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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Field of training: 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies Orientation (profile) «Data management» Qualification of the graduate– master
Ставрополь 2019
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УДК 004:651.4 (075.8) ББК 22.18:65.052 я73 С 40
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Printed by decision by Educational and Methodological Council of North Caucasus Federal university
Electronic document management systems: textbook (laboratory workshop) / autor-contrib. M. G. Romanenko. – Stavropol: Publisher NCFU, 2019. – 103 p.
The textbook (laboratory workshop) on the subject «Electronic document management systems» is made in accordance with the program of discipline for master students of the field of training: 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies, orientation (profile) «Data management». Laboratory works included in the textbook (laboratory workshop) contains: the purpose of the work; a list of knowledge skills that must be formed in the course of laboratory work in accordance with the competencies formed; necessary for the successful development of the material theoretical information; a list of equipment used; safety instructions; a detailed description of typical tasks and technology solutions; tasks to perform; the structure and content of the report on the implementation of the tasks proposed in the laboratory work; the list of control questions on the topic under study, to which the student must know the answers; a list of recommended for use in the development of the studied topics of basic and additional literature. УДК 004:651.4 (075.8) ББК 22.18:65.052 я73 Contributing author Ph.D. sciences, associate professor M. G. Romanenko Reviewers: doctor of technical sciences, Professor N. V. Kandaurova (FSBEI HE «MIREA-Russian Technological University» in Stavropol) candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor N. A. Poddubnaya (NCFU) © FSAEI HE «North-Caucasus Federal University», 2019
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CONTENT Introduction........................................................................................................... 4 LABORATORY WORKS 1. Purpose and basic concepts of the system. Modules and main functions of the system. Main functions of the «Documents» module ................................... 7
2. Registration of documents. Details of RC .......................................21
3. Work with assignments. Control over execution of orders (documents)........................................................................43
4. Execution of orders. Removal of orders from control ...................58
5. The work in the Cabinet ....................................................................62
6. Work with draft documents. Details of the registration card of the project document ...........................................................69
7. Writing off documents in the case ...................................................83
8. Search for documents, assignments and draft documents ...........88
9. The form of reporting module...........................................................96
Bibliography ......................................................................................................102
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Introduction The purpose of the development of the discipline «electronic document management Systems/Electronic document management systems» is the formation of a future master of professional competences in the field of training 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies, orientation (profile) «Data Management» and the acquisition of knowledge, practical skills and skills for working with electronic document management system. Objectives of the discipline: to study the features: • electronic document management; • organization of search, routing and administration of electronic document flow; • application of office information technology tools when working with electronic documents. Academic discipline «Electronic document management systems» is included in the variable part of Block B 1 of the «Discipline on the choice» of the working curriculum and is studied in the 2nd semester. Students for the successful development of the discipline it is necessary to use knowledge, skills, formed during the study of the curriculum discipline such as: «Mathematical support of decision support systems». The development of this discipline is the necessary basis for the preparation for the protection of the final qualifying work and the protection of the final qualifying work. The theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills obtained by master’s students in the study of this discipline can be used both in the preparation of final qualifying work, and for solving applied problems in the field of professional activity. In the course of studying the discipline students should form the following professional competences: PC-5 – the ability to organize the interaction of teams of the developer and the customer, management decision-making in a variety of opinions; PC-8 – ability to develop and research theoretical and experimental models of objects of professional activity in the
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areas of: engineering, instrumentation, science, technology, education, medicine, administrative management, law, business, business, Commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, process control, mechanics, technical physics, construction, transport, rail, communications, telecommunications, information and communication management, postal services, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnology, security of underground enterprises and industries, Geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geographic information systems, ecology, service sector, media systems, design, media industry, as well as enterprises of various profiles and all activities in the information society economy. In the process of formation of these competencies should be obtained relevant knowledge, skills and (or) experience, characterizing the stages of formation of competencies. The planned results of training in the discipline (module), characterizing the stages of formation of competencies in accordance with the formed competence have the form: PC-5: To know: methods of organization of electronic document management; the basic requirements of standardization and unification of documents that contribute to improving the efficiency of the organization’s management system; features of modern technologies used to automate document management and records management. To be able to: organize the interaction of teams of the developer and the customer, to conduct a survey of enterprises in order to identify the features of office work to develop rules for setting up the system of electronic document management and office work «Delo»; to use in practice the system of electronic document management and office work. To own: skills of working with documents in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo». PC-8: Know: the properties of documents, as well as the types and characteristics of their classifications; rules of configuration and administration of systems; rules of automation of document flow and office
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management; features of setting up systems on the existing workflow scheme of the organization; and the main characteristics of document processing systems on the Russian market, and their classification. Be able to: use electronic document management and office management systems to solve control automation problems. To own: basic methods, methods and means of development and research of document processing systems used in various organizations and enterprises in all spheres of activity.
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1. Purpose and basic concepts of the system. Modules and main functions of the system. Main functions of the «Documents» module Purpose and content: to get an idea of the purpose and basic concepts of the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo». Get acquainted with the main functions of the modules of the «Delo» system. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: the purpose and basic concepts of the system; modules and main functions of the electronic document management system and records management «Delo»; the main functions of the module «Documents». To be able to: install the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo», change the settings of the demo version of the system, run the modules of the system. To own: the terminology of the system of electronic document circulation and office work «Delo», the principles of the Russian office. Theoretical part The system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» is the development of the company «Electronic office systems» and is used to automate office work in organizations of different levels. To organize the work you need to combine computers, employees involved in the document flow of the organization in the local area network. The main participant in the office – work process in the organization, as a rule, is the document management service. Its forces are: reception, creation, registration, and transfer for execution control of the execution and cancellation of the documents in the case. In case of paper document circulation, the document must be registered in the registration card, and then the original or a copy of the document is transferred for execution.
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To obtain a certificate of the degree of execution of documents it is necessary to perform the following sequence of actions: • find registration cards of documents in the corresponding file Cabinet; • to study and analyze the submitted information; • to control the execution of documents based on the analysis of this information; • to make a conclusion about their performance. The document execution process is characterized by two information flows. The first is characterized by the movement of a paper document, the second characterizes the actions associated with the registration card. When moving a paper document, the following steps must be performed: • the registration of a document in the office; • transfer of the document from the office to the head, who appoints the executors and issues the instruction, by imposing the resolution; • newsletter performers after their appointment and issuance of orders, the document and or copies; • write-off in the case of the document after its execution. The second information flow reflects the nature of the work with the registration card (RC) of the document and is as follows: • a registration card is created during the registration of the document, the following details are entered into it: • registration number (each document is given a number); • information about the correspondents of the registered document; • a short summary and other data, for example, its composition, review, etc.; • recorded the fact of issuing orders by recorded document (specify the author of the resolution, if the document contains a resolution, the text of the order, the names of the performers, the period of execution of the order, the name of the employee supervising the execution of the document, if there is a mark that the instruction control);
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reports are added to all the performers and recorded the actual date of the execution of the document in the registration card after completing all instructions in the executable document; • added to the RK numbers (names) of the cases in which is stored an original copy of the executed document and the copy of the document when the cancellation document in case. Thus, the two above-described information flows reflect the specific feature of the Russian office work, the essence of which is that in which some officials directly work with documents, and others on formal grounds control the progress of execution of documents. The workflow scheme is not strictly fixed, it can be changed. Most often this happens when the organization units are independent office. In this case, each of the departments creates its own card file, and it may turn out that in the performance of one document, several duplicates of the RC are created. For the electronic document management system «Delo» as the object of automation is the second information flow, which is associated with such functions as registration and control. However, when working directly with documents, you can use this system, for which it is necessary to attach a file with an electronic copy of the document to the RC. In this case, the process of working with an electronic copy of the document will consist of two stages: • search in the card file of the registration card of the document which can be carried out or on registration number of the document, or on any other detail, for example, a surname of the contractor; • view the information contained in the file attached to the RC document after the RC document is found. To do this, you need to open the file in the appropriate program, which is determined by this type of file, since it is possible to attach not only text files, but also graphics, sound or video files to the document RC. To view multimedia information, you must have the appropriate software installed on your computer. • If the scanning stage is included in the scheme of working with documents to obtain an electronic copy of a paper document when working with documents in the «Delo» system, then this system can be used as the core of paperless office technology [1].
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It is possible to allocate the following main functions of domestic office-work, requiring automation: • registration of all documents (letters, applications of citizens, etc.) entering the organization; • sending them after registration for consideration to the management or directly to the structural units of the organization; • registration of all internal documents circulating in the organization (applications, memos, etc.), as well as documents originating from the organization; • work with draft documents: • approval (sight) of the draft document; • signing (approval) of the draft document; • the registration of a document created on the basis of the project; • organization of the process of movement within the organization of documents (document flow); • control over the execution of documents (orders), taking into account the quality and timeliness of execution; • the cancellation, in accordance with the adopted in the organization classification, documents in the case; • search for documents using different criteria; • formation of statistical reports on the organization of work with documents. To get acquainted with the main functions of the electronic document management system «Delo» use the basic concepts that are accepted in the system. The basic concepts used in the system include: the concept of «Official», this term in the system means an employee of the organization who is directly involved in the work with documents. The rights of an official, which may be one or more include: the creation of resolutions; execution of orders (resolutions); coordination (sighting) of draft documents; signing (approval) of documents. An official may or may not work with the system. If an official works in the system, his / her mandatory registration in the system is required, in this case he / she is a user of the system.
