259 53 66MB
English Pages 52 [239] Year 1997
Kawasaki ZX900, 1000 & 1100 Liquid-cooled Fours Service and Repair Manual by Mark Coombs and Penny Cox (1681-248-10Y4)
Models covered ZX900 A (GPZ900R). 908cc. UK April 1984 to 1996 ZX900 A (Ninja). 90Bec. US November 1983 to 1986 ZXl 000 A (GPZl OOORX). 997cc. UK November 1985 to September 1989 ZX1000 A (Ninja 1000R). 997cc. US September 1985 to 1987 ZX1000 B (ZX-10). 997cc. UK December 1987 to April 1991 ZX1000 B (Ninja ZX-1 0). 997cc. US April 1988 to 1990 ZXl100 C (ZZ-Rl100). 1052cc. UK March 1990 to December 1992 ZX1100 C (Ninja ZX-11C). 1052cc. US 1990 to 1993 ZX1100 0 (ZZ-R1100). 1052cc. UK December 1992 to 1997 ZX1100 0 (Ninja ZX-11 D). 1052cc. US 1993 to 1997
o Hayne. Publishing 1999
A booII in the Hayne. ServIce and Repair Manual Series All right' rnerved. No part of this book may be r8i)I'Odueed Of'transmitted In any form or by any means: electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission In writing from the copyright holder.
Prinled In IheUSA
Hayne. Publishing
SpaO(36psol 2.90kglcm>(4 1 psol 2.90kglcm>(41 PS/) 2.90kglcm>{41psi) 2.90kglcm>(41psj)
2.SO kglCm> (36 2.50 kglCm> (36 2.50 kglcm> (36 2.SOkglcm>(36 2.90 kglcm2 (41
psol psi) pso) psi}
pso) pso) psI) pSI)
Recommend ed fluids and lubricants SAE 10W/40. l OW/SO. 20W/40 or 2fJW/SO SE or SF class (min imum) Uoleacled or 1eacIed. Minimum octane rating 91 (Researd1methodlRON)
SAE JO engine oil. SEciass Frontlol"ks· ZX900Al to A6and ZXl000 A models . .. ZX900A7_on.ZX1000Band ZX1100ClUmodeis Brakeandclutchllukl Rnal dnvecllaln ... . .................. . Wheel bearings and speedometer dnve gearbox. Steeringheadbearlngs ................. . Swinging armandsllSP8"sion li nkagepivots ......... . Allcontrolpivots.stand,standpivotsandthrottletwislgnp cッョャイェ」。セ・ウ@
SAE lfJWloI"koil SAE1OWl2Oforkoil OOT4speci1ication SAE90gearoil Highmel!ing-poinlgmase Geoeral pyrpose grease Molybdenum-disu lphidegrease Goodqua!itygeneralpyrposegrease Eng ine oi l
Note: The pre-ride inspection outlined in the owner's manual covers checks and maintenance that should be carried out on a daily basis. It's condensed and included at the beginning of this Manual to remind you of its importance. Always perlorm the pre-ride inspection at every maintenance interval (in addition to the procedures listed). The intervals listed below are the shortest intervals recommended by the manufacturer for each particular operation during the model years covered in this manual. Your owner's manual may have different intervals for your model.
Daily or before riding
o See 'Daily (pre-ride) checks' at the beginning of this Manual.
Every 6000 miles (10 000 km) Ail of the 3000 miles maintenance tasks plus the following
o Change the engine/transmission oil and filter o
o o o o o o o
After the initial 500 miles (800 km) Note: This check is usually perlormed by a Kawasaki dealer after the first 500 miles from new. Thereafter, maintenance is carried out acccording to the following intervals of the schedule.
Monthly or every 500 miles (800 km)
o Adjust the drive chain (Section 1)
(Section 13) Clean the air filter element (Section 14) Renew the spark plugs (Section 15) Check and adjust the valve clearances (Section 16) Clean/renew the fuel filter (Section 17) Change the fork oil (Section 18) Check the cooli ng system (Section 19) Clean the coolant filter (Section 20) Lubricate the swinging arm and suspension linkage bearings (Section 21) Check fastener security (Section 22) Check the wheels (Section 23)
Every 12 000 miles (20 000 km) All of the 6000 miles maintenance tasks plus the following
o Renew the air filter element (Section 24) o Renew the brake and clutch fluid renewal (Section 25) o Lubricate the steering head bearings (Section 26)
Check the suspension settings (Section 2)
o Check the battery (Section 3)
Every 24 000 miles (40 000 km) All of the 12 000 miles maintenance tasks plus the following
Every 3000 miles (5000 km)
o Check the spark plugs (Section 4) o Check the fuel and oil lines (Section 5) o Check the air suction valves (US and ZX11 00 0 models) (Section 6) o Check and synchronise the carburettors (Section 7) o Check the brake pads (Section 8) o Check the drive chain (Section 9) o Check the steering (Section 10) o Lubricate the cables, stands and controls (Section 11) o Check the headlamp alignment (Section 12)
Renew the coolant (Section 27)
Every 2 years
o Overhaul the brake and clutch components o
(Section 28) Renew the anti-dive unit seal s (ZX900 A 1 to A6 and ZX1000 A models) (Section 29)
Every 4 years
o Renew the hydraulic hoses and fuel lines (Section 30)
1· 4
Component locations
ZX900 A component locations on lett-hand akk 7 -"Jr fiIr&r 8 Engine oil /eYeI sJghtgiass 9 Engine oil NI8r pj.JfJ
4 Idle speed aqUstw 5 &litftHy 6 DrIve chain
ZX900 A component Iocatlons on right-hand IJide 7 Front brake fluid re5fIfVOir 8 Fori< oil drain pkJ{J Steering Ile8d bearings
Coo/a'tl filtlP' (UK} AJr suction vaIve5 (1.JS)
9 Eng/rIe 0/1 drIJjn pJugs 10 Engine 01/ filter
Component locations
ZXl000 A componenllocatlons on lett-hand side 7 Engine oil level s/ghlga53 8 Engine oil filler pIuQ 9 Coolant teWtVOir
, CMch ftvid ruetVOir 2 VIWes WId sparlf plugs :I FIJfII,., Mer
4 Idle spHd lIdjusrer 5 &tter)' 6 Dttve chBIn
! Blake pllds
ZX1000 A c:omponenllQeatlons on right-hand side 4 Coo/aead bearings
2 Rear brIM fluid ",sarvoir :I Akrilter
