FUNDAMENTAL LAWS : a report of the 68th convocation of the rose cross order (classic reprint). 9780243191000, 0243191006

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FUNDAMENTAL LAWS : a report of the 68th convocation of the rose cross order (classic reprint).
 9780243191000, 0243191006

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su A R e po r t

m a ms t at

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th e 8 8 th g o n v e e a ti e n

E as e fi r e s s


th e

G r ee r

Giving a r e s u me of the proceedings of the Convocation together with most of the lectures that were delivered during the time of the C o nvocation by the several delegates present ,



Also a report of the work of Ancient Initiation in the G rov e of O siris as especially prepared for the occasion .

C opyri g hted 1 9 1 6


All Rights Reserved

P ublished






For the

M embers

of the

R ose C ross

O rder




During the sessions of the Rose Cross O rder the delegates came to the conc l usion that th e l e ctu r e s which had been g iven in open session should be published in book form and with that idea in mind subscribed to a fund for the publication of the book The following were subscribers to this fund and are therefore found on the Roll of Honor ! ,






Charles C Brown H M B a a s ch A W Witt Grace Kincaid Morey Clara T Grove Clara Witt C Cake J D r Ira K K e pp e r l i n g D aisy T Grove Gertrude Cosgrove Julia A Hauck Kathryn T Cake Emma S chmeiser Ka n s as City Cen ter .













Marcia Greene Joseph A Walter Elizabeth Walter Gertrude W Pelot D r Henry J Frank Dr Thomas B Henderson D e L o s Ackley Ferdinand H Peterman Charlotte F Peterman Blanche B Stearns J osephine A Willi s M i nnie W P le i s te r Lars Hansen B u ffalo N Y C enter .
















I N EXPLANATI ON In explanation of the contents of this book it is to be s tated that these articles do not give the I NNE R work of th e Rose Cross O rder but simply the outer the public teachings The Illuminati and its S oul Science work may be ca lled the child of the Rose Cross O rder Y ears ago it was found that where there was one person who desired to follow the work with heart and soul in other words who was willing to L I V E the life as taught by the O rder there were an hundred others who de sired teachings from the O rder but wh o were not willing to dedi cate their lives to the Sublime Work Thes e thousands had to be taken care of and as a result the Illum i nati and its Soul S cience work wa s born When in April the order went forth to the brethren that a Sacred Convocation was to be held all delegates were r e quested to prepare articles on Soul Science so that regular lec ture sessions could be held The lectures that follow are the r e sult All these lectures were given in open session and are to be considered a s Soul Sc i ence work though in entire harmony with the teachings of the Rose Cross O rder The work of the Rose Cross O rder as given to its students can never be published . It is a secret sacred work between I t is a Soul Training an i n n e r I nitia t eacher and student tion and such work continues until the student has reached I nitiation after which he is called upon to attend a Convocation and at which time the degree work is conferred upon him but the i n n e r work a lwa ys precedes the outer work as the h o B a bond bindin to ether th rh o ute r wo rk is onl e d t r o e o g g y ,
































Thus a word in explanation Many having heard of the G reat O rder and its work and actually knowing nothing of its inner work have ignorantly or with fraudulent intent estab l i s h e d s o called Rose Cross bodies and these bodies knowing nothing of the true work of the Rose Cross h a ve nothing but a Ritualistic initiatory rite or degree wo rk We would refer all seekers to authorities on th e R ose C ross a n d on I nitiation and they will then find that the TR UE R ose Cross is actually a School of Spirituality with a degree cere monial Initiation as the climax B y the H ierophant of the O rder .














PR E FACE E arly in the s u mmer inst ructions were received from the ,

Hierarchies to call the Inner Circle of the Rose Cross O rder into session and thus to f i tly celebrate the 6 8 th y ear of the R ose Cross O rder in America O rders were immediately I ssued to those who hav e the priv ilege of attending this Convocation and on June the l s t th e Convocation was called to order and the preliminary lectures were started At thi s Convocation all delegates were instructed to prepare and to deliver articles which should have a bearing on the con d i ti o n s of the present day and which should be the means of helping humanity However beca u se of the limited amount of time at the dis posal of those who could attend only a few were enabled to pre pare such lectures with the result that there were not as many lectures delivered as might have been b a d the delegates had more time at their disposal But even so there were from two to three lectures each da y and most of these lect u res will be found in this present volume though many of the lectures cann o t be given in book form as they were only delivered as from teacher to those of th e I nner Circle From the beginning of the mon th until the day of th e thirteenth there were lectures in the Assembly H all which had been built in 1 9 1 0 for the express purpose of holding these y early C onvocations but on the thirteenth there were no lec tures as all of the day was re quired for making the preparation s necessa ry in order that th e Ancient My steries might be given to th e deleg ate s in a form of S ymbolism consisting of th ree de g ree s ,




















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can do no better t han to give the article prepared by Grace K Mo rey of Buffalo N Y the Secretary of the Rose Cross Sacred College for the Buffalo N Y papers and which “ ” appeared in the B u ff alo E xpress J uly l o th 1 9 1 6 I





















Under the authority of the Rose Cross O rder founded in Ameri ca 1 11 1 8 5 8 prominent delegates of the O rder were gathered in the most remarkable conclave held during the last 5 0 0 0 years the publication of whose records now opens to the world the connection of Egypt in her ages of true religion power and glory with the Mystic Seal of the U nited States whose He r a ld r i c s ymbolism declaring the m i ght y destiny of America has until now only been known to a limited number ,








At Beverly Hall in the beautiful T o h i cko n valley about four miles from the town of Q uakertown men and women of all ranks of life and from all parts of the world high Masons and members of the E astern Star physicians teachers authors and members of all denominations inclusive of the Hebrew , all these asse mbled at the call of the Grand Master of the Rose Cross O rder for the sixty i g h th Convocation Some years ago R Swinburne Clymer author of the Phil Ancient Mystic O riental Masonry The Rosi O sophy of Fire crucians ; Their Teachings Mysteries of O siris Soul S cience and Immor tality and over thirty other works bought a mountainous “ ” tract of land and o n this was built Beverly Hall an Assembly Hall press rooms and libraries and chemical labora tory which surrounded by orchards vineyards and rose gardens s e t in terraced la wns presents with its Collie kennels and poultry plants a splend i d combination of the beautiful and the practical To this has b e en added the Mystic for in a secluded and wo o de d tr a ct of fi f ty acr e s o f thi s l a nd , a n ar ti fi ci a l la ke wa s ,






























made from a mountain stream a throne room erected and other improvements made which would be needed for the I nitiation of N e o p h yte s in the Egyptian Mysteries The Convocation was called to order on June fi rst in the Assembly Hall built over f i ve years ago for that purpose and the delivery of a serie s of lectures upon practical as well as Mystical sub j ects began and continued until the close of the Convocation The delegates and teachers presented the lectures which were followed by discuss ons upon the sub j ects of E ugenics Scienti fi c Motherhood Code of E thics for the Schools and home Spiritual Christianity Personal Hygiene D iet and H ealth Sin Authority and Individuality Jacob s Ladder Ini ti a ti o n Reincarnation Soul D evelopment The Second Coming and the Mystic Signi fi cance of the seal of the o f the Christ U nited States In th e time of Solomon as in the time of the E gyp tian P riesthood no ceremony wa s ever held un less the circle of Solom o n commonly called the Sacred Seal of Solomon had been previo u sly prepared but since the fall of Egypt and of the Temple of Solomon this seal has b een practically u n kn own except to a limited number of students of anc ent religions and myster es During the fi rst week in June in the grove especially pre pared for the dramatization of the Ancient Mysteries of O siris the Seal of Solomon often called the Magic Circle was especially built and on June 1 1 the dedication of the Magic Circle took place in the presence of the d e legates of the Rose Cross O rder some of whom were natives of Germany England and Russia This was in a ccordance with the system a s pr a c ticed by the anc ent Priests of E gypt and the Sanhedrin of the Temple of Solomon O n the night of June i 3 th the fi rst s ection of the class including those of the O rder t a king part in the Initiation assembled in the g ro ve of O s iri s which was illuminated by ,















































electricity from a central power house especially prepared for the purpose and the Initiation of the Ancient My steries of E gypt in three D egrees and six scenes All students of the Ancient Mysteries and religions kno w that in the Temple of Solomon there were three C ourts the outer Court for the people being composed of sev en hundred selected teachers and leaders These were members of the First D egree I lluminati called also seekers travellers or soldiers The middle Court or members of the second D egree were seventy in number and were supposed to be in the Hall of Meditati o n and acted as mediators between the people and the inner S anctuary Above all was the Inner Court or circle of the Seven P riests and the Master or High Priest who were the teachers between God and man mediators between the seen and Unseen In the Egyptian Mysteries the fi rst Court was made up of the Royal youth of Egypt and such students from foreign coun tries as desired to enter the Temple and P riesthood and these “ during probation were often kn own as the S oldiers of the ” as it was their duty while undergoing the prelimin P riesthood ary training and tests to guard the Priestho od and its work even to the death The second class corresponding to a Second D egree were those wh o had passed this test and who were in the Hall of Meditation and puri fi cation in preparation for the fi rst vows and the dedication of the body mind soul and spirit to God and the service of mankind The third class called The Third D eg ree were those who had passed with credit the tests of the fi rst degree the pu r i fi ca tion of the second as well as the various stages of development requ i red of a ll students in the H alls of Meditation In the Royal Third D egree which took place in the Te mple the N eophyte received the final instruction After this came the fi nal test in the beautiful ceremony of the death of the old h if the i v in u of bod y and its tem tations and t e h t e e l , g g p p ,






































raising of the slain O r i s i s or Spiritual body by his faithful spouse Isis the Soul with the fi nal Illumination O n the fi fteenth of June the fi rst section of the representa ” “ Beverly Hall for their respective home s and the ti v e s left second section began to arrive for the preparatory lectures and on the nineteenth of June the ceremonies were repeated so that a l l might witness the I nitiation and take part in it so as to ,







b ecome members


So far as can be le a rned either through travel or history never before S i nce the fall of Eg ypt and its Priestho o d and the fall of the Temple of Solomon has there ever been a gro v e a lake to represent the N ile a Magic Circle or a Temple prepared nor is it believed that anywhere in the world does there today exist such a Circle to this however is Stone hen e of the D ruids of e g N ear st B ritain to which their descendants travel each y ear at a certain ti me to greet the Sun and renew their vows This is the fi rst time therefore in 5 0 0 0 y ears that a n y O rder has attempted to build up thi s Sacred emblem under the stately oak so that people of modern civili z a tion might witn ess the beauties of the life and religion of the ancient people Who se teachings of individual soul development made the glory of E gypt the lost dreams of all Israel the teachings of the M agi of Persia all that was true in India the splendid philosoph y of Greece , the magnificence of the early Romans the basis of pre Christian Ireland s great schools a s well as the familiar Holy Grail legends of B r i tOn Celt and Gaul I n this light of B rotherhood of man and F atherhood of God was founded this great Republic foretold by V irgil upon whose seal is set the E gyptian Pyramid completed by the White stone of Spiritu al purification as the crown of the ages The Ame r ican Constellation of thirteen stars set in the f orm of a double triangle was foretold by Merlin of Ki ng Arth u r s C ourt , a n d the Ph ilosophy of th e Hol y G ra il and o f ,
































E gypt s glory and Solomon s Temple has been ’

th e D ay

star of every great American Statesman from Washington to Abraham L incoln After the ceremonies in the grove there was g iven in the “ ” “ dining room of B everly Hall at midnight a Feast of the ” Gods at which neither meat nor spices formed part of the menu but only fruits nuts and other products of sun kissed foods The conclusion of the rites was held at sunrise in the grove with a musical communion service in which N ectar of roses distilled from the thirty thousand roses blooming each June ” “ upon the lawns at B everly Hall was served as emblematic of the wine of the Soul and for this service the rose bushes were planted several years ago ’












I wish that all the r e aders of this book might have been present at the preparation at the building and at the D edication of this Ancient Magic Circle O r I wish that I might be able to give a detailed description of these sublime ceremonies in this book However I cannot do this here thou gh I hope that in some future work I will be able to do so Suf fi cient be it to say that when the stone made out of cement by one of the B rothers wa s n e arly finished the Dedication took place and the emblems placed in the stone itself before it was completed were ,














The American B eauty Rose in full bloom This as a representa tion or symbol of the Soul that has reached full I llumina tion The Mystic ring This was a solid gold ring belonging to one of the members present upon which had been engraved the Cross and Pentagram All members of the Magi will kno w what this symbol stands for The ring itself as is known to the Magi is a protecting agent agains t all evil or mali g n a nt influ e nces when worn during any ceremonial or de v e l o p i n g work The True M a gic Mirror This is an emblem of the Soul which when fully developed will a ct as a mirror to the un i ver s e wher e i n ma y be wisd om and tr uth .














FUN D AM EN TAL L AWS Lastly a complete copy of the private text book Ritualistic ” O ccultism which contains the ceremonies as made use of by the Magi and four of these ceremonials were made use of by four of the Magi in the dedication of the Magic Circle ,






When all of this had taken place the stone was completed ,

and then later in the day the characters were engraved upon the stone by the Brother who had completed the stone ” “ O f the midnight Feast to the Gods and of the morning services which t o ok place in the grove it is not lawful for me to speak at this time but it is my sincere prayer that all who are enrolled in the Sacred Sch o o ls may some day be present with us and witness these sublime ceremonies especially as they are conferred in the Spring of the year Arrangements were made by the delegates present through voluntary contributions to either buy another large grove or if that is found impracticable to build a much larger Hall in the “ ” Grove of O siris so that advanced ceremonies may be held the coming Spring at th e 6 9 th Convocation of the Rose Cross O rder .









