Flora of Turkey, Volume 2 9781474466073

Flora of Turkey, Volume 2

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FLORA OF TURKEY and the East Aegean Islands

edited by

P. H. DAVIS D.Sc Reader in Taxonomic Botany assisted by J. CULLEN, PHD and M.J.E.COODE,BA SRC Research Assistants


University of Edinburgh



© 1967

Edinburgh University Press 22 George Square, Edinburgh Reprinted 1997, 2001, 2008 Printed and bound by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wiltshire A CIP record is available for this book from the British Library ISBN 0 85224 000 7

PREFACE In deference to the wishes of the Turkish Government, I have discarded the traditional place names used for summarising internal distributions in Volume I. Unfortunately work on setting up the second volume had gone too far for these terms to be replaced by modern alternatives. It is therefore with regret that the summary of internal distribution has had to be dropped. The reader must now rely on the grid and vilayet citations for quickly visualising the geographical range of species in Turkey. Professor D. A. Webb's 'The flora of European Turkey' (Proc. Koy. Irish Acad. 65, Sect. B, No. 1: 1966) has now been published, and provides a valuable and convenient basis for floristic studies in this area. The order of the families in this volume differs considerably from that of Boissier. In particular, several apetalous families in Flora Orientalis vol. 4 have been placed near their petaliferous relatives (Caryophyllaceae, etc.) in the Centrospermae. Work on Volume III, which will contain only the Leguminosae, is already under way; the Rosaceae, with other families, will appear in Volume IV. P.H.DAVIS Edinburgh, November 1966

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work has continued to be generously supported by the Science Research Council (formerly the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research) which has provided money to continue the employment of the same Research Assistants, Dr J. Cullen and Mr M. J. E. Coode, who collaborated in Volume I. The Scientific Affairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has provided a grant towards the cost of publication of Volume n. I am indebted to the following botanists who have contributed accounts to this volume: P. Aellen (Basel; Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae), Dr P. W. Ball (Liverpool University; Salicornia), B. Baum (Jerusalem; Tamarix), Dr R. K. Brummitt (Kew; Illecebraceae), M. N. Chaudhri (Utrecht; Paronychia), Dr H. Demiriz (Istanbul; Telephium), I. C. Hedge (Edinburgh; Saponaria), Dr A. Huber-Morath (Basel; Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum, Phryna, Acanthophyllum), Dr J. McNeill (Liverpool University; Arenaria, Minuartia), Dr J. A. Ratter (Edinburgh; Spergula, Spergularia), Dr H. Reeve (Edinburgh; Dianthus), Dr N. K. B. Robson (British Museum; Hypericum), C. C. Townsend (Kew; Rutaceae), Dr F. Yaltirik (Istanbul; Acer, Tilia, Rhamnaceae). My thanks are also due to Janet Dyer (Figures 1-7, 15, 16), Mrs M. E. Church (Figures 12-14, 17), P. Aellen (Figures 8-9, 11), and P. W. Ball (Figure 10), for the illustrations. Professor D. A. Webb has continued to give assistance in various ways. Mrs Paterson and Mrs G. Millar have typed the manuscript. Among the numerous herbaria who have lent us material or allowed us to work on their collections, we must thank the Directors of the following institutions: The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; The British Museum (Natural History); The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques, Geneve; Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien; Botanisches Institut der UniversiHit, Wien; The Botanical Museum and Herbarium, Lund; Botanisches Museum, Berlin; Farmakobotanik ve Genetik Enstitiisii, Istanbul; Herbarium of the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad; and among private collectors I would like to mention with gratitude the following: Dr A. HuberMorath (Basel), P. Aellen (Basel), Professor M. Zohary (Jerusalem), Professor F. Markgraf (Zurich), F. Sorger (Linz), and C. Tobey (Samsun). For grants to undertake expeditions to Turkey during the preparation of this volume, our thanks are due to The Royal Society, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Scientific Affairs Division), the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Horticultural Society, the Arnold Arboretum and the Central Research Fund of London University. I should like to take this opportunity to thank the Turkish Government for their help on my 1966 expedition to Turkey; this journey has provided a great deal of new information on plant distribution in eastern Anatolia which will be incorporated in forthcoming volumes. The work has been continued at the Edinburgh University Botany Department (Taxonomy Section) at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. Professor Robert Brown (University of Edinburgh) and Dr H. R. Fletcher have continued to provide support and facilities. P.H.D.