9 Engine of! dnJin piugs 10 Engine 011 rilUJr
1. 6
Component locations
%)[1000 B c:ompc>nenlloc:ations on left-hand ,Idt I Clutch fluid res8I'VOir 2 Valves wrd 5PfIrl< plugs
3 Idle spftd セイ@
-4 FlAIl tank and pump fiIfer3 .5 Banet)' 6 DrivIJ chain
7 Engine oil '-111 sightglau
8 Engine oil fiRer c.,
10 Forltoil chin plug
%)[100(1 B o;omponenllocations on right-"-"d-'de
fluid セ@
2 ajイセエ・@ 3 CooIiJnt filter (UK)
.., Air suction vafves (US) 5 SIMring head .btI;Irlngs
8 Front bnlke fluid reservoir
7 Coolant reservoir bイ。セX@ pad$
9 Engine oil dr8in plugs 10 Et'If}ine oil 1iitf1r
Component locations
ZX1100 C/O componenllonS on right-hand tide 6 Front bmIre fluid セ@ Valves and sperl{ plIfp Sfetlti1g htMId セ@ 7 Brake pttds
1. 8
Maintenance & Servicing
Introduction Perlodi\;
continuous process w!1i (7 psi) 0.5kg/C/Til
Indicator marl will only rotate in an 'nti-c/oekwise (coun/et"-clockwise) direction. Do nor atramp! to tum II in , cJockwis8 direction. 15 Ensure both the damping and air pressure are set to the requ ired settings and relit the
ZX1100 CID models
16 The rear suspension unit Is link..:! to • pressuriHd ,emote oil reservoir and leatur. a 4 position damping adjuster. The spring preload can also be adjusted but th l, II • complicated and time-consumlng job which requires the removsl 01 the suapenalon umt from the I,ame (see below). Therelore, It Is recommanded that it shOtJld only be carried out if absolutety necessary. 17 The damping adjuster Is situated on the 10_ and of the suspension unit, and can be adjusted from underneath the machine, Posilion the maChine on Its centra stand. Access to the adjuster wheel can be gained from the right-hand side 01 the machine alt ... removing the plastic 00Yef situated jusl aboYe the suspension unit lower mount.-.g bolt 1_ IMustratlon). The present position Is Indicated by the Roman numeral visible on the edge 01
I . On ZXlOOO models the damping setting Is adiustad by roteting the knob until the required number aligns with the triangular
2. 17 Remove plas tic cover to gain Kcase to .... suspension damping adjuster on ZXII00 CID models
Every 500 miles / 800 km tIw -.I;"'"", wheel. Position I Is Ihe softest
settong and position 1111 the hardest: the l\alldard Mltlng being position II. II
necessary, .dlu$! the setting by turning the wh$eI until セ@ clicks into the required position. Note that the adju ster キ ィセ@ will tum In one 、セ・」 エ ャッョ@ only. towards the Irani of the machl".., Do no r attempl /0 force It In the oppo$ite difffCtion. Once the adjuster Is curectty II1II. refit the plastic cover to jlO'8Ya"1t
t...myolOirtand water. pre viously, II I, not necessary to chee!< the spring preload Idjustmenl unless handling problems have 18 /vi mentioned
occurred. Remove the raa. suspension unit !TOm the machine as described In Chapter 6.
1Iccurately measu.e the length 01 the セウォIョ@ unit spring and note this rneas.nment down. Slacken the Iarge Ioelolot and spring adjusting nut. using II suitable C-spamtlf • ...u all spmg pressure acting OIl tIw tdjusting nut is released. Meastn the "" IqIh oIlhe $p'Ing at this point. Subtntet the hi measufemenl {compressed length) 110m the NCOi'd measurflffi8fll (free length) to obtain the pre.ent spring preload distance; this can theo be compared キ セ ィ@ the standard setting and, セ@ neeessary, adjusted. 19 The 'f(;ommended standard seWng for IhI!I spmg preload Is: lXI/DO C modI!/s IS rom f(J. 71 in) ZXIlOODmodeis 19.5mmf(J. 7fl1n} " セ@ Is .-owed lor IuIther adjustment: ZXllOO C models 14 - 30mm (CI.SS- I . I SIn)
zxr roo D models
20 Set the spring compe gap, and If adjustment is rfIQUirad, bend tha outer, aarth electrode only. Ne't'flf bend thcl c.ntra eltK:trode or the ceramic IMulator nasa will be
, Give all the luel hoses a close visual exemination checking lor aacks or any sign of leakage. In \imtI, the synthetic rut:.t- pipe wiI tllOd to deteriorate, and will eventually leak. Apart from the obvious fire risk, Ihe leaking fuel will alfect fuel economy. The pipe will usually spl it only al the ends: If there Is sufficient spare length the damaged portion can be cut 011 and the pipe refitted. The seal is eflected by tt>e Interference fit 0111le pipe on the spIgol : although the wire clips are only an additlonel securlly measure they should always be refitted correctly and should be renewed if da maged, I wisted or no longer affecllve. If the pipe Is to be renewed. always lIM tile COIT8Ct rep!acemeot type and size 01 セ@ tubing to ensure a good leak-proof fit, Never use nalural rubber tubing, a$ Ihis lands 10 bfaek up when In contact with petrol (gasoline) end win obstruct cartxxen or jets, or clear plastic tubing which stillens to the point of being brittIa when in cootact with petrol and will produce leaks that .... difficult 10 coot. 2 Also give Ihe oil cooler hoses a close Inspection 'or signs of deterioration or leakage. If any h0$8 is d amaged it must be renewed as described in Ct\apfar 4. 3 Own_ of US machines should also ・セ。ュゥョ@ tha clean air system hoses. and on Cal!lomla models, the emission control system, Check Ihe transpar".,1 reservoir on tha left-hand side o1lhe angina. It lies next to lha air Mer oil reservoir and runs from the Tpiece c:onnection between the vacuum valve end canisllll'. Remove !he plug from the pipe and and drain 011 8/'r'I1Iuid from tha reservoir. Any faulty componenl musl be renewed using only genuine I( awasaki replacement parts.