CG NQ E R NBNG THE LE CTU R ES As before stated many of the lectures were only for those of the I nner C ircle who were present and these were all delivered by the Master of the Sacred College of Buffalo N Y ,






Mr Charles C Brown the O rder considers as one of its most untiring workers one who has labored in his native city for many y ears and through untiring efforts it has been possible to organi z e four large classes in that one city classes which meet on different days of the week and which meet th e requirements of students in di fferent stages of development Within the near future it is proposed to open some of these clas s es under authority of the Sacred College to the people of the city so that Eugenics Scientific Child Culture a n d other i m portant subj ects of like nature may be taught to the people at large All of this work in Buffalo will be under the supervision of Mr B rown and his able assistant Mrs Charles K Morey O f the Kansas City College and its able Master A W Witt and h i s Assistant Mrs A W Witt not much need be said as they had charge of the lectures and their lectures given in the present work speak for themselves O ne of the lectures delivered and which is of great importance not alone to O ccult students or students of the Mystic but to all true Americans is that c o ncerning the Great Seal of the United S tates and its Mystic indications for just as soon a s these things come to pass then shall the E agle soar over a ll things and America will be the Mistress of the world though she will not rule through either arms or politics but by love and wisdom The oth e r article by the same author is the Code of E thics which is given in full A ll tru e e du cat o rs h a ve co me to un d er s tan d th a t i f th e P u b .













































lic School system is to be retained in the United States then it will be absolutely necessa r y for a complete Code of E thics to be taught to all scholars and the Illuminati i s the first great school of thought that has ever attempted to formulate such a Code of Ethics N aturally the code as given is but a bare outline of the work but it is suffi cient to give a n idea to all mankind as to what the I lluminati is atte mpting to do for young America and it will not stop in merely suggesting the teaching of such E thics but it will fight for the ad e ption of such a Code in the schools Aye the I lluminati will give mind and body the last drop of blood in their fi ght for a better educational system a greater care of the children so that these children shall not continue to become the victims of that class of humanity which comes to “ near utter depravity The slogan of the Illuminati shall be Save the children of our glorious country give them wisdom so that ” they may be able to look after their own protection Cannot all ” true men and women in our country say Amen to this ? The S econd article which was given by Mrs A W Witt is that on sin and has to do with the conception of sin or wrong doing as we of the Secret Schools understand it The Third article prepared by D r Ira L K e pp e r l i n g with the help of Mr Charles Wolf of Kansas City M o is on Reincarnation a n d is a sub j ect of supreme importance to all people Once this law is understood much of s i n and wrong will pass away and right doing take the place of wrong doing The Third paper on E volution by the same authors is als o of extreme importance for it is through E volution reinforced by con s cious D evelopment that the race must be quickly improv ed I venture to say that if the last few pages of this lecture were heed ed by all men the world would become a Paradise within a few generations The article on Initiation by Mr A W Witt is of extreme ,














































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plains what true and R E AL Initiation is This is of utmost importance j ust at thi s time when we fi nd that no less than fi ve diff erent O rders calling themselves Rosicrucia n h ave sprung u p wi th i n the last few years and not one of these five has a shred of the true Rosicruci an teachings Some o f them are deliberate frauds claiming to be what they are not while oth ers are clearly under the guidance of members of the Black B rotherhood and their doctrines are a b s o l u te l y destructive in that they uphold practices which are too abomin a ble to even mention O ne of these orders claiming to be Rosicrucian admits that it has no teachings that it is all ceremonies when history tell s us clearly that the Rose Cross O rder was founded with the idea of leading men to their higher selves In other words while the Rose Cross has its ceremonial Initiation its foundation is upon a training school for souls and its ceremonies are b u t secondary The lecture on the Second Coming of the Christ is also of great importance at a time when many false Christs are put forth for p e o ple to kneel down before when in fact most of these are not only false of the lower grade of humanity in as far as either E v o l u ti dn or D evelopment is con h a t th a t Christ i s and how cerned Mr Witt clearly points out W He must come to all of us individually i f he is to come at all Authority v ersus Individuality by Mr Witt is also of great importance though it must NO T be understood that the Rose C ross school is against authority such as is held by church state or institutions for we clearly uphold the idea and doctrine that so long as society exists it must be governed by those who are chosen to govern it and we do not in any sense desire to de stroy authority but rather to uphold it however we are also a school of Individualists and believe that the personality of the individual should be changed transmuted developed into an absolute Conscious Individuality Thus the community would b e a co mmunity of co ns ci ou s In div i du als , b u t ruled by o n e s u .





































preme head who also had become a Conscious Individual E gypt in its glory is an example of this state of Society and Govern ment for at that time none could be rul er over E gypt except an Initiate who had also been crowned as King or Ruler Reincarnation by Mrs Witt considers this extremely l n te r e s ti n g and important subj ect from another standpoint than that considered by D r K e ppe r l i n g and Mr Wolf and this standpoint is as important as that taken or considered by the B rothers Prayer is a subject thought to be so well known that no con D sideration is ever given it But is it an understood s u bj e ct I think not for I believe that the masses are totally ignorant of the meaning of tr ue prayer or what is the power of true pray er This subject is therefore a timely one in an age when there is no longer any faith in the efficiency of prayer “ The article on B ody Mind Spirit and Soul was one of the last lectures to be delivered This paper became necessary about a year ago when we found that but very few of even the advanced students understood the difference between Spirit and Soul using the terms interchangeably We hope that in thi s article the di fferenc e is made clear and that by referring to the ” “ article A Soul Science Primer and The Great Seal of the ” U nited States thi s subj ect will be fully understood “ ” Invocation of the Hierarchies by the same author as the “ last article mentioned might well be called The Higher Form ” of Prayer since it is really prayer as understood by the Masters but little understood by th e vast multitude of those who consider th e me s lv e s students of the Mysteries It deserves ca reful co n s i d e r a ti o n In fact i s receiving careful consideration as we fi nd that many of the Inner Students who are building their own homes a r e setting aside a room in the house and are modeling it for this very purpose This article therefore deserves the most careful consideration as it is of the utmost importance to ev er y s i n cere st u den t .




































The lecture The Fraternity Sons of O siris deserves more than passing attention It was prepared in 1 9 0 6 by H O A U nder instru ction s of the Masters and was then but a prophecy In 1 9 0 8 it was printed in booklet form and copyrigh ted under title of I mmo r ” tality or E xternal D eath That was the second step The third and highest step for there are always three steps in everything that shall continue to live was when the Degrees of the First Temple were conferred upon the delegates in the “Grove of O siris ” which had been especially prepared for this very purpose and which is the fi rst and only grove of its kind i n the world at this time We are especially pleased of the happy culmination of thi s work at this time for the reason that all its work had been kept secret so secret in fact that no one thought enough of it to steal the titles as used by the orders and this had been in the minds of those who had the work in hand kn o wmg well that if they made the work as prominent as they had made the work of the Rose Cross O rders members of the Black B rotherhood would as deliberately steal the name and palm off something which had not the slightest right to the title under that name But now after the successful issue of the work after me n from many parts of the world had taken part in the Sacred Ceremonies we fell at liberty to proclaim the work to the world B efore this volume will be ready for delivery another Con vocation will be in session as the work of the Black O rders has made this necessary so that we might protect the true work and in due time a complete record of this second Convocation will be ready for those deeply enough interested to desire it Before closing this Preface I will comply with the request of several who had not the pleasure of being with us and give an outline of A DA Y AT B E V E RL Y HALL T hose in th e H all are at liberty to arise at any h o ur they ,


































desire avoiding however disturbing those who desire to rest As nearly every student has been taught the desirability of taking the morning cup of hot water in order to cleanse the sys tem of impuri ties an d for the purpose of building healthy func t i ons hot water is served in the large sitting room at exactly seven o clock Between this service and breakfast there is one hour as breakfast is called at eight o cloc k N o student in the Hall is supposed to enter either the dining room or the ki tchen , any more than those i n the kitchen are supposed to enter the private bedroom of a student unless especially invited to do so B reakfast for the student is a very simple matter as we hold that breakfast does man but little good but much harm U sually breakfast for the student consists of either a weak tea without the tannin and dry toast or weak cocoa and dry toast Every student present is supposed to obey the rule of the house They can i f they wish ask for other food but their marks of grade progress record of which is held by the Master is according to the manner in which they harmonize themsel ves with the rules of the O rder N othing being forbidden the student nothing refused him but his or her marks being made according to the harmony as expressed by his or her acts After breakfast an hour of rest when social chats may be held notes compared walks taken At ten o clock lectures are called and all are s u pposed to be present and must be present unless there is some good excuse for not being present After the lecture there is another hour of rest the noon meal being called at twelve o clock N o meat is ever used at the Hall during Convocation time and a n o d n meal may therefore consist of Whole wheat mu ffins and butter Asparagus with cream dressing Tom a t o es , u s u ally slic e d with a wine v ineg ar dressi ng ,











































B aked potatoe s Simplicity rules here The master o f the Hall orders a ll meals and these are in ab s olutely correct proportion to assure strength to the body and mind and purity to th e blood as well as the necessary materi al for the building of a h e althy mind and an Illuminated Soul We hold with many of the highest medical authorities in the world that more people die from starv ation because of over feeding than do from underfeeding We aim at the Hall to have suffi cient but not too much We fi nd that many people are weak ill nourished underfed weakminded n e u r a th e n i c s be cause o f eating too much food this we try to correct and demand that students bbe y the rules of the house If we find that some one present is not in harmony with the Laws then he or she is given the liberty of bidding good bye to the rest of the guests In the afternoon there is another session at which one or more lectures are given following that there 1 8 time for a walk before dinn er and when fair it is f o und that all students desire this walk D inner is a simple a ffair possibly consisting of Soup Egg plants these being the meats of the veg etable king .
























S alads Some kind of pulse N o drink of whatever kind is allowed at either the noon or the evening me al as we hold th a t it tends to destroy perfect di gestion N o deserts After the evening meal there i s an hour of rest after which the master of the house ma y take charge and answer questions or explain some of the D ivine Laws Arguments a r e not allo w ed because o f the fact that the student who asks a question is naturally not supposed to know the answer and is supposed to accept the s ol u ti o n of the question s u ch s o lu ti o n b e ing alway s i n .













harmony with the D ivine L aw as taught by the Secret Schools Time for retiring i s at nine o clock as we hold to the old law that man gets his most perfect sleep before midnight while the best time to arise in the morn i ng 1 8 with the s u n All students are su ppos e d to obey the rules of the house a h If they are un a ble to do this for the short space of s o l u te l y o n e two or four weeks the teacher certainly cannot have faith in them that they will obey the rules and teachings of the sacred instructions for the time they are away Moreover the rati n g o f the student will be according to his obedience while at the Hall and his advancement will be in accordance with his obedience and the spirit shown in his obedi ence Thou hast been faithful in a few things I will make thee ” master over many has direct bearing in this work Moreover the student in the Mystic holds himself some what above the average person but is he above the average per son i i he has not learned to obey the D ivine L aw in spite of wh at his o wn little personality might desire or wish him to do or to receive O h yes admittedly we find some who wish to be catered to who desire special notice and who not receiving it feel deeply grieved but these are in the minority and these are of TH E S EL F It seems that the very hardest thing to overcome the greatest enemy the student has is his little s e lf Thus we find that out of every ten students who come to the Hall there are two or three whose bug bear i s this same self And how do we know this ? Because these students watch every move of those in charge and if they think that one student is receiving just a little more attention than they they are hurt to the quick What these students cannot be forced to comprehend is th a t th e s e thing s are within themselves They cannot be made .





































to understand that it is the little self within which wants atten tion and the more conscious this self is the more attention it wants the s ma ll e r is the tr u e man or woman within With the true student it is di fferent The true student has learned to forget the self to him or her extra attention is UN D E S IRABL E for he or she feels that others might be hurt by it Such want only the truth they listen attentively to what the teacher has to say and even if the teacher were to forget to serve them they would take it as a test as a lesson and would not feel hurt by it because it is only the li ttl e self that is ever hurt and not the true man It is these students who have forgotten the self and who come to the Hall NO T for personal attention but for what they can learn who make the Masters It is these who are willing to accept the crust of bread the glass of water and the hard bed who are the Teachers o f the people of the future while those who must be constantly catered to are the slaves to themselves and wi ll co n ti n u e to be s l a v e s to o th e r s a s lo n g a s th e y li v e The Hall does not desire these and they receive only the attention that littleness deserves and in this way they can often be awakened From this it must not be understood that the student body ” at B everly Hall moves about with long faces The contrary is true you cannot find a more contented or more happy or more harmonious assembly of people anywhere in the world than you find at the Hall during Convocation time nor are i n nocent amusements forbidden but are rather encouraged since we believe in the Masonic Rule ! E ight hours for work E ight hours for study and recreation E ight hours for rest O n the other hand students do no t and should not come here because they think they will be catered to because they imagine there is feasting because they have the services of maids or valets for if they do they will be sadly disappointed They should come and meet with us because of the feast of knowledge the good things of the Soul and obtaining these things often means the denials of the pleasant things of the material for these ca n b e had a t h o me mor e e asil than at the Hall y ,









































GTi ON TO THE G R E AT SE AL li l TR fi DU It is rather a strange and an unknown thing for one to wri te an introduction to a single chapter appearing in a book but the conditions are so unusual as to warrant it More than a year ago Grace K Morey the author of the “ articl e The Great Seal of the United States and Its Mystic ” Significance prepared a sketch for a short primer of the I llu m i n a ti teachings and in this sketch as will be shown by the drawings it was brought out that man is not only a threefold being but that he is actually a four fold being as well In short that when he has succeeded in reaching Soul Illumination he is the completed Pyramid or true Triangle If the student will give serious study to the article on the Seal of the United States he will find that on th e reverse side of the seal which is as yet uncut there is to be found the Pyra mi d but with the capstone as yet not placed and thus he will see that th e Philosophy of the Illuminati is the absolute and unde niable Philosophy upon which these United States are founded as is clearly indicated by our four fold philosophy by the drawings representi n g our Phi l osophy and by the drawings of the reverse side of the United States seal And thus it would appear that the Unseen Hierarchies which shaped the foundation of the great Republic which must some day rule the world are the same Hierarchies which gave us th e Soul Science Philosophy as taught by the Illuminati An d now let us look into the future not far but just be y ond the line We find that scholars condemn the design of the reve r s e side of the United States Seal that it has never been cut but has remained hidden as thou g h it were something to be a s hamed of ,


































However though this appears the truth it is not the truth The reason why it has never been cut is b ecause the time is not yet as the cap ston e has not yet been set And what is this cap stone ? My reader prepare for a shock When Atlantis ruled the word that which is now America was connected with E gypt b y what is now Mexico and in Mex ico in the territory of Y ucatan there is a Pyramid in which the Fire Philosophers worshipped God as D ivine Fire and Li fe in like manner as did the Initiates of Egypt for the two wer e th e n ,













0 12 6


America is not complete and will not be complete cannot be complete until Mexico is a g a i n part of America as she was in the long ago and when Mexico is once again a part of the U nited States then will the cap stone have been set on the P yramid and the reverse side of the U nited States seal will be cut Thus y ou will see that the Soul Science Primer with its drawings is but the beginning of the article concerning the “ Seal of the U nited States while the article on Body Mind ” Spirit and Soul is the fi nale thereof May it not be long until the Holy Pyramid shall be com l t e d and may it be completed without the shedding of blood e p Lovingly given R SWI N B U RNE CL Y M E R B everly Hall Q uakertown P a J uly 6 th 1 9 1 6 ,





















M YSTEC Cll R i SI lh t O RD E R O F TH E ILL U MI N ATI S OUL S C I EN C E PRIM E R That you might have life and have it more abundantly As there is an outer meani ng in the teachings of Christi O nly those who live a n i ty so is there an Inner or Mystic sense th e life are able to find this Mystic sense and to understand the Therefore he C h r i s ti c teachings as they should be understood who reaches Illumination must have passed through three de grees These are First D egree ! Puri fi cation Second D egree ! Il lumination Third D egree ! Mastership “ Seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be Open ed ask and ye shall receive Were the B ible written in only one sense and were it to be taken literally then this admonition would not have been giv en by a Master teacher It therefore follows that our contention is correct and that there is both an inner and an outer meaning to the Scripture s Isaiah 2 9 1 1 This Inner meaning is never taught openly In fact it was “ not so taught by Jesus for did he not say ! Seek and ye shall find knock a n d the door shall be opened ask and it shall be given Truly it was his desire that all men should S EE K for the truth that they should so live as to be able to KNO W not to merely believe as they now do Is there any more proof that there was an inner knowledge a wisd o m not given to all ? Listen to what the B ible has to say Why speak ye to them in parables ? That is the question that was asked of Jesus after teaching the multitudes in parable instead of in plain language Why if he w anted the people to have the whole truth did he teach them in parable ? Did he not want them to seek for the truth and t h erefore to KNO W instead of merely believing what some one tau g ht them which i s belief but n o t knowledge ? T o h i s disci ples h e s ai d ; .





