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An employee who works directly with the system is a user of the system. His duties include performing various technological functions, in particular, entering data on received documents, terms and control of their execution, as well as location. The terms «official « and» user of the system « are not synonymous, since the user of the system can enter information for one or several officials, in particular, for example, the necessary information for the employees of the structural unit, as well as the head can enter the Secretary of the unit into the system. Access to the modules of the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» is carried out with the help of a login and password. Each user of the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» there is a username and password with which he is given access to certain modules of the system. Setting up the system on the existing scheme of document flow of the organization, the institution of users, the differentiation of access rights and the definition of automatic operations in the system of electronic document flow and office «Delo» is carried out by a specially trained person – a system technologist. After the electronic document flow is put into commercial operation, the system technologist performs the functions of system maintenance, controls and corrects user errors. Features of record keeping of the organization and system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» the system technologist because he has to enter new information into directories of system at change of structure of the organization, and also at employment or dismissal of the employee has to know. He also needs to know the order of work with documents in the organization and have sufficient to perform its functions, the skills of working with computer. The duties of the system technologist in a small organization can be performed concurrently by any qualified user of the system, however, if the number of users of the electronic document management system is large, then, in this case, it is advisable to use several system technologists, and it is desirable to divide functions between them. The system administrator, who is an employee of the organization, performs the installation of the electronic document management and office management system on the server and workplaces
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of users. His responsibilities also include addressing the issues of system support of the system database. Most often, the system administrator is assigned the «Database owner», in this case, the «Directories» and «Users» modules become available to him. When configuring the system on the structure of the organization, taking into account the rules of work in this organization with the documents circulating in this organization, the system technologist fills in the system directories (directories), without which it is impossible to work in the system. Reference books contain information which in a system is used: • to organize the workflow process in the organization on the basis of document flows; • when filling in details of registration cards of documents (RC) and registration cards of draft documents (RCDD). RC is an electronic analogue of the traditional registration and control card of the document (CCD), designed to make information about the document for its accounting and search. From reference books selects the values for the RC details and RCDD that allows: • eliminate errors by limiting the selection of only allowed values; • speed up the registration procedure because you do not have to enter these values manually. RC is the main unit of information storage in the database of the system. The electronic image of the document, which is attached to the RC, is stored together with the card in the system. All documents stored in the system are described by a set of relevant details. The RCDD is an electronic card, which contains information about the draft document, the process of its approval (sighting) and signing (approval). Card files in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» is a kind of virtual space in which the registration cards of documents and draft documents are stored. Depending on the size of the organization and the rules of access to documents, the structure of the organization is formed and, accordingly, card files are allocated.
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RC document that is registered in the system may belong to one or more card files. The process of «attribution» of the RC system to certain card files depends on: • place of registration RC; • information entered in RC; • list of operations (functions) performed on it. Records of documents, orders (resolutions) and draft documents sent for work to officials are in folders, the totality of which is the Cabinet. The Cabinet in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» is a virtual workplace. The main function of the Cabinet is the selection of all documents and projects, only those with which certain office operations will be performed. Officials are assigned to the Cabinet, and a certain person should be assigned only to one Cabinet, since all the documents and instructions addressed to him will be in this office. In this case, the official assigned to the Cabinet Is the owner of the Cabinet. Work with documents in the Cabinet is carried out by Users of the system who have access to the folders of the Cabinet: one, several or all. The document processing technology adopted in the organization, the number of computers and workstations installed on them determine the number and composition of offices. The system technologist gives the user access to the Cabinet folders to all or selectively to individual. In accordance with the rules of restricting access to certain types of documents in the organization, as a rule, there is a division of documents by access stamps. Documents in the system correspond to certain vultures (for example, «Confidential», «General», «for official use», etc.). The security level allows you to limit the number of people who have access to an organization to a particular electronic or paper document. Access to the RC and electronic documents the user of the system receives in accordance with the authorized access stamp. In accordance with their access rights, the user of the system can both view the RC or electronic document and carry out any actions with them. Under the electronic document in the system means an electronic image of the document, which is associated with the RC. To accomplish this, when there is a special section – the Files that are in the
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composition of the RC details of the document. You can attach any number of multimedia files (text, graphics, sound, video, etc.) to one RC in the system. Between the RC of documents can be provided logical links (industrial, hierarchical, thematic, etc.) through Bundles of documents. A set of documents, the technology of which is the same, forms a group of documents. As a result, all documents registered in the system belong to the corresponding group of documents. All documents that are part of the organization (correspondence, orders of the parent organization, appeals, applications and complaints of citizens, etc.) are registered in the system with the help of the RC of two types: Incoming; Letters of citizens. For groups of documents that are formed in the organization: internal documents (orders, orders, memos and others; outgoing documents (outgoing correspondence, etc.) is provided in the system one type of RC: Outgoing. From the types of documents that the organization receives or creates in the course of its activities, as well as the form of registration (centralized, decentralized) of these documents depends on how many groups of documents need to be created in the organization. In accordance with the Template that is created for each group of documents, the following are formed: registration number; values of details of RC; which should be filled in by default; composition of additional details of RC if necessary. Different categories of users need access to a specific set of features implemented in the «Delo» system. For example, the system technologist is engaged in setting up the system, so he needs access to functions that provide input and editing values in the system directories. The functions to which access is required may be limited by job descriptions, for example, only the registration of documents or the preparation of reports, so the system «Delo» implemented a modular principle. In accordance with it, the system has a modular structure, and each module allows you to implement a set of functions that are aimed at supporting a certain technological stage of work with documents. System modules: Documents; Reporting forms; Directories; Users are separate Windows applications.
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When launching modules, the user is prompted for an ID and password to verify his / her rights to work with this or that module. Registration of users of the system and assigning them access rights in the system «Delo» is carried out with the help of the module «Users». In the module « Directories «is set up the system» Delo», in accordance with the rules of record of the organization. Modules «Reports» and «Documents» are designed for reporting and working with documents. In the module «Documents» the user works with documents using the buttons: registration of documents; Offices; Search; Registers of external sending; List of cases. In the section «registration of documents» the user has the ability to: keep records of documents in the system; assign registration numbers; send documents for execution, etc. In the section «The Cabinet» there is the main work with documents: acceptance for execution; execution; control of execution of documents; approval of draft resolutions; write-off of documents in Delo; work with draft documents, etc. Under «Search documents and personal folders» there is the possibility of searching documents; orders; drafts of documents, and attached documents. In the section «Registers of external sending of documents» documents for their sending correspondence to addressees are formed. In the section «List of cases» is working with documents written off in the case and prepare information for uploading information about the cases in the database subsystem Archive Delo. The rights of users in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» are established by the system technologist. Electronic system installation document management and record keeping «Delo» Detailed information about the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» can be found on the official website https://www.eos.ru/ Electronic office systems companies.
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The system «Delo» works with the following DBMS: SQL server 2008 R2 service pack 3, MS SQL Server 2012 service pack 3, MS SQL Server 2014 service pack 1, MS SQL server service pack 1 2016, Oracle 10g release (and above), Oracle 11g release (and above), Oracle 12C release (and above). The server part of the system «Delo» can be installed on the following OS: Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Server, Windows 2012 R2 Server, Windows 2016 Server. For the operation of the server part on the server must be installed: • Web server in IIS 7.5 / 8.5 / 10 ahhh! • Microsoft Package .Framework 3.5 with Microsoft service pack 1 .Pure framework 4.5 or Microsoft .Net framework 4.6 or Microsoft .Net framework 4.7. The client part of the system «Delo»can be installed on the following OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. To use all the functionality of the system «Delo» on the workstation must be installed: browser MS Internet Explorer 11.0; integrated package Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) version 2007/2010/2013/2016; MS .Framework 3.5 SP1; MS .Net framework 4.5 or MS .Net framework 4.6 or MS .Net platform 4.7 When you install a temporary version of the system, you must: • create databases on the server; • configuration server software system «Delo» – (optional step); • configure Internet Information Server (for Internet/Intranet access) and Index Server (for versions with MS SQL Server, for full-text search mode)- (optional step) ; • to install client workstations. For successful work on the server the corresponding DBMS (Oracle or MS SQL Server) should be installed, and on workstations regardless of the DBMS type – the client part of DBMS [2]. Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo».
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Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Delo». Task 1. Start the «Delo» electronic document management system. Learn the basic functions of the system. To start the «Documents» module, click the button «Documents» in the «Delo» folder located on the desktop; or click on the shortcut from the «Start» menu. In the window that appears (figure 1.1), you must enter the login for the demo version (tver) and password (tver).
Figure 1.1. The window of login in the system «Delo»
The main window of the program (figure 1.2) provides access to all functions of the program in the user mode. For the user who is logged in under this account, the functions of the clerk will be available. In the «Help» section (figure 1.3) the user can get acquainted with the capabilities and features of the «Delo» system. The Documents module is the main module of the «Delo» system. In this module, the user can perform: registration and execution of documents; search for documents in card files; sending outgoing documents.
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Figure 1.2. The main window of the «Delo» system
Task 2. It is necessary to study the basic concepts used in the electronic document management system, using the information provided in the theoretical justification for this laboratory work and find their implementation in the program. When performing laboratory work, it is recommended to use the «Help» button located in the main window of the program (figure 1.3). Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance.
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Figure 1.3. The section of «Help» of the main window of the «Delo» system.
Control question 1. What are the main functions of the system «Delo you know? 2. List the main types of documents. 3. Compare the concepts of official And User of the system, specify the similarities and differences. 4. Is the official always a user of the system? 5. Can the user perform work in the system for several officials? 6. What is the registration card of the document (RC)? Give a definition of this concept. 7. What is the registration card of the draft document (RCDD)? Give a definition of this concept.
