Angielski : mowa zależna i niezależna : repetytorium 9788378923268, 9788378923367

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Table of contents :
Spis treści
Sprawdź się
1. Interpunkcja w mowie niezależnej
2. Czasowniki wprowadzające
3. Zmiany dotyczące czasów
4. Zmiany dotyczące czasowników modalnych
5. Zmiany dotyczące określeń czasu i miejsca
6. Zmiany dotyczące zaimków
7. Inne zmiany
8. Pytania w mowie zależnej
9. Polecenia, zakazy, rady i prośby
10. Zdania wykrzyknikowew mowie zależnej
11. Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej
12. Streszczenie wypowiedzi
13. Powtórzenie i ugruntowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia
14. O mowie niezależnej i zależnej w pigułce
Recommend Papers

Angielski : mowa zależna i niezależna : repetytorium
 9788378923268, 9788378923367

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ANGIELSKII Mowa zależna i niezależna



• Najważniejsze konstrukcje •Przykłady użycia i praktyczne wskazówki • Ćwiczenia i testy z kluczem wydawnictwo LINGO

Anna Treger



Mowa zależna i niezależna

Konsultacja językowa: Alisa Mitchel Masiejczyk

Redaktor serii: Marek Jannasz Redakcja i korekta: Paweł Pokora, Anna Laskowska Projekt okładki serii: Marcin Rojek, Projekt makiety i opracowanie graficzne: Studio 27, [email protected] Zdjęcie na okładce: © Andy Lidstone /

© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Lingo sp.j., Warszawa 2015 ISBN: 978-83-7892-326-8 ISBN wydania elektronicznego: 978-83-7892-336-7 Skład i łamanie: Studio 27

Spis treści

Wstęp . ....................................................................................................4

Sprawdź się . .....................................................................................7 Wprowadzenie . ....................................................................................10 1.

Interpunkcja w mowie niezależnej . .................................................12


Czasowniki wprowadzające . .............................................................13


Zmiany dotyczące czasów .................................................................19


Zmiany dotyczące czasowników modalnych . ..................................24


Zmiany dotyczące określeń czasu i miejsca . ..................................33


Zmiany dotyczące zaimków . .............................................................36


Inne zmiany . .......................................................................................38


Pytania w mowie zależnej .................................................................39


Polecenia, zakazy, rady i prośby . .....................................................45


Zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zależnej . ..............................49


Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej . ....................................55


Streszczenie wypowiedzi ................................................................58


Powtórzenie i ugruntowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia. ............63


O mowie niezależnej i zależnej w pigułce . .........................76

Key . ....................................................................................................81


Wstęp Chyba każdy uczący się angielskiego chciałby szybko i sprawnie opanować bardziej skomplikowane konstrukcje składniowe, żeby móc swobodniej posługiwać się tym językiem. Nie jest to wcale takie trudne. Aby się o tym przekonać, sięgnij po repetytorium Lingo „Angielski. Mowa zależna i niezależna”.

Książka jest skierowana do uczniów, maturzystów, studentów, osób przygotowujących się do egzaminów językowych, a także wszystkich, którzy chcą uporządkować i poszerzyć swoją wiedzę o jednej z trudniejszych konstrukcji składniowych angielszczyzny. Uwzględnia materiał wymagany na maturze oraz egzaminach takich jak First Certificate in English czy Certificate in Advanced English.

Opłaca się poświęcić nieco trudu nauce gramatyki – bez wątpienia zaowocuje to wyraźnym pogłębieniem biernej i czynnej znajomości angielskiego. Język to przebogate medium umożliwiające komunikację pomiędzy ludźmi. W trakcie jego rozwoju obok imponującego zasobu słownictwa ukształtowało się wiele konstrukcji gramatycznych pozwalających na sprawne przekazywanie informacji. W niniejszej publikacji proponujemy dokładniejsze zaznajomienie się z takim obszarem tematycznym gramatyki angielskiej, który często nastręcza wiele problemów uczącym się języka angielskiego. Jest nim mowa zależna i niezależna.

Podręcznik rozpoczynamy krótkim testem sprawdzającym, który pozwoli zorientować Ci się, jakim zagadnieniom musisz poświęcić więcej uwagi. Rozdziały obejmują wstępną charakterystykę problematyki, której są poświęcone, część



merytoryczną prezentującą odpowiednie zasady gramatyczne zilustrowaną starannie dobranymi przykładami wraz z ich polskimi tłumaczeniami oraz zestaw ćwiczeń pozwalający opanować i utrwalić omawiane zagadnienia. Dwa końcowe rozdziały książki to dodatkowa porcja ćwiczeń a także krótkie podsumowanie omawianych zagadnień w pigułce. Na końcu podręcznika znajdziesz klucz z rozwiązaniami wszystkich ćwiczeń – dzięki niemu łatwo skontrolujesz swoje odpowiedzi.

Angielska mowa zależna i niezależna nie będą miały teraz dla Ciebie tajemnic!

Z życzeniami sukcesów Autorka


Sprawdź się Wykonaj ćwiczenia na następnych dwóch stronach i sprawdź swoją wiedzę. Pomogą Ci one ocenić, na czym należy się skoncentrować w nauce zagadnień przedstawionych w tej książce.


Sprawdź się 1. Poniższe zdania zmień na mowę niezależną. 1. She said that there weren’t any tickets left.


2. Lynn told me she didn’t understand the instruction.


3. He said that he had never planned to be a teacher.


4. Chloe said that she had left her luggage on the train.


5. Mr Bright said that he was moving to the suburbs.


6. Bob told me that he was very upset by her remarks.


7. He said that he had met her the day before.


8. Jacky told me to put the key there.


9. Mark said he would never give up.


10. Andrew said that his new book was coming out the following month.


11. Brian told me that he was sorry for his behaviour.


12. Vince said that he used to smoke like a chimney.


13. He said that the flyover was scheduled to be completed in May.


14. The doctor told me that I needed to start exercising.


15. She said that she wouldn’t object.



ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 2. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania w mowie zależnej. 1. “I will drop by tomorrow.” He told ____________________________ 2. “What have you done?” She asked ____________________________ 3. “You’re looking wonderful today.” He said ____________________________ 4. “Can I call you back?” He asked ____________________________ 5. “This ring is beautiful.” She said ____________________________ 6. “I haven’t got a clue.” She said ____________________________ 7. “I met Jack in a DIY store.” He told ____________________________ 8. “I didn’t enjoy this performance.” She said ____________________________ 9. “We missed the bus by 10 minutes.” He said ____________________________ 10. “You have no reason to be angry.” She said ____________________________ 11. “OK. I will go first.” He agreed ____________________________ 12. “I won’t tell your secret to anyone.” She promised _______________________ 13. “This is really bad.” He said ____________________________ 14. “I like it here.” She said ____________________________ 15. “Cut down on coffee.” He advised ____________________________


Wprowadzenie Komunikacja językowa nie może obejść się bez relacjonowania opinii, stwierdzeń, pytań, sugestii zasłyszanych czy odczytanych. W przypadku przywoływania czyichś słów w piśmie mamy zawsze możliwość wzięcia danej wypowiedzi w cudzysłów i poprzedzenia jej stosownym czasownikiem wprowadzającym takim jak say, tell (najczęściej spotykane) bądź np.: inform, claim, argue. Mamy wtedy do czynienia z mową niezależną (direct speech). Mowy niezależnej używa się przeważnie w języku pisanym, aby przytoczyć dokładnie czyjeś słowa. Występuje w dialogach w powieściach, nowelach i innych utworach literackich. Stosuje się ją w sytuacjach, w których ważna jest precyzja, np. w takich dziedzinach jak prawo czy polityka.

Philip said, “I am tired.” Philip powiedział: „Jestem zmęczony”. “I will call you soon,” Paul told me. „Wkrótce zadzwonię do ciebie” – powiedział Paul. Beth said, “I didn’t expect the truth to come out.” Beth powiedziała: „Nie spodziewałam się, że prawda wyjdzie na jaw”. George Bush said, “Dick Cheney and I will do everything we can to keep the peace.” George Bush powiedział: „Dick Cheney i ja zrobimy wszystko, co możemy, aby utrzymać pokój”. Tony Blair said, “Sometimes the only chance for peace is a readiness for war.” Tony Blair powiedział: „Czasami jedyna szansa na pokój, to gotowość do wojny”. W przypadku wypowiedzi ustnej jesteśmy zdani raczej na mowę zależną (reported/ /indirect speech) – nie występuje tu przecież tak skuteczne narzędzie separacji przytaczanego wyrażenia jakim jest znak cudzysłowu:

Philip said that he was tired. Philip powiedział, że jest zmęczony. Paul told me that he would call me soon. Paul powiedział mi, że wkrótce do mnie zadzwoni. Beth said that she hadn’t expected the truth to come out. Beth powiedziała, że nie spodziewała się, że prawda wyjdzie na jaw. George Bush said that he and Dick Cheney would do everything they could to keep the peace. George Bush powiedział, że Dick Cheney i on zrobią wszystko, co mogą, aby utrzymać pokój. Tony Blair said that sometimes the only chance for peace is a readiness for war. Tony Blair powiedział, że czasami jedyna szansa na pokój to gotowość do wojny. 10

ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A Relacjonując wypowiedzi w mowie zależnej należy zwracać uwagę na następstwo czasów. Zazwyczaj pociąga to za sobą zmianę czasów gramatycznych, określeń czasu i miejsca, zaimków osobowych i dzierżawczych. Musimy również podjąć decyzję czy przytoczyć czyjąś wypowiedź w pełnej rozciągłości, czy może ją skrócić albo zwięźle streścić w kilku słowach, np.:

“I would like to thank my husband, my parents and my friends for supporting me from the beginning,” she said. „Chciałabym podziękować mojemu mężowi, moim rodzicom, moim przyjaciołom za wspieranie mnie od początku” – powiedziała. She thanked everyone for supporting her from the beginning. Podziękowała każdemu za wspieranie jej od początku. The Prime Minister said, “I’ve met governors, mayors, council members and commissionaires to discuss issues related to regional development.” Premier powiedział: „Spotkałem się z gubernatorami, burmistrzami, członkami rady, oraz komisarzami, aby przedyskutować sprawy związane z rozwojem regionalnym”. The Prime Minister said that he had met local government leaders to discuss issues related to regional development. Premier powiedział, że spotkał się z liderami samorządów lokalnych, aby przedyskutować sprawy związane z rozwojem regionalnym.


1. Interpunkcja w mowie niezależnej W języku angielskim znaki cudzysłowu są zawsze na górze, natomiast w języku polskim pierwszy znak jest na dole, a drugi na górze. Według polskiej interpunkcji kropkę stawia się po ostatnim znaku cudzysłowie, zaś w języku angielskim – przed. Zwóćmy uwagę na interpunkcję: gdy zaczynamy od wyrażenia wprowadzającego relację. W języku angielskim po frazie wprowadzającej stawiamy przecinek, natomiast w języku polskim dwukropek.

She said, “I trust you.” Powiedziała: „Ufam ci”. Jeżeli wyrażenie wprowadzające relację znajduje się po zdaniu przytoczonym, wedle angielskiej interpunkcji, przecinek stawiamy po zdaniu i przed drugim znakiem cudzysłowu, zgodnie z polskimi zasadami po znaku przytoczenia umieszczamy myślnik.

“I trust you,” she said. „Ufam ci” – powiedziała.


2. Czasowniki wprowadzające Say i tell to podstawowe czasowniki wprowadzające w mowie zależnej i niezależnej.

W mowie niezależnej say stosuje się bez dopełnienia lub – rzadziej – z dopełnieniem poprzedzonym słowem to, np.:

She said that … Powiedziała, że … He said to me that … Powiedział mi, że … Tell wymaga użycia dopełnienia, np.:

He told me that … Powiedział mi, że … Say i tell można także użyć z bezokolicznikiem.

The doctor said to take a few days off. Lekarz powiedział, żeby wziąć parę dni wolnego. He told me to stay away from her. Powiedział mi, żebym się trzymał od niej z dala. Czasownik say stosuje się nie tylko wtedy, kiedy relacjonujemy czyjąś wypowiedź, ale również gdy przekazujemy wiadomość zapisaną, np.:

The report says that over 850 million people are undernourished. Raport informuje, że ponad 850 milionów ludzi jest niedożywionych. The label says that the shirt was made in China. Metka mówi, że koszula została wyprodukowana w Chinach. The timetable says that the bus will arrive at 8:15. Rozkład jazdy informuje, że autobus przyjedzie o 8.15. The letter says that Paul is staying in Miami. List informuje, że Paul przebywa w Miami. W mowie niezależnej say wprowadza zdanie albo następuje po nim, np.:

She said, “I want to go home.” Powiedziała: „Chcę iść do domu”. “I want to go home,” she said. „Chcę iść do domu” – powiedziała. “I am sleepy,” Greg said. „Jestem śpiący” – powiedział Greg.


Czasowniki wprowadzające Tell w mowie niezależnej występuje tylko w pozycji po zdaniu przytoczonym, np.:

“By all means,” Beth told me. „Ależ oczywiście” – powiedziała mi Beth. “Please, don’t touch the exhibits,” the curator told us. „Proszę nie dotykać eksponatów” – powiedział nam kustosz. Do innych czasowników wprowadzających należą

to admit (that) przyznać to answer that odpowiadać to argue that spierać się, argumentować to assure + dopełnienie (that) zapewniać to claim (that) przekonywać, twierdzić to complain (that) narzekać to deny (that) zaprzeczać to exclaim that wykrzyknąć to explain that tłumaczyć to inform + dopełnienie (that) informować to insist (that) nalegać to moan (that) narzekać to promise (that) obiecywać to protest (that) protestować to remind + dopełnienie (that) przypominać to reply that odpowiadać to mention (that) wspominać, wzmiankować to grumble that narzekać to speculate that spekulować to warn + dopełnienie (that) ostrzegać to convince + dopełnienie (that) przekonywać to notify + dopełnienie + that informować jak również wyrazy pierwotnie oznaczające głosy zwierząt (mogą zawierać element negatywnej oceny)

to snarl warknąć, burknąć, mówić opryskliwie to roar ryknąć to grunt burknąć, mruknąć to bark warknąć to growl warknąć, ryknąć “I very much doubt it,” she replied. „Bardzo w to wątpię” – odpowiedziała.



“I will get you out of this,” he promised. „Wyciągnę cię z tego” – obiecał. “Lord, is that the time!” she exclaimed. „Boże, to już ta godzina!” – wykrzyknęła. “The court has rejected your request,” he notified me. „Sąd odrzucił twoją prośbę” – powiadomił mnie. “My phone bills are too high,” she grumbled. „Moje rachunki telefoniczne są zbyt wysokie” – narzekała. “I am guilty,” he admitted. „Jestem winny” – przyznał. “It is a non-governmental organisation,” she explained. „To jest organizacja pozarządowa” – wytłumaczyła. “It won’t do any good,” he protested. „To nie przyniesie niczego dobrego” – protestował. “Hubba-hubba is an old-fashioned word,” she argued. „Hubba-hubba jest przestarzałym słowem” – argumentowała. “Get out of my way!” he barked. „Zejdź mi z drogi!” – warknął. “Go to hell!” he roared. „Idź do diabła!” – ryknął. Po większości powyższych czasowników spójnik that może być pominięty (that jest w nawiasie). W pozostałych przypadkach nie należy go pomijać. Przy niektórych czasownikach (np. assure) zostało zaznaczone dopełnienie. Oznacza to, że czasowniki te, podobnie jak tell, występują wyłącznie z dopełnieniem.

Aby przekazać ton wypowiedzi, czasownik wprowadzający należy uzupełnić odpowiednim przysłówkiem, np.:

she said angrily powiedziała gniewnie, ze złością she said brutally powiedziała brutalnie she said rudely powiedziała niegrzecznie she said confidently powiedziała z przekonaniem she said convincingly powiedziała przekonująco she said decidedly powiedziała zdecydowanie she said fiercely powiedziała gwałtownie she said foolishly powiedziała głupio she said harshly powiedziała szorstko


Czasowniki wprowadzające

she said honestly powiedziała szczerze she said intentionally powiedziała celowo she said loudly powiedziała głośno she said passionately powiedziała namiętnie, z pasją she said patiently powiedziała cierpliwie she said sarcastically powiedziała sarkastycznie she said sharply powiedziała ostro she said shyly powiedziała nieśmiało she said sympathetically powiedziała współczująco she said bitterly powiedziała gorzko “Poor you,” she said sympathetically. „Biedaku” – powiedziała współczująco. “You always know better,” he said bitterly. „Ty zawsze wiesz lepiej” – powiedział gorzko. “You will regret it,” she said fiercely. „Pożałujesz tego” – powiedziała gwałtownie. “Mind your own business,” he said rudely. „Pilnuj swojego nosa” – powiedział niegrzecznie. “How I love reading,” she said passionately. „Jak ja lubię czytać” – powiedziała z pasją. “I won’t wait,” he said decidedly. „Nie będę czekać” – powiedział zdecydowanie. “Leave it to me, I will manage,” she said confidently. „Zostaw to mnie, poradzę sobie” – powiedziała z przekonaniem. “Don’t be stupid,” he said angrily. „Nie bądź głupi” – powiedział ze złością. “Shut up, you half-wit,” she said brutally „Zamknij się, ty półgłówku” – powiedziała brutalnie. “This is for you,” he said shyly. „To jest dla ciebie” – powiedział nieśmiało.


Po mowie niezależnej może zajść inwersja przez zamianę miejsc podmiotu z orzeczeniem, jeżeli w zdaniu nie występuje przysłówek ani dopełnienie.