7 Before It>e pil9S _fitted, apply a fina coat 01 PSC or moIybdanum dilJlJlphH:le grg" 10 Iheir thntads. This will he lp prevenl thread ャ ョァ@ and make エセ イ@ wear and damage on イ・ヲセャ sub sequent remova l easler, FII each p lug finger-tight, then tlghlen rt by a llirthar 1/4 tum only, 10 ensure a gasligh t seal. Beware o f overt ighten ing, and always use a plug $paMer or socket Of the correct size: tighten aU plugs 10 tha spec!lled torqlill setting, where powble. 8 Nev.... overtighten a spat'k plug. otherwise there is a risk of stripping the IIVMd from the cylind .... head, especially as It Is cast In light alloy. A stripped Ihread can be repaIred
7. ' Throttle cable freaplay Is measured In terms o f twlstgr1p rotation
Refer to Chapler 4 for further lnIormalion 011 Ille clean air and セ@ control systems.
Air suction valves (US and ZX1100 0 models) check
1 In order to gain access to tha valves on US modals It I. necess.ry to ramove the 10_
and side ftRIg MCtIons and !he IuaI tank. CkI ZX 1100 0 models ramova tl\e fairing sidI sections and air tiltar housing. 2 Slacken thair spring clips and pull ttlt vacuum va/Ve switch pipes 011 the air suctit:II., valve covers. Remove . .en . . suetlon VaNt aft. rMasing its two bolts, 1nspec1 lha r8IIdI 'or distortion, creeks or any other damage .-:I their eontact surface on the cov .... for scratches or del ltl'iofation: If found, the assembly should be renewed. II cerbOl! deposits \\ave bum lIP In the assembly, \haM must be cleaned olf with e high flash-point
.-" 3 On reassembly In8lell new geskets ane tlghteck into the caliper as possible by hand on ly; this is especially
important if new pads are being frtted, due to the increased friction malerial th ickness. fセ@ Iha larger pad over the pins o f tha brackat (friction material facing the piston) and then frt the smaller pad Into the b racket whilst ensuring the pad springs remain In ーッウセャョN@ 1 On ZX900 A7-on and ZXtloo C/O models. イ・ュッセ@ alilraces 01 corrosion from the pad retaining pin and smaar a small amount of PBC grease along セN@ Slide the pads bock into the caliper. rooting that if new pads are being fitted the p istons must be pushoo bac k into sufficient room . Insert their bores to ーイッセゥ、・@ the pad rataining pin and secure il with the AClip. Ensure that the pin is fi!too with the small hole for the A-clip facing the outside edge of the caliper and Ihat the A-clip does not trap the outside pad wilen in ーッウセゥョN@ Check that both pads move freely along the retain11セG@ ... ......DtIIS . I!W Il IIO\NIIS
(UllOC 'olww9"l . G⦅
(U! SIC'O - LIC"oJ WW O"g - 6"L
(UI 59L -01 lUlU (II! LSL'O -1;61"01 ww C·S· 6', (II! sre-oJ ww C"" (UI roz"O - 661 "0) WW o;\'S - Sva'O - OZO'O
..... ."
"'" ...,"""""
(1,11 ,6S(I'O - 0690-01 ww ron - 86'"\ lUI 0600-0 - 99SO 'Q) ww 96)"1 - I>6n iLll99Sl\U.
G oG@
S- l xoqJea6 pue 4:)lnp 'aU!6U3
• WIlIP8\1'1
""" pw.1l!e
:SjIIpOW 006XZ セャイエ@
2- 6 Engine, clutch and gearbox Clutch wet, multl·platt
Frietion plales:
ZX900-.. """''''''
ZXl 000 and ZXll00 CID models Thickness: ZX900 and ZXl000 B セ@ 5ervk:e IimiI . ZXlooo A models . SeMceIimil ZXll00 CID models . Service iゥュセN@
2.9·3.1 mm (0.114 - 0.122 in) 2.75 mm (0.108 In) 2.9·3.1 rrrn 10.1" . 0.122 In) 2.8 nvT1 (0.110 In) 2.7 - 3.0 rrrn (0. 106 - 0.118 in) 2.5 mm (0.098 In)
Plain plales: nオュセ@
ZX900 models . ZX l 000 and ZXll00 C/O models . Fl1ctlon and plain plaIa warpage SeMe4' limit. ciャイエ・ィセZ@
,."''''''' ZX9OO"""""
ZX l 000 and ZX l l00 CJD models Flea length: zxYPセ
5etv1ce エゥュ セ@ . ZXl000 modefs
Service limit
ZXl100 C/O models .. Service limit. Pr'mary gear/dutch drum baddash . SeMcelimil.
Less lhan 0.2 mm (0.008 in) 0 .3 mm (O.0121n)
,, 33.0·34.2 mm (1.30· 1.35 in) 32.1 mm (1.28 In) 33.2 mm (1.31 In) 32.1 mm (1.26 In) 46.3 rrrn (1.82 in) 42.7 mm(I.68 In}
0.03·0.10 mm (0.0011 - 0.0039 in) 0.14 rrrn (0.0055 in)
Altemator/starter clutch 158.8· 159.2 mm (6.25·6.27 in) 161.5 mm (6.36 In)
Drive chain • 20 link length 5etvIee iュセ@ .
Final drive
Ratio: ZX900 models:
2.882: I (49117 T) 2.941: I (5OJ17 T)
US " " ' "
ZXl000AmodeIs: UK models US models
ZXl()()() 8 and ZXll00 C/O models .
