Conversational Newari

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Conversational Newari

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Newari Iswaranand SresthacharYa Jagan Nath MaskeY

Austin Hale

Surnmer Institute of Linguistics Institute for Nepal Studies

Tribhuvan University August 1971


I swaraaaJrd --Sres thachar5ra hrofessor of Newarl



Ratna. hrbLiq*.CoJ-1ege

a,nd. Saraswati CoJ-J.ege, Eathma.:rd.u

Jag"' Nath Maskey Research Assietant i:e Newari, Surnmer Institute of l,inguistics Austin Ha]-e liagrristic Coord.i -ator Summer lasti.tute of !i ngrristics

Iastitute of linguietics I:estitute for NepaJ. Studies tribhrrva',r University Au€rrst, L9TL


Introd.uctior:. The langrraeie learr:ing material-s preeeated. in this

represent the firet part of a learning course in Newari. Ilrese mate::ial-s are intend.ed. f or use with a :ratiwe speaker of Newari. ff at aJ-J- possible, cJ.asses shoul.d hawe a.t ].east two etud.ents since certain of the coraversatio::s requ:ire three speakers The emphasis in this part of the course is upon the rud.imerof grammar, especiall-y the norphology of noums and verbs. The twenty five lessons contained. in this vol-ume are organi around twenty fiwe short cosveraetions. The eon.trersations mostly with buying and. selling, eating, and. wisiting friend-s. The wocabu]-ary preserrted in these cotaversations is controJ-led a.::d about ten new word.s a J-esson. The wocabuJ.ary of tLrese coraversations eonstitute what shouibe the stud.erat's active 'rocabul-ary by the time he completee this portion of the course. lhe strrd.ent is adwised to mast th.e conversations prese::ted in this vol-u-me. In addition tc thie, a nr:mber of other word-s are presented f or use in various d-ril1s. Ihese ad,d.itionel word.s may be wiewed as passive wocabuJ-a.ry for t}lis portion of the course. Ihe gloesary at the end. of the voJ-u:ae inc}:.d-es both active a.nd passiwe wocabr:J-a.ries.

Numerorrs ad.equate accounts of the Deva-z'ragri script are awailabJ-e to tbe str-ld-ent elsewhere, thrrs no e-ttempt is made

i:: this rrolume to teach the script. For those to whom the ecript may be usefuJ- , we have repeated. the colaversations ir Dewanag:ri script at the end of tbe voJ-r.:me. In this edition of the co'd.rse no dttr.*rpt is mad.e to cover the warious dialects of Ne-.reri spoken in Kathmar:du Vall-eyIhe d-ial-ect presented is tbat of t}. e city of Eathmandu. fhis dialect d-iffers co::siderabJ.y, both phonoJ-oqically and. l-exica3-ly, from t.hat of tshelctapurSuggestions for the improwenent of subseguent editions will be gratefuJ-l.y reeeiwed. by tbe authors at the following address:

L,ir4uistic Coordinator' Su:r:mer Institute of ling:uistics 3ox 11! , Kathma.:ed,r-r, Nepa1


fhis wolume has grown to its present form as the resur-t of the help and cooperation of many people. Irtre woul-d like to express o'ur eincez:e thanks to Dr. T. N. IJpraity, Vice Chance].]-or of Iribhuvarl University, for encouraging ue to contribute t}.is voh:me to the series of pedagogiea't grammars of the languages of Nepal cu.rrently being prod-rrced bv the rnstitute for Nepal stud.ies. l^ie wourd, arso like to thank Mr. Punya Ratna Bajracharya and. Professor tej Ralrra Kansalcar for their waluable contributions to tlie gramrratica a.naJ-ysis upon which this volume is built. To Miss Kad_am Mainya Re.jbhandari we are indebted for typing the Dewa.:eaga: passages found in AppenCix A. !/e a.l-so wieh to express our appreciation to Mr. David l{argrawe and Mr. Bhajuman Bahad.rrr Tamang for the tedious l-abor they pu-t forth in the d.upJ-icat. of this volume. And final.)-y, to our famil-ies we wish to express our gratitude for the encouragement and. understandi: we received. from them during the months of work to the completion of this wol-ume. I srrre.ranand Sre sthacharJra

Jagan Nath Ma.skey Austin Hale September 22, lgTJ-

Conwersational Newari z Brra'ta

Genera]-: Ihere are certain discrepanctes between the

vocabul-e,ry entries in the lessons of this vo}:me and the glossary entries in Append.ix B. fn the wocabulary entries examples in Newari are sometimes r.urder3.ined and' sometimes not, whereas the gJ-oesary has no In the

wocabulary errtriee classifiere are treated. as class J nor:ns with the ad.ded comnent that they are bor:nd to prefixed. nr;merals. In the glossary, c].assifiers are ]-abeled C, wLrich is intended to indicate that they inf]-ect morphologieal-ly a.s elass J nou::s but are boi:nd to prefixed, numerals. The fa.cts w}lich both systems attempt to describe are the of contents, first

sheet, ].ine 68 (sixth ]-irie from

with suffixee). Tab1e of eontents, second sheet, line 93 l-. uppletive ---) 1. Suppletiwe Page 1, Iine 7 (seventh l-ine from the top, starting with the page number as the first line) irnmitate ---) imitate. Page 2, line J deletez page, line 18 item for rubbing

ra: n ) Bhwsa'.r.a:rl, Page 5, line I tww ---> fw



(see page 227 fov this abbrewiation)

].ine 24 ha,smastered. -.--)

Lras ma,stered


Page 42, line l-2 2. Substitution Page 44, l-ine 2L-22 (honorific) Page 48, ].ine 5 first word. is swarka:

Corrwersational Newari z Errata




_* -bv


khaa ].ine 88 bfry ---) b.rry ,age 82, l-ine 12 bwy ---) bwy Page,84, Iine 12 unclear }.eading at the beginning of thre .l-ine shou-l-d read. OSK = words e't the begiruzins of tbre :.ine

'"u""i3;1'::_to ,x;':;" '

?age 98, l-j-ne 1]

=**" "



) chwn,

],:::il;u ;1,::";::"o ; "*:ll:i J]"],: ::=i:?:fi ' ;, ;; presented.

that on page 174. as a of duaJ- function

The a.ccount of case rotation rvoul-d. reqriire that -k hawe

il":=ilT'll.'irx;* :i :l;.^ri;:'*u"* given in the Page 1,23, 3-ine 18 shoul-C read Thr,ra gayr ya.ifl"-a.: byya: Page L26, J-ine gB 'to ask has ---) ,to ask, has _


Page L29, ].ine 5 and ]-ine 5 thirty





---> three

l-ine 78,

o*::niu Ti;: y,- - ;1, il:; :"- - - r':: :.: | *,|"-

Page A36, J-ine 7








J-ine 11 objBdt

;;;: ;:":;- -n*:::,:l _::1":;;{;;-;;}1, "**"*',''

Gorrversati-ona1 Nevrari: Errata (sheet J)

l.ine 7B shouJ-d read A. I{bea. Majyw Laz ? ? )-49, ].ine J Makhw jy ---) tlakhw. .-y line 11 del_et dhyaba:

Page 161, l-ine 43 delete: d.hyaba: Page )-62, J.ine 4 delete: dhyaba,: ?age L67, l-ine l-2 jakaya: ---) jaka ya:

read 1{an, jytaa ja: nay' jyykal.a.

Page A75, ]-ines 1-B, 28, and 5B Substitute the fo].]-owing

AOG]. Jyn, wayta chang"w 3.a:g3rn, d.aa,: Chaya:. f tol-d hrim to beat yor-r Ihe last exa.mple of page 175 (which the exanpJ-e gi-wen above is to repl-ace) is wrongJ.y glossed, and. i s not reIa.ted. to the preced,ing examp3.e in the

d.esired. ma.nner.

Page 1?8, l-ine 8B anrxila.ry forms ---)ar:xiliary


?age 7-85, ].i-ne l-8 sen ences ---) Page 187, l-ine 10 an exarnple ---)





the first of the fol1owin6 fo].lowing Insert ]-ine 20 Z - bhapyS,sz r.aya;

(sheet 4)

ConversationaJ- Newari: Errata



Page 3-88, l-ine 18 d.hwnka: ---) dhwnkaa: Page !94, J-ine 11 rnarJnlan ) mary laan-, o

68 fflr$ r--) Page 2O7, )-ine l-O @

Page 2AL, J-ine




i_ Page


0 E4l

> ftTr:qT

, ]-ine 4 h?qr;=rr ,y


line 7B ,iffi: ?age 27-9, line



___> ---




------.c-sqHr{ $\)





?age 212, line 16 jyaana:n, is a werba]. prefix, rrot a nolul, Bee page ]-91. Page 235, ]-ine 19 tha:(t) should Lrave the fo]-]-owing entry: tha: (t) 7 |rand -pa:

3 arm



louse 6ugar cal:.e to him (he) cq,me nasp] mue uB feces

jhylr Elry taa: tww jytaa ].aa nhyy khyy

we (incl-usive) (he) wil't die

J.ock and. key mustard




in the nasaJ. muc L:r-s in the feces

ConwersationaL Nesari - 7






].or:ee cow

69,: sal-a.



who ?, etra,w you (reopect)


wh.a,t ?




r orf.e (be) r+orslriped

cb.a: l-a

f e:rce waP.i (he) wi].l syy Ea,a,3 compost, f erti woice 6aa. wayrnt srnrw a kind. of ra (he) riil.]- croE ehJiy mataa: chww (he) tried, n to bear ehaa,pwaa ch,aa.:

you (hieh ho::c ]lard (te.cti].e)

The foJ-.lowing l-iet i'l'1rrs{3stee cLueters which often sound. I s5-mple wowels, together with 6ome evidence for their staf;s



through this l-ist rtrith a natiwe speaker of


Aong CJ-uster mhayt in the thalay' in the in the Bwararpayr ba:r'y I on the Bo.'yt in the J.aaty! o:: tbe


1e-: y

Simp!-e Yowel-





tha].a gwaJ3, p€L





]-ant e":

y t ]-e": sJrula:

a small pot fl-oor, gror:nd }.air


cooked rice


tooth brick


appa: ca;


ta: tysa:



ja: y' wa: yr

appa: y I



ta,: y




Sb.ort Cl-uster

yayr . gg:


I-aptya. yar}r

].eaf Kathmand.u








top, peak

kwa tb.wan dwan t

bottom beer




in the i:r tb.e in the on the in the in the on the on the



pot snal.i fl-oo:-'



hair ro:rir meat



too-th bri-ck mud.

bridge or'l:.e,rr.e]3

Aong Cll..rrster

chyantyt in the house lapt5ray' ora the l-eef, ya::'yt in Katbmandu kya::'yr in the deleya:rtyt i:r a;h+ l-:-r'er cwayt kway t

thwarr'yt dwan I yr

o:e tlre top

a.t the bottcm in the beer on the Llepp

Conwersational Newari - B whea a: follows .g in non-word.-finar position it is srightly fronted and l-owered. No::-word.-final(he) bought n5ra: ta

ya:kana gya: ny gya:ta

i-*edia.te).y i:rtelJ.igent (he) beca-e afraid

Word fina]ya.a: g,yaa2

fish (he) d.oes (hab (he) is afraio

lIhere g or g preced.e

a. voweJ- other than gr they are usual.J-y pronotr::ced. a,s or semivowele. Go through the fo3-l.owj-: J-ist with a natiwe epeaker. Yowe]. byJ-a my3.a



hyla byy Jr]1y

6Jrny cy).a.


eyI-a w]-a


(he) gave (he) eo]-d (he) touched (be) L:aew (he) waehed. (he) wi)-l giwe (be) wi-I1 distribute (h.e) wi']1- co].lect (ize) mo*.red. (he) washed. (he) rineed (she) atrtrJ-ied Bascara,

byya, Eyya: thSrya: Eyya: hyya: b5nrw I Jrw'rr, J slfr^'n, I cJrww i Srww I sSrw ! wykal.a"

giwing ae1J-ing

touclzing knowing waehing giwe J

d.ietribute cof.].ect



move J wash l

rinse j (e}:e) carrsed me,scar-a" to


(he) sharpeneC



(he) repaid.



(he) hid

sw;rkal-a' (he)caused to




The studer.t will


app]-ied. (he) caused, to eharpen (he) caused. to





have noticed. by this time that the imperati form of the werb, though written rong is pronor:nced. short. fhe reaso:r for writing the imperative forms J_ong is that the sequence yaa is pronourrced approximate1y [yr. ], whereas t-he short sequ.encer v&, is pronounced. either [$.] or ["]. A shortened yae.! .o*.Io.,..;-":-t;;I';; not as ['.] or ["]. The iraperatives of these forms cannot, therefore simpl-y be written lra. For the of co::.sistency, we hawe ehosen to treat ar1 other imperatiwes as analogous tc this one, using the exeramation point to :iepresent phonetic shortening.

Coaverea,tio''eL Newa,ri -


fbe following List ii}.rstretes tbe vowel qua]-ity d.i.fference betwee:r JIU anA ggg w}lich forces us to rrrite certain imperatj


gg Form khyaJ.a (he) (he) cbyal.a (he) gya3-a (he) tyal-a (he) kyal-a. phya.J.a (he) ahyaJ.a (he) (he) ya]-a (he) thysla

ggg Sorm

invested ueed Yubbed. preesed.


I.icked chewed

.I-iked crawaed


khya.a,! chyaa! gyaal tya.e.l kyaa ! phyaal rrJayaa I yaa! Lh3ra,a !

rrse !


press i grind.J


chew j

J.ike l crs,w3- i

If th,e imperatiwe fortas of th.eee werbs were written short, their spe'l ]-ing wou1d. represent tbe wrong vowel qua.U-ty. I'or a more d.eta.iled. treatment of the sou:ed system of Newari tbe reader is d-irected. to Ivlargrit a:ed Arretin I1a1e, Newari Shonemie .Sum*ar[, fibeto Br:rme:: Phonemic Sr:mroaries - V, Sr:-mme:' Institute of tringuistics' ?ribhuvan Univereity, OctoL969. tb.ere are some differencee between the o='thography u b.ere n-d that rrsed. in the pho::emic eunurary. Many of tlrese d.ifferences inwo]-ve or.,l y the repreeentatior:. of indiwidual w, Ih.e fo]].owi:rg systematic diffe:rencee, bowever, should be noPboaemic Su-rnma.ry

Short Nasa].ized Vowe]-s Trong Nasal-ized Vornrels Yowel C]-rrster

y:l. wj. a: r2..

Cclewersg'tional- Newari JB' wnr a! r:




JfJrn ' wvr:e., aa,zrL, aaII , ay'.




r{r1 r


3r1 ,




The d.lstinction between '\r-vr:., a:ed. rrrr:r. (wlrere w is any wowel) has been aband.oned in this vo1r:ne. Due to the high frequenc; of loans in normal- speech, we find it necessary in this woJ.u* to d-istinguish r from d. In the phonemic rlr-*.=y [f ] wae wii as a positionurl wa.riant of /a/. fhis was po66ibl-e onJ-y by exc3-uding loa:r word.s from the corpus.

