Lion Feuchtwanger: Volume 3 Secondary Literature [Reprint 2018 ed.] 9783110960426, 9783598113802

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Lion Feuchtwanger: Volume 3 Secondary Literature [Reprint 2018 ed.]
 9783110960426, 9783598113802

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Lion Feuchtwanger A Bibliographic Handbook Lion Feuchtwanger Ein bibliographisches Handbuch

Lion Feuchtwanger A Bibliographic Handbook Volume 1 German Editions Volume 2 Translations, Short Publications, Adaptations and Productions Volume 3 Secondary Literature Volume 4 Reviews and Critical Literature about Individual Works

Lion Feuchtwanger Ein bibliographisches Handbuch Band 1 Deutschsprachige Ausgaben 2 Übersetzungen, Kurzbeiträge,Band Bearbeitungen und Inszenierungen Band 3 Sekundärliteratur Band 4 Rezensionen und wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu einzelnen Werken

Lion Feuchtwanger A Bibliographic Handbook Volume 3 Secondary Literature

Lion Feuchtwanger Ein bibliographisches Handbuch Band 3 Sekundärliteratur

by / von Sandra H. Hawrylchak John M. Spalek

K G S a u r München 2004

Initial funding for this bibliography was provided by the University of Southern California

Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at http://dnb. ddb. de

Gedruckt auf alterungsbeständigem Papier / Printed on acid free paper Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved © 2004 by K.G.Saur Verlag GmbH, München Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Printed / Bound: Strauss Offsetdruck, Mörlenbach ISBN 3-598-11380-3 (Volume 3)

This bibliography is dedicated to Harold von Hofe, Friend of Lion and Maria Feuchtwanger, and Director of the Feuchtwanger Institute for Exile Studies

CONTENTS / INHALT Introduction




Published Letters / Veröffentlichte Briefe


Bibliographies / Bibliographien


Lexicon Entries / Lexikon-Einträge


Books and Dissertations / Bücher und Dissertationen


Master's Theses / Magisterarbeiten, Staatsexamensarbeiten


References in Books / Erwähnungen in Büchern


Articles in Books and Periodicals / Beiträge in Büchern und Zeitschriften... 169 Newspaper and Periodical Articles / Zeitschriften- und Zeitungsartikel 50th Birthday / 50. Geburtstag 55th Birthday / 55. Geburtstag 60th Birthday / 60. Geburtstag 65th Birthday / 65. Geburtstag 70th Birthday / 70. Geburtstag Obituaries / Nachrufe 75th Birthday / 75. Geburtstag 5th Anniversary of Death / 5. Todestag 80th Birthday / 80. Geburtstag 10th Anniversary of Death /10. Todestag 85th Birthday / 85. Geburtstag 15th Anniversary of Death /15. Todestag 90th Birthday / 90. Geburtstag 20th Anniversary of Death / 20. Todestag 95th Birthday / 95. Geburtstag 25th Anniversary of Death / 25. Todestag 100th Birthday / 100. Geburtstag 30th Anniversary of Death / 30. Todestag Archive / Nachlaß Correspondence / Briefwechsel Diaries / Tagebücher Exhibits / Ausstellungen

223 267 268 269 270 272 280 296 297 298 301 302 302 302 303 304 305 307 322 322 324 328 329


CONTENTS / INHAL T Lion Feuchtwanger Prize / Lion-Feuchtwanger-Preis Films, TV Programs / Filme, Fernsehprogramme Marta Feuchtwanger Villa Aurora


345 347 351 361 367

INTRODUCTION The present volume (III) and the following (IV) complete the publication: Lion Feuchtwanger: A Bibliographic Handbook. As a sequel to volumes I and II, which contain works by Feuchtwanger, volume III and IV list the secondary literature about Feuchtwanger in general and about his works. The contents of volume III begin with the listing of the published correspondence by and to Feuchtwanger. This section is followed by a listing of all existing bibliographies, including book-length works (such as the Russian bibliography of 1959 — still the most useful publication in the Russian language — and two dissertations one by Gertrude Goetz and the other by Herta Keilbach) and bibliographies in reference works, dissertations and periodical publications; all of these sources have been examined in the preparation of the present bibliography and are superseded by it. The next section lists all the entries in lexicons, many of which remain useful for an initial quick orientation about the author and his works. They are listed without commentary. The next section lists all books written by one or more authors (such as Wulf Kopke), books edited by one or more authors and consisting of contributions by various authors (John M. Spalek), dissertations in all languages that could be found, as well as exhibition catalogues (Akademie der Ktlnste, 1969) and book-length interviews (Reinhart Hoffmeister with Marta Feuchtwanger). All entries have a critical commentary ranging from one paragraph to two pages, followed by a list of published reviews in journals and newspapers. The purpose of the commentaries is to provide the user with information about the contents, especially about dissertations that are not easily available or in a language not widely known, such as Russian, Polish and Bulgarian. The section listing books and dissertations is followed by a listing of M.A. theses and Staatsexamensarbeiten in German and English; they are listed without commentary. The next section consists of mentions of Feuchtwanger or his works in books, not devoted specifically to him or his work but dealing with him in a larger context, such as in histories of modern German literature, studies of the modem novel, drama and politics; this section is also without commentary. The articles and chapters in books dealing specifically with Feuchtwanger have been selected and assembled in a separate section because of their significance; twenty-five have been provided with a commentary. Among these articles are the most frequently quoted and referenced articles in the secondary literature about Feuchtwanger, such as those by Thomas Mann, Victor Klemperer on the positive side, and those by Hans Mayer and Marcel Reich-Ranicki representing negative opinions. A commentary has also been provided for articles that raise essential or controversial points of Feuchtwanger criticism (such as Hans-Albert Walter on WaffenfurAmerika) or treat themes not covered adequately in books and dissertations (such as Kamakshi P. Murti on Vasantasena). The next section, roughly the last third of volume III (Nos. 3170-4520) is a listing of the newspaper and periodical articles on Feuchtwanger in general, and it is



subdivided for better orientation into several categories: general articles (unauthored, followed by authored articles, first in German, then in all other languages); articles commemorating Feuchtwanger's birthdays; obituaries on his death in 1958 (a substantial number of articles); and continuing with additional commemorative articles, of which those occasioned by his 100th birthday in 1984 are by far the most numerous and significant. This part of the bibliography concludes with articles on Feuchtwanger's archives and collections, his correspondences and diaries, exhibits, television and film programs about Feuchtwanger; the last two sections are devoted to Marta Feuchtwanger and the Villa Aurora, Feuchtwanger's former residence in Pacific Palisades, California. The contents of volume IV, which contains over 4000 entries dealing with individual works by Feuchtwanger, are described in a separate short preface at the beginning of the volume. Before describing the process of accumulation of information and materials, the sources and the methods, it needs to be said that our bibliography, as a general rule, does not carry over unexamined bibliographical information from pre-existing bibliographies. Among the most important sources of bibliographical information that we have used are the following: Bibliographie der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, Internationale Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Teil 2.2. Von 1789 bis zur Gegenwart, ed. Günter Albrecht and Günther Dahlke; The Guide to Periodical Literature; The New York Times Index", The Book Review Digest; and the Russian bibliography by Z. V. Zhitomirskaia as well as the substantial bibliography in the dissertation by René Zeyer. The collecting of the information for listing in volumes III and IV was accomplished in roughly three ways. The first stage consisted of examining all available bibliographies. The second stage consisted of visiting collections with substantial holdings on Feuchtwanger and obtaining copies of all relevant materials. The archives and collections visited, roughly in chronological order include: the archive of the Viking Press, New York and New Jersey; Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt/M; Akademie der Künste and Akademie der Künste der DDR in Berlin (now combined as Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste); The Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, University of Southern California, Los Angeles; Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach a. N.; Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung der Univ. Köln, Schloß Wahn; the archive of the Arbeiterkammer für Wien; Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München; the collection of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, NY; and last but not least, the archive of the Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin. The results of the visits to these archives provided us with the largest part of the listings from newspapers and periodicals. Nevertheless, despite the listing of several thousand items, the bibliography represents a selected list; approximately 2000 to 3000 were omitted because the information contained was repetitious or unimportant, or proved incorrect on examination.



The third method that deserves to be mentioned is the contacting of approximately one hundred city and theater archives and receiving from them not only information about productions and performances, but frequently also copies of playbills (Programmhefte and Theaterzettel), and copies of reviews in local papers that would not have been available to us otherwise. The degree of cooperation of such archives as Hamburger Theatersammlung, Theatermuseum Düsseldorf, Stadtarchiv Flensburg, Teatr Wielki (Lodz), Taylor Institution Library (Oxford), Reiss-Museum (Mannheim), Stadtarchiv Rostock, Österreichisches Theatermuseum (Wien), and Kreuzgangspiele Feuchtwangen, was both astonishing and gratifying. As to the evaluation of the materials listed, we can say the following: Among the over one hundred independent secondary works on Lion Feuchtwanger, published and unpublished, there are about fourteen biographies that treat Feuchtwanger's life and work as a whole. They range from lengthy treatments, such as those by Lothar Kahn, Wilhelm von Sternburg and Volker Skierka, to compact introductory presentations such as those by Wulf Köpke, Reinhold Jaretzky, Hans Leupold and Hans Wagener (in German), and K. M. Nartov, N. N. Rachinskaia and A. L. Spektor (in Russian). Despite the popularity of Feuchtwanger in England and the U.S., there is still no concise and easily available basic introduction to Feuchtwanger and his work in English. The studies by Kahn and Sternburg are the most comprehensive and serve as the basis for evaluation and comparison in the following commentaries. There are about twelve collections of essays with contributions by different authors, such as those edited by Heinz Ludwig Arnold, Walter Huder/Friedrich Knilli, John M. Spalek and Rudolf Wolff. Three of these are essentially commemorative collections of essays published on the occasions of Feuchtwanger's 70th birthday, his death (both edited by Karl Dietz of the Greifenverlag), and 100th birthday commemoration. The collections of essays are not being commented upon as a whole; instead, selected individual essays have a commentary under the appropriate subject. Approximately seventy titles are monographs or dissertations on specific topics or works, in German, English, Russian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Polish. This category includes five works which are essentially bibliographic in nature and two catalogues. The literature on Feuchtwanger shows a concentration around several topics: the treatment of Feuchtwanger's theory of history and the historical novel, Jewish themes, the Wartesaal-trilogy, Feuchtwanger and the Soviet Union. Another concentration centers around specific works by Feuchtwanger, including the Josephus-trilogy, Goya, and in particular, Erfolg. The discussion of the historical novel includes the most important influences on Feuchtwanger as well as a discussion of works by Feuchtwanger to illustrate his theory. The works in this category include Hamid Ongha, Ludwig Maximilian Fischer, Keith Morehouse, Elke Nyssen and Edda Eska. The Jewish themes are the subject of the books by Walter A. Berendsohn, Sarah Fraiman, Tanja Kinkel, to some extent also Norbert Rehrmann, as well as the book-length two-part article by Arie Wolf. The Wartesaal-trilogy (especially Erfolg) is treated by Egon Brückener, Klaus Modick, Synnöve Clason and from an ideological point of view by Joseph Pischel.