To you it is given to know the kingdom of heaven to them it is not given In this he shows clearly that though he worked for human ity nevertheless he fully understood that the truth could not be g i ven to all men but that instead the truth had to be given to the vast numbers in hidden language in parable while the mysteries might be given only to the few and in this he follow ed his own teachers who taught that there was both an inner and an outer circle That the few might belong to the inner while the masses belonged to the outer And this will effectively answer our enemies who accuse the Illuminati of being unj ust and ungodly because we hold that all truth cannot be given to all men moreover it proves that those who hold that the mysteries are for all men have not th e me s lv e s yet found any part of this great truth nor have they found the mysteries or been admitted to them “ Where is the kingdom of heaven ? The kingdom of h e a v ” en is within you Here Jesus taught the same doctrine that the Illuminati holds namely that heaven is not in some far off sphere but that heaven is found within man but that no man can find this heaven unless he reaches Illumination and finds the Christ within This then is Soul Illumination and is taught by the Illuminati as a goal for which all mankind should strive “ E xcept ye be as littl e children ye shall in no wise enter ” the kingdom of heaven To be as little children is to have faith The child always has faith in those to whom it goes for help or instruction The man or woman who awakens to the fact that there is something greater and deeper in life than the things that are apparent should have the faith to fol low the instructions of those to whom he or she goes for help and instruction Thus i f you appeal to the Illuminati for instruction alon g the lines of Soul Culture and higher development have the faith th e manhood to fo llow such instructions to the letter a n d i f you do th e n will you reach Soul Illumination which is the kingdom of heaven within you It is the wo r k of the I l luminati in its Soul Science i n s tr u c t i ons to help a l l true seekers to find the Christ within and all who faithfu l ly obey will find this G reat Within If any one tells ,











































you that there are none to teach you then call them anti Christ the mockers of God for they then condemn the very things which Jesus taught while on earth Art thou a master of Israel and know not these things J ohn 3 1 0 In this day we find teachers of many kinds some who call themselves N ew T h o u g h te r s D ivine Scientists Christian Sci e n t i s ts Meta Physicians and even some who cal l themselves of the Illuminati and the Rose Cross but who say that no man has more spiritual knowledge than another These are the true Anti Christ they are th e Black Magicians they are those who teach the negative philos ophy which sends men and women to destructi on B eware of those who wear the Sacred T r i a g l e with the two points up because it means that the Spirit of God the Soul has been steeped into the earth the material and that thus degeneration instead of regeneration has taken place it is per version of that which is Sacred and Holy “ Whoso readeth let him understand It is not hard for men to read the letter and to understand the letter but it is very hard to read the letter and understand or fi n d the Spirit of the letter Moreover we of I llu mi nati hold that none can find the mystery of the parable unless such have lived the life obeyed the Law and found Illumina tion and until all men have reached this state of Illumination the Illuminated must teach those who have not yet reached Illumination But there is a deeper meaning in this for us namely if there were not a spiritual meaning besides the literal meaning “ then Jesus would n e v e r have told his hearers that whoso ” readeth let him understand and when we once come to under stand that there is a spirit in the Sacred teachings besides the mere letter then we are well on the way to understanding “ To them that are perfect This statement gives us the proof of two things ! First that s o me may be perfect Second that n o t all are perfect If there Were none perfect then Jesus would not have mentioned th i s at all if all w ere perfect then again there would have been no reason to make such a statement therefore common sense t e ll s us that th e re a r e s ome who have reached perfection and it is g iven these to do g reat things and to teach great truths N o -




























































one man it is freely admitted has a monopoly on truth but a c cording to the statements made by Jesus throughout his entire ministry and according to the statements of every other great Master there are those who have more of the truth than others and it is these who are to teach He who says that one man may not know more than another thereby convicts himself of being in ignorance and the I llu mi nati is not called upon to refute the foolish statements made by such Moreover by making the statement that no one can know more than another then they themselves c l a i rn s u pe r i o r since they claim to u d g me n t a n d kn o wl e d g e f o r th e ms e lv e s j know that one man cann ot know more than another man That in itself is a great j udgment “ Y e Masters in Israel To be a master in Israel one had fi rst to be master of his just as to be a Master in this dav means o wn interior Israel that we must first gain mastery over our lower selves and in this It is a work r e find both the Great Work and the First Work that may well stagger any man The companion command to a Master in Israel is ! Man ” know Thyself To know oneself i s a gigantic task and it is only when we begin to know a few things about ourselves that we begin to understand how little we really know of ourselves B e a master in Israel for then you wi l l be a a n d of others master of yourself and you will then know where the kingdom of heaven is “ Straight is the gate and narrow is the way and few there ” be who find it Matthew This simply means the same as when Jesus told his hear ers to be of o n e mi n d To be of one mind is to take up some work and follow that work to the e x clu s i o n o f a ll e ls e When we do that we are then living the co n c e n tr a te d li f e and to live the concentrated life will gradually bring us to the Gre a t Center then we have found the Soul man has become the Son of God Straight and narrow is the way We cannot follow every ism every doctrine every dogma and every practice and reach the Center That is diffusion Diff usion a lw a ys and fo r e v e r ends in death But if we follow the narrow Path then we wi l l follow but o n e o n ly thing to the exclusion of all else That is ,











































FUN DAM EN TAL L AWS Concentration Concentration is Life and ends in Immortality In this day men are no longer masters they are dabblers They are not satisfied to concentrate they must follow every ism every creed every cult and the result is that where you find one “ master you will find a million dabblers Straight and narrow is the way and it is on ly through o n e gate that you can reach Illumination or find the kingdom of heaven “For now we see through a glass darkly but then face to .













The man of the flesh the man of the world the dabbler can see only through a glass darkly He has not concentrated he has n o t bla z e d th e wa y therefore the glass is still dark the material substance still hides the Fires within and everything is dark B ut as he gradually begins to li v e th e li f e as he burns up the d r e s s of the materi al and thus cl e anses the Soul fi r e s within the cloud upon the glass will gradually clear away and when Illuminat on or Soul Consciousness takes place then he sees face to face and he knows the Soul and all its beauties and he stands f a ce to face with the fi r e s o f G o d wh i ch bu r n br i g h tly u po n th e a lt a r he becomes a Philosopher of the Sacred Fire “ For a veil lieth over their hearts until the time of the ” G entiles be fulfilled This veil is materiali s m Materialism and unbelief even a disbelief in the very existence of God has become so great that there is in man no longer any faith whatever He believes in no thing not even in himself and thus he sails over the ocean of life as does a ship on the seas without a rudder But the time of the Gentile is passed Men are awakening They are becoming conscious of the fact that there are deeper things in l i fe than they knew and it is the Illuminati that is helping the thou sands to this greater awakening and showing them the way to real knowledge and a more sublime and exalted life Are you weary of death tired of sickness and doubt and do you wish to enter the straight gate to life more abundantly ? Then here is the Way N ow is the time and we are here to help you to the Way the Life and to the Haven of Peace Let the Trinity of God the Triangle with its point towards God and H is hea ven point o u t th e wa y to y o u ,






































H i s to r i c a lly too the veil lay over the minds of

Lost Is the Christian nations so they knew not their identity ,


” ,




TH E TRI N IT Y God The Holy Ghost The Son B ody

The Father The Mother side The Christ Principle Physical Manifestation MA N A TRI N IT Y The The The The

Builder Life or B reath Christ Within B ase or Foundation

TH E B IRTH My little children of whom I travail in birth again until ” Christ be formed in you Ga l 5 1 9 If as churchism claims the Christ is an exterior being a being who lived centuries ago and now is seated on the throne in heaven what then of this Christ of which P aul taught that he had to be bo r n within us ? All things point to the one great fact that Jesus came here as a worker and teacher th at he lived suffered and died in order to show mankind the way I travail ” in birth until the Christ be f o r me d wi th i n yo u Surely nothing could be plainer than this All who desire to understand may easily comprehend and thus the more readily come to find the —













c n

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m l e l e Te m pl e '





To the illustrations here given we can come to understand the thre efold being for h e re we a r e cl e arly sh o wn th e Trinity bu t ,




u r that man must be f a before the Trinity can e q manifest in and through him The Jewish altar was four square ( E x symbolizing a perfect manhood and typical of Christ th e altar of his people as our examp l e of the shrine within each In order that the seeker after truth may th e more easily and more c l early understand these symbols he Shoul d carefully ” study the article on B ody Mind Spirit and Soul appearing in the present volume for with these symbols and the above mentioned article he wil l have a complete and sane philosophy whereon to build his Immortal structur e r s ou












MA N I S A H O L Y T E MPL E Man which is to say Mind Spirit and Soul is the dweller in a house not made with hands which i f he will may become eternal in the heavens “ Ye are the temples of the li v i n g God Thus said the great Master some thousands of years ago but he simply r e e a t e d the statements made by o ther Masters centuries before p him N or did he claim to have given this philosophy for the first time for he was but a reconstructor of older philosophies as we are reconstructors of the newer Philosophies “ ” Y e are the temples of the L i v i n g God but see to it that you keep these temples in the condition of purity and holi n e s s for unless you do God ca n n ot dwell therein and other gods who are not desirable will take possession of the building which should be dedicated to the one God The temple of God is the physical body that which we call the ma n for God and the Soul can manifest only through the physica l as the physical is the vehicle of God just as our ma te r ial houses are the structures in which we live We can Glorify God in body and in Spirit when we keep the body clean and when we use the life of the body only in a con structive and true sense “ Jesus said ! Therefore glorify God in body and in your ” Spirit which are God s The body we all understand but few know that the Spirit is the Life Principle it is from God and is in truth God and returns again to God We glorify God in our body when we keep the body cl e an and u n d e fi le d , wh en we d o n o t u s e the bod y or any power of th e ,

































body for the ignoble purposes and we bless and thank God we glorify him wh e n we u s e th e bo dy a n d th e po we r s o f th e bo d y i n d o i n g s o me g o o d wo r k It is then we also glorify God in the Spirit and we fulfill the Law according to Cor when we refuse to use either body or the li fe pr i n ci ple for anything i g noble but use it for some good and noble purpose “ ” The body is not one member but many I Cor 1 2 2 7 There are many members or powers of the bod y That this is true is proven by the fact that the di fferent members of the body can be used for di fferent purposes Thus the speech c a n be employed in d e fi l i n g God and man while other members of the body may be used in destroying the very Principles of Life which are wi thin us and which would cause death to body and Soul The Lord is in his Holy Temple let all the earth keep ” silent before him All the earth is the material man for the body of man is of the earth and belongs to the earth But the Soul of man the Christ when the Soul is fi nally awakened is the Lord or God and it is He who is within His Temple Then let the earth o bey t h e L o r d i ts G o d and man becomes in truth the S on of the Living God Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of G od and y e are not your ” I Cor own D o e s ma n need any more positive statement than this to prove to him that when G o d speaks of the Temple he actually means the body of man and that this Temple holds within i t self the Holy Ghost which is the Love or Soul Fire fro mGod Himself It is this mighty truth mighty when once understood that the I lluminati is trying to teach mankind for we know that once we can get man to really u nderstand that he is in truth ” “ The Temple of the Living God he will no longer defile that temple but will gradually begin to hold it sacred because of that which dwells within it “ If any man defile the temple of God him shall God de ” stroy for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are This the I lluminati has been trying to impress upon the mind o f man ki n d e ve r since i ts f oundati o n j ust as the paren t ,








































of the Illuminati the Rose Cross has been trying to impress on the mind of man for the past centuries But it is only now that man is awakening to the truth of the statements made by J esus two thousand years ago And still there are those calling themselv es leaders and teachers who say that man cannot be destroyed That man cannot destroy himself while Jesus and all other great Master teachers have taught that if man d e fi l e s th e temple he th e r e by d e s tr o ys h i ms e lf “Ye are the temples of the living God as God hath said I ” will dwell in them and walk in them Cor 6 1 6 ,














I S YOU R T E MPL E H O L Y ? Ask yourself this question time and again Li t e the clean the E xalted the Constructive life and ye shall know God and walk with him as did the men of old r






TH E MI N D Mind is the builder of the Immortal Soul If mind be not built with Soul then mind dies with the .


Soul is subject to mind in earth life because mind is the thinker the builder th e constructor or the destroyer Mind builds the Soul Mind builds the body perfect But the mind which awakens to the truth and then builds both bod y and S oul perfect builds that which is Immortal and Eternal Wherefore gird up the loi n s of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the ” revelation of Jesus Christ In this command we have the old old statement so often made ! “ As a man thinketh in his heart so is he That which a man thinks in h i s h e a r t he is apt to be guided by Thus i f we believe i n our heart that a certain church is the right one we will j oin that church in Spite of everything aye even die at the stake for it as thousands have done In like manner if we believe in our heart that a certai n system of living is the right one we will live accordingly and i t i s f o r th is re as o n th a t the I ll uminati is try ing to teach a r i ht g ,



























ystem of living an E xalted Constructive life knowing that when it awakens man to the fact that the body is the Temple of God and that a certain life is the true life and when man truly be l ieves this then will he live accordingly and as he lives s o will he grow until at last he becomes the s o n o f th e li v i n g G o d Mind is but the builder of our immortality At the death there is no more use for the mind because then the Conscious Illuminated Soul takes charge of itself and there is use for neither the mind nor the body Both the body and th e Soul are sub j ect to the mind in the earth life both mind and body disintegrate at death leaving the Spirit and soul to meet the consequences of the life lived and happy is the man whose mind became awakened during his life on earth and thus was enabled to build the Immortal Soul Will your master mind or let it master and mislead you to your destruction ? s




















TH E S OU L The Soul is not y ours but belongs to God God gave you as a part from himself so that you might develop into an Indi v i d u a l i ty a God like himself and thus in His likeness and i m agery glorify him If you obey the divine dictates then you will thus develop but i f you do not obey the Divine Law then grad n ally you must return to the God head only to be sent out again but as an entirely new entity from which all the personality of y our present unworthy self has been burned away through the searing fires of the Godhead This is the eternal death spoken of in the B ible The Soul is a D ivine White Fire It is a fla me within the body of each individual In some ve r y large and burning as a fl ame of white intensity in others but a tiny Spark which is a l most totally submerged with the material being It is not an individual entity unless you make it so If you awaken to the truth that man is something more than skin and bones a machine to make mo n e y through the ruination of others and if you attempt to live the true life thus far ming the spark into a fl ame you may become a Conscious individual and thus become Immortal But if you live the life as has been lived by man these many th ousands o f y ears , then yo u li ve o nly in th e personality the .

