CONTENTS List of Maps, p. x List of Figures, p. xii Botanical Collections since 1888, p. 1 Abbreviations, p. 9 FLORA,


Index, p. 553


Turkish vilayets and Grid system, p. 2 Numbered areas used in the List of Collections, p. 4 DISTRIBUTIONS

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 [x]

Arenariagypsophiloides, p. 37 Minuartiajuniperina, p. 37 Gypsophila perfoliata, G. glandulosa, p. 37 Gypsophila ruscifolia, G. silenoides, p. 161 Gypsophilapallida, p. 161 Gypsophila eriocalyx, p. 161 Gypsophila elegans, p. 169 Gypsophila viscosa, p. 169 Gypsophila hispida, p. 169 Silene stenobotrys, S. muradica, p. 207 Silene cappadocica, p. 207 Silene spergulifolia, p. 207 Silene supina, S. montbretiana, p. 223 Silene caryophylloides, p. 223 Silene caryophylloides, p. 223 Silene dichotoma, p. 235 Frankeniahirsuta, p. 235 Hypericum calycinum, H. xylosteifolium, H. hircinum, p. 235 Hypericum androsaemum, H. lysimachioides, p. 373 Hypericum lydium, p. 373 Hypericum hyssopifolium, p. 373 Hypericum pseudolaeve, H. capitatum, p. 377 Hypericum scabrum, p. 377 Hypericum lanuginosum, H. atomarium, H. retusum, p. 377 Hypericum adenotrichum, H. orientale, p. 393 Hypericum cerastoidP.s, H. origanifolium, p. 393 Hypericum aviculariifolium, p. 393 Tilia argentea, p. 423 Tilia rubra, T. platyphyllos, p. 423 Linum mucronatum, L. hypericifolium, p. 423 Linum hirsutum, p. 439 Linum unguiculatum, L. densiflorum, L. bienne, p. 439 Linumflavum, p. 439 Linum tenuifo!ium, p. 463 Geranium purpureum, p. 463 Geranium robertianum, p. 463 Geranium tuberosum, p. 465 Geranium asphodeloides, G. stepporum, p. 465 Geranium ibericum, p. 465 Geraniumpyrenaicum, G.psilostemon, p. 489 Pelargonium endlicherianum, p. 489

List of Maps

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

Haplophyllum thesioides, H. megalanthum, p. 489 Haplophyllum myrtifolium, H. ptilostylum, p. 501 Haplophyllum buxbaumii, H. cappadocicum, p. 501 Acer pseudoplatanus, A. hyrcanum, p. 501 Acer tataricum, p. 515 Acer trautvetteri, A. monspessulanum, p. 515 Acer sempervirens, A. cappadocicum, p. 515 Acer platanoides, p. 517 Acer campestre, p. 517 Vitis sylvestris, Ampelopsis orientale, p. 517 Paliurus spina-christi, p. 533 Frangula alnus, p. 533 Rhamnus imeretinus, R.libanoticus, R. pichleri, p. 533 Rhamnus catharticus, R. kayacikii, R. pyrellus, R. punctatus, p. 535 Rhamnus petiolaris, R. kurdicus, R. nitidus, p. 535 Rhamnus orbiculatus, R. pallasii, p. 535 Rhamnus microcarpus, R. oleoides, p. 537 Rhamnus thymifolius, R. hirtellus, p. 537 Rhamnus rhodopaeus, p. 537 !lex aquifolium, I. colchica, p. 547 Pistacia lentiscus, P. khinjuk, p. 547 Pistacia atlantica, P. eurycarpa, p. 547 Pistacia terebinthus, p. 549 Euonymus verrucosus, E. latifolius, p. 549 Euonymus europaeus, p. 549



5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16


Dianthus (calyces), p. 105 Dianthus (calyces), p. 107 Dianthus (calyces), p. 109 Silene (calyces), p. 187 Silene (calyces), p. 189 Silene (calyces), p. 191 Rumex (fruiting perianth segments), p. 283 Atriplex (fruiting perianth segments), p. 307 Chenopodiaceae, p. 317 Salicornia (fertile segments), p. 322 Hypericum (sepals), p. 359 Hypericum (sepals), p. 361 Hypericum (petals, capsules, seeds), p. 363 Geranium (leaves), p. 455 Geranium (leaves), p. 457 Rhamnus (leaves), p. 529



