remained consistent. A universal constant that you will find in every bar in America, whether you're in the desolate prairies of North Dakota or the schwankiest of schwank bars in the up and coming hipster area of New York City. You apparently need to have the sports channel on. I find this annoying on several levels. First, just because ESPN or Sports Center is on, doesn't mean there's an actual sport being played. Much worse are the limitless number of post-post-pre-post-pre sports shows that analyze either a game that was just played or speculate about one that is about to be played. If it was just one show immediately before or after a game was played, I could understand. But these channels manage to speak blather 24-7, whether or not there is something worth talking about. Second (and worse), sports commentators put on the veneer that what they're talking about is important or some kind of science. There's analysis, graphics showing the projection of the ball as if the quarter back did some geometric calculations before throwing it, and my favorite, where old retired players go out onto the field in suits

(and tennis shoes) and explain to the arm-chair slob the "science" behind some kind of play re-enacting it with their knee replacements. This is only outdone with the quasi-political sports analysis show where they cover the latest news in the sports world as if it were "This Week in Washington." It's so painful I've often asked the bar tender to turn off the television or change the channel to AMC. Third, though I appreciate a good game, much like political talk shows, female day time talk shows, or CNBC, 75% of sports channels' programming is just mind-numbing drivel. And I don't mean to say it's boring. I mean it's MIND NUMBING. It's painful. It's painfully pointless, it goes nowhere, it does not feed your soul or even slightly entertain your mind. It does nothing to advance you or improve your life. Now, admittedly I'm not your rank and file normie who wears another man's jersey drinking light beer at the local sports bar, horking down wings. Nor am I a dude bro who actually thinks there's a science or some kind of important analysis being conducted as I stroke my chin and call into sports talk shows to share my opinion why I think Bart Starr was a better quarterback than Brett Favre, as I contemplate majoring in Sports Management. But though I'm in the minority when it comes to America's obsession with sports, you can't tell me that the majority of men (and women) sitting in bars today are watching, even paying attention to what is being said on these various sports channels. Finally, sports channels lessen the "bar experience" at certain types of bars. If you run a designated "sports bar," then of course, the whole point and purpose of your bar is to show the game, the pre-game show, the post-game show, and the pre-pre-post-pre-post-post game analysis show. Open up the bloody mary bar, get out those wings, sell light beer at a discount special and open up the door for the hoards of other-mens'-jersey-wearing-men and they cheer on "their"

team. But for the remaining 75% of bars out there, sports channels are lessening the experience. I go to a bar to converse with my friends. Whet my whistle after a long stint on the motorcycle. To appreciate the wood work of the actual bar and the architecture of the bar itself. Often times just to see what the locals look like so I get a better feel of America. I even appreciate how they stack the bottles of booze to make an almost cathedral like work of art (eg. below, the St. Paul Hotel's bar in St. Paul, Minnesota)

All of that is ruined if you have the sports channel on, just like a loud thunderous fart in church. Sports analysis shows, faux sports "analysts" and "sports news coverage," and pre-pre-post-post-postpre game shows ruin the ambience, ruin the experience, detract from people's intelligent conversation, prevent people from bonding, and lessen the overall bar-going experience. You are introducing a lowbrow, idiot-talking heads level variable into what is likely a 115+ IQ environment. At best people ignore it, but most cannot help but look at the TV since it's being shoved right in their face. But there is another more compelling reason for non-dedicated sports bars to consider turning off the sports channel, or perhaps ditching the TV altogether. Social media and smart phones.

I don't know if you noticed but your younger bar-goers are not watching the TV as much as they are their smart phones. And even if Jimmy McShootzemgood is providing his analysis of the recently completed Vikings Bears game, they really do have more important stuff to attend to on their smart phones. This doesn't mean your older clientele won't occasionally look at the TV, perhaps show up if there's an actual game on, but how much money would you save if you got rid of the score of flat panel TV's you have in your bar and got rid of your cable subscription? And would it cost you more in lost customers because you "didn't have the game on?" Admittedly many bars' business models rely on having the game on and showing sports to the bread-and-circus-consuming masses, but out of pure curiosity and experimentation could you just try turning off the sports channel for a week? Could you switch it to AMC or the cartoon network? I think you might be surprised, especially if you're a higher end bar, just how little sports brings in customers, and how much money you'd save on a cable bill. Again, this is not a call for all American bars to turn off the TV's. I understand the Normies of America need there "sportzball" and the critical analysis thereof the sports channels provide. But for those of us who just want to have a drink, chill out at an old oak bar, talk to the patrons at the American Legion, or not have our eyes and minds raped with the stupidity that is the sports channel, would you mind just changing the channel or turning off the TV just once to see what happens?


If you are Stefan Molyneux, please read no further. But if you're not the Canadian philosophical genius, please read on. This past extended Thanksgiving weekend had confirmed in my mind a trend I was subconsciously noting, but hadn't consciously realized or had crystalized in my frontal lobes. And that trend was the completely unacceptable behavior of my generation's children. As more and more of my generation were breeding, their little rug rats (though originally starting off as unconscious cute infants, cooing and cuddling) soon turned into toddlers, exercising some sentience, independent thought, and independent behavior. And while there's the token kid who's cool, respectful, well-behaved, and...well...normal, the same cannot be said for what I estimate to be at least 90% of the remainder. They are absolutely atrocious little pieces of shit that (in all deadly seriousness) I would have no problem beating, and in some rarer cases, simply breaking their necks so that the herd may have a higher chance of survival. Quite literally, the only thing that prevents me from doing that is the law. Their behaviors range from constant whining to biting adults. From screaming because they didn't get what they wanted to spitting milk in parents' faces. From "insto-crying" because you didn't immediately dot on whatever whim they had at the time to running around knocking stuff over at the (previously) quiet coffee shop. And perhaps the one I find most fascinating is the 100% reliable refusal to obey their parents' commands. I once witnessed a GROUP of adults tell children to stop running NO LESS than 12 times, not one of them did. They COMPLETELY ignored their parents as if they weren't even there. Of course, much as I'd like to break these childrens' little necks, the fault does not lie with them. They're too young and too unevolved to understand the moral ramifications and importance of good behavior

and obeying their elders. But the blame does squarely land with their Gen X parents, the generation of which I am completely convinced will make Baby Boomer parents look like June and Ward Cleaver. For each and every unacceptable behavior their children exhibit their is an equal and opposite shitty parenting technique that caused it. Time outs (and not spanking) causes children to ignore your commands. Reasoning with them as if they're fucking Plato and are going to ponder the moral ramifications of spitting in the house only sounds to them like Charlie Brown's teacher, the deep philosophical discussion of which will be immediately ignored once you're done saying in your wimpish tone, "Sweetheeeeeeart, we don't spit in the house? OK?????? That's not right. We don't do that." Constantly telling... then asking... then begging... and then groveling with your children to "not run in the house" only reinforces their running in the house because you've never expended a calorie of effort to enforce it. Alas why after telling a kid 3 times, I'd make sure the kid would be limping through the house, while no doubt you'd be on your 12th or 13th plea-bargain to get them to come to the negotiating table at the UN where you and other worldly negotiators would presumably use the Socratic Method to hopefully convince your 4 year old to perhaps maybe "jog" though the house. I could go on, but all the poor parenting techniques that make up the canon of modern day poor parenting boils down to one thing. You're lazy. You're cowards. You simply do not have the work effort or strength to do the hard part of parenting. You simply lack the

spine to provide the desperately needed tough fatherly love and discipline every child needs. Your parenting is not "new" or "progressive" or "advanced" or "on the cutting edge of child psychology." It's lazy, cowardly, shitty slop just like your kids. The good news is that (as is always with the universe) there is a cost and consequence for failing to raise and discipline your children properly. Some of which society will unfairly bear, but most of which the parents, and even their kids, will bear. In terms of society, there are negative externalities we must endure due to your crappy parenting. That screaming 2 year old that was sitting in front of me ruined my coffee (and prompted me to write this article). The misbehaving children at church detracted you from the sermon. You couldn't enjoy your dinner because some avant-garde parents don't believe little Jimmy shouldn't be blowing his milk through his straw. And I can't estimate what we're paying in taxes for "special ed" programs for kids that would have otherwise been normal had there been a real dad in the house. But in the end these children go away. These children leave. They are no longer in our lives or households, they are merely fleeting bleeps of annoyances we temporarily endure. The same cannot be said of the parents. And here a whole new world of hell opens up. First, you have a household that is intolerable to adults. They are slaves in their own homes, subjected to the tyranny of their children. In many o' houses I visited it is PAINFULLY obvious who runs the show. The entirety of the parents' time is dedicated not so much "to" their children as much as it is dealing with them. Constantly asking what the children want, instantly responding to every cry and whine, reasoning with them as if Jordan Peterson was sitting across from them, and spinning there wheels fetching this or that to end the crying. Alas, since they're incapable of expending the 2 calories it

would take to spank a child, they spend millions running around like butlers and servants for 18 years. Second, holidays and family gatherings are ruined. All it takes is one misbehaving child and Christmas dinner is ruined. Not only is it annoying to the rest of the participants, but it makes adult conversation, bonding, and being a family impossible. You can't converse with your brother Jim about his job because Jim Jr is still in diapers at 4 years old and shit his pants. You can't inquire about how your cousin Amy is doing because Amy Jr is screaming for no reason whatsoever. You can't watch the Thanksgiving football game because, despite their parents' toothless 47th plea, the kids are still running in front of the television, perhaps knocking it over. Ill-reared children raised by incompetent parents make family gatherings a baby sitting operation, not a time to enjoy and love one another. Third, the parents are haggard. The wear and tear of ill-reared children inevitably takes its toll on the people who refuse to rear them. Remember, a spanking costs 2 calories of energy. Refusing to raise them takes millions more. And it shows in the face, mental health, and even physical health of the parents. Constantly being sick. Constantly tired. Constantly working whether you're at work or home. And let's not forget the ancillary consequences of being constantly taxed. Your fuses are shortened, you are more prone to blow up at your spouse. And this I inevitably predict will lead to a divorce rate on par with the previous Divorce World Champions - the Baby Boomers (but that's OK, because like avant-garde parenting is good for your child, I suppose you think divorce is good for your kid too). Finally, the kids themselves.

Understand this trend has been going on for decades. It was not necessarily Gen X that came up with the original idea of absentee "new age" parenting. It started with the Baby Boomers and just became popularized by Gen X. So we can already witness the full results of children raised in a disciplineless household. Namely, the medicated generation. In my day we didn't have ADD, ADHD, Aspergers or Autism. We had a dad that would spank the hell out of you, and if he didn't, the playground bully would. This isn't to say that ADD, ADHD, the Aspergers and the Autisms doesn't exist, but they do not legitimately exist anywhere near the number of people diagnosed with it. Nearly all of those cases you will see either an absent father or a father who was there, but never disciplined his children. And thus, when you release your ill-reared children - spitting, biting, shitting their pants and all - into the school system, to the untrained elementary school teacher's eye, it plainly looks like a mental disorder. This condemns your children to a world of disillusion, misdiagnoses, and outright lies that will punish them forever. You have a disease (that you really don't). Here's some drugs. You're depressed/have social anxiety disorder/are bi-polar. Here's some drugs. You're not behaving the way a 24 year old female teacher wants you to. You're in special ed. You could be bi, gay, 7. Yes, you can wear a dress Johnny. You got triggered and have PTSD. You need to see a psychologist. BTW, here's some more drugs. And thus "special ed programs," pharmaceutical companies, and hacks psychologists make HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS off of you and the taxpayer.

Oh...and let's not forget that when your child finally turns 18 and enters the real world he/she is completely incapable of selfsupportation, will likely live at home or off of you till they're 30, and are so deluded about the real world they will pay the price of life-long insanity (thinking they have a mental disease or are a "nonconforming pangender queer") simply because you were too cowardly to spank, too weak to say "no" and too spineless to parent. I endured enough hell believing the baby boomer lies that "girls just want a nice guy" and that "any degree is a good degree." I could only imagine how insanely painful and difficult life would be if I was misled to believe I was a "panqueerggendered-transexual" who had ADD, was bi-polar, and never moved out of the house! I used to think the Baby Boomers were bad parents, and as a generation they most certainly were. But the blatant lack of parenting on the part of Gen X parents belies just how selfish and greedy they are. They never had kids for the sake of the kids. They had kids solely for themselves, as if the kids were mere objects. And this is only confirmed in that most Gen X parents view parenting as a lackadaisical hobby that they half-heartedly work at, as long as it doesn't require work, rigor, toil, discipline, a spine, or effort. It's further confirmed where they put their convenience ahead of the pure hell their absentee-parenting will damn their children to for their entire lives. I know I give the Millennials hell, but the generation Gen X is raising today is going to make the Millennials look as noble and hardworking as the WWII generation. Enjoy the decline.

WHY NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED I shan't go into the details, but many years ago when the Captain was but an innocent lieutenant, he met a person. Said person was simply a younger version of the then already-younger Captain. Still, despite my age the parallels between this person and myself were uncanny. It was like looking into a time warp and seeing my younger self. Naturally my instinct was to warn the kid about what to expect, what was coming down the pike, and in general to make his life infinitely easier than mine had been. With a few tweaks and adjustments, a few key important life lessons, this kid would avoid the hellish nightmare I went through and come out the other end happier, more successful, and very likely a higher life expectancy. No dice. For what transpired was a slow, but inexorable decline of merely continuing the path the kid was already on. I'd suggest he hit the gym. No. I'd suggest he start learning a skill or trade. No. I'd suggest he take college classes, CLEP out, WGU online, anything to get a jump on his education and career. No. I'd suggest he read Bachelor Pad Economics. No.

And so I witnessed Cappy v 2.0 slow-motion crash into the ground. All I could do was yell like Bruce Willis in Die Hard 2 for the plane to "PULL UP!!!" (3:15 mark) but had about the same amount of success. This would be the first in a series of major instances where people I cared about would not listen to me and suffer dire consequences. Matter of fact, so common did it become that people would ignore my warnings or advice, that I was forced to coldly accept there was nothing I could do to help them. I would be watching a lot of planes crash and why have two people suffer? I conditioned myself to truly not care about things I didn't control. Matter of fact, why not make money on warning people, giving zero damn about the results? You at least got some money out of the deal and that was better than having two people suffer. Alas, the cold, callous, indifferent, and Machiavellian Cappy you all love and cherish today was born. However, dour and dark as I've become, the absolute refusal of loved ones in my life to improve themselves forced my brain to explore and solve some of humanity's odd contradictions. The foremost of which was "why no good deed goes unpunished." And after dedicated the majority of my hike today towards solving that problem, I think I have. The first thing to understand is your pride and ego are likely the primary cause of you getting punished for any good deeds you do. No matter how noble and selfless your intentions to help somebody, it still stings, if not, is outright insulting that your wisdom, help, and advice goes unheeded. This is your problem, not theirs. Your advice could be right. Your wisdom could be 100% spot on. You could indeed save that person's life. But whether that person listens to you and acts on your advice is moot. You've done your good deed. Now it is out of your hands. The "aftermath" is simply validation for your ego and the "insult" when they don't heed your advice is merely bruising of your pride.

Let it go. You do not control it and you are not entitled to having others "value your wisdom." You simply are punishing yourself taking umbrage when you are not listened to. The second thing to understand is the source of most punishment when you try to do a good deed. If you help a wounded dog, move a turtle off the road, or do something to some animal there is usually no retribution. Animals don't interact with humans. But when you help a human you have now exposed yourself to an infinite amount of possible subsequent decisions and actions that human will make/commit due to your good deed. And not all these possible outcomes are good. You could get a person to stop drinking and they will go onto hard drugs. You could get a person not to have a kid they can't afford, but their spouse may hate you for that. You could convince a young man to join the military, but his mom will blame you if he gets shot in Iraq. Not matter what your intentions (let alone responsibility) the fact your help was acted upon will, in the eyes of people you help, make you partly responsible for ALL outcomes, good or bad. Third (and closely related to the second point) when people need help there's usually a reason. And that reason is they're usually losers. Admittedly there's some truly innocent people (kids for example), but adults that need help have screwed up somewhere along the line and are to blame for their own situation 9 out of 10 times. This means bad decision making is endemic to them and their lifestyles. Illegitimate kids. Crime. Worthless degrees. Uncontrolled spending. Dating bad boys. Dating T n' A without the brains or responsibility. Or simple outright laziness and sloth. Yes, a truly statistically rare and bad thing may have happened to somebody you care about, but more often than not, adults who need your help are perpetual bad decision makers. They may take your advice this one time, but whatever fruits come from that will quickly be thrown away the next bad decision they make. Plugging one one-inch hole in a sinking ship that has a 10 yard section blown off by a torpedo is still going to sink.

Finally, laziness. This one I find particularly hurtful because in my professional life you see many people espousing strong work ethics, conservatism, independence, and excellence, but the percent who actually pursue it is shockingly low. They are merely theoreticians much like a celebrity pastor who bangs a ton of his congregants and buys expensive toys. Still, laziness manifests itself most commonly in people via their expectations of how much labor they will have to expend in life. Let me state that again because this is a very important point and lesson to learn about humanity. Laziness manifests itself most commonly where people have a view, ideology, or life philosophy where "X" amount of sweat, labor, and toil is going to be required to sustain them through their life. When you introduce a course correction, advice, or just plain reality, that course correction almost ALWAYS requires that person expend WAY MORE effort and energy in their lives than what they were expecting. And they simply do not have the courage, spine, or mental strength to admit it AND commit to it. Telling a poor person the only way out of poverty is to stop watching TV, stop eating crap, to get off welfare, spend 4 years in school, and 35 years in a profession literally increases their life labor by 50 fold. Telling the NEET who lives at home he/she needs to get out of the house, get themselves a job, learn a skill, and to put down the video games, increasing their life long labor commitment by 1,000%. Telling Ms. Sociology Masters Graduate her degree is worthless and she has to go BACK to college and this time major in something

MUCH MORE rigorous increases her expected life pain and suffering exponentially. And the average human brain simply can't handle it. Instead most of these people choose to live in denial, ne'er cutting their spending, ne'er learning a real skill, ne'er putting down the hoho's, ne'er hitting the treadmill, ne'er studying calculus, ne'er learning to do their own auto-maintenance, and ne'er putting others ahead of themselves to find true love. They just kick the can down the road until they're like many of my clients where they're 58, divorced, fat, out of shape, physically ill, financially insolvent, with absolutely no hopes whatsoever of retiring before they die. All because they were too damn lazy and too damn cowardly to admit what life was REALLY going to take to be successful, and thus their fear is what drove them to ignore your advice. The problem is, more often than not, your advice forces them to look into this dark mirror and their inherent laziness strikes back at you. Additionally, their ego and pride take offense because you are essentially pointing out the truth - that they are a loser who will never succeed in life unless they change. This cuts too deep and 9 out of 10 times they will stop being your friend, tell you to pound sand, or lecture you saying "how dare you tell me how to live my life!!!" Try telling a high school graduate his choice to major in theater is stupid as all hell. Try telling a careerist 35 year old woman who wants to have kids her most fertile years were a decade and change ago. Try telling a NEET he'll get diabetes if he doesn't put down the mountain dew and XBox controller. And try telling a dudebro $30,000naire he won't "fake it till he makes it." You are guaranteed to incur vitriol and hatred, no matter how much you're trying to help them. The truth is nobody likes the truth, and if you're going to dispense it, I suggest you charge a pretty penny for it. In the meantime, do not do any good deeds. There's no market for it. You don't deserve the

punishment. And the beneficiaries of your good deeds won't appreciate it.