Divine Spark is not at all awakened and you die as you have lived ignorant of your Divine power and heritage and this Di vine Spark returns to the Godhead enters the universal melting pot and comes out a Spark from God to again undergo another pilgrimage but without any personality at all All of you is dead and buried because your life was not worthy of leaving an impress on the Divine Spark Y o u had been given a talent by God bu t you buried it and when the time of accounting came even this one talent was taken from you Will you awaken to the better life or are you wi lling to live and to die and to be forgotten even by God Himself ? Is y o ur own personal Christ ever to be in cruci fixion upon the black cross of the material life the life of the earth ? Are you willing to believe that Jesus was willing to die in order to save your unworthy soul while you do not make a single effort to free the Christ within you and elevate Him upon the Throne ? This is a question for you to decide and upon the decision hangs y our Immortality or your Eternal death “The Soul that sinneth it shall die Ez ek 1 8 That has been the D ivine decree It was the fi at cast by God the Father when He created Souls and neither He nor any one human power nor any power in creation can set aside that fiat Y ou cannot plead ignorance Y ou have the power of choice God has said that He dwells within the temple but only if you purify it If you do not make it a fit dwelling place then God cannot dwell therein and if He cannot dwell therein then it follows as a certainty that the Soul has sinned and is sinning and the Soul that sinneth it shall die Thus speaks God in thundering tones to be heard by all “ What doth it pro fi t a man if he gain the whole world and ” lose his own soul Matt 1 6 Here again we have the same statement clearly indicating that we may so develop the mind the powers of the mind and physical effi ciency as to control the whole world but that even though we thus develop body and mind we will still lose our own Soul unless we develop that Soul also and here is answer ed those self constitu ted teachers who fearful of losing a fol lowing i f they tea ch the truth deny that the soul can be lost Th e re sh a ll be many teach e rs i n these last day s b u t mos t ,















































of them are false prophets who come not to lead man from de s truction but who in order to gain their ends lead man to de struction and many of these even go so far as to clothe them selves in the clothing of true teachers in order that they may deceive the masses and thus the more e asily lead the masses estr a y and to their destruction The Soul that sinneth it shall die That is the D ivine Fiat but there is no necessity to meet with this destructi o n as it i s n o t so ve r y difficult to find the r i g h t wa y and to live the tr u e life All those who seek and who will but obey the teachings of the Illuminati can fi nd this way and will quickly came to under stand the Law which will lead them to Life and Immortality And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man be came a living soul The soul is not given to man at the time that conception takes place but at the time of birth The body is formed by the mother through the seed planted by the father The mother fashions the body as she wills and at birth when the first breath is drawn in by the child then it is that the Divine Fire is also drawn in While the bod y is fashioned the mother in her secret labor a to r y can do much towards the perfection of the body and to wards the preparation of that body for the influx of a great Soul but it is at th e moment of birth j ust before and during the time of ac tu a l birth that she can holding a D ivine Mantram a Great Soul De s ire draw into the body of her child a might y Soul Here i s the secret of genius the secret of T H E R E C ON STR U CTI ON O F H UM AN I T Y It is this mighty secret that the I lluminati would teach to all humanity and thus people the earth with mighty souls instead of with ghouls and v ampires “ ” Hear and your soul shall live Is 5 3 Herein again is indicated the great fact that the soul which will not hear which refuses to obey the D ivine dictates shall “ not live In these words we have repeated the D ivine Fiat The ” Soul that sinneth it shall die The sense is a little different in that it indicates clearly the possibility of eternal life to all souls who will heed the com man d a n d live th e life , for s u ch s oul s s h a ll li ve , and wh en G o d ,












































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O rder of the Magi Degree Priests of complete a n ci e n t R it u a l i n all its beauty

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e l ch i z a d e l


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which men will demand that the priests or the cl e rgy of the church to which they belong sha l l be conversant with th e entire ritua l of invocative intercession More than this they will de mand priests who are qualified to use invocative praye r s in th e ir behalf They wi l l be satisfied with nothing less th a n p r i e sts teachers ministers or leaders in whom they have unwavering confidence both as regards purity and sincerity of motive and as regards superior ability in the effective and the intellig e nt use of invocative p o wer The time is come in which men and women gener al ly seek ers after truth demand a s l e aders and teache r s those who are qualified to give authoritative instruction and to impa r t vital knowledge The peop l e demand basic knowl e dge concerning rel igious prac tices They require the reason the why and the wherefore for religious custom s When they are convinced that a certain religious practice is based on undeniab l e principles and that it is powerful and effective for the needs of daily life and that it is regenerative in its in flu e nce they will be satisfied with nothing less than definite and authoritative instruction in regard to it They wi l l demand the knowledge that can be tested in personal experience They will demand the knowledge that e n ables them to make intel l igent use of the practice according to thir own needs Such knowledge such i ns truction will soon be in demand regarding Hierarchic Invocation and Invocative P rayer The new church of the p r esent age w i l l n o t fasten cre e ds and articl e s of faith on its adhere nts ; b u t it will t e a ch vit a l truths truths which a r e not onl y to be bel i e v e d but a l s o to be lived The n e w church will consid e r d a ily life and d a i lv n e e ds Its Invoc a tions will be such as have to d o wi th th e con di ti o ns in which i ts m e mbers live Inv o c a tion w il l be s o me thin g which calls for the help tha t is required by f r a il g r opin g hum a ni ty It will bring its people into touch with those po wers which th e y seek In accordance with th e c y clic rhythm of hi s t o ric ch a n g e s the time is r i p e f o r a r e placeme n t of emph a s is o n Hi e r a r ch ic Invocati o n Mankind is reawakening to th e b e l i e f s h e ld by th e ancient Initi ates t is well to k n o w th a t God is all and th a t without Him is nothing But it is also we ll to kno w that He wo rks in a multit u de of way s that he works throu g h .





































r x T Y h r e rr r i r b

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th e se which are less than He and that He ministers to m a nkind through powers and potentates hich though inferior to the Infinite and inter mediary are specifically quali fi ed to s a tisfy human need As God works through human so does He also work through Hierarchic i n s tr u me n a g e n cies tality And no part of the multiplicity of human interests i s l e f t without its appropriate guardianship and protectorate from th e invisible forces Here again by way of analogy may be brought into use ” the Law of Her mes As above so below and as below so above As in human g o vern n ent so in celestial To gain a hearing in a ma n a n y g i ven d e p a rtm e n t of g o vernmental admini s tration d oes not appeal to the supreme power direct but to the s u b o r d i n a te po wer to whom has been entrusted authoritative supervision in that particular domain For a matter of i mpor tance that c o ncerns the army or navy or the treasu r y we do not think o f directing our communication to the President or supreme r uler of th e nation Rather we address the depa r tment in which our c o ncern is classified If we do not kn ow the name and title and how prop e rly to address the one to whom o u r o mmunication h o u l d come we seek the desired information and make our commun c a tion in conformity with accepted usage S i milarly it is reas o nable to think of God as the Supreme Ruler of th e univers e with subordinate powers as co workers and I n c e lestial powers there is this diff erence They are c o rulers r u e to t h e ir divine n a ture true to G o d and true to their w o rk ; their m o tiv e s are cl e an pure and unselfish ; they mu s t g r ant or refuse a dem a nd according to the j ustice or the inj ustice of the request Wher e as 1 11 national and in state management offi c e rs and execu tive are biased and hampered by human frail ti es and weakn e s s es t is l ikewise reasonable to think of Hierarchic po wers o r E l o i m as having appropriate titles and designati o ns bv wh i ch ma n must appeal to them and by means of which he must i n voke them The title or name or designation of a Hi e rarchic power is imp o rtant however not as a mere arbitra r y require m nt It is to be thought of as the Key to the vibration to which that pa r ti cular Hierarchy responds Thus to u s e the c o rr e ct appell a tion of a d e i fi c poten n t a te and to mal e use of a suitable fo r mula serv e s as a m e ans of bring ing the invocant into contact ,


















































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with the power sought Titles and degrees as designations of honor or station or authority have n o place among th e E l o i m To info r m onesel f of th e correct title and the appropriate formu l a by wh i ch to address a given Hie r archy or d e i fi c power and to become ski llfu l in th e use of i t is to a wa ke n i n th e i n v o ca n t th a t s u btl e v i br a to r y f o r ce w h i c h pu ts h i m i n h a r mo n t w i h t h e pa r y a r ti c u l a r w i n v o ke d o e r h t e O n human plane address to a p p superior p o we r mu s t c o n f o r m to c o r rect us a g e for conv e nti o n a l reasons ; on the ce l estial p l ane for reasons vital and f u nda m e nta l wi thout which i t is impossible to reach the vibrato ry re a l m in which th a t dei n e power d well s but with which it is p o s sibl e to s tr ike the chord of his vibration All th e s e things th e Ini tiates who have be e n fai thful to the true l a ws have l ong recognized Al l these things they have p r iv a te ly taught though usua lly und e r a code or s e cret system But at l ast th e time is at hand in which i t is made possib l e and in which i t h a s even become n e cessary to spe a k plai n ly a n d open ly Ev e n th e m o dern church Father is beginning to reco g nize th e tru th and the re a l i ty that underli e s cu s toms f o l low e d in th e days of primi tive religion cus toms which th e es tab l ish e d church of the present day never had ; for th o ugh reference is made in the Ap o sto l ic Cre e d to the Invocation of Saints th e fact remains that Invocation of the Saints has neve r been observ e d by the church And on account of the failure of the church to te a ch and to practice a vi ta l religon a n d a r eligious lif e i t h a s failed in its a i ms which admi ttedly were of the best And me n are l e avin g th e church wi th no thought of re tu r ning to i t But in the h o rizon in the E ast as the s u n ris e s on a June morning come s into view th e n e w church the n e w order of thin g s T h e Il l uminati and their Inner Prie s thood a r e ag a in beginn ing to te a ch the p e op l e a living pulsa ting vi ta l livable system a syst e m throbbing with force and p o wer They a r e again e s ta blish i ng amon g the children of men a r e ligious sy s t e m as gl o r i o us as divine as l ife giving as was ev e r practic e d by the ancient priesth o o d s wh e n religion was pure and u n d e fi l e d w n d r e e a a hen the prie s the Temple admittedly had g t po r f t o s w were the teacher h e a ler rulers of th e p e o p l e Let it not be thought that wh e n such a church is e s tabl i s h ed the serv ice wi l l consist o f an Invocation a l program m e rely N othing of the kind the service will admit of variety and will .



















































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Co n

v o c Ar r o N ‘

appeal to the varied interests of man s compos i t e nature There will be place for music which will lift the souls of men from the commonp l ace to the divine Sermons should be lectures or a d dresses of real instruction food for thought of practical value to the soul something more than flowery oratory which has neither aim nor end Let it be clearly understood that the establishment of In vocative Prayer to the Hierarchies would in no sense do away with prayers of devotion and adoration and gratitude to the O ne God the Father over all Invocative Prayers to the Hierarchic Powers or E l o i m would be only for speci f i c purposes while the devotional p r ayer would continue to be addressed to th e O ne true and only God Invocative Prayer to the Hierarchic Powers and P o tentates would be in case of sickness in case of sorrow or in the many other specific cases ; but the Spirit perva d ing the entire service would be devotion and worshipful adoration and “ gratitude directed to Him in whom we live and move and have our being O ne form of prayer would supplement the other The two forms of worship would be in full harmony with each other and not as some might think a false worship or worship of false gods In short prayer of worship or adoration or gratitude would not be directed to Hierarchic Potentates for all worship is direct to God Invocative Prayer di ffer s from the prayer of worship or adoration in this point ! it is distinctively and exclusively as the name indicates a prayer in which a particular Hierarchy i s In i n v o ke for a speci fi c purpose and with a specific request passing it is wo r thy of mention that the most beautiful and i m i i r s ma ca l rites and Invocative Prayers in the system of s e v g p the anc i ent Ini tiates a r e tho s e which invoke the Hierarchies for “ i ” w sd o m and an understand i n g heart Thi s is de f i nite a n d and who can question the desirability of a specific s p ecific Invocat on for i s d c m and an u n derstanding heart ? Fu r thermore ano ther grea t change is to be advocated that is the inau g uration of true f a mily worship The time was when t h ere was a f a mi l y service once twice or three times a day The head of the family acted as priest for the home He led the m e mbers of the family in da i ly worship following a formula or a system of worship .










































i ltE Sil it S h i G Si fl lS !


Li s t e n i n g w e hear ; lo o ki n g we s e e ; in the silent spaces lo n g vanish ed scenes a n d events are bef o r e us Passing from the busy sounds o f ou te r events to the in n e r sti llness we hear th e mu r mu r of th e ri sing tide of human sou l s breathing upon th e se we s te r n s h o r es and afar th e mu s ic of wa v e beats as this huma n seeking evol veme nt s e a o f so u l s is driven in this p r e s e nt age hi g h e r on th e Spira l scal e h e re and now ; soul s from the l o n g p a s t ; th e m a ny b e a ri n g s tains a n d darkened records of former m i s s p e n t inca r n a tions ; some bl ackened and seared bv awful d e e d s ; some d warfed and misshapen through former warped and s e l fi s h live s ; s o m e j ust be g i nning ; some utterly l ost their in d i vi d u a l ity appearing in their pre sent bod i es for the last tim e ; “ and th e f e w bright a n d sh ining one s wh o have afar back w a sh ed th e i r s i n s away in th e Bl o od of the Lamb ( the meaning of which i s ! b l ood symbolizes re g en e ration ; the Lamb is the Uni ” “ ve r s a l Chri s t Principle ; h e nce w a s hed in the blood means re g e n e r a ti o n th r ou gh a tt a i ni ng to Ch r i s th o od which can be d o ne by n o m a n exc e pt wi th th e h e lp of the Great B rothe r h o o d af te r h e h im s e l f choos e s a n d wills the mas tery over his own low e r self ; a n d ev e n th e Ma s te r Ch i s t Jesus re quired such help ) E a ch h u m a n i s to a la r g e exten t what his soul makes him to g e th e r with h i s traits inh e r ite d from his physical ancestry ; on the o t h e r h an d h i s s o u l is ju s t wh a t he h a s m a de it h i mself in h i s p a s t lives and will be for the future just wh at he is n o w maki n g it and will make it in his pre s ent and future live s ; th i s impl i e s most c e rtai n l y that wh atever is his lot he h a s made ju s t th at f o r h i m s el f This b r ings us to the fact that the Great M a s ter i e s u s was not such because He wa s originally any greater in s o u l th a n a n y oth er b e g innin g s o ul but th at He was in th a t incarnati o n j u s t what He made H i ms e lf in pa s t lives no mat ,






















ter how few or many they had been Moreover the physical ancestry which each soul seeks in reincarnating in so far as such can be supplied by the world at the time be i n g i s determined by the character which its past lives have given to that soul Hence both the soul and pers o nality of which any humans find themselves possessed and whatever Karma ma y b e attached thereto are just what they themselves have made them We see through soul vision an ever i n creasing host of souls reincarnating in a powerful and growing civilization ; growing i n knowle d g e prosperity material power and to a certain extent in spiritu ality Born again int o the flesh ; to the darkened vision of their unillumined fellows and to themsel ves these present bodies and this life changing fleeting and soon passed appears to them as the whole sum of their existence and as the beginning and end of their experience in th i s world But the lllumined B rother through the soul s eye which has opened for him because of his own self evolvement either in this or in his past lives beholds in each personality a hidden being which in its beginni n g was endowed with potentialities capable of attainment to eith e r God hood or to Devi l hood just as its subsequent lives in the flesh might choose to follow the right hand or the left hand wa y and accept the opportunities for good or for evil constantly being o f ered in every life and on every hand Thus the l llumined B rothers of the bright and shining sou l s among this host per c e i v e in ev ery human this B eing in varying states according as it has fared at the hands of its previous personalities in some it is bright and shining like unto their own ; in others it i s r e vea l ed in every grade of evolvement or destruction for as it has been builded s o is it ; for this B eing lost to many who are now living for the last time and griev o usly disfigured in others and in those who have climbed the heights shining as the stars of the fi r ma me n t is the human Soul And consci ous higher visu ality reveals in each human soul its past ; and some there are in whom this inner hidden Soul B eing has reached its end and this life is the finish for deeds of darkness and sin or too lon g pro c r as ti n a ti o n in seeking the right hand way destroys the Soul In the many immortality is still within their reach if they so will ; while the White Souls need return no more to this vale of tears unless it be to further help humanity And so we View the g reat host in their reappearance in physical incarnation ; the .









