Conwerse,tio''e1 Newari - 10 Ireeson l-.

A Good. Pen. A. fb.wa chw Lhas? B. Tbwa cwaea.: khaa.. A. fhwa, bhyn, J-a: ? A. Gana nya:aa:? B. PaeaS-ay' n3ra:na.:. A. Thwa paea3-ayr bh3mg:lr . clraBa: dw l-a: ? 3. Dw. Chykya bhirnelr cwasB: dw I.a: ? A. Marw. Cwasa.: Laz dw, bhfrn, raajww. Chapw nya:y' ma:!.a. is this? This is a pen. ls it good.?

lfhere, (you) buy it? (I) bought it at the store" Does this store hawe good. pens?

Yes. Do you b.ave a good. pen? No. I d.o heve a pe!., but not a good one. ft ie rreceesery (for me) to buy one.

New Voeabu].ary.

bhfrn, to be good., d..rabIe. chapw Cha is the nu-serol'or3e' , -.pll is tbe cl-essifier for ].ongr thin objects. chykya Chy ie the respect form of the second. person pronou:l', tyout, -k:reu is e. loca,tive affix. cb.w wha"t? swa,Ea: pen (the werb cwa&. meaJrs ' to wrlte ' ) .


to be (statiwe form) This is a:: existential coprrIa".

kha.a to be, genera)_J-y ueed. wrth predicate nominal-s. 1,a: Question word. in yes-no euestions. Also occurg a6 an emphatic partic].e. lne,rw Negatiwe form of


tto be'.

majww Negative form of rto bet.


ma:la. to be necegsary, need (past d.isjr.r:ect. form) r2.ya:

na: to buy (past form).




to buy (frrture conjr:rrct

f orm).

Coaversationa.l Newari - 1L

paea''lay' store (l.ocatiwe

gq'"a where ? jww to be (geaeralJ-y used. with ad.jectives). S3ammg,3

orm) '

t}:.wa thi-s


1. Attributive mod.ifier const:'uct:'.c::. Ihe affix -.g 3.inke a mod.ifi-er attributively


to an inanimat

a good. pen a good store pasa€. the affix -mha is used to l-i::l< a mod.ifier attributivel-y an arrimate nor:n. e good. person manww e good. hrog bbfn,mha phaz bhyresw



2. Copul-as. Ihree kind.s of copul-as ere exemplified. in this )-esson- Car shou-1d be taken not to confuse them. This is a pera. Ihwa cwasa; Lhaa. Thwa bhya, jlrw. Ihis is a good. one. Ihe sto:re has a pen. Pasp'l ayt ewasa: dw. Khaa is the identificatioaa3- copuJ-a, general.J-y used with pred,icate :eou:rs in tb.e un:aarked form. g34- is t}-e ad.jective copuJ-a, genera3.l.y used. with modifie:,rs occurring without connectives such as -.glg or -pg@. Dw is t}re ez-istential, locative, or possessive copuS-a. fiith dw animate a:rd. r inanimate posseasion are distingtrished by the form of the poBSessor.

Jykya. cwasa: dw.

f have a Den. I a so!1. Jy chamha };azyt dw. 3or inanimate posseased, objecte zhe possessor is in the l-ocative form. For a.nimate pos"eeseL.b.irrg=, the posseiEar is in t}"e short genitive form. 3. Questio4 jforgg. The interrogatiwe in }trewari is genere.Ily signa]-]-ed by question word.. Yes-no questions are sig::alIed by E, usua1J-y ia sertence-fj-na]- pocition. locative content


Conwersationa]- Newari - L2

questions are sig:ra.]-Ied by 3.ocative question word.s sueh as twhere?'. Nomj-na1. content gueetions are signal-J.ed by @ nomin"al- qrrestion words such a,s chw twha.t?t. Thwa bhyn , 7-az ? Is this good ? Gana ::Jra: tta: ? llhere (you) buy it ? Tb.wa chw khaa? What is th'i s ? rt shoul-d. also be noted that the form of the ver.b is generally of the expeeted answer. For this reason, lpfrgi, the eonjr.i:rct form of the verb 'buy' occr:r.s j-n the question, G.?na ? rather tiean the d.iejrmct form nrra:t?, even though tbe verb of the questio:: does not hawe a first persoa subject. The answer is expectec to be a fi:-st person statenenwith a conjunct verb. Irn simple staten:en-bs the coajr.:nct form oceu.l's with first person subjects, the di-sjunct fo:"n wiih non-first perso:e subjects. rn simple questions, the conju::ct form occurg witb. second. person subjects, the disjr:nct with non-seeond person subjects. J 4. Cl-assifiers . rn Newari most n.ou-rls require classifiers when quantified- by a nr-uber. There ere lnany d.iffez'ent classes of nouls, each of vrhich requi:'ee qua:rtification b;r Ereans of a different c]-assifier. Cwasa.: marw. no pen. Chapw nya:y' rna:l-a. < I > mr-rs'f buy o::e . rn the second sentence abowe, the numbez. with i-fs classifier, -pw fr.r-rretions as a pronou:: referring back to 'uhe anteced.ent, cwasa: 'pent. In marry case6 c]-assifiers Bair be pair.ed. r,:j-th nouns on tbe basis of the shape of the :.eferent of the ncu11 in the real worrd,. 3- pen is long and th,in, like na-ny other nou::s whj-eh take the classifier -g. A pictu:.c is flat, rike many othe= objecte w}:ose nou:l-names e.r.e qr-rantificc j.n terms of the classifier -paa:. fhe agreement betr,-oc- a nor.r::. e:r-dits pronominal- quenti-fi er is further irh',-;t:ated by -!h.e foJ-I-owiag sentences.

fUpa:_ marl^r.

Chapaa: nya:yr ma:J-a. Saphww mdrrv. Chqgrrrw.


nya: y, ma:1a-.

marw. nya:yr ma:Ia.





Chathlra.a: nya:y' ma:J-a.

(I) (I) (-I) -

no pictrr::e" buy one, no book. buy one. no tea..

(after stem-final. vowels)

-an. (after

1- Characteristic









t. I



among rlor.rn e]-asses.


. Conwersational Newari - 27 [he fo3-!.owing notes appl-y to figrrre 1, page 25. * U-form = upri€iht form, O-form = obliqrre form ** The p}:re] formation, U-form + -ta, d.oes occur in cl-ase 7, but ueual3-y with the mea.:ring 'kinds ofr. ft is in aray event quite margina!-, ewen to the point of being proecribed by certain grammari-arrs. Ihe cel-Is in figure ]. may be filled with e:ra:r.ples of Newari nou::6 as fo].]-ows: lehamha ma:nr one mot}'er ma:n, prrn. mothers

C].ass 2




one peddler ba:njaa: ta ped-d.l-ers

C].ass J

chapa: ]-a:ka:n, olae shoe

l-a:ka:n. ta, (kind.s of) shoes La: ka:


many shoes raa:

n. :ra: kya

wi-th mother ma:man,

by mother Figure 2.

barr.i aa: ya:

kya with a ped.dJ-er

la: ka: ma"y ' i:e a 6lr.oe

barl.ia: l-an, by a pedd.l-er

l-a: ka: ma.n, by a shoe

I'll-rrstrations of class differences in formation.



Irr genera-l tLre nouns of cJ-ass L are honored a,nimate noun6, those of 2 ate non-lronored animate :eouns, and. those of cl-ass 3 are inarrimate nor:ns. I'rom figrrre 1 it may be 6een that once a raoun is l-abel-ed. as belonging to cl-ass 1 or to c1.ase 2, there is no further need. to specify ite cl.assifier, its pl-ural., or its loca.tive, ' sinee class memberehip uniquel-y deterraines these formatio:r-s. The onJ-y further Epecificatio:r tha.t mrrst be made for nouns of cla.sses 1 and 2 is the specification of the oblique stem ' form, in the event that it d.iffers from the upright form. For class J no'.rns it is necessary to specify tLre cJ.assifier or set of c]-sssifiers in terms of which the nor:.n may be quantified. It is a].so laecessa,ry to na.l. Figr-rre 7.

Coaversatioaa.]. Nerrari



3. 4.

U::.merked. I Locative t------pJrai jay' PJ'a: j kSrabayr Inratha: kwat):a: y' IIlary marJar a:trw a:J-wy paea.B pasa] ayt tw:e, trrn I tfury

tr.igrrre 8.

Stem and affix



I t

l-' 2.



Agentiwe pya: jan,

\raban, kwatha:n, me^r5,:n,





terne.tioa in




C. Samol-e glossary eatriee. fn the glossary we h.ave fol-l-owed e. ste-Edard form of entry. An entr5r contains the foJ.l-owing parts: e.. Nominal b. Noun class 9. Eng3-ieh gJ-oss d.. C]-a"ssifier(s) e. P}:raJ- use f . Optione.J- fonas a:ed irreg:r1-arities. Ilre standard forra of e:rtry is illustrated by the fo].l-or+ing examplee. pa: sa:


1 friend From the inf ormation girren in figr:re J-, the reader ka.ows that pa:sa: Lrae -m.La as its c].assifierr-pyrrr as its plura].r -v& or -kva ae its l-ocatiwe affix, and -EL a6 its agentive a.ffix. Vtre baow, from the form of the nourr base in the entry, that the u-form and tbe o-form of the stem are identicar. dya(wa) 1 goa rn this iastaace, th.e form of the nou.r3 base in the entry indicates to us that the u-form is drra.a e"nd the o-form is dya.wa-. trbom figrre l- we know tbat the U-form combines with the p1ura]-: dyaa-pqn, with the l_ocative: dyaa-ya:kya or dvaa-k:ra a.nd. that the O-form combines with the agentive: d.lrawa-:i,. Ihe c].assifier ie -mha, as is indicated by the fact tha.t this noun belo:rgs to 1.

Conversationn]. Newa,ri - 3Z

mh3ra:yt mhya:c- J. daughter The first form Listed. ia the entry above is the U-form, the second ie the O-form. .Otherwise the interpretation of this entry is the Eame a6 for dya(wa) above. The U-form combines with the plura].: mhrra.:y'plrn, end with the locatiwe: mhya:y'ya:krra. [he O-form combines with the agentiwe: mhya.;



ra:chYas 2 giant lhe p]-ura]- form is ra:chyaeta as indicated in figure 1 above. Otherwise the interpretation of this entry is the sarne as for ]fa:6a: abowe. ]-a(kh) 3 water -pty K In the ca6e of class 3 nou:as, the O-form is used both for l-ocatiwe and agentiwe. The locative form indicated by the entry above is thus lakhey' a:rd the agentive is ].akhan,. The cJ-aseifier given j.s -pty thus chspty J.aa 'a drop of waterr. The r:nmarked form is I-engthened: }aa,. The { indicates that the p3.ural -ta is used. in the senee rkinds of '. If an $ ha.d occurred. here, it wouJ-d hawe indicated the,t tbe pJ.ura3. -ta cou-I-d. hawe been used in a ph:raI sense. maca: 2 child. [f = maste.] the entry a.bove 6ay6 tbat the pl.ural- is irregular. The p1uralis not maca"zta as it woul-d have been if it were :'egrrlar, but ie rather maste-. If both forms had been poseib3-e, we would. I:awe used the spcbo]- OP = withi.n the square brackets to ind.ica.te 'optiona3- p}:ral. form' . D. Abbreviations r:sed in norrn entries. Th.e abbrewia.tione used in nor:n entries contain certain basic synboJ.e as fo3.lows': A = Ihe agentive is irregrr].ar (end. wil-]. be listed in the entry fo].l-owing the equaLs sign> C Classifier D Noun is quantified d.irectl-y without the use of a c]-assifier I - The instnlmenta1 is irregu-l-a.r (and wiU- be J.isted.). K Claes J nor:n takes p]-ura]- in the sen6e tkinds of t. Tr = The locatiwe is irregu1ar (and wil]. be listed.). M Class ] nou:r takes plura]- in the 6ense 'many'. P - fhe pIura1 form is irregrr]-ar (and wi]-l be listed). S = [he source form is irregtr.].ar (arrd wi].]. be listed)-

Conversationa.L Newari - 55

In ad.d.ition to theee basic e3rubo1s, there are certaia prefix ssrmbo1s that combine with them. Wben a certai:e fo=u is l-ackirag, the prefix N appears. NA Agentiwe form is 3-acking. }i*I Locatiwe form is l-acking. Ii-P P1ura1 form is Laeling. NC Tl.ere is :ro classifier for this fonn. tr{hen an optional irregu.J-ar forn occrre aJ-ong sid.e the form, tb.e prefix p appears: OA = there is arr' optiona]- agentiwe form (which ie then listed). OI, = there i6 on optiona]. l-ocatiwe form. Certain forms are replaciwe. In thj-e inetance the prefix R oc eu:rE:

RP The ph:raL form is rep).aciwe. In general there may be a need. to J-iet repJ.aeiwes. Thus far we trave onJ-y one kind of replaeiwe. VIe iIl-ustra,te it here rather thpn I-isting it in the g].oesary entries: waytnr -m]:a L crazy man RP The rep3.aeive p3-ura-1- for coiapourrds with -roha is pgpr. fhe p}.:ral- form of walrrn'mha is thus waytrf,tpy'tn,. Dri]-l-s.

l-. Interpretir:g g]-ossary entries for nourrs. fhe ob ject of thi s d.ri'l'l is to a.cquai:et the stude:et with the i:efJ-ectiona3. patter:re of various cLassee of norrns. Earl-y sets are sorted eo as to infl.ect with. simiLar patterns. I'a,ter eets are mi-xed.. The strrdent is not expected. to .l-earn th.e 3.*ica1 items themselves, but is expected rather to co:ece:rtre"te uporl ma,sterj-ng the interpreta"tion of gJ.ossary entries. a. Set l- (Cl-ass J-, consonarrt fina.I.) Supply the r:nmarked, p}:ro] , locative, and. agentive forms for eacb. :aoul3.. T}.is should be done oralIy, not in writi:rg. ma:1yk L master [na:\rk ma:].ykpyn, ma3]-y]nra.:Llra ma:1ykan, ] may rmsa:b 1 mistress ma:ra:j L majesty jrha:n l fami-].y ka:1 .1 death Nf gwthyya:r 1 gtrthi member

