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AstroNOmical Diaries and related Texts from Babylonia Hermann Hunger Volume VII Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs
AstroNOmical Diaries and related Texts from Babylonia Volume VII Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs
Edited by
Hermann Hunger
Including Materials by
Abraham J. Sachs
Vorgelegt von w. M. Hermann Hunger in der Sitzung vom 21. März 2014
Gedruckt aus Mitteln der Sachs-Stiftung
Diese Publikation wurde einem anonymen, internationalen Peer-Review-Verfahren unterzogen. This publication has undergone the process of anonymous, international peer review.
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Alle Rechte vorbehalten. ISBN: 978-3-7001-7627-5 Copyright 2014 by Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien Satz und Vorstufe: Andrea Sulzgruber Druck: Prime Rate kft., Budapest http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/7627-5 http://verlag.oeaw.ac.at Printed and bound in the EU
Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................... VII Bibliographical Abbreviations ........................................................... VIII Introduction ........................................................................................ IX Concordance of Museum Numbers ................................................... XVIII Concordance of Publications ............................................................. XXII Dated Normal Star Almanacs ............................................................ 1 Undated Normal Star Almanacs ........................................................ 241 Dated Almanacs ................................................................................. 289 Undated Almanacs ............................................................................. 449 Plates .................................................................................................. Pl. 1
Preface With an unfortunate delay, I herewith offer an edition of the astronomical texts called „Almanacs“ and „Normal Star Almanacs“ by A. J. Sachs. He had begun transliterations of a few of these texts, and published Almanacs for the year 305 of the Seleucid era together with C. B. F. Walker in Iraq 46 (1984). He also edited a group of very late Almanacs in the Kramer Anniversary Volume (AOAT 25). For many of the texts I could begin to work with the copies published by Sachs in LBAT; for others, only numbers or photos were initially available to me. From a catalogue of astronomical tablets in the British Museum by C. B. F. Walker I could add a number of tablets not known to Sachs. J. M. Steele identified tablets in the collection of the University Museum in Philadelphia and drew my attention to a tablet in the Museu de Montserrat of which a photo can be seen on the website of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. For permission to publish the tablets I am indebted in the first place to the Trustees of the British Museum where the majority of the material is kept. I thank M. van Ess of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin for providing photos of tablets excavated by the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft in 1912 in Uruk, and for permission to publish them. U. Kasten of Yale University sent me new photos of three tablets in the Morgan Library Collection; I thank her also for the publication permission. B. André-Salvini kindly sent me photos of the tablet AO 8530 in the Louvre and granted permission for publication. St. Tinney gave permission to publish tablets in Philadelphia, by courtesy of the Penn Museum. For permission to publish the tablet A 1731 in the collection of the Oriental Institute in Chicago I thank W. Farber. Several people helped me in preparing this edition. I am particularly grateful to Jeanette Fincke who very kindly made many photographs of British Museum tablets for me. I. Finkel collated difficult passages and checked the possibility of joins. T. de Jong, J. M. Steele and S. de Meis helped me with tablet dating in some difficult cases. During my visits to the Students’ Room of the British Museum, the staff were always helpful, especially C. B. F. Walker and J. Taylor. To all of them I extend my thanks. Hermann Hunger
Bibliographical Abbreviations ADART
Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia (Vienna 1988ff.)
Archiv für Orientforschung (Vienna)
Archive for the History of the Exact Sciences (Heidelberg)
Alter Orient und Altes Testament (Münster)
Baghdader Mitteilungen (Berlin)
The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Glückstadt/Chicago 1956-2010)
Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
O. Neugebauer, A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy (New York 1975)
Journal of Cuneiform Studies (New Haven etc.)
Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Chicago)
Lambert AV
A. R. George and I. L. Finkel (eds.), Wisdom, Gods and Literature. Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W. G. Lambert (Winona Lake 2000)
A. J. Sachs (ed.), Late Babylonian Astronomical and Related Texts (Providence 1955)
R. A. Parker and W. H. Dubberstein, Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C. - A.D. 75 (Providence 1956)
H. Hunger, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk I (Berlin 1976)
F. X. Kugler, Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel (Münster 1905-1924)
J. M. Steele and A. Imhausen (eds.), Under One Sky (Münster 2002)
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie (Berlin)
Introduction In his pioneering article of 1948,1 A. Sachs established the categories „Almanacs“ and „Normal Star Almanacs“ (abbreviated NS Almanacs) for two groups of non-mathematical astronomical texts. Later, hundreds of such tablets were discovered, mainly in the British Museum’s collections from Babylon. Many of these had been copied by Th. G. Pinches and J. N. Strassmaier; Sachs published most of these copies in LBAT. Sachs’s classification has stood the test of time, and the texts are edited in this book according to it. I begin with NS Almanacs, first the datable ones in chronological sequence, then the undatable ones arranged by museum number; similarly, Almanacs are divided into datable and undatable. In combining sometimes more than one exemplar from the same year under one number, I follow the example of Sachs.2 The rather rigid layout of Almanacs makes this space-saving procedure acceptable. As a group the NS Almanacs are earlier than the Almanacs, although both groups overlap. Sachs in LBAT presented the copies of NS Almanacs first. There happen to be only a few Almanacs that I could not date; undated NS Almanacs are more numerous. The dated texts can be arranged in 20-year sections as follows: Seleucid Era
NS Almanacs
0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-220 221-240 241-260 261-280 281-300 301-320 321-340 341-360 361-380 381-400
2 5 7 7 14 15 8 13 9 13 9 3
2 1 4 7 7 11 6 17 11 1 3 6 1 3 2 1
To judge from this distribution, it seems unlikely that any Almanacs existed before the Seleucid era, and even NS Almanacs are rare around 300 BC. They therefore were probably not the only source of data in the Babylonian horoscopes, which begin at the end of the 5th century.3
A. J. Sachs, A Classification of the Babylonian Astronomical Tablets of the Seleucid Period: JCS 2 (1948) 271-290.
Iraq 46 (1984) 43-55.
F. Rochberg, The Heavenly Writing (Cambridge 2004) 153-157.
1. Description of Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs
A. Almanacs Almanacs have 12 or 13 sections, one for each month of a Babylonian year, followed by a colophon. In each monthly section, after the month name, the duration of the preceding month is indicated by the numbers „1“ if that month has 30 days, and „30“ if it has 29 days. There follows a statement in which zodiacal sign each of the five planets will be in the beginning of the month; planets invisible at the time are not included. The expected phenomena are then listed in chronological order. They are: 1) First and last appearances of all planets, with day number and zodiacal sign 2) Acronychal risings of the outer planets, with day number only 3) Stations of the outer planets. 4) Solstices and equinoxes 5) First and last appearance, and acronychal rising, of Sirius. Items 4 and 5 are calculated according to the „Uruk Scheme“.4 6) Occasionally, first and last appearances, and acronychal risings, of fixed stars are mentioned. 7) A feature typical for the Almanacs is to give the days when a planet entered a zodiacal sign. However, this occasionally occurs in NS Almanacs as well (No. 103 of SE 234, at the end of each paragraph; also No. 96 of SE 210; No. 98 of SE 212; No. 100 of SE 215), and in Diaries (from the Seleucid era). 8) Around the middle of the month, the day is given when the moon sets for the first time after sunrise. Towards the end of the month, the day is indicated when the moon will be visible for the last time before conjunction. These two dates, together with the length of the preceding month given right after the month name, were called „Lunar Three“ by Sachs.5 Almost every Almanac has a colophon: meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá, followed by the year number and the name of the reigning king, in the Parthian period sometimes also the name of the queen. Whereas KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš can be easily translated as „reachings of the planets“, referring to their entries into zodiacal signs, meš-ḫi presents a problem. A word mišḫu is attested with the meaning „section“, a measured tract of work frequently connected to irrigation. On the other hand, a term mišḫu used in astronomical contexts is considered as „(a luminous phenomenon)“ and left untranslated by the CAD; it does not seem to fit in the colophons of Almanacs. Strictly speaking, nothing is measured in the Almanacs; on the contrary, all data are predicted. In his editions of several very late Almanacs in the Kramer Anniversary Volume (AOAT 25, 1976), Sachs translated meš-ḫi in the colophons of Almanacs by „predictions“. I do not know his reasoning, but the translation makes sense, and I use it here.
B. Normal Star Almanacs Like Almanacs, NS Almanacs list the events predicted for each month of a year. A prominent feature are the „Lunar Six“, time intervals between rising and setting of moon and sun. The term was coined by A. Sachs.6 They are explained, apart from Sachs’s article, in volume I, p. 20, of this project, 4
O. Neugebauer, JCS 2 (1948) 209ff.; HAMA 357-365; A. L. Slotsky, The Uruk Solstice Scheme Revisited, in: H. D. Galter (ed.), Die Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens (Graz 1993) 359-365. A convenient table by J. P. Britton is found in UOS p. 44. 5
p. 278 (see footnote 1).
p. 273 (see footnote 1).
XI and in several other places. It seems unnecessary to repeat the definitions. It may however be noted that the reading of na (uncertain to me at the time) is manzāzu „stand, position“, which does agree with the form -su of the pronominal suffix.7 NS Almanacs contain the following: 1) – 6) as in Almanacs. 7) The passings of the planets by Normal Stars, in the same style as in the Diaries and Goal-Year Texts. 8) There are two sub-groups of NS Almanacs (Sachs p. 2818, see already Kugler SSB II 465). One has only the Lunar Three; the other has the Lunar Six in a separate column on the left side of the tablet. Unfortunately, they are not from different periods as it still seemed to Sachs; in the meantime, more tablets belonging to the Lunar Six sub-group have been found, and they are among the earliest examples of NS Almanacs. The colophon of the NS Almanacs is just meš-ḫi šá, followed by the year number, and the king’s (and sometimes the queen’s) name. The intervals called „Lunar Six“ by Sachs were recently investigated by P. J. Huber and J. M. Steele.9 They arrived at the remarkable conclusion that these intervals were already calculated towards the end of the seventh century BC. If only the Lunar Six section of a tablet is preserved, it is difficult to decide whether it originally was a NS Almanac or a list of Lunar Six data only. There are three possible sequences of the intervals around full moon: 1. Day number x x x+1 x+1
Interval ME ŠÚ GE6 na
Day number x x+1 x+1 x+2
Interval ŠÚ ME na GE6
Day number x x+1 x+2 x+3
Interval ŠÚ na ME GE6
Based on these sequences, day numbers or interval names can sometimes be restored if only part of them is preserved.10 Both Almanacs and NS Almanacs are predictive. This emerges most clearly from comparison with the Diaries. One never finds remarks about weather (which are abundant in Diaries) or a note that an 7
So the transliteration would better have been NA, and this is found in recent publications. I retain na only for reasons of consistency. 8
See footnote 1.
SCIAMVS 8 (2007) 3-36. The procedures used to find these intervals in Babylonian mathematical astronomy are explained in detail by M. Ossendrijver, Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy: Procedure Texts (New York 2012) 113-115, 161-178, 195-202. 10 These sequences are also listed by Huber and Steele, SCIAMVS 8 (2007) 3. I have never found the fourth theoretically possible sequence in an actual text.
XII observation was not possible. The Lunar Six are always complete which would not have been possible if all had to be observations. Sachs noted in 1949 several possibilities for the sources of the predictions contained in Almanacs and NS Almanacs.11 Jennifer Grey in her 2009 thesis12, written after the publication of Diaries and Goal-Year Texts, came to the conclusion that the predictions were derived from Goal-Year Texts. This is an important result because theoretically most of the data could also have been calculated by means of the mathematical-astronomical tables.
2. Provenance Most of the tablets published here come from Babylon. This can be inferred from the inventory numbers of the British Museum, although there may be among them tablets of different origin. If a tablet has an invocation at the beginning preserved, the divine names Bel and Beltiya show that it is from Babylon. There are 8 tablets originating from Uruk. Some come from the German excavations in Uruk. Others were bought together with tablets demonstrably from Uruk. Their layout and terminology differ slightly from the Babylon tablets so that tablets with unknown provenance can be identified by means of these characteristics. The characteristic features of the Uruk tablets will be discussed below under „Style of Presentation“.
3. Dating Although the accuracy of predictions in the Almanacs and NS Almanacs cannot a priori be determined, dated examples show that the data can be confidently used to calculate a date for a fragmentary tablet, in the same way as it is possible with Diaries. Particulary helpful are entries resulting from the „Uruk Scheme“. Because this scheme is based on the 19-year cycle, such an entry leaves only every 19th year to be considered. Frequently just one additional planetary event, preferably of Jupiter or Saturn, suffices to provide a unique date for the tablet within the historically possible time range.
4. Terminology Most of the termini technici are known from the Diaries and Goal-Year Texts. The so-called GreekLetter phenomena13 are indicated by the same logograms. The names of the Normal Stars too are those used in the Diaries. a) Special to the Almanacs and NS Almanacs are the dates of planets entering into zodiacal signs. These entries are expressed by KUR, logogram for kašādu. Sometimes it is complemented by -ád, confirming the expected form ikaššad „it will reach“. These dates are sometimes found in Diaries of the Seleucid period as well.
p. 287f. (see footnote 1).
University of Durham, Department of Physics. See also J. M. K. Grey and J. M. Steele, Studies on Babylonian goal-year astronomy I: a comparison between planetary data in Goal-Year Texts, Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs: AHES 62 (2008) 553-600. 13
Neugebauer HAMA 386f.
XIII b) In each monthly paragraph, the length of the preceding month is predicted as 29 or 30 days right after the month name, by means of the numbers 30 or 1, in the same way as in the Diaries. In the NS Almanacs, this is followed by the interval between sunset and moonset on the first evening of the month. There are cases, however, when the predicted month-length is not considered certain. Then, an alternative value for the interval from sunset to moonset is calculated. This is introduced by ina 1-šú (if the alternative possibility is a preceding 30-day month) or by ina 30-šú (if the alternative is a preceding 29-day month). A literal translation would be „in its 1“ or „in its 30“, meaning „in case the 1st day will follow the 30th of the preceding month“ or „in case the 1st day will be identical with the 30th of the preceding month“. I use the somewhat loose translations „if its 1st (day will follow the 30th of the preceding month)“ and „if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month)“, respectively. c) The interval between sunset and moonset at the beginning of the month sometimes has the added remark TAB or ina KAL. The meaning of these remarks was discussed by Kugler, SSB II 536f. They are not to be expected in Goal-Year Texts and Diaries because these texts consist of observations. There is one entry in a Diary: No. -77 month IV: ŠU 30 10,30 ina KAL a-kám KALAG ki PAP NU IGI. „Month IV, (the 1st day of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month; sunset to moonset:) 10° 30´, ina KAL; dense mist, when I watched I did not see (the moon).“ So this is explicitly non-observed. ina KAL occurs in a few Almanacs. Almanacs do not give the interval from sunset to moonset. So ina KAL here cannot refer to the length of this interval. Kugler (SSB II 478 ad 11) interpreted it as ina danāni „in (case of) strength“, i. e. of the lunar crescent. The greater the elongation of the moon, the brighter the crescent. This could result in the possibility to observe the moon, even if its negative latitude was unfavorable for early visibility. For TAB, Kugler did not propose an Akkadian reading. Sachs translated ina KAL „just barely“ in AOAT 25, 385, explaining that it „is used when the visibility of the first lunar crescent is marginal after a hollow month“ and stated that the „philological interpretation is unknown“. A few other remarks occur after the indication of month length: In an undated Almanac (No. 229), ana PAP occurs after an illegible sign. In a NS Almanac from SE 23 (No. 3), ina LUL seems to follow the month length. Both passages are unclear to me. d) UD-DA in Mercury risings and settings: As in the Diaries, sometimes a heliacal rising of Mercury and its corresponding setting is marked as DIB, literally „passed by“, „omitted“. These statements contain further, in most cases, the term UD-DA right after the direction (east or west) where the phenomenon was predicted to occur: GU4-UD ina NIM/ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB GU4-UD ina NIM/ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB J. Gray has discussed these omitted phases of Mercury in her dissertation. There is no diachronic distribution: the earliest reference has UD-DA, while several later ones do not. IGI/ŠÚ-šú DIB is probably „the first appearance/its last appearance will be omitted“. Then UD-DA could be a verb referring to some property of Mercury at the particular date which leads to omitting its appearance. However, the statements must make sense with or without UD-DA. The most frequent reading of UD-DA is ṣētu „light“, „heat“. T. de Jong (personal communication) notes that „light“ could refer to the sky being too light for Mercury to become visible. It is difficult to fit ṣētu into the syntax of these statements. A translation would have to be „Mercury in the east (or: west) - light - first appearance (or: its last appearance) will be omitted.“
XIV References (examples only): 1) in Diaries: -375A:3´ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú D[IB -291A:3´ GU4-UD ina NIM IGI DIB -284:13´ in 25 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB -283:4 27 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ŠÚ-šú DIB -277A:2 [GU4-UD ina NIM] IGI DIB -277A:27f. 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ IGI DIB -264 rev. 5 [ina ŠÚ U]D-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB -251:3 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ IGI DIB -251:6 in 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ŠÚ-šú DIB -246:13 5 GU4-UD ina NIM IGI DIB -230A rev. 10´ in 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ IGI D[IB] -218:5´ in 17 GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ UD-D]A IGI DIB in 25 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-[DA ŠÚ-šú DIB] -211:8 [GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ IGI DIB -207A:31 in 19 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB -207A:34 5 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB -194A:7´ [G]U4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB -193A l.e. 1 14 GU4-UD ina NIM IGI [DIB] -193A r.5´ [GU4-U]D ina NIM ŠÚ-šú DIB -178B u.e. 1 in 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB -141A:16´ in 28 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB -141C:26´ [....] ŠÚ-šú DIB -132B:31 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB -132C:9 14? GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB (dupl. -132B r. 17) -112:3 [GU4-UD ....] ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB -108A:18´ in 5 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB -105A r. 37´ in 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB in 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB -94:9´ in 9 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB -85B:8´ in 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB -78:2´ [....] ŠÚ-šú DIB 2) in Almanacs: SE 39 II 13 GU4-UD ina NIM IGI DIB SE 39 II 25 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB SE 244 I [x GU4]-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB SE 246 VI 29 [GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB SE 248 III 13 GU4-UD ina NIM ⌈UD-DA I[GI DIB] SE 305 VI 21 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA šá DIB 3) in NS Almanacs: SE 58 II 19 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB SE 100 VI 25 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA I[GI DIB] SE 100 VII GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú D[IB SE 183 III 3 GU4-UD ina NIM IGI DIB SE 183 III 23 GU4-[U]D ina NIM ŠÚ-šú DIB
XV e) BAR occurs in some eclipse statements in combination with DIB, i. e. when the eclipse is omitted. The term BAR DIB was dealt with by J. M. Steele, AfO 48/49 (2002) 107-112. BAR = aḫû means „extraneous“, from outside a standard collection of omens. In the case of eclipses, it could refer to „additional“ eclipses predicted by a scheme but not corresponding to actually visible ones. F. Rochberg14 translates BAR = aḫû by „invisible“ because „this is the effective meaning“, quoting Steele approvingly. I agree with this argument but nevertheless use the literal translation „extraneous“ in this edition.
5. Fixed stars The calendar dates of the phenomena of Sirius in the Almanacs and NS Almanacs follow the socalled Uruk scheme which is connected to the 19-year intercalation cycle. Therefore the Sirius dates always have the same time difference in days from, e.g., the preceding Vernal equinox, or any other season of the current year. O. Neugebauer and A. Sachs published a fragment15 of a list of consecutive dates of the heliacal risings of the Pleiades which are in an analogous fashion derived from the Uruk scheme so that they are always 45 days distant from the preceding Vernal equinox. As pointed out in JCS 21 191f., this time distance can also be found in Almanacs. As I shall show elsewhere, it is very likely that all predictions of stellar phases were calculated by means of the Uruk Scheme. The following stars (or constellations) occur: MÚL-MÚL ŠU-PA NUNki SIPA BIR There is general agreement that MÚL-MÚL are the Pleiades, ŠU-PA is Arcturus, and SIPA is Orion. NUNki is differently identified16; its main star seems to be Canopus17. There is less evidence for BIR. D. Pingree equates it with ζ Puppis and neighboring stars.18 I do not translate BIR here.
6. Style of presentation There is little variation in layout and presentation. For the two different arrangements of Lunar Six or Lunar Three in NS Almanacs, see above sub 1. Some of the very late tablets (later than SE 300) show peculiarities. They were discussed by A. Sachs in his article on these tablets in the Kramer Anniversary Volume (AOAT 25). They include special abbreviations. On the whole, these late tablets are written in a very cursive script and are in part hard to read. Only 8 tablets of the corpus are certainly coming from Uruk. Their layout and style are slightly different from the Babylon tablets. 14
The Heavenly Writing (Cambridge 2004) 206 n. 150.
BM 36838, in JCS 21 (1967) 190-192.
F. Gössmann, Planetarium Babylonicum (Rome 1950) No. 306.
J. Schaumberger, 3. Ergänzungsheft to SSB, 335.
E. Reiner, Babylonian Planetary Omens, Part Two (Malibu 1981) 11.
XVI Features of all Uruk texts versus Babylon texts are: „Solstice“ is written GUB-za, rather than GUB. „Equinox“ is LÁL-tú instead of LÁL-tì. In eclipse descriptions, time to sunset or sunrise is explicitly said to „remain“ (TAG4). The Uruk NS Almanacs are Nos. 24, 57, 64, 65, and 69. They contain only the Lunar Three, arranged in a separate column to the left of the remaining monthly data, where other NS Almanacs have the Lunar Six. “First part of the night“ is indicated by ina EN. This is an abbreviation of ENNUN „watch“ (viz. evening watch), as can be seen from No 24 rev. 15´and 20´. „In the east“ is written ina KUR. „In the east/west“ is explicitly mentioned for first/last visibilities of outer planets and fixed stars although in these cases such direction information is redundant. Similarly, the part (first/last) of the night is given for last and first visibilities of the planets; this too is redundant because it can be inferred from the direction (west/east). Of course, the invocation on the upper edge is addressed to Anu and Antu. No. 24 omits „night“ before the day numbers but gives the part of the night. This text also uses DIB for the passing of a planet above or below a Normal Star which is not expressed in any other text. This tablet is also unusual in having its scribe’s name at the end. There are three Almanacs from Uruk, Nos. 159, 160, and 219. Like the Uruk NS Almanacs, they use TAG4 to designate time remaining to sunset or sunrise. They also use KUR instead of NIM for „east“. A special style is found in the almanac No. 153 from Babylon. The listings of the planets’ positions in zodiacal signs at the beginning of each paragraph are only partially given. During the invisibility period of Mars, the text twice notes that the planet was not visible, being „with the sun“ (itti šamaš šū). Names of scribes or owners of the tablets are only rarely indicated: No. 24 (of SE 82), No. 160 (of SE 147) (both from Uruk); No. 17 (of SE 68).
7. Sources for the Almanacs and NS Almanacs The so-called Greek-letter phenomena are recorded in the Diaries and Goal-Year Texts. The data for the same phenomena in the Almanacs and NS Almanacs were analysed by J. M. K. Grey and J. M. Steele.19 Their conclusion was that it is very likely that the Goal-Year Texts were used for predicting the data found in Almanacs and NS Almanacs. Corrections of a few days had to be regularly applied to reach reliable results. Their conclusion was corroborated by investigating the effects of intercalary months on the length of a goal-year period.20 Since intercalation takes place every third or sometimes second year, it can happen that a goal-year period, given in years, contains one month more or less than intended. These extra months were taken into account in the construction of the Almanacs and NS Almanacs. Entries into zodiacal signs are characteristic of Almanacs but can also be found in the Diaries. The Diaries list at the end of each monthly paragraph in which zodiacal sign the planets were during the month. When a planet moved from one sign into another, the date of this entry is sometimes given; this is first attested in a Diary from SE 99. But in general, only the zodiacal sign is indicated. The movement of a planet can be traced with the help of the Normal Stars which it passes. However, some Normal Stars are far apart, and the dates of a planet passing them would not provide sufficient information when the planet reaches another sign. 19
Studies on Babylonian goal-year astronomy I: a comparison between planetary data in Goal-Year Texts, Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs: AHES 62 (2008) 553-600.
20 Grey, J. M. K. and J. M. Steele, Studies on Babylonian goal-year astronomy II: the Babylonian calendar and goalyear methods of prediction: AHES 63 (2009) 611-633.
XVII An investigation of the dates of entries into zodiacal signs in the Almanacs should lead to interesting results but cannot be undertaken within this text edition.
8. Layout of Transliteration and Translation An apostrophe (´) before the heading „Obv.“ or „Rev.“ indicates that the beginning of the tablet is broken, an apostrophe after the heading indicates that the end is not preserved. In NS Almanacs, one type of layout (see above p. XI) has the Lunar Six data separately on the left side of each paragraph. I try to imitate this in the transliteration. In translations, the Lunar Six will be translated first in each paragraph, followed by the remaining (mostly planetary) data. Lines between paragraphs are given if they are visible on the tablet. Of course, depending on the state of preservation ot the tablet, lines are not always clearly discernible.
Concordance of Museum Numbers
Museum Number A 1731 AO 8530 BCM A.18461982
Edition Number 154 69 37
BM 31592 BM 31635 BM 32088 BM 32230 BM 32242 BM 32247 BM 32263 BM 32321 BM 32368 BM 32471 BM 32509 BM 32522 BM 32612 BM 32618 BM 32675 BM 32709 BM 32749 BM 32769 BM 32847 BM 32888 BM 32994 BM 33448 BM 33450 BM 33462 BM 33466 BM 33468 BM 33471 BM 33482 BM 33485 BM 33486 BM 33487
199 199 72 95 199 103 104 7 7 72 105 38 199 6 106 107 103 77 12 156 220 82 52 52 82 99 108 79 202 79 79
BM 33489 BM 33497 BM 33498 BM 33501 BM 33504
27 62 108 49 62
Museum Number BM 33510 BM 33515 BM 33578 BM 33611 BM 33615 BM 33632 BM 33633 BM 33641 BM 33651 BM 33727 BM 33736 BM 33743 BM 33746 BM 33752 BM 33754 BM 33777 BM 33784 BM 33790 BM 33797 BM 33798 BM 33822 BM 33867 BM 33873 BM 33987 BM 33989 BM 34032 BM 34033 BM 34042 BM 34051 BM 34054 BM 34056 BM 34076 BM 34078 BM 34080 BM 34116 BM 34121 BM 34151 BM 34159 BM 34199 BM 34228
Edition Number 62 192 68 109 68 99 190 185 205 110 193 82 191 205 99 20 210 210 209 201 202 171 158 45 14 93 87 185 170 83 80 75 86 39 63 163 80 206 76 58
XIX Museum Number BM 34229 BM 34232 BM 34257 BM 34259 BM 34263 BM 34278 BM 34298 BM 34323 BM 34324 BM 34325 BM 34328 BM 34345 BM 34356 BM 34377 BM 34395 BM 34413 BM 34469 BM 34470 BM 34588 BM 34607 BM 34614 BM 34620 BM 34659 BM 34667 BM 34668 BM 34722 BM 34758 BM 34802 BM 34819 BM 34834 BM 34854 BM 34866 BM 34868 BM 34888 BM 34949 BM 34953 BM 34991 BM 35039 BM 35059 BM 35090 BM 35092 BM 35093 BM 35098 BM 35142 BM 35149
Edition Number 91 157 111 112 77 221 178 77 203 113 114 165 115 116 86 117 118 161 86 96 211 84 211 190 190 191 90 63 167 119 16 120 85 71 174 85 185 186 98 78 121 168 191 122 187
Museum Number BM 35159 BM 35167 BM 35187 BM 35314 BM 35335 BM 35340 BM 35366 BM 35372 BM 35376 BM 35429 BM 35457 BM 35464 BM 35465 BM 35468 BM 35476 BM 35481 BM 35484 BM 35542 BM 35550 BM 35551 BM 35562 BM 35570 BM 35577 BM 35581 BM 35584 BM 35602 BM 35608 BM 35620 BM 35623 BM 35636 BM 35637 BM 35638 BM 35640 BM 35650 BM 35687 BM 35691 BM 35707 BM 35714 BM 35720 BM 35725 BM 35729 BM 35737 BM 35755 BM 35788 BM 35793
Edition Number 21 21 182 191 185 94 169 86 222 211 71 92 123 124 125 126 191 50 127 173 184 208 50 59 8 208 50 179 86 98 89 98 89 59 191 100 190 59 189 59 166 182 191 71 128
XX Museum Number BM 35795 BM 35811 BM 35817 BM 35820 BM 35860 BM 35894 BM 35900 BM 35904 BM 35972A BM 35984 BM 35988 BM 35993 BM 35994 BM 36016 BM 36020 BM 36021 BM 36026 BM 36035 BM 36077 BM 36877 BM 36962 BM 36987 BM 37400 BM 38212 BM 40083 BM 40084 BM 40101 BM 40496 BM 40596 BM 40604 BM 40613 BM 40625 BM 40626 BM 40658 BM 40677 BM 41010 BM 41022 BM 41073 BM 41079 BM 41106 BM 41117 BM 41127 BM 41137 BM 41150 BM 41468
Edition Number 11 71 53 98 223 162 9 86 10 59 185 129 130 188 169 9 224 59 190 5 131 60 132 183 216 217 153 195 25 81 133 41 17 225 73 164 43 134 43 61 46 135 136 137 207
Museum Number BM 41516 BM 41520 BM 41532 BM 41545 BM 41588 BM 41599 BM 41634 BM 41640 BM 41838 BM 41842 BM 41846 BM 41863 BM 41880 BM 41895 BM 41900 BM 41965 BM 41988 BM 42005 BM 42016 BM 42022 BM 42045 BM 42076 BM 42077 BM 42135 BM 42191 BM 42211 BM 42226 BM 42232 BM 42247 BM 42252 BM 42757 BM 42981 BM 43046 BM 43067 BM 45696 BM 45698 BM 45716 BM 45729 BM 45827 BM 45839 BM 45919 BM 45929 BM 45953 BM 45972 BM 45982
Edition Number 207 44 44 40 30 51 29 101 37 12 42 44 28 54 196 67 138 139 140 35 141 18 102 22 142 143 56 144 145 226 198 227 228 74 47 191 181 200 176 177 194 190 190 180 215
XXI Museum Number BM 46013 BM 46021 BM 46041 BM 46043 BM 46046 BM 46050 BM 46094 BM 46105 BM 46106 BM 46206 BM 46210 BM 46255 BM 47724 BM 47727 BM 47738 BM 47816 BM 47869 BM 47909 BM 48072 BM 48104 BM 48864 BM 48923 BM 53627 BM 55536 BM 55542 BM 55582 BM 55595 BM 55643 BM 65156 BM 65667 BM 76990 BM 77225 BM 77240 BM 77257 BM 77269 BM 77997 BM 99679 BM 99695 BM 132281 BM 132283 BM 132284 BM 132285 BM 132287 CBS 217 CBS 499
Edition Number 180 190 97 197 191 204 176 197 172 146 70 175 4 82 55 13 31 48 88 2 52 52 229 153 16 86 190 230 1 26 212 190 168 190 71 3 71 147 36 40 30 196 66 148 34
Museum Number CBS 737 CULC 371 Dropsie Coll. DT 143 MLC 1860 MLC 1885 MLC 2195 MM 86.11.354 MM 86.11.369 MM0871 Rm 731 Rm 755 Rm 786 Rm 812 Rm 813 Rm 814 Rm 838 Rm 917 U 180(3) U 193a U 193b U 194 VAT 1836 VAT 290 W 20030,109 W 22340a
Edition Number 33 32 218 214 24 57 160 213 19 15 23 38 155 149 150 151 152 23 64 64 64 65 211 211 159 219
Concordance of Publications Publication
AOAT 25, 382ff. AOAT 25, 384ff. AOAT 25, 386ff. AOAT 25, 389ff. AOAT 25, 392f. AOAT 25, 393ff. BagM Beih. 2, 83 CTMMA 2, 82 CTMMA 2, 83 JCS 1 349 Lambert AV 310f. LBAT *995 LBAT 996 LBAT *997 LBAT 998 LBAT *999 LBAT 1000 LBAT 1001 LBAT *1001a LBAT 1002 LBAT *1003 LBAT *1004 LBAT 1005 LBAT 1006 LBAT **1007 LBAT 1008 LBAT *1009 LBAT *1009a LBAT 1010 LBAT *1011 LBAT 1012 LBAT *1013 LBAT *1014 LBAT 1015 LBAT 1016 LBAT 1017 LBAT 1018 LBAT 1019 LBAT 1020 LBAT 1021 LBAT 1022
Edition number 213 214 215 216 217 218 159 19 213 32 37 4 9 12 12 13 14 18 19 22 23 24 28 29 32 30 38 38 39 41 40 43 43 42 44 44 44 45 47 50 51
Publication LBAT *1023 LBAT 1024 LBAT *1024a LBAT *1025 LBAT 1026 LBAT 1027 LBAT 1028 LBAT *1028a LBAT 1029 LBAT 1030 LBAT *1030a LBAT *1030a LBAT *1030a LBAT *1031 LBAT *1032 LBAT *1033 LBAT 1034 LBAT 1035 LBAT *1036 LBAT 1037 LBAT 1038 LBAT 1039 LBAT *1040 LBAT 1041 LBAT 1042 LBAT *1042a LBAT *1042b LBAT *1042c LBAT 1043 LBAT 1044 LBAT *1045 LBAT *1046 LBAT 1047 LBAT 1048 LBAT 1049 LBAT 1050 LBAT 1051 LBAT 1052 LBAT 1053 LBAT *1054 LBAT **1055
Edition number 52 53 55 57 58 59 59 61 63 63 64 64 64 65 69 70 71 71 71 71 75 76 77 77 77 79 79 79 80 80 82 82 83 84 85 85 86 86 86 86 87
XXIII Publication LBAT 1056 LBAT 1057 LBAT 1058 LBAT **1059 LBAT 1060 LBAT 1061 LBAT 1062 LBAT 1063 LBAT 1064 LBAT 1065 LBAT 1066 LBAT 1067 LBAT 1068 LBAT 1069 LBAT 1070 LBAT 1071 LBAT 1072 LBAT 1073 LBAT 1074 LBAT 1075 LBAT 1076 LBAT 1077 LBAT 1078 LBAT 1079 LBAT 1080 LBAT 1081 LBAT 1082 LBAT 1083 LBAT 1084 LBAT 1085 LBAT 1086 LBAT 1087 LBAT 1088 LBAT 1089 LBAT 1090 LBAT 1091 LBAT 1092 LBAT 1093 LBAT 1094 LBAT 1095 LBAT 1096 LBAT 1097 LBAT 1098 LBAT 1099 LBAT 1100 LBAT 1101
Edition number 89 90 91 93 94 96 98 98 98 98 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 16 78 113 121 122 125 21 86 123 124 126 21 50 127 8 50 59 59 71 59 11 128 86 10 129 130 59
Publication LBAT 1102 LBAT 1103 LBAT 1104 LBAT 1105 LBAT 1106 LBAT 1107 LBAT 1108 LBAT 1109 LBAT 1110 LBAT 1111 LBAT 1112 LBAT 1113 LBAT 1114 LBAT 1115 LBAT 1116 LBAT 1117 LBAT *1118 LBAT *1119 LBAT *1120 LBAT 1121 LBAT 1122 LBAT **1123 LBAT *1124 LBAT 1125 LBAT 1126 LBAT 1127 LBAT *1128 LBAT 1129 LBAT 1130 LBAT 1131 LBAT 1132 LBAT 1133 LBAT 1134 LBAT 1135 LBAT 1136 LBAT 1137 LBAT 1138 LBAT 1139 LBAT *1140 LBAT 1141 LBAT 1142 LBAT 1143 LBAT 1144 LBAT *1145 LBAT *1146 LBAT *1147
Edition number 101 54 37 67 138 139 140 35 141 102 142 143 56 144 145 191 153 153 156 155 157 158 159 162 161 163 164 165 166 168 169 169 170 171 172 173 82 174 175 176 176 178 177 179 180 181
XXIV Publication LBAT 1148 LBAT 1149 LBAT *1150 LBAT 1151 LBAT 1152 LBAT 1153 LBAT 1154 LBAT 1155 LBAT *1156 LBAT 1157 LBAT 1158 LBAT 1159 LBAT 1160 LBAT **1161 LBAT 1162 LBAT 1163 LBAT 1164 LBAT 1165 LBAT *1166 LBAT **1167 LBAT **1168 LBAT 1169 LBAT 1170 LBAT 1171 LBAT **1172 LBAT 1173 LBAT 1174 LBAT 1175 LBAT 1176 LBAT 1177 LBAT 1178 LBAT *1179 LBAT *1180 LBAT *1181 LBAT 1182 LBAT 1183 LBAT 1184 LBAT 1185 LBAT 1186 LBAT 1187 LBAT 1187 LBAT 1188 LBAT 1189 LBAT **1190 LBAT **1191 LBAT **1192
Edition number 182 182 183 184 185 185 185 185 185 187 186 188 189 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 191 191 191 191 191 191 193 194 196 197 199 199 200 201 202 204 206 197 207 207 208 208 209 210 210
Publication LBAT 1193 LBAT 1194 LBAT 1195 LBAT **1196 LBAT *1197 LBAT *1198 LBAT *1199 LBAT *1200 LBAT 1202 LBAT 1203 LBAT 1204 LBAT 1205 LBAT 1206 LBAT 1207 LBAT 1208 LBAT 1209 LBAT 1210 LBAT 1211 LBAT 1212 SBTU I 99 UOS 367ff. ZA 36, 66ff.
Edition number 211 211 211 211 214 215 216 217 221 203 167 191 222 92 100 191 223 224 226 219 103 211
Dated Normal Star Almanacs
No. 1
No. 1 BM 65156 (= 82-9-18, 5137) Photo: Pl. 1 Year: SE 12?
´Obv. (illegible traces of 6 or 7 lines) Rev.´ 1 2 3
⌈SIG⌉ MULx(ÁB)-MULx(ÁB)? 1 KÙŠ AB GE6 24 e is [le10 nn mm] ZÍZ GE6 [x] SIG šur SI 1 KÙŠ 8 U GE6 22 [e šur] ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ ŠE GE6 11 e MÚL ár šá še-pí[t MAŠ-MAŠ nn mm] —————————— (from here on two columns)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
MU 12 BAR 20+[x] MAŠ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ ŠÚ GU4 29 ina NIM ina MAŠ IGI SIG 16 ina NIM ŠÚ ina MAŠ ŠU 11 ina ŠÚ IGI ina A IZI 19 ina ŠÚ ŠÚ KIN 12 ina NIM IGI
ina KI ina KI
DU6 13 ina NIM ŠÚ [APIN] 28 ina ŠÚ IGI [x x]+1 ina [ŠÚ ŠÚ]
ina RÍN ina ⌈x⌉
GE6 3 USAN GU4-UD ⌈e⌉ [....] ina? GE6 16 SIG šur ULÙ [....] KIN GE6 20 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] DU6 GE6 10+[x ....] AB GE6 [....] —————————— ŠU GE6 29? U[SAN ....] APIN GE6 [....] —————————— IZI [....]
Comments While the heliacal risings and settings of Mercury for „year 12“ fit to some degree with SE 12, the remaining data cannot be related to this year. Mercury is visible on I 3 (line 4); but the remainder of the right column is unclear to me. Maybe lines 9 and 10 refer to Saturn because there are so few data mentioned. The speed of the planet in lines 1-3 suggests Mars; the data would fit, e. g. SE 170, 234, or 249 (but not SE 11 or 12). There is no obvious relation to the rest of the text. The signs at the ends of lines in the left column are smaller and may have been added later. Rev. 1: the signs for Pleiades are written as in JCS 21 (1969) 217:4, see ibid. p. 200f. In both cases, there seem to be more wedges present than are required for the sign ÁB.
Year SE 12?
No. 1
´Obv. (illegible traces of 6 or 7 lines) Rev.´ 1 2 3
1 cubit below η Tauri. Month X, night of the 24th, [....] above α [Tauri.] Month XI, night of [the xth,] 1 cubit 8 fingers below β Tauri. Night of the 22nd, 1½ cubits [above ζ] Tauri. Month XII, night of the 11th, [....] above μ Gemin[orum.] —————————— (from here on two columns)
I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Year 12, month I, the 20+[xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. Month II, the 29th, first appearance in the east in Gemini. Month III, the 16th, last appearance in the east Month IV, the 11th, first appearance in the west Month V, the 19th, last appearance in the west Month VI, the 12th, first appearance in the east Month VII, the 13th, last appearance in the east [Month VIII,] the 28th, first appearance in the west [...., the x]+1st, [last appearance] in [the west ....]
II 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mercury above [....] .... Night of the 16th, below ζ Tauri [....] Month VI, night of the 20th, last [part of the night ....] Month VII, night of the 10+[xth, ....] Month X, night [....] —————————— Month IV, night of the 29th?, fir[st part of the night, ....] Month VIII, night [....] —————————— Month V, [....]
in Gemini. in Leo. in Virgo. in Virgo. in Libra. in ....
Nos. 2 & 3
No. 2 BM 48104 (= 81-11-3, 813) Photo: Pl. 1 Year: SE 19
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
⌈x⌉ [....] 13 14 14 15 26
[....] 9,20 [ME ....] 8,30 n[a ....] 5 GE6 [....] 23,40+[x KUR ....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
GAN 1 19,20 [....] 13 14 ME ⌈x⌉ [....] 13 5,30 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 14 1,30 GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 14 9,10 na [....] 27 20,40 [KUR ....] —————————— ZÍZ 30 10,20+[x ....] 13 9,10+[x ŠÚ ....] 14 1+[x ME ....] 14 [x na ....]
Left edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-19-KAM IS[e?-lu-ku LUGAL] 2 GABA-RI [....]
No. 3 BM 77997 (= 85-4-30, 190) Photo: Pl. 1 Year: SE 23
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x šá⌉ [....] [x x] 19? ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [IZ]I 30 GE6 3 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-M[AŠ IGI .... AN] SIG MÚL KUR šá KA šil-taḫ PA ⅔? KÙŠ 17 GENNA ina ABSIN [ŠÚ ....] ——————————
Years SE 19 & 23
No. 2
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
.... [....] The 13th, [....] The 14th, [moonrise to sunset:] 9° 20´. The 14th, sunrise [to moonset:] 8°30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 5°. The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 23° 40+[x´.]
´Rev.´ 1´-6´
Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 14°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 30´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 9° 10´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 20° 40´. .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 20+[x´.] The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 9° 10+[x´.] The 14th, [moonrise to sunset:] 1+[x°.] The 14th, [sunrise to moonset: ....]
Left edge 1 Predictions of year 19, [king] S[eleucus.] 2 Copy of [....]
No. 3 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [....] 19? .... [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 3rd, last part of the [night, ....] last part of the night, Jupiter [....] below [α] Geminorum. [.... Mars] ⅔? cubit below j Ophiuchi. The 17th, Saturn‘s [last appearance] in Virgo. [....] ——————————
6 6´
Nos. 3 & 4 KIN 30 ina LUL GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG ⌈MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [ár ....] ——————————
7´ 8´
DU6 1 5 LÁL-tì 12 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina [x IGI ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] GE6 26 USAN AN S[IG ....]
Rev.´ 1 2
[APIN x] 13 na GE6 20 USAN AN e MÚL ⌈IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 6?⌉ [SI ....] ⌈GE6⌉ [2]2 USAN AN e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 4+[x SI ....] ——————————
3 4 5
GAN 30 GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2⅔ KÙ[Š ....] 22 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 27 KUR ⌈GE6 29?⌉ [....] —————————— [AB x G]E6 1 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ⌈ár šá SUḪUR⌉ [MÁŠ ....]
Date The equinox on VII 5 sets the year at SE 4 + 19n. Saturn in Virgo (line 6´) and a first appearance of Venus in the west (line 8´) identify the year as SE 23, which is confirmed by the positions of Mars.
No. 4 BM 47724 (= 81-11-3, 429) Listed as LBAT *995 Photo: Pl. 2 Year: SE 31
Upper edge 2 [ina a-mat] dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[BAR ....] 10? GE6 5 USAN GU4-UD SIG ⌈MÚL⌉-MÚL ½ KÙŠ [x x M]E [x x Š]Ú [x x] GE6 [x x n]a GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR [ ] šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ —————————— [GU4 ....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
II 1 2 3 4
Š[U ....] 12 [....] 13 [....] 14 [....]
´Rev. III broken;
Years SE 23 & 31 6´
7´ 8´
Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). .... Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] below [β] Geminorum. [....] —————————— Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 5th, equinox. The 12th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the west in [....] .... [....] Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Mars [....] be[low ....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[Month VIII, ....] The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mars 6 [fingers] above g Capricorni. [....] Night of the [2]2nd, first part of the night, Mars 4+[x fingers] above d Capricorni. [....] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Jupiter 2⅔ cubits below a Geminorum. [....] The 22nd, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, [....] —————————— [Month X, .... Ni]ght of the 1st, first part of the night, Venus [....] above d Capricorni.
No. 4 Upper edge 2 [At the command] of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ I 1-6
[Month I, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 10´?. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [....] Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Mercury ½ cubit below h Tauri. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. —————————— [Month II, ....] .... [....]
II 1-4
Mon[th IV, ....] The 12th, ....] The 13th, [....] The 14th, [....]
´Rev. III broken;
Nos. 4 & 5
IV 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ⌈šur⌉ SI 1 KÙŠ GE6 14? USAN dele-bat ⌈e⌉ [x x] ME šur ULÙ 2 KÙŠ GE6 15 USAN GU4-[UD ] [x x n]a SIG MÚL-MÚL ⅔ KÙŠ 21 GU4-UD ina Š[Ú] [x x G]E6 ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ GE6 22 USAN de[le-bat] [x x x] e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 ⌈5/6⌉ [KÙŠ] [GE6 x USAN] dele-bat e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 ⌈5/6⌉ [KÙŠ] [x x ina] ⌈x⌉ UŠ BAR 1 18 ——————————
Upper edge 1 [....] ⌈MU⌉-31-KAM ISe-lu-ku ù IAn-t[i-ʾu-ku-su A-šú LUGALmeš] Comments IV 7´: possibly stationary point of Saturn in Sagittarius.
No. 5 BM 36877 (= 80-6-17, 617) Photo: Pl. 2 Year: SE 37
Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4
[....] ⌈ina⌉ ŠÚ ⌈ina ḪUN?⌉ ŠÚ [.... AN-KU10 s]in ⌈šá⌉ DIB [....] ME [....] ⌈ME?⌉
II 1 2 3 4 5
IZI 30 14 15 15 ⌈16⌉
14?,10 7,40 9 [x] [x
ŠÚ ME na G]E6
x x,] 50 5,50 13
Š]Ú GE6 na KUR
4 MÚL-BABBAR ina A ŠÚ GE6 [....] GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG [....] 15 GU4- [UD ina] ŠÚ ina [x IGI ....] GE6 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 20+[x ....]
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[14 [15 15 28
10 ⌈x⌉ [....] 13 20+[x ....] 23 ⌈x⌉ [....]
IV (broken except for traces) Comments III 2´: The numbers in the right part of the line probably give day and time of the lunar eclipse possibility which occurred in month XI of SE 37.
Years SE 31 & 37
IV 1´-7´
[....] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.....] [....] 1 cubit [below] b Tauri. Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above f Tauri. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mercury ⅔ cubit below h Tauri. The 21st, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Venus 1 5/6 [cubits] above h Geminorum. [Night of the xth, first part of the night,] Venus 1 5/6 [cubits] above m Geminorum. [The xth,....] stationary [in] .... Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18°.
Upper edge 1 [....] year 31, [kings] Seleucus and [his son] Ant[iochus.]
No. 5 Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4
[....] last appearance in the west in Aries?. [....] lunar [eclipse] which will be omitted. [....] moonrise to sunset: [....] [....] ....
II 1-5
Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14°? 10´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 40´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 9°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: [....] The 16th, sunset to [moonrise: ....] The 4th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Leo. Night [....] Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below [....] The 15th, Mercury’s [first appearance in] the west in [....] Night of the 21st, .... [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....]
´Rev. III 1´-4´
[.... The 14th, moonset] to sunrise: [.... The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 50´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 50´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°. The 10th, .... [....] The 13th, 20+[x° ....] The 23rd, .... [....]
IV (broken except for traces)
Date A last appearance of Jupiter in the first days of month V, combined with an omitted lunar eclipse possibility in month I, and a phase of Mercury in the middle of month V, leads to a date of SE 37 (in the range of -300 to 0). The position of Venus on V 11 fits with β Geminorum. In col. I line 1, the last appearance in the west would be that of Venus, calculated for I 12.
No. 6
No. 6 BM 32618 (= 76-11-17, 2363) Photo: Pl. 2f. Year: SE 39
´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[x [x [x [x
x] ME x] na x]+20 ⌈GE6⌉ x]+8,10
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
x ⌈GE6 x⌉ [USAN MÚL-BABBAR e SA4] šá ABSIN 1⅔ KÙŠ 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN UŠ 13 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina NIM IGI DIB 15 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ 25 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB
—————————— [SIG x] 12,20 GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e is le10 4 KÙŠ [x] 10,10 ŠÚ ⌈GE6 x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur SI 2½ KÙŠ (traces)
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
⌈14 x ME⌉ ⌈ME? NIM?⌉ [.... GU4-UD] 14 10,50 na ina NIM ina A [IGI .... AN e] 15 13 GE6 LUGAL 8 SI 28 [....] 27 26 ⌈AN-KU10⌉ šámaš BAR D[IB ....] —————————— KIN 30 13,30 ⌈8?⌉ GENNA ana ME ⌈E⌉-[a .... AN] 14 5,10 ME e MÚL TUR 6 S[I? .... AN] 14 20 NINDA ŠÚ SIG GIŠ.KUN A 1+[x KÙŠ ....] [15] 6+[x] GE6 ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[x x]+10 na? AN SIG DELE ⌈šá⌉ [IGI ABSIN ....] 20+[x] 22,20 —————————— APIN 30 16 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [ina x IGI .... GENNA] 14 5,20 ME ina zibme UŠ GE6 [.... AN e] 14 1?,40 ŠÚ SA4 šá ABSIN 1 K[ÙŠ ....] 15 3,40 GE6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina P[A ŠÚ ....] 15 8,20 na 27 18,40 —————————— GAN 30 10+⌈x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
IV 1´
[x [....] [....]
3´ 4´
ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL e šá S[AG GÍR-TAB nn mm] GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG AN e šil PA 1 KÙŠ GE6 27? ⌈USAN? dele-bat?⌉ SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ ⌈x x 20+x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 29 GENNA ina zibme ŠÚ
Year SE 39
No. 6 ´Obv.´ I 1´-5´
[Month II, .... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 20´. [The xth, (moonrise to sunrise:) x]+8° 10´. .... Night of the xth, [first part of the night, Jupiter] 1⅔ cubits [above a] Virginis. The 12th, Jupiter stationary in Virgo. The 13th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east will be omitted. The 15th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below h Tauri. The 25th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. —————————— [Month III, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 12° 20´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 10° 10´. [....] Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits above a Tauri. Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below b Tauri. [....]
II 1´-4´
[Month V, ....] The 14th, moonrise to sunset: .... The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 10° 50´.The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 13°. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 26°. [....] after sunrise? [.... Mercury’s first appearance] in the east in Leo. [.... Mars] 8 fingers [above] a Leonis. The 28th, [....] solar eclipse, „extraneous“, will be omi[tted. ....] —————————— Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 10´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 20´. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: 6+[x° ....] The 8th?, Saturn’s acronychal rising. [.... Mars] 6 fingers above r Leonis. [.... Mars] 1+[x cubits] below j Leonis. [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ III 1´-2´
[....] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 10´. The 20+[xth,] (moonrise to sunrise:) 22° 20´. [....] Mars [....] below g Virginis [....] —————————— Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 1°? 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 40´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 20´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 18° 40´. The 14th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west [in .... Saturn] stationary in Pisces. Night [.... Mars] 1 cu[bit above] a Virginis. [....] Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Sag[ittarius ....] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10+[x°] .... [....]
IV 1´-4´
[Month XI, .....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 20´. ....[....] [....] last part of the night, Jupiter [....] below b Scorpii. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars 1 cubit above j Ophiuchi. Night of the 27th?, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Arietis. .... The 20+xth, Jupiter stationary in Scorpius. The 29th, Saturn’s last appearance in Pisces.
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
Nos. 6 & 7 —————————— [ŠE ....] GE6 1 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4½ [KÙŠ] [x x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 18 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 18sic U [x x] ⌈x⌉ 26 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ ina LU ŠÚ GE6? [x x x ....] ⌈x x x⌉
No. 7 BM 32321 + 32368 (= 76-11-17, 2052+2100) Photo: Pl. 3 Year: SE 40
´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... š]á? A —————————— [....] ár [.... NI]M?/U]Š [....] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ —————————— [....] ⌈A?⌉ 4 KÙŠ
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [ ] GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG [....] [2]7 ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ⌈IGI šá ALLA šá⌉ [....] —————————— IZI 30 [x],10 GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár 13 6,20+[x] ME šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 14 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ 13 1,40+[x Š]Ú ina NIM ina TIL A ŠÚ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG 14 5,10+[x GE6] dele-bat SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ GE6 26 14 12+[x na ina ZÁL]AG dele-bat SIG LUGAL 14 SI 27 20+[x 2]8 GENNA ana ME E-a —————————— ⌈KIN 30⌉ [x GE6 x ina ZÁL]AG dele-bat SIG [....]
´Rev.´ III 1´ 2´ 3´
⌈14 x⌉ [GE6] 14 6,50 [na ] ⌈8⌉ [....] 27? 22 10+[x] [x]+⌈1⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [x ŠÚ] ——————————
Years SE 39 & 40
—————————— [Month XII, ....] .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Venus 4½ [cubits] below a Arietis. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus 18 fingers below h Tauri. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. Night? [....] ....
Date A last appearance of Sirius on II 15 (I 3´) fits only years SE 1 + 19n. A last appearance of Saturn in Pisces on XI 29, preceded by a stationary point of Jupiter in Scorpius, suffices to identify the year as SE 39. The remaining data, including a solar eclipse possibility at the end of month V, confirm the date.
No. 7 ´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] Leonis. —————————— [....] rear [....] .... [....] last appearance [....] —————————— [....] 4 cubits [....] Leonis?.
II 1´-3´
[.... The 2]7th, (moonrise to sunrise:) .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 29th, last part of the night, [....] last part of the night, Venus [....] below h /j Cancri. —————————— Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) [x°] 10´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 20+[x´]. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 40+[x´]. The 14th, [sunset to moonrise:] 5° 10+[x´]. The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 12+[x°]. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 20+[x°.] Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit below d Cancri. The 14th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Leo. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Venus 14 fingers below a Leonis. [The 2]8th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. —————————— Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); [....] [Night of the xth, last part] of the night, Venus [....] below [....]
´Rev.´ III 1´-3´
[Month VII, ....] The 14th, [sunset to moonrise:] .... The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 6° 50´. The 27th?, (moonrise to sunrise:) 22° 10+[x´.] [....] The 8th, [.... The x]+1st, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in [....] ——————————
Nos. 7 & 8
14 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
APIN 30 14,40? [GE6] 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e RÍN šá U[LÙ nn mm] 14 5,20 ME [G]E6 5 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI ⌈2 KÙŠ⌉ 14 3,20 ŠÚ ⌈6?⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈TIL⌉ GÍR-TAB IGI 15 3,10 GE6 ⌈8⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB IGI GENNA ina zibme [U]Š 15 8,50 na GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SI4 2½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [2]8 9,20 GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL e šá ⌈SAG GÍR⌉-TAB 2 SI [G]E6 22 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SI4 3 [KÙŠ] [GE6] 30 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šil PA 1+[x ....] —————————— [x] ⌈x⌉ [x GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL [....] [x x x x x] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ 14 [....] [x x x ....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
IV 1´-2´ 3´-4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL ár [....] ⌈x⌉
Date A first appearance of Jupiter in Scorpius on VIII 8 and a station of Saturn in Pisces on the same date is only found in SE 40. The remaining data agree with this year. In SE 158, Jupiter and Saturn were in similar positions, but the other planets do not fit.
No. 8 BM 35584 (= Sp III 93) Copy: LBAT 1089 Photo: Pl. 3 Year: SE 42
Flake (ca. 2 lines blank) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina TIL MÚL-MÚL IGI 5 [....] [.... GE6] ⌈8⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DU[R nu-nu ....] [.... dele-b]at SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 5 [KÙŠ ....] [.... dele-b]at SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ [....] [.... G]E6 19 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ⌈2⌉+[x KÙŠ ....] [.... GE6 2]7 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1+[x ....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈½⌉ ḪAB-rat ád E-⌈a⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
Years SE 40 & 42
Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 40´?. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 10´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 50´. [The 2]8th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 9° 20´. [Night] of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus [....] above a Librae. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below b Librae. The 6th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Scorpius. The 8th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Scorpius; Saturn stationary in Pisces. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above a Scorpii. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above b Scorpii. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus 3 [cubits] above a Scorpii. [Night] of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus 1+[x ....] above j Ophiuchi. —————————— 12´-14´ [Month IX,] .... [....] [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Jupiter [....] above [....] .... 1 cubit [....] The 14th, [....] .... [....]
IV 1´-4´ 5´-6´
[....] .... [....] [....] rear star [....] ....
No. 8 Flake (ca. 2 lines blank) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Taurus. The 5th, [....] [.... Night] of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below h Piscium. [....] [.... Ven]us 5 [cubits] below b Arietis. [....] [.... Ven]us 6 cubits below a Arietis. [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 19th, first part of the night, Mercury 2+[x cubits] below a Geminorum. [....] [.... Night of the 2]7th, first part of the night, Mercury 1+[x ....] below b Geminorum. [....] —————————— [....] .... [....] Venus 2 cubits below h Tauri. The 10+[xth, ....] [....] half of the disc; it will come out eclipsed [....] [....] .... [....]
Date A lunar eclipse of about half the size of the lunar disc, with the moon rising eclipsed, was predicted for a month in the first part of the year (to judge from the positions of Venus and Mercury). Since the fragment begins with a blank space, the preserved months are probably II and III, possibly III and IV. In the first part of the same month, Venus was supposed to pass η Tauri. This leaves only the eclipses of SE 42 III, 71 II, and 183 II. In the preceding month, Venus, being morning star, should pass below η Piscium on the 8th. This fits only SE 42. The year is confirmed by a first appearance of Mercury in the west before the 5th of month II. The broken event on the 5th can be a first appearance of Saturn or a stationary point of Jupiter.
No. 9 & 10
No. 9 BM 35900 + 36021 (= Sp III 435+565) Copy: LBAT 996 Photo: Pl. 4 Year: SE 51?
´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GU4-UD ina] ŠÚ ina GU4-AN [.... ŠÚ ....] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ [.... KAK]-BAN ŠÚ [....] 2? [....] ⌈x⌉
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[x x]+3,10+[x ....] [1]4 13,50 [....] 26 24,20+[x] ⌈KUR?⌉ —————————— IZI 1 17 TAB GE6 2 USAN A[N? ....] 12 6,20 ŠÚ 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] 13 6 ME 15 dele-bat ina NIM ina SAG ABSIN IGI [....] [13] 9,50 na GENNA SIG GIŠ.KUN A 3 KÙŠ G[E6 x USAN AN] [14 x] GE6 SIG MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB ⅔ KÙŠ [....] [x x KUR] 30 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABS[IN IGI] —————————— [KIN ....] ⌈6? x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ (illegible traces)
No. 10 BM 35972A (= Sp III 512A) Copy: LBAT 1098 Photo: Pl. 4 Year: SE 51
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... AN e] ⌈SI4?⌉ 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] SIG DELE ⌈1½?⌉ K[ÙŠ?] [.... MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍ]N? ŠÚ 14 LÁL-⌈tì⌉ [.... ina ZÁLA]G dele-bat SIG GÌR ⌈2⌉ K[ÙŠ?] [....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG RÍN Š[Ú] [.... GE6 2]4 USAN AN e [.... MÚL KUR š]á KIR4 šil PA 5? [SI] ——————————
Rev.´ (illegible traces)
Year SE 51?
No. 9 ´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] [.... Mercury’s last appearance in] the west in Taurus. [....] .... cubits. [.... Sir]ius’ last appearance. [....] 2? [....] ....
II 1´-3´
[.... The xth, ....: x]+3° 10+[x´. The 1]4th, [....:] 13° 50´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 24° 20+[x´.] —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17°, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 6°. [The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: 9° 50´. [The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....] Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Ma[rs? ....] The 4th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. [....] The 15th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in the beginning of Virgo. [....] Saturn 3 cubits below j Leonis. Ni[ght of the xth, first part of the night, Mars] ⅔ cubit below b Scorpii. [....] The 30th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in Virgo. —————————— [Month VI, ....] 6? .... [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ (illegible traces) Date The date is based on the Venus and Mercury data in col. II. Between the years -300 and 0, they only fit SE 51. Mars fits the position given in II 8´. Saturn is 3° or 4° off, but this is not problematic in a predictive text. In col. I, a last appearance of Mercury can be restored (calculated for I 8); the last appearance of Sirius falls on I 27 according to the Uruk scheme.
No. 10 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... Mars] 1⅔ cubits [above a Scor]pii. [....] 1½? cu[bits] below g . [.... Jupiter‘s] last appearance [in Lib]ra. The 14th, equinox. [.... last part of the] night, Venus 2 cu[bits?] below b Virginis. [....] Mercury’s last [appearance] in the east in the beginning of Libra. [.... Night of the 2]4th, first part of the night, Mars 5? [fingers] above [....] j Ophiuchi. ——————————
Rev.´ (illegible traces) Date: The date is based on the equinox, which restricts the year to SE 13 + 19n, the last appearance of Mercury, and Mars next to j Ophiuchi. Note the abbreviated star names.
Nos. 11 & 12
No. 11 BM 35795 (= Sp III 322) Copy: LBAT 1095 Photo: Pl. 4 Year: SE 51
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x ŠÚ GE6] 1 USAN [....] [x x ME] ⌈1?⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈RÍN⌉ [UŠ ....] [x x n]a 14 GU4-UD ina NIM ⌈IGI⌉ [DIB .... dele-bat] [x x] GE6 SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ GE6 10+[x ....] ? [x x] KUR 22? GU4-UD ina NIM ŠÚ-šú DIB [....] [....] GE6 29 USAN dele-bat e MÚL TUR [šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ....] —————————— [SIG 1] 23,20 TAB GE6 4 USAN AN SIG ⌈DELE⌉ [šá IGI ABSIN ....] [x] 13,40 ŠÚ GE6 13 USAN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.[KUN A ....] [x] 8,10 ME 52 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin ⌈2?⌉ [....] [x x],20 na GE6 22 USAN dele-bat SIG G[ÌR ár šá A ....] [x x] GE6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A IGI ⌈x⌉[ ....] [x x] ⌈KUR⌉ e ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 12 BM 32847 (= 77-2-22, 9) + 41842 (= 81-6-25, 462) Copy: LBAT 998 (41842) Photo: Pl. 4 Year: SE 55
Obv.´ 1
BAR 30 15
4 5 6
14 7,10 na ⌈15⌉ [x]+2,20 GE6 —————————— GU4 1 23,30 TAB
GE6 14 27 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin BAR DIB GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG delebat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ 27 16,50 KUR 8 AN ana ME E-a 12 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG delebat SIG MÚL-MÚL
Years SE 51 & 55
No. 11 Flake 1´-7´
[Month II, .... moonset to sunrise: .... moonrise to sunset: .... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] [....] .... [.... Night] of the 1st, first part of the night, [....] The 1st?, Jupiter [stationary] in Libra. [....] The 14th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east [will be omitted. .... Venus] 4 cubits below j Leonis. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] The 22nd?, Mercury’s last appearance in the east will be omitted. [....] Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above r [Leonis.] —————————— [Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month);] (sunset to moonset:) 23° 20´, TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 13° 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 8° 10´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 20´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below g [Virginis ....] Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below j [Leonis ....] 52° before sunrise, lunar eclipse, 2? [....] Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b [Virginis ....] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Leo .... [....] above .... [....]
Date In a month which was not the first of a year, a lunar eclipse was to occur ca. 3 hours before sunrise; on the 4th of the same month, Mars was expected to pass g Virginis. Venus in Leo indicates the first half of the year. On the first of the preceding month, a phenomenon of Jupiter in Libra was predicted. These data fit only SE 51 months II and III. The Mercury visibilities and the positions given for Venus confirm the date. The lunar eclipse was almost total; the „2“ after the word „eclipse“ (if read correctly) may be the beginning of „2 [fingers less than total]“ or a similar expression.
No. 12 Obv.´ 1-5
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 10´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 10´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: [x]+2° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 50´. Night of the 14th, 27° after sunset, lunar eclipse, „extraneous“, will be omitted. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below b Arietis. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Gemini. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below a Arietis. —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 23° 30´; TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 50´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 30´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 40´.
No. 12
6,50 ŠÚ
8,30 ME
13 3,10 na 14 2,50 GE6 —————————— SIG 30 23,10 TAB GE6 3 USAN GENNA e SA4 šá ABSIN 1 ½ KÙŠ GE6 7 [x x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šur GIGIR [ šá ULÙ ....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina GU UŠ 11 AN ina GÍR-TAB UŠ [ GE6] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [ ....] ⌈x⌉ 1 KÙŠ GE6 [....]
10 11 12 13 14 15
2 KÙŠ GE6 15 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ GE6 21 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2⅔ KÙŠ 21 GENNA ina TIL ABSIN ⌈UŠ⌉ GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e is le10 4 KÙŠ 27 9,40 ⌈KUR⌉ (erasure)
[ ] GE6⌉ 27 ⌈x x⌉ [ ] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ —————————— [ZÍZ] ⌈30⌉ 14,10 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ GE6 11 USAN AN SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu [15] 13,30 ME ½ KÙŠ 15 GENNA ina RÍN UŠ GE6 16 ina ZÁLAGsic dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu [1]5 12 ŠÚ 3 KÙŠ 16 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU IGI 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG zibme ŠÚ 16 6 GE6 GE6 21 USAN AN SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ GE6 23
3 na
10,30 KUR
—————————— ŠE 1 15,30 GE6 14 1,30 GE6 ⌈GIN?⌉ AN-KU10 sin 1? SI GAR-an GE6 ⌈15⌉
5,20 ŠÚ
[14] 14 15 27
⌈1,10+x⌉ ME 7,30 na 11,50 GE6 16,20 KUR
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
12´ 13´ 14´
Upper edge 1 BAR 30 11,20 2
Right edge 1 MU {1} 55 [....] Left edge 1 me[š-ḫ]i [....]
USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 3 KÙS GE6 26 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ GE6 29 USAN AN SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5? KÙŠ
USAN [dele-bat] ⌈SIG⌉ MÚL-MÚL ½ KÙŠ 19 GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme IGI GE6 23 USAN dele-bat e is le10 2½ KÙŠ GE6 24 USAN AN SIG MÚL-MÚL ½ KÚŠ GE6 29 5 UŠ GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš ⌈šá DIB⌉
meš-ḫi šá MU 55 IAn-ti-ʾu-uk-[su] LUG[AL]
Year SE 55
The 8th, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 12th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below h Tauri. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mercury 2⅔ cubits below b Geminorum. The 21st, Saturn stationary in the end of Virgo. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits above a Tauri. —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 23° 10´; TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [....] Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Saturn 1½ cubits above a Virginis. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below b Tauri. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above f Tauri. [....] Jupiter stationary in Aquarius. The 11th, Mars stationary in Scorpius. [.... Night] of the xth, last part of the night, Venus [....] above h Geminorum. [....] 1 cubit. Night [....]
´Rev. 1´-2´ 3´-8´
[....] Night of the 27th, .... [....] .... —————————— [Month XI,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 10´. [The 15th,] moonrise to sunset: 13° 30´. [The 1]5th, moonset to sunrise: 12°. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 6°. The 16th, sunrise to moonset: 3°. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 30´. The 4th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aquarius. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Mars ½ cubit below h Piscium. The 15th, Saturn stationary in Libra. Night of the 16th, last (error for: first) part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. The 16th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 19th, Jupiter’s last appearance in the beginning of Pisces. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a Arietis. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Mars 5? cubits below a Arietis. —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 20´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: 1° 10+x´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 20´. Night of the 14th, 1° 30´ after sunset, lunar eclipse, it will make 1? finger. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, [Venus] ½ cubit below h Tauri. The 19th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. The 22nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in Pisces. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Mars ½ cubit below h Tauri. Night of the 29th, 5° after sunset, solar eclipse which will be omitted.
Upper edge 1-2 Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° 20´. Predictions of year 55, king Antiochus. Right edge 1 Year {1} 55 [....] Left edge 1 Predictions [....]
No. 13
No. 13 BM 47816 (= 81-11-3, 523) Listed as LBAT *999 Photo: Pl. 5 Year: SE 58
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
11 12 13
[BAR .... AN SIG š]ur SI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 8 USAN AN ⌈e šur ULÙ 1½? KÙŠ⌉ GE6 12+[x ....] [....] 14 na GE6 17 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e is le10 3 KÙŠ 19 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ] [.... AN] ⌈e MÚL IGI šá⌉ še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 20 SI GE6 25 USAN AN e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-M[AŠ nn mm] [.... GENNA ana M]E E-a 26 KUR 27 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ —————————— [GU4 ....] USAN AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3 KÙŠ GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪU]N 5 KÙŠ GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ 14 na 15 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 17 US[AN] [....] 19 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB GE6 25 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ [.... MÚL-BA]BBAR ina TIL MÚL-MÚL IGI GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚLMÚL 3 KÙŠ ::: šur SI 3 KÙŠ —————————— [SIG .... GU4-UD ina NI]M UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB 13 na GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e is le10 2 KÙŠ 14 AN ina ALLA ŠÚ GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG ⌈dele-bat SIG⌉ [GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat x š]ur ⌈ULÙ⌉ 4 U 27 KUR 28 GENNA ina SAG GÍR-TAB UŠ 29 šámaš GUB GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá ⌈še-pít⌉ (indented) MAŠ-MAŠ 4 ⌈SI⌉ —————————— [ŠU .... dele-bat x MÚL ár] šá še-pít M[AŠ-MAŠ nn S]I ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL ALLA IGI GE6 7? ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3 KÙŠ 13 ⌈na⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 4 KÙŠ 20 KAK-BAN IGI 27 KUR 28 ⌈11 M[E?] N[IM?-a? x x⌉ [....] [IZI ....] ⌈x GU4?-UD? [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´
3´ 4´
[....] 15 na ⌈27 KUR GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB⌉ —————————— [ZÍZ .... MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ]-⌈MAŠ⌉ UŠ 10? GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MÁŠ ŠÚ 14 na 27 KUR —————————— [ŠE .... dele-ba]t ⌈SIG⌉ MUL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ GE6 7 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG LU [nn mm] [.... SIG MÚL] ár šá SAG LU 5 KÙŠ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina x IGI]
Year SE 58
No. 13 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
7 8
12 13
[Month I, .... Mars] 1½ cubits [below] b Tauri. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Mars 1½? cubits above f Tauri. Night of the 12+[xth, ....] [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Jupiter 3 cubits above a Tauri. The 19th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in ....] [.... Mars] 20 fingers above h Geminorum. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above m Geminorum. [.... Saturn’s acro]nychal rising. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Taurus. —————————— [Month II, ....] first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits above g Geminorum. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits [below b Ariet]is. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus 6 cubits below a Arietis. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, [....] The 19th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Geminorum. [.... Jupi]ter’s first appearance in the end of Taurus. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Tauri. —————————— [Month III, .... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the ea]st, .... will be omitted. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above a Tauri. The 14th, Mars’ last appearance in Cancer. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Tauri. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 4 fingers [....] f Tauri. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Saturn stationary in the beginning of Scorpius. The 29th, solstice. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus 4 fingers below h Geminorum. —————————— [Month IV, .... Venus .... fin]gers [.... m] Geminorum. The xth, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Cancer. Night of the 7th?, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits above g Geminorum. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] .... [....] Venus 4 cubits below b Geminorum. The 20th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, 11° after? sunrise?, .... [....] [Month V, ....] .... Mercury? [....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´
3´ 4´
[....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— [Month XI, .... Jupiter] stationary in Gemini. The 10th?, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XII, .... Venu]s 2 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b Arietis. [....] 5 cubits [below] a Arietis. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Capricorni. The 12th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the west in ....]
24 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
Nos. 13 & 14 [.... GE6 x]+2 USAN GU4-UD SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 1⅔ KÙŠ 15 na GE6 18 US[AN GU4-UD] [SIG MÚL IGI šá SA]G ḪUN 3 KÙŠ 20 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB UŠ GE6 21 USAN GU4UD SIG MÚL ár šá S[AG ḪUN nn mm] [....] KUR GE6 30 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ 4 SI —————————— [DIR-ŠE .... dele-b]at? e is le10 2½ KÙŠ GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ⌈½⌉ K[ÙŠ GE6 x ina ZÁLAG] [AN e MÚL] ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL LU ŠÚ GE6 14 USA[N ....] [....] SI 14 na GE6 18 USAN dele-bat SIG šur SI 2 KÙŠ GE6 21 US[AN ....] [....] GE6 25 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 10 SI 26? [KUR] [....] GE6 28 USAN ⌈dele-bat e MÚL IGI⌉ šá še-pít MAŠ-⌈MAŠ⌉ [nn mm]
Upper edge 1 [.... MU-5]8-KAM IAn-ti-ʾu-uk-⌈su⌉ [LUGAL]
No. 14 BM 33989 (= Sp 85) Copy: LBAT 1000 Photo: Pl. 6 Year: SE 60
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... AN e MA]Š-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ 2 GU4-U[D ina NIM IGI DIB ....] [.... A]N SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3½ KÙŠ 18 dele-bat [ina NIM ina x ŠÚ ....] [....] ⌈20 GU4-UD ina⌉ NIM ŠÚ-šú DIB GE6 23 [....] [....] šá ULÙ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
—————————— [.... AN e M]ÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... AN e MÚL ár] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ 20 GU4-[UD ina NIM ina x IGI ....] [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina A UŠ 29 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ [....] KUR —————————— [.... M]U-1-šu-KAM IAn LUGAL
Years SE 58 & 60 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[.... Night] of the 2+[xth,] first part of the night, Mercury 1⅔ cubits below h Piscium. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 18th, first part [of the night, Mercury] 3 cubits [below b] Arietis. The 20th, Saturn stationary in Scorpius. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mercury [....] below a Arietis. [....] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 30th, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 4 fingers below h Tauri. —————————— [Month XII2, .... Venu]s? 2½ cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Mars ½ cubit above g Capricorni. [Night of the xth, last part of the night,] [Mars] ½ cubit [above] d Capricorni. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Aries. Night of the 14th, first part of the night, [....] [....] fingers [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below b Tauri. Night of the 21st, first part [of the night, ....] [....] Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Jupiter 10 fingers above m Geminorum. The 26th?, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [....] Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above h Geminorum.
Upper edge 1 [.... year 5]8, [king] Antiochus.
No. 14 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[Month I, .... Mars] 4 cubits [above] g Geminorum. The 2nd, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east will be omitted ....] [.... M]ars 3½ cubits below a Geminorum. The 18th, Venus’ [last appearance in the east in ....] [....] The 20th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east will be omitted. Night of the 23rd, [....] [....] southern [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
—————————— [.... Mars .... above] g Capricorni. [....] [.... Mars] ⅔ cubit [above d] Capricorni. The 20th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east in ....] [.... Ju]piter stationary in Leo. The 29th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Aries. [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] —————————— [.... y]ear 60, king Antiochus.
No. 15
No. 15 Museu de Montserrat 871 (MM 0871) Photo: CDLI (http://www.cdli.ucla.edu/dl/photo/P432872.jpg) This tablet could not be collated Year: SE 65
Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA [....] 20 MÚL-BABBAR [....] ⌈x⌉ ina NIM [....] ZÁLAG?
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
⌈IZI 1?⌉ 21 TAB 13 6,30 ME 13 6,10 ŠÚ 14 1,10 GE6
⌈x GE6?⌉ 19 ina ZÁLAG A[N? ....] GE6 23 USAN [....] ⌈x⌉ 20 SI 23 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈ina⌉ [x UŠ ....] 28 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A [ŠÚ ....] —————————— 14 9 na GE6 3 AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈IGI⌉ [nn mm GE6] 5 USAN 27 21,30 KUR dele-bat e SA4 [šá ABSIN ....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [GE6 x]+1 ina ZÁLAG A[N? ....] ½ KÙŠ [KIN 3]0 11,10 [x] [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] 2,10 [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
⌈x x KUR? ⅔?⌉ KÙŠ —————————— APIN 1 18,30 TAB GE6 5 USAN dele-bat SIG SI MÁ[Š] 13 3,50 ŠÚ 3 KÙŠ 9 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 14 6,50 ME 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ GE6 [x] [14] 9,40 na USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá S[UḪUR] [15] ⌈x⌉,20 GE6 MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ? GE6 26 USAN [x x]+1,20 KUR dele-bat e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [x x] 2½ KÙŠ GE6 28? USA[N x] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉
IV (broken)
Comments Lunar Six and planetary data are not well aligned. In col. II the planetary data from month IV reach into the space next to the lunar data of month V.
Year SE 65
No. 15 Obv.´ I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] .... Saturn [....] The 20th, Jupiter [....] .... in the east [....] last part of the night?,
II 1´-4´
(Month IV) .... Night? of the 19th, last part of the night, Ma[rs? ....] Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, [....] .... 20 fingers. The 23rd, Jupiter [stationary] in [....] The 28th, Mercury’s [last] appearance in the west in Leo. [....] —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset:) 21°, TAB. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 9°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 30´. Night of the 3rd, Mars [....] below a Geminorum. [Night] of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above a Vir[ginis.] .... [Night of the x]+1st, last part of the night, Ma[rs? ....] ½ cubit [....] .... [....] —————————— [Month VI,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month, sunset to moonset:) 11° 10´. [....] 2° 10´. [....] .... [....] ....
´Rev. III 1´
moonrise to sunrise: .... [....] ⅔? cubit [....] —————————— Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset:) 18° 30´, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 50´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50´. [The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: 9° 40´. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: x° 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+1° 20´. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Capricorni. The 9th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. Night [of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above g Capricorni. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above d Capricorni. Night of the 28th?, first part [of the night, ....] [....] ....
IV (broken)
Date This tablet was dated to SE 65 by T. de Jong who based it on the passages of Mars by a Geminorum and of Venus by a Virginis. The other predictions agree with this date.
Nos. 16 & 17
No. 16 BM 34854 (= Sp II 358) + 55542 (= 82-7-4,125) Copy: LBAT 1075 (34854) Photo: Pl. 6 Year: SE 66 Lines wide apart on tablet
´Obv.´ (traces only) ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL-BABBAR e] MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR ⌈MÁŠ x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈3⌉ [šámaš G]UB [.... MÚL-BABBAR e M]ÚL ⌈ár⌉ šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 14 ⌈SI⌉ 8 KAK-BAN ⌈ana ME⌉ E [.... ina] MÁŠ ŠÚ [....] 27 GENNA ina GU ŠÚ —————————— [.... ME NIM]-⌈a⌉ AN-KU10 5 ITU BAR DIB [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... MÚL-BABBAR ina G]U IGI [....] 24 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB —————————— [.... dele-bat] SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ 8 SI [....] dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 6 GENNA ina GU IGI [....] ⌈14?⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ ŠÚ? [.... dele]-⌈bat⌉ SIG MÚL-MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 17 BM 40626 (= 81-4-28, 171) Photo: Pl. 7 Year: SE 68
´Obv. I 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... [.... [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 6,20
] ⌈x⌉ ] ⌈4?⌉ KÙŠ GE6 14 ⌈USAN GU4-UD⌉ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ
SE 66 & 68
No. 16 ´Obv.´ (traces only) ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] .... [....] [.... Jupiter] .... [above] γ Capricorni. [....] —————————— [Month X, ....] The 3rd, [solst]ice. [.... Jupiter] 14 fingers [above] δ Capricorni. The 8th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] last appearance in Capricorn. [....] The 27th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aquarius. —————————— [Month XI, .... after sun]rise, eclipse (after) 5 months, „extraneous“, will be omitted. [....] .... [....] .... [....] [.... Jupiter’s] first appearance [in Aqua]rius. [....] 24° after sunset, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— [Month XII, .... Venus] 2 cubits 8 fingers below h Piscium. [....] Venus 4 cubits below b Arietis. The 6th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. [....] 14? [....] .... [....] last appearance? .... [.... Ven]us [....] below h Tauri [....] [....] .... [....]
Date An acronychal rising of Sirius on the 8th is possible only in month X; it identifies the year as SE 9 + 19n. Of these years, only SE 66 has a last visibility of Saturn towards the end of the same month. A lunar eclipse, omitted because it occurred 5 months after a preceding one, in the following month confirms this date. In line 5´, a last visibility of Jupiter or Mars can then be restored (both occurred around the middle of month X).
No. 17 ´Obv. I 1´-5´
[Month II, .... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: .... [The xth,] (moonrise to sunrise:) 6° 20´. [....] .... [....] 4 cubits [....] Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Mercury 2½ cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Jupiter 3 cubits below h Piscium.
No. 17
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ⌈SA4⌉ [šá ABSIN ....] [x] ⌈ x⌉ GE6 19 šá[maš GUB .... GENNA] [x x] na ina zibme [UŠ .... dele-bat] [x x]+9 KUR ina ŠÚ ina ⌈ALLA⌉ [IGI ....] ⌈29⌉ 24 ME NIM-a AN-[KU10 šámaš ....] —————————— ŠU 1 14,50 4 [....] 13 8,20 ŠÚ 10 ⌈KAK-BAN⌉ [IGI ....] 14 2 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-K[U10 sin .... MÚL-BABBAR] 14 9,10 na ina LU UŠ [....] 15 12,30 GE6 USAN AN [.... SIG] 27 19 šur SI 20 [SI .... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina ⌈ALLA⌉ [ŠÚ ....]
Across both columns:
⌈meš⌉-ḫi šá IdEN-ku-ṣur-šú A šá IU-NUMUN-GIŠ lúMAŠ-[MAŠ ....] Lower edge 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ituŠE IGI-ú šá ⌈x⌉ [....] 2 [....] AN? BAR u ŠE ⌈x x⌉ [....] Rev.´ III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
IZI 1 10+[x ....] 12 11,20 Š[Ú ....] 13 6,40 M[E ....] 13 4,40 n[a ....] 14 2,⌈x⌉ [GE6 ....] 27 10+[x ....] —————————— ⌈KIN⌉ [....]
IV 1 2 3 4 5 6
[DU6 ....] ⌈x⌉ [x x [x x [x x] [x x [x x
ŠÚ n]a? ME G]E6 x
....] G[E6] ⌈15? USAN?⌉ dele-bat e šil PA 1½ KÙŠ 20 GENNA ina SAG zibme UŠ ⌈21?⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ (error for: NIM) ina RÍN IGI GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ e [RÍN šá ULÙ x] ⌈KÙŠ⌉
Comments II 1´: Mars passed α Virginis at this time.
Year SE 68
II 1´-5´
[Month III, ....] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: .... [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+9°. [....] a [Virginis ....] The 19th, sol[stice. .... Saturn stationary] in Pisces. [.... Venus’ first appearance] in the west in Cancer. [....] The 29th, 24° after sunrise, [solar] eclipse [....] —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 50´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 9° 10´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 12° 30´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 19°. The 4th, [....] The 10th, Sirius’ [first appearance. ....] before sunset, [lunar] eclipse [.... Jupiter] stationary in Aries. [....] first part of the night, Mars [....] 20 [fingers below] b Tauri. [.... Mercury’s last appearance] in the east in Cancer. [....]
Across both columns:
[....] Predictions of Bel-kuṣur-šu, son of Adad-zeru-lišir, exor[cist? ....] Lower edge 1 [....] .... of the first month XII which .... [....] 2 [....] ...., months I and XII .... [....] Rev.´ III 1-6
Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10+[x° ....] The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 11° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 40´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 40´. The 14th, [sunset to moonrise:] 2° .... The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 10+[x° ....] —————————— Month VI, [....]
IV 1-6
[Month VII, ....] .... [.... moonset to sunrise: ....] sunrise to moonset: [....] moonrise to sunset: [.... sunset] to moonrise: [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 15th?, first? part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits above j Ophiuchi. The 20th, Saturn stationary in the beginning of Pisces. The 21st?, Mercury’s first appearance in the west (error for: east) in Libra. Night of the 27th, [last part of the night,] Mercury [....] cubits above [α Librae.]
Date A first appearance of Sirius on IV 10 (II 7´) leaves only years SE 11 + 19n. Year 68 can then be identified by means of the eclipses and of Saturn’s stationary point in Pisces (IV 3f.).
Nos. 18 & 19
No. 18 BM 42076 (= 81-6-25, 698) Copy: LBAT 1001 Photo: Pl. 7 Year: SE 68
Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [....] ⌈SAG⌉ Ḫ[UN? ....] 2´ [.... US]AN? MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL I[GI šá SAG ḪUN ....] 3´ [....] (blank) —————————— 4´ [ŠE .... GU4-UD ina NI]M ina zibme ŠÚ 26 ⌈MÚL⌉-BABBAR 5´ [.... ina ḪUN ŠÚ .... 2]8 LÁL-tì GE6 ⌈20⌉+[x ....] 6´ [.... MU]-1-šu-⌈8⌉-K[AM? ....] Right edge 1 [....] ⌈MU⌉-1-šu-⌈8-KAM⌉ [....] Comments 1´: in month XI, Venus is near b or a Arietis earlier than Jupiter. 4´: of all the planets having a last visibility in month XII, only Mercury is in Pisces.
No. 19 MM 86.11.369 Copy: I. Spar, CTMMA 2 (2005) Pl. 107f. Bibliography: listed as LBAT *1001a; C. B. F. Walker, CTMMA 2 (2005) 326-338 No. 82. Year: SE 70
Obv.´ 1
[15 [15
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
x x]+10
GE6 6 USAN dele-bat SIG šur SI 2½ KÙŠ ⌈8⌉ [USAN dele-bat e šur ULÙ nn mm] 13 USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] 15 MÚL-BABBAR ina gišGIGIR ŠÚ 18 US[AN] ⌈dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4⌉ [KÙŠ] 23 GU4-⌈UD ina ŠÚ⌉ ina gišGIGIR ŠÚ 26 USAN ⌈dele-bat SIG⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ 27 KAK-BAN [ŠÚ] 29 AN ina RÍN UŠ
[1]6 6,50 GE6 16 8,10 na 27 21,40 KUR 10,20 —————————— ? GU4 1 23,40 TAB 9,50 ⌈2 USAN dele-bat⌉ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1+[x] KÙŠ 14 15,10 ME GE6 13 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá [A]LLA šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙ[Š] 14 3,50 ŠÚ 14 30+[x ME N]IM-a AN-KU10 ⌈sin⌉ BAR DIB 15 1 GE6 13+[x MÚL-BABBAR ina S]AG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 15 7,40 n[a] [x USAN dele]-bat SIG SAG A 3[½] KÙŠ 2⌈5⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ? ? ? ? ? 27 10 K[UR x x 2]8 51 ME [ana Š]Ú ⌈šámaš⌉ [AN]-⌈KU10⌉ šámaš ana PAP ——————————
Years SE 68 & 70
No. 18 Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [....] Arietis [....] 2´ [.... first] part of the night?, Jupiter [....] below b [Arietis.] 3´ [....] (blank) —————————— 4´ [Month XII, .... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the] east in Pisces. The 26th, Jupiter’s 5´ [.... last appearance in Aries .... The 2]8th, equinox. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] 6´ [.... year] 68, [....] Right edge 1 [....] year 68, [....]
No. 19 Obv.´ 1-7
[Month I, .... The 15th, moonrise to sunset: .... The 15th,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+10´. [The 1]6th, sunset to moonrise: 6° 50´. The 16th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 40´. (Moonrise to sunrise on the following day:) 10° 20´. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below β Tauri. The 8th, [first part of the night, Venus .... above ζ Tauri.] The 13th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above η Geminorum. The 15th, Jupiter’s last appearance in The Chariot. The 18th, first part of the night, Venus 4 [cubits] above γ Geminorum. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in The Chariot. The 26th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below α Geminorum. The 27th, Sirius’ [last appearance.] The 29th, Mars stationary in Libra. —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 23° 40´; TAB. (sunset to moonset on the preceding evening:) 9° 50´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 15° 10´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 50´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10°. The 2nd, first part of the night, Venus 1+[x] cubits below β Geminorum. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit above δ Cancri. The 14th, 30+[x° after] sunrise, lunar eclipse, „extraneous“, will be omitted. The 13+[xth, Jupiter’s] first appearance in the beginning of Gemini. [The xth, first part of the night, Ve]nus 3[½] cubits below ε Leonis. The 25th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. [.... 2]8th, 51°? before sunset?, solar eclipse to be watched for. ——————————
34 14 15 16 17 18 19
No. 19 SIG 30 15,10+[x 14 8,50 Š[Ú] 15 5,30 M[E 15 16 27
4,10 5,10 19
na G[E6 KUR
x USAN dele]-bat e LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ [....] (erasure) ? x USAN] dele-bat ⌈e⌉ MÚL TUR ½ KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ [....] 11 šámaš GUB x USAN dele-bat SIG] ⌈GIŠ⌉.KUN A 4 KÙŠ [x] ⌈USAN⌉ [dele]-bat e GÌR ár [šá A nn mm] ? ? [x] USAN AN SIG MÚL MUR[UB4 šá SAG GÍ]R -TAB ⌈8⌉ U
—————————— ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
—————————— [AB x x],50 TAB [....] [13] ⌈x⌉ ME [....] ? [13 x]+4 ŠÚ 10+[x M]ÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 16 [....] [1]4 x,10 GE6 (erasure) 14 11,10 na (erasure) 27 21,50 —————————— ZÍZ 30 17,40 [x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG] SI 1 KÙŠ 4 [S]I 5 USAN AN SIG nu-nu 2 KÙŠ 13 10 UŠ ŠÚ [x GU4-UD ina NIM] ina GU ŠÚ 15 [U]SAN AN SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 2 KÙŠ 14 2,30 ME [x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e] ⌈SUḪUR⌉ IGI 1 [K]ÙŠ 8 U [1]4 2 na GE6 ⌈18⌉ [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e] ⌈SUḪUR⌉ [ár 1]½ KÙŠ 24 ? ? USAN AN SIG MÚL ár šá SAG [ḪUN x]½ KÙŠ 15 13 GE6 GE6 28 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e M[ÚL IGI šá] še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 10 SI 28 12,10 —————————— ŠE 30 11,40 29,10 4 USAN AN SIG MÚL ár šá SAG Ḫ[UN x]+1 KÙŠ 10 GENNA ina LU ŠÚ 14 12,10 ME 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina LU IGI 14 4,40 ŠÚ GE6 13 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL ár šá ⌈še-pít MAŠ⌉-MAŠ 10 SI 15 3 GE6 15 3,50 na 24 USAN GU4-UD SIG MÚL-MÚL ⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] ? 28 14,10 25 USAN AN SIG MÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ [....]
Lower edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,10-KAM IS[e-lu-ku LUGAL]
Year SE 70 14-20
Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° 10+[x´.] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 50´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 30´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 10´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 19°. [The xth, first part of the night, Ven]us ⅔ cubit above α Leonis. [.... The xth, first part of the night,] Venus ½ cubit above ρ Leonis. The 12th?, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer. [....] The 11th, solstice. [The xth, first part of the night, Venus] 4 cubits [below] ϑ Leonis. [The xth,] first part of the night, Venus [....] above β Virginis. [The xth,] first part of the night, Mars 8 fingers below δ Scorpii. ——————————
´Rev. —————————— 1´-6´ [Month X, ....],50, TAB. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: .... [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+4°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: x° 10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 10´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 21° 50´. [....] The 10+[xth,] Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 16th, [....] (erasure) —————————— 7´-12´ Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 13°. The 28th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 12° 10´. [The xth, last part of the night, Venus] 1 cubit 4 fingers [below] β . The 5th, first part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below Piscium. [The xth, Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east] in Aquarius. The 15th, first part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below β Arietis. [The xth, last part of the night, Venus] 1 cubit 8 fingers [above] γ Capricorni. Night of the 18th, [last part of the night, Venus 1]½ cubits [above δ] Capricorni. The 24th, first part of the night, Mars [x]½ cubits below α Arietis. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Jupiter 10 fingers above [η] Geminorum. —————————— 13´-18´ Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° 40´. (sunset to moonset:) 29° 10´ (if the preceding month will have 30 days). The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 10´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 4° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 50´. The 28th?, (moonrise to sunrise:) 14° 10´. The 4th, first part of the night, Mars [x]+1 cubit below α Arietis. The 10th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aries. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Jupiter 10 fingers above μ Geminorum. The 24th, first part of the night, Mercury ⅔ cubit below η Tauri. [....] The 25th, first part of the night, Mars 1 cubit below η Tauri. [....] Lower edge 1 Predictions of year 70, [king] Se[leucus.] Comments This text only rarely indicates nighttime by GE6 before the day number. Obv. 8: the number 9,50 is the interval „sunset to moonset“ computed for the case that the preceding month had only 29 days. PD have 30 days for month I. Rev. 10´: Mars is given as passing α Arietis also in line 13´. Rev. 13´: the number 29,10 after 11,40 is the interval „sunset to moonset“ in case the preceding month turns out to be 30 days long, contrary to the predicted 29 days (which are also given in PD). See also obv. 8.
Nos. 20 & 21
No. 20 BM 33777 (= Rm IV 335) Photo: Pl. 8 Year: SE 71
Flake I (left) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ina ḪUN IGI [.... SIG MÚL IGI/ár šá S]AG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ —————————— [.... SIG M]ÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ [.... ḪA]B-rat GAR-an [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ [....] ⌈šámaš?⌉ šá DIB
II (right) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
15 7,⌈40⌉ na GU4-UD SIG ⌈GIŠ.KUN A⌉ [....] 16 7,40 GE6 27 20 KUR —————————— ⌈IZI⌉ 1 10+[x T]AB 10 GU4-UD ina ŠU ina ABSIN ŠÚ [.... MÚL-BABBAR] 13 14+[x ŠÚ] ⌈e MÚL IGI šá ALLA šá U[LÙ ....] 14 40 [NINDA na ....] 15 2 [ME ....] 16 11,20+[x GE6 ....]
No. 21 BM 35159 (= Sp II 711), BM 35167 (= Sp II 719) Copies: LBAT 1086 (35159), LBAT 1081 (35167) Photo: Pl. 8 Year: SE 78 Both fragments turn sideways; they are part of the same tablet.
´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... U]SAN dele-bat e MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ [ár LUGAL ....]
Years SE 71 & 78
No. 20 Flake I (left) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] first appearance in Aries. [....] 5 cubits [below b / a] Arietis. —————————— [....] 2 cubits [below] h Tauri. [....] (the moon) will make [....] of the disc. [....] last part of the night, Venus [....] last appearance in Gemini. [....] solar [eclipse] which will be omitted.
II (right) 1´-3´
[....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 40´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20°. [....] Mercury [....] below j Leonis. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10+[x°; T]AB. The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 14+[x°.] The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 40´. The 15th, [moonrise to sunset:] 2°. The 16th, [sunset to moonrise:] 11° 20+[x´....] The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. [.... Jupiter ....] above j Cancri.
Date The right column contains remnants of months IV and V; therefore column I must contain months I and II. In month II there was a visible lunar eclipse, and an invisible solar eclipse. This in combination with a last appearance of Mercury in the west on V 10, leaves only years SE 25, 71, 72, and 183; in all other years, Mercury’s last appearance is more than 10 days away from the given date. In SE 25 and 72, Venus (line I 6´) was not morning star. Finally, only in SE 71 was there a first appearance of a planet in month I in Aries: Saturn stood soon after appearance below β Arietis. The remaining data agree with this: Later in month II, a last appearance in Gemini can well be that of Jupiter (computed for III 1). Mercury below j Leonis does occur in month IV (line II 1´); and the planet above j Cancri in month V is again Jupiter.
No. 21 ´Obv.´ I 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [.... first] part of the night, Venus [....] above ρ Leonis. [....]
38 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
No. 21 [.... ina ZÁL]AG AN SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ 7 [....] [.... GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI 10 šámaš G[UB G]E6? 14 [.... MÚL-BABBA]R e MÚL IGI šá SUḪU[R MÁ]Š ½ KÙŠ [....] ME NIM AN-[KU10 sin ....] GE6 16 [....] ⌈x⌉ [.... x]+4 [....] ⌈x⌉
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
⌈x⌉ [....] 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— DU6 1 19,50 TAB ina 30-šú 9,30 12 5,20 ME 12 8,30 ŠÚ 13 1,10 GE6 13 5,20 na 20+[x x],20 KUR
´Rev.´ III (left col.) 1´ [x 2´ [x 3´ [x 4´ [x
x x] x x
ŠÚ ME n]a G]E6
....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x ina ALLA? x⌉ [....] 16 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MÁŠ ŠÚ
IV (right col.) 1´ ⌈13 x⌉ [ŠÚ ....] 2´ 14 11,30 M[E ....] 3´ 14 7,20+[x na ....] 4´ 15 1,50 [GE6 ....] 5´ 26 17,[x KUR ....] —————————— 6´ ⌈BAR⌉ 30 14 [....]
Comments Layout: The dating shows that the obverse of 35159 refers to month III; this agrees with month VII preserved on col. II of 35167. Col. III should refer to month X; and col. IV contains the end of the text. Probably the obverse contained months I – VII, and the reverse VIII – XII. In obv. I, BM 35167 I 1´ can be aligned to be the continuation of BM 35159 I 4´. „½ cubit“ in line 2´ is a possible value for the distance of Jupiter from γ Capricorni (calculation yields ca. 1.5°). This alignment is used in the above transliteration. In Rev. III 1´, the only planet in Cancer would be Saturn; the traces in front of ina ALLA could be restored as GENNA. An acronychal rising is calculated for X 1; this date would fit, but unfortunately the zodiacal sign is never given for acronychal risings. Also, the trace after ALLA does not look like ana ME. If the remnants of the following sign are read U[Š], an error of more than two months would have to be assumed.
Year SE 78 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[.... last] part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below η Tauri. The 7th, [....] [.... Mercu]ry’s first appearance in the west in Cancer. The 10th, solsti[ce. Ni]ght? of the 14th, [.... Jupi]ter ½ cubit above γ Capricorni. [....] after sunrise, [lunar] ecl[ipse ....] Night of the 16th, [....] .... [.... x]+4 [....] ....
II 1´ 2´ 3´-8´
.... [....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise: ....] —————————— Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 50´, TAB; if the 30th (of the preceding month will be its 1st day), 9° 30´. The 12th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 30´. The 13th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 10´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 20´. The 20+[xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´.
´Rev.´ III (left col.) 1´-4´ [Month X, .... moonset to sunrise: .... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth, sunrise] to moonset: [.... The xth, sunset] to moonrise: [....] [....] .... [....] .... in Cancer. [....] The 16th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Capricorn. IV (right col.) 1´-5´ [Month XII, ....] The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] .... The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 11° 30´. The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 7° 20+[x´.] The 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 1° 50´. The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 17° [....] —————————— 6´ Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° [....]
Date A solstice on the 10th is only possible in month III according to the Uruk scheme; so the year has to be SE 2 + 19n. The year SE 78 can be found from the following events in the first half of the same month III: an eclipse, a first visibility of Mercury in the west in Cancer, Venus above ρ Leonis, Mars below η Tauri. The missing planet in line 5´ can then be determined as Jupiter which is indeed above γ Capricorni. At the end of line 3´, the event on the 7th could well be a last visibility of Saturn, which is suggested by calculation. On BM 35167, a last visibility of Mercury in the east is expected by calculation for X 16, as given on the tablet.
Nos. 22 & 23
No. 22 BM 42135 (= 81-6-25, 758) Copy: LBAT 1002 Photo: Pl. 9 Year: SE 80
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´-3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) [DU6 .... GE6] 11 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-⌈BABBAR⌉ [....] AN e MÚL ár šá ALLA [.... šá ULÙ nn mm] (blank) [....] (blank) —————————— [APIN .... AN SIG] SAG A 3½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 4 USAN [....] ⌈x⌉ e ⌈x x x⌉
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [.... MÚL-BABB]AR ina ḪUN ŠÚ [.... 1]1 LÁL-tì [....] GE6 27 ⌈x⌉ [....] (blank) [....] KUR
Right edge 1 MU-1,20-K[AM]
No. 23 Rm 731 + 917 + unnumbered fragments Listed as LBAT *1003 Photo: Pl. 9f. Year: SE 82
Upper edge 2 [ina a-mat d]EN u d⌈GAŠAN-iá⌉ liš-lim Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[BAR x x]+7?,10 TAB ⌈GE6⌉ 13 49? GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin [....] [x x ] ŠÚ al 2-ta ŠUII ḪAB GAR 15 GENNA ina TI[L] [x x M]E A UŠ 19 ⌈GU4⌉-U[D ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI] [x x n]a ⌈GE6 23⌉ [US]AN GU4-UD [SIG] ⌈šur GIGIR⌉ [šá SI] [x x]+12,10+[x] ⌈GE6⌉ ⌈x SI?⌉ [x x x] GE6 25 ⌈USAN⌉ GU4-U[D] ⌈26⌉ 17,10 KUR e šur GI[GIR šá U]LÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG M[ÚL KUR] šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ 28 54 ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP
Years SE 80 & 82
No. 22 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´-3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... [....] [....] (blank) [Month VII, .... Night] of the 11th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] Mars [....] above d Cancri [....] (blank) [....] (blank) —————————— [Month VIII, .... Mars] 3½ cubits [below] e Leonis. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, [....] .... above ....
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [.... Jup]iter’s last appearance in Aries. [.... The 1]1th, equinox. [....] Night of the 27th, .... [....] (blank) [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....]