The topic of Feuchtwanger and the Soviet Union is the subject of a polemical treatment by Karl KrOhnke as well as a series of articles. The following criteria were used in the evaluation of secondary literature: 1) How much treatment is accorded to the different periods of Feuchtwanger's life: the formative years, the first world war and the revolution in Bavaria, the 1920s, exile in France and exile in the U.S.? 2) Which works (novels, dramas, lyric poetry, essays and criticism) are emphasized? In view of the fact that most works concentrate on Feuchtwanger's novels, how much space is given to Feuchtwanger as a dramatist and critic? How much attention is focused on individual novels? 3) How much discussion is there concerning Feuchtwanger's leftist leanings; how much treatment is accorded to Jewish themes; and how is the influence of the Anglo-Saxon world treated? 4) What is the context in which the individual secondary work was written, i.e. time and place of origin? This evaluation of the secondary literature on Feuchtwanger is written from the vantage point of the year 2000 and reflects fifty years of Feuchtwanger scholarship. Many of the works written before the year 1989, i.e. before the reunification of Germany and the end of the German Democratic Republic, reflect the political attitudes of the time. Before that time, works written in the GDR, or from a Marxist point of view, were taken seriously by Feuchtwanger scholarship. This narrow Marxist viewpoint that pervades a major part of early Feuchtwanger scholarship has been replaced by a growing diversity of views. A particularly striking example of the changes in Feuchtwanger scholarship is the study by Karl KrOhnke on Feuchtwanger's relationship to the Soviet Union. A similar example is the dissertation by G. V. Naumova which is the first work in Russian to reflect the political change in the former Soviet Union. Another event which significantly affected Feuchtwanger research is the year 1984 (Feuchtwanger's 100th birthday) which produced the largest number of new studies from the Western perspective. While Feuchtwanger scholarship in terms of dissertations and some published articles began in the 1950s, the first assessment of scholarship did not appear until 1963. About a dozen books and dissertations on Feuchtwanger contain reviews of preceding literature, i.e. Forschungsberichte, of different length and detail. They continue to be informative, at least in the historical sense (Stefan Dreyer, Wolfgang Mttller-Funk, Holger Zerrahn, and René Zeyer). In most cases the opinions expressed are typical of the country in which they were written, i.e. whether they were written in the GDR or in the West. Typically, most though not all GDR reports fail to consider the literature written in the United States and the USSR, probably due to the inaccessibility of the materials, and in the case of Russia, most likely due to the lack of knowledge of Russian, this despite the fact that the first major bibliography of Feuchtwanger appeared in 1959 in the Soviet Union. The only exception is the dissertation by Joseph Pischel who cites Russian sources. There is no mention of the dissertations in Bulgarian, Hungarian and Polish, although these countries belonged to the Eastern Block. Most of the Forschungsberichte in West German studies since the 1970s deal mainly with GDR research, which anticipated the scholarship in West



Germany by about two decades. These reports barely mention the studies written in the U.S. and none cites studies in Russian. The report in Clason's study (written in German, published in Stockholm) reviews only West German and U.S. scholarship, though she does cite several studies from the GDR in her footnotes. As far as the literature about Feuchtwanger in the U.S. is concerned, the most obvious omission is the biography by Lothar Kahn, published as early as 1975, which even today remains one of the two most comprehensive studies of the author. References to Kahn are generally limited to listings in footnotes. One possible reason for this omission may be that Kahn's study was published by a small university press without an international distribution system. This omission applies even more to the literature in Russian. The best and most complete Forschungsbericht, up to the time of its publication in 1989 is that of Deborah Vietor-EnglSnder, written especially for the volume of collected essays edited by Wilhelm von Sternburg. The books and dissertations on Feuchtwanger in Russian (thirteen) compare to the number of studies in English. This can be said about the number of works but not about their substance, considering the importance and comprehensive nature of Kahn and Sternburg. Aside from the several dissertations that deal with Feuchtwanger's language and style, concentrating on his use of phraseology and idioms of all kinds, the majority of the studies deal with Feuchtwanger's ideology, thereby reflecting the time and political climate of the country in which they were written. They evaluate Feuchtwanger from a Marxist point of view, using the typical standard criteria for judging his merits and his shortcomings. Two dissertations, one by Genina written in 1972 and the other by Tsikhitatrishvili written in 1980, anticipate western studies of Feuchtwanger's dramas. The dissertation by Naumova, written in 1992, reflects the political changes which took place in the former Soviet Union and represents a new approach to Feuchtwanger in the Russian sphere. There are also thirty-five master's theses and Staatsexamensarbeiten in German and English, most of which typically concentrate on an individual work or a specific topic. These works are listed in a separate category without comment. With regard to the specific form of each numbered bibliographic entry in the volume, the editors attempted to be as complete as possible. As far as the names of German newspapers are concerned (most of which were taken from newspaper clippings in the various archives), names were verified and standardized using the catalogue of the Institut filr Zeitungsforschung, Dortmund. As far as the names of newspapers in the U.S. are concerned, it seemed most useful and consistent to list the name of the newspaper first, followed by the name of the city in parenthesis. This means that we did not list the newspaper as Atlanta Constitution but as Constitution (Atlanta, GA). A few exceptions remain, such as: NYT(New York Times), NYHT(New York Herald Tribune), Los Angeles Times, Springfield Republican, Chicago Tribune and San Francisco Chronicle. With Russian papers, we listed in parenthesis the name of the city, unless it was already contained in the name of the paper itself, such as Vecherniaia Moskva.



We already expressed our thanks to various individuals and institution in the prefaces of the first two volumes. As far as volumes III and IV are concerned, the names of the institutions visited for purposes of obtaining information and photocopies were mentioned earlier in this preface. We would like to express our thanks to persons who specifically helped us in various ways with the completion of the forthcoming volumes: Sylvia Asmus, Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt/M; Dr. Jutta Bendt, Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach a.N.; Peter Dempewolf, Aufbau-Verlag; Dr. Brita Eckert, Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt/M; Gregor Eppinger, Berlin; Dr. Eckart Früh, Arbeiterkammer für Wien; Patrik Garaj, Univ. Konstanz; Tsvetanka Georgieva, Sofia University Library; Christine Göthner, Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung der Univ. Köln; Marketa Hlasivcova, Prague; Gerhart Kahle, AufbauVerlag; Dr. Franka Köpp, Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Alexej P. Romanov, National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg; Marje Schuetze-Coburn, Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Univ. of Southern California; Prof. Dr. Almut Todorow, Univ. Konstanz; Dr. Elisabeth Wilnat, Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin; and Joseph Zimmerman, Gersthoven.

EINLEITUNG Mit der Veröffentlichung des vorliegenden dritten Bandes und des folgenden vierten ist das Projekt Lion Feuchtwanger. Ein Bibliographisches Handbuch abgeschlossen. Die ersten zwei Bände (1998 und 1999) enthalten die Primärliteratur zu Feuchtwanger: Der erste Band bringt eine genaue Beschreibung der deutschsprachigen Buchausgaben, einschließlich aller Auflagen und Tausenderserien; der zweite Band die Übersetzungen seiner Bücher, seine belletristischen und essayistischen Arbeiten und kürzere Veröffentlichungen in Zeitschriften, Zeitungen und Büchern, ferner die bisher vollständigste Aufstellung der Inszenierungen von Feuchtwangers Dramen. Der dritte und der vierte Band erfassen die Sekundärliteratur: Band drei bietet die Literatur über Feuchtwanger im allgemeinen (Bücher, Dissertationen, Magister- und Staatsexamensarbeiten, Sammelbände sowie Aufsätze in Büchern und Zeitschriften (zum Teil mit Kommentar). Es folgen Erwähnungen von Feuchtwanger in Büchern; Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenaufsätze über Feuchtwanger im allgemeinen; schließlich Arbeiten in verschiedenen Rubriken wie z. B. Nachrufen, Aufsätzen anläßlich seines fünfzigsten bzw. hundersten Geburtstags, ferner Aufsätze, die Marta Feuchtwanger und die Villa Aurora betreffen (Feuchtwangers Residenz in Santa Monica). Die bibliographischen Angaben über Feuchtwanger reichen zeitlich bis zum Jahre 2000. Bei der Zusammenstellung der bibliographischen Angaben wurden zuerst alle vorhandenen Bibliographien durchgesehen, insbesondere die Bibliographie der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, die Internationale Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, Guide to Periodical Literature, The Book Review Digest und besonders die russische Bibliographie von Z. V. Zhitomirskaia (1959). Alle Bibliographien werden am Anfang des dritten Bandes aufgeführt. Von entscheidender Bedeutung für unsere Arbeit waren die Sammlungen von Feuchtwanger-Literatur, davon insbesondere die Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library in Los Angeles, das Archiv der Viking Press in New York und des Aufbau-Verlages in Berlin, ferner die Sammlungen der Deutschen Bibliothek in Frankfurt/Main, der Stiftung Akademie der Künste in Berlin, des Deutschen Literaturarchivs in Marbach, und der Theaterwissenschaftlichen Sammlung der Universität Köln im Schloß Wahn. Last but not least danken wir einer großen Zahl von Theater- und Stadtarchiven in der Bundesrepublik, die uns Programmhefte und Zeitungsausschnitte zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Trotz der großen Zahl der Einträge stellt die Gesamtzahl eine Auswahl dar; etwa 2000 weitere Einträge wurden nicht aufgenommen, weil sie inhaltlich unwesentlich waren. Was die Verteilung der Sekundärliteratur nach Sprachen angeht, so sind die deutschsprachigen Angaben am zahlreichsten, gefolgt von englischsprachigen und russischen Beiträgen. Die Hauptthemen der Sekundärliteratur—von Biographien und biographischen Studien abgesehen—sind: die Wartesaal-Trilogie (insbesondere der Roman Erfolg), der historische Roman bei Feuchtwanger, die jüdische Thematik, sowie Feuchtwanger und die Sowjetunion. Was die Rezensionen von Feuchtwangers Werk betrifft, so