Torque seHings Cy1indef head COWIf bolts . Topcamchaln guide bolts: ZX900 and ZXl000 A model. ZXl()()()8andZXll00c/omodeta . Cam follow« shaft rataining bolts· ZX900 and ZXl000 A modl)jsonly Cams/laft cap botts Camshaft sprocket retaining bolts . Cam foIower locknuts . Cy1indef head oil pipe "mon
bolt,· ZX900 snd ZXl()()() A
MaIn cy\inda' head oil pipe union bolts Sump to (;rlInIu;ase metal oil pipe union bolts: ZX900 and ZXll00 CJD models
ZXl000 models
2.666 ; 1 (40115 T) 2.733 : 1 (4 1/ 15 T) 2.647 1 (45/17 T)
'" m
L' L' L'L' ,.,L' ,.,L' ,., L'
Not available
,.,''''" ,., ,.,,., 11.0 18.0
,.,,., 18.0 13.0
Engine. clutch and gearbox 2· 7 Torque settings (continued) o,tnder head bolts; ZX900 and ZXIOOO A models:' New head bolt and washer: Ral-headed bolts Taper·headed bo/t$ . Old head bolt and washer: Ral·headed 0011$ Taper·headed bolts . ZXIOOO B and ZXl 100 C/O models: iョセゥ。ャ@ torque seltlng Flnallorque seltlng: Flat·headed bolts Taper'headed bolts . 6 mm cylinder headIbIock retaining bolt 1mm bIockIerankease retaining bolts . Camchain teoslooer mountng bolts Camcham blade mountng bolt CUtch spring retaining bolts: ZX9IXI and ZXlOOO r'I"IOO&Is ....••....•••. ZXt 100 C/O 0Tl()(IeI •
Ibf ft
'0 52
29.0 ".0
21.0 35.0
•. S
'.0 '.2 ..0
29.0 ".0 '.0
LO 2.0
'.0 8.0 960
.., U
Clrtch cenll1l nut
Igni:tioo rolor relainiog bolt .
2.' 2.' 2.'
AAemalor mounting bolts Atternator/s\arler clulch drive sprocket bolt . Attamalorfstarter clutch shall cush drive coopling nut Alternator dlive coupling/shaft retaining bolt . Slarter clutch OO"s: ZX900and ZXlOOOA models . ZX1000 B and ZXIIOO C/O moOOIs . Engine sprocket nut • Gearchaoge mechanism COYet bolts· ZXI lOll C/O 0Tl()(IeI • Qank.case la51ening bolts: Lセ@
1 mm • ZX 11 00 C/O and lale ZX900 A1"On 0Tl()(IeI$ only 8mm a mm mai"I bearing bolts· ZX900 and ZXlOOO models:
3.' .. 2
2. Anal eetlirlg . 9 mm main bearing bolts· ZXll00 C/O and late ZX900 A1"On models: ..0 33
Initial senlng Final seWng ..
COnr>ectlng rod bolts (see ZX900 rnodeI$ • ZXlooo A models: wセiョオエウ@
11.0 13.0
20.0 10.0
200 '.0 24.0
WIlli old nuts zxャobセ@
New connectng rod and OOW nuts New conneetinQ rod and old nuts Old connec1lng rod and セ@ nuts Old connec1ing rod and old nuts ZXl100C/Or'I"IOO&Is .• Oil drakl plugs in lUmp . Oil fitter mounting bolt
18.0 18.0 18.0 43.0
Initial setting
. .....•.....•....••....•. • .
3.0 V
3.0 2.0
14.5 13.0 18.8 11.4 11.0 22.0 14.5
•., '.3
33.0 ".0 33.0
.., '.3
" .0 33.0
2.' 2"
Engine mounting bolts:
ZX900 models . ZXlooo A models: Fronl mounting bolts . . ................... ....... •. Rear mounting bolts .
ZXl000 B. ZXll00 C/O models . Frame cradle retaining bolts: ZXl000 A models . ZXlOOO B, ZXI 100 C/O models . Rear mounting bolt collar Allen screws ZXI 100 0 models
2- 8 Engine, clutch and gearbox
TlMI eogineIgearbox unit is of watsition the starter clutch assembly in the crankcase (driven gear facing the right·hand side of the casing) and insert the shaft from the right-hand side of the crankcase half (see illustration). Locate the starter clutCh on the
35.58 00 not omit half ring retainers or locating pins
Shafts splines and push the shan fully Into pOsition. Refit th e alternator cush drive coupling to the left-hand end of the shaft and tighten its retain ing bolt to the sp&eified torque setting (se e illustration). Hold the starter clutch Idler gear In posiHon and Insert its shaft into the casing (see illustration). Refit the oil spray tu ba (ZX1100 CJD models only) and tighten the Idler gear shaft retaining boil securely (see illustration) . 5 Refit the two half ling retainers and the locating pins to the casing (see illustration). If the clrtch al and top up if
7 When the machine haa been t1dd8f1 for the ,"lllme after relilling. allow the engine to ccoI down and check the level at the radiator . . cap 10 ensure !hat no lurther pockets of • Nve been expelled , topping up if セ N@ All &ubseqUllllI cOackI 01 the level 11th' recommended maintenance inlervals 3IIou4d be checked at the expanaOn tank. as 6nct1bed in 'Daily (pre-ride) checks' at the bIgrV'ing 01 this Manual.
Radiator - removal, cleaning, examination and refi!1ing
... セ@
I f>.ernoo« rod
16 f'j,;fOn ring 17 Rebound spring 18 Damper rod SENlI 19 ャnウセ@
24 Lower leg 2S /lJJen boll and seaJ/Ilg 26 Drain scntw and SfNlIing washer '
20 CircNp 21 Oil セ@
22 WasI!et' 23 Top INsh
, ZX90IJ Al-otl models • ZXlOOO B models • ZXI 100 e tD models
6-6 Frame and forks MaIing washer 00 the Allen boll and ....- セ@ neg bolts to the セャゥ・、@ torque settings, and remount Iha junction 「ッセ@ on each fork lag.
ZX900 A7-on, ZX1000 Band ZX1100 CID model. 3 On ZX900 1>.7_on and ZXl000 B modals. pOt-Itlon the stanchion $0 that its top edge protn,Kles 15 mm (0 .60 In) abo'le the surface 01 the top yoke (see IIlullr aUon). On ZXl 100 C models the stanchion should be 11.5 mm (0.45 in) aboYe!toe top yoke (see ill... tnltion) . Df1 ZX t tOO 0 models the top svrlace 01 the top bolt hex shou ld be level with the top surface of the handlabar clamp. CrlCe the stanchion is 0DrI"ec:tty posIIloned. tighten botl'I the top and bottom yoke pinch bolts to their spacl/ied torqu a setti ngs (. ." illu strat io n). Refit the handlebar castll'lgS and tighten their IntUIting bolts to !he spacified torque setting ( _ iIIustnltlon).