“Where did you get this?” asked my father. „Skąd to masz?” – zapytał mój ojciec. 16


“Open the door this instant,” my father said angrily „Natychmiast otwórz drzwi” – powiedział mój ojciec ze złością. “Black is black and white is white,” he told me. „Czarne jest czarne, a białe jest białe” – powiedział mi.

Ćwiczenia 1. Dopasuj poniższe czasowniki wprowadzające do zdań 1–10. Ask, promise, deny, exclaim (2x), whisper, explain, complain, admit, assure Wzór: “What is this supposed to be?” he asked.

1. “Who’s calling, please?” 2. “I’m not a child!” 3. “Shh, not so loud.” 4. “My left shoulder hurts terribly.” 5. “Go away!” 6. “I will get you out of this.” 7. “Yes, I cheated in the exam.” 8. “I didn’t say that.” 9. “They will get here in time.” 10. “Green tea cools the body.” 2. Dopasuj nazwy z kolumny A do napisów informacyjnych z kolumny B. A

1. CV 2. diary 3. guidebook 4. invitation 5. label 6. notice 7. leaflet 8. prescription 9. receipt 10. recipe


a) It says that it should be taken on an empty stomach. b) It says that people may register by phone. c) It says that refunds won’t be given after 25 days. d) It says that it is a medium to full coverage foundation. e) It says that the meeting is at 4 o’clock. f) It says that the course is available to graduate students. g) It says that the floor is wet. h) It says that the cake should be baked for 40 to 50 minutes. i) It says that the palace was restored in 1800. j) It says that the he has graduated from Oxford.

3. Znajdź i popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach.

1. He reminded to me that it was her birthday. 2. She replied me that she hadn’t heard anything.


Czasowniki wprowadzające

3. He assured that it would be easy. 4. The desk clerk informed that there were no rooms available. 5. He admitted me that he offended them. 6. The teacher explained us that Islam doesn’t allow extra-marital relationships. 7. He promised that he would stop lying. 8. She complained that she was unfairly treated. 9. The landlord moaned that we used too much water. 10. She claimed that the telephone bill was paid the previous week. 4. Dopasuj do zdań w mowie niezależnej 1–5 ich odpowiedniki sformułowane w mowie niezależnej a–e. a)

1. “I will not trouble you.” 2. “I will be polite.” 3. “I will arrive on time.” 4. “I won’t charge any fee.” 5. “I won’t tell anyone.” b)

1. “I didn’t tell them anything.” 2. “No, I told the truth.” 3. “I didn’t say that.” 4. “I didn’t take part in it.” 5. “I didn’t say who I am.”

a) He promised to be punctual. b) He promised to be discreet. c) He promised not to demand payment. d) He promised not to bother me. e) He promised to behave himself. a) She denied that she had made such an utterance. b) She denied that she had been involved in the operation. c) She denied that he had been guilty of leaking the information to the media. d) She denied that she had revealed her identity. e) She denied that she had lied.

5. Znajdź w kolumie B właściwego mówcę dla zdań w kolumnie A. A

1. “The soil was not treated with fertilizers,” 2. “It suits your figure,” 3. “I need this report by noon,” 4. “Practise your spelling,” 5. “I gave up on acting,” 6. “I will stand for election,” 7. “Please don’t touch the exhibits,” 8. “Get undressed,”



a) the doctor told me. b) the actor said. c) the boss said. d) the politician said. e) the shop assistant told me. f) the curator said. g) the teacher told me. h) the farmer said.

3. Zmiany dotyczące czasów Present Simple  Past Simple Present Continuous  Past Continuous Present Perfect  Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous  Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple  Past Perfect Past Continuous  Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous  pozostają bez zmian Will w czasach przyszłych  would

W zasadzie czas przeszły zamieniamy na zaprzeszły, ale przy wyraźnym umiejscowieniu wydarzenia w przeszłości czas może pozostać bez zmian. Zdanie:

“Sue earned her master’s degree in May,” she said. „Sue otrzymała tytuł magistra w maju” – powiedziała. może być przekształcone na mowę zależną na dwa sposoby:

She said that Sue earned/had earned her master’s degree in May. Ona powiedziała, że Sue otrzymała tytuł magistra w maju. Ale zdanie:

“I played bass guitar.” „Grałem na gitarze basowej.” musi zostać zmienione na:

He told me that he had played bass guitar. Powiedział mi, że grał na gitarze basowej. W wypadku gdybyśmy pozostawili czas Simple Past w mowie zależnej (He told me that he played bass guitar), zdanie to mogłoby oznaczać, że on wciąż gra na gitarze basowej. ale:

He told me that he played bass guitar when he was a child. Powiedział mi, że grał na gitarze basowej, kiedy był dzieckiem. Również Past Continuous może pozostać bez zmiany w mowie zależnej, jeśli nie odnosi się do ukończonej czynności, np.:

“When I saw him he was painting the house.” „Kiedy go zobaczyłam, on malował dom”.


Zmiany dotyczące czasów

She told me that when she saw him he was painting the house. Powiedziała mi, że kiedy go zobaczyła, on malował dom. ale:

“I was considering resigning, but my husband talked me out of it.” „Rozważałam odejście, ale mój mąż odwiódł mnie od tego”. She told me that she had been considering resigning, but her husband had talked her out of it. Powiedziała mi, rozważała odejście, ale jej mąż odwiódł ją od tego. Czasy Past Simple i Past Continuous występujące w zdaniach czasowych również nie ulegają zmianie, np.:

“When I was living/lived in London…” „Kiedy mieszkałam w Londynie…”. She said that when she was living/lived in London… Powiedziała, że kiedy mieszkała w Londynie… Czasownik główny w tych zdaniach zmienia się na czas zaprzeszły, choć może pozostać bez zmian, np.:

She said that when she was living/lived in London she got interested/had got interested in photography. Powiedziała, że kiedy mieszkała w Londynie, zainteresowała się fotografią. Czas teraźniejszy w zasadzie zamieniamy na przeszły, ale w przypadku gdy relacjonowana wypowiedź jest nadal prawdziwa i aktualna, czas może pozostać bez zmiany, np.:

“I do aerobics,” she told me. „Ćwiczę aerobik” – powiedziała mi. She told me that she does aerobics. Powiedziała mi, że ćwiczy aerobik. “I have never eaten sushi,” he said. „Nigdy nie jadłem sushi” – powiedział. He told me that he has never eaten sushi. Powiedział mi, że nigdy nie jadł sushi. He said, “I always get what I want.” Powiedział: „Zawsze dostaję to, czego chcę”. 20


He said that he always gets what he wants. Powiedział, że zawsze dostaje to, czego chce. Czas może nie ulec zmianie w przypadku prawd uniwersalnych, czyichś zwyczajów lub nawyków, np.:

“Light travels at 186000 miles per second.” „Światło porusza się z prędkością 186000 mil na sekundę”. She said that light travels at 186000 miles per second. Powiedziała, że światło porusza się z prędkością 186000 mil na sekundę. “The Sun orbits the Earth every 24 hours,” he said. „Słońce obiega Ziemię co 24 godziny” – powiedział. He said that the Sun orbits the Earth every 24 hours. Powiedział, że Słońce obiega Ziemię co 24 godziny. “Bob always sleeps on his back.” „Bob zawsze śpi na plecach”. He said that Bob always sleeps on his back. On powiedział, że Bob zawsze śpi na plecach. Czas przeszły po wish, would sooner, would rather, it is (high) time nie ulega zmianie, np.:

She said, “It is time they stopped complaining.” Powiedziała: „Czas, by przestali narzekać”. She said that it was time they stopped complaining. Powiedziała, że czas by przestali narzekać. “It is high time he got married.” „Najwyższy czas, żeby się ożenił”. She said that it was high time he got married. Powiedziała, że to najwyższy czas, żeby się ożenił. “I wish I were slimmer.” „Szkoda, że nie jestem szczuplejsza”. She told me that she wished she were slimmer. Powiedziała mi, że szkoda, że nie jest szczuplejsza.


Zmiany dotyczące czasów

“I would rather you didn’t tell anybody.” „Wolałbym, żebyś nikomu nie mówił”. He said that he would rather I didn’t tell anybody. Powiedział, że wolałby, żebym nikomu nie mówił.

Ćwiczenia 6. Uzupełnij tabelkę. Mowa niezależna Present Simple

Mowa zależna Past Continuous

Present Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Continuous Past Perfect

7. Wyraź poniżej podane zdania w mowie zależnej.

1. “It is a gorgeous room,” she said. 2. “You speak English very well,” said Beth. 3. “I haven’t talked to him yet,” said Alice. 4. Bob said, “It looks frightening.” 5. “She is a very talented lawyer,” said Jim. 6. Philip said, “I am not trying to offend anyone.” 7. “I am a babysitter,’ said Amy. 8. “We will try again tomorrow,” he said. 9. “I will wash the dishes”, she said. 10. “I won’t repeat the mistake,” said Tom. 11. Tim said, “She is very kind.” 12. “It didn’t happen like that,” Mark said. 13. Katy said, “I will do whatever it takes.” 14. “I won’t say a word,” Grace said. 15. “I have been trying to call you,” said Greg. 8. Przekształć poniższe zdania na dwa sposoby według wzoru.

“She is always honest.” He said that she is always honest. He said that she was always honest. 1. “She loves mountains.” 2. “He is always late.” 3. “I have never heard about it.” 22

4. “I hate Mondays.” 5. “She is getting better.” 6. “It will cost you a fortune.”


7. “He is always blaming me for things I haven’t done.” 8. “I am sick and tired of it.” 9. “He won’t be missed.” 10. “She doesn’t want to be an accountant.” 11. “My son doesn’t believe in Santa Claus.”

12. “Beth never gets angry about anything.” 13. “Mrs Right often borrows things from us.” 14. “My sister is a very reasonable girl.” 15. “They live in Twin Oaks.”

9. Jack mówił ci wcześniej:

1. I’ve never eaten Thai food. 2. Laura is only a friend. 3. Mr Jones is my next-door neighbour. 4. I cannot dance. 5. I love all animals. 6. I am going on a business trip tomorrow. 7. I hate spinach. 8. I am an only child. 9. I don’t speak foreign languages. 10. I am a Tory. Później jednakże powiedział co innego. Wyraź swoje zdziwienie, zaczynając od wyrażenia: “But you said/told me ...”

Jack You 1. “My sister is a lawyer.” “But you said/told me ...”. 2. “I will bake pasta shells with spinach.” 3. “I’ve been dating Laura for six months.” 4. “I won a dancing competition last week.” 5. “Kaeng Kiow Wan Nua is my favourite dish.” 6. “Let’s meet tomorrow evening.” 7. “How I hate ducks!” 8. “Mr Jones? I’ve never heard of him.” 9. “Ich fahre nach Berlin.” 10. “I identify myself with the political left.”


4. Zmiany dotyczące czasowników modalnych can  could

“I can cook,” he said. „Potrafię gotować” – powiedział. He said that he could cook. Powiedział, że potrafi gotować. “She can sing,” he said. „Ona potrafi śpiewać” – powiedział. He said that she could sing. Powiedział, że ona potrafi śpiewać. can  could/would be able (gdy mowa o przyszłości)

“I can come tomorrow,” he told me. „Mogę przyjść jutro” – powiedział mi. He told me that he could/would be able to come the next day. Powiedził mi, że będzie mógł przyjść jutro/następnego dnia. “I can finish it within a week,” she said. „Mogę to skończyć w ciągu tygodnia” – powiedziała. She said that she could/would be able to finish it within a week. Powiedziała, że będzie to mogła skończyć w ciągu tygodnia. may  might

“He may come back,” she said. „On może wrócić” – powiedziała. She said that he might come back. Powiedziała, że on może wrócić. “I may be wrong,” he told me. „Mogę się mylić” – powiedział mi. He told me that he might be wrong. Powiedział mi, że może się mylić. 24

ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A shall  should (w przypadku prośby o radę bądź poinstruowanie)

“What shall we tell the children?” she asked. „Co powiemy dzieciom?” – zapytała. She asked what they should tell the children. Zapytała, co mają powiedzieć dzieciom. “What shall I write about?” he asked. „O czym mam napisać?” – zapytał. He asked what he should write about. Zapytał, o czym ma napisać. shall  offer (w przypadku składania propozycji np. pomocy)

“Shall I get you a cup of tea?” she said. „Przynieść ci filiżankę herbaty?” – powiedziała. She offered me a cup of tea. Zaproponowała mi filiżankę herbaty. “Shall I take you home?” he asked. „Zabrać cię do domu?” – zapytał. He offered me to take me home. Zaproponował, że zabierze mnie do domu. must  must (przy odczuwanej wewnętrznie konieczności)/had to (przy stwierdzaniu obowiązku)

“I must get a haircut,” she told me. „Muszę obciąć włosy” – powiedziała mi. She told me that he must/had to get a haircut. Powiedziała mi, że musi obciąć włosy. “I must go,” he said. „Muszę iść” – powiedział. He said that he must go. Powiedział, że musi iść.


Zmiany dotyczące czasowników modalnych must  would have to (w zdaniach warunkowych)

“If the situation gets worse, we must consider alternatives,” she said. „Jeśli sytuacja pogorszy się, musimy rozważyć inne możliwości” – powiedziała. She said that if the situation got worse, they would have to consider alternatives. Powiedziała, że jeśli sytuacja się pogorszy to będą musieli rozważyć inne możliwości. “If they arrive, we must treat them kindly,” he told me. „Jeśli przyjadą, musimy ich traktować miło” – powiedział mi. He told me that if they arrived, they would have to treat them kindly. Powiedział mi, że jeżeli przyjadą, to będą musieli traktować ich miło. Must pozostaje bez zmian w przypadku wnioskowań, stale obowiązujących poleceń, nakazów bądź zakazów i przy wypowiadaniu zamiarów.

“You must be in love,” she said (wnioskowanie). „Musisz być zakochany” – powiedziała. She said that I must be in love. Powiedziała, że muszę być zakochany. “You must be out of your mind,” he told me. „Chyba zwariowałeś” – powiedział mi. He told me that I must be out of my mind. Powiedział mi, że chyba zwariowałem. “I must get rid of my old car,” he told me (intencja). „Muszę się pozbyć mojego starego samochodu” – powiedział mi. He told me that he must get rid of his old car. Powiedział mi, że musi pozbyć się swojego starego samochodu. He said, “Workers must wear protective clothing” (nakaz). Powiedział: „Pracownicy muszą nosić odzież ochronną”. He said workers must wear protective clothing. On powiedział, że pracownicy muszą nosić odzież ochronną.


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A Jeżeli must jest użyte w znaczeniu rady czy sugestii, to w mowie zależnej może być zastąpione czasownikiem advise.

“You must see this film,” she told me. „Musisz obejrzeć ten film” – powiedziała mi. She advised me to see the film. Poradziła mi, żebym obejrzał ten film. I mustn’t pozostaje bez zmian w mowie zależnej, you/she/he mustn’t pozostaje bez zmian albo jest zastąpione zakazem:

“You mustn’t play with matches,” she told him. „Nie wolno ci się bawić zapałkami” – powiedziała mu. She told him that he mustn’t play with matches/wasn’t to play with matches. Powiedziała mu, że nie wolno mu bawić się zapałkami/że ma nie bawić się zapałkami. need  needed

“I need more time,” Danny said. „Potrzebuję więcej czasu” – powiedział Danny. Danny said that he needed more time. Danny powiedział, że potrzebuje więcej czasu. Jeśli po need występuje bezokoliczn k, to w mowie zależnej może być zastąpiony zarówno przez needed to jak i had to.

“I need to go to bed,” she said. „Muszę iść spać” – powiedziała. She said that she needed/had to go to bed. Powiedziała, że musi iść spać. “I need to go out of town for a few days,” he said. „Muszę wyjechać z miasta na parę dni” – powiedział. He said that he needed/had to go out of town for a few days. Powiedział, że musi wyjechać z miasta na kilka dni.


Zmiany dotyczące czasowników modalnych needn’t  needn’t/didn’t need to/didn’t have to

“You needn’t apologise,” she said. „Nie musisz przepraszać” – powiedziała. She said that I needn’t/didn’t need/didn’t have to apologise. Powiedziała, że nie muszę przepraszać. “We needn’t worry,” he told me. „Nie musimy się przejmować’ – powiedział mi. He told me that we needn’t/didn’t need/didn’t have to worry. Powiedział mi, że nie musimy się przejmować. Would w zdaniach orzekających pozostaje bez zmian.

Used to nie zmienia się w mowie zależnej.

“It used to be my favourite band,” he said. „To był kiedyś mój ulubiony zespół” – powiedział. He said that it used to be his favourite band. Powiedział, że to był kiedyś jego ulubiony zespół. Might pozostaje bez zmian, chyba że jest użyte w znaczeniu prośby.

“He might refuse to talk,” they said. „On może nie zgodzić się mówić” – powiedzieli. They said that he might refuse to talk. Powiedzieli, że on może nie zgodzić się mówić. “They might feel upset,” she told me. „Mogą czuć się zdenerwowani” – powiedziała mi. She told me that they might feel upset. Powiedziała mi, że mogą czuć się zdenerwowani. ale:

“You might take the garbage out,” she said. „Mógłbyś wyrzucić śmieci” – powiedziała. She asked him to take the garbage out. Poprosiła go, żeby wyrzucił śmieci. 28


“You might clean your room from time to time,” she said. „Mógłbyś sprzątnąć swój pokój od czasu do czasu” – powiedziała. She asked him to clean his room from time to time. Poprosiła go, żeby sprzątał swój pokój od czasu do czasu. Ought to/ should pozostają bez zmian, jeśli wyrażają obowiązek bądź przypuszczenie, np.:

“You should wear your seat belt.” „Powinieneś zapiąć pasy bezpieczeństwa”. He told me that I should wear my seat belt. Powiedział mi, że powinienem zapiąć pasy bezpieczeństwa. “I should receive my PhD next year.” „Powinnam otrzymać tytuł doktora w przyszłym roku”. She said that she should receive her PhD the following year. Powiedziała, że powinna otrzymać tytuł doktora w przyszłym roku. Jeżeli ought to/should wyrażają radę to w mowie zależnej mogą być zamienione na czasowniki advise, urge, encourage.

