Adobe Acrobat 7 Tips and Tricks: The 150 Best 9780321305305, 0321305302

As a new user of Acrobate 7.0, I am finding the tips and tricks in this book to be a substantial aid in getting me off t

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Adobe Acrobat 7 Tips and Tricks: The 150 Best
 9780321305305, 0321305302

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Adobe® Acrobat® 7 TIPS and TRICKS THE 150 BEST By Donna L. Baker Publisher: Peachpit Press Pub Date: January 24, 2005 ISBN: 0-321-30530-2 Pages: 416 Table of Contents • Index •

Sure, you know how t o read PDFs wit h it , but do you know how t o add com m ent s t o docum ent s or em bed 3D obj ect s in your PDFs or est ablish docum ent - level securit y set t ings? Wit h it s st aggering array of docum ent enhancing feat ures and support ed form at s, Adobe Acrobat 7 offers a world of funct ionalit y j ust wait ing t o be t appedwhich m eans t hat figuring out how t o do j ust one specific t ask wit h it can be som ewhat daunt ing. I n t hese pages, vet eran aut hor D on n a Ba k e r solves t hat problem by present ing each Acrobat t ask as a st and- alone unit . I f, for exam ple, you want t o find out how t o search for a word or a phrase in a PDF file, you can do j ust t hat at t he sam e t im e picking up a couple of t ips about refining your searches. Organized in t hree m aj or sect ionsI nput , Out put , and I nt ernal Acrobat Processest his self- cont ained guide is all you need t o get going fast wit h Acrobat 7.

Adobe® Acrobat® 7 TIPS and TRICKS THE 150 BEST By Donna L. Baker Publisher: Peachpit Press Pub Date: January 24, 2005 ISBN: 0-321-30530-2 Pages: 416 Table of Contents • Index •

Copyright Acknowledgements Chapter ONE. Getting Started TIP 1: Getting Around the Interface TIP 2: Assistance, Please TIP 3: Helping Yourself TIP 4: Making Room on the Screen TIP 5: See What You Want to See TIP 6: Work Those Windows TIP 7: What Do You Prefer? Chapter TWO. Organizing, Searching, and Cataloging TIP 8: Getting Organized TIP 9: Staying Organized TIP 10: Finding Words TIP 11: Conducting Searches TIP 12: Searching for PDF Files on the Internet TIP 13: Advanced Search Techniques TIP 14: Using Custom Search and Category Options TIP 15: Designing an Index TIP 16: Building and Applying an Index TIP 17: Archiving Outlook Messages Chapter THREE. Creating PDF Files Outside Acrobat TIP 18: Creating PDF Files from Source Programs TIP 19: Printing with the Adobe PDF Printer TIP 20: Using PDFMaker in Word TIP 21: Choosing PDFMaker Conversion Settings in Word TIP 22: Producing PDF Files in Excel, Access, and Project TIP 23: Generating PDF Documents in PowerPoint and Publisher TIP 24: Converting Layered Visio Documents TIP 25: Organizing Layers TIP 26: Using Photoshop PDF TIP 27: Exporting a PDF from InDesign CS TIP 28: Making PDF Documents from Web Pages TIP 29: Working with Acrobat Distiller TIP 30: Creating Custom Conversion Settings in Distiller

Chapter FOUR. Creating PDF Files in Acrobat TIP 31: Creating a PDF from a File in Acrobat TIP 32: Creating a PDF from Multiple Files in Acrobat TIP 33: Creating a PDF from Web Pages in Acrobat TIP 34: Creating a PDF from a Scan in Acrobat TIP 35: Creating a PDF from a Clipboard Image TIP 36: Attaching Source Files to a PDF TIP 37: Managing Attached Files TIP 38: Using Attachments in Earlier Versions of Acrobat Chapter FIVE. Saving and Exporting TIP 39: Finding Information about Your Document TIP 40: Deciding What Your Reader Sees First TIP 41: Exporting PDF Documents in Other Formats TIP 42: Saving a PDF as a Word or RTF File TIP 43: Exporting as HTML, XML, or Text TIP 44: Saving a PDF as an Image TIP 45: Exporting all the Images in a Document Chapter SIX. Printing TIP 46: Choosing Print Settings TIP 47: Print Troubleshooting 101 TIP 48: Choosing and Using Fonts TIP 49: Previewing Fonts in Acrobat TIP 50: Print Production TIP 51: Basic Preflighting TIP 52: Making a Document PDF/X Compliant TIP 53: Managing PDF/X Documents Chapter Seven. Enhancing PDF Accessibility TIP 54: Navigating a Document Using Keys TIP: 55 Choosing Document Colors TIP 56: Using the Accessibility Wizard TIP 57: Read-Aloud Features TIP 58: Articles TIP 59: Basic Document Tagging TIP 60: Reporting on and Repairing a Document TIP 61: Using Document Tags TIP 62: Reflow Chapter EIGHT. Working with Acrobat Forms TIP 63: Getting Started with Forms TIP 64: Building a Form in Acrobat TIP 65: Configuring Form Fields TIP 66: Creating Forms That Make Sense TIP 67: Testing and Tweaking Your Forms TIP 68: Sending Form Data Automatically TIP 69: Handling Field Contents TIP 70: Completing a Form and Using Auto-Complete TIP 71: Collecting Form Data TIP 72: Starting an Adobe Designer Project. TIP 73: Customizing a Form in Adobe Designer 7 Chapter NINE. Transforming a PDF Document TIP 74: Deleting and Inserting Pages

TIP 75: Extracting Content TIP 76: Replacing Pages TIP 77: Cropping and Rotating Pages TIP: 78 Configuring the Pages Pane Chapter TEN. Touching Up and Modifying a Document TIP 79: Adding Page Numbers TIP 80: Applying Headers and Footers TIP 81: Adding Watermarks and Backgrounds TIP 82: Selecting Text in a PDF TIP 83: Reusing Images TIP 84: Editing Text in a PDF TIP 85: Modifying Text Attributes TIP 86: Reusing Table Information TIP 87: Object TouchUps TIP 88: Touching Up Reading Order TIP 89: Round-trip Editing an Image Chapter ELEVEN. Drawings and Layers TIP 90: Using the AutoCAD PDFMaker TIP 91: Using Grids and Guides for Assistance TIP 92: Measuring Objects TIP 93: Drawing and Marking Up Shapes in Acrobat TIP 94: Working with a Layered Document TIP 95: Bookmarking a Layered Document Chapter TWELVE. Controlling Documents with Links and Buttons TIP 96: Linking Content in a Document TIP 97: Drawing a Button TIP 98: Customizing a Button's Appearance TIP 99: Editing Actions TIP 100: Activating Menu Items TIP 101: Positioning a Series of Links on a Page TIP 102: Creating Batches of Buttons TIP 103: Fun with Buttons Chapter THIRTEEN. Bookmarking a Document TIP 104: Creating Bookmarks in a Source Document TIP 105: Adding Bookmarks in Acrobat TIP 106: Organizing a Bookmark Hierarchy TIP 107: Modifying Bookmark Appearance TIP 108: Using Tagged Bookmarks TIP 109: Modifying Content with Tagged Bookmarks TIP 110: Applying Actions to Bookmarks Chapter FOURTEEN. Commenting and Marking Up Documents TIP 111: Using the Commenting Toolbar TIP 112: Adding Notes and Highlighting Comments TIP 113: Setting Commenting Preferences TIP 114: Working with Text Edit Comments TIP 115: Using the Stamp Tools TIP 116: Creating and Managing Stamps TIP 117: Exporting Comments to a Word Document (Windows) TIP 118: Choosing Which Comments to Export TIP 119: Migrating Comments

Chapter FIFTEEN. Reviewing and Collaboration TIP 120: Starting a Review Process TIP 121: Using a Browser-Based Review TIP 122: Tracking a Review TIP 123: Working with the Comments List TIP 124: Organizing Comments in the Comments List TIP 125: Setting Comment Status and Creating Summaries Chapter SIXTEEN. Working with Multimedia TIP 126: Using Media in Documents TIP 127: Adding Movies to a Document TIP 128: Tweaking a Movie TIP 129: Controlling the Action TIP 130: Making Your Document Responsive TIP 131: Creating a Presentation with Page Transitions TIP 132: Using Photoshop Album Slideshows and Picture Tasks TIP 133: Downloading and Reading Digital Editions TIP 134: Organizing and Managing Your Digital Editions Collection Chapter SEVENTEEN. Becoming an Acrobat Power User TIP 135: Using a Batch Sequence TIP 136: Creating and Using a Printing Droplet TIP 137: Watching Folders TIP 138: Optimizing Your PDF Documents TIP 139: Creating Editable Text from an Image PDF Chapter EIGHTEEN. Making Your Documents Secure TIP 140: Choosing a Security Method TIP 141: Using Security Levels and Passwords for a Document TIP 142: Creating a Digital ID Profile TIP 143: Certifying a Document TIP 144: Adding a Signature Field and Signing a Document TIP 145: Sharing and Importing Digital IDs TIP 146: Comparing Documents TIP 147: Creating Security Policies TIP 148: Using and Managing Security Policies TIP 149: Using Secure ePaper TIP 150: Troubleshooting Security Appendix A. Other Sources of Information Adobe Sites Information Sites Appendix B. System Requirements and Installation Installation Requirements Index

Copyright Adobe Press books are published by Peachpit Peachpit 1249 Eight h St reet Berkeley, CA 94710 510/ 524- 2178 800/ 283- 9444 510/ 524- 2221 ( fax) Peachpit is a division of Pearson Educat ion To report errors, please send a not e t o errat a@peachpit .com For t he lat est on Adobe books, go t o Copyright © 2005 by Donna L. Baker

Credits Edit ors: Krist in Kalning, Becky Morgan, Judy Ziaj ka Product ion Edit or: Becky Wint er Copyedit or: Liz Welch Com posit or: Danielle Fost er I ndexer: Rebecca Plunket t Cover design: Maureen Forys I nt erior design: Maureen Forys This book was designed and laid out in Adobe I nDesign.

Notice of Rights All right s reserved. No part of t his book m ay be reproduced or t ransm it t ed in any form by any m eans, elect ronic, m echanical, phot ocopying, recording, or ot herwise, wit hout t he prior writ t en perm ission of t he publisher. For inform at ion on get t ing perm ission for reprint s and excerpt s, cont act perm issions@peachpit .com .

Notice of Liability The inform at ion in t his book is dist ribut ed on an " As I s" basis, wit hout warrant y. While every precaut ion has been t aken in t he preparat ion of t he book, neit her t he aut hor nor Peachpit Press shall have any

liabilit y t o any person or ent it y wit h respect t o any loss or dam age caused or alleged t o be caused direct ly or indirect ly by t he inst ruct ions cont ained in t his book or by t he com put er soft ware and hardware product s described in it .

Trademarks Adobe Acrobat is a regist ered t radem ark of Adobe Syst em s I ncorporat ed in t he Unit ed St at es and/ or ot her count ries. All ot her t radem arks are t he propert y of t heir respect ive owners. Throughout t his book, t radem arks are used. Rat her t han put a t radem ark sym bol in every occurrence of a t radem arked nam e, we st at e t hat we are using t he nam es in an edit orial fashion only and t o t he benefit of t he t radem ark owner wit h no int ent ion of infringem ent of t he t radem ark. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Print ed and bound in t he Unit ed St at es of Am erica

Dedication For m y pal Tom Carson

Acknowledgements I would like t o t hank m y edit ors at Peachpit Becky Morgan, Krist in Kalning, Judy Ziaj ka, and Liz Welchand t he rest of t he super edit orial and developm ent t eam . Thanks t o m y fam ily for t heir support , and t o m y agent , Mat t Wagner, for keeping m e on t rack. A special t hanks t o Adobe for t heir input in m y proj ect s, and t he opport unit y t o delve int o t he dept hs of m y favorit e piece of soft ware. And finally, t hanks as always t o m y m usical m use, Tom Wait s.

Chapter ONE. Getting Started Adobe Acrobat has becom e a workhorse program . Whet her you are a graphic designer or a Web designer, whet her you work wit h business syst em s or run a sm all office, Acrobat can assist you in a wide range of t asks, and it handles inform at ion and cont ent in m ind- boggling ways. Acrobat isn't like " ordinary" soft ware in t hat you can't define it s purpose in a single word as you can wit h a spreadsheet , word processing, or im age- m anipulat ion program . I t 's not t hat sim ple. Successful users of Acrobat underst and bot h t he program 's capabilit ies and what Acrobat can do for t hem . For exam ple, did you know t hat wit h Acrobat 7 Professional you can creat e a m ult im edia present at ion? Or creat e a com plex docum ent t hat incorporat es a range of ot her t ypes of m at erial such as spreadsheet s or Web pages along wit h PDF files? Or t est and evaluat e t he out put of a docum ent before sending it t o your print provider? Or set up and m onit or a syst em of reviewing your shared docum ent s? Or add securit y t o a docum ent t o cont rol access and changes t o t he work? Or…? Clearly t he program 's scope is wide, which is probably why Adobe describes it as a " t ool for t he new work." I n t his book, I have assem bled a collect ion of t ips t hat will show you what Acrobat can do, and how you can int egrat e t he power of t he program int o your daily work life. As you read t he t ips, consider how t he inform at ion can help you do your j ob sm art er and fast er. I n t his first chapt er, you'll see what m akes up t he program 's int erface, learn how t o look at your docum ent , and find out som e ways t o m ake t he program work for you.

TIP 1: Getting Around the Interface When you open Acrobat 7 Professional, t he default program includes several elem ent s (Figu r e 1 ) . You can configure t he Acrobat layout in a variet y of ways by adj ust ing t he panel groupings and set t ings.

Figu r e 1 . Acr oba t 7 Pr ofe ssion a l's in t e r fa ce is m a de u p of se ve r a l com pon e n t s. [View full size image]

What's Your Status? You can navigat e bet ween pages using t he navigat ion cont rols, or change t he viewing layout . You can also choose a viewing m et hod, such as full- screen. Special feat ures of t he docum ent , such as layers or securit y, are indicat ed by icons at t he left of t he St at us bar.

Th e M a in m e n u. The Main m enu across t he t op of t he program cont ains com m on headings like File and Edit , as well as Acrobat 7 Professional headings such as Advanced and Docum ent . Toolba r s. Acrobat cont ains a wide variet y of t oolbars; m ost it em s found in t oolbars are available as m enu com m ands as well. An icon wit h a pull- down arrow t o t he right indicat es t hat a subt oolbar is available. Ta sk bu t t on s. You can access a variet y of t asks and funct ions for a specific t ype of work such as creat ing a PDF or signing a docum ent using t he t ask but t ons.

Look Before You Touch You can m odify t he screen displayt oolbars, Navigat ion pane t abs, and so on. But before you do, fam iliarize yourself wit h t he cont ent s. Click t he pull- down arrows t o see what 's in a subt oolbar, for exam ple. Click a t ab in t he Navigat ion pane t o see it s cont ent s and click it s Opt ions m enu t o learn what you can do in t he pane. Checking out Acrobat 's default offerings m ay help you as you learn t o work wit h t he program .

N a viga t ion pa n e . The t abs along t he left side of t he program window m ake up t he Navigat ion pane. The opt ions on t hese t abs let you m anage and cont rol t he cont ent of your PDF docum ent . D ocu m e n t pa n e. An open PDF docum ent displays in t he Docum ent pane. The docum ent 's page size and scroll bars fram e t he bot t om and right side of t he Docum ent pane. St a t u s ba r. Below t he Docum ent pane you see t he num ber of t he visible page as well as t he t ot al page count and cont rols for m oving bet ween pages. H ow To. The How To pane, displayed at t he right of t he screen, cont ains links t o com m on t asks as well as t he program 's com plet e Help files. You can increase t he widt h of t he pane from it s default size, but you can't decrease it .

TIP 2: Assistance, Please

How To… or Not Som e people like t o work in t he m idst of m enus and dialogs t o m ake it easier t o access com m ands and t ools. Ot hers prefer a m ore m inim al approach, showing and hiding panes as necessary. The How To pane is displayed by default , but if you prefer, you can hide it and use ot her opt ions t o access t he inform at ion when you need t o: Click Hide t o close t he pane. I n t he default t oolbar set up, click t he How To t ask but t on t o reopen t he pane, which always opens at t he sam e screen locat ion. Choose Help > How To t o display t he sam e How To list of t opics. Click an opt ion t o display it s cont ent in t he How To pane. I n t he General Preferences, deselect Show How To Window at St art up. From t hen on, your program opens wit hout t he pane displayed, and you can open it from t he t oolbar's t ask but t ons or t he Help m enu if required.

The How To pane cont ains a list of t he m ost com m on t asks you are likely t o perform in Acrobat 7 ( Figu r e 2 a ) and includes specific groupings of t ools for special purposes such as exam ining and m easuring engineering drawings and preparing a docum ent for print product ion. For exam ple, click Creat e PDF t o open a list of t opics. Follow t hese point ers t o m ake your way t hrough t he How To t opics:

Figu r e 2 a . Click on e of t h e m a in t opic a r e a s in t h e H ow To pa n e t o ope n a list of t opics.

How To How To… I f you m odify t he t oolbar layout , you probably won't include t he How To t oolbar. You can st ill access t he cont ent s using t he Help m enu. Click Help > How To and choose a t opic t it le. The How To pane reopens, displaying t he m ain t opic area.

A list of t he m ain t opics appears in t he How To pane ( Figu r e 2 b) . Click a link t o t he part icular t ask you are t rying t o accom plish.

Figu r e 2 b. Ea ch m a j or t a sk list s a n u m be r of t opic ch oice s. Click a lin k for m or e in for m a t ion or t o ope n t h e com ple t e H e lp file .

Use t he navigat ion but t ons at t he t op of t he How To pane t o cont rol your view. Clicking t he act ive arrow ( it is blue in t he program ) m oves you back and fort h t hrough pages you have viewed. I nst ruct ions for perform ing t he t ask or act ivit y appear in t he How To pane. Scroll down t o read t he ent ire list .

TIP 3: Helping Yourself

Help Is Close at Hand Som et im es you need t o refer t o a page in t he Help file over and over. I nst ead of closing t he window and t hen reopening and finding t he page again, m inim ize t he window. The cont ent st ays as you last viewed it . I f you need st ep- by- st ep direct ion, arrange bot h t he program and Help windows on your screen.

The How To pane is fine for st ep- by- st ep inst ruct ions on basic program funct ions and t asks. I f you need m ore in- dept h inform at ion, use t he m ain Help feat ure: Choose Help > Com plet e Acrobat 7.0 Help or press t he F1 key. The Help program opens in a separat e window. Use t he navigat ion opt ions at t he t op left of t he window t o m ake your way t hrough t he file ( Figu r e 3 a ) . The blue left - and right - facing arrows t ake you back and fort h bet ween pages you've visit ed. Click t he Print er icon t o print t he t opic displayed in t he m ain pane of t he Help window. The plus ( + ) and m inus ( - ) icons let you zoom in or zoom out of t he docum ent window.

Figu r e 3 a . Use t h e n a viga t ion con t r ols t o m a k e you r w a y t h r ou gh t h e H e lp file s

You can choose from t hree t ypes of search opt ionsCont ent s, Search, or I ndexdepending on what you are looking for and on your preferred m et hod of working. You can choose from t he Cont ent s, I ndex, or Search t abs t o locat e inform at ion. The Help m enu shows t he Cont ent s t ab ( Figu r e 3 b) when it opens. The cont ent is arranged in a hierarchy. Each + next t o a t opic m eans subt opics are available. Click + t o open a nest ed it em list . When a t opic nam e displays a - sign, t hat m eans it has nest ed cont ent t hat is already displayed. Click an it em t o display it s cont ent s in t he m ain pane of t he Help window.

Figu r e 3 b. Spe cific t opics a r e n e st e d w it h in la r ge r t opics in t h e le ft pa n e .

Help Using Help Pay at t ent ion t o t he way you work. I f you are a very syst em at ic person, t he Cont ent s t ab will guide you from general t o specific t opics. Use t he Search t ab if you are fam iliar wit h t he program and want t o locat e a specific t opic. I f you aren't sure what you are looking for, t ype a relat ed t erm in t he I ndex t ab and wat ch t he headings t hat displayyou m ay find a heading t riggers a m ent al connect ion t o t he precise t opic you need.

Click Search t o open t he Search t ab. Type t he search word and t hen click Search. The t opics t hat cont ain t he search t erm appear in t he left pane of t he Help window ( Figu r e 3 c) and t he first ent ry cont aining t he search t erm displays in t he m ain pane of t he Help window. Click a t opic t o display t he cont ent in t he m ain pane; each inst ance of t he search t erm is highlight ed. I f t he highlight ing is dist ract ing, click t he m ain pane of t he Help window t o deselect t he highlight s.

Figu r e 3 c. Se a r ch in g for H e lp t opics sh ow s a list of m a t ch e s a s w e ll a s h igh ligh t e d se a r ch t e r m s.

[View full size image]

Use t he I ndex t ab t o access inform at ion by eit her ent ering a t erm in t he field, which m oves t he t opic list in t he left pane t o t he m at ching t opic t it le, or by scrolling t hrough t he list in t he left pane t o find a t opic heading. Again, t he cont ent is list ed in nest ed t opics; click t o display t he t opic's cont ent s. Clicking a t opic in t he I ndex displays it s cont ent s in t he m ain pane of t he Help window.

TIP 4: Making Room on the Screen

Button It Up You can furt her cont rol your use of screen real est at e by set t ing how t he labels are displayed. Choose View > Toolbars > Show But t on Labels and t hen select t he Default , All, or No but t on label opt ions.

One of t he best ways t o save space, and your eyesight , is t o cont rol what t ools you display on t he screen. I t is possible t o open enough t oolbars t o fill a good port ion of t he screen, leaving very lit t le room for t he act ual docum ent . These t ips help you " unclut t er" your screen: I f you have opened a num ber of t oolbars and want t o ret urn t o t he default set , choose View > Toolbars > Reset Toolbars. Acrobat closes t he ext ras and t he layout revert s t o t he default t oolbars in t he default locat ions. Even using only t he default t oolbars and t ask but t ons, you m ay find it confusing t o figure out what you have t o work wit h. Move your point er over t he hat ched vert ical line at t he left edge of a t oolbar t o display t he t oolbar's nam e ( Figu r e 4 a ) .

Figu r e 4 a . D ispla y t h e n a m e of a t oolba r in a t ip.

Tool t ips can show you t ask but t on nam es. I f t he but t on is large enough t o display bot h t he icon and t ext , you don't learn anyt hing new. However, if you m ove your point er over t he icon, you see t he t ask but t on's nam e (Figu r e 4 b) .

Figu r e 4 b. D ispla y t h e n a m e of a bu t t on in a t ip

Move your point er over t he hat ched vert ical line and drag t o pull a t oolbar from it s docked posit ion. When you release t he m ouse, t he t oolbar is float ing on t he screen. Drag t he t oolbar back t o t he t oolbar area and release t he m ouse t o dock it again. Task but t ons work slight ly different ly. You can't drag an individual t ask but t on off t he Task Bar ( as you can wit h individual t ools on t oolbars) ; if you t ry, you'll rem ove t he ent ire Task But t on t oolbar. Choose View > Task But t ons, and select or deselect t he but t ons as you require.

Locking Toolbars When you close and reopen a program , t he arrangem ent of t oolbars and t ask but t ons is m aint ained. I f you like a part icular arrangem ent of t oolbars, you can lock it . When you get t o t he point when you are " one wit h t he program ," you can select t ools and keep working wit hout searching for a t ool. Choose View > Toolbars > Lock Toolbars. The separat or bars bet ween t he individual t oolbars disappear. Float ing t oolbars don't lock, and t hey can't be docked wit h a locked t oolbar.

Rat her t han using t he Main m enu, save one st ep when changing t oolbars. Right - click or Cont rol- click t he t oolbar t o display t he sam e opt ions available from t he Toolbars subm enu ( Figu r e 4 c) .

Figu r e 4 c. Use t h e sh or t cu t m e n u t o displa y m a n y of t h e com m a n ds a va ila ble fr om t h e Vie w m e n u .

TIP 5: See What You Want to See Acrobat offers t he sam e sort of Zoom I n and Zoom Out t ool funct ionalit y as t hat in ot her Adobe product s t hat you have grown t o know and love; you can swit ch from one t ool t o t he ot her by pressing t he Cont rol ( Com m and) key wit h eit her t he Zoom I n or Zoom Out t ools act ive.

Outline Your Overlay Change t he color for bot h t he Loupe and Pan & Zoom t ools' out line rect angles t o see t he overlay on t he docum ent m ore clearly. I n bot h windows, click t he colored rect angle t o open a Color Picker and select a different color.

Acrobat 7 offers m ore t han t hat . You can use t he Dynam ic Zoom or Pan & Zoom feat ure ( which works m uch like t he Navigat or feat ure in ot her Adobe program s) , or you can use t he Loupe t ool t o zero in on im port ant inform at ion on a page. Click t he pull- down arrow t o t he right of t he Zoom t ool displayed on t he Zoom t oolbar t o open t he m enu shown in Figu r e 5 a . Select t he t ool you want t o use for viewing t he docum ent . The select ed t ool is displayed on t he Zoom t oolbar.

Figu r e 5 a . Ch oose fr om se ve r a l spe cia lize d vie w in g t ools fr om t h e Zoom su bm e n u

Tip The Zoom t ools are also available on t he short cut m enu. Right - click or Cont rol- click t he docum ent wit h t he Hand t ool t o open t he short cut m enu. Choose Zoom and select a t ool.

Use t he Dynam ic Zoom t ool t o quickly m ove t he m agnificat ion higher and lower wit hout having t o use any keys or choose alt ernat e zoom t ools. Use t he Loupe t ool t o zero in on a specific region of t he docum ent wit hout losing sight of t he overall im age or page. Click t he docum ent wit h t he Loupe t ool t o act ivat e a sm all window; t his window shows t he area ident ified by t he rect angle on t he Docum ent pane ( Figu r e 5 b) . You can drag t he edges of t he rect angle t o change t he cont ent and m agnificat ion of t he display; you can also click t he + and - but t ons or drag t he slider below t he m agnified im age shown in t he Loupe t ool's window.

Figu r e 5 b. Zoom in or ou t of a pa ge t o vie w con t e n t close u p w it h t h e Lou pe t ool

Double Vision You can use bot h t he Pan & Zoom window and t he Loupe t ool at t he sam e t im e. From t he Zoom t ool dropdown list , click t he Pan & Zoom Window opt ion t o open t he window, and use t he Pan & Zoom cont rols t o m ove around t he window. I f you want t o see som et hing close up, click t he Loupe t ool on t he m enu t o select it and click t he window wit h t he t ool for a closeup view.

For a quick scan of a docum ent 's cont ent s close up, click t he Pan & Zoom Window opt ion on t he Zoom t ool's pull- down m enu. A sm all secondary window displays over t he m ain program window ( Figu r e 5 c) . Drag t he Pan & Zoom box around t he page t o show you sect ions close up. Use t he + and - but t ons t o change t he m agnificat ion, t ype a value in t he field, or drag t he handles on t he rect angle overlaying t he im age t hat ident ifies t he area displayed in t he Docum ent pane. Use Pan & Zoom when you want t o check several it em s in a m ult ipage docum ent ; click t he navigat ion cont rol arrows below t he t hum bnail im age t o m ove forward and backward t hrough your docum ent .

Figu r e 5 c. Th e Pa n & Zoom t ool le t s you ch e ck ou t diffe r e n t de t a ils on diffe r e n t pa ge s in a docu m e n t . [View full size image]

TIP 6: Work Those Windows Acrobat provides several opt ions for working wit h windows; som e are used for specific purposes, while ot hers are opt ions you can choose depending on your preferred m et hod of working.

Laying Tile When you use t he Add Window com m and each copy is sized t he sam e as t he original. Then you can use t he Tile com m ands t o arrange t he windows in t he Acrobat program window. Depending on t he size of t he original window, use eit her Horizont al or Vert ical t iles. I f you decrease t he size of t he Acrobat program window, t he t iled copies along t he edges you resized are cut off. Choose Window > Tile and t he vert ical or horizont al t iling opt ion again t o resize t he windows t o fit t he new program window's size.

Open several copies of t he sam e docum ent if you want t o see m ult iple pages at t he sam e t im e. Choose Window > New Window. Acrobat adds a num ber t o t he original docum ent 's nam e, e.g., MyDog is renam ed MyDog: 1; each t im e you add a new window a num ber is appended increm ent ally, such as MyDog: 2 and MyDog: 3. For each copy of t he docum ent , use t he cont rols at t he bot t om of t he Docum ent pane t o show a different page of t he docum ent . The Window > Tile opt ions let you arrange t he windows for easy viewing. When you close copies, t he rem aining copies are renum bered; when only t he original rem ains, t he docum ent 's nam e loses it s appended num ber( I wonder if t hat would hurt ?) and t he nam e is rest ored. Choose Window > Split t o divide t he program window int o t wo equal displays, bot h of which show t he act ive docum ent . You can use t he Zoom t ools on each individual display, giving you different views of t he sam e cont ent . Choose Window > Spreadsheet View. The window is aut om at ically split int o four sect ions (Figu r e 6 ) . You can drag t he cont ent in each view in any direct ion wit h t he Hand t ool. This view is handy for com paring m ult iple colum ns of inform at ion.

Figu r e 6 . Use t h e Spr e a dsh e e t vie w t o displa y se gm e n t s of a pa ge t h a t ca n be m ove d in de pe n de n t ly. [View full size image]

Choose Window > Rem ove Split t o rest ore t he single Docum ent pane.

TIP 7: What Do You Prefer? You can define a num ber of preferences t hat help you get t o work fast er. Som e preferences get you int o t he program fast er; ot hers show you what you are working wit h m ore quickly.

Settings for All Seasons The set t ings you choose are not specific t o a part icular docum ent but apply t o t he program in general. Each t im e you open Acrobat 7, t he program uses your preferences unt il you change t hem again. Set t ings you choose in t he program can also apply t o t he Help m enu. For exam ple, if you deselect t ext sm oot hing in t he program preferences, t he t ext in t he Help m enu is also affect ed.

Choose Edit > Preferences ( Acrobat > Preferences) t o open t he Preferences dialog. You see a long list of opt ions in t he left pane of t he dialog; clicking an opt ion displays a range of set t ings in t he right pane of t he dialog. Click St art up in t he list at t he left of t he Preferences dialog t o display t he St art up opt ions in t he right pane of t he dialog ( Figu r e 7 a ) . The Opening Docum ent s preferences are list ed at t he t op of t he window. I f you work wit h m ore t han five docum ent s on a regular basis, change t he value shown in t he Maxim um docum ent s in m ost - recent ly used list from it s default of 5. When you click t he File m enu heading, you see t he list at t he bot t om of t he m enu and can quickly select t he docum ent you want t o open. See t he cont rol Reopen Docum ent s t o Last Viewed Page. The default set t ing is Digit al Edit ions, which m eans t hat only digit al m edia ( form erly known as eBooks) reopens at t he page last displayed in t he docum ent . Click t he pull- down arrow and choose t he Marked Files and Digit al Edit ions Only opt ion when working wit h a num ber of docum ent s cont aining com m ent s; select All Files when you are working in long sessions wit h m ult iple files. As you open closed docum ent s, you are aut om at ically shown t he last locat ion you viewed in t he open docum ent .

Tip The display feat ure works only during a single session; if you close and t hen reopen Acrobat 7, and t hen t he docum ent , it displays according t o it s docum ent set t ings, usually showing t he t op of t he first page.

Click Use page cache ( it is deselect ed by default ) . The page cache is a buffer area. I f you cache t he pages, as you display one page t he next page in a docum ent is read and placed in a buffer area unt il

you are ready t o view it . Pages load fast er, and t he fast er load t im e is part icularly not iceable if you are working wit h im age- int ensive or int eract ive docum ent s.

Figu r e 7 a . Cu st om ize t h e St a r t u p pr e fe r e n ce s t o ch a n ge h ow t h e pr ogr a m st a r t s a n d r u n s. [View full size image]

Click Page Display in t he opt ions list ed in t he left pane of t he Preferences dialog. You can set som e page preferences t o get up t o working speed fast er: Deselect t he Display large im ages opt ion ( Figu r e 7 b) if your com put er has a slow redraw speed. On older com put ers, im ages t ake a lot of t im e t o draw on t he screen. Each t im e you m ove t he im age m eans m ore t im e wait ing for t he im age t o redraw again.

Figu r e 7 b. Ch a n gin g som e Pa ge D ispla y se t t in gs ca n ch a n ge h ow qu ick ly you r docu m e n t s a r e displa ye d.

[View full size image]

Deselect t he sm oot hing preferencest ext , line art , and im agesst ext , if your com put er is part icularly slow. Deselect ing t he sm oot hing m ay save som e t im e in displaying your docum ent s, alt hough you sacrifice som e of t he clarit y and crispness of t he cont ent for display speed. Click t he Use greek t ext below xx pixels opt ion t o m ake t he t ext on a page sm aller t han t he value specified ( t he default value is 8 pixels) appear as gray lines ( Figu r e 7 c) . Select ing t his opt ion speeds up redraw t im e as well.

Figu r e 7 c. Su bst it u t e gr a y lin e s for ve r y sm a ll t e x t t o displa y pa ge s m or e qu ick ly.

Click General in t he Preferences dialog's left pane t o show t he General preferences ( Figu r e 7 d) . Look for t hese set t ings in t he m iscellaneous sect ion of t he dialog's pane.

Set Your Autosave Click t he aut om at ically save docum ent changes t o t em porary file field t o set t he aut osave t im e. By default , Acrobat saves docum ent changes every five m inut es. I f you are working on a very large docum ent , t he aut osave can t ake som e t im e away from your work; you m ay want t o increase t he durat ion bet ween aut osaves.

Figu r e 8 d. Ch a n ge h ow oft e n Acr oba t sa ve s you r docu m e n t , a n d h ow you a cce ss ope n docu m e n t s u sin g Ge n e r a l pr e fe r e n ce s. [View full size image]

Click Show docum ent s in t askbar t o display a but t on for each open docum ent on t he Windows t askbar. This way you don't have t o open Acrobat 's Window m enu t o select an open docum ent . When you have com plet ed set t ing and changing preferences, click OK t o close t he Preferences dialog and apply your set t ings.

Chapter TWO. Organizing, Searching, and Cataloging One of Acrobat 's st rongest feat ures is it s abilit y t o help you m anage your docum ent s. New in Acrobat 7 is t he Organizer, a separat e window used t o organize, sort , and filt er t he PDF files in your com put er. You can organize t he files in a num ber of ways based on dat e, locat ion, and ot her charact erist ics. You can also define a num ber of charact erist ics for t he files t hat you can in t urn use for searching and organizing. As if organizing weren't enough, you can also assem ble collect ions of your PDF docum ent s. You'll learn som e t ips about collect ions in t his chapt er. Searching PDF docum ent s is an am azing way t o draw com m on concept s and t erm s from a broad range of docum ent s. See how t o save t im e and zero in on what you need t o find. You can use different t ools of varying com plexit y for your searching, ranging from a sim ple t oolbar t o a full- blown index. Aside from t he generic searching you can do wit h any sort s of PDF docum ent s, you can also assem ble a collect ion and index it t o creat e a form al cat alog. Cat aloging is t he best way t o cont rol large quant it ies of inform at ion across collect ions of docum ent s. You can m ake docum ent collect ions com ply wit h a global st andard called PDF/ A, which defines how im ages, font s, and ot her charact erist ics m ust be used in docum ent s for long- t erm st orage.

TIP 8: Getting Organized Acrobat 7 cont ains a nift y new feat ure called t he Organizer. Use t he Organizer t oyou guessed it organize your PDF files. Click t he Organizer but t on Organizer.

on t he File t oolbar or choose File > Organizer > Open

Things to Do in the Organizer Window Above t he Pages pane are several com m ands you can choose t o work wit h t he select ed file or files. For exam ple, you can open, em ail, or st art a docum ent cont aining m ult iple PDF files, or even st art a review cycle right from t he Organizer window.

The Organizer opens in a separat e window and displays t hree fram es ( Figu r e 8 ) . You can drag t he split t er bars bet ween t he fram es t o resize each fram e as you are working. Click an opt ion in t he Cat egories pane t o display it s list of PDF files in t he Files pane; click a file in t he Files pane t o display it s cont ent in t he Pages pane.

Figu r e 8 . Or ga n ize a n d con t r ol you r PD F file s u sin g t h e Or ga n ize r . [View full size image]

The Cat egories pane uses a hierarchy of folders. There are t hree t ypes of cat egories: Hist ory, your com put er's folders ( t o which you can add favorit es) , and Collect ions. Hist ory works like t he Hist ory funct ion on your Web browser. Select a t im e fram e from t he Hist ory list ing t o show t he PDF files you have opened during t hat t im e fram e in t he Files pane. To clear t he hist ory, select t he it em in t he Hist ory list ing and click t he Clear Hist ory but t on at t he bot t om of t he Files pane. To add a Favorit e Place , click Add a Favorit e Place at t he bot t om of t he Organizer Window. Locat e t he folder you want t o add in t he result ing dialog, and click OK. You'll see t hat your select ed folder has been added t o t he Favorit e Places list . To add a collect ion, right - click/ Cont rol- click t he Collect ions label and follow t he prom pt s t o nam e t he collect ion and add files. Right - click/ Cont rol- click an exist ing collect ion t o add or delet e files. I n t he Files pane, inform at ion displayed about each list ed docum ent includes basic inform at ion. An unprot ect ed docum ent shows a t hum bnail; a docum ent cont aining securit y shows only a PDF docum ent icon. The default list ing is by filenam e; you can click t he pull- down arrow t o choose ot her sort ing opt ions such as keywords, t he docum ent 's t it le, or t he aut hor. The file select ed in t he Files pane is shown in t he Pages pane. Use t he - and + but t ons t o change t he m agnificat ion of t he view, or drag t he slider t o show t he file's cont ent . Scroll bars display when t he view is m agnified if t he docum ent cont ains several pages, or if you have select ed m ore t han one docum ent in t he Files pane.

TIP 9: Staying Organized When you have organized your files, you can access your docum ent s from t he program 's int erface rat her t han reopening t he window.

Collecting Logically Use Collect ions t o organize your cont ent in ways you find logical. For exam ple, if you are working wit h a set of files t hat are t o becom e a single PDF at som e point in your workflow, add t hem t o a collect ion. Right - click or Cont rol- click t he Collect ion label in t he Organizer and choose Add Files. Locat e and select t he files you want t o add in t he Browse for Folder dialog and click OK. Click t he collect ion's nam e and show your working files in t he Files pane or t he m ain program window.

Regardless of where you access t he Organizer's inform at ion, here are a few t ips t o help you st ay organized: Take care when clearing t he Hist ory. I f you choose a Hist ory set t ing such as Last 12 Mont hs or Last Week, all hist ory list ings of short er durat ion, such as Today or Yest erday, are also cleared. Nam e your collect ions t o keep t rack of your work. Delet e a collect ion when you have finished working on a proj ect . You can always rebuild a collect ion if need be. Organizing cont ent int o collect ions m akes it easier t o access your working docum ent s from t he m ain program window. Click t he pull- down arrow t o t he right of t he Organizer but t on on t he File m enu t o open a m enu; click Collect ions, t hen t he nam e of t he collect ion, and t he file you want t o use (Figu r e 9).

Figu r e 9 . Se le ct file s fr om you r colle ct ion s fr om t h e pu ll- dow n m e n u s. [View full size image]

Dit t o for t he Hist ory, also available from t he Organizer but t on's pull- down m enu. The Hist ory list ing uses t he sam e set of t im e fram es as list ed in t he Organizer window. Choose File > Organizer > Collect ions t o access your collect ions' cont ent s from t he m ain program m enu. The Hist ory cont ent s are also available in t he File m enu. Choose File > Hist ory and one of t he dat e opt ions. The Hist ory com m and is convenient ly list ed above t he last docum ent s opened in t he File m enu.

TIP 10: Finding Words One feat ure we all use at one t im e or anot her is t he dependable Search funct ion. Acrobat 7 offers t wo ways t o do a searcheit her t hrough a Find t oolbar or using t he Search pane.

Widening Your Search I f you need t o expand t he search t o addit ional docum ent s or want t o use m ore com plex search t erm s, select Open Full Acrobat Search from t he pull- down m enu.

New in Acrobat 7 is t he Find t oolbar ( Figu r e 1 0 ) . Use it t o quickly search an open docum ent . To access t he t oolbar, use t he Ct rl+ F/ Com m and+ F short cut keys; choose View > Toolbars > Find; or choose Edit > Find.

Figu r e 1 0 . Use t h e Fin d t oolba r t o loca t e w or ds or ph r a se s in a n ope n docu m e n t .

Type in t he field t he word or phrase you want t o search for, and t hen click Find Next t o show t he first m at ch on t he visible page. Each t im e you click t he but t on, t he next m at ch is highlight ed in t he docum ent . Use t he Find Next or Find Previous but t on t o m ove back and fort h am ong m at ches. Here are som e hint s for using t he Find t oolbar: The hit s include hyphenat ed ret urnsfor exam ple a search for t he t erm " book- m ark" is ret urned as a hit for t he t erm " bookm ark." Use t he scroll bars or t he navigat ion cont rols at t he bot t om of t he Docum ent pane t o m ove t o anot her locat ion in a docum ent . When you click t he Previous or Next but t on on t he Find t oolbar, t he search st art s at t he visible page.

Click t he pull- down arrow next t o t he Find label t o open a m enu t hat allows you t o choose search param et ers. For exam ple, if you are looking for a t erm such as Bookm arks, if you choose t he case sensit ive opt ion, only t hose m at ches using t he sam e capit alizat ion are ident ified. Click t o select any com binat ion of t he search crit eria from t he pull- down m enu.

TIP 11: Conducting Searches The Find t oolbar works well for searching a single docum ent , but if you need t o t rack down words or phrases t hrough all t he PDF files in a folder, anot her drive, or even on t he I nt ernet , use t he Search choose Edit > Search or use t he funct ion. Click t he Search but t on on t he File t oolbar Shift + Ct rl+ F/ Shift + Com m and+ F short cut keys t o open t he Search pane at t he right of t he Docum ent pane (Figu r e 1 1 a ) .

Figu r e 1 1 a . Th e Se a r ch pa n e offe r s a n u m be r of w a ys t o se a r ch for docu m e n t s.

Zeroing In on Your Searches Use t he cust om izat ion opt ions when possible t o cut down on t he num ber of search hit s. The Case- Sensit ive opt ion can be used wit h a st ring of t ext . For exam ple, " Rock and Roll" ret urns only t hose files cont aining t he exact words in t hat exact sequence wit h t he sam e capit alizat ion. Searching for " rock" ret urns t he t ext , but can also ret urn hit s for " rockabilly." Just a warning, t houghsearching for " Rock And Roll" ( wit h an uppercase A in " And" ) provides no ret urns if your docum ent uses a lowercase " and."

Type t he word or words you want t o find in t he first field. You can't search using wildcards such as ( * ) or ( ?) . Next select t he file or folder you want t o search. Click t he first radio but t on t o search t he current ly act ive file; click t he second radio but t on t o search in m ult iple files. Then, click t he pull- down arrow and select t he folder and drive locat ion. Choose search opt ions by clicking t he check boxes. Click t o select whole words, or case- sensit ive result s, and t o search in bookm arks and com m ent s as well as docum ent t ext . Click Search. When t he search is finished, t he result s and t heir locat ions appear by filenam e in t he Search PDF Result s pane ( Figu r e 1 1 b) .

Figu r e 1 1 b. Acr oba t displa ys t h e r e su lt s of you r se a r ch in a list t o loa d t h e docu m e n t a n d vie w t h e h igh ligh t e d t e r m s.

Taking a Shortcut Short cut keys allow you t o work quickly t hrough a long list of search result s. I n Windows, open t he first docum ent , and t hen press F3 t o j um p t o t he next and subsequent hit s. Press Ct rl+ ] t o go t o t he next docum ent ; press Ct rl+ [ t o go t o t he previous docum ent . I n a docum ent , press Ct rl+ G t o go t o t he next result ; press Ct rl+ Shift + G t o go t o t he previous result .

You can see t he num ber of inst ances of t he word occurring in t he set of files you searched, along wit h t he num ber of docum ent s cont aining t he word. Click t he box t o t he left of t he file pat h t o open a list of t he result s' locat ions and t hen m ouse over a result list ing t o display t he docum ent page num ber. Click a result in t he Search PDF Result s pane. Acrobat obligingly loads t he docum ent you select ed ( if it is not already displayed in t he Docum ent pane) and highlight s t he t erm on t he docum ent for you. Sort ing by filenam e isn't t he only way t o view result s. To reorder t he result s, click t he pull- down arrow below t he Search PDF Result s area and choose a Sort by m et hod. You can choose from m odificat ion dat e, locat ion, and relevance ranking.

TIP 12: Searching for PDF Files on the Internet Wit h one m ouse click, Acrobat can t ake t he hassle out of searching for a PDF file on t he I nt ernet . Click Search t he int ernet using Yahoo ( or Google, depending on t he preference you choose) from t he Search pane's list of opt ions shown in Figure 11a.

Start Your Engine The default search engine in Acrobat is Yahoo. I f you are a Google person, you can choose Google as your default search engine in Acrobat . Choose Edit > Preferences or Acrobat > Preferences, and click Search in t he left pane of t he dialog t o display t he Search preferences. Click t he Search provider for searching PDFs on t he I nt ernet pull- down arrow and choose Google. Click OK t o close t he preferences. The Search t oolbar displays t he Google icon , and it is shown as t he search engine on t he Search pane.

I f you don't have t he Search pane displayed, click Search t he I nt ernet on t he Search t he I nt ernet t oolbar t o open t he Search pane, ready for an I nt ernet search. Right - click/ Cont rol- click t he t oolbar well t o display t he t oolbar list , and click Search t he I nt ernet t o open t he t oolbar. Type t he t erm s you wish t o search, and define how precise you want t he search t o be (Figu r e 1 2 ) . Click t he pull- down arrow and specify whet her you want t o search for all t he words, for t he exact phrase, or for any of t he words. You can narrow your search t o only PDF docum ent s by clicking Search only in PDF Files.

Figu r e 1 2 . Use t h e I n t e r n e t se a r ch fe a t u r e t o sa ve lot s of t im e se a r ch in g for PD F file s on lin e .

Multiple Searches When you are on a quest for inform at ion, you m ight need t o do several searches in a row. Aft er you have done m ore t han one search, not ice t hat t he blue left and right arrows at t he t op of t he Search pane are act ivat ed; click an arrow t o m ove backward and forward t hrough t he searches you have carried out . You can hide t he Search pane, but as long as you haven't closed and reopened Acrobat , t he searches are st ill available.

Click Search t he I nt ernet t o st art your search. Your browser opens t o Yahoo ( or Google if you've changed your default search engine) wit h t he result s displayed in a list . When you click a result , t he PDF docum ent opens in Adobe Reader wit hin your Web browser. Close t he browser t o t erm inat e t he search. I f you want t o search locally, click Search Across Local PDF docum ent s t o ret urn t o t he basic Search pane. You have t o close t he Web browser window m anually.

TIP 13: Advanced Search Techniques You can fine- t une a search using t he Advanced Search opt ions, or search for cont ent such as keywords or m et adat a. Click t he Use Advanced Search Opt ions link at t he bot t om of t he basic Search pane ( shown earlier in Figure 11a) t o display addit ional searching param et ers. To search t he t ext in t he docum ent , you can choose from m at ching t he exact phrase, or som e of t he words, or you can use a Boolean query. Fewer search opt ions are available if you are searching one docum ent t han if you are searching m ult iple docum ent s. Figu r e 1 3 shows t he Search pane for a search done on a folder, and t he search is based on keywords rat her t han t ext in t he docum ent . You can use up t o t hree addit ional search param et ers.

Figu r e 1 3 . Use Adva n ce d Se a r ch fe a t u r e s for pin poin t in g pr e cise r e su lt s or se a r ch in g for con t e n t ot h e r t h a n t e x t .

Use t he pull- down m enus below t he " Use t hese addit ional crit eria" label. Click t he left pull- down m enu t o display a list of opt ions, as shown in t he figure. Select t he search opt ion you desire, and t hen click t he right pull- down arrow and select a m odifier. Finally, t ype t he search t erm in t he field, such as t he keyword you wish t o search for. A green checkm ark displays in t he check box t o t he left of t he crit eria's fields.

Click t he Search but t on t o search t he docum ent propert ies for t he files in t he select ed folder. Acrobat ret urns result s t hat cont ain all addit ional search crit eria only. You can rem ove crit eria by clicking t he green checkm ark t o deselect it .

Saving Searching Time Using Preferences You can spend a lot of t im e sift ing t hrough docum ent s, and in som e cases, such as building an annual report , you m ay have t o repeat searches several t im es. Save yourself t im e and headaches by set t ing Search Preferences: I f your docum ent s cont ain diacrit ics or accent s, be sure t o check t he I gnore Diacrit ics and Accent s opt ion. That way if your work includes bot h prem iere and prem i\ 'e8re, for exam ple, you can find bot h t erm s. Select t he Always use advanced search opt ion if you are likely t o do only com plex searches t o save a couple of m ouse clicks expanding t he opt ions in t he Search pane. When searching enorm ous collect ions, set t he preference for t he Maxim um num ber of ret urned docum ent s. The default is 100; set it higher if necessary, but rem em ber t hat searching so m any docum ent s will require m ore processing t im e. I f you use Proxim it y searching a lot , m odify t he preference. The range of words for Proxim it y searches is 900; t inker wit h t he value according t o t he cont ent s of your docum ent s. Proxim it y searching is an advanced search t echnique used wit h m ult iple docum ent s or indexes, and needs t he Mat ch Exact word or phrase opt ion select ed from t he Ret urn result s cont aining pull- down arrow on t he Advanced Search pane. Type t wo or m ore words t o search for in t he docum ent s. Any occurrence of t he search t erm s wit hin 900 words of each ot her are ret urned. Use t he Fast Find preference t o cache t he ret urns from your searches. You can specify t he size of t he cache, which default s at 20 MB. Be sure t o clear t he cache when you have finished a big proj ect t o save processing t im e.

TIP 14: Using Custom Search and Category Options Beyond regular t ext searches, Acrobat offers ot her ways for you t o organize, search, and cat alog t he PDF docum ent s you work wit h. For exam ple, in an ent erprise environm ent , searching for a docum ent aut hor's nam e m ay be useful. Searching PDF phot os using m et adat a, t he dat a st ored wit hin t he im ages such as cam era set t ings or edit hist ory, m ay get you result s quicker (Figu r e 1 4 a ) .

Figu r e 1 4 a . You ca n se a r ch u sin g m e t a da t a a dde d t o t h e sou r ce file s,su ch a s Ph ot osh op XM P da t a .

Properties in Windows I f you are working in Windows, you can right - click t he nam e of t he file from t he deskt op or Windows Explorer and select Propert ies from t he short cut m enu. Add propert ies and cust om values as desired. When you open t he PDF in Acrobat , t he propert ies are included.

When you creat e a PDF, t echnical dat a t hat is part of t he source docum ent is convert ed along wit h t he t ext and im ages you see on t he page. You can also add m any t ypes of dat a from wit hin Acrobat by m odifying t he Docum ent Propert ies. Open t he docum ent you want t o alt er, and t hen choose File > Docum ent Propert ies, or use t he short cut Ct rl+ D ( Com m and+ D) ( Figu r e 1 4 b) .

Figu r e 1 4 b. Use t h e D ocu m e n t Pr ope r t ie s t o a dd spe cific in for m a t ion t h a t h e lps you or ga n ize la r ge n u m be r s of file s.

Develop a System I f you are working wit h hundreds of docum ent s or PDF im ages, developing a syst em before em barking on a docum ent propert ies advent ure is t he sm art t hing t o do. Decide if a t erm is used as a subj ect or a keyword, not bot h. I f you search using a subj ect t erm and have used it as a keyword in som e docum ent s, your search result s are lim it ed. I f you want t o use an aut hor's nam e, decide beforehand if t he first nam e, first nam e and init ial, or full nam e of t he aut hor is t o be used. This way, anyone working wit h t he files underst ands your propert ies syst em . Unless you creat e a nam ing and descript ion syst em t hat is underst andable t o all using t he docum ent s, it 's a wast e of t im e t o m ake t he effort t o include addit ional descript ions.

Ent er t he addit ional inform at ion you want t o use for searching and organizing in t he appropriat e fields. I f you are working wit h im ages, clicking t he Addit ional Met adat a but t on opens t he Docum ent Met adat a for [ filenam e] dialog t o add furt her inform at ion about t he im age. Click OK t o close t he Docum ent Propert ies dialog. Save t he docum ent t o save t he inform at ion you added in t he dialog. Now you can search, organize, and cat alog using t he addit ional t erm s.

TIP 15: Designing an Index The Acrobat Search funct ion is a highly developed t ool and very useful for general searches. However, if you are working wit h hundreds of docum ent s, building an index and including it wit h t he docum ent s it indexes will m ake searching m uch quicker. You can build indexes in Acrobat t hat work in m uch t he sam e way as a book's index, alt hough t heir funct ions are m uch m ore advanced t han a paper index.

Add a Helping Hand I f you are designing a num ber of docum ent collect ions, include a Readm e t ext file so your users underst and what t hey can search for and how t o use t he index.

Here are som e t ips for preparing docum ent s for indexing: Move or copy t he files you want t o use int o a separat e folder. Acrobat adds indexing files and folders ( Figu r e 1 5 ) . Keeping everyt hing all in one place prevent s indexing errors.

Figu r e 1 5 . M ove t h e docu m e n t s u se d in a n in de x in t o a se pa r a t e folde r for sa fe k e e pin g.

The PDF/ A Standard PDF/ A, a st andard for archiving docum ent s in Acrobat , is designed t o ensure t he cont ent in m ult ipage docum ent s is preserved and available. To com ply wit h t he PDF/ A st andard, t he docum ent : Can include only t ext , rast er im ages, and vect or obj ect s Can't include script s Must have all font s em bedded Can't cont ain securit y opt ions such as passwords or ot her t ypes of encrypt ion

Make sure all t he inform at ion required in t he individual docum ent s is com plet e. This includes bookm arks, links, special docum ent propert ies such as keywords, and so on. I f you lat er add addit ional inform at ion t o a docum ent , it won't be included in t he index. Break a large docum ent int o chunks. For exam ple, creat e PDF files from individual chapt ers of a m anual. The indexed searches will be fast er. Be careful wit h t he filenam es if you int end t he inform at ion t o be used cross- plat form . There are num erous nam ing issues and convent ions t o consider based on nam ing convent ionsMac versus PC nam ing, net working, and t he like. The sim plest solut ion is t o use short nam es wit h no spaces.

TIP 16: Building and Applying an Index Assem bling m at erial for an index t akes m ore t im e t han generat ing t he index it self. Assem ble and prepare t he docum ent s you want t o use ( see Tip 15) , and t hen choose Advanced > Cat alog t o open t he Cat alog dialog.

Fixing Indexes You need t o rerun t he Cat alog process if you m ake changes t o t he cont ent of t he docum ent s cont ained wit hin t he index, or m ove or renam e t he docum ent s. I nst ead of building from scrat ch, click Rebuild t o repair and reconfigure t he index. I f you want t o delet e an index, select it in t he Cat alog dialog. Click Build t o open t he Build dialog, and t hen click Purge.

Click New I ndex and add inform at ion t o t he dialog box t o nam e and describe t he index, and define t he folders you want t o include ( as well as any subfolders you want t o exclude) . Click Opt ions t o display ways t o eit her add or rem ove cont ent from t he index in t he Opt ions dialog ( Figu r e 1 6 a ) . Consider using st op wordswords t hat are excluded from t he index, such as and, if, or, and so on by clicking St op Words on t he Opt ions dialog t o open a St op Words dialog, also shown in Figure 16a. You can exclude up t o 500 case- sensit ive words, which can result in fast er search ret urns. I n t he Opt ions dialog you can click Do not include num bers t o exclude num bers from your index.

Figu r e 1 6 a . Add opt ion a l pa r a m e t e r s t o t h e in de x ; m a k e su r e t o in clu de t h e se opt ion s in you r in de x 's Re a dm e file . [View full size image]

I f you use st op words in an index, or any ot her sort of cust om opt ion, include det ails in t he index's Readm e file so your index users can work wit h t he index m ore effect ively. When you use st op words, t he index user can't search for " around t he house" , for exam ple, if " t he" has been excluded. When you have finished m aking your select ions, click Close t o dism iss t he Opt ions dialog and t hen click t he Build but t on in t he I ndex Definit ion dialog. The I ndex Definit ion dialog closes, and result s appear in t he Build dialog. Click Close t o dism iss t he Build dialog. Several files are added t o t he index's folder, including a log file and t he index.pdx file, which is t he index's dat abase file. There is also an addit ional folder cont aining t wo m ore indexing files. Don't delet e or m ove any of t he indexing folders or files, or you will corrupt t he index.

Power Indexing I f you are responsible for creat ing indexes on a regular basis, and find you always choose t he sam e opt ions, save som e t im e by set t ing preferences. Choose Edit > Preferences or Acrobat > Preferences and click Cat alog in t he left pane of t he dialog t o show t he Cat alog preferences. You can choose from t he sam e list of indexing cust om izat ions as t hose shown in Figure 16a in t he Opt ions dialog. Click OK t o close t he Preferences dialog. The next t im e you build an index, any opt ions you chose in t he preferences, such as st op words, is aut om at ically applied t o t he index.

To see your index in act ion, click Search t o open t he Search pane. Click Use Advanced Search Opt ions and choose Select I ndex from t he Look in pull- down list . The I ndex select ion dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 6 b) . Select t he index from t he list . Click Add if you want t o use ot her indexes from your com put er as well. Click OK t o close t he dialog and at t ach t he index or indexes t o your PDF.

Figu r e 1 6 b. At t a ch a n in de x or in de x e s t h r ou gh t h e a dva n ce d se t t in gs in t h e Se a r ch pa n e . [View full size image]

TIP 17: Archiving Outlook Messages Acrobat 7 let s you archive your Out look em ail m essages, which you can t hen index and search or add t o ot her PDF docum ent s. There are t wo ways t o archive your em ail m essages. You can creat e a PDF file from a single em ail m essage and add t o it , or you can select a folder of m essages and creat e a PDF docum ent from it s cont ent s.

Archiving Tips To creat e an Out look archive, be aware t hat : You can only use t he process when one of t he New Mail, Discussion, Reply, or Forward windows are act ive. You can't use Out look 2000 if Word is t he em ail edit or select ed for Out look.

To st art an archive, select t he first em ail in Out look list and t hen click Creat e PDF From Select ed Messages . The Save Adobe PDF File As dialog opens. Browse t o t he locat ion where you want t o save t he file. Type a nam e for t he file, and click Save. You can add a file t o an exist ing archived m essage as well. Select t he file you want t o add from t he Out look m essages and t hen click Convert and append select ed Again t he Save Adobe PDF File As dialog opens. Select t he file m essages t o an exist ing Adobe PDF. you want t o add t he addit ional docum ent t o. Click Open t o close t he Save As dialog box; t he file is processed and added t o t he select ed PDF file.

Planning Archival Names Som e organizat ions such as governm ent s require t hat all em ails be saved. Archiving em ails using PDF is a t errific way t o organize m at erial for st orage. Regardless of t he reason why you need t o archive em ail, it pays t o t ake a few m inut es t o organize a m et hod for nam ing t he archives. For a graphic designer, consult ant , or engineer, it m ay be useful t o archive according t o proj ect nam e, for inst ance. I n ot her circum st ances, it m ay be useful t o archive by sender's nam e; you m ight want t o select files and t rack correspondence regarding purchases by product nam e if you are involved in a ret ail business.

Finally, you can creat e a PDF docum ent from an exist ing Out look folder. Select t he folder and t hen click Convert select ed folder t o Adobe PDF. Type a nam e and choose a locat ion for t he archive PDF in t he Save Adobe PDF File As dialog. Click Save t o save t he file.

I n Acrobat , a num ber of bookm arks are added t o t he file ( Figu r e 1 7 ) . You can locat e t he cont ent s of t he archive based on sender, dat e, or subj ect .

Figu r e 1 7 . Th e de fa u lt e m a il a r ch ive pr oce ss in clu de s a se t of book m a r k s t o loca t e in dividu a l e m a ils qu ick ly.

Chapter THREE. Creating PDF Files Outside Acrobat There are m any ways you can creat e a PDF file from wit hin ot her applicat ions, and t hese capabilit ies have expanded wit h each revision of Acrobat . Aft er you inst all Acrobat , you find new m enus and t oolbars in m ost Microsoft Office program s, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint , and Out look. The m enus and t oolbar m ake up PDFMaker 7, which you use t o configure set t ings and creat e PDF cont ent right from your Office program . Ot her program s, such as t hose in Adobe Creat ive Suit e, cont ain int ernal com m ands and set t ings for generat ing PDF files. Acrobat also inst alls t he Adobe PDF print er driver, which let s you print PDF docum ent s from m any program s, as well as Adobe Dist iller, a program t hat convert s Post Script or Encapsulat ed Post Script ( EPS) files, such as t hose creat ed in I llust rat or, t o PDF form at . Conversions can be cont rolled by PDFMaker set t ings, by Acrobat Dist iller, and by source program s t hat export PDF- form at t ed files direct ly. You'll learn how t o configure conversion set t ings according t o t he m at erial you are working wit hand according t o what you int end t o do wit h it . You prepare inform at ion for print use, for exam ple, different ly t han you prepare inform at ion for online use. You have a lot of choices!

TIP 18: Creating PDF Files from Source Programs PDFMaker is a set of t ools t hat Acrobat inst alls int o Microsoft Office program s in addit ion t o a m ain m enu it em called Adobe PDF. The cont ent s of t he Adobe PDF m enu vary according t o t he program , but t ypically t he m enu offers t he com m ands Convert t o Adobe PDF, Convert t o Adobe PDF and Em ail, Convert t o Adobe PDF and Send for Review, and Change Conversion Set t ings ( Figu r e 1 8 ) . I nst allat ion of PDFMaker in Office XP for Mac doesn't include t he Convert t o Adobe PDF or Send for Review opt ions.

Figu r e 1 8 . Th e PD FM a k e r 7 .0 t oolba r a n d m e n u h e a din g a r e in st a lle d in t o M icr osoft Office pr ogr a m s a u t om a t ica lly.

Easy Loading I n earlier versions of Acrobat , if you inst alled an Office program t hat used PDFMaker aft er Acrobat was already inst alled, you had t o reinst all Acrobat t o add PDFMaker t o t he Office program . The sequence in which you load program s doesn't m at t er in Acrobat 7. I f you inst all an Office program aft er Acrobat has already been inst alled in your syst em , choose Help > Det ect and Repair from t he Acrobat m enu. Acrobat finds t he Office program sans PDFMaker and aut om at ically inst alls it for you.

The four basic t ypes of PDF conversion t hat you use for m ost circum st ances can be chosen t hrough Acrobat Dist iller or from a PDFMaker's Conversion Set t ings dialog: St andard The default set used for basic business docum ent conversion and viewing. St andard set t ings use a print ing resolut ion of 600 dpi. High Qualit y Print Used for high- qualit y out put ; print s t o a higher im age resolut ion but includes only a lim it ed am ount of coded inform at ion about t he docum ent 's font s. High Qualit y Print set s t he print ing resolut ion t o 2400 dpi. Press Used for high- end print product ion, such as im age set t ers, and print s at a high resolut ion. All t he inform at ion possible is added t o t he file. This set t ing includes all coded inform at ion about t he

font s used in t he docum ent . Sm allest File Size Creat es t he sm allest file size possible; used for dist ribut ing cont ent for t he Web, em ail, or onscreen viewing. I m ages are com pressed and t heir resolut ion is decreased. Font s are not em bedded. Before you convert a docum ent t o PDF form at , be sure t o: Check spelling and gram m ar, and m ake sure t he finished cont ent is how you want it t o appear in t he PDF form at . Alt hough you can cert ainly edit cont ent in Acrobat , it is m uch sim pler t o ensure t hat t he original docum ent is com plet e. Decide how t he docum ent is t o be used. You choose different conversion set t ings for an online docum ent , for exam ple, t han for one int ended for high- qualit y print ing. Check links and ot her hidden cont ent such as com m ent s if you plan t o convert t hem for PDF use. Check t he conversion opt ion's set t ings. For exam ple, you m ay choose a St andard conversion opt ion but require changes in t he graphic conversion set t ings.

Converting a Group of Documents I f you are convert ing a large num ber of docum ent s, convert one and check t hat it m eet s your needs before convert ing t he ot hers. This will save you valuable error- checking t im e.

Several ot her opt ions are available for convert ing docum ent s according t o PDF st andards bot h for print ing and archiving: PDF/ A archival st andard Used for docum ent s int ended for long- t erm st orage and use. ( See Tip 15 in Chapt er 2 for inform at ion on t he PDF/ A st andard) . PDF/ X st andard The PDF conversion set t ings include four PDF/ X st andards versions. These files are int ended for high- resolut ion print product ion. You can't produce a st andards- com pliant PDF/ X docum ent using PDFMaker. ( Read Tips 52 and 53 in Chapt er 6 for m ore on t hese st andards.)

TIP 19: Printing with the Adobe PDF Printer I f you can print a file in a program , you can usually generat e a PDF file. The key is t he print er driver called Adobe PDF, nam ed Adobe PDF 7.0 in Mac OS. You don't have t o inst all t he driver independent ly; it is included as part of t he Acrobat 7 inst allat ion process.

Convenient File Naming Get int o t he habit of set t ing up a syst em of filenam es when you are convert ing files from one form at t o anot her. When you print or generat e a PDF using t he Adobe PDF print er driver or ot her PDF conversion m et hods, by default t he folder cont aining t he source docum ent opens and t he file is assigned t he source docum ent 's nam e and t he .pdf ext ension. Using t he sam e nam ing st ruct ure saves t im e, and you can t rack which docum ent s have been convert ed t o PDF m ore easily.

To creat e a PDF file from a source program , open your program and t he docum ent you want t o convert t o a PDF. Choose File > Print t o open t he Print dialog box. Click t he pull- down arrow and choose Adobe PDF from t he print er list ( Figu r e 1 9 a ) .

Figu r e 1 9 a . Use t h e Adobe PD F pr in t e r dr ive r t o con ve r t m a n y t ype s of docu m e n t s t o PD F for m a t . [View full size image]

You can select from a num ber of opt ions for print ing from t he Print what pull- down list at t he lower left of t he dialog. Print ing choices include t he ent ire docum ent , of course, or you can specify com ponent s such as docum ent propert ies, m arkups ( for reviewing) , or st yles. Click OK t o process t he file, choose a nam e and st orage locat ion depending on t he program 's print com m and process, and click Save. The file saves t o PDF, rat her t han t o your print er, and you have a PDF version of t he source file. Click Opt ions at t he bot t om of t he Print dialog t o open a secondary Print dialog. Here you can choose addit ional print opt ions, such as draft print ing or print ing Post Script over t ext . You can choose t o include cont ent such as docum ent propert ies or XML t ags. I f your docum ent is a form , you can even select an opt ion t o print t he form cont ent only. Click OK t o dism iss t he secondary Print dialog; you ret urn t o t he m ain Print dialog. You can m odify preferences and set t ings for t he Adobe PDF print er driver. I n t he Print dialog, click Propert ies t o open t he Adobe PDF Docum ent Propert ies dialog. Choose default conversion set t ings ( Figu r e 1 9 b shows t he St andard select ion) , securit y, an out put folder, and a page size.

Figu r e 1 9 b. You ca n con figu r e se t t in gs for t h e Adobe PD F pr in t e r dr ive r in t h e dia log a cce sse d fr om t h e m a in Pr in t dia log. [View full size image]

Save yourself som e t im e and fut ure problem s by reviewing t he check boxes at t he lower part of t he dialog: I f you are print ing t o save t he docum ent for fut ure use, deselect View Adobe PDF result s t o prevent t he file from opening in Acrobat . Leave t he Add Docum ent I nform at ion opt ion select ed; t he inform at ion can be lat er used in Acrobat for searching, indexing, and ident ificat ion. Deselect t he Do not send font s t o " Adobe PDF" if you are planning t o use t he docum ent lat er in Acrobat or in Acrobat Dist iller. Dist iller requires em bedded font s, and you oft en use font em bedding t o prepare a docum ent for dist ribut ion. Leave t he Delet e log files for successful j obs opt ion select ed. You don't need t o t roubleshoot a docum ent t hat convert s successfully. The Ask t o Replace exist ing PDF file opt ion is deselect ed by default . I f you are indeed replacing an exist ing file, t he Save As dialog asks you about replacem ent , so you don't have t o duplicat e t he funct ion.

TIP 20: Using PDFMaker in Word One of t he m ost com m on program s used in conj unct ion wit h Acrobat is Microsoft Word. You can use t he PDFMaker t hat Acrobat aut om at ically inst alls int o Word t o quickly generat e a PDF version of t he docum ent .

Converting Word Files Using Mac OS X When you inst all Acrobat 7 on a Mac on which Microsoft Office wit h SR1, SR2, or SR3 is running, you'll find a t wo- but t on t oolbar added t o Word, consist ing of t he Convert t o PDF and Convert t o PDF and Em ail icons. The Convert t o PDF icons launch Dist iller and let you define conversion set t ings, unlike when you're working in Windows, where PDFMaker m aint ains t he set t ings wit hin t he Office program . Choose t he conversion set t ings you want t o use; t he opt ions include St andard, Press Qualit y, High Qualit y Print , and Sm allest File Size in addit ion t o t he opt ions used for st andardscom pliant versions

The St andard conversion set t ing, t he default used by PDFMaker, produces a PDF file t hat is bot h suit able for print ing and sm all enough for easy dist ribut ion. Once you specify t he set t ings, t hey rem ain unt il you adj ust t hem again. Convert ing a Word docum ent t o a PDF is a one- click process. When your docum ent is ready for conversion, save it and t hen click Convert t o PDF on t he PDFMaker 7.0 or choose Adobe PDF > Convert t o Adobe PDF. Using t he default PDFMaker set t ings, a Save t oolbar As dialog opens displaying t he sam e nam e as your Word docum ent ; change t he file's nam e and locat ion if necessary and t hen click Save t o close t he dialog and convert t he file. To view t he set t ings, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings t o open t he dialog ( Figu r e 2 0 ) .

Figu r e 2 0 . Ch oose t h e ba sic con ve r sion se t t in gs fr om t h e Con ve r sion dia log. [View full size image]

The dialog displays four t abs: Set t ings, Securit y, Word, and Bookm arks. The default set t ings for PDFMaker are shown in Figure 20. Click t he Conversion Set t ings pull- down arrow and choose an alt ernat e group of set t ings. Regardless of t he opt ions you select , t he basic Set t ings t ab select ions rem ain t he sam e.

What's the Use? Select or deselect t he Applicat ion Set t ings depending on t he int ended use of t he docum ent . I f your docum ent cont ains links t hat you would like t o convert wit h t he docum ent , for exam ple, m ake sure t he Add Links t o Adobe PDF opt ion is select ed. You can also at t ach t he original docum ent t o t he convert ed PDF version. Click t he opt ion t o select it ; it is included in t he At t achm ent s pane in Acrobat . ( Learn m ore about at t achm ent s in Chapt er 9.) .

Here are som e t ips for working wit h t he basic conversion opt ions: The Set t ings t ab of t he Conversion Set t ings dialog is divided int o t wo sect ions. The PDFMaker Set t ings are com m on t hroughout t he PDFMaker t ools in different program s; t he Applicat ion Set t ings change depending on t he program you are working in.

Deselect View Adobe PDF result if you want t o convert t he file but don't need t o work wit h it in Acrobat im m ediat ely. By default , a convert ed docum ent is aut om at ically displayed in Acrobat . I f you are convert ing a very large docum ent or using a slow com put er, deselect ing t his opt ion can prevent som e processing errors. I f you consist ent ly convert docum ent s using t he sam e nam e as t he source Word docum ent , deselect t he Prom pt for Adobe PDF file nam e opt ion. Deselect ing t his opt ion saves a st ep. Leave t he Convert Docum ent I nform at ion opt ion select ed because you m ay need t o use t he inform at ion in Acrobat . I t doesn't affect t he processing t im e or file size appreciably and can save you t im e lat er. I f you m ake changes t o PDFMaker set t ings and want t o revert , click Rest ore Default s.

TIP 21: Choosing PDFMaker Conversion Settings in Word Each PDFMaker inst alled int o t he various Microsoft Office program s includes different set t ings t hat vary according t o t he program 's feat ures. I n Word you can convert cont ent such as bookm arks and com m ent s, as well as t ext .

What About Security? The Conversion Set t ings dialog cont ains t he Securit y t ab, used t o add password prot ect ion t o a file. I f your docum ent is being convert ed for furt her use in Acrobat , don't add securit y at t his point . Wait unt il t he docum ent is processed in Acrobat and t hen apply securit y set t ings. Ot herwise, each t im e you open t he convert ed PDF docum ent you have t o input passwords. Chapt er 18 discusses using passwords and ot her form s of securit y.

Choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings t o open t he dialog. Click t he Word t ab t o display Wordspecific opt ions (Figu r e 2 1 a ) : To preserve com m ent s in your convert ed Word docum ent s, click Convert displayed com m ent s t o not es in t he PDF. ( See Chapt er 14 for inform at ion on using com m ent s.) Com m ent s in t he source docum ent are list ed in t he Word t ab, as shown in Figure 21a. Click t he X t o select or deselect com m ent s you want t o convert wit h t he docum ent . Click Not es open t o display t he com m ent s' cont ent s in t he PDF, select t he color icon t o choose your not e color. Aft er conversion, t he Word com m ent displays as a not e com m ent in t he PDF docum ent at t he sam e page locat ion. I f your docum ent cont ains cross- references or a t able of cont ent s, you can preserve your work and t ransfer it t o t he PDF docum ent by choosing Convert cross- references and t able of cont ent s t o links. You can also preserve foot not es and endnot es in a convert ed Word docum ent by select ing Convert foot not e and endnot e links.

Figu r e 2 1 a . Con ve r t com m e n t s in you r docu m e n t t o n ot e s in t h e Adobe PD F docu m e n t .

Your Own Style You can convert bookm arks based on eit her word headings or st yles. Which opt ion you choose depends on how t he docum ent is creat ed. I f you use t he default Word Tem plat e t o creat e headings, t hen use t he headings opt ion. I f you're using a cust om t em plat e, choose t he st yles you used for t he headings in your docum ent .

The Word PDFMaker gives you t wo choices for generat ing bookm arks, depending on your docum ent 's st ruct ure. Bookm arks are creat ed from docum ent st yles or from headings you select from t he default t em plat e. Open t he Conversion Set t ings dialog and click t he Bookm arks t ab ( Figu r e 2 1 b) .

Figu r e 2 1 b. Use e it h e r st yle s or h e a din gs a s t h e sou r ce for book m a r k s in you r PD F docu m e n t .

Click eit her headings or st yles, and t hen click t o select or deselect specific levels or st yles t o use for conversion.

TIP 22: Producing PDF Files in Excel, Access, and Project Earlier versions of Acrobat included a PDFMaker for Microsoft Excel; version 7 also includes a PDFMaker for bot h Access and Proj ect . For all t hree program s, t he PDFMaker's Conversion Set t ings dialog includes only t wo t abs: Set t ings and Securit y.

Check the View When you convert a Microsoft Proj ect file, only t he current ly select ed view is convert ed. Make sure you are in t he correct viewcalendar, Gant t chart , t ask usage, and so onbefore running t he conversion process. Test t he export file; som e views m ay not be com pressed t o a single page.

The Adobe PDF m enu in Excel cont ains a workbook com m and. Choose Adobe PDF > Convert Ent ire Workbook t o convert t he cont ent s of an .xls file t o a single PDF docum ent . Choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings in Excel t o open t he Conversion Set t ings dialog. The Set t ings t ab includes t he opt ions described in Tip 20 for convert ing a Word docum ent . Figu r e 2 2 a shows t he Applicat ion set t ings on t he Set t ings t ab of Excel's Conversion Set t ings dialog. Choose t he Fit Worksheet t o a single page opt ion t o rescale t he cont ent s of your Excel worksheet t o fit one page. Convert ing an Excel spreadsheet also convert s bookm arks and not es, if you select t hose opt ions.

Figu r e 2 2 a . Ch oose com m e n t a n d w or k sh e e t con ve r sion opt ion s in t h e Ex ce l PD FM a k e r Con ve r sion Se t t in gs dia log.

The Adobe PDF m enu in Access includes one report opt ion. (Figu r e 2 2 b) . Choose Adobe PDF > Convert

Mult iple Report s t o Single PDF t o com bine an Access proj ect 's report s int o a single PDF docum ent .

