Anarchism 9781442602359

To what degree can anarchism be an effective organized movement? Is it realistic to think of anarchist ideas ever formin

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Table of contents :
Preface to the 1986 Edition
1. Prologue
2. The Family Tree
3. The Man of Reason
4. The Egoist
5. The Man of Paradox
6. The Destructive Urge
7. The Explorer
8. The Prophet
9. International Endeavours
10. Anarchism in France
11. Anarchism in Italy
12. Anarchism in Spain
13. Anarchism in Russia
14. Various Traditions: Anarchism in Latin America, Northern Europe, Britain, and the United States
15. Epilogue
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Anarchism A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements George Woodcock

l& broadview encore editions

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"Woodcock's thoughtful appraisals, careful research, and graceful writing skillfully demonstrate the importance of anarchism as a historical movement. At the same time, his compassion and generosity of spirit make plain the relevance of anarchism to our own age of capital, empire, and the surveillance state. His book remains the essential introduction to the classical anarchist thinkers." Mark Leier, Director, Centre for Labour Studies, Simon Fraser University To what degree can anarchism be an effective organized movement? Is it realistic to think of anarchist ideas ever forming the basis for social life itself? These questions are widely being asked again today in response to the forces of economic globalization. The framework for such discussions was given perhaps its most memorable shape, however, in George Woodcock's classic study of anarchism—now widely recognized as the most significant twentieth-century overview of the subject. Woodcock surveys all of the major figures that shaped anarchist thought, from Godwin and Proudhon to Bakunin, Goldman, and Kropotkin, and looks as well at the long-term prospects for anarchism and anarchist thought In Woodcock's view "pure" anarchism—characterized by "the loose and flexible affinity group which needs no formal organization"—was incompatible with mass movements that require stable organizations, that are forced to make compromises in the face of changing circumstances, and that need to maintain the allegiance of a wide range of supporters. Yet Woodcock continued to cherish anarchist ideals; as he said in a 1990 interview, "I think anarchism and its teachings of decentralization, of the coordination of rural and industrial societies, and of mutual aid as the foundation of any viable society, have lessons that in the present are especially applicable to industrial societies." This classic work of intellectual history and political theory (first published in the 19608, revised in 1986) is now available exclusively from Broadview Press. George Woodcock (1912-1995), internationally acclaimed intellectual historian and man of letters, was the author of dozens of books, including the classic biography Gabriel Dumont: The Metis Chief and His Lost World (also available from Broadview) and the Governor-General's Award-winning George Orwell: The Crystal Spirit.

©2004 George Woodcock with permission from the Writers' Trust of Canada c/o The Woodcock Estate All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system, without prior written consent of the publisher—or in the case of photocopying, a licence from Access Copyright (Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency), One Yonge Street, Suite 1900, Toronto, ON MJ-E iE5—is an infringement of the copyright law. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Woodcock, George, 1912-1995 Anarchism: a history of libertarian ideas and movements / George Woodcock. (Broadview encore editions) Includes index. ISBN 1-55111-629-4 1. Anarchism—History. Hx828.w6 204


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NBN Plymbridge Estover Road Plymouth PL I03-5» 160 education, 73-4,189,310-11,384 Education through Art (Read), 384 L'Egalite (periodical), 241, 244 Ego and His Own, The (Stirner), 81-5, 90 LEguaglianza (periodical), 278 Eichenbaum, Vsevolod Mikhailovich (Voline), 348-9,353 Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, 290 Eltzbacher, Paul, 185 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 389 L'Endehors (periodical), 254