“You should read more.” „Powinieneś więcej czytać”. She advised me to read more. Ona doradziła mi, żebym więcej czytał. “You ought to quit smoking.” „Powinieneś rzucić palenie”. He encouraged me to quit smoking. Namawiał mnie, żebym przestał palić. “You should wear distance glasses,” the eye doctor told me. „Powinien pan nosić okulary dla krótkowidzów” – powiedział mi okulista. The eye doctor advised me to wear distance glasses. Okulista poradził mi, żebym nosił okulary dla krótkowidzów.


Zmiany dotyczące czasowników modalnych Could w odniesieniu do umiejętności w czasie przyszłym może być zastąpione przez would be able to, np.:

“He could repair the tap.” „On może naprawić kran”. He said that he could/would be able to repair the tap. Powiedział, że może naprawić kran. “I could learn German in two years’ time.” „Mogę nauczyć się niemieckiego w dwa lata”. She said that she could/would be able to learn German in two years’ time. Powiedziała, że może nauczyć się niemieckiego w dwa lata. Could w odniesieniu do umiejętności w czasie przeszłym może być zmienione na had been able, np.:

“He could climb trees when he was a child.” „Potrafił wspinać się po drzewach, kiedy był dzieckiem”. He said that he could/had been able to climb trees when he was a child. Powiedział, że potrafił wspinać się po drzewach, kiedy był dzieckiem. “As a little girl, I could write poems and stories.” „Jako mała dziewczynka potrafiłam pisać wiersze i opowiadania”. She said that as a little girl she could/had been able to write poems and stories. Powiedziała, że jako mała dziewczynka potrafiła pisać wiersze i opowiadania. Could w zdaniach warunkowych II typu pozostają bez zmian lub zamienia się na would be allowed to, np.:

“If my mother agreed, I could have a parrot.” „Gdyby moja mama zgodziła się, mógłbym mieć papugę”. He said that if his mother agreed, he could have/would be allowed to have a parrot. Powiedział, że gdyby jego mama zgodziła się, mógłby mieć papugę. “If there weren’t so much work to do, I could take a day off.” „Gdyby nie było tyle pracy do wykonania, mogłabym wziąć dzień wolny”.



She said that if there weren’t so much work to do, she could/would be allowed to take a day off. Powiedziała, że gdyby nie było tyle pracy do wykonania, to mogłaby wziąć dzień wolny. Could w odniesieniu do przyzwolenia w czasie przeszłym może być zmieniony na was/ were allowed to, np.:

“On Saturday I could stay up late.” „W soboty mogłem nie kłaść się do łóżka aż do późna”. He said that on Saturday he could/was allowed to stay up late. Powiedział, że w soboty mógł nie kłaść się do łóżka aż do późna. “When I was fifteen, I could watch any movie I wanted.” „Kiedy miałem piętnaście lat, mogłem oglądać każdy film, jaki chciałem”. He told me that when he was fifteen, he could/was allowed to watch any film he wanted. Powiedział mi, że kiedy miał piętnaście lat, mógł oglądać każdy film, jaki chciał.

Ćwiczenia 10. Wyraź poniżej podane zdania w mowie zależnej.

1. “You must be over 21 to hire a car.” 2. “She must be seeing things.” 3. “He must be mad.” 4. “You ought to think twice.” 5. “He couldn’t find common ground with some people.” 6. “She could wear whatever she wanted.” 7. “You mustn’t let anyone use it.” 8. “I would like to see you again.” 9. “You needn’t go to all that trouble.” 10. “She used to work as a housekeeper.” 11. “He should be indicted.” 12. “You ought to quit smoking.” 13. “You might clean the house.” 14. “I must talk to you.” 15. “You might succeed in convincing him.”


Zmiany dotyczące czasowników modalnych 11. Napisz poniższe zdania w mowie zależnej dopasowując je do osób wymienionych w punktach a–h.

1. “You must check out of your room by 12,” 2. “We can’t refund your money without a receipt,” 3. “You might have dysgraphia,” 4. “You needn’t change the fuel filter,” 5. “You should stay in bed for a few days,” 6. “You might wash up after yourself,” 7. “I used to act in TV commercials,” 8. “Shall I bring you more bread?”

a) the shop assistant told me. b) mum told me. c) the front desk clerk said to me. d) the teacher said. e) said the waiter. f) the actor said. g) said the doctor. h) the car mechanic told me.

12. W ciągu dnia Grace spotykała się z różnymi osobami, które powiedziały jej

Pharmacist: Grace’s boss: Grace’s fiancé: Mrs Jenkins:

“The prescription expired yesterday. You should call the doctor to renew it.” “Grace, I’ve noticed your hard work. You will find something extra in your paycheck.” “I would rather get married in Vegas.” “I may drop in for a chat.”

Wieczorem Grace opowiada babci o minionym dniu. Uzupełnij relacje Grace posługując się mową zależną.

Grace: Grandma: Grace: Grandma: Grace: Grandma: Grace: Grandma: Grace: Grandma: Grace: Grandma: Grace: Grandma: Grace:


Hi grandma! I went to the chemist’s after work. The lady there said (1) ________________. Oh dear! She told me (2) ________________. Yes, yes. I will do it. And how was your work? Very busy. I am exhausted. And that boss of yours – is he nice? Yes, he’s alright. Today he said (3) ________________. How considerate of him. Yes, I felt some sort of satisfaction. He also told me that (4) ________________. This is just great! I am so proud of you. And how is Jack? Oh, you wouldn’t believe what he told me today! He said (5) ________________. He said what?! Don’t worry, grandma, I think he was only joking. You know he loves to joke. You never know with him, dear. Oh, while it’s still fresh in my mind. I met Mrs Jenkins on the stairs. She said (6) ________________.

5. Zmiany dotyczące określeń czasu i miejsca now  then/at that time/immediately at the moment  at the time today  that day tonight  that night yesterday  the day before/the previous day tomorrow  the next day/the following day tomorrow evening  the following evening this year  that year last year  the year before/the previous year next year  the year after/the following year the week after next  a week later these days  those days in two days  two days from then the day before yesterday  two days before/two days earlier the day after tomorrow  two days later/two days after ago  before here  there

“I didn’t settle down to anything yesterday,” he said. „Nie zabrałem się wczoraj do niczego” – powiedział. He said that he hadn’t settled down to anything the day before. Powiedział, że nie zabrał się wczoraj do niczego. “I will contact you tomorrow,” she said. „Skontaktuję się z tobą jutro” – powiedziała. She said that she would contact me the next day/the following day. Powiedziała, że skontaktuje się ze mną jutro/następnego dnia. “I last saw him two years ago,” she told me. „Ostatnio widziałam go dwa lata temu” – powiedziała mi. She told me that she had last seen him two years before. Powiedziała mi, że ostatnio widziała go dwa lata temu. “I’ve got other things on my mind at the moment,” he said. „Mam teraz inne sprawy na głowie” – powiedział. He grunted that he had got other things on his mind at the time. Odburknął, że ma inne sprawy na głowie.


Zmiany dotyczące określeń czasu i miejsca

“The concert is tonight,” she informed me. „Koncert jest wieczorem” – poinformowała mnie. She informed me that the concert was that night. Poinformowała mnie, że koncert był wieczorem. “I will resume training next year,” he said. „Podejmę trening w przyszłym roku” – powiedział. He said that he would resume training the year after/the following year. Powiedział, że podejmie trening w przyszłym roku. “I feel great today,” she said. „Czuję się dzisiaj wspaniale” – powiedziała. She said that she felt great that day. Powiedziała, że czuje się dzisiaj wspaniale. “We are going to hire 100 people this year,” he told me. „Zamierzamy zatrudnić 100 osób w tym roku” – powiedział mi. He told me that they were going to hire 100 people that year. Powiedział mi, że zamierzają zatrudnić 100 osób w tym roku. Jeżeli this/these nie są użyte w określeniach czasowych wówczas przechodzą w: the, jeśli określają rzeczownik, np.:

“I like this idea.” „Podoba mi się ten pomysł”. He told me that she liked the idea. Powiedział, że podoba mu się ten pomysł. “Buy me this fur coat.” „Kup mi to futro”. She told me to buy her the fur coat. Powiedziała mi, żebym jej kupił to futro. it lub they/them jeśli są zaimkami, np.:

“This is unbelievable.” „To jest niewiarygodne”. He said that it was unbelievable. Powiedział, że to jest niewiarygodne. 34


“These are my children.” „To są moje dzieci”. She said that they were her children. Powiedziała, że to są jej dzieci. “This used to be a good hotel.” „To był dawniej dobry hotel”. She told me that it used to be a good hotel. Powiedziała mi, że to był dawniej dobry hotel.

Ćwiczenia 13. Zamień poniżej podane określenia czasu i miejsca na takie, które występują w mowie zależnej.

1. at the moment 2. here 3. in five minutes’ time 4. last year 5. next summer 6. now 7. the day before yesterday 8. these days 9. this evening 10. today 11. tomorrow 12. tomorrow night 13. tonight 14. two years ago 15. yesterday 14. Zamień poniżej podane zdania na mowę zależną.

1. “This is very easy.” 2. “These are very good questions.” 3. “I enjoyed this book.” 4. “These are quite comfortable too.” 5. “I have bought these for myself.” 6. “This is a real war.” 7. “These were the good old days.” 8. “These roses are for you.”


6. Zmiany dotyczące zaimków Wszystkie zaimki (osobowe i dzierżawcze) oraz określniki dzierżawcze podlegają zmianie w zależności od kontekstu, np.:

“My parents visited me on Sunday,” she said. „Moi rodzice odwiedzili mnie w niedzielę” – powiedziała. She said her parents visited her on Sunday. Powiedziała, że jej rodzice odwiedzili ją w niedzielę. “I enjoyed your story,” she said. „Podobała mi się twoja opowieść” – powiedziała. She said that she enjoyed my story. Powiedziała, że podoba jej się moja opowieść. “You’re always welcome at our house,” they said. „Zawsze jesteś mile widziany w naszym domu” – powiedzieli. They told me that I was always welcome at their house. Powiedzieli mi, że jestem zawsze mile widziany w ich domu. “Ours is the best offer,” he said. „Nasza oferta jest najlepsza” – powiedział. He said that their offer was the best. Powiedział, że ich oferta jest najlepsza. ale

“I saw him yesterday,” she said. „Widziałam go wczoraj” – powiedziała. She said that she had seen him yesterday. Powiedziała, że widziała go wczoraj.

Ćwiczenia 15. Zamień poniższe zdania na mowę zależną, pamiętając o zaimkach osobowych i dzierżawczych.

1. Bob said, “I have met your parents.” 2. Katy said, “We have bought a new camera.” 3. Tim said, “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend.” 4. Jerry said, “Our car has a flat tyre.”



5. Paul said, “Bet your laptop is heavier than mine.” 6. Sue said, “My job is stressing me out.” 7. Jack said, “No company is better than ours.” 16. Przekaż w mowie zależnej informacje zostawione przez Grega na automatycznej sekretarce. a)

Hi, Beth. We are in Greece. We are staying at the Attica Hotel. It is absolutely fantastic! The rooms are very clean and the staff are friendly. Nothing is too much trouble. We couldn’t have asked for better accommodation! Our room overlooks the sea – it is wonderful to watch the sun set and rise. The food is excellent, especially the home-made bread and cookies. I will call you again on Saturday. Say hello to Mike from Kate and me. Greg left a message on your answering machine. He said that ___________________ b)

Hi, Beth. It is me again. We are a bit tired of our room. True, it is clean, but it is very, very small. There is no place to keep our suitcases. The bathroom is also tiny. You can sit on the toilet and brush your teeth over the sink. After the second night I called the reception desk to request a room change, but I was told that the hotel was overbooked and a room change was not an option. We are planning on checking out tomorrow. Say hello to Mike from us. On Saturday, Greg left you another message. He complained that ___________________


7. Inne zmiany come  go bring  take

“Come with me,” he said. „Chodź ze mną” – powiedział. He asked me to go with him. Poprosił mnie, żebym z nim poszła. “When will you be coming home?” „Kiedy przyjdziesz do domu?” She asked when I would be going home. Zapytała, kiedy przyjdę do domu. She said, “Bring it here.” Ona powiedziała: „Przynieś to tutaj”. She asked (me) to take it there. Ona poprosiła (mnie), żebym to tam zaniósł. it  that Nie zmienia się w mowie zależnej automatycznie it na that. Zamiana taka może nastąpić w przypadku, gdy zdanie w mowie zależnej możemy uzupełnić wskazaniem na kogoś lub coś, o czym wspominano w zdaniu wyjściowym (w mowie niezależnej).

“Clean it,” she told me. „Wyczyść to” – powiedziała mi. She told me to clean that (powiemy tak, wskazując np. na plamę na podłodze). Powiedziała mi, żebym to wyczyścił. She told me to clean it (powiemy tak, gdy nie wskazujemy na plamę, ponieważ znajdujemy się w innym miejscu i nie widzimy jej lub plama została już wytarta, a my jedynie przytaczamy polecenie wcześniej wydane).


8. Pytania w mowie zależnej Pytania w mowie zależnej zmieniają szyk zdania na oznajmujący, np.:

“When will you find a job?” she asked. „Kiedy znajdziesz pracę?” – zapytała. She asked (me) when I would find a job. Zapytała (mnie) kiedy znajdę pracę. W pytaniach podstawowym czasownikiem relacjonującym jest ask. Inne czasowniki również mogą być stosowane do oddawania pytań w mowie zależnej, np.:

to inquire to query to want to know to wonder

pytać, zasięgać informacji pytać chcieć wiedzieć zastanawiać się

W przeciwieństwie do powyższych czasowników ask może występować z dopełnieniem.

They asked, “Do you know him?” Pytali: „Czy go znasz?” They asked me whether I knew him. Pytali, czy go znam. ale

He asked, “Where do you live?” Zapytał: „Gdzie mieszkasz?” He inquired where she lived. He wondered where she lived.

He wanted to know where she lived. He queried where she lived.

Pytania typu „Yes/No” Pytania typu „yes/no” (bez zwrotów pytających, np.: what, where, when, whose, who) wprowadzamy w mowie zależnej za pomocą if lub whether, np.:

“Are you tired?” she asked. „Jesteś zmęczony?” – zapytała. She asked if/whether he was tired. Zapytała, czy jest zmęczony.


Pytania w mowie zależnej If i whether zazwyczaj stosuje się wymiennie, ale if jest bardziej powszechne. Whether podkreśla, że należy dokonać wyboru, np.:

“Where do you want to go: to the cinema or to a restaurant?” „Gdzie chcesz pójść: do kina czy restauracji?” He asked whether I wanted to go to the cinema or to a restaurant? Zapytał, czy chcę pójść do kina czy restauracji. “Which place would you like to visit first: the Royal Castle or łazienki?” „Co chciałbyś najpierw zwiedzić: Zamek Królewski czy łazienki?” She asked whether I would like to visit first the Royal Castle or łazienki. Zapytała, czy chciałbym najpierw zwiedzić Zamek Królewski czy łazienki. Można się posłużyć wyrażeniem “or not”, aby podkreślić, że spodziewamy się jednoznacznej odpowiedzi tak czy nie. Spójnik “if” jest dopuszczalny tylko wtedy, jeśli “not” występuje na końcu zdania.

She wanted to know if/whether it was true or not. Chciała wiedzieć czy to jest prawda. czy nie. Ale:

She wanted to know whether or not it was true.

Pytania z wyrazami pytającymi Jeśli pytanie w mowie niezależnej zaczyna się od słowa pytającego, to słowo to jest powtarzane, gdy przytaczamy pytanie w mowie zależnej.

She asked, “Where do you work?” Ona zapytała: „Gdzie pracujesz?” She asked (him) where he worked. Ona zapytała (go), gdzie pracuje. He asked, “What are you doing?” On zapytał: „Co robisz?” He asked (her) what she was doing. On zapytał (ją), co robi. “How do you like it?” she asked. „Jak ci się to podoba” – zapytała. She asked (him) how he liked it. Zapytała (go), jak mu się to podoba.

Pytania z will you/would you/could you To mogą być nie tylko zwykłe pytania, ale również wypowiedzi będące w istocie prośbami, poleceniami, propozycjami czy zaproszeniami. Oprócz czasownika ask używanego przede wszystkim w pytaniach, można tu stosować inne czasowniki relacjonujące charakterystyczne dla próśb, nakazów, propozycji, zaproszeń, shout, order, command, offer, invite, implore, plead, request (zob. paragraf „Polecenia, zakazy, rady i prośby”).