befassen sich die frühesten deutschsprachigen Besprechungen mit den dramatischen Arbeiten (besonders Vasantasena und Kalkutta, 4. Mai). Ab etwa 1933 sind die englischsprachigen Rezensionen am häufigsten, aber auch russische Besprechungen aus den dreißiger und vierziger Jahren nehmen zu. Was die Rezensionen und überhaupt Sekundärliteratur nach 1945 betrifft, so wiegt die deutschsprachige Literatur aus der DDR vor; erst in den siebziger Jahren setzt die Sekundärliteratur in der Bundesrepublik ein. Der hundertste Geburtstag von Lion Feuchtwanger im Jahre 1984 bringt eine Reihe von Biographien und Spezialstudien zum Leben und Werk von Feuchtwanger in West-Deutschland, die einen wichtigen Einschnitt in der Feuchtwanger-Forschung darstellen. Unser Dank gilt vielen Personen, Bibliotheken und Archiven, ohne deren Hilfe das Projekt der Feuchtwanger-Bibliographie nicht möglich gewesen wäre. An dieser Stelle möchten wir nochmals den Personen unser Dank aussprechen, die uns bei dem Abschluß des dritten und vierten Bandes geholfen haben: Sylvia Asmus, Die Deutsche Bibliothek; Dr. Jutta Bendt, Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach; Peter Dempewolf, Aufbau-Verlag; Dr. Brita Eckert, Die Deutsche Bibliothek; Gregor Eppinger, Berlin; Dr. Eckart Früh, Arbeiterkammer für Wien; Patrik Garaj, Univ. Konstanz; Tsvetanka Georgieva, Sofia University Library; Christine Göthner, Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung der Univ. Köln; Marketa Hlasivcova, Prague; Gerhart Kahle, Aufbau-Verlag; Dr. Franka Kopp, Stiftung Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Alexej P. Romanov, National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg; Dr. Marje Schuetze-Coburn, Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Univ. of Southern California; Prof. Dr. Almut Todorow, Univ. Konstanz; Dr. Elisabeth Wilnat, Stiftung Akademie der Künste, Berlin; and Joseph Zimmerman, Gersthoven.

PUBLISHED LETTERS / VERÖFFENTLICHTE BRIEFE Editions In addition to letters published in the editions listed below, individual letters published in newspapers and magazines, many of which are duplicates of those published in the correspondence collections, were listed among Feuchtwanger's essayistic writings. In addition to the correspondents listed below, this includes letters to or from: 1.1. Anisimov, Maxim Gorki, D. Lavrukhin, K. Schmuckle, G. Sorokin, Bodo Uhse, V. C. Val'dman, the Schutzverband Deutscher Schriftsteller, and the editors of Das Wort (esp. Maria Osten); see entries: II, nos. 1402,1439,1440,1441, 1562, 1607, 1608, 1613, 1614, 1615, 1616, 1617, 1996, 2036, 2047, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2053, 2079. Letters published in collections of others have not been listed separately if they duplicate letters published in the editions listed below. 2397 Feuchtwanger, Lion and Arnold Zweig. Briejwechsel 1933-1958. Hrsg. Harold von Hofe. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 1984. 2 vol. 599, 546 pp. Notes: For a listing of selected reviews of the volumes, see general listings under Correspondence: Feuchtwanger / Zweig: Briejwechsel 1933-1958 (see III, nos. 4132-4155); for a listing of the letters, see III, nos. 2462,2463. 2398 Feuchtwanger, Lion. Briejwechsel mit Freunden 1933-1958. Hrsg. Harold von Hofe und Sigrid Washburn. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 1991. 2 vol. 539, 447 pp. Notes: The volumes contain correspondence to and from Feuchtwanger. Vol. I contains correspondence with: Bertolt Brecht (see III, nos. 2411,2412), Helene Weigel (see III, nos. 2452, 2453), Thomas Mann (see III, nos. 2441, 2442), Katia Mann (see III, nos. 2437, 2438), Erika Mann (see III, nos. 2433, 2434), Rudolf Olden (see III, nos. 2448,2449), Johannes R. Becher (see III, nos. 2406, 2407), Heinrich Mann (see III, nos. 2435, 2436), Klaus Mann (see III, nos. 2439,2440), Willi Bredel (see III, nos. 2413,2414), Oskar Maria Graf (see III, nos. 2424, 2425); vol. II contains correspondence with: Ludwig Marcuse (see III, nos. 2443,2444), Balder Olden (see III, nos. 2447), F.C. Weiskopf (see III, nos. 2454, 2455), Grete Weiskopf (see III, nos. 2456, 2457), Hanns and Lou Eisler (see III, nos. 2417, 2418), Friedrich Wolf (see III, nos. 2459, 2460), Alfred Kantorowicz (see III, nos. 2429, 2430), Alfred Doblin (see III, nos. 2415,2416), Bruno Frank (see III, nos. 2421,2422), Robert Neumann (see III, nos. 2445, 2446). For a listing of selected reviews of the volumes, see general listings under Correspondence: Briejwechsel mit Freunden (see III, nos. 41214131).



2399 Fritz H. Landshoff. Amsterdam, Keizersgracht 333. Querido Verlag. Erinnerungen eines Verlegers. Mit Briefen und Dokumenten. [Hrsg. Isolde Schlösser und Christa Streller.] Berlin/Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag [1991]. 559 pp. 2400 Allein mit Lebensmittelkarten ist nicht auszuhalten... Autoren- und Verlegerbriefe 1945-1949. Hrsg. Elmar Faber und Carsten Wurm. [Berlin]: Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag [cl991], 412 pp. 2401 «... und leiser Jubel zöge ein». Autoren- und Verlegerbriefe 1950-1959. Hrsg. Elmar Faber und Carsten Wurm. [Berlin]: Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag [cl992], 499 pp. 2402 Feuchtwanger, Lion. Der Teufel in Frankreich. Erlebnisse. Tagebuch 1940. Briefe. Berlin/Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag [1992], 413 pp. Notes: This second expanded Aufbau edition (see I, no. 275) contains letters and diary entries in addition to the autobiographical text first published in 1940 as Unholdes Frankreich (see I, no. 282). 2403 Lion Feuchtwanger. Briefe an Eva van Hoboken. Hrsg. Nortrud Gomringer. [Wien]: Edition Splitter [cl996], 480p. Notes: For a listing of the letters, see III, no. 2451; see also III, no. 2547.

Individual Published Letters / Einzelne veröffentlichte Briefe American Guild for German Cultural Freedom 2404 Feuchtwanger to the American Guild for German Cultural Freedom, in Deutsche Intellektuelle im Exil. Ihre Akademie und die «American Guild for German Cultural Freedom». München/London/N Y/Paris: K.G. Saur, 1993. Notes: 4 letters, 1938-1939; italicized numbers in parentheses () correspond to item numbers in the volume: Gutachten (Arnold Bender). N.p. [1939] (588) — Gutachten (Jo Mihaly-Steckel). N.p. [1939] (611) — Gutachten (Johannes R. Becher). N.p. 26 Jan. 1939 (623) — Empfehlung für Rudolf Leonhard. Sanary (Var). 21 July 1938 (779).



Aufbau-Verlag (Berlin) 2405 Feuchtwanger to the Aufbau-Verlag, in «Lion Feuchtwanger zum 100. Geburtstag am 7.7.1954.» Berlin/Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag [1984]; see III, no. 3962. Notes: 4 letters, 1947-1954: Pacific Palisades, CA. 31 Dec. 1947 — Pacific Palisades, CA. 15 Jan. 1951 — Pacific Palisades, CA. 28 Jan. 1952 — Pacific Palisades, CA. 12 July 1954.