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8. Compare the concept of a file Cabinet, and the Cabinet»? What is the difference between these concepts? 9. Specify who can be the owner and user of the Cabinet. 10. List the folders included in the Cabinet. What is the purpose of these folders? 11. Explain how you understand the «purpose of the security level». What is meant by this? 12. Specify what are the vultures of access. References basic literature – [1–4]; additional literature – [5, 7].
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2. Registration of documents. Details of RC Purpose and content: To get the skills of registration of various types of documents. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must:: To know: rules of registration of various documents in the electronic document management system «Delo»; appointment of details of the registration card of the document in the system. To be able to: register documents in the system; edit registration cards; track the route of documents in the system «Delo» To own: skills of record keeping; rules of registration of documents in the system; skills of working with registers. Theoretical part In the organization of electronic document management and records management in the organization should be primarily solved the problem of protecting information from unauthorized access and ensure the confidentiality of documents. The solution of these tasks in the electronic document management system «Delo» is implemented by organizing the access of users of their number of employees to the documents strictly in accordance with their authority and official duties. Access can be differentiated by: individual structural units of the organization; groups of documents; stamp access, etc., in accordance with the principle of access to the card registration cards of the document. In addition, the electronic document management system «Delo» is implemented, the so-called personalized access principle, according to which access to the RС document is limited only to users of the system working with this card, these users can be: the addressee or recipient of the RС document; the executor of orders; the author of the document; the controller for the execution of orders. To restore the chronology of events that occur in the process of working with the document, which is extremely important when checking the quality and timeliness of execution of orders, electronic document management system «Delo» provides an opportunity to
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record all the actions of users of the system. This feature allows you to see the whole process of working with the document, i.e. the history of working with it and all its changes. To account for the document in the system it must be registered, thus formed RС document containing all the information about the document, which is assigned a registration number. The registration number assigned to the card is formed according to the rules that are common for this subgroup of documents. All documents, both external and internal (acts, orders, letters, contracts, etc.) must be registered in the system, and the registration of documents can be done centrally or decentralized, respectively, in one or different units. The registration card of the document according to the standard instruction on office-work in Federal Executive authorities approved by the order of the Ministry of culture of Russia of November 08, 2005 No. 536 contains a full set of details. However, if necessary, the electronic document management system «Delo» provides for the possibility of creating additional details to reflect the industry or departmental specifics. These details are created independently by the system technologist. In the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» there are three types of registration cards of documents: incoming, outgoing and appeal of citizens who differ from each other with a set of details. In the electronic document management system «Delo» in the registration card of the document there are mandatory details to fill in, without filling them you can not save the card. When registering documents in the electronic document management system «Delo» files of documents of any format can be attached to the registration card of the document. The user of the system when registering the document fills in the input and selection fields. In the field of selection of the registration card of the document, information is entered by selecting the desired values from the directories, and in the input fields – from the keyboard, and, for the text entered from the keyboard, it is possible to check the spelling. Also, to save time when filling in the fields from the keyboard, each user can create a list containing standard texts that are often used when working with documents in the electronic document management system «Delo»
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«. In addition, for texts created in the MS Word table processor, the registration procedure is simplified and implemented directly from the text processor environment. Files of outgoing and internal documents are attached to the RC in a standard way. Registration of documents in the system is carried out once. After it, the RC of the document is sent to the offices of officials to work with the document, to get acquainted with it and draw up an order to work with the document. If an order is issued, the RC of the document containing information about the order is automatically sent to the offices of the executors and the controller. Registering an incoming document In order to register a document in the system, log in under the user account that has the functions of the clerk and click «Register documents» in the main window of the program (figure 2.1). Two windows will open: «Documents registered [current date]» «Select new document group». The first window contains a list of RC documents registered by this user for a certain period of time. The second window «Select new document group» (figure 2.2) contains a list of new document groups.
Figure 2.1. The main window of the Documents module
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Select the group to which the document to be registered belongs. Select the required group of documents and click the «Select» button. You will see the window of the registration card (RC) of the selected group of documents (figure 2.3).
Figure 2.2. The window select a group of documents
In which the following fields will be automatically filled: registration number of the document, the date of registration of the document, the copy number of the original document, access stamp of the document, the type of delivery of the document. The remaining fields are filled in manually. It is mandatory to fill in the details – Correspondents, and for incoming documents that come from different organizations, in this section you must specify their names. To enter information about the organization, move the cursor to the corresponding icon on the toolbar (figure 2.4) and click the left mouse button. You can use the context search. To do this, you just need to start typing in the field «Corr.: «(figure 2.5) name of the organization, e.g. «Ministry».
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Figure 2.3. The type of registration card of the incoming document
Figure 2.4. The fields of the correspondents section
Figure 2.5. The filling in the details of «Correspondent»
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Then press the Enter key on the keyboard. As a result, the window of selection from the directory «Organizations» opens (figure 2.6).
Figure 2.6. The selection from the Organizations directory
You can use the context search. To do this, you just need to start typing in the field «Corr.: «(figure 2.5) name of the organization, e.g. «Ministry». Then press the Enter key on the keyboard. As a result, the window of selection from the directory «Organizations» opens (figure 2.6). After selecting the desired organization, click on the «Select» button. . If there is no such organization in the directory, click the button The new organization registration window opens (figure 2.7). Before you start a new organization in the system of electronic document management and records management «Delo» should make sure that such an organization in the directory is not. To do this, you need to search by keyword among the available names of organizations.
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Figure 2.7. The new organization
To organize organizations in the directory before the institution of a new organization, you need to select the directory in which it will be saved, after filling in all the key fields. The following fields are filled in the new organization registration window: name (required field), city, address, region (if necessary), e-mail and representatives. Next, click the «Record» button, after which the new organization will be saved in the directory. In order to continue the registration of the document, you need to select the desired entry in The organizations directory and click the Select button (figure 2.7). The Contents field contains a summary of the document.
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The Composition field, which is located in the left upper part of the «Incoming from parent organizations» window (figure 2.5), displays information about the composition of the document (for example, 5 sheets, Appendix). This field is filled in by entering the necessary information using the keyboard. In order to attach a file to the document registration card, in the «Files» area, click on the button and select the desired file. Clicking on the «Files» area title opens a window where you can set access to the file and set the necessary restrictions, for example, «forbidden to edit» or «forbidden to delete» (figure 2.8). The next field to fill in is the To field. In this field, you must specify the recipients of the document within the organization, i.e. enter the names and initials of officials or names of departments that will work with the document. This field is also filled by selecting from the hierarchical directory «Divisions», from the standard list or filled automatically.
Figure 2.8. The window «File: input from the parent organizations»
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To complete the registration of the RС document, you must perform one of the following actions: . • select «File» → «Record RС» or click on the toolbar The current RC will be registered and transferred to the view mode, i.e. its window will remain on the screen, but the appearance of the «File» menu commands and buttons on the toolbar will change (in particular, the RC, registry and stamp printing will become available). • From the view mode, you can go to edit RC by selecting «Actions» → «Edit RC» or by clicking on the corresponding . toolbar button The appearance of the completed card of the incoming document is shown in figure 2.9.
Figure 2.9. The window of Incoming document
If the technologist for this group of documents specified mandatory props Files, it will be impossible to save the RС, without attaching a file to it.
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Registration of a citizen’s appeal The process of registration of a citizen’s application is similar to the process of registration of any kind of document. In the opened card of the address of citizens first of all it is necessary to fill area «Correspondents». To do this, in the «Citizen» field, enter the name of the applicant and press the «Enter» key (figure 2.10).
Figure 2.10. The registration card «citizens’ appeals «
In the opened directory «Citizens» select the name of the desired citizen and click «Select». If there is no citizen in the list, it is necessary to add him, for this purpose press the button and fill in the appropriate fields (figure 2.11). The fields «To», «Contents», «Composition», «delivery», as well as the section «Supporting documents», located in the registration card of the document, are filled in the same way as the corresponding fields of the RС of the incoming document. Fill in the «category» field The information presented in the field «category» allows you to classify the treatment of citizens on various criteria, for example, by type and subject of treatment of the citizen. In the future, this information can be used to build various reports.
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Figure 2.11. The registration card «citizens’ Appeals»
To fill in the field «category» in the registration card of the document, press the button and select the appropriate values of the subject and type of the document using the line «search» (figure 2.12) or opening the appropriate folder by double-clicking. Then press the «Select» button.
Figure 2.12. A Guide to the rubricator «Rubric: treatment of citizens»
If you need to select several topics, then in the «Categories» (Figure 2.13). window you need to click on the button
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Categories stores names of columns, combined in groups. When registering a document can be assigned to a particular category (topic), which can be used in the future in the formation of a request to search for documents on the same subject. Categorization allows you to subsequently search for documents on a thematic basis. Rubrication of documents can be performed both at their registration, and then, when editing the RС. The completed card of the address of the citizen is shown in figure 2.14.
Figure 2.13. The window of Rubrics
Figure 2.14. The registration card of a citizen’s application
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Registration of outgoing document In the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» registration of outgoing documents can be carried out directly by filling in the registration card of the outgoing document by the clerk, and can be created on the basis of the registration card of the draft document. When working with draft documents, it is assumed that the executor will pre-establish a registration card of the draft document (RCDD) in the system and send it first for approval, and then for signature to the head. After completion of these stages, the draft document is sent to the clerk for registration, after which a card of the outgoing document is created and registered on its basis. Consider a registration process for an outbound document, without the use of draft documents. To register an outgoing document in the «Select new document group» window, select the appropriate document group and click the «Select» button (figure 2.15). In the appeared RC fill in the following fields: Signed, Content, Artist and Composition (figure 2.16).