“Will you phone me?” she asked. „Zadzwonisz do mnie?” – zapytała. She asked if I would phone her. Ona zapytała, czy zadzwonię do niej. She shouted “Will you stop and listen!” Ona krzyknęła: „Przestaniesz i posłuchasz!” She shouted at him to stop and listen/She ordered him to stop and listen. Ona krzyknęła na niego, żeby przestał i posłuchał/Ona kazała mu przestać i posłuchać. He asked, “Would you stay for lunch?” On zapytał: „Zostałabyś na lunch?” He asked (me) if I would stay for lunch/He invited me for lunch On zapytał (mnie), czy bym nie została na lunch/Zaprosił mnie na lunch. He said, “Will you follow me?” On powiedział: „Pójdziesz za mną?” He told her to follow him. Powiedział jej, żeby poszła za nim. He said, “Will you join me for a drink?” On powiedział: „Pójdziesz ze mną na drinka?” He invited me for a drink. On zaprosił mnie na drinka. She said, “Would you like a cup of tea?” Ona powiedziała: „Czy wypiłbyś filiżankę herbaty?” She offered me a cup of tea. Ona zaproponowała mi filiżankę herbaty. Bob said, “Could you help me?” Bob powiedział: „Mógłbyś mi pomóc?” Bob asked me to help him. Bob poprosił mnie, żebym mu pomógł.


Pytania w mowie zależnej

Ćwiczenia 17. Zamień pytania 1–15 na pytania w mowie zależnej.

1. “What happened?” 2. “Everything all right?” 3. “Will that be all?” 4. “What are you talking about?” 5. “How long are you staying?” 6. “What are you going to do?” 7. “How much does it cost?” 8. “What have you done to your hair?”

9. “What is wrong with you?” 10. “Who are you?” 11. “What do you want to become: a doctor or a lawyer? 12. “What is your boss like?” 13. “How are you doing?” 14. “How do you know my name?” 15. “What have you learnt?”

18. Wyraź poniższe pytania w mowie zależnej, wprowadzając przytoczenie słowem interpretującym wypowiedź, np.:

“Will you stay for dinner?” She invited me for dinner

1. “Will you join us?” 2. “Will you be my friend?” 3. “Will you please go now?” 4. “Will you answer the questions?” 5. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” 6. “Would you recommend me?” 7. “Will you please be serious?” 8. “Will you take me home?”

9. “Will you wait for me?” 10. “Will you stop staring at me?” 11. “Would you turn off the radio?” 12. “Will you give her my regards?” 13. “Would you let me go?” 14. “Would you help me out?” 15. “Will you please behave?”

19. Zamień pytania 1–12 na pytania w mowie zależnej.

1. “Would you like to be self employed?” 2. “Have you got a light?” 3. “Can you trust him?” 4. “Are you sure you want to know?” 5. “Is your neighbour a bully?” 6. “Is there any way out?”

20. Jak brzmiało pytanie w mowie niezależnej?

1. He asked me what time it was. 2. She asked me whether I would come. 3. He asked me if I would do him a favour. 4. She asked him what he was doing there. 42

7. “Do you often skip breakfast?” 8. “Has she really changed?” 9. “Have they kept their promises?” 10. “Is there any problem?” 11. “Does he still work there?” 12. “Do you approve of the ban on beer advertising?”


5. He asked me what I wanted for my birthday. 6. She asked him whether it was his car. 7. They asked me if I could speak Spanish. 8. They asked us if we knew anything about it. 9. He asked her if he could call back for further information. 10. He asked her if she was taking her pills. 21. Wybierz właściwe uzupełnienie a, b lub c dla zdań 1–5.

1. He asked me __________. a) where I wanted to go b) where did I want to go c) where I want to go 2. She asked me whether __________. a) I had seen the film b) had I seen the film c) I saw the film 3. He wanted to know whether __________. a) are we to wear protective clothing b) did we wear protective clothing c) we were to wear protective clothing

4. He wondered __________. a) how had I managed to convince my parents b) how I had managed to convince my parents c) how did I manage to convince my parents 5. She asked us __________. a) what were we doing b) what were we to do c) what we were doing

22. Uzupełnij relację w mowie zależnej na podstawie dialogu między Johnem a sprzedawcą w salonie telefonii komórkowej.



Good morning sir, how can I help you? Good morning. I am looking for a mobile phone. Prepaid or postpaid? I am not sure. What is the difference between them? With a prepaid mobile phone you will buy a block of minutes ahead of time. There are no monthly bills and you don’t sign a contract. However, the billing is based on a per-minute cost. So, if you are going to use your mobile often then you should go in for a postpaid plan. I think I will be better with a prepaid plan. I am not a heavy phone user. One more thing, the SIM card includes 15 euros of calling credit. When it runs out, you have to buy more time. If the card is inactive for a longer period of time, it expires. I see. Where can I buy the SIM card? You can buy it in any phone shop or at the newsagents, supermarkets or petrol stations. OK, I will take it.


Pytania w mowie zależnej

John went to a phone shop to buy a mobile phone. He wasn’t sure which mobile to buy. The seller told him that with a prepaid mobile phone he (1) ________________ a block of minutes ahead of time. He told him that there (2) _________________ no monthly bills and that he (3) ________________sign a contract. He also said that the billing (4) ____________________based on a per-minute cost. He concluded that if he (5)_____________________to use his mobile phone often, he (6) _______________ in for a postpaid plan. John replied that he (7) ________________better with a prepaid plan adding that he (8) __________________ a heavy phone user. The seller informed him that that the SIM card (9) ____________15 euros of calling credit, so when it (10)_____________ out, he (11) ___________to buy more time. He added that if the card (12) ______ inactive for a longer period of time, it (13) ___________. Then John asked him where (14) _______________ the SIM card. The seller replied that he (15) ______ it in any phone shop or at the newsagents, supermarkets or petrol stations.

23. Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie, aby uzupełnić każde ze zdań 1–7. Posłuż się mową zależną. “How is the weather?” “Why do you fight with him?” “Are you hungry?”

“Where do you want to go?” “How do you like it?”

“How is she?”

“Is there any way out?”

1. Kim was going out for a walk, so she asked me ___________________________ 2. Beth’s sister was discharged from hospital, so I asked her __________________ 3. Tom looked at my contract and I asked him _____________________________ 4. Amy doesn’t go along with her brother, so I asked her _____________________ 5. I put on a new dress and asked him _______ _____________________________ 6. The boy was too shy to ask for food, so she asked him _____________________ 7. Tom picked me up for lunch and asked _________________________________


9. Polecenia, zakazy, rady i prośby Zdania rozkazujące w mowie zależnej wyrażamy za pomocą bezokolicznika, np.:

“Call me Vince,” he said. „Mów mi Vince” – powiedział. He told me to call him Vince. Powiedział mi, żebym mówiła mu Vince. “Don’t continue this conversation,” she told me. „Nie kontynuuj tej rozmowy” – powiedziała mi. She told me not to continue the conversation. Powiedziała mi, żebym nie kontynuował tej rozmowy. “Wash your hands!” she said. „Umyj ręce!” – powiedziała. She told him to wash his hands. Powiedziała mu, żeby umył ręce. “Give me a break,” he said. „Daj mi spokój” – powiedział. He told her to give him a break. Powiedział jej, żeby dała mu spokój. “Get yourself a haircut,” he said. „Obetnij włosy” – powiedział. He told me to get myself a haircut. Powiedział mi, żebym obciął włosy. Do czasowników, które mogą być użyte do relacjonowania poleceń, zakazów, rad i próśb należą advise, ask, command, demand, forbid, implore, order, plead (to), remind, request, invite, urge, warn, np.:

He said, “Try again.” On powiedział: „Spróbuj ponownie”. He advised me to try again. On poradził mi, żebym spróbowała ponownie. “Please, wait for me,” she said. „Proszę, poczekaj na mnie” – powiedziała. She implored him to wait for her. Ona usilnie prosiła go, żeby poczekał na nią. “Don’t tell anyone,” he said. Powiedział: „Nie mów nikomu”. He forbade me to tell anyone. On zabronił mi mówić komukolwiek. She said, “Don’t contact me.” Ona powiedziała: „Nie kontaktuj się ze mną”.


P o l e c e n i a , z a k a z y, r a d y i p r o ś b y

She requested him not to contact her. Poprosiła go, żeby się z nią nie kontaktował. He said, “Move your car.” On powiedział: „Przestaw samochód”. He ordered me to move my car. Kazał mi przestawić samochód. “Why don’t you come round for dinner on Sunday?” she said. „Może byś przyszedł na obiad w niedzielę?” – powiedziała. She invited me for dinner on Sunday. Zaprosiła mnie na obiad w niedzielę. Innym sposobem relacjonowania poleceń i próśb jest konstrukcja say/tell+podmiot+be+bezokolicznik, np.:

“Report to the commander immediately,” he said. „Zamelduj się natychmiast dowódcy” – powiedział. He said that I was to report to the commander immediately. Powiedział mi, że mam natychmiast zameldować się dowódcy. “Don’t discuss the case,” she said. „Nie dyskutujcie o tej sprawie” – powiedziała mi. She said that we weren’t to discuss the case. Powiedziała, że mamy nie dyskutować o tej sprawie.

Ćwiczenia 24. Wyraź poniższe polecenia i prośby w mowie zależnej, używając czasowników interpretujących sens wypowiedzi, np.:

“You’d better hurry.” He advised us to hurry. 1. “Stay at home,” they said 2. “Wait a moment,” Mike said. 3. “Keep an eye on him,” she said 4. Jack said, “Don’t even think about it.” 5. “Calm down and listen carefully,” Simon said. 6. “Don’t be afraid,” Mark said. 7. “Don’t lose hope,” she said. 8. Helen said, “Don’t expect much.”


9. “Leave me alone,” Dave said. 10. “Drink more red wine,” Alice said. 11. “Don’t make me laugh,” Tom said. 12. Roger said, “Call me back.” 13. “Answer the phone,” he said. 14. Jane said, “Don’t stick your head out of the window.”


15. “Be honest and always tell the truth,” my mother said. 16. “Take it easy,” Paul said. 17. “Apply a hot compress,” Beth said. 18. “Stay in bed,” the doctor said. 19. Ally said, “Keep your opinions to yourself.” 20. “Take the car to a mechanic,” Chris said. 25. Napisz, co głosi regulamin pewnej firmy. Posłuż się konstrukcją say/tell+podmiot+be+bezokolicznik według wzoru. Staff are to respect each other’s privacy.

1. Respect each other’s privacy. 2. Don’t use the phone for personal calls. 3. Wear badges. 4. Don’t accept cash gifts. 5. Don’t leave your valuables unattended. 6. Report any act of vandalism.

7. Smoke in designated areas only. 8. Park your cars in the main car park. 9. Don’t discuss any job-related issues with anyone. 10. Attend appropriate training courses.

26. Przytocz w mowie zależnej poniższe polecenia wypowiedziane na lekcji przez nauczyciela.

1. “Pay attention!” 2. “Don’t speak Polish.” 3. “Don’t talk!” 4. “Be quiet!” 5. “Open your books.”

6. “Do not copy other students’ work.” 7. “Write a story about your best friend.” 8. “Take out your pens.” 9. “Don’t forget to do your homework.” 10. “Put up your hand if you want to speak.”

27. Philip często tresuje swojego psa, Alfę. Powiedz (w mowie zależnej), jakie polecenia mu wydaje.

1. “Lie down.” 2. “Jump up.” 3. “Fetch.” 4. “Don’t bark.”

5. “Shake.” 6. “Up you come.” 7. “Heel.” 8. “Roll over.”

28. Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 1–9 odpowiednimi zdaniami z bajki Ezopa przekształconymi na mowę zależą. Zwróć uwagę na wszystkie przekształcenia.

(1) THE HARE was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. (2) “I have never yet been beaten,” said he, (3) “I challenge any one here to race with me.” (4) The Tortoise said quietly, “I accept your challenge.” (5) “That is a good joke,” said the Hare; (6) “I could dance round you all the way.” (7) “Keep your boasting till you’ve beaten,” answered the Tortoise. (8) “Shall we race?” So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show


P o l e c e n i a , z a k a z y, r a d y i p r o ś b y

his contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race. (9) Then said the Tortoise: “PLODDING WINS THE RACE.” Aesop’s Tale “The Tortoise and the Hare” 1) The narrator said that _________________________________________________. 2) The Hare said that___________________________and 3)____________________. 4) The Tortoise replied that________________________________________________. 5) The Hare retorted that ___________________adding that 6) _________________. 7) The Tortoise told him ____________________and 8) _______________________. 9) After the Tortoise won the race, he told the Hare _________________________.


10. Zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zależnej Zdania wykrzyknikowe stają się zdaniami oznajmującymi w mowie zależnej.

Zdania wykrzyknikowe zaczynające się na: how, what są relacjonowane w mowie zależnej za pomocą czasowników: exclaim, yell.

“How annoying!” she said. „Jakie nieznośne!” – powiedziała. She yelled that it was annoying. Krzyknęła, że to jest nieznośne. “What a challenge!” he said. „Co za wyzwanie!” – powiedział. He exclaimed that it was a challenge. Krzyknął, że to jest wyzwanie. Wykrzykniki typu: „Lord”, „Oh”, „Splendid”, „What”, „Dear” mogą być relacjonowane przez czasowniki exlaim lub yell, a także opisowo za pomocą wyrażeń: give an exclamation of .... delight/annoyance/satisfaction/surprise/joy/terror/ disappointment/wonder/impatience/relief/dismay/disgust, itp. Poniżej lista przykładowych wykrzykników w języku angielskim:

Złość – damn! hang it all! oh hell! oh no! rats! what! Irytacja – dear! oh bother! damn! mercy! merde! oof! ouf! ouch! tut-tut! Radość – ah! ach! goody! hurrah! whoopee! splendid! Wstręt – aargh! bah! phooey! yuck! ugh! pshaw! Lęk – eeeek! oh! oh, no! Ból – ah! oh! ouch! ow! Współczucie – oh dear! dear me! och! Zadowolenie – aha! boy! good! wow! yum-yum! Ulga – whew! Smutek – alas! och! Zdziwienie – ah! blimey! boy! dear! dear me! gee! my goodness! gracious! gosh! oh heck! indeed! good Lord! upon my soul! well! why! upon my word! wow! yow! zounds! Triumf – aha! ha! hurrah! Podziw – wow! oh! gee! goodness! Szok – Heavens! Rozczarowanie – Oh no! Uwaga! W zależności od kontekstu ten sam wykrzyknik może oznaczać znacznie nieraz różne stany emocjonalne i mentalne. Np. “oh” może wyrażać: złość, zdziwienie, radość, rozczarowanie, lub reakcję na czyjąś wypowiedź, zachowanie bądź postępek np.:


Zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zależnej

“Oh, he’s so fat!” “Oh, you’re so understanding.” “Oh, go away!” “Oh, no! I’ve lost all my data!” “Splendid, I can’t wait!” „Doskonale, nie mogę się doczekać!” He exclaimed that he couldn’t wait. Wykrzyknął, że nie może się doczekać. He gave an exclamation of delight. Wydał okrzyk radości. “Aha, I was right all along!” „Aha, od samego początku miałem rację!” He exclaimed that he had been right all along. Wykrzyknął, że od samego początku miał rację. He gave an exclamation of satisfaction. Wydał okrzyk satysfakcji. “Hurrah, I’ve made it!” „Hura, udało mi się!” She exclaimed that she had made it. Wykrzyknęła, że jej się udało. She gave an exclamation of triumph. Wydała okrzyk triumfu. “Oh, it hurts!” „Ał, to boli!” He exclaimed that it hurt. Wykrzyknął, że to boli. He gave an exclamation of pain. Wydał okrzyk bólu. “Gosh, I’ve forgotten my keys!” „Ojej, zapomniałem kluczy!” She exclaimed that she had forgotten her keys. Wykrzyknęła, że zapomniała kluczy. She gave an exclamation of irritation. Wydała okrzyk irytacji. “Boy, what a hot day!” „O rety, co za upalny dzień!” He exclaimed that it was a hot day. Wykrzyknął, że jest gorący dzień. He gave an exclamation of annoyance. Wydał okrzyk irytacji.



Odpowiedzi „tak” lub „nie” wyrażane są w mowie zależnej za pomocą podmiotu i odpowiedniego czasownika posiłkowego. Simon asked, “Will you manage to handle it?” and she answered, “Yes.” Simon zapytał: „Dasz sobie z tym radę?”, a ona odpowiedziała: „Tak”. Simon asked her whether she would manage to handle it and she answered that she would. Simon zapytał ją, czy da sobie z tym radę, a ona odpowiedziała, że tak. Jane asked, “Can you cook?” and I answered, “No.” Jane zapytała: „Potrafisz gotować”, a ja odpowiedziałam: „Nie”. Jane asked me whether I could cook and I answered that I couldn’t. Jane zapytała mnie, czy potrafię gotować, a ja odpowiedziałam jej, że nie. Gdy przytaczamy wypowiedź złożoną, na którą składają się np. zdania orzekające, zdania rozkazujące i pytające, każda część musi być wprowadzona przez odpowiedni czasownik. Dla zdań orzekających będą to czasowniki typu: say, tell, explain; dla zdań rozkazujących czasowniki takie jak: advise, ask, command, demand; dla zdań pytających: ask, wonder, want to know, inquire, itp. Przydatnym sposobem łączenia różnych wyrażeń wewnątrz przytoczonej wypowiedzi jest zwrot adding that.