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skies bend above us the broad land receives us to her bosom our b e a uti ful l s i s of old is here with us her beauty is apparent for th o s e wh o kn ow her our long lost power and glo r y and riches is ag a i n r e turning to us here in the fl esh we eat and drink and a r e mer r y as we h a ve done s o many times before ; but l e t us reme m be r t h a t e ach t i m e w e r e turn and fai l to f o ll o w th e right h a nd p a th o r p r o cras tinate our seeking th e wa y our s oul s suff er a n d “ at r o p h y a cco r i n g ly and the ba l ances wi l l f i n d us w a nt n g ev e n t h o ugh we do no g r eat v r o n g ; for the ba l a nce b e comes i h cr e a s i n g ly wanting in g r eater deg r ee each l ife we fai l a n d th i s mu st h e equalized so o n e r or la ter when the fi nal adjus tme nt is requi r e d thoug h it removes both soul a n d body out of exi s ten c e to m e e t the de f i c en cy ; for there a r e two g r ea t fo r ces at w o rk in the univ e r s e ; they are goo d a n d evi l They a r e guid e d a n d di r e c te d by ntel l igent beings for above the human N e i the r o f t h e s e may int e r pose d i r e ctly in o u r l i ves f o r the law of b e ng of th e hum n d e termines that he s hall be enti r e ly f r ee to ch o o s eith er of these f o rces as he may hims e l f e l ect ; but the l a w al s o d e te r m i n es that he sh a l l be ful ly re s p o nsibl e for his choo s i n g a n d mu s t h i r s e lf m e e t the c o n s e qu e n c e s of his choice be it imm e r ta l i ty o r e te r nal death P l enty of o pp o r tuni ties are giv e n by th e di r e ct o r s of b o th f o rces to e ach a n d e v e ry h u m a n ; th e y c o me to h i m in th e s e e ming ly ordin a ry affairs of his ev e r y d a y l i f e th o u g h to the undevel o ped p e r s o n a li ty th ey a r e n e v e r u n d e r s to o d as s u ch d i rectly or as re p r e s e nti n g th e Un i v e r s a l C h r i s t f o r c e s as o n e a s p e ct a n d the Universal D e vi l f o rc e s a s th e oth e r O n l y the i llumi nated h u m a n interp r ets in e a ch p e rson a n d e v e n t a n d circums ta n ce th e i r real m e a ning and the s o urc e f ro m wh ich th e y c o m e ; for th e pr o fane w o rl d kno ws n o thing of th e un i vo s a l l a ws nor of the inte ll i g e nt b e ing s wh o oper a te th e m B u t th oug h unc o n c i ous of these high er laws every hum a n e n d o wed with a s o u l which h a s not been d e s tr o y e d a n d t h e r e fo r e a c o n s ci e n c e m i n d a n d re a s o n i n g f a cul ti e s i s c a p a b l e of kn o w i n g an d a thr o u g h i n tuiti o n and of ch oo s ing b e twe e n ri g h t a n d wr o n g F o r ” “ the l a w as well as th e P r o g e n i to r s o f th e Race f r o m wh i ch ma n i e t h a i t e m h e d iv d his fr e choic h v als o giv n f cul a e e r e h as e e to d o h i s o wn c o n s cious a n d inte l l i g e nt ch oo s i n g A s i n g l e r e a l inj u s tic e o ccu r n g a n ywh e r e i n th e u mv e r s a l wh o l e w o u l d d stro y a ll th e r e is for a u n iv e rs a l un b a l a n c e wo uld re s ul t M a n do e s inde e d cau s e gre a t inju s tice to his fe l l o ws a n d to h e l o we r ,









































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living things but th e Law of Karma is equalizing these r e estab lishes equilibrium and thus whatsoever a man suffers for his misdeeds either in the life in which they were committed or in lives fol l owing is just Man is the only portion of infinite creation that creates injustice and sins ; for even the evil spirits depend upon Man to accept and carry out the wrong which it is their off i ce and asp e ct to revise in potential but which it is his free choice to refuse i f h e wi ll and this therefore makes him wholly resp o nsible for the e ffects When the sum of injustice he cre a tes su ffi ciently accumulates its equa l ization may involve the destruction of the whole planet upon which it occurs a s with Lucifer or the v e ry land beneath his feet as with the lost conti nen te of Lemuria a n d Atlantis of this earth It is for these rea s ons that Man s injustice which is the only injustice an y where d o es not wre ck ev e rything there is for if he is c o n s ta n tlv caus ing injust i ce throu g h retribution he is as constantly required to equ a lize and r e establ i sh the balance he has perverted While it is the individua l K a rma caused by the individual which brings s orrow a n d d e struction to the individual it is the gener a l Karma accumulated by the who l e race which reac ts as gener al suffering upon th e just and the unjust and d e stroys p l anet s and conti And s o we view the i ncoming host from the past ; a host h e nts o f s o uls of every grade and state a n d degree of perfection or destruction ; some bright and beautiful some hideous and dis t o r te d and wa p e d according as they have fared durin g their s oj ourn i n their past bodies and earthly lives some lost beyond redemption B e tween these high and low s o ul states we per c e i v e every possible v a riation o f evolvem e nt and development among the s e s o uls ; as they have been builded so are they now according as the lives have chosen good or evil kindness a n d love or injustice and wrong as to whether these have ma d e them bright and shining or dark and sorrowful or black with de spair 0 hidden memories of the great past ! like a long river flowing on through ever changing sc e nery now through broad meadows sunlit and calm again through rocky de fi le rushing with spray and r e a r shadowed b etween high and dark mountain walls on and on toward the great sea of the absolute through rise and fa l l of empires and dynasties and always the same souls ; some not far from the end some the headwaters just left be h i nd and others becoming l o st in the desert sands These mem —




































F UN DAM o ri es ,




for the majority lie buried in their sleeping souls which have never yet been awakened by them for the soul c a n n o t be awakened by lives lived for physical bodi e s however pa s siv e ly good these may be o r h o w much worship is devoted to an un s e e n and unknown Deity in the abstract ; it can onl y be pr o p e rly awakened by s ee king the masters to be found associ a t e d to gether in the g reat Mys tic Fraternities such as that n o w kn o wn as The Fraternity Sons of O siris is among the best and o l d e s t It is safe for no man to attempt soul awakening a l on e H e wi l l be assailed by the B l ack Brothers on all sides and with out th e protection of the true masters is almost certain to fail a n d p e r haps be lost Without the true training before the a wake n i n g the experiences of that awakening together with the pre s s u r e o f the terrific flood of memories of his past lives will swe e p h m “ ” either into the madhouse or the grave in his unprep a r e d c o n dition How much less wi l l lives of wickedn e ss and s e lfi s h n e s s and sin awaken the soul ; indeed such l ives serve to si n k it d e e p e r in unconsciousness and fina lly the fatal coma from which it c a n never be awakened and the soul through sin and procr a s tin a ti o n as well go out into the etern al night of oblivion For oth e r s these memories and the soul awakening is yet a long wa y o ff a n d largely through failure of the carnal to seek the wa y o f lif e which requires constant determined search and d e ni al s a n d e f forts to find and the sacrifice of worldly pleasures a n d e a s e a n d selfish aggrandisement and the giving up of visibl e th i n g s f o r such as are inv isible for long until the awakeni n g re v e a l s th e m in glory and beauty which cannot be shown however to th e “dead in sin and frittered away lives ” Th e r e a r e o th e r s ma n ” “ we perceive who have sought the way of life a n d light a n d have entered the p a th a n d are faithful discip l e s ; to th e s e e a ch day brings them nearer to soul awakening and i l lumi n a t i o n a n d the eternal memories locked within them For the few wh o h a v e awakened memory stretches back across the sp a n of ag e s th r o ug h life after life and race beyond race upon this ea r th a n d a f a r To th e s e th e b a ck to sunken continents and lost civilizations world s story is an open book and the history of man ki n d h a s been repeated over and over a gain and always ending the s a me in failure and retribution and always for the same rea s on s a n d always through his own fault and voluntary failure and b e cau s e e has chosen to follow the left hand path and has accept d the he ‘


































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things of the Black B rothers which pleased his carnal nature and aff orded him wo r d ly advantages but which in the end have invariably destroyed his soul This host now appearing upon the arena of this growing civilization and coming hither for a new trial ; through soul memory we view the exper ences which they bring of far o ff Lemuria of beautiful Atlantis of sublime E gypt of ascetic In d ia of Magian Chaldea of ph i I OSOph i c Greece of cruel Rome of Mosaic Judea and of other countries and epochs The memories of those forgotten ages bri n gs be fore u s the awful mistakes which first destroyed the great co n ti n e n ts of ancient Lemuria when the world was in her youth ; where Mother E arth writhing in torture and burning with u n quenchable fire because her children had turned her green bosom into a human slaughter house and a den of iniquity fi nally gave up the struggle to save them and dropped into her ocean grave And later on rises bef o re us beautiful Atlantis ueen of the Sea man s paradise on earth where the human Q attained to physical perfection and beauty never before a ttained and never again to be equalled in this Manvantara and where his knowledge and attainments have never to this time reached so high a plane ; here again the same host of souls comi n g over from lost Lemuria and incarnating in the beautiful bodies of the Atlantean Fourth Race created so tremendous an unbal a nce of injustice and sin that the safety of the whole planet demanded adjustment Then it was that unable to harmoniously equalize the balance and meet the sweep of eternal justice for the pro d i g i o u s Karma created by th o se she had cradled and sheltered and given freely of her plenty as the stroke fell staggering under the terrible load of wickedness and accumulated evil unable to longer withstand the shock o f the cosmic forces lashed into fury and struggling for equilibrium ; our mother land lovely Atlantis with all her wonderful achievements sank beneath th e blue waves in death and oblivion that the injustice o f her children might be atoned through her destruction as well as theirs For when great unbalance has been accumulated through the wrong actions of men the whole earth is aff ected by the general Karma ; when this becomes suffi ciently great that it cannot be b a lanced through destruction of the inhabitants themselve s then th e very ea r th itself beneath them will also be torn and convu lsed and disappear as to its former conditions But thoug h all went down .































and destruction overtook the dwel l ers of Lemuria and Atlantis and equilibrium in nature was r e established ye t th e Karma against them has not been fully requitted even yet nor th e bal “ ance of past misdeeds equalized There is sti l l in the cup of ” sorrow for these now appearing here po r tions to be fini s h e d bo th from those long ago races and from later ages We s e e again in the panorama of memo r y these same souls in l a t e r civ i l i z a ti o n s bui l ding in other bodies empires and kingd o ms a n d greatest among these E gypt the fal l en Down thro ugh the l o ng dynas ties of P h a r a o i c glory memory reca l ls the sc e nes of mag n i fi ce n t beauty of sublime wisdom and knowl e dge the migh ty civi l ization of the flower of the Atlantean s o ul s reincarn a ted ; the “ ” mantle of the occult power of Atl antis laid up o n the should e rs of the Ancient O sirian ( Priesth o od ) Brotherhood Howe v e r compared with the maj or ity these were f e w in numb e rs ; a d v a n ce d souls who had evolved along the p a thway up wa rd to mastery and illumination and wholly worthy and t r u e And what is recalled of the great mul titude of souls down thro ug h these ages ? During the earlier dynasties the rulers th e ms e lve s were also initiates ; and the people were guided and t a u g ht in th e higher things and righteousness r eigned and all things we r e w e ll and Egypt in tho s e days b l o o med as the rose and wa s g r e e n a n d f e rtile But the blackn e ss of the past gradually awa ke n e d ; mo r e of the s o uls of wicked ones of the past reincarna t e d i t wa s e a s ier as before to fo l low after the evi l thi n g s o f the fl e s h a n d a g e d n e ss of of self of the left hand way The wick r n e m n t a d i s e g former lives on the lost continents was still in them ; th e thr o n e became corrupt an d no longer lofty soul s cam e down to i n ca r nate and rule the Empire ; many of the Priesthood w a lked th e l e ft hand path and became a band of s o rcerers and black m a g ici a ns and only a few i l lumined souls any l o ng er reinc a rn at e d a n d th e s e were persecuted and their bodi e s often d e stroye d becau s e th e y opposed the prevalent evils Wron g and inj u stic e accumul a t e d and again as in the forgotten past pi l e d hi g h ag a i n s t th e s e souls and here it was E gypt who had rece ive d th e m thi s time a n d nurtured them who must s ha r e th e consequ e n c e s w ith th e m f o r what she was innocent ; f o r 0 wh a t de a th and ruin h a s c o m e upon every land upon which this g a l a xy of souls has a p p e a r e d which is now app e aring upon this N orth Am e ric a n C o n ti n e n t ; it i s only the true My s tic B roth e rh o ods wh o hold the ke y s to the ,

































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knowledge of the vast desolation in the wake of these souls ; it is we knowing these things who now strive and pray that we may prevent a repetitio n of these awful calamities again here It is we alone who knowing work day and nigh t to bri n g s o me measure of enlightenment of these things before these souls that they may be saved which no amount of worship of intellect or be li e f in any man or personal God or any oth e r means short of tr u e s o u l a w a ke n i n g which brings into consc ence the m e mories of these past experiences will ever do The mighty unre st and spiritual awakening now seen on every hand is truly a c a use for th anksgiving ; but the land is filled with false teachings prompt ed by writers and publishers who noting the general trend are taking advantage of the call for light by writing and publishing purely spurious and imaginary doctrines simply for the money returns they bring Moreover self appointed teach ers abound “ ” plentifully who seek through imparting or ginal teaching of what they conceive will be most acceptable to the largest number of students for the largest amount of tuition to incidentally gain notoriety and an easy living In this western civ i lization noth ing can be accomplished without money ; for few there are i n dee d who will perform the slightest service without material compensation The personalities of these souls of the past who so much need real enlightenment around us here have money for everything else except the promotion of the truth which our fraternities a l one possess and which it is impossible to publish or teach without adequate means While the mercenary who are traveling the left hand path still as in the past do employ every scheme and shrewdness of plan without stint to make a goodly showing before men as well as a financial success for them selves ; the great law rules that no B rother of the right hand path who must give up these very things of the world to attain the full illuminati o n may use his influen ce to acquire p e rsonal gain or honor before men unless these be voluntari y o ffered by others in the interests of the great cause of enlightening th e race for such enlightenment must not be bought nor sold for gain And so we see great sums freely given for public buildings and sh o w for education of the intellect for rel ief of the sick body for war to murder for personal pleasures and appetites and worldly honors for greater comforts and conveniences for spec u l a ti o n ; but nothing to bring before this great army of souls ,


