INDEX Engels, Frederick, 39, 82,105 English Anarchist Circle, 375 Enquirer, The (Godwin), 56,189 Enragees, 7,12-13, 49~52> 23° Entretiens politiques et litteraires, Les (periodical), 254 L'Esprit des lois (Montesquieu), 60 Essai de grammaire generate (Proudhon), 95 Essenes, 24,36 Ethics (Kropotkin), 166,177,183 Everard, William, 41 Everson, William, 384, 401 Explosion (Varlet), 53 Fabbri, Luigi, 221, 295 Fabian Society, 176,373,376 Fairfax, General, 44 Fanelli, Giuseppe, 135,138-9, 205, 277- 8, 281, 301-2 Farga-Pellicer, Rafael, 207,302,307 Faure, Sebastien, n, 25, 217,235, 247,256,2612,264, 269-70 Federacion Anarquista Iberica (FAI), 318-22, 323> 3*8,333 Federacion Obrera Regional Argentina, 225,


federalism, 48-9,117,121, 300-302, 304 Federalism, Socialism andAnti Theologism (Bakunin), 137 Federation des Bourses de Travail, 266 Federation Nationale des Syndicats, 265- 6 Federation Romande, 141 Fenelon, Francois, 36 Ferrer, Francisco, 310-12 Feuerbach, L.A., 84 Fields, Factories and Workshops (Kropotkin), 166,186 Figner, Vera, 343 Flaubert, Gustave, 92 Fleshin, Senya, 349,359 Flores Magon, Enrique, 358 Flores Magon, Jesus, 358 Flores Magon, Ricardo, 358-9 Florian, Emile, 250 Ford, Ford Madox, 155,175,379 Foster, William Z., 399 Fourier, Charles, 23,81,95,100,125-6,168,171, 236-8,275,301,360


Fox, George, 40 France, anarchism in, 230-72 Franco, General, 317,333 Freedom (periodical), 9,174, 221 Freedom Defence Committee, 385-6 Freedom Group, 174,376,383,385-6 Freemasonry, anarchism and, 277 Freie Arbeiter Union, 224,364-5 FreieArbeter Shtimme (periodical), 400 Freiheit, Die (periodical), 362,372-3,375,395, 396-8 French Revolution of 1789, 7, 48-60,54,113 French uprising of 1968, 272-3 Freud, Sigmund, 384 Fribourg, E.E., 141, 201 Frick, Henry Clay, 398 Friends of Durutti, 328 Friscia, Saverio, 135,138, 277-8, 281 Froissart, Jean, 38 From the Other Shore (Herzen), 338 Fromm, Erich, 17,384 Fuller, Roy, 80,384 Gambuzzi, Carlo, 277-9 Gandhi, M.K., 21,155,195,389, 401,410, 419, 422 Garcia Oliver, Jose, 322,327,333 Garcia Pradas, Jose, 328 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 16,116,118,134,136, 275, 279,341 Garrido, Fernando, 301 Gauguin, Paul, 100 Gaulle, Charles de, 91 Gauthier, Antoine, 99 Gautier, Emile , 248-9, 252-3 Geddes, Patrick, 174 General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century (Proudhon), 19,112,115,118 Germany, anarchism in, 360-65 Gibson, Tony, 383-4 Girondins, 12, 48,51 God and the State (Bakunin), 375 Godwin, William, 7, 8,12,14-16,19-20, 22-5, 31,36, 45-7,53, 81, 85-6,90, 94,96,100,114, Il6, I2I-2, 156, I7I-2, 176-7, 183, 192, 194, 230,

367> 372> 374> 379> 38l~2> 389,4IQ-I2> 4J5> W 18, 421



Goghelia, G., 347 Gogol, Nikolai V., 156 Goldman, Emma, 217, 221,355,383,398-400, 412 Golos Truda (periodical), 349 Good Soldier Schweik, T^(Hasek), 363 Goodman, Paul, 10,384, 401-403, 421-3 Gori, Pietro, 218, 290,358 Gourmont, Remy de, 254 Grand National Consolidated Trades Union, 80, 265, 272 Grave, Jean, 180, 218, 235, 238, 247-50, 254, 256, 259, 261, 264, 269-70 Gray, Alexander, 78 Great French Revolution, The (Kropotkin), 489>!77