Conwersationa]. Newari - 34

b. Set 2 (C].ass 1, rrowel fina]-). Supp1y ora].]-y the rrnmarked., p}:ral. , l-ocatiwe, a.:rd. ggentiwe forme for each norlrl' nJmy L fatherts sister J-a:::y L queel:. bwry 1 oJ.d womarr ma:rtry 1 minister jh:rthy 1 o1d woman jwjw 1 king nhyathw 1 first r^rife sa:hw 1 merchant d.a: jw 3- older brother tata.: jw 1 elder sister-in-l-aw kyahyant 1 yor.ln.g:er sister J.ya:eya 1 young worna;r pa: sa: l- friend. r-a'. ja.. l- king bwra: 1 oJ-d man ba: jya: l- grand.father raysa: 1 wife kyja: 1 yoirnger brother tata: 1 el-der sister c. Set 3 (c].ass 1, a].ternating consone.:at fina]-) Supply ore.l ].y the unmarked., p3-ural- , I-ocative, a:ed agentiwe forms for each nourr. ma: (m) 1 mother nl:ya: y' mhya: c- ]- daughter bhaw bhal-y- 1 younger kala: (t) 1 wife brother's son'e wife, gra.:ed.sont s wife d. Set 4 (cJ.ass 1, al-ternating vowe3. final-) Suppl.y ora]-I-y the r:nmarked, pJ-uraJ-, locative, and agentive f srns f or ea,ch noun.

ka: y' d1-a


(wa) 1


l- son

ehe,y' cha.ya- L grandson


e. Set 5 (class 2, inwa.riant wor,,'cl fina-l) Suppl-y tlre r:lmarked., pJ-ura,J-, I-ocatiwe, a.::d. agentiwe f orns f or each I101lr1.

by 2 snake kysy 2 eJ-ephant syka:ry 2 hunter phay 2 sheep (a1so pha.y(s))* wJrrf, | 2 mad woman dwgw 2 goa.t pasw 2 beast chvrn' 2 rnouse bha: ttw 2 d.owe khwn' 2 thief *This convention, omitted. from the section on abbrewiations, giwes an alternate base form. SuppJ-y aIJ. forms for both bases"

Conversationa.L Newari - 35



e. Set 5 (eoatinued') jyapw 2 farmer dhwat 2 tiger gy:eeia 2 lioa sa'f-s 2 }eorse }:e-z 2 bee kfuri:a:: 2 dog kha: 2 eock taa,ca. 2 boy, chiJ-d o? = masta wa''nt 2 mad man f . Set 6 (cJ.aes 2, al-ternatiag consona.rrt fin=].) Supply ora3-Ly the unmarked, pl-uraf., locatiwe, "'d ag:entiwe forms for each noun. ewalay' cualae- 2 she goat aarrw(kh) 2 person kwa(kh) 2 crow kwaky(J-) 2 a bl-ack song bird' 2 jacke]d.hwa,n' (1) trhSra: (k) banja: (1) 2 a peddJ-er 2 a harnting spirit i'11'kwEoha(l-) 2 potter jawa: (1) 2 herd-er 2 tai-l-or wyka: (l) b:'trhw(n) 2 Pid'geon 2 f]-y bhw jy(::) kY(].> 2 insect> 2 beggar haytnt hae- 2 googe ma:lra(1 ) 2 monkey phay(s) 2 sheep (aaso pha.y) d'hay'nr dhas- 2 bed' bug mJray t m3ras- 2 buf fal-o E,!

' I'

Ihe student is encouraged to return to this d.rill periodice]1y and to go through it with a natiwe speaker of Newari r::etj-L he haimastered the patterns involwed. . f'c should. be noted. tha.t severa-l- words wiLL fit into more than one pattern, and not all speakers will agree ae to the patterlas which shoul-d. be preferred for a number of words. It is not the point of this d.ri1-1 to teach rrew vocabulary, but -ather to give praetice in inflectionaL patter:es. Class' , nouns wil-L be cowered. by drills in the next leseon. fbom this point ot1: :aoun6 wiJ-l be .giwe:e in their standard gJ-ossary fors. 2. Substitutiore dri]-]-. It'e object of the fo.llowing d.ri3.l- is to aid. tl-e student in mastering certai:e fra.mes. Ihe items substituted for X are giwea f or the saLe of wariety in repeating the fra:ne "

ConwersationaL Newari


A. Gana jha:y'grt? B. ?asae, warJra. A. Chw nyaa: jazy'eiw? B. X nya&: warr5ra. Chy nan, jha:yt Laz ? A. X rlwg,e"i Ayrsa:n, pa:8a,2, ve'yt ).a:?



V/here X = n-l:a:y'ka(n),

k5rpa: , c\ta,ez? , gwa]-bhya zraz , a:]-w, kaany, rnw6ya: , l.a:bha: , pya: j, chwcr.r(n), mary, ka:wJ-ya, me-iy' , ja:ky, 3-ad.dw

7. Substitution dri]-]-. The object of the foal-owing driJ.3- is to girre practice in the use of the locatiwe A. Gwg'w X warrya? x lryayt waaya. Where X = the ].ocative forms of the fol]-owing: chyan' 'houser, 1e:rt troel.d' , kwatha: trooErt , k:,'ab:r tge,rdent , tvnet (thrr) E



'weJ-l. ' , arrd. Y = irny tmyt, chymy tyourt,

ma.:rl,lra: rmotherrst,

pa:sa:ya: tof a friendr, ymy ttheir.t, waye: thitt.

4. lransforrla.tion d.ri]-l-. this d.ri]'t is structured as a series of related situations regarding wb,icb qrrestiong are poeed. the student si:oul-d. answer the questione without looking at the book. For situatiozrs fo'l'l owing the second., the strrdent is expected. to construct questiorre plal.ogous to those posed. in the earJ.ier situations. Situation: JTrt,aa chagww saphww ma:J-a. llkyn , jy pa: sa: ya: chyan ' y I wa"r}a: .


1. Sw wana? 2. Gana. wana: ? 7. Cha:yr we"na:

[.ly *"',r., .



chyen'yt warra: [P.r.*ry* ? llvt*u saphww ma:]-a. llk1-n' ""*' ' ] 4. Gwgw chyanryr wana: ? chyan'yt *"rr-r. ] [?=.r.-ry*

Convereationa]. Newari

5. 6. 7.

ma.:l-a? SwSrba ms:l-a?


[Ch.g*, sa.phww ma:]-a. ] [ Jytaa na:]a. ]


Gwa"e,guv saphww ma:].a?

Icurer* sa.phww ma:]a. ] of conjunct

f,eeson 5.




one of the fol l owing appeare in pareatheeee

[-p", ] [ -pr: ]

Expensilre Shoes shoul-d. be




jha:y'gv? Asanay' vranya. Cha:y' jha:y'gw thay'n, ? I'atkazrt, Ttya;e'z wa.nya. A::a bhSagw d,w 1,e-z? BhnAr,r Ea=w Ba: ana nya:y' mak.Lw. A. Dhyaba: tww thayin,

sre (you) going? (Irrn) going to Asan. Wliy are (you) going? am going to buy shoee" Are there good one6 there? If there s.r'e no good orreB, won't buy any there. A3-though (they) cost morrey,

3. Khaa.. Athya hyay' ya:yr.

Tes, that's just wLrat I'11

A. B. A. B. A. B.




New Vgcabu1ary

athya J-ike that tleayrn, l-ike (a.Iso used. e"6 a. cha:y'why2ParticleofPo].itene66 or uuacsrttrinty). d.hyaba: 1 Eroney, pice ye iyr future conjrrnct form makhw negative of kha 'bet. of ya: rdot. sa: if, al-though

Conwersational- Newari - 39 Dri]-].s.

l-. Interpreting glossary entries for noune. The object of this is to a.cquaint the student with the inflectionaJ- pa.tterne of various c3-assee of nouns. The stu.dent is not expecteg to learn the 3.exicq]- iteme themselves, but is expected, rather, to concentrate upon rnastering the interpretation of gJ-oseary entries. a. Set l- (e].ass J, j-nwariant eonsonant fin=]s) Suppl-y oral-J.y the agentive, locatiwe, a"rrd. unmarked forms. PJ.ural epecificatione have beea caitted from the listinge for dril-].. ta: ryph T praise -g'w(Iy) mra'c 7 ehair -g:w(].y) pa:p 3 sin -gw(l,y) gajap , wonder NC jara: ph 5 ertgwer -gw(Iy) sarrga.t 7 comparly -gw(ly) a:pat 7 troub].e -gw(1y) bakhat 1 time -gw(1y) pad 3 title band.wk 7 rif].e -pw -gw(Iy) dha:a 1 wea].th -gvr(ly) kys5,u 7 kind.s -gw(]-y) hwl- ', crowd. -gw(].y) g:wn t he]-p -gw(l-y)


Supp].y b. Set 2 (c]-aes J, invarient vowe]. finn]s) ora.Lly the agentiwe, locatiwe, and ur:marked f orme. Ph:ra1 specifications hawe been oraitted from the examplee i:e tliis'I set. sy6y 3 bottle -ga(1) my 5 fire -kw(ty) khy 3 feces -kr., -pwa,(I) hy 5 bl-ood -ty -pty 6;rn'3 wood -kw -kw(ty) -pa:ytn' -}rw(ty) -tya: (k) Eou.p -ty kaasy 7 operl roof -gn(].y) ty 7 stitch, gra.z].y . 5 heel -ga.(l-) rDary 3 bread. -pa: lmr' 1 go1d. -kw(ty) bhw 3 plate -pa: (t) glrn' 7 forest -gw(Iy) kha.swTfogNC pa: Iw 3 gigrrer -kw 1 forehead -g:w(l-y) mya myae- 3 tongrrs -pw kway'n | (c > 7 bond -kw(ty) I-way' l-wae- 7 d.isease Bwpa: yr13, Ewpa: c- 5 cl_oud _gw(l_y) _kw(ty) gwa: c- 7 musts.che twa: (th) €:wa: y' 1 mouth -gw(ly) twn' (thy) rn,eLl- -ga.(J_) -Pw pwg.3 5 stomach -ga(J_) Ia(kh) j water _pty y(kh), spitta.l -pty bhwayrblrway- 3 feast _Cw ta(m) t Ernger -ka(].) bara: (m) , peanut -rhya -ga.(I) rrha:yrka(n) 5 mirror _pa: (t) -g:w(3-y) ga: (m) 3 wi]-]-age -gw(1y) ]-a:ka: (m) j ehoe _pa: _jw sa]-a: (m) 3 chalk -kw(ty) na: (m) 7 t:Fme -gr"r(ly)

Conwereational- Newari - 4L t



].a(n) 3 shirt -pa:(t) cyka(n) 3 oi]. -ty nJrpa(n) 7 tail- -pw nwga(]-) 3 beart -gw(3-y) gha(3.) 1 pitcher -ga(3-) ja: (1) 5 net, trap -Jr ta: (1) 1 lock and key -jw ha(J.) 7 heaf -ha(I.) amga(]-) 7 waLl- -ga(l-) y(1) 3 time -gw ma:yr ma:6- 3 puJ-se -ga(J-) bha:yr bha: e- 3 3.anguage -gr',(ly)

ba:kho(n> 5 story -pw swa: , f].ower -pwa: chwcr,s(n) 5 wheat fJ-our -rBe"r:a: -mlra: -pty -m}:w(l-y) wa: sa(3-) 3 medicirre -glr3.y -ca: (L) sa(3.) 3 woiee -grv(Iy) D 1 s}-op -€w(Iy> ja(]-) 7 Lieht -gr^,(].y) dya dyas- 3 country -g:!r(ly) gha:y'n, gha:e- 1 gra6E -pE nJra:yt nl:a: s- 1 nose -pw pbayt pha.s- 1 wing NC ba:yr ba3 s- 3 overrrJ.ght stop, shelter -gw

d. Set 4 ( J, a]-ternating wowel fina.l-s) Supp\l" nr^otfy the rrnmarked., locative, a-d agentiwe forms. ?].ura.]- specifl.cations have been omitted. for the pu:eposes of this d.ri']'l set.

\a 7 wing, feather -pa: -pw swkb.w(1y> 5 mat -pa: (t) ( swk}lw(ty) ) . Eaw sa\r- 3 cow f eces , manure -kr+(ty) -kw eandlrw(].y) 7 trunk -ga(1)

pwlrhw(ly> 7 pond -gw paw paty- 3 ]-etter -pw(ty) kw 7 }.oe -pw dhaw dhal.y- 7 curd -kw -ga(I.) Lharr khaay- 3 oil coke -pa: (t) angw(]-y) 3 ring -pa,: (t)' jSrw(wa) 7 bod.y -ew(].y)

e. Set 5 (mixed.) SuppJ-y ora1J-y the r:ruoa.rked., locatiwe, a.::d a.gentive forms. ?Iura,I specifieations have been omitted.. l-wa: pw 1 fight dwrw 7 mi]-k -ty -ka(].) bha:]-w 2 bear pSrwa: (I) 2 keeper ka: pa(t> 7 cloth -kw kha.(t > ) cart, cha:,iot _gw(ly) bha.w bhaty- 2 cat -kw(ty)

Co:rversationri Newari -


gueen maa:dya(wa) l- Sharrlcar ca? ca:laLr- 7 night -ca.- pya(n) 7 arlus -ga(l) pyaikha(n) 3 da.:ece, drama chwa(n) 5 bamboo shoots -kw(ty) ea: bw(n) 7 soap -ga(L) -gw(Iy) cwkw(Iy) 3 3-atcb, bar, bol-t jhya: (i) 7 window -pa: (t) d.hvra(].) 1 ].ine D -gr"r(]-y) -pw kaw 2 blacks:aith A= kaw nan, ma:ha iTaiwy l-

fhe student is enccuraged to return to this d.riJ.l periodical.).y and to go tb.roueh it witb. e nati-we epeaker of Newari r:ntil- }.e hae n:agtereC tbe patterrre invol.ved. 2. Sutr ;titution dri]*l. The object of tiee foJ-l-owing dri).J. ie to aid the stud.ent in mastering the fz'anre. 3he itencs errbstitut6d for X are given for the eal 2 erow khya: (kh) 2 a lraulting spirit phay(s) 2 sheep myayr myae- 2 buffa]'o


nJmy 1's sister ma,: (m) 1 mother bLraw bhal-y- I younger brother sonrg wife chayr clraya- 1 grandson by 2 snake manw(kh).2 person d.hwanr(1) 2 jackel bhwjy(n) 2 f1y bakhw(n) 2 pigeon dhay'n' dbae- 2 bed. bug hay'n' hae- 2 goo6e


2. Asentiwe subetitution d.ri]-]-. Each of the f o'l'l ol;ing sentences contains one or rnore nor:ns in gJ-ossary entry form enclosed in square brackets. Read each sentenee twice. On the first reading substj-tute the -nan, agentiwe foroa for tne parenthesized el-ements rvhere possibl-e '(that is, substitute -nan, for c!.ass L end 2 nouns, not for class J nor:ns). On the second. :'eading substitute tne -\- /

-arr, e.gentive forn.

thl.,a cwasa: I rryt, rke' : ] nya: ta. 1. I p. , "., ] i,!y friend bought this pen f or fiwe rupee6. 2. Ilt*, ] Hr.y-ya;ta [uty] d,a::.a. Mother beat llari- -l,;ith a stick. ka:ya-] ana chagww saphww t.a]..a. 7. Jymy, [fr,yt My son put a book there. 4. Chpmha [m".rr*] IIary-ya:kya. saphrvw ka:l-a.. A certain person took a book from }Iari. 5. Chamha [U"rlj.: ] thaa ka:y'-ya:ta cha.gww khan' dhe:J.a. A certain pedd].er to1d. his son something. 6. Jrrmy [t*fr: ] rvayta chapw cwasa: byIa. i{y wife gave him a pen.