WHY PROFIT IS NECESSARY The latest closing of a social do-gooder restaurant sent me on a tirade on my second-latest podcast where I explained that if you don't put profits first, then your company will fail (and you will fail your employees or whatever do-gooder lefty cause you happened to be championing that week). Many of you on the left may disagree with this and even write it off as capitalist, right-wing propaganda, but the point transcends politics, even economics, and approaches one of physics, even simple logic. Also, whereas most non-leftists may intuitively know why profit is necessary for a company to survive, one might wonder if the socialists might possibly be right in some obscure philosophical way. IS there a way for a company to exist without profit? "I know it sorta seems like profit should be necessary, but I haven't got through and developed an economic proof or theorem that proves it so." And so let us delve into the boring world of profits and learn a vital economics lesson we all need to learn...that no doubt the leftist ideologues will choose to completely ignore. The simplest way to understand why profits are necessary is to understand it from a perspective of providing goods and services. This is an oft forgotten or ignored aspect of economics because everybody seems to focus on MONEY and not the things that actually matter - GOODS AND SERVICES. I cannot eat a dollar.

A Yen will not provide you surgery. A pound will not feed your dog. And a Euro will not fuel your car. However, these currencies WILL buy us the goods and services that provide ultimate value and utility in life. A dollar will buy me an apple that I can eat. A Yen will buy me some gas that will fuel my car. A Euro will buy a dentist's services to repair your teeth. And a pound will buy some dental floss after your dentists lectures you for not flossing. So the whole point and purpose of an economy is to produce the stuff, not the money nor necessarily profits in the process of doing so. Since it is the stuff that needs producing that ultimately matters you need to ask how stuff gets produced, and the answer is "not charitably." In order for things to get produced, somebody has to inevitably forfeit some of their time to produce them. This can be done on an individual level as per subsistence type craphole economies like Africa, or in the awesome 1st world through organizations, namely, corporations and companies. Large and complex systems organizing capital and labor to produce an amazing plethora of things all on the cheap. But regardless of the size of the company, it has to ultimately be started. And since time is ultimately the ONLY resource that matters to humans, any sane and self-respecting human is going to demand he or she be compensated for it. Thus introducing profit. This is the problem most people who have a problem with profit face. They look at it backwards. The issue isn't whether somebody deserves profit or whether profit should exist. NOTHING would exist unless it was for profit. And the insurance industry explains this incredibly well.

NOBODY likes paying for insurance. It's a necessary evil, and it's so evil illegal aliens often go without it as they ram their cars into us otherwise law abiding, superior people. But what really irks most people is that insurance companies...GASP!!!! MAKE A PROFIT! This means they charge us MORE than the damages and payouts they actually have to pay out. HOW DARE THEY!!!??? But think about it. If they DIDN'T charge more than they paid out, then why would anybody start an insurance company? The only reason an individual or a group of investors would start an insurance company would be to make a profit for themselves. They put their time, money, and risk into the venture, so you're damn right they're going to charge more than they pay out. But while you may detest that profit, if it wasn't there, then there would be no insurance at all. And not only insurance, but no food gas video games cell phones clothes housing dog food cat food medicine surgeries cars buses trucks and coffee NOTHING in this world would exist without profit, and a world with nothing being produced (no matter how much money is printed) will look more like Soviet Russia, Venezuela, North Korea, or Zimbabwe (much as those places make leftists wet).

Now let's ignore the fact the track record of socialism and communism is horrendous and makes the nazis look like saints. Let's ignore the fact that Mugabe of Zimbabwe is begging those evil capitalist white farmers to come back and make food again for his idiot electorate. Let's ignore Venezuelans eating pets to stay alive. And let's ignore practically everything about North Korea. Let's go completely theoretical. Is there a way to replace profit with a socialist model where the government provides the capital or resources and profits are either retained in government coffers or redistributed amongst the workers (which explains why former communist workers are so rich). Does there need to be the incentive for profit, or can a government company merely be efficient and produce the goods and services in the variations and amounts necessary to sustain (forget satisfy) an entire society? In this situation a government would merely print off the money, buy the capital and equipment necessary to start a company, produce widgets, and (assuming it's an efficient widget company) all profits would go back to paying single moms to breed more bastards as they get their Masters in Health Administration degrees. There's just a couple problems that will more or less ensure this leftist-whetting utopia doesn't ever manifest. First, communists are too nice. The whole point of communism is to make everything "free." This not only means charging nothing for the ultimate good or service produced, but overpaying employees because, well we all need a living wage! This naive (albeit) kindness dooms nearly every communist/government company to being inefficient. It's why Byte failed, it's why Bartertown failed, it's why the Soviet Union failed. In making things free (and paying your employees more than they produce) you ensure your companies/system are inefficient forever needing more infusions of cash to balance your books. Bailing out the occasional pizza store is

one thing, but when you're entire economy is government owned and inefficient, you need to print off trillions which only causes hyperinflation, and ultimately never increases production. Second, there is no competition. Without somebody nipping at your heels and threatening to take away your profit, you have no incentive to work harder, better, faster, or stronger. And communism ensures there are only monopolies, and not competitors. This results in not so much lazy, but unincentivized people which are a hallmark of government workers. Government workers have no competition. They have no hustle. They are fat, lazy, and slothful creatures that deserve the mockery and ridicule their parasitic asses attract. But imagine if the incompetent fuckery going on at the DMV.... WAS EVERYWHERE. It would take 4 hours to get a Big Mac. It would take 3 hours and $400 to fill your tank with gas. Have fun shopping at Best Buy as you wait in line to get your government issued computer. And if you didn't like it, tough cookies, there's no other competitors or companies in town to "take your business elsewhere." You simply have the "company" store. Competition, specifically the threat that profits will be earned away by a competitor, is precisely what keeps the entirety of society's producers and entrepreneurs 100% completely focused on making you happy, condemning them to a life of constantly improving and creating new products at cheaper prices till they're dead just for you (ironically delivering on more of communism's promises than communism itself!). They're practically slaves to the rest of society, and you dare get upset they make "profit" as you leftist sheep line up to buy the iPhone X? In the end a world without profit is like a woman without a vagina, a man without money, a car without gas, or a plane without wings.

Nobody wants it and it has no value. You may not like the idea of profit, you may not like the idea of "greed" or "human nature," but like death, disease, mortality, and hipsters, it's just an unfortunately reality of life. I suggest you accept it instead of trying to futilely fight against it. Enjoy the decline!

STUDYING THE PATH VS. WALKING THE PATH There is not so much a "great debate" as much as there are two distinct philosophical camps within the Red Pill community. One is that one must walk the path, endure life's hardships, and suffer life's assails in order to truly grow and become a man. The other is that (with the internet) we can garner this same wisdom by learning from the lives of others. Studying them and gleaning the life lessons without the pain and suffering. To exemplify this take the MGTOW community. Within the MGTOW community there are genuine men who walked the path of life, suffered immeasurably, learned their lessons and grew as men. There are others (whom I term "VirginTOWS") who merely study real men academically, from the comforts of their own mother's basement, who ne'er set foot in the real world, ne'er had their lips touch a woman's, yet ardently support and claim to be MGTOW's. When I put together a video exposing this hypocrisy, the VirginTOW's completely sperged out because nothing enrages hypocrites more than the truth. But whereas you might think I come down solidly and solely in the first camp, I believe young men (and women) would benefit most from pulling from both camps.

This thought was inspired by a post by Adam Piggott, our loofaloving former-Australian, now European friend. It was in response to my video about the individual being right and society being wrong, namely that in order to become the truly independent minded men we all aspire to be, you have to go through the hardship, suffering, and enduring of life's challenges. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized a balance must be struck between the academic and practitioner camps of the Red Pill community, otherwise we will suffer unnecessarily and forfeit an amazing amount of success and advancement in our lives. First, there is no doubt in my mind of the benefits of walking the actual path and suffering what life throws at you. It DOES galvanize and strengthen men. It DOES increase your testosterone, and I would even argue that the human brain CANNOT learn unless there is some actual pain or a price to be paid. You can sit there reading all the Roosh, Rollo, and Roissy you want, until you get your ass shot down by scores of women, hit the gym like Ed Latimore, or ride across the country like Ole Cappy, you will merely be a professor, a theoretician, and teacher who can only teach and never do. But this doesn't mean taking in the wisdom and advice (not to mention learning from the HORRIBLE mistakes) of other men has no value. It most certainly does. It prevents you from making the same mistakes men before you did, it prevents you from wasting your resources (as men before you did), and (what I would argue is the best benefit of the red pill) is provides you clarity and sanity so you know you're going down the right path and that, no, you're not insane. If you take the academic approach and study the wisdom of others, you will ensure you do not waste DECADES of your finite life and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in wasted resources. The real issue is whether you're going to blaze your own path in life...

or stay in your basement keyboard-warrioring about how much you hate girls. This is the true benefit of combining the two camps - genuine progress. In taking the advice and wisdom from your predecessors WHILE ALSO committing yourself to walking the path of life, you practically guarantee you will live a better life than your predecessors. Just like aerospace engineers built off of the Wright Brothers, inevitably leading us to land on the moon, so too can men (and women) build off of red pill wisdom to lead lives much greater than ours. The issue is whether you're going to pursue excellence and push the envelope of life, or merely rest on the academic laurels of others, giving up on life and in a defeatist mentality say "why bother?" It is here I agree with Mr. Piggott. Your predecessors turned up many stones, but you have your own stones and suffering to endure. Completely new and different stones that will not only add to the canon of previously-established wisdom, but the up-turning of which will provide the exercise that turns you into a seasoned, salty, experienced, masculine man. And when your time comes, you should pass on this wisdom to the future generation so that they too may advance the understanding and success of humanity. The real issue is whether you're going to sit in one camp or the other, either unnecessarily repeating the mistakes of others, or lazily being satisfied studying the lives of others, living no life of your own. I can only say real men will stand on the shoulders of those real men before them, and commit to going out into life to make completely new, unforeseen and SPECTACULARLY horrible mistakes of their own. It is the only way to progress.


Two years ago there were two instances the Ole Captain made an attempt to help out the republican party. In both instances he was prompted by his buddy "DT" to check out some local republican meetings where they claimed they were looking for new blood and could use his economic and political expertise. And so Cappy went forth to the northern hinterlands of the Twin Cities metro where he was asked to deliver speeches on how to get young men interested in conservative politics. The results were laughable. One group was essentially a group therapy session/fund raiser for a local community politician. And the other was a bunch of old white guys who just wanted to hear things they agree with said. My speech was bombastic, entertaining, and insightful, but more importantly it was exactly what they needed to hear and painted a path for them to actually "DO SOMETHING" as they all claimed they wished to do. And so I sat, waiting to hear back from them to see what kind of role or capacity I could play in helping reinvigorate northern metro conservative politics annnnndddd.... nothing. Last I heard both groups still gather weekly to mope about and feel sorry for themselves. I had already written "Enjoy the Decline" by this time and had already written the US off as a viable, long term entity. But the complete lack of spine, vigor, passion, professionalism, and work ethic within the republican party itself only reconfirmed in my mind that the US was in terminal decline. Additionally, it made me kind of depressed and angry when even the guys on "our team" were losers not worthy of the country they were purporting to save. But there was a silver lining in this otherwise depressing realization. And that silver lining was that if these guys were the ones the country was

presumably worth fighting for, then by any logical sense of justice, the US deserved to decay and die because nobody in this country deserves the United States of America. This epiphany - that even the non-leftists in this country are losers has recently helped me philosophically accept, even enjoy the decline of the US. I see presumed "republicans" at the local dive bar horking down their wings and light beers during "The Game" as they mindlessly cheer on "their team" as i pay more in taxes for their sportsball stadium. I see Mitzy and Madison driving their republican dad's car downtown "partying" and of course they too vote republican. And then there's the "dude bro" business majors and $30,000-lanaire salesmen. All republicans, all Chip and Thadeus, all parasites faking it cause they'll never make it. Matter of fact, if I think back through my life the vast majority of jerks, bullies, assholes, and enemies I've had in my life were republicans. And thus I've advanced my philosophy enough to take a flippant and sadistic enjoyment in the decline rather suffer, fret, or worry because nobody (democrat or republican) deserves the US. Still, hope springs eternal and there are times I catch myself having some. Or perhaps there's an unconscious, inherent and infrastructural care about humanity's freedom and the advancement of society. Perhaps I just don't like seeing a perfect piece of economic art such as the United States destroyed just like you wouldn't like to see the Statue of David marred. And so perhaps if a Trump gets elected... the economy grows a bit and a touch there... maybe even we grow a pair and actually defend our own borders like every other country in the world... I'm soon tempted once again to have real, genuine, and long term hope in the future of the United States. You might actually begin to think there's reason to fight again. You might even have a country, a

society, a community you belong to and want to fight for. Hey, it's time to get the band back together again! So let me introduce another reality that will quickly squash your hopes. A dose of reality that will douse the flames of a potential future. Not because I want to be a Debbie Downer or that I'm the perpetual cynic, but there's nothing more wasted than a life of let downs. There's nothing more painful than a life of failed expectations. Conservative fathers. Right when I was starting to get a little bit of hope in the future of the United States I couldn't help but notice that concurrent to these "good economic times again" was a complete decay and dysfunction amongst the younger generations. Yes, GDP may have actually grown above 4% this quarter, but this doesn't account for an underemployment crisis. Yes, unemployment is below 4%, but the sexes could not be more at war with each other. That's nice we lowered taxes, but you have adult-kids who can't figure out which of the 38 flavors of gender they are. And we could be defending the sovereignty of the US, but women are more obsessed about working away their lives than they are having fun, while "men" are more obsessed about playing video games than they are getting a job and supporting themselves. Matter of fact if you remove "Trump and Russia" from CNN's news stream the vast majority of the news is a mere chronicling of the complete dysfunction and destruction of the millennial generation. And with an entire wasted crop of a generation, precisely how do you expect to have a functional future country to have faith and hope in? You may at first be tempted to identify the culprit of this decay as single motherhood, absentee fathers, K-12 socialist indoctrination, media, or just rank leftist parenting. And you would be right. The majority of the decay of the millennial and Gen Z generations can be chalked up to these things. But again revisit "our team." Revisit

"Team Republican." There SHOULD be at least a contingent of traditional, conservative patriarchs in the form of Ward-Cleaveresque fathers who lay down the law in their household, and bring up well-reared, well-anchored, non-tatted up freaks who can hold down jobs and don't need to live at home at 30. There should be the republican half of men raising future generations of Americans who deserve the title. That for every half-shaved, purple haired, armsleeved tatted up, obese Communications Majoring 21 year old, there should be a svelte, in shape, comely, Accounting majoring 22 year old ready for kids and marriage. In short there should be something to fight for. Not by a long shot. While there is the occasional traditional, republican, old school father who managed to raise functional adult children, they are exception, not the rule. For every real, conservative traditional father I could tell you a score of stories of other "conservative fathers" who failed miserably in the rearing of their children. There's the powerful lawyer in Dallas who can crush the nuts of his adversaries in court, but lets his wife, son, and daughter run roughshod over him. I've seen his son ignore his commands without the slightest bit of concern, his daughter will grow up to become a stripper, and his wife admonishes him in front of the children. It doesn't matter that he is politically conservative, he doesn't have a spine to actually be a father, be a husband, lead his family, or discipline his children. There's the rich republican donor who in a completely hypocritical sense thinks like a leftist in that "throwing money at it" will solve the problem. That "problem" was "raising his child." After 25 years of shipping the kid off to a nanny, shipping the kid off to private school, and shipping the kid off to private grad school, his "Precious Little Princess" is now a social justice warrior who actively votes against

his financial interests, likely hates him, and, oh yes, of course, "is a lesbian." And then there's the co-host of a conservative talk show who sent his kid to an overpriced, worthless liberal arts college. An over-priced liberal arts college that ended a female leadership symposium when they found out there were too many white women speakers in the symposium. This was perhaps the most debilitating of all because if a co-host of a CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW can't grow a pair to protect his very own daughter from the leftist liberal arts college scam, then who is going to protect their children?? This is the point where I can no longer muster up the care to give a damn. If conservative fathers are too lazy to raise their own kids, too lazy to discipline them, even too lazy to bother educating/warning them about the horrendously damaging college education scam, then why should I invest in America? It's like being on the front lines and rushing back to command to inform the higher ups of a break in the enemy's lines only to find out the officers are drunk and having a gay orgy. And conservative fathers can explain it away be it their kids won't listen to them, they don't want to interfere with the upbrining of their children, wifey poo might divorce them, or just honorably admit you're too damn lazy and spineless to raise your kids right, it doesn't change the fact that if conservative parents are not going to invest in their own damn children, then why should lonewolf renegade conservatives like me invest in the political future of the country? It would simply be a waste of time and intellectual effort. The left is particularly despicable in what they've done to the United States and freedom all around. And they are to blame for the majority of the problems the millennial Gen Z'ers face today. But spineless conservative fathers who could only manage to raise SJW, leftist failures for children are arguably worse in that they're hypocritical on top of it. It doesn't matter what you "say" it matters what you do. And all I've seen the majority of "Rah Rah Fox News"

conservative fathers do is abdicate their responsibility of fatherhood out of laziness and cowardice. Enjoy paying for your little princess' degree in Creative Writing.

THE ENTERTAINMENT SINGULARITY Dey Took Er Jerbz I often flirt intellectually with the concept of a fully roboticized economy. I don't think it will ever happen in totality. I think worries about robots stealing our jobs is overblown. And I believe the precipice of AI is merely the latest evolution of the continual technological asymptote humankind as endured since forever. But it's still interesting to ponder because while I believe a fullyautomated economy will forever remain theoretical, there are some aspects of it that will become reality, if not have already come to fruition. Adding further intrigue to the concept of a perfected "AI economy" is that I do not believe it is compatible with human psychology and evolution. Yes, it is an economist's dream, if not the whole purpose of economics, to have robots do all the work while we humans luxuriate for our ever-increasing life-expectancies. But as me and some of my fellow digital nomadic explorers have discovered, this "utopian world" of working from your laptop is not all it's cracked up to be. Matter of fact it's already proving dystopian in some regards. Yes it is nice to work from your bed all day, having money automatically deposited into your bank account, while Amazon delivers all the world's goods to your front door....until you do it for a month and realize you desperately need to get out of the house.