Figure 2.15. Selecting a group of documents
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When registering an outgoing document card on the basis of the draft document, the visa field is filled in automatically, in the case of regular registration, it is necessary to fill it in manually. To do this, click on the name of the field «visa», in the window that opens, click and select the names of the visors (figure 2.16). on The button Then click the button , located on the toolbar and specify the date when the document was signed.
Figure 2.16. The Visa Window
Next, you should specify the destination. To do this, use the «Organizations» buttons in the opened window , «Citizenry» select the destination from the corresponding and «Divisions» directory (figure 2.17). • , if the addressee is a third-party organization or its representative; • , if the addressee is a citizen; , if the recipient is internal, that is, an employee of the • organization in which the outgoing document is created. (figure 2.17). Next, be sure to click on the «Mark sending» In the window that opens, select the date and click OK (figure 2.18).
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The electronic image of the document is attached to the «Files» area using the «Add file» button (figure 2.19).
Figure 2.17. The mark send the document
Figure 2.18. The mark send the document
After filling in the registration card of the outgoing document, click on the «Save» button on the toolbar. The appearance of the registration card of the outgoing document is shown in figure 2.19.
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Figure 2.19. The window of outgoing document
In this laboratory work was considered the process of registration of three main groups of documents: incoming letters, outgoing letters and appeals of citizens. All documents registered in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» can be viewed in the» Documents registered «window, which opens when you click on the «Registration» button in the main window of the «Documents» module (figure 2.20). The system has the ability to customize the appearance of the list of documents for the convenience of the clerk (figure 2.21). With the help of checkboxes, you can mark the fields, the information from which you want to see on the screen. In the process of working with documents, there is often a need to print the «Register of transfer of documents», in which employees of the organization sign for the receipt of paper originals of documents. In the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» there is a possibility of printing this type of report. In order
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for the registered documents to be included in the transfer register, it is necessary to select them in the «registered Documents» window and select the «File» – «Print registry» command (figure 2.22).
Figure 2.20. The window of outgoing document
In the «get registry» window, you can set the conditions for its formation. The register of transfer of documents can be displayed for a certain period. Transfer of documents can be carried out on originals and copies. The transfer of copies, as a rule, is carried out if the same document is transferred to more than one employee. A check mark «not included in the register» means that only newly registered documents will be printed from the moment of printing the previous register. A check mark «each addressee to his / her register» means that for the employees of each of the selected departments the register of documents transfer will be printed from a new sheet. After setting the registry print settings, click the Select button.
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Search RC documents can be carried out on those records in the journal of the document, which was received by the internal register of transfer of documents. To do this, from the top of the «transfer journal document (TJD)» (this node is included in the vertices of RC, Total) is required to choose the criterion «the registry» and set its value field «Entry is included in the register» There is the possibility to search in the absence of the «journal of the transmission of the document» record of a certain type created in a certain file cabinets. For this purpose, the criterion of «No entry in TJD» (he is among the top RC). In the first field of this criterion, select the type of records, the absence of which will be searched. If no value is selected, the search will be performed if there are no records. In the second field, select the file Cabinet, the records created in which should be absent. If no value is selected, the search will be performed based on the absence of records made in any file Cabinet. As a result of search RC in which TJD, there are no records of the specified type made in the specified card file will be found.
Figure 2.21. The window «folder and list view settings»
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Figure 2.22. The window «Get list»
Figure 2.23. The window «List of document transfer»
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In the «transfer journal document» window, you can check that the documents for printing are selected correctly, and then click the «Print» button on the toolbar (figure 2.23). Next, a Microsoft Word window opens with a printed form of the transfer register, from where it should be sent to print (figure 2.24). After printing, the system will ask: «you got the list». If the answer is «Yes» to these documents in print the following registry transfer will not fall (figure 2.25).
Figure 2.24. Printed form list transmission of documents
Figure 2.25. The window «Printing list»
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Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo». Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Delo». Task 1. Registration of incoming document. Work with the directory «Organizations». Register the incoming document by filling in all the main fields. Add the name of the organization from which the letter was sent to the directory «Organizations». Task 2. Registration of the address of the citizen. Work with the directory «Citizens». Register a citizen’s appeal by filling in all the main fields. Fill in the directory «Citizens», information about the applied citizen. Task 3. Registration of the outgoing document. Work with the directory «Organizations». Register the outgoing document by filling in all the main fields. Add the name of the organization from which the letter was sent to the directory «Organizations». Task 4. Print the document transfer registry. Create and print the transfer register, registered in the previous tasks, documents. Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work;
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• • •
task and milestones; answers to the questions proposed in the paper; the findings of the performance.
Control question 1. Documents in the system are registered once or repeatedly, i.e. after sending the document must be re – registered in the Department-the recipient of the document? 2. What types of RC exist? 3. Name and give a brief description of the details of the RC, which has the form «Incoming». 4. Name and give a brief description of the details of the RC, which has the form of «Letters of citizens». 5. Name and give a brief description of the details of the RC, which has the form «Outgoing». 6. What is the document transfer register used for? 7. How to set the print settings of the registry? 8. For what period it is possible to print the register of transfer of documents? 9. How does the system determine which documents to include in the register of transfer of documents? References basic literature – [1-4]; additional literature – [6, 8].
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3. Work with assignments. Control over execution of orders (documents) Purpose and content: To get the skills to create assignments in the system. Learn how to control the execution of orders. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: rules of setting up documents for control in the system of electronic document management and record-keeping «Delo»; system capabilities that allow for proactive control of documents; principles of formation of reminders in the system; rules for removing documents from control in the system. To be able to: to control documents in the system of electronic document management and record-keeping «Delo». To own: skills of work in the system of electronic document management and record-keeping «Delo». Theoretical part Work with orders in the system of electronic document management and record-keeping «Delo» involves the accounting of issued orders, information about their execution. In addition, the system has the ability to control the execution of orders. In the «Delo» system, there are the following types of orders: 1. Resolution. 2. Paragraph. 3. Subordinate resolution. 4. Draft resolution. 5. The project of the subordinated resolution. Unlike a resolution (i.e. an instruction issued on the basis of a document), a paragraph is an instruction contained in the text of the document itself. As for resolutions, and the points can be brought subordinate resolution, which is not related to the document as a whole and to its specific point or a specific resolution. The subordinate resolution, in its turn, may have its subordinate resolutions (lower level of hierarchy), etc. – this approach allows to organize electronic document flow more flexibly and to increase the efficiency of control over the execution of orders.
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Type of assignment the draft resolution is used in the preparation of the draft resolution of the guide by the clerk. Subsequently, the draft resolution is submitted to the head for approval, after which it is sent to the executors. A draft subordinate resolution is a draft resolution subject to a mandate (paragraph or resolution). Parent instructions for the project of the subordinated resolution may not be the draft resolution, but only «ready» instructions. Work on draft resolutions and draft subordinate resolutions, in view of its particularities, is dealt with in separate paragraphs of this Chapter. The system provides for the possibility of certification of orders by electronic signature. The user who has the right to view the resolution can check its electronic signature. A user who has the right to enter an order for its author can attach files to the order and edit them. The user has view orders can view attachments and to assure them of the electronic signature and also to validate their electronic signature. In the system «Delo» there are two rules of control: Rule 1-control of the document is determined by the control of its orders. In other words, the document automatically becomes a control document if it has control orders (paragraphs or resolutions). Rule 2-control of the document does not depend on the control of its orders. The document can be put under control and removed from control by the user manually. The rule that determines the control of documents in Your system is specified in the «Directories» module, in the «system Parameters»window. If Your «Delo» to determine controlnode of documents using Rule 2, then users who have an absolute right «arming control» can change control of documents. Statement of the document on control: The removal of the control corresponds to the procedure of approval of the report of implementing the control instructions. In this case, the main report is the responsible Executive (reports of other performers may be absent).
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Entering a resolution To enter a resolution, open the registration card, which can be found by searching, and click on the «Enter» button (figure 3.1):
Figure 3.1. Entering a resolution
In the drop-down list that appears when you click on the icon in the form of a black arrow, select the desired type of order (resolution, subordinate resolution or item) (figure 3.2).
Figure 3.2. Choosing the type of order
In the new resolution window (figure 3.3) at the top, select the author of the resolution (external or internal).
Figure 3.3. The window of resolution
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Then enter the text of the resolution (you can use the standard resolutions by clicking on the Insert button), select the executors for this document. Executors are selected using the «Add executor» button from the «Divisions» directory (figure 3.4) or using the «Executor»field. In this field, you can immediately enter the name of the artist and press Enter (figure 3.5).
Figure 3.4. The section «Executors» of the resolution»
Figure 3.5. Filling in the details of the resolution window
There can be several executors of the order, with the help of the button you can assign a responsible person, by default this feature is set to the first executor from the list.