AI/models 4 Aelit tha mud{Iuard and tighten its ratairwlg bolts to Iha specified tOl'QU8 setting. II the fOl1< lags were dIsmantled. also tighten their top plugs to their specili ad torque setting. On ZX900 A2 to A6 models. refit the fork top bolts and tlghtan them to the specified torque Hltlng. Relit the wheel as described in Section 3 of Chapte!" 7. loIlowed by the fafring and h.181 tank. Charga the lorks with the spaclfied amount 01 air (as applicable) and ralit the va"'- caps. Thoroughly check the operation of Iha front forkll and brake before takIng the machina on the road.
6 Anti-dve vaIYe assembly セ@ (ZX9OO A1 to lIB and ZX1000 A セ@ modeIs) - tesmg and renewal
salling Is fncreased to Its stillest posjtlon the eHort required to compress the Ioril slloukl セ@
1 The valva aS$«Tlbly Is mounted on the lront
01 each fork lower lag being retained by four Allen screws. The 011 passages are aach saaled by O-rings. Nota thai no replacemenl parts are availa ble with whH:h the assembly can be rfl(:(lOditiorie. セ@ h becomes worn out or Is damaged in an accident, each asse(41 psi) 2 ,90 kg/cm>(4t psi)
9.0 11.0 11.0
65.0 ".0 " .0
15.0 11.0
2.' 2.0 '.0
Front disc
Aeardisc 2)(1100 0 models: Front dlsc Brake caliper mounting bolts: ZX900 Alto A6 and ZXlooo A models ZX900 A7-on, ZXlooo B and ZXll00 C models Front brake eallpe.r Joining bolls · ZX900 A7· on and 2)(1 100 C models Brake caliper · ZXllOO 0 modeII: Front: Mounting bolts . Joining bolts . Rear: Mounting bolts Joining bolts . Front master eylinder elarnj) bolts:: ZX900 Al to /IJ3 and ZXlooo A models ZX900 A7-on. ZXlooo B ar.d ZXll00 C/O models Brake hose ooion bolts. TOI'QIMI arm nutslbolts Metal brake pipe gland nuts antl-di'le modeIa only . Antl-di'le pIuoger housing bolts . Bleed nipples
110.0 15.0 14.5
" .0 "'.0 " .0
11 .0
ar;,ke disc bolts: ZX9OO. ZXlooo A and ZXll00 C models ZXlooo B models:
\7 ,0
3.' 2.3
23 2.'
17.0 18.0
3.' 2.'
3.' 2.'
2.' Not available
2.' 2.' L>
18,0 18,0 11 .0
,., 3.3
Wheels, brakes and tyres 7-3
1 2 3 4
the Irame to avoid straini ng the hydraulic hoses. 3 On ZX900 AI to A6 models it is necessary to remove only one 01 the calipers. Remove the cal iper mounting bolts end walt until the wheel has been lowered out of the forks as described below belore removing the caliper. 4 On all mode ls, release the wheel spindl e pinch bolt(s) s'tuated on the right-hand lower fork leg and slacken the wheel spind le 1rom the right-hand side )$8e illustration). 5 Remove th e lower lairlng, as described in Chapter 6 . and place some blocks or a su itable stand underneath the engine so that the front wheel is raised clear 01 the ground. Support the wheel and withdraw the spindle lrom the right-hand side. The wheel can then be lowered to the groond and removed from the machine. On ZX900 Al to A6 models slide the caliper off the disc. placing a wedge between the pads and tyi"ll the cal iper to ttle machine as described above 6 Note that the wheel shoo ld not be placed on its side w ith the weight resting on one of the brake discs as this could distort the disc Place II wooden block beneath the wheel rim or rest the wheel against a wall. 7 Refer to Chapter I lor details of whool examination.
WI!eeI spindle
Rigflt·hand sp8Cef Oil sooI Orclip 5 Bearing - 2 off 6 Central spacer
7 Spoodometer drive
8 Circlip 9 Oil sooI
10 Speedometer drive
" 12 13 14 15
Drive gwr housing Nul Pin Washer - 2 off Speedometer driven
16 &Ish
3 Front wheel - refitting 2.4 Front wheel - typical
1 General description
2 Front wheel - removal
All models use cast al loy wheels whk:h al"fl dngned to run wilh tubeless lyres. Although the キィセウ@ vary in size and style. all are very similar in construction. 80th Iront and rear brakes are hydraulk:ally operated discs. II twin d>sc set up at the 1ronl and a single at the l"fIar. 00 ZX900 Al to A6 models and ZXlOOO A models, the front braklng system is also used to actuate the anli-dive units fitted 10 the front foOte the exact order In which these componentt ara fined. • Note thaI if a vice is used to hoid the master cyllndflf at any time during dismantling and rt8SS8f1"IbIy, its Jaws must be padded with toft alloy or wooden covers and tile maste!" cylinder must be wrapped in SOft cloth 10 pt"8Y8fl11l being marked or distorted. S Place aM the master cytinder component, in a clean conl alner and clean each pan thoroughly. Lay Ihe pans out on a llheet 01 dean paper and 。 セ。ュ ャョ。@ each one as follows. eセ。ュャョ・@ the plslon sur/ace and master cytindef bore lor IoI9"s 01 wear or corrG$Ion . セ@ both components if damaged In any way ; new seals will not compensata for scoring and will wear oul qu;ckly. Check the primary and secondary seals lor damage or swell ing. renawlng them unless In per1ect condition. The cops are IIOId as a kit together with the piston and spring. R_w the duSI seal at Ihe same lime to preclude road dirt entering the assembly. Ensurelhat the supply port and lhe $Illaller retial port between the cylinder and reservoir are clear, especially wnere swollen or damaged cups have been noted. Inspect the threads 01 the brake hose union boll for 'Igns ollallure and renew the boll II In the slightest doubt. Renew the sealing washers located on each side 01 the union lUI a matter 01 course. 1 Check before reas.sernbly that any traces 01 contamination remaiOOg In the .-voir body have been removed. Inspect the dlaphragm 10 see that II Is I>Ot perished or split. It must be noted at this point that any rtI8$S8I11bty worI< muSI be undertaken In ullra-clean conditions,
, eo-
2 ScnIw·20ff
5 Brakll stop lamp switch 6 HandlebllrcJ ll/llp
1 Bch·201f
9 Pn'mary piston IISSemb/y
11 Ov$lbool
12 bセォャ・カエiイ@ 13 Hose union 14 SeIIIing wtJ$he,· 2 off 15 Union boll 16 Rubber covw
10.3 Fronl bOI, check thllt the oil pressure warning lamp Is lit 1/ the oil prassur" lamp is not lit, eKamine the oil pressure warning Lamp cirQJit as descfibOld in Sectioo 10. " th!t 011 pressure lamp iI functooning corractIy proeeed as follows.