Conversational Newari


[roa:ka(a)] jYtaa s]rata.. A monkey l-ooked at me. 8. Hary-ya:kya tha.a [crray' chaya-] bwsw eaphww dw' I{ari has a book that wa.s giwen to him by Lris rrandson. g. [Tr.ttt ) iv** ghwa:ta. (My) e].der sister Puohed me. 10. Isa:rrw1 ]-a:ka:n, cyta. The merchar.t tied. (his) shoes. 1l-. [ru.rr: (t) ha:r:ag Ikirvpt] cyta. (My) wife tied the cloth with a Ie39' L2. Cha.mha [manwJ lIary-ya:ta tataa Isa(I>] saatala. ca.I-led to Ilari with a loud woice" A-certain .Eg 7.


conir:nctions . Substitution driI1: The object of this dri']'l is to re).ate the fol3-owing conjunctions to one asother in the student's mind.i e,E-t 'if ', wkrrn, tBot, 1

tthorrght. ' A. Hwn, pasa.]-ay' blurrrg:w J-a:ka.:n, dw aa":?




ana nya:yr makbw. B. Bhfngw lnarw X A. Dnyaba: tww Y bh3rngw nYa:Y' r.aai. rrlhere X = Ea: , wLyn , d, 6a:n, and.Y-aytEa:rt, The fol-lowing i6 a rrariant of the preceding. A. Ih^'::r pe.saI-ay' bhSmgw Ia:ka:n, dw 1a: ? B. Bhirngw tnarw Y jytaa nya:yr hyay' r:ra.a.i. A.Dhyaba: apwaa tww X ana nya:y' maphw. 4. Situajion dril1. In this d.ri]l- the etud.ent is given a situation in Newari and The stud.ent should. answer the asked qpestions about it. qrrestions without looking at the book.

Convereational Newari


paealay' ba:nrJ-a:g"w weE bhyngw cwaea.: dw, dyt sa:n, tasakan, thykya. Cwaea:ya: i'\arka: tww eaPhwwya: nya:rka,: tww wa 1a: ka: n, ya: n36rrka tww . Iiaryya:kya nya:rka: jaka d.hyabe.: dr+. i'Ilcfn, wa,n , cwasa : jaka nya: ta"




Q. A. a. A. a. A. q. A. a. A. a.

Cr+asa: elrapwya: gw3-y tww?

Cwasa: chapwya: swarka: tww. Saphwvr chagwwya: gwJ-y tww? Saphww chagwwya: nye.:rka: tww.

la:ka:n, chajwya: gwJ-y tww? La:ka:n, chajwya: nySrrka: tww. Ear3rya:kya gwaarka: d.hyabe: d.w? Iiar;rya:kya rya.irka: jaka dw. Haryn, chw rl]'a:ts? Har;rn, cwase: chapw jaka nyazta" Ear3.n, cwasa: clrapw me.rryaa: ee.l sa.phil-rn, chagww jaka ga:rr, nlra:yr phvr l-a: ?

A. Phw. a. i{ar5rn,

cr.,' c}rapw wa saphww

ehagww ma.nyaaz

s€,2 Latka,zrt,

chajw nya:y' phw l-a: ? - A. Maphw. a. Cb.a.:yr maphw? A. HazXrya:kya nya:rka: jaka dw wk5rrrr. After going through the situation driIl- severa1 times, B shoul-d, a:iswer without looking at the book. After the a::swers hawe been mastered, the sitrration shou-l-d be changed. Both the items and the prices may be changed.

Conversationa]. Newari - 49 Sesson

7. At the Cap Store. A = CuEtoroer B - Custoaer'e friend C = Shonlceeper A-C = A ePeale to C

A-C ?aea.l-ya: bha: jw. Oh ehopkeeper. Chykya bhpegw 'bapwl-y Do you have cry good caps ? dw la: ? C-A Dw. Gwgu jsrw? Yes. ltrhich one is right? Srce.ya: dyaan, I P).ease l-ookJ B-A Erm:, ba,:nr1aa:. fhe one over there looke god. A-C Jyw. Yes Wa kyerra: d.ysa:c., I Show me tb.a.t one, p1-ease. C-A Swaya: dysan, I P]-eaee tp:,re a Iook. Thwgw bhyn, taan, jww. This oa.e is al-so weIL made. A-C Gw3.y tww thay'la, ? How much d.oes cost? C-A Nya:rka: jaka. Oxl-y five rupees. B-C Ihwa swaya€L: tfarr, Isntt there a better bhynsw marw La: ? one tha"n this ? C-B Der. Thwg:w BwaJra: dysa"n, I Yes, l-ook at this orae. A-g Ihwk36ra: gw1y tww tb.a.yrn, ? Ilow mrrch is this one? g-A Thwkyya: cya.:rka: jaka. fhie one is only eight.rupees. B-A Ihwg:w ba::rr3-aa: aytsa:n, Ihough this one is ettractive, bhyn, thay'n, El&cw€Ja. it is not reo] ].y wel1 mad.e. C-B lvlakhw. fhat's not true ! Ihwesr balla:y. fhie one wi.Ll_ be durab1e. A-C Cya:rka: thykayr Eight rupees is expeasive, majwr* Laz ? isnrt it ? C-A Dhyaba: tww thaytn, ft costs Boney, (but it) bal] a: y. wil]. be d.urabl-e.

Conversational Newari -


It is attractiwe , bu.t tlra,t I s la:1aa , ay ' sa: r:, too much. apwaJ.a. C-AB Apwaa majww. ft ie not too much. Nhayr:rka:tya: jlmy hya.yr ft co6t us seven e^zrd a hal-f





A-B 3a11a:y Ea.: thvra hyay' If it wiJ-l be durabJ.e, eh.or:J-d.n't nya:y' ma:I1ry aaz? I buy this one? e-AB thwgr+ ba:n,}aa: bhyn, this one is a.ttractiwe, (it) r1arr, jwr,'. is aJ-so weJ-l made. Please Biwe 2 sheep ma: ka(l-) 2 mo:'J, to coJ-Iapse OSK thr,rn

garl v to intervene 7 we]-]. -ga1!) K (a]-so twnr (1) )


yaa Vimps to J-ike

Dri].].s. L. Interpreting glossary entries for verbs. Given the fol-lowing partial- glossary entries for verbs and' figu:e 1on page 81 abowe, determine the A-form, the A:-form, and the negative A-form for each verb.

ba-I).a: Vimpe to be strorrg, d.urable N = ba-ma-La: ba:n,-Ie.: Vimps to be good looking, attractive bha-pyy V to d.rirr-lcr €at, emoke (respect form) bhrn v to be good L = bhyre. bw vimps to be cocked (of food.) bYY V to giwe cwan V to live, etay cwa.rr Vimps' to seen, to apI)e&r. d.a Vimps to be (existential- and locatiwe) S = fu, ONA = ma.nta ONS = rpa, Clrfwrs. vr-mBs to frrrj-s]1 dlrr Y to be (respect> I = drrsan,l }raa. V to bring L = hym,l/ hatyy!/ ,rtWi

jha.a.: Y to go, to come (respect) I = jha:san,,! jww V to be (with a.d.jectivaSpred.icates) to become. jlry Vimpe to be right, to fit, to be appropriate, suitable' kag.z V to take, to cost az = kaya: khu"n V to cook (of curry) kYo.' V to show ]-an V to weigh (something) ma:l- Vimps to be neceseary N = S{aai my)-ayt yai V to come to ar:. agreement

V to eat na:pe'-la! V to meet (eomeone) nyan v to hear' ask nya: V to buy pa6aa wa.n V to go shopping f = traaaa hwn, ! !1a;a.

Conwersa,tional Newari

pa:6a: w?n V to go aa a, friend., to keep someone coltrpanJr

r = pa:6a: Er-.' pha vimpe to be ab]-e $=phw

phya-tw V to eit d.owra 6aa vimps to }c:ow (how to d.o soneth-ing)


thak V werbal auxiliary with the Eenae rcome back' thww v to cook (of riee) tw vimps to cost A: = twva: twa.rr V to d.rink tyar: Virnps to be about to (d'o something) Y = tYnlr waa V to cone J = wa:


wan V to go I = hwrr, I ea. Viarps to be tasty SiK SK = chwa.a swa V to l-ook ysa Yimpe to like :'a,- v to put (eonetkring ya- Vimpe to bring inbo, to give in t:ruet I = t:ry, ,*: V to d,o ta.:. V to add thaa Vimps to "roke a profit ?o tli-rough tbe J-ist abowe once more and determine the caugatiwe A-form anC tbe causatiwe A:-forrn of eacb. verb. ba-I3.a, IU.-f Lz:'*al-:a ba-]-Ia: ke.: ] etc. Go through ibe of entries once rnore or.d supply the Y-form a:rd. the YA-forn of each verb. ba-3-J.a r I tr-t1-a: y ba-13-a: y' ] etc Go th,rougb the entries once"in supp3-ying the causatiwe Y-fo:rm a::d the causative YA-form of each verb. ba-)-J.a: Ila-]-La:ty ba-l-).a: -kya]

2. Person a.greement dri]-I , pronor-un insertion. Ihe object of this driJ-J. is to give the stgdent opportunity to practice tb.e agreercent pa.tterns between subject and werb which occur in senterace€, with personaJ- verbs. In the fol-lowing set of senterlces the subjects are missing. SuppJ-y either wart, 'het or itrn, 'It as reguired by the form of the verb. The werb is nrra: 'to buyr . A. B.

saphww nya: ta. saphww nya:na:

C. D.

saphww raya:y. saphww nya:yt,

Conversat:-orr*f Newari -


saphww nya:na:


eaphww rayaas gat.


sa,phww nya: y ' gw .


saphww rrya:ygw.


In the fo].].owi::g 6et the verb is brnr rto give' A. B. C.

lla.r56ra:ta saphww byJ-a. Haryya:ta saphww b;rya: Ilaryya: ta byvrgw.

D. E. f'.




ta b;rya : gw. Haryya: ta b;ry. Har;rya: ta byyg:w.

I:r the fol]-owing set the verb is k.Laa' ntra:a 'to ask'. A. B. C. D. E. I'. G. H.

thaa thaa thaa thaa thaa t]:.aa tkraa tlraa

da: jwya:kya,r.w khan' nyana. da: j wya: \ra chagww kLran ' nyana : .

da:jwya:kya d-a: jwya:kya da: jwyazkyd, d-a: jwya:kya da: jwyazkya d.a: jwya:kya

chagww khan' nyana:gw" chagww khan' nyang-w.

khe:t' eha.gww khanr cb.agww k}.an' cha,gww khant chag"wrv


nyanya. nyanygw. nyanyag-w.

T- the fo]-].owing set the verb is haa 'to bring'. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

thana cha.gww oE,phrrw chag"wvr saphww thana chagww saphww thana chagww saphww thana cSagww saphww thana chagww saphww thana cllagww saphww thrana chagww saphww

hala.. ha.ya:. haytg"w.


hay'. haagw. hayg;w.



Convereationa1 Nelrari

In its or of


,. Person asreemenl dri]-l, Ie* insertion the fo1.3-owin! sentences the werb ie given j-n bra.ckets in glossary entry form. Supp]-y the past &iejr:nct (A-form) the past coajua.ct (A:-form) as required by the subject the sentence. A. llan, saphww [ryrr ]. B. J5rn, H-aryryazta sa.phww [Uyr]. C . lia bh3rn, mar.w'w I j** ] . D. !Ia. Bhwata : hytyya; ch;ran ' y' [ .r* J . E . Jy Sya : rnjra: pasaLay ' [ ** ] . F. '!{ay' kaa :*e.raga}ay' I jnaa , ] . G. Thrna sapLrwwya: :aya zrkaz [t*]. ii'

. Jai


J. E. L. i{' N. O. P.

r- 1 LbwJ.


thana ehagrr.w oaphww [U.*]. J;rn, thaa da: jwya: kya chag:w'w khan' Irryrrr] J3rn, eaphuw [*v.t ] .


lfan, ilar-rrya:ta saphrn'w [Ury]. Jy bhyn, rnanr^rw I j'""'], Jy Shwata:hytyya: chyan'y' ["or*]. l'ia Sya:mJie,: pasal.ay' [*aa]. J5rn, thana chagw-w saphww [U..].

In the foll-owing sentences the verb is giwen in brackets in ite glossary entry form. Supply the future d,isjr:nct (Y-form) or t}.e future conjunct (YA-form) as reqr-rired. by the sentence. A. J3rn, thana cLragww saphww [irm]. B. l,Iehr eaphww [r.y.r]. C. IIa Sya*ya: paeal.ay' [r*r]. D. J5rr, Haryya:ta sapllww [Ury]. E. Ja: Itr] F. ttre.n, thana chagww saphww [fr."]. G. Jy Sya:mya: pasa]-ay' [re.n]. H. Jy bhl-n, manww [5,"*J.

Conversationa]- Newari -

I. J. K. L. M. N.


Jtrrn, saphww [ny".t ].

Jy Bhwatathytyya: chyan'y' ["rr*]. I}lwa sa,phwwya: nya:rka: [t*]. llay'kaa lttangaLayt I jir.aa: ]. lJa Bhwata:hytyya: chya"n'y' [."r*]. !tran, thaa da: jwya:kya chagrrw khan' [nyan].

4. Iransformati.on dri].l , verb forms. Ihe object of the foJ-l-owing d^riJ-3. is to provid.e the student with additional opportunity to practice pereon agreerDerrt in rrarious tense forms. A. lia bhyn, ma.nww jwJ.a. B. Jy bhyn, rDanww jwya:. g. tta bh;m, manww jwy. D. Jy bhyn, xcanww jwy. A. t,Ia Bhwata:hyt3rya.: chyan'yr cwana.. B. Jv C. }ta. D- Jv A. lrla Sya:Erya: pasal.ay' B- Jv




D. Jv A. llan, B. Jyn, C. llant, D. J5m,



A. !Ian, Haryya:te. B. J5rn, C. tr'/an, D. J5m,

saphww by1a.

Conversational Nenari A. Ra:man, tbaz da:iwya:kya B. JSrn' C. Ra.:man, D. J3rn,



k}:an' nyan'a'

A. llanr thana, chagww eaphw'w hala' 3. JJ-n ' C. tla::' D. J}'::, The following sete of four are given to provide opportr:uity fcr p:'a.ctice in the gg tenses' A. B. C. D.