“I am thirsty. Is there anything to drink?” Peter said. „Chce mi się pić. Jest coś do picia?” – powiedział Peter. Peter said that he was thirsty and he wanted to know whether there was anything to drink. Peter powiedział, że chce mu się pić i chciał wiedzieć, czy jest coś do picia. “I have never watched it. What channel is it on?” she said. „Nigdy tego nie oglądałam. Na jakim to jest kanale?” – powiedziała. She said that she had never watched it and asked on what channel it was. Powiedziała, że nigdy tego nie oglądała i zapytała, na jakim to jest kanale. “Is there anything else you would like to say? That is all I have for you,” he said. „Czy jest jeszcze coś, co chcielibyście powiedzieć?” To wszystko, co dla was przygotowałem” – powiedział. He asked whether there was anything we would like to say, adding that it was all he had for us. Zapytał, czy jest jeszcze coś, co chcielibyśmy powiedzieć, dodając, że to było wszystko, co dla nas przygotował.


Zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zależnej Gdy w przytaczanej wypowiedzi złożonej ostatnie zdanie pomaga rozwinąć pierwsze, możemy użyć as zamiast drugiego czasownika wprowadzającego.

“Take an umbrella. It looks like rain,” she said. „Weź parasol. Zapowiada się na deszcz” – powiedziała. She advised him to take an umbrella as it looked like rain. Poradziła mu wziąć parasol, gdyż zapowiadało się na deszcz.

Ćwiczenia 29. Przeredaguj poniższe dowcipy tak, aby wypowiedzi występujących tam postaci były przekazywane w mowie zależnej. a) I think that I’m a chicken

Psychiatrist: Patient: Psychiatrist: Patient:

What’s your problem? I think I’m a chicken. How long has this been going on? Ever since I was an egg!

The psychiatrist asked ________________________________ The patient answered that ____________________________ The psychiatrist wanted to know _______________________ The patient replied that _______________________________ b) A good chess player

A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his dog. He watched the game in astonishment for a while. Man: “I can hardly believe my eyes! That’s the smartest dog I’ve ever seen.” Friend: “Nah, he’s not so smart. I’ve beaten him three games out of five.” Man exclaimed that ____________________ adding that _______________________ Friend replied that _____________________ that he __________________________ c) Worries about mad cow disease

There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields. The first cow said, “I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. I heard it hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm.” The other cow replies, “I am not worried, it doesn’t affect us ducks.” The first cow said that______________________ adding that she ________________ The other cow replied that ________________________________________________ 52

ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 30. Przekształć poniższe zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zależnej.

1. “Ugh! It smells terrible!” 2. “Whew! We made it!” 3. “Oh! I did not know that!” 4. “Wow! You look wonderful!” 5. “Yuck! It tastes awful!”

6. “Gee! It’s great!” 7. “Upon my soul! It’s him.” 8. “Damn! I can’t find my glasses!” 9. “Ah! That hurts! 10. “Oh dear! I’ve locked my keys inside!”

31. Dopisuj wyrażenia z kolumny A z odpowiednimi wyrażeniami z kolumny B.

A 1. “Ouch! A bee has stung me!” 2. “Eeek! A frog! 3. “Dear me! You don’t know that?” 4. “Ay! What a waste!” 5. “Hell! You didn’t even try!” 6. “Aha! So you admit that you were wrong?”

B a) He gave an exclamation of surprise. b) He gave an exclamation of pain. c) He gave an exclamation of fear. d) He gave an exclamation of anger. e) He gave an exclamation of triumph. f) He gave an exclamation of sorrow.

32. Przekształć wyrażenia 1–5 z mowy niezależnej na zależną. Zwróć uwagę na odpowiednią transformację “yes” i “no”.

1. He asked, “Will you help me?” and she said, “Yes.” 2. She asked, “Have you phoned Mark?” and he said, “Yes.” 3. They asked, “Are you tired?” and I answered, “No.” 4. He asked, “Can you drive?” and she answered, “No.” 5. I asked, “Is he a sports fan?” and she said, “Yes.” 33. Przekształć zdania 1–10 na mowę zależną, łącząc je każdorazowo za pomocą odpowiedniego zwrotu.

1. “How do you like my new glasses? I bought them at Harrods.” 2. “You look tired. What’s wrong?” 3. “Is Jack in? I must talk to him.” 4. “Have you talked to her? What is she like?” 5. “Please come in. What can I do for you?” 6. “Be quiet! I am trying to sleep.” 7. “Can I use your mobile? I need to call my boss.” 8. “What are you doing here? You should be on the plane now.” 9. “Have you taken the test? What is your score?” 10. “We are going to the cinema tonight. Will you join us?”


Zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zależnej 34. Przekształć zdania 1–10 na mowę zależną, łącząc je każdorazowo za pomocą „adding that” lub „as”.

1. “Contact John. He will give you more information.” 2. “See the doctor. He will put your mind at rest.” 3. “Will they get married? I hope they will.” 4. “Have you heard his new album? It is amazing!” 5. “Can you tell me the time? I will have to leave at 8.” 6. “Can I get you some coffee? It will do you good.” 7. “Take an aspirin. It will kill the pain.” 8. “You’d better take a jacket. It is cold and windy.” 9. “Get rid of him! He is after your money.” 10. “How is she? I hope she is doing well.”


11. Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych pierwszego typu zmieniają się zgodnie z ogólnymi zasadami, np.:

“If he comes, I won’t answer the door,” she said. „Jeśli on przyjdzie, to nie otworzę drzwi” – powiedziała. She said that if he came, she wouldn’t answer the door. Powiedziała, że jeśli on przyjdzie, to nie otworzy drzwi. “If it rains, we won’t go fishing,” he said. „Jeśli będzie padać, nie pójdziemy na ryby” – powiedział. He said that if it rained they wouldn’t go fishing. Powiedział, że jeśli będzie padać, to nie pójdą na ryby. Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych drugiego typu nie zmianiają się, jeśli opisują sytuację możliwą choć mało realną, np.:

“If they offered me a job, I would consider it,” she told me. „Gdyby zaoferowali mi tę pracę, rozważyłabym to” – powiedziała mi. She told me that if they offered her a job, she would consider it. Powiedziała mi, że gdyby zaproponawali jej pracę, rozważyłaby to. “If my car broke down, I would take a taxi,” she said. „Gdyby zepsuł się mój samochód, wzięłabym taksówkę” – powiedziała. She said that if her car broke down, she would take a taxi. Powiedziała, że gdyby zepsuł jej się samochód, wzięłaby taksówkę. Natomiast czasy w tych zdaniach warunkowych drugiego typu, które są sprzeczne ze stanem faktycznym, a więc niemożliwe do spełnienia, zmieniają się w mowie zależnej, np.:

He said, “If I were older, I would join the army.” Powiedział: „Gdybym był starszy, poszedłbym do wojska”. He said that if he had been older he would have joined the army. Powiedział, że gdyby był starszy, poszedłby do wojska. “If I were you, I would accept it,” she told me. „Gdybym była tobą, zaakceptowałabym to” – powiedziała mi.


Zdania warunkowe w mowie zależnej

She told me that if she had been me she would have accepted it. Powiedziała mi, że gdyby była mną, zaakceptowałaby to. Were to nie ulega zmianie w mowie zależnej, np.:

“If he were to win the race, I would be happy for him,” she said. Gdyby wygrał wyścig, byłabym szczęśliwa” – powiedziała. She said that she would be happy for him if he were to win the race. Powiedziała, że byłaby szczęśliwa, gdyby wygrał wyścig. She said, “If we were to go abroad, we would go to England.” Powiedziała: „Gdybyśmy mieli pojechać zagranicę, pojechalibyśmy do Anglii”. She said that if they were to go abroad, they would go to England. Powiedziała, że gdyby mieli pojechać zagranicę, pojechaliby do Anglii. Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych trzeciego typu nie zmieniają się w mowie zależnej.

“If she had studied harder, she could have got into Oxford,” he said. „Gdyby uczyła się więcej, mogłaby dostać się do Oksfordu” – powiedział. He said that if she had studied harder, she could have got into Oxford. Powiedział, że gdyby uczyła się więcej, mogłaby dostać się do Oksfordu. “If he hadn’t broken the rules, he wouldn’t have been punished,” she told me. „Gdyby nie złamał zasad, nie zostałby ukarany” – powiedziała. She told me that if he hadn’t broken the rules, he wouldn’t have been punished. Powiedziała mi, że gdyby nie złamał zasad, nie zostałby ukarany.

Ćwiczenia 35. Przekształć (tam gdzie jest to możliwe) następujące zdania warunkowe w mowie niezależnej na zdania w mowie zależnej.

1. “If I were you, I would demand a refund.” 2. “If I had more time, I would read more.” 3. “If I hadn’t met him, I wouldn’t have set up a business.” 4. “If she apologised, I would forgive her.” 5. “If he insisted, I wouldn’t disagree.” 6. “If she hadn’t overslept, she would have been on that plane.” 7. “If he had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have had the accident.” 8. “If she comes, I won’t tease her.” 56


9. “If they had let us know, we would have picked them up from the airport.” 10. “If she were more passionate, I would vote for her.” 36. Przekształć zdania warunkowe 1–10 w mowie niezależnej na zdania w mowie zależnej.

If I were Angelina Jolie ... 1. ... I would be a movie star. 2. ... I would live in a mansion. 3. ... I would hire twenty maids. 4. ... I would be a philanthropist. 5. ... I wouldn’t be doing this job. 6. ... I would have a handsome husband. 7. ... I would do plenty of TV interviews. 8. ... I would have a big collection of shoes. 9. ... I wouldn’t agree to strip off my clothes for love scenes. 10. ... I would demand ten million dollars to star in a film.


12. Streszczenie wypowiedzi Nieraz skrupulatne przekazywanie czyjejś wypowiedzi nie jest możliwe ani konieczne. Niektóre słowa i zwroty, np. „so”, „OK”, „now”, „how about” nie pojawiają się w mowie zależnej. Osoba przytaczająca może użyć innych słów, niż te które były w oryginalnej wypowiedzi.

“So, what brings you here?” he asked. „A więc, co cię tu sprowadza?” – zapytał. He asked me why I went there. Zapytał mnie, dlaczego tam poszedłem. “Ok. Now what?” she asked. “Dobrze. Co teraz?” – zapytała. She asked what she should do next. Zapytała, co powinna następnie zrobić. “How about going to the cinema?” he asked. „Co powiesz na pójście do kina?” – zapytał. He suggested going to the cinema. Zaproponował pójście do kina. Zdarza się, że relacjonujący ocenia i subiektywnie charakteryzuje przytaczane wypowiedzi używając wartościujących słów lub zwrotów.

“I’ve got a bad cold,” she said. „Jestem przeziębiona” – powiedziała. She complained that she had a bad cold. Narzekała, że jest przeziębiona. “I am sorry I was so blind,” he said. „Przepraszam, że byłem taki ślepy” – powiedział. He stammered his apology. Wybełkotał swe przeprosiny. Aby streścić wypowiedzi, które przytaczamy, nierzadko posługujemy się zaimkami pytającymi. W tym przypadku przekazujemy niejako w pigułce treść wypowiedzi.

“Add a pinch of salt to the garlic and crush it with the flat side of the knife,” he said. „Posyp szczyptą soli czosnek i rozgnieć go płaską częścią ostrza noża” – powiedział. 58


He showed me how to crush the garlic. Pokazał mi, jak rozgnieść czosnek. “Select the desired ringtone, then you will receive it with a text message. Click “Save” and select “Store Tone” to store it,” she said. „Wybierz dzwonek, który ci się podoba, otrzymasz go SMS-em. Kliknij „Zachowaj”, później wybierz „Zapamiętaj dzwonek”, aby go zapamiętać” – powiedziała. She taught me how to download a ringtone. Nauczyła mnie, jak ściągnąć dzwonek. “Buy flour, eggs, a jar of honey and some cheese,” she told me. „Kup mąkę, jajka, słoik miodu i trochę sera” – powiedziała mi. She told me what to buy. Powiedziała mi, co mam kupić. Także wyrażenia przyimkowe są często używane, aby streścić to, co ktoś powiedział. Poniżej lista czasowników tworzących w połączeniu z przyimkami wyrażenia wprowadzające mowę niezależną. Czasownik+about

argue about ask about complain (to someone) about dream about/of enquire about remind (someone) about speak (to/with someone) about talk about/of tell about


agree on comment on congratulate (someone) on/for decide on insist on keep on object to


admire (someone) for apologise (to someone) for blame (someone) for criticise (someone) for excuse (someone) for forgive (someone) for praise (someone) for scold (someone) for thank (someone) for wish for Czasownik+of

accuse (someone) of approve of assure (someone) of inform (someone) of talk about/of


admit to confess to consent to explain (something) to object to respond to


Streszczenie wypowiedzi

“Tomorrow I am attending a conference on the environment and on Monday I am flying to Zürich,” he told me. „Jutro biorę udział w konferencji na temat środowiska naturalnego, a w poniedziałek lecę do Zürichu” – powiedział mi. He told me of/about his plans for the next few days. Powiedział mi o swoich planach na najbliższe dni. “My dream is to become an actress,” she said. „Moim marzeniem jest zostać aktorką” – powiedziała. She told me about her dream. Powiedziała mi o swoim marzeniu. “Sorry, I am late,” she said. „Przepraszam za spóźnienie” – powiedziała. She apologised for being late. Przeprosiła za spóźnienie. “Yes, I went to the casino,” he said. „Tak, poszedłem do kasyna” – powiedział. He confessed to going to the casino. Przyznał się, że poszedł do kasyna. “I am very grateful to you for your helpful and quick response,” she said. „Jestem ci wdzięczna za twoją pomocną i szybką odpowiedź” – powiedziała. She thanked me for my response. Podziękowała mi za moją odpowiedź. “I swear I didn’t rob the old lady,” the man said. „Przysięgam, że nie okradłem starszej pani” – powiedział mężczyzna. The man denied robbing/having robbed the old lady. Mężczyzna zaprzeczył, że okradł starszą panią. “Look at the mess you’ve made!” she said. „Zobacz jaki bałagan zrobiłeś!” – powiedziała. She scolded me for making the mess. Zbeształa mnie za bałagan.



Ćwiczenia 37. Zreferuj poniższą wypowiedź w mowie zależnej.

“I see little point in taking this discussion further. The rules are clear and are not about to change. I simply reminded you of that, as I am required to do as a moderator – this is not patronising. I see that Tim has already told you this, so it should have come as no surprise. If my previous remark implies that you broke the rules, then good – that is precisely what I meant.” 38. Zreferuj poniższą wypowiedź w mowie zależnej.

“The Garbage was playing in my town last weekend. It was the first time I had ever seen them live on stage. What a great show it was! I was lucky to have a fourth row ticket so I could see everything perfectly. Soon after the band appeared on the stage the crowd of 60, 000 was into things. People were just singing their lungs out. It was well worth every penny I paid for it, every minute of the drive to get there and the outrageous parking fee.” 39. Streść poniższe wypowiedzi.

a) “If you detect smoke, a strange smell or unusual noises around the printer, turn it off immediately.” The service manual says that ______________________________. b) “To get to the city centre, go along this street to the traffic lights, then turn right into Church Street. Go straight on and then turn left at the next traffic light. The city centre will be on your right.” He told me how ______________________________. c) “Lift the cover, put the paper face down on the glass. Select the number of copies you want to make. Then press the “Print” button.” She showed me how ______________________________. d) “We wish you health, happiness, personal fulfillment, good fortune and success in all your future endeavours.” They wished me ______________________________. e) “I bought a dozen eggs, milk, butter, a piece of cheese, biscuits and a bar of chocolate.” She said that ______________________________. f) “We do not accept questions like this one where there is no attempt by the original poster to provide an answer. We require thread-starters to show their own thinking.” He said that ______________________________.


Streszczenie wypowiedzi 40. Streść zdania 1–10 w mowie zależnej, używając każdorazowo wytłuszczonego czasownika. 1. “It was you who took the money!” she said.



















2. “I can read 1000 words a minute,” she said.

3. “I can’t tolerate your behaviour any more!” he said.

4. “Don’t forget to send Beth a birthday card,” he said. 5. “How is your husband?” she said.

6. “I have to work at weekends,” he said.

7. “My grandchildren work in the financial industry,” she said. 8. “Yes, I cheated on you,” he said.

9. “You are not working hard enough!” she said.

10. “I behaved like an idiot. I am sorry,” he said.

apologise ______________________________________________.


13. Powtórzenie i ugruntowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia 41. Spośród wydrukowanych kursywą wyrażeń wybierz poprawne.

1. “Phil, come here at once!” said my father/my father said/said my father angrily. 2. “You might try this,” he told me/told he me/said he. 3. “She’s got worse,” the doctor told me/told me the doctor/said the doctor. 4. “What would you like me to do?” said Nicky/Nicky said to me/said Nicky to me. 5. “Nothing ever goes my way,” Emma told/Emma said/Emma said me. 6. “Don’t take that tone with me!” yelled Kate at me/yelled Kate/Kate yelled. 7. “It makes no sense,” Jake said thoughtfully/said Jake thoughtfully/thoughtfully said Jake. 8. “I will never let you down,” he assured/he assured me/assured he me. 42. Wskaż, które z poniższych czasowników wprowadzających wymagają dopełnienia, które nie a przy których dopełnienie jest opcjonalne.