7 /gfVIjon $WItCh 8 MaIn fuM 9 Starter roIay 10 Batr8t}' BK Black BL Blue
Waming: Petrol (fI8so/iM1) Is ,remeIy ffammable, upeciaIr wtten In the form ofllllJ)OUr. Tal.
115.3 Fuel ""81 warning lamp circuit - 2):1101) C models Warning lamps Warning lamp relay 3 Cifroit relay 4 Level Sftf1SOctIoning correctly and that the...wlng is in good order.
3 F.ults In anyone 01 the above セ・ュNQiGゥ@ produce .ymptOlTl$ lor which the tum IIgnII relay may be unlalffy blamed. II the ,.... persIsts even aflat the prelImInary e/"It(;Q have been made the relay is al fault and be renewed, no lurther test detail. .. avallable. 4 All US model. are lilted with haa-d warning lights, operatod from a switch on tht tefl-harld handlebar Cluster. With the h8UIrII swItch In tha ON po.ltlon and tha iァョセゥッ@ switch In the ON or PA.RK positions. all IOU' tum signal lamps. plus the warning lamps, should tIa$h. II a fault develope check the l\.1li signal circuit and relay as described Ibovt. M thl' I'lls to cure the problem. the IIazard .wltch Itaell must be at lautl. ldenllfy \til . wltch wires using the appropri.te セ@ diagram at the end 01 this chapter. dsconnId tha handlebar .witch block ConneetOf InC! cheek for continuity across the pan of switO'I termWlis as shown In the switch box.. at tht base of the diagram.
20 Horns location and testing 1 The horns . . mounted inside the fairing on each side of the radiator (see ill .... tr.tIon). To gain 8CCMI to the horns it wII be f"NIOMNfy \0 remove the lower and side fairing sectIc:n as descrlbld In Chapter 6. 2 If the horns lail to work, tnt cheek that tht fuses are intact. Check that power Is reaching tha hom. by disconnectlrlg lheir wire. and connecting them to two 12 volt bulbs. SwitdI on thl Ignition and press the horn button. H tile bulbs 11g1II, the horn 」ャイオセ@ Is prOVed IJOOd arid the hom il at fault. If not, there I,. fault i1 either the wiring or horn button which must bt found and ,ectilied. 3 To test a hom, connect a IuIty charoecl 12 YOIt ballery directly to the hom itself. 1\ It doll not sound. a gentle lap on the outside 01 \htI hom may free the internal conlactL If IhiII taIIII the 110m must be 'fKlaWed; 'epalrs are not
20.1 Home .,. ...-.nted on tach aide the radiator
Electrical system 8-19
21.3tI Fit the bulb to the h. .dlemp unh .
21 Bulbs · renewal
2 To renew lhe headlamp bu lb セ@ will probably be necessary to remove the fairing. howev....
some ow.-s might find it possible to renew
Heedlamp and parking lamp 1 The hNdll\mf:l bulb is 0I1Ile quartz-halogen type with. conventional H4 fitting . Do IIOt
touch the bulb's glass envelope as akin acids will short&n the bul b's service life.
21.4a Parlling lamp bulbholder 1, a push fit In the headlamp unl' .
the bulb witll the fairing still r.tted to the machine. Due to the amount of work .-sary to I'1If"fIIMI the fairing it is therelore recommended that an attempt be made to carTY out the openItlon with the fairing on the machine. II thle proves unsuccessful. th e fairing should be removed as described In Chapter 6. The same applies to the parking/pilot lamp bulb although this will be con$idarably easJer to.--.N. On ZX900 and ZXlOOO A model' both op8fatlons can be made ea,ier by removing the small cov ... situated below the headlamp on the セ@ oIl1le upper fairing section. 3 Unph,og the headlamp bulb conneclor and remoYtl the rubber bulb cover from the back of the head lamp unit noting Its correct remove the bulb posil >on. On ZX900 ュッ、セウ@ holder by pushing セ@ In towards the headlamp unit end turning It anti-clockwise. end 0f1 ZXIOOO and ZXIIOQ C/O ュッ、セウ@ disengage the bulb retaining aprIng clip from the headlamp ...nlt. On all models withdraw lhe headlamp bulb. On relittlng. nOle that the locating tangs 0f1 the metal bulb collar are offset so that the bulb CIll1 onty be fitted one way. Secure the bulb キセィ@ its holder or clip {as applicab le) and !It tile rubber bulb cover ensuring that it is filled In its original position and is correctly seated (see ltIuelrat lone). Relit the h..dlamp connector (•••
illustration). Check the head lamp beam settlng as described .n Chapter ,. 4 The partdnglpilot lamp bulb holder is a push fit in the headlamp assambly (see illustration). The bulb is a bayonet til imo the holder and C8I1 be rerT"l(Ned by pressing it in and turning it antl-clockwise (s. . IlIuab"ation).
Stop and tall lamp 5 Most modals are fitted with twin sl op/l all lamp bulbs which can be accessed from Inside the tail section once the !lllal ha$ been removed (see ill.... セエャッョI N@ Remove the bulb hoIdl'lf'S from th' back 01 the tail lamp them .... Ii-cloclenfS faci1Q the comrct way up otherwise セAo@ their moYemerlt will 0CCf.If". 2 Identify the three wiring connections to the rear of the fuel gauge and unscrew tham (_ illustration). Remove all screws retaining the inslf1Jmenl top and bottom helves IOIId sapa"IIte them to gain acoess to the fuel gaIgI. 3 Refit In e reverse of the remcwal procedure. msklng sure that the wiling connecUons ill'
maOe correctly.
Cooling fan
' Not.:
Aャ セ N@
Front right tum signal
Oilpressure t1
1"'11, [ I
-_ セ
;;:* セ0tI Horns
_4 Ignition coils
Rear brake light switch
Pickup coil
!l セ@
Ignitor unit
and sparlc plugs
セi@ I I II
Z、ャ G B@
Rear right tum signa/
. i1-!"' : H ' ; : セ@ Jei1
rr 1 11
II I I I I I I lCMセ@
Number plate Ught
Rear/eft tum signal
If.i§==lm JLl jJ n '--w.-.