Ua Jy liJy

bhYn' ma:lw'w jwwgw' bhYa' maJrww jwYa:gw' bh3m, EaJaww irrYgw' bhYn, Iaaraww iwygw'

tt". l{a Bhwata:hytyya:

B. C

chya-n'yr cwan'gw'


. l'Ia



A. lia Sya:lnYa: Pasa3.aY' waa'gw' B. Jv





A. !Ia:r, saphw-* laya,a:gw. 8.. J5m,






A. llan, IIarYYa: ta B. J5rn, C. tlan, D. JSrn '

saPhww bYwgw'

Conwersatj-ona]- Newa:ri


A. Ra:ma;n, thaa da: jwya:kya ehagww k}-an' nyangw.



C. D.

Ra:man, J5m,

A. !Ian, thana chagww B. J5rn, C . llan, D. JSrn ,

saphww haagw.

S. Substi-tution d"ri]-l. Ihe object .of thie is to giwe oppo:'tunity for piactice of fras'es. Items in parentheses are optiona]. . A. Ana chygw chyanr gwgw thay'nr? B. X khaa.. A. B. lJhere X a.nd, Y and Z

(ma) jr+w. Y Chyn, thrra chyan' gw13rn, By&:nazgw? Z d.waa jaka twwgw. Ana dysan, I = hwngw thwgw wgw tlrwa wa a..t*a Lrwn' = takha: cykl:a? ba:nrl.aaz bhfrn, nhwv ba11aa: thykay' Ca::, - any nr:mber between two a,nd" 90

A. Th.wa swyygw X thayrn, ? B. Thwa I[ -ya: (gw) khaa. A. W gana d.w? B.WYdw. l{here X = saphww kypa: ].a:ka:n, ewasa: nha:y'kan, chya:rl pasaa kwatha: kyaba tapwJ-y vI - Sya: u. I{ary Bhwban ka: y t ma: n, wa and Y = chya^:'r'y' pasa].ya. kwatha: y' kyabayr Asanay' llanga.l.ay'

Conversationa]. Newari -


6. Transformatio:: dri]-l , near parapb.rase. The object of this drilJ- is to provid.e opportunity for dril-J-ing a r:.ear paraphrase reJ-ationship between two kinde of sentenees. A. fhwa saphwwya: gwJ.y ka.'.i-a? B. Chfn, thwa saphwrr gwlyn, ny&znaz? A. thwa chyan'ya: grrl]-y kazf,a? rtr


A. / t":ka:n,ya:

gwJ.y ira'.La?



A. !i:wa lrypa'.yaz g'*11r L.azl-a? E

A. fhwa cwasa:ya: gruJ.y ka:La"? E !.

A. fhwa tapr^rJ-1-ya: gv,')-y ka:l-a? E

7. Situation Situation:

dri]-].. fhwa dangw eaphwr* wkJ,-n, tbwa Yu^, sapl:r^'J-1'y kypa, *p*L. marw. fl:.wgv; sapLrww, thykay'

r,;k1rn, t}:wa saphwJ.Sry

yakwa. kypa: dw.

Dangr* saphwl-yy chyarrrya:Bw k:rpa: kyaba:ya: kypa: wa pasaaya:gw

kypa: jaka d.w. ?h1rtr3y'g"i.r sap}.wlyy pya: j ya: gw ka: r'rJ-ay' ya: gw J-a: blra: ya-: gw a: Iwya: gw gvral-bhya: ra:S.: g-w 1a : ka: n, ya:grtrr tapvr).yya:gw wa myagw rnary cwasa,:ya:gw narl , dw. Questions:

a. Ana g-vraagww saphwrv dw?

A. Nygww saphww d.'c. a. NyprJ-y gwg-w ba:n,1aa: jww? A. Thykay' gr* yakwa ba : n , J-aa : j ww.

ConwersationaL Newari - 97

a. ?hgrka,y'gil chasyt ba:arJ.aa,: jvm? A. Thykay' gw saphwl]ry yakwa ba: n,J-a,: g:lr k5rpa.:


A. Dangw15ry Lya? A. Syapaa: khwpaa: jaka klrca: dw. a. Chyan'ya:g:w kypa: maa. sa: glrg:w saphww rryazy' ma:Iy l-ya,? A. DarrgwlSry chyan'ya: k:pa: I.a: d.w, ayr ea:n, ba:nrlaa,: majww. Ill5rkay' gwl-yy ehya^n' ya : gw k5rpa.: ta,sakan, ba:nr3.aa:. a. Tapwly wa 3-a:ka;nrya?gv kSrpa: tca.a,z ela: l-ya? A. VIa. J-a: thykay'g'w saphwJ-yy jaka


Conversational Newari


12. Brrvi:rg g Pictrre. [ = Shopkeeper 3 - Customer C = I"riend of cuetomer A-3 JLra:sa,n, I Jha.:san, ! f.reeson


Please come! Chytaa chw ma:l-a thay':o ,? llhat d.o you need? liwnp kypa: chakaa kye;n,a: ?lease shor+ (me) that picture dysan, I over there. Kypa: l-a: ba:nrJ.aaz we. ?he picture is large a:ed. beautifultapaa: wkSrnr thyka5''. and so it is expensive. Chytaa 1ya? A-r'rd you (what d.o you need)? Jytaa chwn' Bwaa:. f don't need. anything. Jy pa:sa: je.ka lraya:gw. I onJ-y cs.tne to keep my friend colnpany.

B-A fhwk3lra: i.hyaba: yakwa tww ia: ? A-B Apwaa matr','w''n.ray'rka: jaka. 3-C Thwgw ba:n, Laz? C-B Jytaa 1s: hwngw yaa thay'n, cwaJlr. B-A Hwngl+ chakaa kyana: dyeanr 6a: j A-B Swaya: dysan, I fhwgw nan, ba:n,la.a'. d-hyaba: nar: , yakwa matww

Does that one cost



It doesn't cost too


on3-y seven rupees"

Is this one niee? I think I 3-ike that over there. Please show me that

one one


lJ.ease l-ook.' one is beautifu!. and. it doee not cost so

C-B !/g'w swayaa: thwgw That one seerns more beautifu-lba:nrlaa: tha3nrn, cwarr,. than this orre. B-C JW. That's right B-A Thwgw hyay' byya: dysan, PJ-ease give me this onei ea: i Ihwa d.hyaba: PJ-ease take this money! kaya; dysan, .'

Conwersati-onal Newa.ri - 99 $ew Vocabula.rrr.

t &ny kaa: V to take Az = k.ayez k;rpa: 5 picture -pa: (t) chr.m






Y to come I = waaz ! a. demonstrative adjectiwe meaning ttLrat' . the f orm wgw occurs with i:eanimate noLInB, the f orm wmha. occurg with animate rrour.E.

Laz Coneessive or emphatic particl-e usua.Ily occrrrri::g in eenterlce non-fina]yakwa much, position. 6a3 post verbal emphatic particae.


Grammar l{otee.

1. Person markers: conjunet and d-is.iu:r.ct forms. In siraple declarative sentences, persona]- verbs vrith first person eubjects occu.r in the conjr::ect form. Personal- werbe with non-first pereon eubjects occur in the d.isjr:::ct form. I cqm€. 1. Jy waya.: You c-me. 2. Cha wal-a. He caure. 3. IrJa wal-a. Ihe form wa1a, rcame' Ehe form waraa: tco're' is disjunct. is eonjunct. In simple declarative senteneee the speech situation focuses rrpon the speaker. lrle sayr then, that matrix focus is upon the spea-ker. Where the matrix focus

is the 6a^rre a,e the subject of the eentence, the conjunet form is used.. In interrogative sentences the ma.trix focus is on the hearer. irlhen asking a. question, the speaker genera3-1y paueas, focr:sing attention upon the hearer wlriae expecting an araewer. Ihus, in simple interroga.tiwe sentences, pereoaaJ- werbs with second. person subjects occur in the conjr:nct form. Pereonal werbe with non-second. person subjects oeeur in the d.isjr:nct form. Did I come? 4. Jy wala Laz? Did. you come? 5. Cha. rrayaz Laz? Did. he come? 6. lta we.l-a. Laz ? In complex 'se:atences, the su.bordinate sentenee taLes the conjunct form when its subject is identical to the matrix focus. ff tbe subord,inate sentenee is declarative the matrix fccrrs is the subject of the main sentence. 7. ltran, wa wal-a dha:J-a. He said that he (soueone else) ca:ne 8. IJa.n, we" waya: dl:a:l-a. IIe said that he (himself) came.

ConwersationaL Newari -


fn eubord.inate d.eclaratirre eente::cee, t}.e verb is conjuret if the subject of the verb refere to the Bqme ind.iwidual- ae the subject of the main sentence, otherwise the werb is Ihis can be i].]-ustrated quite wel-l- in terme of d.isjunct. senteneeB containing d-irect quotation. I said' I'I cam€.ri 9, J3rn, "Jy waya:" dhaya:. You said "I came.rl 10. Chan, "Jy waya.i't dha:J-a. 'i'tran, He eaid "I ca.Irs.r' dha:1a. , waya:" l-1 "Jy I said "Yorr came.rr L2. J1ar, "Cha wal-ail d.!ra:J.a. You eaid "Yor:' ca:re.r' 11 . Chan, "Ch.a wa]-a'r dha:]-a. I{e saidtrYou ce-Be.t' 14. lla-rr,'rCha wa]-a" d-Lra:l-aI said "He cgme." 15. J3rn, "ltla wa]-a" dlra:ya:. You said "I{e c3JI1€." L6. Char:., "\rla wa]-a" Cha:]-a. Iie said "He'" L7. IIan, "itJa wal-a" dha:J-a. In direct quotation, the pronoun .iy refers to the 6peaker, and in ti.lese sentences, to the subject of dhaa.: rto Eay'" The occrrrret2ce of j14 e.s subject of the d.irect quote thus reqr:iree that its werb be in the conj''"rnct form' l'Ibere cha and wa occur we find the form of the werb in the d,irect qr:ote. Di*'ect]y quoted qrrestions have a pattern similar to eimpl-e questrons. .ra I was a.sked'?Did I come?" urr'+-? !9. J v4< "Jy waaa Ia:?" dha:Ia. L9. Chanta "Jy wala aa: ?" d.ha:}a. You were asked "Did I corne?" He wa6 a6ked "Did I come?" 20. lrlayta "Jy wal-a Laz?'dha:Ia. 2L. Jytaa "Cha wey'oi l-a.: ?'r dha:Ia. f was asked' "Did you come?" 22. Chanta,"Cha wayaz l-.a.t?" dha:la. Yorr were asked "Did yorr come ?" Iie was asked "Did 21 . Wayta "Chg, waya2 f-a: ?'r dha:la.

you come? 24. Jytaa "IIa ral-a I-a:?'r dha:J.a. I rnras asked "Did Lre come?" 25. Chanta"'l.Ia r.ra,]-a l-a: ?" dha:Ia. You were asked "Did Lre come?" 26. Wayta t'!Ia ws.l-a 1-az?tt dha.:aa. IIe was asked "Did he come?" Vl}.ere the subject of the directly quoted question refere to the Bqme]- as the object of dha:].a, the verb of the quoted question is in t}'e conjunct form. Ind.ireit guotatio:a of questions is highly u:enaturaJ. in Newari.

Conversational Newarj- -



1. Tra.nsforBation dril-Is. The object of the following d.riII is to acquaint the student with e. near-paraphrase relationehip between two kind.s of structure i.n Newari. A. Hwa, kyaba r:.a,n, thwa hyay' chya:erya:gw khaa.. B. Hwn, kyaba nan, thwa chya:a'yr hyayt dw. A. Ilwn, l-an' na.n, thwa hyay' chyen'-ya:gw klraa. D D.

A. Hwn, kwatha: taata, tLrwa hyay' chyan'ya:g:w khaa. D.

A. Ewn' twn, natrr, thwa hyay' chyanrya:gw Lhaa. B.

A. Hwn, saphww nan, thwa hyay' pasal.ay' dw. B. IIwn, saphww nan, thwa hyayt pe.6aa.ya:gu khaa. A. Hw:e, cwa6a: t2.al3, thwa Lr;rayr pasalayr dw. B.

A. Hwn; tapvr3.y nan, thwa hyay' paeal_ayt dw. D

A. Ewn, 1a:ka:n, narr, thwa hyay' paea,l.ay'



A. IIlm, kypa:


, thwa hyayt paeal.ayt



A. Ewn, rrlea:yrkan, ri.arr, thwa hyayt pasal-ay'



Another paii of near paraphrase struetrres is giwen berow. A.'Thwa nL:.a,:y'kan, gwJ-3m, nya:na: g"w? B. Thwa nha:ytkan,ya: gwJ.y twwgw? -lr. Thwa. J-a:ka,:n, gw1ynr nJre, D'

A. thwa B.

saphww gw).rrn, Dyat,nazgw?

Convereationa]- Newari - LOz A. Ihwa cwasa: gwJ-;m, ::yaina:g'w? B.

A. Thwa mary gw]-ynt Dy&znazgw? To the pair of near paraphrase structures, a thi-rd can be add.ed: C. Thwa nha;y'kan,ya: gwly kae.:gw? Repeat th.e d-ril-l-, giving al-1 three strrrctures for ach senterrce.


2. Person markers. Ihe verbs of th.e fol-l-owing se:rtences are given in gJ.ossary entry forra in sqrrare bz'ackets. Read. the sentences a1oud, suppl-ying the correet f orm of the wez'b. 1. lIqFr wa [*at] [aut.t]. He said that he (someone else) came" 2. Wan, we [**] [ail"-: J. He said that he (himse].f) came. 3. Che [rr*] f*, ? Did. you come? +. ,ryn, "Jy [*r.]" [air**, ]. I said. "f,, 5. Jy:e, jy [ra*] [au*r, ]. I said that I came. you said that f came. 6. Chan, 5y [r.*J [ai..rr]. 7. '.ian, cha [*r.J [alm, ]. Iie said. that you came. 8. chan, eha [*"..] [au-., ]. Tou said. that you (yo..rself) 9. Jyn, cha [wa"aj [4fl.*, ]. f sa-id. that yorl .-qme. 10. 'rJan, wayta "C!ra [*."] He asked, him "Did. you come?, Laz


?" I aU*r, ].

11. 'riarr, cb.a::ta "cha [rr*] Laz ?tt I afr"*, ]. tz. I{a.:a, c}ra [r*1 [arr-.r]. l.l. Cherr, "Cb.e [r"r*J" [aft.r"r]. ]4. ]rla:r, "Jy [wa.a.]', [au"-rJ.

iie asked yorr rrDid. yorr He said. that you came. you ,you c&m€.rr He said ,I ca-trre.r,


Convereatione.l Nevarj. Iresoon 15.


Br.wing Rice.