1. “The two of you are friends?” Annie asked. 2. “I think we are lost,” Parker observed. 3. “Stay away from him,” Bill warned. 4. “Oh, that’s not fair!” she complained. 5. “You must be thinking of someone else,” Lynn replied. 6. “Don’t forget to take your medicines,” she reminded. 7. “It’s not a big deal,” he protested. 8. “I’m feeling better,” she assured. 9. “We need a car,” she convinced. 10.“Your room must be vacated by 11 a.m.,” the front desk clerk notified. 43. Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną, używając jednego z poniższych czasowników. welcome, doubt, beg, wish, suggest, curse, deny, invite, thank, congratulate, compliment, confess, promise, advise, exclaim, admit, offer, complain, forbid, blame

1. “I stole the diamond bracelet,” said the man. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “Would you like to join us?” he asked. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “How about a drink?” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “Let’s go somewhere where it’s more quiet,” Andrew said. ___________________________________________________________________.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

5. Tom said, “How lovely to see you!” ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “I don’t know the man,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “Congratulations on your promotion,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. She said, “Good luck.” ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “The accident was your fault, Jack,” said Mark. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “I will never let you down,” he told me. __________________________________________________________________. 11. “I wouldn’t trust him if I were you,” Emma said. __________________________________________________________________. 12. “Molly, don’t leave me,” he said. __________________________________________________________________. 13. Chris said, “Yes, it was me who did these things.” __________________________________________________________________. 14. “My mother-in-law criticises everything I do,” said Mary. __________________________________________________________________. 15. “Mike, you mustn’t answer the questions,” the lawyer said. __________________________________________________________________. 16. “Thank you for everything,” he said. __________________________________________________________________. 17. She said, “I don’t think he knows a thing about economy.” __________________________________________________________________. 18. “Welcome to my humble abode,” the host said to us. __________________________________________________________________. 19. “Oh, curse the politics!” the man said. __________________________________________________________________. 20. You look great with this new hairstyle,” he told me. __________________________________________________________________. 44. Spośród dwu czasowników wydrukowanych kursywą wybierz prawidłowy.

1. Rebecca offered/suggested me a cup of coffee. 2. Frank suggested/insisted that we go for a walk that evening. 3. He refused/regretted getting a tattoo on his arm after several months. 4. They congratulated/convinced her on getting married. 5. Bonnie insisted/reminded him to do the shopping. 6. She threatened/warned her ex-husband not to go anywhere near the children. 7. My mother insisted/implored that I wear my Sunday suit that day. 8. He blamed/accused his co-worker for what was clearly his fault. 9. Charlie begged/thanked her for staying by his side. 10. She explained/told to me how to use the device. 11. The doctor assured/admitted me that everything would be fine. 12. Jake inquired/pointed out that it was inappropriate to wear black to a wedding. 64

ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 45. Spośród trzech czasowników relacjonujących wybierz prawidłowy.

1. “I’m going to be sick,” the man groaned/roared/sneered. 2. “ Get out of my house!” he roared/stammered/snarled. 3. “Y...yes,” he stammered/whined/stuttered. 4. “Good God, hurry up!” Jacky shouted/screamed/whispered. 5. “Is that the best you can do?” she sneered/yelled/groaned. 6. “I don’t have time for this,” Steve stammered/growled/barked. 7. “It’s good to be home,” Robin whispered/barked/groaned. 8. “I’m exhausted,” he grunted/shouted/whined. 46. Spośród zdań (a, b, c) wybierz te, które najlepiej oddają sens zdań w mowie niezależnej 1-10.

1. “You mustn’t hang around with them, Gareth,” she said. a) She told Gareth that he didn’t have to hang around with them. b) She told Gareth that he wasn’t hanging around with them. c) She told Gareth not to hang around with them. 2. “Will you stay if I ask you?” asked Betsy. a) Betsy asked me if I’d asked her to stay. b) Betsy asked me to stay. c) Betsy asked me if I will stay. 3. “Where is the Post Office?” the man asked. a) The man wanted to know where is the Post Office. b) The man wanted to know where the Post Office was. c) The man wanted to know where was the Post Office. 4. Emily said, “How terrible!” a) Emily exclaimed that it was terrible. b) Emily said that she was terrible. c) Emily expressed how terrible was it. 5. “Stacy, I would tell you if I knew,” said Brian. a) Brian told Stacy that he would have told her if he had known. b) Brian told Stacy that he wished he had known and told her. c) Brian told Stacy that he would tell her if he knew. 6. “If I were you I wouldn’t go there,” said Marty to Gina. a) Marty advised Gina not to go there. b) Marty suggested Gina not to go there. c) Marty told Gina that if he were her he wouldn’t go there.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

7. “Don’t tell anyone,” said Erica. a) Erica told me to not tell anyone. b) Erica ordered not telling anyone. c) Erica said that I wasn’t to tell anyone. 8. “You must be kidding,” said he. a) He said that I had to be kidding. b) He said that I must be kidding. c) He said that I would have to be kidding. 9. “Where did you find these?” Megan asked. a) Megan asked where I had found them. b) Megan asked where I had found those. c) Megan asked where I had found these. 10. “I don’t want to be a part of it,” said Andy. a) Andy refused that he would be a part of it. b) Andy objected to being a part of it. c) Andy said he didn’t want a part of it. 47. Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną.

1. “I’m going to Dublin tomorrow,” my boss said. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “We spoke on the phone two days ago,” he told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “It’s quiet in here today,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “This came for you yesterday,” John said. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “I’m supposed to see him next week,” Danny said. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “I quit my job last week,” Anne told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “My exam starts the day after tomorrow,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “It happened about a year ago,” Martin said. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “Call me tomorrow evening,” she told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “I hardly see him these says,” said Grace. __________________________________________________________________. 11. “I will have it in two days,” said she. __________________________________________________________________.



12. “You can stay with us tonight,” they told him. __________________________________________________________________. 13. “I want it now,” she said. __________________________________________________________________. 48. Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną.

1. He said, “She makes the best cheesecake in the world.” ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “I was thinking of quitting my job,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “Find out where she is,” said Paul. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “That’s an unrealistic expectation,” he said to me. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “We will find a way to prevent it,” said Sam. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “I appreciate your saying that,” Mrs Pratt said. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “I will be there as soon as I can,” my mother told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “I was thinking of moving back to Atlanta,” Charlotte said. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “I’m glad you called,” Mark said. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “I just wanted to help,” he said. __________________________________________________________________. 11. “I don’t need your advice,” said Jane. __________________________________________________________________. 12. “I haven’t told you everything yet,” he said. __________________________________________________________________. 13. “It’s not the end of the world,” my father told me. __________________________________________________________________. 14. “I’m sorry you didn’t make it,” Anne said. __________________________________________________________________. 15. “I will see what I can do,” he said. __________________________________________________________________. 16. “I’m sorry I shouted at you,” Dave told me. __________________________________________________________________. 17. “I’m trying to work,” she said. __________________________________________________________________. 18. “I’ve been playing tennis a lot lately,” Peggy said. __________________________________________________________________.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia 49. Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną.

1. “This will make the pain go away,” the doctor told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “This dress is too small for me,” said Ellen. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “This is great news,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “Cook this on a low heat for about 15 minutes,” my mother told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “This will be discussed at the next meeting,” the chairman said. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “He gave me this ring,” she told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “I bought these at a flea market,” said Parker. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “What will go with these shoes?” I asked her. ___________________________________________________________________. 50. Przekształć poniższe pytania na mowę zależną.

1. “Were you at a party with her last night?” he asked me. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “Did you get my message?” she asked him. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “How much did you pay for it?” Mark asked me. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “Chloe, how are you this morning?” he asked. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “Will you wait here for me?” I asked Tom. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “Why did you do it?” the police officer asked him. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “What are you thinking about, Rose?” he asked. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. She said, “Who is this, Jack?” ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” she asked me. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. She asked, “Have you ever been to Warsaw, Greg?” __________________________________________________________________. 11. “Are you going by yourself?” she asked Lenny. __________________________________________________________________. 12. “How much has she spent on clothes?” Mrs Wood asked me. __________________________________________________________________.



13. “Where did you see her?” Tom asked Bob. __________________________________________________________________. 14. “Do you want cream or sugar with your coffee?” she asked the man. __________________________________________________________________. 15. “Are we going for a walk or not?” he asked me. __________________________________________________________________. 51. Przekształć poniższe polecenia, zakazy, rady lub prośby na mowę zależną, używając jednego z poniższych czasowników. advise, deny, recommend, invite, accuse, implore, beg, promise, encourage, refuse, warn, order, forbid, tell, remind

1. “Please, please, don’t do anything stupid,” he said to her. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “You’re not allowed to talk to strangers,” his mum told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “Steve, don’t forget to post the letter,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “Please, don’t drive fast,” she said to me. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “Don’t you ever lie to me again,” she told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “I will let you know tomorrow,” Jack told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “Please, come in,” he told us. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “Leave the room, Scott!” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “Go on Pete, ask her out,” said David. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “Mike, don’t go there alone,” he said. __________________________________________________________________. 11. “Don’t try to see Lynn,” Ruby told him. __________________________________________________________________. 12. “You should stay in bed,” the doctor told me. __________________________________________________________________. 13. “I didn’t tell them the truth,” he said to me. __________________________________________________________________. 14. “Paul, I won’t lend you more money,” she said. __________________________________________________________________. 15. “You’ve been talking behind my back!” she told him. __________________________________________________________________.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia 52. Zrelacjonuj poniższe polecenia, zakazy i prośby za pomocą konstrukcji say/tell + podmiot + bezokolicznik.

1. “Never start a fight,” said told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “You mustn’t use a flash inside the museum,” the curator told us. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “Don’t tell anyone,” Liz told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “Stay away from me,” she told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “Don’t play with matches,” she said to her child. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “Stay after the classes,” the teacher told her. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “Return the faulty item in the original packaging” the shop assistant told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 53. Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną.

1. “I can’t marry you, Bob,” said Nelly. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “I can’t take any chances,” said Will. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. She said, “I must find someone who can understand me.” ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “You mustn’t tell Mum,” she told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “Children, could you get into the car, please?” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “Can’t you stop asking stupid questions?” he asked her. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “Can I have a hug?” said Frank. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “What shall I do now?” she asked me. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “What shall I do with all these papers?” he asked. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “She may arrive soon,” said Nick. __________________________________________________________________. 11. “You must visit us again,” they told her. __________________________________________________________________. 12. “You mustn’t tell lies,” his mother told him. __________________________________________________________________. 13. Jack said, “We can come later.” __________________________________________________________________. 70


14. “Must you go so soon?” he asked me. __________________________________________________________________. 15. “Mum, must I eat the veggies?” asked the boy. __________________________________________________________________. 54. Przekształć poniższe zdania warunkowe na mowę zależną.

1. “If I were a decade younger, I would marry you,” he told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “I would cycle more often if there were more bike lanes,” said Rob. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “If he came, I would leave,” said Stacy. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “If it snowed, it would feel more like Christmas,” the girl said. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “If you had more common sense, you would ignore him,” Vince told her. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “If you met her, you would like her as well,” Jack said to Philip. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. “I won’t go if you don’t come with me,” she told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “If I were to live abroad, I would probably live in Rome,” Anne said. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “If I hadn’t danced with him that night, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with him,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “We will regret it if he becomes President,” Mrs Nash said. __________________________________________________________________. 55. Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną. Zwróć uwagę, które z czasowników mogą względnie powinny pozostać niezmienione.

1. “It’s high time we got down to work,” he told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 2. “I wish I knew,” Paul said. ___________________________________________________________________. 3. “It used to be my neighbourhood,” she said. ___________________________________________________________________. 4. “Bob, it’s time you grew up,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 5. “I’d rather you didn’t call me that,” she told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “Janet, would you mind if I used your mobile?” asked Walter. ___________________________________________________________________.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

7. “When I last saw him he was talking to that girl,” Molly said. ___________________________________________________________________. 8. “When I lived in Prague I often bought too many groceries,” he said. ___________________________________________________________________. 9. “You had better go home,” she told him. ___________________________________________________________________. 10. “The Earth revolves around the Sun,” the teacher told us. __________________________________________________________________. 56. W pierwszym zdaniu z każdej pary wybierz właściwe wyrażenie wykrzyknikowe. Drugie sformułowane w mowie zależnej uzupełnij tak, aby relacjonowało poprzednie, zgodnie ze wzorem.

“Ow/Heavens! What a noise,” she said. She gave an exclamation of ________ . “Heavens! What a noise, she said.” She gave an exclamation of shock. 1. “Ouch/Goody! I’ve stubbed my toe,” he said. He gave an exclamation of _________. 2. “Damn/Blimey! I totally forgot,” Nick said. Nick gave an exclamation of _________. 3. “Wow/Ow! How beautiful,” she said. She gave an exclamation of _________. 4. “Whew/Ugh, what a filthy place!” he said. He gave an exclamation of _________. 5. “Hurrah/Oof! We’ve won the match,” the boy said. The boy an exclamation of _________. 6. “Upon my word/Whew, that was a close call!” he said. He gave an exclamation of _________. 7. “Aha/Gosh! I was right there,” Peggy said Peggy gave an exclamation of _________. 8. “Boy/Oh bother, it’s still raining!” said the man. The man gave an exclamation of _________. 9. “Bah/Oh, what a lovely dress!” she said. She gave an exclamation of _________.



10. “Ow/Oh goody! Peanut butter cookies,” the child said. The child gave an exclamation of _________. 11. “Oh no/Ouch, no signal!” he said. He gave an exclamation of _________. 12. “Tut-tut/Ah, you are smoking too much!” said Mrs Bennet. Mrs Bennet gave an exclamation of _________. 13. “Gosh/Gracious! It’s freezing in here,” he said. He gave an exclamation of _________. 14. “Yum/Yuck! I hate goat cheese,” Robin said. Robin gave an exclamation of _________. 15. “Ha/Oh dear, you look unwell,” the woman said. The woman gave an exclamation of _________. 16. “Oh heck/Ugh, is it that late?” Owen said. Owen gave an exclamation of _________. 17. “Ow/Eeek, a spider!” the girl said. The girl gave an exclamation of _________. 18. “Goody/Good gracious! What’s happened to you?” she said. She gave an exclamation of _________. 19. “Whoopee/Hell, it’s the weekend!” Katy said happily. Katy gave an exclamation of _________. 20. “Good Lord/Goody! What are you doing?” said Tom. Tom gave an exclamation of _________. 57. Zdania 1-20 sformułowane mowie zależnej zawierają błędy w miejscach podkreślonych ciągłą linią. Wyeliminuj je.

1. Chloe said that “I will come and see you tomorrow.” 2. Liz said me that it was a lovely idea. 3. He told me don’t touch the wire. 4. Peggy told me that she moved there a year ago. 5. He wondered whether they were going to the cinema tonight. 6. The weatherman said that it was going to rain tomorrow. 7. John asked me if I will help him with his homework. 8. Julia told me she had read this book. 9. Philip asked me if I can change a tyre on a car. 10. A tourist asked me if I know how to get to the airport.


Powtór zenie i ugr untowanie wiadomości – ćwiczenia

11. He wanted to know why was she so happy all the time. 12. Julia asked me how did she look like. 13. Robert suggested us to meet. 14. He reminded about dinner at his parents’ house. 15. She accused that he cheated on her. 16. Natalie refused to comment his new hairstyle. 17. They objected against me to go there alone. 18. Sue told him that she’d sooner he hadn’t smoked there. 19. Mary wondered she was up to the job. 20. Brian denied to pick on his younger brother. 58. Przekaż dalej treść telefonicznej wiadomości przeznaczonej dla pana Fishera. Uczyń to w mowie zależnej. a)

This is Tom Owens. I’m with MM Electronics. Please tell Mr Fisher that there has been a shipping delay and he won’t receive his order until the 10th or the 11th. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. Tom Owen with MM Electronics company called ______________________________.


This is Helen Lake from Dr Hart’s office. I’m calling to confirm Mr Fisher’s appointment on Monday, 14 October at 9 a.m. Tell him to bring the copies of his old medical records and his health insurance card. Helen Lake from Dr Hart’s office called to ___________________________________.


This is Julia Fisher, David’s wife. Please tell my husband that my flight to Atlanta has been put off until 7 p.m. due to bad weather. Ask him to call me on my mobile the moment he returns from the conference. Your wife called to ___________________________________.


Hi, I’m Jack at the garage. Please tell Mr Fisher that his car is ready to pick up. I’ve fixed everything. Jack at the garage says ___________________________________.


I’m Thomas Sanders, Mr Fisher’s financial advisor. Please tell Mr Fisher that I’ve prepared a new investment plan for him. Ask him if he can meet me for lunch at Cinnamon Club tomorrow. Shall we say 2 p.m.? Thomas Sanders, your financial advisor, says _________________________________.


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 59. Poniższe zdania przedstaw w mowie zależnej, łącząc je w jedną frazę.

He said, “Let’s stay indoors. It’s going to rain.” He suggested staying indoors as/because/since it was going to rain. 1. He asked, “Can you show me around? I’m new here.” ___________________________________________________________________. 2. He said, “Don’t close the window. It’s too hot in here.” ___________________________________________________________________. 3. He said, “Don’t forget to post the letter. It’s very important.” ___________________________________________________________________. 4. He said, “You should see your doctor. You look unwell.” ___________________________________________________________________. 5. He said, “Take an umbrella. It may rain.” ___________________________________________________________________. 6. “Don’t take out any loans. Remember that you will have to pay back more than you borrow,” he told me. ___________________________________________________________________. 7. He said, “Don’t drink too much. Remember that you have an early flight tomorrow.” ___________________________________________________________________. 8. He said, “It’s almost midnight. Where are you going?” ___________________________________________________________________. 9. He said, “I’ll call a taxi. It’s getting late.” ___________________________________________________________________. 10. He said, “I’m going out. I won’t be back before dinner.” __________________________________________________________________. 60. Wstaw w luki czasownik to be w odpowiednich formach. Niekiedy poprawne mogą być dwie odpowiedzi.