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If there is only one performer, a sign is automatically set next to his / her surname , that means securing the responsibility of the contractor for the execution of the order. If the document will be taken on control, it is necessary to establish a sign of control over the execution of the document, using the button and changing the status of «Uncontrolled» to « Control» – . Next, in the «Control» field, you must specify the controlling executor, using the button and selecting the name from the list that opens. The completed resolution is as follows (figure 3.6):
Figure 3.6. The window of filled resolution
In the system of electronic document management and recordkeeping «Delo» there are also periodic resolutions – these are resolutions that require multiple execution. For example, the document passed a resolution: « to monitor the situation with the construction of the facility and report on the implementation of the construction schedule on a weekly basis.» The implementers of such a resolution must write weekly reports on its implementation. To ensure this
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possibility, a new copy of the resolution will be created and sent to the executors of the RC with a periodicity of one week, in which they will be able to introduce new reports. If the resolution is to be periodic, the user sets recurrence rules for it, according to which the system will automatically create the next copies of the resolution. The rules of repetition can be set both in the resolution and in the draft resolution, but the rules do not start working until after the resolution has been circulated. The rules for repeating the resolution are available for input and editing: • in the mode of creation of a resolution/draft resolution; • in the mode of editing the current (last) copy of the resolution/ draft resolution. The rules for repeating the resolution are available for entering, editing and deleting the user who can create/edit the resolution/draft resolution. Only the user who has the right to introduce a resolution for the author of the resolution can edit the resolution (as well as the subordinate resolution). To edit a draft resolution (as well as a draft subordinate resolution), the user needs one of the following rights: the right to enter draft resolutions for the author of the resolution, or the right to enter resolutions for the author of the resolution. To edit the item, the user must have the right «edit RC»in the corresponding card file. To restrict the access of other users to the item, its controller can execute the command «Control = Accept to control» in the «on control» folder. The flag is displayed in the window of the item accepted for control. In this case, only the controller can make changes to the item (as well as the executors – in terms of entering performance reports. , you can If there are several performers, use the arrows change the order of the document on the specified performers. The created resolution must be saved using the «Record» button. The document will be sent for execution to the performers specified in the resolution and will be visible in their personal offices. After you save the resolution, the performers automatically fall into the transfer log .
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In the journal of transfer of documents the movement of copies and originals of the document, and also time of transfer on execution is reflected. After completion of the execution of the document as a whole, it is written off in the case, information about which is also reflected in the journal of transfer of documents (figure 3.7).
Figure 3.7. The window of transfer log
The system allows you to view a list of all orders/draft orders of this document. Restrictions are imposed on the display of confidential orders (they are shown in the list, but are available only to persons involved in these orders) and orders that are not available to the user in accordance with its settings and rights. Orders in the list can be displayed in two ways (according to the settings on the tab RK in the user Settings): • at the same time all orders of this RC, regardless of their belonging to card files (display of all orders); • separate instructions were given to RC for each of the files (run errands pakartotinai).
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To view the list of instructions/draft instructions of the document, open the RC of the required document, from the menu» Instructions «select the command» list of instructions «or click on the name of the section» Order». A window will open containing a list of orders/draft orders. Introduction of the draft resolution and distribution of already approved draft resolutions In order to enter the draft resolution, open the registration card, which can be found by Searching, and click on the «Enter» button (figure 3.8).
Figure 3.8. Entering the draft resolution
In the drop-down list that appears when you click on the icon in the form of a black arrow, select «Draft resolution» (figure 3.9). In the opened window of the draft resolution (figure 3.10) in the upper part it is necessary to choose the author of the draft resolution (external or internal). Then enter the text of the draft resolution (you can use the standard resolutions by clicking on the Insert button), select the executors for this document.
Figure 3.9. The menu of instructions button
Performers are selected using the «Add artist» button from the formed directory «Divisions «(figure 3.11) or using the»Artist» field. In this field, you can immediately enter the name of the artist and press Enter (figure 3.12).
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If there is only one performer, a sign is automatically set next to , that means securing the responsibility of the his / her surname contractor for the execution of the order. If the resolution will be taken on control, it is necessary to establish a sign of control over and changing the the execution of the document, using the button . Next, in the «Control» status of «Uncontrolled» to « Control» – and field, you must specify the controlling, using the button selecting the name from the list that opens. The draft resolution is usually drafted by an assistant Manager. Until the approval of the head of this type of order is not displayed on the registration card of the document in the «Orders», and is available for viewing in the 5 folder of the office of the head. When conducting a paper document, it is assumed that the attached paper resolution is attached to the document that is submitted for execution.
Figure 3.10. The window of draft resolution
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Figure 3.11. Toolbar
It indicates the author of the resolution, the text, the performers, the date by which the order should be executed. Since the system of electronic document management and record-keeping «Delo» is used to support the traditional paper document management in the organization, it provides the function of printing a paper version of the resolution, which greatly facilitates the transfer of documents for execution. The mark on the transfer of documents of the contractor is recorded in the» Journal of transfer of documents «in electronic form and in the» Register of transfer of documents « in paper form.
Figure 3.12. The window of draft resolution
The completed draft resolution appears as shown in figure 3.13.
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If the user enters the draft resolution with the planned date of execution of the order, while maintaining the draft resolution, the system will ask who should be appointed as the controller of the order, by default, the author of the resolution is proposed. After approval by the head of the draft resolution, the executors will receive a document for execution in the first folder of their office, and the controller will see a record of the document in the third folder of his office. If there are several performers, use the arrows , you can change the order of the document on the specified performers. To print the draft resolution, click on the «Print» button in the window of the draft resolution (figure 3.13).
Figure 3.13. The window-filled draft resolution
The created draft resolution should be saved using the «Record» button. The draft resolution to go for approval to the head in the folder № 5 of his personal office.
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In order to approve it, the Manager must go to the folder №5 of the Cabinet, click on the «View project» button, in the opened window (figure 3.14) make the necessary changes and click on the «Approve» button.
Figure 3.14. The window of draft resolution
In order to send out the approved draft resolution it is necessary to open the «office» of the head. To do this, in the main window of the program, click on the «Cabinets» button (figure 3.15). Open folder № 4 «at the manual» (figure 3.16). Select the required document and click the «View project» button (figure 3.17). In the «draft resolution» window that opens, click the «Send» button. The draft resolution becomes a resolution and is displayed on the registration card of the document, and the record of the draft resolution is automatically deleted from the folders № 4, 5 of the head office.
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Figure 3.15. The window of main program
Figure 3.16. The window of Cabinet
The author of the resolution may certify its resolution by means of an electronic signature. This operation is performed in the resolution window that is open in edit mode. The author can sign the following types of resolutions: an ordinary resolution, the subordinate resolution, the draft resolution, a draft of the subordinated resolution.
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Figure 3.17. Viewing the draft resolution
With group input resolutions signature an electronic signature is impossible. The operation of signing the resolution is available only to the author of the resolution. At the same time, the resolution can be certified with only one signature. When resigning, the old electronic signature of the resolution will be replaced by a new one. Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo». Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Business». Task 1. Creation of resolutions. Register a new incoming document. Enter the resolution. Put her under control.
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Task 2. Create items. Register a new incoming document. Create at least 5 orders in it in the form of points. Put on control the first and third point of the document. For each item, enter 2 in the subordinate resolution. Task 3. Working with draft resolutions. To the document created in task 1, enter the draft subordinate resolution. Approve it on behalf of the head (the author of the resolution). Send the draft resolution to the implementers from the author’s office. Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance. Control question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What is the order? What is the resolution differs from the subordinate resolution? What are the features of working with draft resolutions? How to view the list of orders? How to move between assignments? Where are the executors of orders displayed?
References basic literature [1 – 4]; additional literature [5, 9].
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4. Execution of orders. Removal of orders from control Purpose and content: to Learn how to execute orders in the «Delo» system. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: rules of execution of orders in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo». To be able to: enter performance reports and remove orders from the control system «Delo». To own: skills of work with assignments in the system «Delo». Theoretical part The execution of the order (resolution / slave resolution / paragraph) fails with input of the contractor’s report in the RC of the document. Enter the performance report Open the required resolution, then select the artist and click the (figure 4.1). «Enter report» button»
Figure 4.1. Entering the performance report
The «artist Report» window opens (figure 4.2). The report must indicate the execution status (from the dropdown list) and the date of execution. You should also enter the text of the report and if you want to attach a file. After saving the report, the data is transferred to the registration card (figure 4.3).
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Figure 4.2. The report of contractor
Figure 4.3. RC with the entered performance report
The report on execution of the order shall be entered for all performers. After entering the report record of the document removed from the office of the contractor, provided that it was not a control. In the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» all information about the changes in the system is stored in the system log. If necessary, you can view the change log, which shows which user at what time made certain actions with the document. The order is removed from control provided that for all performers the report on execution of the order is entered. In order to remove the resolution from the control, click the «Edit order» button shown in figure 4.4.
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Figure 4.4. The area of the «Order of registration card»
The resolution window opens (figure 4.5), in which you need to specify the actual date (the date of deregistration), then you need to click «Record».
Figure 4.5. Removal of the order from control
Having removed the order from control, the mark of control located on the right side of the order will be replaced by a marker. Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo».
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Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Delo». Task 1. Execution of orders. Browse to the previously created documents with the instructions. Enter performance reports on them. Task 2. Removal of orders from control. Remove the previously supplied instructions from control. Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance. Control question 1. How do I enter a performance report? 2. What will happen to the record of the document in the folder №1 of the artist’s office, when you enter a performance report on it? 3. How to remove the order from control? 4. What are the values of the control switch? 5. In which folder of the Cabinet of the author of the instructions are control instructions? 6. Files of what format can be attached to the performance report? References basic literature [1 – 4] for further literature [8, 9].
