Lion Feuchtwanger: Volume 2 Translations, Short Publications, Adaptations and Productions [Reprint 2018 ed.] 9783110964431, 9783598113796

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Lion Feuchtwanger: Volume 2 Translations, Short Publications, Adaptations and Productions [Reprint 2018 ed.]
 9783110964431, 9783598113796

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Lion Feuchtwanger A Bibliographic Handbook

Lion Feuchtwanger Ein bibliographisches Handbuch

Lion Feuchtwanger A Bibliographic Handbook Volume 1 German Editions Volume 2 Translations, Short Publications, Adaptations and Productions Volume 3 Secondary Literature Volume 4 Reviews and Critical Literature about Individual Works

Lion Feuchtwanger Ein bibliographisches Handbuch Band 1 Deutschsprachige Ausgaben 2 Übersetzungen, Kurzbeiträge,Band Bearbeitungen und Inszenierungen Band 3 Sekundärliteratur Band 4 Rezensionen und wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu den einzelnen Werken

Lion Feuchtwanger A Bibliographic Handbook Volume 2 Translations, Short Publications, Adaptations and Productions

Lion Feuchtwanger Ein bibliographisches Handbuch Band 2 Ubersetzungen, Kurzbeiträge, Bearbeitungen und Inszenierungen

by / von Sandra H. Hawrylchak John M. Spalek

K-G-Saur München 1999

Initial funding for this bibliography was provided by the University of Southern California

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Spalek, John M. Lion Feuchtwanger: a bibliographic handbook = Lion Feuchtwanger / by Sandra H. Hawrylchak; John M. Spalek. München: Saur ISBN 3-598-11377-3 Vol. 2 Translations, short publications, adaptations and productions -1999 ISBN 3-598-11379-X © Gedruckt auf alterungsbeständigem Papier / Printed on acid free paper Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Strictly Reserved K. G. Saur Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München 1999 Part of Reed Elsevier Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Printed by WS Druckerei, Bodenheim Bound by Buchbinderei Schaumann, Darmstadt ISBN 3-598-11379-X ISBN 3-598-11377-3 (complete)

This bibliography is dedicated to Harold von Hofe, Friend of Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger, and Director of the Feuchtwanger Institute for Exile Studies

CONTENTS / INHALT Introduction Einleitung Abbreviations / Abkürzungen Translations / Übersetzungen Albanian ... 3 Armenian ... 3 Azeri (Azerbaijan) ...4 Bengali... 4 Bulgarian... 5 Byelorussian... 8 Chinese... 8 Croatian... 9 Czech... 11 Danish ... 30 Dutch... 33 English ... 39 Estonian... 67 Finnish ... 70 French... 71 Georgian... 75 Greek... 76 Hebrew... 76 Hungarian... 81 Icelandic ...93 Italian ...93 Japanese ...98 Latvian ... 100 Lithuanian ... 102 Norwegian ... 103 Persian ... 105 Polish ... 105 Portuguese ... 114 Romanian ... 116 Russian ... 121 Serbian ... 155 Slovak... 156 Slovenien... 162 Spanish... 162 Swedish... 171 Tartar ...175 Ukrainian ...175 Yiddish ...176

ix xvi xxiv 1

Belletristic Writings / Belletristische Beiträge 179 German ... 181 Bulgarian ... 210 Croatian ... 212 Czech ... 213 Danish ... 215 English ... 216 French ... 221 Hebrew ... 222 Hungarian ... 222 Icelandic ... 222 Japanese ... 223 Polish ... 223 Russian... 224 Slovenian... 229 Spanish... 229 Swedish... 229 Essayistic Writings / Essayistische Beiträge 231 German 233 Bulgarian 298 Croatian 299 Czech 299 Danish 300 Dutch 301 English 301 French 311 Japanese 312 Latvian 312 Polish 313 Russian 314 Slovak 331 Slovenian 334 Spanish 334 Swedish 335 Adaptations / Bearbeitungen 337 Das blaue Hemd von Ithaka ... 339 Die Brüder Lautensack ... 339 Erfolg ... 340 Exil... 342 Der falsche Nero ... 342 Die Geschwister Oppermann ... 343 Goya oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis ... 344 Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Mault as ch ... 345 Jefta und seine Tochter ... 345 Josephus ... 346 JudSüß ... 346 Die Jüdin von Toledo ... 350 Kalkutta, 4. Mai... 350 Das Lied der Gefallenen ... 351 Narrenweisheit oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau... 351 Neunzehnhundertachtzehn oder Der Sklavenkrieg... 351 Odysseus und die Schweine... 352 Die Petroleum-Inseln... 352 Simone ... 353 Der Teufel in Frankreich ... 355 Vasantasena ... 355 Waffen für Amerika ... 355 Wahn oder Der Teufel in Boston ... 356 Die Witwe Capet... 357



Productions / Inszenierungen 359 Der Amerikaner oder Die entzauberte Stadt... 361 Ein 'feste Burg ist unser Gott... 361 Erfolg... 361 Der Frauenverkäufer... 362 Friede... 362 Die Füchse im Weinberg... 362 Die Furcht vor der Lächerlichkeit... 363 Die Gesichte der Simone Machard ...363 Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch... 364 Der holländische Kaufmann... 364 Josephus... 364 JudSüß... 364 Julia Farnese... 367 Kalkutta, 4. Mai... 368 KönigSaul / Prinzessin Hilde... 374 Der König und die Tänzerin... 375 Die Kriegsgefangenen ... 375 Neunzehnhundertachtzehn oder Der Sklavenkrieg... 375 Die Perser des Aischylos ... 375 Die Petroleum-Inseln ... 376 Pierrots Herrentraum ... 378 Simone ... 378 Tartüff im Reifrock ... 378 Der Teufel in Boston ... 379 Thomas Wendt... 379 Tittis Ferien ... 379 Vasantasena ... 379 Wahn oder Der Teufel in Boston ... 387 Warren Hostings ...391 Wird Hill amnestiert? ...392 Die Witwe Capet ...392 Index


INTRODUCTION The second volume of the Lion Feuchtwanger bibliography is a continuation of the work begun in the first volume (1998). Volume one presented the first complete listing of Feuchtwanger's books in German, from his earliest publication in 1903 to the present. Volume two is organized in four sections. The first and largest section, consisting of seven hundred and five entries, describes the translations of his books into thirtyeight languages ranging from Albanian to Yiddish. This is followed by the listing of short publications by Feuchtwanger (belletristic and essayistic) in journals, periodicals and anthologies, first in German, then in those languages that could be documented depending on the availability of information and reference works in various languages as well as time constraints. The third section lists the adaptations of Feuchtwanger's works by others for film, television, radio, theater and opera. The fourth section documents what is probably the least known and discussed aspect of Feuchtwanger's writing career (his dramas) and brings a listing of the approximately 230 productions (Inszenierungen) of his plays which account for several thousand performances in total. The sections containing translations of Feuchtwanger's books and short publications complete the primary bibliography of the author. The sections containing adaptations and productions are included in this volume to provide the user with a basis and the necessary references for use in the secondary literature (both general and reviews) volumes of the bibliography to follow. Due to the diverse categories of bibliographic information represented in the four sections of the second volume, the degree of completeness of each section was determined in part by the different problems encountered with the type of information sought. For instance, although no translations into Turkish, Near Eastern and other Asian languages were located, this does not mean that they do not exist. Secondly, due to the lack of indices to periodical literature in many of the languages listed, the documentation of short publications by Feuchtwanger in translation is uneven and will be difficult to improve. Thirdly, as a consequence of the destruction of theaters and libraries during World War II and the subsequent change of national boundaries, it was not possible to verify all productions. This change in boundaries applies particularly to the German language theaters in the former Czechoslovakia and Poland where records could not be located. On the basis of the first two volumes of the Feuchtwanger bibliography, it is possible to draw some conclusions about the popularity and acceptance of Feuchtwanger's work. For instance, the listing of German editions in the first volume corrects to some extent the opinion that Feuchtwanger's work in German was published and distributed almost exclusively in East Germany. The numerous editions by various book clubs in West Germany and Switzerland and the one million copies printed by the S. Fischer Verlag before 1989 call for a réévaluation. Although Feuchtwanger's first book in German was published in 1905, translations into other languages, especially into English, did not appear until the success oîJud Siifi in 1925; in fact, he did not become an international author until



he changed from a dramatist to a novelist. Incidentally, the same can be said about the career of Franz Werfel, who only gained international recognition around the same time with publication of his novel Verdi, also having changed from a lyric poet and dramatist to a novelist. It cannot be denied, however, that a majority of the translations of Feuchtwanger's works were published in the former Eastern block countries: 293 in all of the Slavic languages with 121 in Russian alone, and a total of 406 editions in all of the countries behind the former Eastern block (including such languages as Armenian, Estonian, Hungarian and Rumanian). These editions make up nearly sixty percent of all translations. It should be added that some of the printings in Russian were exceptionally large, such as the publication of Goya in 1951, which consisted of three million copies. The popularity of Feuchtwanger did not cease with the fall of the Iron Curtain; the pattern established in the previous decades seems to continue. Feuchtwanger continues to be widely published in the former Eastern block countries even today (illustated by the recent 13-volume edition of his collected works in Russian - the third since Feuchtwanger's death). Such continued success does not apply to the market driven book trade in the Western countries. Feuchtwanger's success in the U.S. is confined primarily to his bestsellers in the fourties and fifties. Since 1925 (Jud Süß), there have been roughly one hundred translations (printings/editions) of Feuchtwanger into English (including British, American and Australian editions), and there have been 131 translations into other Western European languages (especially Dutch, Italian and Spanish). A comparison of the Feuchtwanger translations in the former Eastern block countries versus those in the West can best be illustrated by a comparison of translations into Estonian and French. There have been sixteen translations into Estonian, a country of approximately two million, versus seventeen translations into French. This is even more remarkable when one considers the fact that Feuchtwanger treated French themes in Teufel in Frankreich, Simone, Waffen für Amerika, and Narrenweisheit, and chose France as the setting of Exil, where he himself resided for six years during his European exile. What is perhaps also surprising about the acceptance and success of Feuchtwanger in Soviet Russia is that it took place in spite of considerable anti-semitism. Therefore it must be assumed that Feuchtwanger's idea of progress in history and internationalism overshadowed the fact that at least six of his novels deal with Jewish themes: Jud Süß, Josephus (three volumes), Die Geschwister Oppermann, Die Jüdin von Toledo and Jephta und seine Tochter. In summary, it can be said that all of the sections in this volume offer new information about Feuchtwanger's work and point to new opportunities for research. The short contributions in German present for the first time a complete listing of his published shorter writings. The translations of books and shorter contributions, as well as the number and variety of adaptations, show the world-wide reception of Feuchtwanger's writings. Lastly, the section on productions, as stressed elsewhere in this introduction, illustrates Feuchtwanger's early career as a dramatist which was eclipsed by his success as a novelist after 1925.



Description of procedures and sources Translations: The work of locating and verifying translations of Feuchtwanger's writings began with the recording of the holdings of the Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles; in addition, the holdings of a number of major libraries in the U.S. and in Germany were surveyed, including Columbia University (NY), Harvard University (Cambridge, MA), the New York Public Library, Princeton University (Princeton, NJ), Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA), the University of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles, and Yale University (New Haven, CT) in the U.S., and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfiirt/M), the Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig), the Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Next, the listings on the on-line World Catalog were scoured and numerous editions ordered via interlibrary loan. Once this search was completed, preliminary listings of translations were compiled by language and sent to libraries world-wide in an attempt to locate and verify additional translations. Libraries in over forty-five countries were contacted for information. This mail survey spanned many months, the process of information gathering hampered not only by the slow process of mail deliveries, but also by the inability of library staff to handle our requests at some institutions, and even by political upheavals. On the positive side, however, we received a wealth of information from many of the libraries contacted. We are also grateful for the convenience of e-mail, which, once the initial contacts were made, enabled us to communicate more readily with our sources. Our thanks to the librarians and staff of the following libraries who were able to help us in our search (listed alphabetically by country): Albania (National Library, Tiranë); Armenia (National Library, Yerevan); Belgium (Bibliotheek van de Universiteit Gent; Bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er, Bruxelles); Brazil (Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janiero); Bulgaria (Sofia University Library); Chile (Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago); China (Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai; Nanjing Library; National Library of China, Beijing); Croatia (National and University Library, Zagreb; Split University Library; University Library of Pula; Research Institute, Zadar); Czech Republic (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; Municipal Library, Prague; National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague); Denmark (Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen); England (Bodleian Library, University of Oxford; Reading University Library); Estonia (National Library, Talinn); Finland (Helsinki University Library); France (Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg); Hungary (Metropolitan Ervin Szabö Library, Budapest; National Széchényi Library, Budapest; Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest); Iceland (National and University Library, Reykjavik); India (National Library, Calcutta); Iran (National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran); Israel (Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem); Italy (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio



Emanuele II, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence; Biblioteca di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università, Florence); Japan (The National Diet Library, Tokyo; Waseda University Library, Tokyo; Kyoto University Library; Nagoya University Library); Latvia (University of Latvia, Riga; Latvian National Library, Riga); Lithuania (Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius); Mexico (Biblioteca Nacional de México, Mexico City); Montenegro (Central National Library, Cetinje); The Netherlands (Universiteit van Amsterdam; Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague; Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broeck, Nijmegen); Norway (Universiteitsbiblioteket Oslo); Poland (National Library, Warsaw; Warsaw University Library; Library of the University of Wroclaw); Portugal (Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon); Romania (Biblioteca Centrala Universitarä, Bucharest; Biblioteca Nationalä, Bucharest; Biblioteca Centrala Universitarä 'Mihai Eminescu', Ia§i); Russia (National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg; Kazan State University N.I. Lobachevsky Library; Tomsk State University Library; Russian State Library, Moscow); Serbia (Library of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, Belgrade; National Library of Serbia, Belgrade; University Library 'Svetozar Markovic', Belgrade); Slovakia (University Library, Bratislava); Slovenia (National and University Library, Ljubljana); Spain (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona; Biblioteca de la Universität de Barcelona); Sweden (Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm). Short contributions: The two sections dealing with Feuchtwanger's short contributions (belletristic and essayistic) attempt to bring a comprehensive listing of his writings contained in books, anthologies, journals and newspapers, as well as many incidental contributions to theater programs and publications as a result of the performance of his dramas. While this list does not claim to be exhaustive, the editors made every attempt to personally verify all of the entries. Photocopies of clippings collections at various archives (especially the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library; Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach; and the Aufbau, Feuchtwanger's publisher) were assembled and preliminary listings prepared from whatever bibliographic information was included with the clipping. Indices and existing bibliographies were also combed. Bibliographies and indices up to this point listing Feuchtwanger, however, were found to carry numerous errors, the most common having resulted from the confusion between Lion Feuchtwanger and his brother, Ludwig, both having published articles on similar topics during the same approximate time span (in some cases, even in the same periodical). The final listing contains contributions in German as well as all other languages, however translations of Feuchtwanger's short contributions in other languages was only possible in those cases where either indices were available for these languages or researchers in institutions were willing to help with the listings. Productions: A listing of the performances of Feuchtwanger's dramas proved to be the most rewarding, albeit the most demanding section of this volume of the bibliography. The initial points of departure were a four-page listing of the post-war productions prepared by Wolf-Rüdiger Albrecht (June 1973), and various newspaper



clippings of reviews of performances. The discovery of several advertisements of early productions of Feuchtwanger's plays in the theater magazine Proszenium (Drei Masken Verlag) led the editors to a thorough search of the entire series of Proszenium (1919-1931) for additional listings, which proved to be extensive. From these advertisements (listings of cities where plays either had been or in some cases were to be performed) listings were prepared by city and approximate date (year) of performance. These lists were then used to search the listings of the statistical theater monthly, Deutscher Bühnenspielplan, to verify dates of performances. Although many of the dates, locations and theater names could be verified in this manner, additional information concerning the productions (directors, set designers, music) was not included in the listings of the Deutscher Bühnenspielplan. Inquiries were first sent to the major theater institutes and other archives (Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Schweizerische Theatersammlung, Bern; Theatermuseum, Düsseldorf; Theatersammlung der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt/M; Zentrum für Theaterforschung, Theatersammlung der Universität Hamburg; Universität zu Köln, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft; Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Hannover; Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig; National Museum of the Performing Arts, Theater Museum, London; Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach; Deutsches Theatermuseum, München; Library for the Performing Arts, New York Public Library, NY; Drottningholms teatermuseum, Stockholm; Österreichisches Theatermuseum, Wien). Numerous letters were then sent to theaters in cities where performances had been verified or advertised in hopes of finding additional information. In many of the cases dealing with productions from the 1920s and 1930s, just the acquisition of an address for a theater was problematic since theaters had moved, been destroyed during the war or, at the very least, the names of theaters had changed. Instead of finding countless dead ends, however, in cases where information from the theaters themselves was unavailable, we were instead directed to local city and regional archives, which provided us with a wealth of information, including programs and newspaper clipping reviews of numerous performances. The editors were gratified with the amazing response from the many individuals connected with both the theater archives and the municipal archives. At this point, we would like to thank the staffs of the various theaters and archives who provided us with information. Theaters (listed by location) include: AltenburgGera (Landestheater Altenburg - Bühnen der Stadt Gera); Anklam (Vorpommersche Landesbühne); Augsburg (Städtische Bühnen); Baden-Baden (Theater Baden-Baden); Brandenburg (Brandenburger Theater); Braunschweig (Staatstheater); Dessau (Anhaltisches Theater); Dresden (Staatsschauspiel); Duisburg (Theater der Stadt Duisburg); Feuchtwangen (Kreuzgangspiele); Freiberg (Mittelsächsisches Theater); Gießen (Stadttheater); Greifswald (Theater Vorpommern); Halberstadt (Nordharzer Städtebundtheater); Halle (Neues Theater); Karlsruhe (Badisches Staatstheater); Konstanz (Stadt Theater); Linz (Landestheater); Lodz (Teatr Wielki); Lübeck (Theater Lübeck); Magdeburg (Theater Magdeburg); Oldenburg (Oldenburgisches Staatstheater); Potsdam (Hans Otto Theater); Regensburg (Theater Regensburg); Remscheid (Westdeutsches Tourneetheater); St. Gallen (Stadttheater); Schleswig-



Holstein (Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester); Stendal (Theater der Altmark); Stuttgart (Altes Schauspielhaus); Ulm (Ulmer Theater); Wiesbaden (Hessisches Staatstheater); Zwickau (Theater Zwickau). We would also like to thank the staffs of the various municipal archives (Stadtarchive): Aachen, Annaberg-Buchholz, Augsburg, Baden-Baden, Bamberg, Berlin, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Chemnitz, Darmstadt, Dresden, Duisburg, Essen, Flensburg, Gießen, Gotha, Graz, Greifswald, Halberstadt, Halle, Hannover, Heidelberg, Kassel, Koblenz, Kothen (Anhalt), Konstanz, Krefeld, Leipzig, Ludwigsburg, Lübeck, Mainz, Mannheim, Marburg, Neustrelitz, Nürnberg, Plauen, Potsdam, Regensburg, Remscheid, Rostock, Rudolstadt, Saarbrücken, Sondershausen, Stuttgart, Trier, Wiesbaden, Wilhelmshaven, Wolfenbüttel, Wuppertal, Zürich. Adaptations: The adaptations of Feuchtwanger's works occurred not only in German but also in English, Czech, Polish and Russian to mention the most important. The largest number of adaptations were in the area of film and television (twenty-seven out of eighty-four), followed by radio and theater renditions, and musical adaptations (including operas, operettas, songs and symphonies). The information on adaptations was gathered in a more gradual manner in the course of work on the other three sections and, therefore, was the last section to be completed for the volume. The assembling of information could not be gathered from one or two main sources, due to the variety of types of adaptations. Another difficulty was the obvious fact that Feuchtwanger was not listed as a primary author for most of the works in question. Sources used were varied and included newspaper clippings from archives in the U.S. and Germany (especially Die Deutsche Bibliothek in Frankfurt and the Deutsches Litearturarchiv in Marbach) and specialty archives for the performing arts such as the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts and the Deutsches Rundiunkarchiv (Frankfurt/Main and Berlin). The information was supplemented by on-line computer searches and numerous follow-up telephone calls, e-mails, faxes and letters. Further Acknowledgements The phrase, "This work could not have been accomplished without the help of...", takes on special meaning in the case of the Feuchtwanger bibliography. Once again, as was the case with the first volume of the bibliography, the editors are especially indebted to Suzanne Irving and the staff of the Interlibrary Loan Department of the Margaret E. Hawley Library of the State University of New York at Albany, for their willingness to process literally hundreds of requests which aided the editors in locating and verifying translations and short contributions. In addition to the staffs of the numerous libraries, theater museums and city and local archives already mentioned, special thanks must also be given to a number of individuals who repeatedly provided us with information: Jutta Bendt and Susanne Rößler (Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach); Michael Bott (Reading University Library, England); Dr. Brita Eckert and Marie-Luise Hahn (Die Deutsche Bibliothek,



Frankfurt/M); Magda Fekete (Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences); Christine Göthner and Anja Otto (Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung der Universität zu Köln, Schloß Wahn); Markéta Hlasivcová (National Library, Prague), Dr. Harold von Hofe (Director of the Feuchtwanger Institute for Exile Studies); Jill Hughes (The Bodley Library, University of Oxford); Margreet Kollis (Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands); Monika Lück (Deutsches Theatermuseum, München); Eugenia Masaikina (Tomsk State University Library); José M. Moreno (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona); Christine Möller (Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin); Josep M. Muriel i Diez (Biblioteca de la Universität de Barcelona); Spomenka Ninic (Library of the Serbian Academy of Sciences); Kristina Nyman (Helsinki Univ. Library); Carina Popovici (National Library, Bucharest); Aiga Raciborska (University of Latvia, Riga); Dr. Jörg Räuber (Deutsche Bücherei, Leipzig); Maiju Rist (National Library of Estonia); Dr. Alexei Romanov (National Library, St. Petersburg); Katsányi Sándor (Metropolitan Ervin Szábo Library); Marje Schuetze-Coburn (Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, University of Southern California); M. M. Sidorova (Kazan State University N.I. Lobachevsky Library); Aurelia Stoica (Biblioteca Céntrala Universitarä 'Mihai Eminescu', Ia§i); Svetla Stoyanova (Sofia University Library, Bulgaria); Yasuo Suzuki (Nagoya University Library); Noboru Takahashi (Waseda University, Tokyo); K. van Eik (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague); Jan van Koolwijk (Blindenbibliotheek Nijmegen); Milena Zavadova (Municipal Library, Prague); Joseph Zimmermann (Augsburg); Dr. Miroslawa Zygmunt (National Library, Warsaw). In addition, we would also like to thank the following individuals for their help with translations: Ctibor Peciva (Czech and Slovak), Nugzar Kopadze (Georgian), Zlata Phillips (Croatian and Serbian), Xiaobo Ren (Chinese), Adriana Takada (Japanese), Sharona Wachs (Hebrew and Yiddish).

EINLEITUNG Der zweite Band der Lion Feuchtwanger-Bibliographie setzt die Arbeit fort, die im 1998 erschienenen ersten Band begonnen wurde. Mit Band 1 liegt das erste vollständige Verzeichnis deutschsprachiger Feuchtwanger-Ausgaben von seiner frühesten Veröffentlichung im Jahr 1903 bis heute vor. Band 2 gliedert sich in vier Abschnitte. Der erste und größte davon umfaßt 705 Einträge und dokumentiert die Übersetzungen seiner Werke in 38 Sprachen, von Albanisch (Albanian) bis Jiddisch (Yiddish). Daran schließt sich ein Verzeichnis kürzerer sowohl essayistischer als auch belletristischer Veröffentlichungen Feuchtwangers in Zeitschriften, Periodika und Anthologien an. Aufgeführt werden zunächst deutsche Publikationen, danach diejenigen fremdsprachigen, die abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit von Informationen und Nachschlagewerken in verschiedenen Sprachen innerhalb der notwendigen zeitlichen Beschränkungen einbezogen werden konnten. Im dritten Teil sind Bearbeitungen, die auf der Grundlage der Werke Feuchtwangers für Film, Fernsehen, Rundfunk, Theater und Oper entstanden sind, zusammengestellt. Der vierte Abschnitt befaßt sich mit dem wahrscheinlich am wenigsten bekannten und untersuchten Aspekt aus Feuchtwangers schriftstellerischer Laufbahn, den Dramen, und bringt ein Verzeichnis der ungefähr 230 Inszenierungen seiner Stücke, die insgesamt mehrere tausend Mal zur Auffuhrung gelangten. Die Abschnitte, die Übersetzungen der Feuchtwangerschen Werke sowie die veröffentlichten Kurzbeiträge enthalten, vervollständigen die Primärbibliographie des Autors. Adaptionen und Inszenierungen wurden in diesen Band mit aufgenommen, um dem Benutzer eine Grundlage und die notwendigen Bezugspunkte zu liefern, die ihm die Verwendung der kommenden Bände mit allgemeiner Sekundärliteratur sowie Rezensionen erleichtern. Durch die Vielfalt der Kategorien, nach denen die bibliographischen Informationen in den vier Teilen des zweiten Bandes geordnet wurden, bestimmten die verschiedenen Probleme der Informationsbeschaffung zum Teil den Grad der Vollständigkeit der jeweiligen Abschnitte. So bedeutet der Umstand, daß keine Übersetzungen ins Türkische, in die Sprachen des Nahen Ostens oder anderer asiatischer Länder gefunden werden konnten, nicht, daß diese nicht existieren. Ferner führte der Mangel an Indizes zu Periodika in vielen der aufgeführten Sprachen dazu, daß die Dokumentation der übersetzten kürzeren Veröffentlichungen Feuchtwangers unterschiedlich umfassend und nur schwer zu vervollständigen ist. Schließlich brachten es die Zerstörung von Theatern und Bibliotheken während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und die nachfolgenden Verschiebungen von Ländergrenzen mit sich, daß nicht alle Inszenierungen nachgewiesen werden konnten. Diese Grenzverschiebungen betreffen insbesondere die deutschsprachigen Theater in der ehemaligen Tschechoslowakei und in Polen, wo keine Aufzeichnungen ausfindig gemacht werden konnten. Die ersten beiden Bände der Feuchtwanger-Bibliographie bilden eine Grundlage, die es ermöglicht, Rückschlüsse auf die Popularität und Akzeptanz des Feuchtwangerschen Werks zu ziehen. So berichtigt das Verzeichnis deutscher Ausgaben im ersten Band bis zu einem gewissen Grad die Annahme, daß Feuchtwangers Werk in



deutscher Sprache fast ausschließlich in Ostdeutschland veröffentlicht und verbreitet wurde. Die zahlreichen Ausgaben verschiedener Buchgemeinschaften in Westdeutschland und in der Schweiz sowie im S. Fischer Verlag vor 1989 erreichte Gesamtauflage von einer Million Exemplaren machen eine grundsätzliche Neubewertung erforderlich. Obwohl Feuchtwangers erstes Buch in deutscher Sprache 1905 veröffentlicht wurde, erschienen Übersetzungen in andere Sprachen, insbesondere ins Englische, erst 1925 nach dem Erfolg von Jud Süß. Internationales Ansehen als Autor gewann er erst, als er sich nach dem Drama dem Roman zuwandte. Im übrigen trifft dies auch auf Franz Werfel zu, der sich ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit mit der Veröffentlichung seines Romans Verdi als international anerkannter Schriftsteller profilierte, nachdem er, den Lyriker und Dramatiker hinter sich lassend, als Romanautor in Erscheinung trat. Dennoch ist unbestreitbar, daß ein Großteil der Übersetzungen Feuchtwangerscher Werke in den Ländern des ehemaligen Ostblocks veröffentlicht wurde: 293 in allen slawischen Sprachen, davon 121 allein in Russisch; insgesamt 406 Ausgaben in den Ländern des ehemaligen Ostblocks, was Sprachen wie Armenisch, Estnisch, Ungarisch und Rumänisch mit einschließt. Diese Ausgaben stellen fast 60 Prozent aller Übersetzungen dar. Hinzu kommt, daß einige russische Übersetzungen außergewöhnlich hohe Auflagen erreichten, so zum Beispiel 1951 die Ausgabe von Goya, die drei Millionen Exemplare umfaßte. Die Popularität Feuchtwangers verebbte auch nach der Auflösung der kommunistischen Staaten nicht; vielmehr scheint sich das Muster, das sich in früheren Jahrzehnten herausgebildet hat, fortzusetzen. Feuchtwangers Werke werden auch heute in den ehemaligen Ostblockländern weiterhin in großem Umfang veröffentlicht, wie aus der jüngsten, 13 Bände umfassenden Ausgabe seiner gesammelten Werke in Russisch - der dritten seit Feuchtwangers Tod - zu ersehen ist. Der marktorientierte Buchhandel in den westlichen Ländern hingegen verhinderte einen derartigen ungebrochenen Erfolg. Feuchtwangers Ansehen in den Vereinigten Staaten gründet sich fast ausschließlich auf seine Bestseller der Vierziger und Fünfziger Jahre. Seit 1925 (.Jud Süß) erschienen von Feuchtwangers Werken ungefähr hundert Übersetzungen ins Englische in verschiedenen britischen, amerikanischen und australischen Ausgaben und Auflagen. Daneben wurden 131 Übersetzungen in andere westeuropäische Sprachen, insbesondere ins Niederländische, Italienische und Spanische veröffentlicht. Das zahlenmäßige Verhältnis der Feuchtwanger-Übersetzungen in den ehemaligen Ostblockländern zu den im Westen erschienenen läßt sich am besten anhand eines Vergleichs der Übersetzungen ins Estnische mit denen ins Französische veranschaulichen. Sechzehn Übertragungen ins Estnische, der Sprache eines Landes mit circa zwei Millionen Einwohnern, stehen siebzehn Übersetzungen ins Französische gegenüber. Dies ist umso bemerkenswerter, wenn man bedenkt, daß Feuchtwanger französische Themen in Teufel in Frankreich, Simone, Waffen für Amerika und Narremveisheit behandelte und Frankreich nicht nur als Schauplatz seines Romans Exil wählte, sondern dort auch sechs Jahre während seines europäischen Exils lebte. Außerdem mag die Tatsache überraschend erscheinen, daß