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enlightenme nt of th e ir past the meaning of the pre s ent and the f a t a l d a ng e rs of the futu r e 0 where is the great soul with a bu n d a n t w e a l th who wi ll a r i s e to the occasion of a greater emanc pati o n than our beloved Linc o l n ever dreamed ? he e n a n c i p a ti c n o f a wo r ld ! Mankind has hith e rto refused to i n t g a e or b e l i e ve a n ything of the invisib l e ; his c o nsciousness a n d c o nc e p ti o n s a n d p e rc e ptio n s a n d th i n ki n have all equired r g ima g e s vi s ibl e ei th e r to his out e r e ye or i n n e r mind ; anything b e yon d t -e s e h e h a s n e ver known a n ything of ; to attempt to teach th e g e ner a lity of me n t r uth r e qui r ing p e rception high er than th e se im a g e s visibl e to h i s eye o r m i nd i s to m a l e him an unbelieve r a s kepti c a n d too ofte n an en e my to the o n e atte mpting to teach him An d ye t the on ly r e a l p e r ce pt o n is higher th a n any i m a g e or p c tu r e p o s s ib l e to b e f o rm e d bef o r e the eye or mind and h e nce no physic a l e ye or mind ev e r yet c o nceived a real ity but m e rely an im a ge of it c o r r e s p o n di n g to th e individual s ideal which he unable to perceive above his own id e a l therefore never “ perceive s the tru ta and he moreove r un willing to be led across ” the unknown to the hi g her plane of percep tion r e m a ns for ev e r i n the d a r kn e s s ; and this is the m a i n re as o n why the world “ h a s al ways r e pudiated the mystic and fo l lowed the flesh and ” the Devil a n d has r e quire d vi s ib l e chur ches and means of worship and r e l i gi o n s and has c o nstantly fall e n by the wayside a n d pil e d up accumu l a ted K a rm a and brought destruction up o n th e v e ry e a r th th e y inh a bit e d a n d wh y th e s e s o uls must furth e r suff e r n o w h e r e on e arth in th e s e pres e nt a n d in future b o di e s f o r the l o n g l u r i d t r a il o f d e s t r uction a n d de s ol a tion and still unrequite d K a rma wh ich h a s f o ll o we d th e m a l l a lo n g the wa y i n th e p a s t ; a n d t h i s is why this race as a whole wi l l continue to d w e ll i n s pirit u a l d a r kn e s s unl e s s th e y c a n b e r e ach e d a n d e n l i g h te n e d a n d rai s e d to th e hi g h e r p l a n e o f p e rce pti o n ; a n d wh y t h e y w i l l c o n t i n u e to a cc u mul a te m o r e K a r m a a n d s o ri o v a n d e y e n ti a ll y d e s t r o y th e s e l a n ds wh e r e o n th e y d we ll j u s t a s t h e y h a v e d e s t r o y e d e v e r v th i n g p e r t a i n i n g to th e m in th e past ; f o r t h e s e a r e s u r e ly th e s a me s o u ls i n n e w b o d i e s c o mi n g u p out of t h a t l o n g p a s t i l l u mi n a ti o n t h e n i s th e a tt a i n m e n t th r o u g h ev o lv e me n t o f th e i n n e r f a cult i e s of p e r c e pti o n of co n s ci o u s a n d r e a l k n owl e d g e which d o e s n o t r e quire vi s ibl e im a g e s or f o r ms f o r th e op e r a ti o n of th o u g h t or m e m o r y ; th o u g h i n d e e d wh e r e imag es are f o rm e d , at will fr o m s u ch hi g h e r p e r c e pti o n s th e y ,










































will necessarily be truth and not illusions formed from individ ual d eals as is the case with the unenlightened Wh o then will open their eyes ? The churches have set up a man as a n Idol “ to worship and teach simply that belief on Him like looking ” at the br a z e n s e rp e nt in the wilderness will save them and leaving th e m in darkn e ss as to wh e re they really are or who they are ; though a l l praise should be given the churches for wh a t e ver g o o d they have accomplished which has been much h e r a s s m h a u c a s m n l t h f i Science has a w o u d e r e o o r r e ce v e e p p failed to rev e al to ma n pract i cally anything of his past ; or of his real nature ; she is n o w blundering at the border line of the u h known and m u s t eith e r accept mystic i sm as authority or go away back again and try it all over though discoveries are soon to be ma de of occul t forc e s with which we were perfectly familiar in Atl a nt i s that ma y compel her to acknowledge the i mmaterial O f what avail was science or formal religion to Lemuria o r At lantis in their dying throes ? Had some o f her influential and rich citizens devoted themselves more to promoting true mystic t e achings among the p e ople toward their enlightenment rather than to their own sinful pleasures and position in the eyes of me n they might have been saved to this day ; and all men rec o g n i z e that if th e Jew had listened to Jesus and honored Him that F alas tine would still be fruitful and fertile as it was then ; but the rich follow after the science which busies itself with external things and repudiates the r e a l and reveals nothing to man o f his soul which su f f ers on and on h e ping for a day when it may enter a personality which will seek a n d find it and save it for an ignorant personality long ago when it began may have filled this soul with such unfavorable things that it could rein carnate next only in another unfavorable personality who still further f i ll e d it with unfavorable things and so it has be e n from bad to worse And millions are freely bestowed upon the churche s and the rich man sits in his pew each S abbath and listens to eloquent discussions of vicarious atonement whereby the Master “ ” Christ died that his Blood might wash away all men s sins i f “ ” they will simply believe that He was and is th e Son of God B ut he never hears anything about a ll men becoming Masters and Christs ( which they must f i nally do or be lost ) nor does he hear anything giving him the slightest guidance or e nlight e n me n t t o ward th e kno wled e or fi ndin t h of his so u hat n o w l e g g ,
























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may become such a Master and thus find r e a l salvation which s a v e s and in which there 5 certain immorta l it y nor does he hear ; that th e re is a way by which he may g in f u ll knowl edge and 0 1 e into poss e s sion of comp l ete use of his own soul wh i l e h e i s s ti ll i n th e bo d y And final ly these mi l lions have not as y e t been “ ” t a ug ht that a ll men are Sons of God equally with Jesus if they like Him choose as He did and like Him enter the door t o the Mystic B rotherhood which is the only way of truth and ever h a s be e n such and thro u gh the teaching of the Brothers be c o me as He did Ch r ists and Mast e rs and Sons of God What is the meani n g wh e n we s a y that J e sus or any other hum a n is a Chri s t ? It me a ns that He has becom e through evolvement on ” the Mystic Path a M a s te r o f L o v e ! For the Universal Christ a n d the U niver s al p rincip l e of l o v e are the same thing and any ma n who has att a ine d to be a Ma s te r of this has become a “ ” Christ And no man eve r attained to be a Christ except th r o ugh the door of one of the Mystic Fraternities and the Mas ter Christ Jesus was a member of the E ssene Mystic B rother hood from whom He rec e ived His initiation Who then is there am o ng us that wi ll from his abundance fu r nish the means that will carry the t o rch among this host of souls sitting in darkness upon these shores whose personalities in the futu r e will pile up a K a rma m o re d e adly to this fair hemisphere even as they have before n other lands than pesti l e nce or famine ; for they will s u r e ly d e stroy their own bodies and the soil beneath their feet as before un l e ss we can succe ed in t e aching them and leading them to th e t r uth and light and the r e al facts of their past Already h t e old tr a i t s are appearing among them and wi th the present “ the time is at hand and the Brid e groom a w a k e ning s p i r i tu a l l v ” c o m e th but there is li ttle money to buy oil for our l a mps and t h e law demands th a t such money mu s t be supplied v o luntarily fr o m those who are to be taught and saved for they must first s e ek us as evidence of their since r e desire to kn ow the Way of Immort a lity In the long ago in ancient Egypt these same so u l s in oth e r b o die s c o mmitted gr e at iniquities and wrongs and injust i ce and the b a l a nce was broke n as before and the Karmic r e tribu tion ove r to ok th e m and all thing s besides and the tribute exacted by the l a w threw our Egypt the mother which we h e r s o n s l o ved we ll into the crucibl e that th e univ e rsal whole mig ht be Save d from th e c o nse quences of evil d ee ds throug h h er 1








































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destruction and sacri fi ce in the purifying fi re of e qualization And the fire has burned and seared our beloved mother wh o m we of the multitude so greatly wronged and her glory and ma g n i fi c e nce is no more her proud E mpire is in ruins and desolate and a l o n e a n d o n ly d e ad gray sands the ashes of her former beau e y a r e carried by the winds over her still burning desert wastes a n d fair Isis has departed for aye and all that remains as in the l o n g a g o is the l o nely N ile which still flows past the scenes of other d a ys O what lessons these memories teach to those who h a ve a w ak e ned soul vision to see And now in these later days th e a nc i e n t s c e p te r o f power has passed to thy hand O America ; the s a m e p o we r is transferred to thee that was given fi rst to L e muri a th e n to Atlantis and to later civilizations Those same s o u ls f r o m p a st ages are here reincarnating again but higher on th e sp i r a l acc o r ding to their accumulated experiences Many g r e at s o u l s a r e c o ming d own to us from higher spheres to r e d e e m the r a c e In the better days of Atlantis there were many of th e s e g r eat souls incarnated who represent both the rulers and th e p r ie s thood ; and so long as the people listened to their higher teachi n g all was well and harmony and peace and plenty abou n d e d on every hand But in later days they harkened no long e r to the voice of wisdom and justice but turned away and wicke d n e ss fl o urished and but few of the great ones any longer cam e to them B ut after the destruction of Atlantis the same gre a t s o uls carried much of the wisdom and knowledge rein c a r n a ti n g in later civilizations principally in E gypt though by no m e a ns in her alone where they were in representation with as m a ny disciples from the people a s elected to like evolvement win ch we r e in early ages a great number ; all these were organized f o r m u tual c o operation i n to a general O rder known as the B r o therh ood of O siris the inner circle of which was known to th e el e ct as The Grand Lodge of Initiated Masters which has n e v e r cea s ed to exist to this day In later dynasties the Broth It was e r h o o d became known as the Ancient O rder of O siris r e ally through this great O rder that E gypt became what she was A l l of the ancient symbolism originated in the O rder ; a l l of the w isdom of this c l assic land was taught through the O sirian B rotherhood brought down from ancient Atlantis throu g h e n l i g htened and evolved and reincarnated ones of the Atlantean White S o uled P ri e sthood , some o f whom h a d acquired thes e .



































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things through untold aeons and evolvement reaching back into past Manvantaras In late r ages undoubtedly the greatest o f these was the Great Maste r Soul reincarnating in the man Jesus to fulfill the Messiahsh ip of the age just passed which soul be gan its evolvement several Manvantaras afar back And in th e s e latter days we bow our heads in memo ry of the great dead past ; for Egypt has fallen ; no longer do the great soul host of the past seek reincarnation upon her sacred soil ; the Ancient O rder of O siris i s no more as of old though not entirely extinct for the few still return to that land of ruin and loneliness That host once animating the great Egyptian people is coming her e now a n d reincarnating on this free soil to act another great drama ; they represent every state and aspect of character of soul accord ing to the experiences each soul has acquired in the long past ( There are also many others here from other lands and many great ones of other past O rders of Initiates not of Egy p t and who we duly revere ) Amo ng th i s host now coming here are many good and n o ble souls who have never received the true enlighten ment or entered the p a th but who have preserved in past lives goodness and purity without evolvement toward real soul awakening There is little of individual Karma overhang ing these and if they could be brought to the full knowledge of themselves and of the real meaning of their lives the mystic pathway would surely open before them toward the glories be yond and the question arises how shall we reach them ? If all had been like unto these in the past even destruction of the whole would not have taken place But the wickedness o i the majority created vast general Karma and these who were go o d and pure suffered at the last for the transgressions of the wicke d And moreover all of those wicked ones of these times whose souls have not been lost are returning again here how then shall we avert the disaster ahead which these will surely cause unless we find the way to bring enlightenment to sufficient of their number that too great Karma be not accumulated ? Looking out over this broad country we see many of the great sou ls of the Ancient O r der of O siris reincarnating in America and many of these are uniting in the order whose name has been here chan g ed to The F raternity Sons of O siris with centers in the United States and M exico T o recognize these great ones from other men is i m o ssible to the p rofane of the world ; they come and g o and fi ll p .





























all manner of professions and positions and labor like other men and women ; their power and greatness is in the silent places and unseen by ordinary men ; the law forbids these to produce phenomena or to use their powers for their own personal pur poses or to influence other men against their own choosing f o r this would be depriving them of their rights of free moral agency The Black O nes however are also all around us and do not ( hesitate to use their powers over any wh o will yield to them as may be witnessed on every hand ) Were the White O nes not in authority the Black influences would speedily create such wick e d n e s s and Karma through humanity that everything would in a short time be utterly destroyed Reader think not these are ( fanciful things ; everything here written is perfectly visible and plain to any human being who will follow the teachings of the Fraternity and who has an undestroyed soul and who thus a t tains to awakened higher V ision and perception and there never was an Initiate who was unable to see and know all this , and the only trouble is that we cannot get the ma j ority to do the things n e cessa r y to ac quire all of this knowledge and all of these powers also ) The O rder as in the past seeks the enlightenment and illumination of the race So long as Atlantis listened to their teaching was she great and good and likewise later Egypt ; when these turned from the Councils of the B rothers of the O rder and yielded to the in fl uences of selfish men ( Black Forces working t h r o u g h these ) both fell after a time and are to this day desolate N o matter how highly illumined a s oul may become when reincarnating in a new body that body with all its physical and carnal aspects must be overcome before its mind can be awak ened and true Initiation again occur in that life for that com bi n e d body and soul ; and no matter how high the soul may have attain e d it is always possible for its carnal body to cause it to f a ll We see here and now many of the high and whi t e souls a n d some of the O rder who are not as yet awakened in this pres ent incarnation and who are still unconscious of the great past a n d w h o will so remain throughout this life unless they come into touch with some of the true Mystic O rders and thus become enlightened But there i s danger of falling in with those of the D ark Path and already the country is filled with religious cults and spurious organizations calling themselves O ccult and Meta a r e f o r th e mo s t B e r i a li s ti c c k Th h y si al h art la t e c e m a t s e ; p p ,


























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teachings and trend of the present time has developed a people wholly Opaque and dark to the great transcendental realities per taining to themselves and to their relationship to the past and to all knowledge of the souls within them and indeed do they seri o u s ly question whether there is anything more than this material worl d and their carna l minds and bodies This has created men and women inimica l as ancestry for bodies suitable for r e i n c a r nation o f great soul s and to such an extent that it is a matter of almost impossibility for such to return to earth safely for this class of humans furnish bodies for their children of such car n a l i ty density and opacity to all soul influences and ther e fore of such di fficulty of overcoming by the incoming illumine d soul that it is in great danger of being overwhelmed and of falling again into bad Karma and spiritual darkness and being put very far back in its cycle and of failing in this and subsequent lives of ful filling its mission f o r long ages Thus there are a goodly number of the Ancient O rder and also of advanced souls who were with us in our mother land Egypt here now who are unconscious of their higher beings but who rightfully belong The question to our great O rder The Fraternity Sons of O siris arises How shall we reach them and save them from disaster ? Knowing naught of the past or of their real selves they con s ta n tly accept the carnal things of the flesh as an ordinary matter of course and blindly fol l ow after and grasp the tinsel and empty honors of a day and the mercenary illusions of the pass ing days and the deception of appearances as realities and i n the darkness of dulled faculties acquired from materialistic a h yield to the temptations devised and proffered in th e ce s tr y guise of o r din a ry every day events of life by the Black Brothe r s of the i n vi s ibl e left h and Brotherhoods ; wh o constantly s e ek their overthrow There are many who if they could be mad e consciou s of themselves and of who they real ly are and of the past would surely seek the O r d e r a n d its teachers and thu s come into their own in this life The trouble is that the clouded a n d p e rverted minds of these refuse to accept the truth when we strive to present it to them So long as we keep within the re a lm of this material world and of mere reason and int e llectu a l c o n n d e a they are interested but the moment we cross the lin c e p ts ; endeavor to lead them into the real View of the rea l m of the soul and their hi g her being a n d to reve al th e r e al me an ing of th eir ,



