Yes it is nice to stare into a smart phone for days on end, meeting new people online, perhaps even starting the buds of a romantic relationship online...until you realize an entire generation of kids are mentally stunted, incapable of dating and incredibly depressed in the process. And yes it's nice to have your car do everything for you, warning you about crossing the median to even driving for you...until you try to pop the hood and fix the damn thing. Every technology and technological advance has had its drawbacks, but as far as my economist eye can see there's another straw to add to the "AI Economy Camel's Back"- The Entertainment Singularity. And it holds some serious (and dark) ramifications for us. The Entertainment Singularity I cannot claim ownership of this very original idea. That goes to Dick Masterson as I was listening to his podcast one day. He and his cohost were talking about Nasim Aghdam, the woman who shot up YouTube's corporate headquarters when they canceled her YouTube channel. The point they were making was that as jobs are increasingly harder and harder to get, requiring more and more education, many people were going to the internet to unleash their creative talents (for better of worse). And when that creative outlet is eliminated or canceled, in many cases you eliminate the ONLY creative outlet increasing numbers of people have. Ipso facto, people are going to revolt, sometimes violently as Ms. Aghdam did. However, Dick went on to further extrapolate that in the future, with more and more jobs being automated, an increasing percentage of the population will be put out of a job. And not even "put out of a job" as much as never given the chance of having one in the first place. And so the logical conclusion was if you went down the time line far enough, where robots were doing all the labor, the only thing left for people to do would be:

1. Consume entertainment and 2. Produce entertainment At first this sounds great! All we do is create philosophy, art, music, videos, debate, as the robots make and bring us our food? There's nothing else we have to do other than entertain ourselves and create our own entertainment as all hobbyists dream of? It is the solution to the labor/leisure paradox that has plagued humankind since the beginning. We'd like to maximize leisure, but we need to at least expend some of our efforts of labor. In a truly, 100%-attained AI economy, wealth would be virtually limitless, making labor unnecessary and leisure free. And as long as we didn't outbreed the roboticized economy's ability to produce wealth, nobody would have to expend a second of their lives toiling. But as I said before, a fullyfunctional and total AI economy is not compatible with the human mind. And using my economic spidey senses, it would become rapidly apparent this utopian dream is a dystopian nightmare. First, Dick admits that humans need an outlet for their energy and productive talents. I would argue this applies more to men than women - and let's not forget that government checks have now created 3 generations of parasites who are perfectly happy watching Jerry Springer and majoring in the liberal arts - but for the most part that premise is correct. Humans (productive ones anyway) need to do SOMETHING otherwise they will have no agency or value in their lives. Thankfully, if the robots do take over, humanity's point and purpose in life would quite literally be boiled down to "entertain and be entertained." This seems simplistic and even degrading. You would say, "well we could work if we wanted to, right?" But this misses the point of a fully functional AI economy. You wouldn't have the CHANCE to work. The jobs wouldn't even exist for you to apply to in the first place. And besides, I would even argue that you wouldn't want to work a real job anyway when your hobbies would make you just as much money.

Fixing up classical cars. Painting landscapes. Doing videos on fishing. Webcaming for the attention fix theatrical joy. All of that is preferable to the toil of hauling cement in 1890, even the relative bliss of filing in an airconditioned office in 2018. Nearly everybody would opt for hobbying than actual laboring. But will people whittle wood? Paint pictures? Write symphonic scores? Will people create Victor Borge-esque levels of humor? Theatrical pieces that rival Casablanca? Write genius literary works that put Shakespeare to shame? I'd even settle for people just keeping to their own and producing nothing. You want to watch Sports Center all day, listen to gansta rap, and drink Fireball all afternoon? Knock yourselves out, long as you ain't hurting nobody. But I know humans. And humans suck. And it is here where humanity will take this wonderful utopian dream and turn it into a dystopian nightmare. And to understand how this will happen, one needs to understand wealth and value. The Problem with Unlimited Wealth In the perfected AI economy, "wealth" would lose all meaning. Since every material want and desire would be produced by robots, the value of everything would go to zero since it would take no labor or effort on our part to produce them. What's the value of that Mountain Dew? $0, I can get another one from the Mountain Dew Robot for free.

What's the value of that backrub? $0. I can get another one from the Backrub Robot for free. What's the value of that personal F-16 fighter plane? $0. The F-16 Fighter Plane Robots will make me another one for free and the Amazon robot will deliver it to my front door tomorrow. With unlimited wealth "value" gets turned on its head. Things are in unlimited supply so they by definition cannot hold value. Further complicating matters is in an AI economy there wouldn't be money (because everything is free) and thus, without money, there is no unit of measurement by which to calculate value. So if things no longer have value, then what DOES have value in an AI economy? Does anything have value? Humans cannot live lives in a world where NOTHING has value. What gives them point and purpose in life? What gives them the incentive to get up in the morning? What gives them the reason to live? Simple - things that robots can't produce, and only humans can. And to make matters worse, things only a very few, select number of humans can. Beauty, Excellence, Stimulation, Insight, and Artisanship Since material things would no longer have value, the only things that would have value are the non-tangible qualities, traits, and creations of other human beings. Works of art such as music, paintings, sculptures, movies, comedy, and the aforementioned entertainment would all have entertainment value to those yet to consume it. Intellectual stimulation in the form of philosophy, insight, speculation and debate (much like Jordan Peterson and Stephan Molynuex of today) would pique and entertain the minds of millions. Excellence, be it in athleticism, architecture, technology, or any other human endeavor would beget awe and fascination much like the Olympics do today. And physical beauty. Just because robots are doing all the work doesn't mean men would abandon their desires for

a beautiful woman, nor women abandon their secretive lust to be violated by muscular bad boys. In short, people will place value on high quality human creations be it the arts, beauty, architecture, literature, philosophy, or any other human endeavor. There is, however, a problem with this. Society is only going to value the human creations that are beautiful and excellent, not common and inferior. And unfortunately things that are beautiful and/or excellent take labor, toil, sacrifice, and effort. And that runs contrary to human nature. Laziness and Envy To reiterate my previous point, most humans are scum. Human history is basically the story of a lazy species that does whatever it can to get by on the cheap, take short cuts, and live off of others. You could even further reduce the history of mankind to simply "work avoidance." Admittedly, it is a noble goal to be more efficient, working less and producing more with advances in technology, but a trip to your local Wal-Mart, college campus, or corporate office will show the vast majority of people would rather sit on their ass, stuff their faces, and expend the least amount of effort possible than give it their all and pursue excellence in their lives. This leaves a small minority of humans who actually have the capacity and desire to create human works of genuine beauty and excellence. For example today's modern artists are a laughably worthless group of people. They are simply too lazy to hone and craft their skills to create genuine works of art. Instead they create utter crap and hide their lack of talent behind some concocted political or philosophical interpretation of their "art." Another example, wealthy people. Wealth is merely excellence in the form of work ethic. I acknowledge many rich people today inherited their wealth, but they are not the majority. The majority of wealthy people earned it either by working harder, working smarter, and usually a combination of both. However, most normies and commoners would

rather complain about what others earned than earn wealth themselves. And finally, actual physical beauty. To be physically attractive takes work, LOT'S OF WORK. But a simple walk down the street will show you the majority of Americans prefer to be revolting, puke-inducing sows than hit the gym and eat right. When you add it all up, it is only a VERY SMALL minority of people who have both the ability and inclination to achieve beauty and excellence. And these people will command the majority of value in this AI economy of the future. However, in being the sole providers of anything of value in this neo-economy, they will also be the target of most people's envy and ire. And whereas in today's modern economy greed, envy, and jealousy can be avenged through progressive taxation, in an AI economy, there is no wealth or income to confiscate. Additionally, you can't very well "transfer looks" or "transfer talent" much like socialists today "transfer wealth," so how do the jealous normies, conformies, commoners, and inferiors get their pound of flesh? A Different Road to Serfdom To revisit the original premise of The Entertainment Singularity everybody will produce and consume entertainment. A small minority of people will produce the highest quality entertainment, commanding the most value in this economy, while the vast majority of people will make inferior entertainment that nobody will value. From an economics perspective this is moot since wealth is unlimited and everybody's bio-physiological needs are met. However, from a psychological perspective this discrepancy is very important since only a small few will have a clear calling for agency and purpose, while others simply won't. And again I needn't remind you about the petty, envious nature of humans that will drive the majority to demand some kind of "agency" and "value" in their own lives.

So where does a lazy person, whose ego is too big to just collect their BGI check and make videos of his dog online, go? The answer is "religion." Keep in mind when I say "religion" I don't mean just the traditional religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, though it can be that too. I mean any belief lazy people use as a substitute for actual value, achievement, excellence, and accomplishment in their lives. Veganism Vegetarianism Feminism Global warming/environmentalist. Animal Rights Fair trade coffee Organic coffee Free range coffee Socialism The children The whales Minorities. Women. Gun control. Abortion. Children's cancer. Breast cancer. Helping the poor. Helping the Africans Fighting poverty. Pantranssapiohyposadosexualism You name it, the vast majority of modern day political/social causes are today's modern religions and about as valid as the old ones. And so instead of putting forth all the hard toil and effort that anything of real value requires, the majority of people will simply choose a political crusade as their entertainment, thus conferring

immediate (and faux) value on their entertainment and thus themselves. But it will not stop there. Even though the "inferior" producers will successfully replace (in their minds) actual talent with a worthless religion, they won't go away. They won't be satisfied. Because deep down inside they know they're producing nothing of value. They know they are inferior. And (petty as this sounds, it is devastatingly true) they know they're ugly. And their envious, petty minds will simply not be able to abide these facts. Ergo, even though all their worldly desires are taken care of, and they have a fabricated substitute of worth to feed their ego, they will still try to redefine what is beautiful. What is excellent. What is reality. This is already happening in today's world. Big is beautiful. "Acting white." Redefining art to be minimalist crap. Plus size models at Target. The elimination of the honor role and valedictorians. Tattoos, piercings, gauges, and other body mutilations as a substitute to hit the gym. And that says nothing of the rapid and pathetic arms race of victim whoring, claiming you're disabled or disadvantaged in today's world. "White privilege." "Male privilege." "Institutional racism." "31 flavors of gender." "3 in 1 women are raped on college campuses every 4 seconds." "The wage gap." "ADHD/Autism/Bi-Polar." Etc. etc. This is the mental, political, and sociological insanity we normal, producing people are suffering today as the lazy and parasitic in our society try to redefine reality to their liking. It's just going to be turned up to 13 in the future theoretical roboticized economy. But maddening as this is, it's still not the worst to come. Because if you look at society today and the entities that will likely be the vehicles by which entertainment will be deliver to society, an incredibly dangerous storm is brewing.

First, with the K-college education industry you have a purposed, well-financed, and consciously orchestrated attempt to brainwash people into socialism. You can claim it's conspiracy theory and that Alex Jones and I have been drinking too much Listerine, but it's true. People are conditioned from 5 years old to be socialists and are inherently biased to the left. Second, today's gatekeepers of social media are also biased to the left. Google/YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, etc., are all rank leftist, Silicon Valley organizations, some of which have viral and hate-filled leftist SJW elements and people within them. They will/have channel, throttle, censor, edit, and control any human-created entertainment both now and into the future. Perhaps not even consciously, and under a somewhat noble intention to allow for free speech, much like today's MSM, they are inherently biased to the left and cannot do anything to control for it. Finally, the majority of people by definition are just rank sheep, followers, conformists, and obeyers. They do not have the intellectual independence or mental strength to resist the brainwashing they receive. This is why you have "America's smartest people" (that would be college students) all PAINFULLY thinking the same, voting the same, and spewing the same leftist opinions. They will not be able to resist the indoctrination they receive from kindergarten through college and they will not be aware that the Thought Police of Social Media will govern what future thoughts and opinions they'll be allowed to have in the future. You combine these three things together and you have an Orwellian tyranny in under a century. The majority of people are just not smart enough to resist the brainwashing they currently and will receive in the future. Most are also just too damn lazy to want to pursue excellence in life. And when you realize nearly all entertainment (both today and in the future) will be filtered through an entertainment singularity that is controlled and regulated by organizations that have a huge leftist bias, the fact we're a

democracy will condemn us down a AI economy road to intellectual serfdom. The Future is Now! The sad thing is that much of this is already happening today. We don't have to wait until the robots take over and produce all our material wants and desires. Technology has advanced enough to the point we can entertain concepts like "Basic Guaranteed Income" and already have an effective prototype "cradle to grave" government program. This economic largess (be it in the form of a government check or daddy cutting a check for his "precious little princess") has allowed for many phenomena of an AI economy/Entertainment Singularity to become reality today. An increasing number of youth actually try (and some succeed) in making their living on social media. Nearly everybody's social media feed is chock full of politics, religion, crusades and causes to mask their relatively productionless lives. Most people mock Christianity, but have replaced it with going "organic" or being an "environmentalist" like they were programmed to. I needn't highlight how the dregs of society are desperately trying to make ugly beautiful, fat thin, poverty success, wealth bad, parasitism moral, etc. And the Orwellian nightmare is well on its way in western civilization as evidenced by the arrest/convictions of Count Dankula and Ursula Haverbeck. The only thing missing is the robots and artificial intelligence that are supposed to produce everything for us humans. Which was sadly the only silver lining to his dystopian future. Alas, I guess the productive, creative minority will have to continue to pay the taxes to support the parasitic, jealous majority because those damn robots haven't taken away everybody's jobs just yet. Oh well, enjoy the decline.


Without sounding like a completely spoiled, arrogant asshole, the largest hurdle I face in my life is what I like to call "The Impossible Trifecta." This "Impossible Trifecta" includes an individual who; 1. Has the time 2. Has the money 3. Has the stamina to keep up with me. Nobody to date does. And at best, people have at most two out of the three. You have an old man who is retired, has the time, has the money, but doesn't have the stamina to ride motorcycles across the Alaska highway. You have a young lady who has the stamina and the money, but doesn't have the time to take off from work to go on a three week western adventure. Or you have a young man who has the stamina and the time, but is unemployed and thus cannot afford to make it west of the Mississippi.

Only VERY rarely do I cross paths with a like-minded and equallyabled digital nomad soul, and usually it's atop mountain tops or in the remote hinterlands of Moab. But during my latest adventure across the American West I had an epiphany. And it is one that is of ultimate importance for it defines what every man and woman should be aiming for in life. And not only is it what we should be aiming for, it debunks what society, the school system, and media have brainwashed us into think it should be. "Post wealth." "Wealth" or (in simpler terms) enough money to satisfy all our Earthly desires, needs, and wants has been every human's key life pursuit since time immemorial. Our immediate goal in life is to sustain our own lives, immediately followed by further securing our future lives through the amassing of enough wealth we no longer need to work. This goal of being "independently wealth" or in more modern parlance "fuck you money" has been at the foremost goal of every human in history. Historically, this has been a challenge where 99.999% of the humans have failed, working till death, dying penniless, or perhaps even dying in debt. It was only a rare occasion, reserved for kings, warlords, and modern day entrepreneurs, where enough wealth was amassed where you would be "set for life" and could then truly enjoy life, free of work, toil, and labor. But today, especially for smart people who know the benefits of frugality, spartan living and minimalism, modern technology and advances in capitalism have made it so most people needn't become "millionaires" to achieve the nirvana of "independent wealth." Food, for instance, is effectively free, whereas in the past hunger was the number one scourge that plagued humanity. Clothing, which until the 1950's consumed nearly 20% of a household budget, is free

(especially for un-choosy bachelors) who are willing to shop at WalMart of Goodwill. Fuel and transportation is increasingly becoming moot, especially if your profession is digital/online. And unless you insist on living in a McMansion to keep up with the Jonses, a small studio apartment, or even a cheap flat in Cambodia, is more than adequate a place to rest your head and house some key belongings. In other words, the goal of humanity is easily within reach of those willing to major in the right subject, spend within their means, not have children they can't afford and otherwise just plain simply "not fuck up." The problem is - tell the rest of society that. While regular readers of this site are already familiar with the benefits of frugality and minimalism, the majority of people, western civilization or not, are completely and hopelessly brainwashed to think "wealth" means billionaire like status with bling, bitches, yachts, and Lamborghini's. Be it the dude bro frat boy who dedicates his life to becoming an analyst at Wall Street, or the Silicon Valley Virgin who gets his $150,000 a year job at Facebook, the inner city black girl who blows her check on weaves and brand name jeans, or even the desperate middle aged bankers who lease vehicles to maintain the Winnetka/American Beauty lifestyle facade, all of them think "wealthy" is at least 10 million dollars in the bank, if not a billion, all defined by the luxury items media and marketing has told them is the epitome of "wealthy.". And thus they dedicate their entire lives to get this "faux wealth," whether they can successfully amass the money to afford said luxuries, or cheat by borrowing the money to make it look like they can. But while my regular readers are smarter than the average bear, there is a trap set forth in this pursuit of wealth and "fuck you money." Not that you guys would waste your wealth on sports cars or unnecessary McMansions, but the means by which one attains wealth, independence, and true freedom - entrepreneurship - can lead to a ruinous life even if your entrepreneurial venture is

successful. And it is here the important lesson of looking "beyond wealth" lies. Take, for example, three people. One, Marissa Mayer, the formerly disgraced CEO of Yahoo. Two, a colleague of mine who runs a "real" company. And three, the ole humble Captain himself. Marissa Mayer is 100%, completely successful and wealthy. She got a $186 million bailout for her retirement package when Verizon mercifully ended Yahoo's existence through an acquisition. You would think that with a new child and enough money to last her EASILY till her death she would retire forever and spend the time with her family, eating caviar all along the way. Nope. She has been successfully brainwashed to value work, labor, toil, and her career more than her own life and her own child. She can't want to get back to working as a CEO. Admittedly, she isn't an entrepreneur, but for those of you who are going to go the "loyal corporate man" route, hoping to amass your fuck you fund through a hard-working corporate career, remember you inevitably have to LEAVE THE CAREER. If (for whatever insane reason) I wanted to invite Ms. Mayer out on a month long Cappy-MotorcycleExtravaganza, she easily has the money and stamina, but she simply does not have the time. She's too busy with her career to go an actually enjoy life, let alone raise her own child. Then there is my colleague who runs a real company. This company is real in that it has employees, payroll, divisions, assets, depreciation schedules, marketing departments and legal departments. It is a complex, complicated machine, that when ran correctly, results in handsome profits for my friend.

The problem is, though self-employed, my buddy has no free time whatsoever. In the company having so many moving parts it is as complicated, and thus prone to breaking down, as a Tiger Tank. If it's not accounts payable, it's accounts receivable. If it's not insurance, its regulation. If it's not an employee, it's a piece of machinery. And if it's not a break in the supply chain, it's a legal issue. My friend does not manage the company as much as he does put out fires and deal with problems. It's not only mentally taxing, but he has no free time, nor energy to go out and participate in said theoretical "Cappy Cap's American West Motorcycle Hiking Adventuring Extravaganza." Then there's the ole Captain himself. My business model is very simple - a man and his laptop. I have no employees. I have no accounts receivable. I have no divisions or legal departments. I just have products I sell and consulting I offer, and an Amazon Affiliate program if you care to make some purchases. My entrepreneurial venture is not only as simple as a P-51 Mustang, it's mobile, versatile, and allows me to work from anywhere. And while admittedly a fair amount of this was not by design, but unintentional, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate or realize the incredible benefits of its simplicity. So yes, I do not make the millions my friend does. And yes, I do not have the millions Marissa Mayer does. But bar an unexpectedly short life expectancy, I am going to live the same 79 years they are going to, but with a fraction of my life wasted at work.

And this is the key point of looking beyond wealth. Once you have food, clothing, and shelter covered, the primary focus of your life should be freedom. Specifically, maximizing the amount of free time you have to yourself, allowing you to live the maximum amount of your time on this planet the way you want. You should not be a mentally deranged Marissa Mayer, Hillary Clinton, or Cheryl Sandberg dedicating your life to an office, a commute, a position, an MBA, or work. You should not be my friend, held hostage by an overly complicated entrepreneurial venture. You should be a minimalist, with a simple, though reliable source of income that can be done from anywhere, permitting you the freedom and budget to pull off "The Impossible Trifecta." And your biggest problem should be finding people you can enjoy in life, who you'd like to come tag along in your own adventures in life. The key is when choosing an entrepreneurial venture is to ensure it pays enough, but is also versatile enough that it allows you to enjoy life "beyond wealth." Because whether you have $1 million or $10 billion, it won't matter if you're stuck in an office and can't join "Cappy's Drunk Rowdy Motorcycling Hiking Brigade Vegas Extravaganza 2018," make paper airplanes with your kid, or bang your hot wife while watching Spaghetti Westerns.