Figu r e 2 2 b. You ca n com bin e r e por t s in a sin gle PD F file e x por t e d fr om Acce ss.

Taking a Shortcut Most oft en you use t he default set t ings in PDFMaker, or repeat edly use your m odified set t ings as you work. I f you use t he sam e set t ings all t he t im e, you don't even have t o open t he file t o convert it t o a PDF. Locat e t he file in Windows Explorer and t hen right - click t he file's nam e t o display t he short cut m enu. Aft er PDFMaker is inst alled, t he Convert t o Adobe PDF, Convert t o Adobe PDF and EMail, and Convert t o Adobe PDF and Send for Review opt ions ( Windows) are included in t he short cut m enu.

The Access PDFMaker has a lim it ed num ber of opt ions. I n t he Applicat ion set t ings on t he Set t ings t ab, you can choose t o include bookm arks or at t ach t he source file t o t he PDF. The Adobe PDF m enu in Microsoft Proj ect includes t he t hree basic conversion opt ions available in Windows: convert ing t o PDF, convert ing and em ailing, and convert ing and sending for review. I n t he Conversion Set t ings dialog, t he Applicat ion set t ings include only one opt ion for at t aching t he source file t o t he PDF and m aking t he proj ect fit on one page.

TIP 23: Generating PDF Documents in PowerPoint and Publisher How would you like t o dist ribut e a PowerPoint slideshowcom plet e wit h slide t ransit ions and anim at ion wit hout having t o pack t he files and add a player? Or convert your spect acular Publisher proj ect s t o PDF wit hout first having t o creat e a Word docum ent ? You can do bot h quickly and easily wit h PDFMakers.

Using Print Settings I f you want your slides t o be used as part of a larger PDF file t hat uses st andard- sized pages, use t he PDF layout based on PowerPoint print set t ings in t he Applicat ion Set t ings of t he PDFMaker Set t ings dialog. The default layout for a present at ion uses Landscape orient at ion and oft en a full- color background; print ing a present at ion as part of a larger docum ent can t ake a lot of t im e and consum e a lot of ink if you sim ply convert t he present at ion it self. Of course, using t he print set t ings opt ion depends on t he cont ent of your present at ion. Bullet list s, for exam ple, will display properly in a Port rait orient at ion; im ages or chart s m ay not .

PowerPoint 's PDFMaker has several opt ions you can configure for convert ing a present at ion t o a PDF docum ent . You can choose opt ions for export ing slide t ransit ions and t ext anim at ions as well as defining t he page's layout using t he PowerPoint present at ion's print set t ings ( Figu r e 2 3 a ) .

Figu r e 2 3 a . Se le ct spe cific m u lt im e dia a n d a n im a t ion con ve r sion opt ion s in t h e Pow e r Poin t PD FM a k e r 's con ve r sion se t t in gs.

Like a Word docum ent , a PowerPoint docum ent allows for com m ent , t ag, and bookm ark conversions. Acrobat 7 inst alls PDFMakers in m any m ore program s t han it did in earlier versions, including a PDFMaker

in Microsoft Publisher. I n Publisher, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings t o open t he dialog ( Figu r e 2 3 b) . Most program s' PDFMakers use t he St andard set t ings as t he default conversion opt ion; Publisher's default is t he Press Qualit y set t ings default .

Figu r e 2 3 b. Th e M icr osoft Pu blish e r PD FM a k e r u se s t h e Pr e ss Qu a lit y se t t in gs by de fa u lt .

For a Publisher docum ent , oft en used for high- end print ing, you can select print - specific opt ions such as bleeds, spot color, crop m arks, and t ransparency opt ions. PDF docum ent s generat ed from Publisher files can also cont ain com m ent s, t ags, and bookm arks.

TIP 24: Converting Layered Visio Documents Visio gives you t he power t o use one docum ent st ruct ure and add m any layers of inform at ion. For exam ple, in a single Visio docum ent , you can show t he layout of your office on t he background, and overlay drawings of net work cables, t elephone connect ions, and elect rical circuit s, each on it s own layer. You can t oggle layers on and off t o view one layer or a com binat ion of layers against t he background.

Data About the Objects You can em bed obj ect dat a in a Visio file. Obj ect dat a consist s of cust om inform at ion about aspect s of t he drawing or it s elem ent s. This dat a can t hen be viewed in Acrobat . ( See t he sidebar in Tip 92 in Chapt er 11.)

You can preserve t he layers and t heir visibilit y using Visio's PDFMaker. Layers can be convert ed int act , or t he docum ent can be flat t ened, which is PDFMaker's default . I f t he layers are flat t ened, t he PDF docum ent looks like t he original Visio drawing, but all t he cont ent is on a single layer. Layers are convert ed using t he set t ings you choose in Visio's Layer Propert ies dialog, such as visibilit y, locks, and nam es. ( Please see Tip 94 in Chapt er 11 for inform at ion on using layers in Acrobat .) As wit h t he ot her PDFMaker 7 opt ions, you can select from basic conversion opt ions in t he Adobe PDF program m enu. You can also choose Adobe PDF > Convert all Pages in Drawing. I n addit ion, you can choose opt ions t o support searchable t ext , links, com m ent s, and bookm arks. Choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings t o open t he Conversion Set t ings dialog. The Applicat ion Set t ings are shown in Figu r e 2 4 a .

Figu r e 2 4 a . Ch oose la ye r a n d obj e ct opt ion s in t h e Applica t ion Se t t in gs a r e a of t h e Con ve r sion Se t t in gs dia log in Visio.

The conversion process in Visio uses a num ber of dialogs. Click t he Convert t o Adobe PDF icon on t he PDFMaker t oolbar, or choose Adobe PDF > Convert t o PDF t o st art t he process. The first pane of t he dialog deals wit h t he drawing's obj ect dat a; click t he check box t o select whet her or not obj ect dat a is included. I nclude t he obj ect dat a if you t hink you m ay want t o use it for searchinga useful opt ion in a large or com plex proj ect . Click Cont inue t o proceed t o t he next pane of t he dialog.

Why Bother with Layers? I n som e cases, you should always flat t en a docum ent t o preserve it s int egrit y, such as drawings t hat are cert ified by an engineer. I n ot her cases, feel free t o layer away. A layered PDF docum ent can be a t errific advert ising t ool. I nst ead of showing your cust om er one product im age and som e color swat ches, put t he alt ernat e colors on different layers and let your client click t hrough bookm arked layers, viewing t he product in it s varying colors. The exam ple used in Tip 94 in Chapt er 11 shows t hree different color schem es for kit chen t ile; clicking t he colors' layers shows t he cust om er how t he t ile would act ually appear.

Choose t he layering opt ion for t he select ed page or t he docum ent if you chose Adobe PDF > Convert all Pages in Drawing from t he Adobe PDF program m enu (Figu r e 2 4 b) . Click t he appropriat e radio but t on t o flat t en all layers, ret ain all layers, or ret ain only som e layers. Unless you int end your users t o work wit h different com binat ions of layers in t he PDF docum ent , leave t he default Flat t en all layers opt ion select ed ( see t he sidebar for exam ples) . Click Cont inue.

Figu r e 2 4 b. Ch oose h ow you w a n t t o u se la ye r s in t h e e x por t e d PD F docu m e n t .

I f you choose t o preserve som e layers, t he next pane of t he dialog shows list s of t he layers in t he docum ent ( Figu r e 2 4 c) . The layers in t he drawing are list ed in t he left colum n. Click a layer in t he Layers in Visio Drawing colum n and t hen click Add Layer( s) t o add t hat layer t o t he Layers in PDF colum n.

Figu r e 2 4 c. Ch oose a n d or ga n ize t h e la ye r s for e x por t . [View full size image]

Layer Guidance I f you are unsure which layering opt ion t o select , click Help at t he bot t om left of t he dialog t o show a pop- up window t hat describes t he layering opt ions.

Regardless of t he layer opt ion you choose, t he final pane describes your layering choice. To save a st ep, click Don't show t his st ep again, which t hen bypasses t he layer conversion confirm at ion and convert s t he docum ent aut om at ically. Click Convert t o PDF t o creat e t he out put . A Save Adobe PDF File As dialog opens; locat e t he folder and nam e t he file if you wish; by default t he file is nam ed according t o t he Visio file and st ored in t he source file's folder on your hard drive. Click Save t o process t he file and creat e t he PDF.

TIP 25: Organizing Layers I f you choose t o preserve som e layers, you use one pane of t he Convert t o PDF dialog t o define t he layers for conversion. Only t hose layers select ed and added t o t he Layers in PDF list are export ed t o t he finished PDF docum ent . Here are som e t ips for working wit h t he layer select ions: I n t he Layers in Visio Drawing colum n, t hose layers t hat have been added t o t he Layers in PDF colum n are grayed out and can't be select ed and added again. Click t he nam e of t he layer in t he Layers in PDF colum n t o act ivat e t he t ext and change t he nam e. The layers are list ed by nam e in t he Layers panel in Acrobat , and in a large drawing t echnical nam es can be confusing; use descript ive nam es t o m ake it easier for your viewer t o underst and t he docum ent . Creat e subfolders in t he Layers in PDF colum n t o organize groups of layers. Select a layer in t he left colum n, and t hen click Creat e Layer Set . A folder is added t o t he Layers in PDF colum n and t he layer you select ed in t he Layers in Visio Drawing colum n is nest ed wit hin t he folder. Click t he folder's nam e and t ype a nam e for t he set . Use set s t o keep t rack of groups of layers if you are export ing several versions of t he drawing. Drag t he layers in t he Layers in PDF colum n up or down t o rearrange t heir order. Click a layer in t he Layers in PDF colum n t o select it and click Rem ove Layer t o delet e it from t he colum n; it s nam e t hen is react ivat ed in t he Layers in Visio Drawing colum n.

Flattening Layers I f you work wit h Visio drawings t hat are convert ed t o PDF on a regular basis and don't need t o preserve t he layers, click Always flat t en layers and don't show t his dialog again in t he second panel of t he PDFMaker dialog. The default opt ion is t o flat t en t he drawing; choosing t he Always flat t en layers opt ion saves you one st ep in your conversions.

Figu r e 2 5 . You ca n cr e a t e su bfolde r s t o or ga n ize la ye r s in gr ou ps. [View full size image]

TIP 26: Using Photoshop PDF The Adobe Creat ive Suit e product s cont ain int ernal PDF file creat ion processes. I n Phot oshop CS, choose File > Save As t o open t he Save As dialog. Click t he Form at pull- down arrow and choose Phot oshop PDF. I n t he dialog, t he nam e and folder locat ion of t he original docum ent is shown by default ; choose an alt ernat e nam e and st orage locat ion if you want . Alt hough you work in layers in Phot oshop, Acrobat 7 doesn't support t he layers in t he convert ed PDF docum ent .

Using Version Cue I f you are working wit h Adobe Creat ive Suit e and using Version Cue, click t he Version Cue but t on on t he st andard Save As dialog t o open it s Save As dialog. You can choose t he sam e PDF set t ings opt ions as t hose available from t he Phot oshop Save As dialog.

Depending on t he cont ent s of t he file and it s original form at , a num ber of opt ions appear in t he Save Opt ions area from which you can choose ( Figu r e 2 6 a ) . Feat ures t hat are present in t he original docum ent are available, such as layers or annot at ions. Click t o deselect opt ions you don't want convert ed. Annot at ions added t o a Phot oshop docum ent are convert ed t o not e com m ent s in t he export ed PDF docum ent .

Figu r e 2 6 a . Se le ct PD F file opt ion s in t h e Ph ot osh op Sa ve As dia log.

Next , choose a color opt ion. The docum ent 's color profile is select ed by default . Click Save t o open t he PDF Opt ions dialog ( Figu r e 2 6 b) . Select opt ions according t o how you int end t o use t he PDF as well as it s cont ent : Choose from eit her ZI P or JPEG com pression. ZI P is lossless com pression, and best used for im ages cont aining large areas of single colors. JPEG com pression is lossyyou can creat e a sm aller file size

t han ZI P com pression, but it s qualit y is not as high. Set t he qualit y by using t he sliders, clicking t he pull- down arrow, or t yping a value in t he field.

PDF Formats Phot oshop PDFs are a single im age, regardless of whet her t he source file cont ains a com binat ion of im age and t ext . Ot her program s, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Visio, and Adobe I nDesign, export t he PDF docum ent as bot h t ext and im age, which is im port ant if you want t o search t he docum ent 's t ext . Chapt er 17 describes convert ing an im age of t ext int o act ual searchable t ext .

Select Save Transparency t o creat e whit e areas where t he im age is t ransparent . I f your docum ent doesn't cont ain t ransparency, t his opt ion is grayed out . Choose I m age I nt erpolat ion t o use ant ialiasing for lower- resolut ion im ages; at higher com pression levels, int erpolat ion can im prove t he im age's appearance. Select t he Downgrade Color Profile opt ion t o use t he PDF in a program t hat doesn't support higher color profile versions: This opt ion is only act ive if your chosen Color Profile can be downgraded. This opt ion downgrades an I CC ( I nt ernat ional Color Consort ium ) Profile ( Windows) or Em bed Color Profile ( Macint osh) t o a version 4 color profile. Click PDF Securit y t o add prot ect ion t o t he file. When you click t he check box t he Securit y Set t ings but t on becom es act ive; click t his but t on t o open a dialog t hat let s you set passwords and specify file right s ( such as whet her you'll allow ot her users t o print t he docum ent or change it s cont ent ) . The I nclude Vect or Dat a opt ion is act ive if your docum ent cont ains vect or obj ect s or t ype. Choose t his opt ion t o preserve vect or obj ect s and t ype. Deselect ing t he opt ion causes t he obj ect s and t ype t o be rast erized. Click Em bed Font s t o em bed t he font s used in t he Phot oshop docum ent ; t his allows ot hers t o use and view t he file using your original font s. Click Use Out lines for Text t o convert t he t ext t o pat hs. You have t o uncheck Em bed Font s t o act ivat e t his opt ion.

Figu r e 2 6 b. Con figu r e PD F e x por t opt ion s a ccor din g t o t h e docu m e n t 's con t e n t s.

TIP 27: Exporting a PDF from InDesign CS PDF docum ent s are oft en export ed from I nDesign CS for proofing, edit ing, or sending t o a print shop. I n I nDesign CS, you can design bot h PDF st yles and export st yles.

Save Your Settings For reference purposes, you can save t he cont ent s of an export set t ing by clicking Save Sum m ary at t he bot t om of t he Sum m ary panel. A dialog opens where you can nam e and save t he file, which is st ored on your com put er as a t ext file.

To choose an export st yle, choose File > PDF Export Preset s and select an opt ion from t he list (Figu r e 2 7 a) . I nDesign uses t he sam e nam ing as t hat seen in Acrobat 5, t hat is, eBook, Screen, Print , and Press. I n addit ion, you can choose PDF/ X st andards and an Acrobat 6- com pat ible layered PDF opt ion.

Figu r e 2 7 a . I n D e sign CS in clu de s a n u m be r of PD F e x por t pr e se t s.

Choose File > Export and choose PDF from t he Save As t ype pull- down list . Click Save t o save t he PDF using t he source file's nam e and folder. The Export PDF dialog opens and shows t he last select ed preset in t he Preset field at t he t op of t he dialog. When you choose a preset , it rem ains t he select ed preset in t he PDF Export set t ings unt il you select anot her opt ion from t he pull- down list . Click a heading in t he colum n at t he left of t he dialog t o show t he

preset 's set t ings: Ge n e r a l. The General panel cont ains select ions for basic set t ings such as version com pat ibilit y, as well as it em s you want t o include, such as bookm arks and layers. I f you choose Creat e Acrobat Layers on t he General panel, t he export ed PDF docum ent will cont ain t he layers used in t he original docum ent . Com pr e ssion. Choose set t ings for m onochrom e, grayscale, and color im ages. M a r k s a n d Ble e ds. Define and specify inclusion of print er's m arks and bleed set t ings.

Creating a New Preset To creat e cust om preset opt ions in I nDesign CS, choose File > PDF Export Preset s > Define t o open t he Preset PDF Export s dialog and t hen click New t o open t he New PDF Export Preset dialog. The dialog offers t he sam e panels as t hose used in t he Export PDF dialog. Nam e t he preset and choose t he set t ings from t he different panels; click a panel nam e in t he list ing at t he left of t he dialog. Click OK when you have finished configuring t he set t ings. The dialog closes and your cust om preset is added t o t he PDF Export Preset s list .

Adva n ce d. Select opt ions for color, font s, and OPI ( Open Prepress I nt erface) . Se cu r it y. Set docum ent passwords and perm issions from t he Securit y panel. Su m m a r y . The opt ions under different classificat ions and headings chosen for t he preset are list ed in t he Sum m ary panel ( Figu r e 2 7 b) .

Figu r e 2 7 b. M odify e x ist in g pr e se t s or con figu r e you r ow n PD F e x por t pr e se t s. [View full size image]

TIP 28: Making PDF Documents from Web Pages A PDFMaker is inst alled in I nt ernet Explorer when you inst all Acrobat 7. To creat e a PDF file from a Web page displayed in I nt ernet Explorer, click t he pull- down arrow on t he Adobe PDF t oolbar t o display t he m enu and choose Convert Web Page t o PDF ( Figu r e 2 8 ) . I f t he page includes fram es, all t he cont ent is flat t ened int o one PDF docum ent page.

Figu r e 2 8 . Th e I n t e r n e t Ex plor e r PD FM a k e r in clu de s a n opt ion t h a t displa ys a docu m e n t list . [View full size image]

Quick Conversions I f you convert a fair num ber of Web pages t o PDF docum ent s, save yourself som e m ouse clicks and t im e wit h easy preference changes. Click t he pull- down arrow on t he Adobe PDF t oolbar and choose Preferences t o open a sm all dialog. Select or deselect t he opt ions shown in t he dialog: Open PDF files in Acrobat aft er conversion Ask for confirm at ion before delet ing PDF files Ask for confirm at ion before adding pages t o PDF files Warn before adding pages if t he PDF file has been m odified

To at t ach t he displayed Web page t o an exist ing PDF docum ent , click Add Web Page t o Exist ing PDF. A dialog opens t hat let s you select t he docum ent t o use for t he at t ached page. Click Save t o convert t he Web page and append it t o t he end of t he select ed docum ent . You can also right - click t he page t o display t he short cut m enu, which includes bot h t he Convert t o PDF and Add t o Exist ing PDF com m ands. To search for PDF docum ent s online or on your com put er, click t he pull- down arrow t o t he right of t he Convert t o PDF icon on t he Adobe PDF t oolbar and choose Adobe PDF Explorer Bar. A pane opens at t he left of t he Web browser window, as seen in Figure 28. You can select docum ent s from t he pane t hat you want t o at t ach t o t he convert ed Web pages, or you can select files t o open from t he Explorer. A PDF docum ent you open from t he Adobe PDF Explorer Bar is displayed in Adobe Reader in t he Web browser. I f t he Adobe PDF Explorer Bar is displayed when you close your Web browser, it is open t he next t im e you open your Web browser.

TIP 29: Working with Acrobat Distiller Only a lim it ed num ber of program s have a PDFMaker inst alled wit h Acrobat 7, and not all program s have int ernal PDF- generat ing opt ions for export . I n m any applicat ionsillust rat ion program s, for exam pleyou can generat e ot her file form at s t hat can t hen be processed as PDF docum ent s using Acrobat Dist iller 7. You'll also use Dist iller t o creat e PDF docum ent s t hat are press st andard- com pliant .

About Errors I f you open a file t hat cont ains errors, or is a form at Dist iller can't process, you'll receive an error, and t he inform at ion about t he problem appears in t he log area at t he bot t om of t he dialog. I n Figure 29b, a Visio docum ent was opened, and inst ead of it s det ails displaying in t he Dist iller j obs list , an error icon appears; t he cont ent s of t he error m essage display in t he log area at t he bot t om of t he dialog.

Figu r e 2 9 b. M a n a ge t h e file s dist ille d du r in g a se ssion fr om t h e D ist ille r dia log. [View full size image]

Dist iller is a separat e program inst alled wit h t he Acrobat 7 inst allat ion process. Access t he program from t he deskt op t hrough t he St art m enu, or in Acrobat 7 by choosing Advanced > Acrobat Dist iller. On a Mac, if you choose Adobe PDF > Creat e Adobe PDF from PDFMaker, Dist iller opens aut om at ically. Dist iller's int erface looks and works like a dialog, and includes t he prebuilt default set t ings you have seen elsewhere in t his chapt er. To dist ill a file, choose File > Open. I n t he Open dialog, locat e t he file you want t o convert , select it , and

click Open. The dialog closes and t he file is opened; as t he file is processed, Dist iller shows you det ails and a progress bar (Figu r e 2 9 a ) .

Figu r e 2 9 a . Use Acr oba t D ist ille r for con ve r t in g Post Scr ipt a n d ot h e r sim ila r t ype s of file s ge n e r a t e d fr om a r a n ge of pr ogr a m s.

Cont inue convert ing ot her files as required or close Dist iller. You can m anage t he files in your Dist iller session from t he program 's dialog ( Figu r e 2 9 b) . Right - click or Cont rol- click a dist illed file from t he list t o display t he short cut m enu and choose from t he opt ions on t he list . The Hist ory is m aint ained for each Dist iller session; when you close and reopen t he program again, t he list is cleared.

Formats for Distiller You can use eit her .ps or .prn files in Dist iller. The .ps file form at uses t he Post Script language. Som e program s produce .prn files inst ead of .ps files; ot her program s generat e .prn files if you choose Print t o File as a print ing opt ion. Bot h file form at s are based on t he print er drivers inst alled on your com put er.

What Do You Prefer? Choose File > Preferences t o open a sm all dialog. I f you are working on a Mac, choose Dist iller > Preferences. You have several opt ions, such as viewing generat ed files in Acrobat and m anaging log files.

TIP 30: Creating Custom Conversion Settings in Distiller You can creat e cust om conversion set t ings for your own work, st art from scrat ch, or m odify one of t he default opt ions. Many variat ions on t he default s are available. You can creat e new j ob opt ions t hrough t he PDFMaker and Dist iller dialogs. This t ip shows t he process using Dist iller: 1.

I n Dist iller, choose one of t he default set t ings t o serve as t he basis for your cust om set t ings. You can st art from scrat ch, but m odifying t he opt ion closest t o what you need is a m uch sim pler approach. The exam ple in t his t ip uses t he High Qualit y default set t ing as t he basis for cust om set t ings.

Working the Default Settings The set t ing you select from t he Default Set t ings heads t he left colum n of t he Cust om Set t ings dialog. I f you want t o creat e cust om set t ings using a different default opt ion, don't close t he Adobe PDF Set t ings dialog; inst ead, click t he Show All Set t ings check box at t he lower left of t he dialog t o display t he list of Default Set t ings; double- click anot her default set t ings opt ion t o reveal t he set of headings. Click t he Show All Set t ings check box again t o deselect it , and only t he act ive default set t ing and it s headings rem ain in t he colum n. 2.

Choose Set t ings > Edit Adobe PDF Set t ings.


The High Qualit y Print - Adobe PDF Set t ings dialog opens ( Figu r e 3 0 a ) . The dialog has a list of headings in t he left colum n; click a heading t o display t he set t ings in t he right pane of t he dialog. I f you select eit her t he General heading or t he default set t ing's heading ( High Qualit y in t he figure) , t he sam e General opt ions display in t he dialog.

Figu r e 3 0 a . M odify con ve r sion opt ion s for a n y de fa u lt gr ou p of se t t in gs or cr e a t e you r ow n . [View full size image]


On t he General t ab, you m ay want t o m odify t hese set t ings:

Com pat ibilit y The default is Acrobat 5.0 ( PDF 1.4) . Depending on your users, you can choose an opt ion as far back as Acrobat 3. Older versions of t he program have fewer opt ions for set t ings such as securit y, font em bedding, and color m anagem ent . For exam ple, Acrobat 7's securit y set t ings aren't funct ional in Acrobat 4.

Don't Use Page Ranges The General t ab includes an opt ion for select ing a specific range of pages. Don't enable t his opt ion unless you are sure t he cust om set t ings are for onet im e use. I f you specify a range of pages when you creat e t he j ob opt ions and t hen reuse t he set t ings anot her t im e, you convert only t hose pages specified on t he General t ab. This can lead t o t im e- consum ing t roubleshoot ing when you use your cust om set t ings and can't figure out where your pages have gone! Obj ect Level Com pression Choose from Off or Tags opt ions. Com pression of obj ect s com bines sm all obj ect s int o com pressible cont ent . Off leaves t he docum ent 's st ruct ure as is; t he Tags Only opt ion com presses st ruct ural inform at ion in t he PDF docum ent . I f you com press t ag inform at ion, your docum ent 's feat ures such as bookm arks are viewable only in Acrobat 6 and 7; leaving t he opt ion set t o Off allows st ruct ure and t agging inform at ion t o be usable in Acrobat 5 as well.

Resolut ion You can set t his opt ion t o em ulat e t he resolut ion of a print er for Post Script files. A higher resolut ion usually produces higher qualit y but larger files. Resolut ion det erm ines t he num ber of st eps in a gradient or blend. The gradient at t he left of Figu r e 3 0 b is t he sam e as t hat on t he right ; t he only difference is resolut ion.

Figu r e 3 0 b. Re solu t ion de t e r m in e s t h e n u m be r of st e ps in a gr a die n t or ble n d.

Em bed t hum bnails Thum bnail previews are used for navigat ion. Prior t o Acrobat 5, you had t o specify t hum bnail generat ion rat her t han having t hem generat ed dynam ically. Unless you are planning t o use t he out put wit h older versions of Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, don't enable t his opt ion; it adds t o t he file size unnecessarily. 5.

On t he I m ages t ab (Figu r e 3 0 c) , you m ay need t o adj ust and t est set t ing changes several t im es for convert ing files wit h com plex im ages. Consider t hese opt ions:

Figu r e 3 0 c. M odify a n d t e st ch a n ge s m a de t o t h e I m a ge s t a b se t t in gs.

Naming Job Options Files You m ay creat e a num ber of cust om .j obopt ions files over t im e. To keep t rack of t heir use or purpose, nam e t hem according t o client nam e, proj ect nam e, or anyt hing else t hat is m eaningful. For exam ple, highqualit y( 1) .j obopt ions doesn't m ean as m uch as nort hern_foods.j obopt ions.

Downsam ple You can com bine pixels in a sam ple area t o m ake a larger pixel. Pixels in im ages wit h a resolut ion above a specified am ount are com bined t o reduce t he resolut ion. Depending on what your users are required t o do wit h your file, you m ay want t o increase or decrease t he downsam pling level. For im ages such as m aps ( where t he user zoom s in t o a high m agnificat ion) , a high resolut ion is m uch m ore legible. Com pression/ I m age Qualit y Select opt ions depending on t he file's color, grayscale, and m onochrom at ic im ages. You can use different com pression set t ings depending on t he t ype of im age.

Sm oot h j agged edges in m onochrom e im ages by t urning on ant ialiasing.

Error-Handling Click t he When em bedding fails pull- down arrow and choose a policy from t he list ; as wit h t he policy opt ions for im ages, you can save t im e processing files if you specify how t o handle em bedding errors.

Click t he Policy but t on t o open a dialog used t o specify how t o process im ages when t hey are below t he resolut ion you define. You can specify whet her t o ignore, warn, or cancel a j ob based on resolut ion of color, grayscale, and m onochrom e im ages. Set t ing policies can save you processing and reprocessing t im e in t he event t he im ages in a file don't use t he correct resolut ions. 6.

On t he Font s t ab (Figu r e 3 0 d) , specify whet her you want t o em bed font s or subset em bedded font s when t he percent of charact ers used falls below a value you ent er. I f you are using unusual font s, or your layout is highly dependent on t he font s, be sure t o em bed t hem . Choose t he Subset opt ion when you want t o em bed a port ion of a font 's charact ers. Don't use a low value if you expect t o change any charact ers in t he page.

Figu r e 3 0 d. M a in t a in t h e look of you r docu m e n t u sin g fon t e m be ddin g.


On t he Color t ab ( Figu r e 3 0 e ) , choose set t ings t hat correspond wit h files used in your source applicat ions, such as Adobe Phot oshop or I llust rat or. The opt ions available depend on t he color set t ings you choose. I f you are sending files t o a press, you oft en get set t ings from t he print er.

Figu r e 3 0 e . Ch oose fr om a w ide r a n ge of color se t t in gs.

Sharing Job Options Files You can share set t ings wit h ot hers. Em ail t he .j obopt ions file as you would any ot her t ype of file. Your recipient s add t he file t o t he st orage folder. The next t im e t hey access t he cust om set t ings dialog from a PDFMaker, Acrobat , or Dist iller, t he shared set t ings are ready t o use. 8.

Unless you are fam iliar wit h Docum ent St ruct uring Convent ions and t he like, you won't have t o change m any opt ions on t he Advanced t ab (Figu r e 3 0 f ) . The set t ings on t his t ab describe how t he conversion from Post Script t o PDF is perform ed. Let 's look at t wo default opt ions:

Figu r e 3 0 f. M ost se t t in gs on t h e Adva n ce d t a b w or k fin e u sin g t h e de fa u lt opt ion s.

Faster Conversions I f you are building files for online use, m ake sure RGB ( not CMYK) is select ed. RGB is t he nat ive color space for m onit ors and doesn't require any conversion, m aking viewing fast er.

The Convert gradient s t o sm oot h shades opt ion convert s gradient s from a range of program s, including FreeHand, QuarkXPress, Adobe I llust rat or, and Microsoft PowerPoint . This opt ion produces a sm aller PDF file size, and oft en result s in im proved out put . The ot her opt ion of not e, Save original JPEG im ages in PDF if possible, processes JPEG im ages ( which are com pressed) wit hout com pressing t hem again, result ing in fast er file processing. 9.

I f you are const ruct ing set t ings t hat com ply wit h st andards, you can choose opt ions on t he St andards t ab t hat check docum ent cont ent s against st andards before creat ing t he PDF docum ent ( Figu r e 3 0 g) . The opt ions displayed on t he t ab vary according t o t he st andard you select from t he Com pliance St andard pull- down m enu.

Figu r e 3 0 g. W h e n you n e e d t o pr oce ss a PD F a ccor din g t o st a n da r ds, ch oose a n d con figu r e t h e opt ion s on t h e St a n da r ds t a b.

1 0 . Choose Save As t o open t he Save Adobe PFD Set t ings As dialog. Nam e t he file and click Save ( Figu r e 3 0 h ) . The cust om conversion set t ings file is saved wit h t he ext ension .j obopt ions.

Figu r e 3 0 h . Sa ve you r cu st om se t t in gs a s a n a m e d .j obopt ion s file for r e u se . [View full size image]

Cust om .j obopt ions files are saved wit h ot her default conversion set t ings. Once you have creat ed and saved cust om set t ings, t hey are list ed in Acrobat Dist iller as well as PDFMakers t hroughout your com put er.

Chapter FOUR. Creating PDF Files in Acrobat Earlier versions of Acrobat allowed you prim arily t o export PDF files from various source program s or im port ed Web pages. Beginning wit h Acrobat 6, and now wit h Acrobat 7, you can work funct ionallyt hat is, according t o t he processes you are at t em pt ing t o apply t o a docum ent rat her t han m anipulat ing a m assive collect ion of t oolbars and m enu it em s ( alt hough t hey cert ainly do exist ! ) . The Creat e PDF t ask assem bles a collect ion of processes inside t he program , giving you one- click access t o m at erial. You can convert files in Acrobat 7 in num erous ways, including single or m ult iple docum ent s, from a Web page, from a scan, or from a snapshot , which is cont ent capt ured from t he program window. The At t achm ent s pane is new in Acrobat 7, and let s you at t ach source docum ent s t o a PDF eit her before conversion or in Acrobat using t wo different m et hods.

TIP 31: Creating a PDF from a File in Acrobat I n Acrobat 7 you can generat e PDF files from wit hin t he program using t he Creat e PDF t ask but t on. You can also select File > Creat e PDF and choose an opt ion from t he subm enu. I f you use t he File > Creat e PDF m enu pat h, t he How To … Creat e PDF opt ion isn't available. From t he t ask but t on's m enu, click t he How To opt ion t o display a list of t opic headings in t he Search pane at t he right of t he program window.

Conversion Clues Should you convert a docum ent in t he source program or in Acrobat ? The short answer is: it depends. I f you are working in a program and know you will need a PDF version of a file, generat e t he file t hen. I f you are working in Acrobat and realize you need anot her file, generat e t he file from Acrobat . Even if you are working in Acrobat , if you plan t o generat e files from PDFMaker- governed program s and eit her can't rem em ber t he set t ings you last left for t he PDFMaker or know you need t o change t he set t ings, you should work t hrough t he program inst ead of Acrobat . That approach is preferable t o generat ing a file t hat is convert ed using t he incorrect set t ings and t hen having t o redo it .

Unless you have cont ent placed on t he syst em clipboard, t he opt ion From Clipboard I m age is grayed out ; see Tip 35 on using a clipboard im age as a docum ent source. Click t he Creat e PDF t ask but t on t o display t he m enu ( Figu r e 3 1 a ) . Click t he first opt ion, From File. I n t he result ing Open dialog box, locat e t he file you want t o convert t o PDF and click Open.

Figu r e 3 1 a . Acr oba t 's Cr e a t e PD F m e n u offe r s se ve r a l w a ys t o con ve r t file s.

You'll see a progress bar window as Acrobat execut es a m acro t hat opens t he file in t he nat ive program

and convert s it t o a PDF ( Figu r e 3 1 b) .

Figu r e 3 1 b. A pr ogr e ss ba r sh ow s t h e con ve r sion pr oce ss.

I f t he file is in a program t hat offers a PDFMaker, Acrobat uses t he PDFMaker wit h t he last conversion opt ions you set in t he program . I f t he file is in a program wit hout a PDFMaker, Acrobat opens t he program and convert s t he file using t he Adobe PDF Convert er. The convert ed file opens in Acrobat . When convert ed, t he file is nam ed according t o t he source file's nam e but isn't yet saved in it s PDF form at . Choose File > Save t o save t he file as a PDF. Not all files can be convert ed t o a PDF from wit hin Acrobat . The form at s you can use are list ed below: Aut oDesk Aut oCAD Aut oDesk I nvent or BMP GI F HTML JDF Job Definit ion JPEG 2000 Microsoft Access Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint RTF ( Rich Text Form at ) Microsoft Proj ect Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Visio PCX

PNG Post Script EPS Text TI FF XML PDF

TIP 32: Creating a PDF from Multiple Files in Acrobat Use t he Creat e PDF File from Mult iple Docum ent s window in Acrobat 7 t o quickly assem ble docum ent s and files ( PDF and ot herwise) in a collect ion called a binder before building t he file. I t 's a t rue t im esaver!

Document Source Programs When you're convert ing t he cont ent t o a consolidat ed docum ent , Acrobat opens t he source program s for all non- Acrobat files in t he list . So, you can't add a non- Acrobat file t hat was creat ed in an applicat ion you don't have on your com put er.

Click t he Creat e PDF t ask but t on t o display t he m enu opt ions and t hen click From Mult iple Files t o open t he Creat e PDF File from Mult iple Docum ent s dialog (Figu r e 3 2 a ) .

Figu r e 3 2 a . Use t h e Cr e a t e PD F fr om M u lt iple D ocu m e n t s dia log t o a sse m ble a gr ou p of file s. [View full size image]

Click Browse t o open an Open dialog box, locat e t he first file you want t o add t o t he collect ion, and click Add. The browse window closes and Acrobat adds t he file. Repeat t he select ion process unt il you have assem bled all t he files you want in t he binder list . You can also include t he sam e file m ore t han once in a binder. To reorganize t he files you add in t he dialog, click a file in t he Files t o Com bine pane and t hen click t he nam ed but t ons t o m ove a file up or down in t he st acking order, or delet e it from t he collect ion. I f you are including PDF files in t he binder, when you click t he nam e of a PDF file in t he Files t o Com bine pane, click Preview t o open a previewing dialog ( Figu r e 3 2 b) . I n a m ult ipage PDF, click t he up and down arrows t o preview t he pages, or t ype a num ber in t he Page field t o display it s preview. Click OK t o close t he Preview dialog.

Figu r e 3 2 b. You ca n pr e vie w PD F file s t h a t you a dd t o t h e bin de r list .

When your files are assem bled t o your sat isfact ion, click OK. The window closes and t he cont ent is processed as required, and t hen com bined int o one PDF docum ent . Each file is processed separat ely, and any files in t he list t hat are not PDFs are convert ed t o PDFs. When t he conversion is com plet e, a Save As dialog opens, and t he file is nam ed Binder1.pdf by default . Type a filenam e, choose a locat ion, and t hen click Save. Your com posit e file is com plet e.

TIP 33: Creating a PDF from Web Pages in Acrobat Alt hough you can easily download a page from a Web sit e using t he PDFMaker t hat inst alls in I nt ernet Explorer, you can also download a Web sit e from wit hin Acrobat and cont rol it s cont ent and how it is displayed in t he result ing PDF file.

So Many Pages, So Little Time I n t he Creat e PDF from Web Page dialog, you can specify how m any levels of t he Web sit e you want t o download. The default level is 1. Don't change t his num ber wit hout careful t hought . Level 1 refers t o t he first set of pages for a Web sit e, t he act ual pages t hat you see if you t ype t he URL in a browser address bar. Addit ional levels at t ach m ore set s of pages. I f you choose Get Ent ire Sit e, you'll download t he ent ire sit e, whet her t hat consist s of 10 pages or 1000 pages.

Click t he Creat e PDF t ask but t on t o display t he m enu and click From Web Page or choose File > Creat e PDF > From Web Page t o open t he Creat e PDF from Web Page dialog ( Figu r e 3 3 a ) .

Figu r e 3 3 a . Ch oose a W e b sit e , pa ge le ve ls, a n d ot h e r se t t in gs fr om t h is dia log.

Access t he file you want t o convert in one of t hree ways, depending on t he locat ion and t ype of file. You can t ype t he URL for t he file if it 's on t he I nt ernet , click t he arrow t o t he right of t he URL field t o work wit h Web files t hat have been opened previously in Acrobat , or click Browse t o open t he Select File t o Open dialog t o locat e a file t hat 's on a local disk.

Click Creat e t o st art t he conversion process. The Download St at us dialog shows you t he num ber of connect ions act ive in t he downloaded m at erial, as well as t he nam es, sizes, and locat ions of t he files. When t he download is com plet e, Acrobat displays t he new PDF file in t he Docum ent pane and adds a docum ent st ruct ure t o t he Bookm arks t ab. Choose File > Save t o save t he convert ed Web pages. As you scroll t hrough t he docum ent , not ice t hat bot h a header and foot er are added t o t he pages ( Figu r e 3 3 b ) . The header is t he Web page's nam e; t he foot er cont ains t he URL for t he page, t he num ber of pages, and t he download dat e and t im e.

Figu r e 3 3 b. H e a de r s a n d foot e r s a r e a dde d t o t h e pa ge s by de fa u lt .

Adding On Alt hough it is sim pler and safer t o leave t he default level 1 set t ing, what do you do if you im port t he page and realize you need addit ional pages? Luckily, you can easily add m ore. Choose Advanced > Web Capt ure > Append Web Page t o open t he Add t o PDF from Web Page dialog, ident ical t o t he original Creat e PDF from Web Page dialog. Select anot her level, and t he addit ional pages are added t o t hose already in t he docum ent .

Acrobat capt ures Web pages using default set t ings for bot h file form at s and page layout s. You can configure som e form at s and m odify t he page t o your requirem ent s. Click Set t ings on t he Creat e PDF from Web Page dialog t o open t he Web Page Conversion Set t ings dialog. The General t ab offers file t ype and PDF set t ings ( Figu r e 3 3 c) .

Figu r e 3 3 c. Con figu r e t h e se t t in gs for diffe r e n t file a n d im a ge t ype s u se d in a W e b pa ge con ve r sion pr oce ss.

At t he bot t om of t he dialog, you'll see t he PDF opt ions used by default , including bookm arks and t he header and foot er opt ions. Select or deselect t he opt ions as desired. I f you click t he HTML or Plain Text form at s in t he list , t he Set t ings but t on at t he right of t he dialog act ivat es; click it t o open t he Conversion Set t ings dialog. You can specify file form at s, font s, and encoding. Make m odificat ions as desired, click OK, and t hen click OK again t o close t he Conversion Set t ings dialog and ret urn t o t he Web Page Conversion Set t ings dialog. The second t ab of t he Web Page Conversion Set t ings dialog cont ains page layout opt ions. You can specify st andard page layout set t ings such as t he page size, orient at ion, and m argins. Changing t he page set t ings t o coincide wit h ot her docum ent s you m ay lat er use in a binder docum ent provides consist ency t hroughout t he docum ent . Click OK t o close t he Web Page Conversion Set t ings dialog and ret urn t o t he Creat e PDF from Web Page dialog; t hen click Creat e t o process t he Web page and creat e t he PDF docum ent .

Figu r e 3 3 d. You ca n ch a n ge pa ge size , m a r gin s, a n d ot h e r fe a t u r e s be for e con ve r t in g t o a W e b pa ge .

TIP 34: Creating a PDF from a Scan in Acrobat Som et im es you don't have a soft copy of a docum ent . I f you have a print ed copy, you can creat e a PDF version using your scanner.

Checking Your Scan Results Many of t he files you convert t o PDF are com posed of t ext and im ages t hat you can m anipulat e using a variet y of t ools. PDF files creat ed by scans using older versions of Acrobat or from som e program s, such as Phot oshop, are im ages only; you can't m ake any changes t o t he file's cont ent s. Here's a quick way t o t ell t he difference. Click t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar. Then click an area of t ext on t he docum ent . I f you see t he flashing vert ical bar cursor, you know t he page cont ains t ext . I f you click a t ext area on t he docum ent and t he ent ire page is select ed, you have an im age PDF. I f you are scanning t he docum ent yourself and leave t he default select ion Make Searchable ( OCR) in t he Creat e PDF From Scanner dialog, t he docum ent is always convert ed t o im ages and t ext .

Click t he Creat e PDF t ask but t on t o display t he m enu and click From Scanner t o open t he Creat e PDF From Scanner dialog (Figu r e 3 4 a ) . Select your scanner from t he Scanner pull- down list , and t hen choose Front Sides or Bot h Sides from t he Scan pull- down list .

Figu r e 3 4 a . Ch oose se t t in gs for con ve r t in g a sca n t o a PD F docu m e n t .

Specify a dest inat ion for t he scanned page. I n Figure 34a, t he only opt ion available is a new docum ent ; if ot her docum ent s are open in Acrobat , you can append t he scanned file t o t he act ive docum ent displayed in t he program window. The default opt ion is t o creat e a searchable docum ent , m eaning t he cont ent s of t he docum ent are convert ed t o words and im ages t hat you can t hen use wit h Search and Find feat ures. Click Set t ings t o open a dialog for changing t he conversion opt ions. ( See Tip 139 in Chapt er 17 for inform at ion on choosing different capt ure set t ings.) I f your docum ent cont ains im ages, click I m age Set t ings t o open t he dialog shown in Figu r e 3 4 b. You can change com pression and filt er opt ions in t he I m age Set t ings dialog rat her t han use t he default s, as shown Figure 34b. Click OK when you have m odified set t ings, and t hen click Scan t o st art t he conversion process.

Figu r e 3 4 b. Con figu r e se t t in gs for im a ge s be for e you st a r t t h e sca n .

The Art of Scanning Acrobat includes filt ers t hat you can m odify before scanning, or use t o m ake adj ust m ent s if your t est scan needs t weaking. Here's a rundown: Deskew rot at es a skewed page so it 's vert ical. The default set t ing is aut om at ic. Background rem oval is used wit h grayscale and color pages t o m ake nearly- whit e areas whit e, result ing in clearer scans. The default is Low; you can also choose Medium and High opt ions. Edge shadow rem oval get s rid of t he black edges som et im es seen from scanned pages. The default is Caut ious; an aggressive opt ion is also available. Despeckle rem oves black m arks from t he page. Low is t he default ; you can also choose Medium and High. Descreen rem oves halft one dot s, like t hose from a scanned newspaper. The default is Aut om at ic: Acrobat applies t he filt er aut om at ically for grayscale and RGB im ages of 300 ppi or higher. Halo rem oval rem oves high- cont rast edges from color pages. The default set t ing is On.

Acrobat opens your scanner's dialog. The set t ings you use depend on your scanner and soft ware; follow t he inst ruct ions and st art t he scan. When t he scan is finished, your scanner's dialog closes and t he scanned docum ent opens in Acrobat . Choose File > Save and save t he PDF docum ent .

TIP 35: Creating a PDF from a Clipboard Image Your com put er's operat ing syst em m aint ains a st orage area called a clipboard. Cont ent you select and copy or cut from a docum ent is placed on t he clipboard, and you can t hen past e it int o anot her locat ion or anot her docum ent . You have t wo ways of using t he clipboard cont ent s in Acrobat : creat ing a new file or adding t he clipboard cont ent s t o an exist ing file.

What's on the Clipboard? Som et im es you forget what you last past ed t o t he clipboard and whet her you want t o reuse it . You can view t he cont ent from wit hin Acrobat 7 by choosing Window > Clipboard Viewer. The Clipboard Viewer opens, displaying it s cont ent s in a window.

Creat ing a new docum ent is a very sim ple process. Select and copy t he im age or t ext you want t o use for a PDF docum ent in your source program . I n Acrobat , click t he Creat e PDF t ask but t on and choose From Clipboard I m age from t he m enu. The im age is convert ed t o PDF and opens in Acrobat . A dialog displays explaining t hat t he PDF is an im age and t hat you can use Pict ure Tasks t o perform som e funct ions wit h t he PDF ( Figu r e 3 5 a ) . Click OK t o close t he dialog and save t he file. ( See Tip 132 in Chapt er 16 for m ore on using Pict ure Tasks.

Figu r e 3 5 a . Acr oba t n ot ifie s you w h e n t h e r e a r e spe cia l fe a t u r e s a bou t t h e PD F docu m e n t you a r e cr e a t in g, su ch a s Pict u r e Ta sk s for im a ge docu m e n t s.

N ot e

I f you are using a layered Phot oshop im age, only t he select ed layer is past ed t o t he clipboard; you have t o flat t en t he im age first before copying it t o t he clipboard. I t is sim pler t o use t he File > Export and select Phot oshop PDF com m ands t han t o use a layered Phot oshop im age copied t o t he clipboard.

You can use t he im age in an exist ing PDF docum ent as an im age st am p rat her t han m aking a separat e PDF file for an im age. Again, select and copy t he im age from your source program ; it is placed on t he syst em clipboard. Open t he PDF docum ent you want t o work wit h in Acrobat . Choose Tools > Com m ent ing > St am ps > Past e Clipboard I m age as St am p Tool. I f t he Com m ent ing t oolbars are open, you can click t he as St am p Tool's pull- down arrow and click Past e Clipboard I m age as St am p Tool but t on on t he At t ach subt oolbar. Move your m ouse over t he docum ent . You see t he point er changes t o a st am p point er ( Figu r e 3 5 b) . Click t he page where you would like t o insert t he im age, and t he im age is past ed t o t he page. The locat ion on t he page where you click det erm ines t he cent er locat ion of t he past ed im age.

Figu r e 3 5 b. Click t h e pa ge w h e r e you w a n t t o pa st e t h e im a ge .

The st am p point er changes t o t he Hand t ool ; if you m ove t he point er over t he im age t he point er changes t o a select ion point er. Click t he im age on t he page t o select it ( Figu r e 3 5 c) . You can drag t he im age t o m ove it , or drag a resize handle t o change t he size of t he im age. Save t he file wit h t he added im age.

Figu r e 3 5 c. You ca n se le ct a n im a ge pa st e d t o a pa ge t o m ove or r e size it .

N ot e

You can also copy and past e cont ent wit hin a PDF docum ent , such as im ages. Read m ore in Tip 83 in Chapt er 10.

TIP 36: Attaching Source Files to a PDF Acrobat 7 cont ains a feat ure for at t aching source files t o a convert ed docum ent , and also includes a pane for m anaging at t achm ent s.

Why Bother with Attachments? Consider your workflow when deciding whet her it is necessary t o use at t achm ent s: I f you m ove t he PDF docum ent on your hard drive, t he at t ached files or pages aut om at ically m ove wit h it , saving you t im e in m oving docum ent s. You can at t ach m ore inform at ion about cont ent in your PDF wit hout having t o convert t he ent ire docum ent . For exam ple, creat e a PDF execut ive sum m ary and at t ach det ailed docum ent s, spreadsheet s, and so on. You can search at t ached files using t he Acrobat Search funct ion, which can save you t im e when you're t rying t o locat e inform at ion in a big proj ect . You can at t ach a great deal of accessory m at erial t o one PDF docum ent , great for large proj ect s cont aining m ult iple inform at ion sources. You can quickly see inform at ion about t he at t achm ent in t he At t achm ent s pane. You can prot ect at t ached inform at ion when em ailing it by using an eEnvelope and securit y ( see Tip 149 in Chapt er 18 for inform at ion on using secure ePaper) .

I f you are working in a source program t hat cont ains a PDFMaker ( such as Word) , choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings t o open t he Acrobat PDFMaker dialog. Click At t ach source file t o Adobe PDF in t he Applicat ion Set t ings area of t he Set t ings t ab ( Figu r e 3 6 a ) . Then click OK t o close t he dialog.

Figu r e 3 6 a . Se le ct t h e se t t in g t o in clu de t h e sou r ce file a s a n a t t a ch m e n t w h e n u sin g a PD FM a k e r .

You can at t ach any t ype of file from wit hin Acrobat , and can place an at t achm ent icon anywhere on your page t hat your users can click t o view t he at t achm ent . Click t he At t ach icon's pull- down arrow on t he File t oolbar and click t he At t ach a File as a Com m ent icon ( Figu r e 3 6 b) . You can also choose Tools > Com m ent ing > At t ach a File as a Com m ent or click t he At t ach a File as a Com m ent Com m ent ing t oolbar.

icon on t he

Figu r e 3 6 b. You ca n ch oose a n a t t a ch m e n t opt ion dir e ct ly fr om t h e File t oolba r .

Move t he point er, which looks like a pushpin, over t he docum ent t o where you want t o display t he at t achm ent icon. Browse t o t he locat ion of t he file and select it . Click Select t o close t he dialog. The File At t achm ent Propert ies dialog let s you choose an alt ernat e icon, color, or opacit y (Figu r e 3 6 c) . Click t he General t ab t o display fields where you can m odify t he at t achm ent 's nam e, your nam e, and a descript ion of t he at t achm ent . To dism iss t he dialog, click Close. You can't at t ach an open file t o a PDF docum ent .

Figu r e 3 6 c. You ca n spe cify t h e a ppe a r a n ce a n d de scr ipt ion of a n a t t a ch m e n t in t h e File At t a ch m e n t Pr ope r t ie s dia log.

Voilà! The at t achm ent icon is displayed where you clicked earlier, and if you m ove t he point er over t he icon, you can see inform at ion about t he at t achm ent in t he form of a t ool t ip ( Figu r e 3 6 d) . Save t he docum ent . Files at t ached using t he At t ach a File as a Com m ent t ool are also list ed in t he Com m ent s pane ( see Chapt er 14 for inform at ion about adding com m ent s and Tip 123 in Chapt er 15 for working wit h t he Com m ent s pane) .

Figu r e 3 6 d. An a t t a ch e d file displa ys a pa pe r clip icon a n d a t ool t ip de scr ibin g t h e a t t a ch m e n t .

TIP 37: Managing Attached Files Regardless of whet her you at t ach a docum ent from PDFMaker or em bed it wit hin Acrobat using t he At t ach File as a Com m ent t ool, t he at t achm ent is ident ified by a paperclip icon at t he bot t om left of t he program window.

Locating Attachments For files t hat you at t ached before convert ing t hem t o PDF or t hose you added t hrough t he At t achm ent s pane, t he Locat ion in docum ent colum n list s t he locat ion as At t achm ent s t ab; if you add an at t achm ent in Acrobat using t he At t ach File as Com m ent t ool, t he page num ber is list ed. I f you at t ach a file using t he Com m ent t ool ( chosen from t he File t oolbar or t he Com m ent s t oolbar) , t he page num ber is list ed. )

Click t he At t achm ent s t ab in t he Navigat ion panel at t he left of t he program t o display t he pane horizont ally below t he Docum ent pane (Figu r e 3 7 a ) . I f t he At t achm ent s pane's t ab isn't shown, choose View > Navigat ion Tabs > At t achm ent s.

Figu r e 3 7 a . At t a ch e d file s a r e displa ye d a n d m a n a ge d in t h e At t a ch m e n t s pa n e . [View full size image]

The pane shows basic inform at ion, including t he nam e, descript ion, size, and dat e m odified. Click t he filenam e and right - click or Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu, also shown when you click Opt ions on t he At t achm ent pane's t oolbar ( Figu r e 3 7 b) .

Figu r e 3 7 b. Use t h e com m a n ds or icon s t o m a n a ge t h e a t t a ch e d file s.

Choose a com m and from t he m enu for m anaging t he at t achm ent , right - click or Cont rol- click t o display a short cut m enu, or use t he corresponding icon on t he At t achm ent pane's t oolbar. For exam ple, click Open t o open t he at t ached file in it s nat ive program , or choose Open At t achm ent from t he Opt ions or short cut m enus. You can add descript ive labels t o any of t he list ings in t he pane. Select t he list ing, and choose Edit Descript ion t o open t he Edit At t achm ent Descript ion dialog shown in Figu r e 3 7 c. Type a descript ion, and click OK t o close t he dialog and add t he inform at ion t o t he Descript ion colum n of t he at t achm ent .

Figu r e 3 7 c. Add a de scr ipt ion t o t h e a t t a ch e d docu m e n t 's in for m a t ion t o m a k e it sim ple r for you r u se r s t o de cide w h ich a t t a ch m e n t s t o vie w .

Showing Button Labels The icons on t he Acrobat t oolbars can show bot h t he icon and a label. To keep t rack of t he dozens of Acrobat t ools, especially when you are new t o t he program , set t he labels t o display wit h t he icons. Right - click or Cont rol- click t he t oolbar area at t he t op of t he program window ( don't click on a t oolbar or a t ool) t o open a short cut m enu. Choose Show But t on Labels > All Labels.

To open t he at t ached file, double- click a list ing in t he At t achm ent s pane, click Open on t he pane's t oolbar, or choose t he com m and from t he Opt ions m enu. I f t he at t achm ent is a PDF docum ent it opens aut om at ically. I f it is anot her file form at , you see a warning dialog t hat describes t he hazards of opening docum ent s t hat m ay cont ain m acros, viruses, and so on. Click Open t o proceed, or click Do Not Open t o st op t he process and close t he dialog.

You can save a file independent ly from t he PDF docum ent t o which it is at t ached. Click Save on t he At t achm ent pane's t oolbar or select t he Save com m and from t he Opt ions m enu. I n t he Save At t achm ent dialog, choose t he st orage locat ion for t he file and nam e it if necessary ( it uses t he nam e shown in t he At t achm ent s pane) and click Save; t he dialog closes. You can add anot her at t achm ent t o t he docum ent it self by clicking t he At t ach File icon on t he File t oolbar on t he At t achm ent s pane's t oolbar or select Add from t he m enu. The Add At t achm ent or click Add dialog opens; locat e t he file you want t o at t ach and click At t ach. The dialog closes and t he file is list ed in t he At t achm ent s pane. I n t he Locat ion in docum ent colum n, t he new file's locat ion is list ed as At t achm ent s t ab. Click Delet e t o delet e an at t achm ent , cont ent s of t he at t ached files.

or click

Search t o open t he Search pane and search t he

TIP 38: Using Attachments in Earlier Versions of Acrobat Using at t achm ent s is all well and good if you are working in Acrobat 7, but what if your users are working wit h Acrobat 5 or 6? Fear not , you can st ill use at t achm ent syou j ust don't have t he fancy pane t o work wit h.

Please Read Attachments When you at t ach files t o a PDF, an at t achm ent icon is shown at t he bot t om left of t he Docum ent pane in Acrobat 7. Your int ended audience m ay not have t he Acrobat - savvy t o underst and what t he icon m eans, or even not ice it is t here! I nst ead of leaving it t o chance, you can change t he way t he program opens t o display at t achm ent s. Click t he Opt ions pull- down m enu on t he At t achm ent s pane and choose Show At t achm ent s by default . Save t he file. When it is opened, t he docum ent displays in t he Docum ent pane and t he at t achm ent s are aut om at ically displayed at t he bot t om of t he program window in Acrobat 7. You have t o set t he opt ion in t he Docum ent Propert ies if you want t o not ify readers using Acrobat 5 or 6 t hat t here are at t achm ent s included wit h t he docum ent . Whet her you choose t he page open display from t he At t achm ent s pane or t he Docum ent Propert ies, t he result is t he sam e. That is, changing t he set t ing in one locat ion aut om at ically changes it in t he ot her locat ion as well.

I n Acrobat 7, choose File > Docum ent Propert ies > I nit ial view and select At t achm ent s Panel and Page from t he Show pull- down list . Click OK t o close t he Docum ent Propert ies and save t he docum ent . When a user opens t he docum ent in Acrobat 5 or Acrobat 6, t he inform at ion dialog shown in Figu r e 3 8 a appears. Click OK t o close t he dialog. Choose Docum ent > File At t achm ent s t o open t he File At t achm ent s dialog ( Figu r e 3 8 b) . The at t achm ent s are list ed according t o t heir locat ions. Those at t ached as docum ent file at t achm ent s are list ed first ; docum ent s at t ached using t he At t ach a File as a Com m ent t ool are list ed by page num ber.

Figu r e 3 8 a . I f you spe cify displa yin g At t a ch m e n t s in t h e D ocu m e n t Pr ope r t ie s, u se r s ca n a cce ss t h e a t t a ch m e n t s in e a r lie r ve r sion s of Acr oba t .

Figu r e 3 8 b. Th e a t t a ch m e n t s a r e list e d in t h e File At t a ch m e n t s dia log in Acr oba t ve r sion s 5 a n d 6 . [View full size image]

Click t he nam e of a file in t he dialog t o view det ails. To m anage t he at t achm ent s, use t he but t ons at t he bot t om of t he dialogOpen, I m port , Export , and Delet e.

Chapter FIVE. Saving and Exporting When you have a PDF docum ent open in Acrobat you can perform a wide range of processes based on t he docum ent 's st ruct ure and cont ent . You can define propert ies for t he docum ent , as well as define what your users see when t hey open your docum ent . You can generat e a wide range of repurposed out put using cust om ized export opt ions from a single PDF docum ent . Opt ions include export ing it for use as a Web page or as a Word docum ent , saving it s cont ent as an XML docum ent , or export ing it in different im age form at s.

TIP 39: Finding Information about Your Document There is a lot m ore t o a docum ent t han what you see on t he screen or print ed page. Use t he Docum ent Propert ies dialog when you want t o find or m odify inform at ion about your docum ent s. Choose File > Docum ent Propert ies ( or press Ct rl+ D/ Com m and+ D) t o open t his dialog. I t opens t o t he Descript ion t ab by default ; if you have m odified set t ings in t he dialog, t he last t ab you worked wit h displays.

More Info on Info The lower area of t he Descript ion pane ( Figure 39a) list s PDF inform at ion about t he file, such as t he t ool used t o generat e t he PDF and where t he PDF is st ored. This area is a good place t o check whet her t he file is t agged ( you can read m ore about t ags in Chapt er 7) . A t agged PDF includes an XML st ruct ure t hat you can use for a range of purposes, such as Web out put , reflow, and delivery t o accessibilit y devices.

Figu r e 3 9 a . Use t h e D ocu m e n t Pr ope r t ie s dia log t o fin d a n d m odify ba sic in for m a t ion a bou t you r docu m e n t . [View full size image]

The dialog cont ains six t abs: The Descript ion pane holds inform at ion about a docum ent ( Figu r e 3 9 a ) how m uch inform at ion depends on t he source program t hat creat ed t he original docum ent . Use t his screen t o facilit at e searches ( you can search by keyword, for exam ple) and t o keep bet t er t rack of m at erial wit hin an office environm ent . Click t o act ivat e a field and add cont ent t o any descript ion elem ent . The Securit y pane describes what level of securit y, if any, has been added t o t he docum ent , and list s perm issions grant ed t o users of t he docum ent . I f you are t he aut hor, and you can use eit her t he docum ent 's password or a securit y cert ificat e, you can change t he securit y set t ings. I n Figu r e 3 9 b, you can see t hat anyone opening t his docum ent has t he right t o do pret t y m uch anyt hing wit h t he cont ent s. You can read m ore about Securit y in Chapt er 18.

Figu r e 3 9 b. Ch oose a se cu r it y m e t h od a n d r e a d pr ope r t ie s in t h e Se cu r it y t a b.

The Font s pane ( Figu r e 3 9 c) list s t he font s, font t ypes, and encoding inform at ion used in t he original docum ent . Having t his inform at ion at hand can be a real t im esaver.

Figu r e 3 9 c. Re a d in for m a t ion a bou t t h e fon t s e m be dde d in you r docu m e n t .

Font Information to the Rescue I n sit uat ions where you need t o expand an original body of work but don't have a t em plat e, for exam ple, you can quickly check in t he generat ed PDF and see t he font s in t he Font s pane. Click t he ( + ) icon t o t he left of t he font nam e t o open a list wit h m ore inform at ion. For each font , you see t he nam e and font t ype used in t he original docum ent ; t he list displays t he font , font t ype, and encoding used t o display t he docum ent in Acrobat .

Click I nit ial View t o display inform at ion t hat defines how t he PDF docum ent looks when it is opened ( Figu r e 3 9 d) . A range of opt ions relat ed t o t he docum ent , user int erface, and window are available. See Tip 40 in t his chapt er for inform at ion on cont rolling t hese opt ions.

Figu r e 3 9 d. Se le ct opt ion s t o de fin e h ow you r vie w e r s se e t h e docu m e n t w h e n it ope n s.

The Cust om pane let s you add propert ies and values t hat ident ify t he cont ent in t he docum ent . This inform at ion is oft en used on an ent erprise level t o organize large quant it ies of m at erial. I dent ifying t he sam e docum ent in different versions is a com m on cust om propert y; in Figu r e 3 9 e , t he docum ent uses t he cust om propert y version and t he cust om value 1A. I n addit ion t o ident ifying t he

cont ent of a docum ent , t he cust om propert ies can be used for searching.

Figu r e 3 9 e . Add a ddit ion a l pr ope r t ie s a n d a ssign va lu e s t o be u se d for in de x in g a n d se a r ch in g.

More on Custom properties Plan ahead when st art ing proj ect if you int end t o use cust om propert ies. Decide what t o nam e t he propert ies and t he range of values, t hen add t he propert ies as you process each docum ent .

The Advanced pane shows PDF set t ings and reading opt ions. Norm ally, you won't oft en change t his inform at ion, aside from at t aching an index t o a docum ent ( Figu r e 3 9 f ) . Click Browse t o open an At t ach I ndex dialog and locat e an index on your hard drive, t hen click Open t o close t he dialog and at t ach t he select ed index t o t he docum ent .

Figu r e 3 9 f. At t a ch a n in de x , se t t r a ppin g, a n d ch oose a la n gu a ge in t h e Adva n ce d se t t in gs.

More on Advanced Settings You can change inform at ion about t he docum ent as set by t he creat orunless t he file has securit y set t ings t hat prevent changes.

When you have finished m aking changes t o t he docum ent 's propert ies, click OK t o close t he dialog. You have t o save t he file in order t o apply t he m odified propert ies.

TIP 40: Deciding What Your Reader Sees First The I nit ial View pane of t he Docum ent Propert ies dialog let s you m odify t he I nit ial View set t ings. Change t he opt ions t o cont rol what your readers see when t hey open your docum ent . Choose File > Docum ent Propert ies and click t he I nit ial View t ab t o display t he docum ent view set t ings.

Make Your Content Pop! Rem oving access t o m enus and com m ands isn't necessarily a bad t hing. When screen space is an issue, or if you want your cont ent t o j um p out at t he reader, hiding t he m enu bar and t oolbars helps draw m ore at t ent ion t o your docum ent . But be careful when you decide t o do t hist he next t im e t he docum ent opens, you can only use short cut keys t o cont rol t he program . Make sure you provide ot her t ypes of cont rols, such as links, from t he docum ent .

Choose a Show opt ion based on t he docum ent 's cont ent s and how t he reader uses t he docum ent (Figu r e 4 0 a) . The key t o choosing a viewing opt ion is how you want your viewers t o navigat e t he docum ent . What is t he m ost im port ant inform at ion for your viewers t o not e when t hey open t he docum ent ? What is t he sim plest way for t hem t o m ake t heir way t hrough t he inform at ion you are present ing? I n a long docum ent , you oft en use a bookm ark st ruct ure as a way t o link cont ent in various locat ions. For such docum ent s, choose t he Bookm arks Panel and Page view. I n an im age- based docum ent , such as a slideshow, you can use t he Pages Panel and Page view. That way, your reader can easily browse t he docum ent using t he t hum bnail views of t he pages ( Figu r e 4 0 b) .

Figu r e 4 0 b. Le t you r vie w e r n a viga t e t h r ou gh a n im a ge - ba se d docu m e n t u sin g t h u m bn a il vie w s of t h e pa ge s. [View full size image]

I n a short docum ent wit h m ult iple at t achm ent s, such as an execut ive sum m ary wit h at t ached det ailed inform at ion in a num ber of accessory files, choose t he At t achm ent s Panel and Page view.

What's in a Name? Choose eit her t he docum ent nam e or t he filenam e t o display at t he t op of t he program window. I t 's a sm all det ail but cont ribut es t o a m ore polished piece of work. Aft er all, what is m ore descript ive" Hua Hin Beach" or " hhb040204" ? To use a docum ent nam e, be sure t o add t he descript ive cont ent on t he Descript ion pane of t he Docum ent Propert ies dialog.

I n a layered docum ent , choose t he Layers Panel and Page view; your readers can m ake t heir way t hrough t he layers in t he docum ent ( Figu r e 4 0 c) .

Figu r e 4 0 c. You ca n sh ow t h e La ye r s pa n e for a m u lt ila ye r e d docu m e n t . [View full size image]

Figu r e 4 0 a . Se le ct diffe r e n t w a ys of displa yin g you r docu m e n t fr om t h e Sh ow opt ion pu ll- dow n list .

I n addit ion t o a default , t here are four ways t o display t he docum ent 's pages. Choose an opt ion from t he Page Layout pull- down list . The set of page layout opt ions are t he sam e as t hose found on t he st at us bar below t he Docum ent pane. Unless your docum ent 's securit y set t ings prohibit it , your readers can choose t heir own page display using t he st at us bar icons ( Figu r e 4 0 d) .

Figu r e 4 0 d. Ch oose fr om se ve r a l pa ge la you t opt ion s; t h e opt ion s ca n be se le ct e d fr om t h e st a t u s ba r u n le ss se cu r it y se t t in gs pr oh ibit vie w ch a n ge s.

Select an opt ion from t he Magnificat ion pull- down list (Figu r e 4 0 e ) : As wit h t he page layout s, t he reader can cont rol m agnificat ion in t he docum ent using t he cont rols on t he st at us bar. Choose a zoom opt ion depending on t he docum ent 's cont ent . Fit Widt h is com m on for t ext docum ent s, for exam ple; t he reader sees t he ent ire widt h of t he docum ent and can scroll t hrough vert ically t o see t he rest . Use m agnificat ions carefully. A large im age is oft en best present ed at full size, and t he reader can zoom in for a closer look. I n Figu r e 4 0 f , t he left side shows a page at 400 percent ; t he right side shows t he Full Page m agnificat ion. I f you want t o use a high m agnificat ion for im pact ( t he zoom ed version does look rat her exot ic) , be sure t o use a high- resolut ion im age.

Figu r e 4 0 f. Se t m a gn ifica t ion a ccor din g t o you r con t e n t . A fu ll- pa ge scr e e n is u su a lly e a sie r t o u n de r st a n d t h a n e x t r e m e m a gn ifica t ion .

Figu r e 4 0 e . You ca n ch oose fr om n u m e r ou s m a gn ifica t ion pr e se t s.

Choose an opt ion t hat defines how t he window will open (Figu r e 4 0 g) . Again, t he purpose of t he docum ent det erm ines which opt ion you'll choose. I f you are using a full- page layout , for exam ple, pick t he Resize opt ion t o show your ent ire page wit h t he docum ent window fit t ed around it . This produces t he m ost professional- looking layout s.

Figu r e 4 0 g. Ch oose a n opt ion t h a t de fin e s h ow you r docu m e n t w ill ope n , a n d w h e t h e r or n ot you sh ow u se r con t r ols for you r docu m e n t s.

The final opt ions deal wit h displaying user cont rols, also shown in Figure 40g. Rem oving access t o m enus and com m ands can m ake it im possible for your reader t o navigat e t hrough your docum ent .

TIP 41: Exporting PDF Documents in Other Formats You can use a PDF docum ent for a variet y of purposes, and t hen pass it t hrough various program s. For exam ple, you can creat e a docum ent in Microsoft Word, convert it t o a PDF using PDFMaker, and t hen export it from Acrobat as an HMTL Web page t hat includes JPEG im ages.

Editing Export Preferences Do you find yourself cont inually export ing t he sam e t ypes of files from Acrobat and m aking t he sam e set t ings changes? I f so, change t he preferences t o save yourself precious t im e. Choose Edit > Preferences ( in Mac, Acrobat > Preferences) t o open t he Preferences dialog. Click Convert from PDF in t he left pane. Select t he form at you want t o m odify from t he list in t he right pane. When you select an opt ion, it s set t ings appear in t he dialog. Click Edit Set t ings t o open t he sam e set t ings dialog you use t o export an individual file. Adj ust t he set t ings as desired and click OK. Click OK again t o close t he Preferences dialog. Now your file export s use your m odified set t ings, saving you processing t im e for each file.

To save a PDF docum ent in anot her file form at : 1 . Choose File > Save As t o open t he Save As dialog and click t he arrow t o open t he Save as Type pulldown list ( Figu r e 4 1 ) .

Figu r e 4 1 . Acr oba t offe r s m a n y file for m a t s you ca n u se for e x por t in g a docu m e n t . [View full size image]

2 . Select a form at . The file form at ext ension is appended t o t he file's nam e and t he Set t ings but t on becom es act ive. 3 . Click Set t ings t o open a Set t ings dialog. The available opt ions are specific t o t he file form at you chose. 4 . Adj ust t he set t ings in t he dialog and click OK t o ret urn t o t he Save As dialog. 5 . Click Save. Acrobat export s your file in your chosen form at and t he Save As dialog closes.

TIP 42: Saving a PDF as a Word or RTF File Acrobat let s you save a PDF file in t wo form at s t hat you can t hen use in Word or ot her docum ent processing program s. When t he docum ent is open in Acrobat , choose File > Save As t o open t he Save As dialog, and choose from Rich Text Form at ( RTF) or Word docum ent ( DOC) form at based on how you plan t o use t he cont ent .

Which Format Is Best? I f you want t o use t he docum ent in Word, export it as a Word docum ent ; for use in anot her docum ent - processing applicat ion, use RTF.

Once you choose a form at , click Set t ings t o access t he opt ions for your desired form at ( Figu r e 4 2 ) . A Save As dialog appears; t he opt ions vary depending on t he form at .

Figu r e 4 2 . Ch oose e x por t se t t in gs for docu m e n t s, in clu din g la you t a n d im a ge opt ion s.

Here are som e point ers: I nclude Com m ent s is select ed by default ; deselect it if you don't need com m ent s in t he export ed docum ent . Don't export t he im ages if you don't need t hem . They add t o file size and processing t im e. I f you want t o export im ages and your PDF file cont ains bot h color and grayscale im ages, choose Det erm ine Aut om at ically from t he Use Colorspace pull- down list . I f you don't absolut ely need t he im ages t o be in color, it 's a good idea t o select t he Grayscale opt ion since t he files are processed fast er and are sm aller in size.

The Difference Is… Check your docum ent carefully when you export a PDF docum ent t o Word form at , as som e t ext m ay be int erpret ed as im ages. I f you review a DOC file export ed from Acrobat and not ice som e t ext looks different , t ry clicking it in Word. I f it select s as an im age, you have t o process t he cont ent m anually. To do t his, select t he t ext in Acrobat and copy and past e it int o Word, or rekey t he t ext in Word.

The opt ion for generat ing t ags is select ed by default . These t ags are not m aint ained in t he export ed docum ent ; t hey are used only in t he conversion process and t hen discarded. Leave t he opt ion select ed.

N ot e I m age resolut ion for export default s t o 150 dpi. You can change t he resolut ion depending on t he file form at chosen; opt ions range from 72 t o 300 dpi.

TIP 43: Exporting as HTML, XML, or Text What if you have a PDF docum ent and need a Web page in a hurry? Or want t o use j ust t he t ext from a docum ent ? Easy. You can export t he cont ent and im ages from Acrobat in HTML or XML form at . XML describes dat a and focuses on what t he dat a cont ains, while HTML displays dat a and focuses on how dat a looks. I f you want t o use a PDF docum ent as a Web page, use one of t wo HTML form at s. But if you want t o your docum ent 's cont ent s t o be used for dat a exchange in a corporat e environm ent , choose XML form at . Choose t he accessible or plain t ext opt ion for out put when you don't want any applied st yles or form at t ing.

HTML or XML? HTML and XML funct ion different ly and are used for different purposes: I f you are saving a PDF docum ent for use on a Web sit e, use an HTML form at . Acrobat does a good j ob of convert ing a page and creat ing st yles for t he page. Com put er syst em s and dat abases cont ain dat a in incom pat ible form at s. Convert ing your docum ent 's dat a t o XML reduces t he com plexit y and creat es dat a t hat can be read by m any t ypes of applicat ions. XML defines t he st ruct ure of t he docum ent and doesn't organize it in t he sam e fashion as HTML willt hat is, int erpret ing t he code and displaying im ages and t ext in a browser window. Use XML form at when you want t o export a docum ent for dat a exchange, such as for use in spreadsheet s or dat abases.

Choose File > Save As and select a file form at opt ion from t he Save As pull- down list . Click Set t ings t o open t he Set t ings dialog specific t o t hat form at t ype ( Figu r e 4 3 a ) . I f you choose t he accessible t ext opt ion, t here aren't any set t ings you can m odify m anually. I f you're using a specific form at , choose it from t he pull- down list , or leave t he default ( Use m apping t able default ) . Bookm arks and t ags are generat ed aut om at ically. Bookm arks, convert ed t o links, are placed at t he st art of t he docum ent . Choose opt ions in t he I m age File Set t ings pane. Acrobat creat es a new subfolder nam ed " im ages" ; you can edit t his field t o suit your purposes.

Need More Control? I f you are building a large sit e, you'll find it m ore efficient over t im e t o writ e t he code by hand or t o use an HTML or WYSI WYG edit or. Eit her approach gives you cont rol over t he page's st ruct ure as well as st yle sheet design.

Click OK t o close t he Set t ings dialog and ret urn t o t he Save As dialog, and t hen click OK t o convert t he file. I n t he Explorer window, you can see t hat t he file's im ages are num bered and use t he assigned prefix (Figu r e 4 3 b) .

Figu r e 4 3 b. Assign a pr e fix t o e x por t e d im a ge s t o k e e p t r a ck of you r e ffor t s.

Figu r e 4 3 a . Ch oose e x por t se t t in gs in t h is dia log for se ve r a l t e x t - ba se d e x por t opt ion s.

TIP 44: Saving a PDF as an Image Oft en you save a PDF docum ent in a t ext and im age form at as HTML or as a Word docum ent , for exam ple. However, you can also save a PDF docum ent as an im age. You m ight want t o do t his when: You want t o use t he cont ent as part of anot her proj ect or process. You want t o creat e t hum bnail im ages of pages for use in ot her docum ent s. You need t o prot ect t he cont ent in a page. Export ing as an im age wit h securit y prevent s t ext and ot her cont ent changes.

Check Your Color Space You can export im ages t o applicat ions, such as Adobe I llust rat or, t hat use EPS ( Encapsulat ed Post Script ) files. Take care wit h t he set t ings, however. I f t he file is form at t ed using RGB color space you won't be able t o creat e an EPS file. I nst ead, you'll see a m essage t elling you t hat an im age uses a color form at t hat won't separat e. I n t his case, you can't export t he im ages as EPS files. The only way t o rect ify t he sit uat ion is t o use a source im age t hat uses a CMYK color space.

To save a PDF as an im age, choose File > Save As and select an im age export opt ion from t he Save As pull- down list . Next click Set t ings t o open t he Set t ings dialog; t he Save As JPEG Set t ings dialog is shown in Figu r e 4 4 a . Modify t hese opt ions according t o your requirem ent s, which vary depending on t he file form at you select ed.