Feuchtwanger in der Sowjetunion trotz beträchtlicher antisemitischer Strömungen anerkannt und erfolgreich war. Dies berechtigt zu der Annahme, daß Feuchtwangers Vorstellung vom historischen Fortschritt und Internationalismus die Tatsache in den Hintergrund treten ließ, daß mindestens sechs seiner Romane jüdische Themen behandeln, so Jud Süß, Josephus (in drei Bänden), Die Geschwister Oppermann, Die Jüdin von Toledo und Jephta und seine Tochter. Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, daß alle Teile dieses Bandes neue Informationen zu Feuchtwangers Werk bieten und neue Forschungsmöglichkeiten eröffnen. Der Abschnitt über die Kurzbeiträge in deutscher Sprache stellt das erste vollständige Verzeichnis der kleineren Einzelveröffentlichungen Feuchtwangers dar. An den Übersetzungen der Bücher und Kurzbeiträge sowie an der Anzahl und Vielfalt der Bearbeitungen läßt sich die weltweite Rezeption der Feuchtwangerschen Schriften ablesen. Abschließend veranschaulicht der Abschnitt zu den Inszenierungen, wie an anderer Stelle dieser Einleitung bereits erwähnt, Feuchtwangers frühe Laufbahn als Dramatiker, die nach 1925 neben seinem Erfolg als Romanautor verblaßte. Beschreibung der Vorgehensweise und der Quellen Übersetzungen: Die Sichtung und der Nachweis von Übersetzungen Feuchtwangerscher Werke nahmen ihren Ausgang mit der Aufnahme der Bestände der Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library an der University of Southern California in Los Angeles; zusätzlich wurden die Bestände einer Reihe von größeren Bibliotheken in den Vereinigten Staaten und in Deutschland gesichtet. Darunter in den Vereinigten Staaten: Columbia University (NY), Harvard University (Cambridge, MA), New York Public Library, Princeton University (Princeton, NJ), Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA), University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles and Yale University (New Häven, CT); in Deutschland: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (München), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/Main) und Die Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig), Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/Main) und Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Im nächsten Schritt wurden die Einträge des im Internet verfügbaren World Catalog durchsucht und eine Vielzahl von Ausgaben über Fernleihe bestellt. Nach Abschluß dieser Suche wurde eine vorläufige Liste von Übersetzungen nach Sprachen zusammengetragen und an Bibliotheken in der ganzen Welt verschickt, um zusätzliche Übersetzungen zu finden und nachzuweisen. Bibliotheken in über vierzig Ländern wurden mit der Bitte um Informationen angeschrieben. Diese briefliche Umfrage umfaßte einen Zeitraum von zwei Monaten. Der Prozeß der Informationsbeschaffung wurde nicht nur durch die langsame Postzustellung verzögert, sondern auch durch den Umstand, daß Bibliothekare an manchen Einrichtungen nicht in der Lage waren, unsere Nachfragen zu bearbeiten; gelegentlich spielten sogar politische Unruhen eine Rolle. Positiv ist jedoch zu vermerken, daß wir eine Fülle von Informationen aus vielen der angeschriebenen Bibliotheken erhielten. Besonders dankbar sind wir für die Annehmlichkeit von e-mail, die es uns, sobald die Kontakte einmal hergestellt waren, möglich machte, mit den entsprechenden Einrichtungen in engem Austausch zu bleiben.



Unser Dank gilt den Bibliothekaren und Mitarbeitern der folgenden Bibliotheken, die uns bei unserer Suche helfen konnten (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge nach Ländern geordnet): Albanien (Nationalbibliothek, Tirana); Armenien (Nationalbibliothek, Jerewan); Belgien (Bibliotheek van de Universiteit Gent; Bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er, Brüssel); Brasilien (Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro); Bulgarien (Universitätsbibliothek, Sofia); Chile (Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago); China (Institut fiir wissenschaftliche und technische Information, Shanghai; Nanjing Bibliothek; Nationalbibliothek von China, Peking); Dänemark (Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Kopenhagen); England (Bodleian Library, University of Oxford; Reading University Library); Estland (Nationalbibliothek, Talinn); Finnland (Universitätsbibliothek, Helsinki); Frankreich (Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg); Indien (Nationalbibliothek, Kalkutta); Iran (Nationalbibliothek der Islamischen Republik Iran, Teheran); Island (National- und Universitätsbibliothek, Reykjavik); Israel (Jüdische National- und Universitätsbibliothek, Jerusalem); Italien (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche, Rom; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II, Rom; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florenz; Biblioteca di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università, Florenz); Japan (The National Diet Library, Tokio; Waseda Universitätsbibliothek, Tokio; Universitätsbibliothek, Nagoya); Kroatien (Nationalund Universitätsbibliothek, Zagreb; Universitätsbibliothek, Split; Universitätsbibliothek, Pula; Forschungsinstitut, Zadar); Lettland (Universität von Lettland, Riga; Lettische Nationalbibliothek, Riga); Litauen (Bibliothek der Litauischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wilna); Mexico (Biblioteca Nacional de México, Mexico City); Montenegro (Zentrale Nationalbibliothek, Cetinje); Niederlande (Universiteit van Amsterdam; Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; Koniklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag; Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broeck, Nimwegen); Norwegen (Universiteitsbiblioteket Oslo); Polen (Nationalbibliothek, Warschau; Universitätsbibliothek, Wroclaw); Portugal (Biblioteca Nacional, Lissabon): Rumänien (Biblioteca Centrala Universitäre, Bukarest; Biblioteca Nationalä, Bukarest; Biblioteca Centralä Universitäre «Mihai Eminescu», Ia§i); Rußland (Nationalbibliothek von Rußland, St. Petersburg; N.I. Lobatschewskij Bibliothek der Staatsuniversität Kasan; Bibliothek der Staatsuniversität Tomsk; Russische Staatsbibliothek, Moskau); Schweden (Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm); Serbien (Bibliothek der Serbischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Belgrad; Nationalbibliothek von Serbien, Belgrad; Universitätsbibliothek «Svetozar Markovic», Belgrad); Slowakei (Universitätsbibliothek, Bratislava); Slowenien (National- und Universitätsbibliothek, Ljubljana); Spanien (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona; Biblioteca de la Universität de Barcelona); Tschechische Republik (Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag; Stadtbibliothek, Prag; Nationalbibliothek der Tschechischen Republik, Prag); Ungarn (Stadtbibliothek Ervin Szabó, Budapest; Széchényi Nationalbibliothek, Budapest; Bibliothek der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest). Kürzere Beiträge: Die beiden Abschnitte über Feuchtwangers kürzere belletristische und essayistische Beiträge stellen den Versuch dar, ein umfassendes Verzeichnis seiner in Büchern, Anthologien, Zeitschriften und Zeitungen enthaltenen Schriften zu



erstellen. Ebenso finden sich hier viele begleitende Beiträge aus Programmheften und Veröffentlichungen anläßlich der Aufführungen seiner Dramen. Diese Liste erhebt nicht den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit; doch wurde seitens der Herausgeber jeder Versuch unternommen, die Einträge auf ihre Richtigkeit hin zu prüfen. Zeitungsausschnitte in Fotokopie wurden aus verschiedenen Archiven zusammengetragen, so insbesondere aus der Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, der Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, aus dem Deutschen Literaturarchiv, Marbach und dem Aufbau-Verlag, der die Werke Feuchtwangers publizierte. Sämtliche bibliographische Angaben, die den Ausschnitten entnommen werden konnten, wurden in Form vorläufiger Verzeichnisse festgehalten. Bei der Durchsicht von Indizes und bestehenden Bibliographien zu Feuchtwanger, die ebenfalls herangezogen wurden, mußte festgestellt werden, daß diese zahlreiche Fehler enthalten; der Ursprung der meisten Irrtümer ist darin zu suchen, daß häufig Lion Feuchtwanger und sein Bruder Ludwig verwechselt wurden, da beide ähnliche Themen behandelnde Artikel zu etwa ddr gleichen Zeit, gelegentlich sogar in denselben Zeitschriften, veröffentlichten. Das endgültige Verzeichnis bietet einen Überblick über Beiträge sowohl in deutscher als auch in anderen Sprachen. Fremdsprachige Übersetzungen Feuchtwangerscher Kurzbeiträge konnten nur in den Fällen aufgenommen werden, in denen entweder Indizes für die einschlägigen fremdsprachigen Veröffentlichungen verfügbar waren oder es die Unterstützung von Wissenschaftlern in den entsprechenden Einrichtungen ermöglichte. Inszenierungen: Die Auffuhrungen von Feuchtwangers Dramen in einem Verzeichnis zusammenzustellen, erwies sich als äußerst lohnenswert, wenngleich dieser Abschnitt des vorliegenden Bandes der Bibliographie eine besondere Herausforderung darstellte. Den Ausgangspunkt bildeten ein vierseitiges von Wolf-Rüdiger Albrecht im Juni 1973 erstelltes Verzeichnis der Nachkriegsinszenierungen sowie verschiedene Zeitungsausschnitte mit Rezensionen. Nachdem in der Theaterzeitschrift Proszenium (Drei Masken Verlag) mehrere Ankündigungen von frühen Inszenierungen der Dramen Feuchtwangers entdeckt wurden, durchsuchten die Herausgeber sämtliche zwischen 1919 und 1931 erschienenen Bände von Proszenium auf zusätzliche Anzeigen hin, was sich als besonders ergiebig herausstellte. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ankündigungen, also der Auflistung von Städten, in den Stücke entweder aufgeführt worden waren oder - in einigen Fällen - auf die Bühne gebracht werden sollten, wurden Verzeichnisse nach Städtenamen und ungefährem Zeitpunkt/Jahr der Auffuhrung angelegt. Diese Verzeichnisse dienten dazu, anhand der Listen in der statistischen Monatzeitschrift Deutscher Bühnenspielplan die Aufführungsdaten zu überprüfen. Obwohl viele der Daten, Orte und Theaternamen auf diese Weise geprüft werden konnten, waren anderweitige Angaben zu den Inszenierungen wie die Namen der Verantwortlichen für Regie, Bühnenbild und Musik im Deutschen Bühnenspielplan nicht verzeichnet. Zunächst wurden Fragebögen an die folgenden größeren Theatereinrichtungen und andere Archive versandt: Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Schweizerische Theatersammlung, Bern; Theatermuseum, Düsseldorf;


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Theatersammlung der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt/Main; Zentrum für Theaterforschung, Theatersammlung der Universität Hamburg; Universität zu Köln, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Femsehwissenschaft; Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Hannover; Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig; National Museum of the Performing Arts, Theatre Museum, London; Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach; Deutsches Theatermuseum, München; Library for the Performing Arts, New York Public Library, NY; Dottningholms teatermuseum, Stockholm; Österreichisches Theatermuseum, Wien. Zahlreiche Briefe wurden in der Hoffnung, weiterführende Informationen zu erhalten, an Theater in Städten versandt, in denen Aufführungen nachgewiesen oder angekündigt worden waren. Handelte es sich um Inszenierungen der Zwanziger und Dreißiger Jahre, so erwies sich vielfach das bloße Auffinden der Theateranschrift als problematisch, da Theater im Krieg zerstört worden waren, sich Adressen oder zumindest Namen der Theater geändert hatten. In den Fällen, in denen von den Theatern selbst keinerlei Angaben zu beziehen waren, wurden die Herausgeber an örtliche Stadt- und Regionalarchive verwiesen, die eine Fülle an Informationen zur Verfügung stellten, darunter Programmhefte und Zeitungsrezensionen zahlreicher Aufführungen. Die Herausgeber waren erfreut und überrascht, welch positive Resonanz die Anfragen bei vielen Personen fanden, die sowohl mit den Theater- als auch den städtischen Archiven zu tun haben. An dieser Stelle möchten wir den Mitarbeitern verschiedener Theater und Archive, die uns Informationen zukommen ließen, danken. Darunter folgende Theater, nach Orten geordnet: Altenburg-Gera (Landestheater Altenburg - Bühnen der Stadt Gera); Anklam (Vorpommersche Landesbühne); Augsburg (Städtische Bühnen); Baden-Baden (Theater Baden-Baden); Brandenburg (Brandenburger Theater); Braunschweig (Staatstheater); Dessau (Anhaltisches Theater); Dresden (Staatsschauspiel); Duisburg (Theater der Stadt Duisburg); Feuchtwangen (Kreuzgangspiele); Freiberg (Mittelsächsisches Theater); Gießen (Stadttheater); Greifswald (Theater Vorpommern); Halberstadt (Nordharzer Städtebundtheater); Halle (Neues Theater); Karlsruhe (Badisches Staatstheater); Konstanz (Stadttheater); Linz (Landestheater); Lödz (Teatr Wielki); Lübeck (Theater Lübeck); Magdeburg (Theater Magdeburg); Oldenburg (Oldenburgisches Staatstheater); Potsdam (Hans Otto Theater); Regensburg (Theater Regensburg); Remscheid (Westdeutsches Tourneetheater); St. Gallen (Stadttheater); Schleswig-Holstein (Landestheater und Sinfonieorchester); Stendal (Theater der Altmark); Stuttgart (Altes Schauspielhaus); Ulm (Ulmer Theater); Wiesbaden (Hessisches Staatstheater); Zwickau (Theater Zwickau). Ebenso möchten wir den Mitarbeitern zahlreicher Stadtarchive danken: Aachen, Annaberg-Buchholz, Augsburg, Baden-Baden, Bamberg, Berlin, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Chemnitz, Darmstadt, Dresden, Duisburg, Essen, Flensburg, Gießen, Gotha, Graz, Greifswald, Halberstadt, Halle, Hannover, Heidelberg, Kassel, Koblenz, Kothen (Anhalt), Konstanz, Krefeld, Leipzig, Ludwigsburg, Lübeck, Mainz, Mannheim, Marburg, Neustrelitz, Nürnberg, Plauen, Potsdam, Regensburg, Remscheid, Rostock, Rudolstadt, Saarbrücken, Sondershausen, Stuttgart, Trier, Wiesbaden, Wilhelmshaven, Wolfenbüttel, Wuppertal, Zürich.



Bearbeitungen: Feuchtwangers Werke wurden nicht nur in deutscher, sondern, um nur die wichtigsten zu nennen, auch in englischer, tschechischer, polnischer und russischer Sprache adaptiert. Von den insgesamt 84 Bearbeitungen erfolgte mit 27 Adaptionen die größte Anzahl im Bereich Film und Fernsehen, gefolgt von Übertragungen für Radio und Theater sowie musikalischen Bearbeitungen, darunter Opern, Operetten, Lieder und Symphonien. Informationen über die Bearbeitungen wurden allmählich im Verlauf der Arbeit an den anderen drei Abschnitten gesammelt und der entsprechende Teil des Bandes deshalb zuletzt vollendet. Wegen der Vielfalt der Arten von Bearbeitungen konnten die Informationen nicht aus einer oder zwei Hauptquellen bezogen werden. Eine weitere Schwierigkeit ergab sich aus der Tatsache, daß Feuchtwanger für die meisten Adaptionen nicht als Hauptautor genannt wurde. Verschiedenste Quellenwerke wurden herangezogen, darunter Zeitungsausschnitte aus Archiven in den Vereinigten Staaten und Deutschland, insbesondere aus Der Deutschen Bibliothek in Frankfurt und dem Deutschen Literaturarchiv in Marbach, und aus Facharchiven für die darstellenden Künste wie der New York Public Library for the Performing Arts und dem Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv in Frankfurt/Main und Berlin. Ergänzt wurden die auf diese Weise gewonnenen Informationen durch Recherchen im Internet und zahlreiche anschließende Telefonate sowie durch den Austausch in Form von e-mail, Fax und Brief. Weitere Danksagungen Der Satz «Dieses Werk wäre nicht entstanden ohne die Hilfe von...» erhält eine besondere Bedeutung im Fall der vorliegenden Feuchtwanger-Bibliographie. Die Herausgeber sind besonders Suzanne Irving und den Mitarbeitern der Abteilung für Fernleihe der Margaret E. Hawley Library an der State University of New York at Albany, zu Dank verpflichtet. Wie bereits bei der Arbeit zum ersten Band der Bibliographie danken wir ihnen für die Bearbeitung von mehreren hundert Femleihaufträgen, die den Herausgebern ermöglichten, Übersetzungen und Kurzbeiträge zu orten und zu überprüfen. Neben den Mitarbeitern der bereits erwähnten zahlreichen Bibliotheken, Theatermuseen sowie Stadt- und Regionalarchive gilt unser besonderer Dank einer Reihe von Personen, die uns wiederholt Informationen zukommen ließen: Jutta Bendt und Susanne Rößler (Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach); Michael Bott (Reading University, England); Dr. Brita Eckert und Marie-Luise Hahn (Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt/Main); Magda Fekete (Bibliothek der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften); Christine Göthner und Anja Otto (Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung der Universität zu Köln, Schloß Wahn); Markéta Hlasivcovä (Nationalbibliothek, Prag); Dr. Harold von Hofe (Leiter des Feuchtwanger Institute for Exile Studies); Jill Hughes (The Bodley Library, University of Oxford); Margreet Kollis (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Niederlande); Monika Lück (Deutsches Theatermuseum, München); Eugenia Masaikina (Bibliothek der Staatsuniversität Tomsk); José M. Moreno (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona); Christine Möller (Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Berlin); Josep M. Muriel i Diez



(Biblioteca de la Universität de Barcelona); Spomenka Ninic (Bibliothek der Serbischen Akademie der Wissenschaften); Kristina Nyman (Universitätsbibliothek, Helsinki); Carina Popovici (Nationalbibliothek, Bukarest); Aiga Raciborska (Universität von Lettland, Riga); Dr. Jörg Räuber (Die Deutsche Bücherei, Leipzig); Marju Rist (Nationalbibliothek von Estland); Dr. Alexei Romanow (Nationalbibliothek, St. Petersburg); Katsänyi Sändor (Stadtbibliothek Ervin Szäbo); Marje Schuetze-Coburn (Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, University of Southern California); M. M. Sidorowa (N.I. Lobatschewskij Bibliothek der Staatsuniversität Kasan); Aurelia Stoica (Biblioteca Centralä Universitär «Mihai Eminescu», Ia§i); Swetla Stojanowa (Universitätsbibliothek, Sofia, Bulgarien); Yasuo Suzuki (Universitätsbibliothek, Nagoya); Noboru Takahaski (Waseda Universität, Tokio); K. van Eik (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag); Jan van Koolwijk (Blindenbibliotheek, Nimwegen); Milena Zavadova (Stadtbibliothek, Prag); Joseph Zimmermann (Augsburg); Dr. Miroslawa Zygmunt (Nationalbibliothek, Warschau). Weiterhin möchten wir den folgenden Personen für ihre Hilfe bei den Übersetzungen danken: Ctibor Peciva (Tschechisch und Slowakisch), Nugzar Kopadze (Georgisch), Zlata Philllips (Kroatisch und Serbisch), Xiaobo Ren (Chinesisch), Adriana Takada (Japanisch), Sharona Wachs (Hebräisch und Jiddisch).


DDR Dec. DEFA DFF dr. DRS ed. Ed. Feb. HR hrsg. Hrsg. illus. inc. intro. izd. Jan. kiad. kn.

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April Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlichten Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland August Ausgabe Bayerischer Rundfunk California circa chapter company Femsehen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik December Deutsches Film-Agentur Deutscher Fernsehfunk druk Fernsehen der deutschen und rätoromanischen Schweiz edition / edizione / edi{ia / edicione Editor February Hessischer Rundfunk herausgegeben Herausgeber illustrated / illustrations incorporated introduction izdanie January kiadas kniga Los Angeles limited March Metro Goldwyn Mayer minutes National Broadcasting Company Norddeutscher Rundfunk number November no place new series New York (City) New York Herald Tribune New York Times

ABBREVIATIONS/ABKÜRZUNGEN Oct. ORF p. pp. Sept. SUNYA sv. tr. trad. univ. vert. vol(s). vyd. WDR wyd. ZDF zv.

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October Österreichischer Rundfunk page pages September State University of New York at Albany svazek translation, translated by traduit / traducere university vertaald volume(s) vydäni, vydanie Westdeutscher Rundfunk wydanie Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen zväzok



TRANSLATIONS Albanian 0310 Qìfutja e Toledos. E pérktheu nga gjermanishta Robert Shvarc. Tirane: N. Sh. Botimeve «Naim Frashèri», 1962. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. 6,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Albania (Tirane). 0311 Rruga e mundimshme drejt njohjes. (Roman). E pérktheu nga origjinali Robert Shvarc. [Tirane]: Shtépia Botuese «Naim Frashèri» [1977]. 475 pp. [Tirane]: Shtèpia Botuese «Naim Frashèri» [1987], Notes: Tr. of Goya oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Preface by Perkthyesi. Includes 9 color reproductions of works by Goya. 14,000 copies printed. Second edition. 12,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library (1977), National Library of Albania (Tirane; 1987).

Armenian 0312 Goya kam imatsutyan dzhvarin oughi. Yerevan: «Hayastan» hratarakchutiun, 1974. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Armenia (Yerevan). 0313 Goya kam imatsutyan dzhvarin oughi. Vep. Yerevan: «Khorhrdayin Grogh», 1989. 630 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. 50,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Los Angeles Public Library (Montebello), National Library of Armenia (Yerevan).



0314 lspanakan ballad, [ruserenits' t'argmanets' S. Gasparian], Erevan: «Hayastan» hratarakchutiun, 1972. 563 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade ('alternate title: Die Jüdin von Toledo). 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Armenia (Yerevan), Univ. of California at Los Angeles. 0315 Oppenheimnery entanicke. Vep. Yerevan: «Haipethrat», 1941. 395 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppenheim. Location of copies: National Library of Armenia (Yerevan), Univ. of California at Los Angeles.

Azeri (Azerbaijani) 0316 Geribe Adamyn Mudrikliji iakhud Zhan-Zhak Russonunfluma ve flmezliji. Roman. [Ruschadak tarchuma edents H. Gasymzade.] Baku: Ushag ve kenchler edebijiaty neshrijiaty, 1958. 517 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean Jacques Rousseau. Includes a preface by the translator. 15,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste (Berlin).

Bengali 0317 Simone. Calcutta, India: Calcutta Publishing Co., 1947. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Location of copies: National Library of India (Calcutta).



Bulgarian 0318 Bratia Lautenzak Roman. Prevela ot nemski Iva Ivanova. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1990. 422 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Briider Lautensack. Explanatory notes by the translator. Designated by the publisher as «Pyrvo Izdanie.» Location of copies: Sofia University Library. 0319 Goiia ili Trudniiat p"t k"m prozrenieto. Prevod ot nemski na Elena Ial"mova i Vladimir Musakov. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1958. 568 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis.

5,000 copies printed.

Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Sofia University Library. 0320 Goiia ili Trudniiat p"t k"m prozrenieto. Preveli ot nemski Elena Ial"mova i Vladimir Musakov. Vtoro Izdanie. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1967. 574 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Vtoro Izdanie.» Location of copies: Sofia University Library. 0321 Goiia ili Trudniiat p"t k"m prozrenieto. Preveli ot nemski Elena Ial"mova i Vladimir Musakov. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1983. 572 pp. Notes: Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Treto Izdanie.» Location of copies: Sofia University Library. 0322 Groznata khertsoginia Margarete Maultash. Roman. Prevede ot nemski Vladimir Musakov. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1962. 254 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. 25,100 copies printed.



Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0323 Ispanska balada. Roman. Prevede ot nemski Vladimir Musakov. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1960. 498 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Series title: Biblioteka izbrani romani, 8. 25,100 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Sofia University Library. 0324 Ispanska balada. Roman. Prevel ot nemski Vladimir Musakov. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1980. 494 pp. Treto Izdanie. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1983. 494 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Designated by the publisher as «Ftoro Izdanie.» Third edition is identical to the second edition, with the exception that the title page has been reset. Location of copies: Sofia University Library (2. Izd., 3. Izd.). 0325 K' 'shchata na zelenata ulitsa. Razkazi. Prevod ot nemski Ventseslav Konstantinov [i] Nikolai Popov. [Sofiia]: Profizdat, 1981. 229 pp. Notes: Tr. of Das Haus am grünen Weg. Erzählungen (selections from Marianne in Indien). Paperback. Selections and preface, entitled «S khumor i strogost» by Ventseslav Konstantinov. 35,150 copies printed. Contents: «Polet na rekordna visochina» [«Höhenflugrekord»]; «Ekspeditsiia do poliusa» [«Polfahrt»]; «Razkaz za fiziologa doktor B.» [«Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.»]; «Borba s bikove» [«Stierkampf»]; «Sied sezona» [«Nachsaison»]; «Sm"rtta na Neron» [«Neros Tod»]; «Povtorniiat zhivot na gospodin Khanzike» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt»]; «Verniiat Peter» [«Der treue Peter»]; «Kelner"t Antonio» [«Der Kellner Antonio»]; «K"shchata na zelenata ulitsa» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg»]; «Volshchain» [«Herrn Wollsteins Gepäckscheine»]; «L"zhlivata lelia» [«Die Lügentante»]; «Oblog» [«Eine Wette»]; «Odisei i svinete ili dosadata ot tsivilizatsiiata» [«Odysseus und die Schweine oder Das Unbehagen an der Kultur»]. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Sofia University Library.