THE EVIL “WHITE PLURALITY” COMETH Understand that nearly all of the left's reasoning and rationality for the theft of other people's money is based on victimhood. And this

victimhood is defined by a trait or characteristic you were born with or have that is outside of your control. Your race. Your sex. Your gender. And the newest and fastest-growing trait, your made up mental illness. This allows a leftist (regardless of stripe) to intellectually-dishonestly claim they are oppressed by the "majority" and are not only disadvantaged, but are also entitled to special privileges in society AND some of the majority's money. Furthermore, any criticism or mere pointing out of this victim-whoring, is immediately met with accusations of racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, etc., as they cowardly hide behind their traits (and never own up to their personal actions that led to their lot in life). The only thing more shocking or disgusting than this rank and cowardly parasitism is the right's failure to call them out on this as they are too afraid of being called an "ist" or an "ism," and thus this pathetic strategy actually works.. But the left faces a long term problem with their victimhood strategy, particularly in its chief application - racism. By about 2045 whites won't be the majority in the US anymore and victims who play the race card won't be able do so (at least honestly). So how will the left go about perpetrating the race-victimhood racket? Simple. They will quickly discover and use the word "plurality." Plurality, among many other definitions, means the largest segment or percentage of. It doesn't mean an outright majority, including 50%+, but just the largest single group among many groups. And while leftists may be too lazy to increase their vocabulary on any

given day, I can guarantee you when the 2040's come, nearly every leftist is going to make this part of their daily language. "The white plurality." "You benefit from pluralism." "The oppressive and privileged white plurality in this country..." You get the idea. What this belies is a larger trend, even genetic fact about leftists' DNA that every hard-working person in the world, regardless of country, regardless of race, and regardless of gender, better learn about leftists. They will stop at nothing to get your money. They will stop at nothing to get your wealth. They will stop at nothing to live off of you. Be it a mentally ill millennial college student majoring in "Gender Studies" claiming you're oppressing it because of a new gender that was created 30 minutes ago or Karl Marx's illogical and incoherent ramblings from 150 years ago, the left will come up with any excuse - nuanced, complex, completely fabricated, or otherwise - to excuse their living off of you. Matter of fact, when you look at the amount of effort Marx put into his ramblings or modern day academic leftists put into entirely fabricated faux-studies, their commitment to parasitism becomes very clear. They'd very likely make infinitely more had they just worked real jobs instead of becoming professional whiners, but their commitment to professional victimhood and living off of others is so fervent, so fanatical it becomes their religion, which guarantees they waste their one precious and finite life on this planet. With this level of dedication - to come up with any lie, to create entirely fabricated academic studies out of whole cloth, to even waste their entire lives in the pursuit of other people's money - the productive people of the world better accurately comprehend and appreciate just what a threat to their freedoms and personal finances the left in the world present. And "The Evil White Plurality," which is coming to a theater near you in the Summer of 2045, is just a mere

insight into their total and fanatical commitment to continue living off of you.

DATING IS OVER FOR GEN X I got out of two rat races when I was in my early 30's. One was the 9-5, corporate prison of being a wage slave. The other was dating. The catalyst that prompted my exit from corporate America (banking) was the collapse of the housing market. I was being driven insane when my hard numbers were telling me there was trouble, but the gray-haired baby boomer who desperately needed a commission check that month to finance their leased vehicles insisted otherwise. It wasn't until the FBI contacted us did I realize that, no, I wasn't insane, and that, yes, corporate America and its baby boomer leaders didn't know jack. It was a corrupt system and one where nobody with any talent can excel. And thus it was time to hunker down and get self-employed quick. The snow flake that caused the avalanche of me exiting stage right from dating was a cute car model from Detroit who moonlighted as a waitress at one of the bars I frequented. This particular snowflake was nothing special, her dramatic antics common amongst pretty western females, but enough that it was the straw that broke this camel's back. The total economic cost in terms of time, resources, effort, and sanity just wasn't worth it anymore. I went ghost and found that quality reliable girl your mother always talks about. Never set foot in a nightclub or disco ever again. More than a decade has passed since both retirements, and I'm glad I exited when I did. I now answer to no one for my paycheck, weekly reminding baby boomer bosses of my freedom, and I've been so

long removed from the dating scene, I cannot for the life of me understand how I stayed in it so long. But while I was fortunate enough to get out of both rat races, the same cannot be said of my Gen X counterparts. Most, thankfully, have started to get some semblance of justice when it comes to careers. Enough baby boomers are retiring or dying, providing leadership vacuums that should have been long ago. Plus the internet has obsoleted millions of baby boomers, allowing true talent to bypass them, no longer dependent on their brick and mortar monopolies, and allowing a more meritocratic labor force and economy. But the dating rat race has only gotten worse, and for the benefit of any Gen X'ers unfortunate enough to be stuck in it, lend me your ears. The primary complaint I see amongst colleagues, friends, loved ones, and associates is that there is just not ANYBODY worth dating. Gen X is in their 40's now and 4 decades is enough time to make life crippling mistakes, unrecoverable decisions, and dealbreaking choices the render most undateable. Criminal records, financial problems, student loans (STILL), bankruptcies, other people's children, STD's, unemployment, obesity, mental disorders, and all the other plagues that come with getting old. Life isn't over for this generation, but the mistakes made in their 20's are now finally coming due with a ton of interest, and momsie and popsie aren't going to bail them out this time. Alas, much like the millennials we love to deride about being irresponsible, I haven't and will never forget the stupid decisions the majority of Gen X made. They simply aren't making the news because nobody wants to see the aftermath of majoring in stupid shit, borrowing a ton of money for a McMansion, getting divorced like the Baby Boomers, and basically the fallout for being the conformist, basic bitch generation they were. Still, the selection is poor for any divorcee, ne'er married Gen X'er who kept his/her powder dry, Gen X'ers who maintained their physique, or anybody of Gen X who is in the dating market.

Gen X's dating problem is further encumbered by an age paradox. Because you can only make more mistakes as time goes on, that means an ever-decreasing percentage of your generation is dateable. An obvious solution would be to date younger, finding people who haven't made your mistakes...yet...but there is a problem in dating younger - they're not mature enough and thus not mentally compatible. This is especially pronounced among male Gen X'ers who did not have children, were never married, and thus far kept their nose clean. You can certainly date younger, but doing so will only cause a headache as you date into the realm of "feminist, empowered, yet completely clueless, Millennial women." You can date older, but now you run into other men's children, financially troubled women, lithium prescriptions, Jesus freaks, newlyempowered 40 something feminists, and government-checkaddicted Hillary Clinton acolytes. Alas, I've seen many male friends ping-pong between the two, with no solution in sight. Sadly, the reality is one of cold, hard economics which more accurately reflects a produce market than the pretty lies TV, media, and movies paint to get you to believe your Ann Margaret or Prince Charming is right around the corner. All markets clear, just like the produce section. The quality tomatoes are picked over quickly, and those that are left will spoil in due time. This isn't to say you're a rotten tomato if you haven't been snatched up in this market, I know some men and women who are truly great and wonderful people in this unenviable situation due to circumstances largely out of their control. But it is to stand back, clear our eyes, and accurately assess what is going on so we can accurately diagnose the situation and take action that will help going forward. Gen X'ers today need to take a somber look at dating and acknowledge what's going on. They may also need to entertain the possibility of just being single forever or that their standards are just too high. Millennials would also do well to pay attention because while they're hot, young, and beautiful (well...young anyway), the lies they've been fed about career, education, "partaaaaaying," and

politics being more important than family, friends, and loved ones will put them in the exact same situation as Gen X and the Baby Boomers before them. One that is certainly not enviable.

IS WEALTH TOXIC? Travel with me to West Bloomington. You are already likely familiar with East Bloomington in that it is the suburb which hosts the Mall of America. But unless you were native to the Twin Cities you would not know that while East Bloomington is largely a ghetto with a mall in it it, it's western brother is much more hoity toity, much more posh, and infinitely richer. In the 90's I would permit myself one night off during Christmas break to travel through the neighborhoods to look at the Christmas lights and wonder how the rich people lived...that was until the demographics changed and now the current occupant Gen Xers no longer celebrate Christmas and the light display has gone to pot. Neither here nor there, I would dream what went on behind those closed doors of those proto-90's McMansions, but 10 years later I would wonder no more for I would see it first hand. A rank and file spoiling of the worlds most worthless children. I luckily/unluckily knew a family that lived in one of West Bloomington's larger mansions and while on the outside it looked luxurious, rich, and problem-free, on the inside it was hell. The wife was cheating around on the husband. Their finances were always stretched to the limit. And I had never seen so much worthless "stuff" packed into one house. But the worst was the children. The husband was a pushover, neither disciplining his children nor standing up to his wife, and consequently suffered belligerent

children, a back-talking son, and a wife that was just as prone to use the kids in a "King of Thrones" way against him, as she was him against them. The husband was certainly spineless, but I couldn't help but realize that if he didn't make $250,000 a year, then the economic realities of poverty would make it a lot harder for him to spoil them, and a lot easier to tell them "no." This would result in much better behaved children and ones I didn't feel like (honestly) punching square in their 8 and 10 year old faces. Travel north and a little bit east to the gated community of North Oaks, and allow me to tell you a tale I've told some of my readers before. This was the story of the Asian Princess whose parents had a net worth of over $1 billion. After being set up by a friend, I thought she was doing me a favor on account this Asian Princess was super hot, cheerleading for the Timberwolves or the Vikings (I couldn't remember which). And while the sex was good, it was brief as she went full-on psycho because I didn't offer to buy her a soda when stopping for gas one time. I kid you not. A full grown, then 23 year old "woman" threw a temper tantrum, crying and screaming along I-394 all the way to Hwy 280 where the spectacle ended with her threatening to commit suicide. Being a naive 24 year old at the time, I genuinely thought she had mental problems, when in reality she was just another spoiled rich bitch the American suburbs were ramping up production of at the time. And then there is the election of Trump. Though this may not seem related, or at least tangential, it shares the same common thread as the two examples above. Trump got elected. Trump won fair and square. Trump is your president whether you like it or not. And you have every right to vote him out in 4 years.

Yet none of this seemed to dawn or register with what I estimate to be a good 33% of the population. The cumulative cry-baby, temper-tantrum shit show put on full display for the world to see by the left is on par with, perhaps even improving upon, the soda-deprived temper tantrum the Asian Princess threw and the back-talking brats of my long-ago friend in West Bloomington. Be it the riots of Berkeley destroying people's freedom of speech, to the Million Meg March, to the terabytes of pure stupidity and ignorance displayed daily on social media by millennials, it does not take a deep-thinking sociologist or political analyst to realize a third of the country desperately needs a disciplinarian father figure to metaphorically spank the ever living shit out of them. And while we can chalk these behaviors up to leftist indoctrination in the schools, or the lack of fathers, or the surplus of spineless fathers, I think there is a larger determining factor that explains this nation-wide phenomenon of spoiled brat behavior. Wealth. If there's one lesson I've learned from Asshole Consulting it's that people cannot learn unless they suffer, and suffer mightily. Fuck "positive reinforcement." Fuck "not keeping score." And fuck encouragement. Lessons are only learned, and learned most expeditiously, when there is immense pain, agony, and cost associated with it. I can scream at the top of my lungs, "Don't major in stupid shit!" or

"That 24 year old girl with big tits and a 50 year old boyfriend is leading you on and in it for the money!" or "Don't buy that boat!" And I can provide every bit of reason, logic, empirical data, and evidence as to why you shouldn't do these things. But people will still end up with $150,000 in student loans for a Masters in Anthropology, a broken heart and broken nose, and the financial world of trouble that is known as a boat. It is then, and ONLY THEN do they realize what I said was right. It's why I charge an egregious fee because in order for my clients to learn it needs to hurt. And it's worth every penny because $100 of preventative pain is better than the $150,000 and decades worth of damage. But no matter how vital pain is to advance and progress in life, there is one thing that acts as a shield against it, and therefore blunts and counters any real life learning that is so vital and desperately needed to be successful in life. Money. More specifically, wealth. Take for example two seemingly unrelated groups of people. SPWL suburbanite brat princesses and welfare ghetto trash.

While they may have very little in common, what they do have in common is that they are indeed shielded from the full costs and consequences of their mistakes. Daddy's little Suburbanite Princess can wreck a car, major in stupid shit, flail about in life well into her 30's and never suffer an ounce of pain, starvation, or reprecussions because daddy will simply bail her out. You typical ghetto/trailer/barrio trash may not have the benefactor of a rich SWPL suburbanite daddy warbucks, but they have Daddy Government bailing them out just the same. Didn't want to study hard in school? Got pregnant at 15? Got in trouble with the law? Started dealing drugs? Never majored in a stupid subject because you never made it to college or trade school? Didn't save up anything for retirement? Had more kids than you could afford? No worries what so ever! The government errr....Obama...errr the taxpayer will pay for everything and bail you out just like that worthless Suburbanite Princess. And the consequences are the same - worthless, parasitic people who live off of others and are a drain on society. In my 40 years of life on this planet, watching everything from spoiled rich kids at parochial school, to spoiled brats at "The Carslon School of Management," to dating scores of suburbanite princesses, to my beloved governor Mark Dayton, to Presidents Bush and Obama, to watching both the bankers and their clients getting bailed out by the government, I am COMPLETELY and thoroughly convinced that money/wealth is absolutely 100% toxic to human beings. At best it turns them into worthless layabouts like the Kardashians, and at worst it turns them into evil, vile, destructive people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

This puts society, not to mention my capitalist-loving self, at a quandary. Money and wealth is what improves and enhances our standards of living. It's what humanity and every person has been working towards and desires. Infinite wealth is what economists (in theory) dream to be the perfect utopia. But if money is so destructive to the human mind and the rest of humanity, how can this be reconciled. Simple. The one thing that inoculates humans against the toxic effects of wealth. Earned wealth. You have to work for it. I've often debated starting a "Spoiled Brat Trust Fund Baby Camp" wherein I'd put the world's most worthless spoiled brats through a painful bootcamp. It wouldn't involve push ups or 10 mile runs, but simply cutting them off from their parents' finances and dropping them off at the bus station with $1,000 and saying "good luck!" Every great once in a while a rare rich kid does this (I recall an heir to a 1920's fortune running away from his family so he could live among the normal people - his name escapes me now), but for the most part pampered children lack this level of maturity, discipline, rigor, and introspection. Regardless, the point is the only way people can learn the value of a dollar and never be corrupted by money and wealth is by staring starvation and poverty right in the face, perhaps even wrestling with it for their very own life, so they know PRECISELY what it takes for an individual to support him/herself and just what a precious commodity money truly is. It also humbles them so they know what the average person on the street endures and suffers, resulting in a communal respect for your fellow man, especially those not born into the Mark Dayton family wealth.

It is doubtful that the rich, even those who borrow their wealth to spoil their children (which are many more in number than you may realize), will have the perspective, insight, and true consideration for their follow man and society to raise their children unspoiled, unpampered, and bounced around a little bit in the tough world of reality. Often times this is due to the originator of the wealth loving their children to the point they do not want them to suffer. Other times it's simple hubris and ego about "their family" being better and more important than others. Regardless, the result is the same worthless people who lack the ability to love their fellow man, have an entitlement problem, lack the ability for altruism and empathy, and frankly are the cause of the majority of problems and corruption we witness in the world today. If rich people really want to help the world, and if leftists really want to help the poor, and if you want to stop raising the worthless lot of college protestors living off of the government-student-loan-dime, stop spoiling your children. Be it a trust funder A 5th generation welfare bum A 6th generation single mom Or daddy's precious suburbanite princess and prince majoring in Social Justice Warrior studies on his 3rd-mortgage-dime knock it the fuck off with blank checks and unlimited government bailouts and force them to become real world, full-agency, selfsupporting adults. Not only will they thank you in the long run, but society won't collapse either.

NEVER START A TIGER TANK COMPANY I have a friend who runs an international business. A real one. One with employees, divisions, departments, and multiple offices. It is indeed international with clients in the US and production in China. And he is indeed successful, enjoying the finer things in life that the 99% will never work up the work ethic to enjoy. The company is also the bane of his existence. If it's not shipping, it's customs. If it's not customs, it's some critical employee who put in his notice. If it's not an employee, it's a customer who didn't pay in time. And if it's not the customer, it's his fledgling subsidiary with a never ending litany of growing pains. On a GOOD DAY 40% of his time is spent actually managing. The remainder of it is merely putting out fires and dealing with problems. Thus are the problems of starting a "Tiger Tank Company." If you don't know what the Tiger Tank was, it was the "premiere" tank that debuted in WWII. Virtually unstoppable, superior in nearly every regard, if you pit any other tank against it, that other tank would lose. And thus when the Germans released their Tigers on the field, other tank crews would rightfully fear because there was a good chance they'd lose their lives. But the Tiger had a huge disadvantage that nearly every other tank did not have. It was overly complex. And since it was overly complex it had infinitely more problems than any other tank.

The transmission would break, the gas consumption was unsustainable, the fuel system would leak, the suspension would break. It may have delivered on everything a tank commander could ask for...that's while it was working and not in disrepair. Inevitably it was the Russian T34 tank that would doom the Tiger Tank. Though not as massive, armored, or weaponized, it was cheaper to produce, faster to produce, more efficient, and had only a fraction of the problems. So while the German Tiger Tank could take out 3, 4, even 10 of the enemy's tanks, the Russians could produce 11, 12, 13, even 20 more of them, all of which would see more field time than a Tiger. Companies are the same way. Not to brag (because it was originally intended as half a lark), but compare my buddy's company to Asshole Consulting. Asshole Consulting has the least moving parts possible. In part by it's nature and in part by intentional design as it evolved. There is a bare bones (some would dare say "craptastic") website. A simple email server. A paypal account. A laptop. And one Grade A, professional asshole. 5 pieces of machinery, in total, that generate a tidy sum above beer money. Compare that to my buddy's company. Three divisions. One subsidiary. About 30 employees. A score of company phones. Two score of company computers. Tracking software. Suppliers. Vendors. Production facilities. Their employees. Managers. Accountants. Phone operators. Delivery men. His operation has infinitely more moving parts which means things go wrong at his company infinitely more times. Now, admittedly, he is a millionaire and I am not. But if you are a regular reader of Cappy, you know that I endorse entrepreneurship not so much as the path to riches (which is certainly nice), but

primarily as the path to freedom. That your time is more important than money. And that if you live the life of a minimalist, then the amount of money you need to make as an entrepreneur is just that much less, making your goal of true freedom just that much closer and more attainable. The problem comes in where the entrepreneurial idea you concoct may indeed be brilliant, may indeed make you millions, but if it sucks your time and life away, then it was all for naught. This is not to belittle the value of money and riches, nor to tisk tisk you if you make millions (more power to you), but to make you realize the value in not only evaluating which business ideas you should pursue, but how to streamline their operations when you set them up so as to have the least amount of moving parts possible. Here there are a couple lessons I've learned either through my mistakes or watching the mistakes of others. 1. PEOPLE are the NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF ALL PROBLEMS. We're not talking just employees. We're not talking just supervisors. We are talking ALL PEOPLE involved with the business. Employees, supervisors, suppliers, vendors, lawyers, customers, ALL OF THEM, ALL POTENTIAL SOURCES OF PROBLEMS. This is why I only have one employee at Asshole Consulting and why I control the product process with an iron fist. Like the soup Nazi I DEMAND my employees follow instructions, do EXACTLY as I say, and get paid up front because not only does that limit the amount of problems that can go wrong, but it also lowers prices DRAMATICALLY providing better service to my customers (just think about how expensive therapists are when it comes to insurance, copays, billing, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and bill collectors). 2. Run one business at a time. While my buddy runs technically one business, there are two separate divisions within the company necessitating twice the amount of managerial overhead. He also

sponsors a sporting event annually which is yet just another unnecessary piece of machinery that can go wrong, and at BEST consumes his vital and limited time. Do not chase every little bunny rabbit that might make a good entrepreneurial venture. Focus on one at a time, and until you have that set on auto pilot freeing up additional time to pursue new ventures, do not pursue new ones. 3. Do not bring Tiger Tanks into your personal life. I know two people who got dogs. Why? Because they wanted to have dogs. Never mind neither have jobs or are able to support themselves let alone the dogs. Never mind they're living at home and got into this mess by agreeing to take care of other people's dogs. They simply wanted the dog, and who can refuse a cute little doggie? Well now, even with something as innocent and unassuming as a dog, look at how much of your freetime is consumed and your life complicated by by providing for a retarded-child-equivalent. You have to feed the dog. Walk the dog. Take the dog to the vet. Take it out to go potty. Spend time with the dog. And never mind the new logistical hurdles you face. You have to get a dog sitter. You can't go on planes. You can't go into most restuarants. You forever have to rent apartments that only accept dogs.

