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English Pages 579 [669] Year 2022
From the 7th to the 1st century BC, daily observations of the sky were performed and their results written down on clay tablets in some Babylonian cities, especially in Babylon. The observations concern the moon and the planets and their phenomena, as well as the weather, the level of the River Euphrates and the prices of important commodities. While these “Astronomical Diaries” are mostly fragmentary and cover only a small part of the period concerned, they nevertheless provide important insights into an observational program that was carried out over seven centuries and contains valuable material even for modern astronomers. Volume IV contains all Astronomical Diaries that were too fragmentary to be dated and, in an Addenda section, those that it was only possible to date after the publication of volumes I–III. Together, volumes I–IV provide the complete edition of this group of cuneiform texts. It can be expected that the newly dated Diaries in particular will prove interesting for astronomers and historians, and will contribute new details to the history of Babylonia in the Hellenistic and Parthian periods.
H. Hunger
Hermann Hunger is retired Professor at the Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Vienna.
Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia
Vol. IV, Undated Diaries and Addenda
Gerinc: 53 mm | Nyitóbieg: 8 mm | Beütés: 20 mm
Printed and bound in the EU
Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia Edited by Hermann Hunger Including Materials by Abraham J. Sachs
Volume IV
Undated Diaries and Addenda
ISBN: 978-3-7001-9032-5
Dph 545
Szélesség: 519 mm | Magasság: 342 mm
Pl. 1
Birmingham City Museum
BCM A.1847-1982 Obv.
BCM A.1847-1982 Rev.
Pl. 2
Copies by T. G. Pinches The copies of Pinches were available to me only as photocopies made for A. Sachs a long time ago. He made numerous notes while working on these tablets and wrote them onto the photocopies. They may be of interest to the reader.
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University Museum, Philadelphia
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CBS 715 right edge
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Louvre Museum, Paris
MNB 1877 Obv. © Musée du Louvre
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MNB 1883 Obv. © Musée du Louvre
MNB 1883 Rev. © Musée du Louvre
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MNB 1890 Obv. © Musée du Louvre
MNB 1890 Rev. © Musée du Louvre
MNB 1898 © Musée du Louvre
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Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
VAT 1761 © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Vorderasiatisches Museum, Foto: Olaf M. Teßmer
VAT 1771 © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Vorderasiatisches Museum, Foto: Olaf M. Teßmer
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VAT 1773 © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Vorderasiatisches Museum, Foto: Olaf M. Teßmer
Pl. 22
VAT 1776 Obv. © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Vorderasiatisches Museum, Foto: Olaf M. Teßmer
VAT 1776 Rev. © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Vorderasiatisches Museum, Foto: Olaf M. Teßmer
VAT 1777 © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Vorderasiatisches Museum, Foto: Olaf M. Teßmer
Volume IV Undated Diaries and Addenda
Angenommen durch die Publikationskommission der philosophisch-historischen Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Accepted by the publication committee of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences: Michael Alram, Andre Gingrich, Hermann Hunger, Sigrid Jalkotzy-Deger, Renate Pillinger, Franz Rainer, Oliver Jens Schmitt, Danuta Shanzer, Peter Wiesinger, Waldemar Zacharasiewicz Diese Publikation wurde unterstützt durch die Sachs-Stiftung. Published with the Support of the Sachs-Stiftung.
Diese Publikation wurde einem anonymen, internationalen Begutachtungsverfahren unterzogen. This publication was subject to international and anonymous peer review. Peer review is an essential part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press evaluation process. Before any book can be accepted for publication, it is assessed by international specialists and ultimately must be approved by the Austrian Academy of Sciences Publication Committee.
Umschlagbild/Coverphoto: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Vorderasiatisches Museum, Foto: Olaf M. Teßmer
Die verwendete Papiersorte in dieser Publikation ist DIN EN ISO 9706 zertifiziert und erfüllt die Voraussetzung für eine dauerhafte Archivierung von schriftlichem Kulturgut. The paper used in this publication is DIN EN ISO 9706 certified and meets the requirements for permanent archiving of written cultural property.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. All rights reserved. Copyright © Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien/Vienna 2022 ISBN 978-3-7001-9032-5 Lektorat/Proofreading: Nicola Wood, St. Jakob im Rosental Satz/Layout: Crossdesign, Graz Druck/Printed: Prime Rate, Budapest https://epub.oeaw.ac.at/ 9032-5 https://verlag.oeaw.ac.at Made in Europe
Table of Contents Preface ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� VII Abbreviations ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� IX Bibliography to Volume IV �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� XI Concordance of Tablet Numbers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� XVIII Concordance of Publications ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� XXXIX Terms used in Diaries ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� XLIX Additions and Corrections to Vols� I–III �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� LVIII Dated Diaries: Addenda ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Undated Diaries ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Birmingham City Museum ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� British Museum ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Istanbul Museum ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Louvre Museum ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� University Museum Philadelphia ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
1 93 95 96 566 567 570 573
Appendix ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 577 Plates ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Pl� 1
Preface The contents and layout of this volume differ from its predecessors because of changes in circumstances� The text editions of volumes I–III are now available in digital form at http://oracc�museum�upenn�edu/adsd/, a project directed by Reinhard Pirngruber� That project includes a complete glossary� For this reason, a glossary for the earlier volumes is not as important as envisaged at the beginning of the Diaries project� In this volume, I have only included a list of terms which are peculiar to the Astronomical Diaries, but I did not attempt to provide a glossary� In earlier volumes, photos of the tablets were included� Recently, the fees for publishing photos of objects kept in the British Museum were raised significantly. I considered it unjustified to spend a huge amount of British pounds on photos (which would also have increased the price of the book)� Nowadays photos can be transmitted electronically with little difficulty. I therefore decided to indicate in this edition who took the photos of the tablets (and allowed me to use them)� Anyone who wants to see such a photo can ask the person(s) who took it� In this way, credit for the considerable work of photographing a large number of tablets is given to those who undertook it� The procedure also has the advantage that it avoids the problem of copyright� In the headings of the texts, the source of photographs is abbreviated as JCF for Jeanette Fincke, YM for Yasuyuki Mitsuma, and HH for myself� Other photographers are mentioned by their full names� In addition, Enrique Jiménez allowed me to use photos from the project “Electronic Babylonian Literature” (of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich), which will be made available next year� I do reproduce a few photos from sources where I have received explicit permission to publish them� For permission to publish the Diaries kept in London, I thank the Trustees of the British Museum� For further permission to publish Diaries (and photos), I thank Barbara Helwing, director of the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin; Steve Tinney, curator of the Babylonian Section of the University Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Beatrice André-Salvini, director of the Oriental Antiquities Department at The Louvre Museum; Ashley Cooke, senior curator of antiquities at the World Museum in Liverpool; and Michael Strong, director of The Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology in Caboolture, Queensland, Australia� Many people helped me in this final period of the work. In the first place, I am indebted to the colleagues at the British Museum, especially Christopher Walker, Jon Taylor and Irving Finkel� I owe a great debt to Yasuyuki Mitsuma, who took photos of most of the tablets in the British Museum and generously allowed me to use them; without his photos, it would have taken much more time and extended stays in London to read the tablets� I am also grateful to Jeanette Fincke, who on several occasions provided me with many very good photos according to my needs� I have discussed a number of tablets containing historical information with Robartus van der Spek, who is preparing a publication on chronicles and similar texts, and I thank him for his many helpful suggestions� For a number of tablets, dates were established by Teije De Jong, whose astronomical competence solved problems which were unsurmountable to me� Before that, I had the help of Richard Stephenson with datings in several cases� I wish to remind the reader that we owe the existence of this work to the ground laid by Abe Sachs� I would never have dared to start the project on my own� His vast knowledge and his attention to details were a constant inspiration to me when adding new texts to what he had begun� It should also be mentioned that the project was financed entirely by the generosity of Otto Neugebauer. It is with a deep feeling of gratitude that I finish this edition of the Astronomical Diaries. I thank God for having let me live long enough� Vienna, Christmas 2021
Hermann Hunger
Abbreviations This list includes the one given in vol� I p� 39f�
B. L. van der Waerden, Anfänge der Astronomie. Groningen 1966
J� Epping, Astronomisches aus Babylon� Freiburg 1889
R� F� Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters� London/Chicago 1892–1914
R� Borger, Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste� Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978
Ch� Virolleaud, L’Astrologie Chaldéenne� Paris 1908–1911
O� Neugebauer, Astronomical Cuneiform Texts� London 1955
Archiv für Orientforschung (Vienna)
Archive for the History of Exact Sciences
W� von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch� Wiesbaden 1959–1981
Alter Orient und Altes Testament (Münster)
Altorientalische Forschungen (Berlin)
Baghdader Mitteilungen (Berlin)
S� Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts Relating to the Capture and Downfall of Babylon� London 1924
Bibliotheca Orientalis (Leiden)
Tablet numbers in the British Museum
The Babylonian and Oriental Record (London)
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London)
W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Oxford 1960
The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago� Chicago 1956–2010
Cagni Memorial Volume
Graziani, S. (ed.), Studi sul Vicino Oriente antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni. Napoli 2000
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative
Cuneiform Monographs (Leiden – Boston)
Compte rendu de la Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets etc� in the British Museum� London 1896ff�
Freiburger Altorientalische Studien (Wiesbaden)
Grayson Chronicles
A. K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles. Locust Valley 1975
O� Neugebauer, A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy� Berlin – Heidelberg – New York 1975
Journal of the American Oriental Society (New Haven)
Journal of Cuneiform Studies (New Haven/Chicago)
Journal for the History of Astronomy (Cambridge)
Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Chicago)
S� Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal� Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970/1983
Th. G. Pinches – J. N. Strassmaier – A. J. Sachs, Late Babylonian Astronomical and Related Texts� Providence 1955
B� Landsberger et al�, Materialien zum Sumerischen Lexikon� Rome 1937ff�
Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires (Paris)
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (Leipzig)
Orientalia Nova Series (Rome)
R� A� Parker – W� H� Dubberstein, Babylonian Chronology 626 B�C� – A�D� 75� Providence 1956
P� V� Neugebauer, Astronomische Chronologie� Berlin – Leipzig 1929
Revue d’Assyriologie (Paris)
F� Thureau-Dangin, Rituels accadiens� Paris 1921
State Archives of Assyria (Helsinki)
Seleucid Era
F� X� Kugler, Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel� Münster 1907–24
SSB Erg�
F� X� Kugler – J� Schaumberger, Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel� Ergänzungshefte� Münster 1913–1935
J�-M� Durand, Textes babyloniens d´époque récente� Paris 1981
Textes cunéiformes du Louvre (Paris)
B� Tuckerman, Planetary, Lunar, and Solar Positions 601 B�C� to A�D� 1� Philadelphia 1962
Veenhof Anniver- Van Soldt, W� H� (ed�), Veenhof Anniversary Volume: Studies Presented to sary Volume Klaas R. Veenhof on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday. Leiden 2001 WeOr
Die Welt des Orients (Göttingen)
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie (Leipzig/Berlin)
Selected Bibliography to Volume IV For a comprehensive bibliography of astronomical texts, see the Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science at: http://bibmas�topoi�org/� The transliterations in vols� I–III, as well as a complete glossary, can be found at: http://oracc�museum�upenn�edu/adsd/� Al-Rawi, F� N� – Roughton, N� A�: IM 44152: A Jupiter Observational Tablet from Uruk: AfO 50 (2003) 340–344� Beaulieu, P.-A.: The Astronomers of the Esagil Temple in the 4th Century B.C., in: Guinan, A. K. et al. (eds.), If a Man Builds a Joyful House: Assyriological Studies in Honor of Erle Verdun Leichty (2006) 5–22� Beaulieu, P�-A� – Frahm, E� – Horowitz, W� – Steele, J�: The Cuneiform Uranology Texts. Drawing the Constellations� Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society (2018)� Bernard, P�: Nouvelle contribution de l’épigraphie cunéiforme à l’histoire hellénistique: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 114 (1990) 513–541� Boiy, T�: Late Achaemenid and Hellenistic Babylon� Leuven: Peeters (2004)� Boiy, T�: The Birth of an Era, in: Boiy, T� et al� (eds�), Festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe (2012) 43–58� Brack-Bernsen, L�: Zur Entstehung der babylonischen Mondtheorie: Beobachtung und theoretische Berechnung von Mondphasen� Stuttgart: Franz Steiner (1997)� Brack-Bernsen, L.: Goal-Year Tablets: Lunar Data and Predictions, in: Swerdlow, N. M. (ed.), Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination (1999) 149–177� Britton, J� P�: Treatments of Annual Phenomena in Cuneiform Sources, in: Steele, J� M� – Imhausen, A� (eds�), Under One Sky (2002) 21–78� Britton, J� P�: An Early Observational Text for Mars: HSM 1899�2�112 (= HSM 1490), in: C� Burnett et al� (eds�), Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree (2004) 33–55. Brown, D�: Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology. Groningen: Styx (2000). Brown, D�: The Level of the Euphrates, in: Wunsch, C� (ed�), Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker (2002) 37–56� Brown, D�: The Interactions of Ancient Astral Science� Bremen: Hempen Verlag (2018)� Clancier, Ph�: Les bibliothèques en Babylonie dans la deuxième moitié du 1er millénaire av. J.-C� Münster: Ugarit-Verlag (2009) = AOAT 363� De Jong, T�: Early Babylonian Observations of Saturn: Astronomical Considerations, in: Steele, J� M� – Imhausen, A� (eds�), Under One Sky (2002) 175–192� Del Monte, G. F.: Testi della Babilonia ellenistica, vol� 1, Testi cronografici, Pisa (1997)� De Meis, S�: Tablets, Tides and the Level of the Euphrates: Wiener offene Orientalistik 6 (2011) 131–148�
Selected Bibliography to Volume IV
Dirven, L�: The Astronomical Diaries and Religion in Seleucid and Parthian Babylon: the Case of the Prophet of Nanāya, in: Haubold, J. – Steele, J. (eds.), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 154–185� Eypper, S�: kasû (ÚGAZISAR) Revisited: Journal des Médecins Cunéiformes 33 (2019) 35–49� Fatoohi, L� J� – Stephenson, F� Richard: Angular Measurements in Babylonian Astronomy: AfO 44/45 (1998) 210–214� Geller, M. J. – Traina, G.: “Tigranu, the Crown Prince of Armenia”: Evidence from the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries: Klio 95 (2013) 447–454� George, A. R.: The Quarters of Babylon in the Astronomical Diaries: NABU 1997/18. Gera, D. – Horowitz, W.: Antiochus IV in Life and Death: Evidence from the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries: JAOS 117 (1997) 240–252� Graßhoff, G.: Normal Star Observations in Late Babylonian Astronomical Diaries, in: Swerdlow, N.M. (ed.), Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination (1999) 97–147� Graßhoff, G.: Babylonian Meteorological Observations and the Empirical Basis of Ancient Science: Wiener offene Orientalistik 6 (2011) 33–48� Graßhoff, G.: Globalization of Ancient Knowledge: From Babylonian Observations to Scientific Regularities, in: Renn, J� (ed�), The Globalization of Knowledge in History (2012), 175–190� Graßhoff, G. – Wenger, E.: The Coordinate System of Astronomical Observations in the Babylonian Diaries, in: Steele, J� M� – Ossendrijver, M� (eds�), Studies on the Ancient Exact Sciences in Honor of Lis BrackBernsen (2017) 83–103� Hackl, J�: The Esangila Temple during the Late Achaemenid Period and the Impact of Xerxes’ Reprisals on the Northern Babylonian Temple Households, in: C� Waerzeggers – M� Seire (eds�), Xerxes and Babylon� The Cuneiform Evidence (2018) 165–187� Hackl, J�: Nochmals zum É UD�1�KAM und seiner vermeintlichen Rolle im babylonischen Neujahrsfest – ein Beitrag zur Kulttopographie Babylons in hellenistischer Zeit: ZA 111 (2020)� Hallo, W. W.: Mul.Apin and the Names of the Constellations, in: Van der Spek, R. – Haayer, G. (eds.), Studies in Ancient Near Eastern World View and Society, Presented to Marten Stol on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (2008) 235–253� Haubold, J�: History and Historiography in the Early Parthian Diaries, in: Haubold, J� – Steele, J� (eds�), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 269–293� Haubold, J� – Steele, J� (eds�): Keeping Watch in Babylon. The Astronomical Diaries in Context. Leiden: Brill (2019)� Horowitz, W.: Astronomical Cuneiform Texts in the Birmingham City Museum, in: George, A. R. – Finkel, I� L� (eds�), Wisdom, Gods and Literature. Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W. G. Lambert (2000) 309–314� Huber, P� J�: Babylonian Short Time Measurements: Lunar Sixes: Centaurus 44 (2000) 223–234� Huber, P� J� – De Meis, S�: Babylonian Eclipse Observations from 750 BC to 1 BC� Milan: Mimesis (2004)�
Selected Bibliography to Volume IV
Hunger, H�: Saturnbeobachtungen aus der Zeit Nebukadnezars II, in: J� Marzahn – H� Neumann (eds�), Assyriologica et Semitica. Festschrift für Joachim Oelsner (2000) 189–192� Hunger, H�: A Collection of Observations from the Reign of Artaxerxes I: SCIAMVS 16 (2015) 35–51� Hunger, H� – van der Spek, R�: An Astronomical Diary Concerning Artaxerxes II (year 42 = 363-2 BC)� Military Operations in Babylonia: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2006�002� Hunger, H� – Steele, J�: The Babylonian Astronomical Compendium MUL.APIN� London/New York: Routledge� Joannès, F�: Réparations dans l’Esangil en 92 avant J�-C�: Orient-Express 1991/1, 11� Joannès, F�: Une chronique judiciaire d’époque hellénistique et le châtiment des sacrilèges à Babylone, in: Marzahn, J� – Neumann, H� (eds�), Assyriologica et Semitica. Festschrift für Joachim Oelsner (2000) 193–211� Jones, A�: A Study of Babylonian Observations of Planets Near Normal Stars: AHES 58 (2004) 475–536� Kessler, K�: “In diesem Monat hörte ich ���” – Einige Bemerkungen zu den Astronomical Diaries: Isimu 1 (1998) 167–172� Koch, J�: Zur Bedeutung von LÁL in den “Astronomical Diaries” und in der Plejaden-Schaltregel: JCS 49 (1997) 83–101� Koch, J.: Zur Bedeutung von SAG GE6 in den “Astronomical Diaries”: ZA 87 (1997) 33–42� Koch, J�: Zur Bedeutung von ina UGU ṭur-ri ��� in zwei Astronomical Diaries: WeOr 29 (1998) 109–123� Linssen, M�: The Cults of Uruk and Babylon: The Temple Ritual Texts as Evidence for Hellenistic Cult Practices� Leiden: Brill/Styx (2004)� Michel, P� M�: Note sur le nom du théatre de Babylone: NABU 2014/105� Mitsuma, Y�: Arsacid Naval Attack on Mesene?: NABU 2005/21� Mitsuma, Y.: Office of rab kumări: NABU 2005/80� Mitsuma, Y.: ‘The General in Charge of the Four stratēgiai’?: NABU 2007/9� Mitsuma, Y�: Ištar of Babylon in ‘Day-One Temple’: NABU 2008/69� Mitsuma, Y�: Large Wooden Writing Board Mentioned in the Astronomical Diary -213: NABU 2013/54� Mitsuma, Y�: A New Reading of the Astronomical Diary -651 col� iv 21: NABU 2014/54� Mitsuma, Y�: The Offering for Well-Being in Seleucid and Arsacid Babylon: AfO 53 (2015) 117–127� Mitsuma, Y�: From Preliminary Diaries to Short Diaries: The First and Second Steps in the Compilation Process of the Late Babylonian Astronomical Diaries: SCIAMVS 16 (2015) 53–73� Mitsuma, Y�: BM 42803+42974: A New Fragment of the Astronomical Diary -375A: NABU 2017/81� Mitsuma, Y.: A New Attestation of Ardaya, the General of Babylonia under the Declining Seleucid Rule: Orient 53 (2018) 55–68�
Selected Bibliography to Volume IV
Oelsner, J.: Von Iqīšâ und anderen spätgeborenen Babyloniern, in: Graziani, S. (ed.), Cagni Memorial Volume (2000) 797–814� Oelsner, J.: Gedanken zu den Archiven und Bibliotheken aus dem hellenistischen Uruk, in: Kleber, K. – Neumann, G. – Paulus, S. (eds.), Grenzüberschreitungen. Festschrift für Hans Neumann (2018) 455– 475� Ossendrijver, M�: Exzellente Netzwerke: Die Astronomen von Uruk: Wiener offene Orientalistik 6 (2011) 631–644� Ossendrijver, M�: Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy: Procedure Texts� New York: Springer (2012)� Ossendrijver, M�: BM 76488 – A Babylonian Compendium about Conjunctions and Other Planetary Phenomena, in: Steele, J� M� – Ossendrijver, M� (eds�), Studies on the Ancient Exact Sciences in Honor of Lis Brack-Bernsen (2017) 127–146� Ossendrijver, M�: Babylonian Scholarship and the Calendar during the Reign of Xerxes, in: Waerzeggers, C� – Seire, M� (eds�), Xerxes and Babylonia. The Cuneiform Evidence (2018) 135–163� Pingree, D� – Reiner, E�: Observational Texts Concerning the Planet Mercury: RA 69 (1975) 175–180� Pirngruber, R�: The Impact of Empire on Market Prices in Babylon in the Late Achaemenid and Seleucid Periods, ca. 400–140 B.C� Thesis at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2012� Pirngruber, R�: The Historical Sections of the Astronomical Diaries in Context: Developments in a Late Babylonian Scientific Text Corpus: Iraq 75 (2013) 197–210� Pirngruber, R�: The Museum Context of the Astronomical Diaries, in: Haubold, J� – Steele, J� (eds�), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 186–197� Potts, D� T�: Five Episodes in the History of Elymais, 145–124 B�C�: New Data from the Astronomical Diaries, in: Huyse, Ph� (ed�), Actes du IVe Congrès Européen des Études Iraniennes, Vol� I: La période ancienne (Studia Iranica� Cahier 25, 2002), 349–362� Potts, D. T.: Once More on ‘the General Who Is above the Four Generals’ and His Congeners: NABU 2007/51� Potts, D� T�: The politai and the bīt tāmartu: The Seleucid and Parthian Theatres of the Greek Citizens of Babylon, in: Cancik-Kirschbaum, E� (ed�), Babylon – Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident (2011) 239–252� Robson, E�: Who Wrote the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries?, in: Haubold, J� – Steele, J� (eds�), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 120–153� Rochberg, F�: Babylonian Horoscopes� Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society (1998)� Rochberg, F�: Periodicities and Period Relations in Babylonian Celestial Sciences, in: Kozuh, M� et al� (eds�), Extraction and Control. Studies in Honor of M. W. Stolper (2014) 211–218� Rochberg, F�: Before Nature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2016)� Roughton, N.A. – Canzoneri, G. L.: Babylonian Normal Stars in Sagittarius: JHA 23 (1992) 193–200. Roughton, N� A�: A Study of Babylonian Normal-Star Almanacs and Observational Texts, in: Steele, J� M� – Imhausen, A� (eds�), Under One Sky (2002) 367–378�
Selected Bibliography to Volume IV
Sachs, A� J� – Walker, C� B� F�: Kepler’s View of the Star of Bethlehem and the Babylonian Almanac for 7/6 B�C�: Iraq 46 (1984) 43–55� Schuol, M�: Die Charakene: ein mesopotamisches Königreich in hellenistisch-parthischer Zeit� Stuttgart: Steiner (2000)� Sciandra, R.: The Babylonian Correspondence of the Seleucid and Arsacid Dynasties, in: Wilhelm, G. (ed.), Organisation, Representation, and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East� Proceedings of the 54th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Würzburg 2008 (2012) 225ff� Slotsky, A� L�: The Bourse of Babylon. Market Quotations in the Astronomical Diaries of Babylonia� Bethesda: CDL Press (1997)� Slotsky, A� L� – Wallenfels, R�: Tallies and Trends. The Late Babylonian Commodity Price Lists� Bethesda: CDL Press (2009)� Steele, J� M�: Celestial Measurement in Babylonian Astronomy: Annals of Science 64 (2007) 293–325� Steele, J� M�: The Length of the Month in Babylonian Calendars of the First Millennium BC, in: Steele, J� M� (ed�), Calendars and Years: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient Near East (2007) 133–148� Steele, J. M.: Goal-Year Periods and their Use in Predicting Planetary Phenomena: Wiener offene Orientalistik 6 (2011) 101–110� Steele, J� M�: Late Babylonian ziqpu-star lists: Written or remembered traditions of knowledge?: in: Bawanypeck, D� – Imhausen, A� (eds�), Traditions of Written Knowledge in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (2014) 123–151� Steele, J� M�: The Circulation of Astronomical Knowledge between Babylon and Uruk, in: Steele, J� M� (ed�), The Circulation of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ancient World (2016) 83–118� Steele, J� M�: A Text Containing Observations of Mars from the Time of Nebuchadnezzar II, in: Steele, J� M� – Ossendrijver, M� (eds�), Studies on the Ancient Exact Sciences in Honor of Lis Brack-Bernsen (2017) 69–81� Steele, J�: A Lunar Six Compendium from the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar II: BM 48644: NABU 2018/82� Steele, J� M�: An Early Compilation of Saturn Observations from Babylon: JHA 50 (2019) 31–45� Steele, J�: The Early History of the Astronomical Diaries, in: Haubold, J� – Steele, J� (eds�), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 19–52� Steele, J. M. – Gray, J. M. K.: A Study of Babylonian Observations Involving the Zodiac: JHA 38 (2007) 443–458� Steele, J� M� – Meszaros, E� L�: A Study of Babylonian Records of Planetary Stations: AHES (2021)� Stephenson, F� R� – Steele, J� M�: Astronomical Dating of Babylonian Texts Describing the Total Solar Eclipse of S�E 175: JHA 37 (2006) 55–69� Stephenson, F� R� – Walker, C� B� F� (eds�): Halley’s Comet in history� London: British Museum Publ� (1985)� Stern, S�: The Babylonian Month and the New Moon: Sighting and Prediction: JHA 39 (2008) 19–41� Stevens, K.: From Babylon to Baḫtar: the Geography of the Astronomical Diaries, in: Haubold, J. – Steele, J. (eds�), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 198–236�
Selected Bibliography to Volume IV
Stol, M�: Beer in Neo-Babylonian Times, in: Milano, L� (ed�), Drinking in Ancient Societies. History and Culture of Drinks in the Ancient Near East. Papers of a Symposium Held in Rome, May 17–19, 1990 (1994) 155–183� Tuplin, C�: Logging History in Achaemenid, Hellenistic and Parthian Babylonia: Historical Entries in Dated Astronomical Diaries, in: Haubold, J� – Steele, J� (eds�), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 79–119� Van der Spek, R� J�, The Astronomical Diaries as a Source for Achaemenid and Seleucid History: BiOr 50 (1993) 91–101� Van der Spek, R� J�: New Evidence from Babylonian Astronomical Diaries Concerning Seleucid and Arsacid History: AfO 44/45 (1997/1998) 167–175� Van der Spek, R� J�: The Chronology of the Wars of Artaxerxes II in the Babylonian Astronomical Diaries: Achaemenid History 11 (1998) 239–256� Van der Spek, R�: The Šatammus of Esagila in the Seleucid and Arsacid Periods, in: Marzahn, J� – Neumann, H� (eds�), Assyriologica et Semitica. Festschrift für Joachim Oelsner (Münster 2000) 437–446� Van der Spek, R�: The Theatre of Babylon in Cuneiform, in: Van Soldt, W� H� (ed�), Veenhof Anniversary Volume: Studies Presented to Klaas R. Veenhof on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday. Leiden (2001) 445–456� Van der Spek, R�: Madinatu = URU�MEŠ, “satrapy, province, district, country”, in Late Babylonian: AfO 53 (2015) 110–116� Van der Spek, R�: The Cult for Seleucus II and his Sons in Babylon: NABU 2016/27� Van der Spek, R�: KI�LAM = nadānu “exchange rate”: More Evidence from the Price Lists: NABU 2016/83� Van der Spek, R�: Manûtu ša Bābili the Babylonian Subdivision of the Mina: NABU 2017/20� Visscher, M�: Royal Presence in the Astronomical Diaries, in: Haubold, J� – Steele, J� (eds�), Keeping Watch in Babylon (2019) 237–268� Walker, C� B� F�: Babylonian Observations of Saturn during the Reign of Kandalanu, in: Swerdlow, N� M� (ed�), Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination (1999) 61–76� Reviews of volumes I–III: Biggs, R� D�: JNES 50 (1991) 63–65 Geller, M.: BSOAS 53, 1–7; BSOAS 66, 67–71 Neumann, H�: Klio 74 (1992) 476–478 Oelsner, J�: OLZ 84 (1989) 672–676; OLZ 86 (1991) 499–502; OLZ 94 (1999) 326–332 Rochberg-Halton, F�: JAOS 111 (1991) 323–332; Or 58 (1989) 551–555 Van der Spek, R�: BiOr 50 (1993) 91–101 Van Soldt, W�: ZA 81 (1991) 153–155; ZA 86 (1996) 274f�
Concordance of Museum Numbers This concordance contains all Diaries edited in vols� I–IV� D (alone) indicates an undated Diary (edited in vol. IV); dated Diaries are identified by their number given in vols� I–III� If a Diary was dated after the publication of vol� III and is therefore included in the Addenda in vol� IV, its date is given according to regnal years or the Seleucid era�
Museum number
Abbey Museum W00589 Birmingham City Museum A�18471982 BM 30617 BM 30632 BM 30739 BM 30830 BM 31474 BM 31476 BM 31539 BM 31581 BM 31583 BM 31646 BM 31725 BM 31730 BM 31731 BM 31799 BM 31804 BM 31818 BM 31847 BM 31857 BM 31990 BM 32062 BM 32606 BM 32076 BM 32143 BM 32149 BM 32886 BM 32164 BM 32190 BM 32223 BM 32232 BM 32390 BM 32239 Rm 792, BM BM 32240 32430, BM 32489 BM 32244 BM 32245 BM 32404 BM 32252 BM 32256 BM 32261 BM 32267
Date D SE 136 D D D SE 97 D -194 B D -195 E D -186 C D -169 D -193 C D -184 A D -192 C D D D D SE 58 D -212 A D -195 C D D -171 C D SE 116 D D D D -170 D D -366 A D -178 A D -193 A D D D D -322 D D D -261 B D -366 A D D
Museum number BM 32265 BM 32267 BM 32270 BM 32272 BM 32274 BM 32280 BM 32288 BM 32309 BM 32312 BM 32316 BM 32319 BM 32320 BM 32329 BM 32330 BM 32331 BM 32332 BM 32333 BM 32334 BM 32349 BM 32352 BM 32356 BM 32365 BM 32369 BM 32370 BM 32372 BM 32381 BM 32387 BM 32388 BM 32390 BM 32402 BM 32409 BM 32413 BM 32420 BM 32422 BM 32428 BM 32430 BM 32435 BM 32448 BM 32458
Joins BM 32464 BM 32261 BM 32288, BM 32422, BM 32501, BM 32624 BM 32356 BM 32272, BM 32422, BM 32501, BM 32624 BM 32402
BM 32370, BM 32387, BM 32568
Date D -189 B D D D -291 B D D D -291 B D D -651 D D -273 A D -289
D -281 B D D Rm 845, BM 32611 D -328 BM 32420 D -375 C D BM 32428 D -185 A BM 41615, BM D SE 50 41913 BM 32280 D D SE 83 D BM 32320, BM D -289 32387, BM 32568 D -307 A D BM 32320, BM D -289 32370, BM 32568 D -201 A BM 32232 D BM 32309 D BM 32524 D BM 32579 D BM 32333 D -375 C BM 32272, BM 32288, BM 32501, D -291 B BM 32624 D -185 A BM 32349 Rm 792, BM D -322 D 32240, BM 32489 D BM 32569, BM D -264 32697 D
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 32464 BM 32470 BM 32473 BM 32475 BM 32479 BM 32489 BM 32490 BM 32501 BM 32502 BM 32503 BM 32506 BM 32508 BM 32511 BM 32518 BM 32521 BM 32524 BM 32529 BM 32554 BM 32555 BM 32562 BM 32563 BM 32568 BM 32569 BM 32572 BM 32573 BM 32579 BM 32597 BM 32606 BM 32611 BM 32614 BM 32622 BM 32624 BM 32661 BM 32666 BM 32680 BM 32684 BM 32686 BM 32688 BM 32695
Joins BM 32265 BM 32786
Rm 792, BM 32240, BM 32430 BM 41848 BM 32272, BM 32288, BM 32422, BM 32624
BM 32521, BM 32695 BM 40865 BM 32506 BM 32409 BM 32558
BM 32320, BM 32370, BM 32387 BM 32448, BM 32697 BM 32790, BM 34018 BM 32413
Date D -189 B D D SE 132 D D D -322 D D -270 B D -291 B D D D SE 128 D D -372 A D -209 C D SE 128 D D -366 A D D -165 C D SE 126 D -178 D D -289 D -264 D -175 A D SE 130
D D -198 B BM 32062 D Rm 845, BM 32332 D -328 D -266 A D -287 BM 32272, BM 32288, BM 32422, D -291 B BM 32501 D D D D D D BM 32506, BM D SE 128 32521
Museum number BM 32697 BM 32714 BM 32756 BM 32759 BM 32765 BM 32766 BM 32775 BM 32786 BM 32790 BM 32808 BM 32839 BM 32840 BM 32843 BM 32844 BM 32848 BM 32884 BM 32886 BM 32887 BM 32889 BM 32890 BM 32938 BM 32951 BM 32955 BM 32961 BM 32962 BM 32965 BM 32967 BM 32968 BM 32972 BM 32983 BM 32987 BM 32988 BM 32991 BM 33002 BM 33024 BM 33031 BM 33035 BM 33036 BM 33042 BM 33044 BM 33045
Joins BM 32448, BM 32569
BM 32473 BM 32573, BM 34018 BM 41629, BM 41833 Rm 718, Rm 723, BM 34130
BM 32149 BM 32967, BM 41614, BM 41618
BM 32889, BM 41614, BM 41618
BM 33045, BM 45757
BM 33047 BM 33024, BM 45757
Date D -264 D D D D D D D SE 132 D SE 130 D D -141 F D -251 D -133 A D -165 A D -85 C D -93 A D -366 A D -141 A D -246 D -96 A D D -190 E D D D D D -246 D D D D D SE 99 D D D -123 A D D D D D -122 D D -123 A
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number
BM 33047 BM 33445 BM 33461 BM 33477 BM 33478 BM 33490 BM 33528 BM 33587 BM 33591 BM 33613 BM 33628 BM 33634 BM 33645 BM 33649 BM 33655 BM 33671 BM 33751 BM 33759 BM 33762 BM 33764 BM 33782 BM 33792 BM 33805 BM 33808 BM 33820 BM 33830 BM 33836 BM 33837 BM 33850 BM 33887 BM 33991 BM 33992 BM 34000 BM 34018 BM 34023 BM 34039 BM 34040 BM 34045 BM 34049 BM 34050 BM 34086 BM 34093 BM 34096 BM 34098
Joins BM 33044 BM 33836 BM 33591, BM 33613
BM 33477, BM 33613 BM 33477, BM 33591
BM 34648
BM 33461 BM 47722
BM 32573, BM 32790
BM 35758
Date D -122 D D -253 A D -137 D D -142 A
Museum number BM 34099 BM 34105
D -440 D D D
BM 34108 BM 34112 BM 34118 BM 34124 BM 34127
D -142 A
BM 34130
D -142 A D D SE 188 D D D -225 D -199 B D D -372 D D D D D D -283 A D -201 C D -137 C D D -137 D D -232 D -162 D D -168 E D -198 A D -167 A D SE 130 D -204 B D -133 B D -129 A D -143 A D -189 C D -140 C D -132 D D -321 D -111 A D -148
BM 34135 BM 34139 BM 34140 BM 34157 BM 34170 BM 34174 BM 34175 BM 34177 BM 34180 BM 34182 BM 34192 BM 34195 BM 34197 BM 34198 BM 34202 BM 34204 BM 34209 BM 34215 BM 34220 BM 34226 BM 34231 BM 34255 BM 34273 BM 34274 BM 34285 BM 34303 BM 34341 BM 34348 BM 34349 BM 34358 BM 34362 BM 34364 BM 34367
Joins BM 41925, BM 42003 BM 41901, BM 42041 BM 41482
Rm 718, Rm 723, BM 32840
BM 34341 BM 35703
BM 41890
Rm 752
Rm 705, BM 34458, BM 41932 Rm 800, Rm 837
BM 34739
BM 34157 BM 34383
BM 34931, BM 35143, BM 35422, BM 35679, BM 35922, BM 45616, BM 45769
Date D -277 A D -253 B D -87 A D -126 B D D D -211 B D -251 D D D -161 A D -132 D D -202 B D -135 D -133 B D -132 E D -161 A D D D D D D D D -158 E D -60 D -277 C D SE 58 D D D D -126 A D -230 B D D -132 D D D D D -197 B D D
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 34373 BM 34383 BM 34390 BM 34410 BM 34412 BM 34418 BM 34419 BM 34433 BM 34434 BM 34436 BM 34442 BM 34443 BM 34458 BM 34460 BM 34466 BM 34485 BM 34492 BM 34504 BM 34520 BM 34521 BM 34562 BM 34563 BM 34564 BM 34591 BM 34609 BM 34616 BM 34632 BM 34634 BM 34636 BM 34638 BM 34640 BM 34642 BM 34645 BM 34648 BM 34651 BM 34652 BM 34663 BM 34669 BM 34670 BM 34671 BM 34672 BM 34681
Joins BM 41879, BM 41899 BM 34348
Rm 705, BM 34215, BM 41932
BM 55532 BM 34788, BM 77617, BM 78958 BM 45901
BM 35417, BM 78829 BM 33649 BM 77245 BM 36010 BM 35740 BM 35057, BM 35433, BM 35540, BM 35837, BM 47821
Date D -157 A D D D SE 171 D D D D D D D D D -60 D D D D D D D D -170 E D -203 D -195 B D -178 C D -144 D -302/301 D -149 A D -384 D -141 C D -382 D D -375 B D -149 B D D -342 A D D -207 B D -134 B D D -207 A D -93 B D
Museum number BM 34682 BM 34688 BM 34694 BM 34697 BM 34699 BM 34700 BM 34701 BM 34702 BM 34707 BM 34711 BM 34715 BM 34725 BM 34727 BM 34728 BM 34729 BM 34730 BM 34736 BM 34739 BM 34742 BM 34743 BM 34748 BM 34752 BM 34753 BM 34754 BM 34755 BM 34756 BM 34761 BM 34763 BM 34766 BM 34772 BM 34773A BM 34785 BM 34786 BM 34788 BM 34791 BM 34792 BM 34794 BM 34805 BM 34806 BM 34808 BM 34821 BM 34823 BM 34825 BM 34827
BM 35418
BM 34274
BM 45933
BM 34825 BM 35037
BM 34609, BM 77617, BM 78958
BM 34919, BM 34990, BM 35071, BM 35329 BM 35610, BM 35812, BM 55569
BM 55579 BM 34763
Date D D D D D D D -99 B D -180 D D -107 D D -187 A D -136 C D -277 B D -110 D -254 D D D SE 218 D -126 A D D D D SE 35 D -62 D -95 F D SE 153 D -171 A D D -120 D D D -179 B D -105 C D D -144 D -95 D D -373 B D -324 B D D -173 A D D -141 B D -173 B D -120 D -121
Concordance of Museum Numbers
XXII Museum number BM 34830 BM 34836 BM 34838 BM 34841 BM 34843 BM 34852 BM 34857 BM 34862 BM 34863 BM 34870 BM 34871 BM 34872 BM 34880 BM 34885 BM 34887 BM 34891 BM 34892 BM 34893 BM 34897 BM 34910 BM 34915 BM 34918 BM 34919 BM 34920 BM 34923 BM 34926 BM 34930 BM 34931 BM 34936 BM 34937 BM 34938 BM 34939 BM 34947 BM 34948 BM 34954 BM 34955
BM 35400, BM 45866 BM 45646, BM 45710, BM 45985 BM 55575
BM 35170 BM 34794, BM 34990, BM 35071, BM 35329 BM 35786 BM 35624
BM 34362, BM 35143, BM 35422, BM 35679, BM 35922, BM 45616, BM 45769 BM 34957, BM 35558, BM 35662, BM 35776, BM 45647, BM 45700, BM 46033 BM 45701
BM 35032, 35177
Date D D D D D D -99 A D D D D D D -107 A D D
Museum number
BM 34957 BM 34959 BM 34962 BM 34965 BM 34967 BM 34972 BM 34975 BM 34979 BM 34980 BM 34981 BM 34986
D SE 33
BM 34987
BM 34988
D -108 A D D -182 B D D -175 B D -134 B D -324 B D -242 D -158 C D SE 206 D D -197 B D -130 D D -105 A D -197 C D -180 C D -152 D D D -179 C
BM 34990 BM 35002 BM 35005 BM 35009 BM 35011 BM 35013 BM 35014 BM 35015 BM 35016 BM 35023 BM 35024 BM 35025 BM 35030 BM 35032 BM 35034 BM 35037 BM 35042 BM 35043 BM 35053 BM 35054 BM 35057 BM 35058 BM 35060 BM 35062
Joins BM 34937, BM 35558, BM 35662, BM 35776, BM 45647, BM 45700, BM 46033 BM 35612 BM 35190
BM 35131, BM 35233 BM 34794, BM 34919, BM 35071, BM 35329
BM 35332, 55531
BM 35064, BM 35087, BM 35618, BM 35632, BM 45955
BM 34955, BM 35177 BM 34766 BM 35211 BM 35815 BM 34671, BM 35540, BM 35837
D -105 A D -153 D -123 B D D -122 E D D D -95B D D D -109 B D -381 A D -198 D D -324 B D D D D -176 A D D D -164 B D D -288 D -324 A D D -209 A D -179 C D D D D -193 D D -140 B D -183 E D -207 A D -186 D D -180 A D
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 35063 BM 35064 BM 35065 BM 35070 BM 35071 BM 35075 BM 35082 BM 35083 BM 35084 BM 35085 BM 35086 BM 35087 BM 35091 BM 35105 BM 35108 BM 35110 BM 35111 BM 35112 BM 35124 BM 35126 BM 35129 BM 35130 BM 35131 BM 35132 BM 35133 BM 35135 BM 35143 BM 35145 BM 35146 BM 35153 BM 35155 BM 35158 BM 35165
BM 35024, BM35087, BM 35618, BM 35632, BM 45955 BM 45699 BM 34794, BM 34919, BM 34990, BM 35329
BM 46149, BM 77619 BM 35024, BM 35064, BM 35618, BM 35632, BM 45955
BM 45725, BM 45995, BM 46133, BM 46145, BM 46169, BM 46189 BM 35124 BM 35112 BM 35722
BM 34987, BM 35233
BM 34362, BM 34931, BM 35422, BM 35679, BM 35922, BM 45616, BM 45769
BM 35158 BM 35153
Date D D -324 A D SE 226 D -132 B D -324 B D D D D D D -109 A D -324 A D D D D -218 D -170 F D D D D D D -381 A D D D -125 B D -197 B D -63 D D D D D -230 D
Museum number BM 35166 BM 35170 BM 35177 BM 35179 BM 35183 BM 35184 BM 35185 BM 35190 BM 35195 BM 35199 BM 35200 BM 35201 BM 35208 BM 35211 BM 35212 BM 35216 BM 35220 BM 35222 BM 35226 BM 35232 BM 35233 BM 35239 BM 35240 BM 35243 BM 35244 BM 35257 BM 35261 BM 35262 BM 35265 BM 35266 BM 35269 BM 35270 BM 35274 BM 35275 BM 35276 BM 35279 BM 35283 BM 35287 BM 35289 BM 35290 BM 35291 BM 35292 BM 35294 BM 35296 BM 35297 BM 35300
D -173 B BM 34918 D SE 177 BM 34955 + 35032 D -179 C D D D -366 B D BM 34962 D -123 B D -378 BM 35845 + 35919 D -195 A D D -131 A D -108 C BM 35043 D -193 D BM 77235 D -372 E D D -176 B D D D BM 34987, BM D -381 A 35131 D D D D D D D D D BM 35347, BM D 35358 D D D D D SE 77 D D D D D D D D D D
Concordance of Museum Numbers
XXIV Museum number BM 35303 BM 35305 BM 35307 BM 35308 BM 35312 BM 35313 BM 35323 BM 35329 BM 35330 BM 35331 BM 35332 BM 35333 BM 35343 BM 35344 BM 35346 BM 35347 BM 35357 BM 35358 BM 35359 BM 35361 BM 35373 BM 35374 BM 35375 BM 35377 BM 35392 BM 35396 BM 35400 BM 35406 BM 35410 BM 35411 BM 35414 BM 35415 BM 35416 BM 35417 BM 35418 BM 35422 BM 35424 BM 35433
BM 34794, BM 34919, BM 34990, BM 35071
BM 35015, BM 55531 BM 41008
BM 35269, BM 35358 BM 35269, BM 35347
BM 34887, BM 45866
BM 34642, BM 78829 BM 34728 BM 34362, BM 34931, BM 35143, BM 35679, BM 35922, BM 45616, BM 45769 BM 47821
Date D D D D D D D -187 B D -324 B D -184 B D -193 B D -164 B D -370 D -183 A D D D D
Museum number BM 35447 BM 35471 BM 35473 BM 35477 BM 35478 BM 35479 BM 35482 BM 35486 BM 35487 BM 35490 BM 35493 BM 35510 BM 35514 BM 35525 BM 35536 BM 35540 BM 35541 BM 35558
D D D D D D D -380 A D D D -278 B D SE 118 D D -130 A D D D D -375 B D -254
BM 35561 BM 35566 BM 35569 BM 35573 BM 35576 BM 35591 BM 35596 BM 35597 BM 35598 BM 35599 BM 35601 BM 35605 BM 35610 BM 35612 BM 35616 BM 35618
D -197 B
BM 35624 BM 35626
D -204 C D -207 A
BM 35629
BM 35573
BM 34671, BM 35057, BM 35837 BM 34937, BM 34957, BM 35662, BM 35776, BM 45647, BM 45700, BM 46033
BM 35479
BM 34806, BM 35812, BM D74255569 BM 34959 BM 35024, BM 35064, BM35087, BM 35632, BM 45955 BM 34923 BM 45734, BM 46016
Date D D D D D D D D D D D D D -131 B D -168 D D -342 B D -207 A D D -105 A D -372 C D -104 D D D -179 A D D D D D D -107 B D -168 B D -173 A D -153 D D -324 A D -158 C D SE 244 D -291 A
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number
BM 35632 BM 35633 BM 35634 BM 35635 BM 35639 BM 35642 BM 35643 BM 35645 BM 35646 BM 35647 BM 35651 BM 35652 BM 35653 BM 35657 BM 35658 BM 35660 BM 35662 BM 35673 BM 35677
BM 35679 BM 35680 BM 35682 BM 35684 BM 35685 BM 35689 BM 35693 BM 35694 BM 35699 BM 35700 BM 35701 BM 35703 BM 35704 BM 35709 BM 35715 BM 35716 BM 35718
Joins BM 35024, BM 35064, BM35087, BM 35618, BM 45955
BM 34937, BM 34957, BM 35558, BM 35776, BM 45647, BM 45700, BM 46033 BM 46185 BM 35684, BM 36009 BM 34362, BM 34931, BM 35143, BM 35422, BM 35922, BM 45616, BM 45769
BM 35677, BM 36009
BM 34170
D -324 A D D D -121 D D D D D D D -166 B D D D D D SE 45
Museum number BM 35721 BM 35722 BM 35723 BM 35724 BM 35730 BM 35735 BM 35740 BM 35747 BM 35749 BM 35751 BM 35752 BM 35758 BM 35759 BM 35761 BM 35764 BM 35765 BM 35766 BM 35769 BM 35771 BM 35773
D -105 A BM 35776 D -198 C D -119 A
D -197 B D D D -119 A D D D D D D -117 B D D -202 B D D D D D
BM 35786 BM 35791 BM 35794 BM 35799 BM 35800 BM 35801 BM 35802 BM 35809 BM 35810 BM 35812 BM 35815 BM 35819 BM 35822 BM 35825 BM 35833 BM 35835 BM 35837 BM 35839 BM 35841 BM 35845 BM 35849
BM 35126
BM 34669
BM 34093 BM 45621
BM 34937, BM 34957, BM 35558, BM 35662, BM 45647, BM 45700, BM 46033 BM 34920
BM 34806, BM 35610, BM 55569 BM 35053
BM 34671, BM 35057, BM 35540
BM 35199, BM 35919
Date D -94 D D D D -186 A D D -134 B D D D D D -321 D -119 C D D D D -75 D D D D -105 A D -242 D D SE 139 D D D D D D -119 A D -173 A D -140 B D D D D -212 B D D -207 A D D D -195 A D
XXVI Museum number BM 35850 BM 35851 BM 35863 BM 35870 BM 35878 BM 35880 BM 35883 BM 35890 BM 35897 BM 35898 BM 35899 BM 35905 BM 35911 BM 35912 BM 35919 BM 35922 BM 35924 BM 35925 BM 35937 BM 35940 BM 35941 BM 35947 BM 35949 BM 35972 BM 35974 BM 35976 BM 35979 BM 35980 BM 35982 BM 35983 BM 35986 BM 35987 BM 35991 BM 35996 BM 36009 BM 36010 BM 36014 BM 36024 BM 36025 BM 36027 BM 36028 BM 36036 BM 36040
Concordance of Museum Numbers Joins
D D D D D D D D D D D D D D BM 35199 + 35845 D -195 A BM 34362, BM 34931, BM 35143, BM 35422, BM D -197 B 35679, BM 45616, BM 45769 D D D D D D D D D D D -157 B D D D D D D D BM 35677, BM D -119 A 35684 BM 34663 D -207 B D D D D D -209 E D -372 B D
Museum number BM 36044 BM 36047 BM 36048 BM 36049 BM 36063 BM 36067 BM 36069 BM 36070 BM 36082 BM 36085 BM 36091 BM 36095 BM 36101 BM 36102 BM 36110 BM 36129 BM 36141 BM 36152 BM 36154 BM 36162 BM 36170 BM 36185 BM 36186 BM 36192 BM 36219 BM 36224 BM 36227 BM 36233 BM 36235 BM 36242 BM 36247 BM 36248 BM 36254 BM 36261 BM 36275 BM 36388 BM 36390 BM 36399 BM 36402 BM 36433 BM 36440 BM 36488 BM 36591 BM 36601 BM 36605 BM 36616
(+)BM 42762
BM 36738
BM 36865 BM 36787, BM 36964
Date D D D D D D D -119 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D -332 A D -330 B D -302 D -214 D D SE 12 D Art II 19 D -201 D D D D
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 36622 BM 36638 BM 36645 BM 36653 BM 36657 BM 36684 BM 36707 BM 36710 BM 36724 BM 36729 BM 36733 BM 36738 BM 36742 BM 36750 BM 36757 BM 36759 BM 36761 BM 36763 BM 36767 BM 36770 BM 36774 BM 36777 BM 36778 BM 36787 BM 36789 BM 36792 BM 36797 BM 36803 BM 36807 BM 36826 BM 36830 BM 36832 BM 36857 BM 36863 BM 36865 BM 36868 BM 36870 BM 36881 BM 36883 BM 36884 BM 36886 BM 36888 BM 36889 BM 36891
Joins BM 37169
BM 92688, BM 92689 BM 36792, BM 36920
BM 36388 BM 37478
BM 36891
BM 36440, BM 36964 BM 36724
BM 37148, BM 37829 BM 36402
BM 36763
Date D -373 A D D D D D D D -273 B D -156 A D -343 D -197 A D -332 A D Art II 42 D D -283 B D D -330 A D -161 B D D D Art II 42 D -329 A D D SE 12 D D -156 A D D D -200 A D D D -368 D -190 D D D -214 D D D D -129 B D D D D -227 D -161 B
Museum number BM 36894 BM 36906 BM 36911 BM 36913 BM 36920 BM 36923 BM 36926 BM 36942 BM 36945 BM 36946 BM 36964 BM 36967 BM 36971 BM 36993 BM 37004 BM 37006 BM 37013 BM 37027 BM 37029 BM 37037 BM 37039 BM 37041 BM 37042 BM 37069 BM 37071 BM 37073 BM 37081 BM 37086 BM 37097 BM 37104 BM 37109 BM 37120 BM 37129 BM 37148 BM 37161 BM 37169 BM 37183 BM 37188 BM 37211 BM 37231 BM 37284 BM 37296 BM 37317 BM 37326 BM 37347 BM 37349
Joins BM 37398
BM 36724
BM 36440, BM 36787 BM 37013
BM 36967
BM 37109
BM 37211 BM 37037
BM 36857, BM 37829 BM 36622
BM 37097
Date D D D D -357 D -156 A D D D D D D SE 12 D D D D D D D D D D Art II 36 D D D D D -361 D D D -369 D D D D D -190 D D D -373 A D D -204 A D -369 D -333 D -170 B D D D D D
XXVIII Museum number BM 37367 BM 37388 BM 37398 BM 37399 BM 37407 BM 37440 BM 37447 BM 37449 BM 37451 BM 37456 BM 37477 BM 37478 BM 37546 BM 37789 BM 37829 BM 37840 BM 37842 BM 38117 BM 39268 BM 39277 BM 39361 BM 39478 BM 39746 BM 39874 BM 40053 BM 40057 BM 40067 BM 40069 BM 40078 BM 40079 BM 40092 BM 40093 BM 40095 BM 40096 BM 40097 BM 40099 BM 40105 BM 40106 BM 40112 BM 40116 BM 40118 BM 40119 BM 40122 BM 40338 BM 40574 BM 40591
Concordance of Museum Numbers Joins
BM 36894
BM 36742
BM 36857, BM 37148
BM 40105
BM 55572
BM 40078
Date D D D D D D D D D D D -299 D Art II 42 D D D -190 D D -286 B D D -85 B D D D D D D D D -170 C D -188 D -154 B D -308 D -300 D -170 J D D -181 D -191 B D D -332 B D -308 D -222 D D -209 B D D -171 B D -304 D D -171 E D -309
Museum number BM 40593 BM 40595 BM 40599 BM 40602 BM 40607 BM 40609 BM 40614 BM 40616 BM 40622 BM 40627 BM 40628 BM 40646 BM 40652 BM 40662 BM 40674 BM 40678 BM 40761 BM 40860 BM 40863 BM 40865 BM 40992 BM 41007 BM 41008 BM 41012 BM 41014 BM 41018 BM 41020 BM 41021 BM 41028 BM 41035 BM 41037 BM 41038 BM 41045 BM 41055 BM 41057 BM 41059 BM 41063 BM 41066 BM 41067 BM 41077 BM 41084 BM 41093 BM 41099 BM 41102 BM 41111 BM 41121
Joins BM 40614
BM 40593
BM 32511
BM 35343
Date D D D D D D D D D -108 B D D -199 A D D D D D D D -85 A D D -372 A D D -226 B D -183 A D -263 D -78 D -86 A D SE 167 D D D D -183 B D D D -179 D D D D D D D D D D D D -167 B D
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 41123 BM 41125 BM 41126 BM 41131 BM 41133 BM 41142 BM 41149 BM 41157 BM 41158 BM 41161 BM 41165 BM 41168 BM 41178 BM 41179 BM 41182 BM 41189 BM 41194 BM 41197 BM 41206 BM 41462 BM 41464
BM 41465 BM 41469 BM 41470 BM 41471 BM 41472 BM 41474 BM 41476 BM 41477 BM 41478 BM 41479 BM 41482 BM 41486 BM 41490 BM 41497 BM 41502 BM 41518 BM 41519 BM 41522
BM 41149, BM 41206
BM 41131, BM 41206
BM 41182
BM 41168
BM 41131, BM 41149 BM 41941 BM 41465, BM 41524, BM 41834, BM 41837, BM 132277 BM 41464, BM 41524, BM 41834, BM 41837, BM 132277
BM 41882
Rm 701 Rm 710 BM 34108
BM 41860 Rm 720, Rm 732
Museum number
D -192 B D D
BM 41524
D -119 B
BM 41526
D D SE 99/100 D -119 B D D D -201 B D -200 B D D D -105 D D D -119 B D D
BM 41529 BM 41530 BM 41537 BM 41546 BM 41552 BM 41555 BM 41557 BM 41559 BM 41560 BM 41567 BM 41568
BM 41464, BM 41465, BM 41834, BM 41837, BM 132277
D -237
BM 41546, BM 132278, Böhl 1332
D -90
BM 41529, BM 132278, Böhl 1332
BM 42017 BM 41632 BM 42072, BM 42088
D D SE 122 D D -90 D D D D -76 D -193 D D D SE 63
D -119 B
BM 41578 BM 41579 BM 41580
D -163 B
BM 41581
D -168 A
D -237
BM 41587 BM 41589
BM 41614 D -237
BM 41615
D -146 D D -211 A D D -141 D D -82 A D -194 A D -129 B D SE 223 D -87 A D -141 E D -103 B D D D D -221 D -240
BM 41616 BM 41618 BM 41628 BM 41629 BM 41632 BM 41633 BM 41636 BM 41638 BM 41641 BM 41645 BM 41646
BM 32889, BM 32967, BM 41618 BM 32352, BM 41913 BM 41636, BM 41645, BM 41797, BM 42233 BM 32889, BM 32967, BM 41614 BM 32839 BM 41560 Rm 767, Rm 818, BM 77244 BM 41616, BM 41645, BM 41797, BM 42233 Rm 694, BM 41930, BM 41963, BM 41997 BM 41616, BM 41636, BM 41797, BM 42233 Rm 701
D -83 D -277 A D SE 180
D -246 D -261 C D -255 A D -246 D -163 C D -141 F D -193 D D -245 B D -255 A D D -234 A D -255 A D -129 B
Concordance of Museum Numbers
XXX Museum number BM 41647 BM 41652 BM 41655 BM 41656 BM 41660 BM 41670 BM 41683 BM 41689 BM 41690 BM 41691 BM 41692 BM 41693 BM 41768 BM 41796 BM 41797 BM 41814 BM 41832 BM 41833 BM 41834
BM 41837 BM 41839 BM 41840 BM 41841 BM 41848 BM 41850 BM 41851 BM 41853 BM 41855 BM 41860 BM 41866 BM 41871 BM 41877 BM 41878 BM 41879 BM 41881 BM 41882 BM 41883
Joins BM 41853 BM 41683, BM 41866
BM 41840, BM 41915, BM 42239 BM 41655, BM 41866
BM 42100
BM 41616, BM 41636, BM 41645, BM 42233
BM 32839 BM 41464, BM 41465, BM 41524, BM 41837, BM 132277 BM 41464, BM 41465, BM 41524, BM 41834, BM 132277 BM 41670 BM 41881 BM 32490
BM 41647 BM 41519 BM 41655, BM 41683
BM 34373 BM 41841 BM 41474
Date D -230 A D D -226 A D -97 D -281 A D -163 C
Museum number BM 41884 BM 41888 BM 41889 BM 41890 BM 41892 BM 41896 BM 41899
D -226 A
BM 41901
D -96 B D -261 A D -85 C D D -118 A D D
BM 41904 BM 41908
D -255 A D D D -141 F D -237
BM 41913 BM 41915 BM 41917 BM 41921 BM 41923 BM 41925 BM 41926 BM 41927 BM 41928 BM 41930 BM 41932
D -88 B D -163 C D -136 A D -270 B D -234 B D -257 A D -230 A D D -221
BM 41934 BM 41938 BM 41941 BM 41942 BM 41943 BM 41946 BM 41947 BM 41953 BM 41957 BM 41959 BM 41962
D -226 A
BM 41963
D -237
D -229 B D D D -157 A D -136 A D -141 D D
BM 41964 BM 41967 BM 41973 BM 41976 BM 41978 BM 41984 BM 41989
Joins BM 42112, BM 42212
BM 34182
BM 34373 BM 34105, BM 42041
BM 32352, BM 41615 BM 41670 Rm 695, Sp 172 BM 34099, BM 42003 Rm 698 Rm 694, BM 41641, BM 41963, BM 41997 Rm 705, BM 34215, BM 34458
BM 41462
Rm 694, BM 41641, BM 41930, BM 41997
Date D -177 D -133 C D D D -151 D D -157 A D -253 B D D D -261 C D -163 C D D -87 C D D -277 A D D -137 E D D234A+E1157 D -60 D D D -163 B D D D -270 A D D D D D D -234 A D D D D D D D
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 41992 BM 41997 BM 42003 BM 42006 BM 42008 BM 42013 BM 42015 BM 42017 BM 42018 BM 42028 BM 42032 BM 42034 BM 42035 BM 42037 BM 42038 BM 42041 BM 42051 BM 42055 BM 42058 BM 42059 BM 42060 BM 42062 BM 42063 BM 42068 BM 42069 BM 42070 BM 42072 BM 42075 BM 42085 BM 42086 BM 42088 BM 42092 BM 42099 BM 42100 BM 42104 BM 42110 BM 42112 BM 42117 BM 42119 BM 42128 BM 42134 BM 42138
Rm 694, BM 41641, BM 41930, BM 41963 BM 34099, BM 41925
BM 41557
BM 34105, BM 41901
BM 42177
BM 41568, BM 42088
BM 41568, BM 42072
Date D -96 D D -234 A D -277 A D D D D -253 B D D D D D D D D D -253 B D D D D D -190 C D D -259 D D D D SE 63 D D D D SE 63
D D D -85 C D Rm 756 D -119 B BM 41884 + 42212 D -177 D D D D D Rm 820 BM 41691
Museum number BM 42140 BM 42144 BM 42153 BM 42156 BM 42158 BM 42165 BM 42176 BM 42177 BM 42178 BM 42192 BM 42195 BM 42199 BM 42201 BM 42204 BM 42212 BM 42233 BM 42235 BM 42237 BM 42239 BM 42240 BM 42246 BM 42252 BM 42681 BM 42683 BM 42684 BM 42686 BM 42689 BM 42690 BM 42692 BM 42694 BM 42699 BM 42702 BM 42704 BM 42706 BM 42708 BM 42711 BM 42712 BM 42715 BM 42724 BM 42726 BM 42728 BM 42732 BM 42734 BM 42738 BM 42746
BM 42063
BM 41884, BM 42112 BM 41616, BM 41636, BM 41645, BM 41797
BM 41670
BM 34580
Date D D D D D D D D -259 D D D D D D D -177 D -255 A D D D -163 C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
XXXII Museum number BM 42748 BM 42751 BM 42756 BM 42759 BM 42760 BM 42762 BM 42771 BM 42780 BM 42787 BM 42789 BM 42794 BM 42795 BM 42796 BM 42802 BM 42803 BM 42810 BM 42817 BM 42818 BM 42824 BM 42826 BM 42828 BM 42833 BM 42837 BM 42853 BM 42859 BM 42861 BM 42874 BM 42891 BM 42897 BM 42903 BM 42904 BM 42943 BM 42974 BM 42992 BM 42996 BM 43004 BM 43010 BM 43011 BM 43015 BM 43025 BM 43027 BM 43049 BM 43050 BM 43052 BM 43054 BM 43061
Concordance of Museum Numbers Joins
(+)BM 36186
BM 42974
BM 42803
BM 45689, BM 46047
Date D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Art� II 29 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Art� II 29 D D D D D D D -77 A D D D D D D
Museum number BM 43073 BM 43077 BM 43079 BM 43085 BM 43086 BM 44151 BM 45608 BM 45610 BM 45613 BM 45615 BM 45616 BM 45617 BM 45621 BM 45622 BM 45625 BM 45627 BM 45632 BM 45635 BM 45636 BM 45645 BM 45646
BM 45647 BM 45649 BM 45650 BM 45654
BM 45717
BM 34362, BM 34931, BM 35143, BM 35422, BM 35679, BM 35922, BM 45769 BM 45682 BM 35759
BM 45876 BM 34892, BM 46710, BM 45985 BM 34937, BM 34957, BM 35558, BM 35662, BM 35776, BM 45700, BM 46033
BM 45747
BM 45656 BM 45659 BM 45660 BM 45663 BM 45673
Date D D D D D D D -209 D D -210 D -182 A D -163 A D -197 B D -190 B D -119 C D -103 A D -72 D -155 B D -142 B D -202 A D -186 B D -122 C D -108 A
D -105 A D SE 58 D -143 B D -170 A D -82 B
BM 45685
D -77 B D D D -375 A
BM 45676
D -170 H
BM 45678 BM 45681 BM 45682 BM 45685
D D D -190 B D -77 B
BM 45617 BM 45659
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 45689 BM 45691 BM 45693 BM 45699 BM 45700 BM 45701 BM 45703 BM 45708 BM 45709 BM 45710 BM 45712 BM 45713 BM 45717 BM 45722 BM 45723 BM 45725 BM 45731 BM 45734 BM 45738 BM 45741 BM 45745 BM 45747 BM 45748 BM 45750 BM 45752 BM 45757 BM 45758 BM 45760 BM 45761 BM 45762 BM 45763 BM 45766 BM 45767 BM 45768
Joins BM 43025, BM 46047 BM 45853 BM 35070 BM 34937, BM 34957, BM 35558, BM 35662, BM 35776, BM 45647, BM 46033 BM 34938 BM 45741, BM 45748
BM 34892, BM 45646, BM 45985
BM 45608 BM 55549, BM 78826 BM 35110, BM 45995, BM 46133, BM 46145, BM 46169, BM 46189 BM 45862 BM 35629, BM 46016 BM 45703 BM 45654 BM 45703 BM 45983, BM 45984 BM 33024, BM 33045
BM 45960
Museum number
D -77 A D -105 B D -124 B D -132 B D -105 A D -197 C D -140 A D -125 A D -137 A D -108 A D -95 B D -156 C D -209 D D -182 C D -248 D -218 D -156 B D -291 A D D -140 A D -136 B D -170 A D -140 A D -107 C D -96 C D -123 A D -266 B D -117 A D -137 B D -118 B D -256 D -322 A D -183 D D -155 A
BM 45769 BM 45770 BM 45771 BM 45772 BM 45774 BM 45778 BM 45782 BM 45785 BM 45788 BM 45795 BM 45798 BM 45800 BM 45803 BM 45804 BM 45808 BM 45813 BM 45816 BM 45817 BM 45819 BM 45822 BM 45826 BM 45828 BM 45829 BM 45830 BM 45832 BM 45833 BM 45836 BM 45840 BM 45840A BM 45841 BM 45846 BM 45847 BM 45848
Joins BM 34362, BM 34931, BM 35143, BM 35422, BM 35679, BM 35922, BM 45616
D -197 B
BM 46222
BM 45973, BM 46038 BM 55518
BM 45945
BM 46062 BM 45907
BM 45850 BM 45852 BM 45853 BM 45854 BM 45857 BM 45858 BM 45862 BM 45863
D -73 D -107 D D -276 D -158 D D SE 204 D -166 A D -161 C D D D D D -164 A D -262 D -123 C D -380 B D D -165 B D D D D -161 A D -132 A D D D D -253 A D D D -179 E D -95 E D -164 C D -124 A
BM 46079 BM 45693
BM 45731
D -191 A D -124 B D -189 A D -112 D -329 B D -156 B D -79
Concordance of Museum Numbers
XXXIV Museum number BM 45866 BM 45870 BM 45874 BM 45875 BM 45876 BM 45878 BM 45879 BM 45882 BM 45889
Joins BM 34887, BM 35400 BM 45904
BM 45636
Date D -278 B D -183 C D -111 D D D -186 B D -322 C D -160 C D D
BM 45890
BM 45895 BM 45896 BM 45898 BM 45901 BM 45904 BM 45906 BM 45907 BM 45910 BM 45911 BM 45914 BM 45921 BM 45923 BM 45926 BM 45927 BM 45931 BM 45933 BM 45936 BM 45937 BM 45940 BM 45942 BM 45945 BM 45947 BM 45947A BM 45949 BM 45952 BM 45954
D D D -158 B D -302/301 D -183 C D D -164 C D D -140 D D D D D -180 B D -284 D D SE 153 D D D -141 G D D -253 A D SE 209 D -122 B D -247 A D D
BM 45955 BM 45956 BM 45958 BM 45959 BM 45960 BM 45961 BM 45962 BM 45965
BM 34616 BM 45870 BM 45848
BM 46260 BM 45966 BM 34755
BM 45840
BM 46195 BM 35024, BM 35064, BM 35087, BM 35618, BM 35632
BM 45763
D -324 A D D D -256 D -256 D -107 D D -322 B D
Museum number BM 45966 BM 45967 BM 45968 BM 45971 BM 45973 BM 45975 BM 45978 BM 45979 BM 45983 BM 45984 BM 45985 BM 45987 BM 45988 BM 45989 BM 45995 BM 45996 BM 45998 BM 46003 BM 46006 BM 46007 BM 46009 BM 46016 BM 46017 BM 46023 BM 46024 BM 46027 BM 46029
Joins BM 45931
BM 45804, BM 46038
BM 45750, BM 45984 BM 45750, BM 45983 BM 34892, BM 45646, BM 34710
BM 35110, BM 45725, BM 46133, BM 46145, BM 46169, BM 46189 BM 46049
BM 35629, BM 45734 BM 46027 BM 46023 BM 46035, BM 46084
BM 46030
BM 46033 BM 46034 BM 46035 BM 46036A BM 46038 BM 46040
Date D D D D D -164 A D D D D -107 C D -107 C D -108 A D Alex IV 4 D, SE 139 D D -218 D D -122 A D -160 A D -247 B D D -379 D -291 A D -183 C D SE 162 D D SE 162 D -111 B D -249 B
BM 34937, BM 34957, BM 35558, BM 35662, BM 35776, BM 45647, BM 45700
D -105 A
BM 46029, BM 46084
D -111 B
BM 45804, BM 45973
D D D -164 A D -95 A
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 46045 BM 46047 BM 46049 BM 46051 BM 46052 BM 46053 BM 46055 BM 46058 BM 46061 BM 46062 BM 46064 BM 46065 BM 46066 BM 46068 BM 46077 BM 46079 BM 46081 BM 46084 BM 46087 BM 46089 BM 46096 BM 46104 BM 46107 BM 46110 BM 46115 BM 46117 BM 46125 BM 46127 BM 46129 BM 46130 BM 46131 BM 46133 BM 46143 BM 46145 BM 46147 BM 46148 BM 46149 BM 46152 BM 46153 BM 46154
BM 43025, BM 45689 BM 45998
BM 45846
BM 45852 BM 46035, BM 46029
BM 46147
BM 35110, BM 45995, BM 45725, BM 46145, BM 46169, BM 46189 BM 35110, BM 45725, BM 45995, BM 46133, BM 46169, BM 46189 BM 46115 BM 35086, BM 77619
Date D D -77 A D -122 A D -185 B D SE 201 D D D D D -179 E D D D D D D -191 A D D -111 B D D D D D D D D D D -111 C D D D D -218 D D -218 D D D -109 A D D SE 252 D
Museum number BM 46156 BM 46158 BM 46165 BM 46169 BM 46174 BM 46181 BM 46184 BM 46185 BM 46189 BM 46191 BM 46193 BM 46195 BM 46196 BM 46200 BM 46203 BM 46205 BM 46220 BM 46221 BM 46222 BM 46224 BM 46225 BM 46227 BM 46229 BM 46253 BM 46254 BM 46260 BM 46263 BM 47631 BM 47636 BM 47650 BM 47659 BM 47665 BM 47720 BM 47722 BM 47725 BM 47735 BM 47739 BM 47747 BM 47748 BM 47751 BM 47821 BM 47863
BM 35110, BM 45725, BM 45995, BM 46133, BM 46145, BM 46189
BM 35673 BM 35110, BM 45725, BM 45995, BM 46133, BM 46145, BM 46169
BM 45952
BM 45795
BM 45927
BM 33850
BM 47885 BM 35433
Date D D D D -218 D D D D -198 C D -218 D D D D -111 D D D D D D D D D D -80 D -346 D D D SE 27 D D D D -170 G D D Xerxes 8 D D -162 D -381 B D -391 D D D -132 C D -143 C D -207 A D
XXXVI Museum number BM 47865 BM 47871 BM 47872 BM 47873 BM 47878 BM 47885 BM 47888 BM 47929 BM 48063 BM 48067 BM 48069 BM 48075 BM 48087 BM 48121 BM 48148 BM 48151 BM 48161 BM 48164 BM 48170 BM 48290 BM 48291 BM 48301 BM 48313 BM 48417 BM 48599 BM 48611 BM 48619 BM 48623 BM 48870 BM 49090 BM 49128 BM 50844 BM 54792 BM 55511 BM 55514 BM 55518 BM 55523 BM 55531 BM 55532 BM 55539 BM 55541 BM 55544 BM 55549 BM 55553 BM 55564 BM 55567
Concordance of Museum Numbers Joins
BM 47748
BM 48069 BM 48063
BM 45808 BM 55553 BM 35015, BM 35332 BM 34591
BM 45722, BM 78826 BM 55523
Date D D Art� III 8 D D D D -132 C D -134 A D -294 D -338 D D -338 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Art� II 9 D -238 D -249 A D -262 D -195 D D -164 B D -178 C D -190 A D -286 A D -293 D -182 C D -195 D D D
Museum number BM 55569 BM 55570 BM 55572 BM 55575 BM 55576 BM 55579 BM 55584 BM 55585 BM 55590 BM 55594 BM 55596 BM 55609 BM 55612 BM 65141 BM 65170 BM 77226 BM 77228 BM 77230 BM 77235 BM 77241 BM 77244 BM 77245 BM 77246 BM 77247 BM 77249 BM 77260 BM 77262 BM 77267 BM 77268 BM 77272 BM 77273 BM 77274 BM 77475 BM 77617 BM 77619 BM 77670 BM 77732 BM 77735 BM 77993 BM 78826 BM 78829 BM 78958 BM 82823 BM 82825
Joins BM 34806, BM 35610, BM 35812 BM 40095 BM 34897 BM 34823
BM 35212 Rm 767, Rm 818, BM 41633 BM 34651
BM 34609 BM 35086, BM 46149
BM 45722, 55549 BM 34642, BM 35417 BM 34609
Date D -173 A D -168 C D -181 D -182 B D -208 D -173 B D -168 C D -158 F D D D D D D -229 A D D -171 D D D D -372 E D D -245 B D -342 A D D D -178 B D D D D D D D D -158 A D -144 D -109 A D -106 D -130 B D D Art� II 18 D -182 C D -375 B D -144 D D
Concordance of Museum Numbers Museum number BM 82829 BM 82832 BM 92688 BM 92689 BM 99622 BM 99627 BM 99629 BM 99631 BM 99634 BM 99640 BM 99649 BM 99650 BM 99652 BM 99656 BM 99671 BM 99676 BM 99678 BM 99699 BM 99709 BM 99710 BM 99713 BM 99714 BM 99718 BM 99727 BM 99734 BM 99737 BM 99740 BM 99753 BM 132273 BM 132274 BM 132276 BM 132277 BM 132278 BM 132279 BM 140649 BM 140677 Böhl 1332 CBS 547 CBS 555 CBS 715
BM 36710, BM 92689 BM 36710, BM 92688
MNB 1884 BM 41464, BM 41465, BM 41524, BM 41834, BM 41837 BM 41529, BM 41546, Böhl 1332 Wellcome WHMM R 68/3
BM 41529, BM 41546, BM132278
Date D D D -273 B D -273 B D D D D D D D D D D D D D SE 122 D D D D D D D D D D D D -86 B D D -245 A D -237 D -90 D -277 C D -260 D -99 C D -90 D D D
Museum number CBS 755 CBS 765 MNB 1876 MNB 1877 MNB 1879 MNB 1883 MNB 1884 MNB 1890 MNB 1898 MNB 1904 Rm 693 Rm 694 Rm 695 Rm 697 Rm 698 Rm 700 Rm 701 Rm 705 Rm 707 Rm 708 Rm 710 Rm 712 Rm 715 Rm 718 Rm 719 Rm 720 Rm 722 Rm 723 Rm 724 Rm 726 Rm 728 Rm 730 Rm 732 Rm 734 Rm 735 Rm 736 Rm 740 Rm 743 Rm 745 Rm 747 Rm 750 Rm 752 Rm 753
MNB 1904
BM 132276
MNB 1876 Rm 734 BM 41641, BM 41930, BM 41963, BM 41997 Sp 172, BM 41921
Date D D D -247 C D D -192 A D D -245 A D D D -247 C D -182 A D -234 A
D -87 C D Rm 730, BM 41927 D -137 E D BM 41478, BM D -129 B 41646 BM 34215, BM D -60 34458, BM 41932 D D -239 BM 41479 D -88 A D -241 D Rm 723, BM D -251 32840, BM 34130 D Rm 732, BM 41522 D -240 D Rm 718, BM D -251 32840, BM 34130 D D D -230 C Rm 698 D -137 E Rm 720, BM 41522 D -240 Rm 693 D -182 A D D -160 B D -278 A D D D D D BM 34197 D
XXXVIII Museum number Rm 756 Rm 758 Rm 760 Rm 762 Rm 767 Rm 771 Rm 775 Rm 780 Rm 784 Rm 787 Rm 792 Rm 794 Rm 796 Rm 800 Rm 803 Rm 816 Rm 818 Rm 819 Rm 820 Rm 821 Rm 827 Rm 837 Rm 842 Rm 845 Rm 847 Rm 852 Rm 967 Rm 983 Rm 986 Rm 997 Rm 1014 Rm 1023 Rm 1026
Concordance of Museum Numbers Joins BM 42110
Rm 818, BM 41633, BM 77244
BM 32240, BM 32430, BM 32489
Date D -119 B D D D D -245 B D -247 C D D D -87 B D -257 B D -322 D
D -255 B D Rm 837, BM 34220 D -277 C D -307 B D Rm 767, BM D -245 B 41633, BM 77244 D BM 42099 D D D Rm 800, BM 34220 D -277 C D BM 32332, BM D -328 32611 D -213 D D D D D D D D
Museum number U 192 VAT 1761 VAT 1771 VAT 1772 VAT 1773 VAT 1776 VAT 1777 VAT 4924 VAT 4936 VAT 4956 VAT 5047 W 20030/142 WML 1963118-3
Date D D D D D D D D -418 A D -418 B D -567 D -453 D -463 D SE 242
Concordance of Publications
Museum number
Diary number
Dated Diaries are identified by their Diary number (derived from the date) as used in vols� I–III� Diaries dated after the publication of vol� III are found in the Addenda section here in vol� IV; their number is marked by “new” in this concordance� Undated Diaries have a “D” in place of their number and are found here in vol� IV�
LBAT 191 LBAT 192 LBAT 193 LBAT 194 LBAT 195 LBAT 196 LBAT 197 LBAT 198 LBAT 199 LBAT 200 LBAT 201 LBAT 202 LBAT 203 LBAT 204 LBAT 205 LBAT 206 LBAT 207 LBAT 208 LBAT 209 LBAT 210 LBAT 211 LBAT 212 LBAT 213 LBAT 214 LBAT 215 LBAT 216 LBAT 217 LBAT 218 LBAT 219 LBAT 220 LBAT 221 LBAT 222 LBAT 223 LBAT 224 LBAT 225 LBAT 226 LBAT 227 LBAT 229 LBAT 230 LBAT 231 LBAT 232 LBAT 233 LBAT 234 LBAT 235 LBAT 236 LBAT 237 LBAT 238 LBAT 239 LBAT 240 LBAT 241 LBAT 242
BM 35536 BM 48063 BM 36388 BM 36738 BM 40099 BM 36761 BM 32332 BM 35024 BM 35064 BM 35632 BM 34794 BM 34919 BM 34990 BM 35071 BM 35329 BM 34910 BM 35718 BM 45766 BM 45962 BM 32240 BM 32430 BM 34093 BM 35758 BM 45906 BM 40591 BM 40078 Rm 803 BM 40122 BM 34616 BM 45901 BM 45734 BM 35629 BM 46016 BM 32501 BM 34756 BM 35023 BM 37840 BM 45927 BM 33805 BM 36757 BM 41660 BM 36622 Rm 740 BM 35400 BM 41579 BM 34099 BM 45995 BM 34220 BM 45772 BM 32319 BM 36710
D -342 B D -338 D -332 A D -332 A D -332 B D -330 A D -328 D -324 A D -324 A D -324 A D -324 B D -324 B D -324 B D -324 B D -324 B D D D -322 A D -322 B D -322 D D -322 D D -321 D -321 D D -309 D -308 D -307 B D -304 D -302/301 D -302/301 D -291 A D -291 A D -291 A D -291 B D -171 A D -288 D -286 B D -284 D -283 A D -283 B D -281 A D -373 A D -278 A D -278 B D -277 A D -277 A D -218 D -277 C D -276 D -273 A D -273 B
Publication AfO 16 pl� XVII AfO 16 pl� XVIII ARTA 2006�002 BaM Beih� 2, 84 BCHP 19
Museum number
Diary number
VAT 4956
D -567
VAT 4924
D -418 A
BM 36742 + 37478
D Art� II yr 42
W 20030/142
D -463
BM 34124
BSOAS 83, BM 30617 239ff� Halley’s Comet BM 41018 39f� Birmingham City Lambert AV Museum A�1847313 1982 LBAT 162 BM 33478 LBAT 165 BM 34634 LBAT 166 BM 34638 LBAT 167 BM 35233 LBAT 168 BM 47725 LBAT 169 BM 35377 LBAT 171 BM 35195 LBAT 172 BM 46009 LBAT 173 BM 45673 LBAT 174 BM 78829 LBAT 175 BM 36036 LBAT 176 BM 35561 LBAT 177 BM 40865 LBAT 178 BM 33759 LBAT 179 BM 35212 LBAT 180 BM 77235 LBAT 181 BM 35333 LBAT 182 BM 45960 LBAT 183 BM 32886 LBAT 184 BM 32252 LBAT 186 BM 35184 LBAT 187 BM 37073 LBAT 188 BM 35011 LBAT 189 BM 46229 LBAT 190 BM 34651
D D -86 A D D -440 D -384 D -382 D -381 A D -381 B D -380 A D -378 D -379 D -375 A D -375 B D -372 B D -372 C D -372 A D -372 D D -372 E D -372 E D -370 D -256 D -366 A D -366 A D -366 B D -361 D -176 A D -346 D -342 A
Concordance of Publications
Museum number
Diary number
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 243 LBAT 244 LBAT 245 LBAT 246 LBAT 246 LBAT 247 LBAT 248 LBAT 249
BM 92688 BM 92689 BM 32490 BM 41848 BM 41848 BM 45758 BM 45808 BM 41690
LBAT 250
BM 41615
LBAT 251
BM 41913
LBAT 252 LBAT 253 LBAT 254 LBAT 255 LBAT 256 LBAT 257 LBAT 258 LBAT 259 LBAT 260 LBAT 261 LBAT 262 LBAT 263 LBAT 264 LBAT 266 LBAT 267 LBAT 268 LBAT 269 LBAT 270 LBAT 271f� LBAT 273 LBAT 274 LBAT 275 LBAT 276 LBAT 277 LBAT 278 LBAT 279 LBAT 280 LBAT 281 LBAT 282 LBAT 283 LBAT 284 LBAT 285 LBAT 286 LBAT 287 LBAT 288 LBAT 288 LBAT 289 LBAT 291 LBAT 292 LBAT 293
BM 41851 BM 45763 BM 45959 BM 41616 BM 41636 Rm 794 BM 35418 BM 42041 BM 41901 BM 45840 Rm 718 Rm 723 BM 34130 BM 46030 BM 45723 BM 45949 BM 46006 Rm 771 BM 32889 BM 41614 BM 41633 BM 34938 Rm 712 Rm 732 Rm 720 BM 41834 BM 41837 Rm 694 BM 41641 BM 41850 BM 33837 BM 41647 BM 41853 Rm 728 BM 41655 BM 41683 BM 41866 BM 41860 BM 35110 BM 45725
D -273 B D -273 B D -270 B D -270 B D -270 B D -266 B D -262 D -261 A D -261 C new D -261 C new D -257 A D -256 D -256 D -255 A D -255 A D -255 B D -254 D -253 B D -253 B D -253 A D -251 D -251 D -251 D -249 B D -248 D -247 A D -247 B D -247 C D -246 D -246 D -245 B D -197 C D -241 D -240 D -240 D -237 D -237 D -234 A D -234 A D -234 B D -232 D -230 A D -230 A D -230 C D -226 A D -226 A D -226 A D -221 D -218 D -218
LBAT 294 LBAT 295 LBAT 296 LBAT 297 LBAT 298 LBAT 298 LBAT 299 LBAT 300 LBAT 301 LBAT 302 LBAT 303 LBAT 304 LBAT 306 LBAT 307 LBAT 308 LBAT 309 LBAT 310 LBAT 311 LBAT 312 LBAT 313 LBAT 314 LBAT 315 LBAT 316 LBAT 317 LBAT 318 LBAT 319 LBAT 320 LBAT 321 LBAT 322 LBAT 323 LBAT 324 LBAT 325 LBAT 326 LBAT 327 LBAT 328 LBAT 329 LBAT 330 LBAT 331 LBAT 332 LBAT 333 LBAT 334 LBAT 335 LBAT 336 LBAT 337 LBAT 338 LBAT 339 LBAT 340 LBAT 341 LBAT 342 LBAT 343 LBAT 344
BM 36402 BM 35833 Rm 701 BM 45610 BM 35030 BM 41866 BM 45608 BM 45717 BM 36028 BM 37188 BM 35063 BM 34563 BM 45635 BM 35703 BM 36807 BM 40628 BM 33671 BM 33992 BM 45769 BM 45616 BM 35422 BM 45701 BM 34931 BM 35199 BM 34564 BM 30830 BM 41477 BM 30739 BM 32190 BM 35043 BM 35331 BM 41123 BM 45617 BM 42060 BM 45854 BM 34711 BM 35323 BM 35730 BM 45636 BM 35058 BM 31474 BM 31581 BM 35330 BM 35343 BM 41037 BM 35054 BM 45613 Rm 693 BM 78826 BM 40095 BM 55572
D -214 D -212 B D -129 A D -210 D -209 A D -226 A D -209 D D -209 D D -209 E D -204 A D D -203 D -202 A D -202 B D -200 A D -199 A D -199 B D -198 A D -197 B D -197 B D -197 B D -197 C D -197 B D -195 A D -195 B D -195 E D -194 A D -194 B D -193 A D -193 D D -193 B D -192 B D -190 B D -190 C D -189 A D -187 A D -187 B D -186 A D -186 B D -186 D D -186 C D -184 A D -184 B D -183 A D -183 B D -183 E D -182 A D -182 A D -182 C D -181 D -181
Concordance of Publications Publication
Museum number
Diary number
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 345 LBAT 346 LBAT 347 LBAT 348 LBAT 349 LBAT 350 LBAT 351 LBAT 352 LBAT 353 LBAT 354 LBAT 355 LBAT 356 LBAT 357 LBAT 358 LBAT 359 LBAT 360 LBAT 361 LBAT 362 LBAT 363 LBAT 364 LBAT 365 LBAT 366 LBAT 367 LBAT 368 LBAT 369 LBAT 370 LBAT 371 LBAT 372 LBAT 373 LBAT 374 LBAT 375 LBAT 376 LBAT 377 LBAT 378 LBAT 379 LBAT 380 LBAT 381 LBAT 382 LBAT 383 LBAT 384 LBAT 385 LBAT 386 LBAT 388 LBAT 389 LBAT 390 LBAT 391 LBAT 392 LBAT 393 LBAT 394 LBAT 395 LBAT 396
BM 35060 BM 34939 BM 34702 BM 34773A BM 35177 BM 45846 BM 32563 BM 32164 BM 34591 BM 55532 BM 41884 BM 35220 BM 34915 BM 55569 BM 34823 BM 35166 BM 35812 BM 40119 BM 40574 BM 37284 BM 45654 BM 32143 BM 34562 BM 35111 BM 45676 BM 31476 BM 41581 BM 35605 BM 35525 BM 33991 BM 34000 BM 32844 BM 35332 BM 41628 BM 41670 BM 41462 BM 33850 BM 34140 BM 34180 BM 35057 BM 46003 Rm 736 BM 34923 BM 45898 BM 45774 BM 35979 BM 41899 BM 45731 BM 45862 BM 45713 BM 36724
D -180 A D -180 C D -180 D D -179 B D -179 C D -179 E D -178 D D -178 A D -178 C D -178 C D -177 D -176 B D -175 B D -173 A D -173 B D -173 B D -173 A D -171 B D -171 E D -170 B D -170 A D -170 D D -170 E D -170 F D -170 H D -169 D -168 A D -168 B D -168 D D -168 E D -167 A D -165 A D -164 B D -163 C D -163 C D -163 B D -162 D -161A D -161 A D -207 A D -160 A D -160 B D -158 C D -158 B D -158 D D -157 B D -157 A D -156 B D -156 B D -156 C D -156 A
LBAT 397 LBAT 398 LBAT 399 LBAT 400 LBAT 401 LBAT 402 LBAT 403 LBAT 404 LBAT 405 LBAT 406 LBAT 407 LBAT 408 LBAT 409 LBAT 410 LBAT 411 LBAT 412 LBAT 413 LBAT 414 LBAT 415 LBAT 416 LBAT 417 LBAT 418 LBAT 419 LBAT 420 LBAT 421 LBAT 422 LBAT 423 LBAT 424 LBAT 425 LBAT 426 LBAT 427 LBAT 428 LBAT 429 LBAT 430 LBAT 431 LBAT 432 LBAT 433 LBAT 434 LBAT 435 LBAT 436 LBAT 437 LBAT 438 LBAT 439 LBAT 440 LBAT 441 LBAT 442 LBAT 443 LBAT 444 LBAT 445 LBAT 446 LBAT 447
BM 45768 BM 45627 BM 34947 BM 34632 BM 34754 BM 34645 BM 34788 BM 77617 BM 78958 BM 34045 BM 45650 BM 32887 BM 34636 BM 34821 BM 32839 BM 41629 BM 41833 BM 45940 BM 45632 BM 45741 BM 45748 BM 45703 BM 35053 BM 34050 BM 45911 BM 45709 BM 45761 BM 33820 BM 41927 Rm 698 BM 33836 Rm 730 BM 45745 BM 41841 BM 41881 BM 34669 BM 35740 BM 34918 BM 32843 BM 34039 BM 34175 BM 35070 BM 45699 BM 34157 BM 34086 BM 35201 BM 35514 BM 34936 BM 34040 BM 41646 BM 45708
D -155 A D -155 B D -152 D -149 A D -95 F D -149 B D -144 D -144 D -144 D -143 A D -143 B D -141 A D -141 C D -141 B D -141 F D -141 F D -141 F D -141 G D -142 B D -140 A D -140 A D -140 A D -140 B D -140C D -140 D D -137 A D -137 B D -137 C D -137 E D -137 E D -137 D D -137 E D -136 B D -136 A D -136 A D -134 B D- 134 B D -134 B D -133 A D -133 B D -133 B D -132 B D -132 B D -132 D D -132 D D -131 A D -131 B D -130 D D -129 A D -129 A D -125 A
Concordance of Publications
Museum number
Diary number
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 448 LBAT 449 LBAT 450 LBAT 451 LBAT 452 LBAT 453 LBAT 454 LBAT 455 LBAT 456 LBAT 457 LBAT 458 LBAT 459 LBAT 460 LBAT 461 LBAT 462 LBAT 463 LBAT 464 LBAT 465 LBAT 466 LBAT 467 LBAT 468 LBAT 469 LBAT 470 LBAT 471 LBAT 472 LBAT 473 LBAT 474 LBAT 475 LBAT 476 LBAT 478 LBAT 482 LBAT 483 LBAT 484 LBAT 485 LBAT 486 LBAT 487 LBAT 488 LBAT 489 LBAT 490 LBAT 491 LBAT 492 LBAT 493 LBAT 494 LBAT 495 LBAT 496 LBAT 498 LBAT 499 LBAT 501 LBAT 502 LBAT 503 LBAT 504
BM 35135 BM 45850 BM 45693 BM 45853 BM 45757 BM 34962 BM 45645 BM 34825 BM 35810 Rm 756 BM 41131 BM 41693 BM 35700 BM 45857 BM 34096 BM 46035 BM 45874 BM 46196 BM 45646 BM 45710 BM 35208 BM 40622 BM 34892 BM 34872 BM 45750 BM 45983 BM 45984 BM 45771 BM 45961 BM 45691 BM 45622 BM 41490 BM 34852 BM 41656 BM 32890 BM 41689 BM 45752 BM 41992 BM 46040 BM 45712 BM 45847 BM 34672 BM 32884 BM 41529 BM 41546 Rm 710 BM 41839 BM 34108 BM 41482 Rm 784 Rm 695
D -125 B D -124 A D -124 B D -124 B D -123 A D -123 B D -122 C D -120 D -119 A D -119 B D -119 B D -118 A D -117 B D -112 D -111 A D -111 B D -111 D D -111 D D -108 A D -108 A D -108 C D -108 B D -108 A D -107 A D -107 C D -107 C D -107 C D -107 D D -107 D D -105 B D -103 A D -103 B D -99 A D -97 D -96 A D -96 B D -96 C D -96 D D -95 A D -95 C D -95 E D -93 B D -93 A D -90 D -90 D -88 A D -88 B D -87 A D -87 A D -87 B D -87 C
LBAT 505 LBAT 506 LBAT 507 LBAT 508 LBAT 509 LBAT 510 LBAT 511 LBAT 512 LBAT 513 LBAT 514 LBAT 515 LBAT 516 LBAT 517 LBAT 518 LBAT 519 LBAT 520 LBAT 521 LBAT 522 LBAT 523 LBAT 525
Sp� 172 BM 41921 BM 41691 BM 32848 BM 41578 BM 41476 BM 45656 BM 34791 BM 45863 BM 45689 BM 45659 BM 45685 BM 35766 BM 45770 BM 35145 BM 34753 Rm 726 BM 34226 BM 46153 BM 42192
LBAT 526
BM 45649
LBAT 527 LBAT 528 LBAT 529 LBAT 530
BM 45615 BM 42246 BM 42252 BM 34049
LBAT 531
BM 34018
LBAT 532 LBAT 533 LBAT 534 LBAT 535 LBAT 536 LBAT 537 LBAT 538 LBAT 539 LBAT 540 LBAT 541 LBAT 542 LBAT 543 LBAT 544 LBAT 545 LBAT 546 LBAT 547 LBAT 548 LBAT 549 LBAT 550 LBAT 551 LBAT 552 LBAT 553 LBAT 554 LBAT 555
BM 34127 BM 34174 BM 34182 BM 34098 BM 34023 BM 34170 BM 34139 BM 34135 BM 34204 BM 34195 BM 34202 BM 34177 BM 34209 BM 34198 BM 34192 BM 34215 BM 34358 BM 34349 BM 34285 BM 34255 BM 34362 BM 34348 BM 34273 BM 34231
D -87 C D -87 C D -85 C D -85 C D -83 D -82 A D -82 B D -95 D D -79 D -77 A D -77 B D -77 B D -75 D -73 D -63 D -62 D D -253 E new D -59 new D D -253 D new D -163 A D D D -189 C D -181 B new D -211 B D -135 D D -148 D -204 B D -202 B D D D D D D -132 E D -158 E D D D -60 D D D -230 B D D -197 B D D D
Concordance of Publications Publication
Museum number
Diary number
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 556 LBAT 557 LBAT 558 LBAT 559 LBAT 560 LBAT 561 LBAT 562 LBAT 563 LBAT 564 LBAT 565 LBAT 566 LBAT 567 LBAT 568 LBAT 569 LBAT 570
BM 34341 BM 34367 BM 34436 BM 34466 BM 34364 BM 34390 BM 34412 BM 34485 BM 34442 BM 34418 BM 34504 BM 34460 BM 34521 BM 34458 BM 34419
LBAT 606 LBAT 607 LBAT 608 LBAT 609 LBAT 610 LBAT 611 LBAT 612 LBAT 613 LBAT 614 LBAT 615
BM 34761 BM 45681 BM 34806 BM 34830 BM 34870 BM 34871 BM 34862 BM 34891 BM 34885 BM 34838
LBAT 616
BM 34887
LBAT 571
BM 34383
LBAT 572 LBAT 573 LBAT 574
BM 34520 BM 34373 BM 34640
LBAT 575
BM 34648
LBAT 576 LBAT 577 LBAT 578 LBAT 579 LBAT 580 LBAT 581 LBAT 582 LBAT 583 LBAT 584 LBAT 585 LBAT 586 LBAT 587 LBAT 588 LBAT 589 LBAT 590 LBAT 591 LBAT 592 LBAT 593 LBAT 594 LBAT 595 LBAT 596 LBAT 597 LBAT 598 LBAT 599 LBAT 600 LBAT 601 LBAT 602 LBAT 603 LBAT 604 LBAT 605
BM 34671 BM 34663 BM 34694 BM 34688 BM 34642 BM 34681 BM 34670 BM 34492 BM 34652 BM 34682 BM 34748 BM 34700 BM 34786 BM 34766 BM 34697 BM 34785 BM 34730 BM 34699 BM 34763 BM 34742 BM 34728 BM 34729 BM 34772 BM 34743 BM 34725 BM 34792 BM 34808 BM 34827 BM 34805 BM 34836
D -132 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D -60 D D + BM 34383 D D -157 A D D + BM 33649 D -207 A D -207 B D D D -375 B D D D D D D D D D D D -105 C D D D -120 D D -254 D D D D -277 B D -373 B D D -121 D D
LBAT 617 LBAT 618 LBAT 619 LBAT 620 LBAT 621 LBAT 622 LBAT 623 LBAT 624 LBAT 625 LBAT 626 LBAT 627 LBAT 628 LBAT 629 LBAT 630 LBAT 631 LBAT 632 LBAT 633 LBAT 634 LBAT 635 LBAT 636 LBAT 637 LBAT 638 LBAT 639 LBAT 640 LBAT 641 LBAT 642 LBAT 643 LBAT 644 LBAT 645 LBAT 646 LBAT 647 LBAT 648 LBAT 649 LBAT 650 LBAT 651 LBAT 652
BM 34863 BM 34841 BM 34843 BM 34857 BM 34880 BM 34926 BM 34948 BM 34930 BM 34920 BM 34955 BM 34957 BM 34975 BM 34897 BM 34954 BM 34893 BM 34980 BM 34959 BM 34981 BM 34986 BM 34979 BM 34967 BM 34988 BM 34987 BM 35005 BM 34972 BM 35002 BM 35014 BM 35032 BM 35015 BM 45663 BM 35075 BM 35009 BM 35062 BM 35016 BM 35013 BM 35042
LBAT 653
BM 35037
LBAT 654 LBAT 655
BM 35082 BM 35091
D D D -173 A D D D D D D D D -278 B new D D D D D D -105 A new D D D -242 D -179 C D -105 A D D -182 B D D D D -153 D D -109 B D D -122 E D -198 D D -381 A D D D D D -179 C D -164 B D D D D D D D D + BM 34766 D D
Concordance of Publications
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 656 LBAT 657 LBAT 658 LBAT 659 LBAT 660 LBAT 661 LBAT 662 LBAT 663
BM 35085 BM 35084 BM 35086 BM 35087 BM 35105 BM 35112 BM 35108 BM 35083
LBAT 664
BM 35124
LBAT 665 LBAT 666 LBAT 667 LBAT 668 LBAT 669 LBAT 670
BM 35165 BM 35133 BM 35129 BM 35130 BM 35132 BM 35131
LBAT 671
BM 35158
LBAT 672 LBAT 673 LBAT 674 LBAT 675 LBAT 676 LBAT 677 LBAT 678 LBAT 679 LBAT 680 LBAT 681 LBAT 682
BM 35146 BM 35155 BM 35143 BM 35126 BM 35153 BM 45660 BM 35216 BM 35211 BM 35179 BM 35190 BM 35200
LBAT 683
BM 35170
LBAT 684 LBAT 685 LBAT 686 LBAT 687 LBAT 688 LBAT 689 LBAT 690 LBAT 691 LBAT 692 LBAT 693 LBAT 694 LBAT 695 LBAT 696 LBAT 697 LBAT 698 LBAT 699 LBAT 700 LBAT 701 LBAT 702
BM 35185 BM 35222 BM 35239 BM 35243 BM 35232 BM 35226 BM 35244 BM 35257 BM 35261 BM 35276 BM 35275 BM 35266 BM 35265 BM 35262 BM 35240 BM 35274 BM 35269 BM 35270 BM 35283
D D D -109 A D -324 A D D D D D + BM 35112 D -230 D D D D D D -381 A D + BM 35153 D D D -197 B D D D D D -193 D D D -123 B D D -134 B new D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Museum number
LBAT 703
BM 35279
LBAT 704 LBAT 705 LBAT 706 LBAT 707 LBAT 708 LBAT 709 LBAT 710 LBAT 711 LBAT 712 LBAT 713 LBAT 714 LBAT 715 LBAT 716 LBAT 717 LBAT 718 LBAT 719
BM 35287 BM 35289 BM 35290 BM 35291 BM 35292 BM 35294 BM 35296 BM 35300 BM 35307 BM 35297 BM 35312 BM 35305 BM 35308 BM 35313 BM 35346 BM 35344
LBAT 720
BM 35358
LBAT 721 LBAT 722 LBAT 723 LBAT 724 LBAT 725 LBAT 726 LBAT 727 LBAT 728 LBAT 729 LBAT 730 LBAT 731 LBAT 732 LBAT 733 LBAT 734 LBAT 735 LBAT 736 LBAT 737 LBAT 738 LBAT 739 LBAT 740 LBAT 741 LBAT 742 LBAT 743 LBAT 744 LBAT 745 LBAT 746 LBAT 747
BM 35357 BM 35359 BM 35392 BM 35361 BM 35374 BM 35375 BM 35410 BM 35411 BM 35406 BM 35479 BM 35417 BM 35373 BM 35416 BM 35414 BM 35415 BM 35478 BM 35473 BM 35477 BM 35433 BM 35486 BM 35482 BM 35487 BM 35493 BM 35490 BM 35510 BM 35569 BM 35540
LBAT 748
BM 35573
LBAT 749 LBAT 750 LBAT 751
BM 35558 BM 35541 BM 35576
Diary number D -234 C new D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D + BM 35269 D D D D D D D D -130 A D -193 E new D D -375 B D D D D D D D D -207 A D D D D D D D D -207 A D + BM 35479 D -105 A D D -179 A
Concordance of Publications Publication
Museum number
Diary number
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 752 LBAT 753 LBAT 754 LBAT 755 LBAT 756 LBAT 757 LBAT 758 LBAT 759 LBAT 760 LBAT 761 LBAT 762 LBAT 763 LBAT 764 LBAT 765 LBAT 766 LBAT 767 LBAT 768 LBAT 769 LBAT 770 LBAT 771 LBAT 772 LBAT 773 LBAT 774 LBAT 775 LBAT 776 LBAT 777 LBAT 778 LBAT 779 LBAT 780 LBAT 781 LBAT 782 LBAT 783 LBAT 784 LBAT 785 LBAT 786 LBAT 787 LBAT 788 LBAT 789 LBAT 790 LBAT 791 LBAT 792 LBAT 793 LBAT 794
BM 35591 BM 35596 BM 35601 BM 35598 BM 35610 BM 35597 BM 35599 BM 35626 BM 35612 BM 35634 BM 35633 BM 35624 BM 35618 BM 35642 BM 35639 BM 35616 BM 35657 BM 35635 BM 35651 BM 35645 BM 35652 BM 35646 BM 35658 BM 35647 BM 35660 BM 35662 BM 35679 BM 35682 BM 35673 BM 35680 BM 35684 BM 35694 BM 35693 BM 35677 BM 35685 BM 35689 BM 35723 BM 35709 BM 35721 BM 35699 BM 35716 BM 35724 BM 35704
LBAT 802 LBAT 803 LBAT 804 LBAT 805 LBAT 806
BM 35761 BM 35749 BM 35771 BM 35786 BM 35800
LBAT 807
BM 35794
LBAT 795
BM 35722
LBAT 796 LBAT 797 LBAT 798 LBAT 799 LBAT 800 LBAT 801
BM 35747 BM 35751 BM 35752 BM 35765 BM 35764 BM 35735
D D D -107 B D D -173 A D D D -67 new D -153 D D D -158 C D -324 A D D D D D -121 D -166 B D D D D D D -266C new D -105 A D -197 B D D -198 C D D -119 A D D D -119 A D D D D D -94 D D D D D + BM 35126 D D D D D D
LBAT 808 LBAT 809 LBAT 810 LBAT 811 LBAT 812 LBAT 813 LBAT 814 LBAT 815 LBAT 816 LBAT 817 LBAT 818 LBAT 819 LBAT 819 LBAT 820 LBAT 821 LBAT 822 LBAT 823 LBAT 824 LBAT 825 LBAT 826 LBAT 827 LBAT 828 LBAT 829 LBAT 830 LBAT 831 LBAT 832 LBAT 833 LBAT 834 LBAT 835 LBAT 836 LBAT 837 LBAT 838 LBAT 839 LBAT 840 LBAT 841 LBAT 842 LBAT 843 LBAT 844 LBAT 845 LBAT 846 LBAT 847 LBAT 848 LBAT 849 LBAT 850
BM 35799 BM 35776 BM 35801 BM 35802 BM 35841 BM 35819 BM 35839 BM 35809 BM 35850 BM 35835 BM 35837 BM 35845 BM 35919 BM 35815 BM 35825 BM 35849 BM 35851 BM 35863 BM 35870 BM 35878 BM 35890 BM 35883 BM 35898 BM 35905 BM 35922 BM 35911 BM 35897 BM 35899 BM 35880 BM 35912 BM 35924 BM 35982 BM 35986 BM 35947 BM 35976 BM 35983 BM 35941 BM 35937 BM 35987 BM 35925 BM 35980 BM 35974 BM 35996 BM 35991
D D D D -242 D D -172 B new D D -105 A D D D D D D D D D -207 A D -195 A D -195 A D -140 B D D D D D D D D D D D -197 B D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Concordance of Publications
Museum number
Diary number
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 851 LBAT 852 LBAT 853 LBAT 854 LBAT 855 LBAT 855 LBAT 856 LBAT 857 LBAT 858 LBAT 859 LBAT 860 LBAT 861 LBAT 862 LBAT 863 LBAT 864 LBAT 865 LBAT 866 LBAT 867 LBAT 868 LBAT 869 LBAT 870 LBAT 871 LBAT 872 LBAT 873 LBAT 874 LBAT 875
BM 35940 BM 36025 BM 36095 BM 36048 BM 41464 BM 41465 BM 36024 BM 36010 BM 36027 BM 41469 BM 36069 BM 36085 BM 36063 BM 36049 BM 41474 BM 36091 BM 41470 BM 41526 BM 41471 BM 41479 BM 41497 BM 41472 BM 41518 BM 41519 BM 41486 BM 41502
LBAT 901 LBAT 902 LBAT 903 LBAT 904 LBAT 905 LBAT 906 LBAT 907 LBAT 908 LBAT 909 LBAT 910 LBAT 911
BM 41878 BM 41879 BM 41896 BM 41882 BM 41888 BM 41892 BM 41883 BM 41904 BM 41908 BM 41889 BM 41915
LBAT 912
BM 41890
LBAT 876
BM 41568
LBAT 877 LBAT 878
BM 41567 BM 41557
LBAT 879
BM 41530
LBAT 880 LBAT 881 LBAT 882 LBAT 883 LBAT 884 LBAT 885 LBAT 886 LBAT 887 LBAT 888 LBAT 889 LBAT 890 LBAT 891 LBAT 892 LBAT 893 LBAT 894 LBAT 895 LBAT 896 LBAT 897 LBAT 898 LBAT 900
BM 41552 BM 41559 BM 41524 BM 41522 BM 41589 BM 41645 BM 41560 BM 41652 BM 41587 BM 41638 BM 41632 BM 41840 BM 41877 BM 41855 BM 41796 BM 41797 BM 41768 BM 41832 BM 41692 BM 41814
D D D D D -237 D -237 D D -207 B D D -146 D -119 D D D D D -141 D D D D D -211 A D -88 A new D D D D -221 D -141 E D D -248 B new D D D -189 D new D D -76 D -237 D -240 D D -255 A D -193 D D D D D -193 D D -163 C D D D D -255 A D D D D
LBAT 913 LBAT 914 LBAT 915 LBAT 916 LBAT 917 LBAT 918 LBAT 919 LBAT 920 LBAT 921 LBAT 922 LBAT 923 LBAT 924 LBAT 925 LBAT 926 LBAT 927 LBAT 928 LBAT 929 LBAT 930 LBAT 931 LBAT 932 LBAT 933 LBAT 934 LBAT 935 LBAT 936 LBAT 937 LBAT 938 LBAT 939 LBAT 940 LBAT 941 LBAT 942 LBAT 943 LBAT 944
BM 41917 BM 41923 BM 41926 BM 41938 BM 41925 BM 41928 BM 41942 BM 41941 BM 41934 BM 41943 BM 41930 BM 41932 BM 41946 BM 41964 BM 41967 BM 41947 BM 41962 BM 41963 BM 41959 BM 41957 BM 41953 BM 41973 BM 41997 BM 42006 BM 42008 BM 41976 BM 42018 BM 41984 BM 42015 BM 41989 BM 41978 BM 42003
LBAT 945
BM 42017
LBAT 946 LBAT 947 LBAT 948 LBAT 949 LBAT 950
BM 42028 BM 42032 BM 42034 BM 42035 BM 42037
D D -157 A D D -141 D D -133 C D -151 D D D D D -163 C D + BM 34182 D D D D D -277 A D D D -163 B D D D -234A D -60 D -270 A D D D D D -234 A D D D D D -234 A D D D D D D -253 B D D D -277 A D + BM 41557 D D D D D
Concordance of Publications Publication
Museum number
Diary number
Museum number
Diary number
LBAT 951 LBAT 952 LBAT 953 LBAT 954 LBAT 955 LBAT 956 LBAT 957 LBAT 958 LBAT 959 LBAT 960 LBAT 961
BM 42058 BM 42059 BM 42041 BM 42063 BM 42038 BM 42055 BM 42068 BM 42070 BM 42051 BM 42069 BM 42062
D D -192 A D D D D -328 D -273 B D -273 B D -88 A
Abbey Museum W00589
D -175 new
BM 42072
TBER 84 TBER 84 TBER 85 TBER 85 TBER 86 ZA 6 232 ZA 6 234ff� ZA 6 234ff� ZA 6 235 Zilberg, Buried History 56, 17ff�
MNB 1877 MNB 1879 MNB 1883 MNB 1890 MNB 1898 Rm 845 BM 92688 BM 92689 Rm 710
LBAT 962 LBAT 963 LBAT 964 LBAT 965 LBAT 966 LBAT 967 LBAT 968 LBAT 969 LBAT 970 LBAT 971 LBAT 972 LBAT 973 LBAT 974 LBAT 975 LBAT 976 LBAT 977 LBAT 978 LBAT 979 LBAT 980 LBAT 981 LBAT 982 LBAT 983 LBAT 984 LBAT 985 LBAT 986 LBAT 987 LBAT 988 LBAT 989 LBAT 990 LBAT 991 LBAT 992 LBAT 993 LBAT 994 LBAT 1489 NABU 2010/109 Orient 53, 55ff� TBER 83 TBER 83f� TBER 83f�
BM 42128 BM 42119 BM 42104 BM 42112 BM 42092 BM 42117 BM 42138 BM 42100 BM 42086 BM 42110 BM 42075 BM 42134 BM 42085 BM 42140 BM 42144 BM 42153 BM 42176 BM 42177 BM 42195 BM 42201 BM 42156 BM 42178 BM 42233 BM 42237 BM 42158 BM 42204 BM 42165 BM 42212 BM 42240 BM 42199 BM 42239 BM 42235 BM 35471
D D D -253 B D -259 D D D D D D D D -248 B new D D D D -177 D D D D -85 C D D -119 B D D D D D D D D -259 D D D D D -255 A D D D D D -177 D D D -163 C D D
BM 34124
BM 35183 MNB 1884 MNB 1876 MNB 1904
D D -245 A D -247 C D -247 C
Terms used in Diaries This list contains terms specific for the Astronomical Diaries, with selected examples. The “historical sections” are not included� It is not a full glossary; a complete glossary of all Diaries published in vols� I-III is available on the internet (oracc�museum�upenn�edu/adsd)� I therefore did not consider a complete printed glossary necessary� The following list is more a collection of remarks and of special cases� A complete list of all words occurring in eclipse records is found in Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations, 217ff� A glossary of astronomical procedure texts is found in Ossendrijver, Procedure Texts, 595ff� An updated list of “Normal Stars” is given by A� Jones, A Study of Babylonian Observations of Planets Near Normal Stars: AHES 58 (2004) 475–536� Tablets are quoted in the present list by their Diary number in vol� I–III or by their museum number; if a tablet was dated after the publication of the earlier volumes, its new Diary number is given in parentheses� A�AN adāru AGA aḫû akamu akukūtu AMAŠ ammatu AN AN AN-KU10 apāru aptu aṣû ašamšūtu AŠ�ME ašqulālu baʾālu bābtu bābu BAD BÀD giš BÁN BAR barāqu barû bibbu biblu birbirru birqu BURU5
zunnu “rain”, usually abbreviated to AN; A�AN še TUḪ BM 65170 ii 2; A.AN DUL-ḫat ibid� ii 6� “to be(come) eclipsed”, written syllabically or KA×MI� “crown”, in AGA apir (“wearing a crown”, referring to the moon) “earthshine” (so Kugler, SSB I 274b)� see BAR “mist”; written a-kam, sometimes abbreviated to a; a-kam AN DIB BM 33645:5´� “aurora”(?); only in No� -567 rev� 10´, see Hayakawa, H� et al�: Earliest datable records of aurora-like phenomena in the astronomical diaries from Babylonia, in: Earth, Planets and Space (2016) 68:195� “(sheep) fold”, a kind of halo: sin AMAŠ ma-diš iq-tur7 BM 35596:11´� see KÙŠ “Mars”; reading uncertain� weather term zunnu “rain”, abbreviation for A�AN; for combinations with other words or signs in connection with weather, see vol� I p� 28ff� antalû “eclipse”, see Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations� “to be covered” (by a headdress), said of the moon, i�e� “earthshine” (so Kugler, SSB I 274b)� “window, opening”; elēnu apāti “above the openings” in river level statements: No� -251 upper edge 2; No� -245A 11; ina libbi apti No� -136B rev� 19; [elēnu a]-pa-a-tú šá ILLU kiššat GIN BM 42037:3´. see È “dust storm”: a-šam-šá-a-tu4 NIGIN No. -366A i 33´; a-šam-šu-tu BM 41121:5´� “mock sun”: AŠ�ME ina dUTU-ŠÚ-A BM 33031:10´; AŠ�ME È-ma GUR-ma BM 36684:6´� see Ú-LAL see KUR4 “remainder”, in river level statements, see vol� I p� 35� see KÁ petû “to be open”, said of haloes� “wall” of a halo� see sūtu aḫû “extraneous”, see J� Steele, AfO 48/49, 107–112� see GÍR “to check”, in colophons No. -273 and No. -270; IGI-TAB BM 45967 upper edge 1. see UDU-IDIM “period of invisibility”: No� -136B rev� 14´� a luminous phenomenon of a meteor: No� -124A:17; BM 41692:3´� see GÍR “locusts”, usually BURU5ḫá: BURU5ḫá GAL-GAL ša madiš MAḪ ZI-a No� -123A:28´; BURU5ḫá TUR sadir No�-108A:27´; BURU5ḫá SIG7 ZI-a No� -178C rev� 14´; BM 36601:8´; BM 42824:5´�
L butqu
DA daltu dannu DIB giš
EN-NUN epšu erēbu erēpu eššu etēqu GE6 GIB GIBIL GIGIR GIN GÍR GIŠ-ḪUR GIŠ.NIM gišru GIŠ.ŠÚ GÙ GU4-AN
Terms used in Diaries “section” of a rainbow: bu-tuq TIR-AN ina KUR GÁL-ši BM 41497:10´; also butuqtu: 1-et bu-tuq-tu4 dTI[R-AN-NA] Á KUR G[I]B BM 45795:8f.; bu-tuq-tú dTIR-AN-NA BM 40097:7´; 1-en bu-tuq-tu4 TIR-RA-AN BM 32473 rev� 4, also 2 (= No� -179F); 2 bu-tuqtu4 dTIR-AN-NA BM 33587:4´� see lēʾu “writing board”: gišIG rabītu No� -213 u� e� 2, see Y� Mitsuma, NABU 2013/54� see KALAG a) etēqu “to pass”, said of planets or the moon; note DIB-qa šá GU4-UD KI GENNA No� -99C rev� 2� b) “to pass by, to be omitted”, said of eclipses and planetary phenomena� c) “to cross” (the sky), said of clouds etc�; see also PISAN� sanāqu “to come near”, said of approaches of planets and stars at a distance of 2 fingers. “torch”, said of a meteor: MUL GAL šá GIM di-par No� -418A:7; BM 45958:2´; 1-en MÚL GAL šá GIM di-pa-ri BM 35034:3´; written IZI-GAR No. -165A rev. 11´. weather term “cloud(s)”� kabtu “heavy, dense”, said of fog� weather term, see vol� I p� 30� A few passages that contain more than just AN DUL: AN GAL-GAL DUL-ḫat No� -133B rev� 22; No� -140D rev� 5; BM 35599 rev� 6´; AN né-ḫi DUL-ḫat No� -132E 6´; BM 35599 rev� 10´; DUL alone (without AN, but may be an error) BM 54792:2 (= No� -395); BM 37447 rev� 2� see ṭurru a) “above”, abbreviation of elat, in statements of lunar or planetary positions� b) for È aṣû “to come out”, describing the end of an occultation of planets or stars by the moon, or of a celestial body by clouds� adi “until”; special uses: a) before dates of stationary points: in EN (day number) No� -378 VIII 22; No� -372 III 12; No� -284 VII 15� rev� 23´� b) in Diaries from Uruk to indicate the first part of the night: ina EN; texts from Babylon use USAN� see naṣāru; maṣṣartu “wrought”, said of silver in price records� “to enter”, said of a star or planet occulted by the moon� “to become cloudy”: ⌈x⌉ i-ru-up No� -125B rev� 7´; ŠÚ-up No� -567 rev� 9´� see GIBIL see DIB Lunar Six interval “sunset to moonrise”, see vol� I p� 20f�, and P� J� Huber – J� Steele, SCIAMVS 8, 3ff� parāku “to stretch”, said of rainbows� eššu “new, fresh”, said of barley and dates in price records� narkabtu “chariot”, zodiacal constellation� Used to indicate the position of planetary phenomena� From the 3rd century on, replaced by MÚL-MÚL� For details, see J� Steele, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 18/4 (2018) 102� see kunnu birqu “lightning”, abbreviation of NIM-GÍR; barāqu “to flash” (said of lightning). Note GÍR MAḪ GÍR-GÍR No. -346 IX 5; GÍR MAḪ ina SI GÍR BM 32333 rev. 4´; GÍR Á KUR u SI GÍR-GÍRme BM 35596:6´� uṣurtu “drawing”, around the moon No� -372A i 7, for further references, see CAD U/W s.v. uṣurtu mng. 1g. “east”, No. -144:34´, No. -143A:21´. “bridge” (of boats): No� -567 rev� 9´� “west”, No. -144:34´, No. -143A:21´. rigmu “noise”, in GÙ U = rigim Adad “thunder”; also Adad GÙ-šú iddi, see vol� I p� 30f�; GÙ AN-e GÁL-ši BM 41526:3´� “Bull of heaven”, zodiacal constellation Taurus; from the middle of the 3rd century on, replaced by MÚL-MÚL� For details, see J� Steele, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 18/4 (2018) 102�
Terms used in Diaries ḪAB-rat ḫamāṭu ḫanṭiš ḫanṭu ḫillu ÍB-TAG4 IDIM IGI ILLU imbaru IM-DUGUD IM-GÚ IM-LIMMU-BA in
inūšu ÍR īṣu IZI-ŠUB KÁ KA5-A kabbaru kabru kabtu KÁD kakkabu KALAG KA×MI kappu kāru kasû
kaṣru katāmu kešēru
“disk” of moon or sun, mainly in eclipse records. Note ḪAB-rat šámaš kīma šá sin innanṭal No� -254:8´; No� -137D rev� 19, also BM 41638:2´; BM 30632 rev� 5 (= No� -214B)� “to be fast”, said of eclipses and of rain� “quickly”, said of rain� “fast”: AN ḫa-an-ṭu PISAN DI[B] BM 46152:2´; AN ḫa-an-ṭu BM 46125:4´�8´� “haze”, a kind of cloud: DIR u ḫi-il AN DIB BM 32261 rev� 13´; ḫi-il u a-kam AN ŠÚ-im BM 77228:4´� rēḫtu “remainder”; mostly in eclipse reports referring to planets not present during the eclipse� kabtu “heavy, dense”, said of IM-DUGUD “fog”. a) first appearance of the moon or planets after an interval of invisibility. b) ina IGI “in front of” i.e. “to the west of”, in position statements. mīlu “river level, flood”, see vol. I p. 34ff. Note ILLU ÍD mādiš GIN “the river level rose much” No� -232:25�34� see IM-DUGUD imbaru “fog”; written DUGUD No. -375B:5´ff.; IM-DUGUD DUGUD “heavy fog” No. -254:4´; IM-DUGUD IDIM ibid. 8´; IM-DUGUD MAḪ No. -346:23; IM-DUGUD šamê katim No� -137D rev� 9� qadūtu “mud”: IM-GÚ māta isḫup No. -209D:21´; No. -246:18, IM-GÚ māta ŠÚ-u[p] BM 37029:4´; IM-GÚ māta issaḫap No. -230A:10; IM-GÚ KALAG-tú BM 41896:6´� “wind from four (directions)”: IM-LIMMU-BA ŠÁR KALAG BM 55564:8´; IMLIMMU-BA GINmeš BM 55594:2´� also very occasionally written ina: before day numbers in dates of planetary phenomena� Translated as “around” to indicate that the date is computed (and therefore uncertain), not observed� Not all dates that have to be considered computed are marked by in, however� in also marks times of eclipses� “at that time”, introduces summary statements about planets at the end of a monthly paragraph� bakû “weeping”, term for maximal phase of an eclipse� See Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations, 225� “little”, mostly written i-ṣa, abbreviated i � “fall of fire, lightning strike”: No. -300:10´; No. -284:4´; IZI-ŠUB GAL-ú No� -234:12; IZI-ŠUB i No� -418A rev� 4´� bābu “gate, opening” (in a halo): šamaš TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN KÁ-šú ana ULÙ BAD No� -132E rev� 8´; sin TÙR NIGIN KÁ-šú ana SI BAD No� -137D rev� 7� “fox”: No� -567:7; No� -418A:3� “thick, dense”, said of rain; written kab-bar, abbreviated to kab; ka-bar No� -372A i 7� “thick”, said of the lunar crescent at first appearance No. -567:8.12. “heavy, dense”, said of fog; written DUGUD, IDIM. (lā) kaṣru “(not) closed”, said of haloes� see MUL dannu “strong”, said of wind; “dense”, said of clouds etc� SI dan-nu GIN BM 45958:7´. adāru “to become eclipsed”, see Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations, 226� “wing, side”, referring to wind directions; written PA or kap: SI šá PA MAR šá-kin GIN No� -168A:23; SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN No. -144 rev. 2; No. -163C rev. 14; SI šá kap MAR GAR GIN No. -182C:8; ULÙ šá kap KUR GAR GIN BM 32062:6. “trading place”: ZÚ ina kar-ri TAR-is BM 34752:8´ (= No� -276)� translated as “mustard”, but M� Stol, in: Milano, L� (ed�), Drinking in Ancient Societies. History and Culture of Drinks in the Ancient Near East (1994) 175–179 translates it as “cuscuta”� According to S� Eypper, JMC 33, 35–49 it is most likely “tamarind”� For consistency, the translation was not changed in this volume� see KÁD see ŠÚ ik-te-šir, sometimes abbreviated to šir, said of cold� Here translated as “(the cold) became severe”�
LII kī KI�LAM KIN-SIG kiššatu KU4 kunnu KUR
KUR4 kuṣṣu KÙŠ
LÁL LÁL LÁL(-tì) LÁL-tì lē’u MÁ MAḪ maḫḫaltu maḫīru manzāzu MAR íd marratu maṣṣartu mašâltu giš
ME ME meḫû mešḫu
Terms used in Diaries between day numbers of planetary phenomena “or”: in 4 ki-i 5 No� -211B rev� 3´; in 12 ki 13 No� -418A:2; in 19 ki 18 No� -261B:9´� maḫīru “equivalent” of one shekel of silver, in price records� R� van der Spek, NABU 2016/83, proposed reading it as nadānu. last part of daytime, “afternoon”. in mīl kiššati “peak flood”, see ILLU. erēbu “to enter”, said of occultations by the moon� in statements of expected occultations “to be set” (towards the moon): ana libbišu kun-nu; also written GIN. a) Lunar Six interval “moonrise to sunrise”, see vol� I p� 20f�, and P� J� Huber – J� Steele, SCIAMVS 8, 3ff� b) for KUR4 “to be(come) bright”� c) šadû “east” (wind direction)� baʾālu “to be(come) bright”, said of rising celestial bodies� see ŠED7 ammatu “cubit”, in distances between celestial bodies, equal to ca. 2°; see G. Graßhoff, Normal Star Observations in Late Babylonian Astronomical Diaries, in: Swerdlow, N� (ed�), Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination, 97–147; A� Jones, A Study of Babylonian Observations of Planets Near Normal Stars: AHES 58 (2004) 475–536� neḫēsu “to recede, move back”: a) said of the falling river level� b) said of planets in their retrograde movement: ana ŠÚ ina LAL-šú� c) said of the moon or planets being to the west of another celestial body: ana ŠÚ LAL� “to be balanced”(?)� The interpretation of this word is disputed, see No� -567 ad 11; J� Koch, JCS 49 (1997) 83–101� “missing”(?), BM 41568:6´� šitqultu “equinox”� “balance”: ana LÁL-tì GIŠ.KUN A BM 32261:9´. “wooden tablet”: gišDA šá PN BM 33762 u� e� 1; BM 45967 u� e� 2; ina gišDA NU SARmeš No� -384 rev� 6� “boat”: gišMÁmeš ša gišri No� -567 rev� 9´� mādu “much, many”, frequent in weather reports� “sieve”: BURU14 ma-ḫal-tú kalâma aqri No� -125A:12 (unclear)� see KI�LAM see na amurru “west” (both the wind and the direction)� “sea”� “watch”, one-third part of the night� “interrogation”: simmiltu maš-a-a-al-tú No� -168A rev� 18´; ša lā maš-a-a-al-tú GAZmeš BM 35269:8´; for literature on simmiltu ša mašâlti see M� Sandowicz, AfO 54, 119� ūmu “day”, in time indications� Lunar Six interval “moonrise to sunset”, see vol� I p� 20f�, and P� J� Huber – J� Steele, SCIAMVS 8, 3ff� “storm”: me-ḫu-ú IM-1 GIN BM 37367:6´; me-ḫi SI KALAG GIN BM 37456:3´; me-ḫi KUR u ULÙ ŠÁR No� -567:9; me-ḫe-e SI u MAR ŠÁRme [GINme] BM 40118:5´� “train” of a meteor: MÚL GAL ša magal KUR u meš-ḫi TUK-ú No� -137A:10, also No� -309:10, BM 32261 rev� 10´; BM 45987 rev� 7´� “tail” of a comet: ṣallummû ���� mi-ši-iḫ-šú 4 KÙŠ No� -86A rev� 10´; mi-šiḫ-šú ana KUR No� -209D rev� 6; ṣallummû ���� mi-šiḫ-šú ana ULÙ No� -162 rev� 9� see ILLU “deliberation”: mit-lu-uk-tu4 Igigi BM 48121 rev� 3´� “star”, see târu� “meteor”, see ŠUR, see also mešḫu� for Jupiter: BM 47665 rev. 9´ (= No. -477). probably kakkabū minâti, Normal stars visible during solar eclipse No� -136B rev� 14´� “middle” watch of the night�
Terms used in Diaries muš NA4
NA5 na
nablu nadānu nalbašu nalšu nasāḫu naṣāru nâšu natāku naṭālu nêḫu
NIGIN NIM NIM-GÍR PA PAP parāku parāsu
paṭāru petû pīru
abbreviation of muššuḫ “measured”; used only with Lunar Six intervals; note ŠÚ ina DIR muš-⌈šúḫ⌉ “last appearance (of Saturn), because of clouds computed” C. B. F. Walker, in: Swerdlow, N� (ed�), Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination (1999) 65� abnu “hail”: AN NA4 ŠUR-nun BM 34182:10´; NA4 GALmeš NA4 ŠUR-nun No� -209A:3; NA4 GAL-GAL MAḪ ŠUR BM 36605:12´; NA4 GAL-GAL ša mala šallūri maṣû No� -133B:7´; [���� ma]-la NUNUZ DAR-LUGALmušen ma-ṣu-ú BM 35002:5´; NA4 TUR-TUR iṣa ŠUR-nun No� -137D rev� 19� see pitnu a) Lunar Six interval, “sunset to moonset” and “sunrise to moonset”, see vol� I p� 20f�, P� J� Huber – J� Steele, SCIAMVS 8, 3ff� and M� Ossendrijver, Procedure Texts, 113f� b) visibility interval between a planet’s first appearance and sunrise/sunset, also between last appearance and sunset/sunrise� c) interval of visibility of an outer planet� Reading of a)-c) manzāzu; see Ossendrijver, Procedure Texts, 596 s� v� manzāzu� d) a gauge to measure the height of the river level (reading unknown); note na NU TUK “there was no na” equivalent to the level of ILLU ŠÚ “peak flood” No. -156A:19´. a meteor nab-lu-šú umtaššir “let loose(?) its flame” No. -291B:14´; nab-lu-šú UD-DA [���] BM 35723 rev� 2´� see KI�LAM see TÚG “dew”, always preceded by AN, i� e� “rain”: AN na-al-šú� Note AN na-al-šú GIN No. -201B rev� 2; AN na-al-šú DUL BM 36774 rev� 9´� “to copy, to excerpt”: ana IGI ZI-ḫi No� -418 rev� 15´� “to watch, observe”; written na-ṣar or EN-NUN in the title of Diaries: naṣāru ša ginê “regular watching”� NU PAP = ul attaṣar “I did not watch”; ki PAP NU IGI “when I watched, I did not see (it)”� “to quake”: erṣetu i-nu-uš No� -170E rev� 3´� see UTAḪ “to look”: the disk of the sun kīma ša sin ina-an-ṭal “looked like that of the moon” No. -254:8´; BM 35642:5´.7´; written IGI-LAL No. -137D rev. 19; BM 41832:6´; BM 55567:9´� “slow”, said of rain, thunder and similar weather phenomena: AN né-ḫi “slow rain”; AN né-ḫi i-ṣa BM 36040:3´; AN né ŠUR No� -651 iv 9´; BM 39874:5´; AN né-ḫi še-en-ni NU TUḪ BM 32331 rev. 10´.12´; AN né BM 47631 rev� 5´f�; AN né-ḫi PISAN rad DIB BM 32506 rev� 3 (= No� -183E), but AN né-ḫi PISAN MAḪ DIB ibid� rev� 7, and see PISAN; Adad GÙ-šú né-ḫi ŠUB-di BM 45947:7´ (= No� -102); BM 33649:15´� It can also be said of the movement of the eclipse shadow� “cloud-bank”: ni-di ina imitti šámaš No� -382 rev� 11´; ni-di ṣarpu “reddish cloud-bank” No� -308:12, BM 36742:3 (= No� -362); ni-di ša GIM butuqtu dTIR-AN-NA “a cloudbank which was like a section of a rainbow” No� -140A:5; ni-di ina imitti šamaš No� -382 rev� 11´; [n]i-di ina IGI šámaš SUD BM 36653:5´; 1-en ni-du GAR-ma BM 40097:7´� lamû “to surround” (said of haloes)� a) “east”� b) šaqû “to be(come) high”� see GÍR see kappu see naṣāru see GIB “to separate, cut off, split”; written KUD: zunnū mādiš KUDmeš No� -234A rev� 37´, also No� -249B rev� 14´; dates ina karri Bābili KUD-is No� -253A:9´; šamaš TÙR NIGIN ana KUR KUD-is “the sun was surrounded by a halo, it was split toward the east” No� -651 i 5; TÙR ���� ana ULÙ KUD No� -567 rev� 15´� see TUḪ see BAD “workforce”: EN pi-ir BM 32062 rev� 3´�8´; BM 35183:13´�
pitnu qadūtu qalāpu qalû qatāru qītu rādu
raḫāṣu raqqu redû rēḫtu rību rigmu riḫiṣtu rišūtu sadāru saḫāpu SAḪAR SAL sanāqu sapāḫu SI
SIG simmiltu sūtu ṣallummû
Terms used in Diaries weather term, see vol� I p� 31f� Always preceded by AN “rain”; always followed by DIB except A�AN PISAN TIR-AN ��� No� -567:5� Usually AN PISAN DIB; can be expanded by additions� See also rādu� [....] ⌈x⌉ ú MAḪ ŠUR-nun PISAN DIB No� -108A:17´� AN PISAN i DIB No� -346 X 29; -273 IX 22� AN kab-bar PISAN DIB No� -246 I 5; AN kab-bar PISAN MAḪ D[IB] BM 35276:3´; AN kab-bar PISAN rad MAḪ [DIB] BM 35091:5´. AN GAL-GAL PISAN DIB No. -125A:7; No. -96A:5´; AN GAL-GAL PISAN i-ṣa DIB No� -156A:11´� AN MAḪ PISAN MAḪ DIB BM 35406:10. AN MAḪ rad MAḪ PISAN MAḪ DIB BM 33649:13´. [PIS]AN? MAḪ rad DIB BM 33764:15´� AN né-ḫi PISAN MAḪ DIB BM 32506 rev. 7 (= No. -183E), but AN né-ḫi PISAN rad DIB ibid� rev� 3; AN né-ḫi PISAN i-ṣa DIB BM 35406:7 (= No� -193E)� AN ḫa-m PISAN DIB No. -346 X 29; AN ḫanṭiš PISAN i DIB No� -370 rev� 12´� “box”, a kind of cloud: šámaš ina pít-nu ŠÚ No� -384:9´; No� -380B:8´; No� -379 rev� 9´; written NA5 No� -284 rev� 16´� 26´; No� -307A rev� 4´; BM 41497:4´; BM 46130 A 4´� see IM-GÚ “to hatch”: MUŠEN iq-lu-up No� -418A rev� 12´� “refined”, said of silver in price records. “to billow”, said of haloes: mādiš iq-tur7 No� -281A rev� 4´; -273B rev� 19´; No� -163B:26� “end” (of a constellation): ina qí-it UR-A No� -418:10, also ibid� rev� 8´� “cloudburst”, see vol� I p� 32� AN ra-a-du ŠUR Gehlken, CM 43, 25 K 03f. (weather omens of Enūma Anu Enlil); AN ra-a-du PISAN MAḪ D[IB] No. -384:7´; AN rad PISAN MAḪ DIB No. -300 VIII 14; AN kab-bar rad PISAN DIB No� -246 I 4, No� -222:5´; AN kab-bar PISAN rad MAḪ [DIB] BM 35091:5´; AN kab-bar ⌈MAḪ? rad⌉ MAḪ DIB BM 34640:6´; AN né-ḫi PISAN rad DIB BM 32506 rev� 3 (= No� -183E)� “to devastate”, said of a storm: Adad RA-iṣ No� -165A rev� 8´� see SAL “to travel”, said of the sun or moon: šamaš .... ina libbi tarbaṣi UŠ-di BM 30617:4; sin ina libbi tarbaṣi UŠ BM 33649 rev� 4´, also BM 46125:3´� see ÍB-TAG4 “quaking”: [r]i-i-bu šamê ibašši No� -119C:16´� see GÙ; ri-gim šamê mātu išme No� -418:8� “devastation”: RA-tú Adad No� -125A:13; No� -136B rev� 11´� (a disease): ri-šu-tú No� -567:7, also No� -382:13´� “to do regularly”: SI GIN sa-dir “the north wind blew regularly” No� -87A rev� 26´; SI sadar GIN BM 32309 rev. 4; BURU5ḫá TUR sa-dir No� -108A:27´� “to cover”: IM-GÚ māta is-ḫup No. -209D:21´, No. -246:18; IM-GÚ māta is-sa-ḫap No� -230A:10, written ŠÚ-ap No� -381A:9; No� -230A:10; No� -226A:10´� eperu “dust”: nišē māti SAḪARḫá SA5 ŠÚ-uʾ No� -246:17� raqqu “thin”, said of clouds, see vol� I p� 29; DIR SAL u ḫi-il AN [����] BM 45978:6´� see DIM4 “to spread”: ���� SILAmeš u nišē māti su-up-pu-ḫu-uʾ No� -246:18� a) “north” (both the wind and the direction)� b) ubānu “finger”, in position statements 1/24th of a cubit. c) qarnu “horn” (of the moon): dele-bat ana SI sin ša ULÙ T[E] No� -418A:14; ana libbi sin ZAG SI KU4 BM 35773:4´� a) šaplat “below”, in position statements� b) faint, said of planets and the moon at first appearance. see mašâltu measure of capacity: ina gišBÁN TUR-tú No� -278B:9; ina gišBÁN LAL-tu4 No� -249B rev� 25´; ina gišBÁN šá LUGAL BM 41497:5´. “comet”, see F� R� Stephenson – C� B� F� Walker, Halley’s Comet in history; ina IGI múlṣallum-mu-ú 2½ KÙŠ BM 34730:7´; dṣal-lum-mu-ú BM 35941:3´; ṣal-lam-mu-[ú] BM 40609:2´�
Terms used in Diaries ṣalpu ṣarāḫu ṣarḫu ṣarpu ṣeḫēru ṣētu šaḫāṭu šalgu šallūru šammu šapālu šaplat ŠÁR šarpu šarūru ŠED7 ŠE-ER-ZI šēnu šertu šēru ŠEŠ ŠIR ŠÚ ŠÚ ŠÚ ŠÚ ŠÚ ŠUR ŠUR
šurʾu TAB TAG4 tarbaṣu tarlugallu tarṣu târu
“slanted”, said of wind directions: MAR ša ana SI ṣal-pu GIN No. -254 rev. 12; ULÙ ša ana KUR ṣal-pu No� -281B rev� 10; No� -155B:2f�; No� -153:5´; No� -140A:9´� see ŠUR “wailing”, said of thunder: GÙ U MAḪ ṣar-ḫu No� -246 I 4, No� -156A:15´; ṣar-ḫi No� -384:7´, No� -372A i 7, No� -124A:20´, No� -107C:20� “reddish”: ni-di ṣar-pu No� -308:12� see TUR see UD-DA “to throw off”, said of the eclipse shadow: [TA] KUR ana MAR iš-ta-ḫaṭ BM 32435 rev� 5´; see Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations� “snow”: šal-gu magal ���� BM 40097:11´� “plum”(?): hail ša mala gišŠENNUR maṣû No� -133B:7´� šam-mu KUR-i No� -119B rev� 3 || No� -119C:8´� “to be low”: Mercury at first appearance TUR ù šá-pul BM 35283:5´� “below”: delebat šap-lat MULx MURUB4 ša SI MÁŠ No� -567 rev� 3´, abbreviated to šap passim in this text; see also SIG. weather term “gusty wind”, see vol� I p� 32� “burnt”(?): šar-pi BM 99718:4� see ŠE-ER-ZI kuṣṣu “cold”; note its use as an adjective: [���� Š]ED7meš GIN-ú “cold [winds] blew” No� -85C:24; see also kešēru. šarūru “glow”: ŠE-ER-ZI-šunu aḫameš kašid referring to a close approach of Venus and Saturn No� -187A:23� “sandal”, written syllabically and (kuš)E-SÍR, see vol. I p. 33; written kušGIL No. -168E:5´, No� -201B:9, No� -137D rev� 8�19� uncertain: Mercury below Mars šer-tam DIB No� -567:13� “morning”: ina še-rì, passim� “bitter”, said of wind: BM 33649:18´� unclear, referring to wind: MAR u SI ŠÁR ŠIR No� -321 rev� 23´, also No� -369 rev� 4´� Lunar Six interval “moonset to sunrise”, see vol� I p� 20f�, and P� J� Huber – J� Steele, SCIAMVS 8, 3ff� rabû “setting, last appearance” of a celestial body� According to an investigation by P� J� Huber, this should instead be translated as “first invisibility”. weather term “overcast”, see vol� I p� 32f�, written ŠÚ-up (īrup?) No� -651 i 6� 9, No� -567 rev� 9´, also BM 35883 rev� 3´, but ŠÚ-im No� -112 rev� 6´; note ma-diš ŠÚ No� -651 i 3; uncertain: ŠÚ AN-e DIB BM 41497:17´� katāmu “to cover”, said of clouds etc� that cover the sky: DIR u akam AN ŠÚ-im No� -137A rev�16´; DIR SAL u IM.DUGUD AN ŠÚ-im No� -140C:25, and frequently with fog, mist etc�; nišē māti SAḪARḫá SA5 ŠÚ-uʾ No� -246:17� see also saḫāpu zanānu “to rain”: AN UTAḪ ŠUR No. -651 iv 21´; NA4 GALmeš NA4 ŠUR-nun No� -209A:3; AN u NA4 TUR-TUR MAḪ ŠUR No. -156A:15´. ṣarāḫu “to flash”, said of meteors: MÚL GAL ša magal KUR TA MAR ana KUR ŠURraḫ No� -82A rev� 16´; ana SI ŠUR ŠUR-šú magal ḫamuṭ No. -124A:17´; MÚL GAL .... TA ULÙ ana SI ŠUR No� -137A:10´, -162 rev� 21; ina MURUB4 šamê TA ULÙ ana SI ŠUR No. -384 rev. 8; TA GIŠ.KUN A ana SI ŠUR No� -266A:9´, also rev� 9´� “reins”, in star name šur GIGIR. Note šur šá GIGIR No. -418:1. “to begin”, in eclipse descriptions� ezēbu “to leave”: 3 UŠ GE6 TAG4 “3° of night were left” No. -567 rev. 7´; see also ÍBTAG4� see TÙR “rooster”: [hailstones(?) ���� ma]-la NUNUZ DAR-LUGALmušen ma-ṣu-ú BM 35002:5´� delebat ina ŠÚ ana tar-ṣa GIŠ.KUN UR-[A] No. -567:13. “to turn into”: AN ana MÚL-BABBAR TE ana 1-en MÚL GUR-ú “Mars came close to Jupiter, they became one star” No� -155A:6, also No� -82B:11´, BM 31857 rev� 2 (= No� -195F); ana 1-en MÚL GUR-ár BM 35693:8´�
ṭaḫdu ṭarādu ṭeḫû ṭibḫu ṭurru
Terms used in Diaries ṭeḫû “to come close”, said of approaches of planets to stars so that the distance becomes 1 finger or less; see also târu� qītu “end”� manzât “rainbow”: TIR-AN ina NIM GIB No. -567:5; lam KUR-ḫa TIR-AN Á SI u MAR GIB No. -384:4´; 1-et TIR-AN-NA TA ULÙ ana KUR G[IB] No. -105A rev. 47´; 1-en TIR-AN-NA No� -124A:15´; 2-ta TIR-ANmeš ���� ša AN-TA-e a-ḫa-meš ... GIBmeš No� -156A:13´; 1-en bu-tuq-tu4 TIR-RA-AN Á MAR GIB BM 32473 rev. 4 (= No. -179). nalbašu “garment”, in TÚG šamê a kind of cloud(?), only in eclipse reports, see Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations, 15; references: M� Ossendrijver, in: Waerzeggers, C� – Seire, M� (eds�), Xerxes and Babylonia. The Cuneiform Evidence 155 n� 70� paṭāru “to loosen” (sandals), see vol� I p� 33� ṣeḫēru “to be small”: Mercury at first appearance TUR u šapul BM 35283:5´� tarbaṣu “halo” around sun or moon: ina šēri šamaš TÙR NÍGIN No. -346:12; sin TÙR NÍGIN MÚL-BABBAR ina ŠÀ TÙR ana ŠÚ GUB No. -273 rev. 10´; šamaš TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN KÁ-šú ana ULÙ BAD No� -132E rev� 8´; sin TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN No. -124A:12´; see also ṭurru� “copious”, said of rain BM 40097:10´� “to name”: BM 35599:10´; BM 41479 u. e. 2, rev. 6´ (= No. -88). See G. Del Monte, NABU 1996/3 with previous lit� see TE a weather phenomenon(?): riḫiṣti Adad ṭi-bi-iḫ UMBIN No� -125A:13� “band”, a part of a halo: MÚL-BABBAR ina muḫḫi ṭur-r[i] No� -381A:3, No� -373B:14´; AN ina UGU [DU]R TÙR ana ŠÚ GUB BM 40053:8´. rev. 8; GENNA ana UGU DURšú ana NIM GUB Abbey Museum W00589:12 (= No. -175C); [.... ina U]GU DUR TÙR ana ŠÚ GUB BM 43061:6´. See J� Koch, WeOr 29, 109–123� see ubānu “finger” “finger”: in position statements 1/24th of a cubit. ṣētu “light” of a meteor: UD-DA-su ina KI IGI No. -440:2; No. -343 rev. 12´, also No. -332A:17; No� -134A:3´; No� -165A rev� 11´; UD-DA-su KI IGI-LÁ-át BM 34761:2´� unclear, in statements about omitted phenomena of Mercury; same statements without UD-DA in vol� V no� 65� bibbu “planet”, in eclipse reports; UDU-IDIM No� -225 rev� 8; No� -307A:6´� Reading possibly UDU-TIL� see UDU-IDIM unclear, probably weather phenomenon: No. -567:5. rev. 16´.19´. probably constellation nimru: [....] SAG múlU4-KA-TUḪ-A ŠUR BM 35112 rev. 11; [....] šá U4-KA-TUḪ-A ziq-pi BM 42681:5´. ašqulālu “tornado”(?): Ú-LAL ŠUB-ŠUB-ni No� -384:9´, also 3´; No� -379 rev� 13´; BM 34870 rev� 3´� šūtu “south” (both the wind and the direction)� barbaru “wolf”: No� -567 rev� 21´� barārītu first watch of the night; note USAN ZAL-LA No. -178C rev. 8´; No. -180D:4. see GIŠ-ḪUR a) “degree” b) emēdu N “to become stationary”, said of outer planets; nen-mud No� -567 rev� 20´� natāku “to drip”; usually after AN: “rain shower”; without AN: UTAḪ i No� -379 rev� 13´; ⌈UTAḪ i⌉ BM 45987:6´(= No. -312); ina šēri UTAḪ No. -384:10´; No. -372A i 9; AN u NA4 UTAḪ No. -212 l. e. 3. last watch of the night: EN-NUN U4-ZAL No� -163C2:6´; EN-NUN U4-ZAL-LA No� -163B:26f�, also No� -182C:17� enzu “Goat star”. Used to indicate a direction: e múlÙZ BM 37037:6´, also BM 35112 rev� 17; SIG ÙZ BM 37037:8´. last part of the night. namāru “to become bright; to clear”, said of the eclipsed moon or sun�
Terms used in Diaries ZI ZI IR ziqpu
see nasāḫu unclear weather term, see vol� I p� 34; note ma-diš ZI IR BM 35974:5� “culmination”, to indicate time at night: 4 UŠ ina IGI MÚL kin-ṣa ziq-pi No� -149A:5´; SA4 ša GABA-šú ziq-pi No� -225 rev� 4� For ziqpu stars, see J� M� Steele, Late Babylonian ziqpu-star lists: Written or remembered traditions of knowledge?: in: Bawanypeck, D� – Imhausen, A� (eds�), Traditions of Written Knowledge in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (2014) 123–151� see AN
Additions and corrections to vols� I–III No. -651 i 16: This observation probably refers to Jupiter, which was ca. 3° to the west of α Librae. ii 1: The restoration AN-[KU10] is impossible; there was no eclipse at this date� Probably AN is “rain”� iii 4´: The eclipse occurred on 2nd July -651; so this column refers to month IV� iv 21´: Mitsuma, NABU 2014/54� No� -567: Bibliography: F� R� Stephenson – D� M� Willis, in: J� M� Steele – A� Imhausen (eds�), Under One Sky (2002) 423–428; J� Koch, JCS 49 (1997) 83–90� The date of this tablet is sometimes cast into doubt for ideological reasons; these are not based on correct astronomical arguments� The certain date did not preclude that there were errors in my edition: Obv� 18: The restoration “moon” in the translation should be replaced by “Venus”� Rev� 1´: At the end of the line, Mars is to be restored instead of the moon� Rev� 8´: The emendation of “7” to “17” should be abandoned� Rev� 9´: gišru is “bridge”, so the sentence means “two ships of a pontoon bridge sank”; see M� Weszeli, Textzeugen zu Schiffen und Schiffern im zweiten und ersten Jahrtausend v. Chr.: Die Schiffahrt im Süden Mesopotamiens und in Mari (Diss� University Vienna, 2002) § 2�4�4�3� “Lower edge” is to be replaced by “Upper edge”� No� -453 i 1: “month III” is to be inserted in the translation after “Artaxerxes”� No� -440: To be dated to Artaxerxes II year 23, and renumbered No� -381C; see J� Koch, AfO 38/39, 101ff�, and van der Spek, Achaemenid History 11 (1998) 240ff� No� -375A: See Mitsuma, NABU 2017/81 (new fragment)� No� -373B: See van der Spek, Achaemenid History 11 (1998) 251f� No� -372A iv: For the colophon, see Oelsner, Cagni Memorial Volume, 804 fn� 28� No� -369 rev� 8´f�: Van der Spek, Achaemenid History 11 (1998) 252f� No� -366A: Van der Spek, Achaemenid History 11 (1998) 253ff� No� -362: A Diary for this year was published by R� van der Spek – H� Hunger in ARTA 2006�002� No� -357 rev� 6: Read 1,16 ME, and translate “76° before sunset”� No� -346:22: Instead of aš-šá read ina GAR “during onset (of its eclipse)”� No� -330: 4´: The word for “plague” is to be read šibṭu, see CAD s.v. šibṭu A. 5´: GE6 15 6 (instead of 16) GE6� 7´: Read ina KI Ku-ma[r u ina] KI Tu-ba “in the region of Kumar and in the region of Tuba”; see George, NABU 1997/18. No. -324A rev. 15´: The name of the scribe is to be restored as [Iddin]-Bēl. No� -322D:24: The translation should be “(the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month)”� No� -321 rev� 27´: On the colophon, see Oelsner, Cagni Memorial Volume, 803 fn� 25� No. -304: To be dated to -367, see J. Koch, AfO 38/39, 103–107; the eclipse was identified by F. R. Stephenson as that of 6th March -366�
Additions and corrections to vols. I–III
No� -284: For the joined fragment BM 46260, see the Addenda section in this volume� No� -281A left edge: For the name of the scribe, see Oelsner, Cagni Memorial Volume 805 n� 28� No� -278B: For the joined fragment BM 34887, see the Addenda section in this volume� No� -277C: The description should read: “The two pieces C are ���”� No� -273B rev� 8´: Instead of aš-šá, read ina GAR “during onset (of its eclipse)”� rev� 12´ff�: See Horowitz, RA 85, 75ff� rev� 29´-33´: See Kuhrt, From Samarkand to Sardis, 46f� rev. 37´: Instead of NIBRU, read Bár-sìp, see Oelsner, OLZ 84, 676. No� -261C: For the joined fragment BM 32352, see the Addenda section in this volume� No� -257A Rev�: After line 1´, insert a separation line; in rev� 2´, the month name KIN (VI) can be restored (Oelsner, OLZ 86, 501)� No� -253A1 11: Read N[IN LUGAL], see P. Michel, NABU 2017/19. No� -247B rev� 4´: At the end of the line, read ár 4-ÀM ár[meš šá PA ���� UŠ ����] “behind the 4 rear (stars) [of Sagittarius ���� it became stationary]”, restored from BM 55560:3, see vol� VI No� 32� No. -245A:12f. is parallel to BM 35701:9f. In line 12, read SIG4ḫá ina lib-bi DIM-aʾ “bricks were made in it”� In line 13, translate DUMUmes-šú by “his children”� No� -245B:4´: Restore lúda-ta-b[ar-ra], see van der Spek, BiOr 50, 101� No� -237 rev� 9: “π Scorpii” is wrong; the “lower star of the horn of Capricorn” is β Capricorni, as shown by computation� No. -234:12: Read IZI-ŠUB GAL-ú ina KI-t[ì Ku]-mar , see George, NABU 1997/18. No� -226A:22´: Read urudulilissu, see Horowitz, NABU 1991/80� Rev� 17: Read IṬi-im-gar-te-e “Timokrates”, see Pirngruber, NABU 2014/35� No� -214:8: Translate “at 30° (= 1) bēru after sunset”, see Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations, 123f� No. -213: On the upper edge, read: ÍB-TAG4 APIN ana muḫ-ḫi gišIG GAL-tum SAR “the remainder of month VIII is written on a large wooden writing board”, see Mitsuma, NABU 2013/54� No� -198B rev� 13: Read ina KI-tì TIN-TIRki ana tar-[ṣi É] dNin-ur[ta], see George, NABU 1997/18. No� -194A:2´: Read [Á UL]Ù ki-i [TAB-ú] “when it began on the south side”, see Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations, 162� No� -190B rev� 16´: šá ana ZA mašlu “(the four stars) which are similar to (the sign) ZA”� No� -189A:6´: Restore [���� sin ���� ár GENNA 2 KÙŠ ana NI]M GUB “[the moon stood 2 cubits behind Saturn to the ea]st”, as can be seen from the duplicate BM 41530, in the Addenda section of this volume under No� -189D� No� -187A rev� 10´-11´: See J� Hackl, ZA 111 (forthcoming)� No� -186C: The old registration number is S+ 76-11-17, 1201�
Additions and corrections to vols. I–III
No. -185B rev. 1´: Read ⌈e⌉ “above” instead of SIG. No� -184B:9´: Translate “after 44° of night it became bright”, see Huber – De Meis, Babylonian Eclipse Observations, 129� No� -182A rev� 5´: Instead of DIR, read SA5-šú “its redness”� No� -181 rev� 6: Restore [A KUR-ád] “(Venus) reached Leo”� rev� 8 end: lúD[AM-šú]� rev� 7–10: Translate “rumour of Laodike, the wife of King Seleucus, came to her husband Seleucus to Seleucia, which is on the Tigris and the royal canal� Mourning and lamentation were held because of her�” No� -180A: See Mitsuma, NABU 2015/84 (new dating; obverse and reverse to be interchanged): read obv�(!) 1f�: [���� -K]AM ituŠE ⌈GE6⌉ [23 ....] [���� šá SUḪUR] ⌈MÁŠ⌉ 2½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ⌈23⌉ [Year ����,] month XII, night [of the 23rd,] [���� the moon was] 2½ cubits [above γ/δ Capri]corni, the moon being 1½ cubits back to the west. The 23rd, No. -178B upper edge 1: Read UD-DA IGI DIB. No. -175B rev. 2´: Read gar-rak-ka-nu “braziers” (R. van der Spek, personal communication). No. -171D: “Left edge” instead of “Lower edge”. No. -168: See Geller, BSOAS 54, 1ff. – A rev. 15´-20´ see Joannès, AOAT 252, 201ff. – In A rev. 15´, read ŠEŠ.GAL as urigallu “divine standard”. For the name Ammamiʾita, see Kessler, ZA 89, 82. No. -168E:5: Read kušGIL NU TUḪ “the sandal was not removed”. No. -163A:1: At the end of the line, translate: “the moon stood .... in front of Mercury to the west”. No. -163C rev. 19: Read lúmu-kin7 LUGAL ak-ka-du-ú, see J. Hackl, Materialien zu Recht, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Nordbabylonien der spätachämenidischen und hellenistischen Zeit. Urkundenlehre, Archivkunde , Texte. Achaemenid History 18 (Leiden: NINO-Peeters, in press) § 2�2�3�4� “Aufbewahrung an öffentlicher Stelle und Notariatswesen”� No� -161A:21ff�: This section was re-edited by van der Spek, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, 448f� No� -155A:14: The end of the line can be restored as 2 SI [ana ŠÚ LAL IGI] from the Goal-Year text vol. V No� 74:20� No� -149A rev� 3´-14´: Van der Spek, AfO 44/45, 168f� No� -144: 14´-15´� 35´-37´: Van der Spek, AfO 44/45, 170f� No� -141E: A large tablet joining this fragment on the left side was discovered by E� Frahm, who will publish it elsewhere� No� -140: Van der Spek, AfO 44/45, 171f� No� -140A rev� 9´: F� Assar (personal communication) proposes the reading I[Ar-šá]-ka-a LUGAL GAL-ú munnu-ú and translates it as “Arsaces, the recognized Great king”�
Additions and corrections to vols. I–III
No� -140C: The fragment BM 34410 can be joined to this tablet, see the Addenda section in this volume� Obv. 9: Instead of ⅔ KÙŠ, read 4 KÙŠ. Obv� 40: Read [la]-pan(IGI) na-áš-mu-ú “before the rumour”� Upper edge: Van der Spek, AfO 44/45, 173 n. 28 (read LUGAL KUR-[KURmeš])� No� -137A: Van der Spek, AfO 44/45, 172f� No� -137D: 8´-14´� rev� 1–3: Schuol, Charakene, 28–30� No� -134B: The fragment BM 35170 can be joined to this tablet, see the Addenda section in this volume� No� -132B rev� 18–25: Schuol, Charakene, 30f� No� -132D: Mitsuma, NABU 2005/21; NABU 2013/93� Rev� 13´-15´: See van der Spek, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, 450f� No� -126A: 6´-9´� rev� 1–3: Schuol, Charakene, 34f� No� -125A:13–21: Schuol, Charakene, 36f� No� -124A rev� 18´-24´: Van der Spek, NABU 2019/35� Rev� 19´: See Mitsuma, NABU 2007/9� Rev� 20´: Restore [kab]-ru-ú-tú, see Jursa, in: Wunsch, C� (ed�), Mining the Archives. Festschrift for ChristopherWalker, 115 n� 15� No� -124B: 2´: Read nu-up-tu4 “present”� 4´-6´�19´f� rev� 12´-20´: Schuol, Charakene, 37ff� Rev� 12´-20´: Van der Spek, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, 451ff� (with many corrections); for lúKINGI4-A, see Sciandra, CRAI 54, 24363� No� -123A: 18´-20´: Schuol, Charakene, 40� No� -118A rev� 18´-22´: Van der Spek, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, 453f� No� -107D: This is probably continued by BM 45778, see the Addenda section in this volume� No� -105A: BM 34926 is a small joining fragment (found by F� Assar), see the Addenda section in this volume� No� -95D: See Sarkisian, Archäol� Mitteilungen aus Iran 27, 237ff� No� -93A rev� 13: Read dul-lu ana muḫ-ḫi GIN-ak, and see BM 34736 in the Addenda section in this volume� rev� 22–26: Van der Spek, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, 454f� No� -88A: Joined to BM 41479 by F� Assar, see the Addenda section in this volume� No� -87C rev� 30´-32´: See van der Spek, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, 455� No� -79: See Oelsner, AoF 3, 41 n� 45�
Dated Diaries: Addenda
No. -477
No. -477 BM 47665 (= 81-11-3,370)
Xerxes year 8
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈20+x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TA 22 EN 25 14 S[I ....] [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e ⌈sin⌉ 2 KÙŠ ana [....] [.... AN? D]IB sin e (erasure) ⌈SA4⌉ šá [....] [....] i sin ana ŠÚ LAL [2]6 16 [KUR ....] [.... E]N 26 ḫi-lu ina ⌈x⌉ KAL ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... NU] PAP 28 GU4-UD ina (erasure) N[IM ....] [.... IT]U BI KI.LAM še-im 2(p) ⌈PI⌉ [....] [.... k]a-si 3(p) 2(b)? ŠE-GIŠ 4(b) ana 1 GÍN bit-[qa] [.... G]ÍN i-nu-šu dele-bat [.... G]ENNA ina TIL KUNmeš [.... MÚL GAL] šá ŠÚ NU IGI —————————— [....] IGI SIG 30 sin IGI [....] ⌈SI⌉ GIN TA 26 [.... PA].ḪÚB.DU
⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈MÚL?⌉ [....] sin SIG [....] sin SI[G ....]
´Rev.´ III broken; IV 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] (erasure) MÁŠ? ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... EG]IRmeš šá ⌈MÚL⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI ILL[U ....] 5´ [.... 2]5? GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina KUN[meš IGI ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 20 SI IL[LU? ....] 7´ [....] SI ana ŠÚ LAL sin 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [....] 1(g) GUR ana 1 GÍN bit-qa [....] 9´ [....] i-nu-šú MÚL GAL ina múlAL[LA ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ (erasure) ITU BI A BAD? [....] —————————— 11´ [....]-ri/ar?-šú ŠE 1 sin IGI ina 18 [....] 12´ [....] ṣi-⌈lip-tú? x⌉ [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
478 B.C.
No. -477 BM 47665 ´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] the 20+xth, .... [....] [....] .... from the 22nd until the 25th, [....] 14 fin[gers ....] [....] last part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits above the moon, to [....] [.... cr]ossed [the sky?;] the moon was [....] above the bright star of [Taurus? ....] [....] the moon being a little back to the west. The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 16° [....] [.... un]til the 26th, haze in .... [....] [.... I did not] watch. The 28th, Mercury’s [....] in the ea[st ....] [....] That [mon]th, the equivalent was: barley, 2 pān [....] [....] mustard, 3 pān 2? sūt; sesame, 4 sūt for 1 shekel of (silver containing) one-eighth (of alloy) [.... she]kel?. At that time, Venus was [....] Saturn was in the end of Pisces; [.... Jupiter], which had set, was not visible. —————————— [....] .... Month III, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), the moon became visible [....] the north wind blew. From the 26th [.... temple ob]late?
.... [....] .... [....] the moon was [....] below [....] the moon was [....] be[low ....]
´Rev.´ III broken; IV 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (erasure) Capricorn? .... [....] 3´ [....] rear (stars) of .... [....] 4´ [....] .... the river level [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] 5´ [.... The 2]5th?, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Pisces [....] 6´ [....] .... the river [level? ....] 1 cubit 20 fingers [....] 7´ [....] fingers back to the west, the moon being 2 cubits [....] 8´ [....] 1 kur for 1 shekel (of silver containing) one-eighth (of alloy) [....] 9´ [....] At that time, the big star (= Jupiter) was in Can[cer ....] 10´ [....] .... (erasure) That month, .... —————————— 11´ [....] .... Month XII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), the moon became visible; in 18° [....] 12´ [....] diagonal? [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
No. -477
Comments This fragment shows characteristics of early Diaries: star names do not yet have the standardized forms of the Seleucid period. River level statements are at specific dates, not in a summary at the end of the month. The same arrangement is found in the two oldest Diaries, from the 7th and 6th centuries. I 9´: GÍN bitqu is abbreviated for (silver) ša ina 1 GÍN bitqu “which contains one-eighth (of a shekel) alloy in a shekel”; it also occurs in No. -418:9 (correct my translation in vol. I). I 12´: The restoration MUL GAL is based on IV 9´. I 13´: The word before the month name here and in IV 11´ is unclear. It is tempting to think of [Ḫi-ši-a]r-šú “Xerxes” in IV 11´, but a king’s name is only mentioned in the beginning of a Diary, and later only when the king changed during the year. Also, the title “king” is missing in I 13´ and in IV 11´. IV 9´: MUL GAL “big star”, elsewhere usually a meteor, here clearly means Jupiter. This usage is also attested in SAA 8 288 r. 3: MUL GAL MUL.ŠUL-PA-È-A “The big star is Jupiter”. This report is from 679 BC. Date The date was determined by Teije de Jong based on the following considerations: Month II of the Babylonian year roughly restricts the longitude of the sun to fall between 0° and 90°. Saturn was at the end of Pisces in month II (within 15° before η Psc) and Jupiter was invisible (roughly within 15° of Sun). The lunar observations in lines I 3´-5´ are assumed to fall on days 24 to 26 of month II. This gives the following possibilities within -750 and 0: -596, -537, -477, -419, -359, -300, -182. Of these, only -477, i.e. year 8 of Xerxes, fits the other observations in the text: 1. I 3´: On 12 June -477 at 4:30 a.m. Venus was 2.4° above the moon, 3.7° to the west. 2. I 4´-5´: On 12 June -477 at 4:30 a.m. the moon was 0.3° above α Tau, 3.6° to the west. 3. I 7´: Mercury’s last appearance in the east occurred between II, 22 and III, 1 depending on the specific value of the atmospheric extinction that night. 4. IV 5´-6´: Mercury’s first appearance in the west occurred between XI, 25 and XI, 30 depending on the specific value of the atmospheric extinction that night. 5. IV 9´: in month XI of Xerxes 8, Jupiter was in Cancer.
No. -395 and No. -386
No. -395 BM 54792 (= 82-5-22, 1121)
Artaxerxes II year 9
Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá T[A ....] Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
´Rev. 1´
MU-9-KAM IÁr-šú šá a-na IÁr-tak-šat-su LUG[AL MU-šú nabû ....] sin 8 U ana ⌈NIM⌉ DIB ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 2 ina KIN-SIG DUL GE6 [....] ⌈GE6 6?⌉ ina [x] DIR? SAL ŠÚ GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin SIG [....] [x] ⌈AN ZA?⌉ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL á[r? ....] ⌈ḪI?-x⌉-ta-GAN-ra lúERÍN KUR [....] NÍG.ŠU-šú-nu a-na a-⌈šar⌉ [....] ana šu-mi LUGAL UD ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
⌈EN⌉-NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA [....]
No. -386 BM 77993 (= 85-4-30, 186)
Artaxerxes II year 18
Photo: HH
] VI VII [
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ana NI]M DIB dele-bat SIG GIŠ.[KUN UR-A ....] 3´ [....] 8 SI 24 SI ŠÁR GE6 [....] 4´ [....] ŠED7 IZI-ŠUB ina KI [....] 5´ [....] GÌR ár šá UR-A 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] 6´ [.... DIR? SA]L? AN DIB 27 17 KUR 28 AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] 7´ [.... KI.LAM še]-im ina SAG ITU 1(p) 2(b) ina TIL ITU 1(p) 2(b) 1 [qa ....] 8´ [.... G]UR 1(p) 4(b) ZÀ 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ 2(b) 3 qa [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ina SAG ITU ina TIL ALLA ina MURUB4 [ITU ....] 10´ [....] GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina GÍR-TAB GU4-UD š[á ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ....] 11´ [.... š]á É-GAL eš-šú ina BÀD.ANki ana lúERÍN [....] 12´ [.... ši-piš]-tu4 ana KUR URIki il-tap-par um-ma [....] 13´ [.... tu]p?-šik-ku ana DÙ-eš É-GAL ana ŠU šá [....] —————————— 14´ [ituDU6 .... x]+2, 30+[x] na GE6 3 sin e AN 1⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 15´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] Date Saturn was in Taurus, Mars was in Scorpius (line 10´). Between -600 and 0, only four years are possible: -414, -386, -209 and -119. Mercury was not invisible in -414. The moon was next to Mars on the 3rd of the following month (line 14´); this excludes -209. Finally, Venus is below ϑ Leonis (line 2´) only in -386.
396 B.C. and 387 B.C.
No. -395 BM 54792 Upper edge 1 Diary fro[m ....] Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
´Rev. 1´
Year 9 of Arses, whom [they call] King Artaxerxes [....] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east; last part of the night, overcast. The 2nd, in the afternoon, DUL. Night [....] Night of the 6th?, ....; thin clouds?, overcast. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] [....] were in the sky?. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below the rear? star of [....] .... the troops of [....] their possessions to a place .... [....] in the name of the king .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Diary from [....]
No. -386 BM 77993 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east. Venus was [....] below ϑ Le[onis ....] 3´ [....] 8 fingers [....] The 24th, gusty north wind. Night [....] 4´ [....] cold. A “fall of fire” [occurred] in the district of [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 1⅔ cubits [....] β Virginis [....] 6´ [....] th[in? clouds] crossed the sky. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°. The 28th, [solar] eclip[se ....] 7´ [.... the equivalent was: bar]ley, in the beginning of the month, 1 pān 2 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 pān 2 sūt 1 [qa ....] 8´ [.... k]ur 1 pān 4 sūt; cress, 2 sūt; sesame, 2 sūt 3 qa [....] 9´ [....] ....; Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in the end of Cancer, in the middle [of the month, ....] 10´ [....] Saturn was in Taurus; Mars was in Scorpius; Mercury, wh[ich had set, was not visible ....] 11´ [....] of the new palace in Der to the troops [....] 12´ [.... a letter] was sent to Babylonia as follows: [....] 13´ [.... co]rvée labor to build a palace for .... [....] —————————— 14´ [Month VII, ....] sunset to moonset: [x]+2°, 30+[x´.] Night of the 3rd, the moon was 1⅔ cubits above Mars [....] 15´ [....] .... [....]
No. -385 and No. -368
No. -385 BM 36488 (= 80-6-17, 215)
Artaxerxes II year 19
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
] XI XII [
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 10+x [....] [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin ina I[GI ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ 2 SI ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... M]ÁŠ 4 SI 30 IZI-Š[UB ....] [.... IL]LU? ŠÚ TA 28 EN TIL ITU 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈5(b)⌉ ZÚ-LUM 1(p) 5(b) 3 qa ina TIL ITU 1(p) 5(b) k[a-si ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 3(b) saḫ-le10 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ 2(b) 3 qa SÍG 1+[x ....] [.... dele]-bat ina MÁŠ GENNA ina GU4-AN AN ina RÍN GU4-UD [šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ....] —————————— [....] ⌈16,⌉40 na DIR NU PAP GE6 1 ŠÚ 1 DIR [....] [.... US]AN sin ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ G[UB ....] [.... G]E6 4 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL [....] [.... UL]Ù ŠÁR 4 šámaš TÙR [....] [.... RÍ]N? ⌈šá⌉ ULÙ ⌈x⌉ [....]
Date The planetary summary (rev. 6´) fits only a few years within -450 and 0: Artaxerxes I year 21 X; Artaxerxes II year 19 XI; SE 73 VIII; SE 131 X. The decisive observation is rev. 8´ that the moon was 1½ cubits in front of Jupiter. This only occurs in month XI of year 19 of Artaxerxes II.
No. -368 BM 37039 (= 80-6-17, 783) Photo: YM
Flake´ (at right edge) 1 [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG? AN⌉ SIG SAG UR-A 2 [.... G]E6 6 SAG GE6 sin 3 [....] ⌈8?⌉ SI ana NIM GUB sin 4 [....] ina KI ŠU-AN GÁL 9 MÚL-BABBAR 5 [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 14 6,30 GE6 6 [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG 7 [.... MAŠ-MAŠ šá] SIPA 1 KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG 8 [....] ⌈ri?⌉ a-gur-ru 9 [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ NU PAP in 9 IZI-ŠUB 10 [.... ITU] BI KI.LAM še ina SAG ITU 11 [....] ⌈x⌉ i-nu-šú dele-bat ina UR-A 12 [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 SI ba-ab 4⅔ KÙŠ LAL ——————————
Artaxerxes II year 36 V VI [
386 B.C. and 369 B.C.
No. -385 BM 36488 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [.... last part of the] night, the moon was [....] in fr[ont of ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... 2 fingers .... [....] [....] 4 fingers [.... Capri]corni. The 30th, a “fall of fi[re” ....] [....] peak [fl]ood?; from the 28th until the end of the month, 2 .... [....] [....] 5 sūt; dates, 1 pān 5 sūt 3 qa, at the end of the month, 1 pān 5 sūt; mu[stard, ....] [....] .... 3 sūt; cress, 2 sūt; sesame, 2 sūt 3 qa; wool, 1+[x minas ....] [.... Ve]nus was in Capricorn; Saturn was in Taurus; Mars was in Libra; Mercury, [which had set, was not visible ....] —————————— [....] sunset to moonset: 16° 40´; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 1st, overcast. The 1st, clouds [....] [.... first] part of the night, the moon stood 1½ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] gusty [sou]th wind. The 4th, the sun [was surrounded] by a halo, [....] [....] α Librae? .... [....]
No. -368 BM 37039 Flake´ (at right edge) 1 [....] last part of the night, Mars was [....] below ε Leonis 2 [.... Ni]ght of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 [....] it stood 8 fingers [behind Saturn] to the east, the moon being 4 [....] there was [....] in the district of Šuanna. The 9th, Jupiter’s 5 [last appearance ....] .... Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 6° 30´. 6 [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers .... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, 7 [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] γ Gem[inorum.] Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, 8 [....] .... bricks 9 [....] last appearance; I did not watch. Around the 9th, a “fall of fire” 10 [....] That [month,] the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 11 [....] .... At that time, Venus was in Leo; 12 [.... the river level] .... – 8 fingers remainder – receded 4⅔ cubits. ——————————
10 13 14 15 16
No. -362 [....] ⌈4⌉ SI ana ŠÚ LAL ina ZÁLAG AN [.... SAG] GE6 sin e GENNA 20 ⌈SI⌉ [....] IGI KUR 15 na-⌈su⌉ [....] 40? ⌈x⌉ [....]
Date This tablet was dated by F. R. Stephenson, based on the following considerations: The writing UR-A for Leo (lines 1 and 11) and the mention of ”remainder” in the river level statement point to an early date (4th century). In line 11, Venus is mentioned as first of the planets; this implies that Jupiter had set; and therefore the mention of Jupiter in line 4 will have referred to a last appearance. In the beginning of the month, Mars, visible in the second half of the night, was next to ε Leonis. In line 3, the moon was 8 fingers to the east of some planet; Saturn is in the right position. Line 9 lists another last appearance; this is probably Venus. Finally, there is a first appearance in the following month (line 15); this could be Mercury or Jupiter.
No. -362 A: BM 36774 (= 80-6-17, 511) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] 29 ⌈30? 25?⌉ 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ PISAN MAḪ DIB 3´ [....] 2(b) 3 qa ina TIL ITU ⌈x⌉ 4´ [.... i-nu]-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina KUNme 5´ [....] (blank) ----------------------------6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin 8 SI ana NIM 7´ [....] PISAN DIB ULÙ ŠÁR 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ PISAN? ´Rev.´? 1´ [.... GEN]NA ina TIL GU-LA 2´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL KUR 3´ [.... x]+1 SI LAL GE6 20 4´ [.... SI MÁ]Š? 1 KÙŠ TA 20 5´ [....] IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 20 SI 6´ [....] 24 25 ILLU 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG GU4-UD 8´ [....] ULÙ ŠÁR GE6 29 9´ [....] AN na-al-šú DUL 10´ [....] 1(b) ka-si 2(g) GUR 11´ [.... ina TI]L ITU ina KUNme 12´ [....] ⌈x MAḪ? x⌉ [....] Right edge 1 [.... MU-x]-KAM IÁr-šú šá IAr-tak-šat-su LUGAL KUR-K[UR šum-šu nabû]
Artaxerxes II year 42 ] .... [ ] XII
363 B.C. 13 14 15 16
[....] being 4 fingers back to the west; last part of the night, Mars [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 20 fingers above Saturn [....] first appearance [....;] it was bright, rising of [.... to sunrise:] 15° [....] 40? .... [....]
No. -362 A: BM 36774 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] the 29th, 30? 25? 2´ [....] ...., much PISAN DIB 3´ [....] 2 sūt 3 qa, at the end of the month, .... 4´ [.... At that] time, Jupiter was in Pisces, 5´ [....] (blank) -------------------------------6´ [....] .... the moon [having passed] 8 fingers to the east 7´ [....] PISAN DIB, gusty south wind 8´ [....] .... PISAN? ´Rev.´? 1´ [.... Sat]urn in the end of Aquarius 2´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ 3´ [Ophiuchi ....] (the river level) receded [x]+1 finger. Night of the 20th, 4´ [....] 1 cubit [.... β Capricor]ni. From the 20th 5´ [....] 20 fingers [....] γ Capricorni. 6´ [....] The 24th (and) the 25th, the river level 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below Mercury 8´ [....] gusty south wind. Night of the 29th, 9´ [....] dew DUL. 10´ [....] 1 sūt; mustard, 2 kur 11´ [.... at the e]nd of the month, in Pisces 12´ [....] .... much .... [....] Right edge 1 [Year ....] of Arses who [is called] Artaxerxes, king of all lands. Date The reign is indicated on the right edge as that of Artaxerxes II. Jupiter in Pisces (obv. 4´) and Saturn in Aquarius (rev. 1´) fit only year 42. In rev. 1´, either a first or a last appearance of Saturn must be restored; so the month is probably XII, when Saturn had its first appearance (XII 14) near the end of Aquarius.
No. -362
12 B: BM 36742 + 37478 (= 80-6-17, 475+1235) Photo: YM
Artaxerxes II year 42 IX [ ] XII
Bibliography: Hunger, H. – van der Spek, R.: An astronomical diary concerning Artaxerxes II (year 42 = 363-2 BC). Military operations in Babylonia: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2006.002.
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[MU-42-KAM IÁr-š]ú šá IÁr-tak-šat-su LUGAL KUR-KUR MU-šú na-⌈bu-ú⌉ [GAN ....] [....] GE6 2 DIR AN ZA 2 ina KIN-SIG šámaš TÙR NÍGIN GE6 3 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ni-di ṣar-pi ina IGI šámaš ù ár-ki šámaš Á KUR u [....] [....] ⌈kab⌉ DUL TIR-AN Á SI GIB GE6 7 SAG GE6 [....] [....] ana NIM DIB GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR n[u-nu ....] [....] 10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin TÙR NU KÁD NÍGIN [....] [....] GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI šur GIGIR šá ⌈ULÙ?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR NU PAP AN še-ni TUḪ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... D]UMUmeš-šú lúx [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ituAPIN a-na uruUD.KIB.N[UNki ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ eli IM ù šu-pal IM ŠUBmeš [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TI-ú DUMU LUGAL šá a-na ma-aṣ-ṣar-t[u4 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ BAD5.BAD5-šú-nu GAR-un ḫu-bu-{ḫu-}us-su-n[u iḫ-ta-bat ....] [.... lúERÍN]meš LUGAL šá a-na ṣal-tu4 ina muḫ-ḫi KUR-ú [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠUII-su-nu ik-ta-šad URU GAZ [....] —————————— [MU-42-KAM IÁr-šú šá] IÁr-tak-šat-su LUGAL KUR-KUR MU-šú [na-bu-ú] [EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá T]A GAN EN ⌈TIL ŠE ⌈šá?⌉ MU-4[2-KAM] [ŠUII IG]I-dEN DUMU šá IMU-dEN DUMU I lúMu-še-zi-[bi ....]
Comments For the names in rev. 11´, see J. Oelsner, Cagni Memorial Volume pp. 805 and 810.
363 B.C.
B: BM 36742+37478 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[Year 42 of Ars]es, who is called Artaxerxes, king of all lands. [Month IX, ....] [....] Night of the 2nd, clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 3rd, [....] [....] .... a reddish cloud in front of the sun and behind the sun, on the east and [....] side [....] [....] thick [rain] DUL; a rainbow stretched on the north side. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, [....] [....] having passed [....] to the east. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below η Pisci[um ....] [....] The 10th, very overcast. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed [....] [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ζ Tauri [....] [....] .... clouds, I did not watch; rain so that the sandal was removed [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] his sons, the .... [....] [....] .... in month VIII to Sippar [....] [....] .... lay above the wind and below the wind [....] [....] .... they took; the son of the king, who for guarding [....] [....] .... their defeat he accomplished, he plundered them [....] [.... the troops] of the king, who for fighting on a mountain [....] [....] .... their hands he caught, he destroyed the city [....] —————————— [Year 42 of Arses, who is called] Artaxerxes, king of all lands. [Diary fr]om month IX until the end of month XII of year 4[2.] [Hand of Muš]allim-Bel, son of Iddin-Bel, descendant of Mušezi[b ....]