Figu r e 4 4 a . Con figu r e se t t in gs for e x por t in g a PD F docu m e n t a s a n im a ge .

Click OK t o close t he Set t ings dialog box and t o ret urn t o t he Save As dialog; click OK t o convert t he file. Acrobat convert s each page of your docum ent t o an im age. The im age will be t he sam e size as t he docum ent page. An im age of a docum ent m akes a very nice link from anot her docum ent . When you are building a large proj ect incorporat ing several t ypes of m at erial, you t ypically link t he docum ent s t oget her. You can use t ext links, but you can also use an im age of t he linked docum ent , as in Figu r e 4 4 b. I have a docum ent t hat is linked t o a slideshow. I nst ead of using t ext t o link, I used a t hum bnail- sized im age of t he first page of t he slideshow. Be sure t he out com e is wort h t he effort don't use an im age of an all- t ext page, for exam ple.

Figu r e 4 4 b. You ca n u se a n e x por t e d im a ge a s a visu a l lin k .

TIP 45: Exporting all the Images in a Document You can export im ages along wit h cont ent when you save a docum ent in an HTML version. You can also export t he im ages alone, and specify t he ext ract ion size.

Check the Default Size Ext ract ing all t he im ages from a docum ent is a good ideabut do you really need 100 copies of your com pany logo? I f your logo is placed on each page of a docum ent , for exam ple, set t ing t he ext ract ion size t o t he logo's size prevent s one copy of t he im age from being export ed from each page.

Follow t hese st eps: 1 . Choose Advanced > Export All I m ages; t he Export All I m ages As dialog opens. Browse for t he folder you want t o use t o st ore t he im ages. 2 . Choose an im age form at from t he pull- down list at t he bot t om of t he dialog, such as PNG. 3 . Click Set t ings t o open t he Export All I m ages As [ form at ] Set t ings dialog. I n t his exam ple, as shown in Figu r e 4 5 , t he dialog shows Export All I m ages As PNG Set t ings. The dialog is sim ilar t o t hat shown in Figure 6a wit h one addit ionyou can specify t he ext ract ion size by clicking t he Ext ract ion pull- down arrow and choosing a size. The default is set at 1.00 inches, which m eans t hat all im ages in t he docum ent t hat are 1 inch in size and sm aller are not export ed.

Figu r e 4 5 . Spe cify t h e size of t h e im a ge s e x t r a ct e d fr om a docu m e n t .

4 . Click Save t o export t he im ages t o t he folder and save t hem using t he file's nam e and an increm ent al num ber.

I n t he case of JPEG and JPEG2000 form at s, im ages t hat have a specified com pression and resolut ion aren't affect ed by t he set t ings you choose in t he dialog.

Chapter SIX. Printing You know t hat you can print any PDF docum ent and it ret ains t he int egrit y of your original docum ent t hat 's one of t he big at t ract ions of t he Port able Docum ent Form at , aft er all. However, in addit ion t o providing m et hods for print ing and choosing a wide range of opt ions, Acrobat 7 Professional also includes a suit e of preflight t ools, which are used t o evaluat e and prepare docum ent s for sending t o high- resolut ion print ers. Som e of t he preflight t ools are useful regardless of t he int ended out put for your docum ent while ot hers are best used for print product ion j obs.

TIP 46: Choosing Print Settings Print ing from Acrobat can be m uch m ore com plex t han clicking t he Print but t on: You can cont rol what you print as well as where and how a docum ent is print ed. I n addit ion, Acrobat let s you print t o a print er or t o a file, define a port ion of your docum ent for print ing, or creat e a Post Script file.

Picking Pages You can use Acrobat 's Pages pane t o select port ions of a docum ent t o print : To select a group of pages, click t he first page t o select it , hold down t he Shift key, and click t he last page t o select it . Acrobat select s all pages in bet ween as well. To select noncont iguous pages, click t he first page t o select it , hold down Ct rl/ Com m and, and click t he ot her pages you want t o print . Choose File > Print t o proceed wit h your print j ob.

Choose File > Print t o open t he Print dialog (Figu r e 4 6 ) . Here you can choose specific print charact erist ics, such as t he print range and num ber of copies. Let 's t ake a look.

Figu r e 4 6 . Se le ct pr in t ch a r a ct e r ist ics a n d opt ion s in t h e Pr in t dia log box . [View full size image]

Print What You See Suppose you want t o print a port ion of an im age t hat shows a spect acular palm t ree or your dog's face. Resize t he program window t o show only t he cont ent you want t o print ; use t he scroll bars and m agnificat ion t ools t o get t he placem ent correct . Then choose File > Print and click Current View in t he Print Range set t ings of t he Print dialog. The area displayed in t he program window shows in t he Preview area. Choose ot her print set t ings, and click OK t o print .

Choose a print er from t he Nam e list in t he Print er list ; on Mac OS, choose an opt ion from t he Preset s pop- up m enu. Your operat ing syst em 's print er and print er driver inst allat ions, as well as your net work configurat ion, det erm ine t he Preset s and Print er list s. I n Windows, click Print t o file t o creat e a Post Script file. Specify a print range and opt ions such as page scaling and num ber of copies.

More Printing Options Look for t hese ot her set t ings in t he Print dialog: I f you are working in Windows, and using a drawing t hat cont ains colored lines, such as an engineering drawing, click Print Color As Black t o force all nonwhit e color t o print as black. This allows t he lines t o be readily visible on a black- andwhit e print ed page. You can quickly change t he size of a print ed docum ent . Click t he Page Scaling pulldown arrow and choose Fit t o Paper. Your docum ent is reset at t he page size select ed in t he print er propert ies.

Click t he Com m ent s and Form s pull- down arrow and choose t he docum ent only ( t he default set t ing) , t he docum ent and com m ent s, or form fields. See Tip 125 in Chapt er 15 for m ore on print ing com m ent s.

N ot e Choose File > Print Set up t o set general print opt ions, such as t he print er you want t o use. The opt ions vary according t o your print er and print er drivers. The sam e set t ings available from t he Print Set up dialog appear at t he t op of t he Print dialog. I n Windows, click Propert ies t o set driver opt ions; in Mac OS, driver opt ions are set in t he Print Cent er.

Before print ing, preview t he page in t he Preview area of t he dialog. I f you like, drag t he slider below t he Preview area t o show t he ot her pages in t he docum ent . Click OK t o close t he dialog and st art t he print j ob.

TIP 47: Print Troubleshooting 101 These t roubleshoot ing t ips won't st at e t he obvious, such as t elling you t o check whet her your print er has paper or t hat it 's t urned on. However, I will offer som e basic t ips and hint s t hat you m ay find handy in t im es of st ress ( usually one m inut e before a deadline! ) I f you're having t rouble print ing a PDF: Rewrit e t he file. Choose File > Save As, and resave t he file as it self ( don't change t he nam e, and click OK when prom pt ed t o overwrit e t he exist ing file) . I usually save it as it self so I don't get confused by st oring m ult iple copies of t he sam e docum ent . Each t im e you save a PDF file, it act ually saves a version of it self. When you choose Save As and resave it as a PDF, it overwrit es all t he st ored versions, som et im es clearing a st ored problem .

Don't Print Everything I n a pinch, you can t ry print ing t he file in sect ions. You m ay find t he print ing problem com es from one obj ect on one page, and t hat single error could prevent t he docum ent from print ing. Once you isolat e t he problem , you m ight have t o re- creat e a page, but t hat is m uch sim pler t han st art ing over.

Print t he file as an im age. Som et im es a docum ent won't print because of errors in int erpret ing t he t ext or font inform at ion. I f you print as an im age, font and t ext inform at ion isn't required. I n t he bot t om left of t he Print dialog, you'll see t he Advanced but t on (Figu r e 4 7 a ) . Click t his but t on t o open t he Advanced Print Set up dialog, and t hen select t he Print As I m age opt ion (Figu r e 4 7 b) . You'll not e t hat t he Set t ings opt ion swit ches from Acrobat Default t o Cust om when you click t he Print As I m age check box. Click OK t o close t he dialog, and t hen click OK t o t ry print ing again.

Figu r e 4 7 a . Click t h e Adva n ce d bu t t on t o ope n t h e Adva n ce d Pr in t Se t u p dia log.

Figu r e 4 7 b. You ca n pr in t a n y docu m e n t a s a n im a ge ; ch oose fr om a r a n ge of r e solu t ion s. [View full size image]

Re- creat e t he PDF file using a different m et hod; for exam ple, if you originally convert ed t he file using PDFMaker, t ry again using Acrobat Dist iller. Som et im es I have had luck convert ing a file from wit hin Acrobat t hat didn't work correct ly when originally convert ed from wit hin Word.

Help! I f you run int o print ing problem s, click Print ing Tips at t he bot t om left of t he Print dialog t o open Adobe's print t roubleshoot ing docum ent an excellent and com prehensive reference.

I f you are using a Post Script print er, you can set t he print er t o display print ing errors. Check your print er's docum ent at ion. Check t hat t he Post Script Print er Descript ion ( PPD) file is up t o dat e, and t hat you are using t he PPD file recom m ended by t he print er m anufact urer. I f you are using a Web file, download t he PDF again and t ry print ing once m ore. I n a layered docum ent , m erge or flat t en t he layers in t he PDF file t o det erm ine if a layer is causing t he print ing issue. To preserve your original, save t he docum ent wit h anot her nam e aft er flat t ening layers. I f t he docum ent you are t rying t o print has color separat ions, print a com posit e of t he docum ent t o see if a color plat e is causing t he problem

TIP 48: Choosing and Using Fonts Font s can be a beaut iful t hing. I t isn't always easy t o find t he perfect font for a part icular proj ect but you can t ry! Before convert ing a docum ent t o PDF, m ake sure your font s can be used and viewed by ot hers. This t ip describes t he process for using t he PDFMaker in Word. The sam e m et hods apply t o any program t hat uses t he Adobe PDF print er driver or Acrobat Dist iller since t he sam e .j obopt ions files are used t hroughout .

Attention, Font Aficionados! Rat her t han scrolling t hrough t he list and locat ing font s t o em bed or add t o t he Never Em bed list , click Add Nam e. When t he sm all dialog opens, t ype t he nam e of t he font you want t o add, and click Always Em bed or Never Em bed. Then click Add t o add t he font t o t he appropriat e list ; cont inue t o t ype nam es and add font s unt il you have finished and t hen click Done.

Once your m ast erpiece is creat ed and perfect ed, check t he conversion set t ings. Choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings. When t he dialog opens, click t he Advanced Set t ings but t on t o open t he Adobe PDF Set t ings dialog; t hen click t he Font s folder in t he left colum n t o display t he Font s set t ings ( Figu r e 4 8 a ) .

Figu r e 4 8 a . Ch oose w h ich fon t s t o e m be d a n d a dd t h e m t o t h e list a t t h e t op r igh t . Som e fon t lice n se s pr oh ibit e m be ddin g. [View full size image]

Depending on t he conversion set t ings opt ion you are using, you m ay find t he Em bed all font s, Em bed Open Type font s, or t he Subset em bedded font s checkboxes at t he t op of t he pane already select edt he default for t he .j obopt ions file in use. I n t he lower port ion of t he window, select t he font you want t o em bed from t he list at t he left and click Add. The font is added t o t he Always Em bed list at t he right . As you can see in Figure 48a, a font has been added t o t he list .

Embedding and Subsetting Em bedding m eans t hat inform at ion about all t he charact ers in t he font s is aut om at ically at t ached for use aft er t he docum ent is convert ed t o a PDF. Subset t ing refers t o a percent age of t he font 's inform at ion based on t he num ber of charact ers used in t he docum ent . When you em bed a font , t he t ext in t he docum ent using t hat font displays correct ly. You can preserve your cont ent precisely using subset t ing. Choose a subset t ing value up t o 100% , which m eans t hat all of t he charact ers used are em bedded. I t 's a good idea t o subset at 100% t he difference in file size is hardly not iceable. I f you use half of t he possible charact ers in a font and subset t ing is set t o 100% , all your inform at ion is used. I f you use half t he possible charact ers in a font and have subset t ing set at 25% , ot her charact ers m ay be subst it ut ed. Subset t ing is im port ant for docum ent s sent t o a print service or press, since it m eans t hat your docum ent cont ains a collect ion of t he font charact ers act ually used in t he docum ent .

When t he docum ent is print ed, it uses t he inform at ion in your docum ent , not t hat of t he print er's version of t he font , ensuring precise result s. Docum ent s t hat com ply wit h PDF/ X st andards always use subset t ing and em bedding.

Som e font s can't be em bedded. A key t o t he left of t he font 's nam e indicat es t hat t he font is locked. I f you select t hat font , Acrobat displays a m essage below t he Font Source colum n st at ing t hat t he font 's license does not perm it em bedding. I n t his case, you have t wo opt ions: Eit her you m ust purchase t he font for everyone who uses t he docum ent , or you should change t o a font t hat can be em bedded. When you have finished, click OK. Before you leave t he Adobe PDF Set t ings dialog, you are prom pt ed t o nam e t he .j obopt ions file. Back in t he source program , convert t he docum ent t o PDF. I n Acrobat , t he docum ent looks t he sam e, but is it t he sam e? The t ext shown at t he left of Figu r e 4 8 b is t he t ext in t he source program ; t hat shown in t he right is t he t ext aft er convert ing t o PDF.

Figu r e 4 8 b. Th e or igin a l W or d docu m e n t is sh ow n a t t h e le ft ; t h e con ve r t e d docu m e n t in Acr oba t is sh ow n a t t h e r igh t .

TIP 49: Previewing Fonts in Acrobat Before you finish a docum ent cont aining t ext t hat m ust be visually correct , experim ent wit h it in Acrobat .

Embedding Fonts When you are building PDF docum ent s for dist ribut ion, t ry t o use a font t hat can be em bedded whenever possible. I f a font can't be em bedded, such as t he one used in t his t ip's exam ple, Acrobat subst it ut es wit h one of t wo font sAdobe Serif MM for a serif font , or Adobe Sans MM for a m issing sans serif font ( see Figure 4b) .

A com m on error is t o preview a docum ent only on your com put er using t he font s you have inst alled. You can't evaluat e t he em bedding/ subset t ing using your com put er's font syou need t o t est how ot her com put ers display your docum ent . By default , Acrobat uses t he local font s ( t hose inst alled on your com put er) for displaying docum ent s. Figu r e 4 9 a shows t he t ext using font s inst alled on m y com put er for m y sam ple docum ent . I n t he Advanced m enu, I deselect ed t he com m and Use Local Font s. The result s are shown in t he lower port ion of Figure 49a.

Figu r e 4 9 a . W h e r e did t h e fa n cy fon t go?

Handling Proofs Tradit ionally proofs are print ed and t hen t he proof and t he original are com pared side by side. I nst ead of print ing paper proofs, use t he Com m ent ing sum m ary feat ure t o produce a single docum ent t hat shows t he com m ent in t he sum m ary wit h a connect or line t o t he correct ion or com m ent added t o t he docum ent . Choose eit her t o split t he view bet ween t wo pages ( which put s a docum ent page on one page and com m ent s on anot her) , or place t he com m ent s and docum ent page on t he sam e page. Read m ore about com m ent sum m aries in Chapt er 15.

The difference is clear. The first font , Caslon, was em bedded. The font used for t he second row of t ext , Biom et ric Joe, is a locked font and can't be em bedded. As a result , if I shipped a docum ent using t hese font s, only t he first font would display correct ly. You can check t he Docum ent Propert ies for confirm at ion. Choose File > Docum ent Propert ies > Font s. The inform at ion for t he Caslon font is as you would expect : The dialog st at es t hat t he font is em bedded and also subset . The subst it ut e font configures it self t o sim ulat e t he m issing font as closely as possible. I n t he exam ple, alt hough t he font looked different st ruct urally, it st ill used t he sam e color, size, and spacing. Look at t he font inform at ion for Biom et ric Joe. Alt hough t he nam e and font t ype are list ed, you see t he act ual font used, Adobe Sans MM, is a subst it ut e for t he original ( Figu r e 4 9 b) .

Figu r e 4 9 b. Ch e ck t h e fon t st a t u s in t h e D ocu m e n t Pr ope r t ie s. I n t h e ca se of Biom e t r ic Joe , t h e or igin a l fon t is r e pla ce d by a su bst it u t e fon t .

Previewing Color Separations Docum ent s going t o a print er for a full- color print ing use color separat ion plat es. The im age is com posed of four layers: cyan, m agent a, yellow, and black ( collect ively called CMYK) , wit h each layer cont aining varying am ount s of ink. Overprint colors are t wo unscreened inks print ed on t op of each ot her, such as m agent a ink over yellow ink, result ing in a bright orange overprint . I f overprint ing isn't t urned on, only t he m agent a ink print s. To preview your im ages in Acrobat : Choose Tools > Print Product ion > Out put Preview, t hen choose Separat ions from t he Preview m enu t o est im at e t he color. Click Color Warnings in t he Preview m enu and t hen click t he Show Overprint ing check box t o assess t he docum ent . Use t his com m and for a quick check of your docum ent before sending it t o t he print er t o m ake sure all colors are present . I f t hey aren't , open your source docum ent or Dist iller and check t he set t ings, t hen re- creat e t he docum ent .

TIP 50: Print Production Acrobat 7 Professional includes a suit e of print product ion t ools you can use t o evaluat e and prepare docum ent s for high- end print ing. Choose Tools > Print Product ion and select an opt ion from t he subm enu, or select Show Print Product ion Toolbar t o display t he set of t ools ( Figu r e 5 0 a ) . When t he Print Product ion t oolbar is open, t he subm enu com m and is Hide Print Product ion Toolbar. You can also access t he t oolbar from t he short cut m enu. Right - click ( Cont rol- click) t he t oolbar area at t he t op of t he program window and choose Print Product ion from t he t oolbar list ing.

Figu r e 5 0 a . Ch oose t ools for pr in t pr odu ct ion fr om t h e t oolba r or m e n u . [View full size image]

Avoiding White Patches Click t he Transparency Flat t ening t ool t o open t he Flat t ener Preview dialog. Where you have layered im ages in your docum ent s, unless t he layers are flat t ened before print ing, t ransparent areas print as whit enot what you usually want t o see in your m ast erpiece. Choose t he desired set t ings and click Apply.

Alt hough t he t ools are int ended for high- resolut ion print ing, t here are several t ools t hat can be very useful in m any business- based product ion sit uat ions as well:

t o open t he Out put Preview dialog. Click t he Sim ulat ion Profile drop- down Click Out put Preview arrow and choose opt ions t o show you how your docum ent would look using different t ypes of paper, different m onit ors, different color profiles, and so on (Figu r e 5 0 b) .

Figu r e 5 0 b. Sim u la t e h ow you r docu m e n t w ou ld look u sin g diffe r e n t t ype s of pa pe r , m on it or s, a n d ot h e r t ype s of ou t pu t .

Soft-Proofing The Out put Preview dialog is used t o sim ulat e how your docum ent looks in different condit ions. I n t radit ional publishing, you print a hard copy of t he docum ent t o preview t he colors. I n Acrobat , you can use color profiles and ot her set t ings t o show how your docum ent will look in print ; t his is called soft - proofing. Click t he Sim ulat e I nk Black check box t o preview how t he docum ent would look print ed in black ink; click t he Sim ulat e Paper Whit e t o preview t he color of your docum ent print ed on whit e paper. The Sim ulat e Paper Whit e opt ion is used in addit ion t o t he Sim ulat e I nk Black opt ion. Not all profiles in Acrobat will support t hese t wo soft - proofing opt ions. I n order for soft - proofing t o be valuable, your m onit or m ust be calibrat ed correct ly; you should also consider room light ing. For exam ple, bright fluorescent light can cast pink or blue t ones on your screen.

To open t he Crop Pages dialog, click t he Crop t ool ; use t he set t ings t o crop off unwant ed areas of t he page. Read m ore about t he Crop t ool in Chapt er 9. Click t he PDF Opt im izer t ool t o open t he PDF Opt im izer dialog. I n t his dialog, you can choose set t ings t o decrease t he size of t he file, com press im ages, unem bed font s, rem ove unused obj ect s, and ot her processes. The PDF Opt im izer is discussed in Chapt er 17.

TIP 51: Basic Preflighting Preflight ing, t he process of reviewing a PDF docum ent t o ensure t hat it m eet s specific print ing requirem ent s, is t he t radit ional realm of t he prepress world. But have you ever had t o prepare ads for a newspaper or a m agazine? Or design brochures? Or creat e an annual report ? I 'd bet m ost people have had t hese t ypes of experiences.

Proofreader's Marks I f you are working in print product ion and need t o use t radit ional proofreading m arks, build som e cust om st am ps. Creat e t he proofreading m arks in an illust rat ion program , and print as a PDF or export as a PDF. I n Acrobat 7, choose Tools > Com m ent ing > St am p Tools > Creat e Cust om St am p. I n t he Select I m age for Cust om St am p dialog, click Browse and locat e your illust rat ion ( now a PDF) . Click Select and t he st am p is im port ed. Creat e a cust om folder or add t he st am p t o your favorit es; learn m ore about st am ps in Chapt er 14.

Preparing a print j ob, expecially one int ended for prepress, can be a laborious and t im e- consum ing process. Acrobat 7 Professional includes a suit e of preflight t ools you can use t o evaluat e your files for problem s wit h it em s such as im age com pression and t ransparency. Choose Advanced > Preflight t o open t he Preflight dialog (Figu r e 5 1 a ) and give t he program a m inut e t o load t he profiles. The available t est ing profiles range from st andards com pliance opt ions, t o indust ry st andards for m agazines and newspapers, t o t est ing for specific it em s such as t ransparency or im age resolut ions, t o com pliance wit h a part icular version of Acrobat .

Figu r e 5 1 a . Ch oose opt ion s for t e st in g you r docu m e n t 's pr in t ou t pu t in t h e Pr e fligh t dia log. [View full size image]

Scroll t hrough t he list t o find t he profile you want t o use t o evaluat e t he docum ent . When you choose a profile, inform at ion displays in t he Purpose of t he select ed Preflight profile sect ion of t he dialog below t he list.

More Info The basic analysis is only t he beginning of what you can learn about a docum ent . At t he bot t om of t he Preflight dialog, you can select Show det ailed inform at ion about docum ent ( Figure 51b) , which displays an overview of it em s ranging from font s and im ages t o layers and color spaces. Use t he inform at ion t o find specific det ails about errors or cont ent in t he docum ent .

Figu r e 5 1 b. On ce you r docu m e n t is a n a lyze d, e r r or s a n d ot h e r in for m a t ion sh ow in t h e Re su lt s displa y.

Select an obj ect in t he docum ent from t he Preflight dialog's result s list and t hen click Show select ed elem ent in Snap view. A pop- up window ident ifies t he obj ect based on it s locat ion on a page. This feat ure is part icularly useful in an im age- int ensive docum ent t o pinpoint an obj ect or it em on a page. The Snap view doesn't work wit h all errors or obj ect s. For exam ple, you won't see a layer error.

You don't have t o preflight t he ent ire docum ent ; click t he Preflight only pages check box and t ype t he page range you want t o evaluat e. Then click t he Execut e but t on and t he docum ent is t est ed. The result s of t he analysis are shown in t he Preflight dialog ( Figu r e 5 1 b) . Errors are indicat ed by a big red X; it em s t hat com ply wit h t he profile you chose are indicat ed by a green checkm ark.

TIP 52: Making a Document PDF/X Compliant PDF- X is t he print st andard used in PDF and Post Script files t o ensure t he docum ent m eet s crit eria for high- resolut ion print ing. Unless you're creat ing an Adobe PDF docum ent for print product ion, you can ignore t he PDF/ X opt ions.

Evaluating a Number of Documents You can evaluat e a num ber of docum ent s for com pliance at one t im e by using a bat ch process. Read about designing a bat ch script in Chapt er 17.

N ot e You can't creat e a PDF/ X- com pliant docum ent using PDFMaker.

Choose Advanced > Preflight or click t he Preflight icon on t he Print Product ion t oolbar t o open t he Preflight dialog. I f you choose one of t he profiles t hat require PDF/ X- com pliance, such as Magazine Ads, t he com pliance st at us of t he docum ent is defined aut om at ically. All t he list ings in t he Preflight dialog's Profiles list in bold t ype require PDF/ X- com pliance.

at To convert t he act ive docum ent t o a PDF/ X- com pliant docum ent , click t he Convert t o PDF/ X icon t he lower left of t he Preflight dialog. The Preflight : Convert t o PDF/ X dialog opens (Figu r e 5 2 a ) . Choose a proposed conversion opt ion, eit her PDF/ X- 1a or PDF/ X- 3, select an out put condit ion from t he pull- down list , and specify a t rapped key opt ion. Click OK t o close t he dialog and st art t he processing.

Figu r e 5 2 a . W h e n con ve r t in g a docu m e n t t o a PD F/ X for m a t , ch oose t h e t ype of con ve r sion a n d ou t pu t con dit ion s.

A m essage dialog displays t o t ell you whet her t he conversion was successful ( Figu r e 5 2 b) . Click OK t o close t he dialog and display t he result s in t he Preflight dialog ( Figu r e 5 2 c) . Click t he ( + ) signs t o t he left of any error m essage t o display m ore det ailed inform at ion. You can also see t he error in t he Preflight : Snap View dialog.

Figu r e 5 2 b. Re su lt s of t h e con ve r sion a r e displa ye d in a sm a ll dia log.

Figu r e 5 2 c. I n for m a t ion a bou t you r con ve r sion e ffor t is list e d in t h e Re su lt s displa y in t h e Pr e fligh t dia log. Pin poin t spe cific pr oble m s u sin g t h e Pr e fligh t : Sn a p Vie w dia log.

Variations on the PDF/X Theme You can choose from a num ber of different PDF/ X st andards. The one you select depends on t he final processing of t he docum ent : A docum ent dest ined for digit al press uses a PDF/ X- 1a st andard; t his st andard has versions for 2001 and 2003. You can also choose PDF/ X- 3 st andards t hat are 2002- or 2003- com pliant ; t he PDF/ X- 3 st andard includes color usage opt ionsCMYK and spot colors only or calibrat ed color. All com pliance opt ions cont ain an out put int ent and a print ing profile. Specific nam ed st andards such as Sheet fed Offset ( CMYK) are based on best pract ice guidelines recom m ended by indust ry associat ions. Your print er m ay have cust om set t ings, or recom m end you use one of t he st andards. Adobe PDF files t hat com plied wit h bot h PDF/ X- 1a and PDF/ X- 3 st andards in Acrobat 6 will default t o PDF/ X- 1a com pliance in Acrobat 7.

TIP 53: Managing PDF/X Documents Preflight Profiles can be edit ed, and t he result s of preflight ing can be int egrat ed int o t he docum ent as com m ent s, or m ade int o a separat e report .

Share and Share Alike To use a profile provided by your print er, click t he Opt ions pull- down m enu arrow in t he Preflight dialog and choose I m port Preflight Profile. When t he Open dialog displays, locat e t he file ( which uses t he ext ension .kfp) and click Open. Profiles are added t o t he Preflight dialog's Profile list in alphabet ical order. You can also share profiles wit h ot hers. Again, click t he Opt ions pull- down m enu in t he Preflight dialog t o open a m enu and choose Export Preflight Profile. An Export Preflight Profile dialog opens. Nam e t he file, which uses t he list ed profile's nam e by default , and browse t o t he folder where you want t o st ore t he file. Then click Save.

To share inform at ion about a docum ent 's st at us wit h your workgroup, click Com m ent s in t he Preflight dialog t o t ransfer t he inform at ion from t he Preflight dialog t o t he docum ent it self. Acrobat draws a com m ent box on t he appropriat e area of t he docum ent , adds a com m ent not e t o t he Com m ent s list ( Figu r e 5 3 a ) . I n t he exam ple, t he im age uses t ransparency so t he com m ent box encloses t he ent ire im age.

Figu r e 5 3 a . Tr a n sfe r t h e r e su lt s of t h e Pr e fligh t e va lu a t ion t o t h e docu m e n t a s com m e n t s. [View full size image]

You can also generat e a report on t he st at us of t he docum ent . Click Report in t he Preflight dialog to open a Save As dialog. The file uses t he docum ent 's nam e and appends _ report t o t he nam e. Click Save t o save t he docum ent .

Automatic Inspection You don't have t o have Acrobat open t o use your profiles. Read Tip 136 in Chapt er 17 t o learn how t o use a Preflight Droplet , a m et hod of inspect ing and handling files aut om at ically.

Som et im es t he m any profiles available in Acrobat don't quit e m eet your needs. I n t hat case, edit t he in t he Preflight dialog t o open t he Preflight : profile t hat m ost closely m at ches what you need. Click Edit Edit Profile dialog (Figu r e 5 3 b) . Follow t hese st eps t o creat e a cust om profile:

1 . Select t he profile t hat you want t o change from t he list at t he left of t he dialog. 2 . Open t he profile by clicking t he ( + ) t o t he left of it s nam e. Click t he elem ent you want t o m odify. The sam ple shows t he I m ages opt ion select ed. 3 . Click t he Locked/ Unlocked arrow and select Unlocked t o allow you t o change t he elem ent s of t he profile.

N ot e When you choose Unlocked, all elem ent s of t he profile are unlocked sim ult aneously. 4 . Make t he changes in t he opt ions at t he right of t he dialog. For each opt ion, click t he pull- down arrow and choose t he evaluat ion set t ing. You can choose from Error, Warning, I nfo, and I nact ive set t ings. 5 . Click OK t o close t he dialog; click Save t o save t he changes and leave t he dialog open.

Figu r e 5 3 b. Edit e x ist in g Pr e fligh t pr ofile s or cr e a t e n e w on e s. [View full size image]

You can also st art a new profile from scrat ch. On t he Preflight : Edit Profile dialog, click New t o open a blank profile. Choose an elem ent from t he profile and specify values and evaluat ion set t ings ( Figu r e 5 3 c) . Then nam e and save t he profile. Your cust om profile is added t o t he Preflight dialog's list ing in

alphabet ical order.

Figu r e 5 3 c. W h e n you st a r t a n e w pr ofile , t h e ca t e gor ie s of opt ion s a r e a u t om a t ica lly a dde d t o t h e dia log for you r u se .

Chapter Seven. Enhancing PDF Accessibility Acrobat 7 offers a range of opt ions, t est s, t ools, and wizards t hat allow users who are visually or m ot ionim paired t o work wit h PDF docum ent s. Acrobat provides t hese feat ures: Mouse- free navigat ion using bot h keyboard navigat ion and aut o- scroll funct ions Speech capabilit ies for t ranslat ing t ext t o spoken words Visibilit y m odificat ions t hat allow readers t o use screen- enhancing soft ware and t ools, as well as configure t he program t o m ake cont ent easier t o view Program capabilit ies t hat you can use t o m ake a docum ent m ore accessible Tags are a key elem ent of m aking docum ent s accessible and com pliant wit h t he Rehabilit at ion Act , which requires elect ronic and inform at ion t echnology t o be accessible t o t hose wit h disabilit ies. Acrobat cont ains a num ber of ways in which you can apply t ags t o a docum ent , evaluat e t he st at us of t he docum ent , and use t he t ags for m anipulat ing t he docum ent and it s cont ent s.

TIP 54: Navigating a Document Using Keys For t he user, t he im port ant issue is get t ing around a docum ent , so t he m ost basic accessibilit y feat ure is keyboard navigat ion. Com m on short cut s for m oving around t he program appear in Ta ble 7 .1 . Som e short cut s have m ore t han one opt ion; I have list ed t he m ost com m on or t he one I prefer. Check t he Acrobat Help m enu for t he com plet e list of opt ional key com binat ions.

Ta ble 7 .1 . Com m on Sh or t cu t s for M ovin g Th r ou gh a D ocu m e n t To do t h is…

I n W in dow s, pr e ss…

I n M a c OS, pr e ss…

Go t o t he previous screen

Page Up

Page Up

Go t o t he next screen

Page Down

Page Down

Go t o t he first page

Shift + Cont rol+ Page Up

Shift + Com m and+ Page Up

Go t o t he last page

Shift + Cont rol+ Page Down

Shift + Com m and+ Page Down

Scroll up

Up arrow

Up arrow

Setting Up Keyboard Access on a Mac You can set up full keyboard access on a Mac using syst em - level preferences. Follow t hese st eps t o set it up: 1 . Choose Apple > Syst em Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse. The Keyboard & Mouse Preferences dialog opens. 2 . Select t he Turn On Full Keyboard Access opt ion at t he bot t om of t he dialog. 3 . Choose View > Universal Access; select eit her Enable Access For Assist ive Devices t o use inst alled screen reader devices or select Enable Text - To- Speech t o use t he Mac OS speech t echnology, 4 . Choose Syst em Preferences > Quit Syst em Preferences.

When you open Acrobat in a Web browser, keyboard com m ands are m apped first t o t he Web browser. Som e keyboard short cut s m ay not be available for Acrobat , or m ay not be available unt il you shift t he focus t o t he PDF docum ent .

Scrolling a Document You can aut om at ically scroll t hrough a docum ent . Scrolling is useful if you're scanning for a part icular piece of inform at ion, such as an im age or t able. Choose View > Aut om at ic Scroll, or press Cont rol/ Com m and+ Shift + H. The docum ent st art s scrolling from t he posit ion current ly in t he Docum ent pane; use t he keyboard short cut t o pause t he scroll or click t he page wit h your m ouse; as long as you're pressing down t he m ouse but t on, t he page st ops. Release t he m ouse but t on t o st art scrolling again. The scrolling st ops when you reach t he end of t he docum ent . The Aut om at ic Scroll feat ure uses t he Cont inuous page layout opt ion, which is applied aut om at ically when you select t he com m and or press t he keyboard short cut . Be sure t o click t he Hand t ool before st art ing. I f you are using t he m ouse t o pause t he scrolling, each t im e you click t he page Acrobat not only pauses but also applies t he t ool select ed. Press t he up arrow key t o increase t he speed or t he down arrow key t o decrease it . Use t he num ber keys t o change speed; 0 is t he slowest and 9 is t he fast est . Reverse t he direct ion of t he scroll. Press t he m inus key ( - ) on t he keyboard or num ber pad. Press Esc t o st op t he scrolling.

TIP: 55 Choosing Document Colors Before dist ribut ing a docum ent t hat will be used by vision- im paired users, you should t est t he set t ings using t he m et hods described in t his t ip t o see how your docum ent looks. You m ay be surprised.

Making Form Fields More Visible A form designer's goals are t ypically ease of input and a pleasing appearance. However, it can be difficult t o visualize form fields if t hey aren't colored or ident ified in som e way. I n t hat case, t he only way t o know an act ive field exist s is t o m ove t he point er over t he areas unt il you see t he point er change t o an I - beam cursor. Change preferences t o set form field visibilit y: 1 . Choose Edit > Preferences > Form s. On a Mac, choose Acrobat > Preferences > Form s. 2 . Click t he opt ion Show background and hover color for form fields. 3 . Click t he color swat ch t o choose a cust om color.

Click OK t o close t he Preferences dialog. The form fields on t he docum ent are now ident ified by t he select ed background color; as you m ove t he point er over a field, Acrobat places a black out line around t he field. I f you use a cust om color on a docum ent t hat cont ains colored form fields, t he colors are com bined.

You can check your docum ent using cust om color and t ext visibilit y opt ions. Choose Edit > Preferences > Accessibilit y t o display t he Accessibilit y preferences dialog ( on a Mac, choose Acrobat > Preferences > Form s) . I n t he Docum ent Colors Opt ions sect ion check t he Replace Docum ent Colors check box t o act ivat e t he accom panying opt ions ( Figu r e 5 5 a ) .

Figu r e 5 5 a . Ch oose fr om a n u m be r of opt ion s t o cr e a t e h igh - con t r a st color sch e m e s.

There are several t ypes of color opt ions you can select : Use Windows Color Schem e ( Windows) Applies t he cust om schem e a user m ay set in t he operat ing syst em . Use High- Cont rast colors Bright green or yellow t ext on a black background is easier t o see t han black t ext on a whit e background. To select from com m on high- cont rast color schem es, check t his opt ion and t hen select color opt ions from t he pull- down m enu. Cust om Color Check t his opt ion t o select colors for your docum ent . To choose a page color, click t he color swat ch and select an opt ion from t he st andard palet t e, or click Ot her Color t o open t he Color Picker and choose a cust om color; click OK t o close t he dialog. Line art and black t ext changes The final t wo opt ions are used for m odifying t he color of black t ext and line art . I f you don't want t o change t he color of t ext t hat is already colored, click Only change t he color of black t ext or line art ; t o change t he color of line art , click Change t he color of line art as well as t ext .

Colors to Avoid I f you know t hat vision- im paired users will be viewing your docum ent s, be careful wit h t he colors you choose. One of t he biggest problem s is light - colored backgrounds. While a pale background behind a t it le looks at t ract ive on a whit e background, if you use a high- cont rast color schem e, for exam ple, t he t ext becom es virt ually illegible. The light background and t he light t ext used for high- cont rast schem es are sim ilar in color, t hus m aking t he t ext hard t o read.

Click OK t o close t he Preferences dialog and apply t he color schem e. Figu r e 5 5 b shows port ions of t he sam e page; t he left im age shows a page before color changes, t he right aft er applying a Yellow t ext on black High- Cont rast schem e.

Figu r e 5 5 b. Ch a n gin g t h e a ppe a r a n ce of a st a n da r d docu m e n t ( le ft im a ge ) t o a h igh - con t r a st color sch e m e ( r igh t im a ge ) ca n be a va lu a ble t ool for vision im pa ir e d u se r s.

TIP 56: Using the Accessibility Wizard Acrobat 7 Professional offers a wizard you can use t o set up Acrobat for use wit h screen readers. The wizard cont ains five consecut ive dialogs. Choose Advanced > Accessibilit y > Set up Assist ant t o open t he Accessibilit y Set up Assist ant ( Figu r e 5 6 a ) .

Figu r e 5 6 a . Use t h e Acce ssibilit y Se t u p Assist a n t t o ch oose scr e e n r e a de r opt ion s r a t h e r t h a n se le ct in g pr e fe r e n ce s in m u lt iple pa n e s of t h e Pr e fe r e n ce dia log.

Set It Here, Set It There The Accessibilit y Set up Assist ant brings t oget her set t ings from a num ber of panes in t he Preferences dialog. For exam ple: The Reading Order opt ions are also available in t he program preferences. Choose Edit > Preferences > Reading Order and select a preference in t he Reading Order opt ions. On a Mac, choose Acrobat > Preferences > Leading Order. The Confirm before t agging docum ent s opt ion is also on t he Reading preferences in t he Screen Reader Opt ions.

Progress t hrough t he wizard by clicking opt ions on each pane and t hen click Next t o m ove t o t he next num bered pane; click Done when you have m ade select ions from t he fift h pane. Look for t hese feat ures on each pane: Pane 1. Choose t he device you are working wit h: a screen reader, screen m agnifier, or all opt ions. You can also click t he Use recom m ended set t ings and skip set up but t on t o close t he wizard and apply t he preprogram m ed set t ings. Pane 2. On t his pane choose a high cont rast color schem e, t ext sm oot hing, and a default zoom for docum ent viewing. Since som e assist ive devices can have problem s wit h Acrobat 's use of different cursors for different t ools, you can check Always use t he keyboard select ion cursor t o specify your preference. Pane 3. Choose t agging opt ions. You can choose t o let Acrobat infer t he reading order or specify an opt ion. Also on t his pane, choose t o override reading order in a t agged docum ent , or confirm t agging in an unt agged docum ent . Pane 4. Select an opt ion for viewing large docum ent s. You can choose t o deliver t he visible pages or t he ent ire docum ent , or you can let Acrobat decide. I f you prefer, you can have all t he pages delivered for a sm all docum ent . Click t he Maxim um num ber of pages in a sm all docum ent field and t ype a num ber. The default is 50 pages. Pane 5. The fift h and final pane gives you an opt ion t o disable docum ent aut o- save (Figu r e 5 6 b) , which can cause t he docum ent t o reload and begin reading from t he st art of t he docum ent . You can choose t o reopen t he docum ent from t he last viewed pagewhich is t errific when you're working wit h long docum ent s. Finally, you can also choose t o open a PDF docum ent in Acrobat or a browser; opening a docum ent in Acrobat is less confusing for som e assist ive devices.

Figu r e 5 6 b. Th e fin a l pa n e of t h e Acce ssibilit y Se t u p Assist a n t le t s you disa ble a u t o- sa ve .

Click Done t o close t he wizard and apply t he set t ings.

TIP 57: Read-Aloud Features You can have Acrobat read a docum ent aloud. This is a t errific feat ure when your goal is t o m ake your docum ent s m ore accessible, because Acrobat sim ulat es som e feat ures of a full- blown screen- reader program . But be warned: A docum ent t hat appears t o be a sim ple, well- planned page isn't always sim ple for a reader. For exam ple, a screen reader m ay read a docum ent from left t o right , even if t here are m ult iple colum ns on t he page. The solut ion in t hat case is t o use art icles, described in t he t ip following t his one.

Screen-Reader Preferences Choose Edit > Preferences > Reading t o specify how t he screen reader funct ions. You can define whet her you want t he screen reader t o read only t he current ly visible pages, t he ent ire docum ent , or t he current ly visible pages in a large docum ent . The default size for defining a docum ent as " large" is 50 pages; click t he field and t ype a different num ber t o change t he definit ion of a large docum ent .

To set reading preferences, choose Edit > Preferences > Reading, or Acrobat > Preferences > Reading on a Mac (Figu r e 5 7 ) . I n t he Read Out Loud Opt ions sect ion, choose a voice, pit ch, and volum e. I n Windows I prefer t o list en t o " LH Michelle," but you can also choose from " LH Michael," " Microsoft Sam ," and " Sam ." On a Mac, you have a choice of num erous voices, som e of which aren't even hum an!

Figu r e 5 7 . M a k e you r se le ct ion s in t h e Re a d Ou t Lou d Opt ion s se ct ion . W in dow s u se r s ca n ch oose fr om on e of fou r voice s: LH M ich a e l, LH M ich e lle , M icr osoft Sa m , a n d Sa m .

Check Read form fields t o have t ext fields, check boxes, and radio but t ons in fillable form s read aloud. Click OK t o close t he Preferences dialog and apply t he voice set t ings. You have t o ret urn t o t he preferences t o m ake adj ust m ent s. Unfort unat ely, you can't m odify t he set t ings and list en t o t he out com e of your adj ust m ent s at t he sam e t im e. Once you have select ed a voice and it s set t ings, choose View > Read Out Loud. Choose Read This Page Only or Read To End of Docum ent . The reading st art s. Pause and resum e t he reading using t he m enu com m ands or use short cut keys: Ct rl/ Cont rol+ Shift + C t o pause/ resum e Ct rl/ Cont rol+ Shift + E t o st op

TIP 58: Articles Art icles are areas on a page t hat you define t o give you cont rol over how t he viewer reads your page. The key t o working wit h art icles is underst anding how we read a page and t hen sim ulat ing t hat as closely as possible for all our viewers. Art icles allow you t o design a docum ent bot h for visual appearance and for ease of reading using m agnified views.

Editing Articles You can delet e art icle boxes from a t hread, or add addit ional art icle boxes, or even com bine art icles. The t hreads are aut om at ically renum bered for you. Select t he Art icle t ool and t hen: To delet e an art icle box or an art icle, right - click/ Cont rol- click t he art icle t o open t he short cut m enu; choose eit her Box or Art icle t o delet e a single box from a t hread or an ent ire art icle. To add an addit ional box t o an art icle t hread, click t he art icle box before t he one you want t o add ( for exam ple, if you want t o add a new box t o a t hread following t he box 14, click t hat box) ; click t he plus sign at t he bot t om of t he select ed box; click OK at t he prom pt ; and drag t o creat e a new art icle box. To com bine art icles, click an art icle box in t he art icle you want read first ( any box will do) ; click t he plus sign at t he bot t om of t he art icle box, and t hen Ct rl- click/ Opt ion- click an art icle box from t he art icle you want t o be read next . The second art icle t hread is appended t o t he first .

I f you are zoom ed int o a docum ent at a high m agnificat ion, how can you t ell where you are on a page? Or know t hat you are reading t he m iddle colum n of a com plex page, such as a m agazine art icle? I t is m uch sim pler t o add art icles t o a docum ent t han t o reform at an opt ional version of t he docum ent . Follow t hese st eps t o cont rol a reading pat h t hrough a docum ent using art icles: 1. Choose Tools > Advanced Edit ing > Art icle Tool or click t he Art icle t ool opened t he Advanced Edit ing Toolbar. The point er changes t o crosshairs.

t o select it if you have

2 . Click and drag a rect angular m arquee in your docum ent t o draw t he first art icle box. When you release t he m ouse, Acrobat draws t he first art icle box, num bered 1- 1 (Figu r e 5 8 a ) . The Art icle t ool draws a shape on t he page irrespect ive of t he cont ent s. Anyt hing wit hin t he m argins of t he box becom es part of t he art icle.

Figu r e 5 8 a . Ar t icle s a r e de fin e d by box e s a n d a u t om a t ica lly n u m be r e d.

3 . Cont inue adding art icle boxes; as you draw boxes around pieces of t ext or im ages, Acrobat num bers t he art icles consecut ively. The sequence of boxes using t he sam e art icle num ber is called an art icle t hread ( Figu r e 5 8 b) .

Figu r e 5 8 b. D r a w a se r ie s of box e s w it h t h e Ar t icle t ool t o ide n t ify con se cu t ive a r e a s on t h e docu m e n t . [View full size image]

Using the Articles Pane You can also use t he Art icles pane t o read art icles in a docum ent . Choose View > Navigat ion Tabs > Art icles t o open t he Art icles pane, which list s t he art icles in t he docum ent . Click t he art icle you want t o read. Double- click t he art icle's t it le or icon t o st art reading at t he beginning of t he art icle. Acrobat displays t hat art icle in t he Docum ent pane. You can't use t he Art icles pane in a Web browser; you m ust use it from wit hin Acrobat on eit her a com put er or a handheld device.

4 . Press Esc ( or Ret urn) or select anot her t ool t o st op t he art icle drawing. The Art icle Propert ies dialog opens ( Figu r e 5 8 c) .

Figu r e 5 8 c. N a m e t h e a r t icle t h r e a d a n d a dd ot h e r in for m a t ion if de sir e d.

The Shape of Articles When you select an art icle box, handles will appear at t he sides. Drag t he handles t o resize t he box. You can also drag t he ent ire art icle box t o anot her locat ion on t he page. The cont ent on t he page and t he art icle box aren't one and t he sam eart icle boxes " float " over t he page and display what ever page cont ent is enclosed wit hin t he box. I f you add an art icle t hread and want t o change it s order, shift t he locat ion of t he boxes on t he page. 5 . Ent er inform at ion about t he art icle in t he dialog. You m ust nam e t he art icle, nam ed " Unt it led" by default , but t he ot her inform at ion is opt ional.

Reading Articles When you have finished adding a set of art icles t o a docum ent , use t he Hand t ool or keyst rokes t o read t he art icles. Click anywhere on t he page t o st art reading an art icleyou see t he point er change t o t he follow art icle point er ( t he Hand t ool is overlaid wit h a down arrow.) You can scroll t hrough t he page using t he m ouse wheel or dragging t he Hand t ool down t he page. To navigat e t hrough t he art icle: Press Ent er/ Ret urn t o go t o t he next page in t he art icle. Shift - click or Shift + Ret urn in t he art icle t o ret urn t o t he previous page. Ct rl/ Opt ion- click in t he art icle t o go t o t he beginning. At t he end of t he art icle t he point er changes t o t he end art icle point er ( t he Hand t ool is overlaid wit h an up arrow.) Press Ent er/ Ret urn or click t o ret urn t o t he view displayed before you st art ed reading. 6 . Click OK t o close t he dialog.

Add addit ional art icle t hreads, and save t he docum ent when you have finished. As long as you add art icles t o your docum ent in t he logical order in which t he cont ent should be read, you can be sure t hat readers will m ove t hrough your docum ent as you int ended, even when t he view is m agnified.

TIP 59: Basic Document Tagging Som e program feat ures used t o enhance accessible use, such as art icles and reflow, don't work properly or predict ably unless a docum ent is t agged, which m eans it has a logically defined st ruct ure. Tags are invisible and are a part of t he docum ent 's inform at ion. They define relat ionships am ong elem ent s in t he docum ent , including t ables, list s, im ages, and t ext .

Planning Documents for PDF Accessibility The key t o successful t agging of a docum ent as well as m aking it com fort able for a user working wit h a screen reader is t o use your source program s' feat ures efficient ly. Plan ahead. Here are a few exam ples: Configure t he docum ent pages correct ly. Don't add blank lines t o m ake a space. Check t he st yles at t ached t o insert ed m at erial such as im ages and chart s. Group t ables and chart s or convert t hem t o an im age before conversion t o prevent creat ing individual t ags for each line and word segm ent .

Tagging can be done in t he source docum ent ( if you're using a PDFMaker) or in Acrobat . To t ag a docum ent using a PDFMaker, like t he one used in Microsoft Word, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings. The Change Conversion Set t ings dialog opens t o t he Set t ings t ab. I n t he Applicat ions Set t ings sect ion of t he Set t ings t ab, select t he opt ion Enable accessibilit y and reflow wit h Tagged PDF, and t hen click OK. Click Convert t o Adobe PDF or choose Adobe PDF > Convert t o Adobe PDF. Word creat es your PDF file. Open t he docum ent in Acrobat and choose View > Navigat ion Tabs > Tags t o display t he Tags panel. Click t he Tags icon t o display t he docum ent 's t ags in a hierarchy (Figu r e 5 9 ) . The figure shows a sect ion of t he Tags panel for a t able. You see t he parent t ag Table cont ains t ags for t he < Tbody> ( t able body,) which cont ains t ags for t he t able rows < TR> , which cont ains t ags for t able cells < TD> , which cont ains t ags for colum n heads, and finally t he cell's t ext .

Figu r e 5 9 . A t a gge d docu m e n t displa ys it s t a g con t e n t in a h ie r a r ch y.

Many docum ent - creat ion program s don't offer t agging opt ions. You can easily add t ags from wit hin Acrobat : 1 . Check for preexist ing t ags by choosing Advanced > Accessibilit y > Quick Check. The Accessibilit y Quick Check looks for a docum ent st ruct ure ( t ags) . An unt agged docum ent displays a m essage st at ing t he docum ent isn't st ruct ured and m ay cause a problem wit h reading order. Click OK t o close t he Quick Check result s m essage.

A Structure and Tags Aren't Equal Som e program s creat e a st ruct ured docum ent t hat oft en is fine for reading in Acrobat . For exam ple, creat ing a Word docum ent using st yles in a heading hierarchy is an exam ple of a st ruct ure. A st ruct ure doesn't provide som e of t he qualit ies in an accessible docum ent such as word spacing; you m ust t ag a docum ent in order t o m ake it com pliant wit h accessibilit y st andards.

2 . Choose Advanced > Accessibilit y > Add Tags. Acrobat processes t he docum ent and adds t ags. An Accessibilit y Report displays in t he How To pane area at t he right of t he docum ent pane in t he program window. Refer t o t he following t ip for inform at ion on working wit h t ags and report s. 3 . Check t he docum ent again by select ing Advanced > Accessibilit y > Quick Check. The new m essage will st at e t here are no accessibilit y problem s wit h t he docum ent , m eaning it is t agged. 4 . Choose File > Save t o save t he docum ent wit h it s t agged st ruct ure.

TIP 60: Reporting on and Repairing a Document I n addit ion t o t agging your docum ent , you can have Acrobat perform a com plet e assessm ent of a docum ent and generat e a report wit h repair hint s. Use t hese advanced evaluat ion m et hods if you are preparing docum ent s t hat m ust com ply wit h governm ent or ot her regulat ory accessibilit y st andards.

Where, Oh Where, Have My Reports Gone? I f you are working wit h a lot of accessibilit y t est ing, here are som e t ips t o m ake t he j ob easier t o m anage: Define a folder locat ion for st oring t he inform at ion, such as a separat e folder wit hin a larger j ob folder. Whenever you com plet e a pass- t hrough of a docum ent , such as adding for im ages, save t he files wit h unique ident ifiers such as num bers or dat es. This way you can find t he applicable accessibilit y report m ore quickly. Print t he report s t o keep a paper copy if you are a paper- inclined person; if you chose t he Creat e com m ent s in docum ent opt ion you can also print t he com m ent s ident ified in t he report along wit h t he pages of t he docum ent . Open t he report in a Web browser if you prefer t o read it at full- screen size. I f you work wit h accessibilit y report s occasionally and can't rem em ber where t he report s are, choose Advanced > Accessibilit y > Full Check t o open t he Accessibilit y Full Check dialog and check t he st orage locat ion; click Cancel t o close t he dialog.

Choose Advanced > Accessibilit y > Full Check t o evaluat e a docum ent . I f t he docum ent isn't t agged, a m essage displays t elling you t o add t he t ags first and t hen proceed wit h t he report ing. Tip 59 in t his chapt er describes how t o add t ags. When t he docum ent has been t agged, t he Accessibilit y Full Check dialog opens ( Figu r e 6 0 a ) .

Figu r e 6 0 a . Se le ct t h e docu m e n t e le m e n t s you w a n t t o e va lu a t e for a cce ssibilit y com plia n ce . [View full size image]

Select from t he opt ions according t o your requirem ent s: Report and Com m ent Opt ions Check t o creat e a report , and click Browse t o define a st orage locat ion for t he report ( which is aut om at ically nam ed using t he PDF docum ent 's nam e) . The opt ion I nclude repair hint s in Accessibilit y Report is select ed by default . I recom m end you leave t his set t ing select ed since it can save a great deal of t im e repairing your docum ent .

Make a Pretest Processing a very long docum ent can t ake a considerable lengt h of t im e. I f you are working wit h a long docum ent and aren't sure of t he accessibilit y st at us, choose a few represent at ive pages t o t est inst ead of processing t he whole file. I f t he ret urned list of repairs isn't t oo ext ensive, you can proceed wit h t est ing t he ent ire docum ent . I f it reads like Sant a's gift list , you have a good indicat ion of where t o st art looking for errors and m aking repairs.

I f you are t he t ype of person who likes t o see what 's what close up, click Creat e com m ent s in docum ent . When t he report is finished, all errors and irregularit ies are shown on t he docum ent in com m ent s. Page Range Choose eit her t he visible page, a specified range, or t he ent ire docum ent .

Checking Opt ions The default opt ion is t o check all opt ions for com pliance. You can check for opt ions such as alt ernat ive descript ions, t ext language, encoding, form field descript ions, list and t able st ruct ures, cont ent inclusion, and whet her t he t ab order is consist ent wit h t he order of t he docum ent 's st ruct ure. Click t he St art Checking but t on t o st art t he evaluat ion. When t he check is com plet e, t he result s appear in sum m ary in a dialog ( Figu r e 6 0 b) . Click OK t o close t he dialog.

Figu r e 6 0 b. A su m m a r y of t h e a cce ssibilit y ch e ck is sh ow n in a dia log a ft e r t h e t e st is com ple t e d.

The Accessibilit y Report opens in t he How To pane t o t he right of t he docum ent pane in t he program ( Figu r e 6 0 c) . The report is an HTML docum ent , and cont ains links wit hin it t o help you ident ify and correct errors. I f you left t he opt ion I nclude repair hint s in Accessibilit y Report select ed in t he dialog before running t he evaluat ion, t he report includes inform at ion on how t o repair your docum ent . Click Hide t o close t he Accessibilit y Report when you have finished. You can ret rieve t he report any t im e you wish. Choose Advanced > Accessibilit y > Open Accessibilit y Report . I n t he Open Accessibilit y Report dialog t hat displays, browse t o t he locat ion you specified for t he report 's st orage and select t he file. Click Open t o close t he dialog and display it in Acrobat in t he How To pane's area t o t he right of t he docum ent pane.

Figu r e 6 0 c. Use t h e Acce ssibilit y Re por t t o e va lu a t e a n d cor r e ct e r r or s in you r docu m e n t .

Customize Your Accessibility Test Accessibilit y report s can t ake a long t im e t o process. Before running t he report , cust om ize t he Checking Opt ions on t he Accessibilit y Full Check dialog. For exam ple, if your docum ent doesn't cont ain t ables or list s, t hen deselect t he List and t able st ruct ure is correct opt ion. I f you don't need a specified t ext language, deselect t he opt ion, and so on.

TIP 61: Using Document Tags Once a docum ent is correct ly t agged and in order, you can exam ine t he cont ent s of t he docum ent using t he Tags panel. Choose View > Navigat ion Tabs > Tags t o open t he panel. Drag t he panel t o t he left of t he screen t o dock it wit h t he ot her Navigat ion t abs.

What Does It Mean? I f you look at t he t ags in t he Tags panel, such as t hose shown in t his t ip, you see a variet y of icons t o t he left of t he t ag nam es. These icons indicat e t he t ype of t ag, which can range from Paragraphs t o Form s t o References t o Table Headings. The cont ent cont ained wit hin a specific t ag is not ident ified by a t ag icon, but inst ead shows inform at ion about t he cont ent of t he t ag, such as an im age or t ext .

You can find a specific locat ion in a docum ent using t he Tags panel. Open t he m ain docum ent t ag and scroll t hrough t he list t o find t he parent t ag cont aining t he it em you wish t o see. Click t he t ag in t he Tags panel t o select it , and t hen right - click or Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu. You can also click Opt ions on t he Tags panel t o display t he m enu ( Figu r e 6 1 a ) .

Figu r e 6 1 a . Ch oose fr om a va r ie t y of opt ion s t o m odify t h e con t e n t s of you r docu m e n t 's t a gs.

Click Highlight Cont ent . The t ag or it s cont ent you select in t he Tags panel is surrounded by a colored box in t he docum ent . I n Figu r e 6 1 b, t he t ag represent ing t he list in t he docum ent is select ed. I opened t he first level of t he t ag, and you can see t hree

  • or list it em t ags, represent ing each of t hree it em s in t he list . I n t he Docum ent pane at t he right of t he figure, you see four list it em s select ed by a gray box. I t isn't necessary t o select all four list it em s: Select ing t he parent list t ag aut om at ically select s t he child tags.

    Figu r e 6 1 b. Use t h e t a gs in you r docu m e n t t o loca t e con t e n t qu ick ly a n d pr e cise ly. [View full size image]

    Touching Up Properties When correct ing t he accessibilit y st at us of a docum ent , you can m odify t he propert ies of individual t ags. Select t he t ag in t he Tags panel, and from eit her t he Opt ions m enu or t he short cut m enu choose Propert ies. The TouchUp Propert ies dialog opens; m ake changes t o t he propert ies, such as t he t ype or t he alt ernat e t ext , and t hen click Close.

    TIP 62: Reflow Readers using assist ive devices or very sm all screens like t hose on personal digit al assist ant s ( PDAs) oft en experience a problem called reflow. When you zoom in closely t o a page, what happens? You see a few words and m aybe an im age ( Figu r e 6 2 a ) . Not only do you have t o scroll back and fort h t o see t he ent ire line, but also it 's difficult or im possible t o underst and where you are in t he docum ent at any given t im e.

    Figu r e 6 2 a . You ca n zoom in t o a docu m e n t a t ve r y h igh m a gn ifica t ion , bu t t h e n it is difficu lt t o de t e r m in e w h e r e you a r e on a pa ge .

    Where Did the Reflow Go? Reflow is not a perm anent form at . Each t im e you reset t he m agnificat ion wit h a zoom t ool t he reflow is t urned off. I t 's adj ust able, based on t he viewer's set t ings and device. Reflow adj ust s it self t o what ever m agnificat ion t he viewer uses, and it also resizes it self t o what ever docum ent page size t he viewer uses if viewing a docum ent in Acrobat .

    I f t he docum ent is t agged, you have m ore viewing opt ions available. You can cont rol how t he page reflows t o m ake viewing t he cont ent sim pler, whet her in Acrobat or on your PDA, by choosing View > Reflow. Use t he Zoom t ools or short cut keys t o zoom in t o t he size you want t o view. As you zoom in and out of t he Docum ent pane, t he size of t he docum ent changes. The t ext aut om at ically wraps it self t o t he next lines, and you don't need t o use t he horizont al scroll bar t o read t he t ext ( Figu r e 6 2 b) .

    Figu r e 6 2 b. Ch oosin g Re flow Pa ge w r a ps t h e con t e n t of pa ge s a u t om a t ica lly,

    r e ga r dle ss of t h e m a gn ifica t ion u se d.

    The process is fairly reliable. However, wit h a com plex docum ent such as one using num erous colum ns, im ages, and t ext boxes, t he page isn't necessarily present ed in t he opt im al reading order. For exam ple, a person reading t he ent ire page m ay read a sent ence, refer t o t he im age, and t hen ret urn t o t he next sent ence. I n a reflow view, t he docum ent is read as present edt hat is, in t he order t he cont ent appears on t he page. The cont ent can be cont rolled using art icles, which is discussed in Tip 58.

    Using Alternate Reading Orders The Accessibilit y Quick Check suggest s t hat you t ry ot her reading orders by m odifying choices in t he Reading Order opt ions in t he Reading preferences dialog. The default set t ing is t o allow t he program t o infer t he reading order. Som et im es t his works; som et im es it doesn't . Oft en reading errors occur. You can also choose t o read from left t o right and from t op t o bot t om , or t o use t he reading order from t he raw t ext st ream . These opt ions can m ake a difference in som e circum st ances.

    Chapter EIGHT. Working with Acrobat Forms One of t he coolest feat ures in Acrobat 7 Professional is t he abilit y t o design a form t hat grant s form fill- in right s t o users working wit h Adobe Reader 7. A form can now be used wit h even great er versat ilit y by t he lit erally m illions of people t hat use Adobe Reader 7. Acrobat 7 Professional offers t wo m et hods of form s creat ion depending on your operat ing syst em . For bot h Windows and Mac, you can const ruct form s using t he Form s t ools. I f you are working wit h Windows, you have access t o t he ent ire Adobe Designer 7 program , int egrat ed as part of Acrobat 7 Professional. What m akes up a form ? What 's t he point ? What 's t he best way t o design a form ? And how do you aut om at e t he processes you can program int o a form field? These are big quest ions. You have t he sam e flexibilit y in designing form s in Acrobat as you do in creat ing and designing PDF docum ent s of ot her t ypes. You can design a form from scrat ch, based on a docum ent you creat e in anot her program , or based on a PDF docum ent . I f you are working wit h Adobe Designer, you can choose any of t hese t hree opt ions, or use a t em plat e, as we describe in Tips 72 and 73 . The opt ion you choose is based on your expert ise and your exist ing source m at erials. Don't approach form design casually. Plan ahead, st oryboard t he form , and decide what you want it t o do. See how t o const ruct and t roubleshoot a sim ple form , and how t o add feat ures t o let your users work wit h your form s easier. As wit h ot her t asks you perform in Acrobat , you can cust om ize how you fill in form s, and set a wide range of form s preferences as well.

    TIP 63: Getting Started with Forms Like m any t hings in life, planning ahead is t he key t o designing a good form in Acrobat . Form s are m ade up of a num ber of com ponent s, which can include: Graphic and im age cont ent , such as backgrounds or logos

    See What You've Got Som et im es form s are so beaut ifully designed t hat it is difficult t o see t he act ual fields you need t o fill in. You can set preferences or, on a form - by- form basis, use t he opt ions in t he Docum ent Message Bar, t he yellow bar t hat displays aut om at ically above t he Docum ent pane when a form PDF is opened: Click Highlight Fields t o m ake all fields light yellow. I f t he designer has set a color for t he fields you can't highlight t hem , but a highlight isn't necessary as you can clearly see a colored field. To show required fields, which m ust be filled in for you t o subm it t he form , click Highlight Required Fields. Any required fields on t he form are fram ed wit h a red out line.

    Form fields such as t ext ent ry fields, radio but t ons, pull- down list s, and m ore Docum ent st ruct ure inform at ion such as t ags and alt ernat e t ext Program m ing used for calculat ions, form dat a t ransm it t al, and so on I f you are st art ing a new form : Define what sort s of dat a you need t o collect , and decide what t ype of fields can be used. For exam ple, do you want your users t o t ype " Yes" or " No" ? I f so, adding Yes/ No radio but t ons m ay be a sim pler choice. Decide if you are creat ing a single form , or if it is t o be part of a suit e of form s. I f you are building a num ber of form s for your com pany, such as personnel records, vacat ion records, sick form s, and so on, plan ahead. I f you use t he sam e nam ing st ruct ure for all t he form s, your users can im port and export dat a int o and out of form s quickly, saving everyone t im e. Decide how large or sm all t he form should be. I f your form is designed for onscreen use, a form t hat fit s well and reads clearly at 800 x 600 ppi resolut ion works for t he m aj orit y of users. I f t he int ent is t o print t he form as well, decide how m any pages and what size m argins are required for a logical print size.

    Decide if you want t o creat e t he form field's appearance in t he source program or in Acrobat t his choice defines whet her you add t ables and cells in your source program , or leave sufficient space t o add t he fields in Acrobat ( Figu r e 6 3 a ) .

    Figu r e 6 3 a . D o you w a n t t o cr e a t e t h e fie ld a ppe a r a n ce in you r sou r ce pr ogr a m or in Acr oba t ?

    Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose You m ay have a num ber of form s in use t hat are paper- based. You can repurpose t hese form s for use as PDF form s wit hout having t o re- creat e t hem from scrat ch. I f you only have paper versions of your form s, scan t hem int o Acrobat ( Chapt er 4 shows you how t o creat e PDF docum ent s from scanned docum ent s or source files) . Once you have a PDF version of your form , use t he form s t ools or Adobe Designer's t ools t o m ake t he fields in your st at ic form int eract ive.

    Creat e t he basic st ruct ural com ponent s in a source program and t hen convert it t o PDF. I t 's sim pler t o lay out labels, graphics, and ot her visual elem ent s beforehand. Be sure t o consider t he font size you int end t o use once your form is convert ed t o a PDF form ( Figu r e 6 3 b) .

    Figu r e 6 3 b. Be su r e t o con side r de t a ils su ch a s t h e fon t size you w a n t t o u se for t e x t fie lds w h e n de sign in g t h e la you t of t h e for m .

    Convert t he source file t o a PDF docum ent ; you can t hen add and configure t he form fields in Acrobat Professional 7. I f you are working in Windows, and using Adobe Designer 7, you have several opt ions for form s design ( check out Tip 72) . Of course, you st ill have t o plan t he required dat a and t he form appearance in advance.

    TIP 64: Building a Form in Acrobat Acrobat includes a t oolbar of form field creat ion t ools. Click t he Form Field t ool t o select it on t he t oolbar, drag a m arquee on t he docum ent where you want t o place t he field, and release t he m ouse. The out line for t he field displays on t he docum ent , and t he Propert ies dialog opens for you t o nam e t he field and cust om ize it s propert ies and opt ions ( Figu r e 6 4 a ) . The cont ent s of t he Propert ies dialog vary according t o t he t ype of form field you are applying t o t he docum ent .

    Figu r e 6 4 a . Th e Pr ope r t ie s dia log for a fie ld con t a in s diffe r e n t opt ion s de pe n din g on t h e t ype of fie ld you a r e cr e a t in g.

    Setting a Standard Adding individual form fields and t hen configuring each one is very t im e- consum ingnot t o m ent ion unnecessary. Add a field t o your docum ent , and configure it as you like. Right click/ Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu and choose Use Current Propert ies as Default . What ever set t ings you've used for t he field, such as border color or font , are set as t he default for subsequent fields. Then add t he rem aining fields, eit her using t he short cut s or adding each field individually. Do you want a different look for a radio but t on t han for a check box? No problem . Each set of default propert ies you define applies only t o a specific t ype of form field.

    Choose Tools > Advanced Edit ing > Show Form s Toolbar. The available t ools and t heir com m on uses are:

    But t on t ool Use a but t on t o init iat e act ions t hat can be used for everyt hing from print ing a docum ent t o subm it t ing a form or playing a sound. But t ons are discussed in Chapt er 12. Check Box t ool Where your user can choose one or m ore opt ions, use a check box. For inst ance, if your form includes a list of favorit e holiday dest inat ions, your user m ight like t o specify all t hree choices of Hawaii, Jam aica, and Tahit i. Com bo Box t ool You can offer a list of it em s in a pull- down m enu or let your user ent er a cust om value. For exam ple, your order form can include several choices of count ries where you com m only ship your product s, as well as an opt ion for cust om ers t o t ype t heir count ry nam e.

    List Box t ool Creat e a list of it em s from which your user can select ; usually list boxes are designed t o allow for m ult iple select ions. For exam ple, when building your dream car at an online sit e you can choose any or all it em s from a list of accessoriesof course, t hat doesn't m ean you can afford t hem , but it is nice t o dream .

    See What You are Building Choose Edit > Preferences > Form s ( or Acrobat > Preferences > Form s) and click t he preference Show field preview when creat ing or edit ing form fields. Then close t he Preferences dialog. Now when you work on your form fields, you see t he st ruct ure and cont ent .

    Radio But t on t ool Add radio but t ons when you want t he user t o m ake a single choice am ong t wo or m ore it em s. An exam ple is a cust om er service form t hat let s t he user choose am ong a range of responses, from " t errific" t o " t errible." Text Box t ool Use t his t ool t o creat e a field in which your users can t ype t ext , such as t heir nam es, addresses, or favorit e colors. Digit al Signat ure t ool Use t his t ool t o add a special t ype of field used t o apply a digit al signat ure t o t he docum ent . Learn m ore about digit al signat ures in Chapt er 18. When adding form fields t o a docum ent where t he t ag st ruct ure is very im port ant ( like one t hat connect s t o a dat abase, for exam ple) , m ake sure t hat : You open t he Tags pane, click t he Opt ions m enu, and select Tag Annot at ions. You select t he t ag in t he Tags pane t hat you want t o be t he parent of t he form field you int end t o add t o t he docum ent ( Figu r e 6 4 b) .

    Figu r e 6 4 b. Be for e you a dd a fie ld, se le ct t h e pa r e n t t a g in t h e Ta gs pa n e .

    TIP 65: Configuring Form Fields Regardless of t he t ype of form t ool you use, form fields share m any feat ures in com m on; som e configurat ion opt ions are used for only cert ain t ypes of fields. For exam ple, you don't find a Calculat e t ab in a Check Box Propert ies dialog, nor will you find a Validat ion t ab in a But t on Propert ies dialog.

    The Numbers Game I f you are calculat ing fields, you m ust define a form at , such as num bers, in t he Form at t ab. Modify form at s, such as decim al places, currency, or form at t ype, for each field individually because t he Form at opt ions aren't accessible t hrough a m ult iple select ion of fields.

    Here's a brief rundown of t he configurat ion t abs you can use wit h form fields in Acrobat 7 Professional: General t ab This t ab is com m on t o all t ypes. You add a nam e and t ool t ip in t his t ab of t he dialog, as well as define whet her t he field is visible or invisible. I n addit ion, you specify if a field is required ( an ent ry is m andat ory) or if t he field is read only. You m ay want t o m ake t he user's nam e field required, for exam ple, or specify calculat ed t ext fields as read only ( Figu r e 6 5 a ) .

    Figu r e 6 5 a . All t ype s of for m fie lds offe r t h e Ge n e r a l t a b, w h e r e you n a m e t h e fie ld a n d ch oose ot h e r ba sic ch a r a ct e r ist ics.

    Appearance t ab This t ab is com m on t o all t ypes of form fields. You configure t he color of t he border and fill, as well as ot her charact erist ics, such as t ext . Opt ions All form fields have an Opt ions t ab; t he cont ent s vary according t o t he t ype of field. But t ons, for inst ance, cont ain opt ions for choosing labels and im ages for t heir display; a Check Box field allows you t o choose t he appearance of t he obj ect , such as a checkm ark or a st ar; Com bo Box and List Box fields include areas where you can insert list s of it em s; a Radio But t on field allows you t o choose t he st yle of t he but t on and whet her or not it is aut om at ically select ed ( Figu r e 6 5 b) .

    Figu r e 6 5 b. D e fin e t h e a ppe a r a n ce a n d st yle of a r a dio bu t t on , a s w e ll a s it s de fa u lt se le ct ion st a t e

    Act ions All form fields have t his t ab, and it looks and works t he sam e in all t ypes. Act ions are act ivit ies Acrobat perform s in response t o som e sort of int eract ion. For inst ance, clicking a but t on t hat opens anot her docum ent is an act ion, as is t yping a num ber in a form field t hat t hen shows a calculat ion in anot her form field. Act ions are described in several t ips in t his chapt er, as well as in Chapt ers 12 and 13 . Form at Som e t ypes of form fields, such as Text Box and Com bo Box fields, include t his t ab in t heir propert ies dialogs. Click t he pull- down m enu and choose a t ype of form at t ing t o apply t o t he t ext your user ent ers in t he field ( Figu r e 6 5 c) .

    Figu r e 6 5 c. D e fin e h ow t h e t e x t e n t e r e d in a Te x t Box or Com bo Box is for m a t t e d.

    Validat e You can rest rict what your user ent ers in a field, such as a num ber or charact ers added in Text Box and Com bo Box fields. Choose opt ions in t he dialog or use cust om JavaScript validat ion script s. Calculat e Perform a num ber of arit hm et ic funct ions using t his t ab of t he dialog. ( See Tip 66 for inform at ion adding calculat ions t o a form ) . Select ion Change This t ab is seen only in List Box Propert ies. You set t he behavior t hat occurs when t he list box's select ion changes. You don't have t o draw, nam e, and posit ion form fields individually if you are adding a group of fields t o your PDF form docum ent . Draw and configure t he first field; t hen right - click/ Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu and choose Creat e Mult iple Copies t o open t he dialog. Choose how m any fields you want t o add horizont ally and vert ically. Click OK t o close t he dialog and Acrobat adds t he ext ra fields. See Tip 101 in Chapt er 12 for m ore inform at ion on adding m ult iple fields and using alignm ent t ools for m anually aligning obj ect s. For exam ple, if you were building an order form , how m any sim ilar fields would you have t o add and configure if you added t hem m anually? A whole lot , right ? The value of using an aut om at ed m et hod when building a form is how t he fields are nam ed ( Figu r e 6 5 d) . The original field at t he upper left was nam ed pen_blue. Adding t he ot her fields aut om at ically appends .0.0 and .0.1 t o t he fields in t he t op row, and 1.0 and 1.1 t o t he fields in t he second row.

    Figu r e 6 5 d. Add m u lt iple , pr e n u m be r e d fie lds w it h Acr oba t 's h a n dy, con ve n ie n t a u t om a t ic fe a t u r e .

    When you use t he aut om at ic feat ure t o add fields, t he fields are also aut om at ically spaced on t he

    docum ent . I f necessary, you can m anually align t hem as well. Refer t o Tip 91 in Chapt er 11 t o see how grids and guides can assist in placem ent of obj ect s on t he page.

    TIP 66: Creating Forms That Make Sense Building form s can be fun ( and creat ive! ) , but t he process has it s share of headaches. Calculat ions can be a part icular hurdle in building form spart icularly order form s. I n t his t ip, I 'll show you how t o plan and add calculat ions using a sam ple order form .

    Just Juicy Fruits I f you have planned your advent ures in form - building ( as described in Tip 63) , you know in advance what you need t o calculat e and which fields are involved. I n m y exam ple, I have t hree product soranges, lim es, and lem ons. My cust om er t ypes an am ount in t he Quant it y colum n, and t he t ot al for each product aut om at ically displays in t he Price colum n. Not only t hat , but a Subt ot al, Tax, and Grand Tot al are aut om at ically calculat ed as well. This very sim ple form shows you m any of t he ways you can plan and work wit h calculat ions.

    Rat her t han explaining how t o build t he form st ep by st ep, I 'll describe t he workflow in general t erm s t hat m ay be useful t o your work; check out t he sidebar for som e hint s t o m ake t he j ob sim pler. Let 's say we're set t ing up a PDF form t hat allows cust om ers t o order cit rus fruit online. The oranges are priced at 77 cent s apiece, lem ons go for 47 cent s each, and you can buy a lim e for a m ere 40 cent s. We need a way for t he cust om er t o order m ult iples of each fruit , and t hen have t he t ot als calculat ed. Here goes: 1.

    I m port t he form st ruct ure. The exam ple we're using consist s of a t able, labels, and a background we creat ed in Microsoft Publisher and t hen convert ed t o a PDF docum ent .


    Add t he first t ext field, Quant it y. I n t he Text Field Propert ies dialog, click t he Form at t ab and choose Num ber from t he pull- down list . Set t he decim al places t o 0you can't buy .25 of an orange, aft er all ( Figu r e 6 6 a ) .

    Figu r e 6 6 a . Be su r e t o u se a n u m be r for m a t for fie lds t h a t r e qu ir e ca lcu la t ion .


    Add t he rem aining t ext fields. Plan how t o add m ult iple fields so t he new fields' nam es m ake sense ( Figu r e 6 6 b) .