You just sank the equivalent of a 10 hour per week part time job for a dog. And dogs are just an example. You need to look at every decision in your life and ask if it adds an unnecessary cog to the streamlined machine. You want to get your MBA? You sure? You want to buy a boat? You sure? You want to start a restaurant? You sure? You want to get a roommate who may or may not stiff you on rent? You sure? You want to buy that fixer upper dream home? You sure? You want to get involved with the local civics group, church group, or run your children around town for their 31 different flavors of sports? You sure? Everything takes time, and not only does it take time, it may unintentionally become the single largest waste of your time in your life. It may ruin you, even driving you into bankruptcy. But while that is certainly not the most common outcome of blindly making your life more complicated than it has to be, most people unconsciously saddle themselves with at least 10 hours per week of unnecessary moving parts. Be smarter than that. Time is your most important (and only) resource you have on this planet. Before either blindly following the crowd, or starting some kind of business venture that will make money, but torpedo you life, evaluate and contemplate how much time that move is going to cost you, and how to design it so that it takes the least amount of time to run.

DEBUNKING THE MULTIPLIER EFFECT I do not intend this to be a lengthy post because though the topic of economics and the multiplier effect may seem complex and nuanced, the truth is the entire economics "profession" has gone so far beyond it's philosophical roots, laughably treating itself as a "science," that so many mistakes have been made along the way that some of it's key tenets are easily debunked, prominent among them, the "multiplier effect." If you don't know what the multiplier effect is or why it's important, it basically states that any new introduction of money into an economy will result in increased economic production MULTIPLE TIMES the original increase. This is based on the fact that one person's expenditure is another person's income, so an increase of $1,000 can result in a total economic production of say $5,000. Bob gets a tax break of $1,000 and buys a new computer from Jim. Jim takes the money and spends some of it, say $900, buying a new suit from Bill. Bill takes $800 of that $900 and buys himself a set of tools from Amy and this cycle continues on and on and on till the fractional expenditure is so small little Leroy is buying a 1 cent piece of bubble gum, resulting in $5,000 in total new spending. While this explains the multiplier effect, it does not, however, explain the political motivation behind it and why (leftist) politicians love it. The multiplier effect basically authorizes or legitimizes increased government spending, especially deficit spending because that $100 billion in welfare to the poor, or that $10 billion forgivable government loan to Solyndra will result in MULTIPLE times that amount in economic growth, and therefore tax revenue. This is why Nancy Pelosi foolishly said unemployment and government checks was the

best thing for the then-economy, why Paul Krugman believes in aliens, and why nearly every leftist is for increasing government spending on the parasitic - it not only wins them votes, adoration, and popularity among the sheeple, but the multiplier effect is quite literally magic economics with no costs because in theory it generates more tax revenue than it costs. Now, you don't have to be an economist to know something is fishy when politicians and pundits start claiming there's such a thing as a free economic lunch and you can have something for nothing. And so to debunk this malarkey we can simply look at whether or not increased government spending has resulted in economic growth in the past. And the truth is, it hasn't. It simply hasn't. Not only has government spending coincided with slowing economic growth, the Obama presidency was a Keynesian wet dream come true that has only further proven the multiplier effect just does not work. Obama doubled the national deficit, spending an additional $10 trillion the country simply didn't have, and GDP continued to limp along at a pathetic 2.2% average growth rate. I only need further point out if there was a Multiplier Effect, we wouldn't have to be running deficits...which we most certainly have the past decade. In short, to those of us living in the real world, the multiplier effect simply doesn't work. But while anybody (if they're so inclined) can look up the data on the FRED database and prove it to themselves, it's more important, especially in an attempt to educate the public, to explain WHY the multiplier effect doesn't work and why economic policy based on it is doomed to fail. And that answer comes in way before the government check is cut, the tax break given, and Bob pays Bill $1,000. Specifically... where did the money come from?

If you look at the multiplier effect, it is truly magical because it assumes we have this pile of money that just "POOF!" shows up out of thin air when the economy conveniently needs it. But, again, any adult who has lived in the real world knows there is no such thing as a free lunch. The money has to come from somewhere, so where? There are several sources, but regardless of the source they are all "other people's money." And it is here economists and politicians conveniently forget this fact because for every penny of economic growth you garnered by giving Bob $1,000, it is obsoleted from the lack of economic growth that didn't happen because you took that $1,000 from Bill. Say you increase taxes on "the hated rich." You do this because it's popular, you want to get re-elected, and you believe in Santa Claus the multiplier effect. Congratulations, you managed to take $10 bill from rich people and give it to poor people. Now instead of yachts, champagne, and caviar, that money will be spent on rims, trailer park fences, and antibiotic STD treatments. You didn't create any new economic growth, you merely shifted it. Worse, (though Keynesians will knee-jerk to quickly point out poor people are more likely to spend money) congratulations! You increased SPENDING, NOT INVESTMENT! Nobody ever points out it is rich people who are more likely to invest their excess reserves, which leads to.... jobs and GENUINE economic growth. Buying rims doesn't lead to long term economic growth. Paying for day care for your bastard baby daddy children does not increase the economy's economic growth potential. But building a new plant or creating a new business DOES create jobs, DOES increase our economic growth capacity, and DOES improve long term, sustainable economic standards of living. But in the world of Keynesians they do not differentiate. Blowing $400 on grills for your teeth or tattoo sleeves for your arms is just as viable economic "growth" as investing in a new semiconductor plant.

Second, let's just agree with leftists/Keynesians and say rich people don't spend their money as much as the poor. And that money would "just sit in the bank anyway." Well, do banks just let money sit in their vaults collecting dust? No, of course not. They lend it out so people can buy things, but also invest be it a house, an education, or a company, all of which leads to more than just mere "consumption" and "spending." Additionally, taxing people with money simply because "it would just sit in the bank" leaves them with less money to put into the bank. This lowers the supply of lendable dollars which increases interest rates and lowers economic growth. And third, perhaps more pertinent to today's economy, would be the closest we can get to "economic magic" where the federal reserve just prints off money. These monies are infused into the economy either through government programs, bank bail outs, or (as I soon predict will happen) student loan bail outs, and will all be heralded by leftist politicians as "investments." This simply causes inflation, taking away real economic growth from the economy by lowering the purchasing power of every one else to bail out the banks, hipsters, liberal arts majors, or lazy and stupid people who just can't keep their legs shut. This has happened in Argentina, Brazil, the Weimar Republic, and any other country that has tried to print their way to success, and the only reason it hasn't happened in the US YET is because we have the world's reserve currency (which is an entirely other topic). We could go on citing different examples, but whatever the source of the original "seed money" to get the multiplier effect going, there is an equal and opposite economic effect because you simply took money out of another part of economy and overall economic growth will remain unchanged. The truth is economic growth is caused by hard work, innovation, creativity, self-supportation, and increased efficiency. It's nothing new or mysterious as human kind has, through trial and error (and

not faux "studies" done by idiots in the economic departments of academia or Washington) figured this out over the millennia. And the fact something as stupid as "the multiplier" effect can not only be swallowed, but be so prominent among economist and professional circles, is more a testament to the human mind's amazing ability to lie to itself than any kind of epiphany or "discovery" by the "profession" of economics. It is here I simply ask Americans and westerners to do something they pride themselves off of. Be TRULY independent minded people with genuine critical thinking skills. Wake the F up, use your brain, think things through and realize just what a bunch of frauds, posers, and charlatans most economists and politicians are.

WHAT CHIMNEYS TEACH US ABOUT ENTREPRENEURSHIP I couldn't remember where I heard it, but be it a podcast, a blog, a documentary or the radio, a man was speculating why it took so long to build the chimney. The Romans had the earliest success with "chimney technology," installing flues in bakeries that would channel smoke outside. This technological advancement was lost with the collapse of the Roman empire and would not return until 1200AD in England. But whether it was 1200 England or 100BC Rome, humans had already been living in much more northern, and therefore colder, climes millennia before these inventions. So how'd they keep warm? Simple. They'd just have a fire on the dirt floor in the middle of their house with a hole (or holes) poked in the ceiling of the roof to aerate out the smoke. Of course, only a fraction of the smoke would aerate, leaving a barely breathable room to live and sleep in. And of course,

heat would also escape making winter particularly cold for Vikings and others who lived in northern climes. And of course, this would make life miserable for anybody living in winter. But that is what humans endured for tens of thousands of years until the Brits developed the "advanced" technology of putting a pipe over flame in 1200AD. Surprisingly, chimney technology would not advance seriously for another 500 years until various 18th century philosophers, scientists, and tinkerers (Benjamin Franklin prominently among them) would finally hunker down, put pen to paper, and start to experiment with various forms of heating, ventilation, and flame ultimately resulting in the two modern forms of chimneys we have today - the brick chimney and the wood burning stove. So it wasn't until a short 200 years ago (out of the 2 MILLION years of human existence) did we have effective and efficient chimneys. My question was, "Why the hell did it take so damn long for humans to develop this basic and NECESSARY thing?" Not that this wasn't an impressive accomplishment. If you research it, successfully heating a home with fire AND successfully ventilating the smoke out of a structure is more complicated than you think. There's heat convection, understanding (or in the olden days, misunderstanding) how fire burns, being able to adjust air/fuel, as well and the creation of a flue. But even this level of complexity it not that complex, and with heat being a vital necessity for human survival, one would think the chimney would have been developed long ago, along side the creation of inflammable ceramics and/or pottery. But the historian I was listening to had a theory as to why this was. And it was so obvious even I had had the same epiphany earlier, but from a different angle:

Humans were too busy staying alive to take the time to sit down, think about it, experiment with it, and develop the chimney. Between staving off rival tribes, growing food for winter, preparing for winter, cutting and hauling wood, maybe tending to livestock, and all the other demands of pre-historic/ancient life, humans simply did not have the spare time to pursue the luxury of thinking about how to heat a home more efficiently. We may look at our prehistoric and ancient ancestors with a bit of derision and shame. How dumb did they all have to be that thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, perhaps even 100,000 years passed by and nobody thought to build a receptacle to hold a fire in and add a pipe outside to it? Certainly, SOMEBODY out of the past 50 billion humans that existed must have had SOME free time to create the chimney? Why The Original American Playboy, Benjamin Franklin, so late in the 1790's? But before we get too condescending realize nearly all of us are guilty of the exact same thing today. It's just instead of hunting mammoth, fighting off raiding tribes, culling our weak, and hunkering down in winter today we, go to school, go to college, suffer a commute, work mind-destroying jobs, get married, have kids, get debts,

watch TV, play video games, and if we're lucky, wifey lets us go to Vegas for a weekend. In short, humanity, regardless of the era, and regardless of the technology, has always focused at the tasks at hand and never taken the time to stop what they're doing, step back, look at what they're doing, ask themselves if there's an easier way to do things, and then spend the time actually developing those easier ways. I came to this realization as I slowly, and accidentally, slipped into the vagabond "author, blogger, professional asshole, Cappy Appleseed" lifestyle I have today. Between roadtripping across the country, merely only to hike many parks, trails, and mountains by myself, you're forced to be alone with your thoughts for thousands of hours. Couple this with podcasting technology that gives your brain food for thought, it creates the perfect environment where you're (practically) FORCED to sit down and think about life and how to do things easier. This has resulted in not only a handful of clever, but profitable businesses I run today, but a surplus of business ideas that I have on my "idea pad" back at home that I can resort to should my current slew of businesses turn unprofitable. But my portfolio of business ideas set aside, the lesson learned is an important one that cannot be emphasized enough for fellow aspiring minimalists, philosophers, freedom-lovers, and entrepreneurs: Sitting down and taking the time to think things through is a mandatory ingredient to successful entrepreneurship. I am completely convinced that unplugging from The Matrix, quitting the Rat Race, and pulling your nose up from the grind is absolutely necessary to give you the time to survey the world around you, understand the context by which society, the economy, and businesses interact with one another, and therefore give your brain the time to identify ways to capitalize on this environment.

Furthermore, if you are consciously "on the hunt" for entrepreneurial ideas, you will train your brain to recognize these opportunities more frequently, resulting in a "business idea list" like mine that is (in all honesty) a better guarantee of a financial future than social security. I know "not everybody can be, nor wants to be, an entrepreneur." But I do know the majority of my readership are freedom-loving, envelop pushing, authority-hating individuals who would be happiest working for themselves (and subsequently telling their former bosses to shove it). Because of this I cannot emphasize enough you learn a lesson from the inexcusably-long development of chimneys. Take the time to unplug and think about things in society long and hard. Combine that with an "on the hunt" mentality for any entrepreneurial opportunity that exists. This won't guarantee you'll come up with a successful business idea, but it will guarantee you'll stand a better shot than the average wage slave commuting 2 hours to work, whose mind is rotting away in a cube, while being further medicated/impaired with mindless television and Oprah-level societal distractions.

HEAVEN HELP THE “MARGINALLY ATTRACTIVE MAN” Allow the Captain to regale you with a tale. Many years ago, when the Captain was a younger, but competent lieutenant, he fancied himself quite the catch. He had a daytime job that paid moderately well, moonlighted as a ballroom dance instructor, was a property owner, and had no student loans because he worked through college. He was not the latest or the greatest, but he was certainly smarter than the average bear. And his dating record proved it.

However, while his dating record was exemplary, his bang record was not. Especially given the volume of dates he had. The vast majority of dates would not be followed by a second, and what few made it past the first date rarely made it to the third. And if the Captain were to go back into the archives and calculate the percentages, the "Percent Banged of Total Dated" was probably well below the industrial average. And the Captain at the time didn't quite know why. Fast forward today, and add the retro-spective wisdom of teh interwebz, and it's pretty obvious why the Captain would have great success in dating, but marginal success with banging - he was cursed with being a "Marginally Attractive Man." No doubt about it, the Ole Captain IS a good-looking man. Back in the day "HotOrNot" rated him regularly above an 8. But the problem with such sites is it just considers your face. It does not consider something even more important to women - your height. And here the Captain failed (by no fault of his own) miserably. He is a mere 5'9". And women don't like men who are only 5'9". This would explain the vast majority of dating phenomenon in both the Captain's and other "Marginally Attractive Men's" pasts. Sure, we'd land some dates, but few would be followed by a sequel. Yes, we'd nail some chicks, but you'd ne'er hear from them again. And I'm sure many of you shorter gentlemen have no shortage of stories where you and a taller girl were getting along swimmingly, perhaps even enroute to a more committed relationship, but in the end she would either go ghost on you or just give you a standard "I'm not ready for a relationship" response, in spite of your great chemistry together. Yes, it is tough being a"Marginally Attractive Man." However, there may be a bit more science to being a "Marginally Attractive Man" and it comes from the embarrassingly exposing data that OK Cupid is known for - Women's horrendously and laughably skewed perception of male attractiveness.

Though the original article was purged from the internet (because we can't be letting the men know the embarrassing reality of female nature), reddit thankfully has it archived so you boys can see the reality you are facing. And whereas we can speculate about "why" women are this way, as I like to say "The why doesn't matter. All that matters is what is." Women have a horrendously skewed, flawed, erroneous and delusional view of male attractiveness. Whereas men have an objective and statistically normal, real world view of female attractiveness. to men, the majority of women are "average" with fewer and fewer people on the uglier and prettier sides of the spectrum the further out you get. Women, however, consider 80% of men BELOW AVERAGE, when by statistical and mathematical reality ONLY HALF CAN BE BELOW AVERAGE. Again, delusion. Again, "WTF????" Again, "Do you women hear yourselves???" But, "it is what is." It is here we "Marginally Attractive Men" must take a lesson from Adam Piggott and realize there are HUGE ramifications for this skewed view of male attractiveness. For in one of his podcast episodes he expounded on the risks associated with being a "marginally attractive man." More specifically, he explained that if you are REALLY ugly, you know you are and therefore do not put forth any precious effort, labor, time, and resources chasing women you can't get. Additionally, just as if you're very attractive, you don't have to put forth as much time, labor, energy, and resources into chasing women as they're throwing themselves at you. But if you're marginally attractive, then heaven help you because you're in a "kill zone" of sorts where sporadic, irregular, and inconsistent successes condemn you to invest more and more of your time and resources

into getting women that you're statistically not likely to get. And this then makes it a vital economics lesson. Mock them all you want the MGTOW's/VirginTOW's/Incels/TFL'ers are NOT wasting their time chasing women they can't get. Yes, they may be wasting their time obsessing and hating on women they can't get, but they're not actually wasting their time chasing them. This frees up inordinate amounts of time and resources they could repurpose and reinvest in other endeavors that will improve their lives - working out, their careers, their educations, fun, home maintenance, auto maintenance, traveling/reconnaissance, etc. On the other side of the looks spectrum you have the few top dogs and alpha males that women "graciously" deem "better than average." I know statistically speaking this is 20%, but even 20% may not be high enough given women's hypergamous genetic programming. I'd argue you'd need to be top 10%. Regardless of the actual number, once you reach this "magical percentage threshhold" women WILL throw themselves at you. I've witnessed this many times with a good friend of mine who is hands down a 10. Women will literally walk up to him and ask him to take them home. We were hiking one time and a girl propositioned him right there on the hiking trail. Admittedly, he puts a lot of effort into his physique, but it's a phenomenon very similar to a job hunt and majoring in engineering. If you're willing to put forth the effort into getting a hard degree, the rest of the world does the work for you in landing a job. And if you're willing to spend a couple hours at the gym, women will beat a path to your doorstep, even tying a cute little red bow to their vaginas as they present it to you as a gift. The larger point is that the time/labor/resource savings are IMMENSE if you are a top 10% good looking guy. Women do all the work for you, you don't have to lift a finger (though you do have to lift the weights). But if you're a 6.5 or a 7.5, or you're a solid 9, but 5'7" you are in for a world of hell. Because you are neither too ugly to give up on women, nor are you too good looking that they beat a path to your

door. This condemns you to expend inordinate amounts of labor and resources chasing girls. Yes you can get a just have to spend month's worth of Saturday nights at loud, drunk, night clubs. Yes you can get a just have to date a score of them and hope they're adequately drunk to lower their skewed standards to "normal" so you might get laid one time. Yes you can get a girl...but you need to spend cumulatively years on social media swiping left or running "facebook game." When you add it up, especially when you are younger, the amount of time, labor, resources, and plain ole life marginally attractive men waste on women is enough to pay for a house, earn a doctoral degree, travel the world, and/or learn a whole host of skills and trades that would improve your future immeasurably better. It is the most compelling argument for prostitution if there ever was one, but unfortunately, genetics (not to mention the law) compel most young "marginally attractive men" to waste their most precious youth and time in chasing tail that "might" reward them. The solution for Marginally Attractive Men is to choose one and commit to it. You either are a 7.5 who could turn into a 9.5 if you dedicated yourself to becoming ripped, or you are a 7.5, already ARE ripped, and no further improvement is possible, so you might as well hang it up, go traditional-MGTOW and pursue your own personal interests. But whatever you do, do not indecisively sit in the middle of the train tracks, wasting your finite and precious life chasing tail with only a modicum percent chance of success. Your life is too valuable, you are too valuable, and your time can be invested in things with much higher rates of return. Though, remember, a monthly flight to Amsterdam or Las Vegas is infinitely cheaper than years worth of chasing tail you may or may not get.