No. -351 and No. -312
No. -351 BM 47871 (= 81-11-3, 578)
Artaxerxes III year 8
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
] VIII [
⌈APIN? 1?⌉ 20 ⌈na? KUR?⌉ [....] GE6 3 sin ár ⌈dele-bat?⌉ 1½ KÙŠ ana NI[M GUB ....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 2? ⌈KÙŠ ana⌉ [ŠÚ GUB ....] GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 4 K[ÙŠ ....] USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 SI TE ⌈x⌉ [....] [GE6 1]4? sin SIG MÚL IGI šá š[e-pí]t MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [....] [14 x,]30 ŠÚ DIR muš šámaš ina DIR GE6 ŠÚ G[E6 15? ....] [GE6 1]6 ŠÚ 16 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN DUL GE6 17 SAG [GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Left edge´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6] ⌈8?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SAG A 1 [KÙŠ ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x 14?⌉ SI ana ŠÚ GUB AN MAḪ? ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... s]in ár ⌈DELE⌉ šá IGI ⌈ABSIN 1⌉ [KÙŠ ....] Date The date was calculated by Teije de Jong, based on the very rare occurrence of Venus being close to γ Capricorni. The other observations agree with the date except for line 2´, where the moon is not before Venus but rather above it. The error may have occurred because both bodies are close to the horizon, with Venus setting before the moon, which could give the impression that the moon was already behind Venus.
No. -312 BM 45987 (= 81-7-6, 430)
Alexander IV year 4
Photo: JCF, YM
] IX X [] XI XII
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 ⌈x ina ZÁLAG⌉ sin á[r ....] 3´ ⌈x x⌉ SA4 šá AB[SIN ....] 4´ [x x] AN PISAN DIB G[E6? ....] 5´ [x] AN-BAR7 IM-DUGUD [....] 6´ ⌈UTAḪ? i⌉ TA 20+[x] EN 26 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ IZI-ŠUB i ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [K]Á-GAL dURAŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ 4(b)? 2 qa ina TIL ITU ⌈x x⌉ ZÚ-LUM 1(p) [....] 9´ dele-bat ina MÁŠ ina TIL ITU ina ⌈GU⌉ GENNA ina ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 10´ AB 1 20,30 na ina ⌈šámaš GUB⌉ [IGI ....] 11´ DUGUD MAḪ G[E6? ....] 12´ ana NIM D[IB? ....]
352 B.C. and 313 B.C.
No. -351 BM 47871 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
⌈Month VIII?, the 1st? (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 20°; it was bright?, [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon [stood] 1½ cubits behind Venus? to the ea[st ....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon [stood] 2? cubits in front of Jupiter to [the west ....] Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below η Piscium [....] first part of the night, Venus was 1 finger below γ Capricorni, it came close .... [....] [Night of the 1]4th?, the moon was 1½ cubits below η Geminorum, the moon being [....] [The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 30´, measured (despite) clouds; the sun set in a black cloud. Ni[ght of the 15th?, ....] [Night of the 1]6th, overcast. The 16th, very overcast, rain DUL. Night of the 17th, beginning [of the night, ....] [....] .... [....]
´Left edge´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 8th?, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 [cubit] in front of ε Leonis [....] 3´ [....] it stood 14? fingers [....] to the west; much? rain, .... [....] 4´ [.... the m]oon was 1 [cubit] behind γ Virginis [....]
No. -312 BM 45987 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ Night of the xth, last part of the night, the moon was [....] beh[ind ....] 3´ .... α Virgin[is ....] 4´ [....] rain PISAN DIB. Ni[ght? ....] 5´ [....] at noon, fog [....] 6´ a little shower. From the 20+[xth] until the 26th, .... [....] 7´ a small fire in front of .... of the Uraš Gate .... [....] 8´ 4 sūt? 2 qa, at the end of the month, ....; dates, 1 pān [....] 9´ Venus was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius; Saturn was in .... [....] —————————— 10´ Month X, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 20° 30´; [it could be seen] while the sun stood there [....] 11´ much fog?. Ni[ght? ....] 12´ hav[ing passed ....] to the east [....]
No. -299
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [ina ZÁL]AG sin e MÚL IGI ⌈šá⌉ [SUḪ]UR M[ÁŠ ....] 3´ DIR AN ZA 27 24 KUR 28 IZ[I? ....] 4´ (on edge) me-ḫe-e ULÙ KALAG GIN TA 26 EN TIL ITU ILLU 2½ KÙŠ KÁ-[tú ....] 5´ ŠE-GIŠ 2(b) 2 qa SÍG 2 ma i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR u A[N ....] —————————— 6´ [ŠE] ⌈1⌉ 25,10 na DIR KALAG-ma sin IGI GE6 1 US[AN ....] 7´ [x MÚ]L IGI šá SAG LU 2⅔ KÙŠ MÚL GAL šá meš-ḫi TUK-⌈ú⌉ [....] 8´ ⌈ár⌉ MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ 8 SI 3 DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] 9´ DIR AN ZA 5 DIR AN ZA IM ŠÁR GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ár A[N? ....] 10´ ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ DIR AN DIB 7 DIR AN ZA GE6 8 SA[G GE6 ....] 11´ 9 ŠÚ IM ŠÁR GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ sin [....] 12´ 2 KÙŠ 4 SI 11 ina KIN-SIG šámaš TÙR NÍGIN GE6 12 U[SAN ....] 13´ ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN ŠÚ 13 5 ŠÚ DIR muš ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 14´ DIR NU PAP USAN UTAḪ i GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin e [....] 15´ [.... GE6] ⌈18?⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil-taḫ [PA ....] 16´ [....] ⌈x⌉ Á SI ŠUB-di DIR AN DIB [....] 17´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN Z[A ....] Left edge 1 EN-NUN [šá g]i-né-e šá TA ituKIN-⌈2⌉-K[AM ....] Date This Diary was dated to year 4 of Alexander IV by Teije de Jong based on the following information: 1) There was a month VI2 (left edge). 2) During month IX, Venus was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, in Aquarius (obv. 9´). 3) During month XI, Jupiter and another planet, probably Mars, were in the same sign of the zodiac (rev. 5´). 4) River level statements using the word "remainder" are not attested after ca. -250. Between -600 and -200, there are two years fulfilling the first three criteria: Nebukadnezar 41 and Alexander IV 4. Most of the lunar observations (e.g. obv. 10´, rev 2´, 3´, 9´, 15´) confirm the second date, especially the setting of the moon shortly before γ Virginis (rev. 13´). Two observations are problematic. In rev. 6´-8´, β Arietis and η Piscium were both invisible at the beginning of month XII. However, this could be explained as erroneous copying of entries for month XI, when Venus was near η Piscium and β Arietis, and the moon passed these stars on the 3rd. Another error has to be assumed in rev.11´: the moon was already far behind α Leonis on the 10th. An emendation of the star to ρ Leonis, and of the date to the 9th seems to be indicated.
No. -299 BM 36440 + 36787 + 36964 (= 80-6-17, 167+525+707) Photo: YM
SE 12 ] VIII IX [
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈PI⌉ kàs [....] 2´ [.... dele-bat ina MÁ]Š GENNA u AN ina ḪUN ⌈GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú⌉ [NU IGI ....] —————————— 3´ [.... SI]G SI MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ ⅔? ŠUII meš ḪAB-rat ana [....] 4´ [.... MÚL IGI šá S]UḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 4 DIR AN ZA ⌈4⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈SAG GE6 sin⌉ SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 2 KÙŠ sin 8 U ana ŠÚ e GENNA 3 KÙŠ GE6 10? [....]
300 B.C.
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [last part of the] night, the moon was [....] above γ Cap[ricorni ....] 3´ clouds were in the sky. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 24°. The 28th, fi[re? ....] 4´ a strong south storm blew. From the 26th until the end of the month, the river level – remainder 2½ cubits – [....] 5´ sesame, 2 sūt 2 qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter and M[ars ....] —————————— 6´ [Month XII,] the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 25° 10´; dense clouds, but I did see the moon. Night of the 1st, first [part of the night, ....] 7´ 2⅔ cubits [....] β Arietis, a meteor which had a train [....] 8´ 2 cubits 8 fingers behind η Piscium. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] 9´ clouds were in the sky. The 5th, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind M[ars ....] 10´ 1 cubit behind β Geminorum; clouds crossed the sky. The 7th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 11´ The 9th, overcast, gusty wind. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of α Leonis, the moon being [....] 12´ 2 cubits 4 fingers [....] The 11th, in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 12th, first [part of the night, ....] 13´ set in front of γ Virginis. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5°, measured (despite) clouds; very overcast, .... [....] 14´ clouds, I did not watch; first part of the night, a little shower. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 15´ [.... Night] of the 18th?, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 16´ [....] it thundered on the north side; clouds crossed the sky [....] 17´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky [....] Left edge 1 Diary from month VI2 [....]
No. -299 BM 36440+36787+36964 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] pān; mustard, [....] 2´ [.... Venus was in Caprico]rn; Saturn and Mars were in Aries; Mercury, which had set, [was not visible ....] —————————— 3´ [....] ⅔ cubit below β Capricorni; ⅔ parts of the disk to [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit 8 fingers [.... γ] Capricorni. Night of the 4th, clouds were in the sky. The 4th, [....] 5´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below β Arietis, the moon being 8 fingers to the west, 3 cubits above Saturn. Night of the 10+[xth, ....]
18 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
No. -284 [....] sin e is ⌈le10⌉ 4 KÙŠ USAN AN ana ŠÚ ina LAL-šú SIG ⌈MÚL?⌉ [....] [....] 13 12 ŠÚ DIR NU [P]AP DIR AN DIB GE6 14 SAG GE6 sin ⌈ár?⌉ [....] [....] 14 3 na DIR NU ⌈PAP⌉ IM.DUGUD GE6 15 30 NINDA ME ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] i dele-bat ana NIM DIB GE6 [1]7 DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ ina ZÁLAG [....] [.... AN] UTAḪ 19 DIR AN DIB [AN] UTAḪ GE6 20 ŠÚ AN UT[AḪ ....] [.... AN še]-ni NU TUḪ GE6 21 ⌈ŠÚ?⌉-ŠÚ AN še-ni TUḪ ina ZÁLAG [....] [.... sin] ⌈ár?⌉ RÍN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 24 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG [....] [.... AN U]TAḪ TIR-AN ina SI u KUR GIB GE6 25 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ 27 10,40 KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ZÚ-L]UM 1(p) 4(b) kàs 1(g) GUR saḫ-le10 2(b) 3 qa [....] [.... dele-bat ina] ⌈GU?⌉ GU4-UD ina PA G[ENNA u] AN ina ḪUN [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [x x] RI? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Date This tablet was dated by F. R. Stephenson by the following criteria: Saturn and Mars were in Aries in both months recorded. Mercury reappeared in the second month in Sagittarius, having been invisible in the earlier month. The occultation mentioned in line 3´next to β Capricorni turns out to be of Venus. The lunar intervals in lines 7`f. and 14´ agree well with the calculation.
No. -284 BM 46260 (= 81-7-6, 725)
SE 27
Photo: HH Join to BM 45927 = No. -284; obv. 1´ of BM 46260 has the beginnings of obv. 16´ff. of BM 45927. So far, nothing was preserved of the left edge; it refers to the end of month XII.
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
⌈x⌉ [i-nu]-šú 9 MÚL-BABBAR .... ⌈x x⌉ [....] (blank) —————————— ⌈APIN 30?⌉ 13,10+[x DI]R .... [x?] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB .... ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN ZA .... [x] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB .... [x MÚL] ⌈KUR šá⌉ DUR .... (rest broken on 46260)
Left edge 1 [.... A]N-KU10 šámaš ki PAP NU IGI ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2 [.... Z]Ú? 3(p) 4(b) 3 qa ina TIL ITU ⌈3(p)⌉ [....] 3 [.... dele-bat ina] GU ina TIL ITU ⌈ina zibme x⌉ [....] 4 [....]⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
285 B.C. 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
[....] the moon was 4 cubits above α Tauri; first part of the night, Mars, while moving back to the west, was [....] below [α Arietis? ....] [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 12°; clouds, I did not watch; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind? [....] [....] The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3°; clouds, I did not watch, fog. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 30´ .... [....] [....] Venus having passed a little to the east. Night of the 17th, clouds crossed the sky, rain shower; last part of the night, [....] [.... rain] shower. The 19th, clouds crossed the sky, [rain] shower. Night of the 20th, overcast, rain sho[wer ....] [.... rain, but the san]dal was not removed. Night of the 21st, very overcast, rain so that the sandal was removed; last part of the night, [....] [.... the moon] was 1 cubit behind? α Librae. Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, [....] [.... rain] shower, a rainbow stretched in the north and east. Night of the 25th, .... [....] [....] Night of the 27th, very overcast, rain shower. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 40´ .... [....] [.... da]tes, 1 pān 4 sūt; mustard, 1 kur; cress, 2 sūt 3 qa [....] [.... Venus was in] Aquarius?; Mercury was in Sagittarius; Sat[urn and] Mars were in Aries [....] [....] ...., I did not watch .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
No. -284 BM 46260 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
.... At that time, the 9th, Jupiter .... .... [....] (blank) —————————— Month VIII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), (sunset to moonset:) 13° 10+[x´; cl]ouds, .... [....] .... clouds crossed the sky, .... .... clouds were in the sky, .... [....] .... clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] η Piscium ....
Left edge 1 [....] solar eclipse; when I watched, I did not see it, .... [....] 2 [.... da]tes?, 3 pān 4 sūt 3 qa, at the end of the month, 3 pān [....] 3 [.... Venus was in] Aquarius, at the end of the month, in Pisces; .... [....] 4 [....] .... [....].... [....] Comments L. e. 1: Solar eclipse of -283 Apr. 2.
No. -278 and No. -276
No. -278 B: BM 34887 (= Sp II 395) Joined to BM 35400+45866, edited in vol. I as No. -278B Copy: LBAT 616 Photo (of joined tablet): YM
´Rev.´ (to be inserted before the beginning of the rev. of No. -278B as it was edited in vol. I)
[....] ⌈x x⌉ G[E6? ....] 2´ [....] ina IGI LUGAL 1½ [KÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... GE6] 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GÌR [ár šá A ....] 4´ [....] GE6 22 DIR AN DIB [....] 5´ = 1´ [....] ⌈AN DUL⌉-ḫa GE6 24 DIR ⌈AN DIB AN?⌉ [....] 6´ = 2´ [....] ⌈28 15 KUR 29 dele-bat ina ŠÚ⌉ [ina GU ŠÚ ....] 1´
No. -276 B: BM 34752 (= Sp II 243) Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 5f.
SE 35 ] V VI [VII] VIII [
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... dele-bat? ina Š]Ú ina ABSIN ŠÚ NU PAP G[E6? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....],10 ME 14 4 na ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] G[E6? 19? ina ZÁLAG sin x x] is le10 1½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 1? ma a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR é[p-šú ....] —————————— [....] ⌈GE6? 9⌉ [SAG GE6 sin x] SI MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 10 SAG [GE6 ....] [.... GE6 13 x],20 ME muš ina Z[ÁLAG? sin S]IG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ [....] [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IG[I ....] [....] še-im 3(p) 4(b) ZÚ ina kar-ri TAR-is kàs 1(g) 1(p) [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ ana KUR nu-kúr-tu4 ana UGU ERÍNmeš [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x MURUB4?⌉ NIM-GÍR [....] [....US]AN? ⌈x⌉ [A]N DUL-ḫa GE6 10 SAG GE6 [....] [....] sin ár is le10 2½ KÙŠ GE6 13 12,20 ME DI[R ....] [....]-UD 1½ KÙŠ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e RÍN šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ na? [....] [.... GE6] 21 DIR AN ZA 21 DIR AN ZA AN DUL-ḫa GE6 22 ina ZÁ[LAG ....]
279 B.C. and 277 B.C.
No. -278 B: BM 34887 ´Rev.´
[....] .... Ni[ght? ....] 2´ [....] 1½ [cubits] in front of α Leonis [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β [Virginis ....] 4´ [....] Night of the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky [....] 5´ = 1´ [....] rain DUL. Night of the 24th, clouds crossed the sky, rain? [....] 6´ = 2´ [....] The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°. The 29th, Venus’ [last appearance] in the west [in Aquarius ....] 1´
No. -276 B: BM 34752 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... Venus’?] last appearance in the west in Virgo; I did not watch. Ni[ght? ....] [....] .... [....] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° .... [....] [....] Ni[ght? of the 19th?, last part of the night, the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] α Tauri. Night [....] [....] .... [....] 1? mina for 1 shekel of wr[ought] silver [....] —————————— [....] Night? of the 9th, [beginning of the night, the moon was] 1 cubit [....] β Capricorni. Night of the 10th, beginning [of the night ....] [.... Night of the 13th,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 20´, measured; last [part of the night, the moon was] 2½ cubits below β Arietis [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit behind μ Geminorum. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] barley, 3 pān 4 sūt; (sale of) dates was interrupted in the trading place; mustard, 1 kur 1 pān [....] [....] .... [....] .... to the enemy land against the troops [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
[.... in] the middle watch, lightning [....] [.... first] part of the night, .... rain DUL. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night [....] [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Tauri. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 20´; clou[ds ....] [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [.... Merc]ury/Jupi]ter. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Venus was ½ cubit above α Librae .... [....] [.... Night] of the 21st, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky, rain DUL. Night of the 22nd, last part [of the night, ....]
No. -266
22 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... RÍN šá UL]Ù 1 KÙŠ ina IGI dele-bat 1½ KÙŠ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL MU[RUB4 ....] [....] kàs 1(g) 5(b) saḫ 1(p) 3(b) ŠE-GIŠ 1(p) ⌈x⌉ SÍG 1½ ma a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-[BABBAR ....] [.... fAs-ta-r]at-ni-ku GAŠAN a-na Eki te-te-ri-bi U4-9-KAM NID[BA ....] [....] ⌈É?⌉meš DINGIRmeš ma-du-tu4 tal-ta-kan GU4meš ù [....] [....] ḫi-du-tu4 ina Eki tal-ta-kan Eki [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
Date According to F. R. Stephenson, the date of the reverse of this tablet is very likely SE 35, month VIII. This is based mainly on the conjunction of Venus with α Librae on the 17th of this month (rev. 4´). The other observations on the reverse agree with this dating except for rev. 3´, where the moon is expected to be before α Tauri on the day before the ME phenomenon (moonrise to sunset). The obverse would then contain remnants of months V and VI. The following observations agree with this dating: There was a last appearance of Venus in the west in the first half of month V. The moon was next to β Capricorni on the 9th of month VI. On the 13th, the moon was about 6° below β Arietis. Therefore the obverse confirms the dating of the reverse. Restorations are based on this dating.
No. -266 C: BM 35660 (= Sp III 174)
SE 45
Copy: LBAT 776
Photo: YM, CDLI P364898
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[MU-4]5-KAM IAn-ti-ʾu-uk-su [....] [1?] ina KIN-SIG DIR AN DIB ⌈GE6 2?⌉ [.... GU4-UD] [ina N]IM ina ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 7 [....] [AN] DUL 12 DIR AN DIB ⌈ina⌉ [....] [si]n BAR DIB in 1,17 ME N[IM-a ....] [GE6 1]8 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI [šá se-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ....] [GE6? x]+⌈1 ina ZÁLAG sin⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] DIR [....] 12 KUR DI[R ....] ina TIL ITU 2(p) ⌈x⌉ [....] [MÚ]L-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚ[L ....] ——————————
Date Of the year number, 5 is preserved. The decision for 45 can be made based on an omitted lunar eclipse (obv. 5), a last appearance (of Mercury) in Virgo, and on Jupiter being in Taurus (rev. 5´).
267 B.C. 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... the moon was] 1 cubit [.... α Libr]ae, 1½ cubits in front of Venus. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of δ [Scorpii ....] [....] mustard, 1 kur 5 sūt; cress, 1 pān 3 sūt; sesame, 1 pān ....; wool, 1½ minas for 1 shekel of sil[ver ....] [....] Queen [Stra]tonike entered Babylon. Day 9, off[erings ....] [....] she placed .... many temples? of the gods. Bulls and [sheep?....] [....] joy she established in Babylon. Babylon [....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
No. -266 C: BM 35660 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[Year 4]5, [King] Antiochus [....] [The 1st?,] in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 2nd?, [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the ea]st in Virgo. Night of the 7th, [....] [rain] DUL. The 12th, clouds crossed the sky; in [....] [lun]ar [eclipse,] extraneous, omitted; at 77° after sun[rise ....] [Night of the 1]8th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η [Geminorum ....] [Night of the x]+1st, last part of the night, the moon was [....]
.... [....] clouds [....] moonrise to sunrise: 12°; clou[ds, ....] at the end of the month, 2 pān .... [....] [Ju]piter was in Taurus [....] ——————————
No. -261 and No. -253
No. -261 BM 32352 (= 76-11-17, 2084)
SE 50
Photo: JCF, YM Join to No. -261C rev. (BM 41615+), verified by Jeanette Fincke 18th Sept 2014. Line 3´ of BM 32352 continues line 1´ of BM 41615 rev. In the transliteration, a few signs from BM 41615 are supplied in the beginnings of lines to facilitate understanding.
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIB DIR AN ⌈ZA⌉ [....] 3´ .... GU4-UD S[IG] ⌈MÚL-MÚL ½⌉ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ ⌈15?⌉ [x x] 4´ .... sin ina IGI SI4 ⌈x⌉ [x x] ana ŠÀ-šú kun-nu in EN 17 GENNA ana ŠÚ ki UŠ-a 5´ .... sin ár šil P[A x]+1 KÙŠ 18 DIR AN ZA ina KIN-SIG SI ŠÁR GE6 20 USAN dele-bat 6´ .... KI ŠÚ šámaš me-ḫu-ú SI u MAR KALAG GIN AN kab-bar DUL [....] 7´ .... e is le10 4 KÙŠ GE6 24 24 DIR AN ZA GE6 25 ŠÚ 25 DIR A[N ZA] 8´ .... dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ ITU BI KI.LAM še-im [....] 9´ .... 3½ ma-na a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat [....] 10´ .... TA 1 EN 15 ½ ⌈KÙŠ LAL 31 na TA 15 EN⌉ [....]
No. -253 C: BM 31731 (= 76-11-17, 1458)
SE 58
Photo: JCF, YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5
MU-⌈58⌉-KAM ituKIN GE6 5 ZI IR SAG GE6 sin e SI4 5 KÙŠ sin ⌈⅔?⌉ KÙŠ ⌈ana ŠÚ? LAL?⌉ ULÙ GIN 5 [ZI?] IR? ULÙ ⌈GIN⌉ GE6 6 ⌈SAG GE6⌉ sin ⌈ár KIR4? šil⌉ PA 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM ZI IR GE6 7 7 ULÙ GIN GE6 8 8 SI GIN GE6 10 SAG GE6 ⌈sin⌉ [....] SI MÁŠ 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [sin] ⌈x x⌉ ⌈ana ULÙ⌉ SIG GE6 12 ⌈SAG GE6 sin⌉ [x x] ⌈šá⌉ SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ [sin x x] ana ŠÚ LAL 12? SI GIN (blank space)
6 7
ILLU TA 1 EN 8 5? SI LAL PAP 32 na
262 B.C. and 254 B.C.
No. -261 BM 32352 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ....crossed ....; clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ .... Mercury was ½ cubit below η Tauri; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Librae. The 15th?, [....] 4´ .... the moon was .... in front of α Scorpii, it was set towards its inside. Around until the 17th, Saturn, when becoming stationary to the west, 5´ .... the moon was [x]+1 cubit behind ϑ Ophiuchi. The 18th, clouds were in the sky; in the afternoon, gusty north wind. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Venus 6´ .... with sunset, a strong north and west storm blew, thick rain DUL [....] 7´ .... 4 cubits above α Tauri. Night of the 24th (and) the 24th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, overcast. The 25th, clouds [were] in the sky. 8´ .... Venus was 1 cubit above η Geminorum. That month, the equivalent was: barley, [....] 9´ .... 3½ minas for 1 shekel of wrought silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Libra; Venus [....] 10´ .... from the 1st until the 15th, (the river level) receded ½ cubit, 31 was the na (gauge); from the 15th until [....]
No. -253 C: BM 31731 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Year 58, month VI. Night of the 5th, ZI IR; beginning of the night, the moon was 5 cubits above α Scorpii, the moon being ⅔? cubit back? to the west?; the south wind blew. The 5th, [ZI?] IR?, the south wind blew. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being 2½ cubits high to the north; ZI IR. Night of the 7th (and) the 7th, the south wind blew. Night of the 8th (and) the 8th, the north wind blew.
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5
Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits [....] β Capricorni, [the moon being] .... low to the south. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit [.... γ/δ] Capricorni, [the moon being ....] back to the west. The 12th?, the north wind blew. (blank space)
6 7
The river level, from the 1st until the 8th, receded 5? fingers; total: 32 was the na (gauge).
No. -253
26 D: BM 45649 (= 81-7-6, 43)
SE 58
Copy: LBAT 526
[ ] IX [ ] XI XII
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
[....] ⌈x⌉ ana ŠÚ GUB ⌈sin⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 SI GI[N ....] [.... GENNA ina GÍR]-TAB IGI KUR 14 na-su GE6 [....] [.... GE6 8] SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá DU[R nu-nu ....] [.... MÚL]-MÚL 1⅔ KÙŠ DIR AN DIB [....] [.... GE6 12 SAG GE6] sin ina IGI šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1+[x ....] [....] ⌈AN⌉ e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1+[x ....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá ⌈ALLA⌉ [....] [....] sin SIG GIŠ.KUN A 3½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... sin S]IG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] 2⅔ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG AN [....] [.... G]IN GE6 27? [....] [....] KI.LAM še-[im ....] [....] 15 dele-bat [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SAG GE6 s[in ....] [.... 9 GU4-UD ina NI]M ina TIL MÁŠ ŠÚ GE6 10 [....] [.... SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI LUGAL 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... GE6 15 x x D]IR NU PAP ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI G[ÌR ár šá A ....] [....] ⌈ana? NIM?⌉ DIB GE6 20 DIR AN DIB GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ AN DUL-ḫat 24 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ZÚ 1(p) 4(b) ina TIL ITU 1(p) 4(b) 3 qa kàs [....] [....] ⌈in⌉ 9 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MÁŠ ŠÚ GENNA ina GÍ[R-TAB ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [ŠE .... x]+1½ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL KUR šá DUR] nu-nu 2 KÙŠ 3 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN na GE6? 4 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... AN U]TAḪ GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL I[GI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ....] [.... sin] ár MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] [.... dele-bat SIG] MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ GE6 11 S[AG GE6 ....] [....] ⌈AN⌉ SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ 11 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 14 SAG GE6 s[in ....] [.... 1]4 2,40 ŠÚ GE6 15 10,20 ME SAG G[E6 ....] [.... GE6 1]⌈6⌉ 4,50 GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár⌉ [....] [....] SIG ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin⌉ [....]
Date In a month which was not the last one of a year, Saturn was in Scorpius. On the 9th of this month, Mercury disappeared in the east (rev. 9´). On the 11th of the following month, Mars was below β Capricorni (rev. 16´). These conditions are only met in SE 58 XI and XII. From obv. 7´ (Mars above β Scorpii) it appears that this side concerns month IX. A phenomenon of Venus on the 15th (obv. 14´) can then be identified as a first appearance in the west. Obv. 3 contains a first appearance of Saturn which is calculated for the end of month VIII.
254 B.C.
D: BM 45649 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[.... the moon] stood .... to the west, the moon being [....] [....] .... The 4th, the north wind bl[ew ....] [.... Saturn’s] first appearance [in Scor]pius; it was bright, rising of Saturn to sunrise: 14°. Night [....] [.... Night of the 8th,] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind η Pis[cium ....] [....] 1⅔ cubits [....] η Tauri; clouds crossed the sky [....] [.... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night,] the moon was 1+[x mm] in front of ζ Tauri [....] [....] Mars was 1+[x mm] above β Scorpii [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [γ/δ] Cancri [....] [....] the moon was 3½ [cubits] below ϑ Leonis [....] [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits below γ Virginis [....] [....] 2⅔ cubits [....;] last part of the night, Mars [....] [.... bl]ew. Night of the 27th?, [....] [....] the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] [....] the 15th, Venus’ [first appearance in the west ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
[....] .... [....] [....] beginning of the night, the m[oon ....] [.... The 9th, Mercury’s] last appearance [in the ea]st in the end of Capricorn. Night of the 10th, [....] [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of α Leonis [....] [.... Night of the 15th, ....; cl]ouds, I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β [Virginis ....] [....] having passed [....] to the east?. Night of the 20th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] overcast, rain DUL. The 24th, clouds crossed the sky .... [....] [....] ....; dates, 1 pān 4 sūt, at the end of the month 1 pān 4 sūt 3 qa; mustard, [....] [....] around the 9th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Capricorn; Saturn was in Scor[pius ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [Month XII, .... the moon was x]+1½ cubits [....,] the moon having passed ⅔ cubit to the east. The 2nd, .... [....] [....] 2 cubits [.... η Pis]cium. The 3rd, very overcast, dew?. Night? of the 4th, .... [....] [.... rain sh]ower. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Ge[minorum ....] [.... the moon was] 1⅔ cubits behind γ Geminorum. Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [.... Venus was] 5 cubits [below] α Arietis. Night of the 11th, be[ginning of the night, ....] [....] Mars was 2½ cubits below β Capricorni. The 11th, very overcast [....] [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the m[oon was ....] [.... The 1]4th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 40´. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 20´; beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [.... Night of the 1]6th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 50´; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] low [....;] last part of the night, the moon was [....]
No. -253 and No. -248
28 E: BM 34226 (= Sp 332)
SE 58
Copy: LBAT 522
] IX X [
Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 2⅔ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈e?⌉ GU4-UD ½ KÙŠ 27 ⌈17⌉ [KUR ....] [....] KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] —————————— [ituAB .... GE6] ⌈5⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá D[UR nu-nu ....] [....] ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ár šur GIGIR šá [ULÙ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár⌉ [....] [.... si]n SIG SAG A 4½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... GE6 1]7 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GIŠ.KUN A ⅔ KÙŠ [....] [.... GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina I]GI SA4 šá ABSIN 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 2[4 ....] [.... ina ZÁLAG sin ár GEN]NA 1½ KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil P[A ....]
Comments Obv. 2´: This line is duplicated by BM 45649:11´, equally broken. Calendar SE 58
VI 0 VII 0 = VI 30 VIII 0 = VII 29 X0 XII 0 XII2 0 = XII 30
-253 Aug 26/27 Sep 25/26 Oct 24/25 Dec 22/23 -252 Feb 19/20 Mar 20/21
No. -248 B: BM 41568 + 42072 + 42088 (81-6-25, 182+696+710) Copies: LBAT 876, 962 Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x DIR AN ZA AN DUL-ḫa⌉ [.... i-nu]-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina MÁŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x ILLU?] u ŠÈGmeš KUD-uʾ —————————— [AB .... DUR n]u-nu ⅔ KÙŠ ⌈5 KAK-BAN⌉ ana ME a GE6 7 SAG GE6 [.... SAG G]E6 sin e is le10 2⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 SI ár AN i ana lìb-bi-šú LÁL sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár [.... mu]š GE6 14 1,20 GE6 muš ina ZÁLAG sin e LUGAL 2 KÙŠ
SE 63 ] IX X [ ] ?
254 B.C. and 249 B.C.
E: BM 34226 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] .... [....] [....] 2⅔ cubits; last part of the night, Mars [....] [....] ½ cubit above? Mercury. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 17° [....] [....] of wrought silver. At that time, Jupiter was in [....] —————————— [Month X, .... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Pisci[um ....] [.....] last part of the night, Mars was .... above ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [ζ] Tauri [....] [....] .... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Geminorum [....] [.... the m]oon was 4½ cubits below ε Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [.... Night of the 1]7th, last part of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of ϑ Leonis [....] [.... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was] 1⅔ cubits [in] front of α Virginis. Night of the 2[4th, ....] [.... last part of the night, the moon was] 1½ cubits [behind Sat]urn, [....] in front of ϑ Ophiuchi [....]
Date From the positions of the moon, the part of the year is months VIII-X. Between the 6th and the 10th, Mars was above ϑ Ophiuchi. On the 24th, Saturn was near ϑ Ophiuchi. Towards the end of the preceding month, some planet or the moon was near Mercury. These conditions are only met in SE 58.
No. -248 B: BM 41568 + 42072 + 42088 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... clouds were in the sky, rain DUL [.... At that] time, Jupiter was in Scorpius; Venus was in Capricorn; [....] .... [.... flood] and rains were cut off. —————————— [Month X, ....] ⅔ cubit [.... η] Piscium. The 5th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 2⅔ cubits above α Tauri, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. [....] 2 fingers [....] behind Mars, a little was missing? toward its inside; the moon was [....] below β Geminorum [.... meas]ured. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 20´, measured; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above α Leonis
No. -234
30 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GÌR ár šá A 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ [....] 4 SI sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL e SI4 1½ KÙŠ sin ⅔ K[ÙŠ]
Lower edge 1 [n]a-ṣar ⌈šá⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... KI.L]AM še-im [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ [....] (blank) —————————— [....] DUR nu-nu
Comments Obv. 6´: I do not know how to read LÁL here. Mars was “a little” to the west from the “inside” of the moon, after an occultation. 10´: The missing planet is to be restored as Jupiter so that the planet is ½ cubit to the east of the moon; however, 4 fingers is not enough for the difference in latitude, so an amount in cubits (1 or 2) has to be restored. The moon is simultaneously above α Scorpii, although ⅔ cubit before it.
No. -234 C: BM 35279 ( = Sp II 848)
SE 77
Copy: LBAT 703
] IX X [
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... dele-b]at ina NIM ina GÍR?-[TAB ŠÚ ....] 2´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ GE6 25 [....] 3´ [.... sin] ⌈e⌉ AN 1⅔ KÙŠ si[n? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI KI.LAM še-[im ....] 5´ [.... MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁ]Š ŠÚ in 22 dele-bat ina [....] —————————— 6´ [ituAB ....] ⌈5⌉,50 DIR NU PAP 5 šámaš GUB [....] 7´ [.... MÚL x] šá SAG ḪUN 1?½ KÙŠ 7 [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NIGIN USAN GIŠ? DA? [....] 9´ [....] ⌈4?⌉ KÙŠ 4 U sin ⌈8?⌉ [U ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Comments 6´: The number 5,50 is quite clear, but it is too small for the interval “sunset to moonset”; maybe [1]5,50 is to be restored.
235 B.C. 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] 2 cubits .... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1⅔ cubits behind β Virginis [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of α Librae [.... the moon was] 4 fingers [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west, 1½ cubits above α Scorpii, the moon being ⅔ cu[bit]
Lower edge 1 Diary? .... [....] ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... the equi]valent was: barley, [....] .... [....] .... Gemini [....] (blank) —————————— [.... η] Piscium
Date This tablet was dated to SE 63 by Teije de Jong, who computed the occultation (or rather, the situation after it) of Mars by the moon in line 6´. The other data in line 2´, and especially the acronychal rising of Sirius in line 4´, confirm this.
No. -234 C: BM 35279 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... Ven]us’ [last appearance] in the east in Scor[pius ....] 2´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] Night of the 25th, [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 1⅔ cubits above Mars, the m[oon being ....] 4´ [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] 5´ [.... Jupiter’s] last appearance [in Capri]corn; around the 22nd, Venus’ [last appearance] in [the east ....] —————————— 6´ [Month X, .... (sunset to moonset:)] 5° 50´; clouds, I did not watch. The 5th, solstice. [....] 7´ [....] 1?½ cubits [.... β/α] Arietis. The 7th, [....] 8´ [....] .... surrounded ....; first part of the night, .... [....] 9´ [....] 4? cubits 4 fingers, the moon being 8? [fingers ....] 10´ [....] .... [....] Date A solstice (line 6´) on the 5th can occur in month IV or X; Venus in Scorpius (line 1´) indicates X. The year is then SE 1 + 19n. In month IX, Venus had a first or last appearance on the 22nd. A conjunction of Mars with the moon during the last days of month IX (line 3´) identifies the year as SE 77 (within the range from -450 to 0). In line 5´, a last appearance in Capricorn is that of Jupiter, as calculated for this year, and confirms the dating.
No. -228
No. -228 B: BM 32365 (= 76-11-17, 2097)
SE 83
Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... ídIDI]GNA u ÍD LUGAL ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... IT]U BI IDi-pi-li-pu-us lúGAL ERÍNmeš šá KUR dMÚŠ.ŠÉŠ [....] [.... t]i-di-mu-us lúḫa-tan šá IṬi-im-gar-te-e lúGAL ERÍNm[eš ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ pi-qid —————————— [.... Š]Ú-ŠÚ AN na-al-šú GE6 2 sin SIG SI MÁŠ [....] [.... GE6] ⌈4 SAG GE6⌉ [sin] ár SUḪUR á[r ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN Z[A ....] [....] ina IGI dele-bat 3½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GU[B GE6 x ina] ZÁLAG sin e SI4 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ 27 11 KUR DIR SAL a-kam ⌈20⌉+[x x x x] ki PAP NU IGI [....] [.... I]TU BI KI.LAM še-im 1(g) 3(b) ZÚ 3(p) ⌈x⌉ [x x x] GUR saḫ-le10 [....] [.... KÙ-BABB]AR ép-šú i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA dele-bat ina [SAG IT]U ina RÍN EN T[IL ITU ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Date Greek names suggest a date in the Hellenistic period. Also, the barley equivalent of 1 kur 3 sūt is likely only in the Seleucid and Arsacid periods. This tablet was dated by Teije de Jong according to the following criteria: 1. Jupiter was in Cancer in the Babylonian zodiac. 2. Venus was visible in the morning. 3. α Sco was visible in the morning. 4. On day x Venus was 8° ± 4° ahead of the moon. 5. On day x+1 the moon was above α Sco, let us say within ± 2°; then, taking into account that the daily motion of the moon varies between 11° and 15°, we expect the moon on day x to be 13° ± 4° before α Sco. This search resulted in two possible years: SE 83 month IX and Alexander IV, year 5, month VIII. The second is excluded by the barley price, which was much higher in the war years after the death of Alexander the Great. The observation of the moon on day 2 of a month on the obverse can only refer to month IX of SE 83.
229 B.C.
No. -228 B: BM 32365 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [.... Ti]gris and the King’s Canal .... [....] .... [....] [....] That [mo]nth, Dipilipus, the general of the land of Susa, [....] [.... t]idimus, the son-in-law of Timokrates?, the general [....] [....] .... entrusted?. —————————— [.... ve]ry overcast, dew. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] below β Capricorni [....] [.... Night] of the 4th, beginning of the night, [the moon was ....] behind δ Capricorni [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... clouds were in the sky [....] [....] it stood 3½ cubits in front of Venus to the west. [Night of the xth, la]st part of the night, the moon was .... above α Scorpii [....] [....] cubits [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°; thin clouds, mist. The 20+[xth, ....] when I watched, I did not see it [....] [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur 3 sūt; dates, 3 pān .... [....] kur; cress, [....] [....] of wrought [silv]er. At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer; Venus, in the [beginning of the mo]nth, was in Libra, until the en[d of the month, ....] [....] .... [....]
Comments Obv. 3´: For writings for Susa, see M. Stolper, RA 86, 69ff. Obv. 4´: Timokrates also occurs in No. -226A rev. 17 (not understood by me), see R. Pirngruber, NABU 2014/35. This supports the date assigned to the present tablet.
No. -214
No. -214 B: BM 30632 (= 76-11-17, 359)
SE 97
Photo: JCF, YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MU-1,37-KAM IA[n ....] APIN GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ár GENNA 2 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB ŠÚ-ŠÚ 7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 8 8 ŠÚ-SÚ GE6 9 ⌈SAG GE6 sin⌉ SIG ⌈DUR nu-nu⌉ 2½? ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ 9 ⌈ina še?-rì? x SÚ?⌉
Lower edge 1 AN UTAḪ GE6? 10 ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ?⌉ 2 DIR? ⌈x x x x x⌉ Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ ina še-rì d IM 1-šú 2-šú 3-šú ⌈x⌉-šú SUB? GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL- ⅔? KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ⌉ SIG 11 ina še-rì IM.DUGUD? ḪAB-rat d UTU GIM šá sin ina-an-ṭal GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI is le10 ⌈1 KÙŠ?⌉
Left edge 1 6 9 2 10 1 4 ⌈x x⌉
No. -212 C: BM 32988 (= 78-5-31, 77)
SE 99
Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 [....] ituDU6 MU-⌈1,39⌉ [....] Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] muš SIG ana šámaš SIG GE6 2 [....] [....] sin e SI4 3 KÙŠ sin [....] [....] ⌈e⌉ šil PA ½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
215 B.C.
No. -214 B: BM 30632 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Year 97, A[ntiochus ....] Month VIII, night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits behind Saturn to the east; very overcast. The 7th, very overcast. Night of the 8th (and) the 8th, very overcast. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½? cubits? below η Piscium; very overcast. The 9th, in the morning, .... overcast,
Lower edge 1 rain shower. Night of the 10th, very overcast?, 2 clouds?, .... Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The 10th, very overcast, rain shower; in the morning, it thundered once, twice (or) thrice. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was ⅔? cubit in front of η Tauri, the moon being 5 cubits low to the south. The 11th, in the morning, fog; the disk of the sun looked like that of the moon. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit? in front of α Tauri.
Left edge 1 6 9 2 10 1 4 ....
No. -212 C: BM 32988 Upper edge 1 [....] Month VII, year 99 [....] Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] measured; it was faint (and) low to the sun. Night of the 2nd, [....] [....] the moon was 3 cubits above α Scorpii, the moon being [....] [.... the moon was] ½ cubit above ϑ Ophiuchi. Night [....] [....] .... [....]
36 ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
No. -212
[....] ⌈i-nu-šú MÚL⌉-BABBAR ina ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... dele-bat] ina A EN TIL ITU ina ABSIN GU4-UD šá [ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ....] [.... A]N ina A ITU BI IL[LU ....] [....] 14 na muš ana šá[maš ....]
Date The reading of the damaged date on the upper edge is confirmed by the observations recorded.
No. -212/1 BM 41142 (= 81-4-28, 689) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
AN? x šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 26 ina ⌈x⌉ [.... GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG sin] ár GU4-UD ⌈⅔?⌉ [KÙŠ ....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ IM ŠÁR [.... ] šá GU4-UD EN [.... AN] SIG? DELE šá IGI ABSIN ½? [KÙŠ ....] EN U4-10-KAM 2(p) ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈SE?-BAR?⌉ GIŠmeš? UD? [....] 1(g) 3(b) ⌈saḫ-le10⌉ 2(b)? [....] ⌈A?⌉ 22? ⌈x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 EN MURUB4 ITU GÍR?-T[AB? .... dele-bat] 2 ina SAG ITU ina zibme ⌈x⌉ [....] 3 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈zibme⌉ [IGI ....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
⌈AN⌉ ina ABSIN IT[U BI ....] ½ KÙŠ LAL PAP 20 n[a ....] —————————— MU-1,40-KAM IAn-t[i- ....] itu BAR 1 20 n[a-su ....] in 1 dele-bat [ina NIM ina ḪUN ŠÚ ....] [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 ⌈x x x⌉ 2 ⌈KA TU?⌉ 3 ⌈x⌉ DU?
SE 99 XII2, 100 I
213 B.C. ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] At that time, Jupiter was in .... [....] [.... Venus was] in Leo, until the end of the month, in Virgo; Mercury, which [had set, was not visible ....] [.... Ma]rs was in Leo. That month, the river [level ....] [....] sunset to moonset: 14°, measured; [it was ....] to the s[un ....]
No. -212/1 BM 41142 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
.... of .... [....] The 26th, in ...., [.... Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was] ⅔? [cubit] behind Mercury [....] very overcast, gusty wind [....] of Mercury until [.... Mars was] ½? [cubit] below? γ Virginis [....] until the 10th day, 2 pān? .... [....] barley? .... [....] 1 kur 3 sūt; cress, 2 sūt? [....] .... 22 .... [....]
Lower edge 1 until the middle of the month, in Scor[pius? ....; Venus,] 2 in the beginning of the month, was in Pisces, .... [....] 3 Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in Pisces [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mars was in Virgo. [That] mon[th, ....] (the river level) receded ½ cubit, total: 20 was the n[a (gauge) ....] —————————— Year 100, [King] Ant[iochus ....] Month I, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 20° [....] Around the 1st, Venus’ [last appearance in the east in Aries ....] [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 .... 2 .... 3 ....
No. -195
Comments 3´: Night of the 27th would fit the moon’s position close to Mercury. 5´: A last appearance of Mercury is expected in the beginning of the following month I; at the end of the line, Mars can be restored with confidence. 7´-10´ seem to refer to prices, but are mostly unclear to me. Lower edge 1 must deal with Jupiter; the next line concerns Venus. Jupiter was almost in Sagittarius and moved back into Scorpius at the end of the month. Saturn was invisible. Left edge: These signs are mostly illegible to me and do not seem to connect with other parts of the tablet.
No. -195 C: BM 36141 (= Sp III 689)
SE 116
Photo: JCF This fragment was joined to BM 31804 (= No. -195C) by E. Jiménez. It restores lines 7-11 and rev. 1.
´Obv.´ 7 8 9 10 11
´Rev. 1´
sin ⌈1⌉ [KÙŠ ana SI NIM .... DIR A[N ZA .... sin ár SI M[ÁŠ .... ana ULÙ SIG ⌈5?⌉ [DIR AN ZA .... sin SIG SUḪUR [IGI 6 SI ....
⌈GE6⌉ 6? DIR A[N ZA ....
No. -195 F: BM 31857 (= 76-11-17, 1584) Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[.... KI]N 1 18 na-su KUR4 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈IGI dele-bat⌉ 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ ana SI NIM SI GIN 1 SI GIN GE6 2 sin ár RÍN šá SI 2½ KÙŠ sin 2? KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG e GENNA 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 2 SI GIN GE6 3 sin ár MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 2 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 3 SI GIN GE6 4 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 4 SI GIN GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL TUR 10? SI 5 DIR AN ZA GE6 6 USAN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 3?½ KÙŠ GE6 7 USAN dele-bat SIG GENNA 2 KÙŠ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI
SE 116
196 B.C.
No. -195 C: BM 36141 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
´Rev. 1´
the moon being 1 [cubit high to the north .... clouds were in the sky [.... the moon was [2 cubits] behind β Cap[ricorni ....] low to the south. The 5th?, [clouds were in the sky .... the moon was [6 fingers] below [γ] Capricorni [....
Night of the 6th?, clouds were in the sky? [....
No. -195 F: BM 31857 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[.... Month] VI, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 18°; it was bright, .... [.... the moon] stood 2 cubits in front of Venus to the west, the moon being .... cubits high to the north; the north wind blew. The 1st, the north wind blew. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2½ cubits behind β Librae, the moon being 2? cubits low to the south, 1 cubit above Saturn, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 2nd, the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 cubits behind β Scorpii, the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north. The 3rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, the moon was 1 cubit in front of ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. The 4th, the north wind blew. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Mars was 10? fingers above ρ Leonis. The 5th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Venus was 3?½ cubits below β Librae. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below Saturn. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits below β Capricorni, the moon having passed a little to the east. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of
No. -193
40 14 15 16
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
SUḪUR IGI 2 KÙŠ GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ár SUḪUR ár 2½ KÙŠ 10 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI ⌈11?⌉ na-su ⌈in⌉ 9 IGI GE6 13 USAN dele-bat e ⌈MÚL⌉ MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 SI TE ana ? ⌈1-en? MÚL⌉ i-tur-⌈ú? x x⌉ GE6 14 3,10 ME muš SAG GE6 sin ina IGI DUR 2½ KÙŠ sin 4 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 14 1,40 ŠÚ a-kam muš GE6 15 6 GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2 KÙŠ sin 4½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 3½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 15 15 na muš ⌈15⌉ IM? SI? GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [MÚL-MÚL] ⌈x⌉+½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ ⌈LAL⌉ [GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG] sin e is le10 ½ KÙŠ [.... GE6 1]⌈8⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] ana ULÙ SIG [.... MAŠ-MAŠ šá S]IPA 2 KÙŠ
Left edge 1 ⌈GE6⌉ 19 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A [....] Date The date can be easily determined from the planetary positions. The lunar positions agree very well with the date. According to modern computation, Venus did not come that close to δ Scorpii on the 13th.
No. -193 E: BM 35406 (= Sp II 991) Copy: LBAT 729
SE 118 XI
Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[M]U-1,50+[8 ....] GE6 1 1 ⌈DIR AN?⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 4 sin [ina] IGI MÚL ⌈KUR⌉ [šá D]UR nu-nu 1½ [KÙŠ ....] GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 1 [KÙŠ ....] ⌈5⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 6 DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] ina ZÁLAG AN e SI4 2½ KÙŠ 7 DIR AN DIB ULÙ GIN ⌈x⌉ [.... GE6 8] DIR AN DIB SAG GE6 AN né-ḫi PISAN i-ṣa DIB 8 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] PISAN i-ṣa DIB GE6 9 DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB 9 DIR AN ZA [....] GE6 10 DIR SAL AN ZA SAG GE6 sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ SI G[IN? ....] MURUB4-tì NIM-GÍR NIM-GÍR GÙ U MAḪ AN MAḪ PISAN ⌈MAḪ⌉ [DIB] 10 DIR AN ZA GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG] e MÚL-BABBAR 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ina ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB AN n[a-al-šú] 11 DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 12 SAG G[E6 sin ....]
194 B.C. 14 15 16
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
γ Capricorni. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind δ Capricorni. The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo; rising of Mercury to sunrise: 11°?; (ideal) first appearance on the 9th. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus was
1 finger above δ Scorpii; it came close, they turned? into one star? .... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 10´, measured. Beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of η , the moon being 4 cubits low to the south. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 40´, measured (despite) mist. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 6°. Last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind α Arietis, the moon being 4½ cubits low to the south, it stood 3½ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 15°, measured. The 15th, north? wind?. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was x+½ cubits below [η Tauri,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. [Night of the 17th, last part of the night,] the moon was ½ cubit above α Tauri. [.... Night of the 1]8th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] low to the south. [....] 2 cubits [....] γ [Geminorum].
Left edge 1 Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Mars was [....] below ϑ Leonis.
No. -193 E: BM 35406 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[Y]ear 11[8 ....] Night of the 1st (and) the 1st, clouds [....] the sky, [....] .... [....] Night of the 4th, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of η Piscium [....] Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 [cubit] in front of α Arietis [....] The 5th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 6th, very overcast. The 6th, clouds were in the sky .... [....] last part of the night, Mars was 2½ cubits above α Scorpii. The 7th, clouds crossed the sky, the south wind blew, .... [.... Night of the 8th,] clouds crossed the sky; beginning of the night, slow rain, a little PISAN DIB. The 8th, clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] a little PISAN DIB. Night of the 9th, clouds crossed the sky, slow rain, PISAN DIB. The 9th, clouds were in the sky [....] Night of the 10th, thin clouds were in the sky; beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above γ Geminorum; the north wind bl[ew? ....] in the middle watch, lightning flashed, much thunder, much rain, much PISAN [DIB.] The 10th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Geminorum, the moon being 1 cubit [low] to the south, 1½ cubits above Jupiter, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky, d[ew.] The 11th, clouds crossed the sky, slow rain, PISAN DIB; all night very overcast. Night of the 12th, beginning of the ni[ght, the moon was]
42 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
No. -189 MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin 1 5/6 KÙŠ ana SI NIM ina ZÁLAG DIR [x x] 12 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin SIG SAG A 2 KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ 13 3,20 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP kal ME ŠÚ-ŠU ina KIN-SIG AN u NA4 TUR [x x] ⌈DIB?⌉ GE6 14 10,30 ME DIR NU PAP 14 12,20 na a-kam IM.DUGUD [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 15 8 GE6 DIR muš ina ZÁLAG sin ár GÌR ⌈ár⌉ [šá A] [....] ana SI NIM GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE 1½ KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ [....] [.... GE6 17 S]AG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár⌉ SA4 2½ KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x DIR? x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... RÍN šá] ⌈ULÙ?⌉ 1? ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½? [KÙŠ?] ⌈ana ŠÚ LAL⌉ 18 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [....] ⌈MAR GIN? x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈MÚL?⌉ [x šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 3 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ 19? MAR G[IN? ....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈GE6 20? x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ina IGI⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x DIR⌉ AN DIB [....] [.... DI]R AN DIB? [....] AN? ⌈x⌉ [....] DIR AN D[IB? ....] [....] ⌈x x KUR x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Date Of the year number, 1,50 is preserved; so the year could be SE 110 to 119. Within this time span, Mars with α Scorpii on the 7th of a month, and Jupiter with the moon west of β Geminorum on the 11th of the same month only occurred in SE 118 XI. The lunar positions on the other days confirm this date. In addition, the preserved portions of Diary No. -193D for this month duplicate BM 35406, especially the Lunar Six data.
No. -189 D: BM 41530 (= 81-6-25, 144) Copy: LBAT 879 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 2´ [....] kàs 2(g) 2(p) ⌈4(b)? saḫ 2(p)?⌉ [....] 3´ [.... IT]U BI ILLU TA 7 EN ⌈15?⌉ [....] ——————————
SE 122 II
190 B.C. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 cubit [....] δ Cancri, the moon being 1 5/6 cubits high to the north; last part of the night, clouds [....] The 12th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below ε Leonis .... [....] .... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 20´; clouds, I did not watch; all day, very overcast, in the afternoon, rain and small hail [....] crossed [....] Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 30´; clouds, I did not watch. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 12° 20´; mist (and) fog [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8°, measured (despite) clouds; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Virgi[nis] [....] high to the north. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind γ Virginis, the moon being 1 cubit [....] [.... Night of the 17th, be]ginning of the night, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Virginis, the moon being [....] [....] .... clouds? .... [....] .... [....]
Lower edge 1 1? cubit [.... α Lib]rae, the moon being ½? [cubit] back to the west. The 18th, .... [....] 2 [....] the west wind blew? .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [δ/β Scorpii ....] 3 [....] .... [....] .... The 19th?, the west wind bl[ew? ....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] Night of the 20th?, .... [....] [....] in front of [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... clouds crossed the sky [....] [.... clou]ds crossed? the sky [....] rain? .... [....] clouds cro[ssed] the sky [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....]
No. -189 D: BM 41530 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] very overcast [....] 2´ [....] mustard, 2 kur 2 pān 4 sūt?; cress, 2 pān? [....] 3´ [....] That [mon]th, the river level, from the 7th until the 15th?, [....] ——————————
44 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
No. -185 [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 2 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3+[x KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB EN 4 MÚL-BABBAR ana ŠÚ ki [UŠ-a ....] [....] ⌈x 8? U?⌉ GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ⌈e⌉ [LUGAL? ....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ [GE6] ⌈8⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A [....] [.... ABSI]N ½ KÙŠ SIG MÚL-BABBAR 2 KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana [....] [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin [....] [....] 2 KÙŠ 14 11 ŠÚ muš GE6 15 1,30 GE6 m[uš ....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana NIM DIB ár GENNA 2 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB [....] [....] sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ [....] [....] dele-bat e is le10 2 KÙŠ ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] 29 DI[R A]N ZA [....]
Date In a month which was not the first of the year, Jupiter had a western station (line 5´) in Virgo (line 8´). In this month, Saturn was in Capricorn (line 11´), as can be concluded from the (extrapolated) lunar positions. Of the resulting possibilities, only SE 122 II has Venus above α Tauri towards the end of the month. Parts of lines 9´and 13´ are parallel to No. -189A obv. 4´and 8´ (otherwise, the two tablets do not overlap).
No. -185 C: BM 32562 (= 76-11-17, 2305)
SE 126
Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
⌈x x x⌉ [....] ½ KÙŠ kal G[E6 .... ár ....] ana NIM GUB IGI ⌈KUR NIM-a x⌉ [na-su] in 26 IGI 30 GENNA ina ⌈x⌉ [x x x x] ina IGI GU4-UD ana ŠÚ GUB ½ KÙŠ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] ár AN ana NIM GUB IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 29 IGI ITU BI [....]
Left edge 1 [x x] 1 KÙŠ ⌈sin x x⌉ [x x] 2 ⌈x⌉ GE6 4 sin e šur ár [x x] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[GE6] ⌈5⌉ sin e [....] ⌈2?⌉ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM [DIB ....] ⌈dele-bat⌉ e AN 8 SI ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ana lìb-bi-šú ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈5? ina še-rì x x⌉ AN UTAḪ (blank)
⌈ITU? BI?⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Comments To judge from the curvature of the left edge, there may be two lines missing at the beginning of the obverse.
186 B.C. 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] very overcast. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 3+[x cubits] below α Geminorum [....] [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky. Until the 4th, when Jupiter [became stationary] to the west, [....] [....] .... 8? fingers?. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [α Leonis? ....] [....] cubits [.... Night] of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Virginis [....] [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [.... α Virgi]nis, 2 cubits below Jupiter, the moon being ⅔ cubit to [....] [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] [....] 2 cubits [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 11°, measured. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 30´, mea[sured ....] [.... the moon] having passed [nn] cubits to the east, it stood 2 cubits behind Saturn to the east [....] [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Arietis [....] [....] Venus was 2 cubits above α Tauri .... [....] [....] The 29th, clouds were in the sky [....]
No. -185 BM 32562 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
.... [....] ½ cubit [....]; all ni[ght, ....; ....’s] first appearance [....] it stood [.... behind ....] to the east; it was bright (and) high, [time interval (to sunrise/sunset:)] ...., (ideal) first appearance on the 26th. The 30th, Saturn’s first appearance in .... [....] it stood [....] in front of Mercury to the west, ½ cubit below .... [....,] it stood [....] behind Mars to the east .... [....,] (ideal) first appearance on the 29th. That month, [....]
Left edge 1 [....] 1 cubit, the moon being .... [....] 2 .... Night of the 4th, the moon was [....] above ζ Tauri. Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[Night] of the 5th, the moon was 2? cubits [....] above [....,] the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] Venus? was 8 fingers above Mars; last part of the night, .... [....] [....] .... toward its inside .... [....] The 5th?, in the morning, .... rain shower (blank)
That? month?, [....] .... [....]
Date The date was determined by Teije de Jong, who will give a detailed exposition of his arguments in a separate publication.
No. -183
No. -183 E: BM 32506 + 32521 + 32695 (= 76-11-17, 2246+2263+2464) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
SE 128 IX
[....] ⌈x x x x 10? kal ME? x⌉ [....] NU TUḪ [.... DI]R AN DIB AN UTAḪ i-ṣa KI ŠÚ šámaš ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ kal G[E6 Š]Ú-ŠÚ USAN U4-ZAL-[LA .... PIS]AN? rad DIB [.... D]IB? GÙ U MAḪ AN PISAN DIB [GE6 x] SAG GE6 sin ár [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA 13 10 UŠ ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [x x] GE6 14 10,20 ME [....] sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 1½ K[ÙŠ] sin [x x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... SIG MAŠ-MAŠ] ⌈ár⌉ 5 KÙŠ sin ½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ŠÚ L[AL x x] ⌈x x DIR⌉ NU PAP [....] né-ḫi PISAN i-ṣa DIB kal ME DIR AN ZA in EN 15 [....] 3½ KÙŠ ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN UŠ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ [.... né]-ḫi PISAN i-ṣa DIB AN-BAR7 1-en TIR-RA-AN [....] kal ME DIR AN ZA GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG ⌈SAG A⌉ [....] GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG LUGAL 2 KÚŠ sin [....] [.... AN] ZA GE6 19 19 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 20 [....]
[....] AN ZA USAN U4-ZAL-LA sin TÙR N[IGIN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina še-rì DIR AN ZA GE6 22 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] DIB? AN né-ḫi ⌈PISAN⌉ rad DIB GE6 23 23 ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [.... GE6 2]4 ina ZÁLAG sin TÙR NIGIN 25 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA [....] 26 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI NU PAP GE6 27 [.... 27 x,]50 KUR DIR NU PAP kal ME DIR AN ZA GE6 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫi ⌈PISAN MAḪ DIB⌉ [....] DIR AN ZA 29 AN UTAḪ? ITU BI [....] ITU 2(p) 2(b) ⌈EN⌉ TIL ITU ⌈x⌉ 3(b) ⌈x⌉ qa ZÚ GUR 3(b) [...] 1(p)? 4(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 2(b) 2 qa SÍGḫá 4 ma-na [.... é]p-šú i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN ⌈dele-bat⌉ ina SAG ITU ina GÍR-TAB [....] ⌈x NU⌉ IGI ⌈26⌉ G[U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina] MÁŠ IGI NU PAP [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉
Date Jupiter was in Aries; Venus was in Scorpius but left this sign later in the month (rev. 11). Furthermore, a first appearance of Mercury in the west in Capricorn was expected (rev. 5). On the 15th, one of the outer planets became stationary in Aries (l. 10´). Of the three possible years, SE 69, 128, and 187, the lunar data only fit for SE 128 IX. A wool equivalent of 4 minas also agrees with SE 128.
184 B.C.
No. -183 E: BM 32506 + 32521 + 32695 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[....] .... The 10th?, all day?, .... [....] was not removed [.... clou]ds crossed the sky, a little rain shower; with sunset, .... [....] [....] .... all ni[ght, ve]ry overcast; in the morning watch, [....] cloudburst, PISAN DIB [.... cro]ssed [....,] much thunder, rain PISAN DIB. [Night of the xth,] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] .... clouds were in the sky. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10°; .... [....] Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 20´ [....] the moon was 1½ cubits above γ Geminorum, the moon being [....] .... [....] very overcast, [....] .... [....] [.... the moon was] 5 cubits [below β Gemi]norum, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west [....] .... clouds, I did not watch. [....] slow [rain,] a little PISAN DIB, all day, clouds were in the sky. Until around the 15th, [....] became stationary 3½ cubits behind α Arietis. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, overcast [.... sl]ow [rain,] a little PISAN DIB; at noon, one rainbow [....] all day, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below ε Leonis [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below α Leonis, the moon being [....] [....] were [in the sky.] Night of the 19th (and) the 19th, very overcast. Night of the 20th, [....]
[....] were in the sky; in the morning watch, the moon was sur[rounded] by a halo [....] [....] ....; in the morning, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] [....] crossed? [....,] slow rain, cloudburst, PISAN DIB. Night of the 23rd (and) the 23rd, very overcast. [.... Night of the 2]4th, last part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 25th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky. [....] The 26th, all day, very overcast; Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn; I did not watch. Night of the 27th, [.... The 27th,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 50´; clouds, I did not watch; all day, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th, very overcast. [....] .... clouds crossed the sky, slow rain, much PISAN DIB. [....] clouds were in the sky. The 29th, rain shower?. That month, [....] of the month, 2 pān 2 sūt, until the end of the month, ...., 3 sūt x qa; dates, kur 3 sūt; [....] 1 pān 4 sūt; sesame, 2 sūt 2 qa; wool, 4 minas. [....wr]ought [silver.] At that time, Jupiter was in Aries, Venus, in the beginning of the month, was in Scorpius, [....] .... was not visible; the 26th, Me[rcury’s] first appearance [in the west in] Capricorn; I did not watch. [....] .... [....] ....
No. -181
No. -181 B: BM 32573 + 32790 + 34018 (= 76-11-17, 2316+2562 + Sp 114)
SE 130
Copy: LBAT 531 (34018 only)
Photo: JCF, YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[MU]-1-me-30-⌈KAM x x⌉ [....] [n]a-su NU PAP GE6 2 U[SAN? ....] ⌈sin⌉ 5 KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ SIG x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈LAL? ár GENNA⌉ 1 KÙ[Š ....] ⌈x⌉ [.... GU4-UD] [ina ŠÚ ina] ⌈zibme⌉ IGI NU PAP DIR AN [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [.... GE6 3] [SAG] GE6 AN UTAḪ 3 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [AN UTA]Ḫ? GE6 4 ⌈ina x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ GÙ U MAḪ AN P[ISAN?] i-⌈ṣa?⌉ DIB 4 ŠÚ [....] [GE6 5 S]AG GE6 DIR AN DIB SAG GE6 NIM-GÍR ⌈GÙ U⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈sin⌉ SIG šur ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB⌉ [....] [x x] GE6 6 sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA ½ KÙŠ kal ⌈GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....] [x AN UT]AḪ 6 ina š[e-rì] DIR AN DIB AN DUL kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ G[Ù? ....] [x x] ⌈SIG⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 6 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR [....] [.... sin] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈USAN? x⌉ [....] [.... DI]R ⌈AN ZA⌉ GE6 ⌈8⌉ sin [....]
Lower edge (one partly erased line, placed in a similar position to an invocation, but illegible)
´Rev. 1´
[x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] (remainder blank)
Comments 1: The king’s name should be Seleucus, or it could be the month name ituŠE, but the traces are unclear.
182 B.C.
No. -181 B: BM 32573 + 32790 + 34018 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[Year] 130, .... [....] sunset to moonset: [....;] I did not watch. Night of the 2nd, first [part of the night?, ....] the moon being 5 cubits low to the south, .... [....] [....] being back? [....,] 1 cubit behind Saturn [....] .... [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in] Pisces; I did not watch. Clouds [....] the sky [....] .... [.... Night of the 3rd,] [beginning] of the night, rain shower. The 3rd, very overcast, [rain show]er?. Night of the 4th, in .... [....] [....] .... much thunder, rain, a little [PISAN] DIB. The 4th, overcast [....] [Night of the 5th, beg]inning of the night, clouds crossed the sky; beginning of the night, lightning, thunder, [....] [....] the moon was 1 cubit below ζ Tauri, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. [....] [....] Night of the 6th, the moon was ½ cubit above γ Geminorum; all night, very overcast [....] [.... rain sho]wer. The 6th, in the mor[ning,] clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL; all day, very overcast, th[under? ....] [....] 6 cubits below α Geminorum, the moon having passed a little to the east, [it stood ....] in front of Jupiter, [...., the moon being] x cubits low to the south; first part of the night, .... [....] [...., clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, the moon was [....]
Lower edge (one partly erased line, placed in a similar position to an invocation, but illegible)
´Rev. 1´
[....] .... [....] (remainder blank)
Date In SE 130, Saturn was in the first half of Aries. On the 2nd (line 4), the moon was 1 cubit, i.e. ca. 2°, behind Saturn, to the east. Of all the months of SE 130, only in month XII are the moon and Saturn close to each other on the 2nd. In line 3, the moon is recorded as 5 cubits below a star, and this fits α Arietis. A first appearance on the 2nd would fit Mercury (western rising, line 5). The position of the moon above γ Geminorum on the 6th agrees with this dating, especially the small latitude difference between the moon and the star. On the 7th, the moon was before Jupiter, which confirms the date.
No. -179
No. -179 F: BM 32473 + 32786 (= 76-11-17, 2210+2558) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
SE 132 XII
[.... ....SAG G]E6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 14 1?,20 GE6 DIR muš kal GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 14 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN GE6 15 ŠÚ-ŠÚ kal GE6 ⌈x x⌉ [....] GÙ U AN UTAḪ 15 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina še-rì AN UTAḪ ULÙ GIN in 1[5 ....] ina ⌈LU?⌉ ŠÚ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 KÙŠ sin 1⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 16 ⌈LÁL?⌉-tì DIR AN DIB ULÙ GIN GE6 17 USAN GENNA ana NIM ina LAL-šú ⌈e?⌉ i[s? le10] 1½ KÙŠ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 2 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 17 DIR AN ZA AN-BAR7 AN [UTA]Ḫ ULÙ GIN GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme 3 KÙŠ ár dele-bat ½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM IGI KUR? ⌈x⌉ [x] na-su in 15 IGI GE6 18 DIR AN ZA
Lower edge 1 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ MAR GIN [GE6 19 S]AG GE6 DIR AN ZA MAR GIN Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
19 ⌈MAR? GIN⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ina KIN-SIG DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 21 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin TÙ[R NIGIN x x] 21 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ 1-en bu-tuq-tu4 TIR-AN [x x] GIB GE6 22 DIR AN ZA GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 24 DIR [x x x] ⌈x⌉ 1-en bu-tuq-tu4 TIR-RA-AN Á MAR GIB GE6 25 25 [DIR AN Z]A SI GIN GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG dele-bat 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DI[B] [....] ⌈x 27? x⌉ [x x]+9,50 KUR a-kam ki PAP NU PAPsic AN-BAR7 ⌈DIR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6 29⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ IM ŠÁR kal G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Date An equinox (obv. 6´) must be the vernal equinox because of the position of the moon. An equinox on XII 16 occurs in SE 18 + 19n. Of all years in the Seleucid era, only SE 132 has a first visibility of Mercury in the east in this month. There may be some error here though, because according to modern calculations, Mercury was below Venus, and not as far as 3 cubits to the east. The Conjunction of the moon and Venus (rev. 5) agrees with the date SE 132. Saturn happens to be close to a star, viz. α Tauri, on the 17th. Finally, a last visibility on the 15th (obv. 4´f.) could be that of Mars, which occurred towards the end of the month. The zodiacal sign (obv. 5´) would be Aries, LU; the reading is unfortunately uncertain.
180 B.C.
No. -179 F: BM 32473 + 32786 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1°? 20´; measured (despite) clouds. All night .... [....] .... The 14th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 15th, very overcast, all night .... [....] thunder, rain shower. The 15th, all day, very overcast; in the morning, rain shower, the south wind blew. Around the 1[5th, ....] last appearance in Aries?. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Scorpii, the moon being 1⅔ cubits [....] The 16th, [equi]nox; clouds crossed the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the east, was 1½ cubits above α [Tauri;] all night, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. The 17th, clouds were in the sky; at noon, rain [sho]wer, the south wind blew. Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Pisces, 3 cubits behind Venus, (Mercury) being ½ cubit high to the north; it was bright, rising of Mercury to sunrise: ....; (ideal) first appearance on the 15th. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky.
Lower edge 1 The 18th, very overcast, the west wind blew. [Night of the 19th, beg]inning of the night, clouds were in the sky, the west wind blew. Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The 19th, the west? wind blew [....] the north wind blew; in the afternoon, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon [was surrounded by] a ha[lo, ....] The 21st, all day very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower; one section of a rainbow stretched [....] Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 24th, clouds [....] one section of a rainbow stretched on the west side. Night of the 25th (and) the 25th, [clouds were in the] sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below Venus, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. [....] .... The 27th?, .... moonrise to sunrise: [x]+9° 50´; mist, when I watched, I did not see (text:watch). At noon, clouds [....] [....] Night of the 29th, very overcast, gusty wind, all ni[ght ....] [....] .... [....]
No. -175
No. -175 C: Abbey Museum W00589
SE 136
Photo: W. Horowitz, P. Zilberg
Bibliography: P. Zilberg et al., Buried History 56 (2020) 17-23
Upper edge 1 [....] ⌈I⌉Se-lu-ku LUGAL Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈a?-pir? muš? ina? x⌉ [....] [.... D]IR SAL AN ZA ⌈SI GIN 3 x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x SI GIN 4⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA SI [GIN ....] [....] ⌈x x x sin⌉ ár ⌈MÚL⌉ ár ⌈šá SAG ḪUN⌉ 2? KÙŠ sin ⌈2? ⅔?⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ULÙ GIN x x x x x⌉ [x x x TÙ]R? ⌈NIGIN⌉ KÁ-šú ana ULÙ BAD ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] GÍR-GÍR GÙ U ⌈MAḪ? x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚ[L ....] [....] ⌈6?⌉ IM.DUGUD i-ṣa ina ⌈KIN⌉-[SI]G DI[R AN Z]A GE6 ⌈7?⌉ SAG GE6 sin e is le10 1+[x KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [A]N? ⌈ZA?⌉ G[E6 8] SAG GE6 sin SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 9 SAG GE6 sin e M[ÚL] ⌈IGI šá⌉ še-pít [MAŠ]-MAŠ ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB DIR AN ZA [x x] [.... TÙ]R NÍGIN ULÙ GIN ⌈ULÙ? x⌉ GE6 10 ⌈SAG GE6⌉ sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈IGI 1⌉ KÙŠ sin 3 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] x ULÙ? ⌈NE? 1-en bu-tuq-tú⌉ d?TIR-AN-NA TA ULÙ ana SI GIB GE6 11 SAG G[E6] [.... DI]R AN ZA ⌈sin TÙR? x x NIGIN?⌉ ma-diš iq-tur7 GENNA ana UGU DUR-šú ana NIM GUB [....] ⌈sin? 1½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM ⌈DIR SAL⌉ AN ZA sin TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN ⌈GE6 13? SAG GE6⌉ [....] ⌈ZA ULÙ ŠÁR?⌉ GE6 ⌈14?⌉ 6?,40 ME DIR NU PAP SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x ŠÚ-ŠÚ? SI?⌉ GIN AN-BAR7 AN UTAḪ ⌈i-ṣa⌉ GE6 [x] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ SI GIN GE6 16? SAG GE6 [....] ⌈x x x 16⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ DIR NU PAP⌉ [.... DIR] ⌈SAL?⌉ AN ZA kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ ŠÁR 18? [x x] [....] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG sin⌉ ina IGI MÚL e šá SAG G[ÍR-TAB ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ i?-ṣa MÚ[L? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... ⌈1⌉6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zib[me IGI ....] [.... EN] ⌈6⌉ 4 SI LAL PAP 7 na TA 7 EN ⌈13? x 8 SI?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN 18 4 SI šá e ILLU ŠÚ LAL na NU TUK TA ⌈10⌉+[x ....] [....] LUGAL? ina uruAn-tu-ki-ʾa-a šá ana muḫ-ḫi ídMa-rat ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... É] mil-ki šá ina gišKIRI6 gi[šŠ]IM.LI lúNAGARmeš šá É-sag-gíl ⌈LÚ?⌉ [....] [.... É]-sag-gíl IBa-rak-ku-a lúza-zak-ku u UKKIN šá lúK[Ù-DIMmeš] [.... lú]Eki meš ana NÍG-GA É-sag-gíl KU4-ub ITU BI
176 B.C.
No. -175 C: Abbey Museum W00589 Upper edge 1 [....] King Seleucus. Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] earthshine?, measured? .... [....] [....] thin clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 3rd, .... [....] [....] ...., the north wind blew. The 4th, thin clouds were in the sky, the north wind [blew ....] [....] .... the moon was 2? cubits behind α Arietis, the moon being 2?⅔? cubits low to the south .... [....] [....] the south wind blew .... [....] was surrounded by a halo?, its gate was open to the south .... [....] [....] lightning flashed, much thunder .... [....], beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Tauri [....] [....] the 6th?, a little fog; in the afternoon, clouds were [in the sky.] Night of the 7th?, beginning of the night, the moon was 1+[x cubits] above α Tauri [....] [....] were? in the sky?. Ni[ght of the 8th,] beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below β Tauri [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was x cubits above η Geminorum, the moon having passed a little to the east; clouds were in the sky [....] [....] was surrounded [by a ha]lo, the south wind blew, south? .... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Geminorum, the moon being 3 cubits low to the south. [....] south? .... one section of a rainbow stretched from south to north. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, [.... clou]ds were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a .... halo, it billowed very much, Saturn stood on its “band” to the east. [....] the moon? being 1½ cubits high to the north; thin clouds were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. Night of the 13th?, beginning of the night, [....] ...., gusty? south wind. Night of the 14th?, moonrise to sunset: 6° 40´; clouds, I did not watch. Beginning of the night, very overcast, the south wind blew. [....] .... very overcast, the north? wind blew. At noon, a little rain shower. Night [....] [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 16th?, beginning of the night, [....] [.....] .... The 16th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius; clouds, I did not watch. [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky; all night, very overcast, gusty south wind. The 18th?, [....] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Scorpii [....] [....] .... a little .... [....] [....] .... very overcast, .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [.... The ⌈1⌉6th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Pisces [....] [.... until] the 6th, (the river level) receded 4 fingers, total: 7 was the gauge. From the 7th to the 13th, .... 8 fingers [....] [....] it rose .... The 18th, it receded 4 fingers from above the peak flood; there was no na (gauge). From the 10+[xth ....] [....] (of) the king in Antioch which is on the Sea .... [....] [.... the house] of counsel, which is in the Juniper Garden, the carpenters of Esangil .... [....] [.... E]sangil, Barakkuʾa, the zazakku-official and the assembly of the go[ldsmiths ....] [.... of the Ba]bylonians entered the possessions of Esangil. That month,
54 9´ 10´ 11´
No. -175 [.... uruSe-lu-ke-’a]-⌈a?⌉ šá ana muḫ-ḫi ídIDIGNA u ÍD LUGAL KIN-á[r] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... MU]-⌈x⌉-KAM ISe-lu-ku LUGAL
Comments Obv. 12: DUR will be ṭurru “band” . This is sometimes used for haloes, see CAD s.v. ṭurru C. The observation still belongs to the night of the 11th. A similar observation is recorded in No. -381A:3, where Jupiter is said to be ina UGU ṭur-r[i ....], also in connection with a halo. Obv. 19: This belongs to the night of the 19th, but I cannot see this number before ina ZÁLAG.
176 B.C. 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... Seleuci]a which is on the Tigris and the King’s Canal, he se[nt.] [....] (blank) —————————— [Diary from month XI until month XII, year 136,] King Seleucus.
Date A zazakku-official is mentioned several times in the Diaries during the reigns of Antiochus IV and V. Therefore, the king in question is most likely Seleucus IV who reigned just before them from SE 125 to 137. From the lunar positions, it can be concluded that the month on the obverse is in the range from X to XII, most likely XI. Of the last appearances of Mercury during the reign of Seleucus, only SE 136 XI 16 (= 13th Feb -174) fits the lunar data in the text. Saturn was about 10° to the east of the moon on night 11, so it could have been within the halo described in line 12. The Mercury phenomenon on the reverse can then be found to be a first appearance in the west, and the month must be XII.
No. -172
No. -172 A: BM 45988 (= 81-7-6, 431) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
SE 139 I II [ ] V VI
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x rad?⌉ PISAN i DIB 6 ina še-rì ⌈DIR?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina IGI GENNA 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 2 KÙŠ ana [SI NIM ....] [....] USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] SA4 ⌈šá ABSIN⌉ 3 KÙŠ GE6 14 sin ina IGI RÍN šá U[LÙ ....] [.... dele-bat e MAŠ]-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL MURUB4 šá SA[G GÍR-TAB ....] [.... GE6 17] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 3½ KÙŠ [....] [.... AN] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI M[ÁŠ ....] [.... 2]1 DIR AN DIB IM ŠÁR GE6 22 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ULÙ SIG in 24 GU4-UD ina N[IM ŠÚ-šú DIB ....] [.... GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin] SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ sin ½ [KÙŠ ana ....] [....] AN-BAR7 BURU5ḫá ZI-a [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì ⌈x⌉ 1(b)? SÍGḫá [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM IGI DIB in [24 ....] [....] 12 ⅔ KÙŠ LAL PAP 12 na [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 2 U[SAN ....] [....] GE6 ⌈DIR? AN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ ⌈in 23? x⌉ [....] [.... U4]-7-KAM IZI-ŠUB ina [....] [....] ⌈É⌉-sag-gíl E11 LU? [....] (a little space)
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] sin SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 1+[x ....] [.... MÚL KUR šá KIR4] šil PA 2½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... m]uš 13 AN-KU10 sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 14 ⌈15 x⌉ [....] [....] e is le10 3? [KÙŠ ....] [.... DI]R AN ZA ⌈kal?⌉ G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈LUGAL?⌉ 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Date This tablet was dated by F. R. Stephenson based on the lunar positions, especially in relation to Saturn, and on the positions of Venus.
173 B.C.
No. -172 A: BM 45988 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... cloudburst?, a little PISAN DIB. The 6th, in the morning, clouds? [....] [....] .... (the moon) stood 1½ cubits in front of Saturn to the west, the moon being 2 cubits [high to the north ....] [....] first part of the night, Venus was 1½ cubits above η Geminorum [....] [....] 3 cubits [....] α Virginis. Night of the 14th, the moon was [....] in front of α Lib[rae ....] [.... Venus was] 4 cubits [above] γ Geminorum; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of δ [Scorpii ....] [.... Night of the 17th,] last part of the night, the moon was 3½ cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [.... Mars was] 2½ cubits below α Geminorum; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Caprico[rni ....] [.... The 2]1st, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 22nd (and) the 22nd, .... [....] [....] .... low to the south. Around the 24th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the ea[st, omitted ....] [.... Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was] 4 cubits below α Arietis, the moon being ½ [cubit to ....] [....] at noon, locusts attacked [....] [....] .... 2 sūt; sesame, .... 1 sūt?; wool, [....] [....] the xth, Mercury’s first appearance in the east, omitted; around [the 24th, ....] [....] the 12th, (the river level) receded ⅔ cubit, total: 12 was the na (gauge) [....] —————————— [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd, first [part of the night, ....] [....] night, clouds? [....] the sky? [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... last appearance; around the 23rd, .... [....] [....] the 7th day, a “fall of fire” in [....] [....] Esangil came up .... [....] (a little space)
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] the moon was 1+[x ....] below α Librae [....] [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being .... [....] [.... mea]sured. The 13th, lunar eclipse [.... omitted ....] [....] .... The 14th, ....: 15°?[....] [....] 3? [cubits] above α Tauri [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky, all? ni[ght ....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] α Leonis? [....] [....] .... [....]
No. -172 and No. -158
B: BM 35794 (= Sp III 321)
SE 139
Copy: LBAT 807
] XI [
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI [MÁŠ ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x DIB?⌉ GE6 27 U[SAN? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN 27 19,20 [KUR ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 6´ [....] GE6 29 29 DIR AN ZA SI [GIN ....] 7´ [.... Z]Ú 3(p) PI kàs 3(g) GUR saḫ [....] 8´ [.... MÚL-BABBAR .... E]N TIL ITU ina ḪUN dele-bat EN MURUB4 [ITU ....] 9´ [.... GENN]A ina A AN ina MÁŠ ITU BI IL[LU ....] 10´ [....] 19 na TA 21 EN ⌈TIL⌉ I[TU ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. -158 F: BM 34755 + 45933 (= Sp II 246 + 81-7-6, 369)
SE 153
Copy: T. G. Pinches (34755 only), Pl. 6
I II [
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x 1? ŠÚ?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6] 22 SAG GE6 DIR A[N ....] 3´ [....] GIN 24 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN G[E6? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 27 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ kal [GE6 ....] 5´ [.... šá PA MA]R GAR GIN ITU BI ⌈KI⌉.LAM še-im 1(g) [....] 6´ [.... ina SAG IT]U 3(p) 1(b) EN MURUB4 ITU 3(p) 2(b) EN TIL ITU 4(p)? [....] 7´ [....] 7 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ḪUN ŠÚ GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina [....] 8´ [....] U LAL PAP 3 na TA 15? EN 23 ½ KÙŠ GI[N ....] 9´ [.... S]e-⌈lu-ke-ʾa⌉-a URU LUGAL-ú-tú a-na An-tu-k[e-ʾa-a ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x KU? x⌉ [....] ⌈x x GINmeš⌉ ina ⌈TÙM? DA?⌉ a-na MU PÀD? ŠE RU [....] 11´ [....] ⌈xmeš⌉ a?-na MU ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ Ù-TU-ma ⌈1-en?⌉ SAG-DU-su 8 GÌRII meš-šú 2 ⌈GESTU?⌉-[....] 12´ [....] KU? ⌈x x x AN?⌉ [.... É]-sag-gíl BIR?meš ——————————
173 B.C. and 159 B.C.
B: BM 35794 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Cap[ricorni ....] 3´ [....] .... crossed? [....] Night of the 27th, fir[st? part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] ...., the south wind blew. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 19° 20´ [....] 5´ [....] 2½ cubits .... [....;] all night, very overcast; last [part of the night, ....] 6´ [....] Night of the 29th (and) the 29th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [blew ....] 7´ [....; da]tes, 3 pān; mustard, 3 kur; cress, [....] 8´ [.... Jupiter .... un]til the end of the month, in Aries; Venus, until the middle [of the month, ....] 9´ [.... Satu]rn was in Leo; Mars was in Capricorn. That month, the river [level ....] 10´ [....] 19 was the na (gauge); from the 21st until the end of the mo[nth, ....] 11´ [....] .... [....] Date According to the standard order of the planets, Jupiter can be restored in line 8´. It moved into Aries before the end of the month. Saturn is to be mentioned just before Mars, and doubts about the partly-restored reading can be dispelled because all planets were visible; any one invisible for the whole month would have to be mentioned after Mars. Mars was in Capricorn. Venus moved from one zodiacal sign into another around the middle of the month. From -450 to 0, the only possible date is SE 139 XI. Mercury became invisible towards the end of the month, but that may have been mentioned in the broken part of the tablet.
No. -158 F: BM 34755 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 1? .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 22nd, beginning of the night, clouds [....] the sky [....] 3´ [....] blew. The 24th, in the morning, very overcast, the south wind blew. Ni[ght? ....] 4´ [....] .... blew. Night of the 27th, beginning of the night, very overcast; all [night ....] 5´ [.... which was] set to the [we]st side, blew. That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur [....] 6´ [.... beginning of the mo]nth, 3 pān 1 sūt, until the middle of the month, 3 pān 2 sūt, until the end of the month, 4 pān? [....] 7´ [....] the 7th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aries; Saturn was in Capricorn; Mars was in [....] 8´ [....the river level ....] receded [....] fingers, total: 3 was the na (gauge); from the 15th? until the 23rd, it rose ½ cubit [....] 9´ [.... S]eleucia, the royal city, to Antio[chia ....] 10´ [....] .... [....] .... went? .... [....] 11´ [....] .... to .... [....] .... gave birth, and (the newborn) had one head, 8 feet, 2 ears? [....] 12´ [....] .... [.... of E]sangil were dispersed?. ——————————
60 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´
No. -158 [....] sin ½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana NIM DIB ár dele-bat 1 KÙŠ [ana NIM GUB sin nn mm ana UL]Ù SIG kal GE6 DIR AN ZA SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN 1 kal ME DIR AN ZA SI šá MAR GAR [GIN ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ kal GE6 DIR AN ZA SI šá PA M[AR GAR GIN .... 2 ŠÚ šá MÚL]-BABBAR ina MÚLMÚL TA 1 ki PAP NU IGI kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN GE6 3 ŠÚ [....] [.... GE6 4 SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ [....] ⌈x DIR⌉ AN ZA SI GIN 4 kal ME ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 5 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin SIG S[AG A ....] [.... ina KI]N-SIG KUR? GIN GE6 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin á[r MÚL TUR] šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ½ KÙŠ kal GE6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ u KUR GINmeš GE6 8 SÚ-SÚ SAG GE6 s[in ina IGI DELE šá] ⌈IGI ABSIN⌉ 1 KÙŠ GÍR GÍR SI GIN EN-NUN MURUB4 DIR AN DIB ULÙ GIN [....] [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ? GIN GE6 10 kal GE6 ŠÚ-[SÚ? x x] SI GIN 10 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 11 ŠÚŠÚ SAG sin ina IG[I RÍN ....] [.... DIR] SAL AN DIB ULÙ u KUR GINmeš kal ⌈GE6?⌉ [x] ⌈EN-NUN⌉ ⌈MURUB4⌉ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 12 4 ŠÚ DIR muš kal [ME ....] [....] ⌈x xmes⌉ DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN USAN? sin [ár MÚL] ⌈KUR šá KIR4 šil⌉ PA 2½ KÙŠ 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-⌈MAŠ⌉ [ŠÚ ....] [....] ⌈BAR?⌉ DIR AN ZA ina ⌈KIN⌉-SIG KUR GIN ⌈x⌉ [.... DI]R AN ZA kal ME DIR [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI ⌈GIN?⌉ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Comments 10´: The reading and meaning of the second part of this line is obscure to me. Date The tablet is from the Seleucid period (line 9´). During the earlier of the two months attested, Saturn was in Capricorn. There was a last appearance of Mercury around the 7th of this month; another Mercury phenomenon occurred on the 14th of the second month. On the 2nd (restoration in line 14´ between day 1 and 3 certain), either Mercury or Jupiter had a last appearance. This has to be restored as Jupiter because for Mercury the time until the next phenomenon (in line 20´) would be too short. In this way, the Mercury phenomenon in line 20´ is identified as its last appearance in the west. On the first night of the second month, the moon is near Venus (which thereby is shown to be the evening star). These data together exclude any date except SE 153, months I and II. The other lunar positions confirm the date.
159 B.C. 13´
20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´
[....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east, [it stood] 1 cubit behind Venus [to the east, the moon being ....] low [to the sou]th; all night clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. The 1st, all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which was set to the west side, [blew ....] [.... x]+1 cubit [....;] all night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which [was set to the west side, blew .... The 2nd, Jupi]ter’s [last appearance] in Taurus; from the 1st, when I watched, I did not see it. All day, very overcast, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 3rd, overcast [....] [.... Night of the 4th, beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of δ Cancri .... clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 4th, all day, overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 5th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below ε Le[onis ....] [.... in the after]noon, the east? wind blew. Night of the 6th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was ½ cubit be[hind ρ] Leonis; all night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 6th, very overcast, the north wind blew. [....] [....] the .... and east winds blew. Night of the 8th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the m[oon] was 1 cubit [in front of γ] Virginis; lightning flashed, the north wind blew; in the middle watch, clouds crossed the sky, the south wind blew. [....] [....] very overcast, the south? wind blew. Night of the 10th, all night, very [overcast?, ....] the north wind blew. The 10th, all day, very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 11th, very overcast; beginning , the moon was in front of [.... Librae ....] [....] thin [clouds] crossed the sky, the south and east winds blew; all night, [....] in the middle watch, a little rain shower; last part of the night, overcast. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 4°, measured (despite) clouds; all [day, ....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew; first part of the night?, the moon was 2½ cubits [behind] ϑ Ophiuchi. The 14th, Mercury’s [last] appearance in the west in Gemini [....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky; in the afternoon, the east wind blew .... [.... clou]ds were in the sky, all day, clouds [....] .... [....] [....] .... blew. Night of the 18th, very overcast, the north wind blew [.... x]+1 cubit .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
No. -149
No. -149 C: BM 46023 + 46027 (= 81-7-6, 469+473)
SE 162
Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Rev. 1 2
[....]-⌈dar⌉ LUGAL ŠU ⌈30⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [sin nn] KÙŠ ana NIM DIB SI G[IN GE6 4 SAG GE6] [sin x SA4 šá ABSIN nn mm] sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG SI GIN 4 SI G[IN .... GE6 5 SAG GE6] [sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ nn mm] sin 2½ KÙ[Š] ana ULÙ SIG ár AN 2½ K[ÙŠ ana NIM GUB ....] [....] SI GIN GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ár RÍN šá ⌈SI? x⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SI4 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ SIG ....] [.... GE6 8 SA]G GE6 sin SIG MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1½ KÙŠ ⌈sin ½⌉ [KÙŠ ....] [.... S]I GIN GE6 10 10 SI GIN ⌈GE6⌉ 11 11 SI GIN ⌈GE6 12⌉ [SAG GE6 sin .... SI MÁŠ] [.... ana UL]Ù ⌈SIG⌉ SI GIN 12 SI GIN GE6 13 SAG GE6 [sin x MÚL x šá SUḪUR MÁŠ] [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL SI GIN 13 6 ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 [14 ....] [....] ⌈x muš⌉ SI GIN 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A I[GI ....] [....] ⌈GIN 15⌉ SI GIN GE6 16 S[I ....] [....] 16 SI GIN GE6 17 17 SI G[IN .... GE6 18] [.... ina ZÁLAG sin x MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu nn] KÙŠ sin 8 U ana ULÙ SIG SI GIN 1[8 ....] [.... GE6 19 .... ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪU]N 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 19 S[I GIN ....] [....] ár MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ 21 SI GIN 10+[x ....] [.... GE6 22 S]I GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ár is le10 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... x GENNA nn mm ana x GU]B? sin 2½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 22 SI [GIN ....] [.... GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin ár šur GIGIR šá] ULÙ 2 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NI[M ....] [.... GE6 24 .... ina ZÁLAG] sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2 KÙŠ sin [....] [.... GE6 25 S]I GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ [....] [.... GE6 26 S]I GIN ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ sin ár MÚL ár šá ALLA [šá ULÙ ....] [....] SI GIN GE6 27 SI GIN ina ZÁL[AG sin ina IGI LUGAL ....]
150 B.C.
No. -149 C: BM 46023 + 46027 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Rev. 1 2
[....] King [Alexan]der. Month IV, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), [....] [....] .... ½ cubit [....], the moon being a little [....] [....] .... [the moon] having passed [....] cubits to the east; the north wind bl[ew. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night,] [the moon was .... α Virginis,] the moon being 1½ cubits low to the south; the north wind blew. The 4th, the north wind bl[ew .... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night,] [the moon was .... in front of α Librae,] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south, [it stood] 2½ cubits behind Mars [to the east ....] [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was .... behind β Librae [....] [.... Night] of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Scorpii, the moon being ½ cubit [low] to the south. [....] [.... Night of the 8th, beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits below ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being ½ [cubit ....] [.... the no]rth wind blew. Night of the 10th (and) the 10th, the north wind blew. Night of the 11th (and) the 11th, the north wind blew. Night of the 12th, [beginning of the night, the moon was .... β Capricorni,] [....] low to the south; the north wind blew. The 12th, the north wind blew. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, [the moon was .... γ/δ Capricorni,] [....] cubits back to the west; the north wind blew. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6°; the north wind blew. Night [of the 14th, ....] [....] ...., measured; the north wind blew. The 14th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Leo [....] [....] blew. The 15th, the north wind blew. Night of the 16th, the no[rth wind blew ....] [....] The 16th, the north wind blew. Night of the 17th (and) the 17th, the north wind bl[ew .... Night of the 18th,] [.... last part of the night, the moon was ....] cubits [.... η Piscium,] the moon being 8 fingers low to the south; the north wind blew. The 1[8th, ....] [.... Night of the 19th, .... last part of the night, the moon was] 3 cubits [below α Ar]ietis, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 19th, the no[rth wind blew ....] [....] 2 cubits behind η Tauri. The 21st, the north wind blew. 10+[x ....] [.... Night of the 22nd, the no]rth wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Tauri [....] [.... it stood .... Saturn to the ....,] the moon being 2½ cubits high to the north. The 22nd, the north wind [blew ....] [.... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was] 2 cubits [behind] ζ Tauri, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north [....] [.... Night of the 24th, ....; last part of the night,] the moon was 2 cubits behind γ Geminorum, the moon being [....] [.... Night of the 25th, the no]rth wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Geminorum [....] [.... Night of the 26th, the no]rth wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ Cancri [....] [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 27th, the north sind blew; last part of the [night, the moon was .... in front of α Leonis ....]
64 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
No. -144 [.... ina] ⌈IGI⌉ dele-bat 3½ KÙŠ ana ⌈ŠÚ GUB⌉ sin ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... GI]N GE6 28 ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈GE6 29⌉ US[AN ....] [....] GIN 29 SI GIN GE6 30 SI GIN ⌈30 SI⌉ GI[N ....] [....] ⌈EN⌉ MURUB4 ITU 2(p) 5(b) EN TIL ITU 2(p) 4(b) 3 [qa ....] [....] 1(g) GUR 4(p) 1(b) kàs 3(g) GUR saḫ-le10 1(p) [....] [.... IT]U 5(b) 3 qa ina TIL ITU 5(b) SÍGḫá 4 ma-[na ....] [.... qa-lu]-ú šá ina KUR SUM-in i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina [....] [.... GU4-UD ina] ŠÚ ina A IGI EN TIL ITU ina ABSIN GENNA ina MÚ[L-MÚL ....] [....] ⌈x na⌉ ITU BI 18 LÚ ⌈x?meš ina x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KIN-SIG⌉ DÙ-ʾu ITU BI al-te-[me ....] [.... uruAn-ti-ke]-ʾa-a šá ana muḫ-ḫi ídma-rat LÚ.N[E? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IDe-meṭ-ri šá i-tu-ru LUGAL áš-sú [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GIM IGI-ú lúERÍNmeš LUGAL ana tar-[ṣi ....] [.... ídI]DIGNA áš-šú LÚ.NE ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 4 lúGAL ERÍNmeš u LÚ [....] [....] DÙ-ʾu ITU B[I ....]
Upper edge 1 [....] AN? [....] 2 [.... N]IM ⌈x⌉ [....] 3 [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 [....] 4 [.... Z]I IR GE6 3 ⌈sin⌉ [....] 5 [....]⌈x⌉ AN ⌈2? x x⌉ [....] Date The tablet concerns month IV (obv. 1). Jupiter was in Pisces, Saturn in Taurus (rev. 9f.); Venus was the morning star. These data suffice to establish a date in SE 162. A first appearance of Mercury in the west in Leo (obv. 12) and an observation of Mars in relation to the moon (obv. 5) confirm this date.
No. -144 B: BM 41020 (= 81-4-28, 567)
SE 167
Photo: JCF, YM
] IV V
Upper edge 1 MU-1-me-1-šu-7-KAM IDe-meṭ-ri [....] Obv.´ (illegible traces only) ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x UD? x x BAD x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— [itu]IZI 30 14 na-su KUR4 a-⌈kam? x x muš?⌉ ina GUB IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] MU-1-me-1-šu-7-KAM IDe-meṭ-ri LU[GAL ....]
145 B.C. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
[....] it stood 3½ cubits in front of Venus to the west, the moon being ⅔ cu[bit ....] [.... bl]ew. Night of the 28th, .... [....] Night of the 29th, first [part of the night, ....] [....] blew. The 29th, the north wind blew. Night of the 30th, the north wind blew. The 30th, the north wind bl[ew ....] [....] until the middle of the month, 2 pān 5 sūt, until the end of the month, 2 pān 4 sūt 3 [qa ....] [....] 1 kur 4 pān 1 sūt; mustard, 3 kur; cress, 1 pān [....] [.... of the mo]nth, 5 sūt 3 qa, at the end of the month, 5 sūt; wool, 4 mi[nas ....] [.... of ref]ined [silver] which was given in the land. At that time, Jupiter was in Pisces; Venus was in [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Leo; until the end of the month, (Mercury was) in Virgo; Saturn was in Tau[rus ....] [....] .... was the na (gauge). That month, 18 .... men in .... [....] [....] afternoon? they made. That month, I hea[rd ....] [.... Anti]och which is on the Sea, fight[ing? ....] [....] .... Demetrius who had been king, because of [....] [....] .... as before. The troops of the king [....] oppo[site ....] [....] Tigris because of fighting .... [....] [.... the general who is above] the 4 generals, and the [....] [....] they made. That month, [....]
Upper edge 1 [....] rain? [....] 2 [.... ea]st? .... [....] 3 [....] .... Night of the 2nd, [....] 4 [.... Z]I IR. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] 5 [....] .... Mars? 2? .... [....] Comments Obv. 1: R. van der Spek reads the traces of the last sign of the king‘s name as dar, thus Alexander (Balas). He was fighting Demetrius who is mentioned in rev. 14.
No. -144 B: BM 41020 Upper edge 1 Year 167, [King] Demetrius [....] Obv.´ (illegible traces only) ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] —————————— Month V, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 14°; it was bright, measured (despite) .... mist; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there .... [....] Year 167, Ki[ng] Demetrius [....]
No. -140 and No. -134
No. -140 C: BM 34410 (= Sp 529)
SE 171
Copy (by T. G. Pinches): Pl. 5 Photo: YM
This fragment was joined to BM 34050 (No. -140C lines 37ff.) by R. van der Spek, who will edit the complete text in a forthcoming publication. I add the line numbers of the main tablet.
´Flake´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
(37) [.... Se-l]u-⌈ke-ʾa-a⌉ [....]
(38) [.... EG]IR-šú ana IGI šá lú⌈NIM-MA⌉[ki ....] (39) [.... ú-nu-ut] ⌈MÈ⌉ ÍL-ú u URU ⌈x⌉ [....]
(40) [.... É] ⌈uru⌉Kar-ku-di-i TUŠ-ʾu ⌈x x⌉ [....]
(41) [.... -šú]-⌈nu⌉ la-pàn na-áš-mu-ú šá lú⌈NIM⌉-[MAki] (42) [.... ú-še-ri-d]u-ú ITU BI lúpu-li-ṭa-an šá ina [Eki] (43) [.... MU]-a-tì a-na UD?-nu-ú šá ⌈x x x⌉ (44) [....]-ši-i-ḫu i-na-KU?-nu ù? i? ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. -134 B: BM 35170 (Sp II 722) Copy: LBAT 683 Photo: JCF This fragment was joined to BM 34918 (No. -134B) by J. Fincke. It provides the beginnings of obv. 7-10 and the left part of rev. 12´-18´.
´Obv.´ 7 8 9 10
´Rev.´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [.... [.... b]u-tuq-tu4 d[TIR-AN-NA .... ina ⌈x x AN?-BAR7?⌉ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa GE6 10+[x .... ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SAG A 2½ KÙŠ sin [....
GE6 6 kal GE6 ⌈x x SI?⌉ GIN 6 D[IR? .... ár MAŠ-[MAŠ ár nn] KÙŠ 8 DIR AN Z[A .... ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉-ŠÚ U4-ZAL AN DUL [.... ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB USAN GU4-UD [.... USAN sin SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1+[x .... ÍB-TAG4 dUDU-TILmeš NU GUB[meš .... ana ŠÀ sin KU4 MÚL 4 šá GABA-š[ú .... ina IGI ⌈x x x⌉ [....
Left edge 1 .... IAr-šá-ka-a LU]GAL
141 B.C. and 135 B.C.
No. -140 C: BM 34410 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... Se]leucia [....] 2´ [.... be]hind him towards the Elamite 3´ [....] raised weapons, and the city .... [....] 4´ [.... who] dwelt in Bīt-Karkudî .... [....] 5´ [....] .... before the rumour of the Elam[ite] 6´ [.... they led] down. That month, the citizens who are in [Babylon] 7´ [....] this [....] to .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
No. -134 B: BM 35170 ´Obv.´ 7 8 9 10
´Rev.´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
[....] .... [....] [....] a section of a r[ainbow .... .... at noon?, a little rain shower. Night of the 10+[xth, .... last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits below ε Leonis, the moon being [....]
Night of the 6th, all night, ...., the north wind blew. The 6th, cl[ouds? .... [....] cubits [behind] β Geminorum. The 8th, clouds were in the sky [.... ...., very overcast; in the morning watch, rain DUL [.... ½ cubit [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; first part of the night, Mercury [....] first part of the night, the moon was 1+[x ....] below γ Virginis [.... the remainder of the planets did not stand there [.... entered the moon; the four stars of its breast [.... in front of .... [....
Left edge 1 .... King Arsaces. Comments Rev. 18´: An occultation of α Virginis occurred in the evening of 10th March -133. The “four stars of its breast” refers to a group of stars in Leo (ζ, γ, η, and α) which are used as ziqpu stars.
No. -131
No. -131 C: BM 41580 (= 81-6-25, 194)
SE 180
Photo: JCF, YM
I [ ] VI VII
Upper edge 1 EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA BAR EN T[IL ....] Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈x SI GIN⌉ GE6 2 sin ár ⌈is le10 1 KÙŠ sin x x x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ana SI NIM SI GIN GE6 4 sin e (tablet: SIG) ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [šá] ⌈SIPA 4?½ KÙŠ x x⌉ [....] 5? DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN GE6 7 ⌈SAG GE6 sin SIG SAG A 4? KÙŠ? x x x x⌉ [.... GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin] ina IGI ⌈TUR? šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL⌉ 5? SI ⌈..........⌉ [....] 8 ⌈DIR?⌉ AN ZA ⌈GE6 9 SAG⌉ GE6 sin ár ⌈GIŠ.KUN A 2 x x x x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] sin 1 ⌈KÙŠ? 8? SI?⌉ ana U[LÙ] ⌈SIG⌉ kal GE6 SI? ŠÁR ⌈x x DIR? AN ZA?⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 13 ⌈15? x⌉ ŠÚ DIR NU ⌈PAP DIR AN ZA ⌈x x x x x GE6 14 8?,40? ME DIR? NU PAP DIR AN ZA⌉ [....] GE6 18 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ sin ina IGI ⌈SI? MÁŠ? x x x x x x x⌉ 18 [x x] DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ? [.... GE6 19] ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ sin 1 ⌈KÙŠ? x x x x x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ SI GIN 23 ⌈....................⌉ [....] [x x x x] ⌈..........⌉ 26 ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x TA 17 x 20 x x x⌉ TA 21 EN 28? ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x MÚL-BABBAR ina A GENNA ina PA⌉ [x] ⌈GU4-UD dele-bat u AN šá ŠÚmeš⌉ NU IGImeš ITU B[I ....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ ILLU ŠÚ ⌈x TA 22?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x íd⌈IDIGNA x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x 22? x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x+⌉½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈...........⌉ [.... GE6 26] [ina ZÁLAG sin SIG] ⌈GÌR⌉ ár šá A 1?½ KÙŠ sin ⌈i-ṣa⌉ ana NIM DIB ⌈...........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x 30 LÁ[L-t]ì ⌈x x SI?⌉ [GIN?] ⌈ITU BI⌉ KI.LAM še-im ⌈...........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈SAG? ITU⌉ ina RÍN ⌈x x ina GÍR-TAB?⌉ in 24 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-D[A] ⌈ŠÙ-šú DIB⌉ GENNA ina PA AN ina A ⌈ITU BI ..........⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x ITU BI U4-2 x x in x lu?⌉ KU4-ub ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] ——————————
132 B.C.
No. -131 C: BM 41580 Upper edge 1 Diary from month I until the e[nd of month VII ....] Obv.´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1 cubit behind α Tauri, the moon being .... [....] 3 [....] high to the north; the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, the moon was 4?½ cubits above γ Geminorum .... [....] 4 The 5th?, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4? cubits below ε Leonis .... [.... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was] 5 5? fingers in front of ρ Leonis .... [....] 6 The 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 .... behind ϑ Leonis .... [....] .... [....] 7 the moon being 1 cubit 8? fingers low to the south; all night, gusty north? wind .... clouds were in the sky .... [....] 8 The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 15°? ....; clouds, I did not watch; clouds were in the sky .... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8°? 40´?; clouds?, I did not watch; clouds were in the sky [....] 9 Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was .... in front of β Capricorni .... The 18th, [....] clouds were in the sky, rain shower [.... Night of the 19th,] 10 last part of the night, the moon was .... cubits behind β Capricorni, the moon being 1 cubit .... clouds were in the sky .... [....] 11 ...., the north wind blew. The 23rd, .... [....] 12 [....] .... The 26th, .... [....] 13 [....] .... [....] 14 [....] .... from the 17th .... 20th .... from the 21st until the 28th?, .... [....] 15 [....] .... Jupiter was in Leo; Saturn was in Sagittarius;[....] Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, [....] 16 [....] .... the peak flood .... from the 22nd? [....] 17 [....] .... Tigris .... [....] 18-23 [....] .... [....] 1 2
´Rev. 1´-6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... 22? .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... x+½ cubit [....,] the moon being ½ cubit to .... [....] .... [.... Night of the 26th,] [last part of the night, the moon was] 1?½ cubits [below] β Virginis, the moon having passed a little to the east .... [....] [....] .... The 30th, equinox ....; the north wind? [blew.?] That month, the equivalent was: barley, .... [....] [....] beginning? of the month, in Libra, .... in Scorpius?; around the 24th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west ...., omitted; Saturn was in Sagittarius; Mars was in Leo. That month, .... [....] [....] .... That month, day 2, .... entered .... [....] .... [....] ——————————
No. -131
[D]U6 1 14 na-su ma-diš KUR4 ⌈a-pir⌉ muš ina GUB ⌈IGI USAN? sin SIG⌉ MÚL ⌈MURUB4⌉ šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 KÙŠ 8 SI ⌈............⌉ [....] 14´ ⌈GE6⌉ 3 ⌈USAN⌉ dele-bat e SI4 2 KÙŠ dele-bat 4 SI ana NIM DIB 3 ⌈ULÙ? GIN? GE6 4? SAG GE6 ...........⌉ [....] 15´ GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 20 SI sin ½ KÙŠ ana ⌈NIM DIB? x⌉ UD ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 16´ GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈2?⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG] ⌈.............⌉ [.... GE6 14 SAG GE6 sin] 17´ ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ [ana ULÙ SIG x x] ⌈14 6 ŠÚ x x x x x⌉ [.... GE6 15] 18´ ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL-MÚL 1½ KÙŠ 15 SI? GIN? ⌈GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG? ...........⌉ [....] 19´ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 18 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA ULÙ [x] ⌈...........⌉ [....] 20´ ½ KÙŠ 20 kal ME DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 21 SAG GE6 DIR [AN] ⌈ZA x x x ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SAG A x x x⌉ [....] 21´ ár GIŠ.KUN A 1⅔ KÙŠ sin 5? KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ SIG DIR AN DIB? ⌈...........⌉ [....] 22´ 24 SI GIN GE6 25 ⌈DIR AN ZA ⌈IM x x i-ṣa 25 x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 23´ [2]6 GU4-UD ina NIM ina RÍN 2½ KÙŠ ina IGI sin ⌈IGI ...............⌉ [....] 24´ [x x] ⌈x 28⌉ SI GIN 29 DIR AN ZA SI GIN ITU BI KI.LAM še-im ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 25´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 4-ʾu-ú SÍGḫá 1? ⌈ma-na 4? GÍN?⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 26´-27´ [....] (illegible)
Left edge 1 [.... -K]AM IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL Comments Rows of 10 or more dots indicate illegible passages whose length cannot be estimated reliably. Most of the readings are guesswork based on computations of the moon’s movement. Obv. 6f.: The second part of the lunar observation for the 9th probably refers to Jupiter, which was to the west of the moon and to the north. Obv. 15: Venus, Mercury and Mars were invisible during this month. Rev. 11´: Computation indicates a first appearance of Jupiter around the 15th in Virgo; Venus was in Libra and, towards the end of the month, in Scorpius. My reading of the traces is influenced by this computation.
132 B.C.
[Mo]nth VII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 14°, it was very bright, earthshine, measured; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there; first part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers below δ Scorpii .... [....] 14´ Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits above α Scorpii, Venus having passed 4 fingers to the east. The 3rd, the south? wind blew. Night of the 4th?, beginning of the night .... [....] 15´ Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 20 fingers above δ Capricorni, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east .... [....] 16´ Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Arietis, the moon being 2? cubits [low] to the south .... [.... Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was] 17´ 2½ cubits behind α Arietis, the moon being .... cubits [low to the south ....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 6° .... [.... Night of the 15th,] 18´ last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind η Tauri. The 15th, the north? wind blew?. Night of the 16th, last part of the night?, .... [....] 19´ the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 18th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky, the south wind [....] .... [....] 20´ ½ cubit [....] The 20th, all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 21st, beginning of the night, clouds were [in the sky] .... last part of the night, the moon was .... below ε Leonis .... [.... the moon was] 21´ 1⅔ cubits behind ϑ Leonis, the moon being 5? cubits low to the south; clouds crossed the sky? .... [....] 22´ The 24th, the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, clouds were in the sky, a little .... wind. The 25th, .... [....] .... [....] 23´ [The 2]6th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Libra, 2½ cubits in front of the moon .... [....] 24´ [....] .... The 28th, the north wind blew. The 29th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: barley, .... [....] 25´ [....] .... one-fourth (qa); wool, 1? mina 4? shekels? [....] .... [....] 26´-27 [....] (illegible) 13´
Left edge 1 [....,] King Arsaces. Date Because of the bad state of preservation of this tablet, most of the information useful for dating is uncertain. I summarize it here: The tablet is from the Arsacid era (left edge); it concerns the first part of a year (upper edge). In month I, Venus and another planet, possibly Mars, were invisible (obv. 15). In the last month of the tablet, Venus was above α Scorpii on the 3rd (rev. 13´). On the 26th, Mercury had a first appearance in the east in Libra. In the month before that, a phenomenon of Mercury on the 24th was omitted (rev. 11´). In the same month, Saturn was in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo. These data suffice to identify the year as SE 180. In month I, the lunar positions on days 2, 7, and 9 (obv. 2, 4, 6) agree with the computations. The last month has to be VII, in order to accommodate the Mercury phenomena in rev. 11´ and 23´. The lunar positions in rev. 15´, 16´, and 20´ agree with the computations.
No. -123
No. -123 D: BM 33634 (= Rm IV 190+196)
SE 188 ?
Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] AN UTAḪ ITU BI K[I.LAM ....] [....] ⌈x GÍN?⌉-NA? i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ár is le10 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [....] ⌈Á⌉ SI GÍRme 1 DIR AN ZA GE6 2 sin ina IGI is le10 1 KÙŠ 2 [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA 3 DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL ár šá še-pit ⌈MAŠ⌉-[MAŠ ....] [.... ina] KIN-SIG ŠÚ GE6 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ 6 ŠÚ-⌈ŠÚ? KUR?⌉ i-niš [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI LUGAL 2 KÙŠ 8 SI DIR AN ZA [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár GÌR ár ⌈šá A x KÙŠ⌉ DIR AN ZA [.... še?]-⌈ni?⌉ TUḪ GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI An-zu-ú [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... TA] 30 šá DU6 EN TIL ITU ILLU ½ KÙŠ GIN ITU BI K[I.LAM ....] [.... MÚL-BABB]AR ina GU4-AN dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina MÁŠ GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-u N[U IGI] —————————— [GAN ....] SIG SI MÁŠ ⌈3? KÙŠ GÍR⌉ ina Á SI GÍRme 2 DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] TA 1 EN 4 ILLU 20 SI ⌈GIN⌉ [....] ⌈ár⌉ MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1 KÙŠ ⌈5?⌉ [x] [....] Á SI u KUR e a-ḫa-m[eš ....] [....] ILLU 10 SI LAL GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈šá⌉ ULÙ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [....]
Date The date was determined by Teije de Jong from the following considerations: No date between -450 and 0 fulfils the planetary summary in rev. 4´. Therefore, a scribal error can be assumed. If Jupiter and Venus are taken to be correct, either Saturn or Mars must be in error. This leads to the years -123 and -64 if Mars is wrong; -384, -337, and -147 if Saturn is wrong. To decide between these possibilities, the position of the moon on day 2 (obv. 5´) can be used. This observation has to be in month I (the moon is never in front of α Tauri on day 2 in month II). It fits best for -123 = SE 188. All the planetary positions in rev. 4´ agree except for Mars, which was in Scorpius (invisible) instead of Capricorn. The lunar positions on the obv. also agree in most cases. The position of the first month preserved is problematic. Since it precedes month I, it should be a month XII; but it cannot be SE 187 XII because of Jupiter’s position. This position does however fit SE 188 XII. So for whatever reason, the scribe may have begun with SE 188 month XII and, after having realized his error, just continued with the first part of the year, instead of discarding the tablet.
124 B.C.
No. -123 D: BM 33634 ´Obv.´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] rain shower. That month, the e[quivalent was: ....] 3´ [....] .... At that time, Jupiter was [....] behind α Tauri [....] 4´ [....] .... —————————— 5´ [.... lightning] flashed continuously on the north side. The 1st, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Tauri. The 2nd, [....] 6´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. The 3rd, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below μ Geminorum [....] 7´ [.... in] the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 6th, very overcast, rain shower. The 6th, very overcast, .... became weak?. 8´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of α Leonis; clouds were in the sky. 9´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was .... cubits behind β Vir[ginis;] clouds were in the sky. 10´ [.... the san]dal was removed. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] night [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] [.... from] the 30th of month VII until the end of the month, the river level rose ½ cubit. That month, the e[quivalent was: ....] [.... Jupi]ter was in Taurus, Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Aries, Mars in Capricorn; Mercury, which had set, was not [visible.] —————————— [Month IX, .... (the moon was)] 3? cubits below β Capricorni; lightning flashed continuously on the north side. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. [....] .... [....] from the 1st until the 4th, the river level rose 20 fingers. [....] 1 cubit behind η Piscium. The 5th?, .... [....] on the north and east side above each other. [....] the river level receded 10 fingers. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] the southern .... [....] [....] night [....]
No. -110
No. -110 B: BM 46052 (= 81-7-6, 499)
SE 201
Photo: JCF, YM
] II III [
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈U? 1?⌉-šú GÙ-šú ⌈ŠUB⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ DIR? [....] 4´ [.... GE6] ⌈14 SAG GE6⌉ sin e SI4 ⌈½ KÙŠ sin⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈sin AN⌉-KU10 ⌈šal-šú ḪAB-rat⌉ GAR-an ⌈7? GE6?⌉ [....] 6´ [....] GIN ina ⌈AN⌉-KU10-šú ⌈GENNA⌉ GUB ina ZÁLAG-ru GENNA ŠÚ ÍB-TAG4 [....] 7´ [....] ⌈16?⌉ GÍR GÍR GÙ U AN MAḪ PISAN DIB SI u MAR GINm[eš ....] 8´ [.... GE6] ⌈17⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈SI? MÁŠ?⌉ 2½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x ½? KÙŠ⌉ sin ⌈2? KÙŠ⌉ ana SI NIM GE6 23 ⌈ina ZÁLAG sin⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ sin ⌈ár is le10⌉ 2½ KÙŠ sin 4 KÙŠ ana SI NI[M ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x DIR? AN⌉ DIB 29 ⌈AN?⌉-KU10 šámaš [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] (space) 13´
[....] (erasure) (space)
14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´
[....] ⌈x x GU?⌉ [x x x x x x] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈KÙS ina x x x SI ŠÁR? GE6⌉ 3 sin SIG SAG A 5 [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x [x x] sin SIG GÌR ár šá A 2½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ sin ⌈i-ṣa?⌉ ana NIM DIB [....] [.... ina] ⌈IGI? MÚL KUR⌉ šá KIR4 šil PA 1½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈in 12 IGI⌉ GE6 14 ⌈11,30?⌉ [....] [.... MÚL] ár šá SUḪUR [MÁŠ] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
Date The date was established by Teije de Jong. It is based on the following observations: a last appearance of Mercury in Gemini during the first half of the month; a partial lunar eclipse during which Saturn was visible and set; no other planets were visible. The lunar observations, in particular line 15´, agree sufficiently with this date. In line 19´ the first appearance refers to Jupiter, which also confirms the dating.
111 B.C.
No. -110 B: BM 46052 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] it thundered once [....] 3´ [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini; clouds? [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was ½ cubit above α Scorpii, the moon being [....] 5´ [....] lunar eclipse, it made one-third of the disk; 7°? of night? [....] 6´ [....] blew. In its eclipse, Saturn stood there; during clearing, Saturn set. The remainder [of the planets did not stand there ....] 7´ [....] the 16th?, lightning flashed, thunder, much rain PISAN DIB, the north and west winds blew [....] 8´ [.... Night] of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of β? Capricorni?, the moon being 1½ cubits low to the south [....] 9´ [.... the moon was x]+½ cubit [....,] the moon being 2? cubits high to the north. Night of the 23rd?, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 10´ [....] .... the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Tauri, the moon being 4 cubits high to the north [....] 11´ [....] .... clouds? crossed the sky. The 29th, solar eclipse [which was omitted ....] 12´ [....] .... [....] (space) 13´
[....] (erasure) (space)
14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] cubits to ....; gusty? north wind. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 5 [cubits] below ε Leonis [....] [....] .... [....] the moon was 2½ cubits below β Virginis [....] [....] .... [....] ...., the moon having passed a little to the east [....] [....] 1½ cubits [in] front? of ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] (ideal) first appearance on the 12th. Night of the 14th, [....:] 11° 30´? [....] [....] δ Capricorni .... [....] [....] .... [....]
No. -107
No. -107 D: BM 45778 (= 81-7-6, 194)
SE 204
Photo: JCF, YM
] IX X [
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x DIB x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 4 qa ina KIN-SIG 4(b) [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ Ámeš NI ŠÀ?- šú-nu [....] 4´ [....]-ÀM a-na 1 GÍN SUM-ʾu ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... E]N 13 2(p) 2(b) TA 14 EN 20 2(p) 3(b) 3 q[a ....] 6´ [....] EN MURUB4 ITU 2(b) 4½ qa EN TIL ITU 2(b) [....] 7´ [dele-bat 1 2 ina MÁŠ ....] ⌈AN⌉ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ITU BI ILLU EN 20 ⅔ [....] 8´ [....] lúUNmeš GAZ?meš IGI?-šú-nu iz-za-a[z? ....] 9´ [.... Mit-ra-d]a-ta-a lúGAL-GAL ú-qa-an ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ÍD ma-rat ⌈IAn-ti-ʾu⌉-u[k-su ....] 11´ [A šá IDe-meṭ-ri BAL-ma ....] ⌈x⌉ LUGAL-ú-ti-⌈šú ina? x⌉ [....] (small space) 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
[ituAB .... GE6?] 1 1 DIR AN ZA ⌈SI GIN x x⌉ [.... GE6 3] [sin ina IGI dele-bat ....] ⌈x⌉ 5 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN ⌈6? DIR AN⌉ [....] [sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ....] sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ⌈kal GE6 ŠÚ⌉ [....] [sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG .... GE6 10] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI šur ⌈GIGIR šá⌉ [ULÙ ....] [.... U]LÙ SIG 11 DIR AN ZA ULÙ? [....] [.... A]LLA šá ⌈ULÙ⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin [....] [....] ⌈NU PAP⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈ULÙ⌉ GIN [....] [....] ⌈x ½⌉ KÙŠ sin ⌈i⌉-[ṣa ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 ⌈x⌉ [....]
Comments This tablet probably continues Diary No. -107 D 29ff.; the line distribution of both tablets matches, but no join is possible. The lunar positions agree with the date. Restorations here are from No. -107D.
108 B.C.
No. -107 D: BM 45778 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 4 qa, in the afternoon, 4 sūt [....] 3´ [....] .... sides? of their .... [....] 4´ [....] each they sold for 1 shekel .... [....] 5´ [.... un]til the 13th, 2 pān 2 sūt, from the 14th until the 20th, 2 pān 3 sūt 3 q[a ....] 6´ [....] until the middle of the month, 2 sūt 4½ qa, until the end of the month, 2 sūt [....] 7´ [Venus, on the 1st (and) 2nd, was in Capricorn ....;] Mars was in Gemini. That month, the river level until the 20th, [....] ⅔ [cubit ....] 8´ [....] the people they killed?, before? them .... [....] 9´ [.... Mitrad]ata, the chief general, .... [....] 10´ [....] the sea, Antio[chus ....] 11´ [son of Demetrius revolted and ....] .... of his kingship in .... [....] (small space) 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
[Month X .... night] of the 1st (and) the 1st, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew .... [.... Night of the 3rd,] [the moon stood .... in front of Venus ....] .... the 5th, very overcast, the north wind blew. The 6th?, clouds [....] the sky [....] [the moon being 1 cubit low to the south ....] the moon having passed a little to the east; all night overcast [....] [the moon being 1 cubit low to the south .... Night of the 10th,] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ζ Tauri [....] [....] low to the south. The 11th, clouds were in the sky, the south? wind [....] [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [.... ϑ/δ] Cancri, the moon being [....] [....] I did not watch; very overcast, the south wind blew [....] [....] ½ cubit ...., the moon being a litt[le ....] [....] .... 1 .... [....]
No. -105
No. -105 BM 34926 (= Sp II 443)
SE 206
Copy: LBAT 622
I []
Photo: YM This fragment joins No. -105 A (volume III) at the left edge. The join was found by G. R. F. Assar. Line 1´ of BM 34926 is continued by line 3´ in Ex. A. In the following transliteration a few signs of the previously published tablet are repeated to show the connection.
´Obv.´ 1´
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
[GENN]A ⌈8⌉ U ⌈ana NIM?⌉ DI[B? ....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG .... sin ½ KÙŠ ana SI NI[M ....] GE6 14 10,30 GE6 .... né-ḫi ŠUB-di AN UT[AḪ ....] GE6 15 kal GE6 .... ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ [nn mm 1]7 DIR AN ZA .... šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [x x GE]NNA ana ME E-a .... in 24 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-[MAŠ IG]I DIR NU PAP .... AN DUL-ḫat SI GIN GE6 27 USAN dele-bat .... 1(p) 1(b) 3 qa TA 6 EN 10 1(p) 2(b) TA 11 .... saḫ-le10 2(b) 4 qa 4-ú ŠE-GIŠ-Ì .... in 12 MÚL-BABBAR RÍN KUR dele-bat 1 ina MÚL-MÚL .... 10 11 12 20 SI GIN ⌈na⌉ NU TUK 13 14 GUB-uz .... šá É-sag-gíl 1-en GU4 ù 3 SÍSKURmeš .... GIM IGI-ú ITU BI KÁ-dLAMA-ra-bi .... ⌈x x⌉ šá-kan NIDBA ana [x]meš KUR lìb-bu-ú .... [ituGU4 3]0 18 na-su [x x] ⌈x x⌉ sin ina IGI G[U4-UD .... [x x] 2 kal ME ⌈x⌉ [....] SI u MAR .... [x MÚL T]UR šá 4 KÙŠ [ár LUGAL ....] GE6 6 .... [x G]Ù U né-ḫi [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ .... [ina ZÁLAG] sin e RÍN [šá ULÙ .... ina IGI MÚ]L-BABBAR 3 KÙŠ .... [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] SI ana NIM GUB 10 DIR SAL AN ZA ....
Left edge 1 [....] ⌈gi-né-e šá TA ituBAR⌉ [.... IAr]-šá ka-a LUGAL LUGALmeš Comments 1´: Reading based on the continuation of the line where an observation of the moon for night 12 is listed. Saturn was above α Scorpii and a little to the east. 4´: The moon was next to β Capricorni on the 17th. 15´: The moon was near Mercury on the 1st. 17´: On the 5th, the moon was next to ρ Leonis. 19´: The moon was above α Librae on the 10th, which also fits the position of Jupiter preserved later in the line.
106 B.C.
No. -105 BM 34926 The translation is restricted to this new join.
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
[Satu]rn having passed? 8 fingers to the east? [....] the moon being ½ cubit high to the north [....] it thundered slowly, rain sho[wer ....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Capricorni. [The 1]7th, .... (the moon was) 1½ cubits [....γ/δ] Capricorni .... [....] Around the 24th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Gemi[ni;] rain DUL, the north wind blew. Night of the 27th, .... 1 pān 1 sūt 3 qa; from the 6th .... cress, 2 sūt 4 qa (and) one fourth (qa); sesame, .... Around the 12th, Jupiter reached Libra; Venus, on the 1st, was in Taurus .... The 10th, 11th, 12th, it rose 20 fingers; there was no na (gauge); .... (the assembly) of Esangil (provided) 1 bull and 3 (sheep) sacrifices .... as before. That month, the Lamassu-rabi Gate .... .... placing of a nindabû-offering on [....] [Month II,] (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 18° .... [....] The 2nd, all day, .... [....] [.... ρ] Leon[is ....] [....] slow thunder [....] [last part of the night,] the moon was [....] above α Librae [....] [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [Di]ary from month I [.... Ar]saces king of kings.
No. -102
No. -102 BM 45947 (= 81-7-6, 385)
SE 209
Photo: YM
I [ ] VI
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈4 KÙŠ? GE6 10?⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈e?⌉ [....] [....] dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ 16 ŠÚ [....] [.... GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin ina] IGI SI MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 18 [....] [.... GE6 21 ina ZÁL]AG sin ár MÚL-BABBAR 1⅔ KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 2[1 ....] [.... AN U]TAḪ i-ṣa ina KIN-SIG U 1-šú GÙ-šú né-ḫi ŠUB-di [....] [....] ⌈DU?⌉ 26 13 ⌈KUR⌉ KUR4 a-kam muš GE6 27 ⌈USAN dele-bat⌉ [....] [.... š]á ⌈ŠÚ?⌉-ú ki PAP NU IGI ITU BI KI.LAM še-im TA 1 EN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì EN 7 1(b) 5 qa 4-ʾu-ú EN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] in 10? ⌈GU4-UD ina ŠÚ⌉ [ina MÚL-MÚL] ⌈ŠÚ in⌉ 19 ⌈dele-bat⌉ MAŠ-M[AŠ KUR ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈a-kam KALAG ki⌉ PAP NU IGI GE6 2 USAN ⌈AN⌉ e ⌈MÚL⌉ MURUB4 šá S[AG GÍR-TAB ....] [.... e MÚL e] šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 [KÙŠ] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ár dele-bat 1½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB ⌈GE6⌉ 3 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 3 KÙŠ sin 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana SI NIM GE6 [....] [....] ana ULÙ S[IG GE6 8?] ⌈SAG GE6⌉ [sin] ⌈ár⌉ MÚL ár šá SUḪ[UR] MÁŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 6,10 ME DIR NU P[AP ....] [....] NU PAP kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... ina] IGI MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Date The reverse of this fragment was dated to SE 209 month VI by Teije de Jong from the following observations: On day 2 of some month, Mars was above δ Scorpii; the moon was 1½ cubits behind Venus, and 1 cubit above δ or β Scorpii and ½ cubit to the west. This gives a unique date for the reverse − except that the day numbers differ by 1 from the calendar as found by computation. A possible explanation would be that the new moon could not be observed (see the remark in rev. 2´ “dense mist, when I watched, I did not see”). The obverse can then be identified as belonging to month I: Venus was below β Tauri shortly before the 16th (obv. 4´); the moon was in front of β Capricorni on the 18th (obv. 5´) and near Jupiter on the 21st (obv.6´); on the 10th, there was a last visibility of Mercury in the west (obv. 11´); on the 19th, Venus moved from Taurus into Gemini (obv. 11´).
103 B.C.
No. -102 BM 45947 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ..... [....] [....] 4 cubits? [....] Night of the 10th?, [....] [.... Ni]ght of the xth, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β? [Scorpii ....] [....] Venus was 2 cubits below β Tauri. The 16th, overcast [....] [.... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was] 1 cubit in front of β Capricorni, the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. The 18th, [....] [.... Night of the 21st, last part of the] night, the moon was 1⅔ cubits behind Jupiter, the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. The 2[1st, ....] [....] a little [rain sh]ower; in the afternoon, it thundered once slowly [....] [....] stood? [....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°, it was bright, measured (despite) mist. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] [....] which had set?, when I watched, I did not see it. That month, the equivalent was: barley, from the 1st until .... [....] [....] 2 sūt; sesame, until the 7th, 1 sūt 5 qa (and) one-fourth (qa), until .... [....] [....] around the 10th?, Mercury’s last appearance in the west [in Taurus;] around the 19th, Venus [reached] Gemi[ni ....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] .... [....] [....] dense mist, when I watched, I did not see (it). Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mars was [....] above δ Sc[orpii ....] [.... the moon was] 1 [cubit above β] Scorpii, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west, it stood 1½ cubits behind Venus to the east. Night of the 3rd, .... [....] [....] the moon was 3 cubits in front of ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being 1 cubit high to the north. Night [....] [....] low to the south. [Night of the 8th?,] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ Capricorni [....] [....] .... [....] moonrise to sunset: 6° 10´; clouds, I did not wa[tch ....] [....] I did not watch; all day, very overcast [....] [....] .... [....] [.... in] front of [α/β] Gemin[orum ....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
No. -93 and No. -88
No. -93 C: BM 34736 (= Sp II 227)
SE 218
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 5
] IV [
Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ana SI NIM x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ in 17 AN [ina x ŠÚ ....] 3´ [.... s]in ina IGI is le10 1½ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] sin 4 KÙŠ ana SI NI[M ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [.... ina MURU]B4 ITU 3(p) PI ⌈EN⌉ T[IL ITU ....] 6´ [....] EN TIL ⌈ITU ina⌉ [x x] GU4-UD ina A in 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [ina A ŠÚ ....] 7´ [....] SUDmeš šá KUR Qu-ti-i ana KUR ma-di-na-at šá [KUR Ma-da-a-a È-a ....] 8´ [....] ÍD šá-nu-ú šá AN-TA uruSe-lu-ke-ʾa-a šá [....] 9´ [....] ⌈ù⌉ dul-lu ana muḫ-ḫi GIN-ak —————————— 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Comments This fragment refers to the same month (SE 218 IV) as BM 32884 (No. -93A rev. 1-13); last appearances of Mars (line 2´) and Mercury (line 6´), as well as the historical section are parallel. This was confirmed by R. van der Spek, whom I thank for restorations in lines 7´to 9´.
No. -88 BM 41479 (= 81-6-25, 91) + Rm 710 + Rm unnumbered
SE 223
Copy: LBAT 869 (41479), ZA 6 (1891) 235
Photo: YM Bibliography: ADT vol. III No. -88 A (Rm 710) and Pl. 277 The join of the two pieces was brought to my attention by G. R. F. Assar.
Upper edge 1 EN-NUN ⌈šá⌉ [gi]-né-e šá TA ituBAR EN TIL i[tuKIN ....] 2 [I]Ar-šá-ka-a šá i-ṭar-ri-du IGu-tár-za LUGAL u [....] 3 [ina a-mat dEN] u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[EN-NUN šá] gi-né-e šá TA [ituBAR EN] TIL ituKIN šá MU-1-me-59-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-me-23-[KAM I Ar-šá -ka-a ....] [ituBAR] 1 19,10 na-su DIR NU PAP [.... GI]Nmeš GE6 2 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 2 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina še-rì AN UTA[Ḫ ....] [x] ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 4 SAG GE6 [.... KÙ]Š 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN-BAR7 AN UTAḪ SI GIN [....] USAN ŠÚ-ŠÚ sin TÙR NIGIN 6 S[I? ....GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin] SIG múlLUGAL 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙ[Š ....] SAG GE6 sin SIG GÌR ár šá A 1⅔ K[ÙŠ .... GE6] ⌈10⌉ SAG GE6 sin SIG DELE šá I[GI ABSIN nn mm ....]
94 B.C. and 89 B.C.
No. -93 C: BM 34736 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] high to the north .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....] Around the 17th, Mars’ [last appearance ....] 3´ [.... the m]oon was 1½ [cubits] in front of α Tauri [....] 4´ [....] the moon being 4 cubits high to the north [....] 5´ [....] .... [.... in the midd]le of the month, 3 pān, until the en[d of the month, ....] 6´ [....] until the end of the month, in [....;] Mercury was in Leo; around the 8th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west [in Leo ....] 7´ [.... went out from] the far-away [cities] of the land of the Quti to the province of [Media? ....] 8´ [....] another canal, which is above Seleucia which is [....] 9´ [....] and he performed work on it. —————————— 10´ [....] .... [....]
No. -88 BM 41479 + Rm 710 Upper edge 1 Diary from month I until the end of [month VI ....] 2 Arsaces, who was named King Gutarza, and [....] 3 [At the command of Bel] and Beltija, may it go well. Obv.´ 1 2
3 4 5
[Dia]ry from [month I until] the end of month VI of year 159 which is year 223, [Arsaces ....] [Month I,] the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 19° 10´; clouds, I did not watch [.... bl]ew. Night of the 2nd, very overcast. The 2nd, all day, very overcast; in the morning, rain show[er ....] it stood [....] ½ cubit to the west. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, [.... cubi]ts [....] The 4th, very overcast; at noon, rain shower, the north wind blew [....] first part of the night, very overcast; the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 6th, the no[rth? wind .... night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was] 2½ cubits below α Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 1⅔ cubits below β Virginis .... Night] of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below γ Virginis
84 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
No. -88 TA lìb-bi-šú È-a ma-šil G[E6 .... GE6 13 nn] ME muš SAG GE6 [....] ana MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ TE ⌈ana 1⌉-[en ....] ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] šá KIR4 šil-taḫ PA 1½ [KÙŠ] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈DU⌉ [....] kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ MURU[B4 ....] ⌈ULÙ⌉ ŠÁR AN MAḪ [....] AN DIB GÍR GÍR-GÍ[R ....] ⌈25⌉ ŠÚ-⌈ŠÚ? x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ G[IN ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈IGI?⌉ 3 [....] ⌈x 15?⌉ [....] [x] 3 ⌈x⌉ [....] [a?-p]a-a-tú ⌈5?⌉ [....] —————————— ⌈ituGU4⌉ 30 ⌈12⌉,30 na-[su ....] [x x si]n ⌈ár x⌉ [....]
[x] ⌈DU? x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 ina ABSIN ⌈x⌉ [....] ILLU 4 SI LAL PAP 30? [na ....] —————————— itu DU6 30 12 na-su SIG [....] EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá T[A ....] šá iṭ-ṭar-ri-du IGu-tár-[za] LUGAL ù ⌈mí x⌉ [....]
Comments 6: On the 11th, the moon was very close to α Virginis. 7: On the 13th, Saturn came close to η Geminorum.
89 B.C. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
it was similar to having come out from its inside. Ni[ght .... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: [....,] measured; beginning of the night, [....] it came close to η Geminorum, [they became] one [star ....] in the afternoon, .... [....] 1½ cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi .... [....] .... [....] all night, very overcast; in the middle [watch, ....] gusty south wind, much rain [....] crossed the sky, lightning flashed continuously [....] The 25th, very overcast .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... 3 [....] [....] 15? [....] [....] 3 .... [....] [op]enings?, 5? [....] —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset [to moonset:] 12° 30´ [....] [.... the moo]n was [....] behind .... [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] .... 2 in Virgo .... [....] the river level receded 4 fingers, total: 30? [was the na (gauge) ....] —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 12°, it was faint [....] Diary f[rom ....] who was named King Gutarza, and .... [....]
No. -85
No. -85 D: BM 35065 (= Sp II 598)
SE 226
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 8
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ IGu-tár-za lúŠEŠ [....] 3´ [.... GA]L?meš áš-bu-ú a-ṣu-ú u e-re-bi [....] 4´ [....] ERÍNmeš LUGAL šá áš-šú pu-lu-uḫ-ḫu-ú ina ídI[DIGNA? ....] 5´ [....]-nu ina a-ḫu dUTU.A šá ídIDIGNA SAL? x [....] —————————— 6´ [GU4 .... x]+6 na-su in 29 šá ituBAR ina TIL MÚL-MÚL IGI [....] 7´ [.... MÚL] ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... ana] ULÙ SIG SIG GENNA 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈i-ṣa⌉ ana NIM D[IB ....] 9´ [....] 7 SI GIN GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ina [....] 10´ [....] ⌈TA?⌉ SI u MAR 10 UŠ la?-pàn ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] SI GIN GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] 12´ [....] 1 ŠU? muš AN-⌈BAR7⌉ AN UTAḪ? i-ṣ[a ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [....] 14´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin SI[G ....] 15´ [....] ⌈25⌉ ULÙ ŠÁR GIN ŠÁR? ina KIN-[SIG ....] 16´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] Comments 5´: dUTU.A is probably to be emended to either dUTU.ŠÚ.A or dUTU.È.A. 6´: The planet’s name is not preserved, but Mercury can be restored from calculation.
86 B.C.
No. -85 D: BM 35065 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Gutarza, brother of [....] 3´ [....] great? [....] dwell. Going out and entering [....] 4´ [....] the troops of the king, who because of fear [....] in the Tig[ris? ....] 5´ [....] .... on the west/east? bank of the Tigris .... [....] —————————— 6´ [Month II, ....] sunset to setting of [Mercury: x]+6°; (ideal) first appearance on the 29th of month I in the end of Taurus [....] 7´ [....] 2 cubits [....] δ Cancri, [....] in front of Jupiter [....] 8´ [.... the moon being ....] low to the south, 1 cubit below Saturn, the moon having passed a little to the east [....] 9´ [....] The 7th, the north wind blew. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 10´ [....] from north and west, 10° before .... [....] 11´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 12´ [....] sunrise to moonset?: [x]+1°, measured; at noon, a little rain shower [....] 13´ [....] .... the north wind blew; Mercury was [....] below α Geminorum [....] 14´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] bel[ow ....] 15´ [....] The 25th, a gusty south wind blew ....; in the after[noon ....] 16´ [....] .... [....] Date In the first days of the month, Jupiter and Saturn were near each other: the moon was near δ Cancri and to the west of Jupiter (line 7´), and near Saturn on the following night (line 8´). There was a first appearance of a planet at the end of month I (line 6´). Soon after the middle of month II, Mercury was near α Geminorum. The mention of Gotarzes narrows the time range to the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 1st centuries BC. SE 226 II and 227 II are to be considered because there are no other meetings of Saturn and Jupiter in Cancer in the period in question. In SE 227 II the moon passes Saturn before reaching Jupiter; this does not fit the text. Also, in SE 227 Mercury is not yet below α Geminorum on the days possible in line 13´. BM 40860 = No. -85A concerns SE 226 II but has different details which fit into the lacunae of BM 35065.
No. -69
No. -69 World Museum of Liverpool WML 1963-118-3 Photo: CDLI P405508
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
SE 242 ] IX X XI [
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 20 DIR ⌈AN⌉ [DIB?] ina ZÁLAG [....] [x x D]IR AN DIB AN DUL GE6 22 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB 22 DIR ⌈AN?⌉ [....] [A]N DUL-ḫat 27 16,50 KUR DIR NU PAP 28 šámaš GUB ITU BI [....] ŠE-GIŠ 4(b) SÍGḫá 2½ ma-na i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB ina TIL ITU ina ⌈PA⌉ [....] ina TIL ITU ina RÍN ITU BI ILLU 4 SI GIN ina TIL ITU 1 KÙŠ LAL 29 na —————————— [.... a]-⌈pir⌉ muš GE6 3 DIR AN ZA 3 KAK-BAN ana ME E-a GE6 5 [....] [.... GE6 7 SAG] GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN ½ KÙŠ GE6 [x] SA[G GE6 ....] [.... GE6 11 SAG GE6] ⌈sin SIG? šur⌉ GIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ KÙ[Š? ....] —————————— ZÍZ 1 23,⌈20?⌉ [....] [x] ⌈KÙŠ 5?⌉ [....]
Left edge (traces)
Comments According to Dr. Ashley Cooke, senior curator of antiquities at the World Museum in Liverpool, “the tablet was donated to the museum in 1963 by Mrs Myra Asquith. She inherited it from her father who acquired it from Lord Amherst’s collection.”
70 B.C.
No. -69 WML 1963-118-3 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [....] stood 2 cubits to the west. Night of the 20th, clouds [crossed?] the sky; last part of the night, [....] [...., cl]ouds crossed the sky, rain DUL. Night of the 22nd, very overcast, slow rain, PISAN DIB. The 22nd, clouds [....] the sky [....] [r]ain DUL. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 50´; clouds, I did not watch. The 28th, solstice. That month, [....] sesame, 4 sūt; wool, 2½ minas. At that time, Jupiter was in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; [....] at the end of the month, in Libra. That month, the river level rose 4 fingers; at the end of the month, it receded 1 cubit; 29 was the na (gauge). —————————— [Month X, .... earth]shine, measured. Night of the 3rd, clouds were in the sky. The 3rd, Sirius’ acronychal rising. Night of the 5th, [....] [.... Night of the 7th, beginning] of the night, the moon was ½ cubit behind α Arietis. Night [of the xth,] begin[ning of the night, ....] [.... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night,] the moon was 1 cubit below? ζ Tauri [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... cub[its ....] —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), [sunset to moonset:] 23° 20´? [....] [....] cubits. The 5th, [....]
Left edge (traces)
Date A solstice on day 28 of a month and an acronychal rising of Sirius on the 3rd of the following month identify the year as SE 14+19n. During the earlier month, Jupiter moved from Scorpius into Sagittarius; in addition, Mars (to be restored with certainty because of the fixed order of the planets) moved into Libra. These data fit only SE 242. The position of the moon in line 8´ does fit this date, but that can hardly be called a confirmation.
No. -67 and No. -59
No. -67 BM 35626 (= Sp III 138)
SE 244
Copy: LBAT 759
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 20 ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] 3´ [.... sin] e MÚL KUR šá KI[R4 sil PA ....] 4´ [....] kal ME DIR AN ZA Š[ED7 ....] 5´ [.... in 2]7 IGI? in 28 GENNA ina TIL [GU ŠÚ ....] 6´ [....] qa 4-ʾu-ú TA 12 EN 10+[x ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ qa TA 6 EN 21 1(p) 1(b) [....] 8´ [....] GENNA ina GU in 1 AN GÍR-TAB KUR in 10 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ PAP 24 na ITU BI al-te-m[e ....] 10´ [....] ⌈U4?-25?⌉ LUGAL šá uruAr-[....] 11´ [....] ⌈x LUGAL?⌉ šá KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] Date A last appearance of Saturn in a specified zodiacal sign (line 5´) occurs about every 29 years. Together with Mars entering Scorpius (line 8´), the most likely date is SE 244 month X. In this month, a first appearance on the 27th (line 5´) can be assigned to Mercury. The event on the 10th (line 8´) is then a last appearance of Jupiter. In view of the date, a restoration of Armini is likely in l. 10´.
No. -59 BM 46153 (= 81-7-6, 610)
SE 252
Copy: LBAT 523
] XI [
Photo: YM
´Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈šá SAG ḪUN 2⌉ KÙŠ 8 SI 11? [....] [....] 17 GE6 ÍR Á KUR ana ZÁLAG ki [....] [....]meš NU GUB-ʾu ina AN-KU10-šú IM [....] [.... GE]6 16 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e RÍN šá U[LÙ ....] [....] 8 SI GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4½ KÙŠ GE6 23 ⌈x⌉ [....]
Date Teije de Jong proposes a date in SE 252 XI on the basis of a (total?) lunar eclipse and Jupiter above α Librae on the 16th. On the 20th, the moon would be behind α Scorpii.
68 B.C. and 60 B.C.
No. -67 BM 35626 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 20th, very over[cast ....] 3´ [.... the moon was ....] above ϑ Ophi[uchi ....] 4´ [....] all day, clouds were in the sky, c[old ....] 5´ [....] (ideal) first appearance [on the 2]7th. Around the 28th, Saturn’s [last appearance] in the end [of Aquarius ....] 6´ [....] qa (and) one-fourth (qa), from the 12th until the 10+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] .... qa, from the 6th until the 21st, 1 pān 1 sūt [....] 8´ [....] Saturn was in Aquarius; around the 1st, Mars reached Scorpius; around the 10th, [....] 9´ [....] .... total: 24 was the na (gauge). That month, I heard [....] 10´ [....] day 25?, the king of Ar[....] 11´ [....] .... king? of the land .... [....]
No. -59 BM 46153 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers [.... β/α] Arietis. The 11th?, [....] 3´ [....] 17° of night maximal phase. When it [began] to clear on the east side, [....] 4´ [....] did not stand there. In its eclipse, the [....] wind [....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 16th, first part of the night, Jupiter was [....] above α Librae [....] 6´ [....] 8 fingers [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 7´ [....] .... 4½ cubits [....] Night of the 23rd?, .... [....]
Undated Diaries
Birmingham City Museum
Birmingham City Museum A.1847-1982 Photo: HH
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
Birmingham City Museum A. 1847-1982 ´Obv.´
[....] ⌈GE6? sin? x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 3 sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin 1 [....] [.... GI]N GE6 5 USAN sin TÙR NIGIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ ULÙ u KUR ŠÁRmeš GINmeš 6 DI[R ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 ⌈9⌉ SAG GE6 sin SIG DELE šá I[GI ABSIN ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ [....] [.... AN-B]AR7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÙ U MAḪ AN GAL-GAL PISAN [....] [.... GE6 1]5 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ⌈1⌉ [KÙŠ? ....] [.... MÚL IGI/ár] ⌈šá⌉ ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ kal GE6 DIR AN [....] [.... MU]RUB4? AN UTAḪ IM ŠÁR KALAG 17? [....] [....] ⌈AN⌉ ZA MURUB4? ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTA[Ḫ ....] [....] ⌈ana⌉ ULÙ ⌈SIG?⌉ [….] [....] ⌈x⌉ [….]
[....] E [ ….] [.... Se-lu-k]e?-ʾa-a šá ana U[GU ....] [....]-⌈ʾ⌉-a-a KI-TA Eki [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ZAG? Eki lú?ar-⌈x⌉-[....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ MAḪ TUḪmeš? ina? TIL? ITU? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x meš⌉ ITU BI GE6 2? [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] k i
1´ 2´
4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] of the night, the moon? was .... [....] [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Geminorum, the moon being 1 [....] [.... bl]ew. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo, .... [....] [....] cubits [....] gusty south and east winds blew. The 6th, clou[ds ....] [....] ...., the north wind blew. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below γ Vi[rginis ....] [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] ⅔ cubit in front of γ Capricorni [....] [.... at n]oon, very overcast, much thunder, large rain PISAN [....] [.... Night of the 1]5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 [cubit?] behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... ϑ/δ] Cancri; all night, clouds [....] the sky [....] [.... in the mi]ddle watch, rain shower, strong gusty wind. The 17th?, [....] [....] were in the sky; in the middle watch? very overcast, rain shower [....] [....] low to the south [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] Babylon [....] [.... Sel]eucia which is on [....] [....] .... below Babylon [....] [....] .... the border? of Babylon the Ar[....] [....] much .... they departed. At the end of the month?, .... [....] [....] .... That month, night of the 2nd?, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 30617–31646
British Museum BM 30617 (= 76-11-17,344)
BM 30617
Bibliography: Y. Mitsuma, BSOAS 83 (2020) 239-247
Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[MU-x]-⌈KAM⌉ IAn u IAn A-šú LUGALmeš GAN 1 [x]+⌈8⌉ na-su KUR4 a-pir DIR muš ina GUB IGI [k]al GE6 DIR AN ZA 1 DIR SAL AN ZA šámaš TA ⌈še-rì⌉ EN KIN-SIG ina lìb-bi TÙR UŠ-di KI ŠÚ šámaš ŠÚ? SI GIN GE6 2 kal GE6 ⌈DIR⌉ AN DIB USAN MURUB4 AN DUL SI GIN 2 DIR SAL AN ZA šámaš ⌈TÙR⌉ NIGIN KÁ-šú ana ⌈ULÙ BAD x⌉ [x x] ŠÚ AN DUL NA4 TUR ŠUR-nun x [.... GE6 3] SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈SI⌉ GIN GE6 4 SAG GE6 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ GIN —————————— [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ (traces of 3 more lines, illegible)
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
BM 31646 (= 76-11-17, 1373) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6 8⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ 8 kal ME [.... G]Ù-šú né-ḫi ŠUB AN UTAḪ [....] AN DIB GÙ U ina še-rì [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA
Lower edge 1 [....] ULÙ 1½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [ina] ⌈IGI dele-bat⌉
[Year x,] kings Antiochus and his son Antiochus. Month IX, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: [x]+8°; it was bright, earthshine; measured (despite) clouds; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there. All night clouds were in the sky. The 1st, thin clouds were in the sky, the sun travelled from morning to afternoon inside a halo. At sunset, overcast?; the north wind blew. Night of the 2nd, all night clouds crossed the sky. In the evening (and) middle watch, rain DUL; the north wind blew. The 2nd, thin clouds were in the sky; the sun was surrounded by a halo, its gate was open to the south. [....] overcast, rain DUL, it rained small hail .... [.... Night of the 3rd,] beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky. [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, [....] .... [....] .... blew. —————————— [....] .... (traces of 3 more lines, illegible)
BM 31646 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 8th, very overcast [....] ...., rain shower. The 8th, all day [....] it thundered slowly, rain shower. [....] crossed the sky, thunder; in the morning, [....] .... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky,
Lower edge 1 [....] 1½ cubits [....] the southern [...., in] front of Venus
BM 31725–31730 2 3
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [.... S]AG GE6 sin
2 3
Rev.´ [....] ⌈SIG?⌉ 12 DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈14⌉ 7 ŠÚ [....] sin ina IGI SA4 [....] ina KIN-⌈SIG⌉ [D]IR ⌈AN ZA⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
1 2 3 4 5
BM 31725 (= 76-11-17, 1452) Photo: JCF, YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] LUGAL ituAPIN 1 20 na-su [....] ⌈ana⌉ šámaš SIG 1 DIR AN ZA GE6 2 [.... S]IG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ GE6 3 [....] 2½ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] ana NIM GUB sin 2 KÙŠ ana [S]I NIM [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 2 KÙŠ ⌈ana?⌉ SI ⌈NIM⌉ [....] ⌈x x x sin x x x x⌉
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA sin ár MÚL?-⌈MÚL? x⌉ [....] [....] ana ULÙ SIG
Obv.´ 1
2 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´ 3´ 4´
BM 31730 (= 76-11-17, 1457) Photo: JCF, YM
1 2
[.... Ar-šá-k]a-a LUGAL GU4 1 21 na-su KUR4 NIM a-pir [....] GU4-UD 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 2 sin e ⌈MÚL? ár še?-pít? MAŠMAŠ⌉
[....] low? [....] The 12th, clouds were in the sky. [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. [....] the moon was [....] in front of α [Virginis ....] in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. [....] .... [....] ....
BM 31725
[....] being ½ cubit low to the south. [....] beginning of the night, the moon was
[....] King [....] Month VIII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 20°; [....] it was low to the sun. The 1st, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd, [....] 2½ cubits below β Capricorni. Night of the 3rd, [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....], the moon being ⅔ cubit low to the south. [.... the moon] stood [....] to the east, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. [.... the moon] stood [nn] cubits to the west, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. [....] .... the moon ....
[....] .... [....] [....] in .... [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky; the moon was [....] behind η Tauri? [....] [....] low to the south.
BM 31730 Obv.´ 1
[....] King [Arsa]ces. Month II, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 21°; it was bright (and) high, earthshine. [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] Mercury, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] above μ? Geminorum,
BM 31730
98 3 4 5 6
7 8
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 3 sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [GE6 4 ....] sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ i-ṣa sin ana NIM DIB DIR AN ZA [.... GE6] 5 SAG GE6 sin e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ ⌈1½?⌉ KÙŠ [.... MÚ]L ⌈IGI⌉ šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 5 DIR AN DIB? kal ME ⌈AN kab-bar⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN kab?-bar SI u KUR ⌈GIN?meš?⌉ [.... SA]G GE6 sin e M[ÚL?] ⌈x⌉
[....] ⌈3? x x x⌉ [....] [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 5/6 KÙŠ ⌈GE6⌉ 5 [....] 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ár DELE 1 KÙŠ IM ŠÁR ⌈KALAG⌉ [.... GE6 9] SAG GE6 sin ár SA4 1 KÙŠ GE6 10 [....] 2? KÙŠ ŠÚ-ŠÚ 10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin [.... x]+⌈1⌉ KÙŠ ⌈ana ŠÚ GUB⌉ GE6 12 SAG GE6
Upper edge 1 [....] ⌈x GE6 13 SAG GE6⌉ sin SIG šil PA 2 KÙŠ 2 [....] ⌈x ME?⌉ DIR muš 14 30 NINDA ŠÚ DIR muš 3 [....] ⌈na?⌉ muš GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈SI MÁŠ⌉ 1 KÙŠ
5 6
7 8
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 3½ cubits in front of α Geminorum. [Night of the 4th, ....] the moon was 1½ cubits below β Geminorum, the moon having passed a little to the east; clouds were in the sky. [.... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1½? cubits above δ Cancri. [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....] η Geminorum. The 5th, clouds crossed the sky, all day, thick rain, [....] ...., thick? rain, the north and east winds blew?. [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was above ....
[....] 3rd? .... [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini; very overcast, .... [....] [....] Venus was 5/6 cubit above δ Cancri. Night of the 5th, [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] .... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind γ Virginis. Strong gusty wind. [.... Night of the 9th,] beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind α Virginis. Night of the 10th, [....] 2 cubits [....] very overcast. The 10th, very overcast. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] stood [x]+1 cubit to the west. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night,
Upper edge 1 [....] .... Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below ϑ Ophiuchi. 2 [....] moonrise to sunset: ...., measured (despite) clouds. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 30´, measured (despite) clouds. 3 [....] sunrise to moonset: [....,] measured. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Capricorni.
BM 31818–31990
BM 31818 (= 76-11-17, 1545) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
Rev.´ 1 2 3
BM 31818 ´Obv.
[x] ⌈x⌉ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] GIN GE6? [....] [GE6?] 2 USAN? sin S[IG ....] ⌈x⌉ 3 DIR SAL AN [....] [G]E6 4 DIR SAL AN Z[A ....] ⌈x⌉ šá SI? 2½ KÙŠ sin [....] ⌈x x⌉ ana ŠÚ GUB? ina? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x] x SAG? ⌈A?⌉ [....]
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[x x] PAP DIR SAL AN ZA [....] [x DIR] SAL AN ZA sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [šá še]-pít ⌈MAŠ⌉-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ
(rest blank)
Rev.´ 1 2
[....] ... the moon was .... [....] [....] blew. Night? [....] [Night? of] the 2nd, first? part of the night, the moon was [....] be[low ....] .... The 3rd, thin clouds [....] the sky [....] [Ni]ght of the 4th, thin clouds were in the sky [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....] northern [....,] the moon being [....] .... stood? to the west, in? .... [....] [....] .... ε Leonis? [....]
[....] .... thin clouds were in the sky [....] [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky; the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 1 cubit [.... η/μ] Geminorum.
Comments The left edge is rather worn, so a little is missing at the beginning of some lines. Obv. 6´: The first two signs may have to be combined to šur, making the star name β Tauri.
BM 31990 (= 76-11-17, 1717)
BM 31990
Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
[.... ina AN]-⌈KU10⌉-šú dele-bat ⌈GU4⌉-UD GENN[A ....] [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ u GENNA SÚ-ú ina SAG ZÁLAG-r[u ....] [....] SI GIN ina TIL GU a-dir 13 7 [na ....]
Lower edge 1 [.... G]E6? 15? ⌈x x TA?⌉ [....] 2 [....] ⌈x x ½ KÙŠ x⌉ [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3
[.... x]+1,40 GE6 GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin ár?⌉ [....] [.... SIG M]ÚL IGI šá SAG LU 5 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x ina ZÁLAG] ⌈sin SIG MÚL-MÚL [....]
(rest blank)
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
in] its [eclipse,] Venus, Mercury, and Saturn [stood there ....] [....] Mercury and Saturn set. In the beginning of clearing, [....] [....] the north wind blew. In the end of Aquarius it was eclipsed. The 13th, [sunrise to moonset:] 7° [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... Ni]ght? of the 15th? .... from? [....] 2 [....] .... ½ cubit .... [....] Rev.´ 1
2 3
[....] sunset to moonrise: [x]+1° 40´. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind? [....] [.... the moon was] 5 cubits [below] β Arietis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] .... [.... last part of the night,] the moon was [....] below η Tauri [....]
BM 32062+32606
BM 32062 + 32606 (= 76-11-17, 1789+2350) Photo: JCF, YM
[....] IAn A-šú LUGALmeš ituIZI 18,10+[x ....] 2 [....] ⌈muš?⌉ ina GUB IGI kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 1 DIR ⌈SAL AN⌉ [ZA] 3 [....] ⌈x⌉ KIN-SIG ina lìb-bi TÙR UŠ-di 4 [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 kal GE6 DIR AN DIB USAN ⌈GENNA? x⌉ 5 [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 DIR SAL AN ZA šámaš TÙR NIGIN KÁ-šú ana ULÙ BAD 6 [....] AN DUL NA4 i-ṣa ŠUR-nun ULÙ šá kap KUR GAR GIN 7 [GE6 3 SA]G GE6 DIR AN ZA 3 DIR AN [D]IB AN DUL ULÙ GIN kal ME DIR AN ZA AN-BAR7 šámaš TÙR NIGIN KÁšú ana ULÙ BAD 8 [GE6 4 S]AG GE6 DIR SAL AN ZA sin TÙR NIGIN kal GE6 GÍR GÍR-GÍR IM ŠÁR 9 ⌈4⌉ ina še-rì DIR SAL AN ZA AN-BAR7 ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 5 ⌈SAG⌉ G[E6] 10 DIR SAL AN ZA sin TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN KÁ-šú ana KUR BAD [....] 11 5 kal ME DIR SAL AN ZA ULÙ GIN šámaš TÙR NIGIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 12 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 7? x ⌈x⌉ [....] 13 ⌈7⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA AN-BAR7 šámaš TÙR NIGIN GE6 8 SAG G[E6 ....] 14 [sin] TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN KÁ-šú ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 15 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 16 (on rev.) [....] ana ULÙ BAD
BM 32062 + 32606 Obv.´ 1
3 4
6 7
12 13
15 16
[....,] kings [.... and] his son Antiochus. Month V, (sunset to moonset:) 18° 10+[x´ ....] [....] measured?, it could be seen while (the sun) stood there. All night, clouds were in the sky. The 1st, thin clouds were in the sky, [....] .... in the afternoon, (the sun) travelled inside a halo. [....] .... Night of the 2nd, all night, clouds crossed the sky; first part of the night, Saturn? .... [....] .... The 2nd, thin clouds were in the sky, the sun was surrounded by a halo, its gate was open to the south; [....] rain DUL, it hailed a little; the south wind, which was set to the east side, blew. [Night of the 3rd, beg]inning of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 3rd, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL, the south wind blew. All day, clouds were in the sky; at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo, its gate was open to the south. [Night of the 4th, beg]inning of the night, thin clouds were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo. All night, lightning flashed continuously, gusty wind. The 4th, in the morning, thin clouds were in the sky; at noon, overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 5th, beginning of the ni[ght,] thin clouds were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed, its gate was open to the east [....] The 5th, all day, thin clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew; the sun was surrounded by a halo .... [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 7th, .... [....] The 7th, thin clouds were in the sky; at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 8th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [the moon] was surrounded by a halo which was not closed, its gate [was open] to .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] was open to the south.
BM 32076 ´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... S]AG GE6 DIR [....]
101 ´Rev. 1´ 2´
(large blank space) 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... U4 x]+9-KAM 2 x-rak-ka-nu KÙ.GI MU-a-tì EN pi-ir u lúEki meš [.... É-s]ag-gíl ana lúza-zak-ku u lú ŠÁMAN?-LÁmeš šá ina ŠUII LAL-ṭi KUR [....] ⌈x⌉ ana É-zi-da? ⌈áš?⌉-šú x x KUR? šá ina IGI-ma ina MU-1-me-36-KAM [.... É-s]ag-gíl ina qí-bi šá lúŠÀ-TAM É-sag-gíl u lúEki meš [....] x DÙmeš U4 BI ni?-gu?-tú ina KUR GAR-át [.... EN] pi-ir u lúEki meš ina? x x TA? [....] a-ra-nu šá dEN šá ina É-U4-1-KAM šak-nu
Comments A co-regency of an Antiochus (obv. 1) after SE 136 (rev. 5´) occurred in years SE 137-142. Rev. 3´: R. van der Spek proposes the emendation ga!-rak-ka-nu “braziers”.
BM 32076 (= 76-11-17,1803) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[E]N-NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA it[u?x ....] [nn] na-su KUR4 a-pir ina GUB IGI muš ⌈x⌉ [....] [G]E6 2 SIG SAG A 5 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [ana ....] [sin] SIG LUGAL 1?½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] [.... K]ÙŠ? 20 SI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI [....] [MÚL x] ⌈šá⌉ še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 SI GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x x]+2 KÙŠ GE6 8 SAG GE6 [....] [x x] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL USAN [....] [x x]+4 SI ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-M[ÚL? ....] [x x GE6] 9 SAG GE6 sin [....]
[....] .... [....] [.... beg]inning of the night, clouds [....] (large blank space)
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... the x]+9th [day,] these two braziers? of gold, the workforce commander and the Babylonians [.... of Es]angil to the zazakku and the assistants?, what was missing, arrived?. [....] .... to Ezida because of .... which before in year 136 [.... of Es]angil at the order of the administrator of Esangil and the Babylonians [....] they made. That day, merrymaking? was set up in the land. [.... the] workforce [commander] and the Babylonians in .... [....] were placed [in] the coffer of Bel which is in the Day One Temple.
BM 32076 Obv.´ 1 2
3 4 5 6
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[D]iary from mo[nth ....] sunset to moonset: [....;] it was bright, earthshine; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there, measured .... [....] [Ni]ght of the 2nd, was 5 cubits below ε Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [the moon was] 1?½ cubits below α Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit to [....] [.... cu]bits? 20 fingers .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... the moon was [....] in front of [....] 8 fingers [....] η/μ Geminorum. Night of .... [....] [.... x]+2 cubits. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, [....] [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west; first part of the night, [....] [.... x]+4 fingers [....] last part of the night, Venus was [....] below η Tau[ri ....] [.... Night] of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....]
BM 32223–32232
BM 32223 (= 76-11-17, 1950)
BM 32223
Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 Diary [....]
Upper edge 1 EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá [....] Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[MU-x]-KAM Se-lu-uk-ku u An-ti-[....] [x G]E6 2 DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ GE6 3 SAG [GE6 ....] [x x DI]R AN ZA GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ár MAŠ-M[AŠ ....] [GE6 x] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI LUGAL 2 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] [x] SI GIN 8 IM ŠÁR KALAG GE6 10 [....] ana ŠÚ LAL 11 DIR AN ⌈x⌉ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] I
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] GENNA? ⌈ana SI NIM?⌉ [....] SÍGḫá 2½ ma-na [....] ⌈GENNA⌉ ina RÍN AN ina [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Date Kings Seleucus and Antiochus reigned together from SE 20 to 31; Saturn was in Libra in SE 25 to 27. The remaining data do not suffice to determine the date more precisely.
BM 32232 + 32390 (= 76-11-17, 1959+2123) Photo: YM
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
5 6
Left edge 1 [....] LUGALmeš
7 8
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] [....] Saturn? high? to the north [....] wool, 2½ minas. [....] Saturn was in Libra, Mars was in [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [....] kings.
BM 32232 + 32390 ´Obv.´ 1´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ina IGI GENNA 1½ KÙ[Š ....] DIR AN ZA GE6 5 [....] 5 DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] me-ḫu-ú SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 8 SI GIN GE6 10 si[n S]IG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉
[Year ...., kings] Seleucus and Anti[ochus ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 2nd, clouds were in the sky, rain shower. Night of the 3rd, beginning [of the night, ....] [....,] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α/β Gemin[orum ....] [Night of the xth,] beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Leonis. Ni[ght ....] [....] the north wind blew. The 8th, strong gusty wind. Night of the 10th, [....] being [....] back to the west. The 11th, clouds .... the sky. [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] .... [....] .... [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] 1½ cubits in front of Saturn [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, [....] The 5th, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] a north storm blew. .... [....] The 8th, the north wind blew. Night of the 10th, the moon was 2 cubits below β Arietis.
BM 32239 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
GE6 12 sin ár MÚL-[MÚ]L 2 KÙŠ 12 2,40 ŠÚ DIR muš GE6 ⌈13⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI šur GIGIR šá [x] 3? [.... AN] ZA ULÙ GIN 13? [x x] [.... G]E6? 14 5,20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
9´ 10´
[ana] ŠÚ LAL GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] [x DELE] šá IGI ABSIN 1 K[ÙŠ ....] [x x] DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] [ina IG]I SA4 1½ KÙŠ [....] (blank)
⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [.... GE6] 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SA4 [....] 2 [....] ⌈x x⌉
11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Night of the 12th, the moon was 2 cubits behind η Tauri. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 40´; measured (despite) clouds. Night of the 13th, [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon was 3? [....] in front of [β/ζ] Tauri. [....] were in the sky, the south wind blew. The 13th?, [....] [.... Ni]ght? of the 14th, [....] 5° 20+[x´....] [....] .... 2 cubits [....] [....] .... [....]
being [....] back [to] the west. Night of .... [....] ...., clouds were in the sky .... [....] 1 cubit [....] γ Virginis. [....] [....] clouds were in the sky. Night [....] 1½ cubits [in fro]nt of α Virginis. [....] (blank)
.... [....]
Left edge 1 [.... Night] of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] above α [Virginis ....] 2 [....] ....
BM 32239 (= 76-11-17, 1966) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... SA]G GE6 [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 4 ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ár MÚL TUR 1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ⌈ana ULÙ SIG⌉ [....] 4´ [....] GE6 6 sin ina IGI GÌR ár 1½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SI[G ....] 5´ [.... ina I]GI DELE 1½ KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 8 sin [....] 6´ [....] ⌈SIG⌉ GE6 10 sin SIG RÍN šá SI 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [.... SA]G GÍR-TAB 1 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NI[M DIB ....] 8´ [....] GE6 13 14,40 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 32239 ´Flake´ 1´ [...., beginn]ing of the night, [....] 2´ [....] .... blew. Night of the 4th, .... [....] 3´ [....], .... the moon was 1 cubit behind ρ Leonis, the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 6th, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of β Virginis, the moon being 1½ cubits low to the south. [....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [in] front of γ Virginis, the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. Night of the 8th, the moon was [....] 6´ [....] low [....] Night of the 10th, the moon was 2½ cubits below β Librae, the moon being ½ cub[it ....] 7´ [....] 1 cubit [.... β/δ] Scorpii, the moon [having passed] a little to the east ....] 8´ [....] Night of the 13th, [....:] 14° 40´ [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32244
BM 32244 (= 76-11-17, 1971) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈GE6 3⌉ ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... N]U TUḪ ina KIN-SIG MAR [....] [.... SUḪU]R ár 1 KÙŠ 7 DIR AN [....] [....] IGI KUR 16 na-su in 6 I[GI ....] [.... D]IR AN ZA 10 DIR AN DIB ina KI[N-SIG ....] [.... A]N ZA sin TÙR NIGIN MÚLBABBAR ina ŠÀ-[šú GUB ....] [.... s]in ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2 KÙŠ USAN GU4-UD e ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SA4 šá ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ 13 2,40 [ŠÚ ....] [....] ana ŠÚ ina LAL-šú e RÍN šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ 14 8 [na ....] [....] DIB ár ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana N[IM GUB ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [.... šu]r GIGIR šá ULÙ 2 K[ÙŠ? ....] 2´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ GE6 11 S[AG GE6 ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 12 ina še-rì I[M? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈šá?⌉ ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈ZA⌉ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IM ŠÁR ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 8´ [.... DI]R AN ZA ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] 9´ [....] šá? SI MÁ[Š ....] 10´ [....] ⌈AN⌉ ZA [....]
BM 32244 `Obv.´? 1´ [....] Night of the 3rd, overcast .... [....] 2´ [....] not removed. In the afternoon, the west wind [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [....] δ Capricorni. The 7th, clouds [....] the sky. [....] 4´ [....] first appearance [....;] it was bright, rising of [....] to sunrise: 16°; (ideal) first appearance on the 6th. [....] 5´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky. The 10th, clouds crossed the sky; in the after[noon, ....] 6´ [....] were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo, Jupiter [stood] inside [it ....] 7´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits in front of γ Virginis; first part of the night, Mercury was [....] above .... [....] 8´ [....] ⅔ cubit [....] α Virginis. The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 2° 40´ [....] 9´ [....] while moving back to the west, was ⅔ cubit above α Librae. The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 8° [....] 10´ [....] having passed [...., it stood] x+½ cubit behind .... to the ea[st ....] 11´ [....] .... [....].... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] 2 cubits? [....] ζ Tauri. [....] 2´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] Night of the 11th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 3´ [....] .... The 12th, in the morning, wi[nd? ....] 4´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Night [....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit [....] Virginis. The 16th, .... [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 7´ [....] .... gusty wind; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 8´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the m[oon was ....] 9´ [....] of? β Capricorni [....] 10´ [....] were in the sky [....]
BM 32256
BM 32256 (= 76-11-17, 1983) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ-ŠÚ? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] sin ár SI MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ ina IGI deleb[at ....] 4´ [.... x]+2(p) PI kàs 4(p) 3(b) saḫ-le10 1(p) 4(b) [....] 5´ [....] NU IGI ITU BI ILLU TA 20 EN T[IL ITU ....] —————————— 6´ [.... x]+2 na-su muš ma-diš ma-diš SIG ana šámaš SIG G[E6 ....] 7´ [....] sin e is le10 2½ KÙŠ ŠÚ GÍR ⌈GÍR⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 ⌈9⌉ [....] 9´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin SIG SAG A [....] 10´ [.... DI]R AN ZA imKUR ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] x 14 GU4-UD ina [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [.... GI]Š.KUN [....] 2´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG dele-bat e MÚL á[r ....] 3´ [.... A]N ZA SAG GE6 AN [....] 4´ [.... x]+2(p) 3(b) kàs 4(p) 1(b) s[aḫ-le10 ....] 5´ [....] GU4-UD u AN šá ŠÚ-[ú NU IGImeš ....] —————————— 6´ [....] (blank) 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 17 na-su KUR4 [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x 1?⌉ KÙŠ ár dele-b[at ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 32256 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... very overcast, .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits?. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 3´ [....] the moon was ½ cubit behind β Capricorni, [....] in front of Venus [....] 4´ [.... x]+2 pān; mustard, 4 pān 3 sūt; cress, 1 pān 4 sūt [....] 5´ [....] was not visible. That month, the river level, from the 20th until the e[nd of the month, ....] —————————— 6´ [....] sunset to moonset: [x]+2°, measured; it was very very faint, it was low to the sun. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits above α Tauri; overcast, lightning flashed [....] 8´ [....] .... (the moon) stood ⅔ cubit to the west. Night of the 9th, [....] 9´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] below ε Leonis [....] 10´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, gusty east wind, .... [....] 11´ [....] .... The 14th, Mercury’s [....] in [....] 12´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ϑ Leo[nis ....] 2´ [.... last part of] the night, Venus was [....] above .... [....] 3´ [....] were in the sky; beginning of the night, rain [....] 4´ [.... x]+2 pān 3 sūt; mustard, 4 pān 1 sūt; cr[ess, ....] 5´ [....] Mercury and Mars, which had set, [were not visible ....] —————————— 6´ [....] (blank) 7´ [....] .... sunset to moonset: 17°, it was bright, [....] 8´ [....] .... 1? cubit behind Venu[s ....] 9´ [....] .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32261+32267
BM 32261 + 32267 (= 76-11-17, 1989+1995) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
BM 32261 + 32267 ´Obv.´ 1´
[....] ⌈x x KÙŠ? DIR AN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ GE6 14 7 ME ina ZÁL[AG ....] [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA 16 ina KIN-SIG DIR AN DIB GE6 17 ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG [....] [.... 1]8 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA IM ŠÁR GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] AN UTAḪ GE6 22 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI LUGAL 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... N]IM? GUB IM ŠÁR 23 ina še-rì DIR AN DIB AN UTA[Ḫ ....] [.... DI]R AN ZA 25 ina KIN-SIG DIR AN DIB AN na-al-⌈šú⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x ZI IR⌉ GE6 27 ŠÚ GÍR GÍR GÙ U MA[Ḫ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG GIŠ.KUN A 3 KÙŠ ana LÁL-tì GIŠ.KUN A ⌈x x⌉ [.... saḫ-l]e10 2(p) PI [Š]E-GIŠ 1(p) 2(b) SÍGḫá [x x] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GÙ U AN UTAḪ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GÁL 4 ina KIN-[SIG ....] [....] KÙŠ DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... G]U4-UD e MÚL [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ saḫ-le10 ina S[AG ITU ....] [.... A]BSIN ITU B[I ....] [....] ⌈ITU? BI? TA? x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 SAG GE6 DIR AN DIB 2 IM ⌈ŠÁR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈šámaš?⌉ TÙR NIGIN GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL-M[ÚL? ....]
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... cubits?; clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... [....] .... cubits. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 7°; last part of the [night, ....] [....] clouds were in the sky. The 16th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 17th, overcast; last part of the night, [....] [.... The 1]8th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] rain shower. Night of the 22nd, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of α Leonis [....] [....] stood [.... to the ea]st?; gusty wind. The 23rd, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky, rain shower [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky. The 25th, in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky, dew [....] [....] ...., ZI IR. Night of the 27th, overcast, lightning flashed, much thunder [....] [....] .... 3 cubits below ϑ Leonis, .... to the “balance” of the Rump of the Lion [.... cre]ss, 2 pān; sesame, 1 pān 2 sūt; wool, [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] thunder, rain shower, [....] [....] .... The 4th, in the after[noon, ....] [....] cubits; clouds were in the sky, .... [....] [....].... [....]
[....] .... [....] [.... Merc]ury [....] above .... [....] [....] ....; cress, in the beg[inning of the month, ....] [.... Vi]rgo. That month, [....] [....] That month?, from .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 2nd, beginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky. The 2nd, gusty wind [....] [....] the sun? was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind η Tau[ri? ....]
BM 32270 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB USAN GU4-UD ⌈e⌉ [....] [....] x 4½ KÙŠ GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL ár šá [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN MÚL GAL šá ma-gal KUR u meš-ḫi TUK-ú [....] [....] 13 7,30 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA GE6 14 [....] [....] TÙR NIGIN AN ina ŠÀ TÙR GUB USAN sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG DIR u ḫi-il AN DIB GE6 ⌈17?⌉ [....] [.... DI]R? AN DIB AN UTAḪ GE6 20 ŠÚ AN UTAḪ IM ŠÁ[R ....] [....] ⌈x AN⌉ DUL GE6 23 SAG G[E6 ....] [.... ina] ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 20+[x ....]
Upper edge 1 [....] 3(p) 1(b) 3 qa kàs [....] 2 [....] ⌈x⌉ EN 27 IL[LU ....] 3 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
10´ 11´
13´ 14´
15´ 16´
[....] .... 1 cubit [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; first part of the night, Mercury was [....] above [....] [....] 4½ cubits .... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below the rear star of [....] [....] ....; first part of the night, a meteor which was very bright and had a train [....] [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 30´; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, [....] [.... the moon] was surrounded by a halo, Mars stood inside the halo; first part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds and haze crossed the sky. Night of the 17th?, [....] [.... clou]ds? crossed the sky, rain shower. Night of the 20th, overcast, rain shower, gusty wind [....] [....] ...., rain DUL. Night of the 23rd, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [.... last] part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 20+[xth, ....]
Upper edge 1 [....] 3 pān 1 sūt 3 qa; mustard, [....] 2 [....] ...., until the 27th, the river [level ....] 3 [....] .... [....]
BM 32270 (= 76-11-17,1998) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈1⌉ K[ÙŠ? ....] 2´ [....] 1 SI TE ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... is] le10 3 SI LÁL [....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 [....] 5´ [....] 1⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 10+[x ....] 6´ ⌈IGI?⌉me šá ALLA 1 KÙŠ GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD [....] 7´ 2½ KÙŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ GE6 23 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá šil PA [....]
BM 32270 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1 cu[bit? ....] 2´ [....] 1 finger [....;] it came close .... [....] 3´ [....] balanced 3 fingers [above? α] Tauri [....] 4´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. Night [....] 5´ [....] 1⅔ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 6´ 1 cubit [....] the front? ones of Cancer. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mercury [....] 7´ 2½ cubits [....] Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 8´ Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus was [....] below ϑ Ophiuchi [....]
108 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 32274–32280 GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GÌR ár šá [A ....] GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI AN 1+[x ....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE šá IGI A[BSIN ....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 32274 (= 76-11-17, 2002) Photo: YM
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Virginis [....] Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1+[x ....] in front of Mars [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ Virginis [....] .... [....]
BM 32274 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ½ cubit [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [.... ina S]AG ITU 2(p) ⌈x(b)⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GUR 2(p) 3(b) sa[ḫ-le10 ....] 3´ [....] KÙ-BABBAR ep-⌈šú⌉ [....] 4´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] KUR-ád [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [.... in the beg]inning of the month, 2 pān x sūt [....] 2´ [....] kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cr[ess, ....] 3´ [....] of wrought silver [....] 4´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] behind .... [....] 5´ [....] reached [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32280 + 32356 (76-11-17, 2008+2088)
BM 32280 + 32356
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB G[E6 ....] [....] ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 2(b) 3 qa S[ÍG ....] [....] na 11 ILLU 4 SI LAL 10+[x ....] [....] 22 na ITU BI ina IGI KÁ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 1 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR AN DUL 1 D[IR ....] [.... G]E6 5 5 DIR AN ZA GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI [....] [....] 1 KÙŠ AN 8 SI ana ŠÚ LAL 8 DIR AN ZA GE6 9 [....] [.... G]E6 11 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 11 ŠÚ AN DUL GE6 12 ŠÚ-ŠÚ A[N ....]
