Treading on Python Volume 1: Foundations of Python

Treading on Python Volume 1 is a book designed to bring developers and others who are anxious to learn Python up to spee

290 88 246KB

English Pages 200 Year 2011

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Table of contents :
Why Python? --
Which version of Python? --
The interpreter --
Running programs --
Writing and reading data --
Variables --
Basic types --
More about objects --
Numbers --
Strings --
Formatting strings --
dir, help, and pdb --
Strings and methods --
Comments, booleans, and none --
Conditionals and whitespace --
Sequences : lists, tuples, and sets --
Iteration --
Dictionaries --
Functions --
Indexing and slicing --
File input and output --
Classes --
Subclassing a class --
Exceptions --
Importing libraries --
Libraries : packages and modules --
A complete example --
Onto bigger and better --
Appendix A : testing in Python.

Treading on Python Volume 1: Foundations of Python

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