Greene, William B., 394 Griffuelhes, Victor, 267,269 Grun, Karl, 101,361,367 Guerre etlapaix, La (Proudhon), 26,93,116, 118,185, 416 Guesde, Jules, 149,165, 210, 217, 239,244,265, 291 Guillaume, James, 141,147,150-51,153-4,1623, 202, 205, 207-8, 212, 214 Guillotine at Work, The (Maximoff), 355 Gullivers Travels (Swift), 36 Gusart, Antonio, 301 Hadji Murad (Tolstoy), 188 Hales, John, 206-7 Halevy, Elie, 92 Hamon, Augustin, 263 Hardie, Keir, 176, 219-20 Harmel, Claude, 36, 411 Harris, Frank, 175,397 Harrison, Frederick, 174 Hasek, Jaroslav, 363 Haskell, Burnette G., 395 Hasselman, Wilhelm, 362 Haymarket Affair, See Chicago Anarchist Trial Hazlitt, William, 55,57,79,177 Hegel, G.W.F., 28, 83-4,98,123,125-7, H2» l55-> 360 Helvetius, Claude-Adrien, 57 Hellas (Shelley), 79 Hennacy, Ammon, 401

Henry, Emile, 17, 260-1 Heraclitus, 28 Herald of Anarchy, The (periodical), 375 Herwegh, G., 83 Herzen, Alexander, 91,101, in, 118,123,125-6, 131,135,156-7,337- 41 Hesiod, 24 Hess, Moses, 84,361 Hewetson, John, 383, 385 Hislam, Laurie, 383 Histoire de I'anarchie (Sergent-Harmel), 411 Histoire du mouvement anarchiste en France (Maitron), 412 History of Reaction (S timer), 85 History of the Commonwealth (Godwin), 45 Hleb i Volya (periodical), 347 Hobsbawm, EJ., 315 Hoffman von Fallersleben, 83 Holbach, Paul d', 56-7, 63 Holcroft, Thomas, 57 Holland, anarchism in, 366-71 Holstein, V., 343 Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 324 Hugo, Victor, 92,174 LHumanisphere (Dejacque), 235-38 Hume, David, 63 Hurrah! ou la revolution par les Cosaques (Coeurderoy), 233-4 Huxley, Aldous, 400 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 177-9 Hyndman, H.M., 176, 220,373 Ibsen, Henrik, 399 Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature (Kropotkin), 177 Independent Labour Party, 176, 219 individualist anarchism, 20, 81-92, 232,391, 393 Industrial Syndicalist, The (periodical), 382 Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 382,399-401 International, First See International Workingmen's Association (First International) International, Second (Socialist), 200, 217220, 293, 367

International, Third (Comintern), 313- 14, 224


International Alliance of Social Democracy, 138-40,151,164, 240, 278,302 International Anarchist Congress of 1881 (London), 166, 200, 214- 16, 246,373,395 International Anarchist Congress of 1907 (Amsterdam), 200, 218-21, 223, 269, 295 International Anarchist Congress of 1968 (Carrara), 227-8 International Anarchist Congress of 1984 (Venice), 228 International Brotherhood, 135-8,145,168, 215, 276-8, 298, 303, 342 International Workingmen's Association (First International), 14, 20,91,100-101, 119,121,124,135,139-43,149-51,154,162,164, 173,199-214, 239-41, 252, 278, 281-88,301-7, 311,362, 366 International Workingmen's Association, founded in 1922 in Berlin, 200, 224-9, 2

7°> 3H Italy, anarchism in, 133-7, 275~9^ Jacob, Marius, 262 Jacobins, 16, 48-52,100, 233 James, Henry, 221,372 Jefferson, Thomas, 45 Jewish anarchist groups in London, 377- 8 John, Augustus, 385 Jong, Albert de, 368 Jouhaux, Leon, 269 Journal du Peuple, Le (periodical), 264 Jours d'exil (Coeurderoy), 233 Jung, C.G., 384 Jung, Hermann, 206 Jura Federation, 141,164-5,169, 213- 14, 280 Justice dans la revolution et dans I'eglise, De la (Proudhon), 93,115 Kabouters, 371 Kafka, Franz, 78,363 Kapital, Das (Marx), 146,150-1 Keell, Tom, 221 Kerensky, Alexander, 181 Khz, Frank, 214, 217,373 Kronstadt rising, 314,349-50 Kropotkin, Alexander, 156,160 Kropotkin, Peter, 8,12,14,16-17, 19- 20,22-5, 2