2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ...., clouds crossed the sky. Ni[ght?, ....] [....] sesame, 2 sūt 3 qa; w[ool, ....] [....] was the na (gauge); the 11th, the river level receded 4 fingers, 10+[x ....] [....] 22 was the na (gauge). That month, in front of the gate [....] —————————— [....] .... Night of the 1st, very overcast, lightning flashed continuously, rain DUL. The 1st, cl[ouds ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 5th (and) the 5th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] 1 cubit, Mars being 8 fingers back to the west. The 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 11th, very overcast. The 11th, overcast, rain DUL. Night of the 12th, very overcast, ra[in ....]
BM 32309–32409 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈½?⌉ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ŠÚ AN PISAN DIB 13 3,10+[x ŠÚ ....] [.... 1]4? 10,20 na GE6 15 8 GE6 ina ZÁLAG [....] [.... D]IR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin TÙR NIGIN KÁ-šú [....] [....] ⅔ KÙŠ 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN na-a[l-šú ....] [.... si]n? 8 SI ana NIM DIB in 20 GU4U[D ....] [....] ⌈ina⌉ IGI SI4 1½ KÙŠ dele-bat e MÚL [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MURUB4 ŠÚ AN D[UL ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [MÚ]L-BABBAR ⅔? KÙ[Š ....] [....] ⌈RÍN?⌉ [šá] ⌈ULÙ⌉ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI [....] [....] GU4-U[D ina N]IM ina GU ŠÚ NU [PAP ....] [.... x]+5 ⌈DIR AN⌉ ZA IM ŠÁR GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
109 [....] having passed ½? cubit to the east; overcast, rain PISAN DIB. The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 3° 10+[x´....] [.... The 1]4th?, sunrise to moonset: 10° 20´. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8°; last part of the night, [....] [.... cl]ouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo, its gate [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [....] The 18th, very overcast; in the afternoon, d[ew ....] [.... the moo]n? having passed 8 fingers to the east. Around the 20th, Mercu[ry’s ....] [....] 1½ cubits in front of α Scorpii; Venus was [....] above .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] ....; (in the) middle watch, overcast, rain D[UL ....] [....] .... The 6th, very overcast, .... [....] [....] .... Jupiter ⅔? cubit [....] [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] α Librae [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius; I did not [watch ....] [.... The x]+5th, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 32309 + 32402 (= 76-11-17, 2038+2135) BM 32409 + 32524 (= 76-11-17, 2142+2266)
BM 32309 + 32402 BM 32409 + 32524
Photo: JCF, YM
Both pieces are almost certainly parts of the same tablet.
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x] ½ KÙŠ ana N[IM? DIB?] 2 GU4-UD ina [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 3 sin ina IGI SA4 [x]+½ KÙŠ sin 1 [....] ⌈x GE6? 5?⌉ sin SIG RÍN šá ULÙ ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ [sin] ½ KÙŠ ana NI[M DIB] GE6 6 sin ina IGI MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 K[ÙŠ G]E6 7 sin ár [SI4] ⌈2⌉ KÙŠ GE6 8 sin
[....] .... [....] [.... having passed?] ½ cubit to the ea[st?.] The 2nd, Mercury’s [....] in [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was [x]+½ cubits in front of α Virginis, the moon being 1 [....] .... Night of the 5th?, the moon was .... cubits below α Librae, [the moon having passed] ½ cubit to the east. Night of the 6th, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Scorpii. Night of the 7th, the moon was 2 cubits behind [α Scorpii.] Night of the 8th, the moon was
110 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
BM 32309, 32409 ár šil PA 2½ KÙŠ GE6 10 [sin x x] SI MÁŠ [nn] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ?⌉ [SIG] GE6 12 sin ina IGI MÚL [x x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [nn mm] sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ? SIG? 12 6,50 ŠÚ NU PAP [.... GE6 13 nn ME ....] ⌈x⌉ sin ár MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ 13 4+[x na .... GE6 14 nn GE6 ....] NU PAP ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI ⌈šá še-pít MAŠ⌉-[MAŠ nn mm .... ina IG]I GENNA 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB [....] 3 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ ⌈SIG⌉ [.... ina Z]ÁLAG AN e MÚL ár šá še-pít MA[Š-MAŠ] [.... sin SIG MÚL IG]I šá SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ sin 1? KÙŠ [.... sin x MÚL ár šá S]AG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ sin ⌈4 KÙŠ⌉ [ana ULÙ SIG? ....] KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin e šur ⌈GIGIR⌉ [.... sin] ⌈e⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [MAŠ-MAŠ ....] SI sa-dar GIN
15´ 16´ 17´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
2½ cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi. Night of the 10th, [the moon was ....] cubits [....] β Capricorni, the moon being ½ cubit [low] to the south?. Night of the 12th, the moon was [....] in front of [....,] the moon being 1 cubit low to the south?. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 50´; I did not watch. [.... Night of the 13th, .... moonrise to sunset: ....] .... the moon was 3 cubits behind δ Capricorni. The 13th, [sunrise to moonset: ....] 4+[x° .... Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: ....,] I did not watch; last part of the night, Mars was [....] above η Geminorum. [....] stood 1 cubit in front of Saturn to the west. [....] 3 cubits [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. [.... last] part of the night, Mars was [....] above μ Geminorum. [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [below] β Arietis, the moon being 1? cubit [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [.... α] Arietis, the moon being 4 cubits [low to the south? ....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east. [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east.
[....] .... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [β/ζ] Tauri. [.... the moon was] 3 cubits above γ Geminorum, the moon being ½ cubit [....] .... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [α/β Geminorum ....] a continuous north wind blew.
BM 32316–32330
BM 32316 (= 76-11-17, 2045) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 ⌈6?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] 3´ [.... DI]R AN ZA SI GIN GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin e ⌈MÚL?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... D]UL-ḫat 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈GÍR-TAB IGI DIR⌉ NU PAP kal ME ŠÚ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL ⅔ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... 1]5 8,10 GE6 DIR NU PAP ina ZÁLAG sin SIG ⌈šur GIGIR⌉ šá SI 5 ⌈SI⌉ [....] 7´ [.... M]AŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ sin 2? KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ⌉ SIG GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 8´ [.... US]AN? MAR? ⌈x⌉ AN DIB? ⌈x x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... GE6] 25 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SA4 šá ABSIN 1+[x ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IM ŠÁR ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA G[E6? ....] 11´ [.... G]E6 25+[x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 32330 (= 76-11-17, 2062) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ina] še-rì ŠÚ ⌈in⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB sin [....] [.... DI]B? IM ŠÁR 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ⌈še-rì?⌉ [....] [.... SIG M]ÚL-MÚL 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NI[M DIB ....] [....] ina še-rì ŠÚ GÍR GÙ U i PISAN [....] [.... ana Š]Ú LAL GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL [....]
BM 32316 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 6th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of γ Capricorni. 3´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 4´ [.... rain D]UL. The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Scorpius; clouds, I did not watch; all day, overcast [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 14th, last part of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of η Tauri .... [....] 6´ [.... The 1]5th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 10´; clouds, I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was 5 fingers below β Tauri [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....] β Geminorum, the moon being 2? cubits low to the south. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 8´ [.... first] part of the night?, .... crossed? the sky? [....] .... [....] 9´ [.... Night] of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1+[x ....] below α Virginis [....] 10´ [....] .... gusty wind; last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. Ni[ght ....] 11´ [.... Ni]ght of the 25+[xth,] .... [....]
BM 32330 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [.... in] the morning, overcast. Around [....] [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky; the moon [....] [....] crossed? [....,] gusty wind. The 9th, very overcast; in the morning?, [....] [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [below] η Tauri, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east [....] [....] in the morning, overcast, lightning, a little thunder, PISAN [DIB ....] [....] back [to] the west. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....]
112 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
BM 32330 [....] GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GÌR ár šá A [....] [.... x]+1 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN [....] [.... G]E6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SAG GÍR-TAB [....] [....] 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 27 25 KUR ina še-[rì ....] [....] ITU 2(p) 4(b) ZÚ-LUM-MA 4(b)? [....] [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina GÍR-TAB [....]
[....] ⌈lìb⌉-bi KA ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... É-sag?]-íl lìb-bu-ú ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... G]E6 3 sin SIG MÚL-MÚL 3 KÙŠ sin ⌈½?⌉ [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI šur ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... SIG] SAG A 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ sin TÙR NIGIN 13 5,30 ŠÚ [....] [.... G]E6 DIR NU PAP GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] [....] sin e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA [....] [.... MÁ]Š 2 KÙŠ 8 U ina IGI MÚLBABBAR [....] [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG ⌈MÚL⌉ [....] [....] KUR DIR muš šámas ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ saḫ-le10 5(b) ŠE-[GIŠ ....] [.... I]TU ina zibme in 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Virginis [....] [.... Night of the x]+1st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Virginis [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β+δ Scorpii [....] [....] stood 2 cubits [....] to the west. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 25°; in the mor[ning, ....] [....] of the month, 2 pān 4 sūt; dates, 4 sūt? [....] [....] Mercury was in Scorpius [....]
[....] inside .... [....] [.... Esang]il? like .... [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... Ni]ght of the 3rd, the moon was 3 cubits below η Tauri, the moon being ½? [cubit ....] [....] the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of ζ Tauri; in .... [....] [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [below] ε Leonis, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east [....] [....] .... the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 30´[....] [.... sunset to] moonrise: [....;] clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moo[n ....] [....] the moon was [....] above ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers [.... Capri]corni, [....] in front of Jupiter [....] [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Mars was [....] below .... [....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....;] measured (despite) clouds; the sun [rose?] in [....] [....] ....; cress, 5 sūt; se[same, ....] [.... of the mo]nth, in Pisces; around the 20+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 32331
BM 32331 (= 76-11-17, 2063) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
⌈ŠE-GIŠ⌉ 5(b) ⌈x x⌉ [....] ITU BI ILL[U ....] —————————— APIN 30 1⌈8⌉ [....] ⌈8?⌉ ina KIN-SIG [....] [S]AG G[E6 ....] [Š]Ú-ŠÚ [....] [G]U4?-UD [....] [G]E6 [....] G[E6 ....]
BM 32331 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
⌈x x⌉ [....] ina ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ [....] šil PA 1 KÙ[Š ....] ár SI MÁŠ 1 K[ÙŠ? ....] 27 12 KUR ITU B[I ....] SÍGḫá {1} 4 ma-n[a ....] šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI [....] PAP 25 na ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— ŠE 1 23 na ⌈x⌉ [....] AN né-ḫi še-en-ni NU TUḪ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 6 S[AG GE6 ....] [x x A]N né-ḫi še-en NU [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
sesame, 5 sūt .... [....] That month, the riv[er level ....] —————————— Month VIII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), [sunset to moonset:] 18° [....] The 8th?, in the afternoon, [....] beginning of the ni[ght, ....] very overcast, [....] [Mer]cury’s [....] [Ni]ght [....] Ni[ght ....]
.... [....] last appearance in the west in Pisces [....] 1 cubit [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 1 cubit? behind β Capricorni [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12°. That month, [....] wool, 4 minas. [....] which had set, was not visible. [....] total: 25 was the na (gauge); .... [....] —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 23° .... [....] slow rain, so that the sandal was not removed [....] 5/6 cubit [....] Geminorum. Night of the 6th, beg[inning of the night, ....] [....] slow rain, so that the sandal was not [removed ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 32334 (= 76-11-17, 2066) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÁ]Š? 2 KÙŠ GE6 7 SAG GE6 ⌈sin⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN⌉ e SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 4 SI G[E6? ....] 4´ [....] U4-ZAL sin SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN-GÁ 3 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] in 2 DANNA GE6 GIN GE6 14 4 GE6 GE6 10+[x ....] 6´ [.... G]E6 [1]8 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MAŠMAŠ ár 4 KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI LUGAL 1 KÙ[Š ....] 8´ [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN DIB ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GÌR ár [šá A ....] 9´ [.... SA4] šá ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ SIG dele-bat [....] 10´ [.... a-ḫ]a-meš GIBme GE6 ⌈27⌉ [....] 11´ [.... x]+1 DANNA ME NIM-a šámaš [ANKU10 ....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4(p) PI ZÚ-LUM 1(g) GUR 1+[x(b) ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ma a-na 1 [GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈GÌR ár šá U[R?-A ....] 3´ [.... 1]6 6,40 na DIR NU PAP ŠÚ-ŠÚ G[E6? ....] 4´ [.... s]in ár RÍN šá ULÙ 2½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈Á⌉ SI GÍR GÍR 20 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR G[Ù U ....] 6´ [....] ½ KÙŠ GE6 23 USAN GÍR G[ÍR ....] 7´ [.... GE6] 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár š[á SUḪUR MÁŠ? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB GE6 20+[x ....] 9´ [....] ⌈a⌉-kam u ḫi-l[i ....] 10´ [....] x x [....]
BM 32334
BM 32334 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 2 cubits [.... Capri]corni?. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, Mars was 1 cubit 4 fingers above α Virginis. Ni[ght? ....] 4´ [....] in the morning watch, the moon was 3 cubits below α Arietis [....] 5´ [....] at 2 bēru after sunset. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4°. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 6´ [.... Ni]ght of the [1]8th, last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below β Geminorum, the moon .... [....] 7´ [....] .... clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Leonis [....] 8´ [....] clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Virgi[nis ....] 9´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... α] Virginis, [....] below Venus [....] 10´ [.... (rainbows)] stretched [....] each other. Night of the 27th, [....] 11´ [.... x]+1 bēru after sunrise: solar [eclipse ....] 12´ [....] .... 4 pān; dates, 1 kur 1+[x sūt ....] 13´ [....] .... minas for 1 [shekel of silver ....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Virginis [....] 3´ [.... The 1]6th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 40´; clouds, I did not watch; very overcast. Ni[ght? ....] 4´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Librae. Night [....] 5´ [....] on the north side, lightning flashed. The 20th, very overcast, lightning, thu[nder ....] 6´ [....] ½ cubit [....] Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, lightning fla[shed ....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ [Capricorni? ....] 8´ [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 9´ [....] mist and haze [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32369–32381
BM 32369 (= 76-11-17, 2101) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x GÙ⌉ U ⌈MAḪ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈DIB?⌉ GE6 30 DIR AN Z[A ....] [.... IT]U? 2(p) 2(b) ka-si 1(g) GUR 2(p) 2(b) ina [....] [....] ina MÁŠ ina TIL ITU ina GU GENNA ina A[LLA? ....] [.... x]+2 KÙŠ KÁ-tú 6 KÙŠ a-di se-k[e-er ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ LAL ITU BI U4 12 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... DUM]U?meš Eki lúERÍN KUR URIki u [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MU-1-KAM IdAG-⌈LUGAL-SEŠ ana? KI?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈LU? x x BAR? x NUNUZ? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x a-na x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈UŠ?⌉ [....] —————————— [....] 2 KÙŠ sin 8 SI ⌈ana ŠÚ⌉ [LAL ....] [....] ZA GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] [....] ⅔ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] [....] ⌈ALLA⌉ šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ GE6 9 [....] [....] AN DUL GÍR ⌈ina?⌉ [....] [.... SA]G GE6 si[n ....] [....] ⌈x KÙŠ?⌉ [....]
BM 32369 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [....] ...., much thunder [....] 3´ [....] passed?. Night of the 30th, clouds were in the sky. [....] 4´ [.... of the mo]nth?, 2 pān 2 sūt; mustard, 1 kur 2 pān 2 sūt, in [....] 5´ [....] in Capricorn, at the end of the month in Aquarius; Saturn was in Ca[ncer? ....] 6´ [.... x]+2 cubits, remainder 6 cubits until the damm[ing ....] 7´ [....] .... it receded 2½ cubits. That month, the 12th day, .... [....] 8´ [.... the inhabit]ants of Babylon, the troops of Babylonia and [....] 9´ [....] .... year 1 of Nabû-šarra-uṣur .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....] 11´ [....] .... to .... [....] 12´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] 2 cubits [....,] the moon being 8 fingers [back] to the west [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 4´ [....] ⅔ cubit [....,] the moon being ⅔ cubit back to the west. [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [....] ϑ/δ Cancri. Night of the 9th, [....] 6´ [....] rain DUL, lightning, .... [....] 7´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moo[n ....] 8´ [....] .... cubits?. [....]
BM 32381 (= 76-11-17, 2113)
BM 32381
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ? SIG? ....] 2´ [....] 2 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 4 KÙŠ GE6 4 S[AG? GE6 ....] 4´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ár LUGAL ⌈½? KÙŠ?⌉ [....] 5´ [.... n]a-su in ⌈8? IGI x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ár SA4 ⌈šá ABSIN⌉ [....] 7´ [.... MÚL] e šá SAG [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... cubits [low?] to the sou[th? ....] 2´ [....] The 2nd, clouds crossed the sky .... [....] 3´ [....] 4 cubits [....] Night of the 4th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 4´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was ½? cubit behind α Leonis [....] 5´ [....] to rising of [....;] (ideal) first appearance on the 8th? .... [....] 6´ [....] behind α Virginis [....] 7´ [....] β Scor[pii ....]
BM 32413+32579
BM 32413 + 32579 (= 76-11-17, 2147+2322) Photo: YM
´Flake´ I 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 2´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ár 3´ [....] IM ŠÁR AN DUL 4´ [.... GE6 1]3 14,20 ME muš 5´ [....] 7,30 na GE6 14 ḫe-pí GE6 NU PAP 6´ [....] AN SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 7´ [.... U]TAḪ (erasure) 8´ [.... šil-t]aḫ PA 2 KÙŠ DIR AN ZA 9´ [.... KU]R? NIM in 14 ki 15 IGI 10´ [.... A]N ZA ina ZÀLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 21 USAN AN 12´ [....] ⌈ana NIM⌉ DIB (erasure) 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 25 ⌈x⌉ 14´ [....] ½ KÙŠ GIN GE6 15´ [....] PAP? ITU BI KI.LAM 16´ [....] ina TIL ITU 3(p) PI 17´ [.... x]+2 ma a-na 18´ [....] dele-bat ina KUNme 19´ [....] ⌈x⌉ lúERÍNme 20´ [.... mi-ṣ]ir u KUR ku-pur 21´ [....] (erasure) ================= 22´ [....] ⌈x⌉ II 1´ 2´ 3´
10+[x ....] ina [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] (4 lines broken)
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
⌈x⌉ [....] ana NIM D[IB? ....] 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 3? [....] 10?+[x ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Z[Ú ....] ŠE-GI[Š ....] ina T[IL? ITU? ....]
BM 32413 + 32579 ´Flake´ I 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] the moon was [....] behind 3´ [....] gusty wind, rain DUL. 4´ [.... Night of the 1]3th, moonrise to sunset: 14° 20´, measured. 5´ [....] sunrise to moonset: 7° 30´. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: broken; I did not watch. 6´ [....] Mars was [....] below β Tauri. 7´ [.... rain sh]ower. 8´ [....] 2 cubits [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi; clouds were in the sky. 9´ [....] it was bright? and high; (ideal) first appearance on the 14th or 15th. 10´ [....] were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Capricorni. 11´ [....] .... Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mars 12´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. 13´ [....] .... 25th .... 14´ [.... (the river level)] rose ½ cubit. Night? 15´ [.... I did not?] watch?. That month, the equivalent was: 16´ [....] at the end of the month, 3 pān. 17´ [.... x]+2 minas for 18´ [....] Venus was in Pisces; 19´ [....] .... troops 20´ [.... Egy]pt and the land Kupur 21´ [....] (erasure) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 22´ [....] .... II 1´ The 10+[xth, ....] 2´ in [....] 3´ .... [....] (4 lines broken) 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
.... [....] having passed? to the east [....] 2 .... [....] in .... [....] 3? [....] The 10?+[xth, ....] .... [....] da[tes, ....] ses[ame, ....] at the e[nd of the month?, ....]
BM 32435–32458 18´ 19´
GU4-U[D ....] —————————— ⌈ŠE 1⌉ [....]
BM 32435 (= 76-11-17, 2171) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[.... GE6] ⌈5 SAG GE6⌉ sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ár DELE šá IGI ABSIN ½ KÙŠ i [....] [....] GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ár S[A4 šá ABSIN ....] [....] ⌈13⌉ 5,30 ŠÚ GE6 14 2,30 ME [....] [....] 15 ina še-rì ŠÚ GÍR GÙ U [....] [.... GE6 1]9 USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá [SUḪUR MÁŠ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ GU4-UD ina [....]
18´ 19´
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
BM 32458 (= 76-11-17, 2195) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] USAN GU4-UD ⌈e?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] sin ár MÚL ár šá ⌈ALLA šá⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈SI?⌉ ana SI NIM ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈DIR AN⌉ ZA ⌈sin x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈9⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA G[E6] 10 SAG G[E6 ....]
Merc[ury ....] —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), [....]
BM 32435
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... SAG] GE6 sin SIG MÚL KUR ⌈šá⌉ [....] [....] GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin SIG M[ÚL ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 14 8 ŠÚ GE6 15 3 ME [....] [.... TA K]UR ana MAR iš-ta-ḫaṭ [....] [....] ⌈AN? x⌉ KUR ⌈x⌉ [....]
[.... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] [....] ½ cubit behind γ Virginis, a little [....] [....] Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α [Virginis ....] [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 30´. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 30´ [....] [....] The 15th, in the morning, overcast, lightning, thunder, [....] [.... Night of the 1]9th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] above γ [Capricorni ....] [....] .... Mercury’s [....] in [....]
[....] .... [....] [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] below the bright star of [....] [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] [....] .... The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 8°. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 3° [....] [....] (the moon) threw off (the shadow) [from] east to west [....] [....] Mars reached .... [....]
BM 32458 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [....] first part of the night, Mercury was above? [....] [....] the moon was behind γ/δ Cancri [....] [....] fingers high to the north .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] clouds were in the sky; the moon was .... [....] [....] The 9th, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....]
118 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
BM 32470 [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN GENNA ana ŠÚ ina LALšú e MÚL e [šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] [.... ina] ⌈NIM?⌉ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ ⌈DIR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈sin⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LA[L ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
9´ 10´
[....] ....; first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the west, was [....] above β [Scorpii ....] [....] last appearance [in] the east? in Taurus; clouds, [....] [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [x] ⌈x⌉ MAR ŠÁR [....] 3´ [š]e-im ERÍN-tum? LAL Z[Ú ....] 4´ [(x) ma-n]a a-na 1 GÍN K[Ù-BABBAR ....] 5´ [dele-bat] ina SAG ITU ina zibme 16 deleb[at ....] 6´ [x] ⌈x x⌉ in 15 GENNA ana ME E-⌈a AN⌉ [....] 7´ [x] ⌈x x⌉ TA NÍG.ŠIDmeš-šú-nu TUḪ ⌈TUḪ?⌉ [....] lú 8´ šá-⌈kin?⌉ šá LUGAL šá EN u4-mu an-na⌈a⌉ [....] 9´ [x x] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI GE6 8 IZI-ŠUB ina KI-tì ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [x x] ILLU TA 1 EN 7 ½ KÙŠ LAL PAP 17 [na ....] 11´ [x x x 1]4 15 16 8 SI LAL PAP 4 na [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ILLU ŠÚ GIN 21 22 [....] 13´ [....] ⌈LAL PAP⌉ 6 [na ....]
BM 32470 (= 76-11-17, 2207)
BM 32470
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 5 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 8,20+[x na-su ....] 3´ [....] ⌈⅔⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 kal ME DIR AN DIB AN U[TAḪ? ....] 5´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin SIG MÚL-MÚL 3½ [KÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] The 5th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Sagittarius; [sunset to setting of Venus:] 8° 20+[x´ ....] 3´ [....] being ⅔ cubit low to the south. The 6th, very overcast. Night [....] 4´ [....] .... The 8th, all day, clouds crossed the sky, rain sh[ower? ....] 5´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 3½ [cubits] below η Tauri [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... gusty west wind [....] 3´ [bar]ley was weighed? by the balance?; da[tes, ....] 4´ [x min]as for 1 shekel of si[lver ....] 5´ [Venus,] in the beginning of the month, was in Pisces; the 16th, Ven[us ....] 6´ [....] .... around the 15th, Saturn’s acronychal rising; Mars [....] 7´ [....] .... from their possessions .... [....] 8´ the representative? of the king, who until this day [....] 9´ [....] .... That month, night of the 8th, a “fall of fire” in the district of .... [....] 10´ [....] the river level, from the 1st to the 7th, receded ½ cubit, total: 17 [was the na (gauge) ....] 11´ [.... the 1]4th, 15th, (and) 16th, it receded 8 fingers, total: 4 was the na (gauge) [....] 12´ [....] .... the peak flood came. The 21st, 22nd, [....] 13´ [....] it receded [....] total: 6 [was the na (gauge) ....]
BM 32475–32502
BM 32475 (= 76-11-17, 2212)
BM 32475
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈6?⌉ SI ⌈GIN?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x U 2-šú GÙ-šú né-ḫi⌉ ŠU[B ....] 4´ [....] ⌈GÍR-GÍR? x x x SA4?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x SI x⌉ 13 5 ŠÚ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] the 6th, the north wind blew? [....] 3´ [....] ...., it thundered twice slowly [....] 4´ [....] lightning flashed, .... α? [....] 5´ [....] .... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32479 (= 76-11-17, 2216)
BM 32479
Photo: JCF, YM
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈½ KÙŠ⌉ [....] [.... s]in ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ⌈GE6? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
[.... i-n]u-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] [....] ina RÍN AN ina zib[me ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ KÁ-tú 1 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ½ cubit [....] [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night? .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[.... At] that time, Jupiter was in [....] [....] was in Libra; Mars was in Pisc[es ....] [.... x]+1 cubits – remainder 1 cubit – [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 32502 (= 76-11-17, 2242)
BM 32502
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈1?⌉ KÙŠ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin TÙR N[IGIN] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IM ŠÁR GE6 22 [x x] 4´ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 1 K[ÙŠ] 5´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 29 DIR AN ZA 7´ [.... S]AG ITU 1(b) 2 ⌈qa⌉
´Side A´ 1´ [....] 1? cubit [....] 2´ [....] .... the moon was sur[rounded] by a halo 3´ [....] ...., gusty wind. Night of the 22nd, [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [....] α Virginis. 5´ [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. 6´ [....] .... Night of the 29th, clouds were in the sky. 7´ [.... in the beg]inning of the month, 1 sūt 2 qa.
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ZI-ma 3´ [....] ⌈x EN?⌉ PA-su —————————— 4´ [.... ina] IGI SI MÁŠ 8 SI 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina še-rì AN ⌈x⌉ [x]
´Side B´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... rose, and 3´ [....] .... hit? him. —————————— 4´ [....] 8 fingers in front of β Capricorni. 5´ [....] .... in the morning, rain ....
Photo: JCF, YM
BM 32503–32508
BM 32503 (= 76-11-17, 2243)
BM 32503
This is probably a planetary text: on one side, only Venus
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... first part? of the night, Venus was .... [....] 2´ [....] .... ½ cubit [....] Month V?, .... [....] 3´ [.... first] part of the night, Venus was [....] below α Librae [....] 4´ [....] .... 5 cubits [....] Month VI?, the 15th?, .... [....] 5´ [....] last appearance [in the west in] Libra. Month VIII, the 18th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the east in .... [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] above .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: JCF, YM
is mentioned, on the other, only Jupiter.
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x USAN? dele-bat x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ IZI? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... US]AN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá UL[Ù ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 5 KÙŠ KIN? 15? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ina ŠÚ ina] RÍN ŠÚ APIN 18 ⌈delebat ina NIM ina x⌉ [IGI ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉-tu4 ⌈GE6⌉ 25 ina ZÁLAG ⌈delebat? e? x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x ŠÚ⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 5? na? ⌈MÚL-BABBAR x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 ⌈MÚL?-BABBAR? ana NIM? ki? UŠ-ú⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈UŠ? x⌉ 8 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME ⌈E⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 32508 (= 76-11-17, 2248) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 18 ⌈18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....] 3´ [.... šá 4 KÙ]Š ár LUGAL ½ KÙŠ GE6 21 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ s[in ....] 4´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 24 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÙ U SI? ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÍR-GÍR GÙ U [....] 6´ [.... S]I GIN 27 12+[x KUR? ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] Bar-sìpki ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... last appearance [....] 2´ [....] sunset to setting of Jupiter: 5°? .... [....] 3´ [....] ...., the 8th, when? Jupiter became stationary? to the east?, [....] 4´ [....,] it became stationary [....] ...., the 8th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32508 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 18th (and) the 18th, very overcast [....] 3´ [....] ½ cubit [.... ρ] Leonis. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the m[oon was ....] 4´ [....] Night of the 24th, very overcast, thunder, north wind .... [....] 5´ [....] .... lightning flashed continuously, thunder [....] 6´ [.... the no]rth wind blew. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 12+[x° ....] 7´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] Borsippa .... [....] 4´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32554+32558
BM 32554 + 32558 (= 76-11-17, 2297+2301) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x DIR AN ZA⌉ [G]E6 10 SAG GE6 [si]n ⌈ina IGI⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 3 KÙŠ 12 [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x 4?,⌉40 na DIR NU PAP ina KINSIG ŠÚ GÍR GÍR AN r[ad ....] 4´ [....] GÙ U i AN rad PISA[N D]IB GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin e [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x 2?⌉ KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] 6´ [.... SUḪ]UR? MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ 20 DIR AN ZA AN DUL ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ?⌉ GÍR GÍR-GÍR GÙ U MAḪ AN rad PISAN [....] 8´ [....] 5/6 KÙŠ 26 13 KUR muš 26 GU4U[D ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ?⌉ 28 IM ŠÁR KALAG GIN GE6 10+[x ....] 10´ [.... k]às? 4(g)? [GU]R? 3(b) saḫ-l[e10 ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI MÚL-BABBAR u AN šá Š[Úmeš ....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [GI]N PAP 8 n[a ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈GE6 24? ina⌉ [ZÁLAG ....] 2´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 1 KÙŠ ár GENNA 4 SI [....] 4´ [.... GEN]NA e GÌR ár šá A 6 SI [....] 5´ [....] SÍGḫá 2½ ma-na i-n[u-šú ....] 6´ [....] ⌈A? GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI⌉ [....]
BM 32554 + 32558 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of α Librae. The 12th, [....] 3´ [....] sunrise to moonset: 4°? 40´; clouds, I did not watch; in the afternoon, overcast, lightning flashed, cloud[burst ....] 4´ [....] a little thunder, cloudburst, PISAN DIB. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers .... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 6´ [....] 3 cubits [....] Capricorni. The 20th, clouds were in the sky, rain DUL, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... overcast?, lightning flashed continuously, much thunder, cloudburst, PISAN [....] 8´ [....] 5/6 cubit [....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°, measured. The 26th, Mercu[ry’s ....] 9´ [....] .... cubits [....] The 28th, a strong gusty wind blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 10´ [.... must]ard?, 4? [ku]r? 3 sūt; cress, [....] 11´ [....] .... first appearance ....; Jupiter and Mars, which had se[t, were not visible ....] 12´ [.... the river level] rose ...., total: 8 was the na (gauge) [....] 13´ [....] .... [....] 14´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] Night of the 24th?, last [part of the night, ....] 2´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Mars? [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [....,] 4 fingers behind Saturn [....] 4´ [.... Sat]urn was 6 fingers above β Virginis [....] 5´ [....] wool, 2½ minas. At that [time, ....] 6´ [....] Leo?; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. [....]
BM 32661–32680
BM 32661 (= 76-11-17, 2429) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GENNA ina GU IGI A[N ....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ LAL ŠÈG KUD-i[s ....] —————————— 4´ [....] 2 DIR AN ZA ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 32666 (= 76-11-17, 2434) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GE6 4? 2´ [.... S]IG? MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 3´ [.... e MÚL IG]I šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ 4´ [.... SIG MÚL KUR šá] DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ 5´ [.... mú]l?KAK-BAN IGI 13 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ? [....]
BM 32680 (= 76-11-17, 2448) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 5/6 KÙŠ ár dele-bat 2½ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... ina KIN-S]IG AN UTAḪ GE6 30 ⌈DIR AN⌉ ZA [....] 5´ [.... Š]E-G[IŠ] 2(p) 3(b) 3 qa SÍG 3 [....] 6´ [....] EN TIL ITU ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈3?⌉ KÙŠ GE6 23 USA[N ....] 3´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] 4´ [....] AN UTAḪ kal ME (erasure) ULÙ [....] 5´ [....] ½? ma-na ⌈i-nu⌉-[šú ....]
BM 32661 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius; Ma[rs ....] 3´ [....] receded [x] cubits; rain was cut off [....] —————————— 4´ [....] The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night? [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32666 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 4th?. 2´ [.... be]low? j Ophiuchi. 3´ [....] 2 cubits [above] g Capricorni. 4´ [....] 2 cubits {below] h Piscium. 5´ [....,] Sirius’ first appearance. The 13th, 6´ [....] .... Geminorum [....]
BM 32680 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 5/6 cubit [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] .... 5/6 cubit [....], 2½ [cubits] behind Venus [....] 4´ [.... in the after]noon, rain shower. Night of the 30th, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....,] sesame, 2 pān 3 sūt 3 qa; wool, 3 [minas ....] 6´ [....] until the end of the month, .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 3? cubits [....] Night of the 23rd, first [part of the night, ....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ Capricorni [....] 4´ [....] rain shower; all day, the south wind [....] 5´ [.... wool, x]+½? minas. At that [time, ....]
BM 32684–32688
BM 32684 (= 76-11-17, 2453)
BM 32684
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ na-at-bak KU? [....] —————————— 3´ [....] 13?,20 ana šámaš SIG [....] 4´ [....] AN UTAḪ G[E6 ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... wadi? .... [....] —————————— 3´ [.... sunset to moonset:] 13°? 20´; it was low to the sun [....] 4´ [....] rain shower. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32686 (= 76-11-17, 2455)
BM 32686
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM D[IB ....] sin ina IGI SAG A ½ KÙŠ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 [EN-N]UN šá g[i-né-e ....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ šá [....] GE6 5 SAG GE6 [....] ana NIM DIB [....]
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Lower edge 1 [Di]ary [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
BM 32688 (= 76-11-17, 2457) Photo: YM
´Flake´ (at left edge) 1´ GE6 6 SAG [GE6 ....] 2´ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈MAŠ⌉-[MAŠ? ....] 4´ 5½ KÙŠ GE6 12 [....] 5´ SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ GE6 19 19 DIR [....] 7´ u meš-ḫi TUK-ú [....] 8´ 1½ KÙŠ ina IGI [....]
2 cubits in front of η Tauri .... [....] 2 cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] the moon was ½ cubit in front of ε Leonis [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, [....] having passed [....] to the east [....]
BM 32688 ´Flake´ (at left edge) 1´ Night of the 6th, beginning [of the night, ....] 2´ last part of the night, Venus was [....] below .... [....] 3´ beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [α/β] Geminorum [....] 4´ 5½ cubits [....] Night of the 12th, [....] 5´ beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 6´ Night of the 19th (and) the 19th, clouds [....] 7´ and had a tail, [....] 8´ 1½ cubits [...., ....] in front of [....]
BM 32714–32759
124 9´ 10´
27 14 K[UR ....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
9´ 10´
The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° [....] [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [.... MU-x]+12-⌈KAM IAn-ti-ʾu-uk⌉-[su ....] 2 NU? [....]
Left edge 1 [.... year x]+12, [King] Antioch[us ....] 2 Not? [....]
BM 32714 (= 76-11-17, 2484)
BM 32714
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x 5? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ma NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] šá S[AG? ....] 7´ [....] 14? [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 5? .... [....] 2´ [....] high? .... [....] 3´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 4´ [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] .... 1½ cubits [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] 14th? [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32756 (= 76-11-17, 2527)
BM 32756
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ina IGI GU4-UD⌉ 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin ⌈2 KÙŠ⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈6⌉ U ana ULÙ SIG 23 SI GIN GE6 20+[x ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 SI ⌈GIN?⌉ GE6 27 SI GIN [....] 5´ [.... U]LÙ GIN ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 30 DIR [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... it stood 1 cubit in front of Mercury to the west, the moon being 2 cubits [....] 3´ [....] 6 fingers low to the south. The 23rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] .... The 26th, the north wind blew. Night of the 27th, the north wind blew [....] 5´ [.... the sou]th wind blew; last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 30th, clouds [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32759 (= 76-11-17, 2530)
BM 32759
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] muš [....] 2´ [....] 14 [x x Š]Ú DIR mu[š ....] 3´ [....] SIG MÚL ⌈ár⌉ [x x x] ⌈x 5?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... i]n? 15 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina [....] 5´ [.... KÙ]Š? GE6 ⌈17? x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] measured [....] 2´ [....] The 14th, moonset [to sunrise: ....] measured (despite) clouds [....] 3´ [....] below the rear star .... [....] .... 5? [....] 4´ [.... ar]ound? the 15th, Venus’ [first/last appearance] in the west in [....] 5´ [.... cub]its? [....] Night of the 17th?, .... [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 32765–32766 ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin 2? KÙŠ ana SI NIM ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... ana] ŠÚ ki UŠ-a 2½ ár MAŠMAŠ ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR muš GE6 2⌈8?⌉ [....] 6´ [.... 2]9 ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon being 2? cubits high to the north .... [....] 3´ [....] when it became stationary to the west, [it became stationary] 2½ behind β Geminorum .... [....] 4´ [....] .... the south wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 5´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: ...., measured. Night of the 28th?, [....] 6´ [.... The 2]9th, clouds were in the sky .... [....]
BM 32765 (= 76-11-17, 2536)
BM 32765
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] šá SAG ḪU[N ....] [....] ½ KÙŠ sin 4½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ár šil PA 2½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [x x ina] ZÁLAG D[IR ....] [....] ⌈GE6 6?⌉ ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 6 DI[R ....] [....] ⌈ár?⌉ sin ana NIM DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x sin ina IGI⌉ [....]
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] AN ina ABSIN ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[.... β/α] Arietis [....] [....] ½ cubit [....,] the moon being 4½ cub[its ....] [....] 2½ cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi. [....,] last part of the night, cl[ouds ....] [....] Night of the 6th?, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 6th, clou[ds ....] [....] having passed [....] behind? the moon to the east .... [....] [....] .... the moon was [....] in front of [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] Mars was in Virgo .... [....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
BM 32766 (= 76-11-17, 2537)
BM 32766
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI U4 [....] 2´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin e dele-bat 8 [....] 3´ [.... SA4 š]á ABSIN 5/6 KÙ[Š ....] 4´ [....] GU4-UD ina N[IM ....] 5´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ 8?⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] That month, day [....] 2´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 8 [fingers] above Venus [....] 3´ [....] 5/6 cubit [.... α] Virginis [....] 4´ [....] Mercury’s [....] in the ea[st ....] 5´ [....] cubits 8? [....]
Photo: YM
BM 32775–32808
BM 32775 (= 76-11-17,2547) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [.... K]UR? GIN GE6 4 ⌈SAG⌉ [GE6 ....] 4´ [....] e LUGAL 6 SI AN 2 SI ana? [....] 5´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 11 [....] 6´ [....] 13 7,30 ŠÚ GE6 14 1 ME [....] 7´ [....] 8 SI GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ U GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI [....] 9´ [.... SA]G? A 2½ KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI4 1½ [KÙŠ ....]
BM 32775 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [.... the ea]st? wind blew. Night of the 4th, beginning [of the night, ....] 4´ [.... Mars was] 6 fingers above α Leonis, Mars being 2 fingers to [....] 5´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Capricorni. The 11th, [....] 6´ [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 30´. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° [....] 7´ [....] 8 fingers [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 8´ [....] x fingers [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 9´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... ε?] Leonis. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 10´ [....] 1½ [cubits ....] α Scorpii [....]
BM 32808 (= 76-11-17, 2580)
BM 32808
´Flake´ 1 [.... MAŠ-MAŠ] šá SIPA 1 KÙŠ [....] 2 [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3 [.... A]N UTAḪ ina ZÁ[LAG? ....] 4 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1 [....] 1 cubit [.... γ] Geminorum [....] 2 [....] 1½ cubits .... [....] 3 [....] rain shower; last [part of the night?, ....] 4 [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 32938–32955
BM 32938 (= 78-5-31, 27) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6 1]8 ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin [.... ina KI]N-SIG AN UTAḪ [....] KÁ KA-TAR-RA [....] GAR-an GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin [....]-⌈e?⌉-tú 3 KÙŠ 4 SI GIN [....] 27 28 29 ILLU ⅔ KÙŠ LAL [.... kà]s ⌈3(g)⌉ GUR saḫ-le10 3(b) 3 qa [....] ina IGI GÌR ár šá UR-A —————————— [....] GE6 2 ⌈SAG GE6⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB 3´ [.... Z]Ú-LUM 1(g) 3(p) 2(b) 4´ [....] ina ABSIN IGI 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ Ameš ÍD —————————— —————————— Comments 5´: The bāb dalīli “Gate of Praise” belongs to the temple of Madânu, see A. R. George, Babylonian Topographical Texts, 90 and 396.
BM 32955 (= 78-5-31, 44) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 5 ⌈x x x⌉ 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 6 DIR AN ZA 4´ [....] GE6 7 DIR AN ZA SAG GE6 sin 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN ZA SAG? G[E6? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ (traces of 5 lines)
BM 32938 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the 16th, .... [....] 3´ [.... Night of the 1]8th, overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 4´ [.... in the af]ternoon, rain shower. 5´ [....] Gate of Praise 6´ [....] was set. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 7´ [....] ...., (the river level) rose 3 cubits 4 fingers; 8´ [....] the 27th, 28th and the 29th, the river level receded ⅔ cubit. 9´ [.... must]ard, 3 kur; cress, 3 sūt 3 qa; 10´ [....] in front of β Virginis. —————————— 11´ [....] Night of the 2nd, beginning of the night, 12´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... solar eclipse, which was omitted. 3´ [.... d]ates, 1 kur 3 pān 2 sūt; 4´ [.... ] first appearance in Virgo. 5´ [....] .... water of the river. —————————— ——————————
BM 32955 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, .... 3´ [.... x]+1 cubit low to the south. Night of the 6th, clouds were in the sky. 4´ [....] Night of the 7th, clouds were in the sky; beginning of the night, the moon was 5´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky; beginning? of the ni[ght?, ....] 6´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ (traces of 5 lines)
BM 32961–32962
BM 32961 (= 78-5-31, 50) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x KÙ]Š ana ⌈ULÙ SIG GE6 x⌉ [....] [x KÙ]Š ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x x⌉ [....] [AN?] DUL? kal ME DIR A[N ....] DIR AN DIB USAN AN D[UL ....] DIR AN ZA sin TÙR NIGIN [....] ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 2? KÙ[Š ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 32961 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´
BM 32962 (= 78-5-31, 51) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... ana] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ GUB sin 3 S[I? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina IGI GÌR ár 2? KÙŠ? [....] [....] 14 5 ŠÚ ⌈x x⌉ AN? ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 15? 4,40 na ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... x,]30? GE6 DIR NU PAP DIR AN [....] [.... ina KI]N-⌈SIG⌉ U 1-en-šú 2-šú GÙ-[šú ....] [....] DIB? NIM-GÍR NIM-GÍ[R ....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x SUḪUR?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x DIR? x⌉ [....]
[....] .... [....] [nn cub]its low to the south. Night of the .... [....] [nn cub]its low to the south .... [....] [rain?] DUL?; all day, clouds [....] the sky [....] clouds crosssed the sky; first part of the night, rain D[UL ....] clouds were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] 2? cubits in front of α Librae [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....]
BM 32962 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [.... the moon] stood [....] to the west, the moon being 3 fing[ers? ....] [....] .... 2? cubits in front of β Virginis [....] [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 5°; .... rain?, .... [....] [....] .... The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 40´.... [....] [....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´?; clouds, I did not watch; clouds [....] the sky [....] [.... in the after]noon, it thundered once or twice [....] [....] .... lightning flashed [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] Capricorni? [....] [....] .... clouds? .... [....]
BM 32965–32972
BM 32965 (= 78-5-31, 54) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] ⌈x⌉ ituZÍZ 30 1⌈8⌉? [x] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ŠÚ GU4-UD ina ⌈ABSIN?⌉ [.... SAG Ḫ]UN 5½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG [.... SUḪU]R MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉
´Rev. 1´ 2´
BM 32965 Obv.´ 1
2 3 4
[.... T]A 5 EN 8 1 KÙŠ 8 SI [....] ⌈x⌉ na [x x x] ⌈x x⌉
Upper edge 1 [....] ⌈x x⌉
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] .... Month XI, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), [sunset to moonset:] 18°? [....] ...., very overcast. Mercury’s last appearance in Virgo? [....] 5½ cubits [below β/α A]rietis; last part of the night, [....] ½ cubit [.... γ/δ Cap]ricorni. [....] ....
[.... fr]om the 5th to the 8th, [the river level ....] 1 cubit 8 fingers; [....] .... was the na (gauge) [....] ....
Upper edge 1 [....] ....
BM 32968 (= 78-5-31, 57) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ka]l ME DIR S[AL? AN ZA ....] 3´ [....] ⌈AN⌉ UTAḪ GE6 16 ŠÚ ina? [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 18 kal GE6 DIR AN [....] 5´ [.... ana Š]Ú LAL 19 ina še-rì ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ina IGI MÚL SIG šá SAG GÍR-TAB [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 32968 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... a]ll day, thin? clouds [were in the sky ....] 3´ [....] rain shower. Night of the 16th, overcast; in? [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 18th, all night, clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [....] being [....] back [to the we]st. The 19th, in the morning, overcast, .... [....] 6´ [....] in front of π Scorpii [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32972 (= 78-5-31, 61)
BM 32972
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈IGI? LUGAL? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ½ KÙŠ? ana SI ⌈NIM⌉ 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2? KÙŠ 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 6 SI GIN ⌈GE6⌉ 7 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM ár ⌈LUGAL?⌉ [....] 6´ [.... G]Ù? U SI? GIN
´Flake´ 1´ [.... in] front? of α Leonis? .... [....] 2´ [....] .... being ½ cubit high to the north. 3´ [....] .... 2? cubits [....] 4´ [....] .... The 6th, the north wind blew. Night of the 7th, 5´ [....] ...., the moon being 2 cubits high to the north, [....] behind α Leonis? [....] 6´ [.... thun]der?, the north? wind blew.
Photo: JCF, YM
BM 32983–32987
BM 32983 (= 78-5-31, 72) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... AN] ZA GE6 4 sin SIG [....] 2´ [....] DIB 4 DIR AN ZA SI [....] 3´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 5/6 KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 6 sin ⌈ina⌉ I[GI?....] 5´ [.... ana] ULÙ SIG 6 DIR [AN] D[IB ....] 6´ [.... DI]R SAL AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 32987 (= 78-5-31, 76) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DI[B ....] GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] 5? KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] GENNA 1 KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉ [....] ana ULÙ SIG
Left edge 1 [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár AN 2 [.... ana S]I NIM Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
GE6 27 ⌈ina⌉ [....] 12 KUR DIR ⌈x⌉ [....] DIR AN ZA sin? [....] AN-KU10 šámaš 5 Á[B ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 32983 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] were in [the sky.] Night of the 4th, the moon was [....] below [....] 2´ [....] having passed [....]. The 4th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....] 3´ [....] 5/6 cubit [....] γ Geminorum, the moon being .... [....] 4´ [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 6th, the moon was [....] in fr[ont of ....] 5´ [....] low to the south. The 6th, clouds crossed [the sky ....] 6´ [....] thin clouds were in the sky .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 32987 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the m[oon was ....] 5? cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....] 1 cubit [....] Saturn .... [....] low to the south.
Left edge 1 [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind Mars, 2 [....] high [to the no]rth. Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
Night of the 27th, in [....] moonrise to sunrise: 12°; clouds, .... [....] clouds were in the sky; the moon? was [....] solar eclipse, (after) 5 mon[ths, ....] .... [....]
BM 32991–33002
BM 32991 (= 78-5-31, 80)
BM 32991
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ina KIN?-SIG? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ GE6 [....] 3´ [.... KÙ]Š sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana Š[Ú LAL ....] 4´ [....] PISAN MAḪ DIB ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 5´ [.... MÚ]L KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 3 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ NU PAP G[E6? ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] in the afternoon?, .... [....] 2´ [....] .... rain shower. Night [....] 3´ [.... cub]it [....,] the moon being ⅔ cubit [back] to the west [....] 4´ [....] much PISAN DIB; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 5´ [....] 3 .... [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 6´ [....] .... last appearance in Capricorn; I did not watch. Ni[ght? ....]
BM 33002 (= 78-5-31, 91)
BM 33002
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] 4´ [....] NIGIN ´Side B´ 1´ [....] MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG 2´ [.... MÚ]L KUR šá DUR nu-nu 10 ⌈SI?⌉ 3´ [....] GE6 10 DIR AN ZA sin TÙ[R NIG]IN 4´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ár is le10 1 KÙŠ 5´ [....] 13 6 ŠÚ (erasure) 6´ [....] ⌈ÍR⌉ ina 23 GE6 7´ [.... UDU-TI]Lmeš NU GUBmeš 8´ [....] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ ár Right edge 1 [.... l]úGAL lúERÍNmeš ik-[....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] .... 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [....] surrounded ´Side B´ 1´ [....] 3 cubits [....] Capricorni; last part of the night, 2´ [....] 10 fingers? [....] η Piscium 3´ [....] Night of the 10th, clouds were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo. 4´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind α Tauri 5´ [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6° (erasure) 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] maximal phase. In 23° of night, [.... of the pla]nets did not stand there. [....] β Geminorum
Right edge 1 [....] the general .... [....]
BM 33031
BM 33031 (= 78-10-15, 12) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½? KÙŠ? 4 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 7 7 DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 8 DIR AN ZA 8 [....] 3´ [.... S]I? GIN GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu ½ KÙŠ sin [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin 3½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI is le10 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 GE6 DIR muš ina ZÁLAG sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] 6´ [....] 18? SI GIN ⌈GE6 19?⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI LUGAL 3? KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ 4 S[I ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa G[E6 ....] 8´ [.... ḪAB-r]at sin IGI-LÁ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin e RÍN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 24 [....] 9´ [.... ana] NIM DIB in EN 26 MÚLBABBAR ana NIM ki-i UŠ-ú 4+[x ....] 10´ [....] 29 SI GIN 30 KI ŠÚ šámaš AŠ.ME ina d UTU-ŠÚ-A ma-la [....] 11´ [....] ZÚ-LUM 1 2 2(p) 3(b) 3 4 2(p) 5(b) TA 5 [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 33031 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½? cubit? [....] The 4th, .... [....] 2´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 7th (and) the 7th, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, clouds were in the sky. The 8th, [....] 3´ [.... the no]rth? wind blew. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was ½ cubit in front of η Piscium, the moon being [....] 4´ [....] ...., the moon being 3½ cubits low to the south. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Tauri [....] 5´ [....] .... sunset to moonrise: 8°, measured (despite) clouds; last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit above γ Geminorum, the moon being ½ cubit to [....] 6´ [....] The 18th?, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th?, last part of the night, the moon was 3? cubits in front of α Leonis, the moon being 1 cubit 4 fin[gers ....] 7´ [....[ ....; last part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. The 21st, very overcast, a little rain shower. Ni[ght ....] 8´ [.... the disk of the sun] looked [like the di]sk of the moon. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit above α Librae. The 24th, [....] 9´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. Around until the 26th, when Jupiter became stationary to the east, [it became stationary] 4+[x ....] 10´ [....] The 29th, the north wind blew. The 30th, at sunset, a mock sun in the west as much as [....] 11´ [....] dates, on the 1st (and) 2nd, 2 pān 3 sūt; on the 3rd (and) 4th, 2 pān 5 sūt; from the 5th [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
BM 33035–33036
BM 33035 (= 78-10-15, 16)
BM 33035
´Flake´ 1´ [....] IM ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... k]a-si 2(g) GUR sa[ḫ ....] 3´ [.... ina TI]L ITU ina PA GU4-UD šá Š[Ú-ú NU IGI ....] 4´ [....] ILLU 8 SI GIN [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] gusty wind, .... [....] 2´ [....; mu]stard, 2 kur; cre[ss, ....] 3´ [.... at the en]d of the month, in Sagittarius; Mercury, which had s[et, was not visible ....] 4´ [....] the river level rose 8 fingers [....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 33036 (= 78-10-15, 17)
BM 33036
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GENN]A? E-a ÍB-TAG4 dUDU-⌈TIL⌉ [meš NU GUBmeš ....] 3´ [....] GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ⌈ḪUN 1 KÙŠ⌉ [....] 4´ [....] MÚL? is le10 KI SI sin šá ULÙ ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] SI ana SI NIM 22 MAR GIN GE6 23 [....] 6´ [....] GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SAG A 1½ KÙ[Š ....] 7´ [....] 1 KÙŠ 8 SI sin i-ṣa ana NIM DI[B ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x 28? x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Sat]urn? came out; the remainder of the planets [did not stand there ....] 3´ [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind α Arietis [....] 4´ [....] α Tauri with the southern horn of the moon in .... [....] 5´ [....] fingers high to the north. The 22nd, the west wind blew. Night of the 23rd, [....] 6´ [....] Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind ε Leonis [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east [....] 8´ [....] .... [....] .... the 28th?, .... [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 33042–33490
BM 33042 (= 78-10-15, 23) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIKILmeš šá ina lìb-b[i ....] 3´ [....] ⌈GAZ⌉meš-šú-nu-tú U4-6-KAM URM[AḪ? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x-ur-ru URUDU?⌉meš u NA4meš la ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x NÍG.SID?⌉ šá UNmeš šá ri-ka-as KÉŠ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉meš ITU BI U4-23 lúmu-ʾi-ir KUR U[RIki ....] —————————— 7´ [....] ⌈x x GE6⌉ 2 sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [.... MÚL MURU]B4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB 3 KÙŠ 5 SI [GIN? ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI MÁŠ ⌈1⌉ [....]
BM 33490 (= Rm IV 44) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ 2´ [....] ULÙ u KUR GINmeš 3´ [.... SIG] MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ 4´ [....] GE6 DIR AN ZA ⌈KUR? GIN?⌉ 5´ [....] ŠED7 šir AN-BAR7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 6´ [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ šá SIPA 1½ KÙŠ 7´ [.... ana NI]M GUB USAN DIR AN ZA 8´ [.... MÚL] IGI šá ALLA šá SI 1 KÙ[Š] 9´ [.... GE6] 7 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ in [x] 10´ [....] ULÙ u KUR ŠÁR KALAG [GINmeš] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN [....] Right edge (end of one line from the other side): [....] ana ŠÚ ⌈GUB⌉
BM 33042 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... which inside [....] 3´ [....] killed them. The 6th day, a li[on? ....] 4´ [....] .... of copper?, and stones not .... [....] 5´ [....] ... possessions? of people who made an agreement [....] 6´ [....] .... That month, the 23rd day, the satrap of Baby[lonia ....] —————————— 7´ [....] .... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of α Virginis [....] 8´ [....] 3 cubits [.... δ] Scorpii. The 5th, the north wind [blew? ....] 9´ [....] 1 [....] β Capricorni [....]
BM 33490 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... 2´ [....] the south and east winds blew. 3´ [....] 6 cubits [below] α Arietis. 4´ [....] night, clouds were in the sky, the east? wind blew?. 5´ [....] the cold became severe. At noon, very overcast. 6´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] γ Geminorum. 7´ [....] stood [.... to] the east. First part of the night, clouds were in the sky. 8´ [....] 1 cubit [....] η Cancri. 9´ [.... Night] of the 7th, all night very overcast. Around [the xth,] 10´ [....] strong gusty south and east winds [blew.] 11´ [....] .... The 9th, very overcast, the north wind blew. [....] Right edge (end of one line from the other side): [....] stood to the west.
BM 33528–33587
BM 33528 (= Rm IV 84)
BM 33528
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x DIR AN⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 9 DIR AN ZA ULÙ [....] 3´ [.... ana] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ LAL GE6 12 SAG ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 15 KI ŠÚ šámaš ŠÚ AN [....] 5´ [....] ár SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙ[Š ....] 6´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G ⌈sin ina IGI⌉ MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB ⌈2⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... clouds [....] the sky [....] 2´ [....] the 9th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind [....] 3´ [....] being back to the west. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, [....] 4´ [....] The 15th, with sunset, overcast, rain [....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits behind α Virginis [....] 6´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 2 [....] in front of β Scorpii [....] 7´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 33587 (= Rm IV 143)
BM 33587
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin ár GIŠ.KUN A 3 KÙŠ ár [....] 3´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ GE6 10+[x ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ 2 bu-tuq-tu4 dTIR-ANNA ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ USAN DIR AN DIB 13 2,30 ŠÚ DIR NU [PAP ....] 6´ [....] GE6 DIR NU PAP kal GE6 DIR AN DIB IM ŠÁR GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] DIB 16 ina še-rì ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... G]E6 19 19 SI GIN GE6 20 20 SI GIN 21 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... GE6] 26 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] clouds were in the sky .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon was 3 cubits behind ϑ Leonis, behind [....] 3´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Virginis. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] ...., rain shower; 2 sections of a rainbow .... [....] 5´ [....] cubits [....;] first part of the night, clouds crossed the sky. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 30´; clouds, I did not [watch ....] 6´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [....;] clouds, I did not watch; all night, clouds crossed the sky, a gusty wind blew .... [....] 7´ [....] crossed?. The 16th, in the morning, overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 8´ [.... Ni]ght of the 19th (and) the 19th, the north wind blew. Night of the 20th (and) the 20th, the north wind blew. The 21st, [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 10´ [.... Night] of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 33628–33645
BM 33628 (= Rm IV 184) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ana] ⌈NIM⌉ ki-i UŠ-ú ½? KÙŠ ár? ⌈MÚL x UŠ?⌉ 3´ [....] EN 23 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈ana ŠÚ ki-i UŠ⌉-[a] —————————— 4´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ? ⌈ina IGI?⌉ [....]
BM 33628 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] when it became stationary to the east, it became stationary ½? cubit behind .... 3´ [....] until the 23rd, when Jupiter became stationary to the west, —————————— 4´ [.... x]+1 cubit? in front? of [....]
Comments Possibly a planetary text.
BM 33645 (= Rm IV 201) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... AN] DUL i GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SUḪUR MÁŠ 3 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... GE6] 22 DIR AN DIB 22 šámaš TÙR NÍGIN GE6 23 ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 23 ŠÚ GE6 24 DIR AN DIB 24 ŠÚ SI ŠÁR KALAG GE6 26 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN ZA ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ 28 SI ŠÁR a-kam AN DIB GE6 29 ⌈ina ZÁLAG?⌉ [....] 6´ [....] 1(p)? 2(b) 3 qa ka-si 1(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) ⌈saḫ-le10⌉ [....] 7´ [.... A]N? ina ABSIN ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 33645 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] a little [rain] DUL. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind Capricorn [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky. The 22nd, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 23rd, overcast [....] 4´ [....] The 23rd, overcast. Night of the 24th, clouds crossed the sky. The 24th, overcast, strong gusty north wind. Night of the 26th, .... [....] 5´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky; in the afternoon, overcast. The 28th, gusty north wind, mist crossed the sky. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, [....] 6´ [....] 1 pān? 2 sūt 3 qa; mustard, 1 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, [....] 7´ [.... Ma]rs? was in Virgo .... [....] .... [....]
BM 33649+34648
BM 33649 (= Rm IV 205) + 34648 (= Sp II 131)
BM 33649 + 34648
Copy: LBAT 575 (34648)
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SIG 7 ULÙ G[IN? ....] 3´ [.... ana] ULÙ SIG SIG GENNA 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... ana UL]Ù SIG 9 SI GIN ŠED7 GE6 10 [....] 5´ [....] GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI š[ur? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ár MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 1 KÙŠ 7´ [....] AN ZA GE6 14 8 ME DIR muš 8´ [....] UŠ? GE6 ana ZÁLAG SI GIN 9´ [....] muš GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA IGI 10´ [.... sin .... GIŠ.K]UN A 1 KÙŠ sin 4½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SI[G] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR ⌈AN⌉ [.... G]E6 19 DIR AN ZA 12´ [....] AN DUL-ḫat 20 kal ME ⌈DIR AN? ZA? AN⌉ na-al-šú SI GIN 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN MAḪ rad MAḪ PISAN MAḪ DIB SI GIN 21 ⌈kal ME DIR AN DIB⌉ 14´ [.... AN] ZA ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 3 KÙŠ 22 ina še-rì 15´ [.... G]ÍR GÍR AN PISAN DIB ina ZÁLAG U 1-en-šú 2-šú GÙ-šú né-ḫi ŠUBdi 16´ [.... KI]R4 sil PA 1 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 24 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 25 USAN AN 17´ [....] ma-šil SI GIN 25 SI GIN 27 11 KUR muš SI GIN 18´ [.... UL]Ù u KUR ŠEDmeš ŠEŠmeš GINmeš UNmeš šá uruSe-lu-ke-ʾa-a
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] .... [....] [....] cubits low to the south. The 7th, the south wind b[lew? ....] [....] low to the south, 1½ cubits below Saturn, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] low [to the south.] The 9th, the north wind blew, cold. Night of the 10th, [....] [....] Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [β/ζ] Tau[ri? ....] [....] the moon was 1 cubit behind γ Geminorum. [....] were in the sky. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8°, measured (despite) clouds. [....] UŠ? before sunrise; the north wind blew. [....] measured; Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [.... ϑ] Leonis, the moon being 4½ cubits low to the south. [....] ...., clouds [....] the sky. Night of the 19th, clouds were in the sky. [....] rain DUL. The 20th, all day, clouds were in the sky?, dew; the north wind blew. [....] .... much rain, much cloudburst, much PISAN DIB; the north wind blew. The 21st, all day, clouds crossed the sky. [....] were in [the sky;] last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of β Scorpii. The 22nd, in the morning, [....] lightning flashed, rain PISAN DIB; last part of the night, it thundered slowly once or twice. [....] 1 cubit [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi, the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north. The 24th, all day, very overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mars? [....] was like [....,] the north wind blew. The 25th, the north wind blew. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°, measured; the north wind blew. [....] cold and bitter south and east winds blew. The people of Seleucia
138 19´ 20´ 21´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
BM 33751 [.... G]E6 29 kal GE6 DIR AN DIB AN na⌈al-šú⌉ [....] [.... T]A? ⌈19⌉ EN TIL ITU 1 PI ZÚ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
19´ 20´ 21´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈12 AN ana ŠÚ⌉ ki UŠ-a 1 K[ÙŠ] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6 13⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá ALLA šá SI 2½ KÙŠ [....] sin ina ŠÀ TÙR UŠ 14 6,10 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP DIR SAL AN ZA [....] ⌈x⌉ 15 8 na DIR muš ULÙ u KUR GINmeš GE6 16 9 GE6 DIR NU PAP [....] ⌈x⌉ DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 17 [.... GE6 1]⌈9⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin e SA4 šá ABSIN 3 KÙŠ [.... GE6] ⌈20 ina ZÁLAG sin x RÍN? šá?⌉ [....]
[.... Ni]ght of the 29th, all night, clouds crossed the sky, dew [....] [.... fr]om the 19th until the end of the month, 1 pān; dates, [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] The 12th, when Mars became stationary to the west, [it became stationary] 1 cu[bit] .... [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of γ Cancri. 4´ [....] the moon travelled inside a halo. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 10´; clouds, I did not watch; thin clouds were in the sky. 5´ [....].... The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8°; measured (despite) clouds; the south and east winds blew. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 9°; clouds, I did not watch. 6´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit .... γ Virginis, the moon being ½ cubit high to the north. The 17th, 7´ [.... Night of the 1]9th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits above α Virginis. 8´ [.... Night] of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was ... [α/β] Librae? [....]
BM 33751 (= Rm IV 309)
BM 33751
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]Ù? ⌈U? MAḪ⌉ AN NA4 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... á]r šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙ[Š ....] 4´ [.... x]+2 KÙŠ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] 5´ [....] ⌈GIN⌉ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] much thunder?, hail .... [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] μ Geminorum [....] 4´ [.... x]+2 cubits [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the m[oon ....] 5´ [....] blew. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 33762–33764
BM 33762 (= Rm IV 320) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
BM 33762 Obv.´
[.... šá] Da-ri-ia-muš LUGAL MU-šú SA4-ú [....] [.... s]in SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1⅔ KÙŠ 3 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈E-SÍR NU⌉ TUḪ 4 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÙ [U ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] I
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....]-UD 5 KÙŠ ana NIM? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ LUGAL u ERÍN-šú ina IGI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉-šú TI-u [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... TA] muḫ-ḫi gišDA šá IdEN-⌈A-MU⌉ A [....] 2 [E]N-NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA BAR [....] Comments Upper edge 1: This Bel-apla-iddin may be a wellknown scribe (son of Mušallim-Bel) from the family Mušezib, see J. Oelsner, Cagni Memorial Volume, 802ff. The tablet would be from the reign of Darius III.
BM 33764 (= Rm IV 322) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 24? DIR AN DIB ina ZÁLAG AN UTAḪ 25 [....] 4´ [....] ITU BI KI.LAM še-im EN MURUB4 ITU ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ] 27 1(p) 5?(b) 28 29 1(p) 4(b) 3 qa kàs 4(g) GUR 1?(p) 3+[x?(b) ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ in 12 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád ITU BI ILLU 2 4 SI G[IN ....]
1 2 3
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] who was called King Darius [....] [....] the moon was 1⅔ cubits below η Geminorum. The 3rd, .... [....] [....] the sandal was not removed. The 4th, in the morning, very overcast, lightning, thund[er ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... 5 cubits to the east? [....] [....] .... the king and his troops in front of [....] [....] took his .... [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... fr]om a writing board of Bel-apla-iddin, son of [....] 2 [Di]ary from month I [....]
BM 33764 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, .... [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 24th?, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, rain shower. The 25th, [....] 4´ [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, until the middle of the month, .... [....] 5´ [....] the 27th, 1 pān 5? sūt; the 28th (and) the 29th, 1 pān 4 sūt 3 qa; mustard, 4 kur 1 pān 3+[x? sūt ....] 6´ [....] .... around the 12th, Mars reached Gemini. That month, the river level 2? rose 4 fingers [....]
140 7´ 8´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
BM 33764 [....] ⌈x⌉ na EN TIL ITU 4 U GIN PAP 29 na ITU BI míUR+[KU? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉-ʾu ITU BI qu?-tur ina É-GAL GIM IGI-ú ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ? SIG ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ma-šil DIR SAL AN ZA SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN GE6 5 S[AG GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ina IGI AN 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 3 [....] [....] AN ZA SI GIN GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ [....] [....] sin SIG MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] USAN sin e SA4 šá ABSIN 1⅔ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM [DIB ....] [.... PIS]AN? MAḪ rad DIB ULÙ GIN GE6 17 DIR AN DIB [....] [....] kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI M[ÁŠ ....] [.... GE6] 26 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 26 18,20 K[UR ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
17´ 18
[....] .... was the na (gauge); until the end of the month, it rose 4 fingers, total: 29 was the na (gauge). That month, a bi[tch ....] [....] .... That month, there was smoke? in the palace as before .... [....] —————————— [.... the moon being x]+1 cubit low to the south?, it stood 1 cubit in front of Jupiter to the west, the moon being ⅔ cubit [low] to the south [....] [....] was similar ....; thin clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 5th, beg[inning of the night, ....] [....] .... cubits [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east, it stood 1½ cubits in front of Mars to the west, the moon being 3 [....] [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below δ Cancri [....] [....] the moon was ⅔ cubit below ρ Leonis, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east .... [....] [....] first part of the night, the moon was 1⅔ cubits above α Virginis, the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] [....] much PISAN DIB, cloudburst; the south wind blew. Night of the 17th, clouds crossed the sky [....] [....] all day, very overcast. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Capri[corni ....] [.... Night] of the 26th, very overcast. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 20´ [....] [....] .... [....]´
BM 33782–33792
BM 33782 (= Rm IV 340)
BM 33782
Photo: YM
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x ina SAG.DU-šú GAR-ma x x⌉ [....] [....] šá lúAr-ba-a-a ma-al-di ÍD [....] [....]-ú —————————— [....]+7?-KAM IAr-šá-kam LUGAL MU-1m[e-....]
Upper edge 1 [.... EN]-⌈NUN?⌉ [šá] ⌈gi?⌉-[né-e ....]
BM 33792 (= Rm IV 351)
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
Upper edge 1 [D]iar[y ....]
[....] 16 na-su in 12 IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] kab? -ti-i me-ḫu-ú SI ŠÁR G[E6 ....] [.... MÚL]-BABBAR SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6 x]+1 SAG GE6 AN UTAḪ i-ṣa IM ŠÁR ina ZÁLAG DIR [....] [....] USAN GU4-UD e MÚL ár šá še-pít M[AŠ-M]AŠ 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... GE6 x]+5 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪU[N ....] [.... SIG M]ÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ⌈SIG x x⌉ [....] [....] šá KIR4 šil PA ⌈⅔?⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana U[LÙ? SIG? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ G[E6 ....] ?
[....] .... was placed on its head .... [....] [....] of the Arabs, bank? of the river [....] [....] .... —————————— [Year x]+7, King Arsaces. Year 100+[x ....]
BM 33792
Photo: YM
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] rising of [....] to sunrise: 16°; (ideal) first appearance on the 12th .... [....] [....] ...., gusty north storm. Ni[ght ....] [.... Ju]piter was 4 cubits below β Arietis .... [....] [.... Night of the x]+1st, beginning of the night, a little rain shower, gusty wind; last part of the night, clouds [....] [....] first part of the night, Mercury was 1½ cubits above μ Geminorum. [....] [.... Night of the x]+5th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below β Arietis [....] [.... the moon was] 4 cubits [below] α Arietis, the moon being [....] [....] .... in the afternoon, very overcast .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] last part of the night, Venus? was [....] below? .... [....] [....] ⅔ [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] cubits [....,] the moon being 2 cubits [low?] to the sou[th? ....] [....] .... Ni[ght ....]
BM 33830–33887
BM 33830 (= Rm IV 390)
BM 33830
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈MÚL⌉ GAL šá GIM d[ipa-ri ....] 2´ [....]-te-šìr UD-DA-su ina KI IGI U4-20+[x ....] 3´ [.... K]U4-ub ituGAN U4-26-KAM gišMES ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ʾu ina a-mat LUGAL ana É-GAL LUGAL TI-⌈ú⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ka GAR-an 19 U8 Ù-TU-m[a ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1-en ZÚ 1-en IGIII ina SAG-KI-šú? [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUNmeš-šú ituZÍZ U4-29-[KAM ....] —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈šá⌉ IDa-ra-a-muš LU[GAL šum-šu nabû ....] 9´ [.... US]AN? PISAN rad DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] šá? É-ḫur-sag-ti-[la ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] a meteor which was like a tor[ch ....] 2´ [.... a meteor?] ...., its light was seen on the ground. The 20+[xth] day [....] 3´ [.... en]tered. Month IX, day 26, mēsu-wood .... [....] 4´ [....] ...., at the order of the king they took to the royal palace [....] 5´ [....] .... put. The 19th, a ewe gave birth, and [....] 6´ [....] (the newborn) had one tooth, one eye on its forehead [....] 7´ [....] .... its tails. Month XI, day 29 [....] —————————— 8´ [....] who [was called] King Darius [....] 9´ [....] first part? of the night, cloudburst, PISAN DIB .... [....] 10´ [....] of? Eḫursangti[la ....]
BM 33887 (= Rm IV 449)
BM 33887
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rev. 1 2 3 4
⌈MU-1-me-x-KAM An LUGAL ⌉ ŠE? 1 ⌈DIR? muš? GE6? x x x x x⌉ e ⌈x x x x x x⌉ GE6 15? ina ZÁLAG sin e ⌈x x x⌉ 3 KÙŠ GE6 14? SAG GE6? x x ina SAG? UŠ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SUḪUR ár 1½ KÙŠ GE6 9 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR ⅔ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB ? I
[.... GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ [....] GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG GENNA 1½ KÙŠ ?
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
Rev. 1 2 3 4
Year 100+x, King? Antiochus?. Month XII?, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); , measured? (despite) clouds?. Night? .... above .... Night of the 15th?, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits above .... Night of the 14th?, beginning of the night, .... became stationary in .... Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus was 1½ cubits above δ Capricorni. Night of the 9th, the moon was 2 cubits below α Geminorum, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. it stood ⅔ cubit in front of Jupiter to the west.
[.... Mercu]ry’s [....] in the west [....] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Mars was 1½ cubits below Saturn.
BM 34118 5 6 7 8
ZÍZ GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG AN e dele-bat? 1 KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉ LÁL-tì?
Left edge 1 14 na? 27 KUR Comments The events in this text do not seem to be in chronological order. It is also remarkable that mostly planetary data are listed (as far as they can be read). Obv. 1: The reading of this line is simply guesswork.
143 5 6-7 8
Month XI, night of the 28th, last part of the night, Mars was 1 cubit above Venus? The xth, equinox.
Left edge 1 The 14th, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th, last visibility of the moon.
BM 34118 (= Sp 219)
BM 34118
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night [....] 2´ [.... fin]gers high to the north. The 20+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] having passed [....] to the east, 2 cubits below Jupiter [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [....] ...., it stood 3 cubits in front of Venus to the west [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit in front of Mercury, the moon being 1½ cubits low to the south [....] 6´ [....] qa (and) one-fourth; dates, 1 pān 2 sūt 3½ qa; mustard, 1 kur 1 pān; cress, [....] 7´ [....] Saturn was in Virgo; on the 2nd, Mars reached Libra. That month, the river level receded 1½ cubits, total: 32 was the na (gauge). That month, [....] 8´ [....] .... of Ištar of Babylon were made from the treasury of the temples. That day, [....] 9´ [....] these offerings were distributed to the prebend holders. .... [....] 10´ [....] of the king they made. Day 25, the general of Babylonia, the satrap of [Babylonia ....] 11´ [....] and the administrator of Esangila and the Babylonians [provided] 3 (sheep) sacrifices [....] 12´ [....] .... the man who was in charge? performed it; possessions in the place of .... [....] —————————— 13´ [....] .... Night of the 2nd, thun[der? ....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 2
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 [....] 2´ [.... S]I ana SI NIM ⌈20⌉+[x ....] 3´ [.... ana] NIM DIB SIG MÚL-BABBAR 2 KÙŠ [....] 4´ [.... UL]Ù 1 KÙŠ ina IGI dele-bat 3 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GU[B ....] 5´ [....] ina IGI GU4-UD 1 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ ⌈SIG⌉ [....] 6´ [....] qa 4-ú ZÚ-LUM-MA 1(p) 2(b) 3½ qa kàs 1(g) GUR 1 PI saḫ-l[e10 ....] 7´ [....] GENNA ina ABSIN 2 AN RÍN KUR ITU BI ILLU 1½ KÙŠ LAL PAP 32 na ITU BI [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ dINNIN TIN-TIRki TA É ga-an-za šá É DINGIRmeš in-né-ep-pu-šu-ú u4-mu šu-⌈ú⌉ [....] 9´ [.... SISKU]R.SISKURmeš MU-a-tì ana lú ENmeš gišŠUB-BAmeš zu-ʾu-zu-uʾ UD [....] 10´ [....] šá LUGAL DÙ-ʾu U4-25 lúGAL ERÍN-ni KUR URIki lúGAL-UKKIN ⌈KUR⌉ [....] 11´ [....] u lúŠÀ-TAM É-sag-gíl u lúEki.meš 3 SISKUR.SISKUR[meš ....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ LÚ šá ana UGU DÙ-uš NÍG.ŠID ina a-šar ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 2 G[Ù? ....]
BM 34124
BM 34124 (= Sp 226)
BM 34124
Photo: YM
Bibliography: R. J. van der Spek, Babylonian Chronicles
BCHP 19; Y. Mitsuma, NABU 2010/89.
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 3
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....]+½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] KUR ki PAP NU I[GI ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x ana] ŠÚ GUB ITU BI [....] [....] ITU 2(p) x ⌈bab-bani(DÙ)-tú 3(p)? 3(b)?⌉ ZÚ-L[UM ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [sa]ḫ-le10 2(p) 1(b) 2 qa ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 3(b) 1 q[a ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ ma-na 5 GÍN i-nu-šú [....] [....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR?⌉ ina SAG ḪUN [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] MU-a-tì TA E [ana Se-lu-ke-ʾa-a] [šá ana mu]ḫ-ḫi ídIDIGNA È U4-19 lúGAR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina É-sag-gíl ú-ši-bu-ú TA É-sag-[gíl ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TA KUR Ma-da-a-a ina pa-ḫat-útú Ek[i ....] [.... kuš]ši-piš-tú šá LUGAL mu-un-nu-ú TA ma-dak-tú L[UGAL] [ana Eki] KU4-ub U4-26 lúŠÀ-TAM É-saggíl u lúEki.meš [x SISKUR]meš ina KÁ-DUMU-NUN-NA šá É-sag-gíl ana lúpa-ḫat Eki [x x] ul-te-zi-zu-ú NIDBA ana dEN d GAŠAN-iá [DINGIRmeš GALmeš] ana bul-ṭu šá IAr-šáka-a LUGAL u ana bul-ṭi-šú GAR-an [.... DUMU ši]p-ri šá lúGAL ERÍNmeš šá ana muḫ-ḫi 4 [lúGAL ERÍNmeš .... IT]U BI lúGAL ERÍNmeš lú ERÍNmeš LUGAL MAḪmeš [....] ídGARIMmeš šá ni-tú NIGINmeš-ʾu [.... me]š šá ⌈x⌉ ídGARIM ti-amat ⌈x⌉meš [....] ⌈x x⌉-ri-du lúUN[meš] [....]-tú GAZm[eš ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ki
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1
2 3 4 5 6
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[....] .... [....] [.... having passed x]+½ cubit to the east [....] [....] .... moonrise to sunrise: [....;] when I watched, I did not see it [....] [....] .... it stood [.... to] the west. That month, [....] [....] of the month, 2 pān 1+x sūt, very good (barley), 3? pān 3? sūt; dat[es, ....] [....] ....; cress, 2 pān 1 sūt 2 qa; sesame, 3 sūt 1 qa [....] [....] .... minas 5 shekels. At that time, [....] [....] Jupiter’s [....] in the beginning of Aries [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] that [....] went out from Babylon [to Seleucia] [which is] on the Tigris. The 19th day, the governor .... [....] [....] who had sat in Esangila, from Esang[ila ....] [....] .... from the land of Media to the governorship of Babylon [....] [....] was appointed by a message of the king; from the royal camp he entered [Babylon.] The 26th day, the administrator of Esangila and the Babylonians provided [.... (sheep) sacri]fices at the “Gate of the Son of the Prince” of Esangila for the governor of Babylon. As an offering to Bel (and) Beltija, [the great gods,] for the life of King Arsaces and for his own life he performed (it). [.... a mess]enger of the general who is above the four [generals ....] That month, the general [....] many royal troops. [....] the irrigated fields which they surrounded [....] they .... the [....] of the irrigated fields of the Sea(land) [....] they .... The people [....] .... they killed [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 34135–34139
BM 34135 (= Sp 237)
BM 34135
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ Gemin[orum ....] 3´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 2 cubits below ε Leonis, the moon being .... [....] 4´ [.... (the moon)] stood [.... to] the east, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. Night of the 12th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits above β Virginis, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 6´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] Virginis; last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky, lightning flashed, .... [....] 7´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´?; clouds, I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Librae [....] 8´ [....] the moon being 1 cubit high to the north. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 9´ [....] .... Night of the 21st, clouds crossed the sky [....] 10´ [....] η Geminorum [....] 11´ [....] .... Gemino[rum ....]
Copy: LBAT 539
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ š[á SIPA ....] 3´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin SIG SAG A 2 KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... ana] ⌈NIM⌉ GUB sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM GE6 12 SA[G GE6 ....] 5´ [....] e GÌR ár šá A 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] 6´ [....] ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB NIM-GÍR GÍR ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈40?⌉ GE6 DIR NU PAP ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá [....] 8´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina [IGI ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 21 DIR AN DI[B ....] 10´ [.... MÚL I]GI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MAŠ-M[AŠ? ....]
BM 34139 (= Sp 241)
BM 34139
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... (the moon)] stood 3½ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west, the moon being 3 cubi[ts ....] 2´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni, the moon being 1 cubit high to the north. Night of the 11th, [....] 3´ [....] The 12th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 50´. Night of the 13th, [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below β Tauri [....] 5´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 538
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ina IGI MUL-BABBAR⌉ 3½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 3 K[ÙŠ ....] 2´ [....] ⌈SUḪUR⌉ MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM GE6 11 [....] 3´ [....] 12 2,50 na GE6 13 [....] 4 [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG šur GIGIR šá SI [....] 5 [.... ina Z]ÁLAG sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34182–34192
BM 34182 (= Sp 288) + 41890 (= 81-6-25, 510) Copies: LBAT 534, 912 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½? K[ÙŠ?] GE6 9 SAG [GE6 ....] 2´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ sin TÙR NIG[IN ....] 3´ [....] DIR AN DIB AN rad PISAN DIB GE6 13 [....] 4´ [.... 1]3 DIR AN DIB GE6 14 SAG GE6 sin [....] 5´ [.... MU]RUB4 ŠÚ NIM-GÍR GÙ U IM ŠÁR AN DUL [....] 6´ [.... GE6] ⌈16?⌉ [x x] GE6 DIR muš ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [....] 2? KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 19 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2 KÙŠ [....] 8´ [.... SA]G GÍR-TAB ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 2 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 9´ [....] DIB AN rad PISAN DIB 25 DIR AN DIB GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IM ŠÁR AN NA4 ŠUR-nun GE6 29 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 29 16 ME NIM-a A[N-KU10 šámaš ....] 11´ [.... k]às 1(g) 2(p) 3(b) saḫ 1(p) 2(b) ŠEGIŠ 1 PI S[ÍG] ⌈4⌉ ma-na a-na 1 GÍN KÙ[BABBAR ....] —————————— 12´ [....] IGI? —————————— 13´ [.... G]E6 ⌈4?⌉ [....]
BM 34182 + 41890 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½ cu[bit] .... Night of the 9th, beginning [of the night, ....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] β Geminorum; the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] 3´ [....] clouds crossed the sky, cloudburst, PISAN DIB. Night of the 13th?, [....] 4´ [.... The 1]3th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 5´ [.... in the midd]le watch, overcast, lightning, thunder, gusty wind, rain DUL [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 16th?, sunset to moonrise: [....,] measured (despite) clouds; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of γ Virginis [....] 7´ [.... (the moon)] stood 2 cubits to the west. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus was 2 cubits below α Arietis [....] 8´ [....] ⅔ cubit [.... δ/β] Scorpii. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of ϑ Ophiuchi. Ni[ght ....] 9´ [....] crossed, cloudburst, PISAN DIB. The 25th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 10´ [....] ...., gusty wind, hail fell. Night of the 29th, very overcast. The 29th, 16° after sunrise, [solar] ec[lipse ....] 11´ [.... mu]stard, 1 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, 1 pān 2 sūt; sesame, 1 pān; wool, 4 minas for 1 shekel of sil[ver ....] —————————— 12´ [....] .... —————————— 13´ [.... Ni]ght of the 4th?, [....]
BM 34192 (= Sp 298)
BM 34192
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½ cubit [....] δ Capricorni [....] 2´ [....] clouds, I did not watch; all day, clouds [....] the sky [....]
Copy: LBAT 546
´Flake´ 1´ [.... á]r šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 2´ [....] DIR NU PAP kal ME DIR AN [....]
BM 34195 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 23 ina? Z[ÁLAG? ....] [....] GIN GE6 26 MURUB4 ŠÚ 2[6 ....] [.... 2]7 13,40? KUR DIR NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ in 20 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš ina KI[NSIG ....] [....] 2? qa EN MURUB4 ITU 4(b) 3 q[a ....] [.... Z]Ú-LUM ina SAG ITU 3(p) 2(b) EN M[URUB4 ITU ....] [....] EN TIL ITU 1(g) GUR 3(p) PI ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... SÍGḫ]á 1 ma-na i-nu-šú MÚ[LBABBAR ....] [.... DI]R ⌈NU PAP⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
147 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´
[....] very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 23rd, la[st? part of the night, ....] [....] blew. Night of the 26th, middle watch, overcast. The 2[6th, ....] [.... The 2]7th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 40´?; clouds, I did not watch .... [....] [.... (solar eclipse) ....] ....; at 20° before sunset. In the aft[ernoon, ....] [....] 2? qa, until the middle of the month, 4 sūt 3 q[a ....] [.... da]tes, in the beginning of the month, 3 pān 2 sūt, until the mi[ddle of the month, ....] [....] until the end of the month, 1 kur 3 pān .... [....] [.... woo]l, 1 mina. At that time, Ju[piter ....] [.... clou]ds, I did not watch [....] .... [....]
BM 34195 (= Sp 301)
BM 34195
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the north? wind [....] 2´ [....] high to the north; all night, very overcast, the south wind blew [....] 3´ [....] blew; all day, very overcast; in the afternoon, the north wind blew. Night of the 14th, very overcast, the north wind bl[ew ....] 4´ [.... clou]ds, I did not watch; all day, very overcast; in the afternoon, overcast, rain DUL, the north wind blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] clouds crossed the sky, slow rain (so that) the sandal was removed; in the aftern[oon ....] 6´ [....] clouds crossed the sky, slow rain, PISAN DIB. The 16th, all day, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... The 17th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky, slow rain [....] 8´ [....] middle watch, overcast, lightning flashed continuously, slow thunder [....] 9´ [....] ...., the north wind blew; in the afternoon, clouds [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 541
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈SI?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ana] ⌈SI⌉ NIM kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN [....] 3´ [....] GIN kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG SI GIN GE6 14 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI G[IN ....] 4´ [.... DI]R NU PAP kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ AN DUL-ḫat SI GIN GE6 10+[x ....] 5´ [....] DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫi kušE-SÍR TUḪ ina KIN-SI[G ....] 6´ [....] DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB 16 kal ME ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 17 ina še-rì DIR AN DIB AN néḫ[i ....] 8´ [....] MURUB4 ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR GÙ U né-ḫi [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ina KIN-SIG DIR [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 34198–34202
BM 34198 (= Sp 304)
BM 34198
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... clouds] were [in the sky,] the north wind blew. [....] 2´ [....] blew; last part of the night, the moon was 2 [....] above Mars [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [.... η] Piscium, the moon being 3½ cubi[ts ....] 4´ [....] 6? cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 24th, the north wind [....] 5´ [.... clouds] were [in the sky,] the north wind blew. Night of the 27th, the north wind blew. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10°; the no[rth? wind ....] 6´ [....] end of the month, 1 kur 2 pān; mustard, 4 kur; cress, in the beginning [of the month, ....] 7´ [....] at the end of the month, in Taurus; Mercury, in the beginning of the month, was in Gemini; o[n ....] 8´ [.... x]+3 was the na (gauge); from the 17th until the 20th, it remained constant; from the 21st un[til ....] 9´ [.... Seleuci]a, which is on the Tigris [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 545
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ZA SI GIN [....] 2´ [....] GIN ina ZÁLAG sin e AN 2 [....] 3´ [.... DUR] nu-nu 1 KÙŠ sin 3½ KÙ[Š ....] 4´ [....] 6? KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 24 ⌈SI⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ZA SI GIN GE6 27 SI GIN 27 10 UŠ KUR S[I? ....] 6´ [....] TIL ITU 1(g) GUR 2(p) PI kàs 4(g) GUR saḫ-le10 ina SAG [ITU ....] 7´ [....] ina TIL ITU ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina SAG ITU ina MAŠ-MAŠ i[n ....] 8´ [....]+3 na TA 17 EN 20 GUB-uz TA 21 E[N ....] 9´ [.... uruSe-lu-ke]-ʾ-a šá ana muḫ-ḫi íd IDIGNA [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 34202 (= Sp 308)
BM 34202
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 542
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
⌈x⌉ [....] sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana? NIM? [....] DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG SI? G[IN? ....] SI GIN GE6 7 sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] SI GIN 7 ina še-rì DIR A[N ....] kal ME DIR AN ZA ina KIN-SI[G ....] GE6 8 sin SIG šur SI 4 [....] SI? ŠÁR 8 DIR AN ZA [....] AN ZA [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
.... [....] the moon was [....] above .... [....] .... [....] .... to the east? [....] clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the north? wind bl[ew? ....] the north wind blew. Night of the 7th, the moon was [....] above .... [....] the north wind blew. The 7th, in the morning, clouds [....] the sky [....] all day, clouds were in the sky; in the aftern[oon, ....] Night of the 8th, the moon was 4 [....] below β Tauri [....] gusty north wind. The 8th, clouds were in the sky [....] were in the sky [....]
BM 34204–34231 Lower edge 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [x x] DIR AN ZA [....] 3 sin ina IGI? MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [....] Rev. 1
Lower edge 1 .... [....] 2 [....] clouds were in the sky [....] 3 the moon was [....] in front? of α Geminorum [....]
kal GE6 DIR AN ZA SI [....]
(remainder of reverse blank as far as preserved)
all night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....]
BM 34204 (= Sp 310)
BM 34204
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1 [....] Night of the 1st, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 1st, [....] 2 [....] The 2nd?, overcast, slow rain, PISAN DIB. Night of the 4th, overcast, clou[ds ....] 3 [....] .... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind η Pisci[um ....] 4 [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind α Arietis. Night [....] 5 [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers above α Tauri, ⅔ cubit above Saturn, .... [....] 6 [....] .... blew?. The 10th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 7 [....] sunrise to moonset: [x]+3° 40´; clouds, I did not watch. [....] gusty south wind [....] 8 [....] looked [....] Night of the 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 16°? [....]
Copy: LBAT 540
´Flake´ 1 [....] GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 1 [....] 2 [....] 2? ŠÚ AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB GE6 4 ŠÚ DI[R ....] 3 [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá DUR [nu-nu ....] 4 [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 5 [....] e is le10 2 KÙŠ 8 U e GENNA ⅔ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6 [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN 10 DIR AN ZA GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin [....] 7 [.... x]+3,40 na DIR NU PAP [x x x] ⌈ULÙ ŠÁR⌉ [....] 8 [....] ina-an-ṭal ⌈GE6 15 16?⌉ [GE6 ....]
BM 34231 (= Sp 337)
BM 34231
Photo: YM
Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I Taf. XXIII Nr. 27
Copy: LBAT 555
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin [....] [.... s]in ár MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG GÍRT[AB ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 14 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ [....] [.... 1]4 6 ŠÚ GE6 15 5,20 ME EN-NUN MURUB4 sin [....] [.... ina ZÁLAG sin ina] IGI MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN-GÁ 1⅔ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG delebat [....]
3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] [.... the m]oon was [....] behind δ Scorpii [....] [....] .... Night of the 14th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Capricorni [....] [.... The 1]4th, moonset to sunrise: 6°. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 20´; in the middle watch, the moon was [....] [.... last part of the night, the moon was] 1⅔ cubits in front of β Arietis; last part of the night, Venus [....]
BM 34255
150 7´
8´ 9´
[.... ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL] ⌈ár⌉ šá SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin SI[G ....] [....] MÚL-BABBAR 2 KÙŠ ina IGI šur ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG dele-[bat ....] [.... G]E6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MAŠMAŠ ár 1½ KÙ[Š ....]
8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ZI IR i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ [....] —————————— [.... G]E6 3 sin SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... GENN]A? ⌈e⌉ SA4 šá ABSIN 20 SI G[E6 ....] [....] sin ár SI4 1 KÙŠ 4 U [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] [....] šá ULÙ [....] [....] sin ár? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[.... last part of the night, the moon was] 3½ cubits [behind] α Arietis. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] bel[ow ....] [....] 2 cubits [....] Jupiter, ⅔ cubit in front of ζ Tauri; last part of the night, Ven[us ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of β Geminorum [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[....] .... [....] [....] ZI IR. At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus, [....] —————————— [.... Ni]ght of the 3rd, the moon was ⅔ cubit below γ Virginis [....] [.... Satur]n? was 20 fingers above α Virginis. Ni[ght ....] [....] the moon was 1 cubit 4 fingers behind α Scorpii [....] [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] [....] southern [....] [....] the moon was behind? [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 34255 (= Sp 362)
BM 34255
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 551
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Rev.´ 1 2 3
[....] i-ṣa ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... SAG] GE6 sin ár SAG?-ME-GAR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 14 15 ME SAG GE6 si[n ....] [....] ⌈šámaš [ina?] a-kam KUR GE6 16 USAN sin ár [....] [....] GÙ U i
2´ 3´
[.... US]AN GÍR GÙ U i [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
Rev.´ 1 2 3
[....] a little .... [....] [....beginning] of the night, the moon was .... behind Jupiter [....] [....] .... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 15°; beginning of the night, the m[oon was ....] [....] the sun rose in mist. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] a little thunder.
[.... first] part of the night, lightning, a little thunder. [....] .... [....] ....
BM 34273–34348+34383
BM 34273 (= Sp 381)
BM 34273
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 554
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[x x SA]G GE6 [....] [x x] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ né-ḫi in 5 dele-bat ina N[IM ....] [x x x] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SIG kal GE6 [....] [x] ⌈½ KÙŠ ana⌉ ŠÚ LAL DIR AN ZA šámaš ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈DIR? SAL? AN? ZA?⌉ 8 DIR AN ZA ina KIN-S[IG ....] ⌈DIR SAL AN ZA 9⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN-BAR7 ⌈x⌉ [....] [D]IR AN ZA SI GIN EN-NUN U4-Z[AL ....] [x] AN UTAḪ i-ṣa USAN sin e [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 si[n ....] ?
⌈x⌉ [....] a-na [....] BAR 1 15 [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[.... beginn]ing? of the night, [....] [....] very overcast, the south wind blew [....] [....] slow .... Around the 5th, Venus’ [....] in the ea[st ....] [.....] cubits low to the south; all night [....] [....] ½ cubit back to the west; clouds were in the sky, the sun .... [....] thin? clouds? were in the sky?. The 8th, clouds were in the sky; in the aftern[oon, ....] thin clouds were in the sky. The 9th, very overcast; at noon, .... [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; in the morning watch, [....] [....] a little rain shower; first part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] [....] ...., beginning of the night, the m[oon was ....]
.... [....] to [....] Month I, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), (sunset to moonset:) 15° [....]
BM 34303 (= Sp 415)
BM 34303
´Flake´ 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ 13 4+[x x x] muš 2 [.... x]+4 na-su ⌈x⌉ [...] ⌈x⌉ 3 [....] 20 IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the 13th, [....:] 4+[x°, ....] measured. 2´ [....] rising of [....] to sunrise: [x]+4° .... [....] .... 3´ [....] (ideal) first appearance on the 20th .... [....] 4´ [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 34348 + 34383 (Sp 463+501)
BM 34348 + 34383
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 3 [....] α Librae, [....] back to the west .... [....] 2´ [....] having passed a little to the east; the north wind blew. The 6th, the north wind blew. Night of the 7th, [....]
Photo: YM
Copies: LBAT 553, 571
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [R]ÍN šá ULÙ 3 [x x x x] ana ŠÚ LAL ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] i-ṣa ana ⌈NIM DIB⌉ SI GIN 6 SI GIN GE6 7 [....]
BM 34349–34364
152 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ⌈ár⌉ šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] [....] GIN ⌈ina ZÁLAG dele-bat x⌉ MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina IGI is le10 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] [....] ⌈NIM? UD-DA? ina? IGI? DIB? [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ Capricorni [....] [....] blew; last part of the night, Venus was 3 cubits .... η Piscium [....] [....] .... 2 .... in front of α Tauri .... [....] [....] below η Geminorum [....] [.... Mercury’s] first? appearance? [in the] east, .... omitted. [....]
BM 34349 (= Sp 464)
BM 34349
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] low to the south .... [....] 2´ [....] 2 cubits [....] μ Geminorum [....] 3´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was 3? [....] behind β Virginis [....] 4´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the south wind [....] 5´ [....] .... Mercury’s [....] in [....]
Copy: LBAT 549
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... M]ÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2 KÙŠ [....] 3´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A ⌈3?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈ULÙ⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ⌈ina⌉ [....]
BM 34358 (= Sp 473)
BM 34358
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ TÙR NIGIN G[E6 ....] 4´ [.... UL]Ù? 1½ KÙŠ sin TÙR NIGIN [....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN DIB SAG GE6 AN UTAḪ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ŠÀ TÙR ana NIM GUB ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] 7´ [.... DI]R NU PAP DIR AN DIB AN UT[AḪ ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x GE6 16?⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... very overcast. Night [....] 3´ [....] .... was surrounded by a halo. Ni[ght ....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... the sou]thern? [star of ....;] the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] 5´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky; beginning of the night, rain shower [....] 6´ [....] .... stood inside the halo to the east; last part of the night, the m[oon ....] 7´ [.... clou]ds, I did not watch; clouds crossed the sky, rain sho[wer ....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 16th?, [....]
BM 34364 (= Sp 481)
BM 34364
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] first part? of the night, Venus? .... [....] 2´ [....] 3½ cubits [....] η Piscium. The 25th?, [....]
Copy: LBAT 548
Copy: LBAT 560
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈USAN? dele-bat? x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚL KU]R šá DUR nu-nu 3½ KÙŠ 25? [....]
BM 34367 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... x]+4 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... KI.LA]M še-im 1(g) GUR ZÚ 1(g) 4(p) [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina MAŠMAŠ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x KUR4?⌉ muš ŠÚ-ŠÚ 1 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ AN DUL-ḫat G[E6? ....] [.... S]AG GE6 sin ina IGI [....] [.... GI]Š.⌈KUN A⌉ [....]
153 3´
4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... Night of the x]+4th, first part of the night, Mars was 3½ [cubits] below α Geminorum [....] [.... the equival]ent was: barley, 1 kur; dates, 1 kur 4 pān [....] [....] ....; Saturn was in Capricorn; Mars was in Gemini [....] —————————— [....] .... it was bright?, measured; very overcast. The 1st, [....] [....] .... rain DUL. Ni[ght? ....] [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] ϑ Leonis [....]
BM 34367 (= Sp. 484)
BM 34367
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 557
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... S]IG? ⌈GE6 4⌉ SAG G[E6 ....] [....] ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] [.... š]á ULÙ 8 U 5 SI [....] [.... GE6] 9 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... si]n 2½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM G[E6? ....] [.... 12] 8 ŠÚ 13 6 na ⌈x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 [....] DUR nu-nu 1½ KÙŠ [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[.... GE6] 16 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN [....] [....] KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 18 SI GIN G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ár šur GIG[IR ....] [.... ina ZÁLAG si]n e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ U ana ULÙ SIG [....] [.... G]E6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [.... l]ow?. Night of the 4th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] ½ cubit low to the south [....] [....] 8 fingers [....] southern star [....] The 5th, the north wind [....] [.... Night] of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] [.... the moo]n being 2½ cubits high to the north. Ni[ght? ....] [.... The 12th,] moonset to sunrise: 8°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 6° .... [....]
Lower edge 1 [....] 1½ cubits [.... η] Piscium [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
[.... Night] of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below α Arietis [....] [....] cubits low to the south. The 18th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] [....] .... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [β/ζ] Tauri [....] [.... last part of the night, the m]oon was 2+[x ....] above γ Geminorum [....] [....] .... fingers low to the south [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 34390–34412
BM 34390 (= Sp 509)
BM 34390
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the west wind blew. The 1st, [clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind [....] 2´ [....] were in [the sky,] the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] behind Saturn [....] 3´ [.... the moo]n was 3 cubits below β Capricorni, the moon being a little [....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] γ Capricorni, the moon being [....] 5´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 6´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 7th, clouds crossed? the sky [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 561
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x MAR⌉ GIN 1 [DI]R AN ZA SI [....] 2´ [.... AN] ZA SI GIN GE6 3 sin ár GENNA [....] 3´ [.... si]n SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ sin i [....] 4´ [.... MÚL IG]I šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ sin [....] 5´ [....] SI GIN GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ár M[ÚL ....] 6´ [....] SI GIN GE6 7 DIR AN D[IB? ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34410 (= Sp 529) Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 4 Photo: YM
This fragment was joined to BM 34050 (No. -140C lines 37ff.) by R. van der Spek, see Addenda in this volume, p. 66f.
BM 34412 (= Sp 531)
BM 34412
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night? .... [....] 2´ [....] a little [....;] all day, clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky .... [....] 4´ [....] The 13th?, moonset to sunrise: 13° 10´?; clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [.... bl]ew?. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 6° [....] 6´ [....] slow thunder, large rain [....] 7´ [....] clouds were in the sky .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 562
´Flake´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x GE6? x⌉ [....] [....] i-ṣa kal ME DIR AN Z[A ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] 13? 13 10? ŠÚ DIR A[N ....] [.... G]IN? GE6 15 6 GE6 [....] [.... G]Ù? U né-ḫi AN GAL [....] [....] DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34418–34433
BM 34418 (= Sp 538)
BM 34418
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... š]á DUR nu-nu 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... G]E6? muš ina ZÁLAG sin SIG šur GIGIR [....] 4´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár [LUGAL .....] 5´ [....] ⅔? KÙŠ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ár RÍN š[á ....] 6´ [....] KUR DIR NU PAP GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] 7´ [.... m]a-na i-nu-šú in 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] 8´ [.... k]i?-li?-li? GAR-ʾu um-ma ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [....] 2 cubits [.... η] Piscium [....] 3´ [.... sunset to] moonrise?: [....,] measured; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] above ρ Leonis [....] 5´ [....] ⅔? cubit [....] Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [α/β] Librae [....] 6´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....;] clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus [....] 7´ [.... m]inas. At that time, around the 12th, Jupiter’s [....] in [....] 8´ [....] a headband? they placed, saying: .... [....] —————————— 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 34419 (= Sp 539)
BM 34419
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] li [....] 3´ [.... An-t]i-ʾu-k[u?-su ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4 ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GI[N ....] 6´ [.... M]ÚL KUR šá D[UR nu-nu ....] 7´ [....] SAG GE6 si[n ....] 8´ [.... G]E6 11 SAG [GE6 ....] 9´ [....] 1 KÙŠ sin ṣa? [....] 10´ [....] 4?,30 G[E6 ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [.... Ant]ioch[us ....] 4´ [....] .... bull .... [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ...., the south wind ble[w ....] 6´ [....] η Pis[cium ....] 7´ [....] beginning of the night, the moo[n was ....] 8´ [.... Ni]ght of the 11th, beginning [of the night, ....] 9´ [....] 1 cubit, the moon being a little? [....] 10´ [.... sunset] to moonrise: 4°? 30´ [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 34433 (= Sp 556)
BM 34433
Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 Diar[y ....]
Copy: LBAT 565
Copy: LBAT 570
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 4
Upper edge 1 EN-NUN ⌈šá⌉ [gi-né-e ....]
BM 34434–34436
´Flake´ 1´ [....] lúERÍNmeš TA? ⌈lú?x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] šá IDe-met-⌈ri⌉ LUGAL u lúE[RÍNmeš ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x u⌉ gišBÁN GAR.GAR-an ITU BI ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... g]i-iš-ri AN.TA-ú šá Í[D ....] 5´ [.... lú]ERÍNmeš ina KUR A-ra-bi ana maa[ḫ-ri ....] 6´ [.... BÀ]D šá ISe-lu-ku GAR-at [....] 7´ [.... ITi-ma]r-ku MU-šú SA4-ʾu? [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the troops from the .... [....] 2´ [....] which/of King Demetrius and the tr[oops ....] 3´ [....] ... and the rent he established. That month, .... [....] 4´ [....] the upper bridge of the ri[ver ....] 5´ [....] the troops in the land of Arabia to? [....] 6´ [.... at the wa]ll? of Seleucus was established. [....] 7´ [.... who] was called [Tima]rchus [....]
BM 34434 (= Sp 557)
BM 34434
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈U4?⌉ 21 22 2[3 ....] 3´ [....] KU4-ub u4-mu BI lúŠÀ-TAM ⌈É⌉-[saggíl ....] 4´ [....] EN lúERÍNmeš-šú-nu TA li-[....] 5´ [....] URIki lúŠÀ-TAM É-sag-gíl ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] lúA šip-ratmeš šá lúpu-li-ṭ[e-e ....] 7´ [.... u]ruSe-lu-ku-ʾa-a URUmeš ⌈BE? x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIM šá AM-SI pa-a-gu šap-lu-⌈ú?⌉ [....] 9´ [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN 1 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTA[Ḫ ....] 10´ [....] MAḪ AN DUL-ḫat ULÙ GIN 3 ina še-rì [....] 11´ [....] šur GIGIR šá ⌈SI?⌉ [x] ⌈KÙŠ sin x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] day? 21, 22, 2[3 ....] 3´ [....] entered [....] That day, the administrator of E[sangil ....] 4´ [....] together with their troops from .... [....] 5´ [....] of Babylonia, the administrator of Esangil .... [....] 6´ [....] messengers of the citizens [....] 7´ [....] Seleucia, the cities .... [....] 8´ [....] .... like that of an elephant, a lower jaw [....] 9´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 1st, in the morning, very overcast, rain shower [....] 10´ [....] much [....,] rain DUL, the south wind blew. The 3rd, in the morning, [....] 11´ [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....] β? Tauri, the moon being .... [....]
BM 34436 (= Sp 560)
BM 34436
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [....] night?, very overcast, lightning flashed continuously. The 5th, .... [....] 3´ [....] first part of the night, lightning flashed continuously, much thunder [....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits .... Jupiter; the south wind blew .... [....] 5´ [....] equinox?; I did not watch. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 4
Copy: LBAT 558
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6? ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR 5 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] USAN GÍR GÍR-GÍR GÙ U MAḪ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR 1½ KÙŠ ULÙ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] LÁL?-tì? NU PAP GE6 10 SAG GE6 [....]
BM 34442–34443 6´ 7´
[....] ana NIM DIB 11 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN G[E6? ....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
157 [....] having passed [....] to the east. The 11th, very overcast, the south wind blew. Ni[ght? ....] [....].... [....] .... [....]
BM 34442 (= Sp 566)
BM 34442
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... in] front of the rear star [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being ½ cub[it ....] 4´ [....] low to the south, [....] above Saturn [....] 5´ [.... x]+1 cubit, the moon being 4 cubits [....] 6´ [....] .... above? .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 564
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] IGI MÚL ⌈ár⌉ [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... ana] ULÙ SIG e GENN[A ....] 5´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 4 KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x e? x⌉ [....] `Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 6 SAG GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB U[SAN ....] 4´ [....] GIN 7 DIR AN ZA kal [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GINmeš 8 ina še-rì [.... ] 6´ [....] 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG SI G[IN ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x SI GIN⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, .... [....] 3´ [....] having passed ½ cubit to the east; first [part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] blew. The 7th, clouds were in the sky; all [day ....] 5´ [.... (winds)] blew. The 8th, in the morning, [....] 6´ [....] 2 cubits low? to the south; the north wind blew [....] 7´ [....] .... the north wind blew [....]
BM 34443 (= Sp 567)
BM 34443
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 4 sūt 4 qa; mustard, 1 pān [....] 2´ [....] in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; Mercury was in Capricorn, around [....] 3´ [....] That mo[nth,] I heard as follows: 14 houses which [....] 4´ [....] were lost. Day 18, in a message of the gene[ral ....] 5´ [....] the Babylonians, the assembly of Esangil, 3 [....] 6´ [....] .... overseer? of the king were placed ....[....] 7´ [.... performed offerings to .... the] great [gods] for the life of the king and the queen [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 5
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 4(b) 4 qa ka-si 1(p) P[I? ....] 2´ [....] ina GÍR-TAB ina TIL ITU ina PA GU4-UD ina MÁŠ ⌈in?⌉ [....] 3´ [.... IT]U BI al-te-me um-ma 14 Émeš šá [....] 4´ [....] ZÁḪmeš UD 18 ina kušši-piš-tú šá lúGAL ER[ÍN ....] 5´ [.... l]úEki meš lúUKKIN šá É-sag-gíl 3?-TA [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ paq?-du šá LUGAL iš-šá-ki-nu-ú [....] 7´ [.... ana .... DINGIRmeš] GALmeš ana bul-ṭu šá LUGAL u míGAŠAN [....]
BM 34460–34485
BM 34460 (= Sp 584)
BM 34460
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GE6 24 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....] 2´ [....] MÚL-BABBAR 3½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 2? [....] 3´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GÍR GÍR-GÍR AN UTAḪ [....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ ⌈ina IGI?⌉ sin? [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] GÙ-šú né-ḫi ⌈ŠUB?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, [....] 2´ [....] (the moon) stood 3½ cubits [in front of] Jupiter to the west, the moon being 2 [....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of α Virginis [....] 4´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, lightning flashed continuously, rain shower [....] 5´ [....] cubits in front? of the moon? .... [....] 6´ [....] it thundered slowly [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 34466 (= Sp 590)
BM 34466
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 9th, in [....] 3´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [10]°, measured. Night [....] 4´ [....] first appearance? [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Tauri [....] 5´ [.... the moon was x]+1 cubits [....,] the moon being 3 cubits low to the south. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] the moon being 5 cubits low to the south. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, [....] 7´ [....] low? [to the sou]th?. The 26th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 567
Copy: LBAT 559
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 9 ina [....] 3´ [.... 10?] UŠ na muš ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 4´ [....] IGI GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin ár is l[e10 ....] 5´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 3 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 10+[x ....] 6´ [....] sin 5 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG [....] 7´ [.... ana? UL]Ù? ⌈SIG? 26?⌉ ina še-rì DIR AN ZA [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34485 (= Sp 609)
BM 34485
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the north wind? blew? [....] 2´ [....] blew. Night of the 21st, all ni[ght, ....] 3´ [....] lightning flashed, slow thunder [....] 4´ [....] large rain DUL. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [.... first] part of the night, Mercury was [....] above γ Geminorum [....] 6´ [....] the east wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] 7´ [...] cress, 3? sūt 4½ qa [....] 8´ [.... Ma]rs? was in Taurus [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 563
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SI? GI[N? ....] 2´ [....] GIN GE6 21 kal? G[E6 ....] 3´ [....] GÍR GÍR GÙ U né-ḫi [....] 4´ [....] AN GAL-GAL DUL-ḫat G[E6 ....] 5´ [.... US]AN GU4-UD e MAŠ-MAŠ šá S[IPA ....] 6´ [....] KUR GIN ITU BI KI.LAM š[e ....] 7´ [....] saḫ-le10 3?(b) ⌈4?½ qa⌉ [....] 8´ [.... A]N? ina MÚL-MÚL [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 34492–34520
BM 34492 (= Sp 616)
BM 34492
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... Š]ED7 ⌈šir⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈AN⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana UL[Ù SIG ....] 4´ [.... u S]I? ŠÁRmeš GINm[eš ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN? kal GE6 ŠÚ [....] 6´ [....] 4½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana [ ....] 7´ [....] ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI G[IN? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ ziq-pi s[in AN.KU10? ....] 9´ [....] še-⌈pit?⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [.... the co]ld became severe .... [....] 2´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, rain [....] 3´ [....] .... ½ cubit [low] to the south [....] 4´ [....] gusty [.... and no]rth? winds blew [....] 5´ [....] .... blew?, all night, overcast [....] 6´ [....] 4½ cubits [....,] the moon being a little to [....] 7´ [....] in the morning, very overcast, the north wind bl[ew? ....] 8´ [.... when] .... Geminorum culminated, lu[nar eclipse? ....] 9´ [.... η/μ] Gemi[norum? ....]
BM 34504 (= Sp 628)
BM 34504
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈GE6 24⌉ kal GE6 DIR AN [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 26 USAN AN SIG MÚL KUR šá K[IR4 šil PA ....] 4´ [.... GE6] 29 29 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 30 [....] 5´ [....] 1(g) GUR 2(p) 5(b) 3 qa ina TIL ITU 1(g) GUR 2(p) [....] 6´ [.... ina G]U IGI EN TIL ITU ina GU GENNA ina Ḫ[UN? ....] 7´ [.... 2]9 ⌈30 1 KÙŠ⌉ GIN PAP 21 na [....] 8´ [....] ⌈ina É?⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 24th, all night, clouds [....] the sky [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 26th, first part of the night, Mars was [....] below ϑ O[phiuchi? ....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 29th (and) the 29th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 30th, [....] 5´ [....] 1 kur 2 pān 5 sūt 3 qa, at the end of the month, 1 kur 2 pān [....] 6´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [.... in Aqua]rius, until the end of the month, in Aquarius; Saturn was in A[ries? ....] 7´ [.... the 2]9th (and) the 30th, it rose 1 cubit; total: 21 was the na (gauge) [....] 8´ [....] in the house? of [....]
BM 34520 (= Sp 645)
BM 34520
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] which to the day? .... [....] 2´ [....] maximal phase and clearing .... [....] 3´ [.... b]ēru after sunset. The 14th, [....] 4´ [.... it was br]ight (and) high, rising of [....] to sunrise: 15° [....] 5´ [....] .... blew. Night [....] 6´ [....] 2 cubi[ts ....] Capricorni [....] 7´ [....] Night of the 25th, clouds [....] 8´ [.... rain sho]wer, all day, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 583
Copy: LBAT 566
Copy: LBAT 572
´Flake´ 1´ [....] šá ana ME ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ÍR u ZÁLAG-ru ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... DA]NNA GE6 GIN 14 [....] 4´ [.... KU]R NIM-a 15 na-su [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GIN GE6 [....] 6´ [....] MÁŠ 2 KÙ[Š ....] 7´ [....] GE6 25 DIR [....] 8´ [.... AN UTA]Ḫ kal ME ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34521–34640
BM 34521 (= Sp 646)
BM 34521
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... cross]ed? [the sky,] a little rain shower [....] 3´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 4´ [.... (the moon)] stood 1½ cubits [behind Ju] piter to the east [....] 5´ [....] last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. Night of the 21st, .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 568
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... DI]B? AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] 3´ [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN G[E6 ....] 4´ [.... ár MÚ]L-BABBAR 1½ KÙŠ ana NIM GU[B ....] 5´ [....] ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ GE6 21 ina? [....] 6´ [....] IM? ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34640 (= Sp II 123)
BM 34640
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1 cubit ...., the moon being 1½? [cubits? ....] 2´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, the moon was [....] below [α/β] Geminorum [....] 3´ [....] 5½ cubits below ε Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] 4´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below ϑ Leo[nis ....] 5´ [....] .... it thundered slowly once or twice .... [....] 6´ [....] much [....,] much thick rain, much cloudburst DIB; the east wind blew. The 11th, [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit in front of α Librae, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. The 13th, .... [....] 8´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east, omitted. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 30´; clouds, I did not watch; the east? wind [....] 9´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being [....] 10´ [....] .... lightning flashed, much thunder, rain DUL [....] 11´ [....] 1 cubit [....] Capricorni, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. The 20th, clouds [....] 12´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 13´ [....] blew?. Night of the 26th, clouds [....] the sky [....]
Copy: LBAT 574
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 ⌈KÙŠ? sin? 1½?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 4 sin SIG MAŠMAŠ [....] 3´ [....] SIG SAG A 5½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] SI GIN GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin SIG GIŠ.K[UN A ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ U 1-en-šú 2-šú GÙ-šú né-ḫi ŠUBdi ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] MAḪ AN kab-bar ⌈MAḪ rad⌉ MAḪ DIB KUR GIN 11 [....] 7´ [.... ina] ⌈IGI⌉ RÍN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 13 ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... GU4-UD ina N]IM IGI DIB GE6 15 10,30 ME DIR NU PAP KUR? [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1½ KÙŠ sin? [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NIM-GÍR NIM-GÍR GÙ U MAḪ AN DUL [....] 11´ [....] MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 20 DIR [....] 12´ [....] SI GIN GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI M[ÚL ....] 13´ [....] ⌈GIN? GE6 26⌉ DIR AN [....]
BM 34652–34670
BM 34652 (= Sp II 135)
BM 34652
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [it stood] 2½ cubits behind Saturn to the ea[st ....] 3´ [.... light]ning flashed, much slow thunder, rain shower, the north wind blew. The 4th, [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 2?½ cubits [....] β Geminorum, the moon being 4 cubits low to the south. The 5th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of α Leonis; the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 7th, clou[ds ....] 6´ [....] The 8th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Around the 8th, Mars receded to the west. Night of the 9th, [....] 7´ [.... clouds] were [in the sky,] the north wind blew. Night of the 11th, thin clouds were in the sky; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 8´ [.... the moon] was surrounded [by a halo,] its gate was open to the south; the north wind blew. In the mo[rning?] watch?, [....] 9´ [.... clou]ds, I did not watch; clouds crossed the sky, a little rain shower. In the mor[ning ....] 10´ [.... x]+1 cubit, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east [....]
Copy: LBAT 584
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2` [....] ⌈x⌉ ár GENNA 2½ KÙŠ ana N[IM GUB ....] 3´ [.... GÍ]R GÍR GÙ U MAḪ né-ḫi AN UTAḪ SI GIN ⌈4⌉ [....] 4´ [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ ár 2?½ KÙŠ sin 4 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 5 DIR AN [....] 5´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ sin TÙR NIGIN 7 DI[R ....] 6´ [....] 8 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN in 8 AN ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 9 [....] 7´ [.... AN Z]A SI GIN GE6 11 DIR SAL AN ZA SAG GE6 sin ina IG[I ....] 8´ [....] NÍGIN? KÁ-šú ana ULÙ BAD SI GIN EN-NUN U[D?-ZAL? ....] 9´ [.... DI]R NU PAP DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ina še-[rì ....] 10´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB ....]
BM 34670 (= Sp II 156)
BM 34670
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....] 3´ [....] in the afternoon, .... [....] 4´ [....] clouds, I did not watch. .... [....] 5´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit in front of ε Leonis [....] 6´ [.... the moon was surroun]ded [by a halo,] α Leonis stood inside the halo. [....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Vir[ginis ....] 8´ [.... last part] of the night, the moon was 2+x [....] behind α Scorpii. [....] 9´ [....] 2 pān 3 sūt; at the end [of the month, ....]
Copy: LBAT 582
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... x]+1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ina KIN-⌈SIG x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] DIR NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... s]in ina IGI SAG A 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [.... NIGI]N? ina ŠÀ TÙR LUGAL GUB [....] 7´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ár SA4 šá [ABSIN ....] 8´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ár SI4 ⌈2+x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] 2(p) 3(b) ina TIL [ITU ....]
BM 34681–34682
BM 34681 (= Sp II 168)
BM 34681
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... star above .... [....] 3´ [....] The 27th, Mercu[ry’s ....] 4´ [....] .... [....] 5´ [.... Ju]piter’s last appearance in Aquarius [....] 6´ [....] 23? .... [....] —————————— 7´ [....] Night of the 2nd?, [....]
Copy: LBAT 581
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈MÚL e x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 27 GU4-[UD ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... MÚL]-BABBAR ina GU ŠÚ [....] 6´ [....] 23? ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 7´ [....] ⌈GE6 2?⌉ [....]
BM 34682 (= Sp II 169)
BM 34682
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, clou[ds ....] 3´ [.... the moon was x]+½ cubit [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 8th?, [....] 4´ [.... it was hi]gh, rising of [....] to sunrise: 15°, (ideal) first appearance on the 3rd. Night [....] 5´ [....] cubits low to the south. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ....[....] 6´ [....] moonset to sunrise: [....;] clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 20´; clouds, [....] 7´ [.... (ideal)] first appearance on the 12th. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cu[bits] behind γVirginis. 8´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south; thin clouds [were in] the sky. 9´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit below ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being ½ [cubit ....] 10´ [....] .... The 22nd, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] be[hind ....] 11´ [....] ½ cubit ...., the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east .... [....] 12´ [....] thin [clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 585
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x GE6 x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 DI[R ....] 3´ [.... x]+½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ⌈8?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... NIM]-a 15 na-su in 3 IGI ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ŠÚ DIR NU PAP GE6 14 20 NINDA GE6 DIR [....] 7´ [.... i]n 12 IGI GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2 K[ÙŠ] 8´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG DIR SAL AN [....] 9´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ½ KÙŠ sin ½ [KÙŠ ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 22 DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin á[r ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 12´ [.... DI]R SAL AN ZA GE6 10+[x ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34688–34697
BM 34688 (= Sp II 175)
BM 34688
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... be]low .... [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 20´ .... [....] 4´ [....] 3 cubits [....] Capricorni, 4 fin[gers?] behind Mercury [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] 7´ [....] 1½ cubits behind α Leonis [....] 8´ [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 9´ [.... last] part of the night, Mars was below [β?] Librae [....] 10´ [....] cubits [low] to the south. [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 579
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... S]IG MÚL ⌈KUR?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 13 ⌈4,20 ME x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ ár GU4-UD 4 S[I? ....] 5´ [....] GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI M[ÚL ....] 6´ [.... GE6] 18 ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL [....] 7´ [....] ár LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ [....] 8´ [....] GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 9´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG AN SIG RÍN [....] 10´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ ana⌉ ULÙ [SIG ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34694 (= Sp II 181)
BM 34694
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SI GIN [....] 2´ [....] 19 ZI IR [....] 3´ [....] sin ár šur GIGIR šá U[LÙ ....] 4´ [....] sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1+[x KÙŠ ....] 5´ [.... ana] NIM DIB GE6 20+[x ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the north wind blew. [....] 2´ [....] The 19th, ZI IR. [....] 3´ [....] the moon was [....] behind ζ Tauri [....] 4´ [....] the moon was 1+[x cubits] below β Geminorum [....] 5´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 34697 (= Sp II 184)
BM 34697
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] being 1 cubit high to the north. The 24th, .... [....] 3´ [....] was like it came out from its [in]side. The 26th, the north wind [....] 4´ [....] at 43° after sunrise. All day cl[ouds ....] 5´ [....] in the morning, clouds crossed the sky; all day, overcast [....] 6´ [....] ....; dates, 1 kur .... [....] 7´ [....] 4 sūt 3 qa .... [....] 8´ [....] 29?, .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 578
Copy: LBAT 590
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 24 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... TA Š]À-šú È-a ma-šil 26 SI [....] 4´ [....] ⌈in?⌉ 43 ME NIM-a kal ME D[IR ....] 5´ [....] ina še-rì DIR AN DIB kal ME ŠÚ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ZÚ-LUM-MA ⌈1(g) GUR? x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] 4(b) 3 qa ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] 29? ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34699–34700
BM 34699 (= Sp II 186)
BM 34699
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, [....] 2´ [....] stood [.... to the ea]st?. Night of the 7th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] 3´ [....] moonset to sunrise: 8° 30´. Night of the 14th, [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Tauri [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 23rd?, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [γ/δ] Cancri [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] α Leonis, the moon being ⅔ cubit back to the west. The 20+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21°. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Ven[us ....] 8´ [.... q]a?, at the end of the month, 3 sūt; dates, in the beginning of the month, [....] 9´ [.... At that] time, Jupiter was in Leo; Venus was in Cancer, at the end [of the month, ....] 10´ [....] .... until? the 19th, the river level ro[se] 8 fingers [....] 11´ [.... Ur]sa minor .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 593
´Flake´ 1´ [.... SA]G GE6 [....] 2´ [.... ana NI]M? GUB GE6 7 SA[G GE6 ....] 3´ [....] 8,30 ŠÚ GE6 14 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈GE6 19⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár is le10 [....] 5´ [.... GE6] ⌈23?⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá A[LLA ....] 6´ [....] ⌈LUGAL⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 20+[x ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 21 KUR GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-b[at ....] 8´ [.... q]a? ina TIL ITU 3(b) ZÚ-LUM ina SAG ITU [....] 9´ [.... i-nu]-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina UR-A dele-bat ina ALLA ina TI[L ITU ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x EN?⌉ 19 ILLU 8 SI G[IN ....] 11´ [.... MU-B]U-KÉŠ-DA ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34700 (= Sp II 187)
BM 34700
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] took place in the land .... [....] —————————— 3´ [Month IX, .... (ideal) first] appearance on the 28th of month VIII. [....] 4´ [....] it thundered twice or thrice [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [low] to the sou[th ....] 6´ [....] 3 cubits [....] The 8th, in the afternoon, thin clouds [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 587
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina KUR GAR ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 3´ [GAN .... i]n 28 šá APIN I[GI ....] 4´ [....] 2-šú 3-šú GÙ-šú ŠUB [....] 5´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ ⌈sin ½ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ SIG ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x 3⌉ KÙŠ 8 ina KIN-SIG DIR SAL [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 34729–34730
BM 34729 (= Sp II 219)
BM 34729
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... un]til the 1st, when Jupiter became stationary to the east, [....] 2´ [....] cubits back to the west. The 2nd. very overcast; in the afternoon, cl[ouds ....] 3´ [....] 4 fingers [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 4´ [....] having passed .... to the east. The 8th, very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 9th, [....] 5´ [....] ⅔ cubit above Mars. The 10th, all day, clouds were in the sky, rain shower [....] 6´ [....] 3 cubits [.... γ] Virginis. The 11th, all day, clouds were in the sky, rain shower [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] ⅔ cubit [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east; all night, clouds were in the sky, [....] 8´ [.... ra]in shower, the north wind blew. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 10°; clouds, I did not watch; all day, [....] 9´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of δ Cancri. The 15th, all [day, ....] 10´ [....] blew?; in the afternoon, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 17th, clou[ds ....] 11´ [.... in the midd]le watch, a little rain shower; last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below ϑ Leonis .... [....] 12´ [....] ...., the west wind blew. Night of the 19th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, [....] 13´ [....] Venus was [....] above ϑ Ophi[uchi ....]
Copy: LBAT 597
´Flake´ 1´ [.... E]N 1 MÚL-BABBAR ana NIM ki-i U[Š-ú ....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 2 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KINSIG D[IR ....] 3´ [....] 4 U GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana NIM DIB 8 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 9 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈e⌉ AN ⅔ KÙŠ 10 kal ME DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ [....] 6´ [.... DELE šá I]GI ABSIN 3 KÙŠ 11 kal ME DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ [....] 7´ [....] ⅔ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB kal GE6 DIR AN ZA [....] 8´ [.... A]N UTAḪ SI GIN 14 10 UŠ na DIR NU PAP kal ME [....] 9´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 15 kal [ME ....] 10´ [....] GIN ina KIN-SIG SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN GE6 17 DI[R ....] 11´ [.... MURU]B4?-BA AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ina ZÁLAG sin SIG GIŠ.KUN A 3 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MAR GIN GE6 19 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG [....] 13´ [....] dele-bat e MÚL KUR šá K[IR4 šil PA ....]
BM 34730 (= Sp II 220)
BM 34730
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... in] front of ζ Tauri [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] crossed [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moo[n was....] 4´ [....] the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky, rain shower, gusty wind [....]
Copy: LBAT 592
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] IGI šur GIGIR šá U[LÙ ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] DIB GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 4´ [....] 22 DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ IM ŠÁR [....]
BM 34742
166 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´
[....] GÍD-DA ù DI-šú KUR ina NIM ina ⌈ABSIN?? U[Š ....] [....] DELE šá IGI ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ ina IGI dele-bat 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GU[B ....] [....] KÙŠ ina IGI múlṣal-lum-mu-ú 2½ KÙŠ 26 šámaš? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina še-rì KUR? ⌈RA? x x⌉ [....] [.... A]N UTAḪ 29 šámaš ina DIR KUR ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN ⌈UTAḪ⌉ [....] [.... M]ÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat ina UR-A ina TIL ITU ina ABSIN G[U4-UD ....] —————————— [.... G]E6 1 DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] ⌈SI⌉ MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG MÚ[L? ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´
[....] was long and its .... was bright, became stat[ionary] in the east in Virgo? [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [....] γ Virginis, it stood 2 cubits in front of Venus to the west [....] [....] cubits, 2½ cubits in front of the comet. The 26th, the sun .... [....] [....] ...., rain shower. The 28th, very overcast; in the morning, .... [....] [.... r]ain shower. The 29th, the sun rose in a cloud; very overcast, rain shower [....] [.... J]upiter was in Libra; Venus was in Leo, at the end of the month, in Virgo; M[ercury ....] —————————— [.... Ni]ght of the 1st, clouds crossed the sky, rain shower; last part of the night, [....] [....] 1 cubit [....] β Capricorni; last part of the night, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Comments 5´: The statement refers to a comet. 12´: Possibly mú[lṣal-lum-mu-ú] at the end of the line.
BM 34742 (= Sp II 233)
BM 34742
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] in the morning, fog, rain .... [....] 3´ [.... st]ood; I did not watch; the north wind blew. Night of the 29th, beginning [of the night, ....] 4´ [....] of Babylon was interrupted. The people [....] 5´ [....] .... Wailing in the city [....] 6´ [....] 3 sūt 4½ qa; the 25th, 26th, 27th, 1 sūt [....] 7´ [....] 3 sūt?; the 22nd, 2 pān 2 sūt; the 23rd, 2 pān 1 sūt; the 24th, 2 pān [....] 8´ [.... woo]l, 2 minas. At that time, Jupit[er ...] 9´ [....] 25 was the na (gauge); until the end of the month, [the river level ....] 8 fingers [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 595
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina še-rì IM.DUGUD AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... G]UB NU PAP SI GIN GE6 29 SAG [GE6 ....] 4´ [....]meš Eki TAR-is lúUNm[eš ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ʾu SAG.PA.LAGAB ina uru[....] 6´ [....] 3(b) 4½ qa 25 26 27 1(b) [....] 7´ [....] 3(b)? 22 2(p) 2(b) 23 2(p) 1(b) 24 2(p) [....] 8´ [.... SÍG]ḫá 2 ma-na i-nu-šú MÚL-BAB[BAR ....] 9´ [....] 25 na EN TIL ITU 8 SI [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 34743–34748
BM 34743 (= Sp II 234)
BM 34743
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 3´ [.... sunset to setting?] of Saturn: [....]. Night of the 17th, clouds .... [....] 4´ [....] The 18th, clouds were in the sky, the south [wind ....] 5´ [....] lightning flashed continuously, a little rain shower .... [....] 6´ [.... Venus was] ⅔ cubit [....] γ Virginis, Venus being 2 fingers [....] 7´ [.... a]ll day, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, [....] 8´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] ε Leonis, the moon being 2 cubits to [....] 9´ [.... Night of the 2]5th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α [Virginis ....] 10´ [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21°; clouds, I did not watch. The 20+[xth, ....] 11´ [.... the equiva]lent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 1 kur [....] 12´ [....] wool, 4 minas for [....] 13´ [.... Ma]rs was in Sagittarius. That month, the river level .... [....] 14´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 599
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... na?] GENNA GE6 17 DIR ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 18 DIR AN ZA UL[Ù ....] 5´ [.... GÍ]R GÍR-GÍR AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... DELE] šá IGI ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ dele-bat 2 ⌈U⌉ [....] 7´ [.... ka]l ME DIR AN ZA GE6 22 [....] 8´ [.... SA]G A 1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana [....] 9´ [.... GE6 2]5 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SA4 šá [ABSIN ....] 10´ [....] 27 21 KUR DIR ⌈NU PAP⌉ 20+[x ....] 11´ [.... KI.LA]M še-im ina SAG ITU 1(g) [....] 12´ [....] SIGḫá 4 ma-na a-[na ....] 13´ [.... A]N ina PA ITU BI ILLU ⌈20?⌉ [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 34748 (= Sp II 239)
BM 34748
Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 2´ [....] ½ cubit [....] β Geminorum, the moon being 6 fingers [....] 3´ [....] ....; first part of the night, Venus was [....] below δ [Scorpii.] 4´ [.... x]+2 cubits [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 5´ [.... the m]oon was very faint, measured (despite) mist?. The 27th?, equinox. 6´ [....] 2 sūt 2 qa; dates, 3 pān 1 sūt; 7´ [....] wool, 1⅔ minas. 8´ [....] reached [....] That month, the river level receded 8 fingers. 9´ [....] .... the city of ŠEŠ- .... [....] —————————— 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 586
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [x x] 2´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ ár ½ KÙŠ sin 6 U [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL MURUB4 [šá] 4´ [SAG GÍR-TAB .... x]+2 KÙŠ GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin [x] 5´ [.... si]n ma-diš? SIG a-kam? muš 27? LÁLt[ì] 6´ [....] 2(b) 2 qa ZÚ-LUM 3(p) 1(b) 7´ [....] SIGḫá 1⅔ ma-na 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR-ád ITU BI ILLU 8 U LAL 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉-a-a uruŠEŠ-⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34761–34766+35037
´Side B´ 1´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG 2´ [....] 14? U?
´Side B´ 1´ [....] low [to] the south. 2´ [....] 14? fingers?.
BM 34761 (= Sp II 254)
BM 34761
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 1+[x ....] in front of γ Capricorni [....] 2´ [....] ...., its light was seen on the ground. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 12°, measured; all? [....] 3´ [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 17th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer: fro[m the xth when I watched, I did not see it ....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits above α Tauri. The 21st, the north wind blew, ZI IR; with sunset, a fine? mist [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....,] it stood 1 cubit behind Mars to the east. The 23rd, Mercur[ry’s ....] 6´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit behind β Geminorum, the moon being 1½ cubits [low] to the south. [....] 7´ [....] the north wind blew. The 28th, the north wind blew. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, .... [....] 8´ [....] until the end of the month, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 606
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [ina] ⌈IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1⌉+[x ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ UD-DA-su KI IGI-LÁ-át 14 12 na muš ⌈kal?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 17 ŠÚ šá GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA T[A x ki PAP NU IGI ....] 4´ [....] ⌈e⌉ is le10 1½ KÙŠ 21 SI GIN ZI IR KI ŠÚ šámaš a-kam ⌈SAL?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ ár AN 1 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB 23 GU4-U[D ....] 6´ [....] sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ⌉ [SIG ....] 7´ [....] SI GIN 28 SI GIN GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] EN TIL ITU ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34766 + 35037 (= Sp II 259+565)
BM 34766 + 35037
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 4´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew .... [....] 5´ [.... wh]en it began [....,] in .... [....] .... [....] 6´ [....] was in place; Jupiter was above .... [....] 7´ [....] ...., measured (despite) clouds; the north wind blew. Night? of the 15th?, [....] 8°? [....] 8´ [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 17th, .... [....]
Copies: LBAT 589, 653
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ki]-i TAB-ú ina ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GAR-in MÚL-BABBAR e ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR muš SI GIN ⌈GE6? 15? 8?⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ⌈GE6 17 x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 34772 9´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
[.... AN e MÚL IGI šá š]e-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár? x x⌉ 3 KÙŠ [....] [.... A]N e MÚL ár šá se-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 ⌈KÙŠ 25? x⌉ [....] [.... x]+1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SIG 26 SI GIN 27 ⌈10+x⌉ [KUR? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI KI.LAM še-im TA [....] [.... Z]Ú-LUM EN MURUB4 ITU ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ½ qa SÍGḫá ⅔ ma-na [....] [....] in 24 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TA 12 EN TIL IT[U ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
169 9´
10´ 11´
12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
[.... Mars was] 1 cubit [above η] Geminorum; last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind .... [....] [.... M]ars was 1 cubit above μ Geminorum. The 25th?, .... [....] [....] being [x]+1 cubit low to the south. The 26th, the north wind blew. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise?:] 10+x° [....] [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: barley, from [....] [....] dates, until the middle of the month, .... [....] [....] ½ qa; wool, ⅔ minas. [....] [....] around the 24th, Mercury’s [....] in the east, [.... omitted ....] [....] .... from the 12th until the end of the mon[th, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 34772 (= Sp II 264)
BM 34772
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 598
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] 25 na-su KUR4 muš ina GUB [IGI ....] [....] ⌈e⌉ SA4 šá ABSIN 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] [.... S]UḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ DIR AN D[IB ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina še-rì AN DUL 2 bu-t[uq-tú? TIR-AN-NA ....] [.... SI]G MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [....]
[.... ITU] ⌈BI⌉ KI.LAM še-im [....] [.... ana 1 GÍ]N KÙ-BABBAR ep-šú i-nušú MÚ[L-BABBAR ....] [....] x+5 na 21 22 20 SI ⌈GIN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ta-ra-ṣu TÚG.LÍL.LÁ [....] —————————— [.... BA]R 30 13,10 na-su [....]
2 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] sunset to moonset: 25°; it was bright, measured; [it could be seen] while (the sun) stood there [....] [....] 1⅔ cubits above α Virginis [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... γ/δ] Capricorni; clouds cro[ssed] the sky [....] [....].... in the morning, rain DUL; 2 sect[ions of a rainbow ....] [....] 2+[x ....] be]low η Piscium [....] [....].... the north wind blew .... [....] [....] night [....]
[....] That [month,] the equivalent was: barley, [....] [.... for 1] shekel of wrought silver. At that time, Jup[iter ....] [....] x+5 was the na (gauge); the 21st (and) 22nd, it rose 20 fingers [....] [....] .... spreading a .... cloth [....] —————————— [.... month] I, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 13° 10´ [....]
BM 34786–34805
BM 34786 (= Sp II 278)
BM 34786
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ The 14th?, moonset to sunrise: 4°? 50´? [....] 2´ Night of the 15th, last part of the night, [....] 3´ 1½? [cubits] behind β Geminorum [....] 4´ behind β Virginis [....] 5´ below γ Virginis [....] 6´ at the end of the month 2 pān .... [....] 7´ at the end of the month in Virgo; Sa[turn ....] —————————— 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 588
´Flake´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
⌈14? 4?,50? ŠÚ?⌉ [....]
GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG [....] ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½? [KÙŠ ....] ár GÌR ár šá UR-[A ....] SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN [....] ina TIL ITU 2(p) PI ⌈x⌉ [....] ina TIL ITU ina ABSIN G[ENNA ....] —————————— [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 34805 (= Sp II 299)
BM 34805
Photo: YM
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [....] .... ⅔? cubit?; in the morning watch?, rain shower, .... [....] 2´ [....] .... cubits [....,] it stood ⅔ cubit behind Mars to the east. The 4th, cl[ouds? ....] 3´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 6th, clouds? were in the sky?. Night? of the 7th, rain shower. The 7th, rain DUL .... [....] 4´ [....] .... rain DUL [....] .... Night of the 9th, rain shower. The 9th, cl[ouds? ....] 5´ [....] .... in 6 or 7 in .... Mercury became visible; Venus? in front? of .... [....] 6´ [....] .... ⅔ cubit [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 40´; in the afternoon [....] 7´ [....].... Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit behind β Geminorum. The 15th?, [....] 8´ [....] Saturn’s acronychal rising. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ϑ [Leonis ....] 9´ [....] 1 cubit [....] β Virginis; overcast. The 21st, overcast. Ni[ght ....] 10´ [....] at noon, overcast; the sun was surrounded by a halo. Ni[ght ....] 11´ [.... The 2]3rd, overcast. Night of the 24th, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 604
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [....] ⌈x x ⅔? KÙŠ? UD?-ZAL AN UTAḪ x DUL? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] KÙŠ ár AN ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB 4 D[IR? ....] 3´ [....] AN ZA GE6 6 ⌈DIR? AN? ZA? GE6? 7?⌉ AN UTAḪ 7 AN DUL-⌈ḫat x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN DUL [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 9 AN UTAḪ 9 D[IR? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina 6 ki 7 ⌈ina x x⌉ GU4-UD IGI dele-bat ina IGI? ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ⅔ KÙ[Š x x] ⌈x⌉ 13 40 NINDA ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MAŠMAŠ ár ½ KÙŠ ⌈15?⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈GENNA? ana ME E-a⌉ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ár G[IŠ.KUN A ....] 9´ [.... GÌR] ár šá UR-A 1 KÙŠ ŠÚ 21 ŠÚ G[E6 ....] 10´ [....] AN-BAR7 ŠÚ šámaš TÙR NIGIN G[E6 ....] 11´ [.... 2]3 ŠÚ GE6 24 ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 34808–34830
BM 34808 (= Sp II 306)
BM 34808
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 602
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ 23 DIR AN ZA GE6 24 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 5/6 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ina IGI dele-bat 5/6 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 24 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ kal ME DIR AN ZA (Remainder blank)
Rev. uninscribed
[....] .... The 23rd. clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 5/6 cubits above γ Geminorum, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east, 5/6 cubit in front of Venus, the moon being ½ cubit low to the south. The 24th, in the morning, very overcast; all day, clouds were in the sky. (Remainder blank)
Rev. uninscribed
BM 34830 (= Sp II 330)
BM 34830
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Month x, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), .... [....] 2´ [....] .... until? the 2nd?, .... [....] 3´ [....] The 5th?, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Capricorn, from [....] 4´ [....] it stood 1 cubit 4 fingers to the west, the moon being .... [....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit .... Night of the 8th (and) the 8th, very overcast; the north wind, which [was set to the .... s]id[e, blew ....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 3? cubits [above] γ Geminorum, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east [....] 8´ [....] low to the south. The 12th, the north wind blew. Night of the 1[3th, ....] 9´ [....] ½ cubit low to the south; first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] 10´ [.... ni]ght, clouds crossed the sky; in the morning watch, li[ghtning? ....] 11´ [....] blew. Night of the 15th?, beginning of the night, [....]
Copy: LBAT 609
´Flake´ 1´ [....] itu?⌈x 30 x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN? 2 ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 5? ŠÚ šá dele-bat ina NIM ina MÁŠ TA [....] 4´ [....] 1 KÙŠ 4 SI ana ŠÚ GUB ⌈sin x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1 KÙŠ GE6 8 8 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI šá P[A x GAR GIN ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10 SAG ⌈GE6⌉ sin ár šur GIGIR šá [....] 7´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3? KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB ....] 8´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG 12 SI GIN GE6 1[3 ....] 9´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG USAN sin TÙR NI[GIN? ....] 10´ [.... G]E6 DIR AN DIB EN-NUN U4-ZALLA G[ÍR? ....] 11´ [....] ⌈GIN GE6⌉ 15? ⌈SAG GE6⌉ [....]
BM 34836–34841
BM 34836 (= Sp II 337)
BM 34836
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... 2]5th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [blew ....] 2´ [....] large rain, PISAN DIB .... [....] 3´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....,] clouds, when I watched, I did not see it. The 20+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] The 29th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind bl[ew ....] 5´ [....] 3 qa; the 11th (and) 12th, 4 pān 2 sūt; the 13th, [....] 6´ [....] .... the 21st, 3 pān 4 sūt; the 22nd (and) 23rd, [....] 7´ [.... must]ard, 2 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, [....] 8´ [....] .... the 8th, Mercury’s [....] in the west in [....] 9´ [....] ...., it rose 20 fingers, total: [....] 10´ [....] was the na? (gauge). That month, [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 605
´Flake´ 1´ [.... 2]5 DIR AN ZA SI [GIN ....] 2´ [....] AN GAL-GAL PISAN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] KUR DIR ki PAP NU IGI 20+[x ....] 4´ [....] 29 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GI[N ....] 5´ [....] 3 qa 11 12 4(p) 2(b) 13 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 21 3(p) 4(b) 22 23 [....] 7´ [.... kà]s 2(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) saḫ-l[e10 ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 20 SI GIN PA[P ....] 10´ [....] na? ITU B[I ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34838 (= Sp II 339)
BM 34838
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] from .... [....] 2´ [....] x+½ minas. At that time [....] 3´ [....] .... That month, the river level, from [....] 4´ [....] the 23rd, the satrap of [....] 5´ [....] the troops which reached [....] 6´ [....] The xth [day?], I heard that .... [....] 7´ [....] (blank) [....]
Copy: LBAT 615
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈TA x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ ma-na i-nu-šú [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI ILLU TA [....] 4´ [....] 23 lúmu-ma-ʾi-ir K[UR ....] 5´ [....] lúERÍNmeš šá ik-šu-du [....] 6´ [.... U4?]-⌈x-KAM?⌉ al-te-me šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] (blank) [....]
BM 34841 (= Sp II 342)
BM 34841
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... stood? 1 cubit to the [....] Night of the 2nd, [....] 2´ [....] low [....] Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [γ/ δ] Capricorni [....] 3´ [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon being 2 cubits high to the north; in the morning watch, [....]
Copy: LBAT 618
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ ana [x GU]B? GE6 2 [....] 2´ [....] SIG GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SUḪUR [....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM ENNUN U4-[ZAL ....]
BM 34843–34857 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL sin 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 12 S[I ....] [....] SI GIN GE6 15 12 GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ EN-NUN U4-ZAL IM Š[ÁR? ....] [....] šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin ½ [KÙŠ ....]
6´ 7´
173 [....] cubits back to the west, the moon being 1 cubit high to the north. The 12th, the no[rth wind ....] [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 12°; last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] .... in the morning watch, g[usty?] wind [....] [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] the southern [....,] the moon being ½ [cubit ....]
BM 34843 (= Sp II 344)
BM 34843
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 7? [....] 3´ [....] 8 DIR AN ZA SI GIN ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ AN ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 7th?, [....] 3´ [....] the 8th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew .... [....] 4´ [....] .... rain .... [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] .... [....]
BM 34857 (= Sp II 362)
BM 34857
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the north wind blew. [....] 2´ [....] .... being ⅔ cubit low to the south. The 8th, the north wind blew; the cold became severe? [....] 3´ [....] .... last appearance in Aries; all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew, cold [....] 4´ [....] back to the west. The 10th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 11th, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 13th, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of α Virginis .... [....] 6´ [....] in the morning watch, clouds crossed the sky, lightning flashed continuously, a little rain shower [....] 7´ [.... Ni]ght of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 8°; clouds, I did not watch; clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew .... [....] 8´ [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of π Scorpii [....]
Copy: LBAT 619
Copy: LBAT 620
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 8 SI GIN ŠED7 ⌈šir?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ḪUN ŠÚ kal ME DIR AN ZA SI GIN ŠE[D7 ....] 4´ [.... ana] ŠÚ LAL 10 DIR AN ZA SI GIN ⌈GE6 11 sin ina IGI⌉ [....] 5´ [.... GE6] ⌈13⌉ sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2⌈½ KÙŠ? x x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... U]4-ZAL-LA DIR AN DIB NIM-GÍR GÍR-GÍR AN UTAḪ i [....] 7´ [.... G]E6 15 8 ME DIR NU PAP DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] AN ZA SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL SIG šá SAG G[ÍR-TAB ....]
174 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
BM 34862 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] GE6 17 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] kal ME [DIR] AN ZA MAR GIN GE6 18 DIR AN [....] [....] AN ZA SI GIN 19 DIR AN ZA in EN 20 G[ENNA? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MÁŠ ⌈5?⌉ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 21 DIR [....] [....] 22 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 2[3? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 25 DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 DIR AN ZA [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Comments Of lines 9´-11´, less is now preserved than shown in LBAT.
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] .... [....] Night of the 17th, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, [....] [....] all day, [clouds] were in the sky, the west wind blew. Night of the 18th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. Around until the 20th, S[aturn? ....] [.... the moon was] 5? cubits [....] Capricorni, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 21st, clouds [....] [....] The 22nd, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 2[3rd?, ....] [....] .... Night of the 25th, clouds were in the sky .... [....] [....] .... The 26th, clouds were in the sky [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 34862 (= Sp II 368)
BM 34862
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 2nd, co[ld ....] 2´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 7th, all day, [....] 3´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 9th, all day, very overcast, .... [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] ...., the moon being 2½ cubits high to the north [....] 5´ [.... The 1]5th?, Saturn’s first appearance in Sagittarius; I did not watch .... [....] 6´ [....] low [to the south,] 2½? cubits below Jupiter, .... [....] 7´ [....] much large [rain,] much? PISAN [DIB ....] 8´ [....] ...., the moon was [....] in front of β Librae [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 612
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 2 ŠE[D7 ....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 7 kal ME [....] 3´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin TÙR NIGIN 9 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] LU? 1½ KÙŠ sin ⌈2½ KÙŠ ana⌉ SI NIM [....] 5´ [.... 1]5? GENNA ina PA IGI ⌈NU PAP x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... ana ULÙ] SIG SIG MÚL-BABBAR 2½? K[ÙŠ] ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... GA]L-GAL MAḪ PISAN M[AḪ? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI RÍN šá S[I ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Comments Much less is now preserved than shown in LBAT.
BM 34863–34870
BM 34863 (= Sp II 369)
BM 34863
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] IGI L[UGAL? ....] 2´ [....] sin SIG GIŠ.K[UN A ....] 3´ [.... ana Š]À sin KU4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin e SA4 2 KÙŠ 10+[x ....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL DIR AN ZA sin TÙ[R NIGIN ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin e [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [.... in] front of α [Leonis? ....] 2´ [....] the moon was [....] below ε Leo[nis ....] 3´ [....] entered the moon; last part of the night, Venus .... [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above α Virginis. The 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] cubits back to the west; clouds were in the sky, the moon [was surrounded] by a halo [....] 6´ [....] ½ cubit .... The 21st, very overcast. Night of the 22nd, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....]
BM 34870 (= Sp II 377)
BM 34870
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 617
Copy: LBAT 610
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ina DIR GE6 ŠÚ GE6 28? [....] [....] ⌈x x DIR? x⌉ ŠÚ KALAG 28 ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] saḫ-le10 4(b) ⌈ŠE-GIŠ?⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x] AN ZA GE6 3 SAG GE6 dele-bat ár? [....] ⌈x ULÙ x [x x x] 3 SI? i? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈ina IGI?⌉ [is?] le10? 2½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈šámaš? ina DIR ŠÚ? x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x 3-šú⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN ⌈DIB?⌉ [....] ⌈x sin x⌉ [....] [.... SA]G UR-A 2 KÙŠ ⌈x GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN? ŠÚ⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x GE6 12⌉ USAN sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] .... [....] [.... (the sun)] set in a black cloud. Night of the 28th?, [....] [....] ...., clouds?, strongly? overcast. The 28th, .... [....] .... [....] cress, 4 sūt; sesame, [....] .... —————————— [....] .... [....] were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, Venus was behind [....] .... south .... [....] 3 fingers, a little? .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] .... 2½ cubits in front? of α? Tauri. [....] .... [....] the sun set in a cloud .... [....] .... three times? [....] .... clouds crossed? the sky [....] .... the moon .... [....] [....] 2 cubits [....] ε Leonis. The xth, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries?. [....] .... [....] .... [....]
[....] .... Night of the 12th, first part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....]
BM 34871
176 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] GE6 14 20,30 ME DIR muš AN DUL ⌈ina x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 15 DIR AN ZA Ú-LAL ŠUBmeš-ni GE6 16 ina ZÁL[AG ....] [....] ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB Á? SI? i [....] [....] ½? KÙŠ 19 ina še-rì ni-di šá GIM ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] AN DUL ina KIN-SIG 2 TIR-ANme [....] [....] GE6 23 U4-ZAL GÍR GÙ U MAḪ [....] [.... GE6] 25 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 29 USAN GÍR GÍR [....] [....] 2(p) 1(b) ina TIL ITU 2(p) 2(b) k[às ....] [....] (blank) [....] —————————— [....] AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 20° 30´; measured (despite) clouds; rain DUL; in .... [....] [....] .... The 15th, clouds were in the sky; tornadoes? fell down. Night of the 16th, last part [of the night, ....] [....] it stood 1 cubit in front of Jupiter to the west; on the north side?, .... [....] [....] ½? cubit [....] The 19th, in the morning, a cloudbank which was like .... [....] [....] rain DUL; in the afternoon, 2 rainbows [....] [....] Night of the 23rd, in the morning watch, lightning, much thunder, [....] [.... Night] of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below the rear star of .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 29th, first part of the night, lightning flashed, [....] [....] 2 pān 1 sūt, at the end of the month, 2 pān 2 sūt; cr[ess, ....] [....] (blank) [....] —————————— [....] were in the sky, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 34871 (= Sp II 378)
BM 34871
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 3 cubi[ts ....] 3´ [....] cubits [....,] in front of Saturn [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 8th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 5´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Capri[corni ....] 6´ [....] back to the east?. Night of the 14th, sun[set to moonrise:] 40´. [....] 7´ [.... Ni]ght of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind η Pis[cium ....] 8´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind η Tauri .... [....] 9´ [....] 2 cubits [.... Vir]ginis; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 10´ [....] 2 cubits [....] ε Leonis [....] 11´ [....] 4 qa; mustard, 2? kur 1 pān 3[+x] sūt [....] 12´ [....] Mercury, which had set, [was not visible ....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 611
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙ[Š ....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ ina IGI GENNA [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 8? SAG GE6 sin ár [....] 5´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ina IGI SI M[ÁŠ ....] 6´ [....] NIM? LAL GE6 14 40 NINDA G[E6 ....] 7´ [.... G]E6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá D[UR nu-nu ....] 8´ [....] sin ár MÚL-MÚL 2½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... ABS]IN? 2 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] 10´ [....] SAG A 2 KÙŠ [....] 11´ [....] 4 qa kàs 2?(g) 1(p) 3[+x](b) [....] 12´ [....] GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-[ú ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34880
BM 34880 (= Sp II 387)
BM 34880
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 621
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... x]+8 GE6 G[IN ....] [....] na? ina AN-KU10-šú M[ÚL? ....] [....] ME NU PAP ŠÚ IM ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ 8 U ana NIM DIB GE6 18 ⌈ina⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI AN UTAḪ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI GE6 22 DIR AN DIB GÍR GÍR [.... ABS]IN? 2 KÙŠ sin 8 U ana NIM DIB [....] ⌈5?⌉ U AN 2½ KÙŠ ⌈ana? ŠÚ? GUB?⌉ AN [.... x]+1 KÙŠ AN e RÍN šá ULÙ 2 SI [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 29 ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA 29 DIR AN ZA IM ŠÁR [....] kàs 1(g) GUR saḫ-le10 ⌈3+x(b)⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat šá ŠÚ-ú NU I[GI ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] DIB [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 17 ina še-rì ŠÚ AN DUL [....] 8 SI DIR AN ZA 19 DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR? [....] [.... 2]4 DIR AN ZA GE6 2[5 ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5 6´
7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´
12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] [.... x]+8° after sunset, [....] [....] ....; in its eclipse, .... [....] [....] moonrise to sunset: [....,] I did not watch; overcast, gusty wind, .... [....] [....] having passed x cubits 8 fingers to the east. Night of the 18th, in [....] [....] first appearance? [....;] rain shower. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky. [....] first appearance? [....] Night of the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky, lightning flashed [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [.... Virgi]nis?, the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. [....] 5? fingers, Mars stood 2½ cubits to the west, Mars being [.... x]+1 cubits [....] Mars was 2 fingers above α Librae. [....] .... Night of the 29th, clouds were in the sky. The 29th, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind. [....] mustard, 1 kur; cress, 3+x sūt [....] [....] .... Venus, which had set, was not [visible ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] passed [....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... The 17th, in the morning, overcast, rain DUL. [....] 8 fingers [....] clouds were in the sky. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. [....] .... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of Jupiter? [....] [.... The 2]4th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2[5th, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 34885–34893
BM 34885 (= Sp II 393)
BM 34885
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x dele-bat? e?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] e MÚL ár šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin⌉ [....] 4´ [.... 2]4 DIR AN ZA [GE6] 25 ŠÚ? [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Venus was .... above? [....] 2´ [....] above the rear star of .... [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 4´ [.... The 2]4th, clouds were in the sky. [Night] of the 25th, overcast?, [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] .... [....]
BM 34891 (= Sp II 400)
BM 34891
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] fingers in front of .... [....] 2´ [.... in] front of γ Capricorni [....] 3´ [.... Mercury? was] 10 fingers above Jupiter, Me[rcury? being] a little [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Tauri [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [γ/δ] Cancri [....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit below Saturn .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 614
Copy: LBAT 613
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SI ina IGI MÚL I[GI? ....] 2´ [.... ina] IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁ[Š ....] 3´ [....] e MÚL-BABBAR 10 SI i G[U4-UD? ....] 4´ [....] GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ár is l[e10 ....] 5´ [.... GE6] 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá A[LLA ....] 6´ [....] ⌈SIG⌉ GENNA ⌈1 KÙŠ x x⌉ [....]
BM 34893 (= Sp II 402)
BM 34893
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... from] its appearance to its disappearance .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [.... rain] DUL .... [....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] passed?. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the m[oon ....] 8´ [....] The 27th?, .... [....] 9´ [....] The 7th? (and) the 8th, 5 sūt; from the 9th un[til ....] 10´ [.... The x]+3rd, Jupiter reached Sagittarius [....]
Copy: LBAT 631
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x MÚL?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... TA I]GI-šú EN ŠÚ-šú ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈DUL-ḫat x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina I[GI ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] DIB? GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] 8´ [....] 27? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] 7? 8 5(b) TA ⌈9⌉ E[N ....] 10´ [.... x]+3 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈PA KUR⌉ [....]
BM 34910–34948
BM 34910 (= Sp II 424) Copy: LBAT 206 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6] ⌈8?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár S[A4 šá ABSIN ....] 3´ [....] KIR4 šil PA 2 KÙŠ GE6 11 SAG GE6 [....] 4´ [.... 10 U]Š na muš GE6 15 6,20 GE6 [....] 5´ [....] šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 U DIM4 GE6 19 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ár? 1½ KÙŠ sin 8 U ana NIM D[IB ....] 7´ [....] ⌈25⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN [....] Date The date -324/3 proposed in LBAT does not fit the data in the diary preserved for that year, see vol. I no. -324.
BM 34930 (= Sp II 448) Copy: LBAT 624 Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev. 1´
[.... SA]G GE6 sin ár ⌈GIŠ.KUN⌉ A 2 KÙ[Š ....] [.... ka]l ME DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN ina KIN-[SIG ....] [....] e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 8 SI [....] [....] ⌈ina še⌉-rì DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 10+[x ....] [....] i-ṣa ZI I[R ....] [....] ⌈x šá? x⌉ [....] [....] šá TA BAR [....]
BM 34910 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 6th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α [Virginis ....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, [....] 4´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [10]°, measured. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 6° 20´. [....] 5´ [....] 1 finger [.... δ/ϑ] Cancri, it came near. Night of the 19th, last part [of the night, ....] 6´ [....] the moon was] 1½ cubits [....,] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east [....] 7´ [....] The 25th, Mercury’s [first/last] appearance in the west in Virgo [....]
BM 34930 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev. 1´
[.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind ϑ Leonis [....] [....] all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night [....] [....] .... all day, very overcast, the south wind blew; in the after[noon, ....] [....] 8 fingers above ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] in the morning, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] a little [....,] ZI I[R ....] [....] .... [....] [....] which from month I [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... T]A BAR EN ⌈TIL KIN⌉ [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... fr]om month I until the end of month VI [....]
BM 34948 (= Sp II 468)
BM 34948
Copy: LBAT 623 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....]
180 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
BM 34954–34965 [....] ⌈da? ma? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ME šá ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... Se-lu]-ke-ʾa-⌈a⌉ [....] [....] IDe-met-ri [....] —————————— [AB .... MÚL] ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] 3? KAK-BAN ana ME E-a NU PAP GE6 [....] [....] MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5½ KÙ[Š ....] [.... K]ÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM GE6 [....] [....] ⌈SI⌉ ana NIM GUB sin 3 KÙŠ ana S[I? NIM ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL ár šá A[LLA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ 14 12 na DI[R? ....] [.... GE6] 16 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG GÌR ár š[á A ....] [.... DIR] ⌈SAL⌉ AN ZA sin TÙR NIG[IN ....] [....] ⌈x 4?⌉ KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [.... Seleu]cia [....] [....] Demetrius [....] —————————— [Month X, ....] 1½ cubits [....] μ Geminorum [....] [....] The 3rd?, Sirius’ acronychal rising; I did not watch. Night [....] [....] 5½ cubits [below] α Arietis [....] [.... cu]bits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit high to the north. Night [....] [.... the moon] stood [....] fingers to the east, the moon being 3 cubits [high] to the no[rth? ....] [....] ....; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [γ/δ] Cancri [....] [....] .... very overcast. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 12°; clou[ds?, ....] [.... Night] of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below β Virginis [....] [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] [.... ] .... 4? cubits .... [....]
BM 34954 (= Sp II 475)
BM 34954
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ⌈5⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 3 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 2?⅔ KÙŠ AN [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon 5 [....] 2´ [....] 3 cubits [....;] last part of the night, the moo[n ....] 3´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky .... [....] 4´ [....] 2?⅔ cubits; rain [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 34965 (= Sp II 487)
BM 34965
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Th[at month,] the equivalent was: [....] 2´ [.... woo]l, 2 minas, at the end of the month, 2 [minas ....] 3´ [....] (the river level) rose ....; from the 4th to the 9th, it receded ⅔ cubit [....] 4´ [.... leather scr]olls were read in the theatre [....] 5´ [....] because of a tithe? of silver from the ci[ty ....]
Copy: LBAT 630
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 7
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ITU B]I KI.LAM [....] 2´ [.... SÍG]ḫá 2 ma-na ina TIL ITU 2 [ma-na ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN TA 4 EN 9 ⅔ KÙŠ LAL [....] 4´ [.... kušSA]Rmeš ina É IGI-TUḪ-A šá-su-⌈ú⌉ [....] 5´ [....] áš?-šú ú-šir-tú šá KÙ-BABBAR TA UR[U ....]
BM 34972–34975 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[.... G]AZmeš-šú ina SILmeš Eki ba ši [....] [.... ki-l]i-li šá LUGAL ana É LUGAL UD ŠI[R? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ uruSe-lu-ke-ʾa-a šá ana muh-ḫi íd IDIGNA [....] [....]-⌈a⌉-nu a-ga-a IAr-šá -k[a-a LUGAL ....] [....] šá lúGAL ERÍNmeš ku-tál šá ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] šá i-bir u AN-T[A? ....] [.... Se-lu-k]e?-ʾa-a ⌈x⌉ [....]
Comments (from R. van der Spek): The text must be dated to the Arsacid period. The headband of the king is part of the Parthian royal attire visible on coins.
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
181 [.... they ki]lled him. In the streets of Babylon .... [....] [.... a head]band of the king to the king’s house .... [....] [....] .... Seleucia which is on the Tigris [....] [....] these .... [.... King] Arsac[es ....] [....] of the general of the replacement? troops of .... [....] [....] who crossed over? and abo[ve? ....] [.... Seleuc]ia .... [....]
BM 34972 (= Sp II 495)
BM 34972
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ first part of the night?, .... [....] 2´ all night, very overcast, r[ain, ....] 3´ lightning flashed continuously, thun[der ....] 4´ last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 5´ it stood ½ cubit in front of Venus to the west [....] 6´ [in] the afternoon, very overcast, lightning flashed, thun[der ....] 7´ [....] .... 5 fingers? .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 641
´Flake´ 1´ USAN? ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ A[N ....] 3´ GÍR GÍR-GÍR G[Ù U ....] 4´ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI M[ÚL ....] 5´ ina IGI dele-bat ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ G[UB ....] 6´ [ina] KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR G[Ù U ....] 7´ [x] ⌈x⌉ 5? SI? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 8´ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 34975 (= Sp II 498)
BM 34975
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1 [.... ϑ/δ] Cancri [....] 2´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] bel[ow ....] 3´ [....] 1 [.... γ] Virginis [....] 4´ [....] 2 fingers [....,] Mars being 1 [....] 5´ [....] .... The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 22°, mea[sured? ....] 6´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. That month, the e[quivalent was: ....] 7´ [.... for 1 shek]el of wrought silver. At that time [....] 8´ [.... un]til the end of the month, (the river level) rose ½ cubit [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 628
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ALLA šá⌉ ULÙ 1 [....] 2´ [.... GE6 x]+1 ina ZÁLAG sin SI[G ....] 3´ [.... DELE] šá IGI ABSIN 1+[x ....] 4´ [....] 2 SI AN 1 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 22 KUR m[uš? ....] 6´ [.... DI]R AN ZA ITU BI K[I.LAM ....] 7´ [.... ana 1 GÍ]N KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú i-nušú [....] 8´ [.... E]N TIL ITU ½ KÙŠ GI[N ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 34980–34981
BM 34980 (= Sp II 504)
BM 34980
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... šá še]-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana [....] 2´ [....] ár MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1+[x ....] 3´ [....] GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 [.... i]-ṣa ana NIM DIB USAN GU4-UD [....] 5´ [....] a-kam muš GE6 14 3 G[E6 ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ŠÚ ki-i UŠ-a 8 [....] 7´ [.... ana UL]Ù SIG 27 10,30 KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈e⌉ šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 2+[x ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] 10´ [....] GE6 11? ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum, the moon being 2 cubits to [....] 2´ [....] 1+[x ....] behind δ Cancri [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] 4´ [....] having passed a little to the east; first part of the night, Mercury [....] 5´ [....] measured (despite) mist. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3° [....] 6´ [....] when [....] became stationary to the west, [it became stationary] 8 [....] 7´ [....] being low to the south. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 30´ ....[....] —————————— 8´ [....] 2+[x ....] above ζ Tauri [....] 9´ [....] .... Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 10´ [....] Night of the 11th?, .... [....]
BM 34981 (= Sp II 505)
BM 34981
Photo: YM
1´ 2´ 3´
Copy: LBAT 632
Copy: LBAT 634
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SUḪUR MÁŠ 2? ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] [.... U]LÙ GIN 27 DIR AN DIB A[N? ....] [.... ki] PAP NU IGI SI GIN kal ME D[IR ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ AN UTAḪ 30 DIR AN ZA SI GI[N ....] [....] 28 4 PI 29 30 3(p) 4(b) Z[Ú ....] [.... SÍG]ḫá 4½ ma-na a-na 1 GÍN K[ÙBABBAR ....] [.... GENN]A? ina GÍR-TAB ⌈AN ina ALLA?⌉ 6 ⌈AN x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ina še-rì DIR AN ZA⌉ ULÙ GIN GE6 12? [....] [.... sin SIG] MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ sin? i-ṣa ana [....] [.... x]+1 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 14 12 ⌈na muš x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [....] 2? cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni [....] [.... the sou]th wind blew. The 27th, clouds crossed the sky, r[ain? ....] [.... when] I watched, I did not see it; the north wind blew, all day, cl[ouds ....] [....] .... overcast, rain shower. The 30th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind bl[ew. ....] [....] the 28th, 4 pān; the 29th (and) the 30th, 3 pān 4 sūt; da[tes, ....] [.... woo]l, 4½ minas for 1 shekel of si[lver ....] [.... Satur]n? was in Scorpius, Mars was in Cancer?; the 6th, Mars .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] in the morning, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 12th?, [....] [.... the moon was] 5 cubits [below] α Arietis, the moon being a little to [....] [.... The x]+1st, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 12°, measured .... [....]
BM 35002–35005
BM 35002 (= Sp II 527)
BM 35002
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] first appearance in the west in Gemini .... [....] 3´ [....] very overcast. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was .... [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 12th, clouds crossed the sky, a little rain shower. The 12th, overcast [....] 5´ [.... (hail stones)] as big as chicken eggs .... [....] 6´ [....] x cubits?. Many date palms in the open country .... [....] 7´ [....] lightning, much thunder, thick rain, cloudburst, PISAN .... [....] 8´ [....] ....; I did not watch; overcast?; all night, lightning flashed in all four directions [....] 9´ [....] 3 cubits [....] .... The 16th, sunrise to moonset: 11°, measured. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 10´ [.... lightn]ing?, thunder, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 11´ [....] rain shower, it th[undered? ....] 12´ [....] ....[....]
Copy: LBAT 642
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈ina ŠÚ⌉ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈IGI x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 12 DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ i-ṣa 12 ŠÚ [....] 5´ [.... ma?]-la NUNUZ DAR-LUGALmušen ma-ṣu-ú ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ gišGIŠIMMARmeš MAḪmeš ina EDIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] GÍR GÙ U MAḪ AN kab-bar rad PISAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NU PAP ŠÚ? kal GE6 GÍR ina IM.LIMMU.BA ⌈GÍR⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ 16 11 na muš GE6 10+[x ....] 10´ [.... GÍ]R? GÙ U AN DUL ina ZÁLAG? ⌈sin e?⌉ [....] 11´ [....] AN UTAḪ dIM [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35005 (= Sp II 531)
BM 35005
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 640
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6? x⌉ DIR AN ZA 18 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... DIR] SAL AN ZA ULÙ GIN GE6 20 SI G[IN ....] [.... S]I ana ULÙ SIG ár MÚL-BABBAR 3? [....] [....] DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 22 SI GIN [....] [....] 22 DIR SAL AN ZA ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 24 DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA ULÙ GIN 25 [....]
2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [....] night? ...., clouds were in the sky. The 18th, .... [....] [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 20th, the north wind bl[ew ....] [.... x fin]gers low to the south, 3? [....] behind Jupiter [....] [....] thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, the north wind blew. [....] [....] The 22nd, thin clouds were in the sky; in the afternoon, .... [....] [....] Night of the 24th, clouds were in the sky, .... [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the south wind blew. The 25th, [....]
BM 35009
184 Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[....] LUGAL 5/6 KÙŠ 26 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... I]M ŠÁR kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 27 9 K[UR? ....] [.... ina KIN-S]IG? DIR AN DIB GÙ U MAḪ AN UTAḪ GE6 ⌈28⌉ [....] [....] AN ZA KUR GIN ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ GÙ U MAḪ AN UTAḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈Á?⌉ ULÙ GIB GE6 29 DIR AN DIB USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... A]N ZA 29 ina še-rì ŠÚ KUR GIN AN UTAḪ [....] [....] GIB-ʾu kal ME DIR [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Rev.´ 1 2
7 8
[....] 5/6 cubit [....] α Leonis. The 26th, clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] [....] gusty wind; all night, clouds were in the sky. The 27th, moo[nrise to sunrise:] 9° [....] [.... in the aftern]oon?, clouds crossed the sky, much thunder, rain shower. Night of the 28th, [....] [....] were in the sky, the east wind blew; in the afternoon, overcast, much thunder, rain shower, .... [....] [.... (a rainbow)] stretched on the south side. Night of the 29th, clouds crossed the sky; first part of the night, .... [....] [....] were in the sky. The 29th, in the morning, overcast, the east wind blew, rain shower [....] [.... (rainbows)] stretched; all day, clouds [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35009 (= Sp II 536)
BM 35009
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... That month, the ri[ver level ....] 2´ [.... from Babylon?] to Seleucia, which is on the [Tigris ....] 3´ [....] .... The 12th day, from Babylon to Seleucia [....] —————————— 4´ [....] sunset to moonset: [....,] measured (despite) clouds; it was high to the sun. Night of the 1st, all night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which was set to the west side, [blew ....] 5´ [....] last appearance [in the ea]st? in Aquarius; I did not watch; in the morning, very overcast, a little fog; at noon, the north wind blew, .... [....] 6´ [....] the south and east winds blew. The 4th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky, dew, the south and east winds bl[ew ....] 7´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of η Tauri, the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south; clouds [....] the sky [....]
Copy: LBAT 648
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI I[LLU ....] 2´ [.... E?]ki ana uruSe-l[u-ke]-ʾa-[a šá ana] ⌈muḫ⌉-ḫi íd[IDIGNA ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ BAD U4-12 TA Ek[i a]-na uruSe-luke-ʾa-[a ....] —————————— 4´ [....] na-su DIR muš ana šámaš NIM GE6 1 kal GE6 DIR AN ZA SI šá PA MAR G[AR GIN ....] 5´ [.... ina NI]M? ina GU ŠÚ NU PAP ina šerì ŠÚ-ŠÚ IM.DUGUD i-ṣa AN-BAR7 SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ULÙ u KUR GINmeš 4 ina še-rì DIR AN DIB AN na ULÙ u KUR GI[Nmeš ....] 7´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG DIR AN [....]
BM 35013–35014 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA GE6 8 SAG G[E6 ....] [....] MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ NU IGI 8 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 [....] [....] i-ṣa GE6 10 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ [....] [....] ŠED7 šir ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL IGI [....] [.... ŠE]D7 šir 12 SI šá PA MA[R GAR GIN ....] [....] ár LUGAL 1 KÙŠ sin [....] [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ [....]
10´ 11´
13´ 14´
185 [....] .... The 7th, very overcast, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] 2 cubits [....] Capricorni; I did not see (it). The 8th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night [....] [....] a little [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, very overcast, rain shower [....] [....] the cold became severe; last part of the night, Venus was [....] above the front star of [....] [.... the co]ld became severe. The 12th, the north wind, which was set to the west side, [blew ....] [.... the moon was] 1 cubit behind α Leonis, the moon being [....] [....] .... cubits [....]
BM 35013 (= Sp II 540)
BM 35013
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ana NIM DIB⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 5 5 DIR AN ZA ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 3´ [.... U]SAN sin ár MÚL-MÚL ½ KÙŠ sin [....] 4´ [.... x,]30? na GE6 15 15 DIR AN ZA ULÙ G[IN ....] 5´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár GÌR ár šá UR-A 1½ KÙŠ DI[R ....] 6´ [.... S]A4 šá ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 20+[x ....] 7´ [.... I]M? ŠÁR GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin ár⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ saḫ-l[e10? ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] having passed [....] to the east [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 5th (and) the 5th, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] 3´ [.... fi]rst part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit behind η Tauri, the moon being [....] 4´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 30´. Night of the 15th (and) the 15th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind bl[ew ....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind β Virginis; clou[ds ....] 6´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] α Virginis. The 21st, very overcast. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] gusty wind. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 8´ [....] ....; cress, [....]
BM 35014 (= Sp II 541)
BM 35014
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above the rear star of [....]
Copy: LBAT 651
Copy: LBAT 643
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 25 ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL ár ⌈šá⌉ [....]
186 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 35016–35025 [....] ⌈x x 8? SI⌉ 25 SI? GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ AN-KU10 šámaš ki PAP NU IG[I ....] [.... SÍ]Gḫá 1½ ma-na i-nu-šú MÚLBABBAR ina [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ lúGAL ERÍNmeš ú ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... IAn-ti-ʾ]u-uk-su LUGAL LÚ ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] Èmeš-nim-ma ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] .... 8? fingers. The 25th, the north wind blew, .... [....] [....] .... solar eclipse, when I watched, I did not see it [....] [.... w]ool, 1½ minas. At that time, Jupiter was in [....] [....] .... the general .... [....] [....] King [Anti]ochus .... [....] [....] they went out and .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35016 (= Sp II 543)
BM 35016
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin 3´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ 4´ [....] sin ina IGI SAG A 5´ [....] GE6 15 3,30 ME 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 7´ [....] sin ár DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 8´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG 19 DIR SAL 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon was 3´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Geminorum 4´ [....] the moon was [....] in front of ε Leonis 5´ [....] Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 30´. 6´ [....] .... all night, very overcast. 7´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit behind γ Virginis. 8´ [....] low [to the s]outh. The 19th, thin clouds 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35025 (= Sp II 552)
BM 35025
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 650
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 7
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... G]E6? ⌈2 2? DIR AN⌉ [x] [GE6 3 sin] ina IGI LUGAL 3 KÙŠ [3? DI]R AN ZA GE6 4 DIR AN ZA [x GE6] ⌈5?⌉ sin SIG MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL [x KÙ]Š sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 5 DIR AN ZA [GE6 6] sin SIG GIŠ.KUN A 1? KÙŠ [GE6] 7 sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 3 KÙŠ
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... Ni]ght? of the 2nd (and) the 2nd?, clouds [....] the sky. [Night of the 3rd, the moon was] 3 cubits in front of α Leonis. [The 3rd?, clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, clouds were in the sky. [.... Night] of the 5th?, the moon was [.... cub]its below ρ Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 5th, clouds were in the sky. [Night of the 6th,] the moon was 1? cubit below ϑ Leonis. [Night] of the 7th, the moon was 3 cubits in front of γ Virginis,
BM 35034 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[SI]G? MÚL-BABBAR 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [ana N]IM DIB GE6 8 sin ina IGI SA4 [x]+1 KÙŠ 8 DIR AN ZA GE6 9 [....] ⌈x⌉
8´ 9´ 10´
[G]U4 U4-22-KAM 1-en lúšar-ra-qa [š]á ina IGI-ma 1-en ma-sab KÙ.GI [šá] dNa-na-a šá uruIMki [x x]-nu ina URU gi-ip-šú [....] ⌈UD?⌉ ÍL-ú ina qí-bi [lús]e-pi-ir u lúDI-KUDmeš [šá É] DINGIRmeš ina gišsim-mil-tu4 [šá mas-a]-a-al-tu4 šá-a-lu [x x x] ⌈x x -bul?-tì ke-e-nu [....] ⌈x x⌉
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7f.
3 cubits [be]low? Jupiter, the moon having passed ½ cubit [to the ea]st. Night of the 8th, the moon was [x]+1 cubits in front of α (Virginis). The 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, [....] ....
[Month] II, the 22nd day, one thief, who before had [....] one golden basket [belonging] to Nanaya of Karkara, in the city Gipšu? had carried [....], at the order of the parchment scribe and the temple judges was interrogated by means of the rack of interrogation. [....] .... true [....] ....
Comments Obv.: The distances of the Normal Stars do not agree well with the dates; mistakes in copying a preliminary Diary? Rev.: Texts concerning temple thefts punished by burning the thieves were edited by F. Joannès, in Assyriologica et Semitica: Festschrift für Joachim Oelsner (2000), 193-211.
BM 35034 (= Sp II 562)
BM 35034
Photo: YM
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 8
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... šá ŠÚ]-⌈ú NU IGImeš ITU BI EN? x⌉ [....] [....] šà ŠÀ-ši-na ŠUB-ma ÚŠme ITU B[I] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 1-en MÚL GAL šá GIM di-pa-ri TA ⌈ULÙ⌉ ana [....] [....] ⌈x⌉-šú GIN ép-šú KA A[N?] GÁL-ši [....] —————————— [.... x]+1 na-su a muš sin ina a-kam IGI SIG ana šámaš [....] [....] sin ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 2 KÙŠ 4? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ár GENNA 1+[x KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´
6´ 7´
[.... which had set,] were not visible. That month, until ....[....] [.... (pregnant women)] had miscarriages and died. That month, .... [....] [....] one meteor which was like a torch from the south to [....] [....] .... went?. There was an utterance from the sky? [....] —————————— [....] sunset to moonset: [x]+1°, measured (despite) mist; the moon became visible in mist; it was faint, it was [....] to the sun [....] [....] The moon was 2 cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi. The 4th?, [....] [....] .... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1[+x cubits] behind Saturn [....] [....] .... [....]
188 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
BM 35042
[....] x⌉ ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] bu-tuq TI[R-AN-NA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] [.... G]E6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina [....] [....] A 2½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ŠÚ 24 ŠÚ-ŠÚ KI ŠÚ šám[aš ....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
Comments Obv. 4´: epiš pî is well attested, but the context here is unclear.
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... last part of the night, [....] [....] a section of a rai[nbow ....] [....] ...., last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] Leonis? .... [....] [....] overcast?. The 24th, very overcast; with sunset, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35042 (= Sp II 572)
BM 35042
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 652
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
[....] muš ina GUB IGI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 3 DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [x] [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 4 DIR AN ZA [....] 4 DIR AN ZA GE6 5 [....] SIG 5 DIR AN ZA 8? [.... na-s]u in 1 IGI 8 DIR SAL AN ZA [.... DU]R nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ [.... DIR] SAL AN ZA GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin [....] ana NIM DIB GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin SIG [.... S]AG GE6 sin e is le10 5 KÙŠ [....] DIR muš SAG GE6 sin SIG [.... x]+2 GE6 DIR muš ina ZÁLAG sin [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat SIG [....] AN ZA ULÙ GIN
2 3 4 5 6
7 8
9 10 11 12 13
14 15
[....,] measured; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there [....] [....] .... Night of the 3rd, clouds were in the sky, .... [....] [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, clouds were in the sky. [....] The 4th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, [....] low. The 5th, clouds were in the sky. The 8th?, [.... first appearance ....,] rising of [....] to sunrise: [....;] (ideal) first appearance on the 1st. The 8th, thin clouds were in the sky. [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [.... η] Piscium, the moon being 2½ cubits [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] having passed [....] to the east. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was 5 cubits above α Tauri. [....] measured (despite) clouds; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] sunset to moonrise: [x]+2°, measured (despite) clouds; last part of the night, the moon was [....] .... [....] .... Venus was [....] below [....] were in the sky, the south wind blew.