1. I bumped into Claire the other day. She said she ______ going to Majorca for a week. 2. I’ve seen Pete just now. He said to let you know that he ______ really on your side. 3. When he spoke to his lawyer yesterday, Garry said that he ______ innocent of all charges. 4. Just tell me the truth. Why did you tell me that you ______ going to marry him? 5. Mark has a wife and two children but I’m sure he told me he ______ single. 6. I’ve just heard today’s weather forecast. It says it ______ going to rain. 7. Mike, you said you ______ thirsty, but you didn’t drink anything. 8. I’m surprised Trevor failed the exam. He told me he ______ well prepared. 9. I’ve just talked to Michelle on the phone. She says she ______ on her way and will be here shortly. 10. Jerry once told me that his brother ______ an ex-marine.


14. O mowie niezależnej i zależnej w pigułce W mowie niezależnej wyraz po wyrazie powtarzamy czyjąś wypowiedź.

W mowie zależnej nie stronimy do posługiwania się naszymi własnymi sformułowaniami, by przekazać sens czyichś słów (w szczególności musimy modyfikować oryginalne wyrażenia, dostosowując je do zmienionych okoliczności – np. czasowych).

Stawiamy przecinek po say, ask, itp. przed sformułowaniami w mowie niezależnej, w podobnej sytuacji, ale przed mową zależną nie umieszczamy tego znaku. Kiedy said itp. występuje po przytoczeniu, przecinek kładziemy bezpośrednio po oryginalnej wypowiedzi przed zamykającym cudzysłowem.

Molly said, “I’m going home.” Molly said that she was going home. “I’m going home,” said Molly. Tell i say to najczęściej spotykane czasowniki wprowadzające przytoczenie. Uwaga! Nie używamy talk i speak jako słów wprowadzających.

Niektóre z czasowników wprowadzających wymagają dopełnienia. Są to czasowniki takie jak: tell, assure, inform, remind, warn, convince, notify.

He assured me that he would be there in time. He warned me not to tease the dog. He reminded me to feed his fish. Poniżej podane są najważniejsze zasady posługiwania się czasami przy relacjonowaniu wypowiedzi w mowie zależnej. Nie należy stosować tych zasad mechanicznie, zawsze trzeba mieć na uwadze okoliczności i kontekst: „ Zasady zamiany czasów gramatycznych (tenses) : Present Simple  Past Simple Present Continuous  Past Continuous Present Perfect  Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous  Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple  Past Perfect Past Continuous  Past Perfect Continuous


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous  pozostają bez zmian will w czasach przyszłych  would „ Jeśli wypowiedź bazowa się nie zdezaktualizowała, przytaczając ją w mowie zależnej na ogół nie zmieniamy czasów gramatycznych (choć możliwość taka nie jest wykluczona).

“It’s a beautiful day today,” she said.  She said it’s a beautiful day today. „ Czasy zmieniamy, gdy nie ma pewności, że bazowe stwierdzenie jest prawdziwe. Porównajmy przykłady:

“I like cheesecake,” he said. You said that you like cheesecake. Shall I get you a piece? You said that you liked cheesecake. Why aren’t you eating it, then? „ Nie ma potrzeby zmiany czasów w przytoczeniu zależnym, gdy zdanie bazowe odnosi się do zakończonej czynności.

She told me she passed/had passed the exams. „ Czas przeszły po wish, would rather/sooner, it’s time nie ulega zmianie.

“I wish I were taller,” he said.  He said he wished he were taller. “It’s time we got down to work,” he said.  He said it was time they got down to work. “I’d rather you didn’t tell her,” he said.  He said he’d rather I didn’t tell her. Nie zapominajmy o innych niezbędnych zmianach w mowie zależnej np. odnoszących się do ludzi, określeń czasu (time) i miejsca. „ Określenia czasu (time) przekształcamy jak w poniższych przykładach: now  then/at that time/immediately at the moment  at the time today  that day tonight  that night yesterday  the day before/the previous day tomorrow  the next day/the following day tomorrow evening  the following evening this year  that year last year  the year before/the previous year next year  the year after/the following year the week after next  a week later these days  those days in two days  two days from then


O mowie niezależnej i zależnej w pigułce the day before yester day  two days before/two days earlier the day after tomorrow  two days later/two days after ago  before here  there „ Czasowniki modalne przekształcamy w mowie zależnej najczęściej zgodnie z następującymi regułami: will  would, can  could, may  might, shall  should, must  had to, need  needed.

“I can ski,” she said.  She said that she could ski. “I may be late,” he said.  He said that he might be late. “I need more time,” I said.  I said that I needed more time. „ Niektóre formy czasowników modalnych (np.: would, might, should, used to) pozostają niezmienione, gdy przekształcamy mowę niezależną na zależną.

“It might rain,” he said.  He said that it might rain. “You should see a doctor,” she said  She said that I should see a doctor. “I used to smoke,” he said.  He said that he used to smoke. „ W zależności od potrzeby można posłużyć się innymi sposobami relacjonowania wypowiedzi z czasownikami modalnymi.

“Would you like to come round for tea?” she asked.  She invited me for tea. Gdy przytaczamy pytania w mowie zależnej, zmieniamy szyk zdania na oznajmiający.

“Where is the post office?” he asked.  He asked (me) where the post office was. Przy relacjonowaniu pytań w mowie zależnej możemy korzystać zarówno ze słów pytających (takich jak: what, where, when, whose, who) oraz z wyrażeń if/whether. „ Pytania typu „yes/no” wprowadzamy w mowie zależnej za pomocą if/whether, np.:

“Do you like strong coffee?” she asked.  She asked (me) if/whether I liked strong coffee. „ Jeżeli pytanie w mowie niezależnej zaczyna się od słowa pytającego, to słowo to jest powtarzane w mowie zależnej.

“How much does it cost?” he asked.  He asked (me) how much it cost.


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A Aby zrelacjonować w mowie zależnej polecenia, zakazy, rady i prośby, stosujemy konstrukcję bezokolicznikową (bezokolicznik z to) lub konstrukcję say/tell + podmiot + be + bezokolicznik, np.:

“Wait outside,” he said.  He told me/asked me to wait outside.  He told me that I was to wait outside. „ Do czasowników, które mogą być użyte do relacjonowania poleceń, zakazów, rad i próśb należą advise, ask, command, forbid, order, remind, request, invite, warn.





Sprawdź się 1. 1. She said, “There aren’t any tickets left.”

2. “I don’t understand the instruction,” Lynn told me. 3. He said, “I never planned to be a teacher.” 4. Chloe said, “I left my luggage on the train.” 5. Mr Bright said, “I am moving to the suburbs.” 6. “I am very upset by her remarks,” Bob told me. 7. He said, “I met her yesterday.” 8. “Put the key here,” Jacky told me. 9. Mark said, “I will never give up.” 10. Andrew said, “My new book is coming out this month.” 11. “I am sorry for my behaviour,” Brian told me. 12. Vince said, “I used to smoke like a chimney.” 13. He said, “The flyover is scheduled to be completed in May.” 14. “You need to start exercising,” the doctor told me. 15. She said, “I won’t object.”

2. 1. He told me that he would drop by the next day.

2. She asked me what I had done. 3. He said that I was looking wonderful that day. 4. He asked whether he could call me back. 5. She said that the ring was beautiful. 6. She said that she didn’t have a clue. 7. He told me that he had met Jack in a DIY store. 8. She said that she hadn’t enjoyed the performance. 9. He said that they had missed the bus by 10 minutes. 10. She said that I had no reason to be angry. 11. He agreed to go first. 12. She promised not to tell my secret to anyone. 13. He said that it was really bad. 14. She said that she liked it there. 15. He advised me to cut down on coffee.

Ćwiczenia 1. 1. “Who’s calling, please?” he asked.

6. “I will get you out of this,” he promised. 7. “Yes, I cheated in the exam,” she admitted. 8. “I didn’t say that,” he denied. 9. “They will get here in time,” he assured me. 10. “Green tea cools the body,” she explained. 6-g 7-f 8-a 9-c 10-h

2. “I am not a child!” she exclaimed. 3. “Shh, not so loud,” she whispered. 4. “My left shoulder hurts terribly,” he complained. 5. “Go away!” she exclaimed.

2. 1-j 2-e 3-i 4-b 5-d


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 3. 1. He reminded me that it was her birthday.

2. She replied that she hadn’t heard anything. 3. He assured me that it would be easy. 4. The desk clerk informed me that there were no rooms available. 5. He admitted that he offended them. 6. The teacher explained that/to us that Islam doesn’t allow extra-marital relationships. 7. Zdanie poprawne 8. Zdanie poprawne 9. Zdanie poprawne 10. Zdanie poprawne

4. a) 1-d 2-e 3-a 4-c 5-b

b) 1-c 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-d

5. 1-h 2-e 3-c 4-g 5-b 6-d 7-f 8-a 6. Mowa niezależna Present Simple

Present Continuous Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Mowa zależna Past Simple Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous bez zmian

7. 1. She said that it was a gorgeous room.

2. Beth said that I spoke English very well. 3. Alice said that she hadn’t talked to him yet. 4. Bob said that it looked frightening. 5. Jim said that she was a very talented lawyer. 6. Philip said that he was not trying to offend anyone. 7. Amy said that she was a babysitter. 8. He said that he would try the following day. 9. She said that she would wash the dishes. 10. Tom said that he wouldn’t repeat the mistake. 11. Tim said that she was very kind. 12. Mark said that it hadn’t happened like that. 13. Katy said that she would do whatever it took. 14. Grace said that she wouldn’t say a word. 15. Greg said that he had been trying to call me.

8. 1. She said that she loves mountains/that she loved mountains.

2. She said that he is always late/was always late. 3. He said that he has never heard about it/had never heard about it. 4. She said that she hates Mondays/hated Mondays. 5. He said that she is getting better/was getting better. 6. She said that it will cost me a fortune/would cost me a fortune. 7. She said that he is always blaming her for things she didn’t do/was always blaming her for things she hadn’t done.



8. He said that he is sick and tired of it/was sick and tired of it. 9. She said that he won’t be missed/wouldn’t be missed. 10. He said that she doesn’t want to be an accountant/didn’t want to be an accountant. 11. She said that her son doesn’t believe in Santa Claus/ didn’t believe in Santa Claus. 12. He said that Beth never gets angry about anything/never got angry about anything. 13. She said that Mrs Right often borrows things from them/often borrowed things from them. 14. He said that his sister is a very reasonable girl/was a very reasonable girl. 15. She said that live in Twin Oaks/lived in Twin Oaks. 9. 2. But you said that you hate/hated spinach.

3. But you said that she is/was only a friend. 4. But you said that you cannot/couldn’t dance. 5. But you said that you have/had never eaten Thai food. 6. But you said that you are/were going on a business trip. 7. But you said that you love/loved all animals. 8. But you said that he is/was your next-door neighbour. 9. But you said that you don’t/didn’t speak foreign languages. 10. But you said that you are/were a Tory.

10. 1. She said that I must be over 21 to hire a car.

2. He said that she must be seeing things. 3. She said that he must be mad. 4. He advised me to think twice/He said that I ought to think twice. 5. She said that he couldn’t find common ground with some people/She said he hadn’t been able to find common ground with some people. 6. He said that she could wear whatever she wanted/He said that she was allowed to wear whatever she wanted. 7. She said that I mustn’t let anyone use it. 8. He said that he would like to see me again. 9. She said that I needn’t/didn’t need/didn’t have to go to all that trouble. 10. He said that she used to work as a housekeeper. 11. She said that he should be indicted. 12. He advised/urged/encouraged me to quit smoking. 13. She asked me to clean the house. 14. He said that she must/had to talk to me. 15. She said that she might succeed in convincing him.

11. 1. The front desk clerk told me that I had to check out of my room by 12.

2. The shop assistant told me that they couldn’t refund my money without a receipt. 3. The teacher said that I might have dysgraphia. 4. The car mechanic told me that I didn’t have to/didn’t need to change the fuel filter. 5. The doctor advised me to stay in bed for a few days. 6. Mum asked me to wash up after myself. 7. The actor said that he used to act in TV commercials. 8. The waiter offered to bring us more bread.


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 12. 1. (that) the prescription expired the day before.

2. (that) you should call the doctor to renew it. 3. (that) he had noticed my hard work. 4. (that) I would find something extra in my paycheck. 5. (that) he would rather get married in Vegas. 6. (that) she might drop in for a chat.

13. 1. at the time

2. there 3. five minutes later 4. the year before/the previous day 5. the following summer 6. then/at that time/immediately 7. two days before/two days earlier 8. those days

9. that evening 10. that day 11. the next day/the following day 12. the following night 13. that night 14. two years before 15. the day before/the previous day

14. 1. She said that it was very easy.

5. She said that she had bought them 2. He said that they were very good for herself. questions. 6. He said that it was a real war. 3. She said that she had enjoyed the book. 7. She said that they were the good 4. He said that they were quite old days. comfortable too. 8. He said that the roses were for her.

15. 1. Bob said that he had met my parents.

2. Katy said that they had bought a new camera. 3. Tim said that he’d like me to meet his girlfriend. 4. Jerry said that their car had a flat tyre. 5. Paul said that he bet my laptop was heavier than his. 6. Sue said that her job was stressing her out. 7. Jack said that no company was better than theirs.

16. a)

He said that they were in Greece, that they were staying at the Attica Hotel. He told Beth that it was absolutely fantastic. He said that the rooms were very clean and the staff were friendly. He said that nothing was too much trouble. He said that they couldn’t have asked for better accommodation. He mentioned that their room overlooked the sea so it was wonderful to watch the sun rise and set. He added that the food was excellent, especially the home-made bread and cookies. Finally, he said that he would call Beth again on Saturday. He asked her to say hello to Mike from Kate and him.


He told Beth that they were a bit tired of their room. He admitted that it was clean, but he grumbled that it was very small. He said that there was no place to keep their suitcases. He complained that the bathroom was also tiny. He said that after the second night he had called the reception desk to request a room change, but he had been told that the hotel was overbooked and a room change wasn’t an option. He continued saying that they were planning on checking out the next day. He asked Beth to say hello to Mike from them.


Key 17. 1. She queried what had happened.

2. He asked whether everything was all right. 3. She asked whether that would be all. 4. He wondered what I was talking about. 5. She wanted to know how long I was staying. 6. He asked me what I was going to do. 7. She inquired how much it cost. 8. He asked me what I had done to my hair. 9. She asked me what was wrong with me. 10. He wondered who I was. 11. She wanted to know what I wanted to become: a doctor or a lawyer. 12. He asked me what my boss was like. 13. She wanted to know what I was doing. 14. He queried how I knew his name. 15. She queried what I had learnt.

18. 1. He invited me to join them.

2. She asked me if I would be her friend. 3. He told me to go immediately. 4. She told me to answer the questions. 5. He offered me a cup of coffee. 6. She implored me/begged me to recommend her. 7. He ordered me to be serious. 8. She asked me to take her home.

9. He asked me to wait for him. 10. He told her to stop staring at him. 11. She asked him to turn off the radio. 12. He told me to give her his regards. 13. She begged me to let her go. 14. He implored me to help him out. 15. She ordered them to behave themselves.

19. 1. She asked me whether I would like to be self employed.

2. He asked me if I had got a light. 3. She wondered whether I could trust him. 4. He asked me whether I was sure I wanted to know. 5. She wanted to know if our neighbour was a bully. 6. He queried whether there was any way out. 7. She asked me if I often skipped breakfast. 8. He asked whether she had really changed. 9. She asked if they had kept their promises. 10. He wondered if there was any problem. 11. She wanted to know if he still worked there. 12. He asked if I approved of the ban on beer advertising.

20. 1. What time is it?

2. Will you come? 3. Will you do me a favour? 4. What are you doing here? 5. What do you want for your birthday?

21. 1-a 2-a 3-c 4-b 5-c


6. Is it your car? 7. Can you speak Spanish? 8. Do you know anything about it? 9. Can I call back for further information? 10. Are you taking your pills?

ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 22. 1. would buy

2. were 3. didn’t 4. was 5. were

6. should go 7. would be 8. wasn’t 9. included 10. ran

23. 1. how the weather was

2. how she was 3. whether there was any way out 4. why she fought with him

11. had 12. was 13. expired 14. he could buy 15. could buy 5. how he liked it 6. whether he was hungry 7. where I wanted to go

24. Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

1. They advised me to stay at home. 2. Mike asked me to wait a moment. 3. She demanded that I (should) keep an eye on him. 4. Jack forbade me to think about it. 5. Simon asked me to calm down and listen carefully. 6. Mark told me not to be afraid. 7. She told me not to lose hope. 8. Helen warned me not to expect much. 9. Dave told me to leave him alone. 10. Alice offered me to drink more red wine. 11. Tom told me not to make him laugh. 12. Roger implored me to call him back. 13. He asked me to answer the phone. 14. Jane warned me not to stick my head out of the window. 15. My mother reminded me to be honest and always tell the truth. 16. Paul advised me to take it easy. 17. Beth advised me to apply a hot compress. 18. The doctor told me to stay in bed. 19. Ally told me to keep my opinions to myself. 20. Chris advised me to take the car to a mechanic.

25. 2. Staff are not to use the phone for personal calls.

3. Staff are to wear badges. 4. Staff are not to accept cash gifts. 5. Staff are not to leave their valuables unattended. 6. Staff are to report any act of vandalism. 7. Staff are to smoke in designated areas only. 8. Staff are to park their cars in the main car park. 9. Staff are not to discuss any job-related issues with anyone. 10. Staff are to attend appropriate training courses.

26. 1. The teacher told us to pay attention.