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5. The work in the Cabinet Purpose and content: to study the purpose of the folders in the «Delo». In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: rules for the distribution of documents in folders of the account in the system of electronic document and records management «Delo». To be able to: work with documents in accordance with the rules of the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo». To own: skills of record keeping; rules of work in the «Delo». Theoretical part To start working in the office, click on the «Cabinet» button (figure 5.1).
Figure 5.1. The window of main program
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By default, the folder №1 « Incoming» opens (figure 5.2), which contains a list of newly arrived documents. In accordance with the settings of the rooms can be private or shared. Documents fall into the office of the contractor only if he is appointed the owner of the office. In the upper right corner you can see whose office is open.
Figure 5.2. Cabinet. Folder «Incoming»
If the document was sent to the Cabinet, in the «To» field or in the «Addressee» field, then after entering the mark about reading it, you can delete it from the Cabinet (select the document, right-click on it and select the «Delete document from folder» action), if you do not need to enter the draft resolution. If you want to enter the draft resolution, after entering the project, you need to take to implement the document. To do this, select the document, right-click on it and select the «Accept for execution» action (figure 5.3). After that, the record of the document will be removed from the «Received» folder and moved to the folder №2 – «on execution» (figure 5.4). In this folder, a record of the document will be stored until the draft resolution is approved (if the user has the appropriate settings) or a performance report for the owner of the Cabinet is entered. Folder №3 – «control» (figure 5.5) contains a record of the instructions by the controller, which is the owner of the current study.
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Figure 5.3. The window «Cabinet»
Figure 5.4. Cabinet. Folder « For execution»
In the folder №4 – «at the management» there are records about the RC of documents on which draft resolutions were introduced (figure 5.6).
Figure 5.5. Cabinet. Folder « On the control»
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A record of the same RC can be presented in the list several times if several draft resolutions have been entered (to delete an incorrectly entered draft resolution, you need to open the resolution in edit mode and press Ctrl+D).
Figure 5.6. Cabinet. Folder « At a management «
This button is required to send approved draft resolutions. Entries about the RC with draft resolutions disappear from this folder when you run the «Send» command in the draft resolution window. In the folder № 5 – «under consideration» are records of the RC documents to which the draft resolution was prepared, and sent to the owner of the Cabinet (the author of the resolution). Managers work in this folder. The record of the RC draft resolutions disappear from the folder when you run the command «Approve» in the project window resolution. Folder №. 6 – «In case» their record RC documents that are subject to cancellation in the case (figure 5.7).
Figure 5.7. Cabinet. Folder « Into business»
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Folder № 7 – «Project of management» is designed to work with project documents. In this folder, the project records of the document are stored until the project is registered (figure 5.8). Folder № 8 – «On sight» contains a list of records of the draft documents sent to the owner of the sight of this office. After the sight of the project record about it disappears from this folder (figure 5.9).
Figure 5.8. Cabinet. Folder « Project of management «
Folder № 9 – «For signature» contains a list of records of draft documents sent for approval (for signature) to the owner of this office.
Figure 5.9. Cabinet. Folder « For signature «
After the project is approved, the project record disappears from this folder.
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Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo». Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Business». Task 1. Work with the first folder of the Cabinet. Acceptance of documents for execution. Register a new incoming document in the name of the head of the organization. Open the «Cabinet», find the record of the document. Move the document record from folder 1 to folder 2. Task 2. Work with the third folder Cabinet. Control of execution of orders. Register a new incoming document in the name of the head of the organization. Enter the order. Put him under control. Open the «Cabinet», find the record of the control order. Remove the order from control. Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance.
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Control question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Give the definition of «Cabinet»? What is the folder №1 of the Cabinet? What is folder №2 of the Cabinet? What is folder №3 of the Cabinet? What is folder № 4 and No. 5 of the Cabinet? What are the folders №7, 8 and 9 of the Cabinet for? When the record of the draft resolution disappears from the folder №4 of the Cabinet? 8. When the record of the document disappears from folders № 1 and 2 Cabinet? References basic literature [1 – 4]; additional literature [5, 6].
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6. Work with draft documents. Details of the registration card of the project document Purpose and content: To gain skills in working with draft documents. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: rules of work with draft documents in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo». To be able to: create, send for sighting and signing the RCDD; create a new version of the project; send the draft document for registration. To own: skills of work with RCDD in the system of electronic document management and record-keeping «Delo». Theoretical part Working with draft documents involves the following actions: • creation of the registration card of the draft document (RCDD); • approval of the draft document; • project approval document; • registration of the finished document created on the basis of the project. To work with draft documents, the following folders of the Cabinet are used: «Project management», «On sight», «On signature». Creating a draft document in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo» takes place in the folder № 7, here the record of the project will be stored until its registration in the system. In the folder №8 «Project management» are stored records of draft documents received for approval by the owner of the office. In the folder № 9 «on signatures» the list of documents which are subject to the approval by the owner of the office is stored. The draft document must pass all stages of approval and approval, and then must be sent for registration.
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After registration, the project information is automatically deleted from the folder №7 and will be available to the user only by search. After the vising and signing of the registration cards of the draft documents, the records about them are also automatically deleted from the folders of the Cabinet №8 and №9. Work with draft documents. Creating a draft document In order to create a registration card of the draft document, it is necessary to: Open the Cabinets window. In the folder № 7 «Project management» click on the button « To create RCDD» (figure 6.1).
Figure 6.1. Folder № 7 «Project management»
If the draft document is created in pursuance of a document, then open the registration card of this document and click «Create RCDD» (figure 6.2).
Figure 6.2. Registration card window of the incoming document
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In the open window «Select a group of a new document project», you must select a group of documents and click « Select» (figure 6.3).
Figure 6.3. The window «Select a new document project group»
If you create a project from the RC document, also specify the type of links and details that you want to copy from the current document card to the project card, for this you need to tick the required fields and click «Select» (figure 6.4). Next, in the appeared registration card of the draft document, fill in the fields: «Contractor»; «Content»; «Composition» (figure 6.4). Next, you should specify the destination. To do this, click on the button . In the window that appears, click the (if the destination is an external organization), (if the addressee is a (if the addressee is within the organization) and select citizen), the appropriate name of the organization or the name of the citizen, or the name of the official. If there is no corresponding name in the organizations directory, it must be added. To do this, click on the button «Add «and fill in the appropriate fields, then click «Record». Next, you should attach an electronic image of the file to the RCDD. To do this, click the button «New file» and in the window that appears, specify the path to the file, select the desired file (by clicking on it with the mouse), then click on the «Open» button (figure 6.5).
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Figure 6.4. The window RCDD
If the wrong file was attached by mistake and you want to delete it, then you should click on the «Files» button, then in the window that appears click on the «Edit» button, then select the line with the name of the file and click on the button «Delete «and then «Write» button.
Figure 6.5. Registration card of the draft document
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Next, you must specify the bundles, if any. To do this, click on the button (figure 6.6).
Figure 6.6. Registration card of the draft document
After that, the «Bundles» window opens, in which you need to click on the «search by number» button (figure 6.7).
Figure 6.7. The window «Bundles»
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Then there is a window «search by number», at the button of which you need to enter the registration number of the document, year and click «Find». After that, the found document should appear in the table part. Then you need to specify the desired type of ligament and click «Link» (figure 6.8).
Figure 6.8. The window «Search by number»
After that, in the» Bundles «you need to click» OK « (figure 6.9). Sending the draft document for sight In order to send the document for sighting and signature, you must click on the button «Add / caption» (figure 6.10).
Figure 6.9. The window «Bundles»
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Figure 6.10. Registration card of the draft document
In the appeared directory «Divisions» using the search bar and buttons «Add» and «Delete», you need to create a list of sighting persons and click» Select « (figure 6.11).
Figure 6.11. The window of directory «Divisions»
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After that, in the opened window (figure 6.12), you should put the flag «In turn», specify the period of sight (for example, 1 day) and click «Add and Send». It is worth noting that if the checkbox is selected, the period is calculated in days, and if it is absent – in hours. Further, the name of the signatory shall be added in the same way. The only difference is that in the opened window, instead of writing «On sight», you must select «On signature» (figure 6.13). Then click the « Add « button.
Figure 6.12. The window settings send document in sight
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the status of the RCDD (it is in the frame, in the upper right corner and highlighted in red). At the stage when the registration card is created, but has not yet been sent for sight, it has the status «Created». Next, you need to save the registration RCDD. There are 2 options – using the button «Record RCDD», or close save changes.
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Figure 6.13. The window for setting parameters for sending a document for signature
After that, in the column «Sent» appears the date and time of sending the draft document on sight, and the status of the registration card becomes «On sight». If the official, after reviewing the draft document, has no objections, the visa «I agree» appears in the column «Visa / signature»next to his / her name. When the draft document passes all the stages of sighting, the status of the RCDD will be changed to «Endorsed», therefore, the project must be sent for signature. To do this, go to the RCDD, click «Edit RCDD» or press F7. At the button of the window, click «Send for signature» (figure 6.14). In the window that appears, specify how many days or hours the project is sent for signature, and click «OK» (figure 6.15). Then save the RCDD. If the card of the draft document at least one official from the list of visors put a visa «disagree» or «For revision», you must create a new version of the project. To do this, open the registration card of the draft document, select the menu item «Actions» – «Create a new version of the project» (figure 6.16).
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Figure 6.14. The card of registration of the draft document
Figure 6.15. The window for sending the draft document for signature
In the new version of the RCDD in the attached file it is necessary to make changes.