BM 35062 Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
[....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 17 SAG GE6 [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ AN DUL 17 DIR AN ZA [....] sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [.... ina] ZÁLAG ŠÚ-ŠÚ 19 DIR AN ZA [.... GIŠ].KUN 1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ [.... G]E6 21 DIR AN DIB ina ZÁLAG [.... DI]R AN DIB AN DUL 22 kal ME [....] DIR AN DIB 23 ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN? e RÍN šá ULÙ 2? U? AN 4 U ana ŠÚ LAL [....] ULÙ 2½ KÙŠ 24 ŠÚ [.... si]n? ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB
189 Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
[....] .... Night of the 17th, beginning of the night, [....] .... overcast, rain DUL. The 17th, clouds were in the sky. [....] the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. [....] last part of the night, very overcast. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. [(....) Night of the 20th, the moon was] 1 cubit [.... ϑ] Leonis, the moon being 2 cubits [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, [.... clou]ds crossed the sky, rain DUL. The 22nd, all day, [....] clouds crossed the sky. The 23rd, ....; last part of the night, Mars? was 2? fingers above α Librae, Mars being 4 fingers back to the west. [....] 2½ cubits [....] southern [....] The 24th, overcast. [...., the moo]n? having passed ½ cubit to the east.
BM 35062 (= Sp II 595)
BM 35062
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the south wind blew, cold. The 24th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky, the north wind, which [....] 3´ [.... Night of the 2]7th, last part of the night, Mars was 2⅔ cubits above α Scorpii. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°; clouds, I did not watch [....] 4´ [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: barley, from the 1st until the 6th, was lacking in the market .... [....] 5´ [....] the 4th, 1 pān 2 sūt; the 5th (and) 6th, 1 pān 2 sūt 1 qa; from the 7th until the 10th, 1 pān 2 sūt 3 [qa ....] 6´ [....] 1 pān? 1 sūt 3 qa; sesame, 1 sūt 1½ qa one-fourth and half one-fourth; wool, [....] 7´ [....] .... around the 4th, Mars? reached? Scorpius?; until the end of the month, (it stayed) in Scorp[ius ....]
Copy: LBAT 649
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ULÙ GIN ŠED7 24 ina še-rì DIR AN DIB SI šá [....] 3´ [.... GE6 2]7 ina ZÁLAG AN e SI4 2⅔ KÙŠ 27 17 KUR DIR NU PAP [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI KI.LAM še-im TA 1 EN 6 ina SILA ⌈LAL x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 4 1(p) 2(b) 5 6 1(p) 2(b) 1 qa TA 7 EN 10 1(p) 2(b) 3 [qa ....] 6´ [....] 1(p)? 1(b) 3 qa ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 1(b) 1½ qa 4-ʾu mi-šil 4-ʾu SÍGḫ[á ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x in 4 AN? GÍR-TAB? KUR?⌉ EN TIL ITU ina GÍR-T[AB ....]
BM 35063–35075
BM 35063 (= Sp II 596)
BM 35063
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 303
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´
[MU-x]+8-KAM IZI 30 17 na-su KUR4 a-pir ina [šámaš G]UB [IGI] 1 ZI IR GE6 2 sin e SA4 šá A[BSI]N [nn mm GE6 2] ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA ZI IR KUR GIN 2 kal ME [DIR AN Z]A KUR GIN ZI IR GE6 3 ŠÚŠÚ ULÙ GIN [x Z]I IR 3 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN madiš ZI IR [GE6] ⌈4⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár RÍN šá SI 1 KÙŠ ⌈sin 1?⌉ K[ÙŠ?] [ana x x kal? G]E6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ ⌈GIN x x⌉ [....]
2 3
5 6
[.... S]I? GIN? ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN ZA
Date Uncertain, see LBAT introduction.
´Rev. 1´
[Year x]+8, month V, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 17°; it was bright, earthshine, [it could be seen] while [the sun] stood there. The 1st, ZI IR. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] above α Virginis. [Night of the 2nd,] last part of the night, clouds were in the sky, ZI IR, the east wind blew. The 2nd, all day, [clouds were in] the sky, the east wind blew, ZI IR. Night of the 3rd, very overcast, the south wind blew. [...., Z]I IR. The 3rd, all day, very overcast, the south wind blew, much ZI IR. [Night] of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Librae, the moon being 1? cubit? [.... all? ni]ght very overcast, the south wind blew, .... [....]
[.... the nor]th? wind blew, ...., clouds were in the sky.
BM 35075 (= Sp II 611)
BM 35075
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... last part of the night, very overcast [....] 3´ [.... The 1]5th?, sunrise to moonset: 1° 30´; clouds, I did not [watch ....] 4´ [.... Me]rcury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [....] .... wind? .... [....] 6´ [.... the sou]th? wind blew [....,] clouds were in the sky [....] 7´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in fr[ont of ....] 8´ [.... c]old. Night of the 23rd, very overcast, the west wind blew [....] 9´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the west wind blew, cold; in the afternoon, [....]
Copy: LBAT 647
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 3´ [.... 1]5? 1,30 na DIR NU [PAP ....] 4´ [.... G]U4-UD ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ G[E6 ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ IM ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... UL]Ù? GIN [x x x] DIR AN ZA [....] 7´ [.... DI]R AN ZA SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina I[GI ....] 8´ [.... Š]ED7 GE6 23 ŠÚ-ŠÚ MAR GIN [....] 9´ [.... DI]R AN ZA MAR GIN ŠED7 ina ⌈KIN-SIG⌉ [....]
BM 35082–35083 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[.... šá P]A MAR GAR GIN ŠED7 GE6 25 SI šá P[A ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ ina KIN-SIG ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x EN⌉-NUN U4-⌈ZAL x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈še?-im?⌉ [....]
11´ 12´ 13´
[.... the .... wind, which] was set to the west side, blew, cold. Night of the 25th, the north wind, which [was set to the ....] sid[e, blew ....] [....] .... very overcast, rain shower; in the afternoon, overcast [....] [....] ... morning watch, .... [....] [....] barley? [....]
BM 35082 (= Sp II 618)
BM 35082
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... first part of the night, ... [....] 2´ [....] 4 cubits [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] first part of the night, Venus was [....] below [....] 4´ [....] around the 7th, Venus’ [last appearance] in [the west in ....] 5´ [....] reached .... Night of the 15+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] Venus being 6 fingers to [....] —————————— 7´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [....] ...., omitted; .... [....] 8´ [....] first appearance .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 9´ [....] .... in Leo; from [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 654
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x USAN x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 4 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] 3´ [....] USAN dele-bat SIG [....] 4´ [....] in 7 dele-bat ina [ŠÚ ina .... ŠÚ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR? GE6 15+[x ....] 6´ [....] dele-bat 6 U ana [....] —————————— 7´ [.... GU4-UD .... UD]-DA IGI DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI GE6 10+[x ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina A TA [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Comments This fragment may be from a goal-year text.
BM 35083 (= Sp II 619)
BM 35083
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the 12th? .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 3´ [.... The 1]7th?, very overcast; in the morning, thunder [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 22nd, very overcast, the moon [was surrounded] by a halo [....] 5´ [.... pa]ssed?. The 24th, very overcast. Night of the 2[5th, ....] 6´ [.... x]+1 cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 7´ [....] being .... low to the south [....]
Copy: LBAT 663
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x 12? x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] 3´ [.... 1]7? ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina še-rì GÙ U [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 22 ŠÚ-ŠÚ sin TÙR [....] 5´ [.... D]IB? 24 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 2[5 ....] 6´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x ana ULÙ SIG⌉ [....]
BM 35084–35091
BM 35084 (= Sp II 620)
BM 35084
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ kal ME ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SI GIN 12 10?,30? ŠÚ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 14 10,10? GE6 NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈GIN?⌉ ŠED7 15 ina še-r[ì ....] 5´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG 16 SI šá PA [....] 6´ [.... S]A4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ sin [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ kal ME ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... all day, .... [....] 2´ [....] the north wind blew. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 10°? 30´? .... [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 10° 10´?; I did not watch .... [....] 4´ [....] blew?; cold. The 15th, in the morning, [....] 5´ [....] low to the south. The 16th, the north wind, which [was set to the ....] side, [blew ....] 6´ [....] 2 cubits [....] α Virginis, the moon being [....] 7´ [....] .... all day, .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35085 (= Sp II 622)
BM 35085
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... winds blew [....] 3´ [...., the m]oon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 4´ [....] the sky was covered. Night of the 11+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] thin clouds were in the sky, the moon [was surrounded] by a halo [....] 6´ [....] th[in clouds] were in the sky. Night of the 14th, beginning [of the night, ....] 7´ [.... the sun] was surrounded [by a ha]lo; in the afternoon, overcast, the south [wind blew ....] 8´ [....] overcast?. Night of the 16th, [sunset to moonrise:] 7° 40´ [....] 9´ [....] low .... The 17th, the north wind blew [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 657
Copy: LBAT 656
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉meš GINmeš [....] 3´ [.... si]n ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DI[B ....] 4´ [.... A]N-ú ŠÚ-im GE6 11+[x ....] 5´ [.... DI]R SAL AN ZA sin TÙR [....] 6´ [.... DIR SA]L AN ZA GE6 14 SAG [GE6 ....] 7´ [.... šámaš TÙ]R NIGIN ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ UL[Ù GIN ....] 8´ [....] ŠÚ GE6 16 7,40 [GE6 ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG 17 SI GIN [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35091 (= Sp II 629)
BM 35091
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 19th, cl[ouds? ....] 3´ [....] the 20th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew [....]
Copy: LBAT 655
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 19 D[IR? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈20?⌉ DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN [....]
BM 35105 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... A]N UTAḪ 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ DIR [NU PAP ....] [.... G]Ù U MAḪ AN kab-bar PISAN rad MAḪ [DIB ....] [.... MÚ]L KUR šá DUR nu-nu ⌈3? KÙŠ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GIN⌉ 26? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
193 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... r]ain shower. The 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus; clouds, [I did not watch ....] [....] much thunder, thick rain, PISAN [DIB,] much cloudburst, [....] [....] 3? cubits [....] η Piscium [....] [....] blew. The 26th?, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35105 (= Sp II 648)
BM 35105
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 660
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[....] ULÙ u KUR GINmeš GE6 2 kal GE6 DIR AN [....] [.... MAŠ-MAŠ šá S]IPA 1 KÙŠ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN 4 kal [ME ....] [.... ana] NIM DIB kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN 5 kal ME [....] [.... G]E6 7 SAG GE6 DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ i-ṣa sin? [....] [.... SA]G? GE6 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL [....] [.... T]A 7 ki PAP NU IGI kal ME DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN 11 ŠÚ [....] [.... GE6 1]2 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ sin e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa [....] [....] sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 3½ KÙŠ ENNUN MURUB4 AN UTAḪ i? [....] [....] ULÙ GIN 13 kal ME DIR AN ZA GÙ U né-ḫi AN né-ḫi [....] [.... AN U]TAḪ ULÙ GIN GE6 15 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR ULÙ GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL [....] [....] GIN KI ŠÚ šámaš GÍR GÍR AN UTAḪ i-ṣa GE6 17 kal GE6 DIR AN DIB [....]
[....] south and east winds blew. Night of the 2nd, all night, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... γ] Geminorum; all night, very overcast, the south wind blew. The 4th, all [day, ....] [....] having passed [....] to the east; all night, very overcast, the south wind blew. The 5th, all day, [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 7th, beginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky, a little rain shower; the moon? [....] [.... begin]ning? of the night, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew; last part of the night, Mars was [....] above [....] [.... fr]om the 7th, when I watched, I did not see it; all day, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. The 11th, overcast [....] [.... Night of the 1]2th, beginning of the night, very overcast; the moon was 1½ cubits above α Virginis, the moon being a little [....] [....] the moon was 3½ cubits in front of α Librae; in the middle watch, a little? rain shower [....] [....] the south wind blew. The 13th, all day, clouds were in the sky, slow thunder, slow rain [....] [.... rain] shower, the south wind blew. Night of the 15th, beginning of the night, very overcast, lightning flashed continuously, the south wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] blew; with sunset, lightning flashed, a little rain shower. Night of the 17th, all night, clouds crossed the sky [....]
194 12 13
14 15 16 17
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 35108 [....] ⌈x⌉ 18 kal ME DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN KI ŠÚ šámaš GÍR GÍR GÙ U AN [....] [....] ⌈ana NIM⌉ GUB sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 20 kal ME DIR AN ZA KI ŠÚ šá[maš ....] [....] AN DIB GÍR GÍR GÙ U AN UTAḪ i-ṣa kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 22 kal [ME ....] [.... G]E6 25 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR kal GE6 DIR AN ZA ULÙ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GIN 27? ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] AN ZA ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] [....] AN ZA SI GIN ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 25 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 20+[x ....] [.... DI]R AN ZA SI GIN GE6 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ dTIR-AN-NA [....] [.... KI.LAM] še-im 2(p) 4(b) ZÚ-LUM GIB[IL ....] [.... SU]M-in i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ [....] [.... x]+12 na ITU BI lúUNmeš [....] ——————————
(Remainder of reverse blank)
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... The 18th, all day, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew; with sunset, lightning flashed, thunder, rain [....] [....] stood [....] to the east, the moon being ⅔ cubit low to the south. The 20th, all day, clouds were in the sky; with sunset, [....] [....] crossed the sky, lightning flashed, thunder, a little rain shower; all night, very overcast. The 22nd, all [day, ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 25th, beginning of the night, very overcast, lightning flashed; all night, clouds were in the sky, the south wind [blew ....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 27th?, .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] were in the sky; last part of the night, the m[oon ....] [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew; last part of the night, [....] [....] .... Night of the 25th, very overcast. The 20+[xth, ....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] [....] .... a rainbow [....] [.... the equivalent was:] barley, 2 pān 4 sūt; new dates, [....] [.... was gi]ven [in the land.] At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini, [....] [.... x]+12 was the na (gauge). That month, the people [....] —————————— (Remainder of reverse blank)
BM 35108 (= Sp II 651)
BM 35108
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] high? to the north [....] 2´ [....] gusty [....] and east winds blew [....] 3´ [....] .... a little rain shower [....] 4´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky, a little rain shower [....] 5´ [....] 14 fingers [....] ρ Leonis, the moon being ½ [cubit ....] 6´ [.... Night of the 1]7th, last part of the night, the moon was 2½ [cubits] in front of γ Virginis [....]
Copy: LBAT 662
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ana?] SI NI[M? ....] 2´ [....] u KUR ŠÁRmeš GIN[meš ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] 4´ [.... D]IR AN ZA AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] 5´ [.... MÚL TUR] šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 14 SI sin ½ [KÙŠ ....] 6´ [.... GE6 1]7 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2½ [KÙŠ ....]
BM 35112+35124 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x⌉ ana ULÙ SIG 24 SI GIN GE6 2[5 ....] [.... ana UL]Ù SIG 25 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ kal ME D[IR ....] [.... x]+2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 26 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ŠÚ U 1-šú 2-šú 3-šú GÙ-šú Š[UB ....] [....] ⌈GIN?⌉ GE6 29 SI GIN {x} 29 ina [....] [.... Z]Ú-LUM-MA 2(g) GUR kàs 3(g) GUR saḫ-[....] [.... x]+2 ma-na 5 GÍN i-nu-šú M[ÚLBABBAR ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] .... low to the south. The 24th, the north wind blew. Night of the 2[5th, ....] [....] low [to the sou]th. The 25th, in the morning, very overcast; all day, cl[ouds ....] [.... x]+2 cubits low to the south. The 26th, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the east in .... [....] [....] overcast, it thundered once, twice, thrice [....] [....] blew?. Night of the 29th, the north wind blew. The 29th, in [....] [.... d]ates, 2 kur; mustard, 3 kur; cress, [....] [.... wool, x]+2 minas 5 shekels. At that time, J[upiter ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35112 + 35124 (= Sp II 657+670)
BM 35112 + 35124
Photo: YM
Copies: LBAT 661, 664
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 1´´ 2´´ 3´´ 4´´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 4 [....] [.... U]SAN AN SIG GIŠ.K[UN A ....] [.... i]s le10 1 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] ⌈x x⌉ 2 KÙŠ [.... SA]G GE6 sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ 15 9 na [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
(break of 7 to 9 lines)
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ár? MÚL-MÚL? ⌈8? SI?⌉ ŠÚ? [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈DIR AN ZA⌉ ZI IR
3´ 4´ 5´
(break of 7 to 9 lines) 1´´ 2´´
[.... S]IPA-ZI 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] KI? (erasure) [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 GE6 DIR muš [....] SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ [.... i]s le10 20 SI ⌈sin x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....].... [....] —————————— [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, [....] [.... fir]st part of the night, Mars was [....] below ϑ Leo[nis ....] [....] 1 cubit [....] α Tauri. Ni[ght ....] 2 cubits .... [.... begin]ning of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] [....] cubits [....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° [....] [....] .... [....]
3´´ 4´´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] 8? fingers? behind? η Tauri .... [....] .... clouds were in the sky. [....] clouds were in the sky, ZI IR.
[....] 1⅔ cubits [.... of Or]ion?. [....] .... (erasure) [....] .... sunset to moonrise: 1°, measured (despite) clouds. [....] 2½ cubits below η Piscium. [.... the moon was] 20 fingers [....] α Tauri, the moon being .... [....] [....] .... [....]
196 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
BM 35126+35722 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TA [....] [.... ana 1 GÍN KÙ-BABB]AR qa-lu-ú i[nu-šú ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [....] SAG múlU4-KA-TUḪ-A ŠUR U[DDA? ....] [.... ár] MÚL-BABBAR 1½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB GE6 7 [....] ⌈x⌉ šá SI MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ ana SI-šú šá ULÙ G[IN?] [....] ina IGI MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ [....] ½ KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL is le10 2 KÙŠ [....] 20 ina še-rì DIR AN DIB bu-tuq TIRAN Á SI u KUR GI[B] [....] TUK-ú TA E.ÚZ ana SI ŠUR [.... GE6 2]5 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL TUR {1} šá ⌈4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL⌉ 2 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ DANNA GE6 ⌈ana ZÁLAG?⌉ [....] [.... x]+1 PI ŠE-GIŠ [....]
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15
17 18
[....] [....] .... from [....] [.... for 1 shekel of] refined [sil]ver. At [that time, ....] [....] .... —————————— [....] flashed [....] the head of the Panther, [its ligh]t? [....] [....] it stood 1½ cubits [behind] Jupiter to the east. Night of the 7th, [.... the moon was] ⅔ cubit [....] of β Capricorni, it was set? towards its southern horn. [....] 2 cubits in front of η Piscium. [....] ½ cubit [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Tauri. [....] The 20th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky; a section of a rainbow stretched on the north and east side. [....] which had [....,] flashed from above the Goat star to the north. [.... Night of the 2]5th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below ρ Leonis. [....] ... 15° before sunrise?, [....] [.... x]+1 pān; sesame, [....]
Comments Rev. 1: Probably γ Geminorum (MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA) is meant. Rev. 13: Occultation of a star in the “horn of Capricorn” by the moon. Rev. 17: See also BM 37037:6´and 8´. It seems to be an indication of the direction from which the object, probably a meteor, came.
BM 35126 + 35722 (= Sp II 672 + III 241)
BM 35126 + 35722
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 4 cubits [below ϑ Le]onis .... [....] 3´ [....] 2 cubits [....] .... Night of the 6th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits [....] ...., the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] 5´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was ½ [cubit] below α Scorpii [....] 6´ [....] in Cancer, 2½ cubits behind Venus, ½ [cubit ....] 7´ [....] ½ cubit [....] α Leonis. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3°, measured; clouds [....]
Copies: LBAT 675, 795
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SIG GIŠ].KUN A 4 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ GE6 6 SAG G[E6 ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM [DIB ....] 5´ [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG SI4 ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] ⌈ina⌉ ALLA 2½ KÙŠ ár dele-bat ½ [KÙŠ ....] 7´ [....] LUGAL ½ KÙŠ 14 3 ŠÚ muš DIR [....]
BM 35129–35130 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] [....] SUḪUR MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ 20 SI GIN GE6 21 [....] [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin ina IGI is le10 1½ KÙŠ 23 SI GIN [....] [.... s]in SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2½ KÙŠ sin i ana NIM DIB in EN ⌈26? AN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´
197 [....] .... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ Capricorni [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [.... γ/δ] Capricorni. The 20th, the north wind blew. Night of the 21st, [....] [.... last part of the] night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of α Tauri. The 23rd, the north wind blew [....] [....] the moon was 2½ cubits below α Geminorum, the moon having passed a little to the east. Around until the 26th, Mars? [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
BM 35129 (= Sp II 675)
BM 35129
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon being 4½ cubits low to the south. The 12th, the north wind blew [....] 2´ [.... cl]ouds crossed the sky; in the morning watch, the moon was [surrounded] by a halo which was not closed [....] 3´ [....] rain shower, the south wind blew. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 30´, .... [....] 4´ [....] much [....,] gusty south wind. Night of the 18th, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 5´ [....] ⅔ cubit behind γ Virginis. The 21st, very col[d ....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 667
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin 4½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 12 SI GIN [....] 2´ [.... D]IR AN DIB EN-NUN U4-ZAL sin TÙR NU KÀD [NIGIN ....] 3´ [....] AN UTAḪ ULÙ GIN GE6 16 7,30 GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] MAḪ ULÙ ŠÁR GE6 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] 5´ [....] ár DELE šá IGI ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ 21 ma-diš ŠE[D7 ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35130 (= Sp II 676)
BM 35130
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] crossed? .... , thunder, [....] 2´ [....] in the middle watch, the moon [was surrounded] by a halo [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moo[n ....] 4´ [....] thunder, lightning flashed continuously. Night of the 15th, [....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit behind π Scorpii [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 4? [cubits?] below β Capricorni [....] 7´ [....] .... rain shower. Night of the 23rd, clouds [....] the sky [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 668
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIB GÙ U [....] 2´ [....] EN-NUN MURUB4 sin TÙR [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ GE6 13 SAG GE6 si[n ....] 4´ [....] GÙ U GÍR GÍR-GÍR GE6 15 [....] 5´ [....] ár MÙL SIG šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SI MÁŠ ⌈4?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ AN UTAḪ GE6 23 DIR AN [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35132–35146
BM 35132 (= Sp II 678)
BM 35132
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 5th, beginning [of the night, ....] 2´ [....] rain DUL. The 8th, very overcast; in the mor[ning, ....] 3´ [....] .... being 1½ cubits low to the south [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 5´ [....] .... when it began, in 18° of ni[ght ....] 6´ [....] did not stand there. 1½ cubits in front of [.... (the moon) became eclipsed.] 7´ [....] .... a little rain shower, the south wind ble[w ....] 8´ [....] The 18th, the south wind blew. Night of the 19th, [....] 9´ [....] .... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....]
Copy: LBAT 669
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GE6 5 SAG [GE6 ....] 2´ [....] AN DUL 8 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina še-[rì ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 13 SAG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ki-i TAB-ú ina 18 G[E6 ....] 6´ [....] NU GUBmeš 1½ KÙŠ ina IGI [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ULÙ GI[N ....] 8´ [....] 18 ULÙ GIN GE6 19 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin [....]
BM 35133 (= Sp II 679)
BM 35133
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½ cubit [....] 2´ [....] low to the south [....] 3´ [....] 1½ [cubits .... β/δ] Scorpii [....] 4´ [....] .... rain shower, gusty north and west winds [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 24th (and) the 24th, gusty north and west winds [....] 6´ [....] 2 cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 13° 40´? [....] 7´ [.... fr]om the 11th? until the 14th, 5? sūt; from the 15th until [....] 8´ [....] 16th, 1 pān? 2? sūt .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 666
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ [....] 2´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1⌈½⌉ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ SI u MAR ŠÁRm[eš ....] 5´ [....] GE6 24 24 SI u MAR ŠÁRme[š ....] 6´ [....] ⌈šá⌉ SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ 27 13,⌈40?⌉ [KUR ....] 7´ [.... T]A? ⌈11?⌉ EN 14 5?(b) TA 15 EN [....] 8´ [....] 16 ⌈1(p)? 2?(b) x⌉ [....]
BM 35146 (= Sp II 696)
BM 35146
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 672
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... šá še-pí]t MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 [....] [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 12 SAG [GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 13 SI GIN [....] [.... AN UTA]Ḫ i-ṣa IM ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... η/μ] Geminorum. Night [....] [....] very overcast. Night of the 12th, beginning [of the night, ....] [....] .... The 13th, the north wind blew [....] [....] a little [rain sho]wer, .... wind [....] [....] ½ cubit .... [....]
BM 35153+35158 7´ 8´
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 19 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ULÙ u KU[R ....] [....] GE6 21 DIR [....] [.... ina ZÁL]AG ULÙ u KUR ŠÁRm[eš ....] [.... ina I]GI GÌR ár šá A ½ [KÙŠ ....] [....] ana NIM DIB e dele-bat 1 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈AN⌉ DUL-ḫat PI[SAN? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ kàs ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ITU x⌉ [....]
Upper edge´ 1 [....] ⌈PAP⌉ 30 na ITU BI šá [....] 2 [....] ⌈x⌉ 22 1-en LÚ šá ana UG[U ....] 3 [....] ⌈x⌉ 30 12 ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] .... the 19th, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] the south and ea[st winds ....] [....] Night of the 21st, clouds [....] [.... last] part of the night, gusty south and east winds [....] [....] ½ [cubit in] front of β Virginis [....] [....] having passed [....] to the east, 1 cubit above Venus [....] [....] a little rain shower, .... [....] [....] rain DUL, PI[SAN? ....] [....] .... mustard .... [....] [....] month .... [....]
Upper edge´ 1 [....] total: 30 was the na (gauge). That month, .... [....] 2 [....] .... The 22nd, one man who above [....] 3 [....] .... 30 12 .... [....] 4 [....] .... [....]
BM 35153 + 35158 (= Sp II 705+710)
BM 35153 + 35158
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ .... [....] .... [....] 2´ The 15th, [....] the moon? was [....] below .... [....] 3´ Night of the 18th, the north wind blew, ZI IR; last part of the night, [....] 4´ Venus having passed 2 fingers to the east; all night .... [....] 5´ The 20th, the north wind blew, ZI IR. Night of the 21st, [....] 6´ Night of the 22nd, the north wind blew, ZI IR [....] 7´ 3 cubits [....] The 23rd, in the morning, clouds [....] 8´ last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit above α Leonis [....] 9´ below ϑ Leon[is ....] 10´ ZI IR. Night of the 29th (and) the 2[9th, ....] 11´ wool, 3 minas for [....] 12´ total: .... was the na (gauge). That month, [....] 13´ offerings to Bel, [....]
Copies: LBAT 671, 676
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ ⌈15⌉ [....] ⌈sin?⌉ SIG ⌈MÚL x⌉ [.....] 3´ GE6 18 SI GIN ZI IR ina ZÁLAG [....] 4´ dele-bat 2 U ana NIM DIB kal GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ 20 SI GIN ZI IR GE6 21 [....] 6´ GE6 22 SI GIN ZI IR [....] 7´ 3 KÙŠ 23 ina še-rì DIR [....] 8´ ina ZÁLAG sin e LUGAL 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 9´ SIG GIŠ.KU[N A ....] 10´ ZI IR GE6 29 2[9 ....] 11´ SÍGḫá 3 ma-na a-[na ....] 12´ PAP ⌈x x⌉ na ITU B[I ....] 13´ NIDBA ana dEN d[....]
BM 35155–35179
200 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´
um-ma IZI-ŠUB [....] —————————— DU6 1 ⌈17⌉ na-su ⌈x⌉ [....] sin 2? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] SAG G[E6? ....] 6 ⌈SI? GIN? x x⌉ [....] GE6 9 9 SI GI[N ....] 13 SI GIN GE6 [....] [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
14´ 15´
16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
Left edge 1 [....] ⌈IDe?-meṭ?-ri?⌉ [LUG]AL
20´ 21´
as follows: a “fall of fire” [....] —————————— Month VII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 17° .... [....] the moon being 2? .... [....] beginning of the ni[ght, ....] The 6th, the north wind blew .... [....] Night of the 9th (and) the 9th, the north wind ble[w ....] The 13th, the north wind blew. Night [....] [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [....] King Demetrius?.
BM 35155 (= Sp II 707)
BM 35155
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 673
(blank) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x⌉ šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1½ KÙŠ ⌈8 ⌉ [....] [.... GE6 x]+1 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SI M[ÁŠ ....] [....] in 13 IGI GE6 15 ina ZÁL[AG ....] [.... ana] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ LAL GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár?⌉ [....] [....] sin SIG AN 2 KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x GENNA⌉ ina TIL A ŠÚ? ⌈ITU⌉ B[I ....] [.... i-n]u-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ITU B]I ILLU [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] 1½ cubits [.... β/δ] Scorpii. The 8th?, [....] [.... Night of the x]+1st, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Cap[ricorni ....] [....] (ideal) first appearance on the 13th. Night of the 15th, last part of the [night, ....] [....] back to the west. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] the moon was 2 cubits below Mars, the moon being ½ cu[bit ....] [....] .... Saturn’s last? appearance in the end of Leo. That month, [....] [.... At] that time, Jupiter was in [....] .... [....] [.... Th]at [month,] the river level [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35179 (= Sp II 732)
BM 35179
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... w]ool, 3½ min[as ....] 2´ [....] That month, the river level from the 14th until the end? [of the month? ....] 3´ [....] will be made.
Copy: LBAT 680
´Flake´ 1´ [.... SÍ]Gḫá 3½ ⌈ma⌉-[na ....] 2´ [....] ⌈ITU⌉ BI ILLU TA 14 EN TI[L? ITU? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ in-né-ep-pu-uš
BM 35183 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] DIR AN ZA GE6 3 sin SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ [....] [.... x]+½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 1 KÙŠ 6 SI ana ULÙ SI[G ....] [....] DIR AN DIB AN DUL ina KIN-SIG U 1-en-šú [....] [.... U]LÙ 1 KÙŠ sin 1⅔ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
201 4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´
[....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 cubits below η Tauri [....] [.... (the moon)] stood [x]+½ cubit [....] to the west, the moon being 1 cubit 6 fingers low to the south [....] [....] clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL; in the afternoon, it thundered once [....] [....] 1 cubit [....] ...., the moon being 1⅔ cubits low to the south [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35183 (= Sp II 736)
BM 35183
Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 3´ [.... for] 1 shekel of wrought silver. At that time, Jup[iter ....] 4´ [.... (the river level)] receded [....,] total: 28½ was the na (gauge); the 27th, it rose 2 fingers, total: 28 was the na (gauge) [....] 5´ [....] .... entered Cutha. The 17th day, [....] 6´ [.... Ard]aya, this general of Babylonia, [....] 7´ [....] the general of Babylonia with his servants and his troops [....] 8´ [....] at the command of Ardaya, the general of Babylonia [....] 9´ [....] .... 38 each in cubits for width .... [....] 10´ [....] rejected? this [general] of Babylonia. That month, the 22nd day, .... [....] 11´ [....]-s, 3 birds? and rosettes which, on top of .... [....] 12´ [....] .... the assembly of the weavers was given. Bel-lūmur, the zazakku, and the [....] 13´ [.... at the] command of a man of Nippur, the overseer of the work force and the Babylonians [....] 14´ [....] to Bel-lūmur, the zazakku [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 9; Y. Mitsuma, Orient 53, 68 Bibliography: Y. Mitsuma, Orient 53, 55-68.
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... D]IR AN ZA SI GIN G[E6 ....] 3´ [.... a-na] ⌈1⌉ GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ep-šú i-nu-šú ⌈MÚL⌉-B[ABBAR ....] 4´ [....] LAL PAP 28½ na 27 2 SI GIN PAP 28 n[a ....] 5´ [.... t]u? ana uruGÚ-DU8-Aki KU4 U4-17⌈KAM⌉ [....] 6´ [.... IAr-d]a-a-a lúGAL ERÍNmeš kurURIki meš MU-a-t[ì ....] 7´ [....] lúGAL ERÍNmeš kurURIki meš EN lúÌRmeššú u lúERÍNmeš-šú [....] 8´ [....] ina qí-bi šá IAr-da-a-a lúGAL ERÍNm[eš kur]⌈URI?⌉[ki ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 38 TA ina 1 KÙŠ ana DAGAL TA ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... lúGAL ERÍNmeš kur]⌈URI⌉ki meš MU-a-tì ŠUB-di ITU BI ⌈U4-22-KAM x⌉ [....] 11´ [....]meš ⌈3⌉ MUŠEN u a-a-rimeš šá ana muḫḫi ⌈TÚG a?⌉-[....] 12´ [....] ⌈x xmeš⌉ lúUKKIN šá lúUŠ-BARmeš SUM IdEN-IGI lúzà-za-ku u lú[....] 13´ [.... ina q]í-bi šá lúDUMU EN.LÍLki lúEN pi-ir u lúEki meš [....] 14´ [....]meš ⌈ana IdEN-IGI lú⌈za⌉-[zak]-⌈ku⌉ [....]
BM 35185–35200
BM 35185 (= Sp II 738)
BM 35185
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 684
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x ma x x⌉[....] [....] ⌈3⌉ qa ina TIL ITU 5(b) 4 qa ZÚ-LUM [....] [....] AN ina MÁŠ GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-u NU IGI —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1 šámaš ina DIR ŠÚ GE6 2 sin SIG SI MÁŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin ár AN 1⅔ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] šámaš ina DIR ŠÚ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 9? DUL ina KIN-SIG 2 TIR-A[N ....] [....] ḪUN? IGI KUR NIM ina 5 I[GI ....] [.... x]+1 ina še-rì DUL ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ 27 ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ina KIN-[SIG ....] [....] 3⅔ K[ÙŠ?] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 8 SI ana NIM GUB D[IR? ....] [....] AN ZA GE6 7 SAG G[E6 ....] [....] KÙŠ TA 6 EN ⌈9⌉ [....] [....] GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] [.... GE6 1]⌈3? SAG⌉ GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 16 1 ⌈x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´
7´ 8´
9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [....] 3 qa, at the end of the month, 5 sūt 4 qa; dates, [....] [....] Mars was in Capricorn; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. —————————— [....] .... The 1st, the sun set in a cloud. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] below β Capricorni [....] [....] .... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1⅔ cubits behind Mars, .... [....] [....] the sun set in a cloud. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] the 9th?, DUL; in the afternoon, two rainbows [....] [....] first appearance [in] Aries?; it was bright (and) high, (ideal) fir[st appearance] on the 5th [....] [.... The x]+1st, in the morning, DUL .... [....] [....] .... The 27th, .... [....]
[....] in the after[noon, ....] [....] 3⅔ cu[bits] .... [....] [....] it stood 8 fingers to the east; cl[ouds ....] [....] were in the sky. Night of the 7th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] cubits. From the 6th until the 9th, [....] [....] Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [.... Night of the 1]3th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 16th, [....:] 1° [....]
BM 35200 (= Sp II 756)
BM 35200
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 682
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
1´ ?
[....] šá ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x GE6? 14? 4?,30 GE6 DIR NU [PAP ....]
[....] of .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 14th?, sunset to moonrise: 4°? 30´?; clouds, I did not [watch ....]
BM 35216 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈GE6 x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG DUR nu[nu ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈šur?⌉ G[IGIR? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] KUR4 a-pir muš [....] 2´ [....] ⌈e is le10 3½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] 3´ [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ IGI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 12 SAG G[E6 ....] 4´ [.... ana] NIM GUB 13 9,50 ŠÚ DIR NU [PAP ....] 5´ [.... ina] IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ [....] 7´ [.... MÚL] ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 4 SI ina ZÁLAG [....] —————————— 8´ [.... x]+4? na-su muš GE6 1 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 9´ [....] ina IGI is le10 2 KÚŠ 6 [....] 10´ [....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈sin? x x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] Night of the xth, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below η Piscium [....] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [β/ζ?] T[auri? ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] it was bright, earthshine, measured [....] [....] 3½ cubits above α Tauri. Night [....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] α Geminorum. Night of the 12th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] it stood [.... to] the east. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 50´; clouds, I did not [watch ....] [....] 2 cubits in front of α Virginis. Night of the 18th, last part of the [night, ....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Capricorni [....] [....] 4 fingers [....] δ Cancri; last part of the night, [....] —————————— [....] sunset to moonset: [x]+4°?, measured. Night of the 1st, last part of the [night, ....] [....] 2 cubits in front of α Tauri. The 6th, [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius [....] [....] the moon? .... [....]
BM 35216 (= Sp II 774)
BM 35216
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 678
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ ana NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] DIR AN DIB AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 28 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... A]N ZA GE6 29 DIR AN ZA [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 30 DIR AN DIB GÙ U MAḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... D]IR AN ZA ITU BI KI.LAM še-im ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... saḫ]-le10 4 PI ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 5(b) ina TIL IT[U ....] 9´ [.... a-na 1] GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ep-šú i-nušú MÚL-[BABBAR ....]
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... [....] [....] cubits to the east .... [....] [....] clouds crossed the sky, rain .... [....] [.... Night] of the 28th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky, .... [....] [....] were in the sky. Night of the 29th, clouds were in the sky [....] [....] .... Night of the 30th, clouds crossed the sky, much thunder, .... [....] [.... cl]ouds were in the sky. That month, the equivalent was: barley, .... [....] [.... cr]ess, 4 pān; sesame, 5 sūt, at the end of the mon[th, ....] [.... for 1] shekel of wrought silver. At that time, Ju[piter ....]
204 10´ 11´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
BM 35222 [.... ILLU] ⌈1⌉ 2 3 1 KÙŠ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN [....]
10´ 11´
[....] GE6 ⌈4⌉ sin ár MÚL-M[ÚL ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... U]LÙ ŠÁR GE6 5 sin ina IGI šur SI 2 [....] [.... SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá šepít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] [.... ina KI]N-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin á[r ....] [....] NIGIN 7 DIR SAL AN ZA šámaš TÙ[R ....] [....] KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 10sic SAG [GE6 ....] [....] KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 9sic DIR AN [....] [....] KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....] [.... LU]GAL 2½ KÙŠ kal [GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... the river level,] the 1st, 2nd, (and) 3rd, rose 1 cubit, .... [....] [....] it rose .... fingers [....]
[....] Night of the 4th, the moon was [....] behind η Tau[ri ....] .... [....] [....] gusty south wind. Night of the 5th, the moon was 2 [....] in front of β Tauri [....] [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] in front of η Geminorum [....] [.... in the af]ternoon, very overcast. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] be[hind ....] [....] was surrounded [....] The 7th, thin clouds were in the sky, the sun [was surrounded] by a halo [....] [....] cubits, the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. Night of the 10th sic, beginning [of the night, ....] [....] having passed [....] cubits to the east. The 9th sic, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] cubits, the moon being 2½ cubits [low] to the south [....] [....] 2½ cubits [.... α] Leonis; all [night, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35222 (= Sp II 781)
BM 35222
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ Night of the 16th, all night, clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 4´ the moon having passed a little to the east. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 5´ 1½ cubits [....] ρ Leonis [....] 6´ last part of the night, the moon was 2 [....] behind γ Virginis [....] 7´ [The 2]8th, gusty north and west winds blew [....] 8´ [.... un]til the 9th, 3 pān, at the end of the month, 3 pān .... [....] 9´ [....] around the 9th, Mercury’s [.... appearance] in the west ...., [omitted ....] 10´ [....] of Babylonia, from Babylon? [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 685
´Flake´ 1´ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 16 kal GE6 DIR AN Z[A ....] 3´ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ár šur GIGIR [....] 4´ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB GE6 20+[x ....] 5´ šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ [....] 6´ [ina] ZÁLAG sin ár DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2 [....] 7´ [2]8 SI u MAR ŠÁRmeš GINm[eš ....] 8´ [x x E]N 9 3(p) PI ina TIL ITU 3(p) ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [x x x] in 9 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-[DA ....] 10´ [....] KUR URIki TA E?[ki? ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35226–35232
BM 35226 (= Sp II 788)
BM 35226
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the 21st, .... [....] 2´ [.... a]ll night, clouds crossed the sky; beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 3´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 40´; [clouds,] I did not watch; in the morning, clouds crossed the sky [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 29th, [all] night, clouds crossed the sky [....] 5´ [....] 4 sūt; dates, 2 pān 4 sūt; mustard, 1 kur [....] 6´ [.... were not] visible. That month, the river level, from the 5+[xth ....] 7´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky. The 1st, very overcast, rain DUL. Night of the 2nd, [....] 8´ [....] The 4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius; clou[ds ....] 9´ [.... in] the morning, rain DUL. Night of the 7th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 10´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 11´ [....] .... The 9th?, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] 12´ [....] 1 [cubit in] front of β Geminorum [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 689
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈21 x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ka]l GE6 DIR AN DIB SAG G[E6 ....] 3´ [.... x],40 KUR [DIR] NU PAP ina še-rì DIR AN DIB [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 29 [kal] GE6 DIR AN DIB [....] 5´ [....] ⌈4(b)⌉ ZÚ 2(p) 4(b) kàs 1(g) GUR [....] 6´ [.... NU I]GImeš ITU BI ILLU TA 5+[x ....] 7´ [.... D]IR AN ZA 1 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN DUL GE6 2 [....] 8´ [....] 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI DI[R ....] 9´ [.... ina] še-rì AN DUL GE6 7 SAG G[E6 ....] 10´ [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG šur GIGIR [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x 9?⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] 12´ [.... ina] IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 [KÙŠ ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35232 (= Sp II 798)
BM 35232
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 688
´Obv. 1´
[....] ⌈x PISAN? x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 [....] MU-2-me-4+[x ....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lower edge 1 [....] year 204+[x ....] Rev.´ 1
[....] ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 21 kal ME D[IR? ....] [....] ⌈né-ḫi⌉ PISAN MAḪ DIB ULÙ GIN [....] [....] SI GIN GE6 25 DIR AN [....] [.... 2]8 SI GIN 29 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] [....] EN 7 5(b) 2½ qa 8 9 [....] [....] ⌈9 10⌉ 2(p) 2(b) 11 2(p) [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] .... [....]
2 3 4 5 6 7
[....] being ½ cubit back to the west. The 21st, all day, cl[ouds? ....] [....] slow [rain,] much PISAN DIB, the south wind blew [....] [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [.... the 2]8th, the north wind blew. The 29th, in the afternoon, very over[cast ....] [....] until the 7th, 5 sūt 2½ qa; the 8th (and) the 9th, [....] [....] the 9th (and) the 10th, 2 pān 2 sūt; the 11th, 2 pān [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35239–35243
BM 35239 (= Sp II 806)
BM 35239
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IM ŠÁR GE6 3 S[AG? GE6? ....] 2´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ šá SI[PA ....] 3´ [.... A]N UTAḪ i 8 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ GÍR GÙ U M[AḪ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x Á⌉ SI u KUR ⌈GÁL?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina še-rì DIR AN ZA [....] 6´ [.... x]+1 SAG GE6 ⌈sin⌉ [....] 7´ [.... G]E6 GIN [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... gusty wind. Night of the 3rd, be[ginning? of the night, ....] 2´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] in front of γ Geminorum [....] 3´ [....] a little [r]ain shower. The 8th, in the afternoon, overcast, lightning, m[uch] thunder [....] 4´ [....] .... on the north and east side [....] 5´ [....] .... in the morning, clouds were in the sky [....] 6´ [.... the x]+1st, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 7´ [....] after sunset, [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35240 (= Sp II 807)
BM 35240
Photo: YM
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [....] ⌈e?⌉ MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁ[Š ....] 2´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 8 8 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x MÚL⌉ [x šá] SAG ḪUN 1+[x ....] 4´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ [T]ÙR NIGIN AN U[TAḪ? ....] 5´ [....] ana MAR ZÁLAG AN-KU10-šú S[A5? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈GIGIR?⌉ šá SI a-dir ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x AN? DUL? x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [....] above? δ Capricorni [....] 2´ [....] very overcast. Night of the 8th (and) the 8th, very overcast [....] 3´ [....] 1+[x .... β/α] Arietis [....] 4´ [....] the moon was surrounded by a halo; rain sh[ower? ....] 5´ [....] it cleared [from ....] to west; its eclipse was r[ed? ....] 6´ [....] β? Tauri? it became eclipsed .... [....] 7´ [....] .... rain? DUL? .... [....]
BM 35243 (= Sp II 810)
BM 35243
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Medi[a ....] 3´ [....]-su, son of [....] 4´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 5´ [....] very overcast; in the afternoon, rain .... [....] 6´ [....] ...., the north wind blew. Night of the 6th, beginning of the ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] rising? of .... to sunrise?: 7° .... Night of the 10th, [....] 8´ [....] ⅔ cubit [....] southern [....,] the moon being 1½ cubits [low] to the south [....]
Copy: LBAT 686
Copy: LBAT 698
Copy: LBAT 687
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KUR Ma-da-[a-a ....] 3´ [....]-su A šá I[....] 4´ [....] ⌈x DI⌉ IM [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN ⌈x⌉[....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 6 SAG G[E6 ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 7 na? ⌈x x x⌉ GE6 10 [....] 8´ [....] ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....]
BM 35244–35257 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ŠÁR? GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 13 1,30 ŠÚ NU PAP GE6 10+[x ....] [.... G]E6 15 USAN DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin ina IG[I ....] [.... 1]6 ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ KÙŠ sin i-ṣ[a ....]
12´ 13´
[....] gusty? [wind.] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] being [x]+1 cubit back to the west. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 30´; I did not watch. Night of the 10+[xth,....] [.... Ni]ght of the 15th, first part of the night, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in fro[nt of ....] [.... The 1]6th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] [....] cubit ...., the moon being a litt[le ....]
BM 35244 (= Sp II 811)
BM 35244
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 3´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 9th, begin[ning of the night, ....] 4´ [....] the moon was 1 cu[bit] above η Geminorum [....] 5´ [....] its (the halo’s) gate was open to the south. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 6´ [....] high to the north; clouds were in the sky, the south and east winds blew [....] 7´ [....] .... The 15th, in the morning, very overcast, rain shower [....] 8´ [.... a]ll day, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 17th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 9´ [....] first appearance in Leo. The 17th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind b[lew ....] 10´ [....] The 19th, all day, very overcast, the north wind blew. Night [....] 11´ [....] 2½ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [low?] to the s[outh? ....] 12´ [.... of the ni]ght, very overcast, rain shower [....]
Copy: LBAT 690
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ina [....] 3´ [....] SI GIN GE6 9 SA[G GE6 ....] 4´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [.... K]Á-šú ana ULÙ BAD GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin [....] 6´ [.... ana] SI NIM DIR AN ZA ULÙ ⌈u KUR GINmeš⌉ [....] 7´ [.... me]š? 15 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN ⌈UTAḪ⌉ [....] 8´ [.... ka]l ME DIR AN ZA GE6 17 DIR AN ⌈DIB⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ina A IGI 17 DIR AN ZA SI G[IN? ....] 10´ [....] 19 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ? SIG? ....] 12´ [.... G]E6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTA[Ḫ ....]
BM 35257 (= Sp II 825)
BM 35257
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] measured .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 4´ [....] .... I did not see the moon. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] be[hind ....]
Copy: LBAT 691
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈muš x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x DU? x x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ sin NU IGI GE6 2 sin á[r ....]
208 5´ 6´
BM 35261–35265 [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL KUR] šá KIR4 sil PA 1½ KÙŠ 8? [....]
5´ 6´
[....] .... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi. The 8th?, [....]
BM 35261 (= Sp II 829)
BM 35261
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GU4]-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI KUR NIM-a 17? [....] 3´ [.... š]á SAG GÍR-TAB 2½ KÙŠ ina IGI AN 2 KÙŠ [....] 4´ [....] 1 KÙŠ GE6 9 [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG USAN A[N? ....] 6´ [....] RÍN šá ULÙ ⌈4?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini; it was bright (and) high, [rising of Mercury to sunrise:] 17°? [....] 3´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... β/δ] Scorpii, 2 cubits in front of Mars [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [....] Night of the 9th, [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] low to the south; first part of the night, Ma[rs? ....] 6´ [....] 4? [....] α Librae [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35262 (= Sp II 830)
BM 35262
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ sin ina IGI MÚ[L ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ? ina KIN-SIG AN D[UL? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x 1?⌉ KÙŠ 12 AN-BAR7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 5´ [.... D]IR AN ZA ina KIN-SIG GÙ U MAḪ ⌈GÍR GÍR?⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ZA? GE6 17 17 DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the moon was in front of .... [....] 3´ [....] .... very overcast; in the afternoon, rain D[UL? ....] 4´ [....] 1? cubit .... The 12th, at noon, very overcast [....] 5´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky; in the afternoon, much thunder, lightning flashed [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 17th (and) the 17th, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35265 (= Sp II 833)
BM 35265
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [Month XII, ....] .... the moon being 2 cu[bits? ....] 3´ [....] (ideal) first appearance [on the xth] of month XI [....] 4´ [....] 5½ cubits [low] to the south [....] 5´ [....] the moon was [....] above α Tauri [....] 6´ [....] Venus? being 5? fingers? to .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 692
Copy: LBAT 697
Copy: LBAT 696
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [ituŠE ....] ⌈x⌉ sin 2 K[ÙŠ? ....] 3´ [....] šá ituZÍZ I[GI ....] 4´ [....] 5½ KÙŠ ana UL[Ù SIG ....] 5´ [....] sin e is le10 [....] 6´ [....] dele-bat? 5? ⌈SI? ana x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35266–35269+35347+35358
BM 35266 (= Sp II 834)
BM 35266
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 8th?, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind β Virginis .... [....] 4´ [....] measured?; the moon .... on the south and east side? .... [....] 5´ [....] its [eclipse] was red, its redness was amber; in its eclipse, ....; in its eclipse, [....] 6´ [....] first appearance in the end of Aries; rising of [....] to sunrise: 8°; (ideal) first appearance on the 14th. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° .... [....] 7´ [....] there was [.... in the distr]ict of Kumar; wrong-doing .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 695
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈GE6? 8?⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin SIG [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 12 SAG GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A 3 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] muš? sin ⌈DI? RU? x x Á? ULÙ?⌉ u KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... AN-KU10]-šú SA5 SA5-šú SUD ⌈ina AN⌉-KU10-šú ⌈x x⌉ ina AN-KU10-šú [....] 6´ [.... ina] TIL ḪUN IGI 8 na-su in 14 IGI 15 7 na ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... ina KI]-tì? Ku-mar GÁL ḫi-bil-tú li? [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] Comments 5´: Translation “amber” for SUD proposed by Y. Mitsuma, NABU 2019/30.
BM 35269 + 35347 + 35358 (= Sp II 837+921+934)
BM 35269 + 35347 + 35358
Copies: LBAT 700 (35269), 720 (35358); by T. G. Pinches,
Pl. 9 (35347). The joins were found by I. L. Finkel.
Bibliography: Y. Mitsuma, “The Relationship Between
Greco-Macedonian Citizens and the ‚Council of Elders‘ in the Arsacid Period”, in J. Haubold et al. (eds.), Keeping
Watch in Babylon, 294–306. Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
4´ ?
[....] ⌈x⌉ e MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ x⌉ [....] [....] TA 12 EN TIL ITU 4(b) 1½ qa [....] [....] ⌈EN⌉ 5 1(b) ⌈x qa?⌉ mi-šil 4-ʾu TA 6 EN 10 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈20 dele-bat⌉ PA KUR in 1 GU4-UD ⌈PA⌉ KUR in 27 GU4-UD MÁŠ KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... Mi-it-ra-da-t]a-a lúGAL.GAL ú-qa-an ḫi-ṭu šá LUGAL ana IGI-šú-nu i-⌈x⌉[....] [....] pu-li-te-e šá i-ṭár-ri-du-ú lúpe-li-ga[na-nu ....] [....] ip-ḫu-ru-nim-ma ú-nu-ut MÈ ana IGIšú-nu ki ⌈iš?-ku?-nu?⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... 1 cubit above Jupiter .... [....] [....] from the 12th until the end of the month, 4 sūt 1½ qa [....] [....] until the 5th, 1 sūt x qa (and) half of one-fourth, from the 6th until the 10th, .... [....] [....] the 20th, Venus reached Sagittarius; around the 1st, Mercury reached Sagittarius; around the 27th, Mercury reached Capricorn; .... [....] [.... Mitradat]â, the chief general, i[mposed?] punishment of the king on them [....] [....] the citizens who are called peligā[nu ....] [....] they gathered, and having placed? battle equipment before them, [....]
BM 35270
210 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] šá la maš-a-a-al-tú GAZmeš ITU BI ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... IT]U BI ŠÈGmeš u ILLUmeš KUD[meš ....] [....] ana ⌈NIM DIB⌉ ár AN 1 KÙŠ {x} sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [....] [....] MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 3 KÙŠ sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB SI GIN 12 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... I]GI? GE6 14 2,30 GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ kal ME ⌈DIR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... E]N 20 4(b) 1½ qa 4-ʾu TA 21 E[N ....] 3´ [.... ZÚ]-LUM BADmeš TA 1 EN 20 5(b) TA 2[1 ....] 4´ [.... T]A 21 EN 28 4½ qa 4-⌈ʾu?⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ITU? B]I? ILLU 8 [....] Comments Obv. 5´: At the end of the line, the damaged sign after i does not look like šad. ḫīṭa šadādu means to suffer punishment. Here it is more likely that Mitradata imposed punishment; the usual expression is ḫīṭa emēdu. Obv. 6´: peliganānu occurs in the chronicle BCHP 18, see the comments by R. van der Spek there.
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] they killed without interrogation. That month, in .... [....] [....] That [mo]nth, rains and high water were cut off [....] [....] having passed [....] to the east, 1 cubit behind Mars, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [.... the moon was] 2 cubits below η Piscium, the moon being [....] [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [....] μ Geminorum, the moon being [....] [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky, the north wind blew. The 12th, .... [....] [....] first appearance? [....] Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 30´ [....] [....] .... all day, clouds [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [.... un]til the 20th, 4 sūt 1½ qa (and) onefourth, from the 21st un[til ....] [.... da]tes, old ones, from the 1st until the 20th, 5 sūt, from the 2[1st ....] [.... fr]om the 21st until the 28th, 4½ qa (and) one-fourth [....] [....] Th]at [month,] the river level [....] 8 [....]
BM 35270 (= Sp II 838)
BM 35270
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 701
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] (space) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈5?⌉ KÙŠ SIG GIŠ.KUN ⌈A⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA AN UTAḪ SI GIN [....] [.... M]ÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1 K[ÙŠ ....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár MÚL M[URUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 ŠÚ DIR A[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG [....]
(space) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] 5 cubits, [....] below ϑ Leonis [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky, rain shower, the north wind blew [....] [....] 1 cubit [....] η Piscium [....] [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ [Scorpii ....] [....] .... Night of the 11th, overcast, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... beginning [....]
BM 35274–35276
BM 35274 (= Sp II 842)
BM 35274
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, rain shower, lightning [....] 3´ [....] ½ cubit [....] clouds crossed the sky. The 7th, [....] 4´ [....] 1+[x ....] in front of γ Virginis [....] 5´ [....] the moon was [....] behind α Vir[ginis ....] 6´ [....] .... lightning, thunder [....] 7´ [....] .... below Mars .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 699
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... DI]R AN ZA AN UTAḪ GÍR [....] 3´ [....] ½ KÙŠ DIR AN DIB 7 [....] 4´ [....] ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1+[x ....] 5´ [....] sin ár SA4 šá A[BSIN ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÙ U? [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35275 (= Sp II 843+844)
BM 35275
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., very overcast, lightning flashed, thick rain [....] 3´ [....] .... thick rain, much PISAN D[IB ....] 4´ [....] very overcast. Night of the 27th, very overcast. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 40´ [....] 5´ [.... ses]ame, 1 pān; wool, 4 minas. At that time, around [....] 6´ [....] .... around the 6th, Mars’ last appearance in the end of Pisces. That month, the ri[ver level ....] —————————— 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 694
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR [GÍR] AN kab-bar [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x ri⌉ AN kab-bar PISAN MAḪ D[IB ....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 27 10,40 KU[R ....] 5´ [.... ŠE-G]IŠ-Ì 1 PI SÍG 4 ma-na i-nu-šú in [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x in 6⌉ AN ina TIL zibme ŠÚ ITU BI I[LLU ....] —————————— 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35276 (= Sp II 845)
BM 35276
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [.... earth]shine, measured; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there; it was low to the sun. Night of the 1st, clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ [....] The 3rd, very overcast. Night of the 4th, clouds were in the sky; the moon was 3? [cubits] in front of γ Capricorni [....]
Copy: LBAT 693
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... a]-pir muš ina GUB IGI ana šámaš SIG GE6 1 DIR AN ZA [....] 3´ [....] ⌈3?⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 4 DIR AN ZA sin ina IGI SUḪUR IGI ⌈3?⌉ [KÙŠ ....]
212 4´ 5´ 6´
BM 35283–35287 [....] 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e RÍN šá [ULÙ ....] [....] ⌈DIR AN ZA SI⌉ GIN GE6 13 ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´
[....] 2½ cubits low to the south; last part of the night, Venus was [....] above [α] Librae [....] [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 13th, overcast [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35283 (= Sp II 852)
BM 35283
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] At that time, Jupiter was in .... [....] 2´ [....] .... of the Day One Temple went? .... [....] —————————— 3´ [....] (the moon) was faint, measured (despite) mist. The 1st, the north wind blew. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Saturn was [....] bel[ow ....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of δ Scorpii [....] 5´ [....] The 5th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Virgo; it was small (and) low? [....] 6´ [....] .... Mars was 6 fingers above δ Scorpii, Mars being [....] 7´ [....] .... The 11th, the north wind blew. Night of the 12th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 8´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [x]+2°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9°, measured; 14° sunset to setting of [....] 9´ [.... ] was 2 cubits above α Scorpii. The 17th, the north wind blew. Night of the 18th, [....] 10´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Tauri [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 702
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈i-nu-šú MÚL⌉-BABBAR ina ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....]-nu-ú šá É-U4-1-KAM GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 3´ [....] SIG a-kam muš 1 SI GIN GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG GENNA SI[G ....] 4´ [.... GE6] 5 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG G[ÍR-TAB ....] 5´ [....] 5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI TUR ù šá-pul? [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN e MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB 6 SI AN [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DA? ana? ⌈x x⌉ 11 SI GIN GE6 12 SAG G[E6 ....] 8´ [.... x]+2 GE6 15 9 na muš 14 na šá [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ e SI4 2 KÙŠ 17 SI GIN GE6 18 [....] 10´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ár is le10 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35287 (= Sp II 856)
BM 35287
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the 26th, .... [....] 2´ [....] mustard, 2 kur; cress, 3+[x] sūt [....] 3´ [.... (the river level)] receded [x]+1 cubits. —————————— 4´ [....] .... the moon was [....] in front of α Virgi[nis ....] 5´ [....] 20 fingers [....] Scorpii. Night of the 7th, beginning [of the night ....]
Copy: LBAT 704
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 26 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ka-si 2(g) GUR saḫ-le10 3+[x(b) ....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ LAL —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSI[N ....] 5´ [....] ⌈GÍR⌉-TAB 20 SI GE6 7 SAG [GE6 ....]
BM 35289–35290 6´ 7´
[.... S]AG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá [SUḪUR MÁŠ ....] [.... x],30 na in 10 IGI ⌈GE6⌉ 12+[x ....]
6´ 7´
213 [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of γ [Capricorni ....] [....] rising of [....] to sunrise: [x°] 30´; (ideal) first appearance on the 10th. Night of the 12+[xth, ....]
BM 35289 (= Sp II 859)
BM 35289
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon was [....] above [....] 2´ [.... barle]y?, 2 pān 4 sūt; the 9th?, .... [....] 3´ [.... Jupit]er was in Virgo; Venus, until the mi[ddle of the month, ....] —————————— 4´ [.... Night of the] 1st?, the moon was [....] in front of γ Capricorni [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below η [Piscium ....] 6´ [....] 1½ cubits below α Arietis [....] 7´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... δ/ϑ] Cancri .... [....] 8´ [....] .... ½ cubit [....] The 13th, .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 705
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin e [....] 2´ [.... še-i]m? 2(p) 4(b) 9? ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... MÚL-BABB]AR ina ABSIN dele-bat EN MU[RUB4 ....] —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈1⌉ sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁ[Š ....] 5´ [....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL KUR [šá DUR nu-nu ....] 6´ [....] SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 1½ KÙŠ [....] 7´ [.... AL]LA šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ 13 ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35290 (= Sp II 860)
BM 35290
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being 1½ cubits [....] 4´ [.... a]ll day, the north wind, which was set to the west side, bl[ew ....] 5´ [....] the moon having passed a little to the east. The 18th, in the morning, [....] 6´ [....] strong gusty [....] wind; at noon, rain DUL, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... in the afternoon, very overcast, rain shower .... [....] 8´ [....] lightning flashed, the south wind blew. The 25th, [....] 9´ [.... The x]+5th, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, [....] 10´ [....] in the middle of the month [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 706
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ʾu? [....] 2´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ina I[GI ....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ [....] 4´ [.... ka]l ME SI šá PA MAR GAR G[IN ....] 5´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 18 ina še-r[ì ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÁR KALAG AN-BAR7 AN DUL ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] GÍR GÍR ULÙ GIN 25 [....] 9´ [.... x]+⌈5⌉ SI GIN ina KIN-SIG [....] 10´ [.....] ina MURUB4 ITU [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35291–35294
BM 35291 (= Sp II 861)
BM 35291
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... (the river level) ....] x fingers, remainder [....] 2´ [....] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. The 2nd, [....] 3´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was [....] behind ρ Leo[nis ....] 4´ [....] first part of the night, Mars was 3 [cubits] below β Geminorum [....] 5´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 707
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ U KÁ-⌈tú⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin 8 U ana NIM DIB 2 [....] 3´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár MÚL TUR šá ⌈4⌉ [KÙŠ ár LUGAL ....] 4´ [....] ⌈USAN⌉ AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 [KÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ina ⌈IGI x⌉ [....]
BM 35292 (= Sp II 862)
BM 35292
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN TIL ITU 2? ⌈KÙŠ? GIN?⌉ [....] 3´ [.... šá ana muḫ]-ḫi ídIDIGNA ana Eki K[U4? ....] 4´ [.... S]ISKURmeš NIDBA ana tar-ṣa KÁ [....] 5´ [.... lúGAL] ERÍN-ni KUR URIki meš šá ana muḫ-[ḫi ....] 6´ [.... pu-li]-ta-nu Eki ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈lúGAL⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... until the end of the month, (the river level) rose? 2? cubits [....] 3´ [.... from Seleucia which is on] the Tigris en[tered?] Babylon [....] 4´ [.... (sheep) sa]crifices as offerings opposite the [....] Gate [....] 5´ [.... the gen]eral of Babylonia who is above [....] 6´ [.... the citi]zens of Babylon .... [....] 7´ [....] the gen[eral? ....]
BM 35294 (= Sp II 864)
BM 35294
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... x]+1 qa; the 15th (and) the 16th, 1 pān 4 qa; from the 17th [....] 3´ [.... cr]ess, 4 sūt 1½ qa (and) one-fourth; sesame, 2 sūt 1½ [qa ....] 4´ [....] ....; Saturn was in Taurus; Mars was in Gemini; around the 24+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] from ⅔ bēru .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 708
Copy: LBAT 709
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... x]+1 ⌈qa 15 16⌉ 1 PI 4 qa TA 17 [....] 3´ [.... saḫ-l]e10 4(b) 1½ qa 4-ʾu-ú ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 2(b) 1½ [qa ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ in 24+[x ....] 5´ [....] TA ⅔ DANNA ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Date Saturn in Taurus and Mars in Gemini occurs about every thirty years. Mars is always listed last, so the date at the end of line 4´ must refer to a Mars event. This would leave only SE 73, month II. Unfortunately, not enough is preserved to confirm the date.
BM 35296–35300
BM 35296 (= Sp II 866)
BM 35296
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... night? .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., much thunder [....] 3´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Scorpii? [....] 4´ [....] the 26th, fog [....] 5´ [....] .... in the morning, overcast [....] 6´ [.... for 1 shekel of] wrought silver. At that [time ....] 7´ [....] of the month, in Aquarius, at the end [of the month, ....] 8´ [....] the river level .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 710
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÙ U MAḪ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ár SI4? 2½ KÙŠ [....] 4´ [....] 26 IM-DUGU[D ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina še-rì ŠÚ [....] 6´ [.... ana 1 GÍN KÙ]-BABBAR ép-šú i-nu[šú ....] 7´ [....] ITU ina GU ina TIL [ITU ....] 8´ [....] ILLU a ḫu? ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35297 (= Sp II 867) Copy: LBAT 713 Photo: YM
Join to No. -144 in vol. III See Appendix
BM 35300 (= Sp II 870)
BM 35300
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] qa; from [....] 2´ [.... un]til the end of the month, in Aries. [That] month, [....] 3´ [....] .... one ox and 2 (sheep) sacri[fices ....] 4´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 711
´Flake´ 1´ [....] qa TA [....] 2´ [.... E]N? TIL ITU ina ḪUN ITU [BI ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1-en GU4 u 2 S[ISKURmeš ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35303–35307
BM 35303 (= Sp II 873)
BM 35303
Photo: YM
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 9
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....]meš šá-su-ú šá I-lik-sa-an-dar šá TA lúp[u-li-te-e ....] 3´ [....] KU4-ú lúEki meš lúUKKIN šá É-sag-gíl 1-en G[U4 ....] 4´ [.... IT]U BI ši-pir-tú ina ka-re-e lúpu-li-te-e ⌈ši?⌉-[....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x x iš?⌉-kun
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [.... messages] were read that Alexander who from the c[itizens ....] [....] entered. The Babylonians, the assembly of Esangil, [provided] 1 bu[ll ....] [....] That [mo]nth, the message [was placed] in common possession of the citizens .... [....] [....] .... he placed?.
BM 35305 (= Sp II 875)
BM 35305
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 4 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ [....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ ina 16 GE6 2 ⌈SI?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GÌR] ár šá A 1½ KÙŠ GE6 16 ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ [....] 5´ [.... K]ÙŠ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI S[I4 ....] 6´ [.... GE6 2]⌈4⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ [....] 7´ [....] ana NIM UŠ i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ SIG MÚL ár šá SAG Ḫ[UN ....] 9´ [....] GE6 7 sin [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 4th, .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Geminorum [....] 3´ [....] cubits [....] In 16° of night, 2 fingers? [....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... β] Virginis. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, [....] 5´ [.... cu]bits [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Scor[pii ....] 6´ [.... Night of the 2]4th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits below β Capricorni [....] 7´ [....] became stationary [....] to the east. At that time, Jupiter was in [....] —————————— 8´ [....] the moon was [....] below α Arietis [....] 9´ [....] Night of the 7th, the moon was .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35307 (= Sp. II 878)
BM 35307
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 [cubit?] below η Tauri [....]
Copy: LBAT 715
Copy: LBAT 712
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... x]+1 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL-⌈MÚL? 1⌉ [....]
BM 35308–35312 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[.... MAŠ]-MAŠ šá SIPA 2 KÙŠ GE6 9 S[AG GE6 ....] [.... M]ÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 1½ [KÙŠ ....] [....] 13 8 na muš GE6 10+[x ....] [.... G]IN GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [.... MÚL KU]R šá KIR4 šil PA 2 [....] [.... GE6] 23 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] GE6 25 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] [....] 17 KUR mu[š ....] [....] 3 ma?-[na ....] [....] ITU BI [....] [....]meš šá ina [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] 2 cubits [....] γ Geminorum. Night of the 9th, beg[inning of the night, ....] [....] 1½ [cubits ....] ρ Leonis [....] [....] The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 8°, measured. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [.... bl]ew. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] 2 [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [.... Night] of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] Night of the 25th, last part of the [night, ....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: 17°, measured [....] [....] 3 mi[nas ....] [....] That month, [....] [....] which in [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35308 (= Sp. II 879)
BM 35308
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... locusts [....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 4´ [....] .... The 24th, thin clouds [.... the sky ....] 5´ [....] γ Capricorni [....] 6´ [....] .... The 30th, thin clouds [.... the sky ....] 7´ [.... Jupiter] was in Sagittarius, Venus and Saturn were in [....] 8´ [....] total: 20 was the na (gauge). That month, [....] 9´ [....] fright was in the l[and ....]
Copy: LBAT 716
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ BURU5ḫ[á ....] 3´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ár MÚ[L ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 24 DIR SAL [AN ....] 5´ [.... MÚL] IGI šá SUḪUR MÁ[Š ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 30 DIR SAL [AN ....] 7´ [.... MÚL-BABBAR] ina PA dele-bat u GENNA ina [....] 8´ [....] PAP 20 na ITU B[I ....] 9´ [....] gi-lit-tu4 ina K[UR? ....] (space) 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
(space) 10´
[....] .... [....]
BM 35312 (= Sp. II 883)
BM 35312
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon was 2 cu[bits] behind β Geminorum [....] 2´ [....] first appearance [....] .... low to the south; it was bright (and) high, rising of [....] to sunrise: 15°; [(ideal) first appearance] on [the xth ....]
Copy: LBAT 714
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár 2⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ULÙ SIG IGI KUR NIM-a 15 na-su i[n x IGI ....]
218 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
BM 35313–35344 [....] sin ina IGI MÚL TUR šá ár LUGAL 1 KÙŠ USAN dele-bat SIG [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ muš MURUB4 DIR AN DIB AN DUL 15 DIR A[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 19 USAN dele-bat SIG [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´
[....] the moon was 1 cubit in front of ρ Leonis; first part of the night, Venus was [....] below [....] [....] ...., measured; (in) the middle watch, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL. The 15th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] below [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35313 (= Sp. II 884)
BM 35313
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the south wind blew .... [....] 3´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the south? wind? blew .... [....] 4´ [....] overcast?; beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew, thunder?, lightning? [....] 5´ [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 30´ [....] 6´ [....] the moon? was 3½ cubits below β Tauri. The 16th, [....] 7´ [....] .... blew. The 18th, clouds were in the sky. Ni[ght ....] 8´ [....] The 19th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew [....] 9´ [....] last appearance in Scorpius. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, [....] 10´ [....] The 22nd, Mercury’s [....] in the east [....] 11´ [....] ...., I did not? watch; all day, [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 717
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ULÙ GIN x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈ULÙ? GIN? x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN ⌈GÙ? U? GÍR?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA GE6 14 30 NINDA G[E6 ....] 6´ [....] ⌈sin?⌉ SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 3½ KÙŠ 16 [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN 18 DIR AN ZA G[E6 ....] 8´ [....] 19 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG [....] 10´ [....] 22 GU4-UD ina N[IM ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NU? PAP kal ME [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35344 (= Sp. II 918)
BM 35344
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] crossed? [....] dew? .... [....] 3´ [....] .... strong? gusty wind? ....; in the after[noon, ....] 4´ [.... Jup]iter was in Gemini; around the 24th, when Jupiter became stationary to the west, [....] 5´ [.... (the river level) ro]se? [....,] total: 28 was the na (gauge); from the 16th until the 19th, 10? [....]
Copy: LBAT 719
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] DIB AN? na?-al-šú ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x IM? ŠÁR? KALAG? x⌉ ina KI[NSIG? ....] 4´ [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ in 24 MÚL-BABBAR ana ŠÚ ki UŠ-[a ....] 5´ [.... GI]N? PAP 28 na TA 16 EN 19 10? [....]
BM 35346
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
—————————— [....] ⌈AN⌉ né-ḫi PISAN DIB GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zib?me? IGI KUR? ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... si]n 5½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 4 DIR AN [....] [.... SA]G GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG AN na? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ana SÚ LAL⌉ 8 DIR ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ana ULÙ SIG GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin [....] [.... x]+1 ME DIR muš kal GE6 ŠÚ-⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] [.... RÍ]N šá ULÙ 3 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 19 ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....]
Date A western station of Jupiter in Gemini on the 24th, combined with a first appearance of Mercury in the west in Pisces, happened in SE 118 XI and 130 XI. Unfortunately, no further data are available to improve the dating.
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
12´ 13´
—————————— [....] slow rain, PISAN DIB; Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces?; it was bright? .... [....] [.... the m]oon being 5½ cubits low to the south. The 4th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [.... begi]nning of the night, very overcast; last part of the night, rain .... [....] [....] back to the west. The 8th, clouds .... [....] [....] low to the south. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] [....] moonrise to sunset: [x]+1°, measured (despite) clouds; all night, very overcast, [....] [....] 3 cubits [....] α Librae .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 19th, very overcast [....]
BM 35346 (= Sp. II 920)
BM 35346
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 718
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
⌈x⌉ [....] 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] ár MÚL ár šá SAG [ḪUN ....] SI ŠÁR GE6 17 [....[ USAN AN SIG [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ [LAL ....] 4 SI ana šá? ḪUN? [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍ[N? ....] GE6 20 SI GIN ina [....] [ana Š]Ú LAL 20 SI [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
ana ULÙ SIG 20+[x ....] 2 KÙŠ sin 3 [KÙŠ ....] šá ALLA šá UL[Ù ....] GE6 24 SI [....] GE6 25 [....] ár GIŠ.K[UN A ....] ina KIN-SIG [....] [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
.... [....] 2½ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....] behind α Arietis [....] gusty north wind. Night of the 17th, [....] first part of the night, Mars was [....] below [....] the moon being ½ cubit [back] to the west [....] 4 fingers to .... Aries? [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Lib[rae? ....] Night of the 20th, the north wind blew; in [....] back [to] the west. The 20th, the north wind [....] low to the south. The 20+[xth, ....] (the moon was) 2 cubits [....,] the moon being 3 [cubits ....] [ϑ/δ] Cancri [....] Night of the 24th, the north wind [....] Night of the 25th, [....] behind ϑ Leon[is ....] in the afternoon, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35357–35359
BM 35357 (= Sp. II 933)
BM 35357
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 721
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] ⌈x x -ta-a⌉ [....] (blank) —————————— [....] 3 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] ⌈x x x dele-bat?⌉ [....] e LUGAL 2 SI ⌈múlLUGAL NU IGI⌉ [....]
[....] ár MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu [.... x]+2 KÙŠ sin 4½ KÚŠ ana SI NIM [.... ana] SI NIM GE6 26 [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] ⌈ù mi-šil 4-’u-ú
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] .... [....] (blank) —————————— [....] stood 3 cubits [....] to the west. [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. [....] .... Venus? [....] 2 fingers above α Leonis; I did not see α Leonis [....]
[....] behind η Piscium. [.... x]+2 cubits [....,] the moon being 4½ cubits high to the north. [....] high to the north. Night of the 26th, [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. [....] and half of one-fourth.
BM 35359 (= Sp II 935)
BM 35359
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the other [....] of Babylonia [....] 2´ [....] of Babylonia to Seleuc[ia ....] 3´ [....] to dig? the river as before [....] 4´ [....] cubits low to the south. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was in [front of ....] 6´ [....] rain so that the sandal was removed; the south wind [....] 7´ [....] first part of the night, lightning flashed continuously. The 11th, overcast .... [....] 8´ [....] crossed? [....] Night of the 13th, very overcast; beginning of the night, [....] 9´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky, rain, much PISAN [DIB ....] 10´ [....] The 17th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 722
´Flake´ 1´ [....] KUR URIki šá-nu-⌈tú x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KUR URIki ana uruSe-lu-k[e-ʾa-a ....] 3´ [....] ÍD GIM IGI-ú i-ḫe-[ 4´ [....] KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 2 DIR AN ZA [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] 6´ [.... A]N kušE-SÍR TUḪ ULÙ [....] 7´ [....] USAN GÍR GÍR-GÍR 11 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] DIB? GE6 13 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 [....] 9´ [.... DI]R AN DIB AN PISAN M[AḪ ....] 10´ [.... 1]7 SI GIN G[E6 ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35361–35374
BM 35361 (= Sp II 938)
BM 35361
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ina NIM [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI šá ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [.... x]+1 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár [....] 5´ [.... SA]G GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR G[ÍR ....] 6´ [....] 8 GENNA ana ME E-a [....] 7´ [.... MÚL MURUB4/e] ⌈šá SAG GÍR⌉-TAB 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [.... x]+1 ŠÚ muš [....] 9´ [....] SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Venus’ [....] in the east [....] 3´ [....] .... That month, .... [....] —————————— 4´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, the moon was [....] below β Geminorum [....] 5´ [.... begin]ning of the night, very overcast, lightning flashed con[tinuously ....] 6´ [....] The 8th, Saturn’s acronychal rising [....] 7´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... δ/β] Scorpii [....] 8´ [....] moonset to sunrise: [x]+1°, measured [....] 9´ [....] Capricorni [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35373 (= Sp II 950)
BM 35373
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sunset to setting of Sa[turn? ....] 2´ [.... (the sandal)] was removed, south and east winds [....] 3´ [....] measured (despite) [clou]ds; beginning of the night, [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon .... to? [....] 5´ [.... x]+1 cubit low to the south [....] 6´ [....] the 19th, in the morning, [....] 7´ [....] thin clouds [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 724
Copy: LBAT 732
´Flake´ 1´ [....] na GE[NNA? ....] 2´ [....] TUḪ ULÙ ⌈u KUR⌉ [....] 3´ [.... DI]R muš SAG GE6 [....] 4´ [....] GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 6´ [....] ⌈19⌉ ina še-rì [....] 7´ [....] ⌈DIR SAL⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35374 (= Sp II 951)
BM 35374
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Ju]piter’s [....] in Tau[rus? ....] 3´ [....] ...., I did not watch; the north wind bl[ew ....] 4´ [....] The 15th, all day, clouds crossed the sky [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 3½ cubits below γ Virginis, the moon being a little to [....] 6´ [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 20th, all night, [....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below δ Scorpii [....]
Copy: LBAT 725
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina M[ÚL-MÚL? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NU PAP SI GI[N ....] 4´ [....] 15 kal ME DIR ⌈AN DIB⌉ [....] 5´ [.... S]IG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 3½ KÙŠ sin [i]-ṣa ana [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 20 kal GE6 [....] 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL MURUB4 šá S[AG GÍR-TAB ....]
BM 35375–35392
222 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... GE6] 24 ŠED7 24 ina KIN-[SIG ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 27? [....] [.... GE6] 29 SI GIN 2[9 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... Night] of the 24th, cold. The 24th, in the after[noon, ....] [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 27th?, [....] [.... Night of] the 29th, the north wind blew. The 2[9th, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35375 (= Sp II 952)
BM 35375
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 1 cubit .... [....] 2´ [....] 4½ cubits [....] α Tauri .... [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 5 cubits above γ Geminorum, the moon being a little [....] 4´ [....] a little [....,] the south and east winds blew. Night of the 13th, [moonrise to sunset:] 9° [....] 5´ [....] slow rain. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 50´?; clouds, I did not [watch ....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits above α Leonis, the moon having passed a little to the east. The 15th?, [....] 7´ [....] gusty [wind,] cloudburst, much PISAN DIB. The 17th, all day, .... [....] 8´ [....] fingers [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east. The 19th, in the morning, [....] 9´ [....] much fog, the disk of the sun [looked] like that of the moon [....] 10´ [....] was surrounded by a drawing?; the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 726
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... is] le10 4½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... sin] e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 5 K[ÙŠ] sin ⌈i⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈i-ṣa⌉ ULÙ u KUR GIN-ʾu GE6 13 9 [ME ....] 5´ [....] AN né-ḫi GE6 14 2,50? GE6 DIR NU [PAP ....] 6´ [.... sin] e LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 15? [....] 7´ [....] ŠÁR rad PISAN MAḪ DIB 17 ⌈kal ME x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] SI sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 19 ina še-rì [....] 9´ [.... IM?]-DUGUD ⌈MAḪ⌉ ḪAB-rat šámaš GIM šá si[n ....] 10´ [....] ⌈GIŠ.ḪUR⌉ NIGIN sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35392 (= Sp II 974)
BM 35392
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the moon .... [....] 3´ [.... cu]bits [....,] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β? Virginis? [....] 5´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] The 29th, Mercury’s .... Gemini? .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 723
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x sin x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... K]ÙŠ? sin 8 SI ana NIM DIB GE6 20+[x ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈GÌR? ár?⌉ [šá] ⌈A?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] KUR 29 GU4-UD ina ⌈x x x MAŠ?MAŠ? x⌉ [....]
BM 35396 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[.... KÙ]-BABBAR ép-šú i-nu-šú MÚLBABBAR ina ⌈ALLA?⌉ dele-bat [....] —————————— [....] 1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL? ⌈x x? SAG? GE6?⌉ sin ⌈x⌉ TUR? [....] [.... SU]ḪUR MÁŠ ⌈1?⌉ K[ÙŠ? x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... SIG] MÚL ár šá [SAG] ⌈ḪUN 5?⌉ [KÙŠ ....] [.... GE6] 14 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 14 8 GE6 ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ŠÚ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 21 DIR AN DIB AN ⌈x PISAN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ GE6 25 DIR AN DIB GÍR [....] [.... x]+5,30 KUR DIR NU PAP ITU BI KI.L[AM ....] [.... MÚL-BABBAR? ina] A dele-bat šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI in 16 G[U4-UD ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ u ESIRḫá ⌈x⌉ [....]
223 6´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[.... of] wrought silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer?, Venus [....] —————————— [....] The 1st, Mercury’s .... in the west in the end? of ....; beginning? of the night?, the moon .... [....] [....] 1? c[ubit? .... Cap]ricorni [....] .... [....] [....] 5? [cubits below] α Arietis [....] [.... Night of ] the 14th, very overcast. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 8° .... [....] [....] overcast?. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] [....] ...., very overcast. Night of the 21st, clouds crossed the sky, .... rain, PISAN [....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] Night of the 25th, clouds crossed the sky, lightning [....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+5° 30´; clouds, I did not watch. That month, the equival[ent was: ....] [.... Jupiter? was in] Leo, Venus, which had set, was not visible; around the 16th, Me[rcury’s ....] [....] .... and asphalt .... [....]
BM 35396 (= Sp II 978)
BM 35396
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 4? pān; cress, .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the river level receded [....] cubits, total: 30 was the n[a (gauge) ....] 3´ [....] .... my brother Gotarzes? [....] 4´ [....] this? [....] rebelled against me. [That?] month?, [....] 5´ [....].... [....] came and [....] the city Tamruqu and the city [....] —————————— 6´ [....] .... Night of the 3rd?, first part of the night, Venus was 8 fingers below α Librae [....] 7´ [....] .... [....] .... became stationary? [....] Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind ϑ [Ophiuchi ....] 8´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] δ Capricorni, the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north. Around the 11th, Mercury’s [....] in the west [....] 9´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] α Arietis, the moon being 3½ cubits low to the south. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 10
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈4?⌉ PI saḫ-le10 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ILLU [nn] KÙŠ LAL PAP 30 n[a ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGu?-[tá]r?-za-a ŠEŠ-iá [....] 4´ [.... MU?]-⌈a?⌉-tì ina IGI-iá BAL-it ITU? [BI? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] GINmeš-nim-[m]a? uruTa-am-ruqu u uru[....] —————————— 6´ [....] ⌈x x x GE6⌉ 3? USAN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 8 SI [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x UŠ⌉ GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá K[IR4 šil PA ....] 8´ [.... M]ÚL ár šá [SUḪ]UR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM in 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [....] 9´ [.... MÚ]L ár šá SAG ḪUN 1½ KÙŠ sin 3½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin [....]
BM 35410–35415
224 10´
11´ 12´
[.... GE6 1]8? ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár⌉ [....] [.... SA]G? A 1½ KÙŠ sin 5½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x x IGI? x x sin? x x⌉ [....]
[.... Night of the 1]8th?, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of η Geminorum. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Geminorum [....] [....] 1½ cubits [.... ε?] Leonis, the moon being 5½ cubits low to the south. The 20+[xth, ....] [....] .... the moon? .... [....]
BM 35410 (= Sp II 995)
BM 35410
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] below ε Leonis [....] 4´ [....] The 10th, all day, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] 5 cubits below α Geminorum [....] 6´ [....] .... blew? [....] 7´ [....] low to the south. The 20th?, [....] 8´-10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 727
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x na? x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] SIG SAG A [....] 4´ [....] 10 kal ME DIR AN ZA [....] 5´ [.... SI]G MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 5 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... ana] ULÙ SIG 20? [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35414 (= Sp II 999)
BM 35414
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] below β Virgin[is ....] 2´ [....] ½ cubit back to the west; last part of the night, clouds [....] the sky [....] 3´ [.... in] the morning, clouds were in the sky; all day, the no[rth wind ....] 4´ [....] cubits [....] The 16th, the north wind blew. Night of the 17th?, [....] 5´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 734
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GÌR ár š[á A ....] 2´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ina ZÁLAG DIR A[N ....] 3´ [.... ina š]e-rì DIR AN ZA kal ME S[I ....] 4´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ 16⌉ SI GIN GE6 ⌈17?⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35415 (= Sp II 1000)
BM 35415
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 735
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[.... k]al ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ A[N ....] [.... G]Ù U né-ḫi AN GAL.GA[L ....] ?
[....] all day, very overcast, ra[in? ....] [....] slow thunder, large rain [....]
BM 35415 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x ŠUR?⌉- nun? PISAN MAḪ DIB ina KIN-SIG S[I? ....] [.... G]E6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN né-ḫi DUL-ḫat sin ina IGI MÚL IGI ⌈šá še-pít⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ [....] [.... PISAN?] i-ṣa DIB GE6 6 SAG GE6 ŠÚŠÚ AN né-ḫi i-ṣa sin ár [....] [....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3½ KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [x] ⌈KÙŠ ana NIM⌉ [DIB ....] [....] DIR AN ZA MURUB4-tì U 1-šú GÙšú ŠUB-di 8 SI [....] [.... MÚL T]UR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 1 KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana SI NIM kal G[E6 ....] [....] 8,40 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP kal ME DIR AN ZA ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... ina KI]N-SIG DIR AN ZA GE6 14 2 ME kal G[E6 ....] [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin e SI4 4 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 10+[x ....] [.... DI]R ⌈AN ZA⌉ 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KINSIG ŠÚ AN né-ḫi ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA [....] [....] ⌈x 22?⌉ kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina K[IN-SIG ....] [....] GIN GE6 24 ULÙ G[IN? ....] [....] ⌈GU4?⌉-UD? ina ŠÚ? ina TIL ḪUN? TA 20+[x ....] [.... kal] ME DIR AN ZA SI šá PA MAR G[AR GIN ....] [....] 4(b) 23 2(p) 5(b) 24 [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x su?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ár? [....]
225 3´ 4´
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] .... rained?, much PISAN DIB; in the afternoon, the no[rth? wind ....] [.... ni]ght, very overcast, slow rain DUL; the moon was [....] in front of η Geminorum [....] [....] a little [PISAN?] DIB. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, very overcast, a little slow rain; the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3½ cubits below β Geminorum, the moon [having passed] x cubits to the east [....] [....] clouds were in the sky; in the middle watch, it thundered once. The 8th, the north wind [....] [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] ρ Leonis, the moon being ⅔ cubit high to the north; all ni[ght ....] [....] moonset to sunrise: 8° 40´; clouds, I did not watch; all day, clouds were in the sky, .... [....] [.... in the af]ternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2°; all ni[ght, ....] [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits above α Scorpii, the moon having passed a little to the east. The 10+[xth, ....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky. The 18th, very overcast; in the afternoon, overcast, slow rain .... [....] [....] .... the south wind blew; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky [....] [....] .... The 22nd?, all day, very overcast; in the af[ternoon, ....] [....] blew. Night of the 24th, the south wind bl[ew? ....] [....] Mercury’s [....] in the west? in the end of Aries?, from the 20+[xth, ....] [.... all] day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which was set to the west side, [blew ....] [....] 4 sūt; the 23rd, 2 pān 5 sūt; the 24th, [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... behind? [....]
BM 35416
BM 35416 (= Sp II 1002)
BM 35416
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 733
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 11 sin ina IGI ⌈DELE? šá?⌉ [IGI? ABSIN? ....] ⌈GE6? 12? USAN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ] ⌈ana x x⌉ [x x 14] 4 ŠÚ DIR muš GE6 1[5] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] šá GÍR-TAB 6? SI ⌈x x x x⌉ [x 15] 4 na GE6 16 16,30 GE6 na? [....] [....] kal ME DIR ⌈AN? DIB? x x x x x⌉ DIR AN DIB ULÙ ŠÁR ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ [....] ⌈x⌉ 20 ina KIN-SIG ⌈x x x x x x x GE6⌉ 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SUḪUR ár 2 ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ 21 DIR AN DIB [....] SI GIN GE6 20+[x] ⌈x x x x x x x x x KÙŠ?⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚLBABBAR 2 KÙŠ [....] GE6 [....] ⌈x x x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin 1? [KÙŠ] ana ULÙ SIG [.... G]E6 27 ⌈USAN? x⌉ [....] ⌈KUR? muš?⌉ GE6 28 [U]SAN dele-bat [.... IT]U BI KI.[LAM ....] ⌈4(b)?⌉ ZÚ 1(g) GUR 3(p) PI [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [.... dele-bat ina SA]G ITU ina MÚL-MÚL EN 28 ina MAŠ-MAŠ [.... GU4-UD ina N]IM ŠÚ-šú DIB [....] ILLU 1 2 4 U GIN [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ GIN PAP 2 na [....] 5 na —————————— [....] 1 DIR AN ZA 2 ina še-rì [....] ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ á[r? ....] dele-bat 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL
2´ 3´
9´ 10´
11´ 12´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 11th, the moon was [....] in front of γ? [Virginis ....] Night of the 12th?, first part of the night?, [....] [....] .... ½ cubit [....,] the moon being ½ cubit to .... [.... The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: 4°, measured (despite) clouds. Night of the 1[5th,] .... [....] [....] 6? fingers [....] Scorpii .... [.... The 15th,] sunrise to moonset: 4°. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 16° 30´; .... [....] [....] all day, clouds crossed the sky .... clouds crossed the sky, gusty south wind; in the afternoon, rain shower. [....] .... The 20th, in the afternoon, .... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind δ Capricorni. The 21st, clouds crossed the sky. [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 20+[xth,] .... cubits? ....; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of Jupiter. [....] Night [.... the moon was] ½ cubit ...., the moon being 1? [cubit] low to the south. [.... Ni]ght of the 27th, first? part of the night, .... [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....,] measured. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Venus [....] That [mon]th, the equi[valent was: ....] 4 sūt?; dates, 1 kur 3 pān; [....] .... [.... Venus, in the beginn]ing of the month, was in Taurus, until the 28th, in Gemini; [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the ea]st, omitted [....] the river level, the 1st (and) 2nd, rose 4 fingers; [....] rose .... cubits; total: 2 was the na (gauge) [....] 5 was the na (gauge). —————————— [....] The 1st, clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, in the morning, [....] in the afternoon, a little rain shower. [....] .... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind β? Geminorum [....] 1 cubit [....] Venus, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west.
BM 35416 17´
18´ 19´ 20´ 21´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[.... U]LÙ GIN GE6 5 sin e MÚL [x šá ALLA šá x nn mm sin nn mm] ana NIM DIB kal GE6 DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈x x⌉ KU GE6 6 sin ár SAG [A ....] GE6 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN [....] ⌈x⌉ ana SI NIM 7 DIR [....] GE6 DIR AN ZA sin [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] sin ár ⌈GÌR ár šá A⌉ 1 KÙŠ [.... S]A4 šá ABSIN 1½ K[ÙŠ?]
227 17´
19´ 20´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x,⌉30 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP [.... x,]⌈50?⌉ GE6 DIR muš DIR A[N x x DI] R AN ZA [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN ZI IR ina ZÁ[LAG sin SIG] MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ [....] 1 KÙŠ ⌈sin x x ana ŠÚ? LAL? 19?⌉ DIR AN ZA [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 1? KÙŠ sin [nn mm] ana NIM DIB [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈SIG? LUGAL? 1 x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [IT]U? 2(p) 2(b) ina MURUB4 ITU 2(p) 3(b) [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x ina zib?⌉me in 1 [....] EN TIL ITU 1? KÙŠ 4? SI LAL PAP 32 na [....] ⌈x⌉ U4-18-KAM [....] IT[U? ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [x] sin SIG MÚL [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 5 ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x SIG?⌉ [G]E6 9 sin ⌈ár?⌉ SI MÁŠ 3 [KÙŠ x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈AN DIB⌉ [....] NIM?-a GE6 14 ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] GE6 15 sin ár? MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
15´ 16´
[.... the sou]th wind blew. Night of the 5th, the moon was [....] above [x Cancri, the moon] having passed [....] to the east; all night, clouds were in the sky. [....] .... Night of the 6th, the moon was [....] behind ε [Leonis ....] night, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. [....] .... high to the north. The 7th, clouds [....] night, clouds were in the sky; the moon [....] .... [....] the moon was 1 cubit behind β Virginis. [....] 1½ cubits [....] α Virginis.
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] moonset to sunrise: x° 30´; clouds, I did not watch. [....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 50´?; measured (despite) clouds; clouds [....] the sky. [.... clou]ds were in the sky. [....] .... the south wind blew, ZI IR; last part of the night, [the moon was] 2½ cubits [below] α Arietis. [....] 1 cubit [....,] the moon being .... back? to the west?. The 19th?, clouds were in the sky. [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1? cubit below α Geminorum, the moon having passed [....] to the east. [....] .... Night of the 27th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 .... below α Leonis?. [....] .... [mon]th, 2 pān 2 sūt, in the middle of the month, 2 pān 3 sūt; [....] .... [....] .... in Pisces?; around the 1st, [....] until the end of the month, it receded 1? cubit 4? fingers; total: 32 was the na (gauge). [....] .... the 18th day, [....] mon[th? ....] .... [....] .... —————————— [....] .... [....] the moon was [....] below [....] Night of the 5th, .... [....] low? .... [Ni]ght of the 9th, the moon was 3 [cubits] behind? β Capricorni .... [....] crossed the sky. [....] it was high?. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 15th, the moon was 1½ cubits behind? α Arietis .... [....] ....
228 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´
BM 35447 [.... ana] ŠÚ LAL GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG šur GIGIR ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ 21 DIR AN ZA ⌈ULÙ GIN⌉ GE6 22 [....] [....] ana ULÙ SIG 24 [x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ŠE-GIŠ x x⌉ 3(p) PI kàs 3(g) ⌈GUR x⌉ [....] [.... GENN]A? u AN šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGImeš ITU BI ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈ITU BI⌉ [....]
18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´
[....] back [to] the west. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was .... below [β/ ζ] Tauri [....] [....] .... The 21st, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 22nd, [....] [....] low to the south. The 24th, [....] .... [....] [....] .... last part of the night, [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... sesame, .... 3 pān; mustard, 3 kur .... [....] [.... Satur]n? and Mars, which had set, were not visible. That month, .... [....] [....] .... [....] That month, [....]
BM 35447 (= Sp II 1036)
BM 35447
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. [....] all day, very overcast, rain sho[wer ....] 2´ [....] ½ cubit [.... γ/δ] Capricorni. The 25th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind bl[ew ....] 3´ [.... the nor]th wind blew. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 30´; mist, when I watched, I did not see it. Ni[ght ....] 4´ [....] .... until the end of the month, 2 pān 5 sūt; not good ones, 2 pān 5 sūt 3 qa; dates, [....] 5´ [.... ar]ound the 7th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Pisces; around the 27th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in [....] 6´ [....] the 25th (and) 26th, it receded ½ cubit, total: 24 was the na (gauge); the 27th, it remained constant [....] 7´ [....] and 3 (sheep) sacrifices at the Gate of the Son of the Prince of Esangil [....] 8´ [....] .... on the Suḫu canal .... [....] 9´ [.... of] the Babylonians and of the cit[izens ....] 10´ [....] Bagayaša fr[om ....] 11´ [....] That [mon]th, day 3, the admi[nistrator of Esangil ....] 12´ [.... and for] his [well-be]ing they performed (offerings) .... [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 10
´Flake´ 1´ [.... A]N ⌈ZA⌉ SI GI[N x x] kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN U[TAḪ ....] 2´ [....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ 25 DIR AN ZA SI GI[N ....] 3´ [.... S]I GIN 28 9,30 KUR a-kam ki PAP NU IGI G[E6 ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN TIL ITU 2(p) 5(b) NU DÙmeš 2(p) 5(b) 3 qa ZÚ-LU[M ....] 5´ [.... i]n 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ in 27 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [x IGI ....] 6´ [....] 25 26 ½ KÙŠ LAL PAP 24 na 27 GUB-uz [....] 7´ [....] ⌈ù⌉ 3 SÍSKUR ina KÁ-DUMU-NUNNA šá É-sag-gíl [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ma? ina muḫ-ḫi ídSu-ú-ḫu ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] lúEki meš u šá lúpu-l[i-te-e ....] 10´ [....] IBa-ga-a-a-šá-ʾ T[A ....] 11´ [.... IT]U BI U4-3 ⌈lúŠÀ⌉-[TAM ....] 12´ [.... u ana bul-ṭ]ì-šú GAR-ʾu ⌈x⌉ 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Date R. van der Spek proposes a time range of SE 171 to 181; then a last and a first appearance of Mercury within one month (line 5´) in Pisces occurs only in SE 179 month XI.
BM 35471–35477
BM 35471 (= Sp II 1062)
BM 35471
Photo: YM
Translation useless
Copy: LBAT 1489
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈DIR? x⌉ [....] [....] e MAŠ-MAŠ [....] [....] ⌈x DIR? x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈5?⌉½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 19 ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈dele-bat e x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG? x x 13?⌉ [....] —————————— [....] U GIN [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ NA ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35473 (= Sp II 1064)
BM 35473
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 17 [....] 2´ [....]meš GE6 ⌈19? DIR?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN? GE6 20 ⌈SI⌉ [....] 4´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ŠÚ LAL 20+[x ....] 6´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [.... x]+5 ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the 17th, [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 19th?, clouds? [....] 3´ [....] .... blew?. Night of the 20th, the north wind [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] 5´ [....] .... back to the west. The 20+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....] 7´ [.... x]+5th in .... [....] 8´ [....] rain .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35477 (= Sp II 1069)
BM 35477
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon 2´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east; all night, clouds were in the sky. 3´ [....] a little [....] The 12th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 20´; clouds, I did not watch.
Copy: LBAT 737
Copy: LBAT 738
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin 2´ [.... ana] NIM DIB kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 3´ [....] ⌈i⌉-ṣa 12 1,20 na DIR NU PAP
230 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
BM 35478–35479+35573 [....] ULÙ u KUR GINmeš [.... MÚ]L KUR šá KIR4 [šil PA] [....] GÍR GÍR [....] ME ana ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ [.... DI]R AN DIB [.... AN] ZA
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] the south and east winds blew. [....] ϑ Ophiu[chi.] [....] lightning flashed [....] of day to setting [....] .... [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. [....] were in [the sky.]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 4 [x] ⌈x ár?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] sin? 4´ [.... 2]7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 5´ [....] ana SI u MAR GIB 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉meš 1(g) GUR 1(p) 1(b) 2½ qa 7´ [.... dele]-bat ina SAG ITU ina GÍR-TAB 8´ [....] ⌈x ú?⌉ É-sag-gíl ŠEŠ-ú 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ——————————
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 4 [....] .... behind? [....] 3´ [....] the moon? 4´ [.... The 2]7th, very overcast 5´ [.... (a rainbow)] stretched to the north and west. 6´ [....] ...., 1 kur 1 pān 1 sūt 2½ qa; 7´ [.... Ve]nus, in the beginning of the month, was in Scorpius, 8´ [....] .... Esangil guarded? 9´ [....] .... ——————————
BM 35478 (= Sp II 1070)
BM 35478
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] a little rain shower [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 10th, beginning [of the night, ....] 3´ [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, [....] 4´ [....] 1+[x ....] above α Virginis [....] 5´ [.... The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: [....,] measured (despite) clouds; equinox. Night of the 15th, [....] 6´ [....] 20 fingers [.... α] Librae. The 15th, in the morning, [....] 7´ [....] .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....]
Copy: LBAT 736
´Flake´ 1´ [.... AN] UTAḪ ⌈i⌉-ṣ[a ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10 SAG [GE6 ....] 3´ [....] GE6 12 SAG GE6 [....] 4´ [....] e SA4 šá ABSIN 1+[x ....] 5´ [.... 14 nn] na DIR muš LÁL-tì GE6 15 [....] 6´ [.... RÍN š]á ULÙ 20 SI 15 ina še-rì [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ GE6 10+[x ....]
BM 35479 + 35573 (= Sp II 1071 + III 81)
BM 35479
Photo: YM
Copies: LBAT 730, 748
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] sin 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 26 SI GIN GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI KI.LAM še-im ina SAG ITU 4(p) 2(b) ⌈ina⌉ [....]
2´ 3´
[....] .... [....] [....] 1 .... behind α Arietis [....] [....] the moon being 1 cubit high to the north. The 26th, the north wind blew. Night [....] [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 4 pān 2 sūt, in [....]
BM 35479+35573 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [.... IT]U 2 ma-na ina TIL ITU 2½ ma-na i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] [....] TA 4 [EN?] 8 ⌈x x x⌉ ina É-U4-1-KAM ina tar-den-nu šá ⌈KIN?⌉-[SIG? ....] [....] lúERÍNmeš [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x TA?⌉ Eki ina giš-rimeš [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈É?meš⌉ šá ina lìb-bi ŠUB-⌈ú⌉ [....] [.... ur]uSe-lu-ke-[ʾa-a x x] ⌈x x⌉ du ud [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ U4-20+[x] ⌈lúGAL⌉ ERÍNmeš šá ana mu[ḫ-ḫi ....] [....] KUR4 a-pir muš ana šámaš NIM SI GIN 1 [....] [....] ana SI NIM SI GIN 3 SI GIN GE6 4 SAG [GE6 ....] [.... SAG G]E6 sin e DELE šá IGI ABS[IN nn] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin i-ṣa ana NIM D[IB ....] [.... ana S]I NIM USAN ⌈x⌉ [x x x MÚ]L?BABBAR? ana [....]
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x SI ⌉ [....] [.... ki PA]P NU IGI SI GI[N ....] [....] ⌈5(b) 3 qa ina MURUB4 ITU 1 PI ⌈ina TIL⌉ [ITU ....] [....] ITU ina MÚL-MÚL in 29 MÚLBABBAR ina SAG [....] [.... í]dIDIGNA ⌈KU4⌉ ITU BI U4-27 SÍSKU[R ....] —————————— [....] ⌈10⌉ UŠ na-su SIG a-kam [m]uš ana šámaš NIM GE6 1 SI GIN 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 SI GIN GE6 4 SAG G[E6] sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN 3 K[ÙŠ ....] [.... GE6] 6 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL e š[á SA]G GÍR-TAB 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin 1 KÙ[Š ....] [....] GIN 8 SI GIN GE6 9 9 SI ⌈GIN GE6 10 10⌉ SI GIN G[E6 ....] ?
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
231 [....] .... [.... of the mo]nth, 2 minas, at the end of the month, 2½ minas. At that time, Jupiter was in [....] [....] from the 4th [until?] the 8th .... in the Day One Temple in the second course of the af[ternoon? meal ....] [....] the troops [....] .... from Babylon on bridges [....] [....] .... [....] .... houses which were placed inside [....] [....] Seleucia [....] .... [....] [....] .... day 20+[x], the general who is above [the four generals? ....] [....] (the moon) was bright, earthshine, measured; it was high to the sun; the north wind blew. The 1st, [....] [....] high to the north; the north wind blew. The 3rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, beginning [of the night, ....] [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] cubits above γ Virginis, the moon having passed a little to the east [....] [....] high to the north; first part of the night, .... [.... Ju]piter? to [....] [....] .... [....] [.... when I watch]ed, I did not see (it); the north wind bl[ew ....] [....] 5 sūt 3 qa, in the middle of the month, 1 pān, at the end [of the month, ....] [....] of the month, in Taurus; around the 29th, Jupiter’s [last appearance] in the beginning of [....] [....] entered [.... on the] Tigris. That month, day 27, (sheep) sacrifices [....] —————————— [....] sunset to moonset: 10°; it was faint, measured (despite) mist; it was high to the sun. Night of the 1st, the north wind blew. The 1st, .... [....] [....] .... The 3rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind α Virginis [....] [.... Night] of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of β Scorpii, the moon being 1 cubit [....] [....] blew. The 8th, the north wind blew. Night of the 9th (and) the 9th, the north wind blew. Night of the 10th (and) the 10th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....]
BM 35482
232 10´ 11´
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
[.... 1]2 SI GIN GE6 13 8 ME muš SAG GE6 sin ina IGI GENNA 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... G]E6 16 16 SI GIN GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu [....] [.... GE6] 19 SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL ⌈1½⌉ KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... š]ur GIGIR šá SI 1 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 22 SI GIN [....] [....] ⌈ár⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 24 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG] e delebat 4 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ŠÚ NU PAP SI GIN GE6 28 SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e⌉ [....] [.... Z]Ú-LUM 2(g) GUR 3(p) 4(b) 3 qa kàs 2(g) GUR saḫ [....] [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ ina SAG ABSIN IGI in 21+[x ....] [.... IDIG]NA? ⌈ana E?⌉[ki? ....]
17´ 18´
[.... The 1]2th, the north wind blew. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 13°, measured; beginning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of Saturn [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 16th (and) the 16th, the north wind blew. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind η Piscium [....] [.... Night] of the 19th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of η Tauri, the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south .... [....] [.... (the moon was)] 1 cubit [....] β Tauri, the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. Night of the 22nd, the north wind blew [....] [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits behind β Geminorum, the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. The 24th, .... [....] [....] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south, 4 cubits above Venus, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] last appearance; I did not watch; the north wind blew. Night of the 28th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] [.... d]ates, 2 kur 3 pān 4 sūt 3 qa; mustard, 2 kur; cress, [....] [....] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Virgo; around the 21+[xth, ....] [.... Tig]ris to Babylon? [....]
BM 35482 (= Sp II 1074)
BM 35482
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... (the river level)] receded 8 fingers [....] 3´ [....] (sheep) sacrifices in the Day [One] Temple [....] 4´ [....] this [....]aya .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 741
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 8 U LAL [....] 3´ [....] SISKURmeš ina É-U4-[1-KAM? ....] 4´ [....]-ʾa-a MU-a-tì tap-pa-[....] (space) 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] KUR4 a-pir muš SI šá [....] [....] 2 KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ [....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin e [....]
(space) 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] (the moon) was bright, earthshine, measured; the north wind which [....] [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....,] the moon being 1 cubit [....] [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] above [....]
BM 35486–35490
BM 35486 (= Sp II 1078)
BM 35486
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] low [to] the south. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18°, measured. [....] 3´ [....] .... At that time, Jupiter was in Gemi[ni, ....] 4´ [.... Satur]n was in Scorpius?; Mars was in Libra. [That] month, [....] 5´ [....] .... That month, .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 740
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG 27 18 KUR mu[š ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ[MAŠ ....] 4´ [.... GEN]NA? ina GÍR?- AN ina RÍN ITU [BI ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI GA [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35487 (= Sp II 1079)
BM 35487
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 742
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
⌈x x⌉ [....] 16 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 ⌈17⌉ [....] GE6 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin [....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] e is le10 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] GE6 30 USAN [....] [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
.... [....] The 16th, very overcast. Night of the 17th, [....] Night of the 21st, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 2½ cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni [....] 2½ cubits above α Tauri [....] Night of the 30th, first part of the night, [....] [....] .... [....]
Upper edge 1 ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2 BAR 1 10+[x ....] 3 MU?-[....]
Upper edge 1 .... [....] 2 Month I, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset): 10+[x° ....] 3 Year? [....]
BM 35490 (= Sp II 1082)
BM 35490
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] crossed the sky, the south? wind blew?. [....] 2´ [....] low [to] the south. The 26th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....] 3´ [....] The 29th, the north wind blew. The 30th, clouds were in the sky [....] 4´ [....] ....; around the 2nd, Mercury’s [last/first appearance] in the west ...., [omitted ....] 5´ [....] there were many [....] in the land; men and women [....] 6´ [....] 23? therein returned. I [heard? ....] 7´-8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 744
´Flake´ 1´ [....] AN DIB ⌈ULÙ? GIN?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG 26 DIR AN ZA SI [....] 3´ [....] 29 SI GIN 30 DIR AN Z[A ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ in 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA [ŠÚšú/IGI DIB ....] 5´ [....]meš? ina? KUR MAḪmeš NITAmeš u MUNUS[meš? ....] 6´ [....] 23? ina lìb-bi GURmeš al-[te-me? ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ni-tu4 ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x xmeš⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35493–35510
BM 35493 (= Sp II 1085)
BM 35493
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN [....] 2´ [.... K]ÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI N[IM ....] 3´ [....]-di GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár⌉ [....] 4´ [....] sin 4 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 21 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x 23⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the north wind blew [....] 2´ [.... cu]bits [....,] the moon being 2 cubits high to the north [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 4´ [....] the moon being 4 cubits low to the south [....] 5´ [....] .... The 21st, in the morning, very overcast, [....] 6´ [....] .... the 23rd, [....]
BM 35510 (= Sp III 16)
BM 35510
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 2 ....; in .... [....] 2´ [.... at the e]nd of the month, 2 pān 4 sūt; dates, 1 kur [....] 3´ [.... Venus was in Tau]rus; the 26th, Venus reached Gemini; ar[ound? ....] 4´ [....] That month, the river level from the 1st until the end of the m[onth ....] 5´ [.... Se]leucia, the royal city which is on [the Tigris ....] 6´ [....] ....; panic [....] —————————— 7´ [....] sunset to moonset: [....;] it was faint, measured, it was low to the sun; the moon was ⅔ cubit above Mercury [....] 8´ [.... the m]oon being 2½ cubits low to the south. The 2nd, the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd?, [....] 9´ [..... the moon] was] 2 cubits [....] γ Virginis, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west [....] 10´ [.... Venus was] ½ cubit .... η/μ] Geminorum, Venus [having passed] 4 fingers to the ea[st ....] 11´ [....] Night of the 8th?, [beginning of the ni] ght, the moon was [....] above .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 743
Copy: LBAT 745
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ⌈x⌉ 2 ḪAB? ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina TI]L ITU 2(p) 4(b) ZÚ 1(g) GUR [....] 3´ [.... ina MÚ]L-MÚL 26 dele-bat MAŠMAŠ KUR-ád i[n? ....] 4´ [.... IT]U BI ILLU TA 1 EN TIL I[TU ....] 5´ [.... uruSe]-lu-ku-ʾa-a URU LUGAL-ú-tú šá ana mu[ḫ-ḫi ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ bi is si ru-uʾ ḫat-tu4 [....] —————————— 7´ [.... na-s]u? SIG muš ana šámaš SIG sin e GU4-UD ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [.... si]n 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 2 SI GIN GE6 ⌈3?⌉ [....] 9´ [....] DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] 10´ [....] šá še-pí[t MAŠ]-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ delebat 4 SI ana N[IM DIB ....] 11´ [....] GE6 8? [SAG G]E6 sin e MÚL [....] Comments 6´: is-si-ru-uʾ could be from esēru “to shut in”, but a present form is unlikely in the Diaries.
BM 35541–35569
BM 35541 (= Sp III 47)
BM 35541
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10+[x ....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 13 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈14⌉ 20 NINDA na DIR NU PAP 1[5 ....] 4´ [.... ABSI]N? 2⅔ KÙŠ 17 šámaš ina DIR ⌈GE6 KUR⌉ [....] 5´ [....] GE6 19 USAN GÍR GÙ U MAḪ ṣarḫ[u ....] 6´ [.... TÙ]R? ana KUR BAD MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina ŠÀ GUBme ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI [....] 7´ [.... AN] ⌈DUL?⌉ GE6 23 SAG GE6 MÚL GAL šá ma-gal KUR ina SI ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... x]+24 GENNA ana NIM ki UŠ-ú 2 KÙŠ ina IGI SAG ⌈GÍR-TAB⌉ [....] 9´ [....] 3? KÙŠ ina IGI dele-bat ana ŠÚ IGI in 13? [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ UŠ NU PAP in 22+[x ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 2´ [....] cubits back to the west. The 13th, .... [....] 3´ [....] The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 20´; clouds, I did not watch. The 1[5th, ....] 4´ [....] 2⅔ cubits [.... Virgin]is?. The 17th, the sun rose in a black cloud. [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 19th, first part of the night, lightning, much wailing thunder [....] 6´ [....] a halo open to the east, Jupiter and Saturn stood inside; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 7´ [.... rain] DUL?. Night of the 23rd, beginning of the night, a meteor which was very bright [....] in the north to .... [....] 8´ [....] The 24+[xth,] when Saturn became stationary to the east, [it became stationary] 2 cubits in front of β+δ Scorpii [....] 9´ [....] first appearance, 3? cubits in front of Venus to the west. Around the 13th?, [....] 10´ [....] became stationary ....; I did not watch. Around the 22+[xth, ....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35569 (= Sp III 76)
BM 35569
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 2´ [....] The 19th, all day, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the m[oon ....] 3´ [.... rain] shower. Night of the 23rd, clouds were in the sky; first part of the night, rain? .... [....] 4´ [.... Ni]ght of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind β Capricorni, the moo[n being ....] 5´ [....] thin clouds were in the sky; in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 27th, very overcast [....] 6´ [....] The 28th, clouds crossed the sky, slow rain, much PISAN DIB [....] 7´ [....] mustard, 2 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, 1 pān 2 sūt; sesame, 3 sūt; wool, [....]
Copy: LBAT 750
Copy: LBAT 746
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈GE6 10⌉+[x ....] 2´ [....] 19 kal ME DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] 3´ [....] UTAḪ GE6 23 DIR AN ZA USAN AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... G]E6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ si[n ....] 5´ [.... DI]R SAL AN ZA ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ GE6 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 6´ [....] 28 DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫi PISAN MAḪ DIB [....] 7´ [....] ⌈kàs⌉ 2(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) saḫ-le10 1(p) 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 3(b) SÍG [....]
236 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
BM 35591 [....] 9 AN ḪUN KUR 15 15 na GU4-UD in 18 GU4-UD ina [....] [.... GI]N TA 14 EN 17 4 SI LAL PAP 32 ⌈na⌉ TA 18 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ gišSAR ZU DU šá ina É.SIG4 IM.SI.SÁ šá ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ina gišSAR ŠI]M.LI GU4ḫá u SISKURmeš ana dEN dGAŠAN-iá ⌈d⌉[....] [.... dEN] dGAŠAN-iá dINNIN TIN-TIRki u ana ⌈bul⌉-ṭu šá I?⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈SIG?⌉ GE6 2 sin SIG MÚL-MÚL 4½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana N[IM DIB ....] [....] DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ GE6 5 SAG [GE6 ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 5½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈GE6⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
10´ 11´ 12´
[....] the 9th, Mars reached Aries; the 15th, sunset to setting of Mercury: 15°; around the 18th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in [....] [.... (the river level) ro]se [....;] from the 14th until the 17th, it receded 4 fingers, total: 32 was the na (gauge); from the 18th [....] [....] .... the .... garden which is on the northern wall of .... [....] [.... in the] Juniper [Garden ....] oxen and (sheep) sacrifices to Bel, Beltija, [....] [.... Bel,] Beltija, Ištar of Babylon, and for the life of .... [....] —————————— [....] low?. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 4½ cubits below η Tauri, the moon [having passed] a little to the ea[st ....] [....] clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew; in the afternoon, rain shower. Night of the 5th, beginning [of the night, ....] [.... the moon was x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being 5½ cubits low to the south. Night [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35591 (= Sp III 101)
BM 35591
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 752
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [š]á SI 3½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA SI šá PA M[AR GAR GIN ....] 1 KÙŠ sin 3½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....] ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 2½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB G[E6? ....] GE6 12? USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚ[L ....] SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN ŠE[D7 ....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 15 ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ [....] sin ⌈i-ṣa?⌉ ana NIM DIB 15 ina še-rì [....] AN UTAḪ i-ṣa 16 ina še-rì ŠÚ [....] sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 17 SI G[IN? ....]
2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] .... [....] 3½ cubits [....] the northern [....] ...., clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which was [set] to the west side, [blew .... the moon was] 1 cubit [....,] the moon being 3½ cubits [low] to the south [....] (the moon) stood 2½ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Ni[ght? ....] Night of the 12th?, first part of the night, Jupiter was [....] below .... [....] The north wind, which was set to the west side, blew, co[ld ....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, [....] the moon having passed a little to the east. The 15th, in the morning, [....] a little rain shower. The 16th, in the morning, overcast [....] the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north. The 17th, the north wind b[lew? ....]
BM 35596 12´
SI šá PA ⌈MAR GAR GIN⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x x⌉ al [....] 2 [....]-šú i-lu-ú IGImeš U4-15 [....] 3 [.... MU?]-⌈a?⌉-tì? È-ú TA 20 EN TIL ITU [....] 4 [....] ⌈x⌉-tú áš-šú lúUNmeš sa-ru-⌈ú?⌉ [....] 5 [....] ⌈x⌉meš šá ana li-bít-ti ⌈x x⌉ [....]
The north wind, which was set to the west side, blew [....]
Left edge 1 [....] .... [....] 2 [....] .... came up?, were seen. Day 15, [....] 3 [....] this? [....] had come out, from the 20th until the end of the month, [....] 4 [....] .... because of the people .... [....] 5 [....] .... which for bricks? .... [....]
BM 35596 (= Sp III 106)
BM 35596
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] cress, in the beginning of the month, 4 sūt 3 q[a ....] 3´ [....] .... At that time, Jupiter was in Libra; Venus was in Ge[mini?, ....] 4´ [....] .... —————————— 5´ [....] .... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 1 cubit below δ Capricorni, the moon being .... [....] 6´ [....] lightning flashed continuously on the east and north side. Night of the 5th, overcast, lightning flashed continuously; the moon [was surrounded] by a ha[lo ....] 7´ [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers behind η Piscium [....] 8´ [....] crossed [....] Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Arietis, the moon being [....] 9´ [....] in the morning, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Tauri; clouds were in the sky. The 10th, clouds were in the sky; Mercury’s [....] 10´ [....] ....; cold. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 14° 30´; beginning of the night, the moon was 2 [cubits] behind β Geminorum [....] 11´ [....] the moon was ½ cubit above α Leonis; the moon by a fold, it billowed very much; Saturn [stood] inside [....] 12´ [....] Night of the 17th?, clouds ....; last part of the night, the moon was 8 fingers in front of β Virginis [....]
Copy: LBAT 753
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈saḫ-le10⌉ ina SAG ITU 4(b) 3 q[a ....] 3´ [....]-ú? i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat ina MAŠ?-[MAŠ? ....] 4´ [....] DU? —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 sin SIG MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] GÍR Á KUR u SI GÍR-GÍRme GE6 5 ŠÚ GÍR GÍRme sin TÙ[R ....] 7´ [....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1 KÙŠ ⌈8⌉ S[I ....] 8´ [....] DIB GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN-GÁ 2½ KÙŠ si[n ....] 9´ [....] ina še-rì DIR AN DIB GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ár is le10 1½ KÙŠ DIR AN ZA 10 DIR AN ZA GU4-U[D ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x SI?⌉ ŠED7 GE6 13 14,30 ME SAG GE6 sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 [KÙŠ ....] 11´ [....] sin e LUGAL ½ KÙŠ sin AMAŠ ma-diš iq-tur7 GENNA ina Š[À ....] 12´ [....] ⌈GE6? 17? DIR x x⌉ [ina] ⌈ZÁLAG sin ina IGI⌉ GÌR ár šá UR-A 8 SI [....]
BM 35597–35598
BM 35597 (= Sp III 107)
BM 35597
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....,] the moon being .... [....] 2´ [....] 3 cubits [.... α] Virginis, [....] in front of Jupi[ter ....] 3´ [....] 2 pān 4 sūt; cress, 4 sūt 3 qa; se[same ....] 4´ [....] That month, from the 1st until the 15th, [(the river level) ....] 4 fin[gers ....] 5´ [....] of the land Ḫani to [....] —————————— 6´ [....] .... the moon became visible in mist; it was low to the sun. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] ⅔ cubit [.... η] Piscium. The 10th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] 8´ [....] very overcast, in the middle part (of the night), a little rain shower; last part of the night, [....] 9´ [....] the sun? was surrounded by a halo .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 757
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈1⌉ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SA4] šá ABSIN 3 KÙŠ ina IGI MÚLB[ABBAR ....] 3´ [....] ⌈2(p)⌉ 4(b) saḫ-le10 4(b) 3 qa Š[EGIŠ-Ì ....] 4´ [.... IT]U ⌈BI⌉ TA 1 EN 15 4 S[I ....] 5´ [....]meš KUR Ḫa-ni-i a-na?[....] —————————— 6´ [....] ⌈x sin ina a?⌉-kam IGI ana šámaš SIG G[E6 ....] 7´ [.... šá DUR] nu-nu ⅔ KÙŠ 10 DIR AN ZA GE6 11 SA[G GE6 ....] 8´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ MURUB4 AN UTAḪ i ina ZÁLAG [....] 9´ [....] ⌈šámaš? TÙR NIGIN x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35598 (= Sp III 108)
BM 35598
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 755
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈KÙŠ ana SI NIM⌉ GE6 13 SAG G[E6 sin] ina IGI RÍN šá [....] [.... DI]R NU PAP DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 15 10 UŠ GE6 a-kam [....] [....] IGI GE6 17 múlšá-maš-šá-a-tu4 ziq-pi sin SIG G[ENNA? ....] [.... GE6] 19 USAN dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ šur GIGIR šá ULÙ N[U IGI? ....] [.... ina še]-rì u KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ ULÙ GIN 23 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN [....] [.... GE6 2]6 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 6½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [.... MÚL IGI] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ MÚL IGI NU IGI 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ [GIN ....]
[....] cubits high to the north. Night of the 13th, beginning of the ni[ght, the moon was ....] in front of [α/β] Librae [....] [.... clou]ds, I did not watch; clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 10°; mist, [....] [....] first appearance [....] Night of the 17th, when β Herculis culminated, the moon was [....] below S[aturn? ....] [.... Night] of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit above ζ Tauri; I did not [see] ζ Tauri [....] [.... in the mor]ning and the afternoon, rain shower, the south wind blew. The 23rd, all day, very overcast, the north wind blew [....] [.... Night of the 2]6th, last part of the night, the moon was 6½ cubits below β Arietis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... η] Geminorum; I did not see η Geminorum. The 27th, very overcast, the south wind [blew ....]
BM 35598 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] 4(b) EN TIL ITU 1(p) 4(b) 3½ qa ZÚLUM TA 1 E[N ....] [....] ⌈qa⌉ EN TIL ITU 1(b) 3 qa SIGḫá 1½ ma-na a-n[a ....] [.... GENN]A? ina PA AN ina A ITU BI ILLU 1 4 SI TA ⌈2⌉ [....] [....] NU IGI ú? ana tar-ṣa lúKÚR NIM-MAki ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GAR-in ITU BI U4-29-KAM UDU. NÍTA [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] SAG A 3 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] saḫ 4(b) 5½ qa EN 14 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4-ʾu-ú u mi-šil 4-ʾu-⌈ú⌉ [....] [.... dele-bat] ina ABSIN in 3 dele-bat RÍN KUR-ád GU4-UD ina A in 4+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ u IM-BABBAR GAR-in —————————— [.... šá SA]G GÍR-TAB 5 SI AN ⅔ ⌈KÙŠ ana NIM⌉ DIB GE6 3 sin ina IGI RÍN šá SI [....] [.... GE6 4 sin ....] ana NIM ina IGI AN 1½ KÙŠ ⌈ana ŠÚ⌉ GUB sin 2½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana SI NIM ⌈5?⌉ GU4-U[D ....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár GENNA 1 [x x x x] dele-bat ⌈SIG⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [.... K]ÙŠ? ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 2½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 10+[x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ muš [x] ⌈x x⌉ [x x x] NU PAP? [x] GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈AN UTAḪ? x x⌉ [x x] GE6 16? [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6 18⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ár [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA [....] [....] AN? e dele-bat 1 KÙŠ ina? [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] UŠ GE6 24 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ 26 [....]
8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
10´ 11´ 12´
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] 4 sūt, until the end of the month 1 pān 4 sūt 3½ qa; dates, from the 1st un[til ....] [....] qa, until the end of the month, 1 sūt 3 qa; wool, 1½ minas for [....] [.... Satur]n? was in Sagittarius, Mars was in Leo. That month, the river level, the 1st, 4 fingers; from the 2nd [....] [....] not seen, toward the Elamite enemy .... [....] [....] was placed. That month, the 29th day, a sheep [....] —————————— [....] .... [....] [....] 3 cubits [below?] ε Leonis [....] [....] cress, 4 sūt 5½ qa, until the 14th [....] [....] .... one-fourth and half of one-fourth [....] [.... Venus] was in Virgo; around the 3rd, Venus reached Libra; Mercury was in Leo; around the 4+[xth, ....] [....] .... and gypsum was placed. —————————— [.... (Mars)] 5 fingers [.... β/δ] Scorpii, Mars having passed ⅔ cubit to the east. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] in front of β Librae [....] [.... Night of the 4th, the moon was ....] to the east, it stood 1½ cubits in front of Mars to the west, the moon being 2½ cubits high to the north. The 5th?, Mercury’s [....] [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 1 [cubit?] behind Saturn [....] Venus below [....] [.... cubi]ts, it stood 2½ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] .... [....] [....] moonset to sunrise: ...., measured. .... [....] I did not watch. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] rain shower .... [....] Night of the 16th?, [....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Geminorum [....] [....] .... the moon was [....] behind γ Geminorum [....] [....] Mars? was 1 cubit above Venus [....] .... [....] [....] stationary?. Night of the 24th, [....].... [....] [....] .... cubits [....] The 26th, [....]
BM 35599
BM 35599 (= Sp III 109)
BM 35599
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 3 cubits ...., the moon being [....] 3´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. The 24th, all day, very overcast, at noon, r[ain ....] 4´ [....] Night of the 26th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 26th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 29th (and) the 29th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 30th, very overcast, the south wind bl[ew ....] 6´ [.... q]a, at the end of the month, 5 sūt; dates, in the beginning of the month, 2 pān 3 sūt 3 qa, until the 22nd, [....] 7´ [....] sesame, in the beginning of the month, 2 sūt, in the middle of the month, 1 sūt 5 qa, at the end of the month, 1 sūt 4 qa; wool, 1+[x minas ....] 8´ [....] last appearance?; Mars, in the beginning of the month, was in Cancer, until the end of the month, in Leo. That month, the river level from the 1st until the 11th, [....] 4 [....] 9´ [.... ro]se [....,] 25 was the na (gauge). That month, the 5th day, a message of the general who was ab[ove the four generals? ....] 10´ [....] on [....] was called? .... [....] 11´ [....] their .... and any [....] 12´ [....] entered Babylon [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 758
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ sin [....] 3´ [....] ⌈DIR AN⌉ ZA ULÙ GIN 2⌈4⌉ kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN-BAR7 A[N ....] 4´ [....] GE6 26 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 26 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] 5´ [....] ZA GE6 29 29 DIR AN ZA GE6 30 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GI[N ....] 6´ [.... q]a ina TIL ITU 5(b) ZÚ-LUM ina SAG ITU 2(p) 3(b) 3 qa EN 22 [....] 7´ [....] ŠE-GIŠ ina SAG ITU 2(b) ina MURUB4 ITU 1(b) 5 qa ina TIL ITU 1(b) 4 qa SÍGḫá 1+[x ....] 8´ [....] ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ AN ina SAG ITU ina ALLA EN TIL ITU ina A ITU BI ILLU TA 1 EN 11 4 [....] 9´ [.... GI]N 25 na ITU BI U4-5-KAM kuššipiš-tú šá lúGAL ERÍNmeš šá ana [....] 10´ [....] muḫ-ḫi [....] it-tar-ri-du ú ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉-šú-nu u mim-ma [....] 12´ [....] ⌈E⌉ki KU4-ub [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] GE6 ⌈3?⌉ [sin] ⌈ár dele-bat⌉ 2½ KÙŠ ana NIM GU[B ....] 2´ [....] GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá D[UR nu-nu ....] 3´ [....] šá PA MAR GAR GIN ŠED7 GE6 8 DIR AN Z[A ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10 kal MEsic DIR AN ZA SI GIN ina [....] 5´ [.... GE6] ⌈11⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN 11 ⌈kal ME⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] Night of the 3rd?, [the moon] stood 2½ cubits behind Venus to the east [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Piscium [....] 3´ [.... wind,] which was set to the west side, blew; cold. Night of the 8th, clouds were in the sky [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 10th, all daysic, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; in [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind ζ Tauri; clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. The 11th, all day, [....]
BM 35599 6´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
[.... Š]Ú-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN U4-ZAL AN GALGAL DUL-ḫat 12 ina še-rì ŠÚ AN DULḫat kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [.... GE6] 14 SAG GE6 DIR AN DIB kal GE6 ULÙ ŠÁR KALAG? 15 1,30 na DIR NU PAP kal ME ⌈SI GIN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 16 ⌈x⌉ GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár⌉ LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI N[IM ....] [.... GI]N? GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG GIŠ.KUN A 3½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NI[M DIB ....] [.... U]4-ZAL AN GAL-GAL PISAN DIB 18 ina še-rì ŠÚ AN né-ḫi DUL-ḫat kal [....] [....] SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ kal GE6 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin ár SA4 š[á ABSIN ....] [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ [....] [.... GE6 2]3 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 23 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN DUL-ḫat ina KIN-S[IG ....] [....] GE6 25 SI GIN ŠED7 25 kal [ME ....] [.... S]I? GIN GE6 28 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 30 ina še-r[ì ....] [....] ina SAG ITU 2(b) EN TIL ITU 2(b) 3 qa ŠE-[GIŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ EN 12 ⌈x⌉ [....]
241 6´
14´ 15´
16´ 17´
[.... ve]ry overcast, the south wind blew; in the morning watch, large rain DUL. The 12th, in the morning, overcast, rain DUL; all day, very overcast [....] [.... Night] of the 14th, beginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky, all night, strong gusty south wind. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 30´; clouds, I did not watch; all day, the north wind blew [....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: ....; last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Leonis, the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north [....] [.... ble]w?. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 3½ cubits below ϑ Leonis, the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] [.... in the mor]ning watch, large rain, PISAN DIB. The 18th, in the morning, overcast, slow rain DUL; all [day ....] [....] beginning of the night, very overcast; all night, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Virginis [....] [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Librae [....] [.... Night of the 2]3rd, all night very overcast. The 23rd, very overcast, rain DUL; in the aftern[oon, ....] [....] Night of the 25th, the north wind blew; cold. The 25th, all [day, ....] [.... the nor]th? wind blew. Night of the 28th (and) the 28th, very overcast, the south wind [....] [....] .... all night, clouds were in the sky. The 30th, in the morn[ing, ....] [....] in the beginning of the month, 2 sūt, until the end of the month, 2 sūt 3 qa; ses[ame, ....] [....] .... until the 12th, .... [....]
Comments Obv. 10´: The verb ṭarādu is attested a few times referring to rival kings of the Arsacid reign. However, there seems to be no name after iṭṭarridu, so the meaning remains uncertain.
BM 35616
BM 35616 (= Sp III 127)
BM 35616
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 767
Obv.´ 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... GE6 2 sin x šur GIGIR šá U]LÙ 1 KÙŠ kal GE6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 3 sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SI[PA ....] [.... ka]l GE6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 5 DIR AN ZA SI GIN in 5 AN ana ME E [....] ⌈LUGAL 1⌉½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB DIR AN ZA [.... A]N ZA SI GIN GE6 10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin [.... AN] ZA SI GIN GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin [....] 13 7 ŠÚ DIR muš [.... ina] ⌈ZÁLAG sin⌉ ina IGI SI4 2 KÙŠ [....] kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] GU? [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [.... si]n e [x x x] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ [....] ina TIL ITU ⌈1(g) GUR 3(p)? 4(b) [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 30 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉meš-šú ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x SI? x x⌉ [x x G]ÁL-ši?
6 7 8 9
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... Night of the 2nd, the moon was] 1 cubit [.... ζ Tau]ri; all night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] above γ Geminorum [....] [.... a]ll night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 5th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Around the 5th, Mars’ acronychal rising. [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] α Leonis, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; clouds were in the sky, [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 10th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon [....] were in [the sky,] the north wind blew. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7°; measured (despite) clouds. [....] last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Scorpii. [....] all day, very overcast, the north wind blew. [....] .... [....]
[....] Aquarius?. [....] .... [....] [.... the m]oon was 1½ cubits above [....] .... [....] at the end of the month, 1 kur 3 pān 4 sūt; [....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] 30 .... [....] .... [....] .... his .... [....] [....] .... [....] was there?.
BM 35633–35634
BM 35633 (= Sp III 145)
BM 35633
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... behind? [....] 2´ [....] The 9th, very overcast, rain DUL [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] Virginis. Night of the 12th, .... [....] 4´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of π [Scorpii ....] 5´ [....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° 30´. Night of the 16th, overcast, .... [....] 6´ [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of β Capricorni [....] 7´ [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in the Chariot. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky, thun[der, ....] 8´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....] Night of the 25th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 9´ [....] 3 cubits above Venus [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 762
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x ár?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN DUL-⌈ḫat?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ GE6 12 ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL SIG [šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 5´ [....] 15 9,30 na GE6 16 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ 3 KÙ[Š ....] 7´ [.... GU4-UD ina] ŠÚ ina GIGIR ŠÚ 22 DIR AN DIB GÙ [U? ....] 8´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ GE6 25 DIR AN D[IB ....] 9´ [....] ⌈e?⌉ dele-bat 3 KÙŠ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SA[G ....] Comments 4´: Restoration based on the moon’s probable distance from the observation in l. 6´. 7´: Since Venus is still visible a few days later (l. 9´), this must refer to Mercury.
BM 35634 (= Sp III 146)
BM 35634
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 761
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] sin 2½ KÙ[Š ana ULÙ? SI]G? 6 SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ana SI NIM kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN 9 kal [ME ....] [.... ina] IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 3 ⌈KÙŠ DIR AN ZA⌉ SI GIN [....] [.... GE6] ⌈14 5+x⌉ ME a-kam ⌈muš⌉ SAG GE6 sin e RÍN š[á ULÙ ....] [.... e] is le10 [nn] KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] ana ULÙ SIG 19 ina še-rì ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... USA]N? AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x 24⌉ DIR AN Z[A ....]
3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] the moon being 2½ cubits l[ow? to the south?.] The 6th, the north wind blew .... [....] [....] high to the north; all night, very overcast, the south wind blew. The 9th, all [day, ....] [....] 3 cubits in front of γ Virginis; clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] [.... Night] of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 5+x°; measured (despite) mist; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [α] Librae [....] [....] cubits [above] α Tauri; last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] low to the south. The 19th, in the morning, .... [....] [.... first part of the ni]ght?, Mars was 2½ cubits below β Geminorum [....] [....] .... The 24th, clouds were in the sky [....]
BM 35634
244 9´ 10´ 11´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ ḪA-A GE6 10+[x ....] [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] [....] ⌈a-na 1⌉ GÍN KÙ-[BABBAR ép-šú ....]
9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 15 SI GIN GE6 10+[x ....] [.... ina] ZÁLAG ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 18 ina [ZÁLAG? ....] [....] SI GIN GE6 20 SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] LUGAL 2 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI N[IM ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 24 SI GIN ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] [....] IGI ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 27 SI GIN 27 21 [KUR? ....] [.... G]E6 30 SI GIN 30 DIR AN ZA SI GIN ITU BI KI.LAM [....] [....] ⌈a⌉-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú šá ina KUR SUM-in i-nu-šú MÚL[BABBAR ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ NU IGI ITU BI ILLU TA 1 EN 11 ⌈2 U LAL⌉ TA 12 EN 12+[x ....] [.... G]IN PAP 32½ na ITU BI U4-3 U4-4 SÍSKURmeš ina É-U4-1-KAM [....] ——————————
(space) 13´
1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 11´
[....] .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] [....] for 1 shekel of [wrought silver ....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... The 15th, the north wind blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] last part of the night, overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 18th, la[st? part of the night, ....] [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 20th, the north wind blew, .... [....] [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] α Leonis, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north [....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the m[oon ....] [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....] γ Virginis, the moon being ½ cubit high to the north. [....] [....] .... thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 27th, the north wind blew. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise?:] 21° [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 30th, the north wind blew. The 30th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: [....] [....] for 1 shekel of wrought silver which was given in the land. At that time, Jupiter [....] [....] .... was not visible. That month, the river level, from the 1st until the 11th, receded 2 fingers; from the 12th until the 12+[xth, ....] [.... ro]se [....,] total: 32½ was the na (gauge). That month, day 3 (and) day 4, (sheep) sacrifices in the Day One Temple [....] —————————— (space)
[....] .... [....]
BM 35639–35642
BM 35639 (= Sp III 151)
BM 35639
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉-teki ina DA BÁRA DU K[AM? ....] —————————— 3´ [....] DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] 4´ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ GE6 4 [....] 5´ [.... GE6] 5 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL MURUB4 [šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 6´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI S[I? MÁŠ ....] 7´ [....] in 19 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš GE6 13 1? ⌈x⌉ [ ....] 8´ [.... M]ÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ G[E6? ....] 10´ [....] ⌈2?⌉½ KÙŠ [....] 11´ [....] GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e⌉ [....] 12´ [....] DIB GE6 26 ina ZÁL[AG ....] 13´ [....] ⌈4?⌉ KÙŠ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... month [....] 2´ [....] .... at the side of Bara-DU-K[AM? ....] —————————— 3´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] γ Virginis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [....] α Virginis. Night of the 4th, [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below δ Scor[pii ....] 6´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β? [Capricorni ....] 7´ [....] at 19° before sunset. Night of the 13th, ....: 1° [....] 8´ [....] η Piscium [....] 9´ [....] 1½ cubits .... Ni[ght? ....] 10´ [....] 2?½ cubits [....] 11´ [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 12´ [....] crossed [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the [night, ....] 13´ [....] 4? cubits [....]
BM 35642 (= Sp III 154)
BM 35642
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Tauri [....] 2´ [....] 5 cubits [above] γ Geminorum. Night of the 12th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 3´ [....] Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 5°, measured; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below ε Leonis [....] 4´ [....] night, rain PISAN DIB, gusty wind. The 16th, clouds crossed the sky .... [....] 5´ [....] the disk of the sun looked like that of the moon. Night of the 18th, very over[cast ....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [.... α] Virginis, 2½ cubits below Jupiter, the moon being [....] 7´ [....] .... overcast, the disk of the sun looked like that of the moon [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 766
Copy: LBAT 765
´Flake´ 1´ [.... šu]r GIGIR šá SI 1½ [KÙŠ ....] 2´ [.... e MA]Š-MAŠ šá SIPA 5 KÙŠ GE6 12 SAG G[E6 ....] 3´ [....] GE6 14 5 ME muš ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SAG ⌈A⌉ [....] 4´ [....] GE6 AN PISAN DIB IM ŠÁR 16 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... Ḫ]AB-rat šámaš GIM sin ina-anṭal GE6 18 ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] 6´ [.... SA4 š]á ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ SIG MÚLBABBAR 2½ KÙŠ sin [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ ḪAB-rat šámaš GIM šá sin ina-an-ṭal [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35643–35645
BM 35643 (= Sp III 155)
BM 35643
Photo: YM
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 11
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x DIR?⌉ [x] [.... ABSI]N 1½ KÙŠ [.... ina KI]N-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ KALAG [.... ina Š]Ú? ina zib ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI šá kap MAR GAR GIN [....] BAR DIB [.... GE6] ⌈19⌉ kal GE6 ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] dele-bat ina NIM ina zibme IGI [....] 26 na TA U4-11-KAM [....] LAL PAP 30 na TA 25 EN TIL ITU ⅔ KÙŠ GIN PAP 26 na —————————— [.... ídID]IGNA u ÍD LUGAL [....] ⌈x⌉ U4-30-KAM ḫi-bil-tú [....] GIN ana URUmeš šá-nu-tu [....]-ʾa-a DUḪmeš šal-ṭa-niš GIN.GINmeš [....] ⌈x⌉meš GAZ ina lìb-bi lúG[AL? ....] [....] ina KUR GAR-át ITU [BI ....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] .... clouds? [....] [....] 1½ cubits [.... Virgi]nis. [.... in the af]ternoon, very overcast. [....] strong .... [....] last appearance [in the we]st? in Pisces. [....] ...., the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. [.... (lunar eclipse) ....] extraneous, omitted. [.... Night] of the 19th, all night, very overcast.
[....] .... [....] Venus’ first appearance in the east in Pisces. [....] 26 was the na (gauge); from the 11th day [....] it receded [....,] total: 30 was the na (gauge); from the 25th until the end of the month, it rose ⅔ cubit, total: 26 was the na (gauge). —————————— [.... Seleucia?, which is on the Ti]gris and the king’s canal [....] .... the 30th day, wrong-doing [....] went, to the other cities [....] departed [from? Seleu]cia, they marched around victoriously [....] he killed ....; in it?, the gen[eral? ....] [....] was set up in the land. [That] month, [....]
BM 35645 (= Sp III 157)
BM 35645
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 771
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[DI]R AN ZA G[E6 ....] MURUB4 5/6 ŠUII Ḫ[AB? ....] 1½ KÙŠ DIR AN [....] GE6 13 SAG G[E6 ....] 14 14 na mu[š ....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[clou]ds were in the sky. Ni[ght? ....] in the middle watch, five-sixths of the di[sk? ....] 1½ cubits [....;] clouds [....] the sky [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 14°, measu[red ....] Mercury’s [....] in the west in [....]
BM 35646 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
17 DI[R] AN Z[A ....] [1]9 ina KIN-SIG [....] [2]2 DIR AN [....] [GE6 2]4+[x] ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....] [x x S]A4? [....] [x x x] AN? [....]
247 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[x] ⌈x⌉ DIR A[N ....] dele-bat e MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈RÍN šá ULÙ⌉ 20 S[I ? ....] GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin SIG?⌉ [....] GE6 24 [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [.... GE6] 29 SAG GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [....] ⌈x⌉ saḫ 1 PI Š[E]-GIŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3 [.... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina {ina} zibme IGI AN ina MÚL-M[ÚL ....] 4 [....] ITU A. ½ KÙŠ LAL 21 na 5 [....] ⌈x x⌉-ku ina KUR Ma-da-a-a [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
The 17th, clouds were in the sky [....] [The 1]9th, in the afternoon, [....] [The 2]2nd, clouds [....] the sky [....] [Night of the 2]4+[xth,] last part of the night, [....] [....] α Vir[ginis? ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] clouds [....] the sky [....] Venus was [....] above .... [....] 20 fin[gers? ....] α Librae [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] Night of the 24th, [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] last part of the night, [....]
Left edge 1 [.... Night] of the 29th, beginning of the night, .... [....] 2 [....] .... cress, 1 pān; sesame, .... [....] 3 [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Pisces; Mars was in Taur[us ....] 4 [....] of the month, the river level receded ½ cubit, 21 was the na (gauge). 5 [....] .... in Media [....]
BM 35646 (= Sp III 158)
BM 35646
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 773
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... DELE šá] IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina AN-KU10-šú SI GIN [....] [.... šá SA]G ḪUN 4 KÙŠ GE6 15 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ sin 3½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM [....] [....] i-ṣa ULÙ GIN in 26 [....] [.... U]SAN dele-bat e is le10 ⌈4?⌉ [....] [....] 4(b) 20 1(p) 2(b) 2 qa [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1(b)? 4-ʾu-[ú ....] [.... x]+1 GU4-UD [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ AN [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] 1 cubit [.... γ] Virginis, the moon being .... [....] [....] in its eclipse, the north wind blew. [....] 4 cubits [below β/α] Arietis. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, .... [....] [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon being 3½ cubits high to the north. [....] [....] a little [....,] the south wind blew. Around the 26th, [....] [....] first part of the night, Venus was 4? [cubits?] above α Tauri [....] [....] 4 sūt; the 20th, 1 pān 2 sūt 2 qa [....] [....] .... 1 sūt? (and) one-fourth [....] [.... the x]+1st, Mercury’s [....] [....] .... Mars? [....]
BM 35647
248 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[.... TÙ]R NIGIN MURUB4 [....] [....] GE6 15 SAG GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ DIR AN [x] [....] ŠÁR USAN GÙ U n[é?-ḫi?] [....] 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [x] [.... M]ÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a GE6 20+[x] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG GIŠ.KUN A [nn mm] [....] GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE šá I[GI ABSIN] [.... ina KI]N-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈ITU⌉ BI [.... k]às 1(g) GUR saḫ-le10 [....] in 24 MÚL-BABBAR [.... T]A 8 EN 20+[x] ?
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[.... the moon] was surrounded [by a ha]lo; in the middle watch, [....] [....] Night of the 15th, beginning of the night, [....] [....] 2½ cubits ....; clouds [....] the sky. [....] gusty [wind;] first part of the night, [slo]w? thunder [....] 1½ cubits low to the south .... [....] [....] Jupiter’s acronychal rising. Night of the 20+[xth,] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] below ϑ Leonis. [....] Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ [Virginis.] [.... in the af]ternoon, very overcast. That month, [....] mustard, 1 kur; cress, [....] around the 24th, Jupiter’s [.... fr]om the 8th until the 20+[xth,]
BM 35647 (= Sp III 159)
BM 35647
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 775
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA [.... ABSI]N 1 KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG] [.... RÍN šá] ULÙ 3 KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM ár AN [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB USAN GU4-UD [....] ana NIM DIB GE6 11 sin ina SI4 ár 3 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ 12 KUR GIN ZI IR 13 SI GIN [.... U]SAN sin SIG MÚL SIG šá SI MÁ[Š] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL ⌈ár⌉ [šá SUḪUR MÁŠ] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´
6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x GE6? 21?⌉ [....] MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
[....] .... clouds were in the sky [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [.... Virgin]is, the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [....] α [Librae,] the moon being 1 cubit high to the north, behind Mars [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; first part of the night, Mercury [....] having passed [....] to the east. Night of the 11th, the moon was 3 cubits in the rear star? of α Scorpii. [....] .... The 12th, the east wind blew, ZI IR. The 13th, the north wind blew. [.... fir]st part of the night, the moon was [....] below the lower star of the horn of Capricorn (= β Capricorni) [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above δ Capri[corni] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... Night? of the 21st?, [....] 1 cubit [....] δ Cancri
BM 35652–35653 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[.... GE6 2]7 ina ZÁLAG sin ár LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ sin [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 15 KUR a-kam muš [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈UŠ? x⌉ ULÙ u KUR [....] ⌈x⌉ ár?
Comments Obv. 5´: If ár here means “the rear part”, SI4 must contain more than one star. Also, ina is usually followed by IGI, giving “in front of”. Obv. 7´: In datable texts, the “lower star of the horn of Capricorn” is specifically β Capricorni.
4´ 5´ 6´
[.... Night of the 2]7th, last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Leonis, the moon being [....] .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°, measured (despite) mist. [....] .... stationary?; the south and east winds [....] .... behind?
BM 35652 (= Sp III 164)
BM 35652
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL IGI šá SU[ḪUR? MÁŠ? ....] 4´ [....] NU PAP kal ME DIR AN DI[B ....] 5´ [.... A]N? e MÚL ár šá SU[ḪUR? MÁŠ? ....] 6´ [....] saḫ 1 PI ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 2+[x (b) ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [....] 8´ [....] 23 na 9´ [....] GE6 2 sin SIG MÚL IGI šá [SAG? ḪUN? ....] 10´ [.... ana] NIM DIB GE6 ⌈4⌉ SAG GE6 [....] 11´ [....] ⌈SAG⌉ GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x x⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin [nn] KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG? ....] 13´ [.... G]E6 10 SAG GE6 sin SIG [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x ŠED7 x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´-2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] above γ Cap[ricorni? ....] 4´ [....] I did not watch; all day, clouds crossed the sky [....] 5´ [.... Ma]rs? was [....] above δ Cap[ricorni? ....] 6´ [....] cress, 1 pān; sesame, 2+[x] sūt [....] 7´ [....] .... The 27th, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the west in [....] 8´ [....] 23 was the na (gauge). 9´ [....] Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] below β? [Arietis ....] 10´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, [....] 11´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 12´ [....] .... the moon being [....] cubits low to the south [....] 13´ [.... Ni]ght of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 14´ [....] .... cold .... [....]
BM 35653 (= Sp III 166)
BM 35653
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN TIL ITU 4(p) 3+[x (b) ....] 3´ [....] EN MURUB4 ITU 3 qa [....] 4´ [....] dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR in ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] AN GU KUR ITU BI IL[LU ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... until the end of the month, 4 pān 3+[x sūt ....] 3´ [....] until the middle of the month, 3 qa [....] 4´ [....] Venus reached Taurus; around .... [....] 5´ [....] Mars reached Aquarius. That month, the river [level ....]
Copy: LBAT 772
Photo: YM
250 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
BM 35657–35658 [.... uruSe-l]u-ke-ʾa-a-asic šá ana muḫ-[ḫi íd IDIGNA ....] [.... É]-sag-gíl 1-en GU4 ù 3 [SÍSKURmeš ....] [....] ⌈x⌉-sa-pi-sa-né-e lúGAL [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN-am-ma ina ½ DANNA [....] [.... lúGAL ERÍN] kurURIki meš šá ana mu[ḫḫi ....] [.... U]4-20-KAM al-te-e [....] [....] ⌈x⌉-ú-a MAḪmeš ina Š[À ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[.... Sel]eucia, which is on [the Tigris ....] [.... of E]sangil, [provided] one ox and three [(sheep) sacrifices ....] [....] ....sapisanê, the chief [....] [....] .... came and in ½ bēru [....] [.... the general? of] Babylonia who is above [the four generals? ....] [....] the 20th day, I heard [....] [....] many [....]-uʾa inside [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35657 (= Sp III 170)
BM 35657
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... for 1 shekel] of refined silver. At that [time, ....] 3´ [....] until the 21st, the river level – remainder 1 cubit – [....] 4´ [....] .... and possessions of the people [....] —————————— 5´ [.... Night?] of the 1st?, first part of the night, Mars was 1 cubit below γ Virginis. Night [....] 6´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... α] Librae. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 7´ [....] Night of the 11th, clouds crossed the sky, ....; the moon was [....]
Copy: LBAT 768
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... a-na 1 GÍN K]Ù-BABBAR qa-lu-ú ⌈i-nu⌉-[šú ....] 3´ [....] ⌈EN?⌉ 21 ILLU 1 KÙŠ KÁ-t[ú ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x -ti?⌉ u NÍG.ŠUmeš UNmeš [....] —————————— 5´ [.... GE6?] 1? USAN AN SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 6´ [.... RÍN] šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin ⌈e⌉ [....] 7´ [....] GE6 11 DIR AN DIB ⌈x x x⌉ sin [....]
BM 35658 (= Sp III 171)
BM 35658
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] low [to the sou]th. [....] 2´ [....] crossed [....,] gusty south wind [....] 3´ [....] was surrounded by a [hal]o?, Saturn [stood] on? [....] 4´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind β V[irginis ....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 6´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Librae [....] 7´ [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ [Ophiuchi ....] 8´ [....] was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
Copy: LBAT 774
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG [....] 2´ [....] DIB ULÙ ŠÁ[R ....] 3´ [.... TÙ]R? NIGIN GENNA ina U[GU? ....] 4´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár G[ÌR ár šá A ....] 5´ [.... G]E6 11 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] 6´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá UL[Ù ....] 7´ [....] GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL [KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ....] 8´ [....] TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN GE6 20+[x ....]
BM 35680 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ana ULÙ SIG 27 9,30 KUR [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA ina KIN-SIG DIR A[N ....] [.... x]+½ ma-na i-nu-šú M[ÚL-BABBAR ....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] low to the south. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 30´ [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky; in the afternoon, clouds [....] the sky [....] [.... x]+½ minas. At that time, J[upiter ....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈MAŠMAŠ⌉ [....] 3´ [.... s]in SIG MÚL ár šá ALLA šá U[LÙ ....] 4´ [.... ana] ME E-a kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ [....] 5´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ 22 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN [....] 6´ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ [....] 7´ [.... RÍN šá] SI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 27 U[SAN? ....] 8´ [.... KI].LAM še-im 2(p) 4(b) [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN TIL I[TU ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [α/β] Geminorum [....] 3´ [....] the moon was [....] below δ Cancri [....] 4´ [....] acronychal rising; all day, very overcast, rain shower [....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] The 22nd, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain [....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit [....] α Virginis [....] 7´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] β [Librae.] Night of the 27th, fir[st? part of the night, ....] 8´ [.... the equi]valent was: barley, 2 pān 4 sūt [....] 9´ [....] .... until the end of the m[onth ....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35680 (= Sp III 198)
BM 35680
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... in the after]noon, overcast. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 30´; cl[ouds ....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [....] .... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [β Tauri? ....] 4´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [η/ϑ Cancri? ....] 5´ [....] The 21st, gusty south wind. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Ma[rs? ....] 6´ [....] (the moon) stood 1 cubit 20 fingers [in front of] Mars to the west. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 40´; clouds, I did not watch; all day, [....] 8´ [.... x]+1 minas for 1 shekel of wrought silver [....] 9´ [....] Mars? was in Capricorn?. That month, the river level .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 781
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina KIN]-SIG ŠÚ 13 2,30 ŠÚ D[IR ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG š[ur GIGIR šá SI? ....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI [šá ALLA? ....] 5´ [....] 21 ULÙ ŠÁR GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG A[N? ....] 6´ [.... ina IGI] AN 1 KÙŠ 20 SI ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 20+[x ....] 7´ [....] 27 14,40 KUR DIR NU PAP kal M[E ....] 8´ [.... x]+1 ma-na a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ép-[šú ....] 9´ [....] ⌈AN? ina? MÁŠ? ITU⌉ BI ILLU ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35682–35685
BM 35682 (= Sp III 200) Copy: LBAT 779 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... G]E6 ⌈21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6 2]7 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GU4-UD 1+[x ....] 3´ [.... MÚL-BABBAR ina] ⌈A⌉ dele-bat ina zibme ina TIL ITU ina ⌈ḪUN⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [....] SIG šur SI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 4 sin ár is? [le10? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI šur ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ SIG AN ⅔ KÙŠ sin [....] 6´ [.... MÚ]L ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 12 si[n ....] 7´ [....] sin ina IGI MÚL TUR šá ár LUGAL ½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] 8´ [.... x],30 na DIR NU PAP GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE? [šá IGI ABSIN? ....] 9´ [.... SI?] MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ GE6 27 USAN AN e M[ÚL? ....] 10´ [.... ina TIL] ITU ina zibme GENNA ina ALLA AN ina SAG IT[U ....] 11´ [.... s]in ⌈ina IGI MÚL IGI⌉ šá SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35682 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 2´ [.... Night of the 2]7th, last part of the night, the moon was 1+[x ....] behind Mercury [....] 3´ [.... Jupiter was in] Leo; Venus was in Pisces, at the end of the month, in Aries [....] —————————— 4´ [....] 1½ cubits below β Tauri. Night of the 4th, the moon was [....] behind α T[auri ....] 5´ [....] the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of ζ Tauri, ⅔ cubit below Mars, the moon being [....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit [....] δ Cancri. Night of the 12th, the m[oon ....] 7´ [....] the moon was ½ cubit in front of ρ Leonis. Night [....] 8´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 30´; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ? [Virginis ....] 9´ [....] 3 cubits [.... β?] Capricorni. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mars was [....] above [....] 10´ [.... at the end] of the month, in Pisces; Saturn was in Cancer; Mars, in the beginning of the mon[th, ....] 11´ [.... the m]oon was 3 cubits in front of β Arietis. Ni[ght ....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35685 (= Sp III 203)
BM 35685
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] blew, very cold. [....] 3´ [....] 4 sūt; sesame, 5 sūt; wool, [....] 4´ [....] ....; Saturn was in Taurus; Mars was in Aries [....] —————————— 5´ [....] the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew; cold. Ni[ght? ....] 6´ [.... over]cast. The 3rd, very overcast. Night of the 4th, very overcast. The 4th, clouds were in the sky [....] 7´ [....] 2½ cubits above μ Geminorum; overcast [....]
Copy: LBAT 786
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GIN ma-diš ŠED7 [....] 3´ [....] 4(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 5(b) SIGḫ[á ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina ḪUN [....] —————————— 5´ [....] SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN ŠED7 G[E6? ....] 6´ [.... Š]Ú 3 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 4 DIR AN Z[A ....] 7´ [....] ⌈e⌉ MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2½ KÙŠ ŠÚ [....]
BM 35689–35693 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ár MAŠ-M[AŠ ....] [.... MÚL TU]R šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL [....] [....] dele-bat e [....]
9´ 10´
253 [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [α/β] Geminorum [....] [....] ρ Leonis [....] [....] Venus was [.... ] above [....]
BM 35689 (= Sp III 207)
BM 35689
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 50´; clou[ds, ....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] α Librae .... [....] 4´ [.... ve]ry overcast, the south wind blew. The 18th, very overcast, the south wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [....] the south wind blew. The 20th, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Ni[ght ....] 6´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, very overcast. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 25th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 8´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; last part of the night, overcast? [....] 9´ [.... Night of the 2]9th (and) the 29th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. [....] 10´ [.... Tau]rus; around the 1st, Mercury’s [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 787
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6] 14 5,⌈50 GE6⌉ DI[R ....] 3´ [.... R]ÍN šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... Š]Ú-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ ⌈GIN⌉ G[E6 ....] 5´ [....] ULÙ GIN 20 SI GIN ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA G[E6 ....] 6´ [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN ina KIN-SIG ŠÚŠÚ G[E6 ....] 7´ [.... D]IR AN ZA SI GIN 25 DIR A[N ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GIN ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ? [....] 9´ [.... GE6 2]9 29 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] 10´ [.... MÚ]L-MÚL in 1 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35693 (= Sp III 211+382)
BM 35693
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] cubit? [....] 2´ [.... (the moon was] 3? cubits [....,] the moon being [....] 3´ [....] cubits above .... The 5th?, [....] 4´ [....] low to the south .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] 2+[x cubits] above α Tauri, [the moon] being back [nn] cubits to the west. The 18th, the west wind? [....] 6´ [....] the moon was ½ cubit above η Geminorum, the moon being a little [....] 7´ [....] cubits low to the south; last part of the night, Mercury was ½ cubit below γ Virginis [....]
Copy: LBAT 784
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 3? KÙŠ sin [....] 3´ [....] e MÚL ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈KÙŠ 5?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10+[x ....] 5´ [....] e is le10 2+[x KÙŠ sin x] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 18 MAR? [....] 6´ [....] sin e MÚL IGI [šá] še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ sin i [....] 7´ [....] KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ina ZÁLAG GU4UD SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN ½ K[ÙŠ ....]
254 8´
9´ 10´
BM 35694–35699 [.... ana MÚL ár šá ALLA] šá ULÙ TE ana 1-en MÚL GUR-ár EN 29 MÚL ár šá AL[LA ....] [.... GE6] 26 ina ZÁLAG sin e GÌR ár šá A 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB ....] [....] ½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 27 21 KUR muš GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin?⌉ [....]
8´ 9´
[....] came close [to δ Cancri,] it became one star; until the 29th, δ Cancri [....] [.... Night] of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above β Virginis, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east [....] [....] being ½ cubit high to the north. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21°, measured. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, the moon was [....]
BM 35694 (= Sp III 212)
BM 35694
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] when it began [to cl]ear, in 19° of ni[ght ....] 2´ [.... in] the end of clearing, Jupiter came out; .... [....] 3´ [....] the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. The 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits [....] α Tauri. The 20th, the north wind bl[ew ....] 5´ [.... last part of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] below η Geminorum [....] 6´ [.... Night of the 2]4+xth, last part of the night, the moon was behind the rear stars? [of Cancer? ....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 783
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ana ZÁLAG]-ru ki TAB-ú ina 19 G[E6 ....] 2´ [.... ina] TIL ZÁLAG-ru MÚL-BABBAR E-a ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 10+[x ....] 4´ [....] is le10 2 KÙŠ 20 SI G[IN ....] 5´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin SIG MÚL IGI šá šepít ⌈MAŠ⌉-[MAŠ ....] 6´ [.... GE6 2]4+[x] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚLmeš! (text: IGI) ármeš [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35699 (= Sp III 217)
BM 35699
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija, may it be well. 2 Diary for year x, [....] 3 (the moon) stood 2½ cubits behind Saturn to the east [....] 4 Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was behind the rear star of [....] 5 1 finger [.... γ/δ] Capricorni, Mars being 1 fin[ger? ....] 6 1 fin[ger] above δ Capricorni [....] 7 The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 50´; mist, I did not watch .... [....] 8 [....] .... The 15th?, [....]
Copy: LBAT 791
´Flake´ 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim 2 EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá MU-⌈x⌉-[....] 3 ár GENNA 2½ KÙŠ ana NIM GU[B ....] 4 GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár [....] 5 šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 SI AN 1 S[I? ....] 6 e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 S[I ....] 7 14 1,50 na a-kam NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] 8 [x x] ⌈NIM? 15?⌉ [....]
BM 35701–35704
BM 35701 (= Sp III 219)
BM 35701
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 14th, [....] 3´ [....] sunrise to moonset: 9°; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] γ Capricorni, [....] below .... [....] 5´ [....] The 23rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east ...., omitted .... [....] 6´ [.... the equivalent was: bar]ley, 1 kur 5 sūt; dates, 3 pān 2 sūt; mustard, [....] 7´ [.... Venus was in Pisc]es; the 23rd, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east ...., [omitted; ....] 8´ [....] in the royal palace which is in Babylon .... [....] 9´ [....] were made. That month, the 11th day, in the morning [....] 10´ [.... Sel]eucus, Antiochus and Apa[me, his children ....] 11´ [.... ] the Lamma-rabi Gate .... did not .... [....] —————————— 12´ [Month II, .... The 1st, very] overcast, it thundered once [....] 13´ [....] Night of the 3rd, beginning [of the night, ....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 11
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 14 [....] 3´ [....] 9 na DIR NU PAP ⌈GE6 10⌉+[x ....] 4´ [.... MÚL] IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 23 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... KI.LAM še]-im 1(g) 5(b) ZÚ-LUMMA 3(p) 2(b) kàs [....] 7´ [.... dele-bat ina zib]me 23 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA [IGI DIB ....] 8´ [....] ina É-GAL LUGAL šá ina Eki GAR? ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... e]p-šá-aʾ ITU BI U4-11-KAM ina še-rì [....] 10´ [.... ISe-l]u-ku IAn-ti-ʾu-uk-su ù fA-pa-a[mmu ....] 11´ [.... K]Á? dLAMMA?-ra-bi ul ur ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 12´ [GU4 .... 1 ŠÚ]-ŠÚ dIM 1-en-šú GÙ-šú ⌈ŠUB⌉-[di ....] 13´ [....] ⌈GE6 3 SAG⌉ [GE6 ....] Date Lines 9f. and 12´ are parallel to the Diary No. -245A 12f. and 14; therefore the fragment is probably from SE 66; line 12´ is restored here accordingly.
BM 35704 (= Sp III 223)
BM 35704
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 794
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... DELE šá] ⌈IGI?⌉ ABSIN 2 KÙŠ [....] [.... SA]G ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ina IGI is le10 1 [KÙŠ ....] [.... ina] ⌈IGI?⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 1½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GIŠ.KUN [A ....] [.... DELE š]á IGI ABSIN 3 KÙŠ sin i [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [....] 2 cubits [.... γ] Virginis [....] [....] 2½ cubits [.... β/α] Arietis [....] [....] 1 [cubit] in front of α Tauri [....] [....] 1½ cubits [in] front? of α Geminorum [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Leo[nis ....] [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [.... γ] Virginis, the moon being a little [....]
BM 35704
256 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[.... si]n ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ ⌈28?⌉ [....] [.... AN-K]U10 šámaš šá DIB in 1,4? GE6 GI[N ....] [.... SÍGḫ]á 4 ma-na 1 GÍN KÙBABBAR ép-šú [....] —————————— [x] 1 20 na-su KUR4 DIR muš G[E6 ....] [GE6] 10? SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈ár?⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ 3½ KÙŠ DIR [....] [AN-KU10] sin šá DIB in 1 [....] [x x] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ á[r ....]
8´ 9´ 10´
13´ 14´ 15´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] KI.LAM še-i[m ....] [.... ina MUR]UB4 ITU ina ABSIN i[n ....] [x TA] 11 EN 20 1 KÙŠ LAL 26 [na ....] —————————— [x] ⌈1?⌉ 16 na-su KUR4 muš sin e A[N? ....] [SIG MÚL] ár šá SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [sin x] šur GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ GE6 7 SAG G[E6 ....] [GE6 x] SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL ár šá ALLA šá UL[Ù ....] [x] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ GE6 13 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN DUL-ḫat 10+[x ....] [sin?] ⌈8?⌉ U ana ŠÚ LAL SIG MÚLBABBAR 2½ KÙŠ 15 [....] [GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI4 1⅔ KÙŠ 18 ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] [x x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 22 ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ŠE⌉ 1(g) 1(p) 4(b) ZÚ [....] [.... I]LLU? ⌈EN?⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
11´ 12´ 13´
[.... the m]oon was 2 cubits in front of α Librae. The 28th?, [....] [....] solar [ec]lipse which was omitted; at 64°? after suns[et ....] [.... woo]l, 4 minas 1 shekel of wrought silver. [....] —————————— [Month ....,] the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 20°; it was bright, measured (despite) clouds. Ni[ght ....] [Night] of the 10th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of the rear star of [....] [....] 3½ cubits ....; clouds [....] lunar [eclipse] which was omitted; at 1 [....] [....] below β Geminorum [....]
[....] the equivalent was: barley, [....] [.... in the midd]le of the month, in Virgo; on [....] [.... from] the 11th until the 20th, it receded 1 cubit, 26 [was the na (gauge) ....] —————————— [Month ....,] the 1st? (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 16°; it was bright, measured; the moon was [....] above M[ars? ....] 3 cubits [below] α Arietis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [the moon was] 2 cubits [....] β Tauri. Night of the 7th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [Night of the xth,] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below δ Cancri [....] 3 cubits [....] Night of the 13th, very overcast, rain DUL. The 10+[xth, ....] [the moon? being] 8? fingers back to the west, 2½ cubits below Jupiter. The 15th, [....] [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, the moon was 1⅔ cubits behind α Scorpii. The 18th, very overcast [....] [....] overcast?. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, overcast. The 22nd, overcast? [....] [....] barley, 1 kur 1 pān 4 sūt; dates, [....] [....] the river level?, until? [....]
BM 35709–35715
BM 35709 (= Sp III 228)
BM 35709
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... x]+1 fingers [....] The 26th, rain [....] 3´ [....] .... overcast?. That month, the equivalent was: [....] 4´ [....] 1 pān 3 qa; mustard, 1 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, [....] 5´ [....] Mars? was in Libra. That month, from the 1st until the end of the month, the river level [....] 20 fin[gers ....] 6´ [....] to give, look for, and not to? pile up. The 21st (and) the 22nd, [....] 7´ [....] .... they asked?, after them .... not [....]
Copy: LBAT 789
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... x]+1 SI 26 A[N ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ ŠÚ ITU BI KI.LAM [....] 4´ [....] 1 PI 3 qa ka-si 1(g) 2(p) 3(b) saḫ-le10 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈AN?⌉ ina RÍN ITU BI TA 1 EN TIL ITU ILLU 20 S[I ....] 6´ [....]meš na-dan bu-ʾi-i-ma ul ka-mar 21 22 [....] 7´ [....]-tu4 il-ta-lu-ú ár-ki-šú-nu ul ⌈x⌉ [....] (blank)
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin ina IGI šur [....] 3´ [....] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ GE6 14 10 ME DI[R? ....] 4´ [....] GE6 DIR NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] GE6 17 USA[N ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] Comments Obv. 6´: This line is obscure to me. If ka-mar is an infinitive, it should not be negated by ul. 7´: il-ta-lu-ú is most likely derived from šalû “to submerge oneself”, but the context is unclear.
(blank) 8´
[....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon was [....] in front of [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 3´ [....] moonset to sunrise: [....] Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 10°; clou[ds, ....] 4´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [....]; clouds, I did not watch .... [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 17th, first part [of the night, ....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35715 (= Sp III 284)
BM 35715
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the 6th (and) the 7th, 2 pān 2 sūt; from the 8th until the 19th, [....] 2´ [....] At that time, Jupiter was in Pisces; Venus, in the beginning of the month, in Gemini, [....] 3´ [....] receded [....,] total: 15 was the na (gauge); the 20th, 21st, (and) 22nd, it rose 2 fingers [....] 4´ [....] .... many troops of the king for fighting with the people? [....] 5´ [....] .... the governor of Seleucia from Sel[eucia ....] 6´ [....] they plundered a few [....]ayu. That month, [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 12
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 6 7 2(p) 2(b) TA 8 EN 19 [....] 2´ [....] ⌈i⌉-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina SAG ITU ina MAŠ-MAŠ [....] 3´ [....] LAL PAP 15 na 20 21 22 2 SI GI[N ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ lúERÍN-ni LUGAL MAḪmeš áš-šú ṣal-tú KI UN[....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ lúpa-ḫat uruSe-lu-ke-ʾa-a TA uruSel[u-ke-ʾa-a ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉-a-a i-ṣu-tú SARmeš ITU BI [....]
BM 35716–35723
258 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... ḫubut? U]RUmeš-šú DUGUD-tú iḫ-tabbat IGI-LAL-ma? [....] [....] x GAL?meš u KÁmeš šá É-[....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] he took away heavy [booty] of his cities. He? looked? and? [....] [....] great? .... and the gates of E-[....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
BM 35716 (= Sp III 235)
BM 35716
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 5? SI ana ⌈NIM GUB? x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... á]r? MÚL KUR šá šil-taḫ PA [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG AN [....] 5´ [.... KI.LA]M še-im 1(p) 3(b) ZÚ 3(p) 2(b) [....] 6´ [.... ina SA]G ITU ina ALLA 7 MÚLBABBAR MAŠ-MAŠ [KUR ....] 7´ [.... I]LLU TA 1 EN 9 4 SI [....] —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] it stood? 5? fingers to the east .... [....] 3´ [.... be]hind? ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 4´ [....] ...., the north wind blew. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mars? [....] 5´ [.... the equiva]lent was: barley, 1 pān 3 sūt; dates, 3 pān 2 sūt [....] 6´ [.... (Jupiter was) in the beginn]ing of the month, in Cancer; around the 7th, Jupiter [reached] Gemini [....] 7´ [....] the river level, from the 1st until the 9th, [....] 4 fingers [....] —————————— 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35718 (= Sp III 237)
BM 35718
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [DI]R AN ZA 10 DI[R ....] 2´ e MÚL IGI šá ALLA š[á ....] 3´ AN PISAN DIB 15 D[IR? ....] 4´ MURUB4 GÍR GÙ U ina [....] 5´ ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [clou]ds were in the sky. The 10th, clou[ds ....] 2´ above [η/ϑ] Cancri [....] 3´ rain, PISAN DIB. The 15th, cl[ouds? ....] 4´ in the middle watch, lightning, thunder, in [....] 5´ .... [....]
Left edge 1´ [....] DU6 MU-⌈12⌉-K[AM ....]
Left edge 1´ [....] Month VII, year 12 [....]
BM 35723 (= Sp III 242)
BM 35723
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [....] was ½ cubit above α Librae. Night of the 19th, last [part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ρ Leonis [....]
Copy: LBAT 792
Copy: LBAT 207
Copy: LBAT 788
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] 2´ [....] GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 3´ [....] e RÍN šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ GE6 19 ina Z[ÁLAG? ....] 4´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MUL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár [LUGAL ....]
BM 35724 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ GE6 23 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 23 DIR [....] [.... U]LÙ ŠÁR ⌈GE6⌉ 25 SAG GE6 AN UTAḪ [....] [....] ⌈x GE6 26?⌉ DIR AN ZA 27 20? ⌈KUR⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ŠUR nab-lu-šú UD-DA [....] —————————— 3´ [....] 1 ULÙ ŠÁR GE6 2 sin ina IGI [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 4 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA [....]
259 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... cubits [....] Night of the 23rd, very overcast. The 23rd, clouds [....] [....] gusty [s]outh wind. Night of the 25th, beginning of the night, rain shower [....] [....] .... Night of the 26th?, clouds were in the sky. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20°? [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] flashed, its flame [....] light [....] —————————— 3´ [....] The 1st, gusty south wind. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 4th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky [....]
BM 35724 (= Sp III 243)
BM 35724
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] first appearance .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [....,] measured; clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of γ? [Capricorni ....] 4´ [.... the no]rth? wind blew. Night of the 20th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η [Piscium ....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [.... β/α] Arietis. The 21st, the north wind blew. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, .... [....] 6´ [....] 6 fingers [....] β [Tauri?.] The 24th, the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 7´ [....] ϑ Ophiuchi to the east it became stationary. The 20+[xth, ....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 793
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈MÚL? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI GE6 10+[x ....] 3´ [....] GE6 muš DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin ina ⌈IGI MÚL IGI?⌉ [šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ....] 4´ [.... S]I? GIN GE6 20 SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá [DUR nu-nu ....] 5´ [.... šá?] ⌈SAG ḪUN?⌉ 2 KÙŠ 21 SI GIN GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈šá⌉ SI 6 SI 24 SI GIN GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 7´ [.... MÚ]L ⌈KUR⌉ šá KIR4 šil PA ⌈ana?⌉ NIM UŠ 20+[x ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] sin ⌈SIG⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 23 [....] 3´ [....] MÚL ár šá ALLA šá [....] 4´ [....] GUR saḫ-le10 4(p) [....] 5´ [....] ina ABSIN in 21 GU4-UD ina [....] 6´ [....] IGI-ú ú-sur-tu4? ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] the moon was [....] below [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 23rd, [....] 3´ [.... γ/δ] Cancri [....] 4´ [....] kur; cress, 4 pān [....] 5´ [.... (Mercury was)] in Virgo; around the 21st, Mercury’s [....] in [....] 6´ [....] first [....,] imprisonment? .... [....]
BM 35735
260 7´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] .... [....]
[....] 5 cubits [....] the northern [....] .... [....] [....] clouds were in the sky, ZI IR. Night [....] [.... beginning] of the night, overcast, lightning flashed; first part of the night, [....] [....] at noon, .... [....] [....] stood to the west, [it was set?] towards its in[side? ....] [....] .... around the 14th, .... [....] [....] α Arietis [....]
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] šá SI 5 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] DIR AN ZA ZI IR GE6 [....] [.... SAG] GE6 ŠÚ GÍR GÍR USAN [....] [....] AN-BAR7 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ana] ŠÚ GUB ana Š[À?-šú ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ in 14 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL á]r šá ⌈SAG ḪUN⌉ [....]
10´ 11´
12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
BM 35735 (= Sp III 257)
BM 35735
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 801
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
⌈x⌉ [....] 23 ŠÚ šá G[U4-UD .... GÌR ár] šá A 6 SI ana SI [NIM ....] DIR AN ZA SI Š[ÁR? ....] 1(p) 2(b) 3 qa 10 ⌈1(p)⌉ [....] EN 26 1(p) 2(b) 2+[x qa ....] SÍGḫá 1½ m[a-na ....] ina MÚL-MÚL i[n? ....] PAP 6 na [....] LUGAL-tú [....] ana LUGAL-tú [....] —————————— itu ⌈x⌉
⌈2 ma⌉-[na ....] gab-bi TA [....] NIDBA ina KÁ-[....] šá ina IGI-ma ana ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— itu ⌈x⌉ 1 11? [....] GE6 ⌈5?⌉ SAG GE6 s[in ....] ár MÚL ár šá SU[ḪUR MÁŠ ....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 13 [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 1+[x mm ....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
.... [....] The 23rd, Mer[cury’s] last appearance [....] 6 fingers [.... β Vir]ginis [high] to the north [....] clouds were in the sky, gu[sty?] north wind [....] 1 pān 2 sūt 3 qa; the 10th, 1 pān [....] until the 26th, 1 pān 2 sūt 2+[x qa ....] wool, 1½ mi[nas ....] in Taurus; ar[ound? ....] total: 6 was the na (gauge) [....] kingship [....] to the kingship [....] —————————— Month .... [....]
2 mi[nas ....] all from [....] offerings at the [....] gate [....] who before to .... [....] —————————— Month ...., the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), (sunset to moonset:) 11°? [....] Night of the 5th?, beginning of the night, the m[oon was ....] behind δ Capri[corni ....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 13th, [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1+[x ....] in front of η Tauri [....]
BM 35747–35749 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 18 SI ⌈GIN⌉ [....] sin 1 KÙŠ 8 SI ana ULÙ SIG KI [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GÌR ár [šá A ....] sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ár AN [....] ITU BI KI.LAM še-[im ....] 1? 2 ⌈x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [.... x]+⌈6?⌉-KAM
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 18th, the north wind blew [....] the moon being 1 cubit 8 fingers low to the south, with? [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Virgi[nis ....] the moon being 2 cubits low to the south, [....] behind Mars [....] That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] the 1st?, 2nd .... [....]
Left edge 1 [.... x]+6?th
Year 200+[x ....]
BM 35747 (= Sp III 269)
BM 35747
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x sin⌉ [....] 2´ [.... šá SA]G ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SA4 šá A[BSIN ....] 4´ [ .... s]in ina IGI SI4 1 KÙŠ 8 U GE6 19 [....] 5´ [.... GE6 2]3 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ [....] 6´ [.... ] ⌈x⌉ UŠ ITU BI KI.LAM še-i[m ....] 7´ [....] ina ḪUN in 22 GU4-UD ina [....] 8´ [.... E]N TIL ITU ŠED7 ITU [BI ....] —————————— 9´ [.... IAn]-ti-ʾu-uk-su [LUGAL]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the moon [....] 2´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... β/α Ar]ietis. Night [....] 3´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Vir[ginis ....] 4´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of α Scorpii. Night of the 19th, [....] 5´ [.... Night of the 2]3rd, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind β Capricorni [....] 6´ [....] it became stationary .... That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] 7´ [....] in Aries; around the 22nd, Mercury’s [....] in [....] 8´ [.... un]til the end of the month, it was cold. [That] month, [....] —————————— 9´ [.... King An]tiochus.
BM 35749 (= Sp III 271)
BM 35749
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] α Virginis [....] 2´ [....] the moon was 2 [cubits] in front of β Scorpii [....] 3´ [....] 3½ cubits [below] α Arietis. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 30th, first part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit below η Tauri [....]
Copy: LBAT 796
Copy: LBAT 803
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN [....] 2´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI MÚL e šá SAG GÍRTAB 2 [KÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... SIG] MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ GE6 10+[x ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 30 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚLMÚL 1 KÙŠ [....]
BM 35751–35752
262 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] 2 qa SÍGḫá 3 ma-na i-nu-šú MÚL[BABBAR ....] [....] šá? ILLU ŠÚ GIN —————————— [.... dele]-bat? 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá S[IPA ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ si[n ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] 2 qa; wool, 3 minas. At that time, Jupi[ter ....] [....] .... the peak flood came. —————————— [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] Venus?, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] the moon was [....] above γ Geminorum [....] [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] the moo[n being ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35751 (= Sp III 273)
BM 35751
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 2° onset, maximal phase [and clearing?] 2´ [.... stood there?.] In Aquarius it became eclipsed. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 7°, measured. 3´ [....] a little [....] rose. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon 4´ [.... Ve]nus was 1½ cubits above α Virginis. 5´ [....] being [....] back to the west. The 22nd, gusty north wind. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon 6´ [....] The 25th, the north wind blew. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon 7´ [.... x]+1 pān 1 sūt 3 qa; sesame, until the middle of the month, 8´ [....] ....
Copy: LBAT 797
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 GAR ÍR [x x] 2´ [....]meš ina GU ⌈KA×MI⌉ 14 7 na ⌈muš?⌉ 3´ [....] i-ṣa ZI-a GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin 4´ [.... dele]-bat e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ 5´ [.... ana] ŠÚ LAL 22 SI ŠÁR GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin 6´ [....] 25 SI GIN GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin 7´ [.... x]+1(p) 1(b) 3 qa ŠE-GIŠ-Ì EN MURUB4 ITU 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ Right edge 1 [....] ⌈1? 21+x⌉ [....]
Right edge 1 [Year? ....] 1,21+x [....]
BM 35752 (= Sp III 274)
BM 35752
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... extraneous?, omitted .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 798
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x BAR?⌉ DIB ⌈x⌉ [....]