The following list contains details of the major Turkish collections since the completion of Boissier's Flora Orienta/is. For each collector the following information is given (when available): reference to relevant literature; years when collections were made; itineraries according to the numbered areas on map 2; herbaria (in alphabetical order) where the collections are represented, using the abbreviations adopted in the Index Herbariorum ed. 5 (1964). The list includes co-collectors, who are usually left out of the main text, due to lack of space. Some small collections have had to be omitted through lack of information. The main collections, on which the Flora is largely based and which are most frequently cited in the text, are distinguished by an asterisk after the collector's name (not all the families from these collections have been used in the preparation of accounts for the Flora). The difficulties and expense of having copious material on loan have prevented many of the collections kept in Turkish herbaria from being used in the preparation of the Flora - a state of affairs which we hope may improve in the future. The Forest Faculty of Istanbul University has already put its students to good use in collecting herbarium specimens, particularly of woody groups, as reference to the account of Acer will show. These small collections are not included in this list. It is very much to be hoped that Turkish collectors will direct their attention to the under-collected provinces mentioned in Vol. 1, p. 26, particularly Edirne and Kirklareli, where it is still difficult for foreign collectors to travel freely. Since the publication of Vol. 1, ~_':~~t\~~~~'\~:::.'\.




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Bagda, H. 1940-41, 2I (Erzincan); 1944, 20 (Kayseri). ANK, ISTE, ISTF. Balls, E. K. & co-collectors*. (cf. Gard. Chron. 94: 474, 1933; 97: 390,414, 1935; 98: 318, 370, 404, 440, 1935). 1933, I9 (Ankara), I3, 20, 2I, 4; 1934, I4, II, 2I, 4; 1935, Istanbul, II, 13, 14, 2I. ANK, E, K, S. Ba~arman, M. see Heilbronn, M. Baytop, A. & co-collectors. 1954, I (Tekirdag), 2, 5, 6; 1955, I7, I8; 1959, I (Kirklareli); 1960, 5; 1961, I (Edirne, (;anakkale), 2, I9; 1962, I9, I8, II, I3, I5; 1950-65, Istanbul. ISTE. Baytop, T. & co-collectors. 1949, I6, 7, 2; 1955, co-collector with A. Baytop; 1956, I9, 4, 24, 25, 23; 1957, 7, I7, I2, IO, 2; 1958-59, 20 (Kayseri); 1959, 2; 1960, co-collector with A. Baytop; 1961, I6; 1962, co-collector with A. Baytop; 1950-55, Istanbul. ISTE. Berk, A., see Baytop, A. Bernhard, R. (cf. Feddes Rep. Beih. 89(1): 2, 1936). 1928-30, collections made in various parts of the country. JE. Bertoglio, P. (cf. Flora Aegaea, 852, 1943). 1937, Islands. Besalet, see Siirmen. Bilge, E. 1952, 2I (Giimii:Jane). ISTF. Bilger, K., see Karamanoglu. Birand, H. 1933-37, co-collector with Krause; 1938-39, 3, 2; 1940, I6, 6, 7; 1941, Kars area; 1944-45, 7; 1933-45, Istanbul area; 1955, co-collector with Walter; 1956, 20, E. Anatolia, 4, 3, co-collector with Huber-Morath; 1957, I9, I6, IO, II, I5, I4, 2I, 22, 20; 1958, 3, 4, 24, 25, 2I, 20; 1933-58, C. Anatolia, mainly in the Ankara and Konya areas. ANK. Bordaz, J. 1965, I8. E. Bommi.iller, J. F. N.* (cf. Schwarz in Feddes Rep. Beih. 100: 1-10, 1938; Wagenitz in Willdenowia 2(3): 343-360, 1960). 1889-90, I9 (Amasya); 1899, 2, I6, I8; 1906, 6, 7; 1929, 2, I9, 3. ANK, B, JE & elsewhere. Bozakman, I. 1959, co-collector with Huber-Morath; 1960, 4, 24, 25, co-collector with Sauer; 1961, 20, 2; 1964, co-collector with Zohary; 1959-64, I9. ANKO. Brown, E. S. Various parts of the country. K. Castagne, E. 1957, a small collection, mainly from W. Turkey. BR UX.