293 93 14MB
English Pages 58 Year 1899
. U86
FOR CENUNNIAll.____, '· .
·rnredith NiC'l1olson. Bootb · 'l'ark1n,g·- ea ai)d be made most easilv available fQl' · .~·,. '. . . , 1011, Cha~les _.\h1jor avcl Geo:rge ~-\,hro.Orn yvl'itings call~c;l . hist.o_ries of l ,LASTING RESULTS SOUGHT. Such publwat1ons will add~ Indrana. "Bnl. what we do for Tndi~n;-.1 hi~t.ory uothi.ng· to our re.a l kn6wledge of the . }1is~ho11lt1 1rn1. ]1E1s~ wilh the dajr or the year tory of tbe state. 'Their prime purpose of th~ l'elP-brntion. The ccnl:erp1ial shot1ld will be to ma,ke mo11ey for their publish~! nroducc a more abiding r0s11Jt. 11. rnust e:rs and authors. 'ro counteract i;mch "tPrials. in misinformed and misinfo1·ming worl\. it l"'R" c> Lin riclwr in historical on· of 1hc seems eminently desirable thal lhe state. , the :SOlir!"f'S from which tlH" reditable sllould irndertalw the public~tion of a :-:;tatP. ma'.'' be written 1 a 00casion series of hLstorical ·colledions comparable :ar;counts of that· hl::itr hose· of Massachuse.tts, New York. f•)I' the to :•hould lt-ad the st:;itr histor;'I' .\lie 1igan, etc., and s\lch aR I!iinois 'is 1;1rcservatio11 ·ted by the two houses of the Legis A lature but \\:as ;icver api;roved. wrest and a wood-man cutting a trcca buffalo leaving the forest and fleeing through the ~lain toward distant forests ti.nd the sun setting in tlie west with the word. "Indiana"-practically the design inherited from territorial dys. Apparantlv this action on the part of the Legisla tur~ was intended to be merely advisoty but not mandator i. In February, 1895 a resolution was introduced and passed in the State Senate roviding for the appointment of a man ~in Heraldry to iitU flag co,:qmon to all of them. In many cases th1f.·merchant ma.tine flag of England was used wrth the pine tree substituted for t;p.e Union Ja~ll Massachusetts adopt~4 th~ grE-en pine tree wi a white field wiUt tbe m,ctt(). "An Apl)eal to Heaven." 1Sorne o;f tbe · southern. states had the tattlei&na~e 11),lg with t}\.e rnotto, .. Don't Tread on 'Me" on a. white or ~rellow field. This flag had bHr- m;ed l?Y South ca.rolina as eatly as 1764. Ben~itm11i Franklin defended the rMtlesnake device on th.,e ground that tb·~ ra.ttl$nalc;e is found only in America · consid-' and that sep,1ent emblems w er.ed by an tents as symbols of wisdom.
Disti ctly an
FS?·G F 526 .086 Dunn, J. P. H.i story .o f Jndiana.