Johannes R. Becher 2406 Feuchtwanger to Johannes R. Becher, in Briefwechsel mit Freunden 1933-1958. Bd. I (see III, no. 2398). Notes: 28 letters, 1934-1958; italicized numbers in parentheses () correspond to item numbers in the volume: Sanary/Var. 22 July 1934 (221) — Sanary/Var. 9 Nov. 1934 (222) — Sanary/Var. 10 Feb. 1936 (223) — Sanary/Var. 27 May 1937 (224) — Sanary/Var. 30 Sept. 1937 (225) — Sanary/Var. 4 Jan. 1938 (226) — Sanary/Var. 19 Mar. 1938 (227) — Sanary/Var. 20 July 1939 (228) — Moskau. 27 Nov. 1940 (229) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 22 Nov. 1946 (230) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 31 Dec. 1946 (233) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 3 Feb. 1947 (235) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 18 Mar. 1947 (237) — n.p. 7 July 1947 (242) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 11 Nov. 1947 (245) — n.p. 23 Jan. 1950(25/) — n.p. 13 Jan. 1951 (254) — n.p. 6 Feb. 1951 (255) —n.p. 11 May 1951 (256) — n.p. 29 Jan. 1952 (259) — n.p. 9 July 1952 (260) — n.p. 4 Aug. 1953 (263) — n.p. 22 Aug. 1953 (265) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 8 Oct. 1953 (267) — n.p. 15 Feb. 1954 (268) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 10 July 1954 (271) — n.p. 9 July 1955 (273) — Pacific Palisades, CA. 12 July 1958 (276). 2407 Johannes R. Becher to Feuchtwanger, in Briefwechsel mit Freunden 1933-1958. Bd. I (see III, no. 2398). Notes: 28 letters, 1946-1958; italicized numbers in parentheses () correspond to item numbers in the volume: Berlin. 2 Dec. 1946 (231) — Berlin. 11 Dec. 1946(232) — Berlin. 18 Jan. 1947 (234) — Berlin. 22 Feb. 1947 (236) — Berlin. 8 Apr. 1947 (238) — Berlin. 24 Apr. 1947 (239) — n.p. 17 May 1947 (240) — Berlin. 28 June 1947 (241) — Berlin. 18 Sept. 1947 (243) — Berlin. 17 Oct. 1947 (244) — Berlin. 12 Nov. 1947 (246) — Berlin. 4 May 1948 (247) — Berlin. 31 Aug. 1948 (248) — Berlin. 21 Dec. 1948 (249) — Berlin. 6 Dec. 1949 (250) — Berlin. 28 Dec. 1950 (252) — Berlin. 8 Jan. 1951 (253) — Berlin-Niederschonhausen. 24 May 1951 (257) — Berlin. 20 Dec. 1951 (258) — Berlin. 15 July 1952 (261) — Telegram. Berlin. 7 July 1953 (262) — Berlin-Niederschonhausen. [Aug. 1953] (264) — n.p. 29 Sept. 1953 (266) — Berlin-Niederschonhausen. 24 Feb. 1954 (269) — Telegram. Berlin. 7 July 1954 (2 70) — Telegram.


LETTERS / BRIEFE Berlin. 7 July 1955 (272) — Telegram. Berlin. 7 July 1956 {274) — Berlin. 6 July 1958 (275).

2408 Johannes R. Becher to Feuchtwanger, in Johannes R. Becher. Briefe. Hrsg. Rolf Harder unter Mitarbeit von Sabine Wolf und Brigitte Zessin. Berlin: AufbauVerlag, 1993,1, pp. 240, 316-317, 321-322. Notes: 3 letters, 1940, 1947: Moskau, 27 Nov. 1940 — Berlin, 18. Jan. 1947 — Berlin, 22 Feb. 1947.

Lilly Becher 2409 Feuchtwanger to Lilly Becher, in Briefwechsel mit Freunden 1933-1958. Bd. I (see III, no. 2398). Notes: 2 letters, 1958; italicized numbers in parentheses () correspond to item numbers in the volume: n.p. 23 Oct. 1958 (277) — n.p. 3 Dec. 1958 (279). 2410 Lilly Becher to Feuchtwanger, in Briefwechsel mit Freunden 1933-1958. Bd. I (see III, no. 2398). Notes: 1 letter; italicized numbers in parentheses () correspond to item numbers in the volume: Berlin-Niederschönhausen. 5 Nov. 1958 (278).

Bertolt Brecht 2411 Feuchtwanger to Bertolt Brecht,'mBriefwechsel mit Freunden 1933-1958. Bd. I (see III, no. 2398). Notes: 52 letters, 1933-1958; italicized numbers in parentheses () correspond to item numbers in the volume: Bandol(Var). 16 May 1933 (2) — Sanary (Var). 31 July 1933 (4) — Bandol (Var). 27 Jan. [1934] (5) — Bandol S. Mer (Var). 9 Apr. [ 1934] (6) — Bandol S. Mer (Var). 22 Apr. [ 1934] ( 7) — Sanary. 13 July [ 1934] (10) — Paris. 10 Oct. 1934 (11) — n.p. 28 Dec. 1934 (12) — Sanary. 16 Feb. [1935] (14) — Sanary (Var). 10 Aug. [1935] (15) — Sanary (Var). 4 Nov. [1935] (16) — Sanary (Var). 24 Oct. 1936 (17) — Paris. 13 Nov. 1936 (18) — Sanary (Var). 27 Mar. [1937] (19) — Sanary. 30 May [1937] (22) — Sanary/Var. 20 June 1937 (24) — Sanary/Var. 15 July 1937 (25) — Sanary/Var. 16 Aug. 1939 (28) — Sanary/Var. 4 Oct. 1939(29) —Sanary. 18 Jan. 1940 (30) — New York. 2 Dec. 1940 (33) — Telegram. 20 Dec. 1940 (34) — New York. 13 Jan. 1941 (35) — West Los Angeles, CA. 12 Mar. 1941 (3 und die gleichnamigen Filme von Lothar Mendes (1934) und Veit Harlan (1940)» (see IV, no. 6723). Zwerenz, Ingrid. «Feuchtwangers Frauen» (see III, no. 3070). Modick, Klaus. «Vita Feuchtwanger» (see III, no. 2978). Müller-Funk, Wolfgang. «Bibliographie zu Lion Feuchtwanger» (see III, no. 2482). Reviews: Fuld, Werner. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 25 Nov. 1983, 26. Koepke, Wulf. The German Quarterly, LIX, No. 2 (Spring 1986), pp. 332-333. Washausen, Klaus. Referatedienst zur Literaturwissenschaft, No. 4 (1985), pp. 575-578.




2529 Berendsohn, Walter Arthur. Der Meister des politischen Romans, Lion Feuchtwanger. Stockholm: Tyska Institutionen Stockholms Universitet, 1976. v, 142 pp. (Schriften des Deutschen Instituts der Universität Stockholm, 3.) Notes: Written in 1954, but not published until 1975 as a mimeographed text by the University of Stockholm, this is the most personal introduction to Feuchtwanger's work. It is not a biography and reserves the most enthusiastic and positive evaluations for several of Feuchtwanger's historical novels, with some negative value judgment about others. The personal tone stems from the fact that Berendsohn met Lion Feuchtwanger in Paris in 1937 and carried on an extensive correspondence with him afterwards. It is the only introduction to Feuchtwanger written during the author's lifetime. The book is divided into four sections, starting with a general introduction to Feuchtwanger's works, a chapter on his historical novels, a chapter on the novels dealing with contemporary themes, and a fourth section devoted to «Selbstdarstellungen» (with Thomas Wendt's character being the point of departure) in Feuchtwanger's works. The conclusion contains a discussion of Feuchtwanger's language, with attention to his rhetorical devices and to the structure of Feuchtwanger's novels, which is described as consisting of multifaceted lines of action. Berendsohn concludes his introduction by a personal evaluation of the best works of Feuchtwanger. He finds the Josephus-thlogy, Waffen fur Amerika, Goya, Die Jüdin von Toledo, and Jefta to be the best works, in his opinion, with Erfolg and Simone ranking a somewhat distant second. He is most critical of Narrenweisheit and disputes that it is a «Verklärung der Revolution,» also has reservations about Jud Süß, and does not consider Der falsche Nero as successful satire. Berendsohn considers Feuchtwanger's contemporary novels as part of the «humanistische Front» against Hitler. Throughout the book, Berendsohn stresses Feuchtwanger's Jewish background and states that one-half of Feuchtwanger's novels are based on Jewish themes, though in a secularized form. He describes Feuchtwanger's basic spirituality as stemming from his Jewishness and considers Feuchtwanger as a representative Jewish writer who never abandoned entirely his orthodox Jewish upbringing. A condensed version of this topic was also published in English in Lion Feuchtwanger. The Man and His Ideas (III, no. 2606). Berendsohn sees Feuchtwanger's work as a mixture of Judaism and German 18th-century humanism. Berendsohn quotes extensively and at length from Feuchtwanger's essays and from his novels. Typically for the time of writing, he devotes only a short passage to Feuchtwanger's dramatic works, which he considers derivative. Reviews: Böhme, Ulrich. Germanistik, XIX, No. 3/4 (1978), p. 889.





2530 Berndt, Wolfgang. Die frühen historischen Romane Lion Feuchtwangers. («Jud Süss» und «Die häßliche Herzogin»), Eine monographische Studie. Diss. Humboldt Universität, Berlin, 1953. 235 pp. Notes: Although Berndt's dissertation is the very first study of Feuchtwanger's work, it still remains one of the best discussions of the first two novels, which Berndt describes as the least political in nature. Although the dissertation was written in the early years of the GDR (1953), it treats Feuchtwanger's work from a literary instead of the standard Marxist point of view that characterizes most of the following GDR studies of Feuchtwanger. The dissertation begins with a short biography of Feuchtwanger which is followed by what must be the first substantial bibliography of Feuchtwanger's works in German and in translation (English and French). This is followed by a short survey of Feuchtwanger's novels, and the author regards Jud Süß and Waffen fiir Amerika as the best. In his treatment of Jud Süß, which takes the largest amount of space, Berndt summarizes first the story of the historical Jud Süß Oppenheimer, then discusses the three earlier treatments of the story: Wilhelm Hauffs novella of 1827; Otto Ludwig's dramatic fragment «Der Jakobsstab» (1850), the theme of which is Süß' conceit and isolation, which destroy him though he does not actually die; and C. F. Meyer's «Der Heilige» in which Beckett has a daughter who is raped by the king. Berndt emphasizes that neither of the characters of Beckett or Feuchtwanger's Jud Süß are blameless. Berndt first discusses in detail the play version of Feuchtwanger's Jud Süß. He notes the influence of Döblin in the parable of the man who tries to escape his shadow, that Jud Süß is conscious of the two souls within him (quest for power on the one hand and his mystical tendencies on the other), and that he sees himself as an avenger of his people. Berndt concludes that the drama version fails because it does not allow for adequate psychological elaboration of the theme. Bemdt treats the novel in the sequence of its five books: «Die Fürsten,» «Das Volk,» «Die Juden,» «Der Herzog,» and «Der Andere.» The structure of the novel is described as being dramatic in nature, with each book having its high point. Berndt also notes that each book begins with a chapter that introduces its theme and finds that the first chapter of Book V is possibly the best section in the entire novel. The discussions of each book are thorough and include a mention of the changes Feuchtwanger made to the historical account. In his discussion of the ending of the novel, Berndt examines the questions Feuchtwanger raises in the mind of the reader: On the one hand Feuchtwanger seems to be saying that an injustice was committed by the society that sentenced Jud Süß, but at the same time shows Jud Süß as having committed crimes himself, i.e. is Jud Süß executed because he is a Jew or because he committed crimes? In addition, Berndt finds that Feuchtwanger's (overly) objective presentation of the Jewish figures in the novel has raised questions and provoked criticisms.