7> 35-6, 42~3> 47-9,54> 75, 77, 8l'2> '38» W


154- 84,186,189,193,195, 211, 213- 15, 219, 221-3,230,234,238,245,248-9,252-3

294,361,363,371,374-7,379,383-4, 401- 3, 407, 409, 411-12, 417-18 Kulichov, Anna, 212 Labour Emancipation League, 373 Labriola, Arturo, 296 Lacombe, Claire, 51 Lacroix, Sigismond, 48 Lafargue, Paul, 150, 239,303 Lagardelle, Hubert, 368 Lamantia, Philip, 401 Lamb, Charles, 79 Lammenais, Felicite Robert de Landauer, Gustav, 218-19,3^3, 4 I2 > 421 Lane, Joseph, 214,373 Langlois, Amadee, 230, 238 Lao-Tsu, 36 Largo Caballero, Francisco, 317 Laski, Harold, 385 Lavrov, Peter, 151,161,163,343-4 Law of Freedom, The (Winstanley), 45 Lazare, Bernard, 254 Le Comte, Miss M.P, 215 Lea, Frank, 79 League for Peace and Freedom, 137-9,141, 34i Leclerc, Theophile, 51 Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste, 233 Lefranc,ais, Gustave, 205 Lenin, V.I., 181, 317 Leroux, Pierre, 127, 233 Letter to the Workers of the World (Kropotkin), 182 Letters to a Frenchman (Bakunin), 147 Leval, Gaston, 331 Levashov, Olga, 342 Levellers, 41, 45 Levertov, Denise, 384 Libertaire, Le (periodical, ed. Dejacque), 235 Libertaire, Le (periodical, ed. Faure), 235, 264, 269, 271, 273 Liberty (periodical), 394 Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 212,367 Ligt, Bart de, 368 Limousin, Charles, 119,141, 200-201, 238 Locke, John, 59, 63, 69


43° Lohr, Fredric, 383 Lorenzo, Anselmo, 302-3 Loti, Pierre, 263 Louis XVI, jo Luccheni, Luigi, 290 Lyons revolt of 1870,147-9,166,249 Lytton, Edward Bulwer, 88

Macdonald, Dwight, 401 Maclnnes, Colin, 387 Mackay, John Henry, 82, 85,364 Mai i#68; La Breche (Morin), 273 Maitland, F.W., 59 Maitron, Jean, 246, 263, 411 Makhno, Nestor, 8,183, 271,335-6,349-55,359 Malatesta, Errico, 8,19,25,138,151,156,169, 205, 214, 218-23, 269» 275» 279-98,309,379, 383, 405, 410-11 Malato, Charles, 258, 260, 270,379 Mallarme, Stephane, 246, 254 Malon, Benoit, 202,210,240-2 Malraux, Andre, 268 Malthus, T.R., 177-8 Manifesto of the Sixty, 119-21, 200 Mann, Tom, 175, 220,382 Mannin, Ethel, 383 Manzoni, Giuseppe, 278 Marat, Jean Paul, 50 Marin, Gonzalez, 328 Martinez Anido, General, 317 Marx, Karl (and Marxism), 14,16,18- 19, 235> 28> 37> 45> 8o> 83~4> 92> 9 100-103,I05> 117,123-4,140-43,145-6,149-52,162,166, 176, 200-208, 210, 217-20, 242, 244, 248, 272-3, 279-82, 302-303 Master and Man (Tolstoy), 188 Mattei, Ettore, 292 Maurin, Joaquin, 314 Maximoff, G.P., 355 Mazzini, Giuseppe, 16,116,118,134-6,149, 201, 233, 275,


Mechnikov, L., 341 Memoirs of a Revolutionist (Kropotkin), 164, 175,180,186, 401 Men Like Gods (Wells), 80, 236 Mencken, H.L., 394 Mera, Cipriano, 328,353 Merlino, Saverio, 214, 217, 249, 289-90