0326 Lisitsi v lozeto. Roman. Prevede ot nemski VI. Musakov. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1961. 931 pp. Notes: Tr. of Fiichse im Weinberg. Published in 2 volumes, consecutively numbered. 25,100 copies printed. Series title: Biblioteka Izbrani Romani, 9. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Sofia University Library. 0327 Lisitsi v lozeto. Roman. Prevel ot nemski Vladimir Musakov. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1979. 438 pp., 402 pp. Notes: Tr. of Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 2 volumes, numbered independently. Designated by the publisher as «Ftoro Izdanie.» Location of copies: Sofia University Library. 0328 L"zhneron. Roman. [Prevela ot nemski Nedialka Popova], Plovdiv: Izdatelstvo «Khristo G. Danov», 1975. 378 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Designated by the publisher as «Pyrvo Izdanie.» Location of copies: Sofia University Library. 0329 M' 'drostta na chudaka ili sm' 'rt i preobrazhenie na Zhan-Zhak Ruso. Prevede ot nemski Dimityr Stoevski. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1961. 415 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques 25,080 copies printed.


Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Sofia University Library. 0330 Semeistvo Operman. Prevela ot nemski Frosina Parashkevova. Kultura, 1985. 343 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Izdanie.» Location of copies: Sofia University Library.

Sofia: Narodna

Designated by the publisher as «Pyrvo




0331 Uspekh. Tri godini ot istoriiata na ednia provintsiia. Prevela ot nemski Nedialka Popova. Sofiia: Narodna Kultura, 1978. 788pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Preface by Nedialka Popova. Designated by the publisher as «Pyrvo Izdanie.» Series title: Biblioteka Svetovna Klassika. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Sofia University Library.

Byelorussian 0332 Sam 'ja Openhejm. Peraklad a ruskaj movy. Minsk: Dzjazaünae Vydavectva Belarusi Mastackaja Literatura, 1937. 373 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Translated from the Russian. Location of copies: Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig; photocopy).

Chinese 0333 Chenggong. Shanghai: Shanghai Yiwen chubanshe, 1997. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Location of copies: Institute of Scientific & Technical Information (Shanghai Library). 0334 Geya. Tr. Guang Hong. Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1959. 692 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis, based on the 1951 Greifenverlag edition. 500,000 characters. Location of copies: Institute of Scientific & Technical Information (Shanghai Library), National Library of China (Beijing). 0335 Geya. Tr. Guang Hong. Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1981. 681 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis, based on the 1951


TRANSLA TIONS — CROA TIAN Greifenverlag edition. Illustrated. 46,000 copies printed. 491,000 characters. Location of copies: Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach), Nanjing Library. 0336 Jia Ni Lu. Tr. Rong-chang Zhang and Tingfang Ye, 1982. 429 pp.

Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero, based on the 1954 Aufbau edition. Includes introduction by the translators. 275,000 characters. 42,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Institute of Scientific & Technical Information (Shanghai Library), Nanjing Library, National Library of China (Beijing). 0337 Ximeng. Tr. Taoyu Chen. Shanghai: Wenyi lianhe chubanshe, 1954. 282 pp. 2nd printing. Shanghai: Wenyi lianhe chubanshe, 1955. 282 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. First printing 8,000 copies, 2nd printing 4,000 copies. 191,000 characters. Series title: Xiandai wenxue yicong. Location of copies: Institute of Scientific & Technical Information (Shanghai Library, 1954), National Library of China (Beijing, 1955) 0338 Ximeng. Tr. Taoyu Chen. Shanghai: Xin Wenyi chubanshe, 1957. 282 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone, based on the 1944 English Viking Press edition. 41,000 copies printed. 190,000 characters. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, National Library of China (Beijing).

Croatian 0339 Jevrejski rat. Preveli sa njemackog Amalija i Stevan J. Milovic. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1961. 387 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Feniks. Biblioteka svjetske knjizevnosti.

Series title:

Location of copies: Central National Library (Cetinje, Montenegro), Nacionalna i




Svenciliska biblioteka (Zagreb), Narodna biblioteke Srbije (Belgrade), Univerzitetska Biblioteka «Svetozar Markovic» (Belgrade). 0340 Mudrost ludaka ili smrt i apoteoza Jean-Jacquesa Rousseaua. Preveo Dragutin Perkovic. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1958. 386 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Published May 1958. Location of copies: Central National Library (Cetinje, Montenegro), Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Nacionalna i Svenciliska biblioteka (Zagreb), Narodna biblioteke Srbije (Belgrade), Svencilisna Knjiznica u Puli, Univerzitetska Biblioteka «Svetozar Markovic» (Belgrade). 0341 Oppenheimovi.S njemackog prevela Irma Lisicar. Beograd, Zagreb: Kultura, 1947. 387 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. 3,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Nacionalna i Svenciliska biblioteka (Zagreb), Narodna biblioteke Srbije (Belgrade). 0342 Sinovi. [Preveli sa njemackog Amalija i Stevan J. Milovic], Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1961. 418 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Series title: Feniks. Biblioteka svjetske knjizevnosti. Location of copies: Central National Library (Cetinje, Montenegro), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Nacionalna i Svenciliska biblioteka (Zagreb), Narodna biblioteke Srbije (Belgrade), Univerzitetska Biblioteka «Svetozar Markovic» (Belgrade). 0343 Spanjolska Balada. S njemackoga preveo Dragutin Perkovic. Opremio Edo Murtic. Zagreb: «Zora», 1957. 431 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Illustrated edition. Postscript by Dragotin Perkovic. Series title: Strani pisci.



Location of copies: Central National Library (Cetinje, Montenegro), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Nacionalna i SvenciliSka biblioteka (Zagreb), Narodna biblioteke Srbije (Belgrade), Svenciliäna Knjiznica u Puli, Univerzitetska Biblioteka «Svetozar Markovic» (Belgrade). 0344 Zemlja obecana. Preveli sa njemackog Amalija i Stevan J. Milovic. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1961. 356 pp. Notes: Tr. of Das gelobte Land (Der Tag wird kommen), third volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Series title: Feniks. Biblioteka svjetske knjizevnosti. Location of copies: Central National Library (Cetinje, Montenegro), Narodna biblioteke Srbije (Belgrade), Univerzitetska Biblioteka «Svetozar Markovic» (Belgrade).

Czech 0345 Blaznova moudrost, cili Smrt a slavne zmrtvychvstani Jeana Jacquesa Rousseaua. [Z nemecköho originälu prelozil, poznämkou o autorovi a vysvetlivkami opatfil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Stätni nakladatelstvi kräsn6 literatury, hudby a umeni, 1955.427 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni prvni.» Series title: Klub ctenäru, sv. 33. 42,400 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0346 Blaznova moudrost, äli Smrt a slavne zmrtvychvstani Jeana Jacquesa Rousseaua. [Z nemeckeho originälu prelozil, poznämkou o autorovi napsal a vysvetlivkami opatfil Valter Feldstein. Vydäni druh^]. Praha: Stätni nakladatelstvi kräsne literatury, hudby a umeny, 1956. 445 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Series title: Soudobä Svetovä Pröza, Svazek 30. 20,400 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0347 Bläznova moudrost, äli Smrt a slavne zmrtvychvstäni Jeana Jacquesa Rousseaua. [Z nemecköho originälu prelozil, vysvgtlivkami a poznämkou pfekladatele opatril Valter Feldstein], Praha: [Stätni nakladatelstvi kräsni literatury a umeni] 1961. 418 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narremveisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni tfeti.» Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 10. 40,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, MSstskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0348 Bläznova moudrost, cili, Smrt a slavne zmrtvychvstäni Jeana Jacquesa Rousseaua. Prelozil Valter Feldstein. Praha: Svoboda, 1970. 409 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narremveisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Illustrations by J. Sura. Designated by the publisher as «3. vyd., ve Svobode 1.» Series title: Clenskä kniznice. Location of copies: Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0349 Bläznova moudrost, cili Smrt a slavne zmrtvychvstäni Jeana Jacquesa Rousseaua [Prelozil Valter Feldstein. Praha]: Odeon [1980]. 339 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narremveisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Postscript by Jiri Vesely. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni crvrtö.» Series title: Galörie Klasiku. 75,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0350 Bläznova moudrost, aneb Smrt a slavne zmrtvychvstäni Jeana Jacquesa Rousseaua. [Z nemecköho originälu prelozil, poznämkou a vysvetlivkami opatril Valter Feldstein], Praha: Nakladatelstvi Josefa Simona, 1996. 378 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narremveisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Series title: Cesky klub. Location of copies: Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague).



0351 Bratti Lautensackové. [Z némeckého pfelozil Frantiäek Swidzinski]. Praha: Prace, 1949. 352 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. Postscript by R. Vàpenik. Illustrations by Frantiäek Ketzek. Location of copies: Méstskà knihovna (Prague). 0352 Bratfi Lautensackové. [Z némeckého originälu pfelozil FrantiSek Swidzinski. Praha: Naäe vojsko, 1958. 280 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. Designated by the publisher as «2. vyd.» Illustrations by Karel Vaca. Postscript by Rudolf Vàpenik. Series title: 2ivé knihy, sv. 8. Location of copies: Méstskà knihovna (Prague). 0353 Bratfi Lautensackové. [Z némeckého originälu pfelozil FrantiSek Swidzinski. Praha]: Naäe vojsko, Svaz protifaäistickych bojovnik [1970]. 269 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni tfeti, v NV druhé.» Series title: 2ivé knihy, sv. 8. 56,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Nàrodni knihovna (Prague). 0354 Bratfi Lautensackové. [Pfelozil Frantiäek Swidzinski], Praha: Naäe vojsko cesky svaz protifaäistickych bojovnikù [ci978]. 260 pp. Notes: Tr. oi Die Brüder Lautensack Illustrations by Karel Vaca. Designated by the publisher as «vydàni ctvrté, v NV treti.» Series title: 2ivé knihy. Edice Ceského Svazu protifaäistickych bojovnikù, sv. 110. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0355 Ùàbel v Bostonu. Hra o 3 déj. [Z némeckého originälu] pfelozil Valter Feldstein. Praha: Ceskoslovenské divadelni a literàrni jednatelstvi, 1957. 86 pp. Notes: Tr. of Wahn oder Der Teufel in Boston.



Location of copies: Mestskä knihovna (Prague). 0356 Öäbel ve Francii. Zäzitky. Se zprävou Marty Feuchtwangerove. Utek. [Pfelozil Jiri Stach. Praha]: Naäe vojsko, Cesky Svaz ProtifaSistickych Bojovniku [1987]. 185 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Teufel in Frankreich. Postscript by Hans Dahlke. Designated by the publisher as «1. vyd.» Series title: 2ive knihy, sv. 134. 60,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Libraiy, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0357 Desdemonin Dum. Povidky, dramata, esej. [Prelozili Valter Feldstein a Vladimir Prochäzka], Praha: Odeon, 1968. 358 pp. Notes: Tr. of selections from Das Haus der Desdemona; Erzählungen; Stücke in Prosa. Designated by the publisher as «1. vyd. v Odeonu.» Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 12. 60,000 copies printed. Contents: «Odysseus a prasata» [«Odysseus und die Schweine»]; «Öäbel v Bostonu» [«Wahn oder Der Teufel in Boston»]; «Desdemonin dum» [«Das Haus der Desdemona»]. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0358 Goya, äli trpkä cesta poznäni. [Pfelozili Emanuel a Emanuela Tilschovi.] Praha: Ceskoslovensky spisovatel, 1955. 548 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Explanatoiy notes by Eduard Hodouäek. Illustrations include 8 reproductions by Goya. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni 1.» 15,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague). 0359 Goya, äli trpkä cesta poznäni. [Pfeklad Emanuela a Emanuely Tilschovych]. Praha: Nakladatelstvi ceskoslovenskych vytvarnych umelcü, 1960. 519 pp. Vyd. 3. Praha: Nakladatelstvi cesko. vytvarnych umelcü, 1961. 519 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Explanatory notes by Eduard



Hodouäek. 71 reproductions of works by Goya. Designated by the publisher as «vydäni druhö, v Nakladatelstvi Iz. vytvarnych umelcü prvni.» 16,000 copies printed. «Vydäni tfeti, v Nakladatelstvi Iz. vytvarnych umelcu druhe.» 10,000 copies printed; 2,000 additional copies printed in 1962. Location of copies: California State Library, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (vyd. 2), Mestskä knihovna (Prague; vyd. 2), Närodni knihovna (Prague; vyd. 3, 1961, 1962). 0360 Goya, cili trpkä cestapozndni. [Preklad Emanuela a Emanuely Tilschovych. Praha]: Mladä Fronta Smena Naäö Vojsko Svet Sovetü, 1966. 525 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Vratislav Effenberger. Explanatory notes by Eduard HodouSek. Bibliographical notes by Hana Zantovskä. Reproductions of works by Goya. Designated by the publisher as «4. vyd. (v MF 1.).» Series title: Mäj. knihovna ceskoslovenske mlädeze, sv. 80. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0361 Goya, äli Trpkä cesta pozndni. [Pfelozili Emanuel Tilsch a Emanuela Tilschovä. Praha]: Odeon [1969], 508 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Valter Feldstein. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni Seste (v Odeonu prvni).» His Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 9. 40,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0362 Goya, cili Trpkä cesta pozndni. Obelisk, 1973. 534 pp.

[Pfelozili Emanuel a Emanuela Tilschi. Praha:

Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Explanatory notes by Eduard Hodouäek. Designated by the publisher as «5. vyd., v Obelisku 4.» Location of copies: Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0363 Goya, cili Trpkd cesta pozndni. [Pfelozili Emanuel Tilsch a Emanuela Tilschovä. Praha]: Odeon [1981], 511 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Jiri Vesely. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni sedmö.» Series title: Galerie klasiku. 75,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0364 Jefta a jeho deera. [Z nemecköho originälu prelozil Valter Feldstein], Praha: Svoboda, 1971. 260 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. Illustrations by Jaroslav Süra. Designated by the publisher as «Vydani 1.» Series title: tlenskä kniznice. 100,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0365 Kalkata 4. kvetna. 3 dej. z kolonialnich dejin. Z nemecköho originälu prelozil Svatoslav Papez. Praha: Dilia, 1962. 85 pp. Notes: Tr. of Kalkutta, 4. Mai (Warren Hastings). Location of copies: Möstskä knihovna (Prague). 0366 Lisky na vinici. Roman. Pfedehra k Velke francouzske revoluci. [Pfelozila Anna Aufedniökovä. Preklad revidoval dr. Jaroslav Janü. Praha]: Ceskoslovensky Spisovatel, 1954. 652 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Postscript by Vladimir Smrz. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni prvni [1].» 15,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague). 0367 Lisky na vinici. [Pfelozila Anna Aurednickovä. Preklad revidovali Bedrich Golombek a Jaroslav Janü]. Praha: Stätni nakladatelstvi kräsnö literatury, hudby a umeni, 1956.676 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Series title: Soudobä svetovä pröza, svazek 40. 15,000 copies printed.



Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0368 Lisky na vinici. [Prelozila Anna Aufednickovä. Preklad revidovali Bedfich Golombek a Jaroslav Janü] Praha: Ceskoslovensky Spisovatel, 1960. 753 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Designated by the publisher as «Vydàni tfeti [3], v teskoslovenském Spisovateli druhé [2].» 20,000 copies printed. Series title: Svét, svazek 3. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0369 Lisky na vinici. [Z nèmeckého originälu prelozil a poznàmkou opatfil Valter Feldstein], Praha: Odeon, 1966. 747 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Designated by the publisher as «Vydàni ctvrté (v Odeonu prvni).» His Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 8. 80,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0370 Lisky na vinici. [Z nèmeckého originälu pfelozil Valter Feldstein. Grafickou üpravu s pouzitim kreseb Adolfa Borna navrhl Milan Kopfiva. Praha]: Odeon [1973], 733 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Designated by the publisher as «Vydàni pàté [5] (v Odeonu treti [3]).» Series title: Klub ctenàrn, sv. 337. 69,000 copies printed. Location of copies: California State Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0371 Lisky na vinici. [Z nèmeckého originälu pfelozil a poznàmkou opatril Valter Feldstein. Praha]: Odeon [1980], 701 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Designated by the publisher as «Vydàni Sesté [6].» Postscript by Jifi Vesely. Series title: Galérie klasikù. 75,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Närodni knihovna (Prague).



0372 Nepravy Nero. Román. [Znémeckého originälu prelozil FrantiSek Seiepa. Praha]: Fr. Borovy, 1937. 459 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Series title: Novy svét, Knihovna Nové Evropy, sv. 12.

Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague).

0373 Nepravy Nero. [Z nèmeckého originälu prelozil, doslovem a vysvétlivkami opatril Valter Feldstein], Praha: Nakladatelstvi Svoboda [1966], 356 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni IV. Ve Svobodé I.» 71,300 copies printed. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0374 Nepravy Nero. [Z nèmeckého originälu prelozil a vysvétlivkami opatril Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Simon & Simon, 1997. 356 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Series: Cesky Klub. Location of copies: Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0375 Oppermannové. Druhä cäst volné trilogie «Cekàrna». [Z nèmeckého originälu prelozil, vysvétlivkami a doslovem opatril Valter Feldstein], Praha: Nakladatelstvi politické literatury, 1964. 333 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Designated by the publisher as «Vyd. 1.» 46,300 copies printed. Location of copies: California State Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0376 Oppermannové. [Z nèmeckého originälu prelozil, doslov a vysvétlivky napsal Valter Feldstein. Praha]: Odeon [1973]. 295 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Designated by the publisher as «Vydání druhé, v Odeonu první.» Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 6. 40,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0377 Oppermannovi. Román. [Píelozil Josef Kodícek], Praha: Fr. Borovy, 1934. 420 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Series title: Novy Svét, knihovna Nové Evropy, sv. 6. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Mrmorial Library, Southern Illinois University at Edmondsville. 0378 Osklivá vévodkyné. Historicky román. [Píelozil Rüzeny Stemové.] Praha: [Svéceny] 1930. 238 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Series title: Knihovna modemi beletrie «Krizovatky». Location of copies: Národní knihovna (Prague). 0379 Osklivá vévodkyné Historicky román. [V autorisovaném píekladu Rüzeny Sternové. Praha]: Délnické nakladatelstvi, 1947. 254 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Designated by the publisher as «II. Vydání.» Series title: Krizovatky, sv. 3H. 5,500 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kent State Univ., Méstská knihovna (Prague). 0380 Osklivá vévodkyné Markéta Pyskatá. [Z némeckého originálu píelozil, predmluvou a vysvétlivkami opatfil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Státní Nakladatelstvi, Krásné literatury a uméní, 1964. 269 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Series title: Svétová cetba, sv. 328. Designated by the publisher as «Vydání v SNKLU první.» 30,000 copies printed.



Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0381 Osklivä vevodkyne Marketa Pyskatä. Prelozil Valter Feldstein. Praha: Nakladatelstvi Svoboda, 1967. 374 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Foreword and annotations by Valter Feldstein. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni druhö, ve Svobode prvni.» 70,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0382 Osklivä vevodkyne Marketa Pyskatä. [Z nemecköho originälu prelozil Valter Feldstein], Praha: Nakladatelstvi Präce, 1978. 244 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Illustrations by Franti§ek Turek. Designated by the publisher as «3. vydäni.» 55,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0383 Osklivä vevodkyne Marketa Pyskatä. Z nemecköho originälu prelozil a vysvetlivkami opatril Valter Feldstein. Praha: Odeon, 1993. 210 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Designated by the publisher as «3. vydäni.» Series title: Klub ctenäru, sv. 673. Klub dobröho centi. Location of copies: Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0384 Po sezone. Povidky. Z nemeck^ho originälu prelozil, vyber uspor. a dosl. naps. Ivana Vizdalovä. Praha: Bräna, 1996. 161 pp. Notes: Tr. of selections from Erzählungen - PEP. J.L. Wetcheeks amerikanisches Liederbuch. Contents: «Dum na Zeleni ceste» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg»]; «Pribeh neurofyziologa dr. Bl.» [«Die Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.»]; «Säzka» [«Eine Wette»]; «Mariana v Indii» [«Marianne in Indien»]; «Wollstein» [«Herrn Wollsteins Gepäckscheine»]; «Po sezone» [«Nachsaison»]; «Benätky (Texas)» [«Venedig (Texas)»]; «Letecky vyäkovy rekord» [«Höhenflugrekord»]. Location of copies: Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague).



0385 Rímsky 2id. Román. [Prelozil FrantiSek Selepa], Praha: Fr. Borovy, 1935. 586 pp. 2. vyd. Praha: Fr. Borovy, 1936. 586 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-tx'úogy. Series title: Novy svét, knihovna Nové Evropy, sv. 9. See also entries under alternate title: Synové. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Národní knihovna (Prague). 0386 Simona. [Z némeckého originálu prelozila Anna Kucerová], Praha: MIadá Fronta, 1958. 196 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Illustrations by Mario Stretti. Designated by the publisher as «První vydání.» Series title: Edice Vpfed, sv. 111. 15,250 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague). 0387 Simona. [Prelozila Anna Kucerová], Praha: Státní nakladatelství détské knihy, 1963. 221 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Translation, annotations and pronunciation guide by Anna Kucerová. Recommended for children above the age of 12. Postscript by Ivo Fleischmann. Illustrations by Antonín Pelc. Designated by the pubisher as «2. vydání (1. v SNDK).» 15,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Národní knihovna (Prague). 0388 Simona. [Pfelozil Anna Kucerová], Praha: Albatros [1971]. 219 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Translation and annotations by Anna Kucerová. Illustrations by Antonín Pelc. Recommended for children above the age of 11. Designated by the publisher as «3. vydání (2. v Albatrosu).» 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0389 Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera. Praha: Státni nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umény, 1961-1973.


TRANSÍA TIONS — CZECH 1 .¿id Süss. 1964. 2-4. Trilogie Josephus Flavius. 2. ¿idovska välka. 1962. 3 .Synove. 1962. 4. Zaslibenä zeme. 1962. 5-7. Trilogie öekärna. 5. t/s/x&A. 1973. 6. Oppermannove. 1973. 7. Vyhnanstvi. 1973. 8. Ziiiy na vinici. 1966. 9. Goya. 1969. 10. Bläznova moudrost. 1961. 11. ¿idovkaz Toleda. 1965. 12. Desdemonin Dum. Povidky, dramata, esej. 1968.

0390 Synove. Druhy dil Trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Z nemeckeho originälu, pfelozil a vysvetlivkami opatfil Valter Feldstein], Praha: SNKLU, 1962. 444 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 3. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni druhe (v SNKLU prvni).» 30,000 copies printed. See also entries under alternate title: Rimsky ¿id. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague). 0391 Synove. Druhy dil Trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Z nemeckeho originälu, pfelozil a vysvetlivkami opatfil Valter Feldstein], Praha: Svoboda, 1968. 453 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-tiilogy. Illustrations by Jaroslav Sura. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni III.» Series title: Clenskä kniznice. 70,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0392 Synove. Druhy dil Trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Z nemeckeho originälu, pfelozil a vysvetlivkami opatfil Valter Feldstein], Praha: Svoboda, 1992. 444 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-tiilogy. Designated by the publisher as «3. vyd., v nakl. Svoboda 1.»



Location of copies: Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0393 Úspéch. Tñléta déjin jedné provincie. Román. [Píelozil Josef Kodícek], Praha: Fr. Borovy, 1933. 591 pp., 382 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Published in two volumes. Series title: Novy svét, knihovna Nové Evropy, sv. 4-5. Location of copies: Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague). 0394 Ùspèch. Tri léta déjin jedné provincie. [Z némciny prelozil Josef Kodicek.] Praha: Druzstevni pràce, 1933. 970 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Designated by the publisher as «druhé vydàni.» Series title: ¿ivé knihy, A. Sv. 103. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Mèstskà knihovna (Prague). 0395 Ùspéch. Tri léta déjin Pfeklad prehlédl Literatury, 1961. Vydàni II. Praha:

jedné provincie. [Prelozili FrantiSek a Zdena Swidzinskych. FrantiSek Gottlieb], Praha: Statai Nakladatelstvi Politické 730 pp. Stàtni nakladatelstvi politické literatury, 1965. 730 pp.

Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Translation revised by FrantiSek Gottlieb. Postscript by Eduard Goldstucker. Designated by the publisher as «Vydàni I.» 9,000 copies printed. Vydàni II. 10,300 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (vyd. 1, vyd. 2), Méstskà knihovna (Prague; vyd. 1), Nàrodni knihovna (Prague; vyd. 1, vyd. 2). 0396 Uspech. Tfi leta dejin jedne provincie. [Pfelozili FrantiSek a Zdena Swidzinskych. Praha]: Odeon [1973]. 636 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Postscript by FrantiSek Swidzinski. Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 5. Designated by the publisher as «Vydani tfeti, v Odeonu prvni.» 40,000 copies printed.



Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0397 Válka zidovská. Román. [Prelozil Ivan Olbracht], Praha: Fr. Borovy, 1933. 509 pp. 2. vyd. Praha: Fr. Borovy, 1934. 509 pp. 4. vyd. Praha: Fr. Borovy, 1936. 509 pp. 5. vyd. Praha: Borovy, 1936. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-üilogy. Series title: Novy Svét, knihovna Nové Evropy, sv. 3. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich; 5. vyd.), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1. vyd.), Národní knihovna (Prague, 4. vyd.), New York Public Library (2. vyd.). 0398 Vdova Kapetová. Hra o 3 dg. Z ném. orig. prelozil Vladimir Procházka. Praha: Dilia, 1963. 90 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Witwe Capet. Location of copies: Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0399 VidéníSimony Machardové. Hra o 4 oddílech. Napsal Bertolt Brecht za spolupráce Liona Feuchtwangera. [Z ném. orig.] prélozil Rudolf Vápeník, verSe Ludvík Kundera. Praha: Ceskoslovenské divadelni a literárni jednatelství, 1959. 80 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Gesichte der Simone Machard. Location of copies: Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0400 Vyhnanství. Román. [Prelozil V. Bláha. Praha]: Práce, 1948. 684 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Postscript by Valter Feldstein. Location of copies: Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague).



0401 Vyhnanství. Román. [Prelozil V. Bláha. Praha]: Nakladatelství Práce, 1949. 649 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Postscript by Valter Feldstein. Designated by the publisher as «Druhé Vydání.» Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

0402 Vyhnanství. Prelozil Valter Feldstein. Praha: Naäe vojsko, 1957. 683 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Postscript and annotations by Valter Feldstein. Illustrations by Jaroslav Kováf. Series title: Knihovna vojáka, sv. 100. Designated by the publisher as «Vydání v NV I.» 20,400 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

0403 Vyhnanství. Tfetí cast volné trilogie «Cekárna». [Z némeckého originálu prelozil, doslovem a vysvétlivkami opatril Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Nakladateství politické literatury, 1965. 720 pp. Praha: Nakladatelstvi politické literatury, 1972. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Postscript and annotations by Valter Feldstein. Designated by the publisher as «Vydání IV., v NPL I.» 52,500 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Národní knihovna (Prague).

0404 Vyhnanství. [Z némeckého originálu prelozil, doslov a vysvétlivky naps. Valter Feldstein. Praha]: Odeon [1973]. 634 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Postscript and annotations by Valter Feldstein. Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwanger a, sv. 7. Designated by the publisher as «Vydání pàté , v Odeonu první.» 40,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague).

0405 Zaslíbená Zemé. Tfetí díl Trilogie Josephus Flavius. Praha: Borovy, 1942. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-Xx'úogy.



Location of copies: None found. Although there is evidence that the first two volumes of the trilogy were published by Borovy (see Nos. 0385, 0397), no copies of the third volume were located to verify that this volume was actually published.

0406 Zaslibenä Zeme. Treti dil Trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Pfelozil Valter Feldstein], Praha: SNKLU, 1962. 364 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Postscript and annotations by Valter Feldstein. Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 4. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni prvni.» 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague).

0407 Zaslibenä Zeme. Treti dil Trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Pfelozil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Svoboda, 1968. 368 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag -wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-txWogy. Annotations by Valter Feldstein. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni II.» Series title: Clenskä kniznice. 70,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague).