Berndt concludes his discussion with the social criticism contained in the novel (portrayal of the rulers and the nobility), criticism of religious attitudes, and of the women figures. Following the discussion of the contents, Berndt gives information about the cuts Feuchtwanger made in the original version, probably by 1926 (about eight percent of the text), and he finds that all the cuts were justified as deletions of excessive material. The discussion concludes with a survey of the reception of the novel (until 1953), with quotations from Nazi criticism, and a description of König Haber by Alfred Neumann (1925) as patterned after Feuchtwanger, and finally, Ashley Dukes' dramatic version, and the film versions of the novel. In the discussion of Die häßliche Herzogin, Berndt notes that it was the first presentation of the figure of Margarethe Maultasch in literature. He begins with a summary of the historical background of the novel and of the three royal houses who vie for the possession of Tyrol: Prince Johann von Böhmen, Markgraf Ludwig von Wittelsbach, and Herzog Rudolf von Österreich. He stresses at the outset that the historical Margarete Maultasch was not the strong personality that we see in the novel. Berndt states that Feuchtwanger in his dramatization of the story takes over the three-part division of the conflict. He notes the differences between the historical figures and the way Feuchtwanger presents them in the novel. He notes that the third book adheres much more closely to the historical facts than the first two. With respect to Feuchtwanger's portrayal of his characters, Berndt finds that Duke Meinhard, the weak and irresponsible son of Margarete Maultasch, is the most interesting character, and he elaborates on Feuchtwanger's tendency to devote the most detailed descriptions to the weak rulers in his novels. In his summary of the main themes of the novel, Berndt states that Feuchtwanger's first emphasis was the theme that ugliness leads to the development of intellect as a compensation, that the theme of action and contemplation («Tun und Nicht-Tun») becomes secondary in the course of the novel, and that the central theme becomes the battle between the ugly Margarete Maultasch and the beautiful Agnes von Flavon. Berndt considers Margarete Maultasch to be the most important female figure in Feuchtwanger's work to date (1953). The dissertation concludes with a discussion of Feuchtwanger's theory of the historical novel, a topic that is superceded by later works on the subject. 2531 Birr, Ewald and Hilde Weise et al. Lion Feuchtwanger. Berlin: Berliner Stadtbibliothek, 1974. 51 pp. (Bibliographische Kalenderblätter, 40.) Notes: Bibliography of the primary works and secondary literature about Feuchtwanger; see III, no. 2465. 2532 Brendel, Gert Albert. Gebrauchslyrik. Zum Problem der lyrischen Dichtung in der neuen Sachlichkeit. Zur neusachlichen Lyrik Lion Feuchtwangers, Bertolt





Brechts und Erich Kästners. Ph.D. Diss. University of California, Irvine, 1975. 185 pp. Notes: {Dissertation Abstracts, 1976, p. 294A, Order No. 76-13, 854): This study intends to contribute to a better understanding of German lyric poetry during the relatively stable years of the Weimar Republic, 1923-1929. The choice of these politically and economically incisive dates in the development of the Weimar Republic as meaningful and significant demarcations in the literary history of the German lyric points to the focus of this study: the inextricable enmeshment of large socio-cultural forces and the writing of lyrical poetry during those years. This study postulates that the development of the Weimar Republic towards an industrialized mass-democracy is mirrored in the hotly debated issue of Americanism at that time and influenced and shaped the theory and practice of contemporary poetry in Germany. Particularly, the type of poetry referred to as Gebrauchslyrik reflects most directly the literary significance of these sociohistorical developments. Consequently, this study posits Americanism and its reflection in the literary life of those days as the most helpful heuristic horizon for a proper understanding and appreciation of Gebrauchslyrik. The nature of this type of poetry is then exemplified through individual analyses of poems by Lion Feuchtwanger, Bertolt Brecht, and Erich Kästner. Feuchtwanger' s Pep poems present the most complete poetic response to the socio-cultural phenonmenon of Americanism. Their theme, language, and structure are intimately tied to all the essential aspects of it. Brecht's lyrical response is far less copious, but far more radical. In his «Americanistic» poems he attempts to find novel means of poetic expression in keeping with the changing life style and rhythm under the auspices of Americanism. Kästner's poems finally make more poignantly clear than either Feuchtwanger's or Brecht's that the use of the means of literary mass communication lies at the heart of the significance Americanism holds for the practice of lyric poetry in Germany during the 1920's. 2533 Brückener, Egon and Klaus Modick. Lion Feuchtwangers Roman «Erfolg». Leistung und Problematik schriftstellerischer A ufklärung in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik. Kronberg/Ts.: Scriptor-Verlag, 1978. 202 pp. (Monographien Literaturwissenschaft, 42.) Notes: This study of Feuchtwanger's Erfolg, because of its conciseness, the useful critical comments throughout the text and its clear organization, is possibly the best introduction to the novel. The authors proceed in their discussion topically, first discussing the main figures in the novel, followed by such discussions as «Amerikanismus,» «Marxismus,» «freischwebende Intelligenz,» the relationship between documentation and objectivity, the politization of the justice system, and the rise of the radical right and National Socialism in Bavaria.


BOOKS AND DISSERTATIONS /BÜCHER UND DISSERTATIONEN Considering the fact that this study was completed in 1978, it is understandable that the authors are critical of the neglect of Feuchtwanger studies in West Germany. They also point out that studies of Feuchtwanger done outside of Germany (particularly Russia) are difficult to access. The authors come to Feuchtwanger's defense by being quite critical of the early essays of Hans Mayer and Marcel Reich-Ranicki, comment on the early critical literature on Feuchtwanger in the GDR, and stress that the politically biased approach makes them less useful; this even applies to the work by Pischel who is quoted frequently. Following a short biography in which the authors concentrate on Feuchtwanger's political development, they devote the first part of the study (60 pages) to the analysis of the leading figures: Tüverlin, Krüger, Geyer, Pröckl and Brendel-Landholzer, all of whom are defined as representing the bourgeois class (including Pröckl). Tüverlin is described as most closely resembling Feuchtwanger's own convictions; he is described as the «freischwebender Intellektueller,» i.e. as a person who has the illusion of being situated between social classes while being a typical bourgeois representative. The authors describe three other intellectuals (Krüger, Geyer and BrendelLandholzer) of whom Kriiber is described as the most politically aware. The authors make an interesting comparison between Pröckl and the painter BrendelLandholzer whose painting plays a central role in the novel. These two figures present two alternatives for the artist, according to the authors: believe in the possibility of social change or withdraw to an insane asylum. The authors see Pröckl as not taken seriously by Feuchtwanger, as someone who lacks instinct and empathy and whose ideology is mechanistic in nature. This explains why Marxist critics did not approve of Feuchtwanger's depiction of Pröckl. As contrast to the intellectuals just described, they see the figures of Potter, the American pragmatist, and Pfaundler, who sees art only as entertainment. The second part of the study concentrates on several themes which describe Lion Feuchtwanger's political and social positions. The characteristics of «Amerikanismus» in the novel are presented both critically and positively in contrast to Bavaria and the Nazis. Marxism as illustrated by several figures in the novel is described by the authors as essentially «Welterklärungsmodell fur Intellektuelle.» The fact that Feuchtwanger does not describe the masses (the main criticism of Lukäcs) is explained first by the statement that Feuchtwanger himself did not have a relationship to the working class and, secondly, that Bavaria did not have strong workers' organizations. Pischel's interpretations of the Marxist content of Erfolg, especially the debates between Pröckl and Tüverlin, are described by the authors as wishful thinking. As to the topic of the documentary approach to literature and the subject of «Neue Sachlichkeit,» although Feuchtwanger's novel shows several characteristics and contemporary themes of «Neue Sachlichkeit,» the authors do not view Erfolg as a product of that movement. They see Feuchtwanger ultimately rejecting the documentary trend of the 1920s because documentation by itself lacks vitality. In the last three sections of the analysis, the authors deal with Feuchtwanger's fictional figures who represent the success as well as the failure of





business in the period of inflation. As might be expected, the justice system in the Weimar Republic, and especially in Bavaria, is discussed in considerable detail. The art historian Krüger is seen as its victim and the discussion of the defeat of Messerschmidt, a liberal democrat, is viewed as an example of the opposition. The authors point out that Feuchtwanger actually used some of the records such as the report of E.J. Gumbel almost verbatim. The last section is devoted to the radical forces on the right, and especially National Socialism. The authors comment favorably on Feuchtwanger's foresight about the rise of the Nazi party, several years before its success. They also praise Feuchtwanger's depiction of various Nazi sympathizers in Bavaria. As to the satirical portrayal of Hitler throughout the novel, the authors believe that some exaggeration is appropriate and do not share other critics' opinion that this portrayal amounted to «Verharmlosung.» In their opinion, Feuchtwanger shows that he knew of the threat the Nazi movement represented. As far as the most effective means of political criticism, the authors select the painting of BrendelLandholzer, the indirect satire of Hierl, and the showing of the film as having the most effect. In their conclusion, the authors discuss the negative reception after the publication of the novel and regret that Feuchtwanger wrote his work too late to provoke a constructive discussion. They see in the 1970s a parallel to the political atmosphere of the 1920s and believe that Erfolg could have an enlightening function for the current decade. Reviews: Achberger, Friedrich. German Studies Review, II (1979), pp. 387-388. Lützeler, Paul Michael. Germanistik, XIX (1978), p. 1205. Wenzel, Georg. Deutsche Literaturzeitung für Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft (Berlin), CII (1981), pp. 1071-1073. 2534 Bütow, Wilfried. Probleme der Gestaltung des historischen Stoffes in der Revolutionstrilogie Lion Feuchtwangers «Die Füchse im Weinberg», «Goya oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis» und «Narrenweisheit oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques-Rousseau». Untersuchung am System der Ereignisse und Figuren. Diss. Univ. Greifswald, 1966. 230, 55 pp. Notes: The dissertation topic is Feuchtwanger's treatment of historical subject matter as illustrated by the «revolution trilogy» (Füchse im Weinberg, Narrenweisheit, Goya). The author justifies his use of the word trilogy by saying that these novels are connected by the same theme, the role of the French Revolution. Writing from his Marxist viewpoint, he calls the trilogy the highpoint of Feuchtwanger's work. His approach is similar to other studies of Feuchtwanger in the GDR and Soviet Russia in the 1960s, such as Leupold, Rindfleisch, Spektor and Washausen, stressing the role of the «Volk» (masses) as the shaping force in history and the idea of progress.