Merrill, Stuart, 254 Meslier, Jean, 36 Meunier, Theodule, 258-9 Michel, Louise, 8,17,19, 214, 218, 247, 249, 251-4, 274, 278,379 Mexico, anarchism in, 357-60 Mikhailov, M.L., 160 Milans del Bosch, General, 315 Mileti, RafFaele, 278 Mill, John Stuart, 136 Miller, Henry, 384 Milton, John, 40 Miners' Next Step (anon.), 381 Mirbeau, Octave, 254, 258, 260,379 Mitchell, Adrian, 387 Modern Science and Anarchism (Kropotkin), 22 > 35 Monatte, Pierre, 219, 265-6, 269,366 Moncasi, Juan Oliva, 306 Monde Libertaire, Le (periodical), 273 Montesquieu, Charles Louis de, 60 Montjuich, atrocities of, 310-12 Montseny, Federica, 333 Morago, Gonzales, 211,301-2 Moral, Diaz del, 315-16 More, Sir Thomas, 20, 23, 38,75,168 Morgan, Charles, 80 Morin, Edgar, 273 Morley, John, 174 Moore, Henry, 385 Morris, William, 23, 75, 80,171,174,176, 220, 373-5> 378> 402> 4l8~ '9 Moses, 95 Most, Johann, 362,372,375,395-6,398 Mother Earth (periodical), 399 Mouvement de mai, Le (Touraine), 273 Mowbray, C.W., 373 Muehsam, Erich, 363 Munzer, Thomas, 38-9 Murry, John Middleton, 80 Mussolini, Benito, 297 Mutual Aid (Kropotkin), 19, 47,166,175,17780,193,384, 403 mutualism, 20, 49,100,104,164, 200- 202, 230, 238, 240 My Disillusionment with Russia (Goldman), 355


Nabat Confederation of Anarchist Organizations of the Ukraine, 349-50 Napoleon III, 31,107, iio-n, 117,147, 200, 233, 2,8

Narodnoe Delo (periodical), 342-3 Nathan-Ganz, Edward, 214-15 Nationalism and Culture (Rocker), 363 Narodnaya Volya (People's Will), 345-6 necessity, anarchism and, 62-4 Nechayev, Sergei, 143-7, HP".?1* J^4> 23^, 342 Nekrasov, Nikolai Alexandrovich, 156 Nettlau, Max, 35, 289, 299 New Law of Righteousness, The (Winstanley), 42-4 News from Nowhere (Morris), 23, 80,373,375, 402, 419 Newton, Samuel, 58 Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, 132,156-7,180 Nietzsche, F.W., 82, 84,361 Niewenhuis, Ferdinand Dolela, 25, 217- 19,


nihilism, 14-15 Nin, Andres, 314 Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 29 Nineteenth Century (periodical), 174,178 No Conscription League, 399 Noiret Rouge (periodical), 270-1 Nouveau Monde industriel et societaire, Le (Fourier), 95 Now (periodical), 384 Obshchina (periodical), 344,347 Oelsnitz, A., 343 Ogarev, Nikolai, 340 On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (Thoreau), 389 Orlov, Ivan Yakovlevich, 340 Orwell, George, 73-4,172,325,384-5, 401 Our Generation (periodical), 414 Owen, Robert, 54, 79, 81, 206, 265,372,391 pacifism, anarchism and, 21,185-95, 2I5> 2I7> 260,366 Paepe, Caesar de, 136,142,149, 203-204, 20914,366 Paine, Thomas, 46-7,50,59-61,340,389 Palladino, Carmelo, 279 Paradise Lost (Milton), 187 Parkes, Henry Bamford, 359