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Figure 6.16. The card of registration of the draft document
To do this, click the «Edit file» button, which is located in the «Files» window (figure 6.17). After you make the necessary changes to the document, save it. If you open the attached file by doubleclicking the left mouse button, it is in the «Read-only» mode, and the changes made to the document in the database are not saved!!! After making all the necessary changes, the draft document is sent back for approval.
Figure 6.17. The window «File»
In RCDD need to set the cursor on the name of the first sighting and click the «Send for approval» (figure 6.18). Select all visors , click « OK « and record the RCDD.
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After the second version of the project is signed, it should be sent for signature (figure 6.18).
Figure 6.18. Registration card of the draft document
And after signing the project, it must be sent for registration by clicking on the button or start registration (if you have the right) by clicking on the button (figure 6.19).
Figure 6.19. Registration card of the draft document
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Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo». Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Delo». Task 1. Work with draft documents. Creation of RCDD. Create a draft document by filling in the following fields in the RCDD: artist, access, composition, content, files. Send the draft document for approval and signature. Task 2. Work with draft documents. Coordination and approval of the RCDD. Open the draft document and put the visa for the conciliators. Approve the draft document. Send the RCDD for registration. When performing the task, you must pay attention to the change in the status of the RCDD (upper right corner) and the time that is given to the sight. Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance.
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Control question 1. What actions can be performed with document projects in the system? 2. Name and give a brief description of the details of the RCDD. 3. What types of orders can be created in the system. Give definitions to each type of instructions. Compare them. 4. What is the «Journal of transfer of paper originals and copies of documents» used for? 5. What details in the system can be used to search for documents? 6. What details in the system can be used to search for orders? 7. Can I search for draft documents in the system? 8. What are the limitations of user rights can be used to find documents and assignments? 9. What document describes in detail the rules of the module «Documents»? References basic literature [1 – 4]; additional literature [5, 9].
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7. Writing off documents in the case Purpose and content: to learn how to write off documents in the case. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: rules of archival records management; rules of writing off documents in the case in the system of electronic document management and records management «Delo». To be able to: write off the documents in the case; generate volume to transfer documents to the archive. To own: skills of archival records management; rules of writing off documents in the case. Theoretical part Executed documents are written off (filed) in the case in accordance with the nomenclature of cases. According to the established standards, the nomenclature of cases reflects the rules of grouping documents by topics established in the organization to ensure the orderly storage of executed documents. It is advisable to organize separate case management in the main structural units. Then, within each such section, the titles of cases are determined, reflecting the main content of the documents filed in them, indexing of cases is introduced (the index, as a rule, consists of a digital or letter designation of the unit and the serial number of the title of the case) and the current nomenclature. Thus, by the index (number) of the case it is possible to judge in what division the document was written off and to what kind of documents it belongs. The system «Delo» implements the above procedure for compiling the nomenclature of cases in the course of setting up the directory Nomenclature of cases. The very same procedure of writing off the document in the case is reduced to making a mark on the write-off in the journal of transfer of documents, which is accompanied by a choice of the index (number) of the case from the directory Nomenclature of cases.
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Consider the procedure of writing off documents in the case. To write a document to the business in several ways: • Using the «Search» function; • From Cabinet folder. In order to write off the document in the case of the office you need to open the office folder to click on the desired document with the right mouse button and select from the drop-down list «Write off in the case.» In the window that appears (figure 7.1), you must click on the button and select the title of the case for the item in which the document is written off (figure 7.2).
Figure 7.1. The window « Write-off in the case»
Then press the «Select» button and the «Record» button. Similarly, the write-off in the case using the «Search», for this you need to click on the «Search» button in the main window of the program, search for the necessary criteria, then click on the desired entry with the right mouse button and select «Write off in the case.» If you need to write off related documents, open RC and click Actions-> Write off related RC (figure 7.3).
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Figure 7.2. The window directory «Nomenclature»
After writing off the document in the case, in the journal of transfer of the document there is a corresponding mark on the writeoff (figure 7.4).
Figure 7.3. Write off the case related RC
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Figure 7.4. The document transfer log
If the document is written off in the case by mistake it can be edited in the document transfer log. Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo». Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Delo». Task 1. Writing off the document in the case of the search. Find the executed search document. Put him down.
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Task 2. Writing off the document in the case of the office. Register the new document. Put him on an errand. Copy the record of the document to the folder №6 of the Cabinet. Execute the document. Clear the document in the case folder No. 6 of the Cabinet. Check to see if the recording is gone from the sixth folder of the Cabinet. Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance. Control question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
How is the process of writing off documents in the case? Where is the record of writing off the document in the case? How to cancel the write-off of documents in the case? How to find all documents written off by one item header? How to write off the case «Related RC»?
References basic literature [1 – 4]; additional literature [5, 8].
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8. Search for documents, assignments and draft documents Purpose and content: Learn how to use the «Search» function in different modes. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: rules of search of documents, draft documents and orders in the system of electronic document management and record keeping «Delo». To be able to: search for documents, draft documents and instructions in the «Delo» system. To own: skills of search of documents in the system «Delo». Theoretical part Search RC document in card files can be carried out using as search criteria any value of its details. But with a sufficiently large number of cards in the card file, such a search can take a long time. Additional time will be required, also, for the formation of the search query. In addition, if the access to the cards will be carried out only through the search throughout the card file, users will be able to access not only to «their», but also to «other» documents. To avoid such problems, the system «Delo» provides the ability to automatically allocate from the entire population of the RC, located in the card file, those RC documents, the execution of which at the moment depends on certain officials. There are three search modes in the Delo system: • Search RC; • Search by assignment; • Search RCDD. In order to search for documents in the case system, you must: click on the «Search» button in the main window of the program (figure 8.1).
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Figure 8.1. The main window of the program
The working window of the Search mode is divided into two parts (figure 8.2). A search query is formed in the right part of the window. In the left part there is a list of details that can be used as selection criteria when searching for the necessary objects. Here is a list of previously generated and saved search queries. On the right side of the toolbar there is a field containing the name of the file library where the search for documents is currently performed. By default, the field is set to the value corresponding to the parameter «Card Index RC». If the user has the right to «Search for documents» in several card files, he can go to search for objects (records of RC, orders or RCDD) in another card file, setting in this field the required name. The desired value is selected from the drop-down list, which contains the names of the files in which the user has the right to search for documents, sorted in alphabetical order. If the user has the absolute right to «Search all card files», then this field should be left blank to conduct a search in all cards at once.
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After preparing the request form, specify the values of the selected selection criteria in its fields.
Figure 8.2. The window of search
To start the search, click the «Start search» button (figure 8.3).
Figure 8.3. The window of search
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As a result of the search, a working window with a list of objects that meet the specified selection criteria is formed. The list of found objects is presented in the form of a table, each row of which corresponds to one object (figure 8.4). If necessary, the user can change the size of the left and right parts of the working window by moving the line separating these parts with the mouse. If the user parameters set a limit on the number of records found in the search result, the system will compare the number of found records with the specified maximum value when performing the search. If the number of records found exceeds the specified maximum allowed value, a message box will open, prompting you to confirm or reject the operation. If you refuse the operation will return to the formation of search criteria. When you confirm the continuation of the operation, all found records will be displayed on the screen, without restrictions. The limit of the number of displayed records found in the search result is set in the user parameters on the Search tab.
Figure 8.4. The window of found documents
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The search for the value of text fields is carried out as follows: in any text field of the query form (for example, in the Content field), a certain search object is entered (a word, a part of a word, a phrase or a set of characters) and the search is started. If more than one word is entered in the text search requisite field, service operators (for example, &, to search by the «And» condition) must be inserted between the words, or the entire phrase entered in the field must be enclosed in quotation marks (to search by phrase). The maximum length of the value in the text search props field is 2000 characters. To switch to the task search mode, click the figure 8.5 button.
Figure 8.5. The window «Orders search «
To sort list items, use column headers, which are also sort buttons. Clicking on the title button sorts the list entries according to the values of this column. The sorting is done alphabetically (from a to Z) for alphabetic values and in ascending order for numeric values. Clicking again on the name of the graph changes the sorting order to the opposite of the current one (from Z to A for alphabetic values and in descending order for numeric values).
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You can perform some group operations on selected RC and assignment records. In particular, it is possible to perform group operations write-off documents in the case, adding headings in the RC, entering of resolutions and draft resolutions in the RC, the status of draft resolutions (runs only on the instructions).
Figure 8.6.The windows «search box RCDD»
When searching for RCDD on the details of «Sight» and «Signed», using the button located in front of the field details, specify the category of the sighting/signing – external or internal. In the «Search» function you can find RC and RCDD, which have attached files with certain values of extension, size and (only for RC) security level. The following criteria are used to search for these file parameters: • «File extension» – a text field into which the search fragment (or several fragments) is entered from the keyboard and selected from the «search condition» list. • «File size» – two fields that specify the numerical values of the bounds of the range size (number of bytes).
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«The security level of the file» – field, select one or more desired security levels. Levels can be elements of the directory «Security level», and also have values «List of officials «and «Persons involved in RC». This criterion is used only when searching for RC and orders. As a result of the search for these criteria will be found RC / RCDD, in which at least one attached file has the desired value, respectively, extension, size or security level Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo». Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment. Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Business». Task 1. Search RC. Find all the documents registered in the Delo system. Find citizens ‘ appeals registered in the Delo system. Find the RC of the incoming document by the outgoing number of the organization from which this letter was sent. Task 2. Search by errands. Find all orders issued on behalf of the Manager. Find all the control orders. Task 3. Search RCDD. Find all RCDD with the status «Registered». Find the RCDD that have attached files.