Coolant fan switch
I- !-
i セ@ !tID " LセG@
Panel light
sender unit
Stop Starter switch switch
I. .
Ughting switch
Front brake light switch
セ i セ@
セ tセ
i iセ@
..u セ@ ;t:
'RH tum signaJWIL
..イゥt s[セW@
$idestand WIL not fittedta ZX900A7-on
Right hand handlebar switches
Ignition sY(itch
ゥQ ] セ ] エ@ hl144 I I!
at セ@ $idestand switch
§ M \
Oil pressure Neutral switch switch
Cooling fan relay
ZX900 A UK models
""':"'" Starter motor
Q ゥ h ヲゥイ@
:::::!. ::J
16 17 16 10 12 19 20 11
3 21 15 24
8 1 2
CJ. To"
OJ en
al saving.
and mg spannetS 4 Socket sel (3/8/ne1l Of 112 inch drive) 5 Set of ArM keys Of bits
The following lists of IOOIs do not represent the manufacturer'. service tools, but _ as a guide to help the owner decide which tools セ@ 01 work. In addition, are needed for エィセ@ hems such as an electric drill. hacksaw. Illes • SOld&rlng iron and • worlmpOtI8IIt beIng.MCUIW is セ@ of man セ。ャオ・@ Ihan Iha bott, nul or sc,... _ whan Iha fas""'" /s frHd, do not セ@ It whh forea, In.'aad won- Itt. f . . lana. back and forlh when "sislanca Is fall 10 damage. • pre""nl エィセ@
2.18 Two nuts cen be locked エ セ エィ・イ@ to unscrew a lIud from a component • A bolt or scr_ wtllch Ilas broken 011 below or Ie..... with 11>8 casing must be
extrnctoo ...w.g • tcraw extractor set. centre punch the fastener to centralise the drill bit, thBtl drill • Ilole In the fastaner (, . . Illustration 2.1$), Select a drill bit wtllch I• approximately hsll to throe·quarters the
Alternat ively, the broken bolt/screw can be drilled out and the hole retapped for an oversize bolt/screw or a dlamond·section thread insert. It Is essential that Ihe drilling Is carried out squarely and to the correct depll1, oth_ise the casing may be ruined· 1/ In doubt. entrust the work to.., engirIefr. • 8o/ts and nuts with I"OlRMId comers C8UM the CClfTec:t size $f*Vl8r or sockIIt to slip wherl セ@ is applied, or the types 01 spanner/llOCkel use a six·polnt tyPti rather available 。ャキセ@ than an e9'1t or twe\v$-lX*"It type . better grip
REF. a
Tools and Workshop Tips
is ob\.ained. Surface drive spannert, grip the
2.23 A u.r.-.d repair tool being USoed to
rroidde of the heM flats. rather than the comers,
and _Ihut good i'I cases of damaged heads {see InustratJon 2.21 I. or Pllillips-tlead screws are • セエiF、Mィ・。@ allen damaged by tha use ot Ihe wrong '128 screwdriver. Al len-head and tッセMィ・。、@ screwII are much less likely 10 sustain damage. If enough of the $(:rew /lead is exposed you can use II hacksaw 10 cut a slot in its head and then use II conventional Halbladed screwdrt'Ier to remove it. AIIematIveIy use II hanVTIer and cold chisoaI to tap the head of lhoe fastener arourld to slacken II. A1way$ replace damaged fasteners with new ones, preferably TOOl. or Allen-head type.
chasers art available lor spant. plug hole threads. The tool will not cut a new thra&d. but 」セョ@ and true the aoglnal thread. Maka aura that you lise the correct diameter and pitch 1001. Similarty. utemal th reads can be cleaned liP with a die or a thread restorer file 1_ BGオウセ@ 2.24).
2.24 Utlng a thread restorer fir.
.d, grasp the wheel al the highest point arid anempt to pull it up (see illustration 8) . Any play In the swingarm pivot Of suspension linkage bearings will be felt as movement. Note: Do not confU$l1 play with 。」ヲオセQ@ $uspllnsion movement. Failure to lubricate suspension linkage bearings can lead to bearing failure (see illustration 9). .... With the rea. キィセ@ raised off the groul'ld, grasp the swingarm (lnds and all(lmpt to ュッセ・@ the swingarm from side to side and forwards al'ld backwards - any play iTldicates wear of the swingarm ー ゥセッエ@ bearings Is" Illustration 10).
Grasp the swlngann altho ends 10 check for play In its pivot bearings
MOT Test Checks
... セー・イ
Brak. pad _ ..an utually be viewed wtthout removing the N@ Mo.! pads have wear indicator grooves ( I ) and _ also hava Indicator tangs (2)
On drum boIk", cheek the MII_ of the opeming ....... with the bf'alle fully applied. Most drum brIok. . have a wear indicator poInt..- and _Ie.
Brakes, Wheels and Tyres Brakes
... With the wheel raised off thE! ground , apply the brake then free セ@ off, and ched< thaI the wheel Is about to .evoIve freely without brake drag. "" On disc brakes. ・セ。ュゥョ@ Ih" disc.: itself. Check lnat it Is securely mounted and not
... On disc brakes. view the pad material through tile caliper mouth and check that the pads are JlOt worn down beyOnd the limit (see illustration 11). t! On drum brall.", Check that when Ihe brake Is applied the ang le between the operatlflg lever end cable Of rod is not too great (sea illustration 12). Check also thaI the operating leyel' doesn't 101.11 any 01h8.
"""""""' .... On disc boike', examine the "exibl.
hoses from top to bottom. Have an assistant hold the brake on so thai the nuid in the hose Is under pressure, and check thaI there is no sign of nuld leakage, bulges or cracking, II there are any metal brake pipes or unions, check \NIt these are Iree lrom corrosion and damage. Where a brake-linked anti-diYil $y$!film Is fittld, chec:k the hoses to the anti-
lever/pedal iセ@ (bleed 01 air il セウ@ spongy) and pad material. For drum brakes, che-ck adjustmenl. cable or rod operation and shoe セョゥァ@ thickness.
dive .... sin'WIar manner. 0/ Ch«:k that the rear brake torque arm Is secure and that Its lasteners are secured by seII-1oeking nuts Of CIIIl.ellated nuts with ウーiセᆳ pins or R-pIns lsee セ i オウエョッャ@ 13). 0/ On models with ASS. check that the seIfcheck warning light in the instrument panel
"""". 0/ The
MOT tester will perlorm a test 01 the motoreyele', brak ing elliciency based on a calcu lation 01 rider and motorcycle weight . cannot be carried out at home, AJthollgl1 エィセ@ you ean at iセウエ@ ensure that the braking systems are propeo1y maintained. For l1yd,autic disc: brskes. ch«:k the fluid IeYeI.
