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English Pages 218 Year 2006
Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan
Japan is known as a country in which a potent central power reigns over a compliant hierarchy and, for planning, this has meant strong centralized government control. Nevertheless, examples of autonomy have always existed in the politics, society, and economy of Japan and thrive today in various forms, particularly within urban areas. Following the growth and subsequent collapse of the bubble economy in the early 1990s, and in response to globalization, new trends toward local autonomy and political and economic decentralization are emerging that must be evaluated in the context of Japan’s larger political and socioeconomic setting as it becomes increasingly integrated into the global system. Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan addresses these new initiatives, providing a cogent compilation of case studies focusing on the past, present, and future of decentralization in Japan. These include small-scale developments LQÀHOGVVXFKDVFLWL]HQSDUWLFLSDWLRQmachizukuri), urban form and architecture, disaster prevention, and conservation of monuments. 7KHERRNRIIHUVWKHÀUVWLQGHSWKDQDO\VLVRIWKLVGHYHORSPHQWRXWVLGH-DSDQ approaching the subject from a unique urban studies/planning perspective as opposed to the more common political science method. With contributions from a leading group of international scholars on Japanese urban planning, Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan provides a valuable new addition to the current English-language literature. Carola Hein is Associate Professor in the Growth and Structure of Cities Program at Bryn Mawr College, USA. Philippe Pelletier is Professor of Geography at Lumière-Lyon 2 University, France.
Routledge Contemporary Japan Series
A Japanese Company in Crisis Ideology, strategy, and narrative Fiona Graham
Japan’s Foreign Aid Old continuities and new directions Edited by David Arase
Japanese Apologies for World War II A rhetorical study Jane W. Yamazaki
Linguistic Stereotyping and Minority Groups in Japan Nanette Gottlieb
Shinkansen From bullet train to symbol of modern Japan Christopher P. Hood
Small Firms and Innovation Policy in Japan Edited by Cornelia Storz
Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan Edited by Carola Hein and Philippe Pelletier
Also by Carola Hein &DUROD+HLQHG Bruxelles, siège majeur de l’Union Européenne: Capitale de qui? Ville de qui? %UXVVHOV PDMRU VHDW RI WKH (XURSHDQ 8QLRQ:KRVH FDSLWDO":KRVH FLW\" %UXVVHOV&DKLHUVGHOD&DPEUH$UFKLWHFWXUHIRUWKFRPLQJ Carola Hein, The Capital of Europe: Architecture and Urban Planning for the European Union:HVWSRUW&7*UHHQZRRG3UDHJHU &DUROD+HLQ-HIIU\'LHIHQGRUIDQG