BOOKS AND DISSERTATIONS /BÜCHER UND DISSERTA TIONEN Bütow begins his discussion with a presentation of Feuchtwanger's development as a writer, stressing that over time, Feuchtwanger continued to move closer to the socialist/Marxist position. In his review of the literature on Feuchtwanger prior to the completion of his work, he singles out Faulseit's dissertation for criticism. The author discusses the three novels in chronological order of their publication, beginning with Die Füchse im Weinberg. He speaks of the various ways in which the masses play a role in the novel and describes such figures as Beaumarchais, Figaro and especially Franklin, as coming from the people and being their spokesmen. In Goya the author discusses the artist's relationship to different levels of society: the Duchess of Alba, the royal court, the progressive liberal forces, and members of the lower classes. He speaks of the social significance of the Caprichos as a turning point in Goya's development. In connection with Narrenweisheit, he discusses the different reactions to Rousseau's work in the course ofhistory and establishes connections between the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. He devotes a considerable amount of space to a discussion of the Jacobins and Robespierre and the development of Fernand de Girardin and his relationship to Catrou. In his conclusion, the author describes Goya in terms of Feuchtwanger's language as showing the highest degree of «emotionale Dichte» and dramatic quality because of Goya's confrontation with his opposites. Füchse im Weinberg and Goya receive the author's highest approval with Narrenweisheit being described as approaching an allegory, being somewhat episodic and showing a lack of connection between action and reflection.

2535 Clason, Synnöve. Die Welt erklären. Geschichte und Fiktion in Lion Feuchtwangers Roman «Erfolg». Diss. Univ. of Stockholm, 1975; Stockholm: Almqvist & Wikseil International, 1975.188 pp. (Stockholmer germanistische Forschungen, 19.) Notes: In her introduction Clason states that she is limiting herself specifically to Erfolg, does not intend to place it in the context of Feuchtwanger's entire oeuvre, will not consider the question of Neue Sachlichkeit (although she classifies the work as such), and will not examine Feuchtwanger's work in the context of the ideologies of the 20th century. Her thorough analysis, nevertheless, cannot help but refer to other works {Die Geschwister Oppermanri) and to Feuchtwanger's ideological positions as well as his style. The main thrust of the study is the comparison of the actual figures and events of Bavarian history to Feuchtwanger's fictional treatment. In her review of earlier research (before 1975), she comments on several early essays on Feuchtwanger (Mayer, Reich-Ranicki and Klemperer), discusses the studies of Feuchtwanger in the U.S., but largely bypasses the eight books and dissertations produced in the GDR by that time. The dissertation consists of four basic sections, two descriptive and two analytical. The first major part of the study (ca. 70 pages), composed of a series




of short sections, is entitled «Der Tatsachenhintergrund» in which she describes rather compactly the Bavarian history after World War I, Bavarian stuggle against the national government, the Bavarian Revolution, the judicial practices and abuses, and the biographies of the main political figures (such as Kahn/Flaucher) and friends and acquaintances of Feuchtwanger (such as A.L. Mayer/Krüger). This section concludes with review of Feuchtwanger's documentary sources. The following section, entitled «Der Roman,» speaks of the three main themes of the novel: the Krüger case, the rise of the reactionary forces in Bavaria, and the writing by Tüverlin of the work «Das Buch Bayern.» In discussing the structure of the novel, she explains the composition of the five chapters, the function of the introductory sections, Feuchtwanger's point of view which allows him to give an ironic depiction of the present. She also comments on the use of film elements, as well as criticizing the insertion of documentary materials in the novel. She divides the characters into two categories, those on the upper stage who control the events («Oberbühne»), and those on the lower stage («Unterbühne»), the actual characters of the novel, such as Tüverlin. Her second main part, entitled «Erste Zusammenfassung,» presents an analysis which is concerned mainly with Feuchtwanger's characters. She notes Feuchtwanger's fascination with the «Machtmenschen» and their contradictory characters, their drive for success while not being aware of their role in the historical process. She comments on the Freudian motivation of his characters, in which instincts and early experiences frequently overpower reason (Klink, Geyer and Johanna Krain). She does not see the novel as a «Schlüsselroman» and believes that the most important figures are also the farthest removed from reality (Flaucher). The third major part entitled «Themen der Zeit,» is again descriptive and deals with four topics. The first two are capitalism and Americanism, in which Feuchtwanger's sympathies are clearly with the representative of old-time capitalism, Hessreiter; Feuchtwanger's attraction for America is evident in the positive portrayal of the businessman Potter. In discussing the writer and his threatened freedoms (Tüverlin and Krüger), Feuchtwanger is seen as reflecting his own position after the experiences of World War I. Geyer is seen as an illustration of Feuchtwanger's fears for the Jewish members of German society. This is followed by a substantial discussion of Feuchtwanger's language and style: the varieties of his syntax, the symbolic use of the Kasperle, the bullfight and the father and son motifs. The section concludes with a useful discussion of Feuchtwanger's literary illusions. The fourth major part is in effect the conclusion. She finds Feuchtwanger correct in his interpretation of the events of 1923. She addresses the criticism of Lukäcs that Feuchtwanger did not present the working class, and explains it by two statements: 1) Feuchtwanger was acquainted neither with the proletariat nor the peasant class; 2) the working class was not well-represented in Bavaria. She sees Feuchtwanger as a city dweller whose contacts were essentially fellow intellectuals.






Reviews: Hillach, Ansgar. Germanistik, XVIII, No. 3/4 (1977), pp. 1033-1034. 2536 Dietschreit, Frank. LionFeuchtwanger. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung [cl988], xviii, 190 pp. (Sammlung Metzler, 245.) Notes: Published in 1988, the book has a useful «Vorbemerkung» and a wellorganized 6-page introduction which concentrates on the reception of Feuchtwanger's works in Germany. The book is divided into three basic sections: «Die Dramen Feuchtwangers,» «Die Gegenwartsromane Feuchtwangers,» and «Die historischen Romane Feuchtwangers.» Following the pattern of the Metzler series, the text includes evaluative comments on Feuchtwanger's works to date, and is followed by a substantial bibliography of primary and secondary literature (34p.). In the introduction, the author emphasizes the international, especially the German, reception of Feuchtwanger's work. As far as autobiographical information is concerned, he finds Feuchtwanger's correspondence, recently edited by Harold von Hofe, as lacking in substance, a comment echoing Kahn's opinion; he notes the critical opinions of Hans Mayer and Marcel Reich-Ranicki, with whom he partly disagrees. He notes that until the 1970s most of the work on Feuchtwanger was done in the GDR (the editions by the Greifenverlag and the Aufbau-Verlag as well as critical literature) and in the U.S. He states that the lack of interest in West Germany was not justified and maintains that the 100th year anniversary of Feuchtwanger helped to change that. He describes Feuchtwanger's work as relevant today, because of its Jewish themes and his concern with the future. He concludes by saying that he is concentrating on Feuchtwanger's dramatic output and novels and will bypass his short fiction and his essayistic work. The discussions of individual works by Dietschreit are typically a combination of content descriptions and critical opinions from secondary literature. He quotes most of the available general works on Feuchtwanger (Jaretzky, Köpke, Pischel, Skierka and Sternburg), as well as specific works dealing with individual dramas and novels. Dietschreit devotes a substantial section to Feuchtwanger's dramatic work (32 pages out of a total of 149). Dietschreit finds Eckhard Schulz's compilation inadequate and welcomes the recent two-volume edition of Feuchtwanger's plays by Hans Dahlke, whose commentary he quotes frequently. Summarizing, he calls the reader's attention to the fact that during the first twenty years of his professional life as a writer, Feuchtwanger was a dramatist and a critic. He dwells on the relationship between the dramatic versions of such works as Jud Süß to the novel, Wird Hill amnestiert? to Erfolg, Petroleuminseln to Die häßliche Herzogin, as well as the dramatic versions of Waffen für Amerika and Der Zauberer (early title of Die Brüder Lautensack) to the novels by the same title. He discusses Feuchtwanger's adaptations, which he finds become more general in theme as well as more universal in Feuchtwanger's versions. He notes





correctly that Feuchtwanger's Kleine Dramen were never published though many bibliographies continue to list it. Dietschreit divides Feuchtwanger's novels into «Gegenwartsromane» and «historischen Romane.» He first discusses all the contemporary novels ranging from Der tönerne Gott to Simone. Dietschreit does not agree with most opinions that dismiss Feuchtwanger's early novel, Der tönerne Gott, and sees it as having autobiographical value as well as containing a critique of the Munich Bohemian society. The main part of this section is devoted to the three novels of the Wartesaal-Xnlogy. Erfolg, Die Geschwister Oppermann and Exil. Dietschreit disagrees with those critics of Erfolg who read it only from a historical point of view and miss Feuchtwanger's irony. Instead, he comments on the complex structure of the novel which, he believes, anticipates the complexity of the modern novel in general. He describes Die Geschwister Oppermann as a conventional narrative, sees its limitations in dealing only with the problems of the middle class, and finds the description of the resistance to be the weakest part of the novel. He describes Exil as an important document of the exile experience and disagrees with those critics who see it in relation to Moskau 1937, a book he describes as «embarrassing.» Beginning with a discussion of Feuchtwanger's own theory of the historical novel, Dietschreit discusses the historical novels starting with Jud Süß and concluding with Jefta und seine Tochter. Most of his pertinent discussion concentrates on Jud Süß, Josephus, Waffen für Amerika and Goya. He agrees that Feuchtwanger's reason for writing Jud Süß was not anti-Semitism but the position of the Jews between East and West and stresses the contradictory opinions about the novel. He also discusses the controversy about the film version by Veit Harlan. He agrees with Köpke that Josephus is central to Lion Feuchtwanger's work and notes the changes in the trilogy resulting from Feuchtwanger's exile experience. He basically disagrees with Hans-Albert Walter's rather controversial opinion about the quality of Waffen fur Amerika. Dietschreit is very positive about Goya, defends Feuchtwanger against the critics who found fault with the historical changes he made. He describes the theme of the novel as liberation, artistic, social and political. He notes the positive reception of Die Jüdin von Toledo and Jefta and is least positive about Der falsche Nero and Narrenweisheit. 2537 Dietz, Karl (Hrsg.). Der Greifen Almanach. Zum 70. Geburtstag Lion Feuchtwangers und zum 35jährigen Bestehen des Greifenverlages. Rudolstadt: Greifenverlag [1954], 434 pp. Contents: The volume is divided into two main sections, the first half devoted to Feuchtwanger and the second to Oskar Maria Graf. The first section, entitled «Lion Feuchtwanger 70 Jahre» is further divided into three sections, the first containing primarily writings by Feuchtwanger, the second statements by his contemporaries, and the last containing excerpts from his longer works or secondary literature about his writings.