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L ON v o c a r

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lives and the story of the past and the true doctrine and the purposes of all things then interest stops and unbelief close s the door to their souls Indeed we see many here with soul s which in the past attained high evolvement wholly engrossed in worldly and sel fi sh things and each day falling to lower levels ; so material are the minds and bodies in which they hav e i n ca r n a te d that they care nothing for the fu ture so long as they enj o y the sensual and illusory passing things of this life and they care not i f the whole earth is destroyed at some future epoch for the wrong doing of men if their present enj oyment or worldly inter ests are not interfered with O mighty M onad throng ; o nce more anoth er great drama is before thee ; th o u gh among thee hath ever been found the worth y and th e good yet beforetime hast thou utterly failed and thy long pathway is fi lled with ruin and blood and tears 0 Sons and D aughters of our dearl y lov ” ed and once regal E gypt here in number so many would that we might gather thee within the guidance and protecti o n o f our great O rder that hath o e r s h a d o we d thee like a palm in a wea r y “ waste 10 these aeons of ages of the past The present O rder ” Sons of O siris is the same O rder and directly continuous of the Ancient O rder of O siris which is as old as E gypt herself The O rder fully recognizes the supreme Mastership of J esu s the Christ It accepts the disciple down on the world plane who is truly sincere and develops him to the highest initiation and illumination and helps him to find the Christ wi th i n himself As his consciousness awakens his past unfolds and in the eternal memory of his own soul he reads the story of his lives fro m th e long ages gone before and thus fi nds himself His awakene d consciousness becomes illumined and he comes into the attain ment o f universal knowledge in which all things are made plain to him He then realizes that the fleeting pleasures of th e carnal fade into nothing when compared to such j oys as these The man of the world kn ows nothing of the friends and loved ones around him except as he has known them in this short life and when he l o ses them at physical death on his return to earth again in a new reincarnation he knows n o thing of them though they may be again with him in new bodies while the awakened and illu mined man knows them every one body and soul Read er the door of the Mystic Temples is never closed to the true seeker ; th e g reat teachers are ever ready to lead and help yo u o n ,































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the way to all of these things which your soul mus t realize s o me time or be u tter ly lost for if you do not overcome the lower ma n he will surely o vercome your soul and draw it down into th e darkn e ss of death The choic e is enti r ely wi th you ; the teacher s will never c o me openly before the world unless the world become s wholly Mystic ; and you must seek them of your own free will May God be with you ,




O S IRI S O F TH E E GY PTIAN S Empire of the N ile ; Land of the Eternal Pyramids ; D o main o f the Ancient P a r a o li s What memories lie buried within thy bosom O land of the tombs and mummy To interpret the .



mysteries of th y vast past is to know the secrets of the univer se Thy magnificent glory and wisdom of the past is no more The s tir and bustle of thy great civilization is s till and sle eps with th e e and thy d e ad V anished are the cou rt s of the Pharaohs wi th all their pomp and pride The desert wind touches the ch e e k of the traveler lifting his mantle and shifts the li s tless sand of wide w astes over which ever a n d anon phantom mirag e oa s es of green with springs of crystal wa ter flit in panoramic r e V iew Wide stretches of waste under the sky i ts solitude u n br o ke n save as beneath the blazing sun symbol of O siris acr o s s its de s olate sands fall shadow of pyramid of lonely ruin of caravan or Arab horseman Wherefore art thou desolate and alon e green and fertile valley of the pas t ? Whither has depa r t ed the bloom a n d verdure thy glory thy wisdom and thy s u preme understanding ? Aeons of ag e s ago on the banks of thy silent N ile appeared a mi ghty and imperial people ; and besid e s thee ever flowing river within stupendous temples was taught the E ternal D octrine of the only Truth of the Absolute of all that i s Upon thy temple altars perpetual sacred fi res told th e ir story of man s immorta l ity the story of the soul s fi r e But al a s th ou art gone and only h e aps of ruins remai n to mark wh e re once arose th e wonderful structur e s of thy building Whence tarriest thou O beautiful Egypt Q ueen of the E ast D aught e r of I s is and O siris ? Hast thou taken a long j ourney to a far c o untry a n d r e tu r n s t after many days again to thine own N e i l o s From far away upon the Shores of Time her voice answe re th acr o ss the ages ! Sons and Da u gh ters of mine because my chi l dre n harkene d to the voices of the tempter and of the flesh and .







































19 8


forsake not their evil ways and heeded not the counsels of my prophets therefore must I forever remain a wandere r and r e turn no more to my native land which hath become des o late and forsaken However in these later days will I return again to earth among the children of men of other lands to such as shall heed my voice and serve our Great Father G o d ; and they may fi nd me even the same Egypt ; the same Isis and O siris ; manifest among the chosen even among these of the Ancient O rder of O siris And I will bless them abundantly and watch o ver them and teach them the way of Holy Wisdom and of Immortal Life even as they were taught while we were together in our beloved country of days no more E gypt the fallen For behold my power and beauty and magnificence hath perished and departed in oblivious night in the long a g o Had my children listened to the voice of wisdom and tur ned t o ward the true light of O siris surely would my glory have endured forever ; and throughout my cities and land would resound the music of the harps of a thousand strings ; and over my arid wastes would yet be spread the mantle of exuberant fertility ; and all the world would know me and h o nor me as in days departed Y et though in power and glo r y I have departed from thence there dwelleth apart in the flesh the remnant of that once mighty throng ; few though the number may be I say unto thee that its slender thread shall nev er be broken ; neither shall the presence o f O siris depart from that land For surely shall the Supreme Council of my Ancient B rotherhood continue to meet as in the past to watch and guide the destiny of mankind ; though thrones rock and dynast i es rise and fall Had Egypt accepted the light and guidance offered her in days of her glory her waste places and lonely desolation would this day blossom as the rose ; but she would not and alas how she hath fallen ! How often in the long ago in that far off land hath its watchers gathered to study the star lit dome above and read the destiny of the future upon the scroll of the fi r ma me n t Locked in the ages that are gone this knowledge slumbers befo re th e outer world but it never shall be lost for th e r e mn a n t of that g reat people dwelling up on that desolate soil and land of soli tude will receiv e the great light T here is o n e all perv ading radiance , one presen c e , since ,






































L Aw s


arth began ; watchful brooding omnipotent Upon that lonely land falls still the light as in the other days ; the light of O si r is the glorious Even upon all the world falls his radiance visible to a ll who understand and kn o w N ot in burning sun whose rays sere and consume upon a desert plain ; or yet a vivify ing orb falling upon more favored ( favored to man of the present that he may turn toward the giver of a l l good things ) lands calling into manifestation living forms of vegetation is seen the real O siris The Ancient B rotherhood of Egypt worshipped not the Visible sun which they regarded as but a symbol ; the modern profane would clas s the Ancient Priesthood of Egypt and their “ sub l ime Wisdom Doctrine of Isis and O siris as heathen wor ” ship N othing can be farther from the truth The Ancient Priesthood worshipped not the visible sun Those ancien t races were n o t benighted heathen any more than they were a part of th e lower classes who knew not of the higher truths throu g h their own perverseness even as there are p l enty of heathen a l l about us even in these days It is true that the vul gar and profane among those p o pulations not comprehending the higher meaning s of the doctrine ; even as the same cl asses fail to comprehend in these later days ; demanded that some religious f o r mo l o g y shoul d be taught them ( some formal religion has to be given to th e masses to correspond to their crude views ) All that could be safely revealed commensurate with their limited under standing limited through no one s fault but their own was given by the ) ( priests and the ignorant masses largely interpreted the teachi n gs as worship of the visible sun and other V isible objects Tho s e who were sufficiently enlightened to enter the inn er circle ever bore high aloft the torch of wisdom and deepest knowledge of God and His universe and its mysteries To those who sought the great truth the temple doors were ever open The earn est seeker for the higher truth has never been denied the teaching ; and every assistance has been his for the asking since man a p l a r e upon this earth But in every age and race the r e e a d p knowledge and higher way of life has ever been reject e d by the maj ority ( precisely as they are rejecting it in these days ) wh o have only themselves to blame for the awful con s equences of their mistake Witness the destruction f o r th i s v e r y r e a s o n o f t Behold how great is the hea hen t s a t he p e v e r y ci v i li z a ti o n o f ism of the present day ! The diffi culty lies in the willful lack of e
































2 00


understanding in a self blinded and materialistic race which refuses the well of pure and living water wi th i n which is ever ready to spring up into eternal life and j oy Look out upon humanity of to day and its desolate lives a desolation more complete th an Egypt s sands and for the same reason Search among our men and women living in voluntary darkness and only for self where soul grows weaker every day buried in ma terial clay perhaps already lost O f what avail are a few empty honors houses and lands bank accoun ts fi ne raiment ? These are well when rightly used O ften do they become a curse to th e s e who have devoted a lifetime to their ac quisition ; while perhaps in the very hour of triumph of possession when the l a urel wreath of victory over worldly conquest is placed upon the row of the se e ming conqueror will his hopes turn to ashes over “ some secret remorse or God say to him Thou fool this night ” shall thy soul be re quired of thee For the bigot th e willfully ignorant there has ever b een only the outer husks of material ism just what they can see and demonstrate through mechanical means and materialistic chemistry Intellect alone can never grasp the higher light F o r them only the empty symb o l the dead letter reading of th e book of nature as well as of the Hol y Scriptures and only the outer and external appearances o f things must be their interpretation and u nderstanding To the G reat O siris the Christ himself gave eloquent ackn o wledgement and the influences of those days and their teaching and achievements will never be lost for 10 ! i mpressed upon celestial spheres stamped upon every ruin and stone and grain of desert sand is th e indelible record of the past ; truly the soil of E gypt is sacred and from the long silence of her tombs the voice of infinite wis dom and omnipotent kn owledgement is speaking for those who can hear Materialistic science herself has reached the border line of the material and is strivin g through the analysis of crude matter to pierce the veil beyond to find out what is beyond and back of matter B u t the in fi nite can never be discovered by fi n ite methods She must eith er accept the facts pertaining to the u niverse known and taugh t by the Mystics ages ago or fail and continue to rem a in within the night of materialism O f o u r own race a n d time what shall the record be ? If humanity continu es to re f use the freely off ered light and D ivine call , th en will the race s u rely plung e a g ain into an a wful night -


















































L Aw s

20 1

of destruction and darkness and from the few survivors the f u ture race must slowly and painfully emerge and rise again Ever y civilization of the past has repeated the same history E ach grew into power and greatness and as it reached the zenith the opportunity was off ered to turn from worldly sins and pleas ure to the truth and light All have failed Will our present civilization fail ? At present there is every sign that man is turning his eyes toward the true light The world is filled in “ ” these days with cults who are striving to climb upward ; and the long lost brothers to the world o i ancient orders are pre paring to draw nearer to the children of men Let us pray that all may be well B rother would you learn the path to immortality ? O r will you cling to the world of change and illusions of empty forms and dead letter appearances of yourself and your surroundings taking things and people for what they seem to be including yourself o r will you drink of the pure spring of water so graphically described by the Great Master Christ ? Who is there among you to enter the Great Stairway F O S O each step leading ( pr o g r e s s w e lessons from the Brotherhood ) to lofty and sublime realms of Spiritual wisdom understanding and knowledge to the understanding of the universe and of your r e a l selves to your realization of the Great O siris ? ,






















S ON S O F O S IRI S The name Fraternity Sons of O siris is synonymous with the Ancient O rder of O siris and a direct lineal descendant of the Ancient Priesthood of E gypt which was known as the Fratern ity of Pun t With all this we have ever been the same no matter what the name may have been under which we labored or wor s hipped I t is not an order of idle construction but has ever been a leading hand in progress N ot born of superstition but of wis dom True we d o understand and master forces that to the u n educated appear as superstitious yet all is i n accordance with natural laws We acknowledge that our archives hold the history of ag e s and nations supposed to be lost to the world and that the e m cient wis dom is equally understood and practiced for the same initiation That is the s o me secrets that were given the initiate ,


















2 02


then into the greater mysteries are given the initiate of those de grees at this day In the past the ob j ect of the S ons of O siris was to educate those who qualified to be received into the mysteries of nature man s relation thereto his mission upon this earth his past i n carnations and whither he goes at this departure Thus know ” ing himself his past his future he was no longer a wanderer upon the deserts of life knowing not where he goeth or from whence he came but became a useful factor in the great plan In the fi rst part at present as in the past by practicing benevolence and charity and doing good deeds amongst one a n other we prepare ourselves for grander and nobler work in the great arena of life In the past the Fraternity was the one great source from which flowed streams of sweetest waters to quench the thirst of nations And however great the amount of p o llu tion unthinking and evil persons have thrown into its crystal waters along its winding course yet the fountain has remained as pure as when the E gypt shepherd kings drank its waters and were blest As it was in its past so is its future for the Masters of the Fraternity have lived in harmony with the immutable law of heaven and by so doing the wisdom has advanced apace with the world Thus it was that its members have been the silent ones who have led the world when all seemed lost for although silent and unnoticed we have met to watch the heavens and p r o pare for coming events centuries before the world knew of these occurences and to day we meet as of old to prepare for another great change that will take place upon our earth In the battles of the past both visible and invisi ble it has met the destroyer on the field and wielded the sword of right with a power triumphant As a tender parent she teaches us our daily duties to one another she admonishes us when we stray from the beaten paths of tr u th and r i g h t and like a fond parent in sadness or misery folds us to her breast and breathing upon us her powerful magnetism heals us When stern adversity like an arrow sprung from the bow of an evil one injures us she soothes and comforts us Throughout life from the day we first kissed her fair lips she has been a faithful g u r a d i a n and friend When at last we lay d o wn this material covering to enter into a more beautiful and clearer abode we have her silent hand to lead us throug h those to us unknown worlds We sigh not f o r the end .













































L Aw s

2 03

for she has taught us the mysteries of life and death N either do we fear at our departure for she has driven fear from our br ast and implanted h o pe and l o v e B orn of the Gods eternal in the heavens when Egypt was in its glory free from the cares of matter she ever points to higher realms The present O rder now working under the name of Fra te r n i ty Sons of O siris while conveying the mysteries to th e can d i d a te in the manner and language of the day has not de parted from the ancient aim of the Fraternity All sons of O siris are practical persons who believe in progression and who uphold law and order in whatever land th e y live They constitute what was once the most profound s e cre t society known and what is destined to become in a few ye a rs the same power for good that their number and strength wa s h e re tofore Every inducement is held out to those who d e s ire to unite with us that is consistent with our laws and usag e s Ever y So n of O siris is the sworn brother of every other brother thro u gh out the world Those who once partake of the rites of love i n full sin cerity are ever held as brothers They may in opposition to right and justice cause us to debar them from our m e etings but they are still brothers In acts of benevolence and charity our hospitality i s always extended to the deserving so far as within our power Thus we have mitigated sorrow helped the deserving to better a n d nobl e r lives building the fires of emulation in each human b r e a st en co u r a g i n g manly efforts strengthening the weak and cultivati n g self respect The doors of our Temple are ever ope n to the h o n est upright citizen nor can any man or woman otherwise u n qu alified enter our temple because of wealth fame re li g ion o r politics nor is any person debarred because of poverty A ll who come with purity of mind wi l ling to obey the ancient cu s toms and usages are bidden welcome into our ranks The training is such that it meets the demands of e a ch and eve ry student E ach one is started in a given way at the v e ry foundation The training then commences and as the stud e n t solves the problem and reports s o will he receive such additi o n a l instruction as he requires This is kept up until he has re a ch e d the final i n itiation .










































2 04






T he S upreme T emple in convocation assembled , ” “ adopted the name F raternity S ons of O siris as being

has r e more in

harmony with the o b j ects and teachings of the O rder The Fraternity will again resume much of the complete s ec rec y as before especiall y is this so with regard to the secret school of the O rder which shall furnish the candidate the inner work of personal training The g reatness o f our F raternity in the past wholly depended upon the greatness of its individual members upon their powers as more than ordinary men and women not as members of the O rder but as individuals So must it again be in the future as p u blicity exposes many of our grandest and noblest members to u nnecessa r y risks because of the malice and evil doings of evil destined org ani z ations Thus has decreed the fi rst America n convocation of the F raternity S o must it be henceforth As to our origin no exact history exists as to when the O rder was founded Some say b y the priests of Heliop o lis oth ers b y the Ary an tribes Again there are in the Fraternity ( in the O uter C o u r ts ) th o s e who claim that the order has co me from the greatest of E soteric priests Th oth ( Hermes T r i s me s g i s tu s ) Again others in the western world claim that it was r e founded “ b y none other than J esus the I n i tiate ( see the book The Son of This howev er does not alter the truths as truth as E ach prophet or messi ah has uttered the s uch is unalterable Thus none of them can claim s ame truths that we hold dear originality even though different words were employed to ex press the same truths We of the Supreme Temple say that the F raternity like truth has always been and will always be though its members ma y add to its ritual or subtract from it y et the truth of its inner work mu s t ever remain the same T h is F ratern i ty appeals to those who have outgrown mere o rgani z ations and realize that their advancement depends upon their o wn efforts n o w as much as it did when they first learnt their alphabets in school though the Fraternity teaches those wh o make effort to learn y et each must himself bring out of him self the greater truths This fraternity has no connections whatever with any other b o dy y et frequentl y j oins hands and assists others to accomplish th e g o o d th ey h ave s e t pu t to ac co mp li s h , a n d ther e f o re .






































