Flora of Turkey, Volume 7

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FLORA OF TURKEY and the East Aegean Islands

edited by

P.H.DA VIS D.Sc. Professor of Taxonomic Botany assisted by J. R. Edmondson, Ph.D. R. R. Mill, Ph.D. and Kit Tan, Ph.D. s E Rc Research Assistants





© 1982

Transferred to Digital Print 2010 Edinburgh University Press 22 George Square, Edinburgh Reprinted 2001, 2008

Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham and Eastbourne A CIP record is available for this book from the British Library ISBN 0 85224 396 0

PREFACE In order to keep costs down, this large volume has been typeset on an IBM Composer with magnetic card storage; unfortunately this new method of production has resulted in some delay in publication. The changeover has necessitated some minor alterations in format: collectors' names are no longer italicised, and grid squares no longer printed in bold type. The distribution maps now follow the text. Volume VII completes the Dicotyledons, taking us from Orobanchaceae to Rubiaceae- the latter displaced from its correct position in Volume IV for reasons beyond the editor's control. A total of 29 families is included, of which the Labiatae is much the largest. The volume covers 117 genera, containing a total of 1088 accepted species; 34 per cent of these are endemic to the Flora area. The policy adopted in Volume VI for the East Aegean Islands records, the location of type material, and the use of exclamation marks - ! and (!) - was explained in the Preface to Volume VI and will continue until the completion of the Flora. In the current volume an Index is provided to the families of vascular Cryptogams and Dicotyledons treated in Volumes I-VII. It is placed immediately after the full (species) index to this Volume. An annotated Floristic Bibliography covering the area of the Flora up to December 1978 has been published by Davis and Edmondson in Notes R.B.G. Edinburgh 37:273-283 (1979); it has also been distributed as an OPTIMA Leaflet (1980). Volume vm will cover the 'Petaloid' Monocotyledons and Volume IX the Juncaceae, Cyperaceae and Gramineae. A Supplement volume will bring the earlier volumes up to date with recent research and provide much additional information. P.H.DAVIS University Department of Botany Edinburgh, March 1982


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We remain indebted to the Science and Engineering Research Council ( u. K.) for their continued support for the Flora of Turkey project, the present volume seeing the completion of the Dicotyledons. Three research assistants worked on the preparation of this volume: Dr John R. Edmondson, who has now taken up a post at the Liverpool County Museum; Dr Robert R. Mill, and Dr Kit Tan, who replaced Dr Edmondson in December 1980. I am grateful to the following botanists (not on the University's current Flora team) for their contributions to the present volume: Dr R. Bhattacharjee (Calcutta- Stachys); Dr M. H. Bokhari (Plumbaginaceae, with Edmondson); Professor K. Browicz (K6mik- Betula, Ficus; Populus, with Yaltirik; Ulmaceae, with Zielinski) ; Dr J. Cullen (Edinburgh- Marrubium) ; Professor H. Demiriz ( Istanbul - Laurus); A. Doroszenko (Edinburgh - Ballota, with Davis); Dr T. Ekim (Ankara- Teucrium); Professor F.Ehrendorfer (Vienna- Rubiaceae, with Schon beck-Temesy); Dr A. Gilli (Vienna - Orobanchaceae); Dr R. M. Harley (Kew- Mentha); I. C. Hedge (Edinburgh- Dorystoechas, Salvia; Nepeta, with Lamond; Quercus, with Yaltirik); Dr A.B.M.Enayet Hossain (Tripoli-Acanthus); Dr A. Huber-Morath (Basel - Phlomis, Sideritis); Dr J. H. Ietswaart (Amsterdam- Origanum); Professor J.Jalas (Helsinki- Coridothymus, Thymus); Professor M.S. Khan (Dacca- Aristolochia, with Davis); J.M.Lamond (Edinburgh- Nepeta, with Hedge); E. Leblebici (Izmir- Clinopodium, Cyclotrichium; Calamintha and Acinos, with Davis); D.R.McKean (EdinburghElaeagnaceae, Rafflesiaceae); A. G. Miller (Edinburgh- Loranthaceae, Santalaceae); Dr C. Puff (Vienna - Galium sect. Aparinoides); A. Radcliffe-Smith (Kew- Euphorbiaceae); Dr E. Sch6nbeck-Temesy (Vienna- Rubiaceae, with Ehrendorfer); Professor A. K. Skvortsov (Moscow - Salix, with Edmondson); C. C. Townsend (Kew - Cannabaceae, Urticaceae, Verbenaceae); Professor B. Tutel (Istanbul- Plantago); Professor F. Yaltirik (Istanbul- Alnus, Morus, Platanus; Populus, with Browicz; Corylaceae, Fagaceae [Quercus with Hedge], Juglandaceae); Dr J. Zielinski (K6mik- Ulmaceae, with Browicz ). I am particularly indebted to I. C. Hedge, who has not only kept a close watch on the progress of the Labiatae account but has helped us greatly in preparing the key to that family especially well represented in Anatolia. Five artists (the first two from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh) have prepared illustrations for Volume vii: Rosemary M.Smith (Figures 1-7, 10, 11, 17), Rose A. King (Figures 8, 9, 12, 13, 18-22), Dr M.H.Bokhari (Figures 15, 16 ), Dr Kit Tan (Figures 14, 23 and 25, the last figure with Sch6nbeck-Temesy ), Professor F. Ehrendorfer and Dr E. Sch6nbeck-Temesy (Figures 24, 26, 27), to all of whom I am very grateful. The various drafts of the manuscript have been typed by Ann Delaney, Kay Herries and Bette Barns, the last two having dealt with the IBM Composer. Margaret Glancey organised the extensive herbarium loans. The Directors I Keepers of the following herbaria (cited by their contractions in Index Herbariorum) have assisted us by lending material during the preparation of Volume VII: ANK, ATH, B, BEI, BM, BRA, BRNM, EGE, FI, G, GB, GOET, H, HUB, [vii]


HUJ, ISTE, ISTF, ISTO, JE, K, KOR, L, LD, LE, M, MO, MW, P, TUB, W, WU, zandzT. The following have loaned specimens from their own collections: Dr R. Alava, Dr K. P. Buttler, Professor W. Greuter, Dr A. Huber-Morath (very generous loans), Dr M.A. Fischer, Professor P.Quezel, Dr F.Sorger. Collections recently made available to us, often by way of gifts to the Edinburgh herbarium in exchange for names, include those made by the following botanists: Professor Y.Akman, Dr R. An~in, Professors A. andT.Baytop, Dr F. Bisby, Dr A. c;irpici, Dr A. Diizenli, Dr T. Ekim, Professor W. Frey, H. Kehl, Dr N. Kilin