    Figu r e 6 6 b. Add gr ou ps of fie lds t o t h e for m de pe n din g on t h e ir u se t o m a k e su r e t h e a u t om a t ic n a m e s a r e m e a n in gfu l a n d u se fu l t o you .


    Cust om ize t he appearance of t he addit ional fields as necessary. The values in t he Price colum n all need decim al places since t hey calculat e a dollar value, and t he SubTot al and Grand Tot al fields need a $ sign as well. I n t he Form at t ab, shown in Figure 66a, change t he Decim al Places value t o 2 and select t he $ sign from t he Currency Sym bol pull- down list .


    Change t he alignm ent for t he currency fields. Select t he fields and right - click/ Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu. Click Propert ies t o open t he Text Field Propert ies dialog. Click t he Opt ions t ab, and from t he Alignm ent pull- down list , choose Right ( Figu r e 6 6 c) . Now t he fields' values will align.

    Figu r e 6 6 c. Use r s a r e a ccu st om e d t o se e in g dolla r va lu e s a lign e d t o t h e r igh t ; you ca n e a sily se t t h is opt ion .


    Add t he first field calculat ion. The t hree product s' values are t he Quant it y * Price. Double- click t he first price field, nam ed Quant it y.0.1, t o open it s Propert ies dialog. Click t he Calculat e t ab, t hen click t he Cust om calculat ion script but t on and click Edit t o open t he JavaScript Edit or. Ent er t he calculat ion script for t he first product :

    JavaScript Pointers JavaScript let s you assign act ions t o links, bookm arks, and in t he case of t he sam ple proj ect in t his t ip, form fields. Here are som e t ips for using Acrobat JavaScript : Drag t he dialogs away from your form on t he program window so you can see your fields' nam es t o t ype t hem correct ly in t he script . Alt ernat ively, you can select t hem from a dialog. Before you close t he JavaScript Edit or, select and copy t he script so you can past e it int o t he ot her product s' Price field script s. I f you are using cust om script s, add and cust om ize t he script s for all fields t o keep focused. I t 's like using a bat ch file for your brain.

    var a=this.getField("Quantity.0.0"); event.value=a.value*.77;

    The script nam es a variable for t he first field, var a, which is a program m ing " cont ainer" t hat holds what ever value your user t ypes in t he field, be t hat 1 orange or 100 oranges, for exam ple. The rest of t he first line m akes a reference t o t he field, and t hen nam es t he field in parent heses and quot at ions. The second line t hen defines an act ion t hat will t ake place in your form , which is t o m ult iply what ever num ber your cust om er t ypes in t he field t im es t he price per orange, which is $.77. Click OK t o close t he JavaScript Edit or and ret urn t o t he Propert ies dialog. The script is displayed in t he dialog ( Figu r e 6 6 d) . You can now close t he Propert ies dialog.

    Figu r e 6 6 d. Aft e r you w r it e a cu st om Ja va Scr ipt , it is sh ow n in t h e fie ld's Pr ope r t ie s dia log.


    Repeat wit h t he ot her product fields t hat need a cust om script . I n t he sam ple, t he Price fields for t he second and t hird product use a cust om script . For each, past e t he JavaScript int o t he JavaScript Edit or and cust om ize it . You need t o change:

    The nam e of t he variable; I used var b and var c The nam e of t he field The variable's value The price for each product 8.

    Add ot her cust om script s. You also need a sim ilar cust om script for calculat ing t he t ax. Again, you can past e t he script int o t he JavaScript Edit or and cust om ize it . Give t he variable it s own nam e, use t he SubTot al field, and use t he t ax rat e in t he calculat ion. Here's an exam ple:

    var d=this.getField("Total1"); event.value=d.value*.12;


    Add calculat ions for t he Subt ot al and Grand Tot al fields. The t ot als fields are sim pler! Double- click t he Subt ot al field t o open it s Propert ies dialog and click t he Calculat e t ab. You want a t ot al of t he t hree calculat ed fields. Click t he " Value is t he" radio but t on; click t he pull- down m enu and choose Sum ( Figu r e 6 6 e ) . Then click Pick t o open a sm all dialog list ing all t he fields in your docum ent . Choose t hose you want t o add, which in t his case are t he t hree Price fields for t he product s, and click OK. Back on t he Calculat e t ab, you can see t hat t he chosen fields are added t o t he dialog (Figu r e 6 6 f) . Repeat wit h t he Grand Tot al field, using t he SubTot al and Tax fields.

    Figu r e 6 6 e . Som e ca lcu la t ion s ca n be don e by pick in g fie lds fr om t h e

    for m , su ch a s a su m .

    Figu r e 6 6 f. W h e n you ch oose fie lds, t h e y a r e list e d on t h e Ca lcu la t e t a b.

    1 0 . Save t he form . I t 's t im e t o t est your workt hat 's com ing up in t he next t ip.

    Simplify Your Form Building, Simplify Your Life Consider t hese ideas as you build a form : Make sure t he design of t he docum ent can accom m odat e t he size of t he fields you int end t o use. Set opt ions t hat are com m on t o all fields, such as t he font and appearance, when you build t he first field. Develop a syst em for adding ext ra fields. The sam ple proj ect has t hree product s, so I added a t ext field for t he first product 's quant it y, and t hen added t wo m ult iple fields for t he quant it ies of t he ot her t wo product s. The result is a sequence of num bered fields t hat m ake sense. Then I creat ed a m ult iple for each of t he product s t o use for calculat ing t he t ot al cost of each it em . These fields' nam es are also logical. Renam e fields if it m akes sense t o you. The set of t hree Tot al fields ( Subt ot al, Tax, and Grand Tot al) were renam ed m anually. When you want t o change one propert y of several fields, such as t he alignm ent , don't change each field individually. Shift - click t o select t he fields ( in t he sam ple, all t he fields in t he Price colum n) and t hen open t he Propert ies dialog using t he short cut m enu. When you change t he alignm ent , t he change is applied t o all t he select ed fields. JavaScript is writ t en for each field separat ely; calculat ions aren't allowed for a num ber of select ed fields.

    TIP 67: Testing and Tweaking Your Forms Before you send your form s out int o t he world t o gat her inform at ion for you, give t hem a t est run. Here's a checklist you can use t o m ake sure your form s are ready for public use: Click t he Hand t ool and add values t o all your t ext input fields. Then press Ent er/ Ret urn or click anot her field t o check t he calculat ions.

    Who Took My Fields? Som et im es it seem s your fields disappear from t he docum ent . They aren't lost . Only t hose fields creat ed wit h a select ed form field t ool are act ive on t he docum ent at any t im e. I f you have a collect ion of t ext fields, for exam ple, and click t he But t on t ool, only but t ons are act ive; ot her fields are hidden. Make sure t o cipher t he calculat ions m anually t o verify t hat t he script s are writ t en correct ly. For exam ple, if you need a value of 3 * 50, t he result m ust be 150 or t here is an error. Check t o see when and where values change. I f you are using m y m et hod of copying and past ing JavaScript from one field t o anot her, it is a sim ple error t o forget t o change t he variables and t arget field nam es; in t hat case, when you t ype a value in one product 's field, t he result should change in t he appropriat e field. Ordering a bunch of lem ons shouldn't change t he value of t he oranges. Lock down fields t hat your users can't t ype int o. I n our sam ple proj ect , all t he fields in t he Price colum n are calculat ed; you can click t he Read Only check box on t he General t ab t o prevent users from t rying t o add cont ent t o t hose fields t hem selves. Test t he calculat ion order. The fields are added t o t he calculat ion order according t o how you add t hem t o t he form , which m ay not be correct . First , click t he Text Box t ool on t he Form s t oolbar t o act ivat e t he fields so you can see t he nam es. Then choose Advanced > Form s > Set Field Calculat ion Order t o open t he dialog shown in Figu r e 6 7 a . Your calculat ed fields are list ed in t he dialog in t he order of calculat ion. Click a field and t hen click Up or Down t o rearrange t he order. I n t he figure, you can see t hat t he field for calculat ing t he first product 's price is at t he end of t he list , rat her t han at t he st art where it belongs.

    Figu r e 6 7 a . M a k e su r e t h e ca lcu la t ion s a r e pe r for m e d in t h e r igh t se que nce .

    Considering Accessibility I n m any sit uat ions you need t o m ake your form s com pliant wit h accessibilit y st andards. One of t he key feat ures of accessibilit y is appropriat e com m unicat ion wit h screen readers and ot her devices. Open t he form field's Propert ies dialog and in t he Toolt ip field on t he General t ab, t ype a short inst ruct ion, such as " Your m ont h of birt h" ; wit hout a t ool t ip, t he screen reader nam es t he t ype of form field, and t he user has no m eans of underst anding it s purpose. Test t he t abbing order for your form . You would like your users t o t ab in a logical way, usually from left t o right , t op t o bot t om . Click t he Pages t ab in t he Navigat ion pane t o open t he Pages pane. Click t he page t hum bnail, and choose Page Propert ies from t he Opt ions m enu t o open t he Page Propert ies dialog ( Figu r e 6 7 b) . Click Tab Order and choose an opt ion. Our sam ple proj ect uses a st andard form at of left t o right , t op t o bot t om .

    Figu r e 6 7 b. Spe cify h ow you r u se r s ca n t a b t h r ou gh t h e fie lds on you r for m .

    Once you have evaluat ed your form , t ake a few m inut es and consider your users. Here's som e m ore ideas you should t ake int o account : Are any of your users going t o be working wit h assist ive devices like screen readers? I f so, be sure t o add a descript ive t ool t ip t hat screen readers will read ( see t he sidebar) . What can you do t o m ake it sim pler for your users t o work wit h your form ? Think about adding Reset and Subm it but t ons ( see Tips 68 and 69 ) .

    TIP 68: Sending Form Data Automatically Let 's say I am creat ing a form for m y com pany, which sells reproduct ions of old m ovie post ers. To m ake t he form easier for m y users t o work wit h, t here are several act ions I can at t ach t o but t ons. One com m on act ion is a but t on t hat subm it s t he dat a t o a specified address. I nst ead of having t o open an em ail program , st art ing a new m essage, and t hen at t aching t he file, m y users sim ply click t he but t on and have t he inform at ion sent t o m e aut om at ically.

    Accepting Your Limitations You are governed by how t he original form was creat ed. For exam ple, a form 's designer can designat e fields as required, m eaning t hat t he form cannot be subm it t ed wit hout dat a in t he required fields.

    Here's a quick way t o add a Subm it but t on: 1.

    Creat e or select t he form field you want t o at t ach t he act ion t oin t his exam ple, a but t on field nam ed subm it ( Figu r e 6 8 a ) .

    Figu r e 6 8 a . I n clu de a bu t t on t h a t a llow s you r u se r s t o e a sily se n d t h e for m 's in for m a t ion t o you .


    Right - click/ Cont rol- click t he but t on and choose Propert ies from t he short cut m enu. The But t on Propert ies dialog opens. Click t he Act ions t ab.


    Select t he Subm it a form act ion from t he Select Act ion pull- down list (Figu r e 6 8 b) . Click Add, and t he Subm it Form Select ions dialog opens.

    Figu r e 6 8 b. Ch oose t h e Su bm it a for m a ct ion fr om t h e pu ll- dow n m e n u .


    Ent er an address for subm ission. The address can be a URL, an FTP address, or an em ail address. When you t ype t he address, be sure t o t ype t he ent ire URL, including t he prot ocolt hat is, " ht t p" or " ft p." I f you specify a server, and t he server ret urns dat a using form dat a form at ( FDF) or XML form dat a form at ( XFDF) form at s, t he URL m ust end wit h t he suffix # FDF.

    So Many FormatsWhich Is Best? When you are configuring t he export form at for t he dat a in t he Subm it Form Select ion dialog ( Figure 68c) , consider where your users are working wit h t he form and what your dat a requirem ent s are: Use t he I ncrem ent al changes t o t he PDF opt ion when export ing digit al signat ures and want t o choose specific fields t o ret urn dat a. Use t he PDF export opt ion t o receive t he ent ire form ; t his opt ion preserves digit al signat ures, but you can't select specific fields t o ret urn. I f your users are working wit h Adobe Reader, you m ust choose eit her FDF or XFDF export form at s.

    Figu r e 6 8 c. Se le ct t h e fie lds you w a n t t o in clu de or e x clu de fr om t h e list in t h is dia log.


    Choose subm ission opt ions. You can send t he form dat a, t he PDF docum ent it self, or t he cont ent as HTML, and also specify what cont ent is sent .


    Select t he Convert dat es t o st andard form at opt ion t o export all form dat es in a uniform form at regardless of how t hey are ent ered in t he form .


    I f you want t o define only a specific num ber of fields, click Only t hese in t he Field Select ion sect ion of t he dialog and click t he Select fields but t on. The Field Select ion dialog opens (Figu r e 6 8 c) .


    Choose t he fields for export and click OK t o ret urn t o t he Subm it Form Select ions dialog. Click OK t o close t he Subm it Form Select ions dialog and ret urn t o t he But t on Propert ies dialog.


    The Subm it a form act ion now appears in t he field's Act ions list . Click Close t o close t he But t on Propert ies dialog and apply t he act ion.

    1 0 . Click t he form field t o t est t he act ion.

    TIP 69: Handling Field Contents

    Storing Forms Data There is no specific place on your hard drive t o st ore FDF and ot her dat a files. I f you fill out form s on a regular basis, decide on a locat ion and use it consist ent ly. That way, you can keep t rack of t he files you have st ored, and will be able t o find t hem easily when you need t hem . I st ore dat a files in t he m ain Acrobat 7 folder in t he Program Files folder.

    When you design a form , be sure t o consider how your users int eract wit h t he form . Ask yourself what you can do t o m ake t heir work sim pler and m ore efficient . I n addit ion t o adding a Subm it but t on, you can add t wo ot her com m on act ions at t ached t o but t ons t hat can m ake working wit h your form easier: Reset a Form This act ion delet es cont ent added t o a form . Your users can click t he but t on and have t he cont ent of t he fields rem oved so t hey can st art over, wit hout having t o choose any m enu it em s. I m port Form Dat a This act ion brings dat a from anot her form and adds it t o t he form open in Acrobat . Your users can click t he but t on and open a dialog t o find an FDF file t hey use repeat edly and have t he form dat a added t o t he form aut om at ically, again wit hout having t o choose any m enu it em s.

    Deleting Form Information You can rem ove inform at ion from a form in one of several ways. To clear a form in Acrobat 7, choose File > Revert . Oft en t he form 's designer includes a but t on you click t o reset t he form , which rem oves all t he cont ent you have added, as described in t his t ip. Form s behave different ly in a browser t han in Acrobat . To clear a form in a browser, exit t he browser and st art over. The Refresh or Go Back but t on on t he browser's t oolbar m ay not clear t he form

    Offer your users a but t on t hat aut om at ically reset s t he cont ent s of t he form :

    1 . Select a but t on on your form , right - click/ Cont rol- click t he but t on, and choose Propert ies. The But t on Propert ies dialog opens. Click t he Act ions t ab. 2 . Select t he Reset a form act ion from t he Select Act ion pull- down list . Click Add, and t he Reset a Form dialog opens. 3 . All t he fields in t he docum ent are list ed in t he Reset a Form dialog and are select ed by default ( Figu r e 6 9 a ) . Deselect fields t hat you don't want t o reset and click OK t o close t he dialog.

    Figu r e 6 9 a . You ca n spe cify t h e fie lds you w a n t t o r e se t in t h is dia log.

    4 . Click Close t o dism iss t he But t on Propert ies dialog. Acrobat rem oves t he cont ent in t he fields according t o t he select ions you m ade in st ep 3.

    Exporting and Importing Form Data I f you com plet e a form once, you can save t he cont ent and reuse it t he next t im e you fill out t he form . When you have com plet ed a form , choose File > Form Dat a > Export Dat a from Form t o open t he Export Form Dat a As dialog. Browse t o t he locat ion on your hard drive where you want t o st ore t he file. Acrobat nam es t he file using t he form 's nam e in t he FDF file form at . To com plet e t he process, click Save. I f you work wit h a lot of form s, leave t he default filenam e. That way, you know which dat a file belongs t o which form . The next t im e you need t o add inform at ion t o a form t hat you've filled in and you've st ored dat a from t hat form on at least one previous occasion, t ry im port ing t he dat a file inst ead of t yping t he cont ent for t he fields again. To do so, choose File > Form Dat a > I m port Dat a t o Form . When t he Select File Cont aining Form Dat a dialog opens, locat e and select t he dat a file on your hard drive, and click Select . The dialog closes, and Acrobat fills in t he form fields for you. I f you im port dat a from a form t hat doesn't m at ch t he form you are im port ing int o, only m at ching form fields are com plet ed and t he rest are ignored. Any t ext in m at ching t ext form fields is replaced wit h im port ed dat a.

    You can use m enu act ions at t ached t o but t ons t o im port or export form dat a. Here's how: 1 . Choose t he but t on you want t o use for t he act ion. 2 . Right - click/ Cont rol- click t he but t on, choose Propert ies, and t hen click t he Act ions t ab in t he But t on Propert ies dialog. 3 . Select t he Execut e a m enu it em act ion from t he pull- down m enu and click Add. 4 . I n t he Menu I t em Select ion dialog, choose File > Form Dat a > I m port Dat a t o Form ( Figu r e 6 9 b) . Click OK, and t hen click Close t o dism iss t he But t on Propert ies dialog.

    Figu r e 6 9 b. Con side r a ddin g a bu t t on a ct ion t h a t a u t om a t ica lly a llow s you r u se r s t o loca t e da t a t o im por t or e x por t fr om t h e for m . [View full size image]

    5 . Save and t est t he form .

    Follow t he sam e st eps t o creat e a but t on for export ing form dat abut t his t im e choose File > Form Dat a > Export Dat a t o Form in t he Menu I t em Select ion dialog. Even if t he form 's designer didn't include aut om at ic act ions t hat you click t o insert cont ent int o a form , you can do it easily from wit hin Acrobat 7 or Adobe Reader 7. See t he sidebar "Export ing and I m port ing Form Dat a" t o learn how.

    TIP 70: Completing a Form and Using Auto-Complete I n Acrobat 7, users can fill in a form and subm it t he act ual form ( or j ust t he dat a it cont ains) t o a dat abase, Web sit e, or em ail address. Acrobat let s users save t he com plet ed form , save t he cont ent t o reuse anot her t im e, or print t he cont ent s. You can even set preferences t o have Acrobat assist your users by suggest ing inform at ion used in sim ilar form fields. I f you fill out t he sam e t ype of form num erous t im es, such as healt h or dent al insurance, reusing t he inform at ion saves a lot of t im e.

    Filling Out Forms To fill out an Acrobat PDF form , you m ove t he point er inside a field on t he form and click. You'll see t he I - beam , which t ells you t hat t he form is act ive and t hat you can st art t o t ype. Ot her t ypes of fields using but t ons, checkm arks, and so on show variat ions of t he Hand t ool, such as a point ing hand. Click an opt ion t o select it , and t hen press Tab ( or Shift + Tab) t o go t o t he next ( or previous) field. When you have finished, click t he Subm it but t on, if it exist s. Alt ernat ively, you can print t he form , or export t he dat a t o a separat e file, depending on your right s.

    When you st art filling out a new form , you'll see a dialog t hat suggest s using Acrobat 's Aut o- Com plet e feat ure t o help fill in t he form fields m ore quickly. When you use t his feat ure, as soon as you t ype t he first few charact ers of a word in a form field, if t he charact ers m at ch what you have ent ered in anot her form , Acrobat aut om at ically ent ers t he rest of t he t ext ( Figu r e 7 0 a ) . The aut om at ic t ext is select ed; you can easily delet e or change it if you need t o.

    Figu r e 7 0 a . You ca n ch oose fr om a list of m a t ch in g fie ld e n t r ie s w h e n you u se t h e Au t o- Com ple t e fe a t u r e

    To enable t his feat ure, choose Edit > Preferences ( Windows) or Acrobat > Preferences ( Mac OS) , and choose Form s from t he Preferences list . At t he lower part of t he window, you see t he Aut o- Com plet e opt ions. Click t he pull- down arrow and choose an opt ion. Your choices are Off, Basic, and Advanced. Make your select ion, and also specify whet her you want Acrobat t o ret ain num erical dat a like phone num bers. Then click OK t o close t he dialog.

    The Basic Aut o- Com plet e process suggest s choices when you st art t yping an ent ry. A pull- down list offers probable choices; t he opt ion list ed first appears in t he field aut om at ically. I n t he exam ple shown in Figure 70 , t he nam es st art ing wit h D are displayed as soon as I t ype t he let t er D. I f you want t o choose anot her nam e, click t hat nam e t o select it from t he list . The Advanced Aut o- Com plet e feat ure t akes t he process one st ep furt her. Once you st art t yping and see t he aut o- ent ry list , sim ply m ove your point er over t he choice you want t o use and press Tab. Acrobat fills t he field wit h t he select ion you specified and m oves t he point er t o t he next field. To rem ove ent ries from t he aut o- ent ry list ing, click Edit Ent ry List below t he Aut o- Com plet e opt ions in t he Form s preferences dialog t o open t he Edit Ent ry List dialog. Select t he ent ries you don't want on t he list , and click Rem ove t o delet e t hem . To delet e t he ent ire list , click Rem ove All.

    Other Preferences for Forms Acrobat provides several ot her preferences for form s. Try som e of t he opt ionsyou m ay find t hat t hey increase your form 's processing speed and m ake working wit h form s sim pler. Choose Edit > Preferences > Form s ( on Mac, Acrobat > Preferences > Form s) . The t op port ion of t he result ing dialog cont ains a set of form s preferences: Aut om at ically calculat e field values Calculat es t he cont ent of num erical fields when you ent er t he dat a. Oft en t his feat ure is program m ed int o t he form . Show focus rect angle Shows which form field is current ly act ive ( or has focus) . This is a very useful preference especially in form s t hat have narrow fields or a great deal of inform at ion on one page ( Figu r e 7 0 b)

    Figu r e 7 0 b. W h e n you m ove you r poin t e r ove r a fie ld you a u t om a t ica lly se e w h ich fie ld is a ct ive w h e n t h e focu s r e ct a n gle opt ion is u se d. I n t h e figu r e , t h e fie ld sh ow in g " 1 4 " is be low m y poin t e r a n d ou t lin e d.

    Keep form s dat a t em porarily available on disk Ret ains t he inform at ion you add t o a form online. This is a useful preference if you fill in form s over t he I nt ernet ; you can't st ore t he dat a perm anent ly, but you can r euse it during a session. Show t ext field overflow indicat or Displays a plus sign when you t ry t o t ype t oo m uch

    t ext int o a t ext field. The num ber of charact ers allowed in a field is defined by t he form 's designer (Figure 70c)

    Figu r e 7 0 c. You ca n in st a n t ly se e if a u se r h a s t ype d m or e t e x t in t o a fie ld t h a n you a llow e d in t h e for m fie ld's de sign w h e n you spe cify u sin g t h e t e x t ove r flow in dica t or

    Always hide form s docum ent m essage bar Hides t he m essage bar t hat displays by default when you open a PDF form . Use t his set t ing when you work wit h form s regularly; closing t he m essage bar gives you a bit m ore room on t he screen ( Figure 70d) .

    Figu r e 7 0 d. Sa ve pr e ciou s scr e e n r e a l e st a t e by h idin g t h e for m 's docu m e n t m e ssa ge ba r [View full size image]

    Highlight Color Displays color for form field backgrounds and borders when your user clicks t he Show Highlight check box on t he Docum ent Message Bar. Click t he color swat ches in t he Highlight Color sect ion of t he preference pane t o choose colors t hat highlight bot h field backgrounds, as well as required fields. The color appears in required form fields only when a user subm it s t he form . The fields in a form are highlight ed in what ever color you specify in t he preferences ( Figure 70e) .

    Figu r e 7 0 e . Se t a pr e fe r e n ce t o a u t om a t ica lly color a ll t h e fie lds you ca n u se in a for m n ow you ca n cle a r ly se e h ow m u ch w or k you h a ve t o do! [View full size image]

    These are useful preferences when you work wit h a lot of form s and find screen glare hard on your eyes, or when you work wit h large form s and want t o see how m uch work you have left . You can use colored backgrounds for t he form fields regardless of how t he form is designed; t he form 's designer doesn't have t o assign a color.

    TIP 71: Collecting Form Data You've creat ed your form , and now you want t o circulat e it t o your users, giving t hem an em ail Subm it but t on t o ret urn inform at ion t o you. Then what do you do? Two t hingsfirst creat e a workflow t o m anage t he form 's dist ribut ion, and t hen creat e a way t o st ore and display t he inform at ion. I n t his exam ple, I 'll show you how t o use a spreadsheet .

    Speed It Up I f you are working on a proj ect and are adding cont ent t o a spreadsheet repeat edly, rat her t han select ing files m anually, j ust click t he I nclude m ost recent list of dat a files t o export dat a from opt ion when you are configuring t he cont ent for t he spreadsheet in t he Export Dat a From Mult iple Form s dialog.

    Acrobat provides a dat a collect ion workflow so you can cont rol t he process: 1 . Click t he Form s t ask but t on and choose I nit iat e Form Dat a Collect ion Workflow from t he pull- down m enu, or choose Advanced > Form s > I nit iat e Form Dat a Collect ion Workflow, or File > Form Dat a > I nit iat e Form Dat a Collect ion Workflow. 2 . The Workflow wizard opens. Proceed t hrough t he t hree screens in t he dialog:

    The first pane explains t he process. Click Next . I n t he second pane, invit e recipient s by t yping t heir em ail addresses or click Address Book t o open your em ail program 's address book and select recipient s. Click Next . I n t he t hird, and final pane, preview t he em ail m essage (Figu r e 7 1 a ) . You can click t he fields t o m odify t he m essage or subj ect . Click Send I nvit at ion.

    Figu r e 7 1 a . Use t h e w iza r d t o se t u p a w or k flow for for m dist r ibu t ion a n d da t a ga t h e r in g. [View full size image]

    3 . The wizard dialog closes, and t he invit at ions and form s are em ailed.

    How Do You Spell…? You can use Acrobat or Adobe Reader t o spell- check t ext you t ype on a form . First check t he dict ionary by choosing Edit > Check Spelling > Edit Dict ionary and choose t he language you want t o use. Then choose Edit > Check Spelling > I n Com m ent s and Form Fields if you are working in Acrobat ; in a Web browser, click t he Spell Check but t on on t he Edit t oolbar. Click St art t o begin t he spell check. Words not cont ained in your dict ionary are list ed as Word Not Found. When t he spell check is com plet e, go t hrough t he list and m ake correct ions. Acrobat provides suggest ed correct ions.

    When your recipient s receive t he form , t hey com plet e it and click t he Subm it but t on t o em ail t he result s back t o you. Depending on t he form at you chose when you creat ed t he form , t he dat a ret urns in XML, FDF, PDF, or XFDF form at s. As you receive responses, save t hem in a folder. Now it 's t im e t o build a spreadsheet t o display t he result s:

    1 . Click t he Form s t ask but t on and choose Creat e Spreadsheet From Dat a Files, or select t he com m and from t he File > Form Dat a m enu t o open t he Export Dat a From Mult iple Form s dialog. 2 . Click Add Files; t he Select File Cont aining Form Dat a dialog opens. Locat e t he folder you creat ed t o st ore t he form dat a, and select t he files you want t o incorporat e int o t he spreadsheet . Click Select t o close t he dialog, and t he list now appears in t he Export Dat a From Mult iple Form s dialog ( Figu r e 71b).

    Figu r e 7 1 b. Ch oose t h e r e su lt s you w a n t t o in clu de in t h e spr e a dsh e e t . [View full size image]

    3 . Click Creat e Spreadsheet . I n t he dialog t hat opens, locat e t he folder on your hard drive where you want t o st ore t he spreadsheet and t hen click Save. 4 . When t he process is com plet e, t he Com plet e dialog displays; click View Spreadsheet Now t o open Excel, or click Close and View Lat er.

    The spreadsheet generat ed by t he sam ple proj ect used in t his t ip is shown in Figu r e 7 1 c. Several of t he colum ns are collapsed t o show you m ore of t he cont ent . You can see values from radio but t ons displayed, as well as cont ent from t ext fields.

    Figu r e 7 1 c. You ca n e x por t t h e da t a dir e ct ly t o a spr e a dsh e e t for vie w in g

    [View full size image]

    TIP 72: Starting an Adobe Designer Project. Adobe Designer is a form s- designing program t hat is int egrat ed and accessible eit her as a separat e program or from wit hin Acrobat Professional 7. I t is available only in Windows. To access t he program from wit hin Acrobat Professional 7, use one of t hese act ions, and follow t he prom pt s: For a blank form , click t he Form s t ask but t on t o display it s pull- down m enu and choose Creat e New Form .

    Who's Got the Copy? I f you build a PDF form in Acrobat Professional 7 and t hen open t he form in Adobe Designer, a copy of t he file is opened and your original docum ent is preserved.

    To m ake an int eract ive form from a st at ic form , first open t he form in Acrobat . Click t he Form s t ask but t on t o display it s pull- down m enu and choose Make Form Fillable in Adobe Designer ( Figu r e 7 2 a) .

    Figu r e 7 2 a . Ch oose fr om se ve r a l m e t h ods for ope n in g Adobe D e sign e r w h e n you a r e w or k in g in Acr oba t Pr ofe ssion a l 7 in W in dow s

    I f you have an int eract ive form open in Acrobat , click t he Form s t ask but t on t o display it s pull- down m enu and choose Edit Fillable Form .

    I f you want t o edit an exist ing form , open t he form in Acrobat and t hen choose Advanced > Form s > Open Form I n Adobe Designer. I nst ead of working t hrough Acrobat , you can work direct ly in Designer 7. Open t he program from t he St art m enu like ot her program s, and t he Welcom e Screen displays. You can choose a new blank form , open an exist ing form , or work from a t em plat e. Let 's look at using t he t em plat es: 1.

    Click New From Tem plat e on t he Welcom e Screen and click Close. The Welcom e Screen is replaced by t he New Form Assist ant (Figu r e 7 2 b) .

    Figu r e 7 2 b. Ch oose a t e m pla t e t o cu st om ize in Adobe D e sign e r . I n t h is t ip w e a r e u sin g a Le a ve Re qu e st For m t e m pla t e . [View full size image]

    You Can't Go Back Again I f you creat e form fields in Acrobat Professional 7, you can edit t he fields in Adobe Designer. However, if you creat e a form in Adobe Designer, you can't m odify t he fields in Acrobat Professional 7.

    2 . Choose a t em plat e, in t his exam ple, a Leave Request Form , and click Next . 3 . Select how you want t he inform at ion ret urned t o you on t he Ret urn Met hod pane of t he dialog ( Figu r e 7 2 c) . The form dat a can be sent elect ronically, which is t he default . You can give your users t he opt ion of ret urning t he dat a elect ronically or print ing and m ailing t he form ( t he opt ion used in t his exam ple) . They can be allowed t o fill in t he form and print it only, or t hey can print t he blank form and fill it out m anually. Click Next .

    Figu r e 7 2 c. Se le ct a Re t u r n M e t h od. You ca n a u t om a t ica lly cr e a t e fie lds t h a t in clu de a ct ion s for pr in t in g or r e t u r n in g da t a .

    A Form for Every Purpose You can creat e basic form s eit her in Acrobat or in Adobe Designer. I n addit ion t o t he basic t ype, you can build st at ic, dynam ic, and int eract ive form s. Each t ype has different charact erist ics: An int eract ive form can be filled out online using eit her Acrobat or Adobe Reader 7. I nt eract ive form s can cont ain but t ons for com m on act ivit ies like print ing or saving dat a t o a file. A st at ic form , as t he nam e suggest , displays t he sam e layout regardless of how m uch dat a you ent er int o it fields don't change size t o accom m odat e t heir cont ent s. St at ic form s are used wit h Form Server, an Adobe server product , t o m erge t he form wit h dat a. A dynam ic form can change it s configurat ion and layout according t o how m uch dat a is added t o it , and is also used in conj unct ion wit h Form Server t o m erge t he form and dat a. I n addit ion, a dynam ic form can be int eract ive.

    4 . The opt ions on t he Ret urn I nform at ion pane reflect t he choice you m ade in t he Ret urn Met hod pane. This exam ple uses t he opt ion t hat allows users t o bot h t ransm it inform at ion and also print t he form . Type an em ail address on t his pane (Figu r e 7 2 d) and click Finish.

    Figu r e 7 2 d. I f you ch oose a n opt ion t h a t a u t om a t ica lly r e t u r n s t h e for m da t a t o you by e m a il, t ype a n e m a il a ddr e ss in t h is pa n e of t h e w iza r d.

    5 . The New Form Assist ant closes and t he form displays in t he program window in t he Body Pages view ( Figu r e 7 2 e ) . Choose File > Save and save t he form . Alt ernat ively, you can save t he form in different form at s. Choose File > Save As and choose a form t ype from t he Save as t ype pull- down list.

    Figu r e 7 2 e . You r n e w for m ope n s in Adobe D e sign e r 7 in t h e de fa u lt w or k in g vie w , ca lle d t h e Body Pa ge s vie w .

    TIP 73: Customizing a Form in Adobe Designer 7 Adobe Designer 7 is a wonderfully com plex program wit h all t he feat ures you could possibly want for building and configuring form s. I n t his t ip, I 'll m ent ion som e of t hose feat ures as we m ake a very brief and int roduct ory t our around t he form creat ed using a t em plat e, described in t he previous t ip.

    Where Do I Start? Adobe Designer 7 provides som e t ut orials you can use t o learn how t o work wit h t he t ools and configurat ion opt ions. Choose Help > Get t ing St art ed t o open t he Help files and display t he Quick St art Tut orials m enu.

    The default working view is t he Body Pages view, and includes grid lines. You can t oggle t hem on and off by clicking t he Show Grid but t on


    Use t he cont rols in t he St andard t oolbar t o change page view and zoom opt ions . These t ools look and work t he sam e as t hose found in Acrobat 7. Click an exist ing form field on t he Body Pages view t o m ake it act ive ( Figu r e 7 3 a ) . The field is surrounded by a hat ched line. When you act ivat e a field, inform at ion about t he field is displayed in t he st at us bar at t he bot t om of t he program window.

    Figu r e 7 3 a . Click a fie ld t o se le ct it a n d displa y it s in for m a t ion in t h e pr ogr a m .

    I nform at ion about t he select ed field is also displayed in t he Field t ab of t he Obj ect palet t e, docked at t he right side of t he program window by default . You can click t he pull- down arrow and choose a different t ype of field from t he list ( Figu r e 7 3 b) .

    Figu r e 7 3 b. Ch oose a t ype of for m fie ld fr om t h is pu ll- dow n list .

    Ever-Expanding Text Fields A dynam ic form can cont ain dynam ic t ext fields t hat grow according t o t he am ount of t ext you t ype int o t hem . When t he t ext exceeds t he default size of t he field, scroll bars display. The field m ay ext end across t wo pages of a form . I f you want t o add m ore inform at ion t o t he field, click t he field on eit her pageall t he t ext is act ivat ed. All t he palet t es include a More but t on Help m enu.

    click t o choose opt ions t o hide t he palet t e or open t he

    To see how your docum ent looks as a PDF, click t he PDF Preview t ab at t he t op of t he workspace t o t oggle t he view. I n t his view t he cont ent s are added t o t he fields as well. For exam ple, click a pull- down arrow on a list form field t o see t he cont ent s added by t he t em plat e ( Figu r e 7 3 c) . Click t he Body Pages t ab t o ret urn t o t he default working view.

    Figu r e 7 3 c. You ca n se e t h e de t a ils of t h e for m fie ld in t h e PD F vie w ; in

    t h is e x a m ple t h e t e m pla t e a dde d t ype s of le a ve s t o t h e pu ll- dow n list for m fie ld.

    Click t he Hierarchy t ab docked at t he left of t he program window t o display t he cont ent s of t he form according t o it s st ruct ure. Open and close Header and Body labels t o see t he cont ent s; click a field in t he list ing t o display it on t he Body Pages view ( Figu r e 7 3 d) .

    Figu r e 7 3 d. Tr a ck t h e con t e n t of you r for m u sin g t h e e n t r ie s in t h e H ie r a r ch y t a b. I n t h e figu r e , t h e t e x t fie ld t x t Em pN a m e is a ct ive bot h in t h e H ie r a r ch y t a b a n d on t h e Body Pa ge s vie w . [View full size image]

    What About Barcodes? I f you design a form t hat cont ains barcodes, your users can't add inform at ion t o t he fields. I nst ead, use an int eract ive barcode field so t he com ponent s of t he barcode change t o encrypt t he dat a ent ered in ot her fields. A paper form barcode is creat ed using it s own special field, and saves t im e ordinarily spent on m anual dat a ent ry. To use paper form barcodes, you m ust use t he Adobe Paper Form s Solut ion, an ent erprise- level server product . Delet e fields on t he form by select ing t hem and pressing t he Delet e key. To m ove a field, drag it int o it s new posit ion ( Figu r e 7 3 e ) . You can resize a field as well by dragging from a corner. When you m ove an obj ect , use t he Snap t o Grid t ool

    on t he St andard t oolbar for easy alignm ent .

    Figu r e 7 3 e . Re posit ion a fie ld by dr a ggin g it . As you m ove , t h e obj e ct 's posit ion displa ys in a t ool t ip.

    Replace cont ent in a field, such as t he default im age added by t he t em plat e. Click t he obj ect on t he Body Pages t o select it ; t he Draw t ab in t he Obj ect palet t e is act ivat ed ( Figu r e 7 3 f ) . Click t he Folder icon t o open a dialog, locat e and select t he im age you want t o use, and click Open. The im age is replaced at t he size defined by t he t em plat e. You can choose several sizing opt ions, as shown in t he figure.

    Figu r e 7 3 f. Loca t e a n d se t opt ion s for im a ge s in t h is t a b of t h e Obj e ct pa le t t e .

    As you are learning t o work wit h Adobe Designer 7, be sure t o keep t he How To palet t e act ive; t his t ab is docked at t he lower right of t he program window ( Figu r e 7 3 g) . Click a More I nfo link in t he default display in t he t ab, or click t he Choose a t opic pull- down arrow and select an opt ion from t he list.

    Figu r e 7 3 g. Ke e p t h e H ow To pa le t t e a ct ive a s you a r e le a r n in g h ow t o u se t h e pr ogr a m .

    Chapter NINE. Transforming a PDF Document Acrobat 7 Professional isn't a docum ent - edit ing program . Alt hough you can convert cont ent from spreadsheet s, word processing, im age edit ing, and ot her t ypes of program s, Acrobat isn't m eant t o do ext ensive edit ing of t he docum ent 's cont ent . I nst ead, Acrobat offers a num ber of t ools you can use t o m anipulat e t he cont ent of a docum ent , such as com bining elem ent s from various docum ent s, as discussed in t he t ips in Chapt er 4. Using Acrobat as a cont rolling m echanism , you com bine docum ent s and add pages from ot her docum ent s and ot her sources. You can com bine and m anipulat e t he cont ent s of a single docum ent or a binder creat ed from several PDF docum ent s by subst it ut ing pages from one docum ent for t hose in anot her in a num ber of ways, or changing t he orient at ion and size of t he pages.

    TIP 74: Deleting and Inserting Pages Som et im es when you com bine cont ent from several docum ent s, you have pages of inform at ion you don't need. You can easily delet e a single page or a group of pages. Alt hough you can com bine several docum ent s int o a single PDF file called a binder, you don't have t o com bine com plet e docum ent s.

    Adding Document Pages I f you choose a PDF docum ent , t he pages are added im m ediat ely. I f you choose anot her t ype of file, t he docum ent is convert ed t o PDF before t he page is insert ed int o your docum ent . This is a great t im e- saver, since you don't have t o reopen t he docum ent 's source program and t he file, convert t o PDF, and t hen ret urn t o Acrobat .

    To rem ove a page from a docum ent : 1 . Open your docum ent and click t he Pages t ab at t he left of t he screen t o display t he Pages pane. The pages are shown in sm all im ages, called t hum bnails. The first page is displayed in t he Docum ent pane. I n t he Pages pane, you can see t hat t he t hird t hum bnail is highlight ed and t hat a red box surrounds som e of t he page cont ent s ( Figu r e 7 4 a ) . This m eans t hat page 3 is showing in t he Docum ent pane, and t he visible port ion of t he page is out lined wit h t he red box.

    Figu r e 7 4 a . Th e docu m e n t 's pa ge s a r e sh ow n in t h e Pa ge s pa n e ; a pa ge vie w box in t h e t h u m bn a il in dica t e s w h a t con t e n t is displa ye d in t h e D ocu m e n t pa n e . [View full size image]

    2 . Select t he page you want t o rem ove by clicking it s t hum bnail in t he Pages pane. The t hum bnail is highlight ed, and t he page displays in t he Docum ent pane.

    Power Deleting I nst ead of using com m ands t o delet e m ult iple pages, use t he t hum bnails and keyboard keys. Click t he t hum bnail of t he page you want t o delet e; hold t he Shift key and click m ult iple pages t o select t hem , and t hen press Delet e on t he keyboard. The confirm at ion dialog opens asking if you really want t o delet e t he pages. Click OK and t he pages are gone. 3 . Delet e t he select ed page: click t he Opt ions m enu in t he Pages pane and select Delet e Pages or choose Docum ent > Delet e Pages. The Delet e Pages dialog opens ( Figu r e 7 4 b) .

    Figu r e 7 4 b. Se le ct a n opt ion for de le t in g a pa ge or pa ge s.

    4 . The default opt ion is t o delet e t he select ed page. I f you prefer, you can click t he From opt ion and ent er t he range of page num bers you want t o delet e, and t hen click OK. 5 . A confirm at ion dialog opens; click OK t o confirm t he page delet ion. The dialog closes, and Acrobat delet es t he page or pages from your docum ent .

    I nsert ing pages is alm ost as sim ple as delet ing t hem . You can quickly add part icular pages t o a docum ent using t he Pages pane: 1 . I n t he Pages pane, click t he page before t he locat ion where you want t o insert addit ional pages. 2 . I n t he Pages pane, choose Opt ions > I nsert Pages, or choose Docum ent > I nsert Pages from t he m ain m enu. The Select File To I nsert dialog opens. Locat e t he file you want t o use and click Select . The dialog closes, and t he I nsert Pages dialog opens ( Figu r e 7 4 c) .

    Figu r e 7 4 c. I f you se le ct t h e pa ge t h u m bn a il, t h e Pa ge opt ion is a lr e a dy e n a ble d w h e n you ope n t h e dia log. Th e n e w docu m e n t pa ge w ill be a dde d a t t h e loca t ion you spe cify, in t h is ca se , a ft e r pa ge 2 .

    Insert Pages in Front Som et im es you need t o insert a new page before an exist ing page in your docum ent . For exam ple, you m ay need t o add a cover page t o a cat alog or m arket ing brochure. I n t he I nsert Pages dialog box, sim ply click t he Locat ion pull- down list and choose Before, t hen click OK t o close t he dialog. Acrobat adds t he page t o your docum ent precisely where you want it . 3 . Specify t he locat ion where you want t o add t he docum ent . The default is Aft er; because I select ed a page before opening t he dialog, t he Page radio but t on is aut om at ically select ed and 2 appears in t he t ext box. The page will be insert ed aft er page 2. 4 . Click OK t o close t he I nsert Pages dialog. Acrobat adds t he page t o your docum ent .

    TIP 75: Extracting Content Suppose you have a m ult ipage docum ent and you want t o rem ove a part of it for anot her purpose, such as com bining it wit h ot her inform at ion for anot her docum ent . I n t his t ip, I 'll explain how t o separat e, or ext ract , a port ion of a docum ent .

    Let's Have Some Order You can readily ext ract several nonconsecut ive pages from t he sam e docum ent . First , group t hem t oget her. I n t he Pages pane's t hum bnails view, click and drag t he pages you want t o ext ract unt il t hey are in sequence. Click t he t hum bnail of t he first page you want t o m ove t o select it , and t hen drag it up or down t o t he appropriat e locat ion. A solid line appears above a t hum bnail as you drag up or down. As t he page is m oved, a solid line shows where it will relocat e if you release t he m ouse. Once t he cont ent is ext ract ed, ret urn t he original docum ent t o it s init ial order. Choose File > Revert t o open t he dialog. Click Revert t o ret urn t o where you st art ed before t he ext ract ion, wit h t he pages in t heir original order. For a docum ent wit h only a few pages, reordering t hem is a quick and convenient way t o assem ble t he pages for ext ract ion. For a very large docum ent , it would be sim pler t o ext ract groups of pages and t hen recom bine t hem int o one new docum ent .

    To ext ract a single page or a group of consecut ive pages, first select t he t hum bnail( s) in t he Pages pane. Then choose Ext ract Pages from t he Pages pane's Opt ions m enu, or choose Docum ent > Ext ract Pages. The Ext ract Pages dialog opens ( Figu r e 7 5 a ) . Because I select ed t he pages in t he Pages pane in t he sam ple, t he page num bers ( 46) already appear in t he dialog.

    Figu r e 7 5 a . Pr e se le ct e d pa ge t h u m bn a ils a r e list e d in t h e Ex t r a ct Pa ge s dia log w h e n it ope n s.

    Use t he opt ions t o m anage your docum ent s: Click Delet e Pages Aft er Ext ract ing if you want t o separat e t he cont ent from t he original docum ent perm anent ly. Click Ext ract Pages As Separat e Files if you want t o creat e individual PDF docum ent s from each page you select in t he dialog. Click OK t o close t he dialog. I f you chose t he opt ion Ext ract Pages As Separat e Files, a Browse for Folder dialog opens for you t o select t he locat ion t o st ore t he new docum ent ( s) . Acrobat ext ract s t he page( s) and creat es a new docum ent for each select ed page, aut om at ically saving t he docum ent in your specified folder. The docum ent is saved wit h t he page num ber appended t o it . For exam ple, if you ext ract ed pages 4- 6, t he new docum ent s are nam ed as shown in Figu r e 7 5 b.

    Figu r e 7 5 b. I f you e x t r a ct e a ch pa ge t o a se pa r a t e docu m e n t , t h e pa ge n u m be r fr om t h e or igin a l docu m e n t is a ppe n de d t o t h e n a m e .

    What's in a Name? Som et im es when working on large proj ect s I leave t he default " Pages from " nam es. I t helps t o organize cont ent , t he locat ion of som e docum ent s, and where t hey originat ed.

    I f you don't choose an ext ract ion opt ion, or choose t he Delet e Pages Aft er Ext ract ing opt ion, when you click OK t o close t he dialog box t he cont ent is processed and opened in Acrobat . As Figu r e 7 5 c shows, t he docum ent filenam e includes t he " Pages from " prefix. Save t he ext ract ed docum ent ; save t he original if you ext ract ed t he pages from it perm anent ly.

    Figu r e 7 5 c. Th e n e w docu m e n t is n a m e d a ccor din g t o it s sou r ce .

    Dialog or Drag and Drop? Here's a real t im esaving process t hat 's t errific for visual people. Rat her t han com bining docum ent cont ent t hrough dialogs, you can do it visually using t he Pages pane. Here's how: St art wit h t wo docum ent s, one t o which you want t o add pages ( t he recipient ) and t he ot her from which you're t aking pages ( t he donor) . Choose Window > Tile > Horizont ally t o display bot h docum ent s. Click t he Pages t ab on each docum ent t o show t he t hum bnails. Select t he page t hum bnails from t he donor docum ent 's Pages pane and drag t hem t o t he recipient docum ent 's Pages pane. Release t he m ouse when you are in t he right spot and t he j ob is done. Organize and arrange t he pages.

    You can readily display t he Pages panel from t wo, t hree, or even m ore docum ent s on t he screen and drag pages bet ween t he docum ent s. Visually com bining docum ent s works best when t he cont ent is visual. For exam ple, a long report t hat cont ains very lit t le except t ext is difficult t o work wit h if you're relying on t hum bnails. On t he ot her hand, if you are working wit h large im ages or slideshow pages, t he process works very well.

    TIP 76: Replacing Pages Say you have a PDF docum ent and realize you need t o do som e edit s t hat are sim pler t o m ake in t he source program , such as rewrit ing a block of t ext on a page or som e ot her non- Acrobat work. Aft er you m ake your changes and convert t he docum ent t o PDF, you can use t he Replace Pages dialog t o subst it ut e t he new page in your original PDF docum ent .

    Delete and Insert or Replace? What 's t he difference? I t depends on what else is on t he page. For exam ple, you m ay have a page wit h a large num ber of com m ent s, links, or form fields on it . I f you m erely insert ed an edit ed version of t he page and delet ed t he one you want t o rem ove, you'd lose all your com m ent s and links. When you use t he Replace com m and, Acrobat replaces t he underlying page, keeping t he overlying cont ent ( such as com m ent s, links, or form fields) unt ouched.

    I n Acrobat , open t he docum ent in which you want t o replace t he page. You work from t he Pages pane; click t o select t he t hum bnails for t he page or pages you want t o replace, or you can set t he pages in t he dialog. Choose Opt ions > Replace Pages from t he Pages pane's m enu. I n t he result ing browser dialog, locat e t he new PDF file and click Select . The dialog closes, and t he Replace Pages dialog opens ( Figu r e 7 6).

    Figu r e 7 6 . Spe cify t h e pa ge s t o r e pla ce in t h e or igin a l docu m e n t a s w e ll a s t h ose t o u se fr om t h e r e pla ce m e n t docu m e n t in t h e dia log.

    Specify t he page num bers in bot h t he Original and Replacem ent sect ions of t he dialog. I f you preselect ed t hum bnails in t he Pages pane t hey are shown when you open t he dialog. Click OK. When t he confirm at ion dialog opens, click Yes. The dialog closes and Acrobat replaces t he original page wit h t he new one.

    TIP 77: Cropping and Rotating Pages Acrobat let s you im port a docum ent in one layout and t hen cust om ize it s appearance. However, if you com bine several docum ent s from different sources, you m ay find discrepancies in t he page sizes or orient at ions. A neat feat ure in Acrobat is t he abilit y t o crop and rot at e pages t o get t hem looking j ust so.

    Special Crops I n addit ion t o cropping t he cont ent of a page overall, you can also specify special t ypes of cropping. I n t he Crop Pages dialog, click a radio but t on t o select a t rim , bleed, or art crop inst ead. Each opt ion displays a border around t he t hum bnail of t he page in t he dialog. Proceed wit h t he rest of t he cropping as described in t his t ip.

    I f you are cropping a single page, display it in t he Docum ent pane; if you are working wit h m ore t han one im age, select t heir t hum bnails in t he Pages pane. Choose Opt ions > Crop Pages from t he Pages pane. I f you're working from t he Docum ent pane, choose Docum ent > Pages > Crop. I f you happen t o have t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar open, click t he Crop t ool t o select it . Then click and drag t o draw a m arquee t he size of t he area you want t o crop on t he docum ent page. Double- click wit hin t he cropped area. The Crop Pages dialog opens. I f you opened t he dialog by using t he Crop t ool, t he area you drew on t he docum ent page is already shown in t he Crop Pages dialog. The page appears as a t hum bnail at t he t op right of t he Crop Pages dialog, and t he Crop radio but t on is select ed by default in t he Crop Margins area of t he dialog. Click t he Unit s pull- down list t o change t he m easurem ent used in t he cropping from t he default inches. Adj ust t he crop set t ings using t he four m argin fields ( Figu r e 7 7 a ) . As you change t he values, t he cropping out line in t he preview im age changes t o reflect t he new values. You can t ype values in t he fields, or use t he arrows t o adj ust t he set t ings. Check Const rain Proport ions t o crop t he page equally on all four sides.

    Figu r e 7 7 a . You ca n se e cr op m a r gin s in t h e sa m ple a s you spe cify t h e a m ou n t t o cr op in t h e Cr op Pa ge s dia log. [View full size image]

    Cropping Multiple Pages You can crop several pages at once. Select t he pages in t he Pages panet he files can be cont iguous or spread t hroughout t he docum ent . Once in t he Crop Pages dialog, you can see t he select ed pages list ed at t he bot t om in t he Page Range sect ion. I f you do t his, m ake sure t he cont ent of t he pages is laid out t he sam e.

    N ot e I f you are having a hard t im e defining a precise m argin, drag t he Crop Pages dialog out of t he way and you can see faint dot t ed lines overlaying t he page where t he crop m argins are set .

    Acrobat 7 also let s you change t he page size t o display t he cont ent s inst ead of cropping t he page ( Figu r e 7 7 b ) . Click t he Page Sizes pull- down arrow and choose from a wide variet y of page sizes; or select t he Cust om opt ion and t ype a specific size for t he page. I f you use a specified page size, t he crop set t ings are grayed out .

    Figu r e 7 7 b. I n st e a d of cr oppin g a pa ge , you ca n r e size t h e pa ge u sin g on e of n u m e r ou s pa ge size pr e se t s or u se a cu st om pa ge size .

    [View full size image]

    Finally, specify t he page range you wish t o crop. I f you preselect ed pages from t he Pages pane, t hey are ident ified in t he fields. You can also specify whet her t o crop all pages, only even pages, or only odd pages by choosing an opt ion from t he Apply t o pull- down list . Click OK t o close t he dialog, and Acrobat resizes t he page. You can see t he effect s of t he cropping in t he Docum ent pane, as well as in t he Pages pane's t hum bnails. Save t he docum ent t o preserve t he cropping. You can't undo a crop by choosing Edit > Undo or using t he short cut Ct rl+ Z or Com m and+ Z. I f you change your m ind aft er cropping, choose File > Revert t o ret urn t o t he uncropped version of t he docum ent . Change t he orient at ion of a docum ent so you don't have t o t urn your neck sideways t o read a rot at ed page. Select t he page in t he Pages pane. Choose Opt ions > Rot at e or Docum ent > Rot at e > Pages t o open t he Rot at e Pages dialog. Then choose a direct ion from t he Direct ion pull- down list ( Figu r e 7 7 c) .

    Figu r e 7 7 c. Ch oose a dir e ct ion for r ot a t in g t h e pa ge .

    Select a Page Range opt ion. I f you preselect ed a page or pages in t he Pages pane before opening t he dialog, t he Select ion opt ion is aut om at ically act ive. You can choose pages wit hin a select ion according t o

    orient at ion and posit ion. Click t he pull- down list and choose eit her odd or even pages; click t he lower pulldown list t o specify port rait or landscape orient at ion. Click OK, t he dialog closes, and Acrobat rot at es t he page.

    TIP: 78 Configuring the Pages Pane The default layout of t he Pages pane displays a single colum n of sm all t hum bnail pict ures of t he pages. The default is fine for m ost kinds of work when you have a docum ent consist ing of several pages. However, when working wit h a very large docum ent , you m ight want t o m ake t he t hum bnails sm aller and increase t he num ber of t hum bnail colum ns t o see m ore at once. I f you have t o be able t o see t he cont ent of t he t hum bnails, you'll want t o increase t heir size.

    Managing Thumbnails You can choose t o em bed or unem bed t hum bnails. Which is best ? Em bedded t hum bnails add t o a file's size. On t he ot her hand, if you em bed t he t hum bnails when you're working wit h large docum ent s, opening, closing, resizing, and scrolling t hrough t he Pages pane is m uch speedier. Em bed t hum bnails from t he Pages pane by choosing Opt ions > Em bed All Page Thum bnails; unem bed by choosing Opt ions > Rem ove Em bedded Page Thum bnails. Be careful when using em bedded t hum bnails. Alt hough t hey give you an inst ant view of t he pages, changes you m ake t o your pages are not updat ed in em bedded t hum bnails. To display t he t hum bnails wit h your changes, you have t o unem bed t he old ones first and t hen reem bed t he edit ed ones.

    To increase or decrease t he size of t hum bnails, choose Opt ions > Enlarge ( or Reduce) Page Thum bnails. Use a t hum bnail size t hat is m eaningful. I n Figu r e 7 8 , t he t hum bnails are set t o t he sm allest size availableso sm all t hat t hey are of lim it ed reference value. Conversely, you can enlarge t hum bnails t o t he size of t he Docum ent pane, but t hat pret t y m uch defeat s t he purpose.

    Figu r e 7 8 . You ca n ch a n ge t h e size of pa ge t h u m bn a ils in t h e Pa ge s pa n e . Th e se t h u m bn a ils a r e t oo sm a ll for you t o se e t h e ir con t e n t , bu t you ca n look a t va r iou s pa ge size s a n d or ie n t a t ion s.

    Resize t he Pages pane t o see your t hum bnails if necessary. Move t he point er over t he right m argin of t he panel. When it changes t o a double- ended arrow and vert ical bars, click and drag t o t he left or right t o adj ust t he size of t he pane.

    Bigger or Smaller? Decrease t he size of t he t hum bnails when working wit h large docum ent s. This gives you a bet t er overview of t he cont ent and can reveal such problem s as irregular page sizes. I ncrease t he size of t he t hum bnails when working wit h im ages or slideshows. You can quickly sort t hrough, reorder, and change pages working from t he Pages pane when you see t he cont ent clearly.

    You can change t he display of t he page in t he Docum ent pane from t he Pages pane. Click and drag t he lower- right corner of t he page- view box displayed on t he page's t hum bnail t o increase or decrease it s size; increasing t he size shows m ore of t he page in t he Docum ent pane while decreasing t he m agnificat ion. Decreasing t he size shows less of t he page in t he Docum ent pane while increasing t he m agnificat ion. You can also drag t he page- view box around t he t hum bnail. The cont ent out lined by t he page- view box on

    t he t hum bnail is shown in t he Docum ent pane.

    Chapter TEN. Touching Up and Modifying a Document One of t he great est advant ages of working wit h docum ent s in Acrobat is t he abilit y t o com bine m at erial from a wide range of sources int o one docum ent . Bringing cont ent t oget her from a range of program s can produce a cohesive collect ion of inform at ion; using Acrobat 's t ouch- up and m odificat ion feat ures result s in a docum ent t hat is also visually int egrat ed. For exam ple, you can bring t oget her m at erial from a range of program s and t hen add page num bers, headers and foot ers, or backgrounds t o unify t he cont ent . Love t hat illust rat ion, or want t o quot e a block of t ext from an Acrobat docum ent ? I f t he securit y set t ings for a docum ent allow changes, you can reuse m ost of it s com ponent s ( such as t ext or im ages) in a PDF file. I n addit ion t o creat ing a cohesive- appearing docum ent , Acrobat offers a num ber of t ouch- up t ools you can use for m aking sim ple correct ions. You can adj ust t ext , im ages, reading order, and obj ect s right in Acrobat .

    TIP 79: Adding Page Numbers When you com bine pages for a proj ect , you end up wit h one docum ent . Page num bers are shown on t he st at us bar below t he docum ent in t he Docum ent pane and are num bered in logical ordert hat is, t he first page is page 1, t he second is page 2, and so on. Depending on t he size and purpose of t he docum ent , you oft en have t o renum ber pages, or even num ber pages in sequences.

    Numbering Nuggets Keep t hese t hings in m ind when num bering your m ast erwork: Whenever possible, rem ove visible page num bers from source m at erial before convert ing it t o a PDF. Using Acrobat - based page num bering is easier when t he pages cont ain no num bers t o conflict wit h t he num bers displayed on t he st at us bar or in t he Pages pane. Consider t he docum ent 's use. Many docum ent s need sim ple page num bering. However, if you are assem bling a t echnical m anual, you will likely use prefixes ident ifying cont ent based on chapt ers, syst em s, and so on. I f you are building a book st ruct ure, consider how t he book will look when print ed. Books use front m at t er like a t able of cont ent s and ot her int roduct ory m at erial t hat is num bered different ly from chapt er cont ent .

    I n a sam ple 18- page docum ent , I have several sect ions t hat I want t o num ber separat ely; each sect ion will st art wit h t ext and a let t er ( such as Sam ple A- ) , followed by page num bers. Sounds com plicat ed, doesn't it ? Acrobat can handle it . Here's what you do:

    1 . I n t he Pages pane, select t he pages for t he first sect ion ( I am using pages 35 in m y exam ple.) Choose Opt ions > Num ber Pages t o open t he Page Num bering dialog. The Select ed opt ion is already act ive because I select ed t he pages in t he Pages pane (Figu r e 7 9 a ) .

    Figu r e 7 9 a . Sa ve t im e in t h e dia log by pr e se le ct in g t h e pa ge s in t h e Pa ge s pa n e . Th e n u m be r s a r e a u t om a t ica lly de fin e d in t h e Pa ge N u m be r in g dia log.

    2 . Leave t he Begin new sect ion opt ion select ed in t he Num bering sect ion of t he dialog. Then click t he St yle pull- down list t o choose a page form at . As shown in Figure 79a, our exam ple uses num bers for t he page renum bering. 3 . Ent er a value in t he Prefix field, as well as punct uat ion if desired. The num bering st art s at " 1" by default , as shown in t he St art field. Click OK t o close t he dialog.

    Acrobat m odifies t he page num bers; as Figu r e 7 9 b shows, we now have pages Sam ple A- 1 t hrough Sam ple A- 3. The rem aining pages in t he docum ent are renum bered as well.

    Figu r e 7 9 b. You ca n ch oose a m on g se ve r a l pa ge - n u m be r in g for m a t s. [View full size image]

    I n t he st at us bar, t he page num bers reflect bot h t he page count as well as t he num bering you added ( Figu r e 7 9 c) .

    Figu r e 7 9 c. Th e st a t u s ba r displa ys bot h t h e logica l n u m be r in g a s w e ll a s t h e cu st om n u m be r s.

    TIP 80: Applying Headers and Footers Along wit h assigning page num bers t o docum ent s, you can add precise headers and foot ers t o t he pages. When adding t hem in Acrobat , you should avoid using source docum ent s wit h visible headers and foot ers t o prevent confusion. Let 's add som e foot er inform at ion, including cust om t ext , t o a sam ple docum ent :

    Modifying Headers & Footers To m odify headers or foot ers aft er you've applied t hem t o t he docum ent , choose Docum ent > Add Headers & Foot ers, t hen m ake t he changes. Be sure t he opt ion Replace exist ing headers and foot ers on t hese pages is checked. When you click OK t o close t he dialog, a popup dialog asks you t o confirm t he changes; click OK again and your headers and foot ers are m odified. I f you want t o delet e a header or foot er, open t he dialog, select t he t ext in t he t ext ent ry boxes, and delet e it ; t hen click OK t o close t he dialog. The header or foot er will disappear. You can also edit t he cont ent using t he TouchUp Text t ool ( covered in Tips 84 and 85 ) .

    1 . From t he m ain program m enu, choose Docum ent > Add Headers & Foot ers. The Add Headers & Foot ers dialog opens ( Figu r e 8 0 a ) . Headers and foot ers use individual t abs in t he dialog; each cont ains t he sam e opt ions. First , click t he Foot er t ab. At t he t op of t he dialog are t hree t ext ent ry boxes, which will hold t he cont ent t hat you want t o be left - j ust ified, cent ered, or right - j ust ified on t he docum ent page.

    Figu r e 8 0 a . Add cu st om h e a de r s a n d foot e r s t o a docu m e n t t o pr ovide a u n ifie d a ppe a r a n ce . [View full size image]

    2 . Choose t he font and font size from t he pull- down list s below t he header/ foot er cont ent boxes. You have t o preview t he page t o see font effect st hey aren't displayed in t he dialog.

    Fun with Headers & Footers Experim ent ing wit h headers and foot ers can be an int erest ing and useful way t o guide readers t hrough your docum ent . This book, for exam ple, displays eit her t he chapt er or t ip t it le in t he foot er, depending on t he page num ber. You can duplicat e t he sam e look in Acrobat . I n t he Add Headers & Foot ers dialog, ent er t he foot er inform at ion for t he right - hand, odd- num bered pages int o t he right - aligned field. Choose Odd Pages Only from t he Alt ernat ion list ing in t he Page Opt ions area of t he dialog and click OK t o apply. For t he left - hand pages, reopen t he dialog and repeat wit h t he even- num bered page inform at ion, choosing Even Pages Only from t he Alt ernat ion list ing, and ent ering t ext in t he left - aligned field. 3 . Make ent ries in t he I nsert fields as desired. The exam ple uses a dat e, page num bering, and cust om t ext , shown in Figure 80a. Before adding eit her an aut om at ic ent ry or cust om t ext , click t he t ext ent ry box where you want t o add t he cont ent on t he dialog:

    To insert t he dat e or page num bers, click t he St yle pull- down list under t he I nsert Dat e or

    I nsert Page Num ber opt ion, respect ively, choose a form at , and click I nsert . To add cust om t ext , click t he t ext ent ry box where you want t o add t he t ext ( left , cent er, or right ) and t ype. The final layout shows t he blocks of t ext in t he correct areas. To rem ove t ext , select it in t he t ext box and press t he Delet e key. 4 . I n t he Page Opt ions sect ion, m ake select ions as required for your docum ent . You can specify page ranges, page num bering and t he st art ing num ber t o use for page num bering, m argins, and whet her t o use even or odd pages only. To use a nonst andard value for t he m argin set t ings, t ype t he num ber in t he field. The value you set for t he t op m argin applies t o headers; t he bot t om m argin value applies t o foot ers. 5 . Click t he Preview but t on at t he bot t om of t he dialog t o see t he layout of t he foot er elem ent s in a popup Preview window. You can see t he select ed font and font as well if t he font size is large enough ( Figu r e 8 0 b) . Click OK t o close t he Preview window.

    Figu r e 8 0 b. Pr e vie w t h e pa ge be for e closin g t h e dia log. [View full size image]

    6 . Click OK t o close t he dialog and apply t he foot er. The cont ent and num bering are applied t o t he page in t he area specified.

    TIP 81: Adding Watermarks and Backgrounds A good way t o creat e a cohesive- appearing docum ent you have const ruct ed from m ult iple source docum ent s is t o use a wat erm ark or background. Wat erm arks overlay t he page cont ent ; backgrounds aret o st at e t he painfully obviousapplied t o t he background of t he page behind t he cont ent .

    Removing Backgrounds Acrobat is designed t o prot ect t he int egrit y of your docum ent , and once t he file is saved wit h t he background, you can't rem ove it . I f you aren't sure about t he background, or want t o use t he docum ent bot h wit h and wit hout a background or wat erm ark, save t he file wit h anot her nam e. There is a t ricky workaround for t he perm anent background. Follow t hese st eps: Open a blank docum ent in Word or som e ot her program and save it as a PDF. Open t he PDF file in Acrobat wit h t he undesired background. Choose Docum ent > Wat erm ark & Background t o open t he dialog. Click Browse, locat e t he blank PDF docum ent , and select it . Click OK t o close t he dialog. The blank page replaces t he background.

    I n t his t ip, we show you how t o apply and configure a graphic background, as well as a t ext wat erm ark. I t is im port ant t o plan ahead. Before you st art , creat e t he background cont ent and save it as a PDF file if you int end t o use an im age; if you are using t ext for a wat erm ark or background, you can creat e it right in t he dialoga t errific new feat ure in Acrobat 7. Open t he docum ent t o which you want t o apply t he background or wat erm ark. Our sam ple docum ent has seven pages, each cont aining one large im age. 1 . Choose Docum ent > Add Wat erm ark & Background t o open t he dialog shown in Figu r e 8 1 a .

    Figu r e 8 1 a . Add t e x t or gr a ph ic w a t e r m a r k s a n d ba ck gr ou n ds fr om t h e sa m e dia log. [View full size image]

    2 . Choose Add a Background or Add a Wat erm ark in t he Type area, and t hen specify where you want t he background or wat erm ark t o display ( it can be shown on screen and in print ) .

    Image Protection Do you have a need for dist ribut ing large num bers of im ages? And do you spend a great deal of t im e adding a wat erm ark t o t he im ages? Save yourself a whopping load of t im e by com bining t he cont ent int o a PDF docum ent and adding a wat erm ark t hrough Acrobat . Add t ext or use your wat erm arking im age and adj ust t he t ransparency. 3 . Click Browse t o select a source docum ent t o use for a graphic background or wat erm ark. I f t he docum ent has m ore t han one page, select t he page you want t o use (Figu r e 8 1 b) .

    Figu r e 8 1 b. Ch oose t h e t ype of con t e n t you w a n t t o a dd, a n d t h e n loca t e t h e PD F file you w a n t t o u se .

    4 . Select t he range of pages you want t o receive t he background or wat erm ark. 5 . Modify t he posit ion, appearance, and size of t he background or wat erm ark cont ent as desired. Then set t he horizont al and vert ical alignm ent s and rot at ion. Adj ust t he opacit y by using t he slider (Figu r e 8 1 c) .

    Figu r e 8 1 c. Adj u st t h e loca t ion a n d a ppe a r a n ce of t h e t e x t on t h e pa ge .

    6 . Check your adj ust m ent s in t he Preview area. When you are sat isfied wit h t he result s, click OK t o close t he dialog and apply t he background or wat erm ark.

    Pages Here and Pages There I f you want t o apply t he background t o pages t hat are scat t ered t hroughout a docum ent , arrange t hem in t he Pages pane in a cont inuous sequence before opening t he Add Wat erm ark & Background dialog. Or you can reapply t he com m and several t im es t o apply t he background t hroughout t he docum ent . I f you have one page in part icular t hat you aren't sure about , m ove t hat page t o t he st art of t he docum ent . I n t he Add Wat erm ark & Background dialog, t he first page is shown in t he preview area.

    You can add bot h a background and a wat erm ark t o t he sam e docum ent . I n t he sam e exam ple, I have added bot h a graphic background and a t ext wat erm ark. 1 . I n t he Add Wat erm ark & Background dialog, select t he Add a Wat erm ark radio but t on. 2 . Then click t he From t ext radio but t on in t he Source area of t he dialog ( Figu r e 8 1 d) .

    Figu r e 8 1 d. You ca n a dd bot h a w a t e r m a r k a n d a ba ck gr ou n d t o t h e sa m e docu m e n t . [View full size image]

    3 . Type t he t ext t o use for t he wat erm ark in t he t ext field. 4 . Choose font and color charact erist ics, and adj ust t he t ext locat ion as required. 5 . When t he t ext is j ust right , as shown in t he preview area of Figure 81d, click OK t o close t he dialog and apply t he wat erm ark.

    TIP 82: Selecting Text in a PDF I f you need t o reuse cont ent on a PDF docum ent , but you didn't creat e it and you can't get a copy of t he source docum ent , you can use Acrobat 's t ools t o select and repurpose t he cont ent . Som et im es you'll want t o com bine pieces from several PDFs int o a single docum ent , in which case it 's m uch m ore efficient t o work wit h t he PDF files rat her t han t he source m at erial.

    Master of the Mouse… and the Keyboard The m ore you click, t he m ore you select : Double- click a word t o select it . Triple- click t o select a line of t ext . Quadruple- click t o select all t he t ext on a page. To add t ext let t er by let t er, press Shift and an arrow key in t he direct ion you want t o add t ext ( for exam ple, t o add t ext at t he end of a select ion, press t he right arrow key) . To speed t hings up a bit and add t ext one word at a t im e, press Shift - Ct rl or Shift + Com m and and t he arrow key. The select ion doesn't st op at t he end of a line but cont inues at t he st art of t he next line.

    Acrobat provides a single Select t ool t hat behaves different ly depending on what you are select ing on a docum ent . Acrobat provides a single Select t ool t hat behaves different ly depending on what you're select ing on a docum ent . You don't even have t o change t ools t o select different t ypes of cont ent ! The Select t ool

    is locat ed on t he Basic t oolbar.

    You use t his t ool t o select t ext , im ages, and t ables. I n addit ion t o t he t ool being dynam ic and changing depending on t he obj ect over which it is placed, it also provides a sm all pop- up m enu of opt ions you can select , again reflect ing t he t ype of obj ect . I n t his t ip we'll learn how t o select t ext . Read about select ing im ages in t he following t ip; select ing t ables is described lat er in Tip 86.

    N ot e Don't confuse t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar wit h t he Select Obj ect t ool locat ed on t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar. The Select Obj ect t ool select s it em s like links and form fields.

    Follow t hese st eps t o select t ext :

    1 . Click t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar t o m ake it act ive and t hen click and drag over som e of t he t ext you want t o select . The t ext is highlight ed in gray, and sm all arrows display at t he upper left and lower right of t he select ion ( Figu r e 8 2 a ) .

    Figu r e 8 2 a . Gr ow or sh r in k a t e x t se le ct ion u sin g t h e a r r ow h a n dle s.

    N ot e I f you prefer precise select ions, click t he t ext where you want t he select ion t o st art , and t hen Shift - click where you want t he select ion t o end; t he t ext bet ween t he t wo point s is select ed.

    I Want It All… I f you want t o select all t he t ext in a docum ent , select a word or paragraph wit h t he Select t ool, t hen right - click ( Cont rol- click on a Mac) and choose Select All Text from t he short cut m enu. 2 . Click and drag eit her arrow t o add t ext t o t he select ion. Hold t he point er over t he select ed t ext for a couple of seconds unt il t he Select Text icon displays ( Figu r e 8 2 b) .

    Figu r e 8 2 b. H old t h e poin t e r ove r t h e se le ct e d t e x t for a cou ple of se con ds a n d t h e Se le ct Te x t icon displa ys ove r t h e t e x t .

    3 . Now m ove t he point er over t he icon t o display t he m enu list ing opt ions you can choose depending on t he cont ent select ed (Figu r e 8 2 c) . For general use, click Copy t o Clipboard

    Figu r e 8 2 c. Ch oose fr om t h e t w o de fa u lt t e x t se le ct ion opt ion s.

    4 . Open t he docum ent you want t o add t he t ext t o and past e it in place.

    The Select t ool is also great for select ing precise words and phrases t o use for links ( discussed in Chapt er 12 ) and bookm arks ( discussed in Chapt er 13) .

    Copy That The bet t er you underst and som e of t he int ricacies of t ext select ion, t he fast er you can get your work done. Here are som e t ips: Choose Edit > Preferences > General ( on a Mac, Acrobat > Preferences > General) and click Enable t ext select ion for t he Hand t ool. This way when you hold t he point er over t ext in a docum ent it aut om at ically works as t he Select t ool. There is a difference in how t he select ion process works depending on whet her you enable t he Hand t ool for t ext select ion: I f you have t he preference set , when you pause t he point er over som e t ext , it changes t o t he Select t ool and you can drag t o select t ext . I f you are copying and past ing t ext and int end t o send it on t o ot hers, be aware t hat unless t he recipient 's com put er has t he sam e font it can't be preserved. Acrobat subst it ut es t he closest m at ch. When a docum ent is t agged, you can use t he Copy Wit h Form at t ing opt ion. This opt ion is especially useful if your docum ent cont ains colum ns. Select ing t ext on t wo pages? And irrit at ed because t he foot er t ext is included? Check t he docum ent 's t ags. I n a correct ly t agged docum ent , foot er t ext uses a different t ag. I f t he t ext isn't behaving as t ext , m aybe it isn't . Scanned t ext t hat hasn't been capt ured behaves like an im age. To learn m ore about scanning, see Tip 34 in Chapt er 4; capt uring t ext is covered in Chapt er 17, Tip 139 I f you can't copy t ext , check t o see if t he docum ent has securit y set t ings. The aut hor m ay have specified t hat copying is rest rict ed.

    TIP 83: Reusing Images You can reuse individual im ages from a docum ent if perm ission is given by t he docum ent aut hor. Begin by clicking t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar. The Select t ool aut om at ically changes t o an arrow when t he point er is held over an im age. Then, click t o select t he im age, which is highlight ed. I f you want only a port ion of t he im age copied, drag a m arquee wit h t he Select t ool.

    Out of the Way, Please I f you are t rying t o select an im age on a docum ent t hat has overlying t ext , you could be in for som e serious frust rat ion unless you change one of t he preferences. By default , t he General Preferences include a set t ing t o select t ext before im ages. Choose Edit > Preferences > General ( on a Mac, Acrobat > Preferences > General) and check select I m ages Before Text from t he Select Tool Opt ions pull- down list .

    When you release t he m ouse, t he area you surrounded by t he m arquee is highlight ed. Wait a second or t wo, and t he Select I m age icon displays on t op of t he select ed im age ( Figu r e 8 3 a ) .

    Figu r e 8 3 a . Se le ct a n im a ge on t h e docu m e n t ; w h e n you h old t h e poin t e r ove r t h e se le ct ion t h e Se le ct I m a ge icon displa ys ove r t h e im a ge .

    Move your point er over t he icon and t he m enu opens. The only opt ion available for a select ed im age is t o copy it t o t he clipboard (Figu r e 8 3 b) .

    Figu r e 8 3 b. Click t h e m e n u opt ion t o copy t h e im a ge t o t h e Clipboa r d

    Click out side t he select ed im age or click anot her t ool t o deselect an im age. Once you have t he im age or im age segm ent copied, you can reuse it . You can also save t he im age as a file. Select t he im age in t he docum ent , and t hen right - click t o open t he short cut m enu. Choose Save I m age As, nam e t he im age, and specify t he save locat ion. What if you want t o reuse som e of t he cont ent on a page t hat cont ains bot h t ext and graphics? You can copy and past e each elem ent separat ely, or you can use t he snazzy Snapshot t ool. Here's how: 1. Select t he Snapshot

    t ool on t he Basic t oolbar.