0408 Zaslibenä Zeme. Treti dil Trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Pfelozil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Nakladatelstvi Svoboda, 1992. 356 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-trWogy. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni druhe, v Nakladatelstvi prvni.» Location of copies: Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0409 ¿id Süss. [V autorisovanem pfekladu Boh. Rovenskeho. Praha: Üstfedni delnicke knihkupectvi a nakladatelstvi (Ant. Sveceny)], 1929. 419 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0410 2id Süss. [Pfekladu profesora Boh. Rovenského.] Praha: [«Kíizovatky»], 1936. 432 PPNotes: Tr. of JudSüss. Designated by the publisher as «II. vydáni.» Location of copies: Národní knihovna (Prague). 0411

¿idSüss. Román. [Pfelozil Boh. Rovensky], Praha: Nakladatelstvi Svoboda, 1948. 486 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSüss. Postscript by Pavel Eisner. Series title: Krízovatky, nová rada B, sv. 2. Designated by the publisher as «Vydáni tretí.» 4,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague). 0412

¿id Süss. [Pfelozil Bohuslav Rovensky.] Praha: Státní nakladatelstvi krásné literatury, hudby a umény, 1964. 465 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSüss. Postscript by Valter Feldstein, annotations Eva RySavá, poetry translated by L. V. Zvéíina and Bohuslav Rovensky. Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwanger, sv. 1. Designated by the publisher as «Vydáni v SNKLU prvni (ctvrté).» 25,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0413


[Pfelozil Valter Feldstein. Praha]: Odeon [1969], 418 pp.

Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Postscript by Valter Feldstein, annotations by Eva Ryáavá, poetry translated by L. V. Zvéfina and Bohuslav Rovensky. Series title: Svétová knihovna. Designated by the publisher as «Vydáni v Odeonu druhé (pàté).» 110,000 copies printed. Location of copies: California State Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Národní knihovna (Prague). 0414

¿idovka z Toledo. [Pfelozil Valter Feldstein], Praha: Státní nakladatelstvi krásné literatury, hudby a uméni, 1958. 473 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Annotations by Miloslav Éilina. Series title: Soudobä svétovà próza, sv. 66. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni prvni.» 15,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0415 ¿idovka z Toleda. [Prelozil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Stätni nakladatelstvi kràsné literatury a uméni, 1965. 385 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Annotations by Miloslav Zilina. Series title: Klub ctenärü, sv. 201. Designated by the publiser as «Vydäni v SNKLU druhé.» 82,000 copies printed; additional 133,000 copies printed in 1965. Location of copies: California State Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague). 0416 2idovka z Toleda. [Prelozil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Stätni nakladatelstvi kràsné literatury a umèni, 1965. 432 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Annotations by Miloslav Zilina. Designated by the publisher as «Vyd. v SNKLU 3.» Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 11.

Location of copies: Méstskà knihovna (Prague). 0417 ¿idovka z Toleda. [Prelozil Valter Feldstein], Praha: Svoboda, 1969. 458 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Preface by Valter Feldstein. Illustrations by Jaroslav Süra. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni 4.» Series title: Clenskä kniznice. 100,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Närodni knihovna (Prague), Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha. 0418 ¿idovka z Toleda. [Prelozil Valter Feldstein], [Praha]:Odeon [1983], 534 pp. Vydäni Sesté. [Praha]: Odeon [1986], Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Designated by the publisher as «Vydäni pàté, v Odeonu ctvrté.» Postscript Josef PoliSensky. 50,000 copies printed.



6th edition. Designated by the publisher as «vydàni Sesté, v Odeonu pàté.» 80,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (vyd. 5, vyd. 6), Méstskà knihovna (Prague; vyd. 5), Nàrodni knihovna (Prague; vyd. 5, vyd. 6). 0419 ¿idovka z Toleda. Z némeckého originàlu prelozil Valter Feldstein. Praha: Kuizni klub, 1994.433 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Designated by the publisher as «5. vyd., v Kuiznim klubu 1.» Location of copies: Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Nàrodnf knihovna (Prague). 0420 ¿idovka z Toleda. [Pfelozil Valter Feldstein.] Praha: Simon & Simon, 1996. 424 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Series: Cesky Klub. Location of copies: Nàrodni knihovna (Prague). 0421 2idovskà välka. Prvni dil trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Pfelozil Valter Feldstein], Praha: SNKLU, 1962. 386 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-XrWog]. Annotations by Valter Feldstein. Series title: Spisy Liona Feuchtwangera, sv. 2. Designated by the publisher as «Vydàni druhé (v SNKLU prvni).» 30,000 copies printed. Notes: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague). 0422 ¿idovskà välka. Prvni dil trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Pfelozil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Svoboda, 1968. 396 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-tx'\\ogy. Annotations by Valter Feldstein. Illustrations Jaroslav Sùra. Designated by the publisher as «Vydàni III.» Series title: Ùenskà kniznice. 70,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Méstskà knihovna (Prague), Nàrodni knihovna (Prague).



0423 ¿ìdovskà vàlka. Prvni dil trilogie Josephus Flavius. [Prelozil Valter Feldstein]. Praha: Svoboda, 1992. 406 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Annotations by Valter Feldstein. Postscript by Stanislav Segert. Designated by the publisher as «3. vyd., v Nakladatelstvi Svoboda 1.» Location of copies: Méstska knihovna (Prague), Nàrodni knihovna (Prague).

Danish 0424 Goya. Roman. [Paa dansk ved Karin Mathiasen]. K0benhavn: Martins Forlag, 1958. 426 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Illustrated edition, contains 7 reproductions of paintings by Goya. Location of copies: Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Copenhagen). 0425 Den hceslige Hertuginde Margarete Maultasch. Paa dansk ved Maria Garland. K0benhavn: Gyldendalske Boghandel - Nordisk Forlag, 1929. 270 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Designated by the publisher as «5. Oplag.» 6,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0426 Huset ved den gronne Vej. [Oversat af Axel Pille]. Kabenhavn: Carit Andersens Forlag [1947], 168pp. Notes: Tr. of Das Haus am grünen Weg and other stories. Taken from the English version entitled Stories from far and near. 750 numbered copies. Contents: «Huset ved den granne Vej» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg»]; «Hjernefysiologen Dr. Bl.s Historie» [«Die Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.»]; «Den trofaste Peter» [«Der treue Peter»]; «Hr. Hansickes Genfedsel» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt»]; «Legnetanten» [«Die Lügentante»]; «Et Vaeddemaal» [«Eine Wette»]; «Tjeneren Antonio» [«Der Kellner Antonio»]; «Neros D0d» [«Neros Tod»]; «Marianne i Indien» [«Marianne in Indien»]; «Tyrefaegtning» [«Stierkampf»]; «Krydseren Potemkin» [«Panzerkreuzer



Potemkin»]; «Wollstein» [«Herrn Wollsteins Gepäckscheine»]; «Eftersaeson» [«Nachsaison»]; «Polfaerd» [«Polfahrt»]; «Venedig» [«Venedig (Texas)»]. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (2 copies: No. 26, No. 28), Harvard. 0427 Jeft a og hans datter. Roman. Paa dansk ved Kay Nielsen. Kabenhavn: Martins Forlag, 1959. 250 pp. Notes: Tr. oiJefta und seine Tochter. Location of copies: Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Copenhagen). 0428 Jeden Süss. Paa dansk ved Maria Garland. K.0benhavn: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1930. 425 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «Ottende Oplag.» 15,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Copenhagen), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0429 Jeden Süss. Pä dansk ved Maria Garland. [Kebenhavn]: Spektrum, 1963. 395 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «9. oplag.» Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0430 Jeden fr a Rom. Paa dansk ved Paul la Cour. Kobenhavn: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1932. 400 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Designated by the publisher as «Tredie oplag.» 7,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0431 Jedinden fra Toledo. [Oversat elter originaludgaven af Maria Marcus og Karl


TRANSLA TIONS — DANISH Hornelund. Kobenhavn]: Grafisk Forlag [1956]. 478 pp.

Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0432 Simone. [Paa dansk ved Clara Hammerich. Kabenhavn:] Steen Hasselbalchs Forlag, 1946.248 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0433 Slcegten Oppenheim. [Autoriseret Oversaettelse ved Steen Hasselbalch. Kebenhavn]: Steen Hasselbalchs Forlag, 1934. 372 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppenheim. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0434 Sonnerne. Paa dansk ved Soffy Topsee. Kebenhavn: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1936. 450 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy. 4,500 copies printed. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0435 Stolte skaebner. [Autoriseret Oversaettelse ved Arne Stevns. Omslaget tegnet af Peter Holm. Kobenhavn]: Steen Hasselbalchs Forlag, 1948. 407 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (alternate title: Die Füchse im Weinberg). Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard.



0436 Succès. Tre aar af en provins ' Historie. Roman. Autoriseret Oversœttekse ved Elise Koppel. Kobenhavn: Henrik Koppels Forlag, 1930. 418pp., 277 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Published in two volumes. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

Dutch 0437 De erven Oppermann. Een eigentijdse historische roman uit het Duitsland van 1933. Uit het Diiits vertaald door Beate Keizer-Zilversmidt. Amstelveen: Cypres, 1987. 241 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister


Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Koninklijke Bibliothek (Den Haag). 0438 Het heilige vuur. Goya en zijn tijd. [Vertaling van Alice van Nahuys], Amsterdam: N.V. Em. Querido's Uitgeversmij, 1952. 658 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. 2 vol., illustrated edition with continuous pagination: vol. 1, pp. 5-326; vol. 2, pp. 327-658. 16 illustrations. Location of copies: Bibliotheque Royale Albert ler (Bruxelles), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. 0439 Jefta en zijn dochter. Roman. [Vertaald uit het Duits door M(agdalena) G(eertriuda) Schenk], Baarn: De Boekerij, 1958. 240 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadsbibliotheek Haarlem, Universiteit Utrecht. 0440 DeJodin van Toledo. [Vertaald uit het Duits door N. G. Hazelhoff]. 's-Gravenhage. Nederlandse Boekenclub [1957], 451 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Illustrated edition. Series title: NBC-selectie. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag).

0441 De jodin van Toledo. [Vertaald uit het Duits door N. G. Hazelhoff], 's-Gravenhage: Nederlandse Boekenclub, [ca. 1965], 503 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Illustrated edition. Series title: NBC-selectie. Location of copies: Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.

0442 JoodSüss. [Vertaald uit het Duits door Hermien Manger]. Amsterdam: L. J. Veen's Uitgeversmij N.V. [1962]. 411 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Series title: Amstelboeken, nr. 81/82. Also published under the titles: Macht (Süss, de Jood) and Süsz, de Jood. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rotterdam, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.


0443 De jood van Rome. Vertaald [uit het Duits] door Nico Rost. Amsterdam: Em. Querido, 1932. 448 pp. 2e dr. Amsterdam: Querido, 1932. 448 pp. 3e dr. Amsterdam: Querido, 1932. 448 pp. 4e dr. Amsterdam: Querido, 1932. 448 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-triXogy. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Gemeentebibliotheek Rotterdam (3e dr.), Harvard (4e dr.), Hebrew Union College (OH), Universiteit van Amsterdam ( l e dr., 2e dr.).

0444 De jood van Roma. [Vertaald door Nico Rost], Amsterdam: Querido, 1933. 448pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-tiilogy. by the publisher as «5e dr.»




Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Stadsbibliotheek Haarlem. 0445 De leelijke hertogin. 362 pp.

[Vertaald door Wilhelm Loeb. Amsterdam]: Querido, 1928.

Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete


Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Gemeentebibliotheek Rotterdam, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Stadsbibliotheek Haarlem. 0446 De leelijke hertogin. Vertaald [uit het Duitsch] door Wilhelm Loeb. Hilversum: Boekenvrienden Solidariteit, 1936. 362 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Series title: Boekenvrienden «Solidariteit», uitgave 26. Designated by the publisher as «Nieuwe uitg.» Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Universiteit van Amsterdam. 0447 Macht. (Süss, de jood). [Vertaald door Victor E. van Vriesland], [Amsterdam]: Querido, 1927. 526 pp. 2e dr. [Amsterdam]: Querido, 1929. 526 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. See also entries under alternate titles: Süsz, de Jood and Jood Süss. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (2e dr.), Gemeentebibliotheek Rotterdam (le dr.), Hebrew Union College (OH), Los Angeles Public Library (2e dr.), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2e dr.), Universiteit van Amsterdam. 0448 De man die de toekomst zag. [Vertaald uit het Duits door Nantko G(eert) Hazelhoff.] 's-Gravenhage: Nederlandse Boekenclub [c 1956]. 384 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack.

Series title: NBC-selectie.

Location of copies: Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag), Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam.



0449 De Oppenheims. Roman. [Vertaald uit het Duitsch door Nico Rost], Amsterdam: N.V. Querido's Uitgevers-mij, 1934. 369 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppenheim. Binding and dust cover design by Fre Cohen. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Gemeentebibliotheek Rotterdam, Harvard, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag), Universiteit van Amsterdam. 0450 Succès. Roman in vijfboeken. Vertaald door Anthonie Donker. Amsterdam: N.V. Em. Querido's Uitgevers-maatschappij, 1930. 601 pp. 2e dr. Amsterdam: Em. Querido's Uitgevers-maatschappij, 1933. 601 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M; 2e dr.), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (2e dr.), Gemeentebibliotheek Rotterdam (le dr.), Harvard (2e dr.), Los Angeles Public Library, Stadsbibliotheek Haarlem (2e dr.). 0451 Succès. Vertaald [uit het Duits] door Anthonie Donker. [Baarn]: De Prom [cl984], 570 pp. 2e dr. Baarn: De Prom, 1984. 570 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag), Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam (2e dr.). 0452 Süss de Jood. [Vertaald door Victor E. van Vriesland], Amsterdam: Em. Querido, 1950. 442 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Series title: De Reuzensalamander. Bibliotheek van oorspronkelijke en vertaalde romans. Designated by the publisher as «4e druk.» Location of copies: Gemeentelijke Archiefdienst Amsterdam.



0453 Süsz, de Jood. [Vertaald en voor deze editie nog eens extra nagezien door Victor E. van Vriesland. Amsterdam]: De Arbeiderspers, 1939. 568 pp. 3e dr. Amsterdam: Arbeiterpers, 1939. 568 pp. 4e dr., omgezet in de spelling Marchant; vert, [uit het Duits] en voor deze ed. nog eens extra nagez. door Victor E. van Vriesland. Amsterdam: DeArbeiderspers, 1939. 568 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «Derde Druk; Luxe editie.» See also entries under alternate titles: Macht (Süss, de Jood) and Jood Süss. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich; 4e dr.), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M; 3e dr.), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (3e dr.), Harvard (3e dr.), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (3e dr.), Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (3e dr.), Universiteit van Amsterdam ( l e dr., 4e dr.).

0454 De valsche Nero. [Vertaald uit het Duitsch door Nico Rost], Amsterdam: Em. Querido, 1937. 376 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Binding and dust jacket design by Fre Cohen. Location of copies: Bibliotheque Royale Albert ler (Bruxelles), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfiirt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

0455 De zonen. [Vertaald uit het Duitsch door Nico Rost], Amsterdam: Em. Querido, 1935. 502 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-txWogy. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Universiteit van Amsterdam, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Den Haag).

Dutch - Braille and spoken editions 0456 De erven Oppermann. Een eigentijdse historische roman uit het Duitsland van 1933. 11 cassettes. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann, in spoken form, male voice.




Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Nederlandse Blinden (Den Haag), Blindenbibliotheek Nederlandse Blinden (Ermelo), Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek (Nijmegen). 0457 Die häßliche Herzogin. 5 volumes, in German. Notes: Text in German, in Braille. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek (Nijmegen). 0458 Jefta en zijn dochter. Roman. 8 cassettes. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter, in spoken form, in female voice. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek (Nijmegen). 0459 Jefta en zijn dochter. Roman. 7 volumes. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter, in Braille. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek (Nijmegen). 0460 De jodin van Toledo. 16 volumes. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo, in Braille. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Nederlandse Blinden (Den Haag). 0461 Der jüdische Krieg. Roman. 14 cassettes, in German. Notes: In spoken form, in German, male voice. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek (Nijmegen). 0462 De man die de toekomst zag. 10 cassettes.



Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack, in spoken form. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek (Nijmegen), Blindenbibliotheek Nederlandse Blinden (Den Haag). 0463 Succes. 23 cassettes. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg, in spoken form, in female voice. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek (Nijmegen),. 0464 Succes. 25 volumes. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg, in Braille. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Nederlandse Blinden (Den Haag). 0465 De valsche Nero. 8 cassettes. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero, in spoken form. Location of copies: Blindenbibliotheek Nederlandse Blinden (Amsterdam).

English 0466 Arms for America. A Drama in Two Acts (Six Scenes). Tr. Gustave O. Arlt. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika. Mimeographed edition; copyrighted by Lion Feuchtwanger, 1947. See also entries under Proud Destiny. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0467 The Day Will Come. The 3rd Volume of the Josephus trilogy. Tr. Caroline Oram. London, NY, Melbourne: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. [1942], 256 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-trilogy. British edition. Text contents the same as the American edition, entitled Josephus and


TRANSÍA TIONS — ENGLISH the Emperor. Contains the note: «Book Production War Economy Standard. This book is produced in complete conformity with the authorized economy standards.»

Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Univ. of California at Irvine. 0468 The Day Will Come. The 3rd Volume of the Josephus Trilogy. Tr. Caroline Oram. London, NY, Melbourne: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. [1949], 256 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Text identical with the 1942 Hutchinson edition. Location of copies: New York Public Library. 0469 The Day Will Come. The 3rd Volume of the Josephus Trilogy. Tr. Caroline Oram. London, NY, Melbourne: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. [1968]. 256 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Text identical with the 1942 British edition published by Hutchinson. Reprinted by Cedric Chivers Ltd., Portway, Bath, (by arrangement with the copyright holders) on behalf of The London & Home Counties Branch of the Library Association, 1968. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, SUNYA. 0470 The Devil in Boston. A Play in Three Acts by Lion Feuchtwanger. Tr. J. Barrows Mussey. Notes: Tr. of Wahn oder der Teufel in Boston. Mimeographed version. Copyright 1948 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Location of copies: None found. 0471 The Devil in France. My Encounter with Him in the Summer of ¡940. Tr. Elisabeth Abbott. NY: The Viking Press, 1941. vi, 265 pp. Notes: Tr. from the German manuscript of Unholdes Frankreich. First American



edition; first published in November 1941; second printing November 1941. Published simultaneously in Canada by the MacMillan Company of Canada Limited. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Brooklyn Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Columbia University, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard (microfilm), Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton Univ., Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Davis, Univ. of California at Los Angles, Yale. 0472

The Devil in France. My encounter with him in the Summer of 1940. Tr. Phyllis Blewitt. London, NY, Melbourne: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. [1942]. 183 pp. Notes: Tr. of Unholdes Frankreich.

British edition.

Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadt- und Universitäts-bibliothek (Frankfurt/M; 2nd printing), Univ. of California at Santa Barbara. 0473

The Devil in France. My encounter with him in the Summer of 1940. Tr. Phyllis Blewitt. N.p.: National Book Association; London, NY, Melbourne: Hutchinson [ca. 1942], 152p. Notes: Tr. of Unholdes Frankreich. Designated by the publisher as «2nd impression.» Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0474 Double, Double Toil and Trouble. Tr. Caroline Oram. NY: The Viking Press, 1943. vi, 375 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. First American edition. Contains the notation on p. iv: «This edition is produced in full compliance with all war production board conservation orders.» Tr. from the German manuscript of Die Zauberer. Published in April 1943; published simultaneously in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. British and Australian editions published under the title: The

Lautensack Brothers. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Boston Public Library,


TRANSLA TIONS — ENGLISH Brooklyn Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Stanford Univ., SUNYA, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles.

0475 The False Nero. Tr. Edwin and Willa Muir. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. [1937], 478 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. British edition, text contents the same as the American edition except for pagination; American edition published under the title: The Pretender. Although there were several additional printings of this title, only two were verified: 4th impression, 1937. 6th impression, ca. 1938. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Princeton, Univ. of California at Irvine, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara. 0476 The House of Desdemona or The Laurels and Limitations of Historical Fiction. Tr. from the German and with a Foreword by Harold A. Basilius. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1963. 236 pp. Notes: Tr. of Das Haus der Desdemona. First American edition. A Waynebook original, Waynebook No. 12. Dedicated to Leonard N. Simons. The book was copyrighted by the Wayne State University Press in 1963 and published simultaneously in Canada by Ambassador Books, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. One issue of 4,900 copies (526 in cloth, rest in paperback). Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Brooklyn Public Library, Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Library of Congress, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles. 0477 Jephta and His Daughter. Tr. Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser. NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons [1958], 255 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. First American edition, published in 1958; published simultaneously in Canada by Longmans, Green & Co., Toronto, Ontario. On the cover: «Sedulo curavi humanas actiones non ridere, non lugere, neque detestali, sed intelligere.» Also contains the comment: «The author and his publishers wish to express their gratitude to Leroy Linick for his assistance in the final revision of the English text.» Copyright by Lion Feuchtwanger 1957, 1958. The British edition was published under the title: Jephthah and His Daughter. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Library of Congress, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles. 0478 Jephta and His Daughter. Tr. Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser. NY: New American Library [I960], 221 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. Paperback, A Signet Book. First printing April 1960. Text contents the same as the 1958 G. P. Putnam's Sons (first American) edition. Published by arrangement with G. P. Putnam's Sons. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0479 Jephthah and His Daughter. Tr. Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser. London: Hutchinson [1958]. 270 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. First British edition. Text contents the same as the American edition, published under the title: Jephta and His Daughter. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara. 0480 The Jew of Rome. A Historical Romance. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. [1935], 600pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy. First British edition. Although there were several additional printings of this title, only two were verified: 3rd Impression. 1935. 5th Impression. 1935.



Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1st ed., 3rd impression, 5th impression), Harvard, New York Public Library, Princeton, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara. 0481 The Jew of Rome. Tr.Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1936. 565 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-txWogy. First American edition. Copyright 1936 by the Viking Press, Inc. Distributed in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. Published Jan. 1936; second printing Feb. 1936. Location of copies: Brooklyn Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (1st, 2nd printings), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, Los Angeles Public Library, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Yale. 0482 The Jew of Rome. A Historical Romance. The second volume of the trilogy of which JOSEPHUS was the first. Tr.Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. [1968]. 600 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-Xrüogy. British edition. Reprinted by Cedric Chivers Ltd., Portway, Bath on behalf of The London & Home Counties Branch of the Library Association. Bindings vary. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, SUNYA. 0483 The Jew of Rome. A Historical Romance. The second volume of the trilogy of which Josephus was the first. Tr.Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd. [1969], Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-VcWogy. This edition is identical to the previously described British edition, except for the author's postscript. Reprinted by Cedric Chivers, Ltd., Portway, Bath, on behalf of the London & Home Counties Branch of the Library Association. Location of copies: None found. 0484 Jew Süss. A Historical Romance. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir.] London: Martin Seeker [1926], viii, 536 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. First (limited) edition in English, with the comment, «This edition is limited to 275 numbered copies, signed by the author...» See also entries under the title of the American editions: Power. Later American editions were also published under the title: Jew Süss. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Yale.

0485 Jew Süss. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Martin Seeker, 1926. 424 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. According to publisher's records, there were twenty-six printings of this edition (424 p.) between the years 1926-1928, with a total printing of 55,500 copies: (1) Oct. 1926 - 1000 copies; (2) Jan. 1927 - 2000 copies; (3) Jan. 1927 - 1000 copies; (4) Feb. 1927 - 2000 copies; (5) Mar. 1927 2000 copies; (6) Apr. 1927 - 5000 copies; (7) Apr. 1927 - 2000 copies; (8) Apr. 1927 - 2000 copies; (9) May 1927 - 2000 copies; (10) May 1927 - 2000 copies; (11) June 1927 - 2000 copies; (12) June 1927 - 2000 copies; (13) July 1927 2000 copies; (14) July 1927 - 5000 copies; (15) Aug. 1927 - 2000 copies; (16) Sept. 1927 - 2000 copies; (17) Sept. 1927 - 2000 copies; (18) Oct. 1927 - 2000 copies; (19) Oct. 1927 - 2000 copies; (20) Nov. 1927 - 3000 copies; (21) Dec. 1927 - 2000 copies; (22) Jan. 1928 - 2000 copies; (23) Jan. 1928 - 1500 copies; (2*) Feb. 1928 - 2000 copies; (25) March 1928 - 1000 copies; (26) March 1928 2000 copies. Location of copies (printings): Adelphi Univ. (14), American Univ. (9), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford (8, 13, 21), Boston Public Library (7), Brown Univ. (6), Bryn Mawr College (PA; 12), Central Connecticut State Univ. (11), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (21), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (12, 21), Free Library of Philadelphia (14), Harvard Univ. (14), Hebrew Union College (11), Mt. Holyoke (MA; 6), Ohio Wesleyan Univ. (10), Tufts (14), Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham (10), Univ. of Arkansas at Fayetteville (14), Univ. of California at Davis (22), Univ. of California at Irvine (5, 11), Univ. of California at Los Angeles (9), Univ. of California at Santa Barbara (10), Univ. of Colorado at Colorado Springs (12), Univ. of Houston (11), Univ. of Iowa (11), Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore (14), Univ. of Missouri at St. Louis, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (10), Univ. of South Carolina (12), Univ. of Texas at Austin (9), Univ. of Tulsa (12), Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison (11), Wayne State Univ. (11)

0486 Jew Süss. Tr. by Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. [1928], 384 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Series title: Hutchinson's Booklover's Library, No. 36. Although this edition is designated as the «21st edition» by the publisher, this designation does not coincide with the numbering of the Martin Seeker editions. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfiirt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0487 Jew Süss. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Seeker, 1928. 536 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «twenty-seventh printing,» April 1928. Identical to Special edition (No. 0484), except for binding. According to publisher's records, there were five printings of this (536 p.) edition between the years 1928 and 1929: (27) April 1928 - 28,940 copies; (28) Nov. 1928 - 5000 copies; (29) July 1929 - 3700 copies; (30) Aug. 1929 - 3316 copies; (31) Aug. 1929 - 9250 copies. Location of copies: New York Public Library. 0488 Jew Süss. A historical romance. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir], London: Martin Seeker [1928]. 536 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «First cheap edition, July 1928.» Although no exact printing information was available concerning the number of copies printed of this cheaper edition, this edition is designated as the «88th thousand.» Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Princeton. 0489 Jew Süss. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Seeker, 1933. vi, 536 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «First three-and-six pence» edition «(thirty-third English printing).» According to publisher's records, there were four printings of this three-and-six pence edition: (1) March 1933 - 4800 copies; (2) June 1933 - 4900 copies; (3) Sept. 1934 - 5028 copies; (4) Jan. 1935 4775 copies. Contains the comment: «Up to this point in time, 112,000 copies have been sold of the higher-priced English editions of this book. First published May 1933; reprinted May 1933; September 1934; January 1935.» Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M).



0490 Jew Süss. A Historical Romance. London, NY, Melbourne, Sydney: Hutchinson's International Authors Ltd. [1945], ii, 320 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. With the comment: «Book Production War Economy Standard. This book is produced in complete conformity with the authorized economy standards.» Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0491 Jew Süss (Power). Tr. Wilma [i.e. Willa] and Edwin Muir. NY: Avon Publishing Co., Inc. [1951]. 573 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Published by arrangement with The Viking Press, Inc. Contains entire text as published in the original edition. Copyright 1925 by the Drei Masken Verlag A.-G., Munich. Power copyright 1926 by The Viking Press, Inc.; Avon reprint edition, Jew Süss, copyright 1951 by Avon Publishing Co., Inc. Drawings by Raymond Kinstler. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Leo Baeck Institute. 0492 Jew Süss. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London]: Arrow Books [1959], 391 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Paperback edition. First published in Great Britain by Martin Seeker Ltd., 1926. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0493 Jew Süss. A historical romance. [Portway, Bath: Cedric Chivers, 1968]. 536 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Contains the comment: «Identical to the thirty-sixth edition published by Hutchinson's; reprinted by Cedric Chivers Ltd., Portway, Bath at the request of the London & Home Counties Branch of the Library Association by arrangement with the copyright holder.» Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0494 Jew Süss. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Henry Pordes, 1977. vi, 424 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «Thirty-eighth Edition.» Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0495 Jew Süss. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir], New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. [1984], 424 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jüd Süss. Text identical with the 1926 Martin Seeker edition. Location of copies: Brooklyn Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0496 Jew Süss. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Grafton Books [1986, cl954], 432 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Paperback edition. Series title: A Grafton classic. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0497 Josephus. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1932. viii, 504 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trììogy. First American edition. First printing, October 1932; second printing, December 1932; third printing, February 1933; fourth printing, July 1933; fifth printing, June 1937. Copyright 1932 by The Viking Press, Inc. Distributed in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Chicago Public Library (3rd, 5th printings), Cleveland Public Library, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (3rd printing), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1st, 5th printings), Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, SUNYA (3rd printing), Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Davis (1933), Yale (1st, 5th printings). 0498 Josephus. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. [NY]: The Literary Guild, 1932. vi, 504 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Book club edition. Text identical with the 1932 Viking Press edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Davis, Yale.