WHY MINIMALISTS NEED A RECESSION Sebastian Joe's and Mancini's Allow me to tell you about Sebastian Joe's. If you ever come to the Twin Cities, like most sheep you're going to want to go to the Mall of America. This is fine and I understand this because 1) you've been programmed to and 2) there isn't much else to see in the Twin Cities. Oh yes, I'm sure they'll tell you to see either a Twins or Vikings game. Yes, I'm sure the locals will insist you check out our incredibly mediocre downtowns. And the truly delusional Twin Citians will perhaps fool you into going to the worthless and talentless Walker Art "Museum." But all in all the Twin Cities suck and I cannot recommend you come here for much of anything. However, if you still insist on visiting the Twin Cities there are only two places worth visiting before I'd advise you to move along to the Black Hills or catch a flight to Chicago: Mancini's and Sebastian Joe's. Mancini's is one of the few remaining classical 60's steakhouse joints in the Twin Cities. It's worth attending and you can find it in St. Paul. The Captain has had many o' grand and drunken times at Mancini's and you do not get "drinks" as much as you get "copious vats o' booze" poured for dirt cheap because (unlike the flash in the pan night clubs that come and go) Mr. Mancini paid off his mortgage long ago and those overhead costs no longer exist.

But even more of a staple than that is Sebastian Joe's which is hands down, easily, by a mile, and without a doubt, the world's greatest ice cream parlour ever. Oh roll your eyes if you must, but I am deadly serious. In part because there is nothing else to do in the Twin Cities and in part because the ice cream is just that good, Sebastian Joe's is simply the #1 thing people MUST DO when visiting the Twin Cities. And to show you my intellectual honesty, ask any out of town visitors I've chaperoned where I took them and they will confirm it was Sebastian Joe's. Now I am fortunate enough to live relatively close to Sebastian Joe's. And it happens to be near "the lakes" region of Minneapolis which is one of my favorite running haunts. So while the rest of Twin Citians are at their cubes, stuck in traffic, paying for a masters degree, or doing whatever it is the Fraternal Order of NormieConformies of Minnesota do with their day, I'm banging out a run around Lake of the Isles and Lake Calhoun, with a convenient stop off for a treat at Sebastian Joe's. I walk in, I get my ice cream, maybe a double scoop, get in my car, and high-tail it out of town before the sheep clog the highways again come the afternoon rush hour. This has been a weekly past time in the Ole Captain's life for the past decade. I look forward to running around MY lakes and getting MY Sebastian Joe's ice cream, relatively unhindered and without the morons that normally barf out onto the lakes and clog it up during fair-weather weekends. But the past three times I went in to claim my Sebastian Joe's ice cream after a long run there was something that should not have been there. A line. A line so long, it was enough of a deterrent to make me forego my precious Sebastian Joe's ice cream. And while "once" is to be

expected and "twice" is a coincidence, "thrice" is a trend. And this "trend" has an evil genesis. Though slow and sclerotic, the US economy has recovered from the housing crash/financial crisis. It took a decade, an experiment with a socialist affirmative action president, and a doubling of our national debt, but inevitably we recovered. And I even hate to use the word "recovered" because economic growth has been so paltry "professional" economists in Washington and New York practically cum their pants if GDP grows above 3%. But let there be no doubt about it, we've recovered. Unemployment is now officially below 4% making it a VERY TIGHT labor market. Even the labor force participation rate has bottomed out, indicating that, yes, even Millennials are starting to look for work. And if you have Millennials looking for work (and lining up for ice cream), that means, yes, the economic good times are here again. A Generation of Minimalists But "good for who?" We normally assume economic growth is good for everybody, and booming economic times good for everyone. But the last recession was so harsh and so long that it permanently changed the behaviors of millions of people. And not that these people would want to deny America a booming economy, but a booming economy is now incredibly inconvenient to these "economic adapters" who changed their lives over the past 10 years. These people, I contend, are a generation of minimalists that were forged through the nuclear hot economic fires of the Great Recession, some going so far back that their forging started during the Dotcom bubble. Predominantly Gen Xer's, these people were also lied to by their parents, overpaid for college degrees, were dumped out into a recession, maybe gained some traction in the 00's, only to have the housing crash wipe out any progress. So

taxing and depleting were their decades-long experiences, one could argue that the entire conventional wisdom of how to succeed in America was reversed in this sole, single generation going from: "Go to college, earn a degree, get a job, and start a family, the future of America is great, everything is awesome!!!" to "Trust no one, invest in nothing, STEM or die, independence, entrepreneurship, kids are too expensive, spend as little as possible, prepare for the worst." Nor is it purely relegated to age. Gen X'ers may comprise the majority of these neo-minimalists, but Millennials and Baby Boomers aren't blind, nor unscathed either. Millions of Millennials are finally getting "woke" to the fact there were just completely raped by Big Education for worthless degrees, and Baby Boomers who were either laid off during the Great Recession or are looking at their pensions being underfunded have also abandoned hopes of Viargacommerial-esque retirement plans replete with Floridian beaches, svelte wives, and sail boats. So when the decade-long totality of economic pain, suffering, pressure, lies, deceit, and misery is finally lifted from these people, they are not the same people they were 10 years ago. They have changed, and changed permanently. They are minimalists and are not only accustomed to bad economics times, but thrive in them. One would think such a contrarian approach to one's economic life would not be possible, or at least doesn't make sense. How would minimalists NOT benefit from a booming economy? How would minimalists NOT benefit from higher wages? And you are certainly correct especially if you view it through the lens of traditional economics and what was considered "traditional success" in America. But if you look at it in terms of lifestyle and the enjoyment of life, a booming economy does not necessarily equate to a better

life for this new generation of "perma-minimalists." And while many of these "drawbacks" may be tongue and cheek (the lines at Sebastian Joe's did not send me off a cliff), there are some that certainly lessen the standard of living that minimalists have conditioned themselves to enjoy today.

Minimalist Purchasing Power Foremost among these is purchasing power. The primary goal and motivation of a minimalist is freedom from financial dependence. This is not possible since everybody needs some money to live on, but after watching millions of Americans (or perhaps themselves) enslave themselves to student loans, McMansion mortgages, and Range Rover loans, minimalists make the obvious and easy decision to simply do without. We don't need fancy cars. We don't need more bedrooms than heads in our household. We don't need worthless masters degrees. And we sure as hell don't need some psychopathic boss ruining our mental lives 8 hours a day in the process. So we set off to a race, the finish line of which is to be debt free. For once we are free of debt, with no mortgage, car loan, or student loan to pay for, we answer to no one and effectively maximize our freedom. We can work some paltry part time job and survive in relatively luxury the rest of our days. Ideally we are self employed, working from a laptop that doesn't anchor us down anywhere. But even if we're not, that's still OK, because the second our boss gives us the slightest bit of lip, we quit because we don't need the money. We aren't living paycheck to paycheck and wifey-poo won't divorce us if we can't make her car payment and Little Suzie's tuition bill at Princelysum Liberal Arts College. Our expenses are so low a mere $5,000 can last us a year. Matter of fact, more commonly you'll find

minimalists returning to work out of pure boredom because even freedom and frolicking loses its novelty. However, there is one major drawback to this lifestyle once the economy starts booming - prices go up. Now keep in mind us minimalists aren't affected by prices anywhere near you debt-addicted-sheep herders. We have more disposable income than you do, we have effectively no living expenses, and unlike you we have little to no debts. Plus, you normies can't wait to line up to pay $7 for a mocha or $1,000 for a piece of crap Apple device or $20 for an assigned seat at a movie theater. You'll just simply borrow the money you don't have to pay for those things. So not only will you bend over and pay whatever corporations are charging you, you'll enslave yourself further to them by borrowing to pay them, tripling the price you effectively pay and tripling the amount of time you have to spend in a commute and cubicle. So we are nowhere near as price-sensitive as you. But still, in being minimalists we don't like spending money we don't have to. And what little disposable income we have (which, once again is more than you) is incredibly impaired when prices go up. This cuts deeply into our fun and enjoyment budget, which really starts to get annoying. For example in the depths of the recession I was able to find a motel for 3 months, during summer, in the Black Hills for $600. Not for one summer, but three! Now you can't even find a hotel in the Black Hills during summer for less than $60 a NIGHT. Closely related is transportation. I remember the days when you could rent cars for $8 a day, and get upgraded to convertibles or sports cars for $15! And this was assuming you were renting. In the depths of the recession I bought a truck with less than 50,000 miles on it for $4,500 and an effectively brand new cruiser bike (repossessed of course) for under $5,000. You can still get a decent

car with low miles for around $5,000 but it isn't going to be as nice or as low mileage today. Flight anyone? This hasn't affected me as much because I'm still willing to slum it with the commoners by flying Spirit or Frontier. But if you're like most normies and "just can't fly Spirit" because it's beneath you, you're definitely paying the price at the non-discount airlines. In the "Grand Ole Days of the Great Recession" planes were half full and you could bump yourself up to first class for a nickel (well...maybe not a nickel, but cheap). This was in addition to the $50 you paid round trip to a flight to Denver, assuming you didn't get it cheaper by flying standby. And even if you didn't bump yourself up to first class, there were so many empty seats on the plane you could just throw your luggage in the seat next to you and stretch your legs out into the aisle. The recession almost made every seat first class! And dinner. Oh dear lord, dinner! Going out to eat is almost the antithesis of being a minimalist. It takes time, gas, and money. Certainly more time and money than if you just made the meal at home. But not necessarily if there's a major recession going on, and you're whizbanging it up traveling across the country enjoying the dirt cheap prices you're getting everywhere. Not only did it actually pay to go out and eat most times (anybody remember when $5 footlongs came out?), it essentially allowed you to travel the country ne'er having to store or travel with food. Admittedly, this wasn't an option for minimalists with families, but if you were one of the many minimalists who realized you could barely take care of yourself, let alone a child from the 1990's on, you were sitting child-free-pretty and the world was your oyster. You could get drinks for under $3 in small American towns and great meals for under $10 if you just poked around a bit. Now, $15

cheeseburgers are standard in Las Vegas, a town once known for its borderline-free food. In short, as economies boom and grow, the price of "fun" goes up. Be it travel, hospitality, food, even national parks passes, they go up and they go up by a lot. This cuts directly into the budget, and thus the amount of fun minimalists will allow themselves to have. But let us be clear about why the price of fun is going up - you normies are borrowing again and driving those prices up. But don't worry, I assure you it is a temporary phenomenon. Once the economy hiccups and a mere fraction of you lose your jobs, the borrowing binge will come to an end and prices will drop to their glorious recessionary levels once more. Lines You might laugh at this, even scoff at it, but do not take the easy bait and mock me for claiming that lines are a serious problem minimalists face in a post-recession world. For it should be the world laughing at you while you stand in line waiting... an hour for a table at Apples 45 minutes for scoop of Sebastian Joe's ice cream 2 hours to see a new release movie (with assigned sheeping seating) or 2 days for a new iPhone 192083CDX-5 Let us be clear what lines are and who they are for. Lines are a waste of time. Lines ARE death. When you see a line you should see the grim reaper asking you to "make an advance payment" before he comes for you permanently because you are literally "killing time." Lines are also for people who have such horribly boring and empty lives the best use of their time is literally to stand in a line and do nothing. The minimalists forged in the past 20 years simply will not abide that. Our time is too valuable, our lives too

precious. We know that life will end and we need to spend the maximum amount of it with family, friends, and loved ones. But the importance of lines goes well beyond what the normie's eye has been trained to see as a line. For a line is not you schmucks standing there with your vibrating coasters waiting to get a seat at some brunch place. Nor is it a veritable line cuing up to buy an Apple product. It is any point in time you are being prevented from achieving your goals, reaching your destinations, or doing what you want to do. Commutes for example. I cannot think of a more damaging, destructive, and harmful societal scourge than commuting. Just like iPhones, Applebee's tables, and Sebastian Joe's ice cream, you guys line up, every day, by the MILLIONS, all so you can inevitably park your asses in front of a computer screen for 8 hours a day. And if it wasn't bad enough, you guys DO IT AGAIN come 5 o'clock when you all go home at the exact same time. Never mind going to work early/late and leave early/late would solve this problem. Never mind pushing for telecommuting policies would end commutes tomorrow. The average conformie can't even think enough to go to lunch at 11AM or 1PM to save him/herself an hour of their lives each day. Ergo commutes are going to be with us forever and are only going to get worse as the economy continues to grow. But what is a commute if not a line? It may be fun to dismiss this rant as a fool who believes "lines" are a "societal scourge," but you just ask those up and coming tech go getters in Silicon Valley or Seattle as to how much their standard of living is improved with the traffic of those liberal utopias. Another line? Try your national parks. I remember the "Glorious Days of the Great Recession" where you could pull up to Badlands

National Park, out in the middle of nowhere South Dakota, be the first in line, pay your fee, and ride freely through the national park. The last time I visited? 30 minute wait and this is after they jacked up prices. And sure enough every slowpoke normie from Iowa and New York had to drive super slow, often times stopping in the middle of the road, to hold everybody up in the park. Beforehand you could zip through the park in about 35 minutes. Now, expect it to take an hour. And finally, the restaurant/service industry. I'll admit, I got accustomed to eating out. It was fast, convenient, and often the only option when traveling about. And while I adamantly refuse to wait in line to get a table at a restaurant, the service in the US has been getting noticeably slower since the recovery began. In the Glorious Days of the Great Recession only the BEST waiters, waitresses and bartenders had jobs. You could expect your meal to be served in under 10 minutes, accurately, and with a smile. Now, with you normies breaking out the credit card again, you're flooding the service industry with your orders and swamping the kitchen. Staff can barely keep up and now it takes around 30 minutes to get a meal with the accuracy of a Jimmy John's sandwich. Nowhere is this more pronounced in Las Vegas where it is STANDARD to wait about 40 minutes to get your food and you can expect them to goof up at least one thing with your order. I'd say this is not so much the fault of the service industry, but Vegas is STARVING for competent server staff to keep up with demand, once again due to a good economy. I could go on, but the point is if every aspect of life - be it traffic, waiting in a line, cuing up for gas, lining up at a national park, waiting for your food - is taking longer and longer to get basic things done, that leaves less and less free time for all of us to enjoy. And if you tally it up, especially when considering your commute, it takes a

DRASTIC toll on your free time and enjoyment of life. The only difference I'd argue is that we minimalists did not sign up for it, while you conformists did. Unfortunately, your booming economy is spilling over into the enjoyment of our lives. Suffering the Return of You Arrogant Posers I remember, and I remember it starkly, right up to the bursting of the housing bubble every (then) mid-50's baby boomer, aged, dudebro wantrapreneur walking into my banking office swinging their gray pubed dicks around acting like they were all "successful businessmen." I knew they weren't successful businessmen because if you were coming to my bank for a loan you were desperate, not to mention I had their tax returns and balance sheets and SAW they had no positive net worth. A $2 million McMansion home, with a $2.4 million mortgage. A $70,000 "Kompressor Mercedes" with a $75,000 car loan. His wife's Range Rover...which was of course leased. And a boat they'd transfer between Lake Havasu and Lake Minnetonka, which is why they couldn't make that month's loan payment because they could barely afford the gas. It was so bad at the peak of the housing bubble I remember one "wealthy" family that had built their dream home in a coveted neighborhood of the Twin Cities. They invited all the neighbors and local dignitaries for the house warming party, but were in an odd and worried rush to get their new furniture in so the house was furnished in time for the party. Through a grapevine I shan't mention, the very next day after the party the moving truck was hauling the furniture out of the house. Why? Because this "wealthy" family couldn't afford the furniture. They had merely rented it for one evening and were returning it to the furniture

outlet. This is the burr that sits in my, and every other minimalists' saddle when an economy booms. You laughably inferior people who are so vain and desperate to make it seem like you're rich, go out of your way to put up the facade, because it's painfully obvious you're simply not capable of actually doing it. This would be alright, but you posers always insist on acting like superior, better people than those of us who actually have positive networth's, produce things of value, spend within our means, and don't rely on ever-increasing asset prices as a "business model." And it doesn't even have to be the "egregious" posers such as the "wealthy" family that rented their furniture. Every time the economy booms here come the: 30 year old dudebro 30,000dollarnaires and their used BMW's. Douchebags who wear sun glasses indoors. Get quick real estate investment schemes and seminars. IPO's, ICO's, and venture capitalists. "Top 40 Under 40" articles of going nowhere "local business leaders" Outright scammers and fraudsters who fake being rich 3 months before being caught. Morons that order bottle service and Vegas night clubs. Soccer moms who insist they trade in a perfectly good starter homes an overpriced McMansion in a "good school district." And let's not forget the legions of gold diggers who are so dumb they don't know the difference between debt and equity spending...because they don't have to. Please, for the love of god stop. You're not fooling any one. We knew you were posers from the beginning. The smart people know you're posers now. Any moron with a credit score above 500 can get himself a Beemer, wear a suit without a tie, and act like he's King Dick. Like nightclubs you are cliche and common, please just stop. And please, don't you dare think you're better or somehow "made it" as a successful businessman just because you formed an LLC with

$1 million in assets and $1.5 million debts or bought a used German car. Because the day is coming, my fine poser, normie conformie friends - oohhhh yes, the day is coming - that the banks will cut off your debt, you won't get that raise your wife already spent, or that contract won't come through and the economy will enter recession once again. And when that happens the party is over. You will have to return your toys to the dealership or the bank, sell your boat at a heavy discount, pay some lawyers fees as your spouse files for divorce, wait tables just like all the other law school graduates do, and cancel your weekly ice cream at Sebastian Joe's. And when you do, me and all my minimalist friends will thank you very much because there won't be lines, there won't be commutes, gas will be cheap, and we can rent convertible Mustangs in Vegas at reasonable prices once again.

