Learning Professional Python: Volume 1: The Basics (Chapman & Hall/CRC The Python Series) [1] 9781032539256, 9781032534237, 9781003414322, 9781032611761, 9781032611709, 9781003462392

Volume 1 of Learning Professional Python is a resource for students who want to learn Python even if they don’t have any

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English Pages 270 Year 2024

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Table of contents :
1.1  History of Python

1.2  Advantages of Python

1.3  Characteristics of Python

1.4  Applications of Python

1.5  Python Versions

1.6  Python Identifiers

1.7  Reserved Words

1.8  Print () Function

1.9  Lines and Indentation

1.10 Multiline Statements

1.11 Quotation in Python

1.12 Comments in Python

1.13 Multiple Statements on a Single Line

1.14 Python Variables

1.15 Naming Conventions to Variables

1.16 Assigning Values to Variables

1.17 Multiple Assignment

1.18 None Variable

1.19 Data Types

1.20 Type Conversion

1.20.1 Implicit Conversion

1.20.2 Explicit Conversion

1.21 Literals

1.22 Binary Number System


Chapter 2 ◾ Python Operators

2.1  Operators Introduction

2.1.1  Unary Operators

2.1.2  Binary Operator

2.1.3  Ternary Operator

2.2  Binary Operators

2.2.1  Arithmetic Operators

2.2.2  Shortened Operators

2.3  String Operators

2.4  Operator Precedence

2.5  Expression Evaluation

2.6  Input () Function

2.7  Libraries

2.7.1  Math and CMath Libraries

2.7.2  SciPy Library


Chapter 3 ◾ Decision-Making and Conditionals

3.1  Introduction

3.2  If Statement

3.3  If-Else Statement

3.4  Nested-If-Else Statement

3.5  Elif Statement

3.6  While

3.7  For Loop

3.8  Nested For Loops

3.9  Nested While

3.10 Using Else Statement with For Loop

3.11 The Pass Statement in For Loop

3.12 Break Statement

3.13 Continue

3.14 While Loop and the Else Branch


Chapter 4 ◾ Strings

4.1  String Creation

4.2  Accessing Values to a String

4.3  Modify Existing String

4.4  Escape Characters

4.5  String Special Characters

4.6  String Formatting Operator

4.7  Triple Quotes

4.8  Unicode Strings

4.9  Built-In String Methods

4.10 Deleting String


Chapter 5 ◾ Lists

5.1  Introduction

5.2  Characteristics of Lists

5.3  Decision-Making in Lists

5.3.1  Range

5.4  Accessing Values in the List

5.5  Updating List

5.6  Delete List Elements

5.7  Sorting

5.8  Copying

5.9  Operators on Lists

5.10 Indexing, Slicing

5.11 Searching in List

5.12 Nested List

5.13 List Comprehension

5.14 Matrix Representation


Chapter 6 ◾ Tuple

6.1  Tuple Creation

6.2  Accessing Values in Tuples

6.3  Updating Tuples

6.4  Delete Tuple Elements

6.5  Operations on Tuples

6.6  Unpacking of Tuples

6.7  Indexing, Slicing on Tuples


Chapter 7 ◾ Sets

7.1  Introduction

7.2  Access Set Elements

7.3  Adding Elements to the Set

7.4  Remove an Element from the Set

7.5  Delete the Set

7.6  Python Set Operations

7.7  Set Membership Operators

7.8  Set Predefined Methods

7.9  Frozen Set

7.10 Frozen Set Operations

7.11 Frozen Set Predefined Operations


Chapter 8 ◾ Dictionary

8.1  Accessing the Elements of the Dictionary

8.2  Copying the Dictionary

8.3  Nested Dictionary

8.4  Changing the Dictionary Values

8.5  Adding the Elements to the Dictionary

8.6  Removing the Elements of the Dictionary

8.7  Dictionary Comprehension

8.8  Operators in Dictionary


Chapter 9 ◾ Modules and Packages

9.1  Python Import Statement

9.2  Python from … Import Statement

9.3  Package


Chapter 10 ◾ Functions

10.1 Defining a Function

10.2 Pass by Reference

10.3 Function Arguments

10.3.1  Required Arguments

10.3.2  Keyword Arguments

10.3.3  Default Arguments

10.3.4  Variable Length Arguments

10.4 Anonymous Functions

10.5 Return Statement

10.6 Function Variable Scope

10.7 Passing List to Function

10.8 Returning List from the Function

10.9 Recursion


Chapter 11 ◾ Date and Time

11.1 Time Module

11.2 Calendar

11.3 Time Module

11.4 Calendar Module

11.5 The Datetime Module

11.6 The Pytz Module

11.7 The Dateutil Module


Chapter 12 ◾ Regular Expression

12.1 The Re Module

12.2 Python Match Function

12.3 The Search Functions

12.4 Python Match Function vs Search Function

12.5 The Compile Function

12.6 The Findall () Function

12.7 The Split () Function

12.8 The Sub () Function

12.9 The Re.escape () Function



Learning Professional Python: Volume 1: The Basics (Chapman & Hall/CRC The Python Series) [1]
 9781032539256, 9781032534237, 9781003414322, 9781032611761, 9781032611709, 9781003462392

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