A. Ja:ky d.w )-a: thay'n, chykya? B. Dw. Gwl.y ma.s,:gw thay'rtr? A. Apwaa rnwaa: jytaa. Chwn, da.a sa3 ga.a.i . Thwa chw ja:ky thay'rtr? B. Th.wa rna:rsy ja:ky lrhpg. A. Ja:ky 1a.: ba:n,3.aa:. Chw bhaa: tb.ay'n, ? B. Bhykayr majww. Phachy5ra: rr.leayrrka:tya: jaka. A. Ilwn, bajy bhfirgn llhaa ).a: ? B. Bajy bhfrnsw wa ba.::rr1aa:gw Swaya: d.year:, t A. PhachS4ga: gwly th.ay':a, ? B. Phach5rya: n.Lay'rka: hyayt iaka' ' A. Agr'sa: wa rna:rey ja:ky phacby wa bajy phachy by;ra: dysa::'r Ea: i

Do you have e''y rice? Yeo. Iiow mueh

I d.onrt need. very muelr. If there is 6oloe it wi].l be enoug:h" What kind.of rice ie this? fhis is marsy rice. It is nice rice. ltrhat is the price? It'e not expensive. One pathi ie onJ-y seven arrd a half rupeelE. Is tha,t beaten rice of good. qual.ity? []re beaten rice botb Looks good arrd ie good. Elease l_ookJ How much is a pathi? A pathi is seve:x rupeeel. If so, pJ-ease give (me) a path.i of that marsy rice o''d. a pathi of beaten rice.

New Vocabu1arw.


3 beaten rice -pw -mhw(Iy) -bh.wa: (l_) r bha.: (1) 3 price -gw K daa ].ong form of da tto bet ga. Yimps to be enorrgh, srrffice-








ma:rsy 5 a high qua].ity of uncooked' rice NC NP (usua'l 1y occurs as a compound., rna:ralr ja,:ky a,nd talres the sqme cr-a,ssifiers aE ja:ky. )

Conversatio:ea1 Newari -


Gromtqa.r NOtee.

1. Ca,se frames for verbs. In previoue leesorls we hawe giwen a:r introd.uction to noun morphology. i,lith the hel.p of material presented thr:s far the student shoul-d be abJ-e to construct and to j-d.entify the five major case forms of any noun given in the glossary. Hawing a.cquainted the str:.dent with the f orms, we now turn or:.r attention to the use of theee forms in sinrpJ-e sentences. It shoul-d be noted. at t.Le outset that our use of the term 'case' is different from that of 3il]-ore in that we d,o not attempt to deal- with rEore than ihe errrface forns of tlre nouns inwolved. Our decision as to wirich of a.11 th.e possible casee that cara cooceur with a given verb are included in a given A grea.t dea'I c&Be frame is at this poi-nt arbitra.ry. of ana.lyeis reme.ins to be done before a more consistent grarrmatica!- characterizatLon. can be made of Newari case graJlullar. use of the notion ' frame' may be thought of as a refinement of a traditional c].assification of werbs (a:rd coneequently of elausee) as rintransitiwe, transitiwe, Eaclr of the verbs introduced ditra:sitive' and the Iike. as active vocabu1ary in thie wolume wil-1 be d.iscussed in terms of ite ca-Ee freme. the werb brr 'to givet gowerns the case frame Aeent Ob.iect Genitiwe-Ia.:&tn:, Unnarked. lle represent this in abbrewiated form as A O G]- U. Of the fou:' cases in the fra"'ne onJ-y U is obJ.igatory. A11 othere may be optionpl-3-y ornitted. The agentiwe marke the noun which refers to t}- e gr-ver. Ihis form aJ-so dete:'mines whether the verb will- be conjunct or disiunct, a:ed. thue nay be considered. the subject of the verb. If the agentive of a, simpJ-e eentence with brry is firet pereorl, Ey-y rvi3-1. be conjr:lct. If the agentiwe is non-first person in a decla.rative sj-mple sentence, blnr wi]-l be d-isjunct. The qbject marks the nor*n wLriclr. refers to the recipient. This wou-l-d. be translated a.s tlre ind.irect object in English. the eenitive with Ia:gyn, marks the noun that refere to that whicb wa6 reeeiwed. by the age:rt in return for the item given. The r:lmarked form id.entifies the item given. AO G1 !Ian, jytaa. khyca:3ra: (1a:g5rn,) jh5rrka: byl.a. He gave loe terr rupees for a dog. tr{ithin Gl-, l-a:gtm, is often omitted. '[,Ian, jytaa khyca:ya: jhyrka: byJ-a.

Conversatio*a1 Newari -


Any eubset of the set of optional case6 carl be rrsed to fora a Eet:terrce. Thie wide ra:rge of optional- elements appeara to nake woice markers (such ae the EngJ.ish a.ctive and.

passiwe) qr:ite urrneeessary. U OG1 Jytaa khyca.:ya: jh5rrka: byJ.a. Ten rupees were given to me for the AG].U I'Ian, kb.yca:ya: jh5rrka.: by3.a. I{e gave ten rupees for the dog. AOU Wan, jytaa jhSrrka: byJ-a. IIe me ten rupees.



llan, jh;rrke.: byJ.a. Iie gave ten rupees. OU Jytaa jhyrka: byl-a. len rupees were giwen to \,I




&5rca; ya: jhfrka: byJ-a. Tae rupeea rrrere given for the d.og. U

Jh;rrka: byle.. Ten rupees were giwen. The werb ].arr 'to weigb.' ha.s the caee frame A O U. Either 4 or O may be omitted. optiona]]y, but not both. The aEentiwe is the subject of Ian. fhe agentive marks the noun which refers to tlre one wlro d.oes the weighing. Object merke t}.e raoun referring to tkre one for whom the weighing is d-one. Jln4a4ked identifies the item weigh.ed.

AOU .T3nf., wa5rta a:J-w 3.ana:.

f weighed. the potatoes for him. The werb 1an howewer a.1so occura with the ca6e fra-rae A . where aeentive marks the one who does the weighing and


Conversationa] Newari


object marks the item weig}.edAO Jlrn, khyea: yazta 3.ana: . I weighed. the d.og. !/e may combine these two frames as A O o where thre object marker on g is not allowed when o is present and. wLrere the object prarker on I ie optional- r'rhen p ie not present. In e.rry case, inanimate norrns reject object raarkers even when they occiir for O in a ease frame (See grammar note 2. Other rroutt suffixes , page 45 abowe ' ) Oo \layta khyca: lana.

The dog was weighed for irim.

Ihe werb da 'to be' in its statiwe form d.w gowerns the case frame L U. locatiwe na.rks the possessor, 9!43ltre.{ identj-fies the ineninate possessed object. TU Cl:ykya cwasa: dvr Ia: ? Do you hawe a pen? Tlris case fra-'ae app]-iee, lrowever, only where the U is inanimate. Hnere U is animate, fu oecrrrs with the case frame G u. Here eenitiwe ::ia:"ks the posse6sor a.nd r:nmarke4 identifies the aniroate poESeESed being. ^TT uu lraya: nynha ka:yr dw. He has two sons. Note the"t the genitiwe form waya: is an examp1e of the s3rntactic genitive mentioned ota page 66 abowe.




l-. Case f rarnes. In the following sentences there are nouns enclosed in eqrrare brackets. Theee nourrs are l-isted j-n their gJ-ossary entry forms. fiith the heJ-p of thre grarunar note above and' the English g3-oss giwen for each sentenee, read the Eentences alorrd supplying the appropriate case forms. 1. [:,r] [rr]

[pvrt j ] ]-ana: .

I weighed t]re orliong f or him"

ConwersationaL Newari - LAT

2. wa lpasa]-ya:] irrrry lprr"r.r] thwa [r., ] Ia.aa.. 1. Jymy [pr,t..t] tn * [rnanw ] ma:]a. a book.

Conversationa]- Newari _ LL5

6. [pas*ty.:] [tyj.r] [nha:y'ka(n)] [arrv.u.:] k r1*.






7. [*"y'ka(I)] [iq:.y] [la:k*:] [54ot"r ] ta::-a. 8- [ iy] [tv.ut] 6.*rr., . g- [lv] [tvata] tvn,".. 10. [oUry'ka(n) ] kyt-*. 1l-. [*r..r] [rr:] ma:ra. t2. [**"tr] [.t:] ma:Ia. f a7 - [ na: (m) ] rna : 3-a [r,'y'ka-a..pJm, ] [t.:y' ka:ya-] [Ia:Ua: ] fny:rka: ] ta:ta. 15. [pasa]-ya: bha: jw] [ jrp:.rr, ] [dhyaua: ] ke.:l-a. l-6- ["hrpyrr, ] [trv".r ] [auv.u*r ] kazl-,a. r 17- L.hvpv,,,] [i.uvca:] [arryaur:] ka:].a. 18. [p*,"",] [rrr] [.yr:rka:] ka:].a. 19. [ma: (m) ] [p"t =., ] ["y.:rka: ] by1a. 20. [trry' ka:ya] [rrytka(]-)] [Ia:ka:] [ngrrka:] uyrr. 2l . [,] [pasalyr: bha: jw] [ ] trn ".r. 22. lpasatya: ] [J-a:ta: ] iswyrka:] by3-a. 27. [prs*]y.:] [:-a:ta:] [swlrrka: ] uyrr

Ihe shopkeeper took money for t]re mirror from younger brotber, Ile took ten rupees from us for the shoes. r showed the gan'den (to s. o. ). lhe garden was shown to me. The mirror was s]rown (to s. o. ). The child needed mother. The chi]-d 1ooked. for mot]rer. Mother vras needed


rhey took twenty rupee' from (u.ry) son for the shoes. The shopkeeper took money from us. Money vras taken from you for the dog. you took money for the dog.

The friend took eight rupees from mother. iuother gave eight rupeeg

to a frie:rd..



] oytrkel


Iiy] [*'] [iarot''] I sapbw(1y>



] nya:ka].a.

Iiy] [*'J Ijirr't"'] I saphw


nya: ka3-a.

2.. Iru.] [Sv] chyan'ya.: khaa'


A book was bought from him for thirty rr:pees. A book was bought for him for tlrirty rrrpees. I caused. him to buy a book for ten rupees. I wae caueed to buy a book from him for ten rupees. I wa"e cauged to buy a book for for ten rupees. A book wae caused. to be bought from me for bim for tae rupees. He aeked me a.bout the horrse.

nyan€r,. Zl.


rr) [ Sv] chyanrya: k]:en' nye.raa.



24. 25. 26.

27, 24.


[ iy] nJraIIa.



[",.J [n*,r] [:v] [e*ap':t]

He asked on ciy behal-f about the house. He asked about a horrse for IDE.

on ny behaJ-f about a book for Gope.I. I saph", ] kh*n' n; [,r'1 [n'rr] [iy] [ enoapa:t] He caused. Rqm to be asked about a book for Gcpa'l on my beha.If. [eaphw] khsa' nyana,, Ir'] [n*,.] [iy] [ewapa:t] Ee wae ce.ueed to ask Ram on my behaJ.f about a book for Gopal-. [saphw(]-y>] tu*rl' n5rana. He asked


Co:ewersationa^l- Newari



Iresson 17. fn the Vesetable Market.

A. !hwa, a:1w chad.ha;nJrya,:

gwJ-y? How much

is a dhar:ri of these


(It's) onJ-y two and a hal-f rupeea (a dLrarni) for these. Thwa 6waya.a: bh3rngw marv, You hawe better (potatoes) than these, don't you? La: chykya? Dw. Ihwgw Er.raya: dysan, I Pl-ease 3-ook at these. [hese Thwkyya: swarka:. are three rupees (a dharni). Chache,:ny J.ana: dysan, I PJ-ea,se weigh one dharni l Myag:r,r chr+ chw ma:ny thay'n, ? ltrhat do you need? i{wn, g"waJ-bhya:ra: pan'3-aya: About how mrich is one pau gwJ.y thay'n, ? of those tomatoes? Pan'J-aya: charkaz jaka. A pau is only one rupee. Shaa: apr,re.a jwl-a. fhe price hae become excessive" t'Jon't (you) give them for tlrree Swaswka:n, mabyw Laz? suka a pau? Ya-rrka: dysan, I ?J-ease takei GwJ.y ruaa.:g:w thayrn, ? About how much do you need,? Km'Ia jaka daasa: gaa:. If there are two pau it is enough. Ilr":e, pya; j gwJ-y IIow much do you teLe for a kaya: ? bu::dle of these onions ? Chaka3-yaya: chamwael, jaka. Juet a mohar e" br:rrd.Ie. (Ihey) have become very expensiwe. taskan, thykay' jw1a. Hwn, J.a:bha.: chathwya: J.ya? And how much for a bund.le of that garlic? Nya.a:na: je.ka. Onl-y fiwe alraa (a buncLr.). Thwaya: t3arr, bhaa: thykayr The priee of these has a)-so jwJ-a. become very high. Yanka: dysan, J My1a.y' ?l-eaee take (tLrem). We wil-3. agree on the price. Ya:nae:bJry ka:.

B. Ihwk5rya: ntrmka:tya: jaka. A. B. A. 3. A. B. A.

B. A.

B. A.

B. A. B.


Convereatiorr.a.l Newari - L7l. A.

Jyw. Ayrsa: pya:j chaka,3-yaya: cyaa,zraar

Ia:bha :ya: Flyaa.zr:a,i jaka

Fine. f f so (give me) a br:nd.J.e of o:rions for eight anna, and a bunch of garl-ic for four.

yraa'. !

B. A.


Jyw. Gw1.y bfrr chytaa.? Pya:j nyka.J.ya }a;bha; n5rthw bfya: dysan, I Hwn , ka: wJ-ya chathwaa.: 5ra: gwly ka5ra: d.56ra: ? Thwg:rorya: n5rrka: thwg:wya,: swarka:.


llklrya:, bha.a: apwala. Nyttrwaa:ya:n, pyarka.: bJry majSrw Laz

? byya: dyea^n, i




Pyarka: hyay'



cwa,rL r .

B. Tha, 1a: mathaa. Ayt sa: n, yanJca: dysan , J

f giwe yorr? ?Lease Biwe (ne) two br.rndles of onions and two br:nches of How much wi)-J. you ta.lre for a head of that caulif]-orrr? Pwo rupees for this one, three rlrpeee for tl:is one. these are too expensive. I'I1 giwe you four rupees for both heade, how about t} Good.

How mrrch sha].]-

P].ease ad.d orae mohar. Ewen four rupees seems too much (to me).

Profit? No profit. So taLe it p]-ease|

New Vocabr:]-ary.

ka:wJ.ya 7 caul-ifl-our -thwa: (k) a:l-w 7 potatoe -Eta(].) K -thwa: (1) K s.zrta.i aJrna, a unit of money krrrrla 7 two pe,u doee not eqr:aJ- to four pice. Occurs a"s a. c]-assifier occur with numerF] 6. prefixed bor:nd to nr:nera]s.1anr V to weigh gw;, lbhya,:ra,: 7 tomatoe gar3-ic J.a: b}.a: -ga(I) K -kal ya 3 bund-l-e. cl-assifier occurring with' prefixed nr:.mera)-s. A -ka]-ye. is J-arger than a -.!hw 'bu::ch t . ka: emphatic particJ.e. .