0499 Josephus. A Historical Romance. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir.] London: Martin Seeker [c 1932], 530 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. British edition. Copyright Propyläen Verlag, Berlin, 1932; First published Martin Seeker Ltd., London, October 1932; reprinted October and November 1932, January 1933; cheaper edition published October 1933. According to publisher's records, the printings of the higher-priced editions were: (1) 5800 copies; (2) 4850 copies; (3) 4250 copies; (4) 2000 copies. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin; 1933 printing), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M; 1933), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (2nd printing; cheap edition), Univ. of California at Santa Cruz. 0500 Josephus. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Books, Inc., 1943. 504 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trtiogy. Distributed by Viking Press. Identical to the 1932 Viking Presss edition. Location of copies: Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig). 0501 Josephus. A Historical Romance. [London]: Martin Seeker [1968]. 530 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. This edition is identical to the 1932 edition by Martin Seeker. Reprinted by Cedric Chivers Ltd., Portway, Bath on behalf of The London & Home Counties Branch of the Library Association, 1968. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, SUNYA. 0502 Josephus. A Historical Romance. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Atheneum, 1973. 530 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trtiogy. Paperback edition. Series title: A Temple book. Reprinted by arrangement with The Jewish Publication Society of America; reprinted 1985. Identical with the 1932 Martin Seeker edition.



Location of copies: Brooklyn Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library. 0503 Josephus and the Emperor. Tr. Caroline Oram. NY: The Viking Press, 1942. 446 pp. Notes: Tr. from the manuscript of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-txiiogy. First American edition, published in February 1942; published simultaneously in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada Ltd. Copyright 1942 by Lion Feuchtwanger. British edition published under the title: The Day Will Come. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia University (1943 printing), Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Yale. 0504 The Lautensack Brothers. [Tr. Caroline Oram], London: Hamish Hamilton [1943], 304 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. First edition published in 1943 in English. German edition published by Hamish Hamilton in 1944. American edition published under the title: Double, Double Toil and Trouble. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin; 2nd ed.), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Stadt- u. Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), SUNYA, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara. 0505 The Lautensack Brothers. [Tr. Caroline Oram]. London: Hamilton; Melbourne: Jaboor, 1945. 304 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. Australian edition. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0506 Little Tales. [Tr. Basil Creighton], London: Martin Seeker, 1935. 155 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Marianne in Indien. British edition. 4775 copies printed. The American edition (Viking) was published under the title Marianne in India in the same year. Contents: «Marianne in India» [«Marianne in Indien»]; «Altitude Record» [«Höhenflugrekord»]; «Bullfight» [«Stierkampf»]; «Polar Exploration» [«Polfahrt»]; «The Little Season» [«Nachsaison»]; «Herr Hannsicke's Second Birth» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt»]; «The Battle Cruiser [«Panzerkreuzer Orlow»]; «History of the Brain Specialist, Dr. Bl.» [«Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.»]. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford. 0507 Little Tales. [Tr. Basil Creighton.] London: Hutchinson [1935]. 155 pp. Notes: Tr. of Marianne in Indien. British edition. Contents identical to 1935 Martin Seeker edition. Series title: Hutchinson Booklover's Library, No. 35. The American edition (Viking) was published under the title Marianne in India in the same year. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Deutsche Bucherei (Leipzig), Stadt- u. Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0508 Marianne in India, and seven other tales. Tr. Basil Creighton. NY: The Viking Press [cl935], viii, 134 pp. Notes: Tr. of Marianne in Indien. American edition. British edition published in the same year under the title: Little Tales. Copyrighted by The Viking Press, 1935. Contents: «Marianne in India» [«Marianne in Indien»]; «Altitude Record» [«Höhenflugrekord»]; «Bullfight» [«Stierkampf»]; «Polar Expedition» [«Polfahrt»]; «The Little Season» [«Nachsaison»]; «Herr Hannsicke's Second Birth» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt»]; «The Armoured Cruiser » [«Panzerkreuzer Orlow»]; «History of the Brain Specialist Dr. Bl.» [«Geschichte des Gehimphysiologen Dr. Bl.»]. Location of copies: Boston Univ., Cleveland Public Library, Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig), Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Yale. 0509 Marianne in India and Other Stories. NY: Avon Book Company, Jos. Meyers E.B. Williams [1947], 123 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Marianne in Indien, published by Special Arrangement with The Viking Press, Inc. Published by The Viking Press in November 1945. Copyright 1945 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Copyright 1947 by Avon Book Company. Published simultaneously in Canada by the Macmillan Co. Ltd. Contains the comment: «Most of the stories appeared in British and American magazines.» Series title: Pocket Book edition, Avon modem short story monthly, 40. Contents: «Marianne in India» [«Marianne in Indien,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «The House in the Shady Lane» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg,» tr. George Sinclair]; «History of the Brain Specialist Dr. B.» [«Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Faithful Peter» [«Der treue Peter,» tr. Renatha Oppenheimer]; «Herr Hannsicke's Second Birth» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «The Aunt Who Told Lies» [«Die Lügentante,» tr. George Sinclair]; «A Wager» [«Eine Wette,» tr. Heinz and Ruth Norden]; «The Steward Antonio» [«Der Kellner Antonio,» tr. Heinz and Ruth Norden]; «The Death of Nero» [«Neros Tod,» tr. James A. Galston]; «Bullfight» [«Stierkampf,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «The Armored Cruiser Potemkin» [«Panzerkreuzer Potemkin,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Wollstein's Trunk Checks» [«Herrn Wollsteins Gepäckscheine,» tr. James A. Gallston]; «The Little Season» [«Nachsaison,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Polar Expedition» [«Polfahrt,» tr. Basil Creighton]. Location of copies: Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0510 Moscow 1937. My Visit Described for My Friends. Tr. Irene Josephy. NY: The Viking Press [1937]. xiv, 151 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. American edition, published August 1937. Copyright 1937 by the Viking Press, Inc. Distributed in Canada by the Macmillan Company of Canada, Ltd. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Davis, Yale. 0511 Moscow 1937. My visit describedfor my friends. Tr. Irene Josephy. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1937. 174 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. British edition; text contents the same as the American (1937 Viking Press) edition. Series title: Left Book Club topical book.



Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Princeton, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Univ. of California at Los Angeles. 0512 Odysseus and the Swine and other Stories. London, NY, Melbourne, Sydney, Cape Town: Hutchinson International Authors Limited, 1949. vii, 191 pp. Notes: Tr. of Odysseus und die Schweine. Most of the stories appeared first in British and American magazines, some in Little Tales and in Marianne in India. Contents: «The House in the Shady Lane» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg», tr. George Sinclair]; «History of the Brain Specialist Dr. B.» [«Geschichte des Gehimphysiologen Dr. Bl.,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Faithful Peter» [«Der treue Peter,» tr. Renatha Oppenheimer]; «Herr Hannsicke's Second Birth» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «The Aunt Who Told Lies» [«Die Lügentante,» tr. George Sinclair]; «A Wager» [«Eine Wette,» tr. Ruth Norden]; «The Steward Antonio» [«Der Kellner Antonio», tr. Heinz and Ruth Norden]; «The Death of Nero» [«Neros Tod,» tr. James A. Galston]; «Marianne in India» [«Marianne in Indien,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Bullfight» [«Stierkampf,» tr. Willa and Edwin Muir]; «The Battle Cruiser Orlow» [«Panzerkreuzer Orlow,» tr. Willa and Edwin Muir]; «Wollstein's Trunk Checks» [«Herrn Wollsteins Gepäckscheine,» tr. James A. Galston]; «The Little Season» [«Nachsaison,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «The Polar Expedition» [«Polfahrt,» tr. Willa and Edwin Muir]; «Venice» [«Venedig (Texas),» tr. George Sinclair]; «Odysseus and the Swine or the Unwelcome Civilization» [«Odysseus und die Schweine,» tr. J. Barrows Mussey], Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Stadt- u. Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0513 Nationalism and Judaism. Address delivered by Dr. Lion Feuchtwanger Before the Men's Club of Congregation Emanu-El New York City. Thursday Evening, January 26th, 1933. NY: Men's Club of Congregation Emanu-El, 1933. 20p. Notes: Tr. of Nationalismus und Judentum. Printed in pamphlet form. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, New York Public Library (microfilm).



0514 The Oppermanns. A Novel. [Tr. James Cleugh.] London: Martin Seeker [1933], 460 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppenheim. British edition. Copyright by Querido Verlag, Amsterdam, 1933; Martin Seeker, Ltd., London, 1933. First published in December 1933; reprinted in December 1933 and February 1934. Cheaper edition published July 1934. According to publisher's records, the printings of the higher priced edition were: (1) 10,000 copies; (2) 2,000 copies; (3) 2,050 copies. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin, 1934), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, 2nd printing), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M; cheap edition 1934), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1st, 3rd printings; cheap edition), Stadtund Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M, 1934), Univ. of California at Los Angeles (1934). 0515 The Oppermanns. NY: The Viking Press, 1934. viii, 406 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. First American edition. Die Geschwister Oppenheim copyright by Querido Verlag, Amsterdam; The Oppermanns copyright 1933 by Viking Press, Inc. First published in March 1934; second printing March 1934; third printing May 1934. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public, Princeton, Stanford Univ., SUNYA, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison, Yale. 0516 The Oppermanns. NY: Sun Dial Press, 1939. 406 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Identical to the 1934 Viking edition. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Leo Baeck Institute. 0517 The Oppermanns. NY: Award Books [1964, cl961], 349 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Paperback edition. Contents the same as the Viking edition. Copyright 1934 and 1961 by the Viking Press, Inc. First



printing by Award Books, August 1964, in arrangement with Viking Press. Series title: Award Book, No. Al 13S. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0518 The Oppermanns. NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc.[1983], x, 406p. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Paperback. Copyright 1934 and 1962 by The Viking Press. Published by arrangement with Viking Penguin, Inc. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard. 0519 Paris Gazette. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1940. xii, 860 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Exil copyright 1940 by Querido Verlag, Amsterdam. Paris Gazette copyright 1940 by Viking Press, Inc. Published April 1940; published simultaneously in Canada by Macmillan Company of Canada, Ltd. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Stanford Univ., Univ. of North Carolina, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of Los Angeles, Yale (also galley proofs). 0520 Paris Gazette. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London and Melbourne: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), Ltd. [1940]. viii, 672 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. British edition. Text contents the same as the American (1940 Viking Press) edition except for the pagination. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfìirt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Leo Baeck Institute. 0521 Pep. J.L. Wetcheek's American Song Book. English version by Dorothy Thompson. Drawings Constantin Aladjalov. NY: The Viking Press, 1929. xx, 59 pp. Notes: Tr. of Pep. J.L. Wetcheeks amerikanisches Liederbuch. Dedication: «For that good American Sinclair Lewis in admiration and comradship.»



Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Boston Univ., Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, New York Public, Princeton, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale. 0522 Power. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1926. vi, 424 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. First American edition. Copyright 1925 by Drei Masken Verlag A.-G., Munich; copyright 1926 by the Viking Press, Inc. First published in English in October 1926; second printing January 1927; third printing, March 1927; fourth printing, May 1927; fifth printing, July 1927; sixth printing, August 1927; seventh printing, November 1927; eighth printing, January 1928; ninth printing, June 1928; tenth printing, March 1929. Reissued May 1948. British edition published under the title Jew Süss. Location of copies: Boston Public Library (3 copies), Boston Univ. (2 copies), Chicago Public Library (1927), Cleveland Public Library (1927), Columbia Univ. (1927), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (4th printing), Harvard (1928), Los Angeles Public Library (1927), New York Public Library (1927, 1929), Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M; 1st printing, 4th printing), Stanford Univ. (1927), SUNYA (10th printing), Univ. of California at Berkeley (1927), Univ. of California at Santa Cruz (1926), Univ. of North Carolina (1927), Yale (1926). 0523 Power. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Modern Library [1926]. 531 pp. NY: Modern Library, 1932. vi, 531 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Series title: The Modern Library of the World's Best Books. Reprinted 1932. 1932 edition was bound for Modem Library by H. Wolff. Location of copies: Boston Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Univ. of California at Los Angeles (1932), Yale. 0524 Power. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. [NY]: Grosset & Dunlop [1929, cl926]. vi, 424 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Reprinted by arrangement with The Viking Press; reprinted by Grosset & Dunlop, 1929. Identical to the first Viking edition except for the bindings.



Location of copies: Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Univ. of California at Irvine, Univ. of North Carolina.

0525 Power. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1948. 424 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSüss. Designated by the publisher as «2nd edition.» Identical to the 1926 Viking edition except for the binding. Location of copies: Barnard College (NY), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

0526 Power. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Pocket Books [1967], 406 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Paperback edition. Text contents the same as previous editions. First printing of the Pocket Book edition, May 1967. Copyright 1926, 1959 by Marta Feuchtwanger. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

0527 The Pretender. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1937. x, 440 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. First American edition, published in May 1937. Der falsche Nero copyright 1936 by Querido Verlag N. V., Amsterdam. The Pretender copyright 1937 by The Viking Press, Inc.; distributed in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. Published in Great Britain under the title The False Nero. Location of copies: Boston Univ., Chicago Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., SUNYA, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ.of North Carolina, Yale.

0528 Proud Destiny. A Novel. pp.

[Tr. Moray Firth.] NY: The Viking Press, 1947. xii, 625

Notes: Tr. from the German manuscript of Waffen für Amerika {Die Füchse im Weinberg). First American edition, published September 1947; published simultaneously in Canada by the Macmillan Company. Copyright by Lion Feuchtwanger, 1947. As a preliminary work for the novel, Feuchtwanger wrote


TRANSÍA TIONS — ENGLISH a drama in two acts, Arms for America, which was translated by Gustave O. Arlt and exists only in mimeographed form, copyright by the author. Contains the following note on p. iv: «The author wishes to express his gratitude to Robert O. Ballou and Hilde Waldo for their assistance to him in the final revision of the English text.» Dedication: To Marta [Feuchtwanger],

Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Chicago Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., SUNYA, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale. 0529 Proud Destiny. [Tr. Moray Firth.] NY: Popular Library [1947], 592 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Published by arrangement with The Viking Press. Series title: Eagle Books Edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0530 Proud Destiny. Tr. Moray Firth. London, NY, Melbourne, Cape Town: Hutchinson International Authors, Ltd., 1948. vii, 688pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). British edition, text contents identical with American (Viking Press) edition except for pagination. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadt- und Universitäts-bibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0531 Raquel. The Jewess of Toledo. Tr. Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins. London: Hutchinson [1956, cl955], 410pp. [414pp.] Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. First published in Great Britiain, 1956. Copyright 1954, 1955 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Two versions were issued, one containing an author's postscript (414 pp.) and one without (410 pp.). Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Yale.



0532 Raquel. The Jewess of Toledo. Tr. Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins. NY: Julian Messner, Inc., 1956. viii, 433pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. First American edition, published April 16, 1956. Copyright 1954 and 1956 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Published in Canada by The Copp, Clark Company, Ltd. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Library of Congress, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles. 0533 Raquel. The Jewess of Toledo. Tr. Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins. NY: The New American Library [1957]. 379 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Paperback edition. Series title: A Signet Book, Dl 477. Text contents consist of two parts instead of three. Published as a Signet Book by arrangement with Julian Messner, Inc. First printing, December 1957. Copyright 1954, 1956 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Dedicated to Marta [Feuchtwanger] and Hilde [Waldo]. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Leo Baeck Institute. 0534 Simone. A Novel. Tr. G. A. Hermann. NY: The Viking Press, 1944. vi, 238 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. First American edition, with the comment: «This edition is produced in full compliance with all War Production Board Conservation orders.» Copyright 1944 by Lion Feuchtwanger; published simultaneously in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. Tr. of the German text with the same title, which was not published until 1945. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfìirt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stadts- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfiirt/M), Stanford Univ., SUNYA, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale.



0535 Simone. A Novel. Tr. G. A. Hermann. NY: Literary Guild, 1944. viii, 238 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Book club edition; identical to the 1944 Viking Press edition. Location of copies: None found. 0536 Simone. A Novel. [Tr. G. A. Hermann], London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1944. 224 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. British edition, text contents the same as the American (Viking Press) edition, different pagination. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0537 Stories from Far and Near. NY: The Viking Press, 1945. x, 179 pp. Notes: Tr. of Marianne in Indien. Contains the comment: «Most of these stories have appeared in British and American magazines, and some of them in Marianne in India.« Published by The Viking Press in November 1945. Copyright 1945 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Marianne in India copyrighted by The Viking Press in 1935. Contents: «The House in the Shady Lane» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg,» tr. George Sinclair]; «History of the Brain Specialist Dr. B.» [«Geschichte des Gehimphysiologen Dr. Bl.,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Faithful Peter» [«Der treue Peter,» tr. Renatha Oppenheimer]; «Herr Hannsicke's Second Birth» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «The Aunt Who Told Lies» [«Die Lügentante,» tr. George Sinclair]; «A Wager» [«Eine Wette,» tr. Heinz and Ruth Norden]; «The Steward Antonio» [«Der Kellner Antonio,» tr. Heinz and Ruth Norden]; «The Death of Nero» [«Neros Tod,» tr. Tr. James A. Galston]; «Marianne in India» [«Marianne in Indien,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Bullfight» [«Der Stierkampf,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «The Armoured Cruiser Potemkin» [«Panzerkreuzer Potemkin,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Wollstein's Trunk Checks» [«Herrn Wollsteins Gepäckscheine,» tr. James A. Galston]; «The Little Season» [«Nachsaison,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Polar Expedition» [«Polfahrt,» tr. Basil Creighton]; «Venice» [«Venedig (Texas),» tr. George Sinclair], Location of copies: Boston Univ., Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Stadt- u. Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Univ.



of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale. 0538 Success. Three Years in the Life of a Province. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir.] London: Martin Seeker, 1930. viii, 742 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Drei Jahre Geschickte einer Provinz. British edition. Copyright 1930 by Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, Berlin, and Martin Secker, London. According to publisher's records, 25,000 copies were printed. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, New York Public Library, Univ. of California at Davis, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, Yale. 0539 Success. A Novel. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1930. ix, 781 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Drei Jahre Geschichte einer Provinz. First American edition. Copyright 1930 by Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag A.-G., Berlin. Copyright 1930 by the Viking Press, Inc. Location of copies: Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, SUNYA, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale. 0540 Success. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Literary Guild, 1930. ix, 781 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Book club edition. Identical to the 1930 Viking Press edition except for the binding. Location of copies: Boston Univ., Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Los Angeles Public Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., Univ. of North Carolina. 0541 Success. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, inc. [1984], ix, 781 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Text identical to 1930 Viking Press edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0542 This is the Hour. Tr. H. T. Lowe-Porter and Frances Fawcett. NY: The Viking Press, 1951. iv, 516 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. First American edition. Copyright 1951 by the Viking Press, Inc. First published in May 1951. There were two printings, as well as a book club edition, which was bound identical to the Viking Press edition, but designated as a Book-of-the-Month Club selection. Published simultaneously in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stanford Univ., SUNYA, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale. 0543 This Is the Hour. A Novel about Goya. Tr. H. T. Lowe-Porter and Frances Fawcett. London: Hutchinson. [1952], 480 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. British edition, published 1952. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0544 This Is the Hour. A Novel about Goya. Tr. H. T. Lowe-Porter and Frances Fawcett. London: Hutchinson's Universal Club [1954], 480 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. This edition is identical with the 1952 edition by Hutchinson & Co. except for the size and the binding. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0545 This Is the Hour. A Novel About Goya. Tr. H. T. Lowe-Porter and Frances Fawcett. NY: The Heritage Press [1956]. xiii, 522 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Contains the comment: «This book is copyright, 1951, by The Viking Press Inc. from whom permission for the printing of this edition has been obtained. The special contents of this edition are



copyright, 1956, by The George Macy Companies, Inc.» Illustrated with 200 reproductions of the drawings, etchings, and paintings of Goya selected and arranged by J.B. Neumann. Location of copies: Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Yale.

0546 This Is the Hour. Tr. H. T. Lowe-Porter and Frances Fawcett. NY: Popular Library, Inc. [1964], 576 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Pocket Book (paperback) edition, published by Popular Library, Inc. by arrangement with the Viking Press, Inc. Series title: Eagle books, Z22. Location of copies: None found.

0547 Three Plays. Prisoners of War. 1918. The Dutch Merchant. Tr. Emma Duden Ashton. NY: The Viking Press, 1934. ix, 306 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Kriegsgefangene; Thomas Wendt (1918); Der holländische Kaufmann. American edition. Copyright 1934 by the Viking Press, Inc. First published in October 1934. Distributed in Canada by the Macmillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. Contains the comment: «The acting rights in these plays, as well as all rights of presentation or reproduction in any form, including radio and public reading, are strictly reserved and fully protected by copyright. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Univ. of California at Irvine, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale.

0548 Three Plays. Prisoners of War. 1918. The Dutch Merchant. Tr. Emma D. Ashton. London: Martin Seeker, 1934. ix, 306 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Kriegsgefangene; Thomas Wendt (1918); Der holländische Kaufmann. British edition. Text identical with American (Viking Press) edition. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0549 'Tis Folly to be Wise or, Death and Transfiguration of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. A Novel. Tr. Frances Fawcett. NY: Julian Messner, Inc. [1953], vi, 367 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. First American edition. Copyright 1952, 1953 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Boston Univ., Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Leo Baeck Institute, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale. 0550 'Tis Folly to be Wise or Death and Transfiguration of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. A Novel. Tr. Frances Fawcett. London: Hutchinson [1954]. 392 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. First British editon. Text contents same as the American (1953 Julian Messner) edition. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadt- u. Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Univ. of California at Berkeley. 0551 Two Anglo Saxon Plays. The Oil Islands — Warren Hastings. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1928. x, 241 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Petroleum-Inseln; Kalkutta, 4. Mai (Warren Hastings), the latter written in collaboration with Bertolt Brecht. American edition. Copyright 1927 by Propyläen Verlag, Berlin; copyright 1928 by The Viking Press, Inc. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina. 0552 Two Anglo Saxon Plays. The Oil Islands. Warren Hastings. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir]. London: Martin Seeker [cl929], vi, 241 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Petroleum-Inseln; Kalkutta, 4. Mai (Warren Hastings). British edition, identical to American edition published by The Viking Press.



Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwangqr Memorial Library, Harvard.

0553 The Ugly Duchess. A Historical Romance. [Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir], London: Martin Seeker [1927]. iv, 312 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. First British edition. Copyright 1926 by Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag A.-G., Potsdam. First published in England, November 1927. Reprinted November 1927 and January 1929. Cheap edition issued April 1935. According to publisher's records, the printings of the higher-priced editions were: (1) 20,760 copies; (2) 21,950 copies; (3) 4880 copies. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1st ed.), Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Princeton, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Univ. of California at Riverside, Yale.

0554 The Ugly Duchess. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: The Viking Press, 1928. vi, 335 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. First American edition. Copyright Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch 1926 by G. Kiepenheuer Verlag, Potsdam, and by the Viking Press, Inc., 1928. Published in January 1928; second printing before publication; third printing, January 1928; fourth printing, February 1928. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (4th printing), Harvard, New York Public Library, Stanford Univ., SUNYA (1st printing, 3rd printing), Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of North Carolina, Yale.

0555 The Ugly Duchess. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Grosset & Dunlap [1928], 335pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Identical to 1928 Viking Press edition. Location of copies: Boston Univ., Harvard.



0556 The Ugly Duchess. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Literary Guild, 1930. 335 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Book club edition. Identical to 1928 Viking Press edition. Location of copies: Los Angeles Public Library. 0557 The Ugly Duchess. An Historical Romance. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. London,NY, Melbourne, Sydney: Hutchinson International Authors Limited., 1946. 203 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Hutchinson International Authors Limited Edition. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0558 The Ugly Duchess. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. NY: Avon Publishing Co., Inc. [1951], 220 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Paperback edition, copyright 1951 by Avon Publishing Co., Inc. Published by arrangement with The Viking Press, Inc. Series title: Avon Reprint Edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stanford Univ. 0559 The Ugly Duchess. Tr. Willa and Edwin Muir. [London]: Hutchinson Library Services [1972], vi, 335pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Identical to the 1928 Viking Press edition. Location of copies: Bodleian Library of the Univ. of Oxford, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadt- und Universitäts-bibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0560 The Visions of Simone Machard. By Bertolt Brecht and Lion Feuchtwanger. Tr. and with a Preface by Carl Richard Mueller. NY: Grove Press, Inc. [1965]. 128 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Gesichte der Simon Machard. Contains the comment: «Written with



the help of Lion Feuchtwanger.» German text copyright 1959 by Marta Feuchtwanger and Helene Brecht under the title Simone. Translation and preface copyright 1965 by Carl Richard Mueller. Series title: An Evergreen Black Cat Book, BC 88. Location of copies: Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, SUNYA, Stanford Univ., Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Univ. of North Carolina.

0561 The Widow Capet. A Play in Three Acts. [Tr. J. Barrows Mussey]. Los Angeles: Pazifische Presse, 1956. 86 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Witwe Capet. Mimeographed edition. Copyright 1956 by Lion Feuchtwanger. Location of copies: Columbia Univ. (microfilm), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

Estonian 0562 Edu. Saksa keelest tölkinud A. Tungal. Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1971. 799 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. 36,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn).

0563 Goya, ehk Tunnetuse salakaval tee. [Tölkinud F. Kauba]. Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1958. 628 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Illustrated edition. Postscript (unsigned). 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, National Library of Estonia (Tallinn), Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste (Berlin).

0564 Goya, ehk Tunnetuse salakaval tee. [Tölkinud F. Kauba]. Tallinn: Eesti NSV Kunst, 1960. 636 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Illustrated edition. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0565 Inetu hertsoginna Margarete Kottsuu. Saksa keelest tölkinud Ott Kangilaski. Tartu, Tallinn: Kirjastus O./Ü «Loodus», 1938. 215 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Series title: Looduse Kroonine Romaan, 120. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0566 Inetu hertsoginna Margarete Töllmokk. Romaan. [Tölkinud Uno Liivaku. Tallinn]: Monokkel, 1994. 213 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0567 Juudisöda. [Tölkinud August Sang], Tallinn: «Ilukirjandus ja Kunst», 1946. 358 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. 7200 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0568 Juudisöda. Tölkinud August Sang. Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1981. 364 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. 50,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0569 JuutSüss. Romaan. [Tölkinud F. Kauba], Tallinn: «Ilukiijandus ja Kunst», 1948. 488 pp.



Notes: Tr. of JudSiiss. 10,200 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0570 Narritarkus ehk Jean-Jacques 7 elu ja kirgastumine. Töolkinud Evi Auling. Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1983. 365 pp. Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0571 Pojad. Tölkinud Rita Tasa. [Tallinn]: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1982. 410 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-tn\ogy. printed.