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Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance. Control question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What search modes exist in the system Delo? How to search for the RCDD? How do I set up my own search query? How do I save a search query that I created? How to print a list of documents found?
References basic literature [1 – 4]; for further literature [8, 9].
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9. The form of reporting module Purpose and content: To learn how to generate various reports according to the specified criteria. In the course of laboratory work, within the framework of the formed competencies, the student must: To know: rules of work in the module «Reporting forms»; the purpose of each type of report in the system. To be able to: generate reports on various criteria in the «Delo» system. To own: skills of reporting in the module «Reporting forms». Theoretical part The module «Reporting forms» allows the user to generate a variety of reports required in the office. In contrast to the search function of the module «Documents», this module generates a list of documents in accordance with pre-defined selection criteria and prepares them in the form of standard printed forms (based on the developed templates MS Word). The module «Reporting forms» is designed to generate information about the document flow, reference reminders, statistical output forms, summaries of documents and the status of their execution on the basis of information stored in the database of the system. If necessary, the form and parameters of the report can be written individually for the needs of a particular organization. • In the Reporting forms module, you can receive the following reports: • Help-a reminder of the execution of documents; • Summary about the performance; • Document flow information; • Information about the workflow, reporters and citizens; • Information on the work of officials/units with documents; • Information about users ‘ work; • Information about the results of sending documents. Report generation is available only to those users who have the right to «Receive reports» in the card rights.
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The report «help-reminder» allows you to get a list of documents whose orders are to be executed before the specified date of control in the selected units or specified officials (as of the current date). The help is formed on the basis of the data of the current card index or on the data of all cards available to the user (if the right «to receive reports» is granted to the user in several cards). For each of the specified officials and departments formed a separate blank of the certificate. You can specify parameters such as: • File library (select the All check box if you want to retrieve data for all available files). • «Orders» – «control» /»minority» or «all». • «Date up», that is the period for which it is necessary to report. • Executors of orders – division / officers, or organizations that will be prepared help. Switch «Internal» / «External», specify internal or external perpetrators should be formed help. Depending on the position of the switch, the selection of performers will be carried out from the directory «Divisions» or «list of organizations». • If you want to get information about all departments or external organizations, click the Add All button. • If the help should get only information about the performers, check «Resp. Performer.» • When the checkbox «do Not print empty» – not formed forms of certificates for those officers and units that have no orders. • In sections located beneath the section, «File», specify data relating to the execution of any orders shall be reflected in the help (switch to «All orders», «Items», «Resolution»). • «Groups of documents» on which the report should be formed. If the help is generated for all document groups, select the All check box in the document Groups section. • If the reference is formed on certain authors of resolutions, in the field of section «Authors of resolutions» make the list of officials or external organizations. Use the switch «Internal» / «External» to specify whether the internal or external authors
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of resolutions should be formed reference. Depending on the position of the switch, the authors of resolutions will be selected from the «Divisions» or «Organizations» directory. • If the certificate should include information for all sponsors of resolutions, select the check box «All». • If the reference is formed according to certain supervisors of the instructions in the section «the Controller» make a list of officers. The report «Summary of performance» allows to obtain information about the number of executed and under execution documents/assignments/points/resolutions. The summary is formed either on the documents of the current card file, i.e. in the summary documents are taken into account, in which the author or the executor of the resolution assigned to the specified card file, or on the documents of all cards available to the user (those cards in which the user is granted the right to «Receive reports»). Summary of the execution of control documents can be of the following types: generalized or responsible executors. The report «Information on document flow» contains data on the volume of document flow of any structural unit that has its own card file, by groups of documents for a specified period of time. When forming the report the documents which are in the current card file are considered». The report «information on the document flow by correspondents and citizens» is intended to obtain the characteristics of the document flow by one or a group of correspondents (with the possibility of obtaining information on citizens ‘ appeals) according to a given card file. The following parameters are set: • The period of time (field «date of registration of documents») for which it is necessary to obtain information about the documents; • The name of the card file library in which the documents will be selected (if you want to obtain data on all card files available to the user, select the «All» check box»); • Correspondents, which will be a selection of information;
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If required, select the checkbox including «Citizens» in the «Correspondents» section (if the checkbox is selected, the report also displays data on documents related to citizens ‘ appeals); • Name of individual citizens for whom the selection of information will be made (selection from the directory « Citizens»); • Group of documents, which will be a selection of information. The report «Information on the work of officials / departments with documents» allows you to get data on the number of documents with which employees of structural units worked. The report «Information about the work of users» is designed to obtain information about the work of users with RC and RCDD for a certain period of time. The following parameters are set: • The period of time (field «For the period») for which you want to obtain information; • Report type: report on work with RC or RCDD (switch); • A list of users, which is necessary to obtain information. If you want to retrieve data for all users of the system, select the All users check box»; • Option «With multiple details». The presence of the flag means that changes made by the user in multiple requisites of RC (RCDD) will be included in the calculation of data. The Report «information about the results of sending documents» allows you to get information about the results of sending documents via electronic communication channels. The following parameters are set: In the «sending documents» section»: • Period in which there is sending of documents (fields «from... to…»); • Shipping type for which the report should be formed. In the field, you can select only the types of sending specified in the system parameters as the values of the parameters «type of sending/delivery by E-mail» or parameters that determine the type of sending/delivery via other electronic communication
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channels (if your organization has purchased and installed the appropriate additional options, and made the appropriate configuration of these options system «Delo»); In the section « registration of documents»: • Period in which there is registration of documents in system «Delo» organization (the field»...…»); • Registration numbers of documents, data on which should be included in the report (field № RC). The registration numbers entered in the field are separated by a space. If this field is blank, then the report is generated for all the RC, the corresponding other parameters of the report, with no limit on numbers; • Other sections: • Groups of documents-a list of groups of documents for which the report should be generated; • Card file-the name of the card file in which the selection of documents will be made. Selected from the list of card files available to the user, in which the user has the right to « Mark the sending of documents»; • Sorting – sorting data in a report; • Addressees-organizations – the list of addresseesorganizations for which the report should be formed. Values are selected from the list of organizations directory; • Recipients-citizens – list of recipients-citizens for whom the report should be formed. Values are selected from the Citizens directory. Equipment and materials Personal computer with features that allow you to install the operating system Windows 10, integrated Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, SED «Delo». Safety instructions Do not independently: install or uninstall software, repair your personal computer. Observe technical safety rules when working with electrical equipment.
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Tasks Perform the proposed tasks using the electronic document management system and office «Delo». Task 1. The formation of a «Reference collection» Open the Reporting forms module. Create a reminder help for all orders with the execution date at the end of the current month for all executors for all groups of documents. Task 2. Formation of « Summary performance « Open the Reporting forms module. Form a summary of the performance of the performers: the execution of all documents, all groups of documents with the conclusion of the list of RC. Task 3. The reports on the document, for documents about the user experience. Open the Reporting forms module. Generate the remaining reports (enter the criteria to generate the report yourself). Report content Prepare a report, which describe the technology of tasks. The report should include: • the theme of laboratory work; • purpose of work; • task and milestones; • answers to the questions proposed in the paper; • the findings of the performance. Control question 1. In what module is the formation of reports in the case? 2. How to limit the output of empty tables when generating reports? 3. What documents are captured «certificate reminder»? 4. How to generate a report on the execution of documents signed by the Deputy head of the organization? 5. Is it possible to work simultaneously in the «Documents» module and the module «Reporting forms»? References basic literature [1 – 4]; additional literature [5, 9].
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Bibliography Main literature 1. Romanenko M. G. Electronic Document Management Systems: Teaching Aid / MG. Romanenko. – Stavropol: SKFU Publishing House, 2014. – 84 p. 2. EOS: Electronic Document Management Systems. [Electronic resource] Leading Russian manufacturer and supplier of workflow and office automation systems, ECM-systems. [site]. – 2015. – URL: http://www.eos.ru/ 3. User Guide “Office automation and workflow system «BUSINESS» Version 18.1.0. Issue 41 / Moscow: EOS Soft LLC, 2018 [Electronic resource] – URL: https://www.eos.ru/eos_products/eos_delo/demo.php 4. Administrator’s guide «Office automation and document management system “BUSINESS”» Version 18.1.0. Issue 41 / Moscow: EOS Soft LLC, 2018 [Electronic resource] – URL: https:// www.eos.ru/eos_products/eos_delo/demo.php Additional literature 5. Mitrofanov E. P. Electronic document management in the regional financial system / E. P. Mitrofanov, M. L. Tolstoy. – M.: Creative Economy, 2011. – 180 p. – ISBN 978-5-91292-045-5; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://biblioclub.ru/index. php?page=book&id=132827 6. Minin I. V. Protection of confidential information in electronic document management: a tutorial / I. V. Minin, O. V. Minin – Novosibirsk: NSTU, 2011. – 20 p. – ISBN 978-5-7782-1829-1; The same [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://biblioclub.ru/index. php?page=book&id=228779 Internet- resources 7. Setting and monitoring the execution of instructions [Electronic resource] //DOCUMETR: [website]. – 2015. – URL: http://www. documetr.ru/avtmoatizirovannaja_sistema_postanovki_poruchenij.html 8. Task – manager [Electronic resource] // Megaplan: [website]. – 2015. – URL: http: //www.megaplan.ru/products/task.html. 9. Clariss – a convenient program for monitoring orders [Electronic resource] // Clariss: [website]. – 2015. – URL: http://www.claris.su/ commission
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Educational edition
Contributing author M. G. Romanenko
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