Paroles d'un mW/?(Kropotkin), 166,169 Parsons, Albert, 396-7 Partisan Review (periodical), 401 Passanante, Giovanni, 287-8 Pataud, E., 268 Patchen, Kenneth, 401 Peace Pledge Union, 383,385 Pease, Edward, 176,376 Peiro, Juan, 322 Pelloutier, Fernand, 156, 218,266-8, 296 People's Bank, 106-7, no, 299 Pere Peinard, Le (periodical), 247, 249, 254, 261, 264 Perovskaya, Sofya, 345 Pestana, Angel, 314,322-3 Peter the Great, 337 Peukert, Joseph, 362 Peuple, Le (periodical), 105, iio-m, 165, 239 PMosopMeduprogres(Pro\idhon)J 24, 28,115 Philosophy of Anarchism, The (Read), 383 Pi y Margall, 93,300-302,304 Picasso, Pablo, 310 Pisacane, Carlo, 93,275-6 Pisarev, Dmitri Ivanovich, 343 Pissaro, Camille, 254 Pissaro, Lucien, 254 Pitt, William, 62 Place, Francis, 80 Plato, 24, 71 Plekhanov, G., 335,346 Poetry and Anarchism (Read), 383 Polar Star, The (periodical), 157 Political Justice (Godwin), 19,36, 45-6,53-64, 75, 78-80,177,381,389, 412, 417 Politics (periodical), 401 Porvenir, El (periodical), 106, 299 Possessed, The (Dostoyevsky), 143 Pouget, Emile, 214, 218, 247, 249-50, 253-4, 262, 264, 267-9 Poverty of Philosophy, The (Marx), 103 Powys, John Cowper, 383 Preu, James A., 36 Priestley, F.E.L., 63-4, 80 Priestley, Joseph, 57 Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 315 317-18,321-2 Princess Casamassima, The (James), 221,372 Principe de I'Art, Du (Proudhon), 238 Principe FederatifDu (Proudhon), 117, 300



Prometheus Unbound (Shelley), 79 propaganda by deed, 275, 283 Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (and Proudhonism), 7-8,13-16,19-23, 26-8,30-1, 48-9,54-5, 75, 80-1, 84, 91-128,130,137-41, 146,160,163,165,167-8,170,183,185,192-3, 200-203, 230-39 263-5, 269, 299-301, 360-63, 367>374-5> 392> 394> 4IQ-I2» 4I5'I7> 421 Provos, 9,369-71

Pugachev, 336 Pushkin, Alexander, 156 Quakers, 40, 45,383 Queen Mab (Shelley), 79 Questione Sociale (periodical), 292 Quotidien, Le (periodical), 264 Rabelais, Francois, 31,36 Rabotchi mir (periodical), 347 Rabotnik (periodical), 347 Radical Review (periodical), 394 Rainer, Dachine, 401 Ralli, Z.K., 343-4,346 Ravachol, 17, 255-60 Raven, Simon, 387 Razin, Stenka, 145,336 Reaction in Germany (Bakunin), 15,126-7 Read, Herbert, 80,155,384-5, 423 Reclus, Elie, 238-9,301 Reclus, Elisee, 135-6,138,153,168-9, !74> 2I4> 218, 240-42, 247-8, 256,301,344,375, 412 Reclus, Paul, 262, 270 Reflections on the French Revolution (Burke), 60 Reflections on Violence (Sorel), 268 Regnier, Henri de, 254 Reich, Wilhelm, 384 Renan, Ernest, 174 Representant du peuple, Le (periodical), 106, 108-10, 230 Resistance (periodical), 401 Resurrection (Tolstoy), 188-9 Retort (periodical), 401 Revista, Blanca (periodical), 310 Revolt (periodical), 383 Revolt of Islam, The (Shelley), 79 Revolte, La (periodical), 166-9,217-18, 249, 254, 261,264 Revolte, Le (periodical), 165-8,173,175,178,