36,000 copies

Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0572 Rebased Viinamäel. Saksa keelest tölkinud H. Tiidus. Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1973. 888 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. 36,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0573 Saabub Päev. Tölkinud Aino Toomaspoeg. Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1984. 350 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-trtiogy. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0574 Simone. [Tölkinud A. Sang], Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1964. 228 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. 30,000 copies printed.



Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0575 Toledo Juuditar. Hispaania ballaad. Tölkinud Henn Saari. Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1976. 403 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo (Spanische Ballade). 40,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn). 0576 Vale-Nero. Romaan. [Tölkinud Armand Tungal], Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1966.313 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. 24,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn), Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0577 Vennad Lautensackid. Tölkinud Agnes Kerge. Tallinn: Kirjastus «Eesti Raamat», 1977.289 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. 36,000 copies printed. Location of copies: National Library of Estonia (Tallinn).

Finnish 0578 Narrin viisaus, eli Jean-Jacques Rousseaun kuolema ja kirkastus. Romaani. [Saksan kielestä suomentanut Lauri Hirvensalo]. Porvoo, Helsinki: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö [1953], 464 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Helsinki University Library. 0579 Valekeisari. Romaani. [Suomentanut V. Arti], Helsingissä: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava [1958], 403 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Helsinki University Library. 0580 Valla (Jud Süss). Tekijän luvin suomentanut J. Hollo. Porvoo: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö [1929]. 455 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Helsinki University Library, Los Angeles Public Library. 0581 Vapauden puolesta. Romaani. [Saksan kielestä suomentanut Lauri Hirvensalo], Porvoo, Helsinki: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö [1950], 857 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfùrt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Helsinki University Library.

French 0582 Beaumarchais, Benjamin Franklin et la naissance des Etats-Unis. Traduit de l'allemand par Pierre Sabatier. Genève: Librairie Slatkine, 1977. 570 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Preface by M. le duc de Castries. Appeared in French earlier under the title L Emissaire. Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Brooklyn Public Library, Harvard, Stadt- und Universitäts-bibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0583 Le diable en France. Traduit de l'allemand par Gabrielle Perrin. [Paris]: Jean-Cyrille Godefroy [cl985]. 226 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Teufel in Frankreich. Published in May 1985. Preface by Luc Rosenzweig.



Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Princeton. 0584 Le diable en France. Traduction de l'allemand et postface de Jean-Claude Capèle. Paris: Belfond [1996]. 225 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Teufel in Frankreich. Published in March 1996. Postscript by JeanClaude Capèle. Location of copies: Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach). 0585 L'émissaire. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Pierre Sabatier. [Paris, Bruxelles]: Editions de la Paix [cl951]. 570 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Appeared later under the title Beaumarchais, Benjamin Fran/din et la naissance des Etats-Unis. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Southwestern Univ. (TX). 0586 Le faux Néron. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Jean-Claude Capèle. [Paris]: Fayard, 1995. 371 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Published February 1995. Series title: Littérature étrangère Fayard. Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0587 La Guerre des Juifs. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Maurice Rémon. Paris: Albin Michel [1933], 442 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Published in August 1933. Series title: Collection des maîtres de la littérature étrangère, N.S. [10]. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Wellesley College (MA).



0588 La guerre de Judée. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Jean-Claude Capèle. [Paris] : Fayard [1996]. 415 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josep/jus-trilogy. Published March 1996. Series title: Littérature étrangère Fayard. Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0589 Le Juif de Rome. (Die Sohne). Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Maurice Rémon. Paris: Albin Michel [1936], 475 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Published April 1936. Series title: Collection des maîtres de la littérature étrangère, N.S. [4], Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0590 Le Juif Süss. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Maurice Rémon. Paris: Albin Michel [1929], 383 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Published January 1929. Series title: Collection des maîtres de la littérature étrangère. Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library. 0591 Le Juif Süss. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Maurice Rémon. Préface de Léon Poliakov. [Paris]: Balland [cl978], 358 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Published October 1978. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard, Princeton, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0592 Le Juif Süss. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Maurice Rémon. [Paris]: Balland [1980], 442 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Preface by Leon Poliakov. Paperback. Series title: Le livre du poche, 5358. Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0593 La juive de Tolède (Spanische Ballade). Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Henri Thies. Paris: Calmann-Lévy [cl957], 317 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Published February 1957. Series title: Collection «Traduit de». Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0594 La juive de Tolède. Traduit de l'allemand par Henri Thies. [Paris]: Presses Pocket [cl985]. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Introduction and commentary by Claude Aziza. Series title: Grands romans historiques. Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg. 0595 Néron l'Imposteur, roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Susi et Michel Breitman. [Paris]: Jean-Cyrille Godefroy [1984], 400 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Published March 1984. Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0596 Les Oppermann. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Maurice Rémon. Paris: Albin Michel [1934], 313 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Published September 1934. Series title: Collection des maîtres de la littérature étrangère.



Location of copies: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0597 Le roman de Goya. Goya oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Roman. Traduit de l'allemand par Henri Thies. Paris: Calmann-Lévy [1953]. 352 pp. [Paris]: Calmann-Lévy [1985], Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Published October 1953. Series title: Collection «Traduit de». Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg (1985), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1953, 1985). 0598 Simone. Roman. Traduit de l'anglais par [Jeanne] Fournier-Pargoire. Paris: Corrêa [cl946], 291 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Contains the note: «Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage 25 exemplaires numérotés sur papier vélin.» Published May 1946. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M).

Georgian Records of the translations of Feuchtwanger's works, as prepared by his secretary, Hilde Waldo, contained references to four translations into Georgian. It was not possible, however, to verify that three of the four titles were ever published. For this reason, information concerning these publications remains very inexact. 0599 Tbilisi: Sabchota sakarstvelo, 1963. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: None found. 0600 Tbilisi: Sabchota sakarstvelo, 1975.



Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Location of copies: None found. 0601 Tbilisi: Sabchota sakarstvelo, 1978. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Location of copies: None found.

0602 Moskovi 1937. [Tr. Giorgi Bezhuashvili], Tbilisi: Merani, 1991. 118 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach).

Greek 0603 Ta horamata tes Symon Masar. Athens: 1979. 132 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Gesichte der Simone Machard. Tr. Stauros Ntuphexes and A. Th. Koltsidopulos. Series title: Theatron, 1. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich).

Hebrew 0604 Baladah sefaradit. Roman. 'Ivrit: 'Ednah Kornfeld. Merhavyah: Sifriyat Po'alim [1957], 383 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Series title: La-kol. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0605 ha-Banim. Tirgem mi-Germanit Y. Likhtenbum. Tel-Aviv: Sifriyat Shtibel, 1936.



Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-tri\ogy. Published in two volumes. Location of copies: Los Angeles Public Library. 0606 ha-Banim. Tirgem Y. Likhtenbum. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1944/1945. 469 pp. Mahadurah sheniyah. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1950. 469 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-txilogy. Published in 2 consecutively paginated volumes. Publication date given as 705 (either 1944 or 1945). Publication date of second edition given as 710 (1950). Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0607 Bene Operman. mi-Germanit: Tsvi Arad. Tel-Aviv: Zemorah, Bitan [1983]. 242 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Also published under the title Bet Operman. Publication date given as 743 (1983). Location of copies: Harvard, Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem). 0608 Bet Operman. Tirgem mi-ketav-yad Yitshak Shenberg. Tel-Aviv: Sifriyat Shtibel, 1934. 205 pp., 387 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Also published under the title Bene Operman. Published in 2 volumes. Publication date given as 694 (1934). Location of copies: Harvard. 0609 Boyav'o ha-yom. Tirgim me-anglit A. Lubr'ani. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1944/1945. 431 pp. Mahadurah sheniyah. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1950. 431 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Jose/?/?us-trilogy Published in two consecutively paginated volumes. Publication date of the first edition given as 705 (either 1944 or 1945). Publication date of second edition given as 710(1950).



Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (2nd ed.), Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem; 1st ed., 2nd ed.).

0610 Frantsisko de-Goyah. Roman. 'Ivrit B. Noah u-Me'ir Mohar. Tel-Aviv: Sefarim N. Tverski, 1955. 397 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Publication date given as 715 (1955). Also published under the title Goya. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem). 0611 Frantsisko de-Goyah. Roman. 'Ivrit B. Noah u-Me'ir Mohar. Tel-Aviv: Bronfman [1976/1977], 397 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Publication date not given [437, 1976 or 1977], Also published under the title Goya. Location of copies: Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem). 0612 Galut. mi-Germanit Tsvi Arad. [Tel-Aviv]: Zemorah-Bitan [1991], 564 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Publication date given as 751 (1991). Location of copies: Harvard. 0613 Goya. mi-Germanit: Tsvi Arad. Tel-Aviv: Zemorah, Bitan [1985]. 432 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Publication date given as 746 (1985). Also published under the title Frantsisko de-Goyah. Location of copies: Harvard, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0614 Milhemet ha-Yehudim. Tirgem [1931/1932], 494 pp.

Y. Likhtenbum.






Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-ixWogy. Published in two consecutively paginated volumes. Publication date not given [692; either 1931 or 1932], Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem).

0615 Milhemet ha-Yehudim. Tirgem Y. Likhtenbum. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski [1947/1948]. 465 pp. Mahadurah sheniyah. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski [1950]. 465 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-XxWogy. Published in two consecutively paginated volumes. Publication date given as 708 (either 1947 or 1948). Publication of second edition given as 710 (1950). Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem).

0616 Milhemet ha-Yehudim. mi-Germanit: Tsvi Arad. Tel-Aviv: Zemorah, Bitan [1984], 273 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-XrWogy. Publication date given as 744 (1984). Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard.

0617 Niron ha-khozev. Roman. Tirgemah be-haskamat ha-mehaber Rut Ka"ts. [Tel-Aviv]: Sefarim A. Y. Shtibel, 1941/1942. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Published in two volumes. Publication date given as 702(1941 or 1942). Location of copies: Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem). 0618 Nitsahon. mi-Germanit: Tsvi Arad. [Tel-Aviv]: Zemorah-Bitan [1990], 623 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Publication date given as 750 (1990). Location of copies: Harvard.



0619 ha-Yehudi Zis. Roman. Tirgem M[ordekhai] Avi-Sha'ul. Tel-Aviv: Sifriyat Shtibel, 1929. 486 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Published in two consecutively paginated volumes. Publication date given as 689 (1929). Location of copies: Annenberg Research Institute, Harvard, Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem). 0620 ha-Yehudi Zis. Mahazeh. 'Al-pi ha-roman shel Liyon Foykhtvanger. 'Ibud Mfordekhai] Avi-Sha'ul. Tel-Aviv: A. Y. Shtibel [1932/1933]. 120 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss, dramatization. Publication date given as 693 (either 1932 or 1933). Location of copies: Ohio State Univ., Univ. of California at Berkeley. 0621 ha-Yehudi Zis. Roman. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1953. 427 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Publication date given as 713 (1953). Location of copies: Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem).

0622 ha-Yehudi Zis. mi-Germanit: Tsvi Arad. Tel-Aviv: Zemorah, Bitan [1984]. 338 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Publication date given as 744 (1984). Location of copies: Harvard, Univ. of Texas at Austin. 0623 ha-Ye'ud ha-gadol. 'Ivrit: Y. Likhtenbum, Ya'akov 'Adini. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1948. 236 pp., 304 pp., 295 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Published in three parts. Parts I and II, tr. Y. Likhtenbum; Part III, tr. Ya'akov 'Adini. Part one, entitled «Kele-zayin la-Amerikah,» published in one volume. 236 pp. Part two, entitled «ha-Berit,» published in two consecutively paginated volumes. 232 pp., 233-304 pp. Part three, entitled «ha-Gemul,» published in two consecutively paginated volumes. 132 pp., 133-295 pp.



Location of copies: Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem). 0624 Yifiah ha-Gil'adi u-vito. 'Ivrit: Rut Levanit. Merhavyah: Sifriyat Po'alim [I960], 221 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. Series title: La-kol. Location of copies: New York Public Library. 0625 Yosef. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1944/1945. Mahadurah sheniyah. Tel-Aviv: N. Tverski, 1950. Notes: Tr. of the Josephus-trilogy. Published in six volumes. See descriptions under titles of individual volumes: 1. Milhemet ha-Yehudim. 2. ha-Banim. 3. Bo yav 'o ha-yom. Location of copies: Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem).

Hungarian 0626 Àllamférfìak, eselszövök, bohémek. Forditotta Ferenc Làszló. Budapest: Nova Irodalmi Intézet, 1948. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Location of copies: None found. 0627 Balgàk bolcsessége, avagy Jean-Jacques Rousseau halàla és megdicsóùlése. Regény. Forditotta Tivadar Szinnai. [Budapest]: Bibliotheca, 1959. 546 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. 10,200 copies printed. Location of copies: Brooklyn Public Library, Columbia Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest).



0628 Balgàk bolcsessége, avagy Jean-Jacques Rousseau halàla és megdicsailése. Regény. Forditotta Tivadar Szinnai. [Budapest]: Gondolat kiadó, 1965. 510 pp. 3. kiad. [Budapest]: Gondolat Kiadó, 1976. 510 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. 20,500 copies printed. Designated by the publisher as «Mäsodik Kiadäs.» 3. kiad. 40,000 copies printed. Designated by the publisher as «Harmadik Kiadäs.» Location of copies: Boston Public Library (3. kiad.), Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (2. kiad., 3. kiad.), Magyar Tudomänyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest; 2. kiad., 3. kiad.), Toronto Public Library (3. kiad.). 0629 Balgàk bolcsessége, avagy Jean-Jacques Rousseau halàla és megdicsailése. Regény. [Fordftotta Tivadar Szinnai], Bukarest: Irodalmi KOnyvkiadó, 1966. 471 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Hungarian minority edition. Postscript by Dimény Istvän. 10,110 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Orszàgos Széchényi Könyvtär (Budapest). 0630 Capet özvegye Marie Antoinette. Szinmu hàrom felvonäsban. [Forditotta József Erdödi és György Mihäly Vajda. Budapest]: Európa Könyvkiadö, 1959. 92 pp. Tr. of Die Witwe Capet. Series title: Vilägirodalmi kiskönyvtär. Postscript György Mihäly Vajda. 7000 copies printed. Additional 300 copies printed as combined Hungarian/Romanian edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest). 0631 A csünya hercegnä Forditotta Läszlö Dormändi. [Budapest]: Pantheon kiadäs, 1930. 293 pp. Budapest: Pantheon kiadäs [1932], 293 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch.



Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library (1932), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Orszägos Szöchönyi Könyvtär (Budapest). 0632 A csünya hercegnö. Forditotta Läszlö Dormändi. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1957. 228 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. 10,000 copies printed. Additional 3,000 copies printed as combined Hungarian/Romanian edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Könyvtära (Budapest). 0633 A csünya hercegnö. Forditotta Läszlö Dormändi. Bukarest: {Criterion Könyvkiadö, 1978. 221 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Postscript by Anna Haläsz. Series title: Horizont könyvek. Location: Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach), Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Könyvtära (Budapest), Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär (Budapest). 0634 A csünya hercegnö. Regeny. Forditotta Läszlö Dormändi. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1981. 295 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Designated by the publisher as «Harmadik kiadäs.» 49,850 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Könyvtära (Budapest). 0635 A csünya hercegnö - Simone. Forditotta Läszlö Dormändi ¿s Jözsef Erdödi. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1967. 456 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch; Simone. Series title: A vilägirodalom remekei, 2. sorozat. 78,650 copies printed. Location of copies: Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Könyvtära (Budapest), Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär (Budapest).



0636 A csünya hercegnö - Simone. Forditotta Läszlö Dormändi 6s J6zsef Erdödi. Bratislava: Tatran, 1967.456 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch; Simone. Combined Hungarian/Czech edition, identical to 1967 Euröpa Könyvkiadö edition. Location of copies: None found. 0637 Az eredmerty... Forditotta Soma Braun. [Budapest]: Nova irodalmi intözet [cl935]. 420, 272 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Published in two volumes. See also entries under the title A siker. Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akadömia Könyvtära (Budapest), Orszägos Szöchönyi Könyvtär (Budapest). 0638 Goya. A megismeres gyötrelmes ütja. Forditotta Istvän Vas. Budapest: Uj Magyar Könyvkiadö, 1956. 593 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. With a postscript by Thomas Mann. 9,500 copies printed. Additional 500 copies printed as combined Hungarian/Romanian edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akadömia Könyvtära (Budapest). 0639 Goya. A megismeres gyötrelmes ütja. [Forditotta Istvän Vas]. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1962. 666 pp. 3. kiadäs. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1963. 666 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Mäsodik kiadäs» (2. kiad.). 10,000 copies printed. Additional copies printed as combined Hungarian/Romanian edition. 3. kiad. Designated by the publisher as «Harmadik kiadäs 19 500 - 39 500.» 20,000 copies printed. Additional copies prited as combined Hungarian/ Romanian edition.



Location of copies: Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akad&nia Könyvtära (Budapest; 2. kiad., 3. kiad), Orszägos Sz6ch6nyi Könyvtär (Budapest; 2. kiad., 3. kiad.). 0640 Goya. A megismeres gyötrelmes ütja. Forditotta Istvän Vas. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1964. 601 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Negyedik kiadäs» (4. kiad.). Series title: A vilägirodalom remekei. 68,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akad&nia Könyvtära (Budapest), Orszägos Sz6ch6nyi Könyvtär (Budapest). 0641 Goya. A megismeres gyötrelmes ütja. Forditotta Istvän Vas. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1970. 850 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated as by the publisher as «Ötödik kiadäs.» 25,100 copies printed. Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomänyos Akadänia Könyvtära (Budapest). 0642 Goya. A megismeres gyötrelmes utja. Forditotta Istvän Vas. Budapest: Euröpa Könyvkiadö, 1978. 620 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Hatodik kiadäs.» 70,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Orszägos Szöchönyi Könyvtär (Budapest). 0643 Goya. A megismeres gyötrelmes ütja. [Forditotta Istvän Vas. Budapest]: Kulturtrade Kiadö, 1993. 569 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Location of copies: Magyar Tudomänyos Akadömia Könyvtära (Budapest).



0644 A hamis Nero. Forditotta Làszló Dormàndi. [Budapest]: Pantheon-kiadàs [1938]. 404 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Four volumes printed in one. Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Orszàgos Széchényi Könyvtär (Budapest). 0645 A hamis Nero. [Forditotta: Làszló Dormàndi. Budapest]: Zrinyi Kiadó [1958]. 420 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Designated by the publisher as «Màsodik kiadàs.» 19,900 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia Konyvtàra (Budapest). 0646 A hamis Nero. Regény. [Forditotta Làszló Dormàndi], Budapest: Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadö, 1966. 255, 231 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Paperback, published in 2 vols. Postscript by Vajda György Mihäly. 42,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia KOnyvtàra (Budapest). 0647 A hamis Nero. Forditotta Làszló Dormàndi. [Budapest]: Európa Könyvkiadö, 1971. 329 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Postscript by Béla Köves. Series title: A vilàgirodalom remekei, 4. sorozat. 108,200 copies printed. Additional 400 copies printed as combined Hungarian/Czech edition. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest). 0648 A hamis Néro. Forditotta Làszló Dormàndi. Budapest: Európa Könyvkiadö, 1982.435 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Derfalsche Nero. Postscript. Designated by the publisher as «Mäsodik kiadäs.» 64,500 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest).

0649 A herceg és zsidaja. Regény. Forditotta Kälmän Sztrokay. Budapest: Dick Manó Kiadàsa [1926], 488 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest), New York State Library (Albany), Orszàgos Széchényi Könyvtär (Budapest), San Diego Central Library.

0650 Jud Süss (A herceg és zsidaja). Regény. Forditotta Kälmän Sztrokay. [Budapest]: Nova Irodalmi intézet [1934], 406 pp. 3. kiadäs. Budapest: Nova Irodalmi intézet [1946], 406 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Designated by the publisher as «Mäsodik kiadäs» (2. kiad.). Published earlier under the title: A herceg és zsidaja. Location of copies: California State Library, Cleveland Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library (3. kiad.), Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest; 3. kiad.), Orszàgos Széchényi Könyvtär (Budapest; 2. kiad.).

0651 Jud Süss. Forditotta Dezsö Tandori. Budapest: Europa Könyvkiadö, 1990. 468 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudomànyos Akadémia Könyvtära (Budapest).

0652 Jud Süss (A herceg és kincstàrnoka). Forditotta Deszö Tandori. Budapest: Arkädia, 1990.468 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Book club edition, based on the 1990 Európa Könyvkiadö edition.



Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Magyar Tudom&iyos Akad&nia KGnyvtira (Budapest). 0653 Oppenheim-testverek [Forditotta J6zsefTur6czi-Trostler.] Budapest: Kildor Kftnyvkiad6vdllalat, 1935. 353 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppenheim. Location of copies: Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Orszyddi Hersteinn Palsson. Reykjavik: Prentsmidjan Leiftur H.F. [1965]. 346 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jiidin von Toledo. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, National and University Library of Iceland (Reykjavik). 0676 Töframüdurinn. I>yddi Bragi Sigurjönsson. Akureyri: Bökaütgäfa Palma H. Jönssonar [1943]. 344 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack (Der Zauberer). Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Franklurt/M), Deutsche Bücherei (copy), National and University Library of Iceland (Reykjavik).

Italian 0677 Ballata spagnola. Romanzo. [Traduzione autorizzata dal tedesco di Letizia Fuchs Vidotto. Milano]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1957. 545 pp. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1980. 545 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Published October 1957. Series title: Collezione «Medusa», 394. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (1980), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Boston Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0678 La brutta duchessa. Traduzione dal tedesco di B. Giachetti-Sorteni. [Milano]: Edizioni Corbaccio [1928]. 477 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Preface by Luigi Tonelli. Location of copies: Biblioteca Civica «Angelo Mai» (Bergamo), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0679 La brutta duchessa. Traduzione dal tedesco di B. Giachetti-Sordeni. Milano: «Modernissima» [1929], 477 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Preface by Luigi Tonelli. Series title: Scrittori di tutto il mondo, 8. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome). 0680 Cayetana amante e strega. Romanzo. [Unica traduzione autorizzata dal tedesco di Ervino Pocar. Milano]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1953. 585 pp. 2. Ed. [Milano]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1955. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «1. Edizione: Marzo 1953.» Series title: Collezione «Medusa», 314. «2. Edizione: Marzo 1955.» Location of copies: Biblioteca Comunale Classense di Ravenna, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Boston Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1. ed., 2. ed.). 0681 Il falso Nerone. Traduzione di Gigliola Pasquinelli. [Torino]: Einaudi, 1955. 417 pp. Torino: Einaudi, 1964. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library. 0682 La fine di Gerusalemme. Romanzo. [Traduzione dal tedesco par Ervino Pocar],



[Verona]: A. Mondadori Editore, 1933. 485 pp. 2. ed. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1934. 3. ed. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1937. 4. ed. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1945. 5. ed. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1949. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Series title: Collezione «Medusa», 6. First published April 1933; second printing December 1934; third printing January 1937; fourth printing January 1945; fifth printing October 1949. Location of copies: Biblioteca Communale Classense di Ravenna (5. ed.), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome; 3. ed.), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1. ed., 5. ed.) 0683 La fine di Gerusalemme. Romanzo. Traduzione di Ervino Pocar. [Verona]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore [1970], 484 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Published May 1970. Series title: I capolavori della Medusa. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0684 La fine di Gerusalemme. Romanzo. Traduzione di Ervino Pocar. Milano: Corbaccio [ci993, 1994], 485 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. 0685 La fine di Gerusalemme. Romanzo. Traduzione di Ervino Pocar. Milano: Tea, 1996. 485 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the


Location of copies: Biblioteca Civica di Biella, Biblioeca Comunale Laronica «F.D. Guerrazzi».



0686 Ifratelli Oppenheim. Romanzo. [Milano]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1946. 381 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppenheim. First published March 1946. Series title: Collezione «Medusa», 162. Location of copies: Biblioteca Comunale Classense di Ravenna, Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0687 Il giorno verrà. Terzo volume della Trilogia di Giuseppe. [Unica traduzione autorizzata dal tedesco di Ervino Pocar. Verona]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1948. 345 pp. 2. ed. [Verona]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1949. 345 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Tag wird kommen, third volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Series title: Medusa; I grandi narratori d'ogni paese, 211. Designated by the publisher as «I edizione,» printed June 1948; second printing October 1949. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome; 1. ed.), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1. ed., 2. ed.). 0688 Il giudeo di Roma. Romanzo. [Unica traduzione autorizzata die Ervino Pocar]. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1936. 471 pp. 2. ed. [Milano]: A. Mondadori, 1937. 471 pp. 3. ed. [Milano]: A. Mondadori, 1949. 471 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy (La Trilogie di Giuseppe). Series title: Medusa; collezione di grandi narratori d'ogni paese, 65. First published February 1936; second printing August 1937; third printing November 1949. Location of copies: Biblioteca Comunale Classense di Ravenna (3. ed.), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome; 2. ed.), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (1. ed., 3. ed.), Los Angeles Public Library (2. ed.). 0689 Jefte e sua figlia. [Traduzione di Ervino Pocar], Milano: Club degli editori, 1967. 351 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. Series title: Un libro al mese, E 5. First published February 1965.



Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0690 Mosca 1937. Diario di viaggio per i miei amici. [Unica traduzione autorizzata dal tedesco di Fulvia Carena. Milano]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore [1946]. 120 pp. Milano: Mondadori, 1947. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Series title: Collezione «Arianna». First published September 1946. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome; 1. ed.), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M; 1. ed.), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (I. ed.). 0691 La saggezza del Pazzo. Romanzo. [Traduzione dal tedesco di Giovanna Federici Ajroldi. Milano]: Garzanti [1953], 410 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. First published March 1953. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0692 Simonetta. Romanzo. [Unico traduzione autorizzata dal tedesco di Ervino Pocar. Milano]: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1946. 319 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Series title: Collezione «Medusa», 172. First published July 1946. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0693 Successo. Romanzo. Traduzione dal Tedesco di B. Giachetti-Sorteni. Milano: Edizioni Corbaccio, 1933. 535 pp., 338 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Published in two volumes, first published February 1933. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0694 Süss, l'ebreo. Traduzione dal tedesco di B. Giachetti-Sorteni. Milano: Soc. An. «Modernissima» [1930]. 637 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Preface by Luigi Tonelli. First published May 1930. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Rome), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0695 Süss, ¡'ebreo. Romanzo. Traduzione dal tedesco di B. Giachetti-Sorteni. Milano: dall'Oglio, editore [1956]. 514 pp. Milano: dall'Oglio, 1968. 514 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. First published April 1956. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard (1968). 0696 Süss, l'ebreo. Romanzo. Traduzione dal tedesco di B. Giachetti-Sorteni. Milano: Corbaccio, 1992. 514 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Location of copies: None found. 0697 La trilogia di Giuseppe. Milano: A. Mondadori, 1933. Notes: Tr. of the Josephus-trilogy. See entries under individuai titles: La fine de Gerusalemme; Il giudeo di Roma; Giorno verrà. Location of copies: Biblioteca Comunale Classense di Ravenna, Biblioteca Comunale «Torre San Michele» di Cervia.

Japanese 0698 Goya. Supein no senritsu. Tr. Sakazaki Otsuro. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, 1959. 349 pp. Goya. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppansha, 1970. 349 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Sakazaki Otsuro. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Nagoya University Library, National Diet Library (1959, 1970).

0699 Jiyuu jiyusu. Tr. Joji Tani. Tokyo: Chuoh-koron-sha, 1930. 700pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Foreword by Joji Tani. Location of copies: National Diet Library (Tokyo), Waseda Univ. (Tokyo).

0700 Kyokuchi tanken. Tr. Teraki Tadashi. Tokyo: Keiso Shuppan Service Center, 1980. 206 pp. Notes: Tr. of Marianne in Indien. Tr. from the English-language version entitled Stories from far and near. Location of copies: Nagoya University Library, National Diet Library (Tokyo).