    2 . Select t he cont ent from t he page:

    Click anywhere on t he docum ent t o capt ure t he visible cont ent on t he Docum ent pane. Drag a m arquee around a port ion of t he page. Drag a m arquee around a port ion of an im age on t he page (Figu r e 8 3 c) .

    Figu r e 8 3 c. Usin g t h e Sn a psh ot t ool, you ca n dr a g a m a r qu e e t o se le ct a por t ion of t h e im a ge .

    Drag and Drop Shot You don't have t o m ess around wit h copying and past ing when you're m oving im ages. Open t he recipient docum ent next t o t he docum ent wit h t he im age and arrange t he docum ent s on t he screen. Then, select t he im age in t he PDF docum ent and drag it t o t he ot her docum ent . You see a flash as t he im age's colors are invert ed wit hin t he m arquee and t he cont ent is capt ured. The select ed area is surrounded by a dashed line unt il you deselect t he t ool or select anot her t ool. 3 . An inform at ion dialog appears t elling you t hat t he cont ent has been copied t o t he clipboard. Click OK.

    N ot e The inform at ion dialog isn't som et hing you really need t o see m ore t han once. Fort unat ely, t he dialog includes a check box t hat you can click t o hide t he m essage. Go ahead. Click it . 4 . Past e t he clipboard cont ent wherever you need it , or use it t o creat e a new PDF docum ent .

    Snapshot? Maybe Not I f you need t o m odify or index t he t ext you're copying, don't use t he Snapshot t ool; use t he Select t ool inst ead. Cont ent copied wit h t he Snapshot t ool creat es a graphic, unedit able im age of what ever it capt ures, whet her it 's im ages or t ext .

    TIP 84: Editing Text in a PDF Here's a com m on scenario: You send deluxe inform at ion packages in PDF form at t o a select few client s. To cust om ize t he packages wit h t he recipient s' nam es, you could generat e m ult iple source docum ent s. But do you have t o m ake separat e PDF files for each client ? Or suppose you publish a cat alog and want t o m aint ain a current dat e on t he cat alog whenever you send it t o your prospect ive client s. Do you have t o re- creat e t he PDF each t im e you need t o m odify t he dat e?

    Consider the Source Som et im es t he t ouch- up result s aren't what you expect . I t isn't Acrobat 's fault ; it 's relat ed t o what you used in t he source program . For exam ple, m any Word docum ent s cont ain bold or it alic t ext . Or so it appears. I n realit y t his is probably j ust a bold or it alic t ext appearance. Unless you are using a bold or it alic font ( Arial Bold or Arial I t alic, for exam ple) , when you t ry t o t ouch up t ext in Acrobat you won't have an exact m at ch for t he replacem ent font since Acrobat doesn't sim ulat e a bold or it alic appearance. The solut ion is sim ple. Before convert ing a docum ent t o PDF, check t he font s you are using. I f t he font s and font faces you use are em bedded and subset , you can predict ably m ake changes t o t he t ext in Acrobat . Font em bedding and subset t ing are covered in Tip 48, in Chapt er 6.

    No and no. You can easily t weak t he t ext in Acrobat using t he TouchUp Text t ool, hidden in t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar. Choose Tools > Advanced Edit ing > Show Advanced Edit ing Toolbar. You can click t he pull- down arrow t o t he right of t he displayed TouchUp t ool t o open t he TouchUp t oolbar if you like. Bot h t oolbars and t he pull- down m enu are shown in Figu r e 8 4 a .

    Figu r e 8 4 a . Ope n t h e Adva n ce d Edit in g t oolba r t o fin d t h e Tou ch Up Te x t t ool a n d t h e Tou ch Up t oolba r .

    Select t he TouchUp Text t ool from t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar or t he TouchUp t oolbar and click t he t ool wit hin t he t ext you want t o edit . The paragraph is surrounded by a bounding box. Drag t he I - beam

    point er t o select all or part of t he paragraph, or posit ion t he I - beam wit hin t he t ext you want t o edit ( Figu r e 8 4 b) .

    Figu r e 8 4 b. Th e block of t e x t is ide n t ifie d by a bou n din g box . Se le ct a ll or pa r t of t h e t e x t w it h in t h e bou n din g box .

    I f you need t o select an ent ire paragraph, inst ead of dragging t he cursor choose Edit > Select All t o select all t he t ext in t he bounding box, or use t he short cut keys Ct rl+ A or Com m and+ A. Type t he replacem ent t ext or add new t ext at t he posit ion of t he I - beam point er. Click out side t he highlight ed area t o deselect t he t ext .

    Gimme a Break! Adding new t ext t o an exist ing paragraph is all well and good, and adding ext ra lines of t ext is fine t oo, but what happens if t he line of t ext grows t oo wide for t he page's layout ? I n previous versions of Acrobat you had t o add one line of t ext at a t im e. Well, Acrobat 7's TouchUp Text t ool handles t his t ricky layout problem wit h panache. I n addit ion t o adding t ext , you can also add line breaks. Click t he locat ion on t he t ext block where you want it t o break, and t hen right - click or Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu. Click I nsert > Line Break. Then press Ent er or Ret urn t o wrap t he t ext t o t he next line. Check out Tip 87 on using t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool t o see how t o m ake t he reform at t ed paragraph fit . You can use t he sam e m et hod t o insert ot her it em s, including soft hyphens, nonbreaking spaces, and em dashes.

    I n addit ion t o t ouching up exist ing t ext in a docum ent , you can add new t ext using t he TouchUp Text t ool. Wit h t he TouchUp Text t ool act ive, Ct rl- click/ Opt ion- click wit hin t he docum ent where you want t o add t he t ext . The New Text Font dialog opens wit h t he default opt ions: Arial t ext and horizont al writ ing m ode. Select t he font and writ ing m ode ( horizont al or vert ical) , and click OK ( Figu r e 8 4 c) .

    Figu r e 8 4 c. Se le ct t h e de sir e d fon t a n d w r it in g m ode for you r in se r t e d t e x t .

    N ot e I f you select a vert ical writ ing m ode ( shown in t he dialog in Figure 84c) and t he font doesn't writ e vert ically, you'll get an error m essage t hat t he request ed font wit h t he request ed writ ing m ode doesn't exist in your syst em . Click OK t o dism iss t he dialog. You have t wo choices: Eit her use t he font horizont ally or find anot her font t hat can be used vert ically.

    The default t ext " New Text " displays on t he page. Select it , and t hen t ype t he new t ext ( Figu r e 8 4 d) . Click out side t he new line of t ext t o finish t he process. The t ext is de- select ed and t he new line of t ext is com plet e.

    Figu r e 8 4 d. You r t e x t a ppe a r s j u st a s you spe cifie d.

    TIP 85: Modifying Text Attributes You can m odify propert ies of new t ext as well as t ext already in t he docum ent , including: Font and font size Fill and st roke opt ions Font em bedding and subset t ing Spacing bet ween words and charact ers Baseline adj ust m ent s

    Editing Text Som et im es it 's sim pler t o m odify a source docum ent t han it is t o edit t ext on t he PDF docum ent . But for sm all or sim ple t ext changes, you can work in Acrobat . Acrobat offers t hree different t ools t o work wit h t ext . Use t he Select Text t ool t o select t ext for copying and past ing int o anot her docum ent . On t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar, use t he TouchUp Text t ool t o m odify and edit t ext , or t o add new t ext t o a page. You can also use t he Text Box t ool on t he Advanced Com m ent ing t oolbar, discussed in Chapt er 14.

    Wit h t he TouchUp Text t ool, first click t he row of t ext or select t he words or charact ers you want t o edit . Then right - click/ Cont rol- click t he t ext t o open t he short cut m enu and choose Propert ies. The TouchUp Propert ies dialog opens (Figu r e 8 5 a ) .

    Figu r e 8 5 a . Ch a n ge t h e pr ope r t ie s of t h e t e x t in t h e Tou ch Up Pr ope r t ie s dia log.

    Click t he Font pull- down list and choose a font if necessary. The font s used in t he docum ent appear first ; ot her font s on your syst em are list ed below a blank space ( Figu r e 8 5 b) .

    Figu r e 8 5 b. Ch oose a fon t fr om t h e Tou ch Up Pr ope r t ie s dia log.

    The Look of Letters I t can be great fun t o experim ent wit h t he t ext at t ribut es and change t he way your t ext looks, but be aware of how you are changing t he effect of your docum ent . As professional page designers know, t he appearance of t he t ext influences readers alm ost as m uch as t he cont ent it self. Font s com m unicat e m essages, and even som et hing as subt le as charact er spacing can give a different feel t han you int ended. Wild changes like adding st rokes and fill colors t o your t ext can t ilt a docum ent on it s earwhich m ay be j ust what you are looking for.

    Adj ust ot her t ext at t ribut es as desired and as t he font 's at t ribut es allow, shown in Figure 85a. As you m ake adj ust m ent s, t he changes are aut om at ically previewed in t he select ed t ext . Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog and apply t he set t ings.

    TIP 86: Reusing Table Information Tables are not generally considered excit ing, alt hough t hey are an im port ant and necessary part of business docum ent s. Unt il Acrobat 6 it was difficult t o deal wit h t ables in PDFs; Acrobat 6 included a Select Table t ool, and Acrobat 7 t akes your t able m anipulat ion capabilit ies t o new height s.

    Why a Table Is a Table Spreadsheet program s are designed using a st ruct ure called com m a- separat ed values ( CSV) . Export ing t he cont ent from t he t able using t he CSV process past es t he cont ent from a cell locat ion in t he Acrobat t able t o t he equivalent locat ion in t he spreadsheet .

    Suppose you have a PDF docum ent cont aining t ables, and you need t o use t he t able inform at ion but don't have t he original source file. Or suppose you want t o cut a t able out of a PDF docum ent t o use as a separat e PDF file. I n earlier versions of Acrobat , t he only way t o reuse t able dat a was t o export t he cont ent as a rich t ext form at ( RTF) file, and t hen reassem ble and rest ruct ure t he t able in Microsoft Word or Excel. How you select t able inform at ion differs depending on whet her or not t he docum ent is t agged. I n t his t ip, you see how t o work wit h an unt agged docum ent . Read about t agged docum ent s in t his t ip's sidebar.

    Tag It I f your docum ent is t agged and you m erely want t o copy and past e a t able, don't spend t im e select ing t ools, select ing t ext , and select ing com m ands. I nst ead, open t he Tags pane and click t he t able's t ag. Choose Opt ions > Copy Cont ent s t o Clipboard from t he Tags pane's m enu. Then open t he docum ent in which you want t o use t he t able and past e it in. The t able is past ed and includes it s dat a as well as any form at t ing such as borders, font s, and so on. How cool.

    Using t he m et hods you learned in Tip 82, select your t ext and expand your select ion area t o include som e or all of t he cont ent from t he t able. I f you see a Select Table icon t able, you can aut om at ically select all t he cont ent .

    when you m ove t he t ool over t he

    Wait a couple of seconds for t he Select t ext icon t o display over t he select ed t able cont ent . Move t he point er over t he icon t o open t he m enu, and choose an opt ion (Figu r e 8 6 a ) . You can also right - click or Cont rol- click t he select ed t ext t o open t he short cut m enu and choose t he sam e opt ions, and t he short cut m enu includes ot her t ext m anipulat ion opt ions as well.

    Figu r e 8 6 a . Se le ct a ll or a por t ion of t h e t a ble for e x por t in g.

    Regardless of t he m enu you use, Acrobat aut om at ically recognizes t he t ext as belonging t o a t able form at , which gives you t hree t able- specific opt ions in addit ion t o t he cust om ary Copy t o Clipboard com m and. You can:

    Using Tables in a Tagged Document Tagging a docum ent can be really beneficialif, as wit h m ost t hings in life, you know how t o use t hose t ags t o best advant age. When a docum ent is t agged, Acrobat 7 aut om at ically recognizes t he st ruct ure and gives you yet anot her Select t ool t o use for your docum ent m anipulat ion enj oym ent . Click t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar and m ove it over a t able on your docum ent . The icon changes t o crosshairs and a grid. Click once and t he ent ire t able is select ed. As wit h ot her select t ools, if you hover t he point er over t he t able, t he Select Text icon displays; m ove t he point er over t he icon t o open t he m enu. I n addit ion t o t he opt ions available for a t able select ed in an unt agged docum ent , you can select a Copy wit h Form at t ing com m and.

    Choose Save As Table; t he Save As dialog box opens. Nam e t he t able, and choose a form at from t he pull- down list (Figu r e 8 6 b) . Then click Save.

    Figu r e 8 6 b. Ch oose a n e x por t in g for m a t for sa vin g t h e t a ble .

    Choose Open Table in Spreadsheet . Your spreadsheet applicat ion, such as Excel, opens and displays t he im port ed t able in a new worksheet ( Figu r e 8 6 c) .

    Figu r e 8 6 c. An e x por t e d t a ble is con ve r t e d t o a n a ct ive Ex ce l w or k sh e e t .

    Choose Copy As Table t o copy it t o t he clipboard. Open t he docum ent you want t o past e t he t able int o, and choose Edit > Past e.

    I n bot h Word and Excel, t he t ables t aken from t he PDF docum ent are edit able and ready t o use.

    TIP 87: Object TouchUps An obj ect you creat e in Acrobat , such as a link or a form field, can be select ed wit h t he appropriat e t ool, or wit h t he Select Obj ect t ool, as described in Chapt er 12. And by using t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool, you can select cont ent im port ed as part of t he docum ent , such as t ext , im ages, and m ult im edia obj ect s.

    What Else Does It Do? Glad I asked. I n addit ion t o cut , copy, past e, and m ove opt ions, you can use t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool t o do ot her t ypes of edit ing in your docum ent . Select an obj ect or obj ect s, and t hen from t he short cut m enu, click: Delet e Clip t o rem ove any obj ect s t hat are clipping t he select ed obj ect . Creat e Art ifact t o rem ove t he obj ect from t he reading order so it isn't ident ified by t he Read Out Loud feat ure or a screen reader program . Edit I m age t o edit a bit m ap in Phot oshop, or Edit Obj ect t o edit a vect or obj ect in I llust rat or. The com m ands change based on t he obj ect t ype. TouchUp Propert ies t o open t he Propert ies dialog, where you can edit t he obj ect 's cont ent , t ag, and t ext inform at ion.

    The TouchUp Obj ect t ool, locat ed on t he TouchUp subt oolbar of t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar, can be useful when you're organizing cont ent on a page. For exam ple, if you have added ext ra t ext t o a page and need t o shuffle t he locat ion of t he following paragraph, use t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool t o select t he t ext and drag it t o a new locat ion ( Figu r e 8 7 a ) .

    Figu r e 8 7 a . You ca n a dd a n e w lin e of t e x t on you r docu m e n t u sin g t h e Tou ch Up Te x t t ool a n d t h e n sh ift a dj oin in g obj e ct s t o cor r e ct ly spa ce t h e con t e n t .

    Here are som e t ips: You can cut , copy, and past e obj ect s. Alt hough you can't select an obj ect on one page and drag it t o anot her page, you can cut an obj ect from one page and past e it t o anot her page. You can select m ore t han one t ype of obj ect at t he sam e t im e. Hidden obj ect s are revealed when t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool is select ed in t he t oolbar ( Figu r e 8 7 b) .

    Figu r e 8 7 b. N ot a ll obj e ct s a r e visible on a docu m e n t . I n t h is e x a m ple , e x t r a spa ce s a n d t a bs a dde d in t h e sou r ce docu m e n t a r e a ct u a lly se pa r a t e obj e ct s in t h e PD F docu m e n t .

    Click and drag t he t ool over obj ect s on t he page t o select all t he obj ect s wit hin t he m arquee. Ct rlclick or Opt ion- click an obj ect t o add it t o t he select ion. Click t o select an obj ect , and t hen right - click or Cont rol- click t o display t he short cut m enu. Choose Select All, and Acrobat select s all t he obj ect s on t he page.

    N ot e For t hose who prefer t o work wit h m ouse and short cut keys, click t he first obj ect wit h t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool, and t hen press Ct rl+ A or Com m and+ A t o select t he page's or docum ent 's obj ect s. t o select t he page's or docum ent 's obj ect s.

    TIP 88: Touching Up Reading Order Yet anot her reason for using a t agged PDF docum ent is t o organize it s reading order. You can use t he TouchUp Reading Order t ool t o define individual cont ent elem ent s on a page and t hen order t hem as desired.

    Keep It Organized I t 's oft en easier t o work wit h t he reading order if you are zoom ed out of t he page. However, t hat 's hard on your eyes. To easily select cont ent , see what you are doing, and cont rol t he reading order assignm ent , arrange t he dialog, page, and Order pane across t he program window. Select obj ect s by clicking t hem on t he Order pane.

    Select t he TouchUp Reading Order t ool in t he TouchUp subt oolbar of t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar, or choose Advanced > Accessibilit y > TouchUp Reading Order. Click t he page wit h t he t ool. The TouchUp Reading Order dialog opens, and t he cont ent of t he page is shown in separat e gray num bered blocks. The num bers ident ify t he docum ent 's reading sequence ( Figu r e 8 8 a) .

    Figu r e 8 8 a . Th e Tou ch Up Re a din g Or de r t ool sh ow s h ow a docu m e n t is r e a d by ide n t ifyin g com pon e n t s of t h e pa ge a n d n u m be r in g t h e m in se qu e n ce . Use t h e dia log t o ch a n ge t h e ide n t ifica t ion of com pon e n t s in a docu m e n t . [View full size image]

    Here are som e t ips for using t he t ool and t ouchup process: Decide how you want t o handle im ages wit h capt ions. Screen readers define a capt ion wit hin a figure t ag as a part of t he im age and it isn't read. On t he ot her hand, using t he figure/ capt ion t ag separat es t he capt ion from t he body t ext . Need som e bookm arks? Tag select ions as headings and t hen convert t he heading t ags t o bookm arks. See t ips in Chapt er 3 for using bookm arks in various Office program s; see Chapt er 14 t o learn how t o work wit h bookm arks in Acrobat . Use t he Cell t ag t o ident ify a t able cell if it is split incorrect ly. Ext ra spaces, lines, t abs, and so on added in t he source docum ent are ident ified in t he reading order. Eit her t ag t he offending obj ect as a background elem ent , also known as an art ifact , or rem ove it alt oget her ( Figu r e 8 8 b) .

    Figu r e 8 8 b. Re m ove e x t r a n e ou s obj e ct s or de fin e t h e m a s ba ck gr ou n d e le m e n t s, su ch a s obj e ct 3 in t h e figu r e .

    I f your page is a m ess of ext raneous and incorrect t ags, click Clear St ruct ure and t hen rebuild t he page's st ruct ure. Change t he reading order quickly in t he Order pane. Click t he icon t o t he left of t he num ber of t he obj ect you want t o m ove and drag it up or down. A horizont al bar displays on t he pane showing t he posit ion where t he obj ect will be placed when you release t he m ouse (Figu r e 8 8 c) .

    Figu r e 8 8 c. Re or de r t h e r e a din g or de r in a docu m e n t by dr a ggin g obj e ct s u p a n d dow n in t h e Or de r pa n e 's list .

    Order, Please By default t he reading order of a page is assigned from left t o right , t op t o bot t om . You can assign a different order. Choose Edit > Preferences > TouchUp. Click t he TouchUp Reading Order pull- down m enu and choose an alt ernat e order.

    TIP 89: Round-trip Editing an Image What if you have a t errific docum ent and it is ready t o send t o a client when you realize you should have t weaked an im age or added a t ext layer? Can you st ill m ake your deadline in t im e? You can if you are working in Acrobat , which support s round- t rip edit ing! Round- t rip edit ing let s you work from Acrobat , m ake changes t o cont ent in anot her program , and t hen int egrat e t hose changes aut om at ically in t he PDF docum ent . You can use t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool and use a designat ed source program , such as Phot oshop, t o m ake changes t hat are t hen ret urned t o t he PDF docum ent round- t rip edit ing at it s finest . You can even select several im ages and change t hem all at t he sam e t im e. Follow t hese st eps t o change im age cont ent : 1 . Select t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool and t hen select t he im age or im ages you want t o edit . 2 . Right - click or Cont rol- click and choose Edit I m age. Phot oshop opens, and displays t he im age or im ages. 3 . Make your changes. I f you have added any layers, choose Layer > Flat t en I m age t o flat t en t he layers. 4 . Choose File > Save. The im age is saved, closed, and replaced in Acrobat ( Figu r e 8 9 ) .

    Figu r e 8 9 . Th e or igin a l im a ge sh ow n a t t h e le ft h a s be e n e dit e d fr om Acr oba t . As se e n in t h e r igh t of t h e figu r e , t h e im a ge h a s be e n sca le d a n d r e color e d, a n d a t e x t la ye r h a s be e n a dde d. [View full size image]

    Choosing an Editing Program Before you can edit from Acrobat , you need t o specify t he program s you wish t o use for edit ing im ages and t ext . You m ake your choices in t he Preferences dialog. Choose Edit > Preferences > TouchUp ( on a Mac, Acrobat > Preferences > TouchUp) t o open t he dialog. For bot h t he im age and t ext edit or select ions, click t he appropriat e but t on, eit her Choose I m age Edit or or Choose Page/ Obj ect Edit or, t o open a browse dialog. Locat e t he program you want t o use and select it . Click Open t o close t he dialog and assign t he program t o t he funct ion. Then, click OK t o close t he dialog and set t he preferences.

    Wat ch out for som e t hings t hat can m ake your edit ing experience less t han m iraculous: A resized im age's locat ion will oft en need t weaking in Acrobat . Use t he TouchUp Obj ect t ool t o reorganize t he cont ent if required. Transparency is preserved only for m asks specified as index values in an im age using indexed color. When you change im age m odes, such as from RGB t o grayscale, your im age m ay not be saved aut om at ically; inst ead Phot oshop opens a save dialog t o save t he im age as a Phot oshop PDF separat e from your original PDF docum ent . Not every im age can be read. I f you see a checkerboard inst ead of your im age, you can't edit using t he round- t rip m et hod. Check your Phot oshop configurat ion. I f t he im age looks a lit t le odd when it opens in Phot oshop, check t he pixel aspect rat io. Acrobat inst ruct s Phot oshop t o use pixel aspect rat io correct ion for previewing.

    Keep the Connection The im age connect ion exist s only as long as t he obj ect is select ed in Acrobat . I f you are working wit h an im age in Phot oshop and t hen deselect t he obj ect in Acrobat , you have t o st art over.

    Chapter ELEVEN. Drawings and Layers One of t he super feat ures of Acrobat 7 Professional ( Windows) is it s abilit y t o handle professional drawings produced by program s such as Aut oDesk Aut oCAD, and ot her com plex m at erial such as Microsoft Visio drawings and high- end print files. To handle t he j ob, you can choose from a variet y of t ools and processes t hat help you in your quest for docum ent m anagem ent nirvana. New in Acrobat 7 Professional is a PDFMaker for Aut oCAD wit h which you can convert all layers, filt ered subset s, or select ed layers int o a layered PDF docum ent . When you have a PDF open in Acrobat , you can exam ine im port ed drawings using a set of m easuring t ools. You can also creat e your own drawings in Acrobat , and use grids and guides t o assist you. A num ber of Acrobat 's com m ent ing t ools are used for drawing. I n t his chapt er I 'll describe t he t ools available on t he Drawing Markups t oolbar; see Chapt er 14 for general inform at ion on working wit h com m ent s. Layered docum ent s generat ed by Aut oCAD or Visio can be used in Acrobat , and you can at t ach act ions t o t he layers as well as define how your users see t he docum ent .

    TIP 90: Using the AutoCAD PDFMaker Acrobat 7 Professional includes a Windows- only PDFMaker for Aut oCAD. As wit h ot her PDFMakers, an Adobe PDF m enu and a t hree- but t on t oolbar are added t o t he program . You can convert all layers or som e of t he layers from an Aut oCAD drawing t o a PDF docum ent .

    Hundreds of Layers Oft en engineering and ot her t echnical drawings have dozens, if not lit erally hundreds, of layers. How do you keep t hem all st raight ? I n Aut oCAD you can work wit h layer filt ers, and t he PDFMaker gives you t hat convenience as well. Organize t he layers set s for your users' convenience. For exam ple, in a const ruct ion drawing you m ight want t o build separat e layer set s for plum bing, elect rical, t elephone and net work, and so on.

    Here are som e t ips for working wit h t he Aut oCAD PDFMaker: Page size and plot t ing inform at ion is t ransferred from Aut oCAD t o t he PDFMaker aut om at ically t o ensure t he PDF docum ent uses t he right page size. You can flat t en t he drawing int o a single layer, ret ain som e layers, or ret ain all layerschoose t he opt ion in t he first pane of t he Acrobat PDFMaker dialog. You select t he layers t o add from t he Layers in Drawing list ; t o add t he layer t o t he Layers in PDF list , sim ply click Add. Unt il a layer is added t o t he Layers in PDF list from t he Layers in Drawing list , t he Add PDF Set t ing but t on is grayed out ( Figu r e 9 0 a ) .

    Figu r e 9 0 a . Se le ct t h e la ye r s you w a n t t o con ve r t t o PD F. I n a la r ge dr a w in g, u se t h e N a m e d la ye r filt e r s m e n u t o m a k e t h e j ob e a sie r . [View full size image]

    I f you m ake a m ist ake in adding layers t o t he Layers in PDF list , you can reorder t he layers using t he up and down arrows. To rem ove a layer, first select it and t hen click Rem ove Layers, or press Delet e.

    Alert! There are a few condit ions t o check in your Aut oCAD program before convert ing; ot herwise, you'll see an alert dialog rat her t han your processed docum ent : The Hide Plot opt ion m ust be on. The Hide Obj ect opt ion m ust be off. The Fill Modes opt ion m ust be on.

    Set t ings you creat ed in t he past are list ed ( such as layer select ions or layer filt ers) in t he PDF Layer Set t ings m enu; t hese set t ings can be reused, edit ed, renam ed, or delet ed. First click t he set t ing you wish t o use; t hen click Renam e t o renam e it , or click Rem ove t o delet e it . Click OK t o close t he dialog and ret urn t o t he Acrobat PDFMaker dialog. The select ed PDF Layer Set t ings are displayed in t he dialog. PDF set t ings are st ored in t he Aut oCAD file it self. Aft er you convert an Aut oCAD drawing t o PDF ( be sure t o choose t o save t he PDF set t ings) , you have t o resave t he Aut oCAD drawing again t o act ually st ore t he PDF set t ings.

    Use t he Nam ed layer filt ers opt ions in t he Acrobat PDFMaker dialog ( locat ed above t he Layers in Drawing list ) t o select a filt er fit t ing specific crit eria. I f you want t o use all layers except t hose filt ered on your nam ed crit eria, click t he I nvert opt ion. Click Creat e Layer Set t o add a folder t o t he Layers in PDF list , and t hen add layers t o t he folder ( Figu r e 9 0 b) .

    Figu r e 9 0 b. Cr e a t e folde r s t o st or e la ye r se t s in t h e fin ish e d PD F.

    Aft er you convert t he docum ent t o PDF, when you open it in Acrobat , you see t he layers in t he original Aut oCAD drawing arranged in layer set s, which m akes it m uch sim pler for users t o view specific part s of a drawing (Figure 90c) .

    Figu r e 9 0 c. W h e n t h e con ve r t e d dr a w in g is ope n e d in Acr oba t , you se e t h e la ye r se t s de fin e d in t h e PD FM a k e r . [View full size image]

    TIP 91: Using Grids and Guides for Assistance I f you have worked wit h im age, illust rat ion, or layout program s, you know about grids and guides. Acrobat 7 includes bot h t hese handy feat ures, along wit h rulers t o help you posit ion cont ent precisely, and t o assist in m easuring and exam ining drawings.

    When Objects Misbehave Whet her t he grid is displayed or not , t he Snap t o Grid feat ure can st ill be act ive. I f you are m oving cont ent on your pageim ages, t ext , form fields, drawingsand you can't seem t o nudge it int o posit ion sm oot hly, click t he View m enu and see if t he Snap t o Grid opt ion is checked. Uncheck t he set t ing and you can nudge t o your heart 's cont ent .

    Grids are set s of vert ical and horizont al lines t hat overlay a docum ent . The lines of t he grid, which use spacing t hat you specify, aren't print ed. Choose View > Grid t o display t he grid. I f you want t o be able t o m ove an obj ect and have it " snap" t o t he grid ( align it self aut om at ically wit h t he grid lines) , choose View > Snap t o Grid ( Figu r e 9 1 a ) . As you drag an obj ect you see it j um p t o align wit h t he grid lines horizont ally and vert ically.

    Figu r e 9 1 a . Usin g t h e gr id t o sn a p con t e n t t o pr e cise loca t ion s on t h e docu m e n t , you se e a dot t e d lin e w h e r e t h e obj e ct w ill sn a p t o w h e n you r e le a se t h e m ou se .

    Guides are cust om lines t hat you can add eit her vert ically or horizont ally t o help wit h posit ioning. To use guides, t urn on t he rulers first by choosing View > Rulers. Click t he horizont al ruler at t he t op of t he Docum ent pane wit h any t ool and drag downward t o place a horizont al guide; drag right from t he vert ical ruler at t he left of t he Docum ent pane wit h any t ool t o place a vert ical guide. To reposit ion your guide, click t he Select Obj ect t ool on t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar and drag t he guide line. When you drag, t he Select Obj ect t ool swit ches t o a cursor ( shown in Figu r e 9 1 b) . Toggle t he guides on and off using t he View > Guides com m and. Use t he Select Obj ect t ool and drag horizont al guides up t o t he ruler or drag vert ical guides left t o t he ruler t o rem ove t hem .

    Figu r e 9 1 b. Use a n y t ool t o dr a g a gu ide fr om t h e r u le r s; u se t h e Se le ct Obj e ct t ool t o r e posit ion t h e gu ide s.

    Making the Grid Work for You The grid is only as valuable as it s set t ings. I n m any docum ent s, set t ing t he Offset preferences m ay be t he m ost im port ant set t ing. For exam ple, if you have one- inch m argins on a page and set t he grid t o .4 inches vert ically, t here is no grid line t hat lines up wit h your left m argin, as t he grid lines show at .4, .8, and 1.2 inches. I f you inst ead set t he Offset at 1 inch, t he grid lines are offset by t he am ount you specify in t he preferences, and a grid line is sure t o line up wit h your m argins.

    Bot h grids and guides can be cust om ized in t he Preferences dialog. Choose Edit > Preferences or Acrobat > Preferences and choose t he Unit s and Guides opt ion in t he list at t he left of t he dialog t o display t he cust om izat ion set t ings ( Figu r e 9 1 c) .

    Figu r e 9 1 c. Cu st om ize gr id a n d gu ide lin e s a ccor din g t o t h e docu m e n t you a r e w or k in g w it h .

    Click t he Unit s pull- down m enu and choose an opt ion ot her t han t he default inches if required. Select opt ions for grid spacing, color, and posit ion of t he grid. Use t he arrows for each set t ing t o increase or decrease t he values, or you can t ype a value in t he t ext boxes. Not sure where t he grid should st art ? You can use t he I nfo pane t o t ell you exact ly where t o set t he Offset values for t he grid preference. Choose View > Navigat ion Tabs > I nfo t o open t he pane ( Figu r e 9 1 d) . As you m ove t he m ouse over t he page, you see t he values change in t he pane; not e t he horizont al or vert ical value at your desired locat ion and t hen use t he value t o set t he Offset preference. Of course, you can use t he I nfo pane for ot her purposes as well, such as checking t he size and locat ion of a but t on, form field, or drawn obj ect .

    Figu r e 9 1 d. Use t h e I n fo pa n e t o de fin e a loca t ion on a pa ge , a s w e ll a s t h e dim e n sion s of dr a w n obj e ct s on you r docu m e n t .

    TIP 92: Measuring Objects Acrobat 7 Professional includes several t ools you can use t o m easure t he dist ance and area of obj ect s in a PDF drawing. You m ost oft en use t hese t ools wit h CAD drawings or wit h docum ent s being sent t o a print er.

    Where Did It Go? A m easurem ent is an elusive t hing. Unless you specify t he m easurem ent as a com m ent , t he obj ect you draw will disappear when you st art anot her m easurem ent or select anot her t ool. You can define t he m easurem ent as a com m ent by clicking t he Measurem ent Markup opt ion in t he dialog. When you t ype t ext in t he Annot at ion field, it is shown as a com m ent when t he m easurem ent is com plet e, as shown in Figure 92b. Read about working wit h and configuring com m ent s in Chapt er 14.

    Figu r e 9 2 b. Th e va lu e s of t h e m e a su r e d a r e a a r e sh ow n in t h is dia log; ch a n ge t h e sca le t o m a t ch you r dr a w in g. You ca n a lso a ssign a n ot e t o t h e m e a su r e m e n t , a s sh ow n h e r e . [View full size image]

    Open t he Measuring t oolbar by choosing Tools > Measuring > Show Measuring Toolbar ( Figu r e 9 2 a ) . Of course you can select an individual t ool from t he m enu, but m y st rong preference is t o open any t oolbar I am working wit h t o save t im e. You can also right - click or Cont rol- click t he t oolbar well at t he t op of t he program window and click Measuring.

    Figu r e 9 2 a . Ope n t h e M e a su r in g t oolba r for con ve n ie n ce . Th e t oolba r con t a in s t h r e e t ools, u se d t o m e a su r e dist a n ce , pe r im e t e r , a n d a r e a .

    Each t ool m easures in a different way:

    t o m easure t he dist ance bet ween t wo point s by clicking t he locat ion for Click t he Dist ance t ool t he first point and t hen dragging t o t he second point and clicking t he m ouse again. Click t he Perim et er t ool t o m easure t he dist ance bet ween several point s. Click each point you want t o m easure and t hen double- click t he last point t o finish t he m easurem ent . Click t he Area t ool t o m easure t he area wit hin line segm ent s. Wit h t he t ool, click each point you want t o m easure and t hen click t he first point again t o com plet e t he m easurem ent area.

    N ot e To st op t he drawing process before com plet ing a shape, press t he Esc key on your keyboard or select anot her t ool from t he t oolbars. To const rain t he segm ent s t o st raight lines as you draw, hold t he Shift key as you drag and click t he m ouse.

    When you click a m easuring t ool, t he Dist ance/ Perim et er/ Area Tool dialog opens. The nam e of t he dialog depends on t he chosen t ool ( Figu r e 9 2 b) . Aft er you have com plet ed m easuring wit h one of t he t hree t ools, t he values appear in t he dialog.

    Viewing Metadata Visio and Aut oCAD drawings m ay have m et adat a em bedded in t hem . These elem ent s are cust om inform at ion added in t he source program which is t hen included wit h t he convert ed PDF docum ent . To view cust om m et adat a from a CAD applicat ion, choose Tools > Obj ect Dat a > Obj ect Dat a Tool . Your point er changes t o crosshairs when you m ouse over an obj ect cont aining m et adat a; click t o select t he obj ect and t he Obj ect Dat a dialog opens. The cont ent s of t he em bedded dat a are shown in t he dialog. Click t he Opt ions but t on in t he dialog t o view a list of act ions you can t ake, such as zoom ing t o t he select ed obj ect , count ing sim ilar obj ect s, or copying t he cont ent t o t he clipboard.

    Many t im es drawings are const ruct ed t o scale, which you can set in t he dialog by t yping t he rat io values in t he fields and choosing a unit of m easurem ent from t he pull- down list s.

    TIP 93: Drawing and Marking Up Shapes in Acrobat Som e people have a need t o doodle on paper. What happens if you t ake t heir paper away? Well, j ust put a m ouse in t heir hand and open a PDF docum ent because you can draw all sort s of obj ect s, including t he aforem ent ioned doodle, using t he Drawing t ools.

    Another Dimension , found on t he Drawing Markups t oolbar, t o m easure You can use t he Dim ensioning t ool dist ances bet ween t wo point s or areas on a page. For exam ple, use t he t ool t o add a line bet ween t wo point s when you want t o point out t he widt h of a parking spot on a drawing or t he dist ance bet ween t wo graphic elem ent s on a brochure layout . Click t he t ool in t he Drawing Markups t oolbar and drag from t he line's st art ing point . When you release t he m ouse, t he line finishes, and a t ext box displays for you t o t ype a not e. Each end of t he line includes an anchor point and arrow.

    Choose Tools > Drawing Markups > Show Drawing Markups Toolbar or right - click/ Cont rol- click t he t oolbar well and choose t he t oolbar from t he list . The Drawing Markups t oolbar cont ains a Drawing subt oolbar. You can see t he t wo m enus as well as t he pull- down list in Figu r e 9 3 a .

    Figu r e 9 3 a . Use t h e D r a w in g M a r k u ps, in clu din g D r a w in g t ools, t o a dd visu a l com m e n t s t o you r docu m e n t s. [View full size image]

    Drawing m arkups are form s of com m ent s. To use a t ool, click t o select it on t he t oolbar, and t hen draw point s, click and drag, or scribble ( in t he case of t he Pencil

    and Pencil Eraser t ools

    ) . For shapes

    such as a polygon or clouds, click t he st art ing point t o close t he shape. When you com plet e t he drawing, you can double- click it t o open a not e, where you can t ype inform at ion about your doodle ( Figure 93b) . I f you want t o show som e t ext on t he docum ent in a t ext box, use t he Text Box t ool . Click t o select t he t ool in t he t oolbox and t hen drag a m arquee on t he page. A yellow t ext box t he size of t he m arquee is added t o t he docum ent ; click t he box and t ype your m essage.

    Figu r e 9 3 b. D r a w in g M a r k u ps a n d dr a w n sh a pe s a r e t ype s of com m e n t s; t ype r e m a r k s in a n ot e box .

    A callout is a specific form of drawing m arkup t hat you can use t o pinpoint a specific locat ion on a drawing and a yellow not e box appears; t ype your ( Figu r e 9 3 c) . Click t he docum ent wit h t he Callout t ool not e, and t hen click anywhere on t he page away from t he not e box t o resize t he box and display t he arrows. You can drag t he box around t he page and reposit ion t he arrow's point by dragging as well.

    Figu r e 9 3 c. Use a ca llou t t o displa y a r e m a r k a bou t a spe cific loca t ion on a pa ge or dr a w in g.

    N ot e

    See Chapt er 14 for inform at ion on how t o change and cust om ize t he appearance of any drawing or drawing m arkup obj ect .

    TIP 94: Working with a Layered Document Acrobat 7 Professional allows you t o work wit h layered docum ent s creat ed in Visio and Aut oCAD. Unfort unat ely, layered docum ent s creat ed in program s such as Adobe Phot oshop are not support ed.

    Arranging Panes for Efficiency Speed up your workflow when you're bookm arking layers: drag all but t he Layers and Bookm arks t abs in t he Navigat ion pane individually t o t he right t o separat e t hem from t he list of t abs. Close t hem , and t hen reopen t hem as needed by choosing View > Navigat ion Tabs and select ing t he pane you want .

    This t ip uses a docum ent wit h t hree nam ed layers creat ed in Microsoft Visio 2003. Our docum ent displays a graphic of kit chen cabinet s wit h t hree alt ernat e color schem es for t he t ile. The default view ( Figu r e 9 4 a) shows som e of t he cont ent of all layers sim ult aneously ( looks a bit m essy, doesn't it ?) . I f you com e across a docum ent like t his, have a look at t he bot t om left of t he Acrobat window. I f you see a " layer , you know t he docum ent is layered. Click t he Layers t ab in t he Navigat ion pane t o open cake" icon t he Layers pane. I f t he Layers t ab isn't visible in t he Navigat ion pane, choose View > Navigat ion Tabs > Layers t o open t he t ab.

    Figu r e 9 4 a . Th e de fa u lt vie w of t h e docu m e n t sh ow s t h e con t e n t s on a ll visible la ye r s a t on ce .

    I n Figu r e 9 4 b, you can see t hat our docum ent has t hree nam ed layers; each corresponds t o t he individual layer's color schem e.

    Figu r e 9 4 b. Toggle a la ye r 's visibilit y on a n d off by click in g t h e e ye icon in t h e La ye r s pa n e . H e r e j u st on e la ye r is visible . [View full size image]

    You can t oggle a layer's visibilit y on and off by clicking t he eye iconwhen t he eye is visible, t he layer is visible. I n t he figure, only t he ocean waves layer is set t o visible, and t he cont ent on t he layer appears on t he Docum ent pane.

    Show Them What You've Got Your users m ay not be aware t hat your carefully const ruct ed docum ent cont ains layers, alt hough t he Layer Cake icon displays at t he bot t om of t he program window. To m ake sure t hey know t he layers exist , set t he init ial view. Choose File > Docum ent Propert ies and click t he I nit ial View t ab. Click t he Show pull- down arrow and choose Layers Panel and Page. Save t he docum ent t o preserve t he init ial view choice.

    As wit h ot her docum ent s, you m ay be able t o m ake changes t o t he cont ent ( depending on t he right s grant ed by t he docum ent 's aut hor) . Our sam ple doesn't have securit y at t ached, so you can add com m ent s t o it or export it in anot her file form at from Acrobat . To see what a layer cont ains, right - click it on t he Layers pane and choose Layer Propert ies t o open t he dialog ( Figu r e 9 4 c) . The Layer Propert ies dialog list s inform at ion about t he layer, including it s original nam e, visibilit y, print st at us, and export st at us. Keep in m ind t hat set t ings applied t o t he original layered docum ent cannot be changed. For exam ple, our sam ple docum ent uses t he Print s When Visible set t ing; only a blank page print s unless t he layer's eye icon is t oggled t o Visible.

    Figu r e 9 4 c. You ca n vie w e a ch la ye r 's pr ope r t ie s. Th e pr ope r t ie s a r e se t in t h e sou r ce pr ogr a m , n ot in Acr oba t .

    TIP 95: Bookmarking a Layered Document Acrobat let s you at t ach bookm arks t o layers, which you can use in different ways. For exam ple, you can dist ribut e t he sam e inform at ion using different languages wit hout having t o provide docum ent s in different languages, or you can show cust om ers sam ples in different colors in t he sam e docum ent . Use bookm arks in conj unct ion wit h layers t o give readers cont rol over what t hey see and print . Use act ions t o ext end t he funct ion of a bookm ark beyond j ust point ing t o a locat ion in your docum ent .

    Different Types of Layers What you see in t he Layers pane depends on how t he original docum ent was const ruct ed and convert ed. I n som e cases, a docum ent is convert ed wit h preserved layers, as in our exam ple. I n ot her cases, t he docum ent layers m ay be flat t ened or locked. I n a flat t ened docum ent you see a single layer like a regular PDF docum ent . A locked docum ent , on t he ot her hand, displays t he layers individually, but t hey can't be edit ed in any way.

    Our sam ple docum ent has t hree layers, each having a different color schem e and det ails. Follow t hese st eps t o bookm ark a layered docum ent : 1 . Open t he Bookm arks pane and add t hree bookm arks. At t his point , if you click any bookm ark it displays t he sam e locat ion on t he sam e page. 2 . Select each bookm ark and nam e it (Figu r e 9 5 a ) . To m inim ize confusion, nam e t he bookm arks and arrange t hem in t he sam e order as t he layers list ed on t he Layers pane.

    Figu r e 9 5 a . Use a se t of book m a r k s lin k e d t o la ye r s in a docu m e n t .

    3 . On t he Layers pane, t oggle all layers but aut um n t o off by clicking t he eye icons. Set t he dest inat ion view for t he aut um n t it le bookm ark t o display only t he aut um n layer, as shown in Figure 95a. 4 . On t he Bookm arks pane, right - click/ Cont rol- click t he aut um n bookm ark t o select it and open t he short cut m enu. Choose Propert ies t o open t he Bookm ark Propert ies dialog and t hen click t he Act ions t ab. 5 . From t he Select Act ion pull- down m enu, select Set Layer Visibilit y and t hen click Add. The act ion aut om at ically appears in t he Act ions sect ion at t he bot t om of t he dialog ( Figu r e 9 5 b) .

    Figu r e 9 5 b. Ch oose t h e Se t la ye r visibilit y a ct ion in t h e Act ion s t a b.

    N ot e A bookm ark's act ion is t o display a page as shown in t he bot t om of t he window in Figure 95b. You can delet e t he act ion or leave it as is. I n t his case, it doesn't m ake any difference. 6 . A not ificat ion dialog appears t o t ell you t hat t he t arget layer st at e of t he select ed act ions will be set t o t he current st at e. I n ot her words, set t he dest inat ion layer you want t o see as a result of clicking a bookm ark and leave t he rest hidden. Click OK. The act ion is added t o t he Act ions list . 7 . Click Close t o close t he Bookm ark Propert ies dialog. 8 . Repeat wit h t he ot her layers. Be sure t o hide all layers except for t he one you are at t aching t o t he bookm ark.

    Chapter TWELVE. Controlling Documents with Links and Buttons Acrobat 7 Professional provides several t ools for linking labels t o cont ent , including bookm arks, links, and but t ons. Learn about bookm arks in Chapt er 13. A PDF, wit h all it s feat ures, m ore closely resem bles a Web sit e t han an ordinary print ed docum ent . Would you go t o a Web sit e and scroll t hrough innum erable pages of cont ent t o find inform at ion? Would you be com fort able using a Web sit e t hat didn't have som e sort of navigat ional st ruct ure? Of course not ! You expect a Web sit e t o com e com plet e wit h a syst em of links t hat allows you t o click t hrough t he sit e t o find inform at ion. Alt hough people t end t o use Acrobat j ust t o convert docum ent s t o t he PDF form at so t hey can be shared, once you have convert ed your m ast erpiece, you can easily add links of different t ypes or but t ons t o guide readers t hrough your docum ent . I n t his collect ion of t ips, you'll see how links and but t ons work. You'll learn how you can use t hem t o perform a variet y of act ions, from j um ping t o anot her page in a docum ent , t o opening a docum ent , t o playing a m ovie clip. A but t on, as anyone who has ever visit ed a Web sit e knows ( and who hasn't ?) , can have different appearances and perform different t ypes of act ions. A but t on can, for exam ple, appear one way when it is st at ic, and t hen look different in response t o a m ouse act ion, such as t he m ovem ent of t he point er over t he but t on, and t hen look different again in response t o a but t on click. Sim ilarly, a but t on can init iat e different act ions in response t o different m ouse m ovem ent s. We'll look at m any of t he available t ypes of int eract ivit y in t his group of t ips ( we looked at som e of t he form s act ions in Chapt er 8, and we'll check out ways t o m ake a PDF cont aining m ult im edia int eract ive in Chapt er 16) . Whet her you want t o link different views in a docum ent or add but t ons t o open ot her docum ent s, you've com e t o t he right place.

    TIP 96: Linking Content in a Document Which is bet t er? A link or a but t on? The t rut h is t hat you oft en use t hem in m uch t he sam e way. The fundam ent al difference is relat ed t o appearance and t he ext ent of t he act ions you can apply (Figu r e 9 6 a) .

    Figu r e 9 6 a . Ar e t h e se lin k s or bu t t on s? For sim ple n a viga t ion pr oce sse s, you ca n ch oose e it h e r m e t h od.

    Revisiting a Link's Properties Once you add a link ( or a bookm ark or but t on) you can change t he set t ings easily. Doubleclick t he obj ect wit h eit her t he appropriat e t ool or t he Select Obj ect t ool t o open t he Link Propert ies dialog. I n t he case of t he Link Propert ies dialog, when you reopen it , t he Act ions t ab is aut om at ically shown as well as t he Appearance t ab, and t he radio but t on opt ions for com m on link act ions, shown in t he Creat e Link dialog when you st art a new link, aren't shown on t he Appearance t ab.

    Whet her you use links or but t ons depends on how you have const ruct ed your source docum ent and what t ypes of navigat ion you need. For exam ple, if you are building a large report , you can easily link accessory m at erial t o any part of t he docum ent using a link from som e of t he t ext in t he docum ent , in which case you don't need t o do any advanced preparat ion. Follow t hese st eps t o add a link t o your docum ent : 1 . Choose Tools > Advanced Edit ing > Show Advanced Edit ing Toolbar t o display t he t ools. You can cert ainly j ust click t he t ool on t he m enu, but it 's sim pler t o open t he t oolbar if you are working wit h several edit ing funct ions. 2.

    Click t he Link t ool t o select it and t hen drag a m arquee around t he t ext you want t o associat e wit h t he link. The Creat e Link dialog opens (Figu r e 9 6 b) .

    Figu r e 9 6 b. Ch oose se t t in gs for t h e lin k 's a ppe a r a n ce a n d com m on a ct ion s fr om t h e Cr e a t e Lin k dia log

    3 . Choose whet her you want t he link t o be visible or invisible, and specify charact erist ics for t he link's fram e. You can draw a dashed or solid box around t he t ext , as in Figure 96a, or underline t he t ext .

    The Perfect Link You can apply Acrobat 's Link t ool funct ion t o a feat ure t hat serves as a but t on in anot her program t o produce a cust om appearance. For exam ple, you m ay have convert ed a PowerPoint present at ion t o a PDF and want t o use t he cont rols in t he present at ion as links in Acrobat . Draw t he link boxes over t he but t on im ages. I n t he Creat e Link dialog, click t he Link Type pull- down arrow and choose I nvisible Rect angle. You t hen get t he link act ion wit hout any lines or fram es dist ract ing from t he beaut y of your but t on. 4 . Choose an act ion by clicking one of t he radio but t ons at t he bot t om of t he dialog and click Next . The next dialog t hat appears depends on t he opt ion you choose:

    Go t o a page view opens t he Creat e Go t o View dialog in place of t he Creat e Link dialog, inst ruct ing you t o set t he t arget view, which is t he m agnificat ion, page, and locat ion you want using t he scroll bars and Zoom t ools. Once you have t he view set , click Set Link t o close t he dialog and finish t he link. Open a file replaces t he Creat e Link dialog wit h a browse dialog for you t o select t he file you want t o display. I f you choose a PDF docum ent , t he dialog closes and anot her one opens for you t o choose a window open preference ( see t he sidebar) . Click OK t o close t he dialog and finish t he link. I f you choose a file t hat is not a PDF docum ent , when you click Select t he dialog closes and t he link is finished. Open a web page replaces t he Creat e Link dialog wit h t he Edit URL dialog. Type t he Web address you want t o open from t he link and click OK t o close t he dialog and finish t he link.

    Cust om link replaces t he Creat e Link dialog wit h t he t wo- t ab Link Propert ies dialog. Click Act ions t o display t he t ab, and choose an opt ion from t he Select Act ion pull- down list ( Figu r e 9 6 c) . Configure t he act ion, which is displayed in t he bot t om area of t he dialog. Links have only one st at et hat is, t he act ion occurs when t he link is clicked. Read about act ions in Tip 99.

    Figu r e 9 6 c. You ca n ch oose fr om a w ide r a n ge of a ct ion s t o a pply t o a lin k .

    Keep an Eye on Your Properties Don't wast e t im e opening m enus and choosing it em s or swit ching t ools when you are in t he m idst of a big proj ect . Open t he t oolbars you need and arrange t hem in t he t oolbar well at t he t op of t he program window. One t oolbar I rely heavily on is t he Propert ies t oolbar. I t s cont ent changes according t o t he select ed obj ect on t he page, and you can use t he sam e t oolbar t o m odify links, but t ons, drawings, and m any ot her obj ect s. Right - click in t he t oolbar well and choose Propert ies Bar t o display t he t oolbar; drag it t o dock it wit h your ot her t oolbars and you are ready t o go. You can also open t he t oolbar by pressing Ct rl+ E/ Com m and+ E, or by choosing View > Toolbars > Propert ies Bar.

    5 . Click t he Hand t ool on t he Basic t oolbar t o deselect t he Link t oolyou can't see your link in act ion as long as t he t ool is select ed. Test t he link.

    TIP 97: Drawing a Button A but t on is a form elem ent , and as such has m ore com plex propert ies t han a link. However, adding a sim ple but t on is alm ost as easy as creat ing a link.

    Mouse Actions But t ons can cause different act ions depending on where your point er is in relat ion t o t he but t on, as well as t he m ouse act ion it self. These m ouse m ovem ent s are called t riggers. You can choose from a num ber of different t riggers in t he Opt ions panel of t he But t on Propert ies dialog. Click t he Trigger pull- down m enu and t hen choose one of t hese t riggers: Mouse Down The m ouse but t on is depressed. Mouse Up The m ouse but t on has been depressed and released. Mouse Ent er The point er m oves over t he but t on. Mouse Exit The point er m oves away from t he but t on area. There are several ot her t riggers as well used specifically for form s and m edia, such as t he on Blur and on Focus t riggers for form fields, and Page Visible/ I nvisible for m edia clips. Refer t o Chapt er 8 for inform at ion on form fields, and Chapt er 16 for t ips on using m ult im edia.

    Choose Tools > Advanced Edit ing > Form s > But t on Tool. Or click t he But t on t ool on t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar; it is t he Form s t ool shown by default on t he t oolbar. Drag a m arquee on t he page where you want t o place t he but t on. The But t on Propert ies dialog opens t o t he General t ab ( Figu r e 9 7 a ) . A but t on is nam ed " But t on1" by default ; ot her but t ons you add wit hout cust om izing t he nam e are num bered in sequence. To set t he propert ies for a basic but t on:

    1 . Nam e t he but t on if you like. You can also add a t ool t ip t hat appears when t he user m oves t he point er over t he but t on's area on t he page. 2 . Click t he Appearance t ab and define how t he but t on will look by choosing background and t ext color, borders, font , and line st yles. Read about building cust om but t ons in t he next t ip. 3 . Click t he Opt ions t ab and define how t he cont ent on t he but t on should look. You can use labels and icons for a but t on and cust om ize it t o your heart 's cont ent .

    And the Winner Is… The m ost com m on t rigger is t he Mouse Up t rigger. The user clicks a but t on wit h t he m ouse, and when t he m ouse but t on is released t he act ion is init iat ed. I t is good design et iquet t e t o use t he Mouse Up t rigger rat her t han t he Mouse Down t rigger. Then, if t he user decides not t o select t he but t on, t he user can drag t he point er off t he but t on and cancel t he act ion. 4 . Click t he Act ions t ab and specify bot h t riggers and act ions t hat you want t o associat e wit h t he but t on. Triggers are described in t he sidebar on t he previous page.

    N ot e I f you want t o use separat e act ions for separat e t riggers, repeat t he process and choose t he appropriat e t rigger from t he Triggers pull- down list . See how t o use m ult iple t riggers inTip 103 . 5 . Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog and com plet e t he but t on. 6 . Click t he Hand t ool on t he Basic t oolbar t o deselect t he But t on t oolyou can't see your but t on in act ion as long as t he t ool is select ed. Test your but t on ( Figu r e 9 7 b) .

    Figu r e 9 7 b. Te st you r bu t t on w h e n it is fin ish e d. I n t h is e x a m ple , t a k e n fr om a n e x ot ic va ca t ion slide sh ow , t h e u se r is t r e a t e d t o t ool t ip m e ssa ge s a s w e ll a s im a ge s.

    Figu r e 9 7 a . Se t ch a r a ct e r ist ics for you r bu t t on s in t h e Bu t t on Pr ope r t ie s dia log.

    TIP 98: Customizing a Button's Appearance You aren't rest rict ed t o drawing and using but t ons t hat are sim ple colored and bordered rect angles displaying a scint illat ing piece of t ext such as " Click Here." I n Acrobat you can cust om ize but t ons using different layout s and appearances for different but t on st at es.

    Tweaking Your Buttons' Icons You can furt her cust om ize t he layout of a but t on by clicking Advanced on t he Opt ions t ab of t he But t on Propert ies dialog and choosing m ore opt ions from t he I con Placem ent dialog. Select from several opt ions for scaling t he icon PDF. You can also define whet her t o scale it proport ionally. To size t he icon t o m ake it flush wit h t he edges of t he but t on, click Fit t o Bounds. Set a locat ion for t he icon on t he but t on by dragging t he slider arrows on t he sam ple. The placem ent is defined as a percent age of space bet ween t he icon and t he edges of t he but t on. I f you change your m ind, click Reset . Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog and ret urn t o t he But t on Propert ies dialog.

    But t ons com m only change appearance when you m ove t he point er over t hem , and t hey m ay change yet again when you click t hem . These changes are called but t on st at es. Acrobat offers four different but t on behaviors, and one behavior, Push, allows you t o configure different st at es for t he but t ons. I n t his t ip you see how t o add labels and icons t o a t hree- st at e but t on; t he sam e process applies if you are using a single- st at e but t on, of course. 1 . Draw a but t on on t he page or double- click an exist ing but t on t o open t he But t on Propert ies dialog. Click t he Opt ions t ab t o display layout set t ings you can use t o cust om ize your but t on ( Figu r e 9 8 a ) .

    Figu r e 9 8 a . Add t e x t a n d im a ge s t o a bu t t on on t h e Opt ion s t a b of t h e dia log.

    Tip I f you have t he Propert ies Bar open, it displays t he But t on propert ies when you click t he but t on; click More on t he t oolbar t o open t he But t on Propert ies dialog. 2 . Click t he Layout pull- down arrow t o display a list of layout opt ions ( Figu r e 9 8 b) . Select an opt ion from t he list . I f you choose any opt ions t hat include labels, t he Label field is act ive; if you choose any opt ions t hat include an im age, t he I con fields are act ive.

    Figu r e 9 8 b. Ch oose fr om on e of se ve r a l la you t s t h a t u se com bin a t ion s of icon s a n d la be ls.

    Button States You don't have t o use a push but t on t o creat e a sense of int eract ivit y in your docum ent . The default but t on behavior is None, which, let 's face it , can be pret t y boring as t he but t on st ays t he sam e regardless of your m ouse act ions. On t he ot her hand, if you want a lit t le som et hing wit hout having t o do a lot of work, t ry one of t he ot her opt ions. The Out line behavior highlight s t he but t on's border when it is clicked; t he I nvert behavior reverses t he dark and light colors in t he but t on when it is clicked. 3 . Click t he Behavior pull- down arrow and choose Push from t he list . You see t he St at e list change t o include Down and Rollover along wit h Up, t he only st at e available for t he ot her behavior opt ions. 4 . For each but t on st at e, click t he st at e in t he list at t he left of t he dialog and t hen t ype t ext in t he Label field. To add an icon, which can be an im age or a PDF file, click Choose I con t o open a browser dialog. Locat e t he file and select it . A t hum bnail appears in t he But t on Propert ies dialog. 5 . Click Close t o dism iss t he But t on Propert ies dialog, and t hen t est your but t on ( Figu r e 9 8 c) .

    Figu r e 9 8 c. Th is t h r e e - st a t e bu t t on in clu de s la be ls on t w o st a t e s a s w e ll a s a t ool t ip t h a t a ppe a r s w h e n t h e poin t e r is ove r t h e bu t t on , k n ow n a s t h e M ou se En t e r st a t e .

    TIP 99: Editing Actions Using but t ons and links is a rat her point less exercise unless som et hing happens when t he user clicks t he obj ect . I n Tips 96 and 97 , we briefly m ent ioned act ions when we discussed building links or but t ons. I n t his t ip, you learn about edit ing act ions. By t he way, act ions are also used wit h bookm arks, which are described in t he following chapt er.

    Play a Sound One of t he act ions in t he exam ple in t his t ip is t he Play a sound act ion. Not ice in Figure 99 t hat t here is no file list ed along wit h t he nam e of t he act ion in t he Act ion dialog. Acrobat em beds t he sound in t he PDF docum ent in a form at t hat plays in bot h Windows and Mac.

    Figu r e 9 9 . Se le ct t h e n a m e of t h e a ct ion on t h e Act ion s t a b t o e dit or ch a n ge it .

    From eit her t he Link Propert ies or t he But t on Propert ies dialog, click Act ions t o display t he opt ions you can choose and cust om ize. You can add any num ber of act ions you like t o a link, but t on, or bookm ark. But be carefulyou probably don't want an act ion t hat plays a sound t o follow an act ion t hat opens anot her docum ent , for exam ple. When you are edit ing link act ions, click t he act ion it self, not t he det ails ( such as a filenam e) t hat are list ed for som e act ions ( Figu r e 9 9 ) . I f you are edit ing a but t on act ion, also click t he act ion it self, not t he t rigger or t he det ails.

    Setting an Open Window Preference How do you want a page in anot her docum ent t o be displayed when you click a link or but t onin a new window or replacing t he cont ent in t he current window? You can set a preference. Choose Edit > Preferences ( in Mac, Acrobat > Preferences) and click General in t he list at t he left of t he dialog. Click Open Cross- Docum ent Links in Sam e Window. When you view linked docum ent s, t he open docum ent is replaced by t he linked docum ent in t he sam e window. I f you uncheck t his opt ion, each t im e you click a link or but t on t o a different docum ent , a new window opens.

    You don't have t o plan a sequence of act ions ahead of t im e, however. Add t he act ions you want t o use, and t hen select an act ion you want t o reorder and click Up or Down t o m ove it in t he execut ion list . I f you change your m ind about using an act ion, select it on t he Act ions area of t he dialog and click Delet e.

    TIP 100: Activating Menu Items Did you know t hat you can cont rol a program 's funct ion t hrough a link? I t sounds com plicat ed, and you m ay wonder why you would do som et hing like t hat . Here's a good exam ple, and a t errific way t o m ake a good im pression on your readers: Provide a link t hat aut om at ically print s your docum ent . This t ip shows you how t o use a but t on; you can do t he sam e t hing using som e t ext or an im age and a link.

    Selecting an Object Rat her t han changing am ong t ools such as Link and But t on t ools, use t he Select Obj ect t ool on t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar. Double- click an obj ect t o open it s Propert ies dialog. I f t he Propert ies bar is displayed in t he t oolbar well, clicking t he obj ect wit h t he Select Obj ect t ool displays t he appropriat e t ool opt ions. I f you want t o select m ult iple obj ect s, press Cont rol as you drag, and all obj ect s of t he sam e t ype wit hin t he m arquee are select ed. This feat ure is handy if you want t o m ake a global change t o a set of but t ons or links, such as t heir color. However, you can't change t he act ions globally; you have t o select each obj ect and t hen change it s act ions in t he Propert ies dialog.

    1 . Draw t he but t on on t he page using t he But t on t ool on t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar's Form s subt oolbar. The But t on Propert ies dialog opens. 2 . Configure t he but t on's appearance in t he Appearance t ab, and add a t ext label in t he Opt ions t ab. 3 . Click t he Act ions t ab. From t he Select Act ion pull- down list , choose Execut e a m enu it em ( Figu r e 1 0 0 a) . Click Add t o open t he Menu I t em Select ion dialog.

    Figu r e 1 0 0 a . Ch oose Ex e cu t e a m e n u it e m t o a dd a ct ion s t h a t u se pr ogr a m com m a n ds.

    4 . Choose File > Print . The dialog displays t he com m and (Figu r e 1 0 0 b ) . Click OK t o close t he dialog and ret urn t o t he Act ions t ab of t he Link Propert ies dialog.

    Figu r e 1 0 0 b. Se le ct a com m a n d fr om t h e m e n u it e m s. [View full size image]

    Jump into Action Experim ent wit h t he opt ions available in t he Execut e a m enu it em act ion. You m ay be surprised how int erest ing and funct ional your docum ent s becom e. Here are a few of t he t hings you can do: Send a docum ent direct ly t o a reviewer. Save t he docum ent as a cert ified or signed docum ent . Open ot her docum ent s or digit al m edia. Zoom t o various m agnificat ions. I m port or export form s dat a.

    5 . The act ion now appears in t he Act ions window. Click Close t o dism iss t he But t on Propert ies dialog and com plet e t he but t on. 6 . Click t he Hand t ool on t he Basic t oolbar and click t he but t on t o t est it . 7 . The Print dialog opens, which is t he act ion you want ed. Close t he dialog or click Print t o print a copy of t he docum ent .

    TIP 101: Positioning a Series of Links on a Page Many docum ent s use a series of headings laid out in a t able as a m eans of navigat ing. Adding t he links and t hen posit ioning t hem evenly can be quit e a chore. Fort unat ely, Acrobat 's align/ dist ribut e t ools, designed t o m ake t he posit ioning process sim ple, are at your fingert ips. Our sam ple docum ent cont ains a t able wit h links t o six pages. To show you how t he link alignm ent and dist ribut ion process works, we are using a narrow line around t he links; in an act ual docum ent using a t able layout , we suggest you use invisible links.

    Red and Blue Selections When obj ect s are select ed, one is red and t he rest are blue. The red obj ect is t he anchor obj ect t hat is used during an alignm ent process. The ot her it em s are aligned according t o t he anchor obj ect 's posit ion. First m ove your point er over t he obj ect you want t o specify as t he anchor obj ect . Then right - click/ Cont rol- click t o display t he red border and open t he short cut m enu for you t o select a m odificat ion com m and.

    To posit ion a group of links on your page, follow t hese st eps: 1 . Click t he Link t ool and draw t he first link. The Creat e Link dialog opens. Set t he charact erist ics for t he first link, such as t he appearance and it s act ion, and close t he dialog. 2 . Ct rl- click/ Opt ion- click t he link t o copy it and drag t he copy t o t he next t ext label. Click t o deselect t he new link box, and t hen Ct rl- drag/ Opt ion- drag t he original link box again for t he t hird t ext label. Cont inue unt il you've creat ed t he whole set of links ( Figu r e 1 0 1 a) .

    Figu r e 1 0 1 a . All of t h e t e x t la be ls h a ve lin k s pa st e d on t o t h e m .

    On the Grid Acrobat also includes a grid feat ure t hat you can use t o assist in placem ent . Choose View > Grid t o display t he grid overlay. The grid can be m odified t o suit your docum ent , and you can also choose t o have obj ect s snap t o t he grid. Tip 91 in Chapt er 11 describes using and cust om izing t he grid. 3 . Resize t he links as necessary t o fit over t he t ext labels. You'll not ice in Figure 101a t hat t hree of t he links are narrower t han t he t ext labels. Drag a resize handle t o increase t he widt h of t he link for t he longest t ext label. 4 . Leave t he link around t he longest t ext label select edin t he exam ple, t he Labrador Ret riever linkand Ct rl- click/ Com m and- click t he ot her links on t he t able t o select t hem . Right - click/ Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu; choose Size > Widt h (Figu r e 1 0 1 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 0 1 b. Use t h e sh or t cu t m e n u t o r e size a ll t h e lin k s. [View full size image]

    Those Annoying Mistakes Suppose you have creat ed a set of links as described in t his t ip. Then you click t he Hand t ool and realize you left a border when you int ended t o have t he links invisible. Not only t hat , but now t he whole set of links use t he wrong appearance. Not t o worry. Select all t he links and t hen change t he appearance on t he Propert ies bar. The changes are applied t o all select ed links. Acrobat sizes t he link boxes according t o t he first box you select ed. The set of links are now wide enough t o cover t he t ext ( Figu r e 1 0 1 c) .

    Figu r e 1 0 1 c. Th e lin k s a r e a ll t h e sa m e size , w h ich is dict a t e d by t h e se le ct e d lin k .

    5 . The boxes aren't aligned vert ically or horizont ally; t hat 's next . Select t he link t hat is in t he correct posit ion; in Figure 101c, t he t op left link is correct ly placed, but we want t o adj ust t he vert ical posit ion of t he ot her t wo links in t he t op row. Ct rl- click/ Com m and- click t he t op links in t he m iddle and right colum ns. 6 . Right - click/ Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu, t hen choose Align and an alignm ent opt ion. You can choose from left , right , cent er, vert ical, and horizont al alignm ent . 7 . Repeat t he select ions horizont ally and vert ically unt il your set of links is dist ribut ed and aligned correct ly ( Figu r e 1 0 1 d ) .

    Figu r e 1 0 1 d. Align a n d dist r ibu t e t h e se t of lin k s e ve n ly on t h e pa ge .

    8 . Now t hat your links are posit ioned properly, double- click each link t o open t he Link Propert ies dialog and set t he page locat ion as described in Tip 96.

    TIP 102: Creating Batches of Buttons But t ons have som e com m on uses t hat Acrobat can handle wit h ease. You t ypically use m ore t han one but t on on a page, and Acrobat obliges wit h a process for creat ing m ult iple but t ons. You oft en see but t ons used across num erous pages of a docum ent , such as a Back but t on t hat ret urns you t o t he st art of t he docum ent . Acrobat has a Duplicat e process you can use t o quickly add a but t on t o your docum ent 's pages.

    If the Dialog Doesn't Look Right… To use t he Creat e Mult iple Copies process, use t he But t on t ool t o select t he but t ons you want t o use as t he anchor but t ons. When you open t he Creat e Mult iple Copies of Fields dialog, bot h t he Copy select ed fields down and across opt ions are act ive. I f you select but t ons wit h t he Select Obj ect t ool, only t he Copy select ed fields down opt ion is act ive. Cancel t he dialog and click t he But t on t ool inst ead.

    I n bot h of t hese exam ples, st art by drawing t he first but t on. Configure t he but t on and it s appearance. I f you are using a Back but t on for t he ent ire docum ent , for exam ple, set t he act ion as well. That saves you a lot of t im e lat er. Here's how t o add a bat ch of but t ons t o a single page: 1 . Select t he but t on ( or t wo but t ons, nam ed But t on0 and But t on1, as in t he exam ple used in t his t ip) and t hen right - click or Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu. Click Creat e Mult iple Copies t o open t he dialog shown in Figu r e 1 0 2 a.

    Figu r e 1 0 2 a . D r a w t h e fir st bu t t on s a n d t h e n ope n t h e dia log t o qu ick ly cr e a t e m u lt iple copie s.

    2 . I n t he dialog, define t he num bers of rows of but t ons you want t o use in t he docum ent by clicking t he arrow or t yping a value in t he fields. You can also resize t he but t on in t he dialog.

    Form Fields for All Seasons A but t on is a t ype of form field, j ust as it em s like t ext boxes and radio but t ons are form fields. The act ions you use wit h but t ons can be applied t o any ot her t ype of form field you add in Acrobat . Read about working wit h form s in Chapt er 8. 3 . Finally, if you wish, use t he posit ioning but t ons t o nudge t he group of but t ons on t he page. As you m ake changes, t he but t ons are displayed on t he docum ent page. 4 . Click OK t o close t he dialog.

    The new but t ons are nam ed according t o t he nam es of t he original but t ons. I n t he exam ple, t he nam es of t he t wo original but t ons were changed t o But t on0.0 and But t on1.0; t he new but t ons are nam ed But t on0.1 and But t on1.1 ( Figu r e 1 0 2 b ) . Any addit ional but t ons added t o t he collect ion cont inue t he num bering sequence.

    Figu r e 1 0 2 b. Th e bu t t on copie s a r e n a m e d ba se d on t h e or igin a l bu t t on s' n a m e s.

    Do you want a Back but t on t hat appears on every page of your docum ent ? That is even easier t o creat e: 1 . Build your but t on and add t he appropriat e act ion. For exam ple, t o use a Back but t on applied t o t he docum ent 's pages, draw t he first but t on and in t he But t on Propert ies dialog set an act ion t o go t o a page view, in t his case t o page 1. 2 . Set t he view you want t he but t on t o init iat e, and click Close t o dism iss t he But t on Propert ies dialog. 3 . Move t he but t on t o t he correct locat ion on t he page. 4 . When t he but t on is finished, right - click or Cont rol- click and choose Duplicat e from t he short cut m enu. The Duplicat e Field dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 0 2 c) .

    Figu r e 1 0 2 c. You ca n du plica t e a bu t t on fr om on e pa ge a cr oss a w h ole docu m e n t ; e a ch bu t t on m a in t a in s t h e a ct ion s, n a m e , a n d a ppe a r a n ce of t h e or igin a l.

    Reading Articles You can also use a link or but t on ( or a bookm ark) t o " short cut " your readers direct ly t o a series of art icles in a docum ent . Add t he art icles t o t he docum ent first . Then add a link or a but t on and in t he Act ions t ab choose Read an art icle from t he Select Act ion pull- down m enu. A Select Art icle dialog opens. Select t he art icle you want t o link and click OK t o close t he dialog; click Close t o dism iss t he Propert ies dialog. Read about art icles in Chapt er 7. 5 . The default select ion is All pages; you can click From and t ype t he range t o use inst ead if you prefer.

    6 . Click OK and t he but t ons are added. Just like t hat . When you duplicat e t he but t on, it is m erely a copy of t he originalt he but t ons' nam es aren't changed.

    TIP 103: Fun with Buttons Who said but t ons have t o be boring! I n Tip 97, you saw how t o const ruct a basic but t on, and in Tip 98, you learned how t o cust om ize t he but t on's appearance. You can also use but t ons for visual effect s such as showing and hiding cont ent in a docum ent . For exam ple, you m ay have a st reet m ap, and when t he user m oves t he point er over cert ain areas on t he m ap an im age of a landm ark pops up, as in t he exam ple in t his t ip. When t he point er is m oved away from t he but t on area, t he im age disappears. I t isn't m agicit 's int erest ing program m ing using a push- but t on process.

    Rollover Image Tips Using but t ons in t he way described in t his t ip can great ly enhance a visual docum ent . Keep t hese t hings in m ind: When you are building several but t ons, com plet e one pair and t hen use t he Creat e Mult iple Copies m et hod described in Tip 102 t o quickly build t he rem aining pairs. You t hen can cust om ize each pair as required. Changing t he size of t he im age but t on changes t he size of t he im age. I n t he first exam ple, t he im age used as a rollover is sm all; t he one used in t he second exam ple is m uch larger since t he but t on is sized m uch larger.

    Here's how you do it : 1 . Select t he But t on t ool in t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar and drag a m arquee over t he area where you want t he im age t o be responsive t o a user's point er m ovem ent . Release t he m ouse when you have drawn t he m arquee and t he But t on Propert ies dialog opens. 2 . Click t he Appearance t ab and set t he fill and st roke t o none. 3 . Click t he Opt ions t ab, and t hen click t he Layout pull- down arrow and choose I con Only from t he list . 4 . Click t he Behavior pull- down arrow and choose Push as t he but t on t ype. The t hree st at es for t he push but t on appear in t he St at e list on t he dialog; select Rollover (Figu r e 1 0 3 a) .

    Figu r e 1 0 3 a . Ch oose a pu sh bu t t on t ype a n d se le ct a n im a ge t o u se a s t h e bu t t on 's icon .

    5 . Click Choose I con, and t hen click Browse in t he Select I con dialog. When t he File of Type dialog opens, locat e and select t he file you want t o use for t he effect , and t hen click OK t o close t he Preview I con dialog and ret urn t o t he But t on Propert ies dialog. I n m y exam ple, I have an im age of St . Louis Cat hedral in New Orleans.

    The Name of The Game I f you are using a large num ber of but t ons, be sure t o use a nam ing syst em t hat is logical for you. For exam ple, if you are building six pop- ups, you can nam e t he but t ons but t on1 t hrough but t on6 for t he pop- ups, and im age1 t hrough im age6 for t he im age but t ons. 6 . Click Close t o close t he But t on Propert ies dialog. 7 . Click t he Hand t ool on t he Basic t oolbar and m ove t he point er over t he but t on's area. You see t he im age displayed over t he m ap ( Figu r e 1 0 3 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 0 3 b. Te st t h e bu t t on . M ove t h e poin t e r ove r t h e bu t t on a r e a t o displa y t h e im a ge ; m ove t h e poin t e r a w a y fr om t h e bu t t on a r e a t o h ide t h e im a ge .

    Let 's t ake it one st ep furt her. Suppose you want t he im age t o appear in a different locat ion on t he page, and at a different size t han t he original m ap. No problem . You need t wo but t ons, and act ions at t ached t o one but t on you use as a " hot spot " t o m ake it happen: 1 . Creat e a but t on as described in t he previous st eps but place t he but t on on t he page locat ion where you want it t o pop upfor exam ple, t he upper right of t he m ap. I n t his exam ple, m y but t on t hat cont ains t he im age is called im age. That 's hard t o forget ! 2 . Now add a second but t on over t he area t hat you want t o react t o t he user's m ouse. I n t he But t on Propert ies dialog, m ake sure t he background and st roke are clear in t he Appearance t ab. 3 . Click t he Act ions t ab. You add t wo act ions t o m ake t his effect work:

    First , click t he Select Trigger pull- down arrow and choose Mouse Ent er, and t hen click t he Select Act ion pull- down arrow and choose Show/ Hide Field. Click Add and t he Show/ Hide Field dialog shown in Figu r e 1 0 3 c appears. Click t he im age field in t he list ( see how useful nam ing a field can be?) and t hen click t he Show radio but t on. Click OK t o close t he dialog and ret urn t o t he But t on Propert ies dialog.