Right edge 1 Year 80.
No. 23 Upper edge 2 [At the command] of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ I 1-8
[Month I, ....;] (sunset to moonset:) [x]+7°? 10´, TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+12° [x]+10´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 10´. Night of the 13th, 49°? after sunset, lunar eclipse [....] it will make more than two-thirds of the disc. The 15th, Saturn stationary in the end of Leo. The 19th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the west in Taurus.] Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Mercury .... [below] b Tauri. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mer[cury] 1 cubit above f Tauri. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. The 28th, 54° after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
No. 23 —————————— GU4 30 22,30 GE6 1 USAN GU4-UD ⌈e MÚL⌉ I[GI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ] 13 11,50 ME 1 KÙŠ 8 SI 1 M[ÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ] 13 [x] ŠÚ GE6 2 USAN G[U4]-UD e M[ÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ] 1[4 x] GE6 1 KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 5 [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN] [x x] ⌈na⌉ 5 KÙŠ 7 AN ina MÚL-M[ÚL IGI GE6 x ina ZÁLAG] [x x KUR] dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG [ḪUN nn mm] 10 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 22 [....] 25? GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ ....] —————————— [SIG x .... x MÚL-BABB]AR ina SAG ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ I[GI ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈GE6⌉ 15 KAK-BAN IGI 17 G[U4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ] [x x],20 na GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG [....] 2⌈7?⌉ 20,10 KUR GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— IZI 30 ⌈20,40?⌉ GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG [....]
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
⌈x x ME⌉ ⌈GU4-UD ina⌉ [....] 15 9,50 na ana ŠÚ šámaš [AN-KU10 sin ....] [16 x]+1 GE6 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x KU]R 28 40+[x ....] —————————— [APIN] 1 14,10 GE6 5 ina Z[ÁLAG ....] [13 x]+4? ŠÚ GE6 13 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] ? [14 x]+40 ME 13 GU4-U[D ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ ....] [14 x]+20 na ina ZÁLAG AN e [....] ⌈15⌉ 20 NINDA GE6 27 13,20 —————————— [GA]N 30 9,40 ina KAL 4 ⌈MÚL⌉-[BABBAR ana ME E-a x dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina PA] [x] 5?,10 ŠÚ IGI G[E6 x US]AN MÚL-BABBAR e [x x] ME MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2 ⅔? KÙŠ 26 GU4-UD [x x]+20? na ina ŠÚ ina TIL MÁŠ IGI 29 GENNA? ina ABSIN UŠ [x] ⌈x⌉,40 GE6 30 šámaš GUB [x] 19 KUR ——————————
Year SE 82
—————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 22° 30´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11° 50´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: [....] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: [.... The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 8 fingers above h [Geminorum.] The 1st, Ju[piter’s last appearance in Taurus.] Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 8 fingers above [m Geminorum.] Night of the 5th, [last part of the night, Venus] 5 cubits [below b Arietis.] The 7th, Mars’ [first appearance] in Tau[rus. Night of the xth, last part of the night,] Venus [....] below a Arietis. The 10th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 22nd, [....] The 25th?, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in [Gemini ....] —————————— [Month III, ....] [The xth, Jupi]ter’s first appearance in the beginning of Gemini. [....] .... [....]
II 1´-4´
[Month IV, .... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 20´. The 20+[xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 20° 10´. [....] .... [....] The 15th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 17th, Mer[cury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer.] Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, .... [....] —————————— Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 40´?. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, [....]
´Rev. III [Month VII, ....] The xth, moonrise to sunset: .... The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° 50´. [The 16th,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+1°. [The xth, moonrise to] sunrise: [....] [....] Mercury’s [....] in [....] before sunset, [lunar eclipse ....] last part of the night, Mars .... [....] The 28th, 40+[x° ....] —————————— 5´-10´ [Month VIII,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 10´. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+4°?. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+40´. [The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 20´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 13° 20´. Night of the 5th, last [part of the night, ....] Night of the 13th, last part [of the night, ....] The 13th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east in Scorpius ....] last part of the night, Mars [....] above [....] —————————— 11´-16´ [Month] IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 9° 40´; ina KAL. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 5°? 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+20´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: x° 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 19°. The 4th, Jup[iter’s acronychal rising. The xth, Venus’] first appearance [in the west in Sagittarius.] Ni[ght of the xth, first] part of the night, Jupiter 2⅔? cubits above γ Geminorum. The 26th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Capricorn. The 29th, Saturn? stationary in Virgo. The 30th, solstice. —————————— 1´-4´
Nos. 23 & 24
IV 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[ŠE x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [13] ⌈x, 20?⌉ ŠÚ 14 9,20 ME 14 6,20 na 15 11,10 GE6 27 12,10
7´ 8´
GE6 ⌈4+x⌉ [....] 8 GEN[NA ana ME E-a ....] GE6 10+[x ....] 3 KÙŠ 20+[x ....] dele-bat SIG MÚL [....] 28 GE6 GI[N ....]
—————————— BAR 1 ⌈19,⌉30+[x ....]
Upper edge 1 meš-ḫi ⌈šá⌉ [MU-1,22-KA]M IS[e(-lu-ku) LUGAL]
No. 24 MLC 1860 Listed as LBAT *1004 Photo: Pl. 10f. From Uruk Year: SE 82
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15
[BAR x ....] ⌈x⌉ [x na .... GE6 G]IN AN-KU10 sin 2-ta ŠUII [....] [x KUR ....] ⌈26 MÚL?-MÚL? ina⌉ KUR IGI 27 dele-bat LU [KUR] [ ....] ⌈x⌉ ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ⌈ana⌉ [PAP] —————————— [GU4 x] 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚ[L KUR šá D]UR múla-nun-ni-tum 3½ KÙŠ [DIB?] [x n]a 4 ina ZÁLAG AN ina KUR ina ⌈SAG MÚL-MÚL⌉ IGI 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SA[G-KI múlLU nn KÙŠ DIB] [2]7 KUR 9 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL á[r]-ú šá SAG.KI múlLU 5? [KÙŠ DIB] 10 múlKAK-BAN ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 23 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 3 [(x) KÙŠ DIB] 25 múlGENNA ABSIN KUR 28 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ [ŠÚ ....] —————————— SIG 30 2 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈SAG MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ IGI 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e múl is le10 2 KÙŠ 8 [SI DIB] 14 na 16 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG ⌈múlšur múl⌉GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ [DIB] 27 KUR 17 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG ⌈múlšur múl⌉GIGIR šá SI 2 KÚŠ [DIB] [x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e ⌈múlšur múl⌉GIGIR šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ 8 SI [DIB] [x dele-bat MAŠ-MA]Š ⌈KUR⌉ 21 ina ZÁLAG AN e múlšur múlGIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ ⌈8⌉ S[I DIB] [....] 24 dUTU GUB-za 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL IGI-ú šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ [nn mm DIB]
Year SE 82
IV 1´-7´
[Month XII, ....] .... [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: x° 20´?. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 10´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 12° 10´. [....] Night of the 4+xth, [....] The 8th, Saturn’s [acronychal rising. ....] Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 3 cubits [....] The 20+[xth, ....] Venus [....] below ... [....] 28° after sunset [....] —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 30+[x´....]
Upper edge 1 Predictions of [year 82, king] Se[leucus.]
No. 24 Obv.´ 1-4
[Month I, .... The xth, first sunrise before moonset. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] .... [.... after sun]set, lunar eclipse, two-thirds [....] The 26th, Pleiades’? first appearance in the east. The 27th, Venus [will reach] Aries. [....] .... after sunrise, solar eclipse, to be [watched for.] —————————— [Month II, .... The xth, first sunrise] before moonset. [The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 1st, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 3½ cubits below h Piscium. The 4th, last part of the night, Mars’ first appearance in the east in the beginning of Taurus. The 6th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass nn cubits] below b Ar[ietis.] The 9th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 5? [cubits] below a Arietis. The 10th, Sirius’ last appearance in the west. The 23rd, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 3 [(....) cubits below h Tauri.] The 25th, Saturn will reach Virgo. The 28th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in the end of Gemini. [....] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 14th, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 2nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in the beginning of Gemini. The 8th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 2 cubits 8 [fingers] above a Tauri. The 16th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 2 cubits below b Tauri. The 17th, last part of the night, Mars [will pass] 2 cubits below b Tauri. [The xth,] last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 2 cubits 8 fingers above f Tauri. [The xth,] Venus will reach Gemini. The 21st, last part of the night, Mars [will pass] 1 cubit 8 fingers above f Tauri. [....] The 24th, solstice. The 25th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass ....] above h Geminorum. [The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east in] the end of
46 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
No. 24 [x GU4-UD ina KUR ina] TIL MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 27 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL ár-ú šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ 4 S[I DIB] —————————— [Š]U 1 1 ina ZÁL[AG dele-bat e] MAŠ-MAŠ šá múlSIPA-ZI-AN-NA 2 KÙŠ ⅔ KÙŠ D[IB] [x] na 2 in[a ZÁL]AG AN e MÚL IGI-ú šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ DIB 8 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL ár-ú šá [še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ nn mm DIB] 20+[x] KUR 9 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI-ú 4½ KÙŠ 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár-ú 3½ KÙŠ [DIB] 13 dele-bat ALLA KUR 15 ina [ZÁLAG] AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá múl SIPA-ZI-AN-NA 4 KÙŠ [(x SI) DIB] U4 BI múlKAK-BAN ina [KUR IGI] 16 GU4-UD ina KUR ina múlALLA ŠÚ [....] 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e [MÚL ár-ú] šá múlALLA šá ULÙ 6 SI [DIB] 28 ina ⌈ZÁLAG AN SIG⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ I[GI-ú] 4 KÙŠ [(x SI) DIB] —————————— [IZI 3]0 2 ina ZÁLAG [dele-bat SI]G SAG múlA [nn KÙŠ DIB] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈SIG MAŠ⌉-[MAŠ ár-ú nn KÙŠ DIB] [x n]a 8 AN ALLA KUR 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e [múlLUGA]L 2 SI [DIB ....] [x KU]R 18 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL TUR [šá 4 KÙ]Š ár múlL[UGAL ....] 23 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI-ú [šá múlALLA š]á SI 1 KÙŠ [....] 26 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A [nn mm DI]B? ⌈x x 8⌉ [....] —————————— [KIN x ....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
[ ....] ⌈x x MÚL? x x⌉ [....] [ ....] ⌈x⌉ 14 šá 2 DANNA ⌈5?⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [ .... AN e MÚL] TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár [múlLUGAL nn] KÙŠ DIB [....] [ .... DANN]A ME ana ŠÚ šámaš TA[G4] AN-KU10 šámaš [....] —————————— [APIN x....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [ ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [ ....] [——————————] [GAN x .... dele-bat ina] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ina múlPA [IGI] [ .... GENNA ina] ⌈múlABSIN⌉ UŠ [ ....] ⌈x⌉ 30 dUTU GUB-za —————————— AB 1 5 [múlKAK-BAN ana ME a] 8 dele-bat múlGU KUR 14 na 10+[x AN ina] ⌈múlABSIN⌉ UŠ 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina múlGU ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— ⌈ZÍZ 1 x⌉ [x GU4-UD ina KUR] ina múlMÁŠ IGI U4 BI dele-bat múlzib KUR ⌈x⌉ ⌈na⌉ [x MÚL-BABBAR ina M]AŠ-MAŠ UŠ 10 AN ina TIL múlA ana ME a [x KUR x dele-bat mú]lLU KUR 26 ina EN-NUN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR múl a-nun-ni-tum [....] ....
Year SE 82
Gemini. The 27th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 4 fingers above m Geminorum. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [The xth,] first sunrise before moonset. The 20+[xth,] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 1st, last part of the night, [Venus will pass] 2⅔ cubits [above] g Geminorum. The 2nd, last part of the night, Mars will pass ½ cubit above h Geminorum. The 8th, last part of the night, Mars [will pass ....] above m [Geminorum.] The 9th, last part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below a Geminorum. The 12th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 3½ cubits below b Geminorum. The 13th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 15th, last part of the night, Mars [will pass] 4 cubits [(....)] above g Geminorum. On this day, Sirius’ [first appearance] in [the east.] The 16th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer. [....] The 25th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 6 fingers above d Cancri. The 28th, last part of the night, Mars [will pass] 4 cubits [(....)] below a Geminorum. —————————— [Month V,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). [The xth,] first sunrise before moonset. [The xth, last visibility of the moon] before sunrise. The 2nd, last part of the night, [Venus will pass nn cubits] below e Leonis. The xth, last part of the night, Mars [will pass nn cubits] below [b] Geminorum. The 8th, Mars will reach Cancer. The 12th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass] 2 fingers above [a Leon]is. [....] The 18th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above r Leonis. The 23rd, last part of the night, Mars [....] 1 cubit above h Cancri. [....] The 26th, last part of the night, Venus [will pass ....] below j Leonis. .... 8 [....] —————————— [Month VI, ....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. [Month VII ....] [....] .... 14th, of 2 bēru 5? [....] .... [.... Mars] will pass [nn] cubits [above] r Leonis. [....] bēru daylight before sunset will be left, solar eclipse [....] —————————— 5´-7´ [Month VIII, ....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] —————————— 8´-10´ [Month IX, ....] [...., Venus’ first appearance in] the west in Sagittarius. [.... Saturn] stationary in Virgo. [....] .... The 30th, solstice. —————————— 11´-13´ Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 14th, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 5th, [Sirius’ acronychal rising.] The 8th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 10+[xth, Mars] stationary in Virgo. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aquarius. —————————— 14´-17´ Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The xth, [first sunrise before moonset. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east] in Capricorn. This day, Venus will reach Pisces. [The xth, Jupiter] stationary in Gemini. The 10th, Mars’ acronychal rising in the end of Leo. [The xth, Venus] will reach Aries. The 26th, first part of the night, Venus [will pass ....] below h Piscium. ——————————
Nos. 24 & 25
17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´
—————————— [ŠE 30? x ina] ⌈EN-NUN⌉ dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI-ú šá SAG.KI múlLU 4 KÙŠ DIB [x na x ina EN-N]UN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár-ú šá SAG.KI múlLU 5 KÙŠ DIB [x KUR x múlGENN]A ina múlABSIN ana ME a 9 GU4-UD ina KUR ina SAG múlzib ŠÚ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [x x x x] ina EN-NUN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ 4 SI DIB [....] ⌈x⌉ BAR DIB —————————— [MU-1,2]3 ⌈BAR 1⌉ [....] meš-ḫi [šá M]U-1,22-KAM ISe-lu-ku [LUGA]L Š[U Id]⌈A⌉-num-ú-bal-liṭ DUMU šá Idx [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 25 BM 40596 (= 81-4-28, 141) Photo: Pl. 11 Year: SE 87
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x]+20 KUR šá SUḪUR M[ÁŠ ....] —————————— ⌈APIN?⌉ 1 18,50 TAB 1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL RÍN I[GI ....] ⌈x⌉ 12,30 ŠÚ IGI 10 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB I[GI ....] ⌈x⌉ 2,40 na GU4-UD e MÚL e šá S[AG GÍR-TAB ....] [x] ⌈x⌉ ME GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e SI4? [.... MÚL-BABBAR] [x x GE6] SIG MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 8 SI G[E6? ....] x x KUR] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
Years SE 82 & 87
17´-21´ [Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with)] the 30th (of the preceding month). [The
22´ 23´ 24´
xth, first sunrise before moonset. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [The xth, first part of the] night, Venus will pass 4 cubits below b Arietis. [The xth, first part of the] night, Venus will pass 5 cubits below a Arietis. [The xth,] Saturn’s acronychal rising in Virgo. The 9th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the beginning of Pisces. [....] .... [....] first part of the night, Venus will pass 1 cubit 4 fingers below h Tauri. [.... solar eclipse, ....], „extraneous“, will be omitted. —————————— [Year 8]3, month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [....] Predictions [of] year 82, king Seleucus. H[and of] Anu-uballiṭ, son of .... [....] .... [....]
No. 25 Flake 1´-2´
[....] .... [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. [.... g/d] Capricorni. —————————— Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 50´, TAB. The xth, moonset to sunrise: 12° 30´. The xth, sunrise to moonset: 2° 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: .... [The xth, sunset to moonrise: .... The xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....] The 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Libra. [....] first appearance [....] The 10th, Saturn’s first [appearance] in Scorpius. [....] Mercury [....] above b Scorpii. [....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mercury [....] above a Scorpii. [.... Jupiter] 8 fingers below b Scorpii. Ni[ght ....] .... [....]
Date A first appearance of Saturn in Scorpius, combined with a slightly earlier first appearance of Mercury is sufficiently rare (about every 30 years). Together with Mercury’s passing α Scorpii, the date can be determined as SE 87. Another first appearance (line 4´) can be that of Jupiter on ca. VIII 4. Jupiter can also be restored at the end of line 6´, to pass below β Scorpii.
No. 26
No. 26 BM 65667 (= 82-9-18, 97) Photo: Pl. 11f. Year: SE 87
Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9
[.... š]á ALLA [.... x]+5 U [....] [....] 20? [.... KÙ]Š? [....] [....] 8 U [.... IG]I?
II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
ŠU 30 11 x TIM? ⌈GE6 4⌉ U[SAN? AN SIG MÚL KUR] 14 9,20 ŠÚ šá KIR4 šil PA ⌈x⌉ [.... dele-bat] 14sic 1,10? ME ina NIM ina ⌈ALLA⌉ ŠÚ 10 múlKAK-BAN IGI 15 9,40 na G[E6 x x ana?] ŠÚ? šámaš AN-KU10 sin 16 13 ⌈GE6⌉ ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈16?⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM [ina] ALLA IGI 27 23,40 —————————— IZI 1 9 GE6 [x USAN] MÚL-BABBAR ana NIM 13 15,10 ŠÚ ina LAL-šú e RÍN šá ULÙ 4 [KÙŠ] 14 8,20 ME 10 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈A⌉ [ŠÚ] [1]4 4,30 na [1]5 2,40 GE6 [2]7? 20,40 —————————— [KIN x x] 8?,50 GE6 10 U[SAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG RÍN] [x x] ŠÚ šá S[I ....] [x x]+1,20 ME [....] [x x] n[a ....]
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[APIN] 1 ⌈x⌉ [.... MÚL-BABBAR?] [1]2 13,30 ŠÚ ina? SAG G[ÍR-TAB IGI ....] [1]3 2,40 na GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e M[ÚL ....] [1]3 1 ME GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e SI4 ⌈2⅔ KÙŠ⌉ [1]4 9,40 GE6 GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB [x] U [2]6 21,20 GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG GENNA e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB ½ KÙŠ [GE6] 29 USAN dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 2⅔ KÙŠ ——————————
Year SE 87
No. 26 Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9
[....] Cancri [.... x]+5 fingers [....] [....] 20? [.... cubi]ts? [....] [....] 8 fingers [....] ....
II 1-6
Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° ..... The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 20´. The 14th sic, moonrise to sunset: 1° 10´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° 40´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 13°. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 23° 40´. Night of the 4th, first [part of the night, Mars .... below j] Ophiuchi. [...., Venus’] last appearance in the east in Cancer. The 10th, Sirius’ first appearance. Ni[ght ...., .... before] sunset, lunar eclipse .... [....] The 16th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 9°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 15° 10´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2 40´. The 27th?, (moonrise to sunrise:) 20° 40´. Night [of the xth, first part of the night,] Jupiter, while moving back to the east, 4 [cubits] above a Librae. The 10th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in Leo. —————————— [Month VI, ....; (sunset to moonset:)] 8°? 50´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+1° 20´. [The xth,] sunrise to [moonset: ....] Night of the 10th, first part [of the night, Jupiter .... below] b [Librae ....]
´Rev. III 1´-7´
[Month VIII,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) .... [The 1]2th, moonset to sunrise: 13° 30´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 40´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 1°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 40´. The 26th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 21° 20´. [.... Jupiter’s first appearance] in the beginning of S[corpius ....] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Mercury [....] above [....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mercury 2⅔ cubits above a Scorpii. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Jupiter [x] fingers below b Scorpii. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Saturn ½ cubit above b Scorpii. [Night] of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus 2⅔ cubits below b Capricorni. ——————————
52 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
Nos. 26 & 27 [G]AN 30 17,40 [1]2 6,50 ŠÚ 13 7 ME 13 7,30 na 14 6,20 GE6 27 14,20
GE6 13 USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 4 SI 13 GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA ŠÚ GE6 15 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 4 SI GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e SI4 1+[x KÙŠ] 25 šámaš GUB 28 41+[x ....]
IV 1´-3´
[....] ⌈x⌉
Upper edge 1 [.... GE6 x]+8 USAN 2 [.... 2]8 LÁL-tì 3 [.... dele-bat SIG šur GI]GIR šá SI ⅔ KÙŠ 29 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL zibme [ŠÚ] 4 [.... MU-1,2]7-KAM ISe-lu-ku LUGAL
No. 27 BM 33489 (= Rm IV 43) Photo: Pl. 12 Year: SE 88
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ina? GÍR-TAB [....] [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ] ina TIL MÁŠ IGI 11 KAK-BAN ana? [ME E-a? ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 27? KUR —————————— [ZÍZ ....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 14 na ⌈GE6? 17 ina ZÁLAG⌉ G[ENNA? ....] [.... dele-bat] ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— [....] ⌈x ŠÚ?⌉
Years SE 87 & 88 8´-13´
Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17° 40´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 50´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 30´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 6° 20´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 14° 20´. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus 4 fingers above g Capricorni. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Sagittarius. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Venus 4 fingers above d Capricorni. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Jupiter 1+[x cubits] above a Scorpii. The 25th, solstice. The 28th, 41+[x° .... solar eclipse ....]
IV 1´-3´
[....] ....
Upper edge 1 [.... Night of the x]+8th, first part of the night, 2 [.... The 2]8th, equinox. 3 [.... Venus] ⅔ cubit [below] b Tauri. The 29th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in the end of Pisces. 4 [.... year 8]7, king Seleucus.
No. 27 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] in Scorpius [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west] in the end of Capricorn. The 11th, Sirius’ acro[nychal rising? ....] [....] .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XI, ....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, S[aturn? ....] [.... Venus’] last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [....] .... last appearance.
Date An acronychal rising of Sirius occurs in years SE 12 + 19n (the only other Sirius phenomenon on a day 11 would be last appearance on II 11; but month II is ruled out by the positions of Mercury and Venus which cannot occur in month II). The dates of the Venus (last appearance in the east on XI 23) and Mercury (first appearance in the east on X 7, last appearance on XI 2) phenomena identify the year as SE 88. On XI 17, Saturn was close to j Ophiuchi.
Nos. 28 & 29
No. 28 BM 41880 (= 81-6-25, 500) Copy: LBAT 1005 Photo: Pl. 12f. Year: SE 92
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[.... USA]N AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3 K[ÙŠ ....] [.... U]SAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 KÙŠ GE6 [....] [.... KU]R šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ 20 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈30⌉ múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ [....] (blank) [GU4 1 ....] ⌈UD-DA ŠÚ-šú⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ] ⌈ina? ḪUN? ŠÚ⌉ GE6 ⌈14 x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ AN-KU10 sin TIL GAR-an 16 dele-bat ina [ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ] [x x] ⌈x⌉ 21 dele-bat ina NIM ina SAG ḪUN IGI 2⌈3⌉ [šámaš GUB] [x x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 28 1,27 GE6 GIN AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] [....] (blank) [....] ⌈x MU-1⌉,32-KAM IAn-t[i-’u-uk-su LUGAL]
Upper edge 1 [.... IAn-ti-’u]-⌈uk-su⌉ LUGAL
No. 29 BM 41634 (= 81-6-25, 250+272) Copy: LBAT 1006 Photo: Pl. 13 Year: SE 93
Upper edge 2 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 4 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL ḪUN ŠÚ 5 GU4-U[D ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB ....] SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3½ [KÙŠ ....]
BAR 1 23,50 TAB
12 9,30 ŠÚ 13 16,20 ME 13 2,10 na 14 ——————————
3 4
3 GE6 26 14 K[UR ...]
Years SE 92 & 93
No. 28 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[.... first part] of the night, Mars 3 cubits below a Geminorum [....] [.... first] part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below b Geminorum. Night [....] [....] 3 cubits [below] h Piscium. The 20th, .... [....] [....] The 30th, Sirius’ last appearance. [....] (blank) [Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month) ....] [Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east,] .... will be omitted. [....]
´Rev. 1´-5´
[....] .... [....] ....[....] .... [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west] in Aries?. Night of the 14th, .... [....] lunar eclipse, it will make totality. The 16th, Venus’ [last appearance in the west in ....] The 21st, Venus’ first appearance in the east in the beginning of Aries. The 23rd, [equinox.] Night of the 28th, 87° after sunset, [solar] eclipse [....] [....] year 92, [king] Ant[iochus.]
Upper edge 1 [....] king [Anti]ochus.
No. 29 Upper edge 2 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ 1-4
Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 23° 50´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 30´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 16° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3°. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 14°. The 4th, Jupiter’s last appearance in the end of Aries. The 5th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east, .... will be omitted ....] 3½ [cubits] below h Piscium. [....] ——————————
56 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
No. 29 GU4 30 16,30 GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá [SAG ḪUN ....] 13 10 NINDA ŠÚ GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár š[á SAG ḪUN ....] 14 4,50 ME 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [....] 14 8,20 na 3½ KÙŠ GE6 28 USA[N ....] 15 12,50 GE6 27 9 KUR —————————— SIG 1 17,10 GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-[MÚL .... AN] 12 5,10 ŠÚ SIG MÚL IGI šá SA[G ḪUN ....] 13 9,50 ME šá ALLA šá ULÙ [....] 13 7,[x] ⌈na⌉ ⌈GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG AN?⌉ SIG M[ÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN .... GU4-UD] [14] 5,50 GE6 SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 28 9,20 KUR GE6 28 USAN GU4-UD SI[G LUGAL ....] —————————— ŠU 30 9,50 ina KAL GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR [šá SI ....] 12 11,30 ŠÚ GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL-MÚL [....] 13 1,20 na 1½ KÙŠ 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A [ŠÚ ....] 14 1,40 ME GE6 11 ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 15! 12,20 GE6 2? [....] 26+[x] ⌈20+x KUR⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
15 2 GE6 ⌈x x x x x⌉ 15 6,20 na 28 15 KUR —————————— AB 1 21,30 TAB 1 šámaš GUB 6 KAK-BAN ana ME [E-a ....] 14 10,40 ME 29 GENNA ina MÁŠ IGI [....] 14 3,30 ŠÚ 15 5,10 GE6 15 10,40 na 27 18,40 KUR —————————— ZÍZ 30 18,30 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈x⌉ [IGI ....] 14 11,30 ŠÚ 17 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina zibme [IGI ....] 15 7,20 ME 1 KÙŠ 8 U 27 [GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ GE6 x USAN AN] 15 30 NINDA na e MÚL ár šá še-pít [MAŠ-MAŠ ....] 16 7 GE6 AN-KU10 šámas 5 ÁB [....] 28 10,20 KUR ——————————
Year SE 93 5-9
Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 50´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 12° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9°. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus [....] below b Arietis. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below a Arietis. The 22nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Gemini. [....] 3½ cubits [....] Night of the 28th, first part of the night, [....] —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17° 10´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 10´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 50´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 7° [x´.] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 50´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 20´. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus [....] below h Tauri. [.... Mars ....] below b Arietis [.... j/d] Cancri. [....] Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Mars? [....] below a [Arietis .... Mercury] 4 cubits below e Leonis. Ni[ght ....] Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Mercury [....] bel[ow a Leonis.] —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 9° 50´, ina KAL. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 11° 30´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 12° 20´. The 26+[xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 20+x°. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus [....] below b Tauri. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below h Tauri. [....] 1½ cubits [....] The 8th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Leo. [....] Night of the 11th, .... [....] .... [....] 2? [....]
´Rev. 1´-3´
[Month IX, ....] The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 20´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise:15°. [....] .... —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 30´, TAB. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 40´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 10´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 10° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 40´. The 1st, solstice. The 6th, Sirius’ acronychal [rising ....] The 29th, Saturn’s first appearance in Capricorn. [....] —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 30´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 11° 30´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 30´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 7°. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 20´. The 4th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in .... [....] The 17th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the west in Pisces. [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] The 27th, [Mercury’s last appearance in the west in .... Night of the xth, first part of the night, Mars ....] above m Gemin[orum. ....] solar eclipse (after) 5 months [....] ——————————
Nos. 29 & 30
58 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´
ŠE 1 19,10 TAB GE6 9 USAN AN e [MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA ....] 14 3,10 ŠÚ ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 sin [.... GU4-UD ina NIM] 15 1,20 ME ina zibme IGI GE6 27 [....] 15 7,10 na 16 13,50 GE6 27 18,10 KUR —————————— BAR 30 9,30 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,3[3-KAM ....]
Upper edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,33-K[AM ....] Left edge 1 [meš-ḫi šá MU]-1,33-KAM IAn-ti-’u-uk-su LUGAL
No. 30 BM 41588 (= 81-6-25, 203) + 132284 (= 1958-4-12, 18) Copy: LBAT 1008 (41588) Photo: Pl. 14f. Year: SE 96
´Obv. 1´
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
KUR ⌈e MÚL TUR ½? KÙŠ?⌉ 29 dele-bat ina ⌈ŠÚ ina⌉ M[AŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ ....] —————————— [SIG 1 x],30 TAB 10 dele-bat ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 14 US[AN AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A nn mm] [13] ⌈x⌉,40 ŠÚ 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 20 GENNA [ina GU UŠ 29 šámaš GUB] [1]4 15,30 ME 14 2,40 na 15 2,40 GE6 26 16,30 [KUR] —————————— ŠU 30 13,10 GE6 1 USAN AN e GÌR ár šá A 2 SI [....] 14 5,50 ŠÚ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙ[Š GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] 15 2 ME SIG MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ 14 25 ME [ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 sin šá DIB] 15 7,10 na GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] [1]6 ⌈15?⌉ GE6 20 KAK-BAN IGI GE6 22 USAN AN SIG DELE šá [IGI ABSIN nn mm GE6 x] 27 17,40 KUR 1,7 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG [....] —————————— [x
Years SE 93 & 96
15´-20´ Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:)
19° 10´, TAB. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 10´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 10´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 13° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 10´. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Mars [...] above [g Geminorum ....] before sunset, lunar eclipse, [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east] in Pisces. Night of the 27th, [....] —————————— Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 9° 30´. Predictions of year 9[3, ....]
Upper edge 1 Predictions of year 93, [....] Left edge 1 [Predictions of year] 93, king Antiochus.
No. 30 ´Obv. 1´
[....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] [.... Mars] ½ cubit? above r Leonis. The 29th, Venus’ [last appearance] in the west in Ge[mini ....] —————————— [Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) x°] 30´, TAB. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: x° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 15° 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 40´. The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 16° 30´. The 10th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Gemini. Night of the 14th, first [part of the night, Mars .... below j Leonis.] The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 20th, Saturn [stationary in Aquarius. The 29th, solstice.] —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 10´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 50´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 2°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 10´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 15°?. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 40´. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars 2 fingers above b Virginis. [....] Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits below h Geminorum. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 1½ cubits below m Geminorum. The 14th, 25° before [sunset, lunar eclipse which will be omitted.] Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Venus 1⅔ cubits above g Geminorum [....] The 20th, Sirius’ first appearance. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars [....] below g [Virginis. Night of the xth,] 67° after sunset, solar eclipse which will be omitted. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, [....] ——————————
No. 30 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 5½ KÙŠ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG [dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár nn mm] 10 GENNA ana ME E-a GE6 15 USAN AN e SA4 šá A[BSIN nn mm x MÚL-BABBAR] ina A IGI GE6 18 USAN GU4-UD SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 ⌈x⌉ [.... GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 20 SI GE6 27 U[SAN GU4-UD] SIG SA4 šá ABSIN ½ KÙŠ
IZI 1 18,10 TAB
15 10,30 GE6 27 15 KUR —————————— 6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL ABSIN [ŠÚ] [KIN] 1 20,20 TAB GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SAG A 3 KÙŠ GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG L[UGAL nn mm] [x x],40 ME GE6 16 USAN AN SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 8 U (erasure) [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL TUR 1 U GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [SIG GIŠ.KUN A] [x x] GE6 4 KÙŠ (erasure) [x x na] 27 11,10 KUR —————————— [DU6 x x x x GU4]-UD ⌈ina NIM⌉ ina ABSIN IGI 2 ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ GE6 1+[x ....]
17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´
Lower edge 1 [....] (traces) [....] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[APIN x x x x x] ⌈x x x GE6 17⌉ ina Z[ÁLAG dele-bat e RÍN šá ULÙ] [12 x ŠÚ x] KÙŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI [nn mm] [13 x ME] [13 x] ⌈na⌉ ⌈14⌉ 7 GE6 27 17,20 KUR —————————— GAN 1 19,50 TAB GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 2 S[I GE6 x] 12 7 ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SI4 3½ KÙŠ 18 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ I[GI] 13 10 NINDA ME GE6 19 [ina ZÁLAG dele]-bat e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ 4 SI G[E6?] 13 6,50 na (erasure) 14 9,10 GE6 27 9,50 KUR ——————————
Year SE 96
12´-17´ Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:)
18° 10´, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 13° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 50´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 10° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus 5½ cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, [Venus .... below b Geminorum.] The 10th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above a Virginis. [The xth, Jupiter’s] first appearance in Leo. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mercury 1 .... below g Virginis. [.... Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 20 fingers above d Cancri. Night of the 27th, first [part of the night, Mercury] ½ cubit below a Virginis. —————————— 18´-22´ [Month VI,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 20´, TAB. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth, sunrise to moonset: ....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 10´. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below e Leonis. The 6th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in the end of Virgo. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below a Leonis. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Mars 8 fingers below a Librae [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus 1 finger below r Leonis. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits [below j Leonis.] —————————— 23´ [Month VII, ....] [The xth, Mer]cury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. The 2nd, equinox. Night of the 1+[xth, ....] Lower edge 1 [....] .... [....] Rev.´ 1-6
[Month VIII, .... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: .... The 13th, moonrise to sunset: .... The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: [....] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 7°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 20´. [....] .... Night of the 17th, last [part of the night, Venus ....] cubits [above a Librae.] Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus [....] below b Librae. —————————— Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 50´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 10´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 50´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 50´. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above b Scorpii. [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits above a Scorpii. The 18th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. Night of the 19th, [last part of the night, Ve]nus 1 cubit 4 fingers above j Ophiuchi. Ni[ght?] (erasure) ——————————
Nos. 30 & 31
AB 30 13,20
12 13
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
12,20 10,20
5 šámaš GUB 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 10 KAK-BAN ana ME [E-a] 13 58 ME NIM-a AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 21 GU4-UD [ina NIM] ina MÁŠ IGI GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 1⅔ KÙŠ 20+[x] ⌈1,29 GE6 GIN⌉ AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB
13 40 NINDA ⌈na⌉ 14 1,10 ⌈GE6⌉ 27 20,10 KUR —————————— ZÍZ 1 23,30 TAB GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG ⌈GU4-UD SIG⌉ SI ⌈MÁŠ 1? KÙŠ⌉ 12 GENNA ina GU ŠÚ 12 7,30 ŠÚ 16 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 16 dele-bat ina ⌈NIM⌉ ina GU ŠÚ 13 10,20 ME 13 4,50 na 14 ⌈x⌉,50 GE6 [x x],20 KUR —————————— [ŠE x x x] ⌈x⌉ ⌈3⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ 18 GENNA ina GU IGI GE6 [x USAN MÚL-BABBAR] [x x x SIG GIŠ.KUN A] 5 KÙŠ [x x x ....] (blank) [....]
Left edge 1 meš-ḫi šá M[U]-1,36-KAM IAn-ti-ʾu-[ku-su LUGAL]
No. 31 BM 47869 Photo: Pl. 14 Year: SE 96
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... ina M]AŠ-MAŠ IGI 20 GEN[NA ina x UŠ ....] [....] 29 šámaš GUB —————————— [ŠU ....] GE6 1 USAN AN e GÌR ár [šá A ....] [.... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GE6 7 [....] [.... dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 [....] [.... dele-bat SIG MÚL ár] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ 14 [....] [.... A]N-KU10 sin šá DIB 18 MÚL-[BABBAR ina x ŠÚ ....] [.... ina ZÁL]AG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2+[x KÙŠ ....] [.... AN SIG DELE] šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ GE6 [....]
Year SE 96 13-18
Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 40´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20° 10´. The 5th, solstice. The 8th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 10th, Sirius’ acronychal [rising.] The 13th, 58° after sunrise, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance [in the east] in Capricorn. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Venus 1⅔ cubits below b Capricorni. The 20+[xth,] 89° after sunset, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 23° 30´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 30´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 50´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: x° 50´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Mercury 1? cubit below b Capricorni. The 12th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aquarius. The 16th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 16th, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Aquarius. —————————— [Month XII, ....] .... The 3rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 18th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. Night [of the xth, first part of the night, Jupiter] 5 cubits [below j Leonis. ....]
Left edge 1 Predictions of year 96, [king] Antiochus.
No. 31 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] [....] first appearance in Gemini. The 20th, Satu[rn stationary in ....] [....] The 29th, solstice. —————————— [Month IV, ....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars [....] above b Virginis. [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in the end of Gemini. Night of the 7th, [....] [.... Venus] 1½ cubits [below h] Geminorum. Night [....] [.... Venus] 1½ cubits [below m] Geminorum. The 14th, [....] [....] lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 18th, Jupi[ter’s last appearance in ....] [.... last part of the] night, Venus 2+[x cubits] above g Geminorum. [....] [.... Mars] 1 cubit [below] g Virginis. Night [....]
Date A solstice on the 29th can only belong in month III. The year is therefore SE 1 + 19n. SE 96 can be identified from the position of Mars on IV 1 and a lunar eclipse possibility in the middle of this month.
No. 32
No. 32 CULC 371 (Columbia University) Copy: A. Goetze, JCS 1 (1947) 349 Photo: http://cdli.ucla.edu/search/archival_view.php?ObjectID=P416279 Listed as LBAT **1007 Year: SE 96
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[BAR x GE6 x dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá] ⌈ULÙ 2⌉ KÙŠ 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG M[ÚLMÚL IGI GE6 x USAN] [dele-bat e MÚL] IGI šá š[e-pí]t [MAŠ]-MAŠ 2? KÙŠ GE6 13 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár š[á še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ nn mm] 14 na GE6 16 USAN dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 K[ÙŠ GE6 x]+1 USAN GU4-UD e [is le10 nn KÙŠ] ⌈GE6⌉ 21 USAN AN SIG SAG A 3 KÙŠ GE6 24 USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 1+[x KÙŠ] GE6 26 USAN GU4-UD e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1⅔ KÙŠ 26 KUR —————————— GU4 30 GE6 11 USAN AN e LUGAL 14 SI 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 15 múl KAK-B[AN ŠÚ] GE6 21 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG SAG A 3½ KÙŠ GE6 25 USAN AN e MÚL TUR šá 4 [KÙŠ ár LUGAL nn mm] 27 KUR 29 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ —————————— ⌈SIG⌉ 1 10 dele-bat ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 14 USAN AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [x GU4-UD] [ina N]IM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 20 GENNA ina GU UŠ 26 KUR 29 šámaš GUB [....] —————————— [ŠU x G]E6 1 USAN AN e GÌR ár šá A 1 SI 7 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [x ŠÚ GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG] [MÚL IGI š]á še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá š[e-pít MAŠ-MAŠ nn mm ....] [....] 15 na GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] [.... GE6 2]2 ⌈USAN AN⌉ [SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN ....]
Year SE 96
No. 32 Obv.´ 1 2 3
4 5
7 8
11 12 13 14
[Month I, .... Night of the xth, Venus] 2 cubits [above f] Tauri. The 7th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in the beginning of T[aurus. Night of the xth, first part of the night,] [Venus] 2? cubits [above] h Geminorum. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above m [Geminorum.] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits above g Geminorum. [Night of the x]+1st, first part of the night, Mercury [nn cubits] above [a Tauri.] Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Mercury 1+[x cubits] below b Tauri. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Mercury 1⅔ cubits above f Tauri. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Mars 14 fingers above a Leonis. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 15th, Sirius’ [last appearance.] Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Jupiter 3½ cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above r Leo[nis.] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Gemini. —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 10th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Gemini. Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below j Leonis. [The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in] the east in Gemini. The 20th, Saturn stationary in Aquarius. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, solstice. [....] —————————— [Month IV, .... Ni]ght of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars 1 finger above b Virginis. The 7th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in [.... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 1½ cubits [below h] Geminorum. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below m [Geminorum ....] [....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Venus [....] [.... Night of the 2]2nd, first part of the night, Mars [.... below g Virginis ....]
Date A solstice on III 29 restricts the possible years to SE 1 + 19n. The actual year can then easily be found from the numerous planetary data.
No. 33
No. 33 CBS 737 Photo: Pl. 15f. Year: SE 97
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x ŠÚ 14 AN? [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ x ⌈GE6 23?⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [SIG x ....] ⌈GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG šur GIGIR šá⌉ SI 2 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈GE6? 15? 5? UŠ⌉ GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 si[n ⌈x x x x ád? ŠÚ?⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 10+[x] na? GE6 16 ⌈USAN dele-bat e [MÚL TUR] ⌈šá⌉ 4 KÙŠ [ár] ⌈LUGAL ⅔?⌉ [KÙŠ] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈GE6 18⌉ [U]SAN dele-bat ⌈SIG GIŠ.KUN⌉ A ⌈5?⌉ [KÙŠ] ⌈GE6⌉ 27 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ AN e [....] [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG AN e⌉ MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ —————————— ⌈ŠU⌉ 1 1 ⌈KAK-BAN IGI GE6 x⌉ USAN dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 2 SI [GE6] ⌈5 ina ZÁLAG AN⌉ e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIP[A] ⌈2+x⌉ [KÙŠ GE6 x] [US]AN dele-bat SIG DELE ⌈šá IGI ABSIN 14⌉ SI 15 na ⌈GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG⌉ AN SIG ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ IGI 4 KÙŠ 25 ⌈MÚL?⌉-B[ABBAR? ....] [2]7? KUR ⌈GE6 29⌉ [USA]N dele-bat e SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ —————————— [IZI x .... AN] ⌈SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár⌉ [nn] ⌈KÙŠ 4⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ 6 ⌈GENNA?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈SIG RÍN šá⌉ S[I ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x x] GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e? [....] —————————— [ŠE 3]0 1 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈ḪUN⌉ [IGI ....] [2]7? KUR 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ —————————— BAR 30 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,37-KAM IAn-ti-ʾu-uk-[su LUGAL]
Comments 1: a last visibility in the west of Mercury was to occur around the 7th of month I, but the traces do not support this. - Mars had a first appearance in the second half of month I, so this may be restored here. 6: the dates for the passings of Venus by Normal Stars in lines 6 and 7 are a few days off. Line 11 agrees with calculation. 10: If the reading Jupiter at the end of the line is correct, it could refer to a last visibility, according to calculation in the beginning of month V. 12: An acronychal rising of Saturn can be calculated for V 5.
Year SE 97
No. 33
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14
[....] [....] ..... last appearance .... The 14th, Mars? [....] [....] .... [....] .... Night of the 23rd?, [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [Month III, ....] Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below β Tauri. [....] [....] Night of the 15th?, 5?° before sunrise, lunar eclipse [....] ..... it will set eclipsed?. [....] .... [....] The 10+[xth,] first sunrise before moonset. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔? [cubit] above ρ Leonis. .... [....] Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus 5? [cubits] below j Leonis. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above [....] [....] last part of the night, Mars ½ cubit above μ Geminorum. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 1st, Sirius’ first appearance. Night ot the xth, first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above β Virginis. [Night] of the 5th, last part of the night, Mars 2+x [cubits] above γ Geminorum. [Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus 14 fingers below γ Virginis. The 15th, first sunrise before moonset. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below α Geminorum. The 25th, Jup[iter? ....] [The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above α Virginis. —————————— [Month V, .... Mars nn] cubits below β Geminorum. The 4th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. The 6th, Saturn’s [....] [....] below β Lib[rae ....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus was [....] above [....] —————————— [Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 1st, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 1st, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Aries [....] [The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. —————————— Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of year 97, [king] Antiochus.
No. 34
No. 34 CBS 499 Photo: Pl. 16 Year: SE 99
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... GU4-UD] ⌈ina ŠÚ ina ALLA? IGI?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x NIM?-a⌉ AN-KU10 sin š[á DIB ….] [.... dele-bat x MÚL TUR šá] 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ⌈8? SI?⌉ GE6 27? x ⌈x x⌉ x ⌈x⌉ [.... 2]7? KUR? [ŠU ....] ⌈GE6 6⌉ U[SAN] GU4-UD ⌈SIG? LUGAL⌉ [nn mm] GE6 7 USAN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN [A nn mm 1]5? [n]a [.... USA]N MÚL-BABB[AR] ⌈e⌉ RÍN šá [UL]Ù 6 ⌈SI 23⌉ múlKAK-BAN IGI 25 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ 20+[x ....] —————————— [IZ]I 30 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈SIG⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ ár ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ 3? GENNA ina zibme UŠ 7 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ 15 [....] 10+⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina A IGI 23 dele-bat ⌈ina NIM ina ALLA IGI GE6 25?⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN e ⌈MÚL ár⌉ [šá ALLA šá U]LÙ [nn mm] —————————— KIN 1 GE6 1 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG RÍN šá SI ⅔? KÙŠ 11 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x ŠÚ .... dele-bat] [SIG SA]G A 4 KÙŠ 15 na 23 GENNA ana ME E-a ⌈27⌉ KUR G[E6 ....] —————————— [DU6 3]0 GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 KÙŠ 5 L[ÁL-tì] GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] [GE6] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GÌR ár šá⌉ [A nn mm] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [GA]N 1 1 GU4-UD ina ⌈NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI GE6 x USAN?⌉ [.... GENNA] ⌈ina zibme⌉ UŠ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 2 KÙŠ 15 na G[E6 ....] [x x] ⌈GE6 19⌉ ina ZÁLAG ⌈dele-bat e?⌉ MÚL e šá SAG ⌈múlGÍR-TAB⌉ 8 SI ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ⌈e MÚL KUR šá⌉ [KIR4 šil PA ....] [.... ina ZÁ]LAG dele-bat e SI4 2½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 27 KUR —————————— [AB .... dele-bat e] ⌈MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ⌉ 8 SI 8 šámaš GUB 13 múlKAK-BAN ana ⌈ME E-a⌉ [....] [.... GU4-UD ina NIM] ⌈ina MÁŠ ŠÚ GE6⌉ 26 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL KUR šá ⌈KIR4⌉ šil PA 14? S[I] [....] ⌈½ KÙŠ⌉ —————————— [ZÍZ .... dele-bat] ⌈SIG SI MÁŠ⌉ 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 14 na [....] ⌈šá SUḪUR MÁŠ⌉ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI [....] ina ZÁLAG AN e SA4 šá ABSIN [....] ⌈x x⌉ 1½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Date A first visibility of Sirius on [IV] 23 and a (winter) solstice on [X] 8 both identify the year as SE 4 + 19n. The year 99 can then be found from Jupiter passing b Librae on VI 1 (obv. 8´), an acronychal rising of Saturn on VI 23 (obv. 9´), and a last visibility of Venus on V 7 (obv. 6´).
Year SE 99
No. 34 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Cancer. [....] [....] .... after sunrise?, lunar eclipse wh[ich will be omitted ....] ? ? [....Venus] 8 fingers [.... ρ] Leonis. Night of the 27th, .... [.... The 2]7th , last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month IV, ....] Night of the 6th, first [part of the night,] Mercury [....] below α Leonis. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below ϑ Leonis. [The 1]5th?, first sunrise before moonset. [.... first] part of the night, Jupiter 6 fingers above α Librae. The 23rd, Sirius’ first appearance. The 25th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. The 20+[xth, ....] —————————— [Mon]th V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Mars .... cubits below β Geminorum. The 3rd?, Saturn stationary in Pisces. The 7th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Leo. The 15th, [....] The 10+xth, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. The 23rd, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Cancer. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above δ Cancri. —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Jupiter ⅔? cubit below β Librae. The 11th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in .... Venus] 4 cubits [below ε] Leonis. The 15th, first sunrise before moonset. The 23rd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Ni[ght ....] —————————— [Month VII,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below ϑ Leonis. The 5th, e[quinox.] Night of the xth, [....] [Night] of the xth, last part of the night, Venus [....] below β Virginis. [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] .... [....] [Month] IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius. Night of the xth, first? part of the night, [.... Saturn] stationary in Pisces. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below β Librae. The 15th, first sunrise before moonset. Ni[ght ....] [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Venus 8 fingers above β Scorpii; last part of the night, Mercury [....] above j Ophi[uchi. ....] [.... last part] of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above α Scorpii. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month X, .... Venus] 1 cubit 8 fingers [above] j Ophiuchi. The 8th, solstice. The 13th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east] in Capricorn. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Jupiter 14? fingers above j Ophiuchi. [....] ½ cubit [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... Venus] 2 cubits below β Capricorni. The 14th, first sunrise before moonset. [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [.... γ/δ] Capricorni. [....] last part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits above α Virginis. [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Nos. 35 & 36
No. 35 BM 42022 (= 81-6-25, 644) Copy: LBAT 1109 Photo: Pl. 17 Year: SE 100
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] SI GE6 20 USAN ⌈AN?⌉ [....] [....]+10 na 28 8,10 —————————— [KIN .... U]SAN MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 20 S[I ....] [.... US]AN AN e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1 K[ÙŠ? ....] [.... GENNA] SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 3 [KÙŠ ....] [.... GE6 1]6 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL e [šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] [.... GE6 x]+1 USA[N ....]
No. 36 BM 132281 (= 1958-4-12, 15) Photo: Pl. 17 Formerly in the Chappelow Collection. Year: SE 100
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ GE6 [....] [x x]+10 ME GE6 11 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....] [x x] na 16 LÁL-tì GE6 [....] [x x] GE6 20 GENNA ana ME E-a GE6 [....] [x x KU]R 25 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA I[GI DIB ....] —————————— [DU6 x ....] GE6 3 USAN dele-bat e M[ÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA nn mm ....] [x x x x]+1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú D[IB ....] [x x x x AN]-KU10 sin 1 SI ana TIL-tì T[AG4 ....] [x x x ....] DIB? GE6 29 ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Year SE 100
No. 35 Flake 1´-3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 10´. The 28th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 8° 10´. [....] .... [....] fingers [....] Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mars? [....] —————————— [Month VI, .... first] part of the night, Jupiter 20 fingers above j Ophiuchi. [....] [.... first] part of the night, Mars 1 cub[it ....] above j Ophiuchi. [....] [.... Saturn] 3 [cubits] below b Arietis. [....] [.... Night of the 1]6th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below β [Scorpii ....] [.... Night of the x]+1st, first part of the night, [....]
Date Jupiter and Mars, both being evening star, pass j Ophiuchi within the same month shortly after each other. This occurs only in SE 100 VI. The planet below β Arietis is found to be Saturn, and Venus passes β Scorpii around the 16th of this month, which confirms the date.
No. 36 Flake 1´-6´
[Month VI, .... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 10´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth, moonrise] to sunrise: [....] [....] Night [....] Night of the 11th, last part of the night, [....] The 16th, equinox. Night [....] The 20th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. Night [....] The 25th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west, .... [will be omitted. ....] —————————— [Month VII, ....] Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus [....] above [j Ophiuchi .... The x]+1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the west, .... will be omitted. [....] lunar eclipse, it will leave 1 finger to totality [....] omitted?. Night of the 29th, .... [....]
Date The equinox on the 16th (line 4’) must be the autumn equinox because another month follows (vernal equinox on the 16th occurs in month XII). It is set at VI 16; the year must then be SE 5 + 19n. An acronychal rising of Saturn (line 5’) and a large lunar eclipse (line 9’) decide for SE 100.
No. 37
No. 37 BCM A.1846-1982 + BM 41838 (= 81-6-25, 457) Copy: LBAT 1104 (BM 41838); Photo: Pl. 17f.; W. Horowitz, Lambert AV, 311 Bibliography: W. Horowitz, Lambert AV, 310f. Year: SE 100-101
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15’ 16’ 17´
[x] ⌈3?,x na⌉ [....] [x] 3,40 ⌈GE6⌉ [x] 21,20 —————————— [APIN] ⌈1⌉ 11,20 GE6 5 ⌈USAN x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 6 MÚL-[BABBAR ina PA ŠÚ] [x x]+1,50 ŠÚ GE6 ⌈6⌉+[x US]AN ⌈dele-bat⌉ S[IG SI MÁ]Š? 2½ KÙŠ GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG [GU4-UD] [x x]+2,40 ME e M[ÚL x šá SAG GÍR-TAB nn mm] GE6 23 USAN dele-bat e [x] 2?,40 na MÚL IGI [šá SUḪUR MÁŠ nn mm GE6 x] USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár ? [x] ⌈6⌉,20 GE6 ⌈šá SUḪUR?⌉ [MÁŠ nn mm GE6 x USA]N AN e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR [x x]+14,50 MÁŠ? [nn mm x GENNA ina x U]Š? GE6 20+⌈x⌉ USAN AN e MÚL á[r] šá? [SUḪUR MÁŠ nn mm] (blank) —————————— [GAN] ⌈1⌉ 16,30 TAB 6? [....] ⌈x x⌉ [GU4-U]D ina NIM ina PA ŠÚ 19 šámaš GUB [....] [13] 9,50 ŠÚ 24 ⌈múl⌉[KAK-BAN ana ME E-a ....] ⌈x⌉ [14] 12,30 ME [14] ⌈8?⌉,10 na ⌈15⌉ 10+[x] [GE6] ⌈27 9?⌉ [....] —————————— [AB 3]0? 10,40? ⌈x x⌉ [x] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [G]U IGI? x⌉ 27 [....] [.... GU4]-UD ⌈SIG MÚL⌉ K[UR šá] ⌈DUR? nu⌉-[nu?] 1? K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... GE6] ⌈28⌉ 30 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] [....] 14 2,10 GE6 26 ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— [BAR x x] ⌈x⌉ 10 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ UŠ 13 20 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 sin TIL-tì GAR ád E-a G[E6 x] [x x x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 29 [GENNA] ina ḪUN I[GI] [x x x] 14 5 na 15 15 GE6 27 12,20 —————————— [GU4 x x]+10 TAB GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 5? KÙŠ GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár [13 x],50 ME šá SAG ḪUN 5½ KÙŠ 10 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 15 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ ⌈x x⌉ [13 x] ŠÚ GE6 19 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ [14 x]+20 GE6 14 7,40 na 27 12,30 [KU]R ——————————
Year SE 100-101
No. 37 ´Obv.´ [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 3°? x´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 3° 40´. [The xth,] (moonrise to sunrise:) 21° 20´. —————————— 4´-10´ [Month VIII,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° 20´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+1° 50´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+2° 40´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 2°? 40´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 6° 20´?. [The xth, moonrise to sunrise: x]+14° 50´. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, .... [....] .... The 6th, Jup[iter’s last appearance in Sagittarius.] Night of the 6+xth, first part of the night, Venus] 2½ cubits [below b Capricor]ni?. Night of the 10th, last part of the night, [Mercury ....] above d/b Scorpii.] Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus [....] above g [Capricorni. Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus [....] above d Capri[corni. Night of the xth, first part of the] night, Mars [....] above g Capri[corni. The xth, Saturn station]ary? [in ....] Night of the 20+xth, first part of the night, Mars [....] above d [Capricorni.] —————————— 11´-14´ [Month IX,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month);(sunset to moonset:) 16° 30’, TAB. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 9° 50´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: 12° 30´. [The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: 8°? 10´. The 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 10+[x]°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9°? [....] The 6th?, [....] .... [Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 19th, solstice. [....] The 24th, S[irius’ acronychal rising ....] .... —————————— 15´-17´ [Month X,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 40´? .... [....] .... [The xth,] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in [Aqua]rius. .... The 27th, [.... Mer]cury 1? cu[bit] below h Piscium? [....]
´Rev.´ 1´-3´
[....] .... [....] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 10´. The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise: ....] [.... Night] of the 28th, 30° before sunrise, [solar] eclipse [....] —————————— [Month I, ....] .... [....] The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 15°. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 12° 20´. The 10th, Jupiter stationary in Capricorn. The 13th, 20° before sunset, [lunar] eclipse; it will make totality; it will rise eclipsed. Ni[ght of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Gemini. The 29th, [Saturn’s first appeara]nce in Aries. —————————— [Month II, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+10, TAB. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 50´. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 40´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 12° 30´. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus 5? cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus 5½ cubits below a Arietis. The 10th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits below a Geminorum .... Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mercury 3 cubits below b Geminorum. ——————————
Nos. 37 & 38 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 3½ KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ 13 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a ⌈GE6 x ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-[ba]t e is le10 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 24 šámaš GUB GE6 25+[x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR] šá SI 3 KÙŠ GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG ⌈dele-bat⌉ S[IG? ....] 14 5 na [....]
[SIG x] 15,20
[14 x]+1 GE6 —————————— [ŠU 1 x]+1,⌈50?⌉ TAB 1 AN ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG M]ÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [nn mm] ? [x x] ⌈ŠÚ ⌉ 8 GU4-UD ina NI[M ina ALLA IGI GE6 x ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá [še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ nn mm] [x x] ⌈ME⌉ ⌈GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat?⌉ [e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA nn] KÙŠ 15 múlKAK-BAN I[GI ....] [x x na ....] dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3+[x KÙŠ ....]
15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
Date The solstice and Sirius dates (obv. 11´, rev. 8´, 13´, 15´) show that two years are involved, and that they are SE 5/6 + 19n. The planetary data then identify the years as SE 100 and 101.
No. 38 BM 32522 (= 76-11-17, 2264) (+) Rm 755 Listed as LBAT *1009 (Rm 755) and *1009a (32522) Photo: Pl. 18 Year: SE 101
Obv.´ 1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8 9
[BAR x x MÚL]-BABBAR ina MÁŠ ⌈UŠ?⌉ 13 [....] ⌈x GAR?⌉ 14 na [.... dele-bat] [SIG MÚL KU]R ⌈šá⌉ DUR [nu-nu .... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina] MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 29 GENNA ina [ḪUN IGI] —————————— [GU4 x] GE6 1 ina ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ [.... dele-b]at SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5½ KÙŠ [....] [1]4 na GE6 15 USAN GU4-UD SIG [MAŠ-MAŠ IGI nn mm GE6] 19 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ 27 K[UR ....] —————————— SIG 30 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 2+[x KÙŠ x GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ 13 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 14 na GE6 16? ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e is [le10 x] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 4 SI? 24 šámaš ⌈GUB⌉ [GE6 x ina ZÁL]AG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 3 KÙŠ 28 KUR GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG [šur] GIGIR šá ULÙ [nn mm] —————————— [ŠU x x A]N ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ IGI G[E6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL] IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 10 SI 8 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA IGI GE6 9 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-bat [SIG MÚL ár šá še-p]ít ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ 10 S[I GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3 KÙŠ 13 na 15 múlKAK-BAN IGI GE6 ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [SIG MAŠ-MAŠ] ár 3 KÙŠ 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ
Year SE 100-101
11´-14´ [Month III, ....; ] (sunset to moonset:) 15° 20´. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: 11° 10´. [The
13th,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: ... The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5°. [....] Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below h Tauri. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer. The 13th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 4 fingers above a Tauri. The 24th, solstice. Night of the 25+[xth, last part of the night, Venus] 3 cubits [below b] Tauri. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus [....] be[low? ....] —————————— 15´-18´ [Month IV, ....; [sunset to moonset:) x°]+50´; TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] .... [....] The 1st, Mars’ first appearance in the end of Gemini. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus .... below] h Geminorum. The 8th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in Cancer. Night of the xth, last] part of the night, Venus [....] below m Geminorum. Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus? [nn] cubits [above g Geminorum. The 15th, Sirius’ first [appearance. ....] Venus 3+[x cubits] below b Geminorum. [....]
No. 38 Obv.´ 1 2
3 4
[Month I, .... The xth, Ju]piter stationary in Capricorn. The 13th, [.... lunar eclipse, ....] it will make? .... The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Venus] [.... below h] Piscium. [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in] Gemini. The 29th, Saturn’s [first appearance] in [Aries.] —————————— [Month II, ....] Night of the 1st, last part of the night, [.... Ven]us 5½ cubits below a Arietis. [....] [The 1]4th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mercury [....] below [a Geminorum. Night] of the 19th, first part of the night, Mercury 3 cubits below b Geminorum. The 27th, last [visibility of the moon before sunrise ....] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus 2+[x cubits] below h Tauri. [The xth, Merc]ury`s last appearance in the west in Cancer. The 13th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 16th?, last part of the night, Venus [x] cubits 4 fingers above a Tauri. The 24th, solstice. [Night of the xth, last part of] the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Tauri. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below f Tauri. —————————— [Month IV, .... The xth,] Mars’ first appearance in the end of Gemini. Ni[ght of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 10 fingers [below] h Geminorum. The 8th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus 10 fin[gers below m Ge]minorum. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 3 cubits above g Geminorum. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Sirius’ first appearance. Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits [below] b [Geminorum.] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer.
10 11
Nos. 38 & 39 —————————— [IZI ....] dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 14 na GE6 ⌈18?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6 26+x ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-bat e LUGAL 1 SI [....]
´Rev. 1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’
[....] x ⌈e⌉ MÚL x [....] [.... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina ALLA IGI ⌈26?⌉ [....] —————————— [ŠE .... M]ÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 10 SI GE6? 11? ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [.... A]N ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 15 na 19 GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ 28? KUR ⌈2⌉9 1½ ⌈DANNA ME ana ŠÚ⌉ [šámaš AN-KU10 d]⌈UTU?⌉ ana PAP —————————— ⌈BAR⌉ 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,41-KA[M .... LUGA]L ⌈x x⌉
No. 39 BM 34080 (= Sp 178) Copy: LBAT 1010 Photo: Pl. 19 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I 88ff. Year: SE 104
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x x 27 x x⌉ [....] [KIN x .... dele]-bat SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ 5 ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 8 U GE6 17 USAN AN SIG MÚL IGI šá S[UḪUR MÁŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ LUGAL 8 SI GE6 21 US[AN ....] [.... GE6] 27 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 KÙŠ 28 GE[NNA ina x UŠ] [.... x]+12 KUR [DU6 x .... GU4-UD ina N]IM ina ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e GÌR ár šá ⌈A⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 17 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ G[E6 ....] [.... dele-bat e S]A4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ
Lower edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,44-KAM IAn-ti-ʾu-[ku-su LUGAL] Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[APIN x .... GE6] 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e RÍN šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 10 USAN MÚL-BABBAR ⌈SIG?⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 3 KÙŠ GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [e] [....] MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 2 SI [....] —————————— [GAN x .... GU4]-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 3 GENNA ana ME E-a 7 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN UŠ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG [dele-bat] [....] ⌈e?⌉ SI4 3 KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD ina TIL PA ŠÚ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL K[UR] [.... šá KI]R4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 22 GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA IGI [....] [.... x],50 KUR
Years SE 101 & 104 10 11
—————————— [Month V, ....] Venus 1 cubit above d Cancri. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 18th?, [....] [....] Night of the 26+xth, last part of the night, Venus 1 finger above a Leonis. [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... above .... [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Cancer. The 26th?, [....] —————————— [Month XII, ....] 10 fingers [....] g Capricorni. Night of the 11th?, [....] .... [....] Mars stationary in Scorpius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. The 28th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, 1½ bēru before sunset, solar [eclipse] to be watched for. —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of year 101, ki[ng ....] ....
No. 39 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... 27 .... [....] [Month VI, .... Ve]nus 4 cubits below e Leonis. The 5th, .... [....] [....] 8 fingers .... Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below g Capri[corni ....] [....] 8 fingers .... r Leonis. Night of the 21st, first part [of the night, ....] [.... Night] of the 27th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below j Leonis. The 28th, Sat[urn stationary in ....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+12°. [Month VII, .... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in Virgo. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above b Virginis. [....] [....Ni]ght of the 17th, last part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit below g Virginis. Ni[ght ....] [.... Venus] 1½ cubits [above] a Virginis.
Lower edge 1 Predictions of year 104, [king] Antiochus. Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
[Month VIII, .... Night] of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit above a Librae. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Jupiter [....] below? [....] [.... Night] of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Librae. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers [above] b Scorpii. [....] —————————— [Month IX, .... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 3rd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 7th, Jupiter stationary in Aries. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, [Venus] [....] 3 cubits above a Scorpii. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the end of Sagittarius. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 4 fingers above j Ophiuchi. The 22nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. [....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 50´.
Nos. 39 & 40
9 10 11 12
—————————— [AB x .... GE6] 4 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ ⌈8?⌉ [KAK-BAN?] [ana ME E?]-a GE6 19 USAN AN SIG MÚL KUR šá ⌈DUR⌉ [nu-nu nn mm ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 48 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 šá[maš ....] [.... GENNA ina x] UŠ
No. 40 BM 41545 (= 81-6-25,154+459) BM 132283 (= 1958-4-12,17) Copy: LBAT 1012 (41545) Photo: Pl. 19f. Year: SE 105 Both pieces are part of the same tablet.
Upper edge 4 [ina a-m]at dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[BAR] 30 20,50 GE6 5 USAN AN ⌈e⌉ [....] 15 3,10 ME SIG MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-[MAŠ nn mm ....] 15 50 NINDA ŠÚ 3 KÙŠ 18 GU4-UD [ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB ....] ⌈16⌉ 12,30 GE6 24 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-[MÚL IGI ....] 16 6,50 na 27 17,40 KUR —————————— ⌈GU4⌉ 30 15 GE6 1 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-[MAŠ IGI .... GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA] 15 8,40 ME ŠÚ-šú DIB GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG MÚ[L-BABBAR ....] ⌈15⌉ 4?,50 ŠÚ GE6 9 USAN AN SIG [....] [16 x]+5 GE6 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina AL[LA IGI ....] [16 x]+4 na [x x]+10 KUR —————————— [SIG x x] GE6 4 USAN dele-bat [....] [x x x SIG] SAG A 4 K[ÙŠ ....] [x x x x x] dele-bat e L[UGAL ....] [x x x ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] (break of probably one line)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
10+[x x KUR] —————————— ŠU 1 15+[x],30 [....] 13 12,20 ŠÚ [....] 14 6,50? ME [....] 14 3,40 na AN-K[U10? ....] 15 7,20 GE6 27 13,50 ——————————
Years SE 104 & 105 9 10 11 12
—————————— [Month X, .... Night] of the 4th, first part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below a Arietis. The 8th, [Sirius’?] [acronychal ris]ing?. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below h Piscium. [....] [....] .... 48° before sunrise, solar eclipse [....] [.... Saturn] stationary [in ....].
No. 40 Upper edge 4 [At the co]mmand of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1-6
[Month I,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 50´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 10´. The 15th, moonset to sunrise: 50´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 12° 30´. The 16th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 40´. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above [....] below m Geminorum. [....] 3 cubits [....] The 18th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east ...., will be omitted. ....] The 24th, Jupiter’s [first appearance] in Tau[rus.] —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15°. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 40´. The 15th, moonset to sunrise: 4°? 50´. [The 16th,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+5°. [The 16th,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+4°. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x° x]+10´. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars [....] below [a] Geminorum [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east ....] will be omitted. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Jup[iter ....] Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below [....] The 26th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Can[cer.] —————————— [Month III, ....] The 10+[xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....] Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Venus [....] 4 cubits [below] e Leonis. [....] Venus [....] above a [Leonis ....] .... [....] —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15+[x°] 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50´?. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 20´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 13° 50´. [....] eclip[se? ....] ——————————
80 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
No. 40 IZI 1 16 TAB 1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A I[GI ....] 13 1 ŠÚ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 18 USAN [....] 14 1,30 ME 20 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL MÚL-MÚL [UŠ ....] 14 15,40 na 27 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN [ŠÚ ....] 15 8,20 GE6 šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1 SI 26 24,20 27 17?,50 ——————————
Lower edge 1 [....]-KAM IAn u IAn A-šú LUGALmeš Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6
KIN [....] 12 [....] 13 [....] 13 [....] 14 [....] 20+[x ....] (break)
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [GAN x x [GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈e⌉ [.... 19 KAK-BAN] [x x x ana] ME E-a 22+[x ....] [x x x] 24 dele-bat ina NIM [ina x IGI ....] [x x n]a 20 GE6 GIN AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] [x x],20 KUR —————————— [AB x 2]3,20 TAB 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [x ŠÚ ....] [12 x],50 ŠÚ 2 SI GAR-an 29 [....] 1[3] ⌈5?⌉ ME 13 [x]+1,50 na 14 8,40 GE6 27 13,40 —————————— ZÍZ 30 19,10 TAB 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zi[bme IGI ....] 13 6 ŠÚ 2½ KÙŠ GE6 20 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] 14 30 NINDA ME GE6 27 USAN [....] 14 5,40 na GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG AN [....] 15 13,40 GE6 27 17,20 —————————— ŠE 30 14,40 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪU[N ŠÚ ....] 14 11,30 ME 2 KÙŠ 8 SI GE6 [....] 14 3,50 ŠÚ 17 LÁL-tì GE6 20+[x ....]
Upper edge 1 15 2 15 3 28
3,20 5 10,40
GE6 na
GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG AN [....]
Left edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,4⌈5⌉-[KAM ....]
BAR 1 26?,30 TAB [....]
Year SE 105 25-31
Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16°, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 15° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 20´. The 26th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 24° 20´. (Or) The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 17°? 50´. The 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. [....] ⅔ cubit [....] Night of the 18th, first part of the night, [....] The 20th, Jupiter [stationary] in the end of Taurus. [....] The 27th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in Virgo. [....] 1 finger [.... d/b ] Scorpii. ——————————
Lower edge 1 [Year ....,] kings Antiochus and his son Antiochus. Rev. 1-6
Month VI, [....] The 12th, [moonset to sunrise: ....] The 13th, [moonrise to sunset: ....] The 13th, [sunrise to moonset: ....] The 14th, [sunset to moonrise: ....] The 20+[xth, (moonrise to sunrise:) ....] (break)
[....] .... [....] —————————— 2´-6´ [Month IX, .... sunrise to] moonset: [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Mars [....] above [.... The 19th, Sirius’] acronychal rising. The 22+[xth, ....] The 24th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the east [in ....] 20° after sunset, [solar] eclipse [....] —————————— 7´-12´ [Month X, ....; (sunset to moonset:) 2]3° 20´, TAB. [The 12th,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 50´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 5°?. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: [x]+1° 50´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 40´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 13° 40´. The 5th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in [.... lunar eclipse,] it will make 2 fingers. The 29th, [....] —————————— 13´-18´ Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 10´, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 13° 40´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 17° 20´. The 4th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Pisces. [....] 2½ cubits [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, [....] Night of the 27th, first part of the night, [....] Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Mars [....] —————————— 1´
19´-21´; Upper edge 1-3
Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 11° 30´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 50´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 5°. The 28th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 10° 40´. The 3rd, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Aries [....] 2 cubits 8 fingers [....] Night [....] The 17th, equinox. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Mars [....] Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 26°? 30´, TAB. Left edge 1 Predictions of year 105, [....]
No. 41
No. 41 BM 40625 (= 81-4-28,170) Listed as LBAT *1011 Photo: Pl. 20f. Year: SE 105
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
⌈BAR⌉ 30 GE6 5 USAN AN e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 20 SI GE6 9 USAN AN e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 20 SI GE6 18 USAN AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3 KÙŠ 18 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB 24 KAK-BAN ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 27 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL IGI 27 KUR —————————— GU4 30 [G]E6 1 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3½ KÙŠ 1 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB [....] e is le10 2 KÙŠ 3 GENNA ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GE6 9 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2+[x KÙŠ] 23 AN ina ALLA ŠÚ 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI 28 KUR —————————— SIG 1 GE6 4 USAN dele-bat SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ G[E6] ⌈6 USAN⌉ GU4-UD SIG SAG A [nn mm] 8 šámaš GUB GE6 11 USAN dele-bat e LUGAL 5/6? KÙŠ 14? na GE6 14 USAN dele-bat e [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG GENNA e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 26 USAN dele-bat SI[G ....] 27 KUR GE6 29 49 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš BAR DIB 29 KAK-BAN IGI —————————— ŠU 1 GE6 3 USAN dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 2 SI GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG šur GIG[IR šá SI nn mm] 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ GE6 13 USAN dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 14 SI GE6 1[4? ....] AN-KU10 sin TIL-tì GAR-an ⌈x x⌉ GE6 26 USAN dele-bat e S[A4 šá ABSIN nn mm] —————————— IZI 1 1 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x I]GI GE6 14 USAN dele-bat SIG R[ÍN šá ULÙ nn mm] [GE6] 17 USAN dele-bat SIG [RÍN šá SI x]+½ KÙŠ ⌈20⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚ[L-MÚL UŠ ....] [x GU4-U]D ⌈ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ⌉ 27 KUR GE6 [x USA]N [....] —————————— [KIN x GE6 x US]AN dele-bat e SI4 1 KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Year SE 105
No. 41 Obv.´ 1
2 3
5 6
9 10
12 13
15 16
17 18
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Mars 20 fingers above h Geminorum. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Mars 20 fingers above m Geminorum. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits above g Geminorum. The 18th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. The 24th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 27th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Taurus. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars 3½ cubits below a Geminorum. The 1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east .... will be omitted. [....] 2 cubits above a Tauri. The 3rd, Saturn’s last appearance in Gemini. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Mars 2+[x cubits] below b Geminorum. The 23rd, Mars’ last appearance in Cancer. The 26th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Cancer. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Mercury [....] below e Leonis. The 8th, solstice. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Venus 5/6? cubit above a Leonis. The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Saturn 2 5/6 cubits above g Geminorum. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, 49° after sunset, solar eclipse, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 29th, Sirius’ first appearance. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above b Virginis. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] below b Tauri. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus 14 fingers below g Virginis. Night of the 1[4th?, ....] lunar eclipse, it will make totality .... Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above a [Virginis.] —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east [in ....] Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below [a] Li[brae.] [Night] of the 17th, first part of the night, Venus [x]+½ cubits below [b Librae.] The 20th, Jupiter [stationary] in Tau[rus.] [The xth, Mercur]y’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night [of the xth, first] part of the night, [....] —————————— [Month VI, .... Night of the xth, first] part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above a Scorpii. [....] [....] .... [....]
Nos. 41 & 42
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— APIN 30 5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ G[E6 x ina ZÁLAG AN SIG RÍN] šá SI 2½ KÙŠ 13 na 19 G[U4-UD ina NIM ina x IGI] GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL e šá [SAG GÍR-TAB nn mm] —————————— GAN 30 GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG AN e [SI4 nn mm ....] 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL UŠ ⌈23⌉ [.... GE6 x ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL KUR] ⌈šá KIR4 šil⌉ PA 5/6 KÙŠ 27 [....] —————————— [AB x ....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [ZÍZ x x GU4-UD ina Š]Ú? ina zibme IGI 14 n[a? .... GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] [e MÚL] ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 3 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] 28? KUR GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG AN [SIG SI MÁŠ nn mm ....] —————————— [ŠE] 30 1? [G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ G[E6 ....] GE6 14 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e šur GIG[IR šá ULÙ nn mm .... GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] ⌈e? MÚL?⌉ [....] —————————— [BA]R 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1,45-KAM [IA]n-ti-ʾu-[uk]-su u IAn-ti-ʾu-uk-su DUMU-šú
Upper edge 1 LUGALmeš
No. 42 BM 41846 (= 81-6-25, 466) Copy: LBAT 1015 Photo: Pl. 21 Year: SE 106
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[x x] ŠÚ ⌈20?+x⌉ [.... ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI] [x x]+10 GE6 šá SAG ḪUN 5 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] [x x]+40 na [x] ⌈14?⌉,10 KUR —————————— [G]U4 30 21 GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL á[r šá SAG ḪUN .... AN] 14 15,10 ME ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GE6 16? ⌈x⌉ [.... GU4-UD] 14 7,50 ŠÚ ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [....] [15] 50 NINDA GE6 GE6 26 ⌈x⌉ [....] [15 x] ⌈na⌉ ⌈GE6⌉ [....]
Years SE 105 & 106
´Rev. 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] —————————— Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 5th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. Ni[ght of the xth, last part of the night, Mars] 2½ cubits [below] b Librae. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mer[cury’s first appearance in the east in ....] Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below b Scor[pii.] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above [a Scorpii. ....] The 22nd, Jupiter stationary in Taurus. The 23rd, [.... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars] 5/6 cubit [above] j Ophiuchi. The 27th, [....] —————————— [Month X, ....] .... [....] .... [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the] west in Pisces. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 3 cubits [above] d Capricorni. [....] The 28th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Mars [.... below b Capricorni ....] —————————— [Month XII,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 1st?, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. Ni[ght ....] Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Jupiter [....] above [f] Tauri. [.... Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Mars [....] above g Capricorni. [....] above [....] —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of year 105, kings Antiochus and his son Antiochus.
No. 42 ´Obv. 1´-4´
[Month I, ....] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 10´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 14°? 10´. [....] 20?+x .... [.... last part of the night, Venus] 5 cubits [below b] Arietis. [....] —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 15° 10´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 50´. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: 50´. [The 15th,] sunrise to moonset: [....] Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus [....] below a [Arietis .... Mars’] last appearance in Gemini. Night of the 16th?, .... [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Gemini. [....] Night of the 26th, .... [....] Night [....]
No. 42 & 43
86 ´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x],30 KUR ⌈GE6⌉ [....] —————————— [ŠE x x],30 GE6 16 [ina] ⌈ZÁLAG?⌉[....] [x x],⌈40⌉ ME SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 1½ ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] [x x] ŠÚ GE6 22 USAN AN e šur GIGIR [šá ULÙ ....] [x x] GE6 USAN dele-bat e is le10 3 KÙŠ [....] [x x x G]ENNA SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 KÙŠ 8 S[I? ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
No. 43 BM 41022 + 41079 (= 81-4-28, 569+626) Listed as LBAT *1013f. Photo: Pl. 22 Year: SE 106
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e ⌈MÚL?⌉ [....] [.... AN]-⌈KU10 šámaš⌉ šá DIB [GE6] ⌈30⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN SIG ⌈MÚL⌉ K[UR ....] —————————— [ŠU] 1 17,10 3 GENNA ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ IGI G[E6? .... GU4-UD] [x] ⌈4⌉,10 ŠÚ [ina] ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN?⌉ [....] [x x]+1,30 ME GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL á[r šá ALLA šá ULÙ ....] [x] 9,20 na 27 GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG A I[GI ....] [x x],40 GE6 27 14 KUR GE6 30 ina ZÁL[AG ....] —————————— [IZI x 1]8,20 TAB GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e LUGAL 3 SI ⌈x⌉ [.... MÚL TUR] [13] ⌈9?⌉ ŠÚ šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 3 SI ⌈GE6⌉ [....] [14 x, x]+10 ME 14 5,10 na 15 1,10+[x GE6 ....] [KIN x x]+10 TAB GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-[BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár nn mm GE6 x ina ZÁLAG AN] [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ ⌈SIG⌉ MÚL KUR šá D[UR nu-nu ....] [x x] ⌈ME⌉ 16 dele-bat ina NIM ina ABS[IN ŠÚ ....] [x x na x x GE6] 26 19 KUR [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... MU-1-m]e-6-KAM IAn-t[i-ʾu-uk-su ....]
Year SE 106
´Rev.´ 1´-2´
[....] .... [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 30´. [....] Night [....] —————————— [Month XII, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [....] .... [....] Night of the 16th, last? part of the night, [....] 1½ cubits below b Tauri. [....] Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars [....] above f Tau[ri ....] first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits above a Tauri. [....] Saturn 2 cubits 8 fingers below b Geminorum. [....]
Left edge 1 [....] ....[....] Date The obverse contains the beginning of the year, so the reverse will be the end. During the last month, Saturn is below β Geminorum. A few days before, Mars is above ζ Tauri. These conditions are found only in SE 106. The year is confirmed by the position of Venus.
No. 43 ´Obv. [Month III, ....] [....] last part of the night, Venus [....] above [....] solar eclipse which will be omitted. [Night] of the 30th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below η [Piscium ....] —————————— 3´-7´ [Month IV,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17° 10´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 4° 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+1° 30´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 9° 20´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14°. The 3rd, Saturn’s first appearance in the end of Gemini. Ni[ght? .... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Leo. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Mars [....] Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above d [Cancri.] The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the beginning of Leo. [...] Night of the 30th, last part [of the night, ....] —————————— 8´-10´ [Month V, .... (sunset to moonset:) 1]8° 20´, TAB. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 9°?. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [x° x]+10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 10´. The 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 1° 10+[x´....] Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus 3 fingers above a Leonis. .... [....] 3 fingers [.... r] Leonis. Night [....] 11´-14´ [Month VI, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+10°, TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth, sunrise to moonset: .... the xth, sunset to moonrise: ....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 19°. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Ju[piter .... below b Geminorum. Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars ....] below h Piscium. The 16th, Venus’ [last appearance] in the east in Virgo.[....] 1´-2´
Lower edge 1 [.... of year 1]06, Ant[iochus .... ]
Nos. 43 & 44
88 Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[DU6 x x] ⌈1⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG ALLA U[Š ....] [12 x ŠÚ] 15 AN ina zibme UŠ 24 G[U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ ....] [13 x] ⌈ME⌉ 13 8,50 na 14 2,10+[x GE6 ....] —————————— [APIN x x]+20 10 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB I[GI GE6 x USAN AN SIG MÚL KUR] [x x x šá DUR] nu-nu 2 KÙ[Š ....] [x x x] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina PA [IGI ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 30 NINDA GE6 27 [x KUR ....] —————————— [GAN x x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 2 USAN AN SIG M[ÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN nn mm] [13 x] ŠÚ GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-[MAŠ IGI nn mm] [14] 3,30 ME 13 42 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-⌈KU10 sin⌉ [.... GE6 x USAN AN] 14 11,20 na SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] 15 10,50 GE6 25 šámaš GUB 27 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x ŠÚ ....] ? 26 21,30 KUR AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 30 KAK-BAN ana M[E E-a] —————————— [AB x] ⌈14?⌉,30 GE6 13 USAN MÚL-⌈BABBAR⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 29 GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ ina x IGI ....] [....] (blank)
No. 44 BM 41520 + 41532 + 41863 (= 81-6-25, 133+146+483) Copies: LBAT 1016-1018 Photo: Pl. 22f. Year: SE 107
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[x [x
x] x]+20
na KUR
USAN AN [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 K[ÙŠ ....] e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2+[x KÙŠ]
—————————— [GU4 x x] ⌈x⌉ TAB GE6 1 USAN dele-bat S[IG .... GE6] 3 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3½ KÙŠ [x x] ŠÚ GE6 11 USAN MÚ[L-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ] ár 2 KÙŠ GE6 12 USAN AN [x x] ME SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ 10+[x GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ]MAŠ IGI 16 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 19 [x x na] USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá A[LLA šá ULÙ nn] ⌈x⌉ GE6 26 USAN GU4-UD [x x GE6] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÚŠ G[E6 x USAN dele-bat] SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ [x x]+1 [KUR] USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MA[Š ár nn mm] ——————————
Years SE 106 & 107
Rev.´ 1-3
[Month VII, .... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: .... The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: [....] The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 50´. The 14th, [sunset to moonrise:] 2° 10+[x´ ....] The 1st, Jupiter stationary in the beginning of Cancer. [....] The 15th, Mars stationary in Pisces. The 24th, M[ercury’s last appearance in the west in ....] —————————— [Month VIII, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 20´. [....] The xth, sunset to moonrise: 30´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise: ....] The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius. [Night of the xth, first part of the night, Mars] 2 cubits [below h] Piscium. [....] The xth, Venus’ [first appearance] in the west in Sagittarius. [....] —————————— [Month IX, .... (sunset to moonset:)] .... [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: 3° 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 10° 50´. The 26th?, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 30´. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mars [....] below [b Arietis.] Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] below [a] Gem[inorum.] The 13th, 42° before sunset, lunar eclipse [.... Night of the xth, first part of the night, Mars] 3½ cubits below a Arietis. Night? [....] The 25th, solstice. The 27th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in ....] solar eclipse, to be watched for. The 30th, Sirius’ acro[nychal rising.] —————————— [Month X, .... (sunset to moonset:)] 14°? 30´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [....] Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Jupiter [....] The 29th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in [the west in ....]
No. 44 ´Obv.´ 1´-2´
[The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. [....] first part of the night, Mars [....] .... [...., Mars (or: Venus)] 1 cu[bit .... h/m] Geminorum. [...., Mars (or: Venus)] 2+[x cubits] above g Geminorum. —————————— [Month II, ....] ...., TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth, sunrise to moonset: .... The xth, sunset to moonrise: .... The xth, moonrise to sunrise: x]+1°. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Venus b[elow .... Night] of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mars 3½ cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Ju[piter] 2 cubits [below] b [Geminorum.] Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Geminorum. The 10+[xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in Gemi]ni. The 16th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus .... above d Can[cri.] Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Ni[ght of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] 4 cubits below e Leonis; first part of the night, Mercury [....] below [b] Geminorum. ——————————
No. 44
[SIG 3]0 16,30 [x x],20 ME
[x] [x]
3,10 9,30
GE6 na
13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
GE6 8 USAN AN e [....] ⌈x⌉ [.... GE6 x USAN dele-bat] e LUGAL ½ KÙŠ 14 20+[x] ME NIM-a AN-KU10 ⌈sin šá? DIB? GE6?⌉ [x] USAN dele-bat e MÚL TU[R] ½ KÙŠ 21 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA ŠÚ 21 GENNA ina ALLA ŠÚ GE6 ⌈25?⌉ USAN AN SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ 28 1,27 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ
[x x] KUR —————————— [ŠU x x ] 1 šámaš [G]UB GE6 6 USAN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 KÙŠ 14 AN [x x x ina A Š]Ú 20 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA IGI 21 KAK-BAN IGI 24 GU4-UD ina NIM [x x x ina ALLA IG]I 24 GENNA ina ALLA IGI [x x],40 KUR —————————— [IZI ....] ⌈GE6 x⌉ ina ZÁLAG GENNA e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá [ULÙ ....]
´Rev.´ 2´
[....] [....
[x x] ⌈x⌉ [x x] KUR —————————— [ZÍZ x x] TAB GE6 9 [ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 2 KÚŠ 18 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ [x x] ME GE6 22 ina Z[ÁLAG] dele-bat ⌈e⌉ [MÚ]L IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 U [x x],30 ŠÚ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG dele-b[at e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR] MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI [x x],40 GE6 GE6 26 USAN M[ÚL-BABBAR SIG SA]G ⌈A⌉ 3½ KÙŠ GE6 27 [x x]+10 na ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SI MÁŠ [nn mm] [x x]+10 KUR —————————— [ŠE x x],30 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina G[U IGI GE6 x USA]N GENNA e MÚL ár šá ALLA [x x] ŠÚ šá ULÙ 2 U G[E6 x ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL] IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ⅔ KÙŠ [x x] ME 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina [x UŠ x GENNA ina x] UŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG AN [x x]+10 na e MÚL ár š[á SUḪUR MÁŠ nn mm] [x x]+10 GE6 28 14 [KUR] —————————— [DIR-ŠE ....] ⌈x⌉ [.... GE6] 23 USAN GENNA [ .... x dele-b]at ina NIM ina ḪUN Š[Ú]
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´
⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] e M]ÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ½ KÙŠ 6 [šámaš GUB 11 KAK-BAN] ana M]E E-a 13 GENNA ana ME E-a 20 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a [2]5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI
Right edge (continuation from obv. 3´:) GE6 6 USAN ⌈AN⌉ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 KÙŠ 1
[.... IAn] u IAn A-šú LUGALmeš MU-1-me-7-KAM
Year SE 107
[Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with)] the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 20´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 1°. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 3° 10´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 9° 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above [.... Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] ½ cubit above a Leonis. The 14th, 20+[x°] after sunrise, lunar eclipse which? will be omitted?. Night? [of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above r Leonis. The 21st, Jupiter’s last appearance in Cancer. The 21st, Saturn’s last appearance in Cancer. Night of the 25th?, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below e Leonis. The 28th, 87° before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer. —————————— 15´-18´ [Month IV, .... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 40´. The 1st, solstice. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below j Leonis. The 14th, Mars’ last appearance [in Leo.] The 20th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Cancer. The 21st, Sirius’ first appearance. The 24th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east [in Cancer.] The 24th, Saturn’s first appearance in Cancer. —————————— 19´ [Month V, ....] [....] Night of the xth, last part of the night, Saturn [....] above d Cancri [....]
´Rev.´ [Month X, ....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] [....] .... [....] .... [.... Venus?] ½ cubit [above] j Ophiuchi. The 6th, [solstice. The 11th, Sirius’ acronychal] rising. The 13th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 20th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 25th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. —————————— 6´-11´ [Month XI, ....,] TAB. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 30´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x° x]+10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x° x]+10´. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below b Capricorni. The 18th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Pisces. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 8 fingers above g Capricorni. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 8 fingers [above d] Capricorni. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Ju[piter] 3½ cubits [below] e Leonis. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below b Capricorni. —————————— 12´-16´ [Month XII, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 30´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x° x]+10´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x° x]+10´. The 28th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 14°. The 5th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in Aquarius. [Night of the xth, first part of the] night, Saturn 2 fingers above d Cancri. Ni[ght of the xth, last part of the night, Mars] ⅔ cubit [above] g Capricorni. The 19th, Jupiter [stationary] in [.... The xth, Saturn] stationary [in .... ] Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Mars [....] above d Capricorni. —————————— 17´-18´ [Month XII2, ....] [....] .... [.... Night] of the 23rd, first part of the night, Saturn [.... Ven]us’ last appearance in the east in Aries. 1´-5´
Right edge (continuation from obv. 3´:) Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below b Geminorum. 1
Kings [Antiochus] and his son Antiochus, year 107.
Nos. 45 & 46
No. 45 BM 33987 (= Sp 83) Copy: LBAT 1019 Photo: Pl. 24 Year: SE 108 Two-column tablet (cols. I and IV broken). This can be inferred from the curvature of the fragment, and from the fact that the preserved part contains months IV, V, VIII and IX; months I-III and X-XII were dealt with in the part now broken.
II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[ŠU x x] 2 múlKAK-BAN IGI GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG [x x Š]Ú AN SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ 4 MÚL-[BABBAR] [x x,]40? ME ina A ŠÚ 10 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ [x x]+10 na 18 GENNA ina ALLA IGI GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG [x x,]30 GE6 AN e is le10 1½ KÙŠ —————————— [IZI x x] ⌈x⌉ 4 MÚL-BABBAR ina A IGI GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG [MÚL-BABB]AR [x x x] SIG SAG A ⌈3½⌉ KÙŠ GE6 [....] [x x x] SIG [....]
III 1‘
[.... x]+2 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 1 SI [.... A]N ina MÚL-MÚL UŠ —————————— [GAN x x]+5,50 5 MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG ABSIN UŠ 17 šámaš GUB [x] 12,30 ME 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI [x x]+1,50 ŠÚ 22 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a [x x]+3,40 GE6 GE6 28 USAN AN [x] 13,20 na e is le10 3 KÙŠ ? [x] 19,10 ——————————
3‘ 4‘ 5‘ 6‘ 7‘ 8‘ 9‘
Upper edge 1 [.... IAn-t]i-ʾu-ku-su A-šú LUGALmeš
No. 46 BM 41117 (= 81-4-28, 664) Photo: Pl. 24 Year: SE 109
Obv.´ 1 2
[BAR ....] [x x]
GE6 1 USAN ⌈AN⌉ S[IG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI nn] ⌈KÙŠ 2?⌉ [GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI GE6 10 ⌈USAN⌉ AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2+[x KÙŠ GE6 x USAN GU4-UD]
Years SE 108 & 109
No. 45 II 1-5
[Month IV, .... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 40´?. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 10´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´. The 2nd, Sirius’ first appearance. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below h Tauri. The 4th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Leo. The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer. The 18th, Saturn’s first appearance in Cancer. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits above a Tauri. —————————— [Month V, ....] .... [....] The 4th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Leo. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Jupiter 3½ cubits below e Leonis. Night [....] below [....]
III 1´-3´
[.... The x]+2nd, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above d Capricorni. [.... Ma]rs stationary in Taurus. —————————— [Month IX, ....] (sunset to moonset:) [x]+5° 50´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 12° 30´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+1° 50´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+3° 40´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 13° 20´. [The xth,] (moonrise to sunrise:) 19° 10´? The 5th, Jupiter stationary in the beginning of Virgo. The 17th, solstice. The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 22nd, Sirius’ acronychal rising. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits above a Tauri. ——————————
Upper edge 1 [....] kings [Antiochus and] his son Antiochus.
Date The Sirius data (II 1, III 6´) restrict the year to SE 13 + 19n. Two kings, the second called Antiochus and son of the first, occur from SE 46 to 51, 102 to 119, and 137 to 142. A first appearance of Jupiter in Leo, and the other planetary data, identify the year as SE 108.
No. 46 Obv.´ 1-6
[Month I, ....] moonset to sunrise: [....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars [x] cubits be[low a Geminorum.] The 2nd?, [Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Mars 2+[x] cubits below b Geminorum. [The xth, first part of the night, Mercury] 4 cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mercury [....] below b Tauri. [Night
94 3 4 5 6 7
Nos. 46 & 47 e is le10 4 KÙŠ GE6 19 USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR šá SI [nn mm GE6 x] [x x x] USAN GU4-UD e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá [DUR nu-nu nn mm GE6 x] [x x x] USAN GU4-UD e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI ina ZÁLAG dele-[bat? ....] [x x KUR] [x]+34 ⌈ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš⌉ ana PAP —————————— [GU4 ....] ⌈1⌉ KÙŠ 4 SI G[E6 ....] [x
´Rev. (beginning blank) 1´
—————————— [ŠE ....] ⌈na?⌉ 15 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-[a ....]
Upper edge 1 [BAR ....] ⌈1 LÁL-tì [meš-ḫi šá] ⌈MU⌉-1,49-KAM I⌈An⌉ u [IAn ....]
No. 47 BM 45696 (= 81-7-6, 101) Copy: LBAT 1020 Photo: Pl. 25 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 531f.; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 368-371, Taf. X Year: SE 111
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[BAR x .... dele-bat SIG MÚL K]UR šá DUR nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ⌈SIG⌉ MÚL IGI [šá S]AG ḪUN ⌈4⌉ [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ⌈ár šá⌉ SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ GE6 16 USAN AN SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ 26 KUR —————————— G[U4] 30 1 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 7 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 3 KÙŠ GE6 10 USAN AN e LUGAL 14 SI 14 na GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e is le10 2 KÙŠ GE6 23? USAN AN e MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ⌈1½⌉? KÙŠ 24 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN UŠ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2 KÙŠ 26 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB ⌈x⌉ KUR GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ —————————— [SIG x GE6] 10 USAN AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 KÙŠ 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI 13 na 14 šámaš GUB GE6 27 [USAN AN] e GÌR ár šá A 2 SI 27 KUR 28 dele-bat ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ —————————— [ŠU x 5] múlKAK-BAN IGI 13 na GE6 18 USAN AN SIG DELE šá IGI [AB]SIN 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 24 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ
Years SE 109 & 111
of the xth,] first part of the night, Mercury 2 cubits above f Tauri; last part of the night, Venus [....] below h Piscium. [Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 4 fingers above h Geminorum; last part of the night, Ve[nus? .... x]+34° before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month II, ....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....] Ni[ght ....]
´Rev. 1´
—————————— [Month XII, ....] .... The 15th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. [....]
Upper edge 1 [Month I, ....] The 1st, equinox. [Predictions of] year 109, [kings] Antiochus and [Antiochus ....]
Comments Upper edge 1: According to the Uruk Scheme, the date of the equinox is I 1 of year 110.
No. 47 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
6 7
[Month I, .... Venus] 2½ cubits [below] h Piscium. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus 4 [cubits] below b Arietis. [....] last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below a Arietis. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below e Leonis. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 1st, Sirius’ last appearance. The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east ...., will be omitted. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Tauri. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Mars 14 fingers above a Leonis. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 23rd?, first part of the night, Mars 1½? cubits above r Leonis. The 24th, Jupiter stationary in Libra. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below b Tauri. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east ...., will be omitted. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above f Tauri. —————————— [Month III, .... Night] of the 10th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below j Leonis. The 13th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Cancer. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, solstice. Night of the 27th, [first part of the night, Mars] 2 fingers above b Virginis. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Cancer. —————————— [Month IV, .... The 5th,] Sirius’ first appearance. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mars 1 cubit 4 fingers below g Virginis. The 24th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west
96 11 12
27 13 14 15 16 17
No. 47 [ina x] ŠÚ 24 GENNA ina SAG ⌈ABSIN⌉ ŠÚ 26 KUR —————————— [IZI x] GE6 9 USAN [AN e SA4] šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ [x na] 19 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A IGI KUR —————————— [KIN x x GE]NNA ⌈ina ABSIN⌉ [IGI x AN] ina RÍN ŠÚ 12 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina RÍN IGI 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ 12 KI ŠÚ šámaš [x x x] ⌈TAB?-BA?⌉ al-la 2-ta ŠU[II] ḪAB-rat DIR GAR-an 13 na 17 LÁL-tì 27 KUR [(x) 2]8 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB —————————— [DU6 x ] 7 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ 14 na 27 KUR —————————— [APIN x .... MÚL-BABBAR ina x] IGI 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 15 [....]
´Rev. 1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ 5’ 6’ 7’ 8’ 9’ 10’ 11’
—————————— AB 1 GENNA ina ABSIN UŠ 15? ⌈na⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 10+[x ....] —————————— ZÍZ 30 GE6 3 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ GE6 10 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SA[G ḪUN nn mm] [GE6] 14 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 15? na 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 28 KUR ⌈29⌉ 1½ DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB ana PAP —————————— ⌈ŠE⌉ 1 2 GENNA ana ME E-a G[E6 x U]SAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 14 SI GE6 5 USAN GU4-UD SIG MÚL IGI ⌈šá SAG⌉ [ḪUN] 2½ KÙŠ GE6 8 USAN GU4-UD SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 2½ KÙŠ 10 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA UŠ GE6 14 USAN dele-bat [e is] le10 3½ KÙŠ GE6 15 2 DANNA GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin TIL GAR-an 15 na 16 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ 23 LÁL-tì GE6 26 USAN dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI ⅔ KÙŠ 27 KUR 28 AN ina TIL zibme IGI GE6 29 USAN dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 2 KÙŠ —————————— BAR 1 [x x] meš-ḫi šá MU-1-40-11-KAM IAn-ti-ʾu-uk-su [u IAn-ti-ʾu-u]k-[su A-šú LUGALm]eš
Year SE 111 11
14 15 16
[in ....] The 24th, Saturn’s last appearance in the beginning of Virgo. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V, ....] Night of the 9th, first part of the night, [Mars] 1½ cubits [above a] Virginis. [The xth, first moonset after sunrise.] The 19th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VI, .... The xth, Sa]turn’s [first appearance] in Virgo. [The xth, Mars’] last appearance in Libra. The 12th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Libra. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 12th, with sunset, [....] .... (the moon) will make more than two-thirds of the disc. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, equinox. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [.... The 2]8th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— [Month VII, .... The] 7th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Scorpius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VIII, .... Jupiter’s] first appearance [in ....] The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 15th, [....]
´Rev. 1´
4´ 5´
6´ 7´
9´ 10´
—————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Saturn stationary in Virgo. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. [....] .... last appearance [....] ..... The 10+[xth, ....] —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b Arietis. [Night] of the 14th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a Arietis. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, 1½ bēru before sunset, solar eclipse (after) 5 months, to be watched for. —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 2nd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. Ni[ght of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus 14 fingers below h Tauri. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Mercury 2½ cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Mercury 2½ cubits below a Arietis. The 10th, Jupiter stationary in Sagittarius. Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits [above] a Tauri. Night of the 15th, 2 bēru before sunrise, lunar eclipse, it will make totality. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. The 23rd, equinox. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit below b Tauri. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mars’ first appearance in the end of Pisces. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above f Tauri. —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month), [....] Predictions of year 111, kings Antiochus [and his son Antioch]us.
Nos. 48 & 49
No. 48 BM 47909 (= 81-11-3, 616) Photo: Pl. 26 Year: SE 113
´Obv. 1‘ 2‘ 3‘ 4‘ 5‘
[KIN 2-K]AM ⌈1 x x GE6⌉ 4 USAN dele-bat e SI4 1 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] [x]+2 13,30 ŠÚ GE6 6 USAN AN e MÚL MU[RUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] ⌈x x+2⌉ ME 10 LÁL-tì ⌈GE6 14?⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ na [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 [....]
Lower edge 1 27 19,40 Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
GE6 18 USAN ⌈AN e SI4 2 KÙŠ⌉ 19 GENN[A ina x IGI ....] 24 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI ⌈DIB⌉ [....] [DU6 ....] ina 30-šú 11 GE6 2 USAN A[N ....] [.... x]+3 SI 6 GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 49 BM 33501 (= Rm IV 56 + unnumbered) Photo: Pl. 26 Year: SE 114
Upper edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-14-KA[M ....] Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[BAR] 30 ⌈24?⌉ [....] [1]3 3,50 ŠÚ 14 3,20 ME 15 8,10 GE6 GU4 30 10,20 ina KAL 14 12,40 ME ⌈14 6+[x],10 ŠÚ⌉
[....] 14 1 ⌈na⌉ [....] 27 14+[x KUR ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....]
Years SE 113 & 114
No. 48 ´Obv. 1´-5´
[Month VI2,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); .... [The x+]2nd, moonset to sunrise: 13° 30´. The xth, moonrise to sunset: x+2°. The xth, sunrise to moonset: .... The xth, sunset to moonrise: .... Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above a Scorpii. [....] Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above d [Scorpii ....] The 10th, equinox. Night of the 14th?, [....]
Lower edge 1 The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 19° 40´. Rev.´ 1-2 3-5
Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mars 2 cubits above α Scorpii. The 19th, Sat[urn’s first appearance in ....] The 24th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west, .... will be omitted. [....] [Month VII, ....;] if its (1st day is identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), (sunset to moonset:) 11°. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mars [.... x]+3 fingers [....] The 6th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west, .... will be omitted. ....] .... [....]
Date An equinox on the 10th must fall in month VI2. This is found in years SE 18 + 19n. Of all years between SE 0 and 300, only SE 113 has Venus on 4 VI2 above α Scorpii. The end of the obverse shows that the lunar data are given separately on the left side. Therefore, lines 1-2 of the reverse, which begin at the left edge, must still belong to the previous month. This agrees with the other Mercury dates on the reverse.
No. 49 Upper edge 1 Predictions of year 114 [....] Obv.´ 1-4
[Month I,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 24°? [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 50´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 10´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 14+[x°.] [....] Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 20´, ina KAL. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 40´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 6+[x°] 10´. [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Nos. 49 & 50
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
⌈13⌉ 7,40 ⌈ME⌉ 13 1 ŠÚ 14 7,50 GE6 14 6,30 na 27 14,20 KUR [BA]R 30 15,20
[....] SIG šur GI[GIR šá SI ....] e šur GI[GIR šá ULÙ ....] SIG DELE [šá IGI ABSIN ....] 24? GU4-UD ina [....] USAN dele-bat e MÚL [....] 29 AN ina [x UŠ ....]
Left edge 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
No. 50 BM 35542 + 35577 + 35608 (= Sp III 48+85+118) Copies: LBAT 1021, 1087, 1090 Photo: Pl. 27 Year: SE 116
Obv.´ I 2´
[....] IGI [....] ⌈x⌉
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
[ŠU 1 ....] ina 30-šú 9,50 1 múlKAK-BAN IGI [14 x M]E? 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A IGI 14 2 ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 26 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL ḪUN UŠ 15 7,30 [GE6] 15 10 UŠ [na] 27 17,10+[x] —————————— IZI 30 18?,40 6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [x ŠÚ ....] 14 9,20 ME GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SAG A [nn mm] 14 9,40 ŠÚ GE6 23 USAN GENNA SIG RÍN šá U[LÙ nn mm] 15 40 NINDA GE6 GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG AN e LUGAL 6? [SI] 15 4,40 na 27 22,50 —————————— [KI]N 1 19,50 TAB ina 30-šú 9,40 GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG AN e M[ÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL] [1]4 2,50 ME 8 SI 9 GU4-UD ina NI[M ina x IGI] [14 x]+1 ŠÚ GE6 13 USAN A[N? ....] [15] ⌈x⌉ GE6 šá SAG GÍR-TAB ⌈x⌉ [....] [15 x na] GE6 20+[x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Years SE 114 & 116
´Rev. 1´-7´
[Month XII, ....] The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 50´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 20´. [....] below b Tauri [....] above f Tauri [....] below g [Virginis ....] The 24th?, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east] in [....] first part of the night, Venus [....] above .... [....] The 29th, Mars [stationary] in [....] Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° 20´.
Left edge 1 [....] .... of .... [....]
No. 50 Obv.´ I 2´
[....] first appearance [....] ....
[....] ....
II 1-6
[Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) ....;] if its (1st day is identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month, sunset to moonset:) 9° 50´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 2°. The 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 7° 30´. The 15th, [sunrise to moonset:] 10°. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 17° 10+[x´.] The 1st, Sirius’ first appearance. The 14th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Leo. The 26th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Aries. —————————— Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18°? 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 40´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 40´. The 27th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 22° 50´. The 6th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in [....] Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below e Leonis. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Saturn [....] below a Librae. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars 6? [fingers] above a Leonis. —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 50´, TAB; if its (1st day is identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month, sunset to moonset:) 9° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 50´. [The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+1°. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: .... [The 15th, sunrise to moonset: ....] Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers above r [Leonis.] The 9th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the ea[st in ....] Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Ma[rs? ....] Scorpii .... [....] Night of the 20+[xth,] .... [....]
Nos. 50 & 51
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... US]AN dele-bat [....] [....] USAN dele-bat ⌈e⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ 21 USAN dele-bat e [....] [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈e⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6?⌉ 27 GU4-UD [....] [....] 28 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈ina ḪUN⌉ UŠ G[E6 ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 37 G[E6] GIN šá DIB —————————— [GAN ....] GE6 14 ⌈53?⌉ GE6 GIN 4 SI GAR-an [....] 16 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 16 šámaš GUB [x x] ⌈x⌉ 21 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a [x x] na 27 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI [x x] GE6 GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG GENNA e MÚL e [....] ⌈x⌉ šá SAG GÍR-TAB 8 SI ——————————
IV broken; 15´
[....] A-šú LUGALmeš
Upper edge 1 [.... MU-1],56-KAM? IAn-ti-ʾu-ku-su u IAn-MIN 2 A-šú LUGALmeš
No. 51 BM 41599 (= 81-6-25, 214) Copy: LBAT 1022 Photo: Pl. 28 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I 90f. and Taf. VII Nr. 9 Year: SE 120
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[BAR .... MAŠ]-MAŠ 2 KÙŠ 10 GU4-UD ina NI[M ina ḪUN ŠÚ ....] [.... dele-bat e MÚL] ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 2 KÙŠ GE6 12 USAN dele-bat [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 15 2 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin 5 SI GAR-⌈an⌉ [.... dele-bat e MAŠ-M]AŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ GE6 16 USAN AN e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1+[x mm] [.... GE6 x]+1 USAN AN e MÚL IGI-ú šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ⅔ KÙŠ —————————— [GU4 .... A]N e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 7 USAN AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ [.... GU4]-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 17 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GE6 20 USAN
Years SE 116 & 120
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´-14´
[....] .... [....] [.... first] part of the night, Venus [....] [....] first part of the night, Venus [....] above [....] [....] Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus [....] above [....] [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above [....] [....] Night of the 27th, Mercury [....] [....] The 28th, Jupiter stationary in Aries. Ni[ght ....] [.... (solar eclipse)] .... 37° after sunset, which will be omitted. —————————— [Month IX, ....] .... [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [....] .... Night of the 14th, 53°? after sunset, it will make 4 fingers. The 16th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 16th, solstice. The 21st, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Saturn 8 fingers above b Scorpii. ——————————
IV broken; 15´
[....] kings [....] and his son [....].
Upper edge 1-2 [.... year 1]16, kings Antiochus and his son Antiochus.
No. 51 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[Month I, ....] 2 cubits [....] Geminorum. The 10th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in Aries ....] [.... Venus] 2 cubits [above] m Geminorum. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Venus [....] .... Night of the 15th, 2° after sunset, lunar eclipse, it will make 5 fingers. [.... Venus] 4 cubits [above g] Geminorum. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Mars 1+[x ....] above f Tauri. [Night] of the [x]+1st, first part of the night, Mars ⅔ cubit above h Geminorum. —————————— [Month II, .... Ma]rs ⅔ cubit above m Geminorum. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits above g Geminorum. [.... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the west in Gemini. The 17th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Gemini. Night of the 20th, first part of the night,
104 8 9 10 11
Nos. 51 & 52 [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 23 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ [.... GENNA ana ME] ⌈E⌉-a 28 dele-bat ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [....] (blank) —————————— [SIG .... GU4-UD ina Š]Ú ⌈ina ALLA ŠÚ⌉ 24 šámaš GUB
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] (blank) —————————— [ŠE ....] ⌈x 15?⌉ GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB BAR DIB [.... MÚL-BABBAR e GÌR ár] ⌈šá⌉ A ½ KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ [.... AN-KU10] šámaš šá DIB 30 GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ (blank)
—————————— [meš-ḫi šá] MU-1-me-20-KAM IAn LUGAL
Upper edge 1 [m]eš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-20-KAM IAn [LUGAL]
No. 52 BM 33450 (= Rm IV 4) + 48923 (= 81-11-3, 1634) BM 33462 (= Rm IV 6) + 48864 (= 81-11-3,1575) Listed as LBAT *1023 (33450) Photo: Pl. 29 Year: SE 121 Both fragments are part of the same tablet. BM 33450 has columns I and III, BM 33462 II and IV.
Obv.´ I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[BAR x x (x) [14 x 1⌈4⌉ [x]
ME] ⌈ŠÚ⌉
⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈SI? x⌉ [x x] GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN e MÚL IGI⌉ šá SUḪUR [MÁŠ nn] ⌈SI⌉ 19 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI GE6 21+[1?] ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL á[r] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 8 SI 28 GENNA ina PA UŠ
15 3,30 GE6 15 6,40 na 27 9,40 KUR —————————— GU4 30 18,30 6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI [GE6] 7 USAN GU4-UD 14 7,30 ŠÚ e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3½ KÙŠ [21 múlKAK-B]AN ŠÚ 15 2,10 ME GE6 27 USAN GU4-UD [SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI x]+1 KÙŠ 15 1,20 na 16 15,40 GE6 [x x]+9,20 KUR ——————————
Years SE 120 & 121 8 9 10 11
[....] cubits [....] Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Mercury 2½ cubits below b Geminorum. [.... Saturn’s acronychal] rising. The 28th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Gemini. [....] (blank) —————————— [Month III, .... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the] west in Cancer. The 24th, solstice.
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] (blank) —————————— [Month XII, ....] .... 15°? before sunrise, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. [.... Jupiter] ½ cubit [above b] Virginis. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Capricorni. [....] solar [eclipse] which will be omitted. The 30th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. —————————— [Predictions of] year 120, king Antiochus.
Upper edge 1 Predictions of year 120, [king] Antiochus.
No. 52 Obv.´ I 1-6
[Month I, .... The 14th, moonrise to sunset: ....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: [x°.] The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 30´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 40´. .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Mars [nn] fingers above g Capricorni. The 19th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 21st (22nd), last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers above d Capricorni. The 28th, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 30´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 30´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 10´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 20´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 15° 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+9° 20´. The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. [Night] of the 7th, first part of the night, Mercury 3½ cubits above g Geminorum. [The 21st, Sir]ius’ last appearance. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mercury [x]+1 cubits [below a Geminorum.] ——————————
106 13
No. 52 [SIG ....
] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
II 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
[ .... G]E6 10 USA[N ....] [ .... dele-bat] e SA4 šá [ABSIN ....] [ ] 24 GENNA ina PA UŠ 29 MÚL-BABBAR ina [ABSIN ŠÚ ....] [ ] ⌈x⌉ [ ] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [KIN .... ] 3 AN ana ME E-a GE6 10 USAN dele-[bat SIG RÍN šá ULÙ ....] [x x] ŠÚ GE6 13 1,12 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-[KU10 sin ....] [x x] ME GE6 15 USAN [dele-b]at SIG R[ÍN šá SI ....] [x x] na GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ⌈ina?⌉ [RÍN? IGI?] GE6 20+[x USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL x] [x x] GE6 šá SAG GÍR-TAB [nn mm] 28 [....] [x x] KUR —————————— [DU6 x] ⌈x⌉ TAB GE6 2 USAN dele-⌈bat⌉ [e SI4 ....] [x x] ŠÚ 5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] ME 8 LÁL-tì GE6 10+[x ....] [x x n]a [....] (traces of „10“ to the right of lines 7-9 of col. I preserved)
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
⌈15⌉ [x GE6 ] 15 5,[x]+10 [na] 27 15,40 ⌈KUR⌉ —————————— ⌈x⌉ ZÍZ 30 15,30 4 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ ....] 13 6 ŠÚ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG [....] 14 3 na 23 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x IGI ....] 15 1,10 ME 16 14,30 GE6 27 18 KUR ——————————
(across both columns:) 10´
BAR 30 14,30 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-21-K[AM] IAn-ti-ʾu-[ku-su LUGAL]
IV 1´
[.... AN] e šur GIGIR šá [ULÙ ....] (rest blank)
Comments IV 1´: apart from Venus and Mercury in month II, only Mars passes ζ Tauri during SE 121, in month XII2. This identifies the one preserved line on the rev. of BM 33462 as of month XII2, and shows that column IV was written to the right of col. III.
Year SE 121 13
[Month III, ....] .... [....]
II [Month V, ....] .... [....] .... [.... Ni]ght of the 10th, first part of the [night, .... Venus ....] above a [Virginis ....] The 24th, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. The 29th, Jupiter’s [last appearance] in [Virgo ....] —————————— 6´-11´ [Month VI, .... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] The 3rd, Mars’ acronychal rising. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Ve[nus .... below a Librae ....] Night of the 13th, 72° before sunrise, [lunar] eclipse [....] Night of the 15th, first part of the night, [Ven]us [....] below [b Librae ....] Mercury’s [first appearance?] in the west in [Libra?.] Night of the 20+[xth, first part of the night, Venus [.... below] d / b Scorpii. The 28th, [....] —————————— 12´-15´ [Month VII, ....] ...., TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [....] Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus [.... above a Scorpii ....] The 5th, Mercury’s [last appearance?] in the west .... [....] The 8th, equinox. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 1´-5´
(traces of „10“ to the right of lines 7-9 of col. I preserved)
´Rev. III 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´-9´
The 15th, [sunset to moonrise: ....] The 15th, [sunrise to moonset:] 5° [x]+10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 40´. —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3°. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 10´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 14° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18°. The 4th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in ....] Night of the 12th, last part of the night, [....] The 23rd, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in ....] ——————————
(across both columns:) 10´
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 30´. Predictions of year 121, [king] Antiochus.
IV 1´
[.... Mars ....] above f Tauri [....]
Nos. 53 & 54
No. 53 BM 35817 (= Sp III 346) Copy: LBAT 1024 Photo: Pl. 29 Year: SE 125
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG? x⌉ [....] —————————— [IZI x x],20 GE6 2 [.... AN] [e] šur GIGIR šá ULÙ [.... MÚL-BABBAR] [ina M]ÁŠ UŠ GE6 [....] [ina] ZÁLAG AN e MÚL [IGI/ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ....] —————————— KIN 1 3 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x ŠÚ ....] 5 KÙŠ GE6 14 [....] ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MAŠ-[MAŠ IGI nn mm]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
DU6 1 GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e S[A4 šá ABSIN ....] USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG SI MÁŠ [....] —————————— APIN 30 GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG [MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ....] [2]3 AN ana ME E-a 25+[x ....] —————————— [GA]N 1 GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD [e šil PA ....] [GE6?] 14 KI ŠÚ šámaš AN-K[U10 sin ....] [25] šámaš GUB 28 [....] —————————— [AB x] ⌈x⌉ ina KAL 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈GE6⌉ [....]
No. 54 BM 41895 (= 81-6-25, 515) Copy: LBAT 1103 Photo: Pl. 30 Year: SE 127
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... MÚ]L ⌈KUR⌉ šá DUR nu-nu ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KÙŠ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉
Years SE 125 & 127
No. 53 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ...., last part of the night?, .... [....] —————————— [Month V, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 20´. Night of the 2nd, [.... Mars] [.... above] b Tauri. [.... Jupiter] stationary [in Cap]ricorn. Night [....] last part of the night, Mars [....] above [h/m Geminorum ....] —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 3rd, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east in ....] 5 cubits [....] Night of the 14th, [....] last part of the night, Mars [....] below [a] Geminorum.
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above a [Virginis. ....] first part of the night, Jupiter [....] below b Capricorni. [....] —————————— Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below [a Geminorum. ....] [The 2]3rd, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 25+[xth, ....] —————————— Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Mercury [.... above j Ophiuchi. ....] [Night?] of the 14th, at sunset, [lunar] eclipse, [....] [The 25th,] solstice. The 28th, [....] —————————— [Month X, ....] ...., ina KAL. The 1st, .... [....] [....] Night [....]
Date The date can be established from the following data: Jupiter in Capricorn; Mars in month VI in Gemini; Mars’ acronychal rising in month VIII; a lunar eclipse in month IX.
No. 54 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] .... h Piscium. [....] [....] cubits [....] [....] ....
Nos. 54 & 55
´Rev. 1‘ 2‘ 3‘ 4‘
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ina GÍR-TAB GE6 23? [....] [....] GE6 26 USAN dele-bat e ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GENNA ina zibme IGI
Upper edge 1 [.... I]Se-lu-ku LUGAL
No. 55 BM 47738 (= 81-11-3,443) Listed as LBAT *1024a Photo: Pl. 30 Year: SE 128
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[BAR .... GE6] ⌈7⌉ USAN dele-bat e M[ÚL] IGI šá še-pít ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [....] x ú? e 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN IGI GE6 14 USAN dele-bat e MAŠ-M[AŠ šá SIPA] 5 KÙŠ [.... A]N-KU10 sin 5 ÁB šá? DIB 17 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI GE6 23 [USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR] šá SI 2 KÙŠ GE6 25 USAN GU4-UD e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x 14?⌉ SI 29 7 UŠ ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— [GU4 .... GU4-UD e MÚL IGI] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ GE6 3 USAN GU4-UD e MÚL ⌈ár⌉ šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ KÙŠ [.... 8] ⌈múlKAK⌉-BAN ŠÚ ⌈GE6⌉ 11 US[AN ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´
—————————— [.... GU4]-UD ⌈ina NIM ina GU⌉ [ŠÚ] ⌈GE6⌉ 24 USAN MÚL-BABBAR (blank)
[....]-KAM ISe-lu-ku LUGAL
Years SE 127 & 128
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [....] in Scorpius. Night of the 23rd?, [....] [....] Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above .... [....] [....] Saturn’s first appearance in Pisces.
Upper edge 1 [....] king Seleucus.
Date A king Seleucus and a first visibility of Saturn in Pisces fit only SE 68, 69 or 127. In SE 68 XII 26, Venus is not above any Normal star; in 69 XII2 26, she is approximately above α Tauri, in SE 127 XII 26, above ζ Tauri. Venus’ longitude is much closer to the required position in SE 127, so I assign the tablet to this year.
No. 55 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[Month I, .... Night] of the 7th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above h Geminorum. [....] .... The 12th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Aries. Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Venus 5 cubits above g Geminorum. [....] lunar eclipse (after) 5 months which will be omitted. The 17th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 23rd, [first part of the night, Mercury] 2 cubits [below b] Tauri. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit above f Tauri. [....] 14 fingers [....] .... The 29th, 7° after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month II, .... Mercury] 1½ cubits [above h] Geminorum. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mercury 1½ cubits above m Geminorum. [.... The 8th,] Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 11th, first part [of the night, ....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´
—————————— [.... Mer]cury’s [last appearance] in the east in Aquarius. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Jupiter (blank) [....,] king Seleucus.
Date A king Seleucus ruled in years 1-19, 67-89, and 125-136 of the Seleucid era. Of these, a solar eclipse possibility in month I occurs in years 81 and 128. A last visibility of Sirius in month II and the Mercury phenomena decide for 128.
Nos. 56 & 57
No. 56 BM 42226 (= 81-6-25, 849) Copy: LBAT 1114 Photo: Pl. 30 Year: SE 129
Flake 1 2 3 4
[.... ina] ZÁLAG AN SIG SAG [A ....] [.... IG]I? 6 LÁL-tì [....] [.... 1]5? AN-KU10 [sin ....] [.... SA4] šá ABSIN [....]
No. 57 MLC 1885 Listed as LBAT *1025 Photo: Pl. 31 From Uruk Year: SE 133
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e ⌈is le10⌉ [.... dele-bat] SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 3 KÙŠ 23 GU4 ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ U4 BI ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá [ULÙ] 27 KUR 1 SI 24 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR U4 BI ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 4 KÙŠ —————————— ŠU 30 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá še-pit MAŠ-M[AŠ nn mm] ? 15 na GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2½ KÙŠ 9 KAK-BAN ina KUR IGI GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ I[GI]-ú 27 KUR 4 KÙŠ GE6 15 7 UŠ GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin ina SAG GU TIL-tú GAR-an 16 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD u A[N ina A]LLA IGImeš GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ 20 dele-bat ALLA KUR GE6 29 17 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš ina A šá DIB GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ —————————— IZI 1 GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG GENNA e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 6 SI 10 GU4-UD ina NIMsic ina A ŠÚ GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SAG A 15 na 4 KÙŠ 12 AN A KUR 16 dele-bat A KUR 18? MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN0(KI) ŠÚ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e LUGAL 1 SI ? 27 KUR GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG AN e LUGAL 8 SI 24 BIR ina KUR IGI GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL TUR šá ár LUGAL 2 SI —————————— [SIG] [1]4
⌈1⌉ na
Years SE 129 & 133
No. 56 Flake 1 2 3 4
[....] last part of the night, Mars [....] below e [Leonis. ....] [.... first] appearance? [....] The 6th, equinox. [....] [.... 1]5th?, [lunar] eclipse, [....] [.... a] Virginis [....]
Date An equinox on the 6th is possible only in SE 9 + 19n in month XII2, and in SE 15 + 19n in month VII. Mars has to be next to ε Leonis; between SE 0 and 300, this happens only in SE 129 VII. A lunar eclipse (line 3) occurs in this month. Just before the equinox, a first visibility of Mercury in the east would fit the traces. Venus passes a Virginis (line 4) during the second half of the month.
No. 57 ´Obv. 1´-3´
[Month III,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 14th, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above a Tauri. [.... Venus] 3 cubits below b Tauri. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer. On this day, last part of the night, Venus 1 finger above f Tauri. The 24th, Venus will reach Gemini. This day, last part of the night, Saturn 4 cubits below b Tauri. —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 15th?, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus ½ cubit below h Geminorum. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Venus [....] below m Geminorum. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above g Geminorum. The 9th, Sirius’ first appearance in the east. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 15th, 7° after sunset, lunar eclipse in the beginning of Aquarius; it will make totality. The 16th, last part of the night, Mercury’s and Mars’ first appearances in Cancer. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Geminorum. The 20th, Venus will reach Cancer. Night of the 29th, 17° after sunset, solar eclipse in Leo which will be omitted. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above d Cancri. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 15th, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Saturn 6 fingers above f Tauri. The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the eastsic in Leo. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below e Leonis. The 12th, Mars will reach Leo. The 16th, Venus will reach Leo. The 18th?, Jupiter’s last appearance in Virgo. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus 1 finger above a Leonis. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers above a Leonis. The 24th, BIR’s first appearance in the east. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above r Leonis. ——————————
No. 57
114 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL TUR šá ár LUGAL ½ KÙŠ GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 5 KÙŠ 10 ŠU-PA ? [1]4 na ina KUR IGI GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 4 KÙŠsic U4 BI dele-bat ABSIN0(KI) KUR GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG ? [2]7 KUR GIŠ.KUN A 3½ KÙŠ 20 MÚL-BABBAR ina KUR ina ABSIN0(KI) IGI 21 LÁL-tì GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 5/6 KÙŠ 26 [GENN]A ina SAG MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ —————————— [KI]N 30
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14
2 GU4 ina ŠÚ IGI DIB GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ U4 BI ina ZÁLAG AN e [GÌR ár šá A] [x n]a 4 SI U4 BI AN ABSIN0(KI) KUR 4 dele-bat RÍN KUR 7 KI KUR šámaš BIR ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 12 MÚL-MÚL ana ME a GE6 ⌈15?⌉ 28 KUR ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ U4 BI GU4 ina ŠÚ ŠÚ-šú DIB U4 BI ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 4 SI 19 ŠU-PA ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 26 KI KUR šámaš MÚL-MÚL ina ŠÚ ŠÚ GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 10 SI 28 dele-bat GÍR KUR 29 ina ZÁLAG GU4 ina NIM ina RÍN IGI U4 BI MÚL-BABBAR RÍN KUR —————————— APIN 1 {13 PA ina ŠÚ ŠÚ x} GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG GU4 (error for dele-bat?) e MÚL AN šá SAG GÍR 10 SI U4 BI GENNA ana ME a 14 na GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG AN e SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 19 AN RÍN KUR U4 BI KAK-BAN ina ŠÚ ŠÚ {ŠÚ} 27? KUR GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG GU4 e SI4 2 5/6 KÙŠ 22 dele-bat PA KUR 24 dele-bat ina NIM ina PA ŠÚ —————————— GAN 1 10 SIPA ana ME a 13 GU4 ina NIM ina PA ŠÚ 16 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR 24 šámaš GUB-za U4 BI ina ZÁLAG AN e [x] na RÍN šá ULÙ 6 SI 28 55 ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ina MÁŠ ana 5 ÁB BAR DIB 29 KAK-BAN ana ME a [x KU]R —————————— [AB x GE6 x ina ZÁ]LAG AN SIG RÍN šá SI 2½ KÙŠ 11 dele-bat GU KUR 13 KI KUR šámaš AN-KU10 sin ina ALLA šá DIB [x na x GENNA ina MÚ]L-MÚL UŠ 16 dele-bat (error for: AN) GÍR KUR U4 BI GU4 ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI 24 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN UŠ [x KUR ....] ⌈GE6 x ina ZÁLAG⌉ AN e MÚL AN šá SAG GÍR 1 SI —————————— [DU6]
Year SE 133
12´-15´ [Mo]nth VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The
14th?, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Mars ½ cubit above r Leonis. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below j Leonis. The 10th, Arcturus’ first appearance in the east. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubitssic above b Virginis. On this day, Venus will reach Virgo. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Mars 3½ cubits below j Leonis. The 20th, Jupiter’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. The 21st, equinox. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus 5/6 cubit below g Virginis. The 26th, Saturn stationary in the beginning of Gemini. —————————— Rev.´ 1-5
[Month VII,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [The xth, first sunrise] before moonset. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west will be omitted. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits above a Virginis. This day, last part of the night, Mars 4 fingers above [b Virginis.] This day, Mars will reach Virgo. The 4th, Venus will reach Libra. The 7th, with sunrise, BIR’s last appearance in the west. The 12th, Pleiades’ acronychal rising. Night of the 15th?, last part of the night, Jupiter 1½ cubits above a Virginis. This day, Mercury’s last appearance in the west will be omitted. This day, last part of the night, Saturn 4 fingers below f Tauri. The 19th, Arcturus’ last appearance in the west. The 26th, with sunrise, Pleiades’ last appearance in the west. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mars 10 fingers below g Virginis. The 28th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 29th, last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Libra. This day, Jupiter will reach Libra. —————————— Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 14th, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 13th, (erasure) Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Mercury? (error for Venus?) 10 fingers above b Scorpii. This day, Saturn’s acronychal rising. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Mars 1 cubit 4 fingers above a Virginis. The 19th, Mars will reach Libra. This day, Sirius’ last appearance in the west. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Mercury 2 5/6 cubits above a Scorpii. The 22nd, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 24th, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Sagittarius. —————————— Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [The xth,] first sunrise before moonset. [The xth, last visibility of the moon] before sunrise. The 10th, Orion’s acronychal rising. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 16th, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 24th, solstice. On this day, last part of the night, Mars 6 fingers above a Librae. The 28th, 55° after sunrise, solar eclipse in Capricorn, for 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 29th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. —————————— [Month X, ....] [Night of the xth, last] part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Librae. The 11th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 13th, with sunrise, lunar eclipse in Cancer which will be omitted. [The xth, Saturn] stationary in Taurus. The 16th, Venus (error for: Mars) will reach Scorpius. This day, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 24th, Jupiter stationary in Libra. [....] Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars 1 finger above b Scorpii. ——————————
Nos. 58 & 59
No. 58 BM 34228 (= Sp 334) Copy: LBAT 1026 Photo: Pl. 32 Year: SE 135
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x⌉ IGI? GE6 14 30 DANNA? [.... AN-KU10 si]n 5 ÁB BAR DIB GE6 18 USAN dele-bat [x] [....] KÙŠ? GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG AN e RÍN šá ULÙ 5 U? [.... x ME NIM]-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP [....] (blank) [GAN x .... USAN dele-bat e MÚL IG]I šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 4 U ina ZÁLAG AN SIG RÍN šá SI [....] dele-bat e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 4 U [.... MÚL]-BABBAR ana ME E-a 16 šámaš GUB [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉
No. 59 BM 35581 + 35650 + 35714 + 35725 + 35984 + 36035 (= Sp III 90+162+233+244+525+580) Copies: LBAT 1027, 1028, 1091, 1092, 1094, 1101 Photo: Pl. 32f. Year: SE 137
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[BAR .... GE6 x] USAN GU4-UD SIG MÚL-MÚL ⅔ [KÙŠ ....] [.... GE6 x US]AN AN e šur ULÙ 2½? [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ?⌉ 24? 30? MAŠ? ⌈x x x⌉ 27 KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... x]+1 AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB šá DIB —————————— [GU4 .... GE6 x USAN AN] e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ [x MÚL-BABBAR] ina MÁŠ UŠ 13 ⌈24? ME NIM-a AN⌉-[KU10 sin ....] [....] 18 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 22 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ 27 KUR GE6 28 USA[N dele-bat? ....] [....] GE6 20+[x] USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ [á]r 3 KÙŠ —————————— [SIG .... GE6 x USAN] dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár 3 KÙŠ 3 GU4-UD⌉ [ina N]IM UD-DA IGI DIB 13 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB [....] ⌈x⌉ [MÚL] ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 4 KÙŠ 1[4] AN ina ALLA ŠÚ 14 na GE6 23 [USAN dele-bat SIG SAG A x]+1 KÙŠ 26 GENNA ina ALLA ŠÚ 28 KUR ——————————
Years SE 135 & 137
No. 58 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] first appearance .... Night of the 14th, ½ bēru? [.... lun]ar [eclipse] (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus [....] [....] cubits? [....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mars 5 fingers above a Librae. [.... x° after sunri]se, solar eclipse to be watched for. [....] (blank) [Month IX, .... first part of the night, Venus] 4 fingers [above] g Capricorni; last part of the night, Mars [....] below b Librae. [....] Venus 4 fingers above d Capricorni. [.... Jup]iter’s acronychal rising. The 16th, solstice. [....] .... [....] ....
Date A solstice on the 16th is possible in month III of year SE 8 + 19n and in month VIII of year SE 2 + 19n. Shortly before this, an acronychal rising of Jupiter is expected. The previous month contained both a lunar and a solar eclipse possibility; the lunar eclipse possibility occurred 5 months after another one and was therefore to be omitted. Mars has to pass α and β Librae during this period. From these data a unique date of SE 135 VIII and IX can be derived.
No. 59 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
9 10
[Month I, .... Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Mercury ⅔ [cubit] below h Tauri [....] [.... Night of the xth, first] part of the night, Mars 2½? [cubits] above f Tauri. [....] [....] cubits?. The 24th?, .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. .... [....] [.... x]+1 solar eclipse (after) 5 months which will be omitted. —————————— [Month II, .... Night of the xth, first part of the night, Mars] 4 cubits above g Geminorum. [The xth, Jupiter] stationary in Capricorn. The 13th, 24°? after sunrise, [lunar] eclipse [....] [....] The 18th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below a Geminorum. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, [Venus? ....] [....] Night of the 20+[xth,] first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below b Geminorum. —————————— [Month III, .... Night of the xth, first part of the night,] Venus 3 cubits below β Geminorum. The 3rd, Mercury’s first appearance [in the ea]st ...., omitted. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east ...., omitted. [....] .... 4 cubits .... d Cancri. The 1[4th,] Mars’ last appearance in Cancer. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 23rd, [first part of the night, Venus x]+1 cubits [below e Leonis.] The 26th, Saturn’s last appearance in Cancer. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ——————————
118 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19
No. 59 [ŠU .... GE6 x USAN dele-bat] e LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ 2 šámaš GUB 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI GE6 8 USAN ⌈x⌉ [.... x] MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 14? [na] GE6 10+[x] USAN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.[KUN] ⌈A? x+1⌉ KÙŠ 23 [KAK-BAN IGI GE6 2]5? USAN dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 3 SI 27 KUR —————————— IZI [....] GE6 8 USAN dele-bat SIG DELE 20 SI GE6 8 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG SI MÁŠ 2⅔ KÙŠ [x na GE6] 15 USAN dele-bat e SA4 1 KÙŠ 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ABSIN ŠÚ 28 KUR —————————— KIN 1 21,10 TAB ina 30-šú 9? [.... GE6 x USAN] dele-bat SIG RÍN šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ 5 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ ⌈UŠ⌉ GE6 10 USAN dele-bat SIG [RÍN šá SI nn mm x GU4-UD ina NI]M ina TIL A IGI 15? na GE6 22? U[SAN] dele-bat e MÚL MURUB4 šá [SAG GÍR-TAB ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [GENNA SI]G SAG A 3 [KÙŠ ....] ——————————
Lower edge 1 DU6 30 5 LÁL-tì 6 [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11? USAN [....] 2 GE6 15 USAN MÚL-BABBAR ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈GE6 22⌉ USAN AN e S[A4 ....] 3 [2]7 KUR GE6 29 23 [.... AN-KU10] šámaš šá DIB —————————— Rev. 1 2 3 4 5
APIN 1 12 26 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš A[N-KU10 sin ....] GAR ⌈x E-a⌉ 14 na GE6 22 USAN dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 4 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ina ZÁLAG AN x RÍ]N šá ULÙ 1 SI 27 KUR 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL PA [IGI] 29 GENNA ina TIL ALLA U[Š (....)] —————————— GAN 30 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG [AN] SIG RÍN šá SI 3 KÙŠ 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL PA ŠÚ 14 na GE6 15? ina [ZÁLAG A]N e MÚL e šá SAG [GÍR-TA]B 6 SI GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG AN e SI4 2½ KÙŠ 27 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [PA IGI 2]7 KUR ——————————
Year SE 137 11
12 13
14 15
18 19
[Month IV, .... Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] ⅔ cubit above a Leonis. The 2nd, solstice. The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Cancer. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, .... [.... The xth,] Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 14th?, [first moonset after sunrise.] Night of the 10+[xth,] first part of the night, Venus x+1 cubits below j Leonis. The 23rd, [Sirius’ first appearance. Night of the 2]5th?, first part of the night, Venus 3 fingers above b Virginis. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month V, [....] Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Venus 20 fingers below g Virginis. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Jupiter 2⅔ cubits below b Capricorni. [The xth, first moonset after sunrise. Night] of the 15th, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above a Virginis. The 20th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west Virgo. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 10´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), 9°? [.... Night of the xth, first part of the night,] Venus ⅔ cubit below a Librae. The 5th, Jupiter stationary in Capricorn. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below [b Librae. The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east] in the end of Leo. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 22nd?, first [part of the night,] Venus [....] above d Scorpii. [....] .... [....] [Saturn] 3 [cubits be]low e Leonis. [....] ——————————
Lower edge 1 Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 5th, equinox. The 6th, [....] .... Night of the 11th?, first part of the night, [....] 2 Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Jupiter .... [....] Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars [....] above a [Virginis ....] 3 [The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, 23° [....] solar [eclipse] which will be omitted. —————————— Rev. 1
3 4
Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 12th, 26° before sunset, [lunar] ecl[ipse ....] it will make [....;] it will come out eclipsed?. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below b Capricorni. Night of the 20+[xth, last part of the night, Mars] 1 finger [....] a Librae. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in the end of Sagittarius. The 29th, Saturn stationary in the end of Cancer. —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 1st, last part of the night, [Mars] 3 cubits below b Librae. The 14th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Sagittarius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 15th?, last [part of the night, Ma]rs 6 fingers above b Scorpii. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits above a Scorpii. The 27th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in [Sagittarius. The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ——————————
Nos. 59 & 60
120 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[AB ....] ⌈dele-bat ina ŠÚ⌉ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 8 šámaš GUB 8 dele-bat ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG [SAG] A [nn] KÙŠ GE6 13 ina ZÁLAG AN e šil PA 1 KÙŠ 13 KAK-BAN ana ME E-a 14 na 18 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL MÁŠ ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ana ME E-a 20+[x KU]R? —————————— [ZÍ]Z 30 10 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [GE6] ⌈11⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 6 SI 15 n[a ....] 27 KUR —————————— ŠE 1 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 14 na G[E6] ⌈15 ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-bat e ⌈SUḪUR IGI⌉ [nn mm GE6] 16 ina ZÁLAG dele-[bat] [e SUḪU]R ár 2½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ GE6 22 [USAN GU4-UD SIG] MÚL IGI šá S[AG ḪUN nn mm] [GE6 x] ⌈USAN GU4-UD⌉ [SIG MÚL] ⌈ár⌉ šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 24+[x ....] ⌈x⌉ 26 [....] [(....)] —————————— [ŠE DIR .... GE6 x ina ZÁLAG AN] ⌈e⌉ SUḪUR IGI 10 SI 10 GU4-[UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ 11] LÁL-tì [....] [....] na 28? [KU]R 29 17 ME N[IM-a ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ šá ⌈x x⌉ MU-1-me-3[7-KAM ....]
Comments Obv. 9: d Cancri has a latitude of almost 0, so planets can neither be above nor below by 4 cubits. Almanacs are predictive, but this seems to be a gross error. Assuming that 4 fingers are meant, Saturn could be restored. Venus too is close to the star, but about ¾ cubit above it. Lower edge 1: Venus or Mars can be restored at the end of the line.
No. 60 BM 36987 (= 81-6-17, 731) Photo: Pl. 33 Year: SE 142
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 26 ⌈USAN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈e⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 K[ÙŠ ....] —————————— [GU4 ....] GE6 2 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e MAŠ-MAŠ šá S[IPA ....] [....] 4 GENNA ina ABSIN UŠ ⌈GE6 9⌉ USAN dele-bat SIG [MAŠ-MAŠ IGI nn mm] [.... GE6 1]2 USAN dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 KÙŠ 13 GU4-U[D ....] [....] ⌈GE6 x x x AN?⌉ SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 5 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x GE6 25⌉ [USAN] ⌈dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ [nn mm ....] ——————————
Years SE 137 & 142 6
11 12 13 14 15 16
[Month X, ....] Venus’ last appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 8th, solstice. The 8th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Capricorn. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Saturn [nn] cubits below [e] Leonis. Night of the 13th, last part of the night, Mars 1 cubit above j Ophiuchi. The 13th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, Jupiter’s [last appearance] in the end of Capricorn. [....] The xth, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 20+[xth,] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. [Night] of the 11th, last part of the night, Venus 6 fingers below b Capricorni. The 15th, first [moonset after sunrise. ....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above γ Capricorni. [Night] of the 16th, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits [above] d Capricorni; last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Capricorni. Night of the 22nd, [first part of the night, Mercury .... below] b Arie[tis.] [Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits [below] a Arietis. The 24+[xth, ....] .... The 26th, [....] [....] —————————— [Month XII2, .... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars] 10 fingers above g Capricorni. The 10th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in Aries. The 11th,] equinox. [....] first moonset after sunrise. The 28th?, [last visibility] of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, 17° after sun[rise, ....] .... [....] [....] .... year 13[7 ....]
No. 60 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 26th, first part of the night?, [....] [....] 4 cu[bits] above g Geminorum. [....] —————————— [Month II, ....] Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Jupiter [....] above g Geminorum [....] [....] The 4th, Saturn stationary in Virgo. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below [a Geminorum.] [.... Night of the 1]2th, first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below b Geminorum. The 13th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west ....] [....] Night ...., Mars? 5 cubits below b Arietis. [....] [....] .... Night of the 25th, [first part of the night,] Venus [....] above d Cancri. [....] ——————————
122 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
No. 60 [SIG ....] ⌈USAN dele-bat SIG⌉ SAG A 3½ K[ÙŠ] ⌈GE6 5? USAN?⌉[....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ 3 KÙŠ GE6 [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈USAN⌉ dele-bat e ⌈MÚL⌉ [TUR] šá 4 KÙŠ ár ⌈LUGAL ½⌉ KÙŠ 21 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x USAN⌉ dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ ⌈KÙŠ 29 MÚL-BABBAR⌉ [....] [ŠU ....] ⌈šá? x x x x x x KÙŠ?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈GE6 x USAN?⌉ dele-bat ⌈e?⌉ [GÌR?] ⌈ár šá A x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ? 18⌉ KAK-⌈BAN IGI⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x MAŠ-MAŠ? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[.... MÚ]L? IGI ⌈šá⌉[....] [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ ina ⌈PA⌉ IGI ⌈GE6? 20? x⌉ [....] [.... x] KÙŠ GE6 ⌈26? ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e⌉ S[I4 ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [AB .... x]+10 2 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈ana ME E-a⌉ 3 šámaš [GU]B ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ šá ALLA šá SI 20 SI ⌈GE6⌉ 7 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL [KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ 8 KAK-BAN ana ME E-a 8 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ ina TIL MÁŠ [ŠÚ ....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 sin ⌈5? ÁB?⌉ BAR DIB ⌈GE6⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ 21 GU4-UD ina NIM? ina MÁŠ IGI 2[9? ....] [x x x] 27 16,40? ⌈KUR⌉ ⌈in⌉ 1,33 [GE6 GIN] —————————— [ZÍZ x x]+5,20 ⌈x x⌉ GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD SIG SI M[ÁŠ ....] [....] ⌈GE6 11 USAN MÚL-BABBAR? x⌉ [....]
Date A solstice on the 3rd and an acronychal rising of Sirius in the same month identify the month as X; the year is SE 9 + 19n. A lunar eclipse possibility in the same month takes place in SE 142, 161, 180, and 199; the acronychal rising of Jupiter in the beginning of month X determines the year as SE 142. The timing of the (invisible) solar eclipse at the end of month X is the same in the Goal year text ADART vol. VI No. 46 rev. I 14´, which refers to the same year.
Year SE 142 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´
[Month III, ....] first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 5th?, first part of the night, [....] [....] .... 3 cubits .... Night [....] .... [....] [....] first part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above r Leonis. The 21st, .... [....] [....] .... first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below j Leonis. The 29th, Jupiter’s [....] [Month IV, ....] .... cubit? [....] [....] Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus .... above? [b] Virginis. [....] [....] cubits?. The 18th, Sirius’ first appearance. [....] [....] .... Gemini? ....[....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´-10´
11´ 12´
[....] .... [....] [....] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. Night? of the 20th?, .... [....] [....] cubits [....] Night of the 26th?, last part of the night, Venus [....] above a [Scorpii ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [Month X, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 10´?. [....] .... [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 40´?. The 2nd, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 3rd, solstice. Night [....] 20 fingers [.... h /g] Cancri. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above j [Ophiuchi.] The 8th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 8th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in the end of Capricorn. [....] before sunset, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. Night [....] 2½ cubits [....] The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 2[9th?, .... solar eclipse ....] at 93° [after sunset.] —————————— [Month XI, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+5° 20´..... Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Mercury [....] below b Capri[corni ....] [....] Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Jupiter .... [....]
Nos. 61 & 62
No. 61 BM 41106 (= 81-4-28, 653) Listed as LBAT *1028a Photo: Pl. 34 Year: SE 142
´Obv. 1‘ 2‘
[.... A]N SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ [....] [.... SIG MAŠ-MAŠ] ár 3 KÙŠ 30 LÁL-tì
Lower edge 1 [....] MU-1-me-42-KAM NU IGI-TAB Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[DU6 .... GU4-UD ina NI]M ina ABSIN IGI 3 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina RÍN ŠÚ 5 GENNA ina ABSIN [I]GI [GE6 x ina ZÁLAG AN] ⌈e?⌉ MÚL IGI šá ALLA šá SI 2 SI GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG [GU4]-UD [e SA4 šá ABSIN x]+1 KÙŠ 19 dele-bat ina NIM ina RÍN IGI GE6 20 [ina ZÁL]AG AN [e MÙL IGI šá ALLA] šá ULÙ 8 SI [....] ——————————
No. 62 BM 33497 + 33504 + 33510 (= Rm IV 52+59+65) Photo: Pl. 34 Year: SE 145
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[x x x ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] KUR [x x] ⌈GE6⌉ 29 U[SAN ....] —————————— [ŠU x x] ina KAL 1 š[ámaš GU]B GE6 6 U[SAN ....] [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ IGI? ⌈x⌉ [GE6 1]3? USAN? AN SI[G? .... GU4-UD] [x x] ME SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ 21 KA[K-BAN IGI ....] [x x],40 na USAN ⌈dele-bat⌉ e GÌR ár šá A 2 U 10+[x ....] [x x] GE6 [x x],20 KUR —————————— [IZI x x],50? GE6 4 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG DELE šá [IGI ABSIN nn mm GE6 x USAN dele-bat SIG DELE] [x x] ŠÚ šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ GE6 15 [....] [x x] ⌈na⌉ ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈ME?⌉ (2 lines broken)
Years SE 142 & 145
No. 61 ´Obv. 1´ 2´
[.... Ma]rs 4 cubits below a Geminorum. [....] [....] 3 cubits [below b] Geminorum. The 30th, equinox.
Lower edge 1 [....] year 142; not checked. Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[Month VII, .... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east] in Virgo. The 3rd, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Libra. The 5th, Saturn’s first appearance in Virgo. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars] 2 fingers above h Cancri. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Mercury [x]+1 cubit [above a Virginis.] The 19th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Libra. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers [above j] Cancri. [....] (blank) ——————————
No. 62 ´Obv.´ 1´-2´
[....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] [....] .... [....] Night of the 29th, first part [of the night, ....] —————————— [Month IV, ....] ina KAL. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. The 1st, so[lsti]ce. Night of the 6th, first [part of the night, ....] .... [Night of the 1]3th?, first part of the night, Mars [.... be[low .... Mercury] 4½ cubits below j Leonis. The 21st, Sir[ius’ first appearance. ....] first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above b Virginis. The 10+[xth, ....] —————————— [Month V, ....] (sunset to moonset:) [x°] 50´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [....] Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Jupiter [....] below g [Virginis. Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] 1 cubit [below g] Virginis. Night of the 15th, [....] .... [....] (2 lines broken)
Nos. 62 & 63
[KIN [x [x
x x] x] x],20
⌈x⌉ ŠÚ na
[x] ⌈x⌉ KUR ——————————
15´ 16´
⌈6⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN ŠÚ 10+[x ....] USAN AN SIG RÍN šá [SI ....] GE6 8 USAN dele-bat SI[G RÍN šá SI] ⌈4⌉ KÙŠ 8 GU4-UD ina ⌈NIM⌉ [ina x ŠÚ ....] USAN dele-bat e MÚL M[URUB4 šá S]AG GÍR-TAB 2 U GE6 25 USAN AN? [....] 1 KÙŠ GE6 27? [U]SAN AN e MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB ⌈2?⌉ [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[....] ⌈x x 7⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ GE6 ⌈27⌉ U[SAN ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [APIN ....] 15 ⌈GU4-UD ina⌉ ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ (rest destroyed or illegible)
No. 63 BM 34116 + 34802 (= Sp 217 + II 295) Copies: LBAT 1029f. Photo: Pl. 35 Year: SE 146
[....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... [ŠU x .... [12 x]+40 ŠÚ
15 7,30 GE6 27 19,20 KUR —————————— IZI 1 13,20 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A ŠÚ GE6 [x]+5? ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL ár šá ALLA 12 7,40 ŠÚ šá ULÙ 10 SI GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ [13 x]+3,20 na 29 dele-bat ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ [14 x] ME [15 x] GE6 [x x KU]R ——————————
1´ 2´ 3´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
GE6 2]⌈8?⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ á[r x]+2 KÙŠ ] ⌈x⌉ 4 KÙŠ GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e ⌈MÚL ár šá?⌉ [ALLA šá ULÙ nn mm GE6] ⌈11⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x IGI] GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ina ZÁLAG] dele-bat e LUGAL 6 SI
Yeats SE 145 & 146
15´-20´ [Month VI, ....] (sunset to moonset:) .... [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunrise to
moonset: [x°] 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: .... [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: .... The 6th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Virgo. The 10+[xth, ....] first part of the night, Mars [....] below b Librae [....] Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below [b Librae.] The 8th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in ....] first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above d Scorpii. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mars? [....] 1 cubit. Night of the 27th?, first part of the night, Mars 2? [....] above d Scorpii. [....] —————————— Rev.´ 1-3 4
[....] .... 7 [....] .... [....] .... Night of the 27th, first [part of the night, ....] —————————— [Month VIII, ....] The 15th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. [....]
Comments Obv. 3´: The solstice, according to the Uruk scheme, occurs on III 30; if the month had only 29 days, it would be moved to IV 1. Date The Sirius date (obv. 5´) and the equinox (obv. 3´) restrict the year to SE 12 + 19n. A last appearance of Jupiter in Virgo (obv. 15´) and the positions of Mars in Libra and Scorpius decide for SE 145.
No. 63 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´-8´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] [.... Night of the 2]8th?, last part of the night, Venus [x]+2 cubits below b Geminorum. [Month IV, .... The 12th,] moonset to sunrise: .... The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 1°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 19° 20´. [....] 4 cubits [....] Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above d Ca[ncri. Night] of the 11th, last part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below b Geminorum. The 12th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in ....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 20+[xth, last part of the night,] Venus 6 fingers above a Leonis. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 40´. [The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+3° 20´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth, moonrise to] sunrise: [....] The 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Leo. Night of the [x]+5th, last part of the night, Mars 10 fingers above d Cancri. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below e Leonis. The 29th, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Virgo. ——————————
128 15´ 16´
Nos. 63 & 64 [KIN x .... [x x
G]E6 12 ina ZÁLAG AN e LUGAL 6 S[I] ⌈x x x x x⌉ ....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ [x x x ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x x ....] dele-bat ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 3´ [x x x] ⌈x x x GE6 x⌉ ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ⌈e⌉ [S]I4 2½ KÙŠ 4´ [x x],50 GE6 5´ [2]⌈7⌉ 21,10 KUR —————————— 6´ GAN 30 14 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG DELE šá IGI [ABSIN nn S]I 6 GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA ŠÚ 7´ 14 10 UŠ ŠÚ GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG M[ÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB] 2 SI 17 šámaš GUB 8´ 15 2,10 ME 22 KAK-BAN ana M[E E-a x AN? ina] ABSIN UŠ ? 9´ 15 3 ,20 na 10´ [x x G]E6 26 ⌈x⌉ [KUR] —————————— 11´ [AB x .... ] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR 12´-14´ (broken) 15´ [x x x .... MÚL] ⌈KUR šá⌉ DUR nu-nu
Left edge 1 [MU-1-me]-46-KAM IA[n-ti-ʾu-ku-su LUGAL] Right edge 1 MU-1-me-46-KAM
No. 64 U 180(3) + 193a + 193b Photo: Pl. 36 (© Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft) From Uruk Year: SE 150
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat d1 u An-tu4 liš-[lim] Obv. 2
BAR ⌈13?⌉
30 na
4 5 6
GE6 5 ina EN dele-bat e is le10 2 [KÙŠ x GENNA ina PA] UŠ GE6 12? ina EN dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI ⌈2? KÙŠ⌉ GE6 ⌈13 ina EN⌉ [AN e i]s le10 2? ½? KÙŠ GE6 17 ina EN ⌈dele-bat e múlšur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ 18 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 19 ina EN GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ 21 ina EN AN ina ŠÚ ina MÙL-MÚL ŠÚ GE6 23 ina EN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 25 ina EN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá še-pit MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 27 ina EN dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4? KÙŠ
Years 146 & 150 15´ 16´
[Month VI, ....] [Ni]ght of the 12th, last part of the night, Mars 6 fingers above a Leonis .... [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ [Month VIII, .... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 50´. [The 2]7th, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 10´. [....] .... [....] Venus .... [....] .... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mercury 2½ cubits above a Scorpii. —————————— 6´-10´ Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14°. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 10°. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 10´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 3°? 20´. [The 16th,] sunset to moonrise: [....] The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise:] .... Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Mars [nn fing]ers below g Virginis. The 6th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Sagittarius. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Jupiter 2 fingers below b [Scorpii.] The 17th, solstice. The 22nd, Sirius’ acronychal [rising. The xth, Mars?] stationary in Virgo. —————————— 11´-15´ [Month X, ....] [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] h Piscium. [....] 1´-5´
Left edge 1 [Year 1]46, [king] A[ntiochus.] Right edge 1 Year 146.
No. 64 Upper edge 1 At the command of Anu and Antu may it go well. Obv. 1-6
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 13th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus 2 [cubits] above α Tauri. [The xth, Saturn] stationary [in Sagittarius.] Night of the 12th?, first part of the night, Venus 2? cubits below β Tauri. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, [Mars] 2½? cubits [above] α Tauri. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above f Tauri. The 18th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 19th, first part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. The 21st, first part of the night, Mars’ last appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above h Geminorum. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above m Geminorum. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Venus 4? cubits above g Geminorum.
130 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No. 64 —————————— GU4 1 ⌈3⌉ AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR GE6 7 ina EN dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3 KÙŠ GE6 11 ina EN dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 15 ⌈na⌉ [x]+1 KÙŠ 12 dele-bat ALLA KUR U4 BI ina EN KAK-BAN ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 19 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ina KUR ina MÚL ⌈IGI DIB⌉ 26 KUR GE6 23 ina EN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ —————————— SIG 30 GE6 4 ina EN dele-bat SIG SAG A 3½ KÙŠ 6 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ina KUR MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ D[IB] 15 na U4 BI KI ŠÚ šámaš GENNA ina KUR ina PA ana ME a 7 dele-bat A KUR GE6 13 ina EN dele-bat e [LUGAL] [x] KUR ⅔ KÙŠ 15 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL? GU? UŠ 18 AN ALLA KUR GE6 19 ina EN [dele-bat?] e MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ 25 dšámaš GUB-za GE6 28 ina EN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ —————————— [ŠU] ⌈1⌉ 1 ina EN GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI GE6 8 ina EN dele-bat SIG GÌR ár-tú šá A 2 S[I] [x n]a U4 BI dele-bat ABSIN KUR 16 ina ZÁLAG múlBIR ina KUR IGI 21 ina EN dele-bat SIG DELE [x KUR] šá IGI ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ —————————— [IZI] ⌈30⌉ 3 AN A KUR 4 ina ZÁLAG AN ina KUR ina SAG A IGI GE6 5 ina EN dele-bat e SA4 16 na šá ABSIN 1 SI TE 7 dele-bat RÍN KUR U4 BI GENNA ina PA UŠ 14 ina EN GU4-UD 27 KUR ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ U4 BI AN-KU10 sin ina GU BAR DIB 15 KI ŠÚ šámaš MÚL-BABBAR ina KUR ina GU ana ME a GE6 ⌈18?⌉ ina EN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš ⌈ina ABSIN⌉ šá DIB —————————— KIN 1 1 ina ZÁLAG múlBIR ina ⌈KUR IGI?⌉ GE6 ⌈8?⌉ ina EN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 4½ KÙŠ 14 na 8 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ina KUR ina ⌈TIL A⌉ IGI GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 KÙŠ 27 KUR 28 LÁL-tú 29 ina EN dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina RÍN ŠÚ U4 BI ina ZÁLAG AN e GÌ[R] ár-tú šá A 2 KÙŠ U4 BI AN ABSIN KUR ——————————
Year SE 150
—————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 3rd, Mars will reach Gemini. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Venus [x]+1? cubits below b Geminorum. The 12th, Venus will reach Cancer. This day, first part of the night, Sirius’ last appearance in the west. The 19th, last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Taurus will be omitted. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above d Cancri. —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth,] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below ε Leonis. The 6th, last part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the east Gemini will be [omitted.] This day, with sunset, Saturn’s acronychal rising in the east in Sagittarius. The 7th, Venus will reach Leo. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit above [a Leonis.] The 15th, Jupiter stationary in the end? of Aquarius?. The 18th, Mars will reach Cancer. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, [Venus] ⅔ cubit above ρ Leonis. The 25th, solstice. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below j Leonis. —————————— [Month IV,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [The xth, first] moonset after sunrise. [The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] The 1st, first part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Cancer. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers below b Virginis. This day, Venus will reach Virgo. The 16th, last part of the night, BIR’s first appearance in the east. The 21st, first part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits below g Virginis. —————————— [Month V,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 3rd, Mars will reach Leo. The 4th, last part of the night, Mars’ first appearance in the east in the beginning of Leo. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above a Virginis, it will come close. The 7th, Venus will reach Libra. This day, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. The 14th, first part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. This day, lunar eclipse in Aquarius, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 15th, with sunset, Jupiter’s acronychal rising in the east in Aquarius. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus 1⅔ cubits below a Librae. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse in Virgo which will be omitted. —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 1st, last part of the night, BIR’s first? appearance in the east. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below b Librae. The 8th, last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Leo. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below j Leonis. The 28th, equinox. The 29th, first part of the night, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Libra. This day, last part of the night, Mars 2 cubits above b Virginis. This day, Mars will reach Virgo. ——————————
No. 64
Rev. 5 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ina KUR ina ABSIN ŠÚ 14 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL GU UŠ ⌈16? [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ina KUR] ina RÍN IGI GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ
⌈DU6⌉ 30 AŠ
15 na 28 KUR —————————— APIN 1 3 KI KUR šámaš MÚL-MÚL ina ŠÚ {ina} ŠÚ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG AN e SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 8 SI 14 na 16 AN RÍN KUR GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e RÍN šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ 27 KUR —————————— GAN 1 1? ina E[N? GENNA ina PA ŠÚ x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG] RÌN šá SI 2½ KÙŠ [x x x] 14 na ⌈x⌉ [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ G[E6 x x] 27 KUR ⌈x⌉ [.... ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] e MÚL AN šá SAG [GÍR-TAB nn mm] [.... ina ZÁLAG] dele-bat e SI4 2 K[ÙŠ ....] U4 BI ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— AB 1 1 dšámaš G[UB-za .... ina ZÁLAG] dele-bat e MÙL KUR šá KIR4 š[il PA] 13 na 2 KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [.... KI] ⌈ŠÚ šámaš⌉ GENNA ina KUR ina PA ana ME [a] 28 KUR 7 MÚL-BABBAR? [....] 14 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL ⌈AN⌉ ⌈šá SAG GÍR-TAB x⌉ [.... ina ZÁLAG] AN e SI4 2 KÙŠ —————————— ZÍZ 30 4 [.... ina] ZÁLAG GU4-UD ina KUR ina SAG GU ŠÚ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat 14 na SI[G SI MÁŠ nn mm x]+1 AN-KU10 sin ina A šá DIB GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG AN e 27 KUR M[ÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA nn K]ÙŠ 19 AN PA KUR 29 ina EN MÚL-BABBAR ina ŠÚ ina [zib ŠÚ x AN-KU10 šá]maš ina zib šá DIB U4 BI ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SUḪUR IGI-ú 1 KÙŠ 8 SI —————————— ŠE 1 GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ⌈e⌉ MÚL IGI [šá SUḪUR] MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ 8 SI 1 dele-bat GU KUR GE6 10 ina EN 13 na GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL zib IGI GE6 [x ina E]N GU4-UD SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG.K[I] ḪUN 3 KÙŠ 26 KUR GE6 20 ina EN GU4-UD SIG MÚL á[r šá] SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ 29 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR ina KUR ina zib? [IGI] —————————— 1-me-51 BAR 30 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-50-KAM IAn-ti-[ʾu-ku]-⌈su LUGAL⌉
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22
23 24
Comments This tablet deteriorated since excavation. Luckily, excavation photos of the (still uncleaned) tablet show it in better shape. 8: According to the scheme, Sirius’ last appearance is on the 11th, but 12 is clear in the beginning of the line. Rev. 13: An acronychal rising of Saturn is probably an error for first appearance (calculated for X 4). Rev. 20: IGI is clear; one would expect ár, however, because Venus had already passed g Capricorni earlier.
Year SE 150
Rev. 1-3
23 24
Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); AŠ. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 5th?, last part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 14th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Aquarius. The 16th?, [last part of the night, Venus’] first appearance [in the east] in Libra. Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mars 1 cubit below g Virginis. —————————— Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 3rd, with sunset, Pleiades’ last appearance in the west. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Mars 1 cubit 8 fingers above a Virginis. The 16th, Mars will reach Libra. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above a Librae. —————————— Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 1st?, first? part of the night, [Saturn’s last appearance in Sagittarius. The xth, last part of the night, Venus] 2½ cubits [below] b Librae. [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn. .... [.... last part of the night, Venus ....] above b Scorpii. [.... last part of the night,] Venus 2 [cubits] above a Scorpii. [....] This day, .... [....] —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 1st, solstice. [.... last part of the night,] Venus 2 cubits above j Ophiuchi. [....] with sunset, Saturn’s acronychal rising in the east in Sagittarius. The 7th, Jupiter? [....] The 14th, last part of the night, Mars .... above b Scorpii. [.... last part of the night,] Mars 2 cubits above a Scorpii. —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 4th, [....] last part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the beginning of Aquarius. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Venus [.... below b Capricorni .... The x]+1st, lunar eclipse in Leo which will be omitted. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Mars [nn cu]bits above [j Ophiuchi.] The 19th, Mars will reach Sagittarius. The 29th, first part of the night, Jupiter’s [last appearance] in the west [in Pisces. The xth, so]lar [eclipse] in Pisces which will be omitted. This day, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 8 fingers above g Capricorni. —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 8 fingers above γ [Capri]corni. The 1st, Venus will reach Aquarius. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Pisces. Night [of the xth, first part of the] night, Mercury 3 cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mercury 3 cubits below a Arietis. The 29th, last part of the night, Jupiter’s [first appearance] in the east in Pisces?. —————————— (Year) 151, month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of year 150, king Anti[och]us.
No. 65
No. 65 U 194 Listed as LBAT *1031 Photo: Pl. 37 (© Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft) From Uruk Year: SE 151
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´
21´ 22´ 23´
[BAR [x
x na
....] ina EN GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [ḪUN ŠÚ ....] GE6] 24? ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR ⌈nu-nu 4? KÙŠ⌉ [....]
[x KUR] —————————— [GU4 x GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG IGI šá SAG ḪUN [nn KÙŠ] [x na x GENNA] ina MÁŠ UŠ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ 18 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD [x KUR ina KUR ina ḪUN] IGI DIB 21 dele-bat MÚL KUR GE6 22? ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ 2 KÙŠ [.... 2]⌈2⌉ KAK-BAN ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 24 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈ina⌉ [x x x] UŠ —————————— [SIG x .... GU4-U]D ina KUR ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ DIB GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG [....] ⌈GE6 12⌉ [x na .... dele-bat SIG š]ur GIGIR šá SI 3 KÙŠ 15 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ K[UR ....] ⌈x⌉ KUR [x KUR ....] 3 KÙŠ 27 ina EN GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALL[A IGI ....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [ŠU x .... A]N ina KUR ina MÁŠ ana ME a GE6 6 ina EN G[U4-UD ....] ⌈x⌉ [x na .... 7 šámaš GU]B-za 9 dele-bat ALLA KUR 10 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] ⌈AN ina PA UŠ⌉ [x KUR .... 28 KAK]-BAN ina KUR IGI —————————— [IZI x ....] 6 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN UŠ 12 ina E[N GU4-UD ina] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [ina x] ŠÚ [x na .... D]ANNA 1 UŠ GE6 ana KUR šámaš TAG4 AN-KU10 sin ina GU TIL-tú GAR ád? [ŠÚ?] [x KUR .... DANN]A 2 UŠ GE6 ana KUR šámaš TAG4 AN-KU10 šámaš ina A šá DIB U4 BI dele-bat ABSIN KUR —————————— [KIN x x]+1 AN MÁŠ KUR 3 GENNA ina TIL PA UŠ 13 ina ZÁLAG BIR [x na ina KUR IGI x ina EN dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN] IGI 23 dele-bat RÍN KUR 24 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ina KUR [x KUR ina x ŠÚ GE6 x ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚ]L KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ —————————— [KIN-2-KAM x ....] 10 LÁL-tú GE6 15 ina EN AN SIG IGI [x na šá SUḪUR MÁŠ nn mm G]E6 19 ina EN AN SIG ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [x KUR nn mm (....) GE6 x ina EN dele]-bat e SI4 2 KÙŠ ——————————
Year SE 151
No. 65 This tablet is similar in writing to No. 64 and probably had the same layout, with the Lunar Three data on the left. Since they are all broken, I have not translated them except for the month name.
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´
[Month I, ....] first part of the night, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in [Aries ....] [Night] of the 24th?, last part of the night, Venus 4? cubits below h Piscium. [....] (blank) —————————— [Month II, .... Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below b Capricorni. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Venus [nn cubits] below b Arietis. [The xth, Saturn] stationary in Capricorn. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below a Arietis. The 18th, last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance [in the east in Aries] will be omitted. The 21st, Venus will reach Taurus. Night of the 22nd?, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below h Tauri. [.... The 2]2nd, Sirius’ last appearance in the west. The 24th, last part of the night, Mars stationary in [....] —————————— [Month III, .... Mercu]ry’s last appearance in the east in Taurus will be omitted. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, [....] Night of the 12th, [.... Venus] 3 cubits [below] b Tauri. The 15th, Venus [will reach] Gemini. [....] will reach [....] [....] 3 cubits [....] The 27th, first part of the night, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Cancer. [....] .... —————————— [Month IV, .... Ma]rs’ acronychal rising in the east in Capricorn. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Me[rcury ....] .... [.... The 7th, sol]stice. The 9th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 10th, last part of the night, Venus’ [last appearance in the east in ....] Mars stationary in Sagittarius. [.... The 28th,] Sirius’ first appearance in the east. —————————— [Month V, ....] The 6th, Jupiter stationary in Aries. The 12th, first part of the night, [Mercury’s] last appearance in the west [in ....] [.... when x] bēru 1° will be left to sunrise, lunar eclipse in Aquarius; it will make totality; [it will set] eclipsed?. [.... when x] bēru 2° will be left to sunrise, solar eclipse in Leo which will be omitted. This day, Venus will reach Virgo. —————————— [Month VI, .... The x]+1st, Mars will reach Capricorn. The 3rd, Saturn stationary in the end of Sagittarius. The 13th, last part of the night, BI[R’s first appearance in the east.] [.... Venus’] first appearance [in the west in Virgo.] The 23rd, Venus will reach Libra. The 24th, last part of the night, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in .... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Jupiter] 3 cubits [below] h Piscium. —————————— [Month VI2, ....] The 10th, equinox. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below g [Capricorni. Ni]ght of the 19th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below d Capricorni. [.... Night of the xth, first part of the night, Ve]nus 2 cubits above a Scorpii. ——————————
No. 65
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25
[DU6 x .... 1]5 KI KUR šámaš [x na MÚL-MÚL ina ŠÚ ŠÚ ....] GENNA MÁŠ KUR [x KUR ....] —————————— [APIN x ....] U4 BI dele-bat MÁŠ KUR [x na ....] ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD ina KUR ina TIL GÍR-T[AB] IGI [x KUR .... 2]8? ina EN GENNA ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [.... dele]-bat GU KUR —————————— [GAN x ....] 18 KI ŠÚ šámaš KAK-BAN ina KUR ana ME a [x na ....] ⌈DANNA⌉ 5 UŠ GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš ⌈šá DIB⌉ [x KUR ....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina KUR ina MÁŠ ŠÚ —————————— [AB x .... GENNA ina KUR ina] ⌈MÁŠ IGI 5?⌉ AN ḪUN KUR GE6 7 ina EN AN SIG KUR šá DUR nu-nu [x na nn KÙŠ ....] ⌈x 14⌉ 1 DANNA 5? UŠ GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin ina A TIL-tú GAR-an [x KUR .... ina E]N MÚL-BABBAR SIG KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ GE6 18 ina EN AN SIG [ár šá SA]G ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ 20 dele-bat ḪUN KUR GE6 22 ina EN dele-bat SIG KUR [šá DUR nu]-nu 2 KÙŠ GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG SI MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ [....] dele-bat SIG IGI šá SAG.KI ḪUN 3 KÙŠ —————————— [ZÍZ x x ina EN GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina zib IGI U4 BI ina EN dele-bat SIG ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ [x na ....] ⌈x⌉ KUR 22 AN MÚL-MÚL KUR GE6 23 ina EN MÚL-BABBAR SIG IGI [x KUR šá SAG ḪUN nn] KÙŠ U4 BI ina EN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 5/6 KÙŠ GE6 26 ina EN AN SIG MÚL 1 8 SI —————————— [ŠE x .... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ GE6 4 ina EN dele-bat e is le10 3 KÙŠ GE6 11 [x na ina EN] ⌈AN⌉ e is le10 2½ KÙŠ 16 ina EN MÚL-BABBAR ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ U4 BI LÁL-tú [x KUR [G]E6 18 ina EN dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá SI ½ KÙŠ GE6 20 ina EN dele-bat e šur GIGIR [š]á ULÙ 2½ KÙŠ 21 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR —————————— [....] BAR 30 [meš-ḫ]i ⌈šá⌉ MU-1-me-51-KAM IDe-e-mi-e-ṭi-ri-su LUG[AL]
Year SE 151
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25
[Month VII, .... The 1]5th, with sunset, [Pleiades’ last appearance in the west. ....] Saturn will reach Capricorn. [....] —————————— [Month VIII, ....] This day, Venus will reach Capricorn. [....] last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Scorpius. [.... The 2]8th?, first part of the night, Saturn’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn. [.... Ve]nus will reach Aquarius. —————————— [Month IX, ....] The 18th, with sunset, Sirius’ acronychal rising in the east. [.... x] bēru 5° after sunset, solar eclipse which will be omitted. [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. —————————— [Month X, .... Saturn’s] first appearance [in the east in] Capricorn. The 5th?, Mars will reach Aries. Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Mars [nn cub]its below h Piscium. [....] The 14th, 1 bēru 5°? after sunset, lunar eclipse in Leo; it will make totality. [.... first part] of the night, Jupiter 2 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mars 4½ cubits below [a] Arietis. The 20th, Venus will reach Aries. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Saturn 2 cubits below b Capricorni. [....] Venus 3 cubits below b Arietis. —————————— [Month XI, .... The xth, first part of the night, Mercu]ry’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. This day, first part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below a Arietis. [....] will reach .... The 22nd, Mars will reach Taurus. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Jupiter [nn] cubits below b [Arietis.] This day, first part of the night, Venus 5/6 cubit below h Tauri. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Mars 1 8 fingers below h Tauri. —————————— [Month XII, .... Me]rcury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 11th, [first part of the night,] Mars 2½ cubits above a Tauri. The 16th, first part of the night, Jupiter’s last appearance in the west in Aries. This day, equinox. [Night] of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above b Tauri. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above f Tauri. The 21st, Venus will reach Gemini. —————————— Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). [Predictions] of year 151, king Demetrius.
No. 66
No. 66 BM 132287 (= 1958-4-12, 21) Photo: Pl. 37 Year: SE 151
´Obv.´ (blank) 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ UD? ina ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 15 U[SAN] ⌈MÚL?⌉-BABBAR ⌈e? x x⌉ [....] [.... GE6 x]+9 ⌈USAN? x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] (blank) [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x ina zibme?⌉ ŠÚ? [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] (blank)
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....]+9, 30? ⌈KUR x x⌉ [....] [DU6 ....] ⌈x⌉ [AN? x MÚL] ⌈IGI⌉ šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 8 U GE6 [....] [.... AN? x MÚL ár šá] SU[ḪUR MÁŠ] 8 U GE6 8 USAN dele-bat e [MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ⌈PA?⌉ [IGI ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ 27 20,50 KUR [APIN .... GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ 6 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL zibme UŠ [....] [.... dele-bat] SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ 17 GU4-UD ina NI[M ina x IGI ....] [.... GE6 x] USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] [.... dele-bat e] MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 ⌈U?⌉ 25+[x ....] [....] ⌈KUR?⌉ [GAN .... 1]8 KAK-BAN ⌈ana ME⌉ [E-a ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Date A station of Jupiter in the end of Pisces on the 6th (or close to it) of a month and an acronychal rising of Sirius on the 8th or 18th of the following month leaves only years SE 9, 104 , 151, and 246. In SE 9, Mercury does not fit; in SE 104 and 246, Venus is not evening star during these months. In SE 151, on the contrary, all remaining data for Venus and Mercury agree.
Year SE 151
No. 66 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... in .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 15th, first [part of the night,] Jupiter? above? .... [....] [.... Night of the x]+9th, first? part of the night, .... [....].... [....] [....] .... [....] (blank) [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [....] .... last appearance in Pisces? [....] [....] .... [....] (blank)
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+9° 30´? .... [....] [Month VII, ....] .... [Mars?] 8 fingers [....] g Capricorni. Night [....] [.... Mars?] 8 fingers [.... d] Capri[corni.] Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above [j Ophiuchi ....] [....] .... [....] The 13th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in the beginning of Sagittarius? [....] [....] .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20° 50´. [Month VIII, .... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 6th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Pisces. [....] [.... Venus] 3 cubits below b Capricorni. The 17th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the ea[st in ....] [.... Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus [....] above g Capricorni. [....] [.... Venus] 2 fingers [above] d Capricorni. The 25+[xth, ....] [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] [Month IX, .... The 1]8th, Sirius’ acronychal [rising ....] [....] .... [....]
Nos. 67 & 68
No. 67 BM 41965 (= 81-6-25, 587) Copy: LBAT 1105 Photo: Pl. 37 Year: SE 152
Flake 1‘ 2‘ 3‘ 4‘ 5‘ 6‘ 7‘ 8‘ 9‘ 10‘
[IZI x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x]+20 ŠÚ [x] 21? ME [x x]+1,10 [na [x x],30 GE6 [x x]+10,50 KUR [KIN 1 x] ina 30-šú 9,40 [x x] ME [x x x] [x x x]
[....] [....] ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚ[L-MÚL ....] GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL [....] 21 LÁL-tì GE6 [....] GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....]
No. 68 BM 33578 + 33615 (= Rm 4, 134+171) Photo: Pl. 38 Year: SE 155?
Flake (of rev.) 1´ [AB x x] ⌈x⌉ ⌈3?⌉ [....] 2´ [12 x] ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 3´ [13] 4?,40 na 20?+[x] MÚL?-BABBAR [....] 4´ 14 1,40 ME 5´ 15 11,20 GE6 27 11,40 KUR —————————— 6´ ZÍZ 30 21,30? ⌈TAB x x⌉ [....] 7´ 13 1,30 ŠÚ 29? GU4-UD [....] 8´ 14 9,50 ME USAN AN SI[G ....] 9´ 14 6,30 na 10´ 15 6,[x GE6 x] ⌈x⌉ [KUR] —————————— 11´ ⌈ŠE⌉ [....] Left edge 1 MU-1-me-⌈55?⌉ [....]
Years SE 152 & 155
No. 67 Flake 1´-6´
[Month V, ....] .... [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 21°?. [The xth, sunrise to moonset: x]+1° 10´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+10° 50´. [....] .... [....] Jupiter’s [....] in T[aurus? ....] [Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) ....;] if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month, sunset to moonset:) 9° 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [....] Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus [....] r Leonis [....] The 21st, equinox. Night [....] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Venus [....]
Date An equinox on the 21st can only be the autumnal equinox in month VI (for the vernal equinox, the Uruk scheme does not use a 21st day). Then the year is SE 0 + 19n. A phenomenon of Jupiter at the end of the preceding month in Taurus occurs in years SE 57, 152, and 247; each time it is a first station. Only in SE 152, however, is Venus morning star.
No. 68 Flake (of rev.) 1´-5´ [Month X, ....] .... [The 12th,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: 4°? 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 40´. The 3rd?, [....] .... [....] .... [....] The 20?+[xth,] Jupiter? [....] —————————— 6´-10´ Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 30´?, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 50´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 6° [.... The xth, moonrise to sunrise:] .... The 29th?, Mercury’s [....] first part of the night, Mars [....] be[low ....] —————————— 11´ Month XII, [....] Left edge 1 Year 155?, [....]
No. 69
No. 69 AO 8530 Listed as LBAT *1032 Photo: Pl. 38f. From Uruk Year: SE 156
Obv. 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18
1 ina E]N GU4 ina ŠÚ ina TIL LU IGI 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ina KUR ina LU ŠÚ G[E6 x ina EN GU4 SIG MÚ]L-MÚL 3 KÙŠ [x na GE6] ⌈x⌉ ina EN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3 KÙŠ GE6 17 ina EN GU4 e is le10 1½ KÙŠ ⌈GE6? 18?⌉ ina EN AN SIG MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ [x KUR 2]4 AN ALLA KUR 25 dele-bat MÚL KUR 26 ina EN BIR ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 28 šá 1 5/6 KAS ME ana ŠÚ šámaš TAG4 AN-KU10 šámaš ina MÚL ana PAP —————————— [GU4 x 5? ina ZÁLAG MÚL-MÚL ina KUR IGI 6 ina EN GU4-UDsic ina ŠÚ ina MÚL ŠÚ GE6 10 ina EN BABBAR e TUR šá LUGAL 10 SI [x n]a 14 AN-KU10 sin ina GÍR-TAB šá DIB 18 ina EN KAK-BAN ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 20 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR ⌈x⌉ KUR —————————— [SIG x .... A]N ⌈SIG SAG A 3?⌉ KÙŠ 13 ina ZÁLAG GU4 ina KUR ina SAG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 16? ⌈dele-bat ALLA KUR⌉ 18? AN A KUR [x na ....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 ⌈24?⌉ina EN AN e ⌈LUGAL 1⌉ KÙŠ 25 ina ZÁLAG GU4 ina KUR ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ [x KUR] —————————— [ŠU x .... A]N e TUR šá LUGAL ½ KÙŠ 5 GENNA ina zib UŠ 12 dele-bat A KUR [x na x BABBAR SIG GIŠ.KU]N A 4 KÙŠ 23 ina ZÁLAG KAK-BAN ina KUR IGI U4 BI ina EN GU4 ina ŠÚ ina A IGI [x KUR x .... AN SIG GIŠ].KUN A 4 KÙŠ —————————— [IZI x ....] ⌈x⌉ ina EN AN ina ŠÚ ina SAG ABSIN ŠÚ 8 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 9 ina EN BABBAR ina ŠÚ ina TIL A ŠÚ [x na x ina EN GU4] ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ [x KUR (....)] —————————— [KIN x x KI ŠÚ šámaš GENNA] ina KUR ina zib ana ME a GE6 2 ina EN dele-bat e SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 4 BABBAR ABSIN KUR U4 BI dele-bat RÍN KUR [x na ....] 10 ina ZÁLAG BABBAR ina KUR ina SAG ABSIN IGI GE6 19 ina EN dele-bat e RÍN šá ULÙ 2 U [x KUR GE6 x ina EN dele-bat SIG RÍN š]á SI 2½ U4 BI ina ZÁLAG GU4 ina KUR ina ABSIN IGI U4 BI AN RÍN KUR 24 ina ZÁLAG ŠU-PA ina KUR IGI 28 dele-bat ⌈GÍR-TAB KUR⌉ —————————— [BAR
Year SE 156
No. 69 Obv. 1-3
[Month I, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [The 1st, first part of the] night, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Aries. The 2nd, last part of the night, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Aries. Ni[ght of the xth, first part of the night, Mercury] 3 cubits [below] h Tauri. [Night of the] xth, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits [below] a Geminorum. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Mercury 1½ cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 18th?, first part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Geminorum. [The 2]4th, Mars will reach Cancer. The 25th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 26th, first part of the night, BIR’s last appearance in the west. The 28th, when 1 5/6 bēru will be left to sunset, solar eclipse in Taurus, to be watched for. —————————— [Month II, .... The xth, first moonset after] sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 5th?, last part of the night, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east. The 6th, first part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Jupiter 10 fingers above r Leonis. The 14th, lunar eclipse in Scorpius which will be omitted. The 18th, first part of the night, Sirius’ last appearance in the west. The 20th, Venus will reach Gemini. —————————— [Month III, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. .... Ma]rs 3? cubits below ε Leonis. The 13th, last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the beginning of Gemini. The 16th?, Venus will reach Cancer. The 18th?, Mars will reach Leo. [....] .... Night of the 24th?, first part of the night, Mars 1? cubit above a Leonis. The 25th, last part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Gemini. —————————— [Month IV, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [...., M]ars ½ cubit above r Leonis. The 5th, Saturn stationary in Pisces. The 12th, Venus will reach Leo. [The xth, Jupiter] 4 cubits [below j] Leonis. The 23rd, last part of the night, Sirius’ first appearance in the east. This day, first part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Leo. [The xth, .... Mars] 4 cubits [below] j Leonis. —————————— [Month V, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [....] The xth, first part of the night, Mars’ last appearance in the west in the beginning of Virgo. The 8th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 9th, first part of the night, Jupiter’s last appearance in the west in the end of Leo. [The xth, first part of the night, Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Virgo. —————————— [Month VI, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [The xth, with sunset, Saturn’s] acronychal rising in the east in Pisces. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above a Virginis. The 4th, Jupiter will reach Virgo. This day, Venus will reach Libra. [....] The 10th, last part of the night, Jupiter’s first appearance in the east in the beginning of Virgo. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above a Librae. [Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] 2½ [below b] Virginis. This day, last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. This day, Mars will reach Libra. The 24th, last part of the night, Arcturus’ first appearance in the east. The 28th, Venus will reach Scorpius. ——————————
No. 69
144 19 20 21
GE6 x ina ZÁLAG GU4 S]IG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1½ GE6 3 ina EN dele-bat e MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB 4 U 5 LÁL-tì [x na GE6 x ina EN dele-bat] e SI4 2 KÙŠ 17 ina ZÁLAG GU4 ina KUR ina RÍN ŠÚ GE6 19 ina EN dele-bat SIG KUR šá PA 2 U 22 dele-bat PA KUR [x KUR x GENNA] ina TIL GU UŠ GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš ina TIL RÍN šá DIB —————————— [DU6
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 GENNA zib KUR 8 AN GÍR-TAB KUR 10 KI KUR šámaš MÚL ina ŠÚ ŠÚ GE6 13 šá 1½ DANNA 3 UŠ GE6 ana KUR šámaš TAG4 13 na AN-KU10 sin ina MÚL-MÚL šal-šú ḪAB GAR 18 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG BABBAR SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 5/6 KÙŠ 27 KUR GE6 26 ina EN dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 2?⅓? KÙŠ —————————— GAN 30 4 ina ZÁLAG AN ina KUR ina GÍR-TAB IGI 9 ina EN GU4 ina ŠÚ ina ⌈PA⌉ PAsic GE6 10 ina EN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá SU MÁŠ 1 U 14 na GE6 12 ina EN dele-bat e ár šá SU MÁŠ 1 U 13 dele-bat GU KUR 20 AN PA KUR 25 ina EN GU4 ina ŠÚ ina PA-B[IL? ŠÚ?] 27 KUR —————————— AB 1 8 dUTU GUB-za 9 dele-bat zib KUR U4 BI ina ZÁLAG GU4 ina KUR ina PA IGI 10 BABBAR ina ABSIN UŠ 13 KI ŠÚ šámaš 13 na KAK-BAN ina KUR ana ME a 29 AN MÁŠ KUR 26 KUR —————————— ZÍZ 30 GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG GU4 SIG SI MÁŠ 1½ 19 ina ZÁLAG GU4 ina KUR ina GU ŠÚ 27 ina EN GENNA ina ŠÚ ina zib ŠÚ 14 na [x]+⌈4⌉ KUR —————————— [ŠE x x x] ⌈x x 11?⌉ KI ŠÚ šámaš BABBAR ina KUR ina ABSIN ana ME a 13 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x na ....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [.... GU4 ina ŠÚ] ina LU IGI [x KUR] —————————— [DIR-ŠE x x] ina ZÁLAG GENNA ina KUR ina zib IGI 11 LÁL-tú 14 AN-KU10 sin ina RÍN ana 5 ÁB BAR DIB 15 AN zib KUR [x na x ina] EN GU4 ina ŠÚ ina MÚL ŠÚ 28 šá 1 DANNA 11 UŠ ME ana ŠÚ šámaš TAG4 AN-KU10 šámaš ina LU ana PAP [x KUR] —————————— [meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-5]6-KAM IDe-e-mi-e-ṭi-ri-su LUGAL APIN
Year SE 156 19-21
[Month VII, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mercury] 1½ below g Virginis. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus 4 fingers above d Scorpii. The 5th, equinox. [Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] 2 cubits above a Scorpii. The 17th, last part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Libra. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers below j Ophiuchi. The 22nd, Venus will reach Sagittarius. [The xth, Saturn] stationary in the end of Aquarius. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse in the end of Libra which will be omitted. ——————————
Rev. 1-3
Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 1st, Saturn will reach Pisces. The 8th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 10th, with sunrise, Pleiades’ last appearance in the west. Night of the 13th, when 1½ bēru (and) 3° of night will be left to sunrise, lunar eclipse in Taurus; it will make one-third of the disc. The 18th, Venus will reach Capricorn. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Jupiter 5/6 cubit below g Virginis. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus 2⅓? cubits below b Capricorni. —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 4th, last part of the night, Mars’ first appearance in the east in Scorpius. The 9th, first part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above g Capricorni. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above d Capricorni. The 13th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 20th, Mars will reach Sagittarius. The 25th, first part of the night, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Sagittarius. —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 8th, solstice. The 9th, Venus will reach Pisces. This day, last part of the night, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 10th, Jupiter stationary in Virgo. The 13th, with sunset, Sirius’ acronychal rising in the east. The 29th, Mars will reach Capricorn. —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The x+4th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Mercury 1½ below b Capricorni. The 19th, last part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 27th, first part of the night, Saturn’s last appearance in the west in Pisces. —————————— [Month XII, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [....] .... The 11th?, with sunset, Jupiter’s acronychal rising in the east in Virgo. The 13th, [....] .... [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west] in Aries. —————————— [Month XII2, .... The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [The xth,] last part of the night, Saturn’s first appearance in the east in Pisces. The 11th, equinox. The 14th, lunar eclipse in Libra, for 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 15th, Mars will reach Pisces.[The xth,] first part of the night, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. The 28th, when 1 bēru (and) 11° of daylight will be left to sunset, solar eclipse in Aries to be watched for. —————————— [Predictions of year 15]6, king Demetrius.
Nos. 70 & 71
No. 70 BM 46210 (= 81-7-6, 671) Listed as LBAT *1033 Photo: Pl. 39 Year: SE 157 VI?
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[.... dele-ba]t? ⌈e GÌR ár šá A ½?⌉ K[ÙŠ? ....] [.... GU4-UD ina NIM ina] ABSIN ŠÚ 12 AN-KU10 sin BAR DIB 13 [....] [.... GE6 2]0 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 1½ KÙŠ 20 [MÚL-BABBAR ina x IGI ....] [....] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 27? KUR GE6 28 [....] ——————————
No. 71 BM 34888 + 35457 + 35788 + 35811 (= Sp II 397+1046 + Sp III 124+314+340) + 77269 (= 83-9-28,20) + 99679 (= 83-1-21, 2041) Copies: LBAT 1034 (35457); 1035 (35811); 1037 (34888) Listed as LBAT *1036 (77269) Photo: Pl. 40f. Year: SE 157-158
Obv. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[BAR x x x] ⌈x⌉+1? MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN UŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KU[R] [x x]+10 ŠÚ šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI [x x],40 ME šá SAG ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ 29 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ [x x]+1,20 na [x] ⌈10?⌉,30 GE6 27 14,40 KUR —————————— [GU4] ⌈1⌉ 21,50 TAB GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2 KÙŠ G[E6 x] [x x]+20 ME ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5½ KÙŠ GE6 10+[x] [x x ŠÚ] ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG A[N] [x x] GE6 SIG [MÚL ár šá S]AG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [x x]+5,50 na SIG MÚL-MÚL [nn] KÙŠ [x] 5,40 KUR
Years SE 157 & 158
No. 70 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[.... Venu]s? ½? c[ubit?] above b Virginis. [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east in] Virgo. The 12th, lunar eclipse, BAR, will be omitted. The 13th, [....] [.... Night of the 2]0th, last part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits below b Geminorum. The 20th, [Jupiter’s first appearance in ....] [....] cubit. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 28th, [....] ——————————
Date The date is based on the parallel No. 69 (BM 34888+). In SE 157 VI all remaining data can be accounted for. However, No. 71 describes the eclipse differently.
No. 71 Obv. I 1-5
[Month I, .... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+1° 20´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 10°? 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 40´. [.... The x]+1st?, Jupiter stationary in Virgo. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below b Arietis. The 29th, Sirius’ last appearance. —————————— [Month II,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 50´, TAB. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 20´. [The xth, moonset to sunrise: .... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+5° 50´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 5° 40´. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below h Piscium. Ni[ght of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 5½ cubits below a Arietis. Night of the 10+[xth,] last part of the night, Mars 5 cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Mars 6 cubits below [a] Arietis. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Venus [....] cubits below h Tauri.
148 12 13 14
No. 71 [SIG x x]+11,50 [x x]+4,40 ME [x x]+1 ŠÚ
[x [x]
x]+1,20 GE6 ⌈x⌉ na
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e [....] USAN? AN SIG MÚL-MÚL 2½ KÙŠ 12 ⌈x⌉ [....] 13 šámaš GUB GE6 16 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá ⌈SI⌉ [nn mm] GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 2 U GE6 [x] USAN GU4-UD e LUGAL 1 KÙŠ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG M[ÚL IGI] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 U GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [SIG MÚL ár šá še-p]ít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 U GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG AN e is le10 1+[x KÙŠ GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2½ KÙŠ
—————————— [ŠU x ....] ⌈4⌉ múlKAK-BAN IGI G[E6 x USAN] MÚL-BABBAR SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN [x x x nn] KÙŠ 10 GENNA ina [x UŠ GE6 x ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI? 4 KÙŠ [x x x] [....] GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG AN [x x x] ⌈SIG šur⌉ [GIGIR šá SI ....] AN e šur GIGIR [x x]+30 GE6 ⌈šá ULÙ⌉ 1½ KÙ[Š .... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina] A ŠÚ GE6 25 [x x[ ⌈x⌉ KUR ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ⌈ár⌉ [šá ALLA šá ULÙ] 2 U —————————— [IZI x x],50 GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG S[AG A nn mm G]E6 8 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI [x x] ME šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 6 [U GE6 x ina ZÁLAG AN] ⌈e MÚL ár⌉ šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 6 U GE6 13+[x .... GU4-UD] ⌈ina NIM?⌉ [x x GE6] ina ⌈A IGI⌉ GE6 [....] [x x na GE6] 30 ina ZÁ[LAG ....] [x x KUR x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [KIN x x x] GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈SIG⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2+[x K]ÙŠ 10 GU4-UD ina ⌈NIM⌉ [ina x ŠÚ ....] [x x x] GE6 13 15 ⌈ME⌉ ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 sin BAR DIB GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [x x x] SIG DELE šá IGI A[BSI]N ⅔? KÙŠ 16 LÁL-tì GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG AN [x x x] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár [nn] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 20 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL ABSIN IGI GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [x x x] e S[A4 šá ABSIN nn KÙ]Š ⌈GE6⌉ 28 ⌈32?⌉ GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB
II 1 2 3 4
DU6 30 12 [1]3 [13]
10,30 13 7?,50 2
5 AN ina [x UŠ ....] ŠÚ ME na
14 50 NINDA GE6 27 21 KUR
Years SE 157 & 158 12-19
[Month III, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+11° 50´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+4° 40´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+1°. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+1° 20´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: .... [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above [....] first? (error for: last) part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below h Tauri. The 12th, .... [....] The 13th, solstice. Night of the 16th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below b Tauri. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above f Tauri. Night of [the xth,] first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit above a Leonis. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus 8 fingers below h Geminorum. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Venus 8 fingers [below m] Geminorum. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Mars 1+[x cubits] above a Tauri. [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above g Geminorum. —————————— [Month IV, .... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: .... The 4th, Sirius’ first appearance. Ni[ght of the xth, first part of the night,] Jupiter [....] cubits below g Virginis. The 10th, Saturn [stationary] in [.... Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a? Geminorum. [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below β [Tauri ...] Mars 1½ cubits above f Tauri. [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west in] Leo. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers below d? [Cancri.] —————————— [Month V, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 50´. [The xth] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [....] Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Venus [….] below ε [Leonis .... Ni]ght of the 8th, last part of the night, Mars 6 [fingers] above h Geminorum. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars] 6 fingers above m Geminorum. Night of the 13+[xth, .... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east? in Leo. Night [.... Night] of the 30th, last part [of the night, ....] .... [....] [Month VI, ....] Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Venus …. [....] 2+[x] cubits below a Geminorum. The 10th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in ....] Night of the 13th, 15° before sunset, lunar eclipse, “extraneous”, will be omitted. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Venus ⅔? cubit below g Virginis. The 16th, equinox. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Mars [….] cubits below b Geminorum. The 20th, Jupiter’s first appearance in the end of Virgo. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus […. cub]its above a [Virginis.] Night of the 28th, 32°? before sunrise, solar eclipse which will be omitted.
II 1-4
Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 30´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 13°. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7°? 50´. [The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: 2°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21°. The 5th, Mars [stationary] in [....]
150 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No. 71 [APIN] ⌈1?⌉ 12,20 [12 x]+4,20 ŠÚ
GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ár⌉ 1½ KÙŠ [....] 9 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 10+[x] dele-bat ina ⌈NIM⌉ [ina x ŠÚ] 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ 23? AN ana ME E-a G[E6 x] USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 2⅔ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....]
[13 x],40 na [14] ⌈x⌉ ME ⌈15⌉ 1,20? GE6 27 13,40 K[UR] —————————— GAN 30 10 ⌈UŠ⌉ 2? GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA IGI 19 šámaš GUB [.... 24] múl 12 12,20 ŠÚ K[AK]-⌈BAN ana ME E-a 13 40 NINDA na 14 4,30 ME ? 15 5 ,40 GE6 27 21?,40 K[UR] —————————— AB 1 24,40 [x?] 2 AN [ina M]AŠ-MAŠ UŠ 16? dele-b[at ina ŠÚ ina x I]GI 17 G[U4-U]D 12 5,30 ŠÚ ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 24 M[ÚL?-BABBAR ina RÍ]N UŠ 13 4,40 na GE6 20+⌈x ina? ZÁLAG?⌉ [MÚL-BABBAR? e R]ÍN šá ULÙ 6 U NU UR 14 1,40 ME ⌈15⌉ 11,20 GE6 27 11,40+[x KUR] ZÍZ ⌈30⌉ 21,30 TAB GE6 1 U[SAN ....] 13 1,30 ŠÚ 10?+[x ....] 14 9,50 ME [....] 14 7,30 na [....] 15 4,30+[x GE6 ] 27 10+[x KUR]
(break) 1´
2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Rev. III (right col.) 1 BAR 30 12 2 15 12,20 3 15 1+[x 4 16 [x 5 16 [x 6 27+[x ....]
[....] ⌈x⌉ [….] 28? [....] AN-KU10 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
GE6 2 [....] ME GE6 [....] ŠÚ ....] GE6 ....] na ....]
(break) 1´ 2´ 3´
[x x x x x x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x x] šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ GE6 26 US[AN ....] [x x],50 KUR ——————————
Years SE 157 & 158 5-10
[Month VIII], the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12° 20´. [The 12th,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+4° 20´. [The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 40´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: .... The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 20´?. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 40´. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits below b Geminorum. [....] The 9th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 10+[xth,] Venus’ [last appearance] in the east [in ....] The 20th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 23rd?, Mars’ acronychal rising. Ni[ght of the xth,] first part of the night, Mars 2⅔ cubits below a Geminorum. .... [....] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10°. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 5°? 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21°? 40´. The 2nd?, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 19th, solstice. [.... The 24th,] Sirius’ acronychal rising. —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 24° 40´, [....] The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 30´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 20´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 11° 40+[x´]. The 2nd, Mars stationary [in] Gemini. The 16th?, Venus’ first [appearance in the west in ....] The 17th, Mer[cury’s] last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 24th, Ju[piter] stationary [in Lib]ra. Night of the 20+xth, last? part of the night, [Jupiter] 6 fingers [above] a Librae. Not? …. Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 30´, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 50´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 30´. The 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 4° 30+[x´.] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 10+[x°.] Night of the 1st, first part of the [night, ....] The 10+[xth, ....]
(break) 1´-5´
The 27th?, …. [….] [….] …. [….] The 28th?, [….] eclipse [….] …. [….]
Rev. III (right col.) 1-6 Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12°. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 20´. The 15th, [moonset to sunrise:] 1+[x° ….] The 16th, [sunset to moonrise: ….] The 16th, [sunrise to moonset: ….] The 27+[xth, moonrise to sunrise: ….]. Night of the 2nd, [….] Night [….] (break) 1´-3´
[.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 50´. [....] .... Night .... [....] ½ cubit [….] southern [….] Night of the 26th, first part [of the night, ….] ——————————
No. 71
152 4´ 5´
[SIG x x]+20? [x x]
GE6 2 USAN dele-bat SIG SAG A 3½ KÙŠ [....] GE6 11 USAN dele-bat e LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 [x USAN dele-bat e MÚL TUR šá] ⌈4⌉ KÙŠ ár LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 19 USAN [....] 3 KÙŠ GE6 24 USAN AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A [nn mm] GE6 26 USAN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ G[E6 x] USAN GU4-UD e LUGAL 4 U GE6 6 USAN dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 2 U GE6 9 USA[N AN] e GÌR ár šá A 2 U 15 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ 15 múlKAK-⌈BAN IGI⌉ GE6 19 USAN dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ 28 GENNA ina TIL zibme UŠ
x] x x]+4 15,30 16,40 12,20
⌈ŠÚ⌉ G]E6 [na] KUR
[x [x [x [x] ŠU ⌈1⌉ 14
15 3,40 GE6 15 5,40 na 28 8,40 KUR —————————— IZI 1 18 TAB ina 30-šú 9 GE6 1 USAN AN S[IG DELE] šá ⌈IGI ABSIN⌉ [....] 13 14,10 ŠÚ GE6 3 USAN dele-bat e [SA4 šá ABSI]N 1 U? 10 GU4-UD 14 2 ME ina NIM [ina] ⌈A⌉ [IGI] ⌈x AN⌉ [ina ABSI]N ŠÚ 14 2,10 na [15] 11,30 GE6 ⌈x x⌉ KUR —————————— KIN 1 14+[x],10 TAB 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL A ŠÚ GE6 9? ⌈USAN⌉ [MÚL-BABBAR] 13 6,30 ME e RÍN šá ULÙ 6 U 13 18 ME NIM-a [AN-KU10 sin] 13 [x]+1 ŠÚ šá DIB 18 GENNA ana ME E-a 22 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina [x ŠÚ] 1[4 x]+2,10 GE6 27 ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ 28 35 ME NIM-a AN-[KU10 šámaš ....] [14 x]+5 na [x x]+10 ⌈KUR⌉
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´ 25´ 26´ 27´
IV x] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR?⌉ ina ⌈RÍN⌉ ŠÚ 11 dele-bat ina NIM ina RÍN IGI
[DU6 x x x
[....] (blank) [....] —————————— [APIN x x] ⌈x⌉ TAB 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL RÍN IGI 11 GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ] ina SAG PA IGI 16 [x] x+11,50 ŠÚ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ GE6 20+[x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] e RÍN šá ULÙ [x] 2,20 na ⅔ KÙŠ 28 GENNA ina zibme UŠ [....] [x] 2,[x] ME [x] 7 GE6 [2]6? 16,30 KUR ——————————
7 8 9 10 11 12
Years SE 157 & 158
[Month III, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 20´?. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth, sunrise to moonset: x]+4°. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 15° 30´. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below e Leonis. [....] Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit above a Leonis. Night [of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] ⅔ cubit [above] r Leonis. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, [....] 3 cubits [....] Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below j Leonis. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below j Leonis. Ni[ght of the xth,] first part of the night, Mercury 4 fingers above a Leonis. 10´-15´ Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 40´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 40´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 8° 40´. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above b Virginis. Night of the 9th, first part [of the night, Mars] 2 fingers above b Virginis. The 15th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. The 15th, Sirius’ first appearance. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits below g Virginis. The 28th, Saturn stationary in the end of Pisces. —————————— 16´-21´ Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18°, TAB; if its (1st day will be the) 30th (of the preceding month), 9°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 14° 10´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 10´. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: 11° 30´. The xth, moonrise to sunrise: .... Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars [....] below g Virginis. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above [a Virginis.] The 10th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in Leo. The xth, Mars’ last appearance [in Virg]o. —————————— 22´-27´ Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14[+x]° 10´, TAB. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: [x]+1°. The 1[4th,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+2° 10´. [The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+5°. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 10´. The 5th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Leo. Night of the 9th?, first part of the night, [Jupiter] 6 fingers above a Librae. The 13th, 18° after sunrise, [lunar eclipse] which will be omitted. The 18th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 22nd, Venus’ [last appearance] in the west in [....] The 27th, equinox. The 28th, 35° after sunrise, [solar] eclipse [....]
IV 1-6
[Month VII, ....] [The xth,] Jupiter’s last appearance in Libra. The 11th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Libra. —————————— [Month VIII, .... (sunset to moonset:) ] ...., TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 11+x° 50´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 2° 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 2° [x´]. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 7°. [The 2]6th?, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 30´. The 1st, Jupiter’s first appearance in the end of Libra. The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance [in the west] in the beginning of Sagittarius. The 16th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. Night of the 20+[xth, last part of the night, Venus] ⅔ cubit above α Librae. The 28th, Saturn stationary in Pisces. [....] ——————————
Nos. 71 & 72
GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 2+[x KÙŠ ....] SIG MÚL KUR [šá KIR4] šil PA 2+[x KÙŠ GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB [nn mm GE6 x ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR] SIG MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB [nn mm GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e ⌈SI4⌉ [....]
[GAN] 30 13,20 12 3 ŠÚ
13 11,40 na 14 2,30 GE6 27 8,50 KUR —————————— [AB] ⌈30 12,30⌉ 1 šámaš GUB [....] [x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ⌈x⌉ [....]
17 18 19 20
(break of 4 lines) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SI]G SI MÁŠ 1½ KÙŠ 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [x x x ina x IGI GE6 x ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat e SUḪUR IGI 1 KÙŠ 4 U [x x x GE6 x ina ZÁLAG MÚL]-BABBAR e SI4 2 KÙŠ 8 U [x x x] ⌈AN-KU10 šámaš?⌉ šá DIB ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [x x x ....] ⌈x⌉ ? [x x],20 ⌈KUR ⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [ŠE] 30 18,50 TAB 8 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ḪUN ŠÚ [1]3 2,40 ŠÚ 12 GENNA ina TIL [zib]me ŠÚ GE6 14 44 GE6 GIN [1]4 2,40 ME AN-KU10 sin TIL-tì GAR-an [1]4 3,50 na [15] 12,50 GE6 [2]8? 14,50 KUR MU-1-me-58-KAM —————————— [BAR x] 17 [ZÍZ x x x
No. 72 BM 32088 + 32471 (76-11-17, 1815+2208) Photo: Pl. 42 Year: SE 159
Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [ 2´ [ 3´ - 6´ (blank as far as preserved)
] ⌈MI x⌉ [....] 1]1 šámaš GUB ⌈16 múlKAK⌉-[BAN ana ME E-a ....]
Years SE 158 & 159 13-18
[Month IX,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 3°. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 40´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 8° 50´. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus 2+[x cubits] below b Librae. [....] 2+[x cubits] below j Ophiuchi. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus ....] above b Scorpii. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Jupiter ....] below b Scorpii. [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus [....] above a Scorpii [....] —————————— [Month X,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12° 30´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [....] The 1st, solstice. [....] .... [....] (break of 4 lines)
[Month XI, .... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 1½ cubits below b Capricorni. The 13th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west [in .... Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 4 fingers above g Capricorni. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Ju]piter 2 cubits 8 fingers above a Scorpii. [....] solar eclipse which will be omitted; last part of the night, Venus [....] .... [....] .... [....] —————————— [Month XII,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 50´, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 40´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 50´. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: 12° 50´. The 28th?, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 50´. The 8th, Jupiter stationary in Scorpius. The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Aries. The 12th, Saturn’s last appearance in the end of Pisces. Night of the 14th, 44° after sunset, lunar eclipse; it will make totality. Year 158. —————————— [Month I, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 17°.
No. 72 Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [.... The 1]1th, solstice. The 16th, Sirius’ [acronychal rising ....] 3´-6´
(blank as far as preserved)
156 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´
Nos. 72 & 73 GE6] 3 USAN AN SIG [SAG] ⌈A⌉ 3 KÙŠ 9 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI [ ] GE6 21 USAN dele-bat SI[G MÚL KU]R šá DUR nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ [ M]E GE6 27 USAN dele-bat S[IG MÚL IGI] ⌈šá⌉ SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ [ ] ⌈x⌉ GE6 29 34 GE6 GI[N ....] ⌈29 AN ina ALLA⌉ U[Š] [ ] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [ŠE ] GE6 1 USAN dele-bat SIG ⌈MÙL⌉ [ár šá SAG ḪUN ....] [ G]E6 9 USAN GENNA S[IG ....] [ AN-K]U10 sin 4 SI [....] [ MÚ]L? ⌈ár?⌉ [....] [ZÍZ ....
No. 73 BM 40677 (= 81-4-28, 222) Photo: Pl. 42 Year: SE 166
´Obv. 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x 25⌉ LÁL-tì
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... x]+11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [x ŠÚ ....] [.... GEN]NA ina ALLA UŠ 26 [....] [.... x],30 GE6 26 10,20 ⌈KUR⌉ [....] (traces)
Lower edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-m[e-....]
Years SE 159 & 166
[Month XI, .... moonrise] to sunset: [....] .... [Night] of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below a Leonis. The 9th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 29th, 34° after sunset, [....] The 29th, Mars stationary in Cancer. —————————— 12´-15´ [Month XII, ....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Venus [....] below [a Arietis .... Ni]ght of the 9th, first part of the night, Saturn [....] bel[ow ....] lunar eclipse, 4 fingers [....] .... [....]
Date In a month which was not the last of the year, a solar eclipse (possibility) was to occur. On the 9th of the same month, a first visibility of Mercury in the west was expected in Aquarius. In the following month, a partial lunar eclipse was supposed to take place. Both Venus and Saturn were to be visible in the evening; a stationary point of Saturn was expected towards the end of the earlier month. These data fit only SE 159.
No. 73 ´Obv. 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... The 25th, equinox.
Rev.´ 1-4
[Month VII, .... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 20´. [.... The x]+11th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in [.... Sat]urn stationary in Cancer. The 26th, [....] .... [....]
Lower edge 1 Predictions of year 1[66, ....]
Date At the end of the obverse, an equinox can only be fall equinox. In the Uruk Scheme, equinox on VI 25 occurs in year SE 14 + 19n. The title on the lower edge gives the year as between SE 100 and 199. Saturn is in Cancer (rev. 2); this identifies the year as SE 166. Saturn had in fact a first station at the end of month VII. The date is confirmed by a phenomenon of Mercury in the west (rev. 1); this must be a last visibility. The event on the 26th (rev. 2) may be a station of Jupiter, which was to occur in the beginning of month VIII.
Nos. 74 & 75
No. 74 BM 43067 (= 81-7-1, 831) Photo: Pl. 42 Year: SE 167
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x 14⌉ KAK-BAN ana ME ⌈E⌉-[a] [....] ⌈GE6⌉19? ina ⌈ZÁLAG? AN e SI4⌉ 2½ K[ÙŠ] [.... G]E6 8 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 ⌈šil⌉ P[A nn mm] [....] SIG MÚL ⌈KUR šá DUR?⌉ [nu-nu nn mm]
No. 75 BM 34076 (= Sp 173 + 221) Copy: LBAT 1038 Photo: Pl. 42f. Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 533f.; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 374, Tf. XIII and XIV Year: SE 172
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6
BAR 1 14,20 12 7,20 ŠÚ 13 2 na 14 2 ME 15 14,30 GE6 GU4 1 21,50 TAB
12 13 13 SIG 30
7 8 9
1,10 ŠÚ 7,20 ME 10 UŠ na 16
4 ⌈GU4-UD?⌉ [....] ina NIM [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
26 14,30 KUR 13 GENNA ina ABSIN UŠ 15 K[AK-BAN] ŠÚ G[E6 x] ina ⌈ZÁLAG AN SIG⌉ MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ 26 GU4-UD ina ⌈ŠÚ ina x⌉ IGI
14 8,40 GE6 26 13 KUR GE6 1 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3 KÙŠ GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN SIG MÚL⌉ IGI 9,10 ŠÚ šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ GE6 4 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 [KÙ]Š 14,50 ME GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ 9 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 20 NINDA na GE6 13 USAN GU4-UD e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 2 SI 13 MÚL-BABBAR 3 GE6 ana ME E-a 13 1,5 ME NIM-a AN-KU10 sin šá DIB GE6 22 USAN {USAN} GU4-[UD ] x] ⌈KUR⌉ SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ GE6 29 48 GE6 ⌈GIN AN⌉-KU10 šámaš šá [DIB 29] šámaš GUB
Years SE 167 & 172
No. 74 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... The 14th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] Night of the 19th?, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits above a Scorpii. [.... Ni]ght of the 8th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above j Ophiuchi. [.... Venus? ....] below h Piscium.
Date An acronychal rising of Sirius on the 14th can only occur in month X, of years SE 15 + 19n. From SE 0 to 300, only SE 167 provides a passing of Mars by a Scorpii and j Ophiuchi on the given days. In line 4´, Venus could be restored with high probability.
No. 75 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1-5
Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month).; (sunset to moonset:) 14° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 14° 30´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 30´. The 4th, Mercury’s [....] in the east [....] .... [....] Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 50´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 10´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 10°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 40´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°. The 13th, Saturn stationary in Virgo. The 15th, Sirius’ last appearance. Ni[ght of the xth,] last part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below h Piscium. The 26th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in .... Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16°. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 10´. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: 14° 50´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 20´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3°. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mercury 3 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Mercury 2? cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Mars 5 cubits below a Arietis. The 9th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Gemini. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Mercury 2 fingers above d Cancri. The 13th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 13th, 65° after sunrise, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 29th, 48° after sunset, solar eclipse which [will be omitted. The 29th,] solstice.
160 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
No. 75 [ŠU 1 ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [12 x ŠÚ .... 2]7 ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 13 2,10+[x] ME 13 4,30 na 14 11,50 GE6 27 14 KUR IZI 30 16,20 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA IGI 7 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈PA⌉ [UŠ GE6 x ina ZÁLAG AN] 13 5 ME SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2½ KÙŠ 21 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x ŠÚ GE6 x] 13 2,40 ŠÚ USAN dele-bat e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ K[ÙŠ ....] 14 7 GE6 14 11,20 na 27 22,40 KUR KIN 30 13,20 2 GENNA ina TIL ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 ⌈x USAN⌉ [....] 13 7 ME GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI [šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ nn mm GE6 x USAN dele-bat] 13 13 ŠÚ SIG RÍN šá SI 3½ KÙŠ GE6 20+[x ....] [14] 30 NINDA GE6 GE6 28 USAN dele-bat e MÚ[L MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB nn mm] [14] 2,20 na GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá [SIPA nn mm] [2]8? 12 KUR [DU6] 1 20 TAB 2 ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ [....] [x] 3,40 ME IGI? [.... MÚL KUR] [x] 6+[x] ŠÚ šá KIR4 ⌈šil⌉ [PA ....] [x x],40 GE6 [x x,x]+20 na 27 10+[x KUR ....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´
[x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] 3,20+[x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [GAN x x]+7,20 TAB ⌈x⌉ [....] [13] 1,20 ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈14⌉ 6,40 ME G[E6 ....] 14 1,40 na GE6 20 US[AN ....] 15 1,20 GE6 28 30 DANNA ⌈x x⌉ [....] 28 10,10 KUR AB 30 12 1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA IGI (error for: ŠÚ) 5 šá[maš GUB ....] 14 5,40 ŠÚ 10 KAK-BAN ana ME E-a 2⌈5⌉ [....] 15 5,50 ME USAN AN e šur GIGIR šá [ULÙ nn mm] 15 8,20 na 16 ⌈6⌉,20 GE6 27 [x KUR] ZÍZ 1 16,20 5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU [IGI GE6 x USAN AN] 13 11,30 ŠÚ ⌈e MÚL IGI⌉ šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ G[E6 ....] 14 2,50 na [x x x] 14 3,40 ME ⌈15⌉ [x],40 GE6 27+[x x] KUR ŠE 30 9,50 GE6 1 USAN AN e MÚL á[r šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ nn mm] 14 1,50 ŠÚ GE6 [x] USAN AN ⌈e⌉ [....] 15 8,40 ME G[E6 x] ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BA[BBAR ....] 15 10,40 na 10+[x] GU4-UD ina ⌈NIM⌉ [ina x IGI] 16 8,30 GE6 28 ⌈21,30⌉ KUR
Year SE 172 16-19
[Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month) ....] .... [The 12th, moonset to sunrise: ....] The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 10+[x´]. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 30´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 11° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14°. [....] .... [.... The 2]7th, .... [....] Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 5°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 40´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 7°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 22° 40´. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer. The 7th, Jupiter [stationary] in Sagittarius. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars] 2½ cubits below b Tauri. The 21st, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east in .... Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits above a Virginis. [....] Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 13°. [The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: 30´. [The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: 2° 20´. The 28th?, moonrise to sunrise: 12°. The 2nd, Saturn’s last appearance in the end of Virgo. Night of the xth, first part of the night, [....] Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above h Ge[minorum. Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] 3½ cubits below b Librae. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above [d Scorpii.] Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above g [Geminorum.] [Month VII,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20°, TAB. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 3° 40´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 6+[x°. The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x° x]+20´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 10+[x°.] The 2nd, equinox. [....] .... [.... j] Ophi[uchi ....]
´Rev. [....] .... [....] 3° 20+[x´] .... [....] [Month IX, ....] (sunset to moonset:) [x]+7° 20´, TAB. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 1° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 40´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 20´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 10´. .... [....] .... [....] Ni[ght ....] Night of the 20th, first [part of the night, ....] The 28th, ½ bēru .... [....] 9´-12´ Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12°. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 40´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 50´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 20´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 6° 20´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise: ....] The 1st, Mercury’s first (error for: last) appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 5th, sol[stice. ....] The 10th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 25th, [....] first part of the night, Mars [....] above f Tauri. 13´-17´ Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 20´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 11° 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 50´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. The 27+[xth, moonrise to sunrise: [....] The 5th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Aquarius. [Night of the xth, first part of the night, Mars] .... cubits above h Geminorum. Ni[ght ....] 18´-22´ Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 9° 50´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 50´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 40´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 10° 40´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 30´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 30´.
162 23´ 24´ 25´ 26´ 27´ 28´ 29´
Nos. 75 & 76 DIR-ŠE 1 13,50? 13 5,10 ŠÚ 14 12,40 ME 14 4,20 na 15 3,10 GE6 27 15,30 KUR BAR 1 20,20 TAB
15? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] meš-ḫi šá [....]
Left edge 1 ⌈meš-ḫi šá⌉ MU-1-me-8-KAM šá ši-i MU-[1]-me-1,12-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL
No. 76 BM 34199 (= Sp 305) Copy: LBAT 1039 Photo: Pl. 44 Year: SE 173
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] —————————— [SIG x x]+20 G[E6 ....] 4 KÙŠ ⌈GE6? x⌉ [....] [x x] ME ⌈10 šámaš GUB x x x x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [x x] ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG ⌈dele-bat x⌉ [.....] ⌈x x GE6?⌉ 18? [ina] ZÁLAG? [....] [x x] GE6 SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-bat ⌈e? x x⌉ [....] [x x n]a G[E6? x ina ZÁLAG?] ⌈dele-bat?⌉ SIG ⌈MÚL⌉ [IGI šá še-pít] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ 8?⌉ [SI? ....] [x x KUR ....] ⌈x x x KÙŠ?⌉ [ŠU .... 1] ⌈KAK?-BAN? IGI? x x x x⌉ [ana] ME E?-a ⌈x⌉ [.... AN e] [x x x ⌈GÌR ár šá A⌉ [x] ⌈SI? x x x x⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG ⌈dele-bat?⌉ [....] [x x x G]E6 ⌈10?+x x x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x KÙŠ GE6?⌉ [....] [x x x] x GE6? ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x ina ZÁLAG?⌉ dele-bat e [....] [x x x] 21 GU4-UD ⌈ina NIM⌉ [ina] ⌈SAG? A⌉ [ŠÚ] ⌈GE6 25? USAN⌉ AN ⌈SIG?⌉ [....] [x x x] GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat S[IG] SAG [A?] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈IZI 30 20+x x⌉ 5? dele-bat? [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [.... dele-bat] [13 x]+10 ME e ⌈MÚL TUR šá 4⌉ KÙŠ ár ⌈LUGAL 8?⌉ SI ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [13 x] NINDA ŠÚ 29 ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [14 x]+20 GE6 14 15,40 [na x x KUR] ——————————
Years SE 172 & 173
Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars [....] above m Ge[minorum ....] Night of the [xth,] first part of the night, Mars [....] above [....] Ni[ght of the xth,] last part of the night, Jupi[ter ....] The 10+[xth,] Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in ....] 23´-28´ Month XII2, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 50´?. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 10´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 40´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 30´. The 15th, .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] 28´ Predictions of [....] 29´ Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 20´, TAB. Left edge 1 Predictions of year 108 which is year 172, king Arsaces.
No. 76 ´Obv.´ [....] .... [....] [....] —————————— 3´-8´ [Month III, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....] Ni[ght ....] 4 cubits. Night of the xth, [....] The 10th, solstice. .... [....] last part of the night, Venus .... [....] .... Night? of the 18th, last part of the night?, [....] below .... [....] ...., last part of the night, Venus .... above [.... Night of the xth, last part of the night,] Venus 8? [fingers?] below h [Geminorum ....] .... cubits. 9´-15´ [Month IV, ....] [The 1st,] Sirius’? first appearance? .... acronychal rising .... [Mars ....] fingers [above] b Virginis. .... [....] .... [....] ...., last part of the night, Venus [....] Night of the 10+xth, .... [....] .... cubits. Night? [....] .... [....] .... last part of the night, Venus [....] above [....] The 21st, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in the beginning? of Leo. Night of the 25th?, first part of the night, Mars [....] below [....] Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus .... below e Leonis. [....] 16´-19´ Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20+x°. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 10´. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: [x]´. [The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 20´. The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 15° 40´. [The xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....] The 5th?, Venus? [....] .... [.... Venus] 8? fingers above r Leonis .... [....] The 29th, .... [....] —————————— 1´ 2´
No. 76
[KIN x x]+20
[x [x
x]+10 x]
GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG [dele-bat ....] MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈MÁŠ?⌉ [UŠ ....] GE6 12? [.... ] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 12 GU4-[UD ina ŠÚ ina x IGI ....] [U]D-DA⌈IGI?⌉ [DIB ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´
[.... ] ⌈29 dele-bat⌉ [....] [....] —————————— [APIN x x x GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 1+[x SI ....] [x x ŠÚ GE6 x US]AN MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 14 SI GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG ⌈GU4-UD?⌉ [x x],50 ME ⌈e SI4⌉ 2 ⅔ KÙŠ [x x]+4 UŠ ME NIM-a AN-KU10 sin šá DIB [x x]+3? na 20+[x] GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG PA ŠÚ [x] 40 NINDA GE6 27 11,50 KUR —————————— [GAN x x] 16 šámaš GUB 21 ⌈KAK-BAN⌉ ana ME E-a [13 x ŠÚ] [14 x] ME [14 x],50 na 15 ⌈x⌉ GE6 27 13,50 KUR [AB x] 13 [x x G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI 5 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI [1]5 MÚL-BABBAR ina [GU] ŠÚ [x x],40 ŠÚ 10+[x] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ ina TIL GU ŠÚ 23 AN ina SAG GU IGI [x x],50 ME [x x],20 na [x] ⌈x⌉ GE6 27 ⌈13?⌉,50 KUR [ZÍZ x x] TAB 5 GENNA ina RÍN UŠ 11 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU IGI 15 [MÚL-BABBAR] ? [x] 7,40 ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ina GU IGI GE6 29 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG [ḪUN nn mm] [x] 6,10+[x na] [x x]+1 ME [x x]+4 GE6 26 12?,20 KUR [ŠE x x]+1,40 GE6 3 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá S[AG ḪUN nn mm] [x x] ME 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ G[E6 ....] [x x Š]Ú 1½ KÙŠ 19 ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ GE6 20+[x USAN dele-bat e] [x x GE6] is le10 2½ KÙŠ 30 GENN[A ana ME E-a]
Year SE 173
20´-22´ [Month VI, ....; (sunset to moonset:) x°] 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moon-
set to sunrise: [....] Night of the 1st, last part of the night, [Venus ....] Jupiter [stationary] in Capricorn. Night of the 12th?, [....] cubits. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance [in the west in ....] ...., [will be omitted ....] .... [....] ´Rev.´ [....] The 29th, Venus [....] 2´ [....] —————————— 3´-7´ [Month VIII, .... The xth, moonset to sunrise: .... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 50´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+3°?. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 50´. [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Mercury 1+[x fingers] above b Scorpii. [.... Night of the xth, first] part of the night, Jupiter 14 fingers above d Capricorni. Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Mercury 2⅔ cubits above a Scorpii. [x]+4° after sunrise, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 20+[xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the beginning of Sagittarius. —————————— 8´-10´ [Month IX, .... The 13th, moonset to sunrise: .... The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 50´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 50´. The 16th, solstice. The 21st, Sirius’ acronychal rising. 11´-15´ [Month X, .... (sunset to moonset:)] 13° [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 50´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 20´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: .... The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13°? 50´. [The xth,] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 5th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Aquarius. The [1]5th, Jupiter’s last appearance in [Aquarius.] The 10+[xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Aquarius. The 23rd, Mars’ first appearance in the beginning of Aquarius. 16´-20´ [Month XI, .... (sunset to moonset:) ....,] TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 7° 40´?. [The xth, sunrise to moonset:] 6° 10+[x´. The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+1°. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+4°. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 12°? 20´. The 5th, Saturn stationary in Libra. The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 15th, [Jupiter’s] first appearance in Aquarius. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b [Arietis.] 21´-24´ [Month XII, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+1° 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth, sunset to moonrise: ....] Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus [....] below a [Arietis.] The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. Ni[ght ....] 1½ cubits [....] The 19th, equinox. Night of the 20+[xth, first part of the night, Venus] 2½ cubits [above] a Tauri. The 30th, Saturn’s [acronychal rising.] 1´
Date An acronychal rising of Sirius on the 21st (Rev. 8´) identifies both the month as IX and the year as SE 2 + 19n. The actual year can easily be found from the numerous planetary positions.
No. 77
No. 77 BM 32769 (= 76-11-17,2541) + 34263 (= Sp 371) + 34323 (= Sp 437+451) Copies: LBAT 1041, 1042; 32769 listed as LBAT *1040 Photo: Pl. 45 Year: SE 175
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´
[SIG x x ] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ GE6 15? [....] [x x] ME x 24 ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] na ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x] GE6 [2]8 9,20 K[UR ....] [ŠU x x]+20 TAB 2 šámaš GUB 10+[x ....] [x x] ŠÚ GE6 19 USAN [.... AN] [x x] ME SIG DELE šá IGI A[BSIN ....] [x x] na [x x] ⌈GE6⌉ 27 17,50 KU[R] [IZI x x] 11 MÚL-BABBAR ina Ḫ[UN] UŠ 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [ABSIN IGI ....] [x x x AN] e SA4 [šá AB]SIN 1 KÙŠ [x x x] (blank) [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [x] 28 13,30 KUR [KIN x x x GU4-UD ina Š]Ú ina ABSIN ŠÚ 11 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI GE6 20 ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈GE6 26⌉ [ina ZÁL]AG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4 [KÙŠ GE6 x x AN] [x x x] SIG RÍN šá SI ⌈2½ KÙŠ⌉ ? [x x n]a 27 23 KUR [DU6 x x] ⌈x⌉ [GU4]-⌈UD⌉ ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI 5 LÁL-tì 8 ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x x x] GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin ⌈x⌉ [.... GU4-UD] [x x x e S]A4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ 10+[x? ....] [x x x x MÚL]-BABBAR SIG MÚL IGI šá [SAG ḪUN ....]
Lower edge 1 [MU]-1-me-1,15-KAM Rev.´ 1
[APIN x x
[x x [x x] [GAN x x]
5 6 7 8 9
x]+1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina RÍN ŠÚ 21 GENNA ina G[ÍR-TAB IGI]
x] (blank) GE6 27 10 UŠ KUR 7 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN ⌈UŠ⌉ GE6 ⌈8 USAN⌉ dele-bat SIG SI [MÁŠ nn mm GE6 x USAN dele-bat] [x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ e MÚL IG[I šá SUḪU]R MÁŠ 1 SI 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [ina x IGI GE6 x USAN] [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [dele-bat e MÚL ár šá SUḪU]R MÁŠ 1 SI [x] ⌈5?⌉,10 GE6 27 19,10+[x KUR]
Year SE 175
No. 77 ´Obv. [Month III, .... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset ....: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The 2]8th, moonrise [to sunrise:] 9° 20´. .... [....] Night of the 15th?, [....] The 24th, .... [....] .... [....] 6´-10´ [Month IV, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 20´, TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 50´. The 2nd, solstice. The 10+[xth, ....] Night of the 19th, first part of the night, [.... Mars ....] below g Virgi[nis ....] 11´-14´ [Month V, ....] .... [....] The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 30´. The 11th, Jupiter stationary in Aries. The 12th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in [Virgo .... Mars] 1 cubit above a Virginis. 15´-18´ [Month VI, ....] sunrise to moonset: [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°. [The xth, Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Virgo. The 11th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Virgo. Night of the 20th, .... [....] Night of the 26th, [last] part of the night, Jupiter 4 [cubits] below a Arietis. [Night of the xth, .... Mars] 2½ cubits below b Librae. 19´-22´ [Month VII, ....] The xth, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. The 5th, equinox. The 8th, .... [....] before sunrise, lunar eclipse .... [.... Mercury] 1½ cubits [above] a Virginis. The 10+[xth, .... Jup]iter [....] below β Arietis. 1´-5´
Lower edge 1 [Year] 175. Rev.´ 1-5
[Month VIII, ....] sunset to moonrise: [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10°. [The x]+1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Libra. The 21st, Saturn’s [first appearance] in Scorpius. [Month IX, ....] moonset to sunrise: [....] .... [The xth,] sunset to moonrise; 5°? 10´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 19° 10+[x´.] The 7th, Jupiter stationary in Aries. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b [Capricorni. Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] 1 finger above g Capricorni. The 22nd, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west [in .... Night of the xth, first part of the night, Venus] 1 finger [above d Capri]corni.
Nos. 77 & 78
[A]B 1 21,20 TAB
⌈x+2⌉ 3,20 ⌈x 7⌉,30 [x x],40 ⌈x⌉ 1,40? [ZÍZ] 30 19,10 ⌈12?⌉ 9,40 ? ⌈13 ⌉ 2,30 ⌈x⌉ [x]
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
ŠÚ ME na GE6 ŠÚ na ME
GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG [GENN]A e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-[TAB nn mm] 13 KAK-BA[N ana ME] E-a GE6 17 US[AN ....] 24 GU4-[UD ina NIM] ina MÁŠ IGI ⌈27?⌉ [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [....] GE6 12+[x ....] SIG M[ÚL ....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [....] MU-1-me-1,1[5-KAM ....]
No. 78 BM 35090 (= Sp II 628) Copy: LBAT 1076 Photo: Pl. 46 Year: SE 177
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL? [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... U]SAN GU4-UD SIG GIŠ.KUN A 1+[x KÙŠ ....] [.... MÚL-BABBAR e MAŠ-MAŠ] šá SIPA 3½ KÙŠ GE6 15 US[AN ....] [.... U]SAN dele-bat e G[ÌR ár] ⌈šá A⌉ 6 SI [....] —————————— [....] ⌈GE6 10+x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´
[.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
—————————— [GAN ....] ⌈x⌉ USAN AN SIG SI MÁŠ 3 K[ÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA IGI [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 18 dele-bat ina NIM ina PA IGI [....] [....] AN e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR M[ÁŠ ....]
Years SE 175 & 177 10-14
Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 20´, TAB. [The x]+2nd, moonset to sunrise: 3° 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 7° 30´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 40´. The xth, sunset to moonrise: 1° 40´. The 27th?, [....] Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Satu[rn ....] above b Scorpii. The 13th, Sirius’ [acro]nychal rising. Night of the 17th, first part of the [night, ....] The 24th, Mercury’s first appearance [in the east] in Capricorn. [Month XI,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 10´. The 12th?, moonset to sunrise: 9° 40´. The 13th?, sunrise to moonset: 2° 30´. The xth, moonrise to sunset: [....] Night [....] Night of the 12+[xth, ....] below [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [....] year 17[5 ....]
No. 78 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] …. [….] [....] first part of the night, Mercury 1+[x cubits] below j Leonis. [....] [.... Jupiter] 3½ cubits [above g] Geminorum. Night of the 15th, first [part of the night, ....] [.... first] part of the night, Venus 6 fingers above b Virginis. [....] —————————— [....] Night of the 10+[xth, ....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´-3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. [....] (blank) —————————— [Month IX, ....] xth, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below b Capricorni. [....] [....] The xth, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. [....] [....] .... The 18th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. [....] [....] Mars [....] above g Capricorni. [....]
Date First visibilities in the east of Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius (rev. 5´f.) can occur in months VIII or IX of the Babylonian calendar. Within the attested range of NS Almanacs, only SE 177 IX had both phenomena. The position of Mars in Capricorn (rev. 4´) confirms this date.
No. 79
No. 79 BM 33482 + 33486 + 33487 (= Rm IV 36+40+41+45) + Rm IV unnumbered Listed as LBAT *1042a (33482), *1042b (33486), *1042c (33487) Photo: Pl. 46f. Year: SE 178 The lunar sections and the planetary sections on this tablet are not well aligned so that line numbering is difficult. They will therefore be presented separately.
Lunar sections ´Obv. 1´ [x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 2´ [x x] NINDA? GE6 3´ [x x]+1,50 na 4´ [x x]+7,20 KUR —————————— 5´ [SIG x] 22,20 TAB 6´ [14 x],20 ME 7´ [14 x] ŠÚ 8´ ⌈15⌉ [x] GE6 9´ 15 5+[x n]a 10´ 27 20+[x KUR] —————————— 11´ ŠU 30 14,50 [(x)] 12´ 14 11,20 ME ? 13´ 14 ⌈5 ⌉,30 ŠÚ 14´ 15 1+[x],50? G[E6] 15´ 15 ⌈3?,20?⌉ n[a] 16´ 28 12,20 [KUR] 17´ IZI 1 22 TAB 18´ 14 6,20 ME 19´ 14 1,20 ŠÚ 20´ 15 3,40 GE6 21´ 15 13,10 na 22´ 27? 17,50 KUR (line 22´ written vertically) 23´ 24´ 25´ 26´ 27´ 28´ 29´ 30´ 31´
[KIN 3]0 11,10 [14 x],40 [15 x] ME ⌈16 x⌉ [GE6] DU6 1 11 ⌈x⌉ [x] 13 13,40 [1]4 20 NINDA [1]5 2,40 [16 x],20 GE6
ŠÚ 15 27?
6,30 20,50
ŠÚ na ME 20+[x x KUR]
na KUR
Year SE 178
No. 79 Lunar sections ´Obv. 1´ [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [....] 2´ [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x´.] 3´ [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+1° 50´. 4´ [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+7° 20´. —————————— 5´ [Month III, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 22° 20´, TAB. 6´ [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 20´. 7´ [The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: [....] 8´ The 15th, sunset to moonrise: [....] 9´ The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 5+[x°.] 10´ The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 20+[x°.] —————————— 11´ Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 50´. 12´ The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 11° 20´. 13´ The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 5°? 30´. 14´ The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1+[x°] 50´?. 15´ The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 20´?. 16´ The 28th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 12° 20´. 17´ Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 22°, TAB. 18´ The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 20´. 19´ The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 20´. 20´ The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 40´. 21´ The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 13° 10´. 22´ The 27th?, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 50´. 23´ [Month VI,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° 10´. 24´ [The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 40´. 25´ [The 15th,] moonrise to sunset: [....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 30´. 26´ The 16th, [sunset to moonrise:] .... The 27th?, moonrise to sunrise: 20° 50´. 27´ Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° .... [....] 28´ The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 13° 40´. 29´ The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 20´. 30´ The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 40´. 31´ [The 16th,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 20´. The 20+[xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....]
No. 79
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
[APIN x x]+10 ⌈x⌉ [13] 7,40 ŠÚ 14 8,20 ⌈ME⌉ 14 ⌈x x⌉ ⌈na⌉ [15 x GE6] [x] ⌈x⌉ KUR [GAN x] 17 TAB [12] 13,40 ŠÚ 13 3,20 na 15 10,50 GE6 26 22 KUR AB 30 12 13 12,20 ŠÚ 14 5,40 ME 14 13,30 ⌈na⌉ 15 10,10+[x] GE6 ZÍZ 1 18,50 TAB 12 8,40 ŠÚ 13 12,30 ME 13 3,20+[x na] 14 5 G[E6 ⌈ŠE⌉ 30 10+[x x] [x] 3+[x] ŠÚ [x x] ME [x x]+7 na [x x]+5 GE6 [x x]+7 KUR [DIR-ŠE x x]+2,20 TAB [x x] ME
Planetary sections ´Obv. 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG [dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI] 3´ šá SAG ḪUN 5 K[ÙŠ] 14 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA [IGI DIB] 4´ GE6 15 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 [KÙŠ] 5´ ⌈21⌉ múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 21 GU4-UD ina NIM 6´ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB —————————— 7´ GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 1 GENNA ana ME E-a 8´ GE6 ⌈4⌉ USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ GE6 12 9´ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e [is] le10 2 KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ
Year SE 178
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
[Month VIII, ....] (sunset to moonset:) [x]+10° .... [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 7° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: .... [The 15th, sunset to moonrise: ....] [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: .... [Month IX, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 17°, TAB [The 12th,] moonset to sunrise: 13° 40´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 10° 50´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 22°. Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 5° 40´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 13° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 10° 10+[x´.] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 40´. Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 50´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 40´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 30´. The 13th, [sunrise to moonset:] 3° 20+[x´.] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 20´. Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10+[x° ....] [The xth] moonset to sunrise: 3+[x°.] [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [....] [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+7°. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+5°. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+7°. [Month XII2, ....] (sunset to moonset:) [x]+2° 20´, TAB. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [....]
Planetary sections ´Obv. 1´ (Month II) [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] .... Night of the 11th, last part of the night, [Venus] 3´ 5 cu[bits below b] Arietis. The 14th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east .... [will be omitted.] 4´ Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Venus 5 [cubits] below a Arietis. 5´ The 21st, Sirius’ last appearance. The 21st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east 6´ .... will be omitted. —————————— 7´ (Month III) Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below h Tauri. The 1st, Saturn’s acronychal rising. 8´ Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Jupiter 3 cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 12th, 9´ last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above a Tauri. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west
174 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´ 25´ 26´ 27´ 28´ 29´ 30´ 31´ 32´
No. 79 ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 16 AN ina SAG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 21 MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG ALLA ŠÚ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2½ KÙŠ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ —————————— [GE6 x U]SAN GU4-UD SIG SAG A 4 [KÙŠ G]E6 4 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [e MÚL IGI] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 SI 5 [šámaš] GUB GE6 6 [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] e ⌈MÚL⌉ ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 [SI] GE6 8 USAN [GU4-UD SIG] LUGAL ⌈x⌉ [x] GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG ⌈dele-bat⌉ e MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈šá SIPA⌉ [nn mm G]E6? 17? [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI x]+4 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 21 [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG M]AŠ-MAŠ ár [nn mm ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈27 x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN⌉ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2+[x KÙŠ x GE]NNA? ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL á[r šá ALLA] šá ⌈ULÙ⌉ [nn mm] GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG AN e [MÚ]L IGI šá A[LLA šá UL]Ù 10+[x SI] 20? GU4-UD ina NIM ina A IGI GE6 25 [ina ZÁLAG G]U4-U[D] SIG LUGAL 2 SI GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG A[N] e MÚL ár šá A[LLA šá ULÙ nn mm] 28 48 M[E N]IM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— 11+[x] dele-bat ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠsic ŠÚ 10+[x GU4-UD ina NIM] ina A ŠÚ GE6 15 34 GE6 G[IN? AN-KU10 sin] ⌈x x šá?⌉ 4 SI GAR-an GE6 29 ina? ZÁLAG? ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— G[E6 x] ⌈ina ZÁLAG AN⌉ e LUGAL 6 SI 8 LÁL-tì GE6 12+[x] ina Z[ÁLAG? AN x MÚL?] ⌈TUR⌉ šá 4 ⌈KÙŠ ár⌉ L[UGAL] 8 SI GE6 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] 3½ KÙŠ ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ 6 GU4-UD ina ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ina GÍR-TAB IGI GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG AN e GÌR ár šá A 6 SI 20 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL ALLA UŠ 23 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG PA ŠÚ 25 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina SAG PA IGI 26 GENNA ina PA ŠÚ ——————————
Year SE 178 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´ 25´ 26´ 27´ 28´ 29´ 30´ 31´ 32´
in the end of Gemini. The 16th, Mars’ first appearance in the beginning of Gemini. The 21st, Jupiter’s last appearance in the beginning of Cancer. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below b Tauri. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above f Tauri. —————————— (Month IV) [Night of the xth, first] part of the night, Mercury 4 [cubits] below e Leonis. Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Venus 8 fingers [above h] Geminorum. The 5th, [sol]stice. Night of the 6th, [last part of the night, Venus] 8 [fingers] above m Geminorum. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, [Mercury] .... [below] a Leonis. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above g Geminorum. Night of the 17th?, [last part of the night, Venus x]+4 cubits [below a Geminorum.] Night of the 21st, [last part of the night, Venus .... below] b Geminorum. .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] The 27th, .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] —————————— (Month V) Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Mars 2+[x cubits] below b Geminorum. [.... Sat]urn [stationary? ....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] above d Cancri. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Mars 10+[x fingers] above j Cancri. The 20th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. Night of the 25th, [last part of the night, Mercury 2 fingers below a Leonis. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above d Cancri. The 28th, 48° after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— (Month VI) The 11+[xth,] Venus’ last appearance in the east in Geminisic. The 10+[xth, Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east] in Leo. Night of the 15th, 34° after sunset, [lunar eclipse,] it will make .... of 4 fingers. Night of the 29th, last part of the night?, .... [....] —————————— (Month VII) Night [of the xth,] last part of the night, Mars 6 fingers above a Leonis. The 8th, equinox. Night of the 12+[xth,] la[st? part of the night, Mars?] 8 fingers [....] r Leonis. Night of the 22nd, .... [....] 3½ cubits .... [....] ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
(Month VIII) Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Mars 4½ cubits below j Leonis. The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in [the west] in Scorpius. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Mars 6 fingers above b Virginis. The 20th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Cancer. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Sagittarius. The 25th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in the beginning of Sagittarius. The 26th, Saturn’s last appearance in Sagittarius. ——————————
176 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
No. 79 6 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI GE6 13 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG DELE šá [IGI ABSIN] ½ KÙŠ GE6 25 USAN [MÚL-BABBAR] SIG SAG A 3½ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG GU4-U[D] e MÚL ⌈KUR⌉ šá KIR4 ⌈šil⌉ [PA] 1 KÙŠ 20 [SI] —————————— 11 šámaš GUB 16 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-⌈a⌉ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈e⌉ S[A4] šá ABSIN 2+[x KÙŠ] 20 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME [E-a x GU4-UD ina NIM] ina SAG MÁŠ ŠÚ —————————— [x] AN ina SAG RÍN UŠ GE6 13 [x]+2 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB [x DIB] 21 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG zibme IGI [x x] ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— GE6 3 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3½ KÙŠ GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG AN e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ GE6 9 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ GE6 13 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ 18 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL zibme ŠÚ 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA UŠ 22 AN ana ME E-a GE6 29 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 1½ KÙŠ —————————— GE6 9 USAN dele-bat e is le10 3 KÙŠ 14 LÁL-tì [1]5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme IGI GE6 19 USAN dele-bat [SIG šur GIGIR] šá SI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 22 USAN dele-bat [e šur GIGIR šá UL]Ù 2½ KÙŠ GE6 21+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [.... MU-1]-me-14-KAM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,[18-KAM ....]
Year SE 178 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
(Month IX) The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius. Night of the 13th, last part of the night, Mars ½ cubit below g Virginis. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, [Jupiter] 3½ cubits below e Leonis; last part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 20 [fingers] above j Ophiuchi. —————————— (Month X) The 11th, solstice. The 16th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Mars 2+[x] cubits above a Virginis. The 20th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. [The xth, Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east] in the beginning of Capricorn. —————————— (Month XI) [The xth,] Mars stationary in the beginning of Libra. Night of the 13th, [x]+2° before sunrise, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months [.... will be omitted.] The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Pisces. [The xth, x°] before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— (Month XII) Night of the 3rd, first part fo the night, Venus 3½ cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits above a Virginis. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below a Arietis. The 18th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Pisces. The 19th, Jupiter stationary in Cancer. The 22nd, Mars’ acronychal rising. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits below h Tauri. —————————— (Month XII2) Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits above a Tauri. The 14th, equinox. The 15th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Pisces. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits [below] b [Tauri.] Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits [above f Tauri.] Night of the 21+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [.... year] 114, which is year 17[8 ....]
No. 80
No. 80 BM 34056 + 34151 (= Sp 152+284) Copies: LBAT 1043f. Photo: Pl. 47f. Year: SE 179
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-13 14 15 16-17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
[BAR ....] ⌈LUGAL?⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... GU4-UD SIG MÚL KUR šá D]UR ⌈nu-nu⌉ [.... GE6 x]+5 US[AN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 20 USAN dele-bat ⌈SIG MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [ár ....] [....] [.... x]+19 [....] [GU4 .... GE6 x]+5 [USAN dele-bat x MÚ]L ár šá ALLA šá [....] [.... GU4-UD] SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3 [....] [....] GE6 19 USAN MÚL-[BABBAR SIG SAG A ....] [.... dele-bat] SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ [....] [.... ina] ⌈ZÁLAG AN⌉ e SA4 šá ABSIN 1+[x ....] [SIG ....] [....] [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina] TIL ALLA ŠÚ [....] 29 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ⌈SAG?⌉ [A ŠÚ] [....] [ŠU ....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG⌉ A ŠÚ 7 KAK-BAN IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GU4-UD] ⌈ina NIM⌉ ina ALLA IGI 14 dele-bat ina NIM ⌈ina ALLA⌉ [IGI ....] [.... AN]-KU10 sin šá DIB GE6 19 USAN AN SIG RÍN [šá SI nn mm] [.... x]+1 GENNA ina PA UŠ GE6 29 9 UŠ GE6 GIN AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] [....] [.... x]+8 [IZI ....] ⌈18?⌉ 2 MÚL-BABBAR ina [A] ⌈IGI⌉ GE6 10 USAN AN ⌈e⌉ [MÚL x šá SAG GÍR-TAB nn mm] [....] 10 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ GE6 [x ina ZÁLAG] dele-bat SIG SAG A 5 [KÙŠ] [....] GE6 22 US[AN] AN e SI4 1½ KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [KIN ....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 20+[x ....] [.... AN SIG MÚL KUR šá D]UR? ⌈nu⌉-[nu] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ [....] [ŠE ....] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR SIG GIŠ.KUN?⌉ [A] ⌈x⌉ KÙŠ [.... dele-bat ina NI]M ina zibme ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [x] AN ina ḪUN ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 25 LÁ[L-tì] [....] 20+[x] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina NIM ina TIL ⌈zibme⌉ ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉
Upper edge 1 [.... MU-1]-me-1,19-KAM IAr-[....] Right edge 1 [....]-⌈19⌉-KAM [....]
Year SE 179
No. 80 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-13 14 15 16-17 18-23
[Month I, ....] a Leonis? [....] .... [....] [.... Mercury .... below] h Piscium [.... Night of the x]+5th, first [part of the night, ....] [....] .... Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b Gemi[norum ....] [....] [.... x]+19 [....] [Month II, .... Night of the x]+5th, [first part of the night, Venus .... g /d] Cancri. [.... Mercury] 3+[x cubits] below a Geminorum [....] [....] Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Jupi[ter .... below e Leonis.] [.... Venus] 4 cubits below e Leonis. [....] last part of the night, Mars 1+[x cubits] above a Virginis. [Month III, ....] [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west in] the end of Cancer. [....] The 29th, Venus’ [last appearance] in the west in the beginning [of Leo.] [....] [Month IV, .... (moonrise to sunrise?:) x]+8°. [....,] Jupiter’s last appearance in the beginning of Leo. The 7th, Sirius’ first appearance. [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Cancer. The 14th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the east in Cancer. [....] lunar eclipse which will be omitted. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below b Librae. [.... The x]+1st, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. Night of the 29th, 9° after sunset, [solar] eclipse [....] [Month V, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 18°?. [....] .... [....] The 2nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in [Leo.] Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above [d/b Scorpii.] The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east [in ....] Night [of the xth, last part of the night,] Venus 5 [cubits] below e Leonis. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits above a Scorpii. [Month VI, ....] .... [....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... 20+[x ....] [.... Mars] .... cubits [below h] Piscium? [....] [Month XII, ....] Jupiter .... cubits below j Leonis. [.... Venus’] last appearance [in the ea]st in Pisces. [The xth,] Mars’ last appearance in Aries. The 25th, equi[nox.] [....] The 20+[xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Pisces. [....] ....
Upper edge 1 [...., year 1]79, [king] Ar[saces.] Right edge 1 [...., year 17]9, [....]
Nos. 81 & 82
No. 81 BM 40604 (= 81-4-28,149) Photo: Pl. 49 Year: SE 179
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ⌈USAN⌉ AN SI[G ....] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ USAN dele-bat SIG [....] [x x] KUR —————————— [GU4 x x],20 TAB 2 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ [....] [13 x]+5,20 ME šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1+[x ....] [13] 2,40 ŠÚ GE6 14 U[SAN ....] 14 5 GE6 GE6 17 U[SAN ....] [1]4 5,20 na USA[N ....] 27 13,30 KUR US[AN ....] SIG 30 17,20 G[E6? ....] 13 13,40 ME [....] ? ⌈13⌉ 7 ,30 ŠÚ [....] [14 x]+5,30[+x GE6 ....]
No. 82 BM 33448 + 33466 + 33743 (= Rm IV 2+20+301) + 47727 (=81-11-3,432) + unnumbered Listed as LBAT *1045 (33466), *1046 (47727), 1138 (33743) Photo: Pl. 49f. Year: SE 183
Upper edge 1 [....] MU-1-me-1,23-KAM Obv. 2
[BAR .... [
4 5
[ [
GE6 x] USAN GU4-UD SIG MÚL-MÚL ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG A]N SIG SI MÁŠ 1⅔? KÙŠ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚ]L KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3½ KÙŠ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR x KIR4 šil] ⌈PA⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4½? KÙŠ K]UR GE6 27? ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5½ KÙŠ
Years SE 179 & 183
No. 81 ´Obv.´ [....] sunset to moonrise: [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] [....] first part of the night, Mars [....] bel[ow ....] first part of the night, Venus [....] below [....] —————————— 4´-9´ [Month II, .... (sunset to moonset:) x° x]+20´, TAB. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+5° 20´. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 2° 40´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 30´. The 2nd, Sirius’ last appearance. [....] 1+[x mm ....] j / d] Cancri. [....] Night of the 14th, first [part of the night, ....] Night of the 17th, first [part of the night, ....] first [part of the night, ....] first [part of the night, ....] 10´-13´ Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 13° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7°? 30´. [The 14th, sunset to moonrise: x]+5° 30+[x´....] Ni[ght? ....] 1´-3´
Date A last visibility of Sirius on the 2nd is possible in the Uruk Scheme only in month II; it identifies the year as SE 8 + 19n. In the preceding month I, both Mars and Venus were visible in the evening. This leaves only SE 160 and 179 (between -300 and 0). In SE 160, Venus was invisible from I 27 to II 7 which does not fit well with line 2´. Also, no planet was near δ or j Cancri during the first half of month II (line 5´). In SE 179 however, Venus passed both stars in month II.
No. 82 Upper edge 1 [....] Year 183. Obv. 1-6
[Month I, .... moonrise] to sunrise: [....] [Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Mercury ⅔ cubit below h Tauri. Night of the 11th, [last part of the night, Ma]rs 1⅔? cubit below b Capricorni. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits [below] h Piscium. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Jupiter ⅔ cubit [.... j] Ophiuchi. The 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. [Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 4½? cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 27th?, last part of the night, Venus 5½ cubits below a Arietis.
182 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No. 82 —————————— [GU4 3]0 14,50 GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 2 KÙŠ 15 29 ME [x x]+4,30 ŠÚ ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-K[U10] sin 6 SI GAR-an ád E-a 15 MÚL-BABBAR [x x]+1,20 ME ana ME E-a 16 KAK-BAN ŠÚ 20 AN ina ḪUN UŠ [x x]+5,50 na GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG dele-b[at] e ⌈is le10⌉ 2 KÙŠ 29 35 ME ? [x 1]5 ,40 GE6 27 15,50 KUR ana ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [šámaš A]N-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— [SIG x x]+7,20 TAB 13 8,30 ŠÚ 1 GE[NNA? ina SAG] GU UŠ 3 GU4-UD ina NIM [14] 6,40 ME 14 5 ⌈x na⌉ IGI DIB ⌈6?⌉ dele-bat ina NIM ina ⌈SAG MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ ŠÚ [15] 7,20 GE6 27 10,10 KUR 23 GU4-[U]D ina NIM ŠÚ-šú DIB [30 šá]maš GUB —————————— [ŠU x x]+⌈30⌉ TAB 13 11,20 ŠÚ 6? GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ] ina TIL ALLA ⌈IGI x MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina G[ÍR-TAB U]Š? [x x M]E 13 2 na 12 AN ana [ME E-a] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x GE6] 26 19,30 KUR 21 [KAK-BAN IGI x GENNA] ⌈ana ME E-a⌉ —————————— [IZI x x x] 1+[x],30 ŠÚ 10 AN ina MÁŠ UŠ GE6 11+[x ....] [x x ME x]+2 11 na USAN GENNA e SUḪUR IG[I? ....] [x x GE6] 26 17,30 KUR 20+[x] ⌈GU4⌉-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN [ŠÚ] —————————— [KIN x x] ⌈x⌉ 1,30? ŠÚ 8 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI 9 GU4-UD [ina] NIM [x x n]a 14 ME u GE6 NU TUK ina TIL A IGI GE6 28 USAN MÚL-BABBAR [x x],30 GE6 27 14,50 KUR e šil PA ⅔ KÙŠ 30 GENNA ina MÁŠ UŠ —————————— [DU6] ⌈x x⌉ [x]+2 2+[x],20 ŠÚ GE6 1 USAN AN SIG SUḪUR IGI ½ KÙŠ [.... 3 LÁ]L?-tì? ⌈GE6⌉ [x US]AN AN SIG [.... SUḪUR ár nn mm x] GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ ——————————
Rev. 1 2 3
[APIN .... [x] 6?,40 ME
15 2,30 na
[x] 3,20 GE6 27 19,20 KUR ——————————
GE6] ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 6 SI GAR-an 22+[x? MÚL-BABBAR ina] PA ŠÚ 28 40 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI
Year SE 183 7-11
—————————— [Month II,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 50´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+4° 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+1° 20´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+5° 50´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 15°? 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 50´. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits below h Tauri. The 15th, 29° before sunset, lunar eclipse; it will make 6 fingers, it will rise eclipsed. The 15th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 16th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 20th, Mars stationary in Aries. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above a Tauri. The 29th, 35° before sunset, [solar] eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month III, .... sunset to moonset: x]+7° 20´, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 30´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: 6° 40´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 5° x´. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: 7° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 10´. The 1st, Sat[urn?] stationary [in the beginning] of Aquarius. The 3rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east will be omitted. The 6th?, Venus’ last appearance in the east in the beginning of Gemini. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east will be omitted. [The 30th,] solstice. —————————— [Month IV, .... sunset to moonset: ....] 30´, TAB. The 13th sic, moonset to sunrise: 11° 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [....] The 13th sic, sunrise to moonset: 2°. [The xth, sunset to moonrise: ....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 19° 30´. The 6th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the [west] in the end of Cancer. The xth, Jupiter stationary? in Sc[orpius.] The 12th, Mars’ [acronychal rising.] .... [....] .... [....] The 21st, [Sirius’ first appearance. The xth, Saturn’s] acronychal rising. —————————— [Month V, .... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 1+[x°] 30´. [The xth, moonrise to sunset: .... The x]+2nd, sunrise to moonset: 11°. [The xth, sunset to moonrise: ....] The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 30´. The 10th, Mars stationary in Capricorn. Night of the 11+[xth, ....] first part of the night, Saturn [....] above g Capricorni [....] The 20+[xth,] Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Virgo. —————————— [Month VI, ....] The xth, moonset to sunrise: 1° 30´?. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [....] The 14th, there was no „moonrise to sunset“ or „sunset to moonrise“. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 50´. The 8th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Virgo. The 9th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Leo. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Jupiter ⅔ cubit above j Ophiuchi. The 30th, Saturn stationary in Capricorn. —————————— [Month VII,] .... [The x]+2nd, moonset to sunrise: 2+[x°] 20´. [....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars ½ cubit below g Capricorni. [The 3rd, equi]nox. Night [of the xth, first] part of the night, Mars [....] below [d Capricorni. The xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. ——————————
Rev. 1-3
[Month VIII, .... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 6°? 40´. The 15th?, sunrise to moonset: 2° 30´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 3° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 19° 20´. [.... before] sunrise, lunar eclipse, it will make 6 fingers. The 22+[xth, Jupiter’s] last appearance in Sagittarius. The 28th, 40° before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. ——————————
No. 82
184 4
[GAN 3]0 13,30
[x] [x
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
3?,50 ŠÚ x]+1,50 ME
GE6 1 USAN GENNA e SUḪUR IGI ⌈10+x⌉ SI GE6 5 USAN dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG MÁŠ ŠÚ GE6 19 USAN dele-bat e SUḪUR IGI 1 SI GE6 21 USAN dele-bat e SUḪUR ár 1 SI 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA IGI GE6 23 USAN GENNA e SUḪUR ár 14 SI 27 GU4-U[D ina N]IM? ina PA I[GI]
[x] 5?,30 na [x] ⌈8?⌉,10 GE6 [x x]+1,40 KUR —————————— [AB x x] ⌈x 10?,40? ME⌉ 6 šámaš GUB 11 KAK-BAN ana ME E-[a] [x x ŠÚ x] 1,50 GE6 [x GENN]A ina ⌈SAG GU?⌉ [ŠÚ x] ⌈x⌉[....] [x x na x] 17,20 KUR [....] (blank) [....] —————————— [ZÍZ] 30 15,[x GE6] ⌈4⌉ USAN A[N SIG MÚL IGI šá SA]G ḪUN ⌈3?⌉ K[ÙŠ x GU4-UD] [1]4? 9 ME ina NIM ina TIL MÁŠ ŠÚ [GE6 x USAN] AN SIG MÚL ár šá SA[G ḪUN] [x] 5?,30? ŠÚ 4 KÙŠ GE6 16 US[AN] dele-bat SIG DUR nu-nu ⌈2?⌉ KÙŠ [x] 3 GE6 GE6 22 USAN dele-bat [SIG] MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ GE6 26 ? [x] 5,10 na USAN dele-bat SIG MÚ[L á]r šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 29 GENNA ina GU IGI [x x],40 KUR —————————— [ŠE x] 11,40 15 ⌈8? x x ME?⌉ [1]0 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI GE6 13 [15 x],40 ŠÚ 16 [x],30? G[E6] USAN AN SIG MÚL-MÚL 1 KÙŠ 6 SI ? [16] ⌈12 ⌉+[x] na ⌈28⌉ 12,40 [KUR] GE6 20 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 6 SI —————————— [DIR]-ŠE 1 20+⌈x TAB?⌉ GE6 2+[x US]AN AN e is le10 2½ KÙŠ GE6 5 USAN dele-bat ? [x x]+4 ŠÚ e [is] le10 4 KÙŠ 9 LÁL-tì 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [x x],20 ME ina [Ḫ]UN ŠÚ GE6 21 USAN AN SIG šur SI 1½ KÙŠ [x x] na GE6 26 USAN AN e šur ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ GE6 29 [x x GE6] ⌈x⌉+7 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB šá DIB 29? [MÚL-BABBA]R [x x KUR] ina MÁŠ [UŠ] —————————— [....] šá MU-1-me-1,23-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a [LUGAL]
Right edge 1 MU-1-me-1,23-KAM
Year SE 183 4-9
[Month IX,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 30´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 3°? 50´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+1° 50´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 5°? 30´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 8°? 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+1° 40´. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Saturn 10+x fingers above g Capricorni. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Capricorni. The 14th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Capricorn. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above g Capricorni. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above d Capricorni. The 22nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in Sagittarius. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Saturn 14 fingers above d Capricorni. The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. —————————— [Month X, ....] The xth, moonrise to sunset: 10°? 40´?. [The xth, moonset to sunrise: .... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 1° 50´. [The xth, sunrise to moonset: .... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 17° 20´. The 6th, solstice. The 11th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [The xth, Sat]urn’s [last appearance] in the beginning of Aquarius .... [....] —————————— [Month XI,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° [.... The 1]4th?, moonrise to sunset: 9°. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 5°? 30´?. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 3°. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 5° 10´?. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 40´. [Night] of the 4th, first part of the night, Mars 3? cubits [below b Arie]tis. [The xth, Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in the end of Capricorn. [Night of the xth, first part of the night,] Mars 4 cubits below a Arietis. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Venus 2? cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits [below] b Arietis. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a Arietis. The 29th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. —————————— [Month XII, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 11° 40´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 8°? .... [The 15th,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 40´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´?. [The 16th,] sunrise to moonset: 12°? [x´]. The 28th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 12° 40´. The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Mars 1 cubit 6 fingers below h Tauri. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Venus 6 fingers below h Tauri. —————————— [Mon]th XII2, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20+x°, TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+4°. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 20´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth, sunset to moonrise: .... The xth, moonrise to sunrise: ....] Night of the 2+[xth, first] part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits above a Tauri. The 9th, equinox. The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits below b Tauri. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Mars 1½ cubits above f Tauri. Night of the 29th, x+7° after sunset, solar eclipse (after) 5 months which will be omitted. The 29th?, [Jupit]er [stationary] in Capricorn. —————————— [....] of year 183, [king] Arsaces.
Right edge 1 Year 183. [Year 1]83.
No. 83
No. 83 BM 34054 (= Sp 150) Copy: LBAT 1047 Photo: Pl. 51 Year: SE 184
Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [.... A]BSIN 1 KÙŠ 4 U [....] 2´ [.... 1]5 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB GE6 22+[x ....] 3´ [.... GE6] 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] 4´ [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina P]A? IGI 5´ [....] —————————— 6´ [APIN ....] RÍN šá ULÙ 1 SI GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ⌈e? MÚL e⌉ [šá SAG GÍR-TAB ....] 7´ [.... GU4-UD ina] ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG RÍN šá [SI ....] 8´ [....] dele-bat e SI4 3 KÙŠ 20 GU4-UD ina NI[M ina x IGI ....] 9´ [.... GE6] 23? MÚL-BABBAR SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙ[Š ....] 10´ [.... dele-bat e MÚL KUR šá] KIR4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG [....] 11´ [....] 2? KÙŠ —————————— 12´ [GAN ....] GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 6? [....] 13´ [....] 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 17 šámaš GUB 22 [KAK-BAN ana ME E-a ....] 14´ [....] GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— 15´ [AB ....] ME 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 7 dele-bat ina NI[M ina x ŠÚ ....] 16´ [....] GE6 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ IGI 13 GENNA ina GU ŠÚ 17´ [....] KUR —————————— 18´ [ZÍZ ....] ⌈x⌉ 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL [IGI] 19´ [.... šá] SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÚŠ 26 GENNA ina GU IGI GE6 [x] 20´ [.... MÚL-BABB]AR e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ ——————————
Year SE 184
No. 83 Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [....] 1 cubit 4 fingers [....] Virginis [....] 2´ [.... The 1]5th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. Night of the 22+[xth, ....] 3´ [.... Night] of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below b Librae. [....] 4´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in Sag]ittarius. [....] 5´ [....] —————————— 6´ [Month VIII, ....] 1 finger [....] a Librae. Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above? b Scor[pii ....] 7´ [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below b Lib[rae ....] 8´ [....] Venus 3 cubits above a Scorpii. The 20th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in ....] 9´ [.... Night] of the 23rd?, Jupiter 2½ cubits below b Capricorni. [....] 10´ [.... Venus] 1 cubit [above j Ophi]uchi. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, [....] 11´ [....] 2? cubits [....] —————————— 12´ [Month IX, ....] Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Mars 6? [fingers] below b Scorpii. [....] 13´ [....] The 12th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Capricorn. The 17th, solstice. The 22nd, [Sirius’ acronychal rising. ....] 14´ [....] Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Mars .... above j Ophiuchi. [....] —————————— 15´-17´ [Month X, ....] moonrise to sunset: [....] sunset to moonrise: [....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] The 5th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 7th, Venus’ [last appearance] in the east [in ....] The 12th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Capricorn. The 13th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aquarius. —————————— 18´-20´ [Month XI, ....] .... The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Jupiter ½ cubit above g Capricorni. The 26th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. Night [of the xth,] Jupiter ½ cubit above d Capricorni. ——————————
Date A solstice on a 17th day (rev. 13´) can only be winter solstice in the Uruk Scheme, on IX 17. The year is SE 13 + 19n. A last appearance of Jupiter on IX 12 in Capricorn and a last appearance of Saturn on X 13 in Aquarius decide for SE 184. The other data agree with this year.
No. 84
No. 84 BM 34620 (= Sp II 100 + III 62) Copy: LBAT 1048 Photo: Pl. 51 Year: SE 184
Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [ 2´ [APIN x x 3´ [x x 4´ [x x 5´ [x x] 6´ [x x] 7´ [x x] 8´
9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´ 25´ 26´ 27´ 28´ 29´
] ŠÚ] M]E na GE6 KUR
....] GU4-UD ina? [....] GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈e⌉ [RÍN šá ULÙ .... dele-bat] e MÚL e šá SAG [GÍR-TAB nn mm] GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG RÍN šá [SI .... dele-bat] e SI4 3 KÙŠ 20? GU4-UD ⌈ina⌉ [NIM ina x IGI] GE6 24 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG SI MÁ[Š nn mm] GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL KUR šá [KIR4 šil PA nn mm] GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e MÚL KUR [šá KIR4 šil PA nn mm]
—————————— [GAN x] 15?,30 GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL e šá SAG [GÍR-TAB nn mm] [13] 4,40 ME GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG AN e SI4 2 KÙŠ [....] ⌈13⌉ 6,30 ŠÚ 17 šámaš GUB 22 KAK-BAN ME E-[a GE6 x ina ZÁLAG AN] [1]4 3 GE6 e MÚL KUR šá [KIR4 šil PA nn mm] ? [1]4 7 na 28 15,40 KUR [A]B 1 23,20 TAB ina 30-šú 7,20 5 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina MÁŠ ŠÚ x dele-bat ina NIM] [13] 6,50 ME ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [....] [13] 5,20 ŠÚ 14 5 GE6 14 [x]+2,30 na 27 16+[x KUR] ? ⌈ZÍZ⌉ 30 17,50 8 GU4-UD ⌈ina ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ GE6 x⌉ [ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL IGI] 14 7,10 ME šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ 26 GENNA [ina GU IGI GE6 x] 14 2,10 ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL ár šá SUḪ[UR MÁŠ nn mm] 15 5,20 GE6 15 10,20 na 28 9 KUR ⌈ŠE⌉ 1 26,10 TAB ina 30-šú 10,10 GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG AN? [....] [x x]+5,20 ŠÚ 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ 20 LÁL-[tì x dele-bat ina ŠÚ] [x] ⌈x⌉ ME ina ḪUN IGI GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG AN ⌈e⌉ [MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ nn mm] [x x] na GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL [ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ nn mm] [x x] GE6 27 10,40 KUR 28 30 [....] meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-20-K[AM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,24-KAM ....]
Year SE 184
No. 84 Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [....] Mercury in? [....] 2´-8´ [Month VIII, .... The xth, moonset to sunrise: .... The xth, moonrise] to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above [a Librae. ...., Venus ....] above b Scorpii. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below b Librae. [...., Venus] 3 cubits above a Scorpii. The 20th?, Mercury’s [first appearance] in [the east in ....] Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Jupiter [....] below b Capricorni. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above j [Ophiuchi.] Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mercury [....] above j [Ophiuchi.] —————————— 9´-13´ [Month IX, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 15°? 30´. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: 4° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 30´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 7°?. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 40´. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Mars [....] below b Scorpii. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Mars 2 cubits above a Scorpii. [....] The 17th, solstice. The 22nd, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars ....] above j O[phiuchi.] 14´-18´ Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 23° 20´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), 7° 20´. [The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: 6° 50´. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 5° 20´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: [x]+2° 30´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 16+[x°.] The 5th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in .... The xth, Venus’] last appearance [in the east] in Capricorn. [....] 19´-23´ Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th ? (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17° 50´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 10´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 10´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 10° 20´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 9°. The 8th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Pisces. Night of the xth, [last part of the night, Jupiter] ½ cubit [above g] Capricorni. The 26th, Saturn’s [first appearance in Aquarius. Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Jupiter [....] above d Capri[corni.] 24´-28´ Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 26° 10´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), 10° 10´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+5° 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: .... [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 40´. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Mars? [....] The 3rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. The 20th, equin[ox. The xth, Venus’] first appearance [in the west] in Aries. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above [g Capricorni.] Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above [d Capricorni.] The 28th, 30° [.... solar eclipse ....] 29´ Predictions of year 120, [which is year 184 ....]
No. 85
No. 85 BM 34868 + 34953 (= Sp II 374+474) Copies: LBAT 1049, 1050 Photo: Pl. 52 Year: SE 187
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[.... 5 KAK]-⌈BAN⌉ IGI 10 dele-bat ina [NIM ina x IGI ....] [.... x]+1 GENNA ina zibme U[Š ....] [.... A]N e is le10 2 KÙŠ [....] [IZI ....] ⌈ME ana ŠÚ šámaš⌉ A[N-KU10 sin TIL]-⌈tì⌉ GAR-an ád E-a [....] dele-bat SIG SAG A ⌈5?⌉ [KÙŠ] ⌈GE6⌉ 27 ina ZÁLAG AN [.... SIG šur GI]GIR šá SI 2½ KÙŠ 28 1+[x] ⌈x⌉ ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP [.... x]+10,40 KUR [KIN .... GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina RÍN IGI GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG LUGAL 1 KÙŠ 4U [.... GENN]A ana ME E-a GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG AN e šu[r GIGIR šá ULÙ nn mm] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ [....] ⌈⅔?⌉ KÙŠ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG GU4-[UD ....] 2´ [.... GE6 2]2 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD SIG RÍN šá [SI nn mm ....] 3´ [.... dele-bat e] SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ ina? ZÁLAG? [AN SIG šu]r ⌈GIGIR⌉ šá SI 2 KÙŠ 8U 4´ [.... GE6 2]7 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL [ár šá] SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 27 AN ana ME E-a 5´ [APIN ....] GENNA ina zibme UŠ 10 GU4-U[D ina NI]M ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ GE6 13 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat 6´ [.... e R]ÍN šá ULÙ ½ KÙŠ GE6 15? [ina ZÁL]AG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 2½ KÙŠ 7´ [.... GE6 2]5 USAN AN e is [l]e10 2⅔ KÙŠ 26 MÚL-BABBAR 8´ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ina ZÁLAG?⌉ [dele-bat] e MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 4 U 9´ [....] 10´ [GAN .... dele-b]at e SI4 3 KÙŠ 7 AN ina MÚL-MÚL UŠ 11´ [.... dele-bat e MÚL KUR] šá KIR4 šil PA 1 KÙŠ 20 šámaš GUB 12´ [.... 25 KAK]-⌈BAN⌉ ana ME E-a 13´-14´ [....] 15´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 16´ [....] dele-bat?
Right edge 1 MU-1-me-1,27-KAM
Year SE 187
No. 85 ´Obv.´ 1´-4´ 5´-8´
[.... The 5th, Sir]ius’ first appearance. The 10th, Venus’ [first appearance in the east in .... The x]+1st, Saturn stationary in Pisces. [....] Mars 2 cubits above a Tauri. [....] [Month V, ....] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+10° 40´. [....] before sunset, [lunar] eclipse,] it will make a total one; it will come out eclipsed. [....] Venus 5? [cubits] below e Leonis. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits [below] b Tauri. The 28th, 1+x° before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. [Month VI, ....] [.... Mercu]ry’s first appearance in the west in Libra. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit 4 fingers below a Leonis. [.... Satur]n’s acronychal rising. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above f [Tauri. ....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ [....] ⅔? cubit [....] Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Mercu[ry .... Night of the 2]2nd, last part of the night, Mercury [....] below [b] Librae. [.... Venus] 1½ cubits [above] a Virginis. Last part of the night?, [Mars] 2 cubits 8 fingers [below b] Tauri. [Night of the 2]7th, first part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below [a] Arietis. The 27th, Mars’ acronychal rising. 5´-9´ [Month VIII, ....] [....] Saturn stationary in Pisces. The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Scorpius. Night of the 13th, last part of the night, Venus ½ cubit [above] a Librae. Night of the 15th?, [last] part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below b Librae. [Night of the 2]5th, first part of the night, Mars 2⅔ cubits above a Tauri. The 26th, Jupiter [stationary ....] .... last part of the night?, [Venus] 4 fingers above b Scorpii. [....] 10´-14´ [Month IX, ....] [.... Ven]us 3 cubits above a Scorpii. The 7th, Mars stationary in Taurus. [.... Venus] 1 cubit [above j] Ophiuchi. The 20th, solstice. [The 25th, Sir]ius’ acronychal rising. [....] 15´ [....] .... 16´ [....] Venus? 1´-4´
Right edge 1 Year 187.
No. 86
No. 86 A: BM 34078 (= Sp 175 + Sp II 777) BM 34588 (= Sp II 61+782) Copies: LBAT 1051, 1052 Photo: Pl. 52-54 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 532f. and Erg. Tf. XI and XII; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 371-373. The two pieces are part of the same tablet, but there is too much clay missing to join them.
B: BM 35372 (= Sp II 949) (+) 35623 + 35904 (= Sp III 134 + 439) + 55582 (= 82-7-4,174) Copy: LBAT 1082 (35372); 35623 listed as LBAT *1054 Photo: Pl. 55 BM 35372 continues the data for month III found on the other fragment but cannot be joined any more; it probably is part of the same tablet.
C: BM 34395 (= Sp 514) Copy: LBAT 1053 Photo: Pl. 55 Year: SE 188
A Upper edge 2 ina ⌈a⌉-[mat] dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. A1
BAR 30 14
[BAR 3]0 14 12 5,10
[12] 13
⌈x⌉ 4,20
ŠÚ na
[1]3 14 14
4,20 1 1
na ME ME
15 15 27 27
11 11 13,30 13,30
GU4 1 21,20 TAB
GU4 1 21,20 TAB 12 1 ŠÚ
A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 A5 B5 A6
A8 B8 A9
12 13
1,10 8,20
7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [ina MÚL]-MÚL IGI GE6 10 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 KÙŠ 7 GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ .... AN] 10 MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG MÚL-⌈MÚL⌉ ŠÚ GE6 13 USAN GU4-UD e is le10 4 KÙŠ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2 [KÙŠ ....] 14 GENNA ina SAG ḪUN IGI GE6 21 USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 1 KÙŠ 6 U GE6 13 USAN G[U4-UD e is le10 .... GENNA] GE6 23 USAN GU4-UD e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 30 ina ḪUN IGI GE6 21 U[SAN] GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 1 KÙŠ 6 SI USAN AN e MÚL IGI šá ALLA šá SI 4 SI GE6 23 USAN G[U4-UD] e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1⅔ KÙŠ GE6 30 USAN AN ⌈e⌉ MÚL IGI šá ALLA šá SI 4 SI GE6 7 USAN AN SIG MÚL ár šá ALLA šá SI ½ KÙŠ 12sic KAK-BAN ŠÚ 10+[x M]ÚL-BABBAR GE6 7 USAN AN SI[G M]ÚL ár šá ALLA šá SI ½ KÙŠ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GE6 25 USAN AN 11 MÚL-BABBAR ina M[ÚL-MÚL I]GI 11 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ
Year SE 188
No. 86 The translation combines the three exemplars; the line numbering follows exemplar A. Upper edge 2 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1-6
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14°. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 10´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 11°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 30´. The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 10th, first part of the night, Mars 2 cubits below b Geminorum. The 10th, Jupiter’s last appearance in the beginning of Taurus. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits above a Tauri. The 14th, Saturn’s first appearance in (the beginning of) Aries. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 6 fingers below b Tauri. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Mercury 1⅔ cubits above f Tauri. Night of the 30th, first part of the night, Mars 4 fingers above h Cancri. Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 20´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 1° (var. 1° 10´). The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 8°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 6° 10´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 30´.
194 B9 A10 B10 A11 A12 A13 B13 C1´ C2´ A14 B14 C3´ A15
No. 86 13 13 13 14 26
8,20 8 ⌈8⌉ 6,10 15,30
SIG 30 16,50 [SIG x x [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 12 7,20 [x x [.... 13 1,30
ME na [na] GE6 KUR
ŠÚ x na
A31 A32
x]+1,10 ME
x]+2,20 ŠÚ
⌈15⌉ 15 27
2,10 7,30 21+[x
B1´ C4´ A16 B2´ A17 A18 A19 B3´ A20 B4´ A21 B5´ A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30
A35 A36
⌈SIG?⌉ [....]
GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-[nu ....] .... GENNA SIG MÚL KUR šá] DUR nu-nu 2⅔ KÙŠ
[x x [.... [.... 14 2,50 [.... 15 9,30 27 13,10 ŠU 30 13,30 [ŠU ....] 13 7,20 [.... 14 11,20 [.... 14 2,40 15 1,30 27 21+[x IZI 1 [....] [x x [x x [x x] [x x]+20 [x x]+30 [KIN x] 17,40
13 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ [ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ] ŠÚ GE6 ⌈25 USAN⌉ AN
GE6 4 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e is le10 2½ KÙ[Š ....] .... ina Z]ÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e is le10 2½ KÙŠ ] ⌈x⌉ e [x x] x 17 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 20+[x USAN AN e MÚL TUR] .... S]I 17 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ [IGI ....] G]E6 22 USAN AN ⌈e MÚL TUR šá ⌉[....] ] ⌈e⌉ MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 10 SI 2⌈5⌉ [šámaš GUB] ] 25 šámaš GUB
ŠÚ ME na [GE6 ] KUR] ŠÚ] M]E na GE6 KUR
GE6 na KUR]
A Lower edge 1 MU-1-me-1,28-K[AM]
5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina SA[G ALLA ŠÚ ....] ⌈5⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG ALLA ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 KÙŠ 15 [.... GÌR ár] AN S]IG GIŠ.KUN A 4 KÙŠ 15 [....] šá A 1+[x ....] GE6 2]8? ⌈USAN AN e?⌉ [....] [....]
GE6 14 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
1 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina (SAG?) RÍN ŠÚ] GE6 11 USAN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá U[LÙ nn mm] 13 MÚL-B[ABBAR ina (TIL?) MÚL-MÚL U]Š GE6 15 USAN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá S[I nn mm] GE6 20+[x USAN dele-bat] e MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB 4 SI 27? [GENNA ana ME] E-a 28 LÁL-tì 29 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina ABS]IN IGI
Year SE 188
Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Mars ½ cubit below g Cancri. The 11th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Taurus. The 11th (var. erroneously: 12th), Sirius’ last appearance. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below e Leonis. Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 50´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2° 50´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 10´. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Saturn 2⅔ cubits below h Piscium. [....] Night of the 4th, last part of the night, Jupiter 2½ cubits above a Tauri. [....] The 17th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mars 10 fingers above r Leonis. The 25th, solstice. Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 11° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 40´. The 15th, [sunset to moonrise:] 1° 30´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 21° [x´.] The 5th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the beginning of Cancer. [.... Mars] 4 cubits below ε Leonis. The 15th, [.... Night of the 2]8th?, first part of the night, Mars 1+[x .... above] b Virginis. [....] Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [....] moonset to sunrise: [.... moonrise to sunset: ....] sunrise to moonset: [....] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 20´. [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 30´. [....] Night of the 14th, .... [....] .... [....] [Month VI, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 17° 40´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+1° 10´. [The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+2° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 10´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 30´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 21°? [....] The 1st, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in (the beginning of) Libra.] Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below a Librae. The 13th, Jupiter stationary [in (the end of?) Taurus.] Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b Librae. Night of the 20+[xth, first part of the night, Venus] 4 fingers above d Scorpii. The 27th?, [Saturn’s acronychal] rising. The 28th, equinox. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance [in the east in Vir]go.
Lower edge 1 Year 188.
No. 86
A Rev. DU6 30 11,50 ina 1-šú 21,20 A2 14 11,20 ŠÚ GE6 2 USAN dele-bat e SI4 2 KÙŠ GE6 6 USAN GENNA A3 15 1,50 ME SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2⅔ KÙŠ GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD A4 15 1,40 na e SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ GE6 12 USAN dele-bat A5 [1]6 8,10 GE6 e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA 1 SI 30 GU4-UD ina NIM ina RÍN ŠÚ A6 [x] 14,30 KUR A7 [APIN x] 16 11 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a GE6 ⌈18?⌉ USAN dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙŠ A8 [14 x M]E A9 [14 x] ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ A10 [15 x GE6] A11 ⌈15⌉ [ x na] A12 27 21 [KUR] A13 GAN 1 18,50 TAB [.... GENN]A ina SAG ḪUN UŠ GE6 3 [....] A14 14 3,40 ME KÙŠ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] A15 14 40 NINDA ŠÚ šá SUḪUR MÁŠ [....] A16 15 6 GE6 A17 15 14,50 na A18 27 14,30 KUR A19 AB 1 20,40 TAB ina 30-šú 9,40 1 šámaš GUB ⌈x⌉ [....] C ´Rev.´ A1
[....] ⌈x⌉
13 7,20 ŠÚ 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG GU ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] [....] 6 KAK-BAN ana ME ⌈E⌉-[a] 14 1,40 ME 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI [....] [.... MÚL]-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL UŠ 14 8,50 na 28 23 ME NIM-a AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] [.... 2]⌈5⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SI MÁŠ 3 [KÙŠ] 15 12,20 GE6
C2´ A21 C3´ A22 C4´ A23 C5´
ZÍZ 30 9,10 ina KAL ina 1-šú 23,10 GE6 1 [....] [ZÍZ .... GENNA SIG] DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ 13 10,30 ŠÚ GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD [....] [....] 18 GE6 ana ZÁLAG 14 10,20 ME AN-KU10 sin 4 SI [GAR]-⌈an? GE6 x ina ZÁLAG⌉ AN e MÚL I[GI] 14 3,20 na šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 SI GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL ár 15 5,40 GE6 šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 SI 28 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ
C7´ A26 C8´ A27 A28 A29
B ´Rev. B1´ A30 B2´
15 28 28
⌈3?⌉ 10,10 11,30
[GE6 ....] KUR 29 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ KUR ina? [....]
Year SE 188
Rev. 1-6
Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° 50´; if its 1st (day will follow the 30th of the preceding month), 21° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 11° 20´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 50´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 40´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: 14° 30´. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above a Scorpii. Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Saturn 2⅔ cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Mercury 2 cubits above a Virginis. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Venus 1 finger above j Ophiuchi. The 30th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Libra. [Month VIII, ....] (sunset to moonset:) 16°. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The 14th, moonset to sunrise: .... The 15th, sunset to moonrise: ....] The 15th, [sunrise to moonset: ....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 21°. The 11th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. Night of the 18th?, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Capricorni. Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 50´, TAB. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 40´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 6°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 14° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 30´. [.... Satu]rn stationary in the beginning of Aries. Night of the 3rd, [....] cubit [....] .... [.... γ/δ] Capricorni [....] Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 40´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), 9° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 40´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 50´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 12° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 20´. The 1st, solstice .... [....] The 6th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 8th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Aquarius. [....] Jupiter stationary in Taurus. The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn [.... The 2]5th, last part of the night, Mars 3 [cubits] below β Capricorni. The 28th, 23° after sunrise, [solar] eclipse [....] Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 9° 10´, ina KAL; if its 1st (day will follow the 30th of the preceding month), 23° 10´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10° 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 40´ (var. 3°?). The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 10´ (var. 11° 30´). Night of the 1st, [.... Saturn] 3 cubits [below] η Piscium. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Mercury [....] 18° before sunrise, lunar eclipse, it will make 4 fingers. Night of the xth, last part of the night, Mars 2 fingers above g Capricorni. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars 2 fingers above d Capricorni. The 28th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 29th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Pisces.
198 A31 B3´ A32 B4´ A33 B5´ A34 B6´ A35 B7´ B8´ A36 B9´
Nos. 86 & 87
ŠE 1 15,20 ŠE 1 15,30? ⌈x⌉ 12 13 ŠÚ 12 13 ŠÚ 13 30 NINDA na 13 30 NINDA na 14 1,40 ME ⌈14⌉ 1,40 ME 15 15,20 GE6 ⌈15⌉ 12?,20 GE6 [x] 9,10? KUR BAR 1 20,30 TAB [BAR 1] 20,⌈30 TAB⌉
1 dele-bat ina NIM ina zibme IGI 26 GENNA ina ḪUN ŠÚ
1 dele-bat ina ⌈NIM? ina zibme IGI?⌉ [....]
26 GENNA ina ḪUN ŠÚ 9,40 KUR
meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-24-KAM meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-24-KAM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,28-KAM ⌈x x x x⌉ I Ar-šá-ka-a LUGAL
A Upper edge 1 MU-1-me-1,[2]8-KAM A Left edge 1 [....-K]AM
B Left edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-24-[KAM ....]
No. 87 BM 34033 (= Sp 129) Copy: J. N. Strassmaier, in J. Epping, Astronomisches aus Babylon pl. 1-3 Listed as LBAT **1055 Photo: Pl. 56f. Year: SE 189
Upper edge 2 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1
BAR 1 20,30 TAB
12 13
1,10 8,40
13 14 26
9 8,30 15
na GE6 KUR
3 4 5 6
[x GU4]-UD ina ŠÚ [ina ḪUN] IGI 4 L[ÁL-tì GE6 x USAN M]ÚL-BABBAR SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 3? KÙŠ GE6 12 US[AN GU4]-UD SIG [MÚL-MÚL] 1? KÙŠ GE6 20 USAN GU4-UD [e] is le10 [x KÙŠ GE6 2]7 USAN MÚL-BABBAR e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ
Years SE 188 & 189 31-35
36 37
Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 13°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 15° 20´ (var. 12°? 20´). The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 40´ (var. 9° 10´?). The 1st, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Pisces. The 26th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aries. Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 30´, TAB. Predictions of year 124, which is year 188, king Arsaces.
A Upper edge 1 Year 188. A Left edge 1 [Year 188.]
Year 188.
B Left edge 1 Predictions of year 124 [....]
No. 87 Upper edge 2 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1-6
Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 30´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 10´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 40´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 9°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 30´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°. [The xth,] Mercury’s first appearance in the west [in Aries.] The 4th, equi[nox. Night of the xth, first part of the night,] Jupiter 3? cubits below b Tauri. Night of the 12th, first part [of the night, Mer]cury 1? cubit below [h Tauri.] Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mercury [x cubits above] a Tauri. [Night of the 2]7th, first part of the night, Jupiter ⅔ cubit above f Tauri.
No. 87
GU4 30 15,20
12 13
26 17,40 KUR SIG 1 22,30 TAB
12 30 NINDA ŠÚ
14 10,50 26 16,10 ŠU 30 16,40
24 25
27 16,40 KUR IZI 30 12,30 ina KAL
KIN 1 22 TAB
32 33
13 13
6,50 5,10
4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL [ŠÚ] 7 GEN[NA] ina [ḪUN IGI] GE6 12? [ina ZÁ]LAG dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ GE6 17 [ina ZÁ]LAG [AN SIG MÚL] KUR šá DUR nu-nu 4 KÙŠ GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÚŠ 22 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ 25 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MÚL-MÚL IGI GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 2⅔ KÙŠ 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e is le10 1½ KÙŠ GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL-MÚL 2½ KÙŠ 28 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ
GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 3 KÙŠ 7 šámaš GUB GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 4 SI GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 4 U ina ZÁLAG AN e is le10 2 KÙŠ GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 3 U GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 2⅔ KÙŠ 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A IGI 28 KAK-BAN IGI 28 1,11 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG AN SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2½ KÙŠ GE6 11 ina ZÁLAG AN e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 20 SI GE6 14 1,16 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin 2 SI GAR-an GE6 18 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 2 SI GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 SI GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SAG A 4 KÙŠ GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 SI 30 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ GE6 6 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e LUGAL 2 SI ina ZÁLAG AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3½ KÙŠ 8 GENNA ina ḪUN UŠ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL 4 SI GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 5 KÙŠ
Year SE 189 7-12
Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 4°. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 14° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 5°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 40´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 40´. The 4th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Taurus. The 7th, Saturn’s [first appearance in Aries.] Night of the 12th?, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below h Piscium. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, [Mars] 4 cubits [below] h Piscium. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Saturn 5 cubits below a Arietis. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below b Arietis. The 22nd, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below a Arietis. The 25th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Gemini. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, Mars 5 cubits below b Arietis. Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 22° 30´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 30´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 5°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 30´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 10° 50´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 10´. Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, Mars 6 cubits below a Arietis. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Taurus. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus 2⅔ cubits below h Tauri. The 22nd, Jupiter´s first appearance in Gemini. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below h Tauri. The 28th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Gemini. Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 40´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 11° 50´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 30´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 40´. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Tauri. The 7th, solstice. Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Venus 4 fingers above f Tauri. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Venus 4 fingers below h Geminorum; last part of the night, Mars 2 cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Venus 3 fingers below m Geminorum. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus 2⅔ cubits above g Geminorum. The 26th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Leo. The 28th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 28th, 71° before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12° 30´, ina KAL. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 10´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 10´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 20´. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Geminorum; last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Tauri. Night of the 11th, last part of the night, Mars 20 fingers above f Tauri. Night of the 14th, 76° after sunset, lunar eclipse; it will make 2 fingers. Night of the 18th, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above d Cancri. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers above h Geminorum. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below e Leonis. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers above m Geminorum. The 30th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 22°, TAB. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 2°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 40´. Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 6th, last part of the night, Venus 2 fingers above a Leonis; last part of the night, Mars 3½ cubits above g Geminorum. The 8th, Saturn stationary in Aries. Night of the 12th, last part of the
No. 87
GE6 2⌈5?⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ 25 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 6 U
Rev. 1
KIN-2-KAM 30 13,40
14 15 15 27 DU6 30 14 14 APIN 1
1 4 12,30 20,40 13 7 10,40 15
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 AN ina ALLA UŠ 24 dele-bat ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ ME ŠÚ
14 9,20 ME 14 6,20 ŠÚ GAN 1 20,40 TAB
18 19
27? 14 KUR AB 30 11,50
ME na GE6
15 6 15 8,10 16 9 ZÍZ 1 14,40
14 14 15 27
14 4,50 4 18
11 12
22 23
27 28 29
GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 8 U 10 LÁL-tì GE6 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ 23 GENNA ana ME E-a 23 GU4-UD ina NIM ina RÍN ŠÚ 26 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ
15 30 NINDA GE6 15 3,20 na 28 10,20 KUR 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 26 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 26 AN ana ME E-a 15 40 NINDA GE6 15 6,40 na 27 19,20 KUR 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ GE6 4 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ GE6 5 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ 5 GENNA ina ḪUN UŠ 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA? IGI 13 šámaš GUB GE6 14 6 UŠ GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB BAR 18 KAK-BAN ana ME E-a GE6 20 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ 28 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina SAG GU IGI 28 43 ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 5 AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ 24 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 26 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ GE6 29 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ 27 16,50 KUR GE6 19 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ GE6 24 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 27 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN IGI GE6 28 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 5 KÙŠ
Year SE 189
night, Venus 4 fingers above r Leonis. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below j Leonis. Night of the 25th?, last part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below a Geminorum. The 25th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus 6 fingers above b Virginis. Rev. 1-6
Month VI2, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2°. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 1°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 4°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 12° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20° 40´. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit below g Virginis; last part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 8 fingers below g Virginis. The 10th, equinox. Night of the 20th, last part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits above a Virginis. The 23rd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Libra. The 26th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Gemini. Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 7°. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 10° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 30´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 20´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 10° 20´. The 11th, Mars stationary in Cancer. The 24th, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Scorpius. Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 40´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 19° 20´. The 14th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 26th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 26th, Mars’ acronychal rising. Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 40´, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 14°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 10´. The 27th?, moonrise to sunrise: 14°. The 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below b Geminorum. The 5th, Saturn stationary in Aries. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 13th, solstice. Night of the 14th, 6° before sunrise, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”. The 18th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below a Geminorum. The 28th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in the beginning of Aquarius. The 28th, 43° after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° 50´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 10´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 6°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 10´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 9°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 50´. The 5th, Mars stationary in Gemini. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Mercury 2½ cubits below b Capricorni. The 24th, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 14°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4° 50´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 4°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18°. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mars 3 cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below b Arietis. The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below a Arietis.
204 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
No. 87 & 88 ŠE 1 21 TAB
GE6 13 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 1½ KÙŠ GE6 16 USAN GU4-UD 12 8,40 ŠÚ SIG MÚL-MÚL ⅔ KÙŠ 16 LÁL-tì GE6 18 USAN AN 13 2,20 na e MÚL IGI šá ALLA šá SI 2 SI 19 GENNA ina ḪUN ŠÚ 14 2 ME GE6 23 USAN dele-bat e is le10 2½ KÙŠ GE6 24 15 17,30 GE6 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ 26 12 KUR GE6 28 USAN AN e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 20 SI BAR 30 11,20 ina 1-šú 25,20 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-25-KAM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,29-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL
Upper edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-25-KAM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,29-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL Left edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-1,29-KAM
meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-1,29-KAM
No. 88 BM 48072 (= 81-11-3, 781) Photo: Pl. 58 Year: SE 190
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] (space)
3´ 4´ 5´
[KIN .... G]E6 5 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG SAG [A ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 14 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSI[N ŠÚ ....] [.... dele-ba]t ina NIM ina TIL ABSIN IGI [....]
´Rev.´ 1´-2´
[....] ⌈dele-bat? SIG⌉ RÍN šá SI 2 KÙŠ [....]
Years SE 189 & 190 30-35
Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21°, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 40´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 17° 30´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 12°. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits below h Tauri. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Mercury ⅔ cubit below h Tauri. The 16th, equinox. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mars 2 fingers above h Cancri. The 19th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aries. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below a Geminorum. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Mars 20 fingers above d Cancri. Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 11° 20´; if its 1st (day will follow the 30th of the preceding month), 25° 20´. Predictions of year 125, which is year 189, king Arsaces.
Upper edge 1 Predictions of year 125, which is year 189, king Arsaces. Left edge 1 Predictions of year 189.
Predictions of year 189.
No. 88 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] (space)
3´ 4´ 5´
[Month VI, .... Ni]ght of the 5th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] below ε Leo[nis ....] [....] The 14th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in Virgo [....] [.... Ven]us’ first appearance in the east in the end of Virgo. [....]
´Rev.´ 1´-2´
[....] Venus? 2 cubits below β Librae. [....]
Date Within the same month, Mercury has a first or last visibility in the east in Virgo, and later Venus has a first visibility in the east in the end of Virgo. In the beginning of this month, Jupiter passes ε Leonis. These conditions are found only in SE 190 VI.
No. 89
No. 89 BM 35637 + 35640 (= Sp III 149+152) Copy: LBAT 1056 Photo: Pl. 58 Year: SE 192
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG dele-bat⌉ S[IG ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ GE6 20 [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG? MÚL] TUR šá 4 KÙŠ [ár LUGAL nn mm] [....] 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina AB[SIN IGI] —————————— [KIN ....] GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat ⌈SIG⌉ GIŠ.KUN A 5 KÙŠ GE6 10 U[SAN AN] [....] e MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB ⌈8?⌉ SI 13 LÁL-tì G[E6 x] [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 1 SI 17 GENNA ina SAG MAŠ-[MAŠ UŠ] [....] GE6 21 USAN AN e SI4 2 KÙŠ GE6 20+[x] [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN ⅔ KÙŠ 25 G[U4-UD] [....] [ina ŠÚ] UD-[DA IGI?] DIB
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[DU6 .... GE6 x ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat e S[A4] šá ABSIN [....] [.... MÚL] KUR šá KIR4 šil P[A x x] ⌈11?⌉ GU4-UD ina Š[Ú ina x ŠÚ] [.... GE6] 21 ina ZÁLAG GENNA e šur ⌈GIGIR⌉ šá ULÙ 6 SI GE6 22 [.... ina ZÁLAG] dele-bat e RÍN šá ULÙ ⅔ K[ÙŠ] 24 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB I[GI] [.... G]E6 27 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 2½ KÙŠ [....] 28 1,19 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— [APIN 30 x ina] 1-šú 17,40 6 GENNA ana ME E-a [x A]N ina PA ŠÚ GE6 8 [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e [MÚ]L e šá S[AG GÍR-TAB nn] SI ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD [....] ⌈e MÚL e [šá SA]G G[ÍR-TAB nn mm x] 13 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš [....] ⌈x⌉ [.... GE6] 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-b[at] [.... GE6] ⌈18 ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-[bat] [....] ⌈GE6⌉ [....]
Comments 10´: restoration based on DIB. However, such an omitted first visibility seems to be an error here, see the entry on last visibility in rev. 2.
Year SE 192
No. 89 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] [....] last part of the night, Venus [....] be[low ....] .... [....] [....] .... cubits. Night of the 20th, [last part of the night, Venus .... below?] r Leonis. [....] The 30th, Jupiter’s [first appearance] in Vir[go.] —————————— [Month VI, ....] Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below j Leonis. Night of the 10th, first [part of the night, Mars] 8? fingers above d Scorpii. The 13th, equinox. Ni[ght of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 1 finger above b Virginis. The 17th, Saturn [stationary] in the beginning of Gemini. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mars 2 cubits above a Scorpii. Night of the 20+[xth,] last part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit below g Virginis. The 25th, Mer[cury’s] [first? appearance in the west] ...., will be omitted.
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12
[Month VII, .... Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus [....] above a Virginis. [....] [....] j Ophiuchi. The 11th?, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the we[st in ....] [Night] of the 21st, last part of the night, Saturn 6 fingers above f Tauri. Night of the 22nd, [last part of the night,] Venus ⅔ cubit above a Librae. The 24th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius. [Ni]ght of the 27th, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below b Librae. The 28th, 79° before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) ....;] if its 1st (day will follow the 30th of the preceding month), 17° 40´. [....] The 6th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. [The xth,] Mars’ last appearance in Sagittarius. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus [nn] fingers above b Scorpii; last part of the night, Mercury [....] above b Scorpii. [The xth,] 13° before sunset, .... [.... Night] of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus [.... Night] of the 18th, last part of the night, Venus [....] Night [....]
Date According to the Uruk scheme, an equinox on the 13th can occur only in month VI. The year for an equinox on VI 13 must be SE 2 +19n. Of these years, a solar eclipse possibility in month VII, followed by a lunar eclipse in month VIII, occurs only in SE 173 and 192. The position of Saturn decides for SE 192; other planetary data agree with this date.
No. 90
No. 90 BM 34758 (= Sp II 250+353+410 + 82-7-4,101) Copy: LBAT 1057 Photo: Pl. 59f. Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I 100-105 and Taf. VI (Sp II 250+353) Year: SE 194
Upper edge 2 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
BAR 30 21 TAB 1 LÁL-tì GE6 12 USAN GENNA e [....] 13 6,10 ŠÚ AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 16 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-⌈a⌉ [....] 14 12,20 ME 28 51 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš [....] 14 40 NINDA na 15 1,40 GE6 27 11+[x KUR] —————————— GU4 30 16 GE6 1 USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR šá S[I] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG [MÚL KUR] 14 6,50 ŠÚ šá DUR nu-nu 4 KÙŠ GE6 3 USAN GU4-UD e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1½ [KÙŠ] 15 8 ME GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 5 ⌈KÙŠ⌉ GE6 9 USAN GU4-UD e MÚL I[GI] 15 1,20 na šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙ[Š x] SI GE6 11 USAN GU4-UD e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI 16 6 GE6 GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ GE6 13 USAN MÚL-BABBAR 27 18,10 KUR SIG RÍN šá SI 3 KÙŠ GE6 14 U[SAN GU4-U]D ⌈e⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ šá SI[PA] ⌈4? x⌉ [....] 18 ⌈múlKAK-BAN⌉ ŠÚ GE6 26 US[AN x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— SIG [x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 5 GENNA ina ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [ŠÚ GE6 x USAN AN] 15 14+[x] ME SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e is le10 2 KÙŠ GE6 19 15 7+[x] ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 2½ KÙŠ 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN UŠ GE6 22 16 1 GE6 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ dele-bat e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ ⌈½⌉ KÙŠ GE6 30 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL IGI 16 5 na 28 23,50 KUR šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 8 SI —————————— ŠU 1 18,20 GE6 2 USAN AN e SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL-MÚL [x] ⌈KÙŠ⌉ 8 U 14 16,50 ŠÚ 2 šámaš GUB 4 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [x] IGI GE6 5 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3 KÙŠ 15 20 NINDA ME GE6 13 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ 13 GENNA ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 15 15 40 NINDA na ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ 16 14,10 GE6 GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ [2]3 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ 28 11,50 KUR 23 múlKAK-BAN IGI [....]
Year SE 194
No. 90 Upper edge 2 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ 1-4
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21°, TAB. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 10´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 40´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 11+[x°.] The 1st, equinox. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Saturn [....] above [....] lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 16th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. [....] The 28th, 51° before sunset, solar eclipse [....] —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16°. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 50´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 8°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 20´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 6°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 10´. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mercury .... below b Tauri. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below [h] Piscium. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mercury 1½ cubits above f Tauri. Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits below b Arietis. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit [x] fingers above h Geminorum. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 4 fingers above m Geminorum. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Venus 6 cubits below a Arietis. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Jupiter 3 cubits below b Librae. Night of the 14th, first [part of the night, Mercu]ry 4? .... above g Geminorum. The 18th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 26th, first [part of the night, ....] .... [....] —————————— Month III, [....] .... The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 14+[x°.] The 15th, moonset to sunrise: 7+[x°.] The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 1°. The 16th, sunrise to moonset: 5°. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 23° 50´. [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 5th, Saturn’s [last appearance] in Gemini. [Night of the xth, first part of the night, Mars] 1 cubit below g Virginis. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below b Tauri. The 19th, Jupiter stationary in Libra. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above f Tauri. Night of the 30th, last part of the night, Venus 8 fingers above h Geminorum. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 16° 50´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 40´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 14° 10´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 50´. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mars 2 cubits above a Virginis; last part of the night, Venus [x] cubits 8 fingers above h Tauri. The 2nd, solstice. The 4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in [....] Night of the 5th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits above g Geminorum. Night of the 13th, last part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a Geminorum. The 13th, Saturn’s first appearance in Gemini. Night of the 15th, last part of the night, Mercury 3 cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Saturn 4 cubits below a Geminorum. The 23th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer. The 23rd, Sirius’ first appearance. [....]
210 23 24 25
No. 90 —————————— IZI 1 19,20 TAB GE6 7 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG RÍN [šá SI ....] 14 3,50 ME šá ULÙ ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [14 x,]50? ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 15 ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— GAN 1 [x] ⌈x⌉ ⌈GE6⌉ 2 USAN AN SIG SI MÁŠ [....] 12 7 ŠÚ [GE6 x]+2 USAN AN e MÚL IGI šá S[UḪUR MÁŠ ....] 13 8 ME 1[3 x] na 14 1 GE6 27 12 KUR —————————— AB 1 20 TAB 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI 6 GENNA ana ME E-a ⌈8 šámaš⌉ GUB 13 múlKAK-BAN ana [ME E-a] 11 12,10 ŠÚ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 ⌈šil PA x⌉ KÙŠ 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU Š[Ú] 12 1 na 13 4,10 ME 14 5,40 GE6 26 17,50 KUR —————————— ZÍZ 30 18,10 8 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI [GE6 x] USAN GENNA SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ GE6 24 12 3,30 ŠÚ ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e MÚL [IGI šá SUḪUR] MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ GE6 26 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD 13 9,50 ME e MÚL ár ⌈šá SUḪUR⌉ [MÁŠ nn mm] GE6 28 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR 13 11,30 na 14 3,10 GE6 27+[x x]+20 KUR šá DUR nu-nu 2½ KÙŠ —————————— [ŠE x x]+1,10 GE6 5 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL I[GI š]á SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ 8 AN ina TIL zibme ŠÚ 1[3 x Š]Ú GE6 9 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ 10 GENNA ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 14 [x]+5 [ME] 14 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL GU ŠÚ ⌈GE6⌉ 25 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL 1½ KÙŠ 14 8,40 na [x] MÚL-BABBAR ina PA UŠ GE6 29 54 GE6 GIN AN-KU10 šámaš [15] 10 UŠ GE6 27 14 KUR 5 ⌈ÁB⌉ BAR DIB —————————— [DIR-Š]E 1 24,50 TAB ina 30-šú ⌈8,x⌉ GE6 5 USAN ⌈dele-bat e⌉ [is le10 ....] USAN GENNA [12] 6,50 ŠÚ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ⌈4? KÙŠ⌉ 11 LÁL-tì [.... AN-KU10 s]in šá DIB 13 11,20 ME GE6 15 USAN dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR šá S[I ....] 13 10 NINDA na e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ [....] 14 1,40 GE6 USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pí[t MAŠ-MAŠ ....] 27 11 KUR e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1½ K[ÙŠ ....]
Year SE 194 23-25
—————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° 20´, TAB. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 50´. [The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 50´?. [....] The 15th, .... [....] Night of the 7th, first part of the night, Jupiter [....] below b Librae. [....] .... [....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´
[....] .... [....]
—————————— Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) [x°.] .... The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 8°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: [....] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12°. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mars [....] below b Capricorni. [Night of the x]+2nd, first part of the night, Mars [....] above g Cap[ricorni ....] —————————— 5´-7´ Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20°, TAB. The 11th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 10´. The 12th, sunrise to moonset: 1°. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 5° 40´. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 50´. The 3rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 6th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 8th, solstice. The 13th, Sirius’ acro[nychal rising.] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Jupiter x cubits above j Ophiuchi. The 20th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aquarius. —————————— 8´-11´ Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 10´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 30´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 50´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 30´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 10´. The 27+[xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. The 8th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn. [Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Saturn 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Mercury ½ cubit above g Capricorni. Night of the 26th, last part of the night, Mercury [....] above d Capricorni. Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Venus 2½ cubits below h Piscium. —————————— 12´-16´ [Month XII, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+1° 10´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: [....] The 14th, [moonrise to sunset: x]+5°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 40´. [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: 10°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14°. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below b Arietis. The 8th, Mars’ last appearance in the end of Pisces. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below a Arietis. The 10th, Saturn stationary in Gemini. The 14th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Aquarius. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Venus 1½ cubits below h Tauri. [The xth,] Jupiter stationary in Sagittarius. Night of the 29th, 54° after sunset, solar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. —————————— 17´-22´ [Month XI]I2, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 24° 50´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), 8° x´. [The 12th,] moonset to sunrise: 6° 50´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11° 20´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11°. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above [a Tauri. ….] first part of the night, Saturn 4? cubits below a Geminorum. The 11th, equinox. [....] lunar [eclipse] which will be omitted. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below b Tauri. [....] 1½ cubits above f Tauri [....] first part of the night, Venus [....] above h Gemi[norum. ....] 1½ cubits above m Geminorum. [....]
212 23´
Nos. 90 & 91 —————————— BAR 30 21,50 TAB meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-30-[KAM ....]
Upper edge 1 meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-30-KAM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,34-[KAM ....] Left edge 1 [.... 1]-me-30-KAM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,34-KAM IAr-šá-ka-ma LUGAL Right edge 1 [....] MU-1-me-30-KAM šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,34-KAM IA[r-šá-ka-ma LUGAL]
No. 91 BM 34229 (= Sp 335) Copy: LBAT 1058 Photo: Pl. 60 Year: SE 195
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... x]+2 KÙŠ GE6 15 USAN [....] [....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 29 KAK-BAN ŠÚ [....] [GU4 x ....] 3? KÙŠ GE6 3 USAN dele-bat [.... 1]3 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a [....] KÙŠ GE6 20 USAN MÚL-BABBAR [.... 2]2 GENNA ina SAG ALLA ŠÚ [....] [SIG ....] ⌈NIM⌉
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ½ KÙŠ [....] [....] [meš-ḫi šá (....) M]U-1-me-1,35-KAM [IA]r-šá-ka-a LUGAL
Upper edge 1 [.... IAr]-šá-ka-a LUG[AL]
Years SE 194 & 195 23´
—————————— Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 50´, TAB. Predictions of year 130, [....]
Upper edge 1 Predictions of year 130, which is year 194, [....] Left edge 1 Predictions of year 130, which is year 194, king Arsaces. Right edge 1 [Predictions of] year 130, which is year 194, [king] Ar[saces.]
No. 91 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[.... x]+2 cubits [....] Night of the 15th, first part of the night, [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 29th, Sirius’ last appearance. [....] [Month II, ....] 3? cubits [....] Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Venus [.... The 1]3th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. [....] cubit [....] Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Jupiter [.... The 2]2nd, Saturn’s last appearance in the beginning of Cancer. [....] [Month III, ....] east
´Rev.´ 1´-2´ 3´ 4´-5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] .... ½ cubit [....] [....] [Predictions of (....)] year 195, king Arsaces.
Upper edge 1 [....] ki[ng Ar]saces.
Nos. 92 & 93
No. 92 BM 35464 (= Sp II 1054) Copy: LBAT 1207 Photo: Pl. 60 Year: SE 200
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] GE6 7 ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] 14 šámaš GUB 17 MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] [....] ⌈22?⌉ GENNA ina ⌈ABSIN⌉ UŠ GE6 [....] [.... x]+2,40 KUR [....] 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈GU⌉ [ŠÚ ....] [....] GE6 13 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG [....] [....] ⌈dele-bat⌉ GU K[UR ....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
No. 93 BM 34032 (= Sp 128) Copy: J. N. Strassmaier, in Epping, Astronomisches aus Babylon (1889) pl. 4-6 Listed as LBAT **1059 Photo: Pl. 61f. Bibliography: Epping, Astronomisches aus Babylon (1889) 160ff. Year: SE 201
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim BAR 1 18 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI GE6 4 USAN AN e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 8 14 15,40 ME USAN GU4-UD e is le10 4 KÙŠ GE6 9 USAN AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ GE6 16 14 5,30 ŠÚ USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR šá SI 1½ KÙŠ GE6 18 USAN GU4-UD e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ 15 20 NINDA GE6 GE6 25 USAN GU4-UD e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI GE6 27 USAN GU4-UD 15 5 na e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ 4 SI GE6 28 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3½ KÙŠ 27 17,30 KUR GE6 29 USAN dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ GU4 30 10,40 ina KAL 1 GENNA ina ABSIN UŠ GE6 2 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ½ KÙŠ USAN GU4-UD 14 9 ŠÚ e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ GE6 5 USAN dele-bat e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 3½ KÙŠ ⌈5⌉ KAK-BAN ŠÚ 15 6,50 ME GE6 8 USAN AN SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 13 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 15 3 na 16 9,30 GE6 GE6 14 USAN dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ GE6 15 1,10+⌈x⌉ GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 5 SI GAR-an 28 9,50 KUR GE6 18 USAN dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ 29 1,2 ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP
Years SE 200 & 201
No. 92 Flake 1´-4´
[Month IX, .... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+2° 40´. [....] Night of the 7th, .... [....] .... [....] The 14th, solstice. The 17th, Jupiter’s [.... ] in [.... The 2]2nd?, Saturn stationary in [Virgo.] Night [....] [Month X, .... The] 2nd, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Aquarius [....] Night of the 13th, last part of the night, Venus [....] below [....] Venus will reach Aquarius. [....] .... [....]
Date The solstice on the 14th must be winter solstice because in the following month Venus reaches Aquarius. Thus the year is SE 10 + 19n. Only years SE 200 and 219 have all the remaining phenomena in months IX and X: a station of Saturn, a phenomenon of Jupiter, a Mercury phenomenon in the west, and Venus reaching Aquarius. But only in SE 200 does Venus pass a Normal Star: γ Capricorni.
No. 93 Obv.´ 1 2-7
At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 15° 40´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 30´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 5°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 30´. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Mars 1 cubit above m Geminorum. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits above a Tauri. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits above g Geminorum. Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Mercury 1½ cubits below b Tauri. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mercury 1½ cubits above f Tauri. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 4 fingers above h Geminorum. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 4 fingers above m Geminorum. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Mars 3½ cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above h Geminorum. Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 40´, ina KAL. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 9°. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 3°. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 30´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 50´. The 1st, Saturn stationary in Virgo. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus ½ cubit above m Geminorum; first part of the night, Mercury 4 cubits above g Geminorum. Night of the 5th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits above g Geminorum. The 5th, Sirius’ last appearance. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Geminorum. The 11th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 13th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Gemini. Night of the 14th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 15th, 70+x° before sunrise, lunar eclipse; it will make 5 fingers. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Venus 3 cubits below b Geminorum. The 29th, 62° before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for.
No. 93
SIG 1 13,10?
15 2,30 27 16 ŠU 1 12,40
13 14
19 20 21 22
2,50 3,20
na GE6 KUR
14 11,50 15 9,40 27 12,30 IZI 1 14,40
[13] 6,30 na [14 x]+1,30 GE6 [x x] KUR [KIN x x]+6 TAB
23 24 25
30 31 32 33 34 35
[x [x [x
x]+20 x] x]
ŠÚ na ME
GE6 1 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 2 USAN AN e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 9 USAN dele-bat SIG SAG A 3½ KÙŠ 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 14 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 17 USAN dele-bat e LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ 19 šámaš GUB GE6 20 USAN GENNA SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 6 SI 22 AN ina ALLA ŠÚ GE6 23 USAN dele-bat e MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ
GE6 1 USAN dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ 1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG ALLA ŠÚ GE6 9 USAN dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A 6 SI 10 KAK-BAN IGI GE6 21 USAN dele-bat SIG DELE šá IGI ABSIN 1 KÙŠ GE6 24 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ
GE6 2 USAN dele-bat e SA4 šá ABSIN 1 KÙŠ 5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI 14 GENNA ina ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 21 USAN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 20 SI GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ GE6 26 USAN dele-bat SIG RÍN šá SI 4 KÙŠ 27 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ GE6 8 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG GÍR-TAB 10 SI GE6 15 USAN dele-bat e SI4 20 SI 22 LÁL-tì 24 GENNA ina ABSIN IGI 26 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI GE6 27 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ⅔ KÙŠ
Rev. 1
[DU6 x x]
[x] ⌈x⌉ [x x]+20 [x x]+10 [x x]+20 [APIN x x]+9
14 15 27
4 5 6
11 12
GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e SA4 šá ABSIN 2 KÙŠ 8 AN ina RÍN IGI 11 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA UŠ 26 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL RÍN ŠÚ
GE6 2 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG RÍN šá ULÙ 8 SI GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG RÍN šá SI 3½ KÙŠ 50 NINDA ŠÚ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG GENNA e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ 13 1,11 ME NIM-a 1?,10 ME AN-KU10 sin šá DIB GE6 29 1,27 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB 12,10 na 8,20 GE6 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG MÚL e šá SAG GÍR-TAB 8 SI 23 KUR
Year SE 201 14-19
Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 10´?. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 12° 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 11° 50´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 16°. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above d Cancri. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Mars 1 cubit above d Cancri. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below e Leonis. The 12th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Gemini. The 14th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. Night of the 17th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit above a Leonis. The 19th, solstice. Night of the 20th, first part of the night, Saturn 6 fingers below g Virginis. The 22nd, Mars’ last appearance in Cancer. Night of the 23rd, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit above r Leonis. Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 50´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 50´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30´. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below j Leonis. The 1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the beginning of Cancer. Night of the 9th, first part of the night, Venus 6 fingers above b Virginis. The 10th, Sirius’ first appearance. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit below g Virginis. Night of the 24th, last part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 40´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 40´. [The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: 6° 30´. [The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+1° 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Venus 1 cubit above a Virginis. The 5th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Virgo. The 14th, Saturn’s last appearance in Virgo. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Venus 20 fingers below a Librae. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Jupiter 3 cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the 26th, first part of the night, Venus 4 cubits below b Librae. The 27th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. [Month VI, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+6°, TAB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: x]+20´. [The xth, sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [....] Night of the 8th, first part of the night, Venus 10 fingers below d Scorpii. Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Venus 20 fingers above a Scorpii. The 22nd, equinox. The 24th, Saturn’s first appearance in Virgo. The 26th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit below j Ophiuchi.
Rev. 1-6
[Month VII, .... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: .... [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x]+20´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+20´. Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Mercury 2 cubits above a Virginis. The 8th, Mars’ first appearance in Libra. The 11th, Jupiter stationary in Cancer. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Libra. [Month VIII, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+9°. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 50´. [The 14th,] moonrise to sunset: 1°? 10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 12° 10´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 20´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 23°. Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers below a Librae. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Mars 3½ cubits below b Librae. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Saturn 1½ cubits above a Virginis. The 13th, 71° after sunrise, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. Night of the 29th, 87° before sunrise, solar eclipse which will be omitted; last part of the night, Mars 8 fingers below b Scorpii.
No. 93
GAN 1 20 TAB
2,20 4,40 17,30 18,30
na GE6 KUR
25 šámaš GUB
13 14 27 AB 30
3,20 2 8,10 20,20 14
14 14 15 27 ZÍZ 30
15 1 ME 15 1,20 na 16 11 GE6 28 13,50 KUR ŠE 1 22,50 TAB
15 2,10 15 8 27 24,40 BAR 30 14,30 LUGAL
17 18
22 23 24
28 29 30
35 36 37
3 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ 5 dele-bat ina NIM ina PA IGI GE6 9 ina ZÁLAG AN e SI4 2½ KÙŠ 11 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a GE6 12 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA ½ KÙŠ
2 GENNA ina SAG RÍN UŠ 11 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 22 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG SI MÁŠ 2½ KÙŠ 26 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ
GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 2 KÙŠ GE6 2 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 4 KÙŠ GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL IGI šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ 15 GENNA ana ME E-a GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG AN e MÚL ár šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ½ KÙŠ GE6 28 USAN GENNA e SA4 šá ABSIN 1½ KÙŠ 28 LÁL-tì 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN IGI
GE6 na KUR meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-37-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-me-1-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a
Upper edge 1 [....] IGI-TAB 2 meš-ḫi šá MU-2-me-1-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL Left edge 1 MU-2-me-1-KAM
Year SE 201 13-18
Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20°, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 40´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 6°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 2° 20´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 30´. The 3rd, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 5th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. Night of the 9th, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits above a Scorpii. The 11th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Jupiter 3 cubits below b Geminorum. The 13th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mars ½ cubit above j Ophiuchi. The 25th, solstice. Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 18° 30´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 3° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2°. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8° 10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20° 20´. The 1st, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 4th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Aquarius. The 14th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, Mercury 1 cubit 5 fingers below b Capricorni. Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14°. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 7° 10´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 20´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 11°. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 50´. The 2nd, Saturn stationary in the beginning of Libra. The 11th, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Venus 1 cubit below b Capricorni. Night of the 22nd, last part of the night, Mars 2½ cubits below b Capricorni. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above g Capricorni. Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 22° 50´, TAB. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 40´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 8° x´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 10´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 24° 40´. Night of the first, last part of the night, Venus 2 cubits above d Capricorni. Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below a Geminorum. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Mars ½ cubit above g Capricorni. The 15th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Mars ½ cubit above d Capricorni. Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Saturn 1½ cubits above a Virginis. The 28th, equinox. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° 30´. Predictions of year 137 which is year 201, king Arsaces.
Upper edge 1 [....] Checked. 2 Predictions of year 201, king Arsaces. Left edge 1 Year 201. Year 201.
Nos. 94 & 95
No. 94 BM 35340 (= Sp II 914) Copy: LBAT 1060 Photo: Pl. 62 Year: SE 203
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[SIG x x]+1,50 [x] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈8⌉ [x x] [x x] [x x]+20 [ŠU x x]+7,40 [x x]+20
GE6 3? USAN MÚL-BABBAR e LUGAL 8 [SI .... AN] e LUGAL 1 SI 11 šámaš GUB 12+[x ....] GE6 15 USAN AN e MÚL TU[R šá 4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL ....] 20 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ⌈ABSIN ŠÚ⌉ GE6 21 U[SAN ....] GE6 30 USAN AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 [KÙŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
No. 95 BM 32230 (= 76-11-17,1957) Photo: Pl. 63 Year: SE 208
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[BAR x] ⌈x⌉, 50 ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [13] 1,30 ŠÚ GE6 22 USA[N ....] ⌈14⌉ 8,30 ME 14 9,10 na [....] —————————— GU4 1 20,50 TAB ina 30-šú 7,30 GE6 3 USA[N ....] 12 4,20 ŠÚ e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ 1½ KÙŠ 6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 13 14 ME 16 dele-bat ina NIM ina MÚL-MÚL IGI 20 GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ] 13 5,10 na 24 AN ina MÚL-MÚL IGI 14 4 GE6 26 12 KUR —————————— SIG 30 11,30 ⌈3 GENNA⌉ ana ME E-a 10+[x ....] [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
AB 1 16,40 GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN SIG GÌR ár šá A⌉ [nn mm ....] 14 40 NINDA ŠÚ 2 KÙŠ 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG GU IGI [....] 15 3 ME 9 AN A KUR-ád x i [....] 15 13,20 na 16 9 GE6 27 11,40 KUR 20+[x ....] ——————————
Years SE 203 & 208
No. 94 Flake 1´-6´
[Month III, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+1° 50´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 8°. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 20´. Night of the 3rd?, first part of the night, Jupiter 8 [fingers] above a Leonis. [.... Mars] 1 finger above a Leonis. The 11th, solstice. The 12+[xth, ....] Night of the 15th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above r [Leonis ....] The 20th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Virgo. Night of the 21st, first [part of the night, ....] Night of the 30th, first part of the night, Mars 4 [cubits] below j Leonis. [Month IV, .... (sunset to moonset:) x]+7° 40´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 20´. [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Date In the beginning of a month, Jupiter passes Regulus; Mars, also in Leo, passes ρ and ϑ Leonis on the 15th and 30th, respectively, of the same month. A solstice on the 11th can be in months III or X; together these data give a date of SE 203 III.
No. 95 Obv.´ 1-3
[Month I, ....] (sunset to moonset:) x° 50´. [The 13th,] moonset to sunrise: 1° 30´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 30´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 9° 10´ [....] .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, [....] —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 20° 50´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), 7° 30´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 4° 20´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 14°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 10´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4°. The 26th, moonrise to sunrise: 12°. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, [....] 1½ cubits above ζ Tauri. The 6th, .... [....] The 16th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Taurus. The 20th, Mercu[ry’s last appearance in the west in ....] The 24th, Mars’ first appearance in Taurus. —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 11° 30´. .... The 3rd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 10+[xth, ....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´-4´
Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 16° 40´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 40´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 3°. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 13° 20´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 9°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 40´. Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below β Virginis. [....] 2 cubits. The 19th, Jupiter’s first appearance in the beginning of Aquarius [....] The 9th, Mars will reach Leo .... [....] The 20+[xth, ....] ——————————
222 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
Nos. 95 & 96 ZÍZ 30 10,30 ina KAL GE6 11 USAN AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4 KÙŠ 11 [....] 14 7 ŠÚ 15 10,50 ME 15 8 na 16 3,30 GE6 27 [nn KUR] —————————— ŠE 1 16,40 4 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN IGI 4 AN ina A UŠ 10 GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ ina x IGI] 13 8,20 ŠÚ 16 LÁL-tì GE6 22 USAN GU4-[UD ....] 14 2+[x] na GE6 28 USAN AN SIG ⌈GIŠ.KUN A⌉ [....] [15] 2,40 ME 10+[x] GU4-UD ⌈ina⌉ [ŠÚ ....] [16] 4,20 GE6 27 ⌈14+x⌉ [KUR ....] (traces)
Left edge 1 [.... LUGAL] LUGALmeš
No. 96 BM 34607 (= Sp II 86) Copy: LBAT 1061 Photo: Pl. 63 Year: SE 210
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
⌈SIG⌉ [....] 13 ⌈2+x⌉ ⌈ME⌉ [....] 13 ⌈2+x⌉ ŠÚ [....] 14 9,20 GE6 GE6? [....] 14 14,30 na [....] 27 20,50 KUR [....] ⌈ŠU⌉ 30 10,10? ina KAL GE6 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 6,20 ME 10 SI? 1? [....] [x x]+5,40 ŠÚ 4 ⌈½⌉ [KÙŠ ....] [x x],30 GE6 [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
[13 [13]
x],10 14
ME na
⌈x⌉ [....] 14 2+[x
GE6 ....]
Years SE 208 & 210 5´-7´
Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 10° 30´, ina KAL. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 7°. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 10° 50´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8°. The 16th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 30´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise: ....] Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Mars 4 cubits below j Leonis. The 11th, [....] —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); sunset to moonset: 16° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2+[x]°. [The 15th,] moonrise to sunset: 2° 40´. [The 16th,] sunset to moonrise: 4° 20´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 14+x°. The 4th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Aries. The 4th, Mars stationary in Leo. The 10th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the west in ....]. The 16th, equinox. Night of the 22nd, first part of the night, Mer[cury ....] Night of the 28th, first part of the night, Mars [....] below j Leonis. The 10+[xth,] Mercury’s [....] (traces)
Left edge 1 [.... Arsaces king of] kings.
Date An equinox on XII 16 (rev.9´) restricts the year to SE 18 + 19n. The title „king of kings“ is characteristic of the Arsacid period. The planetary phenomena (first appearance of Mars in Taurus, acronychal rising of Saturn, first appearance of Jupiter in Aquarius) identify the year as SE 208.
No. 96 ´Obv.´ 1´-6´
Month III, [....] The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 2+x°. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2+x°. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 9° 20´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 14° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 20° 50´. [....] Night? [....] Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 10´?, ina KAL. The xth, moonrise to sunset: 6° 20´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+5° 40´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30´. [....] .... [....] Night of the 1st, .... [....] 10 fingers?.... [....] 4½ [cubits ....]
´Rev.´ 1´-2´
[.... The 13th,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 10´. [The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: 14°. The 14th, [sunset to moonrise:] 2+[x° ....] .... [....]
224 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
Nos. 96 & 97 [GAN] ⌈1⌉ 15,30 TAB GE6 2 ⌈ina⌉ [....] [1]2 6,40 ŠÚ AN-KU10 [sin ....] 13 5 ME 2⅔ K[ÙŠ ....] 13 5,50 na 14 4 GE6 27 15 K[UR] AB 30 12,40 GE6 1 USAN dele-b[at ....] 13 2,20 ŠÚ USAN dele-bat e MÚL á[r šá SUḪUR MÁŠ .... AN] 14 4,10 ME e SA4 šá ABSIN 1+[x KÙŠ .... 10 KAK-BAN] 14 11,40 na ana ME E-a 25 GENNA ina [x IGI x GU4-UD ina NIM] 15 3,30 GE6 ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 3 dele-bat G[U KUR-ád ....] ⌈x x⌉+7,20 KUR 18 GU4-UD MÁŠ KUR-ád ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [ZÍZ x x],30 TAB GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG GENNA SIG SI MÁŠ [....] [x x x] GE6 24 USAN dele-bat SIG M[ÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu ....] [x x x ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Left edge 1 [meš-ḫ]i šá MU-1-me-46-KAM I[Ar-šá-ka-a LUGAL]
No. 97 BM 46041 (= 81-7-6, 487) Photo: Pl. 63 Year: SE 211
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 10? U[SAN ....] [....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina A IGI GE6 10+[x ....] [.... dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI/ár šá ALL]A šá ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE6 28 [....] [.... AN x MÚL MURUB4 šá SAG] GÍR-TAB 1 SI GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG ⌈GU4?⌉-[UD? ....] [.... AN] GÍR-TAB KUR-ád 24+[x] MÚL-BABBAR ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina SAG MÚL-MÚL UŠ GE6 [....] [.... AN e S]I4 1 KÙŠ GE6 14 ina ZÁLAG ⌈GU4⌉-[UD? ....] [....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina A [ŠÚ ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Years SE 210 & 211
[Month IX,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 15° 30´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 40´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 5°. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 50´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4°. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 15°. Night of the 2nd, .... [.... lunar] eclipse [....] 2⅔ cubits [....] 8´-13´ Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 12° 40´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 20´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 4° 10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 3° 30´. The xth, moonrise to sunrise: x+7° 20´. Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Ven[us ....] first part of the night, Venus [....] above d [Capricorni .... Mars] 1+[x cubits] above a Virginis. [.... The 10th, Sirius’] acronychal rising. The 25th, Saturn’s [first appearance] in [.... The xth, Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east] in Capricorn. The 3rd, Venus [will reach] Aqua[rius ....] The 18th, Mercury will reach Capricorn .... [....] —————————— 14´-16´ [Month XI, .... (sunset to moonset:) x°] 30´, TAB. [....] Night of the 7th, last part of the night, Saturn [....] below b Capricorni. [....] Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below h [Piscium ....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [Predictio]ns of year 146, k[ing Arsaces.]
No. 97 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [....] southern [....] Night of the 10th?, first [part of the night, ....] [....] Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [.... Venus] 1 cubit [below j/d] Cancri. Night of the 28th, [....] [.... Mars] 1 finger [.... d] Scorpii. Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Mer[cury? ....] [.... Mars] will reach Scorpius. The 24+[xth,] Jupiter [will reach] .... [....] —————————— [Month V, ....] Jupiter stationary in the beginning of Taurus. Night [....] [.... Mars] 1 cubit [above] a Scorpii. Night of the 14th, last part of the night, Mer[cury? ....] [....] Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in Leo. [....] [....] .... [....]
Date A stationary point of Jupiter occurs in the beginning of a month, in the beginning of Taurus. Since Mercury is in Leo, the month must be III to V. Furthermore, rising and setting of Mercury in the east occur before and after Jupiter’s station. This is only satisfied by SE 211 V. The date is confirmed by Mars reaching Scorpius in month IV; Mars can also be restored in line 5´, where it is close to δ Scorpii on the 28th, and in line 8´. In line 4´,Venus can be restored in Cancer.
No. 98
No. 98 BM 35059 + 35636 + 35638 + 35820 (= Sp II 592 + Sp III 148+150+349) Copies: LBAT 1062-1065 Photo: Pl. 64 Year: SE 212
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
16 17
[BAR x x x ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ 4 GE6 GIN A[N-KU10 sin ....] [.... x]+2,50 KUR 2 GU4-UD ḪUN ⌈KUR⌉-ád 17 múlSIPA ⌈ina⌉ Š[Ú? ŠÚ? ....] —————————— GU4 30 10,10+[x .... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina] ⌈x⌉ IGI 14 GENNA ina TIL MÁŠ ⌈UŠ⌉ 17 dele-bat 15 9,10 ME ⌈ina ŠÚ ina⌉ [x IGI x MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL] IGI GE6 18 USAN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 15 50 NINDA ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 3 KÙŠ G[E6 x USAN GU4-UD?] ⌈SIG⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ 4 MÚL-MÚL ina NIM IGI 16 4,40 G[E6] šámaš ana PAP 21 GU4-UD ALLA KUR-ád 16 6,10 na ⌈27⌉ 11,30 KUR —————————— SIG 1 20,10 TAB ina 30-šú ⌈4+x, 50?⌉ 21 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ 21 šámaš GUB GE6 23 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR 14 8,40 ŠÚ [SIG] šur GIGIR šá SI 2½ KÙŠ 3 dele-bat ALLA KUR 27 dele-bat A KUR-ád 15 1,20 ME 15 [2],20 na 16 14,40 GE6 27 18,30 KUR —————————— (crossed out by horizontal line:) 15 2,20 na ŠU 30 13,20 G[E6? ....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR e šur GIGIR šá U[LÙ nn] KÙŠ [x x] ME G[E6 ....] ⌈x⌉ 19 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA IGI 20+[x x] ME? [ [x x Š]Ú [x x] ⌈GE6⌉ [x x na x x]+5,10 KUR 12 MÚL-BABBAR MAŠ-M[AŠ KUR-ád ....] —————————— [IZI .... ] ⌈x KÙŠ⌉ 8 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x ŠÚ] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
24 18 K[UR] —————————— ŠE 1 21,50 TAB ina 30-[šú ....] 12 2,50 ŠÚ [….] 13 11 M[E ….] 13 5 [na] [….] 4 ⌈GU4-UD ina NIM ina⌉ [x IGI ....] [x x GE6 x x] ⌈x⌉ UŠ ⌈GE6⌉ ana ZÁLAG KI ⌈KUR šámaš AN-K[U10] ⌈šámaš x x x x⌉ [x x KUR] ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 12 GU4-UD zibme KUR-ád 21 dele-bat zibme KUR meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-48-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-me-12-KAM I Ar-šá-kam LUGAL LUGALmeš
Year SE 212
No. 98 Obv.´ 1-3
[Month I, ....] .... [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+2° 50´. [....] .... 4° after sunset, [lunar ec]lipse [....] The 2nd, Mercury will reach Aries. The 17th, Orion’s [last appearance?] in [the west? ....] —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 10+[x´....] The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 10´. The 15th, moonset to sunrise: 50´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 40´. The 16th, sunrise to moonset: 6° 10´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 11° 30´. [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in .... The xth, Jupiter’s] first appearance [in Taurus.] The 14th, Saturn stationary in the end of Capricorn. The 17th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in [....] Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mercury 3 cubits below a Geminorum. Ni[ght of the xth, first part of the night, Mercury] 2½ cubits below b Geminorum. The 4th, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east. „sun to be watched for“. The 21st, Mercury will reach Cancer. —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20° 10´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), 4+x° 50´?. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 40´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: [2°] 20´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 14° 40´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 18° 30´. The 21st, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer. The 21st, solstice. Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, Jupiter 2½ cubits [below] b Tauri. The 3rd, Venus will reach Cancer. The 27th, Venus will reach Leo. —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [....] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+5° 10´. Ni[ght ....] .... Night of the 12th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] cubits above f Tauri. Ni[ght ....] .... The 19th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer. The 20+[xth, ....] .... [....] The 12th, Jupiter [will reach] Gemini [....] —————————— [Month V, ....] .... [....] [....] .... cubits [....] The 8th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east in ....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´-7´
8´ 9´
The 24th, moon[rise to sunrise:] 18°. [....] —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 21° 50´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), [....] The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 2° 50´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 11°. The 13th, [sunrise to moonset:] 5°. [....] [....] The 4th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in [….] x° before sunrise, at sunrise, solar eclipse; .... [....] The xth, Jupiter will reach Gemini. The 12th, Mercury will reach Pisces. The 21st, Venus will reach Pisces. Predictions of year 148, which is year 212, Arsaces king of kings.
Nos. 98 & 99
Upper edge 1 [.... MU-1]-⌈me-48-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-me-12-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a⌉ [....] Left edge 1 [....] šá MU-1-me-48-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-[me-12-KAM ....] Right edge 1 meš-ḫi [....]
Comments 7: the signs šámaš ana PAP are in smaller script. They seem to be out of place here because there is no eclipse possibility in this month. 11: the scribe first wrote 15 2,20 na in the next line, then had enough space for it in line 11, and placed the horizontal separation line across it.
No. 99
BM 33632 (= Rm IV 188) (+) BM 33468 + 33754 (= Rm IV 22+312) Photo: Pl. 65 Year: SE 214 The fragmentary lunar data on the obverse are not well aligned with the planetary data.
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x [x x] [x x],40 [x x,]50 [x x]+10 [GU4 x x] 30?
8 9
[x x] [.... 2]7 22,20
x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [GE6 x] ⌈USAN⌉ dele-bat e [....] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ⌈USAN GU4-UD SIG šur GIGIR⌉ šá SI 1½ [KÙŠ .... dele-bat] GE6 ⌈e MAŠ-MAŠ? šá? SIPA?⌉ 4 KÙŠ GE6 12 [....] na 1 ⌈UŠ?⌉ ⌈GE6 19 USAN GU4-UD SIG? [....] KUR GE6 20+[x USAN] dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [nn mm ....] šá ⌈MÚL?⌉[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ šá ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 10+[x USAN] ⌈dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár x⌉ [.... G]U4-⌈UD⌉ e? MAŠ-MAŠ š[á SIPA? ....] ME? ⌈USAN AN⌉ e MÚL ár ⌈šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [nn mm ....] 29 KAK-BAN ŠÚ 9 AN MAŠ-[MAŠ KUR-ád ....] —————————— ŠÚ 4 AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ ⌈5?⌉ GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ ina] MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ GE6 8 USAN [dele-bat] ⌈x⌉ e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá ULÙ 1 K[ÙŠ .... GE6 1]8 USAN dele-bat ⌈SIG SAG⌉ A ⌈x⌉ 3½ KÙŠ GE6 24 U[SAN ....] ⌈x x x⌉ 20+[x .... dele-bat] ⌈A⌉ KUR-ád ——————————
Years SE 212 & 214
Upper edge 1 [.... year 1]48, which is year 212, Arsaces [....] Left edge 1 [....] of year 148, which is year 2[12 ....] Right edge 1 Predictions [....]
No. 99
Obv.´ 1-6 2-9
7-13 10-13
[....] .... [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 50´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonrise: [x° x]+10´. .... [Night of the xth,] first part of the night, Venus [....] above [....] first part of the night, Mercury 1½ [cubits] below b Tauri. [.... Venus] 4 cubits above g Geminorum. Night of the 12th, [....] 1 UŠ?. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Mercury [....] below? [....] Night of the 20+[xth, first part of the night,] Venus [....] below a Geminorum [....] of .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 10+[xth, first part of the night,] Venus .... below b Geminorum [.... M]ercury [....] above γ Geminorum. [....] first part of the night, Mars [....] above m Geminorum. [....] The 29th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 9th, Mars [will reach] Ge[mini ....] —————————— [Month II, .... (sunset to moonset:) ....] 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [....] .... [....] .... [.... The 2]7th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 22° 20´. The 4th, Mars’ last appearance in Gemini. The 5th?, Mercu[ry’s] last appearance [in the west in] Gemini. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, [Venus] 1 cubit above d Cancri. [.... Night of the 1]8th, first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below ε Leonis. Night of the 24th, first [part of the night, ....] The 20+[xth, .... Venus] will reach Leo. ——————————
No. 99 & 100
[SIG x] ⌈x 50?⌉
[x [x
x x
[ZÍZ ....] [x x
[x [x [x [x]
x] x GE6 KUR
GE6 4 USAN dele-bat e MÚL TU[R šá 4 KÙ]Š ⌈ár? LUGAL⌉ ⅔ KÙŠ ⌈6? MÚL?-BABBAR? ina ALLA? ŠÚ?⌉ 12 G[U4-UD ina NIM ina] MAŠ-MAŠ IGI GE6 13 USAN dele-bat ] ⌈x⌉ [.... ina] ⌈ALLA?⌉ ŠÚ? 13 šámaš [GUB ....] ....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 22 U[SAN? ....] .... dele-bat SIG] GÌR ár šá ⌈A⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
x x x] ⌈x⌉
[ŠE ....] ⌈x⌉ [x x [x x [x x [x x
x] x] x] x
21 dele-bat MÁŠ K[UR-ád ....] —————————— GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [SIG] SI [MÁŠ ....] AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB BAR DIB GE6 ⌈15⌉ [ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL IGI šá] ⌈SUḪUR⌉ MÁŠ 1 KÙŠ GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] x GU4-U]D ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ 29 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 KÙŠ [....] —————————— 3 GENNA ina ⌈GU IGI⌉ [....] 22 LÁL-tì 24+[x ....] ina ZÁLAG AN S[IG S]I MÁŠ 2½? [KÚŠ ....] ⌈SIG⌉ MÚL [x] 1 KÙŠ ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
No. 100 BM 35691 (= Sp III 209) Copy: LBAT 1208 Photo: Pl. 65 Year: SE 215
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] BAR DIB 15 dele-bat ina ŠÚ [....] 22 GENNA ana ME E-a [....] ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámas ana PAP [....] KUR-ád —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD [....] ⌈x x x⌉
Year SE 214 & 215 14-18
[Month III, ....] (sunset to moonset:) x° 50‘?. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 4th, first part of the night, Venus ⅔ cubit above r [Leonis.] The 6th?, Jupiter’s last appearance in Cancer?. The 12th, Mer[cury’s] first appearance [in the east in] Gemini. Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Venus [....] .... [....] last appearance in Cancer. The 13th, sol[stice. ....] .... Night of the 22nd, fir[st part of the night, .... Venus .... below] β Virginis. [....]
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] The 21st, Venus [will reach] Capricorn. [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: .... Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus [.... below] b [Capricorni ....] lunar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. Night of the 15th, [last part of the night, Venus] 1 cubit [above g] Capricorni. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Venus [.... The xth, Mercu]ry’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 29th, .... [....] .... [...] .... [....] 4 cubits [....] —————————— [Month XII, ....] .... [....] The 3rd, Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. [....] The 22nd, equinox. The 24+[xth, ....] last part of the night, Mars 2½? [cubits] below b Capricorni. [....] 1 cubit below .... [....] .... [....]
Date The equinox on the 22nd (rev. 9´) must belong to month XII because the positions of Venus and Mercury on the obverse fit the first part of the year. The year must then be SE 5 + 19n. Of all possible years, only SE 214 agrees with the planetary data, especially of Mars (obv. 10´) and Saturn (rev. 8). The fragment BM 33468+33754 is shown by a last appearance of Sirius (obv. 9´) to belong to a year SE 5 + 19n. It can be reliably dated because it continues the lines of BM 33632. I. L. Finkel of the British Museum agrees that the two fragments can be parts of the same tablet.
No. 100 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [...., lunar eclipse,] “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 15th, Venus’ [last/first appearance] in the west [....] The 22nd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. [....] before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. [....] will reach [....] —————————— [....] .... Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mercury [....] ....
Date In a month which is neither the first nor the last of a year, a lunar eclipse (omitted) and a solar eclipse (possible) are predicted. There is an acronychal rising of Saturn, and a first or last visibility of Venus in the west. Towards the end of the following month, Mercury is morning star. These conditions are fulfilled only in SE 215 V.
Nos. 101 & 102
No. 101 BM 41640 (= 81-6-25, 256) Copy: LBAT 1102 Photo: Pl. 66 Year: SE 229
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x [x x [x x [KIN ....] [x x] [x x] [x x [x x [DU6 .... ]
x x x]
ME ŠÚ GE6] na]
[x x x [....] 21,10 KUR
GE6] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG SAG A [nn mm] G]E6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e LUGAL [nn mm] 28 17,20 KUR GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat e MÚL TUR šá [4 KÙŠ ár LUGAL nn mm GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ K[ÙŠ ....] GE6 13 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 5 [KÚŠ ....] GE6 29 ina ZÁLAG AN e GÌR ár šá A [....] 27 23,50 KUR 28 9,20 KUR 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN ŠÚ ina 20 2 LÁL-tì [.... GU4-UD ina NIM] ina T]IL ABSIN ŠÚ ina 28 GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG AN [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... MU-2]-me-29-KAM Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8
[APIN ....] ⌈27⌉ 7 dele-bat ina NIM ina [x ŠÚ ....] [....] SA4 šá ABSIN 2 K[ÙŠ ....] [.... x GE6] ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 5 [ÁB ....] [.... ana ŠÚ] šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ⌈ana?⌉ [PAP? ....] [....] (blank) [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈ina ZÁLAG x⌉ [....]
No. 102 BM 42077 (= 81-6-25, 699) Copy: LBAT 1111 Photo: Pl. 66 Year: SE 229
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] [.... U]SAN GENNA ⌈e⌉ [....] [....] IGI GE6 21 ina ZÁLAG [....] [.... ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár [....]
Year SE 229
No. 101 ´Obv. [(Month V,) ....] The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 17° 20´. [....] .... [.... Night] of the xth, last part of the night, Venus [....] below e Leonis. Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus [....] above a Leonis. 5´-9´ [Month VI, .... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth, sunset to moonrise: .... The xth, sunrise to moonset: ....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 23° 50´. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 9° 20´. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Venus [....] above r [Leonis. Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below j Leonis. [....] Night of the 13th, last part of the night, Mars 5 [cubits] below j Leonis. [....] Night of the 29th, last part of the night, Mars [....] above b Virginis. 10´-12´ [Month VII, ....] moonrise to sunrise: 21° 10´. The 1st, Jupiter’s last appearance in Libra. .... The 2nd, equinox. [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east in the e]nd of Virgo. .... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, Mars [....]
Lower edge 1 [.... year 2]29. Rev.´ 1-4
5-6 7 8
[Month VIII, .... (sunset to moonset:)] 27°. [....] The 7th, Venus’ [last appearance] in the east in [....] 2 cubits [....] a Virginis. [....] before sunrise, lunar eclipse (after) 5 [months, .... before] sunset, solar eclipse, to be [watched for?.] [....] (blank) [....] .... [....] [....] last part of the night, .... [....]
Date The date is based on the number 29 following the sign for „hundred“ on the edge. The decision between 129 and 229 can be made from two eclipse possibilities (rev. 3f.) and a last visibility of Jupiter in the preceding month. The equinox in obv. 10´ then has to be on the 2nd (of month VII). ina 20 before 2 remains obscure; note the equally obscure ina 28 in the following line. The positions of Mars and Venus agree with SE 229.
No. 102 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [....] last part of the night, Venus [....] [.... first] part of the night, Saturn [....] above [....] [....] first appearance [....] Night of the 21st, last part of the night, [....] [.... last] part of the night, Venus [....] below b Geminorum [....]
Nos. 102 & 103
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... MÚL-BABBAR] SIG MÚL ⌈e šá⌉ [SAG GÍR-TAB ....] [.... x]+⌈5⌉ 5 šámaš GUB G[E6? ....] [.... 10] KAK-BAN ana ME E-a [....] [.... AN x MÚL e šá SAG] GÍR-TAB 1 SI GE6 29 [....] [....] (blank) [.... GU4-UD ina NIM ina] MÁŠ ŠÚ ina? ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
No. 103 BM 32247 + 32749 (= 76-11-17, 1974 + 2520) Photo: Pl. 66f. Bibliography: N. A. Roughton, in: UOS p. 367-378 (32247 only). Year: SE 234
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[GE6] 20 ⌈USAN x⌉ [....] ⌈1⌉⅔ KÙŠ GE6 23 [.... GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI] [šá] SAG ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ [....] [x G]ENNA RÍN KUR-ád 10+[x ....] —————————— [G]U4 1 24,40 TAB ina 30-[šú ....] 27 13,40 KUR [.... GE6 x ina ZÁLAG dele-bat] SIG MÚL ár šá SAG [ḪUN .... GE6 x] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL [....] ⌈14+x⌉ dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-á[d ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— ? ? SIG 30 16,40 ina ⌈1⌉-[šú ....] 13 6, ⌈40 ŠÚ⌉ [14 x ME 1]4 7 ⌈na ⌉ [....] ? 28 8,30 KUR [GE6 x ina ZÁLAG] ⌈AN SIG⌉ MÚL KUR ⌈šá⌉ [DU]R [nu-nu x] KÙŠ 8 ⌈SI⌉ [....] ? GE6 9 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x ina ZÁ]LAG dele-bat SIG šur GIGIR [šá SI nn mm GE6 x] ? ? ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x IGI ⌉ 23 ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] KUR-ád
Years SE 229 & 234
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... Jupiter] below b Scor[pii ....] [....] .... The 5th, solstice. Ni[ght? ....] [.... The 10th,] Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] [.... Mars] 1 finger [.... β] Scorpii. Night of the 29th, [....] [....] (blank) [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east in] Capricorn. .... [....] [....] .... [....]
Date A solstice on the 5th identifies the month of the reverse as X and the year as SE 1 + 19n. In the beginning of the following month, some planet sets in Capricorn. This applies to Mercury in years SE 58, 210, and 229. In the beginning of month X (or end of month IX) a planet is below β Scorpii; this decides for SE 229, when Jupiter was in the position required. In rev. 4´, Mars can be restored; it came quite close to β Scorpii later in the month. If the reverse contains month X (of an intercalary year), then the obverse is probably month IV. Indeed, Venus is morning star and below β Geminorum in the end of the month (line 5´). Saturn, being visible in the evening, could be above β Virginis; and some first appearance (line 4´) could be that of Sirius (on the 20th).
No. 103 ´Obv.´ ?
[.... Night] of the 20th , first part of the night, .... [....] 1⅔ cubits. Night of the 23rd, [.... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus] 4½ cubits [below b] Arietis. [....] [The xth,] Saturn will reach Libra. The 10+[xth, ....] —————————— 5´-9´ Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 24° 40´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 40´. [.... Night of the xth, last part of the night, Venus ....] below a Arietis. [.... Night of the xth,] last part of the night, Venus [....] below h Tauri. [....] The 14+ xth, Venus will reach Taurus. [....] .... [....] —————————— 10´-14´ Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 40´; if its 1st [(day will follow the 30th of the preceding month), ....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 40´?. [The 14th, moonrise to sunset: .... The 1]4th, sunrise to moonset: 7°. [....] The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 8° 30´. [Night of the xth, last part of the night,] Mars [nn] cubits 8 fingers below h Piscium. [....] Night of the 9th?, [....].... [....] .... [....] last part of the night, Venus [....] below b Tau[ri. Night of the xth,] last part of the night, [....].... [....] first appearance .... The 23rd? .... [....] .... [....] will reach [....]
236 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´ 24´ 25´
No. 103 —————————— ? ? [ŠU 30 x ina 1]-šú ⌈25,30 13⌉ [x ME] 13 9,40 ŠÚ 14 1,50 G[E6 ....] ? ? ? [.... GU4-U]D ina NIM ina TIL ⌈MAŠ -MAŠ [ŠÚ x x x x] ⌈x GE6 x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ? ? [....] 3 KÙŠ [15 múlKAK]-⌈BAN ⌉ IGI GE6 20⌉+[x ina ZÁL]AG ⌈AN x⌉ [....] ? ? ? ? [....] ⌈6 7 dele-[bat ALL]A KUR-ád 18 ⌈AN ⌉ [....] —————————— ? ? ? [IZI .... x]+5 ⌈25 13⌉ 1 ŠÚ 14 2 na [....] ? ? [.... GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI 18 {18 } ⌈dele⌉-[bat] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ? [.... AN]-KU10 sin šá DIB ⌈GE6⌉ [x ina ZÁL]AG AN e [is le10 ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... KUR]-⌈ád⌉ 2 ⌈dele-bat A KUR⌉-[ád] 29 [....] —————————— ? ? [KIN ....] 13 5 ⌈ŠÚ ⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ? ? [....] 8 U GE6 4 U[SAN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´ 17´ 18´ 19´ 20´ 21´ 22´ 23´
—————————— ? [GAN ....] 14 4 na 15 1,⌈40 ⌉ [ [.... GENNA e MÚL ár] ⌈šá⌉ SAG GÍR-TAB ½ KÙŠ GE6 12 ⌈USAN⌉ [dele-bat SIG SI MÁŠ ....] ? [....] ina 7 18 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI ⌈x⌉ [ [.... dele-bat e MÚL IGI] šá SUḪUR MÁŠ 6 SI GE6 27 USAN dele-bat e MÚL ár [šá SUḪUR MÁŠ ....] [....] 27 dele-bat GU KUR-ád —————————— ? [AB .... 14] 5,20 ŠÚ 15 6,50 ME 15 7,40 na 16 5,40 [GE6 ....] [.... 1 šám]aš GUB 5 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ⌈GU⌉ [ŠÚ ....] ? ? ? [....] 14 15 BAD GE6 24 USAN AN e is le10 3 [KÙŠ ....] [....] GE6 ana ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB šá DIB GE6 30 USAN [....] [....] 1 GU4-UD GU KUR-ád 15 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR-ád 22 dele-bat zibme [KUR-ád ....] —————————— [ZÍZ ....] ⌈x⌉ 14 15,20 ME 14 1,40 ŠÚ 15 30 NINDA GE6 15 6+[x na ....] [.... GE6 x]+3 USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-nu 3 KÙŠ [....] [.... AN]+KU10 sin šá DIB GE6 19 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL KUR šá DUR nu-[nu ....] [.... US]AN dele-bat SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 3½ KÙŠ USAN AN SIG šur [GIGIR šá SI ....] [.... U]SAN dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SAG ḪUN 4½ KÙŠ 28 GU4-UD ina N[IM ina x ŠÚ] [....] 15 GU4-UD GU KUR-ád 16 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád —————————— [ŠE ....] ⌈14⌉ [x Š]Ú 15 ⌈x ME⌉ 15 1,10 na 16 10,30 GE6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 28 10+[x] ⌈KUR⌉ GE6 1 USAN AN e šur GIGIR šá ULÙ [nn mm] ? [GE6] ⌈x⌉ USAN MÚL-BABBAR SIG MÚL IGI ⌈šá SAG⌉ ḪUN 4 KÙŠ 10 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 10+[x ....] GE6 16 USAN dele-bat SIG MÚL-MÚL [nn mm] GE6 18 USAN AN e MÚL IGI šá še-[pít MAŠ-MAŠ] 1 KÙŠ 4 SI GE6 21 USAN AN [e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ 1 KÙŠ] 4 SI GE6 [x] ? USAN AN e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 [KÙŠ ....] ? 1 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 13 [....]
Year SE 234
—————————— 15´-18´ [Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset
to moonset:) ....; if its 1st (day will follow the 30th of the preceding month),] 25° 30´?. The 13th, [moonrise to sunset: ....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 9° 40´. The 14th, [sunset to moonrise:] 1° 50´? [....] [.... Mercu]ry’s [last appearance?] in the east in the end of Gemini?. [....] .... night .... [....] .... [....] 3 cubits [.... The 15th, Sir]ius’ first appearance. Night of the 20+[ xth, last part of] the night, Mars? .... [....] .... The 7th, Venus? will reach Cancer?. The 18th, Mars? [will reach ....] —————————— 19´-22´ [Month V, ....] .... 25°?. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 1°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 2°?. [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Virgo. The 18th?, Venus? .... [....] .... [....] lunar eclipse which will be omitted?. Night [of the xth, last part] of the night, Mars [....] above [a Tauri ....] .... [....] will reach [....] The 2nd, Venus will reach Leo. The 29th, [....] —————————— 23´-25´ [Month VI, ....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise?: 5°. [....] .... [....] [....] 8 fingers? [....] Night of the 4th?, first [part of the night, ....] .... [....] ´Rev.´ —————————— 1´-5´ [Month IX, ....] The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 4°. The 15th, [....] 1° 40´? [....] [.... Saturn] ½ cubit [above b] Scorpii. Night of the 12th, first part of the night, [Venus .... below b Capricorni ....] .... The 18th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. .... [.... Venus] 6 fingers [above g] Capricorni. Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Venus [....] above d [Capricorni ....] The 27th, Venus will reach Aquarius. —————————— 6´-10´ [Month X, .... The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: 5° 20´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 50´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 7° 40´. The 16th, [sunset to moonrise:] 5° 40´?. [....] [The 1st, sol]stice. The 5th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 8th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in the beginning of Aquarius. [....] The 14th 15th .... Night of the 24th, first part of the night, Mars 3? [cubits] above a Tauri [....] before sunrise, solar eclipse (after) 5 months which will be omitted. Night of the 30th, first part of the night, [....] The 1st, Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 15th, Jupiter will reach Aries. The 22nd, Venus [will reach] Pisces. —————————— 11´-16´ [Month XI, ....] .... The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 15° 20´. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 30´. The 15th, [sunrise to moonset:] 6+[x° ....] [.... Night of the x]+3rd, first part of the night, Jupiter 3 cubits below h Piscium. [....] lunar eclipse which will be omitted. Night of the 19th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below h Piscium. [....] first part of the night, Venus 3½ cubits below b Arietis; first part of the night, Mars [....] below b T[auri ....] first part of the night, Venus 4½ cubits below a Arietis. The 28th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the ea[st in ....] The 15th, Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 16th, Venus will reach Aries. —————————— 17´-23´ [Month XII, ....] The 14th, [moonset] to sunrise: [....] The 15th, [moonrise to sunset: ....] The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 10´. The 16th, sunset to moonrise: 10° 30´. [....] [....] .... The 28th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 10+[x° ....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Mars [....] above f Tauri. [Night] of the xth, first part of the night, Jupiter 4 cubits below b [Arietis.] The 10th?, Saturn stationary in Scorpius. The 10+[xth, ....] Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below h Tauri. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, Mars 1 cubit 4 fingers above h Gemi[norum. Night of the 21st, first part of the night, Mars [1 cubit] 4 fingers [above m Geminorum.] Night of the [xth,] first part of the night, Mars 4? [cubits] above g Geminorum. The 1st, Mars will reach Gemini. The 13th?, [....]
No. 103
238 24´
—————————— ? ⌈BAR 1⌉ ⌈16+x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Left edge ? 1 [....] ⌈fIs-pu-bar?⌉-za-a ⌈DAM -šú GAŠAN⌉
Comments All entries into signs are together at the end of each paragraph. The join of BM 32247 and 32749 was made by I. L. Finkel.
Year SE 234 24´
—————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16+x° [....] .... [....]
Left edge 1 [....] Ispubarzâ, his wife, queen.
Undated Normal Star Almanacs
Nos. 104 & 105
No. 104 BM 32263 (= 76-11-17, 1991) Photo: Pl. 67
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈9?⌉ GE6 1 ina ZÁLAG ⌈GENNA?⌉ [....] [x x]+1,50 ŠÚ GE6 10 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD [....] [x]+1 2,40 na USAN dele-bat SIG ⌈SI⌉ [MÁŠ ....] [x]+3 3 ME ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e MÚL [....] [x x],30+[x] GE6 GE6 25 USAN ⌈dele-bat⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈x⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN e LUGAL [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 105 BM 32509 (= 76-11-17, 2249) Photo: Pl. 67
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... G]E6 7? USAN dele-b[at? ....] [....] KÙŠ GE6 8 USA[N ....] [.... GE6] 20 USAN dele-bat [....] [....] ⌈x GE6 24 USAN⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— meš?-ḫi šá MU-1-me-31+[x-KAM ....]
Comments The year number can be anything from 131 to 138. On the evening of I 20, Venus was passing some Normal star. Only in years 134, 136, and 137 was Venus evening star. In 134, she would have been in conjunction with f Tauri, in 136 with h Geminorum. In 137, the next star is h Tauri, but the longitude of Venus is not as close as in the other years.
Nos. 104 & 105
No. 104 Flake 1´ 2´-7´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [.... x]+9°? .... [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]+1° 50´. [The x]+1st, sunrise to moonset: 2° 40´. [The x]+3rd, moonrise to sunset: 3°. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 30+[x]´. [....] Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Saturn? [....] Night of the 10th, last part of the night, Mercury [....] first part of the night, Venus [....] below b [Capricorni. ....] last part of the night, Mercury [....] above .... [....] Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Venus [....] ....; last part of the night, Mars [....] above a Leonis. [....] [....] .... [....]
No. 105 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[.... Ni]ght of the 7th?, first part of the night, Ven[us? ....] [....] cubits. Night of the 8th, first part of the [night, ....] [.... Night] of the 20th, first part of the night, Venus [....] [....] .... Night of the 24th, first part of the night, [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] .... [....] [....] (blank) —————————— Predictions of year 131+[x, ....]
Nos. 106 - 108
No. 106 BM 32675 (= 76-11-17, 2443) Photo: Pl. 68
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ [.... 2]2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina RÍN IGI GE6 27 ina ZÁLAG [....] 8 SI 27 KUR (follows erasure)
Rev.´ 1 2 3
[....] ⌈x⌉ e RÍN šá ULÙ ⅔ KÙŠ GE6 6 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2½ KÙŠ GE6 8 ina ZÁLAG AN SIG DELE? [....] 20? ⌈x⌉ 14 na [....]
No. 107 BM 32709 (=76-11-17, 2479) Photo: Pl. 68
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— KIN 30 GE6 3 ina ZÁLAG [....] LUGAL 1 SI GE6 [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] 14 na GE6 19 ina ZÁLAG [....] [x] ⌈x⌉ 29 ⌈AN-KU10?⌉ [šámaš ....]
No. 108 BM 33471 + 33498 (= Rm IV 25+53) Photo: Pl. 68
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[x x x .... GE6?] 20? ⌈ina ZÁLAG dele-bat⌉ [SIG MÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN] [x x x] ⌈5⌉ KÙŠ GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG [MÚL ár] ? [x x] ⌈KUR ⌉ šá SAG ḪUN 6 KÙŠ [....] —————————— [x x] 18,30 G[E6] ⌈2⌉ ina ZÁLAG AN e šil PA 1 KÙŠ 8 S[I .... GU4-UD] [x x]+4 ME ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 6 AN ana ME E-⌈a⌉ [....] [x x] NINDA ŠÚ SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3 K[ÙŠ ....] [x x] GE6 GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MA[Š ....] [x x n]a 25? ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Nos. 106 - 108
No. 106 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] .... [.... The 2]2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Libra. Night of the 27th, last part of the night, [.....] 8 fingers [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
Rev.´ 1 2 3
[....] .... ⅔ cubit above a Librae. Night of the 6th, [....] [....] 2½ cubits [....] .... Night of the 8th, last part of the night, Mars [....] below g [Virginis. ....] 20? .... The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [....]
No. 107 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
last part of the night, Venus [....] below .... [....] —————————— Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Night of the 3rd, last part of the night, [....] 1 finger [....] a Leonis. Night [of the xth,] .... [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. Night of the 19th, last part of the night, [....] [....] .... The 29th, [solar] eclipse [....]
No. 108 Flake 1´-3´
[....] moonrise to sunrise: [....] [.... Night] of the 20th?, last part of the night, Venus 5 cubits [below β Arietis.] Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Venus 6 cubits below [a] Arietis. [....] —————————— [Month ...., (sunset to moonset:)] 18° 30´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x]+4°. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x]´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [....] Ni[ght of the] 2nd, last part of the night, Mars 1 cubit 8 fingers above j Ophiuchi. [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Gemini. The 6th, Mars’ acronychal rising. [....] 3 cubits below a Geminorum [....] Mercury [....] below [b?] Geminorum. [....] The 25th?, .... [....]
Nos. 109 - 111
No. 109 BM 33611 (= Rm IV 167) Photo: Pl. 68
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 12+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 17 GU4-UD ina NIM [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [....] 19 GENNA ina zibme [....]
No. 110 BM 33727 (= Rm IV 285) Photo: Pl. 68
Flake (at right edge) 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] (blank space with a few stray wedges) 2´ 3´ 4´
—————————— [.... ina ZÁL]AG MÚL-BABBAR e MÚL ár šá ALLA šá UL[Ù ....] [.... ina] NIM ina SAG ḪUN IGI GE6 13 [....] [.... SIG GIŠ.K]UN A 4 KÙŠ 24+⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 111 BM 34257 (= Sp 364) Copy: LBAT 1066 Photo: Pl. 68
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [AB ....] ⌈x x x⌉ 6 KAK-BAN ana ME [E-a ....] [....] e MÚL KUR šá KIR4 šil PA [....] [....] šá ⌈SAG? GÍR-TAB?⌉ 2? SI GE6 21+[x ....] [....] ⌈x 14?⌉ 11,50 GE6 27 10+[x KUR ....] [ZÍZ ....] ina ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 16 ⌈x⌉ ina TIL ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] x 20? SI ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 30 ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Nos. 109 - 111
No. 109 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´-6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... Night of the 12+[xth, ....] [....] .... The 17th, Mercury’s [....] in the east [....] [....] .... —————————— [....] The 19th, Saturn‘s [....] in Pisces [....]
No. 110 Flake (at right edge) 1´ [....] .... [....] (blank space with a few stray wedges) 2´ 3´ 4´
—————————— [.... last part] of the night, Jupiter [....] above d Cancri [....] [....] first appearance in the east in the beginning of Aries. Night of the 13th, [....] [....] 4 cubits [below j] Leonis. The 24+xth, [....]
No. 111 Flake 1´ 2´-5´
[....] .... [....] [Month X, ....] .... The 14th?, sunset to moonrise: 11° 50´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 10+[x°.] .... The 6th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] above j Ophiuchi. [....] 2 fingers [.... d / b] Scorpii. Night of the 21+[xth, ....] [Month XI, ....] .... in [....] .... [....] .... The 16th, .... in the end of .... [....] .... 20? fingers .... [....] .... 30 .... [....] .... [....]
Nos. 112 & 113
No. 112 BM 34259 (= Sp 366) Copy: LBAT 1067 Photo: Pl. 68
Flake 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[x x] ŠÚ ina SAG ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] ME GE6 17 ina ZÁLAG ⌈AN? x⌉ [.... GU4-UD] [x x] na ina NIM ina TIL ⌈ALLA ŠÚ⌉ [....] [x x],40 GE6 dele-bat e LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x]+9 KUR MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ ár L[UGAL ....] —————————— [ŠU x] 14,50 GE6 6 USAN dele-bat SIG [GIŠ].⌈KUN⌉ [A ....] [x] 13,10 ŠÚ ana ME E 8? múlKAK-BAN ⌈IGI⌉ [.... dele-bat] [x] 3?,50? ME SIG GÌR ár šá A 4 U 14 [....] [x x],20 na GE6 25 USAN dele-bat SIG DELE šá [IGI ABSIN ....] [x x] GE6 [x x] KUR
Comments 7´: The Sirius phenomenon should be last appearance (in month II) or acronychal rising (in Month X) since first appearance never occurs on day 8 according to the Uruk scheme. However, Venus never reaches Leo in month II. Also, the sign after KAK-BAN looks like IGI, not ŠÚ. So the day number may be in error. At least month IV can be restored. The day number „8“ could be an error for 7 or 9 (both of which occur in the scheme), leading to different years in the Uruk scheme. An acronychal rising of some outer planet shortly before does not suffice to decide for a date.
No. 113 BM 34325 (= Sp 439) Copy: LBAT 1077 Photo: Pl. 68
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] A? 3? KÙŠ 4 GENNA [....] [.... G]E6 10 USAN dele-bat SIG šil PA [....] [.... Ḫ]AB-rat GAR-an GE6 [....] [.... GE6] 21 ina ZÁLAG AN [....]
Nos. 112 & 113
No. 112 Flake 1´-5´
[.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+9°. [....] in the beginning of .... [....] Night of the 17th, last part of the night, Mars? [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in the end of Cancer [....] Venus ⅔ cubit above a Leonis. .... [....] r Leonis. [....] —————————— [Month ....; (sunset to moonset:)] 14° 50´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 13° 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: 3°? 50´?. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 20´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] Night of the 6th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below j Leonis. [....] acronychal rising. The 8th?, Sirius’ first appearance. [.... Venus] 4 fingers below b Virginis. The 14th, [....] Night of the 25th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below g Virgi[nis.]
No. 113 Flake 1` 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] 3 cubits? [....] Leonis? . The 4th, Saturn’s [....] [.... Ni]ght of the 10th, first part of the night, Venus [....] below j Ophiuchi [....] [.....] it will make [....] of the disc. Night [....] [.... Night] of the 21st, last part of the night, Mars [....]
Nos. 114 & 115
No. 114 BM 34328 (= Sp 442) Copy: LBAT 1068 Photo: Pl. 69
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] e MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 25 18 [....] [....] GE6 2? ⌈MÚL? x x⌉ [....] [....] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x] ⌈x AN?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
No. 115 BM 34356 (= Sp 471) Copy: LBAT 1069 Photo: Pl. 69
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[x] ⌈x ME [x x] ŠÚ [x] [x]+1,40 GE6 [x] ⌈12?⌉,10 na [x] ⌈x⌉,30 KUR ? [G]U4 1 25,10 TAB 12 6,50 ŠÚ 13 7,30 ME [1]3 5,50 na [14] 6 GE6 [x] ⌈x⌉ KUR
x⌉[....] šá ⌈x⌉ [....] GE6 20+[x ....]
GE6 1 ⌈ina⌉ [....] GE6 3 [....] 10 GU4-U[D ....] SIG MÚL [....] SIG MÚL [....]
Nos. 114 & 115
No. 114 Flake 1´-2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [....] above .... [....] [....] .... 25th, 18 [....] [....] Night of the 2nd, last part of the night, [....] [.... h / m] Geminorum. [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... [....]
No. 115 Flake 1´-5´
[....] moonrise to sunset: .... [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x]+1° 40´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 12°? 10´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: x° 30´. .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 20+[xth, ....] Month II?, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 25° 10´, TAB. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 6° 50´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 7° 30´. The 13th, sunrise to moonset: 5° 50´. [The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: 6°. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: .... Night of the 1st, .... [....] Night of the 3rd, [....] The 10th, Mercury’s [....] below .... [....] below .... [....]
Nos. 116 & 117
No. 116 BM 34377 (= Sp 495) Copy: LBAT 1070 Photo: Pl. 69
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [SIG] 1 20+[x ....] 12 13,40? [ŠÚ ....] 13 8,30 [na ....] 14 20 NINDA [ME ....] 15 3,30 G[E6 ....] 27 21,20 KU[R ....] ŠU 30 13,30 [....] 14 7 ME [....] [14 x],40 ŠÚ [....] [15 x] GE6 [....] [15 x,4]0 na [....] [x x] ⌈KUR⌉ [....]
No. 117 BM 34413 (= Sp 532) Copy: LBAT 1071 Photo: Pl. 69
[....] KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GENNA SIG SAG A 3½ KÙŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina TIL ALLA UŠ
—————————— [....]-⌈KAM IAn-ti⌉-’u-u[k-su ....]
1´ 2´
Nos. 116 & 117
No. 116 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] .... [....] [Month III,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20+[x° ....] The 12th, [moonrise to sunset:] 13° 40´?.[....] The 13th, sunrise [to moonset: ] 8° 30´. [....] The 14th, [moonrise to sunset: ] 20´. [....] The 15th, sunset [to moonrise: ] 3° 30´. [....] The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 21° 20´. [....] Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 30´. [....] The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 7°. [....] [The 14th,] moonset to sunrise: [x°] 40´. [....] [The 15th,] sunset to moonrise: [....] [The 15th,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 40´. [....] [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....]
No. 117 Flake
[....] reaches? .... [....] [....] Saturn 3½ cubits below e Leonis. .... [....] [....] stationary in the end of Cancer.
—————————— [.... king] Antiochus.
1´ 2´
Date During the reign of a king Antiochus, in a last month, Saturn was expected to pass ε Leonis; shortly thereafter, at the end of the month, some planet was to become stationary in the end of Cancer. Three years more or less fit these conditions: SE 49, 108 and 167. The latter two are closer to the „end of Cancer“. But there are no additional data to decide.
Nos. 118 & 119
No. 118 BM 34469 (= Sp 593) Copy: LBAT 1072 Photo: Pl. 69
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] [....] ina ZÁLAG AN [.... G]E6? 18 [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉
[....] ⌈RÍN?⌉ šá ULÙ 8 SI [....] MAŠ-MAŠ 4 U GE6 18 USAN [x] [....] e MÚL ár šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [.... MÚL] ⌈x⌉ šá SAG GÍR-TAB 4 SI [.... MAŠ-MAŠ? šá SI]PA? 3 KÙŠ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
No. 119 BM 34834 (= Sp II 334) Copy: LBAT 1073 Photo: Pl. 69
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
´Rev.´ (traces)
[x] 2+[x],20+[x ....] [1]5 5 GE6 [....] ⌈APIN⌉ 1 16 [....] ⌈13? x,⌉50? ŠÚ USAN? [....] [x x] ME GE6 25? [....] [x x] na ⌈GENNA?⌉ [....] [x x] GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....]
Nos. 118 & 119
No. 118 Flake
[....] .... [....] [....] [....] last part of the night, Mars [.... Nigh]t? of the 18th, [....] ....
[....] 8 fingers [....] a Librae [....] 4 fingers [....] Geminorum. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, [....] [....] above m Geminorum. [....] 4 fingers [....] d/b Scorpii. [....] 3 cubits [below g Gemin]orum?. [....] ....
1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
No. 119 ´Obv.´ 1´-2´ 3´-7´
´Rev.´ (traces)
[.... The xth, ....] 2+[x°] 20+[x´. The 1]5th, sunset to moonrise: 5°. [....] Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16°. The 13th?, moonset to sunrise: .... 50´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [....] .... [....] [....] first part of the night, [....] Night of the 25th?, [....] Saturn? [....]
Nos. 120 & 121
No. 120 BM 34866 (= Sp II 372) Copy: LBAT 1074 Photo: Pl. 69
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[x x]+16 [....] [IZI] 1 17+[....] 13 10,40 Š[Ú ....] 14 6 ME [....] 14 3,20 na 15 1,30 GE6 27 14,40 KUR KIN 30 8 ina KAL ina 1-šú 15 [....] 14 5,20 ŠÚ GE6 10 ⌈x⌉ [....] 15 6,20 ME ina ZÁLAG? ⌈dele-bat?⌉ [....] ⌈15⌉ 9,10 na [....] [16] ⌈x⌉ [GE6 ....]
Left edge 1 meš-ḫi [....]
No. 121 BM 35092 (= Sp II 630) Copy: LBAT 1078 Photo: Pl. 69
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[x x [AB x x T]AB [x x] [x x] [x x] [x x] [x x] [ZÍZ ....] [....]
šá SUḪUR M[ÁŠ ....] 1 šámaš GUB ⌈x⌉ [....] šá 4 KÙŠ ⌈ár⌉ [LUGAL ....] GE6 12+[x ....] AN ina ⌈x⌉ [....] AN-KU10 ⌈šámaš⌉ [....] 4 GU4-U[D ....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Nos. 120 & 121
No. 120 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´-7´
[The xth, ....: x]+16° [....] [Month V,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 17+[x° ....] The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 10° 40´. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 6°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 3° 20´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 30´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 40´. [....] Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 8°, ina KAL; if its 1st (day will follow the 30th of the preceding month), 15° [....] The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 5° 20´. The 15th, moonrise to sunset: 6° 20´. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 9° 10´. [The 16th, sunset to moonrise:] .... [....] [....] Night of the 10th, .... [….] last part of the night, Venus? [....]
Left edge 1 Predictions [....]
No. 121 Flake 1´ 2´-7´
[.... moonrise to sun]rise: [….] [....] Capricorni [....] [Month X, .... T]AB. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [....] The 1st, solstice. .... [....] r [Leonis ....] Night of the 12+[xth, ....] Mars’ [....] in [....] solar eclipse [....] [Month XI, ....] .... [....] The 4th, Mercury’s [....]
Date A solstice on day 1 can only be in month X, i. e. winter solstice. The year is then SE 17 + 19n. A solar eclipse in the same month occurs only in years SE 169, 188, 207, 226, and 245. A phenomenon of Mercury on the 4th of the following month is best found in SE 207; however, in month X of this year Mars (line 5´) was not visible. In all five possible years, the only phenomenon of Mars (first appearance) occurs in Month X of SE 188; but in this case, one would have to assume a large error for Mercury in line 9´.
Nos. 122 & 123
No. 122 BM 35142 (= Sp II 691) Copy: LBAT 1079 Photo: Pl. 69
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] MÚL ár šá SAG Ḫ[UN ....] [.... GU4-UD .... UD-D]A ŠÚ-šú DIB [.... SI]G MÚL-MÚL 3 KÙŠ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ SIG GÌR ár šá A 4 U [....] [....] ina ALLA IGI [.... e] is le10 2 KÙŠ 8 [SI ....] [.... šu]r ⌈GIGIR ⌈šá⌉ [....]
No. 123 BM 35465 (= Sp II 1055) Copy: LBAT 1083 Photo: Pl. 70
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈24?⌉,50 ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ? [x x x] [x x x] [x x x 2]7 16,30 KUR [....]
GE6 8 USAN [....] 12? GU4-UD ina N[IM? ....] SIG SI MÁŠ 2 [....] šá še-pít MAŠ-MAŠ [....] e MAŠ-MAŠ šá S[IPA ....] 10 GU4-UD ina NIM ina [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Nos. 122 & 123
No. 122 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] a Arietis [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [....] will be omitted. [....] 3 cubits below h Tauri. [....] —————————— [....] .... 4 fingers below b Virginis. [....] [....] first appearance in Cancer. [....] 2 cubits 8 [fingers above] a Tauri. [....] [....] β [Tauri ....]
No. 123 Flake 1´ 2´-6´
7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] [Month ...., .... (sunset to moonset:)] 24°? 50´, .... [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [.... The 2]7th, moonrise to sunrise: 16° 30´. Night of the 8th, first part of the night, [....] The 12th?, Mercury’s [first? appearance] in the ea[st? ....] 2 [....] below b Capricorni [.... h/m] Geminorum [....] above g Geminorum. [....] [....] The 10th, Mercury’s [last? appearance] in the east in [....] [....] .... [....]
Nos. 124 & 125
No. 124 BM 35468 (= Sp II 1059) Copy: LBAT 1084 Photo: Pl. 70
´Obv.´? 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] [.... ina K]AL [x x],10 [x x] [x x [x x
⌈x x⌉ [....] GE6 2 USA[N ....] ME SIG MÚL ár [....] ŠÚ šá KIR4 šil [PA ....] ] ⌈x⌉ 5? 13 [....] x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....]+18 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 125 BM 35476 (= Sp II 1068) Copy: LBAT 1080 Photo: Pl. 70
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[.... ina] ŠÚ ina ALLA [....] [.... SIG GIŠ].KUN A 3 [KÙŠ ....] [....] MÚL ár šá še-pít MA[Š-MAŠ ....] [....] GÌR ár šá A 2 U [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 KÙŠ 22 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] GE6 28 ina ZÁLAG MÚL-BABBAR [....] ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2
[.... x]+8 GU4-U[D ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Comments Obv. 5´: The broken sign at the beginning is the only trace that remains of the Lunar Six section.
Nos. 124 & 125
No. 124 ´Obv.´? 1´ 2´-6´
[....] .... [....] [Month ...., .... ina] KAL. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 10´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth, sunset to moonrise: ....] Night of the 2nd, first part of the night, [....] below .... [....] j Ophi[uchi ....] .... 5? 13 [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] .... [....] [.... x]+18 .... [....] [....] .... [....]
No. 125 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[.... in the we]st in Cancer [....] [....] 3 [cubits below] j Leonis. [....] [....] m Geminorum. [....] [....] 2 fingers [....] b Virginis. [....] [....] .... 4 cubits [....] The 22nd, .... [....] [....] Night of the 28th, last part of the night, Jupiter [....] ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2
[.... The x]+8th, Mercury [....] [....] .... [....]
Nos. 126 & 127
No. 126 BM 35481 (= Sp II 1073) Copy: LBAT 1085 Photo: Pl. 70
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[x [x] [x] [x] [2]8?
x] 2 4,20 13 24,50
⌈ME⌉ ŠÚ GE6 na KUR
[....] [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[x] 1 13,20 [1]2 8,40 ŠÚ [1]3 1,40 ME [13] 5,10 na [14] 3+[x],20 ⌈GE6⌉
GE6 [....] e MÚL [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 127 BM 35550 (= Sp III 56) Copy: LBAT 1088 Photo: Pl. 70
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] [x x],10 [x x] [x x],40 [x x],10 [x x] 12?,20 [x] ⌈x [x x] [x x],20 [x x]
ŠÚ ME ⌈na⌉ G[E6] KUR ŠÚ? ⌈ME?⌉ n[a ....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
SIG ⌈DELE šá⌉ I[GI ABSIN ....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ALLA KUR ⌈x⌉ [....]
10? ⌈x⌉ [....] 12? ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Nos. 126 & 127
No. 126 ´Obv. 1´-5´
[The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: 2°. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: 4° 20´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: 13°. The 28th?, moonrise to sunrise: 24° 50´. [....] .... [....]
Rev.´ 1-5
[Month ....,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 13° 20´. The 12th, moonset to sunrise: 8° 40´. The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 1° 40´. [The 13th,] sunrise to moonset: 5° 10´. [The 14th,] sunset to moonrise: 3+[x]° 20´. [....] Night [....] above .... [....] .... [....] .... [....]
No. 127 Flake 1´-6´
[Month ....] .... [.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [.... The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x°] 10´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x°] 10´. [....] below g Virgi[nis. ....] The xth, Venus will reach Cancer. .... [....] [Month .... (sunset to moonset:)] 12°? 20´. [The xth,] moonset to sunrise: .... [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [.... The xth,] sunrise to [moonset: x°] 20´. [....] .... [....] The 10th?, .... [....] The 12th?, .... [....]
Nos. 128 & 129
No. 128 BM 35793 (= Sp III 320) Copy: LBAT 1096 Photo: Pl. 70
´Obv.´? 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ina NIM ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... GE6] 14 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] [....] ⌈e⌉ šur GIGIR šá UL[Ù ....] [....] 3½ KÙŠ 29 KUR? [....] [.... GU4-U]D? ina NIM? ina A ŠÚ GE6 2 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ? x [x x x] 14 dele-bat [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ 24? ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 2 SI GE6 20+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 9 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] 13 [....] [.... ana M]E E-a GE6 [....] [....] ⌈e⌉ SI4 2½ KÙŠ GE6 [....] [.... x]+3 ⌈SI⌉ GE6 23 ⌈ina ZÁLAG⌉ [....] [....] GE6 29 USAN GENNA SI[G ....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 16 [....] [.... ana] ME E-⌈a⌉ [....]
No. 129 BM 35993 (= Sp III 534) Copy: LBAT 1099 Photo: Pl. 71
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... GE6 x]+1 USAN dele-b[at?] ⌈SIG MÚL?⌉ [....] [.... USA]N dele-bat SIG MÚL ár šá SA[G ḪUN ....] [....] MÚL-MÚL ⅔ KÙŠ 26 [....] [.... 2]9 AN ana ME E-⌈a⌉ [....] [....] 9 ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉
Nos. 128 & 129
No. 128 ´Obv.´? 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... in the east .... [....] [.... Night] of the 14th, last part of the night, Venus [....] [....] above ζ Tauri. [....] [....] 3½ cubits [....] The 29th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] [Month .... Mercu]ry’s last appearance in the east? in Leo. Night of the 2nd, .... [....] [....] .... west? .... [....] The 14th, Venus [....] [....] .... 24 .... [....] [....] 2 fingers .... Night of the 20+[xth, ....] [....] .... 9 ... [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´? 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] 13 [....] [.... acro]nychal rising. Night [....] [....] 2½ cubits above a Scorpii. Night [....] [.... x]+3 fingers [....] Night of the 23rd, last part of the night, [....] [....] Night of the 29th, first part of the night, Saturn [....] bel[ow ....] —————————— [Month ....] last appearance .... The 16th, [....] [....] acronychal rising. [....]
No. 129 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [.... Night of the x]+1st, first part of the night, Venus [....] below .... [....] [.... first part of the] night, Venus [....] below a Arietis. [....] [....] ⅔ cubit [....] h Tauri. The 26th, [....] [.... The 2]9th, Mars’ acronychal rising. [....] [....] The 9th, .... [....] —————————— [....] ....
Nos. 130 & 131
No. 130 BM 35994 (= Sp III 535) Copy: LBAT 1100 Photo: Pl. 71
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x MÚL? x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... K]ÙŠ 23 AN ina RÍN U[Š? ....] [.... SIG MÚL KU]R šá DUR nu-nu 2½ K[ÙŠ ....] [....] 21 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád (blank)
5´ 6´
[....] KÙŠ GE6 5 [....] ⌈x⌉
No. 131 BM 36962 (= 80-6-17, 703) Photo: Pl. 71
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[.... AN] ina ABSIN UŠ [.... ina] ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [.... MÚL]-BABBAR? ina SAG ⌈ḪUN?⌉ ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ 18 KAK-BAN ana ME E [.... G]U4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈PA IGI⌉
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x 1? KÙŠ⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ana ME E-⌈a⌉? [....] ⌈x MÚL⌉ IGI šá ⌈ALLA? x⌉ ⅓? KÙŠ [....] ⌈x MÚL ár⌉ šá ⌈ALLA? x⌉ 4 U
Comments Obv.1´: Jupiter’s last visibility (obv. 3´) makes it impossible that it has a station in the same month. Saturn has an acronychal rising in the next month, so cannot have a station less than two months before; therefore Mars remains for obv. 1´. Rev. 4f.: If ALLA is read correctly, šá ULÙ or šá SI is expected after it. šá is clearly not there; I cannot identify the damaged signs.
Nos. 130 & 131
No. 130 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] cubits [....] The 23rd, Mars sta[tionary?] in Libra. [....] 2½ cubits [below] h Piscium. [....] The 21st, Venus will reach Aries. (blank)
5´ 6´
[....] cubits [....] Night of the 5th, [....] ....
No. 131 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[.... Mars] stationary in Virgo. [.... Mercury‘s?] last appearance in the west in Capricorn. [.... Jup]iter’s last appearance in the beginning of Aries?. [....] .... The 18th, Sirius’ acronychal rising [.... Me]rcury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius.
[....] .... [....] .... 1? cubit [....] .... Saturn’s acronychal rising. [....] ⅓? cubit [....] .... Cancri? [....] 4 fingers [....] .... Cancri?.
Date In spite of a lot of information, especially an acronychal rising of Sirius, which leaves only every 19th year to consider, I could not find a date that fits all. Unfortunately many readings are uncertain.
Nos. 132 & 133
No. 132 BM 37400 (= 80-6-17, 1157) Photo: Pl. 71
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈LÁL?⌉ GE6 20 U[SAN ....] [.... ] ina ⌈x⌉ UŠ [....] ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... šá SAG Ḫ]UN 4½ ⌈KÙŠ GE6⌉ [x U]SAN AN? [....] [.... x]+1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ GE6 27 USAN AN e SUḪUR [IGI/ár ....] —————————— [.... x]+5?(or 6?) KAK-BAN ana ME E 27 KUR —————————— [.... ina] MÁŠ ŠÚ 16 na 28 KUR ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IG[I? ....] [....] ⌈x šá?⌉ [....]
No. 133 BM 40613 (= 81-4-28, 158) Photo: Pl. 72
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[x x [x x [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] [....]
G]E6 KU]R? GE6 ⌈x⌉ USAN AN e M[ÚL ....] 16 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL PA U[Š ....] 1½ KÙŠ 28 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
Nos. 132 & 133
No. 132 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] .... [....] [....] equinox?. Night of the 20th, first [part of the night, ....] [.... ] stationary in .... [....] ——————————
Rev.´ [....] .... [....] —————————— 2 [....] 4½ cubits [below b/a Arie]tis. Night [of the xth, first] part of the night, Mars? [....] 3 [.... The x]+1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] 4 [....] .... Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mars [....] above [g/d] Capricorni. —————————— 5 [.... The x]+5th (or: 6th?), Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— 6 [....] last appearance in Capricorn. The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. .... [....] —————————— 7 [....] Mercury’s first? appearance in the west in Pisces. [....] 8 [....] .... [....] 1
No. 133 Flake 1´-2´ 3´-5´
[.... The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [.... The xth, moonrise to] sunrise: [....] [Month ....] .... [....] Night of the xth, first part of the night, Mars [....] above .... [....] The 16th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Sagittarius. [....] 1½ cubits [....] The 28th, The 28th, .... [....] [Month ....] .... [....]
Nos. 134 & 135
No. 134 BM 41073 (= 81-4-28, 620) Photo: Pl. 72
Flake 1´
[.... GE6 x]+1 USAN AN e ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... GE6 x US]AN ⌈dele-bat?⌉ e MAŠ-MAŠ šá SIPA 4 KÙŠ ⌈GE6?⌉ [....] [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 17 dele-bat ina ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] [.... GE6 x US]AN GU4-UD SIG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 3½ KÙŠ [....] [.... SIG MAŠ]-MAŠ ár 2½ KÙŠ 23 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI 28 GEN[NA ....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
No. 135 BM 41127 (= 81-4-28, 674) Photo: Pl. 72
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— GU4 1 [....] 13 9,10 [ŠÚ ....] 14 40 NINDA [na ....] 15 3,[x ME ....] 16 14,[x GE6 ....] 26 20+x [KUR ....] —————————— SIG 30 [....] [1]4 3,50 [ŠÚ ....] [1]5 8,20+[x ME ....] 15 8,[x na ....] [1]⌈6⌉ [x GE6 ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
14 [....] 27 [x KUR ....] —————————— ZÍZ 30 14+[x....] 13 6,40 [ŠÚ ....] 14 6,20 [ME ....] 14 4,20 n[a ....] 15 8,30 G[E6 ....] 27 19,30? [KUR ....] —————————— ŠE 1 27 [....] [x x,]30 [....]
Nos. 134 & 135
No. 134 Flake 1´
[.... Night of the x]+1st, first part of the night, Mars [....] above .... [....] [.... Night of the xth, first] part of the night, Venus 4 cubits above g Geminorum. Night? [....] [....] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Gemini. The 17th, Venus’ [....] in the we[st? ....] [.... Night of the xth, first] part of the night, Mercury 3½ cubits below a Geminorum. [....] [....] 2½ cubits [below] b Geminorum. The 23rd, [....] [....] first appearance .... The 28th, Saturn [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
No. 135 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
.... [....] —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); [....] The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 9° 10´. [....] The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 40´. [....] The 15th, [moonrise to sunset:] 3° [x´. ....] The 16th, [sunset to moonrise:] 14° [....] The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 20+x°. [....] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); [....] The 14th, [moonset to sunrise:] 3° 50´. [....] The 15th, [moonrise to sunset:] 8° 20+[x´. ....] The 15th, [sunrise to moonset:] 8° [....] The 16th, [sunset to moonrise: ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
The 14th, [....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise: ....] —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 14° [....] The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 6° 40´ [....] The 14th, [moonrise to sunset:] 6° 20´. [....] The 14th, sunrise [to moonset:] 4° 20´. [....] The 15th, sunset to [moonrise:] 8° 30´. [....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 19° 30´?. [....] —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 27° [....] [The xth, ....: x°] 30´. [....]
Nos. 136 & 137
No. 136 BM 41137 (= 81-4-28, 684) Photo: Pl. 72
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
⌈x x⌉ [....] 15 ⌈8⌉,[x ....] 27 10+[x ....] itu ŠU [....] 15 1,10+[x ....] 27 9 [....] itu IZI [....] 15 11,20+[x ....] 27 17 [....] itu KIN [....] 15 ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
⌈27 x⌉ [....] ZÍZ 1 [....] 13 8? [....] 26 17 [....] itu ŠE 3[0 ....] MU ——————————[....] itu BAR 28 [....] ME NIM-a AN-K[U10 ....] GU4 GE6 15 10+[x ....] AN?-KU10 sin? al-la [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] itu
No. 137 BM 41150 (= 81-4-28, 697) Photo: Pl. 72
´Side A´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈14 x x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6 21 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat SIG GIŠ.K[UN? A ....] [....] 30? GE6 27 9 ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... MÚ]L-BABBAR SIG MAŠ-MAŠ ár 3 KÙŠ GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... SIG DU]R nu-nu 2 KÙŠ 12 ⌈AN? x⌉ [....]
Nos. 136 & 137
No. 136 ´Obv.´ .... [....] The 15th, [....] 8° [....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 10+[x° ....] 4´-6´ Month IV, [....] The 15th, [....] 1° 10+[x´....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 9° [....] 7´-9´ Month V, [....] The 15th, [....] 11° 20+[x´ ....] The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 17° [....] 10´-11´ Month VI, [....] The 15th, [....[ .... [....] 1´-3´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´-4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] .... [....] Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month) [....] The 13th, [....] 8°? [....] The 26th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 17° [....] Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month) [....] Year [....] —————————— Month I, the 28th, [....] after sunrise, [solar] eclip[se ....] Month II, night of the 15th, 10+[x° ....] lunar eclipse, more than [....] .... [....]
Comments The contents of the reverse look similar to Goal-year Texts, in which Lunar Six data are combined with eclipse reports. Here however we find no sums of intervals, as is the rule in Goal-year Texts.
No. 137 ´Side A´ 1´ [....] 14th, .... [....] 2´ [.... Ni]ght of the 21st, last part of the night, Venus [....] below j [Leonis ....] 3´ [....] 30?. Night of the 27th, 9 .... [....] —————————— 4´ [.... Jupi]ter 3 cubits below b Geminorum. Night of the xth, [....] 5´ [....] 2 cubits [below h] Piscium. The 12th, Mars? .... [....]
Nos. 137 - 139
´Side B´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] IGI ⌈GE6 12 USAN⌉ A[N? ....] [....] GE6 25 ina ZÁLAG GU4-UD e [....] [....] IGI [.... 2]⌈8⌉ 14,50 KUR —————————— [.... SIG M]ÚL IGI šá SAG ḪUN 2+[x KÙŠ ....] [.... x]+2? KÙŠ 8 ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 138 BM 41988 (= 81-6-25, 610) Copy: LBAT 1106 Photo: Pl. 73
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [.... GE6 x]+⌈12 USAN⌉ dele-bat e SI4 1+[x KÙŠ ....] [....] DIB —————————— [....] KIR4 šil PA 3 SI [....] 15 1,34 G[E6 ....] [.... GU4]-UD ina NIM ina [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... M]ÚL ⌈ár⌉ š[á ....] [....] SIG SAG A [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ na 20+[x ....] —————————— [.... GEN]NA? ina ḪUN UŠ GE6 [....] [....] KÙŠ GE6 14 ina ZÁL[AG ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
No. 139 BM 42005 (= 81-6-25, 627) Copy: LBAT 1107 Photo: Pl. 73
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈šá? SI 2?⌉ [....] [.... SIG G]IŠ.KUN A 4½ [KÙŠ ....] [.... dele]-bat? e GÌR ár šá A 4 S[I ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 52 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 [....] [.... 2]8 13,30 —————————— [....] AN SIG GIŠ.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ 10 GU4-[UD ....] [.... S]A4 ⌈šá ABSIN x KÙŠ⌉ 13+[x] GENNA ana ME [E-a ....]
Nos. 137 - 139
´Side B´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] first appearance [....] Night of the 12th, first part of the night, Ma[rs? ....] [....] Night of the 25th, last part of the night, Mercury [....] above [....] [....] first appearance [....] [.... The 2]8th, moonrise to sunrise: 14° 50´. —————————— [....] 2+[x cubits below] b Arietis. [....] [.... x]+2? cubits [....] The 8th, .... [....]
No. 138 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [.... Night] of the [x]+12th, first part of the night, Venus 1+[x cubits ....] above a Scorpii. [....] [....] will be omitted. —————————— [....] 3 fingers [....] j Ophiuchi. [....] the 15th, 94° .... [....] [.... Mer]cury’s [....] in the east in [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] the rear star of [....] [....] below e Leonis. [....] [....] .... The 20+[xth, ....] —————————— [.... Sat]urn? stationary in Aries. Night [....] [....] cubits. Night of the 14th, last part of the [night, ....] [....] .... The 20th, Mercury’s [....] in the west [....] [....] .... [....]
No. 139 Flake 1´-5´
6´ 7´
[.... The 2]8th, (moonrise to sunrise:) 13° 30´. [....] .... [....] 4½ [cubits below] j Leonis. [.... Ven]us? 4 fingers above b Virginis. [....] .... 52°? before sunrise, [....] eclipse [....] —————————— [....] Mars 4½ cubits below j Leonis. The 10th, Mer[cury’s ....] [.... a Virgi]nis x cubits. The 13+[xth,] Saturn’s acronychal [rising ....]
Nos. 140 & 141
No. 140 BM 42016 (= 81-6-25, 638) Copy: LBAT 1108 Photo: Pl. 73
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ár [....] IGI [....] ⌈x x⌉ GE6 27 USAN GU4-UD [....] (blank) —————————— [....] GE6 13 USAN GU4-UD [....] ⌈x GE6 30?⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] 19,40 KUR —————————— [.... MÚL TUR šá 4] KÙŠ ár LUGAL 8 U [.... SIG MÚL KUR šá DU]R nu-nu 1 KÙŠ [.... SIG MÚ]L IGI šá SAG ḪUN 1⅔ KÙŠ [....] 2? KÙŠ GE6 16 USAN dele-bat [.... K]ÙŠ 23 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ? ina zibme ŠÚ [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ GE6 7 ina ZÁLAG [.... G]U4-UD ina NIM
Right edge 1 [.... x]+1-KAM
No. 141 BM 42045 (= 81-6-25, 667) Copy: LBAT 1110 Photo: Pl. 73
´Obv.´? 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´-8´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [.... ina ZÁL]AG MÚL-BABBAR [.... ina] ZÁLAG dele-bat [....] ina ZÁLAG dele-bat [.... U]SAN AN [....] ⌈x⌉ 4 SI —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉
Nos. 140 & 141
No. 140 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] rear [....] first appearance? [....] .... Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mercury [....] (blank) —————————— [....] Night of the 13th, first part of the night, Mercury [....] .... Night of the 30th?, [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] moonrise to sunrise: 19° 40´. —————————— [....] 8 fingers [.... r] Leonis. [....] 1 cubit [below h] Piscium. [....] 1⅔ cubits [below] b Arietis. [....] 2? cubit [....] Night of the 16th, first part of the night, Venus [....] cubits [....] The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Pisces. [....] (blank) —————————— [....] 3 cubits [....] .... Night of the 7th, last part of the night, [....] Mercury’s [....] in the east
Right edge 1 [Year x]+1.
No. 141 ´Obv.´? 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´-8´
[....] .... [.... last] part of the night, Jupiter [....] last part of the night, Venus [....] last part of the night, Venus [.... first] part of the night, Mars [....] 4 fingers .... [....] —————————— [....] ....
Nos. 141 - 143
278 ´Rev.´? 1´ 2´-4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... SIG MÚL x šá] SAG ḪUN 3 KÙŠ [....] GE6 10 [....] ⌈5?⌉ KÙŠ [....] ⌈x⌉
No. 142 BM 42191 (= 81-6-25, 814) Copy: LBAT 1112 Photo: Pl. 74
´Obv.´? 1´ 2´ 3´-4´ 5´ 6´
[.... ina ZÁ]LAG dele-bat e ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 3 KÙŠ [....] (blank) —————————— [.... A]N?-KU10 sin? [....] ⌈x x⌉
´Rev.´? 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] SIG GIŠ.KUN A [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈e? x⌉ [....]
Right edge 1 [....]-KAM
No. 143 BM 42211 (= 81-6-25, 834) Copy: LBAT 1113 Photo: Pl. 74
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
13 14 ZÍZ 30 [1]3? [14? [x
[x]+1,[x]+10 n[a ....] 4,40 G[E6 ....] 10,30 [....] 7,10 ŠÚ [....] ? x]+2,10 M[E ....] x] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Nos. 141 - 143
´Rev.´? 1´ 2´-4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] 3 cubits [below a/b] Arietis. [....] Night of the 10th, [....] 5? cubits [....] [....] ....
No. 142 ´Obv.´? 1´ 2´ 3´-4´ 5´ 6´
[.... last part] of the night, Venus [....] above .... [....] [....] 3 cubits [....] .... [....] (blank) —————————— [....] lunar? [ecli]pse? [....] ....
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
[....] below j Leonis. [....] (blank) —————————— [....] above? .... [....]
Right edge 1 [.... year x].
No. 143 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
The 13th, [sunrise to moonset: x]+1° 10+[x´ ....] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 4° 40´. [....] Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10° 30´ [....] [The 1]3th?, moonset to sunrise: 7° 10´. [....] [The 14th?, moonrise to sunset: [x]+2° 10´. [....] [....] .... [....]
Nos. 144 - 146
No. 144 BM 42232 (= 81-6-25, 855) Copy: LBAT 1115 Photo: Pl. 74
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
28 15, [x KUR ....] ŠE 1 19 [....] 13 11,20+[x ME ....] 13 4 Š[Ú ....] 14 2,10 G[E6 ....] [14] 3,10 [na ....]
No. 145 BM 42247 (= 81-6-25, 870) Copy: LBAT 1116 Photo: Pl. 74
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [.... MÚ]L KUR šá [....] [....] DIB GE6 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 GU4-[UD ....] [.... GE6 G]IN AN-KU10 [šámaš ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 146 BM 46206 (= 81-7-6, 667) Photo: Pl. 74
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈GU4-UD?⌉ [....] [....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [....] [.... 2]9 2 DANNA [....] [....] MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ŠÚ-šú ⌈DIB x⌉ [....] [....] ina TIL zibme [....]
This fragment can be an Almanac or a NS Almanac.
Nos. 144 - 146
No. 144 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
The 28th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 15° [....] Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 19° [....] The 13th, [moonrise to sunset:] 11° 20+[x´. ....] The 13th, moonset [to sunrise:] 4°. [....] The 14th, sunset to [moonrise:] 2° 10´. [....] [The 14th, sunrise to moonset:] 3° 10´. [....]
No. 145 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] the bright star of [....] [....] will be omitted. Night of the 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... The 27th, Mercu[ry’s ....] [.... after] sunset, [solar] eclipse [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] .... [....]
No. 146 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] Mercury? [....] [....] Mercury’s [....] in the west in [....] [.... The 2]9th, 2 bēru [....] [....] Jupiter in .... [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [....] will be omitted. [....] [....] in the end of Pisces. [....]
Nos. 147 - 149
No. 147 BM 99695 (= 83-1-21, 2057) Photo: Pl. 74 Note that the fragment actually has the number „84 2-1“ written on the back.
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈x⌉,20 ME [x] ⌈x,50?⌉ ŠÚ [x] ⌈15⌉ 8 GE6 [.... n]a ⌈x x⌉ [....]
⌈x x⌉ [....] GE6 10+[x ....] GE6? [....]
No. 148 CBS 217 Photo: Pl. 74
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] na ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] KUR 27 28 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ TAB ina 30-šú 8,20 G[E6 ....] [....] ME [.... Š]Ú GU4-UD SIG [....] ? 3 ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... G]E6
No. 149 Rm 812 Photo: Pl. 75
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈16 x x x x x x x⌉ —————————— [.... ALL]A ⌈šá⌉ U[LÙ?] ⌈⅔⌉ KÙŠ GE6 11 USAN [dele]-bat? [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ GE6 26? USAN [.... MÚL TUR šá 4 KÙŠ] ⌈ár⌉ LUGAL ⅔ KÙŠ —————————— [.... SIG GI]Š.KUN A 4½ KÙŠ GE6 18? USAN [.... US]AN dele-bat e GÌR ár šá A [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ IGI GE6 25 [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Nos. 147 - 149
No. 147 Flake 1´-5´
[....] .... [....] moonrise to sunset: x° 20´. [....] moonset to sunrise: x° 50´? [....] The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 8°. [.... sunrise to] moonset: [....] .... [....] .... [....] Night of the 10+[xth, ....] Night? [....]
No. 148 Flake 1´-2´ 3´-6´
[....] sunrise to moonset: [....] moonrise to sunrise: 27°. .... [....] The 28th, .... [....] [Month ....] ...., TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month), (sunset to moonset:) 8° 20´. [....] moonrise to sunset: [....] moonset to sunrise: [....] sunset to moonrise: [....] Ni[ght ....] Mercury [....] below [....] The 3rd?, .... [....]
No. 149 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] 16 .... —————————— [....] ⅔ cubit [.... δ/j] Cancri. Night of the 11th, first part of the night, Venus [....] .... [....] .... Night of the 26th?, first part of the night, [....] ⅔ cubit [.... ρ Leo]nis. —————————— [....] 4½ cubits [below j] Leonis. Night of the 18th, first part of the night, [.... first] part of the night, Venus [....] above β Virginis. [....] [....] first appearance [....] Night of the 25th, [....] [....] .... [....]
Nos. 150 & 151
No. 150 Rm 813 Photo: Pl. 75
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x]+20 ŠÚ [x x]+20 ME [x x],50 na [x x],40 GE6 [x x]+4,50 KUR [x] 30 10 UŠ ina KAL [1]4? 4,40 ŠÚ ? [1]5 4 ME [x x] ⌈na
GE6 1 USAN? ⌈x⌉ [....] SIG SI MÁŠ 3 KÙ[Š ....] 28 12 ME NI[M-a ....]
GE6 1 USAN dele-b[at ....] 3 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 7 GU4-UD ina [....] x x⌉ [....]
No. 151 Rm 814 Photo: Pl. 75
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
14 10+⌈x⌉ [na ....] 15 3,10 [ME ....] 16 7,40 [GE6 ....] 27 16,[x KUR ....] —————————— SIG 1 20+[x ....] 13 7,20? [ŠÚ ....] 14 9,10 ME [....] 14 50 NINDA na [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
13 ⌈10+x ŠÚ⌉ [....] 14 2 ME ⌈4 KÙŠ x⌉ [....] 14 1,40 na 3 KÙŠ GE6 [....] 15 7,50 GE6 20 GU4-UD [....] 27 15,10 KUR DELE šá ⌈IGI⌉ A[BSIN? ....] —————————— APIN 1 16,10 TAB ina 30-šú 8 [....] 13 8,10 ME 1 KÙŠ ⌈8? U⌉ [....] 13 4,30 ŠÚ USAN [....] 14 1,50 GE6 ⌈x⌉ [....] 14 11,20 na [....] 27 [....]
Nos. 150 & 151
No. 150 Flake 1´-6´
[.... The xth,] moonset to sunrise: [x° x]+20´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunset: [x° x]+20´. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [x°] 50´. [The xth,] sunset to moonrise: [x°] 40´. [The xth,] moonrise to sunrise: [x]+4° 50´. Night of the 1st, first? part of the night, .... [....] 3 cubits below b Capricorni. [....] The 28th, 12° after sunrise, [solar eclipse ....] [Month ....,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 10°, ina KAL. [The 1]4th?, moonset to sunrise: 4° 40´. [The 1]5th?, moonrise to sunset: 4°. [The xth,] sunrise to moonset: [....] Night of the 1st, first part of the night, Venus [....] 3 cubits [....] Night [....] The 7th, Mercury’s [....] in [....] .... [....]
No. 151 ´Obv.´ 1´-4´
[Month II, ....] The 14th, [sunrise to moonset:] 10+x°. The 15th, [moonrise to sunset:] 3° 10´. The 16th, [sunset to moonrise:] 7° 40´. The 27th, [moonrise to sunrise:] 16° [....] [....] —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 20+[x° ....] The 13th, [moonset to sunrise:] 7° 20´?. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 10´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 50´. [....] [....]
´Rev.´ 1´-5´
[Month VII, ....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 10+x°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 2°. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 1° 40´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 7° 50´. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 15° 10´. [....] 4? cubits .... [....] 3 cubits [....] Night [....] The 20th, Mercury’s [....] g Vir[ginis? ....] —————————— Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) 16° 10´, TAB; if its (1st day will be identical with the) 30th (of the preceding month,) 8° [....] The 13th, moonrise to sunset: 8° 10´. The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 4° 30´. The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 1° 50´. The 14th, sunrise to moonset: 11° 20´. The 27th, [....] [....] 1 cubit 8 fingers [....] first part of the night, [....] .... [....]
No. 152
No. 152 Rm 838 Photo: Pl. 75
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[x] 1 ⌈x x⌉ [....] 12 20+[x NINDA? ŠÚ ....] 13 2,40+[x ME ....] 13 7,10+[x na ....] ⌈14⌉ 13,30 G[E6 ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[x] ⌈30 x x⌉ [....] [1]3 15 ŠÚ [1]4 9,40 ME [14] 10 NINDA na [1]5 2,50 GE6 [2]5+[x] 20,50
šá KI[R4? šil PA? .... AN-KU10 sin] 5 IT[U ....] 20 SI? [....] 21+[x ....] 20 [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... IAn-t]i-ʾu-ku-su [....]
Comments The tablet may have had two columns.
No. 152
No. 152 ´Obv.´ 1´-5´
[Month ....,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) .... [....] The 12th, [moonset to sunrise:] 20+[x´.] The 13th, [moonrise to sunset:] 2° 40+[x´.] The 13th, [sunrise to moonset:] 7° 10+[x´.] The 14th, sunset to moonrise: 13° 30´. [....]
´Rev.´ 1´-6´
[Month ....,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); (sunset to moonset:) .... [....] The 13th, moonset to sunrise: 15°. The 14th, moonrise to sunset: 9° 40´. [The 14th,] sunrise to moonset: 10´. The 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 50´. The 25+[xth,] (moonrise to sunrise:] 20° 50´. [.... j] Oph[iuchi .... lunar eclipse (after)] 5 months [....] 20 fingers? [....] The 21+[xth, ....] 20? [....]
Upper edge 1 [.... Ant]iochus [....]
Dated Almanacs
No. 153
No. 153 BM 40101 (= 81-2-1,66) + 55536 (= 82-7-4,119) Listed as LBAT *1118, *1119 Photo: Pl. 76f. Year: SE 92
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
BAR 30 U4-1 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR-ád dele-bat ina ḪUN 11 ⌈GENNA⌉ [ina MÁ]Š UŠ 14 na 15 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL [KUR-ád] 16 MÚL-MÚL ina KUR IGI AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ 17 AN ALLA KUR-ád 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÚL-M[ÚL] [UD]-DA IGI DIB 26 múlŠU-PA ŠÚ 27 KUR 30 KAK-BAN Š[Ú] —————————— [G]U4 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ-šú DIB 10 ⌈dele-bat⌉ [MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád] [GENN]A? ina MÁŠ AN ina ALLA 13 na 27 KUR 28 GENNA ⌈ana ŠÚ ina?LAL-šú⌉ [PA KUR-ád] —————————— [SI]G 30 ina KAL 1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI MÚL-BABBA[R ina] ⌈ḪUN dele-bat ina⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ 4 dele-bat ALLA [KUR]-ád 7 GENNA ina PA ana ME E AN ina ALLA 9 ⌈AN⌉ A KUR-ád 13 na 14 šámaš GUB 18 [dele]-bat ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI 27 KUR 28 dele-[bat] A KUR-ád —————————— [ŠU x] ⌈MÚL⌉-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina A [5 KAK-BAN] IGI 9 AN ina A ŠÚ 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ 13 na [.... MÚL-BABBAR] ina ḪUN UŠ GENNA ina PA 27 KUR —————————— [IZI x .... ] 4 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A IGI 5 GENNA ina PA UŠ 14 na [.... AN šá ŠÚ-ú] NU IGI KI šámaš šu-ú 27 KUR —————————— [KIN x .... GU4]-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ 13 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR 13 [.... 17 LÁ]L?-tì? 23 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN ana ME E-a 27 KUR [.... GENN]A? ina? PA AN šá ŠÚ-ú NU IGI KI šámaš šu-ú —————————— [DU6 x .... MÚL-BABBAR] ana ME E 10 dele-bat PA KUR-ád ⌈12⌉ na [....] ⌈IGI?⌉ 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL ⌈GÍR-TAB?⌉ IGI [....] ⌈x⌉ 29 GENNA MÁŠ KUR-ád
Year SE 92
No. 153 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1
2 3
7 8
11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Day 1, Jupiter will reach Aries, Venus in Aries. The 11th, Saturn stationary [in Capri]corn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus [will reach] Taurus. The 16th, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east. Mars in Gemini. The 17th, Mars will reach Cancer. The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Taurus .... will be omitted. The 26th, Arcturus’ last appearance. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Sirius’ last appearance. —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aries, Venus in Taurus. The 5th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Taurus, will be omitted. The 10th, Venus [will reach Gemini.] [Sat]urn? in Capricorn, Mars in Cancer. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Saturn, while moving back to the west, [will reach Sagittarius.] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. The 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Cancer. Jupiter [in] Aries, Venus in Gemini. The 4th, Venus will [reach] Cancer. The 7th, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius, Mars in Cancer. The 9th, Mars will reach Leo. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, solstice. The 18th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus will reach Leo. —————————— [Month IV, ....] Jupiter in Aries, Venus in Leo. [The 5th, Sirius’] first appearance. The 9th, Mars’ last appearance in Leo. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Jupiter] stationary in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V, ....] The 4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. The 5th, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Mars which will have set] will not be visible, it will be with the sun. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VI, .... Mer]cury’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 13th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 13th, [.... The 17th, equi]nox?. The 23rd, Jupiter’s acronychal rising in Aries. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [.... Satur]n? in? Sagittarius. Mars which will have set will not be visible, it will be with the sun. —————————— [Month VII, .... Jupiter’s] acronychal rising. The 10th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 12th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] first appearance?. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Scorpius?. [....] .... The 29th, Saturn will reach Capricorn.
No. 153
Lower edge 1 [....] 28 KUR Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14
[APIN x ....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ 15 na [x MÚL-BABBAR ina x U]Š 27 dele-bat GU KUR-ád GENNA ⌈MÁŠ⌉ KUR-ád —————————— [GAN x .... NU] ⌈IGI KI⌉ šámaš šu-ú 5 GENNA ina SAG x x ⌈x x⌉ [....] KUR-ád 25 KAK-BAN ana ME E 27 KUR —————————— [AB x .... GENNA] ina MÁŠ IGI 7 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN ina PA 17 AN MÁŠ KUR-ád —————————— [ZÍZ x .... GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI GENNA u AN ina MÁŠ 15 na [....] ⌈x x x⌉ —————————— [ŠE x ....] dele-bat ina ḪUN 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina GU [....] ⌈½⌉ KASKAL GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin TIL? ⌈x x⌉ TAG4 14 na 16 dele-bat [ina ŠÚ ina x Š]Ú 21 dele-bat ina NIM ina ḪUN IGI 23 [LÁL?-t]ì? 28 ⌈KUR?⌉ GE6 29 [....] ⌈x⌉ (x x x erasure) 28 2 DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šá[maš ....] ⌈x MÚL-BABBAR ina⌉ ḪUN ŠÚ —————————— [....] (erasure) meš-ḫi šá MU-1,32-KAM IAn-t[i[....] ⌈x⌉ šá ka-šá-da-nu ——————————
Comments The style of this tablet is somewhat different from other Almanacs. The listing of the planets at the beginning of each monthly section is interrupted by statements about planetary phenomena. 18: Saturn’s entrance into Capricorn is listed at the end of both month VII and VIII; the later date fits better. Rev. 3: a last appearance of Saturn in the beginning of Capricorn is expected, but I cannot read the signs. Rev. 10: the lunar eclipse of -218 March 20 was total. Rev. 11f: there seems to be an erasure at the end of line 11 on the edge and also in the first part of line 12. Still, day 28 should not come after night of the 29th in the preceding line.
Year SE 92
Lower edge 1 [....] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Rev. 1 2
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14
[Month VIII, ....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth, Jupiter] stationary [in ....] The 27th, Venus will reach Aquarius, Saturn will reach Capricorn. —————————— [Month IX, .... will not be] visible, it will be with the sun. The 5th, Saturn’s [last appearance?] in the beginning of .... [....] will reach [....] The 25th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month X, .... Saturn’s] first appearance in Capricorn. The 7th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. [....] .... Mars in Sagittarius. The 17th, Mars will reach Capricorn. —————————— [Month XI, .... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Pisces. Saturn and Mars in Capricorn. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] .... —————————— [Month XII, ....] Venus in Aries. The 4th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Aquarius. [....] ½ bēru before sunrise, lunar eclipse; it will leave .... totality?. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Venus’ last [appearance in the west in Aries.] The 21st, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Aries. The 23rd, [equin]ox. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, [....] .... The 28th, 2 bēru before sunset, [solar eclipse ....] The xth, Jupiter’s last appearance in Aries. —————————— [....] Predictions of year 92, [king] Anti[ochus.] [....] .... of reachings?. ——————————
No. 154
No. 154 A 1731 (Oriental Institute Collection, Chicago) Photo: Pl. 77 Year: SE 113
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[ŠU x MÚ]L-[BABB]AR ina MÁŠ dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA u [AN ina ABSIN ....] 6 dele-bat A KUR 7 šámaš GUB 14 na 15 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ 27 K[UR 28 KAK-BAN IGI x dele-ba]t ABSIN KUR —————————— IZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ dele-bat GENNA u AN ina ABSIN 9 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA IG[I] 9 AN RÍN KUR 13 na 17 GU4-UD A KUR 27 MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG MÁŠ UŠ ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈27⌉ GU4-[UD ina NIM ina A ŠÚ] ⌈28?⌉ 2 ⅔ DANNA ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— [KIN x .... MÚ]L-BABBAR ina MÁŠ dele-bat u AN ina RÍN GENNA ina ABSIN [....] [....] ⌈25⌉ AN GÍR-TAB KUR 20+[x ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [APIN ....] ⌈x GENNA?⌉ ina ⌈RÍN? 6 AN⌉ ina PA ŠÚ 13 na 25 ⌈GU4-UD PA KUR 28?⌉ [KUR?] —————————— [GAN .... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina PA ŠÚ 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ ŠÚ GENNA ina RÍN [UŠ? .... 18 KA]K-BAN ana ME E-a 19 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 20 dele-bat ina N[IM? ....] [.... K]UR —————————— [AB ....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI GE6 14 AN-KU10 sin ⌈5 ÁB? x⌉ [....] [....] 14 na 15 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL MÁŠ IGI 16 GENNA ⌈ina?⌉ R[ÍN? UŠ? ....] [....] ⌈x x x 28?⌉ 30 DANNA ME ana ŠÚ [šámaš ....]
Comments 2´: the last part of this line is written on the reverse; there is some space between 27 K[UR and the reverse, so a first appearance of Sirius may be restored here. Rev. 2´: Mars’ last appearance according to computation is about one month later.
Year SE 113
No. 154 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´
[Month IV, .... Jupit]er in Capricorn, Venus in Cancer, Saturn and [Mars in Virgo ....] The 6th, Venus will reach Leo. The 7th, solstice. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer. The 27th, last visibility [of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Sirius’ first appearance. The xth, Venu]s will reach Virgo. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus, Saturn, and Mars in Virgo. The 9th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer. The 9th, Mars will reach Libra. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 27th, Jupiter stationary in the beginning of Capricorn .... [....] The 27th, Mercu[ry’s last appearance in the east in Leo.] The 28th?, 2 ⅔ bēru after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month VI, .... Ju]piter in Capricorn, Venus and Mars in Libra, Saturn in Virgo. [....] [....] The 25th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 20+[xth, ....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... —————————— [Month VIII, ....] .... Saturn? in Libra?. The 6th, Mars’ last appearance in Sagittarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Mercury will reach Sagittarius. The 28th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.?] —————————— [Month IX, .... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 12th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Capricorn. Saturn [stationary?] in Libra. [.... The 18th, Si]rius’ acronychal rising. The 19th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 20th, Venus [first appearance] in the ea[st ....] [...., last visibility] of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month X, ....] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. Night of the 14th, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months?, .... [....] [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Jupiter’s first appearance in the end of Capricorn. The 16th, Saturn [stationary?] in Lib[ra ....] [....] .... The 28th?, 30° (i. e. one) bēru before sun[set, solar eclipse ....]
Date A solstice on IV 7 (obv. 2´) implies a year SE 18 + 19n. The actual year SE 113 can easily be determined from the planetary data.
Nos. 155 & 156
No. 155 Rm 786 Copy: LBAT 1121 Photo: Pl. 78 Year: SE 127
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[DU6 ....] ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ALLA ⌈15? GU4-UD⌉ [ina NI]M [ina x IGI ....] dele-bat PA KUR-ád [x x] [.... MÚL]-BABBAR ina zibme UŠ 28? [GU4]-UD GÍR-TAB KUR-á[d] [APIN .... GU4-U]D ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ALLA 1 AN ina TIL ALLA U[Š ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
´Rev. (traces of last line)
No. 156 BM 32888 (= 77-11-14,17) Listed as LBAT *1120 Photo: Pl. 78 Year: SE 127
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[x x] KUR-ád [....] ⌈15?⌉ na 18? AN M[ÚL-MÚL KUR-á]d 21 dele-b[at] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ KUR-ád 27? KUR —————————— SIG 30 MÚL-BABBAR u ⌈GENNA⌉ [ina zib]me dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GU4-UD ina ALLA AN ina MÚL-MÚL 3 [GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ ina ⌈ALLA⌉ ŠÚ 11 šámaš G[UB] ⌈13?⌉ na 15 dele-bat ALLA KUR 19? GENNA ina zibme U[Š] ⌈x dele-bat⌉ ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ 28 KUR 28 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL zibme UŠ —————————— ŠU 1 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA⌉ ina zibme AN ina MÚL-MÚL 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA IGI ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈7? AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR⌉-[ád] ⌈13 na 20? GU4-UD⌉ A KUR-ád 21 GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG [A ŠÚ] I[ZI? x x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [.... AN ina] MAŠ-MAŠ 15? ⌈na?⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
⌈x 15? x⌉ [....] [x] ⌈GU4⌉-UD PA KUR-⌈ád? x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— GAN 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina MÁŠ AN ina ALLA 5 dele-bat GU [KUR-ád x na] 17 šámaš GUB 20 AN ana ME E-a 22 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a 28 KUR ——————————
Year SE 127
No. 155 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[Month VII, ....] in Scorpius, Mars in Cancer. The 15th?, Mercury’s [first appearance in the ea]st [in ....] Venus will reach Sagittarius. [....] [.... Jup]iter stationary in Pisces. The 28th?, [Mer]cury will reach Scorpius. [Month VIII, .... Merc]ury in Scorpius, Mars in Cancer. The 1st, Mars stationary in the end of Cancer. [....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. (traces of last line)
Date Mars stationary in the end of Cancer, and Jupiter stationary in Pisces occurs in SE 80, 127 and 174. Venus and Mercury reaching Sagittarius and Scorpius, respectively, decide for SE 127. A phenomenon of Mercury on the 15th can be identified as first appearance in the east.
No. 156 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´
[....] will reach [....] The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th?, Mars will [reach Tau]rus. The 21st, Venus will reach Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn [in Pisces,] Venus in Gemini, Mercury in Cancer, Mars in Taurus. The 3rd, [Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Cancer. The 11th, solstice. The 13th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 19th?, Saturn stationary in Pisces. The xth, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Cancer. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Pisces. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Taurus. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer .... The 7th?, Mars will reach Gemini. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th?, Mercury will reach Leo. The 21st, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in the beginning [of Leo.] M[onth V?, ....] .... [.... Mars in] Gemini. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise?. [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
.... 15 .... [....] [The xth,] Mercury will reach Sagittarius .... [....] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Cancer. The 5th, Venus [will reach] Aquarius. [The xth, first moonset after sunrise.] The 17th, solstice. The 20th, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 22nd, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ——————————
Nos. 156 & 157
298 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
AB 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme AN ina ALLA 1 dele-bat ⌈zib⌉me KUR-ád 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI 15 na 23 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL GU ŠÚ 27 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-[ád] 28 KUR 30 AN ina ALLA UŠ —————————— ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina ḪUN AN ina ALLA 11 GENNA ina zibme ŠÚ 10+[x GU4-UD] ina NIM ina GU IGI 12 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR-ád 15 na 25 ⌈GU4-UD zibme KUR-ád⌉ [2]6 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 27 KUR —————————— [ŠE x] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚ[L ....]
No. 157 BM 34232 (= Sp 338) Copy: LBAT 1122 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 492f.; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 363, Taf. VI Photo: Pl. 79 Year: SE 128
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[IZI x MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN] ⌈dele-bat? ina?⌉ [....] [x MÚL-BABBAR MÚL-MÚ]L? KUR-ád 6 AN RÍN KUR-ád 13 ⌈na?⌉ [....] —————————— [KIN x MÚL-BABBA]R ina MÚL-MÚL dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina zibme AN ina RÍN 1 GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB] [.... KUR]-ád 6 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR-ád 10 GENNA ana ME E-a [x x] [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-D]A ŠÚ-šú DIB 13 na 23 AN GÍR-TAB KUR-ád 25 L[ÁL-tì] [.... dele]-bat ABSIN KUR-ád ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[DU6 x MÚL]-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina ABSIN GENNA ina zibme AN ina GÍR-TAB 11 AN ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ [x GU4-UD] ina NIM ina RÍN IGI GE6 14 AN-KU10 sin BAR DIB 14 n[a? ....] [x MÚL-BABBAR ana] ME E-a 24 dele-bat RÍN KUR-ád 27 KUR GE6 29 AN-K[U10 šámaš ....] [APIN x] MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat u GU4-UD ina RÍN GENNA ina zibme 3 ⌈x⌉ [....] ? [x x] 10 ⌈GENNA⌉ ina ⌈zibme⌉ U[Š? x] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina NIM ina ⌈RÍN⌉ [ŠÚ ....]
Comments 3´: restoration at the end of the line based on line 5´. Rev. 1: a last visibility of Mars is only expected at the beginning of month VIII.
Years SE 127 & 128 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´ 11´
Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Cancer. The 1st, Venus will reach Pisces. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Aquarius. The 27th, Venus will reach Aries. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Mars stationary in Cancer. —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Aries, Mars in Cancer. The 11th, Saturn’s last appearance in Pisces. The 10+[xth, Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 12th, Jupiter will reach Aries. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Mercury will reach Pisces. [The 2]6th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XII, ....] Jupiter in Aries, Venus in Taurus, [....]
Date Solstice and Sirius (rev. 4´) restrict the year to SE 13 + 19n. The positions and phenomena of Jupiter and Saturn identify the year as SE 127.
No. 157 ´Obv. 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[Month V, .... Jupiter in Aries,] Venus? in? [....] [The xth, Jupiter] will reach [Taur]us?. The 6th, Mars will reach Libra. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] —————————— [Month VI, .... Jupiter] in Taurus, Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Libra. The 1st, Mer[cury’s first appearance in the west, .... will be omitted.] [.... will rea]ch [....] The 6th, Jupiter will reach Aries. The 10th, Saturn’s acronychal rising [....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west, .... will be omitted. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 25th, equinox. [.... Ve]nus will reach Virgo. ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[Month VII, .... Ju]piter in Aries, Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Scorpius. The 11th, Mars’ last appearance in Scorpius. [The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Libra. Night of the 14th, lunar eclipse, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 14th, first? [moonset after sunrise ....] [The xth, Jupiter’s] acronychal rising. The 24th, Venus will reach Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, [solar] eclipse [....] [Month VIII, ....] Jupiter in Aries, Venus and Mercury in Libra, Saturn in Pisces. The 3rd, .... [....] [....] The 10th?, Saturn stationary in Pisces. [The xth,] Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in Libra [....]
Date An equinox around the middle of the year (end of obverse) is on the 25th of month VI; the year is then SE 14 + 19n. The year SE 128 can be found from the Jupiter and Saturn phenomena. It is confirmed by the eclipse possibilities in month VII.
No. 158
No. 158 BM 33873 (= Rm 4, 435) Copy: F. X. Kugler, SSB I Tf. VII 10; listed as LBAT **1123 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I 92, II 481 Photo: Pl. 79f. Year: SE 129
Obv.´ 1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
⌈BAR⌉ 30 1 LÁL-tì 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI GE6 15 ⌈x ⌉ [....] 11 SI GAR-an ád E-a 15? dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina SAG MÚL-MÚL IGI ⌈16⌉ GE[NNA ina x IGI] 24 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ 27 KUR 29 2 DANNA ME [N]IM-⌈a AN-KU10⌉ [šámaš ....] —————————— GU4 1 2 GU4-UD MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 10 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 14 GENNA ḪUN KUR 14 na 15 ⌈AN ina SAG MÚL⌉-[MÚL IGI] 19 KAK-BAN ŠÚ 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 26 KUR 27 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL IGI —————————— SIG 1 6 dele-bat ALLA KUR 13 na 24 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 26 KUR —————————— ⌈ŠU⌉ [x x] dele-bat A KUR ⌈x⌉ 3 šámaš GUB 7 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 9 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ [....] [2]7 KUR 27 dele-bat ABSIN KUR ⌈28 MÚL-BABBAR⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ KUR —————————— IZI 1 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL A IGI 12 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ABSIN KUR 13 na 15 GENNA ina ḪUN UŠ 23 dele-bat [RÍN KUR] 27 KUR 28 AN ALLA KUR —————————— KIN 1 4 GU4-UD ⌈ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ 13 na 16? ⌈dele-bat? GÍR-TAB? KUR 27?⌉ KUR —————————— ⌈DU6⌉ 30 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 4 GENNA ⌈ana ME⌉ E-⌈a⌉ 5 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x] IGI 6 LÁL-tì [x x]+20 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 ⌈sin 2 ŠUII⌉ ḪAB-rat ⌈GAR-an⌉ 10+[x x x] GÍR-TAB? KUR 10+[x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 28 2 DANNA ME NIM-a ⌈AN-KU10 šámaš ana⌉ PAP
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] ⌈10 x⌉ [....] —————————— [ZÍZ x x MÚL]-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL UŠ 13 AN A KUR 14 AN ana ME E-a [....] ——————————
Year SE 129
No. 158 Obv.´ 1
2 3
7 8
10 11
13 14
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 1st, equinox. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. Night of the 15th, .... [....] it will make 11 fingers; it will rise eclipsed. The 15th?, Venus’ first appearance in the west in the beginning of Taurus. The 16th, Sa[turn’s first appearance in ....] The 24th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Taurus. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, 2 bēru after sunrise, [solar] eclipse [....] —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 2nd, Mercury will reach Gemini. The 10th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 14th, Saturn will reach Aries. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mars’ [first appearance] in the beginning of Tau[rus.] The 19th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Taurus. —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 6th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 24th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month IV, [.... The xth,] Venus will reach Leo .... The 3rd, solstice. The 7th, Mars will reach Gemini. The 9th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Gemini. [....] [The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 28th, Jupiter will reach Gemini. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Leo. The 12th, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Saturn stationary in Aries. The 23rd, Venus [will reach Libra.] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mars will reach Cancer. —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 4th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th?, Venus will reach Scorpius?. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 1st, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 4th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 5th, Mercury’s first appearance [in the east in ....] The 6th, equinox. [The xth, x]+20° before sunrise, lunar eclipse; it will make two-thirds of the disc. The 10+[xth, ....] will reach Scorpius. The 10+[xth,] .... [....] [....] .... The 28th, 2 bēru after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for.
´Rev. 1´ 2´
[....] The 10th, .... [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... Jup]iter stationary in Taurus. The 13th, Mars will reach Leo. The 14th, Mars’ acronychal rising. [....] ——————————
302 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
Nos. 158 & 159 [ŠE x x G]U4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ 15 dele-bat GU KUR 15 na 22 MÚL-BA[BBAR? ....] [(x) x x] AN ina A UŠ GE6 29 AN-KU10 ⌈šámaš 5⌉ ITU BAR DIB —————————— [D]IR-ŠE 30 6 GENNA ina ḪUN ŠÚ 7 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN IGI 12 LÁL-tì 15 A[N-KU10 sin] ⌈šá? DIB?⌉ 15 na 16 GU4-UD MÚL-MÚL KUR 25 dele-bat zibme KUR 28 KUR —————————— BAR 1 meš-ḫi šá KURmeš šá UDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-29 ISe-lu-ku LUGAL
No. 159 W. 20030/109 Copy: J. Van Dijk, Bagh. Mitt. Beiheft 2 No. 83 From Uruk Year: SE 147
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— KIN 1 13 na 25! LÁL-[tì ....] —————————— DU6 30 5 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 13 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na 22 GU4-UD ina KUR ina RÍN IGI 27 KUR GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš ina GÍR-TAB šá DIB 27 KUR 20 MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
APIN 1 5 dele-bat RÍN KUR 8 AN MÁŠ KUR 13 na 27 KUR 28 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB IGI 29 MÚL-BABBAR PA KUR —————————— GAN 30 1 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR U4 BI GU4-UD ina KUR ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ ⌈14 AN GU KUR U4 BI na 26 dele-bat PA KUR ⌉ [....]
Comments Rev. 4: The traces do fit the signs to be restored from the parallel tablet, see the following number.
Years SE 129 & 147 3´ 4´
[Month XII, ....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 15th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Jupi[ter? ....] [....] Mars stationary in Leo. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. —————————— Month XII2, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 6th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aries. The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. The 12th, equinox. The 15th, [lunar eclipse] which will be omitted?. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury will reach Taurus. The 25th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year 129, king Seleucus.
No. 159 ´Obv. 1´ 2´
4´ 5´
.... [....] —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, equi[nox. ....] —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 5th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 13th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse in Scorpius which will be omitted. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 20th, Pleiades’ last appearance.
Rev.´ 1 2
3 4
Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 5th, Venus will reach Libra. The 8th, Mars will reach Capricorn. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Saturn’s first appearance in Scorpius. The 29th, Jupiter will reach Sagittarius. —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 1st, Venus will reach Scorpius. This day, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Scorpius. The 14th, Mars will reach Aquarius. This day, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. [....]
Date The text is parallel to the following one which also comes from Uruk.
No. 160
No. 160 MLC 2195 Listed as LBAT *1124 Photo: Pl. 80 From Uruk Year: SE 147
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
BAR 1 2 dele-bat ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ KUR⌉ GE6? 14? ⌈šá 2? KAS? 8 UŠ⌉ G[E6] ana KUR šámas TAG4 AN-KU10 sin ina GÍR-TAB al ½ ḪAB-rat GAR-[an] U4 BI na 26 KUR 27 dele-bat ALLA KUR 28 šá 13 UŠ ŠÚ šámaš TAG4 AN-KU10 šámaš ina MÚL-MÚL ana PAP —————————— GU4 30 15 na 27 dele-bat A KUR U4? BI? KUR? ⌈x⌉ —————————— SIG 1 14? ⌈na⌉ 20 AN RÍN KUR 22 šámaš GUB-za 26 KUR —————————— ŠU 1 13 na U4 BI dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ 27 GU4-UD ina KUR ina ALLA? ŠÚ? —————————— IZI 30 ina? KU? 13 na 15 AN GÍR-TAB KUR 27 KUR 29? ⌈x x x x⌉ —————————— KIN 1 13 na 25 LÁL-tì 27 KUR 29 AN PA KUR ⌈x x⌉ —————————— DU6 30 5 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 13 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na 22 GU4-UD ina KUR ina RÍN IGI 27 KUR 29 AN-KU10 šámaš ina GÍR-TAB šá DIB 28sic KUR šámaš MÚL-MÚL ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 24sic MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ —————————— APIN 1 5 dele-bat RÍN KUR 8 AN MÁŠ KUR 13 na 27 KUR 28 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB IGI 29 MÚL-BABBAR PA KUR —————————— GAN 30 1 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina KUR ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ 14 AN GU KUR U4 BI na 26 dele-bat PA KUR 27 KUR 28 šámaš GUB-za
Year SE 147
No. 160 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
11 12
14 15 16 17
Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 2nd, Venus will reach Gemini. Night of the 14th, when 2 bēru 8° of night are left until sunrise, lunar eclipse in Scorpius; it will make more than half of the disc. This day, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 28th, when 13° are left until sunset, solar eclipse in Taurus to be watched for. —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, Venus will reach Leo. This day, last visibility of the moon before sunrise?. —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mars will reach Libra. The 22nd, solstice. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 13th, first moonset after sunrise.This day, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Leo. The 27th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer?. —————————— Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); .... The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th?, .... —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, equinox. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mars will reach Sagittarius. .... —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 5th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 13th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, solar eclipse in Scorpius which will be omitted. The 28th sic, at sunrise, Pleiades’ last appearance in the west. The 24th sic, Jupiter’s last appearance in Scorpius. —————————— Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 5th, Venus will reach Libra. The 8th, Mars will reach Capricorn. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Saturn’s first appearance in Scorpius. The 29th, Jupiter will reach Sagittarius. —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 1st, Venus will reach Scorpius. The xth, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Scorpius. The 14th, Mars will reach Aquarius. This day, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, solstice.
Nos. 160 & 161
306 Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AB 30 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI 15 na 21 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR 24 AN zib KUR 27 KUR 3 KAK-BAN ina KUR ana ME a —————————— ZÍZ 1 1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 14 dele-bat GU KUR 15 GU4-UD ina KUR ina GU IGI 15 na 27 KUR —————————— ŠE 30 7 AN ḪUN KUR 9 dele-bat zib KUR 16? na 19 GU4-UD ina KUR ina zib ŠÚ 22 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 29 šá 1 KAS ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana 5 ÁB BAR DIB 27 KUR —————————— 1-me-48 BAR 1 1 LÁL-tì meš-ḫi šá MU-1-me-47-KAM IAn-ti-ʾi-i-ku-su LUGAL (blank)
šá Id1-TIN-su-E A šá ILà-TÉŠ
No. 161 BM 34470 (= Sp 594) Copy: LBAT 1126 Photo: Pl. 81 Year: SE 157
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[BAR x .... GENNA] u AN ina zibme [....] [.... 2]9 KAK-BAN ŠÚ [....] —————————— [GU4 x .... GU4-U]D ina ḪUN GENNA ina zib[me ....] [....] ⌈KUR⌉ 26 GU4-UD ina NIM U[D-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB ....] —————————— [SIG x MÚL-BABBA]R ina ABSIN dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina zibme [....] [....] 13 šámaš GUB 15 na 17 dele-bat MAŠ-M[AŠ KUR ....] -—————————— [ŠU x MÚL]-BABBAR ina ABSIN dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GU4-U[D ....] [.... GENNA ina z]ib⌈me⌉ UŠ 13+[x] dele-bat [....]
Rev. broken
Years SE 147 & 157
Rev. 1
5 6 7
8 9
Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 8th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 24th, Mars will reach Pisces. The 27th , last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 3rd, Sirius’ acronychal rising in the east. —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 14th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 15th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). The 7th, Mars will reach Aries. The 9th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 16th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. The 22nd, Saturn stationary in Scorpius. The 29th, at 1 bēru after sunrise, solar eclipse for 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— 148, Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). The 1st, equinox. Predictions of year 147, king Antiochus. (blank)
Of Anu-balāssu-iqbi, son of Lâbâš.
No. 161 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8
[Month I, .... Saturn] and Mars in Pisces. [....] [.... The 2]9th, Sirius’ last appearance. —————————— [Month II, .... Mer]cury in Aries, Saturn in Pisces [....] [....] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 26th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east, .... o[mitted ....] —————————— [Month III, .... Jupi]ter in Virgo, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces [....] [....] The 13th, solstice. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Venus [will reach] Gemini [....] —————————— [Month IV, .... Ju]piter in Virgo, Venus in Gemini, Mercury [....] [.... Saturn] stationary [in Pi]sces. The 13+[xth,] Venus [....]
Rev. broken Date A solstice on III 13 restricts the year to SE 5 + 19n; Jupiter in Virgo, and Saturn and Mars in Pisces decides for SE 157.
Nos. 162 & 163
No. 162 BM 35894 (= Sp III 427) Copy: LBAT 1125 Photo: Pl. 81 Year: SE 157
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] 29 múlKAK-BAN Š[Ú ....] [GU4 x .... GE]NNA ina zibme 5 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-⌈DA IGI⌉ [DIB ....] [.... GU4-UD ina NI]M UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB 27 KUR [SIG x ....] GENNA ina zibme AN ina ḪUN 10 AN MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 13 [....] [.... KUR]-ád 18 GU4-UD A KUR-ád 28 KUR [ŠU x .... GU4-U]D ina A GENNA ina zibme AN MÚL-MÚL 4 KAK-[BAN IGI ....] [....] ⌈KUR?-ád⌉ 14 na 23 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-[ád ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [IZI x ....] AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ 9 dele-bat [....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Rev. broken
No. 163 BM 34121 (= Sp 223) Copy: LBAT 1127; SSB 3. Erg. Tf. V Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 494; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 362ff. Photo: Pl. 81 Year: SE 158
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ŠÚ-šú DIB 16 na 16 AN [A KUR-ád] [.... 2]7 KUR —————————— [SIG x MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN] dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina zibme AN ina A 6 GU4-UD ina Š[Ú ina] ⌈x IGI⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 23 GU4-UD A KUR-ád 24 šámaš GUB 27? KUR —————————— [ŠU x MÚL-BABBAR ina] RÍN dele-bat GU4-UD u AN ina A GENNA ina zibme 5 dele-bat ABSIN? KUR-ád? ⌈x x⌉ ? [.... 1]4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ 15 múlKAK-BAN IGI ⌈16? x x x GENNA⌉ ina TIL zibme UŠ
Years SE 157 & 158
No. 162 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[....] The 29th, Sirius’ last [appearance ....] [Month II, .... Sat]urn in Pisces. The 5th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east, .... [will be omitted ....] [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month III, ....] Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Aries. The 10th, Mars will reach Taurus. The 13th, [....] [....] will reach [....] The 18th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month IV, .... Mercu]ry in Leo, Saturn in Pisces, Mars Taurus. The 4th, Siri[us’ first appearance ....] [....] will reach [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, Mars will reach Gemini [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [Month V, ....] Mars in Gemini. The 9th, Venus [....] [....] .... [....]
Rev. broken Date Sirius dates (obv. 1´, 6´) restrict the year to SE 5 + 19n. Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Aries and Taurus decide for SE 157.
No. 163 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [.... Mercury’s ....] last appearance will be omitted. The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars [will reach Leo.] [.... The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month III, .... Jupiter in Libra,] Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Leo. The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in the we[st in] .... [....] .... The 23rd, Mercury will reach Leo. The 24th, solstice. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month IV, .... Jupiter in] Libra, Venus, Mercury, and Mars in Leo, Saturn in Pisces. The 5th, Venus will reach Virgo?. .... [.... The 1]4th?, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. The 15th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 16th, .... Saturn stationary in the end of Pisces.
Nos. 163 & 164
—————————— [IZI x MÚL]-BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat u [AN ....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 9´ [....] ⌈x 14⌉ na 21 AN ina TIL ⌈ABSIN?⌉ ŠÚ ⌈20+x KUR⌉ 10´ [KIN x MÚL]-BABBAR u dele-bat ina R[ÍN] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 11´-12´ (traces)
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x 30? x⌉ [x] x [....] GENNA ina zibme UŠ —————————— [GAN x MÚL-BA]BBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina [RÍN GENNA ina] zibme 8 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR-ád [.... GU4-UD] PA KUR-ád 27? KUR —————————— [AB 30 MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina] GÍR-TAB GU4-UD ina PA GENNA ina zibme 1 šámaš GUB 5 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a [.... G]U4-UD MÁŠ KUR-ád 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 13 na 27 KUR —————————— [ZÍZ x ....] GENNA ina zibme 4 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR-ád 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI [.... 2]8 AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB BAR DIB 29 dele-bat GU KUR-ád —————————— [ŠE x ....] GU4-UD u GENNA ina zibme 5 G[U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Date The data derived from the Uruk scheme, and the numerous planetary positions, allow to determine the date with certainty. Solstice on X 1 instead of IX 30 as expected by the Uruk Scheme shows that month IX was supposed to have only 29 days.
No. 164 BM 41010 (= 81-4-28,557) Listed as LBAT *1128 Photo: Pl. 82 Year: SE 159
Upper edge 6 [ina] ⌈a⌉-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[B]AR 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina zibme 3 LÁL-tì 13 AN ina zibme IGI 15 na 17 GU4-UD ina NIM [UD-DA] ⌈IGI DIB?⌉ 20 AN ḪUN KUR-ád 21 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád 25 GENNA ina ḪUN IGI [x x x] ⌈29 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA⌉ ŠÚ-šú DIB —————————— [GU4 x ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [MÚL-BABBAR] ⌈ana ME⌉ E-a
Years SE 158 & 159
—————————— [Month V, .... Ju]piter in Libra, Venus and [Mars ....] .... [....] .... 9´ [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Mars’ last appearance in the end of Virgo?. The 20+xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. 10´ [Month VI, .... Ju]piter and Venus in Li[bra,] .... [....] 11´-12´ (traces) 8´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
8´ 9´
10´ 11´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] Saturn stationary in Pisces. —————————— [Month IX, .... Jup]iter in Scorpius, Venus in [Libra, Saturn in] Pisces. The 8th, Venus will reach Scorpius. [.... Mercury] will reach Sagittarius. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in] Scorpius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn in Pisces. The 1st, solstice. The 5th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] Mercury will reach Capricorn. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XI, ....] Saturn in Pisces. The 4th, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 13th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. [.... The 2]8th, solar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 29th, Venus will reach Aquarius. —————————— [Month XII, ....] Mercury and Saturn in Pisces. The 5th, Mer[cury’s last appearance in the west in Pisces.] [....] .... [....]
No. 164 Upper edge 6 [At] the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ 1
2 3 4
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Pisces. The 3rd, equinox. The 13th, Mars’ first appearance in Pisces. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east [....], will be omitted. The 20th, Mars will reach Aries. The 21st, Venus will reach Aries. The 25th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aries. [....] The 29th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east ...., will be omitted. —————————— [Month II, ....] .... [.... Jupiter’s] acronychal rising.
Nos. 164 & 165
312 ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [ŠE x MÚ]L-⌈BABBAR⌉ ina PA dele-bat u GENNA ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina ⌈zibme x x 1? GU4-UD⌉ ina ⌈ŠÚ⌉ ina zibme ŠÚ [GE6] 13 3 DANNA GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin šal-šú ḪAB-[r]at GAR-an 13 na [x] dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 25 GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme IGI 26 KUR —————————— [DIR-Š]E 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina zibme GENNA
Upper edge 1 [ina ḪUN] AN ina ALLA 10 GENNA ina ḪUN ŠÚ 14 na 14 LÁL-tì 2 [x A]N A KUR 21 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR-ád 23 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA UŠ 3 [2]4 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 25 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ḪUN ŠÚ 27 KUR 4 [BAR] ⌈30⌉ (space) meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-59-KAM I 5 De-met-ri LUGAL
No. 165 BM 34345 (= Sp 460) Copy: LBAT 1129; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. Tf. VII Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 507-513; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 365 Photo: Pl. 82 Year: SE 160
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ x [....] AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB [....] AN-KU10 sin šá DIB [.... GENNA] ina ḪUN UŠ [KIN x .... AN ina] RÍN 2 NUNki ina NIM IGI [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina R]ÍN IGI 10 AN GÍR-TAB KUR [....] ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA [....] 27 KUR ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[DU6 x ....] 17 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x IGI ....] GENNA ana ME E-a 26 KUR [APIN x .... M]ÚL-MÚL ina ZÁLAG ina ŠÚ ŠÚ [....] ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR MÁŠ KUR [....] AN ina SAG PA ŠÚ 27 KUR [GAN x .... dele-b]at PA KUR 7 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [....] KUR 27 GENNA ina ḪUN UŠ [AB x ....] ⌈x MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ⌉ [IGI ....]
Years SE 159 & 160
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] [Month XII, .... Ju]piter in Sagittarius, Venus and Saturn in Aries, Mercury in Pisces .... The 1st?, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Pisces. [.... Night of] the 13th, 3 bēru after sunset, lunar eclipse; it will make one-third of the disc. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth,] Venus will reach Taurus. The 25th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Pisces. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month] XII2, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Pisces, Saturn
Upper edge 1 [in Ar]ies, Mars in Cancer. The 10th, Saturn’s last appearance in Aries. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, equinox. 2 [The xth,] Mars will reach Leo. The 21st, Mercury will reach Aries. The 23rd, Jupiter stationary in Sagittarius. 3 [The 2]4th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 25th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aries. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. 4 [Month I,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year 159, 5 king Demetrius.
No. 165 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] solar eclipse which will be omitted. [....] lunar eclipse which will be omitted. [.... Saturn] stationary in Aries. [Month VI, .... Mars in] Libra. The 2nd, first appearance of (the star of) Eridu in the east. [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in] Libra. The 10th, Mars will reach Scorpius. [....] The xth, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west .... [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[Month VII, ....] The 17th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east in ....] Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month VIII, ....] Pleiades’ last appearance in the morning in the west. [....] The xth, Jupiter will reach Capricorn. [....] Mars’ last appearance in the beginning of Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month IX, .... Ve]nus will reach Sagittarius. The 7th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Capricorn. [....] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Saturn stationary in Aries. [Month X, ....] The xth, Jupiter’s [first appearance] in Capricorn. [....]
No. 166
No. 166 BM 35729 (= Sp III 250) Copy: LBAT 1130 Photo: Pl. 83 Year: SE 162
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] [.... GENNA ina] MÚL-MÚL A[N ina] ⌈RÍN? x⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A IGI [....] ⌈KUR-ád⌉ 20 dele-bat A KUR-ád 27 KUR —————————— [IZI x .... dele]-bat ina A GU4-UD ina ABSIN GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina RÍN [x MÚL-BABBAR ana ME] E-a 6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ 7 AN GÍR-TAB KUR-ád [.... KU]R-ád 18 dele-bat ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ 22 ⌈GU4⌉-UD ABSIN? KUR-ád 24 múlNUNki ina NIM I[GI] —————————— [KIN x .... GE]NNA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina GÍR-TAB 8 GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL U[Š ....] [....] 20 AN PA ⌈KUR-ád⌉ 23+[x] ⌈GU4-UD?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... 2]⌈5?⌉ KUR 26 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ zibme K[UR-ád ....] [....] DIB? —————————— [GAN x .... GU4]-UD u AN ina MÁŠ GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL 9 AN GU KUR-⌈ád⌉ [....] DANNA GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin TIL-tì GAR-an 15 na [.... 19] múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a 19 dele-bat GU KUR-ád 24 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x IGI ....] —————————— [AB x ....] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL⌉ [....]
Right edge 1´ [....] 9 KU ⌈x⌉ [....]
Year SE 162
No. 166 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´
[....] [....] .... [....] [.... Saturn in] Taurus, Mars in Libra. The xth, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Leo. [....] will reach [....] The 20th, Venus will reach Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V, .... Ven]us in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Taurus, Mars in Libra. [The xth, Jupiter’s acronychal] rising. The 6th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. The 7th, Mars will reach Scorpius. [....] will reach [....] The 18th, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 22nd, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 24th, (the star of) Eridu’s first appearance in the east. —————————— [Month VI, .... Sat]urn in Taurus, Mars in Scorpius. The 8th, Saturn stationary in Taurus [....] [....] The 20th, Mars will reach Sagittarius. The 23+[xth,] Mercury? [....] [....] ....
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[.... The 2]5th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 26th, Jupiter will [reach] Pisces [....] [....] will be omitted. —————————— [Month IX, .... Mer]cury and Mars in Capricorn, Saturn in Taurus. The 9th, Mars will reach Aquarius. [....] bēru before sunrise, lunar eclipse, it will make totality. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... The 19th,] Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 19th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 24th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east in ....] —————————— [Month X, ....] .... Saturn in Taurus [....]
Right edge 1´ [....] The 9th?, .... [....]
Date Saturn stays in Taurus for most of the year; Mars moves from Libra as far as Aquarius. An acronychal rising of Sirius (rev. 5´) can only occur in months IX or X; a total lunar eclipse was expected for this month. These data are found together only in SE 162.
No. 167
No. 167 BM 34819 (= Sp II 318a) Copy: LBAT 1204 Photo: Pl. 83 Year: SE 165
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— GU4 1 dele-bat ina ḪUN GENNA ina MAŠ-MAŠ 14 na 16 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [x IGI ....] 19 GENNA ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [MÚL-BABBAR ina] ⌈SAG? MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ IGI ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— SIG 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈MAŠ⌉-MAŠ dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina ALLA ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈11 šámaš GUB⌉ 15 na ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x GENNA? ina?⌉ ALLA? ⌈IGI? x x x⌉ ⌈x GU4⌉-UD ina ŠÚ ⌈ina A ŠÚ⌉ [x x] —————————— [ŠU x MÚ]L-BABBAR u dele-bat ina [MAŠ-MAŠ .... 2 múlKAK]-BAN IGI 11 dele-bat ALLA KUR [x x x] 14 AN ina ALLA IGI 20+[x GU4-UD ina NIM ina] ⌈A?⌉ IGI 27? ⌈KUR?⌉ —————————— [IZI x] MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ⌈ALLA⌉ ⌈x x x x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 7 dele-bat A KUR-ád 13 [na? 1]6? ⌈GU4-UD? ina NIM⌉ [ina] A? ŠÚ 20+[x ....] —————————— [KIN x] MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] 12? ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ 12? AN RÍN KUR 14 na 21? MÚL-⌈BABBAR⌉ [ana ME E-a ....] —————————— [GAN x MÚL]-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ GU4-UD [ina] ⌈GÍR-TAB⌉ GENNA ina ALLA AN? ina RÍN ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] 15 na? 17 šámaš GUB ⌈x x GU4-UD⌉ ina NIM ina TIL PA ŠÚ ⌈22⌉ múlKAK-[BAN] ⌈ana⌉ M[E E]-⌈a x KUR⌉ 20+[x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— A[B ....] 14 na ⌈x x x⌉ [.... dele-ba]t? zibme KUR [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Comments Obv. 9: Venus, Mercury and Saturn were all in Cancer, but the signs are very damaged.
Year SE 165
No. 167 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
9´ 10´
[....] .... [....] —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Venus in Aries, Saturn in Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in [....] The 19th, Saturn’s last appearance in the end of Gemini. The xth, [Jupiter’s] first appearance in the beginning? of Gemini .... [....] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer .... [....] The 11th, solstice. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] .... Saturn’s? first appearance? in? Cancer? .... [The xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. [....] —————————— [Month IV, .... Ju]piter and Venus in [Gemini, .... The 2nd, Sirius’] first appearance. The 11th, Venus will reach Cancer. [....] The 14th, Mars’ first appearance in Cancer. The 20+[xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east in] Leo?. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V, ....] Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, .... [....] .... [....] The 7th, Venus will reach Leo. The 13th, [first moonset after sunrise?. The 1]6th?, Mercury’s? last appearance in the east? in Leo. The 20+[xth, ....] —————————— [Month VI, ....] Jupiter in Gemini, [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] The 12th?, .... [....] .... [....] [....] .... The 12th, Mars will reach Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st?, Jupiter’s [acronychal rising ....] —————————— [Month IX, .... Ju]piter in Gemini, Mercury in Scorpius, Saturn in Cancer, Mars in Libra .... [....] .... [....] .... [....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, solstice. The xth, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Sagittarius. The 22nd, Sirius’ acro[nychal rising.] The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise .... [....] —————————— Mon[th X, ....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. .... [.... Ven]us? will reach Pisces. [....] .... [....]
Date The solstices (obv. 5’, rev. 4’) and Sirius (rev. 4’) restrict the year to SE 13 + 19n. The positions and phenomena of Saturn and Jupiter determine the year as SE 165.
Nos. 168 & 169
No. 168 BM 35093 (= Sp II 631) + 77240 (= 83-6-30,20) Copy: LBAT 1131 (35093) Photo: Pl. 84 Year: SE 168
Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [....] 1 ⌈DANNA ME? NIM? AN-KU10 šámaš⌉ [....] —————————— 2´ [.... MÚL-BAB]BAR ina ABSIN GENNA ina A AN ina MÚL-MÚL 13 na ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ 3´ [.... GU4-UD ina Š]Ú ina ḪUN IGI 27 KUR 29 GU4-UD ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ KUR-ád —————————— 4´ [....]meš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-1-šu-8-KAM IDe-met-ri LUGAL Comments Rev. 3´: Venus and Mercury both had a first appearance in the west in the second half of month XII.
No. 169 BM 35366 (Sp II 943) + 36020 (= Sp III 564) Copy: LBAT 1132, 1133 Photo: Pl. 84 Year: SE 175
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... dele-bat] ABSIN KUR-ád 23 MÚL-BABBAR [ina x UŠ ....] —————————— [KIN x] MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina ABSI[N ....] [.... dele-b]at RÍN KUR-ád AN šá [....] —————————— [DU6 x MÚL-BABBA]R ina ḪUN dele-bat ina RÍN [....] [....] ⌈x 13+x x x⌉ [....] [.... AN-KU10] šámaš šá DIB GENNA ina [x ŠÚ] —————————— [APIN x MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN] dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB 9 MÚL-MÚL [....] [.... 2]6 AN ina SAG GÍR-TAB [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(broken) [....] ⌈x x KUR-ád⌉ 10+[x ....] [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina] GÍR-TAB IGI 25 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN U[Š ....] —————————— [AB x ....] ina GU GU4-UD šá ŠÚ-ú NU ⌈IGI⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] 25 dele-bat zib?[me ....] —————————— [ZÍZ x MÚL-BABBA]R ina ḪUN dele-b[at x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ KUR-ád 28 [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Years SE 168 & 175
No. 168 Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [....] .... [....] 1 bēru after sunrise?, solar eclipse [....] —————————— 2´ [Month XII, .... Jupit]er in Virgo, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Taurus. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. .... [....] .... 3´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in Aries. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury will reach Taurus. —————————— 4´ [.... reachings] of the planets of year 168, king Demetrius.
No. 169 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
[....] .... [....] [.... Venus] will reach Virgo. The 23rd, Jupiter [stationary in ....] —————————— [Month VI, ....] Jupiter in Aries, Venus in Virgo, [....] [.... Ven]us will reach Libra. Mars which [....] —————————— [Month VII, .... Jupit]er in Aries, Venus in Libra, [....] [....] .... The 13+xth, .... [....] [....] solar [eclipse] which will be omitted. Saturn’s [last appearance] in [....] —————————— [Month VIII, .... Jupiter in Aries,] Venus in Scorpius. The 9th, Pleiades [....] [.... The 2]6th, Mars’ [last appearance?] in the beginning of Scorpius [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
(broken) [....] will reach .... The 10+[xth, ....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in] Scorpius. The 25th, Jupiter [stationary] in Aries [....] —————————— [Month X, ....] in Aquarius; Mercury, which will have set, will not be visible [....] [....] .... [....] The 25th, Venus [will reach] Pisces? [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... Jupit]er in Aries, Venus [....] .... [....] [....] will reach .... The 28th, [....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
No. 170
No. 170 BM 34051 (= Sp 147) Copy: LBAT 1134 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I 96ff.; II 496ff.; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. Tf. VIII Photo: Pl. 84f. Year: SE 178
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 21 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú ⌈DIB⌉ [....] —————————— [SIG x M]ÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina PA 1 GENNA ana ME E-a 4 MÚL-BABBAR A[LLA KUR-ád] [x G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 13 GU4-UD ALLA KUR-ád 15 na 16 AN [ina x IGI ....] [x M]ÚL-BABBAR ina SAG ALLA ŠÚ 25 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 27 KUR —————————— [ŠU 3]0 dele-bat u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ GU4-UD ina ALLA GENNA ina PA 4 GU4-UD A KUR-ád 5 šámaš GU[B x x] [x] dele-bat ALLA KUR-ád 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA IGI 26 KAK-BAN IGI 27 ⌈KUR⌉ —————————— [IZ]I 1 MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina PA AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ 3 AN ALLA KUR-ád 4? [x x] 15 dele-bat A KUR-ád 15 na 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A IGI 27 KUR 2⌈8⌉ [x x] ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— KIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina ALLA dele-bat u GU4-UD ina A GENNA ina PA 9 dele-bat ABSIN KUR-[ád x] dele-bat ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A ŠÚ GE6 15 1 DANNA GE6 GIN [(x)] AN-KU10 sin šal-šú ḪAB-rat GAR-an 15 na 24 AN A KUR-ád 27 [KUR] —————————— DU6 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA GENNA ina PA AN ina A 8 LÁL-tì 14 na 21+[x ....] ——————————
Rev. 1 2 3
4 5
APIN [x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ALLA GENNA ina PA AN ina A 6 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GÍR-TAB IGI 12 G[U4-UD] ⌈PA⌉ KUR-ád 15? [na x] AN ABSIN KUR-ád 20 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL ALLA UŠ 23 GU4-[UD ina ŠÚ] [ina S]AG PA ŠÚ 2⌈5⌉ dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina [SAG?] ⌈PA IGI⌉ ⌈2⌉6 GENNA ina PA ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— GAN 1 MÚL-[BABBAR ina] ALLA dele-bat ina ⌈x⌉ [x x x] GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈GÍR⌉-[TAB IGI] ⌈x⌉ [....] 17 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR-ád 20+⌈x⌉ [x x x x] ⌈x⌉ KUR-ád 27+[x x x] ⌈x x⌉
Year SE 178
No. 170 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
10´ 11´
12´ 13´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... The 21st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. [....] —————————— [Month III, ....] Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 1st, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 4th, Jupiter [will reach Canc]er. [The xth,] Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Gemini. The 13th, Mercury will reach Cancer. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars’ [first appearance in ....] [The xth,] Jupiter’s last appearance in the beginning of Cancer. The 25th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month IV,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Venus and Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 4th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 5th, solstice [....] [The xth,] Venus will reach Cancer. The 22nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in Cancer. The 26th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Gemini. The 3rd, Mars will reach Cancer. The 4th?, [....] The 15th, Venus will reach Leo. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, [....] after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Cancer, Venus and Mercury in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 9th, Venus will reach Virgo. [The xth,] Venus’ last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Leo. Night of the 15th, 1 bēru after sunset, lunar eclipse; it will make one-third of the disc. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 24th, Mars will reach Leo. The 27th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] —————————— Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo. The 8th, equinox. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21+[xth, ....]
Rev. 1 2 3
4 5
Month VIII, [.... Jupiter in] Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo. The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Scorpius. The 12th, Mer[cury] will reach Sagittarius. The 15th?, [first moonset after sunrise. The xth,] Mars will reach Virgo. The 20th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Cancer. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance [in the west in the be]ginning of Sagittarius. The 25th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in [the beginning? of] Sagittarius. The 26th, Saturn’s last appearance in Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in .... [....] Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in Scorpius .... [....] The 17th, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 20+[xth, ....] will reach .... The 27+[xth, ....] ....
Nos. 170 & 171
322 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16
—————————— AB 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA dele-bat [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ? 11 šámaš GUB 14 na 15 [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x K]UR-ád ? 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina M[ÁŠ ŠÚ ....] KUR-ád —————————— [ZÍZ x M]ÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA dele-[bat ....] ⌈x⌉ 4 AN [ina RÍN?] UŠ 5 dele-bat [zibme KUR-ád] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ 21 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ] ina SAG zibme [IGI] [....] 28? [x] ⌈x x⌉ ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 29 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-á[d] —————————— [ŠE x M]ÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA dele-bat ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina zibme GENNA ina PA AN ina ABSIN 14 na 18 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [ina x Š]Ú 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA UŠ 22 AN ana ME E-a 26 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 2⌈8⌉ [KUR] —————————— [DIR-ŠE x ....] dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina PA AN ina ABSIN 14 na 14 LÁL-[tì ....] [....] ⌈dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 20+[x] GU4-UD ḪUN KUR-ád [....] [....] ⌈29 AN⌉ [....]
No. 171 BM 33867 (= Rm IV 429) Copy: LBAT 1135 Photo: Pl. 85 Year: SE 179
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
[BAR .... MÚL]-BABBAR ⌈ina ALLA dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina PA AN ina ABSIN x x x x⌉ [....] ? [....] 27 KUR 29 MÚL-MÚL ina NIM IGI —————————— [GU4 x] MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina PA AN ina ABSIN ⌈2 KAK-BAN ŠÚ 5⌉ GU4-[UD ina ŠÚ] [ina MAŠ]-MAŠ ⌈IGI?⌉ 14 na 17 GU4-UD ALLA KUR-ád 23 GENNA ana ME E-a 20+⌈x⌉ [KUR] —————————— [SIG x MÚL-BABBAR] dele-bat u GU4-UD ina ALLA GENNA ina PA 1 AN RÍN KUR-ád 2 dele-bat A KUR-á[d]
Years SE 175 & 179 6 7 8 9 10 11
14 15 16
—————————— Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer, Venus [....] .... [....] The 11th, solstice. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th?, [....] .... will reach [....] The 20th?, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in [Capricorn ....] will reach [....] —————————— [Month XI, ....] Jupiter in Cancer, Ven[us ....] .... The 4th, Mars stationary [in Libra?]. The 5th, Venus [will reach Pisces.] [....] .... [....] .... The 21st, Mercury’s [first appearance in the west] in the beginning of Pisces. [....] The 28th?, [....] .... before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Venus will reach Aries. —————————— [Month XII, .... Ju]piter in Cancer, Venus in Aries, Mercury in Pisces, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Virgo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west [in ....] The 19th, Jupiter stationary in Cancer. The 22nd, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 26th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 28th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] —————————— [Month XII2, ....] Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Virgo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, equinox. [....] [....] Venus will reach Gemini. The 20+[xth,] Mercury will reach Aries. [....] [....] ⌈The 29th, Mars⌉ [....]
No. 171 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ 1 2
3 4
[Month I, .... Ju]piter in Cancer, Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Virgo. .... [....] [....] The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east. —————————— [Month II, ....] Jupiter and Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Virgo. The 2nd, Sirius’ last appearance. The 5th, Mercury’s first appearance [in the west] [in Gem]ini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mercury will reach Cancer. The 23rd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 20+[xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] —————————— [Month III, .... Jupiter,] Venus, and Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 1st, Mars will reach Libra. The 2nd, Venus will reach Leo.
324 6 7 8 9 10
Nos. 171 & 172 [....] KUR-ád 16 šámaš GUB ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ALLA KUR-ád ⌈22?⌉ GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ ....] [....] dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina TIL ⌈ALLA⌉ ŠÚ —————————— [ŠU x .... MÚL-BABBAR] ina SAG A ŠÚ 7 ⌈KAK-BAN⌉ IGI 10 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x IGI] [....] 14 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 15 ⌈na⌉ [....] [.... AN]-KU10 šámaš ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[ZÍZ x ....] ⌈MÁŠ? GU4-UD u AN ina⌉ [zibme] ⌈GENNA ina PA 5 x⌉ [....] [....] KUR-ád 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ 14 na 25 AN ḪUN KUR-á[d x GU4-UD] [ina NIM] ina TIL GU IGI 28 KUR 30 dele-bat zibme KUR-ád —————————— ŠE ⌈30?⌉ [MÚL-BABB]AR ina A dele-bat ina zibme GU4-UD ina GU GENNA ina PA AN ina ḪUN 8 GU4-UD zibme ⌈KUR-ád⌉ 10+[x dele-bat ina NIM ina zib]me ŠÚ 14 AN ina ḪUN ŠÚ 14 na 25 LÁL-tì 27 KUR 29 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina zib]me ŠÚ —————————— [BAR] ⌈1⌉ meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-15-KAM [šá] ši-i MU-1-me-1,[19-K]AM IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL
No. 172 BM 46106 (= 81-7-6, 555) Copy: LBAT 1136 Photo: Pl. 86 Year: SE 179
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [...] —————————— [ŠU x .... G]ENNA ina PA AN ina RÍN 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina A[LLA ŠÚ x GU4-UD ina NIM] [ina AL]LA IGI 14 dele-bat ina NIM ina ALLA IGI 14 na [....] GENNA ina PA UŠ 27 KUR 27 AN G[ÍR-TAB KUR] —————————— IZI 1 dele-bat u GU4-UD ina ALLA GENNA ina PA [....] 10 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A ŠÚ 14 na 26 [....] —————————— KIN 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina A GENNA [....]
Year SE 179 6 7 8 9 10
[....] will reach [....] The 16th, solstice. The xth, Venus will reach Cancer. The 22nd?, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in ....] [....] Venus’ last appearance in the west in the end of Cancer. —————————— [Month IV, .... Jupiter’s] last appearance in the beginning of Leo. The 7th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 10th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east in ....] [....] The 14th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] [....] solar eclipse .... [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
6´ 7´ 8
[Month XI, ....] Capricorn, Mercury and Mars in [Pisces,] Saturn in Sagittarius. The 5th, .... [....] will reach [....] The 11th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Pisces. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Mars will reach Aries. [The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east] in the end of Aquarius. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Venus will reach Pisces. —————————— Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). [Jupi]ter in Leo, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in Aquarius, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Aries. The 8th, Mercury will reach Pisces. The 10+[xth, Venus’] last appearance [in the east in Pis]ces. The 14th, Mars’ last appearance in Aries. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, equinox. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east [in Pisces.] —————————— [Month I,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year 115, which is year 179, king Arsaces.
No. 172 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [Month IV, ....] Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Libra. The 1st, Jupiter’s [last appearance] in Can[cer. The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east in Can]cer. The 14th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Cancer. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Mars [will reach Scorp]ius. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Venus and Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius [....] The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Leo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, [....] —————————— Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL Jupiter and Venus in Leo, Saturn [....]
Nos. 172 & 173
326 8´ 9´
19 LÁL-tì 27 KUR [....] —————————— [DU6 x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— GAN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈A⌉ [....] 3 GU4-UD PA KUR 5 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL A UŠ [....] 14 na 20 dele-bat PA KUR 21 GENNA ina PA IGI 20+[x ....] —————————— AB 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina A dele-bat u GENNA ina PA AN ina G[U ....] GE6 14 2 DANNA GE6 GIN AN-KU10 sin [....] 14 na 16 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU IGI 25 [....] —————————— ⌈ZÍZ⌉ 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina A dele-bat ina MÁŠ 10 ⌈x⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈GU? KUR⌉ 11 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 KUR [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Date A solstice on VI 19 (obv. 8´) restricts the date to years SE 8 + 19n. Saturn in Sagittarius (first appearance on IX 21) and Jupiter in Leo identify the year as SE 179. The eclipse on X 14 confirms the date.
No. 173 BM 35551 (= Sp III 57) Copy: LBAT 1137 Photo: Pl. 86f. Year: SE 183
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[BAR x ....] ⌈x⌉ 14 dele-bat ḪUN KUR [x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— GU4 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina G[ÍR-TAB ....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ AN-KU10 sin ½? ḪAB-⌈rat⌉ GAR [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] 20 AN ina MÁŠ UŠ 27 KUR 20+[x ....] —————————— SIG 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL G[U4-UD ....] ⌈x x⌉ 3 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI ⌈DIB⌉ [x] dele-bat ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [KUR x dele-bat ina ŠÚ] ⌈ina MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ ŠÚ 13 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-⌈šú DIB⌉ 14? na 27 ⌈KUR 30 šámaš GUB⌉ —————————— ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina GU AN ina MÁŠ 6 GU4-UD ina ⌈ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI 6? MÚL⌉-BABBAR
Years SE 179 & 183 8´ 9´
The 19th, equinox. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] —————————— [Month VII, ....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] .... [....] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Leo, [....] The 3rd, Mercury will reach Sagittarius. The 5th, Jupiter stationary in the end of Leo. [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 21st, Saturn’s first appearance in Sagittarius. The 20+[xth, ....] —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Leo, Venus and Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Aqua[rius ....] Night of the 14th, 2 bēru after sunset, lunar eclipse [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 25th, [....] —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Leo, Venus in Capricorn. The 10th, .... [....] [....] will reach Aquarius?. The 11th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in ....] [....] .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] [....] .... [....]
No. 173 Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
[Month I, ....] .... The 14th, Venus will reach Aries. [....] .... [....] —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sc[orpius, ....] .... [....] lunar eclipse, it will make one-half? of the disk [....] .... [....] The 20th, Mars stationary in Capricorn. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 20+[xth, ....] —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Taurus, Mer[cury ....] .... The 3rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. [The xth,] Venus [will reach] Gemini. [The xth, Venus’] last appearance [in the west] in Gemini. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, solstice. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Capricorn. The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Virgo. The 6th?, Jupiter
328 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18
No. 173 ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 8 GU4-UD A KUR 12 ⌈AN⌉ ana ME E-a 13 na 13 GENNA ⌈MÁŠ KUR⌉ 21 KAK-BAN IGI 26 KUR 20+[x] GENNA ana ME E-a 30 GU4-UD ABSIN KUR —————————— IZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB GU4-UD ina [ABSI]N GENNA u AN ina ⌈MÁŠ 10?⌉ AN ⌈ina MÁŠ UŠ?⌉ 13 na 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈ABSIN⌉ ŠÚ 27? KUR 20+[x ....] —————————— KIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB GENN[A u A]N ina MÁŠ 8 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina ⌈ABSIN?⌉ [IGI ....] ? ⌈13 ⌉ na 14 dele-bat RÍN KUR 16 [GU4]-UD ABSIN KUR 27 KUR 30 GENNA ina ⌈MÁŠ⌉ [UŠ] —————————— [DU6] 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina ⌈RÍN⌉ [GU4]-UD ina ABSIN GENNA u AN ina MÁŠ 3 [....] [x x] KUR 6 GU4-UD ina [NI]M ina ABSIN ŠÚ 7 dele-bat [GÍR]-TAB KUR [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
APIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈PA dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB⌉ GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina GU 2 dele-bat PA KUR GE6 13 ? 2 DANNA GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 ⌈sin ½⌉ ḪAB-rat GAR-an 13 na 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina [PA ŠÚ] 25 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR 27 KUR 27 AN zibme KUR 28 1½ DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šámaš A[N-KU10 šámaš ana PAP] 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI —————————— GAN 30 dele-bat u GENNA ina MÁŠ GU4-UD ina PA AN ina zibme 10 GU4-UD MÁŠ KUR 14 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ⌈MÁŠ?⌉ [ŠÚ] 14 na 21 dele-bat GU KUR 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA IGI 23 GENNA GU KUR 27 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈PA?⌉ IGI 28? [KUR?] —————————— AB 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GU4-UD ina PA dele-bat u GENNA ina GU AN ina zibme 6 šámaš GUB 11 KAK-BAN ana ME E-a 14? na 15 dele-bat zibme KUR 17 AN ḪUN KUR 20 GENNA ina SAG GU ŠÚ 20 GU4-UD ⌈MÁŠ KUR 28? KUR⌉ —————————— ZÍZ 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA dele-bat ina zibme GU4-UD ina MÁŠ AN ina ḪUN 10 [G]U4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MÁŠ ŠÚ
Year SE 183 10 11
12 13
16 17 18
stationary in Scorpius. The 8th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 12th, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 13th, Saturn will reach Capricorn. The 21st, Sirius’ first appearance. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 20+[xth,] Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 30th, Mercury will reach Virgo. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Mercury in [Vir]go, Saturn and Mars in Capricorn. The 10th, Mars stationary in Capricorn. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 20+[xth, ....] —————————— Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Saturn [and] Mars in Capricorn. The 8th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the west in Virgo? [....] The 13th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, Venus will reach Libra. The 16th, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Saturn [stationary] in Capricorn. —————————— [Month VII,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Libra, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn and Mars in Capricorn. The 3rd, [....] [....] will reach [....] The 6th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 7th, Venus will reach Scorpius [....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Rev. 1
2 3
4 5
Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpius, Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Aquarius. The 2nd, Venus will reach Sagittarius. Night of the 13th, 2? bēru before sunrise, lunar eclipse, it will make half of the disc. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Jupiter’s [last appearance in Sagittarius.] The 25th, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Mars will reach Pisces. The 28th, 1½ bēru before sunset, [solar eclipse to be watched for.] The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Venus and Saturn in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius, Mars in Pisces. The 10th, Mercury will reach Capricorn. The 14th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in the beginning of Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 22nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in Sagittarius. The 23rd, Saturn will reach Aquarius. The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius?. The 28th?, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces. The 6th, solstice. The 11th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 17th, Mars will reach Aries. The 20th, Saturn’s last appearance in the beginning of Aquarius. The 20th, Mercury will reach Capricorn. The 28th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in Capricorn, Mars in Aries. The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Capricorn.
330 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17
Nos. 173 & 174 13 dele-bat ḪUN KUR 15 na 28 KUR 29 GENNA [ina] GU IGI —————————— ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA dele-bat u AN ina ḪUN GENNA ina GU 8 AN MÚL-MÚL KUR 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 14 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR 15 MÚL-BABBAR MÁŠ KUR 16 na 16 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR 28 KUR —————————— [DIR]-ŠE 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ dele-bat u AN ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina ḪUN GENNA ina GU 9 LÁL-[tì] [x GU4]-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ 15 na 25? AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 27 KUR GE6 29 [....] ⌈x MÚL⌉-BABBAR ina MÁŠ UŠ [.... d]UDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-1,23-KAM [I] An-ti-ʾu-uk-su LUGAL
No. 174 BM 34949 (= Sp II 469) Copy: LBAT 1139 Photo: Pl. 87 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 498f.; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 365 and Tf. VII Year: SE 185
Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [APIN x MÚL-BABB]AR u GENNA ina GU dele-bat ina [....] 2´ [.... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI 14 na ⌈10⌉+[x ....] —————————— 3´ [GAN x MÚL]-BABBAR u GENNA ina GU dele-bat ina PA GU4-UD ina G[ÍR-TAB ....] 4´ [.... GU4-U]D PA KUR 13 na 14 dele-bat ina NIM ina [PA IGI ....] 5´ [....] 28 šámaš GUB —————————— 6´ [AB x MÚL]-⌈BABBAR u GENNA⌉ ina GU dele-bat ina PA A[N ....] 7´ [....] ⌈29⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina GU Š[Ú ....] —————————— 8´ [ZÍZ x .... GENNA ina] ⌈GU⌉ AN ina ḪUN 1 G[U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina x IGI ....] 9´ [....] ⌈na⌉ 15 GU4-UD zibme KU[R ....] 10´ [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina x] ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— 11´ [ŠE x .... AN ina MÚ]L-MÚL 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL GU [IGI ....] 12´ [.... 1]4 AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB BAR DIB 10+[x ....] 13´ [....] 24 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR [....]
Years SE 183 & 185 10
13 14
15 16 17
The 13th, Venus will reach Aries. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. —————————— Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus and Mars in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius. The 8th, Mars will reach Taurus. The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. The 14th, Mercury will reach Aries. The 15th, Jupiter will reach Capricorn. The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month XII2, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus and Mars in Taurus, Mercury in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius. The 9th, equinox. [The xth, Mer]cury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th?, Mars will reach Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, [....] The xth, Jupiter stationary in Capricorn. [....] of the planets of year 183, king Antiochus.
No. 174 Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [Month VIII, .... Jupi]ter and Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in [....] 2´ [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Scorpius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 10+[xth, ....] —————————— 3´ [Month IX, .... Ju]piter and Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius, Mercury in Sc[orpius ....] 4´ [.... Mercu]ry will reach Sagittarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the east in [Sagittarius ....] 5´ [....] The 28th, solstice. —————————— 6´ [Month X, .... Ju]piter and Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius, Ma[rs ....] 7´ [....] The 29th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Aquarius. [....] —————————— 8´ [Month XI, .... Saturn in] Aquarius, Mars in Aries. The 1st, Mer[cury’s first appearance in the west in ....] 9´ [....] first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mercury will reach Pisces [....] 10´ [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west in ....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— 11´ [Month XII, .... Mars in Tau]rus. The 1st, Jupiter’s [first appearance] in the end of Aquarius [....] 12´ [.... The 1]4th, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 10+[xth, ....] 13´ [....] The 24th, Mars will reach Gemini [....] Date A solstice on a 28th day (rev. 5´) can only be IX 28, winter solstice. The year is therefore SE 11 + 19n. The positions of Jupiter and Saturn, together with a lunar eclipse possibility (rev. 12´), decide for SE 185.
No. 175
No. 175 BM 46255 (= 81-7-6,720) Listed as LBAT *1140 Photo: Pl. 87 Year: SE 186
´Obv.´ 1´
[GU4] 30 MÚL-⌈BABBAR u GENNA⌉ ina zibme dele-bat ina ḪUN AN ina [....] [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ]-MAŠ ⌈IGI⌉ 19 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 26 dele-bat M[ÚL-MÚL KUR-ád ....] [SIG] ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme ⌈dele-bat ina⌉ M[ÚL-MÚL ....] [x dele-b]at MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 27 GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ ....] [ŠU x MÚL]-⌈BABBAR⌉ u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ AN ina [....] [x MÚL-BABBAR ina] zibme UŠ 16 AN ina A ŠÚ ⌈18 x⌉ [....] [IZI] 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[AB ....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [ZÍZ ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— [ŠE x MÚL-BA]BBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina ḪUN AN ina [....] [x x A]N-KU10 sin 2-ta ŠUII m[eš ....] [x] dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 24 AN [GU KUR-ád ....] —————————— [DIR-ŠE ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Year SE 186
No. 175 ´Obv.´ 1´
[Month II,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Aries, Mars in [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in Ge]mini. The 19th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 26th, Venus [will reach Taur]us. [....] [Month III,] .... Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in T[aurus ....] [The xth, Ven]us will reach Gemini. The 27th, Mercu[ry’s last appearance in the west in ....] [Month IV, .... Ju]piter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Gemini, Mars in [....] [The xth, Jupiter] stationary in Pisces. The 16th, Mars’ last appearance in Leo. The 18th, .... [....] [Month V,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in [....] [....] .... [....]
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[Month X, ....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] [Month XI, ....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] —————————— [Month XII, .... Jupit]er in Pisces, Venus in Aries, Mars in [....] [....] lunar eclipse, [it will make] two-thirds [of the disc ....] [The xth,] Venus will reach Taurus. The 24th, Mars [will reach Aquarius ....] —————————— [Month XII2, ....] .... [....]
Date A last appearance of Sirius on day 19 (obv. 3´) must be in month II. The year is thereby restricted to SE 15 + 19n. Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces identify it as SE 186.
No. 176
No. 176 BM 45827 + 46094 (= 81-7-6,248+543) Copy: LBAT 1141, 1142 Photo: Pl. 88 Year: SE 189
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 15´ 16´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ [....] [....] ⌈13?⌉ na 1[4 dele-b]at ⌈ḪUN⌉ KUR-ád 22 múlKAK-BAN Š[Ú ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 26 KUR —————————— [SIG x .... AN] ina ḪUN 11 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MÚL-MÚL IGI [....] [....] ⌈15 GU4-UD MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ KUR-ád 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ IGI 24 AN MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 26 KUR [....] —————————— [ŠU x] ⌈MÚL⌉-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u AN ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina ḪUN 7 šámaš GUB 10 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád ⌈x⌉ [....] [x GU4-UD ina Š]Ú [ina] ⌈x⌉ IGI 26+[x KUR] ⌈28⌉ múlKAK-BAN IGI 28 2½ DANNA [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [IZI x x] ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR [u dele-bat] ina MAŠ-MAŠ GU4-UD ina A? GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina MÚL-MÚL 6 dele-bat [ALLA KUR-ád ....] [....] KUR-ád 11 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád GE6 14 2⌈½ DANNA GE6 GIN AN-KU10⌉ [sin ....] [....] 14 na 28 KUR 30 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ [....] —————————— [KIN x ....] ⌈x x x GENNA⌉ ina ḪUN? 2 dele-bat A KUR-ád [....] [.... x]+4 ⌈GU4-UD ina NIM⌉ ina ABSIN IGI 27 KUR 27 ⌈x⌉[....] —————————— [KIN-2-KAM x ....] ⌈x⌉ [....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina [ABSIN ŠÚ ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[DU6 ....] ⌈x GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x x⌉ 26 AN ina A[LLA? UŠ? ....] [APIN ....] ⌈x x x x x GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina⌉ AL[LA ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x x x x x⌉ [....] [GAN .... 1]3 šámaš GUB 18 múl⌈KAK-BAN⌉ ana ME E-a [....] [....] ⌈x x 30? ME NIM-a⌉ AN-KU10 šámaš? ⌈ana PAP⌉ [....] [AB x] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GU4-UD ina MÁŠ x⌉ [....] ⌈x dele-bat zibme⌉ KU[R-ád x] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ GU KUR-ád 25 MÚL-[BABBAR] ina [x] U[Š ....] ⌈GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ 28? KUR⌉ ZÍZ 1 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ina⌉ [MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat] ina zibme ⌈GENNA ina ḪUN 2?⌉ [.... AN] ⌈ALLA KUR-ád 27 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN IGI 27 KUR⌉
Year SE 189
No. 176 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
13´ 14´
15´ 16´
[....] .... [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus [....] [....] The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 1[4th, Ven]us will reach Aries. The 22nd, Sirius’ last [appearance ....] [....] .... The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month III, .... Mars] in Aries. The 11th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Taurus. [....] [....] The 15th, Mercury will reach Gemini. The 22nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in Gemini. The 24th, Mars will reach Taurus. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] —————————— [Month IV, ....] Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Mars in Taurus, Saturn in Aries. The 7th, solstice. The 10th, Venus will reach Gemini. .... [....] [The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the we]st in .... The 26+[xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] The 28th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 28th, 2½ bēru [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [Month V, ....] .... Jupiter [and Venus] in Gemini, Mercury in Leo, [Satu]rn in Aries, Mars in Taurus. The 6th, Venus [will reach Cancer ....] [....] will reach [....] The 11th, Mars will reach Gemini. Night of the 14th, 2½ bēru after sunset, [lunar] eclipse [....] [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. [....] —————————— [Month VI, ....] ...., Saturn in Aries. The 2nd, Venus will reach Leo. [....] [.... The x]+4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, .... [....] —————————— [Month VI2, ....] .... [....] Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in [Virgo. ....] [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[Month VII, ....] Saturn in Aries, Mars in [....] [....] .... The 26th, Mars [stationary?] in Can[cer? ....] [Month VIII, ....] .... Saturn in Aries, Mars in Can[cer ....] [....] .... [....] .... [....] [Month IX, .... The 1]3th, solstice. The 18th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] [....] .... 30°? after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. [....] [Month X, ....] Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Aquarius, Mercury in Capricorn .... [....] The xth, Venus will reach Pisces. [The xth,] Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 25th, Jup[iter stat]ionary in [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 28th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in [Gemini, Venus] in Pisces, Saturn in Aries. The 2nd?, [.... Mars] will reach Cancer. The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
Nos. 176 & 177
336 12´ 13´
[ŠE x] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠMAŠ dele-bat GU4-UD u GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina ALLA x⌉ [....] [.... KUR]-⌈ád⌉ 16 LÁL-tì 10+[x ....]
No. 177 BM 45839 (= 81-7-6,263) Copies: LBAT 1144 Photo: Pl. 88 Year: SE 190
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[BAR x ....] 7? dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 14 na 27 KUR 29 múlGU4-UD ALLA KUR-ád —————————— [GU4 x .... GENNA] ina ḪUN IGI 2 dele-bat ALLA KUR-ád 2 AN A KUR-ád 4 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ [.... GU4-UD ina] NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-sú DIB 27 KUR 28 dele-bat A KUR-ád —————————— [SIG x ....] 10 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA ŠÚ 12 AN-KU10 sin ⌈BAR?⌉ DIB 13 na [....] ⌈x x⌉
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ 20 GENNA MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 22 dele-bat GU [KUR-ád] [.... 2]9 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR-ád —————————— [ŠE x ....] GENNA ina MÙL-MÚL 8 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈ina? ALLA? UŠ?⌉ 14 na [....] 26 KUR 27 LÁL-tì —————————— [....] MU-1-me-26 šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,30 IAr-šá-kam LUGAL
Years SE 189 & 190 12´ 13´
[Month XII, ....] Jupiter in Gemini, Venus, Mercury and Saturn in Aries, Mars in Cancer. .... [....] [....] will [reach ....] The 16th, equinox. The 10+[xth, ....]
Date A solstice and two Sirius dates (obv. 3´, 7´f.) restrict the year to SE 18 + 19n. Planetary phenomena like a first appearance of Jupiter (obv. 6´), Saturn in Aries, and a solar eclipse possibility in month IV identify the year as SE 189.
No. 177 Obv.´ 1
2 3
4 5
[Month I, ....] The 7th?, Venus will reach Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury will reach Cancer. —————————— [Month II, .... Saturn’s] first appearance in Aries. The 2nd, Venus will reach Cancer. The 2nd, Mars will reach Leo. The 4th, Sirius’ last appearance. [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus will reach Leo. —————————— [Month III, ....] The 10th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Cancer. The 12th, lunar eclipse, “extraneous”?, will be omitted. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] ....
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... The 20th, Saturn will reach Taurus. The 22nd, Venus [will reach] Aquarius. [.... The 2]9th, Mercury will reach Aries. —————————— [Month XII, ....] Saturn in Taurus. The 8th, Jupiter stationary? in Cancer?. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, equinox. —————————— [....] year 126, which is year 190, king Arsaces.
Nos. 178 & 179
No. 178 BM 34298 (= Sp 409) Copy: LBAT 1143 Photo: Pl. 89 Year: SE 190
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [....] (blank) [.... 2]8 11? KUR [IZI x ....] 3 GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL UŠ 20+[x ....] [KIN x ....] 6 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina SAG RÍN Š[Ú ....] [....] 21 LÁL-tì 23 dele-b[at ina NIM ina x IGI ...]
No. 179 BM 35620 (= Sp III 131) Listed as LBAT *1145 Photo: Pl. 89 Year: SE 195
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
[....] ⌈x⌉ [x x] 12? G[U4-U]D MAŠ-MAŠ KUR [.... MÚL]-BABBAR GÍR-TAB KUR [x] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ [....] (blank) —————————— [GU4 x .... A]N ina MAŠ-MAŠ 2 GENN[A ALL]A KUR ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR [....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina SAG ALLA ⌈ŠÚ⌉ —————————— [SIG x ....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI (error for: ŠÚ) [1]3 šámaš GUB [.... n]a 18 AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ina ŠÚ [ina x ŠÚ ....] 28 ⌈KUR⌉ 30 AN ALLA KUR —————————— [ŠU x .... 4 KA]K-BAN IGI 5 GENNA ina ALLA [I]GI [.... GU4-UD ina Š]Ú ina A IGI 15 na 19 G[U4]-UD ABSIN KUR 27 KUR —————————— [IZI x .... GENNA u] AN ina ALLA GU4-UD ina ABSIN 10 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ ....] 23 dele-bat A KUR 28 KUR [.... AN-KU10 šá]maš ana PAP —————————— [KIN x ....] MÚL-BABBAR PA KUR [....] ⌈x x⌉
Years SE 190 & 195
No. 178 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [....] [....] (blank) [.... The 2]8th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise: 11°?. [Month V, ....] The 3rd, Saturn stationary in Taurus. The 20+[xth, ....] [Month VI, ....] The 6th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in the beginning of Libra [....] [....] The 21st, equinox. The 23rd, Venus’ [first appearance in the east in ....]
Date An equinox on day 21 can only be autumn equinox on VI 21.The year is then SE 0 + 19n. A stationary point of Saturn in Taurus decides for SE 190. A last visibility of Venus on VI 6 agrees with this date.
No. 179 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
[....] .... [....] The 12th?, Mercury will reach Gemini. [.... Ju]piter will reach Scorpius. [The xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. [....] (blank) —————————— [Month II, .... Ma]rs in Gemini. The 2nd, Saturn will reach Cancer. The xth, Jupiter [....] The xth, Saturn’s last appearance in the beginning of Cancer. —————————— [Month III, ....] Mercury’s first (error for: last) appearance in the east in Gemini. The [1]3th, solstice. [.... first moonset] after sunrise. The 18th, Mars’ first appearance in Gemini. The xth, Venus’ [last appearance] in the west [in ....] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Mars will reach Cancer. —————————— [Month IV, .... The 4th, Si]rius’ first appearance. The 5th, Saturn’s first appearance in Cancer. [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the w]est in Leo. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V, .... Saturn and] Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Virgo. The 10th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in ....] The 23rd, Venus will reach Leo. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] solar [eclipse] to be watched for. —————————— [Month VI, ....] Jupiter will reach Sagittarius. [....] ....
Nos. 179 & 180
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈GENNA⌉ [.... AN-KU10 šá]maš? ana PAP [....] [....] ŠÚ? [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] LUGAL
No. 180 BM 45972 + 46013 (= 81-7-6, 414 + 459) Photo: Pl. 89 Year: SE 195
Obv.´ 1
[....] ⌈x dele-bat? ALLA? KUR? 25⌉ [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [GU4 ....] ⌈GENNA⌉ ina MAŠ-MAŠ 2 GENNA ⌈ALLA KUR⌉ [x] MÚL-BA[BBAR ana ME E-a ....] [.... GENN]A ina SAG ALLA ŠÚ —————————— [SIG ....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ŠÚ 13⌉ šámaš GUB [....] [.... A]N ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 23 dele-bat [ina] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [ina] ⌈ALLA?⌉ [IGI] [....] (blank) —————————— [ŠU ....] 4 múlKAK-BAN ⌈IGI 4 GENNA ina ALLA⌉ IGI [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x 28 KUR?⌉ [....] [IZI .... dele-bat] ⌈u?⌉ AN ina ALLA GU4-U[D ....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....]
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[.... GU4-UD? ina ŠÚ ina] MÁŠ ⌈IGI? x x⌉ [....] —————————— [GAN ....] ⌈x⌉ [.... GEN]NA ina ALLA AN ina RÍN 12 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR?⌉ ina PA IGI [....] [....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [19 šámaš G]UB 22 GENNA ana ME E-a 24 m úl [ KAK-BAN ana ME E-a] —————————— [AB] 30 MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina [A]LLA AN ina RÍN 1 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI ⌈x⌉ [....]
Year SE 195
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] Saturn [....] solar? [eclipse] to be watched for. [....] [....] last appearance? [....] .... [....] [....] king.
Date A solstice on III 13 (obv. 6) shows the year to be SE 5 + 19n. A last and first appearance of Saturn in Cancer, combined with a first appearance of Mars in Gemini (obv. 7) suffice to determine the year as SE 195.
No. 180 Obv.´ 1
[....] .... Venus? will reach? Cancer?. The 25th, [....] [....] (blank) —————————— [Month II, ....,] Saturn in Gemini. The 2nd, Saturn will reach Cancer. [The xth,] Jup[iter’s acronychal rising ....] [.... Sat]urn’s last appearance in the beginning of Cancer. —————————— [Month III, ....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Gemini. The 13th, solstice. [....] [.... Ma]rs’ first appearance in Gemini. The 23rd, Venus’ [first appearance in] the west in Cancer?. [....] (blank) —————————— [Month IV, ....] The 4th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 4th, Saturn’s first appearance in Cancer. [....] [....] .... The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] [Month V, .... Venus] and? Mars in Cancer, Merc[ury ....] [....] .... [....]
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
[.... Mercury’s?] first appearance? [in the west in] Capricorn. .... [....] —————————— [Month IX, .... Sat]urn in Cancer, Mars in Libra. The 12th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Sagittarius. [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn. [The 19th, solst]ice. The 22nd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 24th, S[irius’ acronychal rising.] —————————— [Month X,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Can]cer, Mars in Libra. The 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn .... [....]
Nos. 180 & 181
342 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
[x] KUR-ád 12 na 27 KUR —————————— [ZÍZ] ⌈1⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina PA dele-bat u GU4-UD ina MÁŠ GENNA ina ALLA AN ina RÍN ⌈5?⌉ GU4-UD ina ⌈NIM?⌉ [ina x ŠÚ] [x MÚ]L-BABBAR MÁŠ KUR-ád 10? GU4-UD ina NI[M] ⌈ina GU⌉ ŠÚ 13 na 15? ⌈AN ina TIL RÍN⌉ UŠ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ 27 ⌈KUR?⌉ x x ⌈28?⌉ [....] ⌈x 40+x ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB [....] —————————— [ŠE] 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ dele-bat ina ⌈GU?⌉ [GEN]NA ina ALLA AN ina RÍN ⌈4+x⌉ dele-bat ina ⌈NIM⌉ [ina x ŠÚ] [x] AN-KU10 dsin šá DIB 14? na [1]4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN IGI ⌈20+x x x⌉ [....] [AN] ⌈ana ME⌉ E-a 27 KUR [....] —————————— [....] šá KUR-ádmeš šá ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Date A solstice on [III] 13, and a first appearance of Sirius on IV 4, leave only SE 5 + 19n. The actual year can be identified by the Saturn phenomena and the eclipse possibilities in months XI and XII.
No. 181 BM 45716 (= 81-7-6, 123) Listed as LBAT *1147 Photo: Pl. 90 Year: SE 197
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [GAN ....] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina A ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 2´ [.... GU4-U]D ina NIM ina TIL GÍR-TAB IGI 22 GENNA ina A UŠ 20+[x ....] 3´ [....] ⌈27?⌉ KUR 4´ [AB] ⌈30⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina GU GU4-UD ina PA GENNA ina A AN ina RÍN 11 šámaš GUB 15 na 5´ ⌈16⌉ KAK-BAN ana ME E-a 17 AN GÍR-TAB KUR 22 GU4-UD MÁŠ KUR 25 dele-bat 6´ ina ŠÚ ina TIL MÁŠ IGI 26 dele-bat GU KUR 27 KUR 29 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 7´ ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina A AN ina GÍR-TAB 12 GENNA ana ME E-a 8´ GE6 14 30 40 50 GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin al-la 2-ta ŠUII ḪAB-rat 9´ DIR GAR-an ád ŠÚ 14 na 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU ŠÚ 20 dele-bat zibme KUR 27 KUR
Years SE 195 & 197 5´
7´ 8´
10´ 11´ 12´
will reach [....] The 12th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XI,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn in Cancer, Mars in Libra. The 5th?, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in ....] [The xth, Ju]piter will reach Capricorn. The 10th?, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius, The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th?, Mars stationary in the end of Libra. [....] .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. .... The 28th, [....] 40+x° before sunset, solar eclipse (after) 5 months, [....] —————————— [Month XII,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius, [Sat]urn in Cancer, Mars in Libra. The 4+xth, Venus’ [last appearance] in the east [in ....] [The xth,] lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [The 1]4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. The 20+xth, .... [....] [Mars’] acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.[....] —————————— [....] of the reachings of .... [....] .... [....]
No. 181 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. broken; ´Rev. 1´ [Month IX, ....] .... Saturn in Leo .... [....] 2´ [.... Merc]ury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Scorpius. The 22nd, Saturn stationary in Leo. The 20+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. 4´ [Month X,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Libra. The 11th, solstice. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. 5´ The 16th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 17th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 22nd, Mercury will reach Capricorn. The 25th, Venus’ 6´ first appearance in the west in the end of Capricorn. The 26th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. 7´ Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Scorpius. The 12th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. 8´ Night of the 14th, 30° (or) 40° (or) 50° before sunrise, lunar eclipse; it will make more than two-thirds of the disc; 9´ it will set eclipsed. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Aquarius. The 20th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
Nos. 181 & 182
344 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´ 14´
15´ 16´
GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB ŠE 1 dele-bat ina zibme GENNA ina A AN ina GÍR-TAB 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 8 AN PA KUR 14 dele-bat ḪUN KUR 14 na 15 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR 21 MÚL-BABBAR ina SAG zibme IGI 27? KUR DIR-ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat u GU4-UD ina ḪUN GENNA ina A AN ina PA 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ ⌈11+x?⌉ dele-bat ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ KUR 14 LÁL-tì 15 na 18 GENNA ina A UŠ —————————— ⌈BAR? 1?⌉ [.... meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš] šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-33-KAM [šá ši-i MU-1-me-1,]37-KAM IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL
No. 182 BM 35187 (= Sp II 740) + BM 35737 (= Sp III 259) Copies: LBAT 1148, 1149 Photo: Pl. 90 Year: SE 198
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ 30 dele-bat RÍN ⌈KUR-ád⌉ —————————— [IZI x .... AN ina M]ÁŠ? 16 GENNA ina A IGI 17 [G]U4-UD ina NIM [ina x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 25 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a —————————— [KIN x .... MÚL-BABBAR ina x dele-b]at ina RÍN GENNA ina A AN ina MÁŠ 2 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina SAG RÍN ŠÚ 14 na 19 LÁL-tì [x dele-bat ina NIM ina x] IGI 27 KUR ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2
[DU6 x MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina] ABSIN GENNA ina A AN ina MÁŠ 11 GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ ina x IGI] ⌈14?⌉ na 16 AN GU KUR-ád [.... 2]1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL GÍR-TAB ŠÚ 27 KUR 2⌈8⌉ [MÚL-BABBAR] ina zibme UŠ —————————— [APIN x ....] GENNA ina A AN ina GU 11 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI [x x] 27 KUR 30 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR-ád ——————————
Years SE 197 & 198 10´ 11´
15´ 16´
Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Venus in Pisces, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Scorpius. The 4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. The 8th, Mars will reach Sagittarius. The 14th, Venus will reach Aries. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mercury will reach Aries. The 21st, Jupiter’s first appearance in the beginning of Pisces. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XII2, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Venus and Mercury in Aries, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Sagittarius. The 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. The 11+xth?, Venus will reach Taurus. The 14th, equinox. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, Saturn stationary in Leo. —————————— Month I, the 1st ? (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [Predictions of the reachings] of the planets of year 133, [which is year 1]97, king Arsaces.
No. 182 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] .... [....] .... The 30th, Venus will reach Libra. —————————— [Month V, .... Mars in Cap]ricorn?. The 16th, Saturn’s first appearance in Leo. The 17th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in ....] The 25th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. —————————— [Month VI, .... Jupiter in ...., Ven]us in Libra, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Capricorn. The 2nd, Venus’ last appearance in the west in the beginning of Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, equinox. [The xth, Venus’] first appearance [ in the east in ....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ——————————
Rev.´ 1
[Month VII, .... Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in] Virgo, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Capricorn. The 11th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in [the west in ....] The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars will reach Aquarius. [.... The 2]1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, [Jupiter] stationary in Pisces. —————————— [Month VIII, ....] Saturn in Leo, Mars in Aquarius. The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius. [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Venus will reach Scorpius. ——————————
346 4 5 6 7 8 9
Nos. 182 & 183 [GAN x .... dele-bat u GU4-U]D ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina A 1 AN zibme KUR-ád 6 GU4-UD P[A? KUR-ád] 14 na 16 [....] ⌈2⌉6 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL PA ŠÚ 27 múlKAK-BAN ana ME [E]-a 27 KUR [.... A]N-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB ana PAP 28 dele-bat PA K[UR-á]d —————————— [AB x ....] GE6 15 30 DANNA GE6 GIN [....] [....] ⌈x 27 KUR⌉ 28 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina x IGI] —————————— [ZÍZ x ....] GENNA ana [ME E-a ....]
Date An acronychal rising of Sirius on the 27th day (rev. 5) identifies the month as IX and the year as SE 8 + 19n. A first appearance of Saturn in Leo (obv. 3´), and eclipse possibilities in months IX and X, lead to SE 198.
No. 183 BM 38212 (= 80-11-12, 94) Listed as LBAT *1150 Photo: Pl. 91 Year: SE 200
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x x x 27 KUR⌉ —————————— [GU4 x ....] ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina ABSIN AN ina GU 5 GU4-UD ALLA KUR [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ] ina GU ŠÚ 28 KUR 29 2½ DANNA [....] (blank) —————————— [SIG x ....] ⌈8⌉ šámaš GUB 13 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na [.... dele-bat M]AŠ-MAŠ KUR 21 GU4-UD ALLA KUR 24 AN ⌈ina zibme⌉ UŠ [....] (blank) —————————— [....] (traces) [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... K]UR 21 dele-bat MÁŠ KU[R ....] —————————— [AB x .... dele-bat u GU4-UD ina] ⌈GU⌉ GENNA ina ABSIN AN ina ḪUN 1 MÚL-⌈BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL⌉ UŠ [....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 15 na 20 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x IGI ....] 26 AN MÚL-MÚL KUR 28 KUR —————————— [ZÍZ x ....] GENNA ina ABSIN 15 na 22 GENNA ana ⌈ME E-a⌉ [....] [....] (blank)
Date A solstice on the 8th in the first part of the year must be on III 8, and the year SE 10 + 19n. Saturn in Virgo, and a station of Jupiter in Taurus on X 1, result in SE 200.
Years SE 198 & 200 4
5 6 7 8
[Month IX, .... Venus and Mercu]ry in Scorpius, Saturn in Leo. The 1st, Mars will reach Pisces. The 6th, Mercury [will reach] Sagi[ttarius?.] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, [....] The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Sagittarius. The 27th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] solar eclipse (after) 5 months, to be watched for. The 28th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. —————————— [Month X, ....] Night of the 15th, 30° (i. e. one) bēru after sunset, [lunar eclipse ....] [....] .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the west in ....] —————————— [Month XI, ....] Saturn’s acro[nychal rising ....]
No. 183 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month II, ....] in Gemini, Saturn in Virgo, Mars in Aquarius. The 5th, Mercury will reach Cancer. [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west] in Aquarius. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, 2½ bēru [....] (blank) —————————— [Month III, ....] The 8th, solstice. The 13th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Venus] will reach Gemini. The 21st, Mercury will reach Cancer. The 24th, Mars stationary in Pisces. [....] (blank) —————————— [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] [....] will reach [....] The 21st, Venus will reach Capricorn [....] —————————— [Month X, .... Venus and Mercury in] Aquarius, Saturn in Virgo, Mars in Aries. The 1st, Jupiter stationary in Taurus. [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east in ....] The 26th, Mars will reach Taurus. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XI, ....] Saturn in Virgo. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Saturn’s acronychal rising [....] [....] (blank)
No. 184
No. 184 BM 35562 (= Sp III 69) Copy: LBAT 1151 Photo: Pl. 92 Year: SE 201
Upper edge 2 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15
BAR 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ⌈MÚL⌉-[MÚL ....] 18 GU4-UD MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 22 dele-bat MAŠ-[MAŠ KUR-ád ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— GU4 30 ina ⌈KAL? MÚL⌉-BABBAR dele-bat GU4-UD u AN [ina MAŠ-MAŠ x GENN]A ina ABSIN UŠ 5 m[úlKAK-BAN ŠÚ] ? 8 AN ALLA KUR-ád 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-[MAŠ ŠÚ x MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ] ŠÚ GE6 12 1⅓? D[ANNA?] GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin al-la šal ḪAB-ra[t GAR-an .... 1]8 dele-bat ALLA KUR-ád 28 KUR 29 2 DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš [....] —————————— SIG 1 dele-bat u AN ina ALLA GENNA ina ABSIN 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 13 dele-bat [A KUR-á]d ⌈13? GU4-UD⌉ [ina NI]M ⌈ina MAŠ-MAŠ?⌉ [IGI] 14 na 19 šámaš GUB 22 AN ina ALLA ŠÚ 27 KUR 29 ⌈GU4-UD ALLA⌉ K[UR ....] —————————— ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina A GENNA ina ABSIN 1 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina ALL]A ⌈ŠÚ x⌉ dele-bat ABSIN KUR-ád ⌈x⌉ múl 10 KAK-BAN IGI 14 na 27 KUR —————————— IZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u GENNA ina ABSIN 4 dele-bat RÍN KUR-ád 5 [....] 14 ⌈GENNA⌉ ina AB[SIN ŠÚ] 22 MÚL-BABBAR ALLA KUR-ád 27 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ 27 KUR [....] —————————— KIN 1 MÚL ina ALLA 1 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR-ád 12 na 22 LÁL-tì 24 GENNA ina ABSIN ⌈IGI⌉ [x GU4-U]D ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI 27? ⌈KUR⌉ —————————— DU6 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA GU4-UD u GENNA ina ABSIN 1 dele-bat PA KUR-ád 8 AN ina RÍN ⌈IGI 10⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ 11 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA UŠ 13 na 26 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL RÍN ŠÚ ⌈28?⌉ [KUR] ——————————
Year SE 201
No. 184 Upper edge 2 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Tau[rus ....] The 18th, Mercury will reach Gemini. The 22nd, Venus [will reach] Gemini [....] .... [....] —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mars [in Gemini. The xth, Sat]urn stationary in Virgo. The 5th, Si[rius’ last appearance.] The 8th?, Mars will reach Cancer. The 11th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in Gemi[ni. The xth, Jupiter’s] last appearance [in Gemini.] Night of the 12th, 1⅓? b[ēru] before sunrise, lunar eclipse, [it will make] more than a third of the disc [.... The 1]8th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, 2 bēru before sunset, solar eclipse [....] —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Venus and Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Virgo. The 12th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Gemini. The 13th, Venus [will reach Leo.] The 13th?, Mercury’s [first appearance in] the east in Gemini?. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, solstice. The 22nd, Mars’ last appearance in Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury [will reach] Cancer [....] —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Leo, Saturn in Virgo. The 1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east [in Can]cer. The xth, Venus will reach Virgo .... The 10th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Saturn in Virgo. The 4th, Venus will reach Libra. The 5th, [....] The 14th, Saturn’s [last appearance] in Virgo. The 22nd, Jupiter will reach Cancer. The 27th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer. The 1st, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 12th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, equinox. The 24th, Saturn’s first appearance in Virgo. [The xth, Mercu]ry’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer, Mercury and Saturn in Virgo. The 1st, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 8th, Mars’ first appearance in Libra. The 10th, [....] .... The 11th, Jupiter stationary in Cancer. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Libra. The 28th?, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] ——————————
No. 184
350 Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
APIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina ABSIN AN ina RÍN 13 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na 17 AN GÍR-TAB KUR-ád 27 [K]UR GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB —————————— GAN 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina ABSIN AN ina GÍR-TAB 3 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ 6 dele-bat ina NIM [ina PA IGI] 11 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 12 MÚL-BABBAR MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI 13 na 20 GENNA [RÍN KUR-ád] 25 GU4-UD GU KUR-ád ⌈25⌉ šámaš GUB 27 KUR 29 AN PA KUR-ád —————————— AB 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u AN ina PA GU4-UD ina GU GENNA ina RÍN 1 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-[a] 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG [G]U ŠÚ 14 ⌈GU4⌉-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI 14 na 27 KUR 29 dele-bat M[ÁŠ KUR-ád] —————————— ⌈ZÍZ⌉ 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u GU4-UD ina MÁŠ GENNA ina RÍN AN ina PA 2 GENNA ina SAG RÍN U[Š] ? ⌈7 ⌉ GU4-UD GU KUR-ád [x] AN MÁŠ KUR-ád 11 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 15 na 26 GU4-UD ina [NIM ina GU ŠÚ] 28 KUR 29 GENNA [AB]SIN KUR-ád —————————— ŠE 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina [MAŠ]-MAŠ GENNA ina ABSIN AN ina MÁŠ 1 dele-bat GU ⌈KUR-ád⌉ 15 GENNA ana M[E E-a] 15 na 17 [AN] GU KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈ḪUN IGI⌉ 29 dele-bat zibme K[UR]-ád —————————— BAR 30 me[š-ḫ]i šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-[TILmeš ....] MU-[....]
Upper edge 1
Year SE 201
Rev. 1
10 11
13 14 15
Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Virgo, Mars in Libra. The 13th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Virgo, Mars in Scorpius. The 3rd, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 6th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the east [in Sagittarius.] The 11th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 12th, Jupiter will reach Gemini. The 13th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Saturn [will reach Libra.] The 25th, Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 25th, solstice. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mars will reach Sagittarius. —————————— Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Mars in Sagittarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Saturn in Libra. The 1st, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 4th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Aquarius. The 14th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Venus [will reach Capri]corn. —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn in Libra, Mars in Sagittarius. The 2nd, Saturn stationary in the beginning of Libra. The 7th?, Mercury will reach Aquarius. [The xth,] Mars will reach Capricorn. The 11th, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in [the east in Aquarius.] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Saturn will reach Virgo. —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Virgo, Mars in Capricorn. The 1st, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 15th, Saturn’s acronychal [rising.] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, [Mars] will reach Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, equinox. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. The 29th, Venus will reach Pisces. —————————— Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the pla[nets ....] Year [....]
Upper edge 1 Checked.
Date The year SE 201 can be easily determined from the numerous planetary data.
No. 185
No. 185 A: BM 34991 + 35335 + 35988 (= Sp II 515+909 + III 529) Copies: LBAT 1154, 1155; 35988 listed as LBAT *1156
B: BM 34042 (= Sp 138) Copy: LBAT 1153
C: BM 33641 (= Rm IV 197) Copy: LBAT 1152 Photo: Pl. 93f. Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 502f., J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 366f., Tf. IX (34042) Year: SE 209
Upper edge A2 [ina] ⌈a-mat⌉ dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ A1 B1 C1´f. A2 B1f. A3 B3 C3´ A4 B3f. C3´ A5 B4f. C4´ A6 B6 C5´ A7 B7f. C5´f.