0701 Mosukoh 1937. Tr. and ed. by Kenji Kada. Tokyo: Kokusai shobo, 1937. 44p. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Special edition. Location of copies: National Diet Library (Tokyo).

0702 Mosukoh 1937: Jiido sobieto ryokoki hikan. Tr. Eitaro Ito. Tokyo: Shunjusha, 1937. 190 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937, ein Reisebericht für meine Freunde. Postscript by Eitaro Ito. Published in both hardcover and paperback editions. Location of copies: National Diet Library (Tokyo), Waseda Univ. (Tokyo).

0703 Sobieto kiko: jiido kiko no hihan. Tr. Seiichiro Michimoto. Tokyo: Kurarute-sha, 1946. 188pp.



Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Postscript by Seiichiro Michimoto. Location of copies: National Diet Library (Tokyo), Waseda Univ. (Tokyo). 0704 «Spain no senritsu. Goya» [tr. Sakazaki Otsuro], in Sekai no ningenzo. Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1961. 502 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Published in the series Sekai no ningenzo, No. 7. Location of copies: Kyoto University Library, Nagoya University Library. 0705 Toredo fu-un-roku. Tr. Hiroshi Oguri. Tokyo: Shobun-sha, 1991. 430 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Postscript by Hiroshi Oguri. Location of copies: National Diet Library (Tokyo), Waseda Univ. (Tokyo).

Latvian 0706 Apsolüäzeme. Romans. No väcu valodas tulkojusi Anda Plesuma. Riga: «Liesma», 1989. 363 pp. Notes: Tr. of Das gelobte Land (Der Tag wird kommen), third volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Postscript by Anda Plesuma. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Biblioteka (Riga). 0707 Bräji Lautenzaki. Tulkojusi K[laus] Blaus un M. Birza. Riga: Latvijas Valsts Izdevnieciba, 1959. 351 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste (Berlin). 0708 D3i. Romans. No väcu valodas tulkojusi Anda Plesuma. Riga: «Liesma», 1987. 419 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-txWogy. 50,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Biblioteka (Riga). 0709

Goija. [Tulkojusi Dzidra Kalniga.] Riga: Latvijas Valsts Izdevnieciba, 1962. 597 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Dzidra Kalni^a. Illustrated edition, illustrations by Valentins Ozoliijs. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Biblioteka (Riga), Latvijas Universitätes biblioteka (Riga). 0710

Goija jeb atzipas erjskainais ceß. [No väcu valodas tulkojusi Dzidra Kalnüja.] Riga: «Zvaigzne», 1980. 564 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Dzidra Kalniija. Illustrations Mira Ozoliija. 45,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Biblioteka (Riga), Latvijas Universitätes biblioteka (Riga). 0711

Jüdu kars. Romans. No väcu valodas tulkojusi Ärija Elksne. Riga: «Liesma», 1985. 366 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. 65,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Biblioteka (Riga), Latvijas Universitätes biblioteka (Riga). 0712

Lapsas vma kalni. Romans. [Tulkojusi Laima Rümniece.] Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevnieciba, 1961. 767 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Postscript by I. Fradkin. Illustrations by E. SkujipS. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Latvijas Nacionälä Biblioteka (Riga), Latvijas Universitätes biblioteka (Riga).




Lapsas vma kalnä. Romans. [No väcu valodas tulkojusi Laima Rümniece.] Riga: «Zvaigzne», 1982. 801 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Designated by the publisher as «2. izdevums.» 45,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Bibliotéka (Riga), Latvijas Universitätes bibliotéka (Riga). 0714

NeglMhercogiene Margarete Maultasa. Romans. [No väcu valodas tulkojusi Velta Baiode.] Riga: Izdevnieciba «Liesma», 1975. 331 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Illustrations by Arvids Jègers. 65,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Bibliotéka (Riga), Latvijas Universitätes bibliotéka (Riga). 0715

Simona. Tulkojusi Marianna Ozoli^a. Riga: Latvijas Valsts izdevnieciba, 1946. 184 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. 10,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Nacionälä Bibliotéka (Riga), Latvijas Universitätes bibliotéka (Riga). 0716

Villus Nerons. Romans. [No väcu valodas tulkojusi Elza Grinberga]. Riga: Liesma, 1969. 346 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Postscript by Sergejs Oäerova. 30,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Latvijas Universitätes bibliotéka (Riga), Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste (Berlin).

Lithuanian 0717

Apsisaukäis Neronas. Istorinis Romanas. I§ vokieóiy kalbos vertè Simas Raciünas. Vilnius: «Mintis», 1984. 295 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Postscript entitled «Istorinis dabarties problemi} rübas» by R. Gamziukaités-Maziulienès. Series title: Ist. Romano b-ka. 200,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Lietuvos Mokshj Akademijos Biblioteka (Vilnius). 0718 Goja arba Sunkus pazinimo kelias. [Vertè J. Maceinienè], Vilnius: Valstybinè Grozinés Literatüros Leidykla, 1962. 553 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. 25,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Lietuvos Moksly Akademijos Biblioteka (Vilnius). 0719 Keistuolio ismintis, arba ¿ano Zako Ruso mirtis ir triumfas. [Vertè Vikt. Katilius]. Vilnius: Valstybinè grozinés literatüros leidykla, 1959. 477 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Afterword by I. Veisaité. 15,000 copies printed.


Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste (Berlin).

Norwegian 0720 Den falske Nero. Oversatt av Morten Ringard. Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), 1938.389 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0721 Den heslige hertuginne. Oversatt av Charles Kent. Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), 1936. 268 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete


Location of copies: Deutsche Bücherei (Leipzig), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0722 Jerusalems undergang. Roman. [Oversatt av Alf Harbitz, Charles Kent], Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1932. 368 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-triìogy. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0723 Jeden ¡Rom. Roman. [Oversatt av Alf Harbitz]. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1935. 393 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0724 Jeden Süss. Oversatt av Alf Harbitz. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1937. 480 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSüss. Location of copies: George Mason Univ. (VA), Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo. 0725 Sosknene Oppenheim. Oversatt av Hans Heiberg. Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), 1934. 345 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppenheim. Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0726 Stolte skjebner. Oversatt av Fridtjof Dahl. Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), 1949. 685 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



Persian 0727 Der Tabaid. Tihran: Rawshangaran, 1989. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Published in 3 vols. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

Polish 0728 Alians. Z upowaznienia autora przelozyla Janina Nowiriska. Warszawa: Stanislaw Cukrowski, 1948. 283 pp. Warszawa: Stanislaw Cukrowski, 1949. 283 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg), second volume. First volume entitled: Tak sipzrodzifa wolnosc. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw; 1948, 1949), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0729 Bracia Lautensack. Tlumaczyl Jacek Frühling. [Warszawa]: «Czytelnik», 1962. 480 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie I.» Postscript by Zbigniew Pfdziriski. 20,250 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw. 0730 Brzydka ksipzniczka. Przelozyl Jacek Frühling. [Warszawa: Paristwowy Institut Wydawniczy, 1961], 271 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard.



0731 Diabei we Francji: przezycia. Relacja Marty Feuchtwanger pt. Ucieczka. Przelozyl Adolf Donatt. Warszawa: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1987. 213 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der Teufel in Frankreich; Erlebnisse. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie pierwsze.» 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0732 Goya. [Przelozyli z niemieckiego Jacek Frühling i Janusz Grabowski. Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1953], 563 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Jan Bialostocki. 13 illustrations. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie pierwsze.» 10,161 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Newark Public Library. 0733 Goya. Przelozyli z niemieckiego Jacek Frühling i Janusz Grabowski. [Warszawa]: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1954]. 565 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Jan Bialostocki. 33 illustrations. Designated by the publisher as «wydanie drugie.» 20,176 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, California State Library (Sacramento), Chicago Public Library, Kent State Univ., Univ. of Pittsburgh. 0734 Goya. [Przelozyli z niemieckiego Jacek Frühling i Janusz Grabowski. Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1955]. 546 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by Jan Bialostocki. Preface by C. P. 24 illustrations. Designated by the publisher as «wydanie trzecie.» 25,205 copies printed.



Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Circle. 0735 Goya. (Powiesc biograficzna). [Przelozyli z niemieckiego Jacek Frühling i Janusz Grabowski. Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1959. 369 pp., 365 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Published in two volumes. Designated by the publisher as «wydanie czwarte.» Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw. 0736 Goya. Przelozyli Jacek Frühling [i] Janusz Grabowski. [Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1964], 689 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie pigte.» 22 illustrations (13 portraits). Postscript by Jan Bialostocki. 20,290 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Central Connecticut State Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library .0 0737 Goya. Przelozyli Jacek Frühling [i] Janusz Grabowski. [Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1968]. 689 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie szöste.» 19 illustrations. Postscript by Jan Bialostocki. 30,288 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0738 Goya. Przelozyli Jacek Frühling i Janusz Grabowski. [Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1973], 541 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie siödme.» 23 illustrations. Postscript by Jan Bialostocki. 20,290 copies printed.



Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0739 Jefte i jego córka. Przelozyl Jacek Frühling. [Warszawa]: Pànstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1964], 319 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie pierwsze.» 20,290 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0740 Lisy w winnicy. Przelozyl Jacek Frühling. [Wiersze przelozyl Wlodzimierz Lewik. Warszawa]: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1956]. 556 pp., 496 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 2 vols. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie pierwsze.» 25,205 copies printed. Later editions published in the series: Biblioteka klasyki polskiej i obcej. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0741 Lisy w winnicy. Przelozyl Jacek Frühling. [Wiersze przelozyl Wlodzimierz Lewik. Warszawa]: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1963], 597pp., 361 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 2 volumes. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie drugie.» 20,250 copies printed. Series title: Biblioteka klasyki polskiej i obcej. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Central Connecticut State Univ., Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, St. Mary's College (Orchard Lake, MI). 0742 Lisy w winnicy. Przelozyl Jacek Frühling. [Wiersze przelozyl Wlodzimierz Lewik. Warszawa]: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1967], 600 pp., 362 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 2 volumes. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie trzecie.» 20,287 copies printed. Series title: Biblioteka klasyki polskiej i obcej.



Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0743 Lisy w winnicy. Przelozyl Jacek Frühling. [Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1977]. 575 pp., 347 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 2 vols. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie czwarte.» 30,290 copies printed. Series title: Biblioteka Klasyki Polskiej i Obcej. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Queen's Borough Public Library (NY). 0744 Ludzkie serce. Z upowaznienia autora pretozyl Alexander Nowiriski. Warszawa: Stanislaw Cukrowski, 1949. 271 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. 4,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw. 0745 Maigorzata Maultasch. Powiesc. [Autoryzowany przeklad Henryki Felkowskiej]. Lw6w, Warszawa, Kraköw: Wyd. «Polonja» [1935]. 342 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw). 0746 Mqdrosc gfupca, albo $mierc i apoteoza Jana Jakuba Rousseau. Tlumaczyl Jacek Frühling. [Warszawa]: «Czytelnik», 1959. 437 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie 1.» 10,250 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0747 Odyseusz i wieprze czyli Tarapaty z kulturq. Przelozyla Maria Wislowska. Ilustrowal Aleksander Stefanowski. [Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [I960], 53 pp. Notes: Tr. of Odysseus und die Schweine oder Das Unbehagen an der Kultur. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Wayne State Univ. 0748 Powodzenie. Trzy lata historji pewnej prowincji. Powiesc. Autoryzowany przeklad z niemieckiego Julji Zylberowej. Warszawa: «Kadra» Sp. Wyd.-druk. [1931], 586 pp., 383 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Drei Jahre Geschichte einer Provinz. Published in 2 vols. See also entries under the later title: Sukces. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0749 Rodzeristwo Oppenheim. Powiesc. Przeklad Melanji Wassermanöwny. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo M. Fruchtmana, 1934. 462 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0750 Rodzeristwo Oppermann. Tlumaczyla Maria Wistowska. Warszawa: « Czytelnik», 1957. 372 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Geschwister Oppermann. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie 1.» 20,250 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0751 Samozwariczy Neron. Powiesc. [Z upowaznienia autora przelozyl Jan Barski]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo M. Fruchtmana, 1938. 349 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Derfalsche Nero. Jan Barski is the pseudonym for Jadwiga Bormanowa. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0752 Samozwariczy Neron. Tlumaczyl Jan Barski. Warszawa: «Czytelnik», 1956. 352 pp. Notes: Tr. of Derfalsche Nero. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie II.» 15,230 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0753 Simona. Powiesc. Przelozyl Janusz Grabowski. [Warszawa]: Paristwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1958], 338 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie pierwsze.» 10,253 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0754 Sukces. Tlumaczyl Jacek Frühling. Warszawa: «Czytelnik», 1954. 572 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Preface by Roman Karst. Published earlier under the title: Powodzenie. Trzy lata historjipewnej prowincji. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie I.» 15,176 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0755 Sukces. Trzy lata historii jednej prowincji. Tlumaczyl Jacek Frühling. Warszawa: «Czytelnik», 1959. 805 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg, drei Jahre Geschichte einer Provinz. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie II.» 10,250 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, The Library Network (MI).



0756 Synowie. Powiesc. [Z upowaznienia autora przelozyla Gizela Nadlerowa]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo M. Fruchtmana, 1937. 366 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Söhne, second volume of the Josephus-trilogy (Jözef Flawiusz. Trylogja Historyczna). First volume: Wojna ¡ydowska. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0757 Tak sip zrodziia wolnosc. Z upowaznienia autora przelozyla Janina Nowiriska. Warszawa: Stanislaw Cukrowski, 1948. 275 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen fur Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Vol. I of two volumes. Vol. II entitled: Alians. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0758 Wojna Zydowska. Powiesc. Z upowaznienia autora przelozyl Leo Belmont. Warszawa: Nakladem Ksi?garni M. Fruchtmana, 1933. 396 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trtiogy. Leo Belmont is the pseudonym of Leopold Blumental. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0759 Wojna 2ydowska. Powiesc. Z upowaznienia autora przelozyl Leo Belmont. Warszawa: Nakladem Ksi$garni M. Fruchtmana, 1937. 419 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-tri\ogy. Designated by the publisher as «wydanie drugie.» Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw). 0760 Wojna ¿ydowska. Powiesc. Z upowaznienia autora przelozyl Leo Belmont. Walbrzych: Nakladem Spölki Wydawniczej «Amikam», 1948. 444 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy.



Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0761 Wojna ¿ydowska. Przelozyl Jacek Frühling. Wiersze przelozyl Wlodzimierz Lewik. [Warszawa]: Pànstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [1959]. 483 pp., 542 pp, 442 pp. Wydanie drugie. [Warszawa]: Pànstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy [I960]. Notes: Tr. of Josephus-XrWogy. Published in 3 vols. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie pierwsze.» 10,253 copies printed. Wydanie drugie. 10,253 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw; wyd. 1, 2), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw (wyd. 1, 2), Chicago Public Library (wyd. 1), New Haven Free Library (wyd. 2), Toledo-Lucas County Public Library (wyd. 2). 0762 Wygnanie. Tlumaczyt Jacek Frühling. Wiersze tlumaczyl Andrzej Dol?gowski. [Warszawa]: «Czytelnik», 1957. 795 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil, second volume of the Wartesaal-txWogy. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie I.» 30,185 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Univ. of Pittsburgh. 0763 ¿id Süss. Autoryzowany przeklad Henryki Felkowskiej. Lwów: Nakladem ksi^garni nowosci [cl930], 274 pp., 207 pp. Wyd. 2. Lwów: Nakladem ksi^garni nowosci [1930], Notes: Tr. of JudSüss. Published in 2 volumes. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0764 ¿ydówkaz Toledo. Tlumaczyl Jacek Frühling. [Warszawa]: Spóldzielnia Wydawnicza «Czytelnik», 1958. 490 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie 1.» 20,250 copies printed.



Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder. 0765 Zydówka z Toledo. Tlumaczyl Jacek Frühling. Warszawa: «Czytelnik», 1987. 442 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Designated by the publisher as «Wydanie II.» 100,320 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Narodowa (Warsaw), Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Wroclaw, Phoenix Public Library, San Diego Public Library.

Portuguese 0766 Flavius Josephus. Romance. [Traduzido por Alvaro Franco], Pòrto Alegre: Edifäo da Livraria do Globo, 1934. 446 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-triìogy. Series title: Colefäo Nobel, 7. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Biblioteca Nacional (Lisbon), Biblioteca Publica Municipal do Porto, Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Fundafào Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro), Harvard. 0767 Goya. Romance. Tradufào de José Geraldo Vieira. Rio, Sào Paulo, Pòrto Alegre: Gràfica Editòra Brasileira Ltda. [1951], 427 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Fundafäo Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro). 0768 Goya. Tradufäo de José Geraldo Vieira. Belo Horizonte, Säo Paulo: Editòra Itatiaia Limitada [1969]. 427 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Text contents identical to 1951 Gràfica Editore Brasileira Ltd. edition. Series title: Colefäo Còres do



Tempo Passado. 2.a Série. Grandes Romances Históricos, 5. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0769 O judeu Süss. Traduçâo de Juvenal Jacinto. Pòrto Alegre: Ediçâo da Livraria do Globo, 1938. 371pp. 2.a Ediçâo. Pòrto Alegre: Ediçâo da Livraria do Globo [1944]. 371 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSiiss. Series title: Ediçôes Globo, 756. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Harvard (2. Ed.). 0770 Urna luz nos abismos. Traduçâo de José Geraldo Vieira. S. Paulo, Rio de Janeiro: Editôra Mérito S.A. [1955], 402 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Series title: Livro do Mês. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Fundaçâo Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro). 0771 Raquel, a judia. Traduçâo de José Geraldo Vieira. Säo Paula, Rio de Janeiro: Editôra Mérito, S.A. [1957], 467 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Jüdin von Toledo. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Fundaçâo Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro). 0772 Simone. Traduçâo de Paulo Moreira da Silva. Pòrto Alegre: Ediçâo da Livraria do Globo [1945], 270 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. Translated from the 1944 Viking Press version by G.A. Hermann. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Fundaçâo Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro).



0773 Sublime destino. Traducäo de Marina Guaspari. Rio de Janeiro: Irmäos Pongetti Editores [1948]. 531 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). Location of copies: Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt/M), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Funda9äo Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro).

Romanian 0774 Arme pentru America. Piesä in douä acte ($ase tablouri). Traducere de H. R. Radian. Bucurejti: Uz Intern, 1970. 149 pp. Notes: Tr. of the play, Waffen für Amerika. Series title: Asociajia Oamenilor de Artä din Institu(iile teatrale §i muzicale. Centrul de Documentare teatralä §i muzicale. Teatru. Piese Nr. 140. Location of copies: Biblioteca Na{ionalä (Bucharest), Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Iasi). 0775 Arme pentru America sau Vulpile in vie. Traducere Petre Nävodaru. [Bucure§ti]: Editura Eliti, 1993. 784 pp. Notes: Tr. of Waffen für Amerika (Die Füchse im Weinberg). See also entries under alternate title: Vulpile in vie sau arme pentru America. Location of copies: Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Bucharest), Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Iasi), Biblioteca Na(ionalä (Bucharest). 0776 Baiada spanioli In romäne§te de Emeric Deutsch §i I. Cassian-Mätäsaru. Bucure§ti: Editura Univers, 1973.482 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). 95,160 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Najionalä (Bucharest), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0777 Baiada spaniolä In romäne§te de Emeric Deutsch §i I. Cassian-Mätäsaru. Bucure§ti: Editura Vivaldi, 1992. 479 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Location: Biblioteca Centralä Universitär! (Bucharest), Biblioteca Central! Universitär! (Iasi), Biblioteca National! (Bucharest). 0778 Diavolul la Boston. Piesä m frei acte. In romäne§te de Horia Deleanu. [Bucure§ti]: Material documentar pentru uz intern, 1967. 74 pp. Notes: Tr. of Wahn oder der Teufel in Boston. Series title: Asociajia oamenilor de art! din Institu(iile teatrale §i muzicale Centrul e documentare teatralä §i muzicalä. Teatru. Piese Nr. 75. Location of copies: Biblioteca Central! Universitär! (Iasi), Biblioteca National! (Bucharest). 0779 Ducesa slutä In romäne§te de Ion Roman. Bucure§ti: Editura pentru Literatur! Universal!, 1968. 358 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Paperback. Series: Colec{ia Meridiane. Postscript by Ion Roman. 90,170 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca National! (Bucharest), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0780 Ducesa slutä in romaneste de Ion Roman. Bucure§ti: Editura Garamond, 1993. 296 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Location of copies: Biblioteca Central! Universitär! (Iasi). 0781 EvreulSüss. Traducere de Nora Galin. [Bucare§ti]: Editura «Nationala-Ciornei» S.A. [1929], 258, 319 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Published in 2 vols.



Location of copies: Biblioteca Najionala (Bucharest), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0782 EvreulSuss. Roman. Traducere de Nora Galin. [Bucare§ti]: Editura Najionala, 1945. 454 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Suss. Location of copies: Biblioteca Centrala Universitara (Bucure§ti), Biblioteca Na{ionala (Bucharest). 0783 Falsul Nero. Roman. Traducere de Rozalia §i George Bianu. Bucure§ti: Editura Minerva, 1974. 416 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Series title: Biblioteca pentru toti. Preface by Mircea Vaida. Illustrations by Ana Vasilache. 115,110 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0784 Goya sau Drumul spinos al cunoafterii. Traducere §i cuvint ínainte de V. Bene§. [Bucare§ti]: Editura de Stat pentru literatura Si artä [1957]. 585 pp. Edi{ia II. Bucare§ti: Editura de stat pentru literatura §i artä [1959]. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Designated as «Edijia I.» 20,150 copies printed. «Edi{ia II.» 25,150 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Na(ionala (Bucharest; Ed. II), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (Ed. I, Ed. II). 0785 Goya sau Drumul spinos al cunoaperii. Roman. [Traducere de V. Bene§]. Bucare§ti: Editura pentru literatura, 1962. 325 pp., 366 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Paperback, published in 2 vols. Preface by Savin Bratu. Series title: Biblioteca pentru toti. 80,145 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Na{ionala (Bucharest), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.



0786 Goya sau Drumul spinos al cunoafterii. Traducere de V. Bene§. Bucare§ti: Editura Meridiane, 1970. 324 pp., 336 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Published in 2 volumes. Preface by Vasile Florea. Series title: Biblioteca de Artä. Biografii, memorii, eseuri. Location of copies: Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Bucharest), Biblioteca Najionalä (Bucharest).

0787 Infelepciunea nebunului, sau Moartea transfigurare a lui Jean-Jacques Rousseau. in romine§te de L[uiza] §i P[etre] Nävodaru. [Bucure§ti]: Editura pentru literatura universalä, 1961. 437 pp. Edijia II. Bucure§ti: Editura pentru literaturä universalä, 1966. 437 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narremveisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Preface by Savin Bratu. Designated as «Edijia I.» 50,165 copies printed. Edijia II: 50,090 copies printed in paper; 10,080 copies printed in «legate.» Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (Ed. I, Ed. II), Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M; Ed. II).

0788 Räzboiul evreilor. Roman. Trad, de F. Brunea-Fox. Bucure§ti: Editura Bicurim, 1945. 432 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the


Location of copies: Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Bucharest), Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Iasi), Biblioteca Nationals (Bucharest).

0789 Räzboiul evreilor. Roman. Traducere de F. Brunea-Fox. Bucure§ti: Editura Aurom, 1992. 399 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the


Location of copies: Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Bucharest), Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Iasi), Biblioteca Na^ionalä (Bucharest), Queens Borough Public Library.



0790 Simone. In romine§te de Ema Beniuc §i Costa Giurgiuca. [Bucare§ti]: Editura Tineretului [I960], 272 pp. Notes: Tr. of Simone. 35,100 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0791 Succesul. Trei ani din istoria unei provincii. In romine§te de Ion Iordan. Bucure§ti: Editura pentru literaturä universalä, 1964. 673 pp. Notes: Tr. of Erfolg. Drei Jahre Geschichte einer Provinz. Series title: Clasicii literaturii universale. Preface by I.D. Bälan. Total copies printed 25,180; 20,090 in paper, 5090 in «Legate.» Location of copies: Biblioteca Centralä Universitarä (Iasi), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Phoenix Public Library (AZ), Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0792 Vräjitorii. Roman. Traducere de Mary Lilian. Bucure$ti: Editura Socec & Co., S.A.R. [1947], 345 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. Location of copies: Biblioteca Centrala Universitarä (Iasi), Biblioteca Na{ionalà (Bucharest). 0793 Vulpile in vie sau arme pentru America. In romine§te de P. §i L. Nävodaru. [Bucure§ti]: Editura de stat pentru literaturä §i artä, 1959.799 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Preface by Petru Nävodaru. 30,150 copies printed. See also entries under alternate title: Arme pentru America. Location of copies: Biblioteca Najionalä (Bucharest), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0794 Vulpile in vie sau arme pentru America. In romine§te de P. §i L. Nävodaru. [Bucure§ti]: Editura de stat pentru literaturä §i artä, 1960.771 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Preface by Petru Nävodaru. Designated by the publisher as «Edi{ia II.» 40,150 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Najionalä (Bucharest), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library. 0795 Vulpile in vie sau arme pentru america. Roman. Traducere de P. §i L. Nävodaru. [Bucare§ti]: Editura pentru literatura, 1966. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 3 vols. Preface by H. Zalis. 70,160 copies printed; 67,080 in paper, 3080 in «legate.» Location of copies: Biblioteca Najionalä (Bucharest), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek (Frankfurt/M). 0796 Vulpile in vie, sau arme pentru america. Roman. Traducere de P. §i L. Nävodaru. Bucare§ti: Editura minerva, 1973. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 3 vols. Preface by H. Zalis. Series title: Biblioteca pentru toti, [N.S.] 322-324. 125,160 copies printed; 122,160 in paper; 3,000 in «legate.» Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library.

Russian 0797 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo V. Val'dman. Posleslovia V. P. Isakova. Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo khudozhestvennoi literatury, 1935. 281 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Postscript by V. P. Isakov. 20,300 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0798 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tash. Perevod s nemetskogo V. Stanevich. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennoi Literatura», 1939.



Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. 20,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0799 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'task Perevod s nemetskogo V. Stanevich. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo khudozhestvennoi literatury, 1960. 236 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Preface by B. Suchkov. Illustrations by Iu. Boiarskii. 300,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid), Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Brooklyn Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library (MD), Kazan State University N.I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Rochester, Yale. 0800 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tash. [Perevod V. Stanevich]. Moskva: Kniga, 1984. 566 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Preface by U. I. Semikoz. 10,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid), Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Boston Public Library, Free Library of Philadelphia, Kazan State University N.I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Michigan. 0801 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tash. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo fV. Stanevich]. Dnepropetrovsk: «Sich», 1991. 205 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Based on the 1990 Dnepropetrovsk edition of Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul 'task LzheNeron. 100,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Saint Paul Public Library (MN).


TRANSÍA TIONS — RUSSIAN 0802 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'task. Stanevich], Moskva: Profizdat, 1992. 220 pp.

[Perevod s nemetskogo V.

Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Explanatory notes by E. Markovich. 50,000 copies printed. Text based on the version in Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, vol. 1 (1963). Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library. 0803 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tasch. Brat'ia Lautenzak. [Stavropol']: Stavropol'skoe Knizhnoe Izdatel'stvo, 1988. 525 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch (follows the text of the 1979 Pravda edition as translated by V. Stanevich); Die Brüder Lautensack (follows the text of the Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, vol. 9, 1966, as translated by V. Stanevich and S. Markish). Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0804 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tash. Roman. Evrei Ziuss. Moskva: «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1989. 637 pp.


Notes: Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch, tr. V. Stanevich; Evrei Ziuss, tr. N. Kasatkinoi. Series title: Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh, 3. 400,000 copies printed. Explanatory notes by E. Markovich. Location of copies: Arapahoe Library District, Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0805 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tasch. Dnepropetrovsk: Promin', 1989. 525 pp. Dnepropetrovsk: Promin', 1990. 525 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch (follows the text of the 1960 Goslitizdat edition as translated by V. Stanevich; Der falsche Nero (follows the text of the 1961 Pravda edition, as translated by I. Gorkinoi and R.