(space of ca. 2 lines) 2´
(space of ca. 2 lines) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 3½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB SI GI[N ....] [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] [.... GE6 x]+1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 [SI ....] [.... si]n SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa [....]
3´ 4´
[....] .... it stood 3½ cubits to the east; the north wind blew [....] [....] last part of the night, Venus was [....] above η Geminorum [....] [.... Night of the x]+1st, last part of the night, Venus was 8 [fingers] above μ Geminorum [....] [....] the moon was 1 cubit below α Librae, the moon being a little [....]
BM 35761–35764 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] SI GIN GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin SIG [....] [....] (erasure) 11 SI GIN G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 15 5 [....] [....] GIN GE6 19 19 SI GIN G[E6 ....] [....MÚ]L-BABBAR ina ALLA IGI 12 nas[u ....] [.... x]+5 na GU4-UD kal ME SI [....] [....] ⌈x kal ME? ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] the north wind blew. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] [....] (erasure) The 11th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] [....] ½ cubit low to the south. The 15th, [....] 5° [....] [....] blew. Night of the 19th (and) the 19th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] [.... Ju]piter’s first appearance in Cancer; rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 12° [....] [.... x]+5° visibility of Mercury; all day, the north wind [....] [....] .... all day, very overcast [....]
BM 35761 (= Sp III 284)
BM 35761
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] lightning, thunder [....] 2´ [....] mustard, 1 kur 5 sūt; cr[ess, ....] —————————— 3´ [....] .... (the moon) stood 2 [cubits] behind Mercury [to the east,] the moon being 1 cubit low to the south [....] 4´ [....] ⅔ cubit .... η Geminorum. The 3rd, rain shower, gusty wind; 2 .... [....] 5´ [....] it stood 5½ cubits . Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Virgi[nis ....] 7´ [.... clou]ds?. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 8´ [....] .... night .... cubit? [....]
Copy: LBAT 802
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈GÍR GÙ U⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ka-si 1(g) GUR 5(b) ⌈zà?⌉ [....] —————————— 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ár GU4-UD 2 [KÙŠ ana NIM] ⌈GUB⌉ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ⌉ S[IG ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x MÚL⌉ IGI šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ ⅔ KÙŠ 3 AN UTAḪ IM ŠÁR 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x 5⌉½ KÙŠ GUB GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 9 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SA4 šá AB[SIN ....] 7´ [.... DI]R? GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ina IG[I ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈x x x⌉ KÙŠ? [....]
BM 35764 (= Sp III 287)
BM 35764
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] 3½ cubits .... Around 3´ [....] 4 cubits [.... η] Piscium. Night of the 14th, 4´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind η Tauri, the moon being 1½ cubits 5´ [.... moonrise to] sunrise?: [....,] measured; all day, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 28th,
Copy: LBAT 800
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI 3½ KÙŠ in 3´ [.... š]á DUR nu-nu 4 KÙŠ GE6 14 4´ [....] sin ár MÚL-MÚL 2½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ 5´ [.... KU]R? muš kal ME DIR AN ZA GE6 28
BM 35765
264 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ú MAR GIN GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈x⌉ 1(b) kàs BE 2(g) GUR saḫ-le10 1 PI [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ 2´ [....] GAR? GIN? ⌈x x⌉ sin? 3´ [.... DI]R? NU PAP 4´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin 5´ [.... x]+6 6´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉
7´ 8´
[....] .... set?; the west wind blew. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. [....] .... 1 sūt; old mustard, 2 kur; cress, 1 pān; [....] ....
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] cubit? 2´ [.... wind, which] was set [to ....] blew; the moon .... 3´ [.... clou]ds?, I did not watch. 4´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 5´ [.... x]+6 6´ [....] cubit?
BM 35765 (= Sp III 288)
BM 35765
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... rain? sh[ower? ....] 2´ [....] were in the sky, .... [....] 3´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....] 4´ [....] The 13th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [....] the 14th, clouds [....] 6´ [....] overcast, clouds [....] 7´ [....] night [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 799
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x AN?⌉ U[TAḪ? ....] 2´ [....] AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] DIR AN ZA SI [....] 4´ [....] 13 DIR AN [....] 5´ [....] 14 DIR [....] 6´ [....] ŠÚ DIR [....] 7´ [....] GE6 [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ma-na a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR épšú [....] [.... ina Ḫ]UN GENNA ina A AN ina SAG ITU ina GU ina TIL [ITU ....] [....] IGI ITU BI ILLU TA 1 EN 6 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈PAP⌉ 14 na TA 18 EN 23 10 SI GI[N ....] [....] PAP 9 na ITU BI ZABAR šá ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GAL-ú NA4 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x šá x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] minas for 1 shekel of wrought silver [....] 2´ [.... in Ar]ies; Saturn was in Leo; Mars, in the beginning of the month, was in Aquarius, at the end [of the month, ....] 3´ [....] visible. That month, the river level, from the 1st until the 6th, .... [....] 4´ [....] total: 14 was the na (gauge); from the 18th until the 23rd, it rose 10 fingers [....] 5´ [....] total: 9 was the na (gauge). That month, bronze which .... [....] 6´ [....] large ...., stone .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35769–35771
BM 35769 (= Sp III 292)
BM 35769
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ... to the kings [....] 2´ [....] That [month,] I heard as follows: [....] 3´ [....] his nobles (and) his troops to Babylon [....] 4´ [....] he cross[ed?] the Tigris [....] 5´ [.... the cit]y? of kingship he entered. I [heard ....] 6´ [....] Arsaces, king of ki[ngs ....] 7´ [....] I heard as follows: in .... [....] 8´ [.... o]n the Tigris and [....] 9´ [....] the citizens [....] 10´ [....] on the 5th [day, he enter]ed his house [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches. Pl. 12
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉-tu-ú ana LUGALme[š ....] 2´ [.... ITU] BI al-te-me um-m[a ....] 3´ [.... lú]SIGmeš-šú lúERÍNmeš-šú ana ⌈E?⌉[ki ....] 4´ [....] ídIDIGNA i-bi[r....] 5´ [.... UR]U? LUGAL-ú-tú KU4-ub al-[te-me ....] 6´ [....] IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL L[UGALmeš ....] 7´ [.... a]l-te-me um-ma ina KI [....] 8´ [.... ana muḫ]-ḫi ídIDIGNA u [....] 9´ [.... l]úpu-li-te-⌈e⌉ [....] 10´ [.... U4?]-5-KAM É-su K[U4-ub? ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] Comments 1´: LUGALmeš is certain.
BM 35771 (= Sp III 294)
BM 35771
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] were in the sky. The 11th?, .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] southern [....;] very overcast, r[ain? ....] 3´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. Night of the 16th, first [part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] much [....,] rain so that the sandal was removed; last part of the night, [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 804
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈AN ZA 11? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ ŠÚ-ŠÚ A[N?....] 3´ [.... DI]R AN DIB GE6 16 US[AN ....] 4´ [.... M]AḪ AN še-ni TUḪ ina ZÁLAG [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NIM-⌈GÍR? x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1+[x ....] 3´ [.... G]E6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚLMÚL 1 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 4´ [....] ⌈SIG⌉ RÍN šá ULÙ 8 SI ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL [....] 5´ [.... GE6] 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá AL[LA ....] 6´ [.... GE6 2]7 USAN AN SIG RÍN šá [....] 7´ [.... T]A 6 EN 11 1 PI [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....].... lightning? .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon was 1+[x ....] in front of η Piscium [....] 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind η Tauri. Ni[ght ....] 4´ [....] 8 fingers below α Librae; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [γ/δ] Cancri [....] 6´ [.... Night of the 2]7th, first part of the night, Mars was [....] below [α/β] Librae [....] 7´ [.... fr]om the 6th until the 11th, 1 pān [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 35773–35791
BM 35773 (= Sp III 297)
BM 35773
Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... had entrusted in Babylon .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] had done [in] Babylon, went. Fighting on .... [....] 3´ [....] sheepfold? he took for Nabû and .... His/its possessions and .... [....] 4´ [.... Satu]rn? entered the moon on the north side; the moon was 1+[x ....] in front of Venus [....] 5´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum. The 5th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 6´ [.... mu]ch? [....,] rain DUL. The 8th, in the morning, [....] 7´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] above ρ [Leonis ....] 8´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of γ [Virginis ....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 12
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ sa ina Eki ⌈ip-qí-du?-nim? x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [....] Eki DÙ-šú GIN-ʾu ṣal-tu4 ina muḫ-ḫi iš-x [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AMAŠ? ana dAG ù ŠAB KI iṣ-bat NÍG.ŠU-šú u ⌈NÍG?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GENN]A? ana ŠÀ sin ZAG SI KU4 sin ina IGI dele-bat 1+[x ....] 5´ [.... š]á še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2½ KÙŠ 5 DIR AN [....] 6´ [.... MA]Ḫ? AN DUL 8 ina še-r[ì ....] 7´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin e MÚL TUR šá [4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ....] 8´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI DELE [šá IGI ABSIN ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35791 (= Sp III 318)
BM 35791
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ε Leonis [....] 2´ [....] ...., the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night of the xth, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 3´ [.... the equivale]nt was: barley, until the 4th, 1 pān 3 sūt 1 qa, one-fourth (and) half of one-fourth, until the end [of the month, ....] 4´ [....] the 1st, 2nd, (and) 3rd, 2 sūt ½ qa, until the 5th, 2 sūt 1 qa, from the 6th until the end of the month, 2 sūt 1½ qa .... [....] 5´ [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in ....,] omitted; Saturn was in Taurus; Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level [....] 6´ [....]aya came out. That month, I heard that (on) the 22nd day, ....[....] 7´ [....] the Habigalbatuʾa who since month III opposite [....] 8´ [....] his .... they plundered [....] 9´ [ .... Ar]saces, king of kings [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: T. G. Pinches, Pl. 13
´Flake´ 1´ [.... x]+1 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SAG ⌈A⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 ⌈x ina ZÁLAG sin ár x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... KI.LA]M še-im EN 4 1(p) 3(b) 1 qa 4-ú mi-šil 4-ú EN TIL [ITU ....] 4´ [....] 1 2 3 2(b) ½ qa EN 5 2(b) 1 qa TA 6 EN TIL ITU 2(b) 1½ qa ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... Š]Ú-šú DIB GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ITU BI ILLU [....] 6´ [....]-a-a È-a ITU BI al-te-me šá UD-22KAM ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] Ḫa-bi-gal-bat-ú-a šá TA ituSIG4 ana tar-ṣa [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉-tú-šu iḫ-ta-ab-tu-ú [....] 9´ [.... IAr]-šá-ka-a LUGAL LUGALmeš [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ mar qa [....] Comments Possible dates are SE 190 (but the title “king of kings” is attested only from SE 204 on), SE 220 and SE 250.
BM 35799–35800
BM 35799 (= Sp III 326)
BM 35799
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ .... [....] 2´ Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 15°; overcast [....] 3´ The 16th, clouds were in the sky, rain sh[ower? ....] 4´ rain shower; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 5´ β Scorpii [....] 6´ The 22nd, clouds were in the sky. The 23rd, [....] 7´ δ Capricorni [....] 8´ last part of the night, Venus was [....] above the rear star of [....] 9´ dates, from [....] 10´ sesame, 4 sūt; wool, [....] 11´ from the 9th until [....]
Copy: LBAT 808
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 15 15 ME ŠÚ [....] 3´ 16 DIR AN ZA AN U[TAḪ? ....] 4´ AN UTAḪ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] 5´ MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB [....] 6´ 22 DIR AN ZA 2⌈3⌉ [....] 7´ MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] 8´ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL ár šá [....] 9´ ZÚ-LUM TA [....] 10´ ŠE-GIŠ 4(b) SÍG[ḫá ....] 11´ TA 9 EN [....] Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [....] .... [....]
BM 35800 (= Sp III 327)
BM 35800
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] Capricorni. The 10+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] the cold became severe. Night of the 13th, very overcast [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 14th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was 1 [....] behind α Leonis [....] 5´ [....] the cold became severe; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Virgi[nis ....] 6´ [....] the cold became severe. The 16th, very overcast, the west wind blew [....] 7´ [....] were [in the sky,] a little rain shower; the cold became se[vere ....] 8´ [....c]old; all day, very overcast. Night of the 19th, [....] 9´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, a little rain shower. Night [....] 10´ [....] slow rain, much PISAN DIB, .... [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 806
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 10+[x ....] 3´ [....] ŠED7 šir GE6 13 ŠÚ-⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 14 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin ár LUGAL 1 [....] 5´ [....] ŠED7 šir ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GÌR ár [šá A ....] 6´ [.... Š]ED7 šir 16 ŠÚ-ŠÚ MAR GIN [....] 7´ [.... Z]A AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ŠED7 š[ir ....] 8´ [.... Š]ED7 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 19 [....] 9´ [.... DI]R AN ZA AN UTAḪ i-ṣa GE6 [....] 10´ [.... AN] né-ḫi PISAN MAḪ DIB NI [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35801–35802
BM 35801 (= Sp III 329)
BM 35801
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] 2´ [.... the moon was nn cub]its [....,] the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. [....] 3´ [.... The 2]8th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°; (the moon) was faint, measured; clouds were in the sky; in the after[noon, ....] 4´ [....] until the middle of the month, 2 sūt, until the end of the month, 1 sūt 5 qa (and) one-fourth [....] 5´ [....] shekel. At that time, around the 5th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Virgo; Venus was in Leo; around [....] 6´ [....] .... from Babylon .... That [month?,] water in [....] 7´ [....] above of .... [....] .... [....] 8´ [.... a] herald in [....] all [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 10´ [....] the temple administrator [....] .... [....] 11´ [....] of the city Ar[....] earlier [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 810
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG sin⌉ [....] 2´ [.... KÙ]Š sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG ....] 3´ [.... 2]8 11 KUR SIG muš DIR AN ZA ⌈ina KIN⌉-[SIG ....] 4´ [....] EN MURUB4 ITU 2(b) EN TIL ITU 1(b) 5 qa 4-⌈ʾu⌉-[ú ....] 5´ [....] GÍN i-nu-šú in 5 MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN IGI dele-bat ina A in [....] 6´ [....]-qa TA Eki ⌈ZI? ERÍN? MU? UR?⌉ [ITU?] BI? Ameš ina [....] 7´ [....] UGU šá ⌈x⌉ [....]meš LÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] DUN4 ina [.... g]ab-bi [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KI ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] lúŠÀ-TAM [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] šá uruAr-[....] IGI-ú [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35802 (= Sp III 330)
BM 35802
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was .... cubits in front of ε Leonis. The 13th, .... [....] 2´ [....] were in the sky; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind ρ [Leonis ....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind γ Virginis. Night of the 18th, last [part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, all night, clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits above? α Tauri; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above α Scor[pii? ....] 6´ [....] first appearance [....;] it was bright, visibility [interval:] 10° [....] 7´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 25th?, [....]
Copy: LBAT 811
´Flake´ 1´ [.... SAG] ⌈GE6 sin⌉ ina IGI SAG A ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ 13 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... A]N ZA SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL TUR šá [4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ....] 3´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár⌉ DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ GE6 18 ina [ZÁLAG ....] 4´ [....] AN DIB GE6 19 kal GE6 DIR AN DIB IM Š[ÁR ....] 5´ [....] ⌈e is le10 2⌉ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin e S[I4? ....] 6´ [....] IGI KUR 10 UŠ n[a-su ....] 7´ [....] AN ZA GE6 ⌈25?⌉ [....]
BM 35809–35819
BM 35809 (= Sp III 337)
BM 35809
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ Month VII?, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), .... The 1st, cold. Ni[ght ....] 2´ 2 cubits [.... η] Piscium. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ ½ cubit above Jupiter. Night of the 5th?, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 4´ 1 cubit in front of η Geminorum. Night [....] 5´ beginning of the night, the moon [stood] 2 cubits behind Saturn to the ea[st ....] 6´ The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 20´; clouds, I did not watch. Night [....] 7´ last part of the night, the moon was ½ [cubit] behind β Virginis [....] 8´ in the east [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 815
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈DU6? 30 x x x x⌉ 1 ŠED7 G[E6 ....] 2´ šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin [....] 3´ e MÚL-BABBAR ½ KÙŠ GE6 5? SAG G[E6 ....] 4´ ina IGI MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 5´ SAG GE6 sin ár GENNA 2 KÙŠ ana N[IM GUB ....] 6´ 13 2,20 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP GE6 [....] 7´ ina ZÁLAG sin ár GÌR ár šá A ½ [KÙŠ ....] 8´ ina NIM [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35819 (= Sp III 348)
BM 35819
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [γ/δ] Cancri [....] 2´ [....] ½ cubit [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ϑ Leonis [....] 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 4½ cubits above α Scorpii, the moon being ½ cubit [....] 4´ [....] .... At that time, Jupiter was in Scorpius; Venus, until the middle of the month, was in Sagittarius [....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 [cubits] in front of γ Capricorni [....] 6´ [.... Jupi]ter was 2 cubits above α Scorpii. Night of the 9th, the moo[n was ....] 7´ [....] Night of the 12th, the moon was [....] below [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 813
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá AL[LA ....] 2´ [....] ½ KÙŠ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GIŠ.KUN ⌈A⌉ [....] 3´ [.... G]E6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin e SI4 4½ KÙŠ sin ½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍRTAB dele-bat EN MURUB4 ITU ina PA [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 sin ina IGI SUḪUR IGI 2 [KÙŠ ....] 6´ [.... MÚL-BAB]BAR e SI4 2 KÙŠ GE6 9 si[n ....] 7´ [....] ⌈GE6 12⌉ sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35822–35825
BM 35822 (= Sp III 351)
BM 35822
Photo: YM
Copy: T. G. Pinches. Pl. 13
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... ana 1 GÍN] KÙ-BABBAR ép-[šú] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈8? IGI⌉ [x x] —————————— [....] kal GE6 DIR AN [x x] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA SI GIN [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [x] ŠÚŠÚ ⌈ULÙ? x⌉ GIN GE6 4 [.... ina] IGI GIŠ.KUN A 1½ KÙŠ GE6 5? sin e GÌR ár šá A 2 KÙŠ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 10 SAG GE6 sin ⌈SIG RÍN⌉ šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ [.... SAG] ⌈GE6 sin?⌉
[....] 1 KÙŠ GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... U]SAN GU4-UD SIG LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ ⌈28 14,20?⌉ KUR DIR N[U PAP] [.... x]+1 PI SÍGḫá 3 ma-na a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú [.... EN 1]⌈5⌉ 4 U LAL PAP 20 na TA 16 EN ⌈19? 6 U GIN PAP 19 na ⌈TA⌉ 20 EN TIL ITU [....]-šú TA uruAn-ti-⌈ke-ʾa-a⌉ šá ina muḫ-ḫi íd ma-rat —————————— —————————— [....] ⌈ár?⌉ AN 4? ½ K[ÙŠ ....] ina KIN?[SIG? ....]
1´ 3´
4´ 5´
7´ 8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1 2
3 4
[....] .... [....] [.... for 1 shekel] of wrought silver. [....] .... [....] (ideal) first appearance [on] the 8th? [....] —————————— [....] all night, clouds [....] the sky. [The xth,] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. [....] ...., the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. [The xth,] very overcast, ...., the south wind? .... blew. Night of the 4th, [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [in] front of ϑ Leonis. Night of the 5th?, the moon was 2 cubits above β Virginis. [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of α Virginis. [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below α Librae. [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] 1 cubit [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was .... above [....] [.... fir]st part of the night, Mercury was 1½ cubits below α Leonis. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 20`?; clouds, I did n[ot watch.] [.... x]+1 pān; wool, 3 minas for 1 shekel of wrought silver. [.... until the 1]5th, (the river level) receded 4 fingers, total: 20 was the na (gauge); from the 16th until the 19th?, it rose 6 fingers; total: 19 was the na (gauge); from the 20th until the end of the month, [....] his [....] from Antioch which is on the Sea. —————————— —————————— [....] 4?½ cu[bits] behind? Mars [....] in the after[noon? ....]
BM 35825 (= Sp III 355)
BM 35825
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ .... [....] 2´ The 9th, the north wind blew. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Vir[ginis ....]
Copy: LBAT 821
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ 9 SI GIN GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ár SA4 ⌈šá⌉ [ABSIN ....]
BM 35835 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana S[I NIM ....] ina KIN-SIG GÙ U MAḪ né-ḫi AN DULḫat GE6 [....] GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SI4 1 KÙŠ D[IR ....] GE6 14 2,30 ME DIR muš DIR AN ZA S[I? ....] ⌈SI GIN ina še-rì DIR AN ZA GE6⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ DÙ-ʾu
3´ 4´ 5´
1½ cubits in front of α Librae, the moon being 2½ cubits [high] to the north [....] in the afternoon, much slow thunder, rain DUL. Night [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Scorpii; cl[ouds ....] Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 30´; measured (despite) clouds; clouds were in the sky, the nor[th? wind blew ....] the north wind blew; in the morning, clouds were in the sky. Night [....]
Left edge 1 [....] .... they made.
BM 35835 (= Sp III 365)
BM 35835
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 3 cubits [....] .... of the 21st, very overcast; last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 3´ [....] a little [rain sh]ower; all night, clouds cro[ssed] the sky [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of β Capricorni. The 25th?. [....] 5´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 29th (and) the 29th, very overcast. That month, the equi[valent was: ....] 6´ [.... sesa]me, 5 sūt 3 qa; wool, 2 minas. At that time, Ju[piter ....] —————————— 7´ [.... x]+1°, measured; all night, clouds were in the sky. The 1st, all day, clouds were in the sky, rain shower [....] 8´ [....] all night, clouds were in the sky; in the morning, clouds crossed the sky, slow rain DUL [....] 9´ [....] .... last part of the night, Mercury was 2 cubits above γ Capricorni. The 6th, .... [....] 10´ [.... x]+1 cubits [....;] last part of the night, Mercury was [....] above δ Capri[corni ....] 11´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 817
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 3´ [.... AN U]TAḪ i-ṣa kal GE6 DIR AN D[IB ....] 4´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ 25? [....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 29 29 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ITU BI KI.[LAM ....] 6´ [.... ŠE-GIŠ]-Ì 5(b) 3 qa SÍGḫá 2 ma-na i-nu-šú MÚ[L-BABBAR ....] —————————— 7´ [.... x]+1 muš kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 1 kal ME DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ [....] 8´ [....] kal GE6 DIR AN ZA ina še-rì DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫu DU[L ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ 6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... x]+⌈1⌉ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e MÚL ár šá SU[ḪUR MÁŠ ....] 11´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35839–35849
BM 35839 (= Sp III 369)
BM 35839
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... Night of the 1]5th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 30´ [....] 2´ [.... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn; it was bright, [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 cubits [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 4´ [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, overcast. The 20th, overcast [....] 5´ [....] The 21st, very overcast, rain DUL [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 814
´Flake´ 1´ [.... GE6 1]5 4,30 ME [....] 2´ [.... GU4]-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI KUR [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 4´ [....] GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 20 ŠÚ [....] 5´ [....] 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN ⌈DUL⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35841 (= Sp III 371)
BM 35841
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... the moon was x]+1½ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 3´ [....] the moon being 1 cubit 6 fingers high to the north [....] 4´ [....] sunrise to moonset: x° 40´. Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 40´ [....] 5´ [....] low [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was .... [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] γ Geminorum, the moon being [....] 7´ [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 812
´Flake´ 1´ [.... x]+1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] 3´ [....] sin 1 KÙŠ 6 SI ana SI N[IM ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x,40⌉ na GE6 15 40 NINDA ME [....] 5´ [....] SIG GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ šá SIPA 2 KÙŠ sin [....] 7´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35849 (= Sp III 379)
BM 35849
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Aries? .... [....] 2´ [....] blew?; at noon, overcast? [....] 3´ [.... the moon was x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being 1 cubit low to the south [....] 4´ [....] when it began, in 19° of night .... [....] 5´ [.... δ/β] Scorpii it became eclipsed. At 65° [after sunset/before sunrise ....] 6´ [....] 2 cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 7´ [.... first] part of the night, Venus was [....] above the front star of [....] 8´ [....] first part of the night?, Ven[us? ....] 9´ [....] 4 cubits [above γ Gem]inorum [....]
Copy: LBAT 822
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x ḪUN? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GIN AN-BAR7 ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 4´ [.... k]i-i TAB-ú ina 19 GE6 ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... š]á SAG ⌈GÍR-TAB KA×MI in 1,5 GE6 [....] 6´ [....] ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 2 KÙŠ [....] 7´ [.... U]SAN ⌈dele-bat e⌉ [MÚL] ⌈IGI šá⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈USAN? dele-b[at? ....] 9´ [.... e MAŠ-MAŠ šá] SIPA 4 KÙ[Š ....]
BM 35850–35851
BM 35850 (= Sp III 380)
BM 35850
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] one bull and 2 (sheep) sacrifices [....] 3´ [....] that [satr]ap of Babylonia fr[om? ....] 4´ [....] they gave as presents. —————————— 5´ [.... the nor]th wind blew. Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2½ cubits below β Geminorum [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] ⅔ cubit [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 7´ [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west, [....] in front of Jup[iter ....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 8th, all night, .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 816
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 1-en GU4 ù 2 SISKUR [....] 3´ [.... mu-ma-ʾi-i]r KUR URIki MU-a-tì T[A? ....] 4´ [....] i-qiš-šu-ú —————————— 5´ [.... S]I GIN GE6 2 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] ⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] 7´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ina IGI MÚL-[BABBAR ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 8 kal GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] Comments 7´: Since the position of the moon relative to a fixed star is already given in the first (broken) part of the line, what follows must refer to a planet, hence the restoration.
BM 35851 (= Sp III 381)
BM 35851
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... a me]teor which was bright and had a train [....] 3´ [.... a me]teor which was bright and had a train [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] above δ Scorpii [....] 5´ [....] The 18th, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Pisces; clouds and mist, [....] 6´ [....] Night of the 21st, slow rain, PISAN DIB. The 21st, .... [....] 7´ [.... (a rainbow)] stretched [....] and east. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Ju[piter? ....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 823
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚL] GAL KUR u meš-ḫi TU[K ....] 3´ [.... MÚ]L GAL KUR u meš-ḫi TUK-ú [....] 4´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB [....] 5´ [....] 18 dele-bat ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ DIR u a-kam [....] 6´ [....] GE6 21 AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] u KUR GIB GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-[BABBAR? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35863–35870
BM 35863 (= Sp III 395)
BM 35863
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night of the 1]4th, [....:] 2° 30´[....] 3´ [....] low [to] the south. The 14th, [....:] 5° [....] 4´ [.... Night of the 1]5th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] 6´ [....] .... The 17th, clouds were in the sky .... [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 5? cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [back] to the west [....] 8´ [....] .... in the east [....]
Copy: LBAT 824
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6 1]4 2,30 [....] 3´ [.... ana UL]Ù SIG 14 5, [x ....] 4´ [.... GE6 1]5 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 17 DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈5?⌉ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ [LAL ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x ina⌉ NIM [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [x x] 1(g) GUR 4(p) 2(b) kàs [....] 2´ [x m]a-na a-na 1 GÍN K[Ù-BABBAR ....] 3´ [x ina] PA IGI NU PAP in 19 GU4-UD [....] 4´ [x] ⌈A?⌉ KUR-ád GENNA ina ḪUN AN [....] 5´ [PAP] 25 na ITU BI ISe-[....] 6´ [x] KUR la šá an TUḪ (over erasure) —————————— 7´ ⌈ituGAN?⌉ 1 21 na [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] 1 kur 4 pān 2 sūt; cress, [....] 2´ [x m]inas for 1 shekel of si[lver ....] 3´ [....] first appearance in Sagittarius, I did not watch; around the 19th, Mercury’s [....] 4´ [....] reached Leo?; Saturn was in Aries; Mars [....] 5´ [total:] 25 was the na (gauge). That month, [King?] Se[leucus? ....] 6´ [....] land .... —————————— 7´ Month IX?, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 21° [....]
BM 35870 (= Sp III 402)
BM 35870
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night? of the 5th?, [....] 2´ [.... the co]ld became severe. Night of the 7th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 3´ [....] The 10th, very overcast. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 12th, [....] 5´ [....] was surrounded by a halo. The 13th, clouds were in the sky; the sun [was surrounded] by a halo [....] 6´ [.... NIght of the 1]5th?, sunset to moonrise: 2° 20´; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below α Leonis [....]
Copy: LBAT 825
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x GE6? 5?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ŠE]D7 šir GE6 7 DIR AN DIB [....] 3´ [....] 10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] 4´ [....] 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 12 [....] 5´ [....] TÙR NIGIN 13 DIR AN ZA šámaš TÙ[R NIGIN ....] 6´ [.... GE6 1]⌈5?⌉ 2,20 GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG LUGAL [....]
BM 35878–35883
BM 35878 (= Sp III 410)
BM 35878
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina SAG [ITU? ....] 4´ [.... GÍ]N a-na 1 GÍN [KÙ-BABBAR ....] 5´ [....] NU IGI ITU BI ILLU [....] 6´ [....] (blank) —————————— 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár [....] 8´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ 6 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MAR-TU GI[B ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 28th, .... [....] 3´ [....] .... in the beginning [of the month? ....] 4´ [.... sheke]ls for 1 shekel [of silver ....] 5´ [....] was not visible. That month, the river level [....] 6´ [....] (blank) —————————— 7´ [....] .... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind the rear star [....] 8´ [....] cubits? [....] The 6th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Aquarius [....] 9´ [....] str[etched ....] west [....]
BM 35880 (= Sp III 412)
BM 35880
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 17th (and) the 17th, over[cast ....] 3´ [....] .... blew. The 24th, overcast, the north wind [....] 4´ [....] overcast, rain shower; in the morn[ing, ....] 5´ [.... Night of the 2]8th, all night, very overcast [....] 6´ [....] a comet [....] 7´ [....] the north wind blew. That month, the e[quivalent was: ....] 8´ [....] 4? qa; sesame, 1? sūt [....] 9´ [.... Jupit]er’s first appearance in Taurus; Mercu[ry ....] 10´ [....] the 10th day, the sat[rap ....] 11´ [....] offerings for the s[atrap? ....] 12´ [....] That month, plundering of the [....] —————————— 13´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 826
Copy: LBAT 835
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ZA? GE6 17 17 Š[Ú ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN 24 ŠÚ SI [....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ AN UTAḪ ina še-r[ì ....] 5´ [.... GE6 2]8 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 6´ [....] dṣal-lum-mu-[ú ....] 7´ [....] SI GIN ITU BI K[I.LAM ....] 8´ [....] ⌈4?⌉ qa ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 1(b)? [....] 9´ [.... MÚL-BABBA]R ina MÚL-MÚL IGI GU4-U[D ....] 10´ [.... U]4-10-KAM lúmu-ʾi-m[a?-ir? ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NIDBA ana lúm[u-....] 12´ [....] ITU BI SAR-tú lú[....] —————————— 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35883 (= Sp III 415)
BM 35883
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 828
Obv.´? 1 2
[....] EN 15 1 KÙŠ LAL-is? ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN DIB GE6 19 ŠÚ [....]
[....] until the 15th, (the river level) receded 1 cubit; .... [....] [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, overcast [....]
BM 35890
276 [....] ⌈x⌉ AN né- kal ⌈U4? DIR?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ šámaš TÙR NÍGIN NU [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 SI A ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3 4 5 6
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Edge 1
3 4 5 6
[....] ⌈ŠÚ⌉-up? šámaš ⌈ina⌉ [....] [....] GÙ U AN DUL [....] [.... G]E6 22 ŠÚ-up AN DUL ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 25 DIR TUḪme ina 24 KI 2[5 ....] [....] ina ŠÚ ⌈ár⌉ MÁŠ ŠÚ 24 25 26 ŠED7 [....] [.... DI]R? AN TUḪ 26 ILLU [....] ——————————
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Edge 1
[....] ...., slow? rain, all day, clouds? [....] [....] .... the sun was surrounded by a halo which was not [closed ....] [....] .... 4 fingers .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] overcast, the sun .... [....] [....] thunder, rain DUL, [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 22nd, overcast, rain DUL, .... [....] [....] the 25th, clouds dissolved?; on the 24th or 2[5th, ....] [....] last appearance in the west behind Capricorn. The 24th, 25th, (and) 26th, cold [....] [.... clou]ds? .... the sky. The 26th, the river level [....] ——————————
BM 35890 (= Sp III 423)
BM 35890
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 24th? .... [....] 2´ That month, the equivalent was: barley, [....] 3´ Mercury, which had set, was not visible [....] —————————— 4´ Month V, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month; sunset to moonset:) 10° 20´; it was faint. Night of the 2nd, the m[oon was ....] 5´ 5 cubits [below] β [Librae.] Night of the 6th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 6´ 2 cubits [.... ϑ Ophi]uchi. Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 7´ [nn] cubits [....] The 11th, Jupiter’s [....] in .... [....] 8´ [....] The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 10´ [....] 9´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] be[low ....] 10´ [....] 6 fingers .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 827
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x 24? x⌉ [....] 2´ [I]TU BI KI.LAM še-im [....] 3´ [G]U4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú NU IG[I ....] —————————— 4´ IZI 1 10,20 SIG GE6 2 s[in .... SIG] 5´ [RÍN š]á SI 5 KÙŠ GE6 6 SAG G[E6 ....] 6´ [KIR4 ši]l PA 2 KÙŠ GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] 7´ [x x] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 11 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈x x⌉ [....] 8´ [x x x] 14 3,10 ME [....] 9´ [x x x] ⌈x ina⌉ ZÁLAG sin S[IG ....] 10´ [....] 6 SI ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35897–35899
BM 35897 (= Sp III 432)
BM 35897
Photo: YM
´Flake´ (of Rev.) 1 [.... x]+2 na muš GE6 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [....] ⌈SI?⌉ ana NIM GUB sin 1 [....] 3 [....] is le10 ½ KÙŠ GE6 22 [....] 4 [....] sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ár [....] 5 [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG ⌈SAG? A?⌉ [....] 6 [....] x ½ KÙŠ ana NI[M ....] 7 [.... SÍGḫ]á 4 ma-na [....] 8 [....] ina TIL MAŠ-M[AŠ ....] —————————— 9 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ (of Rev.) 1 [....] sunrise to moonset: [x]+2°, measured. Night of the 16th, .... [....] 2 [....] (the moon) stood [nn] fingers to the east, the moon being 1 [....] 3 [....] ½ cubit [....] α Tauri. Night of the 22nd, [....] 4 [....] the moon having passed a little to the east, behind [....] 5 [....] last part of the night, Venus was [....] below ε Leonis? [....] 6 [....] .... ½ cubit to the ea[st ....] 7 [.... woo]l, 4 minas [....] 8 [....] in the end of Gemini [....] —————————— 9 [....] .... [....]
BM 35898 (= Sp III 433)
BM 35898
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-im 12 10+[x ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ŠÚ ÍB-TAG4 ⌈dUDU-TILmeš⌉ NU GUBme 10+⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... á]r SI MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ 18 19 IM ŠÁR GE6 21 SAG [GE6 ....] 5´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 4 KÙŠ dele-bat SIG [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI is le10 ½ KÙŠ GE6 21+[x ....] 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá še-pí[t MAŠ-MAŠ ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] .... was covered. The 12th, [....:] 10+[x°? ....] 3´ [....] .... [....] set; the remainder of the planets did not stand there. The 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] ⅔ cubit behind β Capricorni. The 18th (and) the 19th, gusty wind. Night of the 21st, beginning [of the night, ....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below η Piscium; Venus was [....] below [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit in front of α Tauri. Night of the 21+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind μ Gem[inorum ....]
BM 35899 (= Sp III 434)
BM 35899
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cu[bit] behind? η Piscium [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits in front of β Tauri. Night of the 8th, beginning [of the night, ....]
Copy: LBAT 833
Copy: LBAT 829
Copy: LBAT 834
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ni?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈ár?⌉ MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... ina] ⌈IGI⌉ šur GIGIR šá SI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 8 SAG [GE6 ....]
278 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 35905–35911 [....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 U GE6 10 S[AG GE6 ....] [.... ina] IGI LUGAL 3½ KÙŠ GE6 13 SAG G[E6 ....] [....] DIR muš sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN [....] [.... RÍN?] šá SI 1½ KÙŠ ina IGI MÚLB[ABBAR? ....] [....] sin i-ṣa ana [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [.... γ/δ] Capricorni. Night of the 10th, beg[inning of the night, ....] [....] 3½ cubits in front of α Leonis. Night of the 13th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] measured (despite) clouds; the moon was [....] in front of γ Virginis [....] [....] 1½ cubits [.... β? Librae?, ....] in front of Jup[iter? ....] [....] the moon being a little to [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35905 (= Sp III 440)
BM 35905
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 830
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x 6 ⌉ [....] [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ ár ⅓ [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 10 ina ZÁ[LAG? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1? KÙŠ 10 ina KIN-S[IG ....] [....] GINmeš GE6 11 [....] [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] ?
Lower edge 1 [....] x ⌈SIG?⌉ [....] 2 [....] AN ZA SAG [GE6 ....] 3 [.... TÙR] NIGIN KÁ-šú [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] ⌈x KALAG⌉ 12 DIR AN [....] [....] GE6 13 DIR AN DIB USAN [....] [....] NU TUḪ 13 ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x DIB? x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... 6? [....] [....] ⅓ [cubit ....] β [Gemi]norum [....] [....] .... blew. Night of the 10th, last [part of the night?, ....] [....] 1? cubit .... The 10th, in the aftern[oon, ....] [.... winds] blew. Night of the 11th, [....] [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit to [....]
Lower edge 1 [....] .... below? [....] 2 [....] were in the sky; beginning [of the night, ....] 3 [....] was surrounded [by a halo,] its gate [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] strong .... The 12th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] Night of the 13th, clouds crossed the sky; first part of the night, [....] [....] was not removed. The 13th, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35911 (= Sp III 447)
BM 35911
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] rain shower [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....] 3´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [x]+7°; clouds, I did not watch; cl[ouds?, ....] 4´ [....] Scorpii entered the moon .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 832
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈AN UTAḪ⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] 3´ [.... x]+7 na DIR NU PAP D[IR? ....] 4´ [....] GÍR-TAB ana ŠÀ sin KU4 ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35912–35925 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA [....] [....] dele-bat e is le10 3 KÙŠ [....] [....] 28 13,20 KUR DIR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 2(g) GUR [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] Venus was 3 cubits above α Tauri [....] [....] The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 20´; clouds, .... [....] [....] 2 kur [....]
BM 35912 (= Sp III 448)
BM 35912
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1 cubit .... [....] 2´ [....] ½ cubit [.... s]outh. Night of the 12th, in [....] 3´ [....] ...., the moon was [....] in front of γ Capri[corni ....] 4´ [....] 2 fingers [....] η Geminorum. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit behind η Tauri. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind ζ Tauri. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+3°, measured. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Mars was [....] above [....] 8´ [.... w]ool, 4 minas. At that time, Jup[iter was ....] 9´ [.... fr]om the 12th until the end of the month [....] —————————— 10´ [....] .... 3? cubits? [....]
Copy: LBAT 836
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1 KÙŠ ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... U]LÙ ½ KÙŠ GE6 12 ina [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR [MÁŠ ....] 4´ [.... MÚ]L IGI šá se-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2 SI GE6 10+[x ....] 5´ [....] ár MÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ár šur ULÙ 1 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 7´ [.... x]+3 KUR muš GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG AN e [....] 8´ [.... SÍ]Gḫá 4 ma-na i-nu-šú MÚL[BABBAR ....] 9´ [.... T]A 12 EN TIL ITU [....] —————————— 10´ [....] ⌈x 3? KÙŠ?⌉ [....]
BM 35924 (= Sp III 460)
BM 35924
Photo: YM
´Flake´ (of Obv.) 1 [.... LUG]AL LUGALmeš ituDU6 [....] 2 [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG SI [MÁŠ ....] 3 [.... DELE] šá IGI ABSIN ⅓ KÙŠ [....] 4 [.... si]n 4½ KÙŠ ⌈ana NIM⌉ [DIB ....] 5 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ (of Obv.) 1 [.... ki]ng of kings. Month VII, [....] 2 [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below β Cap[ricorni ....] 3 [....] ⅓ cubit [....] γ Virginis [....] 4 [.... the moo]n [having passed] 4½ cubits to the east [....] 5 [....] .... [....]
BM 35925 (= Sp III 461)
BM 35925
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 837
Copy: LBAT 846
Obv.´ 1 2
[.... SI]G GÌR ár šá [A ....] [.... GU4-UD ....U]D-DA IGI D[IB ....]
[.... be]low β Virgi[nis ....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west/east, ....,] omi[tted ....]
BM 35937–35940
280 3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´
[.... G]IŠ.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ina Š]Ú UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB GE6 14?+[x ....] [.... DELE] šá IGI ABSIN ½ KÙŠ GE6 27 [....] [.... S]A4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ [....] [....] SAG GÍR-TAB IG[I? ....]
[....] šá ŠÚ-⌈ú ⌉ [....] —————————— ?
3 4 5 6 7
´Rev. 1´
[....] 4½ cubits [....] ϑ Leonis .... [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west ...., omitted. Night of the 14[+x]th?, [....] [....] ½ cubit [.... γ] Virginis. Night of the 27th, [....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] α Virginis [....] [.... β/δ] Scorpii .... [....]
[....] which had set, [....] ——————————
BM 35937 (= Sp III 473)
BM 35937
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1 [.... ana U]LÙ SIG GE6 [....] 2 [.... ina] ZÁLAG? GU4-UD SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN [....] 3 [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ sin 4? [....] 4 [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin SIG MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈25?⌉ [....] 5 [....] AN UTAḪ i-ṣa 28 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 6 [.... G]U4-UD ⌈ana x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1 [....] low [to the s]outh. Night [....] 2 [....] last? part of the night, Mercury was [....] below β Arietis [....] 3 [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind β Capricorni, the moon being 4? [....] 4 [.... last part of the ni]ght, the moon was 1½ cubits below γ Capricorni. The 25th?, [....] 5 [....] a little rain shower. The 28th, clouds crossed the sky .... [....] 6 [.... Mer]cury .... [....]
BM 35940 (= Sp III 476)
BM 35940
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 844
Copy: LBAT 851
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[ina] IGI dele-bat 4 S[I ....] GE6 4 DIR AN ⌈ZA⌉ [....] 1½ KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR [....] ár dele-bat 2? KÙŠ ana NIM D[IB ....] ?
3´ 4´
4 fin[gers? in] front of Venus [....] Night of the 4th, clouds were in the sky [....] 1½ cubits [....,] in front of Jupiter [....] having passed 2? cubits behind Venus to the east [....]
Lower edge 1 GE6 5 DIR AN ⌈ZA⌉ [....] 2 5 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] 3 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 Night of the 5th, clouds were in the sky [....] 2 5 cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit to [....] 3 in the afternoon, overcast .... [....]
1 2 3
sin e L[UGAL ....] 6 ina še-rì DIR AN DIB [....] GE6 7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ŠÁR kal GE6? ⌈x⌉ [....] ?
1 2 3
the moon was [....] above α [Leonis? ....] The 6th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky [....] Night of the 7th, very overcast, gusty . all night? .... [....]
BM 35941–35949 4 5 6
7 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA ina KIN-[SIG ....] [I]M ŠÁR KALAG GE6 8 DIR AN [....] [x] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
4 5
The 7th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky; in the after[noon ....] strong gusty wind. Night of the 8th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Left edge itu 1 BAR ⌈x x x⌉ 2 šá ITIN-s[u? x x] 3 ⌈x⌉ ina ŠU ⌈x⌉ [x x] 4 ⌈x⌉ KUR? ⌈x⌉ [x x]
BM 35941 (= Sp III 477)
BM 35941
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] all? [....] which to .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 843
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈gab⌉-bi šá ana li?-[....] (space)
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x⌉ dṣal-lum-mu-ú [....] [....] sin SIG SAG A 2 [KÙŠ ....] [.... x]+4 na-su in 2 [IGI ....] [....] ⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ULÙ SIG ina ZÁLAG dṣal[lum-mu-ú ....] [....] ⌈ZA UŠ?-du?⌉ GE6 12 S[AG GE6 ....]
Left edge 1 Month I, .... [....] 2 of Balassu? [....] 3 .... by hand? of .... [....] 4 .... [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....].... a comet [....] [....] the moon was 2 [cubits] below ε Leonis [....] [....] its visibility interval [x]+4°; [(ideal) first appearance] on the 2nd [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] α Virginis [....] [....] .... low to the south; last part of the night, the co[met ....] [....] .... became stationary?. Night of the 12th, beg[inning of the night, ....]
BM 35947 (= Sp III 483)
BM 35947
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI ina uruSe-lu-k[e-ʾa-a ....] 3´ [....] SIG GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá S[IPA ....] 4´ [.... GE6 x]+1 sin SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 4 KÙŠ sin [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... That month, in Seleuc[ia ....] 3´ [....] (the moon) was faint. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus was [....] above γ Gemino[rum ....] 4´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, the moon was 4 cubits below γ Virginis, the moon being [....]
BM 35949 (= Sp III 485)
BM 35949
Copy: LBAT 840
Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈⅔?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈sin⌉ e MÚL ár šá [....]
´Obv. 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [....] the moon was [....] above the rear star of [....]
BM 35972–35974
282 3´ 4´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[x x] GIN ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa 3 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....]
[x x] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI [....] [x] GÍR AN ⌈UTAḪ 4? DIR⌉ AN ZA U[LÙ ....] ⌈5⌉ DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN ina še-rì AN [....] kal GE6 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈TUR?⌉ šá ⌈4⌉ [KÙŠ] ⌈ár LUGAL⌉ 1 [....] [....] ana ULÙ SIG kal G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[....] blew; in the afternoon, overcast [....] [....] overcast, a little rain shower. The 3rd, very overcast, .... [....]
[....] .... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] lightning, rain shower. The 4th?, clouds were in the sky, the sou[th wind ....] The 5th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew; in the morning, rain [....] all night, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew, .... [....] [....] 1 [....] ρ Leonis [....] [....] low to the south; all ni[ght, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 35972 (= Sp 3, 512)
BM 35972
´Flake´ 1´ [.... S]AG ḪUN 2 [....] 2´ [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ šá SIPA 1 [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN U[TAḪ] ⌈GE6? 9⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 11? sin ina IGI GÌR ár [šá A ....] 5´ [.... x,]⌈50?⌉ ME DIR NU PAP ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 16 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ina IGI MÚL e [šá SAG? GÍR-TAB? ....] 7´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] SIG SI MÁŠ ⅓ KÙŠ sin ½ ana ŠÚ [LAL ....] 9´ [....] NIM 24 SI ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... IT]U BI KI.LAM ŠE ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [.... ina] zibme in 20+⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 2 [.... β/α] Arietis [....] 2´ [....] 1 [....] γ Geminorum [....] 3´ [....] ...., rain sh[ower.] Night? of the 9th, [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 11th?, the moon was [....] in front of β Vir[ginis ....] 5´ [....] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 50´?; clouds, I did not watch; very overcast, .... [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 16th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] in front of β [Scorpii? ....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east .... [....] 8´ [....] ⅓ cubit below β Capricorni, the moon being ½ [back] to the west [....] 9´ [....] high. The 24th, gusty north wind .... [....] 10´ [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, .... [....] 11´ [.... was in] Pisces; on the 20+xth, [....]
BM 35974 (= Sp III 515)
BM 35794
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 848
Obv.´ 1 2 3
[....] RÍN šá SI 6 [....] [.... ina] ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ MÚL-BABBAR SIG šur GIGIR šá [....] [....] dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4½ K[ÙŠ ....]
2 3
[....] 6 [....] β Librae [....] [.... last] part of the night, Jupiter was [....] below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] [....] Venus was 4½ cubits below α Geminorum [....]
BM 35976–35980 4 5 6
7 8 9
[....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 15 ULÙ [....] [....] ⌈17⌉ ma-diš ZI IR GE6 18 ina Z[ÁLAG ....] [....] GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... si]n 1 KÙŠ 20 SI ana SI N[IM ....] [....] sin 3½ KÙŠ ana [....] [....] ⌈sin? x x⌉ [....]
4 5 6 7 8 9
[....] cubits [....], the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 15th, the south wind [....] [....] the 17th, much ZI IR. Night of the 18th, last part of the [night, ....] [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [...., the m]oon being 1 cubit 20 fingers high to the north. [....] [....] the moon being 3½ cubits to [....] [....] the moon? .... [....]
BM 35976 (= Sp III 517)
BM 35976
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [....] 1½ cubits .... [....] 3´ [....] α Virginis [....] 4´ [.... in the be]ginning of the month, 4 sūt; from [....] 5´ [....] cress, 5½ qa (and) half [....] 6´ [....] .... The 3rd, Mercury’s [.... appearance] in the west, .... [omitted ...] 7´ [....] day 27, the citiz[ens ....] 8´ [....] .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 841
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN [....] 4´ [.... ina S]AG ITU 4(b) TA [....] 5´ [....] ⌈saḫ⌉-le10 5½ qa mi-š[il ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-D[A x DIB ....] 7´ [.... U]4-27-KAM lúpu-li-[te ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ku-ú IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35980 (= Sp III 521)
BM 35980
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 10th, first part of the night, Jupiter, while receding to the east, [....] 3´ [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was 6 fingers below η Tauri [....] 4´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....] The 13th, Venus’ [....] in [....] 5´ [....] (erasure) 11° visibility interval; around [....] 6´ [....] .... Ezida which [....] 7´ [....] a strong [.... wind] blew, to .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 847
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SAG GE6 sin e [....] 2´ [.... GE6] 10 USAN MÚL-BABBAR ana NIM ina LAL-š[ú ....] 3´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin SIG MÚL-MÚL 6 SI [....] 4´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ 13 dele-bat ina [....] 5´ [....] (erasure) 11 na in [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ É-zi-da šá [....] 7´ [....] KALAG GIN ana ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 35982–35986
BM 35982 (= Sp III 523)
BM 35982
Photo: YM
Lower edge 1 [....] .... very overcast, [.... bl]ew. Night of the 25th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 2 [....] I did not watch. Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 20+[xth, ....] 3 [....] a little [rain] shower. That month, the equivalent was: barley, [....]
Copy: LBAT 838
Lower edge 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ [x G]IN GE6 25 SAG G[E6 ....] 2 [.... N]U PAP GE6 27 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 20+[x ....] 3 [.... AN U]TAḪ i-ṣa ITU BI KI.LAM še-im [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... ŠE-GI]Š-Ì EN MURUB4 ITU 2(b) 3 qa E[N ....] [.... GU4-UD ina] ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ GENNA ina PA A[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TA 11 EN 14 GU[B ....] —————————— ⌈EN-NUN⌉ [šá gi-né-e ....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3
[.... ses]ame, until the middle of the month, 2 sūt 3 qa; un[til ....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Aries; Saturn was Sagittarius; Ma[rs ....] [....] .... from the 11th until the 14th, (the river level) remained constant; [....] —————————— Dia[ry ....]
BM 35983 (= Sp III 524)
BM 35983
Photo: YM
´Flake´ (of obv.) 1 [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Virginis. Ni[ght ....] 2 [....] 1½ cubits .... [....,] the moon being ⅔ cubit low to the south. [....] 3 [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 4 [....] extraneous, omitted; at 15° of daytime before sunset which .... [....] 5 [....] x+½ cubit [....,] the moon being 3 cubits [low] to the south [....] 6 [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 842
´Flake´ (of obv.) 1 [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 2 [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 3 [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA [....] 4 [....] BAR DIB in 15 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 5 [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin 3 KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....] 6 [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 35986 (= Sp III 527)
BM 35986
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... Night] of the 8th, beginning of the ni[ght,] 2´ [.... Night] of the 9th, first [part of the night,] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [.... δ/β] Scorpii. The 10th, 4´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 839
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... GE6] 8 ⌈SAG⌉ G[E6] 2´ [.... GE6] 9 US[AN] 3´ [.... SA]G GÍR-TAB 1 KÙŠ 10 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35987–35991
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÙ U i AN UTAḪ ⌈x⌉ [x] 3´ [....] GÍR GÙ U MAḪ AN PISAN DI[B] 4´ [.... ana] NIM DIB GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 5´ [....] PISAN DIB 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá ⌈x⌉ [x] 6´ [.... 2]9 ŠÚ ITU BI KI.LAM še-i[m x x] 7´ [....] ⌈4(b)⌉ SÍG 2 ma-na [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [....] very overcast, a little thunder, rain shower, .... [....] 3´ [....] lightning, much thunder, rain PISAN DIB. 4´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus was [....] below β Geminorum. 5´ [....] PISAN DIB. of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... 6´ [.... The 2]9th, overcast. That month, the equivalent was: barley, [....] 7´ [....] 4 sūt; wool, 2 minas. [....]
BM 35987 (= Sp III 528)
BM 35987
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... I did not watch .... [....] 2´ [....] gusty wind. Night of the 21st, .... [....] 3´ [....] lightning flashed; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 4´ [....] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius; sunset to setting of Mercury: 20° [....] 5´ [.... Night of the 2]6th, last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky. The 26th, clouds? [....] 6´ [.... mea]sured. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Jupiter was [....] above .... [....] 7´ [....] crossed the sky?; in the afternoon, rain shower. That month, [....] 8´ [.... mi]nas for 1 shekel of wrought silver. [....] —————————— 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 845
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x NU PAP x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] IM ŠÁR GE6 21 ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] GÍR GÍR ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL IGI [....] 4´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 20 na-⌈su⌉ [....] 5´ [.... GE6 2]6 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB 26 ⌈DIR?⌉ [....] 6´ [.... mu]š GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG MÚLBABBAR e ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... A]N? DIB ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ ITU B[I ....] 8´ [.... ma]-na a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ⌈ép-šú⌉ [....] —————————— 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 35991 (= Sp III 532) Copy: LBAT 850
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚL KU]R šá KIR4 šil PA 3 [KÙŠ x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... ma-n]a a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR epšú i-nu-šú MÚ[L-BABBAR ....] 4´ [....] šá ÍD LUGAL AN-TA-ú šá ana BALRI [....]
BM 35991 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 3 [cubits ....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] .... [....] 3´ [.... min]as for 1 shekel of wrought silver. At that time, Jup[iter ....] 4´ [....] of the upper royal canal, which is to the other bank [....]
BM 35996–36014
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
—————————— [.... mu]š? KUR4 AGA a-pir ana šámaš SIG G[E6? ....] [.... ár MÚL]-MÚL 4 SI ana ŠÚ LAL [....] [....] MÚL-MÚL 6 SI [....] [....] GE6 [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
—————————— [.... meas]ured?, it was bright, earthshine; it was low to the sun. Ni[ght? ....] [....] 4 fingers [behind] η Tauri back to the west [....] [....] 6 fingers [....] η Tauri [....] [....] night [....]
BM 35996 (= Sp III 537)
BM 35996
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] crossed the sky. The 1st, in the morning, clouds? [....] 2´ [.... the moon was] 4 fingers [....,] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east; last part of the [night, ....] 3´ (indented) around the 6th, Saturn receded to the west. 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [....,] thin clouds were in the sky. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [γ/δ] Cancri [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits 8 fingers [.... ρ] Leonis, the moon being 8 fingers to [....] 7´ [....] in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky, rain [....] 8´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Night of the 15th, .... [....] 9´ [....] rain shower, .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 849
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈AN⌉ DIB 1 ina še-rì ⌈DIR?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 4 SI sin 8 U ana NIM DIB ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 3´ (indented) in 6 GENNA ana ŠÚ LAL 4´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ DIR SAL AN ZA G[E6 ....] 5´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá AL[LA ....] 6´ [.... MÚL TUR šá 4] KÙŠ LUGAL 2 KÙŠ 8 U sin 8 ⌈U? ana?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA ⌈AN⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA GE6 15 ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] AN UTAḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 36014 (= Sp III 558) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ana Š]Ú LAL 25 [....] —————————— [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] DIR AN DIB ⌈ina⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 5 SAG GE6 [....] [....] ár GIŠ.K[UN A ....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ [....]
BM 36014 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] back [to] the west. The 25th, [....] —————————— 3´ [....] the moon being ½ cubit to .... [....] 4´ [....] clouds crossed the sky; in .... [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, [....] 6´ [....] behind ϑ Leo[nis ....] 7´ [....] cubits? [....]
BM 36024–36025
BM 36024 (= Sp III 568)
BM 36024
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ first part of the night, Mars was [....] below [....] 2´ The 4th, in the afternoon, the north wind [....] 3´ the north wind blew. Night of the 8th?, [....] 4´ (the moon) stood [....,] the moon being 2 cubits [....] 5´ the moon being 2½ cubits [....] 6´ the moon being 2 cubits [....] 7´ which was omitted .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 856
´Flake´ 1´ USAN AN SIG [....] 2´ 4 ina KIN-SIG SI [....] 3´ SI GIN GE6 8? [....] 4´ GUB sin 2 KÙŠ [....] 5´ sin 2½ KÙŠ [....] 6´ sin 2 KÙŠ [....] 7´ šá? DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] Left edge 1 [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 2 ina ZÁLAG GENNA e is l[e10 ....]
Left edge 1 [....] Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Saturn was [....] above α Tauri [....]
BM 36025 (= Sp III 569)
BM 36025
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....]-aya and the dwelling? place .... [....] —————————— 4´ [....] low [....,] 1 cubit 10 [fingers?] behind Venus [....] 5´ [....] high to the north. The 4th?, at noon, [....] 6´ [....] 4½ cubits [....] α Scorpii, the moon being ½? cu[bit ....] 7´ [....] 3 cubits [....] β Capricorni. Arou[nd ....] 8´ [....] first appearance of [....,] it stood [.... in front of] Venus to the west .... [....] 9´ [.... at nn°] of night when (the eclipse) began on the east side [....] 10´ [.... the nor]th wind, which was set to the west side, blew. At [....] 11´ [....] the moon was [....] below η Pisc[ium ....] 12´ [.... Night] of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Tauri [....] 13´ [....] low to the south, below .... [....] 14´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 852
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ nu [....] 3´ [....]-⌈ʾa⌉-a u KI.TUŠ? ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [....] SIG ár dele-bat 1 KÙŠ 10? [....] 5´ [....] ana SI NIM 4? AN-BAR7 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈SI4?⌉ 4½ KÙŠ sin ⌈½?⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [....] SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ i[n ....] 8´ [.... ina IGI] dele-bat ana ŠÚ GUB IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] GE6 Á KUR ki TAB [....] 10´ [.... S]I? šá PA MAR GAR GIN ina [....] 11´ [....] sin SIG MÚL KUR šá D[UR nu-nu ....] 12´ [.... GE6] 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚLM[ÚL ....] 13´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG SIG MÚL [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 36027–36044
BM 36027 (= Sp III 571)
BM 36027
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] β Virginis, the moon being .... [....] 3´ [....] .... all day, very overcast, the north wind bl[ew ....] 4´ [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 30´; I did not [watch ....] 5´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [x]+12°; measured (despite) clouds; clouds [....] 6´ [....] 2 cubits [....] .... Around the 16th, .... [....] 7´ [....] much thunder [....] 8´ [....] above? [....]
Copy: LBAT 858
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GÌR] ár šá A 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI G[IN ....] 4´ [....] 14 6,30 ŠÚ NU [PAP ....] 5´ [.... x]+12 na DIR muš DIR [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ in 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] GÙ U M[AḪ ....] 8´ [....] ⌈e?⌉ [....]
BM 36040 (= Sp III 585)
BM 36040
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x x+10?⌉ ME DIR NU PAP ŠÚŠÚ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈40? na x⌉ [....] AN né-ḫi i-ṣa kal ME DI[R? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 15 USAN dele-bat e MAŠMAŠ ⌈šá⌉ [SIPA ....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN ZA 19 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN-BAR7 ŠÚ GÍR GÍR [....] 6´ [.... GU4]-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB GE6 20+[x ....] 7´ [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA 24 kal ME DIR SAL AN [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 17 KUR m[uš? ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ZÚ?-L[UM? ....] 10´ [....] 2(p)? 4(b) [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... moonrise to sunset: ⌈x⌉+10´?; clouds, I did not watch; very overcast, [....] 3´ [....] sunrise to moonset: 40´? [....] a little slow rain, all day, clou[ds? ....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] above γ Gemino[rum ....] 5´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. The 19th, very overcast; at noon, overcast, lightning flashed [....] 6´ [.... Mer]cury’s last appearance in the east ...., omitted. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] clouds were in the sky. The 24th, all day, thin clouds [....] the sky [....] 8´ [....] .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°, mea[sured? ....] 9´ [....] .... dates?, [....] 10´ [....] 2? pān 4 sūt [....]
BM 36044 (= Sp III 589)
BM 36044
Photo: YM
Photo: JCF
Side A 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ SAG? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ŠE]-GIŠ-Ì 1+⌈x⌉(b)? ⌈3? x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU? 1 ⌈x LAL? x x⌉ [....] ——————————
Side A 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] 3 cubits .... The 27th, .... [....] [.... se]same, 1+⌈x⌉ sūt 3? .... [....] [....] .... month, (the river level) receded? 1 .... [....] ——————————
BM 36047 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[.... SAG] GE6 sin ár ⌈MÚL? IGI? šá S[UḪUR? MÁŠ? ....] [.... ana] ŠÚ GUB GE6 10 ⌈SAG GE6 sin⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá DUR [nu-nu ....] [....] sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 1? KÙŠ GE6 1⌈5⌉ [....] [....] ⌈18?⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 10+[x ....] [.... ALL]A? šá ⌈ULÙ?⌉ 2 KÙŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [.... MÚL] ⌈TUR⌉ šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 8 U GE6 25 [....] [....] ⌈SAG⌉ GÍR-TAB 1? KÙŠ ITU BI KI.LAM še-i[m ....] [....] ⌈TIL? ITU? x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Photo: JCF
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ Ca[pricorni? ....] [....] it stood [.... to] the west. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] [....] ...., last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Pis[cium ....] [....] the moon was 1? cubit in front of η Tauri. Night of the 15th, [....] [....] The 18th?, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] 2 cubits [....] Cancri?. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] 8 fingers [....] ρ Leonis. Night of the 25th, [....] [....] 1? cubit [.... δ/β] Scorpii. That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] [....] end? of the month?, .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Side B illegible
BM 36047 (= Sp III 593)
Side B illegible
BM 36047 ´Obv.
[....] ⌈x x x+5 x⌉ [....] [.... MÚ]L ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 10 [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠMAŠ [šá SIPA ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 14 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 4? KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana SÚ [LAL ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár G[U4]-UD ⅔? KÙŠ [....] [.... MAŠ-MAŠ] šá SIPA ⅔ KÙŠ s[in] ⌈x KÙŠ ana⌉ N[IM DIB ....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... x+5? .... [....] [....] 10 [fingers? ....] μ Geminorum [....] [....] .... last part of the night, Venus was [....] above [γ?] Geminorum [....] [....] .... The 14th, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the east in [....] [.... the moon was] 4? cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [back] to the west [....] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was ⅔? cubit behind Mercury [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [.... γ Gem]inorum, the moon [having passed] x cubits to the ea[st ....]
Lower edge (ca. 4 lines completely broken)
Lower edge (ca. 4 lines completely broken)
1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 3 sin e ⌈SA4 šá ABSIN⌉ [....]
1´ 2´ 3´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] —————————— [....] .... Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] above α Virginis [....]
290 4´ 5´ 6´
BM 36048–36063 [....] ⌈x GE6 7?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL e? [....] [....] IGI? DIB? GE6 10 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... Night of the 7th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] first appearance?, omitted?. Night of the 10th, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36048 (= Sp III 594)
BM 36048
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] The 11th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, [....] 3´ [....] ⅔ cubit [....;] the north wind blew. The 14th, [....:] 14° 30´ [....] 4´ [....] ½ cubit [....] ϑ Ophiuchi. The 16th, .... [....] 5´ [.... bl]ew?. Night [of the xth,] clouds were in the sky, the s[outh? wind ....] 6´ [....] ...., a little rain shower [....] 7´ [....] overcast, the north wind blew. Night? [....] 8´ [....] .... the north wind blew; the moon? .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 854
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 11 DIR AN ZA SI GIN ina KIN-SIG [....] 3´ [.... UL]Ù? ⅔ KÙŠ SI GIN 14 14,30 [....] 4´ [.... MÚ]L ⌈KUR⌉ šá K[IR4] ⌈šil PA⌉ ½ KÙŠ 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... GI]N? GE6 [x] DIR AN ZA U[LÙ? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ i-[ṣa ....] 7´ [....] ŠÚ SI GIN ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ⌈sin?⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36049 (= Sp III 595)
BM 36049
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... w]ool, 3 minas [....] 2´ [....] first appearance in the west in Pisces [....] —————————— 3´ [....] it stood [x]+½ cubits to the east, [....] in front of Mercury [....] 4´ [.... Ni]ght of the 3rd, the moon was 1⅔ cubits in front of α Tauri [....] 5´ [....] 1 [....] behind η Geminorum [....] 6´ [....] ...., clouds were in the sky [....]
Copy: LBAT 863
´Flake´ 1´ [.... SÍGḫ]á 3 ma-n[a ....] 2´ [....] ina ŠÚ ina zibme IG[I ....] —————————— 3´ [.... x]+½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB ina IGI GU4-UD [....] 4´ [.... G]E6 3 sin ina IGI is le10 1⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈ár⌉ MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x DIR AN ZA⌉ [....]
BM 36063 (= Sp III 609)
BM 36063
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] from the 20+[xth ....] 3´ [....] until .... [....] 4´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 862
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] TA ⌈20⌉+[x ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....]-ur-ru-uʾ ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 36067 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] SI MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] [.... ina] ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ DIR NU [PAP ....] [.... GE6] 10 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ in 12 G[U4-UD? ....] [.... DI]R? ⌈x x⌉ [....]
291 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 36067 (= Sp III 613) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈ár?⌉ MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 3 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... na-s]u? KUR NIM? in 30? IGI? ⌈DIR AN ZA x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... EN TI]L ITU 1(g) GUR 3?(p) 4(b) 3 qa kà[s ....] 5´ [....] ITU ina ḪUN GU4-UD EN 7 ina MÚL-⌈MÚL x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈8?⌉ EN 21 8 SI GIN PAP 13 na [....] 7´ [.... lúGAL?] ⌈ERÍN⌉meš ana Eki KU4-ub U412 1-en ⌈x⌉[....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [lú]⌈mu-ma⌉-ʾi-ir KUR URIki ⌈ana⌉ [....] (blank) 9´
[....] ⌈KALAG? GIN?⌉ GE6 2? ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x ba? x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈8?⌉ dele-bat ALLA KUR ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— 3´ [....] ana šámaš SIG SI GIN 1 SI ⌈GIN?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GE6] ⌈5?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI AN 2½ [KÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] DIR AN ZA SAG G[E6] ⌈sin ár SI⌉ MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x GE6 9 SAG? GE6⌉ [DIR] AN ZA ZI IR [....] 7´ [....] G[E6] 13? SAG GE6 sin ina IG[I ....] 8´ [....] ⌈i⌉-ṣa ana NIM ⌈DIB GE6 12⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina ⌈IGI⌉ [....]
[....] ⅔ cubit [....] β Capricorni. Night? [....] [....] last appearance in the west in Sagittarius; clouds, I did not [watch ....] [.... Night] of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] .... Around the 12th, M[ercury’s? ....] [.... cl]ouds? .... [....]
BM 36067 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [....] 3 cubits behind? α Arietis [....] [....] it was bright (and) high?, (ideal) first appearance? on the 30th?; clouds were in the sky ... [....] [.... until the e]nd of the month, 1 kur 3? pān 4 sūt 3 qa; must[ard, ....] [.... end?] of the month, in Aries; Mercury, until the 7th, was in Taurus, .... [....] [.... from the] 8th? until the 21st, it rose 8 fingers, total: 13 was the na (gauge); [....] [.... gene]ral? entered Babylon. Day 12, one .... [....] [....] .... the satrap of Babylonia to [....] (blank)
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] a strong [wind] blew. Night of the 2nd?, .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] the 8th?, Venus reached Cancer. .... [....] —————————— [....] it was low to the sun; the north wind blew. The 1st, the north wind blew. [....] [.... Night] of the 5th?, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ [cubits] in front of Mars [....] [....] clouds were in the sky; beginning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind β Capricorni [....] [....] .... Night of the 9th, beginning? of the night, [clouds] were in the sky, ZI IR [....] [....] Night of the 13th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] having passed a little to the east . Night of the 12th, [....] [....] .... the moon was [....] in front of [....]
BM 36070–36082
BM 36070 (= Sp III 616) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [.....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 18 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ G[E6? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MURUB4-tì GÍR GÍR-GÍR ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] AN DIB 22 DIR AN DIB AN U[TAḪ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 25 26 SI GIN 28 10 K[UR ....] 6´ [.... TA] 6 EN 19 1(p) 1(b) 3 qa EN 26 1(p) 2[+x](b) [....] 7´ [.... 4?-ʾu]-ú EN MURUB4 ITU 3(b) EN TIL ITU 2(b) 5 qa 4-[ʾu-ú ....] 8´ [....] ILLU EN 12 1 KÙŠ 4 SI ⌈GIN⌉ PAP 3 na [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ana muḫ-ḫi ídIDIGNA ana E? [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ITU BI U4-2 EZEN×BAR? ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈U4?⌉ 18? ÙZ ⌈Ù⌉-[TU ....]
BM 36082 (= Sp III 628) Photo: JCF
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] NIM ina ABSIN I[GI? ....] [....] ⌈GE6 15⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL-M[ÚL ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1? KÙŠ 17 LÁL-tì GE6 [....] [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ sin ár MAŠ-⌈MAŠ ár?⌉ 2½ KÙŠ ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈x MÚL TUR⌉ šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 2 KÙŠ GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x x x x KÙŠ⌉ 25? SI GI[N ....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina IGI? GENNA? 2½ [KÙŠ ....] 2´ [.... K]ÙŠ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá ⌈DUR⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA ⌈SI GIN⌉ G[E6? ....]
BM 36070 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 18th, all day, very overcast. Ni[ght? ....] 3´ [....] .... middle watch, lightning flashed continuously, .... [....] 4´ [....] crossed the sky. The 22nd, clouds crossed the sky, rain .... [....] 5´ [....] .... The 25th (and) the 26th, the north wind blew. The 28th, moonrise [to sunrise:] 10° [....] 6´ [.... from] the 6th until the 19th, 1 pān 1 sūt 3 qa, until the 26th, 1 pān 2+[x] sūt [....] 7´ [.... one-fou]rth?, until the middle of the month, 3 sūt, until the end of the month, 2 sūt 5 qa (and) one-fou[rth ....] 8´ [....] the river level, until the 12th, rose 1 cubit 4 fingers, total: 3 was the na (gauge) [....] 9´ [....] .... which is on the Tigris, to Babylon? [....] 10´ [....] .... That month, day 2, .... [....] 11´ [....] day 18, a ewe gave [birth ....]
BM 36082 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] first? appearance [in] the east in Virgo [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Tau[ri ....] 3´ [....] 1? cubit [....] .... The 17th, equinox. Night [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind β Geminorum; overcast? [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits .... ρ Leonis. Night [....] 6´ [....] .... cubits. The 25th?, the north wind bl[ew ....] 7´ [....] .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ...., 2½ [cubits] in front? of Saturn? [....] 2´ [.... c]ubits [....;] last part of the night, Venus was [....] below η Piscium [....] 3´ [....] very overcast; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. N[ight? ....]
BM 36085–36091 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ ár dele-bat 1 K[ÙŠ ana NIM GUB ....] [....] ⌈x AN?⌉ GE6 27 kal GE6 ⌈DIR⌉ SAL AN ZA 27? ⌈15?⌉ [KUR? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ NU PAP kal ME DIR AN ZA ⌈SI GIN ITU BI⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x saḫ-le10⌉ 4(b) [....]
[....] last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind η Piscium, [it stood] 1 cubit behind Venus [to the east ....] [....] .... Night of the 27th, all night, thin clouds were in the sky. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise?:] 15?+[x° ....] [....] last appearance ....; I did not watch; all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. That month, [....] [....] .... cress, 4 sūt [....]
BM 36085 (= Sp III 631)
BM 36085
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 861
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[....] ⌈x x KÙŠ sin x x⌉ [x] [....] ⌈5?⌉ SI GIN GE6 6 sin [....] ⌈x+½⌉ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] ⌈6?⌉ DIR AN ZA [.... DELE šá] IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ?
[.... si]n ina IGI SA4 šá [ABSIN] [.... ana U]LÙ SIG 8 [D]IR AN ZA [....] ⌈GE6 9?⌉ sin SIG [....] KÙŠ [ana] ŠÚ LAL 10 DIR AN ZA [.... MÚL] e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 3 KÙŠ [.... GE6] 12 sin ina IGI SI4 1 KÙŠ [x] [....] SI GIN GE6 13 sin SIG [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[....] .... cubits?, the moon? being .... [....] [....] The 5th?, the north wind blew. Night of the 6th, the moon was [....] x+½ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. [....] The 6th?, clouds were in the sky. [....] 1 cubit [.... γ] Virginis. [....] .... [....]
[.... the m]oon was [....] in front of α Vir[ginis.] [....] low [to the s]outh. The 8th, clouds were in the sky. [....] Night of the 9th?, the moon was [....] below [.... the moon being nn] cubits back to the west. The 10th, clouds were in the sky. [....] 3 cubits [....] β Scorpii. [.... Night] of the 12th, the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Scorpii [....] [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 13th, the moon was [....] below [....]
BM 36091 (= Sp III 637)
BM 36091
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 19th? .... [from] its first to its last appearance not [....] —————————— 2´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, the moon was 1½ cubits above α Librae. Night of the 3rd, the m[oon ....]
Copy: LBAT 865
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x 19? x⌉ [TA] IGI-šú EN ŠÚ-šú N[U ....] —————————— 2´ [.... GE6 x]+1 sin e RÍN šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ GE6 3 s[in ....]
BM 36095–36101
294 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] e LUGAL 2 U GE6 5 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR [šá KIR4 šil PA ....] [....] ár AN 2½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB sin 1½ KÙŠ [....] [....] 15 3, ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈GE6 10+x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈SIG MÚL? x⌉ [....]
[....] 2 fingers above α Leonis. Night of the 5th, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Ophi[uchi ....] [....] (the moon) stood 2½ cubits behind Mars to the east, the moon being 1½ cubits [....] [....] The 15th, [....] 3° [....] Night of the 10+xth, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....]
BM 36095 (= Sp III 641)
BM 36095
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GU4-UD ina x UD-D]A IGI DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉-šú-nu ana UGU I⌈x⌉-[....] 4´ [....] a-kam muš ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] sin e SI4 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ⌈ina IGI?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] 14 1,30 ⌈ME? x ŠÚ? x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... KÙ]Š ana ŠÚ GUB sin ⌈x KÙŠ ana? SI?⌉ [....] 9´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ sin 4 KÙŠ ana [ULÙ SIG ....] 10´ [.... si]n SIG MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ á[r LUGAL ....] 11´ [.... AB]SIN 3½ KÙŠ sin i [....] 12´ [.... K]ÙŠ EN 25 1 K[ÙŠ ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in ....,] omitted. .... [....] 3´ [....] their [....] against .... [....] 4´ [....] measured (despite) mist, .... [....] 5´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit above α Scorpii .... [....] 6´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 7´ [.... Night of the] 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 30´ .... [....] 8´ [....] (the moon) stood [nn cub]its [in front of ....] to the west, the moon being x cubits [high?] to the north? [....] 9´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Geminorum, the moon being 4 cubits [low] to the [south ....] 10´ [.... the m]oon was [....] below ρ Leonis [....] 11´ [....] 3½ cubits [.... Vir]ginis, the moon being a little [....] 12´ [.... cu]bits; until the 25th, [....] 1 cu[bit ....]
BM 36101 (= Sp III 649)
BM 36101
Copy: LBAT 853
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 2´ [.... G]E6 12 DIR A[N ....] 3´ [....] ⌈GAR⌉ u ZÁLAG-ru DIR A[N ....] 4´ [....] ZA ULÙ ŠÁR 13 [....] 5´ [....] AN DIB GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG [....] 6´ [....] NU PAP GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG s[in? ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon being ⅔ cu[bit ....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 12th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 3´ [....] onset and clearing; clouds [....] the sky [....] 4´ [....] were in [the sky,] gusty south wind. The 13th, [....] 5´ [....] crossed the sky. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, [....] 6´ [....] I did not watch. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the m[oon? ....]
BM 36102–36129
BM 36102 (= Sp III 650) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] APIN 30 15,30 na-su ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana NIM k[i] UŠ-ú 3½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ina ⌈IGI⌉ [....] 2 ⌈DIR AN⌉ ZA GE6 3 sin ina I[GI] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈2? x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈GE6 23⌉ ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ
(blank) 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ LAL PAP 35 n[a] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈22?⌉ 23
BM 36102 Obv.´ 1
2 3 4
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x GE6 7⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ 7 [....] 3´ [.... MAŠ]-⌈MAŠ⌉ IGI? ½? KÙŠ ⌈9?⌉ SI? [....] 4´ [....] šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ DIR ⌈AN⌉ [....] 5´ [....] šá SAG GÍR-TAB 2 KÙŠ sin 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] muš SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈DIR⌉ NU PAP 14 ina ⌈KIN?⌉-[SIG ....] 8´ [....] ŠÚ?-ŠÚ KI ŠÚ šámaš [....]
[....] .... [....] 2? .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, .... (blank)
BM 36110 (= Sp III 658)
[....] Month VIII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 15° 30´ .... [....] when .... became stationary to the east, [it became stationary] 3½ cubits in front of [....] The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] in front of [....] .... [....]
[....] (the river level) receded ...., total: 35 was the na (gauge). [....] .... 22? 23
BM 36110 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 7th, very overcast. The 7th, [....] 3´ [....] ½? cubit [....] α? Gem[inorum.] The 9th?, the north wind [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [.... α Lib]rae?; clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [.... δ/β] Scorpii, the moon being 1 cubit [....] 6´ [....] measured; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 7´ [....] clouds, I did not watch. The 14th, in the after[noon?, ....] 8´ [....] very? overcast; with sunset, [....]
BM 36129 (=Sp III 677)
BM 36129
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x šá x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ in 23 [....] —————————— 3´ [....] ⌈GE6 6⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Around the 23rd, [....] —————————— 3´ [....] Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....]
Photo: JCF
BM 36152–36154
296 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈ŠED7⌉ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin [....] [....] ana ŠÀ sin KU4 GE6 10 SAG G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈DIR? AN?⌉ DIB GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR NU PAP GE6 14 [....] [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ a-kam NU PAP [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´
BM 36152 (= Sp III 700) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
GAN 30 12 na-su SIG a-pi[r ....] GE6 3 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá [....] [x] DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 6? [....] [x MÚ]L ⌈KUR⌉ šá KIR4 šil PA ½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈13?⌉ 12,30? ⌈na?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Upper edge 1 EN?-⌈NUN?⌉ [....]
[....] cold. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] [....] entered the moon. Night of the 10th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] clouds? crossed the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] [....] ....; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 14th, [....] [....] sunset to moonrise: ....; mist, I did not watch [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36152 Obv.´ 1
2 3 4 5 6
Month IX, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 12°; it was faint, earthshi[ne ....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] in front of the front star of [....] [The xth,] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 6th?, [....] ½ cubit [....] ϑ Ophiuchi .... [....] [....] The 13th?, sunrise to moonset?: 12° 30´? [....] [....] .... [....]
Upper edge 1 Dia[ry? ....]
BM 36154 (= Sp III 702) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈A⌉-lek-sa-an-dar L[UGAL ....] [....] ⌈x x x GE6? 2?⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ ina SA[G ....] [....] ina TIL ITU ina PA ⌈in?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ana A LU? TE ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 36154 Obv.´ 1 2
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] K[ing] Alexander [....] [....] .... Night? of the 2nd?, [....]
[....] .... in the beginn[ing ....] [....] at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; around? [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36162–36185
Upper edge 1 [....] ⌈x na⌉ [....] 2 [....] (space) TA U[GU ....]
Upper edge 1 [....] .... [....] 2 [....] (space) from [....]
BM 36162 (= Sp III 710)
BM 36162
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ 2´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana [NIM] ⌈DIB x x 12?⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ana ŠÚ ⌈ki UŠ⌉-a 3´ [.... SA]G GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ sin SIG SA4 šá ABSIN ⌈x⌉ [x x] 4´ [....] 4 na muš DIR AN ⌈ZA? x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ sin 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin e? MÚL KUR ⌈šá [KIR4 šil] ⌈PA⌉ 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 18 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN-BAR7 AN UTAḪ ⌈x x x⌉ 7´ [.... ina] še-rì ULÙ GIN ina KIN-SIG SI šá PA ⌈MAR GAR GIN⌉ 8´ [....] sin ⌈x x x ana ŠÚ? GUB? x x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... 2´ [....] having passed [x]+1 cubits to the [east.] .... The 12th, when Jupiter became stationary to the west, 3´ [.... beg]inning of the night, very overcast; the moon was [....] below α Virginis. 4´ [....] sunrise to moonset: 4°, measured; clouds were in the sky .... the moon was 5´ [....] ...., the north wind blew. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above? ϑ Ophiuchi. 6´ [....] .... The 18th, all day, very overcast; at noon, rain shower .... 7´ [.... in] the morning, the south wind blew; in the afternoon, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. 8´ [....] the moon stood? .... to the west? [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36170 (= Sp III 718)
BM 36170
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈DU6⌉ 1 13 ⌈na?-su?⌉ [....] 2´ EN-NUN šá gi-né-[e ....]
´Flake´ 1´ Month VII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month,) sunset to moonset: 13° .... [....] 2´ Diary [....]
BM 36185 (= Sp III 735)
BM 36185
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1-8 9
Obv.´ 1-8
[....] ár ⌈3 KÙŠ? x⌉ 6? [x]
[....] 3 cubits? [....] the rear star of [....] 6th? [....]
298 10 11 12
´Rev. 1´ 2´
BM 36186(+)42762–36192 [....] DIR AN ZA SI ⌈GIN⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana SI [NIM] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
10 11 12
[....] ½ KÙŠ GIN PAP 6 na 5 6 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉
´Rev. 1´ 2´
BM 36186 (+) 42762 (= Sp III 736 (+) 81-7-1,526) Photo: YM
There is a large gap between the two pieces, but they certainly are from the same tablet.
Lower edge 1 ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3
4 5 6
[....] 3 ma-na i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBA[R ....] ITU BI ILLU EN 5 1½ KÙŠ G[IN ....] [....] na ITU BI U4-11-KAM IBa-na-ba- ⌈x⌉ [....] KU ME KImeš DÙ-šú šá ana 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] U4-17-KAM ana uruSe-lu-uk-ʾa-[a ....] GAR-at —————————— [.... M]ÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 4 ŠÚ GE6 [....] ⌈ana?⌉ NIM ki-i ⌈UŠ⌉-[ú ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 8 SAG GE6 [....] ⌈x⌉ e [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. [....] .... being ½ cubit [high] to the north. [....] .... [....]
[....] (the river level) rose ½ cubit, total: 6 was the na (gauge); the 5th (and) the 6th, .... [....] .... [....] ....
BM 36186 (+) 42762 Lower edge 1 .... [....] Rev.´ 1
5 6
[.... wool,] 3 minas. At that time, Jupiter [....] That month, the river level, until the 5th, rose 1½ cubits [....] [....] was the na (gauge). That month, the 11th day, Banaba...? [....] .... all its places which to 2 .... [....] [....] The 17th day, to Seleucia [....] was set up. —————————— [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [.... Cap]ricorni. The 4th, overcast. Night [....] when [....] became stationary to the east, [....] [....] .... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, [....] .... above [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36192 (= Sp III 742)
BM 36192
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIB ITU BI ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú i-nu-šú MÚLBABBAR [....] 4´ [....] (erasure) 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 6´ [....] ana ŠÚ GUB ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 3 ina še-rì [....] 7´ [....] ME 4 DIR AN ZA GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... omitted. That month, .... [....] 3´ [....] of wrought silver. At that time, Jupiter [....] 4´ [....] (erasure) 5´ [....] .... 6´ [....] stood [....] to the west; last part of the night, overcast. The 3rd, in the morning, [....] 7´ [....] .... The 4th, clouds were in the sky. Night .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 36219–36227
BM 36219 (= Sp III 772) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] KÙŠ ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈MAŠ⌉-MAŠ IGI [....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... SAG? G]E6 sin ár DELE šá IG[I ABSIN ....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ 15 11 na m[uš ....] 6´ [.... G]E6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI S[I MÁŠ ....] 7´ [.... 2]9 AN-KU10 šámaš šá D[IB ....] 8´ [....] ⌈EN⌉ MURUB4 I[TU ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 36219 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´
BM 36224 (= Sp III 777) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... A]N? ZA? SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 1 PI saḫ-le10 2(b) [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ in 25 dele-bat ina NI[M ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ na ITU BI ⌈U4⌉ [....] 6´ [.... KÁ-D]UMU-NUN-NA šá É-sag-[gíl ....] 7´ [.... S]e-lu-ke-ʾa-a pi? is? [....] —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] cubits [....] Night [....] [....] α Geminorum [....] [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cu[bit ....] [.... beginning? of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] behind γ Vir[ginis ....] [....] cubits [....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 11°, measu[red ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Cap[ricorni ....] [.... the 2]9th, solar eclipse which was om[itted ....] [....] until the middle of the month, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36224 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew .... [....] 3´ [....] 1 pān; cress, 2 sūt [....] 4´ [....] last appearance ....; around the 25th, Venus’ [first/last appearance] in the ea[st ....] 5´ [....] .... was the na (gauge). That month, day .... [....] 6´ [.... the “Gate] of the Son of the Prince” of Esang[il ....] 7´ [.... S]eleucia .... [....] —————————— 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36227 (= Sp III 780)
BM 36227
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina ⌈NIM?⌉ [ina] ⌈x⌉ IGI GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG DIR ⌈AN⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 20 ina še-rì ŠÚ? AN UTAḪ GE6 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] AN ZA 22 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-⌈SIG?⌉ AN UTAḪ ⌈GE6?⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] first appearance in the east? in .... Night of the 18th, last part of the night, clouds [...] the sky [....] 3´ [....] The 20th, in the morning, overcast?, rain shower. Night of the 21st, .... [....] 4´ [....] were in the sky. The 22nd, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower. Night? .... [....]
Photo: YM
300 5´ 6´ 7´
BM 36233–36235 [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 25 DIR AN ZA ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈26+x⌉ ina še-rì ni-⌈di?⌉ e ⌈šámaš? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1 KÙŠ DIR ⌈AN ZA x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 14 5,20 ME muš ana? x GAR? GE6 10+[x ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 GAR ÍR u ZÁLAG 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 8 U ina [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ ina KIN-SIG ⌈DIR⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ana ULÙ ⌈SIG x x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´
[....] cubits [....] The 25th, clouds were in the sky .... [....] [....] The 26+xth, in the morning, a cloudbank above the sun? .... [....] [....] .... [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit ....; clouds were in the sky, .... [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 20´, measured .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] x° of night onset, maximal phase, and clearing; 1 cubit 8 fingers in [....] 5´ [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds [....] 6´ [....] .... low to the south .... [....]
BM 36233 (= Sp III 786)
BM 36233
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x DIB? x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 11 SA[G GE6 ....] 4´ [.... x]+10 ME DIR muš SAG GE6 sin S[IG? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20+[x ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... passed? .... [....] 3´ [....] .... very overcast. Night of the 11th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] 4´ [....] moonrise to sunset: [x]+10´, measured (despite) clouds; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] be[low ....] 5´ [....] .... ϑ Ophiuchi .... [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36235 (= Sp III 788)
BM 36235
Photo: JCF
Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KU? ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... T]A 26 EN ⌈TIL?⌉ [ITU? ....] 5´ [....] GENNA ina MAŠ-MA[Š? ....] 6´ [....] KÙŠ GIN 11+[x na ....] —————————— 7´ [.... n]a DIR u a-[kam ....] 8´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 20 SI [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [.... fr]om the 26th until the end? [of the month, ....] 5´ [....] Saturn was in Gemini [....] 6´ [.... (the river level)] rose [nn] cubits, 11+[x was the na (gauge) ....] —————————— 7´ [.... sunset] to moonset: [....], clouds and mi[st ....] 8´ [....] cubits 20 fingers [....]
BM 36242–36248
BM 36242 (= Sp III 796) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ULÙ? GIN? ⌈sin⌉ [....] 2´ [....]-ú ina uruSe-lu-ke-[....] 3´ [....]-ú? u? šá? lúGAL ERÍNmeš šá [....] —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 4 SAG GE6 sin [....] 5´ [....] ⌈AN DIB⌉AN né-ḫi PISAN i [....] 6´ [.... SAG] ⌈GE6⌉ sin ár MÚL ár š[á ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36247 (= Sp III 802) Photo: JCF
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x SIG MÚL? x⌉ [....] [.... šur G]IGIR šá SI 5 [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 27 SI G[IN ....] [....] GE6 30 sin? [....] [.... kà]s 5(g) GUR saḫ-[le10 ....] [.... x]+7 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [....] [....]⌈meš-šú⌉ ana URU Šú-šú-pi? [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Comments 8´: R. Zadok suggests that a survival of this city name may be found in the modern name of Šušp (in Sistan).
BM 36242 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] the south wind blew; the moon was [....] 2´ [....] .... in Seleuci[a ....] 3´ [....] .... and? of? the general of [....] —————————— 4´ [....] .... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 5´ [....] crossed the sky, slow rain, a little PISAN [DIB ....] 6´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] behind the rear star of [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36247 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... below? .... [....] [....] 5 [.... β] Tauri [....] [....] Night of the 27th, the north wind bl[ew ....] [....] Night of the 30th, the moon? [....] [.... must]ard, 5 kur; cre[ss, ....] [.... the x]+7th, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the east in [....] [....] his [....] to the city of Šušupi? [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36248 (= Sp III 803)
BM 36248
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x 8 na GE[NNA? ....] 4´ [....] ina NIM ina? ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ in 29 [....] 6´ [.... i]n? 21 ME N[IM? ....] 7´ [....] GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... 8° sunset to setting of Sa[turn? ....] 4´ [....] in the east in? .... [....] 5´ [....] .... around the 29th, [....] 6´ [....] at? 21° after sun[rise ? ....] 7´ [....] Night of the 28th, last part of the night, .... [....]
Photo: JCF
Comments 7´: 28 is clear.
BM 36254–36275
BM 36254 (= Sp III 809)
BM 36254
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x GE6 8?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ SIG šur IGI [....] 3´ [....] 14 DIR AN DIB ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... x],30 GE6 muš USAN [....] 5´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ NU [PAP ....] 6´ [....] ⌈e SI4? x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... x]+10 KUR NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 8th?, [....] 2´ [....] the moon was [....] below β Tauri [....] 3´ [....] The 14th, clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] 4´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´, measured; first part of the night, [....] 5´ [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus; I did not [watch ....] 6´ [.... ab]ove α Scorpii? .... [....] 7´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+10´; I did not watch .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36261 (= Sp III 816)
BM 36261
Photo: JCF
Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ina IGI⌉ DELE šá I[GI ABSIN ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GINmeš GE6 10+[x ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ kal GE6 Š[Ú? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ Á šá? SI? [....] 7´ [....] ⌈SI GIN⌉ 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 25 ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... A]N ZA GE6 20+[x ....] 10´ [.... A]N ZA GE6 30? ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [.... ina TI]L ITU ina MÚ[L-MÚL? ....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ TA 16 [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 36275 (= Sp III 831) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈sin x KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 2´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin ina IGI SAG A [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 19 SAG [GE6 ....] 4´ [.... D]IR AN [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... in front of γ Vir[ginis ....] 3´ [....] winds blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 5´ [....] .... all night over[cast? ....] 6´ [....] .... north? side? [....] 7´ [....] the north wind blew. The 22nd, .... [....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 25th, .... [....] 9´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 10´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 30th?, .... [....] 11´ [.... at the e]nd of the month, in Tau[rus? ....] 12´ [....] .... from the 16th [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36275 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon being x cubits low to the south [....] 2´ [.... last part] of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ε Leonis [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 19th, beginning [of the night ....] 4´ [.... cl]ouds [....] the sky [....]
BM 36433–36601
BM 36433 (= 80-6-17,160) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x x GU4-UD? ina ŠÚ? x x⌉ [....] ⌈x KALAG?⌉ GIN GE6 2 DIR AN ZA [.... A]N ZA 3 ina še-rì AN UTAḪ GE6 4 SAG [GE6 .... US]AN dele-bat SIG DUR nu-nu 1 KÙŠ LÁL ina ZÁLAG [....] 2?½ KÙŠ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI [šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ .... MAŠ-M]AŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ 10 DIR SAL AN ZA šámaš 2 TÙR [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ ina še-rì AN UTAḪ i-ṣi GE6 14 13,10 ME muš [.... 14 nn n]a muš GE6 15 1 GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI DELE (over eras.) [.... SIG] ⌈MÚL⌉ ár šá SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x x x⌉
BM 36433 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
7´ 8´
10´ 11´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ISe-lu-ku [....] ⌈x⌉-tú EN uruDi-nu-ut-tu4 [....] ⌈x⌉ šá? ik-kaš-ši-du [.... lúBar]-sipaki meš lúGÚ-DU8-Aki-a [.... l]úUKKIN šá É-sag-gíl [....] (blank) [.... U]Nmeš e-piš gadabu-ú-ṣu [....] ⌈x⌉-uʾ ITU BI U4-1-KA[M] [....] ⌈x x⌉ šá ⌈ina⌉ U[GU? ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36601 (= 80-6-17, 330) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá? rad? gal-la ⌈i?⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] .... Mercury’s [....] in the west? .... [....] a strong? .... wind blew. Night of the 2nd, clouds were in the sky. [....] were in the sky. The 3rd, in the morning, rain shower. Night of the 4th, beginning [of the night, .... first] part of the night, Venus was balanced 1 cubit below η Piscium; last part of the night, [....] 2?½ cubits [....] Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η [Geminorum ...] 1½ cubits [....] β Gemi[norum.] The 10th, thin clouds were in the sky, the sun [was surrounded] by 2 halos [....] .... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below ε Leonis. [....] .... overcast; in the morning, a little rain shower. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 13° 10´, measured. [.... The 14th, sunrise] to moonset: [....,] measured. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1°; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of γ [Virginis ....] 3 cubits [below] α Arietis [....] ....
[....] .... [....] .... of Seleucus [....] .... until Dinuttu [....] .... which was reached [.... Bor]sippeans, Kutheans [....] the assembly of Esangil [....] (blank) [....] people who make byssus [....] .... That month, the 1st day, [....] .... which on? [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36601 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....]
304 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´
13´ 14´ 15´
BM 36605 [....] SISKURmeš ana dEN dGAŠAN-iá u DINGIRme[š GALmeš ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ šá DINGIRmeš GALmeš šá ina lìb-bi šak-nu u KI? ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ u lúEki meš lúUKKIN šá É-sag-íl uk[....] [.... ni-g]u-tú ina KUR GAR-át U4 BI IAnti-ʾu-uk-su LUGAL GAL T[A? ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN BURU5ḫá SIG7 ZI-a GE6 2 DIR [....] [.... GE6] ⌈4⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ kal GE6 DIR AN ZA KUR GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ KUR GIN GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1+[x ....] [....] kal GE6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN BURU5ḫá S[IG7? ....] [.... ina K]IN-SIG ŠÚ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa GE6 8 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ ⌈i⌉-[ṣa ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN DIB GÙ U MAḪ AN DUL GE6 9 DIR [....] [....] AN ZA SI GIN 10 DIR AN ZA SI G[IN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´
BM 36605 (= 80-6-17, 335) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG G[E6 ....] 2´ [.... ana] NIM ki UŠ-ú 1 SI? ⌈ár?⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ AN še-ni TUḪ I[M? ....] 4´ [.... DIR] AN DIB GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme IGI 15 na i[n x IGI ....] 5´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 21 ŠÚ AN PISAN DIB GÍR
[....] (sheep) sacrifices to Bel, Beltija, and the [great] gods [....] [....] .... of the great gods which are placed inside, and .... [....] [....] .... and the Babylonians, the assembly of Esangil .... [....] [.... merry]making was set up in the land. That day, Antiochus, the great king, fr[om? ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; green locusts attacked. Night of the 2nd, clouds [....] [.... Night] of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind β Geminorum; all night, clouds were in the sky, the east wind blew .... [....] [....] .... overcast, the east wind blew. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1+[x mm] above δ Cancri [....] [....] all night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 6th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; gr[een] locusts [....] [.... in the] afternoon, overcast, a little rain shower. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky, a little rain shower [....] [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky, much thunder, rain DUL. Night of the 9th, clouds [....] [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 10th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind bl[ew ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36605 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ...., beginning of the ni[ght ....] 2´ [....] when [....] became stationary to the east, [it became stationary] 1 finger behind? .... [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....;] last part of the night, overcast, rain so that the sandal was removed, wi[nd? ....] 4´ [.... clouds] crossed the sky; Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Pisces; rising of Mercury to sunrise: 15°, [(ideal) first appearance] o[n the xth ....]
BM 36605
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
GÍR-GÍR IM ŠÁR 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [.... SU]ḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI 23 DIR AN ZA GE6 24 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] [....] ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ GE6 26 ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG GÍR GÍR-GÍR GE6 27 [....] [.... A]N-KU10 šámaš ki PAP NU IGI in 24 ME NIM-a ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... K]I.LAM še-im 1(p) PI 3 qa 27 28 5(b) 4½ [qa ....] [.... K]Ù-BABBAR qa-lu-ú i-nu-šú MÚLBABBAR ina GU ina TIL ITU ina z[ibme ....] [.... TA] 4 EN 7 ILLU ½ KÙŠ LAL U4-8KAM ILLU ⌈GUB?⌉ [....] [....] NA4 GAL-GAL MAḪ ŠUR EBUR šeim u ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GAR-at MU BI LUGAL ina uruÉ-gu⌈x⌉ [....] [....] dAG u dU.GUR u DINGIRmeš ma-ḫa[zi? ....] [....] lúERÍNmeš-šú ⌈ú⌉-[....] [....] ⌈x⌉-uʾ MU BI ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´
12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] Night of the 21st, overcast, rain PISAN DIB, lightning flashed continuously, gusty wind. The 21st, very overcast, [....] [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [.... γ/δ Cap]ricorni. The 23rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th, last [part of the night, ....] [....] in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 26th, overcast; last part of the night, lightning flashed continuously. Night of the 27th, [....] [....] solar eclipse, when I watched, I did not see it; at 24° after sunrise, in .... [....] [.... the e]quivalent was: barley, 1 pān 3 qa; the 27th (and) the 28th, 5 sūt 4½ [qa ....] [....] of refined silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Aquarius, at the end of the month, in Pis[ces ....] [.... from] the 4th until the 7th, the river level receded ½ cubit; the 8th day, the river level remained constant? [....] [....] it rained many large hailstones, the barley crop and .... [....] [....] was set up. That year, the king [....] in Bīt-gu-.... [....] [....] Nabû and Nergal and the gods of the city? [....] [....] his troops .... [....] [....] they .... That year, .... [....]
Lower edge´ 1 [....] ù ERÍNmeš ḫat-tu4 u bi-k[i?-tu4 ....] 2 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 [....] and the troops panic and weeping [....] 2 [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the xth, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 3´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, cold. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 10´ [....] 4´ [....] ⅔ cubit [....] β Geminorum; clouds were in the sky. The 14th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 5´ [.... Night of the 1]7th, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 1⅔ cubits behind α Leonis [....] 6´ [.... Venus was x]+2 cubits [....,] Venus having passed a little to the east; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β V[irginis ....]
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x GE6 x⌉ SAG G[E6 ....] [.... DI]R AN ZA ŠED7 GE6 13 4,10 ME [....] [.... M]AŠ-MAŠ ár ⅔ KÙŠ DIR AN ZA 14 DIR AN DIB [....] [.... 1]7 DIR AN DIB ina ZÁLAG sin ár LUGAL 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] [.... x]+2 KÙŠ i dele-bat ana NIM DIB ina ZÁLAG sin ár G[ÌR ár šá A ....]
BM 36616
306 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... A]N DIB IM ŠÁR AN UTAḪ ina ZÁLAG sin e [....] [....] 22 DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA GE6 20+[x ....] [....] KÙŠ ina IGI GU4-UD 1⅔ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [ana ŠÚ GUB ....] [....] ⌈ana ULÙ SIG⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
BM 36616 (= 80-6-17, 346) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] muš SI GIN GE6 13 ⌈DIR⌉ [....] [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 1 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚLMÚL 1 [KÙŠ ....] [....] AN ZA 17 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈½?⌉ KÙŠ ana SI NIM ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD SIG DELE? [....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 21 SI G[IN ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 23 SI GIN GE6 2⌈4⌉ [....] [....] ana NIM DIB ina IGI AN 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 2 K[ÙŠ ....] [.... G]E6 25 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL TUR šá DAL-BA-AN [....] [....] ⌈2⌉8 IGI SI GIN 29 SI GIN ITU BI KI.[LAM ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1½ qa SÍGḫá ⌈3⌉ [m]a-n[a ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? (illegible traces)
[....] crossed the sky, gusty wind, rain shower; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] [....] The 22nd, clouds were in the sky, rain shower. Ni[ght ....] [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] [....] cubits [...., it stood] 1⅔ cubits in front of Mercury [to the west ....] [....] low to the south [....]
BM 36616 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] measured; the north wind blew. Night of the 13th, clouds [....] 3´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind α Arietis [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 [cubit] behind η Tauri [....] 5´ [....] were in the sky. The 17th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew .... [....] 6´ [....] ½? cubit high to the north; last part of the night, Mercury was [....] below γ? [Virginis ....] 7´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. The 21st, the north wind bl[ew ....] 8´ [....] having passed [x]+1 cubit to the east. The 23rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 24th, [....] 9´ [.... the moon] having passed [....] to the east, it stood 2 cubits in front of Mars to the west, the moon being 2 cu[bits ....] 10´ [.... Ni]ght of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars was [....] below the small star which is between [....] 11´ [....] (ideal) first appearance [on] the 28th; the north wind blew. The 29th, the north wind blew. That month, the equi[valent was: ....] 12´ [....] .... 1½ qa; wool, 3 minas. [....] 13´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? (illegible traces)
BM 36638–36645
BM 36638 (= 80-6-17, 369) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] dele-bat ina NIM? ina x UD ⌈IGI?⌉ GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] 32 na ITU BI ÚŠmeš ina KUR MAḪmeš lú k i neš E [ ....] [.... šá ana] muḫ-ḫi ídBURANUN u ÍDmeš šá ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB SI GIN GE6 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... K]IR4 šil PA 3 ⌈KÙŠ 3 x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x x GIN GE6⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x sin x⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 1 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x ár?⌉ šá ALLA šá SI? [....] 5´ [....] ŠÚ ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36645 (= 80-6-17, 377) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 36638 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Venus’ first appearance? in the east? in ....; Saturn was in Capricorn; Mars was in .... [....] 3´ [....] 32 was the na (gauge). That month, deaths in the land were numerous. The Babylonian[s ....] 4´ [.... which is] on the Euphrates und the canals which .... [....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... 2 cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; the north wind blew. Night of the 2nd, .... [....] 6´ [....] 3 cubits [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi. The 3rd, .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] 1 [....] .... γ Geminorum [....] 4´ [....] γ Cancri? [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36645 ´Obv.´
[....] ⌈x ŠÚ ⌉ 15 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ŠÁR AN PISAN DIB 2 AN? [....] [....] 6 SI GE6 23 DIR AN DIB [....] [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 2½ KÙŠ G[E6? ....] [.... DI]R AN DIB ITU BI KI.LAM še-im [....] [.... i-nu-š]ú MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG ITU ina ABSIN ina T[IL ITU ....] [.... x]+2 KÙŠ GIN 17 na TA 15 [EN ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 3 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI [....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] overcast?. The 15th, overcast .... [....] [....] gusty [wind,] rain PISAN DIB, 2 .... [....] [....] 6 fingers [....] Night of the 23rd, clouds crossed the sky [....] [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of α Librae. Ni[ght? ....] [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. That month, the equivalent was: barley, [....] [.... At] that time, Jupiter, in the beginning of the month, was in Virgo, at the end [of the month, ....] [....] (the river level) rose [x]+2 cubits, 17 was the na (gauge); from the 15th [until ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] .... Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] in front of the front star of [....]
BM 36653
308 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ PISAN i DIB 12 [....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] AN ZA [....] [....] NU PAP DIR A[N ....] [....] ⌈NU x x x⌉ [....] [....] KÙ-BABBAR é[p-šú ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 19 na TA [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... MÚL á]r šá SAG LU 4 KÙŠ ⌈2⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin [....] [.... ina IG]I LUGAL 1 KÙŠ MURUB4 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA [....] [.... N]U PAP ⌈x⌉ [....]
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
BM 36653 (= 80-6-17, 385) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 8 S[AG? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 9 ina še-rì ⌈DIR⌉ A[N ....] 4´ [.... 1]2 ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA [....] 5´ [.... n]i-di ina IGI šámaš SUD ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8,20 GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin ina [....] 7´ [.... s]in ár SA4 šá ABSIN [....] 8´ [.... DI]R AN DIB šámaš TÙR NÍGIN [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ 21 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] DUR nu-nu [....] 11´ [....] 26 ŠÚ AN UT[AḪ ....] 12´ [.... DI]R AN Z[A ....]
[....] .... The 6th, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the west in the end of [....] [....] .... a little PISAN DIB. The 12th, [....] [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] were in the sky [....] [....] I did not watch; clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... [....] [....] of wr[ought] silver [....] [....] .... 19 was the na (gauge); from [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] 4 cubits [below] α Arietis. The 2nd, [....] [....] .... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] [....] 1 cubit in front of α Leonis; in the middle watch, .... [....] [....] clouds were in the sky [....] [....] I did not watch .... [....]
BM 36653 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 8th, beg[inning? of the night ....] 3´ [....] .... The 9th, in the morning, clouds [....] the sky [....] 4´ [.... The 1]2th, in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] a cloud-bank in front of the sun was amber? .... [....] 6´ [....] .... sunset to moonrise: 8° 20´; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in [....] 7´ [....] the moon was [....] behind α Virginis [....] 8´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky, the sun was surrounded by a halo [....] 9´ [....] .... rain shower. The 21st, overcast .... [....] 10´ [.... η] Piscium [....] 11´ [....] The 26th, overcast, rain sho[wer ....] 12´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky [....]
BM 36657–36684
BM 36657 (= 80-6-17, 389) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 10 SAG ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 3´ [.... m]uš 14 2 na 10+[x ....] 4´ [.... si]n ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DI[B ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 5/6 KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL-[BABBAR nn mm ana ŠÚ GUB ....] 6´ [.... KÙ]Š? 24 DIR A[N ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Comments 5´: This kind of position information always concerns planets, so Jupiter can be restored.
BM 36684 (= 80-6-17, 416) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... ina] IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina IGI dele-bat 3 ⌈UŠ? x⌉ [....] [.... 1] SI e GU4-UD TE-ú 25 GENNA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 UŠ ina IGI dele-bat IGI ⌈x⌉ KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ana KUR šámaš TAG4 ina ME È-ma GUR-ma šámaš ina ⌈DIR?⌉ KUR [.... ina IG]I GENNA 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] KÙŠ 28 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍRTAB ŠÚ [.... ina SA]G ITU 5(b) ina MURUB4 ITU 3(b) 3 qa ina TIL ITU 3(b) 4½ qa [.... x]+2 qa ina TIL ITU 1(p) 5(b) ka-si 1(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) [....] qa SÍGḫá 2 ma-na ana IGI? [....] ina SAG ITU ina TIL ABSIN ina MURUB4 ITU ina múlRÍN [....] ⌈ina⌉ MURUB4 ITU ina MÚLM[ÚL?] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36657 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, [....] 3´ [.... mea]sured. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2°. The 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [.... the m]oon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 5´ [.... (the moon was)] 5/6 cubit ...., [it stood ....] in front of Jup[iter to the west ....] 6´ [.... cub]its? [....] The 24th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36684 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´
13´ 14´
[....] .... [....] [....] 1+[x .... in] front of γ Virginis [....] [....] .... Mercury 3°? in front of Venus .... [....] [.... 1?] finger above Mercury, it came close. The 25th, Saturn’s [first appearance? ....] [....] first appearance 8° in front of Venus .... it was bright? .... [....] [.... when ....] was left to sunrise, it came out in the daylight and returned, and then the sun rose in a cloud. [....] (the moon) stood 1 cubit [in fro]nt of Saturn to the west, the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. [....] cubits [....] The 28th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Scorpius. [.... in the beg]inning of the month, 5 sūt, in the middle of the month 3 sūt 3 qa, at the end of the month, 3 sūt 4½ qa; [.... x]+2 qa, at the end of the month, 1 pān 5 sūt; mustard, 1 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; [....] qa; wool, 2 minas to see? [....] in the beginning of the month, in the end of Virgo, in the middle of the month, in Libra; [....] in the middle of the month, in Tau[rus?] [....] .... [....]
BM 36707
310 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x] AN UTAḪ ina KINS[IG x x] [....] ŠUR GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin TÙR NU KÁD NÍGIN MÚL [x] [.... GI]N USAN GÍR GÙ U AN še-ni NU TUḪ GE6 13 [.... K]ÙŠ 13 7 ŠÚ muš šámaš ina DIR KUR GE6 14 [....] šá SI ½ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 14 14 na [....] ⌈x⌉ AN še-ni NU TUḪ GE6 15 8 GE6 DIR NU PAP [.... x]+1 KÙŠ 4 SI GE6 17 17 DIR AN ZA [.... x]+2 KÙŠ in 17 KI 18 dele-bat ina NIM [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ina IGI GÌR ár šá UR-A 2 KÙŠ [.... ABS]IN 2⅔ KÙŠ GE6 22 DI[R] ⌈AN ZA⌉ [....] 2½ KÙŠ 22 al [....] [.... x]+2 GU4-UD [ina] ŠÚ ina ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
8´ 9´
[....] .... [....] [....].... [....] rain shower; in the aftern[oon, ....] [....] it rained. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed, star [....] [.... bl]ew; first part of the night, lightning, thunder, rain, but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 13th, [.... cu]bits [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7°, measured; the sun rose in a cloud. Night of the 14th, [....] ½ cubit [.... η/γ Can]cri, the moon having passed ⅔ cubit to the east. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 14°. [....] .... rain, but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8°; clouds, I did not watch. [.... x]+1 cubit 4 fingers [....] Night of the 17th (and) the 17th, clouds were in the sky. [.... x]+2 cubits [....] Around the 17th or 18th, Venus’ [first/last appearance] in the east [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of β Virginis. [....] 2⅔ cubits [.... γ? Vir]ginis. Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky. [....] 2½ cubits [....] The 22nd, .... [....] [.... The x]+2nd, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the west in .... [....]
Comments Obv. 4´: Day numbers (not night numbers) are used when phenomena of the planets are recorded. Since Saturn is visible a few days later (see obv. 7´), it is not its last appearance; remnants of the sign after GENNA are not ana ME E or ana NIM/ ŠÚ, so it must have been the first appearance. Obv. 5´: This first appearance cannot be of Mercury, Saturn, or Venus.
BM 36707 (= 80-6-17, 439)
BM 36707
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... 2]8 DIR AN DIB ⌈30? x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... ma-n]a a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ép⌈šú⌉ [....] 4´ [.... IT]U BI ILLU EN 20 4 SI LAL ⌈x⌉ [x] 5´ [....] (blank) —————————— 6´ [....] 2? ina še-rì DIR AN DIB GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin
11´ 12´ 13´
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... The 2]8th, clouds crossed the sky. The 30th?, .... [....] 3´ [.... min]as for 1 shekel of wrought silver [....] 4´ [....] That month, the river level, until the 20th, receded 4 fingers .... [....] 5´ [....] (blank) —————————— 6´ [....] The 2nd?, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was
BM 36750–36759 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] DIR AN ZA sin TÙR NÍGIN 5 ina še-rì DIR AN Z[A] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG GÙ U i AN PISAN [DIB? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ⅔? KÙŠ? DIR [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´
BM 36750 (= 80-6-17, 483) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ : GU4 [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 PI ITU BI [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2(p) 3(b) ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ - 7´ (broken) 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
[....] ⌈x⌉ lúEki meš ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina URU BÍL GE6 9 9 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GAL-ti 3 ⌈x⌉ ZI I[R ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI? KÁ? É dGu-la ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ u lúPA gišga-ši-šú [....] [.... ina TI]L ITU 1(p) 1(b) 2(p) 4(b) 4(p) PI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MAḪ ULÙ šá ma-diš [....] —————————— [....] 15 16 IM ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ šá lúE? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR šá ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ d⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Comments There are several unusual features in this fragment. No astronomical information is preserved.
BM 36759 (= 80-6-17, 494) Photo: JCF, YM
Upper edge 1 ⌈MU?⌉ 7 ⌈KAM?⌉ I⌈x⌉ [x] 2 LUGAL šá KUR Obv.´ 1 2 3
[x x (x)] ⌈x⌉ A-lek-sa-an-da[r] [x x] ⌈x x⌉ APIN GE6 11 SAG GE6 [sin ina] IGI? MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ GE6 12 I
311 [....] clouds were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 5th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky. [....] ....; in the afternoon, a little thunder, rain PISAN [DIB ....] [....] .... ⅔? cubit?; clouds [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36750 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ....: bull? [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 pān. That month, [....] 4´ [....] .... 2 pān 3 sūt .... [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] 6´-7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
[....] .... the Babylonians .... [....] [....] .... in the new city. Night of the 9th (and) the 9th, .... [....] [....] .... big 3 .... ZI I[R ....] [....] .... gate? of the Gula temple .... [....] [....] .... and an overseer .... stake [....] [.... at the en]d of the month, 1 pān 1 sūt 2 pān 4 sūt 4 pān .... [....] [....] much ...., a south wind, which very much [....] —————————— [....] The 15th (and) the 16th, gusty wind .... [....] [....] .... of the Babylonians .... [....] [....] .... land of ....[....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36759 Upper edge 1 Year? 7, .... 2 king of the land. Obv.´ 1 2 3
[....] .... Alexander [....] .... Month VIII, night of the 11th, beginning of the night, [the moon was] 2 cubits in front? of η Tauri. Night of the 12th,
BM 36759
312 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI is le10 2⅔? KÙŠ [x] ⌈GE6?⌉ 14? USAN? sin SIG še-pít MAŠ? [x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 USAN sin e is le10 [x x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 13 1,30 ME [x] ⌈x x x ina? x⌉ BAD A? 1 ⅓ ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ ina IGI? [x] ⌈x x KUR?⌉-ád i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA? dele-bat [x] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ? ⌈x x x 15?⌉ ina TIL GÍRTAB [....] ⌈x x⌉ GU4-UD ina PA GENNA ⌈x⌉ [x x] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 2⅔? cubits in front of α Tauri. [....] Night of the 14th?, first part of the night, the moon was [....] below η/μ Geminorum. .... Night of the 16th, first part of the night, the moon was [....] above α Tauri. [....] .... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 30´. [....] .... 1⅓ cubits in front? of [....] reached .... At that time, Jupiter was in Cancer?; Venus [....] .... the 15th? in the end of Scorpius [....] .... Mercury was in Sagittarius; Saturn .... [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. (No meaningful translation possible, see comments)
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈ x x x x x x 47⌉ 3 ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 4? 3 29 49? 6 SI? TUM [....] ⌈x x⌉ 11? 40+1? 51 9 TUM SI? [....] ⌈x⌉ 21? 54 SI? TUM 1 [....] ⌈x x⌉ 56 3 TUM TUM [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] 58 6 TUM TUM [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [1?] 9 TUM TUM [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x] TUM TUM [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] 1 TUM SI? ⌈1 11?⌉
53?⌉ EN ZÍZ 56 EN GU4 58 EN IZI EN APIN 12 EN ZÍZ 15 EN GU4 1 7? x EN IZI ⌈1 9?⌉ EN APIN EN ZÍZ
Comments The astronomical contents of this tablet are inconsistent and out of order: the moon is near α Tauri twice, on the 12th and the 16th; the interval ME (moonrise to sunset) is given for the 13th, but after the entry for the 16th; although there are entries only for a few days, a summary of planetary positions is given, of which unfortunately much is broken so that an attempt at dating is not possible. The name Alexander is mentioned in line 1, and one would expect a year number before it. There seems to be a “year 7” on the upper edge, but the name of the king is illegible to me; the traces do not resemble any abbreviation of Alexander. He is called “king of the land”, an unusual title. The reverse is some kind of table of 9 lines, the left part of which is mutilated by the traces of a crawling insect. The last sign in every line is a month name, viz. XI, II, V, and VIII, repeating. I do not know the meaning of EN preceding these month names. To the left of it, there is a column of numbers which increase by 2, occasionally 3, in ascending order, beginning with 53 (uncertain). The column of signs to the left of these numbers is obscure to me. The next column to the left consists of two numbers: the second increases by 3 until 12 is reached; the first one increases by 2 except where the second reaches 12, where it increases by 3. One could see years in the first number and months in the second, so that the difference between lines is 2 years and 3 months. The first preserved year number is 47, but there is a substantial part of the tablet missing. If the table began with zero (however this was expressed), there would have to be 21 lines missing, which seems to be a bit much based on the curvature. The month names at the end, which are also 3 months apart, will be related to the other numbers, but I have no explanation.
BM 36767–36770
BM 36767 (= 80-6-17, 503) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x⌉ G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 4 DIR A[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA 5 šámaš TÙR NÍGIN [.... GE6 7] SAG GE6 s[in x LU]GAL ⅔ KÙŠ DIR AN ZA 7 ina še-[rì] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 9 ⌈SAG GE6⌉ sin SIG GÌR ár šá UR-A [nn mm] [.... GE6] ⌈10⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1+[x ....] [.... GE6 11 SAG G]E6 sin ár SA4 šá ABS[IN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....]
BM 36767 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
[....] ⌈AN⌉ ina SAG ITU ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... x]+10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN 8 UŠ ina IGI [x x] KI [x?] [.... šá IÁ]r-tak-šat-su MU SA4-ú
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
BM 36770 (= 80-6-17, 507) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 21 ina KIN-SI[G ....] 3´ [.... TÙ]R NIGIN EN 22 AN ana ŠÚ? [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ TÙR NIGIN 23 ina še-rì DI[R ....] 5´ [.... ] DIR AN DIB GE6 26 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 28 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA AN [....] 7´ [.... KI.LAM še-i]m 1(p) 2(b) ina TIL ITU 1(p) 3(b) LA [....] 8´ [....] IA-lek-sa-an-dar i-nu-šú MÚL[BABBAR ....] ——————————
[....] .... Ni[ght ....] [....] .... Night of the 4th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] ½ cubit ....; clouds were in the sky. The 5th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. [.... Night of the 7th,] beginning of the night, the m[oon was] ⅔ cubit [.... α] Leonis; clouds were in the sky. The 7th, in the morning, [....] .... Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below β Virginis. [.... Night] of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1+[x ....] behind γ Virginis. [.... Night of the 11th, beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] behind α Virgin[is ....] [....] 2 cubits .... [....]
[....] Mars, in the beginning of the month, was in .... [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... The x]+10th, Mercury’s [first? appearance] in the west in Virgo, 8° in front of [....] .... [....] [.... who] is called Artaxerxes.
BM 36770 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 21st, in the afternoon, [....] 3´ [....] was surrounded by a halo. Until the 22nd, [when?] Mars [became stationary?] to the west? [....] 4´ [....] .... was surrounded by a halo. The 23rd, in the morning, clou[ds ....] 5´ [....] clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 26th, very overcast, rain [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 28th, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky, rain [....] 7´ [.... the equivalent was: bar]ley, 1 pān 2 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 pān 3 sūt .... [....] 8´ [....] of Alexander. At that time, Jupi[ter ....] ——————————
BM 36778
314 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] ⌈ina šámaš GUB IGI AGA a-pir 1 DIR SAL [AN ZA ....] [....] ⌈DIR AN ZA⌉ 2 DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] [....] AN ZA GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI GE6 11+[x ....] [....] ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ NU PAP GE6 10+[x ....] [....] MÁŠ 2 SI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] e MÚ[L ....]
10´ 11´
12´ 13´
14´ 15´
BM 36778 (= 80-6-17, 516) Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6
[x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG šil PA 2 KÙŠ i-ṣa sin ana ŠÚ LAL 20 ŠÚ GE6 21 DIR AN ZA 21 DIR AN ZA GE6 22 ŠÚ ULÙ ŠÁR ina ZÁLAG MAR GIN 22 ULÙ šá PA MAR GAR GIN ŠED7 GE6 23 ŠED7 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ
ina IGI AN 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 23 ŠED7 24 DIR AN ZA GE6 25 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI dele-bat 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB DIR AN ZA 23 24 1½ KÙŠ GIN 19 na
[....] it could be seen while the sun stood there, earthshine. The 1st, thin clouds [were in the sky ....] [....] clouds were in the sky. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] [....] were in the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers .... Night of the 11+[xth, ....] [....] last appearance in the west in Sagittarius; I did not watch. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] 2 fingers [....] Capricorni .... [....] [....] above .... [....]
BM 36778 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
Rev. 1 2 3
4 5 6
[....] .... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being a little back to the west. The 20th, overcast. Night of the 21st, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 22nd, overcast, gusty south wind; last part of the night, the west wind blew. The 22nd, the south wind, which was set to the west side, blew; cold. Night of the 23rd, cold; last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of β Capricorni,
it stood 2 cubits in front of Mars to the west. The 23rd, cold. The 24th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon stood 1½ cubits in front of Venus to the west; clouds were in the sky. The 23rd (and) the 24th, rose 1½ cubits, 19 was the na (gauge).
BM 36789–36797
BM 36789 (= 80-6-17, 527) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x GUB?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] EN TIL ITU ina [....] 4´ [....] ka-si 1(g) GUR ZÀ [....] 5´ [.... N]U IGI ITU BI ŠÈG u [....] —————————— 6´ [.... i]k-te-šir 3 ina KIN-SIG DIR A[N ....] 7´ [.... GE6] 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚLMÚL 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [....] e GÌR ár šá UR 8 SI 9 šámaš ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 11 AN DUL GE6 12 U[SAN ....] 10´ [.... ina] IGI LUGAL 2 KÙŠ 8 SI TA 20 [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x dan?⌉-nu šámaš ⌈ina DIR⌉ KUR [....] 12` [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 36797 (= 80-6-17, 535) Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
ŠE GE6 19 SAG GE6 AN DUL-ḫat ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e?⌉ [SI4?] 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ itu
BM 36789 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... stood? [....] 3´ [....] until the end of the month, in [....] 4´ [....] mustard, 1 kur; cr[ess, ....] 5´ [.... was n]ot visible. That month, rain and [....] —————————— 6´ [.... cold] became severe. The 3rd, in the afternoon, clouds [....] the sky [....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of η Tauri [....] 8´ [....] 8 fingers above β Virginis. The 9th, the sun [rose?] in .... [....] 9´ [....] very overcast. Night of the 11th, rain DUL. Night of the 12th, first [part of the night, ....] 10´ [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of α Leonis. From the 20th [....] 11´ [....] strong? ....; the sun rose in a cloud. 12´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36797 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
Month XII, night of the 19th, beginning of the night, rain DUL, .... last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above [α Scorpii?,] the moon being ½ cubit
Lower edge 1 ana ŠÚ LAL 19 DIR 2 AN ZA GE6
Lower edge 1 back to the west. The 19th, clouds 2 were in the sky. Night
1 2 3 4 5
20 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin e ⌈KIR4?⌉ šil PA 2? ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL
1 2 3 4 5
of the 20th, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2?½ cubits above ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west.
BM 36803–36830
BM 36803 (= 80-6-17, 541) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... AN] ⌈ZA?⌉ ULÙ GIN 8 DIR AN ZA ina še-rì [....] 2´ [.... A]N UTAḪ i SI GIN GE6 10 DIR AN ZA [....] 3´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin ina IGI nu-nu 3 KÙŠ sin 3½? [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... GU4-U]D ina NIM ina RÍN ŠÚ (erasure) NU [PAP ....] 5´ [....] ⌈KUR?⌉ GIN GE6 15 20 NINDA GE6 SA[G GE6 ....] 6´ [....] GE6 16 DIR AN ZA [....]
BM 36826 (= 80-6-17, 566) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[.... ina] ZÁLAG ⌈sin⌉ [.... ina] IGI MÚL-BABBAR [....] ½ KÙŠ GE6 25 [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI KI.LAM [....] a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR [.... UD-D]A ŠÚ-šú DIB GENNA [....] (blank) —————————— [....] (traces)
[....] ⌈AN⌉ UTA[Ḫ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ NU ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... SUḪ]UR MÁŠ ½ [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x AN x⌉ [....]
BM 36830 (= 80-6-17, 570) Photo: JCF
Obv.´ 1 2
[....] ⌈x BAR? x x⌉ na ⌈muš x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ G[E6? x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36803 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... were in the] sky?, the south wind blew. The 8th, clouds were in the sky; in the morning, [....] 2´ [....] a little rain shower, the north wind blew. Night of the 10th, clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ [.... last part] of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of η Piscium, the moon being 3½? [cubits ....] 4´ [.... Mercu]ry’s last appearance in the east in Libra; I did not [watch ....] 5´ [....] the east? wind blew. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 20´; beginn[ing of the night, ....] 6´ [....] Night of the 16th, clouds were in the sky [....]
BM 36826 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[.... last] part of the night, the moon was [.... in] front of Jupiter [....] ½ cubit [....] Night of the 25th, [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: [....] for 1 shekel of silver. [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [....,] omitted; Saturn [....] (blank) —————————— [....] (traces)
[....] rain shower [....] [....] .... not [....] [....] ½ [cubit .... γ/δ Cap]ricorni [....] [....] .... rain .... [....]
BM 36830 Obv.´ 1 2
[....] .... month I, .... sunset to moonset: ...., measured .... [....] [....] clouds crossed the sky, rain shower. Ni[ght ...] .... [....]
BM 36863–36868 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
´Rev. 1´
[....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB ⌈GE6? x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL TUR šá ⌈x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x AN? DUL? x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] SA4 šá ⌈ABSIN x KÙŠ x x⌉ [....] [....] ina ⌈x x x x⌉ DIR AN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x DIR AN DIB x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ 2 [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
[.... D]a-⌈ri-ia-a-muš LUGAL x x⌉
BM 36863 (= 80-6-17, 603) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 18 ina ZÁL[AG s]in [....] 3´ [.... MÚ]L ár šá ALLA šá [U]LÙ 1½ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana NIM DIB ina IGI MÚLBABBAR 2 KÙŠ ⌈ana? ŠÚ?⌉ [GUB ....] 5´ [.... IZ]I-ŠUB ina KI TIN-TIRki a-na tarṣ[i? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈ana NIM⌉ DIB ⌈SIG⌉ dele-bat 3 KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈ITU⌉ BIL 1(g) 3(p) 2(b) ZÚ 4(g) GUR ZÀ 2(p) ⌈2(b)?⌉ [....] 8´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ABSIN ina TIL ITU ina RÍN GENNA ina GU [....] (rest blank)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
´Rev. 1´
[....] .... clouds crossed the sky. Night .... [....] .... [....] [....] ρ? Leonis? .... [....] [....] .... rain DUL? .... [....] [....] x cubits [....] α Virginis .... [....] [....] in ...., clouds .... sky .... [....] [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was 2 [....] behind β Capricorni [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] King Darius ....
BM 36863 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the [night, the m]oon was [....] 3´ [....] 1½ [cubits ....] δ Cancri [....] 4´ [.... the moon] having passed .... to the east, [it stood] 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west? [....] 5´ [....] a “fall of fire” in the district of Tintir, opposite? [....] 6´ [.... the moon] having passed [....] to the east, 3 cubits below Venus, the moon being ⅔ cubit [....] 7´ [....] of the month, new (barley?), 1 kur 3 pān 2 sūt; dates, 4 kur; cress, 2 pān 2 sūt? [....] 8´ [....] Mercury was in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; Saturn was in Aquarius [....] (rest blank)
BM 36868 (= 80-6-17, 608) Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 [....] MU 14 [....] Obv.´ 1 2
[....] GE6 2 USAN AN ana ŠÚ ina LAL⌈šú⌉ [....] [....] na a-kam muš 2? GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 36868 Upper edge 1 [....] Year 14 [....] Obv.´ 1 2
[....] Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mars, while moving back to the west, [....] [....] visibility interval: [....,] measured (despite) mist. The 2nd?, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius .... [....]
318 3 4 5 6 7 8
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
BM 36870 [....] u EME NU TUK? DIR AN DIB GE6 3 sin ina IGI M[ÚL ....] [....] SI 5/6 KÙŠ 5 DIR AN DIB GE6 6 ⌈DIR AN ZA?⌉ [....] [.... Š]ED7? GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ŠED7 ik-te-šir GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 13 SA[G GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ muš ina ZÁLAG [....]
5 6 7
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] URU u EDIN [....] [....] a-di x bu? x [....] ——————————
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
BM 36870 (= 80-6-17, 610) Photo: JCF
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ina ⌈MÚL? x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ GÁL-LA ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ ½? KÙŠ? ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈8? x x GE6 9⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ? sin TÙR NIGIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] .... [....] {....] city and countryside [....] [....] until .... [....] ——————————
BM 36870 ´Obv.´
[....] .... [....] 2´ [....] in .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 4´ [....] ½? cubit? .... [....] 5´ [....] .... very overcast. Night .... [....] 6´ [....] 8th?, .... Night of the 9th, [....] 7´ [....] cubits?; the moon was surrounded by a halo .... [....] 8´ [....] .... ½ cubit .... [....] 9´-11´ [....] .... [....] 1´
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x MÚL x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ITU BI TA?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ILLU [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat? 1 ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ 3 ina še-[rì ....] [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] and had no tongue; clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] 5/6 cubit [....] the northern [....] The 5th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 6th, clouds were in the sky [....] [.... c]old?. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] [....] the cold became severe. Night [....] [....] .... Night of the 13th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] [....] ...., measured; last part of the night, [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... star .... [....] [....] That month, from [....] [....] .... the river level [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] .... Venus?. The 1st?, in .... [....] [....] cubits?. The 3rd, in the mor[ning, ....] [....] clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36881–36884
BM 36881 (= 80-6-17,622) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ sin 5/6 KÙŠ ana NIM DIB UL[Ù ....] [.... GE6] 4 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN ⌈UTAḪ x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 6 7 na dele-bat ina KIN-SIG [....] [.... ina IGI? MÚL] SIG šá SI MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ ana lìb-bi-šú ⌈kun?-nu?⌉ [....] [....] ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL USAN AN e ⌈SI4⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 13 10 UŠ ME muš 13 1+[x ....] [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈AN? PA⌉ KUR-ád ITU BI ILL[U ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI U4-17 ISe-l[u-ku ....] 4´ [.... Se-lu-ke-ʾa]-a šá a-na muḫ-ḫi íd I[DIGNA ....] 5´ [.... KU4]-ub ana É-sag-gíl i-te-l[i? ....] 6´ [.... dE]N? dGAŠAN-iá DINGIRmeš GALmeš u [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ana É-U4-1-KAM KU4-u[b ....] 8´ [.... dGAŠA]N-iá ⌈DINGIRmeš⌉ [....]
BM 36884 (= 80-6-17, 625) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ ⌈ana NIM? x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] DIR SAL AN ZA ULÙ u KUR GINm[eš ....] 3´ [....] 8 SI ⌈x MÚL? ár? šá ALLA šá ULÙ UŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [MÚ]L IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈x x x 24?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x x GE6 25 26 x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] AN ana ME E-a kal ME DIR SAL AN ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] u KUR GINmeš ITU BI KI.⌈LAM še-im x x x⌉ [....]
BM 36881 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed 5/6 cubit to the east; the south [wind blew ....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 4th, beginning of the night, very overcast, rain shower .... [....] 4´ [....] The 6th, visibility interval of Venus: 7°; in the afternoon [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [in front? of] β Capricorni, it was set towards its inside [....] 6´ [....] ½ cubit back to the west; first part of the night, Mars was [....] above α Scorpii [....] 7´ [....] Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 10°, measured. The 13th, [....:] 1+[x° ....] 8´ [....] .... night? [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Mars? reached Sagittarius. That month, the river [level ....] 3´ [....] .... That month, the 17th day, Sel[eucus ....] 4´ [.... Seleuci]a, which is on the T[igris, ....] 5´ [.... he en]tered, went up? to Esangil [....] 6´ [.... Be]l, Beltija, the great gods, and [....] 7´ [....] .... he entered the Day One Temple [....] 8´ [.... Bel, Belt]ija, the [great] gods [....]
BM 36884 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 1 cubit to the east? .... [....] 2´ [....] thin clouds were in the sky, the south and east winds blew [....] 3´ [....] it became stationary 8 fingers .... δ Cancri .... [....] 4´ [....] .... η Geminorum .... 24th?, [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 25th (and) the 26th .... [....] 6´ [....] Mars’ acronychal rising; all day, thin clouds [....] the sky .... [....] 7´ [....] and east winds blew. That month, the equivalent was: barley, .... [....]
BM 36886
320 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] 3(p) 2(b) TA 18? EN 20+⌈x x x⌉ 1(b) TA ⌈20+x x⌉ [....] [.... x]+4 EN 22 ⌈2(g)? GUR? x 1(b)?⌉ 2 qa ⌈23 24 25 x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x qa? SÍG?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36886 (= 80-6-17, 627) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... š]á SI 10 SI GE6 3 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] AN PISAN DIB KUR ŠÁR GE6 [....] [.... SAG] GE6 sin ina IGI šur GIGIR šá [....] [....] ILLU ½ KÙŠ LAL GE6 11 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina [....] [....] ana NIM DIB TÙR NÍGIN ma-diš iq-[tur7....] [....] 14 8,40 ŠÚ IM-DUGUD NU PAP ŠÚ ina [....] [....] GE6 16 2 GE6 DIR muš USAN sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... nn] SI ana NIM DIB GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL dL[I9-SI4? ....] [.... G]E6 21 21 22 23 ILLU 1⅔ KÙŠ KÁtú 2 KÙŠ 22 SI G[IN? ....] [.... š]á ALLA šá SI ⅔ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL UŠ NU PAP 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x] ZÚ-LUM 2(g) GUR 2(p) 4(b)? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ u KUR ŠÁRme GINme TIRAN ina KUR G[IB ....] [.... GE6 1]7 SAG GE6 GÍR ⌈ina x⌉ GÍRme ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL dL[I9-SI4? ....]
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] 3 pān 2 sūt, from the 18th? until the 20+xth, .... 1 sūt, from the 20+xth, .... [....] [.... the x]+4th until the 22nd, 2 kur .... 1 sūt 2 qa, the 23rd, 24th, 25th, .... [....] [....] .... qa?; wool?, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36886 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´
12´ 13´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] 10 fingers [....] northern [....] Night of the 3rd, .... [....] [....] rain PISAN DIB, gusty east wind. Night [....] [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [β/ζ] Tauri [....] [....] the river level receded ½ cubit. Night of the 11th, very overcast; in [....] [....] having passed [....] to the east; it was surrounded by a halo, it billowed very much [....] [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 40´; fog, I did not watch; overcast, .... [....] [....] Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 2°, measured (despite) clouds; first part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] having passed [....] fingers to the east. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Scor[pii ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, the river level – 1⅔ cubits remainder – 2 cubits. The 22nd, the north wind bl[ew? ....] [....] it became stationary [.... η/γ] Cancri, being ⅔ cubit back to the west; I did not watch. The 20+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....] dates, 2 kur 2 pān 4 sūt? [....] [....] .... Saturn [....]
´Rev.`? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., gusty south and east winds blew, a rainbow stretched in the east [....] 3´ [.... Night of the 1]7th, beginning of the night, lightning flashed continuously in ....; last part of the night, the moon was behind α S[corpii? ....]
BM 36888–36894+37398 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] GE6 18 IM ŠÁR ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil-taḫ [PA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 18 SI GIN GE6 19 ŠÚ IM ŠÁR ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚ[L ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIB 19 20 IL[LU? x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 21 ŠÚ 21 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ AN še-ni ⌈TUḪ⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá SUḪ[UR ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ GIN? 25 [x x] ⌈x⌉ šámaš T[ÙR ....] [....] ⌈x x ŠÚ⌉ 28 ina KIN-SIG šámaš TÙR ⌈NÍGIN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈EN⌉ TIL ITU ILLU 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ L[AL? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´
[....] Night of the 18th, gusty wind; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Oph[iuchi ....] [....] .... The 18th, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, overcast, gusty wind; last part of the night, the moon was in front of [....] [....] crossed? .... The 19th (and) the 20th, the river [level ....] Night of the 21st, overcast. The 21st, overcast, .... [....] [....] night, rain so that the sandal was removed; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of δ Capricor[ni ....] [....] .... blew?. The 25th, .... the sun [was surrounded] by a halo [....] [....] .... overcast. The 28th, in the afternoon, the sun was surrounded by a halo [....] [....] until the end of the month, the river level receded 1 cubit [....] [....] .... [....]
Comments Rev. 3`: Restoration at end of line based on comparison with line 4´.
BM 36888 (= 80-6-17, 629)
BM 36888
Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... MÚL] ⌈KUR⌉ šá KIR4 šil PA 2½ KÙŠ GE6 3 3 DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 7 DIR AN DIB GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin á[r? ....] [.... G]E6 13 SAG ⌈GE6⌉ sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá ⌈x x⌉ [x] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev. (blank)
Obv.´ 1 2
[....] 2½ cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi. Night of the 3rd (and) the 3rd, clouds were in the sky. [....] cubits [....] The 7th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] be[hind? ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of the front star of .... [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. (blank)
BM 36894 + 37398 (= 80-6-17, 635+1155)
BM 36894 + 37398
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x TUR?⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin 1 [....] 3´ [....] SIG 13 DIR AN ZA SI [GIN] ŠED7 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana SI NIM ina ZÁLAG [x] e MÚL IGI šá SUḪ[UR MÁŠ ....] 5´ [.... S]I? GIN ŠED7 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 15 ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit ...., the moon being 1 [....] 3´ [....] low. The 13th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [blew,] cold [....] 4´ [....] cubits high to the north; last part of the night, [....] was [....] above γ Capricorni. 5´ [.... the nor]th? wind blew, cold; in the afternoon, very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 15th, .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 36906–36911
322 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... n]a? ⌈NU? PAP⌉ DIR AN DIB me-ḫu-ú ULÙ u KUR GIN GE6 16 [.... me-ḫu?]-ú KUR GIN MURUB4 GÍR AN UTAḪ 16 DIR AN DIB [.... GÙ]-šú né-ḫi ŠUB-di AN kušE-SÍR NU TUḪ GE6 ⌈18?⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ḪI MAḪ? AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB ina ZÁLAG [x] ⌈x⌉ [x] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´
[.... sunrise] to moonset?: [....,] I did not watch; clouds crossed the sky, a south and east storm blew. Night of the 16th, [....] an east [sto]rm? blew; in the middle watch, lightning, rain shower. The 16th, clouds crossed the sky. [....] it thundered slowly, rain, but the sandal was not removed. Night of the 18th?, [....] much ...., slow rain PISAN DIB; last part of the night, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
´Side B` 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x in? 7? x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 36906 (= 80-6-17, 647)
BM 36906
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ina A ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 15 1,20+[x ....] 3´ [.... GE6 1]9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 4´ [....] ŠÁR GE6 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 6´ [.... x]+5 ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] last appearance in Leo .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 15th, [....:] 1° 20+[x´ ....] 3´ [.... Night of the 1]9th, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 4´ [....] gusty [.... wind.] Night of the 21st, .... [....] 5´ [....] 5/6 cubit [....] Night [....] 6´ [.... x]+5 .... [....]
BM 36911 (= 80-6-17, 652)
BM 36911
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6] 7 SAG GE6 sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x 1 ME?⌉ USAN sin ina IGI MÚL[MÚL ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI is l[e10 ....] 5´ [.... sin x MÚL x šá še]-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] 6´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ GE6 21 ina ZÁ[LAG ....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [....] .... around? the 7th?, .... [....] 3´ [....].... [....] 4´ [....] .... [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was .... [....] 3´ [....] moonrise to sunset?: x+1°; first part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Tau[ri ....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Tau[ri ....] 5´ [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [.... η/μ Gem] inorum, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west [....] 6´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Geminorum. Night of the 21st, last part [of the night, ....]
BM 36923 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ in 19 IGI GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin S[IG ....] [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ 4½ KÙŠ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] 17 na-su in 19 I[GI ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB dele-b[at ....] [.... na?] GU4-UD ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈IM ŠÁR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈IGI? x⌉ [....]
323 7´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 36923 (= 80-6-17, 664) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... ina] ⌈ZÁLAG sin⌉ ina IGI MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ár? ⌈SI4⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [DIR? A]N ZA [x] [....] GÍR GÍR GÙ U AN še-ni ⌈TUḪ⌉ [....] ⌈x NU ŠÚ? ITU BI KI.LAM⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈U4⌉-11-KAM IA-lek-sa-an-dar-is LUGAL [....] ZÁḪ-it-ʾu ITU BI [.... ana] muḫ-ḫi IA-lek-sa-an-dar LUGAL [....] (blank) —————————— (rest blank)
Comments Rev. 2´f.: These lines are reminiscent of Diary No. -330 obv. 14´ff.; in any case, the fragment must belong to the reign of Alexander.
[....] ...., (ideal) first appearance on the 19th. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] be[low ....] [....] 4½ cubits [....] Mercury. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] its visibility interval: 17°, (ideal) first appearance on the 19th [....] [....] ...., stood ½ cubit to the west, Venus being [....] [.... visibility? interval] of Mercury; very overcast, gusty wind [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 36923 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] [.... last] part of the night, the moon was [....] behind? α Scorpii [....] [....] .... [clouds] were in the sky [....] [....] lightning flashed, thunder, rain so that the sandal was removed. [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [.... the 11th day, King Alexander [....] they fled. That month, [....] to King Alexander [....] (blank) —————————— (rest blank)
BM 36926–36942
BM 36926 (= 80-6-17, 667)
BM 36926
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 4 S[I ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 10 SI GE6 23 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈MAŠ⌉-MAŠ šá SIPA 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] šá GIM di-pa-ri u ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] šá 1 UŠ GE6 meš-ḫu [....] 8´ [....] ár MÚL ár šá ALLA šá U[LÙ ....] 9´ [....] KÙŠ 4 U ár ⌈MÚL-BABBAR?⌉ [....] 10´ [....] IGI in 9 ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 1 cubit 4 fin[gers ....] 3´ [....] .... overcast. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the m[oon ....] 4´ [....] 10 fingers .... Night of the 23rd, [....] 5´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] γ Geminorum [....] 6´ [....] which was like a torch and .... [....] 7´ [....] of 1° of night, a train? [....] 8´ [....] behind δ Cancri [....] 9´ [....] cubits 4 fingers behind Jupiter? [....] 10´ [....] first appearance [....] around the 9th, .... [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 36942 (= 80-6-17, 683)
BM 36942
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 13sic ⌈1⌉,30 na GE6 13sic 8 [....] 2´ [....] šá SI 4 KÙŠ GE6 18 USAN [....] 3´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá DU[R nu-nu ....] 4´ [....] ár LUGAL 8 SI AN SIG M[ÚL ....] 5´ [.... M]ÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN ⅔? [KÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] SI? GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e?⌉ [....] 7´ [.... GE6] 26 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 8´ [....] 26+[x] IM ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina UR-⌈A⌉ [....] 10´ [.... 2]8 MÚL-BA[BBAR ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 n[a? ....] Comments 1´: Both numbers 13 are clear; since the data for the night always precede those of the daytime with the same number, an error has to be assumed. Due to the broken state of the tablet, a correction cannot be proposed. 2´: The moon was next to η Piscium on the 19th (line 3´); during the time from the 13th to the 18th, no Normal Star named “the northern star of ....” was in the path of the moon. The observation must therefore refer to a planet; neither the planet nor the star can be identified any more.
´Flake´ 1´ [....] The 13th sic, sunrise to moonset: 1° 30´. Night of the 13th sic, [....:] 8° [....] 2´ [....] 4 cubits [....] the northern [....] Night of the 18th, first part of the night, [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Piscium [....] 4´ [....] 8 fingers behind α Leonis; Mars was [....] below [....] 5´ [....] ⅔? cubit [....] β Arietis [....] 6´ [....] fingers? [....] Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above? [....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 8´ [....] the 26+[xth], gusty wind .... [....] 9´ [....] .... in Leo [....] 10´ [.... the 2]8th, Jupi[ter ....] 11´ [....] .... visib[ility interval?] 4° [....]
BM 36945–36946
BM 36945 (= 80-6-17, 686) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[.... MU x]+8-KAM ituŠU 1 17 na-su [.... ina G]UB? IGI ina IGI dele-bat 2½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB [.... sin ina] IGI GIŠ.KUN 1 KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] ⌈GÌR ár⌉ šá A 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [.... DELE] šá IGI ABSIN 3 KÙŠ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 2 ⌈KÙŠ sin x KÙŠ ana NIM⌉ DIB [....] (erasure) [.... RÍN šá UL]Ù 4 KÙŠ G[E6? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ G[E6 ....] [.... SA]G GÍR-TAB ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 8 S[I? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. I[GI]-TAB (rest blank)
BM 36945 Obv.´ 1
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[.... Year x]+8. Month IV, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 17°, [....] it could be seen [while (the sun) st]ood there, it stood 2½ cubits in front of Venus to the west. [.... the moon was] 1 cubit in front of ϑ Leonis, the moon being 5 cubits low to the south. [....] 1 cubit [....] β Virginis, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. [....] 3 cubits [.... γ] Virginis. [....] 2 cubits [....] α Virginis, the moon having passed x cubits to the east. [....] (erasure) [....] 4 cubits [.... α? Lib]rae. Ni[ght? ....] [....] 2½ cubits .... Ni[ght ....] [.... δ/β] Scorpii .... [....] [....] 8 fin[gers? ....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. Checked. (rest blank)
BM 36946 (= 80-6-17, 687) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] DU6 1 15 na [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 1 DIR AN ZA [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈2? KÙŠ⌉ ana ŠÚ GUB [....] [....] ZA? ULÙ GIN GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36946 Obv.´ 1
2 3 4
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... KÙ]Š sin 1½ KÙŠ ana UL[Ù SIG ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin [....]
5 6
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] Month VII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 15° [....] [....] .... Night of the 1st, clouds were in the sky [....] [....] 1½ cubits ...., the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] stood 2? cubits [....] to the west [....] [....] ...., the south wind blew. Night [....] [....] .... [....] [....].... [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [.... cub]its [....,] the moon being 1½ cubits [low] to the south [....] [....] .... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....]
BM 36967+37013
BM 36967 + 37013 (= 80-6-17, 710+757) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ sin ár [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG SIG AN 1 KÙŠ [.... KÙ]Š ana ŠÚ LAL ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 3 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [GE6 4 SAG? G]E6? sin ár šur ULÙ ½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM [.... LUG]AL? 8 SI 4 DIR AN ZA GE6 5 DIR SAL AN ZA [.... sin e MAŠ]-⌈MAŠ šá⌉ SIPA 4½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB .... DI]R AN DIB AN-BAR7 AN DUL [.... GE6 6 SA]G? GE6 DIR AN DIB AN DUL [.... ina I]GI MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ
BM 36967 + 37013 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] cubits? [....;] the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] .... cubits low to the south, 1 cubit below Mars, [.... cub]its back to the west; last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. [Night of the 4th, beginning of the ni]ght?, the moon was ½ cubit behind ζ Tauri, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. [....] 8 fingers [.... α Leo]nis?. The 4th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 5th, thin clouds were in the sky. [.... the moon was] 4½ cubits [above] γ Geminorum, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east. [.... clou]ds crossed the sky; at noon, rain DUL. [.... Night of the 6th, beg]inning? of the night, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL. [....] .... cubits in front of δ Cancri,
Lower edge 1 [....] ⌈ana?⌉ SI NIM 7 ⌈DIR?⌉
Lower edge 1 [....] high to the north. The 7th, clouds?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[GE6 8 sin x] SAG A 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] 1? KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin [nn mm ana] SI NIM GE6 9 sin [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB] [....] ⌈x⌉ e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [nn mm 9] DIR AN ZA GE6 10 sin [x GIŠ.KUN A nn mm ....] ⌈x⌉ 10 DIR AN ZA [.... GE6 11 sin x GÌ]R ár 1⅓ KÙŠ sin [....] ⌈x⌉ 11 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] (blank)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[Night of the 8th, the moon was] 2 cubits [....] ε Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit [....,] it stood 1? cubit [....] to the west, the moon being [....] high to the north. Night of the 9th, the moon was [....] cubits [....,] the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east; [....] .... above η Geminorum. [The 9th,] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, the moon was [.... ϑ Leonis] .... The 10th, clouds were in the sky [.... Night of the 11th, the moon was] 1⅓ cubits [....] β Virginis, the moon being [....] .... The 11th, all day, very overcast [....] (blank)
BM 36971–36993
BM 36971 (= 80-6-17, 714) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ 11+[x ....] [....] ana ŠÚ LAL 10+[x ....] [....] GE6 10+[x ....] [.... s]in e 2 MÚLme ⌈šá ⌉ [....] [.... x]+1½ KÙŠ GE6 19 ina Z[ÁLAG ....] [....] LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ LÁL [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 22 DIR AN Z[A ....] [....] um-ma ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 36971 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] 2? KÙŠ GE6 ⌈25 ina⌉ ZÁ[LAG ....] [.... GE6] 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x 27⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
BM 36993 (= 80-6-17, 737) Photo: YM
´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [.... KÙ]Š? ⌈ár x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] AN ZA SI GIN 3´ [.... A]N DIB 4´ [.... sa]ḫ-le10 2(p) PI 5´ [....] EN TIL ITU ina MAŠ-MAŠ 6´ [.... K]ÙŠ GIN PAP 3 na 7´ [....] PAP 6 na 8´ [....] ⌈ú?⌉ šir-tú šá KÙ-BABBAR 9´ [....] (blank) —————————— 10´ [....] GE6 3 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 KÙŠ 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA SI GIN Right edge 1 [....] ⌈MU? x x⌉ [....]
[....] .... cubits [....] The 11+[xth, ....] [....] back to the west. The 10+[xth, ....] [....] Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [.... the m]oon was [....] above the 2 stars of [....] [.... x]+1½ cubits [....] Night of the 19th, last [part of the night, ....] [....] balanced ⅔ cubit [....] α Leonis [....] [....] .... The 22nd, clouds were in the sky [....] [....] as follows: in .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] 2? cubits [....] Night of the 25th, last [part of the night, ....] [.... Night] of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] .... The 27th, [....]
BM 36993 ´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [.... cub]its?, [....] behind .... [....] 2´ [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. 3´ [....] crossed the sky 4´ [.... cr]ess, 2 pān; 5´ [....] until the end of the month, in Gemini 6´ [....] rose [.... cu]bits, total: 3 was the na (gauge); 7´ [....] total: 6 was the na (gauge) 8´ [....] .... bar? of silver 9´ [....] (blank) —————————— 10´ [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was 2 cubits below β Geminorum 11´ [....] .... thin clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Right edge 1 [....] year? .... [....]
BM 37004–37029
BM 37004 (= 80-6-17, 748) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin ⌈TÙR NIGIN⌉ 2´ [.... GE6 x]+2 SAG GE6 sin 3´ [.... GE6] 10 SAG GE6 sin 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 15 GENNA 5´ [.... A]N ZA sin TÙR NIGIN 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 37006 (= 80-6-17, 750) Photo: YM
´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] 2´ [.... GE6] 9 9 ZI IR 3´ [....] SAG GE6 sin 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 10 NINDA ana ULÙ UŠ 5´ [.... G]E6 13 ina ZÁLAG AN e 6´ [....] muš DIR AN ZA 7´ [.... G]E6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI 8´ [.... US]AN
BM 37004 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon was surrounded by a halo 2´ [.... Night of the x]+2nd, beginning of the night, the moon was 3´ [.... Night] of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 4´ [....] .... The 15th, Saturn’s 5´ [....] were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo 6´ [....] .... last part of the night, 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37006 ´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 9th (and) the 9th, ZI IR 3´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 4´ [....] .... 10´ to the south it became stationary. 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 13th, last part of the night, Mars was [....] above 6´ [....] measured; clouds were in the sky 7´ [.... Ni]ght of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of 8´ [.... first] part of the night,
BM 37027 (= 80-6-17, 771)
BM 37027
Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ 30 11 na
Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ .... [....] Month? ...., (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 11°.
Photo: YM
(blank space) 2´ 3´
EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA ituBAR EN? (over erasure) [....] I A-lek-sa-an-dar [LUGAL]
BM 37029 (= 80-6-17, 773) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... K]ÙŠ? GE6 20 ina ZÁL[AG ....]
(blank space) 2´ 3´
Diary from month I until? [....] [King] Alexander.
BM 37029 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [.... cu]bits? [....] Night of the 20th, last part [of the night, ....]
BM 37037+37109 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[.... ana] NIM GUB GE6 20+[x ....] [....] IM-GÚ KUR ŠÚ-u[p? ....] [....] MURUB4 ITU 4(b) ina TIL I[TU ....] [.... Š]E-GIŠ 5(b) SÍGḫá 4 ma-[na ....] [.... ina MÚL-M]ÚL GENNA ina PA AN ina zibme [....] —————————— [....] NU PAP GE6 1 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 1 ina KINS[IG ....] [....] ⌈MAŠ⌉-MAŠ IGI 2 KÙŠ (erasure) [....] [.... šá] SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ GE6 6 SAG [GE6 ....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2+[x KÙŠ ....] [.... MÚL KUR] šá D[UR n]u-nu 2 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈MÚL⌉ KUR šá KIR4 [šil PA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] MÚL IGI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
BM 37037 + 37109 (80-6-17, 781+858) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI MÚL SIG [....] 3´ [.... ina IG]I MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-[nu ....] 4´ [.... ina] ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ sin ina IGI is le10 2 KÙŠ [....] 5´ [....] 20 ina še-rì DIR AN DIB bu-tuq T[IR-AN ....] 6´ [.... šá ma-g]al KUR u meš-ḫi ⌈TUK⌉-ú TA E múlÙZ [....] 7´ [.... ina IGI] dele-bat 2½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG M[ÚL? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ a ana SIG ÙZ ⌈SUR?⌉ in ½ DANNA GE6 [....] 9´ [.... s]aḫ-le10 1 PI ŠE-GI[Š x x] ⌈SÍGḫi⌉ 5 ma a-na [1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] stood [.... to] the east. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] [....] mud covered the land [....] [....] in the middle of the month, 4 sūt, at the end of the mo[nth, ....] [.... s]esame, 5 sūt; wool, 4 mi[nas ....] [.... was in Tau]rus, Saturn was in Sagittarius, Mars was in Pisces. [....] —————————— [....] I did not watch. Night of the 1st, very overcast. The 1st, in the aftern[oon, ....] [....] 2 cubits [....] α Geminorum (erasure) [....] [....] 5 cubits [.... β/α] Arietis. Night of the 6th, beginning [of the night, ....] [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 2+[x cubits] in front of γ Virginis [....] [....] 2 cubits [.... η] Piscium [....] [....] ϑ Ophiu[chi ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] the front star of [....] [....] .... 2 .... [....] [....] 27th, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 37037 + 37109 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] in front of the lower star of [....] [.... in fro]nt of η Piscium [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Tauri [....] [....] The 20th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky, a section of a rain[bow ....] [.... which] was very bright and had a train, [....] from above the Goat star [....] [....] (the moon) stood 2½ cubits [in front of] Venus to the west. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] [....] .... flashed? to below the Goat star; at ½ bēru of night [....] [....] cress, 1 pān; sesame, [....;] wool, 5 minas for [1 shekel of silver ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 37041
330 ´Rev.´? 1´ [.... im-man?]-nak-ku [....] 2´ [....] a-na MU-6-KAM IA-l[ek-sa-an-dar ....] 3´ [.... im?]-man-nak-ku [x I]GI? ŠE ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x šá⌉ ina UGU KUŠ?ḫá NI x [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉meš šá É MU-tì TI-ú ù [....] 6´ [....] DA ina UGU SAḪAR? ina pa-pa-ḫi šá dEN ŠU[B ....] 7´ [....]meš šá KÙ.GI ⌈u x x⌉ lab-šu-uʾ ana É-s[ag-gíl ....] 8´ [....] ḫe-pí KUR-RAmeš [ana? lìb-b]i? É-saggíl [....] 9´ [....] Eki ina KA LUG[AL] DAB? 28 šu-tuqtú [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DU 30 [x] u DUMUmeš Eki ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [.... mu-ma-ʾi]-ir KUR [URI]ki pa-qid ITU BI ŠU [....] 12´ [....] (blank) ——————————
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
Comments Obv. 2´: The star name could be MÚL SIG šá SI MÁŠ, i.e. β Capricorni. 8´: The beginning of the line may be [Z]I-a “had gone up”? 6´: E ÙZ also in BM 35112 rev. 17. Rev. 8´: KUR-RA could have been ANŠE-KURRA on the original; as can be seen from ḫepi, the tablet is a copy.
BM 37041 (= 80-6-17, 785) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] G[E6] ⌈15 DIR AN ZA⌉ SAG GE6 [....] DIR AN ZA ⌈16?⌉ DIR AN DIB [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin SIG SI MÁŠ 3½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [.... ana ULÙ] SIG 20 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA GE6 21 SAG? [.... ERÍ]N? LUGAL ṣal-tu4 KI a-ḫa-meš DÙmeš [....] ⌈KI⌉ ZÁḪmeš lúERÍN ḫa-ni-i u [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ERÍN LUGAL ina? lúERÍN lúmu-maʾ[i-ir ....] [.... x]+1 ŠÚ-ŠÚ kal GE6 GÍR GÙ [U ....]
[.... imma]nakku-stone? .... [....] [....] to the 6th year of Al[exander ....] [....im]manakku-stone .... [....] [....] .... which was on leather (scrolls?) .... [....] [....] .... of this house they took, and [....] [....] .... fell on the dust? in the cella of Bēl [....] [....] which were clothed in gold and ...., to Es[angil ....] [....] broken rses? [inside? of] Esangil [....] [....] was seized? [in?] Babylon on order of the king. The 28th, .... [....] [....] .... came?. The 30th, [....] and the people of Babylon to .... [....] [....] was entrusted as [sat]rap of [Babylonia]. That month, .... [....] [....] (blank) ——————————
BM 37041 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
5´ 6´ 7´
[....] Ni[ght] of the 15th, clouds were in the sky; beginning of the night, [....] clouds were in the sky. The 16th?, clouds crossed the sky [.... last part] of the night, the moon was 3½ cubits below β Capricorni, the moon being ½ cubit [....] low [to the south.] The 20th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, beginning [.... and the troo]ps of the king fought with each other. [....] with the fugitives of the Hanean troops and .... [....] the troops of the king in? the troops of the satr[ap ....]
BM 37042 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÍRme ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina ⌈RÍN⌉ dele-bat ina ALLA GU4-[UD ....] [.... I]LLU 1⅔ KÙŠ KÁ-tú 2 KÙŠ 8 U 12? n[a] ——————————
8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
(blank space) 3´
[....] ⌈x⌉ LUGAL
[.... night of the x]+1st, very overcast, all night lightning, thun[der ....] [....] .... lightning flashed continuously, .... [....] [.... Ju]piter was in Libra, Venus was in Cancer, Mer[cury ....] [.... the] river level - remainder 1⅔ cubits - 2 cubits 8 fingers; 12? was the n[a] (gauge). —————————— (blank space)
BM 37042 (= 80-6-17, 786) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 5 SA[G GE6 ....] 3´ [.... GE6] 8 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL TU[R ....] 4´ [....] ½ KÙŠ 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ GE6 11 S[AG GE6 ....] 5´ [.... K]ÙŠ 13 5 ŠÚ DIR muš 13 MÚLBABBAR [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI4 2 KÙŠ GE6 16 [....] 7´ [.... A]N DIB AN DUL GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina ⌈IGI⌉ [....] 8´ [....] sin ár MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ s[in? ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3½ KÙŠ 27 17 KUR IT[U BI ....] 10´ [....] 4(b) saḫ-le10 1 PI SÍGḫ[á ....] 11´ [....] IGI ITU BI ILLU 3 KÙŠ [....] —————————— 12´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIP[A ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 5 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR G[Ù U ....] 14´ [.... s]in ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] 15´ [....] sin ár SA4 šá [ABSIN ....] 16´ [....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] .... king.
BM 37042 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 5/6 cubit [....] Night of the 5th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind ρ [Leonis ....] 4´ [....] ½ cubit [....] The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. Night of the 11th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 5´ [.... cu]bits [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5°, measured (despite) clouds. The 13th, Jupiter’s [....] 6´ [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind α Scorpii. Night of the 16th, [....] 7´ [....] crossed the sky, rain DUL. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was in front of [....] 8´ [....] the moon was ½ cubit behind δ Capricorni, the m[oon being ....] 9´ [....] 3½ cubits [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°. [That] month, [....] 10´ [....] 4 sūt; cress, 1 pān; wool, [....] 11´ [....] first appearance [....] That month, the river level [....] 3 cubits [....] —————————— 12´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was [....] above γ Geminorum [....] 13´ [....] .... Night of the 5th, very overcast, lightning flashed, th[under ....] 14´ [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 15´ [....] the moon was [....] behind α Vir[ginis ....] 16´ [....] Jupiter’s [....] in .... [....]
BM 37069–37071
BM 37069 (= 80-6-17, 814) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... á]r RÍN šá U[LÙ ....] [....] ina IGI MÚL MURU[B4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] [....] 7 GÍR ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... AN U]TAḪ i ⌈GE6⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e⌉ [....] [....] ina še-rì DIR A[N ....] [....] ⌈9⌉ na-su in 10+[x IGI ....] [.... AN] ZA GE6 25 25 ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [.... GE6 2]7 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 28
BM 37069 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... be]hind α Librae [....] 3´ [....] in front of δ [Scorpii ....] 4´ [....] the 7th, lightning .... [....] 5´ [....] a little [rain] shower. Night [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 7´ [....] in the morning, clouds [....] the sk[y ....] 8´ [....] visibility interval: 9°; [(ideal) first appearance] on the 10+[xth ....] 9´ [....] were [in the sky.] Night of the 25th (and) the 25th, overcast 10´ [.... Night of the 2]7th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below 11´ [....] .... Night of the 28th,
´Rev.´? 1´ [.... K]ÙŠ 15 7 na 2´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ 3´ [.... ina R]ÍN? IGI GE6 21 4´ [.... ina A]LLA IGI 15,30 na-su 5´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár 6´ [.... ina] KIN-SIG IM ŠÁR 7´ [....] ERÍN KUR ḫa-ni ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... 2]7 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x IGI ....] 9´ [....] (blank) 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [.... cu]bits [....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7°. 2´ [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer. 3´ [....] first appearance [in Li]bra?. Night of the 21st, 4´ [....] first appearance [in Ca]ncer; visibility interval: 15° 30´ 5´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was [....] behind the rear star 6´ [.... in] the afternoon, gusty wind 7´ [....] the troops of the land Ḫani .... [....] 8´ [.... The 2]7th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in ....] 9´ [....] (blank) 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37071 (= 80-6-17, 816)
BM 37071
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN 23 2(p) 1(b) [....] 3´ [.... EN TI]L ITU 1(b) 1½ qa SÍGḫá 1 m[ana ....] 4´ [.... PA]P 34 na ITU BI GIM IGI-⌈ú⌉ [....] 5´ [....]meš ana ŠÀ KUR KU4-ʾu ri-gim [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... until the 23rd, 2 pān 1 sūt [....] 3´ [.... until the en]d of the month, 1 sūt 1½ qa; wool, 1 mi[na ....] 4´ [.... to]tal: 34 was the na (gauge). That month, as before, [....] 5´ [....] they entered into the inside of the land; clamour [....]
Photo: YM
BM 37081–37086 6´ 7´
[.... l]úERÍN-ni EN-NUN šá BÀD šá ana muḫ-ḫi ⌈x x⌉ šá ana tar-ṣa [....] [.... lúA]r-ba-a-a TAB-ʾu u lúAr-ba-a-a ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 37081 (= 80-6-17, 828) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈ana ULÙ SIG⌉ GE6 16 ina ZÁL[AG ....] [.... ina IG]I šur GIGIR šá SI 2½ KÙŠ sin 3? [KÙŠ? ....] [.... sin] ár šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ana SI NIM ....] [....] ⌈A?⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 10+[x ....] [.... ana UL]Ù SIG GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] ⌈x 1? KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ⌈ana ULÙ SIG⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ NU PAP ina KIN-S[IG ....] [.... ana] ME E-a 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈ŠUB? x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´
Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... SÍ]G 2 ma-na ana [1 GÍN] [KÙ-BABBAR ....] ⌈x⌉ ina TIL ITU (error for MÁŠ?) ŠÚ GENNA ina múlRÍ[N?] [....] ⌈x⌉ TA 11 EN TIL ITU [....] 10 SI GIN
Lower Edge 1 [.... MU-x]+1-KAM IÁr-šú Rev.´ 1
[....] ⌈ana šámaš⌉ NIM sin ina I[GI x]
[....] the troops of the guard of the fortress which is on .... which is opposite [....] [.... of the A]rabs they burned?, and the Arabs .... [....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
BM 37081 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
BM 37086 (= 80-6-17, 834)
[....] low to the south. Night of the 16th, last part of the [night, ....] [....] 2½ cubits in front of β Tauri, the moon being 3? [cubits? ....] [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits behind ζ Tauri, the moon being ½ cu[bit high to the north ....] [....] 1 cubit [....] ...., the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 10+[xth, ....] [....] low [to the sou]th. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, [....] [....] .... stood 1? cubit [....] to the west [....]
[....] .... cubits low to the south [....] [....] last appearance ....; I did not watch; in the afternoon, [....] [....] acronychal rising. The 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 37086 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [.... w]ool, 2 minas for [1 shekel] [ of silver ....] .... in the end of the month (error for: Capricorn?) last appearance; Saturn was in Li[bra?;] [....] .... from the 11th until the end of the month, [....] (the river level) rose 10 fingers.
Lower edge 1 [Year x]+1, Arses. Rev.´ 1
[....] (the moon) was high to the sun; the moon was [....] in front [of ....]
BM 37104–37129
334 2 3 4
[....] ⌈e⌉ SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ [.... ina] ⌈GÍR-TAB⌉ ŠÚ GE6 6 SAG GE6 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
2 3 4
[....] 2 cubits above α Virginis. [....] last appearance in Scorpius. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, [....] .... [....]
BM 37104 (= 80-6-17, 853)
BM 37104
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 30 19 ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... s]in ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 4 sin ár GENNA ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 DIR AN DIB EN 8 MÚLBABBAR ana NIM ki U[Š-ú ....] 4´ [.... MÚ]L KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1 KÙŠ dele-bat ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI u MAR x ŠÁR AN PISAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN ⌈x⌉[....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 30 19 .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night of the 4th, the moon was [....] behind Saturn .... [....] 3´ [....] .... the 8th, clouds crossed the sky. Until the 8th, when Jupiter became stationary to the east, [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [....] η Piscium; Venus was [....] in front of .... [....] 5´ [....] .... gusty north and west .... wind, rain PISAN .... [....] 6´ [....] .... first part of the night, .... [....]
BM 37120 (= 80-6-17, 869)
BM 37120
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ár SUḪUR ár 2 [KÙŠ ....] 2´ [....] KUR NIM-a 18 na-su in [x IGI ....] 3´ [....] ⌈SI⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL SI GIN [....] 4´ [.... GE6 2]6 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá ⌈še-pít⌉ [MAŠ-MAŠ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 24 KUR [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon was 2 [cubits] behind δ Capricorni [....] 2´ [....] it was bright (and) high, visibility interval: 18°, [(ideal) first appearance] on [....] 3´ [....] fingers [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west; the north wind blew [....] 4´ [.... Night of the 2]6th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind μ Gemi[norum ....] 5´ [....] .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 24° [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37129 (= 80-6-17, 878)
BM 37129
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI ana ŠÚ? L[AL? ....] 2´ [....] šá SUḪUR 2 SI [....] 3´ [....] 19 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈ME?⌉ UŠ NU PAP ŠÚ AN [....] 5´ [....] GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 6´ [.... G]Ù-šú ŠUB ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈PA?⌉ 2 K[ÙŠ ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... fingers back? to the west? [....] 2´ [....] 2 fingers [....γ/δ] Capricorni [....] 3´ [....] The 19th, clouds crossed the sky .... [....] 4´ [....] became stationary [in] ....; I did not watch; overcast, rain [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moo[n ....] 6´ [....] it thundered .... [....] 7´ [....] 2 cubits [....] Sagittarius? [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 37161–37296
BM 37161 (= 80-6-17, 911)
BM 37161
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] (erasure) [....] 3´ [....] 1 SI AN 1 [....] 4´ [.... MÚL] ⌈ár⌉ šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] 5´ [....] SIG RÍN šá SI 5 KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN DUL GE6 20 ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] 7´ [.... GE6 2]2 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GÌR [ár ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ SIG x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (erasure) [....] 3´ [....] 1 finger [....,] Mars being 1 [....] 4´ [....] μ Geminorum [....] 5´ [....] 5 cubits below β Librae [....] 6´ [....] ...., rain DUL. Night of the 20th, very over[cast ....] 7´ [.... Night of the 2]2nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Vir[ginis ....] 8´ [....] ⅔ cubit [....] .... Night [....] 9´ [....] cubits [....,] below .... [....]
BM 37183 (= 80-6-17, 936)
BM 37183
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ ina KIN-S[IG ....] 3´ [....] ⌈8⌉ SI GE6 10 SA[G GE6 ....] 4´ [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL [....] 5´ [.... de]le-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1+[x ....] 6´ [....] DIR AN ZA GÍR [....] 7´ [....] ⌈ár⌉ MÚL-MÚL ana NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ 8 S[I ....] 9´ [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ ⌈LAL⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 37296 (= 80-6-17, 1052) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... DI]R AN DIB 10+[x ....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-S[IG ....] 4´ [....] ABSIN 2 KÙŠ 10+[x ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] 6´ [....] DIR NU PAP ŠÚ? [....] 7´ [.... še]-im 2(p) 2(b) 2? qa ZÚ [....] 8´ [.... KÙ-BABBAR qa-lu]-ú i-nu-šú MÚLBABBAR ina [....] 9´ [.... ina SA]G ITU ina ABSIN ina TI[L ITU ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....].... [....] 2´ [....] .... overcast; in the aftern[oon, ....] 3´ [....] 8 fingers [....] Night of the 10th, begi[nning of the night, ....] 4´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] 5´ [.... V]enus was 1+[x ....] below β Geminorum [....] 6´ [....] clouds were in the sky, lightning [....] 7´ [....] behind η Tauri to the east .... [....] 8´ [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers [....] .... [....] 9´ [....] cubits back to the west [....] 10´ [....] .... below .... [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37296 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. The 10+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] very overcast; in the aftern[oon, ....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits [....] Virginis. The 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit [....] .... Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] clouds, I did not watch; overcast? [....] 7´ [.... bar]ley, 2 pān 2 sūt 2? qa; dates, [....] 8´ [.... of refin]ed [silver.] At that time, Jupiter was in [....] 9´ [.... in the beginn]ing of the month, in Virgo, at the end [of the month, ....]
336 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 37317–37326 [....] GÚ-UN KÙ.GI šá dAG? [....] [.... u]m-man-nu ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] A ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 37317 (= 80-6-17, 1073) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] KÙŠ [....] ⌈2?⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA [....] MÚL-MÚL 2½ KÙŠ [sin ] ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ina IGI [dele-b]at 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 3 DIR AN ZA GE6 4 sin ina IGI is le10 2½ KÙŠ
USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá MÚLMÚL ½ KÙŠ dele-bat 2 SI ana NIM DIB [ina] ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB 4 ina še-rì [DIR A]N DIB kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ me-ḫu-ú [x x x GE6] 5 SAG GE6 DIR [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR AN DUL [....] ⌈7⌉ DIR [.... s]in i-ṣa
10´ 11´ 12´
[....] talent(s) of gold of Nabû? [....] [....] the craftsman .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 37317 ´Obv.´ 1´-2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[....] .... [....] cubits [....] The 2nd?, thin clouds were in the sky [....] 2½ cubits [....] η Tauri. [the moon] being ½ cubit low to the south, it stood 2 cubits in front of [Ve]nus to the west, the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of α Tauri;
first part of the night, Venus was ½ cubit below η Tauri, Venus having passed 2 fingers to the east; last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky. The 4th, in the morning, [clouds] crossed the sky, all day, very overcast, storm [.... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, clouds [....] .... lightning, rain DUL [....] The 7th, clouds [.... the m]oon being a little
BM 37326 (= 80-6-17, 1082)
BM 37326
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....]-ṣu-ú TA ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 6 ME USAN sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... MÚ]L ár šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ [....] 5´ [....] AN DUL ULÙ u KUR ŠÁR[meš ....] 6´ [.... G]ÍR GÙ U i AN DUL [....] 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SAG U[R-A ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... from .... [....] 3´ [....] moonrise to sunset: 6°; first part of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [....] μ Geminorum [....] 5´ [....] rain DUL, gusty south and east winds [....] 6´ [.... light]ning, a little thunder, rain DUL [....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ε Leonis [....]
Photo: YM
BM 37347–37349 8´ 9´ 10´ 11
[....] šá UR-A ½ KÙŠ 21 ina? [....] [....] SA4 šá ABSIN ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] 25 2-šú šámaš TÙR NU KÁD [NIGIN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 37347 (= 80-6-17, 1104) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... I]LLU 8 U LAL PAP 10+[x ....] 3´ [....] (blank) —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ IM ŠÁR [x x] 5´ [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e GENNA 1 KÙ[Š] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA šámaš TÙR NIGIN 7´ [.... s]in e MÚL KUR šá MÚL-MÚL 8´ [.... š]ur GIGIR šá SI ½ KÙŠ [x x] 9´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 13 [x x] 10´ [....] ZA? ⌈GE6 14⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
337 [....] ½ cubit [....] Leonis. The 21st, .... [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [....] α Virginis [....] [....] The 25th, the sun was twice [surrounded] by a halo which was not closed [....] [....] .... very overcast .... [....]
BM 37347 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... the] river level receded 8 fingers, total: 10+[x ....] 3´ [....] (blank) —————————— 4´ [....] .... rain shower, gusty wind [....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, Venus was 1 cubit above Saturn 6´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the sun was surrounded by a halo 7´ [....] the moon was [....] above η Tauri 8´ [....] ½ cubit [....] β Tauri [....] 9´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 13th, [....] 10´ [....] .... Night of the 14th, [....]
Right edge 1 [....] ina ZÁLAG sin [....]
Right edge 1 [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ituŠE ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina S]AG ITU 2(p) ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] IGI MÚL-BABBAR ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... IT]U BI EN 8 I[LLU ....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI ⌈MÚL?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... Month XII, .... [....] 2´ [.... in the be]ginning of the month, 2 pān .... [....] 3´ [....] in front of Jupiter .... [....] 4´ [....] That month, until the 8th, the ri[ver level ....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... blew. Night .... [....] 6´ [....] .... in front of .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37349 (= 80-6-17, 1106)
BM 37349
Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3
[MU-x]-me -11-KAM G]E6 19 ⌈SI GIN⌉ ina ZÁLAG [sin] [x RÍ]N šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [x] ?
1 2 3
[Year ....]-hundred?-eleven. [Ni]ght of the 19th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, [the moon was] ½ cubit [....] α Librae, the moon being ....
BM 37367–37388
338 4 5
Rev. 1 2
[ana SI] NIM 19 SI GIN [GE6] ⌈20⌉ SI GIN ina ZÁLAG [sin ina IG]I MÚL ⌈e?⌉ šá [SAG GÍR]-⌈TAB⌉ 1 KÙŠ 20 SI
BM 37367 (= 80-6-17, 1124) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KU4 [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ Eki ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ina Eki GAR-a[n ....] 4´ [.... Z]I IR 1(p) 4(b) 1(p) 4(b) 2(p) 3(b) [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1(p) 3(b) 2(p) 3(b) 2(b) 2(b) 1 qa [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ me-ḫu-u IM-1 GIN ina KIN-[SIG ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÙ U MAḪ 1(p) 4(b) [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIB UNmeš šá ana UGU ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ GE6 11 ME? ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Comments The measurements following weather words are unclear to me; what is being measured is not indicated.
BM 37388 (= 80-6-17, 1145) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI [....] 3´ GE6 6 sin ina IGI šur [GIGIR ....] 4´ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ GE6 7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ USAN [....] 6´ sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 1+[x ....] 7´ MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 5½ KÙŠ sin ½ [KÙŠ ....] 8´ 4½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ ⌈SIG⌉ [....] 9´ ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] Left edge 1´ [.... DI]R AN ZA (from other, broken side)
4 5
Rev. 1 2
high [to the north.] The 19th, the north wind blew. [Night] of the 20th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, [the moon was] 1 cubit 20 fingers [in fr]ont of β [Scorp]ii.
BM 37367 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... entered? [....] 2´ [....] .... Babylon .... [....] 3´ [....] he placed in Babylon [....] 4´ [.... Z]I IR; 1 pān 4 sūt 1 pān 4 sūt 2 pān 3 sūt [....] 5´ [....] .... 1 pān 3 sūt 2 pān 3 sūt 2 sūt 2 sūt 1 qa [....] 6´ [....] .... a south storm blew; in the after[noon, ....] 7´ [....] .... lightning, much thunder, 1 pān 4 sūt [....] 8´ [....] .... stretched ...., people who were on .... [....] 9´ [....] night?. Night of the 11th?, .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37388 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the moon was [....] in front of [....] 3´ Night of the 6th, the moon was [....] in front of [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 4´ all night, very overcast. The 6th, .... [....] 5´ Night of the 7th, very overcast; first part of the night, [....] 6´ the moon was 1+[x cubits] above γ Geminorum [....] 7´ 5½ cubits [....] α Geminorum, the moon being ½ [cubit ....] 8´ 4½ cubits low to the south [....] 9´ .... clouds were in the sky .... [....] Left edge 1´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky (from other, broken side)
BM 37399–37440
BM 37399 (= 80-6-17, 1156)
BM 37399
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 21 ⌈DIR AN DIB x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... k]al GE6 AN né-ḫi PISAN MA[Ḫ DIB ....] 3´ [.... PISA]N MAḪ DIB GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 4´ [....] ⌈NU⌉ PAP GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... The 21st, clouds crossed the sky .... [....] 2´ [.... a]ll night, slow rain, much PISAN [DIB ....] 3´ [....] much [PISA]N DIB. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 4´ [....] I did not watch. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37407 (= 80-6-17, 1164)
BM 37407
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Comments 1´: The reading dele-bat is uncertain; it could also be ina TIL “in the end of”.
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Venus? .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 26th, last part [of the night, ....] 3´ [....] 2 cubits [....] That month, the equival[ent was: ....] 4´ [....] ....; Saturn was in Libra; Mercury and Mars, which [had set, were not visible ....] 5´ [....] blew?. That month, the 15th day, .... [....] 6´ [.... the x]+5th [day,] a “fall of fire” occurred in the district of Ka-di[ngir ....] —————————— 7´ [....] .... Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Librae [....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moo[n was ....] 9´ [....] beginning of the night, the moo[n was ....]
BM 37440 (= 80-6-17, 1197)
BM 37440
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x dele-bat x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 26 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 3´ [....] 2 KÙŠ ITU BI KI.L[AM ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina RÍN GU4-UD u ⌈AN šá⌉ [ŠÚmeš NU IGImeš ....] 5´ [....] GIN ITU BI U4-15-KAM si-⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... x]+5-KAM IZI-ŠUB ina KI Ká-di[ngir ....] —————————— 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 sin ina IGI RÍN šá [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 5 SAG GE6 si[n ....] 9´ [....] SAG GE6 si[n ....]
Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[MU-x]- ⌈x⌉-KAM ŠE 1 18 [x x] ⌈KUR4?⌉ a-pir ina IGI GU4-UD [nn mm] ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 2 si[n SIG] [MÚL] ár šá SAG ḪUN 4? [KÙŠ sin] [nn mm] ana NIM DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] itu
2 3 4 5 6
[Year ....] ...., month XII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), [sunset to moonset:] 18°? [....] it was bright, earthshine; it stood [....] in front of Mercury to the west. Night of the 2nd, the moo[n was] 4? [cubits below] α Arietis, [the moon] having passed [....] to the east .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 37447–37449
340 ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÙ [U ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈5⌉ [....] [.... AN Z]A GE6 6 sin ár šur G[IGIR] [šá SI/ULÙ nn] KÙŠ sin 6? SI? ana ULÙ SIG [....] ⌈x DIR x x⌉
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
BM 37447 (= 80-6-17, 1204) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
1(g) GUR ⌈x⌉ [....] MÚL-BABBAR u G[U4-UD ina ....] GENNA ina MÚL-M[ÚL? ....] ITU BI IL[LU ....] —————————— GAN 30 18 [....] [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 37447 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
⌈x x⌉ 2 SI GIN G[E6 ....] GÍR GÍR 6 DUL GÙ U [....] ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 10 sin [....] 8? SI IZI-ŠUB ⌈ina KI⌉ [....] [US]AN sin ár šur? ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ SI? 1⌈5?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ e ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
BM 37449 (= 80-6-17, 1206) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina GU ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈TA⌉ 1 EN ⌈7?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... G]IN? 11 12 1⌈3⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 1 KÙŠ 4 SI ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] šá ana muḫ-ḫ[i ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] .... lightning, thun[der ....] [....] ...., clouds were in the sky. The 5th, [....] we[re in the sky]. Night of the 6th, the moon was [....] cubits behind [β/ζ] Tauri, the moon being 6? fingers? low to the south. [....] .... clouds ....
1 kur .... [....] Jupiter and Mer[cury were in ....] Saturn was in Taur[us ....] That month, the ri[ver level ....] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), [sunset to moonset:] 18° [....] [....] .... [....]
.... The 2nd, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] lightning flashed. The 6th, DUL, thunder [....] stood [....] to the west. Night of the 10th, the moon was [....] 8? fingers; a “fall of fire” in the district [....] [first] part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [β/ζ] Tauri? [....] [....] .... fingers?. The 15th?, [....] [....] .... above .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 37449 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... in Aquarius .... [....] 3´ [....] from the 1st until the 7th?, [....] 4´ [.... r]ose? [....,] the 11th, 12th, 13th, [....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers .... [....] 6´ [....] which is on [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37451–37456
´Side B´ 1´ [.... USA]N AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár ⌈2⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] 2´ [.... M]ÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ i-ṣa DIB 5 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] GE6 6 SAG GE6 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈ár MÚL? TUR šá?⌉ [4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL? ....] 6´ [.... ka]l ⌈GE6 DIR⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [.... first] part of the night, Mars was 2 cu[bits] below β Geminorum [....] 2´ [....] δ Cancri [....] 3´ [....] .... passed? a little [....] The 5th, overcast. .... [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, [....] 5´ [....] behind ρ [Leonis?....] 6´ [.... a]ll night, clouds [....]
BM 37451 (= 80-6-17, 1208)
BM 37451
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 4 ŠÚ ina še-[rì ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GÍR GÍR 5 ina? [....] 4´ [.... DUR nu]-nu 2½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 6 ina? [....] 5´ [....] NU TUḪ GE6 7 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... GÙ] U i ULÙ ŠÁR AN PISAN MAḪ DIB 7 ina še-rì [....] 7´ [.... G]E6 8 ŠÚ 8 ŠÚ šámaš GUB NU PAP ina KIN-SIG AN še-[ni ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1⅔ KÙŠ DIR AN ZA 9 šámaš ina DIR K[UR ....] 9´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI šur GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈GE6 11⌉ USAN sin TÙR [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x AN né-ḫi⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night [....] 2´ [....] The 4th, overcast; in the mor[ning, ....] 3´ [....] .... overcast, lightning flashed. The 5th, in? [....] 4´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... η Pis]cium; last part of the night, overcast. The 6th, in? [....] 5´ [.... rain, but the sandal] was not removed. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, .... [....] 6´ [....] a little [thun]der, gusty south wind, rain, much PISAN DIB. The 7th, in the morning [....] 7´ [.... Ni]ght of the 8th, overcast. The 8th, overcast; solstice, I did not watch; in the afternoon, rain so that the san[dal ....] 8´ [....] 1⅔ cubits ....; clouds were in the sky. The 9th, the sun rose in a cloud [....] 9´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of β Tauri .... [....] 10´ [....] Night of the 11th, first part of the night, the moon [was surrounded] by a halo [....] 11´ [....] .... slow rain [....]
BM 37456 (= 80-6-17, 1213)
BM 37456
´Flake´ Right column (left column broken) 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ⌈ULÙ?⌉ ŠÁR ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár⌉ [....] 3´ 25 me-ḫi SI KALAG GIN ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 4´ šá ULÙ 8 SI ŠÚ 26 I[M? ....]
´Flake´ Right column (left column broken) 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ .... cubits, gusty south? wind; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 3´ The 25th, a strong north storm blew. Night? [....] 4´ 8 fingers [....] the southern [....;] overcast. The 26th, wi[nd? ....]
Photo: YM
BM 37546–37789
342 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
ina KI Šu-an-na ina GÚ ÍD [....] šá IdAG-I ina la si-man-ni [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ŠÚ ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] [G]E6 29 29 [....] [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
in the district of Šuanna on the bank of the river [....] of Nabonidus at an inappropriate time [....] The xth, Saturn’s last appearance, ⅔ cubit to the east .... [....] [Ni]ght of the 29th (and) the 29th, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 37546 (= 80-6-17, 1303)
BM 37546
´Flake´ 1´ [.... DU]R nu-nu 4 U ina IGI AN 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈SIG MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [I]GI 3½ KÙŠ ½ KÙŠ ana NIM D[IB ....] 3´ [....] 20 SI 27 21,30 KUR muš GE6 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉+2 ana ŠÚ šámaš ITU BI U4-5 DUMU LUGAL šá É [....] 5´ [....]⌈u?⌉ 30 EN-TE-NA ⌈x⌉ ana né-pe-šú ana LUGAL? D[Ù ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ RI ŠU? ana? nin-da-bu-ú šá GIM ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... -r]a-a È —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1? ⅔ KÙŠ G[E6? ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 4 fingers [.... η] Piscium, 1 .... in front of Mars [....] 2´ [....] 3½ cubits below α Geminorum, having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 3´ [....] 20 fingers [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 30´, measured. Night of the 28th, .... [....] 4´ [....] x+2° before sunset. That month, day 5, the son of the king of the house [....] 5´ [....] and? Sin of EN-TE-NA .... for a ritual for the king? was ma[de? ....] 6´ [....] .... for a food offering which was like .... [....] 7´ [....] went out to [....-r]a. —————————— 8´ [....] .... 1?⅔ cubits [....] Ni[ght? ....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
5´f.: These lines are obscure to me.
BM 37789 (= 80-6-17, 1546) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 11 DIR AN DIB GE6 12 SA[G GE6 ....] 3´ [.... GIŠ.Ḫ]UR? NÍGIN MÚL-BABBAR ina UGU DU[R ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2?, 30 ME DIR muš SAG GE6 ⌈sin?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ GE6 14 10 GE6 [....] 6´ [.... D]UR SÍM-MAḪ 10? [....] 7´ [....] ⌈ina⌉ IGI LUGAL 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 37789 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... overcast. The 11th, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 12th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] 3´ [....] was surrounded by [a dra]wing?, Jupiter [stood] on the band [....] 4´ [....] .... moonrise to sunset: 2°? 30´; measured (despite) clouds; beginning of the night, the moon? was [....] 5´ [....] ...., rain shower. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 10° [....] 6´ [....] 10? [fingers? ....] η Piscium [....] 7´ [....] 2 cubits in front of α Leonis [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 37842–39277
BM 37842 (= 80-6-17, 1599)
BM 37842
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina IGI? LUGAL? ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 9? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x x AN x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 13 šámaš ⌈GUB⌉ GE6 10+⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ⅔ cubit in front? of α? Leonis. Night of the 9th?, .... [....] 3´ [....] .... rain? .... [....] 4´ [....] The 13th, solstice. Night of the 10+xth, [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 39268 (= 80-11-12, 1154)
BM 39268
Photo: YM
Photo: JCF
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
⌈x x x⌉ [….] šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ⌈x⌉ [….] —————————— KIN-2 1 16 na-⌈su⌉ [….] DIR AN DIB AN kab-[bar ….] ULÙ ŠÁR GIN GE6 7? [….] e MÚL TUR šá 4 [KÙŠ ár LUGAL ….] ⌈x x x x⌉ [….]
1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´
⌈EN ⌉ [….] ⌈x x⌉ [….] EN-NUN [….]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
.... [....] which had set, was not visible .... [....] —————————— Month VI2, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 16° [....] clouds crossed the sky, thick rain [....] a gusty south wind blew. Night of the 7th?, [....] above ρ Leo[nis ....] .... [....]
until? [....] .... [....] Diary [....]
BM 39277 (= 80-11-12, 1163)
BM 39277
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2´ [....] KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 21 KUR muš 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 28 DIR AN ZA GE6 29 5´ [.... ITU B]I ⌈KI.LAM še⌉-im 1(g) GUR 3(p) 4(b) 6´ [.... sa]ḫ-le10 3(p) 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] having passed [....] cubits to the east. 3´ [....] .... The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 21°, measured. 4´ [....] .... The 28th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 29th, 5´ [....] That [month,] the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur 3 pān 4 sūt; 6´ [.... cr]ess, 3 pān 2 sūt; sesame, 7´ [....] ....
Photo: JCF
BM 39361–39478
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... x]+10´ ŠÚ muš GE6 10+[x x] sin? 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x]⌈x+1⌉ 30 na GU4-UD
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] clouds were in the sky 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] moonset to sunrise: [x]+10´, measured. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] the moon? 4´ [....] .... visibility interval of Mercury: x+1° 30´.
BM 39361 (= 80-11-12, 1247)
BM 39361
Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [….] ⌈x x ŠÚ?⌉ [….] 2´ […. GE6] ⌈23⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI M[ÚL? ….] 3´ [….] ⌈x⌉ GE6 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 28 10+[x KUR?….] 4´ [….] 1(b)? SÍGḫá 4 ma-na ⌈a⌉-[na ….] 5´ [….] UŠ-ú ⌈x⌉ [….] 6´ [….] ⌈x⌉ MÚ[L ….]
BM 39478 (= 80-11-12, 1364) Photo: JCF
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ e MÚ[L ....] 3´ [....] AN ZA GE6 20 ina [ZÁLAG ....] 4´ [....] GE6 21 US[AN ....] 5´ [.... ina s]e-rì UTAḪ i G[E6? ....] 6´ [....] šil PA 1 KÙŠ 20+[x ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 26 US[AN ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ ⌈AN? DUL?⌉ sin TÙR? [....] 3´ 2 KÙŠ i sin ana NI[M DIB ....] 4´ sin ár GÌR? ár [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... overcast? [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 28th, very overcast. The 28th, [moonrise to sunrise?:] 10+[x° ....] 4´ [....] 1? sūt; wool, 4 minas for [....] 5´ [.... when ....] became stationary, .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 39478 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 1 cubit above .... [....] 3´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 20th, la[st part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] Night of the 21st, first [part of the night, ....] 5´ [.... in the mo]rning, a little shower. Ni[ght? ....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit [....] ϑ Ophiuchi. The 20+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] .... Night of the 26th, first part [of the night, ....] 8´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ rain? DUL?; the moon [was surrounded?] by a halo? [....] 3´ 2 cubits [....,] the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] 4´ the moon was [....] behind β Vir[ginis? ....]
BM 39746–39874
BM 39746 (= 80-11-12, 1633) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] i gu [....] —————————— 2´ [....] Ú? IGI DIB AN SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] PAP? 3 DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ S[I ....] 4´ [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL IGI [....] 5´ [....] ⌈PAP?⌉ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin SIG [....] 6´ [.... T]A 6 EN 10 ILL[U ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 39874 (= 80-11-12, 1761) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈IM É?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ILLU LAL 19 20 ⌈DIR? x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 26? 1 KÙŠ ILLU LAL 20+[x ....] 4´ [....] GIN 30 AN né ŠUR x GAR?-an ⌈in?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈29⌉ dele-bat ina NIM ina KI GU4-AN I[GI? ....] 6´ [.... GU4-U]D ina NIM ár ŠU-GI IGI ⌈x x 8⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈ZI IR⌉ 12 GU4-UD? ŠÚ? ⌈PAP? TA?⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈in? 1⌉ 24 25 26 ZI IR [....] 9´ [.... MÚ]L?-BABBAR EGIR ABSIN SÚ 10´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] Comments This tablet is unusual in several respects. Only planetary phases, the river level and weather are listed, for at least 3 months: lines 1-5, 6-9, and 10ff. The positions of the planets are not given by zodiacal sign, but by constellation. This suggests an early date.
BM 39746 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] .... first appearance, omitted; Mars was [....] below .... [....] 3´ [....] watch?. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky, rain shower, the nor[th wind? ....] 4´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below the front star of [....] 5´ [....] watch?. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 6´ [.... fr]om the 6th until the 10th, the river le[vel ....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 39874 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... house? [....] 2´ [....] the river level receded ....; the 19th (and) 20th, clouds? .... [....] 3´ [....] .... the 26th, the river level receded 1 cubit; 20+[x ....] 4´ [....] rose?. The 30th, slow rain fell, it made .... [....] 5´ [....] The 29th, Venus’ first appearance? in the east in the region of Taurus [....] 6´ [.... Mercury’]s? first appearance in the east behind the Old Man .... 8 [....] 7´ [....] ZI IR. The 12th, Mercury’s last? appearance .... [....] 8´ [....] .... 1?. The 24th, 25th, (and) 26th, ZI IR. [....] 9´ [.... Jupi]ter’s? last appearance behind Virgo. 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40053
BM 40053 (= 81-2-1, 17) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈1⌉ KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ SIG⌉ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG D[IR AN D] IB 7 ina še-rì DIR AN ⌈ZA AN UTAḪ i⌉ kal ⌈U4⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ DIR AN ZA sin TÙR NÍGIN AN ina UGU [DU]R TÙR ana ŠÚ GUB [8 GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ NU PAP
BM 40053 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[DIR A]N ZA GE6 9 [SAG] GE6 sin ár MÚL ár ⌈šá⌉ ALLA šá ULÙ 2½ KÙŠ DIR SAL AN ZA sin TÙR NÍGIN GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin SIG LUGAL 2½ KÙŠ i sin ana ŠÚ LAL ár GENNA 3?½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB DIR SAL AN ZA sin ⌈TÙR NÍGIN⌉ UD ina UGU DUR TÙR [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Left edge 1 [GE6 11] SAG GE6 sin ár G[IŠ.KUN A] 2 [x]+1 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ [ana ULÙ SIG] Comments Rev. 8: UD is an error for MÚL-UD (i.e. MÚLBABBAR); GU4-UD, Mercury, had its last appearance a few days before. Date Teije de Jong proposes a date in SE 108, month XII (-202 March). Except for Mercury’s last appearance (which was not observed and must be considered an error), the data fit the movement of the moon and the planets in this month.
8 9
[....] .... [....] 1 cubit [....,] the moon being 5 cubits low to the south; all night, very overcast; last part of the night, cl[ouds cro]ssed the sky. The 7th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky, a little rain shower, all day, very overcast. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind β Geminorum; clouds were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo, Mars stood on the band of the halo to the west. [The 8th, Merc]ury’s last appearance in the west in Aries; I did not watch,
[clouds] were in the sky. Night of the 9th, [beginning] of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind δ Cancri; thin clouds were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits below α Leonis, the moon being a little back to the west, it stood 3?½ cubits behind Saturn to the east; thin clouds were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo, Jupiter? [stood] on the band of the halo [....] .... [....] ....
Left edge 1 [Night of the 11th,] beginning of the night, the moon was [x]+1 cubits behind ϑ [Leonis,] 2 the moon being 2½ cubits [low to the south.]
BM 40093–40097
BM 40093 (= 81-2-1, 58) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev. 1´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 4 SAG GE6 ⌈sin ár⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ ár ⅔ KÙŠ IZI-Š[UB ....] [....] šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] [....] USAN dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA-ZI-⌈AN?⌉ 4½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin ár GÌR [ár šá A ....] [.... DELE šá] ⌈IGI⌉ ABSIN 2 KÙŠ DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ sin ⌈TÙR?⌉ [NIGIN? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 2? [KÙŠ ....] [.... SA]G GÍR-TAB 2 KÙŠ ⌈13⌉ 5,40 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 14 50 NINDA na DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÍR ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IM.LIMMU.BA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 20+[x ....]
EN-NUN šá gi-né-⌈e⌉ [....]
BM 40093 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´
10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev. 1´
[....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit behind β Geminorum; a “fall of fire” [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... ϑ/δ] Cancri, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] [....] first part of the night, Venus was 4½ cubits above γ Geminorum [....] [....] clouds were in the sky, rain shower. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind β [Virginis ....] [....] 2 cubits [.... γ] Virginis; clouds crossed the sky, rain shower; the moon was [surrounded?] by a halo? [....] [....] .... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2? [cubits] in front of α Librae [....] [....] 2 cubits [.... β/δ] Scorpii. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 40´; in the afternoon, [....] [....] 1 cubit [....] .... The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 50´; clouds were in the sky, .... [....] [....] ...., lightning flashed, .... [....] [....] .... wind from all four directions, .... [....] [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
Diary [....]
BM 40097 (= 81-2-1, 62)
BM 40097
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN-BAR7 ⌈šámaš TÙR NIGIN⌉ [....] 3´ [....] kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ KUR GIN GE6 16 ⌈16 x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ 8 U 17 kal ME DIR AN ZA ⌈SI GIN⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 19 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 20 ka[l GE6 ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo [....] 3´ [....] all day, very overcast, the east wind blew. Night of the 16th (and) the 16th, [....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers .... The 17th, all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] 5´ [....] the moon having passed a little to the east. The 19th, all day, very overcast. Night of the 20th, a[ll night, ....]
Photo: JCF, YM
BM 40112
348 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
[....] u KUR ŠÁRmeš GINmeš kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 21 ina ⌈še?⌉-[rì? ....] [....] ⌈xmeš⌉ ŠUB-ú u 1-en ni-du GAR-ma bu-tuq-tú dTIR-AN-NA⌉ [....] [.... AN UT]AḪ i-ṣa KI ŠÚ šámaš GÍR GÍR-GÍR GÙ U MAḪ ṣar-ḫu AN kab-bar r[ad? ....] [.... kab]-⌈bar⌉ rad PISAN MAḪ DIB ULÙ u KUR ŠÁRmeš GINmeš 25 DIR ⌈AN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ i-šag-gu-um AN ka[b]-⌈bar⌉ ṭaḫ?da šá ma-gal ⌈x⌉ [ ....] [....] ⌈GIN?⌉ šal-gu ma-gal ⌈x x x x x x GIN x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈TA? UGU?-šú⌉ EN ⌈x-šú⌉ u EN a-pati-šú gab? [....] [....] ⌈EN? UGU? x x x x x IŠ?⌉ d?IM G[Ù ....] [....] ⌈x x IM? ma-la ik- LU? DU? gab-bi⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA ina ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB AN DUL-ḫat [....] [....] sin? u? šámaš? ŠUB-ú kal ME DI[R ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 40112 (= 81-2-1, 78) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ULÙ?⌉ ŠÁR GE6 12 U[SAN ....] [....] DIB sin TÙR NIGIN 13 4 na DI[R ....] [....] ⌈x MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ 20 SI dele-bat 4 SI ana NIM DI[B ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÍR? GÍR-GÍR AN UTAḪ IM ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... TÙ]R? NIGIN ina ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ IM [....] [.... DIR SA]L AN ZA GE6 19 DIR AN ZA GÍR GÍR-GÍR 19 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 20 DIR AN [....] [.... GE6 2]2 DIR AN ZA 22 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ IM ŠÁ[R ....]
7´ 8´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
16´ 17´
[....] gusty [....] and east winds blew, all night, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, in the mor[ning?, [....] [....] ..... lay there?, and one cloud-bank was there, and a section of a rainbow [....] [....] a little [rain] shower; with sunset, lightning flashed continuously, much wailing thunder, thick rain .... [....] [....] thick? [rain,] cloudburst, much PISAN DIB, gusty south and east winds blew. The 25th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] roars, copious thick rain, which very much .... [....] [....] .... snow very much .... [....] .... [....] [....] from its top? until its ...., and until all? its openings [....] [....] .... on? ...., it th[undered? ....] [....] .... all .... as many as arrived? [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky; last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL [....] [....] of the moon? and of the sun? lay there, all day, clou[ds ....] [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky, .... [....]
BM 40112 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´
[....] .... [....] [....] gusty south? wind. Night of the 12th, first [part of the night, ....] [....] crossed? [the sky?,] the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 4°, clou[ds ....] [.... (Venus was)] 20 fingers [....] Geminorum?, Venus having passed 4 fingers to the east [....] [....] .... lightning flashed continuously, rain shower, gusty wind, .... [....] [....] was surrounded by a halo, .... clouds crossed the sky, rain shower, wind [....] [.... thin cloud]s were in the sky. Night of the 19th, clouds were in the sky, lightning flashed continuously. The 19th, .... [....] [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....γ/δ] Capricorni. The 20th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [.... Night of the 2]2nd, clouds were in the sky. The 22nd, in the afternoon, overcast, gusty wind [....]
BM 40118 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ana ŠÚ ki UŠ-a 8 SI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ GU4-UD 4 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ dele-bat? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6] ⌈15⌉ 6,20 GE6 SA[G GE6 ....] [.... M]ÚL-MÚL 4 KÙŠ sin ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [.... LÁL-t]ì? NU PAP GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR ITU BI KI.LAM še 1(g) G[UR ....] [....] qa SÍGḫá 1½ ma-na a-n[a ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 KÙŠ LAL-is —————————— [.... x,] 30 na muš SIG [....] (rest blank)
349 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 40118 (= 81-2-1, 84) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈šú-nu? x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 4 SI GIN GE6 [....] 5´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG 7 8 me-ḫe-e SI u MAR ŠÁRme [GINme ....] 6´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SIG 10 SI GIN GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin [....] 7´ [....] GIN 13 12,30 ŠÚ muš GE6 14 12 ME mu[š ....] 8´ [....] ⌈e?⌉ MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ 19 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ BURU5ḫá ḫi-il u a-k[am] ⌈AN⌉ [....] 10´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana [....] 11´ [....] ⌈muš?⌉ GE6 20+[x ....]
[....] when Jupiter became stationary to the west, [it became stationary] 8 fingers [....] [....] .... cubits, Mercury being 4 [....] [....] 2 cubits [....] ...., Venus? being [....] [....] .... the moon [....] [....] .... [....] [.... Night] of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 6° 20´; beginn[ing of the night, ....] [....] 4 cubits [....] η Tauri, the moon being ⅔ cu[bit ....] [....] ⅔ cubit [....] .... Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [.... equino]x?; I did not watch. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the m[oon was ....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: .... That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur [....] [....] qa; wool, 1½ minas for [1 shekel of silver ....] [....] .... (the river level) receded 4 cubits. —————————— [....] sunset to moonset: [x°] 30´, measured; it was faint. [....]
BM 40118 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] their? .... [....] 3´ [....] having passed .... cubits to the east .... [....] 4´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 4th, the north wind blew. Night [....] 5´ [....] low to the south. The 7th (and) the 8th, gusty north and west storms [blew ....] 6´ [....] cubits low to the south. The 10th, the north wind blew. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 7´ [....] blew. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 30´, measured. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12°, measur[ed ....] 8´ [....] 2½ cubits above? γ Capricorni. The 19th, [....] 9´ [....] .... locusts; haze and mist [covered?] the sky [....] 10´ [.... x]+1 cubits [....,] the moon being 2 cubits to [....] 11´ [....] measured?. Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
BM 40338–40593+40614
BM 40338 (= 81-3-24, 205) Photo: Mathieu Ossendrijver
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 13? [....] 2´ [....] GE6 14 5? [....] 3´ [....] 17 18 19 ŠED7 KAL[AG ....] 4´ [.... 2]5 26 ŠED7 GE6 28 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 ILLU 2 KÙŠ GIN 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ i EN TIL ITU ⅔ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ILLU [....] —————————— 7´ [....] 24 na 3 ina še-rì ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] AL? ŠEŠ i-ṣa 11 ŠE[D7 ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ i-ṣa GE6 14? ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 15+[x ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ i-šú 22 ina še-rì [....] —————————— 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 5 ina še-rì DIR AN ⌈DIB⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KALAG 7 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN DIB 14 ŠED7? ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] DIR AN DIB ḪI [....] —————————— 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IZI? U4 BI ME [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ma-diš ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] Comments As far as preserved, this text contains only weather observations.
BM 40593 + 40614 (= 81-4-28, 138+159) Photo: British Museum
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 ⌈6?⌉ [SAG GE6] sin ina [IGI MÚL KUR šá] KIR4 šil PA 2 [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈SI MÁŠ⌉ 1 KÙŠ SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... x,] 30 na-su in ⌈11?⌉ IGI 13 AN-KU10 sin BAR DIB i[n? ....]
BM 40338 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 13th?, [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 14th, [....:] 5°? [....] 3´ [....] The 17th, 18th, (and) 19th, str[ong] cold [....] 4´ [.... The 2]5th (and) the 26th, cold. Night of the 28th, [....] 5´ [....] .... The 26th, the river level rose 2 cubits. The 27th, .... [....] 6´ [....] a little ....; until the end of the month, the river level [....] ⅔ cubit [....] —————————— 7´ [....] sunset to moonset: 24°. The 3rd, in the morning, .... [....] 8´ [....] a little .... The 11th, col[d ....] 9´ [....] a little .... Night of the 14th?, .... [....] 10´ [....] .... overcast?. The 15+[xth, ....] 11´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] had ....The 22nd, in the morning, [....] —————————— 3´ [....] .... The 5th, in the morning, clouds crossed the sky [....] 4´ [....] strong .... The 7th, clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] 5´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. The 14th, cold? .... [....] 6´ [....] clouds crossed the sky .... [....] —————————— 7´ [....] .... fire?. That day, .... [....] 8´ [....] .... very much .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40593 + 40614 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 6th?, [beginning of the night,] the moon was 2 [cubits] in [front of ϑ] Ophiuchi [....] [....] .... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Capricorni; the north wind blew .... [....] [....] visibility interval of [....: x°] 30´; (ideal) first appearance on the 11th?. The 13th, lunar eclipse, extraneous, omitted; a[t ....]
BM 40595 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈7⌉ na a-kam muš SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a [....] [.... GE6 1]7 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá S[UḪUR MÁŠ nn] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ⌈ŠÚ⌉? [LAL ....] [....] ⌈x DIR AN⌉ ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [.... S]I GIN GE6 26 [....] ⌈sin SIG LUGAL?⌉ [....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB sin [nn KÙ] Š ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina [T]IL ITU 3(p) 4(b) ZÚ ina SAG ITU [....] [.... ina] TIL ITU ina zibme? GU4-UD ina SAG ITU ina [....] [....] ḫa-ṭu-ú ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈muš GE6 x⌉ sin [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ana ULÙ SIG kal G[E6 ....] [....] ana NIM DIB DIR AN ZA S[I ....] [.... šá P]A MAR GAR GIN GE6 10 SAG [GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 12 SI GIN GE6 [....] [.... x]+6? ME a-kam muš [....] [.... MÚ]L IGI šá SUḪUR MÁ[Š ....] [.... G]E6 21 21 SI GI[N ....] [....] x x 2 x [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Comments The day numbers of the passing of the moon by Normal Stars are not consistent. If the moon was near β Capricorni on the 12th, it most likely passed ϑ Ophiuchi 3 days earlier; the number in line 2´ is certainly not 9. Also, δ Capricorni should be near the moon 1 or at most 2 days after β, i.e. 13th or 14th, neither of which can be reconciled with what is left at the beginning of line 6´.
351 5´
7´ 8´ 9´
11´ 12´
13´ 14´
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] sunrise to moonset: 7°, measured (despite) mist; the north wind blew .... Jupiter’s acronychal rising [....] [.... Night of the 1]7th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] cubits below δ Ca[pricorni?,] the moon being ½ cubit b[ack? to the west ....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky .... [....] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] [.... the no]rth wind blew. Night of the 26th, [....] the moon was [....] below α Leonis? [....] [.... (the moon)] stood [x]+1 cubit to the east, the moon being [.... cubi]ts low to the south .... [....] [....] ...., at the end of the month, 3 pān 4 sūt; dates, in the beginning of the month, [....] [.... at] the end of the month, in Pisces?; Mercury, in the beginning of the month, was in [....] [....] wrong? .... [....] [....] measured. Night of the xth, the moon was [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] low to the south; all ni[ght, ....] [....] having passed [....] to the east; clouds were in the sky, the no[rth wind ....] [.... wind, which] was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 10th, beginning [of the night, ....] [....] .... The 12th, the north wind blew. Night [....] [....] moonrise to sunset: [x]+6°?, measured (despite) mist [....] [....] γ Capricorni [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 21st (and) the 21st, the north wind bl[ew ....] [....] .... 2 .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 40595 (= 81-4-28,140)
BM 40595
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 8 SI GE6 ⌈5?⌉ sin [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 8 fingers [....] Night of the 5th?, the moon was [....]
Photo: YM
352 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
BM 40599 [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR 20 SI sin ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... UL]Ù ŠÁR GIN GE6 7 SAG G[E6 ....] [.... AL]LA šá SI 2 SI kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈8?⌉ [....] [.... ka]l ME ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ GE6 11 kal G[E6 ....] [....] GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin SIG SA4 šá ABSIN [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 11,20 GE6 DIR NU PAP USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 18 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GENNA 2 KÙŠ 8 [SI ....] [.... MÚL] IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ŠÁR⌉ GIN ina KIN-SIG AN UTA[Ḫ ....] [.... KI.LA]M še-im 1(p) 2(b) [....] [....] ⌈ŠE?-GIŠ?-Ì?⌉ T[A? ....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
BM 40599 (= 81-4-28, 144) Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[ ] ⌈x⌉ [....] AGA [....] 1 DI[R] A[N Z]A [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG M[ÚL ....] 2 DIR AN ZA GE6 3 [....] SI GIN GE6 4 SAG GE6 [sin] ár SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ ⌈kal GE6⌉ [x x] IM ŠÁR GIN GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin e SUḪUR IGI 2 ⌈5/6⌉ KÙŠ 5 DIR AN ZA GE6 6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 7 7 DIR AN ZA it u
[.... the moon was] 20 fingers [.... of Ju] piter, the moon being .... [....] [....] a gusty [sou]th wind blew. Night of the 7th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] 2 fingers [.... η/γ Can]cri; all night, very overcast. The 8th?, [....] [.... a]ll day, overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower. Night of the 11th, all ni[ght, ....] [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below α Virginis [....] [....] .... Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 20´, clouds, I did not watch; first part of the night, .... [....] [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits 8 [fingers] behind Saturn [....] [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] γ Capricorni, the moon being .... [....] [....] a gusty [.... wind] blew; in the afternoon, rain shower [....] [.... the equival]ent was: barley, 1 pān 2 sūt [....] [....] sesame?, fr[om ....]
BM 40599 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month .... [....] earthshine [....] The 1st, clouds were in the sky, [....] last part of the night, Venus was [....] below .... [....] The 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, [the moon was] 2 cubits behind β Capricorni; all night, [....,] a gusty wind blew. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 5/6 cubits above γ Capricorni. The 5th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 6th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 6th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 7th (and) the 7th, clouds were in the sky.
BM 40602–40607 Rev. 1 2 3 4 5
9 DIR AN ZA GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ 10 DIR AN ZA GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL IGI šá S[AG Ḫ]UN 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5
BM 40602 (= 81-4-28, 147) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ? SIG? ....] 3´ [.... n]a? NU PAP kal ME SI ŠÁR GIN GE6 16 ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] šá DUR nu-nu 1½ KÙŠ sin ⌈2?⌉½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 20 ina? [ZÁLAG? ....] 5´ [.... G]E6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin ár šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ 22 ina KI[N-SIG ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ na-su in 20 IGI 23 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ u KUR [....] 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SAG A 2½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB GE6 [....] 8´ [....] 30 SI GIN ITU BI KI.LAM še-im TA 1 EN 10 3(b) 4? [qa? ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 3½ qa 4-ʾu-ú TA 11 EN 15 3(b)? [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
The 9th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of η Piscium. The 10th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits below β Arietis, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west.
BM 40602 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ½ cubit [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [low to the] sou[th? .... ] 3´ [....] sunrise to moonset?: [....,] I did not watch; all day, a gusty north wind blew. Night of the 16th, .... [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [.... η] Piscium, the moon being 2?½ cubits low to the south. Night of the 20th, last? [part of the night, ....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind ζ Tauri. The 22nd, in the af[ternoon, ....] 6´ [....] visibility interval [of ....:] ...., (ideal) first appearance on the 20th. The 23rd, in the afternoon, very overcast, south and east [winds ....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits below ε Leonis, the moon having passed a little to the east. Night [....] 8´ [....] The 30th, the north wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: barley, from the 1st until the 10th, 3 sūt 4? [qa ....] 9´ [....] .... 3½ qa (and) one-fourth, from the 11th until the 15th, 3 sūt? [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40607 (= 81-4-28, 152)
BM 40607
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GI[N ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x 25? x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] GE6 14 SAG? [GE6? ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the north wind bl[ew ....] 3´ [....] .... 25? .... [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 14th, beginning? [of the night, ....]
Photo: YM
BM 40609–40616
354 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] LAL SI GIN GE6 19? [....] [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ sin SIG šur GIGIR [....] [....] GE6 25 SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... s]in ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KUR⌉ muš GE6 28 ⌈28?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈EN⌉ TIL ITU 1(g) GUR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
BM 40609 (= 81-4-28, 154) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... T]A 17 ṣal-lam-mu-[ú ....] 3´ [.... ina IG]I GU4-UD 4? KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 2+[x ....] 4´ [.... DI]R AN ZA SAG GE6 ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] IGI 5 KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 40616 (= 81-4-28, 161) Photo: JCF, YM
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... fr]om the 17th, a comet [....] 3´ [....] (the moon) stood 4 cubits [in fron]t of Mercury to the west. Night of the 2+[xth, ....] 4´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 5 cubits [....] ...., the moon being ½ cu[bit ....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40616
(small space)
(small space)
BM 40609
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 3´
[....] back?; the north wind blew. Night of the 19th?,[....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] [....] Night of the 25th, the north wind blew .... [....] [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west; last part of the night, .... [....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: ...., measured. Night of the 28th (and) the 28th?, [....] [....] until the end of the month, 1 kur .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[.... SA4] šá ABSIN ⌈5 ⌉ [mm] G[E6 x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... KIR4] šil PA 2½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 6 ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 12 ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ina še-rì? x x x⌉ 16? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x DIR AN⌉ ZA dele-bat e ⌈x⌉[....] [....] ⌈sin? ár x⌉ [....] ?
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] 5? [.... α] Virginis. Ni[ght ....,] .... [....] [....] 2½ cubits [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi. The 6th, .... [....] [....] cubits back to the west. Night of the 12th, .... [....] [....] .... in the morning?, .... The 16th ?, .... [....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky; Venus was [....] above .... [....] [....] the moon? was .... behind .... [....]
BM 40627–40646
BM 40627 (= 81-4-28, 172) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x USAN x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6 x]+1 SAG GE6 sin e MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ kal GE6 DIR AN DIB SI G[IN ....] 4´ [.... ana] SI NIM UŠ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 5´ [....] ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB kal ME DIR AN [....] 6´ [....] GE6 22 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] SI GIN 23 SI GIN GE6 24 24 ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] šá SI 2 KÙŠ 8 SI ⌈ITU⌉ BI KI.LAM š[e-im ....] 9´ [....]-a-tú KUDmeš ⌈ina? x x⌉ MImeš 5 ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈25⌉ 1(b) ½ qa 26 27 1(b) 28 29 1(b) ½ qa [....] 11´ [....] TA 1 EN 10 2(b) 3 qa 11 12 13 2(b) ⌈x⌉ [....] 12´ [.... 1]4 15 3½ qa 4-ʾu TA 16 EN TIL ITU [....] 13´ [.... MÚ]L-MÚL in 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ GENNA [....] 14´ [....] ma-a-du ITU BI U4-8-KAM šá ana UGU ⌈x⌉ [....] 15´ [.... pu]-li-ṭe-e šá ina Eki 1-en lúkal?-la ⌈x⌉ [....] 16´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] Comments 9´: KUDmeš may also be read SILAmeš, “streets”, but the whole line is obscure to me.
BM 40646 (= 81-4-28, 191) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... K]ÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ina IGI ⌈GENNA⌉ [nn mm] [ana ŠÚ GUB] sin ½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM GE6 23 [ina ZÁLAG]
BM 40627 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... first part of the night, .... [....] 2´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] 3´ [....] .... all night, clouds crossed the sky, the north wind bl[ew ....] 4´ [....] became stationary [....] high to the north. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 5´ [....] having passed ½ cubit to the east; all daysic, clouds [....] the sky [....] 6´ [....] Night of the 22nd, all night, very overcast, the north wind blew .... [....] 7´ [....] the north wind blew. The 23rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 24th (and) the 24th, .... [....] 8´ [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers [....] the northern [....] That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] 9´ [....] .... were cut off?, in .... 5 .... [....] 10´ [....] the 25th, 1 sūt ½ qa, the 26th (and) the 27th, 1 sūt, the 28th (and) the 29th, 1 sūt ½ qa [....] 11´ [....] from the 1st until the 10th, 2 sūt 3 qa, the 11th, the 12th, (and) 13th, 2 sūt .... [....] 12´ [.... the 1]4th (and) 15th, 3½ qa (and) onefourth, from the 16th until the end of the month, [....] 13´ [.... Tau]rus; around the 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus; Saturn [....] 14´ [....] were many. That month, the 8th day, the one above .... [....] 15´ [.... the ci]tizens who are in Babylon [....] one .... [....] 16´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40646 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west, [it stood ....] in front of Saturn [to the west,] the moon being ½ cubit high to the north. Night of the 23rd, [last part of the night,]
356 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 40652 [sin á]r? MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana U[LÙ SIG] [GE6] 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ár is le10 1½ K[ÙŠ] [sin] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 24 SI GIN [GE6 25] [ina ZÁLA]G sin ár šur ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin 5/6 [KÚŠ ....] [25] SI? GIN? GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ana NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KUR muš SI G[IN ....] [....] ⌈MÚL⌉-BABBAR 4 SI 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ana⌉ ŠÚ GUB ITU BI ⌈KI.LAM⌉ [....] [.... x]+2(g) GUR ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SÍGḫá 1+⌈x ma-na⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ma?-la x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 40652 (= 81-4-28, 191) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ITU BI KI.LAM še-i[m ....] 4´ [....] zu? ⌈x⌉ SÍG?ḫá ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈a?-na?⌉ 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR qa-lu-[ú ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈bu⌉ ú ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[the moon was] 2 cubits [beh]ind? η Tauri, the moon being 2 cubits [low] to the south. [Night] of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Tauri, [the moon being] .... cubits high to the north. The 24th, the north wind blew. [Night of the 25th,] [last part of the ni]ght, the moon was 1 cubit behind ζ Tauri, the moon being 5/6 [cubit ....] [The 25th,] the north? wind blew. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] .... to the east .... [....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....,] measured; the north wind bl[ew ....] [....] 4 fingers [....] Jupiter. The 28th, .... [....] [....] it stood [....] to the west. That month, the equivalent was: [....] [.... x]+2 kur .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... wool, 1+x minas [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] as much? as .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 40652 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits; in .... [....] 3´ [....] That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] 4´ [....] .... wool?, .... [....] 5´ [....] for 1 shekel of refined silver [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40662–40674
BM 40662 (= 81-4-28, 207) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
BM 40662 ´Obv.´
[....] AN ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina? [IGI? S]A4 5/6 KÙŠ [.... U]SAN dele-bat [x] MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] NU PAP kal M[E D]IR AN ZA [....] DIB in 50 G[E6] ana ZÁLAG 15? [.... x]+1 na-su in [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [.... AN?]-BAR7 U 1-en-šú 2-šú GÙ-šú [ŠUB .... G]U4-UD e šur ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ [....] SI GIN GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] ⌈ina IGI⌉ MÚL-BABBAR 3 KÙŠ [ana] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ GUB [....] ⌈x⌉ muš kal M[E] ŠÚ-ŠÚ [.... U]SAN GU4-U[D] ⌈e⌉ MÚL IGI
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
BM 40674 (= 81-4-28, 219) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... US]AN AN e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ [....] 3´ [.... USA]N AN e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠMAŠ 1 KÙŠ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ in 21 ME NIM-a GE6 30 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] qa SÍGḫá 3½ ma-na ⌈i-nu-šú⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] rain? .... [....] ...., beginning of the night, [....] .... the moon was 5/6 cubit in? [front? of] α Virginis. [.... fir]st part of the night, Venus was [....] μ Geminorum [....] I did not watch; all day, clouds were in the sky [....] was omitted; at 50° before sunrise. The 15th?, [....] its visibility interval: [x]+1°, [(ideal) first appearance] on [....] [....] .... very overcast .... [....]
[....] .... [.... at n]oon?, it thundered once, twice [.... Me]rcury was 1½ cubits above ζ Tauri [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....,] it stood 3 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. [....] .... measured; all day, very overcast, [.... fir]st part of the night, Mercury was [....] above the front star of
BM 40674 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... first] part of the night, Mars was 1 cubit above η Geminorum [....] 3´ [.... first] part of the night, Mars was 1 cubit above μ Geminorum [....] 4´ [....] .... at 21° after sunrise. Night of the 30th, first part of the night, .... [....] 5´ [....] qa; wool, 3½ minas. At that time, [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40678–40761
BM 40678 (= 81-4-28, 223)
BM 40678
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] (blank) 4´ [....] ⌈EN⌉ 4 GENNA ana ŠÚ ki U[Š-a ....] 5´ [.... S]AG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] 6´ [.... s]in e is le10 ⅔ KÙŠ [....] 7´ [....] e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] 8´ [.... SAG] ⌈GE6⌉ sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´-2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] (blank) 4´ [....] until the 4th, when Saturn became stationary to the west, [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 5 cubits [below β/α] Arietis, the moon being ½ cubit to [....] 6´ [.... the m]oon was ⅔ cubit above α Tauri [....] 7´ [....] above μ Geminorum [....] 8´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Geminorum [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 40761 (= 81-4-28, 306)
BM 40761
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin? e? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈ár?⌉ RÍN šá ULÙ 1⅔ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] IGI 14,30 na-su 24 AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ana ŠÚ GUB ⌈GE6⌉ 26 ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 26 ŠÚ [....] 5´ [....] 28? 56 ME ana šámaš ŠÚ AN-KU10 šámaš ki PAP NU I[GI ....] 6´ [.... ŠE-GIŠ]-Ì 5(b) SÍGḫá 4 ma-na a-na [1 GÍN ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI EN TIL ITU 2 KÙŠ I[LLU ....] 8´ IGI 9´ šá ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon? was .... above? .... [....] 2´ [....] 1⅔ cubits behind? α Librae .... [....] 3´ [....] first appearance [....,] its visibility interval: 14° 30´. The 24th, rain? .... [....] 4´ [....] stood [....] to the west. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, overcast. The 26th, overcast [....] 5´ [....] The 28th?, at 56° before sunset, solar eclipse; when I watched, I did not see it [....] 6´ [.... sesa]me, 5 sūt; wool, 4 minas for [1 shekel of silver ....] 7´ [....].... That month, until the end of the month, the r[iver level ....] 2 cubits [....] 8´ [....] seen? 9´ ⌈....⌉ [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Comments 5´: The signs šámaš and ŠÚ are erroneously interchanged. 8´: This may be the first part of the note IGI-TAB “checked”. 9´: This line is separated from the main text and may be a scribal remark.
BM 40863–41021
BM 40863 (= 81-4-28, 410) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x NIM? ana? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ŠÚ AN DUL GE6 10 USAN dele-bat [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12 USAN dele-bat SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ni NAM-LÚ-ULÙ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ muš ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 40992 (= 81-4-28, 539) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA ina še-rì ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin? e šur ULÙ 2 KÙŠ 4 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... AN] ZA SI GIN GE6 6 DIR AN Z[A ....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ sin e šur ULÙ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Comments 2´ and 4´: The moon cannot stand near ζ Tauri twice within a few days. Some error has to be assumed, either in the star name (maybe the second occurrence was in ALLA šá ULÙ) or in one instance “moon” is to be replaced by another planet, although the signs do not resemble any.
BM 41021 (=81-4-28, 568) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉-ʾu ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR n[u-nu ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 SI GIN G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 7 DIR AN DIB US[AN x] [.... US]AN AN SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR [nu-nu] [.... M]ÚL ár šá ALLA šá SI 2 KÙŠ [x x]
BM 40863 ´Flake´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... east? .... [....] [....] overcast, rain DUL. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] [....] .... Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] below .... [....] [....] .... human [....] [....] ...., measured; in the afternoon, .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 40992 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] clouds were in the sky; in the morning, .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon? was 2 cubits above ζ Tauri. The 4th, .... [....] 3´ [....] were in the [sky,] the north wind blew. Night of the 6th, clouds were in the sky [....] 4´ [....] overcast; the moon was [....] above ζ Tauri [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41021 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] they? .... [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] below η Piscium [....] 4´ [....] .... The 4th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [....] Night of the 7th, clouds crossed the sky; first part [of the night, ....] 6´ [.... first part] of the night, Mars was [....] below η Pisci[um] 7´ [....] 2 cubits [....] γ Cancri [....]
360 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
BM 41028 [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 12 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 12 dele-ba[t ina NI]M ina [x x] [....] DIR NU PAP ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ [....] SI GIN GE6 15 7 GE6 a-kam muš [....] ⌈x x⌉ [GE6] 18? ina ZÁLAG sin [.... 1]8 SI GIN GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin [.... G]IN GE6 22 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [.... MÚ]L ár šá SAG ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈24?⌉ 25 26 SI GI[N x] [.... ITU B]I KI.LAM še-im ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... GÍ]R GÍR GÙ? [U? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ár šá SUḪ[UR MÁŠ ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´-2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [.... light]ning flashed, thun[der? ....] 4´ [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] δ Capri[corni ....] 8´ [....] .... [....] 9´ [....] .... 1 cubit .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41028 (= 81-4-28, 575)
BM 41028
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... Night of the 12th, very overcast. The 12th, Venus’ [first/last appearance in] the east in [....] 9´ [....] clouds, I did not watch; in the afternoon, rain shower. 10´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7°, measured (despite) mist. 11´ [....] .... [Night] of the 18th?, last part of the night, the moon was 12´ [.... The 1]8th, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 13´ [.... bl]ew. Night of the 22nd, clouds crossed the sky, .... 14´ [....] 4½ cubits [below?] α Arietis 15´ [....] The 24th, 25th, (and) 26th, the north wind bl[ew ....] 16´ [.... Th]at [month,] the equivalent was: barley, .... [....] 17´-18´ [....] .... [....] 8´
[....] saḫ-le10 4(b) ŠE-GIŠ 2(b) [....] [.... G]U4-UD ina GIGIR ina TIL ITU ina MAŠ-⌈MAŠ⌉ [....] [.... GI]N TA 10 EN 14 ILLU [....] [....] ILLU ½ KÙŠ GIN —————————— [.... ina IGI MÚ]L-BABBAR ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 2 sin ár MAŠ-MA[Š ....] [....]+½ KÙŠ ina IGI AN 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB ⌈x⌉ [....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] cress, 4 sūt; sesame, 2? sūt [....] [.... Me]rcury was in Taurus, at the end of the month, in Gemini [....] [.... ro]se [....;] from the 10th until the 14th, the river level [....] [....] the river level rose ½ cubit. —————————— [.... in front of Ju]piter back to the west. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] behind [....] Geminorum [....] [.... x]+½ cubit [....,] it stood 1½ cubits in front of Mars to the west .... [....]
BM 41035 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠMAŠ ⌈ár 3 KÙŠ⌉ [....] [.... dele-b]at SIG MÚL-MÚL 3 KÙŠ delebat ½ KÙŠ ana N[IM DIB ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ 10 ŠÚ GE6 12 SAG GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ 20 dele-bat ina? [x ina x ŠÚ ....] [....] is le10 ⌈1 KÙŠ⌉ [....]
361 7´
9´ 10´ 11´
[.... SA]G GE6 s[in ....] [....] KÙŠ 9 IZI-Š[UB ....] [....] sin ár MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6 1]5 1,30 ME 15 11 [ŠÚ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ EN [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KAM ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] sin ina IGI [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
BM 41035 (= 81-4-28, 582) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... A]N ZA KUR GI[N ....] [.... K]ÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈SI⌉ G[IN] [....] SI GIN GE6 11 sin e LUGAL [.... DI]R AN ZA SI GIN GE6 12 [.... SIG GIŠ.KU]N A 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ár GENNA [.... S]I? GIN 12 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB kal GE6 DIR AN [x] [....] ⌈x⌉,40 ŠÚ kal ME ULÙ šá PA MAR GA[R GIN] [....] ⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL
Rev. broken
[....] 1 cubit [....] ....; first part of the night, Mercury was 3 cubits below β Geminorum [....] [.... Ven]us was 3 cubits below η Tauri, Venus [having passed] ½ cubit to the ea[st ....] [.... x]+1 cubit [....] The 10th, overcast. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, [....] [....] .... in the afternoon, overcast. The 20th, Venus’ [last appearance] in [.... in ....] [....] 1 cubit [....] α Tauri [....] [.... beginn]ing of the night, the m[oon was ....] [....] cubit [....] The 9th, a “fall of fire” [....] [....] the moon was 1 cubit behind Jupiter .... [....] [.... Night of the 1]5th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 30´. The 15th, [moonset to sunrise:] 11° [....] [....] .... until [....] [....] .... [....] [....] the moon was [....] in front of [....]
BM 41035 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [....] were in the sky, the east wind bl[ew ....] [.... cu]bits back to the west; all night, very overcast, the north wind bl[ew.] [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 11th, the moon was [....] above α Leonis [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 12th, [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [below ϑ Leo] nis, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west, [....] behind Saturn [.... the nor]th? wind blew. The 12th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; all night, clouds [....] the sky [....] moonset to sunrise: x° 40´; all day, the south wind, which was set to the west side, [blew.] [....] ⅔ cubit [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west.
Rev. broken
BM 41038–41045
BM 41038 (= 81-4-28, 585) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1? KÙŠ ana S[I NIM ....] 3´ [....] 15,50 ŠÚ DIR ⌈NU?⌉ [PAP ....] 4´ [....] ME muš GE6 15 13 [GE6 ....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 18 kal GE6 [....] 6´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ 20 kal ME ŠÚ GÙ [U ....] 7´ [.... GÌR ár] šá A 1 KÙŠ ⌈kal⌉ GE6 DIR A[N ....] 8´ [....] 26 18,30 KUR a-kam T[A ....] 9´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ITU BI KI.LAM še-im ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠMAŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] KÙ.GI šá? muḫ-ḫi I.LU ⌈x⌉ [....] 12´ [....] IDi-mu-uk-r[a? ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 41045 (= 81-4-28, 592) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 15 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 20 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] SI GIN GE6 25 SI GIN [....] [....] ⌈20+x SI? GIN? 27? x x x⌉ KUR muš SI GIN ina KIN-SIG DI[R? ....] [....] ⌈x 29 DIR AN DIB x SI?⌉ GIN ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA ITU BI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] x EN TIL ITU ina GU in 16? GENNA ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 41038 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 1? cubit [high] to the north [....] 3´ [....] moonset to sunrise: 15° 50´; clouds, I did not [watch ....] 4´ [....] moonrise to sunset: [....,] measured. Night of the 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 13° [....] 5´ [....] cubits 8 fingers [....] Night of the 18th, all night, [....] 6´ [....] very overcast. The 20th, all day, overcast, thunder [....] 7´ [....] 1 cubit [.... β] Virginis; all night, clouds [....] the sky, [....] 8´ [....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 30´; mist, fr[om ....] 9´ [....] very overcast. That month, the equivalent was: barley, .... [....] 10´ [....] At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini, .... [....] 11´ [....] of gold, which was on the threshold .... [....] 12´ [....] Timokr[ates? ....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41045 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... 15 .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] The 20th, very overcast, the north wind blew. Night? [....] 4´ [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 22nd, .... [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, the north wind blew [....] 6´ [....] the 20+xth, the north? wind blew?. The 27th?, moonrise to sunrise: ...., measured; the north wind blew; in the afternoon, clou[ds ....] 7´ [....] .... The 29th, clouds crossed the sky, .... the north? wind blew; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. That month, [....] 8´ [....] .... until the end of the month, in Aquarius; around the 16th?, Saturn’s [....] in ....[....] 9´-10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41057–41059
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin S[IG ....] 3´ [....] ⌈SI⌉ šá PA MAR GAR GIN ina KINSIG ⌈DIR⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x KUR?⌉ GIN ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 10 DIR AN ZA U[LÙ ....] 5´ [.... MÚ]L ⌈TUR šá⌉ 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG DI[R ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x SA]G GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A 1 KÙŠ sin ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana SI NIM DIR AN ZA KUR GIN 15 9 na [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 17 SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina ⌈IGI RÍN šá⌉ U[LÙ? ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was [....] be[low ....] 3´ [....] the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew; in the afternoon, clouds [....] 4´ [....] .... the east? wind blew; last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 10th, clouds were in the sky, the sou[th wind ....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] ρ Leonis, the moon being 2 cubits low to the south; clou[ds ....] 6´ [....] .... [.... begin]ning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Virginis, the moon being ⅔ cu[bit ....] 7´ [....] .... cubits high to the north; clouds were in the sky, the east wind blew. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° [....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 17th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [α?] Librae [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41057 (= 81-4-28, 604)
BM 41057
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x UŠ?⌉-a ⌈ITU BI⌉ K[I.LAM ....] 3´ [....] ⌈ŠE-GIŠ-Ì⌉ 2(b) SÍGḫá 2½ ma-na [....] 4´ [....] ⌈ITU⌉ ina A GU4-UD ina ALLA ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... became stationary.? That month, the e[quivalent was: ....] 3´ [....] sesame, 2 sūt; wool, 2½ minas. [....] 4´ [....] of the month, in Leo; Mercury was in Cancer .... [....]
BM 41059 (= 81-4-28, 606)
BM 41059
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] Ar-ba-a-a [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ŠEŠ-ŠEŠ lúŠÀ-TAM [....] —————————— 4´ [.... ana] SI NIM GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA [....] 5´ [....] GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN [....] 6´ [....] 13 3 ŠÚ DIR muš DIR AN [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Arabs [....] 3´ [....] ....-aḫa-uṣur, the temple administrator, [....] —————————— 4´ [....] high to the north. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] below γ Virginis [....] 6´ [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 3°, measured (despite) clouds; clouds [....] the sky [....]
364 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 41063–41066 [.... DI]R muš kal GE6 DIR AN DIB [....] [....] GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin e MAŠMAŠ š[á SIPA ....] [.... ka]l ME ŠU-ŠÚ ina še-rì u K[IN-SIG? ....] [.... KÙ]Š sin 2½ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ SIG ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG sin⌉ [....]
7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 41063 (= 81-4-28, 610) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ [....] [.... SA]G ⌈GÍR-TAB⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ [....] [.... AN] ZA 29 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG TIR-[AN ....] [.... IT]U 1(p) 3(b) ina TIL ITU 1 PI ZÚ⌈LUM⌉ [....] [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina ABSIN dele-bat u ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[.... ] measured (despite) [clou]ds; all night, clouds crossed the sky [....] [....] night, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above γ Gemino[rum ....] [.... a]ll day, very overcast; in the morning and af[ternoon, ....] [.... cub]its [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits [low] to the south [....] [....] .... all night, very overcast, .... [....] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....]
BM 41063 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 2 cubits [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [.... β/δ] Scorpii, the moon being ⅔ cubit [....] 4´ [....] were in [the sky.] The 29th, overcast; in the afternoon, a rain[bow ....] 5´ [.... of the mo]nth, 1 pān 3 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 pān; dates, [....] 6´ [.... Ju]piter was in Virgo, Venus and Mercury were in [....] —————————— 7´ [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 20+[x KUR ....] 3´ [....] a-na x x [....] 4´ [....] 1? ma-na [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [.... last part of the] night, the moon was [....].... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] .... The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 20+[x° ....] 3´ [....] for .... [....] 4´ [....] 1? mina [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41066 (= 81-4-28, 613)
BM 41066
Photo: YM
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [....] ⌈SIG?⌉ 1 27 na-su sin ina DIR [....] 2´ [....] ŠÚ šámaš TÙR NIGIN GE6 5 SAG G[E6 ....]
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [....] Month III?, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 27°; the moon [set?] in a cloud [....] 2´ [....] overcast, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 5th, beginning of the ni[ght ....]
BM 41067–41077 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... GE6] 7 SAG GE6 sin ár LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ [....] [....] KÙŠ ana NIM DIB TÙR NÍGIN ina ZÁLAG Š[Ú ....] [.... SAG G]E6 sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN 1+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ šámaš TÙR NIGIN ŠÚ SI u M[AR? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 41067 (= 81-4-28, 614) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
MU-1-me-⌈41?⌉-K[AM] GU4 GE6 9 sin [e] RÍN šá ULÙ [nn mm] sin 1½ KÙŠ ana NI[M DIB] GE6 10 sin ina IGI MÚ[L x] šá SAG GÍR-TAB ⌈x⌉ [x] [x] sin ár [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rev. blank
[.... Night] of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit behind α Leonis [....] [.... (the moon) ....] having passed [....] cubits to the east, was surrounded by a halo; last part of the night, over[cast ....] [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 1+[x ....] behind α Virginis [....] [....] .... overcast, the sun was surrounded by a halo ...., the north and w[est? winds ....] [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 41067 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Year 141?, Month II, night of the 9th, the moon was [.... above] α Librae, the moon [having passed] 1½ cubits to the east. Night of the 10th, the moon was [....] in front of [δ/β] Scorpii. [....] the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] .... [....]
Comments The lunar positions do not fit well with SE 141; also, the reading of the last digit “1” of the year number is uncertain.
Rev. blank
BM 41077 (= 81-4-28, 624)
BM 41077
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ —————————— 2´ [....] sin ina IGI GENNA 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 3´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 3 sin 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 5 ⌈SAG⌉ GE6 5´ [....] ár MÚL-MÚ[L ....] ⌈x⌉
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... —————————— 2´ [....] the moon stood 1 cubit in front of Saturn to the west. 3´ [....] being ½ cubit low to the south. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 4´ [....] .... cubits [....] The 4th, very overcast. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, 5´ [....] behind η Tauri [....] ....
Photo: YM
BM 41084–41093
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ 2´ [.... ana] ŠÚ LAL 17 DIR AN DIB 3´ [.... SA]G GE6 AN né-ḫi 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 4´ [....] ina IGI RÍN šá SI 1 KÙŠ ina IGI 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] back to the west. The 17th, clouds crossed the sky 3´ [.... begin]ning of the night, slow rain. The 18th, very overcast 4´ [....] 1 cubit in front of β Librae, in front of 5´ [....] .... [....] ....
BM 41084 (= 81-4-28, 631)
BM 41084
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10+⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... AN U]TAḪ 16 AN-BAR7 AN kab-bar [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ GU4-UD ár RÍN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ ⌈ana?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG GIŠ.KUN UR-A 4½ KÙŠ GU4-UD ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⅔? KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 21 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN [....] 6´ [.... x]+2 KÙŠ GE6 24 ŠÚ AN UTAḪ ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] 7´ [.... 2]5 ina še-rì AN kab-bar DUL TIRAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....]-UD 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 27 14,30 KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... ina TI]L ITU 3(p) 2(b) ka-si 2(g) GUR ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 10+xth, .... [....] 2´ [.... rain sh]ower. The 16th, at noon, thick rain [....] 3´ [....] .... cubits [....]; Mercury was 1 cubit behind α Librae to [....] 4´ [....] .... 4½ cubits below ϑ Leonis; Mercury .... [....] 5´ [....] having passed ⅔? cubit to the east. The 21st, overcast; in the afternoon, rain [....] 6´ [.... x]+2 cubits [....] Night of the 24th, overcast, rain shower; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 7´ [.... The 2]5th, in the morning, thick rain DUL, a rainbow .... [....] 8´ [....] it stood 1 cubit [in front of Mercu] ry (or: [Jupit]er) to the west. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 30´ .... [....] 9´ [.... at the en]d of the month, 3 pān 2 sūt; mustard, 2 kur, .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41093 (= 81-4-28, 640)
BM 41093
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
⌈x x x⌉ [....] GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB [....] ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 1 [....] ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UT[AḪ ....] SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN DUL [....] 29 [DI]R? AN? [....] ⌈x⌉
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
.... [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east. [....] 1 [....] in front of Jupiter [....] Night? [....] .... [....] in the afternoon, very overcast, rain show[er ....] beginning of the night, very overcast, rain DUL, [....] The 29th, [clou]ds? [....] the sky? [....] ....
BM 41099–41102
BM 41099 (= 81-4-28, 646) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈SAG?⌉ GE6 [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ⌈e⌉ múlLUGAL ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [....] TÙR NIGIN ŠÚ-ŠÚ 13 6 ŠÚ DIR ⌈NU⌉ [PAP ....] 4´ [....] 8,40 ME DIR NU PAP ina ZÁLAG 11? ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... s]in ina IGI MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1½? [KÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] sin SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ ina IGI A[N? ....] 7´ [.... BURU5]mušen ZI-a 25 23? (erasure) ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 29 23? ŠU 29 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] EN TIL ITU 1(p) 4(b) ZÚ-[LUM ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] Comments 7´f.: “23” is obscure to me; if it is a number, what is being counted here?
BM 41102 (= 81-4-28, 649) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
⌈x⌉ [x] MÚL ár šá ALLA šá [....] 10+[7?] DIR AN ZA GE6 1[8 ina ZÁLAG sin] SIG SAG A 4½ KÙŠ [GE6 19] ina ZÁLAG sin ár LUGAL 1½ KÙ[Š GE6] 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ár x x [x] GIŠ.KUN? 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈x x⌉
Lower edge 1 ana ULÙ SIG 20 ⌈x x x⌉ Rev.´ 1 2
AN ZA GE6? 21? x x [x] ⌈x x x x⌉
BM 41099 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] beginning? of the night, [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit above α Leonis [....] 3´ [....] was surrounded by a halo, very overcast. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6°; clouds, I did not [watch ....] 4´ [....] moonrise to sunset: 8° 40´; clouds, I did not watch; last part of the night, 11? .... [....] 5´ [....] the moon was 1½? [cubits] in front of β Scorpii [....] 6´ [....] the moon was 3 cubits below β Capricorni, [it stood ....] in front of Ma[rs? to the west ....] 7´ [.... locust]s attacked. The 25th, 23? .... [....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 29th, 23? .... The 29th, very overcast .... [....] 9´ [....,] until the end of the month, 1 pān 4 sūt; da[tes, ....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41102 ´Obv. 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
.... [γ/δ] Cancri [....] The 1[7?,] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 1[8th, last part of the night, the moon was] 4½ cubits below ε Leonis. [Night of the 19th,] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Leonis. [Night] of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind .... ϑ Leonis, the moon being ....
Lower edge 1 low to the south. The 20th, .... Rev.´ 1 2
were in the sky. Night? of the 21st?, .... ....
BM 41121–41125
368 3 4 5
GIN? DIR AN ZA GE6 2[2?] ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE šá ⌈x x⌉ [x] sin ⌈x x ana ULÙ? SIG?⌉
3 4
....; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2[2nd?,] last part of the night, the moon was .... behind γ Virginis?, the moon being .... low? to the south?.
Most of the reverse is scratched into partly dried clay and almost illegible. Rev. 1: One expects the moon to pass GÌR ár šá A, β Virginis. Rev. 4: If this is for one day later, i.e. the 22nd, the moon would be near DELE šá IGI ABSIN, γ Virginis.
BM 41121 (= 81-4-28, 668)
BM 41121
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 SI 19? ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NÍGIN? GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚ[L ....] 4´ [.... G]E6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-n[u ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ULÙ SIG 26 15 KUR a-šamšu-⌈tu⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈AN⌉ ZA 29 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ IM ŠÁR AN UTAḪ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈ina TIL ITU x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 4 fingers .... The 19th?, .... [....] 3´ [....] was surrounded? .... Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 4´ [.... Ni]ght of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind η Piscium [....] 5´ [....] .... low to the south. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°; a dust storm [....] 6´ [....] were in the sky. The 29th, in the afternoon, overcast, gusty wind, rain shower [....] 7´ [....] at the end of the month, .... [....]
BM 41125 (= 81-4-28, 672)
BM 41125
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin á[r ....] 3´ [.... GIŠ.K]UN A 1 KÙŠ ina? [....] 4´ [.... S]A4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 8 S[I ....] 5´ [....] PA? ŠÚ NIM-GÍR GÙ U AN-B[AR7 ....] 6´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin á[r ....] 7´ [....] KI.LAM še-im 2(p) 4(b) ina M[URUB4 ....] 8´ [.... dele-ba]t? ⌈ina GÍR-TAB ina TIL ITU ina ⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] beh[ind ....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [.... ϑ] Leonis; in [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit 8 fing[ers ....] α Virginis [....] 5´ [....] .... overcast, lightning, thunder; at n[oon, ....] 6´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] beh[ind ....] 7´ [....] the equivalent was: barley, 2 pān 4 sūt, in the mi[ddle of the month, ....] 8´ [.... Venu]s? was in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 41126–41157
BM 41126 (= 81-4-28,673) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈SIG⌉ šur S[I? x] K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [....] sin ina IGI SA4 ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI ⌈MÚL e šá SAG⌉ GÍ[R-TAB ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ e [....] 6´ [.... š]il PA ⌈5/6⌉ KÙ[Š ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana NIM DIB G[E6] 10+[x ....] 8´ [.... KÙ]Š ana SI N[IM ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 13,30 ME m[uš ....] 10´ [.... m]uš ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ⌈ZÁLAG sin⌉ [....]
BM 41133 (= 81-4-28, 680) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... lú?]⌈E?⌉ki meš x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x ʾu x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina IGI NU ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ a-kam KALAG sin NU I[GI ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x GIN⌉ 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ G[E6 ....] 7´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 41157 (= 81-4-28, 704) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN G[E6 ....] 2´ [....] i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GI[N ....] 4´ [....] GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ ŠÁR G[IN? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÁR? SI GIN GE6 20? [....]
BM 41126 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits below β Tau[ri? ....] 3´ [....] the moon was .... cubits in front of α Virginis [....] 4´ [....] .... the moon was [....] in front of β Scor[pii ....] 5´ [....] .... above [....] 6´ [....] 5/6 cubit [.... ϑ O]phiuchi [....] 7´ [....] having passed .... to the east. Ni[ght] of the 10+[xth, ....] 8´ [.... cub]its high to the north [....] 9´ [....] .... moonrise to sunset: 13° 30´, mea[sured ....] 10´ [.... mea]sured; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 11´ [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was [....]
BM 41133 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the Babylonians .... [....] 3´ [....] they .... [....] 4´ [....] .... in front of .... [....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... dense mist, I did not see the moon [....] 6´ [....] .... blew. The 4th, very overcast. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41157 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... blew?. Ni[ght ....] 2´ [....] having passed a little to the east .... [....] 3´ [....] ...., clouds were in the sky, the north wind bl[ew ....] 4´ [....] night, very overcast, a gusty south wind bl[ew? ....] 5´ [....] ...., the north wind blew. Night of the 20th?. [....]
BM 41158–41168+41182
370 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... K]ÙŠ ana SI NIM UŠ 20 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 24 SI GIN ŠED7 [....] [....] 18 KUR kal ME DIR AN Z[A ....] [....] GE6 30 SAG GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] became stationary [.... cu]bits high to the north. The 20th, .... [....] [....] night, very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] [....] .... The 24th, the north wind blew, cold [....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: 18°; all day, clouds were in the sky [....] [....] Night of the 30th, beginning of the night, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 41158 (= 81-4-28, 705)
BM 41158
´Flake´ 1 [.... M]U-7-KAM [....] 2 [.... S]A4 šá ABSI[N ....] 3 [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana NIM [DIB ....] 4 [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 GE6 5 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5 [.... ina IGI G]ENNA 20 SI ana ŠÚ [GUB ....] 6 [....] 14 4 ŠÚ GE6 [....] 7 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1 [...., y]ear 7 [....] 2 [....] α Virgin[is ....] 3 [.... having passed ....] cubits to the east [....] 4 [....] .... 4. Night of the 5th, .... [....] 5 [.... it stood] 20 fingers [in front of S]aturn to the west [....] 6 [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 4°. Night [....] 7 [....] .... [....]
BM 41168 + 41182 (= 81-4-28, 715+729)
BM 41168 + 41182
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[kal ] ⌈GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ x⌉ [....] GE6 7 SAG G[E6 sin] ina [IGI ....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin SIG SAG A ⌈2⌉ [KÙŠ ....] SAG GE6 sin SIG [GIŠ.KUN] ⌈A⌉ 3½ K[ÙŠ ....] SAG GE6 sin S[IG? ....] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI [....] ár GENNA 2½ KÙŠ ana NI[M GUB ....] SIG MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA [....] ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁ[Š ....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina LU ŠÚ NU [PAP ....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[all?] night, very overcast, .... [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the ni[ght, the moon was ....] in [front of ....] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 9th, very overcast, .... [....] Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 [cubits] below ε Leonis [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 3½ cubits below [ϑ] Leonis [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] be[low? ....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [it stood] 2½ cubits behind Saturn to the ea[st ....] below ϑ Ophiuchi [....] in front of γ Capricorni [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries; I did not [watch ....]
BM 41178 12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
ITU BI KI.LAM še-i[m ....] i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈x⌉ [....] PAP ⌈8? na⌉ [....]
⌈20 dele-bat x⌉ [....] in 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú ⌈i⌉-[nu-šú ....] ITU BI ILLU T[A ....] e-nu-ma né-pe[š ....] šá É ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ?
12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
That month, the equivalent was: barl[ey, ....] At that time, Jupiter was in .... [....] total: 8? was the na (gauge) [....]
The 20th?, Venus .... [....] Around the 27th, .... [....] of wrought silver. At [that time, ....] That month, the river level fr[om ....] when the ritual? [....] of .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [EN]-NUN šá gi-né-e šá ⌈TA itux⌉ EN TIL ⌈ituŠE? x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [D]iary from month .... until the end of month XII? .... [....]
BM 41178 (= 81-4-28, 725)
BM 41178
Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ina ⌈KIN-SIG x x x x x x x⌉ [.... 1]8 MAR GIN 19 SI šá kap MAR GAR GIN 19 [....] SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ ⌈sin ½⌉ K[ÙŠ] ⌈ana ŠÚ⌉ LAL [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ SI GIN ina ZÁLAG [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ AN UTAḪ
Lower edge 1 [.... GE6] 23 ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [.... A]N ZA AN UTAḪ Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... ár MÚ]L-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ ana NIM? GUB sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 25 ULÙ ŠÁR GIN GE6 26 DIR AN DIB [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA 26 [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] 20+⌈x⌉
´Obv. 1´ 2´
[....] in the afternoon, .... [.... The 1]8th, the west wind blew. The 19th, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. The 19th, [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits below β Capricorni, the moon being ½ cu[bit] back to the west. [....] .... cubits; the north wind blew; last part of the night, [....] .... overcast, rain shower
Lower edge 1 [.... Night] of the 23rd, last part of the night, very overcast, .... [....] were in the sky, rain shower Rev.´ 1
2 3 4
[.... (the moon)] stood 1 cubit [behind] Jupiter to the east, the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. [....] The 25th, a gusty south wind blew. Night of the 26th, clouds crossed the sky [....] .... clouds were in the sky. The 26th, [....] .... [....] 20+xth,
BM 41194–41197
BM 41194 (= 81-4-28, 741) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... U]LÙ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin e RÍN šá ULÙ [....] 3´ [.... KI].LAM še-im 1 PI ina TIL ITU 2+x(b) [....] 4´ [....] in 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN IGI EN TIL IT[U ....] 5´ [....] TA 6 EN 18 4 U LAL PAP 27 n[a ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI GAM?meš ana É-sag-gíl KU4-ʾu [....] 7´ [....]-e šá ana muḫ-ḫi-šú TÙMmeš [....] 8´ [....] MU-a-tì a-na lúza-z[ak-ki ....] —————————— 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 1 ŠED7 [....] 10´ [.... SA]G ⌈GE6 sin⌉ [....]
BM 41197 (= 81-4-28, 744) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈DIR⌉ muš [.... AN] ZA SI GIN [....] DIR SAL AN ZA [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN [.... G]E6 9 sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] ⌈x⌉ MAḪ DIR AN ZA SI GIN ANBAR7 šámaš TÙR NIGIN KÁ-[šú ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ ár MÚL-BABBAR 4 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB [....] TÙR MÚL-BABBAR GUB
Lower edge 1 [.... ka]l ME DIR AN ZA 2 [....] GE6 11 sin 3 [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ Rev.´ 1 2 3
BM 41194 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... the s]outh wind blew, .... [....] 2´ [.... last part of the] night, the moon was [....] above α Librae [....] 3´ [.... the equi]valent was: barley, 1 pān, at the end of the month, 2+[x] sūt [....] 4´ [....] around the 1st, Jupiter’s first appearance in Libra, until the end of the mon[th, ....] 5´ [....] from the 6th until the 18th, (the river level) receded 4 fingers, total: 27 was the n[a (gauge) ....] 6´ [....] the .... entered Esangil [....] 7´ [....] .... which they brought towards it [....] 8´ [....] this [....] to the zaz[akku ....] —————————— 9´ [....] .... Night of the 1st, cold [....] 10´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was [....]
BM 41197 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
7´ 8´
[....] measured (despite) clouds. [....] were [in the sky,] the north wind blew. [....] thin clouds were in the sky [....] ...., the north wind blew. [.... Ni]ght of the 9th, the moon was 4 cubits behind α Arietis, the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. [....] much ...., clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo, [its] gate [....] [....] 1 cubit ...., it stood 4 cubits behind Jupiter to the east. [....] of the halo, Jupiter stood
Lower edge 1 [.... a]ll day, clouds were in the sky 2 [....] Night of the 11th, the moon was 3 [....] ....
[....] (broken) [.... ka]l? ME DIR AN [DI]B? [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN
(here intrusions from obverse 5´f.)
1 2
[....] (broken) [....] all? day, clouds [cross]ed? the sky [....] .... blew? (here intrusions from obverse 5´f.)
BM 41470
BM 41470 (= 81-6-25, 81)
BM 41470
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... the x]+1st, very overcast, the north wind blew. 2´ [....] .... The 8th, Mars’ last appearance in .... 3´ [....] .... α Leonis? in .... [....] 4´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky, .... [....] 5´ [.... the x]+1st, Sirius’ acronychal [rising] 6´ [.... sunrise] to moonset: [....,] measured? (despite) clouds .... [....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 18th, all night [....] 8´ [....] the cold became seve[re ....] 9´ [....] a gusty south wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 10´ [.... rain] shower. Night of the 25th, [....] 11´ [.... the no]rth? wind blew?. The 27th, very overcast [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 866
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... x]+1 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 AN ina ⌈x ŠÚ⌉ 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ LUGAL? ina ⌈x x⌉ [x] 4´ [.... D]IR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [x x] 5´ [.... x]+1 KAK-BAN ana ME [....] 6´ [.... n]a? DIR ⌈muš? x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... GE6] 18 kal GE6 [....] 8´ [....] ŠED7 ši[r ....] 9´ [.... U]LÙ ŠÁR GIN G[E6 ....] 10´ [.... AN] UTAḪ GE6 25 [....] 11´ [.... S]I? GIN? 27 ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈AN?⌉ UTAḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ½? KÙŠ 10 [....] 4´ [....] SIG MÚL ár [....] 5´ [.... 1]4 3 ŠÚ DIR ⌈muš?⌉ [....] 6´ [.... ku]šE-SÍR NU TUḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... ana] ULÙ SIG 17 SI GIN [....] 8´ [.... GE6] 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL e [....] 9´ [.... U]SAN MÚL-BABBAR ana NIM ina LAL-[šú ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL [....] 11´ [.... GI]Nmeš GE6 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 27 [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ana ZÁLAG 29 DIR AN [....] 13´ [.... T]A 1 EN 11 5(b) 5 q[a ....] 14´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠE-GIŠ-Ì TA [....] 15´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI UŠ NU? [PAP? ....] 16´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] rain shower, .... [....] 3´ [....] ½? cubit [....] The 10th, [....] 4´ [....] below the rear star of [....] 5´ [.... The 1]4th, moonset to sunrise: 3°, measured? (despite) clouds [....] 6´ [....] the sandal was not removed .... [....] 7´ [....] low to the south. The 17th, the north wind blew [....] 8´ [.... Night] of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β [Scorpii? ....] 9´ [.... fir]st part of the night, Jupiter, while moving back to the east, [....] 10´ [....] .... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 11´ [.... (winds) bl]ew. Night of the 27th, very overcast. The 27th, [....] 12´ [....] .... before sunrise. The 29th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 13´ [.... fr]om the 1st until the 11th, 5 sūt 5 q[a ....] 14´ [....] .... sesame, from [....] 15´ [....] became stationary ....; I did not? [watch? ....] 16´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41472–41497
BM 41472 (= 81-6-25, 83)
BM 41472
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 2½ cubits .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [.... (the moon was)] ⅔ cubit [.... η] Piscium, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the east [....] 4´ [.... (the moon)] stood ½ cubit [....] to the east, the moon being 1 [....] 5´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 6´ [....] (erasure) very overcast; beginning [of the night, ....] 7´ [....] The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 7°, measured (despite) clouds .... [....] 8´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] The 15th, very overcast. Night? [....] 9´ [....] 1 [....] ρ Leonis [....] 10´ [....] overcast?, rain PISAN DIB. Night of the 19th, [....] 11´ [.... sunset] to setting of Mercury: [....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, [....] 12´ [.... M]ercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn [....] 13´ [....] 4 [.... δ/β] Scorpii [....] 14´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 871
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x šá x 2½ KÙŠ⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin [....] 3´ [.... MÚL KUR šá] DUR nu-nu ⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB ....] 4´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB sin 1 [....] 5´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár šur GIGIR šá [....] 6´ [....] (erasure) ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG [GE6 ....] 7´ [....] 13 7 na DIR muš ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ 15 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 9´ [.... MÚ]L TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 1 [....] 10´ [....] ŠÚ? AN PISAN DIB GE6 19 [....] 11´ [.... n]a? GU4-UD GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG [....] 12´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [....] 13´ [....] šá SAG GÍR-TAB 4 [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 41497 (= 81-6-25, 110)
BM 41497
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits below ε Leonis [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 23rd, overcast, rain DUL. The 23rd, in the morning, clouds were in the sky; at n[oon? ....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit in front of α Librae. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 50´; the sun [rose] in a “box” [....] 5´ [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the street (measured) by the royal sūtu-measure, 1 pān 4 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 pān 5 sūt .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 870
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin SIG SAG A 2⌉½ KÙŠ [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 23 ŠÚ AN DUL 23 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA ⌈AN?⌉-[BAR7? ....] 4´ [....] ina ⌈IGI⌉ RÍN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 26 18,50 KUR šámaš ina ⌈NA5⌉ [....] 5´ [.... I]TU BI KI.LAM še-im ina SILA ina giš BÁN šá LUGAL 1(p) 4(b) ina TIL ITU 1(p) 5(b) ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 41497 6´
7´ 8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
[.... KÙ]-BABBAR ép-šú i-nu-šú MÚLBABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ABSIN GU4-UD ina SAG ⌈ITU ina RÍN?⌉ [....] [....] LAL 33 na 15 16 ILLU 8 SI GIN 31 na ina TIL ITU ILL[U ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... GE6] 1 ⌈ŠÚ?-ŠÚ⌉ IM ŠÁR 1 DIR AN DIB ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ i GE6 2 ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ bu-tuq TIR-AN ina KUR GÁL-ši GE6 5 ⌈DIR AN x⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá [DUR nu-nu ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA GE6 12 DIR AN ZA ⌈SI? GIN?⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ GÍR GÙ U AN [....] [....] GE6 16 10 GE6 DIR AN ZA sin TÙR ⌈NIGIN⌉ [....] [....] TIR-AN ina MAR GÁL-ši GE6 18 SAG G[E6 ....] [....] BAR? ri GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ár LUGAL 20 SI [....] [.... T]IR-AN ina MAR GÁL-šú AN-e DIB ⌈GE6⌉ [....] [.... bu]-tuq TIR-AN ina SI? KUR GIB? GE6 23 ⌈MURUB4⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR AN ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
375 6´
8´ 9´
15´ 16´
17´ 18´
19´ 20´
[....] of wrought silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini, Venus in Virgo, Mercury, in the beginning of the month, in Libra? [....] [....] receded [....,] 33 was the na (gauge); the 15th (and) 16th, the river level rose 8 fingers, 31 was the na (gauge); at the end of the month, the river [level ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... Night] of the 1st, very overcast, gusty wind. The 1st, clouds crossed the sky; in the afternoon, a little rain shower. Night of the 2nd, overcast; last part of the night, .... [....] [....] ...., there was a section of a rainbow in the east. Night of the 5th, clouds .... the sky [....] [... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Pis[cium ....] [.... x]+1 cubit [....;] last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, clouds were in the sky, the north? wind blew? [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, overcast, lightning, thunder, rain [....] [....] Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 10°; clouds were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] [....] there was a rainbow in the west. Night of the 18th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] .... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers behind α Leonis [....] [....] there was a rainbow in the west; the sky .... Night [....] [.... a sec]tion of a rainbow stretched? in the .... east. Night of the 23rd, middle watch [....] [....] ...., overcast, lightning flashed continuously, rain .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 41502
BM 41502 (= 81-6-25, 115)
BM 41502
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 875
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[....] 30 9? na-su KUR4 a-pir muš 1 [....] [.... GE6] 2 sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2 KÚŠ ⌈2⌉ [....] [.... S]A4? 2 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM e ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL KUR] šá KIR4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ ⌈3⌉ DIR AN ZA KUR G[IN ....] [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 5 sin ⌈e⌉ [...] [....] MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 2½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ [....] [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 8 sin e MÚL KUR [šá KIR4 šil PA ....] [.... ina] ⌈IGI AN⌉ 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 3½ KÙŠ ana SI [NIM ....] [....] 2? U ana NIM DIB GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG DIR [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ár SI MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ [....] [.... x]+1 sin ina IGI SUḪUR ár [....] [....] ⌈4,⌉30 ŠÚ a-ka[m ....] [....] ⌈GIN⌉ ina ZÁLAG [....]
2 3
4 5
6 7
´Rev. (blank as far as preserved)
10 11 12 13
[....] (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 9°?, it was bright, earthshine, measured. The 1st, [....] [.... Night] of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits in front of γ Virginis. The 2nd, [....] [....] 2 cubits [.... α Virgi]nis?, the moon being 2½ cubits high to the north, above .... [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky, the east wind bl[ew ....] [....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night of the 5th, the moon was [....] above [....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] β Scorpii, the moon being 2 cubits [....] [....] the moon stood ½ cubit to the west. Night of the 8th, the moon was [....] above ϑ [Ophiuchi ....] [.... (the moon)] stood 1½ cubits in front of Mars to the west, the moon being 3½ cubits [high] to the north [....] [....] having passed 2? fingers to the east. Night of the 10th, last part of the night, clouds [....] [....] .... the moon was 1 cubit behind β Capricorni [....] [.... night of the x]+1st, the moon was [....] in front of δ Capricorni [....] [....] moonset to sunrise: 4° 30´, mist [....] [....] blew; last part of the night, [....]
´Rev. (blank as far as preserved)
BM 41518
BM 41518 (= 81-6-25, 131)
BM 41518
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Erabr]iri, the temple of Mad[anu ....] 3´ [....] ....-ri-ri, the temple of [....] —————————— 4´ [....] ...., measured; it was very faint. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] below Mer[cury ....] 5´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] 6´ [....] the moon was ⅔ cubit behind α Virginis. Night of the 10th, beginning [of the night, ....] 7´ [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 8´ [....] Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 20´; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind Jupiter [....] 9´ [....] Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus was [....] below ϑ Leonis [....] 10´ [....] 2½ cubits .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 10´ [....]
Copy: LBAT 872
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... É-rab-r]i-ri É dDI-K[UD ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ri-ri É d[....] —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈x muš⌉ ma-diš SIG GE6 2 sin SIG GU4-[UD ....] 5´ [....] ana NIM DIB GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 10 SAG [GE6 ....] 7´ [....] GE6 12 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA [....] 8´ [....] GE6 16 5,20 GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL-BABBAR [....] 9´ [....] GE6 21 USAN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ 27 21,10 KUR [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [.... SA]G ḪUN ⅔ KÙŠ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e⌉ [....] 3´ [....]1 KÙŠ 4 SI GE6 27 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 4´ [....] BIL-tu4 2(p) 4(b) ZÚ 1(p) 1(b) [....] 5´ [....] ina ABSIN ina TIL ITU ina RÍN in 15 [....] 6´ [.... E]N TIL ITU ZI IR ITU B[I ....] —————————— 7´ [....] ⌈ki⌉ PAP NU IGI GE6 3 sin [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x SAG⌉ [....] Comments Obv. 3´: Unfortunately, the damaged sign before ri-ri does not resemble rab.
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⅔ cubit [.... Ar]ietis [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....] Night of the 27th, last part of the [night, ....] 4´ [....] new (barley), 2 pān 4 sūt; dates, 1 pān 1 sūt [....] 5´ [....] in Virgo, at the end of the month, in Libra; around the 15th, [....] 6´ [.... un]til the end of the month, ZI IR. That month, [....] —————————— 7´ [....] when I watched, I did not see it. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] 8´ [....] .... beginning [....]
BM 41526–41537
BM 41526 (= 81-6-25, 139)
BM 41526
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 3½ cubits [....,] the moon having passed 1 cubit to the east. The 15th, .... [....] 3´ [....] its [....,] the noise of the sky was there. Night of the 18th, overcast; first part [of the night, ....] 4´ [....] .... The 19th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 20th, clouds cr[ossed] the sky. 5´ [....] overcast, dense fog, dew; the disk of the sun 6´ [looked like that of the moon ....] thunder, cloudburst, PISAN DIB, it hailed; first part of the night, rain .... 7´ [....] ...., moonrise to sunrise: 10° 30´; in the afternoon, lightning, thunder 8´ [....] rain DUL. Night of the 29th, clouds were in the sky 9´ [....] wool, 3 minas for 1 shek[el of silver ....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 867
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 3½ KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 15 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....]-šú GÙ AN-e GÁL-ši GE6 18 ŠÚ US[AN x x] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 19 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚLMÚL ŠÚ GE6 20 DIR AN D[IB] 5´ [....] ŠÚ IM.DUGUD DUGUD AN na-alšú ḪAB-rat šámaš 6´ [GIM šá sin ....] GÙ U AN rad PISAN DIB NA4 ŠUR USAN AN ⌈x⌉ 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 10,30 KUR ina KIN-SIG NIMGÍR GÙ U 8´ [.... A]N DUL-ḫa GE6 29 DIR ⌈AN ZA⌉ 9´ [....] SÍG 3 ma a-na 1 G[ÍN ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? (broken except for traces of a few signs)
´Rev.´? (broken except for traces of a few signs)
BM 41537 (= 81-6-25, 151)
BM 41537
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ GE6 14 ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 1? ½ KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ sin [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI DUR n[u-nu ....] 7´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL á[r šá SAG ḪUN ....] 8´ [....] KÙŠ 27 12 KUR [....] 9´ [....] ŠE-GIŠ 3(b) SÍG 3 [ma-na ....] 10´ [....] šá SI [....] 11´ [....] IGI [....]
´Flake´ 1´-2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... ½ cubit .... [....] 4´ [....] .... cubits [....] Night of the 14th, .... [....] 5´ [....] 1? ½ cubits [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η Pisci[um ....] 7´ [....] cubits [....;] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Ar[ietis ....] 8´ [....] cubits [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° [....] 9´ [....] sesame, 3 sūt; wool, 3 [minas ....] 10´ [....] northern? [....] 11´ [....] front [....]
Photo: JCF
BM 41552–41555
BM 41552 (= 81-6-25, 166)
BM 41552
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 880
Obv.´ 1´
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ana ŠÚ GUB [....]
´Rev. 1´
[x] ⌈x⌉ [....] na GENNA GE6 ⌈2⌉ [....] e LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ ⌈GE6⌉ 3 ⌈SAG GE6 sin⌉ [....] 3½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] ár dele-bat ana NIM IGI KUR NIM-a 11+[x na ....] GE6 5 sin e GÌR ár 1½? [KÙŠ] GE6 6 sin
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
(remainder blank)
Comments The moon moves from α Leonis to β Virginis in ca. 2 days. so either night of the 2nd or night of the 5th is an error. Lines 4´to 7´are scratched into dried clay.
[....] stood [....] to the west [....]
[....] .... [....] setting of Saturn to sunset: [....] Night of the 2nd, [....] 1½ cubits above α Leonis. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 3½ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west [....] first appearance [....] behind Venus to the east; it was bright (and) high, [rising of .... to sunrise:] 11+[x° ....] Night of the 5th, the moon was 1½? [cubits] above β Virginis Night of the 6th, the moon was
BM 41555 (= 81-6-25, 169)
BM 41555
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... D]IR NU PAP ka[l? ....] 3´ [.... šá] ⌈še⌉-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈ana?⌉ NIM UŠ GE6 19 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈bu⌉-tuq-tu4 dTIR-A[N ....] 6´ [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 21 kal [GE6 ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB U 1-šú GÙ-[šú ŠUB ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x MAḪ?⌉ ULÙ GIN GE6 22 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈e⌉ SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ [....] 10´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana N[IM DIB ....] 11´ [.... ILL]U TA 20 E[N ....] 12´ [....] KÙŠ? EN [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... cl]ouds, I did not watch; a[ll? ....] 3´ [....] 2 cu[bits .... η/μ] Geminorum [....] 4´ [....] became stationary [....] to the east. Night of the 19th, [....] 5´ [....] a section of a rainb[ow ....] 6´ [....] stood [....] cubits to the west. Night of the 21st, all [night, ....] 7´ [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky, it thunder[ed] once [....] 8´ [....] much? ...., the south wind blew. Night of the 22nd, [....] 9´ [....] 2 cubits above α Virginis [....] 10´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....,] the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the ea[st ....] 11´ [.... the river] level from the 20th un[til ....] 12´ [....] cubit, until [....]
Photo: JCF
BM 41557+42017
BM 41557 + 42017 (= 81-6-25, 171+639)
BM 41557 + 42017
Photo: YM
Copies: LBAT 878 (41557) and 945 (42017)
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG (x)] [.... ana U]LÙ SIG ina IGI MÚLBAB[BAR?] [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SI[G (x)] [.... x]+1,30 na DIR ⌈NU PAP⌉ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG GENNA e [.... GU]B? GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin [.... ina Z]ÁLAG sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN [.... K]UR NIM-a 16 na-su [.... s]in 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈dele-bat? 1⌉ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] ⌈ana⌉ NIM GUB GE6 8 [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM [.... D]IR muš GE6 13 [x x] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana U[LÙ SIG] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ár AN 1 KÙŠ [ana NIM GUB] [....] sin ina IGI SI4 [nn mm] [....] ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [x x] [....] USAN AN [x x] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] 4 ⌈x⌉ [x x] [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL? 2½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [x x] [.... MÚ]L IGI šá še-pít [MAŠ-MAŠ] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin e [x x] [....] a-kam KALAG ki [PAP NU IGI] [....] (blank)
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] ½ cubit low to the south [....] [....] low [to the sou]th, [....] in front of Jupiter? [....] .... ½ cubit low to the south [....] sunrise to moonset: [x]+1° 30´; clouds, I did not watch. [.... last] part of the night, Saturn was [....] above [.... stoo]d? [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [.... la]st part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Virginis [.... it was br]ight (and) high, visibility interval of [....:] 16° [.... the m]oon being 1 cubit low to the south. [....] (blank) —————————— [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] Venus?, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. [....] stood [....] to the east. Night of the 8th, [.... the moon was x]+1 cubits [....,] the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. [....] measured (despite) clouds. Night of the 13th, [....] [.... x]+1 cubits [low] to the sou[th.] [....] .... [....]
[....] Jupiter [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [.... stood] 1 cubit behind Mars [to the east.] [....] the moon was [....] in front of α Scorpii [....] low to the south .... [....] [....] first part of the night, Mars [....] [....] .... [....] 4 .... [....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] .... [....] [....] η Gemi[norum] [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] [....] dense mist, when [I watched, I did not see (the moon).] [....] (blank)
BM 41567
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
—————————— [....] i-ṣa ana NIM DI[B x x] [.... S]AG GE6 sin [....] [.... m]uš 14 11 n[a x x] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
BM 41567 (= 81-6-25, 181) Copy: LBAT 877
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈e? x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [.... GE6] 19 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG
BM 41567 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[.... x]+1 ŠED7 šir ina ZÁLAG sin [....] ⌈šil⌉ PA 2 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....] ⌈½?⌉ KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] ITU BI KI.LAM še-im [.... 2]5 4(p) 3(b) 26 4(p) 2(b) 3 qa [.... 4]-ú EN TIL ITU 2(b) 3½ qa mi-šil 4-ú [.... TA] 21 EN 26 1 KÙŠ LAL [....] ⌈U8⌉.UDUḫá u LÚ-ut-tì [....] ŠÚ LAL ⌈x⌉ [x x]
—————————— [....] having passed a little to the east [....] [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was [....] [.... mea]sured. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° [....] [....] .... [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[....] above? .... [....] 1 cubit [....] .... [....] ...., the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. [.... Night] of the 19th, all night, very overcast [....,] the moon being 1 cubit low to the south.
[.... the x]+1st, the cold became severe; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 2 cubits [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi, the moon being 1½ cubits [low] to the south. [....] ½? cubit [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, [.... the 2]5th, 4 pān 3 sūt, the 26th, 4 pān 2 sūt 3 qa, [.... one-fou]rth, until the end of the month, 2 sūt 3½ qa (and) half of one-fourth; [.... from] the 21st until the 26th, (the river level) receded 1 cubit; [....] sheep and people [.... ] back [to?] the west .... [....]
BM 41587
BM 41587 (= 81-6-25, 202)
BM 41587
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MAŠ-MAŠ] šá SIPA ⅔ KÙŠ USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár MÙL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 2½ KÙŠ [....] 4´ [.... ] ⌈x x x ina? ZÁLAG? AN? SIG MÚL ár šá ALLA šá SI ½ KÙŠ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠMAŠ ½ KÙŠ i-ṣa dele-bat ana N[IM? DIB? ....] 6´ [....] ŠÚ GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN [....] 7´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ár RÌN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 13 8 Š[Ú? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 14 17 na MÚL-BABBAR GE6 ⌈15⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ GE6 10+[x ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... cubits [....].... [....] 2´ [....] ⅔ cubit [.... γ Gemi]norum; first part of the night, .... [....] 3´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind δ Cancri [....] 4´ [....] .... last? part of the night, Mars? was ½ cubit below γ Cancri [....] 5´ [....] .... Venus was ½ cubit above μ Geminorum, Venus [having passed?] a little to the e[ast ....] 6´ [....] overcast?. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Virginis [....] 7´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind α Librae. The 13th, moonset to sunrise?: 8° [....] 8´ [....] .... The 14th, sunset to setting of Jupiter: 17°. Night of the 15th, [....] 9´ [....] .... rain shower. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 888
BM 41589
BM 41589 (= 81-6-25, 204)
BM 41589
Photo: JCF
Copy: LBAT 884
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[.... n]a-su KUR4 muš SI GIN 1 SI [....] [.... ana UL]Ù SIG SI GIN ina ZÁLAG AN ZA ⌈5?⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 7 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA GÍ[R ....] [.... U]LÙ GIN GE6 9 kal GE6 [....] [.... m]eš GE6 10 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ana Š]Ú LAL DIR SAL AN ZA sin ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] i-ṣa ULÙ GIN 12 ina še-r[ì ....] [.... x]+1,30 ŠÚ DIR muš 13 ⌈GENNA⌉ [....] [A]N UTAḪ i-ṣa ULÙ GI[N ....] 15 ina še-rì [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
Edge at bottom of Rev. 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ⌈x x KI?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] uruA-pa-am-ʾa [....] 4´ [.... G]AL šá ina É-GAL BI GUB?-ʾu [....] 5´ [....]-ʾa-a ana tar-ṣa É-GAL GAR-ʾu [....] Left edge 1 [naṣār šá gi]-né-e šá TA [....]
[....] sunset to moonset: [....,] it was bright, measured; the north wind blew. The 1st, the north wind [....] [....] low [to the sou]th; the north wind blew; last part of the night, were in the sky. The 5th?, [....] [.... Night] of the 7th, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky, light[ning ....] [.... the s]outh wind blew. Night of the 9th, all night, [....] [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, very overcast, .... [....] [....] back [to the w]est; thin clouds were in the sky, the moon .... [....] [....] a little [....,] the south wind blew. The 12th, in the morn[ing, ....] [....,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+1° 30´; measured (despite) clouds. The 13th, Saturn’s [....] a little [ra]in shower, the south wind blew [....] The 15th, in the morning, [....] [....] .... [....]
Edge at bottom of Rev. 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] Apamea [....] 4´ [.... lar]ge [....] which stood in this palace [....] 5´ [....] .... were placed opposite the palace [....] Left edge 1 [Dia]ry from [....]
BM 41638
BM 41638 (= 81-6-25, 254)
BM 41638
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 889
1´ ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
Rev.´? 1 2 3
5 6
[....] ⌈ár⌉ GU4-UD 2 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB GE6 2⌈5⌉ [....] [....] ⌈SIG?⌉ GENNA 8 U 29 IM.DUGUD DUGUD ḪAB-rat šámaš GIM šá sin [....] [....] 4(p) PI kàs 1(g) GUR 1(p) 3(b) saḫle10 1 PI ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 5(b) SÍGḫá 4 m[a-na ....] [.... dele]-bat ina SAG ITU ina MÁŠ ina MURUB4 [ITU ina GU ina TI]L ITU ina zibme in 3 [....] [.... GI]N PAP 8 na ina MURUB4 ITU 2½ KÙŠ LAL PAP 23 na ——————————
[....] GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... MÚL]-MÚL 3 KÙŠ ŠÚ-ŠÚ 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI is le10 [....] [.... S]AG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá šepít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍRGÍR [....] [....] KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ 10 DIR AN DIB ina še-rì AN UTAḪ GE6 11 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG [GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x x x 12 DIR⌉ AN ZA GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin SIG LUGAL [....] [....] ⌈1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 13 30 NINDA ŠÚ ⌈13?⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 EN-NUN šá gi-né-e [....]
3´ 4´
Rev.´? 1
[....] stood 2 cubits behind Mercury to the east. Night of the 25th, [....] [....] 8 fingers below Saturn. The 29th, dense fog; the disk of the sun [looked] like that of the moon [....] [....] 4 pān; mustard, 1 kur 1 pān 3 sūt; cress, 1 pān; sesame, 5 sūt; wool, 4 mi[nas ....] [.... Ve]nus, in the beginning of the month, was in Capricorn, in the middle [of the month, in Aquarius, at the e]nd of the month, in Pisces; around the 3rd, [....] [.... the river level ro]se [....,] total: 8 was the na (gauge); in the middle of the month, it receded 2½ cubits, total: 23 was the na (gauge). ——————————
[....] Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of η Piscium [....] [....] 3 cubits [.... η] Tauri; very overcast. The 6th, very overcast. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Tauri [....] [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of η Geminorum; very overcast, lightning flashed continuously [....] [....] cubits [....;] last part of the night, overcast. The 10th, clouds crossed the sky; in the morning, rain shower. Night of the 11th, very overcast; beginning [of the night ....] [....] .... The 12th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below α Leonis [....] [....] being 1 cubit back to the west. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 30´. The 13th?, [....]
Lower edge 1 Diary [....]
BM 41652–41692
BM 41652 (= 81-6-25, 268)
BM 41652
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 8th, .... clouds were in the sky; the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] .... The 9th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, [....] 3´ [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was 2 [cubits] below β Tauri [....] 4´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] above γ Geminorum [....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Geminorum; last part of the night, overcast [....] 6´ [.... The 1]4th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 30´, I did not watch; in the morning, [....] 7´ [.... sunrise] to moonset: [....,] clouds, I did not watch; all day, clou[ds ....] 8´ [....] .... thick rain, much PISAN [DIB ....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 887
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GE6 8 DIR ⌈x x⌉ AN ZA sin ina [IGI ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 9 DIR AN ZA GE6 10 [....] 3´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin SIG šur SI 2 [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA [....] 5´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG ŠÚ [....] 6´ [.... 1]4 6,30 ŠÚ NU PAP ina še-rì [....] 7´ [.... n]a DIR NU PAP kal U4 DI[R ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN kab-bar PISAN MA[Ḫ DIB ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 41692 (= 81-6-25, 310) Copy: LBAT 898
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ina GARIMmeš [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] bir-bir-ru-šú [x] 4´ [....] MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 5´ [.... MÚ]L IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ 6´ [....] GE6 15 2,30 ME muš 7´ [.... e i]s le10 4½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ 8´ [.... si]n ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ 9´ [.... G]E6 25 ŠÚ-ŠÚ EN-NUN U4-ZAL 10´ [....] ABSIN ½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin 11´ [.... K]ÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 12´ [....] TA 1 EN 10 1(p) 1(b) 4-ú ⌈mi-šil⌉ 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ U4 3 4 5 2(b) 4½ q[a] 14´ [.... E]N TIL ITU 2(b) 2½ qa ⌈x⌉ [....] 15´ [....] ILLU GIN PAP 20+[x ....] 16´ [....] (blank)
BM 41692 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] in the irrigated districts [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] its? luminosity [....] 4´ [....] of Capricorn 2 cubits low to the south. 5´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] γ Capricorni. 6´ [....] Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 30´, measured. 7´ [.... the moon was] 4½ cubits [above] α Tauri, the moon being ½ cubit 8´ [.....] the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Geminorum. 9´ [.... Ni]ght of the 25th, very overcast; in the morning watch, 10´ [....] ½ cubit [....] Virginis; last part of the night, the moon was 11´ [....] it stood [.... cu]bits to the west, the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. 12´ [....] from the 1st until the 10th, 1 pān 1 sūt one-fourth (and) half of 13´ [....] ...., day 3, 4, (and) 5, 2 sūt 4½ qa 14´ [.... un]til the end of the month, 2 sūt 2½ qa .... [....] 15´ [....] the river level rose [....,] total: 20+[x ....] 16´ [....] (blank)
BM 41768–41814
BM 41768 (= 81-6-25, 387)
BM 41768
Photo: YM
´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below β Tauri 2´ [....] measured; last part of the night, the moon was 3½ cubits behind β Geminorum 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit above ρ Leonis 4´ [....] The 21st, clouds crossed the sky, rain DUL. 5´ [....] the 23rd?, clouds were? in the sky [....]
Copy: LBAT 896
´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [....] ⌈SAG GE6 sin SIG GIGIR šá SI 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 2´ [....] muš ina ZÁLAG sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3½ KÙŠ 3´ [.... G]E6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL TUR ½ KÙŠ 4´ [....] 21 DIR AN DIB AN DUL 5´ [....] ⌈23? DIR AN ZA?⌉ [....]
BM 41796 (= 81-6-25, 415)
BM 41796
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] crossed the sky. Night? [....] 2´ [....] ... The 23rd, Mercury’s [....] in .... [....] 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 26th, very overcast; first part of the night, Venus was [....] below .... [....] 4´ [.... The 2]8th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 30´; clouds, I did not watch; all day, [....] 5´ [....] became stationary [....,] having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night of the 30th, first part of the night, Venus? [....] 6´ [.... m]inas. At that time, Jupiter was in Gemini, Venus and Mercury were in .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 894
´Flake´ 1´ [.... A]N DIB ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 23 GU4-UD ⌈ina x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... G]E6 26 ŠÚ-ŠÚ USAN dele-bat SIG M[ÚL ...] 4´ [.... 2]8 15,30 KUR DIR NU PAP kal u4mu [....] 5´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB UŠ GE6 30 USAN ⌈dele-bat?⌉ [....] 6´ [.... m]a-na ⌈i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u GU4-UD ina x⌉ [....]
BM 41814 (= 81-6-25, 433)
BM 41814
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 900
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[MU]-⌈x x 3-KAM ŠU? 30⌉ 18 na-su ⌈KUR4⌉ muš sin ár SAG A 1½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ⌈ana ULÙ SIG⌉ [ina IGI] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ ⌈LAL⌉ [....]
2 3 4
[G]E6 4 sin [....] sin 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM ⌈x x x x⌉
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[Year] x+3. Month IV?, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 18°; it was bright, measured; the moon was 1½ cubits behind ε Leonis, the moon being .... cubits low to the south, 3 cubits [in front of] .... back to the west [....]
[Ni]ght of the 4th, the moon was [....] the moon being 1 cubit high to the north ....
BM 41832 3´ 4´ 5´
sin ár? ⌈x x⌉ 5? KÙŠ ⌈x x sin⌉ ⌈½? KÙŠ? x x SI? NIM? GE6 9 sin⌉ [....] ⌈sin x KÙŠ?⌉
387 3´ 4´ 5´
the moon was 5? cubits behind? ...., the moon being ½? cubit? .... high? to the north. Night of the 9th, the moon was [....] the moon being .... cubits?
BM 41832 (= 81-6-25, 451)
BM 41832
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... having passed? 5? fingers to the east [....] 3´ [....] fingers? low to the south. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 4´ [.... bl]ew. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, very overcast, a little rain shower [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, very overcast, the moon was surrounded by a halo, it [billowed?] very much [....] 6´ [.... the di]sk of the sun looked like that of the moon; all day, clouds [....] the sky [....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 30´; all night, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 8´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits below α Leonis, the moon having passed a little to the east [....] 9´ [....] having passed [....] to the east; clouds were in the sky, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 897
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x 5?⌉ U ana NIM D[IB? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈U?⌉ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 8 SAG GE6 ⌈sin⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GI]N GE6 11 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ i-ṣ[a ....] 5´ [....] GE6 12 SAG GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ sin TÙR NIGIN ma-⌈diš⌉ [....] 6´ [.... ḪAB]-rat dUTU GIM šá dsin IGI-LAL kal ME DIR AN [....] 7´ [.... GE6] 15 8,30 GE6 kal GE6 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 8´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB [....] 9´ [....] ana NIM DIB DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... AN] ZA ULÙ u KUR ŠÁRmeš GINmeš ŠÁR? [....] 3´ [.... U]LÙ GIN ina ZÁLAG MÚLBABBAR e MÚL KUR šá K[IR4 šil PA ....] 4´ [.... U]LÙ GIN 28 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN G[E6 ....] 5´ [....] 5(b) ina TIL ITU 1(g) GUR 2(p) PI kàs 2(g) GUR 2(p) [....] 6´ [....] ITU ina MÁŠ GENNA šá ŠÚ-ú ⌈NU IGI x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... were] in the sky, gusty south and east winds blew; .... [....] 3´ [.... the s]outh wind blew; last part of the night, Jupiter was [....] above ϑ Ophi[uchi ....] 4´ [.... the s]outh wind blew. The 28th, all day, very overcast, the south wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [....] 5 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 kur 2 pān; mustard, 2 kur 2 pān [....] 6´ [....] of the month, in Capricorn; Saturn, which had set, was not visible .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41855–41877
BM 41855 (= 81-6-25, 475)
BM 41855
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] it could be seen while the sun stood there; earthshine; the moon was [....] below β [Scorpii ....] 4´ [....] 1⅔ cubits [....] .... Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 5´ [....] gusty wind, rain shower. The 3rd, in the morning, a rainbow [stretched] in the west [....] 6´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits behind δ Capricorni. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, [....] 7´ [....] .... very overcast. The 10th, in the morning, overcast, a rainbow stret[ched] on the west side [....] 8´ [....] one third of the disk to the north, Saturn entered the moon [....] 9´ [....] when the moon? came out from mist, it was 2 fingers [....] .... [....] 10´ [.... The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 20´. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 9°; first part of the night, [....] 11´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was [....] behind μ Geminorum [....] 12´ [....] 20 fingers [....] .... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was in [front of ....] 13´ [.... un]til the 21st, Jupiter, [while ....] to [....]
Copy: LBAT 893
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [.... ina] šámaš GUB IGI AGA a-pir sin SIG MÚL AN-T[A šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 2 sin ina IGI MÚL KUR šá šil P[A ....] 5´ [.... I]M ŠÁR AN UTAḪ 3 ina še-rì TIRAN ina MAR [....] 6´ [....] sin ár MÚL ár SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ 10 ina še-rì ŠÚ TIR-AN Á MAR G[IB ....] 8´ [....] šal-šú ḪAB-rat ana SI GENNA ana ŠÀ sin K[U4 ....] 9´ [.... si]n? TA a-kam ki E-a 2 SI [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... 13 x,]20 na GE6 14 9 GE6 USAN [....] 11´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ár MÚL ár šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ [....] 12´ [.... á]r? 20 SI GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina [IGI ....] 13´ [.... E]N 21 MÚL-BABBAR ana [....]
BM 41877 (= 81-6-25, 497)
BM 41877
Photo: YM
Obv. broken; Rev.´ 1 [....] .... blew?. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 30´, measured. Night of the xth, [....] 2 [....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. Night of the 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 9° 50´ [....] 3 [....] 3 cubits [.... η Pis]cium. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below η [Piscium? ....]
Copy: LBAT 892
Obv. broken; Rev.´ 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN 12 12,30 ŠÚ muš {x} ⌈GE6 x⌉ [....] 2 [....] KÙŠ sin 8 U ana NIM DIB GE6 15 9,50 [GE6 ....] 3 [.... DUR n]u-nu 3 KÙŠ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚ[L KUR šá DUR nunu ....]
BM 41878–41883 4 5 6
[....] GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI is le10 ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG M[ÚL? ....] [....] ⌈x GIN x⌉ [....]
4 5 6
[....] Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit in front of α Tauri [....] [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] [....] .... blew? .... [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... EN] TIL KIN MU-1-[me- ....]
Lower edge 1 [.... until] the end of month VI, year 1 [hundred+x ....]
BM 41878 (= 81-6-25, 498)
BM 41878
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... fingers [....,] the moon being a little .... [....] 2´ [.... the m]oon was surrounded by a halo which was not closed. The 18th, .... [....] 3´ [.... fir]st part of the night, Venus was [....] below ϑ Ophiu[chi ....] 4´ [....] very overcast; first part of the night, Saturn, while moving back to the east, [....] 5´ [....] ... first appearance; visibility interval: 15° 30´ [....] 6´ [....] 1 [cubit?] .... β Virginis [....] 7´ [.... ] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 901
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ U sin i-ṣa ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... s]in TÙR NU KÁD NIGIN 18 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... U]SAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá KIR4 š[il PA ....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ USAN GENNA ana NIM ina L[AL-šú ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI 15,30 na-su [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÌR ár šá A 1 [KÙŠ? ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 41883 (= 81-6-25, 503)
BM 41883
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? —————————— 1´ [Month ....,] (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), [sunset to moonset:] 14°? x´ [....] 2´ [Night of the xth,] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 7th, beginning [of the night, ....] 4´ 6 cubits [.... ϑ?] Leonis [....] 5´ [....] lightning, thunder, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 907
´Obv.´? —————————— 1´ [x x] 30 14?,x [na-su? ....] 2´ [GE6 x] SAG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] 3´ [x x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 7 SAG [GE6 ....] 4´ [GIŠ.KUN?] A 6 KÙŠ [....] 5´ [x x x] GÍR GÙ U ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 3´ APIN 30 13,10 na-su KUR4? [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ .... [....] —————————— 3´ Month VIII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 13° 10´; it was bright? [....]
390 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 41889–41896 GE6 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2½ KÙŠ 6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ G[E6 ....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 10+[x ....] 4,30 GE6 muš SAG G[E6 ....] GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] ina ⌈ZÁLAG sin ár?⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Night of the 4th, very overcast. The 4th, very overcast, .... [....] 2½ cubits [....] The 6th, very overcast. Ni[ght ....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] sunset to moonrise: 4° 30´, measured; beginning of the ni[ght, ....] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind? [....]
Left edge 1 [....] .... [....]
BM 41889 (= 81-6-25, 509)
BM 41889
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... clouds? [....] 2´ [....] first appearance [in] Aquarius. That month, a .... [....] 3´ [....] .... as follows: .... [....] 4´ [....] let? it stand for you. [That] month, [....] 5´ [....] returned?. (erasure) 6´ [.... rain] shower. The 1st, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] .... overcast. Night of the 6th, all night clouds [....] the sky [....] 8´ [.... Mer]cury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn; clouds, I did not watch. Ni[ght ....] 9´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits below η Tauri, the moon being [....] 10´ [....] 4 fingers [....] ζ Tauri. Around the 10+[xth, ....] 11´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [α/β] Geminorum [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 910
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x DIR?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] ⌈GU⌉ IGI ITU BI ⌈LÚ? x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ um?-ma KUŠ zi-ka-nu? [....] 4´ [.... l]i?-iz-zi-za-ku-nu-šú ITU [BI ....] 5´ [....] GUR?meš (erasure) 6´ [.... AN] UTAḪ 1 DIR AN ZA SI GIN G[E6 ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GE6 6 kal GE6 DIR AN [....] 8´ [.... GU4]-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ DIR NU PAP G[E6? ....] 9´ [.... si]n SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ sin [....] 10´ [.... šur GI]GIR šá ULÙ 4 SI in 10+[x ....] 11´ [....] ⌈SAG GE6⌉ sin SIG MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 41896 (= 81-6-25, 516)
BM 41896
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] kept going [to? E]sangil 2´ [....] .... 23? days of jail? 3´ [....] (blank) ——————————
Copy: LBAT 903
´Flake´ 1´ [.... É]-sag-íl GIN.GIN 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉meš 23? u4-mu ki-li 3´ [....] (blank) ——————————
BM 41904–41917 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ½ KÙŠ GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin [.... AN] DUL-ḫa GE6 8 DIR AN ZA [.... GE6] ⌈x SAG⌉ GE6 IM-GÚ KALAG-tú [....] ⌈KUR?⌉ ú-mál-lu-ú [.... DI]R AN ZA 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
391 [....] ½ cubit [....] Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [.... rain] DUL. Night of the 8th, clouds were in the sky. [.... Night] of the xth, beginning of the night, heavy mud [....] filled the land? [.... clou]ds were in the sky. 2 .... [....] .... [....]
BM 41904 (= 81-6-25, 524)
BM 41904
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... cubits [....] 2´ [....] strong ...., thick rain, cloudburst [....] 3´ [....] stood [.... to] the east. The 21st, very overcast; in the mor[ning, ....] 4´ [....] The 22nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, [....] 5´ [....] 4 cubits [....] .... The 25th, overcast; in the after[noon, ....] 6´ [.... The 2]7th?, moonrise to sunrise: 11°, measured. Night of the 28th, .... [....] 7´ [.... min]as for 1 shekel of silver [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 908
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KALAG AN kab-bar rad [....] 3´ [.... ana] NIM GUB 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina š[e-rì ....] 4´ [....] 22 DIR AN ZA GE6 23 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 KÙŠ 25 ŠÚ ina KIN-S[IG ....] 6´ [.... 2]7? 11 KUR muš GE6 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... ma-n]a a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 41908 (= 81-6-25, 528)
BM 41908
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x sin?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SIG MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 2½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 3´ [.... U]SAN dele-bat SIG SI4 6 SI GE6 14 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 4´ [....] ⌈3⌉ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM DI[B ....] 5´ [....] ina IGI šur GIGIR šá ULÙ [....] 6´ [.... GE6 2]0 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the moon? [....] 2´ [....] 2½ cubits below ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 3´ [.... fir]st part of the night, Venus was 6 fingers below α Scorpii. Night of the 14th, last part [of the night, ....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [....,] the moon having passed ⅔ cubit to the east [....] 5´ [....] in front of ζ Tauri [....] 6´ [.... Night of the 2]0th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41917 (= 81-6-25, 538)
BM 41917
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... very overcast, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 909
Copy: LBAT 913
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ-ŠÚ? x x⌉ [....]
392 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
BM 41923–41926 [....] 12 GE6 TA MAR ana ULÙ Z[ÁLAG? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina AN-KU10-šú SI GIN in 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GIN DIR AN ZA GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI [....] [.... MÚ]L ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 3½ KÙŠ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 10+[x ....] [.... MÚL] IGI šá SAG ḪUN 1½ KÙŠ GE6 24 24 ŠÚ? [....] [....] ⌈x ina x UŠ⌉ NU PAP 27 14,20+[x KUR ....]
2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
[.... in] 12° of night it cl[eared?] from west to south [....] [....] .... in its eclipse, the north wind blew; at 1,0° .... [....] [....] blew?; clouds were in the sky. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] 3½ cubits [....] δ Capricorni; very overcast. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Arietis. Night of the 24th (and) the 24th, overcast? [....] [....] .... became stationary in ....; I did not watch. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 14° 20+[x´....]
BM 41923 (= 81-6-25, 544)
BM 41923
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 8 U ana NIM DIB IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚL KUR] šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 3´ [....] MÚL-MÚL 3½ KÙŠ SIG MÚ[LBABBAR ....] 4´ [.... x]+½ KÙŠ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] 5´ [.... ina I]GI MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 2 [KÙŠ ....] 6´ [.... ki T]AB-ú 2½ KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI KI.⌈LAM⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] first appearance [....,] having passed 8 fingers to the east .... [....] 2´ [....] 2 cubits [.... η] Piscium. Night [....] 3´ [....] 3½ cubits [....] η Tauri, [....] below Jup[iter ....] 4´ [.... x]+½ cubit [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 5´ [....] 2 [cubits in] front of δ Cancri [....] 6´ [.... (solar eclipse) .... when] it began, 2½ cubits in front of .... [....] 7´ [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41926 (= 81-6-25, 547)
BM 41926
Copy: LBAT 914 Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 915 Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] muš SIG ana šámaš NIM sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪU[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin SIG šur SI 14 S[I ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA sin TÙR NIGIN 5 DIR [....]
´Obv.´ 1´-3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....,] measured; it was faint, it was high to the sun; the moon was [....] behind α Arietis [....] [....] .... Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 14 fingers below β Tauri [....] [....] ...., clouds were in the sky; the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 5th, clouds [....]
BM 41928 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá ALL[A ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 SI ana ŠÚ GUB GE6 12 [....] [....] sin SIG SA4 šá ABSIN [....] [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈SIG?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
393 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] TÙR ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... S]IG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... A]N ZA ina KIN-SIG GÍR G[ÍR ....] [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina SAG RÍN in ⌈x⌉ [....] [....]meš ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [γ/δ] Cancri [....] [....] it stood 4 fingers [in front of ....] .... to the west. Night of the 12th, [....] [....] the moon was [....] below α Virginis [....] [.... last part] of the night, the moon was [....] in front of the lower star of [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] halo .... [....] [....] 2½ [cubits] below γ Virginis [....] [....] were in the sky; in the afternoon, lightning fla[shed ....] [.... Ju]piter was in the beginning of Libra; around the xth, [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 41928 (= 81-6-25, 549)
BM 41928
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... overcast?, .... [....] 2´ [.... (winds) b]lew. The 4th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 3´ [.... cl]ouds crossed the sky, lightning flashed, thunder, .... [....] 4´ [....] it stood [x]+½ cubit to the east. The 7th, thin clouds were in the sky, clouds [....] 5´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 4 fingers in front of β Virginis, [it was set] toward its inside [....] 6´ [....] large [....,] PISAN? DIB?, the south and east winds blew. The 10th, in the morning, [....] 7´ [....] .... blew; in the after[noon, ve]ry overcast. Night of the 12th, very overcast, the north wind blew. The 12th, [....] 8´ [....] in the morning, [.... cross]ed?, lightning flashed, it thundered once [....] 9´ [....] cubits? [....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 4°? [x´]; clouds, I did not watch; clouds were in the sky, .... [....] 10´ [.... The 1]8th, thin clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, very overcast [....] 11´ [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, beginning of the night, clouds [....] 12´ [....] .... 22nd, [....]
Copy: LBAT 918
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]IN-ʾu 4 DIR A[N ....] 3´ [.... D]IR AN DIB GÍR GÍR GÙ U ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... x]+½? KÙŠ ana NIM GUB 7 DIR SAL AN ZA ⌈DIR⌉ [....] 5´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI GÌR ár šá A 4 U ana ŠÀ-[šú kunnu ....] 6´ [.... GA]L-GAL ⌈PISAN?⌉ DIB? ULÙ u KUR GIN-ʾu 10 ina še-r[ì ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN ina KIN-[SIG Š]Ú?-ŠÚ GE6 12 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN 12 [....] 8´ [....] ina še-rì [x x DI]B? GÍR GÍR U 1-šú GÙ-šú Š[UB ....] 9´ [....] KÙŠ? 15 ⌈4?⌉ [x n]a DIR NU PAP DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... 1]8 DIR SAL AN ZA SI GIN GE6 19 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 11´ [.... G]E6 21 SAG GE6 ⌈DIR⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x 22⌉ [....]
BM 41934–41942
BM 41934 (= 81-6-25, 555)
BM 41934
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....]-ʾu DI-KUD ana U[GU ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ qa la ád [....] —————————— 3´ [.... GE6] 4 SAG GE6 sin SIG [....] 4´ [.... s]in ár MÚL ár šá SUḪ[UR MÁŠ ....] 5´ [.... šá SAG ḪU]N 3 KÙŠ ina IGI MÚLBAB[BAR ....] 6´ [....] GIGIR šá SI 3 [mm ....] 7´ [.... Ḫ]AB-rat ana S[I? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ 7?⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... a verdict? against [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 3´ [.... Night] of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 4´ [....] the moon was [....] behind δ Capri[corni ....] 5´ [....] 3 cubits [.... α/β Arie]tis, [it stood ....] in front of Jupiter [to the west ....] 6´ [....] 3 [....] β Tauri [....] 7´ [....] of the disk to the no[rth? ....] 8´ [....] .... cubits [....] The 7th?, [....]
BM 41938 (= 81-6-25, 559)
BM 41938
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ? x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... S]A4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 16 GU4-UD [....] 3´ [....] ana NIM DIB GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI [....] 4´ [....] GE6 22 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN DUL-ḫat ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 5´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ár AN 2 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB [....] 6´ [.... MAŠ-MA]Š? ár 2 KÙŠ DIR AN ZA 24+[x ....] 7´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 29 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ITU 3(p) 3(b) ZÚ 2(p)+[x ....] 9´ [....] MÚL-BABBAR ina GU [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] cubits? .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] α Virginis. The 16th, Mercury’s [....] 3´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 22nd, very overcast, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 5´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] it stood 2 cubits behind Mars to the east [....] 6´ [....] 2 cubits [....] β Ge[minorum?;] clouds were in the sky. The 24+[xth, ....] 7´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 29th, overcast .... [....] 8´ [....] of the month, 3 pān 3 sūt; dates, 2+[x] pān [....] 9´ [....] Jupiter was in Aquarius [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41942 (= 81-6-25, 563)
BM 41942
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] first appearance ....; clouds, I did not watch; all d[ay?, ....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [....] ε Leonis, the moon being [....] 4´ [....] clouds, I did not watch; all night, [....]
Copy: LBAT 921
Copy: LBAT 916
Copy: LBAT 919
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI DIR NU PAP kal U[4? ....] 3´ [....] SAG A 1 KÙŠ sin [....] 4´ [....] DIR NU PAP kal GE6 [....]
BM 41943–41947 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... ana S]I NIM 16 SI GIN G[E6 ....] [.... ana] NIM DIB 18 SI G[IN ....] [.... K]ÙŠ ana SI NI[M ....] [....] ⌈x NI x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] high [to the no]rth. The 16th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] [....] having passed [....] to the east. The 18th, the north wind bl[ew ....] [.... cu]bits high to the north [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 41943 (= 81-6-25, 564)
BM 41943
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 4 SAG G[E6 ....] 3´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] SAG GE6 sin e MÚL [....] 5´ [....] ár GÌR ár šá A 2+[x mm ....] 6´ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 1 [mm ....] 7´ [.... S]AG GE6 DIR AN DIB [....] 8´ [.... MÚL KUR šá KI]R4 šil PA 3½ KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 9´ [.... G]E6 28 ŠÚ 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 10´ [....] SÍG 2½ ma i-nu-š[ú ....] 11´ [....] ana GAŠAN Eki ana [....] 12´ [....] UŠ ina ŠÀ [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 4th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [η/μ] Geminorum, the moon being .... [....] 4´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 5´ [....] 2+[x ....] behind β Virginis [....] 6´ [....] 1 [....] α Virginis [....] 7´ [.... be]ginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky [....] 8´ [....] 3½ cubits [.... ϑ Ophi]uchi. Ni[ght ....] 9´ [.... Ni]ght of the 28th, overcast. The 28th, very overcast [....] 10´ [....] wool, 2½ minas. At that time, [....] 11´ [....] for the Lady of Babylon for [....] 12´ [....] followed?, inside [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41947 (= 81-6-25, 568)
BM 41947
Copy: LBAT 922 Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 928 Photo: YM
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [.... G]E6 3 sin e RÍN šá UL[Ù ....] 2´ [.... G]E6 6 SAG GE6 sin ⌈e⌉ [....] 3´ [.... M]ÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ [....] 4´ [.... 1]4 8 na dele-bat 14 GU4-U[D ....] 5´ [....] ana NIM DIB in 15? [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN 2 KÙŠ ana [....] 7´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ina IGI [....] 8´ [....] ⌈5?⌉ KÙŠ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [.... Ni]ght of the 3rd, the moon was [....] above α Librae [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....] Capricorni, the moon being 2 cubits [....] 4´ [.... The 1]4th, visibility interval of Venus: 8°. The 14th, Mercury’s [....] 5´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. Around the 15th?, [....] 6´ [....] .... Mars being 2 cubits to [....] 7´ [.... last part of the] night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 8´ [....] 5? cubits [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41953–41957
BM 41953 (= 81-6-25, 574)
BM 41953
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin ár LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ [....] 3´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ IGI DIB GE6 27 ina Z[ÁLAG ....] 4´ [.... 2]7 15,20 KUR 28 13 ME ana ⌈ŠÚ šámaš⌉ [....] 5´ [....] GÌR ár šá A 6 SI ITU BI KI.[LAM ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ kàs 3(p) 2(b) ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon was ⅔ cubit behind α Leonis [....] 3´ [.... Me]rcury’s first appearance in the west, omitted. Night of the 27th, last [part of the night, ....] 4´ [.... The 2]7th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 20´. The 28th, 13° before sunset, [solar eclipse ....] 5´ [....] 6 fingers [....] β Virginis. That month, the equi[valent was: ....] 6´ [....] ....; mustard, 3 pān 2 sūt, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Lower edge? 1 [naṣār šá gi-né-e] šá TA BAR? [....]
Lower edge? 1 [Diary] from month I? [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] GE6 11+[x ....] 2´ [.....] ⌈x⌉,10 ŠÚ m[uš? ....] 3´ [.... x,]30 GE6 ina ZÁLA[G ....] 4´ [.... 1]8 DIR AN ZA [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] Night of the 11+[xth, ....] 2´ [....] moonset to sunrise: x° 10´, mea[sured? ....] 3´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´; last part of the night, [....] 4´ [.... The 1]8th, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41957 (= 81-6-25, 578)
BM 41957
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] cubits 5 [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 21st, very overcast, lightning flashed [....] 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cu[bit] in front of α Scorpii [....] 4´ [.... x]+1 pān 4 sūt; dates, 3 pān 2 sūt; mustard, 1 kur [....] 5´ [.... Mercu]ry’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars [....] 6´ [....] (blank) —————————— 7´ [....] ½ cubit [.... η Pis]cium. The 6th, Saturn’s [....] in Vir[go ....] 8´ [.... fr]om the 5th until the 9th?, [....]
Copy: LBAT 933
Copy: LBAT 932
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] KÙŠ 5 [....] 2´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR [....] 3´ [.... G]E6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI4 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... x]+1(p) 4(b) ZÚ-LUM 3(p) 2(b) kàs 1(g) ⌈GUR?⌉ [....] 5´ [.... GU4-U]D ina NIM ina PA IGI GENNA ina ABSIN AN [....] 6´ [....] (blank) —————————— 7´ [.... DUR n]u-nu ½ KÙŠ 6 GENNA ina ABS[IN ....] 8´ [.... T]A 5 EN ⌈9?⌉ [....]
BM 41959–41962
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x SIG⌉ MÚL KUR šá DUR n[u-nu ....] 4´ [.... KÙ]Š ana ŠÚ LAL ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR GÙ U MAḪ AN kab-b[ar ....] 5´ [.... á]r ⌈šá še-pít⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ 3+[x] U GE6 11 ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] .... below η Piscium [....] 4´ [.... cub]its back to the west; very overcast, lightning flashed, much thunder, thick rain [....] 5´ [....] 3+[x] fingers [....] μ Geminorum. Night of the 11th, .... [....]
BM 41959 (= 81-6-25, 580)
BM 41959
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina zibme ina? x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... i]-ṣa ana NIM DIB e dele-bat 2 KÙŠ [....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SI[PA ....] 4´ [.... ana] SI NIM 7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ ŠÁR AN UT[AḪ? ....] 5´ [....] sin ár LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ GE6 11 SAG G[E6 ....] 6´ [.... m]uš SAG GE6 sin ár DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [.... GE6] 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [....] šá KIR4 šil PA 1½ KÙŠ ⌈SIG?⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 20+[x ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Jupiter was in Gemini, Venus was in Pisces, in .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] having passed a little to the east, 2 cubits above Venus [....] 3´ [....] very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above γ Gemino[rum ....] 4´ [....] being [....] high to the north. The 7th, very overcast, gusty south wind, rain sho[wer?, ....] 5´ [....] the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Leonis. Night of the 11th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 6´ [.... measu]red; beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cu[bit] behind γ Virginis [....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cu[bit] in front of α Librae [....] 8´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi, below? [....] 9´ [....] .... The 21st, very overcast. Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
BM 41962 (= 81-6-25, 583)
BM 41962
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] first appearance in Aquarius; clouds? [....] 3´ [....] crossed [....] Night of the 6th, beginning [of the night, ....] 4´ [.... in] front of β Tauri [....]
Copy: LBAT 931
Copy: LBAT 929
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [....] ina GU IGI ⌈DIR?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] DIB GE6 ⌈6 SAG⌉ [GE6 ....] 4´ [.... ina] IGI šur GIGIR šá S[I ....]
BM 41964–41967
398 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] [....] 10 DIR AN ZA [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´
[.... begin]ning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] Geminorum [....] [....] The 10th , clouds were in the sky [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 41964 (= 81-6-25, 586)
BM 41964
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] and the maker of .... [....] 3´ [....] .... of the kings they placed [....] 4´ [....] (the moon) was bright, earthshine, measured; it could be seen while the sun stood there; the moon was [....] in front of μ? [Geminorum? ....] 5´ [....] it stood [....] behind Venus to the east. Night [....] 6´ [....] 4 cubits [....] .... The 4th, very overcast; in the afternoon, .... [....] 7´ [....] 1 cubit [....] .... Night of the 7th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in fr[ont of ....] 8´ [.... Night] of the 9th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] α Virginis [....] 9´ [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 10´ [....] .... Venus was [....] below α Geminorum [....] 11´ [.... sunset to] moonrise: [....,] measured? [....]
Copy: LBAT 926
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] u e-piš [x] ⌈x x⌉ mu ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉meš šá LUGALmeš il-tak-nu [....] 4´ [....] KUR4 a-pir muš ina šámaš GUB IGI sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈ár?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x ár⌉ dele-bat ana NIM GUB GE6 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 KÙŠ 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ GE6 7? SAG GE6 sin ina I[GI ....] 8´ [.... GE6] 9? SAG GE6 sin [x] SA4 šá ABS[IN ....] 9´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 12 SAG GE6 ⌈sin ina⌉ IGI MÚ[L ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x dele-bat⌉ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [....] 11´ [.... G]E6 muš? [....]
BM 41967 (= 81-6-25, 589)
BM 41967
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] stood [....] to the east. 2´ [....] .... [....] .... 3´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] α Arietis 4´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, Venus 5´ [....] ...., all night, clouds were in the sky 6´ [....] .... blew. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3°, measured (despite) clouds. 7´ [....] 1 cubit [....] δ Cancri. 8´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. 9´ [....] ...., the north wind blew [....]
Copy: LBAT 927
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... ana] NIM GUB 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ 3´ [.... MÚL] ár šá SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ 4´ [.... SA]G GE6 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG dele-bat 5´ [....] KA kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 14 3 ME DI[R mu]š 7´ [.... M]ÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA ULÙ ⌈GIN⌉ 9´ [....] ⌈x SI GIN⌉ [....]
BM 41973–41976
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ḫi 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá dEN GÁL-ši —————————— 3´ [....] ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá PA MAR GAR GIN ŠED7 šir 5´ [.... S]I GIN ŠED7 6´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ 8 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6? 10 8´ [.... i]n 12 GU4-UD 9´ [....] ⌈GE6?⌉ 14 kal ⌈ME? ŠÚ?⌉-ŠÚ 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....].... 2´ [....] there was .... of Bel. —————————— 3´ [....] last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. 4´ [....] .... wind, which was set to the west side, blew; the cold became severe. 5´ [.... the nor]th wind blew, cold. 6´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....] The 8th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. 7´ [....] .... Night? of the 10th, 8´ [.... ar]ound the 12th, Mercury’s 9´ [....] sunset to moonrise?: [....] The 14th, all day? very overcast 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41973 (= 81-6-25, 595)
BM 41973
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 3rd? .... [....] 2´ [.... cu]bits [....,] the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] 3´ [....] The 9th?, in the morning, clouds were in the sky, the south wind bl[ew ....] 4´ [.... rain] DUL. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7°; clouds, I did not wa[tch ....] 5´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [....,] I did not watch. Night of the 15th, sunset to [moonrise:] 13° [....] 6´ [.... The 1]8th, in the afternoon, the south and east winds [....] 7´ [....] the moon was [....] behind δ Ca[pricorni? ....] 8´ [....] back [to the west?.] The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° [....] 9´ [.... un]til the middle of the month, 1 pān [....] 10´ [....] until the end of the month, [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 934
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈3? x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... K]ÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana N[IM DIB ....] 3´ [....] ⌈9?⌉ ina še-rì DIR AN ZA ULÙ G[IN ....] 4´ [....] DUL-ḫat 13 7 ŠÚ DIR NU P[AP ....] 5´ [....] na NU PAP GE6 15 13 G[E6 ....] 6´ [.... 1]8 ina KIN-SIG ULÙ u KUR [....] 7´ [....] sin ár MÚL ár šá S[UḪUR? MÁŠ? ....] 8´ [....] LAL 28 12 K[UR ....] 9´ [.... E]N MURUB4 ITU 1(p) [....] 10´ [....] EN TIL IT[U ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 41976 (= 81-6-25, 598)
BM 41976
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 2´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits in front of α Leonis. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 40´ .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 938
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 12 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] 2´ [....] sin ina IGI LUGAL 2½ KÙŠ 13 12,40 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 41978–41984
400 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
[.... GE6 1]7 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ GE6 18 [....] [.... GE6 2]1 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI4 2½ KÙŠ SIG GENNA 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [.... PIS]AN DIB GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈4(b)⌉ 4 qa kàs 3(p) 2(b) saḫ 1(p) 2(b) ina MURUB4 ITU 1(p) 4(b) [....] [....] ⌈x x GENNA? ina x AN⌉ ina MÁŠ ITU BI ILLU ½? [KÙŠ ....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[.... Night of the 1]7th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Virginis. Night of the 18th, [....] [.... Night of the 2]1st, last part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Scorpii, 1½ cubits below Saturn, the moon being ½ cubit [....] [.... PIS]AN DIB. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind δ Capricorni [....] [....] 4 sūt 4 qa; mustard, 3 pān 2 sūt; cress, 1 pān 2 sūt, in the middle of the month, 1 pān 4 sūt [....] [....] ....; Saturn was in ....; Mars was in Capricorn. That month, the river level [....] ½? [cubit ....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
BM 41978 (= 81-6-25, 600)
BM 41978
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [The xth, a]ll day, clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 cubit. The 18th, clouds were in the sky [....] 4´ [....] it became stationary [.... ϑ] Leonis, 1 cubit high to the north [....] 5´ [....] stood [....] to the east?. Night of the 22nd, clouds [....] the sky [....] 6´ [....] .... The 22nd, clouds were in the sky [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 943
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [x ka]l ME DIR AN ZA [....] 3´ [x x]+1 KÙŠ 18 DIR AN Z[A ....] 4´ [x GIŠ.KU]N A 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM UŠ [....] 5´ [x ana NI]M? GUB GE6 22 DIR A[N ....] 6´ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ 22 DIR AN ZA [....] 7´ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ u LU[GAL? ....] 2´ u i-na TE [....] 3´ ina KUR GAR-[á]t ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ a-na É LUGAL [....] 5´ BÁRA GU4 u S[IG? ....] 6´ ⌈È?⌉ IT[U BI ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ and the ki[ng? ....] 2´ and in .... [....] 3´ was set up in the land .... [....] 4´ to the house of the king [....] 5´ Months I, II and III? [....] 6´ came out?. [That] mon[th, ....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 41984 (= 81-6-25, 606)
BM 41984
Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 Di[ary ....]
Copy: LBAT 940
Upper edge 1 na-ṣ[ar šá gi-né-e ....]
BM 41989–42006 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[.... An-t]i-ʾu-ku-su [LUGAL ....] [.... G]E6 5 ŠÚ SAG G[E6 ....] [....] LUGAL 1 KÙŠ 4 SI si[n? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12 DIR AN [....] [....] DIR NU PAP 1⌈6⌉ [....] [.... x]+½ KÙŠ GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[.... King Ant]iochus [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 5th, overcast; beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [.... α?] Leonis, the moo[n? being ....] [....] .... Night of the 12th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] clouds, I did not watch. The 16th, [....] [.... x]+½ cubit [....] Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 41989 (= 81-6-25, 611)
BM 41989
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 942
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Rev.´ 1 2
[.... SI]G MÚL ár šá ⌈ALLA šá ULÙ ⌉ 8 U [....] KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ [....] e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [.... SAG G]E6 sin SIG SI MÁŠ 2 U [.... SUḪ]UR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] ana ULÙ SIG —————————— ?
[....] is le10 3 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Rev.´ 1 2
[....] 8 fingers [belo]w? δ? Cancri? [....] cubits [....,] the moon being 1½ cubits [....] 3 cubits above γ Geminorum [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 2 fingers below β Capricorni [....] 1 cubit [.... γ/δ Cap]ricorni, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. [....] low to the south. ——————————
[....] 3 cubits [....] α Tauri [....] ....
BM 42006 (= 81-6-25, 628)
BM 42006
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Mercury and Ma[rs? ....] —————————— 3´ [....] 4 cubits [....] Venus. The 1st (and) the 2nd, clouds [....] the sky [....] 4´ [....] γ Capricorni [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 9th, overcast [....] 6´ [....] the rear star of .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 936
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD u A[N? ....] —————————— 3´ [....] ⌈dele-bat⌉ 4 KÙŠ 1 2 DIR A[N ....] 4´ [.... M]ÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 9 ŠÚ [....] 6´ [.... MÚ]L ár šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈DA?⌉ [....]
BM 42008–42018
BM 42008 (= 81-6-25, 630)
BM 42008
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 937
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] PI 3(b) ZÚ 4(p) 1(b) k[a-si? ....] [.... dele-bat ina] ŠÚ ina TIL PA IGI GU4-UD ina [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR NU PAP GE6 1 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´
[....] .... [....] [....] pān 3 sūt; dates, 4 pān 1 sūt; mu[stard, ....] [.... Venus’] first appearance in the west in the end of Sagittarius; Mercury was in [....] —————————— [....]...., clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, .... [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... IG]I DIR NU ⌈PAP?⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2 [.... AN?] né-ḫi PISAN [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... first] appearance; clouds, I did not watch?.[....] .... [....] 2 [....] slow [rain?,] PISAN [....]
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
[....] .... [....]
BM 42013 (= 81-6-25, 635)
BM 42013
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x ITU⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ni-gu-tú ina KA L[UGAL? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KAL-tu4 ina šur-qa ina? [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉-šu-ú ana NÍG-GA [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... month [....] 2´ [....] .... merrymaking at the command of the k[ing? ....] 3´ [....] a precious .... by theft from [....] 4´ [....] .... to the possessions [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... K]U4?-ʾu ITU BI IBu?-ut-ta-k[u? ....] 3´ [.... ia-m]a?-na-a-a ina Eki i-te-pu-uš [....] —————————— 4´ [.... SAG] ⌈GE6 sin⌉ SIG GIŠ.KUN A 5 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [.... nn] ⌈U?⌉ ana NIM DIB EN 8? [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] they [ente]red?. That month, Byttak[os? ....] 3´ [.... a Gree]k? [....] he made in Babylon [....] —————————— 4´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 5 cu[bits] below ϑ Leonis [....] 5´ [....] having passed [....] fingers to the east; until the 8th?, [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42018 (= 81-6-25, 640)
BM 42018
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] low to the south. The 23rd, clouds [....] 2´ [....] fingers low to the south. The 25th, all [day, ....]
Copy: LBAT 939
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ana] ULÙ SIG 23 DIR [....] 2´ [....] SI ana ULÙ SIG 25 kal [ME ....]
BM 42028–42032 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... A]N ZA SI GIN GE6 28 USA[N ....] [.... IT]U 1(g) GUR 3(b) ina TIL ITU 1(g) GUR [....] [....]+½ qa EN TIL ITU 1 PI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI IT[U BI ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ GIN PAP 10 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ú⌉-še-piš [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ šá UD ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
403 [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 28th, first [part of the night, ....] [.... of the mo]nth, 1 kur 3 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 kur [....] [....]+½ qa, until the end of the month, 1 pān [....] [....] .... which had set, was not visible. [That] mon[th, ....] [.... (the river level)] rose [x]+1 cubit, total: 10 .... [....] [....] he performed [....] [....] .... which .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42028 (= 81-6-25, 650)
BM 42028
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... ina I]GI ⌈SI4?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 7? KUR DIR NU PA[P ....] 3´ [.... m]a-na i-nu-šú [....] 4´ [....] (blank) —————————— 5´ [.... ana NI]M DIB ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UT[AḪ ....] 6´ [....] ⌈sin SIG MÚL⌉ [....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... in] front of α Scorpii? [....] 2´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: 7°?; clouds, I did not watch [....] 3´ [.... mi]nas. At that time, [....] 4´ [....] (blank) —————————— 5´ [....] having passed [.... to the] east; very overcast, rain sho[wer ....] 6´ [....] the moon was [....] below [....]
Copy: LBAT 946 Photo: YM
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] 2´ [.... ABS]IN 2½ KÙŠ 10+[x ....] 3´ [.... G]E6 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10+[x ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 2´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... Vir]ginis. The 10+[xth, ....] 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 4´ [....] .... in the afternoon, .... [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42032 (= 81-6-25, 654)
BM 42032
Copy: LBAT 947 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SIG ina IGI 2´ [.... K]ÙŠ 3 SI GIN 3´ [....] 7 SI GIN 4´ [.... M]ÁŠ 20 SI 5´ [.... MÚL KUR šá DUR n]u-nu 1 KÙŠ 6´ [....] sin 8 SI 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ULÙ
´Flake´ 1 [....] low [....,] in front 2 [.... cu]bits [....] The 3rd, the north wind blew. 3 [....] The 7th, the north wind blew. 4 [....] 20 fingers [.... Cap]ricorni. 5 [....] 1 cubit [.... η] Piscium. 6 [....] the moon being 8 fingers 7 [....] .... to the south
404 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
BM 42034–42035 [....] ⌈sin?⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] ½? KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 20 SI ana UL[Ù SIG] [....] DIR ki PAP ⌈NU IGI⌉ [.... Z]ÁLAG? [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [.... GI]N?-ʾu
Right edge 1 [....]-⌈me-46⌉?-KAM Comments Right edge: The year number could consist of 50 instead of 40, and 7 or 8 instead of 6.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
[....] the moon? being ½ cubit back to the west. [....] ½? cubit low to the south. [....] 20 fingers [low] to the south. [....] clouds, when I watched, I did not see it. [....] last part of the night?, [....] .... [....] .... [.... bl]ew?
Right edge 1 [Year x]-hundred-46?.
BM 42034 (= 81-6-25, 656)
BM 42034
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] The 14th, very overcast, [....] 2´ [....] when it began, [....] 3´ [.... the nor]th? wind blew; in its eclip[se, ....] 4´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [x° x]+10´, measured; last part of the night, [....] 5´ [....] it became stationary .... Night of the 18th?, [....] 6´ [....] it stood ½ cubit [in front of ....] to the west [....] 7´ [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] 8´ [....] 2 sūt? 3 qa; dates, 1 kur [....] 9´ [....] first appearance ....; around the 17th, Saturn’s [....] in [....] ——————————
Copy: LBAT 948
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈14 ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....] 2´ [.... k]i-i TAB-ú [....] 3´ [.... S]I? GIN ina AN-K[U10-šú ....] 4´ [.... x, x]+10 GE6 muš ina ZÁLAG [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ UŠ GE6 18? [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB [....] 7´ [....] GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] 2(b)? 3 qa ZÚ-LUM 1(g) GU[R ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI in 17 GENNA ina [....] ——————————
BM 42035 (= 81-6-25, 657)
BM 42035
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 3 cubits [....] The 14th?, overcast, .... [....] 3´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 4´ [....] cubits [....] The 16th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] 3½ cubits [....] δ Capricorni. The 19th, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 949
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈3 KÙŠ 14?⌉ ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... s]in ár šil PA 2½ KÙŠ [....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ 16 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 10+[x ....] 5´ [.... SUḪ]UR ár 3½ KÙŠ 19 ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42037–42051 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x⌉ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana NI[M? DIB? ....] [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] [.... AN?] ⌈UTAḪ⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ 2⌈7?⌉ [....] [.... 2]9? ⌈x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
405 [....] ...., the moon [having passed?] 2½ cubits to the ea[st? ....] [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] [.... rain?] shower?, very overcast. The 27th?, [....] [.... The 2]9th?, .... [....]
BM 42037 (= 81-6-25, 659)
BM 42037
Photo: YM
´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [....] dele-bat? SIG 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SÍG 3 ma 3´ [.... elēnu a]-pa-a-tú šá ILLU kiš-šat GIN —————————— 4´ [....] GE6 3 sin ár 5´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉
´Flake´ (at right edge) 1´ [....] Venus? was [....] below 2´ [....] ....; wool, 3 minas 3´ [.... (the river level)] rose [above] the apertures of the peak flood. —————————— 4´ [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] behind 5´ [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was 6´ [....] ....
BM 42038 (= 81-6-25, 660)
BM 42038
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... f]og covered the sky [....] 3´ [.... fr]om the 1st until the 12th, [....] 4´ [....] 2 sūt?, from the 11th un[til ....] 5´ [....] 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, [....] 6´ [....] from the 11+[xth ....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 950
Copy: LBAT 955
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... IM].DUGUD AN ŠÚ-i[m ....] 3´ [.... T]A 1 EN 12 [....] 4´ [....] 2(b)? TA 11 E[N ....] 5´ [....] 2(p) 3(b) saḫ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈TA⌉ 11+[x ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42051 (= 81-6-25, 673) Copy: LBAT 959 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] IGI GIŠ.KUN UR 2 KÙŠ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG [....] 4´ [.... Š]Ú? GE6 25 SAG GE6 [....] 5´ [....] GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG GÍ[R ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šámaš? ina TIL? [....]
BM 42051 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] cubit(s) back to the west .... [....] 2´ [....] 2 cubits [in] front of ϑ Leonis [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] .... Night of the 24th, last part of the night, [....] 4´ [.... over]cast?. Night of the 25th, beginning of the night, [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, light[ning ....] 6´ [....] .... the sun? in the end? [....]
BM 42055–42059
BM 42055 (= 81-6-25, 677)
BM 42055
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 2´ 1½ cubits [....,] behind .... [....] 3´ 2 cubits above α Tauri [.... Night] 4´ of the 24th, last part of the night, Jupi[ter ....] 5´ .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 956
´Obv.´? 1´ SAG GE6 sin [....] 2´ 1½ KÙŠ ár S[AG? ....] 3´ e is le10 2 KÙ[Š .... GE6] 4´ 24 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-B[ABBAR ....] 5´ ⌈x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ I[TU BI K]I.LAM š[e-im ....] 2´ a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR [....] —————————— 3´ ⌈KIN⌉ 1 13 na GE6 1 [....] 4´ [MÚL x šá] SAG GÍR-TAB 2 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] Left edge 1 [naṣār šá gi]-né-e šá TA [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [That] month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] 2´ for 1 shekel of silver [....] —————————— 3´ Month VI, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month,) sunset to moonset: 13°. Night of the 1st, [....] 4´ 2 [.... δ/β] Scorpii [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] Left edge 1 [Diar]y from [....]
BM 42058 (= 81-6-25, 680)
BM 42058
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ME muš USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 18 USAN dele-bat [....] 5´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] moonrise to sunset: [....,] measured; first part of the night, Venus was [....] below the front star of [....] 3´ [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was .... in front of γ Virginis [....] 4´ [....] back to the west. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] 5´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....]
BM 42059 (= 81-6-25, 681)
BM 42059
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] a little [rain] shower, the north wind blew. Ni[ght? ....] 2´ [....] a little [rain sho]wer, all day, clouds [....] 3´ [....] very overcast, rain shower, all d[ay, ....]
Copy: LBAT 951
Copy: LBAT 952
´Flake´ 1´ [.... AN] UTAḪ i-ṣa SI GIN G[E6? ....] 2´ [.... AN UTA]Ḫ i-ṣa kal ME DIR [....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ kal M[E ....]
BM 42062–42068 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... ana] ULÙ SIG 7 ULÙ GIN [....] [....] LAL DIR AN ZA SI [....] [....] AN-BAR7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈SI? GIN?⌉ 12 D[IR? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
407 [....] low to the south. The 7th, the south wind blew [....] [....] back [....;] clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....] [....] at noon, very overcast [....] [....] the north? wind blew?. The 12th, cl[ouds? ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42062 (= 81-6-25, 684)
BM 42062
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ULÙ GIN⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GIN 4 DIR AN [....] 3´ [.... AN-B]AR7 AN UTAḪ [....] 4´ [.... ina Ḫ]UN IGI KUR NIM-a [....] 5´ [....] ana NIM DIB GE6 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GI[N ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ RÍN ⌈šá?⌉ ULÙ [....] 8´ [.... ina KIN]-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI [....] 9´ [....] ⌈sin?⌉ e MÚL [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the south wind blew [....] 2´ [....] blew. The 4th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 3´ [.... at n]oon, rain shower [....] 4´ [....] first appearance [.... in A]ries; it was bright (and) high, [....] 5´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. Night [....] 6´ [....] .... very overcast, the north wind bl[ew ....] 7´ [....] .... α Librae [....] 8´ [.... in the after]noon, very overcast, the north wind [....] 9´ [....] the moon? was [....] above .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42068 (= 81-6-25, 690)
BM 42068
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... Night] of the 20th, first [part of the night, ....] 2´ [....] 2 cubits [....] Jupiter [....] 3´ [....] became stationary [.... T]aurus [....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [....;] first [part of the night, ....] 5´ [....] (ideal) first appearance on the 23rd. Night of the 26th, [....] 6´ [....] it stood [....] to the east. Night of the 30th, [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 961
Copy: LBAT 957
´Flake´ 1´ [.... GE6] 20 US[AN ....] 2´ [.... M]ÚL-BABBAR 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... MÚ]L-MÚL UŠ [....] 4´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ US[AN ....] 5´ [....] ⌈2⌉3 IGI GE6 26 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈ana NIM?⌉ GUB GE6 30 [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 42069–42075
BM 42069 (= 81-6-25, 691)
BM 42069
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [.... fr]om? the 18th until? .... [....] 4´ [....] 1 pān 4 qa, from [....] 5´ [....] reached Gemini, until the end of the mon[th ....] 6´ [.... n]a (gauge)?. That month, [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 960
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] xmeš [....] 3´ [.... T]A? 18 ⌈EN? x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 1 PI 4 qa ⌈TA⌉ [....] 5´ [.... M]AŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád EN TIL IT[U ....] 6´ [.... n]a? ITU BI [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42070 (= 81-6-25, 692)
BM 42070
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 958
Obv.´ 1 2 3
[....] ⌈x⌉ ŠU GE6 14 6,30 ME muš [....] ina IGI SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ 8 U [....] ⌈GE6? 16?⌉ [x] ⌈GE6?⌉ muš
Rev. blank as far as preserved
2 3
[....] .... Month IV, night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 30´, measured. [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of β Capricorni. [....] Night of the 16th?, sunset to moonrise?: [....,] measured.
Rev. blank as far as preserved
BM 42075 (= 81-6-25, 697)
BM 42075
Photo: YM
´Flake´ (on left edge) 1´ [....] Virginis [....] 2´ [.... light]ning on the [....] side [....] 3´ 1 cubit 8 fingers [....;] ZI IR .... [....] 4´ 1½ [cubits] in front of γ Capricorni [....] 5´ The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 30´. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 7° [....] 6´ [....] in front of the rear star of [....] .... [....] 7´ .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 973
´Flake´ (on left edge) 1´ [....] ABSIN [....] 2´ [.... NI]M-GÍR ⌈Á⌉ [....] 3´ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI ZI IR ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1½ [KÙŠ ....] 5´ 15 2,30 na GE6 16 7 GE6 [....] 6´ ina IGI ⌈MÚL ár⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ ⌈x⌉ [....] Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x x⌉ TA BAR [....]
Left edge 1 [....] .... from month I [....]
BM 42085–42086
BM 42085 (= 81-6-25, 707)
BM 42085
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit low to the south 4´ [.... until] the 6th, 1 pān 2 sūt, from the 7th 5´ [.... se]same, not good, 6´ [.... (the river level)] receded 1 cubit 8 fingers 7´ [....] .... of Esangil 8´ [....] the temple administrator 9´ [....] (blank) 10´ [....] the moon?
Copy: LBAT 975
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SI[G] 4´ [.... EN] 6 1(p) 2(b) TA 7 5´ [.... ŠE]-GIŠ-Ì NU DÙ-tú 6´ [....] 1 KÙŠ 8 SI LAL 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ É-sag-gíl 8´ [....] lúŠÀ-TAM 9´ [....] (blank) 10´ [....] ⌈sin?⌉ Right edge 1 [.... -K]AM
Right edge 1 [.... (year) ....] ....
BM 42086 (= 81-6-25, 708)
BM 42086
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 971
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 15 ⌈8?⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SAG ḪUN 2 KÙ[Š ....]
2´ 3´ 4´
Rev.´ 1
[.... GE6] ⌈21?⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI šur GIGIR šá SI 1½? [KÙŠ ....] [....] 27 17 KUR muš GE6 2[8 ....] [.... ZÚ-L]UM-MA 1(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) kàs 3(g) GU[R ....] [....] NU IGI ITU BI ILLU NU [PAP? ....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
2 3 4
[....] .... [....] [....] 15th, [....:] 8°? [....] [....] cubits behind .... [....] [....] 2 cubits [.... β/α] Arietis [....]
[.... Night] of the 21st?, last part of the night, the moon was 1½? [cubits] in front of β Tauri [....] [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°, measured. Night of the 2[8th, ....] [.... da]tes, 1 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; mustard, 3 kur [....] [....] was not visible. That month, I did not [watch?] the river level [....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
BM 42092–42104
BM 42092 (= 81-6-25, 714)
BM 42092
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... in fr]ont of .... [....] 3´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] That month, the equivalent was: [....] 5´ [.... Mercu]ry’s first appearance in the west in Taurus [....] —————————— 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] The 3rd, very overcast; in the aft[ernoon?, ....] 8´ [....] crossed? [....] Night of the 5th, [....] 9´ [.... Night] of the 7th, beginning of the night, [....] 10´ [.... begin]ning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 11´ [....] the moon was [....] below [α/β] Librae [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 967
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina I]GI MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] 4´ [.... IT]U BI KI.LAM [....] 5´ [.... GU4-U]D? ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL I[GI ....] —————————— 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] 3 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina K[IN-SIG? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈DIB?⌉ GE6 5 [....] 9´ [.... GE6] 7 SAG GE6 [....] 10´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] sin SIG RÍN [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42099 (= 81-6-25, 721) Photo: YM
This fragment was joined to Rm 820, see the Appendix
BM 42104 (= 81-6-25, 726)
BM 42104
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ .... [....] 2´ [....] the 26th, clouds [....] 3´ [the equi]valent was: bar[ley, ....] 4´ [fr]om the 11th until the 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 965
´Obv.´? 1´ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [x] ⌈26⌉ DIR [....] 3´ [KI].LAM še-i[m ....] 4´ [T]A 11 EN 10+[x ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42117 ´Rev.´? 1´ [x x] lúpu-li-[te ....] —————————— itu 2´ DU6 1 20 na-s[u ....] 3´ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ MÚL SIG šá SI MÁ[Š ....] 5´ 3,20 ME mu[š ....] 6´ GE6 16 ina ZÁLA[G ....] 7´ GE6 19 [....] 8´ SIG MÚL [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] the citiz[ens ....] —————————— 2´ Month VII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 20° [....] 3´ beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 4´ β Capricorni [....] 5´ moonrise to sunset: 3° 20´, measured [....] 6´ Night of the 16th, last part of the night, [....] 7´ Night of the 19th, [....] 8´ below .... [....]
BM 42117 (= 81-6-25, 739)
BM 42117
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 968
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI USA[N? ....] [....] SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá S[AG ḪUN] [.... GE6] 7 SAG GE6 DIR SAL AN ZA S[AG GE6 x] [....] KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 10 DIR AN ZA [.... x]+2 ⌈KÙŠ sin x⌉ [KÙŠ] ana ULÙ SIG 10 ULÙ GIN [....] ŠÁR AN E-SÍR [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 [.... MÚL I]GI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1? KÙŠ [.... G]IN GE6 12 [....] ⌈SIG? x x⌉ [....] ⌈ULÙ? x⌉
2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] .... [....] [....] first appearance? ....; first part [of the night?, ....] [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Arie[tis] [.... Night] of the 7th, beginning of the night, thin clouds were in the sky; beg[inning of the night, ....] [....] cubits low to the south. Night of the 10th, clouds were in the sky [.... x]+2 cubits [....,] the moon being .... [cubits] low to the south. The 10th, the south wind blew [....] gusty [.... wind,] rain so that the sandal [was (not) removed ....] .... Night of the 11th, [....] 1? cubit [....] η Geminorum [.... bl]ew. Night of the 12th, [....] below .... [....] south? ....
BM 42119–42128
412 Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[.... sin] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [.... k]al ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 14 [....] ⌈x⌉ MAḪ AN kab-bar rad [....] ⌈x⌉ [AN] ⌈UTAḪ? i? DIR AN ZA⌉ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár SAG A 1½ KÙŠ sin ⌈2?⌉ KÙŠ [ana ULÙ SIG ....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 7 GE6 ⌈x⌉ [x x] [....] 16 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... PIS]AN MAḪ DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... 1]8 DIR AN Z[A? ....] [....] kal ME D[IR? ....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
[.... the moon was] 1 cubit below β Geminorum, the moon being ½ cubit [....] all day, very overcast. Night of the 14th, [....] much ...., thick rain, cloudburst, [....] .... a little? [rain] shower?, clouds were in the sky. [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind ε Leonis, the moon being 2? cubits [low to the south ....] .... Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 7° .... [....] [....] The 16th, clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] [....] much PISAN DIB, .... [....] [.... The 1]8th, clouds were in the sky [....] [....] all day, cl[ouds? ....]
BM 42119 (= 81-6-25, 741)
BM 42119
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈MÚL-MÚL? x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... e MAŠ-MAŠ šá] SIPA 4 KÙŠ sin ½? [KÙŠ ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ME DIR muš 14 ŠÚ AN-⌈BAR7? x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... 1]5 AN-BAR7 DIR AN DIB AN kabbar [....] 5´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ dTIR-AN ina SI GIB [....] 6´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ina IGI SAG GÍRTAB 1 KÙŠ 8 U G[E6 ....] 7´ [....] né-ḫi PISAN DIB ina ZÁLAG GU4UD SIG ⌈MÚL⌉ [....] 8´ [....] USAN ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] η? Tauri .... [....] 2´ [....] 4 cubits [above γ Ge]minorum, the moon being ½? [cubit ....] 3´ [....] moonrise to sunset: ...., measured (despite) clouds. The 14th, overcast; at noon, .... [....] 4´ [.... The 1]5th, at noon, clouds crossed the sky, thick rain [....] 5´ [....] very overcast, rain shower, a rainbow stretched in the north [....] 6´ [.... last part] of the night, the moon was 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of β/δ Scorpii. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] slow [....,] PISAN DIB; last part of the night, Mercury was [....] below .... [....] 8´ [....] first part of the night, .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42128 (= 81-6-25, 751)
BM 42128
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... I did not] watch. Night of the 1st?, [....] 2´ [.... cross]ed? [....] The 4th, overcast, rain shower, .... [....] 3´ [....] fell outside. The 9th, .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 964
Copy: LBAT 963
´Flake´ 1´ [.... NU] PAP GE6 ⌈1?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... DI]B? 4 ŠÚ AN UTAḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ki-da-nu ŠUB-ut 9 ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42134–42140 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....]+½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG AN SIG RÍN šá SI 2 K[ÙŠ ....] [.... K]ÙŠ? 20 SI 13 14 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG DI[R ....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ 2 KÙŠ 15 ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] [....] 20 SI bu-tuq [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´
[.... x]+½ cubit [....;] last part of the night, Mars was 2 cu[bits] below β Librae [....] [.... cub]it? 20 fingers [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 14°; in the afternoon, clou[ds ....] [....] .... 2 cubits .... The 15th, very overc[ast ....] [....] 20 fingers; a section [of a rainbow? ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42134 (= 81-6-25, 757)
BM 42134
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 20 .... The 12th, [....:] 5°? [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ε Leo[nis ....] 3´ [....] 1⅔ cubits [....] γ Virginis. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. The 22nd, Mercury’s [....] 5´ [....] the moon was 2 [....] behind α Scorpii [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 974
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 20 ⌈x⌉ 12 ⌈5?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SAG? [A ....] 3´ [.... DELE šá] IGI ABSIN 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 10+[x ....] 4´ [....] ana NIM [DI]B 22 GU4-UD [....] 5´ [....] sin ár S[I4] 2 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42138 (= 81-6-25, 761) Copy: LBAT 969 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 2´ [.... G]E6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin 3´ [.... s]in ina IGI šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 4´ [....] (erasure) USAN 5´ [....] (erasure) šá ⌈ULÙ⌉ 6´ [.... á]r GU4-UD 2 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ Right edge 1 ⌈EN-NUN⌉ šá g[i-né-e ....]
BM 42138 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 3´ [.... the m]oon was 1 cubit in front of ζ Tauri 4´ [....] (erasure) first part of the night, 5´ [....] (erasure) southern 6´ [....] it stood 2 cubits behind Mercury to the east 7´ [....] .... Right edge 1 Diary [....]
BM 42140 (= 81-6-25, 763)
BM 42140
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 25? .... [....] ——————————
Copy: LBAT 976
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x 25? x⌉[....] ——————————
414 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
BM 42144–42153 [....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin SIG [....] [....] AN ZA AN UTAḪ GE6 10 [....] [....] MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈8?⌉ [SI ....] [.... Š]ED7 GE6 14 DI[R ....] [.... x,]20 na muš [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] [....] were in the sky, rain shower. Night of the 10th, [....] [....] 1 cubit [....] Jupiter, the moon being 8? [fingers? ....] [.... c]old. Night of the 14th, clou[ds ....] [....] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 20´, measured [....]
BM 42144 (= 81-6-25, 767)
BM 42144
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... r]ain shower. Night of the 20+xth, 2´ [.... Night] of the 27th, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 3´ [....] ½ cubit [....] rear star of [....] That month, 4´ [.... Lib]ra?; Venus was in Aquarius, in the middle of the month, in Pisces; 5´ [....] (blank) —————————— 6´ [.... the moo]n was [....] behind η Piscium
Copy: LBAT 977
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... A]N UTAḪ GE6 ⌈20+x⌉ 2´ [.... GE6] 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin 3´ [....] ár ½ KÙŠ ITU BI 4´ [.... RÍ]N? dele-bat ina GU ina MURUB4 ITU ina zibme 5´ [....] (blank) —————————— 6´ [.... si]n ár MÚL KUR šá [DUR nu]-nu ´Rev.´? 1´ [.... A]N UTAḪ 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3´ [....] GE6 12 7,20 ME DIR [....] 4´ [.... DI]R NU PAP ŠÚ-ŠÚ 5´ [....] ⌈SI?⌉ MÁŠ 1 U 6´ [.... AN ka]b?-bar DUL-ḫat 7´ [.... si]n i-ṣa ana [NI]M ⌈DIB⌉
´Rev.´? 1´ [.... r]ain shower 2´ [....] .... 3´ [....] Night of the 12th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 20´, clouds [....] 4´ [.... clou]ds, I did not watch; very overcast 5´ [....] 1 finger [....] β Capricorni 6´ [....] thick rain DUL 7´ [.... the m]oon having passed a little to the east.
BM 42153 (= 81-6-25, 776)
BM 42153
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 20th, [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 22nd, very overcast, .... [....] 4´ [....] in the morning, heavy fog [....] 5´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky, slow rain, much PISAN [DIB ....] 6´ [....] .... last? part of the night?, the moon? was .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 978
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20 [....] 3´ [....] GE6 22 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ina še-rì IM.DUGUD DUGUD [....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN DIB AN né-ḫi PISAN M[AḪ DIB ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x ina? ZÁLAG? sin? x⌉ [....]
BM 42156–42165
BM 42156 (= 81-6-25, 779) Copy: LBAT 983 Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [.... KÙ]Š? 2´ [....] 3´ [....] GIN GE6 4 4´ [.... GE6] 6 SAG GE6 sin 5´ [.... sin] ár MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 6´ [.... D]UR nu-nu 1 KÙŠ 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 10 UŠ GE6 ina ZÁLAG sin 8´ [....] še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1⅔ KÙŠ 9´ [.... G]E6 19 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ G[IN] 10´ [....] ⌈x x KÙŠ⌉ ´Side B´
BM 42156 ´Side A´ 1´ [.... cub]its? 2´ [....] 3´ [....] blew. Night of the 4th, 4´ [.... Night] of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 5´ [.... the moon was ....] behind δ Capricorni 6´ [....] 1 cubit [.... η] Piscium 7´ [....] ...., sunset to moonrise: 10°; last part of the night, the moon was 8´ [....] 1⅔ cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum 9´ [.... Ni]ght of the 19th, very overcast, the south wind bl[ew.] 10´ [....] .... cubits
(only ends of lines preserved at right edge) 1´ [....] KÙŠ 2´- 4´ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉
´Side B´
BM 42158 (= 81-6-25, 781)
BM 42158
Copy: LBAT 987 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 11? na TA [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] sin 4 KÙŠ ana UL[Ù SIG ....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ sin i-ṣa [....] 5´ [....] i-ṣa ana [....] 6´ [....] GIN G[E6? x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´-10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42165 (= 81-6-25, 788) Copy: LBAT 989 Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] 30 13,40 n[a-su ....] [.... MÚL] ⌈ár⌉ šá SAG ḪUN 4 [KÙŠ ....] [....] ŠÚ?-ŠÚ sin e M[ÚL? ....] [.... 2?]-šú 3-šú GÙ-[šú ŠUB ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. blank as far as preserved
(only ends of lines preserved at right edge) 1´ [....] cubits 2´-4´ [....] 5´ [....] ....
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 11? was the na (gauge); from [....] 2´ [....] (blank) —————————— 3´ [....] the moon being 4 cubits [low] to the south [....] 4´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being a little [....] 5´ [....] a little to [....] 6´ [....] blew?. Ni[ght? ....,] .... [....] 7´-10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42165 Obv.´ 1
2 3 4 5
[....] (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sun[set to moonset:] 13° 40´ [....] [....] 4 [cubits below] α Arietis [....] [....] very overcast; the moon was [....] above [....] [.... it thun]dered [twice] or thrice [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42176–42195
BM 42176 (= 81-6-25, 799) Copy: LBAT 979
BM 42176
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈a⌉-kam muš sin ina IGI RÍN šá [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB sin 1 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈8⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] 6´ [....] LÁL-tì NU PAP GE6 10+⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 6 ⌈U? x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] measured (despite) mist; the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Librae [....] 3´ [....] .... stood 1½ cubits [behind] .... to the east, the moon being 1 [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [....] ...., the moon being 2½ cubits high to the north .... [....] 5´ [....] The 8th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 6´ [....] equinox, I did not watch. Night of the 10+xth, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... 6 fingers? .... [....]
BM 42178 (= 81-6-25, 801)
BM 42178
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 984 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈10+x KUR?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ZÚ-LUM [....] 3´ [.... é]p-šú i-nu-[šú ....] 4´ [.... IT]U? 4 SI? GI[N ....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 42192 (= 81-6-25, 815) Copy: LBAT 525
´Flake´ 1´ [....] moonrise to sunrise?: 10+x° [....] 2´ [....] ....; dates, [....] 3´ [.... wr]ought [silver.] At that [time, ....] 4´ [.... of the mon]th?, (the river level) rose 4 fingers? [....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42192
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ár is le10 2 KÙŠ⌉ 2´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin 3´ [.... MÚ]L IGI šá SAG ḪUN 1½ KÙŠ 4´ [.... AN]-⌈KU10⌉ Á ULÙ ki [TAB-ú] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 2 cubits behind α Tauri 2´ [.... x]+1 cubit [....] Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Arietis 4´ [.... lunar ec]lipse; when [it began] on the south side, 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42195 (= 81-6-25, 818)
BM 42195
Photo: YM
Copy: LBAT 981 Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [.... U]N?meš MAḪm[eš ....] 2´ [.... x]+⌈5⌉ na GENNA? 12 [....] 3´ [.... MU?-5]8-KAM IAn LUGAL [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] many people? [....] 2´ [....] sunset to setting of Saturn: [x]+5°. The 12th, [....] 3´ [.... year? 5]8, King Antiochus, [....] 4´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42199–42201 ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... A]N ZA ina ⌈ZÁLAG?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] MAR GIN G[E6? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ma-diš [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá [....] Comments The restoration of the year number in obv. 3 is based on an observation by J. Fincke that this fragment has the same kind of tiny “firing” holes as BM 34105+, edited as Diaries No. -253B. It would imply that BM 42195 is part of the same tablet. It has to be noted though that the duplicate (No. -253A) has the Saturn observation later in the month (line A15).
BM 42199 (= 81-6-25, 822) Copy: LBAT 992 Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] (blank) 3´ [....] KIR4 šil PA [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ 12 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] SIG MÚL ár šá S[AG ḪUN ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] were in the sky; last part of the night?, [....] 3´ [....] the west wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 4´ [....] .... very much [....] 5´ [....] .... of [....]
BM 42199 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (blank) 3´ [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits .... The 12th, .... [....] 5´ [....] below α Arie[tis ....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42201 (= 81-6-25, 824)
BM 42201
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Nigh]t of the 8th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 3´ [....] 2 cubits [....] Saturn. Night [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Jupiter .... [....] 5´ [....] 4 cubits [below] ε Leonis. Night of the 18th, .... [....] 6´ [....] 2 cubits [....,] the moon being ⅔ cubit to [....] 7´ [....] .... 3 cubits [....]
Copy: LBAT 982
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE]6 8 SAG G[E6 ....] 3´ [....] GENNA 2 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 ZÁLAG MÚLBABBAR ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... SIG] SAG A 4 KÙŠ GE6 18 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] 2 KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x 3 KÙŠ⌉ [....]
BM 42204–42237
BM 42204 (= 81-6-25, 827)
BM 42204
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 2´ [.... GE6] 15 ina ZÁLAG sin 3´ [....] ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ SI GIN 4´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin ár SI MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 5´ [.... KÙ]Š ana SI NIM 6´ [.... U]LÙ ŠÁR
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 2´ [.... Night] of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 3´ [....] overcast?, the north wind blew. 4´ [.... last part of the] night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Capricorni 5´ [.... cub]its high to the north 6´ [....] gusty south wind
BM 42235 (= 81-6-25, 858)
BM 42235
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Borsippa .... [....] 2´ [....] .... pl[ow? ....] —————————— 3´ [....] rain, a little PISAN DIB, wind [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, Venus was [....] below η/ϑ Ca[ncri? ....] 5´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind α Leonis [....] 6´ [....] 3 cubits [....] Around the 9th?, [....]
Copy: LBAT 988
Copy: LBAT 994
´Flake´ 1´ [.... B]ar-sipki ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] šú? ub bu gišAP[IN? ....] —————————— 3´ [.... A]N PISAN i-ṣa DIB IM [....] 4´ [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá A[LLA? ....] 5´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ár LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈3? KÙŠ⌉ in 9? [....]
BM 42237 (= 81-6-25, 860)
BM 42237
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... clou[ds? ....] 2´ [....] cubits [....] The 1st, very overcast, .... [....] 3´ [....] 4 fingers [.... η] Tauri, the moon being a little [....] 4´ [.... it thun]dered, rain (so that) the sandal [was (not) removed ....] 5´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, [....] 6´ [....] the moon was [....] behind γ Geminorum [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 986
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DI[R? ....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ 1 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... MÚ]L-MÚL 4 SI sin ⌈i⌉-[ṣa ....] 4´ [.... GÙ]-šú ŠUB AN kušE-SÍR [....] 5´ [....] AN ZA GE6 5 SAG GE6 [....] 6´ [....] sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ šá S[IPA ....] 7´ [....] DUL? [....]
BM 42240–42252
BM 42240 (= 81-6-25, 863)
BM 42240
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ITU BI ILLU [....] 2´ [....]-ʾu U4 BI lúŠÀ-T[AM ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉-ʾu DÙ-uš U4-17-KAM [....] 4´ [....] (blank) —————————— 5´ [....]meš 4 AN ana ME E-a ZI I[R ....] 6´ [.... si]n ina IGI MÚL KUR šá KIR4 ⌈šil⌉ [PA ....] 7´ [....] sin? 4 K[ÙŠ ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] That month, the river level [....] 2´ [....] they [....] That day, the temple administra[tor ....] 3´ [....] .... made. The 17th day, [....] 4´ [....] (blank) —————————— 5´ [....] .... The 4th, Mars’ acronychal rising; ZI I[R ....] 6´ [....] the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 7´ [....] the moon? being 4 cu[bits ....]
BM 42246 (= 81-6-25, 869)
BM 42246
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ma? [....] 2´ [.... GE6] ⌈4?⌉ SAG G[E6 ....] 3´ [.... SA4] šá ABSIN 3 KÙŠ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12 SAG GE6 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 13 11 ME a-kam m[uš ....] 6´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 [....] 7´ [.... si]n? SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR [nu-nu ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 4th?, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 3´ [....] 3 cubits [.... α] Virginis [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11°, measured (despite) mist [....] 6´ [.... x]+1 cubit low to the south. Night [....] 7´ [....] the moon? was [....] below η Pisci[um ....]
BM 42252 (= 81-6-25, 875)
BM 42252
Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 3 cub[its .... β/α Ar]ietis [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....,] 5/6 cubit behind Mars [....] 3´ [.... cubi]ts? [....] The 12th, very overcast; in [....] 4´ [.... Mer]cury’s [.... appearance] in the east, .... [omitted ....] 5´ [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 6´ [.... γ/δ] Capri[corni ....]
Copy: LBAT 991
Copy: LBAT 528
Copy: LBAT 529
´Flake´ 1´ [.... S]AG ⌈LU 3⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ ár AN 5/6 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... KÙ]Š? 12 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina [....] 4´ [.... GU4]-UD ina NIM UD-DA [....] 5´ [....] KIR4 šil-taḫ PA [....] 6´ [....] ⌈šá SUḪUR⌉ [MÁŠ ....]
BM 42681–42683
BM 42681 (= 81-7-1, 445) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x GÌR⌉ ár šá A 1 KÙ[Š ....] 2´ [....] 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM ina ZÁLAG GENNA ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin ár ⌈GENNA?⌉ ½ KÙŠ e SI4 3 KÙŠ sin [....] 4´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ 13 8,20? [ŠÚ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈šá? UD-KA⌉-TUḪ-A ziq-pi sin ANKU10 [....] 6´ [.... ZÁL]AG? AN-KU10-šú SA5 SA5-šú SUD [....] 7´ [.... ina] 1,7 GE6 ana ZÁLAG 14 3,30 na mu[š ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 18 18 SI GIN GE6 19 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈GIGIR šá ULÙ⌉ ½ KÙŠ GE6 20+⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42683 (= 81-7-1, 447) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIM4?-⌈ʾu⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈a⌉-na IÁr-za?-pa-⌈as?⌉-[....] —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈x DIR?⌉ AN? ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈AN UTAḪ? x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ dTIR-AN-⌈NA⌉ [....] 6´ [....] MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈1?⌉ ⅔? K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [....] GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ⌈ár?⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár?⌉ [....] 8´ [....] USAN sin TÙR ⌈NIGIN kal?⌉ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... DI]R AN DIB ina še-rì AN DUL-ḫat ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] muš SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈SA4?⌉ [šá ABSIN ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG?⌉ [sin] ⌈e MÚL e šá SAG⌉ G[ÍR-TAB ....]
BM 42681 1´ 2´ 3´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] 1 cubit .... β Virginis [....] [....] being 2 cubits high to the north; last part of the night, Saturn .... [....] [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was ½ cubit behind Saturn?, 3 cubits above α Scorpii, the moon being [....] [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of β Capricorni. The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 8° 20´? [....] [....] of the Panther culminated, lunar eclipse [....] [.... clea]red. Its eclipse was red, its redness was amber [....] [.... at] 67° before sunrise. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 30´, mea[sured ....] [....] .... Night of the 18th (and) the 18th, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, [....] [....] ½ cubit [....] ζ Tauri. Night of the 20+xth, [....]
BM 42683 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... they approached? [....] 3´ [....] to Arzapas? [....] —————————— 4´ [....] .... clouds? [....] the sky?, rain shower?, .... [....] 5´ [....] .... a rainbow [....] 6´ [....] 1?⅔? cubits [....] η Geminorum [....] 7´ [....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind? β Geminorum [....] 8´ [....] first part of the night, the moon was surrounded by a halo; all? night, .... [....] 9´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky; in the morning, rain DUL .... [....] 10´ [....] measured; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α? [Virginis ....] 11´ [....] .... last part of the night, [the moon was ....] above β Scor[pii ....]