Der Dichter: L.F. «Bekenntnis» (see II, no. 1427). L.F. «Wie ich meine erste Dichtung schrieb» (see II, no. 1478). L.F. «Der Mann mit dem Scheckbuch» (see II, no. 1141). L.F. «Lied der jungen Arbeiten) (see II, no. 1136). L.F. «Versuch einer Selbstbiographie» (see II, no. 1774). Berndt, Wolfgang. «Lion Feuchtwanger. Eine biographische Skizze» (see III, no. 3719). «Lion Feuchtwanger über Lion Feuchtwanger» (see II, no. 1422). L.F. «Der Psalm vom Mut» (see II, no. 1164). Die Freunde: Zweig, Arnold. «Lion Feuchtwanger zum 7. Juli 1954. Gruß der Deutschen Akademie der Künste» (see III, no. 3750). Brecht, Bertolt. «Gruß an Lion Feuchtwanger aus unserem FeuchtwangerAuswahlband» (see III, no. 2884). Brecht, Bertolt. «Und in eurem Lande?» (see III, no. 2885). Zweig, Arnold. «Freundschaft mit Feuchtwanger» (see III, no. 3752). Graf, Oskar Maria. «Kleiner Dank an Lion Feuchtwanger» (see III, no. 3730). Bredel, Willi. «Lion Feuchtwangers Besuch in Moskau» (see III, no. 2886). Mann, Heinrich. «Der historische Roman, Typ Feuchtwanger aus unserem Feuchtwanger-Auswahlband» (see III, no. 2964). Wolf, Friedrich. «Ein Brief aus unserem Feuchtwanger-Auswahlband.» Das Werk: Mann, Thomas. «Wie Lion Feuchtwanger arbeitet aus dem Geburtstagsgruß in der Schweizer Literaturzeitschrift» (see III, no. 2966). L.F. «In Frankreich gefangen» (see II, no. 1576). Kantorowicz, Alfred. «Näheres über den —ein Welterfolg oft interpretiert. Dokumentation über Lion Feuchtwanger,» Welt der Arbeit (Köln), 8 Aug. 1985. 2554 Jahn, Werner. Die Geschichtsauffassung Lion Feuchtwangers in seiner JosephusTrilogie. Rudolstadt: Greifenverlag [cl954], 109 pp. (Wir diskutieren, 1.) Notes: This publication, like that by Klaus Washausen, is part of the series, «Wir diskutieren,» published in the 1950s by the Greifenverlag. The series is edited by Fritz Zschech who was also the editor of the Greifenalmanach. The titles in the series present a didactic program of the cultural authorities in the early GDR rather than being scholarly publications. The programmatic nature of the text is evident in the numerous rhetorical questions throughout the text aimed directly at the reader. There is the repetition of the same arguments and the repeated use of such key words as historical materialism, «kritisch-realistisch» and «Volk.» The book is prefaced by two introductions, the first by Fritz Zschech, who describes the purpose of the series, quotes Thomas Mann and especially Georg Lukäcs about Feuchtwanger's historical novels. Zschech notes Feuchtwanger's struggle in trying to present past history as having relevance to the presence although he does not always succeed. As might be expected, the editor is basically positive about Feuchtwanger's works. The second introduction is by Werner Jahn and is entitled «Der neue Leser und die Geschichte.» He is speaking about the readership of the newly founded German Democratic Republic and states that history is now seen differently and that the older historical works did not recognize the masses as the real driving force in history. In defense of the historical novel, Jahn sees literature as providing the reader with a more complete answer about an age than historical works. The main part of Jahn's presentation begins with a biography of Lion Feuchtwanger which is in reality no more than an outline of the main events. Most of this section consists of a review of political history from a Marxist point of view emphasizing Feuchtwanger's and the writers of his generation's relationship to the working class. The next section is devoted to Feuchtwanger's «Themenkreise.» In it Jahn asks the question why Feuchtwanger never wrote a historical novel with Germany as the subject novel. He concludes that German history lacks good examples of human progress such as the revolutions in France and Russia. He further suggests that Feuchtwanger's reaction to German history resulted from his disillusionment with the Weimar Republic. In discussing the Josephus-trilogy, Jahn speaks about the dominant role of religion during Josephus' lifetime. He sees the destruction of the temple in



Jerusalem by the Romans as a turning point in Jewish history because it caused the scriptures to replace the physical temple as a place of worship. Jahn notes that the depiction of the description by Feuchtwanger is almost a verbatim account from the historical Josephus. He underscores Feuchtwanger's conviction that it was the written word, i.e. the scriptures, which would quarantee the preservation of the Jewish people in history. The notion of waiting for the coming Messiah by the Jews is described as a symbol of «Fortschritt.» Jahn devotes an entire section to the discussion of the role of economic forces in Josephus, but notes that only one specific passage in the novel deals with the inhuman treatment of slaves in the Roman empire. Josephus would not have to become a nationalist as he does in the end of the novel in a world governed by freedom and justice and this Jahn sees as the message of the novel for today. In the section devoted to Feuchtwanger's style and language Jahn sees Thomas Wendt as the beginning of a new realistic style in Feuchtwanger's works. He also notes Feuchtwanger's characteristic of using dramatic narrative in his novels as a result of his experiences as a dramatist. The concluding section is entitled «Die Geschichtsauffassung Lion Feuchtwangers.» While giving Feuchtwanger credit for being a progressive writer, siding with the notion of «Vernunft» and coming close to the point of view of historical materialism, Jahn criticizes Feuchtwanger for not adequately presenting the role of the masses as movers of history, as choosing his characters almost exclusively from the middle class, and as being too abstract in the use of the terms «Vernunft vs. Dummheit.» 2555 Jaretzky, Reinhold. Lion Feuchtwanger. Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. [Reinbek bei Hamburg]: Rowohlt [1984], 155 pp. (Rowohlts Monographien, 334.) Notes: The book was written on the occasion of Feuchtwanger's 100th birthday and follows the pattern of the Rowohlt monograph series. It has been reprinted several times with the sixth printing (slightly altered) appearing in 2003. Like other Rowohlt monographs, it contains numerous illustrations and is designed as an introduction for the reader, who is less knowledgeable about Feuchtwanger's life and work. The book consists of thirteen sections, some devoted to periods in Feuchtwanger's life and others to his major works. Although the book is basically a biography, Jaretzky does not follow a strictly chronological presentation. Several of the chapters are thematically framed. For instance, the chapter «Pazifismus und Verzicht» deals with Feuchtwanger's works during the first World War. The chapter entitled «Neunzehnhundertachtzehn» presents four plays including Thomas Wendt and Der holländische Kaufmann which Jaretzky convincingly unifies with the theme of a character who begins as a Tatmensch and ends on the note of resignation. The chapter entitled «Das Volk des Buches» is most inclusive, in that it treats most of Feuchtwanger's works dealing with Jewish




themes, ranging from his dissertation on Heine (Der Rabbi von Bacharach) to Jefta und seine Tochter. In terms of evaluation of Feuchtwanger's works, Jaretzky describes the novel Der tönerne Gott to be kitsch. He also stresses the importance of Thomas Wendt, describes Erfolg as a most important political novel, and calls Unholdes Frankreich one of the most impressive «Erlebnisberichte» of exile. Reviews: Eckert, Andreas. «Ein deutsches Schriftstellerleben. Monographien über Lion Feuchtwanger,» Main-Echo (Aschaffenburg), 6 Nov. 1984. Fuld, Werner. «Gewohntes Niveau. Reinhold Jaretzky: Lion Feuchtwanger,» Deutsches Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt (Hamburg), 23 Dec. 1984. Heigenmooser, Volker. «Lückenbüßer und Lückenschließer. Zum 100. Geburtstag Lion Feuchtwangers mehrere Bio- und Monographien mit allerlei Erhellendem über ein Schriftstellerleben,» Frankfurter Rundschau, 4 Sept. 1984. Mörchen, Helmut. Germanistik, XXV, No. 4 (1984), p. 909. Scheibe, Elke. Heinrich Mann-Jahrbuch, II (1984), pp. 226-235, esp. pp. 229231. Weinrich, Harald. «Feuchtwanger im Jubiläumsjahr, mehrspännig. Zwei Bände von und vier über den Romancier und Dramatiker,» Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 255, 10 Nov. 1984. Wensthoff, Jürgen. «Behutsam in der Wertung. Bildmonographie im Zeichen der Feuchtwanger-Renaissance,» Rhein-Zeitung (Koblenz), 4 Jan. 1985. 2556 Jeske, Wolfgang and Peter Zahn. Lion Feuchtwanger oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Eine Biographie. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung [cl984], 360 pp. 2nd ed. Lion Feuchtwanger. Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag [cl986], 335 pp. (Heyne Biographien, 12/142.) Notes: The book by Jeske and Zahn is another book published on the occasion of Feuchtwanger's 100th birthday. In its approach to the subject, it is similar to the book by Skierka, also similar in length, and in its mixture of Feuchtwanger's biography with the political events surrounding his life. In addition, the narrative is interspersed with numerous and sometimes extensive quotations from Feuchtwanger's novels, essays, and letters. The distinguishing feature of this very readable biography of Feuchtwanger is the ironic style in which it is written. One suspects that the authors are emulating Feuchtwanger's own self-deprecating, satirical style, evident in both his autobiographical writings and his novels. Passages with historical background and information are usually introduced by tongue-in-cheek comments of a «Chronist» (the authors), in a style which is reminiscent of Feuchtwanger's manner in Erfolg. Feuchtwanger is referred to in such terms as «der Lion,» «der kleine Lion,» or by the mispronounced version of his name in the US as «Mr.