    Figu r e 1 0 3 c. Ch oose t h e bu t t on con t a in in g t h e im a ge a n d spe cify w h e t h e r t o sh ow or h ide t h e fie ld

    Repeat t he process again, t his t im e choosing t he Mouse Exit t rigger, and in t he Show/ Hide Field dialog, select t he im age field again and click Hide. Click OK t o close t he Show/ Hide Field dialog, and click Close t o dism iss t he But t on Propert ies dialog. 4 . Click t he Hand t ool on t he Basic t oolbar and m ove t he point er over t he " hot spot " but t on t o show t he cont ent of t he second but t on ( Figu r e 1 0 3 d ) .

    Figu r e 1 0 3 d. M ove t h e poin t e r ove r t h e h ot spot t o displa y t h e im a ge bu t t on .

    Chapter THIRTEEN. Bookmarking a Document Bookm arkst ext links arranged in a list in t he Bookm arks paneare one of Acrobat 's m ost powerful feat ures for creat ing user- cent ric docum ent s. I f your docum ent s will be used elect ronically ( t hat is, read using Adobe Reader or Acrobat ) , use bookm arks as a t able of cont ent s for your docum ent . That way, your reader can see at a glance what is in your docum ent by viewing t he Bookm arks pane. Sim ply clicking a bookm ark t akes t he reader t o t he bookm arked locat ion in t he docum ent . Bookm arks provide orient at ion for your docum ent , and t hey are invaluable for large and com plex docum ent s. For any t ype of docum ent t hat uses headings, from a resum é t o a user's m anual, bookm arks add a professional t ouch. Acrobat let s you creat e bookm arks in a variet y of ways. Typically, you add t hem when you're convert ing a docum ent using t he PDFMaker in a source program . But you can also add bookm arks t o any docum ent from wit hin Acrobat it self. And you can configure, m odify, and cust om ize your bookm arks in Acrobat as well.

    TIP 104: Creating Bookmarks in a Source Document The PDFMaker let s you assign bookm arks in Microsoft Office program s quickly and easily if t he source docum ent is const ruct ed properly using st yles or headings. However, if you aren't t hat well versed in t he source docum ent 's program , you m ay find t he process of convert ing headings or st yles t o bookm arks a bit confusingand your result s will be less t han opt im al.

    Show Them What You've Got Once you convert t he docum ent , you have t o change som e set t ings in Acrobat so t hat your readers see your bookm arks when t hey view t he docum ent . Open t he docum ent in Acrobat and click t he Bookm arks t ab on t he Navigat ion pane t o open t he Bookm arks pane. Resize t he pane by dragging t he bar at t he right of t he pane. I f t he bookm arks are long, click t he Opt ions but t on on t he pane and choose Wrap Long Bookm arks. To creat e t he display you want your users t o see when t hey open t he docum ent , you can collapse or expand t he bookm arks. Then choose File > Docum ent Propert ies > I nit ial View t o set opt ions on how t he docum ent will look when it opens. Click t he Show pull- down list in t he Docum ent Opt ions sect ion at t he t op of t he dialog and choose Bookm arks Panel and Page. Then, click OK t o close t he dialog. Save t he docum ent . The next t im e it is opened, it displays page 1 com plet e wit h bookm arks.

    Figu r e 1 0 4 a shows t he first page of a docum ent in Acrobat , creat ed using all t he wrong set t ings. I t was produced in Word 2003 and uses colum ns and sect ions as well as headings. For a print ed docum ent , t he exam ple is fine as is. To use it int eract ively, however, users would benefit from som e bookm arks for navigat ion.

    Figu r e 1 0 4 a . Or ga n ize you r sou r ce docu m e n t if you n e e d t o con ve r t t h e docu m e n t w it h book m a r k s.

    The bookm arks in t he docum ent convert ed t o Acrobat PDF are shown in Figu r e 1 0 4 b . You can see t hat t here are m any, m any bookm arks, t hey are t oo long, and t heir organizat ion is rat her chaot ict he sam ple uses every opt ion available in t he PDFMaker, t he docum ent uses t oo m any st yles and headings, and heading st yles were even used t o creat e blank lines.

    Figu r e 1 0 4 b. M a n y pe ople u se h e a din g st yle s t o a dd bla n k spa ce in a docu m e n t . Th is is a book m a r k in g n o- n o, a n d is on e r e a son w h y som e docu m e n t s' book m a r k s look so ch a ot ic.

    What Are Little Bookmarks Made Of? Decide when you're designing t he source docum ent how you want t o convert it . The PDFMaker let s you convert Word headings or Word st yles t o bookm arks, or bot h. You m ay want t o use bot h st yles and headings depending on t he st ruct ure of your docum ent . For exam ple, if you use t he default headings in t he docum ent and creat e a st yle for a specific t ype of inform at ion ( such as a t ext box) , you m ay want t o convert bot h t he headings and your cust om st yle t o bookm arks.

    To convert a docum ent so t hat t he result is logical bookm arks, keep t hese point s in m ind: Choose t he opt ion t hat is m ost convenient for your purposes ( Figu r e 1 0 4 c) . I f you have a corporat e t em plat e, for exam ple, you can't arbit rarily assign headings t o use for bookm arks; in m any cases you have specific st yles for your corporat e t em plat e inst ead of generic headings. I n t hat case, use t he st yles conversion opt ion.

    Figu r e 1 0 4 c. Ch oose e it h e r book m a r k s or st yle s a s t h e sou r ce for cr e a t in g PD F book m a r k s.

    I f you aren't const rained by policy or ot her business- relat ed issues, and you aren't an advanced user of Office product s, use t he Word headings conversion opt ion. I t is sim ple t o at t ach a Heading1 st yle t o m aj or docum ent headings, a Heading2 st yle t o subheadings, a Heading3 t o lower- level headings, and so on.

    No More Blank Spaces Docum ent designers: Break your users of t heir habit of applying a heading st yle t o creat e a blank space: creat e a cust om st yle for your t em plat es t hat includes blank space before and aft er t he paragraph.

    I n t he docum ent , don't use headings or st yles for any t ext but t he t ext you int end t o use for bookm arks. Anyt hing on t he page t hat uses t he heading or st yle is convert ed t o a bookm ark regardless of whet her it cont ains any t ext . You will run int o problem s if you use headings t o creat e blank space on your page. Assigning a heading t o a blank line adds ext ra space, and t hat line becom es t he dreaded blank bookm ark in your t able of cont ent s.

    1 . When your source docum ent is com plet e, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings. The Change Conversion Set t ings dialog opens; click t he Bookm arks t ab. Don't sim ply click t he Word st yles conversion opt ion. Unless you deselect t he headings opt ion, you get bot h t ypes of cont ent convert ed t o bookm arks. Rem em ber Figure 104b? I t isn't a pret t y sight . 2 . Choose t he set t ings you need and t hen click OK t o close t he dialog: To use t he headings as bookm arks, leave t he default select ions and click OK t o close t he dialog. To use st yles as bookm arks, deselect t he Convert Word Headings t o Bookm arks opt ion and click Convert Word St yles t o Bookm arks. Scroll t hrough t he list and click t he st yles you don't want t o use for conversion, leaving select ed only t he st yles you do want t o use.

    N ot e You can convert t he docum ent using neit her st yles nor headings, and t hen wait unt il you get t he docum ent int o Acrobat t o choose t he specific opt ions you want t o use for bookm arks as long as you use t agged bookm arks. SeeTips 108and109 .

    3 . Click Adobe PDF > Convert t o Adobe PDF or click Convert t o PDF on t he Adobe PDF t oolbar. The docum ent is convert ed t o a PDF docum ent wit h your chosen bookm arks nest led inside it . I n Tip 108, t he sam e docum ent is shown again, t his t im e using an appropriat e list of bookm arks.

    TIP 105: Adding Bookmarks in Acrobat You can creat e, configure, and cust om ize bookm arks from wit hin Acrobat . Acrobat let s you add new bookm arks t o a docum ent using one of t wo m et hods: You can eit her add blank bookm arks and fill t hem in m anually, or you can use select ed t ext from t he docum ent t o creat e your bookm arks. The approach you use depends on how m any bookm arks you have t o addif you want only four bookm arks, for inst ance, you can easily t ype in t he t ext , but if you want 104, t hat 's anot her st ory. How you prefer t o work is a fact or as well. Som e people like t o com plet e t heir work in one areat hat is, t hey want t o add t he list of bookm arks in t he Bookm arks pane and t hen add t he act ual t ext whereas ot hers prefer t o com plet e one bookm ark at a t im e and m ake t heir way t hrough t he docum ent from st art t o finish. For eit her m et hod, you need t o st art wit h t he docum ent and t he Bookm arks pane open in Acrobat .

    Bookmarks in a Hurry Speed up t he bookm arking process. Click t he exist ing bookm ark in t he list above where you want t o add a new bookm ark, and click t he Creat e New Bookm ark icon. The new bookm ark appears below t he select ed bookm ark.

    Jumping Bookmarks Be sure t o click t he bookm ark's nam e in t he Bookm arks pane t o act ivat e it before set t ing t he dest inat ion view. I f you posit ion t he docum ent in t he desired locat ion and set t he m agnificat ion, as soon as you click t he bookm ark you want t o change, Acrobat j um ps t o t he original viewwhich m eans you have t o st art all over again.

    To add a blank bookm ark, click Creat e New Bookm ark on t he Bookm arks pane t oolbar t o add a blank bookm ark t o t he Bookm arks pane ( Figu r e 1 0 5 a) . Or add a new bookm ark even fast er by using t he Ct rl+ B/ Com m and+ B short cut keys when t he Bookm arks pane is act ive. Click t he select ed Unt it led t ext in t he new bookm ark and t ype a label for your bookm ark.

    Figu r e 1 0 5 a . A n e w book m a r k is n a m e d u n t it le d.

    To creat e a bookm ark label using your docum ent 's t ext , click t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar and t hen click and drag wit h t he t ool t o select t he t ext t hat you want t o use for t he bookm ark label (Figu r e 1 0 5 b ) . on t he Bookm arks pane t oolbar t o add a bookm ark using t he Then, click Creat e New Bookm ark select ed t ext , also shown in Figure 105b.

    Figu r e 1 0 5 b. Se le ct t e x t on t h e docu m e n t t o u se for a book m a r k a n d con ve r t t h e se le ct e d t e x t t o a book m a r k la be l. [View full size image]

    N ot e Add correct spacing t o your bookm ark m anually if t he select ed t ext on t he docum ent ext ends for m ore t han one linesee t he exam ple inFigure 105b .

    Using Destination Options Correctly As wit h m any ot her set t ings, a m agnificat ion opt ion applies unt il you change it , which m eans every t im e you add a new bookm ark, it inherit s t he dest inat ion or m agnificat ion last specified. Suppose you add a couple of new bookm arks t o a docum ent t hat already cont ains bookm arks. I f t he set t ings you use for t he new bookm arks are different from t he set t ings used wit h t he ot her bookm arks, readers will find t he progress t hrough your docum ent j um py and dist ract ing. On t he ot her hand, t he inherit ed m agnificat ion opt ions can st ream line your bookm arking processes. Select t he first bookm ark and set t he m agnificat ion opt ions as desired. To set all subsequent bookm arks, select a bookm ark, which m oves t he docum ent t o t he appropriat e locat ion in your docum ent ; right - click and select Set Dest inat ion. Click OK t o confirm t he dest inat ion, and t he m agnificat ions will be uniform .

    When you add a bookm ark in eit her a source program or in Acrobat , t he bookm ark is usable as soon as it 's deselect ed. Once you click t he bookm ark, t he dest inat ion appears in t he Docum ent pane. The Docum ent pane displays only t he part of t he docum ent visible when you creat ed t he bookm ark, called t he

    dest inat ion, which m ay not be t he ideal view ( Figu r e 1 0 5 c) .

    Figu r e 1 0 5 c. A n e w book m a r k displa ys t h e pa r t of t h e docu m e n t t h a t w a s visible w h e n you cr e a t e d t h e book m a r k . I t 's n ot a lw a ys w h a t you w a n t t o displa y. [View full size image]

    Select t he bookm ark in t he Bookm arks pane, and t hen use t he zoom t ools and scroll bars t o place t he docum ent as you'd like t o see it when t he bookm ark is clicked. Right - click/ Cont rol- click t he bookm ark t o display t he short cut m enu and select Set Dest inat ion. I n t he result ing confirm at ion dialog, click Yes t o set t he dest inat ion and dism iss t he dialog.

    TIP 106: Organizing a Bookmark Hierarchy Bookm arks form an int eract ive t able of cont ent s t hat let s your readers quickly see an out line of t he cont ent s of your docum ent . For your readers' convenience, it m akes sense t o organize your list of bookm arks int o a logical hierarchy. That is, t he m ain headings expand t o display lower- level headings, which in t urn expand t o display anot her heading level. From a t echnical st andpoint , t here's no lim it t o t he num ber of levels you can usebut from a funct ional perspect ive, you probably shouldn't use m ore t han t hree levels. More t han t hree levels m akes your list confusing, as you can see in t he exam ple shown in Figu r e 1 0 6 a. The m ore nest ed levels you have, t he m ore screen space is required t o display t hem , which decreases t he size of t he Docum ent pane and ult im at ely reduces t he value of using bookm arks at all. What good is an int eract ive t able of cont ent s if t he ent ire screen is filled wit h t he t able and you can't see t he cont ent s?

    Figu r e 1 0 6 a . Book m a r k s ca n be n e st e d in a n in fin it e n u m be r of le ve ls, bu t t h e con t e n t m a y be difficu lt t o se e a n d w or k w it h .

    Everything in Its Right Place Before you st art organizing t he cont ent s of your bookm ark list int o a hierarchy, m ake sure t he heading levels are in t he right order. Depending on how m et hodical you were when you creat ed t he bookm arks, t hey m ight not accurat ely reflect t he order of t he cont ent s. To fix t he sequence, first select t he bookm ark you want t o m ove. Drag it up or down in t he list t o posit ion it in it s proper place. You'll see a dot t ed indicat or line wit h a sm all black arrow below or above each t it le as you drag t he bookm ark up or down t he list . The indicat or shows where Acrobat will drop t he bookm ark. When you have t he bookm ark in t he right locat ion, j ust release t he m ouse. Reordering t he list of bookm arks doesn't change t he heading levels in any way. I f you prefer, you can also cut and past e bookm arks. Click t he bookm ark you want t o rem ove, and t hen choose Cut from t he Bookm arks pane's Opt ions m enu. Then click t he bookm ark preceding t he locat ion where you want t he bookm ark m oved, and choose Past e Aft er Select ed Bookm ark.

    You can creat e parent and child relat ionships bet ween ent ries in your docum ent 's Bookm arks list . I f you have a com plex docum ent wit h dozens of headings, creat e several m ain headings and t hen nest child headings for each m ain heading. That way, your readers can scan t he m ain headings, and when t hey see a t opic of int erest , t hey can click t he heading t o open t he nest ed list displaying t he child bookm arks. Nest ing bookm arks decreases clut t er and m akes it easier for your reader t o see what 's in t he docum ent . 1 . Click t he bookm ark t o select it . Drag up or down wit h t he point er posit ioned over t he bookm ark's icon. You'll see a horizont al black line below t he icon ( Figu r e 1 0 6 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 0 6 b. M ove a book m a r k t o a n e st in g posit ion in dica t e d by t h e h or izon t a l lin e .

    Another Way I f you find it difficult t o drag and nest bookm arks, you'll be glad t o know t here's anot her way. I nst ead of dragging, click t he bookm ark you want t o m ove and choose Cut from t he Bookm ark pane's Opt ions m enu. Then click t he bookm ark you want t o m ake t he parent of t he cut bookm ark, and choose Past e Under Select ed Bookm ark from t he Bookm ark pane's Opt ions m enu.

    N ot e Don't select and drag t he bookm ark label you'll j ust m ove t he bookm ark in t he list , not change it s hierarchy. Make sure you're m oving t he icon. 2 . When you see t he horizont al bar below t he bookm ark you want t o use as a parent , release t he m ouse. The bookm ark m oves int o a nest ed posit ion below t he parent bookm ark. A level indicat oreit her a m inus or plus sign wit hin a sm all boxappears t o t he left of t he parent bookm ark. Cont inue t o m ove ot her bookm arks int o t he desired nest ing locat ions ( Figu r e 1 0 6 c) .

    Figu r e 1 0 6 c. Th e ch ild book m a r k s se t t le in be n e a t h t h e pa r e n t .

    3 . Click t o expand and collapse t he bookm ark. When you m ove t he parent bookm ark, Acrobat includes any child bookm arks and levels in t he m ove. Not only do child bookm arks m ove if you m ove t he parent bookm ark, but if you delet e a parent bookm ark, all levels of bookm arks nest ed wit hin it are delet ed as well. 4 . I f you want t o m ove a bookm ark out of a nest ed posit ion, drag t he bookm ark icon t o a posit ion below t he parent bookm ark. When you release t he m ouse, Acrobat m oves t he bookm ark up t he hierarchy.

    TIP 107: Modifying Bookmark Appearance We nat urally see bold and colored t ext as m ore im port ant t han regular black t ext . You nat ural t endency t o m ake it easier for your readers t o underst and how your docum ent is a great st rat egy t o apply in com binat ion wit h a hierarchical list ing. For exam ple, use for t he first - level bookm ark, a bold t ext for t he second level, and regular black t ext for

    can use t hat is organized. This a bold, colored t ext t he t hird level.

    Develop a Bookmarking Workflow This is m y m et hod of creat ing a set of bookm arks easily and accurat ely: Build t he bookm ark t it le list . Organize and arrange t he hierarchy st ruct ure in t he Bookm arks pane. Test and set dest inat ions for t he list . Modify t he bookm arks' appearance. Test t he Bookm arks list . Set t he docum ent propert ies t o include t he bookm arks in t he init ial view. Save t he docum ent .

    Coordinat ing a bookm ark list wit h t he docum ent 's color schem e gives it a professional look, especially when you set t he docum ent 's init ial view t o open displaying bot h t he docum ent and bookm arks. Figu r e 1 0 7 a shows t he " before" look in an exam ple proj ect . The bookm ark hierarchy is in place, but it is difficult t o see what is really im port ant in t he list all t he bookm arks use t he sam e weight and color of font and are different iat ed only on t he basis of t heir indent at ion.

    Figu r e 1 0 7 a . A docu m e n t 's book m a r k s n e st e d a ppr opr ia t e ly displa y t h e con t e n t in a h ie r a r ch y, bu t it 's difficu lt t o ge t a se n se of m or e or le ss im por t a n t h e a din gs.

    Cont rast t hat wit h t he " aft er" look in Figu r e 1 0 7 b . The bookm arks have t he sam e st ruct ure, but you can easily see t hat t he t hree sect ion headings are t he m ost dom inant in appearance ( aft er t he t it le bookm ark) . The t hird- level bookm arks in it alics are bookm arked im ages in t he docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 0 7 b. Th e m odifie d se t of book m a r k s cle a r ly sh ow s t h e m ost dom in a n t h e a din gs a n d m a k e s t h e docu m e n t 's con t e n t e a sie r t o se e a t a gla n ce . Th e book m a r k la be ls a r e w r a ppe d so t h e y ca n be r e a d r e ga r dle ss of t h e w idt h of t h e Book m a r k s pa n e .

    Here are som e t ips on m anipulat ing t he appearance of bookm arks, including som e short cut s and t im esaving m et hods: Before you st art m odifying, open t he Bookm arks list and click a t op- level bookm ark. Click Expand Current Bookm ark

    on t he Bookm arks pane so t hat all lower- level bookm arks are visible.

    How you m anipulat e t he bookm arks depends on t he cont ent and how you like t o work. I prefer t o use right - click or short cut keys when pract ical. I also like t o group it em s and work wit h t hem sim ult aneously. Open and close levels as needed t o keep t rack of what you are doing. Anot her m et hod t hat works well is t o define an appearance for your bookm arks when you st art . Add t he first bookm ark and t hen configure it using t he Bookm ark Propert ies t oolbar ( Figu r e 1 0 7 c) . Right - click t he bookm ark and choose Use Current Appearance as New Default .

    Figu r e 1 0 7 c. Use t h e Book m a r k Pr ope r t ie s t oolba r t o sa ve t im e a s you w or k . As you se le ct a book m a r k , t h e t oolba r be com e s a ct ive .

    Belly Up to the Toolbar All of t he t ools used for m odifying bookm arks are in t he Bookm ark Propert ies t oolbar. Open t he t oolbar t o m ake configurat ion quicker ( see Figure 107c) . Right - click t he t oolbar well at t he t op of t he program window and choose Propert ies Bar or use t he short cut s Ct rl+ E/ Com m and+ E. I f you are working wit h a large num ber of bookm arks, drag t he t oolbar int o t he t oolbar well t o dock it . When you click a bookm ark in t he list , t he Bookm ark Propert ies bar is act ive. Click More on t he t oolbar t o open t he Bookm ark Propert ies dialog if you want t o set act ions for t he select ed bookm ark.

    Som et im es your bookm arks are quit e lengt hy. Alt hough you should t ry t o keep t he t it les short , som et im es t hat isn't possible. Right - click/ Cont rol- click any bookm ark and choose Wrap Long Bookm arks from t he short cut m enu. Regardless of t he widt h of t he Bookm arks pane, your reader can always read t he bookm ark label wit hout scrolling; t he wrapping feat ure is shown in Figure 107b. You can resize t he t ext in t he Bookm arks t ab. Click t he Opt ions m enu and choose Text Size > Sm all, Medium ( default ) , or Large. Changing size has no effect on t he ot her t ext charact erist ics, such as it alic, t hat you set in t he Bookm ark Propert ies t oolbar.

    TIP 108: Using Tagged Bookmarks I n t he Bookm arks pane, an icon appears before t he nam e of each bookm ark. Bookm arks m ay be prefaced or, in a convert ed and t agged docum ent , by t he t agged bookm ark icon . by t he bookm ark icon ( Convert ed Web pages display t he Web bookm ark icon; t his t ype of bookm ark is discussed in t he sidebar in Tip 109.) Alt hough you can configure t he appearance of all t ypes of bookm arks in t he sam e way, funct ionally t hey are different .

    Using Arrow Keys to Navigate Bookmarks Use t he keyboard's arrow keys t o m ove t hrough a long list of bookm arks: The up arrow m oves up t he list one bookm ark at a t im e. The down arrow m oves down t he list one bookm ark at a t im e. The left arrow key m oves up t he hierarchy t o t he parent . The right arrow key m oves down t he hierarchy t o t he innerm ost nest ed child bookm ark.

    Acrobat let s you add and delet e bookm arks at will wit hout affect ing t he cont ent of your docum ent . However, if you use t agged bookm arks you can m odify t he cont ent of t he docum ent as well as provide navigat ion in t he docum ent . You can export a docum ent from eit her Adobe I nDesign or Microsoft Word as a t agged docum ent . Don't bot her t o export st yles or headings as bookm arksyou will build t he bookm arks from t he docum ent t ags rat her t han using st yles or headings. Refer t o t he t ips in Chapt er 7 for m ore inform at ion on t agging docum ent s. So your first st ep is t o open t he PDF in Acrobat . Then: 1 . Open t he Bookm arks pane. Choose Opt ions > New Bookm arks from St ruct ure t o open t he St ruct ure Elem ent s dialog. 2 . Scroll t hrough t he list in t he St ruct ure Elem ent s dialog and select t he t ags you want t o convert t o bookm arks. The t ags are based on t he st yles or headings used in t he original Word XP docum ent . 3 . Ct rl- click/ Com m and- click t o select specific t ags (Figu r e 1 0 8 a) . Choose t ags according t o t he levels of headings you want in your Bookm arks list . I n t his sam ple docum ent , I want t o convert t he heading 1 and heading 2 t ags as well as t he inline shape t ags ( t o include bookm arks for t he im ages) t o a set of bookm arks. You m ight also want t o convert ot her heading t ags depending on t he lengt h and com plexit y of t he docum ent and how m any bookm arks you need.

    Figu r e 1 0 8 a . Se le ct spe cific t a gs t o con ve r t t o book m a r k s.

    N ot e I f you click an elem ent by m ist ake, click it again while pressing t he Ct rl/ Com m and key t o deselect it . You can choose Select All t o select t he ent ire list . Click Clear All t o deselect all t he t ags and st art over. 4 . Click OK t o close t he dialog. Acrobat convert s t he select ed t ags t o bookm arks and adds t hem t o t he Bookm arks pane in one collapsed basic bookm ark nam ed Unt it led. 5 . Click t he plus sign t o t he left of t he bookm ark's nam e t o open t he list . As you can see, only t he Unt it led bookm ark uses t he basic bookm ark icon; t he ot hers use t he t agged bookm ark icon, as shown in Figu r e 1 0 8 b . The bookm arks are nam ed using t he cont ent of t he t ag; in t he case of t he im ages, t hey are referred t o as inline shapes.

    Figu r e 1 0 8 b. Th e con ve r t e d t a gs u se t h e t a gge d book m a r k icon a n d t h e con t e n t of t h e se le ct e d t a gs.

    6 . Modify t he bookm arks' appearance and view as desired. I f you add new bookm arks, t hey will use t he basic bookm ark icon because t hey are added bookm arks and not part of t he docum ent st ruct ure.

    TIP 109: Modifying Content with Tagged Bookmarks Did you know you can m odify t he cont ent of your docum ent by using t agged bookm arks? Here's t he scoop: First , select a bookm ark or bookm arks from t he list in t he Bookm arks pane. Right - click/ Cont rolclick it t o open a short cut m enu ( or open t he pane's Opt ions m enu) ; you see a num ber of docum ent m odificat ion com m ands ( Figu r e 1 0 9 ) . Here's what you can do: Click Print Page( s) t o print t he pages cont aining t he select ed t ag( s) . Click Delet e Page( s) t o delet e t he pages cont aining t he select ed t ag( s) . I f you choose t his com m and, you'll see a warning dialog t elling you t hat you can't " undelet e." Click OK t o proceed.

    N ot e Even t hough Acrobat warns you t hat t he act ion isn't reversible, it act ually is. No, you can't choose Edit > Undo t o undo t he com m and. But you can choose File > Revert and revert t o t he last - saved version of t he docum ent ( t ricky, eh?) . A good reason t o save your docum ent s regularly!

    Click Ext ract Page( s) t o ext ract t he inform at ion from t he pages cont aining t he select ed t ag( s) and t o creat e a new PDF docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 0 9 . Ta gge d book m a r k s le t you m odify docu m e n t con t e n t .

    Web Page Bookmarks Tags are aut om at ically creat ed when you convert a Web t o a PDF docum ent . The Web pagegenerat ed book m arks is indicat ed in t he Bookm arks pane by it s own icon .You can configure, renam e, and m odify Web bookm arks using t he sam e m et hods you sue for ot her bookm arks. I n addit ion, you can open t he link in a Web browser or append ot her Web pages from t he convert ed Web page's sit e.

    TIP 110: Applying Actions to Bookmarks Bookm arks are used m ost oft en t o cont rol navigat ion in a docum ent t hey basically funct ion as an int eract ive t able of cont ent s. But t hat 's not all you can do wit h bookm arks. As wit h links and but t ons, you can apply a wide variet y of act ions t o bookm arks.

    Bookmarking an Image You don't have t o st ick wit h boring old t ext t o define a bookm ark locat ionyou can use an im age as a bookm ark locat ion inst ead. Click t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar. Then, click an im age or draw a m arquee around a port ion of an im age on your docum ent . Right click/ Cont rol- click t he im age and choose Add Bookm ark. A new bookm ark nam ed Unt it led appears at t he bot t om of t he list ( or below a select ed bookm ark) . The " Unt it led" label is act ive; click t o delet e t he label and t ype a nam e for t he bookm ark.

    You can apply act ions t o any t ype of bookm ark, whet her it is generat ed wit hin Acrobat , im port ed as a t agged bookm ark, or from a convert ed Web page: 1 . Select t he bookm ark you want t o apply an act ion t o in t he Bookm arks pane. Then, open t he bookm ark's propert ies. You can choose Propert ies from t he Bookm arks pane's Opt ions m enu, right click/ Cont rol- click t he select ed bookm ark, or click More on t he Bookm ark Propert ies t oolbar. 2 . The Bookm ark Propert ies dialog has t wo t abs; t he Appearance t ab is used t o set t he font st yle and color. Click Act ions t o display t he act ion opt ions (Figu r e 1 1 0 ) .

    Figu r e 1 1 0 . You ca n a t t a ch a r a n ge of a ct ion s t o book m a r k s.

    3 . The default act ion for bookm arks is t he Go t o a page view act ion, which you set when t he bookm ark is creat ed. As wit h ot her obj ect s, such as links and but t ons, click t he Select Act ion pull- down arrow and choose an act ion from t he list . 4 . Click Add t o open t he dialog specific t o t he t ype of act ion and configure it s set t ings. Close t he dialog and t he act ion is added in t he Act ions list on t he Bookm ark Propert ies dialog. 5 . Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog and apply t he act ion.

    N ot e For m ore specific inform at ion on using som e of Acrobat 's act ions see Chapt er 12; bookm arking a layered docum ent is described in Chapt er 11.

    Chapter FOURTEEN. Commenting and Marking Up Documents Acrobat 7 let s you add a wide variet y of com m ent s t o PDF docum ent s and t hen share t he com m ent s wit h your workgroup. Unlike m anual paper- based com m ent ing, Acrobat 's t ools include m any t ypes of t ext com m ent and edit t ools; you can at t ach ot her docum ent s and sound files t o a docum ent , and even int egrat e your com m ent s direct ly int o t heir source docum ent s in som e program s. Specific t ypes of com m ent s are described in ot her chapt ers. You can read about drawing t ools in Chapt er 11 , and at t aching files in Chapt er 4. You can init iat e workflows for rout ing and m anaging com m ent s generat ed by a num ber of users; m anaging t hese workflows is t he subj ect of Chapt er 15. The goal of t he t ips in t his chapt er is t o help sim plify your workloadwit h so m any t ools at your disposal, it 's im port ant t o underst and t he reasons why you choose one t ype of t ool versus anot her, and how t o m axim ize your efficient use of t he t ools. You will also see how t o m anage com m ent s. By t he way, all t he com m ent ing t ypes and Com m ent t ools can also be accessed from t he Com m ent s m enu on t he m ain program m enu; t hroughout t hese t ips I have referred t o working from t he Com m ent ing t oolbar, which is a good way t o save yourself a couple of m ouse clicks.

    TIP 111: Using the Commenting Toolbar Acrobat 7 has a range of com m ent ing opt ions you can access from t he Com m ent ing m enu, t he Com m ent , t he Com m ent s pane, and t he Com m ent ing t oolbar: in t he & Markup t ask but t on Com m ent ing t oolbar you'll find pull- down m enus and subt oolbars for t ool groups, such as t ext edit s and st am ps.

    The Subject at Hand I t isn't necessary t o add a subj ect for com m ent s, but it 's a good pract ice t o develop. For exam ple, you m ight have t wo or t hree people reviewing a docum ent . I f t hey all use t he sam e subj ect , such as " Purchasing," it 's easy t o figure out where t he com m ent s are com ing from . The aut hor of a com m ent is list ed next t o t he com m ent t ype in t he Com m ent s list ; if you add a subj ect , it appears below t he aut hor's nam e.

    Click t he pull- down arrow on t he t ask but t on t o open a list of opt ions, which includes t he Com m ent ing t oolbar (Figu r e 1 1 1 a) . From t his t ask but t on m enu, you can also access ot her t oolbars such as t he Drawing Markups and it s subt oolbars, described in Chapt er 11, as well as different workflows.

    Figu r e 1 1 1 a . Ch oose fr om a r a n ge of opt ion s su ch a s t oolba r s a n d pr oce sse s fr om t h e Com m e n t & M a r k u p t a sk bu t t on 's pu ll- dow n m e n u .

    To quickly open t he Com m ent ing t oolbar ( Figu r e 1 1 1 b ) , click t he Review & Com m ent t ask but t on it self, not t he pull- down arrow. Click t he t ask but t on again t o close t he t oolbar.

    Figu r e 1 1 1 b. Th e Com m e n t in g t oolba r con sist s of se ve r a l com m a n ds a n d pu ll- dow n m e n u s.

    The best way t o underst and how t o use t he t oolbar is t o exam ine it s cont ent s. Table 14.1 explains what each it em is used for and what t he pull- down m enus cont ain.

    Ta ble 1 4 .1 . Th e Com m e n t in g Toolba r Toolba r icon

    Con t a in s… The Not e t ool let s you add not es t o t he docum ent ( indicat ed by an icon) . The Text Edit t ools let you indicat e t ext edit s on a docum ent . The St am p t ool allows you t o add a variet y of st am ps t o a docum ent . You can also use dynam ic st am ps and creat e cust om st am ps. The Highlight er t ools are elect ronic versions of t radit ional highlight er, cross- out , and underline t ext edit s. The At t ach File t ools let you at t ach eit her a file or a voice com m ent . ( See Tip 36 in Chapt er 4 t o learn about at t achm ent s) . The Show t ools let you access com m ent s sort ed in various ways, view t he Com m ent s list , and view t he cont ent of com m ent s.

    Using the Properties Bar to Modify Comments I f you're working wit h a num ber of com m ent s using various icons, colors, t ext , and so on, you m ay find it easier t o use t he Propert ies bar t han t he com m ent 's Propert ies dialog t o m odify com m ent s' propert ies. Click t he not e icon, and t he Not e Propert ies opt ions display in t he t oolbar. The bar swit ches from t he not e opt ions t o t he t ext opt ions if you click wit hin t he not e's t ext area or select som e t ext in t he not e.

    TIP 112: Adding Notes and Highlighting Comments Of all t he com m ent t ools, you'll probably use t he not e com m ent m ost frequent ly. Select t he Not e t ool on t he Com m ent ing t oolbar and t hen click t he docum ent where you want t o place t he not e. You can also drag wit h t he t ool t o creat e a m arquee. A pop- up window opens (Figu r e 1 1 2 a) showing an act ive cursor. Type t he t ext for your not e; if you ent er m ore t ext t han fit s t he size of t he pop- up window, t he t ext scrolls. When you have t he Propert ies Bar open, also shown in Figure 112a, you can select t ext in t he not e and cust om ize it s color, font , and so on direct ly from t he t oolbar.

    Figu r e 1 1 2 a . Type you r n ot e 's t e x t in t h e pop- u p w in dow . You ca n cu st om ize t h e t e x t e a sily u sin g t h e Pr ope r t ie s Ba r .

    Finding Properties To access t he Propert ies Bar choose View > Toolbars > Propert ies Bar ( Ct rl+ E/ Com m and+ E) . Or right - click/ Cont rol- click anywhere in t he t oolbar well at t he t op of t he program window. The list of t oolbars appears; choose Propert ies Bar.

    To t idy up t he page, click t he close box in t he pop- up window. You can st ill read t he cont ent of your not e; j ust m ove t he point er over t he not e's icon on t he page and Acrobat displays it s cont ent s in a t ool t ip box ( Figu r e 1 1 2 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 1 2 b. Sa ve spa ce on you r docu m e n t by closin g t h e n ot e . M ove you r poin t e r ove r t h e n ot e 's icon t o displa y it s t e x t t ip.

    Once t he not e is added t o your docum ent , you can change it s appearance and charact erist ics beyond t he opt ions available from t he Propert ies Bar. Click Opt ions on t he Not e box t o open t he Not e Propert ies dialog ( Figu r e 1 1 2 c) , or right - click/ Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu and choose Propert ies. When t he Propert ies bar is displayed, it shows t he Not e Propert ies as well, also shown in Figure 112c:

    Figu r e 1 1 2 c. Con figu r e a n ot e 's a ppe a r a n ce a n d n a m e a n d r e a d it s h ist or y in t h e N ot e Pr ope r t ie s dia log.

    Lock Your Notes Som et im es you need your com m ent t o st ay in place, and don't want t o t ake t he risk t hat anot her reviewer will go in and change it . Click t he Locked opt ion at t he lower left of t he Not e Propert ies dialog t o prevent t he com m ent from being m odified or delet ed ( see Figure 112c) .

    Choose an icon for t he not e, as well as color and opacit y, on t he Appearance t ab. Specify a nam e for t he com m ent aut hor and a subj ect on t he General t ab. View t he Review hist ory and/ or Migrat ion hist ory on t he Review Hist ory t ab. Click Close t o dism iss t he Not e Propert ies dialog and apply t he changes.

    N ot e Once a not e has been added, you can double- click it s icon t o open t he t ext box. To delet e a not e, click t he not e icon wit h t he Hand t ool t o select it . Then press Delet e on t he keyboard.

    The Highlight ing t ools are used t o add visual com m ent s t o t he t ext of your docum ent . You can use an underline, highlight , or st riket hrough. Choose Tools > Com m ent ing > Show Highlight ing Toolbar t o open t he t oolbar ( Figu r e 1 1 2 d ) . Select a t ool from t he t oolbar and t hen drag across t he t ext you want t o ident ify wit h t he t ool. An exam ple of each t ool's use is shown in Figure 112d. As wit h t he Not e t ool, you can m odify t he appearance of t he Highlight ing t ools eit her on t he Propert ies bar or by select ing Propert ies from t he short cut m enu.

    Figu r e 1 1 2 d. Use t h e H igh ligh t in g t ools t o poin t ou t con t e n t in a docu m e n t 's text.

    The SameBut Different The Highlight ing t oolbar cont ains t hree t ools t hat you can use t o draw at t ent ion t o cont ent in your docum ent . There are also t hree t ext edit t ools t hat appear t o do t he sam e t hings. However, t he Highlight ing t ools are used wit hin Acrobat only, unlike t heir t ext edit count erpart s, which can be export ed from t he docum ent int o a source Word or Aut oCAD docum ent ( Windows) .

    TIP 113: Setting Commenting Preferences One you've been working wit h com m ent s in Acrobat for a while, you should evaluat e how you use t hem and how you m odify t hem . Ask yourself: Do I change t he nam e on t he com m ent box regularly? Do I change t he font or size of t he com m ent regularly? Am I repeat edly dragging com m ent s out of t he way t o see ot her cont ent on t he page? Do I prefer t he com m ent s aligned along t he side of t he page or overlaying t he docum ent 's cont ent s? Do I find it difficult t o keep t rack of which com m ent box belongs t o which com m ent ?

    Personal Preferences Som et im es it 's a good idea t o m odify Com m ent ing preferences, eit her your own or t hose of a larger group: Color- code m em bers of a workgroup who use com m ent ing regularly. Each person uses a different color for his or her com m ent s. That way, you can see at a glance who added com m ent s. I n an office environm ent , consider color- coding depart m ent s. Many docum ent s and processes require input from a variet y of depart m ent s; if each has it s own color for com m ent ing, it is easier t o see where a docum ent is in t he com m ent ing and reviewing cycle. I ncrease t he font size if you are working wit h som eone who reads com m ent s on t he page. I work on proj ect s wit h a person who likes t o read t he com m ent s as is ( wit hout opening t he Com m ent s list ) . I f I use a large font size, he can clearly see m y com m ent s on t he page. I n a graphics layout review ( a m agazine, for exam ple) decrease t he opacit y of t he com m ent s. That way, ot her m em bers in t he group can read t he com m ent s in place on t he page and st ill see t he graphics cont ent underneat h Show lines connect ing com m ent m arkups t o t heir pop- ups on m ouse rollover, as shown in Figure 113b.

    Figu r e 1 1 3 b. Use con n e ct in g lin e s t o pa ir t e x t a n d t h e com m e n t icon .

    I f you find you m ake t he sam e m odificat ions repeat edly, it 's a good idea t o m odify t he preferences. Begin by choosing Edit > Preferences ( or Acrobat > Preferences on t he Mac) and click Com m ent ing in t he left colum n t o display t he Com m ent ing Preferences dialog ( Figu r e 1 1 3 a) .

    Figu r e 1 1 3 a . Ch oose pr e fe r e n ce s for con figu r in g h ow you vie w com m e n t s, h ow t h e y be h a ve , a n d h ow t h e y look . [View full size image]

    The preferences are set in t hree cat egories: Viewing Com m ent s Choose opt ions in t his sect ion t o specify how com m ent s are seen in t he docum ent . Arial font at 10 point s is t he default for com m ent s. I f you want , click t he pull- down list

    and choose anot her font , t ype a different point size, and choose t he opacit y percent age for t he popup box. Also in t his sect ion of t he dialog you can choose t o show connect ing lines from t he com m ent box t o t he com m ent locat ion (Figu r e 1 1 3 b ) .

    Circle It I f you are t he t ype of person who uses drawing com m ent s ( described in Chapt er 11) t o scribble on a docum ent , check t he opt ion Copy encircled t ext int o Drawing com m ent pop- ups. This way, as you scribble you can add t ext from t he docum ent t o t he com m ent 's t ext pop- up wit hout having t o select anot her t ool.

    Page After Page I f you select t he Ensure t hat popups are visible as t he docum ent is scrolled opt ion in t he Viewing Com m ent s sect ion of t he dialog, t he com m ent s are pulled along wit h you as you m ove t hrough t he docum ent . Personally I never use t his preference as it rem inds m e t oo m uch of advert ising on som e Web sit es t hat j um ps along as I m ove down a page. Ot hers find it ext rem ely useful. Fort unat ely, Acrobat can accom m odat e bot h t ypes of people.

    Pop- up Open Behavior Choose opt ions t o define how t he com m ent s display in response t o ot her docum ent act ions, such as opening t he Com m ent s pane or in response t o m ouse rollovers. The default set t ing for t he Pop- up Open Behavior is t o open a pop- up box when t he com m ent is select ed. Leave t he set t ing select ed if you are working on docum ent s from t he Docum ent pane. I f you prefer t o see t he ent ire pop- up box rat her t han t he t ool t ip, choose t he opt ion Aut om at ically open pop- ups on m ouse rollover. Making Com m ent s Choose opt ions t o apply t o your com m ent process consist ent ly, such as t heir alignm ent on t he page or t he nam e displayed at t he t op of t he pop- up box. The first opt ion ( Always use Login Nam e for Aut hor nam e) is select ed by default . I f t he only nam e you work wit h is t he login nam e for your com put er, t hen leave t he opt ion select ed. I f you use anot her nam e, or use different nam es depending on t he work or workgroup you are involved wit h, deselect it . Select t he Creat e new pop- ups aligned t o t he edge of t he docum ent opt ion if neat ness is your passion. Click t he final opt ion t o copy t he cont ent of select ed t ext int o com m ent pop- ups for Highlight , CrossOut , and Underline t ext com m ent s.

    TIP 114: Working with Text Edit Comments The t ext edit t ools let you edit a PDF docum ent t he sam e way you would wit h a print ed page and a red pencil, but m uch m ore efficient ly. I nst ead of having t o print a docum ent , add com m ent s and edit s by hand, and t hen deliver t he docum ent t o som eone who will m ake t he changes, you can do it all from wit hin Acrobat .

    The Sound of Your Voice Are you t he t ype of person who prefers t o t alk rat her t han t ype? There's a com m ent t ype m ade j ust for you. On t he Com m ent ing t oolbar, click t he pull- down arrow next t o t he At t ach .Click t he a File as a Com m ent Tool and choose t he Record Audio Com m ent Tool docum ent page where you want t o display t he com m ent 's icon; a Sound Recorder opens. Click Browse t o locat e a sound file ( you can use eit her WAV or AI FF form at s) and select it . You can preview it in t he Sound Recorder dialog or by clicking t he com m ent 's icon on t he page. How you record t he sound files depends on your operat ing syst em and configurat ion.

    You'll find t he t ext edit t ools on t he Com m ent ing t oolbar. Click t he Text Edit s pull- down arrow t o display t he list of t ools ( Figu r e 1 1 4 a) . I f you have select ed t ext on t he page, t he t ools are all act ive, as shown in t he figure. I f you haven't select ed any t ext and click t he Text Edit s pull- down arrow, click I ndicat e Text Edit s Tool t o act ivat e t he Text Select t ool. Use t his opt ion if you need t o insert , delet e, or replace t ext .

    Figu r e 1 1 4 a . M ost of t h e Te x t Edit com m e n t s a r e u n a va ila ble u n t il you se le ct som e t e x t on t h e pa ge .

    When you select I ndicat e Text Edit s Tool from t he pull- down m enu, t he I ndicat ing Text Edit s inform at ion dialog shown in Figu r e 1 1 4 b appears, explaining what som e of t he edit ing opt ions are and how t o use keyboard short cut s. Click OK t o close t he dialog.

    Figu r e 1 1 4 b. Le a r n a bou t com m on t ype s of t e x t e dit s in t h e I n dica t in g Te x t Edit s dia log.

    See Attachments The File t oolbar includes a pair of t ools for at t aching ot her cont ent t o t he docum ent , including . This t ool is available on bot h t he File and t he At t ach a File as a Com m ent t ool Com m ent ing t oolbars. Tip 36 in Chapt er 4 describes at t aching files.

    Adding Comments to Your Edits Need t o explain why you delet ed a specific paragraph in a docum ent , or j ust want t o leave a not e t o verify t hat your changes are correct ? Acrobat m akes it easy. Once you've added an edit wit h any of t he t ext edit t ools, you can also add a com m ent . Sim ply double- click t he edit t o open a not e box, and t hen t ype your com m ent .

    Here's how you work wit h t he Text Select t ool and keyboard, bypassing t he com m ands in t he pull- down m enu: To insert t ext , click in t he t ext of t he docum ent and t ype. On t he docum ent you see an insert ion caret icon, and t he t ext appears in a pop- up com m ent box. To delet e t ext , select t he t ext t o delet e using t he t ool and press Delet e or Backspace on your keyboard. The t ext is crossed out on t he docum ent . To replace cont ent in t he docum ent , select t he t ext and t ype new t ext . The replacem ent t ext is added t o a Replacem ent Text pop- up com m ent box, t he select ed t ext displays a st riket hrough, and an insert ion caret is shown at t he end of t he st ring of t ext you select ed wit h t he t ool ( Figu r e 1 1 4 c) .

    Figu r e 1 1 4 c. Acr oba t a dds in dica t or icon s on t h e docu m e n t t o sh ow you t h e loca t ion a n d con t e n t of you r e dit s.

    A com m ent added t o an edit is indicat ed by a sm all " A" above t he select ed t ext


    Which Method Is Best? You can find som e or all of t he com m ent t ool opt ions using t hree or four different m et hods. For exam ple, if you want t o insert t ext , you can: Select t he Text Edit t ool from t he Com m ent ing t oolbar, click t he docum ent wit h t he t ool, and t hen use t he keyboard. Select t he t ext using t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar, wait for t he Select icon t o appear, and t hen click t he icon t o open a list of edit ing opt ions. Select t he t ext using t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar, and t hen choose anot her t ool from t he Text Edit s pull- down m enu. Select t he t ext using t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar, and t hen right - click/ Cont rolclick t o open t he short cut m enu and choose a t ool. Which is best ? I t depends on how you like t o work. Try t hem allyou're sure t o find a favorit e m et hod.

    Rat her t han using t he I ndicat e Text Edit s t ool, you can select t ext using t he Select t ool and t hen choose any of t he edit ing opt ions from t he pull- down m enu; t he t ools and t heir purpose are described in Table 14.2 .

    Ta ble 1 4 .2 . Th e Te x t Edit Com m e n t in g Tools Use t h is t ool…

    For t h is pu r pose … Replace t he select ed t ext wit h t ext you t ype; t he t ext is displayed in a pop- up com m ent box. The select ed t ext is highlight ed. A pop- up com m ent box opens for you t o t ype not es about t he select ed t ext , which is highlight ed in t he docum ent . Type t o insert new t ext in a pop- up com m ent box. The select ed t ext is shown wit h an underline. The select ed t ext is shown wit h st riket hrough; no replacem ent t ext appears.

    I f you select t ext using t he Select t ool on t he Basic t oolbar, t he Select icon appears on t he page over t he select ed t ext . When you click t he icon, t he m enu appears ( Figu r e 1 1 4 d ) . You can choose a num ber of different com m ent t ypes from t he m enu. Not e t hat t he m enu doesn't cont ain t he ent ire list of com m ent t ypes; for som e t ext edit com m ent s, such as cross out for delet ion, you have t o use t he Text Edit s pulldown m enu opt ion.

    Figu r e 1 1 4 d. Som e t ype s of t e x t e dit s ca n be se le ct e d fr om t h e pop- u p m e n u t h a t a ppe a r s w h e n you se le ct t e x t u sin g t h e Se le ct t ool.

    TIP 115: Using the Stamp Tools The St am p t ools are like t he old- fashioned ink st am ps you apply t o a docum ent ( such as Draft , Approved, or Confident ial) . Unlike ink st am ps, som e of t he Acrobat st am ps are dynam ic in t hat t hey aut om at ically add t he t im e or dat e when you apply t he st am p t o t he docum ent you can even creat e your own cust om st am ps. St am ps are a cent ral part of an approval workflow, described in Chapt er 15. The St am p t ools are locat ed on t he Com m ent ing t oolbar.

    Who Are You? The I dent it y Set up dialog doesn't allow you t o change t he log- in nam e used for st am ps or ot her t ypes of com m ent s. To revise t he nam e:

    1 . Choose Edit > Preferences/ Acrobat > Preferences, and click Com m ent ing in t he colum n at t he left of t he Preferences dialog. 2 . Deselect t he opt ion Always use Log- in Nam e for Aut hor nam e in t he Making Com m ent s sect ion of t he dialog. Click OK t o close t he preferences. 3 . Right - click/ Cont rol- click a com m ent on your docum ent t o open t he short cut m enu and choose Propert ies t o open t he Propert ies dialog. Click t he General t ab, t ype a new nam e in t he Aut hor field, and click Close t o dism iss t he dialog. 4 . Open t he short cut m enu again and choose Make Current Propert ies Default . Any subsequent st am ps or ot her processes using t he I dent it y Set up inform at ion now use t he new aut hor ( login) nam e.

    1 . To locat e a st am p, on t he Com m ent ing t oolbar click t he St am p Tool's pull- down arrow t o open t he m enu shown in Figu r e 1 1 5 a.

    Figu r e 1 1 5 a . Acr oba t pr ovide s a colle ct ion of st a m ps you ca n u se on you r docu m e n t s. [View full size image]

    The first t hree com m ands on t he m enu have subm enus cont aining t he st am p choices ( t he figure shows t he Sign Here opt ions at t he left ) ; t he fourt h opt ion cont ains st am ps you define as favorit es. 2 . Click a st am p t o select it . The point er changes t o resem ble t he com m ent 's icon. 3 . Click t he docum ent where you want t o apply t he st am p. An I dent it y Set up dialog opens if you haven't already specified an ident it y as part of a com m ent ing, review, or digit al signat ure set up ( Figu r e 1 1 5 b).

    Figu r e 1 1 5 b. Acr oba t n e e ds t o k n ow w h o you a r e de fin e a n ide n t it y in t h is dia log for u se in a n u m be r of pr oce sse s.

    Get It Together Many st am ps are available in t he Acrobat st am p collect ion. You can add an infinit e num ber of st am ps as well. Use t he St am ps palet t e t o keep t hem st raight . Click t he St am p Tool's pull- down m enu and choose Show St am ps Palet t e t o open t he St am ps dialog. Click t he pull- down arrow and choose a cat egory of st am ps t o display t he cont ent s of t he collect ion as t hum bnails. For t he program 's st am ps, right - click/ Cont rolclick t o open a short cut m enu and select eit her t o choose t hat st am p as t he current st am p or add it t o your favorit es. I n a cust om st am p cat egory, right - click/ Cont rol- click a st am p t o open a short cut m enu and eit her choose t o select t he st am p or rem ove it from t he favorit es list . I f you decide t o add m ore st am ps, click I m port t o open t he Select I m age for Cust om St am p dialog; follow t he st eps in Tip 116 t o creat e a new st am p. 4 . Add ident it y inform at ion and click Com plet e t o close t he dialog and apply t he st am p. 5 . I f you want t o change t he ident it y inform at ion, choose Edit > Preferences/ Acrobat > Preferences and click I dent it y in t he left colum n of t he dialog, and t hen m odify t he inform at ion in t he ident it y fields, such as your nam e or organizat ion.

    The Dynam ic st am ps include t he usernam e as well as t he dat e and t im e t he st am p was applied. The Sign Here st am ps are specific form at s used for com m on com m unicat ions, and t he St andard Business st am ps are a collect ion of labels you com m only use wit h m any office docum ent s (Figu r e 1 1 5 c) . You can use t hese st am ps t o indicat e a docum ent 's st at us, such as a confident ial or prelim inary docum ent , inst ead of adding not e com m ent s or a wat erm ark.

    Figu r e 1 1 5 c. Look for a st a m p in t h e St a n da r d Bu sin e ss colle ct ion t o a pply t o a r a n ge of com m on bu sin e ss pu r pose s.

    Snap a Stamp Here's a t errific t ip ( if I do say so m yself! ) for using a st am p t o show exact ly what you m ean. Suppose you have a m ult ipage docum ent and t hink an im age should be locat ed elsewhere. Click t he Snapshot t ool on t he Basic t oolbar and snap t he im age on t he page. Now m ove t he docum ent t o display t he locat ion where you t hink t he im age should be placed. Click t he St am p Tool's pull- down arrow t o display it s m enu and choose Past e Clipboard I m age as St am p Tool. Then click t he page wit h t he St am p t ool. The im age is past ed as a st am p. To m ake your point , double- click t he im age ( now a st am p com m ent ) t o open a com m ent t ext box and describe your idea.

    N ot e I f you m ove your point er over t he St am p t ool on t he Com m ent ing t oolbar ( not over t he pulldown arrow) , t he last st am p you select ed during a session is displayed; click t he St am p t ool and t he displayed st am p is act ive.

    For som e people, st am ps are t he perfect way t o com m ent on a docum ent . I f you add sim ilar t ypes of com m ent s repeat edly, consider const ruct ing your own cust om st am p. For exam ple, you m ay have st am ps bearing your business logo t hat you would like t o use. You can creat e one using t he m et hod described in Tip 116.

    TIP 116: Creating and Managing Stamps I f you can im agine it , you can use it in a st am p. You can easily add a cust om st am p t o Acrobat : 1 . Click t he St am p Tool's pull- down m enu and choose Creat e Cust om St am p. The Select I m age for Cust om St am p dialog opens.

    A Few of My Favorite Stamps I f you use a st am p and t hen choose Add Current St am p t o Favorit es, t hat st am p will appear at t he t op of t he St am p Tool subm enu, so you can quickly use it again wit hout having t o navigat e t he syst em of subm enus. I f you find you are using anot her st am p regularly, choose Add Current St am p t o Favorit es and it j oins t he list . I f you find t hat you no longer use an old favorit e, you can j ust as easily delet e it . Select t he st am p from t he Favorit es list on t he subm enu and t hen choose Favorit es > Rem ove Current St am p from Favorit es.

    N ot e You can also creat e cust om st am ps t hrough t he Manage St am ps com m and on t he St am p Tool's pull- down m enu. Click Manage St am ps t o open t he Manage Cust om St am ps dialog, click Creat e, and t he Select I m age for Cust om St am p dialog opens. Proceed wit h t he rem aining st eps. 2 . Click Browse t o find t he file you want t o use for t he st am p. You can use a range of graphic form at s, as well as PDF and Word files. The Select dialog opens and displays t he chosen file. Click OK t o close t he browse dialog and ret urn t o t he Select I m age for Cust om St am p dialog, which shows a preview of t he chosen st am p ( Figu r e 1 1 6 a) . Click OK t o dism iss t he dialog and open t he Creat e Cust om St am p dialog.

    Figu r e 1 1 6 a . W h e n you se le ct a file t o u se for t h e st a m p, you se e it s pr e vie w in t h is dia log.

    3 . Click t he Cat egory field and t ype a nam e for a new st am p cat egory or choose one of t he exist ing cat egories; t hen t ype a nam e for t he st am p (Figu r e 1 1 6 b ) . Click OK.

    Figu r e 1 1 6 b. Se le ct a file t o u se for t h e st a m p, n a m e it , a n d spe cify it s ca t e gor y. [View full size image]

    It's Automatic Suppose you have a really powerful im age you'd like t o use for a st am pt he only problem is t hat it is a m ega- sized Phot oshop im age. Not t o worry. Follow t he st eps in t his t ip and creat e a st am p. On t he Select I m age for Creat e Cust om St am p dialog, look for a checkbox nam ed Down Sam ple St am p t o reduce file size and click it . On t he Manage Cust om St am ps dialog, click t he Down Sam ple St am p t o reduce file size but t on. Your st am p is downsam pled and good t o go. 4 . To use your new st am p, first click t he St am p Tool's pull- down arrow. Your cust om st am p cat egory now appears along wit h any ot her cust om st am ps you have added t o your syst em . The cont ent s of your cust om st am p cat egory display t hum bnails, j ust like t he program 's st am p collect ions ( Figu r e 1 1 6 c) .

    Figu r e 1 1 6 c. Ch oose you r cu st om st a m p fr om t h e pu ll- dow n m e n u s.

    5 . Click t he st am p in t he m enu t o select it , and t hen click t he docum ent page t o apply t he st am p. 6 . I f you want t o add m ore inform at ion, double- click t he st am p t o open a com m ent t ext box and t ype t he inform at ion you want t o at t ach ( Figu r e 1 1 6 d ) .

    Figu r e 1 1 6 d. You ca n a dd n ot e com m e n t s t o a st a m p a s w e ll.

    Use a Custom Stamp When… Here are som e circum st ances where it m akes sense t o t ake a few m inut es t o build a cust om st am p: You writ e t he sam e com m ent repeat edly. You m ay be a depart m ent head who needs a dat e and t im e st am p as well as a depart m ent inform at ion st am p. Build a st am p t hat asks for t he inform at ion; you can now use a dynam ic dat e/ t im e st am p, and your new cust om st am p. Your work includes different roles. You m ay be a designer and also a supervisor. You can build separat e st am ps defining your role in different sit uat ions. Your work includes t he sam e role and different m oods. Use your im aginat ion and creat e a suit e of expressive st am ps. A sm iley face can be wort h a t housand wordsand so can a bolt of light ning.

    You can easily rem ove or edit a cust om st am p from Acrobat : 1 . Open t he St am p Tool's pull- down m enu and choose Manage St am ps t o open t he Manage Cust om St am ps dialog. 2 . To rem ove a st am p, select t he st am p (Figu r e 1 1 6 e) and click Delet e; t o edit a st am p, click Edit t o reopen t he Creat e Cust om St am p dialog ( use t his dialog if you want t o renam e t he st am p, for exam ple) ; t o st art building anot her cust om st am p, click Creat e. Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog.

    Figu r e 1 1 6 e . You ca n a dd, e dit , a n d de le t e st a m ps u sin g t h e M a n a ge Cu st om St a m ps dia log. [View full size image]

    TIP 117: Exporting Comments to a Word Document (Windows) I f you're working wit h a t agged PDF t hat was originally built in Microsoft Word 2000, 2002, or 2003 ( Windows) or Microsoft Word X ( SR- 1) or 2004 ( Mac) , and t hen convert ed t o PDF using t he PDFMaker, you can export t he PDF direct ly from Acrobat back int o Word and m ake t he correct ions t here. Rat her t han having t o work wit h bot h t he PDF docum ent and t he original source docum ent open side by side, while m aking correct ions m anually, you can have your com m ent s export ed direct ly from t he PDF docum ent back int o t he original docum ent and have t he changes m ade aut om at ically.

    Tag It I f you int end t o export t he com m ent s for processing, m ake sure t he docum ent is t agged before you convert it t o PDF. I f you don't t ag t he docum ent , inst ead of a sm oot h com m ent export ing process you'll see a m essage about t agging. ( See Chapt er 7 for inform at ion on t agging a docum ent and working wit h t agged docum ent s.) The export process doesn't work t hrough a Web browser.

    To export com m ent s t o a Word docum ent : 1 . Click t he Com m ent & Markup t ask but t on's pull- down arrow t o display it s m enu and choose Export Com m ent s t o Word, or click Com m ent s on t he m enu and choose Export > Com m ent s t o Word. Microsoft Word opens, and a dialog describes t he process ( Figu r e 1 1 7 a) .

    Figu r e 1 1 7 a . Th is w in dow e x pla in s t h e com m e n t s e x por t a n d im por t pr oce sse s. [View full size image]

    2 . Once you are fam iliar wit h t he process, click Don't show again at t he bot t om left of t he dialog. Then click OK t o close t he dialog and st art t he im port process. The I m port Com m ent s from Adobe Acrobat dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 1 7 b ) . The nam e of t he PDF file from which you are export ing appears in t he t op field.

    Figu r e 1 1 7 b. Spe cify t h e file t h a t con t a in s t h e com m e n t s, a n d t h e n spe cify t h e file in w h ich you w a n t t o in se r t t h e m .

    Copy That You can im port com m ent s only once; if you are working on several versions of a docum ent , save copies and num ber t hem sequent ially. That way, each t im e you send com m ent s for a round of reviews you have a copy of t he docum ent t hat can accept com m ent s. Alt ernat ively, you can choose t o Migrat e com m ent s, described in Tip 119. 3 . Click t he t op Browse but t on and locat e t he source Word docum ent used t o generat e t he PDF. 4 . Choose from t he various com m ent - im port opt ions. Read Tip 118 for m ore inform at ion. Click t he Turn Track Changes On Before I m port ing Com m ent s opt ion if you are involved in an edit ing or review process and are using several versions of t he docum ent . 5 . Click Cont inue. Acrobat processes t he com m ent s and adds t hem t o t he Word docum ent . Acrobat displays t he Successful I m port dialog once it processes t he com m ent s ( Figu r e 1 1 7 c) . The dialog sum m arizes t he act ivit y and describes how t ext edit s can be int egrat ed. Click I nt egrat e Text Edit s t o st art t he process.

    Figu r e 1 1 7 c. Acr oba t t e lls you w h e n it h a s fin ish e d in t e gr a t in g t h e com m e n t s in t o t h e docu m e n t .

    Is That Confirmed? Som et im es t he placem ent of t ext edit com m ent s can't be confirm ed in a source Word docum ent ; t his occurs when Acrobat can't precisely decipher t he st ruct ure of t he source docum ent 's t ags. Unconfirm ed placem ent s are available in a list from t he Successful I m port dialog, shown in Figure 117c. Click t he View List but t on t o see a list of t he com m ent s t hat have unconfirm ed placem ent s. On t he docum ent , if you have t he t racking feat ure act ive, you see com m ent s added where Acrobat t hinks t he com m ent belongs. You can t ransfer t he inform at ion from t hese com m ent s t o t he docum ent and delet e t he Word com m ent s.

    N ot e Any form at t ing of t ext you add t o t he com m ent s in Acrobat , such as font or bold t ext , isn't t ransferred t o t he Word docum ent . 6 . The Adobe Acrobat Com m ent s dialog opens, displaying t he num ber of com m ent s available for convert ing. The dialog ident ifies t he first com m ent in t he docum ent and displays t he act ion ( Figu r e 1 1 7 d ) . Click Apply t o m ake t he edit . The t ext is m odified in t he Word docum ent ( using colored or underlined t ext if changes are being t racked) .

    Figu r e 1 1 7 d. Th e Adobe Acr oba t Com m e n t s dia log displa ys t h e fir st com m e n t you ca n in t e gr a t e .

    [View full size image]

    7 . Click Next in t he Adobe Acrobat Com m ent s dialog t o cont inue wit h t he next edit ; repeat unt il you've finished all t he edit s. I f you don't want t o use t he edit , click Discard. 8 . You'll see t he Text I nt egrat ion Sum m ary dialog when all t he com m ent s are processed ( Figu r e 1 1 7 e) . Aft er you've reviewed t he sum m ary, click Done. Depending on t he opt ions you chose in t he I m port Com m ent s from Adobe Acrobat dialog ( described in st ep 4) you m ay have inst ruct ions for cleaning up t he docum ent , such as accept ing changes if you have t he t racking feat ure act ive, or delet ing com m ent bubbles.

    Figu r e 1 1 7 e . Th e Te x t I n t e gr a t ion Su m m a r y dia log a ppe a r s w h e n a ll com m e n t s a r e pr oce sse d.

    9 . Check t he docum ent . You'll see t hat t he edit s are applied and t hat basic not e com m ent s are at t ached t o t he docum ent as well ( Figu r e 1 1 7 f) . Save t he correct ed Word docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 1 7 f. Bot h t e x t ch a n ge s a n d com m e n t s a r e a pplie d t o t h e docu m e n t .

    What happens next wit h t he Word docum ent depends on it s purpose. I f you originally creat ed t he PDF t o circulat e it and collect com m ent s, you've finished, and can print or em ail t he docum ent . I f you need a second review, creat e anot her PDF docum ent and st art over.

    TIP 118: Choosing Which Comments to Export You can choose cert ain groups of com m ent s t o export in t he I m port Com m ent s from Adobe Acrobat dialog. First decide how m uch you want t o edit t he Word docum ent , and t hen choose a t ype of export accordingly. You don't want t o im port all t he com m ent s int o t he docum ent if your int ent ion is t o sim ply correct t he cont ent of t he docum ent . For exam ple, you m ight not want t o deal wit h com m ent s t hat address responsibilit y for act ions, office polit ics, and so on. By t he sam e t oken, you m ight not want t o m ake correct ions wit hout having support ing com m ent s from t he person who suggest ed t he changes.

    Back and Forth You can eit her work from Acrobat and export t he com m ent s using t he Com m ent m enu's com m ands, or you can work from Word and im port t he com m ent s using t he com m ands on t he Acrobat Com m ent s m enu. Which is bet t er? Your choice depends on where you are in a part icular workflow. I f you have finished working wit h a group of com m ent s, work from wit hin Acrobat ; if you have t he source docum ent open in Word, work from wit hin Word. I f you have t he docum ent open in Word, choose Acrobat Com m ent s > I m port Com m ent s from Acrobat . You use t he sam e dialogs and opt ions from wit hin Word as you do from Acrobat , as described in t he previous t ip. I f you want t o read t he inst ruct ions for com m ent im port s again, you can access t hem by choosing Acrobat Com m ent s > Show I nst ruct ions.

    I f you have set up a personal com m ent ing syst em using checkm arks, you can select t he opt ion All Com m ent s wit h Checkm arks under Choose Com m ent Types t o I m port ( read about checkm arks in Tip 123 in Chapt er 15) . You'll im port only t hose com m ent s m arked wit h checkm arks ( Figu r e 1 1 8 ) .

    Figu r e 1 1 8 . D e cide w h ich com m e n t s t o w or k w it h in a n e x por t e d docu m e n t ; on e w a y of sor t in g a la r ge list of com m e n t s is by u sin g ch e ck m a r k s.

    I f you are edit ing t he docum ent 's cont ent using t he t ext edit t ools, select t he Text Edit s only: I nsert ions, Delet ions, and Replaces opt ion. That way, only t he com m ent s pert aining t o t he docum ent 's cont ent and st ruct ure are t ransferred. This opt ion is especially useful for large reviews where you're dealing wit h m any com m ent s, not all of which act ually apply t o m odifying t he docum ent . Oft en you develop com m ent ing syst em s, part icularly in large organizat ions. Acrobat let s you design a cust om set of com m ent - conversion opt ions. Choose Cust om Set and t hen filt er t he com m ent s you want t o export t o Word. The filt er can be based on t he aut hor, st at us, or checkm ark. ( Learn m ore about filt ering in Chapt er 15.)

    TIP 119: Migrating Comments Birds m igrat e, so why not com m ent s? Suppose you have creat ed a docum ent and t hen added com m ent s t o it . Then suppose you eit her export ed t ext edit s and ot her com m ent s from Acrobat and int egrat ed t hem int o t he source Word docum ent , or revised t he source docum ent and t hen generat ed a new PDF docum ent . New in Acrobat 7 is t he abilit y t o add com m ent s t o a docum ent aft er it has been revised. The m igrat ion process searches a docum ent and t ries t o place addit ional com m ent s in t he correct locat ions. Make sure t he docum ent s are t agged before m igrat ing com m ent s; t he feat ure uses t he t ags t o find word groupings and elem ent s in t he docum ent t o place t he com m ent s. You can read about t agging and using t agged docum ent s in Chapt er 7. Open t he revised docum ent in Acrobat , and t hen: 1 . Choose Com m ent s > Migrat e Com m ent s t o open t he Migrat e Com m ent s dialog ( Figu r e 1 1 9 a) .

    Figu r e 1 1 9 a . M igr a t e com m e n t s fr om on e docu m e n t in t o a r e vise d PD F docu m e n t t o sa ve t im e .

    2 . Click t he pull- down arrow and choose a filenam e ( if you have used t he funct ion before) , or click Choose t o locat e and select t he file you want t o use from your syst em . The nam e of t he file displays in t he From field. 3 . Click t he Review m igrat ed com m ent s in t he Com m ent s List check box t o display t he com m ent s in t he docum ent aft er m igrat ion. This opt ion is select ed by default . 4 . Click OK. The com m ent s are im port ed int o t he PDF docum ent and placed in t he sam e locat ions as t hose in t he docum ent you are export ing from . ( Read about m anaging m igrat ed com m ent s in Chapt er 15) .

    The com m ent s m ay or m ay not appear in t he sam e locat ion in bot h docum ent s ( Figu r e 1 1 9 b ) . I n t he figure, t he m odified PDF docum ent is shown in t he t op im age; a port ion of t he PDF docum ent from which t he com m ent s are m igrat ed is shown in t he bot t om figure. You can see t here are som e m at ching com m ent s ( in t erm s of locat ion on t he page) while ot hers don't seem t o coordinat e very well. The key is t he docum ent t ags.

    Figu r e 1 1 9 b. Ch e ck t h e loca t ion s of m igr a t e d com m e n t s on t h e docu m e n t t h e y m a y be in diffe r e n t loca t ion s de pe n din g on t h e t w o docu m e n t s' st r u ct u r e s. [View full size image]

    Migration Road Rules What you see when you m igrat e com m ent s depends on a few fact ors. Acrobat uses t hese concept s t o place com m ent s in a revised docum ent : Text com m ent s t hat apply t o select ed words are displayed wit hin t he sam e words, if t hey exist in t he revised docum ent . St am ps, not es, and drawing m arkups are placed according t o t he original docum ent 's st ruct ure ( for exam ple, t he arrow in t he sam ple docum ent described in t his t ip) I f you delet e t he words or t ags where a com m ent was originally placed, it is placed on eit her t he first or last page of t he docum ent . I f you delet e t ext t hat originally had t ext edit s, t he edit s are convert ed t o a not e Drawing m arkups or st am ps are placed on t he sam e page as t he original docum ent regardless of posit ionunless t he page is delet ed, in which case t he com m ent is placed on t he last page of t he revised docum ent .

    For exam ple, t he not e on t he page enclosed by a circle com m ent is t he sam e on bot h docum ent sbecause t he not e uses a specific t ag in t he docum ent . However, t he arrow is in different locat ionsagain because of t he t ags. The revised docum ent shown at t he t op of t he figure shows t he arrow placed j ust below t he im age, and above a paragraph of t ext . The source docum ent from which t he com m ent s were m igrat ed also has t he arrow j ust above a paragraph of t ext . Why does it look different ? The paragraph has been m oved. Once t he com m ent s have been m igrat ed int o a docum ent , t hey are included in t he Com m ent s list using t he default Migrat ion opt ions ( Figu r e 1 1 9 c) . Com m ent s t hat have been m igrat ed show t he Migrat ion st at us m essage, and you see a m essage about t he applied filt er at t he t op of t he Com m ent s list as well.

    Figu r e 1 1 9 c. Com m e n t s m igr a t e d in t o a docu m e n t sh ow a n ot a t ion in t h e Com m e n t s list , a n d a filt e r is a pplie d a u t om a t ica lly. [View full size image]

    Chapter FIFTEEN. Reviewing and Collaboration One of Acrobat 's st rongest feat ures ( am ong a collect ion of st rong feat ures! ) is t he abilit y t o com m unicat e wit h ot hers using a single docum ent . I n t he old days, you could share a docum ent wit h ot hers, but it wasn't as easy. Here's a scenario: You're writ ing a draft of a procedure t hat requires input from several people. Once you finish t he draft , you st art it on it s rout e, eit her as a single or m ult iple copies, depending on your st andard pract ice. Event ually you receive your original docum ent back from your reviewers, laboriously int erpret t he com m ent s and not es scribbled on t he m argins and backs of pages, and generat e a second draft . The second draft is circulat ed; repeat endlessly. You don't have t o do t hat . Acrobat 's reviewing feat ures allow you t o dist ribut e cont ent by em ail or Web browser, and t hen collect and collat e t he com m ent sm uch fast er t han int eroffice m ail! I f you are working wit h Acrobat 7 Professional, you can even enable a docum ent 's com m ent ing feat ures for users working wit h Adobe Reader 7.

    TIP 120: Starting a Review Process I n Acrobat 5 you could share com m ent s wit h ot hers and t hen incorporat e all t he com m ent s int o t he original PDF docum ent . Acrobat 6 m ade t he process sim pler, m anaging it t hrough wizards and prom pt s. Now in Acrobat 7, you work wit h a separat e Review window t o cont rol and m anage your reviews. I f you init iat e t he review process using Acrobat 7 Professional, you can enable t he docum ent s t o be used by recipient s working wit h Adobe Reader 7 as well. When you do t his, som e funct ions are rest rict ed in Acrobat 7, such as insert ing and delet ing pages or edit ing cont ent , signing t he docum ent , and filling in form fields.

    Keep Your Sources Safe I t 's a good idea t o save a copy of t he docum ent prior t o incorporat ing reviewers' com m ent s. Edit t he docum ent using t he copy t o preserve t he layout and st ruct ure. This way, im port ed com m ent s are in t he correct locat ions on t he docum ent . Acrobat rem inds you about docum ent versions. I f you open a copy of a docum ent t hat is part of an act ive review, a m essage window appears asking if you want t o open t he copy or incorporat e any ret urned com m ent s. A handy feat ure!

    The process involves several st epst he review is init iat ed and copies are sent t o t hose you want t o include in t he process; t he recipient s add t heir com m ent s and ret urn t hem t o you, at which t im e you int egrat e t hem int o t he original docum ent and process t hem . Let 's say you have a docum ent t hat you want t o share wit h a colleague for com m ent ing. Follow t hese st eps t o set up an em ail review from wit hin Acrobat : 1 . Choose Com m ent s > Send for Review > Send by Em ail for Review t o open t he Send by Em ail for Review dialog, or click t he Send for Review t ask but t on's pull- down arrow ( on eit her t he program 's or t he Organizer's t oolbar) and choose Send by Em ail for Review from t he m enu ( Figu r e 1 2 0 a) . Alt ernat ively, in any program cont aining a PDFMaker, you can choose Adobe PDF > Convert t o Adobe PDF and Send for Review or click t he but t on on t he PDFMaker's t oolbar


    Figu r e 1 2 0 a . Ch oose a com m a n d fr om t h e t a sk bu t t on 's m e n u or t h e pr ogr a m m e n u .

    2 . The Send by Em ail for Review wizard opens. There are t hree st eps in t he wizard. Here's what you do in each pane:

    Click t he pull- down arrow on t he St ep 1 pane and choose an open docum ent , or click Browse and locat e t he docum ent you want t o send. Click Next . On t he St ep 2 pane, click Address Book t o open your Out look address book and select em ail addresses ( if Out look is your em ail program ) , or click t he Address list and t ype addresses. You can cust om ize t he review opt ions as wellsee t he sidebar "Cust om izing t he Review Opt ions" in t his t ip. Click Next . On t he St ep 3 pane, preview t he cont ent s of t he invit at ion ( Figu r e 1 2 0 b ) . Then click Send I nvit at ion.

    Figu r e 1 2 0 b. Follow t h e in st r u ct ion s in t h e w iza r d's dia log t o se t u p t h e r e vie w . [View full size image]

    When the Mail Doesn't Work The Send by Em ail for Review dialog uses a specific filt er on t he em ail nam e you ent er. I f your em ail address doesn't use a t hree- let t er suffixfor exam ple, com , net , and so onyou m ay receive an error. I nst ead, in t he I dent it y panel of t he Preferences dialog box, t ype your em ail address in t he em ail address field, and t hen click OK. 3 . An Out going Message Not ificat ion inform at ion dialog opens, explaining what happens next . Depending on your securit y set t ings, t he em ail m ay be sent aut om at ically, or you m ay need t o m ove t hrough dialogs approving t he m ail process. Click OK t o dism iss t he dialog.

    Customizing the Review Options When you are set t ing up an em ail review, you can cust om ize t he opt ions available for your reviewers. On t he second pane of t he Send by Em ail for Review wizard, click Cust om ize Review Opt ions t o open t he Review Opt ions dialog. You can: Specify t hat t he com m ent s are sent t o an em ail address ot her t han yours. Display Drawing Markup t ools for your reviewers t o use. Allow reviewers using Adobe Reader 7 t o part icipat e. You can also choose Com m ent s > Enable for Tracking in Adobe Reader from t he program m enu t o allow Adobe Reader 7 users t o com m ent on a docum ent ; t o include t he feat ure aut om at ically, you m ust resave t he docum ent .