5 -gE.(J-) -thw -ka\ra K -mwa(I) 3 moha,r, unit of tnoney eqrra). to fifty pice or ha.l-f a rupee. Occr:rs with prefixed numera'l s. mSr!.ayt-ya: V to oome to arr agreement.

Conwersational Newari - 132

5 onior: -ga -thw tasa"kan, very, much -ka3.ya K th:aa Vimpe to a profit swka,: 7 suka monetary unit -thw , bunch. Bound to numerals" equa]. to twenty-five piee or one quarter of a -tllwa.: (k) -thwa: (1) 3 head, bf-ossom, cJ-assifier used rupee. Occurs vrith pref ixed. nu-meral-s. with eau]-iflor:r and flowers. tan V to add



Grammar Notes.

1. Supp]-etiwe carrsatiwes. Certain verbs, in addition to or j-nsteaC of a morphologica}J.y regrrl-ar ca.usative, a euppletive eauaative stem. !'or 6one of these verbs the supp!-etive etem is greatly preferred. to the reg:rrlar stem. Some of these verbe are l.isted beIow. Verb Sup:rletive Camsative

wa.n khan dan daI dyan dwn baa: Iwa:k-jya: twa-dw]. twa-dhwI hwa-gan ba":1anr-ewan cwajn kwa-j5ry ya-ga.'. ne.: n , -dan

go chwaa see kyarr than stand be broken thalthyaa eleep co1J-a,pse thvrn phaa: be separate be mixed Iwa:k-chya: be broken twa-thwl be broken be hwa-k}lan rent a house ba:lanr-taa (fror: someone) te-a stay (somewhere)

eend show

prop up, maLe stand break

put to sleep cause to col]


separate mix breaL

dri11 (a hole) rent a house (to soroeone> keep(somewhere)

kwa-clr]'y be decid.ed d.ecid.e ya-kha: be hanged hang (someone) :aa: n , -i"a be f amous make f amous Supp1.etive caueatives are l-isted ia the g)-ossa.ry entry after the abbrewiation OK = . i{here sn'l y the euppletiwe f orm is al-J-owed.r we hawe K = . Notice the relation between woiced stops in non-ca.usatiwe stems and woiceJ.ess aspira,ted. stops in ca.usative verbe in a number of the pairs giwen above

Conversa.tiona.]. Newari - Arj

2. Semantieally irregu-l-ar causati_.vee. certain werbe hawe morphological-1y re€u]-ar causatiwes, the meanings df which can:aot easily be d.etermined. from the noncausative fora. rn the glossa.ry the non-causatiwe forms of such verbs are sIE (semantiea1ry irregrrlar ea.usative) and. a separate entry is gi-ven for the causative form. A .few verbs of this sort are ]-isted below. d.a hran


be, exist go

come, go (respect)


jha: y'k-

prepare, make, mend ruia (of color) go away (d.isrespect)

3. framee f or werbe. rn ttis leeson we introduce cage frames for t}ree rrerbs: nlran 'to heart, Ea: tto be enought, and Lraa rto bring,.

werb nyan rto hearr governs the caee A s u, where 4 is the subject. A marks tbe one wb.o hears, ! marks the inanimate source, ald U aarks the itero hea,rd, Nrran also governa the frame A Gp U, wh.ere g! is tLre animate aource. In both franes U is obJ-igatory. AGp U Wan, ka : y t pa: k.Layt n, lnya nyarra. He heard. the Bot:g from (his) sol3.. ASU ltrph r ryad5rwe,I-a-rr, mya rrJra.l2.e,. IIe hea.rd the aong on the radio. Tb.e

fn the camsatirre we get the u.euaJ- case rotation. AO_Gp U Har3m, warrta thaa ka:y' pa;khay'n, mSra nyanJcal.a. Hary carrsed- him to hear the aong from his own 60rr. AOS U Ha.r5rn, walrta ryad3rwa3-an; mya nyankn]-a. hea,r the song on the radio.

Eary car:sed him to

fhe werb Ea: rto be enouglr' governs the case fra^me O U. Ga: is iropersonal- a,nd thus has no subject. ft does not occu:r i-n the imperative and has no first per6otL conjrinct forms. O marks the animate being for rvhom the item srrffices, lf marke the item that ie sufficient. &r1y U is obJ.igatory.


Conrersationp] Ner,rari _


ltlayta La.a ga:ta. Ihere was enough water for him. U

Laa gazte". Ihere wa,6 enoLlgh water. Khyca:ya;ta, rr.a.saz ga:ta. fhe:'e wae enough food for the dog" Since the case frame contains no A, th.e causative ind.uces no rotation of casea.

Iiar5rn, wayta. Laa gazka3.a. Ilary caused. there to be enougLr water for him. = Ilary provided enough water for him. the verb Lraa tto bring' go.'enee the case fra_rne A o u, whero A rrarks the one wkro does trre bringing, ! is the or" ro, wbom the item is brought, a"nd u raarks the i-tem brought. onJ_y u is ob]-igatory- The subject of hae. is a. The causative bringe about the norraal_ :.otation of "."*=. J3rn, wayta ja.:ky haya:. I b:'ought fish for |rira. AOG].U Hary-n, .iytaa .waya: ]-a: sy::. ja: ky hay'kal-a. Hary caused me to bring rice for }.im. Dri].ls. 1" Case frames for verbs. The foJ-lowing sentencea are a=anged as a kind. of buird.-up drirl in which we etart with a mi-nimal frame for a giwen werb and' build up longer Bequences aa a.I1owed by the frame. Read al-oud-, supplying the reqrrired caae forms for the items in square brackete.

l-. 2. 3. 4. 5.

[*yr] nyaraa.. The Bong was heard. [*".] [*vr] nyana.. Iie heard the song. [*r] [rv*] nyana. The sor:r.g was heard from lsim, [ryaaywa] [roy.] nyane. The 6ong was heard on the radio" [iy] [*.y'ka(]-)] [*yr] nyana:. r heard the song from him"

Conversationa.l Newari - lr5

6. lirrw] [rya.dywa -khran' (serrringl -dhv(k) (b4,11 , lump) -Da: Jr' n' (bal I , )-ump) f Lhwr: V to cook (used on!-y of'&ge4t curry t , thus g1oesary entrY wi]-]. be kyanr-khvrn. t aJ 1 curry -ptrr (drop) -tw '---al: (spoonfu-l-) -dhawa(1) (Iad].eftr1> K ta: 1 kinds, patterns. Occure rith prefixed nr.lmeral-e. NC NP thww V to cook (on1y of rice: gloeea"ry eietry ie .ia: -thww. ) ja:

Notes. l-. Case frames for verbe. In thie lesso:: we wiLl- coneider the case frames f or folrr werb6, taa tto putr, ya.nk rto carryt, twa.n rto drink, to smoker, and bhaprry rto d.rink, to Emoke (respect form)t. GlpmmgS

putt gowe::ree the froTe A I o. A is the subject, controlling the form of the verb' Orfy o is obligatory. ALl other elements of the frame are optione,l .

The verb taa'to



ana saphww te.3.a. IIe put the book there. !tre,n,

Conversationa]. Newari -



chyan'y' kl:yca: (ya: ta) tola," I{e put the d.og in the house. Ao Inlan, khyca,: (ya:ta) tal-a He put the dog somewhere. I,Ia^rr,

Chyan'yr kbyea: (ya:ta) tal-a. The Cog wae put in the hor:ee.

fhe norma]- rotatiorr of cases occuro in the causatiwe. AOIo l,Iarr, jytaa c}.yan 'y' khyca: (ya: ta) tay I ka1a. Iie caused ne to pr:t the dog in the Lrorrse. The verb yank tto carryt govelalg the case frome A I, o, rt'her€ A ie the subject, and onl-y o ie obligatory.


ch;ran'y' ja:ky yanka1aI{e carried :rice into tLre horrse. AI.lo r,Ian chya.zr'y' khyca: (ya: ta) yanJraJ-a. lle carried the dog into the |rouse. -o o A Ja:kY Yad 1 story -pi.i K (111>

ba: (1)






ba: Ian r - c.,rz.rl V

to rent a i:ouse (fron soneone) Si{ = ba:lanr-ta"a, ffi.



'l i,


V to =.ent a. ' gn: 132. ba:nr-J-a.: Vimps to be good looking, attractive" A.]-so occurs a6 ar preC.icate adjective with jvn* . nrr: 16, 50. ba:yr ba:s- 3 overnight stop, shelter, -gw(1yr ' -E w \+J' NP . bhaca-: a, ]-itt]-e r2..\r: r-g4. i'[yawaa: bha:yr bhaca: bhaca: jaka saa. 'I ba:l-an r-taa

onJ-y !:eow a 1j--btJ.e



gy-ya: trr to bow down (to someorre> "


sir' rnistll i as a respectful used, a

term of add:ress for non-r'elatives . . bha l.w 2 bear . bha 3 price -gt'(1y) K nv: ]-of . bha y t bha: s- 1 langr:age -gn(1y) K K .

for its book shops PN nrrs 79. 1-, t rbhwaj-- 7 f,east -gw(l-y) bhwayr K ' bhwa: (t) C hendfu3. OB = bhwa: (1). Bhr.rban 1 a man's name PN. bhw5yO. : EC _ ,



ccc'.irs as a p:ecicate caia(t) ai;: s.tra-e i,riti: j-r, . L*,.i-,. Pidte

a )



3c c-!-aJL

- €:v.'( 1;-,> ii



ca],- I


czy' czz

'tc be coo!:ed fcoc> gn: Ea, :Jl.



bwaa--b1-3 T ic ecclC . br*an iI to stuiy. reaC ' 'br.:::i


i-nF:. -- (c:--l-c -ga€ak IIC NP . -ptJ' -mhw(1y) -bhwa: (t)_ '-'cwa V to butt OA = cr,"a1a ' -phe: -Lla',a: K nv: 116. cwal.ayr crla,lao- 2 she goat ' chrnmt 2 rl:or.:se, rat sl';an v to live ' to stay' also chr^rn, some, arfy nv: 99. as a continuouE a\rxJytaa chwn, majww. 'sed osK = taa' 'to ilia"ry' ,Nothing happened. to rrv: 44, gz:': J-32, 158. Put' me. I to appear' chy you Rsp gn: 22, nv: ,g. cwan _I1Tn" to seem, often with the prefix chy one Ff. thay'n,-. Jytaa J-a: thwgw yaa cl"'an'' rI thayrn' chy v to cross . think I ]-ike this.' chy-1 v to use C (for rour-rd objects, containers, caps) gn: 53, nv:11O. gan V to i-ntervene (betvreen fighters> . gan Vimps to be dry. garra wher e ? gal: 11 , av: 1l-. Aa: r\'ayrke,a garra dyJ'? 'vlhere i-s he rrov,'?' gathw 2 gardcncr. gay I horu ? nv: L24 . gay'-ya: V vrhat to do? (an expression of heJ.pJ.essness). n1r: L24. ga'. V to be enough, suffice grr: L73, nv: 1Of . J.ytaa rnary ga:.ta. tTlee bread was Enough f or rl€. I gg-i 7 shawl K . --pw ga: (m) 3 vi]-]-age -gw(1y) I( (40> ga

Conversa.tiona]- Newa,ri


-gwIy C pil1' tablet' sma]1 ou:ed' object' gr'rly how much? - lav: 20' €ralJrn, a.gentiwe f orm of gro,Iy 'how much?' nv: 79' -gw(l-y) C (for miscel-laneoug inanimate objeets> cnt ]-.2, !7 ' 53 ' nrr: L6 ' glllri t help -e:w(Iy) K " gl''n' 7 f orest -gw(J.y) K ' glrrr r ni ne Ff . g'wthyya:r 2 g:rrthi meubez' " Cwy- ninety Bf. gl,rysa: n , dha hu:rd"red. Ff . eY Yi;:rPs to be rotten " g:Jal Y to rub (the eye6> usually with the prefix' mYkhs: -gYa1 ' gya? V to be afraid gyeiny- aj intel.J.igent. Gyat'n lhakwnt l- 8. womrnr. name "


haa V to bring I = hJrn, i / gn: L14, hat3r5r l/ ,,yw! nv: Ljg. ha(l-) 7 leaf o/e K " hanca: la'ter on tod"ay ]r"v: 116. IIaxLca": chYan'Yr waa:: 'Come to the house ]-ater on todayJ '

Conwersationa.l Newari - 27]-

Hary L a rnaats name 3lV. hayt t:t ha"e- 2 goose . }eaz 2 bee . -harka(l> C (for round objects). }-wa-gan Yimps to be Cril]-ed (of a hole) SK = hwakhan rto drill (a hole) gn: L32. hwa-khan V to dri]-l- (a hole) g:e: A32. hwa.(t > 7 hoJ-e -pwa; (1) D

jawa:ph 5 a,rrswer -gw(J-y)

K .


3 cooked. rice -pjra -k* 7 forekread -gw(ly) -ga(1> K

to about 2O pathi or


maila or about 20 gal.lons.

mwsya:. 3 soyabeans -ga(I) -grirw(1y) -kw -pa: sa(l) -rrarra: -pha: K rrY3 116 my 3 fire -kw(ty) K mya 3 scng -pw K . mira- a j other, next myagw Saphww tthe other book" myamha manl^rw rtLre other persont wsa: 'l next ' myagvr weekr riv'. L24.

Conwersationa]. Nevrarj. piT

lcyac 3 chaj-r -gw(l-y) K . ioya InlraGr 3 tongue -pw NP . myayt myas- 2 brrffal.o. mlrja(n) 2 man mykhaz 5 eye6 -ga(J-) K . myray'-ya: v to come to an agreer:ent nv: 13t.. mJm Vimps to f eeJ. . mysa3 l- wife . mysaz 2 woman .

BIry v to ser:-


V to make famous 1 s?a: L72. . na:pa-ia3 V to meet (someone) intentional-J.y. na:pa-3.a; Yimps to meet (somene) unintentionally NK :e r: 1l-6 . nhaay'- seventy Bf. nhaaytsa:n'dha eighty ?f' nhan V to eoJ.l.apse . nhayr sever! &t , Ff . nha: , green a]-gae -kw(ty)



"'";o";::. ,2. mirror -pa,:(t) yr rr.Lra: e- 1 nose -pw NP ' nh.w 7 day D NP . rrhrvvr- aj new nhmrgw saphww I the new book I , nhwwnba ms.nww tthe new person' nv; A74.


rraa v to eat K = nak srr: L24. namastya greeting form: hello, good.bye nv: L65.