GETTING REVENGE ON YOUR PSYCHO EX Allow me to tell you these stories three: Story 1 - A good friend of mine foolishly married a woman with bipolar disorder. He further foolishly bred a son with her, and as we all know when you marry somebody with bipolar disorder there is only one outcome - divorce. Sure enough after she filed the papers, my buddy endured about 16 years of court visits, re-evaluating income, excuses that her disability prevented her from earning a living, tug of wars over visitation rights, her new found religions of "feminism" and "Wicca," and a whole potpourri of other BS, all of which took a toll on my buddy, but a much higher toll on his kid.

Story 2 - Another good friend of mine married a man with (you guessed it) BIPOLAR disorder. Again, she managed to have a daughter with him making an already bad situation, impossibly worse. And of course after the inevitable divorce the same battles ensued over custody, school attendance, "disability" preventing her ex from making enough money to support the kid, etc. etc. etc. My buddy paid an inordinate (and preventable) financial and mental price but, again, not as much as the kid. Story 3 - Yet another good friend of mine married a woman with (do you see a trend???) bipolar disorder. But not only bipolar disorder, but depression, social anxiety disorder, and some fourth mental illness that escapes me now. She, like many psycho ex wives, got infected with a fifth mental disorder all ex wives get - feminism. But despite her claims of being oppressed, being too mentally disabled to work, and not having enough money, she oddly enough bought a new car and always has new clothes. Like many feminists today she has an advanced degree (one that would actually land her a job), but curiously can't find work, requiring my buddy to pay more in alimony...oh and child support for a young boy they had together (of which, she is no doubt doing a "fantastic" job filling that poor 5 year old boy's head with feminist insanity). All three of my friends are sane. All three of my friends work and support society. All three of my friends are intelligent, interesting people. All three of them love their children. And all three of them (rightly) complain about their psycho exes because of the sheer hell they've wreaked upon my friends and their children. These are good people who do not deserve the hell they unintentional wreaked upon themselves. But deserved or not, this hell is here and it is not ending anytime soon. Depending on the age of their children my buddies are facing a life of quasi-hell for the next 5-14 years. Their children will inevitably become adults and the child support, alimony, and simply having to deal with their exes will come to an end. But in the meantime they

are going to have to pay a hefty price in terms of money, time, mental pain, and worst - watching their children suffer under their ex. The horror stories I've been told not only make you feel for the true victims of these psycho exes, but they are blood boiling because it's painfully obvious these psychos are manipulating the system just as much as they are their own children. They claim they have mental disorders when they don't. They fake getting injured at work to file a workman's comp claim. In general it is their policy to claim they can't work and do everything to avoid it. They play petty and unlimited mind games that I'm sure many of you divorced people are aware of. They all join some religion or cult like feminism. And hands down the worst thing they do is drag their children through this world of hell simply because they view the child as an asset, a pawn, a tool to get more money and resources for themselves with absolutely NO intention of spending it on the kid. These are without a doubt some of the most evil, despicable people, and the only thing that makes them worse and they obviously don't care. They are perfectly happy being parasitic, evil, child abusers. This results in my friends (rightly) becoming angered and enraged. Not only are they (and the tax payers) getting screwed financially, but the pure arrogance of these psycho exes to play the victim card and flaunt it in the court system to their financial advantage is nauseating. And if you think that makes them angry, that's nothing when they see these psycho exes doing nothing short of abusing using their children without a care in the world. I simply don't know how my friends don't grab a baseball bat and make their psycho exes impaired as they claim to be, because I know that's what I would be doing. So when my buddies call me and we talk about their kids, their ex and the problems they're facing, I have a lot of empathy for them. I

can't even imagine what it's like to be in their situation. So when we talk, I like to do what I can to make them feel better. And while I can't solve their problems (without going to jail), nor can I solve the problems of the millions of you who have psycho ex's, there is an important reality most people are unaware of that at minimum will give you hope, if not bring about that full measure of revenge and justice you want on your psycho exes for everything they've done to you and your children. You just need to open your eyes to see it. The Life of a Parasite There is no doubt in my mind (or yours) that these people know full well what they're doing. I never met one person who claimed to have "bi polar disorder" that wouldn't be cured of it with a good beating. The increasingly upward number of made up "social mental disorders" that people use to claim disability is a naked grab for tax payer and ex-spouse money for those who don't have wool over their eyes. It shocks me how the court system can't see these people for the parasites they are as they cowardly hide behind "disabilities" and faux mental disorders, as they CONSCIOUSLY and CONNIVINGLY do everything they can to avoid work and live off of other people. But while you think you (and the taxpayer) might be getting screwed (and you are) let me ask you a question about your parasitic ex. How are they doing financially? I know you have your own personal financial challenges, but out of my three friends mentioned above, they are ironically all in FAAAAR better financial shape than their parasitic exes despite the exes getting government, employer and ex spouse subsidies. The Wiccan feminist priestess lives in government housing, drives a car that's on par with mine, is on EBT, and needs constant handouts

from her nearly dead parents. Her ex husband is now married to a doctor and they're sitting on a posh little house in the suburbs of St. Louis. The bipolar ex husband of my buddy is effectively a NEET at the age of 44, laden with debt for a doctorate in criminal justice that he can't use in the field because he's too fat to join the police force. My buddy just married a colonel in the military with a house bought and paid for in Phoenix. They golf a lot. And the other ex-turned-feminist-wife of my buddy is on the CONSTANT hunt for disability checks, psychologists to sign off on new mental disorders, has $75,000 in student loans, and just recently made a workman's comp claim for a WHITE COLLAR OFFICE JOB INJURY. Yet she's still shy $500 a month to make ends meet because of the new car she bought. This buddy is doing just fine making bank in banking, has a HOT little girly girl as a GF, and enjoys hiking in the Cascades. Yes, your exes may be living off of you, the taxpayer, their parents, and their employer, but you MUST understand the economic nature of a parasite. They're parasitic. Meaning they don't generate their own wealth, which by definition limits their standards of living to what charity will give them. And though it may goad your girders that they are getting a free ride off of you and the other producers in society, parasites ALWAYS outspend whatever charity is given to them. This is why welfare recipients have 8 kids, buy designer clothes, Dodge diesels, yet still live in the ghetto or trailer park. They WANT the rich lifestyle, but are too lazy to work for it. So whatever money you give them, they WILL piss it

away. You just have to look at the never ending list of NBA and NFL players that manage to go bankrupt despite being paid millions. Parasites will ALWAYS outspend their resources as that is the NATURE of being a parasite. In other words your ex will forever be perpetually poor and be staring poverty in the face. That's a face I don't ever want to look at again, let alone on a daily basis. The Life of Faking a Mental Illness To be blunt, white people got real quick to the scheme of taking a trait you were born with and using it to scam benefits out of society. Be it your race, creed, color, or gender, now EVERYBODY is an equal opportunity player when it comes to claiming some kind of disadvantage or victim status which thus confers upon you (by the naivety of the American taxpayer) a whole host of government benies and goodies. And whether you're white or black, Muslim or Christian, male or female, it doesn't matter. Now EVERYBODY can claim some BS made up fake mental illness because, unlike race or gender, it simply can't be proved or disproved. Thus it is NOT coincidence EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY STORIES ABOVE the psycho ex claimed "bi polar" as a disease. It's NOT a coincidence your ex had some kind of "mental disease" she excused her inexcusable behavior behind. It is not a coincidence that every veritable bitch I dated had "bi-polar disorder." And it's not a coincidence that your psycho ex BF was "bipolar." "Bi polar" is noting more than the lazy Americans' excuse to use, abuse, and live off of people because they conveniently get to blame it on a disorder and not themselves. Now, certainly there are people with genuine mental illness. I know one (ONE mind you) person who DOES actually have bipolar disorder. But since your ex is a psycho and a parasite, it's just way too easy and way too tempting to grab a mental illness and use it as an excuse to continue living off of other people without guilt or remorse.

But there's a cost to faking a mental illness. You have to keep the act up. I no longer care to listen to people's words as it is only their actions I care about. And if you look at your ex's actions, is obvious they DAMN WELL CONSCIOUSLY KNOW what they're doing. Oh, they may play dumb. Oh, they may act like they didn't know. But they know. Trust me. They know. So what position does that put them in? If you think about it, it puts them in a life of hell. Can you imagine the hell it must be to CONSTANTLY act like you're mentally disabled? Can you imagine the effort and psychological resources it takes to CONSTANTLY be on the stage? Can you image all the time lost applying for aid and being interviewed with social workers to see if you are genuinely disabled, not to mention file lawsuits against your employers? I don't know about you, but I love me. OH, do I LOVE ME! I love waking up and getting my coffee. I love going online and yelling obscenities at my clients. I love going to cocktail parties and telling precious little 30 something soccer moms their degrees are completely worthless and I only care about their husband's profession. I love walking into a bar, getting drunk, hitting on another man's woman, and not feeling shame the next day. It may not be good. It may not be honorable. And I may not be popular. But damnit if I don't don't go to bed as me, wake up as me, and live as me.

There is no acting involved. Now imagine if you were born into this world with your own consciousness, sentience, dreams, desires, and goals... and that's all thrown away because you're too damn lazy to get a job and need to fake being mentally ill to get you dem der gubmint checks, SSI disability, and alimony. You threw away your life, your dreams, your goals, your passions...not to mention your own damn children...all so you didn't have to toil or work. Trust me, I'm an economist. The amount of work that goes into faking mental illness and CONSTANTLY playing the victim all so you don't have to work requires WAY MORE labor than if you just went to school to become a CPA and decided to help people instead of live off of them. Alienating Yourself from the Best Things in Life Speaking of helping people, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, people are the most important thing in this world. Certainly not all of them, absolutely not the most, but what few quality people we decide to have around us means more than all the Ferrari's, personal jets, and yachts the foolish rich people chase after combined. I watch my buddies with their children and they have the love, attention, and respect of their kids...unlike their psycho ex's. I watch my buddies with their kids and the kids LOVE my buddies...they LOATHE the psycho exes. I could go on, but it's painfully obvious these kids don't love the psycho parent and love the sane one. And that is the most important victory over your ex if you are looking for one. Your child loves you.

I would like to say "more than your ex" but your child doesn't even LOVE your ex. They will grow to hate them (trust me). And this revisits the axiom that "the only thing that matters in life is other humans." Much as your psycho ex is attempting to alienate, turn against, and make your child hate you, in the end your honesty and TRUE LOVE for your child will win in the end. Kids ARE able to discern between good and evil. Your wife may be trying to indoctrinate your daughter into feminism, your ex husband may be trying to vilify you in the eyes of your son, but in simply being honest and loving with your child and NOT using them as a pawn is what wins them in the end. So in the end, and following the axiom before, where does that leave your ex? Your ex will be alone. Truly alone. Not only will his/her past behavior alienate their own children from them, but anybody who has the slightest bit of morality or caliber to them. This is why many psycho exes end up embittered, ideologues worshiping at some false altar of a god of "feminism" or "MGTOW" or some other such BS. NOBODY of any worth will want to hang out with them. Worse, their own children will disown them, painfully reminding them that they are legal adults and they no longer answer to your psycho ex. ALONE ALONE ALONE ALONE I cannot emphasize that enough just how lonely and pathetic your ex is GUARNATEED to become. Their selfish, insane, and parasitic life

long behavior DOES have a price. And it is that ANY quality humans will have nothing to do with them. They will be alone, not just from their own children, but from any quality humans on the planet. So for in the here and today and now, yes you may be paying a price. And yes, your ex may seemingly be getting the better of you. But this is merely Dunkirk. The long term war, which should be your primary concern, will be won in the future. Your child will talk to you and hug you when he/she is 30. She won't even talk to her ex. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Mental Illness Poverty stricken, faking a mental illness, constantly validating yourself to social workers, and completely alone, where does your ex end up? Even though he/she received potentially HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in other people's money, they are likely alone, ostracized from society, nobody of any worth wanting anything to do with them, and their own children emancipating themselves from them. They have also likely deluded their own selves into believing they are victims of an "oppressive society" and are starting to believe they are actually the victims of their own crimes. There's only one way to describe this folks. Insanity. Which is preciously ironic because it is my sincere belief that those who fake being mentally ill for so long are condemned to actually become mentally ill themselves. And painful and horrible as your own personal hell is right now, I can't imagine a worse hell than these vile evil people have condemned themselves to. Yes, you may have to fork over half your income in taxes, alimony, and child support. Yes, your ex may be doing their best to warp your child's mind against you. And yes, he/she may be gunning after you for more child support.

But can you imagine the DAY TO DAY LIFE of your ex??? He/she has for so long, for DECADES put up this facade of helplessness and psychopathy that it is now an integral part of their lives. They HAVE TO act like they're mentally retarded from here on FOREVER. They HAVE TO act like they're mentally insane. They now never have the chance to be free, to pursue their own lives, to live their lives like they wanted, and instead have chained themselves to their purported inferior selves, all so they could collect a check....and thus condemn themselves to a prison like life. But the worst part is they will forever be alone because nobody, including their children, lack the self-respect to even bother with them. They will have cats. They will have group therapy sessions. They will have their "Masters Degrees in Public Administration." They will have their careers and their booze and their internet forums to commiserate with and that's it. That is their life. That is their legacy. I cannot make amends for the price you've paid both financially and mentally to your exes. All I can point out is that in the long run you will win. Your children will love you, spend time with you, and want to join you for Christmas dinner. You will enjoy a life above the poverty level because you choose to be a productive member of society and not a parasite. You will never have to worry about the heat being turned off or your internet being canceled. And you will have the simple (yet INVALUABLE) blessing of being sane. That same cannot be said of your psycho ex. So the vengeance upon your ex is very simple: Themselves. Yes, it may be a long and tortured decade and change to deal with them until your child is legally allowed to separate themselves from them, but it simply doesn't compare to the remainder of life which is

all that matters. Your remainder will be one of a child who loves you, hangs out with you, and introduces you to grandchildren. Theirs is one of ostracization, loneliness, hatred, and GENUINE mental illness. Do not feel sorry for them. They deserve it. They chose that life.

SHOULD WHITE MEN WORK FOR FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES? Is It Worth It? I had an interesting client. He was a white male and had been passed over for promotion, not once, not twice, but thrice. In each instance he was passed over for a minority or female (or both) candidate who had less experience and lesser qualifications. This prompted him to ask me, "Should white males even bother working for Corporate America?" To which, after some pondering and thinking I said, "No, no they shouldn't." And it's important other white males (not to mention males in general) understand why. There is no study or research that measures or tracks "how much white males get passed over/screwed over in Corporate America." Not only would such a statistic be stupid, but academians and politicians are too focused pushing the opposite narrative proving just how much women and minorities are oppressed. This relegates us to what humankind has relied upon the past 2 million years to

discover the truth - our eyes. And though anecdotal, the evidence is compelling. There is the story of my client above. There is my friend who was passed over for promotion because the company preferred gays and black women at a large financial firm. There's a VERY HIGH ranking lesbian economist in one of the federal government's key economic institutions who doesn't even have her degree in economics. I know one of the Big Four accounting firms was aggressively promoting minorities and women over higher qualified CPA's to managerial positions. recently created an affirmative action position out of whole cloth (filled by a black man, of course), the sole purpose of which is to ensure SalesForce hires based on skin color and plumbing, and not character. And don't get me started about Target Corporation, where they go out of their way to hire, promote, and celebrate anything but white males. You combine this with blatant-but-approved sexism/racism in the form of affirmative action, the constant celebration of women and minorities in society, and the villanization of white males with cowardly concepts like "privilege," and it presents white males a serious question; "Is it worth working for a Fortune 500 company?" It's Way Too Risky While the above is nothing more than anecdotal evidence, and there is no hard statistical or scientific proof white males are actively discriminated against by large employers, realize there doesn't have to be. The sheer risk one takes trying to make it in corporate America is daunting enough that if there's even a whiff, a slight hint things are not meritocratic it's not worth it. First you have to commit your entire life to working for the corporation. To "make it" in a Fortune 500 company you need to prioritize your career ahead of your life. Forget your spouse, forget your family, forget your friends, forget your loved ones, and forget your life. The company is your life.

Second, progressive credentialism. Once you commit to working for a Fortune 500 company you are NEVER leaving school. You need a bachelors just to get an entry level position, an MBA so you can keep it, and you better be keeping on top of all those freshly-pulledfrom-the-ass certifications via CPE or "continuing education" classes if you hope to make it into management. Fortune 500 companies know they have you by the balls, and can constantly dangle promotions to "SENIOR Vice Reserve Assistant Regional Director" to validate why you wasted your youth on stupid degrees and family time on worthless certifications. But what's worse is competition to advance within Fortune 500 companies is so fierce, they'll actually get you guys to pay for your own unnecessary education. Third is competition. If you really want to "make it" in corporate America you need to outperform and be better than everybody else. That way you get promoted to that glorious "6 figure salary" and get the much-coveted "corner office!" But to be better than everybody else, that means you get to work overtime, weekends, holidays, and extra hours. It also translates into your wife divorcing you and all your children being diagnosed with Aspergers. Now when you add this all up, and realize just what you have to risk and sacrifice in order to have a successful Fortune 500 career, even the first-day freshman business major realizes it's all contingent on meritocracy. That in order to get promoted and make sure this HUGE investment pays off, your work and excellence has to be recognized. It MUST BE rewarded. And if it's not or is somehow undermined by corruption, nepotism, cronyism, or incompetence, then all your efforts and labor will have been wasted, and you have more or less ruined your life. And sexism/racism in the form of affirmative action is precisely what undermines this meritocracy, and should scare away any competent, capable, hard-working, and self-respecting white males. What In the Wild Wild World of Sports is Going on Here? For those of you either already ensconced in a Fortune 500 career or aspiring to work for a Fortune 500 company (or you just have an

intellectual interest), you may not be able to understand why, at such a competitive level, Fortune 500 companies are abandoning excellence for skin pigmentation and "vagina." The NFL, MLB, and NBA cannot afford NOT to award excellence, and you'd think it would be the same for a soulless corporation whose only motive is profit. But there are two key reasons why sexism and racism is pursued in Fortune 500 companies. 1. Virtue signalling. 2. Whites are perfectly OK with being discriminated against. Let us understand VERY clearly why corporate America, Fortune 500 companies, the government, and other large employers prefer to hire anybody but white males. It has nothing to do with "noble" motives such as "diversity," "affirmative action," or "helping close the wage gap." Nor does it have anything to do with capitalizing off of cheaper labor via hiring women and minorities. All this is, is marketing thinly veiled as virtue signalling. That's it. That's all it is. Corporations want a cheap, nay, free way to market to idiotic sheeple and they do this by signalling their "politically correct virtues" said idiot sheeple were brainwashed to worship and value. Don't believe me? This is merely the third or fourth reincarnation of "Virtue Signal Marketing." First, it was corporations donating to charities like the United Way. Then it was corporations "going green" or "caring about the environment." Third was the fad of "fair trade" and implementing full blown "Corporate Social Responsibility" departments. And now it's magnanimously promoting every possible minority or woman to unearned positions of power or parading them on their advertisements and annual reports for the whole world to see.