    That 's it for t he first part . You've added com m ent s t o a docum ent , assigned a recipient , and em ailed it . Next it lands in t he recipient 's em ail inbox. Here's what t he recipient needs t o do: 1 . Open t he em ail m essage ( Figu r e 1 2 0 c) . Read t he inst ruct ions. You can see t hat t he PDF docum ent is at t ached t o t he em ail.

    Figu r e 1 2 0 c. Th e in st r u ct ion s a r e e m a ile d t o t h e r e cipie n t a n d t h e docu m e n t is sh ow n a s a n a t t a ch m e n t . [View full size image]

    2 . Double- click t he em ail at t achm ent t o open it in Acrobat or Adobe Reader. 3 . Make com m ent s and review t he com m ent s sent from t he init iat or. Figu r e 1 2 0 d shows t he sam ple docum ent as it appears in Adobe Reader 7. You see t he How To pane displayed at t he right of t he

    window; it shows inform at ion on how t o part icipat e in an em ail review. A Docum ent Message Bar appears above t he docum ent showing basic inst ruct ions. I chose t he Drawing Markups opt ion as I const ruct ed t he review, and t herefore t he t oolbar appears in t he Adobe Reader 7 window.

    Figu r e 1 2 0 d. I f you spe cify t h e opt ion in t h e Se n d for Re vie w w iza r d, you r r e cipie n t s w or k in g in Adobe Re a de r 7 ca n pa r t icipa t e in t h e r e vie w . [View full size image]

    4. When you have finished, choose File > Send Com m ent s or click Send Com m ent s on t he Com m ent ing t oolbar. A dialog opens explaining t hat t he com m ent s are being sent back t o t he init iat or, and shows t he em ail address specified by t he originat or of t he review. You can t ype a different em ail address or choose one from t he Out look Address Book, j ust as you can when designing t he review.

    Once t he com m ent s ret urn t o you ( t he init iat or) , t hey are int egrat ed int o t he PDF as soon as you doubleclick t he em ail at t achm ent t o open t he docum ent in Acrobat . I f you open a docum ent t hat is being t racked, a m essage window appears asking if you want t o open t he copy or incorporat e ret urned com m ent s (Figu r e 1 2 0 e) . You can t hen review t he cont ent s of t he Com m ent s list and finish t he docum ent 's processing.

    Figu r e 1 2 0 e . Acr oba t pr om pt s you t o in t e gr a t e a r e ce ive d docu m e n t con t a in in g a ddit ion a l com m e n t s in t o t h e or igin a l docu m e n t be in g cir cu la t e d for r e vie w .

    TIP 121: Using a Browser-Based Review The beaut y of a browser- based review is t hat you can keep working regardless of where you areon vacat ion or at hom e on t he weekendas long as you have an I nt ernet connect ion and your docum ent s are uploaded t o a server folder t hat you can access online. This feat ure can be awfully handy if you're caught away from t he office and need t o m ake last - m inut e changes t o t hat crit ical report .

    Working Offline You can work wit h browser- based review docum ent s eit her online or offline. Take a docum ent offline, add com m ent s, and t hen go back online and send t hem t o t he server. Any com m ent s you add t o t he offline version of t he docum ent are aut om at ically incorporat ed int o your online version. , and On t he Com m ent ing t oolbar in t he browser, click t he Save And Work Offline but t on t hen save t he docum ent . Open it in Acrobat and get t o work. When you are done, click Go Back Online on t he Com m ent ing t oolbar or choose File > Go Back Online; t he file opens in your Web browser and closes in Acrobat . Now click Send and Receive Com m ent s on t he Web browser's Com m ent ing t oolbar t o updat e t he file.

    You can coordinat e and part icipat e in docum ent reviews wit h a browser and Web server. Browser- based review can be used in Windows, and is support ed on t he Mac using Safari 1.2.3 or lat er and Mac OS 10.3. You can choose and configure a server for conduct ing t he review eit her t hrough t he program 's preferences or on a file- by- file basis. I f you work wit h t he sam e online locat ions, it 's sim pler t o set t he preference. Follow t hese st eps: 1 . Choose Edit > Preferences ( or Acrobat > Preferences) and click Reviewing in t he left colum n on t he Preferences dialog t o display t he Online Com m ent s Reposit ory opt ions. Choose a server from t he pull- down list (Figu r e 1 2 1 a) . Specify t he folder or URL for t he chosen server t ype. Click OK t o close t he dialog.

    Figu r e 1 2 1 a . Ch oose a se r ve r t ype for r e vie w in g on lin e .

    2 . Open t he docum ent ; click t he Send for Review t ask but t on's pull- down arrow and choose Upload for Browser- Based Review, or choose Send for Review > Upload for Browser- Based Review from eit her t he File or Com m ent s m enu. The four- st ep I nit iat e an Online Review dialog opens.

    Set Your Server I n som e inst ances t he server locat ion can't be configured by sim ply select ing a folder. I f you click t he Configure but t on on t he pane, you open a dialog list ing On- line Com m ent ing Aut o Configurat ion opt ions t hat are est ablished by your syst em s adm inist rat or. Select t he opt ion and click OK t o configure your server set t ings. 3 . Follow t hrough t he wizard's panes:

    Click t he pull- down arrow on t he St ep 1 pane and choose an open docum ent or click Browse/ Choose and locat e t he docum ent you want t o send. Click Next . On t he St ep 2 pane, define t he locat ion where you want t o st ore t he PDF file for your reviewers' use. Click Browse and locat e t he net work or server locat ion you specified in t he Review preferences ( Figu r e 1 2 1 b ) . The file is saved t o t he folder locat ion. Click Next .

    Figu r e 1 2 1 b. Spe cify a se r ve r folde r t o u se for t h e r e vie w in t h e se con d pa n e of t h e Re vie w se t u p pr oce ss. [View full size image]

    On t he St ep 3 pane, click Address Book t o open your Out look address book and select em ail addresses ( if Out look is your em ail program ) , or click t he Address list and t ype addresses. Click Next . On t he St ep 4 pane, preview t he cont ent s of t he invit at ion. Click Send I nvit at ion. An Out going Mail Not ificat ion dialog opens explaining t he invit at ion will be sent by em ail. Click OK t o close t he dialog.

    When your review recipient s receive t he invit at ion, it list s inst ruct ions sim ilar t o t hose for t he em ail review except t hat t he PDF docum ent opens in a Web browser. When t he recipient has finished reviewing t he docum ent , he or she uses t he Send and Receive Com m ent s t ools on t he browser- based Com m ent ing t oolbar ( Figu r e 1 2 1 c) .

    Figu r e 1 2 1 c. Se n d a n d Re ce ive Com m e n t s com m a n ds a r e a dde d t o t h e Com m e n t in g t oolba r for br ow se r - ba se d r e vie w s.

    I f a PDF file is already on your server, you can open t he docum ent in a Web browser, and t hen choose Com m ent & Markup > I nvit e Addit ional Reviewers t o add ot her reviewers rat her t han opening t he Tracker in Acrobat 7 covered in t he next t ip.

    I n bot h Acrobat 7 and Adobe Reader 7, t he browser- based review is added t o t he Tracker.

    TIP 122: Tracking a Review I t 's easy t o keep t rack of a sim ple t wo- person docum ent review cycle. But m any business and professional processes require several part icipant s and num erous rounds of reviewingt racking a beast like t hat isn't so easy. Fort unat ely, Acrobat 's Tracker helps you keep t abs on t he process.

    Taming the Wily Review Process I f you're t he person st art ing a review, all com m ent s are ret urned t o you. To m aint ain cont rol of t he review process, you, as t he init iat or, should cont rol invit at ions t o t he review. That way, t he com m ent s always ret urn t o you and can be incorporat ed int o t he original docum ent .

    Click t he pull- down arrow on t he Send for Review t ask but t on and choose Tracker t o open t he Tracker window ( you can also choose Com m ent s > Tracker) . All your current reviews, bot h t hose you have init iat ed and ot hers you are part icipat ing in, are list ed in t he left colum n of t he window. Click t he plus sign indicat or at t he left of t he My Reviews nam e t o open t he list of reviews ( Figu r e 1 2 2 a) and display t he cont ent s. I n t he exam ple, we are using a num ber of reviews, including em ail and browserbased, as well as an offline browser- based docum ent . I n t he Tracker you can do t he following: Click a docum ent in t he list t o display inform at ion about it in t he right pane of t he window. As shown in Figure 122a, t he t ype and inform at ion about t he review are list ed along wit h t he nam e and a hyperlink t o t he docum ent . Click a review's link in t he right pane t o open t he docum ent in Acrobat 7, or in Adobe Reader 7 if you open t he Tracker wit hin Adobe Reader 7.

    Click t he nam e of a review list ing and click Rem ove t o rem ove a select ed docum ent from t he Tracker ( t his opt ion rem oves t he docum ent only from t he Tracker list ing; it has no effect on t he file it self) .

    Figu r e 1 2 2 a . M a n a ge e m a il r e vie w s, br ow se r - ba se d r e vie w s, bot h on lin e a n d offlin e , a s w e ll a s n e w s t r a ck e r s a n d ot h e r su bscr ipt ion s in t h e Tr a ck e r . [View full size image]

    Tracker on the Web You can use t he Tracker as a news reader or for accessing ot her broadcast services such as m usic channels. The Tracker subscribes t o Web cont ent t hat uses t he Really Sim ple pull- down arrow on t he Tracker Syndicat ion ( RSS) form at . Click t he Services window t o open a m enu and choose Subscribe. I n t he Add Subscript ion dialog, t ype t he URL for t he service locat ion and click OK. The Tracker shown in Figure 122a list s t hree RSS feeds, ident ified by t he Services icon Tracker list ing.

    below t he Reviews and Offline Docum ent list ings in t he

    When you init iat e a review, a list ing of t hose you have invit ed is shown; each is an act ive link. You can also m anage t he list . Select a review, and t hen click Manage t o open a set of opt ions t hat allow you t o send rem inders and em ails and invit e ot hers t o part icipat e in t he review (Figu r e 1 2 2 b ) . When you have finished, close t he Tracker.

    Figu r e 1 2 2 b. You ca n se n d r e m in de r s, e m a ils, a n d in vit e ot h e r s t o pa r t icipa t e by u sin g t h e M a n a ge opt ion s in t h e Re vie w Tr a ck e r .

    TIP 123: Working with the Comments List Each com m ent added t o a docum ent is st ored in t he Com m ent s list , which is one of t he panes displayed in Acrobat 7 by default . I f you have closed t he pane, choose View > Navigat ion Tabs > Com m ent s. Click t he Com m ent s t ab at t he left m argin of t he program window t o open it . Unlike t he ot her panels t hat open t o t he left of t he Docum ent pane, t he Com m ent s list is displayed horizont ally below t he docum ent ( Figu r e 1 2 3 a) .

    Figu r e 1 2 3 a . Th e Com m e n t s list a ppe a r s h or izon t a lly be low t h e docu m e n t . Bot h t h e docu m e n t 's pa ge s h a ve be e n com m e n t e d on . Click t h e plu s sign ( + ) t o r e ve a l t h e pa ge 's com m e n t s, a n d t h e com m e n t s' in for m a t ion . [View full size image]

    Check That One of t he sim plest m et hods of organizing your work is t o add checkm arks t o select ed com m ent s. Click t he com m ent t o select it , and t hen click t he Checkm ark t oo , or right - click/ Cont rol- click t he com m ent in t he Com m ent s list or on t he docum ent and choose Mark wit h Checkm ark from t he short cut m enu. Checkm arks aren't shared wit h ot her people as part of a review; you use t hem t o organize your own work. For exam ple, add checkm arks as you finish a correct ion.

    As you can see in Figure 123a, bot h Page 1 and Page 2 appear in t he Com m ent s list , m eaning t hat our t wo- page sam ple docum ent cont ains com m ent s on bot h pages. The plus sign ( + ) t o t he left of a page num ber indicat es t hat t he page cont ains com m ent s. Click a com m ent in t he list . I f t he com m ent is locat ed on t he port ion of t he docum ent t hat is displayed in t he Docum ent pane, it is highlight ed.

    Get It Together As you will find when you work wit h a large num ber of com m ent s, it is quit e easy t o get confused. I f you have a large num ber of com m ent s addressing t he sam e t hing, you can group t hem t oget her as one com m ent . For exam ple, t he sam ple docum ent used in Tip 119 cont ains an arrow and t wo circles ident ifying a desired correct ion on a t able. Each of t hese com m ent s is a separat e obj ect . By grouping t hem t oget her, t hey appear as one ent ry in t he Com m ent s list m uch sim pler t o work wit h. Click t he Hand t ool on t he Basic t oolbar and click t he first com m ent ; press Shift + click t o select t he ot hers you want t o include in t he group. Then right - click/ Cont rol- click and choose on t he Com m ent s pane's list ing. To Group. The com m ent displays t he grouped icon ungroup t he com m ent s, right - click/ Cont rol- click any of t he com m ent s in t he group and choose Ungroup. Each t hen becom es a separat e it em in t he Com m ent s list . I n a grouped com m ent , t he com m ent 's st at us, t ext you add in not es, and any replies t o t he com m ent s are shown only for t he first com m ent you select . The rem aining cont ent exist s for all com m ent sit is m erely hidden in a grouped com m ent .

    Com m ent s are organized in levels wit hin t he Com m ent s list . Here are som e t ips for viewing com m ent s: Click each page's plus icon ( + ) t o open t he page and display t he com m ent sa com m ent on Page 2 in t he sam ple docum ent in Figure 123a is shown in it s expanded st at e. Once t he page is open, you can see t he list of com m ent s. You also see an addit ional plus sign t o t he left of t he com m ent ; click it t o open t he com m ent and read det ails such as t he aut hor and t he t im e t he com m ent was added. Clicking plus signs can get t iresom e. To quickly open all t he pages and all t he com m ent s, click Expand All

    on t he Com m ent s list t oolbar. You can close t he page and com m ent

    cont ent s j ust as quickly; click Collapse

    All on t he Com m ent s list t oolbar.

    You can posit ion t he com m ent in t he Docum ent pane and highlight it using t he direct ional arrows on t he Com m ent s t oolbar. The downward- point ing arrow m oves t he view t o t he next com m ent in t he list ; t he upward- point ing arrow goes t o t he previous com m ent .

    Working on a long docum ent can involve dozens or even hundreds of com m ent s. That 's a lot of inform at ion t o keep t rack of. Here are a few t ips for working wit h com m ent s: Som et im es you want t o reply t o a com m ent rat her t han adding one of your own. First , click t he on t he t oolbar. Type com m ent t o select it in t he Com m ent s list . Then click t he Reply but t on t he reply in t he t ext field ( Figu r e 1 2 3 b ) . Acrobat places t he Reply icon before your t ext . Aft er you deselect t he reply, t he row st ays colored t o dist inguish replies from com m ent s.

    Figu r e 1 2 3 b. Re ply t o com m e n t s r a t h e r t h a n a ddin g n e w com m e n t s t o st a y or ga n ize d. [View full size image]

    You can click anywhere on a com m ent 's list ing in t he Com m ent s list ( on t he nam e or on t he com m ent t ext ) t o display a t ext field, which is used t o add a not e t o an exist ing com m ent . I t isn't t he sam e as adding a reply because it originat es wit h t he person creat ing t he original com m ent . Som et im es you need t o add inform at ion t o a com m ent , such as explaining why you want t o m ake a change in t he docum ent ( Figu r e 1 2 3 c) . Such not es appear in a t ool t ip when t he point er m oves over t he com m ent on t he docum ent page.

    Figu r e 1 2 3 c. Add a n ot e t o a n e x ist in g com m e n t if you a r e t h e or igin a l com m e n t a u t h or . [View full size image]

    Delet e com m ent s you don't want t o m aint ain. Click t he com m ent t o select it and t hen sim ply click t he Delet e icon on t he Com m ent s list t oolbar.

    TIP 124: Organizing Comments in the Comments List

    Find that Word You can search for com m ent cont ent direct ly from t he Com m ent s list . Searching com m ent s is part icularly useful when you are working on a big review wit h num erous people. Click Search t o open t he Search window at t he right of t he screen. Next , t ype t he search t erm and specify whet her t he result s should be whole words and whet her t hey require specific capit alizat ion. Then click Search. Once Acrobat processes t he search, it displays t he result s in t he Search pane, and t he com m ent s cont aining t he search t erm s are fram ed in t he Com m ent s list . Move t he point er over t he search result in t he list t o see t he page num ber where t he search result is locat ed; click t he search result t o see t he com m ent .

    You can organize t he com m ent s in your docum ent in a num ber of ways. By default , com m ent s are list ed as t hey appear in t he docum ent from st art t o end. Here are a few t ips: I f you are working on a large docum ent , or if you want t o check what you have added t o a t o open a pull- down m enu ( Figu r e docum ent , sort t he com m ent s. Click t he Sort By icon 1 2 4 a) . For exam ple, click Sort By Aut hor t o reorganize t he com m ent s in t he Com m ent s list according t o t he nam es of each com m ent aut hor.

    Figu r e 1 2 4 a . Ch oose a m e t h od for sor t in g a list of com m e n t s.

    I f you want t o see som e of t he com m ent s, you can filt er t hem . Click t he Show icon to open a pull- down m enu. Select a filt ering opt ion, and t hen a specific t ype of filt er ( Figu r e 1 2 4 b ) . For exam ple, if you choose Show by Type, a subm enu opens t o select a t ype of com m ent t o display.

    When you apply a filt er, t he Com m ent s list shows t he m essage " Com m ent s are hidden because a filt er is act ive in t he Show m enu" .

    Figu r e 1 2 4 b. Use a filt e r t o vie w on ly a por t ion of t h e com m e n t s in a docu m e n t .

    I f you m igrat e com m ent s int o a docum ent , a m igrat ion filt er is aut om at ically applied ( see Tip 119 in Chapt er 14) . For reference, t he m essage " Com m ent s are hidden because a filt er is act ive in t he Show m enu" appears below t he Com m ent s list t oolbar. The m essage is a good rem inder for you t o check whet her you have addressed all t he com m ent s in t he docum ent or whet her a cert ain reviewer has seen and com m ent ed on t he docum ent .

    N ot e Filt ering does not apply t o t he com m ent replies. I f you have added a series of com m ent s and replied t o ot her com m ent s as well, sort ing t he com m ent s by aut hor displays only your original com m ent s.

    I n t he Com m ent s list , sort ing according t o t he Checkm ark St at us reduces t he list t o t wo cat egories: Marked and Unm arked ( Figu r e 1 2 4 c) . The cat egories are closed init ially; expand a cat egory t o reveal it s cont ent s.

    Figu r e 1 2 4 c. Ch e ck m a r k s pr ovide a h a n dy w a y for you t o k e e p t r a ck of com m e n t s in you r copy of t h e docu m e n t

    TIP 125: Setting Comment Status and Creating Summaries Once a docum ent has been t hrough a review cycle or t wo, it 's t im e t o t ake care of som e last - m inut e issues. These include defining a st at us for t he com m ent s ( bot h t hose generat ed by reviews and m igrat ed com m ent s) , creat ing sum m aries, and print ing com m ent s and com m ent sum m aries for reference or archiving.

    pull- down arrow on First select a com m ent on t he Com m ent s list . Then click t he Set St at us t he Com m ent s list t oolbar and click Review t o display a list of opt ions ( Figu r e 1 2 5 a) . Unlike t he checkm ark, which is used only on your copy of t he docum ent , you can set a st at us for a com m ent t hat can be shared wit h ot her reviewers.

    Figu r e 1 2 5 a . Se t a st a t u s for com m e n t s t h a t ca n be sh a r e d w it h ot h e r r e vie w e r s.

    You can work wit h bot h com m ent s received in a review and t hose m igrat ed int o a docum ent . Click St at us > Migrat e and choose an opt ion from t he m enu (Figu r e 1 2 5 b ) . I f you choose Confirm ed, t he com m ent 's m igrat ion not at ion is rem oved from t he Com m ent s list ; if you choose Not Confirm ed, t he m igrat ed com m ent is rem oved from t he Com m ent s list ; t he None opt ion leaves t he m igrat ion not at ion as it appears when t he com m ent s are m igrat ed int o t he docum ent . Figu r e 1 2 5 c shows t he various st at us opt ions for a list of com m ent s.

    Figu r e 1 2 5 b. M a n a ge m igr a t e d com m e n t s u sin g t h e sa m e m e t h ods a s t h ose you u se for com m e n t s r e ce ive d in a r e vie w .

    Figu r e 1 2 5 c. You ca n a ssign a st a t u s t o com m e n t s t h a t is displa ye d w it h t h e ot h e r com m e n t in for m a t ion . [View full size image]

    N ot e For bot h int egrat ed com m ent s and m igrat ed com m ent s, you can also right - click/ Cont rol- click a com m ent in t he Com m ent s list and choose Set St at us and t he opt ions described in t his t ip.

    When you're collect ing feedback from reviewers, or when a proj ect is com ing t o a close, creat ing a com m ent sum m ary is a good ideat hat way, all t he com m ent s are organized and collat ed in one handy place for easy reference. Follow t hese st eps: 1 . On t he Com m ent s list t oolbar, click Opt ions t o open a pull- down m enu (Figu r e 1 2 5 d ) .

    Figu r e 1 2 5 d. Ch oose on e of se ve r a l opt ion s for m a n a gin g a docu m e n t 's com m e n t s.

    2 . Choose Sum m arize Com m ent s t o open t he dialog shown in Figu r e 1 2 5 e. Choose layout opt ions ( see t he sidebar " Choosing a Com m ent Sum m ary Layout " ) , paper size, a sort opt ion, which com m ent s t o include, and a font size. Click OK t o generat e t he sum m ary.

    Figu r e 1 2 5 e . D e fin e t h e opt ion s for a com m e n t su m m a r y.

    Choosing a Comment Summary Layout You can generat e a sum m ary of com m ent s in one of several ways using t he Sum m arize Opt ions dialog. Choose an opt ion depending on t he charact erist ics of t he docum ent and it s com m ent s, how you like t o work, and what you int end t o do wit h t he sum m ary: Choosing t he Docum ent and com m ent s wit h connect or lines on separat e pages opt ion is a good idea if you have very long com m ent s. This sum m ary t ype is com plicat ed when you're using a print ed paper copy because you have t o follow t he lines across pages. I n a short docum ent or one wit h short com m ent s, use t he Docum ent and com m ent s wit h connect or lines on single pages opt ion. Use t he Com m ent s only opt ion t o print j ust t he com m ent s added t o a docum ent . This can be useful in som e workflows. For exam ple, if you are t he originat or of a docum ent and have circulat ed it t o a group for feedback, having a print ed list of com m ent s can serve as a " To Do" list . I f you have finished a proj ect and want a paper copy for archiving, or you want t o work on a docum ent away from your com put er ( does t hat really happen?) , use Docum ent s and com m ent s wit h sequence num bers on separat e pages. 3 . Acrobat opens t he sum m ary as a PDF file nam ed Sum m ary of Com m ent s [ filenam e] and list s all t he com m ent s inform at ion sort ed according t o t he opt ion you chose. Save t his file for reference. 4. Finally, t o print t he com m ent s and com m ent sum m aries, click t he Print pull- down arrow and choose an opt ion from t he result ing m enu. You can print t he com m ent s sum m ary, generat e a PDF docum ent cont aining t he docum ent and it s com m ent s, or configure t he com m ent s using t he sam e dialog and processes available from t he Opt ions pull- down m enu. I f you prefer, choose File > Print wit h Com m ent s Sum m ary; again t he dialog for configuring t he com m ent s opens.

    Chapter SIXTEEN. Working with Multimedia Acrobat 7 cont inues t he t rend of int egrat ing m edia in PDF docum ent s, m aking t hem a richer viewing experience. As in Acrobat 6, you can add different t ypes of m edia, such as sound and m ovie files, Flash m ovies, and t ransit ions t o your PDF docum ent s. I n Acrobat 7 Professional, you can cust om ize t he m ovies by providing different versions for users working wit h different players. For JPEG im age PDFs creat ed in som e program s, such as Phot oshop Album or Phot oshop Elem ent s, you can also work wit h an Acrobat 7 plug- in called Pict ure Tasks, which let s you save, edit , and print im ages using different layout s. PDF docum ent s play any video and sound files t hat are com pat ible wit h t he Windows Media Player, Apple QuickTim e, Macrom edia Flash Player, Windows Built - I n Player, and RealOne players. You can play m edia files from links or bookm arks, form fields such as but t ons, or page act ions. As in past versions, you can read and m anage special t ypes of PDF docum ent s called eBooks, and in t hese t ips you see how t o work wit h eBooks and ot her digit al edit ions.

    TIP 126: Using Media in Documents You can em bed m edia files direct ly int o PDF docum ent s wit hin Acrobat , or you can add t he m edia t o a source docum ent such as a Word docum ent or a Web pageand t hen convert t he file.

    Considering Accessibility One of t he cornerst ones of designing accessible cont ent is including alt ernat e versions of visual cont ent . For users working wit h screen readers or ot her assist ive devices, you have t o provide t he t ext equivalent of your visual cont ent and capt ioning ( if required) . The m edia you're using det erm ines your abilit y t o em bed t ext , verbal com m ent ary, and capt ions, and you can't cont rol t his abilit y from wit hin Acrobat .

    To set general m ult im edia preferences, begin by choosing Edit > Preferences or Acrobat > Preferences and click Mult im edia in t he left colum n t o show t he opt ions. I n t he Player Opt ions at t he upper sect ion of t he dialog, click t he pull- down arrow and choose a player opt ion ( Figu r e 1 2 6 a) . The preferences do not ident ify t he versions of t he chosen players. For exam ple, t he lat est Flash Player is version 7; if users choose Flash as t heir player opt ion but have version 4 inst alled on t heir com put ers, t hey won't be able t o see your work unless it is playable on a version 4 player.

    Figu r e 1 2 6 a . Ch oose a pla ye r opt ion you w a n t Acr oba t t o u se in t h e M u lt im e dia pr e fe r e n ce s.

    At t he lower port ion of t he dialog are t he Accessibilit y Opt ions ( Figu r e 1 2 6 b ) . I f you use assist ive devices, enable t he appropriat e opt ions.

    Figu r e 1 2 6 b. You ca n de fin e a cce ssible m u lt im e dia opt ion s in t h e pr e fe r e n ce s; t h e pla yba ck of m u lt im e dia u sin g t h e se opt ion s de pe n ds on

    h ow t h e m a t e r ia l is a u t h or e d.

    I n addit ion t o choosing how t o m anage m ult im edia docum ent s in Acrobat , you need t o define perm issions. Click Trust Manager in t he colum n at t he left of t he Preferences dialog t o display t he Trust Manager set t ings ( Figu r e 1 2 6 c) . At t he t op of t he dialog, click t he Change Perm ission for select ed m ult im edia player t o pull- down m enu and choose an opt ion. I n t he figure, t he opt ions for a t rust ed docum ent are shown, as is t he opt ion t o allow m ult im edia t o be played.

    Figu r e 1 2 6 c. Ch oose Tr u st M a n a ge r se t t in gs t o a llow or disa llow pla yin g of m u lt im e dia con t e n t fr om diffe r e n t sou r ce s. [View full size image]

    N ot e A t rust ed docum ent m eans it is included in your list of t rust ed docum ent s and aut hors; see Chapt er 18 for m ore inform at ion.

    You can select different opt ions for t he list ed players. Select a player from t he list , and t hen click t he Change perm ission for select ed m ult im edia player t o pull- down arrow and choose a perm ission level: Alw a ys plays cont ent in t he player at all t im es. N e ve r prevent s t he player from being used. Pr om pt asks for a decision when a nont rust ed docum ent is open t hat cont ains m edia. You decide whet her t o add a nont rust ed docum ent t o your list of t rust ed docum ent s or aut hors. You can also select various opt ions for playback, such as float ing windows or full- screen views; t he opt ions are shown in Figure 126c. When you've select ed t he set t ings you want , click OK t o close t he Preferences dialog.

    TIP 127: Adding Movies to a Document I n Acrobat 7 Professional you can add a m ovie t o any docum ent from wit hin t he program by em bedding t he m ovie or linking t o it . An em bedded m ovie is int egrat ed int o t he PDF docum ent it self, while a linked m ovie sim ply has a program m ed link from t he PDF docum ent t o t he original m ovie, st ored in it s original locat ion.

    Play to Your Audience When working wit h m ult im edia in a proj ect , you have t o t ake your audience int o account . I f you're t arget ing t he cut t ing- edge design crowd, you can safely work wit h t he lat est and great est in t erm s of m edia form at s. This group is likely t o have t he m ost recent version of t he m edia player, and t hey're also m ore likely t o have a high- bandwidt h I nt ernet connect ion. On t he ot her hand, if you are designing for a m uch m ore generic audience, you shouldn't assum e t hat t hey have, for exam ple, t he lat est Flash player and design m at erial specifically for t hat player. Som e funct ionalit y requires Flash 7, but a sim ple anim at ed logo, for inst ance, doesn't . I f you want t o cat er t o a wide audience, add rendit ionst hat 's com ing up in Tip 128.

    I f you want t o use act ions t o cont rol t he m ovie ( described in t he following t ip) , t he m ovie m ust be em bedded. The m ovie form at s and ot her opt ions you can use vary depending on whet her you choose Acrobat 6 or Acrobat 5 com pat ibilit y. This t ip shows how t o work wit h Acrobat 6com pat ible set t ings. Follow t hese st eps t o add a m ovie: 1.

    Choose t he Movie Tool from t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar, or you can select it by choosing Tools > Advanced Edit ing > Movie Tool.

    2 . Double- click t he docum ent page where you want t he upper left of t he m ovie t o be placed, or drag a m arquee. Regardless of t he m et hod you use, t he insert ed m ovie can be easily placed on t he page. The Add Movie dialog opens (Figu r e 1 2 7 a) .

    Figu r e 1 2 7 a . Se le ct t h e Acr oba t ve r sion com pa t ibilit y opt ion a n d t h e n ch oose se t t in gs in t h e Add M ovie dia log. [View full size image]

    3 . Click Acrobat 6 ( and Lat er) Com pat ible Media t o access all t he available opt ions.

    More Tips for Working with Movies Movies can add a lot of int erest t o a docum ent . Here are som e m ore t ips: I f you see an alert dialog t elling you t hat no m edia handler is available when you t ry t o insert a m ovie, it m eans you are m issing t he required m edia players. I nst all t he player ( such as Windows Media or QuickTim e) and t ry again. I f you have designed a graphic background for t he m ovie, consider creat ing a cust om post er im age as well, like t hat shown in Figure 127b, t o com plet e t he look.

    Figu r e 1 2 7 b. A m ovie a dde d t o a PD F docu m e n t ca n u se a fr a m e of t h e m ovie or a n ot h e r im a ge a s a post e r im a ge .

    Be very aware of file sizes when em bedding m ovies int o a PDF docum ent . A m ovie can add t o a PDF file's size dram at ically depending on t he m ovie's fram e rat e and fram e size. I f you want t o em bed m edia clips, use rendit ions ( see t he following t ip) , use a different file as a post er, or use a range of cont ent , you m ust choose t he Acrobat 6com pat ible opt ion in t he Add Movie dialog. 4 . Click Browse/ Choose t o locat e t he m ovie and select it . The file's locat ion displays in t he dialog. When you select a file, Acrobat assigns a cont ent t ype aut om at ically t hat det erm ines t he player needed t o view t he m ovie. You can click t he Cont ent Type pull- down m enu and select a different form at but be careful because you m ay have difficult ies playing t he m ovie. 5 . Deselect eit her of t he addit ional opt ions ( which are act ive by default ) if you wish. Em bed cont ent in docum ent includes t he m ovie file in t he PDF docum ent ; Snap t o cont ent proport ions m aint ains t he m ovie's size when it plays.

    Tip I f t he Em bed cont ent in docum ent opt ion isn't select ed, t he m ovie is linked t o t he docum ent inst ead. 6 . Choose a post er opt ion; a post er is a placeholder im age t hat is seen on t he PDF docum ent when t he m ovie isn't playing:

    Use no post er shows t he m ovie's background docum ent . Ret rieve post er from m ovie uses t he m ovie's first fram e as a st at ic im age. Creat e post er from file allows you t o use a different im age for a post er. Click Browse/ Choose t o open a dialog t o select t he im age, t hen click Select ; t he file's locat ion is list ed on t he dialog. 7 . Click OK t o close t he dialog and insert t he m ovie. As shown in Figu r e 1 2 7 b , m y sam ple m ovie uses anot her PDF docum ent as it s post er im age. The m ovie is fram ed wit h a dashed line t o show you it s

    locat ion on t he docum ent page. When t he Movie Tool is act ive, you see t he handles on t he border as well.

    Embed or Not? First , t hink about what you plan t o do wit h your docum ent . I f it is int ended for dist ribut ion, t hen em bedding is usually sim pler since t here's only one file t o keep t rack of. I f t he docum ent is playing on your own syst em , t hen linking m ay be bet t er as t he PDF docum ent is sm aller. However, if you m ove t he linked m ovie, t he link is broken and t he m ovie won't play in t he PDF docum ent .

    N ot e You can cust om ize t he appearance of t he m ovie on t he docum ent t hat 's com ing up in t he next tip. 8 . Click t he Hand Tool, and t hen click t he m ovie on t he screen t o play it .

    Adding a sound file t o t he m ovie is a very sim ilar process. Choose t he Sound Tool from t he Advanced Edit ing Toolbar and click t he docum ent where you want t o place t he file. For t he m ost part , you leave t he sound file invisible, unless you want t o use a post er t o ident ify a sound but t on. The Add Sound dialog opens and offers t he sam e opt ions as t hose shown for t he Add Movie dialog, wit h t he except ion of t he Snap t o cont ent proport ions set t ing, which doesn't apply t o a sound file. Choose your set t ings. Then click OK t o close t he dialog.

    TIP 128: Tweaking a Movie Once a m ovie is added t o your docum ent , as described in Tip 127, t here are a num ber of ways you can cust om ize it . This t ip describes working wit h an Acrobat 6com pat ible m ovie; t he sam e dialogs and opt ions are available for working wit h an em bedded sound file as well.

    On the List Rendit ions you want t o include in your m ovie are list ed on t he Set t ings t ab of t he Mult im edia Propert ies dialog. Consider what t ypes of players your users are likely t o have on t heir com put ers, and t hen reorder t he list as necessary by clicking a rendit ion's nam e and t hen clicking t he Up or Down arrow t o t he right of t he list . On playback, Acrobat t ries t o play t he first rendit ion in t he list ; if unsuccessful, it t ries t he second, and so on unt il t he m ovie and player are com pat ible.

    You can use a num ber of versions of t he m ovie, called rendit ions. Use alt ernat e rendit ions when you are unsure which player your users have, or if you want t o offer bot h high- qualit y and lower- qualit y versions of a m ovie. Wit h t he Movie Tool, double- click t he m ovie on t he docum ent t o open t he Mult im edia Propert ies dialog. You configure rendit ions as well as ot her set t ings for t he m ovie in t his dialog. First , let 's look at rendit ions. The Mult im edia Propert ies dialog opens t o t he Set t ings t ab ( Figu r e 1 2 8 a) . The Annot at ion Tit le is a nam e assigned by Acrobat t o ident ify t he obj ect ; click t he field and change t he nam e if you like. Type a descript ion for an alt ernat e t ext t ag t o assist in m aking t he docum ent accessible.

    Figu r e 1 2 8 a . Assign a n d m a n a ge a n u m be r of r e n dit ion s of you r m ovie in t h e M u lt im e dia Pr ope r t ie s dia log.

    The default act ion for playing a m ovie is a Mouse Up act ion, shown in t he List Rendit ions for Event field. You can select ot her act ions from t he pull- down m enu. See Tips 129 and 130 t o learn how t o use act ions.

    Play It Again, Sam You can m odify t he charact erist ics of any of t he rendit ions you add t o a m ovie. Click a rendit ion in t he Mult im edia Propert ies dialog and t hen click Edit Rendit ion t o open t he Rendit ion Set t ings dialog. This five- t ab dialog can be used t o t weak your m ovies as necessary: On t he Media Set t ings t ab, m ake a rendit ion accessible t o JavaScript , as well as choosing opt ions sim ilar t o t hose in t he basic Add Movie dialog. On t he Playback Set t ings t ab, define looping, specify how long t he player rem ains open, add cont rols, and specify players. On t he Playback Locat ion t ab, choose t o play your m ovie in a float ing window or fullscreen and select opt ions.

    On t he Syst em s Requirem ent s t ab, specify languages and playback requirem ent s such as screen resolut ion and subt it les. On t he Playback Requirem ent s t ab, review t he set t ings chosen in ot her t abs.

    The m ovie you add t o t he docum ent is shown as t he first ( and only) rendit ion. You can add m ore versionsclick Add Rendit ion t o locat e and select addit ional versions; click Edit Rendit ion t o open t he Rendit ion Set t ings dialog, where you can select a wide range of cust om izat ions, such as placing t he m ovie in a float ing window and adding cont rols, as shown in Figu r e 1 2 8 b . Read about furt her cust om izat ions in t he sidebar " Play I t Again, Sam " in t his t ip. Rem ove a rendit ion you don't want t o keep by select ing it s nam e in t he list and clicking Rem ove Rendit ion.

    Figu r e 1 2 8 b. Pu t you r m ovie in a floa t in g w in dow a n d a dd pla yba ck con t r ols u sin g opt ion s in t h e Re n dit ion Se t t in gs dia log

    To m odify t he border of your m ovie, click t he Appearance t ab of t he Mult im edia Propert ies dialog ( Figu r e 1 2 8 c) . The default border for a m ovie is a t hin black line. Click t he Type pull- down arrow and choose I nvisible Rect angle if you want t o hide t he border alt oget her, or choose color, t hickness, and st yle from t he appropriat e opt ions.

    Figu r e 1 2 8 c. Cu st om ize t h e a ppe a r a n ce of t h e m ovie u sin g opt ion s in t h is dia log.

    TIP 129: Controlling the Action The default act ion t o st art playing a m ovie is a MouseUp event when you double- click a m ovie you have added t o a docum ent using t he Movie Tool or Select Obj ect Tool t o open t he Mult im edia Propert ies dialog, t he default MouseUp t rigger for playing a rendit ion is select ed for you. I n ot her words, when you or your user clicks t he m ovie's post er im age wit h t he Hand Tool, t he m ovie st art s playing when t he m ouse is released.

    Another Dimension Acrobat 7 allows you t o use 3D cont ent export ed from various 3D m odeling program s in t he U3D form at in your PDF docum ent s. You em bed a 3D m odel in t he sam e way as you em bed on t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar, and t hen doublem ovies or sounds. Click t he 3D Tool click t he page, or drag a m arquee. The Add 3D Cont ent dialog opens. Locat e t he file you want t o em bed, as well as any script s you would like t o run. You can choose post er opt ions sim ilar t o t hose for m ovies. Click OK t o close t he dialog.

    Your use of m ult im edia in Acrobat can be m uch m ore creat ive, however. You can at t ach t riggers t o links, bookm arks, but t ons, or ot her form fields, or even page act ions. I n t his t ip, I 'll show you how t o play a m ovie and a sound file using but t ons. There are t hree m ult im edia- specific act ions in Acrobat : Play a Sound Plays a specified sound file. The sound is em bedded int o t he PDF docum ent in a crossplat form form at t hat plays in Microsoft Windows and t he Mac OS. Play Media ( Acrobat 5 Com pat ible) Plays a specified QuickTim e or AVI m ovie t hat you creat ed as Acrobat 5 com pat ible. A m edia obj ect using Acrobat 5 Com pat ible opt ions is aut om at ically em bedded in t he PDF docum ent . Play Media ( Acrobat 6 and Lat er Com pat ible) Plays a specified m ovie t hat you creat ed as com pat ible wit h Acrobat 6 and Acrobat 7. Again, a m edia obj ect m ust already be em bedded in t he PDF docum ent for you t o be able t o select it . Const ruct t he but t ons you want t o use for t he docum ent . I n t he exam ple, you see t here are t hree but t ons: play, st op, and rewind ( Figu r e 1 2 9 a) . Select t he But t on Tool from t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar or from t he Form s t oolbar if you have it open. Draw t he but t ons and set t heir propert ies ( read about building but t ons in Chapt er 12) .

    Figu r e 1 2 9 a . You ca n con t r ol m ovie a n d sou n d file s in you r docu m e n t u sin g se ve r a l opt ion s, in clu din g bu t t on s.

    To configure t he playback act ion for a m ovie: 1 . I n t he But t on Propert ies dialog for t he first but t on ( t he play but t on in t he sam ple) , click t he Act ions t ab t o display t he set t ings.

    Sound Comment or Sound Action? Sound at t ached t o a file using t he Sound Tool and cont rolled by act ions is not t he sam e as sound at t ached t o a file using a Com m ent t ool ( see t he sidebar " The Sound of Your Voice" for Tip 114 in Chapt er 14) . The sound com m ent is a file at t achm ent ; using a sound act ion act ually em beds t he sound int o t he docum ent . Use a sound com m ent if you've dict at ed a m essage t o accom pany a docum ent or ot her com m ent , for exam ple. Your readers have t o click t he Sound Com m ent icon on t he page t o act ivat e t heir com put er's audio ut ilit y program t o play t he m essage. The sound act ion can be part of a m ult im edia present at ion, such as a background score, m usic t hat plays as a page loads, or sounds you hear as a but t on is clicked. 2 . Click t he Select Act ion pull- down m enu and choose Play Media ( Acrobat 6 and Lat er Com pat ible) , t hen click t he Add but t on. The Play Media dialog opens. 3 . The default act ion shown is Play. Click t he Operat ion t o Perform pull- down m enu and choose an opt ion ( Figu r e 1 2 9 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 2 9 b. Ch oose a m e dia - spe cific a ct ion t o con t r ol a m ovie or sou n d file u sin g Acr oba t obj e ct s su ch a s bu t t on s.

    4 . Click t he annot at ion for t he m edia you want t o apply t he act ion t o (Figu r e 1 2 9 c) . When you select a list ing, t he OK but t on is act ivat ed.

    Figu r e 1 2 9 c. Se le ct t h e e m be dde d m e dia file t o w h ich you w a n t t o a pply t h e a ct ion .

    5 . Click OK t o close t he Play Media dialog, t hen click Close t o dism iss t he But t on Propert ies dialog. 6 . Click t he Hand Tool on t he Basic t oolbar, and t hen click t he but t on t o t est t he act ion.

    TIP 130: Making Your Document Responsive Act ions can be applied t o individual elem ent s of a docum ent , or t o t he ent ire docum ent . You can use act ions applied t o your docum ent for a variet y of purposesfor exam ple, t o display inst ruct ions or t hank visit ors for com plet ing a form .

    Alert! The exam ple used in t his t ip is a script for an applicat ion alert , which is a t ype of dialog t hat gives you inform at ion when you perform an act ion in a program ; alert s pop up on your screen all t he t im e. The script loads t he inform at ion dialogin t his case, t he t hank- you m essage.

    Docum ent act ions are set using Acrobat JavaScript , a relat ively sim ple ( read: not fright ening! ) script ing language. 1 . To st art a docum ent act ion, choose Advanced > JavaScript > Docum ent Act ions. The Docum ent Act ions dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 3 0 a) , showing a list of act ions t hat refer t o different st at es of a docum ent . There are five st at es:

    Docum ent Will Close When a docum ent closes Docum ent Will Save Before a docum ent is saved Docum ent Did Save Aft er a docum ent is saved Docum ent Will Print Before a docum ent is print ed Docum ent Did Print Aft er a docum ent is print ed

    Figu r e 1 3 0 a . You ca n a t t a ch a ct ion s t o diffe r e n t st a t e s of a docu m e n t 's a ct ivit y, su ch a s be for e or a ft e r pr in t in g, or be for e or a ft e r sa vin g.

    Take not e of t he different st at es. For exam ple, an act ion used in t he Docum ent Will Save st at e t akes place before t he docum ent is saved, whereas t he Docum ent Did Save act ion occurs aft er t he docum ent is saved. 2 . Select an act ion from t he list at t he left of t he dialog. Then click Edit t o open t he JavaScript Edit or dialog. 3 . Type t he t ext for your script in t he JavaScript Edit or dialog. Here's a sam ple script :

    app.alert(\'93For more movies, visit our Web site. Come back again.\'94,4);

    Scripting Assistance There are m any resources available t o help you learn t o writ e JavaScript , including t he form of JavaScript used in Acrobat . See, for exam ple, Adobe's Java- Script Script ing Reference or t he JavaScript Script ing Guide; bot h are available at ht t p: / / part / links/ acrobat . 4 . Click OK t o close t he dialog. The script now appears in t he Docum ent Act ions dialog (Figu r e 1 3 0 b ) . The select ed docum ent act ion now has a green circle beside it , indicat ing t hat it has an act ive script .

    Figu r e 1 3 0 b. Type t h e Ja va Scr ipt you w a n t t o r u n in t h e Ja va Scr ipt Edit or dia log.

    5 . Click OK t o close t he Docum ent Act ions dialog. 6 . Save t he docum ent . To t est t he script , close t he docum ent . The sam ple uses a Docum ent Will Close act ion, m eaning t he script is execut ed when you choose t he com m and t o close t he docum ent . Before it closes, t he m essage appears, as shown in Figu r e 1 3 0 c.

    Figu r e 1 3 0 c. I n t h is e x a m ple , a n a le r t m e ssa ge a ppe a r s a ft e r t h e file is close d.

    TIP 131: Creating a Presentation with Page Transitions One of t he st rengt hs of present at ion soft ware is t he abilit y t o display cont ent and cont rol m ovem ent t hrough a docum ent . Using page t ransit ions and page view set t ings, you can creat e a present at ion of a PDF docum ent in Acrobat . The m at erial you use for a present at ion can com e from a num ber of sources. You can use files from a range of program s convert ed t o a PDF ( see t ips in Chapt er 3 for conversion inform at ion for various t ypes of source m at erials) , or assem ble a binder using any num ber of file t ypes ( described in Chapt er 4) . I f you use docum ent s convert ed from Microsoft PowerPoint present at ions ( Windows) , t he t ransit ions are preserved. Bullet fly- in anim at ions are also t ransferred t o t he PDF docum ent .

    Varying Effects I nst ead of applying t he sam e t ransit ion t hroughout your present at ion, you can quickly choose individual pages or groups of pages and apply a different effect t o each group. Select t he pages using t he page t hum bnail view in t he Pages panel ( Shift - click t o select a group; Ct rlclick / Com m and- click t o select pages in different locat ions in t he docum ent ) . From t he Opt ions m enu, choose Set Page Transit ions t o open t he Set Transit ions dialog. Use different t ransit ions t o ident ify different segm ent s of a docum ent . For exam ple, I use a PDF present at ion as a resum e/ port folio. The docum ent cont ains several pages of art work sam ples. To different iat e t he art work from ot her elem ent s of t he docum ent , t he art work pages use a different t ransit ion t han t he rest of t he docum ent .

    Acrobat provides a num ber of t ransit ion effect s. You can apply t hem t o select ed pages or t o all t he pages in a docum ent . I n addit ion, you can configure t he speed of t he t ransit ion and specify whet her t he pages advance aut om at ically or require keyboard or m ouse act ions. Follow t hese st eps t o add t ransit ions: 1 . Choose Docum ent > Pages > Set Page Transit ions t o open t he Set Transit ions dialog ( Figu r e 1 3 1 a) .

    Figu r e 1 3 1 a . Se le ct t h e t ype of t r a n sit ion a n d it s ch a r a ct e r ist ics, su ch a s spe e d a n d h ow t h e pa ge s a dva n ce

    2 . I n t he Set Transit ions dialog box, choose a t ransit ion effect from t he Effect pull- down m enu. You can choose am ong several dozen effect s.

    N ot e Choose Edit > Preferences > Full Screen t o view t he sam e effect opt ions as t hose in t he Set Transit ions dialog. I f you set a t ransit ion preference, it overrides any docum ent 's set t ings. Also, if you choose I gnore All Transit ions, t ransit ions added t o a docum ent aren't played.

    Tips for Using Transitions As anyone who has sat t hrough a m ind- num bing present at ion can t ell you, t ransit ions can be overused, or used poorly. Alt hough t ransit ions are not t he m ain part of your present at ion, your audience receives visual cues from t hem , j ust as t hey will from ot her page elem ent s like font s and colors. Here are a couple of t ips for using t ransit ions in a docum ent : Pick t ransit ions t hat relat e t o t he cont ent . I f t he docum ent is a collect ion of im ages set against a pale background, a glit t ery t ransit ion m ay look good. For a docum ent discussing business losses over t he past quart er, a som ber t ransit ion is m ore appropriat e. I f you use t he Aut o Flip opt ion, be sure t o t est t he pages. The cont ent det erm ines how long a page should be visible. I f t he user has a lot of cont ent t o read, specify a

    longer display t im e. 3 . Select a speed for t he effect : Slow, Medium , or Fast . 4 . Set t he navigat ion m et hod. To have Acrobat t urn t he pages aut om at ically, select Aut o Flip and choose t he num ber of seconds bet ween aut om at ic page t urning. You can choose a value in t he range 1 t o 30 seconds. I f you leave t he Aut o Flip set t ing deselect ed, t he user m oves t hrough t he docum ent using keyboard com m ands or m ouse clicks. 5 . Select t he page range you want t o apply t he t ransit ions t o, or leave t he default ( which is t he ent ire docum ent ) . 6 . Click OK t o close t he Set Transit ions dialog. 7 . You'll see t he t ransit ions only when t he docum ent uses Full Screen view. To set t his view aut om at ically, choose File > Docum ent Propert ies > I nit ial View. Click Open in Full Screen m ode in t he Window Opt ions sect ion. 8.

    To t est t he present at ion, click Full Screen View on t he st at us bar at t he bot t om of t he program window, or save t he file, close it , and reopen it t o view your present at ion ( Figu r e 1 3 1 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 3 1 b. Te st t h e slide sh ow u sin g t h e Fu ll Scr e e n vie w .

    TIP 132: Using Photoshop Album Slideshows and Picture Tasks I f you've forgot t en t o get a birt hday card in t he m ail t o your best friend, don't despair. You can use Adobe Phot oshop Album ( Windows) , or ot her Phot oshop product s, t o creat e int erest ing slideshows and em ail greet ings called eCards. Cont ent can be export ed from Phot oshop Album in PDF form at . Once you open t hat PDF docum ent in Acrobat , t wo plug- ins are act ivat ed, and Pict ure Tasks is added t o t he Task But t on t oolbar; t he but t on is also available by choosing View > Task But t ons > Pict ure Tasks, alt hough it isn't act ive unless t he appropriat e docum ent is open in Acrobat . The I m age Viewer plug- in displays t he slideshow or eCard cont ent ; t he Pict ure Tasks plug- in provides som e new com m ands t hat let you work wit h t he files' cont ent . The first t im e you open a docum ent creat ed in Phot oshop Album , you'll see a m essage dialog t hat t ells you you can export , edit , and print t he pict ures em bedded in t he docum ent , as well as send t hem t o an online print shop for developing. Once you've read t he m essage, click Don't show again at t he bot t om left of t he dialog t o hide it in fut ure sessions.

    Take It for a Test Drive Phot oshop Album is a program t hat int eract s seam lessly wit h Acrobat . You can t ry t he program for yourself. On t he Pict ure Tasks m enu, click Get Adobe Phot oshop Album t o open an Online Services Wizard ( Online Services Assist ant ) . Follow t he inst ruct ions on t he wizard t o buy Phot oshop Album or download t he free Phot oshop Album 2.0 St art er Edit ion.

    Wit h your file open, click t he Pict ure Tasks but t on's pull- down arrow t o display it s m enu. Then click t he Pict ure Tasks t ask but t on t o check out it s How To pane ( Figu r e 1 3 2 a) .

    Figu r e 1 3 2 a . You ca n w or k w it h im a ge s u sin g t h e Pict u r e Ta sk s; ope n t h e H ow To pa n e t o r e a d a bou t t h e diffe r e n t opt ion s. [View full size image]

    Pict ure Tasks offer you several opt ions for using t he cont ent in your docum ent s: You can export im ages t o use in ot her docum ent s. Click Export Pict ures t o open t he dialog shown in Figu r e 1 3 2 b . Select t he im ages for export , and choose a folder for st orage and a com m on nam e if you like. Just click Export t o export t he im ages from t he docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 3 2 b. Ex por t im a ge s fr om Acr oba t u sin g t h e Pict u r e Ta sk s. [View full size image]

    You can export im ages and m odify t hem before using t hem elsewhere. Click Export and Edit Pict ures t o open t he Export and Edit dialog. I t 's t he sam e as t he Export Pict ures dialog, wit h an addit ional opt ion t o open t he im ages in your im age- edit ing program .

    N ot e The Pict ure Tasks dialog uses t he sam e im age- edit ing program you specify in t he TouchUp preferences. Choose Edit > Preferences or Acrobat > Preferences ( Mac) t o open t he dialog, and click TouchUp in t he left colum n t o show t he TouchUp preference opt ions. Click Change t o choose a different im age- edit ing program if you so desire.

    Print t he im ages in a wide variet y of sizes and arrangem ent s. Click Print Pict ures t o open t he Select Pict ure dialog. Choose t he im ages you want t o print and click Next ; t he Print Pict ures dialog t hen opens. Acrobat offers an int erest ing collect ion of print ing opt ions ( Figu r e 1 3 2 c) . For exam ple, you can print set s of wallet - sized im ages or larger port rait - sized im ages; you can even print m ult iple sizes of t he sam e im age using t he Pict ure Package opt ion. Be sure t o specify t he num ber of copies you want t o print .

    Figu r e 1 3 2 c. Se le ct t h e im a ge s you w a n t t o pr in t a n d ch oose size a n d la you t opt ion s. [View full size image]

    You can order print s of your phot os online. Click Order Print s Online t o launch a dialog connect ing you t o an online print er. Follow t he prom pt s in t he Online Services Wizard ( called an Online Services Assist ant in Mac OS) and t he specific upload and paym ent inst ruct ions for t he online service. There's even an opt ion for ordering proj ect s from t he Web. Click Order Proj ect Online t o connect t o an online print ing service t o produce Phot oshop Album t em plat e- based m at erial, such as calendars and phot obooks.

    Modifying Photoshop Album Slideshows In Acrobat Creat ing a slideshow using t he Pict ure Tasks m et hod is quick and sim ple. Unlike present at ions you creat e m anually in Acrobat ( described in Tip 131) , t hose creat ed using t he Pict ure Tasks plug- in offer only lim it ed cust om izat ions. Available set t ings are included in t he Export t o Slideshow dialog. I f you need ext ra cont ent , such as capt ions, addit ional t ext blocks, or cust om t ext or backgrounds, you'll need t o creat e your present at ion from scrat ch, using t he t echniques described in t he previous t ip.

    TIP 133: Downloading and Reading Digital Editions A Digit al Edit ion is a specially packaged PDF docum ent t hat m ay cont ain copyright prot ect ion; eBooks are a com m on t ype of Digit al Edit ion. Prior t o Acrobat 6 and Adobe Reader 6, you viewed general PDFs using Acrobat Reader, and you used t he Adobe eBook Reader when you want ed t o view eBooks. Bot h Adobe Acrobat 6 and Adobe Reader 6 com bined bot h viewers in one package, and eBooks and ot her Digit al Edit ions were cont rolled t hrough t he My Bookshelf dialog. Now you can organize and cont rol digit al m edia, such as eBooks, report s, and m agazines, t hrough Acrobat 7 or t hrough Adobe Reader 7's My Digit al Edit ions dialog. This t ip shows you how t o download free digit al edit ions and creat e your own library.

    Storing eBooks and Other Digital Editions To save t im e, st ore all of your eBooks in t he sam e locat ion. I t m akes it easier t o find t hem t o add t o t he collect ion, and it cert ainly m akes it easier t o delet e eBooks from t he collect ion.

    Let 's look at t he download process in Acrobat 7:

    Modifying eBooks and Other Digital Editions eBooks are t he sam e as ot her PDF filesyou can add com m ent s, links, export im ages, and so on, depending on t he perm issions grant ed in t he securit y set t ings.

    1 . Choose Advanced > Digit al Edit ions > Adobe Digit al Media St ore. I f you have never used t he Digit al Edit ions opt ions, you m ust first act ivat e an account . Follow t he prom pt s t o act ivat e t he DRM ( Digit al Right s Managem ent ) account .

    N ot e You can also work t hrough t he dialog. Choose Advanced > Digit al Edit ions > My Digit al Edit ions t o open t he dialog and click Adobe Digit al Media St ore t o go t o t he Web sit e. 2 . The program 's link leads you t o Adobe's Digit al Media St ore. From t he Web sit e, you can select a book t o purchase, and follow t he prom pt s for paym ent and download. You can also t ry a free eBook; click t he Try an eBook or Preview an eBook link on t he m ain page of t he st ore's sit e t o open t he Try Adobe Edit ions Web page list ing free cont ent .

    N ot e You can find plent y of free eBooks in m any online venues. For exam ple, Planet PDF ( www.planet ) offers dozens of classics you can download and read, and it s library is growing. Search online for ot her great sources. I n som e cases, t he eBook opens in your browser; sim ply click Save a Copy on t he Adobe Reader 7 t oolbar t o save it t o your digit al edit ions collect ion. 3 . Click an eBook's link t o select it , and follow t he prom pt s for download. The file is downloaded and opens in Acrobat 7 or Adobe Reader 7. The file is st ored on your hard drive. When you inst all Acrobat 7 or Adobe Reader 7, a folder nam ed My Digit al Edit ions is added t o My Docum ent s ( Windows) or t o Docum ent s > My Digit al Edit ions ( Mac) .

    Sharing Digital Editions You can send out files right from t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog ( unless t hey are right sprot ect ed) . Select t he file you want t o m ail from t he booklist . Click Em ail at t he t op of t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog t o open an em ail m essage, which will include t he subj ect line " A docum ent for you" as well as inst ruct ions for how t o read it and how t o download t he Adobe Reader. The digit al edit ion is at t ached t o t he em ail m essage. Sim ply ent er t he recipient 's nam e and send t he file. 4 . Close your browser when you have finished downloading your book( s) .

    I n Acrobat 7, you can use t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog t o organize your digit al m at erial: 1 . Choose Advanced > Digit al Edit ions > My Digit al Edit ions t o open t he dialog ( Figu r e 1 3 3 a) .

    Figu r e 1 3 3 a . You r digit a l e dit ion s a r e colle ct e d in on e loca t ion a n d displa ye d in t h is dia log. [View full size image]

    2. Click Add File

    t o open t he Add File dialog.

    Where Did My eBooks Go? I f you worked wit h Acrobat 6 previously, you will have had access t o a syst em sim ilar t o t hat in Acrobat 7. However, your eBooks and ot her digit al edit ions are not aut om at ically added t o Acrobat 7's My Digit al Edit ions dialog. The first t im e you open t he Digit al Edit ions dialog, a dialog opens offering you a variet y of opt ions. Each opt ion provides prom pt s: Yes I Want To Act ivat e Acrobat 7.0 Using My Passport Or Adobe I DUse t his opt ion when you have recent ly inst alled Acrobat 7 and haven't act ivat ed t he program yet ( Windows) . Yes, Migrat e These Books To Acrobat 7.0 But Not Wit h A Passport Or Adobe I DUse t his opt ion t o select files and m igrat e t hem t o t he My Digit al Edit ions bookshelf. No I Don't Want To Migrat e These BooksThis choice is quit e obvious. I f you choose t his opt ion, you won't be able t o m igrat e t he books at a lat er t im e. Why Am I Being Asked This Quest ion?This opt ion opens t he Acrobat Help files. Don't Ask Me AgainAlso an obvious choice. The dialog is closed perm anent ly.

    3 . Locat e and select t he book or books you want t o add t o t he list ing and click Add. The dialog closes. The select ed books now appear in t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog. By default , books are organized using large t hum bnails of t heir first page. 4 . Click a t hum bnail. At t he bot t om left of t he dialog, you'll see inform at ion about t he book, including it s aut hor, t it le, and filenam e. You can click t he List t oggle form inst ead of t hum bnails ( Figu r e 1 3 3 b ) .

    t o display t he book inform at ion in a list

    Figu r e 1 3 3 b. You ca n displa y t h e con t e n t s in e it h e r t h u m bn a il vie w or a list vie w . [View full size image]

    5 . To read a book, double- click it s nam e in t he list or t he t hum bnail view, or select t he book and click Read

    on t he My Digit al Edit ions t oolbar.

    TIP 134: Organizing and Managing Your Digital Editions Collection The problem wit h digit al edit ions is t hat , since t hey are so easy t o get and t o use, you can end up wit h dozens or even hundreds of files. Fort unat ely, t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog let s you classify your collect ion for easy access.

    Tips for eBook Creation eBooks are a special hybrid of a t radit ional book and an online docum ent . Here are som e t ips for building int erest ing and useful m at erial: Set t he Docum ent propert ies before finishing t he proj ect . Set t he init ial view so t hat t he docum ent opens wit h bot h t he bookm arks and t he page showing, and set t he m agnificat ion so t hat t he ent ire first page is visible. When your readers open your book, t hey im m ediat ely see all of t he first page and t he bookm ark list as well. Tag t he docum ent . Your viewers read digit al edit ions on a wide range of devices, ranging from com put er screens t o handheld devices. I f a docum ent is t agged, readers can use a reflow view if necessary for clear viewing. Refer t o Tip 62 in Chapt er 7 t o learn about reflow.

    Organize your books by cat egory. You can use com binat ions of t wo cat egories, bot h available from pulldown m enus at t he bot t om of t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog. Each list cont ains t he sam e cat egories. Select a book in t he list or click it s t hum bnail, and t hen click t he Cat egory 1 pull- down arrow t o display t he list ( Figu r e 1 3 4 a) and choose a cat egory for t he book. The cat egories include Rom ance, Hist ory, Reference, Travel, and so on. You can assign t wo cat egories t o digit al edit ions; choose a second cat egory from t he Cat egory 2 pull- down list .

    Figu r e 1 3 4 a . Ca t e gor ize you r digit a l e dit ion s for e a se of a cce ss.

    You can sort t he collect ion using t he list view. Sim ply swit ch t o list view and click any of t he list headings ( Tit le, Aut hor, Dat e Last Accessed, Cat egories) t o sort t he list alphabet ically or by dat e. Even if you download t hem for free, you m ay want t o back up your eBooks. I t m ay not be a problem if you lost your copy of Wut hering Height s t o som e sort of com put er failure; however, if you are using it as part of a t hesis and have added a huge num ber of com m ent s and bookm arks t o t he docum ent , losing t he file could be frust rat ing. Follow t hese st eps t o back up your Digit al Edit ions: 1.

    At t he bot t om of t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog, click Backup.


    2 . When t he Backup and Rest ore Digit al Edit ions dialog opens, choose t he cont ent you want t o back up from t he pull- down list , which includes all t ypes of digit al cont ent such as cat egories of eBooks, subscript ions, and ot her PDF docum ent s st ored in t he Digit al Edit ions bookshelf ( Figu r e 1 3 4 b ) . The opt ion t o back up com m ent s and m arkup is select ed by default .

    Figu r e 1 3 4 b. Use t h is dia log t o ba ck u p som e or a ll of you r colle ct ion , a n d t o r e st or e you r colle ct ion in ca se of com pu t e r pr oble m s

    3 . Click OK.

    4 . The Browse For Folder dialog opens; select t he folder you want t o use t o st ore t he backup. 5 . Click OK and t hen Close t o close dialogs and st ore copies of t he digit al edit ions in your backup folder.

    I f som et hing corrupt s your original file, you can use your backup file by following t hese st eps: 1 . I n t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog, click Backup t o open t he Backup and Rest ore Digit al Edit ions dialog. 2 . Click Rest ore and t hen OK. 3 . Locat e t he backup file in t he Browse For Folder dialog, and t hen click OK. The files will be rest ored t o your collect ion.

    I f you want t o rem ove a list ing from your collect ion follow t hese st eps: 1 . Select t he eBook or Digit al Edit ion in t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog. 2.

    Click Act ions 1 3 4 c) .

    at t he bot t om of t he My Digit al Edit ions dialog t o open a m enu ( Figu r e

    Figu r e 1 3 4 c. You ca n u pda t e su bscr ipt ion s, se n d con t e n t t o a m obile de vice , a n d im ple m e n t ot h e r com m a n ds u sin g t h e Act ion s m e n u .

    3 . Click Rem ove, and t hen click OK in t he confirm at ion dialog.

    The docum ent is rem oved from t he list ing in t he dialog, but is not rem oved from your com put er. You have t o rem ove it m anually from t he My Digit al Edit ions folder in My Docum ent s ( Windows) or Docum ent s ( Mac) .

    Creating eBooks I s an eBook really j ust a PDF in fancy lit erary clot hes? Aside from t he nam e, what different iat es an eBook from a regular PDF docum ent is prim arily relat ed t o layout eBooks are designed for onscreen use. Consider t hese fact ors when planning your own eBooks and ot her digit al edit ions: Use a sm aller page size, approxim at ely 5 or 6 inches by 7 or 8 inches, for a digit al edit ion. The sm aller page size m akes it easier for t he page t o be viewed on a variet y of screen sizes and st ill let s t he viewer print on a st andard- sized page. Leave t he m argins at approxim at ely 1 inch all around. The cont ent is clearly displayed, and t here is st ill enough room for header and foot er m at erial. Use a clear font t hat will work well for online use. A sim ple serif font such as Tim es or Palat ino looks good. Don't use a heavy or bolded font . The added weight doesn't cont ribut e t o a clearer page. Make sure you em bed t he font s used in your eBook proj ect ( refer t o Tip 48 in Chapt er 6 t o learn about em bedding font s) . Don't use t oo large a font ; it wast es screen and page space. I usually use a 12- point font . That is large enough for t he reader t o see t he cont ent clearly in a full- widt h page view. Don't use a colored background for an eBook. The color is very dist ract ing, and ext rem ely difficult for your viewers using screen readers or ot her assist ive devices. For a shot of color, consider a colored logo, horizont al line, or ot her sm all graphic. Bookm ark chapt er headings, and use descript ive nam es when necessary, such as in t echnical m at erial. Provide navigat ional cues in t he docum ent it self such as page num bers and headers or foot ers cont aining t he chapt er num ber and nam e. Take advant age of t he power of Acrobat when designing a digit al edit ion by including links t o addit ional sources of inform at ion, Web sit es, and so on. An int erest ing cover im age can add a lot of charact er t o your book. When t he digit al edit ion appears in your bookshelf, you see a t hum bnail of t he first page.

    Chapter SEVENTEEN. Becoming an Acrobat Power User This ent ire book is devot ed t o giving you t ips and t ricks t o m ake your work wit h Acrobat fast er and m ore efficient . This chapt er t akes you one st ep furt her. I t shows you how t o use som e of Acrobat 's advanced funct ions t o help you becom e an Acrobat power user. Have you ever not iced how som e of your act ions are repet it ious? I f you are working on a big proj ect you m ay have t o repeat t he sam e processes, such as adding page num bers, over and over. Rat her t han opening dialogs and choosing t he sam e set t ings repeat edly, you can use a bat ch sequence t o do t he j ob for you. Can't find t he precise process you want t o use? You can writ e one of your own. Acrobat includes a specialized t ype of bat ch process for print product ion as well as a m et hod for processing files in Dist iller using a wat ched folder syst em . Acrobat also cont ains som e specialized t ools for evaluat ing your docum ent 's cont ent and decreasing file size, helping you creat e files t hat are quicker and easier t o use. Anot her t im esaving feat ure Acrobat offers is t he abilit y t o capt ure t he cont ent from a scanned docum ent and convert it int o words and im ages, so you don't have t o rebuild t he source docum ent s m anually. You'll learn how t o use t his feat ure, t oo.

    TIP 135: Using a Batch Sequence Suppose your usual workflow ent ails adding descript ion det ails t o your docum ent s, t hen adding a header or foot er, adding page num bers, and finally rem oving t he com m ent s before saving a copy of t he docum ent . And suppose you have t o do t his process over and over on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be nice t o click a couple of but t ons and have Acrobat do t he work for you? Acrobat 7 Professional let s you t ake t he ho- hum out of perform ing m any repet it ious t asks by using bat ch sequences.

    A Batch for Every Reason Acrobat includes several default bat ch processes, and offers a wide range of opt ions for writ ing cust om bat ch sequences. Are t here t im es when you would like t o perform any of t hese act ions on a num ber of files? I nst ead of repeat ing t he sam e act ions over and over, consider building a cust om bat ch sequence t hat allows you t o: Delet e or sum m arize com m ent s Check for Accessibilit y st at us or m ake t he docum ent 's cont ent accessible Add elem ent s like headers and foot ers, wat erm arks, and backgrounds Add descript ions t o docum ent s Export im ages in a wide range of form at s Define how a docum ent opens, and how it s t hum bnails are used Print Add or change securit y set t ings Add print er m arks; m anipulat e pages ( such as cropping, num bering, rot at ing, adding t ransit ions) Run a Preflight check Run a JavaScript

    Acrobat includes eight default bat ch processes, and you can easily writ e your own cust om sequence, as you'll see in t his t ip. Unlike m ost t hings you do in Acrobat , you don't need t o have docum ent s open in Acrobat t o apply a bat ch sequence. The beaut y of using a sequence t o perform a variet y of t asks for you is t hat you can cust om ize it t o m eet bot h your work requirem ent s and your work habit s. Decide what you want t he program t o do for you, and assem ble your own cust om bat ch sequencet his t ip shows how t o build a bat ch process t hat m odifies a docum ent 's descript ion, adds a foot er and page num bers, rem oves t he com m ent s, and t hen saves t he file wit h a unique nam e separat e from t he original

    file. You m ust m ake four decisions when building your own files: t he com m ands you want t o run, what files you want t o use, where you want t he finished files st ored, and in what form at . Follow t hese st eps: 1.

    Choose Advanced > Bat ch Processing t o open t he Bat ch Sequences dialog. Click New Sequence . A sm all dialog opens for you t o nam e t he sequence ( Figu r e 1 3 5 a) . Type t he nam e and click OK. Use a m eaningful nam e for t he sequencet he exam ple is called m m _sum m ary report s, which refers bot h t o a specific proj ect as well as t he t ypes of docum ent s t he bat ch process will be applied t o.

    Figu r e 1 3 5 a . N a m e you r cu st om ba t ch pr oce ss, m a k e t h e n a m e s de scr ipt ive .


    The Edit Bat ch Sequence [ nam e] dialog opens. Click Select Com m ands Edit Sequence dialog ( Figu r e 1 3 5 b ) .

    t o open t he

    Figu r e 1 3 5 b. Add t h e com m a n ds in t h is dia log, a n d spe cify if you w a n t t o cu st om ize e a ch docu m e n t a s a com m a n d is r u n . [View full size image]

    But What About…? You aren't rest rict ed t o using PDF docum ent s when applying a bat ch sequence. I n t he Edit Sequence dialog, if you choose a specific folder t o run t he com m ands on, a Source . Click t he but t on t o open a list of file File Opt ions but t on appears form at s, such as im age form at s, t ext , Microsoft Office program filesany t ype of file you can convert t o PDF can be included 3.

    Click an arrow t o open t he cat egory of act ion, such as Docum ent , in t he colum n at t he left of t he dialog. Click t o select an act ion, such as Descript ion, and t hen click Add t o m ove t he act ion t o t he list at t he right of t he dialog.


    Add ot her act ions for your sequence. I n t he exam ple, in addit ion t o t he Descript ion act ion, I have used t he Add Wat erm ark & Background and Num ber Pages act ions from t he Docum ent cat egory, as well as t he Delet e All Com m ent s act ion from t he Com m ent s cat egory. You can reorder t hem by clicking t he Move Up or Move Down but t on, or you can delet e an act ion if you change your m ind by clicking Rem ove.


    Assign an I nt eract ive Mode t o act ions you want t o cont rol m anually. I n Figure 135b, t he act ion for delet ing com m ent s has a solid gray box t o t he left of t he com m and's nam e, which m eans t his act ion has no configurat ion opt ionscom m ent s are eit her delet ed or t hey aren't . The ot her t hree act ions have a depressed gray box t o t he left of t heir nam es, which m eans t hey can be defined as I nt eract ive. Click t o t oggle t he I nt eract ive Mode, which displays a gray and whit e icon in t he gray box. When t he bat ch script is run, Acrobat will prom pt you for decisions about t hese act ions. I n t he exam ple, t he Num ber Pages act ion will occur aut om at ically, while bot h t he Descript ion and Add Wat erm ark & Background act ions will pause and wait for m y input before cont inuing t he sequence.

    N ot e You can see t he charact erist ics of t he act ion as well. Click t he arrow t o t he left of t he com m and's icon t o display t he cont ent s. I n Figure 135b, t he Descript ion det ails are shown. 6.

    When you have finished adding com m ands, click OK t o close t he dialog and ret urn t o t he Edit Bat ch Sequence [ nam e] dialog. The com m ands are list ed in t he dialog ( Figu r e 1 3 5 c) .

    Figu r e 1 3 5 c. On ce you h a ve ch ose n t h e com m a n ds for you r ba t ch se qu e n ce , ch oose t h e file s t o pr oce ss a n d w h e r e t o st or e t h e m . [View full size image]


    Click t he pull- down arrow and choose an opt ion for running t he com m and based on t he requirem ent s of your proj ect . I f you are building a sequence for a specific proj ect and have st ored t he files in one folder locat ion, choose t hat opt ion; if you have files in several folders, choose Select ed Files, as shown in t he figure. The opt ion you choose det erm ines t he ot her select ions t hat are available. For exam ple, if you choose Files Open in Acrobat , t he rest of t he dialog is dim m ed.


    Click t he pull- down arrow and choose an opt ion for st oring t he processed files according t o your proj ect 's needs ( Figu r e 1 3 5 d ) . I f you t hink you m ight use t he sequence repeat edly, choose Ask when Sequence is Run, or if t he files are int ended for t he sam e out put folder, choose Specific Folder and select t he folder.

    Figu r e 1 3 5 d. D e cide w h e r e you w a n t t o st or e t h e file s a ccor din g t o you r w or k flow .


    Click Out put Opt ions t o open t he Out put Opt ions dialog so you can configure t he processed files furt her (Figu r e 1 3 5 e) .

    Figu r e 1 3 5 e . You ca n ch oose a ddit ion a l opt ion s for t h e fin ish e d file s, su ch a s m odifie d n a m e s a n d file for m a t s.

    1 0 . Select cust om opt ions for your proj ect . For exam ple, you can append or prepend charact ers t o t he original files' nam es, choose t o overwrit e t he original files or not , choose an out put form at from t he pull- down m enu ( you can save t he processed files as Web pages, Word docum ent s, t ext , and so on) , or select fast Web save or PDF Opt im izer opt ions. ( Read about t he PDF Opt im izer in Tip 138.) I n t he exam ple, t he files prepared by t his bat ch process will all have t he prefix PR_ at t ached t o t heir nam es, will be saved as PDF docum ent s, will be opt im ized, and will be separat e from t he original docum ent s. 1 1 . Click OK t o close t he Out put Opt ions dialog, and t hen click OK again t o close t he Edit Bat ch Sequence [ nam e] dialog, ret urning you t o t he original Bat ch Sequences dialog. Your new sequence is included

    in t he dialog's list (Figu r e 1 3 5 f) .

    Figu r e 1 3 5 f. You r cu st om ba t ch se qu e n ce is list e d in t h e dia log in a lph a be t ica l or de r a n d r e a dy for u se .

    1 2 . I f you are ready t o use t he process ( eit her a cust om sequence or one of t he default s) , click Run Sequence. You can also renam e it , edit it , and delet e it by clicking t he appropriat e but t ons.

    As t he process is applied, you m ay see dialogs, depending on t he com m ands you added t o your sequence. I n t he exam ple, since I specified an I nt eract ive Mode for bot h t he Descript ion and t he Add Wat erm ark & Background com m ands, when each docum ent is processed t he t wo dialogs open for cust om set t ings.

    Plan Ahead To get you int o t he bat ch sequence m indset , here are a few ideas t o consider: Plan ahead. As you st art working on a proj ect , consider t asks t hat are likely t o be repet it ious and plan t o use a bat ch sequence before you st art t he proj ect . That way, you won't wast e t im e m aking sim ple changes in som e of t he docum ent s in a proj ect t hat could easily be handled wit h a bat ch sequence applied t o t he whole proj ect . Put t he files you plan t o bat ch int o a separat e folder. I t 's easier t o keep t rack of where you are in your workflow. You can include ot her files in your bat ch sequence besides PDF docum ent s. ( See t he sidebar "But What About …?"). Configure and t weak a sam ple file. I f you want headers and foot ers on 50 docum ent s, for exam ple, t est and apply t hem t o one docum ent . When you are sat isfied wit h t he appearance, you are ready t o build and use a bat ch sequence for t he rest .