2 05

we are not at enmity with any other b o dy that may be interested in the welfare of the human family Those who desire the higher thought and vibration will be attracted to us Such as belong to the a n d will remain true to the higher self mere curiosity seekers will never care for more than the tea chings of the lower degrees others again will cling to us as particl e s of iron cling to the magnet These are the souls that have made the Fraternity a name to sound with an echo down the corridors of time TH E EN D .






G UR R ECOR D O n J une

3 l st

the last delegates who had been attending the Sixty eighth ( 6 8 th ) Convocation of the Rose Cross O rder left for thei r homes O n the l st of July we began to arrange the material for the “ ” book Fundamental Laws containing practically all of the Lectures that had been delivered during the Convocation and also giving a great deal of additional matter and inf o rmation concerning both the work during the Convocation and the work of the Rose Cross O rder As soon as all the material had been arranged the book went to press and was ready for delivery within eight weeks from that date This book is exceptionally valuable in that every article in it is really fundamental and therefore of great importance to every sincere student It is a book of over 2 0 0 pages O n very fi ne book paper ( we could not get regular book paper ) bound in silk cloth stamped in gold Price Price of this book would actually be about but for th e fact that donations were made by the delegates towards the expense of Publication -













While the book Fundamental Laws or Rose Cross O r “ der was n press we arranged the third edition of the Son of ” God This book is too well known to need any description as it has been called the most important bo o k of its kind ever is sued Moreover the fact that this is the third large edition proves this The book is almost the size of the regular books but as it is used for propaganda work the price was made at 5 0 cents in cloth or 2 5 cents in paper binding “ Paper is the same as that of Fundamental Laws binding also the same in every respect We shall e n dea vor to keep this book in print eve n tho u g h i












an edition a month will be necessary in order to do so


TH E WA Y T O L IF E AN D IMM O RTAL ITY “ Less than three weeks after the book Son of God

had “ g o n e to press we found that not a copy of Way to Life and Immorta l ity was left in stock but t hat orders for it were com ing in We therefore at once put to press the second edition of this important book and are now able to supply all with copies who desire this book ,




B ound uniform with the other two books and stamped in gold Price delivered .

Is in silk cloth



HIST O R Y O F TH E R O S E CR O S S O RD ER This we consider a book of extreme importance at the pres ent time for the reason that within the past few years not l ess than five different O rders calling themselves Rosicrucian with Slight var ations in title have sprung up and all of these claim to be regular Rose Cross bodies The true Rose Cross was founded in America 6 8 years ago and has continued to exist ever since the foundation In the present book the Life of Randolph is given and many extracts from newspapers all over the world It is shown that a United States Attorney had made the statement to be used a g ainst Randolph that he Randolph was Grand Master of the R o se Cro s s O rder of the world in 1 8 6 1 T h e stud e nt wh o d o es not desir e to be defrauded who does n t e s i r e t o j oin a clandestine body thinking he had joined the t r ue O r d e r should g e t this book a t once It is p r inted on extra book pa p er for rea s ons before stated bo u n d in b e a utiful silk clo th stamped in gold Price while the editi o n lasts ,
























OU R R E C O RD O ur re c o rd therefore is four bo o ks wi th in the sho r t p e riod ,



te n

week s


Th i


will prov e

to a l l

that th er e


a d emand



2 08


literature such as issued by this house


Or d er

n o w.

A N C I E N T M Y S TI C O RI EN TAL MAS ON R Y The Mystic holds that Masonry i s the basi s of religion ; rather that the mysteries of Masonry are also the Mysteries of religion ; that in Masonry is found the Key to the Mysteries and the Key to religion The book is composed of quotations from the highest Ma sonic authorities and the mystical interpretation has been given The compiler and author has one of the fi nest Masonic libraries in the country besides ha v ing unlimited pri vileges of consulting books and manuscripts on this sub j ect This book i s not an exposure of M asonry but i s from every point of view friendly to Masonry It is a frank discus sion a frank interpretation of Masonry in its highest and most sublime form I t is a book for all those who are interested in the ph i lo s o phies but is especially valuable to the sincere M ason P rinted on f i ne paper in two colors bound in beautifu l cloth and gold Price ,





















Bos ncau c n

a nd

SOUL SCI ENCE AND s u cces s s o aks

All books herein listed are part of the teachings formulated a n d given by The Temples of the Illuminati and Illumination

P ublished





T E AC H r N o s






The o l d edition of the book called The Son of Man is sold out ; and so great is the demand for it that it has been completely r e written and much enlarged and harmonized with the teachings as given by the Temple of Illumination ,




P r ef a ce I n th e P re face is s u mmari z ed the fundamental principle s of the Christi e I nterpretation and the characteristics of the .

Christi e Law a s advocated by the Temples of Illumination and of the Illuminati ,


J es u




s s en e


this chapter is g iven a n h istoric sketch o f the training that Jesus received among the E ssenes The harmony is clearly shown that exists between the teachings o i the E ssenes a n d those of the true Rosicrucian O rder ; and the connection between the old E s s e n e a n O rder and the Rosi crucian Fraternity a s founded in America by D r P B Randolph is clearly shown In




T h e So n

G od




f H ere the expression s of J esus The Son o f Man an d ” then Son of God are u sed as the basis of interpretation T h e esoteric S i gn i fi cance of these terms furnishes the foundation o f the E s s e n e a n L aw and its interpretat ion o








T h e Sa g e s I n this .

book are given quo tations from the great s ag e s representing di fferent nationalities to show th a t th e I llumin a ted Masters of a ll a g e s agree in regard to the essential s of a li v i n g Religion and P hilosophy and that all those who li v e d in har mony with the D ivine Law reached the s a me state of Soul Consciousness T h e C r e a m o f C h r i s ti e I n te r pr e ta ti o n In this book is found th e cream of the Christi e and the Rosicrucian teachings It is a book that should be given to your f r iends whoever they may be ; and it is issued with this especial purpose in Vie w ‘











B o o k I ts e lf

Th e


b o o k is pri n te d o n laid paper b e a u ti f ully boun d ,

i n s i lk





cloth so as to harmonize with St Matthew and wi th St ” John It is a book ; but as we desi r e that it sha ll be used as a propaganda book we offe r it for 5 0 cents A limited number of these books are bound in paper and can be had for 2 5 cents Some of the friends and the Broth ers of the Illu minati have ordered as many as 2 0 copies in cloth in order to use them as gift books Do not miss obtaining at least one copy ; and if possible order more to present to friends whom you wish wel l .

















= =








C h r i s ti c

Power can be awakened only through obedience to the Divine Law When we obey this Divine Law then is the Christ Child born within us ; and if we continue in the way this child grows to manhood and enters into power The millions are today looking fo rward to a world teacher to a new interpretation of the Law ; for they instinctively know that to understand the law to live the Law is to give man power “ gives positive instructions concerning the C h r i s th o o d power to be obtained through soul devel opment It not onl y hints at the powers but it gives many clear instructions as to how to live in order that these powers may be obtained CON TEN TS Th e C h r i s t Showing who and what the Christ is The Son of God ; His Work ; the Inner Man ; how yo u may become the Son of God .















Th e D i v i n e i n M



Showing that all men a r e Divine if they but awaken the “ D ivinity wit hin them It elucidates the meaning of Man being ” the Temple of the Living God D e v e lo pme n t Giving th e laws f o r the inne r d evelopme n t which l e ad to Real Initiation It a lso gives many of th e l a ws a n d rul e s f o r Soul Development F o r mo lo g y Showi ng th e necessity of forming a c l ear id e a of what you Full wi s h to be Al s o o f th e n e c e s s ity of d evelopin g thi s id e a .











mental laws are given P o we r o f L o v e On e o f the greatest powers in the universe a ll things may be accomplished .





h ow


d Os i r i s S howing h o w

C h ri s t



the principles of the C hrist a n d O siris were the same and much of ancient initiation is als o g iven D e v e lo pme n t a n d E mplo yme n t Proving that it i s not necessary for th e st u d ent to g i ve u p hon est labor in order to be co me a Leader or M aster Th e R e li g i o n D e ma n d e d by th e P e o ple M illions reali z e that a true religio n a reli g ion o f th e heart and soul is much needed Many grope in darkness never fi nding light The beauties and practical points o f thi s religion are clearly set forth T e mple o f I llu mi n a ti o n Giving a discourse on the Temple of the I ll u mina tion o f! the Soul The religion that millions demand but ha v e here tofore sou g ht in vain L eaders are wanted everywhere .















H e a li n g


True S oul S cience Giving concisely b u t fully i n stru cti o ns that are alone worth more than the cost of the book .




P r a ye r


E xplaining why prayer is and is not effective ,

this most important mystery T h e B o o k I ts e lf







book is printed on laid paper bea u tifully b o und i n silk cloth and side stamped in gold It harm o ni z es with the fi rs t “ ” text book Soul Science the Way to I mmortality P rice 75 cents postpaid T he




















I t is universally admitted among scholars that we are o n the Threshold of a new D ispensation This means that we a r e expecting a new Law which shall govern all things T o state this more correctly we are expecting a n e w interpretation of th e o ld L a w a n i n terpretati o n that i s at o n ce practical a n d my st i cal .






C ATAL O G C enturies




ago when civilization had reached a state some what similar to the present when the time was ripe for a new L aw Giver or a Master who should anew interpret the L a w M oses appeared to the civilization o f that age Centuries later when the dispensation brought about by M oses was nearing n end and n e w expectations arose among a the people the Master Jesus appeared and gave a new I n te r p r e ta ti o n to the same Laws interpreted by Moses centuries before The old cycle is at an end a new cycle has begun ; and there is among the people anticipation of a new Age As in the long past Moses gave a new interpretation to the people Moses who had been taught and Initia ted among the Egyptian P riesthood and as centuries later the Master Jesus also tau g ht by that same Pri esthood then called the E ssenes so now in the new Age who other than the same School of Priesthood shoul d ? ive forth the N ew Inter retation of the Law g p “ So u l Sci e n ce th e Wa y to I mmo r ta li ty is the first of the text books given out by this many cycle old s chool In this book will be found a great many of the C h r i s ti c Interpretations in harmony with the coming Age ; for in this book is pointed out “the Way the Truth and the Life ” ,





























An n




u n ci a ti o n



C o n ce pti o n


When the Soul succeeds in arousing the Mind and the Wi l l to a desire for Truth for Wisdom and f o r greater Love i t is planting the seeds or the Conception Man canno t and will not accept of anything until there is something within him which tells him that it is truth Thus when we turn from an old condition to a new one from an old belief to a new belief it is a condition of Conception tha t has taken place ,












Th e C o n f e s s i o n


Sorrow for old deeds and turning away from them accept ing new and higher belief in a j ust Law and living in harmony with the Law this is repentance It is a confession ; for to give up the old and accept th e new is to confess that th e old was in the wrong t l h o s t o G h n e H d F i r a e t i s m b t h a B B i r e R y y p Few know the mystery of the B aptism by Fire In this book the mystery is made s o plain that all can understand it The B aptism by Fi re is th e c o ming into Conscious Sonship with th e Birth of th e Ch r i s t th e Fa th er ,













6 T h e C o mi n g

C h ri st

f The various theories and guesses of the unenlightened are completely changed into Light and U nderstanding as the full truth is unfolded and the mystery concerning the Coming Christ is revealed How will the Christ come ? When will he Co me ? Where will he come ? T h e J u d g me n t The Judgment D ay has been portrayed as a da y of terrible trial What is the Judgment ? When is it ? Are all j udg ed upon one day afar off or is there a j udgment eve r y day and for every one ? The Judgment has no terrors for those who kno w The Judgment is not a day to be thought of with terror but i s something that we can change i f we will th e











T h e Awa ke n e d So u l


The Soul that has awakened knows its birthright knows good from evil false from true There are no more terrors of the Threshold when the soul awakens from its sleep and unfo ld s in Light and Wisdom when Illumination i s r e a ch e d B u i ld i n g o f a So u l The mystery for the millions to know ; for to know is to become f r e e There is a right wa y and a wrong wa y T h e architect knows his plans of work so s h ould the so u l builder E very living human being must become a Soul builder in order to become Immortal Many are building upon the sand with o ut knowledge of the rock of truth ,













Wo r ks


d F a i th


Where there is true faith works will be manifested F aith Without works is dead He who has true faith will do t h e works a ccording to his faith Un d e r s ta n d i n g a n d L o v e Thos e who know Love understand all mysteries Love i s the Key to Wisdom ; and Wisdom unlocks the doors to U nder s tanding Ato n e me n t The meaning o f At one ment Unless we become a t one To know the with the Father we ca n n ot know the Christ Christ is to become Illuminated N one can reach Immortality except through the Atonement C r u ci fi x i o n S o u l S ci ence and th e T h e real meaning of C r u ci fi xi o n ,























Christi e Interpreta tion alone can give the true meaning Th

P a s s o v er




There are few who know th e true meaning of the Passover T h e Passove r is not a feas t to be hel d once a year but has a de eper a mys tica l or occul t meaning N one ca n become I m mortal none can become one wi th the Father un less they have gone through the Passover I llu mi n a ti o n Illumination is the resurrection of the Christ The Resur rection a lw a ys comes after th e Passover -
















C h ri st


If we walk as he walked we shall become like him T o walk as he walked is to obey the same laws that he obeyed and in the same way Mere belief will not give us the Christ ; but i n believ i ng and in doing alone is to be f o und the Christ ,




H e a li n g


John the B aptist taught the Laws of the Mind or Mental Healing ; bu t Soul Science and the Christi e I nte r pretation teach the Healing of the Soul ,


T h e B o o k I ts e lf


The book is printed on laid paper be autifully boun d in silk cl o th and side and back s ta mpe l in gold More than 2 0 0 pages Price postpaid ,