244, 249-50, 257 Revolution Sociale, La (periodical), 215, 248-9, 2

57 Revolutionary Catechism (Bakunin), 135-6 Revolutionary Catechism (Nechayev), 144-5 Revolutionary Community of Russian Anarchists, 343-4,346 Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army, 352-4 Revolutionary Review (periodical), 375 Revolutions of 1848,106,124,129, 231- 7, 299 Rexroth, Kenneth, 384, 401 Rheinische Zeitung, 84 Richard II, King of England, 38 Richard, Albert, 138,148, 240-41 Richards, Vernon, 330,383,385 Richepin, 254 Rights of Man (Paine), 47, 60-61 Rimbaud, Arthur, 144 Rivera, Diego, 359 Rivista A (periodical), 298 Robespierre, Maximilien, 13,51 Rocker, Rudolf, 35, 221, 223, 226,363,377 Roosevelt, Theodore, 398 Ross, Armand. See Sazhin, Michael Rossetti, Henel, 379 Rossetti, Olivia, 379 Rossetti, William Michael, 379 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 23,56-7, 69,124,179 Roux, Jacques, 49-52 Roux, Saint-Pol, 255 Ruge, Arnold, 83-4,101,126 Runciman, James, 174 Ruskin, John, 66 Russia, anarchism in, 335-55 Russian Civil War, 350-55 Russian Revolution of 1905,348 Russian Revolution of 1917,181-2, 224, 270,

313,399 Sacco, Nicola, 400 Sagra, Ramon de la, 106, 230,299 Saignes, Eugene, 148 Saint-Simon, Henri de, 21,100,125,360 Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 92,96 Salvador, Santiago, 309 Sand, George, 127 Sandeman, Robert (and Sandemanianism), 58-9



Sansom, Philip, 385 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 268 Say, J.-B, 85 Sazhin, Michael (Armand Ross), 161,343 Schapiro, Alexander, 223,349 Schmidt, Johann Caspar. See Stirner, Max Schweitzer, Albert, 155 Schwitzguebel, Adhemar, 151,153,162, 202, 205, 207, 214 Secret Agent, The (Conrad), 372 Segui, Salvador, 315 Sentinon, Caspar, 302 Sergent, Alain, 36, 411 Serno-Soloveich, Alexander, 342 Serreaux (pseud, of Egide Spilleux), 215, 248-50, 257 Seymour, Henry, 375 Shaw, George Bernard, 80,155,175, 219,375, 380,394, 405 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 15,31,55, 79,372 Signac, Paul, 254 Sillitoe, Alan, 387 Silone, Ignazio, 401 Singer, Paul, 219 Situationists, 272 Sitwell, Osbert, 381 Slavery of Our Time (Tolstoy), 192 Smirnov, N.P., 156 Smith, Adam, 85 Social Democratic Federation, 176,373 Social Revolutionary Party, 17, 251,335,346 Sociale, La (periodical), 264 Socialism and Communism in Contemporary France (von Stein), 126 Socialist League, 23,176, 214,373-6 Socinius, 57 Sokolov, Nicholas, 343 Solidaridad Obrera, 311 Solidarite revolutionnaire, La (periodical), 243 Sonvillier Circular, 149-50, 203-204, 280 Sorel, Georges, 268-9,368 Souchy, Augustin, 359 Soul of Man Under Socialism, The( Wilde), 80, 379-80 Southey, Robert, 79 Spanish Cockpit, The (Borkenau), 318,330 Spanish Labyrinth, The (Brenan), 319 Spain, anarchism in, 299-334

Spain and the World (periodical), 383 Spanish Civil War, 7, 27, 226, 298,324- 33,353,


Spartacus, 36 Spies, August, 396-7 Spirit of Revolt, The (Kropotkin), 166-7 Spooner, Lysander, 394 Stalin, Joseph, 348,350 Stankevich, Nicholas, 125 State, The (Kropotkin), 177 State and Anarchism, T^(Bakunin), 343 Steimer, Molly, 359 Stein, Lorenz von, 126 Steinlen, 254 Stekloff, V.M., 205 Stephen, Leslie, 174 Stepniak, Sergei, 342,344,376 Stirner, Max, 14, 20,54, 77, 80-92, 94,122,126, 130, 232, 255, 263,360-61,364,374,379, 410ii Sveriges Arbetares Central, 364-5 Sweden, anarchism in, 225,365-6 Swift, Jonathan, 36, 72 Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 174 Symons, Julian, 383,385 syndicalism. See anarchosyndicalism Syndicalist, The (periodical), 382 Syndicalist Workers' Federation, 385 Tailhade, Laurent, 254, 260-61 Tarn, Albert, 375 Temps Nouveaux, Les (periodical), 254, 264, 269 Terrorism, 16-17, 24^-62 Thompson, William, 80 Thoreau, Henry David, 12,195, 232, 389-91, 410 Tierray Libertad (periodical), 360 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 339 Tolain, Henri, 119,141, 200-202, 238- 41, 243 Toller, Ernst, 363 Tolstoy, Leo, 8,12,14,16, 21, 25, 40,54, 93,116, 185-96,217, 230, 297,335-6,342,348,350, 363,379, 410 Torch, The (periodical), 379 Tortelier, Joseph, 217-18, 265 Touraine, Alain, 273 Trafik, 365