Foykshtvarnger.» The ironic tone is carried over into most of the chapter titles, such as «Ein Münchner in ),» Ogonek, No. 11 (1948), p. 9. 3568 Berezark, I. «Roman Liona Feikhtvangera,» Zvezda (Leningrad), No. 3 (1956), pp. 180-182.



3569 Brandes, E. «Pis'ma Liona Feikhtvanera,» Neva (Moskva), No. 2 (1963), p. 221. Notes: Article on Feuchtwanger's relationship with his Soviet translators, with a number of quotations. 3570 Chetunova, N. « 0 romanakh Feikhtvangera,» Literaturnyi kritik, No. 9 (1936), pp. 141-163. 3571 Deich, A. «Lion Feihktvanger. (Obzortvorchestva),» Molodaia gvardiia (Moscow), No. 8 (1936), pp. 154-163. 3572 . «Put' Liona Feikhtvangera,» Za kommunisticheskoe prosveshchenia, 10 Jan. 1937. 3573 Del'man. «Lion Feikhtvanger. Na vechere v Dome uchenykh,» Literaturnaia gazeta, 5 June 1936. 3574 Dmitrevskii, V. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Vpomoshch 'fabrichno-zavodskoi gazete, No. 3 (1937), pp. 56-59. 3575 Dolinskii, M. and S. Chertok. «Portret Liona Feikhtvangera,» Smena (Moscow), No. 14(1960), p. 23. 3576 Eidel'man, la. «U Liona Feikhtvangera,» Literaturnaia gazeta, 6 Dec. 1936. Notes: Interview. 3577

. «U Liona Feikhtvangera,» Literaturnaia gazeta, 5 Jan. 1937.

3578 Etingin, B. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Internationalnaia Literatura, No. 11 ( 1937), p. 200. 3579 . «Nemetskaia antifashistskaia literatura,» Sovetskaia Belorussiia (Minsk), 11 Feb. 1939.



3580 Fedorovskii, P. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Komsomolets Donbassa (Stalino), 4 Aug. 1936. 3581 Fridman, M. «Put' k revoliutsionnym pozitsiiam. Lion Feikhtvanger,» Zvezda (Dnepropetrovsk), 15 Aug. 1936. 3582 . «Lion Feikhtvanger. K priezdu v SSSR,» Zvezda (Dnespropetrovsk), 4 Dec. 1936. 3583 Gofman, K. «Lion Feikhtvanger o sovetskoi kinematografii,» Pravda, 1 Feb. 1937. Notes: Interview. 3584 Gribachev, N. «Vstrechi, kotorye ne zabyvaiutsia. 1. V gostiakh u Liona Feikhtvangera,» Literaturnaia gazeta, 17 Dec. 1955. 3585 Gurvich, V. «Antifashistskii front nemetskoi literatury,» Znamia, No. 12 (1936), pp. 258-268. 3586 . «Dramaticheskie proizvedeniia Feikhtvangera,» Znamia, No. 5 (1937), pp. 233-237. 3587 Iras', I. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Pravda vostoka (Tashkent), 18 Dec. 1936. 3588 Izakov, B. «Piat1 vstrech. [4. Lion Feikhtvanger],» Sovetskaia kul'tura, 15Dec. 1955. 3589 Kal'm, D. «Pis'ma iz Moskvy. [1. Vstrecha Liona Feikhtvangera],» Literaturnyi Leningrad, 5 Dec. 1936. 3590 Kaplinskii, V. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Molodoi kommunar (Voronezh), 30 Dec. 1936. 3591 Khmel'nitskaia, T. «Antifashistskii istoricheskii roman na Zapade,» Literaturnyi sovremennik, No. 8 (1937), pp. 190-210.



Notes: About H. Mann and L. Feuchtwanger. 3592 Khrushcheva, Yulia. «Pochemu tak Sluchilos? (Zametki o fashizme i intelligentsii),» Znamia, No. 4 (1962), pp. 126-149. 3593 Knipovich, E. «Tvorchestvo Liona Feikhtvangera,» Pravda, No. 330(6936), 1 Dec. 1936, p. 8. 3594 . «O sovremennom istoricheskom romane na Zapade,» Internáisionalnaia literatura, No. 5 (1937), pp. 189-202. 3595 . «Pisateli-antifashisty,» Oktiabr', No. 10 (1938), pp. 207-209. 3596 Kol'tsov, Mfikhail], «Na perednem krae. (Iz ),» Inostrannaia literatura, No. 1 (1937), pp. 230-241. Notes: About Kol'tsov's visit to Feuchtwanger in Sanary on May 23, 1937. 3597 Leites, A. «Tvorchestvo Liona Feikhtvangera,» Trud, 24 Oct. 1936. 3598 . «Lion Feikhtvanger. (Staroe i novoe v ego tvorchestve),» Literaturnaia Ucheba, No. 4 (1938), pp. 77-91. 3599 Leningradskii, Iu. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Kommunist (Erevan), 14 Dec. 1936. 3600 Levidov, M. «Put' Liona Feikhtvangera,» Literaturnaia gazeta, 6 Aug. 1934. 3601 . «Tvorchestvo Feikhtvangera,» Za rubezhom (Moscow), No. 33,25 Nov. 1935, pp. 756-757. 3602 Levman, S. «Put' Liona Feikhtvangera,» Sovetskaia torgovlia, 3 Dec. 1936. 3603 L'vov, S. «Zlobodnevnoe proshchloe,» Literaturnaia gazeta, 15 Mar. 1956.



3604 L'vova, A. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Dzerzhinets (Dzerzhinsk), 5 Dec. 1936. 3605 Maiskii, F. «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Kommuna (Kaluga), 26 May 1937. 3606 . «Lion Feikhtvanger protiv fashizma,» Gor'kovskaia kommuna, 26 July 1937. 3607 Metallov, la. M. «Tragicheskoe odinochestvo i puti preodoleniia ego,» Internatsional'naia literatura, No. 8 (1935), pp. 143-149. 3608 . «RealizmL. Feikhtvangera,» Literaturnaia gazeta, 1 Dec. 1936. 3609 Miller-Budnitskaia, R. «Letopis1 bezzakonii,» Literaturnyi sovremennik, No. 3 (1935), pp. 174-186. 3610 . «Lion Feikhtvanger,» Rezets (Leningrad), No. 18 (1936), p. 16; the same in Literaturnyi Leningrad, No. 3 (1937), p. 3. 3611 . «Lion Feikhtvanger i nemetskii teatr,» Zvezda (Leningrad), No. 8 (1937), pp. 194-208. 3612 Nakoriakov, N. «Vstrecha s Lionom Feikhtvangerom,» Sovetskaia knizhnaia torgovlia (Moscow), No. 2 (1959), pp. 50-51. Notes: Feuchtwanger's visit to the publishing office of Goslitizdat on 5 Feb. 1937. 3613 Naumova, Galina Valer'evna. K problème kharaktera v istoricheskikh romanakh L. Feikhtvangera (Na materiale romanov , -Freunde sammeln weiter,» Süddeutsche Zeitung, No. 37,14 Feb. 1990, p. 14. 4476 «Feuchtwanger-Villa wird Forschungszentrum,» Süddeutsche Zeitung, No. 263,13 Nov. 1992, p. 15. 4477 «Villa Aurora in Los Angeles,» Süddeutsche Zeitung, No. 277, 1 Dec. 1995, p. 17. 4478 («Weimar am Pazifik),» Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), 20 Dec. 1987, p. 4. 4479 «P.E.N. Zentrum zur Erhaltung des Feuchtwanger-Hauses,» Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), No. 12886, 14 Feb. 1988, p. 5. 4480 «Kalifornische Universität sagt Verkauf der Villa Lion Feuchtwanger zu Berliner Umweltsenatorin berichtet über ihre Gespräche in Los Angeles,» Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), No. 13362, 7 Sept. 1989, p. 2. 4481 «Villa Aurora gesichert,» Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), No. 13982, 21 Sept. 1991, p. 15.



4482 «Diepgen besucht Villa Aurora,» Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), 8 Nov. 1992. 4483 «Villa Aurora vor dem Start. Feuchtwanger-Haus in Kalifornien mit Berliner Hilfe aktiv,» Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), No. 14653, 22 Aug. 1993, p. 22. 4484 «Villa Aurora in Kalifornien nahm ihre Arbeit auf,» Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), No. 15466,2 Dec. 1995, p. 25; the same as «Feuchtwangers Villa Aurora nahm die Arbeit auf,» Die Welt, 2 Dec. 1995, p. B3. 4485 «Villa Aurora,» Die Zeit, No. 49, 6 May 1988, p. 58. 4486 B., Z. «Das Schicksal der Villa Aurora. Bonn will das Haus Lion Feuchtwangers retten,» Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung (Berlin), XLIII, No. 1,8 Jan. 1988, p. 7. 4487 Birnbaum, Imanuel. «Im Märchenschloß am Pazifik. Besuch bei Lion Feuchtwangers Schätzen,» Süddeutsche Zeitung, No. 169,24/25 July 1976, p. 102. 4488 Boschmann, Hella. «Lebenskünstler im Exil: