Angielski : tryby warunkowe : repetytorium 9788378923275, 9788378923374

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Table of contents :
Spis treści
Sprawdź się
1. Zdania warunkowe I typu
2. Zdania warunkowe II typu
3. Zdania warunkowe III typu
4. Dodatkowe uwagi o właściwościach zdań warunkowych
5. Inwersja w zdaniach warunkowych
6. Zdania warunkowe mieszane
7. Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej
8. Powtórzenie i ugruntowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia
9. O zdaniach warunkowych w pigułce
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Angielski : tryby warunkowe : repetytorium
 9788378923275, 9788378923374

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ANGIELSKII Tryby warunkowe



• Najważniejsze konstrukcje •Przykłady użycia i praktyczne wskazówki • Ćwiczenia i testy z kluczem wydawnictwo LINGO

Anna Treger



Tryby warunkowe

Konsultacja językowa: Alisa Mitchel Masiejczyk

Redaktor serii: Marek Jannasz Redakcja i korekta: Paweł Pokora, Anna Laskowska Projekt okładki serii: Marcin Rojek, Projekt makiety i opracowanie graficzne: Studio 27, [email protected] Zdjęcie na okładce: © Savvapanf Photo /

© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Lingo sp.j., Warszawa 2015 ISBN: 978-83-7892-327-5 ISBN wydania elektronicznego: 978-83-7892-337-4 Skład i łamanie: Studio 27

Spis treści

Wstęp . ...................................................................................................... 4

Sprawdź się . ....................................................................................... 7 11

Wprowadzenie . ........................................................................................

1. Zdania warunkowe I typu. ....................................................................... 13 2. Zdania warunkowe II typu . ..................................................................... 21 3. Zdania warunkowe III typu ..................................................................... 27 4. Dodatkowe uwagi o właściwościach zdań warunkowych . ................... 33 5. Inwersja w zdaniach warunkowych . ...................................................... 36 6. Zdania warunkowe mieszane.................................................................. 42


Wstęp Dla osób uczących się języka angielskiego ważne jest, aby szybko i sprawnie opanować bardziej skomplikowane konstrukcje składniowe – dzięki temu możliwa staje się swobodna komunikacja w tym języku. Nie jest to wcale takie trudne. Aby się o tym przekonać, sięgnij po repetytorium Lingo „Angielski. Tryby warunkowe”.

Książka jest skierowana do uczniów, maturzystów, studentów, osób przygotowujących się do egzaminów językowych, a także wszystkich, którzy chcą uporządkować i poszerzyć swoją wiedzę o trybach warunkowych, będących jedną z ważniejszych konstrukcji składniowych angielszczyzny. Uwzględnia materiał wymagany na maturze oraz egzaminach takich jak First Certificate in English czy Certificate in Advanced English.

Opłaca się poświęcić nieco trudu nauce gramatyki – bez wątpienia zaowocuje to wyraźnym pogłębieniem biernej i czynnej znajomości angielskiego. Język to przebogate medium umożliwiające komunikację pomiędzy ludźmi. W trakcie jego rozwoju obok imponującego zasobu słownictwa ukształtowało się wiele konstrukcji gramatycznych pozwalających na sprawne przekazywanie informacji. W niniejszej publikacji proponujemy dokładniejsze zaznajomienie się z trybami warunkowymi – obszarem tematycznym gramatyki angielskiej, który często nastręcza wiele problemów uczącym się języka angielskiego.

Podręcznik składa się z krótkiego wprowadzenia, rozdziałów tematycznych oraz klucza do ćwiczeń pozwalającego sprawdzić poprawność odpowiedzi. Rozpoczyna go krótki test sprawdzający, który pozwoli Ci zorientować się, jakim zagadnieniom musisz



poświęcić więcej uwagi. Rozdziały obejmują wstępną charakterystykę problematyki, której są poświęcone, część merytoryczną prezentującą odpowiednie zasady gramatyczne zilustrowaną starannie dobranymi przykładami wraz z ich polskimi tłumaczeniami oraz zestaw ćwiczeń pozwalający opanować i utrwalić omawiane zagadnienia. Dwa końcowe rozdziały książki to dodatkowa porcja ćwiczeń a także krótkie podsumowanie omawianych zagadnień w pigułce. Na końcu podręcznika znajdziesz klucz z rozwiązaniami wszystkich ćwiczeń – dzięki niemu łatwo skontrolujesz swoje odpowiedzi.

Angielskie tryby warunkowe nie będą miały teraz dla Ciebie tajemnic!

Z życzeniami sukcesów Autorka


Sprawdź się Wykonaj ćwiczenia na następnych trzech stronach i sprawdź swoją wiedzę. Pomogą Ci one ocenić, na czym należy się skoncentrować w nauce zagadnień przedstawionych w tej książce.


Sprawdź się 1. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź. 1. If I had been more careful, this __________

a) wouldn’t have happened

b) didn’t happen

2. I __________ a lawyer, if I were you.

a) will consult

b) would consult

c) won’t happen

c) had consulted

3. But for the quick actions of the lifeguard, she __________

a) would drown

b) had drowned

c) would have drowned.

4. If you __________ a seat, Mr Olive will see you in a few minutes.

a) took

b) will take

c) would take

5. If I __________ a camera with me, I would have captured the moment.

a) had

b) had had

c) have had

6. When I __________ angry, I write songs.

a) will be

b) am

c) were

7. If you __________ speak up, you won’t be heard.

a) won’t

b) wouldn’t

c) don’t

8. If Chloe __________ her ankle, she would be playing in the quarter-finals tomorrow.

a) didn’t sprain

b) wouldn’t have sprained

c) hadn’t sprained

9. If you __________ anything suspicious, contact me immediately.

a) saw

b) will see

c) should see

10. If Chris __________ such a good friend, he would support you, no matter what.

a) were

b) had been

c) would have been

11. He __________ on the podium, if he hadn’t underestimated his rivals.

a) would have been

b) will be

c) had been

12. If she __________ , tell her that I am at work.

a) phoned

b) phones

c) will phone

13. If she were nicer to me, I __________ her.

a) will help

b) helped

c) would help

14. You won’t lose weight if you __________ on eating high-calorie food.

a) keep

b) will keep

c) would keep

15. If Tony ______________________ in a draught, he wouldn’t be ill now.

a) didn’t sit


b) wouldn’t sit

c) hadn’t sat

ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 16. The electricity __________ cut off if they had paid the bill.

a) wouldn’t have

b) wouldn’t have been

c) had been

17. If I __________ in your shoes, I would probably never speak to him again.

a) am

b) will

c) were

18. If you __________ your bachelor’s degree, apply for a graduate program.

a) will complete

b) have completed

c) completed

19. If Tess __________ more, she would be prettier.

a) smile

b) would smile

c) smiled

20. If Jerry were more assertive, he __________ more persuasive then.

a) would be

b) had been

c) would have been

2. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź. 1. Pack a windbreaker __________ it gets windy.

a) unless


b) in case

c) as long as

________ you hurry, we will be late. a) Unless b) On condition c) In case

3. You may return any item __________ you bring the receipt.

a) suppose

b) unless

c) as long as

4. __________ he proposed to you, what would you say?

a) On condition b) As long as

c) Supposing

5. __________ his help, I wouldn’t have completed my studies.

a) As long as

b) But for

c) Unless

6. Don’t forget to set the alarm. __________ we may oversleep.

a) Provided

b) In case

c) Otherwise

7. Don’t say ‘no’ __________ you will regret it.

a) or else

b) unless

c) providing

8. I will go out to lunch with you __________ I pay for myself.

a) unless

b) provided that c) in case

9. Keep a first-aid kit in your car __________ you get injured.

a) otherwise

b) or else

c) in case

10. You won’t get a job, __________ you are qualified.

a) on condition

b) unless

c) as long as


Sprawdź się 11. I will lend you the money __________ you pay it back in a week.

a) on condition that

b) otherwise

c) in case

12. Review the material, __________ you will forget it.

a) unless

b) otherwise

c) provided

13. __________ she is innocent, what do we do about that?

a) Suppose

b) But for

c) In case

14. She is my mother-in-law, __________ I wouldn’t have invited her.

a) or else

b) as long as

c) but for that

15. You can reproduce my article __________ you give me credit for it.

a) unless

b) or else

c) as long as

3. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź. 1. What would you do if you __________ fired from your job?

a) were

b) will be

c) would be

2. If you __________ to work for us, send us your CV.

a) want

b) will want

c) would want

3. If I __________ you, I would have let it happen.

a) don’t trust

b) didn’t trust

c) hadn’t trusted

4. If he __________ me nicely, I would think about it.

a) ask

b) asked

c) will ask

5. If you __________ anything unusual, call the police immediately.

a) saw

b) see

c) will see

6. If she __________ that, nobody would have suspected anything.

a) wouldn’t say

b) didn’t say

c) hadn’t said

7. If they __________ to Canada, we wouldn’t have lost touch.

a) hadn’t moved

b) didn’t move

c) wouldn’t have moved

8. If you __________ your neighbours, I will cancel your lease.

a) will disturb

b) disturb

c) disturbed

9. If the walls __________ they would have interesting things to say.

a) talk

b) could talk

c) could have talked

10. If she __________ her mind, she would have been better off.

a) doesn’t change


b) didn’t change

c) hadn’t changed

Wprowadzenie Tryby warunkowe należą do konstrukcji dość trudnych dla Polaków. Np. w języku polskim właściwie nie zaznacza się (odkąd wyszło z powszechnego użycia wyrażenie typu „zrobiłbym był, zaprosiłbym był”) różnica między zdaniami warunkowymi drugiego i trzeciego typu, np.:

If she were taller, she would play basketball. Gdyby była wyższa, grałaby w koszykówkę. If she had been taller, she would have played basketball. Gdyby była wyższa, grałaby w koszykówkę. If I knew her address, I would visit her. Gdybym znał jej adres, odwiedziłbym ją. If I had known her address, I would have visited her. Gdybym znał jej adres, odwiedziłbym ją. Kłopoty mogą wynikać również z faktu, że w zdaniach warunkowych w języku angielskim występują inne konstrukcje gramatyczne i czasy niż w języku polskim, np.:

If he runs for President, he will need our support (czas teraźniejszy+czas przyszły). Jeśli będzie ubiegać się o urząd prezydenta, będzie potrzebował naszego wsparcia. (czas przyszły+czas przyszły).

If he ran for President, he could win (czas przeszły+tryb warunkowy). Gdyby ubiegał się o urząd prezydenta, mógłby wygrać. (tryb warunkowy+tryb warunkowy).

Zdania warunkowe składają się z dwóch zdań: zdania nadrzędnego i podrzędnego. W zdaniu: “If he runs for President, he will need our support” – “If he runs for President” jest zdaniem podrzędnym, a “he will need our support” zdaniem nadrzędnym. Struktura zdania warunkowego wygląda następująco: If+warunek+rezultat bądź Resultat+if+warunek Kolejność występowania zdań nadrzędnych i podrzędnych jest dowolna. Rozróżniamy trzy główne typy zdań warunkowych.


Wprowadzenie Uwaga: Jeśli jako pierwsze w zdaniu warunkowym występuje zdanie nadrzędne, to zazwyczaj stawiamy po nim przecinek (“If I am happy, I smile a lot”). W przeciwnym wypadku (pierwsze jest zdanie podrzędne) przecinka nie stawia się (“I smile if I am happy”).

Jako ćwiczenie mnemotechniczne przeczytaj i zapamiętaj poniższy limeryk. Conditional limerick

Of conditional tenses there are three, the first is a real possibility It’s ‘if’ plus will, for example: ‘you’ll be ill, if you eat too much’, you see. Next comes the second conditional Which is imaginary, unlikely, unreal, It’s ‘If’ plus past and ‘would’ A sentence like this is good: ‘If I were poor and hungry, I’d steal’ The third conditional comes last, For an unreal situation in the past, ‘If I’d had a car, with a top speed of 200 miles an hour I would’ve been out of there that fast!’


1. Zdania warunkowe I typu Forma podstawowa Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne Future Simple

If she comes, I will tell her the truth. Jeśli przyjdzie, powiem jej prawdę. Możliwe wariacje w zdaniu nadrzędnym Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne may/might + infinitive

If he comes, I might ask him to leave. Jeśli on przyjdzie, to mogę poprosić go, żeby wyszedł. Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne can/could + infinitive

If she comes, you can welcome her with a chocolate cake. Jeśli przyjdzie, możesz ją powitać ciastem czekoladowym. Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne must/should/ought to + infinitive

If he comes, you should show him around the house. Jeśli przyjdzie, powinieneś go oprowadzić po domu. Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne Present Simple

If they come, we have a walk in the garden. Jeśli przychodzą, spacerujemy po ogrodzie. Present Simple w zdaniu podrzędnym i nadrzędnym oznacza, że dana czynność lub sytuacja jest powszednia. Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne imperative

If she comes, make her feel at home. Jeśli przyjdzie, spraw, żeby poczuła się jak w domu.


Zdania warunkowe I typu Możliwe wariacje w zdaniu podrzędnym Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Continuous

Zdanie nadrzędne Future Simple

If she is sleeping, I won’t wake her up. Jeśli śpi, nie będę jej budzić. Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Continuous

Zdanie nadrzędne Imperative

If you are preparing lunch, look at the cookery book. Jeśli przyrządzasz obiad, to zajrzyj do książki kucharskiej. Zdanie podrzędne If + Present Perfect

Zdanie nadrzędne Future Simple

If she has come, I will see her. Jeśli przyszła, to się z nią spotkam. Zastosowanie Rozróżniamy dwa rodzaje okresów warunkowych I typu 1) Zdania, które mówią o powtarzającym się stanie rzeczy, stałych prawdach (ten typ zdań nazywany jest niekiedy zerowym okresem warunkowym).

When I am hungry, I am grumpy. Kiedy jestem głody, jestem zrzędliwy. If you mix yellow and blue, you get green. Jeśli wymieszasz żółty z niebieskim, otrzymasz zielony. This soup tastes better if you use fresh herbs and spices. Ta zupa lepiej smakuje, jeśli użyjesz świeżych ziół i przypraw. When you touch a live wire, you get a shock. Kiedy dotkniesz przewodu pod napięciem, porazi cię prąd. When people drive carefully, there are fewer accidents. Jeśli ludzie uważnie jeżdżą, jest mniej wypadków. If she is stressed, she can’t sleep. Jeśli jest zestresowana, nie może zasnąć. When you heat water to 100º C, it boils. Jeśli podgrzejesz wodę do 100 stopni, zagotuje się. 14


When the sun rises, the day begins. Jeśli słońce wschodzi, zaczyna się dzień. When it snows, the roads are slippery. Kiedy pada śnieg, drogi są śliskie. 2) Zdania, które mówią, że jakiś warunek jest możliwy do spełnienia w przyszłości.

If you arrive at midnight, the others will be sleeping. Jeśli przyjedziesz o północy, inni będą spać. If we take this road, we will get there in half an hour. Jeśli pojedziemy tą drogą, dotrzemy tam w ciągu pół godziny. If I fail the exam, I may lose my scholarship. Jeśli obleję egzamin, mogę stracić stypendium. If you see this man, contact the police immediately. Jeśli zobaczycie tego mężczyznę, skontaktujcie się natychmiast z policją. If you really want to be helpful, attend the meeting. Jeśli naprawdę chcesz być pomocny, weź udział w spotkaniu. If you find any mistakes in my posts, don’t hesitate to tell me. Jeśli znajdziesz jakiekolwiek błędy, nie wahaj się powiedzieć mi. I might go with you if I have my work done. Mogę z tobą pójść, jeśli wykonam swoją pracę. If you stand on your tiptoes, you will reach that book. Jeśli staniesz na palcach, dosięgniesz tę książkę. If he phones, hang up. Jeśli zadzwoni, odłóż słuchawkę. If it rains, the ceremony will be held indoors. Jeśli będzie padać, ceremonia odbędzie się wewnątrz. If you keep that window open, your parrot might fly out. Jeśli to okno będzie otwarte, twoja papuga może odfrunąć. If Becky joins our team, we will win the match. Jeśli Becky dołączy do naszej drużyny, wygramy mecz. If you stop taking this medicine, your infection may return. Jeśli przestaniesz brać ten lek, twoja infekcja może wrócić.


Zdania warunkowe I typu

You can listen to Radio 4 if you have Windows Media Player. Możesz słuchać Radia 4, jeśli masz Windows Media Player. If we get up early enough, we will be able to see the sunrise. Jeśli wstaniesz wystarczająco wcześnie, będziesz mógł zobaczyć wschód słońca. If you see a fire, sound the alarm. Jeśli zobaczysz ogień, włącz alarm. If you are looking for Sue, you will find her in the garden. Jeśli szukasz Sue, znajdziesz ją w ogrodzie. Obok spójnika if w zdaniu warunkowym pierwszego typu stosuje się również when. W odniesieniu do teraźniejszości użycie if sugeruje, że coś dzieje się stosunkowo rzadko, podczas gdy when sugeruje, że coś zdarza się systematycznie, np.:

When Beth is angry, I keep out of her way. Kiedy Beth jest zła, nie wchodzę jej w drogę (Beth jest dość często zła). If Beth is angry, I keep out of her way. Jeśli Beth jest zła, nie wchodzę jej w drogę (Beth jest stosunkowo rzadko zła). W odniesieniu do przyszłości if sugeruje, że nie jest wiadome, czy warunek zostanie spełniony czy też nie. When sugeruje, że coś raczej na pewno się wydarzy w pewnym momencie w przyszłości, np.:

If you come, I will show you the pictures of the Tatras. Jeśli przyjdziesz, pokażę ci zdjęcia Tatr. (jeśli chcesz zobaczyć te zdjęcia, to przyjdź do mnie).

When you come, I will show you the pictures of the Tatras. Kiedy przyjdziesz, pokażę ci zdjęcia Tatr. (pokażę ci zdjęcia wtedy, kiedy przyjdziesz do mnie przy okazji twojej wizyty u mnie). Uwaga: Kiedy zdanie warunkowe zaczyna się od zdania podrzędnego, wówczas „then” może być postawione przed zdaniem nadrzędnym, np. If it rains, then we will stay at home. W zdaniach warunkowych pierwszego typu możemy stosować shall zamiast will, ale tylko po pierwszej osobie w liczbie pojedynczej i mnogiej.

If it doesn’t rain, we will/shall go for a walk. Jeśli nie będzie padać, pójdziemy na spacer.

I will/shall help you if you let me. Pomogę ci, jeśli mi pozwolisz.



Ćwiczenia 1. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If I (be) attacked, I (defend) myself. 2. If he (be) bored, he (yawn). 3. If I (eat) strawberries, I (get) a rash. 4. If she (be) embarrassed, she (blush). 5. If I (sit) in a draught, I (catch) a cold. 6. If my hair (be) too long, I (have) it cut. 7. If I (be) sleepy, I (take) a nap. 8. If they (be) annoyed, they (grow) churlish. 9. If she (be) nervous, she (stammer). 10. If I (promise) something, I (keep) it. 11. If I (smile), my cheeks (dimple). 12. If my head (ache), I (take) an aspirin. 13. If I (be) sad, I (write) sad songs. 14. If my friends (come) over, I (entertain) them. 15. If he (be) angry, he (knit) his brows. 2. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If you (eat) carrots, your skin (turn) orange. 2. If you (sleep) less than five hours, you (have) little energy. 3. If you (be) self-employed, you (pay) your own tax. 4. If you (be) feverish, your body temperature (go) high. 5. If your car (be) stolen, (call) the police. 6. If you (drink) milk, you (get) calcium. 7. If you (take) out a loan, the bank (trust) you to pay off the loan. 8. If you (smoke), you (increase) your risk of heart disease. 9. If you (do) exercises, your body (burn) calories. 10. If you (meet) a lion, (stay) calm. 11. If you (be) hot, (turn) the thermostat down. 12. If you (smell) gas, (leave) the building immediately. 13. If you (give) your word, (keep) it. 14. If you (read) books, you (learn) new things. 15. If you (lie), your body language (give) you away. 3. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. Don’t complain if you (not go) to the polls. 2. What will you do if he (fire) you? 3. If she is late, I (not wait) for her longer than 15 minutes. 4. If you (not believe) me, just watch it.


Zdania warunkowe I typu

5. If you cheat in the exam, you (get) expelled from the university. 6. If they offer me a full-time job, I (not hesitate) to take it. 7. If he (renew) his contract, then he will earn an annual salary of £125000. 8. Don’t blame me, if we (lose). 9. If it (be) true that that he is lying, I will never speak to him. 10. If he (agree) to testify, we will offer him immunity. 4. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If you (train) hard, you (be) recognised. 2. If you (be) recognised, you (start) your career in a youth team. 3. If you (start) your career in a youth team, you (improve) your abilities. 4. If you (improve) your abilities, a large club (get) interested in you. 5. If a large club (get) interested in you, they (make) a good contract offer. 6. If they (make) a good contract offer, you (earn) a lot of money. 7. If you (earn) a lot of money, you (do) anything you want. 5. Poinformuj o skutkach niezdrowego jedzenia, układając zdania warunkowe, w których wykorzystasz poniższe wyrażenia.

Stop eating fast food 1. get fat 2. damage your health 3. change into larger jeans 4. become sluggish 5. suffer from indigestion 6. people make comments at you 6. Dopasuj do wyrażeń z kolumny A odpowiednie zakończenia z kolumny B, dokonując niezbędnych uzupełnień. A

1. anyone is interested 2. you can work under pressure 3. How do you save money 4. you want to keep this job 5. it is Monday 6. she comes round, 7. you plagiarise someone else’s work 8. We will accept the invitation 9. you have any questions 10. I will take you to court


B a. there isn’t much to save? b. you don’t pay what you owe me. c. they invite us to talk. d. feel free to ask me. e. here is the link which explains it in depth. f. join our team. g. you will do as I tell you. h. I will persuade her to change her mind. i. then the museum is closed. j. you will be punished.

ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 7. Ułóż zdania zgodnie z wzorem:

A: Will you transport your bikes in the car? B: I will, if they fit inside. I will transport my bikes in the car if they fit inside. 1)

A: Will you come to my birthday party? B: Yes, if I get better.


A: Are you going to study at Oxford? B: It depends on whether I win a scholarship.


A: Are you going to lend her money? B: Maybe, but she must promise that she will invest it wisely.


A: Are you going to sue him? B: No, not if he apologises publicly for his comments.


A: What will you do if you don’t pass the exam? B: I will have to repeat the course, I think.

8. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If a black cat (cross) your path, you (have) bad luck. 2. If cows (lick) trees, you (can) expect rain. 3. If something (be) spilled, a drunken man soon (visit). 4. If you (blow) out all the candles on your birthday cake with the first puff, you (get) your wish. 5. If you (walk) under a ladder, you (have) bad luck. 6. If you (break) a mirror, seven years of bad luck (follow). 7. If your ears (itch) or burn, someone (talk) about you. 9. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. You (not get) this job if you don’t apply for it. 2. They won’t tell you if you (not ask). 3. I (not help) her if she doesn’t open up to me. 4. He will never know how it feels if he (not try). 5. We (lose) if we don’t do anything about it. 6. If you smile at people, they (smile) back. 7. I won’t buy these shoes for you if you (not promise) to wear them more than once. 8. I will never talk to you again if you (not apologise) for what you have done. 9. You (not get) a place there at the weekend if you don’t reserve it in advance.


Zdania warunkowe I typu

10. It may take years to get an interesting role if you (not know) the right people. 11. I (not give) you a lift if you don’t fasten the seat belt. 12. If you aren’t assertive enough, people (treat) you as a doormat. 13. If you (want) to win the election, you must talk to people. 14. They (leave) us if we don’t provoke them. 15. Your car (be) towed away if you park here.


2. Zdania warunkowe II typu Podstawowa forma Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne would+infinitive

If she came, I would talk to her. Gdyby przyszła, porozmawiałbym z nią. Możliwe wariacje w zdaniu nadrzędnym Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne could/might+infinitive

If he turned to me, I could do something. Gdyby zwróciłby się do mnie, mógłbym coś zrobić. Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne would+present continuous infinitive

If I were in Hawaii, I would be sunbathing now. Gdybym był na Hawajach, to opalałbym się teraz. Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Simple

Zdanie nadrzędne Past Simple

If she asked for help, we helped. Gdy prosiła o pomoc, pomagaliśmy. Past Simple w zdaniu podrzędnym i nadrzędnym oznacza, że dana czynność lub sytuacja zdarzała się co jakiś czas.

Możliwe wariacje w zdaniu podrzędnym Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Continuous

Zdanie nadrzędne would+infinitive

If she were crying, I wouldn’t know how to react. Gdyby płakała, nie wiedziałbym jak zareagować. Zastosowanie Zdań warunkowych II typu używamy wtedy, gdy mówimy o nierealnych lub wyimaginowanych sytuacjach w teraźniejszości oraz o wydarzeniach mało prawdopodobnych, choć teoretycznie możliwych w przyszłości.


Zdania warunkowe II typu Nierealne sytuacje w teraźniejszości

If Warsaw had more bridges, the traffic would be better managed. Gdyby Warszawa miała więcej mostów, ruch byłby lepiej zorganizowany. If stupidity had wings, you would surely fly. Gdyby głupota miała skrzydła, z pewnością byś latał. He would be a soldier if he wanted to fight. Byłby żołnierzem, gdyby chciał walczyć. If I didn’t live where I do, I would live in Ireland. Gdybym nie mieszkał tu, gdzie mieszkam, mieszkałbym w Irlandii. Małoprawdopodobne wydarzenia w przyszłości

If I had more motivation, I would lose weight. Gdybym miał więcej motywacji, schudłbym. If I lost weight, I would be back into my jeans. Gdybym stracił na wadze, zmieściłbym się w moich dżinsach. If I had more time, I could do it. Gdybym miał więcej czasu, mógłbym to zrobić. If we missed the bus, we would have to wait 20 minutes for the next one. Gdybyśmy się spóźnili na autobus, musielibyśmy czekać 20 minut na następny. What would she think of me if she knew I was kidding? Co by o mnie pomyślała, gdyby wiedziała, że żartuję? If she studied more, she would get good grades. Gdyby uczyła się więcej, miałaby dobre oceny. Uwaga: W zdaniach warunkowych II typu, forma “was” uznawana jest za niepoprawną. W języku starannym należy używać zawsze “were”: If I/you/he/they were. “Was” występuje jednakże dość powszechnie w potocznej angielszczyźnie: (If I was your girlfriend, I would dump you).

If she were more assertive, she would be more successful. Gdyby była bardziej asertywna, miałaby więcej sukcesów. If I were you, I wouldn’t be here. Gdybym był tobą, nie byłoby mnie tu.



If I were in your shoes, I would sue the restaurant. Gdybym był na twoim miejscu, zaskarżyłbym tę restaurację. If Hank were talking seriously, she would respond seriously. Gdyby Hank mówił poważnie, odpowiedziałaby poważnie. If I were president, I would focus on social security reforms. Gdybym był prezydentem, skupiłbym się na reformie ubezpieczeń społecznych. Drugiego okresu warunkowego można użyć jako zamiennik pierwszego okresu warunkowego, gdy jest mowa o możliwych do spełnienia planach lub też sugestiach. Wtedy zdania brzmią bardziej hipotetycznie.

I am afraid we will run out of money. Obawiam się, że skończą się nam pieniądze. We won’t if we use it sparingly. Nie skończą się, jeśli będziemy z nich korzystać oszczędnie. We wouldn’t if we used it sparingly. Nie skończyłyby się, jeśli korzystalibyśmy z nich oszczędnie. I will never be accepted into the university. Nigdy mnie nie przyjmą na uniwersytet. If you study more, you will be accepted. Jeśli będziesz się więcej uczyć, to przyjmą cię. If you studied more, you would be accepted. Jeśli uczyłbyś się więcej, to by cię przyjęli.

Ćwiczenia 10. Ułóż zdania warunkowe zgodnie z wzorem.

I/a lion/roar and growl. If I were a lion I would roar and growl. 1. You/ a chameleon/be able to change your body colour. 2. I/a tiger/have black stripes. 3. She/a bee/feed on nectar. 4. I/an ant/smell with my antennae. 5. He/a chimp/have long arms. 6. They/pigeons/coo and strut. 7. You/a cat/always land on your feet.

8. I/a mouse/eat a lot of cheese. 9. I/an elephant/have enormous ears. 10. He/a frog/hop all day long. 11. You/a bat/sleep upside down. 12. He/a puppy/chew slippers. 13. She/a penguin/live in the Antarctic. 14. I/an ostrich/bury my head in the sand. 15. She/a kangaroo/jump high. 23

Zdania warunkowe II typu 11. Wpisz w puste rubryki zdania warunkowe opierające się na faktach podanych po lewej stronie tabeli.

They won’t go snorkeling at Flower Island because they can’t afford it. If they could afford it, they would go snorkeling at Flower Island. Fakt Zdanie warunkowe 1. I don’t call her often because international phone calls are very expensive. 2. Jack doesn’t speak French fluently because his vocabulary is very poor. 3. I don’t drink Coke because it is bad for teeth. 4. We won’t hire her because she lacks a college degree. 5. Beth doesn’t talk much because she is shy. 6. I won’t go to the party because I don’t have anyone to go with me. 7. I won’t enroll on this course because I am not interested in Napoleon’s time. 8. I will ask him to proofread my article because he is a professional editor. 9. I won’t apologise because I am not sorry. 10. He won’t run for the second term because he is tired of politics. 12. Uzupełnij bajkę Ezopa odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach. THE SHEEP AND THE DOG

Once upon a time the sheep complained to the shepherd about the difference in his treatment of themselves and his Dog. „Your conduct,“ said they, „is very strange and, we think, very unfair. We provide you with wool and lambs and milk and you give us nothing but grass, and even that we have to find for ourselves: but you get nothing at all from the Dog, and yet you feed him with tit-bits from your own table.“ Their remarks were overheard by the Dog, who spoke up at once and said, „Yes, and quite right, too: where you (be)1 if it (not be)2 for me? Thieves (steal)3 you! Wolves (eat)4 you! Indeed, if I (not keep)5 constant watch over you, you (be)6 too terrified even to graze!“ The Sheep were obliged to acknowledge that he spoke the truth, and never again made a grievance of the regard in which he was held by his master.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 13. Rozstrzygnij które z wyrażeń pisanych kursywą i oddzielonych ukośnikiem jest poprawne w każdym ze zdań 1-6. Może być więcej niż jedna poprawna odpowiedź.

1. If I could have/have/had a day off, I’d go to the beach. 2. If he had more self-confidence, he wouldn’t be working/won’t work/wouldn’t work here. 3. If she just cheered up a bit, she may be/might be/will be prettier. 4. If you come/were coming/will come with me, I would feel better. 5. If you asked her, she helped/could help/would could help. 6. If he might not work/ weren’t working/doesn’t work, I would ask him to do the dishes. 14. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. I would be very embarrassed if he (know) about it. 2. She (agree) to that if you asked her. 3. What would you do if she (not feel) the same way? 4. If she (be) a celebrity, she would have many plastic surgeries. 5. He (not be) a leader if he weren’t so charismatic. 6. If you (have) three wishes, what would they be? 7. If I had more leisure time, I (take) up yoga. 8. If we (live) in Pułtusk we would angle in the Narew. 9. If she had more than a high school diploma, she (have) more job opportunities. 10. Things would be easier if they (not have) such high expectations of themselves. 11. I would pay you more if you (be) a better worker. 12. Would you travel more if you (not have) children? 13. Where you (live) if you could live anywhere? 14. If you (win) the lottery, would you quit working? 15. If I (not be) so shy, I would enjoy parties. 15. Uzupełnij początek zdań warunkowych a-f opierając się na odpowiednich stwierdzeniach 1-6 według wzoru.

It is unlikely that the party will leave the coalition. The government will fall apart within the next month. If the party left the coalition, the government would fall apart within the next month. 1. It is unlikely that people will give up smoking. 2. It is unlikely that the EU will accept Turkey. 3. It is unlikely that cars will run on water. 4. It is unlikely that e-learning will replace classroom-based learning. 5. It is unlikely that football matches will be free of hooliganism. 6. It is unlikely that all people will speak a common language.


Zdania warunkowe II typu

a) they wouldn’t maintain their cultural differences. b) football stadiums would be safe places. c) it would gain a large area. d) students would study from home. e) they would feel more energetic and healthy. f) they wouldn’t produce pollution. 16. Uzupełnij zdania w poniższym liście podanymi w nawiasie czasownikami tak, aby utworzyć zdania warunkowe.

Dear Kate, To start with, I am a married woman, with a very caring and protective husband to whom I’ve been married for over five years. It (be)1 a very happy marriage if my mother-in-law (not be)2 around so often. She is an awful, confrontational person. I have always gone out of my way to please her but that was never appreciated. Whenever she (see)3 me she (criticise)4 everything: the way I cook, dress, run the house – nothing I do ever seems good enough to her. If it (not be)5 for anti-depressants, I (not have)6 a normal life. Fortunately my husband acknowledges that his mother is “difficult” and tries to be supportive, but he doesn’t really realise how much she is hurting me. Now my mother-in-law is throwing a party for her 59th birthday. If I (go)7 to the party, I (be)8 involved in all the things I am scared of – her, her remarks and spite. If I (no do)9, I (put)10 my husband in the position of choosing sides. On the other hand, on many occasions she has made it clear that I am not welcome in her house. This is really eating me up inside. What should I do?


3. Zdania warunkowe III typu Podstawowa forma Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Perfect

Zdanie nadrzędne would+perfect infinitive

If you had warned me, I wouldn’t have gone there. Gdybyś mnie ostrzegł, nie poszedłbym tam. Możliwe wariacje w zdaniu podrzędnym Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Perfect Continuous

Zdanie nadrzędne would+perfect infinitive

If he had been studying hard, he would have been accepted into the university. Gdyby dużo się uczył, zostałby przyjęty na uniwersytet. Możliwe wariacje w zdaniu nadrzędnym Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Perfect

Zdanie nadrzędne could/might+perfect infinitive

If he hadn’t been fouled, he might have scored a goal. Gdyby nie został sfaulowany, mógłby zdobyć bramkę. Zdanie podrzędne If+Past Perfect

Zdanie nadrzędne would/might+perfect continuous infinitive

If he had been prepared, he wouldn’t have been cheating in the exam. Gdyby był przygotowany, nie ściągałby na egzaminie. Zastosowanie Zdań warunkowych III typu używamy, aby wyrazić domniemania na temat przeszłości. Zdania te to czyste hipotezy, odnoszące się do tego, co mogłoby się wydarzyć w przeszłości, gdyby został spełniony pewien warunek.

If they had paid the rent, they wouldn’t have had any problems. Gdyby zapłacili czynsz, nie mieliby żadnych problemów. If the prisoners had escaped, there would have been an uproar. Gdyby więźniowie uciekli, doszłoby do wrzawy. I would have considered it if I had been given the opportunity. Rozważyłbym to, gdybym miał taką możliwość.


Zdania warunkowe III typu

If we had known that you were leaving, we would have thrown a party for you. Gdybyśmy wiedzieli, że wyjeżdzasz, urządzilibyśmy dla ciebie imprezę. If you had stayed at home, you might have avoided a lot of trouble. Gdybyś został w domu, mógłbyś uniknąć wielu problemów. If she hadn’t gone to the party, she wouldn’t have met Tom. Gdyby nie poszła na to przyjęcie, nie poznałaby Toma. I would have prepared dinner if you had told me. Przygotowałabym obiad, gdybyś mi powiedział. If I had known you were going to come back so late, I wouldn’t have waited for you. Gdybym wiedział, że wrócisz tak późno, nie czekałbym na ciebie. If you hadn’t said that, you wouldn’t have been fired. Gdybyś nie powiedziała tego, nie zostałbyś zwolniony. If I hadn’t pointed it out, she wouldn’t have noticed the mistake. Gdybym nie wskazał, nie zauważyłaby błędu. If they had only asked me, I would have helped them. Gdyby mnie tylko poprosili, pomógłbym im. If he hadn’t gone to the casino, he wouldn’t have lost so much money. Gdyby nie poszedł do kasyna, nie straciłby tylu pieniędzy. If we hadn’t contacted him, we wouldn’t have known the whole story. Gdybyśmy nie skontaktowali się z nim, nie poznalibyśmy całej tej historii. If she hadn’t intervened, things could have got out of hand. Gdyby nie interweniowała, sprawy mogłyby wymknąć się spod kontroli. If Simon had been satisfied, he wouldn’t have been complaining about the bad service. Gdyby Simon był zadowolony, nie narzekałby na złą obsługę.

Ćwiczenia 17. Ułóż zdania zgodnie z wzorem:

Our trip was spoiled. My luggage was stolen. If my luggage hadn’t been stolen, our trip wouldn’t have been spoiled. 1. He lost his job. He wasn’t very committed to it. 2. Jerry slipped on the icy steps at his home. He didn’t remove the ice. 3. I offended him. I didn’t keep my mouth shut. 28


4. We didn’t come to his ranch. We weren’t invited. 5. I failed the exam. I didn’t study hard. 6. She sprained her ankle. She was wearing high heels. 7. Katy didn’t redecorate the kitchen. She couldn’t afford it. 8. Tony ran fast. He wasn’t late to work. 9. We got lost. You gave us bad directions. 10. The situation became worse. Jack wasn’t polite. 11. The police towed my car. I parked illegally. 12. I bought a lottery ticket. I hit the jackpot. 13. Sophie washed her blouse in hot water. It shrank. 14. The wind was very strong. It blew the roof off. 15. Mark wasn’t hard-working. He didn’t go to college. 18. Przekształć poniższe zdania na zdania warunkowe.

1. She grew up in a bilingual family, so she learned two languages. 2. The river flooded because it rained for a few days in a row. 3. Martin got sick because he ate too much. 4. They offered her a low-paid job, so she refused. 5. She was interested in astronomy that’s why her parents bought her a telescope. 6. The prisoner was released prematurely because he behaved very well. 7. Thomas broke his leg because he fell down the stairs. 8. We lost the match because the referee was biased against us. 9. The villagers were fined because they cut down the trees illegally. 10. She had no other choice, so she agreed. 11. I didn’t put on a sweater and I caught a cold. 12. Jenny was dissatisfied with her job, so she quit. 13. Owen overslept because he didn’t set the alarm for 6 o’clock. 14. The film was a success, so a sequel was made. 15. I bought the shoes because the price was discounted. 19. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.

1. I cheated in the exam and I was punished. a) If I don’t cheat in the exam, I won’t be punished. b) If I didn’t cheat in the exam, I wouldn’t be punished. c) If I hadn’t cheated in the exam, I wouldn’t have been punished. 2. He works a night job, so I don’t see him often. a) If he doesn’t work a night job, I will see him often. b) If he didn’t work a night job, I would see him often. c) If he hadn’t worked a night job, I would have seen him often.


Zdania warunkowe III typu

3. My in-laws may visit us tomorrow. I hope they won’t because we are planning to go to the sauna. a) If my in-laws visit us, we won’t go to the sauna. b) If my in-laws visited us, we wouldn’t go to the sauna. c) If my in-laws had visited us, we wouldn’t have gone to the sauna. 4. I can’t afford it. I am not a millionaire. a) I can afford it if I am a millionaire. b) I could afford it if I were a millionaire. c) I could have afforded it if I had been a millionaire. 5. I slipped on ice and I hurt my knees. a) If I don’t slip on ice, I don’t hurt my knees. b) If I didn’t slip on ice, I wouldn’t hurt my knees. c) If I hadn’t slipped on ice, I wouldn’t have hurt my knees. 6. He didn’t take an umbrella. He got soaked to the bone. a) If he takes an umbrella, he won’t get soaked to the bone. b) If he took an umbrella, he wouldn’t get soaked to the bone. c) If he had taken an umbrella, he wouldn’t have got soaked to the bone. 7. I have prospects of being accepted into the university. I must only study hard. a) If I had studied hard, I would have been accepted into the university. b) If I studied hard, I would be accepted into the university. c) If I study hard, I will be accepted into the university. 8. Heat water to 100°C and it will boil. a) If you heat water to 100°C, it will boil. b) If you will heat water to 100°C, it will boil. c) If you will heat water 100°C, it boils. 20. Wybierz spośród dwóch możliwości odpowiednie wyrażenie tak, aby powstało poprawne zdanie warunkowe.

1. If I hadn’t/wouldn’t have lost my temper, I wouldn’t have/hadn’t slammed the door. 2. If my room hadn’t been/wouldn’t have been ransacked, I wouldn’t have/hadn’t filed a police report. 3. If the police hadn’t been/wouldn’t have been tipped off, the gangster wouldn’t have been/hadn’t been caught. 4. If I had/would have locked the door, my flat hadn’t been/wouldn’t have been burgled. 5. If she had been/would have been troubled, I would have/had noticed. 30

ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 21. Uzupełnij środkową część zdania stwierdzeniami 1-6 tak, aby uzyskać zdania warunkowe 3 typu.

If I had studied hard __________ but I didn’t study hard and didn’t have the grades to get into college. If I had studied hard, I would have studied astronomy but I didn’t study hard and didn’t have the grades to get into college. 1. I was supposed to study astronomy... 2. I was supposed to be one of the brightest students... 3. I was supposed to work at NASA upon graduation... 4. I was supposed to become a famous scientist... 5. I was supposed to make amazing discoveries... 6. I was supposed to be awarded the Nobel Prize... 22. Uzupełnij wykropkowane miejsca w zdaniach poniższymi wyrażeniami.

hadn’t been, had chosen, hadn’t provoked, had had, had been brought up, had taken, had paid attention, hadn’t spilt 1. If he ___________, he would have passed the test. 2. If we ___________ the right exit, we wouldn’t have been late. 3. If she ___________ the hot milk, she wouldn’t have burnt herself. 4. If he ___________ more common sense, he would have chosen a different profession. 5. If we ___________ the dog, it wouldn’t have attacked us. 6. If he ___________ to be an honest man, he wouldn’t have deceived us. 7. If I ___________ the antibiotics for seven days, the infection wouldn’t have returned. 8. If my shoes ___________ too small, my feet wouldn’t have hurt. 23. W poniższych przykładach a-e ułóż zdania warunkowe w taki sposób, aby uzyskać logiczny ciąg wydarzeń. a) - Beth left her blinds open

- the thief could see that she left money on the table - he broke into her flat - he stole the money

b) - Michael isn’t very apologetic

- he won’t apologise for what he’s said - I won’t forgive him

c) - Philip was drunk - he lost control of the car - he ran into a tree - he injured his back d) - Martha is a technophobe

- she won’t buy a mobile phone - I can’t phone her more often

e) - Dorothy was angry - she bit her lip - her lip bled


Zdania warunkowe III typu 24. Uzupełnij wykropkowane miejsca w dowcipach 1-4 czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie. a)





“Now, Harrison, if your father (borrow)1 £10 from me and (pay)2 me back £1 a month, at the end of six months how much he (owe)3 me?” Harrison: “£10, Sir.” Teacher: “I’m afraid you don’t know much about arithmetic, Harrison.” Harrison: “I’m afraid you don’t know much about my father, Sir.”

“If you (be)1 going to work here, young man,” said the boss, “one thing you must learn is that we are very keen on cleanliness in this firm. Did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came in? “Oh, yes, Sir.” “And another thing we are very keen on is truthfulness: There is no mat.” Teacher: Girl:

“You can’t sleep in class.” “No, but if you (not talk)1 so loudly I (can)2.”

An economics professor and a student were strolling through the campus. “Look,” the student cried, “there’s a $100 bill on the path!” “No, you are mistaken,” the wiser head replied. “That cannot be. If there (be)1 actually a $100 bill, someone (pick)2 it up.”

25. Przekształć poniższe nagłowki prasowe na zdania warunkowe.



4. Dodatkowe uwagi o właściwościach zdań warunkowych Will i would Zazwyczaj w zdaniach warunkowych po if nie używa się czasowników posiłkowych will ii would. Są jednak wyjątki. W uprzejmych prośbach, a także kiedy chcemy wyrazić czyjąś dobrą wolę, upór bądź odmowę, możemy użyć czasu przyszłego w obu członach zdania warukowego.

If you will wait a moment (=please wait a moment), I will get your file. Proszę poczekać chwilę, przyniosę panu dokumentację. I would be most grateful if you would email me a rough estimate (=please send me a rough estimate). Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny, gdyby przesłał mi pan przybliżony kosztorys. If you won’t talk about it (= if you refuse to talk about it), I won’t be able to help you. Jeśli nie chcesz o tym porozmawiać, nie będę w stanie ci pomóc. If you will smoke (= if you insist on smoking), at least do it outside. Jeśli chcesz palić, przynajmniej pal na zewnątrz. But for Człon podrzędny zdania warunkowego III typu można zastąpić wyrażeniem z but for

(=if it hadn’t been for) np.:

But for their help, I wouldn’t have known what to do.

Gdyby nie ich pomoc, nie wiedziałbym, co robić.

But for Mike, we wouldn’t have succeeded.

Gdyby nie Mike, nie odnieślibyśmy sukcesu.

But for the quick reaction of the police, the thieves wouldn’t have been caught.

Gdyby nie szybka reakcja policji, złodzieje nie zostaliby złapani.

He might have won the competition but for the wind blowing in the wrong direction. Mógłby wygrać konkurs, gdyby wiatr nie wiał w złym kierunku. But for his mistakes, he would have kept the job.

Gdyby nie jego błędy, utrzymałby się na stanowisku.


Dodatkowe uwagi o właściwościach zdań warunkowych But for his charm, I would have never agreed to such a ridiculous proposal.

Gdyby nie jego urok, nigdy bym się nie zgodziła na tak śmieszną propozycję.

But for the fog, the plane wouldn’t have landed in Balice.

Gdyby nie mgła, samolot nie wylądowałby w Balicach.

Ćwiczenia 26. Zastąp człon podrzędny zdania warunkowego zaczynającego się na if, zdaniem z but for.

1. If there hadn’t been the flood, they wouldn’t have lost everything. 2. If there hadn’t been the war, we wouldn’t have moved to the USA. 3. If there hadn’t been the televised presidential debates, Kennedy wouldn’t have been elected. 4. If there hadn’t been the discount, I wouldn’t have bought the car. 5. If there hadn’t been the tip, the police wouldn’t have caught the criminals. If (I) should, If (I) were to, if it weren’t for Dozwolone jest posiłkowanie się słowem should w zdaniach podrzędnych okresu warunkowego. If + should podkreśla, że wydarzenie lub sytuacja są niezbyt prawdopodobne, jak również sprawia, że prośba nabiera bardziej taktownego zabarwienia.

If you should go out in such a weather, make sure you close the windows. Gdybyś miał wyjść w taką pogodę, upewnij się, czy zamknąłeś okna. If you should feel worse, tell the nurse. Gdybyś poczuł się gorzej, poinformuj pielęgniarkę. If + happen to ma podobne właściwości znaczeniowe, może być stosowane razem z should, by zaakcentować znikome prawdopodobieństwo.

If he happens to call again, tell him I’m out of town. Gdyby zadzwonił ponownie, powiedz mu, że jestem poza miastem. If you happen not to do well in the exam, you can take it again. Gdyby nie powiodło ci się na egzaminie, możesz przystąpić do niego ponownie. If you should happen to pass a supermarket, could you get me some milk? Gdybyś przypadkiem mijał supermarket, kupisz mi mleko?


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E Posłużenie się If (I) were to również powoduje, że omawiane przyszłe sytuacje wydają się mniej prawdopodobne.

If I were to be fired, I would have no regrets. Gdybym miał być zwolniony, nie miałbym żalu. If he were to win, it would be the first title of his career. Gdyby wygrał, byłby to pierwszy tytuł w jego karierze. Wyrażenie if it weren’t for odpowiada polskiemu bez. Przeważnie używa się go w zdaniach warunkowych drugiego typu.

If it weren’t for her nose, she would be a pretty girl. Gdyby nie jej nos, byłaby ładną dziewczyną. If it weren’t for my boss, I would have a perfect job. Gdyby nie mój szef, moja praca byłaby idealna. 27. Spośród dwu wyrażeń wydrukowanych kursywą wybierz prawidłowe.

1. But for/If it hadn’t been his injured leg, he would have played in the final. 2. If your order should/were to be delayed, please contact us. 3. If anyone were to/should call me, tell them to leave me a message. 4. If she had had/If it hadn’t been for her good looks, she would have never got anywhere. 5. If it weren’t for/But for my dog, I would never jog. 6. If we were to open/ But for our opening a restaurant, it would be a tea and cake shop. 7. If he should drink/If it hadn’t been for his drinking, all of what happened wouldn’t have taken place.


5. Inwersja w zdaniach warunkowych W zdaniach warunkowych III typu, a także w zdaniach z should, were to, można zastosować inwersję. Wówczas należy obowiązkowo pominąć spójnik if. Tę konstrukcję spotyka się w języku oficjalnym.

If she were to accept this suggestion, the business would grow at high speed.  Were she to accept this suggestion, the business would grow at high speed Gdyby przyjęła tę propozycję, biznes szybko by się rozwinął. If they were to record a new album, it would be a huge success.  Were they to record a new album, it would be a huge success Gdyby nagrali nowy album, odniósłby on wielki sukces.

If Janet should have another baby, she would quit her job  Should Janet have another baby, she would quit her job. Gdyby Janet urodziła kolejne dziecko, to zrezygnuje z pracy. If you had heard his passionate words, you would have been fooled yourself.  Had you heard his passionate words, you would have been fooled yourself. Gdybyś słyszał jego płomienne słowa, sam dałbyś się nabrać. Jeśli stosujemy inwersję w zdaniach warunkowych, nie możemy użyć przeczenia w formie ściągniętej i dlatego powiemy:

Had I not been so tired, I wouldn’t have slept through the ring. Gdybym nie był taki zmęczony, nie przespałbym dzwonka (telefonu). Had he not been released from hospital too early, he wouldn’t have had a relapse. Gdyby nie zwolniono go zbyt wcześnie ze szpitala, nie miałby nawrotu choroby. Were she not my daughter, I would employ her. Gdyby nie była moją córką, zatrudniłabym ją. ale:

If I hadn’t been so tired, I wouldn’t have slept through the ring. If he hadn’t been released from hospital too early, he wouldn’t have had a relapse. If she weren’t my daughter, I would employ her.



Ćwiczenia 28. Wyrażenia wydrukowane kursywą zastąp inną konstrukcją.

1. If someone were to use this idea I would raise my eyebrows. 2. If you should find yourself in this situation, what would you do? 3. If it hadn’t been for your donation, we wouldn’t have been able to finance the project. 4. If she were to work from home, she would never get any work done. 5. If he had been re-elected, he would have reformed the tax system. 6. If the fire had spread to the precious archives, the loss would have been overwhelming. 7. If he hadn’t agreed to review this film, he would have stopped watching it after 10 minutes. 8. If he weren’t my brother-in-law, I would phone the police. 9. If it hadn’t been for the bugs, the truth would have never come out. 10. If you should wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time. 29. Dokonaj inwersji w poniższych zdaniach warunkowych.

1. If Hank were to mow the lawn, I will definitely thank him. 2. If he should win the presidential election, we might expect a political earthquake. 3. If Maura should offer me a job, I am going to take it. 4. If Jerry hadn’t been irritated, he wouldn’t have snapped at you. 5. If you shouldn’t be satisfied with our product, let us know within 20 days of purchase. 6. If I had known how long it would take, I would have given it up. 7. If he weren’t to continue it, I would be surprised. Słowa/wyrażenia wprowadzające warunek Prócz if również inne słowa i wyrażenia mogą być używane w zdaniach warunkowych. Do najczęściej spotykanych należą: unless (=if not), provided that/providing/as long as (=only if), supposing/suppose (=what if), on condition that, in case, in case of, or else (=if not/otherwise), otherwise (=if not), whether … or (if … or).

All rooms may be taken unless you book ahead. Wszystkie pokoje mogą być zajęte, jeśli nie dokonasz rezerwacji wcześniej. You can have it in any color you want as long as it’s black. Możesz to mieć w każdym kolorze pod warunkiem, że będzie czarne. She won’t understand unless you explain it to her. Ona tego nie zrozumie, jeśli jej tego nie wytłumaczysz. I will pay you well providing that you do a good job. Zapłacę ci dobrze, jeżeli tylko będziesz dobrze pracować.


Inwersja w zdaniach warunkowych

You can go to the USA provided that you have a visa. Możesz pojechać do USA pod warunkiem, że masz wizę. In case of emergency contact the security section. W przypadku awarii skontaktuj się z ochroną.

You can have a day off on condition that you finish the report by Monday. Możesz dostać dzień wolny pod warunkiem, że skończysz ten raport przed poniedziałkiem. Supposing/suppose you were in my place, what would you do? Założywszy, że byłabyś na moim miejscu, co byś zrobiła?

I have to leave now. Otherwise I will miss my bus. Muszę już iść. W przeciwnym razie spóźnię się na autobus. I need to drink some coffee or else I will fall asleep. Muszę napić się kawy, w przeciwnym razie zasnę. I will go with you whether you like it or not. Pójdę z tobą, czy tego chcesz czy nie. In case (na wypadek gdyby), ma znaczenie różne od samego if. Kiedy posługujemy się in case, wyraźnie dajemy do zrozumienia, że jakaś czynność powinna albo będzie podjęta, aby sprostać pewnym możliwym okolicznościom, np. zapobiec czemuś niechcianemu.

Ask for directions in case you get lost. Spytaj o drogę, na wypadek gdybyś zabłądził. Ask for directions if you get lost. Spytaj o drogę, jeśli zabłądzisz. Zdania powyższe mają różne zabarwienie znaczeniowe. Pierwsze zaleca przezorność – np. w nieznanej (być może słabo zaludnionej okolicy) korzystaj z pierwszej nadarzającej się okazji i dokładnie wypytaj się o drogę (okazja może się nie powtórzyć i będziesz nocować pod gołym niebem). Drugie jest raczej banalną radą (ma jednak sens w przypadku nieśmiałej osoby). Kiedy zabłądzisz, schowaj do kieszeni swoje kompleksy i pytaj o drogę.

30. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim słowem wprowadzającym warunek.

1. Tomorrow we will go to a picnic __________ it rains. 2. You don’t often talk about children __________ you are a parent. 3. _________ she is lying, what will you do?



4. __________ you have failed again, would you try one more time? 5. Everyone is welcome here __________ they abide by the rules below. 6. I will go for this job __________ I am paid well. 7. I will attend the conference __________ you reimburse me for my travel expenses. 8. Online banking is secure __________ you take precautions. 9. I will record the film __________ you miss it. 10. Wake up, __________ you will be late for school. 11. They will be back tomorrow __________ there is a bus strike. 12. Quit __________ I will fire you. 31. Połącz odpowiednie wyrażenia z kolumny A z wyrażeniami wziętymi z kolumny B za pomocą wyrażenia in case.

A 1. Take a torch 2. Pack wind-proof clothes 3. Keep this compass 4. Take a raincoat 5. Take a painkiller 6. Pack insect repellent 7. Carry a knife 8. Bring a blanket 9. Prepare a first-aid kit 10. Carry a sleeping bag

B a. the weather changes. b. you need to treat an injury. c. it rains. d. mosquitoes are biting. e. you need to keep warm. f. you get a headache. g. the power goes out. h. you get lost in the woods. i. you have to sleep out overnight. j. you have to cut something.

32. Uzupełnij zdania za pomocą if lub in case (of).

1. __________ emergency, use the stairs. 2. Take two batteries __________ one doesn’t work. 3. __________ I get this job, I will move to New Hampshire. 4. __________ you are not an EU citizen, you need to apply for a residence permit. 5. Sound the alarm __________ fire. 6. I save my e-mails __________ I need them later. 7. Click here __________ you wish to buy more items. 8. Take eye drops __________ the air is too dry. 9. Carry emergency snacks __________ there is no food. 10. Write the number down __________ you forget it.


Inwersja w zdaniach warunkowych 33. Połącz zdania z kolumny A spójnikiem wziętym z B ze zdaniami z kolumny C. Użyj każdego spójnika dwa razy.

A I will give you a ring Tony takes a day off I will be fired He will become the world champion What will you do I will pay my overdraft off You won’t lose your weight Please, send me a message

B if when as soon as unless

C you don’t get this job? you know anything. he is ill. you change the way you eat. something unexpected happens. I don’t get this in tomorrow. I get there. I get the money.

34. Przekształć zdania 1-15, używając każdorazowo wyrażenia podanego wytłuszczonym drukiem.

1. We will miss the train if we don’t leave now. unless ________________________________________________________________ 2. Tom wouldn’t have won if his opponent hadn’t been indisposed. but __________________________________________________________________ 3. If you by any chance see Michael, tell him to get in touch with his old friends. should _______________________________________________________________ 4. If you don’t apologise, I will take you to court. or else ______________________________________________________________ 5. Take a street map if you happen to get lost. case _________________________________________________________________ 6. I would move to the suburbs if my family accepted it. condition ____________________________________________________________ 7. I will go with you irrespective of whether you like it or not. whether _____________________________________________________________ 8. He sped along at over 100 miles per hour. He ran into a ditch. not __________________________________________________________________ 9. If you were willing to help me with the washing-up, I would appreciate it. would _______________________________________________________________ 10. It would be unwise of you not to attend the meeting. if __________________________________________________________________



11. Will you please wait? The doctor will see you in 5 minutes. will ________________________________________________________________ 12. If you don’t call me to remind me, I will forget it. otherwise ___________________________________________________________ 13. I am going to marry her with or without your consent. whether ____________________________________________________________ 14. You can make a difference only if you vote. long ________________________________________________________________ 15. What if he is right? What then? supposing ____________________________________________________________


6. Zdania warunkowe mieszane Istnieją również zdania warunkowe, które pod względem znaczeniowym oraz użycia czasów nie dają się przyporządkować do kategorii wcześniej omówionych. W tym przypadku mówimy o zdaniach warunkowych mieszanych. W zdaniach tych zestawiamy czas przeszły z teraźniejszym lub przyszłym, czas teraźniejszy z przeszłym oraz przyszły z przeszłym. Past+Present

If she hadn’t pulled off her gloves, her fingers wouldn’t be numb now. Gdyby nie ściągnęła rękawiczek, jej palce nie byłyby teraz zdrętwiałe. If more people had participated in the survey, the results would be more meaningful. Gdyby więcej ludzi uczestniczyło w tej ankiecie, rezultaty byłyby bardziej znaczące. If he hadn’t eaten too much junk food, he wouldn’t be overweight now. Gdyby nie jadł zbyt dużo junk foodów, nie miałby teraz nadwagi. If I had set up a company, I would be my own boss now. Gdybym założył firmę, byłbym teraz swoim szefem. If my parents hadn’t been demanding, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Gdyby moi rodzice nie byli wymagający, nie byłoby mnie tu, gdzie jestem dzisiaj. If I had taken another route, I would be home now. Gdybym wybrał inną drogę, byłbym teraz w domu. Past+Future

If I hadn’t broken my leg, I would be playing in the next match. Gdybym nie złamał nogi, grałbym w następnym meczu. If she hadn’t broken the terms of the contract, they wouldn’t be taking legal action against her. Gdyby nie złamała warunków umowy, nie podejmowaliby przeciwko niej kroków prawnych. If the ATM hadn’t eaten my card, I wouldn’t have to go to the bank tomorrow. Gdyby bankomat nie połknął mojej karty, nie musiałbym jutro iść do banku. If he had been a better student, he would continue his education this autumn. Gdyby był lepszym studentem, kontynuowałby naukę tej jesieni.



If we had saved more money, we would be going to France next Monday. Gdybyśmy zaoszczędzili więcej pieniędzy, jechalibyśmy do Francji w przyszły poniedziałek. If he got the job, he would move to Australia with his family. Gdyby dostał tę pracę, wyjechałby do Australii ze swoją rodziną. Present+Past

If you knew Warsaw well, you wouldn’t have got lost. Gdybyś znał dobrze Warszawę, to byś nie zabłądził. If she knew the right people, she would have got this job. Gdyby znała odpowiednie osoby, dostałaby tę pracę. If I trusted politicians, I would have voted in the last elections. Gdybym ufał politykom, wziąłbym udział w ostatnich wyborach. If I were younger, I would have accepted their invitation. Gdybym był młodszy, przyjąłbym ich zaproszenie. If I liked coffee, I would have bought that coffee machine. Gdybym lubił kawę, kupiłbym ten ekspres do kawy. If he were honest, he would have told you the truth. Gdyby był szczery, powiedziałby ci prawdę.

Ćwiczenia 35. Każdą parę zdań 1-15 połącz w zdanie warunkowe mieszane.

1. Tom is colour blind. He didn’t get a driving licence. 2. She is shy. She didn’t object. 3. I don’t have a sense of direction. I ended up in a strange place. 4. Agnes is claustrophobic. She didn’t go into the cave. 5. Mr Edwards is bald. He bought a toupee. 6. Their car is very old. It broke down in the middle of nowhere. 7. He is injured. He didn’t wear his seat belt. 8. Sue wants to lose weight. She bought a stationary bike. 9. She is not self-confident. She didn’t get past the interview. 10. Paul is entrepreneurially minded. He set up his own company. 11. I don’t like mushrooms. I didn’t go mushroom hunting. 12. Chloe isn’t a great lawyer. She lost the case. 13. Beth speaks German. She quoted Thomas Mann in her speech.


Zdania warunkowe mieszane

14. Martha doesn’t know what she wants. She didn’t make up her mind. 15. She sings very well. She participated in a music competition. 36. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If I hadn’t eaten that extra helping of spaghetti, I (not be) sick today. 2. If she (not be) claustrophobic, she would have kept the doors closed. 3. If I trusted him, I (let) him into my life. 4. If I had passed the driving test, I (drive) a car now. 5. If Jack (not eat) all the onions, he wouldn’t have a stomach upset. 6. If our salaries were 10 times what they are now, we (buy) that house then. 7. If he (not be) afraid of heights, he would have climbed the stairs to the top of the tower. 8. If she had made it to the US open finals, she (be) now in the top 10. 9. If Carl (tell) them the secret, he would be in trouble now. 10. If I hadn’t written the passage so poorly, I (not have) to paraphrase it now. 11. If I (be) a few years younger, I would have asked her out. 12. If I (study) Latin, it would be easier for me to learn other Romance languages. 13. If Luke (go) to hospital, he would feel better now. 14. If Alison (change) her tyres for winter ones, she wouldn’t be sliding sideways. 15. If you hadn’t left your umbrella at home, you (not be) soaking wet now. 37. Każdą parę zdań 1-15 połącz w zdanie warunkowe mieszane.

1. Chris didn’t get on with his boss. He is jobless. 2. Tony squandered all his money. He is broke now. 3. I didn’t drink coffee. I am not fully awake. 4. She perjured herself at trial. She is in prison. 5. She didn’t study English grammar. She makes many grammar mistakes. 6. George dropped out of school. He works as a janitor. 7. Adam injured his back. He is afraid to ski now. 8. Her grandmother was born in Hungary. She speaks Hungarian. 9. They didn’t take off their shoes. The parquet floor is very dirty. 10. She won the lottery. She leads a very hedonistic life. 11. Jennifer cried the whole night. Her eyes are puffy now. 12. Roger appeared in a series of commercials. His face is recognisable. 13. The bank gave us a real estate loan. We live in an elegant house now. 14. You didn’t take my advice. You are disappointed now. 15. We didn’t mow the grass. It is overgrown now.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 38. Dopasuj zdania z kolumny A do tych z kolumny B tak, aby zbudować zdania warunkowe mieszane typu Past+Present i Present+Past.

A 1. He didn’t fix the roof. 2. Kate is not careful with money. 3. We smoke. 4. Chloe travelled extensively with her family. 5. She let me down. 6. Ryan doesn’t have a sense of humour. 7. We messed it up. 8. She is not discreet. 9. They didn’t repair the streetlights. 10. Tom likes sweets.

B a. I don’t trust her. b. She didn’t keep it to herself. c. She knows the world so well. d. We bought the nicotine patches. e. He was tempted by the dessert. f. The square is poorly lit now. g. She ran up huge debts. h. It is leaking now. i. He didn’t laugh at that joke. j. We are in this quandary to begin with.


7. Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych pierwszego typu przytoczonych w mowie zależnej zmieniają się zgodnie z ogólnymi zasadami, np.:

“If you put your mind to it, you will succeed,” she said to him. „Jeśli się przyłożysz, to ci się uda” – powiedziała mu. She told him that if he put his mind to it, he would succeed. Powiedziała mu, że jeśli się przyłoży, to mu się uda. “If she finds out, you will get into trouble,” he told me. „Jeśli się ona dowie, wpadniesz w kłopoty” – powiedział mi. He told me that if she found out, I would get into trouble. Powiedział mi, że jeśli się ona dowie, to wpadnę w kłopoty. “Your food will get cold if you don’t eat faster,” her mum told her. „Wystygnie ci jedzenie, jeśli nie będziesz jadła szybciej” – powiedziała jej mama. Her mum told her that her food would get cold if she didn’t eat it faster. Mama powiedziała jej, że wystygnie jej jedzenie, jeśli nie będzie jadła szybciej. Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych drugiego typu nie zmieniają się, jeśli opisują sytuację możliwą choć mało realną. Jest to zasada będąca wyjątkiem. Gdybyśmy zastosowali zwykłe reguły transformacji zmieniłby się sens tych zdań. a) Zdanie bazowe:

“I would be disappointed if he forgot my birthday,” Jill said. „Byłabym rozczarowana, gdyby on zapomniał o moich urodzinach” – powiedziała Jill. b) Zdanie przekształcone na mowę zależną wedle generalnych reguł i ze zmienionym sensem:

Jill said that she would have been disappointed if he had forgotten her birthday. Jill powiedziała, że byłaby rozczarowana, gdyby on zapomniał (był) o jej urodzinach (ale nie zapomniał). c) Zdanie przekształcone na mowę zależną bez zmiany czasów i, co za tym idzie, bez znaczenia zdania bazowego.



Jill said that she would be disappointed if he forgot her birthday. Jill powiedziała, że byłaby rozczarowana, gdyby zapomniał o jej urodzinach. (identycznie jak w zdaniu bazowym nie jest wykluczona taka możliwość).

“I would be relieved if it were only a joke,” Matt said. „Odetchnąłbym z ulgą, gdyby to był tylko żart” – powiedział Matt. Matt said that he would be relieved if it were only a joke. Matt powiedział, że odetchnąłby z ulgą, gdyby to był tylko żart. “You would feel better if you lost weight,” I told her. „Poczułabyś się lepiej, gdybyś schudła” – powiedziałem jej. I told her that she would feel better if she lost weight. Powiedziałem jej, że poczułaby się lepiej, gdyby schudła. Natomiast czasy w tych zdaniach warunkowych drugiego typu, które są sprzeczne ze stanem faktycznym, a więc niemożliwe do spełnienia, zmieniają się w mowie zależnej zgodnie z ogólnymi zasadami tworzenia mowy zależnej, np.:

“If I were you, I wouldn’t trust people so easily,” Bob told him. „Gdybym był tobą, to nie ufałbym ludziom tak łatwo” – powiedział Bob. Bob told him that if he had been him, he wouldn’t have trusted people so easily. Bob powiedział mu, że gdyby był nim, to nie ufałby ludziom tak łatwo. “If I were younger, I would travel the world,” said Jed. „Gdybym był młodszy, to podróżowałbym po świecie” – powiedział Jed. Jed said that if he had been younger, he would have travelled the world. Jed powiedział, że gdyby był młodszy, to podróżowałby po świecie. “He would agree with me if he were here,” she said. „Zgodziłby się ze mną, gdyby tutaj był” – powiedziała. She said that he would have agreed with her if he had been there. Powiedziała, że zgodziłby się z nią, gdyby tam był. Were to nie ulega zmianie w mowie zależnej, np.:

“If I were to tell you what happened, you wouldn’t believe me,” she said. „Gdybym ci powiedział, co się wydarzyło, nie uwierzyłbyś mi” – powiedziała. She said that if she were to tell me what had happened, I wouldn’t believe her. Powiedziała, że gdyby powiedziała mi, co się wydarzyło, nie uwierzyłbym jej.


Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej

“If she were to move abroad, she would only be able to get an unskilled job,” Tom said. „Gdyby wyjechała zagranicę, to mogłaby tylko dostać pracę niewymagającą kwalifikacji – powiedział Tom. Tom said that if she were to move abroad, she would only be able to get an unskilled job. Tom powiedział, że gdyby wyjechała zagranicę, to mogłaby tylko dostać pracę niewymagającą kwalifikacji. “If she were to drop out of college, her parents would be devastated,” he told me. „Gdyby rzuciła studia, jej rodzice byliby zdruzgotani” – powiedział mi. He told me that if she were to drop out of college, her parents would be devastated. Powiedział mi, że gdyby rzuciła studia, to jej rodzice byliby zdruzgotani. Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych trzeciego typu nie zmieniają się w mowie zależnej.

“If you had done it the right way, you wouldn’t have been in such a mess,” said Patrick. „Gdybyś to zrobił we właściwy sposób, nie byłbyś w tak trudnej sytuacji” – powiedział Patrick. Patrick said that if I had done it the right way, I wouldn’t have been in such a mess. Patrick powiedział, że gdybym to zrobił we właściwy sposób, to nie byłbym w tak trudnej sytuacji. “If she had been more understanding, they wouldn’t have drifted apart,” I said. „Gdyby była bardziej wyrozumiała, nie rozstaliby się” – powiedziałem. I said that if she had been more understanding, they wouldn’t have drifted apart. Powiedziałem, że gdyby była bardziej wyrozumiała, to nie rozstaliby się. “If he hadn’t had so much to drink, he wouldn’t have insulted them all,” Mrs Bloom said. „Gdyby tyle nie pił, to nie obraziłby ich wszystkich” – powiedziała pani Bloom. Mrs Bloom said that if he hadn’t had so much to drink, he wouldn’t have insulted them all. Pani Bloom powiedziała, że gdyby tyle nie pił, to nie obraziłby ich wszystkich.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E Zdania warunkowe zawierające prośby, nakazy, polecenia można przekształcić na mowę zależną za pomocą konstrukcji bezokolicznikowej.

“If you have time, clean your room,” she said. „Jeśli będziesz miał czas, posprzątaj w pokoju” – powiedziała. She asked me/told me to clean my room if I had time. Powiedziała mi, bym posprzątał w pokoju, jeśli będę miał czas. “If you have any problems, let me know,” he said. „Jeśli będziesz miał jakiekolwiek problem, daj mi znać” – powiedział. He asked me/told me to let him know if I had any problems. Powiedział mi, bym dał mu znać, jeśli miałbym jakiekolwiek problemy. Innym sposobem przekształcenia tego typu zdań warunkowych jest konstrukcja podmiot+be+bezokolicznik.

She said that if I had time I was to clean my room. Powiedziała mi, że jeśli będę miał czas, to mam posprzątać w pokoju. He said that if I had any problems I was to let him know. Powiedział, że jeśli miałbym jakiekolwiek problemy, to mam dać mu znać.

Ćwiczenia 39. Przekształć poniższe zdania warunkowe na mowę zależną.

1. “If I lost my job, I would have no means of income,” Mr Brown said. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “Kathy would be flattered if he complimented her on her looks,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “I would be anxious if I were to give a talk to a large audience,” Melly said. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “If I were shorter, it would be easier for me to find a boyfriend,” said Susan. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “You will catch a cold if you don’t put your jacket on,” she told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “What would you do if you found lots of money in a rubbish bin?” he asked me. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “Bill, would you donate blood if a stranger needed it badly?” she asked. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “If I were to vote, I would intentionally vote for the last candidate on the list,” Mike said. ___________________________________________________________________.


Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej

9. “It would be better if she heard it from you,” Alice said. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “If you have it ready this week, I will pay you double,” he told me. __________________________________________________________________. 11. “The audience wouldn’t have booed if the performance hadn’t been so awful,” Kim said. __________________________________________________________________. 12. “If I were a teen again, I would be less critical of my parents,” Jack said. __________________________________________________________________. 40. Przekształć poniższe zdania warunkowe na mowę zależną.

1. “If you are cold, put on a sweater,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “If you see Rose, ask her to call me,” Paul told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “If you are not well, see a doctor,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “If you have heavy luggage, get a taxi,” dad told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “If you have a moment, check it for me,” Bob said. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “If you hit upon a solution, please let me know,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________.


8. Powtórzenie i ugruntowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia 41. Uzupełnij zdania warunkowe zerowego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. The dog _________ (bark) if anyone new _________ (come) into the house. 2. When things _________ (go) wrong, Tom _________ (blame) everyone but himself. 3. My hands _________ (go) numb if it _________ (be) cold. 4. My parents _________ (be) angry if I _________ (not be) home by 10 p.m. 5. An alarm _________ (go) off if you _________ (not fasten) the seat belt. 6. When they _________ (visit) us, they _________ (bring) a bottle of wine. 7. If you _________ (leave) the cap off a bottle of soda, it _________ (go) flat. 8. When you _________ (cross) a time zone line, the time _________ (change). 9. I _________ (feel) sick when I _________ (travel) on buses. 10. When Audrey _________ (be) angry, she _________ (say) the most hurtful things. 11. When I _________ (drink), I never _________ (drive). 12. When we _________ (go) to the cinema, we always _________ (buy) popcorn. 13. My legs _________ (hurt) when the weather _________ (change). 14. She _________ (eat) everything she _________ (see) when she _________ (get) upset. 15. Cats _________ (purr) when they _________ (be) pleased. 16. If ice _________ (melt), it _________ (turn) into water. 17. My eyes _________ (burn) when I _________ (chop) onions. 18. Jack _________ (hold) a button and _________ (make) a wish when he _______ (see) a chimney sweeper.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

19. When the moon _________ (be) full, the tide _________ (be) high. 20. When you _________ (shake) a fizzy drink before opening it, it _________ (explode). 42. Uzupełnij zdania warunkowe pierwszego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. I ___________ (not go) if you ___________ (not come) with me. 2. If you ___________ (go) away for some time, ___________ (ask) your friend to keep an eye on your house. 3. If you ___________ (feel) carsick, ___________ (take) a nausea pill. 4. If you ___________ (not score) at least 50 percent on this test, you ___________ (not graduate). 5. If you ___________ (buy) two items, you ___________ (get) 30% off on the cheaper one. 6. You ___________ (regret) if you ___________ (not take) this opportunity. 7. If the bus ___________ (be) packed, I ___________ (not get) on it. 8. If we ___________ (not recycle) rubbish, we ___________ (run) out of space to bury it. 9. If your handwriting ___________ (be) too untidy, no one ___________ (can) to read it. 10. Your computer ___________ (crash) if you ___________ (not update) the virus protection. 11. If he ___________ (interrupt) me one more time, I ___________ (leave). 12. You ___________ (look) better if you ___________ (put) on a little make-up. 13. My family ___________ (be) disappointed if you ___________ (not come) to dinner on Sunday. 14. If you ___________ (not leave) immediately, I ___________ (call) the police. 15. If the weather ___________ (be) fine, the harvest ___________ (be) good.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 43. Przeczytaj uważnie zdania 1 – 6. W każdym zestawie odpowiednio rozwiń ostatnie zdanie, opierając się na analizie treści poprzedzających.

1. You are going out but you are afraid that it may rain. Your father tells you to take an umbrella. He says: Take an umbrella in case _______________________ . 2. Your sister’s little son is crying because he doesn’t want to go to bed. You know that he likes to be read bedtime stories. You say: He won’t go to bed unless _______________________ . 3. It is Sunday and your partner is at work. To cheer him/her up you promise to take him/her out for dinner after work. You tell him/her: When you finish work, I _______________________ . 4. A friend of yours asks you to lend him/her some money. You agree but he/she must pay it back next week. You say: I will lend you the money as long as _______________________ . 5. You asks your younger brother to wash your car. He tells you that he won’t do it if you don’t pay him. He says: I won’t wash your car unless _______________________ . 6. Your partner asks you if you are going to accept a new job offer. You say yes, if it’s still there. You reply: I’m going to accept the job offer assuming _____________________ . 44. Przeczytaj uważnie zdania 1-10. W każdym zestawie odpowiednio uzupełnij luki w drugim zdaniu na podstawie analizy treści pierwszego.

1. She must apologise to me. Then I will forgive her. I ________________ unless ________________ . 2. Promise me you will get back home before midnight. Then I will let you go. I ________________ on condition that ________________________ . 3. First agree that everyone pays for themselves. Then I will go out to dinner with you. I ___________________ provided that ______________________ . 4. Have a good breakfast. Then you won’t be hungry before lunch. If __________________, you __________________ . 5. Just tell me where she is. Then I won’t bother you again. I ________________ if ________________ .


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

6. Tidy your room. Then I will let you go out to play. I ________________ if ________________ . 7. You must tell me the truth. Only then will I be able to help you. I ________________ only if ________________ . 8. You must believe in what you do. Then you can succeed. If ________________________ you ____________________ . 9. Jog everyday for at least 30 minutes. Only then will you be able to run a marathon. You ________________ only if ______________________ . 10. You must graduate from a law school in the top 10%. Then you will be able to find a job in a good law firm. You _______________________ if _______________________ . 45. Uzupełnij zdania za pomocą if lub when.

1. I’m the sort of person who always runs out of money, so ________ I’m broke, I ask my parents for help. 2. I’m very careful about how I spend my money. However, ________ I’m broke, I ask my parents for help. 3. My partner hardly ever helps around the house. ________ he does, he expects me to do him a favour. 4. My partner usually helps around the house. ________ he does, it’s him who does the dishes. 5. They are so lucky to be able to go on holiday each summer. ________ they do, it’s always in the mountains. 6. They really don’t get a chance to travel much. ________ they go on any holiday, it’s to the sea for a few days. 7. I don’t like Coke too much. ________ I ever drink it, I make sure it’s Coke Zero. 8. I can’t go a day without a Coke. ________ I drink it, it’s either a diet Coke or Coke Light. 9. He doesn’t read much these days. However, ________ he does, he reads the sports pages or TV schedule. 10. He loves reading. ________ he reads, he always has a pencil in hand. 54

ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 46. Uzupełnij zdania za pomocą if lub in case.

1. Wear a life jacket ________ the boat sinks. 2. I will pick you up at the station ________ you come by train. 3. Keep a fire extinguisher in your room ________ there is a fire. 4. ________ it’s an emergency, call an ambulance. 5. Write the password down ________ you forget it. 6. Take a map with you ________ you get lost. 7. I always carry a flashlight while trekking ________ night catches me on the track. 8. You will get blisters ________ your shoes rub against your feet. 9. Bring an extra pair of shoes ________ one gets soaked. 10. I will call you back ________ you give me your phone number. 47. Przekształć każde ze zdań 1-10 na zdania warunkowe zgodnie ze wzorem:

Don’t eat it too fast, or else you will choke. If you eat it too fast you will choke. 1. Don’t touch the iron, or else you will burn your fingers. __________________________________________________________________ . 2. Don’t eat sweets before lunch, or else you will ruin your appetite. __________________________________________________________________ . 3. Don’t park your car here, or else it will be towed away. __________________________________________________________________ . 4. Don’t stay in the sun too long, or else you will get a sunburn. __________________________________________________________________ . 5. Don’t ride your bike on the pavement, or else you will get a ticket. __________________________________________________________________ . 6. Don’t leave your socks on the floor, or else I will throw them out. __________________________________________________________________ . 7. Don’t take hot baths, or else you will irritate your skin. __________________________________________________________________ .


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

8. Don’t slouch, or else you will have a hunchback. __________________________________________________________________ . 9. Don’t cheat in the test, or else you will automatically get an F. __________________________________________________________________ . 10. Don’t wear new shoes more than an hour at a time, or else your feet will hurt. _________________________________________________________________ . 48. Uzupełnij zdania warunkowe drugiego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. What would you do if you ___________ (be) 18 again? 2. She would be upset if I ___________ (forget) her birthday. 3. Even if he were the last man left on earth, I ___________ (not marry) him. 4. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I ___________ (not air) my room properly. 5. It would be great if you ___________ (can join) us for dinner. 6. I would be really surprised if they ___________ (win) the match. 7. It’s too hot. I ___________ (not mind) if it rained today. 8. If the fares ___________ (be) cheaper, I would fly more often. 9. Would it help if I ___________ (reboot) the computer? 10. What would you wear if you ___________ (be) invited to a cocktail party? 11. If she ___________ (listen) to my advice, she would be better off. 12. If I ___________ (can be) anyone for a day, I would like to be my mother. 13. If she weren’t the boss’s daughter, she ___________ (have) to work like everyone else. 14. Paul could be more successful if he ___________ (be) more committed to his duties. 15. If I ___________ (not feel) bad about it, I would spend the whole weekend watching TV. 16. We wouldn’t be lost if she ___________ (can read) the map. 56


17. What would you do if you only ___________ (have) one day to see the Grand Canyon? 18. If you were in my shoes, you ___________ (understand). 49. Uzupełnij zdania warunkowe drugiego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If you _________ (have) more common sense, you _________ (stop) drinking. 2. I wonder what he _________ (be) like if he _________ (have) a family. 3. If the shirt _________ (be) a bit longer, it _________ (look) good on you. 4. The world _________ (be) a better place if we _________ (take) better care of it. 5. I _________ (cycle) to work more often if there _________ (be) more bike routes. 6. If I _________ (have) a pale complexion, I _________ (never sunbathe). 7. If I _________ (be) a decade younger, I _________ (ask) her on a date. 8. If I _________ (not be) an only child, I _________ (be) more sociable. 9. If you really _________ (want) to find a job, you _________ (can) do it easily. 10. If it _________ (not be) for my garden, I _________ (find) it unbearable to live in town. 11. I _________ (keep) a diary if I _________ (not be) afraid that someone may read it. 12. If she _________ (be) more independent, she _________ (not need) you so much. 50. Które z każdej pary zdań a), b) prawidłowo odnosi sie do treści zdania wprowadzającego?

1. If she were to help you, how would you react? a) If she were here in order to help, how would you react? b) If she helped, though it’s unlikely, how would you react? 2. If the taxi arrives within 10 minutes, we won’t be late. a) There is a good chance the taxi will arrive within 10 minutes. b) It’s not likely the taxi will arrive within 10 minutes.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

3. I’d move abroad if I were paid more. a) I’m not paid much. b) I will be paid more abroad. 4. I’d sell the house immediately if I were you. a) I think you should sell the house. b) It’s unlikely that I will sell the house. 5. I would help you if I knew how. a) I might help you. b) I can’t help you. 6. Don’t call me if you need help. a) I won’t help you even if you call me. b) Call me only if you need help. 7. We will buy a new car if and when I get a pay rise. a) It is certain that we will buy a new car. b) It is not certain that we will buy a new car. 8. Give the boy a toy in case he cries. a) Give the boy a toy when he starts crying. b) Give the boy a toy because he may cry if he doesn’t have it. 9. If you will sign here, I will take this offer to the manager. a) It is a polite request. b) It’s a warning. If you don’t sign, I won’t take this offer to the manager. 10. If we should have the money, we would go on a long holiday. a) We are not likely to have the money. b) We should have the money and go on a long holiday. 11. If you have finished tidying your room, you can go out and play. a) You can go out and play only if you tidy your room. b) Now that you room is tidy, you can go out and play. 12. But for Adam, we would have got lost. a) If it weren’t for Adam, we would have got lost. b) It was because of Adam that we would have got lost. 51. Uzupełnij zdania 1-12 odpowiednim spójnikiem wybranym spośród wymienionych w nawiasach.

1. Would he make a good president ______________ he were elected? (provided that/unless/supposing)



2. Making your own website is relatively simple ______________ you know how to do it. (unless/provided that/imagine) 3. He agreed to the interview ______________ he got the cover of the magazine. (supposing/on condition that/even if) 4. She is welcome to stay with us ______________ she wants. (unless/supposing/as long as) 5. ______________ she agrees to marry you, how are you going to provide for your family? (On condition that/Providing/Assuming that) 6. I’m not going to let her go to that party ______________ she begs. It’s dangerous out there. (even if/ providing/assuming) 7. ______________ you knew me, you would know how wrong you are! (Imagine/If only/What if) 8. You are not allowed to buy or drink alcohol ______________ you are of age. (if not/even if/unless) 9. I have to go now, ______________ my parents will start to worry. (otherwise/as long as/supposing) 10. ______________ you could fly, wouldn’t it be great? (Even if/Provided that/Imagine) 11. Keep the cats away from the vase ______________ they will knock it off. (unless/or else/even if) 12. ______________ you lose your job? How will you be able to pay off the loan? (What if/Even if/If only) 52. Rozstrzygnij która z opcji pisanych kursywą i oddzielonych ukośnikiem jest poprawna w każdym ze zdań 1-15.

1. She can go with us, provided/if only she behaves herself. 2. Set the alarm clock for 6:30 - otherwise/unless you won’t wake up on time. 3. Provided/Even if you wash the shirt with detergent, the stain will still show. 4. Thomas won’t lift a finger to help you unless/or else he has an axe to grind. 5. The pills are effective in case/as long as you take them with food. 6. You should prepare some extra food in case/even if more people come.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

7. But for/In case of the storm, the roof wouldn’t have been blown off the building. 8. If only/Supposing your best friend let you down, would you give him/her a second chance? 9. Should a fire break out/But for the fire, please leave the building immediately. 10. Come in and see me as long as you are/if you happen to be in town. 11. Providing/Imagine that you have just won millions of pounds. What would you do with such a fortune? 12. Her father owns this hotel. But for that/If it were so she wouldn’t work here. 13. Remember, in case of/ in case fire, leave the building as quickly as possible. 14. If it weren’t for/ If not David, I would have never made it. 15. Unless/If we arrive early, you may be able to get a good parking space. 53. Rozstrzygnij która z opcji pisanych kursywą i oddzielonych ukośn kiem jest poprawna w każdym ze zdań 1-10.

1. We go jogging every day only if/even if/supposing it rains. 2. I will be at your place at 6 o’clock unless/providing/in case the bus is late. 3. I will tell you everything provided/supposing/unless you promise to keep it a secret. 4. Green tea is good for you even if/if not/only if drunk in moderation. 5. Weren’t it for/Were it not for/Was it not for his future wife, Anna, Dostoyevsky would never have finished “The Gambler” on time. 6. Keep your phone close by if/as long as/ in case she calls. 7. Should you happen to/In case you/Providing you find a stolen painting at your local market, contact the police immediately. 8. If not for/If it weren’t for/If it weren’t the migrant workers, our economy would decline greatly. 9. We would never stay in this hotel again as long as/even if/should it were free. 10. Suppose/In case/Provided you were born in another country or during another era, what difference would it make to your life? 54. Uzupełnij zdania warunkowe trzeciego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If she _________ (not dance) with him that night, she _________ (not fall) in love with him. 2. If she _________ (not be) in such a hurry, she _________ (not forget) her passport. 3. If the Prime Minister _________ (not be) involved in the scandal, he _________ (not step) down from his post. 4. If she _________ (have) a loving home during her teenage years, she probably _________ (not get) herself into that mess. 60


5. The car _________ (may run) into a tree if she _________ (not act) so fast. 6. I _________ (not make) it if I _________ (not have) the help. 7. If I _________ (not be) so naïve, I _________ (know) not to trust him. 8. Things _________ (be) much easier if she _________ (not be) a single mum. 9. If the fire brigade _________ (not rush) to put out the fire, the building _________ (burn) down. 10. If she _________ (not be) abandoned by her husband, she _________ (not become) an independent woman. 11. I _________ (never forgive) myself if I _________ (not jump) at the chance. 12. If I _________ (not follow) your advice, I _________ (be) very sorry. 13. I _________ (laugh) if it _________ (not be) so sad. 14. If I _________ (not be) so tired, I _________ (finish) the project. 15. Who knows what _________ (may happen) if I _________ (send) that email. 55. Każdą parę zdań 1-10 przekształć w zdanie warunkowe trzeciego typu zaczynające się od spójnika if.

1. Jim broke his mother’s favourite cup. He was given a reprimand. __________________________________________________________________ . 2. It didn’t work out. I was unhappy. __________________________________________________________________ . 3. Chris got in a fight with his sister. He was punished. __________________________________________________________________ . 4. You touched the hot stove. You burned your hand. __________________________________________________________________ . 5. He didn’t warn me. I was totally unprepared. __________________________________________________________________ . 6. The scandal made the headlines. It became public. __________________________________________________________________ . 7. She didn’t add any spices. The soup didn’t taste good. __________________________________________________________________ .


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

8. Her parents were always busy with work. They spoiled her with expensive clothes. __________________________________________________________________ . 9. I said it. I was provoked. __________________________________________________________________ . 10. I recognised him. I knew who he was. _________________________________________________________________ . 56. Uzupełnij zdania warunkowe trzeciego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If she _________ (not take) the medicines, she _________ (not recover) so quickly. 2. If he _________ (not agree) to lose weight, he _________ (not get) the role. 3. If I _________ (not be) in such a hurry, I _________ (not forget) to close the door. 4. If she _________ (not sit) alone, I _________ (never sit) down by her. 5. If he _________ (not fail) as a musician, he _________ (not embark) on an acting career. 6. If we _________ (not pay) for our room already, we _________ (leave) the hotel after one day. 7. The car _________ (not roll) down the drive if he _________ (not forget) to put the handbrake on. 8. I shudder to think what _________ (happen) if I _________ (not be) there. 9. If she _________ (not be) a journalist first, she _________ (not write) a book. 10. I _________ (not forgive) myself if I _________ (not help) him. 11. I _________ (cooperate) if only you _________ (ask). 12. Steve _________ (achieve) more if he _________ (not be) so lazy. 13. He _________ (not make) the kind of money he made if he _________ (not know) the right people. 14. I _________ (not mind) being fired, if they _________ (not do) it by email. 15. If I _________ (not marry) so young, I _________ (finish) my education. 62


16. If we _________ (just leave) ten minutes earlier, none of this _________ (happen). 17. If I _________ (not overhear) their conversation, I _________ (not guess) that something was wrong. 18. If we _________ (have) any suspicions, surely we _________ (tell) you. 57. Uzupełnij zdania trzeciego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. But for the high water level, the river ___________ (not burst) its banks. 2. But for the hurricane, the trees ___________ (not be) ripped out by their roots. 3. But for the earthquake, there ___________ (be) no cracks in the roads. 4. But for the heavy snowfall, the children ___________ (not stay) at home. 5. But for the volunteers, we ___________ (not do) half of the things we did. 6. But for the rescue team, the tourists ___________ (die) of hypothermia. 7. But for the fog, we ___________ (enjoy) a great view of the city. 8. But for the mosquitoes, they ___________ (spend) more time outdoors. 9. But for the air conditioning, it ___________ (be) unbearable to drive the car. 10. But for the smell, we ___________ (rate) the hotel four stars. 11. But for the smoke detector, their house ___________ (burn) down. 12. But for the torrential rain, the underground passage ___________ (not be) flooded. 13. But for the advertisement, I ___________ (not buy) the mobile phone. 14. But for the economic turndown, so many people ___________ (not lose) their jobs. 15. But for his unsuccessful presidential campaign, he ___________ (probably be) elected for a second term.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia 58. Uzupełnij dialog, wstawiając w luki jedno z wyrażeń a), b), c).

A: I can’t fit into my old jeans anymore. I can’t even zip them up! I have to cut down on eating and lose some of this weight before I gain even more. B: Well, if you ___________ (1) to me, you ___________ (2) on weight and ___________ (3) about dieting now. A: And you wouldn’t be yourself if you ___________ (4) me about something, right? B: I’m not taunting you or anything. I’m just stating the obvious. If you ___________ (5) a reasonable diet plan and stick to it, you will see the results soon. A: I wish you were right, but losing weight is not easy. It takes commitment and strong will, and If I had some strength of will, I ___________ (6) weight in the first place. Besides, I’ve failed on so many diets in the past. B: Maybe because diet without exercising is not enough? Start exercising and you ___________ (7) weight. A: I can’t exercise every day, not with my job. B: Then at least try to walk every day for about 20-30 minutes. A: Ok, I will. B: And careful with the yoyo effect, otherwise you ___________ (8) up putting all your weight back on and more. 1. a) had listened 2. a) wouldn’t put 3. a) didn’t think 4. a) didn’t taunt 5. a) will choose 6. a) wouldn’t gain 7. a) would certainly lose 8. a) end

b) listened b) hadn’t put b) wouldn’t be thinking b) wouldn’t taunt b) choose b) won’t gain b) certainly lose b) will end

c) would have listened c) wouldn’t have put c) wouldn’t have thought c) hadn’t taunted c) chose c) wouldn’t have gained c) will certainly lose c) ended

59. Do każdego ze zdań 1-8 dopisz nowe o analogicznym znaczeniu zawierające słowa podane wytłuszczonym drukiem.

1. It is only because he is rich that she is interested in him. Were it not __________________________________________________________________ . 64


2. The deal wouldn’t have gone so far if Emily hadn’t been involved. If it hadn’t __________________________________________________________________ . 3. The drought was severe. That’s why the crop was lost. But for __________________________________________________________________ . 4. The food was cold. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been so bad. If __________________________________________________________________ . 5. If it hadn’t been for his parents, he wouldn’t have achieved so much in life. But for __________________________________________________________________ . 6. I would feel perfectly fine except for my mild headache. If it weren’t __________________________________________________________________ . 7. They’ll get to play against France in the semi-finals if they manage to win today. Should __________________________________________________________________ . 8. She would have won easily if she hadn’t made so many unforced errors. Had it not __________________________________________________________________ . 60. Zastąp wyrażenia zapisane kursywą inną konstrukcją/konstrukcjami.

1. If I hadn’t known, I would have never guessed that she was forty. ___________________________, I would have never guessed that she was forty. 2. If the government hadn’t acted quickly, the whole area wouldn’t have been evacuated. ___________________________, the whole area wouldn’t have been evacuated. 3. If you should see my car keys, keep them safe for me. ___________________________ my car keys, keep them safe for me. 4. If by any chance he offered you a pay rise, would you still quit your job? ___________________________ you a pay rise, would you still quit your job? 5. If it weren’t for the railing, I surely would have fallen. ___________________________, I surely would have fallen. 6. If he hadn’t interrupted, the meeting would have finished earlier. ___________________________, the meeting would have finished earlier. 7. If she hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have done it by myself. ___________________________, I wouldn’t have done it by myself.


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8. Should you be dissatisfied with our product, kindly call us to request a full refund. ___________________________ with our product, kindly call us to request a full refund. 9. If it weren’t for the police’s negligent investigation, the robbers would have been caught and arrested. ___________________________, the robbers would have been caught and arrested. 10. If he hadn’t had charisma, he wouldn’t have become a successful politician. ___________________________, he wouldn’t have become a successful politician. 11. If the river were to flood, what would happen? ___________________________, what would happen? 12. If birds weren’t to migrate to warm countries, they wouldn’t survive the winter. ___________________________ to warm countries, they wouldn’t survive the winter. 13. If our town had been hit by a hurricane like Sandy or Katrina, it would have been devastated. ___________________________ by a hurricane like Sandy, it would have been devastated. 61. Każdą parę 1-10 połącz w zdania warunkowe mieszane zaczynające się od spójnika if.

1. I didn’t put the milk in the fridge yesterday. It is sour now. __________________________________________________________________ . 2. I lost my temper with her. She is not speaking to me now. __________________________________________________________________ . 3. Jack got a big tattoo on his upper arm. He regrets it so much now. __________________________________________________________________ . 4. He lied to me. We are not together now. __________________________________________________________________ . 5. He didn’t take school seriously. He doesn’t have a good education. __________________________________________________________________ . 6. Rob gave up his political career. He is living a quiet life now. __________________________________________________________________ . 7. I cycled a long way yesterday. My legs are sluggish today. __________________________________________________________________ .



8. You didn’t tell me about your problems earlier. I can’t help you. __________________________________________________________________ . 9. I read Tolkien and C. S. Lewis as a child. I’m a writer. __________________________________________________________________ . 10. The coach was very supportive then. I’m still playing. _________________________________________________________________ . 11. I’m disappointed. I was passed over for promotion. _________________________________________________________________ . 12. He is not such a good psychologist. He didn’t diagnose my condition. _________________________________________________________________ . 62. Uzupełnij zdania warunkowe mieszane, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If she _________ (not be) a celebrity, she _________ (not have) a facelift. 2. If we _________ (be) more sensible, we _________ (not buy) the car. 3. If I _________ (can stand) the sight of blood, I _________ (become) a doctor. 4. If he _________ (not be) so tight-fisted, he _________ (pay) for my drink as well. 5. If the airfares _________ (not be) so expensive, I _________ (book) a flight already. 6. If my son _________ (not believe) in Santa Claus, he _________ (not write) a letter to him. 7. If I _________ (not be) so absent-minded, I _________ (remember) where I had put the keys. 8. If she _________ (have) more taste, she _________ (not wear) that dress. 9. If he _________ (want) to settle down and have a family, he _________ (do) it a long time ago. 10. If she _________ (not love) animals, she _________ (not adopt) a dog from a shelter. 63. Dopasuj zdania z kolumny A do zdań z kolumny B tak, aby zbudować zdania warunkowe mieszane.

A 1. If you loved him 2. If my grandfather hadn’t died 3. If he wanted to be with her 4. If he hadn’t been fired 5. If he hadn’t had the car accident

B a) he wouldn’t be afraid to drive now. b) they wouldn’t have tried to save their marriage. c) he wouldn’t have taken a day off sick. d) more people might have voted for him. e) he would be dead by now. 67

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6. If you hadn’t skipped your breakfast 7. If he were feeling well 8. If it were so easy 9. If they were interested

f) you would have done it much sooner. g) you wouldn’t have pushed him away. h) he would have proposed to her. i) they probably wouldn’t be together now. 10. If they didn’t have children j) he would be very old now. 11. If they hadn’t taken him to hospital k) they would have contacted you by so quickly now. 12. If he hadn’t asked her out on a date l) you wouldn’t be hungry now. 13. If he weren’t so young m) his family wouldn’t be penniless now.

64. W poniższych minidialogach (1-13) użyj słów podanych w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie.

1. A: You are working round the clock these days. Unless you _________ (slow) down you _________ (burn) yourself out. B: You are the only one who has noticed it. My boss wants me to work more! 2. A: What _________ you _________ (do) if you _________ (be) me? B: I _________ (talk) to him. If you _________ (not tell) him and he _________ (find) out from someone else, he _________ never _________ (forgive) you. 3. A: Eating at Wild Duck is always a treat for us with its tasty food and affordable prices. B: If the restaurant _________ (be) closer to where we live, we _________ probably _________ (go) there more often. 4. A: Are you in favour of banning cars from the city centre? B: If Warsaw _________ (have) a well-developed subway system like London or Berlin, I _________ (not mind) if cars _________ (be) banned. 5. A: Don’t forget to set the alarm clock for 5:30. If you _________ (be) late for work again, you _________ (get) into trouble with your boss. B: No worries. I’ve already done it. 6. A: Have you heard that one person was injured after part of the ceiling collapsed at Warsaw East Station? B: Fortunately, it collapsed at night when nearly no one was around. If it _________ (collapse) during the day, a lot of people _________ (be) hurt. 7. A: It’s disturbing that children watch so much TV today. B: It’s clear to me that if they _________ (spend) more time outdoors rather than stuck in front of the TV, they _________ (be) healthier and also happier.



8. A: Congratulations on passing your exam! B: Thank you. If my parents _________ (not encourage) me to study hard, I _________ (not pass) it. 9. A: Is it still raining? B: Yes, it is, so no chance for sunbathing. But if the weather _________ (improve), we _________ (go) to the beach tomorrow. 10. A: I’m wondering what albums _________ Beatles _________ (record) if they _________ (not split) up? B: I don’t know but Lennon and Yoko Ono _________ (not make) their solo albums. 11. A: Imagine you _________ (can travel) back in time. If you _________ (can do) one thing differently, what _________ it _________ (be)? B: Well, if I _________ (can travel) back, I don’t think I _________ (do) anything differently. I’m happy with the choices I’ve made. 12. A: I wonder if she would like to go out with me? B: I don’t know, but if you _________ (want) to find out, go and ask her. 13. A: Suppose you _________ (can’t find) a parking space. _________you _________ (park) on the pavement? B: No, I don’t think so. 65. Uzupełnij zdania pierwszego, drugiego, trzeciego i mieszanego typu, używając odpowiednich form czasowników podanych w nawiasie.

1. ______ I _____ (be) better off now if I had gone to college? 2. If he _________ (not score) the goal, he probably would have ended up playing for a small club. 3. If you hadn’t been driving that car, you _________ (not crash). 4. If I _________ (know) what was coming, I would have been more discreet. 5. But for my father’s help, I _________ (not pack) up my things so quickly. 6. If the restaurant _________ (be) in a better location, it would be packed at the weekends. 7. If the tourists had been more experienced, that incident _________ (be) avoided. 8. If I were you I _________ (see) the doctor first thing tomorrow.


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9. If you had taken a taxi, you _________ (go) there in no time. 10. Insure your house in case it _________ (get) robbed. 11. If the panting _________ (be) genuine, it would be worth a fortune. 12. If the iron hadn’t been too hot, I _________ (not scorch) my trousers. 13. How far would you go if it _________ (mean) protecting your family? 14. If he weren’t sleeping, I _________ (ask) him to walk the dog. 15. This _________ (not happen) if you had planned better. 16. If it hadn’t been for her, I _________ (not handle) it so well. 17. If you _________ (not give) me a chance, I would still be looking for a job. 18. Mrs Wright would be disappointed if she _________ (miss) her favourite TV show. 19. If the EMT crew _________ (not respond) right away, the man would be dead. 20. Europeans would never have heard of potatoes if it _________ (not be) for Columbus. 21. If her father _________ (not remarry), she wouldn’t have a half sister. 22. If it _________ (not rain), I will hang the laundry to dry in the garden. 23. Tea _________ (change) colour if lemon is added to it. 24. Unless you _________ (have) other plans, we may go out for sushi tonight. 25. You won’t go far in this profession unless you _________ (have) a thick skin. 66. Każde ze zdań 1-20 uzupełnij jednym z wyrażeń a), b) lub c).

1. If you _________ the cake, help yourself to some more. a) are enjoying b) have enjoyed c) enjoy 2. I _________ myself now if I had bought it at full price. a) would have kicked b) would be kicking c) won’t be kicking 3. If you _________ in Warsaw for over 5 years now, I expect you already feel at home here. a) lived b) have been living c) live 70


4. If you _________ beer, I will call you a taxi to take you home. a) drank b) will drink c) are drinking 5. If it _________, the tennis court wouldn’t have been wet. a) didn’t rain b) wasn’t raining c) hadn’t been raining 6. If you _________ reading the book, return it to the library. a) have finished b) will finish c) had finished 7. If you _________ of quitting your studies, I would advise you against it. a) would think b) were thinking c) think 8. I _________ it now if I didn’t believe I could win. a) weren’t doing b) wouldn’t do

c) wouldn’t be doing

9. If you ever change your mind, I _________ for you. a) will be waiting b) wait

c) would wait

10. If you don’t start working now, you _________ it by next week. a) wouldn’t finish b) don’t finish c) won’t have finished 11. If you don’t study more, you _________ pass the exam. a) don’t b) are not going to c) won’t 12. You _________ if you didn’t have a better job waiting for you. a) wouldn’t be leaving b) wouldn’t have left c) didn’t leave 13. You must be tired if you _________ all day. a) worked b) was working

c) have been working

14. If he she had passed the exam, she _________ in her room now. a) wouldn’t have cried b) wouldn’t cry c) wouldn’t be crying 15. I _________ tennis tomorrow if I hadn’t sprained my ankle. a) will play b) would be playing c) might play 16. You wouldn’t have a headache if you _________ last night. a) hadn’t been drinking b) didn’t drink c) weren’t drinking 17. If he _________ glasses, he probably wouldn’t have a black eye. a) weren’t wearing b) didn’t wear c) hadn’t been wearing 18. I _________ the first chapter if I hadn’t used a dictionary. a) would still read b) would still be reading c) had still be reading 19. If he _________ your message, he will phone you. a) has received b) received

c) had received 71

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20. If you have learnt a bit of German before, you _________ the introductory classes. a) could not need b) would not have needed c) might not need 67. Zadecyduj w których ze zdań 1-15 zaczynających się od if można użyć will.

1. If you follow me, I will show you to your table. 2. If the fog gets thicker, pull off the road and wait for it to lift. 3. If you lend me the money, I will be much obliged to you. 4. If it rains tomorrow, we will have to stay indoors. 5. If you eat a packet of crisps every day, it’s no wonder that you’re obese. 6. If you release the button, it will close the shutter. 7. If you drive fast, the police will give you a ticket. 8. If he wins the election, I will eat my hat. 9. If you take your jacket off, I will hang it up for you. 10. I will appreciate it if you advise me what to do. 11. If you look to your right, you will see the Palace of Culture and Science. 12. If you just wait here, Dr Morris will see you shortly. 13. If you pass the exam, I will be very proud of you. 14. If you spill coffee on your shirt, clean it up immediately. 15. If you wear such clothes, you will make yourself a laughing stock. 68. . Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z ramki. a) would be going, go, would have gone, will go, would go

1. If I had saved enough money, I ____________ on holiday. 2. If I could afford it, I ____________ on holidays more often. 3. If I weren’t so busy at work, I ____________ on holiday next week. 4. If you can take some time off, ____________ on holiday for once! 5. If my parents agree, I ____________ on holiday by myself this year. b) won’t drive, don’t drive, might not drive, wouldn’t have been driving, wouldn’t drive

1. If visibility hadn’t been good, I ____________ so fast. 2. If I didn’t know how to handle my car, I ____________ fast. 3. If you don’t want to wreck your car, ____________ fast. 4. Why are you so obstinate? We will be late if you ____________ faster. 5. If you have been in a car accident, you ____________ fast ever again.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 69. W każdym ze zdań 1-7 rozstrzygnij najpierw, która z opcji wydrukowanych kursywą jest prawidłowa – punkt a). W punkcie b) przekształć to zdanie wykorzystując podany fragment, tak aby sens pozostał niezmieniony.

1. a) As long as/Supposing you cook it quickly over a high heat, the meat will be tender and juicy. b) If you don’t cook it quickly over a high heat, ____________________________ . 2. a) The museum is well worth a visit, provided/otherwise you don’t mind the queues. b) The museum is well worth a visit unless ____________________________ . 3. a) If it hadn’t been for/Should we have luck, we would have ended up in real trouble. b) But for luck, ____________________________ . 4. a) There is really nothing wrong with chocolate if/unless you eat it in large amounts. b) There is really nothing wrong with chocolate if __________________________ . 5. a) I will go with you if/unless you want me to. b) I will go with you unless ____________________________ . 6. a) Break the glass in case/imagine there is an emergency. b) Break the glass in case of ____________________________ . 7. a) Supposing/Providing you inherited a decent sum of money, what would you do? b) What would you do if you were to ____________________________ . 70. Przekształć poniższe zdania warunkowe na mowę zależną.

1. “If I were to live only on fruit and vegetables, I would be unhappy,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “You won’t lose weight if you ask for a second helping of everything,” she told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “If she had listened to her intuition, she would have known what was best for her,” said Mark. ___________________________________________________________________.


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4. “Jack, if you weren’t so obstinate, you would admit that I’m right,” Sophie said. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “If she didn’t have her career, she would feel unfulfilled,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “If scientists found a cure for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, people would be able to live longer lives,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “If she hadn’t fallen down the stairs, she wouldn’t have injured her leg,” said Harry. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “I would feel sorry for her if she weren’t so mean,” Lily said to Mike. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “Jill’s life wouldn’t be so miserable if she could afford little everyday things,” Mrs Robbins said. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “If you don’t lower your voice, you will wake everybody up,” Helen told me. __________________________________________________________________. 11. “If my boys weren’t so lazy, I wouldn’t have to nag them about almost everything,” said Dorothy. __________________________________________________________________. 12. “What would you do if someone pointed a gun at you?” Claire asked Paul. __________________________________________________________________. 71. Przekształć poniższe zdania warunkowe na mowę zależną.

1. “If you have time, come by for a coffee,” Robin told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “If you finish early, do Part 4 for extra credit,” the teacher told us. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “Call me if you hear from Jim,” he told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “If the rubbish bin is full, put it out,” Mum told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “If you have a couple of minutes to spare, complete the survey,” she told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 74


6. “If your shoes are dirty, leave them outside the door,” she told us. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “If Bob bothers you again, let me know,” he told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “If he gets any worse, take him to hospital,” she said to us. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “If a stranger talks to you, don’t reply,” his mother told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “If it rains, stay at home,” Claire told me. __________________________________________________________________. 72. Znajdź i popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach.

1. When she will tell a joke, she laughs most at it. 2. If you needed anything at all, let me know. 3. If it wasn’t my friend, I wouldn’t be in my current job. 4. Weren’t it for water, there would be no life on Earth. 5. If an asteroid didn’t hit the earth, dinosaurs would still be alive. 6. Supposing he calls you after all these years, would you talk to him? 7. If it weren’t so important, I won’t ask. 8. I think it would be best if you leave now. 9. Unless you don’t work harder, you will never be successful. 10. But with the weather, we could have reached the peak. 11. If I had used softener in the washing, my blouse wouldn’t have been clinging to my skin now. 12. I know that you are a handyman, but shall you need any help putting up the shelves, I can give you a hand. 13. If you keep your sausages far from the heat, they will burn. 14. Would it be OK if I borrow your pen? 15. I’m retired but if someone offers me a small job, I would accept it. 16. But for his generosity, we wouldn’t raise money for such a worthy cause. 17. In case you scratch at the bite, it will itch more.


9. O zdaniach warunkowych w pigułce Naukę posługiwania się trybami warunkowym w języku angielskim powinno się zacząć od opanowanie trzech typów zdań. Formułując taki czy inny okres warunkowy, zazwyczaj (choć nie zawsze) posiłkujemy się słówkiem if. Prócz if także inne wyrażenia mogą wprowadzać wypowiedzi warunkowe. Mogą to być: unless, provided (that)/providing (that), as long as, supposing/suppose, on (the) condition that, in case, or else, otherwise.

You won’t get any dessert unless you eat your dinner. Nie dostaniesz deseru, jeśli nie zjesz obiadu. Eat your dinner, otherwise/or else you won’t get any dessert. Zjedz obiad w przeciwnym razie nie dostaniesz deseru. You will get a dessert provided/providing/as long as/on condition that you eat your dinner. Dostaniesz deser pod warunkiem, że zjesz obiad. Zdania warunkowe pierwszego typu Okres warunkowy pierwszego typu ma następujący bazowy schemat: If + Present Simple (zdanie podrzędne)|Future Simple (zdanie nadrzędne). Rzecz jasna w zależności od kontekstu i sytuacji możemy zarówno we frazie podrzędnej jak i nadrzędnej uciec się do różnych czasów. Np. Present Simple w obu segmentach tego okresu wskazuje, że odpowiednia czynność bądź sytuacja jest powszechnie przyjęta, typowa czy regularna. W zdaniu podrzędnym można stosować i inne czasy: Present Continuous, Present Perfect oraz czasownik should. W zdaniu nadrzędnym może wystąpić Present Simple, tryb rozkazujący lub czasowniki modalne: may/might, can/could, should/ought to, must + infinitive. Wyodrębnia się dwie odmiany okresu warunkowego pierwszego typu: a) Wypowiedzi o powtarzalnych sytuacjach czy powszechnie przyjętych prawdach (tę odmianę niekiedy nazywa się zerowym okresem warunkowym). W wypowiedziach tego typu można wymiennie korzystać obok if również ze spójnika when.

When winter comes, temperatures drop. Kiedy nadchodzi zima, temperatury spadają. If you don’t drink enough water, you become dehydrated. Jeśli nie pijesz wystarczająco dużo wody, odwadniasz się. 76


You get goosebumps if you are cold. Dostajesz gęsiej skórki, jeśli jest ci zimno. b) Zdania wskazujące, że jakiś wymóg, życzenie, postulat jest możliwy do spełnienia w przyszłości.

If the weather is nice, we will eat outside on the patio. Jeśli pogoda będzie ładna, zjemy na tarasie. It won’t be a secret if everyone knows. To nie będzie tajemnica, jeśli każdy będzie wiedzieć. If you don’t go to bed now, Santa won’t come. Jeśli teraz nie pójdziesz spać, nie przyjdzie Mikołaj. Gdy wypowiadamy się o przyszłości, if wskazuje, że raczej nie wiadomo czy warunek zostanie urzeczywistniony, when sugeruje, że coś raczej na pewno będzie miało miejsce za jakiś czas.

When he calls, tell him I’ll be back in half an hour. Kiedy zadzwoni, powiedz mu, że wrócę za pół godziny. If he calls, tell him I’ll be back in half an hour. Jeśli zadzwoni, powiedz mu, że wrócę za pół godziny. Zdania warunkowe drugiego typu Postać bazowa: If + Past Simple (zdanie podrzędne)|would + infinitive (zdanie nadrzędne) Można użyć również - w zależności od potrzeby - w zdaniu podrzędnym Past Continuous lub were to. W zdaniu nadrzędnym natomiast Past Simple albo czasowniki modalne: could, might + infinitive lub też would + present continuous infitnitive. Zdaniami warunkowymi posługujemy się do komunikowania myśli o a) nierzeczywistych lub wyfantazjowanych sytuacjach w teraźniejszości lub b) o wydarzeniach nieprawdopodobnych choć teoretycznie możliwych w przyszłości. a)

If he weren’t famous, you wouldn’t look twice at him. Gdyby nie był sławny, nawet byś na niego nie spojrzała. If I were you, I’d give myself more time. Gdybym był tobą, dałbym sobie więcej czasu.


If he lost his job, he would be devastated. Gdyby stracił pracę, byłby zdruzgotany.


O zdaniach warunkowych w pigułce

If I made lots of money, I would probably spend the rest of my life travelling. Gdybym zarobił dużo pieniędzy, prawdopodobnie spędziłbym resztę swojego życia na podróżowaniu. W zdaniach warunkowych typu II forma was czasownika to be uznawana jest w języku starannym za niepoprawną – powinniśmy mówić i pisać: If I/you/he/they were. W potocznej angielszczyźnie was używane jest bez skrupułów.

Zdania warunkowe trzeciego typu. Forma bazowa: If + Past Perfect (zdanie podrzędne)|would + perfect infinitive (zdanie nadrzędne). W zdaniu podrzędnym można posłużyć się Past Perfect Continuous a w zdaniu nadrzędnym could/might + perfect infitive lub would/might + perfect continuous infinitive. Zdaniami warunkowymi trzeciego typu posługujemy się, żeby wypowiedzieć przypuszczenia i domysły dotyczące przeszłości. Wypowiedzi te są zaledwie domniemaniami traktującymi o tym, co mogłoby mieć miejsce kiedyś, gdyby został spełniony określony warunek.

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. Gdybym nie widział to na własne oczy, nie uwierzyłbym. He would have got married if he had met the right woman. Ożeniłby się, gdyby poznał odpowiednią kobietę. The dish would have been tasty if it had been warm. Potrawa byłaby smaczna, gdyby była ciepła. Mieszane okresy warunkowe Możliwe jest krzyżowanie ze sobą segmentów poszczególnych typów okresów warunkowych. Tworzy się wtedy tzw. mieszane okresy warunkowe. Dzięki temu można precyzyjniej wypowiadać się o uwarunkowaniach i możliwościach w dziedzinie, o której mówimy. Najczęściej spotyka się łączenie: a) Past + Present

If you had taken my advice you wouldn’t be in this position now. Gdybyś posłuchał mojej rady, nie byłbyś teraz w tej sytuacji. b) Present + Past

If he were honest, he wouldn’t have kept it from you. Gdyby był szczery, nie ukrywałby tego przed tobą.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E c) Past + Future

If she hadn’t been taken ill, she would attend the conference next week. Gdyby nie rozchorowała się, wzięłaby udział w konferencji w przyszłym tygodniu. If (you) should, if (I) were to, if it weren’t for, if it hadn’t been for, but for ... Możemy posługiwać się słowem should w zdaniach podrzędnych okresu warunkowego, by powiedzieć o sprawach, których realność jest mało prawdopodobna. Should występuje zazwyczaj w I okresie i łączy się z trybem rozkazującym.

If you should need me, give me a call. Gdybyś mnie potrzebował, zadzwoń do mnie. Zastosowanie zwrotu If (I) were to powoduje, że opisywane przyszłe wydarzenie wydaje się mniej prawdopodobne.

If you were to buy it at a lower price, I would be surprised. Gdybyś to kupił po niższej cenie, byłbym zdziwiony. Wyrażeniami if it weren’t for, if it hadn’t been for, but for posługujemy się w drugim i trzecim okresie warunkowym – są odpowiednikami polskiego bez.

If it weren’t for her good genes, she wouldn’t look so young. Gdyby nie jej dobre geny, nie wyglądałaby tak młodo. If it hadn’t been for the sake of the children, I wouldn’t have helped you. Gdyby nie wzgląd na dzieci, nie pomogłabym ci. But for the traffic, we would have arrived much earlier. Gdyby nie ruch na ulicach, przyjechalibyśmy dużo wcześniej. If it weren’t for their curiosity, children would never learn anything. Gdyby nie ich ciekawość, dzieci nigdy by się niczego nie nauczyły. Inwersja Inwersja jest dopuszczalna w zdaniach z should i were i w zdaniach warunkowych trzeciego typu. Opuszczenie spójnika if jest wówczas obligatoryjne. Jeśli stosujemy inwersję, nie możemy używać przeczenia w postaci ściągniętej.

Should you decide to buy a car, let me know if I can be of any help. Gdybyś się zdecydował kupić samochód, daj znać czy mogę w czymś pomóc.


O zdaniach warunkowych w pigułce

Were I in better shape, I would swim further. Gdybym był w lepszej formie, popłynąłbym dalej. Had I known I would hurt her, I wouldn’t have done it. Gdybym wiedział, że ją zranię, nie zrobiłbym tego. Were I not a taxi driver, I wouldn’t know the town so well. Gdybym nie był taksówkarzem, nie znałbym miasta tak dobrze. Will i would Wyjątkowo możemy uciec się do will oraz would po if. Czynimy tak w uprzejmych prośbach, jak również wówczas, gdy chcemy opisać czyjąś dobrą wolę, podenerwowanie, upór…

If you will follow me, I will show you around the castle. Proszę pójść za mną, oprowadzę was po zamku. I would appreciate it if you gave me a lift. Będę wdzięczny, jeśli mnie podwieziesz. If you won’t wear your seatbelt, you may get hurt. Jeśli nie zapniesz pasów, może stać ci się krzywda.





Sprawdź się 1. 1. a

5. b 6. b 7. c 8. c

9. c 10. a 11. a 12. b

13. c 14. a 15. c 16. b

17. c 18. b 19. c 20. c

2. 1. b

4. c 5. b 6. c

7. a 8. b 9. c

10. b 11. a 12. b

13. a 14. c 15. c

3. 1. a

3. c 4. b

5. b 6. c

7. a 8. b

9. b 10. c

2. b 3. c 4. b 2. a 3. c

2. a

Ćwiczenia 1. 1. am, defend

6. is, have 7. am, take 8. are, grow 9. is, stammers 10. promise, keep

11. smile, dimple 12. aches, take 13. am, write 14. come, entertain 15. is, knits

2. 1. eat, turns

6. drink, get 7. take, trusts 8. smoke, increase 9. do, burns 10. meet, stay

11. are, turn 12. smell, leave 13. give, keep 14. read, learn 15. lie, gives

3. 1. don’t go

5. will get 6. won’t 7. renews 8. lose

9. is 10. agrees

4. 1. train, will be

4. improve, will get 5. gets, will make 6. make, will earn

7. earn, will do

2. is, yawns 3. eat, get 4. is, blushes 5. sit, catch

2. sleep, have 3. are, pay 4. are, goes 5. is, call 2. fires 3. won’t 4. don’t believe 2. are, will start 3. start, will improve

5. 1. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will get fat.

2. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will damage your health. 3. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will change into larger jeans. 4. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will become sluggish. 5. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will suffer from indigestion. 6. If you don’t stop eating fast food, people will make comments at you.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 6. 1. If anyone is interested, here is the link which explains it in depth.

2. If you can work under pressure, join our team. 3. If you want to keep this job, you will do as I tell you. 4. How do you save money if there isn’t much to save? 5. If it is Monday, then the museum is closed. 6. You will be punished if you plagiarise someone else’s work. 7. If she comes round, I will persuade her to change her mind. 8. We will accept the invitation if they invite us to talk. 9. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. 10. I will take you to court if you don’t pay what you owe me.

7. 1. I will come to your birthday party if I get better.

2. I will study at Oxford provided that I win a scholarship. 3. I will lend her money on condition that she promises that she will invest it wisely. 4. I am going to sue him unless he apologises publicly for his comments. 5. If I don’t pass the exam, I will have to repeat the course.

8. 1. crosses, will have

4. blow, will get 5. walk, will have 6. break, will follow

7. itch, is talking

9. 1. won’t get

6. will smile 7. don’t promise 8. don’t apologise 9. won’t get 10. don’t know

11. won’t give 12. will treat 13. want 14. will leave 15. will be

2. lick, can 3. spilled, will soon visit 2. don’t ask 3. won’t help 4. doesn’t try 5. will lose

10. 1. If you were a chameleon, you would be able to change your body colour.

2. If I were a tiger, I would have black stripes. 3. If she were a bee, she would feed on nectar. 4. If I were an ant, I would smell with my antennae. 5. If he were a chimp, he would have long arms. 6. If they were pigeons, they would coo and strut. 7. If you were a cat, you would always land on your feet. 8. If I were a mouse, I would eat a lot of cheese. 9. If I were an elephant, I would have enormous ears. 10. If he were a frog, he would hop all day long. 11. If you were a bat, you would sleep upside down. 12. If he were a puppy, he would chew slippers. 13. If she were a penguin, she would live in the Antarctic. 14. If I were an ostrich, I would bury my head in the sand. 15. If she were a kangaroo, she would jump high.

11. 1. If international phone calls were less expensive/cheaper, I would call her often.

2. Jack would speak French fluently if his vocabulary weren’t so poor. 3. I would drink Coke if it weren’t bad for teeth. 4. If she didn’t lack a college degree, we would hire her.



5. If Beth weren’t shy, she would talk much. 6. I would go to the party if I had someone to go with me. 7. If I were interested in Napoleon’s time, I would enroll on this course. 8. If he weren’t a professional editor, I wouldn’t ask him to proofread my article. 9. If I were sorry, I would apologise. 10. If he weren’t tired of politics, he would run for the second term. 12. 1. would you be

2. wasn’t for/weren’t for

3. would steal 4. would eat

5. didn’t keep 6. would be

13. 1. could have/had

2. wouldn’t be working/wouldn’t work 3. might be 4. were coming 5. helped/could help 6. weren’t working

14. 1. knew

2. would agree 3. didn’t feel 4. were 5. wouldn’t be

6. had 7. would take 8. lived 9. would have 10. didn’t have

11. were 12. didn’t have 13. would you live 14. won 15. weren’t

15. 1. If people gave smoking, they would feel more energetic and healthy.

2. If the EU accepted Turkey, it would gain a large area. 3. If cars ran on water, they wouldn’t produce pollution. 4. If e-learning replaced classroom-based learning, students would study from home. 5. If football matches were free of hooliganism, football stadiums would be safe places. 6. If all people spoke a common language, they wouldn’t maintain their cultural differences.

16. 1. would be

2. weren’t 3. sees 4. criticises

5. weren’t 6. wouldn’t have 7. go 8. will be

9. don’t 10. will put

17. 1. He wouldn’t have lost his job if he had been committed to it.

2. Jerry wouldn’t have slipped on the icy steps at his home if he had removed the ice. 3. If I had kept my mouth shut, I wouldn’t have offended him. 4. If we had been invited, we would have come to his ranch. 5. I wouldn’t have failed the exam if I had studied hard. 6. If she hadn’t been wearing high heels, she wouldn’t have sprained her ankle. 7. If Kate could have afforded it, she would have redecorated her kitchen. 8. If Tom hadn’t run fast, he would have been late to work. 9. We wouldn’t have got lost if you hadn’t given us bad directions. 10. The situation wouldn’t have become worse if Jack had been polite.



11. The police wouldn’t have towed my car if I had parked legally. 12. If I hadn’t bought a lottery ticket, I wouldn’t have hit the jackpot. 13. If Sophie hadn’t washed her blouse in hot water, it wouldn’t have shrunk. 14. If the wind hadn’t been so strong, it wouldn’t have blown the roof off. 15. If Mark had been hard-working, he would have gone to college. 18. 1. If she hadn’t grown up in a bilingual family, she wouldn’t have learnt two languages.

2. If it hadn’t rained for two days in a row, the river wouldn’t have flooded. 3. If Martin hadn’t eaten too much, he wouldn’t have got sick. 4. If they hadn’t offered her a low-paid job, she wouldn’t have refused. 5. If she hadn’t been interested in astronomy, her parents wouldn’t have bought her a telescope. 6. If the prisoner hadn’t behaved well, he wouldn’t have been released prematurely. 7. If Tom hadn’t fallen down the stairs, he wouldn’t have broken his leg. 8. If the referee hadn’t been biased against us, we wouldn’t have lost the match. 9. If the villagers hadn’t cut down the trees illegally, they wouldn’t have been fined. 10. If she had had other choice, she wouldn’t have agreed. 11. If I had put on a sweater, I wouldn’t have caught a cold. 12. If Jenny had been satisfied with her job, she wouldn’t have quit. 13. If Owen had set the alarm for 6 o’clock, he wouldn’t have overslept. 14. If the film hadn’t been a success, a sequel wouldn’t have been made. 15. If the price hadn’t been discounted, I wouldn’t have bought the shoes.

19. 1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-c, 7-c, 8-a 20. 1. hadn’t, wouldn’t have

2. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have 3. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have been

4. had, wouldn’t have been 5. had been, would have

21. 2. If I had studied hard, I would have been one of the brightest students…

3. If I had studied hard, I would have worked at NASA upon graduation… 4. If I had studied hard, I would have become a famous scientist… 5. If I had studied hard, I would have made amazing discoveries… 6. If I had studied hard, I would have been awarded the Nobel Prize…

22. 1. had paid attention

2. had chosen 3. hadn’t spilt 4. had had

5. hadn’t provoked 6. had been brought up 7. had taken 8. hadn’t been

23. a) If Beth hadn’t left her blinds open, the thief wouldn’t have seen that she left

money on the table. He wouldn’t have broken into her flat and he wouldn’t have stolen the money. b) If Michael were apologetic, he would apologise for what he’s said and I would forgive him. c) If Philip hadn’t been drunk, he wouldn’t have lost control of the car, he wouldn’t have run into a tree and he wouldn’t have injured his back.



d) If Martha weren’t a technophobe, she would buy a mobile phone and I would be able to phone her more often. e) If Dorothy hadn’t been angry, she wouldn’t have bitten her lip and it wouldn’t have bled. 24. a)

1. borrows 2. pays 3. will he owe

b) 1. are going

c) 1. didn’t talk 2. could

d) 1. were 2. would have picked

25. Proponowane odpowiedzi.

1. If the inmates hadn’t escaped, they wouldn’t have got involved in an armed robbery. 2. If the snow hadn’t been so heavy, the training wouldn’t have been cancelled. 3. If the driver hadn’t been drinking, he wouldn’t have hit the bus filled with tourists. 4. If the Arkansas students hadn’t worn armbands to school, they wouldn’t have been punished. 5. If the children hadn’t played with matches, they wouldn’t have started a Duplex fire. 6. Falcon wouldn’t have been in trouble if he hadn’t violated drug policy. 7. Six people wouldn’t have been imprisoned if they hadn’t logged trees illegally.

26. 1. But for the flood, they wouldn’t have lost everything.

2. But for the war, we wouldn’t have moved to the USA. 3. But for the televised presidential debates, Kennedy wouldn’t have been elected. 4. But for the discount, I wouldn’t have bought the car. 5. But for the tip, the police wouldn’t have caught the criminals.

27. 1. But for

4. If it hadn’t been for 5. If it weren’t for 6. If we were to open

7. If it hadn’t been for his drinking

28. 1. Were someone to use

5. Had he been re-elected 6. Had the fire spread 7. Had he not agreed 8. Were he not

9. But for / had it not been for 10. Should you wish

29. 1. Were Hank to mow

4. Had Jerry not been 5. Should you not be

6. Had I known 7. Were he not to continue

30. 1. unless

5. as long as 6. on condition that 7. provided that 8. as long as

9. in case 10. otherwise 11. unless 12. or else

2. should 3. should

2. Should you find 3. But for 4. Were she to work

2. Should he win 3. Should Maura offer 2. unless 3. Suppose 4. Supposing


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 31. 1. Take a torch in case the power goes out.

2. Pack wind-proof clothes in case the weather changes. 3. Keep this compass in case you get lost in the woods. 4. Take a raincoat in case it rains. 5. Take a painkiller in case you get a headache. 6. Pack insect repellent in case mosquitoes are biting. 7. Carry a knife in case you have to cut something. 8. Bring a blanket in case you need to keep warm. 9. Prepare a first aid kit in case you need to treat an injury. 10. Carry a sleeping bag in case you have to sleep out overnight.

32. 1. In case of

2. in case 3. If

4. If 5. in case of 6. in case

7. if 8. in case/if 9. in case

10. in case

33. 1. I will give you a ring when I get there.

2. Tony takes a day off when he is ill. 3. I will be fired if I don’t get this in tomorrow. 4. He will become the world champion unless something unexpected happens. 5. What will you do if you don’t get this job? 6. I will pay my overdraft off as soon as I get the money. 7. You won’t lose weight unless you change the way you eat. 8. Please, send me a message as soon as you know anything.

34. 1. Unless we leave now, we will miss the train.

2. Tom wouldn’t have won but for his opponent’s indisposition. 3. If you should see Michael, tell him to get in touch with his old friends. 4. Apologise or else I will take you to court. 5. Take a street map in case you get lost. 6. I would move to the suburbs on condition that my family accepted it. 7. I will go with you whether you like it or not. 8. Had he not sped along at over 100 miles per hour, he wouldn’t have run into a ditch. 9. If you would help me with the washing-up, I would appreciate it. 10. It would be unwise of you if you didn’t attend the meeting. 11. If you will wait, the doctor will see you in 5 minutes. 12. Call me to remind me. Otherwise I will forget it. 13. I am going to marry her whether you give your consent or not. 14. You can make a difference as long as you vote. 15. Supposing he is right? What then?

35. 1. If Tom weren’t colour blind, he would have got a driving licence.

2. If she weren’t shy, she would have objected. 3. If I had a sense of direction, I wouldn’t have ended in a strange place. 4. If Agnes weren’t claustrophobic, she would have gone into the cave. 5. If Mr Edwards weren’t bald, he wouldn’t have bought a toupee. 6. If their car weren’t so old, it wouldn’t have broken down in the middle of nowhere.



7. He wouldn’t be injured if he had been wearing his seat belt. 8. If Sue didn’t want to lose weight, she wouldn’t have bought a stationary bike. 9. If she were self-confident, she would have got past the interview. 10. If Paul weren’t entrepreneurially minded, he wouldn’t have set up his own company. 11. If I liked mushrooms, I would have gone mushroom hunting. 12. If Chloe were a great lawyer, she wouldn’t have lost the case. 13. If Beth didn’t speak German, she wouldn’t have quoted Thomas Mann in her speech. 14. If Martha knew what she wanted, she would have made up her mind. 15. If she didn’t sing well, she wouldn’t have participated in a music competition. 36. 1. wouldn’t be

2. weren’t 3. would have let 4. would be driving 5. hadn’t eaten

6. would have bought 7. weren’t 8. would be 9. had told 10. wouldn’t have

11. were 12. had studied 13. had gone 14. had changed 15. wouldn’t be

37. 1. If Chris had got on with his boss, he wouldn’t be jobless.

2. If Tony hadn’t squandered all his money, he wouldn’t be broke. 3. If I had drunk coffee, I would be fully awake. 4. If she hadn’t perjured herself at trial, she wouldn’t be in prison. 5. If she had studied English grammar, she wouldn’t make many grammar mistakes. 6. If George hadn’t dropped out of school, he wouldn’t work as a janitor. 7. If Adam hadn’t injured his back, he wouldn’t be afraid to ski now. 8. If her grandmother hadn’t been born in Hungary, she wouldn’t speak Hungarian. 9. If they had taken off their shoes, the parquet floor wouldn’t be very dirty. 10. If she hadn’t won the lottery, she wouldn’t lead a very hedonistic life. 11. If Jennifer hadn’t cried the whole night, her eyes would be puffy now. 12. If Roger hadn’t appeared in a series of commercials, his face wouldn’t be recognizable. 13. If the bank hadn’t given us a real estate loan, we wouldn’t live in an elegant house now. 14. If you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t be disappointed now. 15. If we had mown the grass, it wouldn’t be overgrown now.

38. 1. If he had fixed the roof, it wouldn’t be leaking now.

2. If Kate were careful with money, she wouldn’t have run up huge debts. 3. If we didn’t smoke, we wouldn’t have bought the nicotine patches. 4. If Chloe hadn’t travelled so extensively with her family, she wouldn’t know the world so well. 5. If she hadn’t let me down, I would trust her. 6. If Ryan had a sense of humour, he would have laughed at that joke. 7. If we hadn’t messed it up, we wouldn’t be in this quandary to begin with. 8. If she were discreet, she would have kept it to herself. 9. If they had repaired the streetlights, the square wouldn’t be poorly lit now. 10. If Tom didn’t like sweets, he wouldn’t have been tempted by the dessert.


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 39. 1. Mr Brown said that if he lost his job, he would have no means of income.

2. She said that Kathy would be flattered if he complimented her on her looks. 3. Melly said that she would be anxious if she were to give a talk to a large audience. 4. Susan said that if she had been shorter, it would have been easier for her to find a boyfriend. 5. She told him that he would catch a cold if he didn’t put his jacket on. 6. He asked me what I would do if I found lots of money in a rubbish bin. 7. She asked Bill if he would donate blood if a stranger needed it badly. 8. Mike said that if he were to vote, he would intentionally vote for the last candidate on the list. 9. Alice said that it would be better if she heard it from me. 10. He told me that if I had it ready that week, he would pay me double. 11. Kim said that the audience wouldn’t have booed if the performance hadn’t been so awful. 12. Jack said that if he had been a teen again, he would have been less critical of his parents.

40. 1. She told me to put on a sweater if I was cold.

She said that if I was cold, I was to put on a sweater. 2. Paul told me/asked me to call him if I saw Rose. Paul said that if I saw Rose, I was to call him. 3. He told me to see a doctor if I wasn’t well. He told me that if I wasn’t well, I was to see a doctor. 4. Dad told me to get a taxi if I had heavy luggage. Dad said that if I had heavy luggage, I was to get a taxi. 5. Bob told me/asked me to check it for him if I had a moment. Bob said that if I had a moment, I was to check it for him 6. He told me to let him know if I hit upon a solution. He said that if I hit upon a solution, I was to let him know.

41. 1. barks, comes

8. cross, changes 9. feel, travel 10. is, says 11. drink, drive 12. go, buy 13. hurt, changes 14. eats, sees, gets

42. 1. won’t go, don’t come

9. is, will be able 10. will crash, don’t update 11. interrupts, will leave 12. will look, put 13. will be, don’t come 14.don’t leave, will call 15. is, will be

2. go, blames 3. go, is 4. are, am not 5. goes, don’t fasten 6. visit, bring 7. leave, goes

2. go, ask 3. feel, take 4. don’t score, won’t graduate 5. buy, will get 6. will regret, don’t take 7. is, won’t get 8. don’t recycle, will run

15. purr, are 16. melts, turns 17. burn, chop 18. holds, makes, sees 19. is, is 20. shake, explodes


Key 43. 1. it rains

2. you read him a bedtime story 3. will take you out for dinner

4. you pay it back next week 5. you pay me 6. it’s still there

44. 1. won’t forgive her ….. she apologises to me

2. will let you go …. you promise me you will get back home before midnight 3. will go out to dinner with you …. everyone pays for themselves 4. you have a good breakfast … won’t be hungry before lunch 5. won’t bother you again … you tell me where she is 6. won’t let you go out to play … you don’t tidy your room 7. will be able to help you … you tell me the truth 8. you believe in what you do … will be able to succeed 9. will be able to run a marathon … you jog everyday for at least 30 minutes 10. will be able to find a job in a good law firm … you graduate from a law school in the top 10%.

45. 1. when

6. If 7. If 8. When 9. if 10. When

46. 1. in case

6. in case 7. in case 8. if 9. in case 10. if

2. if 3. If 4. When 5. When 2. if 3. in case 4. If 5. in case

47. 1. If you touch the iron, you will burn your fingers.

2. If you eat sweets before lunch, you will ruin your appetite. 3. If you park your car here, it will be towed away 4. If you stay in the sun too long, you will get a sunburn 5. If you ride your bike on the pavement, you will get a ticket. 6. If you leave your socks on the floor, I will throw them out. 7. If you take hot baths, you will irritate your skin. 8. If you slouch, you will have a hunchback. 9. If you cheat in the test, you will automatically get an F. 10. If you wear new shoes for more than an hour at a time, your feet will hurt.

48. 1. were

2. forgot 3. wouldn’t marry 4. didn’t air 5. could join 6. won 7. wouldn’t mind 8. were 9. rebooted


10. were 11. listened 12. could be 13. would have 14. were 15. didn’t feel 16. could read 17. had 18. would understand

ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 49. 1. had, would stop

5. would cycle, were 6. had, would never sunbathe 7. were, would ask 8. weren’t, would be

9. wanted, could 10. weren’t, would find 11. would keep, weren’t 12. were, wouldn’t need

50. 1. b

5. b 6. a 7. b 8. b

9. a 10. a 11. b 12. a

51. 1. supposing

5. Assuming that 6. even if 7. If only 8. unless

9. otherwise 10. Imagine 11. or else 12. What if

52. 1. provided case 7. But for 8. Supposing 9. Should a fire break out 10. if you happen to be

11. Imagine 12. But for that 13. in case of 14. If it weren’t for 15. If

53. 1. even if

6. in case 7. Should you happen to 8. If it weren’t for 9. even if 10. Suppose

2. would be, had 3. were, would look 4. would be, took

2. a 3. a 4. a

2. provided that 3. on condition that 4. as long as 2. otherwise 3. Even if 4. unless 5. as long as

2. unless 3. provided 4. only of 5. Were it not for

54. 1. hadn’t danced, wouldn’t have fallen

2. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have forgotten 3. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have stepped 4.had had, wouldn’t have got 5. might have run, hadn’t acted 6. wouldn’t have made, hadn’t had 7. hadn’t been, would have known 8. would have been, hadn’t been 9. hadn’t rushed, would have burnt 10. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have become 11. would have never forgiven, hadn’t jumped 12. hadn’t followed, would have been 13. would have laughed, hadn’t been 14. hadn’t been, would have finished 15. might have happened, had sent

55. 1. If Jim hadn’t broken his mother’s favourite cup, he wouldn’t have been given

a reprimand. 2. If it had worked out, I wouldn’t have been unhappy/I would have been happy. 3. If Chris hadn’t got in a fight with his sister, he wouldn’t have been punished.



4. If you hadn’t touched the hot stove, you wouldn’t have burned your hand. 5. If he had warned me, I would have been prepared. 6. If the scandal hadn’t made the headlines, it wouldn’t have become public. 7. If she had added some spices, the dish would have tasted (much) better. 8. If her parents hadn’t been always busy with work, they wouldn’t have spoiled her with expensive clothes. 9. If I hadn’t been provoked, I wouldn’t have said it. 10. If I hadn’t known who he was, I wouldn’t have recognised him. 56. 1. hadn’t taken, wouldn’t have recovered

2. hadn’t agreed, wouldn’t have got 3. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have forgotten 4. hadn’t been sitting, would never have sat 5. hadn’t failed, wouldn’t have embarked 6. hadn’t paid, would have left 7. wouldn’t have rolled, hadn’t forgotten 8. would have happened, hadn’t been 9. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have written 10. wouldn’t have forgiven, hadn’t helped 11. would have cooperated, had asked 12. would have achieved, hadn’t been 13. wouldn’t have made, hadn’t known 14. wouldn’t have minded, hadn’t done 15. hadn’t married, would have finished 16. had just left, would have happened 17. hadn’t overheard, wouldn’t have guessed 18. had had, would have told

57. 1. wouldn’t have burst

9. would have been 10. would have rated 11. would have burnt 12. wouldn’t have been 13. wouldn’t have bought 14. wouldn’t have lost 15. would have probably been

2. wouldn’t have been 3. would have been 4. wouldn’t have stayed 5. wouldn’t have done 6. would have died 7. would have enjoyed 8. would have spent

58. 1. a

2. c

3. b 4. a

5. b 6. c

7. a 8. b

59. 1. Were it not for the fact that he is rich, she wouldn’t be interested in him.

2. If it hadn’t been for Emily’s involvement, the deal wouldn’t have gone so far. 3. But for the severe drought, the crop wouldn’t have been lost. 4. The food wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t been cold. 5. But for his parents, he wouldn’t have achieved so much in life. 6. If it weren’t for my mild headache, I would feel perfectly fine.



7. They will get to play against France in the semi-finals should they win today. 8. Had it not been for so many unforced errors, she would have won easily. 60. 1. Had I not known

2. But for the government’s quick action/ Had the government not acted quickly/If it weren’t for the government’s quick action/Were it not for the government’s quick action 3. If you happen to see/If you should happen to see/Should you see/If you see/If you were to see 4. If he offered/If he were to offer/Were he to offer /If he should offer/Should he offer 5. Were it not for the railing/But for the railing/If it hadn’t been for the railing 6. But for his interruption/If it weren’t for his interruption/Were it not for his interruption/Had he not interrupted 7. But for her help/ Had she not helped/But for her helping/If it weren’t for her help/Were it not for her help 8. If you happen to be dissatisfied/If you should be dissatisfied /Should you not be satisfied/If you aren’t satisfied 9. Were it not for the police’s negligent investigation/But for the police’s negligent investigation/Had it not been for the police’s negligent investigation 10. But for his charisma/If it weren’t for his charisma/Had he not had charisma 11. Should the river flood/If the river flooded/Supposing the river flooded 12. Were birds not to migrate/If birds didn’t migrate 13. If our town were to have been hit/Had our town been hit

61. 1. If I had put the milk in the fridge yesterday, it wouldn’t be sour now.

2. If I hadn’t lost my temper with her, she would be speaking to me now. 3. If Jack hadn’t got a big tattoo on his upper arm, he wouldn’t regret it so much now. 4. If he hadn’t lied to me, we would be together now. 5. If he had taken school seriously, he would have a good education. 6. If Rob hadn’t given up his political career, he wouldn’t be living a quiet life now. 7. If I hadn’t cycled a long way yesterday, my legs wouldn’t be sluggish today. 8. If you had told me about your problems earlier, I could help you. 9. If I hadn’t read J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis as a child, I wouldn’t be a writer. 10. If the coach hadn’t been supportive then, I wouldn’t still be playing. 11. If I hadn’t been passed over for promotion, I wouldn’t be disappointed. 12. If he were such a good psychologist, he would have diagnosed my condition.

62. 1. weren’t, wouldn’t have had

2. were, wouldn’t have bought 3. could stand, would have become 4. weren’t, would have paid 5. weren’t, would have booked 6. didn’t believe, wouldn’t have written



7. weren’t, would have remembered 8. had, wouldn’t have worn 9. wanted, would have done 10. didn’t love, wouldn’t have adopted 63. 1. g

2. j 3. h 4. m

5. a 6. l 7. c

8. f 9. k 10. b

11. e 12. i 13. d

64. 1. slow, will burn

2. would ... do, were, would talk, don’t tell, finds, will ... forgive 3. were, would ... go 4. had, wouldn’t mind, were 5. are, will get 6. had collapsed, would have been 7. spent, would be 8. hadn’t encouraged, wouldn’t have passed 9. improves, will go 10. would ... have recorded, hadn’t split, wouldn’t have made 11. could travel, could do, would ... be, could travel, would do 12. want 13. couldn’t find, Would ... park

65. 1. Would ... be

2. hadn’t scored 3. wouldn’t have crashed 4. had known 5. wouldn’t have packed 6. were 7. would/might/could have been 8. would see 9. would have gone 10. gets 11. were 12. wouldn’t have scorched 13. meant

66. 1. a

2. b 3. b 4. c 5. c


6. a 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. c

14. would ask 15. wouldn’t have happened 16. wouldn’t have handled 17. hadn’t given 18. missed 19. hadn’t responded 20. hadn’t been/weren’t 21. hadn’t remarried 22. doesn’t rain 23. changes/will change 24. have 25. have 11. b 12. a 13. c 14. c 15. b

16. a 17. c 18. b 19. a 20. c

ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E 67. 1. will follow

9. will take 10. will advise 11. will look 12. will ...wait 13. – 14. – 15. will wear

68. a)

b) 1. wouldn’t have been driving 2. wouldn’t drive 3. don’t drive 4. won’t drive 5. might not drive

2. – 3. will lend 4. – 5. will eat 6. – 7. will drive 8. –

1. would have gone 2. would go 3. would be going 4. go 5. will go

69. 1. a) As long as

b) the meat won’t be tender and juicy

2. a) provided b) you mind the queues 3. a) If it hadn’t been for b) we would have ended up in real trouble

5. a) if b) you don’t want me to 6. a) in case b) an emergency 7. a) Supposing b) inherit a decent sum of money

4. a) unless b) you don’t eat it in large amounts 70. 1. He said that if he were to live only on fruit and vegetables, he would be

unhappy. 2. She told me that I wouldn’t lose weight if I asked for a second helping of everything. 3. Mark said that if she had listened to her intuition, she would have known what was best for her. 4. Sophie told Jack that if he hadn’t been so obstinate he would have admitted that she was right. 5. He said that if she hadn’t had her career, she would have felt unfulfilled. 6. She said that if scientists found a cure for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, people would be able to live longer lives. 7. Harry said that if she hadn’t fallen down the stairs, she wouldn’t have injured her leg. 8. Lily said to Mike that she would have felt sorry for her if she hadn’t been so mean. 9. Mrs Robbins said that Jill’s life wouldn’t have been so miserable if she could have afforded little everyday things.



10. Helen told me that if I didn’t lower my voice, I would wake everybody up. 11. Dorothy said that if her boys hadn’t been so lazy, she wouldn’t have had to nag them about almost everything. 12. Claire asked Paul what he would do if someone pointed a gun at him. 71. 1. Robin told me to come by for a coffee if I had time.

Robin told me that if I had time, I was to come by for a coffee. 2. The teacher told us to do Part 4 for extra credit if we finished early. The teacher told us that if we finished early, we were to do Part 4 for extra credit. 3. He told me to call her if I heard from Jim. He told me that if I heard from Jim, I was to call her. 4. Mum told me to put the rubbish bin out if it was full. Mum told me that if the rubbish bin was full, I was to put it out. 5. She told me to complete the survey if I had a couple of minutes to spare. She told me that if I had a couple of minutes to spare, I was to complete the survey. 6. She told us to leave our shoes outside the door if they were dirty. She told us that if our shoes were dirty, we were to leave them outside the door. 7. He told me to let him know if Bob bothered me again. He told me that if Bob bothered me again, I was to let him know. 8. She told us to take him to hospital if he got any worse. She told us that if he got any worse, we were to take him to hospital. 9. His mother told him not to reply if a stranger talked to him. His mother told him that if a stranger talked to him, he was not to reply. 10. Claire told me to stay at home if it rained. Claire told me that if it rained, I was to stay at home.

72. 1. tells

2. need 3. If it weren’t for 4. Were it not 5. hadn’t hit 6. called 7. wouldn’t 8. left 9. work


10. But for 11. wouldn’t be clinging 12. should 13. Unless you keep/If you don’t keep 14. borrowed 15. offered 16. wouldn’t have raised 17. If

ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


Notatki ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


ANGIELSKI T R Y B Y W A R U N K O W E ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


Notatki ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________