B&rlr also nv:


rlasaz 7 food -ta.: K ' nata swta , smal-l ta]-k -ka(I) NP' nayr-rran Y to be experierrced. in eating tr , r3v: 165. : - a. j named . ,.[,- i i] , -dan v to be famorrs SK = na.:13. r-ta rto make faraoust gn: L32.

fffi:13";"T:X*Xrl"_',lI iX; stor.e.

nhy 3 nasar -pty -ty K' . nl:yaa v to chew. nhya-than v to suggest ' n}.yathw 1 first wife n):ypya.(n) 7 (anima.I body part) -pw NP ' rawga(l) 5 heart -g:w(].y) N?

:iwn v to swal-Iow ' nww! short for r,ranya nwvri 'tret's go!' .

Conversationa.]. Newari _ Z3g

ny two Bf, If,. pan V to stop, to ?rarm one,s -nY.. werba3. affix meaaing hands . 'yet, still , o.a_rtaa"_r1y _pap, ,not yet eaten, ;;, iLq. -**. classifier for {nanrimate ob5".t" occurring with ta.a_ nvakw(lyt 3 horre (animar ;;:;;, ?*d.:I-. saphww ,a thick l""t,i*"y_prrr, body part) _pr.r Nt- . sa.phww ,, trri, book , . nyan v to hearr ask, l-isten pan'Ia 3 orre pau, arternate bhaa:-nyan 'to ask ;;;--form fo. ch*p. 2 beggnr . 31, 45. pa3 eat -va.a, V to come al-ong phwkerr, a,Il- tav3 I-LO. Wan, a.B a. friend., to keep b.jy phwkan, na3-a. tHe someor:'e comparly I = ate aI-I the bea.te:a :rice. t pai Ba. -waaz ! rxvi 25. phwsa, 3 head. of the beil NC Jy nan , pa: ga: wa.),a : . Ii.P . I a'l so came along as I - a friend.. phy ) sand -mhw(Iy) -kw E , paz 6a: -rrara V to go a,E a friend f = pa:6a3- phya,a V to l-ick . hwn,: K = pa:sa:-chwaa. phya._tw V to sit d.own OB = phya-tww nv: L45. -pa:y':l ,CbaLL,h:-mp riw: A79. prythyby 3 earth NC NP . t

p}.a Vimps to be abJ.e S - phw NS = maphw nw: l-74. pha- -pLra: C pathi, unit of wol-rrme equival-ent to 8 mana or about one gal-J-on. pha- occura onI-y with the number t one r pha.chy r orae patlryt, -pha: occurs with a.11 other nu-rrbers nypha: Itwo pathyr swapha: tt}.ree pathy' r:.v: L24. phaa V to take . pLraa.: V to separate g:e: t12.

pw 3, Cl- seed, cJ-assifier for tpage' paw K . -pw C (for thin objeets) grl3 L7 , 57, nv: 10 when suffixed to taa- it means 'thiekt , when srrffixed to cy- it means 'thin' . pwa.ri Vimpo to be empty . -pwa.; (1) C (for objects with an orifice). pwa.: 3 stomaeh ga(]-) K


pwja: 3 worship -gw(].y)



pwkhr'r(]-y> a pond -gw(Iy) .


Coaversationa]. Newari

- aj oId. nv: L65 -pw(l-y) C (for beaten rice) OB = -pw(ty). hr::chym5r(n) I- a marr's r3ame It{ . pwnhy 3 ful-I moorl -ew(Iy) pwIa.:nr

lI .

pwry 1 a ror:nd. piece of flat brea.d -pa2 K ' -pwry C pack, package


(1) 2 keeper " pJry- fourty Bf' pyy6a:n,d.ha fifty Ff . pyr*a:

vatina 5 cLrariot -gw(ly)

-kha(t) K


chyae 2 giant


gr,-2 29


32' raz ja: Ra:


1 king . 1 a mu,r!'s rrame


pwsa: 1 seed -ta: K pwsa: 3 Iid of an ink

Ra:m 1 a me,.'s name pl;

-pw(ty) c (for beaten rice) oB = pw(ly) pww v to repay .

-rban, c]-assifier suffixed to taa- e,d c:r- to forr ad.jective stems meaning

pot -gw(Iy) K .

py f or:.r Ff . pya- pyay'rartf n.u.a._mha. a ssr* FJ

four Bf . or:rr (ani_

pyay'nCw ' four' (miocel-1aneous objects)' -pya c handfu1 (for cooked rice) r$ri 3-39. pya(n) 3 e:arlE -ga(I) K . pya: i 7 onion -thw -ga(a) K g:r.i 70, 45, rav: L32. pya?kha(n) 1 p1ay, dance, d.rama -gw(Iy) K . pya: sy 2 tiek (parasite ) mate beings),


pykra:n, outwa.rd . -pJrrl., pl-rraJ. affix for e1-ass 1 norrns g:a: 26 , 5L.

Ra: m

}fi' ',Iru}, .

* **'s


!larget and rsmal].t reepectiweJ-y. Stems formed in thia way occu.r with inanima.te taollns which! take the elaseifier

-gr+(Iy) ' rha: o-jww v to waniskr . -rhyka(].) c]-assifier euffixed. to taa_ a.nd. g31- to form ad.jectiwe stems meaning 'J-arge' and 'sma"J-J. ' stems respectively' formed. in thie way occu-r with animate nour3.6. OB = dhyka(l). -rka t C rupee nv: 20. rYadvwa(I> 3 radio OB = ryadyi'ra -ga(I) K '

Conwerea,tiona]. New,ari - 24L

6a- -sa, sai- occu.r6 only with the nr:meraI 'one' : eaclry 'one I -Ba, occurs with other numbere: nysa t two l , swasa, I three hund.:red t . sa,a, Vimps to hrow krow (to do something) rlv: 184. sa.a.t V to cal-J- g:r.: 80. sabda t word -gw(1y)



rrrasya twelwe Ff . sanrn.Layr sewenteen 'tr'f " Ff . san,nyas fifteen Ba,rarpy fourteen I.f" Ean, sa:n, dha. twenty Ff . Ff . thirty sa.rl , swan t saphw(1y> 5 book -gw(1Y> OB = saphw(ty> K gza? 45, r:v: l-6 . saphw(ty) eee saphw(1y). seras

5 clrse -gw(1y) san


sakalay'n, a.j whole (famiJ-y) used witlrout -m}-a rr!': 191. Sakalay'n, chyanry' hyay' dw. rlhe whole famil-y is at home. t sal-a 2 horse . se-].a.: (m) 1 cha].k -kw(ty) -pw -twa: (k) f . sa(l-)SvoiceD-g:vr(].y)

K .

sa(I) , Ff . SaJ-an, sa:a ma.rrwta wal-a. ' and hr:ndred.s

of people sr-s. t s4r. V to move . sandhw(ly) 7 tn:rrk -ga(I) K . sangat 1 corrpany -Bvr(Iy)



sarrr 3 hair -pw M . san, cley el.ewen Ff . g=Te , cJrs: eighteen Ff . sa:e, gw nineteen Ff . sanrkhru sirteen f'f .

sasa(I) 7 wife'e home -gtr(l-y) K " sawa: (1) 1 taste -ka(l)



saw sa].y- 3 cow feces, manure -kw(ty) -kw



sa: 2 cow


if, although nv: 78. s,ei jaka n3ra,:y'. r(I) wiJ-l- onl-y buy if is good ]-ooking.' sa: Vircps to be tasty gra: L67, nv: 174. 6a: pcst werbal. emphatic parrticle nv: 99. sa: bw(n) 1 soa.p -ga(J-) K




sa:hw 1 merchant . sa: (1) 3 compost, ferti1.izer -kw -mhw(Iy) K Ewy6€]:n,



sJrnga 2 3-ion . K" 6yn | 3 wood. -kw -kw(ty) 6ysy 1 bottle -ga(]-) K . syy V to rinse, to know 'B>.

svra-than V to paek 6ways.a: than . swa: (n) 1 flor.rer -thr.;a: (k) -phwa(1) - jhl.a: (1) - jwa: (1) . -ta -swka= C sirka., amonetary unit equa]- to twenty firre Piee nv: L32. te.aswkaz 1 thread -gw]y -pw -twa: (k) K . swkhw(J-y> 5 nat -pa: (t) -thw OB = swkJrw(ty)


swkhr.r(ty) see swkhw(].y). swpa: y'n, swpa: e- 3 clorrd -kw(ty) -paiy'rr, -dhy NP . swtha 7 mor:eing -gw(1y)



sww V to hiid.e . swy- thirty Bf. swyka: (1) 2 tai3-or


p1ura1 affix for c].ass 2 and occasiona11y for class J nou:ls gl2: 26, 5L" aj big bound to a cl-assifier as part of an: a.d.jectiwa3. stem: ta.arhyka"smha,rw rthe tal.I- marat, ta-aha:kaagw taz 'tLre long bridge r, taakha: gw chyant 'the l-arge houset. aj many taamha uranww t ma^rry men I rrv: 79

taa Y to put (something into something) f - tiry! gn: L52, L39, ::v: L24. ta-dlran V to enla.rge . tan V to raise a bid., offer more, to add, increase

sn: )-46.

, Vimps to be l-ost r.v: L12.

Conversa,tiona,I Newari


tapwJ-y 3 cap -ga(3.) K gy:'. 45, 1?Y: 20. tarkazry 7 wegetab1es -pw -mhw(LY) -t}.w -ta2 K nv: It6. ta.sakan, verJrr'mueh OB = taska,n, *e.Bata.xl, tastarr, iY:. 172. lla loanwr,s tasakan, bhSrn ' . 'Ihat man is very good. t tataz 1 e].der sister . tataa.z jw l- elder brother's wif e tataz jw 1'leusbandrs elder sister. tat 7 bridge -pw NP


C kinds of, patterns rav: 119. taz(l) - 3 ]-oek and key -jw



jwa.(I) K



thana }:ere rxv: LLO. tlaYrkaa thana iha:y Laz? rVlil-L he come here?t

thayrn, l-ike particle of po}itenesg or trrcertaintY r2.v: 59.

tha.y'n, -clYa.n V to l.ook l-ike, gr:? L58. Eeem like tha: jya z 7 weawing -gw(]-y) K.

thyan V to put to eIeep, to reach, arrj-ve gr:*i Lt2. th.ykay'- a.j expensiwe . thw- aj th:ie thwgw saphww tthie book!, thwsha mazrww 'this person'. -thw C bunch r1Y: ].72" tlrwa thwky this one ggr 15, ri.v: 1l-. tlrwan' 7 beer -ty -pty K .

thwa.y'ka.(1) this cne Rsp ravs L65. bridge -pw K . (k) 6ee thwa: (l-). ta:rSrpLr 7 praise NC NP . -thr.ra: -thwa:(]-) C br:nch (of flowers, tha.a. se1f, ovm. OB = thwa.: (k) cauliflcur) gn: 12, nv: 132. thaa Vinps to make a profit nv: 132. thwI-ya, .aJa emphatic form of tLrwa t this I nv: L24. thaha:n, upward . *1* V to dip (a pen), to that V come back gr.. 82, bury, ea,use to co].lapse nv: 174. !Ian, saphww tHe atte. ta,y thakaLa. sa. L12. put the book there and thww V to cook (rice onl-y) cape back. I grlz L55, nv: L79. thal- V to press, break, thv 7 gem -ga(].) K . gra: 112. thvv V io touch . thaLa 3 pot -ga(]-) K tw 7 Eugar -pw -kw(ty) . -kw/ -ha:ka(l-> K . tha.:e V to wa.ken, J-ife up, prop up, cause to stand grr: L32. ta': pw 3

Conversationa]- Newari

twa-dhw]. V to be broken SK = twa-thw1 OB = twa-d.hww gaz 132, twa-dw]. V to be broken SK = twa-thwI OB = twa.-d.ww gta: L1Z.

twan V to drink, to smoke ga: 14O, nrr: 184. twa-thrsl V to brea.k OB = twa-thww grli L12. t;wa": 1 mouth -gw(].y) N? .

twnr (1)

7 vie3-l- -ga(3.) -gw(Iy) OB = -trn'nr K grr: 70, nv: b9. tr,rn'(thy> 3 see tr.rn,. tww Yimps to cost, be paid 0A = twta gn: L53, ty 7 stite!:., sollp yln M .

tya]. V to press . tyan Vinps to be about (to do sometl:ing) nv: a16.

tI am Jy wayt tyana:. t about to corae. ha.1f Bf . n]lay'rka: -tya; tya.. 'selre:: and a hal_f rrpees r . tysa | 7 ornarnent -ta: '

< 6.1_> .



V to bark


aj that wgw oaphww ?that book t rrr'}ha manwl{

'tkra.t w&




, she, it


t rw: 99 " gr.: 22, 66.


wky- that, that or2.e gn: 16, nv: 16. I?a V to eome I = waa": I OSK = haa 'to bringt gra: L47 , nlr: 99 . wan V to go I = Lrvrn, i SK = chwa tto sendt grr: 79, !j2, Ltj, 146. l{anga(3-) 3 Ind-raehor"'k, a shopping district in Kathmandu I1[. wank V to rrrn (of co].or) sr:i Lj1. wara, agentiwe f orn of wa ,he, sl:e , lt ' gt3: 22 , 66 . wasa(t> 1 cloth -ta: -jw - jwa(J.> K . waykya locative forn of vra ,he, s}.e I it ' gn: 22, 66. way.'kaap3al, they Rsp g71: 67. wayka(I) he Rsp gr-i 6T " r^;ayta object form of wa 'he, she , it I g?1: 22 , 66. waytlrr 2 matd. rran. way tn I -mlra 1 mad ma:e Rp gn: 53. wa.y'rrr sw(].y) 7 a kind of madness -gw(]-y) Np . wa: 3 tooth -pw K . 7 paddy -ka]-ya -mhw(1g) -pa:sa(1) -dwant K . wa: 7 fence Ng NP . wa:sa(].) 1 medieine -gw(]-y) -ca: (1) -gwIy I( . 'wa


Corrversa.tiona.l Newari



wk;m, 60r therefore nv: L6. Wa, ba: n, J-aa: . llkYn, nya:yt tyana:. IThat is nicer €io I a^rn going to brrY it. r w]. V to apPJ-Y raaacara w5rnt 2 mad woman ya,e. V to l-ike

rrvi e9.

ye,-ga: V to be Lrangeil SK = ya-kha: g:13 L32. ya-kha: V to hang (someone) g:a: 172. yakwa many, mr:ch. If,v3 99. ya:n V to spin threa.d. . ya.nk V to carry gr-i 14O. yara t , Ka,th:aand.u OA =, yanry t PI{ . ya.. V to d.o gr3: 8O, nv: 38, L24. ya: kana iromed.iatelY .


3 spittal- -pty -ty NP . y} V to waeh. y(1) 3 ttime -gw(IY)



JrEy their ei:n: 67. Ymy chyanIyr l(}rwapayr k}.aa.' r Their horrse is in Bhakta.pur. t JrPJna, p]-ura]- of wa 'he, she, it I gra: 67. tne V to d-ietu'ibute