BM 42684–42689
BM 42684 (= 81-7-1, 448) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ABSIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 KÙŠ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈1?⌉ SI? MÚL ár NU IGI 15 4? n[a ....] 4´ [....] ⌈GIN?⌉-ʾu GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina I[GI ....] 5´ [.... sin] e dele-bat 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ⌈ana⌉ N[IM? DIB? ....] 6´ [....] ZÚ-LUM 1 2 3 1(p) 1(b) 5 [qa ....] 7´ [.... T]A 14 EN TIL ITU 1(b) 2 qa [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x SI?⌉ a-na K[U? ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42686 (= 81-7-1, 450) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈SÚ x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 U [....] 4´ [....] 5,30? ⌈ŠÚ? x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] SI GIN USAN? AN? šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... šur GIGIR šá UL]Ù 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙ[Š ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár ⌈5?⌉ [KÙŠ ....] 8´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin SIG SAG A 5 KÙ[Š ....] 9´ [.... DI]R AN DIB 22 SI GIN G[E6? ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42684 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Virginis .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [.... δ/β] Scorpii [....] 3´ [....] 1? finger?; I did not see δ . The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 4°? [....] 4´ [....] winds blew?. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in fr[ont of ....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits above Venus, the moon [having passed?] ½ cubit to the ea[st? ....] 6´ [....] dates, (on) the 1st, 2nd, (and) 3rd, 1 pān 1 sūt 5 [qa ....] 7´ [.... fr]om the 14th until the end of the month, 1 sūt 2 qa [....] 8´ [....] .... to .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42686 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] overcast?, .... [....] 3´ [....] .... 8 fingers [....] 4´ [....] moonset to sunrise?: 5° 30´? .... [....] 5´ [....] the north wind blew; first part of the night?, rain? which .... [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [.... ζ Tau]ri, the moon being ½ cubit [....] 7´ [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was 5? [cubits] below β Geminorum [....] 8´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 5 cubits below ε Leonis [....] 9´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. The 22nd, the north wind blew. Ni[ght? ....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42689 (= 81-7-1, 453)
BM 42689
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x AN UTAḪ x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ULÙ SI[G?] ⌈x⌉ [GE6] ⌈11?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár SI? MÁŠ? [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... rain shower, .... [....] 2´ [....] .... overcast?, [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 4´ [....] low to the south .... [Night] of the 11th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Capricorni? [....]
Photo: JCF, YM
BM 42692–42699
422 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... mu]š? ina ZÁLAG sin? [x x x] 4? KÙŠ 15 19 na GENNA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KUR?⌉ [x x x] GE6 21 ⌈SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 25 [....] [.... GE6] 28? ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´
[.... meas]ured?; last part of the night, the moon? was 4? cubits [....] The 15th, sunset to setting of Saturn: 19° .... [....] [....] .... [....] Night of the 21st, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, [....] [.... Night] of the 28th?, last part of the night, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42692 (= 81-7-1, 456)
BM 42692
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [.... MÚL TUR šá] ⌈4? KÙS?⌉ ár LUGAL 8 U GE6 [....] 2´ [.... KÙ]Š? GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 13 3 ME ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... GE6] 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SI? [MÁŠ? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ —————————— 1´ [....] 8 fingers [.... ρ] Leonis. Night [....] 2´ [.... cub]its? [....] Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 3°; last part of the night, .... [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β? Cap[ricorni? ....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42694 (= 81-7-1, 458)
BM 42694
´Flake´ 1´ [.... AN UT]AḪ? i-ṣa ZI IR [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin e MAŠ-M[AŠ šá SIPA? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SAG [A ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ U? GE6 25 si[n? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ NU ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] a little [rain sh]ower?, ZI IR [....] 2´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] above γ? Gemi[norum ....] 3´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ε Leon[is ....] 4´ [....] .... fingers .... Night of the 25th, the moo[n? ....] 5´ [....] .... not .... [....]
BM 42699 (= 81-7-1, 463)
BM 42699
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 13 SAG GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈15⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 16 16 [x x]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, .... [....] 3´ [....] The 15th, very overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 16th (and) the 16th, [....]
Photo: JCF, YM
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 42702–42704 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 19 19 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 20 ⌈20 ŠÚ?⌉-ŠÚ [....] 2? KÙŠ 23 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN [.... DI]R AN DIB AN UTAḪ i-ṣa SI GIN [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 29 29 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 qa [....] ⌈x x x⌉
Right edge (intrusion from other side) 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ a-ḫa-meš i-zi-ru?-ú?
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
423 [....] .... Night of the 19th (and) the 19th, very overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 20th (and) the 20th, very overcast [....] 2? cubits [....] The 23rd, very overcast, the south wind blew. [.... clou]ds crossed the sky, a little rain shower, the north wind blew. [....] .... Night of the 29th (and) the 29th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. [....] .... 3 qa [....] ....
Right edge (intrusion from other side) 1´ [....] hated? each other
BM 42702 (= 81-7-1, 466) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ da? ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x šá⌉ É-sag-gíl ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈TA?⌉ A-ŠÀmeš šá KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ana] ⌈A-ra?⌉-ba-a-a i-qiš-šu-ú [....] 6´ [....] ú-la-a-a TUḪmeš gi-lit-tú [....] 7´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 1 DIR SAL AN ZA SI [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 SI GIN GE6 4 4 SI GIN GE6 ⌈5?⌉ [....] 9´ [.... GE6] ⌈8? SAG⌉ GE6 sin ár SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ SI [....] 10´ [....] ⌈GIN? GE6⌉ 12 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL [....] 11´ [....] ⌈ki?⌉ TAB-ú ina 20 GE6 ⌈gab⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈KA×MI⌉ in 20+[x ....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42702 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... of Esangil [....] 4´ [....] from the fields of .... [....] 5´ [....] they gave presents [to] the Arabs [....] 6´ [.... river] Ulai they departed. Terror [....] 7´ [.... being x]+1 cubit low to the south. The 1st, thin clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....] 8´ [....] .... The 3rd, the north wind blew. Night of the 4th (and) the 4th, the north wind blew. Night of the 5th?, [....] 9´ [.... Night] of the 8th?, beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind β Capricorni; the north wind [....] 10´ [....] blew?. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 11´ [.... lunar eclipse;] when it began [....], in 20° of night, all [was covered ....] 12´ [....] it was eclipsed. At 20+[x° ....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42704 (= 81-7-1, 468)
BM 42704
´Flake´ 1 [....] še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ 2? [....] 2 [....] ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙ[Š] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1 [....] 1½ cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum. The 2nd?, [....] 2 [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] the southern [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits .... [....]
Photo: YM
424 3 4 5 6
BM 42706–42711 [....] 5? SAG GE6 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈1?⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈14? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
4 5 6
BM 42706 (= 81-7-1, 470) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x IGI? x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x nu? uš? EN ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x LUGAL? ma-dak⌉-ta-šú ⌈id-ke?-e? x⌉ [....] —————————— 6´ [....] GE6 1 DIR AN DIB 1 ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x GE6 5⌉ SAG GE6 sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈8?⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42708 (= 81-7-1, 472) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x GE6?⌉ 14 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ⌈sin x x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 21 21 ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG? sin ⌈x x⌉[....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 15? ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x PA x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42711 (= 81-7-1, 475) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SIG MÚL-MÚL? 1 K[ÙŠ? ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ZI IR GE6 23 [....]
[.... Night] of the 5th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below β? Geminorum [....] [....] being 1? cubit low to the south. The 14th, .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42706 ´Flake´ 1´-4´ [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] .... the king? mustered? his troops .... [....] —————————— 6´ [....] Night of the 1st, clouds crossed the sky. The 1st, clouds were in the sky, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was .... [....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 8th?, [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42708 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 14th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [....] .... cubits [....,] the moon being .... [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 21st (and) the 21st, .... [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was .... [....] 6´ [....] .... 15 .... [....] 7´-9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42711 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cub[it?] below η Tauri [....] 3´ [....] ...., ZI IR. Night of the 23rd, [....]
BM 42712–42715 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙ[Š ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI KI.⌈LAM še⌉-im [....] [....] ⌈x x ina IGI? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x U4-21-KAM⌉ lúAr-[ba-a-a ....] [....] ⌈x⌉-šú-nu LAL-ú ITU BI ⌈U4⌉ [....] [....]-ú MAḪ la-pàn lúA[r-ba-a-a ....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 1 ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... šur] ⌈GIGIR⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
BM 42712 (= 81-7-1, 476) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x x SI GIN⌉ 4 SI GIN G[E6? ....] 3´ [.... dele]-bat e SI4 ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ SI GIN 7 SI GIN GE6 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ muš SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá SAG [ḪUN ....] 5´ [.... GE6 1]5 SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI is le10 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [.... MÚL] KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1 SI TE SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x SI x⌉ [....]
BM 42715 (= 81-7-1, 479) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x MI?⌉ gišTIR? [....] 3´ [....] (blank) 4´ [....] sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ina ZÁLAG ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A 1+[x ....] 6´ [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana S[I? NIM? ....] 7´ [.... RÍN šá SI] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ sin 4½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 9 [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
425 [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind β Geminorum [....] [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: barley, [....] [....] .... before? .... [....] [....] .... the 21st day, the Ar[abs ....] [....] their .... became less. That month, the [xth] day, [....] [....] much [....] before the A[rabs ....] —————————— [....] .... Night of the 1st, .... [....] [.... β/ζ] Tauri [....]
BM 42712 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., the north wind blew. The 4th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght? ....] 3´ [.... Ve]nus was .... cubits above α Scorpii; the north wind blew. The 7th, the north wind blew. Night [....] 4´ [....] ...., measured; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Arie[tis ....] 5´ [.... Night of the 1]5th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of α Tauri [....] 6´ [....] 1 finger [....] ϑ Ophiuchi, it came close; the north wind blew .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42715 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... forest? [....] 3´ [....] (blank) 4´ [....] the moon having passed a little to the east; last part of the night, .... [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1+[x cubits] behind β Virginis [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] α Virginis, the moon being 1½ cubits [high to the north? ....] 7´ [.... the moon was] .... cubits [.... β Librae,] the moon being 4½ cubits low to the south. The 9th, [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42724–42728
BM 42724 (= 81-7-1, 488) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... G]E6 2 sin SIG SI MÁŠ ⌈5? KÙŠ⌉ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM D[IB ....] 3´ [.... GE6] ⌈5?⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 AN UTAḪ 5? GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-[TAB ....] 4´ [....] GE6 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 12 SAG GE6 sin SIG šur GIGIR šá SI ½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 1 KÙŠ ⌈5? SI⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42724 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 2nd, the moon was 5? cubits below β Capricorni, the moon having [passed] ⅔ cubit to the east [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 5th?, very overcast; beginning of the night, rain shower. The 5th?, Mercury’s [....] in the east in Scor[pius ....] 4´ [....] Night of the 9th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cu[bits] behind α Arietis [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was ½ cubit below β Tauri .... [....] 6´ [....] .... the moon was 1 cubit 5? fingers? below α Geminorum [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42726 (= 81-7-1, 490)
BM 42726
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ A ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KU? IAn ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár RÍN šá SI [....] 5´ [.... x]+½ KÙŠ sin 8 U ana NIM DIB [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪ[UR MÁŠ ....] 7´ [....] ina IGI MÚL ⌈ár⌉ šá ⌈SUḪUR [MÁŠ ....] 8´ [.... MÚL] ⌈IGI⌉ šá SAG ḪUN? ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... šá ALL]A šá ULÙ? ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... An(tiochus)? .... [....] —————————— 4´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Librae [....] 5´ [.... the moon was x]+½ cubit [....,] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east [....] 6´ [....] ...., the moon was [....] in front of γ Cap[ricorni ....] 7´ [....] was in front of δ Capricor[ni ....] 8´ [....] β Arietis .... [....] 9´ [.... ϑ/δ? Can]cri .... [....]
BM 42728 (= 81-7-1, 492)
BM 42728
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈2 KÙŠ?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈14?⌉ SI GIN GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 2 cubits? [....] 2´ [....] The 14th, the north wind blew. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Venus was [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 42732–42734 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... 1]7 DIR AN ZA GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈e⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ 2? KÙŠ in 20 GU4-UD ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´
427 [.... The 1]7th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Mars was [....] above [....] [....] 2? cubits .... Around the 20th, Mercury’s .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42732 (= 81-7-1, 496)
BM 42732
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈17? 17?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ŠÚ NU PAP SI ⌈GIN⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈DIB?⌉ 26? ina še-rì DIR AN ZA [....] 5´ [....] GE6 DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ ⌈i-ṣa⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ITU BI KI.LAM [....] 7´ [....] ⌈2(g)?⌉ GUR 2(p) 3(b)? saḫ-le10 1(p)? [....] 8´ [....] GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI [DIB ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x 1-en GU4 ù⌉ [....] 10´ [.... KU]R ⌈URIki?⌉ šá ana UG[U ....] 11´ [....] ⌈E⌉ki na? x [....] 12´ [....] ⌈IGI 4 ME?⌉ [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 17th? (and) the 17th?, [....] 3´ [....] .... last appearance, I did not watch; the north wind blew [....] 4´ [....] crossed? [....] The 26th?, in the morning, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] of the night, clouds were in the sky, a little rain shower [....] 6´ [....] .... the north wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: [....] 7´ [....] 2? kur 2 pān 3 sūt?; cress, 1 pān? [....] 8´ [....] Mercury’s first appearance in the east ...., [omitted ....] 9´ [....] .... one bull and [....] 10´ [....] of Babylonia who is above [....] 11´ [....] Babylon .... [....] 12´ [....] .... 4 hundred? [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42734 (= 81-7-1, 498)
BM 42734
Photo: JCF, YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈MÚL x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 11 SI G[IN? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈NIM?⌉ GE6 12+[x ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ 3 KÙŠ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉[....] 9´ [....] ⌈x 21?⌉ SI GIN [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] star [....] 4´ [....] the 11th, the north wind bl[ew? ....] 5´ [....] high?. Night of the 12+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] 3 cubits [....] Geminorum [....] 7´ [....] .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....] 9´ [....] .... The 21st?, the north wind blew [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42738–42748
BM 42738 (= 81-7-1, 502)
BM 42738
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x ina x 30?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ITU] ⌈BI⌉ KI.LAM še-im 1(g) G[UR ....] 3´ [....] ina TIL ITU ina zibme GENNA ina ⌈GÍR?-TAB?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GE6 3 [....] 5´ [.... ina KIN?]-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR G[Ù U ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... in .... The 30th?, [....] 2´ [....] That [month,] the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur [....] 3´ [....] at the end of the month, in Pisces; Saturn was in Scorpius?; [....] 4´ [....] .... [....] .... overcast?. Night of the 3rd, [....] 5´ [.... in the after]noon, very overcast, lightning flashed, thun[der ....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....], the moon being [....]
BM 42746 (= 81-7-1, 510)
BM 42746
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ 3´ [.... G]E6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 19 IM ŠÁR ŠED7 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR [....] 6´ [.... A]N DUL? 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] .... cubits .... 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 4´ [....] .... The 19th, gusty wind, cold 5´ [....] .... in front of Jupiter [....] 6´ [.... ra]in? DUL?. The 28th, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] GE6? [....] 2´ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] MÚL? ár? [....] 5´ [.... šá AL]LA šá ULÙ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI4? [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] Night? [....] 2´ [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [....] rear star? [....] 5´ [.... δ/ϑ Can]cri [....] 6´ [....] .... α Scorpii? [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42748 (= 81-7-1, 512)
BM 42748
Photo: YM
Photo: JCF, YM
Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3
[.... u An-ti-ʾu-k]u-su LUGAL DU6 1 16 na DIR muš ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN DIB 2 ina še-rì DIR AN ZA GE6 3 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ A ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈5⌉ DIR AN Z[A ....] I
[....] kings [.... and Antioch]us. Month VII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 16°, measured (despite) clouds .... [....] [.... clou]ds crossed the sky. The 2nd, in the morning, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 3rd, [....] [....] .... [....] The 5th, clouds were in the sky [....]
BM 42751–42756 Upper edge 1´ [....] ⌈ŠÚ? AN?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] AN ZA IM ŠÁR 25 LAL-tì NU PAP GE6 2⌈6⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 18 KUR muš Date The text begins with a date (year broken) in the reign of two kings, the second of whom was named Antiochus. On the upper edge, an equinox on the 25th is mentioned. This must be month XII of a year SE 8 + 19n: 8, 27, 46, 65, 84, 103, 122, 141, 160. Of these, SE 27, 46, 103, and 141 had a second king Antiochus. In all these years, month VI had 30 days as required by obv. 1. Since no further astronomically helpful information is preserved, the date cannot be decided.
BM 42751 (= 81-7-1, 515) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x GE6 2?⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ LUGAL ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈SAG⌉ GE6 sin ár SA4 šá ABS[IN ....] 3´ [.... G]ENNA SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] 4´ [.... x]+½ KÙŠ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ muš? [x x x x] ⌈x x⌉ ina? SAG [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ SIG ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Upper edge 1´ [....] overcast?, rain? [....] 2´ [....] were in the sky, gusty wind. The 25th, equinox; I did not watch. Night of the 26th, [....] 3´ [....] .... The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 18°, measured.
BM 42751 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 2nd?, [....] .... α Leonis .... [....] 2´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Virginis [....] 3´ [.... S]aturn was [....] below η Gemino[rum ....] 4´ [.... x]+½ cubit [....].... Night .... [....] 5´ [....] ...., measured? [....] .... in? the beginning [....] 6´ [....] .... below? .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42756 (= 81-7-1, 520)
BM 42756
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ZÚ⌉-LUM EN MURUB4 ITU 2(g) GUR 3(p) ⌈kàs⌉ [....] 3´ [.... K]UR-ád in 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 25 AN GU KUR-⌈ád⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈21⌉ 22 23 20 SI GIN PAP ⌈x+3⌉ na TA 24 E[N ....] 5´ [.... M]U-a-tì GAZ U4 BI al-te-me um-m[a ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x LUGAL?⌉ MU-a-tì x ⌈al-te-me⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ....; dates, until the middle of the month, 2 kur 3 pān; mustard, [....] 3´ [....] reached [....;] around the 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces; the 25th, Mars reached Aquarius. [....] 4´ [....] the 21st, 22nd, (and) 23rd, (the river level) rose 20 fingers, total: x+3 was the na (gauge); from the 24th until [....] 5´ [....] this [....] killed. That day, I heard as follows: [....] 6´ [....] this .... of the king? .... I heard [....]
Photo: JCF, YM
BM 42759–42771
BM 42759 (= 81-7-1, 523) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina ] ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ sin ár GÌR ár šá ⌈A⌉ [....] 3´ [.... DI]B GE6 18 DIR AN DIB AN [....] 4´ [....] sin ár šil PA 2 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 5´ [.... A]N DIB 27 18 KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 42760 (= 81-7-1, 524) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [.....] 2´ [x x x] ⌈ana⌉ NIM DIB GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin?⌉ [....] 3´ ina ZÁLAG sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2? KÙŠ GE6 20 [....] 4´ GE6 25 ina ⌈ZÁLAG sin⌉ ina IGI GÌR ár šá A 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ in 1,21 GE6 ana ZÁLAG ITU BI KI.LAM še-[im ....] —————————— 6´ DU6 30 22 na-su KUR4 muš GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG AN ina IGI? ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ IGI DIB 12 11,30 ŠÚ [....] 8´ [x x] ina ZÁLAG sin e is le10 3? K[ÙŠ ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 42771 (= 81-7-1, 535) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MÁŠ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 28 [....] 3´ [....] kàs 1(g) GUR saḫ-le10 1(p)? [....]
BM 42759 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Virginis [....] 3´ [.... cro]ssed [....] Night of the 18th, clouds crossed the sky, rain [....] 4´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi. Night [....] 5´ [....] crossed the sky. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42760 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon? was [....] 3´ last part of the night, the moon was 2? cubits behind α Geminorum. Night of the 20th, [....] 4´ Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Virginis [....] 5´ at 81° before sunrise. That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] —————————— 6´ Month VII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 22°; it was bright, measured. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Mars was [....] in front? of .... [....] 7´ The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west, omitted. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 11° 30´. [....] 8´ [....,] last part of the night, the moon was 3? cu[bits] above α Tauri [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42771 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Capricorni [....] 2´ [....] .... very overcast. Night of the 28th, [....] 3´ [....] mustard, 1 kur; cress, 1 pān? [....]
BM 42780–42789 4´
[....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina RÍN AN ina ⌈MÁŠ?⌉ [....] —————————— [.... ina GU]B? IGI ana šámaš NIM
BM 42780 (= 81-7-1, 544) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] IGI TA 8 E[N ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1(b) 2 qa 4-ú SÍGḫ[á ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ LAL PAP 3 na ITU BI ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] GE6 2 sin ina IGI GU4-UD 2 KÙŠ [....] 6´ [.... SIG GIŠ].KUN A 5½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KI USAN dele-bat e M[ÚL ....] 8´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana SI N[IM ....]
[....] .... Saturn was in Libra, Mars was in Capricorn? [....] —————————— [....] (the moon) could be seen [while the sun stood there,] it was high to the sun.
BM 42780 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] first appearance [....;] from the 8th un[til ....] 3´ [....] .... 1 sūt 2 qa (and) one-fourth; wool, [....] 4´ [....] (the river level) receded ...., total: 3 was the na (gauge). That month, .... [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 2nd, the moon was 2 cubits in front of Mercury [....] 6´ [.... (the moon was)] 5½ cubits [below ϑ] Leonis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] 7´ [....] ....; first part of the night, Venus was [....] above [....] 8´ [....] being ½ cubit high to the north [....]
BM 42787 (= 81-7-1, 551)
BM 42787
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] DIR AN DIB GE6 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... DELE šá IGI] ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ ⌈ana⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈ár?⌉ SA4 šá ABSIN [....] 5´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DU [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 16th, .... [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... γ] Virginis to [....] 4´ [....] behind? α Virginis [....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42789 (= 81-7-1, 553)
BM 42789
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ár⌉ MÚL-MÚL 2½ KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 3´ [.... G]Ù U MAḪ AN rad PISAN DIB GE6 6 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈8⌉ SI ana NIM DIB GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin [....] 5´ [.... A]N DUL GE6 13 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 13 [....] 6´ [....] 1 KÙŠ GE6 16 [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 2½ cubits behind η Tauri. Ni[ght ....] 3´ [....] much thunder, cloudburst, PISAN DIB. Night of the 6th, [....] 4´ [....] having passed 8 fingers to the east. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 5´ [.... r]ain DUL. Night of the 13th, very overcast. The 13th, [....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit [....] Night of the 16th, [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 42794–42796
BM 42794 (= 81-7-1, 558)
BM 42794
´Flake´ 1´ [....] e ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ⌈ár x x x x KÙŠ? x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... MÚL] ⌈TUR⌉ šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUG[AL x] ⌈x x⌉ MAR G[IN? ....] 4´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG 14 15 na muš SI šá PA [MAR GAR GIN ....] 5´ [....] ⌈AN?⌉ DIB? 15 AN ina A IGI TUR 20 n[a?-su? ....] 6´ [.... S]I šá PA MAR GAR GIN GE6 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1⅔? [KÙŠ ....] 8´ [....] U ana ULÙ SIG [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIB? [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] above .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] cubits? behind .... [....] 3´ [....] ρ Leonis .... the west wind b[lew? ....] 4´ [....] low to the south. The 14th. sunrise to moonset: 15°, measured; the north wind, which was [set to the west] side, [blew ....] 5´ [....] crossed? the sky?.The 15th, Mars’ first appearance in Leo; it was small, rising [of Mars to sunrise:] 20° [....] 6´ [....] the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 16th, .... [....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1⅔? [cubits] behind β Geminorum [....] 8´ [....] fingers low to the south [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42795 (= 81-7-1, 559)
BM 42795
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SAG ⌈GE6⌉ sin ina I[GI ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu ⌈2⌉ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... GE6] 15 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [x x] ⌈x⌉ SI dele-bat 2 SI ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ⌈SI⌉ [x x x ina] ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] x AN ⌈DUL⌉ [ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá ⌈SAG?⌉ [ḪUN? ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 12 na MÚL-BABBAR GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG [....] 8´ [....] 2? KÙŠ ana U[LÙ? SIG? ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... last part of the night, Venus was 2 [cubits] below η Piscium [....] 4´ [.... Night] of the 15th, last part of the night, Venus was .... fingers [....,] Venus being 2 fingers to .... [....] 5´ [....] northern [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 6´ [....] .... rain DUL; last part of the night, Venus was [....] below β Ari[etis ....] 7´ [....] .... sunset to setting of Jupiter: 12°. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, [....] 8´ [....] 2? cubits [low?] to the s[outh? ....]
BM 42796 (= 81-7-1, 560)
BM 42796
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... šá še]-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... DIR A]N ZA SI GIN ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... MÚL KU]R šá DUR n[u-nu ....] 5´ [....] šá SI 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] GU4-UD e [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [.... η/μ] Geminorum [....] 3´ [.... clouds] were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night? [....] 4´ [.... η] Piscium [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [....] the northern [....] 6´ [....] Mercury was above [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 42802–42817
BM 42802 (= 81-7-1, 566) Photo: YM
´Flake´ (2 columns) I 1´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 26 ina ZÁLAG 2´ [....] SIG MÚL IGI 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x ½?⌉ KÙŠ? 4´ [.... ana] ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ ina LAL-šú 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ II 1´ 2´
⌈x⌉ [....] MU [....]
BM 42810 (= 81-7-1, 574) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SI 4 SI [....] 2´ [.... K]ÙŠ GE6 18 [....] 3´ [.... AN] UTAḪ GE6 21+[x ....] 4´ [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG [....] 5´ [.... ina Z]ÁLAG dele-bat e [....] 6´ [.... GE6 2]8 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42802 ´Flake´ (2 columns) I 1´ [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, 2´ [....] below the front star of 3´ [....] .... ½ cubit? 4´ [....] while moving back to the west?, 5´ [....] .... II 1´ 2´
.... [....] Year [....]
BM 42810 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] 4 fingers [....] northern star of [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....] Night of the 18th, [....] 3´ [.... rain] shower. Night of the 21+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, [....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, Venus was [....] above [....] 6´ [.... Night of the 2]8th, last part of the night, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42817 (= 81-7-1, 581)
BM 42817
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 20 SI ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ e is le10 4 KÙŠ 23 [....] 4´ [....] e dele-bat 2 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM ⌈DIB x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈AN?⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈ana⌉ NIM DIB 20+[x] ⌈SI⌉ u MAR ŠÁRmeš ⌈GINmeš?⌉ [x x] 29? [....] 7´ [....] TA 1 EN [x x] 1(g) GUR ⌈x x⌉ ina TIL ITU ⌈1(g) GUR⌉ 2(b) kà[s ....] 8´ [....] ⌈dele-bat? MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ KU[R ....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 20 fingers .... [....] 3´ [....] .... 4 cubits above α Tauri. The 23rd, [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits above Venus, the moon having passed a little to the east .... [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] ½ cubit [....,] the moon being .... cubits low to the south; rain? [....] 6´ [....] having passed [....] to the east. The 20+[xth,] gusty north and west winds blew [....] The 29th, [....] 7´ [....] from the 1st until [....,] 1 kur ...., at the end of the month, 1 kur 2 sūt; must[ard, ....] 8´ [....] Venus? reached Gemini [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 42818–42826
BM 42818 (= 81-7-1, 582)
BM 42818
´Flake´ 1´ [....] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár? x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈ár⌉ AN 1½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB sin 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 3´ [....] dele-bat? SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2? KÙŠ GE6 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 12 sin SIG SI MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... below β Geminorum [....] 2´ [.... (the moon)] stood 1½ cubits behind Mars to the east, the moon being 2 cubits [....] 3´ [....] Venus? was 2? cubits below η Geminorum. Night [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 12th, the moon was ½ cubit below β Capricorni .... [....]
BM 42824 (= 81-7-1, 588)
BM 42824
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x GE6⌉ 4 SAG [GE6 ....] 2´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin e MÚL ár šá ALLA [....] 3´ [....] ⌈dele-bat?⌉ e MÚL IGI šá še-pít [MAŠ-MAŠ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈USAN?⌉ dele-bat e MÚL ⌈ár⌉ [šá šepít MAŠ-MAŠ ....] 5´ [.... BUR]U5ḫá SIG7 i-ṣa [....] 6´ [....] ana ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 17 ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ZA ⌈20?⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 4th, beginning [of the night, ....] 2´ [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was [....] above [γ/δ] Cancri [....] 3´ [....] Venus? was [....] above η Gemi[norum ....] 4´ [....] first part of the night, Venus was [....] above μ [Geminorum ....] 5´ [....] a few green loc[usts ....] 6´ [....] to .... [....] 7´ [....] .... the 17th, .... [....] 8´ [....] .... The 20th?, [....]
BM 42826 (= 81-7-1, 590)
BM 42826
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 10 SI [....] 3´ [....] ⌈SI GIN⌉ GE6 12 8 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 17 SI GIN G[E6 ....] 5´ [.... G]E6 20 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 10th, the north wind [blew? ....] 3´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 12th, [....:] 8° [....] 4´ [....] .... The 17th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 20th, first part of the night, .... [....] 6´ [.... last part of the] night, the moon was [....] below .... [....]
BM 42828–42837
BM 42828 (= 81-7-1, 592) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x GU4-UD⌉ ina NIM ina ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... S]IG? ár ⌈dele-bat?⌉ 2 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB [....] 3´ [....] ULÙ 1⅔ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ 9 SI GIN ZI IR [....] 5´ [....] ⌈GIN⌉ GE6 14 3,20 ME muš [....] 6´ [.... DU]R nu-nu ⅔ KÙŠ in 10+[x ....] 7´ [.... GE6 x]+1 USAN dele-bat SIG [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42833 (= 81-7-1, 597) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ e SI4 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 30 GE6 13 USAN AN SI[G ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN AN e MÚL ár ⌈šá⌉ [....] —————————— Possibly a goal-year text, Mars section.
BM 42837 (= 81-7-1, 601) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 13 7 [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 16 ZI IR 16 [....] 3´ [.... MÚL] ár šá SAG ḪUN 1½ KÙŠ sin [....] 4´ [....] sin ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 20 SI G[IN ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈ina⌉ MÚ[L? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 42828 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Mercury’s [.... appearance] in the east in .... [....] 2´ [.... l]ow?, it stood 2 cubits behind Venus? to the east [....] 3´ [....] 1⅔ cubits [....] southern [....,] the moon being a little to [....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits .... The 9th, the north wind blew, ZI IR [....] 5´ [....] blew. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 20´, measured [....] 6´ [....] ⅔ cubit [.... η P]iscium. Around the 10+[xth, ....] 7´ [.... Night of the x]+1st, first part of the night, Venus was [....] below [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42833 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 1½ cubits above α Scorpii [....] 3´ [....] ...., (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), night of the 13th, first part of the night, Mars was [....] bel[ow ....] 4´ [....] ...., first part of the night, Mars was [....] above δ [Capricorni? ....] ——————————
BM 42837 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 13th, [....:] 7° [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 16th, ZI IR. The 16th, [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] α Arietis, the moon being [....] 4´ [....] the moon being .... cubits high to the north. The 20th, the north wind bl[ew ....] 5´ [....] .... [....[ .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42853–42874
BM 42853 (= 81-7-1, 617)
BM 42853
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈šur?⌉ GIGIR [....] 2´ [.... T]A 18 EN 24 8 [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ár dele-b[at ....] 4´ [....] ⌈SIG?⌉ DIR A[N ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [.... β/ζ] Tauri [....] 2´ [.... fr]om the 18th until the 24th, 8 [....] 3´ [....] .... cubits low to the south, [....] behind Venus [....] 4´ [....] low? [....;] clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42859 (= 81-7-1, 623)
BM 42859
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 21? ina [....] 4´ [....] in 16 IGI GE6 20+[x ....] 5´ [....] NÍGIN? GE6 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina MURUB4 ITU [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 21st?, in [....] 4´ [....] (ideal) first appearance on the 16th. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] was surrounded? [....] Night of the 27th, very overcast, .... [....] 6´ [....] ...., in the middle of the month, [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42861 (= 81-7-1, 625)
BM 42861
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x GUB?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] GÍR-TAB 3 K[ÙŠ? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 6? 20? [....] 5´ [....] GIN?-ʾu [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2? K[ÙŠ? ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NIM?-⌈GÍR?⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42874 (= 81-7-1, 638) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [.... G]IN? GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE šá [IGI ABSIN ....] 2´ [.... n]a-su SI GIN ITU BI KI.LAM [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠIM? LU? DU GAR-ʾu-ú ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... stood? [....] 3´ [....] 3 cu[bits? ....] Scorpii [....] 4´ [....] .... 6? 20? [....] 5´ [....] blew? [....] 6´ [....] .... 2? cu[bits? ....] 7´ [....] .... lightning? [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42874 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... bl]ew?. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ Vir[ginis ....] 2´ [....] visibility interval [of ....: ....;] the north wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: [....] 3´ [....] ....-perfume? they placed .... [....] 4´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42891–42903
BM 42891 (= 81-7-1, 655)
BM 42891
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 11 SAG GE6 s[in ....] 3´ [.... M]ÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 2⌈½⌉ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 [KÙŠ ....] 5´ [.....] GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL e šá S[AG GÍR-TAB ....] 6´ [.... G]E6 26 DIR AN DIB 26 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 7´ [.... saḫ-l]e10 3(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 3(b) SÍGhá [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 11th, beginning of the night, the m[oon was ....] 3´ [....] 2½ [cubits ....] δ Cancri [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1 [cubit] in front of γ Virginis [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Scor[pii ....] 6´ [.... Ni]ght of the 26th, clouds crossed the sky. The 26th, very overcast [....] 7´ [.... cre]ss, 3 sūt; sesame, 3 sūt; wool, [....]
Photo: JCF
(space) 8´
—————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
(space) 8´
BM 42897 (= 81-7-1, 661) Photo: M. Ossendrijver
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚ]L ár šá SAG [ḪUN ....] 3´ [....] GIN GE6 15? U[SAN? ....] 4´ [....] kal ME ULÙ GI[N ....] 5´ [.... UL]Ù? GIN GE6 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG ....] 7´ [.... GE6] 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ½? KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] GE6 27 ⌈USAN dele-bat⌉ [....] 10´ [....] SIG GIŠ.KUN A 5 [KÙŠ ....] 11´ [....] ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ?⌉ ina ⌈SAG x⌉ [....]
—————————— [....] .... [....]
BM 42897 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] α Arie[tis ....] 3´ [....] blew?. Night of the 15th?, first? [part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] all day, the south wind blew [....] 5´ [.... the sou]th? wind blew. Night of the 21st, .... [....] 6´ [....] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south [....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 8´ [....] ½? cubit low to the south .... [....] 9´ [....] Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Venus [....] 10´ [....] 5 [cubits] below ϑ Leonis [....] 11´ [....] very overcast?; in the beginning of .... [....]
BM 42903 (= 81-7-1, 657)
BM 42903
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI u MAR ŠÁRmeš GINmeš ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... T]UḪ? ULÙ GIN KI ŠÚ šámaš 1-et bu-t[uq-tú ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... gusty north and west winds blew .... [....] 2´ [.... the sandal was (not) re]moved?, the south wind blew; with sunset, one sec[tion (of a rainbow) ....]
Photo: JCF
BM 42904–42992
438 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN 9 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] [....] ⌈KUR šá⌉ DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ sin [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... the south wind blew. The 9th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [below?] η Piscium, the moon being [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 42904 (= 81-7-1, 658)
BM 42904
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... M]ÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI [....] 3´ [....] 3 KÙŠ 14 3 na [....] 4´ [....] sin ár šur GIGIR šá SI 1⌈½?⌉ [KÙŠ ....] 5´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin SIG MÚL IGI šá ALLA [....] 6´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin [x x x] ⌈x 3? KÙŠ⌉ (erasure) [....] 7´ [....] ⌈ina IGI⌉ DELE šá IGI [ABSIN ....] 8´ [.... ] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [.... Cap]ricorni [....] 3´ [....] 3 cubits [....] The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° [....] 4´ [....] the moon was 1½? [cubits] behind β Tauri [....] 5´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was [....] below [η/ϑ] Cancri [....] 6´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was .... 3 cubits (erasure) [....] 7´ [....] in front of γ Vir[ginis ....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42943 (= 81-7-1, 707)
BM 42943
Photo: JCF
Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ina] ⌈še-rì⌉ DIR AN ZA G[E6 ....] 2´ [....] sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ [....] 3´ [....] 1 KÙŠ 8 U GE6 8 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin TÙR ⌈NIGIN⌉ [....] 5´ [....] sin SIG MÚL [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42992 (= 81-7-1, 756) Photo: YM, M. Ossendrijver
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... U]LÙ u KUR GI[Nmeš ....] 4´ [....] GIN KI ŠÚ šámaš ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] 5´ [....] a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-[BABBAR ....] 6´ [....] ITU BI ILLU [....] ——————————
´Flake´ 1´ [.... in] the morning, clouds were in the sky. Ni[ght ....] 2´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit in front of η Tauri [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] Night of the 8th, [....] 4´ [....] .... the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] 5´ [....] the moon was [....] below .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 42992 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....,] the moon being ½ cubit to .... [....] 3´ [.... sou]th and east winds bl[ew ....] 4´ [....] blew; with sunset, overcast [....] 5´ [....] for 1 shekel of sil[ver ....] 6´ [....] That month, the river level [....] ——————————
BM 42996–43010
BM 42996 (= 81-7-1, 760) Photo: M. Ossendrijver
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 13 11 ME [....] 3´ [.... MÚ]L ár šá SUḪUR MÁ[Š ....] 4´ [.... ina] še-rì DIR AN ZA [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉-šú GAR? ULÙ GIN [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 5 KÙŠ 25 SI [....] 7´ [....] GE6 30 30 ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ina ALLA NU? PAP 4? dele-bat ina [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 43004 (= 81-7-1, 768) Photo: M. Ossendrijver
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GIN ⌈SAG? G[E6? ....] 2´ [....] AN ZA ULÙ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... DI]R AN ZA SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina I[GI ....] 5´ [....] KUR NIM-a 12 n[a-su ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙ[Š ....] 7´ [....] 11 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 10+[x ....] 8´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 13 kal GE6 ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] 9´ [.... GÍ]R GÍR GÙ U A[N ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 42996 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11° [....] 3´ [....] δ Capricorni [....] 4´ [.... in] the morning, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] ...., the south wind blew [....] 6´ [....] 5 cubits [....] The 25th, the north wind [....] 7´ [....] Night of the 30th (and) the 30th, .... [....] 8´ [....] in Cancer; I did not watch; the 4th?, Venus’ [....] in [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 43004 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] blew; beginning? of the ni[ght?, ....] 2´ [....] were in the sky, the south wind blew .... [....] 3´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind blew .... [....] 4´ [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in fr[ont of ....] 5´ [....] it was bright (and) high, rising [of ....] to sun[rise:] 12° [....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit .... α Virginis [....] 7´ [....] The 11th, very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 8´ [....] Night of the 13th, all night overcast? [....] 9´ [.... light]ning flashed, thunder, rain [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 43010 (= 81-7-1, 774)
BM 43010
´Flake´ 1´ [.... DELE] ⌈šá IGI⌉ ABSIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 2? ½ KÙŠ ana SI NI[M ....] 3´ [....] šá KIR4 šil PA 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... G]E6 22? ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈e⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈ḪUN?⌉ ina TIL ⌈ITU⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [.... γ] Virginis [....] 2´ [....] being 2?½ cubits high to the north [....] 3´ [....] 2 cu[bits ....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 4´ [.... Ni]ght of the 22nd?, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 5´ [....] Aries?, at the end of the month, [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: M. Ossendrijver
BM 43011–43027
BM 43011 (= 81-7-1, 775) Photo: M. Ossendrijver
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½ KÙŠ [....] 2´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár MÚL ⌈ár šá⌉ [....] 3´ [....] sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 ⌈7⌉ [....] 4´ [.... AN Z]A SI GIN GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI [....] 5´ [.... ana UL]Ù SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN in 8 ⌈GU4-?⌉-U[D? ....] 6´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG 9 ina še-rì D[IR? ....] 7´ [.... K]ÙŠ sin ½ ⌈KÙŠ ana⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 11 ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 43015 (= 81-7-1, 779) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈ár?⌉ MÚL ár šá [....] 3´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ár GIŠ.KUN A 1+[x KÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈2?⌉ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] MURUB4 ITU 1 PI EN TIL ITU [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 2(b) 4 qa SÍGḫá [....] 7´ [.... ina MÚL?]-⌈MÚL⌉ GENNA u AN šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGIm[eš ....] 8´ [....] lúERÍN-ni kurURIki ina ⌈x x⌉ AN [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ TU BÀD? Ú KA ⌈qaq-qar? x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x -ku⌉-ú? TA SAḪARmeš ⌈šá?⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x De?⌉-meṭ-ri LUGAL u ERÍN [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x ina ŠÀ x⌉ [....]
BM 43011 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½ cubit [....] 2´ [.... begin]ning of the night, the moon was [....] behind the rear star of [....] 3´ [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. Night of the 7th, [....] 4´ [.... were] in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 5´ [....] low [to] the south; very overcast, the south wind blew. Around the 8th, Mer[cury’s? ....] 6´ [....] low [to] the south. The 9th, in the morning, cl[ouds? ....] 7´ [.... cu]bits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit to [....] 8´ [....] .... the 11th, .... [....]
BM 43015 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] behind the rear star of [....] 3´ [....] the moon was 1+[x cubits] behind ϑ Leonis [....] 4´ [....] being 2 cubits high to the north. The 27th, .... [....] 5´ [....] middle of the month, 1 pān, until the end of the month, [....] 6´ [....] ....; sesame, 2 sūt 4 qa; wool, [....] 7´ [.... in Tau]rus?; Saturn and Mars, which had set, were not visible. [....] 8´ [....] the troops of Babylonia in .... [....] 9´ [....] .... ground? .... [....] 10´ [....] .... from the earth of [....] 11´ [....] .... King Demetrius? and [his?] troops [....] 12´ [....] .... inside .... [....]
BM 43027 (= 81-7-1, 791)
BM 43027
´Flake´ 1´ [….] ⌈x⌉ SI ⌈x⌉ [….] 2´ [….] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÍR G[Ù U ….] 3´ [….] 1 KÙŠ 8 SI [….] 4´ [….] ⌈x⌉ 10 ŠÚ šá GEN[NA ….]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., lightning flashed, thun[der, ....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] 4´ [....] .... The 10th, Saturn’s last appearance [....]
Photo: J. Steele
BM 43049–43052 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[….] ár SA4 šá ABSIN [….] [….]-ḫu-ú ina KASKAL šu-[ut? ….] [….] ⌈x⌉ GE6 15 [….] [….] ⌈x GE6⌉ [….]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
441 [....] behind α Virginis [....] [....] .... in the path of tho[se of ....] [....] .... Night of the 15th, [....] [....] .... Night [....]
BM 43049 (= 81-7-1, 813)
BM 43049
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] šá SI 2 K[ÙŠ? ....] 3´ [.... x]+8 DIR M[AḪ? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB AN U[TAḪ? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ KÙŠ? 2? SI ⌈x x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x DIB?⌉ ITU BI KI.LAM [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI ILLU ina ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 2 cu[bits ....] the northern star [....] 3´ [.... The x]+8th, massive? clouds [....] 4´ [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky, rain sh[ower ....] 5´ [....] .... cubits? 2 fingers? .... [....] 6´ [....] .... That month, the equivalent was: [....] 7´ [....] .... That month, the river level, on .... [....]
BM 43050 (= 81-7-1, 814)
BM 43050
Photo: JCF
Photo: J. Steele
´Flake´ 1´ [….] ⌈x⌉ [….] 2´ [….] ⌈5⌉ DIR AN ZA ⌈GE6 6⌉ [….] 3´ [….] šá DUR nu-nu 1 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG ⌈dele-bat?⌉ [….] 4´ […. K]ÙŠ 11 12,40? ŠÚ GE6 12 MURUB4 [….] 5´ [….] ⌈x⌉ GE6 15 3 GE6 GE6 10+[x ….] 6´ [….] ⌈KÙŠ? GE6?⌉ [….]
BM 43052 (= 81-7-1, 816) Photo: J. Steele
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
´Rev. 1´
[….] sin ina DIR IGI GE6 1 ina [….] [….] 1 DIR AN ZA ULÙ ŠÁR 2 [….] [….] GE6 6 6 ⌈DIR? AN?⌉ [….] [….] ⌈x x⌉ [….]
[….] ⌈x x x x⌉ [….]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] The 5th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 6th, [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [.... η] Piscium; last part of the night, Venus? [....] 4´ [.... cu]bits [....] The 11th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 40´?. Night of the 12th, in the middle watch, [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3°. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] cubits?. Night? [....]
BM 43052 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
´Rev. 1´
[....] the moon became visible in a cloud. Night of the 1st, in [....] [....] The 1st, clouds were in the sky, gusty south wind. The 2nd, [....] [....] Night of the 6th (and) the 6th, clouds? [....] the sky? [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....]
BM 43054–43073
BM 43054 (= 81-7-1, 818) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ana N]IM DIB [....] 3´ [.... SA]G GE6 AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... ŠE-G]IŠ 5(b) SÍGḫá [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 43054 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east. [....] 3´ [.... begin]ning of the night, rain .... [....] 4´ [.... ses]ame, 5 sūt; wool, [....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 43061 (= 81-7-1, 825)
BM 43061
´Flake´ 1´ [….] U PAP 20+[x ….] 2´ […. É?-sa]g?-gíl u É-⌈BABBAR?⌉ 3´ [….] (blank) —————————— 4´ […. S]IG MÚL-MÚL 4 KÙŠ 5´ […. G]IN GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin 6´ […. ina U]GU DUR TÙR ana ŠÚ GUB 7´ […. SA]G A 1 KÙŠ GE6 9 8´ [….] GÌR ár šá A 1½ KÙŠ 9´ [….] ⌈x x x⌉ 10´ [….] ⌈x x⌉
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ...., total: 20+[x ....] 2´ [.... Esan]gil and E-babbar? [....] 3´ [....] (blank) —————————— 4´ [....] 4 cubits below η Tauri. 5´ [.... bl]ew. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was 6´ [....] stood [on t]op of the band of the halo to the west. 7´ [....] 1 cubit [.... ε] Leonis. Night of the 9th, 8´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Virginis. 9´ [....] .... 10´ [....] ....
BM 43073 (= 81-7-1, 837)
BM 43073
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... x]+7 ME DIR muš 13 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] DIR AN ZA ma-diš ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 21+[x ....] 6´ [.... MÚ]L IGI šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the moon being 2 .... [....] 2´ [....] moonrise to sunset: [x]+7°, measured (despite) clouds. The 13th, .... [....] 3´ [....] clouds were in the sky, .... very much [....] 4´ [....] 2½ cubits low to the south [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 21+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] the front star of .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: J. Steele
Photo: JCF
BM 43077–43085
BM 43077 (= 81-7-1, 841) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 25 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ GE6 29 AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] 4´ SÍG 2 ma i-nu-šú MÚL-BABB[AR ....] ========================= 5´ [A]PIN 1 21 na ina šámaš GUB IGI [....] 6´ MÚL-BABBAR 1½ KÙŠ DIR AN [....] 7´ [GE6] 9 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL [....] 8´ [x] ⌈x⌉ sin ina IGI MÚL [....] 9´ [si]n? ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 43079 (= 81-7-1, 843) Photo: JCF
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ ina ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ 25 ZI IR GE6 [....] 4´ [....] 28 9,30 KUR ki PAP NU IGI G[E6 ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina AN-KU10-šú SI GIN Z[I? IR? ....] 6´ [....] EN MURUB4 ITU ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR-ád ITU BI IL[LU ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GAL ú ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 43077 ´Flake´ 1´ .... [....] 2´ Night of the 25th, .... [....] 3´ Night of the 29th, [solar] eclip[se, ....] 4´ wool, 2 minas. At that time, Jupiter [....] ========================== 5´ Month VIII, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 21°; it could be seen while the sun stood there [....] 6´ 1½ cubits [....] Jupiter; clouds [....] the sky [....] 7´ [Night] of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 8´ [....] .... the moon was [....] in front of [....] 9´ [the moo]n was in front of .... [....]
BM 43079 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... in .... [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] .... The 25th, ZI IR. Night [....] 4´ [....] The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 30´; when I watched, I did not see it. Ni[ght ....] 5´ [....] .... in its eclipse, the north wind blew, Z[I IR? ....] 6´ [....] until the middle of the month, .... [....] 7´ [....] reached .... That month, the river [level ....] 8´ [....] .... big .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 43085 (= 81-7-1, 849)
BM 43085
´Flake´ 1´ [….] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [….] 2´ [….] ⌈x⌉ AN DUL [….] 3´ […. GÌ]R ár šá A 2 KÙ[Š ….] 4´ […. SAG] GE6 sin ina IGI S[A4 ….]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... cubits .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., rain DUL [....] 3´ [....] 2 cubits [....] β Virginis [....] 4´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Virgi[nis ....]
Photo: J. Steele
444 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 43086–44151 [….] ⌈x⌉ 13 4 ŠÚ SI [….] [….] ina IGI MÚL e š[á SAG GÍR-TAB ….] […. MÚ]L KUR šá KIR4 [šil PA ….] […. G]AL?-GAL ⌈u⌉ [….] [….] ina É? [….]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 4°; the north wind? [....] [....] in front of β Sc[orpii ....] [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] [....] large and? [....] [....] in .... [....]
BM 43086 (= 81-7-1, 850)
BM 43086
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SÍG]ḫá 2 ma-na ⌈i⌉-[nu-šú ....] 3´ [.... A]N ina GÍR-TAB GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú [NU IGI ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ na ITU BI 23 [....] 5´ [....] šá ana UGU ídID[IGNA? ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... woo]l, 2 minas. At [that time, ....] 3´ [.... Ma]rs was in Scorpius; Mercury, which had set, [was not visible ....] 4´ [....] .... was the na (gauge). That month, the 23rd, [....] 5´ [....] which is on the Ti[gris ....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 44151 (= 81-7-1, 1912)
BM 44151
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x sin SIG SAG A ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... DIR] SAL AN ZA ULÙ ⌈ŠÁR?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] DIR muš ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the moon was .... below ε Leonis [....] 3´ [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky, gusty? south wind [....] 4´ [....] measured (despite) clouds .... [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: JCF
Photo: JCF
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3 ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... K]I.⌈LAM⌉ še-im ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ EN M[URUB4 ITU ....] 7´ [.... G]ÍR?-TAB ⌈16⌉? GENNA GU4?-AN KUR? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ERÍN?meš ⌈KUR? URI?⌉ki [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 3 .... [....] 4´ [....] .... [....] .... south .... [....] 5´ [.... the equi]valent was: barley, .... [....] .... [....] 6´ [....] .... until the m[iddle of the month, ....] 7´ [.... Sc]orpius?; the 16th?, Saturn reached? Taurus? .... [....] 8´ [....] .... troops? of Babylonia? .... [....]
BM 45660
BM 45660 (= 81-7-6, 54) Copy: LBAT 677
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 45660 ´Obv.´
[....] ⌈GAŠAN -iá ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 1 12 na šá GENNA [.... DI]R AN ZA SI šá kap MAR GAR GIN GE6 2 ⌈x⌉ [.... šá] kap MAR GAR GIN GE6 3 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN [3 D]IR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 4 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 4 DIR AN ZA [x] GIN GE6 5 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN [nn] KÙŠ 5 DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN GE6 6 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA ⌈sin⌉ ár MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN ⌈6⌉ ina še-rì DIR AN ZA ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ KI ŠÚ šámaš AN UTAḪ [GE6] ⌈7⌉ DIR AN DIB kal GE6 AN UTAḪ ⌈SI šá⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 8 [....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 10 SAG GE6 sin ár [....] [....] KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 3½ KÙŠ [ana ŠÚ] GUB USAN U4-ZAL AN UTAḪ ⌈i-ṣa⌉ [.... ina] ⌈še-rì⌉ DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [.... x]+1 SI šá kap MAR GAR GIN [....] 8?,10 ME IB? IM ŠÁR KALAG 13 7,30 ŠÚ [....] ina še-rì AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 SI LAL PAP 20+[x na] [....] ⌈IM? x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´
[....] Beltija? [....] [....] .... Night of the 1st, .... [....] [....] .... The 1st, sunset to setting of Saturn: 12°. [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 2nd, .... [.... which] was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 3rd, all night, very overcast, the north wind blew. [The 3rd, cl]ouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 4th, clouds were in the sky, [....] blew. Night of the 5th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] cubits in front of β Arietis. The 5th, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky; the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Arietis; all night, very overcast, the north wind blew. The 6th, in the morning, clouds were in the sky; in the afternoon, overcast; with sunset, rain shower. [Night] of the 7th, clouds crossed the sky, all night, rain shower; the north wind, which [....] [....] .... Night of the 8th, [....] [....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] cubits [....,] it stood 3½ cubits in front of Jupiter [to the west;] first part of the night (and) morning watch, a little rain shower. [.... in] the morning, clouds crossed the sky, a little rain shower. [.... The x]+1st, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew. [....] moonrise to sunset: 8°? 10´, ....; strong gusty wind. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 30´. [....] in the morning, a little rain shower. [....] ...., (the river level) receded 4 fingers, total: 20+[x was the na (gauge).] [....] wind? .... [....]
BM 45663–45678
BM 45663 (= 81-7-6, 57)
BM 45663
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 26? .... [....]
Copy: LBAT 646
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈26? x x x⌉ [....]
(space) 2´
(space) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[.... šá še-pí]t MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈1⅔ KÙŠ⌉ GE6 3 sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ ár AN 2½ KÙŠ ana NIM G[UB ....] [.... sin SIG SA]G A 7 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 7 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈SAG GE6 sin⌉ ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ana SI NIM 13 2 na muš G[E6 ....] [....] AN UTAḪ in EN 15 MÚL-BABBAR ana ŠÚ ki [UŠ-a .... [.... ina še]-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ SI GIN [....] [.... ka]l GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ U4-ZAL AN UTAḪ in 19 [....] [....] 20 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... s]in ina IGI MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] 1⅔ cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] below [α/β] Geminorum [....] [....] .... (the moon) stood 2½ cubits behind Mars to the east [....] [.... the moon was] 7 cubits [below] ε Leonis, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 7th, .... [....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] γ Virginis, the moon being 2 cubits [....] [....] beginning of the night, the moon was ½ cubit in front of α Librae [....] [....] .... cubits high to the north. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2°, measured. Ni[ght ....] [....] rain shower. Around until the 15th, when Jupiter [became stationary] to the west, [....] [.... in the mor]ning, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower, the north wind blew [....] [.... a]ll night, very overcast; in the morning watch, rain shower. Around the 19th, [....] [....] The 20th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 21st, .... [....] [....] the moon was .... in front of η Piscium [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45678 (= 81-7-6, 76)
BM 45678
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... T]A 14 EN 19 ILLU 1 KÙŠ 4 SI [....] 3´ [....] šá lúDUMUmeš Eki né-pe-šú šá ina mu[ḫḫi ....] 4´ [....] E BAD-ú UNmeš KUR ni-gu-tú [....] 5´ [....] mu-ma-ʾi-ir KUR URIki ana muḫ-ḫ[i ....] 6´ [....] a-šar-šú SUD u4-m[u ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... fr]om the 14th until the 19th, the river level [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....] 3´ [....] of the Babylonians, a work which is on [....] 4´ [....] .... they opened. The people of the land [set up?] merrymaking [....] 5´ [....] the satrap of Babylonia to [....] 6´ [....] whose place is far, a d[ay ....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 45681–45788
BM 45681 (= 81-7-6, 80) Copy: LBAT 607
BM 45681
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [....] 3´ [.... MÚ]L KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin ár MÚL-MÚL 1⅔ [KÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] 2? KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 6´ [.... D]IB GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG šur G[IGIR? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 7th, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the west in [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit [....] η Piscium [....] 4´ [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 1⅔ [cubits] behind η Tauri [....] 5´ [....] 2? cubits [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 6´ [.... cro]ssed? [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, [....] 7´ [....] .... below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 8´-9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45738 (= 81-7-6, 149)
BM 45738
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana SI N[IM] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] DIB 26 SI GIN ⌈ŠED7⌉ š[ir ....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI N[IM] ina IGI ⌈dele-bat⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ina IG]I MÚL-BABBAR 2½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ G[UB] sin 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] ŠED7 šir 27 ⌈x⌉,40 KUR [....] 7´ [.... S]I GIN ŠED7 š[ir] ina ZÁLAG DIR A[N ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN né-ḫi PISA[N ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ZÚ-L[UM ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ (traces, illegible)
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit high to the north, .... [....] 3´ [....] crossed? [....] The 26th, the north wind blew, the cold became se[vere ....] 4´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north, [it stood ....] in front of Venus [to the west ....] 5´ [....] (the moon) stood 2½ cubits [in fron]t of Jupiter to the west, the moon being 1 cu[bit ....] 6´ [....] the cold became severe. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: x° 40´ [....] 7´ [.... the no]rth wind blew, the cold became severe; last part of the night, clouds [....] the sky [....] 8´ [....] .... slow rain, PISAN [....] 9´ [....] ....; dates, [....] 10´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ (traces, illegible)
BM 45788 (= 81-7-6, 204) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... U4-Z]AL-LA AN ⌈né-ḫi⌉ PISAN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 45788 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... in the mor]ning watch, slow rain, PISAN DIB .... [....]
BM 45795+46222
448 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ULÙ GIN GE6 23 DIR AN DIB ina ZÁLAG AN UT[AḪ ....] [....] LAL? 25 DIR AN ZA GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ [....] [....] DIR AN ZA ITU BI KI.LAM še-im 1(g) GUR 1 PI Z[Ú ....] [....] SAG ITU 1(p) 1(b) 3 qa ina MURUB4 ITU 1(p) 2(b) ina TIL ITU 1(p) 2(b) ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL-BABBAR] ina GU EN TIL ITU ina zibme 27 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád ⌈GU4UD⌉ [....] [.... ITU] BI ILLU NU PAP ITU BI DÙ? x li? ina KUR al? di? [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] (erasure) [....] sin SIG ⌈MÚL?⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ sin ⌈i-ṣa ana NIM DIB? x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
12´ 13´
BM 45795 (= 81-7-6, 213+260) + 46222 (81-7-6, 684) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
BM 45795 + 46222 Obv.´ 1
[....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 DIR AN ZA sin SIG [DELE šá IGI ABSI]N 2 KÙŠ 11 DIR AN ZA GE6 12 [x x] [.... sin] ⌈ár⌉ SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ 12 D[IR? x x] [.... GE6] 13 12,50 ME DIR NU PAP DIR AN [x] [....] ⌈Á⌉? KUR GÍR GÍR IM ŠÁR 13 3,40? [ŠÚ] kal ME [x x] ⌈GE6 14⌉ 4,40 GE6 DIR NU PAP kal G[E6 ] IM ŠÁR [14] 8,20 na DIR NU PAP DIR AN [x] ina še-rì A[N UTA]Ḫ 1-et bu-tuq-tu4 d TI[R-AN-NA]
[....] the south wind blew. Night of the 23rd, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, rain sho[wer ....] [....] back?. The 25th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Capricorni [....] [....] clouds were in the sky. That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur 1 pān; da[tes, ....] [....] beginning of the month, 1 pān 1 sūt 3 qa, in the middle of the month, 1 pān 2 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 pān 2 sūt .... [....] [.... Jupiter] was in Aquarius, until the end of the month, in Pisces; the 27th, Venus reached Aries; Mercury [....] [....] That [month,] I did not watch the river level. That month, .... in the land .... [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] (erasure) [....] the moon was [....] cubits? below ...., the moon having passed a little to the east, .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
2 3 4
[....] .... Night of the 11th, clouds were in the sky; the moon was 2 cubits below [γ Virgin]is. The 11th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, [....] [.... the moon was] 2 cubits behind α Virginis. The 12th, cl[ouds? ....] [.... Night] of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 50´; clouds, I did not watch; clouds [....] the sky. [....] on the east side, lightning flashed, gusty wind. The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 3° 40´?; all day, [....] Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 40´; clouds, I did not watch; all night gusty wind. [The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: 8° 20´; clouds, I did not watch; clouds [....] the sky; in the morning, rain [show]er; one section of a rain[bow]
BM 45795+46222 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Á KUR G[I]B kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ IM ŠÁR GE6 [15] DIR AN ZA sin ⌈x SI4⌉ 1½ KÙŠ 15 DIR AN ⌈ZA⌉ GE6 16 DIR A[N x ina ZÁLAG] sin ár šil PA 1½ KÙŠ 16 ⌈DIR⌉ SAL AN ZA [AN]-BAR7 šámaš TÙR NIGIN GE6 17 ⌈17?⌉ DIR AN ZA [GE6 1]8 18 DIR AN ZA [GE6] ⌈19 x⌉ [x x ina ZÁL]AG sin ár SI MÁŠ [nn mm 19] ⌈DIR AN ZA⌉ GE6 20 kal GE6 [x x] [ina ZÁLAG sin ina] IGI SUḪUR IGI 1½ KÙŠ 20 DIR A[N Z]A [GE6 2]1 DIR AN ZA 21 DIR AN ZA ina KIN-SIG ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [GÍR G]ÍR GÙ U MAḪ AN DUL GE6 22 [DIR AN] DIB SAG GE6 GÍR GÍR-GÍR GÙ U MA[Ḫ] [....] ⌈x x⌉ IM ŠÁR KALAG 22 ⌈DIR AN⌉ [x] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] GE6 20+[x ....]
9 10
15 16
18 19
20 21
(⅔ of reverse blank)
(⅔ of reverse blank) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
stretched on the east side; all day, very overcast, gusty wind. Night [of the 15th,] clouds were in the sky; the moon was 1½ cubits .... α Scorpii. The 15th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 16th, clouds [....] the sky; last part of the night,] the moon was 1½ cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi. The 16th, thin clouds were in the sky; at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 17th, (and) the 17th, clouds were in the sky. [Night of the 1]8th (and) the 18th, clouds were in the sky. [Night] of the 19th, .... [.... last] part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Capricorni. [The 19th,] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 20th, all night, [....] [last part of the night, the moon was] 1½ cubits in front of γ Capricorni. The 20th, clouds were in the sky. [Night of the 2]1st, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky; in the afternoon, very overcast, [lightning] flashed, much thunder, rain DUL. Night of the 22nd, [clouds] crossed [the sky;] beginning of the night, lightning flashed continuously, much thunder, [....] .... strong gusty wind. The 22nd, clouds [....] the sky. [....] .... [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
⌈ILLU⌉ TA 1 EN 13 ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ G[IN] [PAP x n]a 14 ⌈4 SI⌉ L[AL?] PAP 6 [na] [x x 1]5? 16 20? ⌈x x⌉ [x] PAP ½ na? [x x x] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ LA[L x x x] ⌈x⌉ 1 20 ⌈x⌉ [....] ILLU ŠÚ [x x] [....] ⌈x na⌉ [....]
1´ 2
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
the river level, from the 1st until the 13th, rose .... cubits; [total: ....] was the na (gauge); the 14th, it receded? 4 fingers; total: 6 [was the na (gauge).] [....] 15th? 16th 20? .... [....] total: ½`was the na (gauge). [....] .... receded ½ cubit [....] .... 1 20? .... [....] the peak flood [....] [....] .... was the na (gauge) [....]
BM 45798
BM 45798 (= 81-7-6, 216) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [.... S]I? NIM? GE6 3 sin SIG SAG A 4½ KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ ⌈LAL 3⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa 5 SI GIN GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A 2 [KÙŠ ....] [....] e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL DIR AN ZA ⌈USAN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈sin⌉ ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 3½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ár SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ ana ⌈ULÙ SIG⌉ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....] [.... ana] ULÙ SIG ár AN 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana [NIM] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈SAG⌉ A ⌈1½ KÙŠ x x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x GE6 7⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 4? KÙŠ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈MÁŠ⌉ 1½ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ⌈SI NIM GE6 15? x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x 1 KÙŠ⌉ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá ⌈SAG ḪUN x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2⅔ KÙŠ ⌈GE6 x x⌉ [....]
BM 45798 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] high to the north?. Night of the 3rd, the moon was 4½ cubits below ε Leonis, the moon being 1 cubit back to the west. The 3rd, [....] 3´ [....] .... a little rain shower. The 5th, the north wind blew. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 [cubits] behind β Virginis [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] β Scorpii, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west; clouds were in the sky; first part? of the night, [....] 5´ [....] the moon was 3½ cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north .... [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits behind β Capricorni. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was .... [....] 7´ [....] .... cubits low to the south. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 8´ [....] low to the south, (the moon) [stood?] 1 cubit behind Mars to the [east] .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] 10´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] ε Leonis .... [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits in front of α Librae .... [....] 4´ [....] having passed ½ cubit to the east; last part of the night, Venus was 4? cubits above ζ Tauri [....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] Capricorni, the moon being ⅔ cubit high to the north. Night of the 15th?, .... [....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Arietis .... [....] 7´ [....] Venus was 2⅔ cubits above γ Geminorum. Night .... [....]
BM 45800–45803 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈SI GIN⌉ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL IGI šá ⌈še⌉-[pít] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x IGI KUR 16⌉ na-su in 25 IGI [....] [.... KI.LAM] ⌈še-im⌉ ina SAG ITU 2(p) 3(b) EN ⌈MURUB4⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below η Geminorum [....] [....] first appearance ....; it was bright, rising [of ....] to sunrise: 16°, (ideal) first appearance on the 25th [....] [.... the equivalent was:] barley, in the beginning of the month, 2 pān 3 sūt, until the middle [of the month, ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45800 (= 81-7-6, 218)
BM 45800
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....]-šú-nu-tú ni-iʾ-tú ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉-mi-ni GIM IGI-ú ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [.... ki] PAP NU IGI GE6 2 ZI IR ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈4⌉ ZI IR GE6 5 SAG GE6 [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] them, siege? .... [....] 3´ [....]-mini as before .... [....] —————————— 4´ [.... when] I watched, I did not see it. Night of the 2nd, ZI IR .... [....] 5´ [....] The 4th, ZI IR. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, [....]
Photo: YM
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GÌR ár šá A 8 SI ⌈in? x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 2(b) 3 qa 3 4 5 1(p) 2(b) TA ⌈6⌉ [....] 4´ [.... Z]Ú-LUM EN 4 1(p) 3(b) 1 qa 4-ʾu-ú q[a ....] 5´ [.... x]+13 MÚL-BABBAR ABSIN KUR⌈ád x x⌉ ina MÚL-MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 8 fingers [....] β Virginis. Around? .... [....] 3´ [....] 2 sūt 3 qa; the 3rd, 4th, (and) 5th, 1 pān 2 sūt; from the 6th [....] 4´ [.... d]ates, until the 4th, 1 pān 3 sūt 1 qa (and) one-fourth q[a ....] 5´ [.... The x]+13th, Jupiter reached Virgo; .... in Taurus .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45803 (= 81-7-6, 221)
BM 45803
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x SAG? x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 4½ qa ZÚ-LUM 1(g) [....] 4´ [....] ⌈i-nu-šú⌉ MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat [....] 5´ [.... GU]B-⌈uz⌉ TA 22 EN TIL ITU 4 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] šá ina ⌈Eki⌉ il-lu-ú ina É-IGI-TUḪ-A GÙ-[DÉ ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] 4½ qa; dates, 1 kur [....] 4´ [....] At that time, Jupiter and Saturn were in Pisces, Venus [....] 5´ [.... (the river level) remain]ed constant; from the 22nd until the end of the month, .... 4 [....] 6´ [....] which had come up in Babylon, were read in the theatre [....]
Photo: JCF, YM
452 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
BM 45817 [.... uruSe-lu]-⌈ke-a-a⌉ LAL⌈meš?⌉ ana Eki KU4meš-ni ḫat-tu4 ina KUR GAR-á[t ....] [....] ⌈NE x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ ḫu-ub-tú MAḪ-tú? lú UNmeš [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ ana mu[ḫ-ḫi x] ⌈x⌉ [x]meš šá Eki i-na ṣar-ru-ú-tú [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x -tu4⌉ KÙ.GI IGILAL-ú ana lúŠÀ-TAM [....] [....] MU-a-tì ⌈x x x⌉ BE KÙ.GI DU? šá GIM ⌈Ameš⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x NÁ?⌉ MU-a-tì ik ⌈lu? x⌉ -ú-šú ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ x ina É? lúŠÀ-TAM Ésag-gíl ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ lú?ŠÀ-TAM É-sag-gíl šá ana ma-[....] [....] ⌈x x SIL?⌉ šá É DINGIRmeš [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ MU-a-tì ana UG[U ....]
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[.... who?] went back [from Seleu]cia, entered Babylon. Panic occurred in the land [....] [....] .... [....] .... much? plunder, the people [....] [....] .... on .... of Babylon in falseness? [....] [....] .... [....] .... of gold they saw?, to the temple administrator [....] [....] this [....] .... of gold .... which like water [....] [....] .... this .... him .... [....] [....] .... in the house? of the administrator of Esangil .... [....] [....] .... the administrator of Esangil who to .... [....] [....] .... street? of the temples [....] [....] .... [....] this .... on [....]
17´-24´ (mostly illegible)
17´-24´ (mostly illegible)
BM 45817 (= 81-7-6, 238) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 17 ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ sin [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 19 DIR AN ZA sin TÙR NIGIN ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI GÌ[R ár šá A ....] 4´ [.... SA4] šá ABSIN ½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ŠÀ-šú GIN GE6 ⌈23 ina⌉ ZÁ[LAG ....] 5´ [....] 3? KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈e?⌉ [šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG GENNA 2 SI ina ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB ⌈26?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 29 29 DIR AN ZA GE6 30 30 [....] 8´ [....] ME? ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 4(b) SÍGḫá ⌈x ma-na a⌉-[na ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DAGAL [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 45817 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] southern [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 19th, clouds were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Vir[ginis ....] 4´ [....] ½ cubit [.... α] Virginis, it was set towards its inside. Night of the 23rd, last [part of the night, ....] 5´ [....] 3? cubits [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Sc[orpii ....] 6´ [....] .... 2 fingers below Saturn; last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky. The 26th?, [....] 7´ [....] .... Night of the 29th (and) the 29th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 30th (and) the 30th, [....] 8´ [....] ....; sesame, 4 sūt; wool, x minas f[or one shekel of silver ....] 9´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
[....] wide [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45822–45826
BM 45822 (= 81-7-6, 243) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB AN?⌉ U[TAḪ? ....] 2´ [.... DI]R AN ZA ULÙ GIN ⌈GE6 x x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... ina I]GI MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2 KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana [ULÙ SIG ....] 4´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 ⌈KÙŠ sin?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] sin ⌈1½?⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG SI GIN 8 DIR AN ZA [....] 6´ [....] GIŠ.KUN A 2 KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG [....] 7´ [.... SA]G GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A 1½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ e SA4 šá ABSIN [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 45826 (= 81-7-6, 247) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ KI ŠÚ šámaš G[ÍR? ....] 2´ [.... DI]R AN ZA ina ZÁLAG [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB [....] 4´ [....] GÙ U i GÍR ina UL[Ù ....] 5´ [.... saḫ-l]e10? 1(p) 1(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 2(b) ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... ina zi]bme IGI ina TIL ITU ina LU in 10+[x ....] 7´ [....] (blank) —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ muš AGA a-pir sin ár dele-⌈bat⌉ [....] 9´ [....]-UD SIG MÚL-MÚL 1⅔ KÙ[Š ....] 10´ [....] GE6 5 SAG GE6 ⌈sin⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....]
BM 45822 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... clouds crossed the sky, rain sh[ower?, ....] 2´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the xth, .... [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits in front of α Geminorum, the moon being 5 cubits [low to the south ....] 4´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind δ Cancri, the moon being [....] 5´ [....] the moon being 1½? cubits low to the south; the north wind blew. The 8th, clouds were in the sky, [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] ϑ Leonis, the moon being 5 cubits low to the south [....] 7´ [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits behind β Virginis; last part of the night, .... [....] 8´ [....] the moon was [....] above α Virginis [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45826 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... overcast?; with sunset, li[ghtning?, ....] 2´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky; last part of the night, [....] 3´ [....] stood [x]+1 cubits to the east [....] 4´ [....] a little thunder, lightning in the south [....] 5´ [.... cre]ss, 1 pān 1 sūt; sesame, 2 sūt .... [....] 6´ [....] first appearance [in Pis]ces; at the end of the month, in Aries; around the 10+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] (blank) —————————— 8´ [....] ...., measured, earthshine; the moon was [....] behind Venus [....] 9´ [.... Jupi]ter (or: [Merc]ury) was 1⅔ cubits below η Tauri [....] 10´ [....] Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 11´ [....] .... 1 cubit [....]
BM 45828–45832
BM 45828 (= 81-7-6, 249) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... šá še]-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 4 KÙŠ 1 ŠÚ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ⌈SIG⌉ [....] 5´ [.... MÚL] IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ UŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN [....] 7´ [.... AN D]UL GE6 12 12 DIR AN DIB GE6 [....] 8´ [.... D]IR AN DIB AN DUL USAN AN SIG [....] 9´ [....] sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ GE6 ⌈18?⌉ [....] 10´ [....] sin 1 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 20 DIR A[N ....] 11´ [.... GE6] 27 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚ[L ....] 12´ [....] PI ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 1 PI 3 qa SÍG [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x⌉ na
BM 45828 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] 4 cubits .... η/μ] Geminorum. The 1st, overcast [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 5´ [....] became stationary [....] γ Capricorni .... [....] 6´ [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Virginis [....] 7´ [.... rain D]UL. Night of the 12th (and) the 12th, clouds crossed the sky. Night [....] 8´ [.... cl]ouds crossed the sky, rain DUL; first part of the night, Mars was [....] below [....] 9´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits in front of β Capricorni. Night of the 18th?, [....] 10´ [....] the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. Night of the 20th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 11´ [.... Night] of the 27th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 12´ [....] pān; sesame, 1 pān 3 qa; wool, [....] 13´ [....] .... was the na (gauge).
BM 45832 (= 81-7-6, 255)
BM 45832
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... u] KUR GINmeš [....] 3´ [.... GE6 2]4 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 4´ [.... GE6 2]6 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 26 KAK[BAN ....] 5´ [.... G]E6 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN 28 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4(b) ZÚ ina SAG ITU 3(p) PI ina TIL IT[U ....] 7´ [.... IT]U ina MÚL-MÚL EN TIL ITU ina MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] 8´ [....] ⌈5⌉ 6 7 8 U LAL PAP 1 na [....] 9´ [.... É-sag]-gíl u lúEki meš KUR [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... and] east winds blew [....] 3´ [.... Night of the 2]4th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 4´ [.... Night of the 2]6th, all night, very overcast. The 26th, Sir[ius ....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 28th, very overcast, the south wind blew. The 28th, [....] 6´ [....] ...., 4 sūt; dates, in the beginning of the month, 3 pān, at the end of the mon[th, ....] 7´ [.... of the mo]nth, in Taurus, until the end of the month, in Gemi[ni ....] 8´ [....] the 5th, 6th, (and) 7th, it receded 8 fingers, total: 1 was the na (gauge) [....] 9´ [.... of Esan]gil and the Babylonians .... [....] 10´ [....] .... in front of .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 45833–45836
BM 45833 (= 81-7-6, 256) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] GE6 ⌈7 DIR AN ZA⌉ SAG GE6 [....] [....] ⌈kal⌉ ME DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN GE6 10+[x ....] [.... sin SIG] ⌈IGI⌉ šá SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] 13 ⌈kal ME SI⌉ GIN GE6 14 8 ME DIR m[uš ....] MÚL-BABBAR? 2 5/6 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 14 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x DIR⌉ NU PAP DIR AN ⌈ZA x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 45833 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] DIR AN ZA 29 DIR AN ZA GE6 30 ina [....] ITU BI KI.LAM še-im ina ⌈SAG ITU?⌉ [....] EN 25 1(b)? ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
BM 45836 (= 81-7-6, 259) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x EN⌉ 7 2(p) 1(b) ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1(p) 2(b) ḫá 1 ma-na u? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] AN MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád ITU B[I ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG-DU NAM-LÚ-⌈ULÙ⌉ [....] [...] ⌈x⌉ IDe-meṭ-ri lúpa-ḫat ⌈Eki⌉ [....] [....] KUR? U4-2 lúGAL UKKIN KUR URI[ki ....] [....]-ʾu ITU BI U4-23 ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... NU] PAP GE6 1 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍ[R ....] [.... AN D]IB GE6 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 ⌈5⌉ [....] [.... K]ÙŠ ana ⌈SI NIM⌉ G[E6 ....]
(most of surface eroded; traces of a few widely spaced illegible lines in lower part)
.... [....] .... [....] clouds were in the sky. The 29th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 30th, in [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, in the beginning of the month?, [....] until the 25th, 1 sūt? .... [....]
BM 45836 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] Night of the 7th, clouds were in the sky; beginning of the night, [....] [....] all day, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [.... the moon was] 3½ cubits [below] β Arietis, the moon being ½ cu[bit ....] The 13th, all day, the north wind blew. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8°; measured (despite) clouds [....] 2 5/6 cubits [....] Jupiter?, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 14th, .... [....] [....] .... clouds, I did not watch; clouds were in the sky, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] ...., until the 7th, 2 pān 1 sūt, .... [....] [....] .... 1 pān 2 sūt; wool, 1 mina .... [....] [....] Mars reached Taurus. That month, [....] [....] .... a head of a human [....] [....] .... Demetrius, the governor of Babylon, [....] [....] .... The 2nd day, the satrap of Babylonia [....] [....] .... That month, the 23rd day, .... [....] —————————— [.... I did not] watch. Night of the 1st, all night, very overcast, light[ning ....] [....] cr[ossed the sky.] Night of the 4th, very overcast. Night of the 5th, [....] [....c]ubits high to the north. Ni[ght ....]
´Rev.´ (most of surface eroded; traces of a few widely spaced illegible lines in lower part)
BM 45840A–45841
BM 45840A (= 81-7-6, 264A)
BM 45840A
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... SA]G ⌈GE6⌉ sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] sin 4½ KÙŠ ana [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SI[G ....] 6´ [.... G]ENNA? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG? MÚL? [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 14? [....] 9´ [....] GE6? [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] .... the moon .... [....] 3´ [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 4´ [....] the moon being 4½ cubits to [....] 5´ [....] .... cubits low to the south [....] 6´ [.... Sa]turn? .... [....] 7´ [....] .... below .... [....] 8´ [....] .... 14? [....] 9´ [....] night? [....]
BM 45841 (= 81-7-6, 265)
BM 45841
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚL TU]R šá 4 ⌈KÙŠ ár LUGAL⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [....] sin 3½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG USAN ⌈GU4?⌉-[UD? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 11 SAG [GE6 sin] ⌈ina IGI⌉ RÍN šá ULÙ 1+[x ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x GE6 13? x x x x⌉ 3 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈GE6 15? 8⌉ ME muš 3 UŠ ár? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ SI ŠÁR GIN ⌈x x x x x⌉[....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ SI GIN GE6 17? ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 9´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ina IGI GIŠ?.K[UN A ....] 10´ [....] ⌈ina IGI MÚL-MÚL⌉ 4 KÙŠ 25 SI G[IN ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x SI GIN 28? [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] ρ Leonis, the moon being 2 cubits [....] 3´ [....] the moon being 3½ cubits low to the south; first part of the night, Mer[cury? ....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 11th, beginning [of the night, the moon was] 1+[x ....] in front of α Librae [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 13th, .... 3 cubits .... [....] 6´ [....] Night of the 15th?, moonrise to sunset: 8°, measured; (when) 3° behind .... [....] 7´ [....] .... a gusty north wind blew .... [....] 8´ [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 17th?, last part of the ni[ght, ....] 9´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Leo[nis ....] 10´ [....] 4 cubits in front of η Tauri. The 25th, the north wind bl[ew ....] 11´ [....] .... the north wind blew. The 28th?, [....] 12´-14´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: JCF
Photo: YM
BM 45875
BM 45875 (= 81-7-6, 306) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SI GIN [....] 3´ [.... i]-ṣa SI GIN ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... B]URU5 i-ṣa ZI-⌈a⌉ [....] 5´ [.... GE6] 17 USAN dele-bat e MÚ[L ....] 6´ [.... DI]R AN ZA SI GIN 18 D[IR?....] 7´ [....] ⌈i⌉-ṣa ana NIM DIB ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚ[L ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x USAN⌉ GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR š[á ....] 9´ [....] SI GIN GE6 23 USAN G[U4-UD? ....] 10´ [....] SI GIN GE6 24 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 11´ [.... AN] DUL-ḫat SI ŠÁR kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UT[AḪ ....] 12´ [.... 2]7 SI GIN AN-BAR7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ U[LÙ? ....] 13´ [.... GI]N? ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈e? x x⌉ [....] 14´ [.... MURU]B4 ITU 2(p) 4(b)? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 15´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 45875 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the north wind blew [....] 3´ [....] a little [....,] the north wind blew. Night? [....] 4´ [....] a few locusts attacked [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 17th, first part of the night, Venus was [....] above [....] 6´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 18th, cl[ouds? ....] 7´ [....] having passed a little to the east; last part of the night, Mars was [....] below [....] 8´ [....] .... first part of the night, Mercury was below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 9´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Me[rcury? ....] 10´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 24th, all night, very overcast [....] 11´ [.... rain] DUL, gusty north wind, all night, very overcast, rain sh[ower ....] 12´ [.... The 2]7th, the north wind blew; at noon, very overcast, the sou[th wind? ....] 13´ [.... bl]ew?; last part of the night, Mars was [....] above .... [....] 14´ [.... in the midd]le of the month, 2 pān 4 sūt? .... [....] 15´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45882–45889
BM 45882 (= 81-7-6, 313) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈e MÚL KUR šá KIR4⌉ šil PA 1½ KÙŠ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ NU PAP GE6 7 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá [SAG ḪUN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 DIR SAL AN ZA GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈e⌉ is le10 4 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....[ [.... šur GIG]IR šá SI 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....]
Lower edge 1 [EN-NUN] šá gi-né-e šá T[A ....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] AN UTAḪ 12 SI [....] [.... ka]l ME DIR AN DIB AN UTAḪ [....] [.... x]+20 GE6 DIR NU PAP kal ME [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 45882 ´Obv. 1´ 2´
4´ 5´
Lower edge 1 [Di]ary fr[om ....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
BM 45889 (= 81-7-6, 320) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [G]AN 1 23 na ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 8 SAG GE6 sin ina [IGI ....] 3´ in šá TE/MÚL ŠÚ GE6 10+[x ....] 4´ sin 8 SI ana NIM DI[B ....] 5´ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] 6´ ana ŠÚ GUB 17 DIR AN [....] 7´ ⌈GE6 18 SAG GE6⌉[....] Comments 3´: in instead of ina is rare apart from the dates given for planetary (ideal) phenomena. I cannot say which celestial body is “setting” here, nor what “of a star” means, if this is the correct reading of šá MÚL.
[....] 1½ cubits above ϑ Ophiuchi. Night of the xth, [....] [....] ...., I did not watch. Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β [Arietis ....] [....] .... The 8th, thin clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [.... the moon was] 4 cubits above α Tauri, the moon being ½ cubit to [....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Tauri .... [....]
[....] rain shower. The 12th, the north wind [....] [.... a]ll day, clouds crossed the sky, rain shower [....] [....] sunset to moonrise: [x]+20´; clouds, I did not watch; all day, [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
BM 45889 ´Flake´ 1´ Month IX, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 23° .... [....] 2´ Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 3´ set in .... Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east [....] 5´ 1⅔ cubits below β Geminorum [....] 6´ stood [....] to the west. The 17th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 7´ Night of the 18th, beginning of the night, [....]
BM 45890
BM 45890 (= 81-7-6, 321+ 343) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN DIB [....] [....] DIR AN ZA sin ina IGI [....] [.... DIR] AN ZA SI GIN GE6 2+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA S[I ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN ⌈GENNA⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÁR GIN i-ṣa ⌈x⌉ [x] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x GÙ?]-šú ŠUB-di ULÙ GIN 5´ [....] ⌈x x GE6 9? x x⌉ [x DIR] AN ZA USAN ⌈x⌉ 6´ [....] ⌈1? KÙŠ? x 14? 7?⌉ [na?] DIR muš DIR ⌈x⌉ [x] 7´ [GE6 1]5 8 GE6 NU PAP ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin⌉ [ina IGI] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR 1? KÙŠ ana⌉ ŠÚ [GUB] 8´ [sin] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 15? ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [GE6 1]6 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GÌR ár šá A 1+[x ....] 10´ [GE6] 17 ⌈ina ZÁLAG sin SIG⌉ DELE šá ⌈IGI⌉ ABSIN [....]
BM 45890 `Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
(illegible traces of several lines of dry writing follow)
9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] [....] clouds crossed the sky [....] [....] clouds were in the sky; the moon was [....] in front of [....] [.... clouds] were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 2+[xth, ....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the nor[th wind ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... first part of the night, Saturn [....] [....] gusty [....] blew, a little .... [....] .... [....] it thundered, the south wind blew. [....] .... Night of the 9th?, .... [.... clouds] were in the sky; first part of the night, .... [....] 1? cubit? .... The 14th?, [sunrise to moonset?:] 7°?, measured (despite) clouds; clouds .... [Night of the 1]5th, sunset to moonrise: 8°; I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon [stood] 1? cubit [in front of] Jupiter to the west, [the moon being] x+½ cubit low to the south. The 15th, .... [....] [Night of the 1]6th, last part of the night, the moon was 1+[x ....] behind β Virginis [....] [Night] of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below γ Virginis [....] (illegible traces of several lines of dry writing follow)
BM 45895–45906
BM 45895 (= 81-7-6, 326) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈8?⌉ SI sin ⅔? K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... KI.L]AM še-im 3(b) 1½ q[a ....] 4´ [.... ina] UR-A MÚL-BABBAR u GU4-UD šá ŠÚ[meš NU IGImeš ....] 5´ [.... EN TI]L ITU ILLU 8 SI LAL [....]
BM 45896 (= 81-7-6, 327) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈sin 2⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] 2´ [.... L]AL 4 IM-LIMMU-⌈BA⌉ [....] 3´ [.... MÚ]L ⌈TUR⌉ šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈8 SAG GE6⌉ sin ina IGI RÍN šá [....] 5´ [....] SI GIN GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 14 6 ME muš ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 7´ [....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ sin [....] 8´ [.... 2]2? SI GIN GE6 23 ina ZÁL[AG ....] 9´ [....] ⌈sin 3?⌉½ KÙŠ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 45895 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... the moon was] 8 fingers [....,] the moon being ⅔? cubit [....] 3´ [.... the equiv]alent was: barley, 3 sūt 1½ q[a ....] 4´ [.... in] Leo; Jupiter and Mercury, which had set, [were not visible ....] 5´ [.... until the e]nd of the month, the river level receded 8 fingers [....]
BM 45896 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon being 2 cu[bits ....] 2´ [....] back [....] The 4th, wind from all four directions [....] 3´ [....] ρ Leonis [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Librae [....] 5´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6°, measured; last part of the [night, ....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni, the moon being [....] 8´ [.... The 2]2nd?, the north wind blew. Night of the 23rd, last part of the ni[ght, ....] 9´ [....] the moon being 3?½ cubits [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45906 (= 81-7-6, 339)
BM 45906
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... rain so that the sandal .... Night [....] 3´ [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Librae [....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi. The 13th?, .... [....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [....]
Copy: LBAT 214
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] x x AN E.SÍR? ⌈x⌉ GE6 [....] 3 [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI RÍN šá ULÙ [....] 4´ [....] MÚL KUR šá KIR4 sil PA 2 KÙŠ 13? ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 1 KÙŠ 4 SI GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin e [....]
BM 45910–45914 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... ár M]ÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB GE6 22 ina Z[ÁLAG ....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 24 USAN GU4-UD SIG SAG A ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ½ KÙŠ {1} ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI is le10 1 [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
Comments 1´: SÍR seems to be written over an erasure, maybe of TUḪ.
BM 45910 (= 81-7-6, 345) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x GIN⌉ PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 2 SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA AN [....] 3´ [.... S]AG GE6 DIR AN DIB 6 ⌈kal?⌉ UD ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá ⌈SAG? ḪUN?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIM šá TA SI-šú šá ULÙ E-a ⌈x x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... G]E6 12 SAG GE6 sin e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA [....] 7´ [....] 14 3,30 na ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 45914 (= 81-7-6, 349) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6? ⌈26 x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ITU BI KI.LAM še-im 1(g)? [....] 3´ [.... i-n]u-šú in 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB [....] 4´ [.... -i]š-šá-ʾ um-mu IAn-t[i- ....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR M[ÁŠ ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB GÍR GÙ [U ....] 7´ [.... 1]3? 15,50 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... x]+20 na muš [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] stood 1 cubit [behind] Jupiter to the east. Night of the 22nd, last part [of the night, ....] [....] Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Mercury was .... below ε Leonis [....] [....] ½ cubit [....;] last part of the night, the moon was 1 [....] in front of α Tauri [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45910 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] (the river level) rose ...., total: .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 2nd, beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky, rain [....] 3´ [.... be]ginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky. The 6th, all day, .... [....] 4´ [....] very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Arietis? [....] 5´ [....] .... as if it had come out from its southern horn .... [....] 6´ [.... Ni]ght of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above γ Geminorum [....] 7´ [....] The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 30´ .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45914 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night? of the 26th, .... [....] 2´ [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur? [....] 3´ [.... At] that time, around the 12th, Jupiter’s [....] in Scorpius [....] 4´ [....]-iššá’, the mother of Ant[iochus ....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... [....] below γ Capricorni [....] 6´ [....] .... clouds crossed the sky, lightning, thun[der ....] 7´ [.... The 1]3th?, moonset to sunrise: 15° 50´.... [....] 8´ [....] sunrise to moonset: [x]+20´, measured [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45921–45923
BM 45921 (= 81-7-6, 356) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... ana] ⌈ULÙ SIG⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 DIR AN ZA SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 3 DIR AN ZA ⌈SI GIN⌉ [....] ŠÁRmeš GINmeš GE6 ⌈5?⌉ SAG ⌈GE6⌉ sin [.... SAG] GE6 sin ár is le10 ⌈1½? KÙŠ⌉ [.... G]Ù U? AN-BAR7 šámaš? [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ina IGI
BM 45921 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ŠE-GIŠ]-Ì 4(b) 2 qa SÍG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina ⌈zib⌉me in 3 dele-bat ina [x x] [.... zib?]me GU4-UD EN MURUB4 ITU [.... ina NI]M ina zibme ŠÚ GENNA ina MÁŠ [....] ⌈GUB⌉-uz PAP 4 na [....] U GIN PAP 3 na 12 13 [....] ⌈18⌉ GUB-uz TA ⌈19⌉ [....] 23 1 KÙŠ 10 SI GIN [....] mi-šil na a-na ILLU ŠÚ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 28 GUB-uz 29
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
BM 45923 (= 81-7-6, 358) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 29 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR SAG G[E6 ....] 3´ [.... ina SA]G? ITU 2(p) 3(b) ina TIL ITU 2(p) 4(b) BILmeš [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GU4-UD ina MÚL-MÚL in 18 GU4-UD ina [....]
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] low to the south; very overcast .... [....] [....] .... The 2nd, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew .... [....] The 3rd, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. [....] gusty [....] winds blew. Night of the 5th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 1½? cubits behind α Tauri. [....] thunder; at noon, the sun? [....] [....] .... [....] in front of
[....] .... 1 .... [....] [....; sesa]me, 4 sūt 2 qa; wool, .... [....] [....] in Pisces; around the 3rd, Venus’ [....] in [....] [.... Pis]ces; Mercury, until the middle of the month, [....] last appearance [in the ea]st in Pisces; Saturn was in Capricorn; [.... (the river level)] remained constant, total: 4 was the na (gauge); [....] it rose [....] fingers, total: 3 was the na (gauge); the 12th (and) the 13th, [....] The 18th, it remained constant; from the 19th [....] the 23rd, it rose 1 cubit 10 fingers [.... and] half was the na (gauge) .... to the peak flood [....] the 28th, it remained constant; the 29th,
BM 45923 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 29th, very overcast, lightning flashed continuously; beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 3´ [.... in the beginn]ing? of the month, 2 pān 3 sūt, at the end of the month, 2 pān 4 sūt; new ones, [....] 4´ [....] .... last appearance; Mercury was in Taurus; around the 18th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in [....]
BM 45931+45966 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... T]A 2 EN 6 di-i-ni šá lúpa-ḫa[t ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ u lúpu-li-ṭa-an-nu it-[....] [....] bi-rit É-sag-gíl ù É-GAL LUGAL [....] [.... A]meš-šá-nu-tú GAZ⌈meš⌉ [....] [.... mu]ḫ-ḫi ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 14 4 ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 45931 + 45966 (= 81-7-6, 361+407) Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ DIR NU P[AP ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉+½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR GÙ U MA[Ḫ ....] 5´ [.... G]ÌR ár šá A 2½ KÙŠ sin 2 K[ÙŠ ....] 6´ [....] sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [MÚ]L?-⌈BABBAR?⌉ 3 KÙŠ? ⌈x x GUB⌉ [....] 7´ [.... DI]B? 12 6 ŠÚ muš GE6 13 [SAG G]E6 sin ár MÚL e šá SAG [GÍR-TAB ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [.... 10?] UŠ GE6 DIR NU PAP kal G[E6 ....] 9´ [.... SIG] MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4½ [KÙŠ ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI u MAR ŠÁRmeš [....] 11´ [.... GÙ?]-šú MAḪ né-ḫi ŠU[B ....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 23 SI GIN [....] 13´ [....] muš SI GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x GE6? 13?⌉ SAG GE6 sin [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 14 20? NINDA ŠÚ muš GE6 15 [....] 3´ [.... SIG MÚL IGI/ár SA]G ḪUN 6 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB GE6 20+[x ....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... fr]om the 2nd until the 6th, judgment of the governor [....] [....] .... and the citizens .... [....] [....] between Esangil and the royal palace [....] [.... of M]esene they killed [....] [....] on .... [....] [....] .... [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 14th, ....: 4° .... [....] 2´ [....] night .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45931 + 45966 ´Obv.`? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... clouds, I did not wat[ch ....] 3´ [.... the moon was] x+½ cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west [....] 4´ [....] very overcast, lightning flashed, much thunder [....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....] β Virginis, the moon being 2 cub[its ....] 6´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits behind α Virginis, it stood 3 cubits .... [Jupit]er? .... [....] 7´ [....] .... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6°, measured. Night of the 13th, [beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] behind β Scor[pii ....] 8´ [....] .... [....] sunset to moonrise: [10]°; clouds, I did not watch; all ni[ght, ....] 9´ [....] 4½ [cubits below] β Arietis [....] 10´ [....] .... gusty north and west winds [....] 11´ [....] it thundered much slowly [....] 12´ [....] .... The 23rd, the north wind blew [....] 13´ [....] measured; the north wind blew .... [....] 14´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... Night? of the 13th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 2´ [....] .... The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 20´?, measured. Night of the 15th, [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 6 cubits [below β/α Ar]ietis, the moon having passed a little to the east. Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
BM 45936–45937
464 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL IGI šá šepít MAŠ-MAŠ 2 KÙ[Š ....] [....] M[ÚL] ⌈IGI⌉ šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ K[ÙŠ ....] [.... KUR] muš SI GIN 29 ŠÚ šá [....]
Comments Obv. 6´: Only 3 KÙŠ can be read with confidence in the second part of this line. 8´: When the unit UŠ is indicated, it is to distinguish between ambiguous numbers. It is very unlikely that the interval would be as much as 20°, so 10 is a probable restoration.
BM 45936 (= 81-7-6, 372) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... DI]R ⌈AN DIB⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ ma-gal ú-⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ 4 DIR AN ZA? SI GIN GE6 5 [....] 4´ [.... G]E6 7 SAG GE6 sin e MÚL TUR šá 4 K[ÙŠ ár LUGAL ....] 5´ [.... AN] UTAḪ SI GIN ina KIN-SIG ŠÚŠÚ GE6 9 SAG GE6 [....] 6´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈SA4⌉ šá ⌈ABSIN 2 KÙŠ⌉ [sin?] ⌈½? KÙŠ?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´
[....] last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below η Geminorum [....] [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] ϑ Cancri, the moon being ½ cu[bit ....] [.... moonrise to sunrise: ....,] measured; the north wind blew. The 29th, [....’s] last appearance [....]
BM 45936 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky [....] 2´ [....] .... much .... [....] 3´ [....] very overcast. The 4th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 5th, [....] 4´ [.... Ni]ght of the 7th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above ρ Leo[nis ....] 5´ [.... rain] shower, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, very overcast. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, [....] 6´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Virginis, [the moon being] ½? cubit [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45937 (= 81-7-6, 373)
BM 45937
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ 24 [....] 7´ [....] ⌈SIG MÚL⌉ [....] 8´ [.... E]N 9 ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KAK?-BAN? [....] 10´ [.... PA]P 6 na I[TU? BI ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉meš GIM IGI-⌈ú⌉ [....] 12´ [....] lúUNmeš ⌈x⌉ [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 16th, .... [....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] Capricorni .... [....] 6´ [....] .... cubit [....] The 24th, [....] 7´ [....] below .... [....] 8´ [.... un]til the 9th, in .... [....] 9´ [....] .... Sirius? [....] 10´ [.... to]tal: 6 was the na (gauge). [That] m[onth, ....] 11´ [....] .... as before [....] 12´ [....] people .... [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 45942–45952+46195
BM 45942 (= 81-7-6, 378) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] qa SÍG 2 ⌈ma⌉ i-[nu-šú ....] —————————— 2´ [.... AN] ⌈ZA⌉ GE6 2 sin ina IGI [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 4 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI [....] 4´ [.... MÚL IGI/ár šá še-pít MAŠ]-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ i sin ana NIM [DIB ....] 5´ [.... MÚL IGI/ár šá ALLA šá] ULÙ 2⅔ KÙŠ TÙR N[IGIN ....] 6´ [....] KÙŠ i ana NIM DIB UŠ ⌈8?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈i⌉ sin ana NIM DIB DIR AN Z[A ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÙ U IM ŠÁR AN DUL-⌈ḫat⌉ [....] 9´ [....] GE6 NU PAP ina ZÁLAG sin ár RÍN [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x GU4?-UD?⌉ 2 KÙŠ [....]
BM 45952 + 46195 (= 81-7-6, 391+656) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x SI? ULÙ? x x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 14 2,40 GE6 muš ⌈USAN? sin SIG?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x 2 KÙŠ? ana SI⌉ NIM GE6 10+[x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... sin x MA]Š-⌈MAŠ ár⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin 3 KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ⌉ S[IG] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... GE6 x]+2 ina ZÁLAG⌉ sin ⌈ár⌉ MÚL TUR šá 4 K[ÙŠ ár LUGAL] ⌈x⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] 8´ [....] ⌈ár?⌉ DELE šá IGI ABSIN 3 KÙŠ 25 [x] ⌈GIN⌉ GE6 10+[x ....] 9´ [.... AN] UTAḪ SI GIN ina KIN-SIG ⌈GÍR GÙ⌉ U né-ḫi AN PIS[AN? ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ TA 9 E[N TIL] ITU 2(p) 1(b) 2 qa ZÚ-L[UM? ....]
BM 45942 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] qa; wool, 2 minas. At [that time, ....] —————————— 2´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 4´ [....] ½ cubit [.... η/μ Gemi]norum, the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] 5´ [....] 2⅔ cubits [.... ϑ/δ Can]cri; (the moon) was surrounded by a halo [....] 6´ [....] became stationary [....] cubits [....,] having passed a little to the east. The 8th?, [....] 7´ [....] the moon having passed a little to the east; clouds were in the sky [....] 8´ [....] .... lightning, thunder, gusty wind, rain DUL [....] 9´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [....,] I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [α/β] Librae [....] 10´ [....] 2 cubits .... Mercury? [....]
BM 45952 + 46195 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... south? .... [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 40´, measured; first part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....] 5´ [....] .... being 2 cubits? high to the north. Night of the 10+[xth,] .... [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] β Geminorum, the moon being 3 cubits low to the south .... [....] 7´ [.... Night of the x]+2nd, last part of the night, the moon was .... cubits behind ρ Leonis [....] 8´ [....] 3 cubits behind? γ Virginis. The 25th, [....] blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 9´ [.... rain] shower, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, lightning, slow thunder, rain PIS[AN ....] 10´ [....] ....; from the 9th unt[il the end] of the month, 2 pān 1 sūt 2 qa; dates, [....]
BM 45954
466 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 5 2(b) 4 qa 4-ʾu-ú E[N? ....] [.... GENNA] ina PA ⌈in⌉ 10? ⌈GENNA MÁŠ⌉ KUR-ád AN ina A ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... É]-sag-gíl ⌈EN LÚ? SAG? É? UB x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IAN? ⌈x KI x x⌉ [x] ⌈DÙ x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ana šámaš SIG ⌈SI GIN⌉ 1 SI GIN GE6 4 SAG GE6 si[n ....] [.... M]ÚL ár šá ⌈SUḪUR MÁŠ⌉ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI sin ½ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ? SIG? ....] [....] ⌈AN⌉ UTAḪ 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN-BAR7 AN DUL [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ USAN IZI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
11´ 12´
13´ 14´ 15´
17´ 18´ 19´
BM 45954 (= 81-7-6, 393) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... á]r GÌR ár šá ⌈A⌉ [....] 3´ [....] GIN? GE6 10 kal GE6 [....] 4´ [.... ina] ⌈GÍR-TAB⌉ ŠÚ NU PAP ina KIN?SIG? [....] 5´ [....] GÙ U MAḪ né-ḫi ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN G[E6 ....] 7´ [.... AN U]TAḪ GE6 15 ⌈GÙ? U⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin 6 U ana ULÙ [SIG ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1-en bu-⌈tuq TIR?⌉-[AN-NA ....] 10´ [.... MÚ]L KUR šá DUR nu-nu [....] 11´ [.... N]U PAP SI GIN 27 28 [....] 12´ [....] 4? qa SÍGḫá 5 ma-n[a ....] 13´ [....] É-sag-gíl la-pàn? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 14´ [....]meš MU-a-tì UNmeš [....] 15´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina TIL ITU MUŠENḫá [....] —————————— 16´ [.... m]uš ana šámaš SIG 1 SI GIN G[E6? ....] 17´ [.... K]ÙŠ sin ⅔? KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....] 18´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] .... The 5th, 2 sūt 4 qa (and) one-fourth; un[til? ....] [.... Saturn] was in Sagittarius; around the 10th, Saturn reached Capricorn; Mars was in Leo, in .... [....] [.... E]sangil .... [....] [....] .... [....] —————————— [.... (the moon)] was low to the sun; the north wind blew. The 1st, the north wind blew. Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moo[n was ....] [.... the moon was] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....] δ Capricorni, the moon being ½ cubit [low] to the s[outh? ....] [....] rain shower. The 9th, very overcast; at noon, rain DUL [....] [....] .... cubits; first part of the night, fire? .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45954 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... be]hind β Virginis [....] 3´ [....] blew?. Night of the 10th, all night, [....] 4´ [....] last appearance in Scorpius; I did not watch; in the afternoon?, [....] 5´ [....] much slow thunder, .... [....] 6´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [.... rain sh]ower. Night of the 15th, thunder [....] 8´ [.... the moon was x]+½ cubit [....,] the moon being 6 fingers [low] to the south [....] 9´ [....] .... one section of a rain[bow? ....] 10´ [....] η Piscium [....] 11´ [....] I did not watch; the north wind blew. The 27th (and) the 28th [....] 12´ [....] 4? qa; wool, 5 min[as ....] 13´ [....] Esangil before .... [....] 14´ [....] this [....] the people [....] 15´ [....] .... at the end of the month, birds [....] —————————— 16´ [.... mea]sured, (the moon) was low to the sun. The 1st, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 17´ [.... the moon was .... cu]bits [....,] the moon being ⅔? cubit [low] to the south [....] 18´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45956–45958
BM 45956 (= 81-7-6, 395) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] DIB [....] 2´ [....] ⌈EN 11⌉ ILLU 2½ KÙŠ GIN PAP ⌈x na⌉ 3´ [....] (blank) —————————— 4´ [.... ina] KUR GÁL GE6 2 sin e MÚL IGI še-pít MAŠ-[MAŠ] 5´ [.... G]Ù U AN še-ni TUḪ ḪI? ⌈x⌉ IM ŠÚ? [x] 6´ [.... U]SAN DIR AN ZA 3 DIR AN DIB G[E6 x] 7´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá ALLA šá UL[Ù] 8´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ina IGI LUGAL 2⅔ KÙŠ S[I? GIN?] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÙ U i AN še-ni NU T[UḪ ....] 10´ [....] ⌈2⌉ KÙŠ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÙ U ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 45958 (= 81-7-6, 397) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] šá-nu-ú ⌈A? DU⌉ [....] 2´ [.... d]i-pa-ri TA Á KUR ana Á [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ NU [PAP ....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] 5´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚLBA[BBAR? ....] 6´ [.... GE6] ⌈9⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI dan-nu GIN GE6 13 SA[G GE6 ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ú SI dan-nu GIN GE6 10+[x ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN GE6 18 DIR AN Z[A ....]
BM 45956 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] crossed? [....] 2´ [....] until the 11th, the river level rose 2½ cubits, total: .... was the na (gauge). 3´ [....] (blank) —————————— 4´ [....] occurred in the land. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] above η Geminorum 5´ [.... th]under, rain so that the sandal was removed, .... [....] 6´ [.... fir]st part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 3rd, clouds crossed the sky. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ Cancri 8´ [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was 2⅔ cubits in front of α Leonis; the no[rth? wind blew?] 9´ [....] ...., a little thunder, rain but the sandal was not rem[oved ....] 10´ [....] 2 cubits [....;] very overcast, lightning, thunder, .... [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45958 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] second? .... [....] 2´ [.... a “t]orch” from the east side to the [....] side [....] 3´ [....] .... The 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer; I did not [watch ....] 4´ [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 5´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of Ju[piter? ....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind the bright star of [....] 7´ [....] ...., a strong north wind blew. Night of the 13th, begi[nning of the night, ....] 8´ [....] overcast?, a strong north wind blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 9´ [....] ...., the south wind blew. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky [....]
BM 45965–45967
468 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[.... DI]R AN ZA ⌈ZI IR⌉ ULÙ GIN GE6 [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 22 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL [....] [....] ⌈x GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Comments 6´: Either η Piscium or ϑ Ophiuchi can be restored here; the remaining data do not suffice to make a decision.
BM 45965 (= 81-7-6, 406) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 10 ⅔? GÍN LAL? GE6 8 SA[G ....] 3´ [.... G]E6 14 8,30 ME SAG GE6 [....] 4´ [....] GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár is le10 [....] 5´ [....] (erasure) 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 18 ⌈x x x x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÙ [U ....] 3´ [....] ⌈IGI?⌉ šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 K[ÙŠ? x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20 [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ AN ⌈x⌉ IM? ⌈x⌉ [x] 17? ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈ina TIL⌉ ITU ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 45967 (= 81-7-6, 409) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2
[.... LU]GAL BAR 30 11 na DIR sin NU IGI GE6 2 DIR AN ZA GE6 2 ⌈sin?⌉ [....] [.... DI]R AN DIB ina ZÁLAG AN DUL 4 DIR AN DIB ina AN-BAR7 AN UTAḪ [....]
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[.... clou]ds were in the sky, ZI IR, the south wind blew. Night [....] [....] Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45965 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 10 ⅔? shekel less?. Night of the 8th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 30´; beginning of the night, [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Tauri [....] 5´ [....] (erasure) 6´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 18th, .... very overcast, thun[der ....] 3´ [....] 2 cubits [....] γ Capricorni .... Night of the 20th, [....] 4´ [....] .... [....] 17? .... [....] 5´ [....] at the end of the month, .... [....]
BM 45967 Obv.´ 1
[...., K]ing [....] Month I, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 11°; clouds, I did not see the moon. Night of the 2nd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2nd sic, the moon? [....] [.... clou]ds crossed the sky; last part of the night, rain DUL. The 4th, clouds crossed the sky; at noon, rain shower [....]
BM 45968–45971 3
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x x sin ina IGI?⌉ MÚL-BABBAR 1⅔ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB DIR AN ZA 6 DIR A[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈2(p)? 3(b)? saḫ-le10 ⌈x⌉ ŠE-GIŠ x x x x x⌉ [....] [.... G]U4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ITU BI ILLU 1 KÙŠ 4 SI KÁ-⌈tú x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉
Upper edge 1 IGI-TAB 2 [TA? mu]ḫ-ḫi GIŠ.DA šá IdEN-⌈A⌉-MU A šá IGI-im-dEN A š[á ....] Comments The owner of the original is most probably a member of the Mušezib family, and lived in the late 4th century, see J. Oelsner, Cagni Memorial Volume, p. 810.
BM 45968 (= 81-7-6, 410) Photo: YM
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] 2 pān? 3 sūt?; cress, ....; sesame, .... [....] [.... M]ercury, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level – remainder 1 cubit 4 fingers -.... [....] —————————— [....] ....
Upper edge 1 Checked. 2 [From?] a writing board of Bēl-apla-iddin, son of Mušallim-Bēl, son of [....]
BM 45968 (traces of three lines)
(traces of three lines) 2´
[....] ...., the moon stood 1⅔ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west; clouds were in the sky. The 6th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
´Flake´ 1´
[....] ⌈TA⌉ 2 ⌈EN x⌉ [....] [....] SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´
[....] from the 2nd until the xth [....] [....] 2 cubits [....] β Capricorni [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45971 (= 81-7-6, 413)
BM 45971
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ŠÚ LAL ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB SIG AN [....] 3´ [....] ⌈12⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 [....] 4´ [.... S]IG šá SAG GÍR-TAB ½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣ[a ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] cubits back to the west .... [....] 2´ [....] having passed ½ cubit to the east, below Mars [....] 3´ [....] The 12th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [....] π Scorpii, the moon being a litt[le ....]
Photo: YM
BM 45975
470 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[.... A]N-BAR7 šámaš TÙR NU ⌈KÁD NIGIN⌉ [....] [....] GIN GE6 18 DIR AN ZA S[I ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ár šá [SUḪUR MÁŠ ....] [.... MÚL KUR šá] ⌈DUR⌉ nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ [....] [....] GIN GE6 28 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] BILmeš ⌈4(p)? 3(b)? ZÚ-LUM-MA⌉ ina SAG ITU ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SÍGḫá ⌈2 ma-⌈na⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´
BM 45975 (= 81-7-6, 417) Photo: British Museum
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈sin ár⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ ár GENNA [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 26 ina še-r[ì ....] 5´ [.... G]E6 29 ⌈29⌉ SI GIN ZI IR ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ½ qa ina TIL ITU 4 qa SÍGḫá [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x AN⌉ MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád ITU BI ILLU [....] 8´ [....] KÁ-dLAMMA-ra-bi GUB-zu-niš-šú [....] 9´ [.... KÁ-dLAMMA]-ra-bi šá AN-TA IM u KI-TA ⌈IM? x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... IT]U ⌈BI⌉ ZI-ut lúAr-ba-a-a GIM IGI-[ú ....] —————————— 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina GUB IGI ana šámaš SIG ⌈GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG x x⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo which was not closed [....] [.....] blew. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky, the no[rth wind ....] [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of δ Capri[corni ....] [....] 2½ cubits [.... η] Piscium, the moon being 1½ cubits [....] [....] blew. Night of the 28th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 28th, .... [....] [....] new ones, 4 pān? 3 sūt?; dates, in the beginning of the month, .... [....] [....] ....; wool, 2 minas [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 45975 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon was [....] behind [....] 2´ [....] cubits [....,] behind Saturn [....] 3´ [....] .... being 3 cubits low to the south .... [....] 4´ [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 26th, in the morning, [....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 29th (and) the 29th, the north wind blew, ZI IR .... [....] 6´ [....] .... ½ qa, at the end of the month, 4 qa; wool, [....] 7´ [....] .... Mars reached Taurus. That month, the river level [....] 8´ [.... at] the Lamassu-rabi Gate they provided [....] 9´ [.... the Lamassu]-rabi [Gate,] which is above the wind? and below the wind?, .... [....] 10´ [....] That month, (there was) an attack of the Arabs as before [....] —————————— 11´ [....] .... it could be seen while (the sun) stood there, it was low to the sun. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, .... [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45978–45979
BM 45978 (= 81-7-6, 421) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x SAG?⌉ A 2½ KÙŠ MURUB4-BA ŠÚ? ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ kal ME DIR AN DIB ina KIN-SIG ⌈GÍR GÍR⌉ GÙ [U ....] 3´ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 16 6,40? n[a? ....] 4´ ana ULÙ SIG 18 SI u MAR ŠÁRmeš GINuʾ [....] 5´ SIG SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NI[M DIB ....] 6´ 27 kal ME DIR SAL u ḫi-il ⌈AN⌉ [....] 7´ ITU BI KI.LAM še-im 2(p)? [....] 8´ ⌈ŠE-GIŠ⌉ 2(b) 4 qa SÍGḫ[á ....] 9´ ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 45979 (= 81-7-6, 422) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ za? át? 13 12 ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ? ana NIM DIB 15 SI GIN GE6 [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 KÙŠ 19 SI GIN ZI IR [....] 4´ [....] ⌈SI?⌉ GIN ZI IR (probably erased) MÚL 7? šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin e MAŠMAŠ ⌈šá⌉ [SIPA ....] 6´ [....] 26 22 KUR muš ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 45978 ´Flake´ 1´ 2½ cubits .... ε Leonis; in the middle watch, overcast? .... [....] 2´ all day, clouds crossed the sky; in the afternoon, lightning flashed, thun[der ....] 3´ the moon being 1½ cubits low to the south. The 16th, sunrise [to moonset:] 6° 40´? [....] 4´ low to the south. The 18th, gusty north and west winds blew [....] 5´ 2 cubits below β Capricorni, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the ea[st ....] 6´ The 27th, all day, thin clouds and haze [....] the sky [....] 7´ That month, the equivalent was: barley, 2 pān? [....] 8´ sesame, 2 sūt 4 qa; wool, [....] 9´ .... [....]
BM 45979 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... The 13th, moonset to sunrise?: 12° [....] 2´ [....] having passed [....] cubits to the east. The 15th, the north wind blew. Night [....] 3´ [....] .... 4 cubits [....]. The 19th, the north wind blew, ZI IR [....] 4´ [....] the north? wind blew, ZI IR (probably erased); star 7? of .... [....] 5´ [....] ...., the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above γ Gemin[orum ....] 6´ [....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 22°, measured .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 45989
BM 45989 (= 81-7-6, 432) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
8´ 9´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈SI GIN ITU BI KI.LAM⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x 30? x x x⌉ [....] ⌈TA 14⌉ EN TIL ITU 1(p) 1(b)? [....] [.... Š]E?-⌈GIŠ? x x x SÍGḫá ⅔⌉ ma-na a-⌈na? ⌈1⌉ [GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ....] ⌈ina KUR?⌉ [S]UM-in i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] [....] EN 23 2 KÙŠ 4 SI GIN ⌈4? x x x⌉ ILLU ŠÚ GIN EN TIL ITU ½ KÙŠ LAL PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x LÚ.NE KI⌉ IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL [ina] a-ḫu-ul-la-a šá ídIDIGNA ana muš[....] [....] ⌈x ana E⌉[ki K]U4-ub u4-mu šu-ú kuš SARmeš šú-nu-tú ina É-IGI-TUḪ-A šás[u-ú ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ BI? ⌈ni?-gu-tú?⌉ ina KUR GAR-an lú pu-li-te-e LU? UDmeš ana lúUNmeš [....] [.... IT]U BI ⌈lúUKKIN⌉ šá É-sag-gíl NIDBA ana lúKIN-GI4-A LUGAL MU-a-tì GUB-uʾ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ITU BI⌉ IAr-šá -kam LUGAL u IMiit-ra-a-ṭu lúGAL-G[AL ú-qa-an ....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ sin [i]-ṣa ana NIM DIB 1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [ina KI]N-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ ŠÁRmeš GINm[eš ....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI SAG A ⌈½?⌉ [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x šá x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x 1 LAL⌉-ú lú⌈x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) [....] ⌈x x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ⌈sin 1⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ ½ KÙŠ 6 [....] [....] ⌈DUR nu-nu ⌈3⌉ KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DI[B ....]
BM 45989 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
12´ 13´ 14´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] the north wind blew. That month, the equivalent was: [....] [....] .... 30 .... [....] from the 14th until the end of the month, 1 pān 1 sūt? .... [....] [.... se]same?, .... ; wool, ⅔ minas for one [shekel of .... silver which was g]iven in the land. At that time, Jupiter was in [....] [....] until the 23rd, (the river level) rose 2 cubits 4 fingers; .... the peak flood came; until the end of the month, it receded ½ cubit, total: .... [....] [....] fighting with King Arsaces on the other side of the Tigris for .... [....] [....] entered Babylon. On that day, those leather scrolls were read in the theatre [....] [....] .... merrymaking he set up in the land. The citizens .... to the people [....] [....] That month, the assembly of Esangil provided offerings for this messenger of the king .... [....] [....] .... That month, King Arsaces and Mitraṭu, the chief [of troops ....] —————————— [....] ...., the moon having passed a little to the east. The 1st, Mercury’s [....] in the west in the beginning of .... [....] [....] ....; in the afternoon, very overcast, gusty south winds blew [....] [.... begi]nning of the night, the moon was ½? [cubit] in front of ε Leonis [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... was 1 less .... [....] [....] (blank) [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [....,] the moon being 1 cub[it ....] [....] ½ cubit .... The 6th, [....] [.... the moon was] 3 cubits [.... η Pi]scium, the moon being [....] [.... the moon was] .... cubits [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east [....]
BM 45996–46007 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG šur ⌈GIGIR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN G[E6 x ina] ZÁLAG sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ šá [SIPA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 22 SI GIN GE6 23 [ina] ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG s[in x] GÌR ár šá A [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN 29 SI GIN [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉meš TA 20+[x ....] [.... ina] ⌈TIL?⌉ ITU 1(b) 3 qa [....] [....] šá ÍD DUMU×UŠ ⌈x⌉ [....]
9´ 10´
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] .... [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] [....] .... the north wind blew. Ni[ght of the xth,] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ Gemino[rum ....] ]....] .... The 22nd, the north wind blew. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Jupiter was [....] above [....] [....] .... the north wind blew. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] β Virginis [....] [....] .... the north wind blew. The 29th, the north wind blew [....] .... [....] [....] .... from the 20+[xth, ....] [.... at] the end? of the month, 1 sūt 3 qa [....] [....] of the canal of Aplu?-.... [....]
BM 45996 (= 81-7-6, 440)
BM 45996
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ sin 1 [....] 3´ [.... MÚL] SIG šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ sin 3½ KÙŠ ana N[IM? DIB ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ GE6 9 SI [....] 6´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG-ru dele-bat E-a ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... G]E6? 20+[x ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....,] the moon being 1 [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cu[bits ....] π Scorpii [....] 4´ [....] ...., the moon [having passed] 3½ cubits to the ea[st? ....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 9th, the north wind [....] 6´ [.... during cl]earing, Venus came out .... [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [....,] the moon being .... [....] 8´ [.... Ni]ght? of the 20+[xth, ....]
BM 46007 (= 81-7-6, 451)
BM 46007
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈GE6 9⌉ S[AG GE6 ....] 2´ [....] ⌈ár⌉ dele-bat 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [....] ⌈kal⌉ GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ USAN dele-b[at? ....] 4´ [....[ ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ 2⅔ KÙŠ ina ⌈x x⌉ šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x SAG⌉ GE6 AN UTAḪ ⌈i-ṣa x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ 12? na ⌈DIR muš DIR AN [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 9th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 2´ [....] 2½ cubits behind Venus [....] 3´ [....] all night, very overcast; first part of the night, Ven[us? ....] 4´ [....] .... [....] .... 2⅔ cubits; in .... [....] 5´ [....] ...., beginning of the night, a little rain shower. ...., sunrise to moonset: 12°?, measured (despite) clouds; clouds [....] the sky [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
474 6´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
BM 46007 [.... UL]Ù u KUR ⌈GINmeš⌉ ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 ⌈x x x ŠÚ-ŠÚ?⌉ ULÙ u KUR GINmeš ina ZÁ[LAG ....] [....] ⌈2?⌉½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM ⌈17 DIR⌉ [AN] ⌈ZA GE6 18 DIR AN ZA⌉ ina ZÁLAG ŠÚŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2+[x KÙŠ ....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL ár šá ⌈ALLA šá ULÙ⌉ x ½? KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 19 DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] [....] AN ZA SI GIN GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ár⌉ LUGAL 1 KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 21 DIR ⌈AN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈sin TÙR⌉ NIGIN KÁ-šú ana MAR BAD ina ⌈KIN-SIG ŠÚ⌉ GE6 24 SAG ⌈GE6⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin ár S[A4? šá ABSIN ....] [....] RÍN šá SI 3 KÙŠ 25 SI ⌈GIN?⌉ GE6 26 ina ⌈ZÁLAG sin⌉ ina IGI RÍN šá U[LÙ ....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 27 20 KUR DIR muš SI GIN GE6 28 SI GIN [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1(p) 5(b) 3 qa TA 3? ⌈EN 21⌉ 1(p) 5(b) ⌈TA⌉ 22 EN TIL [ITU ....] [....] qa EN TIL ITU 2(b) 3 qa SÍGḫá 3 mana ina TIL ITU ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR-ád AN šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ITU BI ⌈ILLU EN x⌉ [....] [....] al-te-me um-ma IIš8-tár-šá-⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
16´ 17´
[.... sou]th and east winds blew; in the afternoon, very overcast. Night .... very overcast?, the south and east winds blew; last part [of the night, ....] [.... being] 2?½ cubits high to the north. The 17th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was 2+[x cubits] below β Geminorum [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was x+½ cubits above δ Cancri, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 19th, clouds were in the sky. Night [....] [....] were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind α Leonis, the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. The 21st, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] the moon was surrounded by a halo, its gate was open to the west; in the afternoon, overcast. Night of the 24th, beginning of the night, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α? [Virginis ....] [....] 3 cubits [below] β Librae. The 25th, the north wind blew. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Libr[ae ....] [.... x]+1 cubits high to the north. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20°, measured (despite) clouds, the north wind blew. Night of the 28th, the north wind blew [....] [....] .... 1 pān 5 sūt 3 qa; from the 3rd? until the 21st, 1 pān 5 sūt; from the 22nd until the end [of the month ....] [....] qa, until the end of the month, 2 sūt 3 qa; wool, 3 minas, at the end of the month, .... [....] [....] reached ....; Mars, which had set, was not visible. That month, the river level, until .... [....] [....] I heard as follows: Ištar-ša-.... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 46024–46034
BM 46024 (= 81-7-6, 470) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin SIG dele-bat? [....] 2´ [.... AN] še-ni NU TUḪ ina ZÁLAG [....] 3´ [....] 2(g) 5(b) ina TIL ITU 2(g) [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ITU [BI ....] 5` [....] (blank) 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1⅔ K[ÙŠ] ⌈x TA 1 EN 4⌉ ŠED7 ik-te⌉-šir [....] 7´ [.... SAG ḪU]N? 1½ KÙŠ GE6 ⌈10⌉+[x SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI is le10 ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 [....] 8´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 ⌈13 DIR⌉ AN DIB 13 10,30 ŠÚ [....] 9´ [.... GE6] 17 DIR AN DIB ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈MÚL⌉ ár šá ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] GE6 20 ŠÚ AN DUL ⌈ina ZÁLAG sin⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ár MÚL-BABBAR 1⅓ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ⌈NIM⌉ [GUB ....] 12´ [....] GE6 25 ⌈ŠÚ x x⌉ [....]
BM 46024 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... last part of] the night, the moon was [....] below Venus? [....] 2´ [.... rain,] but the sandal was not removed; last part of the night, [....] 3´ [....] 2 kur 5 sūt, at the end of the month, 2 kur [....] 4´ [....] ....; Mars, which had set, was not visible. [That] month, [....] 5´ [....] (blank) 6´ [....] 1⅔ cubits .... From the 1st until the 4th, the cold became severe [....] 7´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... β/α Ariet]is?. Night of the 10+[xth, beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was ⅔ cubit in front of α Tauri. Night [....] 8´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] α Geminorum. Night of the 13th, clouds crossed the sky. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10° 30´ [....] 9´ [.... Night] of the 17th, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was behind the rear star of .... [....] 10´ [....] Night of the 20th, overcast, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon [....] 11´ [....] ...., [it stood] 1⅓ cubits behind Jupiter to the east [....] 12´ [....] Night of the 25th, overcast, .... [....]
BM 46034 (= 81-7-6, 480)
BM 46034
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 4(b) 2? ⌈qa?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú N[U IGI ....] 4´ [.... IDI]GNA ana uruSe-lu-ku-ʾ[a-a ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉-du-ú 2 NIDBAmeš [....] 6´ [.... É-sa]g-gíl 1-en GU4 ù 4 ⌈SISKUR⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ lúNIM-MAki GIM IGI-ú [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x-lu⌉ ana muḫ-ḫi Im-gur-dEn-líl ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈SI?⌉ GIN AN-BAR7 šámaš TÙR NU KÀD NIGIN KÁ-šú ana [....] 10´ [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA SI GIN 4 kal ME DIR AN ZA SI GIN G[E6? ....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 4 sūt 2? qa? [....] 3´ [....] ....; Mercury, which had set, was no[t visible ....] 4´ [.... Tig]ris to Seleuc[ia ....] 5´ [....] .... 2 offerings [....] 6´ [.... of Esa]ngil [provided] one ox and 4 (sheep) sacrifices [....] 7´ [....] .... the Elamite as before [....] 8´ [....] .... on Imgur-Enlil .... [....] 9´ [....] the north? wind blew; at noon, the sun was surrounded by a halo which was not closed, its gate was [open] to [....] 10´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 4th, all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....]
Photo: JCF, YM
BM 46036A
476 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
[.... S]AG GE6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN 7 ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ kal ME [....] [.... G]E6 DIR AN DIB SAG GE6 AN DUL-ḫat ULÙ ŠÁR GI[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 2½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... DIR A]N ZA SI GIN ina še-rì IM.DUGUD DUGUD ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN AN-BAR7 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina K[IN?-SIG? ....] [....] ⌈x ULÙ GIN⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ 3´ [....] ⌈u KUR⌉ GINmeš 4´ [....] MÚL KUR ⌈šá⌉ KIR4 šil ⌈PA⌉ 1½? KÙŠ 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... G]E6? sin ina IGI AN 2 KÙŠ ana [ŠÚ GUB] 7´ [....] ⌈ana⌉ ŠÚ GUB sin 1½ KÙŠ ana [x x] 8´ [.... G]E6? 26 SI šá PA MAR [GAR GIN] 9´ [....] ⌈IGI NU⌉ PAP kal ME DIR A[N x] 10´ [....] ⌈GIN⌉meš ina ZÁLAG AN U[TAḪ ....] 11´ [....] GUR 3(p) 2(b) ina TIL ITU 1(g)? GUR ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... be]ginning of the night, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. The 7th, in the morning, very overcast; all day, [....] [.... ni]ght, clouds crossed the sky; beginning of the night, rain DUL, a gusty south wind bl[ew ....] [....] .... Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ [cubits] in front of η Tauri [....] [.... clouds] were in the sky, the north wind blew; in the morning, dense fog, .... [....] [....] ...., the south wind blew; at noon, very overcast; in the af[ternoon? ,,,,] [....] ...., the south wind blew [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] and east winds blew. [....] 1½? cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi. [....] .... in front of .... [....] [.... ni]ght, the moon [stood] 2 cubits in front of Mars to [the west] [....] stood [....] to the west, the moon being 1½ cubits to [....] [.... Ni]ght? of the 26th, the north wind, which [was set] to the west side, [blew.] [....] first appearance, I did not watch; all day, clouds [....] the sky. [.... winds] blew; last part of the night, rain sh[ower ....] [....] kur 3 pān 2 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 kur .... [....]
BM 46036A
BM 46036A
Formerly falsely pasted to BM 46036
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... of Esa]ngil and the Babylonians [....] 3´ [....] the 23rd day, the satr[ap of Babylonia ....] 4´ [....] the Arabs [....] —————————— 5´ [....] stood below α Arietis [....] 6´ [....] Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above α Leonis [....]
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... É-sag]-gíl u lúEki m[eš ....] 3´ [.... U4]-23-KAM lúmu-ʾi-m[a-ir kurURIki ....] 4´ [....] lúAr-ba-a-⌈a⌉ [....] —————————— 5´ [.... SI]G MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN GUB [....] 6´ [....] GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin e LUGAL [....]
BM 46045–46053 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] SIG GIŠ.KUN A 2⅔ KÙŠ [....] [....] ŠÚ KI ŠÚ šámaš AN UTAḪ i [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN ZA GÍR ina SI GÍR-G[ÍR ....] [.... ana N]IM ki-i UŠ-ú 3 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
BM 46045 (= 81-7-6, 491) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈GÍR?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina še-rì AN UTAḪ G[E6? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 5´ [....] DIR SAL AN ZA sin TÙR NIGIN [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SAG A 4? K[ÙŠ ....] 7´ [.... DIR] ⌈SAL⌉ AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin SIG ⌈GÌR? ár?⌉ [šá A? ....] 8´ [....] ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 21 DIR AN ZA ina ZÁLAG [....] 9´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] 2⅔ cubits below ϑ Leonis [....] [....] overcast; with sunset, a little rain shower [....] [....] .... clouds were in the sky, lightning flashed continuously in the north [....] [....] when [....] became stationary to the east, [it became stationary] 3 cubits [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 46045 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Mercu]ry’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius; very overcast, lightning? [....] 3´ [....] very overcast; in the morning, rain shower. Ni[ght? ....] 4´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night [....] 5´ [....] thin clouds were in the sky, the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] 6´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was 4? cubits below ε Leonis [....] 7´ [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below β? Vir[ginis ....] 8´ [....] back to the west. Night of the 21st, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, [....] 9´ [.... last part of the] night, the moon was 2½ cubits below α Librae [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46053 (= 81-7-6, 500)
BM 46053
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x MÚL-BABBAR 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 25⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈e⌉ LUGAL 8 U ITU BI KI.LAM š[eim ....] 3´ [....] dele-bat šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI GU4-UD ina ALLA ina T[IL ITU ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana Eki il-ta-par um-ma [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ——————————
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 1⅔ cubits .... Jupiter. Night of the 25th, [....] 2´ [....] 8 fingers above α Leonis. That month, the equivalent was: ba[rley, ....] 3´ [....] Venus, which had set, was not visible; Mercury was in Cancer, at the end [of the month, ....] 4´ [....] .... wrote to Babylon as follows: [....] 5´ [....] .... ——————————
Photo: YM
BM 46055–46058
478 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´
[.... GE6] ⌈5⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ GE6 ⌈7⌉ [....] [....] ina SAG A IGI GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin SIG SI4 [....] [....] ⌈x 13 10 UŠ ŠÚ GE6 14 9,40 ME muš ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2? KÙŠ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL [IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ....] [....] ⌈GE6 26⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá ALL[A ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 3(p) 2(b) ZÚ 1(p) 4(b)? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x IGI⌉ in 18 ⌈x⌉ [....]
11´ 12´ 13´
[.... Night] of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Virginis. Night of the 7th, [....] [....] first appearance in the beginning of Leo. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below α Scorpii [....] [....] .... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10°. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 40´, measured .... [....] [....] 2½ cubits below β Geminorum. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] [....] 2? cubits .... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [η Geminorum ....] [....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [δ/ϑ] Cancri [....] [....] .... 3 pān 2 sūt; dates, 1 pān 4? sūt .... [....] [....] .... first appearance ....; around the 18th, .... [....]
BM 46055 (=81-7-6, 502)
BM 46055
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] MÁŠ? ŠÚ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... MÚL]-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB? ŠÚ dele-bat ina ⌈x x x x KUR? x x x GU4-UD ina SAG [ITU ....] 4´ [....] ⌈ITU⌉ BI ina SAG ITU lú⌈x⌉meš ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL il-ta-ak?-nu-niššú ⌈ITU⌉ B[I ....] 6´ [....] ⌈ina lìb-bi x MAR šá x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] last appearance [in] Capricorn? .... [....] 3´ [.... Ju]piter’s last appearance in Scorpius; Venus was in ....; Mercury, in the beginning [of the month, ....] 4´ [....] That month, in the beginning of the month, the .... [....] 5´ [....] of King Arsaces they placed him. That month, [....] 6´ [....] inside of .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46058 (= 81-7-6, 505)
BM 46058
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ sin e ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] DIR AN DIB GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin e S[A4? šá ABSIN ....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... the moon was [....] above .... [....] 2´ [....] clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above α? [Virginis ....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 46061 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... AN] ZA ina ZÁLAG DIR AN DIB 13 6,10 na ⌈DIR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚLBABBAR ⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ L[AL ....] [....] AN ZA ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI AN 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana UL[Ù SIG ....] [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL [....] [....] ⌈e⌉ MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 SI AN 2 ⌈SI⌉ [....] [....] 1(p) 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 4(b) SÍGḫá 3½ ma[na ....] [....] ⌈x x EN 25 x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] were [in the sky;] last part of the night, clouds crossed the sky. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 10´, clouds, [....] [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit below Jupiter, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west [....] [....] were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of Mars, the moon being ½ cubit [low] to the south [....] [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [.... Mars was] 2 fingers above γ Capricorni, Mars being 2 fingers [....] [....] 1 pān 2 sūt; sesame, 4 sūt; wool, 3½ mi[nas ....] [....] .... until the 25th, .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... G]E6 sin ina IGI ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... x]+1? KÙŠ sin i-⌈ṣa⌉ [....] 6´ [....] sin ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... star .... [....] 4´ [.... of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 5´ [.... the moon was x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being a little [....] 6´ [....] the moon was .... [....]
BM 46061 (= 81-7-6, 508)
BM 46061
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] UD-DA IGI DIB ⌈29?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x TA x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ Èmeš ⌈x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x 1⌉ me-ḫe-e SI GIN GE6 [....] 6´ [....] šá KIR4 šil PA 1?½ KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ ana [....] 7´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB 11 ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉,30 na muš GE6 14? [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana SI NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ina še-rì AN UTA[Ḫ ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west,] ...., omitted. The 29th?, [....] 3´ [....] .... from .... [....] 4´ [....] .... went out .... [....] 5´ [....] .... The 1st, a north storm blew. Night [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 1?½ cubits [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi, the moon being 1 cubit to [....] 7´ [.... Me]rcury’s last appearance in the west, ...., omitted. The 11th, equinox. [....] 8´ [....] sunrise to moonset: x° 30´, measured. Night of the 14th?, [....] 9´ [....] being .... high to the north .... [....] 10´ [....] in the morning, rain shower [....] 11´ [....] .... [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46064–46065
BM 46064 (= 81-7-6, 511) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin 3´ [....] na MÚL-BABBAR GE6 21 4´ [....] ⌈GIŠ.KUN A⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana [ULÙ SIG] 5´ [.... DELE] ⌈šá⌉ IGI ABSIN 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SA4 šá ABSIN ⅔ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 7´ [.... GE6 2]7 DIR AN ZA 28 DIR ⌈AN ZA⌉ 8´ [.... GU]R 3(p) 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 1(p) 3(b) 9´ [.... dele-bat] ina A 11 dele-bat ABSIN KUR GU4-UD ina ABSIN 10´ [....] ⌈na?⌉ ITU BI ⌈x x x x ki IGI-ú KIMIN⌉ 11´ [....] (blank) —————————— 12´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin ár SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ 13´ [....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÀ-šú kun-nu 14´ [....] ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ 7 SI GIN 15´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB 16´ [.... D]IR AN ZA SI GIN 17´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ Right edge 1 [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 46064 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 3´ [....] sunset to setting of Jupiter: [....] Night of the 21st, 4´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] ϑ Leonis, the moon being 5 cubits [low to the south.] 5´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] γ Virginis, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. 6´ [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was ⅔ cubit below α Virginis. 7´ [.... Night of the 2]7th, clouds were in the sky. The 28th, clouds were in the sky. 8´ [.... ku]r 3 pān 2 sūt; sesame, 1 pān 3 sūt; 9´ [.... Venus was] in Leo, on the 11th, Venus reached Virgo; Mercury was in Virgo, 10´ [....] was the na? (gauge). That month, .... as before, ditto. 11´ [....] (blank) —————————— 12´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 2 cubits behind β Capricorni 13´ [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [.... γ/δ] Capricorni, it was set towards its inside. 14´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] Virginis. The 7th, the north wind blew. 15´ [....] .... stood 1 cubit to the east. 16´ [.... cl]ouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. 17´ [....] .... Right edge 1 [....] .... [....]
BM 46065 (= 81-7-6, 512)
BM 46065
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 25 SI GIN GE6 20+[x ....] 4´ [.... USA]N dele-bat e LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ dele-bat [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ EN TIL ITU 2(p) PI kàs [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ....low to the south .... [....] 3´ [....] The 25th, the north wind blew. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 4´ [.... first pa]rt of the night, Venus was ⅔ cubit above α Leonis, Venus being [....] 5´ [....] ...., until the end of the month, 2 pān; mustard, [....]
Photo: YM
BM 46066 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈dele-bat⌉ A KUR GU4-UD ina MAŠMAŠ i[n ....] [.... IT]U BI GIG AN.TI.L[A ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN EN ⌈MURUB4⌉ [ITU ....] 3´ [....] U4-7-KAM lúGAL ERÍN [....] 4´ [....] uruAn-tu-ki-ia [....] 5´ [....]meš GAZ-tú ina lìb-bi-šú-n[u ....] 6´ [....] al-te-me šá GIB KÙ [....] 7´ [....] (blank) —————————— 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 sin ina IGI RÍN šá U[LÙ ....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] Comments: B 6´: This line is obscure to me: KÙ is probably the beginning of KÙ-BABBAR “silver” or KÙGI “gold”.
BM 46066 (= 81-7-6, 513) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 11 ⌈SAG GE6⌉ s[in ....] 3´ [.... x,]10 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈AN? PISAN? DIB⌉ ULÙ ŠÁR 13 8,30 na D[IR ....] 5´ [.... si]n? ina IGI SI MÁŠ ½? KÙŠ 16 SI GIN GE6 17 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 6´ [.... i-ṣ]a ana NIM DIB 18 19 SI GIN GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG GE[NNA? ....] 7´ [....] ⌈ana⌉ ULÙ SIG ina IGI GENNA 20 SI sin 1½ KÙŠ ana NIM [DIB ....] 8´ [....] KÙŠ 26 16,30 KUR KUR4 muš ⌈ITU BI⌉ [....]
481 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] Venus reached Leo; Mercury was in Gemini, ar[oumd ....] [....] That month, sick people recovered [....] [....] .... [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Mars, until the middle [of the month, ....] 3´ [....] the 7th day, the general [....] 4´ [....] Antioch [....] 5´ [....] a massacre among them [....] 6´ [....] I heard .... [....] 7´ [....] (blank) —————————— 8´ [....] .... Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] in front of α Librae [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46066 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the m[oon was ....] 3´ [....] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 10´, clouds, I did not watch; clouds were in the sky, .... [....] 4´ [....] rain? PISAN DIB, gusty south wind. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 30´, cl[ouds ....] 5´ [.... the moo]n? was ½? cubit in front of β Capricorni. The 16th, the north wind blew. Night of the 17th, very overcast [....] 6´ [....] having passed [a litt]le to the east. The 18th (and) 19th, the north wind blew. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Sa[turn? ....] 7´ [....] low to the south, 20 fingers in front of Saturn, the moon [having passed] 1½ cubits to the east [....] 8´ [....] cubits [....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 30´, it was bright, measured. That month, [....]
482 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
BM 46068 [....] 1(p)? 2(b) 3 qa kàs 2(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) saḫ-l[e10 ...] [....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GENNA ina ḪUN ⌈AN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ Ameš ÍD ma-diš ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x tu4 x x x x⌉ [....] [....] -ʾu ḫat-tu4 ḫat-tu4 lúAr-b[a-a-a ....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] 1 pān? 2 sūt 3 qa; mustard, 2 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini; Saturn was in Aries; Mars [.....] [....] .... the water of the river .... very much [....] [....] .... [....] [....] they [....] panic, panic of the Ara[bs ....] [....] .... [....]
BM 46068 (= 81-7-6, 515)
BM 46068
Listed as LBAT *290
´Flake´ 1´ [....] which had set, were not visible [....] —————————— 2´ [....] last part of the night, rain shower. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ [Capricorni ....] 3´ [.... Venus was] 1 5/6 cubits [behind α Vir]ginis. The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Libra; it was high, [(ideal) first appearance] o[n ....] 4´ [....] back to the west. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 5/6 cubits behind α Arietis [....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. The 12th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 50´; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 13th, sunset to [moonrise:] 1°. [....] 6´ [.... Night of the 1]6th (and) the 16th, overcast. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ε [Leonis ....] 7´ [....] the moon was 2½ cubits in front of γ Virginis. The 21st, overcast [....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 24th, last part of [the night, ....]
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈šá⌉ ŠÚmeš NU IGI⌈meš⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG AN UTAḪ GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ⌈ár⌉ [šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ....] 3´ [.... dele-bat ár SA4 šá AB]SIN 1 5/6 KÙŠ 7 GU4-UD ina NIM ina RÍN IGI NIM-a i[n .... IGI ....] 4´ [....] ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG LU 1 5/6 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] ina ZÁLAG DIR AN ZA 12 2,50 na DIR NU PAP GE6 13 1 G[E6 ....] 6´ [.... GE6 1]6 16 ŠÚ GE6 17 USAN AN DUL ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI S[AG A ....] 7´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI DELE šá IGI ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ 21 ŠÚ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ GE6 24 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] T. De Jong proposes that this tablet may record observations of month VIII of SE 166. The positions of the moon and of Venus (as restored in line 3´), and the first visibility of Mercury agree very well with this date. An error has to be assumed for the (not observed) interval “sunrise to moonset” on the 12th (line 5´). Also, in the preceding month, only one planet (Mercury) was invisible for most of the month. Therefore the date remains uncertain.
BM 46077–46087
BM 46077 (= 81-7-6, 525)
BM 46077
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... A]N DUL-ḫat šámaš? ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈DIR AN⌉ ZA SI GIN ⌈sin?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈in⌉ 2 UŠ ⌈GE6?⌉ GIN [....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN ZA ULÙ GIN IT[U BI ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2(p) PI 7? ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 22? ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... very overcast .... [....] 2´ [.... r]ain DUL, the sun? .... [....] 3´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; the moon? [....] 4´ [....] at 2° after sunset [....] 5´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the south wind blew. [That] mon[th, ....] 6´ [....] .... 2 pān 7? .... [....] 7´ [....] .... the 22nd?, .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46081 (= 81-7-6, 529)
BM 46081
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG AN UTAḪ i [....] 3´ [....] ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ AN e MÚL IGI š[á ....] 4´ [.... M]AR? GIN GE6 15 2,10 GE6 DIR N[U PAP ....] 5´ [.... RÍN] šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ S[IG ....] 6´ [....] ⌈ana⌉ SI NIM GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] šá SUḪUR ⌈MÁŠ⌉ [x x] ⌈sin 2?⌉ KÙŠ ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x 28? x⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] last part of the night, a little rain shower [....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, Mars was [....] above the front star of [....] 4´ [.... the we]st? wind blew. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 10´; clouds, I did not [watch ....] 5´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] α Librae, the moon being 1½ cubits low to the south [....] 6´ [....] high to the north. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 7´ [.... the moon was .... γ/δ] Capricorni, the moon being 2? cubits to.... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....] .... the 28th, .... [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈IM? ŠÁR? x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 18 SI GIN G[E6 ....] 3´ [.... GÌR ár š]á A 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] gusty? wind? .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 18th, the north wind blew. Ni[ght ....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [.... β] Virginis, the moon being ½ cubit [....] 4´ [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46087 (= 81-7-6, 535)
BM 46087
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] is le10 [....] 2´ [....] SI? GE6 23 [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] α Tauri [....] 2´ [....] fingers?. Night of the 23rd, [....]
BM 46089–46096
484 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ana ULÙ SIG G[E6 ....] [.... MÚL?]-BABBAR 2 KÙŠ ana U[LÙ? SIG? ....] [.... si]n ár MÚL TUR šá 4 [KÙŠ ár LUGAL ....] [....] ITU 5(b) kàs 1? [....] [....] ⌈A?⌉ GENNA ina ALLA A[N ....] [.... n]a TA 22 EN [....] —————————— [....] KÙŠ GE6 3 sin [....] [.... S]AG GE6 sin ár [....] [....] ⌈GE6?⌉ 10+[x ....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´
BM 46089 (= 81-7-6, 537) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈AN?⌉ ina ALLA ⌈EN⌉ [....] 3´ [.... IAn-t]i-ʾu-uk-su LUG[AL ....] —————————— 4´ [.... MÁ]Š 1⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] 5´ [.... GE6] 10 AN DUL 10 DIR AN DIB [....] 6´ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈A⌉ IGI KUR 11+[x na-su ....] 7´ [.... G]E6 15 ⌈3?,40?⌉ ME ⌈x x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB [....] 9´ [....] ⌈ár SA4⌉ [....] 10´-13´ [....] (traces)
[....] low to the south. Ni[ght ....] [.... Ju]piter? being 2 cubits [low?] to the sou[th ....] {....] the moon was [....] behind ρ Leo[nis ....] [....] of the month, 5 sūt; mustard, 1? [kur ....] [.... in] Leo?; Saturn was in Cancer; Mar[s ....] [.... was the n]a (gauge); from the 22nd until [....] —————————— [....] cubits [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] night? of the 10+[xth ....]
BM 46089 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Mars? was in Cancer, until [....] 3´ [.... Ki]ng Antiochus [....] —————————— 4´ [.... the moon was] 1⅔ cubits [.... Capri]corni, the moon being ½ cubit to [....] 5´ [.... Night] of the 10th, rain DUL. The 10th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 6´ [.... Me]rcury’s first appearance in the west in Leo; it was bright, [sunset to setting of Mercury:] 11+[x° ....] 7´ [.... Ni]ght of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 3°? 40´? .... [....] 8´ [....] having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 9´ [....] behind α [Virginis ....] 10´-13´ [....] (traces)
BM 46096 (= 81-7-6, 545)
BM 46096
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÍR GÙ [U ....] 3´ [.... GE6] 22? ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin ina IGI šil⌉ PA [....] 4´ [....] SIG GE6 27? ⌈x x x MÚL?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x ki PAP NU IGI x⌉[....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... lightning flashed, thun[der ....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 22nd?, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 4´ [....] low [....] Night of the 27th?, .... [....] 5´ [....] .... when I watched, I did not see it .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 46104–46107 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x in⌉ 12 GU4-[UD? ....] [....] ⌈TA 10 EN 15 x⌉ [....] [.... T]A 24 EN 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ GE6 3 sin ina IGI MÚL [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 46104 (= 81-7-6, 553) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x mi id?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... uruSe-lu-ke]-ʾa-a-a šá ana muḫ-ḫi í d [ IDIGNA ....] —————————— 3´ [.... sin] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3 KÙŠ sin ½? K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 5 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI LU[GAL ....] 5´ [....] ⌈TÙR?⌉ ana NIM GUB GE6 ⌈8⌉ [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 11 SAG GE6 sin SIG RÍ[N ....] 7´ [.... GE6] 13 SAG GE6 si[n ....] 8´ [....] MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ sin i?[....] 9´ [....] sin ár ⌈AN?⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
485 [....] .... around the 12th, Merc[ury’s ....] [....] from the 10th until the 15th, .... [....] [.... fr]om the 24th until the 27th, .... [....] [....] .... cubits [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 46104 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Seleu]cia which is on [the Tigris ....] —————————— 3´ [.... the moon was] 3 cubits below α Geminorum, the moon being ½ cu[bit ....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α Leo[nis ....] 5´ [....] it stood [....] of the halo? to the east. Night of the 8th, [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below [α/β] Librae [....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moo[n was ....] 8´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] Capricorni, the moon being a little? [....] 9´ [....] the moon was [....] behind Mars? [....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46107 (= 81-7-6, 557)
BM 46107
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x sin? SIG MÚL ár? šá ALLA šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x sin SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 8⌉ [SI ....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ ana SI NIM 19 SI GIN GE6 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈ina IGI MÚL KUR⌉ šá KIR4 šil PA 2 KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] ana SI u KUR GIB GE6 24 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] KÙŠ ana NIM GUB sin 1 KÙŠ 6? [SI? ....] 8´ [....] ME ana ŠÚ šámaš 30 SI GIN ITU BI [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... the moon? was ½ cubit below δ Cancri .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... the moon was 8 [fingers] below γ Virginis [....] 4´ [....] cubits high to the north. The 19th, the north wind blew. Night [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits in front of ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 6´ [.... (a rainbow)] stretched to the north and east. Night of the 24th, .... [....] 7´ [.... (the moon)] stood [....] cubits to the east, the moon being 1 cubit 6? [fingers ....] 8´ [....] before sunset. The 30th, the north wind blew. That month, [....] 9´-10´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 46110–46115+46147
BM 46110 (= 81-7-6, 560)
BM 46110
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6] ⌈30⌉ 30 DIR AN Z[A ....] 3´ [....] ⌈4(b)⌉ 3 qa kàs [....] 4´ [.... GU4-U]D? MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád in ⌈14?⌉ [....] 5´ [.... lú]Eki meš lúUKKIN šá É-sa[g-gíl ....] 6´ [....] ⌈U4⌉-6-KAM lúGAL ERÍNmeš u [....] 7´ [....] lúpu-li-te-e šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] -A-šú-nu ana MU-AN-NA ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] 3 lim GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ⌈ù?⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ qé-reb ÍD? ⌈ x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] UD? ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 13´ [....] ⌈ḫi ir?⌉ [....] 14´ [....] ⌈ana⌉ mu[ḫ-ḫi ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 30th (and) the 30th, clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ [....] 4 sūt 3 qa; mustard, [....] 4´ [.... Mercu]ry? reached Taurus; around the 14th?, [....] 5´ [....] the Babylonians, the assembly of Esa[ngil ....] 6´ [....] the 6th day, the general and [....] 7´ [....] the citizens who .... [....] 8´ [....] their .... for the year .... [....] 9´ [....] 3000 shekels of silver and [....] 10´ [....] .... inside the river? .... 11´ [....] .... [....] 12´ [....] .... [....] 13´ [....] .... [....] 14´ [....] on [....]
BM 46115 + 46147 (= 81-7-6, 566+603)
BM 46115 + 46147
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Obv. ´ 1´ [....] (blank) —————————— 2´ [....] KÙŠ ana ŠÀ-šú kun-nu GE6 3 [....] 3´ [....] šá ALLA šá SI 1 KÙŠ MÚLBABBAR ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... MÚL] ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 SI TE [....] 5´ [....] ⌈šá⌉ SU[ḪUR MÁ]Š 1½ KÙŠ GE6 13 [....] 6´ [.... MÚL] ár šá SAG ḪUN 1½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 18 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ana NIM DIB GE6 21 ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈A?⌉ 2½ KÙŠ ár GE[NNA ....] 9´ [....] ⌈ana ŠÚ⌉ GUB GE6 25 [....] 10´ [....] GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina SAG ITU 2(b)? [....] ?
´Rev.?´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] (blank)
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] (blank) —————————— 2´ [....] cubits [....,] it was set towards (the moon’s) inside. Night of the 3rd, [....] 3´ [.... Jupiter was] 1 cubit [.... η/γ] Cancri, Jupiter being .... [....] 4´ [....] 1 finger [....] δ Cancri, it came close [....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni. Night of the 13th, [....] 6´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] α Arietis. Night of the 18th, .... [....] 7´ [.....] having passed [....] to the east. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, .... [....] 8´ [....] ...., 2½ cubits behind Sat[urn ....] 9´ [....] stood [....] to the west. Night of the 25th, [....] 10´ [....] Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus [....] 11´ [....] ...., in the beginning of the month, 2 sūt? [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (blank)
BM 46117–46125
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
—————————— [....] ⌈sin⌉ ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 4? SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL [....] [....] ⌈MÚL⌉ TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár L[UGAL ....] [....] sin ⌈ár⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
BM 46117 (= 81-7-6, 568) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... si]n 1½ KÙŠ ana SI? N[IM? ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ina I[GI ....] 3´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG USAN delebat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI [....] 4´ [.... ka]l GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ u KUR GINmeš 8 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ u K[UR ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 10 SI GIN GE6 11 SAG G[E6 ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA SI GIN GE6 10+[x ....] 7´ [.... GE6] 14 14 ME DIR u a-kam [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 15 2,30? [....]
BM 46125 (= 81-7-6, 577) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ár x] ⌈UD⌉ ana NIM G[UB ....] 2´ [.... DI]R AN DIB U4-ZAL [....] 3´ [.... TÙ]R? UŠ-di ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... ina KIN]-SIG GÍR GÙ U AN ḫa-anṭ[u ....] 5´ [....] 19 dele-bat ina NIM ina MÚL-MÚL IGI KUR [....] 6´ [.... G]E6 21 DIR AN DIB ina ZÁLAG sin SIG [....]
487 —————————— [....] the moon was [....] in front of β Geminorum [....] [.... Night] of the 4th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] ρ Leonis [....] [....] the moon was [....] behind [....]
BM 46117 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... the m]oon being 1½ cubits high? to the north? [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in fr[ont of ....] 3´ [....] 2½ cubits low to the south; first part of the night, Venus was [....] below β Tauri [....] 4´ [.... a]ll night, very overcast, the south and east winds blew. The 8th, very overcast, the south and ea[st winds ....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit [....] .... The 10th, the north wind blew. Night of the 11th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 6´ [....] .... thin clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 14°, clouds and mist, [....] 8´ [....] .... the 15th, [....:] 2° 30´? [....]
BM 46125 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... st]ood [.... behind] .... to the east [....] 2´ [.... clou]ds crossed the sky; in the morning watch, [....] 3´ [....] travelled [in a ha]lo?; in the afternoon, .... [....] 4´ [.... in the after]noon, lightning, thunder, fast rain [....] 5´ [....] The 19th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Taurus; it was bright, [....] 6´ [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [....]
BM 46129–46130
488 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈AN⌉ ZA ULÙ ŠÁR 23 DIR A[N ....] [....] GÙ U MAḪ AN ḫa-an-ṭu [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÁR ŠÁR ù ṣar-ḫu? ana ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈27⌉ 9 UŠ KUR ITU B[I ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2(p) 3(b) ina TIL ITU [....] [....] ⌈x GU4-UD⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
BM 46129 (= 81-7-6, 583) Photo: British Museum
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR NU PAP [....] 2´ [.... A]N UTAḪ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 3´ [....] ana ŠÚ LAL ŠÚ-ŠÚ 10+⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ GE6 19 DIR AN DIB [....] 4´ [.... ina] IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin e RÍN šá [ULÙ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈8?⌉ SI ana ŠÚ LAL ár GENNA 1⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB GE6 26 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 28 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ GE6 29 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 7´ [.... TA] ⌈25⌉ EN TIL ITU ½ KÙŠ LAL ITU BI KI.LAM še-[im ....] 8´ [.... MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍ]R-TAB delebat ina GÍR-TAB ina TIL ITU ina PA GU4-UD 20+⌈x x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ É-šú áš-bu ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[....] were in the sky, gusty south wind. The 23rd, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] much thunder, fast rain [....] [....] .... very gusty and wailing? .... [....] [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9°. That month, [....] [....] .... 2 pān 3 sūt, at the end of the month, [....] [....] .... Mercury [....]
BM 46129 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... clouds, I did not watch [....] 2´ [.... r]ain shower. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [....] being [....] back to the west; very overcast. The 10+xth, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 19th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits in front of α Virginis. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above [α] Librae [....] 5´ [....] being 8? fingers back to the west, it stood 1⅔ cubits behind Saturn to the east. Night of the 26th, .... [....] 6´ [....] .... very overcast. Night of the 28th (and) the 28th, very overcast, rain shower. Night of the 29th, very overcast [....] 7´ [.... from] the 25th until the end of the month, (the river level) receded ½ cubit. That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] 8´ [.... Jupiter was in Scor]pius; Venus was in Scorpius, at the end of the month, in Sagittarius; Mercury 20+x .... [....] 9´ [....] .... of his house dwelt? .... [....]
BM 46130 (= 81-7-6, 584)
BM 46130
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈šá⌉ SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 SI DIR A[N ....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 finger [.... γ/δ] Capricorni; clouds [....] the sky [....]
Photo: YM
BM 46131–46143 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 13 ina KIN-SIG DIR A[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ šámaš ina NA5 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´
489 [....] 1 cubit [....] the southern star of [....] The 13th, in the afternoon, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... the sun set in a “box”; in the afternoon, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] .... [....]
´Side B` 1´ [....] ⌈x x xmeš x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] EN? lúpaq?-du šá lú[....] 3´ [....]-ú MU BI lúERÍN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the deputy of the [....] 3´ [....] .... That year, the troops .... [....] 4´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46131 (= 81-7-6, 585)
BM 46131
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG ⌈sin x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... Ḫ]UN 2½ KÙŠ sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa 26 D[IR ....] 5´ [.... ME N]IM-a šámaš AN-KU10 Á SI u MAR k[i? ....] 6´ [.... KI.LAM še]-im 1(g) GUR 3(b) NU DÙmeš 1(g) GUR 1(p) 2(b) BÍ[Lmeš ....] 7´ [.... SÍGḫ]á 2½ ma-na i-nu-šú MÚLBABBAR u dele-bat ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ U4-5-KAM IZI-ŠUB ina KI-tì TIN-TIRki ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....]meš u URUmeš šá ana li-mit-ti-šú ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....]meš È URUmeš-šú ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., last part of the night, the moon was .... [....] 3´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... Ar]ietis, the moon being .... [....] 4´ [....] ...., a little rain shower. The 26th, cl[ouds ....] 5´ [.... after] sunrise, solar eclipse; when [it began] on the north and west side, [....] 6´ [.... the equivalent was: bar]ley, 1 kur 3 sūt, not good ones, 1 kur 1 pān 2 sūt, new ones [....] 7´ [.... woo]l, 2½ minas. At that time, Jupiter and Venus .... [....] 8´ [....] .... The 5th day, there was a “fall of fire” in the district of Tintir .... [....] 9´ [....] and the towns which are in its surroundings, before .... [....] 10´ [....] went out. His/Its towns .... [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46143 (= 81-7-6, 598)
BM 46143
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SIG SAG A 3? KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈ár LUGAL⌉ ½ KÙŠ GE6 21 ⌈USAN⌉ dele-bat SIG ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 3? cubits below ε Leonis .... [....] 3´ [....] ½ cubit behind α Leonis. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus was [....] below .... [....]
Photo: YM
BM 46148
490 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x SI?⌉ ana NIM DIB ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´
BM 46148 (= 81-7-6, 604) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1 [.... NU] PAP kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [.... e MAŠ-MAŠ šá S]IPA 4 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 3 DIR AN ZA ⌈SI⌉ [....] 3 [....] KÙŠ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN⌉ UTAḪ 5 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 [.... LU]GAL 1½ KÙŠ kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR USAN AN DUL-ḫat 7 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5 [....] ⌈sin⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL SIG GENNA 3 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 9 [....] 6 [.... na]-⌈su⌉ in 8 IGI GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin SIG SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ [KÙŠ ....] 7 [.... A]N UTAḪ i-ṣa ULÙ GIN GE6 14 6,40 ME DIR NU [PAP ....] 8 [....] ⌈x⌉ 15 11 na muš ina KIN-SIG ⌈ŠÚ⌉ GÙ [U ....] 9 [....] KI ŠÚ šámaš U 2-šú ⌈GÙ⌉-šú ŠUB-d[i ....] 10 [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ 20 SI GIN GE6 21 [....] 11 [....] ⌈ŠÁR⌉meš GIN-ʾu GE6 24 [....] 12 [.... ŠÁ]Rmeš GIN-ʾu 26 [....] 13 [....] ⌈x in⌉ 28 IGI ITU B[I ....] 14 [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] having passed .... fingers? to the east .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 46148 ´Flake´ 1 [.... I did not] watch; all night, very overcast, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew .... [....] 2 [.... the moon was] 4 cubits [above γ Gemino]rum, the moon having passed a little to the east. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....] 3 [....] cubits [....,] all night, very overcast; last part of the night, rain shower. The 5th, all day, very overcast, rain .... [....] 4 [....] 1½ cubits [.... α Leo]nis; all night, very overcast, lightning flashed continuously; first part of the night, rain DUL. The 7th, .... [....] 5 [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west, 3 cubits below Saturn, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 9th, [....] 6 [.... visibi]lity interval of [....;] (ideal) first appearance on the 8th. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1½ [cubits] below α Virginis [....] 7 [....] a little [r]ain shower, the south wind blew. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 40´; clouds, I did not [watch ....] 8 [....] .... The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 11°, measured; in the afternoon, overcast, thun[der ....] 9 [....] with sunset, it thundered twice [....] 10 [....] ..... cubits [....] The 20th, the north wind blew. Night of the 21st, [....] 11 [....] gusty [.... winds] blew. Night of the 24th, [....] 12 [.... gu]sty [.... winds] blew. The 26th, [....] 13 [....] .... (ideal) first appearance on the 28th. That month, [....] 14 [....] .... [....]
BM 46152–46156
BM 46152 (= 81-7-6, 609) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]Ù U AN ḫa-an-ṭu PISAN DI[B ....] 3´ [.... M]ÚL-MÚL IGI 19,30 na in 15 IGI [....] 4´ [.... MÚL] ⌈ár⌉ šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ i sin ana NIM [DIB ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 25 DIR AN [....]
BM 46154 (= 81-7-6, 612) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... SAG] ⌈GE6 sin x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ kal GE6 DIR AN DIB ⌈5⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá DIM4?-šú ma-šil GE6 8 S[AG GE6 ....] 4´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e [....] 5´ [.... G]E6 12 SAG GE6 si[n ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ? GE6 15? [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 46156 (= 81-7-6, 615) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ AN NÍG-GA [....] 2´ [.... lúGAL].GAL ú-qa-an MU-a-tì ana E[ki ....] 3´ [....] šá áš?-šú di-nu KI-šú i-pu-[šú? ....] 4´ [....] lúGAL.GAL ú-qa-an MU-[a-tì ....] 5´ [....] šá? šu-nu ana É LUGAL GUR? [....] —————————— 6´ [....] 16 na-su DIR a-kam mu[š ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šur GIGIR šá [....]
BM 46152 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... th]under, fast rain PISAN DIB [....] 3´ [....] first appearance in Taurus; visibility interval 19° 30´, (ideal) first appearance on the 15th [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] δ Capricorni, the moon [having passed] a little to the east [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] .... Night of the 25th, clouds [....] the sky [....]
BM 46154 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 1 cubit [....;] all night, clouds crossed the sky. The 5th, [....] 3´ [....] it was similar to its coming near?. Night of the 8th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 4´ [....] low to the south; last part of the night, Venus was [....] above [....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moo[n ....] 6´ [....] moonset to sunrise?: .... Night of the 15th?, [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46156 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... possessions [....] 2´ [....] this chief of troops to Babylon [....] 3´ [....] who because he had a lawsuit with him [....] 4´ [....] this chief of troops [....] 5´ [....] they? returned? to the king’s house [....] —————————— 6´ [....] sunset to moonset: 16°, measured (despite) clouds (and) mist [....] 7´ [....] .... [β/ζ] Tauri [....]
BM 46158–46165
BM 46158 (= 81-7-6, 617) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ITU] BI ILLU ŠÚ GI[N ....] 2´ [....] ⌈ana šámaš⌉ SIG GE6 1 SI GIN [....] 3´ [....] GE6 4 SAG GE6 sin SIG G[IŠ.KUN A ....] 4´ [.... DELE šá IGI A]BSIN 1½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] 5´ [....] sin ár SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ sin [....] 6´ [....] ⌈ana⌉ SI NIM ár MÚL-BABBAR 2 KÙŠ ana [NIM GUB ....] 7´ [....] ⌈GE6 12⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN e ⌈MÚL⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 46165 (= 81-7-6, 626) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SI LAL ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ŠÚ —————————— 4´ [....] SI? GE6 4 SAG GE6 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ 10 IM ŠÁR GE6 12? [....] 6´ [.... MÚL]-MÚL? 4½ KÙŠ 13 10 [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉,10 na GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 8´ [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ IGI 5 KÙŠ GE6 10+[x ....] 9´ [....] 8 SI GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG [....] 10´ [.... ina] ⌈NIM⌉ ina GÍR-TAB IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 46158 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] That [month,] the peak flood came [....] 2´ [.... (the moon)] was low to the sun. Night of the 1st, the north wind blew [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below ϑ [Leonis ....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... γ] Virginis, the moon being ½ cubit to [....] 5´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits behind α Virginis, the moon being [....] 6´ [....] high to the north, [it stood] 2 cubits behind Jupiter to the [east ....] 7´ [....] Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Mars was [....] above .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46165 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] (the river level) receded [....] fingers .... [....] 3´ [....] .... —————————— 4´ [....] fingers? [....] Night of the 4th, beginning of the night, [....] 5´ [....] ½ cubit .... The 10th, gusty wind. Night of the 12th?, [....] 6´ [....] 4½ cubits [.... η] Tauri. The 13th, [....:] 10° [....] 7´ [....] sunrise to moonset: x° 10´. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 8´ [....] 5 cubits [....] α Geminorum. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 9´ [....] 8 fingers [....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, [....] 10´ [....] first appearance in the east in Scorpius .... [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46174–46181
BM 46174 (= 81-7-6, 635) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ina IGI RÍN šá [....] 3´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ana ŠÚ GUB (erasure) [....] 5´ [....] ⌈KUR⌉ muš GE6 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI? ina SAG ITU ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x GE6⌉ [....]
BM 46174 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Librae [....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 4´ [....] stood [....] to the west (erasure) [....] 5´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....,] measured. Night of the 28th, very overcast, .... [....] 6´ [....] first appearance?, in the beginning of the month, in Scorpius; Mars was in .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....] .... Night [....]
BM 46181 (= 81-7-6, 642)
BM 46181
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 2´ [.... D]UR nu-nu 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 3´ [....] ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ 4´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin 5´ [....] ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ muš 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 8´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin SIG 9´ [.... ina] IGI MÚL-BABBAR 3½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 10´ [.... AN UT]AḪ i-ṣa GE6 ⌈20?⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] night [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [.... η] Piscium 3´ [....] 2 cubits in front of η Tauri 4´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was 5´ [....] being ½ cubit low to the south. 6´ [....] ...., measured. 7´ [....] 1 cubit .... 8´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below 9´ [....] it stood 3½ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. 10´ [....] a little rain shower. Night of the 20th?, [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] TA ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... ina TI]L ITU 2(p) ⌈3(b)?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... G]U4?-UD ina PA [....] 5´ [....] UR.KUmeš ⌈GIM⌉ IGI-ú 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI?-ú —————————— 7´ [....] TÙR NIGIN SI GIN 8´ [....] SAG GE6 sin 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] from .... [....] .... [....] 3´ [.... at] the end of the month, 2 pān 3 sūt? [....] 4´ [.... Mer]cury? was in Sagittarius [....] 5´ [....] dogs [....] as before. 6´ [....] .... before. —————————— 7´ [....] was surrounded by a halo, the north wind blew. 8´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46184–46193
BM 46184 (= 81-7-6, 645) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [x x] ⌈x⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] 3´ [x x] e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] 4´ [GE6 2]8 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GU4-U[D ....] 5´ [kàs] 2(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) saḫ-le10 [....] 6´ [x] IGI NU PAP GENNA ina P[A?] ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [IZ]I? 1 14 n[a ....] 8´ [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR 2 KÙŠ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 46191 (= 81-7-6, 652) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ NU? PAP? SI ⌈GIN⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 10 SI GIN GE6 11 11 [....] 4´ [.... ḪAB?]-⌈rat?⌉ ŠÚ-im 5 GE6 ÍR [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ⌈ḪUN⌉ [....] 6´ [.... GE6] ⌈15⌉ SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [.... AN] ZA 16 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] 8´ [.... GE6 2]1 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... KÙ]Š? ár GENNA 20 SI ana NIM [GUB ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 [....] 11´ [....] IGI ⌈x in?⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 46184 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ⅔ cubit ...., the moon being ½ cubit [....] 3´ [....] above η Gemino[rum ....] 4´ [Night of the 2]8th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind Mercury [....] 5´ [mustard,] 2 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cress, [....] 6´ [....] first appearance [....,] I did not watch; Saturn was in Sag[ittarius?;] .... [....] 7´ [Mon]th V?, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 14° [....] 8´ [....] 2 cubits [.... Ju]piter [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46191 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., I did not watch?; the north wind blew [....] 3´ [....] The 10th, the north wind blew. Night of the 11th (and) the 11th, [....] 4´ [.... of the di]sk? was covered; 5° of night maximal phase [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] below β Arietis [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 15th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 7´ [....] were [in the sky.] The 16th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] 8´ [.... Night of the 2]1st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below the rear star of .... [....] 9´ [.... cu]bits?, [it stood] 20 fingers behind Saturn to the east [....] 10´ [....] .... the north wind blew. Night [....] 11´ [....] first appearance .... around? [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46193 (= 81-7-6, 654)
BM 46193
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 30 DIR AN ⌈ZA ITU?⌉ [BI? ....] 2´ [....] ⌈4?⌉ ma-na i-nu-šú in [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] The 30th, clouds were in the sky. [That?] month,? [....] 2´ [.... wool,] 4 minas. At that time, around [....]
Photo: YM
BM 46200–46203 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] (blank) —————————— [.... G]E6 2 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 3 sin ár MÚ[L ....] [....] ár AN ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB [....] [.... GE6] ⌈8?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ár š[á še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ? ....] [....] 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 10 SAG [GE6 ....] [....] ár LUGAL 2 KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ana⌉ ULÙ [SIG ....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] (blank) —————————— [.... Ni]ght of the 2nd, very overcast. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] it stood ⅔ cubit behind Mars to the east [....] [.... Night] of the 8th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [μ? Geminorum ....] [....] The 9th, very overcast. Night of the 10th, beginning [of the night, ....] [.... the moon was] 2 cubits behind α Leonis, the moon being [....] [.... low] to the south. [....]
BM 46200 (= 81-7-6, 661)
BM 46200
Year: SE 2 + 19n, month IX (from solstice)
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [x]+10´; mist, [....] 2´ [....] The 16th, solstice; I did not watch. [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [.... Vir]ginis, the moon being 1½ cubits [high] to the north [....] 4´ [.... The 21st, Sirius’ acronych]al rising; I did not watch. Night of the 22nd, all night, .... [....] 5´ [....] low [...., it stood] 1½ cubits in front of Venus to the west [....] 6´ [.... Ven]us having passed 4 fingers to the east [....] 7´ [....] one-fourth; not good ones [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x+10⌉ GE6 ⌈a-kam⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈16⌉ šámaš GUB NU PAP [....] 3´ [.... AB]SIN 2 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana S[I NIM ....] 4´ [.... 21 KAK-BAN ana ME E]-⌈a⌉ NU PAP GE6 22 kal GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] SIG ina IGI dele-bat 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ [GUB ....] 6´ [.... dele-b]at 4 SI ana NIM DI[B ....] 7´ [....] 4-ʾu NU DÙ[meš ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 46203 (= 81-7-6, 664) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈KI?⌉.L[AM? ....] 2´ [....] dele-bat EN 8 ina ⌈PA ina⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉-šim-ma ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ÍD-šú? ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 5´ [.... ana] NIM DIB 2 DIR [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 5 5 D[IR? ....] 7´ [....] SI GIN GE6 8 ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 46203 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] the equiv[alent? ....] 2´ [....] Venus, until the 8th, was in Sagittarius, in [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [....] .... its? river .... [....] —————————— 5´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east. The 2nd, clouds [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 5th (and) the 5th, cl[ouds? ....] 7´ [....] the north wind blew. Night of the 8th, .... [....]
BM 46205–46221
496 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... ina] LAL-šú e MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL] ⌈IGI⌉ šá ALLA [....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ? ana?⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´
BM 46205 (= 81-7-6, 666) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈AN? ZA?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GE6] ⌈21⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SA4 [šá ABSIN ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár RÍN šá UL[Ù ....] 4´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 26 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... K]UR a-kam muš [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[.... while] moving back [to ...., was] above .... [....] [.... η/ϑ] Cancri [....] [....] cubits? to? [....]
BM 46205 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] were in the sky? [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α [Virginis ....] 3´ [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Librae [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 26th, first part of the night, .... [....] 5´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....,] measured (despite) mist [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46220 (= 81-7-6, 682)
BM 46220
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SAG GÍR-TAB 2 5/6 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ. KUN UR-⌈A⌉ 1+[x KÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SI MÁŠ 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA 2 KÙŠ e SA4 šá ⌈ABSIN x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 2 5/6 cubits [.... δ/β] Scorpii .... [....] 3´ [....] ....; last part of the night, Venus was 1+[x cubits] below ϑ Leonis [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of β Capricorni [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits .... Saturn, .... above α Virginis [....]
BM 46221 (= 81-7-6, 683)
BM 46221
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GE6 25 [....] 2´ [....] DIB 27 20+[x KUR ....] 3´ [.... ŠE-GIŠ]-Ì 1(p) 2(b) SÍGḫá ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... S]AG ITU ina RÍN ina MURUB4 I[TU ....] 5´ [....] 1-en SIPA-šú-nu lúŠÀ?-[TAM? ....] 6´ [.... ul?]-⌈te⌉-ṣu-ú u ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ṣu? ni ki [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 25th, [....] 2´ [....] passed [....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 20+[x° ....] 3´ [.... sesa]me, 1 pān 2 sūt; wool, .... [....] 4´ [....in] the beginning of the month, in Libra, in the middle of the m[onth, ....] 5´ [....] one of their shepherds, the temple admi[nistrator? ....] 6´ [....] they brought out? and .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
BM 46224–46253
BM 46224 (= 81-7-6, 686)
BM 46224
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... KI.LAM š]e-im ina SAG ITU 2(p)? 1(b) ½? [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠE-GIŠ ina SAG ITU 1(b) 3 q[a ....] 5´ [....] KUR 21 GU4-UD ina NIM ⌈UD-DA⌉ ŠÚ-šú ⌈DIB⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] lúGAL ERÍNmeš x x x x x x x [....] 8´ [....] x x x x x x x x x [....] 9´ [....] x x x x x x [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... below .... [....] 2´ [....] all night, very overcast, .... [....] 3´ [.... the equivalent was: b]arley, in the beginning of the month, 2 pān? 1 sūt ½? [qa? ....] 4´ [....] ....; sesame, in the beginning of the month, 1 sūt 3 q[a ....] 5´ [....] reached [....;] the 21st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east, .... omitted [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] the general .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 46225 (= 81-7-6, 687)
BM 46225
Photo: JCF, YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ULÙ ⌈ŠÁR GE6⌉ [....] 3´ [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 4? S[AG? GE6 ....] 4´ [.... Z]I IR ⌈8?⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GI[N ....] 5´ [....] ⌈12⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GI[N ....] 6´ [....] ⌈šá⌉ SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ sin [....] 7´ [....] ½ KÙŠ GE6 17 ⌈ina?⌉ Z[ÁLAG? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 18 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... US]AN AN SIG GEN[NA? ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] gusty south wind. Night [....] 3´ [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 4th?, beg[inning? of the night, ....] 4´ [.... Z]I IR. The 8th?, very overcast, the south wind bl[ew ....] 5´ [....] The 12th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [.... β/α] Arietis, the moon being [....] 7´ [....] ½ cubit [....] Night of the 17th, last? [part of the night, ....] 8´ [....] .... The 18th, clouds crossed the sky, .... [....] 9´ [.... first] part of the night, Mars was [....] below Sat[urn? ....]
BM 46253 (= 81-7-6, 718)
BM 46253
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x KU? x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KI.LAM še-im 1 PI 2(b)? [....] 3´ [.... ana 1 GÍN KÙ-BABB]AR ép-šú i-nušú MÚL-[BABBAR ....] 4´ [....] NU PAP (blank) ——————————
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the equivalent was: barley, 1 pān 2 sūt? [....] 3´ [.... for 1 shekel of] wrought [silv]er. At that time, Jupi[ter ....] 4´ [....] I did not watch. ——————————
Photo: YM
BM 46254
498 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 5 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈5⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
5´ 6´ 7´
BM 46254 (= 81-7-6, 719) Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[U]SAN MÚL-⌈BABBAR SIG⌉ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 26 USAN AN SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 27 27 DIR AN ZA [....] [x] 9,30 KUR a-kam ki PAP NU [IGI ....] [x x x] PISAN DIB ULÙ GIN 30 [....] [x x x] EN TIL ITU 2(p) 5(b) NU DÙm[eš ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ saḫ-le10 1(p) ⌈PI?⌉ 1(b) 2 qa ŠE[GIŠ-Ì ....] [....] ⌈30 dele-bat zib⌉me KUR in 7 G[U4-UD? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina zibme EN [....] [....] ⌈x 30⌉ ⅓? KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 46254 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[....] DIR muš [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ⌉ ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ AN? ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] SAG GE6 GÍR GÍR ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ina] ⌈IGI šur⌉ GIGIR šá SI 2½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... AN UT]AḪ i-ṣa GE6 6 kal GE6 [....] [....] ⌈AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB ULÙ G[IN? ....] [.... MAŠ-MA]Š ⌈šá⌉ SIPA 2½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin ⌈ár⌉ [....]
[....] .... The 1st, Mercury’s last? appearance in the west in Aquarius [....] [....] Night of the 5th, very overcast. The 5th, [....] [....] .... [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
first part of the night, Jupiter was [....] below [....] Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Mars was [....] below .... [....] Night of the 27th (and) the 27th, clouds were in the sky [....] [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 9° 30´; mist, when I watched, I did not [see it ....] [....] PISAN DIB, the south wind blew. The 30th, [....] [....] until the end of the month, 2 pān 5 sūt; not good ones, [....] [....] .... cress, 1 pān 1 sūt 2 qa; se[same, ....] [....] The 30th, Venus reached Pisces; around the 7th, Me[rcury’s? ....] [....] .... in Pisces, until [....] [....] .... the 30th, [the river level ....] ⅓? cubit [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] measured (despite) clouds [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... in the afternoon, .... [....] [....] .... rain? .... [....] [....] beginning of the night, lightning flashed, .... [....] [....] 2½ [cubits] in front of β Tauri [....] [....] a little rain shower. Night of the 6th, all night, [....] [....] slow rain, PISAN DIB, the south wind bl[ew? ....] [....] 2½ [cubits ....] γ Geminorum [....] [.... beg]inning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....]
BM 46263–47631
BM 46263 (= 81-7-6, 728) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... GE6] ⌈9?⌉ SAG GE6 [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 30 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš s[in? ....] 3´ [....] ½? KÙŠ GE6 17 DIR [....] 4´ [.... MÚ]L ⌈e⌉ šá SAG GÍR-[TAB ....] 5´ [....] ár 4 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] 6´ [.... G]E6 26 ina ZÁLAG? [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 47631 (= 81-11-3, 336) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈RÍN? šá? ULÙ?⌉ 2 S[I ....] ⌈x ŠÚ-ŠÚ? x x⌉ GÍR GÍR ⌈x x x⌉ [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL IGI šá SA[G ḪUN ....] 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 10 DIR ⌈SAL AN ZA⌉ [....] x ½ KÙŠ 10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 11 S[AG GE6 ....] 11 DIR AN ZA GE6 12 SAG G[E6 ....] [DI]R? NU PAP ŠÚ GE6 13 13 ME ⌈x⌉ [....] [SAG] GE6 sin ár šur GIGIR šá U[LÙ ....] [x x] 2,20 GE6 muš ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 46263 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... Night] of the 9th?, beginning of the night, [....] 2´ [....] .... 30° before sunset, lu[nar eclipse? ....] 3´ [....] ½? cubit [....] Night of the 17th, clouds [....] 4´ [....] β Scorpii [....] 5´ [....] 4 cubits [....] the rear (star) [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 6´ [.... Ni]ght of the 26th, last? part of the night, [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 47631 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [x x DIR] ⌈SAL AN ZA x x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [x] ⌈KALAG? x⌉ GE6 24 ŠÚ AN UTAḪ? 24 [....] 4´ [G]E6 25 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈MÚL e šá SAG⌉ G[ÍR-TAB ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [....] 2 fin[gers ....] α Librae? [....] ...., very overcast, ...., lightning flashed, .... [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below β Arie[tis ....] The 9th, very overcast. Night of the 10th, thin clouds were in the sky [....] x+½ cubit [....] The 10th, very overcast. Night of the 11th, beg[inning of the night, ....] The 11th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 12th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [clou]ds?, I did not watch; overcast. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 13°, .... [....] [beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] behind ζ Tauri [....] [....] sunset to moonrise: 2° 20´, measured; very overcast [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] thin [clouds] were in the sky .... [....] strong? .... Night of the 24th, overcast, rain shower. The 24th, [....] [Ni]ght of the 25th, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Scor[pii ....] slow rain so that the sandal was removed. Night of the 26th, all ni[ght, ....]