0/ Check the wheel condition. Casl wheels should "-1Jee /rom crncks and if 01 the built· up design. aU fasl 8l>&f"S should be secure. Spoked wheels should be che-ckad lor broken. COffOded. loose or benl spokes. 0/ wセィ@ the wtleel raised off the ground, spin lhe wheel and visually check lhallhe tyre and wtle&l run true. Cheek that the tyr' does not foullhe suspension or mudguards. '" With the wheel raised 011 the ground. grasp the wheel and attempt to move It about tile axl, (spindle) (see illus trat ion 14). Any play felt here Indicates wheel bearing falkn.
REF' 26
MOT Test Checks
..... If the lyre sidewall carries a direction of rotation arrow, this must be pointing In the direction 01 normal wheel rotation (see illustration 18). ..... Check that the wheel axle (spindle) nuts (where applicable) are properly secured. A self-locking nul Of castellated nut with a splitpin or A-pin can be used (see Illustration 17).
Castellated type wheel axle (spindle) nut must be secured by. spilt pin or R-pln
Two straightedges are used to check wheel alignment
"" Check the lyre tread depth , Iread condition and sidewall condition (,•• illustration 15). 0/ Check the lyre type. Front and rear lyre
types must be compatible and be suitable fOf road usa. Tyres marked NOT FOR ROAD USE, COMPETITION USE ONLY or similar, will fail the MOT.
"" Wheel alignmen t is checked with the motorcycle off the stand and a rider seated. With the front wheel pointing straight ahead, two perfectly straight lengths 01 metal Of wood and placed against the sidewalls of both lyres (see iffustration 18). The gap each side of Iha fTont tyre must be equidistant on both sides. Incorrect wheel alignment may be due to a cocked rear v.tteeI (often as the result of poor chain adjustment) or In extreme cases. a bent
General checks and condition Y Check the security of all major fasteners, body panels, seat, fairings (where fitted) and mudguards.
0/ Check that the rider and pillion footrests, handlebar levers and brake pedal are securely mounted.
0/ Check for corrosion on the frame or any load-bearing components. If seVefe, this may affect the structure, partiCularly under stress.
swivel joints, plus specific wheel alignment (toe-in) requirements. Additionally, tyre and lighting requirements differ from conventional
motorcycle use. Owners are advised 10 check MOT test requirements wi th an official test centre.
Sidecars A motorcycle fitted with e sidecar requires additional checks relating to the stability of the machine and security of attachment and
REF- 2?
Preparing for storage Before you start If rapaira Of an overhaul I, 1'IMded. see that this" eamed 0lIl now ralller than lett until you want to ride the bike セ N@ Givto the bike a good wash ..-ld scrub aU din from Its underside. Make sura the bike dries compietely before preparlr.g lor storage.
remove tha spark plugs and fit them back In tllelr caps; ensure thel the plugs ara earthed (grounded) against the cylinder head ...men the
. tarter is operated
""liming: n Is Irnporlanl lh. , IIwt plugs .,. Nlthed (fIT04Jndfi/) ",w ay from the !lparlr plug /'IoIe!$ othMWIH the", Is • risk of a tom/sH fUfll from the
cyllndetw If}nlllng
Rerno\te the spar1I plug(1) and lubricate the eyIind« bores with approxlmelely a teaspoon 0 1 motor oil using 8 spool -type oil can ( _ iII ul t ra lion II . Reinstall the spark plug(a). •
Crank Ihe engine over a couple of limes to COlli the piston ring$ and bores with 011. If the bike has a klckstan, use this to tum the engine
over. II not, flick tha kill switch to tha OFF position and crank Ihe eng ln. over on tha starter 1_ Hlustnotion 2). 11 the ""tIn! an the Ignition system prevents the stan. operating with the kill switch In the Off position,
• D$. tbl In Pound ·lorce Inch. An Imperial unit 01 torque , applied to components where a vary k>w torque;" required. Sometimes written as in_ll>$. Ie AbbrevIation lor Integrated cゥイ」オセ N@ Ignition advance Means of increasing the timing 01 the spark at higher eng ine speeds. Done by mechanical means (ATU) on ・ 。セケ@ engines or electronicatty by the ignition control オョセ@ 00 later engines Ignition timing The moment at which the s.park plug fires. expressed In the number of crankshaft degrees bel ore tho piston .eache!ithe top of セ U@ stroke. or On the number 01 millimetres before the piston reaches the top of its stroke. Infinity (...) Description of an open-circu it electrical state, where no continuity exists. Inverted lorlts (upside down lorlts) The sliders or lower legs are held in tho yokes and the 10!l0; tubes or stanchions are connected to t h o _ axle (spindle) . Less unsprung wftight and stiffer construction then conventionallorks.
J ASO Quality standard lor 2-stroke oils. Joule The unit of electrical energy. Joumal The bearing surface 01 a shaft.
K Klc:kstart Mechanical means 01 t urning the engine Over for starting purposes. Only オウ。ャセ@ ヲセエ・、@ to mopeds, small capacity motorcycles and off·road motorcycles. Kill .witch Handebar-mounted switch lor emergency Ignition cut-out . Cuts !ha ignition circuit on al l models. and add lHonaliy prevant start .... motor operat"'" on other.l. km Symboi l or kilometre. kmh Abbreviation lor kilometres par hour.
Feeler blade or gauge A thin strip or blade 01 hardened steel, ground to an exact thickness. used to check or measure eiearances between
BGセ@ Final drive Description 01 the drive from the transmission to the rear wheel. Usually by chain or shaft. but sometimes by belt. Firing order The order in which the eng ine cylinders fire, or deliver their power strokes, beginning with the number one cylinde
セ@ セA@
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