TRANSLA T10NS — RUSSIAN Rozental')- Illustrated by O. V. Dergacheva. 220,000 copies printed. 1990 printing, 200,000 copies printed.

Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow; 1989, 1990), Brooklyn Public Library (Brighton Beach), Chicago Public Library, Harvard (1990), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library (1989, 1990), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; 1989, 1990). 0806 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul 'tasch. Sem 'ia Opperman. Perevody s nemetskogo V. Stanevich i I. Gorkinoi. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1979. 606 pp. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1982. 606 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch; Die Geschwister Oppermann. The texts follow the versions of the Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh (vol. 1, vol. 4). Preface by B. Suchkov. Explanatory notes by B. Mikushevich. 500,000 copies printed. Second printing (1982), 250,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow; 1979, 1982), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library (1979, 1982), Mestskä knihovna (Prague; 1979), Nacionalna i SvenciliSka biblioteka (Zagreb, 1982), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; 1979, 1982). 0807 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul 'tasch. Sem 'ia Opperman. Perevody s nemetskogo V. Stanevich i I. Gorkinoi. Izhevsk: Ural-Bi-Si, 1992. 588 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch; Die Geschwister Oppermann. Preface by B. Suchkov. Explanatory notes by V. Mikushevich. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0808 Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tasch. Sem'ia Opperman. Perevody s nemetskogo V. Stanevich i I. Gorkinoi. Dushanbe: Irfon, 1984. 480 pp. Dushanbe: Irfon, 1985. 480 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch; Die Geschwister Oppermann. Preface by B. Suchkov. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg).



0809 Brat'ia Lautenzak. Roman. [Perevod s nemetskogo V. Stanevich i R. Rozental']. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1957. 126 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. Series title: Roman-gazeta, 9. 500,000 copies printed, in large magazine format. Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Tomsk State Univ. Library. 0810

Brat'ia Lautenzak. [Perevod s nemetskogo V. Stanevich i R. Rozental']. Moskva: «DEM», 1990. 334 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Brüder Lautensack. The text has been reprinted from his Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh, 2 (1988). 250,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Boston Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Libraiy, New York Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0811 Dva rasskaza. Perevod R. Gurovich. Moskva: Zhurnal'no gazetnoe ob"edinenie, 1936. 47 pp. Notes: Tr. of Zwei Erzählungen. Series title: Biblioteka ogonek, 30 (945). 50,000 copies printed. Contents: «Posle sezona» [«Nachsaison»]; «Marianna v Indii» [«Marianne in Indien»]. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0812 Dva vzgliada iz-za rubezha. Andre Zhid. Vozvrashtshenie iz SSSR. Lion Feikhtvanger. Moskva 1937. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo politicheskoi literatury, 1990. 270pp. Tr. of Andre Gide's Retour del'U.R.S.S. (Vozvrashchenie iz SSSR) and Retouches a mon Retour de I 'U.R.S.S. (Popravki k moemu Vozvrashcheniiu iz SSSR) from the French, and Feuchtwanger's Moskau 1937 (Moskva 1937) from the German. The



volume also contains a lengthy discussion of the works by Al'bert Plutnik, «Anatomiia takikh raznykh ubezhdenii» (pp. 3-60), as well as a postscript by Natan Eidel'man, «Gosti Stalina» (pp. 260-271). 200,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Brooklyn Public Library (Brighton Beach), Columbia Univ., Duke Univ., Harvard, McGill Univ. (Quebec), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Stanford, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 0813 Evrei Ziuss. Istoricheskii román. Perevod s nemetskogo V. S. Val'dman. Leningrad: Izd-vo «Krasnaia gazeta», 1929. 372 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSuss. 10,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0814 Evrei Ziuss. Roman. Riga: Orient, 1929. 200 pp., 202 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Siiss. Published in two volumes. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0815 Evrei Ziuss. [Perevod s nemetskogo V. S. Val'dman], Moskva: Zhurnal'no-gazetnoe ob"edinenie, 1936. 338 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSiiss. Introduction by I. S. Zvavich. 40,000 copies printed. Series title: Istoriche skie romany, 10. According to the publisher's note on verso of title page, certain passages were shortened by the editors. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0816 Evrei Ziuss. Perevod V. S. Val'dman. Risunki D. I. Mitrokhina. Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1936. 549 pp., 10 illus. Notes: Tr. of Jud Siiss. Edited, with an introduction by la. Metallova. According to the statement on verso of title page, this edition was revised by the translator. 20,300 copies printed.



Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0817 Evrei Ziuss. Istoricheskii román. Perevod V. S. Val'dman. Khabarovsk: Dal'giz, 1938. 383 pp. Notes: Tr. of JudSuss. Revised edition by V. Val'dman. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0818 Evrei Ziuss. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi. Moskva: «Khudozhestvennaia literatura», 1964. 528 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Notes by E. Markovich. dvenadtsati tomakh, 2. 300,000 copies printed.


His Sobranie sochinenii v

Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Chicago Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Western Washington University. 0819 Evrei Ziuss. [Perevod A.A. Gugnin]. Moskva: MP «Firma ART», 1992. 492 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Series title: Izbrannye proizvedeniia,


Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg).

0820 Evrei Ziuss. Roman. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi], Khar'kov: «Folio», 1995. 444 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jud Süss. Series title: Zolotoi vek. Text based on the Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, vol. 2 (1964). Explanatory notes by E. Markovich. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library (MD), Los Angeles Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library, San Jose Public Library.



0821 Evrei Ziuss. Perevod s nemetskogo. Moskva: ILITS «Bastion», Krenovy, 1996. 462 pp. Notes: His collected works in 13 volumes, vol. 1. Explanatory notes by E. Markovich. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0822 Goiia ili Tiazhkiiput'poznaniia. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stichi v perevode L. Ginzburga. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury, 1955. 565 pp., 12 illus. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Illustrated edition. Postscript by O. Egorov. Location of copies: Enoch Pratt Free Library (MD), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Mestskä knihovna (Prague), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Rochester (NY). 0823 Goiia ili Tiazhkii put' poznaniia. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga. Kiev: Rad. pis'mennik, 1956. 567 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by O. Egorov. Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0824 Goiia, ili Tiazhkii put' poznaniia. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga. Tallinn: Estgosizdat, 1958. 567 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by O. Egorov. Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0825 Goiia ili Tiazhkii put' poznaniia. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stichi v perevode L. Ginzburga. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury, 1959. 590 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Illustrated edition. Postscript by O. Egorov. Designated by the publisher as «2-e izd.» Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0826 Goiia ili tiazhkiiput'poznaniia. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. [Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga.] Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1967. 637 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Explanatory notes by D. Pritsker. His Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, 10. 300,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Chicago Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Western Washington University. 0827 Goiia ili Tiazhkii put' poznaniia. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhotworeniia L. Ginzburga. Tallinn: Kunst, 1968. 599 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Postscript by O. Egorov. Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0828 Goiia ili Tiazhkii put' poznaniia. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga]. Kiev: «Mistetstvo», 1979 . 571 pp. Kiev: «Mistetstvo», 1980. 571 pp. Kiev: «Mistetstvo», 1984. 571 pp. Notes: Tr. of Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Reprinted from the 1955 Izdatel'stvo inostranni literatury edition. 180,000 copies printed. 1984 edition: 50,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library (1979, 1984), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; 1980, 1984), St. Paul Public Library (1980), Tomsk State Univ. Library (1979), Tverskaia Oblastnaia Biblioteka imeni Gorkogo (1984).



0829 Goiia ili Tiazhkiiput'poznaniia. Roman. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi.] Alma-ata: Oner, 1980. 575 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0830 Goiia ili tiazhkii put' poznaniia. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga], Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1982. 559 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Text followed by reproductions of drawings by Goya. Preface by B. Suchkov. 3,000,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Arapahoe Library District (CO), Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid), Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0831 Goiia ili tiazhkii put' poznaniia. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga], Minsk: «Mastatskaia literatura», 1985.538 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Series title: Biblioteka otechestvennoi i zarubezhnoi klassiki. Reprinted from the 1982 «Pravda» edition. Preface by B. Suchkov. Text followed by reproductions of drawings by Goya. 500,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Tverskaia Oblastnaia Biblioteka imeni Gorkogo. 0832 Goiia ili Tiazhkii put' poznaniia. Roman. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga], Moskva: «Khudozhestvennoie Literatura», 1990. 523 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Series title: Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh, 5. 400,000 copies printed. Explanatory notes by D. Pritsker.



Location of copies: Arapahoe Library District, Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg).

0833 Goiia ili tiazhkii put' poznaniia. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga], Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1991. 609 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. 300,000 copies printed. Includes 14 reproductions of works by Goya. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Boston Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, New York Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg).

0834 Goiia ili tiazhkii put' poznaniia. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga]. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Respublika», 1992. 461 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. 85,000 copies printed. 37 illustrations including 18 illustrations from Goyas «Capriccios.» Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Metro Boston Library Network, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Yale Univ.

0835 Goiia ili Tiazhkii put' poznaniia. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi], Tula: Priok. kn. izdatel'stvo, 1994. 524 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg).

0836 Goiia ili tiazhkii put' poznaniia. Roman. [Perevod v nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Stikhi v perevode L. Ginzburga]. Khar'kov: «Folio», 1995. 541 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis. Series title: Zolotoi vek.



Explanatory notes by D. Pritsker. Text based on the Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, vol. 10 (1967). Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library (MD), Queens Borough Public Library. 0837 Goiia. Mudrost' chudaka. Romany. Kishinev: «Literatura artistike», 1982. 703 pp. Notes: Tr. of Goya, oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis by N. Kasatkinoi and I. Tatarinovoi; tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärimg des Jean-Jacques Rousseau by I. Gorkinoi and I. Gorkina. Illustrations S. Ostrov. Preface by A. Gugnin. 300,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid), Kazan State University N.I. Lobachevsky Library, Tverskaia Oblastnaia Biblioteka imeni Gorkogo. 0838 leffai i ego doch'. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo L'va Mirimova. Leningrad: «Khudozhestvennaia literatura», Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1991. 254 pp. Notes: Tr. oiJefta und seine Tochter. Notes by L. Mirimov. 100,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, New York Public Library, Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0839 leffai i ego doch'. [Perevod G. Gabinskii]. Moskva: Dom Lada M, 1994. 283 pp. Notes: Tr. of Jefta und seine Tochter. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library. 0840 Ispanskaia bailada. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury, 1958.446 pp. Izd. 2-oe. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury, 1959. 446 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Postscript by L. Chernaia. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid; izd.



1-oe), Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (izd. 1-oe, 2-oe), Kazan State University N.I. Lobachevsky Library (izd. 1-oe, 2-oe), Los Angeles Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; izd. 1-oe, 2-oe), Univ. of Illinois (izd. 2-oe). 0841 Ispanskaia ballada. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi]. Stavropol', Kavk. krai: Lysenko i Ko, 1992. 429 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Postscript by L. Chernaia. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0842 Ispanskaia ballada. Roman. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Perevod stikhow L. Ginzburga]. Rostov-Na-Donu: Germec, 1993. 431 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0843 Ispanskaia ballada. Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi. Moskva: Profizdat, 1993. 429 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). 50,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Tverskogo Gosurdarstvennogo Universiteta, Boston Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Queens Borough Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0844 Ispanskaia ballada. Roman. Sankt-Peterburg: [«Strelets-1»] 1993.411 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). No translators given. 50,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Harvard, Los Angeles Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg).



0845 Ispanskaia bailada. Roman. [Perevod s nemetskogo N. Kasatkinoi i I. Tatarinovoi]. Nikolaev: Chast. Firma «Akademiia», 1994. 415 pp. Notes: Tr. of Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). Location of copies: Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0846 Iudeiskaia voina. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo V. Stanevich. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1937. 539 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trüogy. Postscript by la. Metallova. 10,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0847 Iudeiskaia voina. Avtorizovannyi perevod s nemetskoi V. S. Val'dman. Moskva: Zhumal'no-gazetnoe ob"edinenie, 1937. 488 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-tx'ûogy. Preface V.S. Sergeev. 48,000 copies printed. Series title: Istoricheskie romany, seriia 1937, 7-8. Location of copies: Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; 1937, 1960), Tomsk State Univ. Library, Univ. of Missouri at Columbia, Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison (microfilm). 0848 Iudeiskaia voina. Perevod s nemetskogo V. Stanevich. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1965. 484 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-triiogy. Postscript by A. Kazhdan. Explanatory notes by S. Markish. 300,000 copies printed. Series title: Sobranie sochinenii v dvenatsati tomakh, 1. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Boston Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Chicago Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Western Washington Univ.



0849 Iudeiskaiavoina. Roman. Perevod [s nemetskogo] V. Stanevich. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Knizhnaia Palata», 1993. 347 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. by N. Entina. 50,000 copies printed.


Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Boston Public Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0850 ludeiskaia voina. Romany. Perevod s nemetskogo. Moskva: Voenizdat, 1995. 511 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephus-trilogy. given.

No translator

Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0851 ludeiskaia voina. Roman. Ispanskaia ballada. Roman. Moskva: «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1989. 780 pp. Notes: Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Vosep/ius-trilogy, tr. V. Stanevich; Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo), tr. N. Kasatkinoi and I. Tatarinovoi. Series title: Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh, 6. 400,000 copies printed. Explanatory notes by N. Novikova. Location of copies: Arapahoe Library District, Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0852 Izbrannye proizvedeniia. Moskva: MP «Firma ART», 1992-. Notes: Selected works, in progress. See also entries under individual titles: 1. EvreiZiuss. 1992. 2. Uspekh. Kn. 1-3. 1992. 3. Uspekh. Kn. 4-5. Sem 'ia Opperman. 1992. 4. Izgnanie. Kn. 1-2. 1993. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg).



0853 Izgnanie. Roman. Avtorizovannyi perevod s nemetskoi. Rukopisi I. A. Gorkinoi i R. A. Rozental'. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1939. 648 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Postscript by I. Anisimov. 25,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library (2 copies, each signed by one of the translators), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Library of Congress, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0854 Izgnanie. Roman. [Perevod s nemetskogo I. Gorkinoi i R. Rozental']. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Inostrannoi Literatury, 1960. 644 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Preface by T. Motyleva. Location of copies: Chicago Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Rochester (NY). 0855 Izgnanie. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo I. Gorkinoi i R. Rozental'. Moskva: «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1991. 703 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil. Series title: Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh, 6, kniga vtoraia. 400,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0856 Izgnanie. Kn. 1-2. [Perevod A.A. Gugnin], Moskva: MP «Firma ART», 1993.479 pp. Notes: Tr. of Exil, Books 1-2. Postscript by A. A. Gugnin. Series title: Izbrannye proizvedeniia, 4. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0857 Izgnanie. Simona. Perevod s nemetskogo I. Gorkinoi i R. Rozental'. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1965. 534 pp., 534 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Exil; Simone. 2 vols. Explanatory notes by R. Miller-Budnitskaia. His Sobrartie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, 5-6. Contents: Vol. 5: Izgnanie. Knigi 1-2 [tr. I. Gorkinoi and R. Rozental']/ Vol. 6: Izgnanie. Kniga 3; Simona. Roman [tr. I. Gorkinoi], 300,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Western Washington University. 0858 Kalkutta, 4-e Maia. P'esy. Perevod s nemetskogo I. A. Gorkinoi i R. A. Rozental'. Moskva: Zhurnal'no-gazetnoe ob"edinenie, 1936. 522 pp. Notes: Tr. of selected plays from Stücke in Prosa. Postscript Evr. Knipovich. Series title: Vsemirnaia biblioteka, 6-10. 20,000 copies printed. Contents: «KaPkutta 4-e Maia» [«Kalkutta, 4 Mai»], «Voennoplenn'ie» [«Die Kriegsgefangene»], «Tysiacha deviat'sot vocemnadtsatyi god» [«Thomas Wendt (Neunzehnhundertachtzehn)»], «Gollandskii kupets» [«Der holländische Kaufmann»], «Korichnevye ostrova» [«Die Petroleum-Inseln»]. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0859 Lisy v vinogradnike. Perevod s nemetskogo S. Apta i B. Aron. Moskva: Goslitizdat, 1959. 693 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Preface by I. Fradkin. 300,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Rossiìskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0860 Lisy v vinogradnike. Perevod s nemetskogo S. Apta i B. Aron. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1968. 917 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Postscript and notes by P. Gurov. Series title: Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, 11. 300,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Chicago Public Library, Cleveland



Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Univ. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Western Washington Univ. 0861 Lisy v vinogradnike. Roman. Perevod s nemetskogo S. Apta i B. Aron. Alma-ata: Oner, 1985. 767 pp. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Location of copies: Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0862 Lisy v vinogradnike. Roman v trekh chastiakh. Khar'kov: «Folio», 1995. Notes: Tr. of Die Füchse im Weinberg. Published in 2 vols. Series title: Zolotoi vek. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library (MD). 0863 Lzhe-Neron. Perevod s nemetskogo I. A. Gorkinoi i R. A. RozentaP. Moskva: Zhurnal'no-gazetnoe ob"edinenie, 1937. 422 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Series title: Vsemirnaia biblioteka, Seriia 12-124. 40,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison (also microfilm). 0864 Lzhe-Neron. Avtorizovannyi perevod s nemetskogo V. S. Val'dman. Risunki A. N. Samokhvalova. Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1937. 378 pp., 14 illus. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. 20,300 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0865 Lzhe-Neron. Roman. [Avtorizovannyi perevod s nemetskogo V. S. Val'dman. Krasnodar]: Krasnodarskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1957. 383 pp.



Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. 75,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0866 Lzhe-Neron. [Perevod s nemetskogo I. A. Gorkinoi i R. A. Rozental']. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1960. 333 pp. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1961. 333 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Postscript by Sergei Osherov. 1961: 500,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid; 1961), Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library ( 1960), Los Angeles Public Library, Rossiïskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; 1961), Univ. of Rochester (NY; 1961). 0867 Lzhe-Neron. [Perevod s nemetskogo I. A. Gorkinoi i R. A. Rozental']. Tarhkent: «Uzbekistan», 1986. 335 pp. Tashkent: «Uzbekistan», 1991. 335 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero. Postscript by S. Osherov. Reprinted from the 1960 «Pravda» edition. 220,000 copies printed. 1991 edition, 200,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow; 1986, 1991), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library (1986), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; 1986, 1991). 0868 Lzhe-Neron. Ispanska Ballada. Perevody s nemetskogo. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia literatura», 1969. 847 pp. [Perevod s nemetskogo I.A. Gorkinoi, R. A. Rozental']. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia literatura», 1970. 847 pp Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero; Spanische Ballade (Die Jüdin von Toledo). 150,000 copies printed. Explanatory notes by S. Osherov and G. Polonska. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Chicago Public Library (1970), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library (1969), New York Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg; 1969, 1970), Tomsk State Univ. Library (1970).



0869 Lzhe-Neron. Iudeiskaia voina. Barnaul: «Den'», 1993. 702 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero; Der jüdische Krieg, first volume of the Josephustrilogy. Series title: Zarubezhnyi istoricheskii roman, 3. Lzhe-Neron translated by I. A. Gorkinoi and R. A. RozentaP. Iudeiskaia voina translated by V. Stanevich. 100,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library. 0870 Lzhe-Neron. Rasskazy. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1990. 477 pp. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Pravda», 1991. 477 pp. Notes: Tr. of Der falsche Nero, by I. Gorkinoi and R. Rozental'; stories from Odysseus und die Schweine. Illustrations by L. Durasov. Postscript by V. Stezhenskii. 500,000 copies printed. Contents of Rasskazy: «Odissei i svini, ili O neudobstve tsivilizatsii» [«Odysseus und die Schweine,» tr. S. Osherov]; «Dom na Zelenoi ulitse» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg,» tr. L. Gorbovitska]; «Rasskaz o fiziologe, doktore B.» [«Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.,» tr. L. Mirimov]; «Vernyi Peter» [«Der treue Peter,» tr. M. Tiutiunik]; «Votore rozhdenie gospodina Khanzike» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt,» tr. V. Stanevich]; «Tetia Vrusha» [«Die Lügentante,» tr. S. Shlapoberska]; «Pari» [«Eine Wette,» tr. E. Markovich]; «Kel'ner Antonio» [«Der Kellner Antonio,» tr. V. Stezhenskii]. Location of copies: Biblioteka Inostrannoi Literatury (Moscow), Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library (1990), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg, 1991). 0871 Lzhe-Neron. Rasskazy. Moskva: Vita, 1993. 477 pp. Notes: Tr. of Derfalsche Nero and stories from Odysseus und die Schweine. Contents identical to 1990 «Pravda» edition. Illustrations by M. Petrov. Postscript by V. Stezhenskii. 100,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach), Los Angeles Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library, Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Yale Univ.



0872 Mir. 1918 god. Bezobraznaia gertsoginia. Perevode s nemetskogo. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Khudozhestvennoi Literatury, 1963. 508 pp. Notes: Tr. of Friede; Thomas Wendt (1918); Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch. Introductory essay by B. Suchkov. Notes by E. Markovich. His Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, 1. 300,000 copies printed. Contents: «Opyt avtobiografii» [«Versuch einer Selbstbiographie,» tr. S. Apta]; «Avtoportret» [«Selbstdarstellung,» tr. S. Apta]; «Avtor o samom sebe» [«Der Autor über sich selbst,» tr. V. Val'dman]; Mir [Friede, tr. E. Etkind]; 1918 god [1918, tr. I. Gorkinoi and R. Rozental']; Bezobraznaia gertsoginia Margarita Maul'tash [Die häßliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch, tr. V. Stanevich], Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Chicago Public Library, Cleveland Public Library, The Library Network (MI), Los Angeles Public Library, New York Public Library, Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Western Washington Univ. 0873 Moskva 1937. Otchet o poezdke dlia moikh druzei. Perevod s nemetskogo. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1937. 93 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Ein Reisebericht für meine Freunde. 200,000 copies printed. Larger format version; contains the comment: Printed on the paper of the Krasnovisherskogo Pischebumazhnogo Kombinata imeni Menzhinskogo (paper size: 82 x 110 - 1/32). See also entry under the title: Vosvrashchenie iz SSSR. Moskva 1937. Location of copies: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 0874 Moskva 1937. Otchet opoezdke dlia moikh druzei. Perevod s nemetskogo. Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura», 1937. 117 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Ein Reisebericht für meine Freunde. No translator listed, however the copy at the Lion Feuchtwanger Memorial Library was signed by the translator, Dora Karawkina. Smaller format version; contains the comment: Printed on the paper of the Kamenskoi Pischebumazhnoi Fabriki (paper size: 60 x 92 - 1/16). 200,000 copies printed. Location of copies: Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Rossilskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Yale Univ.



0875 Moskva 1937. Perevod s nemetskogo. Moskva: [NKVD SSSR, Osoboe biuro] 1937. 101 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Ein Reisebericht für meine Freunde. No translator given. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0876 Moskva 1937. Tallinn: RIK «Makhos» i dr., 1990. 93 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Ein Reisebericht für meine Freunde. No translator given. Reprint of the 1937 «Khudozhestvennaia Literatura» edition. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0877 Moskva 1937. Otchet o poezdke dlia moikh druzei. Perevod s nemetskogo. [Syktyvkar]: Komi kn. izdatel'stvo, Maloe predpriiatie «AZ», 1991. 95 pp. Notes: Tr. of Moskau 1937. Ein Reisebericht für meine Freunde. No translator given. Location of copies: Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg). 0878 Mudrost' chudaka, ili smert' ipreobrazhenie Zhan-Zhaka Russo. Roman. Perevod I. Gorkinoi i I. Gorkina. Predislovie la. Metallova. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury, 1956. 445 pp.,7 illus. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Location of copies: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid), Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Kazan State University N. I. Lobachevsky Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Méstská knihovna (Prague), Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka (St. Petersburg), Univ. of Rochester (NY). 0879 Mudrost' chudaka, ili smert' i preobrazhenie Zhan-Zhaka Russo. Roman. Khar'kov: «Folio», 1995. 398 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Location of copies: Boston Public Library, Queens Borough Public Library.



0880 Mudrost' chudaka; Rasskazy; Pep; Stat'i. Perevod s nemetskogo. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Khudozhestvennaia Literature», 1968. 766 pp. Notes: Tr. of Narrenweisheit, tr. I. Gorkinoi and I. Gorkina; Erzählungen; Pep, tr. L. Ginzburg; Aufsätze (selections from Centum opuscula). Explanatory notes by S. Turaev and G. Ratgauz. Chronology of Feuchtwanger's life and works by E. Zaks. His Sobranie sochinenii v dvenadtsati tomakh, 12. Contents of Rasskazy [Erzählungen]-. «Odissei y svin'i, ili O neudobstve tsivilizatsii» [«Odysseus und die Schweine,» tr. S. Osherov]; «Dom na Zelenoi ulitse» [«Das Haus am grünen Weg,» tr. L. Gorbovitska]; «Rasskaz o fiziologe doktore B.» [«Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.,» tr. L. Mirimov]; «Vernyi Peter» [«Der treue Peter,» tr. M. Tiutiunik]; «Vtoroe rozhdenie gospodina Khanzike» [«Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt,» tr. V. Stanevich]; «Tetia Vrusha» [«Die Lügentante,» tr. S. Shlapoberska]; «Pari» [«Eine Wette,» tr. E. Markovich]; «Kel'ner Antonio» [«Kellner Antonio,» tr. V. Stezhenskii]; «Marianna v Indii» [«Marianne in Indien,» tr. A. Kulisher]; «Vol'shtein» [«Herrn Wollsteins Gepäckscheine,» tr. E. Zaks]; «Posle sezona» [«Nachsaison,» tr. A. Kulisher]; «Venetsiia (Tekhas)» [«Venedig (Texas),» tr. N. Kasatkinoi]; «Ferraraskii karnaval» [«Der Karneval von Ferrara,» tr. N. Kasatkinoi]. Contents of Stat'i [Aufsätze]: «Perezhivanie i drama» [«Das Erlebnis und das Drama», tr. E. Markovich]; «Akterskoe iskusstwo i religioznost'» [«Schauspielkunst und Religiosität,» tr. E. Markovich]; «Sofokl i GofinanstaF» [«Sophokles und Hofmannsthal,» tr. E. Zaks]; «» [«Cäsar und Cleopatra,» tr. E. Markovich]; «RodonachaP nitsa sovremennogo fel'etona» [«Die Ahnfrau des modernen Feuilletons,» tr. M. Vershininoi]; « Eskhila» [«Die Perser des Aischylos», tr. M. Vershininoi]; «» [«Vasantasena,» tr. E. Zaks]; «» [«Der Kirschgarten,» tr. E. Mikhelevich]; «Uorren Gastings» [«Warren Hastings. Selbstanzzeige,» tr. M. Vershininoi]; «O R.-L. Stivensone» [«Über R.L. Stevenson,» tr. M. Vershininoi]; «(Unter Grisha>» [«Der Sergeant Grischa,» tr. E. Zaks]; «O vliianii i osobennostiakh anglosaksonskikh pisatelei» [«Von den Wirkungen und Besonderheiten des angelsächsischen Schriftstellers,» tr. E. Markovich]; «Kak ia napisal svoe pervoe proizvedenie» [«Wie ich meine erste Dichtung schrieb,» tr. E. Markovich]; «O Bertol'te Brekhte. Dlia anglichan» [«Bertolt Brecht. Dargestellt filr Engländer,» tr. A. Golemby]; «Sovety chitatediam moikh anglosaksiskikh p'es» [«Ratschläge für die Lektüre meiner (Angelsächsischen Stücke),» tr. M. Vershininoi]; «Frensis Bekon. Opyt kratkoi biografii» [«Francis Bacon. Versuch einer Kurzbiographie,» tr. L. Mirimov]; «Moi roman » [«Mein Roman (Erfolg), »tr. E. Mikhelevich]; «Sovremennyi roman internatsionalen» [«Der Roman von heute ist international,» tr. L. Mirimov]; «Predislovie k