2. The teacher told us not to speak Polish. 3. The teacher told us not to talk. 4. The teacher told us to be quiet.



5. The teacher told us to open our books. 6. The teacher told us not to copy other students’ work. 7. The teacher told us to write a story about our best friend. 8. The teacher told us to take out our pens. 9. The teacher told us not to forget our homework. 10. The teacher told us to put our hands if we wanted to speak. 27. 1. He told Alfa to lie down.

2. He told Alfa to jump up. 3. He told Alfa to fetch. 4. He told Alfa not to bark.

5. He told Alfa to shake. 6. He told Alfa to go up. 7. He told Alfa to heel. 8. He told Alfa to roll over.

28. 1) The narrator said that the Hare had been/was once boasting of his speed

before the other animals. 2) The Hare said that he had never been beaten and 3) he challenged any one there to race with him. 4) The Tortoise replied that he accepted his challenge. 5) The Hare retorted that it was a good joke adding that 6) he could dance round him all the way. 7) The Tortoise told him to keep his boasting till he had been beaten and 8) suggested racing/a race. 9) After the Tortoise won the race, he told the Hare that plodding wins/won the race.

29. a)

The psychiatrist asked the patient what his problem was. The patient answered that he thought he was a chicken. The psychiatrist wanted to know how long it had been going on. The patient replied that ever since he had been an egg.


The man exclaimed that he could hardly believe his eyes adding that it was the smartest dog he had even seen. The friend replied that that the dog wasn’t so smart, that he had beaten him three games out off five.


The first cow said that the mad-cow disease was really pretty scary adding that she had heard it had hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm. The other cow replied that she wasn’t worried because it didn’t affect them ducks.

30. 1. She exclaimed that it smelled terrible.

She gave an exclamation of disgust. 2. He exclaimed that they had made it. He gave an exclamation of relief. 3. She exclaimed that he dadn’t know that. She gave an exclamation of surprise. 4. He exclaimed that I looked wonderful. He gave an exclamation of wonder.



5. She exclaimed that it tasted awful. She gave an exclamation of disgust. 6. He exclaimed that it was great. He gave an exclamation of wonder. 7. She exclaimed that it was him. She gave an exclamation of surprise. 8. He exclaimed that he couldn’t find his glasses. He gave an exclamation of anger/annoyance. 9. She exclaimed that it hurt. She gave an exclamation of pain. 10. She exclaimed that she had locked her keys inside. She gave an expression of annoyance/pity. 31. 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-f 5-d 6-e 32. 1. He asked her if she would help him and she answered him that she would.

2. She asked him whether he had phoned Mark and he answered that he had. 3. They asked me whether I was tired and I answered that I wasn’t. 4. He asked her if she could drive and she answered that she couldn’t. 5. I asked her if he was a sports fan and she answered that he was.

33. Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

1. She asked how I liked her new glasses adding that she had bought them at Harrods. 2. He said that I looked very tired and wanted to know what was wrong. 3. She asked if Jack was in adding that she had to talk to him. 4. He asked me if I had talked to her and wanted to know what she was like. 5. She invited me in and asked what she could do for me. 6. He told me to be quiet adding that he was trying to sleep. 7. She asked me if she could use my mobile adding that she needed to call her boss. 8. He asked her what she was doing there adding that she should be on the plane then. 9. She asked if I had taken the test and wanted to know what my score was. 10. He said that they were going to the cinema that night and asked me to join them.

34. 1. She told me to contact John as he would give me more information.

2. He told me to see the doctor as he would put my mind at rest. 3. He asked whether they would get married adding that he hoped they would. 4. He asked me whether I had heard his album adding that it was amazing. 5. He asked me to tell him the time as he would have to leave at 8. 6. She offered me some coffee as it would do me good. 7. He advised me to take an aspirin as it would kill the pain. 8. She suggested that he take a jacket as it was cold and windy. 9. She encouraged me to get rid of him as he was after my money. 10. He asked me how she was adding that he hoped she was doing well.

35. 1. She said if she had been me, she would have demanded a refund.

2. He said if he had more time, he would read more. 3. She said that if she hadn’t met him, she wouldn’t have set up a business.



4. He said that if she apologised, he would forgive her. 5. She said that if he insisted, she wouldn’t disagree. 6. He said that if she hadn’t overslept, she would have been on the plane. 7. She said that is he had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have had the accident. 8. He said that if she came, he wouldn’t tease her. 9. She said that if they had let them know, they would have picked them up from the airport. 10. He said that if she had been more passionate, he would have voted for her. 36. 1. She said that if she had been Angelina Jolie, she would have been a movie star.

2. ... she would have lived in a mansion. 3. ... she would have hired twenty maids. 4. ... she would have been a philanthropist. 5. ... she wouldn’t have been doing the job. 6. ... she would have had a handsome husband. 7. ... she would have done plenty of TV interviews. 8. ... she would have had a big collection of shoes. 9. ... she wouldn’t have agreed to strip off her clothes for love scenes. 10. ... she would have demanded ten million dollars to star in a film.

37. Sugerowana relacja.

He said that he didn’t want to discuss the decision further. He said the rules are as they are and are not about to change. He added that he meant his previous remark.

38. Sugerowana relacja.

She said that Garbage was playing in her town the previous weekend. She said it had been the first time she had seen them live. She had a great time there and so did the crowd of 60 thousand. She said the concert was worth the money she had paid for it.

39. Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

a) The service manual says that if you detect anything unusual about the printer, you should turn it off. b) He told me how to get to the city centre. c) She showed me how to use the copy machine. d) They wished me all the best. e) She said that she had bought some dairy products and sweets. f) He said that they required thread-starters to provide an answer to their question first.

40. 1. She accused me of taking the money.

2. She boasted of being able to read 1000 words a minute. 3. He complained about my behaviour. 4. He reminded me about sending Beth a birthday card. 5. She asked me about my husband. 6. He moaned about having to work at weekends. 7. She told me about her grandchildren. 8. He confessed to cheating on me. 9. She criticised me for not working hard enough. 10. He apologised for his behaviour.


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 41. 1. said my father, my father said

2. he told me, said he 3. the doctor told me, said the doctor 4. said Nicky, Nicky said to me 5. Emma said 6. yelled Kate, Kate yelled 7. Jack said thoughtfully 8. he assured me

42. 1. “The two of you are friends?” Annie asked (me).

2. – 3. “Stay away from him,” Bill warned me. 4. – 5. – 6. “Don’t forget to take your medicines,” she reminded him. 7. – 8. “I’m feeling better,” she assured them. 9. “We need a car,” she convinced me. 10. “Your room must be vacated by 11 am,” the front desk clerk notified me.

43. 1. The man confessed that he had stolen/to stealing/to having stolen the dia-

mond bracelet. 2. He invited me to join them. 3. She offered me a drink/suggested having a drink. 4. Andrew suggested going/that we go somewhere where it was more quiet. 5. Tom exclaimed that it was lovely to see me. 6. She denied knowing/that he knew the man. 7. He congratulated me on my promotion. 8. She wished me luck. 9. Mark blamed Jack for the accident. 10. He promised me that he would never let me down. 11. Emma advised me not to trust him. 12. He begged Molly not to leave him. 13. Chris admitted doing/having done those things. 14. Mary complained that her mother-in-law criticises/criticised everything she does/did. 15. The lawyer forbade Mike to answer the questions. 16. He thanked me for everything. 17. She doubted whether he knew a thing about economy. 18. The host welcomed us to his house. 19. The man cursed the politics. 20. He complimented me on my new hairstyle.

44. 1. offered

2. suggested 3. regretted 4. congratulated

5. reminded 6. warned 7. insisted 8. blamed

9. thanked 10. explained 11. assured 12. pointed out 91

Key 45. 1. groaned

2. roared/snarled 3. stammered/stuttered 4. shouted/screamed

5. sneered 6. growled/barked 7. whispered 8. grunted/whined

46. 1-c 2-b 3-b 4-a 5-c 6-a 7-c 8-b 9-a 10-b 47. 1. My boss said that he was going to Dublin the next day/the following day.

2. He told me that we had spoken on the phone two days before. 3. She said that it was quiet in there that day. 4. John said that it had come for me the day before. 5. Danny said that he was supposed to see him the following week. 6. Anne told me that she had quit her job the previous week. 7. He said that his exam started in two days’ time/two days later. 8. Martin said that it had happened about a year before. 9. She told him to call her the following evening. 10. Grace said that she hardly saw him those days. 11. She said that she would have it two days from then. 12. They told him that he could stay with them that night. 13. She said that she wanted it then/at that moment.

48. 1. He said that she made the best cheesecake in the world.

2. She said that she had been thinking of quitting her job. 3. Paul told me to find out where she was. 4. He told me that it was an unrealistic expectation. 5. Sam said that we/they would find a way to prevent it. 6. Mrs Pratt said that she appreciated my saying that. 7. My mother told me that she would be there as soon as she could. 8. Charlotte said that she had been thinking of moving back to Atlanta. 9. Mark said that he was glad I had called. 10. He said that he had just wanted to help. 11. Jane said that she didn’t need my advice. 12. He said that he hadn’t told me everything yet. 13. My father told me that it was not the end of the world. 14. Anne said that she was sorry I hadn’t made it. 15. He said that he would see what he could do. 16. Dave told me that he was sorry that he had shouted at me. 17. She said that she was trying to work. 18. Peggy said that she had been playing tennis a lot lately.

49. 1. The doctor told me that it would make the pain go away.

2. Ellen said that the dress was too small for her. 3. She said that it was great news. 4. My mother told me to cook it on a low heat for about 15 minutes. 5. The chairman said that it would be discussed at the next meeting. 6. She told me that he had given her that ring. 7. Parker said that he had bought them at a flea market. 8. I asked her what would go with those shoes.


ANGIELSKI M O W A Z A L E Ż N A I N I E Z A L E Ż N A 50. 1. He asked me if I had been at a party with her the previous night.

2. She asked him if he had got her message. 3. Mark asked me how much I had paid for it. 4. He asked Chloe how she was that morning. 5. I asked Tom if he would wait there for me. 6. The police officer asked him why he had done it. 7. He asked Rose what she was thinking about. 8. She asked Jack who it was. 9. She asked me if I understood what she was saying to me. 10. She asked Greg if he had ever been to Warsaw. 11. She asked Lenny if he was going by himself. 12. Mrs Wood asked me how much she had spent on clothes. 13. Tom asked Bob where he had seen her. 14. She asked the man whether he wanted cream or sugar with his coffee. 15. He asked me if we were going for a walk or not./He asked me whether or not we were going for a walk.

51. Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

1. He begged her not to do anything stupid. 2. His mum forbade him to talk to strangers. 3. She reminded Steve to post the letter. 4. She implored me not to drive fast. 5. She told him not to lie to her again. 6. Jack promised to let me know the next day. 7. He invited us in. 8. He ordered Scott to leave the room. 9. David encouraged Pete to ask her out. 10. He advised Mike not to go there alone. 11. Ruby warned him not to try to see Lynn. 12. The doctor recommended that I (should) stay in bed. 13. He denied telling/that he had told them the truth. 14. She refused to lend Paul more money. 15. She accused him of talking behind her back.

52. 1. She told him that he was never to start a fight.

2. The curator told us that we weren’t to use a flash inside the museum. 3. Liz told me that I wasn’t to tell anyone. 4. She told him that he was to stay away from her. 5. She said to her child that he/she wasn’t to play with matches. 6. The teacher told her that she was to stay after the classes. 7. The shop assistant told me that I was to return the faulty item in the original packaging.

53. 1. Nelly told Bob that she couldn’t marry him.

2. Will said that he couldn’t take any chances. 3. She said that she must find someone who could understand her. 4. She told me that I mustn’t tell/wasn’t to tell mum.



5. She asked/ordered the children to get into the car. 6. He asked her to stop asking stupid questions. 7. Frank asked (me) for a hug. 8. She asked me what she should do then. 9. He wanted to know what he should do with all those papers. 10. Nick said that she might arrive soon. 11. They told her that she must visit them again. 12. His mother told him that he mustn’t tell lies/wasn’t to tell lies. 13. Jack said that they could come later. 14. He asked me if I had to go so soon. 15. The boy asked his mum if he had to eat the veggies. 54. 1. He told me that if he had been a decade younger, he would have married me.

2. Rob said that he would have cycled more often if there had been more bike lanes. 3.Stacy said that if he came, she would leave. 4. The girl said that if it snowed, it would feel more like Christmas. 5. Vince told her that if she had had more common sense, she would have ignored him. 6. Jack said to Philip that if he met her he would like her as well. 7. She told me that she wouldn’t go if I didn’t come with her. 8. Anne said that if she were to live abroad she would probably live in Rome. 9. She said that if she hadn’t danced with him that night she wouldn’t have fallen in love with him. 10. Mrs Nash said that we would regret it if he became President.

55. 1. He told me that it was high time we got down to work.

2. Paul said that he wished he knew. 3. She said that it used to be her neighbourhood. 4. He said to Bob that it was time he grew up. 5. She told him that she’d rather he didn’t call her that. 6. Walter asked Janet if she would mind if he used her mobile. 7. Molly said that when she last saw him, he was talking to that girl. 8. He said that when he lived in Prague he often bought/had often bought too many groceries. 9. She told him that he had better go home. 10. The teacher told us that the Earth revolves/revolved around the Sun.

56. 1. “Ouch! I’ve stubbed my toe,” he said.

He gave an exclamation of pain. 2. “Damn! I totally forgot,” Nick said. Nick gave an exclamation of anger/annoyance/irritation. 3. “Wow! How beautiful,” she said. She gave an exclamation of admiration/amazement. 4. “Ugh, what a filthy place!” he said. He gave an exclamation of disgust. 5. “Hurrah! We’ve won the match,” the boy said. The boy an exclamation of delight/pleasure/satisfaction/triumph.



6. “Whew, that was a close call!” he said. He gave an exclamation of relief. 7. “Aha! I was right there,” Peggy said Peggy gave an exclamation of satisfaction. 8. “Oh bother, it’s still raining!” said the man. The man gave an exclamation of annoyance/anger/frustration/irritation. 9. “Oh, what a lovely dress!” she said. She gave an exclamation of wonder/amazement. 10. “Oh goody! Peanut butter cookies,” the child said. The child gave an exclamation of pleasure/excitement. 11. “Oh no, no signal!” he said. He gave an exclamation of disappointment/anger. 12. “Tut-tut, you are smoking too much!” said Mrs Bennet. Mrs Bennet gave an exclamation of annoyance/disapproval. 13. “Gosh! It’s freezing in here,” he said. He gave an exclamation of surprise. 14. “Yuck! I hate goat cheese,” Robin said. Robin gave an exclamation of distaste/disgust. 15. “Oh dear, you look unwell,” the woman said. The woman gave an exclamation of sympathy. 16. “Oh heck, is it that late?” Owen said. Owen gave an exclamation of surprise. 17. “Eeek, a spider!” the girl said. The girl gave an exclamation of fear. 18. “Good gracious! What’s happened to you?” she said. She gave an exclamation of surprise. 19. “Whoopee, it’s the weekend!” Katy said happily. Katy gave an exclamation of joy. 20. “Good Lord! What are you doing?” said Tom. Tom gave an exclamation of surprise. 57. 1. Chloe said, “I will come and see you tomorrow.”

2. Liz said to me/told me that it was a lovely idea. 3. He told me not to touch the wire. 4. Peggy told me that she moved there a year before/the previous day. 5. He wondered whether they were going to the cinema that night. 6. The weatherman said that it was going to rain the next day/the following day. 7. John asked me if I would help him with his homework. 8. Julia told me she had read the book. 9. Philip asked me if I could change a tyre on a car. 10. A tourist asked me if I knew how to get to the airport. 11. He wanted to know why she was so happy all the time. 12. Julia asked me how she looked like. 13. Robert suggested meeting/(that) we (should) meet. 14. He reminded me (him, her, etc.) about dinner at his parents’ house. 15. She accused him of cheating on her. 16. Natalie refused to comment on his new hairstyle.



17. They objected to my going there alone. 18. Sue told him that she’d sooner he didn’t smoke there. 19. Mary wondered whether she was up to the job. 20. Brian denied picking/having picked/that he had picked on his younger brother. 58. a) Tom Owen with MM Electronics company called to tell you that there has

been a shipping delay and you won’t receive your order until the 10th or the 11th. He is very sorry for the inconvenience. b) Helen Lake from Dr Hart’s office called to confirm your appointment on Monday, 14 October at 9 a.m. She asks you to bring your old medical records and your health insurance card. c) Your wife called to tell you that her flight has been put off until 7 p.m. She asks you to call her on her mobile. d) Jack at the garage says that your car is ready to pick up. He has fixed everything. e) Thomas Sanders, your financial advisor, says that he has prepared a new investment plan for you. He wants to know if you can meet him for lunch at Cinnamon Club tomorrow. He suggests 2 p.m.

59. Proponowane odpowiedzi.

1. He asked if I could show him around, explaining that he was new there. 2. He told me not to close the window as it was too hot/saying it was too hot in there. 3. He told me not to forget to post the letter/He reminded me to post the letter as it was very important/saying it was very important. 4. He said I should see my doctor as I looked unwell/saying that I looked unwell. 5. He told me to take an umbrella as it might rain/saying it might rain. 6. He told me not to take out any loans, warning me that I would have to pay back more than I borrowed. 7. He told me not to drink too much, reminding me that I had an early flight the next day/the following day. 8. He said it was almost midnight and wanted to know where I was going. 9. He said he would call a taxi as it was getting late. 10. He said he was going out, adding that he wouldn’t be back before dinner.

60. 1. was

2. is/was 3. is/was 4. were 5. was


6. is 7. were 8. was 9. is 10. is/was


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