Tresca, Carlo, 399 Tribune nationale, La (periodical), 107 Tribune ouvriere, La (periodical), 238 Tristan, Flora, 100 Trotsky, Leon, 350 Truth Lifting up Its Head Above Scandals (Winstanley), 41 Tucci, Alberto, 135,138, 277-8 Tucker, Benjamin, 375,394, 400 Turgenev, Ivan, 125,156,192 Tyler, Wat, 38 Ukraine, anarchism in, 25,183,344,347,349,

351-5 Umanita Nova (periodical), 296-8 Umberto, King of Italy, 287, 290, 293, 298 Union of Russian Workers, 345,348,398 Unione Syndicale Italiana, 225-6, 296-8 United States of America, anarchism in, 389-403 Universal Socialist Congress of 1877 (Ghent), 164, 211-13 Utin, Nicholas, 141,162,342 Utopia (More), 23,38 Utopias and utopianism, 23, 25, 29,36, 66, 80-81, 98,114, 235-6 Vaillant, Auguste, 259-61 Vaillant, Edouard, 245 Val, Eduardo, 328 Valery, Paul, 254 Valloton, Felix, 254 Van Dongen, 254 Van Paasen, Pierre, 15 Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 400 Varlet, Jean, 49,51-3 Varlin, Eugene, 142,201-202, 240-42, 265 Veblen, Thorstein, 76 Venturi, Franco, 336 Verhaeren, Emile, 255 Verlaine, Paul, 144 Vermorel, Auguste, 239,242 Viele-Griffin, Francis, 254 Vlaminck, Maurice de, 254 Vogt, Emil, 136

Voix du Peuple, La (periodical), HI, 264, 267,


Voline. See Eichenbaum, V.M. Volonta (periodical), 298 Wagner, Richard, 82,131 Walden (Thoreau), 389 Wallace, Alfred Russell, 174 War and Peace (Tolstoy), 93,189-91 War Commentary (periodical), 383,385 Ward, Colin, 10,386-7, 421-2 Warren, Josiah, 81, 391-4 Watts-Dunton, Theodore, 174 Weil, Simone, 401 Weitling, Wilhelm, 127,129,360-1 Wells, Herbert George, 77, 80, 236,407 Wesker, Arnold, 387 What Is Property?(Proudhon), 13, 96-8,185 Whiteway Colony, 382 Whitman, Walt, 394 Why (periodical), 401 Wieck, David, 401 Wilde, Oscar, 31, 80,144,155, 254,379-82 Wilson, Angus, 80 Wilson, Charlotte, 376 Winstanley, Gerrard, 41-5,50,53,75,100,168, 191-2, 230,393, 403, 409-10,415 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 79 Woodcock, George, 10, 227,383-6 Wordsworth, William, 60,79 Wrangel, Admiral, 354 Xo d'Axa, 255 Yvetot, Georges, 266-9,3^8 Zaccaria, Cesare, 298 Zapata, Emiliano, 359 Zasulich, Vera, 335,346 Zaytsev, Varfomeley, 343 Zemlya i Volya (Land and Liberty), 341,344 Zhukovsky, Nicholes, 138,149,153,162,341-4 Zola, Emile, 379 Zweig, Stephan, 185