Still don't believe me? The examples are hilarious as they are naked. There's Battlefield One where the WWI video game has a black hero. There's the constant white-washing of traditionally white male super-heroes in Marvel comics to hispanic, black, or female ones. Target Corporation's hilarious debacle of bragging about how they'll let anybody use whatever bathrooms they want. Do I need to bring up Feminist Ghostbusters? Pepsi's CEO is a blatant case of politics and skin color over competence. And I dare you to find an annual report of any Fortune 500 company that has a mix of races and genders representative to the actual population, instead of a heavily lopsided mix of minorities and women. All corporations are doing are capitalizing off of the political, psychological, and mental infrastructure schools, colleges, media outlets, and politicians have laid down by brainwashing two full generations of American sheeple. They are playing to the vanity,ego, and laziness of millions of Americans who don't want to actually put forth the effort to achieve good, but will gladly buy political indulgences to "feel good" via buying "organic coffee," "fair trade CD's," and buying from companies who discriminate against whites and males aggressively pursue affirmative action. Normally this farce would be seen for the bigotry, discrimination, and charlatanism that it is. But it works because there's one unwilling accomplice - white males. They, frankly, don't have the balls to stand up for themselves and boycott companies who marginalize them and outright discriminate against them. And good luck getting women, even conservative ones, to boycott their precious Target or give up their morning lattes at Starbucks. Why, that would just be too inconvenient to forego their precious Apple machines even though their husband was passed over for promotion at Apple. Whites are universally wimps when it comes to self-respect, and some are even stupid enough to feel guilt for sins they're not guilty of. And so they just shrug their shoulders and accept this discrimination.

This gives Fortune 500 companies carte blanche to abuse them and use them (or the lack of them) in this virtue signalling marketing racket. And they're not going to give up this racket, because the economic truth is the free marketing is more profitable than the money they would have made pursuing a policy of excellence and meritocracy. Ergo, they aren't really being racist or sexist as much as they are leveraging the political zeitgeist and infrastructure of "diversity," "going green," "organic," "affirmative action," and other forms of virtue signalling that American sheeple are suckers enough to swallow. Trust Me, They're Doing You a Favor At one time I was the "corporate man." I worked for large corporations, made my way up to management, earned what today would be an inflationary-adjusted six figure income, and also had that coveted "corner office." It's what I thought I wanted, what I worked hard to get, and in the end got it. But as a man who has walked this path in life I can tell you, nay GUARANTEE you one simple thing; It's not worth it. Understand from the day you can comprehend wealth the media, corporations, and the larger society is conditioning you to think money is everything. When you get to college not only will business schools convince you "investment banking" is the path to heavenly riches and success, but Hollywood will throw in a couple of movies to convince you this is true. The networks will create shows showing power-tripping women in New York sipping martinis and having the time of their lives. And the relentless barrage of advertising to convince men that they need a luxury sports car to woo the women is never ending. Corporations and colleges are not only selling you their products so that they may enrich themselves, they're also selling you the lie that "success" is a junior executive position in a downtown office for a Fortune 500 company so that you slave away for them for peanuts.

So if you're stupid enough to drink this cool aid, it is a 100% guarantee you will ruin your life. The time commitment to succeed in "Corporate America" will ensure you have no life worth living outside work. The taxes you'll pay, if you succeed, will ensure you take home only half. The psychological price you'll pay sitting in pointless meetings, working for inept bosses, while commuting 50 minutes one-way downtown (because that's "where the action is!") is immeasurable. The increasing "politically correct culture" where you're forced into "diversity training," "sexual harassment training," and you're only one fake sexual-harassment accusation away from a ruined career is intolerable. The never ending educational and training requirements that are completely unnecessary. And the incompetence. Mercy, the incompetence. I know MBA's and corporate executives like to fool people into thinking they're smart, but the fact that this "Virtue Signal Marketing" fad is the BEST idea they got is proof there's not a single ounce of originality, innovation, or intelligence among them. You won't be working with Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. You'll be working with idiotic asskissers who try to pass on obedience and conformity for actual intelligence and leadership. The exact same types who, no matter how "diverse" or obedient, are so myopic they typically drive corporations into the ground. The truth is when you take the entirety of what is required to excel in a Fortune 500 company, no man, regardless of race, deserves this hell. Not only is it unacceptable in terms of professionalism, wages, commitment, and fairness, the reality is you'll make a lot more working for a smaller company, perhaps even yourself, for a fraction of the effort. In other words, white males may not find it fair that Fortune 500 companies and corporate America are adamantly pursuing an anti-white male agenda. And it may have been your

pre-conditioned dream to become the "corporate man." But if you are truly the best, regardless of your race, you simply are not going to be allowed to achieve your best in an environment where we promote people because "vagina." Let the diversity pimps have corporate America. Entrepreneurship, or just a happy life of minimalism, intellectual stimulation, and a pursuit of one's hobbies is an infinitely better one.

WHY ARE SPORTS FANS SUCH IDIOTS? I've explained it before, but it bares worth repeating again. For even though the Philadelphia Eagles have won the Super Cup, their fans have still decided to riot in the streets of Philadelphia. So pour yourself a drink, light up a cigar, and get in a comfy chair as the Ole Captain explains to you the phenomena (and idiocy) of sports fans. First, realize that if you are reading this blog you are smarter than the average bear. This is not an opinion. This is not speculation. And this is not me trying to butter you up. If you're reading a blog about economics, finance, philosophy, cryptocurrency, and western civilization on purpose, then you are not a dummy. You are not stupid. You very likely have an IQ above 115. In short you are smarter than 80% of the population, the dumber half of which is so dumb and so far removed from you intellectually you simply cannot relate to them or understand them. Second, most of my readers here have lives. You have a STEM degree. A profession. Perhaps you have a family that is still nuclear and intact. You do not have half-siblings or step-parents. And when you have free time you spend it with family and friends, or perhaps on hobbies that are of intellectual interest. You might play in a band. You might like to read. Some of you hunt, fish or hike. Others rebuild

classic cars or restore houses. The point is if you have some down time, you typically dedicate that time towards some kind of constructive and rewarding activity that either improves you as an individual or brings you closer to family, friends, and loved ones. Third, you have hustle. You don't sit on your ass all day. You probably have some kind of regimen or work out schedule. You watch what you eat and at least make attempts to eat healthy. And that says nothing about the efforts you put towards your education, career, entrepreneurial endeavors, or hobbies. Yes, you might take a rest. Yes, you might get hammered over a weekend. But the lions share of your time is not idle be you at work or at play, as you are always aiming to improve your life. Finally, you think. You have independent thought. You probably are suspicious of religion. You don't believe what your teachers, professors, and now media personalities tell you about politics and the world. You know enough not to watch filth like "The View" or reality TV or day time TV. And you know a fancy sports car, a McMansion, or brand name clothes will NOT bring you success or happiness. You get sick watching daytime TV and don't bother watching the "Grammys" or the "Oscars" because your life is just too short to be wasted on such pointless, meaningless things. Now take those four things; Intelligence Purpose/a life Work ethic Independent thought and take their COMPLETE OPPOSITE and that my friends is your average sports fan. A person who is;

Stupid (or horrifically conformistly average) Has no point or purpose in life Is lazy And is easily susceptible, if not perfectly susceptible to indoctrination, brainwashing, and conditioning. Now, even though it's impossible for people with an IQ of 115 or above to understand what it's like to be one of these people, just try. Put yourself in their shoes. You're not smart enough to have a profession or a career that is going to amount to much. Worse, you're not smart enough to avoid life-crippling mistakes that will essentially enslave you to people smarter than you. So as you flail about in community college, culinary school, or cosmetology class, you make sure to get pregnant or your girlfriend pregnant, while incurring $50,000 in student loans. Of course, you're not independent minded enough to resist the marketing and brainwashing thrown at you by corporations and marketeers. So you borrow even more money to buy cars, trucks, clothes, and trips you can't afford. Making this situation not worse, but now IMPOSSIBLE, you're lazy. You don't want to work hard to pay off those debts. You don't want to work hard to become an accountant, a carpenter or an engineer. And you certainly don't want to hit the gym and the treadmill that might actually make you an athlete or physically appealing. And so what's the ultimate end result? You are forever stuck in life being a loser with no point or purpose in life and nothing to look forward to. You are forever financially crippled because you didn't use a condom or get an abortion. And you are forever in debt because you're too damn lazy to work a second job or get an education that would make the first one suffice. Oh, and by the way, you're overweight and ugly, which doesn't

prevent you from achieving excellence in life, but it just adds insult to an already injured life. There's just one problem - you're not going to die tomorrow. If you were to die tomorrow, this misery would end. The bill collectors calling. Explaining to employers why there's three bankruptcies on your credit report. Getting pissed off because your co-worker got a $1.25 per hour raise and you only got a $1.00 raise. Not having enough to retire before you're 70. Choosing between food or a Ram truck payment. Oh and those student loans you got for that strip mall cosmetology school. ALL of it would "poof" just go away. But unfortunately you're going to live to at least 60 and you need to have something to give your otherwise meaningless life some meaning. But what can lazy, dumb, conformist people do to give themselves a point and purpose in life? Well the key problem is with the word "do." That requires hard work, toil, thought, of which the majority of American sports fans are either incapable of doing or consciously choose not to do. So what we need is an effortless way to give these otherwise worthless people some kind of worth in their lives. Something that they can take pride in, even though they themselves would not expend a single calorie of energy achieving some sort of accomplishment. And whereas religion used to fit this role nicely, going to church requires you wake up early on Sunday and go someplace you really don't want to go. So, the solution? Sportsball. Whether it's football, baseball, basketball, or hockey, "sportsball" is incredibly attractive to the millions of lazy, unintelligent, conformist, pointless people that account for at least half of Americans today.

Their lives are helplessly destroyed beyond repair. They either lack the intelligence or work ethic or both to get out of it. But if you can get them to live vicariously through the achievements and accomplishments of others, they will gladly fork over a significant portion of their garnished paycheck for tickets, jerseys, training camps, cable packages, light beers and wings! You can even get the taxpayers to WILLINGLY subsidize these various sportsball franchises to the tune of billions of dollars a year. All a sportsball franchise has to do is set up shop in a large town, speak about hometown pride and how much they like "City X," sponsor some kiddie programs, get the local news to run some horrific "sports news shows," give away some shirts and some banners, and the agencyless sheep will line up from a 300 mile radius to give you their time, money, and tears. But to truly understand why sports fans are such idiots, particularly when they are violent or ecstatic when "their" team wins or loses, it's key to realize what is truly driving their irrational emotion, be it anger or happiness. It's because they have absolutely nothing else going on in their lives. They have NOTHING of value in their lives. Their lives are so void of meaning and purpose they fill this hole with the athletic performance of other people who have nothing to do with them and don't even know these people exist. You may not comprehend why a guy cries when the Chicago Cubs win a world series, but that is his second coming of Jesus. You may not understand why a guy screams at a television (often times destroying it) because his team didn't toss the sphere into the ring, but that is his entire life. You cannot view sports fans from the perspective of reason and rationality. You must view them from the perspective of the absolute lack of anything of value going on in their lives. And if you do you see why their otherwise sad, pathetic, and irrational behavior makes sense. I'd like to say the day is coming that these people will slowly wake up and realize that every sports game ever played has had absolutely no effect on the real world, let alone their lives. That it doesn't matter

if the Bulls beat the Golden Knights in extra innings or not, because your life does not change come the morn. That sports is supposed to be for fun and entertainment, as well as the admiration of athleticism. Unfortunately, there are so many sad, pathetic losers out there that sports is all they have. And if they didn't have that, their minds would not be distracted and they would have to fully face the utter nothingness that is their lives. So let them have their games. Let them have their ESPN. And let them have their Sports Center. And if you ever find yourself annoyed with sports fans, just be thankful you actually have a life that is so good you couldn't care less about sports.

DO CORPORATIONS WANT PROFITS OR FEELINGS? The 80’s Were Bliss Allow me to tell you a story about the 80's. Many years ago, when I was but a wee child, when you went to the store you bought stuff. "What stuff" you might ask? "Stuff the store sold." For example if you went to the gas station you would buy gas there. If you went to Target you bought staples and everyday supplies. If you went to the coffee store they would serve you coffee. And if you went to a movie theater they would show you a movie. They were simpler times and it made my halcyon childhood days very enjoyable. But then something started happening in the 90’s that would end these blissful, innocent times.

College. Well, not college unto itself necessarily, but the propaganda...err..umm... “education” my generation (Gen X) would receive in college. For you see, while we were all told we “had to go to college” because it was necessary for us to have any sort of career or professional life at all, at the same time some very conscious and very intentional people in academia had a political agenda. And it was to make sure that we not so much had skills that would land us jobs in the future, but more importantly (to them anyway) that we placed more value on social and political agendas than profit, production, efficiency and reality. So that by the time Gen X graduated from college, and inevitably started taking over the reigns of control of the economy (which we have), we would not be so much concerned with offering the best product at the best prices possible, but what I like to call “Profit Plus Purpose.” Politics Politics Everywhere! In Your Soup and in Your Hair! You see this “Profits Plus Purpose” every day in western economies. It is literally unavoidable. If you go to a hotel there is always a sign asking you to “save the planet” by reusing your towels. If you go to a coffee store they cannot help themselves from bragging about their organicfairtradefreetradegaiaunicorn credentials. When you walk into a Target they’re always bragging about how they give back 5% to the community. Even British Petroleum tells you about how environmentally friendly they are at their gas pumps, while Exxon Mobil actually has a “corporate social responsibility page.” Matter of fact, this propaganda is so thorough and so complete Generation Z will be the first generation to be brought up where there has ALWAYS been some kind of secondary political message forcefully embedded into nearly every product and service sold in America. The reason “Profits Plus Purpose” propaganda was so COMPLETE and UNIVERSALLY successful can be found in its genius genesis. It capitalizes on the egotistical and lazy nature of human beings. Leftist

academics and politicians started propagandizing Generation X in college with the beginnings of things like “diversity,” “feminism,” “environmentalism,” “global warming,” etc. (you could almost pinpoint it to the date “Captain Planet” first aired). Whether you believe in the veracity of these “isms” or not is moot, because their ulterior purpose was to give then-naïve-and-egotistical Gen X’ers immediate gratification, purpose, morality, and ego in exchange for their lifelong leftist political loyalty and further advancing said political agendas well into the future. Why, you weren’t just some rank and file Mechanical Engineering major. You were an environmentalist Mechanical Engineering major. Why, you weren’t some massed produced business major. You were an empowered, feminist, future business leader. You weren’t some worthless, math-avoidant liberal arts degree major. You were a pro-refugee activist utterly unemployable liberal arts degree major. Thus, whereas learning a real skill from a real degree took deterring work, effort, and rigor, immediately subscribing to some kind of moral leftist political crusade was effortless, yet provided immediate value and agency. Gen X couldn’t sign up fast enough and thus virtue signaling and Social Justice Warriors were born. However, “Profits Plus Purpose” found its most fertile ground in the business world because, to be blunt, business majors and business leaders are perfectly susceptible to it. Business majors and business leaders are simply not that bright. They are inherently more lazy than engineering/STEM majors and professionals. But more importantly, they are egotistical, demanding they make an engineer’s salary, while putting forth only 40% of the effort. This makes them particularly prone to succumb to gimmicks, scams, short cuts, and fads. And given the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions, that went into propagandizing and brainwashing every college student

about the merits of leftist causes, it was just too tempting to take advantage of this “ideological infrastructure” that was laid down as a lazy-man’s way to market to naïve, indoctrinated sheeple. And so starting in the late 90’s long gone were the days where corporations simply sold you “stuff” and not politics. Previous to the 90’s no corporation had a “CSR Department.” Previous to the 90’s no mercantile store bragged about “going green.” Previous to the 90’s no employer was championing how “diverse” they were. Previous to the 90’s you could find cartoons, comic books, and movies that were entertaining and not a political sermon or lecture. But now that is over. Corporate America insists nay, DEMANDS they shove leftist politics up your ass whether you want it or not. There is, however, a problem. Profits or Feelings, Choose One Tempting as it is to use the leftist-political-religious-infrastructure laid down by academia over the past three decades to market to two full generations of virtue signaling sheep, entering politics is an unnecessary risk. Target found this out when they tried to be on the cutting edge of transgender politics, jumping into the fray of transgender bathrooms. Starbucks, more recently, realized all the protection money it’s paid to the left (literally in political donations) did nothing to prevent its debacle when they evicted two black gentlemen from their store. Even Google, with all of its politically correct chest beating, caught flak from some of their female employees when they fired a MALE ONE over a controversial memo.

But in these customer revolts or boycotts are two distinct reasons for them, and they fall along political lines. First, you have “conservatives” or simply “non-leftists” customers. They have things like family, career, community participation, etc., at the center of their lives, and are not terribly concerned about a corporation’s virtue signaling or politics. You can kick most conservative white suburbanite republican men right in the nuts and they’ll still line up to buy their Starbucks and their Apple products. In part because they’re supplicant, in part because "nothings too good for my little princess," but also because they do not put politics in the center of their lives. In other words, you have to REALLY work at it to alienate these otherwise incredibly docile and obedient customers, but when you do (like say, allowing men in the little girls bathroom), they will take note of your radical politics and take their business elsewhere. On the other hand you have the left. And here corporations face their own Frankenstein monster. Because instead of selling them a good product at a fair price, you insist on selling them feelings, emotions, purpose, and politics. You pander to the purposed and intentional brainwashing they received in school, almost putting more emphasis on the politics than you do your product. And since most of these people have nothing else in their lives BUT their politics, they go apoplectic if you fail to pay the appropriate amount of homage to their political religion and themselves. This is why Starbucks is dealing with protests. This is why Silicon Valley faces a revolt within their female ranks. This is why Marvel comics is in a catch 22. They are political beings, not human beings, and they are beyond reason, rationality, and intellectual honesty. Only their feelings matter. The Latest Management Fad So let me tender something radical and revolutionary to my Gen X peers who now head up Corporate America. Something so crazy and innovative you could make an executive MBA course out of it

and charge people $200,000 to take it. Something that is so insightful, you might even consider me “Jack Welch v. 2.0.” How about you just not get involved in politics at all? I know there’s that huge, leftist-political-indoctrinated-infrastructure you desperately want to capitalize on. I know your ego is masturbatorily stroked when you virtue signal like you were trained to in college. I know you yourself likely have nothing else in life but a career and your recycling and telling me how you have a black friend. And I know you’re all likely just a bunch of low brow, 105 IQ MBA’s with no more creative arrows in your business management quiver. But how about you just sell good products at fair prices? Starbucks serves me my f@cking coffee and not ask me about race? Target sells me my f@cking toilet paper and not lecture me about transgender bathrooms? Hollywood makes me my f@cking entertaining movie without a political sermon? Apple makes me my f@cking iPhone and not tell me about how green they are. And colleges give me my f@cking degree without screeding about privilege? Could you do the American people that modicum of courtesy and take your f@cking politics out of our lives? And could we return to those simpler times in the 80’s where stores sold “stuff” and nothing else? Meh...I guess not. I guess your pointless politics are more important than serving your customers.


(but page ahead anyway)



“Asshole Consulting” is the consulting division of my “online media empire.” It specializes in giving zero fucks about your feelings and delivers only the blunt honest truth. This not only makes the advice much more practical and effective, but cheaper too. If you need help or just a swift kick in your ass when it comes to work, business, finances, education, dating, or whatever, consider contacting me at Asshole Consulting.

PODCASTS Also tune into my two podcasts! “The Clarey Podcast” and “The Older Brother Podcast.” You can find them at the following sites: 2/sounds.rss