BAR 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat u GU4-UD ina MÚL-MÚL [GENNA] ina PA AN ina ⌈A x⌉ múlSIPA ina ⌈ŠÚ ŠÚ⌉ BAR 1 ⌈x⌉ [ ] MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina PA [ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ 14 na 16 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ 19 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 26 KUR ] ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ 19 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 26 KUR —————————— GU4 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina PA AN ina A 1 MÚL-MÚL ina NIM IGI 4 KAK-BAN ŠÚ GU4 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina PA AN ina A 4 [....] [....] ⌈KAK-BAN ŠÚ⌉ 5? AN ABSIN KUR 14 na 15 dele-bat ALLA KUR 19 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÚL-MÚL IGI 26 MÚL-BABBAR [ ] 14 na 15 dele-bat ALLA KUR 19 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÚL-MÚL IGI [....] ⌈x⌉ AN ABSIN KUR-ád 14 [....] ina GU UŠ 27 KUR 30 GU4-UD MAŠ-MAŠ KUR [ ] 27 KUR 30 GU4-UD MAŠ-MAŠ KUR [ina G]U UŠ 27 KUR 30 GU4-UD [....] —————————— SIG 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat ina ALLA GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina PA AN ina ABSIN 1 GENNA ana ME E-a SIG 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat ina ALLA GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina PA AN ina ABSIN 1 GENNA ana [ME E-a] [.... ina ABS]IN 1 GENNA ana ME E-a 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 10 ⌈dele-bat A KUR⌉ [1]3 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na 18 šámaš GUB 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 10 dele-bat A KUR 13 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na 18 šámaš GUB 5 GU4-UD [ ] 14 na 18 šámaš GUB
Year SE 209
No. 185 The translation combines the three exemplars and is organised by months, not by lines of text.
Upper edge [At] the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus and Mercury in Taurus, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo. The xth, Orion’s last appearance in the west. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. The 19th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo. The 1st, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east. The 4th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 5th?, Mars will reach Virgo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 19th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Taurus. The 26th, Jupiter stationary in Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Mercury will reach Gemini. —————————— Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus in Cancer, Mercury in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Virgo. The 1st, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 5th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Gemini. The 10th, Venus will reach Leo. The 13th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, solstice.
No. 185
354 A8 B8 C7´ A9 B9 C8´
A10 B10 C9´ A11 B11 C10´
27 KUR 28 KI ŠÚ šámaš AN-⌈KU10⌉ [ ] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG A IGI ⌈27 KUR 28⌉ KI? ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 ana PAP 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈SAG⌉ A IGI [ ] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A IGI —————————— [ŠU] ⌈1 MÚL-BABBAR⌉ [.... GENNA] ina PA AN ina ABSIN ⌈5⌉ dele-bat ABSIN KUR 5 AN RÍN KUR ŠU 1 [ ] ⌈x⌉ GENNA ina PA AN ina ABSIN 5 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 5 AN RÍN KUR [ ] ⌈5 dele-bat⌉ ABSIN KUR-ád 5 AN RÍN KUR-[ád] [ ] ⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 27 KUR [ ] ⌈x x x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ana ME ⌈E⌉-a 27 KUR [ ] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ana ME E-a 2⌈7 KUR⌉ —————————— [IZI x ....] GENNA ina PA AN ina RÍN 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [ A]N ina RÍN 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ [ ] ⌈3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ⌉
[ [
] na 21 AN GÍR-TAB KUR 28 KUR GÍ]R-TAB KUR 27? KUR )
—————————— A13 B13
[KIN x .... AN ina] GÍR-TAB 1 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI [ ⌈ABSIN IGI⌉
[.... ina NI]M? IGI 14 na 21 LÁL-tì 23 MÚL-BABBAR
[ina GU UŠ x GU4-UD ina NIM ina] ABSIN ŠÚ 28 KUR 30 dele-bat PA KUR ——————————
´Rev. A1´ B1´ C1´ A2´ B2´ C2´ A3´ B3´ C3´
A4´ B4´ C4´
[ ⌈GAN x⌉ [....] [
GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁ]Š ŠÚ ] ⌈x x x⌉
[....] GE6 13 3 ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [ ] ⌈GAR-an⌉ 14 na 18 AN GU KUR-ád [ 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA IG[I ....] [ ——————————
] E-a ] ⌈29?⌉ múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a
⌈AB⌉ 30 ina KAL [ GU4-U]D ⌈MÁŠ⌉ KUR AB 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR u AN ⌈ina GU⌉ dele-bat [.... GU4-U]D ⌈MÁŠ⌉ KUR [ ] GENNA ina TIL PA IGI 9 GU4-UD MÁŠ KUR-ád
Year SE 209
The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, with sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Leo. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [....] .... Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Virgo. The 5th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 5th, Mars will reach Libra. [....] .... Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V, ....] Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Libra. The 3rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Virgo. [....] first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 28th (var. 27th?), last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VI, .... Mars in] Scorpius. The 1st, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. [....] first appearance [in the ea]st?. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, equinox. The 23rd, Jupiter [stationary in Aquarius. The xth, Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east in] Virgo. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. —————————— (break)
Month IX, .... [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west? in Capric]orn. Night of the 13th, 3° .... [lunar eclipse, ....] it will make [....]. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, Mars will reach Aquarius. The 12th (error for 22nd?), Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. [....] The 29th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. —————————— Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); ina KAL. Jupiter and Mars in Aquarius, Venus [....] Saturn’s first appearance in the end of Sagittarius. The 9th, Mercury will reach Capricorn.
356 A5‘ B5‘ C5‘
A6‘ B6‘f. C6‘
A7‘ B7‘ C7‘
A8‘ B8‘ C8‘ A9‘ B9‘ C8‘f.
A10‘ B10‘f. C10‘
No. 185 15 na 25 GE[NNA ] ⌈KUR⌉ me 15 na 25 GENNA MÁŠ KUR 27 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR [.... ] AN zib KUR [ ] 28 AN zibme KUR-ád —————————— [ZÍ]Z 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU [ ] ina SAG GU ŠÚ ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat u GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina zibme 1 GU4-UD GU KUR 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG GU ŠÚ [ ] KUR-ád 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG GU ŠÚ [x x] AN ina zibme ŠÚ ⌈9?⌉ [ ] ⌈KUR⌉ 28 dele-bat GU KUR me 8 AN ina zib ŠÚ 9 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL GU ŠÚ 14 na 27 KUR 28 dele-bat GU KUR [ ] 28 dele-bat GU KUR-ád —————————— [ŠE x ....] dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina MÁŠ 4 G[U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL zib]me IGI 5 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR SE 30 dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina MÁŠ 4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL zibme IGI 5 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR [ ] 5 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR-ád [x MÚL-BABB]AR ina zibme IGI 15 na 27 [KUR 2]7 LÁL-tì 28 dele-bat zibme KUR 10 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme IGI 15 na 27 KUR 27 LÁL-tì 28 dele-bat zib[me K]UR 10 MÚ[L-BABBAR ] 28 dele-bat zibme KUR-ád —————————— [x x] ⌈meš-ḫi⌉ šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUD[U-TILmeš šá] MU-1-me-45-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-⌈me-9⌉-KAM BAR 1 meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUD[U-TILmeš šá] MU-1-me-45-KAM š[á ši-i] MU-2-me-8(error for: 9)-KAM [ -4]5-KAM šá ši-[i
Ar-[šá-ka]-a LUGAL LUGALmeš Ar-šá-ka-a LUGAL LUGA[Lmeš] [.... LU]GAL LUGALmeš
Upper edge A1 IGI-TAB B1 IGI-TAB
Year SE 209
The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Saturn will reach Capricorn. The 27th, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 28th, Mars will reach Pisces. —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus and Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces. The 1st, Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the beginning of Aquarius. The 8th, Mars’ last appearance in Pisces. The 9th, Jupiter’s last appearance in the end of Aquarius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus will reach Aquarius. —————————— Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Capricorn. The 4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Pisces. The 5th, Mercury will reach Aries. The 10th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Pisces. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, equinox. The 28th, Venus will reach Pisces. —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year 145 which is year 209, Arsaces king of kings. Upper edge 1 Checked.
Nos. 186 & 187
No. 186 BM 35039 (= Sp II 567) Copy: LBAT 1158 Bibliography: J. N. Strassmaier, ZA 3, 143; F. X. Kugler, SSB II 499; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 363f., Tf. VI Photo: Pl. 95 Year: SE 220
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[BAR ....] 16 na 22 GU4-UD MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád [....] ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB ana PAP [GU4 .... GENNA] ina MÚL-MÚL IGI [....] AN [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— [ZÍZ .... GEN]NA ina MÚL-MÚL AN ina MÁŠ 2 GU4-UD ina N[IM? ina x IGI ....] [.... AN G]U KUR-ád 11 dele-bat GU KUR-ád 11 GU4-UD G[U KUR-ád ....] [.... 1]5? dele-bat ina NIM ina TIL GU IGI 15 28 KUR —————————— [ŠE x MÚL-BABBA]R dele-bat GU4-UD u AN ina GU GENNA ina MÚL-MÚL 5 GU4-UD zibme KUR-ád 7 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina zibme ŠÚ 1]4 na 19 AN zibme KUR-ád 20 dele-bat zibme KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 LÁL-tì —————————— [(BAR x) meš-ḫi] šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-56-KAM [šá ši-i] ⌈MU⌉-[2-me-20]-⌈KAM⌉ IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL LUGALmeš
No. 187 BM 35149 (= Sp II 699) Copy: LBAT 1157 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I 500, J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg., 364, Tf. VI Photo: Pl. 95 Year: SE 220
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[BAR .... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ] ina MÚL-MÚL IGI 15 SIPA ina ŠÚ ŠÚ [.... MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ] UŠ 28 KUR 29 1 DANNA [....] ⌈x⌉ [GU4 .... MÚL-MÚ]L ina NIM IGI 5 KAK-BAN ŠÚ [.... x]+1 DANNA GE6 GIN AN-K[U10 sin] [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ ŠÚ 27 KUR 30 ⌈x x x⌉ ——————————
Year SE 220
No. 186 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[Month I, ....] The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Mercury will reach Gemini. [....] after sunrise, solar eclipse (after) 5 months, to be watched for. [Month II, .... Saturn’s] first appearance in Taurus. [....] Mars? [....] .... [....] ....
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´
7´ 8´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... Sat]urn in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn. The 2nd, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the ea[st in ....] [.... Mars] will reach Aquarius. The 11th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 11th, Mercury [will reach Aqua]rius [....] [.... The 1]5th?, Venus’ first appearance in the east in the end of Aquarius. The 15th, The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XII, .... Jupit]er, Venus, Mercury and Mars in Aquarius, Saturn in Taurus. The 5th, Mercury will reach Pisces. The 7th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in Pisces. The 1]4th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mars will reach Pisces. The 20th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, equinox. —————————— [(Month I, ....) Predictions] of the reachings of the planets of year 156, [which is] year [220,] Arsaces king of kings.
No. 187 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[Month I, .... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west] in Taurus. The 15th, Orion’s last appearance in the west. [.... Jupiter] stationary [in Capricorn.] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, 1 bēru [....] .... [Month II, .... Pleia]des’ first appearance in the east. The 5th, Sirius’ last appearance. [.... x]+1 bēru after sunset, [lunar] eclipse [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west in] Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, .... ——————————
Nos. 187 & 188
7 8 9 10
[SIG .... 19] šámaš GUB 23 [GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI (....) 2]6 KUR 29 GU4?-[UD x KUR?] [ŠU ....] ⌈x⌉ 10 KAK-BA[N IGI (....)] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
´Rev. 1´
[....] ⌈2-me-20⌉-K[AM IAr-šá-k]a-a
Upper edge 1 LUGAL LUGAL[meš]
No. 188 BM 36016 + 36060 (= Sp III 560+606) Copy: LBAT 1159 Photo: Pl. 95 Year: SE 226
Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 2´ [....] AN zibme KUR-ád 20+[x ....] 3´ [....] ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 30 ⌈MÚL?⌉ [....] —————————— 4´ [ZÍZ x] MÚL-BABBAR ⌈u GENNA ina A dele-bat u⌉ AN ina zibme GU4-UD ina GU 4 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ] 5´ [x G]U4-UD ina NIM ina GU IGI 19 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád 27 KUR —————————— 6´ [ŠE x MÚL-BABB]AR u GENNA ina A dele-bat ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina GU AN ina zibme 2 AN ḪUN KUR-á[d ....] 7´ [.... KU]R-ád 15 GU4-UD zibme KUR-ád 22 GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ [....] 8´ [....] MÚL-BABBAR ina A UŠ 29 GENNA ina SAG A ⌈UŠ⌉ [....]
Years SE 220 & 226 7 8 9 10
[Month III, .... The 19th,] solstice. The 23rd, [Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini (....) The 2]6th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mer[cury will reach ....] [Month IV, ....] .... The 10th, Sirius’ [first appearance (....)] [....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´
[.... year] 220, [Arsac]es
Upper edge 1 king of kings.
No. 188 Obv. broken; ´Rev.´ 1´ [....] .... [....] 2´ [....] Mars will reach Pisces. The 20+[xth, ....] 3´ [....] after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 30th, .... [....] —————————— 4´ [Month XI, ....] Jupiter and Saturn in Leo, Venus and Mars in Pisces, Mercury in Aquarius. The 4th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in Aquarius.] 5´ [The xth,] Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 19th, Venus will reach Aries. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— 6´ [Month XII, .... Jupit]er and Saturn in Leo, Venus in Aries, Mercury in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces. The 2nd, Mars will reach Aries. [....] 7´ [....] will reach [....] The 15th, Mercury will reach Pisces. The 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces [....] 8´ [....] Jupiter stationary in Leo. The 29th, Saturn stationary in the beginning of Leo [....]
Date Jupiter and Saturn are both in Leo, and both are stationary within a few days of each other. A solar eclipse possibility two months earlier confirms SE 226.
No. 189
No. 189 BM 35720 (= Sp III 239) Copy: LBAT 1160 Photo: Pl. 96 Year: SE 233
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´
6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ⌈x x 17?⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— [GU4 x M]ÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat u GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina RÍN AN ina ALLA 9 dele-bat ALL[A KUR] [x GU4-UD ALL]A KUR 22 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ALLA ŠÚ 25? GENNA ina RÍN UŠ 27 KUR —————————— [SIG] 30 ina KAL ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina GU dele-bat u AN ina ALLA GENNA ina RÍN 2 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL GU UŠ 5 [....] [x] KUR 17 AN A KUR 22 AN ina A ŠÚ 22 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 24 GU4-UD A[LLA KUR] —————————— [ŠU] 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU GU4-UD ina ALLA GENNA ina RÍN 4 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 4 múlKAK-BAN IGI 12 GU4-UD [ina NIM ina x ŠÚ ....] [x] ⌈KUR⌉ 27 ⌈KUR 20+x⌉ [x (x)] ⌈x⌉ KUR —————————— [IZI] 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat u GENNA ina RÍN 3 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 14 na 14 AN-KU10 [sin ....] [x dele]-bat GÍR-TAB KUR 28 KUR GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB —————————— [KIN x MÚL]-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina RÍN 1 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB 10 GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB] [x AN] ina RÍN IGI 14 na 16 LÁL-tì 26 ⌈dele-bat PA⌉ KUR 27? KUR —————————— [DU6 x MÚL-BABB]AR ina GU dele-bat ina PA 5 GU4-UD ina NIM ina RÍN IGI 5? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [x x x x] 26 KUR 28 GU4-UD GÍR-TAB KUR ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3
[APIN x MÚL]-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat ina PA GU4-UD ina GÍR-TAB GENNA u AN ina RÍN 4 AN GÍR-TA[B KUR] ? [x x 1]5 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ 20 dele-bat ina NIM ina PA IGI 27 KUR —————————— [GAN x MÚ]L-BABBAR ina GU dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina RÍN AN ina GÍR-TAB 9 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR 15 n[a ....]
Year SE 233
No. 189 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´
12´ 13´
[....] .... The 17th? [....] .... [....] —————————— [Month II, .... Ju]piter in Aquarius, Venus and Mercury in Gemini, Saturn in Libra, Mars in Cancer. The 9th, Venus [will reach] Cancer. [The xth, Mercury] will reach Cancer. The 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Cancer. The 25th?, Saturn stationary in Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month III,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus and Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Libra. The 2nd, Jupiter stationary in the end of Aquarius. The 5th, [....] will reach [....] The 17th, Mars will reach Leo. The 22nd, Mars’ last appearance in Leo. The 22nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Gemini. The 24th, Mercury [will reach Canc]er. —————————— [Month IV,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Libra. The 4th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 4th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 12th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east in ....] will reach [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 20+[xth, ...] will reach [....] —————————— [Month V,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus and Saturn in Libra. The 3rd, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, [lunar] eclipse [....] [The xth, Ve]nus will reach Scorpius. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— [Month VI, .... Ju]piter in Aquarius, Venus in Scorpius, Saturn in Libra. The 1st, Mercury’s first appearance in the west, .... will be omitted. The 10th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west, .... will be omitted.] [The xth, Mars’] first appearance in Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, equinox. The 26th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VII, .... Jupit]er in Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius. The 5th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Libra. The 5th, .... [....] [....] The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury will reach Scorpius. ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2
[Month VIII, .... Jup]iter in Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius, Mercury in Scorpius, Saturn and Mars in Libra. The 4th, Mars [will reach] Scorpius. [.... The 1]5th?, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 20th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month IX, .... Ju]piter in Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Libra, Mars in Scorpius. The 9th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [....]
364 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13
Nos. 189 & 190 [19 šámaš G]UB 21 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI 24 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a 27? [....] [x] GENNA GÍR-TAB KUR —————————— [AB] 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GU4-UD ina GU dele-bat u AN ina PA GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 6 MÚL-BABBAR zibme KUR 13 GU4-[UD ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ] [x] na ⌈25⌉ dele-bat MÁŠ KUR 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD ina NIM ina SAG GU IGI 28 AN MÁŠ KUR —————————— [ZÍZ] 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat u AN ina MÁŠ GU4-UD ina GU GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 12 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme ŠÚ GE6 14 [....] [AN-K]U10 sin al-la 2-ta ŠUII ḪAB-rat GAR-an 14 na 17 GENNA ina SAG GÍR-TAB U[Š ...] [x] KUR 28 2½ DANNA ME NIM-a AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— [ŠE x] dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÁŠ 1 GU4-UD zibme KUR 5 GU4-UD ina [NIM ina x ŠÚ] [x MÚL-BABBA]R ina zibme IGI ⌈15?⌉ na? 22 LÁL-tì 28 dele-bat zibme KUR 2⌈8?⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
No. 190 A: BM 33633 (= Rm IV 189) B: BM 34667 + 34668 (= Sp II 150+152+687) + 55595 (= 82-7-4, 191) C: BM 35707 + 36077 (= Sp III 226+623) D: BM 45929 (= 81-7-6, 365) E: BM 45953 + 46021 (= 81-7-6,392+467) F: BM 77257 (= 83-9-28, 8) G: BM 77225 (= 83-6-30, 5) Copies: LBAT 1162 (35707), 1163 (36077), 1164 (34667), 1165 (34668); SSB 3. Erg. Tf. III No. 5 (33633), Tf. III No. 4 (46021), Tf. V No. 7 (45953); 55595 listed as LBAT *1166; 45953 as LBAT **1167; 46021 as LBAT **1168 Photo: Pl. 97-100 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 485ff.; J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. 361ff. Year: SE 234
E Upper edge E1 [ina] a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim
Years SE 233 & 234 4 5 6
9 10
11 12
[The 19th, sol]stice. The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 24th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 27th, [....] [The xth,] Saturn will reach Scorpius. —————————— [Month X,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mercury in Aquarius, Venus and Mars in Sagittarius, Saturn in Scorpius. The 6th, Jupiter will reach Pisces. The 13th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in ....] [The xth,] first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the beginning of Aquarius. The 28th, Mars will reach Capricorn. —————————— [Month XI,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Venus and Mars in Capricorn, Mercury in Aquarius, Saturn in Scorpius. The 12th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Pisces. Night of the 14th, [....] lunar eclipse, it will make more than two-thirds of the disc. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Saturn stationary in the beginning of Scorpius [....] [The xth,] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, 2½ bēru after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month XII, ....] Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Capricorn. The 1st, Mercury will reach Pisces. The 5th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in [the east in ....] [The xth, Jupite]r’s first appearance in Pisces. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise?. The 22nd, equinox. The 28th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 28th?, [....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
No. 190 The translation is organized by months, not by lines. Variants are added in parentheses, restorations in brackets.
Upper edge [At] the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well.
No. 190
Obv. A1 B1 C1´ E1 F1 A2 B2 C2´ E2 F2
A3 B3 C3´ E3 F3 A4 B4 C4´ D1´ E4 F4 A5 B5 C5´ D2´ E5 F5
[ dele-bat ina] ⌈zibme GENNA ina⌉ GÍR-TAB ⌈AN ina GU⌉ 4 GENNA RÍN KUR 5 GU4-UD ina MÚL-MÚL IGI 10+[x GENNA] [ ina GÍR]-TAB AN ina GU 4 GENNA RÍN KUR-ád 5 [GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ ina [MÚL-M]ÚL? IGI? ⌈x x⌉ [ ] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [BAR] ⌈1⌉ MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina zibme GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina GU 4 GENNA RÍN KUR-ád 5 GU4-UD [....] [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [ana ME E]-⌈a⌉ 14 na 17 AN zibme KUR 20 dele-bat ḪUN KUR 22 GU4-UD MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 27 KUR [ KUR]-ád 20 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád 22 GU4-[UD MAŠ-MA]Š KUR-ád 27 KUR [ ] ⌈27⌉ KUR me [1]4 na 17 AN zib KUR-ád 20 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád 22 GU4-UD ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ [KUR-ád x x] [....] ⌈x x KUR⌉-ád 27 K[UR] —————————— [GU4] 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina zibme dele-bat ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina RÍN 10 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 12 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN K[UR] [ ] ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina RÍN 10 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 1[2 MÚL]-BABBAR ḪUN KUR-ád 13 GU4-UD [ ] ⌈x x⌉ 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [....] me [G]U4 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina zib dele-bat ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina RÍN 10 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 1[2 ....] [GU4 .... KAK]-⌈BAN⌉ ŠÚ 12 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR-ád [....] [x G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 14 na 16 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL 27 KUR 28 AN ḪUN [KUR] [ ] MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 AN ḪUN KUR-ád [ ] ⌈27⌉ KUR 2[8 A]N ⌈ḪUN⌉ KUR-ád [ 28 AN] ⌈ḪUN⌉ K[UR-ád] [.... ina MAŠ]-MAŠ ŠÚ 14 na 16 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 AN ḪUN KUR-á[d] [.... 2]⌈7⌉ KUR 28 AN ḪUN KUR-ád —————————— SIG 30 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina ḪUN dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina RÍN 8 GENNA ina RÍN UŠ 12 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈KUR⌉ [ GEN]NA ina RÍN 8 GENNA ina RÍN UŠ 1⌈2⌉ dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 14 na [SIG ] ⌈x x x x⌉ [x x] 12 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-⌈ád?⌉ [ dele]-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 14 na [SIG] ⌈30 MÚL-BABBAR⌉ u AN ina ḪUN dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina RÍN 8 GENNA ina RÍN UŠ 12 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-[ád x x] [SIG .... ina RÍ]N UŠ 12 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-á[d]
Year SE 234
[Month I,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Aquarius. The 4th, Saturn will reach Libra. The 5th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. The 10+[xth, Saturn’s acronychal rising.] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mars will reach Pisces. The 20th, Venus will reach Aries. The 22nd, Mercury will reach Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Pisces, Venus in Aries, Mercury in Gemini, Saturn in Libra. The 10th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 12th, Jupiter will reach Aries. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mars will reach Aries. —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Libra. The 8th, Saturn stationary in Libra. The 12th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise.
368 A6 B6 C6´ D3´ E6 F6
A7 B7 C7´ D4´ E7 F7 A8 B8 C8´ D5´ E8 F8
A9 B9 C9´ D6´ E9 F9 A10 B10 B11 C10´ D7´ E10 F10 G1´ F11 G2´
No. 190 [10]+⌈x⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 24 šámaš GUB 27 KUR [ šámaš G]UB 27 KUR [ ] ⌈24⌉ šámaš [GU]B 27 ⌈KUR⌉ [ ] ? ⌈14 ⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 24 šámaš GUB 27 KUR [....] (blank) —————————— [ŠU] 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina ḪUN dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina RÍN 1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ⌉ [....] [ A]N ina ḪUN dele-[bat .... ina] RÍN 1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 7 dele-bat ALLA KUR-ád [ŠU dele-bat ina MAŠ-MA]Š? ⌈GENNA ina RÍN⌉ 1 ⌈GU4⌉-UD ina NIM ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ ⌈7 dele-bat ALLA KUR-ád⌉ [ ] ina TIL? MAŠ?-MAŠ ŠÚ ⌈x x⌉ [....] ŠU 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina ḪUN dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina RÍN 1 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 7 dele-[bat ....] [ŠU .... GU4-UD] ina NIM ina TIL MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ [....] [x n]a 15 múlKAK-BAN IGI 17 AN MÚL-MÚL ⌈23 MÚL-BABBAR ina⌉ Ḫ[UN UŠ ....] [ ] 23 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN UŠ 28 KUR [ ] ⌈MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 23⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina [ḪUN U]Š 27? KUR [ ] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] múl 15 KAK-BAN IGI 17 AN {ina} MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 23 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN UŠ 28 [KUR] [....] ina ḪUN UŠ 28 ⌈KUR⌉ —————————— [IZI 1 MÚL-BABB]AR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina ⌈RÍN AN ina MÚL-MÚL⌉ [....] [ MÚL-MÚ]L 2 dele-bat A KUR-ád 10 G[U4-UD ina ŠÚ] ina ABSIN IGI 13 dele-bat [IZI ] ⌈GENNA? x x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] [ ] ⌈2⌉ dele-bat A KUR-[ád x GU4]-UD ina ŠÚ ina AB[SIN IGI ....] IZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina RÍN AN ina MÚL-MÚL 2 dele-bat A KUR-ád 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN I[GI ....] [IZI .... ] dele-bat A KUR-ád 10 GU4-UD [....] [....] A ŠÚ 13 ⌈AN⌉-K[U10 sin ....] [ina NIM ina A] ⌈ŠÚ 13⌉ [AN-KU10 sin ....] x 27? K[UR .... ] ana ŠÚ šámaš ⌈AN-KU10⌉ [šámaš ana PAP] 29? GENNA GÍR-TAB KUR-ád [ ] ⌈x x⌉ [x x] x 20+[x x] [ 1]4 [na 2]7 KUR 28 ⌈2? DANNA⌉ [ME] ⌈ana ŠÚ šámaš⌉ A[N-KU10 šámaš ....] ina A ŠÚ 13 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na 27 KUR 28 2 DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 29 GENNA [GÍR-TAB KUR-ád] [....] 27 KUR 28 2 DAN[NA ....] [....] ⌈KUR 28⌉ 2 DANNA M[E ....] [....] ⌈KUR?-ád?⌉ [....] (blank)
Year SE 234
The 14th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 24th, solstice. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month); ina KAL. Jupiter and Mars in Aries, Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Libra. The 1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in (the end of) Gemini. The 7th, Venus will reach Cancer. [The xth,] first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 17th, Mars will reach Taurus. The 23rd, Jupiter stationary in Aries. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aries, Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Libra, Mars in Taurus. The 2nd, Venus will reach Leo. The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Virgo. The 13th, Venus’ last appearance [in the east] in Leo. The 13th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, 2 bēru before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Saturn will reach Scorpius. ——————————
370 B12 C11´ D8´ E11 F12 G3´ B13 D9´ E12 F13 G4´
No. 190 [KIN 1 MÚL-BABB]AR ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina ABSIN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL [....] [ ] ⌈x x x⌉ [ AN ina MÚL]-MÚL 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL ABSIN ŠÚ 13 n[a ....] KIN 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina ABSIN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL ABSIN ŠÚ ⌈13⌉ n[a ....] [KIN ....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] [....] 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL ABSIN ŠÚ 13 [....] [ MÚL-BABBAR] ana ME E-a 27 KUR 27 LÁL-tì 28 M[ÚL-BABBAR ....] [ MÚL-BABBAR] zibme KUR-ád 29 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSI[N IGI ....] 27 KUR 27 LÁL-tì 28 MÚL-BABBAR zibme KUR-[ád] [.... 2]8 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈zibme⌉ [KUR-á]d? [....] [.... MÚL-BA]BBAR zibme KUR-ád 29 GU4-UD ina [....]
[DU6 30 MÚL-BABBAR] ina zibme GU4-UD ina ABSIN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL [....] [ AN ina MÚL]-MÚL 1 AN ina MÚL-MÚL UŠ 5 GENNA DU6 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme GU4-UD ina ABSIN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB [....]
B14 D10´
D11´ E14
GU4-U]D RÍN KUR-ád 14 na 26 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina GÍR-TAB I[GI x] KUR [....] [ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ ....] IGI 27 KUR 30 GU4-UD ina NIM? [ina RÍN ŠÚ] 13 GU4-UD RÍN KUR-ád 14 na 26 dele-bat [....]
B Rev. B1
[APIN ....] dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 8 AN ana ME E-a 8 [....]
D Rev. D1
] ⌈8⌉ dele-bat PA KUR-ád 12 ⌈GENNA⌉ ina GÍR-[TAB IGI ....]
E Rev. E1
APIN 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-[MÚL ....]
F ´Rev.´ F1´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
[....] UŠ 26 KUR [ ] (blank) ? ⌈15 ⌉ na 20 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme UŠ [....] [....] (blank)
D2 E2 F2´
G Rev. G1´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[GAN .... zibm]e dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 3 dele-bat M[ÁŠ KUR-ád ....] [ ] ⌈3⌉ dele-bat MÁŠ KUR-ád 14 na 14 AN GAN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina M[ÚL-MÚL ....] [GAN ....] MÁŠ KUR-ád 14 n[a ....] [GAN .... R]ÍN? KUR-ád 14 na 14 A[N? ....]
D3 E3 F3´ G2´
Year SE 234
Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aries, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Taurus. The 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Virgo. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth, Jupiter’s] acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, equinox. The 28th, Jupiter will reach Pisces. The 29th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east in Virgo. —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Taurus. The 1st, Mars stationary in Taurus. The 5th, Saturn’s [last appearance in Scorpius. ....] The 13th, Mercury will reach Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in Libra.] Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in Scorpius, Mars in Taurus. The 8th, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 8th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 12th, Saturn’s [first appearance] in Scorpius. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Jupiter stationary in Pisces. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Taurus. The 3rd, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, Mars [stationary in Taurus.]
372 B4
No. 190 [.... ina Š]Ú ina MÁŠ IGI 24 šámaš GUB 27 KUR 28 dele-bat [GU KUR-ád]
C Rev. C1´ D4 E4 F4´ G3´ B5 C2´ D5 E5 F5´ G4´ B6 C3´ D6 E6 F6´ G5´ B7 C4´ D7 E7 F7´ B8 C5´ D8 E8 F8´ G6´ B9 C6´ D9 E9 F9´
[ ] 27? dele-bat G[U KUR-ád] [ 2]8 dele-bat GU KUR-ád ⌈18 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI⌉ 27 KUR 28 [dele-bat GU] KUR-ád [....] ⌈KUR-ád⌉ [.... ABS]IN KUR-ád [AB x M]ÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚ[L [AB GENNA] ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 1 šá[maš GUB .... G]U KUR-ád 5 múlKAK-[BAN ana ME E-a] [ MÚ]L-MÚL 1 šámaš GUB 1 GU4-UD GU KUR-ád AB 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina [MÚL-MÚL 1 šámaš] GUB 1 GU4-UD GU KUR-ád 5 múlKAK-BAN ana [ME E-a] [AB ...] AN ina MÚL-MÚL 1 šámaš [GUB ....] [AB ....] ⌈1⌉ šámaš GUB 1 GU4-UD GU KUR-ád 5 múl[KAK-BAN ana ME E-a ....] [x] ⌈8?⌉ G[U4-UD ina Š]Ú ina SAG ⌈GU⌉ ŠÚ 15 na 15? MÚ[L-BABBAR [ ] GU ŠÚ 15 na 15 MÚL-BA[BBAR ḪUN KU]R-ád 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI [ ] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 15 na 15 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR-ád 20 GU4-UD 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG GU ŠÚ 15 na ⌈15⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [.... n]a 15 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN [KUR-ád ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ KUR-ád 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ IGI [....] [x] ⌈KUR⌉ GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš ⌈5 ÁB⌉ [ [ G]E6 [29] AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB ⌈šá⌉ DIB [ 2]9 ⌈AN-KU10⌉ šámaš 5 ÁB šá DIB 27 KUR GE6 29 AN-[KU10 šámaš] 5 [ÁB šá DIB] [....] 29 AN-KU10 šámaš 5 Á[B ....] [ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR] ina ḪUN dele-bat ina zibme GU4-UD ina MÁŠ GENNA [ina GÍR-TAB] AN ina MÚL-MÚL ⌈14⌉ [ [ZÍZ ] ina MÁŠ [GE]NNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL ⌈14⌉ AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 15 [ [ AN]-KU10 sin šá DIB 15 na ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina zibme GU4-UD ina MÁŠ GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL [....] [ZÍZ .... MÚL]-MÚL? 14 AN-KU10 [sin ....] [ZÍZ ....] ⌈13 x x x 14?⌉ [....] [x] GU4-UD GU KUR-ád 16 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ [ ] ⌈x⌉ [x] 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD [ina N]IM ina ⌈GU⌉ ŠÚ [ ] ina GU [ŠÚ ....] GU KUR-ád 16 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 [....] [....] GU4-UD ina N[IM ....]
Year SE 234
The 18th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 24th, solstice. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus will reach Aquarius. —————————— Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Taurus. The 1st, solstice. The 1st, Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 5th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 8th?, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Jupiter will reach Aries. The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse (after) 5 months which will be omitted. —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aries, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Taurus. The 14th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth,] Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 16th, Venus will reach Aries. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. ——————————
Nos. 190 & 191
A ´Rev. A1´ B10 C7´ E10 F10´ A2´ B11 C8´ E11 A3´ B12 C9´ E12 A4´ B13 C10´ E13
[....] ⌈x ŠÚ? x⌉ [....] [ŠE 30 MÚL]-BABBAR u dele-bat ina ḪUN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 1 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 10 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 13 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád [ŠE ] MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 10 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB U[Š] 13 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KU[R-ád [....] ŠE 30 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ u dele-bat ina ḪUN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 1 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád ⌈10 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB UŠ⌉ [....] [ŠE ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] [x x] 27 KUR [....] (blank) [....] 27 KUR [....] ⌈x x x x MU?-1-[me-....] [x x m]eš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-1,10-KAM šá ši-i M[U-2-me-3]4-KAM [ U]DU.TILmeš šá MU-1-me-1,10-KAM [šá] ši-i MU-2-me-3[4-KAM] meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš MU-1-me-1,10-KAM ⌈šá⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [IAr-šá]-⌈kam LUGAL u⌉ fIz-pu-bar-za-a NIN-šú GAŠAN f [ I]z-pu-bar-za-a NIN-šú GAŠAN I f Ar-šá-kam LUGAL u Iz-pu-bar-z[a-a ....]
No. 191 A: BM 45698 (= 81-7-6, 103) B: BM 34722 (= Sp II 212) C: BM 33746 (= Rm IV 304) + 46046 (= 81-7-6, 492) D: BM 35314 + 35484 + 35755 (= Sp II 885+1076 + Sp III 278) E: BM 35098 (= Sp II 639) F: BM 35687 (= Sp III 205) Copies: LBAT 1117 (33746), LBAT 1169 (34722), LBAT 1170 (35098), LBAT 1171 (35484), LBAT 1173 (35687), LBAT 1174 (45698), LBAT 1205 (35314), LBAT 1209 (35755), SSB 3. Erg. Taf. I No. 2 (34722), Taf. I No. 1 (46046), Taf. II (45698) Photos: Pl. 101-103 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 471ff.; F. Rochberg-Halton, Or. NS 58 (1989) 120-121 Year: SE 236
A Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim
Years SE 234 & 236
Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Aries, Saturn in Scorpius. The 1st, Mars will reach Gemini. The 10th, Saturn stationary in Scorpius. The 13th, Venus will reach Taurus. [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year 170, which is year 234, king Arsaces and queen Izpubarzâ, his sister.
No. 191 The translation is organized by months, not by lines. Variants are added in parentheses, restorations in brackets.
Upper Edge At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well.
No. 191
A Obv.
BAR 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina zibme 15 na 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-M[ÚL Š]Ú 25 AN ḪUN KUR-ád 27 GENNA ana ME ⌈E⌉-a [ 1]5 na 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ 25 AN [....]
GU4 30 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ḪUN 2 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 6 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI ⌈14⌉ GU4-UD NIM UD-DA IGI DIB 15 na [ ] UD-DA IGI DIB múl [ KAK]-BAN ŠÚ 6 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 6 GU4-UD ina NIM U[D-DA ....]
B1´ D2
A4 B2´ B3´ D3
A5 B4´ D4
A6 B5´ C1´ D5 A7 B6´ C2´ D6
A8 B7´ C3´ D7
20 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL MÚL-MÚL IGI 20 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB 26 dele-bat ALLA KUR-ád 28 KUR 29 MÚL-BABBAR MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád [ ] MÚL-MÚL IGI 20 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-⌈šú DIB 26 dele-bat ALLA⌉ KUR-ád [ MÚL-BABB]AR MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád [ MÚL-MÚ]L IGI 20 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-D[A ŠÚ-š]ú DIB 26 dele-bat ALLA KUR-á[d ....] SIG 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ḪUN 9 AN MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 14 na 16 šámaš GUB 15 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA IGI [SIG ....] ina ALLA GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ḪUN 9 AN MÚL-MÚL ⌈KUR⌉-ád 14 na ⌈16⌉ šámaš GUB [SIG ] MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ALLA GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ḪUN 9 [AN MÚL-MÚ]L KUR-ád 14 n[a ....] 21 dele-bat A KUR 22 GU4-UD A KUR-ád 27 KUR GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB [ dele]-bat A KUR-ád 22 GU4-UD A KUR-ád 27 KUR GE6 29 AN-[KU10 šámaš š]á DIB [ ] ⌈22 GU4-UD A⌉ [KUR-ád ....] [.... I]GI 21 dele-bat A KUR-ád 22 GU4-UD A ⌈KUR-ád⌉ 27 KUR GE6 2[9 ....] ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u GU4-UD ina A GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 1 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 7 múlKAK-BAN IGI GE6 13 8 UŠ [ŠU .... G]U4-UD ina A GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 1 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 7 múlKAK-BAN IGI [ŠU ....] dele-bat u GU4-UD ina A GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 1 GE[NNA ....] [ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBA]R ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u GU4-UD ina A GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÚL-MÚL 1 GEN[NA ....] GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 4-ʾu-ú ḪAB-rat GAR-an ád ŠÚ 13 na 15 dele-bat ABSIN KUR-ád 23 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [ ] ⌈AN-KU10 sin 4-ʾu-ú ḪAB-rat⌉ GAR-an ád ŠÚ 13 na 16 dele-bat GE6 ana ZÁL[AG AN]-KU10 sin 4-ʾu-ú ḪAB-rat ád ŠÚ 15 dele-bat ABSIN ⌈KUR⌉-[ád ....] [x x] 8 UŠ GE6 ana ZÁLAG AN-KU10 sin 4-ʾu-ú ḪAB-rat GAR-an ád ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....]
Year SE 236
Obv. Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Pisces. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Taurus. The 25th, Mars will reach Aries. The 27th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east. Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Aries. The 2nd, Sirius’ last appearance. The 6th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Gemini. The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east .... will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Jupiter’s first appearance in the end of Taurus. The 20th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east .... will be omitted. The 26th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Jupiter will reach Gemini. Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Aries. The 9th, Mars will reach Taurus. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, solstice. The 15th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Cancer. The 21st, Venus will reach Leo. The 22nd, Mercury will reach Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Mercury in Leo, Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Taurus. The 1st, Saturn stationary in Scorpius. The 7th, Sirius’ first appearance. Night of the 13th, 8° before sunrise, lunar eclipse, it will make one-fourth of the disc; it will set eclipsed. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Leo.
378 A9 B8´ C4´ D8 A10 B9´ C5´ D9
A11 C6´ D10 A12 C7´
A13 C8´
A14 C9´
No. 191 ina TIL A ŠÚ 25 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 27 KUR [ 2]7 KUR 25 AN [MAŠ]-MAŠ KUR-ád 27 KUR [x x A]N MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 27 KUR IZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ABSIN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 11 dele-bat RÍN KUR-ád 13 21 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A IGI 26 KUR [ ] ⌈x⌉ IZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ABSIN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 11 dele-bat RÍN KUR-ád 13 na 2[1 ....] [IZI 1 M]ÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina ABSIN GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 11 dele-b[at ....] KIN 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina RÍN GU4-UD ina A GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 3 GU4-UD ABSIN KUR-ád 8 dele-bat GÍR-TAB UŠsic 12 GU4-UD KIN 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina RÍN GU4-UD ina A GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 3 GU4-UD AB[SIN KUR-ád ...] [KIN .... MAŠ]-MAŠ dele-bat ina RÍN GU4-UD ina A [....] ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ 13 19 LÁL-tì 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 28 KUR 29 AN ALLA KUR-ád 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN ŠÚ 13 na 19 LÁL-tì 2[2 MÚL-BA]BBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 2[8 KUR ....] DU6 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ALLA 2 dele-bat PA KUR-ád 13 na 22 GENNA ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ 25 AN DU6 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat u GENNA ina GÍR-TAB AN ina ALLA 2 dele-bat PA KUR-ád ⌈13⌉ [na ....] ina ALLA UŠ ⌈26? KUR⌉ 28 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR-ád 26 KUR 28 dele-bat MÁŠ ⌈KUR-ád⌉
A Rev. A1
APIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina MÁŠ AN ina ALLA 4 MÚL-MÚL ina ZÁLAG ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 8 GU4-UD ina NIMsic ina PA IGI 13 na
C Rev.´ C1
API[N .... MÁ]Š AN ina ALLA 8 GU4-UD ⌈ina NIMsic⌉ [....]
23 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA ŠÚ 24 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 25 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 26 dele-bat GU KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 GENNA ⌈ina GÍR-TAB IGI⌉ 24 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 25 ⌈AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád⌉ 26? dele-bat GU KUR-ád 2⌈7⌉ [....]
A3 C3
A4 C4 C5
GAN 30 [MÚL-BABBAR u A]N ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina GÍR-TAB 4 GENNA PA KUR-ád 6? ⌈AN ana ME E⌉-a 7 GU4-UD ina NIM ina PA IGI GAN 30 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU [GENNA ina GÍR-TAB] 4 GENNA PA KUR-á[d ....] ⌈GE6 14⌉ AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB BAR DIB 14 na 22 šámaš GUB 27 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a 28 KUR GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB BAR DIB 14 na 22 šámaš [GUB 2]7 múlK[AK-BAN ....] ⌈29⌉ [A]N-KU10 šámaš šá DIB
Year SE 236
The 25th, Mars will reach Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Scorpius. The 11th, Venus will reach Libra. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Libra, Mercury in Leo, Saturn in Scorpius. The 3rd, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 8th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, equinox. The 22nd, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mars will reach Cancer. Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Saturn in Scorpius, Mars in Cancer. The 2nd, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Saturn’s last appearance in Scorpius. The 25th, Mars stationary in Cancer. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus will reach Capricorn. Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Cancer. The 4th, Pleiades’ last appearance in the morning in the west. The 8th, Mercury’s first appearance in the eastsic in Sagittarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 24th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 25th, Mars will reach Gemini. The 26th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Saturn’s first appearance in Scorpius. Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Scorpius. The 4th, Saturn will reach Sagittarius. The 6th, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Sagittarius. Night of the 14th, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, solstice. The 27th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted.
380 A5
No. 191 AB 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat GU GU4-UD u GENNA ina PA 5 dele-bat zibme KUR-ád 8 GU4-UD MÁŠ KUR-ád 14 na 16
B Rev. B1´ C6 F1´ A6 B2´ B3´ C7 E1´ F2´ A7 B4´ E2´ F3´ A8 B5´ E3´ F4´ A9 B6´ E4´ F5´ A10 B7´ E5´ F6´ A11
[ ] ⌈5⌉ [dele-bat] zibme KUR-ád 8 GU4-UD MÁŠ⌉ [KUR-ád] [AB 1 M]ÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ ANsic ina GU GU4-UD u ⌈GENNA⌉ [....] [....] ⌈dele-bat? ina GU?⌉ [....] AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 23? GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 14 (read: 24) dele-bat GU K[UR-ád 2]7 KUR [14 n]a 16 AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈UŠ⌉ 19 [MÚL]-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 23 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [x] dele-bat GU KUR-ád 27 KUR [x KUR-á]d ⌈14 na 16 AN ina [MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ ....] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [.... A]N ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 19 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ [....] ZÍZ 30 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina PA 6 AN (error for: dele-bat) ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 8 dele-bat [ina NIM ina G]U IGI 15 na [ZÍZ 30] MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina PA 6 GU4-UDsic ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 6 dele-bat ina NIM ina GU IGI [ZÍZ .... dele-b]at ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 6 dele-bat [....] [ZÍZ 30 MÚL-BABBAR] u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GENNA ina PA ⌈6⌉ [....] 23 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme [IGI] 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR-ád [x n]a 23 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD ḪUN KUR-ád [....] 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD Ḫ[UN KUR-ád] [....] GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 27 KUR [....] ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GU4-UD ina ḪUN GENNA PA ⌈14 AN ALLA KUR⌉-ád 16 na 17 GU4-UD [ŠE 30 MÚ]L-BABBAR u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GU4-UD ina ḪUN GENNA ina PA 14 AN ALLA KUR-ád 16 na [ŠE .... GU4]-UD ina ḪUN GENNA ina PA 14 AN [....] [ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR u A]N ina MAŠ-MAŠ dele-bat ina GU GU4-UD ina Ḫ[UN ....] ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN ŠÚ 25 LÁL-tì 28 KUR 29 GENNA ina PA U[Š x dele-bat] zibme KUR-ád [ ] ⌈30? dele-bat zibme⌉ KUR-ád [....] 28 KUR 29 GENNA ina [....] [.... Š]Ú 25 LÁL-tì 28 K[UR ....] BAR 1 meš-ḫi sá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-1,12-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-me-36-KAM
D ´Rev. D1´ E6´ F7´ A12 D2´ E7´
[.... m]eš šá MU-1-me-1,12-K[AM ....] [....]meš šá MU-1-me-1,12-KAM š[á ....] [.... KUR-á]dmeš ⌈šá d⌉[....] I
Ar-šá-kam LUGAL u fIz-pu-bar-za-a NIN-šú GAŠAN [.... fI]z-pu-bar-za-a NI[N ....] [.... fI]z-pu-bar-za-a N[IN ....]
Year SE 236
Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Aquarius, Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius. The 5th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 8th, Mercury will reach Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars stationary in Gemini. The 19th, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 23rd?, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 24th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Aquarius, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 6th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 8th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury will reach Aries. Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Aquarius, Mercury in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 14th, Mars will reach Cancer. The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Aries. The 25th, equinox. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. The 30th?, Venus will reach Pisces. Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year 172, which is year 236, king Arsaces and queen Ispubarzâ, his sister.
Nos. 192 & 193
No. 192 BM 33515 (= Rm 4, 70) Photo: Pl. 104 Year: SE 237
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[DIR]-⌈ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ALLA? dele-bat⌉ [....] ⌈9⌉ GENNA ina PA UŠ 20 AN [ina x IGI ....] 28 KUR 30 GU4-UD ina N[IM ina x IGI ....] —————————— BAR 1 meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá d[UDU-TILmeš ....] I Ar-šá-kam LU[GAL]
No. 193 BM 33736 (= Rm IV 294 + Rm IV unnumbered) Copy: LBAT 1175 Photo: Pl. 104 Year: SE 237
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] 3 [šámaš GUB 8 KAK-BAN] ana ME ⌈E?⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x x x] MÁŠ KUR-ád 14 na 15 dele-bat [....] —————————— [ZÍZ .... dele]-bat ina GU GENNA ina PA 8 dele-bat zibme KUR-ád 14 na [....] —————————— [ŠE ....] dele-bat u GU4-UD ina zibme GENNA ina PA 3 dele-bat ḪUN KUR-ád [....] [....] 27 KUR 28 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád [....] —————————— [DIR-ŠE ....] ⌈x⌉ [x GEN]NA ina PA 6 ⌈LÁL⌉-tì 10? [....]
Year SE 237
No. 192 ´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´
[Month] XII2, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Cancer, Venus [....] The 9th, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. The 20th, Mars’ [first appearance in ....] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Mercury’s [ first appearance in the east [in ....] —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the [planets ....] king Arsaces.
Date During the Parthian period, only years SE 178, 237, 267, and 297 have a station of Saturn in Sagittarius. A decision for 237 can be made because only in this year is there a Mars event in the last month.
No. 193 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´
4´ 5´
[....] The 3rd, [solstice. The 8th, Sirius’] acronychal rising [....] [....] .... [....] will reach Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... Ve]nus in Aquarius, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 8th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] —————————— [Month XII, ....] Venus and Mercury in Pisces, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 3rd, Venus will reach Aries. [....] [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus will reach Taurus. [....] —————————— [Month XII2, ....] .... [...., Sat]urn in Sagittarius. The 6th, equinox. The 10th?, [....]
Date The equinox on the 6th (line 6´) must be vernal equinox because of the positions of Venus and Mercury. The month is then XII2, and the year SE 9 + 19n. Saturn in Sagittarius identifies it as SE 237. From the date, line 1´ can be restored.
No. 194 & 195
No. 194 BM 45919 (= 81-7-6, 354) Copy: LBAT 1176 Photo: Pl. 104 Year: SE 241
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ] ina A IGI 18 GU4-UD ABSIN KUR-ád 25 dele-bat RÍN KUR-ád [....] —————————— [I]ZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR dele-bat u AN ina RÍN GU4-UD ina ABSIN GENNA ina MÁŠ 6 GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ ....] [x] dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR-ád 27 KUR 29 GENNA ina MÁŠ UŠ [....] —————————— [KIN x MÚL-BA]BBAR ina RÍN dele-bat u AN ina [GÍR-TAB ....]
´Rev.´ (traces)
No. 195 BM 40496 (= 81-4-28, 37) Photo: Pl. 104 Year: SE 242
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[.... GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-M]AŠ IGI 27 ⌈KUR 30? x⌉ [....] —————————— [SIG .... dele-b]at ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA [....] [....] 24 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB UŠ 27 KUR [...] —————————— [ŠU ....] dele-bat u AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina GU 1 GU4-[UD ina NIM ina x ŠÚ ....] [.... 13 KAK-BA]N IGI 13 na 18 GENNA ana ME E-a [....] —————————— [IZI ....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat ina A GU4-UD ina ABSIN GENNA ina GU 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 13 na 27 KUR GE6 [....] —————————— [KIN .... MÚL-BABBAR ina G]ÍR-TAB? GENNA ina ⌈MÁŠ? x AN⌉ A KUR [....] [.... AN-KU10] ⌈sin?⌉ TIL-tì GAR-an 15? [....] —————————— [DU7 ....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Years SE 241 & 242
No. 194 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´
[....] .... [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west] in Leo. The 18th, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 25th, Venus will reach Libra. [....] —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter, Venus, and Mars in Libra, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn. The 6th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in [the west in ....] [The xth,] Venus will reach Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Saturn stationary in Capricorn. [....] —————————— [Month VI, .... Jup]iter in Libra, Venus and Mars in [Scorpius ....]
´Rev.´ (traces)
Date Saturn stationary at the end of month V, Jupiter in Libra, and Mars moving from Libra to Scorpius, suffice to establish the year as SE 241.
No. 195 ´Obv.´ 1´
2´ 3´
4´ 5´
6´ 7´
8´ 9´ 10´
[.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east in Gemin]i. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th?, .... [....] —————————— [Month III, .... Ven]us in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Saturn [....] [....] The 24th, Jupiter stationary in Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] —————————— [Month IV, ....] Venus and Mars in Gemini, Saturn in Aquarius. The 1st, Mer[cury’s last appearance in the east in ....] [.... The 13th, Sir]ius’ first appearance. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. [....] —————————— [Month V, ....] Venus in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Aquarius. The 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night [....] —————————— [Month VI, .... Jupiter in Scor]pius, Saturn in Capricorn?. The xth, Mars will reach Leo. [....] [....] lunar [eclipse,] it will make totality. The 15th?, [....] —————————— [Month VII, ....] .... [....]
Nos. 195 & 196
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [AB x MÚL-BABBAR ina] PA dele-bat u GENNA ina ⌈GU AN⌉ ina R[ÍN ....] [....] na 19 dele-bat zibme KUR 28? [....] —————————— [ZÍZ ....] dele-bat ina zibme GU4 ina MÁŠ AN ina RÍN [....] [.... G]ENNA ina GU IGI 26 AN ina? [RÍN UŠ ....] —————————— [ŠE ....] GU AN ina RÍN 4+[x ....] [....] ⌈x x AN-KU10⌉ [sin ....]
No. 196 BM 41900 (= 81-6-25,520) + 132285 (= 1958-4-12,19) Copy: LBAT 1177 (41900) Photo: Pl. 105 Year: SE 244
Obv. 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[BAR x .... GU4]-UD ina NIM UD-DA IGI DIB 10 múlSIPA ina [ŠÚ ŠÚ ...] [... GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB] 26 KUR 27 MÚL-MÚL ina NIM IG[I ....] —————————— [GU4 x ....] 1 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL MÁŠ UŠ 2 dele-bat [ina ŠÚ ina x x IGI] [x na x GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina x x] IGI 22 GU4-UD ALLA KUR-ád 25 dele-bat ALLA ⌈KUR-ád 27⌉ KUR —————————— [SIG x .... dele-bat u GU4-UD] ina ALLA GENNA ina GU 13 na 14 GU4-UD A KUR-ád 14 šámaš GUB [.... dele-ba]t A KUR-ád 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— [ŠU x ....] GENNA ina GU 1 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 5 múlKAK-BAN IG[I] [.... 1]3 na 15 dele-bat ABSIN KUR-ád 21 AN ina ALLA I[GI] [.... GU4-UD ina NIM ina x IG]I 27 KUR 27 GU4-UD A KUR-ád GE6 28 [....] ⌈x⌉ —————————— [IZI x .... GU4-UD in]a A GENNA ina GU AN ina ALLA 2 AN A KUR-ád 9 GENNA
Years SE 242 & 244
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [Month X, .... Jupiter in] Sagittarius, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Li[bra ....] [....] first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 28th? [....] —————————— [Month XI, ....] Venus in Pisces, Mercury in Capricorn, Mars in Libra [....] [....] Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. The 26th, Mars [stationary] in [Libra ....] —————————— [Month XII, ....] Aquarius, Mars in Libra. The 4+[xth, ....] [....] .... [lunar] eclipse [....]
Date The following data establish the year as SE 242: Saturn has a first appearance in Aquarius; earlier in the year, Jupiter is stationary in Scorpius; a total lunar eclipse occurs three months later.
No. 196 Obv. 1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10 11
[Month I, .... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. The 10th, Orion’s [last appearance in the west ....] [.... Mercury’s last appearance in the east, .... will be omitted.] The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east [....] —————————— [Month II, ....] The 1st, Sirius’ last appearance. The 1st, Jupiter stationary in the end of Capricorn. The 2nd, Venus’ [first appearance in the west in ....] [The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in ....] The 22nd, Mercury will reach Cancer. The 25th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month III, .... Venus and Mercury] in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 14th, solstice. [.... Venu]s will reach Leo. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month IV, ....] Saturn in Aquarius. The 1st, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 5th, Sirius’ first appearance. [.... The 1]3th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 21st, Mars’ first appearance in Cancer. [.... Mercury’s first] appearance [in the east in ....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, Mercury will reach Leo. Night of the 28th, [....] .... —————————— [Month V, .... Mercury] in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Cancer. The 2nd, Mars will reach Leo. The 9th, Saturn’s
388 12 13 14
No. 196 [ana ME E-a .... 1]6 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A ŠÚ 27 KUR 29 múlNUNki ina NIM ⌈IGI⌉ —————————— [KIN x ....] AN ina A 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ UŠ 5 múlŠU-PA ina NIM IGI [.... 17] LÁL-tì 21 AN ABSIN KUR-ád 27 KUR ——————————
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[DU6 x .... x dele-bat PA] ⌈KUR⌉-ád 9 GENNA ina GU UŠ 13 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina GÍR-TAB IGI .... GU4-UD PA KUR]-ád 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG PA ŠÚ 27 KUR [....] (blank) [APIN x .... AN ina ABS]IN 2 MÚL-MÚL ina ZÁLAG ina ŠÚ ŠÚ 11 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI [.... dele-bat G]U KUR-ád 27 KUR —————————— [GAN x .... GU4-UD] ina PAsic AN ina RÍN 4 GU4-UD PA KUR-ád 8 MÚL-BABBAR GU KUR-ád [x na 20 šámaš GUB 25 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a ....] GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL PA ŠÚ 28 KUR —————————— [AB x ....] MÚL-BABBAR ina GU ŠÚ 14 KI ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 sin [.... GU4-UD ina] ŠÚ ina TIL GU IGI 27 KUR [....] ⌈x⌉ [x GU4]-UD zibme KUR-ád —————————— [ZÍZ x .... x GENNA ina TIL GU] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 2 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 4 de[le-bat ina NI]M ina GU IGI 13 MÚL-BABBAR [ina GU IGI .... GU4-UD ina] ŠÚ ina zibme ŠÚ 27 KUR 29 [A]N PA KUR-ád —————————— [ŠE x ....] GENNA ina zibme IGI 15 na 21 GU4-UD ina N[IM ina zib]me IGI [....] 29 dele-bat zibme KUR-ád —————————— [.... šá UDU-T]ILmeš šá MU-1-me-1,20-KAM šá ši-i MU-2-[me-44-KAM] [IAr-šá-ka-a LUGAL u fPi]-ir-us-ta-na-a DAM-[šú GAŠAN]
Upper edge 1 [....] ù IGI-TAB
Year SE 244 12
13 14
[acronychal rising. .... The 1]6th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, (the star of) Eridu’s first appearance? in the east. —————————— [Month VI, ....] Mars in Leo. The 1st, Jupiter stationary in Capricorn. The 5th, Arcturus’ first appearance in the east. [.... The 17th,] equinox. The 21st, Mars will reach Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ——————————
Rev. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
13 14 15 16
[Month VII, .... The xth, Venus] will reach [Sagittarius.] The 9th, Saturn stationary in Aquarius. The 13th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the west in Scorpius .... Mercury will] reach [Sagittarius.] The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the beginning of Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] (blank) [Month VIII, .... Mars in Vir]go. The 2nd, Pleiades’ last appearance in the morning in the west. The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Scorpius. [.... Venus] will reach Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month IX, .... Mercury] in Sagittariussic, Mars in Libra. The 4th, Mercury will reach Sagittarius. The 8th, Jupiter will reach Aquarius. [The xth, first sunrise before moonset. The 20th, solstice. The 25th, Sirius’ acronychal rising ....] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in the end of Sagittarius. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month X, ....] Jupiter’s last appearance in Aquarius. The 14th, at sunset, lunar eclipse, [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the west in the end of Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] .... [....] Mercury will reach Pisces. —————————— [Month XI, .... Saturn’s] last appearance [in the end of Aquarius.] The 2nd, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 4th, Venus first appearance [in the east] in Aquarius. The 13th, Jupiter’s [first appearance in Aquarius .... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Pisces. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mars will reach Sagittarius. —————————— [Month XII, ....] Saturn’s first appearance in Pisces. The 15th, first sunrise before moonset. The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east [in Pis]ces. [....] The 29th, Venus will reach Pisces. —————————— [.... of the plan]ets of year 180, which is year 2[44,] [king Arsaces and queen P]irustanâ, his wife.
Upper edge 1 [....] and checked.
No. 197
No. 197 BM 46043 + 46105 (= 81-7-6,489+554) Copy: LBAT 1178 (46043, rev. only), LBAT 1186 (46105) Photo: Pl. 105f. Year: SE 244
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [.... KU]R-ád ⌈25⌉ dele-bat [ALLA KUR-ád ....] —————————— [SIG x MÚL-BABBAR ina M]ÁŠ dele-bat u GU4-UD ina [ALLA GENNA ina G]U 13 na 14 ⌈GU4⌉-[UD A KUR-ád ....] [x GE]NNA ina TIL GU ⌈UŠ?⌉ 20 dele-bat ⌈A KUR⌉-[ád x GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— [ŠU] 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ dele-bat ina ⌈A⌉ GENNA [ina G]U 1 [MÚL]-BABBAR ana ME E-a ⌈5 múlKAK⌉-[BAN IGI ....] [x] ⌈x⌉ 14 na 15 dele-bat ABSIN KUR-ád 20 [AN ina] ⌈ALLA IGI⌉ 21 ⌈GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA⌉ I[GI ....] [x G]U4-UD A KUR-ád GE6 20+[x x x] ⌈x x AN-KU10 šámaš šá? DIB?⌉ —————————— [IZI x MÚL]-⌈BABBAR ina MÁŠ⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] 13 n[a x] ⌈GU4-UD ina NIM ina A ŠÚ x⌉ [....] —————————— [KIN .... dele-bat] ina ⌈RÍN GENNA ina GU AN ina A 1 [....] [.... 17] ⌈LÁL⌉-tì 21 AN ABSIN [KUR ....] —————————— [DU6 .... GENNA ina G]U AN ina ABSIN 1 [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[APIN ....] ⌈x x dele-bat? ina x⌉ [....] [.... K]UR?-ád 14 na 25 [....] —————————— [GAN x MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁ]Š dele-bat u GENNA ina GU GU4-UD ina P[A ....] [....] ⌈x x⌉[....] ⌈KUR⌉-ád 14 na 20 šámaš GUB 2[5 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a ....] —————————— AB 1 MÚL-BABBAR dele-bat u GENNA ina GU AN ina RÍN 2 ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] AN-KU10 sin 2-ta ŠUII ⌈ḪAB-rat GAR-an ád E⌉-a 15 [....] —————————— ZÍZ 30 MÚL-BABBAR dele-bat ina GU GU4-UD ina zibme AN ina GÍR-TAB 2 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina [GU ŠÚ .... MÚL-BABBAR] ina GU IGI 13 na 27 KUR [....] ——————————
Year SE 244
No. 197 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
8´ 9´
10´ 11´ 12´ 13´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] will reach [....]. The 25th, Venus [will reach Cancer. ....] —————————— [Month III, .... Jupiter in Capri]corn, Venus and Mercury in [Cancer, Saturn in Aqua]rius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, Mer[cury will reach Leo. ....] [The xth, Sat]urn stationary in the end of Aquarius. The 20th, Venus will reach Leo. [The xth, Mercu]ry’s last appearance in the west in Leo. .... [....] —————————— [Month IV,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Leo, Saturn [in Aqua]rius. The 1st, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 5th, Sir[ius’ first appearance ....] [....] .... The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 20th, [Mars’] first appearance in Cancer. The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer. [....] [The xth,] Mercury will reach Leo. Night of the 20+[xth, ....] ...., solar eclipse which will be omitted?. —————————— [Month V, .... Jup]iter in Capricorn, [....] .... [....] [....] The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Leo. .... [....] —————————— [Month VI, .... Venus] in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Leo. The 1st, [....] [.... The 17th,] equinox. The 21st, Mars [will reach] Virgo. [....] —————————— [Month VII, .... Saturn in Aqua]rius, Mars in Virgo. The 1st, [....] [....] .... [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
5 6 7
[Month VIII, ....] ...., Venus in .... [....] [....] will reach [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, [....] —————————— [Month IX, .... Jupiter in Capri]corn, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius, Mercury in Sagi[ttarius ....] [....] .... [....] will reach [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, solstice. The 2[5th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. ....] —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Libra. The 2nd, .... [....] lunar eclipse; it will make two-thirds of the disc; it will rise eclipsed. The 15th, [....] —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Mars in Scorpius. The 2nd, Venus’ [last appearance] in the west in [Aquarius. .... Jupiter’s] first appearance in Aquarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] ——————————
Nos. 197 & 198
392 9 10
[ŠE x MÚL]-BABBAR u dele-bat ina GU AN ina PA 10 GENNA ina GU IGI 15 na 21 [GU4-UD ina NIM ina x IGI ....] [....] ⌈23⌉ [LÁ]L-tì 27 KUR 29 [....]
No. 198 BM 42757 Photo: Pl. 106 Year: SE 244
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[x x] ⌈x⌉ [.... GENNA] ana ME E-[a] 10? dele-bat RÍN [KUR-ád ....] —————————— KIN 30 M[ÚL]-BABBAR ina MÁ[Š ....] GÍR-TAB KUR-á[d? 1]5? na 10+[x ....] —————————— DU6 1 MÚ[L-BA]BBAR ina MÁŠ GENN[A ....] 13 G[U4-UD ina Š]Ú? ⌈ina⌉ GÍR-TAB I[GI ....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
APIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ [.... GU4-UD ina NIM] ina GÍR-TAB IGI 11 AN RÍN [KUR-ád? ....] —————————— GAN 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR ina [MÁŠ .... GU4-UD] PA KUR-ád? 8? MÚL-BABBAR G[U KUR-ád ....] ⌈x x x KUR?⌉
Year SE 244 9
[Month XII, .... Ju]piter and Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Sagittarius. The 10th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, [Mercury’s first appearance in the east in ....] [....] The 23rd, [equi]nox. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, [....]
Date A solstice on IX 20 and the Sirius phenomena restrict the year to SE 16 + 19n. A lunar eclipse in month X, and a first appearance on Saturn in Aquarius on XII 10 identify the year as SE 244.
No. 198 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... [.... Saturn’s] acronychal rising. The 10th?, Venus [will reach] Libra. [....] —————————— Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capri[corn, ....] will reach Scorpius. [The 1]5th, first moonset after sunrise. The 10+[xth, ....] —————————— Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn [....] The 13th, Me[rcury’s] first [appearance in the we]st in Scorpius. [....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east] in Scorpius. The 11th, Mars [will reach] Libra. [....] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. Jupiter in [Capricorn, .... Mercury] will reach Sagittarius. The 8th?, Jupiter [will reach] Aqua[rius ....] .... The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
Date Jupiter is in Capricorn from month VI on and moves into Aquarius in month IX. Some outer planet has an acronychal rising in month V. In the first part of month VIII, a planet becomes visible in Scorpius. After that, Mars moves into Libra. These conditions identify the year as SE 244, which makes restorations possible.
No. 199
No. 199 BM 31592 + 31635 + 32242 + 32612 (= 76-11-17, 1319+1362+1969+2357+2539) Listed as LBAT *1179 (32242), *1180 (32612) Photo: Pl. 106f. Year: SE 245
Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[BAR ....] ⌈14⌉ na [2]5? AN ina PA ⌈UŠ⌉ 26 ⌈KUR? 29 x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x⌉ —————————— [G]U4 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina ḪUN AN ina PA 11 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina [MAŠ-MA]Š IGI 11 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 14 na 26 GU4-UD [ALLA] KUR 27 KUR 29 AN ana ME E-a 29 dele-bat MÚL-MÚL KUR [SIG x] MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina ALLA AN ina PA 14 na 20 MÚL-⌈BABBAR⌉ ina ⌈zibme⌉ UŠ 22 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ ina] ALLA ŠÚ 25 šámaš GUB 26 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 27 KUR —————————— ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ AN ina PA 3 AN ina SAG PA UŠ 7 GENNA [ina] z[ibm]e ⌈UŠ⌉ GE6 13 ½ DANNA GE6 ana ZÁLAG A[N-K]U10 sin {ina} TIL-tì GAR-an ád ŠÚ 13 na ⌈16⌉ múlKAK-⌈BAN IGI⌉ 22 GU4-UD ina ⌈NIM⌉ ina ALLA IGI 24 dele-bat ALLA KUR 26 KUR 28 ⌈2⌉ DANNA ME NIM-a ⌈AN-KU10⌉ šámaš ana PAP —————————— [I]ZI 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat u GU4-UD ina ⌈ALLA AN? ina PA?⌉ 7 GU4-UD A KUR 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina A ŠÚ 14 na 10+⌈x⌉ MÚL-BABBAR GU KUR 18 dele-bat A KUR 21 MÚL ana ME E-a 27 KUR —————————— KIN 1 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina ⌈GU⌉ dele-bat ina A GENNA ina zibme AN ina PA 3 GENNA ana ME E-a 10? [AN] MÁŠ KUR ⌈12?⌉ dele-bat ABSIN KUR 13 na 27 KUR 2⌈8⌉ [LÁL-tì] —————————— ⌈DU6⌉ 30 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ina⌉ [GU dele-bat] ⌈ina ABSIN⌉ GENNA ina zibme AN ina MÁŠ ⌈5? GU4-UD⌉ [ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB x dele]-bat RÍN KUR 14 na 15 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [UD-D]A ŠÚ-šú ⌈DIB⌉ 21 MÚL-BABBAR ina GU ⌈UŠ x⌉ [....] GU? KUR-ád ——————————
Year SE 245
No. 199 Obv. 1 2
4 5
8 9
[Month I, ....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [The 2]5?th, Mars stationary in Sagittarius. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, .... [....] .... —————————— [Mo]nth II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Aries, Mars in Sagittarius. The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in [Gemi]ni. The 11th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Mercury will reach [Cancer]. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 29th, Venus will reach Taurus. [Month III, ....] Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer, Mars in Sagittarius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Jupiter stationary in Pisces. The 22nd, Mercury’s last appearance [in the west in] Cancer. The 25th, solstice. The 26th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Sagittarius. The 3rd, Mars stationary in the beginning of Sagittarius. The 7th, Saturn stationary in Pisces. Night of the 13th, ½ bēru before sunrise, lunar eclipse, it will make totality; it will set eclipsed. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 22nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Cancer. The 24th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, 2 bēru after sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus and Mercury in Cancer, Mars? in Sagittarius?. The 7th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Leo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 10+xth, Jupiter will reach Aquarius. The 18th, Venus will reach Leo. The 21st, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus in Leo, Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Sagittarius. The 3rd, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 10th?, [Mars] will reach Capricorn. The 12th?, Venus will reach Virgo. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, [equinox.] —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in [Aquarius, Venus] in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Capricorn. The 5th?, Mercury’s [first appearance in the west .... will be omitted. The xth, Ve]nus will reach Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west .... will be omitted. The 21st, Jupiter stationary in Aquarius .... [....] will reach Aquarius?. ——————————
No. 199
Rev. 1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
APIN 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina G[U ....] ⌈8? GU4⌉-UD ina NIM ina TIL RÍN IGI 13 na 10+[x x x x] ⌈KUR? 27?⌉ [KUR] —————————— GAN 30 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina GU GENNA [ina ....] 7? GU4-UD ⌈PA⌉ KUR 10+[x] GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈PA⌉ ŠÚ [x] ⌈na?⌉ 15 AN zibme KUR 24 MÚL-BABBAR zibme K[UR x dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina x] IGI 29 AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ⌈ÁB šá DIB⌉ —————————— AB 1 MÚL-BABBAR GENNA u AN ina zibme 1 šámaš GU[B ....] ⌈x⌉ 6 ⌈KAK-BAN⌉ ana ME E-a 13 dele-bat GU KUR 13 ⌈KI ŠÚ šámaš⌉ A[N-KU10 sin] ⌈TIL⌉-tì GAR-an ád E-a 14 [na?] ⌈17?⌉ GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ⌈GU⌉ IGI 20+[x] KUR —————————— ⌈ZÍZ 30⌉ MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat u [GU4-UD ina G]U 1 AN ḪUN KUR ⌈5 GU4-[UD x] ⌈x KUR? x x x x⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x 14? na⌉ 25 GENNA ina zibme ŠÚ 27 KUR [....] ⌈x x ŠÚ⌉ —————————— [ŠE] ⌈x x x⌉ dele-bat ina zibme AN ina ḪUN 2 dele-bat ḪUN KUR 4 ⌈GU4⌉-[UD ina NIM ina] ⌈x IGI⌉ x x x x x [x x] ⌈x 20 x x⌉ [x x] ⌈20+x GU4-UD ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ⌉ 27 KUR —————————— BAR 1 ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x x x x⌉ ⌈šá? MU-1-me⌉-1,21-KAM šá ši-i ? ⌈MU -2-me-x⌉-[x x x x x] ⌈x x x⌉
Comments Rev. 9: at the end, possibly 24 GU4-UD zibme KUR (The 24th, Mercury will reach Pisces) ?
Year SE 245
Rev. 1 2
9 10
11 12
Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Aqua[rius ....] The 8th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Libra. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 10+[xth, ....] will reach? [....] The 27th?, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] —————————— Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Aquarius, Saturn [in ....] The 7th?, Mercury will reach Sagittarius. The 10+[xth,] Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Sagittarius. [The xth,] first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mars will reach Pisces. The 24th, Jupiter will reach Pisces. [The xth, Venus’] first appearance [in the west in ....] The 29th, solar eclipse (after) 5 months which will be omitted. —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars in Pisces. The 1st, solstice. [....] .... The 6th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. The 13th, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 13th, at sunset, [lunar eclip]se, it will make totality; it will come out eclipsed. The 14th, [first moonset after sunrise.?] The 17th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 20+[xth,] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] .... —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus [and Mercury in Aqua]rius. The 1st, Mars will reach Aries. The 5th, Mer[cury] will reach? .... [....] .... [....] .... The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Saturn’s last appearance in Pisces. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] .... —————————— [Month XII,] .... Venus in Pisces, Mars in Aries. The 2nd, Venus will reach Aries. The 4th, Mer[cury’s] first appearance? [in the east in] .... [....] 20 .... [....] The 20+xth, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [Predictions? ....] of year 181, which is Year 2[45, ....] ....
No. 200
No. 200 BM 45729 (= 81-7-6, 137+148+618) Photo: Pl. 107f. Year: SE 246
Upper edge 1 [ina a-mat] dEN u dAG liš-lim Obv. 1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
[BAR .... AN ina] MÚL-MÚL 4 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme IGI 4 LÁL-⌈tì⌉ 9 GENNA ina zibme IGI 14 na 21 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ [KUR-ád] [2]9 ⌈AN⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád —————————— [GU4 x MÚL-BABBAR u] GENNA ina zibme ⌈dele-bat⌉ u AN ⌈ina MAŠ-MAŠ 4?⌉ [x x] x KUR-ád 8? GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL IGI 11 MÚL-[BABBAR ḪUN?] [KUR-ád? x dele]-⌈bat⌉ ALLA KUR-⌈ád?⌉ 19 MÚL-MÚL ⌈ina? NIM?⌉ [IGI? 2]2 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 27 KUR 30 AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ —————————— [SIG x MÚL-BABB]AR ina ḪUN dele-bat ⌈ina ALLA ⌈GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ x⌉ [x x x]+3 GU4-UD ALLA⌉ KUR-ád 15 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina ALLA ŠÚ ⌈x x⌉ [x dele-bat] ⌈A⌉ KUR-ád 27 KUR [2]8 [x x x] ⌈UD?⌉ ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámas ana PAP —————————— [ŠU x ....] ⌈dele-bat ina? A⌉ [....] ⌈1? DANNA GE6⌉ GIN AN-KU10 sin ⌈x⌉ [x x x] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ 27 KUR ⌈x x⌉ [....] [IZI ....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 28 ⌈KUR?⌉ —————————— [KIN ....] GENNA ina zibme 8 dele-[bat ina ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ ....] ⌈x 17?⌉ AN ina A IGI [....] ⌈x⌉ AN ABSIN KUR-ád 27 GE[NNA ana ME E-a 2]8? KUR 29 [GU4-UD] ina ŠÚ UD-DA IGI DIB —————————— [KIN-2-KAM x MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat] u AN ina ABSIN GENNA ina zibme ⌈x⌉ [GU4-UD ina ŠÚ] UD-DA ŠÚ-šú DIB 10 ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ [....] na 27 KUR —————————— [DU6 x MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat] u AN ina ABSIN GENNA ina zibme 1 [GU4-UD ina] ⌈NIM⌉ ina RÍN IGI 11 AN RÍN KUR-ád [....] ⌈23⌉ GU4-U[D GÍR-TAB] KUR-ád 27 [KUR 2]8 ⌈GENNA ina zibme UŠ⌉
Rev. 1 2
[APIN x .... dele-bat u A]N ina RÍN GU4-UD ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina ⌈zibme⌉ [x GU4-U]D ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ 4+[x ....] [....] dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR-ád 26 AN GÍR-TAB KUR-ád [x x] 28 1/3? DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-[KU10 šámaš ana PAP] ——————————
Year SE 246
No. 200 Upper edge 1 [At the command of] Bel and Nabû may it go well. Obv. 1
2 3
5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
[Month I, .... Mars in] Taurus. The 4th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Pisces. The 4th, equinox. The 9th, Saturn’s first appearance in Pisces. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Venus [will reach] Gemini. [The 2]9th, Mars will reach Gemini. —————————— [Month II, .... Jupiter and] Saturn in Pisces, Venus and Mars in Gemini. The 4th?, [....] .... will reach .... The 8th?, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. The 11th, Ju[piter will reach Aries?.] [The xth, Ven]us will reach Cancer. The 19th, Pleiades’ [first appearance?] in the east. [The 2]2nd, Sirius’ last appearance. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Mars’ last appearance in Gemini. —————————— [Month III, .... Jupit]er in Aries, Venus in Cancer, Mercury in Gemini .... [.... The x]+3rd, Mercury will reach Cancer. The 15th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer .... [The xth, Venus] will reach [Leo.] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [The 2]8th, [....] before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month IV, ....] Venus in Leo, [....] 1? bēru after sunset, lunar eclipse .... [....] [....] .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ..... [....] [Month V, ....] .... [....] .... The 28th, last visibility? of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VI, ....] Saturn in Pisces. The 8th, Ven[us’ last appearance in the west in ....] The 17th?, Mars’ first appearance in Leo. [....] The xth, Mars will reach Virgo. The 27th, Sat[urn’s acronychal rising. The 2]8th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, [Mercury’s] first appearance in the west .... will be omitted. —————————— [Month VI2, .... Jupiter in Aries, Venus] and Mars in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces. The xth, [Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west] .... will be omitted. The 10th, equinox. [....] first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VII, .... Jupiter in Aries, Venus] and Mars in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces. The 1st, [Mercury’s] first appearance in the east in Libra. The 11th, Mars will reach Libra. [....] The 23rd, Mercury will reach [Scorpius.] The 27th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 2]8th, Saturn stationary in Pisces.
Rev. 1 2
[Month VIII, .... Venus and Ma]rs in Libra, Mercury in Scorpius, Saturn in Pisces. [The xth, Mercur]y’s last appearance in the east in Scorpius. The 4th, [....] [....] Venus will reach Scorpius. The 26th, Mars will reach Scorpius. [....] The 28th, ⅓? bēru before sunset, [solar] eclipse [to be watched for.] ——————————
400 3 4 5 6
Nos. 200 & 201 [GAN x MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat] u AN ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina zibme 13 [šámaš GUB x] ⌈x UD? ana ŠÚ?⌉ šámaš AN-KU10 sin ⌈BAR? DIB?⌉ [.... GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI ⌈12? x x⌉ [x] ⌈x x x x GU4-UD⌉ GU KUR-ád 28 ⌈KUR⌉ —————————— [AB ....] GU4-UD ina GU GENNA ina zibme AN ina [PA ....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [.... KUR]-ád 13 na 26? ⌈GU4-UD?⌉ [ina NIM ina x IGI ....] ⌈x x⌉ —————————— (rest blank)
No. 201 BM 33798 (= Rm IV 357) Copy: LBAT 1182 Photo: Pl. 108f. Year: SE 247
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2
3 4 5 6
[BAR x] bat ina ḪUN AN ina MÁŠ 2 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL IGI [x GENNA ina SA]G ḪUN IGI 13 AN GU KUR [x n]a 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN IGI 22 bat MÚL-MÚL KUR 25 MÚL-BABBAR MÚL-MÚL KUR 27 KUR —————————— [GU4 x] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina ḪUN AN ⌈ina GU 4 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ⌉ 5 bat ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ 11 G[U4-UD?] [ina ŠÚ ina MA]Š-MAŠ ŠÚ 15 na 27 KUR 29 KI KUR šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— [SIG x] MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina GU 12 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 14 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 15 na 18 šámaš GUB 23? AN zibme KUR-ád 27 KUR 28 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 28 AN ina SAG zibme UŠ —————————— ⌈ŠU⌉ 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina zibme 6 GU4-UD ALLA KUR 9 múlKAK-BAN IGI 15 ⌈na?⌉ [....] —————————— [IZI x] ⌈MÚL-BABBAR⌉ ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina zibme 2 [GEN]NA ina ḪUN UŠ 4 ⌈x x x⌉ [x] ⌈x⌉
Years SE 246 & 247 3 4
5 6
[Month IX, .... Jupiter in Aries, Venus] and Mars in Scorpius, Saturn in Pisces. The 13th, [equinox ....] .... before sunset, lunar eclipse, “extraneous”, will be omitted?. [.... Merc]ury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 12?th, .... [....] .... Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month X, ....] Mercury in Aquarius, Saturn in Pisces, Mars in [Sagittarius. ....] .... [....] will [reach ....] The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th?, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east in ....] .... —————————— (rest blank)
Date An equinox on I 4 allows only years SE 18 + 19n. The phenomena of Saturn and Jupiter decide for SE 246, which is confirmed by the eclipse possibilities.
No. 201 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1
3 4
5 6
[Month I, ....] Venus in Aries, Mars in Capricorn. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. [The xth, Saturn’s] first appearance [in the beginn]ing of Aries. The 13th, Mars will reach Aquarius. [The xth, first] moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in Aries. The 22nd, Venus will reach Taurus. The 25th, Jupiter will reach Taurus. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month II, ....] Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Saturn in Aries, Mars in Aquarius. The 4th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 5th, Venus’ last appearance in Taurus. The 11th, Me[rcury’s] last appearance [in the west in Ge]mini. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, with sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month III, ....] Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Aries, Mars in Aquarius. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 14th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, solstice. The 23rd?, Mars will reach Pisces. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Gemini. The 28th, Mars stationary in the beginning of Pisces. —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Aries, Mars in Pisces. The 6th, Mercury will reach Cancer. The 9th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] —————————— [Month V, ....] Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Aries, Mars in Pisces. The 2nd, Saturn stationary in Aries. The 4th, ....
402 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
No. 201 [....] 15 na 23 GU4-UD RÍN KUR 20+[x x 2]7 bat RÍN KUR ⌈28 MÚL?-BABBAR? ina MÚL U[Š? ....] [....] ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina RÍN ŠÚ —————————— [KIN ....] 15 na [x] AN ina GU UŠ 21 LÁL? [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [x x] IGI? 28 KUR —————————— [DU6 ....] GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina [GU] ⌈4?⌉ GU4-UD RÍN KUR 14? na [.... AN zi]b⌈me⌉ KUR 18 MÚL-[BABBAR ana] ME E-a 28 KUR 28 [....] (blank)
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14
[APIN ....] ⌈x x⌉ 10 bat MÁŠ KUR ⌈15⌉ AN-KU10 sin 5 ÁB DIB [...] 27 KUR GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB —————————— [GAN .... bat ina MÁ]Š GENNA ina ḪUN AN zibme? 13 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ IGI ⌈19 x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ 24 šámaš GUB 27 KUR 29 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [ina x ŠÚ .... 29 m]úlKA[K-BAN ana ME] ⌈E⌉-a? —————————— [AB x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ G[U4-U]D? ina MÁŠ GENNA [x x] ⌈x⌉ 3? bat zibme ⌈KUR-ád x x⌉ [.... GU4-UD ina NIM ina MÁ]Š? IGI 14? n[a 2]7 KUR —————————— [ZÍZ x MÚL-BABBAR ina] MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina MÁŠ GEN[NA u AN ina] ḪUN 1 bat ḪUN KUR-ád 6 GU4-UD ⌈GU KUR⌉ [.... K]UR? ⌈13 na⌉ 26 G[U4-UD ina NIM ina] ⌈GU⌉ ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— [ŠE x (MÚL)]-BABBAR u AN ina MÚL-MÚL 1 ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈7⌉ bat MÚL KUR 13 na 15 GENNA [ina ḪUN ŠÚ .... 2]7 KUR 27 LÁL?-t[ì? x GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina x] IGI 29 BABBAR MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád —————————— [....] ⌈šá KUR-ád?meš šá⌉ [....]-1,22-KAM šá ši?-i [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] Ar-šá-ka??-a [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
Comments This tablet uses bat for dele-bat and occasionally BABBAR for MÚL-BABBAR. The writing is very slanted; my readings should be considered preliminary in many cases.
Year SE 247 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
[....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, Mercury will reach Libra. The 20+[xth, .... The 2]7th, Venus will reach Libra. The 28th, Jupiter? stationary? in Taurus. [....] [....] Mercury’s last appearance in Libra. —————————— [Month VI, ....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth,] Mars stationary in Aquarius. The 21st, equinox?. [....] .... first appearance [....] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VII, ....] Saturn in Aries, Mars in [Aquarius.] The 4th?, Mercury will reach Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Mars] will reach Pisces. The 18th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, [....]
Rev. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
8 9
10 11
13 14
[Month VIII, ....] .... The 10th, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 15th, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months will be omitted. [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— [Month IX, .... Venus in Capri]corn, Saturn in Aries, Mars in Pisces?. The 13th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. The 19th, .... [....] .... The 24th, solstice. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west [in .... The 29th,] Sirius’ acronychal rising. —————————— [Month X, .... Jupiter in] Taurus, Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn [....] .... The 3rd, Venus will reach Pisces. .... [.... Mercury’s] first appearance [in the east in Capri]corn. The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. [The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XI, .... Jupiter in] Taurus, Mercury? in Capricorn, Saturn [and Mars in] Aries. The 1st, Venus will reach Aries. The 6th, Mercury will reach Aquarius. [....] will reach [....] The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance [in the east in] Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month XII, ....] Jupiter and Mars in Taurus. The 1st, .... [....] The 7th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Saturn’s [last appearance in Aries. .... The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th, equinox?. [The xth, Mercury’s] first appearance [in the west in ....] The 29th, Jupiter will reach Gemini. —————————— [....] of reachings of [.... year 1]82 (error for:183) which is [....] .... [....] Arsaces? [....] .... [....]
Date A last appearance of Sirius on II 4 restricts the year to SE 19n. Saturn and Jupiter data lead to SE 247; the other data agree with it.
No. 202
No. 202 BM 33485 + 33822 (Rm IV 39 + 382) + Rm IV unnumbered Copy: LBAT 1183 (33822) Photo: Pl. 110 Year: SE 248
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dG[AŠAN-iá] ⌈liš-lim⌉ Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
BAR 30 MÚL-BABBAR u dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL [.... x]+2 GU4-UD MÚL-MÚL KUR 14 na 16 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina [MÚL-MÚL] ŠÚ 24 dele-bat ina NIM ina TIL ḪUN IGI 20+[x .... 2]9 GU4-UD ALLA KUR —————————— GU4 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÚL-MÚL dele-bat ina ḪUN GU4-[UD ....] 1 GENNA ina ḪUN IGI 6 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ ŠÚ 7 GU4-UD [ina ŠÚ] ina SAG MAŠ-MAŠ? ŠÚ GE6 14 5 UŠ GE6 [....] ⌈x sin šal-šú⌉ ḪAB-rat-te? GAR ád ŠÚ 15 na? 19 AN ⌈ALLA⌉ KUR 27 KUR 28 [x (x)] ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 29 dele-bat ⌈MÚL-MÚL⌉ KUR —————————— SIG ⌈30⌉ dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina ḪUN A[N x x] ⌈7?⌉ [MÚL]-⌈BABBAR⌉ ina SAG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 13 GU4-UD ina NIM ⌈UD-DA I[GI DIB] 15 na 23 GU4-U[D ina NIM UD-DA ŠÚ]-šú? [DIB] 27 KUR 28 AN ⌈ina ALLA⌉ ŠÚ 29 šámaš GUB —————————— ŠU 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ-M[AŠ .... GE]NNA ina ⌈ḪUN 10 dele-bat⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 16 na 20 múlKAK-BAN ⌈IGI⌉ 27 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ [ina ŠÚ ina x] ⌈IGI⌉ 28 KUR —————————— IZI 1 MÚL-[BABBAR u dele-bat ina MAŠ]-⌈MAŠ GU4-UD [ina A?] GENNA ina ḪUN⌉ 3 ⌈GU4-UD ABSIN⌉ KUR 8 ⌈dele-bat ALLA KUR⌉ 15 [na?] ⌈24? x⌉ [x x GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina x] ŠÚ 27 KUR 28 GENNA ina ḪUN UŠ —————————— [KIN .... dele]-bat ⌈ina ALLA? GENNA ina ḪUN⌉ 5 dele-bat A KUR 16 na 22 ⌈GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN⌉ IG[I] [....] ⌈x⌉ dele-bat? ⌈ABSIN? KUR⌉ —————————— [DU6 .... dele-b]at u GU4-UD ina ABSIN ⌈GENNA⌉ [ina ḪUN 2] ⌈LÁL-tì⌉ 11⌈AN ina TIL ABSIN IGI⌉ [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 12 ⌈x x⌉ KUR 15 na 16 ⌈GENNA ana ME E-a x⌉ [....] [....] dele-bat ⌈RÍN KUR⌉ 25+[x KUR] ——————————
Year SE 248
No. 202 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1
12 13 14 15 16
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, [.... The x]+2nd, Mercury will reach Taurus. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in [Taurus.] The 24th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in the end of Aries. The 20+[xth, .... The 2]9th, Mercury will reach Cancer. —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Aries, Mer[cury ....] The 1st, Saturn’s first appearance in Aries. The 6th, Jupiter’s last appearance in Taurus. The 7th, Mercury’s last appearance [in the west] in the beginning of Gemini?. Night of the 14th, 5° of night [....] lunar eclipse, it will make one-third of the disc; it will set eclipsed. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mars will reach Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, [....] before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Venus will reach Taurus. —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Aries, Ma[rs ....] The 7th?, Jupiter’s first appearance in the beginning of Gemini. The 13th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east ...., [will be omitted.] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east ...., will be omitted.] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mars’ last appearance in Cancer. The 29th, solstice. —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, [...., Sat]urn in Aries. The 10th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 27th, Mercury’s first appearance [in the west in ....] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Ju[piter and Venus in Ge]mini, Mercury in Leo?, Saturn in Aries. The 3rd, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 8th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 15th, [first moonset after sunrise.] The 24th, .... [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west in ....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Saturn stationary in Aries. —————————— [Month VI, .... Ve]nus in Cancer, Saturn in Aries. The 5th, Venus will reach Leo. The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. [....] Venus will reach Virgo?. —————————— [Month VII, .... Ve]nus and Mercury in Virgo, Saturn [in Aries. The 2nd,] equinox. The 11th, Mars’ first appearance in the end of Virgo. [....] .... [....] [....] .... The 12th, .... will reach .... The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. .... [....] [....] Venus will reach Libra. The 25+[xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] ——————————
No. 202
Rev. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14
[APIN x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ dele-bat u AN ⌈ina RÍN⌉ [GEN]NA ina ḪUN 10+[x x x] ⌈x⌉ [x x x] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈dele-bat GÍR-TAB⌉ KUR 27 KUR 28? [AN G]ÍR-TAB ⌈KUR?⌉ GE6 29 AN-KU10 šámas šá DIB —————————— [GAN x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ?⌉ dele-bat u AN ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina ḪUN 8 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL PA IGI 11 MÚL-BABBAR? ⌈ana ME E 14 x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈KUR?⌉ 14 na 24 GENNA ina ḪUN UŠ 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ [x] KUR —————————— [AB x MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ]-MAŠ dele-bat ina PA GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina GÍR-TAB 5 šámaš GUB 7 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈AN PA KUR⌉ 12? dele-bat ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 13 na 24 GU4-UD MÁŠ [KUR ....] —————————— [ZÍZ x MÚL-BABBAR ina MAŠ]-⌈MAŠ⌉ GU4-UD ina MÁŠ ⌈GENNA ina ḪUN⌉ AN [ina PA] 10 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ UŠ 13 ⌈x x⌉ [....] [x x x] ⌈x AN MÁŠ? KUR?⌉ [x x GU4]-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— ŠE 1 MÚ[L-BABBAR ina MAŠ-MAŠ] GENNA ina ḪUN [AN ina x] ⌈13?⌉ na 18? dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina TIL ḪUN IGI 19 dele-bat ⌈ḪUN⌉ [KUR] 22 GU4-U[D ina ŠÚ ina] ⌈x IGI⌉ 28 [K]UR —————————— DIR-ŠE ⌈30⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina [MAŠ]-⌈MAŠ dele-bat u GENNA ina ḪUN AN ina MÁŠ⌉ 2 AN GU KUR 8 LÁL-t[ì x GENNA] ina ḪUN ŠÚ 12 GU4-UD [MÚL-MÚL] ⌈KUR 14? na⌉ 17? ⌈dele-bat⌉ MÚL-MÚL KUR 24 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL-MÚL ŠÚ ⌈27⌉ KUR —————————— BAR 1 meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádme[š šá d]UDU-TILmeš šá MU-1-me-1,24-KAM x MU-2-me-⌈48⌉-KAM I Ar-šá-kam LUGAL LUGALmeš
Upper edge Apart from the invocation, there is [IGI]-TAB „checked“, and two vertical wedges are written separately on the edge.
Year SE 248
Rev. 1 2
5 6
7 8
[Month VIII, .... Jupiter in] Gemini, Venus and Mars in Libra, [Sat]urn in Aries. The 10+[xth, ....] .... [....] .... [....] [....] Venus will reach Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, [Mars] will reach Scorpius. Night of the 29th, solar eclipse which will be omitted. —————————— [Month IX, .... Jupiter in] Gemini, Venus and Mars in Scorpius, Saturn in Aries. The 8th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of Sagittarius. The 11th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 14th, .... [....] [....] will reach? [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 24th, Saturn stationary in Aries. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn. [The xth,] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month X, .... Jupiter in Ge]mini, Venus in Sagittarius, Saturn in Aries, Mars in Scorpius. The 5th, solstice. The 7th, Venus will reach Capricorn. .... [....] [....] Mars will reach Sagittarius. The 12th?, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 24th, Mercury [will reach] Capricorn. [....] —————————— [Month XI, .... Jupiter in Gemi]ni, Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn in Aries, Mars [in Sagittarius.] The 10th, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 13th, .... [....] [....] ...., Mars will reach Capricorn?. [The xth, Merc]ury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Ju[piter in Gemini,] Saturn in Aries, [Mars in ....] The 13th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th?, Venus’ first appearance in the west in the end of Aries. The 19th, Venus [will reach] Aries. The 22nd, Mercury’s first [appearance in the west in] .... [The xth,] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month XII2, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Saturn in Aries, Mars in Capricorn. The 2nd, Mars will reach Aquarius. The 8th, equinox. [The xth, Saturn’s] last appearance in Aries. The 12th, Mercury will reach [Taurus.] The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th?, Venus will reach Taurus. The 24th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. The 27th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year 184 .... year 248, Arsaces king of kings.
Nos. 203 & 204
No. 203 BM 34324 (=Sp 438) Copy: LBAT 1203 Photo: Pl. 111 Year: SE 250
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 10+[x] ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ⌈ana PAP⌉ —————————— [DU6 .... šal]-⌈šú⌉ ḪAB-rat GAR ád ŠÚ [.... GU4-UD ina]⌈ŠÚ⌉ [ina?] ⌈TIL?⌉ GÍR-TAB IGI ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5
[APIN ....] ⌈A?⌉ KUR-ád 6 GENNA [....] [....] 27 KUR 30 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR-ád —————————— [GAN .... MÚL-BABBAR ina] ⌈A?⌉ UŠ 13 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ PA KUR-ád [....] ⌈x x⌉ —————————— [....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....]
No. 204 BM 46050 (= 81-7-6, 497) Copy: LBAT 1184 (in part) Photo: Pl. 111 Year: SE 254
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
BAR 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GENNA ina MAŠ-MAŠ AN ina ALLA 3 LÁL-[tì ....] 21 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 27 KUR —————————— GU4 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat u GENNA ina MAŠ-MAŠ GU4-UD ina ḪUN [....] GENNA ALLA KUR 15 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 15 na 27 [KUR ....] —————————— SIG 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat u GENNA ina ALLA AN [....]
Years SE 250 & 254
No. 203 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] 10+[x°] before sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month VII, ....] it will make one-third of the disc; it will set eclipsed. [.... Mercury‘s] first appearance in the west in the end of Scorpius. ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2
3 4 5
[Month VIII, ....] will reach Leo?. The 6th, Saturn [....] [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Venus will reach Capricorn. —————————— [Month IX, .... Jupiter] stationary in Leo?. The 13th, Mercury will reach Sagittarius. [....] .... —————————— [....] .... [....]
Date A solar eclipse (possibility) was to be followed by a partial lunar eclipse, during which the moon would set, both around the middle of the year. Some planet was expected to have a first appearance in Scorpius after the eclipse; Venus reaches Capricorn at the end of the following month. These conditions are satisfied only by SE 250. Apart from the eclipses, Mercury had a first appearance in the west in the end of Scorpius; Venus reached Capricorn at the end of month VIII. On VIII 6, Saturn had its acronychal rising. On IX 6, Jupiter became stationary in Leo; on IX 13, Mercury reached Sagittarius.
No. 204 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ 1 2 3 4
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Gemini, Mars in Cancer. The 3rd, equi[nox ....] The 21st, Venus will reach Gemini. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus and Saturn in Gemini, Mercury in Aries, [....] Saturn will reach Cancer. The 15th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus and Saturn in Cancer, Mars [....]
410 6 7 8 9
Nos. 204 & 205 23 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 25? [....] —————————— ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat u AN ina A [....] 8 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB UŠ [....] —————————— IZI 1 M[ÚL-BABBAR ....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
28 1 [....] —————————— ZÍZ 30 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina PA G[U4-UD ....] —————————— ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA dele-bat ina MÁŠ GU4-[UD ....] 15 na 19 GENNA ina ALLA UŠ [....] —————————— DIR-ŠE 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA GENNA ina ALLA ⌈2?⌉ [....] 18 GU4-UD MÚL-MÚL KUR-ád 26 dele-bat ḪUN [KUR ....] —————————— BAR 30 meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá dUDU-TILmeš šá MU-[....] I Ar-šá-kam LUGAL LUGALmeš
Comments Rev. 1´: There was a solar eclipse possibility in this month; the preserved number „1“ is a time indication.
No. 205 BM 33651 + 33752 (= Rm IV 207+310+unnumbered) Photo: Pl. 112 Year: SE 270
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈15⌉ GENNA ina ⌈MÁŠ⌉ U[Š? ....] [SIG ....] 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ALLA [IGI ....] [ŠU .... GENNA ina] ⌈MÁŠ? AN? ina? MÚL-[MÚL? x G]U4-UD A KUR 2 ⌈šámaš⌉ GUB ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈na⌉ 22 GU4-UD ina? [ŠÚ ina x ŠÚ] ⌈x KUR⌉ [IZI] ⌈x MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN⌉ dele-[bat ina x] ⌈GENNA⌉ ina MÁŠ AN ina MAŠ-MAŠ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [x dele]-bat ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN? [ŠÚ 2]7 KUR 28 AN ALLA KUR [....] [KIN x MÚ]L-BABBAR ina ḪUN GU4-UD ina ⌈A⌉ [GENN]A ⌈ina MÁŠ AN⌉ [ina] ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ? 1?⌉ GU4-UD ina N[IM ina A ŠÚ ....] [....] ⌈x GE6?⌉ 13 AN-K[U10 sin ....] ⌈x⌉ GAR 13 na [....] [.... 2]7 KUR 28 [x x KUR] [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Years SE 254 & 270 6 7 8 9
The 23rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 25th?, [....] —————————— Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus and Mars in Leo, [....] The 8th, Jupiter stationary in Scorpius. [....] —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jup[iter ....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´
3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
The 28th, 1 [....] —————————— Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Sagittarius, Mer[cury ....] —————————— Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mer[cury ....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Saturn stationary in Cancer. [....] —————————— Month XII2, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Cancer. The 2nd?, [....] The 18th, Mercury will reach Taurus. The 26th, Venus [will reach] Aries. [....] —————————— Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets of year [....] Arsaces king of kings.
Date Within the Arsacid period, the Jupiter and Saturn phenomena identify the year as SE 254.
No. 205 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2` 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´
[....] .... [....] [....] The 15th, Saturn sta[tionary?] in Capricorn. [....] [Month III, ....] The 12th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in the beginning of Cancer. [....] [Month IV, .... Saturn in] Capricorn, Mars? in Taurus?. [The xth, Mer]cury will reach Leo. The 2nd, solstice. .... [....] [....] first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in ....]. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month V,] .... Jupiter in Aries, Ve[nus in ....,] Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Gemini. [....] .... [....] [The xth, Ve]nus’ [last appearance] in the west in Virgo?. [The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mars will reach Cancer. [....] [Month VI, .... Ju]piter in Aries, Mercury in Leo, [Satu]rn in Capricorn, Mars in Gemini. The 1st, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the ea[st in Leo. ....] [....] .... Night of the 13th, [lunar] eclipse [....] it will make .... The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] [.... The 2]7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, [.... will reach ....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
Nos. 205 & 206
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
[GAN .... dele-bat ina RÍ]N GENNA MÁŠ AN [....] [....] ⌈x 24? dele-bat? GÍR-TAB⌉ K[UR ....] [AB x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ḪUN dele-bat ina ⌈GÍR-TAB⌉ [GU4]-UD ina PA GENNA [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 13 AN PA? KUR? [1]3? na 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ (error for: NIM) ina MÁŠ [ŠÚ ....] [ZÍZ x MÚL]-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat [ina] ⌈PA⌉ AN ina A 2 AN ana ME E 8 dele-bat [MÁŠ? KUR? ....] [....] ⌈x x x KUR?⌉ 20 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG zibme IGI ⌈27? KUR? x⌉ [....] [.... AN-K]U10? ⌈šámaš? 5 ana PAP⌉ [ŠE x MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪU]N dele-bat ina zibme GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina A 10+[x] AN ALLA ⌈KUR x⌉ [....] [.... GE6 ana] ZÁLAG? AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 15 na 15 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈28 KUR⌉ [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
No. 206 BM 34159 (= Sp 264) Copy: LBAT 1185 Photo: Pl. 113 Year: SE 282
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [.... GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina S]AG ABSIN ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— [IZI .... GU4-UD ina NI]M ⌈ina TIL⌉ A IGI (text: ŠÚ) 27 KUR —————————— [KIN .... GU4-U]D [ina N]IM ina ABSIN ŠÚ [....] (blank)
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[DU6 .... MÚL-BABBAR ana ME] ⌈E⌉-a 6 GENNA ina MAŠ-MAŠ UŠ 7 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina GÍR-TAB I[GI] [....] (blank) —————————— [APIN ....] ina RÍN ina MAŠ-MAŠ 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina PA IGI 13 na [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL PA ŠÚ 27 KUR ——————————
Years SE 270 & 282
´Rev.´ 1´
[....] .... [....]
[Month IX, .... Venus in Lib]ra, Saturn in Capricorn, Mars [....] [....] .... The 24th?, Venus? will reach Scorpius. [....] [Month X, .... Jupiter in] Aries, Venus in Scorpius, [Mer]cury in Sagittarius, Saturn [....] [....] .... The 13th, Mars will reach Sagittarius?. [The 1]3th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west (error for: east) in Capricorn. [....] [Month XI, .... Ju]piter in Aries, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo. The 2nd, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 8th, Venus [will reach Capricorn? ....] [....] will reach? .... The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Pisces. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. .... [....] [....] solar eclipse (after) 5 months?, to be watched for. [Month XII, .... Jupiter in Ari]es, Venus in Pisces, Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Leo. The 10+[xth,] Mars will reach Cancer. .... [....] [.... before] sunrise, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, .... [....] [....] The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....]
4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´ 11´ 12´
Date A solstice on the 2nd day (obv. 4´) can only be in month IV; this leads to years SE 4 + 19n. The year can then be determined from the positions of Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Aries as SE 270. The eclipse possibilities agree with this date.
No. 206 ´Obv. 1´ 2´
4´ 5´
[....] .... [.... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the west in] the beginning of Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month V, .... Mercury’s] first (text: last) appearance in the east in the end of Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [Month VI, .... Mercu]ry’s last appearance in the east in Virgo. [....] (blank)
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
[Month VII, .... Jupiter’s acronychal] rising. The 6th, Saturn stationary in Gemini. The 7th, Venus’ first appearance in the west in Scorpius. [....] (blank) —————————— [Month VIII, ....] in Libra, in Gemini. The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Sagittarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] Mercury’s last appearance in the west in the end of Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ——————————
414 5 6 7 8
Nos. 206 & 207 [GAN x MÚL]-BABBAR ina ḪUN 1 AN PA KUR 4 GENNA ana ME E-a [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 20 šámaš GUB 25 múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a [.... AN-K]U10 šámaš ana PAP —————————— [AB .... GU4]-UD u AN ina PA 4? GU4-UD MÁŠ KUR ⌈9 dele-bat? zibme KUR⌉
No. 207 BM 41468 + 41516 (= 81-6-25, 79 + 129) Copy: LBAT 1187 Photo: Pl. 113 Year: SE 297
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[ŠU ....] GENNA ina ⌈PA⌉ 2? GU4-UD A [KUR] 9 GU4-UD ina [ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ] [21 múlKAK-BAN] IGI 23 AN ina A ŠÚ 27 KUR 27? MÚL-BABBAR [ina ALLA IGI] [IZI x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ALLA dele-bat ABSIN GENNA ina PA 4? GU4-UD ina NIM A[LLA IGI] [.... 1]3 na ⌈x⌉ GU4-UD A KUR 26 GU4-UD ina NIM A KUR (error for: ina A ŠÚ) [....] [KIN x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ALLA GENNA ina PA 12 ⌈dele-bat⌉ GÍR-TAB ⌈KUR⌉ 13 na 14 x x [....] [....] ŠÚ šámaš AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP [DU6 .... GEN]NA ina PA 3 LÁL-tì ⌈12⌉ KI ŠÚ AN-KU10 šámaš ana P[AP] [.... 2]8? KUR [APIN ....] GU4 GÍR-TAB GENNA ina PA 8 GU4-UD ina NIM(error for: ŠÚ) ina TIL GÍR-[TAB ŠÚ ....] [.... ] ⌈ina⌉ PA ŠÚ 23? [x ina] NIM GÍR-TAB IGI 27 K[UR ....]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[GAN ....] AN ina GÍR-TAB [x] MÚL-BABBAR ina A ⌈UŠ⌉ GENNA ⌈ina PA?⌉ [ŠÚ ....] [....] IGI 17 MÚL?-BABBAR? ⌈x x⌉ GENNA ⌈ina PA? x x⌉[....] [AB ....] dele-bat? ina GÍR-TAB 3 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ ina ŠÚ (error for: NIM) ŠÚ 6 šámaš GUB [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ x E-a 24? (error for: 14?) ⌈na?⌉ 27 KUR [ZÍZ ....] ina PA 1 ⌈MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E⌉-[a ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Obv. 7´: solar eclipses are not possible in the middle of the month. Maybe this is copied erroneously from the preceding line. There was a lunar eclipse in month VII. Obv. 10´: Venus has a last appearance in the west at this time, but she is not in Sagittarius. Both Venus and Mercury have a first appearance around the 20th in Scorpius, so either of them could be restored here. Rev. 2: Jupiter and Saturn were already listed in line 1, and no further phenomenon can be expected for them. Rev. 4: an acronychal rising of Sirius is expected, but the signs before E-a can hardly be made to fit KAK-BAN ana ME.
Years SE 282 & 297 5 6 7 8
[Month IX, .... Ju]piter in Aries. The 1st, Mars will reach Sagittarius. The 4th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. [....] .... The 20th, solstice. The 25th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. [....] solar eclipse to be watched for. —————————— [Month X, .... Mer]cury and Mars in Sagittarius. The 4th?, Mercury will reach Capricorn. The 9th, Venus will reach Pisces.
Date A solstice on the 20th, followed by an acronychal rising of Sirius on the 25th, identifies the month as IX and the year as SE 16 + 19n. A station of Saturn on VII 6 in Gemini, and Jupiter in Aries fix the year as SE 282.
No. 207 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´ 9´ 10´
[Month IV, ....] Saturn in Sagittarius. The 2nd?, Mercury [will reach] Leo. The 9th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in [the west in Leo.] [The 21st, Sirius’] first appearance. The 23rd, Mars’ last appearance in Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 27th?, Jupiter’s [first appearance in Cancer.] [Month V, .... Jupiter in] Cancer, Venus Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 4th?, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east Can[cer.] [.... The 1]3th, first moonset after sunrise. The xth, Mercury will reach Leo. The 26th, Mercury’s last appearance? in the east Leo [....] [Month VI, .... Jupiter in] Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 12th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, .... [....] [....] sunset, solar eclipse to be watched for. [Month VII, .... Sat]urn in Sagittarius. The 3rd, equinox. The 12th, at set, solar eclipse to be watched for. [....] The 28th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month VIII, ....] Mercury in Scorpius, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 8th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east (error for: west) in the end of Scorpius. [....] set in Sagittarius. The 23rd?, [....] first appearance in the east Scorpius. The 27th, last [visibility of the moon before sunrise.]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[Month IX, ....] Mars in Scorpius. [The xth,] Jupiter stationary in Leo. Saturn’s [last appearance] in Sagittarius? [....] [....] first appearance? [....] The 17th, Jupiter? .... Saturn .... in Sagittarius .... [....] [Month X, ....] Venus in Scorpius. The 3rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west (error for: east). The 6th, solstice. [....] [....] .... will come out?. The 24th (error for: 14th?), first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month XI, ....] in Sagittarius. The 1st, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. [....] [....] .... [....]
Date Equinox (obv. 7´) and solstice (rev. 3) restrict the year to SE 12 + 19n. The Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter phenomena determine it as SE 297.
No. 208
No. 208 BM 35570 (= Sp III 78 + 81-7-6,205) + BM 35602 (= Sp III 112) Copy: LBAT 1188 (35570), 1189 (35602) Photo: Pl. 114 Year: SE 300
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u d[GAŠAN-iá l]iš-lim Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
BAR 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN GENNA ina [MÁŠ] AN ina zibme 1 LÁL-tì 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÚL [IGI ....] GU4 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN GU4-UD ina [MÚL GEN]NA ina MÁŠ AN ina zibme 2 AN ḪUN KUR 4 ⌈GU4?⌉-[UD? MAŠ KUR x] MÚL-BABBAR ABSIN KUR 9 dele-bat ina ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [ina MÚL IG]I 14 na 15 dele-bat MAŠ KUR 16 MÚL ina NIM IGI [....] 17 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ ŠÚ 19 múlK[AK-BAN Š]Ú 25 MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN UŠ 25 GENNA ina MÁŠ UŠ [....] SIG 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ABSIN dele-bat ina MAŠ GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina ḪUN 11 dele-bat ALLA KUR 15 na 16 AN M[ÚL KUR] 23 GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ IGI 25 MÚL-⌈BABBAR⌉ RÍN KUR 27 KUR ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat ina ALLA GU4-UD ina MAŠ GEN[NA ina] MÁŠ AN ina MÚL 3 šámaš GUB 5 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina MAŠ ŠÚ] 6 dele-bat A KUR 15 [n]a 16 GENNA ME E-a 27 KUR 28 1⅔ DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-[KU10 šámaš ....] IZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina [RÍN] GENNA ina MÁŠ AN ina MÚL [x dele-b]at ABSIN KUR 3 AN MAŠ KUR 15 ⌈na⌉ [....] GE6 14 1 DA[NNA G]E6 GIN AN-KU10 sin [TIL? GAR]-an 14 na 27 KUR [....] KIN 30 MÚL-[BABBAR u dele-bat] ina RÍN GU4-UD ina ABSIN [GENNA ina MÁŠ] AN ina ⌈MAŠ⌉ [....] 15 na [x GENN]A ina MÁŠ UŠ 21+[x ....] DU6 1 [....] dele-bat ina ⌈GÍR-TAB?⌉ GENNA ina [MÁŠ ....] 10+[x GU4-UD ina NIM ina] ABSIN ŠÚ (error for: IGI) 20 GU4-UD RÍN KUR 27 K[UR? ....] [APIN x .... G]U4-UD ina RÍN [GENNA ina] MÁŠ AN ina ALLA ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 19? dele-bat MÁŠ KUR ⌈21?⌉ MÚL ina ZÁLAG ina ŠÚ? ŠÚ 20+[x ....]
Rev. 1 2 3 4
[GAN ....] ⌈MÁŠ? dele-bat? x x x⌉ [....] [.... G]U4-UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ I[GI ....] [AB x MÚL-BABBAR ina] ⌈GÍR-TAB⌉ dele-bat ina GU G[U4-UD ....] 10+[x .... A]N ana ME E-a 12 G[ENNA ina MÁŠ ŠÚ ....]
Year SE 300
No. 208 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and [Beltija] may it go well. Obv. 1
4 5
6 7
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in [Capricorn,] Mars in Pisces. The 1st, equinox. The 12th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the west in Taurus. Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Libra, Mercury in [Taurus, Sat]urn in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces. The 2nd, Mars will reach Aries. The 4th, Mer[cury? will reach Gemini. The xth?,] Jupiter will reach Virgo. The 9th, Venus’ [first appearance] in the west [in Taurus.] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 16th, Pleiades’ first appearance in the east [....] The 17th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 19th, Sir[ius’ last] appearance. The 25th, Jupiter stationary in Virgo. The 25th, Saturn stationary in Capricorn [....] Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Virgo, Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Aries. The 11th, Venus will reach Cancer. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars [will reach Taur]us. The 23rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 25th, Jupiter will reach Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Libra, Venus in Cancer, Mercury in Gemini, Saturn [in] Capricorn, Mars in Taurus. The 3rd, solstice. The 5th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in Gemini.] The 6th, Venus will reach Leo. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, 1⅔ bēru before sunset, [solar] eclipse [....] Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in [Libra,] Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Taurus. [The xth, Ven]us will reach Virgo. The 3rd, Mars will reach Gemini. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] Night of the 14th, 1 bēru after sunset, lunar eclipse, it will [make totality?.] The 14th, first sunrise before moonset. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jup[iter and Venus] in Libra, Mercury in Virgo, [Saturn in Capricorn,] Mars in Gemini [....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth, Sat]urn stationary in Capricorn. The 21+[xth, ....] Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [....] Venus in Scorpius, Saturn in [Capricorn, ....] The 10+[xth, Mercury’s] last (error for: first) appearance [in the east] in Virgo. The 20th, Mercury will reach Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise [....] [Month VIII, ....] Mercury in Libra, [Saturn in] Capricorn, Mars in Cancer .... [....] [....] The 19th?, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 21st?, Pleiades’ last appearance in the morning in the west. The 20+[xth, ....]
Rev. 1 2 3 4
[Month IX, ....] Capricorn, Venus .... [....] [.... Mer]cury’s first appearance in the west in Capricorn. [....] [Month X, .... Jupiter in] Scorpius, Venus in Aquarius, Mer[cury ....] The 10+[xth, .... M]ars’ acronychal rising. The 12th, Sat[urn’s last appearance in Capricorn ....]
418 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Nos. 208 & 209 2⌈5?⌉ G[U4-UD ina NIM ina] MÁŠ IGI 27 KU[R ....] ZÍZ 30 MÚL-BABBAR [ina] GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina GU G[U4-UD .... dele-bat] ina NIM ina GU IGI 13 x [....] dele-bat MÁŠ KUR ⌈18 GENNA⌉ ina M[ÁŠ? IGI ....] ŠE 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat u GENNA [ina MÁŠ ....] 8 GU4-UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ [....] DIR-ŠE ⌈30⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat u [GENNA ina GU ....] [x] ⌈x⌉ 14 na 17 GU4-UD MÚ[L KUR ....] BAR 30 meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš [šá] dUDU-TILmeš [....] MU-3-m[e-KAM] I⌈Ar?⌉-šá-kam [LUGAL LUGALmeš]
Comments Note the abbreviations MAŠ = Gemini and MÚL = Taurus/Pleiades. 10: the eclipse of SE 300 V 14 = -11 Aug 5 was total.
No. 209 BM 33797 (= Rm IV 356) Copy: F. X. Kugler, SSB I Tf. IX Photo: Pl. 115 Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB I 104, II 465, 510 Year: SE 301
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
BAR 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina zibme GU4-UD ina MÚL-M[ÚL GENNA ina] ⌈GU AN ina ALLA⌉ 7? MÚL-B[ABBAR? ana ME E? ....] 10 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ MÚL-MÚL {ina}ŠÚ 10 múlSIPA ina ŠÚ ŠÚ ⌈x⌉ na 27 ⌈dele-bat ḪUN⌉ KUR 25+[x ....] —————————— GU4 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina ḪUN GENNA ina GU AN ina A 14 GENNA ina GU UŠ 14 [....] 20 GU4-UD ina NIM ina TIL MÚL-MÚL IGI 28 GU4-UD ⌈MAŠ-MAŠ⌉ KUR 28? [....] —————————— SIG 30 dele-bat ina MÚL-MÚL GU4-UD ina MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ina GU AN ina A ⌈1?⌉ GU4-UD ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 7? [....] 14 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 14 šámaš GUB 15 ⌈na⌉ 16 AN ABSIN KUR MÚL? RÍN KUR GE6 29? [....] AN-KU10 šámaš šá DIB 30 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina IGI ——————————
Years SE 300 & 301 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
The 25th?, Mer[cury’s] first appearance [in the east] in Capricorn. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before [sunrise ....] Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter [in] Scorpius, Venus in Aquarius, Mer[cury .... Venus’] first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 13th, .... [.....] Venus will reach Capricorn. The 18th, Saturn’s [first appearance] in [Capricorn ....] Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus and Saturn [in Capricorn ....] The 8th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. [....] Month XII2, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus and [Saturn in Aquarius, ....] [....] .... The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mercury [will reach] Taurus. [....] Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings [of] the planets [....] Year 300, Arsaces [king of kings.]
No. 209 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in Taurus, [Saturn in] Aquarius, Mars in Cancer. The 7th?, Jup[iter’s? acronychal rising? ....] The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Taurus. The 10th, Orion’s last appearance in the west. The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, Venus will reach Aries. The 25+[ xth, ....] —————————— Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Leo. The 14th, Saturn stationary in Aquarius. The 14th, [....] The 20th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Taurus. The 28th, Mercury will reach Gemini. The 28th, [....] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Leo. The 1st, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Gemini. The 7th?, [....] The 14th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 14th, solstice. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars will reach Virgo. Jupiter? will reach Libra. Night of the 29th?, [....] solar eclipse which will be omitted. The 30th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in ——————————
420 8 9
10 11
12 13 14 15
No. 209 ŠU 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GU4-UD ina ⌈A⌉ GENNA ina GU AN ina ABSIN múlKAK-BAN IGI 8 dele-bat ALLA [KUR] 12 GENNA ana ME E 14 AN-⌈KU10 sin⌉ šá DIB 15 na 16 GU4-UD ⌈ABSIN⌉ KUR 27? KUR —————————— IZI 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina ALLA GU4-UD AN ina ABSIN GENNA ina GU 4 dele-bat A KUR 4 AN RÍN KUR 8 GENNA MÁŠ KUR 15 na [2]7 KUR 28 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 30? múlNUNki? ina NIM ⌈IGI⌉ —————————— KIN MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina ABSIN {KUR} GENNA [ina MÁ]Š AN ina RÍN 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI [....] 15 na 17 LÁL-tì 17 AN GÍR-[TAB KUR ....] ⌈x x 27+x⌉ KUR —————————— DU6 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina MÁŠ [....] —————————— APIN 1 GENNA ina GU 2 MÚL-MÚ[L? ....]
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
GAN 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB GU4-UD ina MÁŠ ⌈GENNA⌉ ina [....] 13 AN ⌈MÁŠ⌉ KUR 15 ⌈x⌉ x [x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] 25 múlK[AK-BAN ana ME E-a ....] —————————— AB 1 MÚL-BABBAR u G[U4-UD] ⌈ina PA⌉ [....] 12 MÚL ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— [ZÍZ] 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ⌈PA dele-bat⌉ [....] [x x] ⌈x⌉ [....] —————————— ŠE 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina PA dele-[bat ....] 13 na 2⌈3⌉ [LÁL-tì ....] ⌈ina ŠÚ ina TIL? ḪUN⌉ [ŠÚ ....] —————————— BAR 30 meš-ḫi [x x]meš [....] ⌈šá ši-i⌉ [....]
Comments Obv. 6: Jupiter may have been considered as just returning into Libra at the end of its retrograde motion; admittedly, a scribal error has to be assumed for this. Date A solstice on III 14 allows only years SE 16 + 19n. The year SE 301 is then found from Saturn’s station in month II and its acronychal rising on IV 12, in Aquarius; Jupiter moving from Scorpius into Sagittarius; and the eclipse possibilities.
Year SE 301 8
Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Gemini, Mercury in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Virgo. Sirius’ first appearance. The 8th, Venus [will reach] Cancer. The 12th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 14th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury will reach Virgo. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Cancer, Mercury Mars in Virgo, Saturn in Aquarius. The 4th, Venus will reach Leo. The 4th, Mars will reach Libra. The 8th, Saturn will reach Capricorn. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 30th, (the star of) Eridu‘s first appearance in the east. —————————— Month VI, Jupiter in Scorpius, Venus in Virgo, Saturn [in Capri]corn, Mars in Libra. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Virgo. [....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, equinox. The 17th, Mars [will reach] Scorpius. [....] .... The 27[+xth], last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Saturn in Capricorn, [....] —————————— Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Saturn in Aquarius. The 2nd, Pleiades? [....] ——————————
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn in [....] The 13th, Mars will reach Capricorn. The 15th, .... [....] .... [....] The 25th, Si[rius’ acronychal rising. ....] —————————— Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mer[cury] in Sagittarius, [....] The 12th, .... [....] —————————— [Month XI,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus [....] [....] .... [....] —————————— Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Sagittarius, Ven[us ....] The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd, [equinox. .... Mercury‘s last appearance] in the west in the end of Aries. [....] —————————— Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions [....] which is [....]
No. 210
No. 210 BM 33784 + 33790 (= Rm IV 342 + 348) Copies: J. Schaumberger, SSB 3. Erg. Taf. VIIIf.; listed as LBAT **1191 (33784), **1192 (33790) Bibliography: F. X. Kugler, SSB II 505 Photo: Pl. 116 Year: SE 303
Upper edge 1 [....] ⌈liš-lim⌉ Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[BAR .... GEN]NA ina ⌈GU?⌉ AN A 4 LÁL-tì 13 ⌈MÚL? x⌉ [....] [.... GU4-UD ina] ⌈NIM UD-DA⌉ IGI DIB 27 KUR [GU4 ....] dele-bat ina ḪUN GENNA ina GU AN ina A 2 dele-bat ina NIM ina ḪUN ⌈ŠÚ⌉ 10+[x ....] [....] ⌈x 14?⌉ MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ UŠ 27 KUR [SIG x MÚL-BAB]BAR ina MÁŠ 13⌉ AN ABSIN KUR GE6 14 2 DANNA GE6 ana ⌈ZÁLAG⌉ A[N-KU10 sin ....] [....] 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG ALLA IGI 27 ⌈KUR 29 KI⌉ KUR šámaš AN-⌈KU10 šámaš šá? DIB?⌉ [....] [ŠU .... GU4-UD] ina ALLA GENNA ina GU AN ina ABSIN 6 GU4-UD A KUR 7 šámaš GUB-za 8 ⌈GENNA ina GU?⌉ U[Š? ....] [....] ⌈14 na 25 GU4-UD? ina ŠÚ ina A ŠÚ ⌈27?⌉ KUR ⌈IZI 30 MÚL-BABBAR⌉ [ina MÁŠ dele-bat ina x GENNA ina] GU AN ina ⌈ABSIN 2+x x x⌉ [....] 23 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ⌈A?⌉ IGI 25 [....] KIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ dele-bat ina ABSIN GU4-UD [....] 14 dele-bat RÍN KUR 14 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x ŠÚ ....] [K]IN-2-KAM ⌈1 MÚL-BABBAR ina MÁŠ⌉ dele-bat ina RÍN GENNA [....] [....] ⌈4 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina TIL x x IGI? x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x KUR? 13? na?⌉ [....] [DU7 ....] ⌈GU4-UD u AN?⌉ ina ⌈GÍR?-TAB?⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [.... MÚL-BABBAR] ina TIL MÁŠ [ŠÚ ....] AB 1 dele-bat ina ⌈x⌉ [....] 23 ⌈x⌉ [....]
Year SE 303
No. 210 Upper edge 1 [....] may it go well. Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
[Month I, .... Sat]urn in Aquarius?, Mars in Leo. The 4th, equinox. The 13th, .... [....] [.... Mercury’s] first appearance in the east, .... will be omitted. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month II, ....] Venus in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Leo. The 2nd, Venus’ last appearance in the east in Aries. The 10+[xth, ....] [....] .... The 14th, Jupiter stationary in Capricorn. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month III, .... Jup]iter in Capricorn. The 13th, Mars will reach Virgo. Night of the 14th, 2 bēru before sunrise, [lunar eclip]se, [....] [....] The 26th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, with sunrise, solar eclipse which will be omitted?. [....] [Month IV, .... Mercury] in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Virgo. The 6th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 7th, solstice. The 8th, Saturn? stationary? in Aquarius. [....] [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Leo. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter [in Capricorn, Venus in ...., Saturn in] Aquarius, Mars in Virgo. The 2+xth, .... [....] The 23rd, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Leo?. The 25th, [....] Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Virgo, Mercury [....] The 14th, Venus will reach Libra. The 14th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in ....] Month VI2, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Libra, Saturn [....] [....] The 4th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the end of .... [....] [....] .... will reach .... The 13th?, first moonset after sunrise?. [....] [Month VII, ....] Mercury and Mars? in Scorpius? [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [.... Jupiter’s] [last appearance] in the end of Capricorn. [....] Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Venus in .... [....] The 23rd, .... [....]
Date Equinox on I 4 and solstice on IV 7 lead to SE 18 + 19n. Saturn in Aquarius rules out most years. The correct date is found from Jupiter’s station on II 14 in Capricorn and a solar eclipse possibility in month III.
No. 211
No. 211 A: BM 35429 (= Sp II 1017) Copy: LBAT 1195 Photo: Pl. 116f.
B: VAT 290 + 1836 Listed as LBAT *1196; Photo: Pl. 117 Bibliography: P. Schnabel, ZA 36 (1925) 66-70; J. Schaumberger, Biblica 6 (1925) 444-449 and 7 (1926) 294-301
C: BM 34614 (= Sp II 93) Copy: LBAT 1193
D: BM 34659 (= Sp II 142+795 + Sp III 172) Copy: LBAT 1194 Bibliography: J. Schaumberger, Analecta Orientalia 12 (1935) 279-287; Biblica 24 (1943) 162-169 All tablets were edited by A. Sachs and C. B. F. Walker in Iraq 46 (1984) 43-55 where more detailed information can be found. I cannot, for technical reasons, imitate their “score” format here, much less improve on their impeccable edition. The tablets are included here for the sake of completeness. Year: SE 305
Obv. A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 B3 C2 A3 B4 C3 A4 B5 C4 A5 B6 C5 A6 B7 C5 C6
[BAR x ....] ⌈AN⌉ ina ABSIN 3 GENNA ina zibme IGI 13 AN-KU10 sin 5 AB BAR DIB [....] [ ] DIB 15 na [.... 2]5 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ 28 KUR 28 1⅔ DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šá šámaš ana PAP [.... AN ina ABSI]N U[Š ....] [....] (blank) [....] [GU4 x MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA] ⌈ina zibme⌉ dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ AN ina ABSIN 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [.... dele-bat ina MAŠ]-MAŠ AN ina ABSIN 5 G[U4-UD ....] [.... ina SA]G MAŠ-MAŠ IGI [x MÚL-MÚL? ina? NI]M? IGI 14 na 15 múlKAK-BAN ŠÚ 21 dele-bat ALLA KUR 26 GU4-UD ALLA 26? KUR [....] 26 GU4-U[D AL]LA KUR 2[6 KU]R [....] [SIG x MÚL-BABBAR u] GENNA ina zibme dele-bat u GU4 ina ALLA AN ina ABSIN 12 GU4 ina ŠÚ ina ALLA KUR (error for: ŠÚ) 14 na [....] u GU4-UD ina ALLA AN ina ABSIN 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ [....] [....] [x dele-bat] ⌈A⌉ KUR 26 AN RÍN KUR 29 šámaš GUB [....] KUR 25 AN RÍN KUR 2[7 KUR] 29 šámaš GUB-za [x] dele-bat A KUR [....]
Year SE 305
No. 211 Line numbers follow exemplar A.
1 2
3 4
[Month I, ....,] Mars in Virgo. The 3rd, Saturn’s first appearance in Pisces. The 13th, lunar eclipse (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Mars stat]ionary [in Vir]go. [.... The 2]5th, Venus Gemini. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, 1⅔ bēru before sunset, to be watched for. [Month II, ...., Jupiter and Saturn] in Pisces, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Virgo. The 3rd (var. 5th), Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Gemini. [The xth, Pleiades’] first appearance [in the ea]st?. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Sirius’ last appearance. The 21st, Venus will reach Cancer. The 26th, Mercury will reach Cancer. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month III, .... Jupiter and] Saturn in Pisces, Venus and Mercury in Cancer, Mars in Virgo. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Cancer. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] [The xth, Venus] will reach Leo. The 26th (var. 25th), Mars will reach Libra. The 2[7th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] The 29th, solstice.
426 A7 B8 C7 A8 B9 C7 C8 A9 B10 B11 C9 A10 B11 C9 C10 A11 B12 B13 C11 A12 B13 C11 C12 A13 B14 C13 D1´ A14 B15 B16 C13 D2´ D3´
No. 211 [ŠU x MÚL-BABB]AR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina A AN ina RÍN 14 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 14 na 16 GU4 ina NIM [.... GEN]NA ina zibme dele-bat ina A AN ina RÍN 14 dele-[bat ABSI]N KUR 14 na [....] [.... 1]6 GU4 ina? NIM? [ina x (x) I]GI 20 múlKAK-BAN IGI 22 MÚL-BABBAR ina TIL zibme UŠ 28 KUR 29 GENNA ina TIL zibme UŠ [.... M]ÚL-BABBAR ina TIL zibme UŠ 28 KUR 29 GENNA ina TIL zibme UŠ ina ⌈x⌉ [....] GENNA ina TIL zibme UŠ [IZI x MÚ]L-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina ABSIN GU4-UD ina ALLA AN ina RÍN 2 GU4-UD ina NIM ina ALLA ŠÚ [IZI x MÚ]L-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina ABSIN GU4-UD ina ALLA AN ina RÍN 2 GU4-UD [ina N]IM ina ALLA ŠÚ [....] [x dele-ba]t RÍN KUR 14 na 16 AN GÍR-TAB KUR 28 KUR 16 AN GÍR KUR 27 KUR [....] 14 na [....] [KIN 3]0 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina RÍN AN ina GÍR-TAB 12 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR 14 na 21 MÚL-BABBAR KIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina RÍN AN ina GÍR-TAB 12 [....] [1]4 na 21 MÚL-BABBAR [.... 2]1 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a 21 GU4-UD ina NIM UD-DA šá DIB 21 GENNA ana ME E-a 28 AN PA KUR 30 x KUR ana ME E-a 27 AN [....] ana ME E-a [.... 2]8? KUR [DU6] 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB AN ina PA 2 LÁL-tì 5 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ UD-DA ŠÚ DIB [DU6 1] MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB AN ina PA [....] DU6 1 [....] [1]3 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 14 na 18 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ (error for: NIM) ina RÍN ŠÚ (error for: IGI) 28 KUR 28 KI KUR dUTU AN-⌈KU10 šámaš ana PAP⌉ [x AN-KU10] sin ŠÚ DIB 14 na 27 GU4-UD ina NI[M ....] [A]N-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 29 GU4-UD [....] [....] 29? GU4-UD GÍR? KUR? 13 AN-KU10 sin [....] [A]N-KU10 šámaš ana PAP
Year SE 305 7
9 10 11
[Month IV, .... Jupit]er and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Leo, Mars in Libra. The 14th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east [in ....] The 20th, Sirius’ first appearance. The 22nd, Jupiter stationary in the end of Pisces. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Saturn stationary in the end of Pisces. [Month V, .... Ju]piter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Cancer, Mars in Libra. The 2nd, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Cancer. [The xth, Ven]us will reach Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 27th (var. 28th), last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Libra, Mars in Scorpius. The 12th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 21st, Mercury’s in the east (error for: west), which will be omitted. The 21st, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 28th (var. 27th), Mars will reach Sagittarius. The 28th? (var. 30th ....), last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month VII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Scorpius, Mars in Sagittarius. The 2nd, equinox. The 5th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west, .... will be omitted. The 13th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th (var. 27th), Mercury’s last (error for: first) appearance in the west (error for: east) in Libra. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, with sunrise, solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Mercury will reach Scorpius?.
428 A15 C14
No. 211 [APIN] 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB GU4-UD ina RÍN AN ina PA 5 dele-bat ina ŠÚ ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ [....]
D Rev. D1
APIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB GU4-U[D ....]
⌈8⌉ AN GU (error for: MÁŠ) KUR 13 dele-bat ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI 14 na 16 GU4-UD GÍR-TAB KUR 18 MÚL x [....] [....] 16 GU4-UD GÍR-TAB KUR [....] 13 dele-bat ina NIM ina GÍR-TAB IGI 14 na 16 GU4-UD [....]
C15 C16 D2 A17 C16 D3
[1]9 MÚL-BABBAR ina zibme UŠ 21 GENNA ina zibme UŠ 28 KUR [x MÚL-BABBA]R ina zibme UŠ 21 GENNA ina zibme UŠ [28 K]UR UŠ 21 GENNA ina zibme UŠ 28 KUR
A Rev. C Rev. A1 C1 D4 A2 C2 D5 A3 C3 D6 A4 A5 C4 D7 A6 C5 D8 A7 C5 C6 D9 A8 C7 D10
[.... zib]me dele-bat u GU4 ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÁŠ 3 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ (error for: NIM) ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ GAN 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA {u} ina zib dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB AN ina MÁŠ ⌈3 GU4-UD⌉ ina GÍR-TAB ŠÚ 15? na? GAN 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat u GU4-UD ina GÍ[R-TAB ....] [....] KUR 27 KUR 16 AN GU KUR 27 KUR 16 AN GU KUR 27 KUR [.... zib]me dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB AN ina GU 5 šámaš GUB 10 dele-bat PA KUR 10 AB 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA {u} dele-bat ina GU x x x x x x x x PA KUR AB 30 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina zibme dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB AN ina GU [....] [múlKAK-BAN ana ME E-a] 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG GÍR-TAB (error for: GU) IGI [1]5 na 26 AN zibme K[UR] [....] 27 KUR {26 GU4-UD ina GU ŠÚ} 26 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina GU ŠÚ 26 KUR 12 GU4-UD ina ŠÚ ina SAG GU IGI 15 na 2[6 ....] [....] PA 13 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR 14 na 21 GU4-UD ina NIM ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR GENNA u AN ina zibme dele-bat ina PA 11 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR 14 na x x ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR GENNA u AN ina zibme dele-bat ina ⌈PA x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈27⌉ KUR ina GU IGI 21 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR 28 KUR 22 MÚL-BABBAR ḪUN KUR 27 KUR [.... GE]NNA u AN ina zibme 7 AN ḪUN KUR 9 ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN? ⌈x x x x x x x x x x x⌉ ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina ḪUN dele-bat ina MÁŠ [....]
Year SE 305 15
Month VIII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Scorpius, Mercury in Libra, Mars in Sagittarius. The 5th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Scorpius. The 8th, Mars will reach Aquarius (error for: Capricorn). The 13th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Scorpius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury will reach Scorpius. The 18th, .... [....] The 19th, Jupiter stationary in Pisces. The 21st, Saturn stationary in Pisces. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
A Rev. 1
2 3
5 6
7 8
Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus and Mercury in Scorpius, Mars in Capricorn. The 3rd, Mercury’s last appearance in the west (error for: east) in Scorpius. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mars will reach Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Scorpius, Mars in Aquarius. The 5th, solstice. The 10th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 10th, [Sirius’ acronychal rising.] The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in the beginning of Aquarius (var. Scorpius). The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 26th, Mars will reach Pisces. The 26th (var. 27th), last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars in Pisces, Venus in Sagittarius. The 13th (var. 11th), Venus will reach Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Aquarius. The 21st (var. 22nd), Jupiter will reach Aries. The 27th (var. 28th), last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aries, Venus in Capricorn, [Mercury in Aquarius, Sa]turn and Mars in Pisces. The 7th, Mars will reach Aries. The 9th (var. 12th),
430 A9 C8 D11 A10 C9 D12 A11 C10 D13 A12 C11 A13 A14 C12 A14 C13
No. 211 & 212 [....] 25 GU4- ina NIM ina zibme ŠÚ 27 KUR 12 GENNA ina TIL zibme IGIsic dele-bat ina? GU x 26 KUR GENNA ina TIL zibme ŠÚ 15 na [....] [.... MÚL-BAB]BAR ina ḪUN ŠÚ 4 AN MÚL-BABBAR (error for: MÚL-MÚL) KUR [DI]R-ŠE 1 MÚL-BABBAR u AN ina ḪUN ina GU? ina ḪUN ŠÚ 4 AN MÚL KUR 9sic LÁL? [DI]R-⌈ŠE 1⌉ MÚL-[BAB]BAR u AN ina Ḫ[UN ....] [....] ⌈x⌉26 KUR 28 GENNA ḪUN IGI [x] ⌈x⌉ 14 na AN-KU10 si šá DIB {14? na } 28 GENNA ina ḪUN IGI [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [.... GU4]-⌈UD⌉ ina ŠÚ MÚL-MÚL IGI [28] AN-KU10 šámaš ana PAP 29 ina ŠÚ ina MÚL? IGI [BAR x meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádmeš šá UDU-TILmeš] šá MU-2-me-41 šá ši-i [....]meš šá UDU-TILmeš šá MU-2?-me- šá ši-i [.... IAr-šá-ka]-a LUGAL LUGAL-LUGALmeš [MU-3-me-5] IArx(GAM)-šá-kam LUGAL LUGALmeš
No. 212 BM 76990 (= 83-1-18, 2364) Photo: Pl. 118 Year: SE 328 The abbreviated terminology resembles that described by A. Sachs in AOAT 25 (1976) 380 (BABBAR for Jupiter, bat for Venus, GU4 for Mercury, MÚL for Taurus).
Obv. broken; Rev.´ 1 [A]PIN 1 BABBAR ina GU bat ina GÍR-TAB GENNA ina [....] 2 21 bat PA KUR 23 GU4 ina ŠÚ? ina TIL PA [ŠÚ ....] 3 GAN 30 BABBAR ina GU GENNA ina MÁŠ A[N? ....] 4 16 BABBAR zibme KUR 19 šámaš GUB 20 ⌈x⌉ [....] 5 AB 1 BABBAR ina zibme GU4 ina PA AN ina MÚL 7? [....] 6 14 na 23? GU4 ina NIM ina TIL MÁ[Š? ŠÚ ....] 7 ZÍZ 1 BABBAR ina zibme GENNA ina MÁŠ AN [....] 8 11 GU4 ina ŠÚ ina zibme IGI 20+[x ....] 9 ŠE 30 bat u GU4 ina ⌈ḪUN⌉ GE[NNA .... GU4] 10 [ina ŠÚ ina] ḪUN ŠÚ 10 ⌈x⌉ [....]
Years SE 305 & 328 9
12 13 14
Saturn’s last appearance in the end of Pisces. Venus will reach Aquarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Pisces. The 27th (var. 26th), last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XII2, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Aries, in Aquarius. [The xth,] Jupiter’s last appearance in Aries. The 4th, Mars will reach Taurus. The 9th (error for: 8th), equinox. [....] .... The 14th, first moonset after sunrise; lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Saturn’s first appearance in Aries. [The 28th,] solar eclipse to be watched for. The 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Taurus. [Month I, .... Predictions of the reachings] of the planets of year 241, which is [year 305], Arsaces king of kings.
No. 212 Obv. broken; Rev.´ 1 Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus in Scorpius, Saturn in [....] 2 The 21st, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 23rd, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the west in the end of Sagittarius. [....] 3 Month IX, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Capricorn, Ma[rs ....] 4 The 16th, Jupiter will reach Pisces. The 19th, solstice. The 20th, .... [....] 5 Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Mercury in Sagittarius, Mars in Taurus. The 7th?, [....] 6 The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 23rd?, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east in the end of Capri[corn ....] 7 Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Pisces, Saturn in Capricorn, Mars [....] 8 The 11th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Pisces. The 20+[xth, ....] 9 Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Venus and Mercury in Aries, Sat[urn .... Mercury’s] 10 last appearance [in the west in] Aries. The 10th, .... [....]
Date A solstice on IX 19 restricts the possible years to SE 5 + 19n. On IX 16, Jupiter was expected to move from Aquarius to Pisces; Saturn was in Capricorn. Only SE 328 fits these conditions. The remaining entries, especially the position of Mars in Taurus and the Mercury phenomena, confirm this date.
No. 213
No. 213 MMA 86.11.354 Copy: C. B. F. Walker, CTMMA 2 (2005) Pl. 109f. Photo: A. J. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) Pl. XV* Bibliography: A. J. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 382-384 ; C. B. F. Walker, CTMMA 2 (2005) No. 83 p. 338-342 Year: SE 342
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
BAR 30 ⌈GENNA⌉ u AN ina MAŠ 1 dele-bat MAŠ KUR KU10? x [....] 23 ⌈GU4⌉ 25 MÚL 29 K[U10? ....] ⌈GU4 30⌉ MÚL ina ⌈MÚL⌉ dele-bat ina ALLA 15 GU4 ina [....] ⌈AN ALLA⌉ KUR 25 GENNA ina MAŠ ŠÚ [x KUR] SIG 1 MÚL ina [MÚL dele-b]at ina A AN ALLA? 6 [GU4 ina ALLA IGI ....] ŠU 30 MÚL-BA[BBAR? ina M]ÚL-MÚL dele-bat u GU4 ina ⌈A⌉ [....] 15 na 18 GU4 ina A dele-bat A ŠÚ [x KUR] [I]ZI 1 MÚL ina MÚL GENNA ina ALLA 11? [dele-bat ina A IGI ....] [KIN] ⌈30 MÚL-BABBAR⌉ [ina M]ÚL dele-bat ina A GU4 [ina ABSIN ....] [x na?] 17 A[N ina ABSIN IGI? x KUR] [DU6 ....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 25 [GU4 ina GÍR-TAB IGI? x KUR] [GAN] ⌈30 MÚL-BABBAR MÚL⌉ dele-bat u G[U4 ina P]A? ⌈GENNA⌉ [ina ALLA] 12 GU4 ina NIM ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 14 n[a ....] AB 30 MÚL-BABBAR MÚL bat u GU4 ina PA GENNA [ina ALLA ....] 8 ina ŠÚ 14 na 2[1? dele-bat MÁŠ KUR x KUR] [Z]ÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR MÚL dele-bat ina MÁŠ AN? ina? [PA ....] 14 na 14 dele-bat GU 27 [KUR ....] ŠE 30 MÚL-BABBAR MÚL GENNA ALLA dele-b[at GU ....] [G]U4 ina ḪUN ŠÚ 12? dele-bat zib KUR [....] [BAR] 30 meš- šá KUR šá UDU šá ši-i [MU-3-me-42]
Comments I have not included the restorations by Sachs where they were based on calculation only. Rev. 4 and 6: The Mercury phenomena are placed one month too early.
Year SE 342
No. 213 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Saturn and Mars in Gemini. The 1st, Venus will reach Gemini. eclipse? [....] The 23rd, Mercury’s (first appearance). The 25th, Jupiter’s (first appearance). The 29th, (solar) eclipse? [....] Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Cancer. The 15th, Mercury’s [last appearance in the east] in [Aries ....] Mars will reach Cancer. The 25th, Saturn’s last appearance in Gemini. [The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in [Taurus, Ven]us in Leo, Mars Cancer. The 6th, [Mercury’s first appearance in Cancer ....] Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Taurus, Venus and Mercury in Leo, [....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, Mercury’s in Leo. Venus’ last appearance in Leo. [The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Cancer. The 11th?, [Venus’ first appearance in Leo ....] [Month VI,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter [in Tau]rus, Venus in Leo, Mercury [in Virgo ....] [The xth, first moonset after sunrise.] The 17th, Ma[rs’ first? appearance in Virgo. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [Month VII, ....] .... [....]
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[....] .... [....] [....] .... The 25th, [Mercury’s first appearance in Scorpius. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] [Month IX,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter Taurus, Venus and Mer[cury in Sag]ittarius, Saturn [in Cancer.] The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Capricorn. The 14th, first moonset [after sunrise. ....] Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter Taurus, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn [in Cancer ....] The 8th, in the west. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 2[1st?, Venus will reach Capricorn. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter Taurus, Venus in Capricorn, Mars? in? [Sagittarius ....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, Venus Aquarius. The 27th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise. ....] Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter Taurus, Saturn Cancer, Venu[s Aquarius ....] Mercury’s last appearance in Aries. The 12th?, Venus will reach Pisces. [....] [Month I,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets which is [year 342.]
Nos. 214 & 215
No. 214 D.T. 143 Copy: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 396 Photo: Pl. 118; AOAT 25 (1976) Pl. XV* Bibliography: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 384-386 Year: SE 347
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[KIN x MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍ]N? [....] [x AN ALL]A KUR 14 na [1]6 [LÁL-tì .... GU4-UD ina NIM] [ina SA]G RÍN ŠÚ 27 KUR 30 MÚ[L-BABBAR ina RÍN IGI] [DU6 x MÚL-BABBA]R ina RÍN dele-bat u GENNA ina ABSIN A[N ina ALLA ....] [APIN x MÚ]L-BABBAR u dele-bat ina RÍN GENNA ina ABS[IN ....] [x dele-bat] GÍR-TAB KUR 14 na 20 GU4-UD [MÁŠ KUR x KUR]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[GAN x MÚL-BABBA]R ina RÍN dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB GU4-UD ina MÁ[Š ....] 14 na 15 AN ana ME E-a 19 šámaš G[UB ....] 28 2½ DANNA ME ana ŠÚ šámaš AN-K[U10 šámaš ana PAP ....] [A]B 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat u GU4-UD ina [PA .... x AN] MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 14 AN-KU10 sin šá DIB 15 n[a ....] ⌈27?⌉ [KUR ....]
No. 215 BM 45982 (= 81-7-6, 425) Copy: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 396 Photo: Pl. 118f.; AOAT 25 (1976) Pl. XVI* Bibliography: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 386-389 Year: SE 355
Upper edge 1 [ina a-mat] dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2 3
[BAR x BABBAR u AN ina] MÚL bat ina MAŠ ⌈GENNA⌉ ina PA 14 BABBAR MAŠ KUR 14 na 16 GU4-UD ina ḪUN IGI 24 AN? ina? MAŠ? ŠÚ? 2[7? KUR ....] [GU4 x .... GEN]NA ina PA 7 bat ina MAŠ ŠÚ 8 GU4 ŠÚ 9 GENNA ME E 14 na 19 bat ina MAŠ IGI 27 [KUR ....] (above line 2:) 28 BABBAR ina MAŠ IGI [SIG x .... G]U4 ina ALLA GENNA ina PA 5 bat MÚL KUR 11 šámaš GUB 13? bat MAŠ KUR 14 GU4 A KUR 14? na 27 KUR
Years SE 347 & 355
No. 214 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[Month VI, .... Jupiter in Lib]ra?, [....] [The xth, Mars] will reach [Canc]er. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [The 1]6th, [equinox .... Mercury’s] last appearance [in the east] [in the beginni]ng of Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Jup[iter’s first appearance in Libra.] [Month VII, ... Ju]piter in Libra, Venus and Saturn in Virgo, Ma[rs in Cancer ....] [Month VIII, .... Ju]piter and Venus in Libra, Saturn in Vir[go ....] [The xth, Venus] will reach Scorpius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mercury [will reach Capricorn. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.]
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6
[Month IX, .... Jupit]er in Libra, Venus in Scorpius, Mercury in Capri[corn ....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mars’ acronychal rising. The 19th, solsti[ce. ....] The 28th, 2½ bēru before sunset, [solar] eclip[se to be watched for ....] [Mon]th X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. Jupiter in Libra, Venus and Mercury in [Sagittarius, .... The xth, Mars] will reach Gemini. The 14th, lunar eclipse which will be omitted. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] The 27th?, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise ....]
Date A solstice on IX 19 restricts the year to SE 5 + 19n. The actual year SE 347 is found from Saturn in Virgo and Jupiter in Libra, and from the eclipse possibilities.
No. 215 Upper edge 1 [At the command] of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1
[Month I, .... Jupiter and Mars in] Taurus, Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 14th, Jupiter will reach Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Mercury’s first appearance in Aries. The 24th, Mars? last appearance? in Gemini?. The 2[7th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise ....] [Month II, .... Sat]urn in Sagittarius. The 7th, Venus’ last appearance in Gemini. The 8th, Mercury’s last appearance . The 9th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Venus’ first appearance in Gemini. The 27th, [last visibility of the moon before sunrise ....] The 28th, Jupiter’s first appearance in Gemini. [Month III, .... Mer]cury in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 5th, Venus will reach Taurus. The 11th, solstice. The 13th?, Venus will reach Gemini. The 14th, Mercury will reach Leo. The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
436 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
No. 215 [ŠU x BABBAR u b]at ina MAŠ GU4 ina A GENNA ina PA 10 GU4 ina A ŠÚ 14 GENNA ina PA UŠ 23 bat ALLA KUR 27 KUR ⌈x x x⌉ [IZI x BABBAR] ina MAŠ [bat] ina ALLA GENNA ina PA 1 AN ina A IGI 6 GU4 ina A IGI 14 KU10 ana? IGI? 15? [na? x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] bat A KUR 25 GU4 ina ABSIN ŠÚ 20+[x] ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈x 27? KUR?⌉ [KIN x .... ina] ABSIN? ŠÚ 14 AN ABSIN KUR ⌈14? LÁL?⌉ 15 na 21? bat? ABSIN? KUR? 27? KUR [DU6 x .... BABBAR ina] MAŠ? UŠ 15 na 16 bat RÍN KUR 27 KUR 28 GU4 (above line 8:) PA IGI [APIN x .... AN] RÍN KUR 4 GENNA ina PA ŠÚ 11 bat GÍR-TAB KUR [....] ⌈x⌉ na? 28 KUR G[AN] ⌈1 BABBAR ina MAŠ⌉ [bat] u GU4 ina GÍR AN ina RÍN 1 BABBAR ME E 5 bat PA KUR 8 GU4 PA KUR 9 GENNA ina PA IGI 15 na 17 šámaš GUB 19 AN GÍR-TAB KUR 28 KUR 29 bat? MÁŠ? 29? GU4 MÁŠ KU[R] A[B x BABBAR ina MAŠ] bat u GU4 ina MÁŠ GENNA ina PA AN ina GÍR 5 GU4 ina MÁŠ IGI 13 na [....] [.... 2]2? bat GU? KUR? 27 KUR
Rev. 1 2 3 4
ZÍZ 1 BABBAR [ina] MAŠ GENNA u AN ina PA 2 BABBAR ina MAŠ UŠ 5 GU4 ina ḪUN ŠÚ 13 na ⌈x⌉ [.... GU4] ḪUN KUR ⌈27?⌉ KUR 28 GU4 ina ḪUN IGI [Š]E 30 BABBAR ina MAŠ GENNA u AN PA 14 na 20 LÁL 27 KUR [BAR x meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádm]eš šá UDU-TILmeš šá MU-3-me-55
Comments I have not included the restorations by Sachs in AOAT 25 if they were based on calculation only. Obv. 5: The eclipse of 44 Aug 27 (355 V 14) was not visible in Babylon.
Year SE 355 4
6 7
9 10 11
[Month IV, .... Jupiter and Ve]nus in Gemini, Mercury in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 10th, Mercury’s last appearance in Leo. The 14th, Saturn stationary in Sagittarius. The 23rd, Venus will reach Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. .... [Month V, .... Jupiter] in Gemini, [Venus] in Cancer, Saturn in Sagittarius. The 1st, Mars’ first appearance in Leo. The 6th, Mercury’s first appearance in Leo. The 14th, (lunar) eclipse to be seen?. The 15th?, [first moonset after sunrise? ....] .... [....] Venus will reach Leo. The 25th, Mercury’s last appearance in Virgo. The 20+[xth,] .... [....] .... The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month VI, ....] last appearance in Virgo?. The 14th, Mars will reach Virgo. The 14th?, equinox?. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st?, Venus will reach Virgo?. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month VII, .... Jupiter] stationary in Gemini?. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th, Venus will reach Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s first appearance Sagittarius. [Month VIII, .... Mars] will reach Libra. The 4th, Saturn’s last appearance in Sagittarius. The 11th, Venus will reach Scorpius. [....] The xth, first moonset after sunrise. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Mon[th IX,] the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, [Venus] and Mercury in Scorpius, Mars in Libra. The 1st, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 5th, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 8th, Mercury will reach Sagittarius. The 9th, Saturn’s first appearance in Sagittarius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, solstice. The 19th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Venus? Capricorn. The 29th?, Mercury will reach Capricorn. Mon[th X, .... Jupiter in Gemini,] Venus and Mercury in Capricorn, Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Scorpius. The 5th, Mercury’s first (error for: last) appearance in Capricorn. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] [.... The 2]2nd, Venus will reach? Aquarius?. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
Rev. 1
2 3
Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter [in] Gemini, Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius. The 2nd, Jupiter stationary in Gemini. The 5th, Mercury’s last (error for: first) appearance in Aries. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. .... [.... Mercury] will reach Aries. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s first (error for: last) appearance in Aries. [Mo]nth XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn and Mars Sagittarius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, equinox. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month I, .... Predictions of the reachings] of the planets of year 355.
No. 216
No. 216 BM 40083 (= 81-2-1, 48) Photo: Pl. 119f.; AOAT 25 (1976) Pl. XVII* Bibliography: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 389-392 Year: SE 372
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
BAR 30 BABBAR GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina ḪUN GENNA ina ALLA AN MÚL 2 dele-bat M[ÚL KUR x G]U4 MÚL IGI 4 BABBAR RÍN KUR 8 BABBAR ana ME E-a 14 na 15 AN MAŠ-MAŠ KUR [2]7? KUR GU4 1 BABBAR RÍN dele-bat GU4 AN MAŠ-MAŠ GENNA ALLA 12 GU4 MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 14 na 17 AN MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 2[2] dele-bat ALLA KUR 27 KUR SIG 30 BABBAR RÍN dele-bat u GENNA ALLA 3 GENNA ina? ALLA ŠÚ 7 BABBAR RÍN UŠ 14 ⌈x⌉ [....] 15 na 18 dele-bat A KUR 27 KUR ŠU 1 BABBAR RÍN dele-bat A 11 GENNA ALLA IGI 13 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 14 na 27 KU[R] IZI 30 BABBAR RÍN dele-bat ABSIN GENNA ALLA 9 dele-bat RÍN KUR 10 GU4 ABSIN IGI 14 BABBAR GÍR-TAB KUR 15 na 20 GU4 RÍN KUR 27 KUR KIN 1 BABBAR GÍR-TAB dele-bat UD (error for: RÍN) GENNA ALLA AN A 5 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR 12 AN ABSIN KUR 14 na 22 LÁL-tì 25 GU4 ABSIN 27 KUR [DU6] 30 BABBAR u dele-bat GÍR-TAB GU4 AN ABSIN GENNA 3 dele-bat PA K[UR] ⌈8?⌉ G[U4] RÍN KUR ⌈15? na⌉ [x] BABBAR GÍR-TAB ŠÚ 28 GU4 RÍN ŠÚ 28 AN RÍN KUR 28 KUR [APIN x dele-bat ina P]A GENNA ina ALLA AN RÍN 3 dele-bat MÁŠ KUR 7 GENNA ina ALLA UŠ [x na] 18 BABBAR [GÍR]-TAB IGI 27 KUR
Rev. 1 2 3
[GAN ....] ⌈x⌉ [x GENNA ina ALL]A AN ina RÍN 13 AN GÍR-TAB KUR 14 na [1]5? GU4 MÁŠ IGI [x x] ⌈x⌈ [x] ⌈x x x⌉ 27? KUR 29 dele-bat MÁŠ IGI [A]B 1 BABBAR u AN GÍR-TAB dele-bat u ⌈x⌉ [x] ⌈x GENNA⌉ [ALL]A? 1? GENNA ana ME E-a 7
Year SE 372
No. 216 Upper edge 1 At the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv. 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
9 10
11 12
13 14 15
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter Scorpius, Venus in Aries, Saturn in Cancer, Mars Taurus. The 2nd, Venus [will reach] Taurus. [The xth,] Mercury’s first appearance, Taurus. The 4th, Jupiter will reach Libra. The 8th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Mars will reach Gemini. The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter Libra; Venus, Mercury, Mars, Gemini; Saturn Cancer. The 12th, Mercury’s last appearance, Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 17th, Mars’ last appearance, Gemini. The 22nd, Venus will reach Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter Libra; Venus and Saturn, Cancer. The 3rd, Saturn’s last appearance in Cancer. The 7th, Jupiter stationary, Libra. The 14th, .... [....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 18th, Venus will reach Leo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter Libra; Venus Leo. The 11th, Saturn’s first appearance, Cancer. The 13th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter Libra; Venus Virgo; Saturn Cancer. The 9th, Venus will reach Libra. The 10th, Mercury’s first appearance, Virgo. The 14th, Jupiter will reach Scorpius. The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 20th, Mercury will reach Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter Scorpius; Venus Libra; Saturn Cancer; Mars Leo. The 5th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 12th, Mars will reach Virgo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, equinox. The 25th, Mercury’s , Virgo. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month VII,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus, Scorpius; Mercury Mars, Virgo; Saturn . The 3rd, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 8th?, Mercury will reach Libra. The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. [The xth,] Jupiter’s last appearance, Scorpius. The 28th, Mercury’s last appearance, Libra. The 28th, Mars will reach Libra. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month VIII, .... Venus in Sag]ittarius, Saturn in Cancer, Mars Libra. The 3rd, Venus will reach Capricorn. The 7th, Saturn stationary in Cancer. [The xth, first moonset after sunrise.] The 18th, Jupiter’s first appearance, Scorpius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
Rev. 1 2 3
[Month IX, ....] .... [....; Saturn in Canc]er, Mars in Libra. The 13th, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [The 1]5th?, Mercury’s first appearance, Capricorn. [....] .... [....] .... The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Venus’ first appearance, Capricorn. [Mon]th X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars, Scorpius; Venus and .... [....] ....; Saturn Cancer?. The 1st?, Saturn’s acronychal rising. The 7th,
440 4 5 6 7 8 9
Nos. 216 & 217 GU4 GU ŠÚ 12 BABBAR PA KUR 13 na 19 GU4 ⌈MÁŠ IGI 27⌉ KUR ZÍZ 30 BABBAR u AN PA dele-bat u GU4 ina MÁŠ [GENNA] ⌈ALLA⌉ 12 GU4 GU KUR 14 na ⌈x x x⌉ [x x x x x] KUR ŠE 1 ⌈BABBAR u AN⌉ ina PA dele-bat ina M[ÁŠ GENNA ina ALL]A 2 dele-bat GU KUR 4 GENNA ina ALLA UŠ 16 AN [MÁŠ KUR] 23 BABBAR PA UŠ 27 KUR BAR 30 meš-ḫi šá KURmeš šá UDU-TILmeš
No. 217 BM 40084 (= 81-2-1, 49) Photo: Pl. 120f.; AOAT 25 (1976) Pl. XVIII* Bibliography: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 392f. Year: SE 372
Upper edge 1 [ina a-mat dE]N [u] d[GAŠAN-iá liš-lim] Obv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
BAR 30 BABBAR [ina] GÍR-TAB dele-bat ina ḪUN AN ina MÚL ⌈x⌉ [....] 4 BABBAR RÍN KUR 8 BABBAR ana ME [E-a ....] [G]U4 1 BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat GU4 GENNA ina ALLA 2 MÚL? [....] 14 na 14 22 dele-bat ALLA KUR 27 KUR [....] SIG 30 BABBAR ina RÍN 3 GENNA 7 GU4 ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 18 dele-bat A [KUR] 19 šámaš GUB 27 KUR 29 GU4 ina NIM ŠU 1 BABBAR ina RÍN dele-bat ina A 11 GENNA ina ALLA 13 dele-bat ABSIN KUR 14 n[a ....] IZI BABBAR ina RÍN GENNA ina ALLA 9 10 GU4 ina NIM (error for: ŠÚ) 14 BABBAR GÍR-TAB KUR 20 GU4-UD RÍN 28 AN ina A IGI 29 GU4 ina ŠÚ ina SAG
Year SE 372 4
6 7
8 9
Mercury’s last appearance, Aquarius. The 12th, Jupiter will reach Sagittarius. The 13th, first moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mercury’s first appearance, Capricorn. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars, Sagittarius; Venus and Mercury in Capricorn; [Saturn] Cancer. The 12th, Mercury will reach Aquarius. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. .... [....] last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Sagittarius, Venus in Cap[ricorn, Saturn in Can]cer. The 2nd, Venus will reach Aquarius. The 4th, Saturn stationary in Cancer. The 16th, Mars [will reach Capricorn.] The 23rd, Jupiter stationary, Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions of the reachings of the planets
Date This tablet and the following are to a large extent duplicates; there are only few variants in items listed in both of them so that they certainly concern the same year. The solstices and equinoxes imply a year SE 11 + 19n. The data on the positions of the outer planets and their phenomena then identify the year as SE 372.
No. 217 Upper edge 1 [At the command of B]el [and] B[eltija may it go well.] Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter [in] Scorpius, Venus in Aries, Mars in Taurus .... [....] The 4th, Jupiter will reach Libra. The 8th, Jupiter’s acronychal [rising ....] [Mo]nth II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Libra, Venus, Mercury Saturn in Cancer. The 2nd, .... [....] The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 14th, The 22nd, Venus will reach Cancer. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Libra. The 3rd, Saturn’s The 7th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 18th, Venus [will reach] Leo. The 19th, solstice. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Mercury’s in the east Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Libra, Venus in Leo. The 11th, Saturn’s in Cancer. The 13th, Venus will reach Virgo. The 14th, first [moonset after sunrise. ....] Month V, Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in Cancer. The 9th, The 10th, Mercury’s in the east (error for: west) The 14th, Jupiter will reach Scorpius. The 20th, Mercury Libra. The 28th, Mars’ first appearance in Leo. The 29th, Mercury’s in the west in the beginning
442 10 11 12 13
No. 217 KIN 1 dele-bat ina RÍN GENNA AN ina A 5 dele-bat GÍR-TAB KUR 11 AN ABSIN 14 na 22 LÁL-tì 27 KUR DU6 30 BABBAR u dele-bat ina GÍR-TAB GU4 u AN GENNA ina ALLA 3 dele-bat PA KUR 8 15 na 21? [2]8 KUR
Rev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
APIN 1 dele-bat ina P[A GENNA ina ALLA AN ina] RÍN 3 dele-bat 7 [GENNA ina ALLA UŠ ....] GAN 1 BABBAR ina GÍR-TAB [dele-bat ina MÁŠ GU4 ina PA] GENNA AN ina RÍN 13? AN GÍR-TAB KUR 16 na 25 šám[aš GUB] ⌈x⌉ 26? dele-bat ina MÁŠ [IGI 27 KUR] AB 1 BABBAR [u] AN GU4 GENNA [ina ALL]A 7 GU4 ina [ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ 12 BABBA]R PA KUR [13 n]a 19 GU4 [ina NIM ina MÁŠ I]GI? 27 KUR [ZÍZ 3]0 BABBAR u AN ina PA dele-bat u G[U4 12] GU4 GU 14 27 KUR ŠE 1 BABBAR u AN ina PA dele-bat ina MÁŠ GENNA 2 4 GENNA ina ALLA 13 15 AN MÁŠ 23 BABBAR ina PA [U]Š {U} 27 KUR BAR 30 meš-ḫi
Year SE 372 10
11 12
Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Venus in Libra, Saturn Mars in Leo. The 5th, Venus will reach Scorpius. The 11th, Mars Virgo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 22nd, equinox. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus in Scorpius, Mercury and Mars Saturn in Cancer. The 3rd, Venus will reach Sagittarius. The 8th, The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 21st?, [The 2]8th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.
Rev. 1
3 4
5 6
8 9
Month VIII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Venus in Sag[ittarius, Saturn in Cancer, Mars in] Libra. The 3rd, Venus The 7th, [Saturn stationary in Cancer ....] Month IX, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Scorpius, [Venus in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius,] Saturn Mars in Libra. The 13th?, Mars will reach Scorpius. The 16th, first moonset after sunrise. The 25th, sol[stice.] .... The 26th?, Venus’ [first appearance] in Capricorn. [The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] Month X, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter [and] Mars Mercury Saturn [in Canc]er. The 7th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in [the west in Capricorn. The 12th, Jupit]er will reach Sagittarius. [The 13th, first] moonset after sunrise. The 19th, Mercury’s first? appearance [in the east in Capricorn.] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [Month XI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 3]0th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Sagittarius, Venus and Mer[cury The 12th,] Mercury Aquarius. The 14th, The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XII, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Mars in Sagittarius, Venus in Capricorn, Saturn The 2nd, The 4th, Saturn in Cancer. The 13th, The 15th, Mars Capricorn. The 23rd, Jupiter stationary in Sagittarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Predictions
Date see preceding tablet.
No. 218
No. 218 Dropsie College Text Copy: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 398 Photo: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) Pl. XIX* Bibliography: A. Sachs, AOAT 25 (1976) 393-395 Year: SE 385
Upper edge 1 [ina a]-mat dEN u dGAŠAN-iá liš-lim Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
BAR 1 MÚL-BABBAR u GENNA ina PA bat u GU4 ina MÚL-MÚL 6 dele-bat MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 14 GU4 MAŠ-MAŠ KUR 14 na 27 KUR GU4 BABBAR u GENNA ina PA dele-bat u GU4 ina MAŠ-MAŠ 2 dele-bat ALLA KUR 8 GU4 ina ŠÚ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ŠÚ 14 na 27 KUR 28 dele-bat A SIG 30 BABBAR u GENNA ina PA dele-bat ina A 12 GU4 ina NIM ina MAŠ-MAŠ IGI 14 na [.... dele-bat ABS]IN KUR 28 KUR Š[U x BAB]BAR u GENNA ina PA dele-bat ina ABSIN 3 AN ina ALLA IGI 14 na 27 dele-bat RÍN KUR 27 KUR IZI 30 BABBAR u GENNA ina PA dele-bat ina RÍN AN ina ALLA 2 G[U4] ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN IGI 12 AN A KUR 14 na 16? GU4 [ina ŠÚ ina ABSIN ŠÚ x KUR] KIN 1 BABBAR u GENNA ina PA dele-bat ina RÍN 14 na [....] {14 na} 27 KUR 28 GU4 [ina NIM ina ABSIN IGI] [DU6 30] ina KAL BABBAR u GENNA [ina PA ....] [....] 27 K[UR ....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[GAN] 30 [....] 21 BABBAR ina [PA IGI ....] AB 30 BABBAR dele-bat u GENNA ina [PA .... AN] GÍR-TAB KUR 28 KUR ZÍZ 1 BABBAR dele-bat u GU4 ina MÁŠ AN ina GÍR-TAB [....] ŠE 30 BABBAR ina MÁŠ dele-bat ina GU AN ina GÍR-TAB 11+[x .... dele-bat] zibme KUR 26 GU4 ina ŠÚ ina ḪUN IGI 28 KUR BAR 1
Date The abbreviations BABBAR and GU4 suggest a late date. The planetary positions, especially Saturn and Jupiter, and a first visibility of Mars in the beginning of month IV in Cancer, determine the year as SE 385.
Year SE 385
No. 218 Upper edge 1 [At] the command of Bel and Beltija may it go well. Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14
Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius, Venus and Mercury in Taurus. The 6th, Venus will reach Gemini. The 14th, Mercury will reach Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month II, Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius, Venus and Mercury in Gemini. The 2nd, Venus will reach Cancer. The 8th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Venus Leo. Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius, Venus in Leo. The 12th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in Gemini. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [.... Venus] will reach Virgo. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Mon[th IV, .... Jup]iter and Saturn in Sagittarius, Venus in Virgo. The 3rd, Mars’ first appearance in Cancer. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 27th, Venus will reach Libra. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius, Venus in Libra, Mars in Cancer. The 2nd, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Virgo. The 12th, Mars will reach Leo. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. The 16th?, Mercury’s [last appearance in the west in Virgo. The xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise.] Month VI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius, Venus in Libra. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. [....] {The 14th, first moonset after sunrise.} The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th, Mercury’s [first appearance in the east in Virgo.] [Month VII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month),] ina KAL. Jupiter and Saturn [in Sagittarius ....] [....] The 27th, last visibility [of the moon before sunrise ....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[Month IX,] (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). [....] The 21st, Jupiter’s [first appearance] in [Sagittarius ....] Month X, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in [Sagittarius .... Mars] will reach Scorpius. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn, Mars in Scorpius. [....] Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpius. The 11+[xth, .... Venus] will reach Pisces. The 26th, Mercury’s first appearance in the west in Aries. The 28th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month).
No. 219
No. 219 W 22340a Copy: SBTU I no. 99 Photo: excavation photo 1969, pl. 121 Bibliography: H. Hunger, SBTU I no. 99 (this is full of errors and should be disregarded) From Uruk; the tablet cannot now be collated or photographed. Year: SE 390?
´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] ⌈x⌉ na? [....] ⌈27⌉ KUR —————————— [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] 27 KUR 29 múlŠU-PA IGI —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ 10? GU4-UD? ⌈x⌉ [x x] ⌈ŠÚ⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ 14 na ⌈x x x⌉ [....] ⌈x 27?⌉ KUR 28? KI KUR šámaš? AN-K[U10 šámaš] ⌈x ana?⌉ [PAP?] ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[....] [....] ⌈ina ŠÚ? ina⌉ [....] [....] ⌈14?⌉ na? ⌈x x x x⌉ [x x] [....] ⌈x ŠÚ? ina GU ŠÚ⌉ 20+⌈x⌉ KUR 30 dele-[bat] ⌈x x⌉ —————————— [....] ⌈x x ina? EN?-NUN?⌉ GENNA ina ŠÚ ina GU? [ŠÚ] [....] ⌈x x x⌉ 26 KUR —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ ina MÁŠ IGI 20 dele-bat GU KUR [....] ⌈x⌉ ŠÚ —————————— [....] ⌈14? na⌉ 15 dele-bat zib KUR 26 ina ZÁLAG ⌈x x x⌉ [....] AN-KU10 šámaš 5 ÁB BAR DIB —————————— [.... ana KU]R? šámaš re-ḫi AN-KU10 sin ina RÍN TIL ád ŠÚ [....] 20 ina ZÁLAG dele-bat? ina KUR ina TIL zib IGI [....] ⌈ina GU?⌉ ŠÚ 29 KUR [....] ⌈x⌉ LUGAL?
SE 390?
No. 219 ´Obv. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
[....] .... first sunrise before moonset. [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [....] .... [....] .... [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 29th, Arcturus’ first appearance. —————————— [....] ....The 10th?, Mercury`s? last appearance .... [....] [....] .... last appearance?. The 14th, first moonset after sunrise. .... [....] .... The 27th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 28th?, with sunrise, [solar] eclipse [.... to be watched?] for. ——————————
Rev.´ 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[....] [....] in the west? in [....] [....] .... The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise?. .... [....] [....] .... last appearance in the west? in Aquarius. The 20+xth, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. The 30th, Venus .... —————————— [....] .... The xth, first part of the night?, Saturn’s [last appearance] in the west in Aquarius?. [....] .... The 26th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [....] .... first appearance in Capricorn. The 20th, Venus will reach Aquarius. [....] .... last appearance?. —————————— [....] The 14th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 26th, last part of the night, .... [....] solar eclipse, (after) 5 months, “extraneous”, will be omitted. —————————— [....] remaining [to] sunrise, lunar eclipse in Libra, total; it will set eclipsed. [....] The 20th, last part of the night, Venus’? first appearance in the east in the end of Pisces. [....] last appearance in Aquarius?. The 29th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] king? ....
Date The date of this tablet was established by T. de Jong. His reasoning will be published in a joint article in the near future.
Undated Almanacs
Nos. 220 - 222
No. 220 BM 32994 (= 78-5-31, 83) Photo: Pl. 122
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] TAB? dele-bat ina MAŠ-MAŠ GE[NNA ....] [.... I]GI? 2 dele-bat AL[LA KUR ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 16 ⌈GENNA?⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
No. 221 BM 34278 (= Sp 387) Copy: LBAT 1202 Photo: Pl. 122
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] ⌈1 x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ina A ŠÚ [....] [.... 2]8? KUR [....] KUR-ád 5 GU4-UD ina ⌈NIM? x⌉ [....]
No. 222 BM 35376 (= Sp II 953) Copy: LBAT 1206 Photo: Pl. 122
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈5⌉ dele-bat zibme KUR-ád 8 ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] ina GU ŠÚ 27 KUR —————————— [.... ina NI]M? ina TIL MÁŠ IGI 8 MÚL-[....] [....] KUR-ád 13 dele-bat ⌈x⌉ [....]
Nos. 220 - 222
No. 220 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] TAB?, Venus in Gemini, Sat[urn ....] [.... first appear]ance?. The 2nd, Venus [will reach] Can[cer. ....] [....] .... The 16th, Saturn? [....] —————————— [....] .... [....]
No. 221 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] .... [....] —————————— [....] last appearance in Leo [....] [.... The 2]8th?, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....[ will reach [....] The 5th, Mercury’s [....] in the east [....]
No. 222 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [....] The 5th, Venus will reach Pisces. The 8th, .... [....] [....] last appearance in Aquarius. The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [....] first appearance [in the ea]st? in the end of Capricorn. The 8th, .... [....] [....] will reach [....] The 13th, Venus .... [....]
Nos. 223 - 225
No. 223 BM 35860 (= Sp III 391) Copy: LBAT 1210 Photo: Pl. 122
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x x x⌉ [....] [.... GU4-U]D ina ŠÚ ina GU ⌈IGI?⌉ 20+[x ....] —————————— [....] u AN ina zibme GENNA ina ABSIN 10+[x ....] [....] 13 GENNA ana ME E-a [....] —————————— [....] GENNA ina ABSIN 3 ⌈GU4-UD⌉ [....]
No. 224 BM 36026 (= Sp III 570) Copy: LBAT 1211 Photo: Pl. 122
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] ⌈x UŠ⌉ 12 GU4- UD ⌈ina NIM ina⌉ [x IGI ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] A 4 GU4-UD GU KUR-ád GE6 13 1 ⌈DANNA⌉ [.... AN-KU10 sin ....] na 13? AN MÚL-MÚL KUR 17 GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x ŠÚ ....] 29 MÚL-BABBAR ana ME E-a —————————— [....] ⌈x x x x x x x⌉ [....]
No. 225 BM 40658 (= 81-4-28, 203) Photo: Pl. 122
Obv.´ 1 2 3
[.... x]+6 GU4-UD ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] 27 KUR —————————— [....] ⌈x x⌉ [x]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈x x x x x⌉ [....] —————————— [....] ⌈x dele-bat?⌉ MAŠ-MAŠ KUR-ád 30? x x [....] —————————— [.... meš-ḫi šá KUR-ádme]š šá dUDU-TILmeš šá [MU ....] [.... A]r-šá-kam LUGAL [....]
Nos. 223 - 225
No. 223 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [.... Mercur]y’s first? appearance in the west in Aquarius. The 20+[xth, ....] —————————— [.... ] and Mars in Pisces, Saturn in Virgo. The 10+[xth, ....] [....] The 13th, Saturn’s acronychal rising. [....] —————————— [....] Saturn in Virgo. The 3rd, Mercury’s [....]
No. 224 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´
[....] .... stationary .... The 12th, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in ....] [....] (blank) —————————— [....] .... The 4th, Mercury will reach Aquarius. Night of the 13th, 1 bēru [...., lunar eclipse ....] first moonset after sunrise. The 13th?, Mars will reach Taurus. The 17th, Mercury’s [last appearance] in the east [in ....] The 29th, Jupiter’s acronychal rising. —————————— [....] .... [....]
No. 225 Obv.´ 1 2 3
[.... The x]+6th, Mercury .... [....] [....] The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. —————————— [....] .... [....]
´Rev. 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [....] .... [....] —————————— [....] .... Venus? will reach Gemini. The 30th?, .... [....] —————————— [.... Predictions of the reachin]gs of the planets of [year ....] [....] king Arsaces.
Nos. 226 - 228
No. 226 BM 42253 (= 81-6-25, 876) Copy: LBAT 1212
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[.... ALL]A? KUR 28 [....] [.... GU4]-UD ina PA GENNA ina ⌈x⌉ [....] [....] dele-bat ALLA? KUR 25+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
No. 227 BM 42981 (= 81-7-1, 745) Photo: Pl. 123
Upper edge 1 ina a-mat d[....] Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
BAR 30 BABBAR u ⌈x⌉ [....] GU4 30 dele-bat ina ⌈x⌉ [....] SIG 1 BABBAR u dele-bat [....] ŠU 30 BABBAR u [....] IZI 1 [....]
Other side blank
No. 228 BM 43046 (= 81-7-1, 810) Photo: Pl. 123
Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] ⌈x⌉ [....] [.... 2]9 AN-KU10 [šámaš] ⌈šá DIB⌉ [....] [.... x]+2 MÚL-BABBAR ina A IGI 1+[x ....] [....] ⌈x⌉ 27 KUR [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
Nos. 226 - 228
No. 226 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´
[....] will reach [Canc]er?. The 28th, [....] [.... Mer]cury in Sagittarius, Saturn in .... [....] [....] Venus will reach Cancer?. The 25+[xth, ....] [....] .... [....] .... [....]
No. 227 Upper edge 1 At the command of [....] Obv. 1 2 3 4 5
Month I, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and .... [....] Month II, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Venus in .... [....] Month III, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter and Venus [....] Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter and [....] Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [....]
Other side blank
No. 228 Flake 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´
[....] .... [....] [.... The 2]9th, [solar] eclipse which will be omitted. [....] [.... The x]+2nd, Jupiter’s first appearance in Leo. The 1+[xth, ....] [....] .... The 27th, last visibility of the moon before sunrise. [....] .... [....]
Nos. 229 & 230
No. 229 BM 53627 (= 82-3-23, 4665) Photo: Pl. 123
Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
⌈BAR⌉ 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina AB[SIN ....] GU4 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina ABS[IN ....] 28 K[UR ....] SIG 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina RÍN GENNA ina [....] ŠU 1 x ana PAP MÚL-BABBAR ⌈ina⌉ [....] IZI 30 MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] ina MAŠ-MAŠ I[GI? ....] ⌈KIN 30 MÚL-BABBAR⌉ [....]
Rev.´ 1 2
[....] dele-bat? ina? ⌈x x x⌉ [....] [....] ⌈KUR?⌉ [....]
No. 230 BM 55643 (= 82-7-4, 244) Photo: Pl. 123
´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
⌈GU4 1? MÚL?-BABBAR?⌉ [.... GU4-UD] ⌈ina ŠÚ⌉ ina MAŠ-MAŠ ⌈ŠÚ?⌉ [....] —————————— SIG 30 MÚL-BABB[AR ....] 16? GU4-UD ina NIM [ina x IGI ....] —————————— ŠU 30 ina KAL MÚL-BABB[AR ....] ⌈15?⌉ na 15 múlKAK-[BAN IGI ....] —————————— [I]ZI 1 MÚL-BABBAR ⌈ina x⌉ [....] ⌈x⌉ [....] ⌈x x⌉ [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[x x] ⌈x x⌉ [....] —————————— ZÍZ 1 MÚL-BABBAR ina [....] 15 na 15 [....] —————————— ŠE 30 MÚL-[BABBAR ....] 16? na [....] —————————— BAR 1 [....] ⌈x⌉ [....]
Nos. 229 & 230
No. 229 Obv.´ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Virgo, [....] Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in Virgo, [....] The 28th, last visibility [of the moon before sunrise. ....] Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in [....] Month IV, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). .... to be watched for. Jupiter in [....] Month V, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter in [....] first [appearance?] in Gemini. [....] Month VI, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupiter [....]
Rev.´ 1 2
[....] Venus? in .... [....] [....] .... [....]
No. 230 ´Obv.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´ 8´
Month II, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter? [.... Mercury’s] last appearance in the west in Gemini. [....] —————————— Month III, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jupit[er ....] The 16th?, Mercury’s [first appearance] in the east [in ....] —————————— Month IV, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ina KAL. Jupit[er ....] The 15th?, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, Sir[ius’ first appearance ....] —————————— Month V, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in .... [....] .... [....] .... [....]
´Rev.´ 1´ 2´ 3´ 4´ 5´ 6´ 7´
[....] .... [....] —————————— Month XI, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). Jupiter in [....] The 15th, first moonset after sunrise. The 15th, [....] —————————— Month XII, (the 1st of which will be identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month). Jup[iter ....] The 16th?, first moonset after sunrise. [....] —————————— Month I, the 1st (of which will follow the 30th of the preceding month). [....] .... [....]
Plate 1
No. 1: BM 65156 Obv.
No. 1: BM 65156 Rev.
No. 2: BM 48104 Obv.
No. 3: BM 77997 Obv.
No. 2: BM 48104 Rev.
No. 2: BM 48104 left edge No. 3: BM 77997 Rev.
Plate 2
No. 4: BM 47724 Obv.
No. 4: BM 47724 Rev.
No. 4: BM 47724 Upper edge
No. 5: BM 36877 Obv.
No. 6: BM 32618 Obv.
No. 5: BM 36877 Rev.
Plate 3
No. 6: BM 32618 Rev.
No. 7: BM 32321 Obv.
No. 7: BM 32321 Rev.
No. 7: BM 32321 Right edge
No.8: BM 35584
Plate 4
No. 9: BM 35900
No. 11: BM 35795
No. 10: BM 35972A Obv. No. 12: BM 32847 Obv.
No. 10: BM 35972A Rev.
No. 12: BM 32847 Rev.
Plate 5
No. 13: BM 47816 Obv.
No. 13: BM 47816 Rev.
No. 13: BM 47816 Upper edge
Plate 6
No. 14: BM 33989 Obv.
No. 16: BM 34854 Rev.
No. 14: BM 33989 Rev.
No. 14: BM 33989 Lower edge
No. 16: BM 34854 Obv.
Plate 7
No. 18: BM 42076 No. 17: BM 40626 Obv.
No. 18: BM 42076 Right edge
No. 17: BM 40626 Rev.
No. 17: BM 40626 Lower edge
Plate 8
No. 20: BM 33777
No. 21: BM 35159 Obv.
No. 21: BM 35167 Obv.
No. 21: BM 35167 Rev.
No. 21: BM 35159 Rev.
Plate 9
No. 22: BM 42135 Rev.
No. 22: BM 42135 Obv.
No. 23: Rm 731 Upper edge
No. 23: Rm 731 Obv.
No. 22: BM 42135 Right edge
Plate 10
No. 23: Rm 731 Rev.
No. 24: MLC 1860 Obv. (© Yale Babylonian Collection)
Plate 11
No. 24: MLC 1860 Rev. (© Yale Babylonian Collection)
No. 25: BM 40596
No. 26: BM 65667 Right edge
No. 26: BM 65667 Obv.
Plate 12
No. 26: BM 65667 Rev.
No. 26: BM 65667 Upper edge
No. 27: BM 33489
No. 28: BM 41880 Obv.
Plate 13
No. 28: BM 41880 Rev.
No. 29: BM 41634 Obv.
No. 29: BM 41634 Left edge
No. 28: BM 41880 Upper edge
No. 29: BM 41634 Rev.
No. 29: BM 41634 Upper edge
Plate 14
No. 30: BM 41588 Obv.
No. 30: BM 41588 Left edge
No. 31: BM 47869
Plate 15
No. 30: BM 41588 Rev.
No. 33: CBS 737 Obv.
Plate 16
No. 33: CBS 737 Rev.
No. 34: CBS 499 Obv.
No. 34: CBS 499 Right edge 1
No. 34: CBS 499 Rev.
No. 34: CBS 499 Right edge 2
Plate 17
No. 35: BM 42022
No. 37: BCM-A 1846-1982 Obv.
No. 36: BM 132281
No. 37: BM 41838 Obv.
No. 37: BM 41838 Rev.
No. 37: BM 41838 Right edge
Plate 18
No. 38: Rm 755 Obv.
No. 37: BCM-A 1846-1982 Rev.
No. 38: Rm 755 Rev.
No. 38: BM 32522 Obv.
No. 38: BM 32522 Rev.
Plate 19
No. 40: BM 41545 Upper edge
No. 39: BM 34080 Obv.
No. 40: BM 41545 Obv.
No. 39: BM 34080 Rev.
No. 40: BM 132283 Lower edge No. 40: BM 132283 Obv.
Plate 20
No. 40: BM 132283 Rev.
No. 40: BM 41545 Rev.
No. 41: BM 40625 Obv.
Plate 21
No. 41: BM 40625 Rev.
No. 42: BM 41846 Obv.
No. 42: BM 41846 Left edge
No. 42: BM 41846 Rev.
Plate 22
No. 43: BM 41022 Rev.
No. 43: BM 41022 Obv.
No. 43: BM 41022 Lower edge
No. 44: BM 41520 Right edge 1
No. 44: BM 41520 Right edge 2
Plate 23
No. 44: BM 41520 Obv.
No. 44: BM 41520 Rev.
Plate 24
No. 45: BM 33987 Obv.
No. 45: BM 33987 Rev.
No. 45: BM 33987 Upper edge No. 45: BM 33987 Right edge
No. 46: BM 41117 Obv.
No. 46: BM 41117 Rev.
Plate 25
No. 47: BM 45696 Obv.
No. 47: BM 45696 Rev.
Plate 26
No. 48: BM 47909 Obv.
No. 48: BM 47909 Lower edge
No. 48: BM 47909 Rev.
No. 49: BM 33501 Obv.
No. 49: BM 33501 Left edge
No. 49: BM 33501 Rev.
No. 49: BM 33501 Upper edge
Plate 27
No. 50: BM 35542 Obv.
No. 50: BM 35542 Rev.
No. 50: BM 35542 Upper edge
Plate 28
No. 51: BM 41599 Obv.
No. 51: BM 41599 Right edge
No. 51: BM 41599 Rev.
No. 51: BM 41599 Upper edge
Plate 29
No. 52: BM 33450 Obv.
No. 52: BM 33462 Obv.
No. 52: BM 33450 Rev.
No. 53: BM 35817 Obv.
No. 52: BM 33462 Rev.
No. 53: BM 35817 Rev.
Plate 30
No. 54: BM 41895 Obv.
No. 54: BM 41895 Rev.
No. 54: BM 41895 Upper edge
No. 55: BM 47738 Obv.
No. 55: BM 47738 Rev.
No. 55: BM 47738 Right edge
No. 56: BM 42226
Plate 31
No. 57: MLC 1885 Obv. (© Yale Babylonian Collection)
No. 57: MLC 1885 Right edge No. 57: MLC 1885 Rev. (© Yale Babylonian Collection)
(© Yale Babylonian Collection)
Plate 32
No. 58: BM 34228
No. 59: BM 35581 Obv.
No. 59: BM 35581 Lower edge
Plate 33
No. 59: BM 35581 Rev.
No. 60: BM 36987 Obv.
No. 60: BM 36987 Rev.
Plate 34
No. 61: BM 41106 Obv.
No. 61: BM 41106 Lower edge
No. 61: BM 41106 Rev.
No. 62: BM 33497 Obv.
No. 62: BM 33497 Rev.
Plate 35
No. 63: BM34116 Obv.
No. 63: BM 34116 Right edge
No. 63: BM 34116 Rev.
Plate 36
No. 64: U180(3) Obv.
No. 64: U 180(3) Rev.
Plate 37
No. 66: BM 132287 Obv.
No. 65: U 194 Obv.
No. 66: BM 132287 Rev.
No. 65: U 194 Rev.
No. 67: BM 41965
Plate 38
No. 68: BM 33578 Left edge
No. 68: BM 33578 Rev.
No. 69: AO 8530 Obv. (© Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités orientales)
Plate 39
No. 69: AO 8530 Rev. (© Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités orientales)
No. 70: BM 46210
Plate 40
No. 71: BM 34888 Obv.
Plate 41
No. 71: BM 34888 Rev.
Plate 42
No. 72: BM 32088
No. 73: BM 40677 Obv.
No. 73: BM 40677 Lower edge
No. 75: BM 34076 Left edge
No. 73: BM 40677 Rev.
No. 74: BM 43067
Plate 43
No. 75: BM 34076 Obv.
No. 75: BM 34076 Rev.
Plate 44
No. 76: BM 34199 Obv.
No. 76: BM 34199 Rev.
Plate 45
No. 77: BM 32769 Obv.
No. 77: BM 32769 Left edge
No. 77: BM 32769 Rev.
No. 77: BM 32769 Lower edge
Plate 46
No. 78: BM 35090 Obv.
No. 79: BM 33482 Obv.
No. 78: BM 35090 Rev.
No. 79: BM 33482 Right edge
Plate 47
No. 79: BM 33482 Rev.
No. 79: BM 33482 Left edge
Plate 48
No. 80: BM 34056 Obv.
No. 80: BM 34056 Upper edge
No. 80: BM 34056 Rev.
Plate 49
No. 82: BM 33448 Upper edge
No. 81: BM 40604
No. 82: BM 33448 Obv.
Plate 50
No. 82: BM 33448 Rev.
No. 82: BM 33448 Right edge
No. 83: BM 34054
No. 84: BM 34620
Plate 51
Plate 52
No. 85: BM 34868 Obv.
No. 85: BM 34868 Rev.
No. 85: BM 34868 Right edge
No. 86A: BM 34078 Left edge
No. 86A: BM 34078 Upper edge
No. 86A: BM 34588 Lower edge
Plate 53
No. 86A: BM 34078 Obv.
No. 86A: BM 34588 Obv.
Plate 54
No. 86A: BM 34588 Rev.
No. 86A: BM 34078 Rev.
Plate 55
No.86B: BM 35623 Obv.
No. 86B: BM 35372
No. 86C: BM 34395 Obv.
No. 86C: BM 34395 Rev.
No. 86B: BM 35623 Rev.
Plate 56
No. 87: BM 34033 Obv.
Plate 57
No. 87: BM 34033 Rev.
Plate 58
No. 88: BM 48072 Obv.
No. 88: BM 48072 Rev.
No. 89: BM 35637 Obv.
No. 89: BM 35637 Rev.
Plate 59
No. 90: BM 34758 Obv.
No. 90: BM 34758 Upper edge
No. 90: BM 34758 Left edge
No. 90: BM 34758 Right edge
Plate 60
No. 90: BM 34758 Rev.
No. 91: BM 34229 Obv.
No. 92: BM 35464
No. 91: BM 34229 Rev.
Plate 61
No. 93: BM 34032 Obv.
Plate 62
No. 93: BM 34032 Rev.
No. 94: BM 35340
Plate 63
No. 95: BM 32230 Obv.
No. 96: BM 34607 Obv.
No. 95: BM 32230 Rev.
No. 95: BM 32230 Left edge
No. 96: BM 34607 Rev.
No. 97: BM 46041
Plate 64
No. 98: BM 35059 Obv.
No. 98: BM 35059 Rev.
No. 98: BM 35059 Upper edge
No. 98: BM 35059 Left edge
Plate 65
No. 99: BM 33632 Obv.
No. 99: BM 33632 Rev.
No. 100: BM 35691
No. 99: BM 33468
Plate 66
No. 101: BM 41640 Obv.
No. 101: BM 41640 Rev.
No. 101: BM 41640 Lower edge
No. 102: BM 42077 Obv.
No. 102: BM 42077 Rev.
No. 103: BM 32247 Obv.
Plate 67
No. 103: BM 32247 Rev.
No. 105: BM 32509 Obv.
No. 104: BM 32263
No. 105: BM 32509 Rev.
Plate 68
No. 106: BM 32675 Rev.
No. 106: BM 32675 Obv.
No. 107: BM 32709
No. 108: BM 33471
No. 110: BM 33727
No. 112: BM 34259
No. 111: BM 34257
No. 113: BM 34325
No. 109: BM 33611
Plate 69
No. 114: BM 34328
No. 115: BM 34356
No. 116: BM 34377
No. 117: BM 34413 No. 119: BM 34834
No. 118: BM 34469
No. 120: BM 34866
No. 121: BM 35092
No. 122: BM 35142
Plate 70
No. 124: 35468 Obv.
No. 124: BM 35468 Rev.
No. 125: BM 35476 Obv.
No. 125: BM 35476 Rev.
No. 123: BM 35465
No. 126: BM 35481 Obv.
No. 126: BM 35481 Rev.
No. 127: BM 35550
No. 128: BM 35793 Obv.
No. 128: BM 35793 Rev.
Plate 71
No. 129: BM 35993
No. 130: BM 35994
No. 131: BM 36962 Right edge
No. 131: BM 36962 Obv.
No. 131: BM 36962 Rev.
No. 132: BM 37400 Obv.
No. 132: BM 37400 Rev.
Plate 72
No. 133: BM 40613
No. 134: BM 41073
No. 136: BM 41137 Obv. No. 135: BM 41127 Obv.
No. 136: BM 41137 Rev.
No. 135: BM 41127 Rev.
No. 137: BM 41150 Side A
No. 137: BM 41150 Side B
Plate 73
No. 138: BM 41988 Obv.
No. 138: BM 41988 Rev.
No. 139: BM 42005
No. 140: BM 42016 Obv.
No. 140: BM 42016 Right edge
No. 140: BM 42016 Rev.
No. 141: BM 42045 Obv.
No. 141: BM 42045 Rev.
Plate 74
No. 142: BM 42191 Obv.
No. 143: BM 42211
No. 146: BM 46206
No. 142: BM 42191 Rev.
No. 144: BM 42232
No. 147: BM 99695
No. 142: BM 42191 Right edge
No. 145: BM 42247
No. 148: CBS 217
Plate 75
No. 149: Rm 812
No. 150: Rm 813
Nr. 151: Rm 814 Obv.
No. 152: Rm 838 Obv.
No. 151: Rm 814 Rev.
No. 152: Rm 838 Rev.-1
No. 152: Rm 838 Rev.-2
Plate 76
No. 153: BM 40101 Obv.
No. 153: BM 40101 Right edge No. 153: BM 40101 Rev.
Plate 77
No. 153: BM 40101 Upper edge
No. 153: BM 40101 Lower edge
No. 154: A 1731 Obv.-1
No. 154: A 1731 Obv.-2
No. 154: A 1731 Rev.-1
No. 154: A 1731 Right edge
No. 154: A 1731 Rev.-2
Plate 78
No. 155: Rm 786 Obv.
No. 156: BM 32888 Obv.
No. 156: BM 32888 Rev.
No. 155: Rm 786 Rev.
Plate 79
No. 157: BM 34232 Obv.
No. 157: BM 34232 Rev.
No. 158: BM 33873 Obv.
Plate 80
No. 158: BM 33873 Rev.
No. 160: MLC 2195 Obv.
No. 160: MLC 2195 Rev.
© Yale Babylonian Collection
© Yale Babylonian Collection
Plate 81
No. 161: BM 34470
No. 162: BM 35894
No. 163: BM 34121 Obv.
No. 163: BM 34121 Rev.
Plate 82
No. 164: BM 41010 Obv.
No. 164: BM 41010 Rev.
No. 164: BM 41010 Upper edge 1
No. 164: BM 41010 Right edge
No. 164: Upper edge 2
No. 165: BM 34345 Obv.
No. 165: BM 34345 Rev.
No. 165: BM 34345 Right edge
Plate 83
No. 166: BM 35729 Obv.
No. 166: BM 35729 Rev.
No. 167: BM 34819 Obv.
No. 167: BM 34819 Rev.
Plate 84
No. 168: BM 35093
No. 169: BM 35366 Obv.
No. 170: BM 34051 Obv.
No. 169: BM 35366 Rev.
Plate 85
No. 170: BM 34051 Rev.
No. 171: BM 33867 Obv.
No. 171: BM 33867 Rev.
Plate 86
No. 172: BM 46106 Obv.
No. 173: BM 35551 Obv.
No. 172: BM 46106 Rev.
Plate 87
No. 173: BM 35551 Rev.
No. 175: BM 46255 Obv.
No. 174: BM 34949
No. 175: BM 46255 Rev.
Plate 88
No. 176: BM 45827 Obv.
No. 176: BM 45827 Rev.
No. 177: BM 45839 Obv.
No. 177: BM 45839 Rev.
Plate 89
No. 179: BM 35620 Obv.
No. 179: BM 35620 Rev.
No. 180: BM 45972 Obv.
No. 178: BM 34298
No. 180: BM 45972 Rev.
Plate 90
No. 181: BM 45716 Rev.
No. 181: BM 45716 Upper edge
No. 182: BM 35187 Obv.
No. 182: BM 35187 Rev.
Plate 91
No. 183. BM 38212 Obv.-1
No. 183: BM 38212 Obv.-2
No. 183: BM 38212 Right edge 1
No. 183: BM 38212 Right edge 2 No. 183: BM 38212 Rev.
Plate 92
No. 184: BM 35562 Obv.
No. 184: BM 35562 Rev.
Plate 93
No. 185A: BM 34991 Upper edge
No. 185A: BM 34991 Obv.
No. 185A: BM 34991 Rev.
Plate 94
No. 185B: BM 34042 Upper edge
No. 185B: BM 34042 Obv.
No. 185B: BM 34042 Rev.
No. 185C: BM 33641 Obv.
No. 185C: BM 33641 Rev.
Plate 95
No. 187: BM 35149 Upper edge
No. 186: BM 35039 Obv.
No. 187: BM 35149 Obv.
No. 186: BM 35039 Rev.
No. 187: BM 35149 Rev.
No. 188: BM 36016
Plate 96
No. 189: BM 35720 Obv.
No. 189: BM 35720 Rev.
Plate 97
No. 190A: BM 33633 Obv.
No. 190A: BM 33633 Rev.
No. 190B: BM 34667 Obv.
Plate 98
No. 190B: BM 34667 Rev.
No. 190C: BM 35707 Obv.
No. 190C: BM 35707 Rev.
Plate 99
No. 190D: BM 45929 Obv.
No. 190E: BM 45953 Obv.
No. 190D: BM 45929 Rev.
Plate 100
No. 190E: BM 45953 Rev.
No. 190G: BM 77225 Obv.
No. 190F: BM 77257 Obv.
No. 190F: BM 77257 Rev.
No. 190G: BM 77225 Rev.
Plate 101
No. 191A: BM 45696 Upper edge
No. 191A: BM 45696 Obv.
No. 191A: BM 45696 Rev.
Plate 102
No. 191B: BM 34722 Obv.
No. 191B: BM 34722 Rev.
No. 191C: BM 33746 Obv.
No. 191C: BM 33746 Rev.
Plate 103
No. 191D: BM 35314 Obv.
No. 191D: BM 35314 Rev. No. 191E: BM 35098 Rev.
No. 191F: BM 35687
No. 191E: BM 35098 Upper edge
Plate 104
No. 192: BM 33515
No. 193: BM 33736
No. 194: BM 45919 Obv.
No. 194: BM 45919 Rev.
No. 195: BM 40496 Obv.
No. 195: BM 40496 Rev.
Plate 105
No. 196: BM 41900 Upper edge
No. 196: BM 41900 Obv.
No. 197: BM 46043 Obv.
No. 196: BM 41900 Rev.
Plate 106
No. 198: BM 42757 Obv.
No. 197: BM 46043 Rev.
No. 198: BM 42757 Rev.
No. 199: BM 31592 Obv.
Plate 107
No. 199: BM 31592 Rev.
No. 200: BM 45729 Obv.
No. 199: BM 31592 Right edge
Plate 108
No. 200: BM 45729 Upper edge
No. 200: BM 45729 Rev.
No. 201: BM 33798 Obv.
Plate 109 No. 201: BM 33798 Upper edge
No. 201: BM 33798 Rev.-1
No. 201: BM 33798 Rev.-2
No. 201: BM 33798 Rev.3
Plate 110 No. 202: BM 33485 Upper edge
No. 202: BM 33485 Obv.
No. 202: BM 33485 Rev.
Plate 111
No. 203: BM 34324 Obv.
No. 203: BM 34324 Rev.
No. 204: BM 46050 Obv.
No. 204: BM 46050 Upper edge
No. 204: BM 46050 Rev.
Plate 112
No. 205: BM 33651 Obv.
No. 205: BM 33651 Rev.
Plate 113
No. 206: BM 34159 Obv.
No. 206: BM 34159 Rev.
No. 206: BM 34159 Right edge
No. 207: BM 41468 Obv.
No. 207: BM 41468 Rev.
Plate 114
No. 208: BM 35570 Upper edge
No. 208: BM 35570 Obv.
No. 208: BM 35570 Rev.
Plate 115
No. 209: BM 33797 Obv.
No. 209: BM 33797 Rev.
Plate 116
No. 210: BM 33784 Obv.
No. 210: BM 33784 Rev.
No. 211A: BM 35429 Obv.
Plate 117
No. 211A: BM 35429 Rev.
No. 211B: VAT 290
Plate 118 No. 212: BM 76990
No. 214: DT 143 Upper edge
No. 214: DT 143 Obv.
No. 215: BM 45982 Obv.
No. 214: DT 143 Rev.
Plate 119
No. 215: BM 45982 Rev.
No. 215: BM 45982 Upper edge
No. 216: BM 40083 Obv.
Plate 120
No. 216: BM 40083 Rev.
No. 216: BM 40083 Upper edge
No. 217: BM 40084 Obv
Plate 121
No. 217: BM 40084 Rev.
No. 219: W 22340a Rev.
No. 219: W 22340a Obv.
Plate 122
No. 220: BM 32994
No. 222: BM 35376
No. 221: BM 34278
No. 223: BM 35860
No. 225: BM 40658 Obv.
No. 224: BM 36026
No. 225: BM 40658 Rev.
Plate 123
No. 227: BM 42981
No. 228: BM 43046
No. 229: BM 53627 Obv.
No. 229: BM 53627 Rev.
No. 230: BM 55643 Obv.
No. 230: BM 55643 Rev.