500 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
BM 47636 AN né kušE-SÍR TUḪ GE6 26 kal G[E6 ....] GÙ U AN né ⌈PISAN⌉ MAḪ DIB 26 DIR [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana [....] DIR AN ZA 28 DIR AN ZA ⌈x⌉ [.... ANKU10 šámaš] šá DIB ⌈in⌉ 1,11 GE6 G[IN ....] ⌈2(p)? ZÚ?⌉ [EN MU]RUB4 ITU ⌈x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´
BM 47636 (= 81-11-3, 341) Photo: HH
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
⌈x x⌉ [x x] e MÚL ⌈MURUB4⌉ šá ⌈SAG⌉ [GÍR-TAB x x] ⌈x x ana ŠÚ ki UŠ-a⌉ ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x šá SUḪUR? MÁŠ? x x⌉ 10? GU4-UD [ina x] ina ⌈ABSIN?⌉ ŠÚ 14 40? ŠÚ? muš? [x] ⌈x⌉ G[E6 x ina ZÁ]LAG sin? ár MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN? [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈ḪUN?⌉ 1 KÙŠ SI u ⌈MAR?⌉ [....]
Lower edge 8 [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin SIG MÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ Rev. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
[....] sin e is le10 4½ KÙŠ [....] SIG GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ár šur ULÙ [.... GE6] ⌈20?⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá se-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] ⌈x x GE6? 21 ina ZÁLAG sin? SIG? ⌈x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈KÙŠ ana NIM?⌉ DIB? GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG sin e AN? 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ
thunder, slow rain, much PISAN DIB. The 26th, clouds [....] last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below Jupiter, the moon being ½ cubit to [....] clouds were in the sky. The 28th, clouds were in the sky, .... [.... solar eclipse] which was omitted; at 71° after sunset. [....] 2 pān?; dates?, [until the mi]ddle of the month, .... [....]
BM 47636 Obv. 1 2 3 4
5 6 7
.... [....] above δ Scor[pii ...] When [....] became stationary to the west, [it became stationary] .... cubits .... [.... γ/δ] Capricorni? The 10th?, Mercury’s last appearance [in the west/east] in Virgo. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 40´?, measured?. [....] Ni[ght of the xth, la]st part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β Arietis [....] .... [....] .... [....] 1 cubit [....] Arietis?; the north and west? winds
Lower edge 8 [.... last] part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below η Tauri. Rev. 9 10 11 12 13
[....] the moon was 4½ cubits above α Tauri [....] low. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ζ Tauri. [.... Night] of the 20th?, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind μ Geminorum [....] .... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below ...., [the moon] having passed? [....] cubits to the east?. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of ϑ Cancri. Night of the 23rd,
BM 47659 16 17
⌈ana⌉ ŠÚ LAL GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ár TUR? [šá] ⌈4? KÙŠ?⌉ ár LUGAL ½ KÙŠ 24 ⌈x x x⌉
15 16 17
BM 47659 (= 81-11-3, 364) Photo: J. Steele
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈2? 5/6? KÙŠ x⌉ sin 1 SI [....] 2´ [.... MÚL] ⌈e⌉ šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1½ KÙŠ sin [....] 3´ [....] DIR SAL AN ZA 14 50 NINDA na ⌈x⌉ [...] 4´ [.... x] 20 GE6 NU PAP ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI múlS[I4 ....] 5´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] 6´ [.... G]U4-⌈UD⌉ e MÚL ár šá ⌈SUḪUR MÁŠ⌉ [....] 7´ [.... ka]l ME SI ŠÁR GE6 23 ina ZÁ[LAG ...] 8´ [....] sin ina IGI is le10 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ DIB? ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR? [....]
last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits above Mars?, the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was ½ cubit behind ρ Leonis. The 24th, ....
BM 47659 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] 2? 5/6? cubits, .... the moon being 1 finger [....] 2´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] β Scorpii, the moon being [....] 3´ [....] thin clouds were in the sky. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 50´ .... [....] 4´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 20´; I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α [Scorpii ....] 5´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of γ Capricorni [....] 6´ [.... Mer]cury was [....] above δ Capricorni [....] 7´ [.... a]ll day, gusty north wind. Night of the 23rd, last part [of the night, ....] 8´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit in front of α Tauri .... [....] 9´ [....] .... passed? .... [....] 10´ [....] .... moonrise to sunrise? [....]
BM 47720 (= 81-11-3, 425) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina IGI MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠMAŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 18 SI GIN ⌈GE6 19⌉ U[SAN? ....] 4´ [.... ana UL]Ù SIG 19 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 20 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ múlALLA ziq-pi ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MÁŠ? A 21 SI GIN GE6 22 DIR AN ZA? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ana ŠÚ GUB-⌈uz?⌉ sin 1 KÙŠ ana ⌈ULÙ SIG⌉ 22 [....] 8´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ ár GÌR ár šá A ⌈1½⌉ KÙŠ s[in] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ ana ⌈ULÙ SIG⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈IM? ŠÁR?⌉ kal ⌈GE6 DIR AN DIB ULÙ⌉ GIN [x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ ana ⌈NIM?⌉ GUB sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 25? ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] šá PA MAR GAR GIN GE6 27 ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ [sin] ár RÍN šá ⌈ULÙ?⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ dele-bat 4 U ana NIM DIB ⌈x x⌉ [x 2]8 S[I] GIN [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x⌉meš ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 15´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 47720
BM 47720 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ... was .... in front of η Geminorum [....] 3´ [....] 2½ cubits low to the south. The 18th, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, fi[rst? part of the night, ....] 4´ [....] low [to the sou]th. The 19th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 20th, .... [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, (when) .... of Cancer culminated, .... [....] 6´ [....] .... The 21st, the north wind blew. Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky?, .... [....] 7´ [....] stood [....] to the west, the moon being 1 cubit low to the south. The 22nd, [....] 8´ [....] the moon was 1½ cubits behind β Virginis, the moon being .... cubits low to the south [....] 9´ [....] gusty? wind?, all night, clouds crossed the sky, the south wind blew [....] .... [....] 10´ [.... (the moon)] stood 2½ cubits [behind] .... to the east, the moon being 2 cubits low to the south. The 25th?, .... [....] 11´ [.... the .... wind,] which was set to the west side, blew. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, [the moon was ....] behind α? Librae [....] 12´ [....] cubits [....,] Venus having passed 4 fingers to the east .... [.... the 2]8th, the north wind blew [....] 13´ [....] .... in .... [....] 14´ [....] .... [....] 15´ [....] .... [....]
BM 47739–47747
BM 47739 (= 81-11-3, 444)
BM 47739
Photo: YM 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 27 DIR AN ZA 28 ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... a]-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú i-nušú ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ina⌉ [....] [.... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina PA ŠÚ NU PAP GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina SA[G ITU ....] [....] ki È-ú-ni lúú-qa MAḪmeš ana IGImeš-šúnu [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ i ⌈x šá TA? x⌉ ana É-GAL GIN-ku GAZmeš ITU BI [....]
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
Rev.´ (traces of 4 illegible lines)
[....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 27th, clouds were in the sky. The 28th, .... [....] [....] for 1 shekel of wrought silver. At that time, Jupiter was in [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in Sagittarius; I did not watch; Saturn was in Taurus; Mars, in the beg[inning of the month, ....] [....] when they came out, many troops in front of them [....] [....] .... who from? .... had gone to the palace, they killed. That month, [....]
Rev.´ (traces of 4 illegible lines)
BM 47747 (= 81-11-3, 452) Photo: JCF, YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] is le10 [....] [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ sin ina IGI SAG U[R-A ....] [....] ⌈sin 6⌉ SI ana NIM DIB 20+[x .... ITU BI KI.LAM] ⌈še⌉-im 2(p)? 1(b) 3 qa ZÚ-LUM 2(p) 3(b) ka-si [....] ⌈i-nu⌉-[šú M]ÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN G[U4-UD ina] ⌈GU4-AN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x 4⌉ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
AB 30 21,20 ⌈na⌉ [....] EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá ⌈TA itu⌉KIN ⌈EN TIL ⌈GAN⌉ M[U ....]
BM 47747 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] α Tauri [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of ε Leo[nis ....] [....] the moon having passed 6 fingers to the east. The 20+[xth, .... That month, the equivalent was:] barley, 2 pān? 1 sūt 3 qa; dates, 2 pān 3 sūt; mustard, [....] At that time, Jupiter was in Virgo; Mer[cury was in] Taurus; [....] [....] .... 4 cubits .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Month X, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 21° 20´ [....] Diary from month VI until the end of month IX, ye[ar ....]
BM 47863–47865
BM 47863 (= 81-11-3, 570) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ABSIN 3 KÙŠ GE6 14 DI[R ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 9 GE6 USA[N ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár [....] 6´ [....] DIB? ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá [....] 7´ [.... A]N še-en-ni NU TUḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 47865 (= 81-11-3, 572) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
ZÍZ 30 10? [....] AN E-SÍR T[UḪ ....] GE6 15 30 NINDA ME [....] GE6 17 DIR A[N ....] GE6 21 ina ZÁL[AG ....] GE6 26 [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [2]⌈7?⌉ [....]
⌈x x x⌉ ina IGI? ⌈x⌉ [....] 9 DIR AN DIB ina KIN-S[IG ....] ⌈x x SAG GE6 sin⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 EN-NUN šá gi-né-⌈e šá⌉ [....]
BM 47863 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 3´ [....] 3 cubits [....] Virginis. Night of the 14th, clou[ds ....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 9°; first part [of the night, ....] 5´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] ....; Jupiter was [....] below β Geminorum [....] 6´ [....] crossed?; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of the front star of [....] 7´ [....] rain, but the sandal was not removed, .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 47865 ´Obv.´? 1´ Month XI, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month; sunset to moonset:) 10°? [....] 2´ rain so that the sandal was re[moved ....] 3´ Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 30´ [....] 4´ Night of the 17th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ Night of the 21st, last part of the [night, ....] 6´ Night of the 26th, [....] 7´ Night of the [2]7th?, [....] ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
.... in front? of .... [....] The 9th, clouds crossed the sky; in the aftern[oon, ....] ...., beginning of the night, the moon was [....]
Left edge 1 Diary [....]
BM 47872
BM 47872 (= 81-11-3, 579) Photo: JCF, YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈SI ana ŠÚ? x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 17 SI GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI S[A4? šá ABSIN? ....] 3´ [.... ina ZÁLA]G sin ár RÍN šá SI 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈1?⌉½ K[ÙŠ? ....] 4´ [.... SIG] ⌈MÚL ár⌉ šá SAG ḪUN 4½ K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x šur? GIGIR?⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈NIM DIB⌉ [.... GE6] ⌈22 22 x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈23? SI ⌈i?⌉ ina KIN-SIG DIR⌉ [....] 8´ [....] KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ina IGI AN 1 KÙŠ 6 [SI ....] 9´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ sin [....] 10´ [....] 25 26 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ U[LÙ ....] 11´ [....] ⌈SI?⌉ ŠÁR 27? 16 ⌈KUR⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x DIR⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 10 ŠÚ šá GENNA ina ALLA [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 11 ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA SI GIN GE6 12 SA[G GE6 ....] 4´ [....] 1½ KÙŠ SI [GIN?] kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈ULÙ? GIN⌉ [....] 5´ [.... MÙL] ⌈ár šá ALLA šá SI 8 U? kal GE6⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ U[LÙ ....] 6´ [....] ⌈GE6 x x x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ DIR NU [PAP] DIR AN ZA kal [GE6 ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ DIR AN ZA ULÙ G[IN ....] 9´ [....] kal ME DIR AN ZA ULÙ GI[N ....]
BM 47872 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] fingers to the west? .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 17th, the north wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of α? [Virginis ....] 3´ [.... last part of the] night, the moon was 1 cubit behind β Librae, the moon being 1½? cu[bits ....] 4´ [....] 4½ cu[bits below] α Arietis [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] .... [β/ζ] Tauri? [....] 6´ [....] having passed [to the] east [.... Night] of the 22nd (and) the 22nd, .... [....] 7´ [....] cubits low to the south. The 23rd, a little? north wind; in the afternoon, clouds [....] 8´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit low to the south, [it stood] 1 cubit 6 [fingers] in front of Mars [....] 9´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits behind δ Capricorni, the moon being [....] 10´ [....] the 25th (and) the 26th, all day, very overcast, the sou[th wind ....] 11´ [....] gusty north? wind. The 27th?, moonrise to sunrise: 16° [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... clouds [....] 2´ [....] .... The 10th, Saturn’s last appearance in Cancer [....] 3´ [....] .... The 11th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 12th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] 4´ [....] 1½ cubits [....,] the north wind [blew?;] all night, very overcast, the south? wind blew [....] 5´ [....] 8 fingers [....] γ Cancri; all night, very overcast, the s[outh wind ....] 6´ [....] night, .... [....] 7´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [....;] clouds, I did not [watch;] clouds were in the sky, all [night, ....] 8´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky, the south wind bl[ew ....] 9´ [....] all day, clouds were in the sky, the south wind bl[ew ....]
BM 47873
506 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈GE6⌉ 18 DIR AN ZA SI šá PA [....] [....] ⌈AN x x⌉ [....]
BM 47873 (= 81-11-3, 580) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈na?⌉ 1 SI GIN ⌈GE6 x⌉ [....] [.... x]+⌈2⌉ GU4-UD ina Š[U ina ....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin ⌈ár⌉ [....] [.... S]I MÁŠ 1½? [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈SI NIM?⌉ GE6 8 [....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin [....] [....] šá ⌈SAG ḪUN⌉ [....] [....] ana SI NIM? [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x 3(b) x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... 2]1 22 23 3(p) 1(b) 24 [....] 3´ [....] 2(p)? 2(b) TA 13 EN 18 1(g) GUR [....] 4´ [.... 2]4 25 26 1(g) GUR 3(p) PI 2[7 ....] 5´ [.... saḫ-l]e10 2(p) 1(b) 2 qa ŠE-GIŠ-Ì EN MUR[UB4 ITU ....] 6´ [.... i-nu-šú] MÚL-BABBAR ina A delebat ina RÍN EN TIL [ITU ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ ITU BI ⌈ILLU⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] Night of the 18th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which [was set to the ....] side, [....] [....] rain .... [....]
BM 47873 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] sunset to moonset?: [....] The 1st, the north wind blew. Night .... [....] 2´ [.... The x]+2nd, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the we[st in ....] 3´ [.... begin]ning of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] 4´ [....] 1½? [cubits ....] β Capricorni [....] 5´ [....] high? to the north. Night of the 8th, [....] 6´ [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was [....] 7´ [.... β/α] Arietis [....] 8´ [....] high? to the north [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... 3 sūt .... [....] 2´ [.... the 2]1st, 22nd, (and) 23rd, 3 pān 1 sūt; the 24th, [....] 3´ [....] 2? pān 2 sūt; from the 13th until the 18th, 1 kur [....] 4´ [.... the 2]4th, 25th, (and) 26th, 1 kur 3 pān; the 2[7th, ....] 5´ [.... cre]ss, 2 pān 1 sūt 2 qa; sesame, until the midd[le of the month, ....] 6´ [.... At that time,] Jupiter was in Leo; Venus was in Libra, until the end [of the month, ....] 7´ [....] .... [....] .... That month, the river level [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 47878
BM 47878 (= 81-11-3, 585) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1 [....] ⌈GÍR⌉ GÍR GÍR GÙ U MAḪ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2 [....] ⌈AN⌉ e ⌈LUGAL?⌉ 1 ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ 3 ⌈DIR AN ZA⌉ [....] 3 [....] ⌈x x x GE6 5 SAG GE6⌉ sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina TIL ⌈ḪUN?⌉ IGI DIR NU PAP ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ ⌈GIN x⌉ [....] 5 [....] ana ULÙ SIG ina IGI AN 2? ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 4 U ana ŠÚ GUB sin 1½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 6 [....] 9 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN-BAR7 ŠÚ GÍR GÍRGÍR GÙ U ⌈né?⌉-ḫi ⌈AN UTAḪ ULÙ GIN⌉ G[E6? ....] 7 [.... Š]Ú?-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ GÍR GÍRGÍR GÙ U ⌈né⌉-ḫi AN UTAḪ SI GIN? ⌈GE6 11 SAG GE6⌉ [....] 8 [....] ⌈ABSIN⌉ 1½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 12 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈SI GIN⌉ ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 9 [....] ⌈x+1⌉,50 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP ⌈ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ ULÙ GIN GE6 14 4,30 GE6 DIR NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] 10 [....] 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 15 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN GE6 16 DIR AN ZA 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 11 [.... GE6] 18 18 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ sin [....] 12 [....] GIN DIR AN ZA 21 DIR AN ZA ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR GÙ U MAḪ [....]
BM 47878 ´Flake´ 1 [....] lightning flashed continuously, much thunder, .... [....] 2 [....] Mars was 1 cubit above α Leonis?. The 3rd, clouds were in the sky, [....] 3 [....] .... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 4 [....] .... Venus’ first appearance in the west in the end of Aries?; clouds, I did not watch; very overcast, the south wind blew, .... [....] 5 [....] low to the south, (the moon) stood 2? cubits 4 fingers in front of Mars to the west, the moon being 1½ cubits to .... [....] 6 [....] The 9th, very overcast; at noon, overcast, lightning flashed continuously, slow thunder, rain shower, the south wind blew. Ni[ght? ....] 7 [.... ve]ry? overcast; in the afternoon, overcast, lightning flashed continuously, slow thunder, rain shower, the north wind blew?. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, [....] 8 [....] 1½ cubits [....] Virginis, the moon having passed a little to the east. The 12th, very overcast, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, .... [....] 9 [....] moonset to sunrise: x+1° 50´; clouds, I did not watch; very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 30´; clouds, I did not watch .... [....] 10 [....] 1 cubit high to the north. The 15th, very overcast, the north wind blew. Night of the 16th, clouds were in the sky. The 16th, .... [....] 11 [.... Night] of the 18th (and) the 18th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits below β Capricorni, the moon being [....] 12 [....] blew, clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky; in the afternoon overcast, lightning flashed continuously, much thunder [....]
BM 48067
508 13 14 15 16 17 18
[....] TÙR NIGIN GE6 23 23 DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 24 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 26 26 DIR AN ZA 27 13 KUR muš ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ 29 kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN ⌈ITU BI⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1?(p) 5(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 5(b) 3 qa SÍGḫá 5? [....] [....] AN ina A GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú NU I[GI ....] [....] 15 16 ½ ⌈KÙŠ GIN⌉ [....]
16 17 18
BM 48067 (= 81-11-3, 776) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [EN-NUN šá] gi-né-e šá TA BAR EN TIL [....]
[....] was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 23rd (and) the 23rd, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, .... [....] [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th (and) the 26th, clouds were in the sky. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°, measured .... [....] [....] ...., rain shower. The 29th, all day, very overcast, the north wind blew. That month, [....] [....] .... 1 pān 5 sūt; sesame, 5 sūt 3 qa; wool, 5? [minas ....] [....] Mars was in Leo; Mercury, which had set, was not vis[ible ....] [....] The 15th (and) the 16th, (the river level) rose ½ cubit [....]
BM 48067 ´Flake´ 1´ [Dia]ry from month I until the end of [....]
BM 48075
BM 48075 (= 81-11-3, 784) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ⌈3½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ [....] [....] DIR muš DIR AN ZA [....] [.... AN] ZA ULÙ GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina [IGI ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 15 DIR AN ZA [....] [.... me]-ḫe-e SI ŠÁR GIN GE6 16 [....] [.... x]+2? KÚŠ 17 SI GIN GE6 18 ⌈ina ZÁLAG?⌉ [....] [.... k]al GE6 DIR SAL AN ZA USAN NIM? ŠÚ? [....] [....] DIR AN ZA SI GIN ina ZÁLAG DIR SAL AN ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... 2]1? kal ME DIR SAL AN ZA ANBAR7 šámaš T[ÙR ....] [.... 2]2? kal ME DIR AN ZA SI GIN GE6 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 24 kal GE6 DIR SAL AN [....] [....] KÙŠ SI u KUR ŠÁR GE6 25 kal GE6 ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] [....] 4½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 22 [....] 3´ [....] SI 3 KÙŠ 22? [....] 4´ [.... ka]l ME DIR SAL AN ZA AN-B[AR7 ....] 5´ [....] USAN U4-ZAL-LA AN U[TAḪ ....] 6´ [....] KA? DIR DUGUD AN ZA Š[ED7 ....] 7´ [.... ZÚ]-LUM ina SAG ITU 1(g) GUR [....] 8´ [....] ⌈EN MURUB4 ITU⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 48075 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] 3½ cubits [back] to the west [....] 2´ [....] measured (despite) clouds; clouds were in the sky, [....] 3´ [....] were in [the sky,] the south wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 4´ [....] .... blew. Night of the 15th, clouds were in the sky [....] 5´ [....] a gusty north storm blew. Night of the 16th, [....] 6´ [.... x]+2? cubits [....] The 17th, the north wind blew. Night of the 18th, last part of the night?, [....] 7´ [....] all night, thin clouds were in the sky; first part of the night, .... [....] 8´ [....] clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; last part of the night, thin clouds .... the sky [....] 9´ [.... The 2]1st?, all day, thin clouds were in the sky; at noon, the sun [was surrounded] by a ha[lo ....] 10´ [.... The 2]2nd?, all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 11´ [....] ...., the north wind blew. Night of the 24th, all night, thin clouds [....] the sky [....] 12´ [....] cubits [....;] gusty north and east winds. Night of the 25th, all night, overcast [....] 13´ [....] 4½ cubits [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 22nd, [....] 3´ [....] 3 cubits [....] the northern [....] The 22nd?, [....] 4´ [.... a]ll day, thin clouds were in the sky; at n[oon, ....] 5´ [....] first (and) last part of the night, rain sh[ower ....] 6´ [....] ...., dense clouds were in the sky, co[ld ....] 7´ [.... da]tes, in the beginning of the month, 1 kur [....] 8´ [....] until the middle of the month, [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] .... [....]
BM 48087–48121
BM 48087 (=81-11-3, 796)
BM 48087
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN 29 30 SI u MAR GI[N ....] 3´ [.... saḫ-l]e10 4? qa? ŠE-GIŠ-Ì ina SAG ITU 3 qa? [....] 4´ [....] ⌈GU4⌉-UD ⌈x ina? NIM?⌉ ina SAG A ŠÚ GENN[A ....] 5´ [....] ana? muḫ-ḫi ídIDIGNA DÙ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ u lúŠÀ-TAM É-sag-gíl [....] 7´ [.... IT]U BI NIG Ù-TU ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] x GAL? GIM IGI-ú ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ TAR-at [....] —————————— 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... the north wind blew. The 29th (and) the 30th, the north and west winds blew [....] 3´ [.... cre]ss, 4 qa?; sesame, in the beginning of the month, 3 qa? [....] 4´ [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east? in the beginning of Leo; Satur[n ....] 5´ [....] on the Tigris, did? [....] 6´ [....] and the administrator of Esangil [....] 7´ [....] That month, a bitch gave birth, .... [....] 8´ [....] .... as before .... [....] 9´ [....] .... was cut off [....] —————————— 10´ [....] .... [....]
BM 48121 (= 81-11-3, 830)
BM 48121
Photo: M. Ossendrijver
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šámaš? ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 12 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] LU 3½ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [....] AN ZA GE6 10+[x ....] 5´ [.... GÍ]R GÍRme 14 [....] 6´ [....] 15 DIR AN ZA [....] 7´ [.... ina KIN]-SIG GÍR GÙ U AN [....] 8´ [....] TÙR NÍGIN GE6 18 ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] 2(b) 3 qa 1 19 ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [.... S]I MÁŠ 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 [....] 11´ [.... DI]R AN ZA in 22 G[U4-UD ....] 12´ [.... SA]G-ME-GAR ana ŠÚ ki UŠ-⌈a⌉ [....] 13´ [.... A]N DUL 23 ŠÚ [....] 14´ [....] GÍR AN DU[L ....] 15´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 20+[x ....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... the sun .... [....] 2´ [....] the 12th, very overcast, .... [....] 3´ [....] 3½ [cubits .... Arie]tis? [....] 4´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [.... lightn]ing flashed continuously. The 14th, [....] 6´ [....] The 15th, clouds were in the sky [....] 7´ [.... in the after]noon, lightning, thunder, rain [....] 8´ [....] was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 18th, .... [....] 9´ [....] 2 sūt 3 qa. 1?. The 19th, .... [....] 10´ [....] 1⅔ cubits [....] β Capricorni. Night [....] 11´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Around the 22nd, Mer[cury’s ....] 12´ [....] when Jupiter became stationary to the west, [....] 13´ [.... r]ain DUL. The 23rd, overcast [....] 14´ [....] lightning, rain DU[L ....] 15´ [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
BM 48148 ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....] 2´ [....] Eri-du10 ina DAL-BAN É-⌈x⌉[....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI? mit-lu-uk-tu4 dÍ-gì-gì PAP [....] 4´ [....] dEN ME-LÁM KÚ GE6 20 ina ZÁ[LAG? ....] 5´ [....] 2 KÙŠ 20 IM ŠÁR GE6 21 [....] 6´ [.... K]ÙŠ DIR AN ZA 21 DIR AN ZA I[M ....] 7´ [.... I]ZI-ŠUB ina KI Tu-[ba ....] 8´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI šur GIG[IR ....] 9´ [.... MÚ]L IGI šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ [....] 10´ [.... MAŠ-MAŠ?] IGI 2 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] 11´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 12´ [.... ] ⌈x⌉ 8,30 KUR [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... very overcast [....] 2´ [.... district of] Eridu between the temple .... [....] 3´ [....] .... to guard? the decision of the Igigi gods [....] 4´ [....] Lord of splendour .... Night of the 20th, last part [of the night, ....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [....] The 20th, gusty wind. Night of the 21st, [....] 6´ [.... cu]bits [....;] clouds were in the sky. The 21st, clouds were in the sky, w[ind ....] 7´ [....] a “fall of fire” in the district of Tu[ba ....] 8´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 9´ [....] η Geminorum [....] 10´ [....] 2 cubits [....] α [Geminorum?.] Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 11´ [.... la]st part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 12´ [....] ...., moonrise to sunrise: 8° 30´ [....]
BM 48148 (= 81-11-3, 856)
BM 48148
Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
⌈x x⌉ [....] SU ⌈x⌉ [....] AB 1 ina ⌈x⌉ [....] ina TIL PA IGI [....] 2½ KÙŠ ana NIM [....] ina IGI MÚL KUR šá K[IR4 ....]
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
.... [....] .... [....] Month X, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), in .... [....] first appearance in the end of Sagittarius [....] 2½ cubits to the east [....] in front of ϑ Ophi[uchi ....]
Rev.´ GE6 13 DIR AN ZA USAN [....] 13 1 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ [....] GÍR AN UTAḪ ⌈x⌉ [....] 10,30 na G[ENNA? ....] e is le10 2+[x KÙŠ ....] šámaš TÙR NÍGIN [....] ⌈TÙR NÍGIN⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 EN-N[UN ....]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Night of the 13th, clouds were in the sky; first part of the night, [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1°; in the afternoon, rain shower [....] lightning, rain shower, .... [....] sunrise to moonset: 10° 30´; S[aturn? ....] 2+[x cubits] above α Tauri [....] the sun was surrounded by a halo [....] surrounded by a halo [....]
Left edge 1 Di[ary ....]
BM 48151–48164
BM 48151 (= 81-11-3, 861) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] 3(b) ZÚ-[LUM?] 3´ [.... GENNA] ina ABSIN AN ina RÍN 4´ [....] (blank) —————————— 5´ [.... G]E6 4 USAN dele-bat 6´ [.... K]ÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 6 7´ [.... SAG] ⌈GE6⌉ sin ár M[ÚL? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ILLU 1 KÙŠ ⌈GIN⌉ ================= 2´ [....] SAG GE6 sin 3´ [.... N]U PAP GE6 7 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉
BM 48151 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [...] .... 3 sūt; da[tes,] 3´ [.... Saturn] was in Virgo; Mars was in Libra. 4´ [....] (blank) —————————— 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 4th, first part of the night, Venus 6´ [.... cu]bits back to the west. Night of the 6th, 7´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... the river level rose 1 cubit. ================= 2´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 3´ [....] I did not watch. Night of the 7th, 4´ [....] 3½ cubits ....
BM 48161 (= 81-11-3, 871)
BM 48161
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN GE6 2 si[n ....] 3´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 4 s[in? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN ina [....] 5´ [.... AN] ZA GE6 8 [....] 6´ [.... AN] ⌈ZA⌉ GE6 [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., the south wind blew. Night of the 2nd, the moo[n ....] 3´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 4th, the m[oon? ....] 4´ [....] ...., the north wind blew; in [....] 5´ [....] were [in the sky.] Night of the 8th, [....] 6´ [....] were [in the sky.] Night [....]
BM 48164 (= 81-11-3, 874)
BM 48164
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ár ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ GE6 19 ŠÚ-ŠÚ? ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] NU PAP GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] behind .... [....] 3´ [....] having passed [x]+1 cubits to the east. Night [....] 4´ [....] ...., rain shower. Night of the 19th, very overcast?, .... [....] 5´ [....] I did not watch. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM, J. Steele
BM 48170–48290 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... ITU] BI KI.LAM še-im 1(g) ⌈GUR⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina MÁŠ ina TIL ITU [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x GE6 2? x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´
8´ 9´
513 [....] That [month,] the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur [....] [....] ....; Mercury was in Capricorn, at the end of the month, [....] —————————— [....] .... Night of the 2nd?, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 48170 (= 81-11-3, 880)
BM 48170
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ? x⌉ 2´ [.... AN UT]AḪ i-ṣa 3´ [....] TÙR NIGIN 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 DIR AN ZA 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN UTAḪ? 6´ [....] sin ár SA4 7´ [.... D]IR SAL AN ZA 8´ [....] kal GE6 9´ [...] GÍR-TAB 1 KÙŠ 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] cubit? .... 2´ [....] a little [rain sh]ower. 3´ [....] was surrounded by a halo. 4´ [....] ...., beginning of the night, clouds were in the sky. 5´ [....] ...., rain shower. 6´ [....] the moon was [....] behind α [Virginis] 7´ [....] thin clouds were in the sky. 8´ [....] all night 9´ [....] 1 cubit [....] Scorpii. 10´ [....] ....
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x ŠUR?⌉ 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 3´ [....] ⌈x x x NIM?⌉ 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 5´ [....] NA? x 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ BAD? 7´ [....]-ʾu? 8´ [....] GIN
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] .... 3´ [....] .... high? 4´ [....] .... the 26th, 5´ [....] .... 6´ [....] .... 7´ [....] .... 8´ [....] went?.
BM 48290 (= 81-11-3, 1000)
BM 48290
Photo: HH
Photo: M. Ossendrijver
´Obv. 1´ 2´
Rev.´ 1 2
[....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 8 SAG G[E6 ....] [.... SI]G? šur ULÙ 2 KÙŠ 10 ina KINS[IG ....]
[....] ⌈x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
´Obv. 1´ 2´
Rev.´ 1 2
[....] .... Night of the 8th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] [....] 2 cubits [bel]ow? ζ Tauri. The 10th, in the aftern[oon, ....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 48291–48313
BM 48291 (= 81-11-3, 1001)
BM 48291
´Flake´ 1´ [....] DIB [....] 2´ [.... GE6] 14 16,40 ME ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] DIR muš ina ZÁLAG sin ina [IGI ....] 4´ [.... M]ÚL-BABBAR ana NIM ki UŠ-ú [....] 5´ [.....] GÙ U AN PISAN? DIB 20 DIR AN DIB [....] 6´ [....] ŠÚ ina še-rì AN ⌈UTAḪ?⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] crossed [....] 2´ [.... Night] of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 16° 40´ .... [....] 3´ [.....] measured (despite) clouds; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 4´ [....] when Jupiter became stationary to the east, [....] 5´ [....] thunder, rain PISAN? DIB. The 20th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 6´ [....] overcast; in the morning, rain shower? [....]
BM 48301 (= 81-11-3, 1011)
BM 48301
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIB [....] 2´ [....] 13 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN ZA 4´ [....] kal ME DIR AN DIB SI GIN 5´ [....] GE6? 17 DIR AN ZA 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN? ITU BI 7´ [.... ma]-na a-na 1 8´ [....] ITU BI ILL[U] 9´ [.... lúGA]L ERÍNmeš 10´ [.... i]ḫ-ta-bat ——————————
´Flake´ 1´ [....] crossed .... [....] 2´ [....] The 13th, very overcast 3´ [....] ...., clouds were in the sky. 4´ [....] all day, clouds crossed the sky, the north wind blew. 5´ [....] Night? of the 17th, clouds were in the sky. 6´ [....] .... That month, 7´ [.... mi]nas for 1 8´ [shekel of silver ....] That month, the river level 9´ [.... the ge]neral 10´ [.... pl]undered [....] ——————————
BM 48313 (= 81-11-3, 1023)
BM 48313
Photo: HH
Photo: HH
Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 EN-NUN [....] 2 MU-1-m[e ....] 3 ina ⌈a-mat⌉ d⌈EN?⌉ u d[....] Obv.´ 1 2
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
EN-NUN šá gi-[né-e ....] itu BAR 1 23 [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] EN-NUN šá g[i-né-e ....] I Ar-šá-ka[m ....]
Upper edge 1 Diary [....] 2 Year one-hund[red- ....] 3 At the command of Bel and [....] Obv.´ 1 2
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
Diary [....] Month I, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), [sunset to moonset:] 23° [....] [....] .... [....] Diary [....] Arsaces [....]
BM 48417–48599
BM 48417 (= 81-11-3, 1127)
BM 48417
´Flake´ Left col. 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] 2´ [....] DIR NU PAP 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DINGIR KI DINGIR IGI 4´ [.... G]E6 14 7,30 GE6 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-up 6´ [.... T]A 16 EN 18 7´ [.... GE6 2]5 sin TÙR NÍGIN 8´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DU 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉
´Flake´ Left col. 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] clouds, I did not watch. 3´ [....] ...., one god was seen with the other. 4´ [.... Ni]ght of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 30´. 5´ [....] .... overcast 6´ [.... fr]om the 16th until the 18th 7´ [.... Night of the 2]5th, the moon was surrounded by a halo 8´ [....] .... 9´ [....] .... 10´ [....] ....
Photo: HH
Right col. 1´ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ ⌈GE6? [....] 4´ AN? [....] The statement in L.c. 3´ occurs only in very early Diaries.
Right col. 1´ .... [....] 2´ of .... [....] 3´ Night? [....] 4´ rain?, [....]
BM 48599 (81-11-3, 1310)
BM 48599
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... SI]G? ⌈RÍN šá⌉ SI 5 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈dele-bat?⌉ SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... G]IN GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI SI [MÁŠ ....] 5´ [....] 2,20 na muš SI GIN [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 5 cubits [belo]w? β Librae .... [....] 3´ [....] Venus? was 1 cubit below γ Virginis .... [....] 4´ [.... bl]ew. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Cap[ricorni ....] 5´ [....] sunrise to moonset: 2° 20´, measured; the north wind blew. [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: M. Ossendrijver
BM 48611–48619
BM 48611 (= 81-11-3, 1322)
BM 48611
Date: Artaxerxes III
´Obv.´? 1´ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 3´ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 4´ MAŠ-MAŠ 1⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ šámaš ina a-ka[m ....] 6´ GENNA? e [....] 7´ ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 4´ 1⅔ cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum [....] 5´ the sun [....] in mist [....] 6´ Saturn? was [....] above [....] 7´ .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [x] ⌈x⌉ SI? x [....] 2´ GE6 ⌈23⌉? GÍR x [....] 3´ KÁ-[DUMU]-NUN-NA ⌈x⌉[....] 4´ SIG [MÚL] ⌈ár⌉ šá SAG [ḪUN ....] 5´ GE6 27 ŠÚ ina [....] 6´ ITU BI ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ Night of the 23rd?, lightning, .... [....] 3´ Gate [of the Son] of the Prince .... [....] 4´ below α Ariet[is ....] 5´ Night of the 27th, overcast; in [....] 6´ That month, .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [.... MU-x-KAM IÚ-ma]-kuš šá IÁr-tak-šat[su LUGAL MU-šú nabû]
Left edge 1 [.... year x of Uma]kuš who [is called King] Artaxer[xes.]
BM 48619 (= 81-11-3, 1330)
BM 48619
Photo: M. Ossendrijver
Photo: M. Ossendrijver
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈15? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 20 ŠÚ-ŠÚ? [....] [....] AN ZA sin TÙ[R? ....] [.... D]IR AN ZA ULÙ [....] [....] kal ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ŠÚ SI ŠÁR GIN [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] i-ter-bu-ú x [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ nu [....]
(space of ca. 2 lines)
[.... I]LLU TA 19 [....] [....] ⌈x x 29 x⌉ [....]
1´ 2´
[....] 15? .... [....] [....] .... the 20th, very overcast? [....] [....] were in the sky, the moon [was surrounded? by] a ha[lo? ....] [.... cl]ouds were in the sky, the south wind [....] [....] all? .... [....] [....] overcast, a gusty north wind blew [....] [....] .... Night .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... they entered .... [....] [....] .... [....] (space of ca. 2 lines)
4´ 5´
[.... the ri]ver level?, from the 19th [....] [....] .... the 29th .... [....]
BM 48623–48870
BM 48623 (= 81-11-3, 1334) Photo: J. Steele
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 20+[x ....] 3´ 2(b) 3 qa [....] 4´ ILLU ⅔ KÙŠ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 5´ AB 30 18 muš GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ dele-bat e [MÚL] ár šá SUḪU[R MÁŠ ....] 7´ [M]ÚL ⌈KUR⌉ šá ⌈DUR nu⌉-[nu ....]
BM 48870 (81-11-3, 1581)
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
BM 48623 ´Flake´ 1´ .... [....] 2´ Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 3´ 2 sūt 3 qa [....] 4´ the river level rose ⅔ cubit .... [....] —————————— 5´ Month X, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), (sunset to moonset:) 18°, measured. Night of the xth, [....] 6´ Venus was [....] above δ Capr[icorni ....] 7´ η Piscium [....]
BM 48870
Photo: J. Steele
[....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [x x] [....] ŠE-GIŠ 4(b) ina TIL IT[U] [....] AN? DAR i-nu-šú [....] LAL 24 na —————————— [.... N]IM? KUR4 dele-bat ana ŠÀ sin KU4 [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI 17 na-su [.... x]+1 KÙŠ sin 8 SI ana ŠÚ LAL [.... GE6] 12 SAG GE6 sin [....] NU PAP DIR
[....] GE6 ŠÚ GE6 28 ⌈ŠÚ ⌉ [....] kàs 1(g) GUR 1(p) 4(b) [....] ina zibme GENNA u AN [....] (blank) ——————————
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... night .... [....] [....] sesame, 4 sūt, at the end of the month, [....] .... At that time, [....] (the river level) receded [....,] 24 was the na (gauge). —————————— [.... was hi]gh?, it was bright; Venus entered the moon. [....] first appearance ...., visibility interval: 17° [.... x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being 8 fingers back to the west. [.... Night] of the 12th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] I did not watch; clouds
[....] of the night, overcast. Night of the 28th, overcast? [....] mustard, 1 kur 1 pān 4 sūt; [....] in Pisces; Saturn and Mars [....] (blank) ——————————
BM 49090–50844
BM 49090 (= 81-11-3, 1801) Photo: J. Steele
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin ár? MAŠ-MAŠ 8 [x] sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... GÌR ár] šá A 1½ KÙŠ ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin e? RÍN ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈8?⌉ SI 15 23 na? GE6 10+⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 SI ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 49090 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon was 8 [fingers?] behind Geminorum, the moon being .... [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [.... β] Virginis; clouds were in the sky. Night? [....] 4´ [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above ⌈α/β⌉ Librae [....] 5´ [....] 8 fingers [....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset?: 23°. Night of the 10+xth, [....] 6´ [....] .... 8 fingers .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 49128 (= 81-11-3, 1839)
BM 49128
Flake´ (of obv.) 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ šá USAN? ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [....] ⌈x x ŠÚ?⌉ GE6 6 SA[G? GE6? ....] 3 [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG šur GIGIR šá S[I? ....] 4 [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Flake´(of obv.) 1 [....] .... first part of the night? .... [....] 2 [....] .... overcast?. Night of the 6th, begin[ning? of the night, ....] 3 [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below β? Tauri [....] 4 [....] .... [....] .... [....]
BM 50844 (= 82-3-23, 1838)
BM 50844
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KÙŠ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈DIB?⌉ in 12? [....] 4´ [....] e MÚL IGI šá S[AG ḪUN? ....] 5´ [....] is le10 4 SI? GE6 10+[x ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚL IGI šá šepít M[AŠ-MAŠ ....] 7´ [.... š]á še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ dele-bat 4 SI ana [....] 8´ [.... G]E6 28 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá še-p[ít MAŠ-MAŠ ....] 9´ [....] 2(b)? ZÚ-LUM EN 11 4(p) 1(b) EN 10+[x ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MAŠMAŠ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] cubit [....] 3´ [....] crossed? [....] Around the 12th?, [....] 4´ [....] above β [Arietis? ....] 5´ [....] 4 fingers? [....] α Tauri. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] above η Gemi[norum ....] 7´ [.... Venus was] 1 cubit [.... η] Geminorum, Venus being 4 fingers to [....] 8´ [.... Ni]ght of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] below μ Gemi[norum ....] 9´ [....] 2 sūt?; dates, until the 11th, 4 pān 1 sūt, until the 10+[xth, ....] 10´ [....] .... Mercury’s [first/last] appearance in the east in the end of Gemini [....] 11´ [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Photo: JCF
Photo: JCF, YM
BM 55564
BM 55564 (= 82-7-4, 154) Photo: YM, HH
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] 3½ ma-[na ....] [....] ⌈x ITU BI⌉ ILLU ⌈ina ŠÀ?-šú⌉ [....] —————————— ⌈SIG 30?⌉ 17 na ⌈KUR4?⌉ muš ana šámaš NIM sin ⌈x⌉ [....] ina IGI LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin [.... GE6 7] SAG GE6 sin ár GÌR ár šá A 2½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] in 6 IGI GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI RÍN šá S[I? ....] IM-LIMMU-BA ⌈ŠÁR KALAG⌉ AN UTAḪ GE6 13 SAG GE6 s[in ....] KIR4 šil-taḫ 1 KÙŠ ina IGI dele-bat 1 KÙŠ ⌈14?⌉ S[I ana ŠÚ GUB ....] ⌈x⌉ NIM? GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL ár šá S[UḪUR MÁŠ ....] [x] KÙŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL IGI šá [SAG ḪUN ....] [GE6 2]5 ina ZÁLAG sin ár is le10 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈12?⌉ KUR ki PAP NU IGI [....] [x] in 6 dele-bat [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 55564 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] .... [....] [....] 3½ mi[nas ....] [....] .... That month, the river level [....] inside? it .... [....] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th? (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 17°; it was bright, measured, it was high to the sun; the moon was .... [....] 1½ cubits in front of α Leonis. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [.... Night of the 7th,] beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind β Virginis. Night [.... Venus’ first appearance ....] (ideal) first appearance on the 6th. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β? Librae [....] strong gusty wind from all four directions, rain shower. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the m[oon ....] 1 cubit [....] ϑ Ophiuchi, [it stood] 1 cubit 14? fin[gers] in front of Venus [to the west ....] .... high?. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind δ Capri[corni ....] [....] cubits [....] Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below β Arie[tis ....] [Night of the 2]5th, last part of the night, the moon was 1 .... behind α Tauri [....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: 12°?; when I watched, I did not see it [....] [....] around the 6th, Venus’ [first appearance ....] .... [....]
520 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
BM 55567
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈30 x⌉ [....] [.... GU4]-UD ina ⌈NIM⌉ ina ⌈TIL x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
(blank) 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[x x] ⌈17 na KUR4 ⌈DIR muš⌉ ina šámaš GUB ⌈IGI x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x ŠÚ?⌉ sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 2? KÙŠ ⌈i⌉? [....] [GE6 x SA]G GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL SIG šá SAG GÍR-TAB 2½ [KÙŠ ....] [x x GE6] 9 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-⌈MAŠ ár 1?⌉ ½ K[ÙŠ ....] [x x x M]ÚL-BABBAR ana NIM ki UŠ-[ú x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈x⌉ UŠ GE6 13 7,30 [....] [x x GE6] 16 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL KUR [šá DUR nu-nu ....] [x x x] ana SI NIM ⌈UŠ?⌉ 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL IGI šá še-pít M[AŠ-MAŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [EN]-⌈NUN⌉ šá ⌈gi-né⌉-[e šá ....]
[....] .... [....] [....] the 30th, .... [....] [.... Mer]cury’s [....] in the east in the end of .... [....] (blank)
5´ 6´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] sunset to moonset: 17°; it was bright, measured (despite) clouds; it could be seen while the sun stood there, .... [....] [....] .... overcast; the moon was 2? cubits in front of α Virginis, a little? [....] [Night of the xth, beg]inning of the night, the moon was 2½ [cubits] in front of π Scorpii [....] [.... Night] of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus was 1?½ cubits below β Geminorum [....] [....] when Jupiter became stationary to the east, .... [....] it became stationary [....] Night of the 13th, [....:] 7° 30´ [....] [.... Night] of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below η Piscium [....] it became stationary? [....] high to the north. The 20+[xth, ....] [....] .... η Gemin[orum ....] [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [D]iar[y ....]
BM 55567 (= 82-7-4, 157) Photo: YM, HH
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉[....] 2´ [....] GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚLMÚL 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 3´ [.... K]ÙŠ ár MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ ana NIM GUB 13 ŠÚ-ŠÚ DIR ⌈SAL⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x DIR⌉ SAL? AN DIB 15 DIR AN DIB ina še-rì AN DUL-ḫat [....] 5´ [....] ⌈E?-SÍR⌉ TUḪ GE6 19 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG sin ár SA4 [....] 6´ [.... D]IR AN DIB AN DUL GE6 21 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 21 DIR AN DIB [....]
BM 55567 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of η Tauri [....] 3´ [.... cu]bits [....,] (the moon) stood 1 cubit behind Jupiter to the east. The 13th, very overcast, thin clouds [....] 4´ [....] ...., thin clouds crossed the sky. The 15th, clouds crossed the sky; in the morning, rain DUL [....] 5´ [....] the sandal was removed. Night of the 19th, very overcast; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α [Virginis ....] 6´ [.... cl]ouds crossed the sky, rain DUL. Night of the 21st, very overcast. The 21st, clouds crossed the sky [....]
BM 55567 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈DIR? BAR? ⌈x⌉ NÍGIN? ⌈x⌉ GE6 ŠÚ? DUGUD? GE6 24 24? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈20+x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI šil PA 1 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] [.... ḪAB-r]at šámaš GIM šá sin IGI.LAL ITU⌉ BI KI.LAM še-[im ....] [....] ⌈x x in 1 GU4-UD⌉ ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI GENNA ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x É⌉-sag-gíl DU (space)
12´ 13´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
521 7´
[....] clouds? .... of the night heavily? overcast?. Night of the 24th (and) the 24th, .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 20+xth, last part of the night, the moon was 1 cubit in front of ϑ Ophiuchi. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] [.... the di]sk of the sun looked like that of the moon. That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] [....] .... around the 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo; Saturn was in .... [....] [....] .... Esangil went. (space)
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [....] AN DIB 1 ŠÚ-⌈SÚ⌉[....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x PISAN? DIB? x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] SAG GE6 ⌈x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB ⌈x x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... ana] NIM DIB 10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 11 SAG GE6 sin [....] 9´ [....] ⌈DIB? GE6? x x x AN PISAN DIB x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] GE6 ⌈10+x⌉ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár GIŠ.KUN [A ....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 14´ [....] ⌈x x x i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina MÚL-MÚL dele-[bat] ina ḪUN? [....] 15´ [....]⌈meš⌉ É-[sag]-gíl DU —————————— 16´ [x x x] ana šámaš SIG ⌈GE6 2⌉ sin ina IGI DUR nu-[nu ....] 17´ [....] ⌈x⌉ LAL? ⌈GE6 4⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ sin ina IGI M[ÚL ....] 18´ [.... s]in ina IGI [....] 19´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´-3´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 4´ [....] crossed the sky. The 1st, very overcast, [....] 5´ [....] .... PISAN? DIB? [....] 6´ [....] beginning of the night, .... [....] 7´ [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east .... [....] 8´ [....] having passed [.... to] the east. The 10th, very overcast. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 9´ [....] crossed? [....] Night? .... rain, PISAN DIB .... [....] 10´ [....] Night of the 10+xth, [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind ϑ Leo[nis ....] 11´ [....] .... Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 12´ [....] .... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, [....] 13´ [....] .... last part of the night, the moon was [....] 14´ [....] .... At that time, Jupiter was in Taurus; Venus was in Aries? [....] 15´ [....] .... Esangil went. —————————— 16´ [....] (the moon) was low to the sun. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] in front of η Piscium [....] 17´ [....] .... back (to the west). Night of the 4th, very overcast; the moon was [....] in front of [....] 18´ [.... the m]oon was [....] in front of [....] 19´ [....] ..... [....]
BM 55590–55594
BM 55590 (= 82-7-4, 184) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin ina [IGI ....] 2´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG sin SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ⌈2½ KÙŠ⌉ sin [....] 3´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 23 SI GIN G[E6? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana ⌈NIM DIB GE6⌉ 25 [....] 5´ [.... dele]-bat? e AN ⅔ KÙŠ 26 23 KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈1 KÙŠ ana⌉ [SI?] ⌈NIM?⌉ [....]
BM 55594 (= 82-7-4, 190) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ sin ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ ina AN-KU10-šú IM-LIMMU-BA GINmeš [....] 3´ 14 4,30 na DIR muš SI? [....] 4´ kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN AN-B[AR7 ....] 5´ GÍR GÍR-GÍR SAG GE6 AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] 6´ ina še-rì AN UTAḪ GE6 19 [....] 7´ GE6 20 20 DIR AN ZA SI [GIN ....] 8´ sin 5 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 22 [....] 9´ GE6 25 25 DIR AN [....] 10´ sin 1½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM [....] 11´ GE6 29 DIR AN ZA [....] 12´ kàs 3(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) s[aḫ-le10 ....] 13´ [G]U4-UD ina zibme i[n ....]
BM 55590 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... last part] of the night, the moon was [....] in [front of ....] 2´ [.... la]st part of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits below α Geminorum, the moon being [....] 3´ [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west. The 23rd, the north wind blew. Ni[ght? ....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits .... [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east. Night of the 25th, [....] 5´ [.... Ve]nus? was ⅔ cubit above Mars. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 23° .... [....] 6´ [....] being 1 cubit high? to [the north? ....]
BM 55594 ´Flake´ 1´ the moon .... [....] 2´ in its eclipse, winds from all four directions blew [....] 3´ The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 30´, measured (despite) clouds; the north wind? [....] 4´ all day, very overcast, the south wind blew; at n[oon, ....] 5´ lightning flashed continuously; beginning of the night, a little rain shower [....] 6´ in the morning, rain shower. Night of the 19th, [....] 7´ Night of the 20th (and) the 20th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [blew ....] 8´ the moon being 5 cubits low to the south. The 22nd, [....] 9´ Night of the 25th (and) the 25th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 10´ the moon being 1½ cubits high to the north [....] 11´ Night of the 29th, clouds were in the sky [....] 12´ mustard, 3 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cr[ess, ....] 13´ [M]ercury was in Pisces, arou[nd ....]
BM 55596–55609
BM 55596 (= 82-7-4, 192) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] (space) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ sin 4 KÙŠ ana ULÙ [SIG ....] [....] sin ina IGI GÌR ár šá A 1½ KÙŠ [.....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana SI NI[M ....] [....] 2½? KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana SI [NIM ....] [....] GE6 14 5,30 GE6 USA[N ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ NU PAP EN ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈šá⌉ ABSIN 1 ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 55596 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] (space) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
BM 55609 (= 82-7-4, 207) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ A? [....] [.... ana] SI NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6] ⌈8⌉ 8 DIR AN ZA GE6 9 [....] ⌈ZA⌉ 9 DIR AN ZA GE6 10 sin ina IGI ⌈MÚL⌉ IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [.... SU]ḪUR MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ DIR AN ZA [....] ⌈x⌉ A 4 SI dele-bat [x x ana] NIM DIB [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ [x x x] ⌈x muš⌉ [....] ⌈x IGI⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
BM 55609 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [.... AN-BA]R7? SI GIN ina KIN-SIG [.... KI.LAM še]-im 2(p) 4(b) ZÚ 4(p) 4(b) [....] ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 3(b) 1½ qa SÍGḫá [....] ép-šú i-nu-šú in 20 [.... dele-bat] ina A 11 dele-bat ABSIN KUR-ád [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[.... the moon was] .... cubits [....,] the moon being 4 cubits [low] to the south [....] [....] the moon was 1½ cubits in front of β Virginis [....] [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits high to the north [....] [.... the moon was] 2½? cubits [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits [high] to the north [....] [....] Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 30´; first part of [the night, ....] [....] .... I did not watch; until .... [....] [....] 1 cubit [....] Virginis; last part of the night, [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [....] high to the north .... [....] [.... Night] of the 8th (and) the 8th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, [....] were [in the sky.] The 9th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, the moon was [....] in front of γ Capricorni [....] 3 cubits [.... Cap]ricorni; last part of the night, clouds were in the sky. [....] 4 fingers [....] Leonis, Venus having passed [.... to] the east. [....] 1½ cubits .... [....] ...., measured. [....] .... front? of [....] .... [....] .... [....] [.... at n]oon?, the north wind blew; in the afternoon, [.... the equivalent was: bar]ley, 2 pān 4 sūt; dates, 4 pān 4 sūt; [....] sesame, 3 sūt 1½ qa; wool, [.... of] wrought [silver.] At that time, around the 20th, [.... Venus] was in Leo, the 11th, Venus reached Virgo [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 555612–65170
BM 55612 (= 82-7-4, 210) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] KÙŠ 4 S[I ....] 2´ [.... IG]I in 8 SI? ⌈x⌉ [....] (space) 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] A 4½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] [....] SIG MÚL ár šá [....] [.... I]GI ABSIN ½ [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ ina IGI ⌈RÍN⌉ [....] [.... ina Z]ÁLAG sin ina I[GI ....]
BM 55612 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] cubits 4 fing[ers ....] 2´ [.... became vi]sible; around the 8th, .... [....] (space) 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] 4½ cubits [....] Leonis. Night [....] [....] below the rear star of [....] [....] ½ cubit [.... γ] Virginis [....] [....] .... cubits, in front of [α/β] Librae [....] [.... last] part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] GÙ U M[AḪ ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 15 12 G[E6 ....] 3´ [....] SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG? Ḫ[UN? ....] 4´ [.... SUḪ]UR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ ⌈DIR⌉ AN [....] 5´ [....] ⌈TAB?⌉ GE6 23 ⌈ina ZÁLAG x⌉ [....] 6´ [.... DU]R nu-nu 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] much thunder [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 12° [....] 3´ [....] below β Arietis? [....] 4´ [....] 1 cubit [.... γ/δ Cap]ricorni; clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, .... [....] 6´ [....] 1 .... [η Pi]scium [....] 7´ [....] cubit? [....]
BM 65170 (= 82-9-18, 5152)
BM 65170
Photo: YM
Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4 5 6
II 1 2 3
Obv.´ I 1
[....] ⌈x⌉ DIR [....] GE6 15 [....] SAG? ⌈x⌉ TAB? 7 [.... DI]R AN ZA rad [....] ⌈x x x x⌉
⌈GE6⌉ 15 ŠÚ 15 šámaš TÙR NÍGIN GE6 16 ŠÚ sin TÙR NÍGIN 16 ina ⌈KIN-SIG?⌉ ŠÚ GE6 17 A.AN še TUḪ GÍR GÍR 17 A.AN še TUḪ GE6 18 i ŠÚ TA 12 EN 18 ILLU 3 KÙŠ ba-ab 4½ KÙŠ GIN 19 ŠÚ
2 3 4 5 6
II 1
[....] ...., clouds [....] Night of the 15th, [....] beginning? .... 7 [.... cl]ouds were in the sky, cloudburst [....] ....
Night of the 15th, overcast. The 15th, the sun was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 16th, overcast; the moon was surrounded by a halo. The 16th, in the afternoon?, overcast. Night of the 17th, rain so that the sandal was removed, lightning flashed. The 17th, rain so that the sandal was removed. Night of the 18th, a little overcast. From the 12th until the 18th, the river level - 3 cubits remainder - rose 4½ cubits. The 19th, overcast;
BM 77228 4 5 6 7
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
šámaš TÙR NÍGIN 20 ŠÚ šámaš TÙR NÍGIN ULÙ ŠÁR GE6 21 ⌈A.AN⌉ DUL-ḫat 21 DIR AN ZA rad TA 19 EN 22 ILLU 1 KÙŠ LAL-is 23 DIR AN ZA GE6 24 24 ŠÚ A.AN DULḫat 25 ŠÚ še-rì UTAḪ [x x] ⌈x x GE6 26?⌉ A?.AN kab-bar? ⌈DUGUD? x x x⌉ U ULÙ ⌈ŠÁR?⌉
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x x x x x 15⌉ ŠÚ GE6 16 A.AN PISAN ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] EN 16 ILLU 1 KÙŠ 4 SI GIN 16 ŠÚ GE6 1[7 x x] [x x] ŠED7 GIN 19 ŠÚ GE6 20 A.AN EN USAN A.AN ⌈x⌉ [x] [x x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 21 ŠÚ GE6 22 22 ŠÚ GE6 23 ŠÚ A.AN PISAN i [x x] ⌈x⌉ ma-diš ŠED7 ik-te-šir TA 18 EN TIL ITU (blank) ILLU 1½? ⌈KÙŠ x GIN⌉
´Rev. III
the sun was surrounded by a halo. The 20th, overcast; the sun was surrounded by a halo, gusty south wind. Night of the 21st, rain DUL. The 21st, clouds were in the sky, cloudburst; from the 19th until the 22nd, the river level receded 1 cubit. The 23rd, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 24th (and) the 24th, overcast, rain DUL. The 25th, overcast; in the morning, shower. [....] .... Night of the 26th?, thick? heavy? rain ...., gusty? south wind
[....] .... [....] [....] .... The 15th, overcast. Night of the 16th, rain PISAN .... [....] [....] until the 16th, the river level rose 1 cubit 4 fingers. The 16th, overcast. Night of the 1[7th ....] [....] cold came. The 19th, overcast. Night of the 20th, rain; until the evening, rain .... [....] [....] .... overcast. The 21st, overcast. Night of the 22nd (and) the 22nd, overcast. Night of the 23rd, overcast; rain, a little PISAN [....] the cold became very severe. From the 18th until the end of the month, (blank) the river level rose 1½? cubits ....
1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´
Comments This tablet contains weather-related phenomena only. It may be relatively early: bāb in river level statements is only attested before the middle of the 3rd century; A.AN is not abbreviated to AN, as elsewhere; two columns are mostly found in Diaries from the 7th – 5th centuries..
BM 77228 (= 83-6-30, 8)
BM 77228
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... I]M-LIMMU-BA G[IN ....] 3´ [.... sin] ina IGI MÚ[L] ⌈IGI?⌉ šá ⌈SAG ḪUN 1½ KÙŠ sin x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈29?⌉ ḫi-il u a-kam AN ŠÚ-im ULÙ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈TA⌉ 21 EN TIL ITU 4(b) 3 qa Z[Ú ....] 6´ [....]-ʾu-ú TA 18 EN TIL ITU ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the wind from all four directions bl[ew ....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits in front of β? Arietis, the moon being .... [....] 4´ [....] The 29th?, haze and mist covered the sky, the south wind [....] 5´ [....] from the 21st until the end of the month, 4 sūt 3 qa; da[tes, ....] 6´ [....] ....; from the 18th until the end of the month, .... [....]
BM 77230–77241
526 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] in 5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ? UD-DA [....] [....] ⌈x 16⌉ u mi-šil na ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ li [....]
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] around the 5th, Mercury’s [first/last appearance] in the west? ...., [omitted ....] [....] .... 16 and a half was the na (gauge) .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 77230 (= 83-6-30, 10)
BM 77230
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ABS]IN 1 KÙ[Š ....] 3´ [....] KIR4 šil PA 2½ [KÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... ina KIN]-SIG AN UTAḪ GE6 20+[x ....] 5´ [.... IT]U BI KI.LAM še-im 2(p) [....] 6´ [....] ép-šú šá ina KUR SUM-in [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [.... Vir]ginis [....] 3´ [....] 2½ [cubits .... ϑ] Ophiuchi [....] 4´ [.... in the after]noon, rain shower. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] That [mo]nth, the equivalent was: barley, 2 pān [....] 6´ [....] of wrought [silver] which was given in the land [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 77241 (= 83-6-30, 21)
BM 77241
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] ⌈ZÁLAG sin SIG⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] 3´ saḫ-le10 1(b) 1 qa ŠE-GIŠ 3½ qa SÍGḫá 3 ma-[na ....] 4´ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI KÁ-tú 3 KÙŠ ⌈4⌉ SI LAL ITU [BI ....] —————————— 5´ IZI 30 12 na SIG 1 IM ŠÁR GE6 2 sin e DELE šá [IGI ABSIN ....] 6´ [ina] IGI RÍN šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ 8 SI ina IGI MÚL-B[ABBAR ....] 7´ [x x x GE6] 8 SAG GE6 sin ár [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was 3½ cubits below β Geminorum, the moon being ½ cubit [....] 3´ cress, 1 sūt 1 qa; sesame, 3½ qa; wool, 3 mi[nas .... The river level –] 4´ 1 cubit 8 fingers remainder – receded 3 cubits 4 fingers. [That] month, [....] —————————— 5´ Month V, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset 12°, it was faint. The 1st, gusty wind. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] above γ Vir[ginis .... the moon was] 6´ 2 cubits 8 fingers [in] front of α Librae, [it stood ....] in front of Jupi[ter to the west ....] 7´ [.... Night] of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....]
BM 77246–77247
BM 77246 (= 83-6-30, 26)
BM 77246
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... D]UR nu-[nu ....] 3´ [.... ana S]I NIM GE6 10+[x ....] 4´ [....] 2(p) PI 4 qa ½ qa? [....] 5´ [.... dele-b]at A KUR GU4-UD ina MAŠMAŠ [....] 6´ [.... ITU] BI kušSARmeš šá I[....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šú u eš-ru-ú ŠÀ [....] 8´ [....] KU4meš ituŠE TA [....] —————————— 9´ [.... ina] IGI SAG A 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 10´ [....] dele-bat e MÚL M[URUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB? ....] 11´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ [KÙŠ ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... η] Piscium [....] 3´ [....] high to the north. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4´ [....] 2 pān 4 qa ½ qa? [....] 5´ [.... Venu]s reached Leo; Mercury was in Gemini; [....] 6´ [....] That [month,] a leather document of [....] 7´ [....] .... and one-tenth within [....] 8´ [....] they entered. Month XII, from [....] —————————— 9´ [....] 2½ cu[bits in] front of ε Leonis [....] 10´ [....] Venus was [....] above δ? [Scorpii ....] 11´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....]
BM 77247 (= 83-6-30, 27)
BM 77247
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... ALL]A šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] DIR AN ZA [ina KI]N-S[IG] ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [....] 10 NINDA ŠÚ DIR NU PAP DIR AN [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ ŠÁR GIN GE6 20 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár GENNA 1 KÙŠ ana NIM [GUB ....]
Lower edge 1 [....] ⅓? KÙŠ ana NIM GUB 24 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [.... ŠE-G]IŠ-Ì 1(p) 2(b) ina TIL ITU 1(p) 1(b) 3 q[a ....] 3 [....] KÙŠ GIN PAP 26 na TA 5? [....] —————————— 4 [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [....] 1 cubit [.... ϑ/δ Can]cri .... [....] [....] clouds were in the sky; [in the after]noon, very overcast [....] [....] moonset to sunrise: 10´; clouds, I did not watch; clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] ⅔ cubit .... [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] [....] ...., a gusty south wind blew. Night of the 20th, very overcast, the south wind [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon [stood] 1 cubit behind Saturn to the east [....]
Lower edge 1 [....] it stood ⅓? cubit [behind ....] to the east. The 24th, very overcast, .... [....] 2 [.... ses]ame, 1 pān 2 sūt, at the end of the month, 1 pān 1 sūt 3 q[a ....] 3 [.... the river level ....] rose [....] cubits, total: 26 was the na (gauge); from the 5th? [....] —————————— 4 [....] .... [....]
BM 77260–77262
BM 77260 (= 83-9-28, 11)
BM 77260
´Flake´ 1´ [....] e MÚL ár šá SU[ḪUR? MÁŠ? ....] 2´ [....] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 5 ina ⌈še-rì?⌉ DIR SAL AN ZA [....] 3´ [.... M]ÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ 8 ⌈SI⌉ [....] 4´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ár MÚL ár šá SAG Ḫ[UN ....] 5´ [.... n]a? GENNA U4-ZAL ŠÚ 11 kal KUR? [....] 6´ [....] ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 13 ŠÚ-ŠÚ USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈NU? PAP? 13⌉ kal ME DIR AN ZA SI šá PA MAR GAR GIN [....] 8´ [.... IM?]-DUGUD AN ZA GE6 16 6 GE6 DIR muš DIR [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x x LUGAL?⌉ 2½ KÙŠ 17 DIR AN ZA me-ḫu-[ú ....] 10´ [....] ⌈kal KUR? x IB?⌉ GE6 19 [....] 11´ [....] GE6 20 kal ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] above δ Capri[corni? ....] 2´ [....] overcast?. The 5th, in the morning, thin clouds were in the sky [....] 3´ [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 4´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Arietis [....] 5´ [....] sunset to setting of Saturn: [....;] in the morning watch, overcast. The 11th, .... [....] 6´ [....] overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 13th, very overcast; first part of the night, .... [....] 7´ [....] I did not? watch?. The 13th, all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew [....] 8´ [....] fog? was in the sky. Night of the 16th, sunset to moonrise: 6°, measured (despite) clouds; clouds [....] 9´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] .... α Leonis?. The 17th, clouds were in the sky, storm [....] 10´ [....] .... Night of the 19th, [....] 11´ [....] Night of the 20th, all night?, [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
BM 77262 (= 83-9-28, 13)
BM 77262
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x SAG? GE6? sin? e is? le10?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin 8 SI ana NIM DIB ⌈6? x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] GE6 8 DIR AN ZA SAG GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ⌈USAN?⌉ dele-bat SIG MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 12? 13,40? ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ DIR NU PAP ⌈GE6? 13?⌉ [....] 6´ [.... G]IŠ.⌈KUN⌉ A ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ 14 ⌈4?,20 na x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈ina IGI MÚL? x x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈16? KUR⌉ DIR NU PAP [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... beginning? of the night?, the moon? was [....] above? α Tauri? [....] 2´ [....] the moon having passed 8 fingers to the east. The 6th?, .... [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 8th, clouds were in the sky; beginning of the night, .... [....] 4´ [....] ½ cubit .... ; first? part of the night, Venus was [....] below .... [....] 5´ [....] The 12th?, moonset to sunrise?: 13° 40´?; clouds, I did not watch. Night? of the 13th?, [....] 6´ [....] ½ cubit [....] ϑ Leonis. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4°? 20´ .... [....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 8´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: 16°?; clouds, I did not watch [....]
BM 77267–77268 9´ 10´
[....] MÚL? ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ZA? x MÚL?-BABBAR?⌉ ana ŠÚ ⌈LAL⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] (small space)
BM 77267 (= 83-9-28, 18) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x 4(p)? x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN dele-bat ina? [....] 3´ [.... ina TIL] ITU ina MÁŠ ITU BI ILLU [....] —————————— 4´ [.... G]E6 3 sin ár SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ sin [....] 5´ [.... si]n e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] 6´ [.... GE6] ⌈8?⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL K[UR? šá DUR? nu-nu?....] 7´ [....] DIR AN DIB GE6 11 SAG [GE6 ....] 8´ [....] ⌈SI?⌉ MÁŠ 8 SI 12 UTAḪ? [....] 9´ [....] ⌈4?⌉ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM D[IB ....] 10´ [....] ⌈e⌉ MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR M[ÁŠ ....] 11´ [....] ina ZALAG sin SIG GIŠ.K[UN A ....] 12´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG GE6 [....] 13´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 77268 (= 83-9-28, 19) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ [....] 2´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ 22 [....] 3´ [....] IM ŠÁR AN UTAḪ 26 ŠÚ ina KIN[SIG ....] 4´ [.... x]+5 na-su in 25 IGI 27 13? [KUR ....]
9´ 10´
529 [....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... being [....] Jupiter? back to the west [....] .... [....] (small space)
BM 77267 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 4 pān? .... [....] 2´ [....] Jupiter was in Virgo; Venus was in [....] 3´ [.... at the end] of the month, in Capricorn. That month, the river level [....] —————————— 4´ [.... Ni]ght of the 3rd, the moon was 2½ cubits behind β Capricorni, the moon being [....] 5´ [.... the m]oon was [....] above γ Capricorni [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 8th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of η [Piscium? ....] 7´ [....] clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 11th, beginning [of the night, ....] 8´ [....] 8 fingers [....] β Capricorni. The 12th, (rain) shower? [....] 9´ [.... the moon was] 4 cubits [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 10´ [....] above γ Capricorni [....] 11´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below ϑ Leo[nis ....] 12´ [....] low to the south. Night [....] 13´ [....] .... [....]
BM 77268 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 3 cubits [....] 2´ [....] low to the south; very overcast. The 22nd, .... [....] 3´ [....] gusty wind, rain shower. The 26th, overcast; in the after[noon, ....] 4´ [....] visibility interval of [....: x]+5°; (ideal) first appearance on the 25th. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 13°? [....]
BM 77272
530 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... GE6] ⌈29⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 GÍR GÍR 29 [....] [.... saḫ-l]e10 1(p) 3(b) ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 4(b) SÍGḫá 3½ ma-[na ....] [.... AN ina GÍ]R-TAB ITU BI ILLU MAḪ [....] 11 na-su KUR4 a-pir DIR muš 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 3 sin ár MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 1 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈AN PISAN⌉ DIB USAN ⌈dele-bat? x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´
BM 77272 (= 83-9-28, 23) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈sin ina IGI⌉ MÚL KUR šá DUR nu[nu ....] 2´ [....] ár is le10 2½ KÙŠ 9 11 na MÚL[BABBAR ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SAG GE6 sin e [....] 4´ [....] GE6 15 1 ME a-kam muš 2 UŠ [....] 5´ [....] u MAR ZÁLAG-ir 22 ÍR u ZÁLAGr[u ....] 6´ [.... GE6] 20 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 2 šá MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN dele-bat ana ŠÚ ina LALšú [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá TA SI-šú šá [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20+[x ....]
[.... Night] of the 29th, very overcast; beginning of the night, lightning flashed. The 29th, [....] [.... cre]ss, 1 pān 3 sūt; sesame, 4 sūt; wool, 3½ mi[nas ....] [.... Mars was in Sc]orpius. That month, the flood (river level) was much. [....] sunset to moonset: 11°; it was bright, earthshine, measured (despite) clouds. The 1st, .... [....] [....] Night of the 3rd, the moon was 1 cu[bit] behind γ Geminorum [....] [....] rain, PISAN DIB; first part of the night, Venus? .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 77272 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon was [....] in front of η Piscium [....] 2´ [....] 2½ cubits behind α Tauri. The 9th, sunset to setting of Ju[piter:] 11° [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 11th, very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] above [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1°, measured (despite) mist. When (the point) 2° [.... culminated, lunar eclipse ....] 5´ [....] (the eclipse) cleared [from the ....] and west side; 22° maximal phase and clearing [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 20th, all night, very overcast; 2 (stars) of .... [....] 7´ [....] ....; first part of the night, Venus, while moving back to the west, [....] 8´ [....] .... which from (the moon’s) [....] horn [....] 9´ [....] .... Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
BM 77273–77274
BM 77273 (= 83-9-28, 24) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈GE6 5⌉ sin ina IG[I ....] 2´ [....] GE6 9 sin SIG RÍN šá S[I ....] 3´ [....] šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1½ KÙŠ s[in? ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½? KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙŠ ana [....] 5´ [....] ⌈GE6 14?⌉ 6,30 ME muš 10+[x ....] 6´ [....] ⌈GE6?⌉ 16 7 [GE6 ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 77273 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] Night of the 5th, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 9th, the moon was [....] below β Librae [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [.... δ/β] Scorpii, the m[oon being ....] 4´ [.... the moon was ....] 2½? cubits [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits to [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 14th?, moonrise to sunset: 6° 30´, measured. The 10+[xth, ....] 6´ [....] Night? of the 16th, [sunset to moonrise:] 7° [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... K]ÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ⌈SI?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB GE6 25 ina ZÁ[LAG? ....] 4´ [.... SIG S]AG A 5½ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB [....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ ana NIM ⌈GUB x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... the moon was .... cu]bits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [high] to the north? [....] 3´ [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east. Night of the 25th, last [part of the night, ....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 5½ cubits [below] ε Leonis, the moon having passed a little to the east [....] 5´ [....] it stood [....] cubits to the east .... [....]
BM 77274 (= 83-9-28, 25)
BM 77274
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ SI? ⌈2? x⌉ [....] 2´ GE6 16 8 [....] 3´ in 18 dele-bat ina NIM [....] 4´ šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2½ [KÙŠ ....] 5´ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG DIR [....] 6´ U4-ZAL ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN U[TAḪ? ....] 7´ 28 12 KUR ⌈x x⌉ [....] 8´ i-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR [....] 9´ PAP 31 na ITU [BI ....] 10´ [x x x] ⌈KÙŠ? x x⌉ [....] Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ .... [....] 2´ Night of the 16th, [....:] 8° [....] 3´ Around the 18th, Venus’ [first/last appearance] in the east [....] 4´ 2½ cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum [....] 5´ Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, clouds [....] 6´ In the morning watch, very overcast, rain sho[wer? ....] 7´ The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° .... [....] 8´ At that time, Jupiter [....] 9´ total: 31 was the na (gauge). [That] month, [....] 10´ [....] cubit? .... [....] Left edge 1 [....] .... [....]
BM 77735–82825
BM 77735 (= 84-2-11, 482) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈ana NIM⌉ DIB ŠÚ-ŠÚ 19 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ [....] 4´ [.... sin x]+1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB sin 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 5´ [....]meš ŠED7 GE6 23 [....] 6´ [....] šil PA 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM UŠ 20+[x ....] 7´ [....] NIM iḫ-te-ṭè ina ZÁLAG sin e MÚ[L ....] 8´ [.... Š]ED7 25 SI GIN GE6 2⌈6 x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... ina š]e-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UT[AḪ?] ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] sin ⌈ár x⌉ [....]
BM 82823 (= 83-9-28, 29) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... D]IB 3 ina [š]e-rì AN PISAN D[IB ....] 2´ [.... S]I? 10 ina KIN-SIG šámaš TÙR [....] 3´ [....] sin SIG SAG UR-A 3 KÙŠ s[in ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ DIR AN DIB IM ŠÁR [....] 5´ [....] GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin e S[A4 šá ABSIN ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 77735 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] having passed [....] to the east; very overcast. The 19th, .... [....] 3´ [.... the moon was] 1½ cubits [....] ...., the moon being 1½ cubits [....] 4´ [.... the moon] stood [x]+1 cubits [in front of ....] to the west, the moon being 1 cu[bit ....] 5´ [....] ...., cold. Night of the 23rd, [....] 6´ [....] became stationary [.... ϑ] Ophiuchi, 1 cubit high to the north. The 20+[xth, ....] 7´ [....] east became missing?; last part of the night, the moon was [....] above .... [....] 8´ [.... c]old. The 25th, the north wind blew. Night of the 26th, .... [....] 9´ [.... in the m]orning, very overcast; rain shower?, .... [....] 10´ [....] the moon was [....] behind .... [....]
BM 82823 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... cro]ssed [....] The 3rd, in the morning, rain, PISAN D[IB ....] 2´ [.... fin]gers? [....] The 10th, in the afternoon, the sun [was surrounded] by a halo [....] 3´ [....] the moon was 3 cubits below ε Leonis, the m[oon being ....] 4´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] ....; clouds crossed the sky, gusty wind [....] 5´ [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] above α Vi[rginis ....] 6´ [....] .... [....] .... [....]
BM 82825 (= 83-9-28, 31)
BM 82825
´Flake´ 1´ [....] DIB G[E6 ....] 2´ [....] MÚL GÍR-TAB? ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... SAG] GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] 5´ [....] ár GENNA 2½ KÙŠ ana NI[M GUB ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] crossed [....] Ni[ght ....] 2´ [....] Scorpius? .... [....] 3´ [.... beginning] of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 4´ [....] .... Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 5´ [.... the moon stood] 2½ cubits behind Saturn to the east [....]
Photo: YM
BM 82829 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ 13 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG sin ár GÌR? [ár šá A ....] [.... G]E6 21 21 DIR AN ZA GE6 2[2 ....] [.... si]n SIG MÚL e šá S[AG GÍR-TAB ....] [....] ⌈3? KÙŠ⌉ 20+[x ....]
533 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´
BM 82829 (= 83-9-28, 35) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] DUL-ḫat MURUB4 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 30 DIR AN ZA SI [....] 4´ [x x x] 2(b) ZÚ-LUM ina SAG IT[U ....] 5´ [x x Š]E-GIŠ-Ì 5(b) ina TIL ITU 4(b) 2[+x qa ....] 6´ [IT]U BI ILLU GE6 1 1 2⅔ KÙŠ GI[N ....] 7´ PAP 15 na 15 16 17 2½ KÙŠ [....] 8´ EN TIL ITU 2 KÙŠ 4 SIsic PAP 13 n[a ....] 9´ ITU BI ina qí-bi šá lúKÙ-D[ÍM ....] 10´ ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... ina] ZÁLAG ŠÚ-ŠÚ sin ina IGI [....] 3´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár SA4 [šá ABSIN ....] 4´ [....] ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN ina K[IN-SIG ....] 5´ [.... KÙ]Š ana SI NIM 19 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ [....] 7´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x DIR x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] 1 cubit in front of β Geminorum. The 13th, .... [....] [....] cubits [....] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind β? Vir[ginis ....] [.... Ni]ght of the 21st (and) the 21st, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 2[2nd, ....] [....] the moon was [....] below β Scorpii [....] [....] 3? cubits [....] The 20+[xth, ....]
BM 82829 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... rain] DUL; in the middle watch, .... [....] 3´ [....] The 30th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind [....] 4´ [....] 2 sūt; dates, in the beginning of the mon[th, ....] 5´ [.... s]esame, 5 sūt, at the end of the month, 4 sūt 2+[x qa ....] 6´ That [mon]th, the river level on the night of the 1st (and) the 1st, rose 2⅔ cubits [....] 7´ total: 15 was the na (gauge); the 15th, 16th, (and) 17th, [....] 2½ cubits [....] 8´ until the end of the month, 2 cubits 4 fingers, total: 13 was the na (gauge) [....] 9´ That month, at the order of a goldsm[ith ....] 10´ .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... la]st part of the night, very overcast; the moon was [....] in front of [....] 3´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α [Virginis ....] 4´ [....] very overcast, the south wind blew; in the af[ternoon, ....] 5´ [.... cu]bits high to the north, The 19th, [....] 6´ [.... the moon was] ½ cubit [....] ...., the moon being 2 cubits [....] 7´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 8´ [....] .... clouds? .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 82832–99622
BM 82832 (= 83-9-28, 38)
BM 82832
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈MÚL IGI šá še-pít⌉ [MAŠ-MAŠ ....] 2´ [.... ina Z]ÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL TUR [....] 3´ [....] 4(p) 2(b) ZÚ 1(g) GUR ⌈4(p)? x⌉[....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR-ád GENNA u G[U4-UD? ....] 5´ [.... x]+1-KAM NAM ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ḫu i si? [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] η Gemi[norum ....] 2´ [.... la]st part of the night, Venus was [....] above ρ [Leonis? ....] 3´ [....] 4 pān 2 sūt; dates, 1 kur 4 pān? .... [....] 4´ [....] reached ....; Saturn and Me[rcury?, which had set, were not visible ....] 5´ [.... day? x]+1, .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
(space) 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x ina zib⌉ IGI KUR NIM-a [....] [....] GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 14 8 ME [....] [.... SA]G ḪUN 2? [....] me
(space) 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
BM 99622 (= 83-1-21, 1984) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉[....] 2´ [....] ZÚ-LUM TA 1 EN 4 ⌈1(g)?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] BI ina Eki KUD-is ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈MAŠ⌉-MAŠ? GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ITU BI I[LLU ....] 5´ [....] ILLU 8 SI GIN 15 [nn S]I LAL 16 ILLU [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
[....] first appearance .... in Pisces; it was bright (and) high, [....] [....] Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° [....] [....] 2? [cubits? .... β/α Ar]ietis [....]
BM 99622 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] dates, from the 1st until the 4th, 1 k[ur? ....] 3´ [....] .... was cut off in Babylon .... [....] 4´ [.... in] Gemini; Mercury, which had set, was not visible. That month, the ri[ver level ....] 5´ [....] the river level rose 8 fingers; the 15th, it receded [.... fin]gers; the 16th, the river level [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 99627–99629
BM 99627 (= 83-1-21, 1989)
BM 99627
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR-ád 20 [....] 2´ [...] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ina [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 10? GAR u ZÁ[LAG? ....] 4´ [.... ina] ⌈NIM⌉ ina SAG? [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] reached .... The 20th, [....] 2´ [....] last part of the night, Venus was in [....] 3´ [....] .... covered?; 10° onset and? cl[earing? ....] 4´ [.... in] the east in the beginning? of [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GUB? ina? ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 28 KI ŠÚ šámaš [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat u AN [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ MU? 15 [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 99629 (= 83-1-21, 1991) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina ZÁLAG ⌈GU4-UD?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ ⌈sin?⌉ 2 KÙŠ ana [....] 5´ [....] ⌈ITU⌉ ina zibme —————————— 6´ [....] sin ⌈x x x NIM? DIB⌉ GE6 8 SAG GE6 ⌈sin⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x 4 KÙŠ⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 16 ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Side B´ 1´ [....] stood? ....; in? .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 28th, with sunset, [....] 3´ [....] .... Venus and Mars [....] 4´ [....] .... year? 15 [....] 5´ [....] .... [....]
BM 99629 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... last part of the night, Mercury? [....] 3´ [....] .... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 2 cubits ...., the moon being 2 cubits to [....] 5´ [.... of the mon]th, in Pisces. —————————— 6´ [....] the moon having passed .... to the east?. Night of the 8th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 7´ [....] 4 cubits .... [....] 8´ [....] .... Night of the 16th, ....[....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
BM 99631–99634
BM 99631 (= 83-1-21, 1993) Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana MÚL e šá [....] DU [....] in 18 IGI [.... AN] UTAḪ i-ṣa [.... GE6 2]2 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ
BM 99631 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... overcast 2´ [....] .... to β? [Scorpii?] 3´ [....] went? 4´ [....] (ideal) first appearance on the 18th. 5´ [....] a little [rain] shower 6´ [.... Night of the 2]2nd, all night, very overcast
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ 3´ [.... AN UTA]Ḫ i-ṣa KI ŠÚ šámaš me-ḫu-ú 4´ [.... D]IR AN DIB AN UTAḪ 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2(p) PI EN TIL ITU 6´ [....] ITU 1(g) GUR 3(p) PI 7´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... 2´ [....] .... in the afternoon, overcast 3´ [....] a little [rain sho]wer; with sunset, storm 4´ [.... cl]ouds crossed the sky, rain shower 5´ [....] .... 2 pān, until the end of the month, 6´ [....] of the month, 1 kur 3 pān 7´ [....] .... [....]
BM 99634 (= 83-1-21, 1996)
BM 99634
Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ RA [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... G]E6 ana KUR šámaš 14 10 NINDA ⌈na⌉ [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 16 ⌈SAG? GE6?⌉ sin ina IGI MÚL? [....] 4´ [....] SAG LU 1 SI KÙŠ GE6 10+[x ....] 5´ [....] GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ár DELE šá I[GI ABSIN ....] 6´ [.... šur] GIGIR šá SI UŠ GE6 [....] 7´ [....] LUGAL? ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Side A´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] first part of the night, .... [....] 3´ [....] ½ cubit ...., the moon being [....] 4´ [....] .... [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 6´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... at ....°] before sunrise. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 10´ [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 16th, beginning? of the night?, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 4´ [....] 1 finger (error for ⅓?) cubit [.... β/α Ar]ietis. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind γ Vir[ginis ....] 6´ [....] it became stationary [....] β Tauri. Night [....] 7´ [....] α Leonis? .... [....]
BM 99640–99650
BM 99640 (= 83-1-21, 2002)
BM 99640
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... S]AG GE6 DIR AN DIB ⌈AN? x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ITU BI KI.LAM še-im TA ⌈1 EN⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈qa⌉ 4-ʾu-ú TA 25 EN TIL IT[U ....] 5´ [.... ŠE-GIŠ]-Ì ⌈2(p) 1(b)⌉ 2½ qa 4-ʾu-ú mišil 4 [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... be]ginning of the night, clouds crossed the sky, rain? .... [....] 3´ [....] That month, the equivalent was: barley, from the 1st until [....] 4´ [....] qa (and) one-fourth, from the 25th until the end of the mon[th, ....] 5´ [.... sesa]me, 2 pān 1 sūt 2½ qa, one-fourth (and) half of one-fourth [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
BM 99649 (= 83-1-21, 2011)
BM 99649
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ BAD ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ IM.GÚ KUR is-ḫ[up ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x TUR?⌉ PAP [....] —————————— 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina MÁŠ NU PAP ——————————
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] .... mud covered the land [....] 4´ [....] .... total [....] —————————— 5´ [....] .... in Capricorn; I did not watch. ——————————
BM 99650 (= 83-1-21, 2012)
BM 99650
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1? ⌈GU4-UD? ina ŠÚ?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] SI? NIM? ⌈x x⌉ [x] LAL ⌈sin? i-ṣa? ana?⌉ [....] 4´ [.... sin ina IG]I MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB ⌈GE6 x⌉ S[AG GE6 ....] 5´ [.... SUḪ]UR? ⌈ár⌉ ½ KÙŠ GE6 10 SAG G[E6 ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... The 1st, Mercury’s [....] in the west? [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] high? to the north? .... being back ...., the moon? being a little? to [....] 4´ [.... the moon] stood 1 cubit [in fro]nt of Jupiter to the west. Night of the xth, beg[inning of the night, ....] 5´ [....] ½ cubit [....] δ [Capri]corni. Night of the 10th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 6´ [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] 15 ME ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´-2´ [....] .... [....] 3´ [....] moonrise to sunset: 15° .... [....]
BM 99652–99656
BM 99652 (= 83-1-21, 2014) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] 3,50 ME NU PAP ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SIG MÚL-BABBAR 20 SI GE6 [....] [.... Ḫ]UN? 4 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NI[M DIB ....] [....] 3+[x] ⌈SI⌉ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG [....] [....] ⌈x SAG⌉ [....]
Upper edge 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
BM 99656 (= 83-1-21, 2018) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] ⌈sin?⌉ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár? 6? KÙŠ 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 10 ULÙ GIN 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉,20 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP ⌈DIR? x x⌉ 4´ [....] ⌈MAS-MAŠ⌉ 1 KÙŠ sin 1½ KÙŠ 5´ [.... 1]4 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI KUR [x x] 6´ [....] AN ZA GE6 16 ina ⌈x⌉ [x x] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ana ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈DIR SAL?⌉ AN ZA SI ⌈GIN⌉ 3´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ
BM 99652 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] moonrise to sunset: 3° 50´, I did not watch .... [....] [....] 20 fingers below Jupiter. Night [....] [....] 4 cubits [below β/α Ar]ietis, the moon [having passed] ½ cubit to the ea[st ....] [....] 3+[x] fingers [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, [....] [....] .... beginning [....]
Upper edge 1´ [....] .... [....]
BM 99656 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] the moon? was 6? cubits below β Geminorum 2´ [....] .... The 10th, the south wind blew. 3´ [....] moonset to sunrise: x° 20´; clouds, I did not watch; clouds .... 4´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [.... η/μ] Geminorum, the moon being 1½ cubits 5´ [.... The 1]4th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Sagittarius; it was bright, [....] 6´ [....] were in the sky. Night of the 16th, in .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] to the west .... [....] 2´ [....] thin? clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew. 3´ [....] stood 2½ cubits [in front of ....] to the west. 4´ [.... the moon was] ½ cubit ...., the moon being 5 cubits
BM 99671–99676
BM 99671 (= 83-1-21, 2033)
BM 99671
´Flake´ Left column 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x] 2´ [.... KI.L]AM ŠE ina SAG ITU 1(p) 1(b) 3´ [.... ka]-si 2(g) GUR ZÀ 3(b) 3 qa 4´ [.... i-n]u-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN GENNA ina MÁŠ 5´ [....] 5? SI LAL-is —————————— 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 2 DIR AN ZA 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 2 KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉
´Flake´ Left column 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... the equiv]alent was: barley, in the beginning of the month, 1 pān 1 sūt 3´ [.... mu]stard, 2 kur; cress, 3 sūt 3 qa 4´ [.... At] that time, Jupiter was in Libra, Saturn was in Capricorn 5´ [....] (the river level) receded 5? fingers. —————————— 6´ [....] .... The 1st (and) the 2nd, clouds were in the sky. 7´ [....] .... 2 cubits ....
Photo: YM
Right column 1´ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ 10+⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ GE6 [....] 4´ G[E6 ....]
BM 99676 (= 83-1-21, 2038) Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[MU-x-KAM] IÁr-ta-šá-ta šá [....] ⌈GIM⌉ di-pa-ri ina MAR ⌈x⌉ [....] [GENN]A ina IGI LUGAL 4 SI G[ENNA ....] [x x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SI[G ....] [SA]G GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x 15?⌉ [....]
Right column 1´ .... [....] 2´ The 10+[xth, ....] 3´ Night [....] 4´ Ni[ght ....]
BM 99676 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[x] ⌈x⌉ IḪi?-[....] ⌈GAN⌉ 30 13 na [....] [E]N-NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA ituI[ZI? ....]
Artašata is the name of Darius III, but not enough is preserved to date this fragment.
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[Year .... of] Artašata who [is called King Darius ....] like a torch [....] in the west .... [....] [Sat]urn was 4 fingers in front of α Leonis, Sa[turn being ....] [....,] last part of the night, Venus was [....] bel[ow ....] [beg]inning of the night, .... [....] .... The 15th?, [....]
[....] .... Ḫi-[....] Month IX, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 13° [....] [D]iary from month V? [....]
BM 99699–99710
BM 99699 (= 83-1-21, 2061)
BM 99699
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina TIL ITU lúUN[meš ....] 3´ [.... ÉRIN]meš KUR URIki TUḪ-ár [....] 4´ [.... IMi-it]-ra-da-ta-a ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] šá uruAt-ra-pa-te-si ⌈x⌉ [....] ----------------------------6´ [.... sin x MÚL KUR šá KI]R4 šil PA 2 [KÙŠ] ⌈sin⌉ 2? [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] at the end of the month, the people [....] 3´ [.... the general?] of Babylonia departed [....] 4´ [.... Mit]radatâ to .... [....] 5´ [....] of the city Atrapatesi .... [....] —————————— 6´ [.... the moon was] 2 [cubits .... ϑ] Ophiuchi, the moon being 2? [....]
Photo: YM
Comments 5´: According to R. van der Spek, this probably refers to (Media) Atropatene.
BM 99709 (= 83-1-21, 2071) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... B]URU5ḫá SIG7 i-⌈x⌉-te?-[....] 3´ [....] GE6 17 DIR AN ZA 17 KI ŠÚ šámaš [....] 4´ [....] šur GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ina KIN]-SIG DIR SAL AN ZA ⌈BURU5ḫá⌉ [....]
BM 99710 (= 83-1-21, 2072) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ 1-en ⌈x⌉ [....] (space) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ SI ŠÁR GIN GE6 2 sin [....] [.... i]-ṣa ana NIM DIB in 4 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈U4⌉-ZAL? ⌈x GÍR? x⌉ TA? SI? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ZI IR SAG GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ki]-i UŠ-ú 3½ KÙŠ [....] [....] DUR nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ s[in ....] [.... MÚ]L ár šá SAG ḪUN ⌈4 KÙŠ⌉ [....]
BM 99709 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] green locusts .... [....] 3´ [....] Night of the 17th, clouds were in the sky. The 17th, with sunset, [....] 4´ [....] 2 cubits [....] β Tauri; last part of the night, the moon was .... [....] 5´ [.... in the after]noon, thin clouds were in the sky; locusts [....]
BM 99710 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... one .... [....] (space) 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... a gusty north wind blew. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] [....] having passed a little to the east. Around the 4th, .... [....] [....] morning watch?, lightning? .... from? the north? [....] [....] ...., ZI IR; beginning of the night, .... [....] [....] when [....] became stationary [to the east, it became stationary] 3½ cubits [....] [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [.... η] Piscium, the moo[n being ....] [.... the moon was] 4 cubits [below] α Arietis [....]
BM 99713–99714
BM 99713 (= 83-1-21, 2075) Photo: YM
´Side A´ 1´ [....] (blank) 2´ [.... KÙ]Š sin ½? KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL 4 14 na šá [....] 3´ [....] MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN IGI 13 na-su in 5 IGI GE6 [....] 4´ [....] KÙŠ sin 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x na⌉ muš GE6 [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN kab-bar ⌈PISAN⌉ D[IB? ....] 3´ [.... SAG] GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ 14? ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] sin ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 99714 (= 83-1-21, 2076) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈kàs⌉ 2(g) GUR 1(p) 2(b)? [....] 3´ [.... GE]NNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina SIM?-M[AḪ? ....] (space) 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... ina] IGI AN 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB ⌈sin⌉ [....] [.... šá UL]Ù? 2 KÙŠ 6 SI dele-bat ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 10? SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... MAŠ-MAŠ] ⌈šá SIPA⌉ ½ KÙŠ DI[R ....] [....] DIR AN DIB 12 [....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ [....]
BM 99713 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] (blank) 2´ [.... the moon was .... cubi]ts [....,] the moon being ½? cubit back to the west. The 4th, visibility interval of [....:] 14° [....] 3´ [....] Jupiter’s first appearance in Virgo; rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 13°; (ideal) first appearance on the 5th. Night [....] 4´ [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 5´ [....] .... [....] sunrise to moonset: ...., measured. Night [....] ´Side B´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] ...., thick rain, PISAN D[IB? ....] 3´ [.... beginning] of the night, very overcast. The 14th?, .... [....] 4´ [....] the moon .... [....]
BM 99714 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] mustard, 2 kur 1 pān 2 sūt? [....] 3´ [.... Sa]turn was in Taurus, Mars was in Pis[ces? ....] (space)
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... the moon ....] stood 2 cubits in front of Mars to the west, the moon being [....] [.... Venus was] 2 cubits 6 fingers [.... the south]ern? star of [....,] Venus being .... [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 10th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] ½ cubit [.... γ] Geminorum; clouds [....] [....] clouds crossed the sky. The 12th, [....] [....] cubits? [....]
BM 99718–99727
BM 99718 (= 83-1-21, 2080) Photo: YM
Obv. broken; Rev.´ 1 [....] SAG ⌈GE6 sin x x⌉ [....] 2 [....] 4 SI GE6 16 US[AN ....] 3 [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ⌈ZA⌉ [....] 4 [....] KA? BI šar-pi GIN ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 5 [.... x]+1? KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 [....] 6 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] Lower edge 1 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
BM 99718 Obv. broken; Rev.´ 1 [....] beginning of the night, the moon? .... [....] 2 [....] 4 fingers [....] Night of the 16th, first [part of the night, ....] 3 [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky [....] 4 [....] a burnt? .... came; last part of the night, the moon was [....] 5 [....] having passed [x]+1? cubit to the east. Night [....] 6 [....] .... [....] Lower edge 1 [....] .... [....]
BM 99727 (= 83-1-21, 2089) Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ EN TIL ⌈ITU x x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— 3´ [.... G]E6 4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 2½ KÙŠ GE6 5 SAG [GE6 ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB 13 14,40 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] SI? 2 KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB GE6 15 ina Z[ÁLAG ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá ⌈ALLA?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ sin 1? KÙŠ ⌈ana ULÙ? SIG?⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 99727 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... until the end of the month, .... [....] —————————— 3´ [.... Ni]ght of the 4th, last part of the night, Venus was 2½ cubits below β Librae. Night of the 5th, beginning [of the night, ....] 4´ [.... the moon was ....] .... cubits, the moon having passed a little to the east. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 14° 40´ .... [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [....] ...., the moon having passed a little to the east. Night of the 15th, last [part of the night, ....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below [γ/δ] Cancri? [....] 7´ [....] .... cubits, the moon being 1? cubit low? to the south? [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
BM 99734–99740
BM 99734 (= 83-1-21, 2096)
BM 99734
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] 2´ [....] 27 16 [KUR] 3´ [.... SA]G? A IGI NIM ⌈in⌉? 4´ [....] 7,30 ŠÚ? muš
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 16° 3´ [....] first appearance [in the begi]nning of Leo; it was high, on? 4´ [....] moonset to sunrise?: 7° 30´, measured.
Photo: YM
(space) 5´
[....] 12? na NU PAP
(space) 5´
(space) 6´
[.... NU] PAP
[....] sunset to moonset: 12°?; I did not watch. (space)
[.... I did not] watch.
BM 99737 (= 83-1-21, 2099)
BM 99737
´Flake´ 1´ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [x] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina PA? [....] 3´ È 10 ERÍN ⌈x⌉ [....] lú 4´ GÌR?.SÈ.G[A?? ....] 5´ LÚ šá-nam-m[a ...] 6´ SIG 30 22 n[a ....] 7´ SAG ⌈GE6⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Mercury was in Sagittarius? [....] 3´ came out. 10 .... troops [....] 4´ a gerseqû-attendant [....] 5´ another man [....] 6´ Month III, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 22° [....] 7´ beginning of the night, [....]
BM 99740 (= 83-1-21, 2102)
BM 99740
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ LI? ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ IZI-ŠUB ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ GAN 1 17,20 [....] 5´ SIG GENNA 2 [....] 6´ 8 DIR AN [....] 7´ ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ .... [....] 2´ .... [....] 3´ a “fall of fire” .... [....] —————————— 4´ Month IX, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset:) 17° 20´ [....] 5´ 2 [....] below Saturn [....] 6´ The 8th, clouds [....] the sky [....] 7´ .... [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
Left edge 1 [EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá] TA ituAPIN EN [....]
Left edge 1 [Diary] from month VIII until [....]
BM 99753–132274
BM 99753 (= 83-1-21, 2115) Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 24 ⌈ŠÚ? GU4-UD? [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x šá⌉ GU ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... D]IR? MÚL KUR? 27 ina? K[IN?-SIG? ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ DIR? 13 [....] (space) 6´ 7´
[.... GE6] 1 sin ina IGI MI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
BM 132274 (= 1958-4-12, 8) Photo: YM, HH
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
EN-NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA [....] sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG 2 DI[R ....] GÙ U MAḪ AN GAL.GAL PISAN DIB SI [....] AN GAL.GAL MAḪ? PISAN MAḪ DIB SI ⌈GIN?⌉ [....] GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin SIG GIŠ.KUN [A ....] SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 3½ KÙŠ 11 DIR [....] kal ME DIR AN ZA SI GIN AN-KU10 sin šá [DIB ....] sin 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 16 SI GIN GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] ár {šá} MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1+[x ....] ULÙ GIN GE6 23 kal G[E6 ....] GE6 25 kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 29 DIR AN ZA SI G[IN ....] 24 25 ⌈26⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
BM 99753 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... The 24th, overcast?; Mercury’s [....] 3´ [....] .... of Aquarius? .... [....] 4´ [....] .... reached? .... The 27th, in the a[fternoon?, ....] 5´ [....] .... clouds? 13 [....] (space) 6´ 7´
[.... Night] of the 1st, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [....] .... [....]
BM 132274 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14
Diary from [....] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south. The 2nd, clou[ds ....] much thunder, large rain PISAN DIB, the north wind [....] much? large rain, much PISAN DIB, the north wind blew [....] Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below ϑ Leo[nis ....] 3½ cubits below γ Virginis. The 11th, clouds [....] all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; lunar eclipse which [was omitted ....] the moon being 1 cubit high to the north. The 16th, the north wind blew. Night .... [....] 1+[x ....] behind δ Capricorni [....] the south wind blew. Night of the 23rd, all ni[ght, ....] Night of the 25th, all night, very overcast .... [....] The 29th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind bl[ew ....] The 24th, 25th, 26th, [....] .... [....]
BM 132274 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
´Rev.´ ⌈LAL -is ⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ina NIM ina TIL ⌈x⌉ [....] u EDINmeš [....] ina KUR MAḪ ITU BI ⌈x x⌉ [....] u lúERÍNmeš u lúUNmeš šá ⌈x⌉ [....] ina ki-is? kap-pi ana KUR tam-tì ú-⌈x⌉ [....] qa-lu-ú u a-na ⌈x⌉-ri EDIN ⌈x⌉ [....] ITU BI 1-en UR-MAḪ URUDU T[A? ....] u 1-en ANŠE-KUR-RA ZABAR [.... lú GAL ERÍN] ⌈šá⌉ ana UGU 4 lúGAL ERÍNmeš [....] ⌈x x ina? KUR? GAR-at⌉ ITU BI BAD amat ⌈x⌉ [....] TA Eki KASKALII ÍD [....] ⌈x⌉ NÍG.BA u LÚ-ut-tì [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] ?
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
receded? [....] .... [.... first/last appearance] in the east in the end of .... [....] and open country [....] was much in the land. That month, .... [....] and the troops and the people of .... [....] in a .... to the Sealand .... [....] were burned and to .... of the open country .... [....] That month, one lion of copper fr[om? ....] and one horse of bronze [.... the general] who is above the four generals [....] .... was set up in the land?. That month .... word? .... [....] from Babylon the path of the river [....] .... presents and slaves [....] .... [....]
Rm 697–700
Rm 697
Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ [....] GE6 8 [.... GE6 9 SAG] GE6 sin ina IG[I MÚL x] ⌈šá⌉ SAG GÍR-TAB ⌈4⌉ KÙŠ [.... GE6 10] SAG GE6 sin ár ⌈SI4⌉ ½ KÙŠ GE6 11 SAG G[E6] [sin x MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA] ⌈3⌉ KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 13 3,⌈30?⌉ [ŠÚ] [.... ina ZÁL]AG sin ina IGI SUḪUR IGI 8 SI 14 12+[x na] [.... ina ZÁLAG sin á]r DUR nu-nu ½ KÙŠ 23 KAK-[BAN IGI ....] [.... šur GIGI]R šá SI 2 KÙŠ GE6 [....] [....] 25+[x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x ITU⌉ BI ILLU 5 ⌈x⌉ [....] ——————————
Upper edge 1 [EN]-N[UN šá gi-n]é-e šá ⌈TA⌉ [....]
Rm 697 Obv.´ 1 2 3
8 9
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] cubits? [....] Night of the 8th, [.... Night of the 9th, beginning] of the night, the moon was 4 cubits in front of [δ/β] Scorpii [.... Night of the 10th,] beginning of the night, the moon was ½ cubit behind α Scorpii. Night of the 11th, beginning of the ni[ght,] [the moon was] 3 cubits [.... ϑ Ophiuchi,] the moon having passed ⅔ cubit to the east. The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 3° 30´? [.... last part of the] night, the moon was 8 fingers in front of γ Capricorni. The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 12+[x°] [.... last part of the night, the moon was] ½ cubit behind η Piscium. The 23rd, Sir[ius’ first appearance ....] [....] 2 cubits [.... β] Tauri. Night [....] [....] The 25+[xth,] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... That month, the river level [....] 5 [fingers? ....] ——————————
Upper edge 1 [ Diar]y from [....]
Rm 700
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] GÙ U MAḪ AN DUL ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ITU B]I KI.LAM še-im 1(g) GUR ina MURUB4 I[TU ....] [....] KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú i-nu-šisic MÚLBABBAR ina zibm[e ....] —————————— [....] IM ŠÁR 2 DIR AN ZA AN UTAḪ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ina IG[I ....] [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 10 SAG GE6 sin [....]
Rm 700 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [....] much thunder, rain DUL, .... [....] [.... Th]at [month,] the equivalent was: barley, 1 kur, in the middle of the mo[nth, ....] [....] of wrought silver. At that time, Jupiter was in Pisces, [....] —————————— [....] gusty wind. The 2nd, clouds were in the sky, rain shower [....] [....] .... Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front [of ....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....]
Rm 707 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... GE6 1]2 SAG GE6 sin ár MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... ina] IGI is le10 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ár⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA ½? [KÙŠ ....] [.... G]E6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ár [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MAŠ-[MAŠ ....] [.... ina] ⌈ZÁLAG ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KÙŠ?⌉ GE6 5 SA[G GE6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ GE6 8 SAG [GE6 ....] [.... SA]G GE6 sin SIG GIŠ.KUN A ⌈4?⌉ [....] [....] 12 7 ŠÚ GE6 13 15 ME m[uš ....] [.... I]M? ŠÁR? AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB [....] [.... GE6] 21 ina ZÁLAG [....]
547 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´
Rm 707
Photo: YM
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [....] SAG GE6 sin SIG MÚL KUR šá D[UR] ⌈nu-nu⌉ [....] 3´ [.... sin x MÚL x šá SAG ḪUN x]+2 KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 12 SAG GE6 [....] 4´ [.... N]U PAP GE6 14 7,10 GE6 DIR NU PAP ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI [....] 5´ [.... GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin SI]G MAŠMAŠ ár 1 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 ⌈17?⌉ [....] 6´ [.... s]in 2 KÙŠ ana SI NIM GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG sin SIG GIŠ.K[UN A ....]
[.... Night of the 1]2th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] 1 cubit in front of α Tauri .... [....] [....] ½? cubit behind γ Geminorum [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [α/β] Gemi[norum ....] [.... la]st part of the night, very overcast [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] x cubits? [....] Night of the 5th, beginn[ing of the night, ....] [....] 2 cubits [....] .... Night of the 8th, beginning [of the night, ....] [.... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 4? [cubits] below ϑ Leonis [....] [....] The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 15°, mea[sured ....] [....] gusty [wi]nd?, slow rain, PISAN DIB [....] [.... Night] of the 21st, last part of the night, [....]
Rm 707 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below η Piscium [....] 3´ [.... the moon was x]+2 cubits [.... β/α Arietis,] the moon being 5 cubits low to the south. Night of the 12th, beginning of the night, [....] 4´ [....] I did not watch. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 10´; clouds, I did not watch; last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 5´ [.... Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was] 1 cubit below β Geminorum, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. Night of the 17th?, [....] 6´ [....,] the moon being 2 cubits high to the north. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below ϑ Leon[is ....]
Rm 715
548 7´ 8´
[....] 24 [x x] ina GÍR-TAB IGI KUR NIM-a 17 na-su [....] [.... i-nu]-šú MÚL-[BABBAR ina] ⌈ḪUN?⌉ dele-bat ina SAG I[TU ....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 13 KUR D[IR? ....] 3´ [....] šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI [....] —————————— 4´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ SIG RÍN šá SI 3 KÙŠ sin ⌈i⌉-[ṣa ....] 5´ [....] KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG GE6 9 [....] 6´ [.... 1]3 7 ŠÚ GE6 14 2,40 GE6 a-kam m[uš ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
Rm 715
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [.... kal] ME DIR AN ZA GE6 9 SAG GE6 sin [....] [.... GE6] 10 SAG GE6 sin e LUGAL 1½ KÙŠ sin ½? [KÙŠ ....] [....] sin ár MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 2 KÙŠ ⌈11? x⌉ [....] [....] kal GE6 ŠÚ-ŠÚ SI GIN 12? kal ME DIR AN ZA SI G[IN ....] [.... ina ZÁL]AG? ŠÚ-ŠÚ 13 ina še-rì BURU5ḫá SIG7 i-ṣa ZI-a [....] [.... ] ⌈x⌉ 14 3 ŠÚ DIR muš kal ME ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈GÙ? U ina KIN-SIG? ŠÚ?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ ana SI NIM ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉,30 ⌈na⌉ muš ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x 4⌉ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] The 24th, [....] first appearance in Scorpius; it was bright (and) high, rising of [....] to sunrise: 17° [....] [.... At] that time, Jupi[ter was in] Aries?; Venus, in the beginning of the mo[nth, ....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: 13°; cl[ouds? ....] 3´ [....] which had set, was not visible [....] —————————— 4´ [....] the moon was 3 cubits below β Librae, the moon being a little [....] 5´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ⅔ cubit low to the south. Night of the 9th, [....] 6´ [.... The 1]3th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. Night of the 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 40´, measured (despite) m[ist ....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 715 ´Obv.´
[....] .... [....] [.... all] day, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1½ cubits above α Leonis, the moon being ½? [cubit ....] 4´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits behind ρ Leonis. The 11th?, .... [....] 5´ [....] all night, very overcast, the north wind blew. The 12th?, all day, clouds were in the sky, the north wind bl[ew ....] 6´ [.... last part of the] night, very overcast. The 13th, in the morning, a few green locusts attacked [....] 7´ [....] .... The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3°, measured (despite) clouds; all day, very overcast, thunder?; in the afternoon?, overcast? [....] 8´ [....] .... ½ cubit high to the north .... sunrise to moonset: [x°] 30´, measured .... [....] 9´ [....] .... [....] .... 4 cu[bits ....] 10´-11´ [....] .... [....] 1´ 2´
Rm 719 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 5 DIR ⌈AN⌉ [....] [....] 6 DIR AN ZA SI GIN [....] [.... ina še]-rì? DIR AN ZA SI G[IN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ 23 ŠÚ [....] [....] šá ALLA šá ULÙ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
Rm 719
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] sin ár MÚL ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x ME⌉ SAG GE6 sin SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ana NIM? [....] [....] KÙŠ e AN 5/6? KÙŠ sin 8 U ana [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1 KÙŠ ana ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... AN] né-ḫi PISAN DIB GE6 17 ŠÚ AN DUL ⌈x x⌉ GE6 18 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x TA⌉ 18 EN 19 ŠED7 GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG DIR SAL AN ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG sin e SA4 šá ABSIN 20 SI sin TÙR NIGIN [....] [.... RÍN] šá ULÙ 2½? ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 25? ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL MURU[B4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ AN U[TAḪ] 28? ⌈x⌉ KUR DIR NU PAP DIR [....] [....] kàs-si ⌈x+3(p) 1(b) saḫ 1(p) 2(b) ŠEGIŠ 4(b) ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x TA⌉ 4 EN 11 ILLU ½ KÙŠ GIN ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL] IGI šá SAG LU 1 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin [ina] IGI MÚL ⌈IGI?⌉ [....] [....] GE6 13 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
[....] .... [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 5th, clouds [....] the sky [....] [....] The 6th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew [....] [.... in the mor]ning?, clouds were in the sky, the north wind bl[ew ....] [....] .... 2 cubits [....] The 23rd, overcast [....] [.... ϑ/δ] Cancri [....] [....] .... [....]
Rm 719 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 2´ [....] moonrise to sunset: ....; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] below .... [....] to the east? [....] 3´ [....] cubits [....,] 5/6? cubit above Mars, the moon being 8 fingers to [....] .... 1 cubit to .... [....] 4´ [....] slow [rain,] PISAN DIB. Night of the 17th, overcast, rain DUL .... Night of the 18th (and) the 18th, very overcast, .... [....] 5´ [....] .... from the 18th until the 19th, cold. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, thin clouds .... the sky [....] 6´ [....] ....; last part of the night, the moon was 20 fingers above α Virginis; the moon was surrounded by a halo [....] 7´ [....] 2½? cubits [.... α Lib]rae. Night of the 25th?, last part of the night, the moon was [....] below δ Sc[orpii ....] 8´ [....] .... rain sho[wer.] The 28th?, moonrise to sunrise: ....; clouds, I did not watch; clouds [....] 9´ [....] mustard, x+3 pān 1 sūt; cress, 1 pān 2 sūt; sesame, 4 sūt .... [....] 10´ [....] .... from the 4th until the 11th, the river level rose ½ cubit, .... [....] 11´ [....] (blank) —————————— 12´ [....] .... [....] 13´ [....] 1 cubit [....] β Arietis [....] 14´ [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 15´ [....] Night of the 13th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 16´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 722
550 ´Rev.´? 1´ [.... GE]NNA ana ŠÚ ki ⌈UŠ-a x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ina IGI MÚL IGI šá še-pit MAŠMAŠ 8 U [....] 3´ [.... MAŠ-MAŠ] IGI 2½ KÙŠ 9 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU? IGI KUR ⌈in x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ina UGU DUR TÙR ana ŠÚ GUBme? GE6 11 DIR SAL A[N ....] 5´ [....] 8 U 12 8 ŠÚ GE6 13 17,10 ME NU PAP ina ZÁLAG [....] 6´ [.... GE6] 15 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SA4 šá ABSIN 5/6 [KÙŠ ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x ana NIM⌉ GUB ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] when Saturn became stationary to the west, .... [....] 2´ [....] 8 fingers in front of η Geminorum [....] 3´ [....] 2½ cubits [....] α [Geminorum.] The 9th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius?; it was bright, [(ideal) first appearance] on .... [....] 4´ [....] stood on the band of the halo to the west. Night of the 11th, thin clouds [....] the sky [....] 5´ [....] 8 fingers [....] The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 8°. Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 17° 10´; I did not watch; last part of the night, [....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 15th, last part of the night, the moon was 5/6 [cubit] in front of α Virginis [....] 7´ [....] it stood .... to the east, in front of .... [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 722
Rm 722
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa ⌈GE6 16?⌉ 3,10 ⌈GE6⌉ DIR NU PAP ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 18 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 19 DIR AN ZA [....] ULÙ GIN ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI SUḪUR IGI 2 KÙŠ [.... ina K]IN-SIG ULÙ GIN KI ŠÚ šámaš AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG DIR AN ZA ULÙ GIN [....] 27 14 KUR DIR muš ina še-rì ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ i-ṣa [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 30 ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UTAḪ SAG GE6 SI ŠÁR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4(p) 4(b) ZÚ-LUM 1(g) 1(p) 1(b) 3 qa kàs [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´
5´ 6´
9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] overcast, a little rain shower. Night of the 16th?, sunset to moonrise: 3° 10´; clouds, I did not watch; very overcast. [....] The 18th, in the afternoon, very overcast. Night of the 19th, clouds were in the sky. [....] the south wind blew; last part of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of γ Capricorni. [.... in the af]ternoon, the south wind blew; with sunset, a little rain shower. [....] in the morning, very overcast; in the afternoon, clouds were in the sky, the south wind blew. [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14°, measured (despite) clouds; in the morning, very overcast, a little rain shower. [....] .... Night of the 30th, very overcast, rain shower; beginning of the night, gusty north wind, .... [....] [....] .... 4 pān 4 sūt; dates, 1 kur 1 pān 1 sūt 3 qa; mustard, [....] [....] .... [....]
Rm 724–726 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[.... šur] ⌈GIGIR ⌉ šá ⌈SI⌉ [....] SIG [....] ina IGI MÚL ár šá ALLA [....] [....] ana NIM GUB sin 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin i-ṣa ana N[IM? DIB? ....] ?
Upper edge 1 [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....]
Rm 724
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] GE6 20 [....] 2´ [....] ⌈e⌉ MÚL-BABBAR 8 SI G[E6 ....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 1 KÙŠ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈AN⌉ UTAḪ 30 kal ME [....] 5´ [....] a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-B[ABBAR ....] 6´ [.... ina] TIL ITU ina zibme GE[NNA ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN 12 na T[A ....] —————————— 8´ [....] DIR KALAG sin NU IGI G[E6? ....] 9´ [.... K]ÙŠ ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 2 SI ⌈x⌉ [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 7 SAG GE6 si[n ....] 11´ [.... ina] IGI is le10 ⅔ [KÙŠ ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] β Tauri [....] below [....] in front of [γ/δ] Can[cri ....] [.... the moon] stood [....] to the east, the moon being 1½ cubits [....] [....] cubits [....,] the moon [having passed] a little to the ea[st? ....]
Upper edge 1 [....] .... [....]
Rm 724 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] Night of the 20th, [....] 2´ [....] 8 fingers above Jupiter. Ni[ght ....] 3´ [....] .... 1 cubit in front of Jupiter [....] 4´ [....] rain shower. The 30th, all day, [....] 5´ [....] for 1 shekel of silv[er ....] 6´ [.... at] the end of the month, in Pisces; Sa[turn ....] 7´ [.... the river level] rose ...., 12 was the na (gauge); fr[om ....] —————————— 8´ [....] dense clouds, I did not see the moon. Ni[ght? ....] 9´ [.... cu]bits, [....,] 2 fingers in front of Jupiter .... [....] 10´ [....] .... Night of the 7th, beginning of the night, the m[oon was ....] 11´ [....] ⅔ [cubit in] front of α Tauri [....]
Rm 726
Rm 726
Photo: HH
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... J]upiter was in Pisces; .... [....] 3´ [....] .... 4´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] above α Librae [....] 5´ [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind ϑ Ophi[uchi ....] 6´ [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was [....] above γ Capri[corni ....]. 7´ [....] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind η Pis[cium ....]
Copy: LBAT 521
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina zibme ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin e RÍN šá ULÙ [....] 5´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin ár MÚL KUR šá [KIR4 šil PA ....] 6´ [.... SAG G]E6 sin e MÚL IGI šá SUḪ[UR MÁŠ ....] 7´ [....] GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL KUR šá [DUR nu-nu ....]
552 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
Rm 735–743 [....] ½? KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL ⅔? [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI [....] [.... MAŠ-MAŠ] ár 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG sin ár ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] SI? ana NIM DIB 27 19 KUR [....] [.... ŠE]-GIŠ 1(p) 1(b) SÍGḫá 2½ ma-n[a ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ITU [BI ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
Rm 735
Photo: YM
[....] ½? cubit [....;] last part of the night, the moon was ⅔? [cubit] in front of η Tauri [....] [....] 5/6 cubit [....] .... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] 5/6 cubit [.... β Gemin]orum. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] having passed [....] fingers? to the east. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 19° [....] [.... se]same, 1 pān 1 sūt; wool, 2½ min[as ....] [....] ....; Saturn, which had set, was not visible. [That] month, [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] .... [....]
Rm 735
Comments 8´: Instead of šur (ζ Tauri), a reading DELE šá (γ Virginis) is also possible, but less likely because this star has a latitude of ca. +3°.
´Flake´ 1´ .... [.... the river level ....] 2´ rose [....,] 15 was the n[a (gauge) ....] 3´ went up .... [....] —————————— 4´ Month XII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 19°, measured [....] 5´ 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] Night of the 4th, beg[inning of the night, ....] 6´ The 5th, in the afternoon, overcast, lightning, thunder [....] 7´ 3 cubits [....;] overcast, lightning, thunder, rain sh[ower ....] 8´ back to the west; first part of the night, Mars was [....] above [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 9´ [....] .... rain .... [....]
Rm 743
Rm 743
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] KUR a-kam muš ULÙ GIN 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... T]A 1 EN 20 1(p) 1(b) 1½ qa 4-ʾu ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....,] measured (despite) mist; the south wind blew. The 28th, .... [....] 3´ [.... fr]om the 1st until the 20th, 1 pān 1 sūt 1½ qa (and) one-fourth .... [....]
´Flake´ 1´ ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ GIN 15 n[a ....] 3´ i-te-li ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ ŠE 30 19 na muš [....] 5´ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 4 S[AG GE6 ....] 6´ 5 ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ GÍR GÙ U [....] 7´ 3 KÙŠ ŠÚ GÍR GÙ U AN U[TAḪ ....] 8´ ⌈ana ŠÚ⌉ LAL USAN AN e šur [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x AN x⌉ [....]
Photo: YM
Rm 745–747 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... ina] TIL ITU 1(b) 2 qa SÍGḫá ⅔ [ma-na ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GUB-uz PAP 12 na [....] [....] ⌈LAL⌉ PAP 14 na ITU [BI ....] [....] KU? ⌈x x⌉ DINGIR?meš? [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rm 745
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] TÙR ⌈NIGIN⌉ SAG ⌈GE6 sin ár MÚL ár⌉ [šá SAG ḪUN ....] 2´ [....] SAG GE6 sin e is le10 3 KÙŠ 10 ina [....] 3´ [....] ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ŠÚŠÚ GÍR G[ÍR ....] 4´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL USAN dele-bat [....] 5´ [.... A]N UTAḪ GE6 14 13,50 ME DI[R ....] 6´ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 15 2 GE6 muš SAG [GE6 ....] 7´ [.... AN] ⌈E⌉-SÍR TUḪ GE6 16 kal G[E6 ....] 8´ [.... GE6] ⌈17?⌉ kal GE6 DIR AN DIB [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN DIB [....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....]
[.... at] the end of the month, 1 sūt 2 qa; wool, ⅔ [mina ....] [.... (the river level)] .... remained constant, total: 12 was the na (gauge) [....] [....] it receded [....,] total: 14 was the na (gauge). [That] month, [....] [....] .... of the gods? [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Rm 745 ´Flake´ 1´ [.... the moon] was surrounded by a halo; beginning of the night, the moon was [....] behind α [Arietis ....] 2´ [....] beginning of the night, the moon was 3 cubits above α Tauri. The 10th, in [....] 3´ [....] ½ cubit [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east; very overcast, lightning fla[shed, ....] 4´ [....] cubits [....,] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west; first part of the night, Venus [....] 5´ [.... r]ain shower. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 13° 50´; clou[ds ....] 6´ [....] Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2°, measured; beginning [of the night, ....] 7´ [.... rain] (so that) the sandal was removed. Night of the 16th, all ni[ght, ....] 8´ [.... Night] of the 17th?, all night, clouds crossed the sky [....] 9´ [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky [....] 10´ [....] .... very overcast [....]
Rm 747
Rm 747
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin 2? [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... MÚL] MURUB4 šá [SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 5´ [....] sin ⌈x⌉ SI ana ŠÚ [LAL ....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KIN-⌈SIG DIR⌉ AN D[IB ....]
´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the moon being 2? [....] 3´ [....] .... [....] 4´ [....] δ Scor[pii ....] 5´ [....] the moon being x fingers [back] to the west [....] 6´ [....] .... in the afternoon, clouds crossed the sky [....]
Photo: YM
554 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
Rm 750 [....] DIR A[N] DIB 27 ⌈10?⌉ [KUR ....] [.... ina SA]G ⌈ITU 2(b)?⌉ 1½ qa [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 1(b) 3 qa ŠE-GIŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ EN 8 ILLU 2 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TA 21 EN 20+[x ....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ 1 ina ⌈KIN?-SIG? DIR? x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ⌈DIB?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x ½? x⌉ [....]
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] clouds crossed the sky. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:]10°? [....] [.... in the begi]nning of the month, 2 sūt? 1½ qa [....] [....] .... 1 sūt 3 qa; sesame, [....] [....] .... until the 8th, the river level [....] 2 cubits [....] [....] .... from the 21st until the 20+[xth, ....] —————————— [....] .... The 1st, in the afternoon?, clouds? .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... which was omitted? [....] 2´ [....] .... ½? .... [....]
Rm 750
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈GIN? ma-diš ŠED7 ik-te-[šir ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 DIR AN DIB 11 ina še-rì DIR [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ sin 5½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈ár x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 AN DUL ina ZÁLAG sin ár LUGAL [....] [....] ⌈ana⌉ ULÙ SIG 16 ŠED7 i[k?-te-šir ....] [.... ŠE]D7 šir GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG s[in ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI MURUB4 šá S[AG? GÍR-TAB? ....] [....] ⌈e⌉ MÚL ár šá A[LLA? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... si]n ina IGI LUGAL 2½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ana ULÙ SIG GE6 20 ina ZÁLA[G ....] 4´ [.... SIG R]ÍN šá SI 4½ KÙŠ [....] 5´ [....] kušESIR4(GIL) NU ⌈TUḪ⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈qa⌉ ZÚ 4(p) PI ⌈kàs⌉ [....] 7´ [.... G]U4-UD šá ŠÚ-⌈ú NU IGI⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rm 750 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] blew?; the cold became very severe [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 11th, clouds crossed the sky. The 11th, in the morning, clouds [....] 3´ [....] ...., the moon being 5½ cubits low to the south, behind .... [....] 4´ [....] of the night, rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind α Leonis [....] 5´ [....] low to the south. The 16th, the cold became [severe ....] 6´ [.... the co]ld became severe. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, the m[oon ....] 7´ [....] .... in front of δ [Scorpii ....] 8´ [....] above γ/δ Can[cri? ....] 9´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... α Geminorum [....] 2´ [.... the m]oon was 2½ cubits in front of α Leonis .... [....] 3´ [....] low to the south. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, [....] 4´ [....] 4½ cubits [below] β Librae [....] 5´ [....] the sandal was not removed [....] 6´ [....] qa; dates, 4 pān; mustard, [....] 7´ [....] Mercury, which had set, was not visible. [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 752+BM 34197–Rm 753
Rm 752 + BM 34197 (= Sp. 303) Photo: YM
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[.... MÚ]L KUR šá KIR4 šil PA [nn mm] [....] še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1? ⅔? KÙ[Š x x] [....] USAN dele-bat ⌈e⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 24 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] DU ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR ⌈x x⌉ [TA x E]N 5 1 PI [....] 2?½ qa
Lower edge 1 [....] PI ⌈EN?⌉ [x] 1(p) 4(b) 2 qa 2 [....] 5(b) 2½ qa 3 [....] 1(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
saḫ-le10 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ 1(b) 1½ qa SÍGḫá 1 ma-na ILLU 12 na ITU BI al-te-e GE6? 21 LUGAL LUGALmeš lú GALmeš-šú BALmeš-šú-ma TA É-GAL-šú šá ina uruSelu-ke-ʾa-a ina e-di-šú ZÁḪ-ma ana KUR ú-šá-LIŠ?niš-šú
Rm 752 + BM 34197 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[....] ϑ Ophiuchi [....] 1?⅔? cubits [.... η/μ] Geminorum [....] first part of the night, Venus was [....] above [....] [....] .... [....] [....] [....] .... [....] [....] the 22nd, .... [....] .... [....] the 24th, .... [....].... [....] .... [....].... moonrise to sunrise? .... [from the xth un]til the 5th, 1 pān [....] 2?½ qa
Lower edge 1 [....] pān, until [the xth,] 1 pān 4 sūt 2 qa, 2 [....] 5 sūt 2½ qa 3 [....] 1 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; Rev. 1 cress, 2 sūt; 2 sesame, 1 sūt 1½ qa; 3 wool, 1 mina. 4 The river level: 12 was the na (gauge). 5 That month, I heard: Night? of the 21st, the king of kings, his magnates 6 revolted against him, and he fled alone from his palace, which is in Seleucia, 7 and they .... him to the mountains.
Comments Rev. 7: Before the ending -niššu one expects a plural verbal form.
Rm 753
Photo: YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3
[.... ituBA]R 30 14,40 na DI[R ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... TÙR] NU KÁD NÍGIN GE6 3 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI šur GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ [.... GE6 4 x dele-b]at e is le10 3 KÙŠ ŠÚŠÚ 4 ŠÚ ina KIN-SIG AN UTAḪ
Rm 753 Obv.´ 1
[.... Mon]th I, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 14° 40´; clou[ds ....] .... [....] [....] was surrounded [by a halo] which was not closed. Night of the 3rd, beginning of the night, the moon was 2 cubits in front of β Tauri [.... Night of the 4th, ...., Ven]us was 3 cubits above α Tauri; very overcast. The 4th, overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower.
Rm 758–760
556 4 5
´Rev. 1´
[....] ⌈x 6?⌉ ina KIN-SIG AN kab-bar DUL d IM 1-en [x] [....] ⌈x x x GIN? 7? ina x x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
4 5
´Rev. 1´
[....] .... The 6th, in the afternoon, thick rain DUL, it thundered once [....] .... blew?. The 7th?, .... [....]
[....] .... [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... MU-x-KA]M? IÚ-ma?-⌈kuš? ⌉ [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... Year ....] Umakuš? [....]
Rm 758
Rm 758
Photo: YM
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... SAG?] ⌈GE6? sin⌉ [....] [....] ⌈na?⌉ GE6 15 12+[x GE6 ....] [....] TIN-TIRki GÁL-ši [....] [.... SIG] MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 5 K[ÙŠ ....] [.... M]ÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ ina IGI MÚLBABB[AR ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ USAN AN SIG DELE šá IGI ABS[IN ....] [.... SI]PA? 1 KÙŠ 8 SI si[n ....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 27 19 KUR m[uš? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ kàs 1(g) GUR [....] [.... ina] MURUB4 ITU ⌈3+x(b)?⌉ [....] ——————————
Upper edge 1 [.... š]á TA BAR EN T[IL ....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... beginning?] of the night?, the moon was [....] [....] sunrise to moonset?: [....] Night of the 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 12+[x° ....] [....] occurred in the district of Tintir [....] [....] 5 cu[bits below] β Arietis [....] [....] 1 cubit [....] η Tauri, [it stood ....] in front of Jupiter [to the west ....] [....] ...., first part of the night, Mars was [....] below γ Virgin[is ....] [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [.... γ Gemino]rum?, the moo[n being ....] [....] cubits [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 19°, mea[sured? ....] [....] .... mustard, 1 kur [....] [.... in] the middle of the month, 3+x? sūt [....] ——————————
Upper edge 1 [Diary] from month I until the en[d ....]
Rm 760
Rm 760
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x GE6?⌉ [....] 2´ [.... i]s le10 1⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 3´ [.... ina IG]I MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ ⌈GE6⌉ [....] 4´ [....] GE6 9 DIR AN DIB AN PISAN DIB [....] 5´ [.... G]E6 11 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI GÌR ár šá [A ....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... night? [....] 2´ [....] 1⅔ cu[bits ....] α Tauri [....] 3´ [....] 1½ cubits [in fr]ont of β Geminorum. Night [....] 4´ [....] Night of the 9th, clouds crossed the sky, rain PISAN DIB [....] 5´ [.... Ni]ght of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Virgi[nis ....]
Photo: YM
Rm 762–775 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... š]á še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ 10 SI 13 5 [....] [.... ár] GENNA 2½ KÙŠ ana NIM GUB [....] [.... kal] ME PISAN DIB NA4 ŠUR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
Rm 762
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈DELE⌉ šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ ⌈sin?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DI[B ....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN-BAR7 AN UTAḪ i-ṣa SI [....] 5´ [.... AN] GAL-GAL DUL MAR GIN GE6 10 S[AG? GE6 ....] 6´ [....] MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN GE6 22 USAN ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] KÙŠ ana NIM DIB GE6 24 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈SIL⌉meš Eki [....] 10´ [.... T]A? 16 E[N? ....]
Rm 775
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [x x] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [x] GIM ú-ṣur-tú ia-man-na ŠÀ [....] 3´ šá ídIDIGNA ana tar-ṣi uruSe-l[u-ke-ʾa-a ....] 4´ U4 BI UDU.NÍTA SISKUR ina É-sa-bad ina UG[U ....] 5´ ḫu-ub-tú SARmeš KASKALII ana uruSe-[....] I 6´ As-pa-si-né-e šá ina IGI-ma ana ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ MU-a-tì áš-ʾa-lu it-ti-šú-nu [....] —————————— 8´ GAN? 1 21,30 na-su DIR NU PAP sin ina [....] 9´ [U]LÙ GIN GE6 3 sin e MÚL ár šá [....] 10´ [x] ⌈x⌉ ULÙ GIN GE6 4 kal [GE6 ....] 11´ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ AN DUL-ḫat 5 [....] 12´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
557 [....] 10 fingers [.... η/μ] Geminorum. The 13th, [....:] 5° [....] [....] it stood 2½ cubits [behind] Saturn to the east [....] [.... all] day PISAN DIB, it hailed, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Rm 762 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] γ Virginis, the moon being [....] 3´ [....] ½ cubit [....,] the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east [....] 4´ [....] .... at noon, a little rain shower, the north wind [....] 5´ [....] large [rain] DUL, the west wind blew. Night of the 10th, be[ginning? of the night, ....] 6´ [....] 1 cubit [....] δ Capricorni .... [....] 7´ [....] .... blew?. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, .... [....] 8´ [....] having passed [....] cubits to the east. Night of the 24th, [....] 9´ [....] streets of Babylon [....] 10´ [.... fr]om? the 16th un[til? ....]
Rm 775 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] like a Greek drawing inside [....] 3´ of the Tigris opposite Sel[eucia ....] 4´ That day, a sheep sacrifice in Esabad on [....] 5´ they plundered. The road to Se[leucia? ....] 6´ Aspasinē who before to .... [....] 7´ this [....] I? asked, with them [....] —————————— 8´ Month IX?, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 21° 30´; clouds, I did not watch; the moon was in [....] 9´ the south wind blew. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] above the rear star of [....] 10´ [....] the south wind blew. Night of the 4th, all [night ....] 11´ [....] .... rain DUL. The 5th, [....] 12´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 780
Rm 780
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] kàs 1(g) GUR saḫ-le10 1 PI ŠE-GIŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina A AN ina A ina TIL {x} ITU [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ li NE? A —————————— [.... GU4]-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI 20 na in [....] [.... SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI MÚL-BABBAR 1½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB EN 7 GEN[NA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SAG GE6 sin ina IGI MÚL-MÚL 2½ KÙŠ [....] [.... DELE šá IG]I ABSIN 6 SI 13 šámaš TÙ[R ....] [....] ⌈MAŠ⌉-MAŠ šá SIPA 1½ KÙŠ 15 [....] [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ina IGI GENNA 3½? K[ÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rm 780 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ár is le10 1 KÙŠ [....] [.... si]n? ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL G[E6 ....] [.... LUGA]L? 2½ KÙŠ ár GENN[A ....] [.... GE6] 15 8 GE6 ina ZÁLAG [....] [.... SA]G? GÍR-TAB 1 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] mustard, 1 kur; cress, 1 pān; sesame, [....] [....] ...., Saturn was in Leo, Mars was in Leo, at the end of the month, [....] [....] .... —————————— [.... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius; rising of Mercury to sunrise: 20°; [(ideal) first appearance] on [....] [.... beginning of the ni]ght, the moon stood 1½ cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. Until the 7th, Sat[urn ....] [....] .... beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits in front of η Tauri [....] [....] 6 fingers [.... γ] Virginis. The 13th, the sun was [surrounded by] a ha[lo ....] [....] 1½ cubits [....] γ Geminorum. The 15th, [....] [.... x]+1 cubit [...., it stood] 3½? cu[bits] in front of Saturn [to the west ....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
[....] 1 cubit behind α Tauri [....] [.... the moo]n being ½ cubit back to the west. Ni[ght ....] [....] 2½ cubits [.... α Leon]is?, [....] behind Saturn [....] [.... Night] of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8°; last part of the night, [....] [....] 1 [.... δ/β?] Scorpii [....] [....] .... [....]
Rm 796–816
Rm 796
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x ŠÚ⌉ [....] [.... x]+1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ sin ⅔ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈4 GENNA⌉ ana ME E GE6 5 si[n ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pit MAŠMAŠ 1 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈9⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ GIN GE6 10 DIR AN DIB [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina IGI AN 3 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB ŠÚ-⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x NU PAP⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 ⌈15?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈UD?-10?⌉-KAM ⌈DUMU?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rm 816
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ [....] 2´ [.... AN D]IB GE6 16 DIR A[N ....] 3´ [....] 16 DIR AN DIB GÙ [U ....] 4´ [.... A]N ⌈DIB⌉ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG [....] 5´ [.... MÚL TUR šá] ⌈4⌉ KÙŠ ár LUGAL 1 ⌈KÙŠ? x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈½ KÙŠ⌉ GE6 ⌈22?⌉ ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] 7´ [....] ⌈x+½⌉ KÙŠ ár AN 2⅔ KÙŠ [....] 8´ [....] KUR muš ITU BI KI.LAM š[e-im ....] 9´ [.... ŠE-GI]Š-Ì 1 PI SÍGḫá 4 ma-na [....] 10´ [.... G]ENNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina ABS[IN ....] ——————————
Rm 796 ´Obv.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... the moon was x]+1 cubit [....,] the moon being ⅔ cubit [....] 3´ [....] The 4th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. Night of the 5th, the m[oon was ....] 4´ [....] .... 1 cubit below η Geminorum .... [....] 5´ [....] The 9th, very overcast, the south wind blew. Night of the 10th, clouds crossed the sky [....] 6´ [....] .... it stood 3 cubits in front of Mars to the west; very overcast [....] 7´ [....] ...., I did not watch; very overcast. Night of the 15th?, [....] 8´ [....] .... [....] ´Rev.´? 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] the 10th? day?, .... [....] 3´-4 [....] .... [....]´ 5´ [....] 6´-8´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 816 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] ηTauri [....] 2´ [.... cro]ssed [the sky.] Night of the 16th, clouds [.... the s]ky [....] 3´ [....] The 16th, clouds crossed the sky, thun[der ....] 4´ [....] crossed the sky. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, [....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit [.... ρ] Leonis .... [....] 6´ [....] ½ cubit [....] Night of the 22nd?, last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] 7´ [....] x+½ cubit [....,] 2⅔ cubits behind Mars [....] 8´ [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....,] measured. That month, the equivalent was: ba[rley, ....] 9´ [.... ses]ame, 1 pān; wool, 4 minas [....] 10´ [.... S]aturn was in Taurus; Mars was in Vir[go ....] ——————————
Rm 819–820
560 11´ 12´ 13´
[.... ina šám]aš GUB IGI GE6 2 sin ina IGI ⌈SI⌉ [MÁŠ? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 3?½ K[ÙŠ] 4? [....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....]
12´ 13´
Rm 819
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 8 SI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ AN UT[AḪ ....] [....] ⌈x BI x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 20 T[A] ⌈še-rì⌉ EN ⌈x⌉ [....] 1(p) 2(b) ŠE-GIŠ 4(b) SÍG [....] GENNA ina ABSIN AN šá [ŠÚ-ú NU IGI ....] —————————— ZÍZ 1 22 na DIR [....] sin ½ KÙŠ ana ŠÚ LAL [....] AN UTAḪ GE6 8 ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 11 ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] ⌈14⌉ ŠÚ [....]
Left edge 1 na-ṣar šá gi-né-e šá TA DU6 EN [....]
Rm 820
Photo: YM
This fragment was joined to BM 42099, see the Appendix
[....] (the moon) could be seen while the sun stood there. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] in front of β [Capricorni? ....] [....] .... 3?½ cubits [....] The 4th?, [....] [....] cubit [....]
Rm 819 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] 8 fingers [.... γ/δ] Capricorni [....] [....] ...., very overcast, rain sho[wer ....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] The 20th, from morning until .... [....] 1 pān 2 sūt; sesame, 4 sūt; wool, [....] Saturn was in Virgo; Mars, which [had set, was not visible ....] —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month,) sunset to moonset: 22°, clouds [....] the moon being ½ cubit back to the west [....] rain shower. Night of the 8th, .... [....] Night of the 11th, very over[cast ....] The 14th, overcast [....]
Left edge 1 Diary from month VII until [....]
Rm 821–827
Rm 821
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [.... MÚ]L IGI šá SAG ḪUN ½ KÙŠ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ GE6 15 ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] ⌈sin ina IGI⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2 KÙŠ 18 GU4-U[D ....] 4´ [....] ina ZÁLAG sin SIG MÚL ár šá ALLA šá U[LÙ ....] 5´ [....] ina KIN-SIG ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG sin [....] 6´ [....] sin ár GÌR ár šá A 1 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 7´ [.... K]I.LAM še-im 2(p) 5(b) Z[Ú ....] 8´ [.... IT]U? ina PA in 12+[x ....]
Rm 827
Photo: YM
Upper edge 1 [naṣār šá g]i-né-e šá TA BAR [....] Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] e NE [....] (blank) 3´
[na-ṣ]ar šá gi-né-e šá TA BAR EN TIL KIN [....]
Rm 821 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] ½ cubit [....] β Arietis [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 15th, .... [....] 3´ [....] the moon was 2 cubits in front of α Geminorum. The 18th, Mercury’s [....] 4´ [....] last part of the night, the moon was [....] below δ Cancri [....] 5´ [....] in the afternoon, very overcast. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, the moon was [....] 6´ [....] the moon was 1 cubit behind β Virginis. Ni[ght ....] 7´ [....] the equivalent was: barley, 2 pān 5 sūt; dat[es, ....] 8´ [.... of the mon]th?, in Sagittarius; around the 12+[xth, ....]
Rm 827 Upper edge 1 [Dia]ry from month I [....] Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... [....] (blank) 3´
[D]iary from month I until the end of month VI [....]
Rm 842–852
Rm 842
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] GE6 30 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ [....] 3´ [.... i]-nu-šú MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁ[Š ....] 4´ [....] 9 2 SI GIN 9 ⌈2?⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá gišNÍG.GIDRU šá dEN [....] 6´ [....] KI šá uruAn-tu-ki-[....] —————————— 7´ [.... DI]R? muš i-ṣa ana šámaš NI[M ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 KÙŠ sin 5 KÙŠ ana [....] 9´ [.... šur GIG]IR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin 1+[x ....] 10´ [.... ina IG]I MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 1 KÙŠ ⌈sin⌉ [....] 11´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rm 852
Photo: YM
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈a-kam muš⌉ DI[R? ....] [.... GE6] 19 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ár {x ár} MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG sin ár MÚL-⌈BABBAR x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG si[n ....] [....] 1(p) 2(b) kàs [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Rm 842 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Night of the 30th, very overcast, the south wind [....] 3´ [.... At] that time, Jupiter was in Capri[corn, ....] 4´ [....] the 9th, (the river level) rose 2 fingers; the 9th, .... [....] 5´ [....] .... of the sceptre of Bel [....] 6´ [....] .... of Antioch [....] —————————— 7´ [....] measured (despite) [clou]ds; it was a little high to the sun [....] 8´ [....] 2 cubits [....,] the moon being 5 cubits to [....] 9´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [....] ζ Tauri, the moon being 1+[x ....] 10´ [.... the moon was] 1 cubit [in fr]ont of α Geminorum, the moon being [....] 11´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 852 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] measured (despite) mist, clou[ds? ....] [.... Night] of the 19th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] [.... Night] of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] behind .... [....] [....] last part of the night, the moon was .... behind Jupiter [....]
[....] .... last part of the night, the moo[n was ....] [....] 1 pān 2 sūt; mustard, [....] [....] .... [....]
Rm 967–983
Rm 967
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈ár?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈sin⌉ 3 SI [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ DIR AN D[IB? ....] 4´ [....] sin ár MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] SIG dele-bat ⅔ KÙŠ [....] 6´ [....] AN DIB šámaš ina a-kam ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ TÙR NU KÁD NÍGIN ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [.... ana NIM ki] ⌈UŠ⌉-ú 2 ⌈KÙŠ ina IGI SUḪ[UR ....] 9´ [.... L]UGAL ŠÚ TA URIki ana KUR ba?[....] 10´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 13 DIR AN DIB ⌈x⌉ [....] 11´ [....] AN DUL IM ŠÁR AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 12´ [....] ŠUB ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Rm 983
Photo: JCF, YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ ina KUR GÚ-DU8-A šá? ⌈ana⌉ [....] —————————— 3´ [....] ⌈GENNA⌉ ŠÚ GE6 2 sin ár MÚL IGI [....] 4´ [....] 2½ KÙŠ DIR AN DIB GÍR GÍR [....] 5´ [....] ⌈še-pít⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 U ⌈x⌉ [....] 6´ [....] ⌈PISAN? DIB? x x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rm 967 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] behind? [....] 2´ [....] the moon being 3 fingers [....] 3´ [....] ...., clouds crossed the sky [....] 4´ [....] the moon was [....] behind .... [....] 5´ [....] ⅔ cubit below Venus [....] 6´ [....] crossed the sky, the sun set? in mist [....] 7´ [....] .... was surrounded by a halo which was not closed .... [....] 8´ [.... when ....] became stationary [to the east, it became stationary] 2 cubits in front of [γ/ δ] Capri[corni ....] 9´ [....] the king of the world [....] from Babylonia to the land of Ba[....] 10´ [....] .... Night of the 13th, clouds crossed the sky .... [....] 11´ [....] rain DUL, gusty wind, rain .... [....] 12´ [.... thund]ered? .... [....]
Rm 983 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... in the land of Kutha, which? .... [....] —————————— 3´ [....] Saturn set?. Night of the 2nd, the moon was [....] behind the front star of [....] 4´ [....] 2½ cubits [....,] clouds crossed the sky, lightning flashed, [....] 5´ [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [.... η/μ] Geminorum .... [....] 6´ [....] PISAN? DIB? .... [....] 7´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 986–997
Rm 986
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈USAN?⌉ [....] 2´ [....] sin ár [....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ sin 2½ KÙ[Š ....] 4´ [.... S]I MÁŠ 3½ KÙŠ sin [....] 5´ [.... 2]7 17 KUR muš i-nu-[šú ....] 6´ [....] DI 7´ [.... DI]R NU PAP GE6 2 ⌈sin x x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] sin ½ KÙŠ [....]
Rm 997
Photo: YM
´Flake´ 1´ [....] (blank) —————————— 2´ [.... NI]M? kal GE6 DIR AN ZA 1 DI[R ....] 3´ [.... ana NI]M? GUB sin 1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM ár ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [.... x]+1 KÙŠ ana SI NIM 4 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 5 [....] 5´ [.... DI]R AN ZA ULÙ GIN GE6 7 ŠÚ-Š[Ú ....] 6´ [.... GE6] ⌈9⌉ DIR AN ZA SI GIN U[SAN? ....] 7´ [....] ina IGI MÚL MURUB4 šá [SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 8´ [.... GE6 14 nn M]E muš 14 [....] 9´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rm 986 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] first part of the night?, [....] 2´ [....] the moon was [....] behind [....] 3´ [.... the moon was ....] cubits [....,] the moon being 2½ cubits [....] 4´ [.... the moon was] 3½ cubits [....] β Capricorni, the moon being [....] 5´ [.... The 2]7th, moonrise to sunrise: 17°, measured. At that ti[me ....] 6´ [....] .... 7´ [.... clou]ds, I did not watch. Night of the 2nd, the moon was .... [....] 8´ [....] the moon being ½ cubit [....]
Rm 997 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] (blank) —————————— 2´ [.... hi]gh?; all night, clouds were in the sky. The 1st, clou[ds ....] 3´ [.... the moon ....] stood [.... to the ea]st, the moon being 1 cubit high to the north, behind .... [....] 4´ [.... x]+1 cubit high to the north. The 4th, very overcast. Night of the 5th, [....] 5´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky, the south wind blew. Night of the 7th, very over[cast ....] 6´ [.... Night] of the 9th, clouds were in the sky, the north wind blew; fir[st part of the night?, ....] 7´ [....] in front of δ Scor[pii ....] 8´ [.... Night of the 14th, moon]rise to sunset: [....,] measured. The 14th, [....] 9´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 1014–1026
Rm 1014
Photo: JCF, YM
Obv.´ 1 2 3
[.... GE6] ⌈1⌉ USAN GENNA e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 8 S[I ....] [....] ⌈x 2? x x⌉ GE6 3 sin ina IGI M[ÚL ....] [....] ⌈x SIG x⌉ [....]
Rm 1014 Obv.´ 1 2 3
[.... Night] of the 1st, first part of the night, Saturn was 8 fingers above β Scorpii [....] [....] .... The 2nd?, .... Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] in front of [....] [....] .... below .... [....]
´Upper edge 1´ [....] ⌈x 28? x x⌉ [....]
´Upper edge 1´ [....] .... the 28th?, .... [....]
Rm 1023
Rm 1023
´Flake´ 1´ [....] 29 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈DIR⌉ [....] 2´ [.... k]às 1(g) GUR saḫ-[le10 ....] 3´ [....]-tú ina SAG ITU 3(b) 1? [qa? ....] 4´ [....] ina MÁŠ? ŠÚ NU PAP GENNA ina zibme [....] 5´ [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ GIN PAP 16 na ITU BI [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] The 29th, very overcast, clouds [....] 2´ [.... m]ustard, 1 kur; cre[ss, ....] 3´ [....] .... in the beginning of the month, 3 sūt 1? [qa? ....] 4´ [....] last appearance in Capricorn?, I did not watch; Saturn was in Pisces [....] 5´ [....] (the river level) rose [....] cubits?, total: 16 was the na (gauge). That month, [....] 6´ [....] .... [....]
Rm 1026
Rm 1026
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] 8? AN ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [....] SI ŠÁR 10 ⌈GENNA ana ME⌉ [....] 4´ [....] ⌈SI?⌉ sin 1 KÙŠ ⌈ana ŠÚ⌉ LAL 12+[x ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 15 MÚL-BABBAR u GU4-UD ina [....] 6´ [.... ana U]LÙ SIG in 9sic MÚL-BABBAR [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ 1 KÙ[Š? ....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] 8th?, rain? .... [....] 3´ [....] gusty north wind. The 10th, Saturn’s acronychal ri[sing ....] 4´ [....] fingers [....,] the moon being 1 cubit back to the west. The 12+[xth, ....] 5´ [....] .... The 15th, Jupiter and Mercury in [....] 6´ [....] low to the south. Around the 9th sic, Jupiter [....] 7´ [....] 1 cubit [....] .... Geminorum [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
Photo: YM
Photo: YM
U 192
Istanbul Museum (Eski Şark Eserleri Müzesi)
U 192
U 192
From Uruk
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... above Saturn [....] 2´ [....] .... 4? cubits below Mercury [....] 3´ [.... in] the morning, overcast. Night of the 3rd, the moon was [....] below [....] 4´ [.... clouds] were [in the sky.] Night of the 5th, the moon was [....] in front of .... [....] 5´ [....] .... clouds were in the sky. Ni[ght ....] 6´ [....] a south storm bl[ew? ....] 7´ [.... clouds] were in the sky. Night of the 12th, very overcast [....] 8´ [....] moonrise to sunset?: .... [....]
Photo: German Uruk excavation photo
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈e⌉ GENNA ⌈x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG GU4-UD 4? KÙ[Š ….] 3´ […. ina] ⌈še-rì⌉ ŠÚ GE6 3 sin SIG [....] 4´ […. DIR AN] ZA GE6 5 sin ina IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ DIR AN ZA G[E6 ….] 6´ [....] me-ḫi ULÙ GI[N? ….] 7´ […. DIR A]N ZA GE6 12 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 8´ [....] ME? ⌈x x⌉ [....]
MNB 1877
Louvre Museum
MNB 1877
MNB 1877
Photo: Pl. 17
Copy: J.-M. Durand, TBER pl. 84 (obv. only)
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x x] AN ana ME ⌈E⌉ [....] [x dI]M 1-šú 2-šú GÙ-šú ⌈ŠUB-di⌉ [....] [x x] ŠÚ AN kab-bar PISAN MAḪ DIB 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] [GE6?] 25 DIR AN DIB AN né-ḫi PISAN DIB 20+[x ….] [x] ⌈a⌉-kam u IM.DUGUD NU PAP ITU BI KI.LAM še-i[m ….] [....] SÍGḫá 3 ma-na a-na 1 GÍN KÙBABBAR é[p-šú ….] [....] ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI GENNA ina ABSIN AN ina ALLA? ina TIL ITU [....] [....] áš-šú LÚ.NE a-na É-GAL LUGAL šá ina Ek[i ….] [....] a na UD? ana IGI-ka ina É-GAL ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] šá TA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ AN⌉ UTAḪ [....] [x] ⌈x x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈sin? [x] ⌈x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x] x x x x x x x x 28? ŠÚ-ŠÚ⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x x x x x x x x x KÙŠ?⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x x x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x x GENNA? ina RÍN? AN⌉ ina A ITU BI [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x⌉ x x x [....] [x] ⌈x x x x x⌉ ina ŠÀ GÍN É? ana [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] .... [....] [....] Mars’ acronychal rising [....] [....] it thundered once (or) twice [....] [....] overcast, thick rain, much PISAN DIB. The 22nd, .... [....] [Night?] of the 25th, clouds crossed the sky, slow rain, PISAN DIB. The 20+[xth, ....] [....] mist and fog, I did not watch. That month, the equivalent was: bar[ley, ....] [....] wool, 3 minas for 1 shekel of wrought silver [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Capricorn; Saturn was in Virgo; Mars was in Cancer?, at the end of the month, [....] [....] for fighting to the royal palace which is in Babylon [....] [....] for .... for you? to see, in the palace .... [....] [....] which from .... [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] ...., rain shower [....] [....] .... [....] [....] the moon? .... [....] [....] .... The 28th?, very overcast [....] [....] .... cubit? [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... Saturn? was in Libra?; Mars was in Leo. That month, [....] [....] .... [....] [....].... inside .... to [....]
MNB 1883–1890
MNB 1883
MNB 1883
Photo: Pl. 18
Copy: J.-M. Durand, TBER pl. 85
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ SIG? MÚL-MÚL? ⌈x x⌉ [....] […. SI]G MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 2½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈šá⌉ KIR4 šil PA 2½ KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana U[LÙ SIG ….] […. GE6] 10 SAG GE6 sin ár SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ [....] [....] DIB 13 10,30 ŠÚ GE6 14 4 ME a-k[am? ….] [....] ⌈x⌉-šú IGI 15 na-su in ⌈13⌉ IGI [....] [....] KÙŠ ana NIM DIB in ⌈16?⌉[....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
[....] ⌈SIG x⌉ [....] […. i-n]u-šú MÚL-BABBAR [....] […. KUR]-ád [....] ULÙ 2 KÙŠ G[E6 ….] [… G]IŠ.KUN A 1 KÙŠ s[in? ….] [....] ⌈x⌉ ma da? ⌈x⌉ [....] […. á]r MÚL KUR šá K[IR4? ….] [....] 3? ⌈x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... below? η Tauri? .... [....] [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits below β Scorpii [....] [.... the moon was] 2½ cubits [....] ϑ Ophiuchi, the moon being ½ cubit [low] to the south [....] [.... Night] of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 2½ cubits behind β Capricorni [....] [....] crossed?. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10° 30´. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 4°; mi[st? ....] [....] first appearance ....; rising of [....] to sunrise: 15°, (ideal) first appearance on the 13th [....] [....] having passed [....] cubits to the east. Around the 16th?, [....] [....] .... [....]
[....] below? .... [....] [.... At] that time, Jupiter [....] [.... rea]ched [....] [....] 2 cubits [....] southern [....] Ni[ght ....] [....] 1 cubit [....] ϑ Leonis, the m[oon? ....] [....] .... [....] [.... be]hind ϑ Ophiu[chi ....] [....] 3? .... [....]
MNB 1890
MNB 1890
Photo: Pl. 19
Copy: J.-M. Durand, TBER pl. 85
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] .... 1½ cubits ...., the moon being .... 3´ [.... x]+½ cubit .... The 4th?, very overcast? .... 4´ [....] 1½? cubits [.... β/α] Arietis .... 5´ [....] the north wind, which was set to the west side, blew [....] 6´-10´ [....] .... [....] 1´
[....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ 1½? KÙŠ sin ⌈x x x⌉ […. x]+½ KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉ x x [x] 4? ŠÚ-ŠÚ? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] šá SAG ḪUN 1?½? ⌈KÙŠ? x x x x⌉ [....] SI šá PA ⌈MAR? GAR GIN⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
MNB 1898 Lower edge
Lower edge
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[....] ŠÚ ULÙ u KUR [....] [....] GIN GE6 29 ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ-ŠÚ ULÙ u KUR G[INmeš ….] [....] ⌈x⌉ GIN ITU BI KI.LAM [....] […. MU]RUB4 ⌈ITU⌉ 1(p) 4(b) 3 qa [....] ⌈x⌉ ina SAG ITU 4(p) 4(b) [....] ⌈x⌉ saḫ-le10 1 PI ŠE-GIŠ-Ì [....] ⌈a-na⌉ 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR ép-šú [.... E]N MURUB4? ITU⌉ ina GÍR-TAB
Right edge 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 5 ⌈x x⌉ 3´ [....] 3 KAM ⌈x x⌉
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[....] overcast, the south and east winds [....] [....] blew. Night of the 29th, overcast [....] [....] .... very overcast, the south and east winds bl[ew ....] [....] .... blew?. That month, the equivalent was: [....] [.... midd]le of the month, 1 pān 4 sūt 3 qa [....] ...., in the beginning of the month, 4 pān 4 sūt, [....] ....; cress, 1 pān; sesame, [....] for 1 shekel of wrought silver. [....] until the middle of the month, in Scorpius
Right edge 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... 5 .... 3´ [....] 3rd ....
MNB 1898
MNB 1898
Photo: Pl. 19
´Flake´ 1´ [....] the moon being 1 cubit [low] to the south [....] 2´ [....] ...., the north wind blew. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of [....] 3´ [....] slow [.... rain,] PISAN DIB, the north wind blew; last part of the night, .... [....] 4´ [....] from the 1st until the 7th, 1 pān 4 sūt 5½ qa; fro[m ....] 5´ [....] .... 4 sūt 5 qa; mustard, 1 kur 2 pān 3 sūt; cr[ess, ....] 6´ [....] around the 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn; around the 12th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the ea[st in ....] 7´ [....] That [mo]nth, I heard that Parani .... [....] 8´ [....] (blank) —————————— 9´ [....] .... [....]
Copy: J.-M. Durand, TBER 86
´Flake´ 1´ [....] sin 1 ⌈KÙŠ ana ULÙ⌉ [SIG ....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ SI GIN GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ né-ḫi PISAN DIB SI GIN ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 4´ [....] TA 1 EN 7 1(p) 4(b) 5½ qa T[A ....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ 4(b) 5 qa kàs-si-i 1(g) GUR 2(p) 3(b) sa[ḫ-le10 ....] 6´ [....] in 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ in 12 GU4-UD ina N[IM ina x IGI ....] 7´ [.... IT]U BI al-te-me šá IPa-ra-a-ni-i ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] (blank) —————————— 9´ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
CBS 547–555
University Museum Philadelphia
CBS 547
Photo: Pl. 14; CDLI P257997
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN DUL-ḫat S[I? GIN?] GE6 12 SAG G[E6 ....] 2´ [....] RÍN šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ sin ⌈i-ṣa⌉ ana NIM DIB 13 ⌈5?⌉ [....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ ina IGI GENNA 1 KÙŠ 6 SI ana ŠÚ GUB sin 1 KÙŠ [....] 4´ [.... ina] IGI SI MÁŠ 1⅔ KÙŠ 18 SI GIN GE6 19 [....] 5´ [....] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ ana NIM DIB 10+[x ....] 6´ [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 23 USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR šá [....] 7´ [....] SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ 25? [....] 8´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
CBS 555
Photo: Pl. 14; CDLI P258005
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ ZÁḪmeš ITU BI ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ KALAG AN rad PISAN MAḪ DIB ḫe-[pí? ....] 3´ [....] KÙŠ 5 ŠÚ GE6 6 SAG GE6 sin ḫ[e-pí? ....] 4´ [....] IGI 3½ KÙŠ GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] 5´ [.... SA4] šá ABSIN 2½ KÙŠ 10 ŠÚ-ŠÚ A[N ....] 6´ [.... x]+1 5,50 ŠÚ DIR NU PAP S[I ....]
CBS 547 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] ...., rain DUL, the nor[th? wind blew?.] Night of the 12th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 2´ [....] 1 cubit [....] α Librae, the moon having passed a little to the east. The 13th, [....:] 5°? [....] 3´ [....] cubits [....,] it stood 1 cubit 6 fingers in front of Saturn to the west, the moon being 1 cubit [....] 4´ [....] 1⅔ cubits in front of β Capricorni. The 18th, the north wind blew. Night of the 19th, [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni, the moon having passed ½ cubit to the east. The 10+[xth, ....] 6´ [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Mercury was [....] below [β/ζ] Tauri [....] 7´ [....] 6 cubits below α Arietis. The 25th?, [....] 8´ [....] .... [....]
CBS 555 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... they fled. That month, .... [....] —————————— 2´ [....] strong ...., cloudburst, much PISAN DIB bro[ken? ....] 3´ [....] cubits [....] The 5th, overcast. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was br[oken? ....] 4´ [....] 3½ cubits [....] the front star of [....] Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] 5´ [....] 2½ cubits [.... α] Virginis. The 10th, very overcast, ra[in ....] 6´ [.... The x]+1st, moonset to sunrise: 5° 50´; clouds, I did not watch; the north [wind ....]
CBS 715 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[.... GE6 1]4 1,10 GE6 DIR NU PAP SI [....] [.... DI]B AN kab-bar DUL 16 [....] [.... US]AN GU4-UD e MAŠ-MAŠ šá S[IPA ....] [.... U]SAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... K]ÙŠ 23 ina KIN-SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
8´ 9´ 10´
[.... Night of the 1]4th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 10´; clouds, I did not watch; the north wind [....] [.... cro]ssed [....,] thick rain DUL. The 16th, [....] [.... first] part of the night, Mercury was [....] above γ Geminorum [....] [.... fir]st part of the night, Mars was 2½ [cubits] below β Geminorum [....] [.... cu]bits [....] The 23rd, in the afternoon, .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Comments 2´f.: The signs read ḫe at the end of the lines are in smaller script.
CBS 715
CBS 715
Photo: Pl. 15; CDLI P258169
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[....] ⌈x⌉ sin ár MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil ⌈PA⌉ [nn] KÙŠ [.... i]n? 2 IGI SI GIN DIR AN ZA [....] SIG? MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ [....] dele-bat e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1½ KÙŠ [.... s]in SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ [....] GE6 15 3,40 GE6 NU PAP [....] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA⌉ 3 KÙŠ [....] ina IGI MÚL ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x MÚL-BABBAR? ½ KÙŠ?⌉ [....] [.... K]ÙŠ? ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rev. uninscribed
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[....] .... the moon was [....] cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi [....] (ideal) first appearance on the 2nd. The north wind blew, clouds were in the sky. [....] 1 cubit below? γ Capricorni [....] Venus was 1½ cubits above ϑ Ophiuchi [....] the moon was 4 cubits below β Arietis [....] Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 40´; I did not watch. [....] 3 cubits [above] γ Geminorum [....] in front of .... [....] ½ cubit? .... Jupiter [....] [.... cu]bits? .... [....]
Rev. uninscribed
CBS 755–765
CBS 755
Photo: Pl. 15; CDLI P258209
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
´Rev. 1´
[MU-x]+15-⌈KAM⌉ SIG 1 18 na-su [....] muš ina GUB IGI ana šámaš NIM [.... MAŠ]-MAŠ ár 2 KÙŠ sin ⅔ KÙŠ [....] ⌈dele-bat? 1?⌉ KÙŠ sin 1 KÙŠ [....] ⌈AN⌉ ZA
[....] ⌈x⌉ ina IZI ⌈x x⌉ [x]
CBS 755 Obv.´ 1
2 3 4 5
´Rev. 1´
CBS 765
Photo: Pl. 16; CDLI P258218
´Flake´ 1´ [.... i]-ṣa ⌈ana NIM DIB 12? 1? na?⌉ N[U PAP ....] 2´ [.... S]UḪUR MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ GE6 17 ⌈x⌉ [....] 3´ [.... GE6] 20 ina ZÁLAG sin ina IGI MÚL IGI šá S[AG ḪUN ....] 4´ [....] ana ŠÚ LAL GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ [.... ina ZÁ]LAG sin SIG šur GIGIR ⌈šá SI⌉ [....] 6´ [.... MÚL I]GI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] sin 2½ KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] 8´ [....] 28 KAK-BAN IGI 29? ⌈x⌉ [....] 9´ [.... Z]Ú-LUM EN MURUB4 I[TU ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ na? in? [....]
[Year x]+15, month III, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: 18° [....,] measured; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there; it was high to the sun. [.... the moon was] 2 cubits [....] β Geminorum, the moon being ⅔ cubit [.... the moon was] 1? cubit [....] Venus?, the moon being 1 cubit [....] were in the sky.
[....] .... in fire .... [....]
CBS 765 ´Flake´ 1´ [....] having passed a little to the east. The 12th, sunrise to moonset?: 1°?; I did no[t watch ....] 2´ [....] 3 cubits [.... γ/δ] Capricorni. Night of the 17th, .... [....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 20th, last part of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Ari[etis ....] 4´ [....] back to the west. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, .... [....] 5´ [.... last part] of the night, the moon was [....] below β Tauri [....] 6´ [....] 1½ cubits [....] η Geminorum .... [....] 7´ [....] the moon being 2½ cubits low to the south .... [....] 8´ [....] The 28th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 29th?, .... [....] 9´ [.... d]ates, until the middle of the mo[nth, ....] 10´ [....] .... [....]
VAT 1761–1771
Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin
VAT 1761
VAT 1761
From Uruk
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] clouds were in the sky. Night [....] 3´ [....] ...., lightning flashed, thick rain, cloud[burst, ....] 4´ [....] much wailing thunder, thick rain, [....] 5´ [....] .... Night of the 26th, very overcast. Night of the 27th, very overcast, [....] 6´ [.... cre]ss, 1 pān; sesame, 1 pān .... [....] 7´ [....] .... around the 8th, Mars’ [....] in the end of Pisces [....] —————————— 8´ [.... be]ginning of the night, the moon was [....] below β? [Virginis ....]
Photo: Pl. 20
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] DIR AN ZA GE6 [....] 3´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GÍR GÍR AN kab-bar ra[d ....] 4´ [....] GÙ U MAḪ ṣar-ḫu AN kab-bar [....] 5´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 26 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 27 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] 6´ [.... saḫ-l]e10 1 PI ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 1 ⌈PI x⌉ [....] 7´ [....] ⌈x⌉ in 8 AN ina TIL zibm[e ....] —————————— 8´ [.... S]AG GE6 sin SIG ⌈GÌR?⌉ [....]
VAT 1771
VAT 1771
From Uruk
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... Night of the 25th, last pa[rt of the night?, ....] 2´ [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east, omitted; Satu[rn ....] 3´ [.... e]nd of the month, (the river level) receded ½ cubit [....] 4´ [.... kings] Antiochus and [his] son Seleucus [....] —————————— 5´ [.... sunset] to moonset: [....,] earthshine, measured; it could be seen while (the sun) stood there [....] 6´ [....] .... Night of the 4th, the moon was [....] below ϑ? [Leonis ....] 7´ [....] .... the moon was [....] below γ Virginis [....] 8´ [....] Mercury was [....] below α Librae [....] 9´ [....] clouds were in the sky. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 10´ [....] .... cubits? [....]
Photo: Pl. 20
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x GE6⌉ 25 ina Z[ÁLAG? ....] 2´ [.... GU4-UD] ina NIM ŠÚ-šú DIB GEN[NA ....] 3´ [.... TI]L ITU ½ KÙŠ LA[L ....] 4´ [....] IAn u ISe A-[šú LUGALmeš] —————————— 5´ [.... na-s]u a-pir muš ina GUB IGI [....] 6´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 4 sin SIG GI[Š.KUN? A? ....] 7´ [....] sin SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN [....] 8´ [.... G]U4-UD SIG RÍN šá UL[Ù ....] 9´ [....] ⌈DIR⌉ AN ZA GE6 10+[x ....] 10´ [....] ⌈x KÙŠ?⌉ [....]
VAT 1772–1773
VAT 1772
VAT 1772
From Uruk
Photo: Pl. 21
Flake´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 ŠÚ-ŠÚ ⌈ULÙ ŠÁR⌉ GE6 3 [....] [....] ⌈4?⌉ KÙŠ sin i-ṣa ana NIM DIB [....] [....] ⌈kun⌉-nu ŠÚ-ŠÚ GÍR GÍR-GÍR [....] [....] AN ZA GE6 10+[x ....] [.... MÚL IG]I? šá SAG ḪUN 2 KÙŠ sin [....] [.... DI]R AN ZA GE6 12+[x ....] [....] sin e MÚL IGI [....]
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[....] .... [....] [....] .... The 2nd, very overcast, gusty south wind. Night of the 3rd, [....] [.... (the moon was)] 4? cubits [....,] the moon having passed a little to the east [....] [....] was set? [....;] very overcast, lightning flashed continuously [....] [....] were in the sky. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] 2 cubits [.... β?] Arietis, the moon being [....] [.... clou]ds were in the sky. Night of the 12+[xth, ....] [....] the moon was [....] above the front star of [....]
VAT 1773
VAT 1773
From Uruk
Photo: Pl. 21
´Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ár ⌈x ana NIM GUB? x x⌉ [....] [....] šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ sin ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈ka?-si? 1? GUR⌉ saḫ ⌈4(b)?⌉ ŠE-GIŠ-Ì 1 PI SÍG [....] [.... GU4]-UD ina [NIM?] ŠÚ-šú DIB in 12 GENNA [....]
2´ 3´ 4´
(space) 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x muš x x x⌉ [....] [....] 2½ KÙŠ GE6 ⌈5? SAG GE6⌉ sin S[IG? ....] [.... GE6] 9 SAG GE6 sin ina IGI ⌈MÚL IGI? šá?⌉ SAG [ḪUN ....] [....] SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 K[ÚŠ ....]
[....] it stood [....] behind .... to the east .... [....] [....] 2 cubits [....] the southern [....,] the moon being ½ cubit [....] [....] mustard? 1? kur; cress, 4? sūt; sesame, 1 pān; wool, [....] [....Mer]cury’s last appearance in [the east?,] omitted; around the 12th, Saturn’s [....] (space)
5´ 6´
7´ 8´
[....] .... measured .... [....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] Night of the 5th?, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] be[low ....] [.... Night] of the 9th, beginning of the night, the moon was [....] in front of β Arie[tis ....] [....] 1 cubit below η Geminorum [....]
VAT 1776–1777
VAT 1776
VAT 1776
From Uruk
Photo: Pl. 22
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x ŠÚ⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ ina ⌈x⌉ 10? [....] [....] ⌈x x x ŠÚ? DIB? x x x⌉ [....] [.... ina IG]I DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....]
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Rev.´ 1
[.... A]N né GÍR GÍR-GÍR 12 [....] [.... si]n? ár RÍN šá ULÙ 20 SI [....] [....] ⌈x GIN⌉ GE6 18 ŠÚ-ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈x x KÙŠ? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
2 3 4 5
[....] .... [....] [....] .... overcast? [....] [....] .... in .... The 10th?, [....] [....] .... crossed? .... [....] [....] 1½ cubits [in fron]t of γ Virginis .... [....]
[....] slow rain, lighning flashed continuously. The 12th, [....] [.... the moo]n was 20 fingers behind α Librae [....] [....] .... blew. Night of the 18th, very overcast [....] [....] .... cubits? .... [....] [....] .... [....]
VAT 1777
VAT 1777
From Uruk
´Flake´ 1´ [....] .... 15th?, .... [....] 2´ [beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was 1? [cubit] in front of α Geminorum [....] 3´ behind? δ Cancri [....] 4´ 1⅔? cubits [....] β Virginis. The 21st, .... [....] 5´ The 23rd, very overcast. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, [....] 6´ The 28th, very overcast. Night of the 29th, .... [....] 7´ for 1 shekel of wr[ought?] silver [....] —————————— 8´ Month VIII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), .... [....] 9´ 1 cu[bit?] in front of Venus [....] 10´ .... [....]
Photo: Pl. 22
´Flake´ 1´ [....] ⌈x 15? x x⌉ [….] 2´ [SAG G]E6 sin ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 1? [KÙŠ ....] 3´ ⌈ár?⌉ MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ [....] 4´ GÌR ár šá A 1⅔? KÙŠ 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5´ 23 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG [....] 6´ 28 ŠÚ-ŠÚ GE6 29 ⌈x⌉ [....] 7´ a-na 1 GÍN KÙ-BABBAR é[p?-šú? ....] —————————— itu 8´ APIN 30 ⌈x⌉ [….] 9´ ina IGI dele-bat 1 K[ÙŠ? ....] 10´ ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Appendix The following additions were found after the completion of the main part of the book.
BM 35297 (= Sp II 867)
BM 35297 (= Sp II 867)
Photo: YM
This fragment was dated to SE 167, month VI, by Teije
de Jong. It was then joined by R. van der Spek to BM
Copy: LBAT 713
34609+, published in vol. III as No. -144. It fits into lines 5´to 19´ of the obverse. I give a transliteration of BM
35297, with a few signs from the published tablet added at the beginnings and ends of lines. A complete edition will be published by R. van der Spek. 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
.... [....] ⌈x⌉ [....].... .... [....] IGI ⌈x⌉ [....].... .... ina IGI MAŠ-MAŠ IG[I .... GI]N? GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] .... .... sin ina I[GI SAG A x] ⌈x⌉ sin ⌈5?⌉ K[ÙŠ? ana ULÙ SIG ....] .... .... sin 2 KÙŠ ana ULÙ SIG ⌈AN? x x GÌR?⌉ A 6 U AN ⌈x⌉ [....].... .... SIG AN 1+[x mm] ⌈sin?⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ ana NIM? DIB 26? [....] .... .... DIR AN [DIB] SI GIN G[E6] 30 SI GIN 30 ⌈x⌉ [....] .... .... EN MURUB4 ITU 1 GUR 2(p) 3+[x(b) ina T]IL ITU 1(g) GUR 3(p) 2(b) kàs 5(g)? G[UR .... .... AN ina ABSIN IGI in 10+x [dele]-bat ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI in 21+[x] G[U4-UD? .... .... IDe-meṭ-ri [LUGAL] ana UGU lúEki meš ⌈lú⌉[UKKIN .... .... lúEki meš GU4 [u x SISKU]R.SISKURmeš ina KÁ-DUMU-NU[N-NA .... .... um-ma IA-ri-ʾa-a-bu-⌈ú-za⌉-na-a lúSIG šá GIM [....] .... ILLAT ⌈šá⌉ [lú]Ar-a-ba NÍG-BA ⌈x⌉ [....] .... TA KUR-šú ú-rid-ma ina KÁ A-[....] (space)
.... sin ár RÍN ⌈šá SI x⌉ [....]
14´ 15´
16´ 17´ 18´
.... [....] .... [....] .... .... [.... in] front of? .... [....] .... .... in front of α Geminorum [.... bl]ew?. Night of the xth, [....] .... .... the moon was [....] in front of [ε Leonis,] the moon being 5? cu[bits low to the south ....] .... .... the moon being 2 cubits low to the south; Mars was 6 fingers .... β Virginis?, Mars being .... [....] .... .... 1+[x mm] below Mars, the moon? having passed .... to the east?. The 26th?, [....] .... .... clouds [crossed] the sky, the north wind blew. Ni[ght] of the 30th, the north wind blew. The 30th, .... [....] .... .... until the middle of the month, 1 kur 2 pān 3+[x sūt, at the e]nd of the month,1 kur 3 pān 2 sūt; mustard, 5? k[ur ....] .... .... Mars’ first appearance in Virgo; around the 10+xth, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Virgo; around the 21+[xth,] Me[rcury’s ....] .... .... [King] Demetrius to the Babylonians, the ass[embly of Esangil? ....] .... .... the Babylonians, a bull [and x (sheep) sacri]fices [were provided] at the “Gate of the Son of the Prin[ce” .... .... as follows: Ari’abūzanā, a nobleman, a representative [....] .... the auxiliary troops of the Arabs [....] presents .... [....] .... came down from his land and in the .... Gate [....] (space)
.... the moon was .... behind β Librae [....]
Comments 9´: The star which Mars is passing must be β Virginis, in Babylonian GÌR ár šá A. I tried to provide a reading by assuming that the star is written here abbreviated as GÌR A. 10´: “the moon having passed to the east” is more or less a guess at what is to be expected. Only DIB is certain. The day number at the end of the line looks more like 25, but that number was already mentioned in an earlier part of the line (see vol. III No. -144), and 26 is expected.
BM 35396
Date: SE 220 VI According to R. van der Spek, the historical information on this fragment belongs to the time span from 93 to 87 BC. The astronomical information for dating is as follows: The lunar positions indicate that the Babylonian month was V or VI. On the evening of the 3rd, Venus is 8 fingers below α Librae. On the 5th, the moon is east of θ Ophiuchi. On the 11th, there is a phenomenon of Mercury in the west. All these conditions are only met in SE 220 VI. On the evening of 7 September -91, Venus is a little below α Librae.
BM 36605
Teije de Jong informed me that he had dated this fragment to SE 7. He will explain his dating in a forthcoming publication on chronicles by R. van der Spek. The obverse and reverse of the tablet have to be interchanged.
BM 36881
R. van der Spek notes that in this fragment a King Seleucus is mentioned to have visited the Day One Temple in Babylon. Since this temple is attested only after 205 BC, King Seleucus IV can be assumed. Given this condition, the date can be established as follows: A last appearance of Venus is expected by the scribe in line 4´. There are 15 such appearances during the reign of Seleucus IV. Shortly after this Venus event, Mars was above α Scorpii (line 6´). This leaves only one possible date: SE 130, month VI.
BM 37041
According to Teije de Jong, this fragment is to be dated to -319, month II. R. van der Spek will publish an improved edition of it.
BM 37546
Teije de Jong dated this tablet to SE 14, month II. An improved edition, based on a parallel section in a chronicle, will be published by R. van der Spek.
Rm 820 + BM 42099 (= 81-6-25,721)
Rm 820 + BM 42099 (= 81-6-25,721)
The join of the two fragments was found by R. van der
Upper edge 1 [D]iary from [....]
Photo: YM Spek.
Upper edge 1 EN-⌈NUN šá gi-né-e šá⌉ [....]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[ina a]-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-[iá liš-lim] [E]N-NUN šá gi-né-[e ....] GE6 2 SAG G[E6 ....] LÁL-tì NU PAP G[E6 ....] GE6 7 SAG G[E6 ....] GE6 9 SAG G[E6 ....] GE6 11 SAG GE6 [....] GE6 13 13 ME DI[R ....] ár SI4 1+[x ....] ina IGI [....]
⌈x⌉ [....] kàs [....] EN TIL ITU [....] AN ina ABSIN IGI i[n ....] lú UNmeš Ek[i ....] U4-3-KAM ana muḫ-ḫi [....] al-la IGI-ú MAḪ [....] È-nim-ma TA ⌈x x⌉ Eki ra-⌈a-ṭu x⌉ [....]
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
11´ 12´ 13´
ŠÀ-TAM É-[sa]g-gíl u E 1-⌈en⌉ [GU4? ....] I Mi-it-ra-da-ta-a lúGAL-GAL ú-qa-[a-nu ....] ⌈x⌉ ITU BI al-te-e šá DUMU LUGAL šá uru Ar-[mi-ni ....] itu [....] APIN 30 lú
ki meš
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[At the command of Bel and Belti[ja may it go well.] [D]iary [....] Night of the 2nd, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] equinox; I did not watch. Ni[ght ....] Night of the 7th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] Night of the 9th, beginning of the ni[ght, ....] Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, [....] Night of the 13th, moonrise to sunset: 13°, clou[ds, ....] 1+[x ....] behind α Scorpii [....] in front of [....]
.... [....] mustard, [....] until the end of the month, [....] Mars’ first appearance in Virgo; ar[ound ....] the people of Babylon [....] the 3rd day towards [....] much more than before [....] went out and from the .... of Babylon a canal …. [....] (erasure)
the administrator of E[sangil and the Babylonians [provided] one [bull? ....] Mitradata, the chief of the troop[s ....] .... That month, I hea]rd that the son of the king of Ar[mini ....] [....] Month VIII, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month).
Date: The occurrence of a name Mitradata leads to a date after SE 150. A first appearance of Mars in Virgo (rev. 4), combined with an equinox between days 2 and 7 (obv. 3) leaves only the years SE 216 or 246. For historical reasons, R. van der Spek considers SE 216 the correct date.