    Writ e and t est your bat ch sequence at any t im e. You don't need t o be working wit h a proj ect 's files t o writ e t he sequence. Consider writ ing a group of bat ch sequences. I n a large proj ect , you m ay need several sequences for different purposes. Set aside som e t im e t o const ruct and t est t hem . Pay at t ent ion t o how you like t o work. As you const ruct a bat ch, you can allow for prom pt s t hat let you check docum ent s. Som e people like t o see each docum ent as it is changed; ot hers prefer t o let Acrobat do it s t hing independent ly.

    TIP 136: Creating and Using a Printing Droplet A Preflight Droplet is a special applicat ion you build t o process docum ent s in preparat ion for print ing t hat you can st ore on your deskt op. Wit h a droplet on your deskt op, you don't even have t o open Acrobat dialogs t o t est a file! I n addit ion t o using droplet s t o evaluat e files, you can use t hem t o separat e your files by t heir result s and creat e report s aut om at ically. Build t he droplet in Acrobat t hrough t he Preflight dialog. Const ruct and nam e your Preflight profile and include it in t he Preflight dialog's list ing. ( Find out about creat ing and using Preflight profiles in Chapt er 6.)

    It's Raining Droplets I f your specialt y is print product ion, you will oft en find you have a series of preflight t est s you have t o run depending on your client . Take a few m inut es and build droplet s and st orage folders for each of your regular j obs. You can st ore t he droplet s on t he deskt op or in any folder on your hard drive. Why not a folder on t he deskt op for easy access? Need t o check a file for Client A? Open your folder and drag t he file t o t he appropriat e droplet . Acrobat opens and runs t he preflight process, st oring t he docum ent and report s according t o t he droplet 's set t ings. I n Windows, you can add t he droplet right t o t he syst em 's St art m enu if it is on your deskt op. Right - click t he droplet t o open t he short cut m enu and choose Pin t o St art m enu. Then drag your docum ent for t est ing t o t he St art but t on and hold it for a second or t wo unt il t he St art m enu opens; t hen sim ply drop t he file on t he Droplet it em .

    N ot e I f you int end t o creat e folders t o st ore files t hat have been processed bot h successfully and t hose t hat generat e errors, add and nam e t he folders before building t he droplet t o save t im e.

    Follow t hese st eps t o const ruct t he droplet : 1 . Choose Tools > Print Product ion > Preflight from t he m enu t o open t he Preflight dialog. 2 . Click Opt ions on t he Preflight dialog and choose Creat e Preflight Droplet . The Preflight : Droplet Set up dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 3 6 a) .

    Figu r e 1 3 6 a . Use t h is dia log t o se t t h e t ype of e va lu a t ion , h ow you w a n t t o h a n dle t h e file s, a n d w h e t h e r you w a n t r e por t s.

    3 . I f you select ed a profile before opening t he dialog, t he profile is aut om at ically select ed; ot herwise, choose t he profile from t he Run Preflight check using pull- down m enu.

    Modifying Droplets Can't be done. A droplet is an execut able file, which is in essence a separat e applicat ion. You won't find droplet s list ed in t he Preflight Profiles, and you can't reopen one t o change t he opt ions. Plan carefully. Of course, since it only t akes a few m inut es t o const ruct one, you can st art again if necessary. 4 . Choose opt ions for a successful t est . You can m ove, copy, or creat e an alias of t he docum ent in a specified folder. Click t he Success folder but t on t o choose a folder t o hold t he successfully processed files. 5 . Click Set t ings t o open t he Preflight : Report Set t ings dialog ( Figu r e 1 3 6 b ) . You can specify t he t ype of report as well as it s level of det ail. Click OK t o close t he dialog and ret urn t o t he Droplet Set up dialog. The report set t ings now appear on t he dialog.

    Figu r e 1 3 6 b. D e fin e w h a t you w a n t t o se e in a r e por t u sin g t h e se se t t in gs.

    6 . Choose opt ions for a t est t hat generat es errors. Again, you can m ove, copy, or creat e an alias, as well as generat e report s. Click Set t ings t o choose opt ions for t he error report , using t he sam e dialog shown in Figure 136b. I n t he Preflight : Droplet Set up dialog, click t he Error folder but t on t o choose a folder t o st ore t he out put . 7 . Click Save. The Save Droplet as dialog opens; choose a locat ion t o st ore t he droplet and click Save t o close t he dialog and creat e t he droplet .

    When you want t o t est a file, locat e and select t he file on your com put er. Then drag it t o t he Droplet icon . Acrobat st art s and t est s t he file. Depending on t he out com e and your set t ings, t he file is processed and saved, and report s are generat ed.

    TIP 137: Watching Folders Anot her Acrobat t ool for enhancing product ivit y is Acrobat Dist iller 7, which let s you creat e a special folder syst em of " wat ched" folders and t hen have Acrobat look for and process files in t hese folders aut om at ically. You don't have t o inst all Dist illerit is inst alled as part of t he overall Acrobat 7 inst allat ion process.

    Watching in Windows or Mac Windows and Mac operat ing syst em s have different behaviors when it com es t o wat ched folders. I n Windows, wat ched folder set t ings are unique t o each user except for t he Adobe PDF set t ings files, which are shared. I f t he Windows syst em is non- NTFS ( Windows NT File Syst em ) , cust om set t ings files are read- and writ e- accessible by all users of t he syst em . I f you are using an NTFS syst em , your files are read- and writ e- accessible t o you, and set t ings files creat ed by ot her users are read- only; Dist iller's default set t ings files are read- only and hidden. I n Mac OS, your set t ings and preferences are your own. I f you want t o share a wat ched folder, you m ust be logged int o your syst em , have Dist iller running, and t hen set perm issions on t he I n and Out folders, which let s ot hers copy files t o t he I n folder and ret rieve files from t he Out folder. Users you want t o share your files wit h m ust be logged in rem ot ely t o access t he wat ched folder and process files.

    How would you like Acrobat Dist iller t o aut om at ically look for Post Script files in an I n folder, convert t hem t o PDF according t o specified set t ings, and send t he finished docum ent s t o an Out folder? I n som e workflows, an aut om at ed process like t his could save you a lot of t im e. Add a folder you want t o use as a wat ched folder t o your hard drive. Then open Dist iller and follow t hese st eps t o set up wat ched folders: 1 . Choose Set t ings > Wat ched Folders t o open t he Wat ched Folders dialog ( Figu r e 1 3 7 a) .

    Figu r e 1 3 7 a . Con figu r e a se t of folde r s t o w a t ch for a n d pr oce ss Post Scr ipt file s a u t om a t ica lly. [View full size image]

    2 . Click Add Folder; locat e and select t he folder you want t o use ( you can't creat e a new folder t hrough t his dialog) . Dist iller adds I n and Out subfolders aut om at ically.

    It Isn't Polite to Share Don't set up wat ched folders t o act as a service for ot her users on your syst em . Everyone who creat es Adobe PDF docum ent s needs a separat e Acrobat license. 3 . You can add securit y, cust om set t ings, or bot h t o a folder. Dist iller adds an icon t o t he left of folders you have cust om ized, as shown in Figure 137a. Select t he folder and t hen:

    Click Edit Set t ings t o open t he Set t ings dialog (Figu r e 1 3 7 b ) . Modify t he set t ings and click OK; Acrobat saves t he file t o t he individual folder as folder.j obopt ions.

    Figu r e 1 3 7 b. Con figu r e cu st om se t t in gs t h a t a r e a pplie d t o t h e con t e n t s in t h e w a t ch e d folde r . [View full size image]

    Develop a System You can creat e up t o 100 wat ched folders. I f you have different conversion set t ings, inst ead of generat ing PDF files on a file- by- file basisvery t im e- consum ing when you work wit h a large num ber of filesset up a folder for each .j obopt ions file you need t o use. As you finish working wit h a file, drop it in t he appropriat e wat ched folder. According t o your specified t im e set t ings, Dist iller checks t he folder and processes t he files. Make sure t he folder nam es are descript ive t o prevent adding files t o t he wrong folders. For exam ple, inst ead of nam ing a file wat ched_5, nam e it W_Bob_Menu if you use t he folder t o process docum ent s for Bob's Pizza Em porium . Back in t he Wat ched Folders dialog, click Edit Securit y t o add password prot ect ion t o t he folder; if you change your m ind, click Clear Securit y. Click Load Set t ings t o locat e and at t ach .j obopt ions files from your syst em .

    N ot e You can delet e a folder from t he Wat ched Folders list by clicking Delet e on t he Wat ched Folders dialog. Delet ing a wat ched folder does not delet e t he I n and Out folders, cont ent s, and t he folder's .j obopt ions files from your com put er; you'll need t o rem ove t hem m anually. I f you delet e or m ove a folder from your com put er t hat you have designat ed as a wat ched folder in Dist iller, t he next t im e you open t he dialog, you see t he Missing Folder icon t o t he left of t he folder's nam e.

    Which Is More Secure? Be aware of t he set t ings applied t o a folder and t he set t ings used in Dist iller. I f you specify securit y in Dist iller's set t ings, t he set t ings m ay or m ay not be t he sam e aft er t he file is processed. I n fact , t he file m ay not be processed at all. I f a folder's .j obopt ions file is read- only, Dist iller won't convert t he file. I f Dist iller's set t ings include securit y opt ions and t he wat ched folder doesn't , t he file is processed and t he securit y set t ings are in place. 4 . Choose opt ions t o m anage your set of wat ched folders:

    Specify how oft en t o check t he folders in seconds. You can check every 1 t o 9999 seconds; 1 hour is 3600 seconds. Specify what t o do wit h t he original Post Script fileit can be m oved t o t he Out folder wit h t he PDF docum ent or delet ed; log files are copied t o t he Out folder. Specify how long t o keep t he PDF docum ent s in t he folder in days, up t o 999 days. You can also specify t o delet e t he Post Script and log files. 5 . Click OK t o close t he dialog.

    TIP 138: Optimizing Your PDF Documents Som e proj ect s are quit e involved. You m ay have had a few rounds of reviewing, and dozens of com m ent s have been applied. You m ay have received a docum ent from a user less skillful in t he const ruct ion of source docum ent s and t he resolut ions of im ages m ay be t oo high for your int ended use of t he docum ent . You m ay have em bedded a m ovie in several rendit ions and t hen changed your m ind and delet ed m ost of t hem … t he list can be alm ost endless.

    Save It Again One of t he sim plest ways t o reduce file size is t o save a file as it self. I f you have been working wit h a docum ent for exam ple, adding and rem oving pagest he file is saved on t op of it self each t im e you save it , and t hese it erat ions can really add up t o a huge file size. Choose File > Save As. I n t he Save As dialog, leave t he nam e as is and click Save. A prom pt asks if you want t o overwrit e t he file; click Yes. The file is resaved, and cont ent is consolidat ed. You m ay be surprised how m uch sm aller t he file becom es!

    You don't have t o t ry t o rem em ber all t he different elem ent s t hat can bloat your files' size and t hen m anually clean t hem up. I nst ead, use t wo t ools in Acrobat t o t ake care of t he problem areas for you. The PDF Opt im izer ( which you can cust om ize) checks all aspect s of a docum ent for unnecessary cont ent , and t hen rem oves it . Beware: Opt im izing a signed docum ent will invalidat e t he signat ure. ( Read about signat ures in Chapt er 18.) First , analyze t he docum ent . Choose Advanced > PDF Opt im izer t o open t he dialog. Click Audit space at t he upper right of t he dialog. Acrobat exam ines t he docum ent and displays a usage report (Figu r e 1 3 8 a) . Depending on t he t ype of cont ent s in t he docum ent , you see list ings for such elem ent s as font s, com m ent s, and im ages; each is defined bot h in percent ages of t he ent ire docum ent size and in byt es. Click OK t o close t he audit report .

    Figu r e 1 3 8 a . Te st you r docu m e n t fir st t o se e h ow it s e le m e n t s con t r ibu t e t o t h e file size .

    The default set t ings in t he PDF Opt im izer are for Acrobat 5.0 com pat ibilit y. I f you click t he Make com pat ible wit h pull- down arrow and choose anot her program version, t he Preset in t he upper left of t he dialog changes from St andard t o Cust om . The opt ions available in t he different panes of t he dialog vary according t o t he select ed program version.

    Easy Optimizing Do you need t o apply t he sam e opt im izat ion set t ings t o a num ber of files? Once in a while or on a regular basis? Do you have a num ber of files t hat need opt im izing right now? Cust om ize a collect ion of set t ings in t he PDF Opt im izer and click Save on t he dialog t o nam e and save t he set t ings. The next t im e you need t o opt im ize a file using t he sam e set t ings, click t he Preset pull- down m enu, and your cust om set t ings are included in t he list for you t o select . You can rem ove your cust om set t ings as wellselect t he set t ings' nam e from t he Preset pulldown m enu, and click Delet e. I f you find you are opt im izing files on a regular basis, include Out put Opt ions in a bat ch sequence inst ead. Read about bat ch sequences in Tip 135.

    Click a label in t he left colum n on t he dialog t o display set t ings ( Figu r e 1 3 8 b ) . As you look t hrough t he list , deselect it em s t hat you don't want t o opt im ize; look for opt im izing in t hese areas: I m ages Define set t ings for color, grayscale, and m onochrom e im ages. Choose com pression t ypes,

    qualit y, and downsam pling values. Scanned Pages Act ivat e t he com pression and qualit y check box and t hen apply filt ers t o clean up a scan, such as halo rem oval, descreen, or despeckle. I f you choose Adapt ive Com pression opt ions on t his pane of t he dialog, t he set t ings on t he I m ages pane are disabled. Font s The font s in t he docum ent are list ed in t he dialog; unem bed t hose you don't need, such as syst em font s or com m on font s. I f a docum ent is int ended for depart m ent al circulat ion, for exam ple, and you know everyone viewing it uses t he sam e set of font s, you can delet e t hose from t he list . Transparency Choose t ransparency flat t ening and set t ings such as resolut ions for t ext , line art , and gradient s. Discard Obj ect s Decide what obj ect s can be rem oved from t he docum ent , such as layers, form cont ent , cross- references, and com m ent s. Clean Up Choose ot her cleanup det ails, such as rem oval of invalid links or bookm arks, encoding opt ions, and a m et hod of com pressing t he docum ent 's st ruct ure.

    Figu r e 1 3 8 b. You ca n cu st om ize doze n s of se t t in gs in t h e PD F Opt im ize r t o pr e cise ly ba la n ce t h e qu a lit y of t h e docu m e n t a ga in st t h e file 's size . [View full size image]

    Click Save t o nam e and save t he set t ings if you plan t o reuse t hem at a lat er t im e. I f opt im izing is a onet im e t hing, click OK t o close t he dialog. The Save Opt im ized As dialog opens. Click Save t o overwrit e t he original file; t o be on t he safe side, save t he docum ent wit h anot her nam e inst ead. Once you check t he result s and are sat isfied, delet e t he original.

    TIP 139: Creating Editable Text from an Image PDF A scanned or im age PDF is only an im age of a page, and you can't m anipulat e it s cont ent by ext ract ing im ages or m odifying t he t ext . However, Acrobat can convert t he im age of t he docum ent int o act ual t ext or add a t ext layer t o t he docum ent using opt ical charact er recognit ion ( OCR) . Be sure t o evaluat e t he capt ured docum ent when t he OCR process is com plet e t o m ake sure Acrobat int erpret ed t he cont ent correct ly. I t is easy t o confuse a bit m ap t hat m ay be t he let t er I wit h t he num ber 1, for exam ple.

    Ways and Means You can convert an im age t o capt ured t ext in t hree ways, and choose from four different im age opt ions. The sam ple docum ent in t his t ip shows t he worst possible out com es. The t ext uses a wide range of font s, som e of t he t ext isn't recognized at all, and t he background graphic's gradient is st rongly banded. I n t he Recognize Text - Set t ings dialog, click t he PDF Out put St yle pull- down m enu and choose from t hree opt ions: Searchable I m age ( Exact ) keeps t he foreground of t he page int act and places t he searchable t ext behind t he im age. Searchable I m age ( Com pact ) com presses t he foreground and places t he searchable t ext behind t he im age; com pressing affect s t he im age qualit y. Form at t ed Text & Graphics rebuilds t he ent ire page, convert ing t he cont ent int o t ext , font s, and graphics. As well as choosing a conversion, choose an I m age Downsam pling opt ion. Click t he Downsam ple I m age pull- down arrow and choose from four opt ionsanywhere from 600 down t o 72 dpi. Downsam pling will reduce file size, but can result in unusable im ages.

    To capt ure t he cont ent of a scanned docum ent : 1 . Choose Docum ent > Recognize Text Using OCR > St art . The Recognize Text dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 3 9 a) . Specify whet her you want t o capt ure t he current page, or an ent ire docum ent , or specified pages in a m ult ipage docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 3 9 a . Ch oose se t t in gs for w or k in g w it h OCR in t h e Re cogn ize dia log.

    2 . Click t he Edit but t on t o open t he Recognize Text - Set t ings dialog (Figu r e 1 3 9 b ) . Choose a language, PDF Out put St yle, and Downsam ple I m age set t ing, and t hen click OK t o ret urn t o t he Recognize Text dialog. ( See t he sidebar " Ways and Means" for m ore inform at ion about t he choices) .

    Figu r e 1 3 9 b. You ca n con ve r t t h e con t e n t in diffe r e n t w a ys.

    Do You Have to Convert a Page? The answer is: it depends. Why are you scanning t he page int o Acrobat in t he first place? Do you need a visual im age of a docum ent t o put int o st orage, or t o use as part of your cust om er service inform at ion package? For eit her of t hese purposes, you probably don't have t o convert t he cont ent . Here are som e reasons you'd need t o convert cont ent from an im age PDF t o t ext and im ages: You need t o be able t o search t he t ext , as wit hin a docum ent collect ion. You want t o m ake t he cont ent available t o people using a screen reader or ot her assist ive device. You want t o repurpose t he cont ent for different out put , such as a Web page or a t ext docum ent . You want t o reuse or change t he cont ent , such as m oving paragraphs or ext ract ing t ables. 3 . Click OK t o st art t he capt ure process. Be pat ient . Depending on t he size and com plexit y of t he docum ent , t he process can t ake a m inut e or t wo. When it is com plet e, t he dialog closes.

    Convert ing a bit m ap of let t ers and num bers int o act ual let t ers and num bers m ay result in it em s t hat can't be definit ively ident ified, known as suspect s. First t ake a quick look at t he j ob ahead. Choose Docum ent > Recognize Text Using OCR > Find All OCR Suspect s. All cont ent on t he page t hat needs confirm at ion is out lined wit h red boxes ( Figu r e 1 3 9 c) . The sam ple docum ent was capt ured using t he Form at t ed Text & Graphics opt ion.

    Figu r e 1 3 9 c. Sh ow a ll t h e ca pt u r e su spe ct s t o e va lu a t e t h e con ve r sion

    Scan and Convert I f you are scanning a docum ent , you can convert it t o searchable t ext as part of t he scan. Choose Creat e PDF > From Scanner t o open t he dialog. Select Recognize Text Using OCR, and click Set t ings t o open t he Recognize Text - Set t ings dialog shown in Figure 139b.

    Select t he TouchUp Text t ool on t he Advanced Edit ing t oolbar and click a suspect on t he docum ent t o open t he Find Elem ent dialog ( you can also select Docum ent > Recognize Text Using OCR > Find First OCR Suspect ) .

    The Usual Suspects Here are som e t ips for working wit h scanned or im age docum ent s wit h a m inim um of suspect s: Evaluat e t he cont ent of t he docum ent . Det erm ine whet her you can sim ply scan or creat e an im age PDF ( such as t hose you creat e in Phot oshop) , or whet her you m ust scan and capt ure t he docum ent , creat ing edit able, searchable t ext . I f you plan t o capt ure t he cont ent , scan using specific resolut ionsscan black and whit e at 200600 dpi, wit h 300 dpi an opt im al resolut ion, and scan at 200400 for grayscale or color. Acrobat requires a m inim um of 144 dpi t o perform OCR; ot herwise you see a warning m essage and have t o rescan or reconvert t he im age. Not all font s and colors scan well. I n t he sam ple docum ent , t he decorat ive " T" wasn't recognized as a let t er, and m uch of t he font inform at ion is lost when convert ing t o let t ers. The word " before" isn't capt ured at all since it overlays t he background graphic. Use OCR font s if possible, or any clear font at about 12 point s. Black t ext on a whit e background scans and convert s t he best while colored or decorat ive font s are t he m ost difficult .

    I n Figu r e 1 3 9 d , t he word " t he" is suspect . Acrobat 's int erpret at ion of t he word is spelled " t lie" because of t he shape of t he font 's let t ers. Click t he t ext in t he Suspect field and t ype t he correct let t ers. I f t he suspect isn't a word at all, click Not Text . Click Find Next t o go t o t he next suspect , click Accept and Find t o confirm t he int erpret at ion, and go t o t he next suspect , or click Close t o end t he process.

    Figu r e 1 3 9 d. Con fir m or m odify su spe ct e n t r ie s in t h is dia log.

    Depending on t he charact erist ics of t he docum ent 's t ext , you m ay have t o m odify som e conversion result s, such as t he font or charact er spacing ( Figu r e 1 3 9 e) . Use t he TouchUp t ext t ool. When you are pleased wit h t he result s, save t he docum ent ; if you want t o st art again, choose File > Revert or save t he docum ent wit h an alt ernat e nam e.

    Figu r e 1 3 9 e . D e pe n din g on t h e ch a r a ct e r ist ics of t h e docu m e n t a n d t h e con ve r sion se t t in gs you ch oose , t h e r e su lt s ca n be dr e a dfu l.

    Chapter EIGHTEEN. Making Your Documents Secure I n m any cases, once you've finished t weaking, m odifying, and perfect ing your docum ent , t here rem ains one im port ant final st ep: guarant eeing your docum ent 's securit y. I t isn't necessary t o secure every docum ent you creat e. I don't bot her wit h securit y for any m at erial I use and st ore on m y own com put ers. On t he ot her hand, if I want t o have som eone review m y work, or am put t ing docum ent s on a Web sit e for general dist ribut ion, I usually prot ect t he docum ent 's cont ent in som e way. As you'll learn in t his set of t ips, you can add securit y t o your docum ent s in several ways. Which opt ion you choose depends on t he m at erial involved, as well as on your int ended audience; you can: Rest rict opening of your docum ent wit h a password, and furt her rest rict any t ypes of changes wit h anot her password. Digit ally sign your docum ent , which rest rict s edit ing of t he docum ent 's cont ent s. Rest rict access t o your docum ent t o a specific user list , based on digit al signat ures, and assign different right s t o different users. Encrypt t he cont ent and at t achm ent s in a docum ent for secure dist ribut ion.

    TIP 140: Choosing a Security Method There are m any securit y funct ions and act ivit ies you can perform in Acrobat anyt hing from adding a password t o encrypt ing a docum ent , as you will see in t his chapt er. The opt ion you choose depends bot h on t he level of securit y you need for a docum ent as well as it s int ended recipient s. Most of Acrobat 's securit y policies are cont rolled t hrough one cent ral dialog, t he Managing Securit y Policies dialog (Figu r e 140 ).

    Figu r e 1 4 0 . You ca n con t r ol m ost of Acr oba t 's se cu r it y fe a t u r e s fr om on e dia log. [View full size image]

    What Security Setting Levels Mean Encrypt ion is a soft ware- based m et hod of cont rolling who has access t o a docum ent . The higher t he level of encrypt ion, t he great er level of cont rol you have over t he docum ent and any act ions relat ed t o t he docum ent . Acrobat uses 128- bit RC4 and 128- bit AES ( Advanced Encrypt ion St andard) securit y m et hods. You can choose which m et hod t o use when securing docum ent s. An encrypt ion algorit hm is a m et hod based on t he fact t hat t here is no sim ple way t o fact or very large num bers. As a result , breaking an encrypt ion key is ext rem ely t im e consum ing and uses a lot of processing power. The differences in securit y opt ions bet ween Acrobat versions relat es prim arily t o print ing and t he t ypes of changes users are allowed t o m ake. I n earlier versions of t he program , specific t ypes of changes were allowed, such as filling in form fields, com m ent ing, and signing. You can also choose various com binat ions of opt ions and allow specific t ext access for screen readers used by t he visually im paired.

    I n Acrobat 7 you can choose t he following t ypes of securit y processes: Password Prot ect ion . Use passwords t o prevent unaut horized users from opening docum ent s. You can also specify whet her t o allow users t o copy, print , or ext ract cont ent from a docum ent . Docum ent Cert ificat ion. Cert ify docum ent s t o define t he cont ent of a docum ent and show any changes. You can rest rict access t o a docum ent t o specified users using t his m et hod. Digit al Signat ures. Use Digit al Signat ures t o approve a form or ot her PDF docum ent . You can also approve a docum ent or form by a num ber of users all using signat ures. eEnvelopes. Use secure docum ent t ransm ission, called eEnvelopes t o prot ect a docum ent during em ail dist ribut ion. You can also prot ect at t achm ent s using t he sam e t ype of securit y.

    Checking Security Status Depending on t he securit y set t ings applied t o a docum ent , you see different icons at t he lower left of t he program window. Hold your point er over an icon t o see basic inform at ion in a t ool t ip; hold t he point er over t he icon for a few seconds or double- click t he icon t o open a larger dialog wit h m ore inform at ion. Choose Docum ent > Securit y > Show Securit y Set t ings For This Docum ent or click t he Secure t ask but t on and choose t he com m and from it s m enu t o open t he Docum ent Propert ies displaying t he Securit y t ab. You can choose File > Docum ent Propert ies > Securit y t o show t he Securit y t ab as well. I f you want t o check t he st at us of a docum ent t hrough a Web browser, choose Docum ent Propert ies from t he arrow icon above t he vert ical scroll bar on t he right side of t he docum ent . Then click Securit y.

    User Securit y Policies. Apply securit y policies t o a num ber of docum ent s at t he sam e t im e. You can use server syst em s t o add special securit y feat ures such as cont rolling access, set t ing expiry dat es, et c.

    TIP 141: Using Security Levels and Passwords for a Document You can add password securit y t o a docum ent in source program s t hat use a PDFMaker, from program s such as Phot oshop CS or I nDesign CS, or set t he opt ions in Dist iller. I n Acrobat , you add t he securit y t hrough t he Docum ent Propert ies or Securit y Policies dialog. Add passw ords if you int end t o convert and em ail a docum ent from your source program ; if you plan t o work wit h t he docum ent in Acrobat , or want t o set specific encrypt ion opt ions, wait unt il t he work is com plet e and t hen add passwords. Ot herwise, each t im e you open t he docum ent you have t o reent er your passwords.

    Some Words About Passwords Here are a few t hings t o rem em ber about Acrobat passwords: A PDF file wit h bot h Docum ent Open and Perm issions passwords can be opened by using eit her password. Passwords can use any charact ers, but t hey are case sensit ive. You can't use t he sam e charact ers for bot h Docum ent Open and Perm issions passwords.

    The default set t ing is a high level of securit y com pat ible wit h Acrobat versions 5 and 6. When you open Dist iller or a PDFMaker, you see t he Com pat ibilit y level list ed on t he dialog below t he Default Set t ings box ( Figu r e 1 4 1 a) . To change t o a lower level of securit y t o share docum ent s wit h readers using older versions of Acrobat , or a higher level of securit y t o use m ore feat ures, you have t o first m odify t he Com pat ibilit y level.

    Figu r e 1 4 1 a . Th e Acr oba t ve r sion displa ye d de fin e s t h e a va ila ble se cu r it y ch a r a ct e r ist ics.

    I n Dist iller, choose Set t ings > Edit PDF Set t ings t o open t he Adobe PDF Set t ings dialog wit h t he General t ab displayed. Then, choose a version opt ion from t he Com pat ibilit y pull- down list ( Figu r e 1 4 1 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 4 1 b. Se le ct a n a lt e r n a t e Com pa t ibilit y ve r sion fr om t h e pu ll- dow n list .

    Click Save As and save t he set t ings as a cust om .j obopt ions file. I n a program using a PDFMaker, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings > Advanced Set t ings. The sam e dialog shown in Figure 141b opens, and you can select a com pat ibilit y level. The level you choose defines what opt ions are available when you're set t ing passwords.

    About Metadata Met adat a is descript ive inform at ion about a file t hat can be searched and processed by a com put er. Adobe's eXt ensible Met adat a Plat form ( XMP) let s you em bed m et adat a int o a file t o provide inform at ion about t he cont ent s of a docum ent . Applicat ions t hat support XMP can read, edit , and share t his inform at ion across dat abases, file form at s, and plat form s. I f you use Acrobat version 6 or 7 com pat ibilit y opt ions, you can choose t o enable Met adat a in t he securit y set t ings.

    You can use t wo levels of passwords. The user level, or Docum ent Open password, is a t radit ional t ype of password t hat requires t he user t o t ype t he correct charact ers in order t o open t he file. The m ast er- level password, or Perm issions password, allows you t o m odify t he docum ent rest rict ions. You can use one or bot h of t he password opt ions in t he sam e docum ent . I n Dist iller, choose Set t ings > Securit y; in a program using a PDFMaker, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Set t ings > Securit y. You see t he encrypt ion level at t he t op of t he dialog ( Figu r e 1 4 1 c) . You can add one or t wo passwords: Click t he " Require a password t o open t he docum ent " check box t o act ivat e t he field. Type in t he password.

    Check Your Setting Unless you choose Acrobat 6 or 7 in t he Advanced Set t ing dialog, t he Enable Plaint ext Met adat a opt ion isn't available.

    Click t he " Use a password t o rest rict print ing and edit ing of t he docum ent and it s securit y set t ings" check box. Type in t he password. Then specify t he rest rict ions you want t o add t o t he docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 4 1 c. Se t D ocu m e n t Ope n , Pe r m ission s, or bot h le ve ls of pa ssw or d in t h is dia log. [View full size image]

    When you add one or bot h passwords and click OK t o close t he Securit y dialog, you see a confirm at ion dialog; ret ype t he password and click OK, and t hen click OK again t o dism iss t he encrypt ion inform at ion dialog. When you set bot h passwords, you m ust confirm bot h in separat e dialogs.

    Aft er you convert t he docum ent t o a PDF, you m ust ent er t he password t o open it in Acrobat ( Figu r e 1 4 1 d ) . Type t he password and click OK t o open t he docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 4 1 d. Type t h e pa ssw or d you sa ve d in t h e Se cu r it y dia log t o ope n t h e docu m e n t .

    When t he docum ent opens, you see a securit y icon at t he bot t om left of t he Docum ent pane. Click t he icon t o open t he Docum ent St at us dialog, which explains t hat t he docum ent has been encrypt ed and has at t ached securit y feat ures (Figu r e 1 4 1 e) . Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog.

    Figu r e 1 4 1 e . Re a d a bou t t h e docu m e n t 's se cu r it y in t h e D ocu m e n t St a t u s dia log. [View full size image]

    You can change, add, and rem ove securit y in Acrobat as part of t he securit y policy process, described in Tips 147 and 148.

    TIP 142: Creating a Digital ID Profile The key t o docum ent securit y ( pun int ended) is a key encrypt ion process. I n order for you t o share secure docum ent s wit h ot hers, and for ot hers t o share secure docum ent s wit h you, you need t o use digit al signat ures. A digit al signat ure is based on a digit al I D, j ust as your handwrit t en signat ure represent s you. A digit al signat ure, digit al I D, and digit al profile are t he sam e t hing.

    How a Digital Signature Works A digit al signat ure is com posed of t wo part s: a public key and a privat e key. The privat e key is yours alone, and you share t he public key wit h ot hers. Your colleague's signat ure also cont ains a pair of keys; t he privat e key is hers alone, and she shares t he public key wit h you. I f your colleague has your public key list ed in her docum ent , she can share t he inform at ion wit h you; if you have her public key list ed in a docum ent , you can share wit h her. Acrobat let s you use a num ber of keys for t he sam e docum ent and share t he docum ent and keys wit h a group. When creat ing a new I D, you can choose from t wo opt ions: A PKCS# 12 Digit al I D file, which uses a st andard form at t hat is support ed by Web browsers and m ost securit y soft ware; t he I Ds have .pfx or .p12 ext ensions. A Windows Cert ificat e St ore I D, which is available t o ot her Windows applicat ions and prot ect ed by a Windows login. This opt ion is available only for Windows users.

    The visual signat ure applied t o a docum ent , eit her a default or cust om signat ure, is referred t o as an appearance. The appearance can be com posed of a com binat ion of inform at ion fields ( such as dat es or t ext ) , t he Acrobat logo, or im port ed graphics. You can eit her creat e default signat ures or design cust om signat ures. To creat e a new signat ure: 1 . Choose Advanced > Securit y Set t ings t o open t he Securit y Set t ings dialog. Click t o open t he Digit al I Ds list in t he left fram e of t he dialog; exist ing I D files display in t he upper- right fram e of t he dialog ( Figu r e 1 4 2 a) .

    Figu r e 1 4 2 a . Th e Se cu r it y Se t t in gs dia log con t a in s list s of D igit a l I D s a n d se cu r it y se r ve r s. [View full size image]

    2. To build a new signat ure, click Add I D on t he dialog's t oolbar. The Add Digit al I D dialog opens. You can choose t hree opt ions: find an exist ing I D on your syst em , creat e a new one, or ret rieve one from a t hird- part y source. Click Creat e a Self- Signed Digit al I D and t hen click Next at t he bot t om of t he dialog. 3 . A disclaim er dialog appears t elling you t hat wit h t his t ype of securit y, you have t o exchange cert ificat es wit h ot hers. Click Next at t he bot t om of t he dialog.

    Signature Preferences There are m any ways t o cust om ize signat ures. Click Advanced Preferences on t he Securit y pane of t he Preferences dialog, shown in Figure 142c, t o open t he Advanced Preferences dialog. Select verificat ion m et hods and t im e opt ions, and whet her t o use Windows Cert ificat e St ore root cert ificat es. Verificat ion can be docum ent - specific, or based on a default m et hod. Tim e opt ions include t he current t im e, t he t im e t he st am p was creat ed, or a secure t im est am p from a server.

    Figu r e 1 4 2 c. You ca n se le ct a n d cr e a t e a ppe a r a n ce s for D igit a l I D s in t h e Se cu r it y pa n e of t h e Pr e fe r e n ce s dia log. [View full size image]

    4 . The next dialog asks where you want t o st ore t he Digit al I D. You have t wo choices: creat e a new PKCS# 12 Digit al I D file, which is t he default select ion, or add t he Digit al I D t o your Windows Cert ificat e St ore ( Windows) . Click an opt ion, and t hen click Next . The sam ple cert ificat e creat es a new PKCS# 12 Digit al I D file. 5 . I n t he next dialog, add t he inform at ion you want t o include in t he cert ificat e ( Figu r e 1 4 2 b ) . Add a nam e for t he cert ificat e as well as ot her ident ifying inform at ion. Choose a Key Algorit hm from t he pull- down list , and define how you want t o use t he Digit al I D. As shown in t he figure, you can use it for eit her digit al signat ures, dat a encrypt ion, or bot h. Click Next .

    Figu r e 1 4 2 b. Type t h e in for m a t ion for you r n e w ce r t ifica t e , a n d spe cify h ow you w a n t t o u se t h e D igit a l I D . [View full size image]

    6 . I n t he final pane of t he dialog, click Browse t o set a st orage locat ion for t he cert ificat e. I t 's safer t o use t he default locat ion in t he Securit y subfolder of t he Acrobat program 's inst allat ion folders so you don't lose t rack of your cert ificat es. Type a password and a confirm at ion of t he password and click Finish.

    You can sparkle up t he appearance of a Digit al I D using an im age rat her t han using t he default appearance: 1 . Choose Edit > Preferences ( on t he Mac, Acrobat > Preferences) t o open t he Preferences dialog; t hen choose Securit y from t he list on t he left . The Appearance window list s exist ing signat ure appearances ( Figu r e 1 4 2 c) . Click New.

    Which System Is For You? I f you are designing digit al signat ures t o use for sharing secure m at erial wit h a workgroup, for inst ance, a self- sign securit y syst em is appropriat e. Each person who want s t o access a secure docum ent using a self- sign securit y opt ion has t o cont act you direct ly for perm ission t o use t he docum ent . I f you want t o share m at erial at an ent erprise or public level, use a t hird- part y securit y syst em .

    N ot e

    I f you want t o m odify a signat ure's appearance, select it in t he list and click Edit ; click Delet e t o rem ove a part icular signat ure appearance; click Duplicat e t o creat e anot her copy you can use wit h alt ernat e inform at ion blocks or securit y set t ings. 2 . The Configure Signat ure dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 4 2 d ) . Ent er t he new signat ure's descript ion and inform at ion:

    Type a nam e for t he appearance. Use a descript ive nam e so you can easily ident ify t he signat ure appearance. I n Figure 142c, a num ber of cust om appearances have been creat edit is m uch sim pler t o ident ify a signat ure wit h an act ual nam e t han one t hat uses a default creat ion dat e and t im e nam e. Select a Configure Graphic opt ion. You can choose t o use no graphic, an im age from a file, or your default nam e. To use an im age, click I m port ed Graphic and t hen File t o open a Select Pict ure dialog. Locat e t he file and click OK t o close t he dialog. You'll ret urn t o t he Configure Signat ure Appearance dialog. Specify t he t ext opt ions you want t o display in t he Configure Text sect ion of t he dialog. All opt ions are select ed by default .

    Figu r e 1 4 2 d. N a m e a cu st om sign a t u r e a ppe a r a n ce , a n d ch oose it s t e x t a n d im a ge ch a r a ct e r ist ics.

    3 . Click OK t o close t he Configure Signat ure Appearance dialog. The new signat ure appearance is added t o t he Appearance list . Click OK t o close t he Preferences dialog.

    When you apply a digit al signat ure ( com ing up in Tip 144) , you can specify a part icular appearance, or creat e a new one.

    TIP 143: Certifying a Document One way t o m aint ain a PDF docum ent as a legally correct docum ent is t o cert ify it . When you cert ify a PDF docum ent , you're cert ifying t he cont ent s and specifying t he t ypes of changes allowed t hat m aint ain t he cert ificat ion. For exam ple, a form m ay be cert ified and allow t he user t o fill in t he fields; however, if t he user t ries t o delet e or replace pages, t he docum ent will no longer be cert ified. Cert ificat ion is one way of using Digit al I Ds. Make sure you have finished m odifying your docum ent before cert ifying it . Ot herwise, changes you m ake m ay corrupt t he signat ure.

    Certify It or Sign It? Decide when you need t o cert ify a docum ent and when you need t o sign it . I f you creat e a lot of docum ent s for secure dist ribut ion, you m ay want t o cert ify each docum ent as you generat e it . However, be aware of t he rest rict ions added t o a docum ent when you cert ify it . I f you int end any of your recipient s t o m ake changes, such as addit ions or delet ions, sign it and specify a reason, such as " I am t he aut hor" rat her t han cert ifying it ( see Tip 144) .

    Choose File > Save as Cert ified Docum ent and follow t he wizard- like screens, st art ing wit h t he int roduct ion. To use a t hird- part y securit y com pany, click Get Digit al I D from Adobe Part ner on t he int roduct ory screen; ot herwise, proceed t hrough t he dialogs defining t he t ype of cert ificat ion and what act ions you want t o allow your users t o t ake. You also define t he visual charact erist ics of t he signat ure, including it s locat ion on t he page, and whet her or not it is visible. Here are som e t ips for m aking t he cert ificat ion process sm oot her: I n t he Choose Allowable Act ions dialog ( Figu r e 1 4 3 a) , specify t he right s you want t o grant t he user. The pull- down list offers t hree opt ions: you can prevent any changes from being m ade, allow users t o fill out form s, or allow users t o bot h com m ent and fill out form s. Also specify if you want t o lock t he cert ifying signat ure.

    Figu r e 1 4 3 a . D e cide w h a t a ct ion s you w a n t you r r e a de r s t o a cce ss w h e n ce r t ifyin g a docu m e n t . [View full size image]

    The Warnings dialog describes docum ent feat ures t hat m ay com prom ise t he int egrit y of t he docum ent . I n Figu r e 1 4 3 b , for exam ple, t he warning m ent ions t he use of com m ent s, which were allowed in t he previous dialog.

    Figu r e 1 4 3 b. Acr oba t in for m s you of a n y pot e n t ia l issu e s t h a t ca n occu r a s a r e su lt of t h e r igh t s you gr a n t t o you r u se r s. [View full size image]

    Signing and Saving Here are som e t ips t o keep in m ind as you incorporat e digit al signat ures as part of your Acrobat workflow: I f you aren't com plet ely sure t he docum ent is finished, don't click Sign and Save; inst ead, click Sign and Save As. Save t he docum ent wit h anot her nam e, and preserve t he original unsigned in case you decide t o m ake changes before dist ribut ing t he docum ent . Don't t ry t o save t he docum ent wit h anot her nam e aft er t he cert ificat ion is com plet e. Saving is not allowed at t his point . You cannot encrypt a docum ent if it already cont ains signat ures. I f you want t o share a docum ent t hat has been signed, eit her use an unsigned copy or rem ove t he signat ures. To delet e t he signat ures, click t he Opt ions m enu in t he Signat ures pane and click Clear All Signat ure Fields. I n order t o use a docum ent in a review process, you should cert ify t he docum ent t o allow com m ent ing and form fill- in.

    I n t he Save as Cert ified Docum ent dialog, choose opt ions for t he act ual signat ure used in t he cert ificat ion process ( Figu r e 1 4 3 c) . Click Show/ Hide Opt ions t o t oggle addit ional opt ions on t he dialog so you can choose t he signat ure appearance, reason for signing, and ot her opt ions ( see t he previous t ip) . I f you wish, you can click New on t his dialog and creat e a new appearance.

    Figu r e 1 4 3 c. Se le ct a r e a son for sign in g a n d a sign a t u r e a ppe a r a n ce t o u se for t h e ce r t ifica t ion pr oce ss. [View full size image]

    Once a docum ent is cert ified, you can find out cert ificat ion inform at ion from t he docum ent it self. When t he docum ent is opened, you'll see a Cert ified Docum ent icon at t he left of t he st at us bar. Hold your point er over t he icon, and a m essage appears t elling you t hat t he docum ent is cert ified. Click t he cert ified docum ent icon t o open a dialog t hat describes t he docum ent 's st at us. The dialog explains t hat t he docum ent has special securit y feat ures, and cont ains but t ons for accessing legal and signat ure inform at ion.

    Certification Tips The docum ent cert ificat ion process can be int ricat e. Sm oot h your way by keeping t hese ideas in m ind: A docum ent t hat can be m odified is pot ent ially dangerous. The docum ent is said t o have " m alicious pot ent ial." I n t he Signat ures pane, inform at ion about t he pot ent ial problem s is included wit h ot her signat ure inform at ion. Plan as you work your way t hrough t he Cert ificat ion dialogs. You can't go back and change any opt ions in previous dialogs. I f you need t o m ake changes before you have finished t he cert ificat ion process, click Cancel on any dialog and st art over.

    You can also find inform at ion about t he docum ent 's st at us in t he Signat ure pane. Click t he Signat ures t ab on t he Navigat ion t abs t o open t he pane ( Figu r e 4 d) . I nform at ion about t he docum ent , it s st at us, signat ure dat es, encrypt ion m et hod, and so on are list ed in t he pane.

    Figu r e 1 4 3 d. Th e Sign a t u r e s pa n e de scr ibe s a ll t h e in for m a t ion you se le ct e d in t h e ce r t ifica t ion pr oce ss; t h e st a m p a pplie d t o t h e docu m e n t a t t h e r igh t of t h e figu r e sh ow s t h e cu st om a ppe a r a n ce , a s w e ll a s t h e Ce r t ifica t ion sym bol. [View full size image]

    TIP 144: Adding a Signature Field and Signing a Document I f you are t he creat or of a docum ent , you can cert ify it wit h a digit al signat ure, as shown in t he previous t ip. You can also sign a docum ent as part of a review process, specifying whet her you are t he aut hor or have reviewed t he docum ent , and so on.

    Make It Validand Quick I f your work includes a lot of signat ure validat ion, it can be t im e- consum ing t o repeat edly choose com m ands t o validat e a signat ure or signat ures in each docum ent you open. I nst ead, set a preference t o have signat ures validat ed aut om at ically when t he docum ent opens. Choose Edit > Preferences ( Acrobat > Preferences) and click t he Securit y cat egory in t he list . Click t he Verify signat ures when t he docum ent is opened check box at t he t op of t he dialog and click OK t o close t he preferences. Next t im e you open a docum ent t hat cont ains signat ures, t hey are verified aut om at ically.

    I nst ead of adding a single cert ifying signat ure, you add a blank signat ure field, which is a specialized t ype of form field. You can use t he sam e field for collect ing signat ures from ot hers. To add a signat ure field, follow t hese st eps: 1 . Act ivat e t he Digit al Signat ure Field t ool. You can choose a m enu opt ion or select t he t ool direct ly:

    Click t he Sign t ask but t on t o display it s m enu. ( To display t he Sign t ask but t on, choose View > Task But t ons > Sign.) Choose Creat e a Blank Signat ure Field from t he m enu, and Acrobat act ivat es t he Digit al Signat ure Field t ool. 2 . Next , draw a signat ure field on your docum ent (Figu r e 1 4 4 a) . The Digit al Signat ure Propert ies dialog opens.

    Figu r e 1 4 4 a . D r a w a fie ld for a sign a t u r e on a docu m e n t t o ope n t h is dia log. [View full size image]

    3 . Type a nam e for your field in t he Nam e t ext box on t he General t ab, also shown in Figure 143a, and t hen specify whet her you want t he field t o be visible or invisible. Click Locked at t he bot t om left of t he dialog if you want t o lock t he signat ure field t o prevent changes aft er you sign t he docum ent .

    N ot e I always supply a t ool t ip as well. When recipient s m ove t heir m ouse over t he field, t hey see a prom pt t o sign t he docum ent . Tool t ips serve as good rem inders.

    More Digital Signatures Properties The Digit al Signat ures Propert ies dialog includes t wo m ore t abs: Act ions and Signed. The Act ions t ab let s you add m ouse act ions t o t he signat ure field. For exam ple, you can set an act ion t o have t he user go t o anot her page in t he docum ent when he or she clicks t he signat ure field. ( See Chapt er 12 for t ips on using t riggers and act ions.) The Signed t ab includes opt ions t hat let you reset fields as read- only or execut e a cust om JavaScript . The opt ions on t his t ab are com pat ible wit h Acrobat 6 and 7 only. 4 . Choose ot her charact erist ics for t he signat ure field if required:

    On t he Appearance t ab, choose opt ions for t he field's display, such as color and line t hickness. Choose a t rigger and act ions from t he Act ions t ab. Click t he Signed t ab and select opt ions for t he docum ent 's funct ion as t he field is signed ( Figu r e 1 4 4 b ) . ( Read t he sidebar "More Digit al Signat ures Propert ies.")

    Figu r e 1 4 4 b. I n a ddit ion t o se t t in g a ppe a r a n ce a n d a ct ion opt ion s, you ca n spe cify h ow you r docu m e n t be h a ve s on ce it is sign e d.

    5 . Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog and com plet e t he signat ure field. The new signat ure field and it s charact erist ics are list ed in t he Signat ure pane. 6 . Save t he docum ent wit h it s signat ure field.

    When you m ove t he point er over t he field's locat ion on t he page, it changes t o a point ing hand, and t he t ool t ip added in t he dialog appears ( Figu r e 1 4 4 c) .

    Figu r e 1 4 4 c. Add a t ool t ip t o displa y in for m a t ion for you r r e vie w e r s.

    Quick Check When t here are a num ber of signat ures in a docum ent t hat you need t o check, inst ead of select ing and validat ing t hem individually click Opt ions in t he Signat ures m enu and choose Validat e all Signat ures in Docum ent . Acrobat processes t he signat ures and displays t heir st at us.

    I f you've creat ed and originat ed t he docum ent , sign it as well. You can use a cert ificat ion process ( covered in Tip 142) , or you can use t he blank signat ure field and sign it . Click t he field on t he docum ent and follow t he signat ure prom pt s. When t he process is com plet e, your signat ure appears in t he field. Also, t he inform at ion in t he Signat ures pane now includes t he inform at ion about your signat ure ( Figu r e 1 4 4 d ) .

    Figu r e 1 4 4 d. Re a d a bou t t h e sign a t u r e in t h e Sign a t u r e s pa n e . [View full size image]

    Not ice t he checkm ark at t he t op left of t he signat ure appearance. This checkm ark indicat es t hat t he . signat ure is valid. At t he bot t om left of t he docum ent st at us bar, you see a signed docum ent icon Hold t he point er over t he icon t o read t he t ool t ips,and click t he icon t o read m ore inform at ion about t he signat ure. When you m odify, close, and reopen t he docum ent , t he signat ure inform at ion as well as it s appearance will change, as you can see in Figu r e 1 4 4 e. I nst ead of t he checkm ark at t he upper left of t he signat ure, you now see a quest ion m ark. I n t he Signat ures pane, Acrobat t ells you t hat t he validit y of t he reviewer's overlaying t he signat ure field aft er signat ure is unknown. You m ay see t he Modified Signat ure icon you validat e t he signat ure; in t his case, t he original signat ory is st ill valid, but changes have been m ade since signing.

    Figu r e 1 4 4 e . Th e qu e st ion m a r k ove r t h e in for m a t ion m e a n s t h e va lidit y of t h e sign a t u r e h a s t o be con fir m e d.

    To check t he validit y of your signat ure ( and t hat of ot hers, com ing up in t he next t ip) :

    1 . Select a signat ure in t he Signat ures pane. Right - click/ Cont rol- click t he signat ure or click t he Signat ures m enu t o open it . 2 . Choose Validat e Signat ure. The signat ure is t est ed, and Acrobat displays t he result s in a dialog ( Figu r e 1 4 4 f) .

    Figu r e 1 4 4 f. Acr oba t displa ys t h e r e su lt s of a sign a t u r e va lida t ion in a dia log. [View full size image]

    3 . Click Close t o dism iss t he dialog, or click Legal Not ice or Signat ure Propert ies t o read m ore about t he signat ure.

    TIP 145: Sharing and Importing Digital IDs You can't open a docum ent t hat has been signed by som eone unless you have a copy of t hat individual's cert ificat e. ( Read about creat ing and cust om izing digit al I Ds in Tip 141.) Cert ificat es you share wit h ot hers are referred t o as t rust ed ident it ies. You can share your cert ificat es wit h ot hers working in a group or review process. Begin by choosing Advanced > Trust ed I dent it ies. The Manage Trust ed I dent it ies dialog opens.

    Sending and Receiving Certificates You can aut om at ically include your cert ificat es t o add t o your cont act 's list of t rust ed ident it ies. Just click I nclude My Cert ificat es. I f you click t his opt ion, you have t o choose a signat ure profile and ent er your password in order t o include t he inform at ion in t he em ail.

    Acrobat let s you display t he cont ent s of your ident it ies list in one of t wo ways: by using cont act s or by displaying cert ificat es ( Figu r e 1 4 5 a) . Cont act s are form al FDF files you exchange wit h som eone else. You request an FDF ( signat ure) file by em ail, and your cont act sends back his or her FDF file.

    Figu r e 1 4 5 a . To cr e a t e you r D igit a l I D list , se le ct e it h e r con t a ct s or ce r t ifica t e s t o e x ch a n ge w it h ot h e r s. [View full size image]

    A cont act is secure as you go t hrough a form al dat a exchange process, but an ext ract ed cert ificat e is m uch quicker. Rat her t han having t o em ail people and request t heir cert ificat e, you j ust ext ract it from a docum ent t hey have sent t o you. 1 . Select a cert ificat e or cont act from t he list t o send t hat person your cert ificat e inform at ion, or t o save a copy of your cert ificat e t o your hard drive or ot her st orage locat ion, and t hen click Export . The Dat a Exchange File - Export ing Cont act I nform at ion dialog opens ( Figu r e 1 4 5 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 4 5 b. I n t h is dia log, de fin e h ow you w a n t t o e x por t t h e ce r t ifica t e in for m a t ion . [View full size image]

    What's in a Name? Be careful nam ing signat ures and choosing passwords. Nam e t he signat ure in a form t hat is recognizable t o bot h you and any recipient s you m ay share t he profile wit h. For exam ple, dbaker is underst andable t o m e ( it 's m y nam e! ) and t o t hose I share t he cert ificat e wit h. On t he ot her hand, nam ing a profile General or Magazine isn't useful t o anyone but m e. I f you use cert ificat es for different workgroups or sit uat ions, develop a nam ing syst em . dbaker_basic is useful bot h t o m e and t o m y recipient s, alt hough t he nam e is a lit t le lengt hy. Use t he sam e caut ion wit h passwords, and be sure t o use charact er st rings you can easily rem em ber.

    2 . Choose t he em ail radio but t on t o export t he dat a file, or choose t he Save t he dat a t o a file radio but t on and select a file t ype t o export t he inform at ion. I n eit her case, a series of wizard screens will walk you t hrough t he process.

    You can also ask ot hers t o share t heir cert ificat es wit h you. St art t he process in a sim ilar way t o t he sharing process: 1 . Choose Advanced > Trust ed I dent it ies. The Manage Trust ed I dent it ies dialog opens as shown in Figure 145a. 2 . Click Request Cont act . The Em ail a Request dialog opens. 3 . Type your nam e and em ail address. You can choose t o em ail t he request or save it as a file t o send lat er. Click Next and proceed t hrough t he wizard- like dialogs.

    When you have assem bled cont act s and cert ificat es, you can dist ribut e a docum ent t o a rest rict ed list of users. ( Read about recipient s in t he sidebar "Nam ing Nam es" in Tip 147) .

    TIP 146: Comparing Documents What if you have had several signat ures on a docum ent and have grant ed users right s t o change t he cont ent as t he workflow progresses? How can you keep t rack of who has done what t o your docum ent ? Sim ple. Acrobat includes a neat feat ure t hat allows you t o com pare docum ent s based on signat ures. Each t im e a docum ent is signed by anot her person, a copy of t he docum ent as it exist s when t hey signed it is appended t o t he original docum ent , which allows you t o view changes.

    What Are You Comparing? Click t he pull- down arrow and choose a level of Page by Page visual com parison. The default is t he det ailed analysis ( shown in Figure 146b) ; choose Norm al or Coarse. These alt ernat e choices st ill display t he sam e inform at ion but in less det ail. For exam ple, in t he sam ple docum ent , t he ext ra signat ure fields are circled individually using a Det ailed analysis, and circled as a group in a Coarse analysis. You can access t hese t ools in t he Com pare Docum ent s dialog, which is described on page 375.

    Figu r e 1 4 6 b. Scr oll t h r ou gh t h e docu m e n t t o se e t h e diffe r e n ce s be t w e e n t h e ve r sion s. Th e sign a t u r e ve r sion in for m a t ion is sh ow n a t t h e t op of e a ch pa ge . [View full size image]

    You can do a quick com parison from t he Signat ures pane. To quickly com pare one version of a signed docum ent t o anot her, open t he docum ent and display t he Signat ures pane. Select a signat ure t hat you want t o use as t he basis for t he com parison. Right - click/ Cont rol- click t o open t he short cut m enu and choose Com pare Signed Version t o Current Version, choose t he com m and from t he pane's Opt ions m enu, or right - click/ Cont rol- click t he signat ure field on t he docum ent t o open t he short cut m enu and choose t he com m and. Acrobat processes t he docum ent versions, and opens a new PDF docum ent showing t he result ssave t he docum ent if you want t o keep t he com parison report for fut ure reference. I n t he sam ple com parison report shown in Figu r e 1 4 6 a, changes were m ade by t hree different people, who also signed t he docum ent . When t he t hird version was com pared t o t he original, t he report docum ent briefly defined t he differences.

    Figu r e 1 4 6 a . You ca n com pa r e t w o ve r sion of a sign e d docu m e n t Th e r e por t docu m e n t in clu de s a su m m a r y of t h e ch a n ge s.

    Scrolling t hrough t he docum ent shows t he pages of t he t wo signed versions side by side; differences are circled on each version (Figu r e 1 4 6 b ) . I f you want m ore cont rol over t he com parison report , or want t o com pare t wo docum ent s regardless of t hey are signed, choose Docum ent > Com pare Docum ent s t o open t he Com pare Docum ent s dialog ( Figu r e 1 4 6 c) . I n t his dialog you can select t he pair of docum ent s from t he Com pare and To pull- down list s; use t he sam e docum ent and choose t wo versions from t he Revision pull- down list s. Choose a page- by- page com parison t ype ( described in t he sidebar) or choose Text ual differences if you want t o see changes m ade in font s or t ext ; you can't use font inform at ion in a consolidat ed report . Choose t he report t ype. The default is shown in Figure 146b, showing t he pages side by side. A consolidat ed report , on t he ot her hand, shows t he com parison inform at ion on one copy in a not e ( Figu r e 1 4 6 d ) .

    Figu r e 1 4 6 d. A con solida t e d r e por t sh ow s you ba sic a n a lysis r e su lt s in a n ot e com m e n t . [View full size image]

    Figu r e 1 4 6 c. Ch oose opt ion s t o u se t o com pa r e docu m e n t s. You ca n ch oose diffe r e n t docu m e n t s, or diffe r e n t ve r sion s of t h e sa m e docu m e n t .

    [View full size image]

    Click OK t o close t he dialog and com pare t he docum ent s. The next t im e you want t o m ake a com parison, t he previous opt ions rem ain select ed in t he dialog.

    TIP 147: Creating Security Policies Does your workflow require you t o add securit y t o docum ent s using t he sam e set t ings over and over? Tiring, isn't it ? Acrobat 7 Professional has com bined all your securit y m anagem ent needs int o dialogs t hat you use t o creat e a policy and t hen apply it as oft en as you need. Securit y policies work in a very sim ilar way t o building and using st yles for t ext , and you can creat e policies for passwords and cert ificat es. I f you work in an ent erprise environm ent , you m ay have Adobe Policy Server, a separat e Adobe Server product t hat m anages securit y policies.

    Naming Names When you are creat ing cert ificat e policies, decide in advance if you want t o generat e policies for a specific group of people on a regular basis, or if you need t o send docum ent s t o different people at different t im es. You can save a lot of t im e by planning in advance. I n t he General set t ings pane for writ ing a Public Key cert ificat e policy, shown in Figure 147b, once you nam e and describe t he policy, check t he opt ion t o Ask for recipient s when applying t his policy if you want t o generat e a different list of recipient s each t im e you apply t he policy; deselect t he opt ion if you plan t o use t he policy t o circulat e m at erial t o t he sam e group of people on a regular basis.

    Figu r e 1 4 7 b. M a k e su r e t h e e n cr ypt ion le ve l you ch oose for you r docu m e n t s cor r e spon ds w it h you r u se r s' ca pa bilit ie s for r e a din g them . [View full size image]

    Click t he Secure t ask but t on and choose Manage Securit y Policies or choose Docum ent > Securit y > t o open t he Manage Securit y Policies t o open t he Managing Securit y Policies dialog. Click New New Securit y Policy dialog. The st eps involved in creat ing each of t hree t ypes of policy are list ed at t he left of t he dialog. Each of t he t hree t ypes has different requirem ent s and cust om izat ions. All t ypes use t he sam e init ial pane for choosing a securit y t ype, all use a General set t ings pane, and all have a Sum m ary pane at t he end of t he dialog: For password securit y, click t he Use passwords radio but t on at t he right of t he dialog; t he cust om izat ion pane is used t o set docum ent rest rict ions. For public key encrypt ion, click t he Use public key cert ificat es radio but t on; t he st eps include one pane you use t o select recipient s. For policy server encrypt ion, click t he Use t he Adobe Policy Server radio but t on; t he st eps include a pane t o choose recipient perm issions. For each t ype of securit y, click t he appropriat e radio but t on t o choose a t ype of securit y on t he first pane of t he dialog. Follow t hrough t he wizard- like dialogs t o com plet e t he policy. Click Cancel at t he bot t om of t he dialog at any t im e t o close t he dialog.

    Here are som e t ips t o keep in m ind as you const ruct and work wit h policies: Regardless of t he t ype of policy you are creat ing, m ake sure t o add inform at ion on t he General set t ings pane of t he dialog ( Figu r e 1 4 7 a) as it is used t o display t he policy in t he list of policies.

    Figu r e 1 4 7 a . W h e n t h e n a m e a n d de scr ipt ion of t h e policie s you cr e a t e a r e m e a n in gfu l t o you , it 's sim ple r t o w or k w it h se cu r it y se t t in gs. [View full size image]

    Policy Servers There are t hree t ypes of policy server you can use wit h Acrobat . All are available by choosing Advanced > Securit y Set t ings t o open t he Securit y Set t ings dialog. Set t ings and access t o t hese servers is cont rolled by your syst em s adm inist rat or: Direct ory server The VeriSign I nt ernet Direct ory server is a syst em used for t hirdpart y signat ures and encrypt ion. Rat her t han exchanging cert ificat es wit h individuals, your cont ent is m anaged by t he server. Tim e St am p server I f your net work or syst em allows for a t im e st am p server, you use t he server's capabilit ies t o aut hent icat e t im e displayed in your docum ent s' signat ures. Adobe Policy server This Adobe- host ed server cont rols access t o your docum ent using nam ed users, and can t rack docum ent access, versions, set dat es on docum ent s, and apply wat erm arks and expirat ion dat es.

    When you are creat ing password policies, be aware of t he password inclusion opt ion on t he General set t ings pane. Deselect Save passwords wit h t he policy, shown in Figure 147a, if you want t o specify a password and rest rict ions whenever you use t he policy; leave t he opt ion select ed if you want t o

    st ore t he passwords wit hin t he policy's inform at ion. Choose an encrypt ion m et hod in keeping bot h wit h your users and what you need t o secure. For exam ple, unless your users have Acrobat 7 or Adobe Reader 7, t hey can't use t he AES- encrypt ion opt ion t hat let s you secure only at t achm ent s; unless your users have Acrobat 6 or Adobe Reader 6 or newer, you can't exclude m et adat a from t he secure docum ent com ponent s (Figu r e 1 4 7 b ) .

    TIP 148: Using and Managing Security Policies Acrobat 7 Professional provides one int erface t o m anage all t he securit y in your docum ent s. I f you want t o add securit y t o a docum ent , choose Docum ent > Securit y > Secure This Docum ent or click t he Secure t ask but t on and choose t he com m and from t he pull- down m enu. The Select a Policy t o Apply dialog opens, list ing t he policies available t o use. Here, you can creat e new policies policy Policy Server.

    , view it s cont ent s

    , or refresh policies

    , copy an exist ing

    t hat are st ored on t he Adobe

    Make It Snappy I f you want t o rem ove securit y from a docum ent and have t he right s, you don't have t o go t hrough any program dialogs. I nst ead, click t he Secure t ask but t on t o open it s pull- down m enu and choose Rem ove Securit y Set t ings for This Docum ent . Click OK in t he confirm at ion dialog, and t he j ob is done.

    I f you have a large num ber of policies, you can filt er t he list for ease of use. Click t he Show pull- down m enu, shown in Figu r e 1 4 8 a, and select t o display only organizat ional or user policies. Click a policy from t he list at t he t op of t he dialog t o view it s det ails at t he bot t om of t he dialog. Click Apply and follow t he sequence of dialogs and prom pt s t o secure t he docum ent .

    Figu r e 1 4 8 a . Se le ct a filt e r t o m odify you r list of policie s.

    When you want t o work wit h your policies, such as changing t he perm issions or passwords wit hin an exist ing policy, use t he Managing Securit y Policies dialog inst ead t o access addit ional opt ions. Choose Docum ent > Securit y > Manage Securit y Policies, click t he Secure t ask but t on, and choose t he com m and from t he pull- down m enu t o open t he dialog (Figu r e 1 4 8 b ) .

    Figu r e 1 4 8 b. M a n a ge t h e policie s in you r syst e m fr om t h e M a n a gin g Se cu r it y Policie s dia log.

    [View full size image]

    Bot h securit y policy dialogs are quit e sim ilar; in t he Managing Securit y Policies dialog you can also edit an exist ing policy. Click t he policy in t he list and t hen click Edit on t he dialog's t oolbar. A sequence of dialogs appears; t heir cont ent depends on t he t ype of policy you select . Click Delet e t o rem ove an exist ing policy from your syst em ; read about using Favorit es in t he sidebar.

    It's One of My Favorites I n m any workflows, you oft en use t he sam e policy over and over. Rat her t han opening t he dialogs and choosing t he policy, save a couple of m ouse clicks and define a policy as a favorit e. I n t he Managing Securit y Policies dialog, click t he policy in t he list ing at t he t op of on t he dialog's t oolbar. Any policies you define as t he dialog, and t hen click Favorit e Favorit es show a st ar at t he left of t heir list ing in t he dialog. When you close t he policies dialog, t he next t im e you need t o secure a docum ent , your favorit e is list ed on t he Secure t ask but t on's pull- down m enu.

    Regardless of t he m et hod you use t o encrypt or secure a docum ent , you can change or rem ove t he prot ect ion from wit hin Acrobat if you have t he right s:

    1 . Choose File > Docum ent Propert ies > Securit y. 2 . I n t he Securit y pane, click t he Securit y Met hod pull- down arrow and choose No Securit y (Figu r e 1 4 8 c) . Click OK t o close t he Docum ent Propert ies dialog.

    Figu r e 1 4 8 c. You ca n r e m ove or ch a n ge docu m e n t se cu r it y in t h e D ocu m e n t Pr ope r t ie s dia log.

    3 . The confirm at ion dialog opens. Click OK t o confirm t hat you want t o delet e t he securit y and rem ove t he passwords from t he docum ent .

    TIP 149: Using Secure ePaper One of t he coolest new feat ures in Acrobat 7 Professional is t he abilit y t o " wrap" your docum ent and ot her files you choose t o include, regardless of t heir file form at , in a secure envelope for dist ribut ing t o ot hers. eEnvelopes even look like envelopes!

    Make It Personal You can creat e ot her t em plat es t o use for t he eEnvelope. Creat e and save a docum ent as a PDF. Then st ore it in t his locat ion: Program Files\ Adobe\ Acrobat \ DocTem plat es\ ENU. The next t im e you want t o creat e an eEnvelope, your cust om t em plat e is included in t he list ; select it as you work t hrough t he wizard.

    Suppose you have a bank loan applicat ion and have t o include a record or em ploym ent or som e ot her personal docum ent wit h t he applicat ion. Sim ply em bed t he at t achm ent s in an eEnvelope, encrypt t he eEnvelope using a password or cert ificat e securit y m et hod, and t hen em ail it . Only t he person wit h right s t o open t he eEnvelope can see t he cont ent s. Encrypt ion using an eEnvelope doesn't m odify t he file at t achm ent s in any way; once your recipient s ext ract t he file at t achm ent s and save t hem , t he files are no longer encrypt ed. You apply an eEnvelope using a wizard: 1 . Choose Docum ent > Securit y > Secure PDF Delivery, or click t he Secure t ask but t on and choose t he com m and from t he pull- down m enu t o open t he wizard ( Figu r e 1 4 9 a) .

    Figu r e 1 4 9 a . Use a n e En ve lope t o se cu r e ly se n d docu m e n t s. [View full size image]

    2 . St ep t hrough t he wizard:

    Select docum ent s t o at t ach.

    Which Is Which? I f you int end t o use t he program 's t em plat es, t ake a m inut e and renam e t he files. Open t he docum ent folder ( t he pat h is shown in t he " Make it Personal" sidebar) , and t hen open t he t hree t em plat e PDF files. Renam e t hem using nam es you recognize, and save t hem wit h t he new nam e in t he sam e folder. The next t im e you want t o secure a docum ent , it 's sim pler t o choose t he right t em plat e using your cust om nam es. Choose a t em plat eFigu r e 1 4 9 b shows exam ples of each of t he t hree available t em plat es.

    Figu r e 1 4 9 b. Use on e of t h e a va ila ble t e m pla t e s or cr e a t e you r ow n . [View full size image]

    At t ach a securit y policy ( Click Show All Policies on t his fram e of t he wizard t o display your list ) . Choose eit her t o com plet e t he process m anually ( see t he sidebar, " Do I t Yourself" ) , or com plet e t he eEnvelope and em ail it . Add ident it y inform at ion for t he eEnvelope; t he provided t em plat es include fields for adding nam es, dat es, or t ext m essages. Click Finished t o close t he dialog. 3 . Ent er your recipient 's em ail address in t he em ail dialog t hat opens, and click Send t o send it on it s way.

    Once your recipient receives t he em ail, t he eEnvelope is shown as an at t achm ent . The recipient can't open t he at t achm ent wit hout t he proper perm issions, such as ent ering t he password used t o encrypt t he eEnvelope. I f you are working wit h t he Adobe Policy Server, you can apply t he eEnvelope process direct ly t hrough your em ail program . I n Out look, open an em ail m essage window, and click At t ach as Secured PDF on t he St andard t oolbar. I n t he At t ach as Secured PDF dialog, choose t he file you want t o send, and t hen select a securit y opt ion ( Figu r e 1 4 9 c) . You can eit her rest rict opening t o t he nam es list ed in t he To and CC fields of t he em ail, or select a policy and click OK. The docum ent at t achm ent t o t he em ail displays as usual, but ( Secure) appears in t he at t achm ent 's nam e. Repeat t o add docum ent s, and t hen send t he em ail.

    Figu r e 1 4 9 c. At t a ch a se cu r e d docu m e n t t o a n e m a il if you a r e w or k in g w it h Adobe Policy Se r ve r .

    Do It Yourself I f you choose t o com plet e t he eEnvelope m anually, when you have worked t hrough t he wizard's pane and clicked Finished, it opens in Acrobat . The files you included in t he wizard are list ed as at t achm ent s t o t he eEnvelope PDF.

    TIP 150: Troubleshooting Security Working wit h securit y policies can be confusing at first . I t get s easier t he m ore you work wit h t hem . To help you along t he way, here are som e t roubleshoot ing t ips: Make sure t he m em bers of a review group all have t he sam e set s of cert ificat es; a m issing cert ificat e result s in an unknown signat ure. You can get cert ificat e inform at ion direct ly from a signat ure t o use t o validat e t hat signat ure. Verify t hat t he reason t he signat ure isn't validat ing is not sim ply t hat t he cert ificat e is m issing. Right - click/ Cont rol- click t he signat ure appearance on t he docum ent and choose Validat e Signat ure. The Signat ure Validat ion Unknown dialog opens, describing why t he signat ure can't be validat ed. Click Signat ure Propert ies t o open t he Signat ure Propert ies dialog (Figu r e 1 5 0 a) . At t he right of t he Sum m ary t ab, shown by default when t he dialog opens, click Show Cert ificat e. When t he Cert ificat e Viewer dialog opens, click t he Trust t ab, and t hen click Add t o Trust ed I dent it ies ( Figu r e 1 5 0 b ) . Follow t he prom pt s t o add t he cert ificat e t o your list and verify t he signat ure.

    Figu r e 1 5 0 a . I f a ce r t ifica t e is m issin g, or you h a ve n 't r e ce ive d on e fr om a colle a gu e , you se e a n u n k n ow n st a t u s for a sign a t u r e . [View full size image]

    Figu r e 1 5 0 b. Add a Tr u st e d I de n t it y t o you r syst e m u sin g a sign a t u r e 's ce r t ifica t e .

    [View full size image]

    Who Are You Today? When you creat e a policy you specify which of your digit al I Ds can access t he docum ent . Be careful wit h your select ion. I f you choose one digit al I D and a m et hod of applicat ion when building a policy, you have t o use t he sam e set t ings t o open t he docum ent t o which you applied t he encrypt ion; ot herwise you can't open your own docum ent ! Select a Digit al I D from t he list ing at t he t op of t he Docum ent Securit y - Digit al I D Select ion dialog, included in t he wizard- like sequence of dialogs used t o creat e an encrypt ion policy. Check t he opt ions at t he bot t om of t he dialog. I n t he Digit al I D Select ion Persist ence sect ion of t he dialog, choose an opt ion: Ask m e which Digit al I D t o use next t im e, which is t he default . When you choose t his opt ion, each t im e you click a signat ure field t he Apply Digit al Signat ure dialog opens. Use t his Digit al I D unt il I close t he applicat ion is a useful opt ion if you are in a workflow where you are reviewing, com m ent ing, m odifying, and signing docum ent s. Choose Always use t his Digit al I D if you work wit h one signat ure all t he t im e.

    Saving Signed Files in a Browser You can sign a docum ent in a browser, but it is st ored different ly t han a signed docum ent on your hard drive. Click Sign t o sign a docum ent in your browser; only t he port ion of t he docum ent t hat changed from t he previous signat ure unt il you signed it is aut om at ically saved t o your hard drive. I f you want t he ent ire docum ent , sign t he docum ent , and t hen click Save a Copy on t he Acrobat t oolbar.

    Don't m ake a habit of using t he cert ificat es from signat ures. I f you have t o use one, such as when you are offline, ask t he person t o send you a cert ificat e file as soon as it is convenient or pract ical. I f you plan t o use a signat ure field for users working wit h Adobe Reader, you have t o add a blank signat ure field t o t he docum ent . Choose Sign > Sign This Docum ent or click t he signat ure field and follow t he prom pt s. Keep t rack of your Digit al I Ds. I f you creat e a public key encrypt ion policy t hat uses a specific Digit al I D, you can't open t he docum ent if you are using a different I D, which isn't good for your workflow! I n m any cases, you can creat e one I D and use it on an ongoing basis. Choose Advanced > Securit y Set t ings t o open t he Securit y Set t ings dialog. Choose t he I D you want t o use from t he list , and click Set Default ; choose t he opt ion from t he pull- down list ( Figu r e 1 5 0 c) t o set t he I D as a default for signing, encrypt ing, or bot h.

    Figu r e 1 5 0 c. I f you u se t h e sa m e sign a t u r e a ll t h e t im e , m a k e it you r de fa u lt .

    Appendix A. Other Sources of Information This appendix cont ains a list of URLs referenced in t his book, as well as ot her sources of inform at ion you m ay find useful in your work.

    Adobe Sites These URLs link t o inform at ion/ resource sit es at Adobe: Adobe St u dio ( r e qu ir e s login a n d I D ) : ht t p: / / st / expert cent er/ acrobat / m m l Acr oba t Su ppor t Kn ow le dge ba se : / support / product s/ acrobat .ht m l Use r - t o- Use r For u m / M a cin t osh: www.adobeforum / cgi- bin/ webx?14@@.ee6b2ed ( You m ust creat e a user account and login t o access t he sit e) . Use r - t o- Use r For u m / W in dow s: www.adobeforum / cgi- bin/ webx?14@@.ee6b2f2 ( You m ust creat e a user account and login t o access t he sit e) . D ow n loa ds for W in dow s a n d M a cin t osh: / support / downloads/ m m l

    Information Sites These sit es offer valuable inform at ion on t he PDF file form at : Pla n e t PD F: I nform at ion on all t hings PDF; offers a very act ive user- t o- user forum . www.planet . PD Fzon e: Anot her large PDF and docum ent m anagem ent sit e. . Cr e a t ive pr : Offers art icles, reviews, and ot her inform at ion for designers. www.creat .

    Appendix B. System Requirements and Installation Make sure your com put er m eet s t he m inim um syst em requirem ent s for operat ing Acrobat 7.0 Professional. There are several issues t o consider when using Acrobat 7.0 Professional.

    Installation Requirements Windows The m inim um and recom m ended syst em requirem ent s for using Acrobat 7.0 Professional and Adobe Reader 7.0 on Windows syst em s are: I nt el Pent ium processor Microsoft Windows 2000 wit h Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional or Hom e Edit ion, or Windows XP Tablet PC Edit ion I nt ernet Explorer 5.5 or great er 128 MB of RAM ( 256 MB or great er recom m ended) 510 MB of available hard disk space. Opt ional inst allat ion file cache requires addit ional 510 MB of hard disk space. Adobe Reader requires 35 MB of hard disk space 1,024x768 m inim um screen resolut ion Adobe Reader requires 800x600 m inim um screen resolut ion) CD- ROM drive Support for I nt ernet Explorer 5.5, 6.0, 6.0 SP1 and Net scape 7.1 browsers

    Macintosh The m inim um and recom m ended syst em requirem ent s for using Acrobat 7.0 Professional and Adobe Reader 7.0 on Macint osh syst em s: PowerPC G3, G4, G5 processor Mac OS X v.10.2.8 or 10.3 128 MB of RAM ( 256 MB or great er recom m ended) 495 MB of available hard disk space; Adobe Reader 7.0 requires 35 MB of available hard disk space 1,024x768 m inim um screen resolut ion; Adobe Reader 7.0 requires 800x600 screen resolut ion m onit or CD- ROM drive Support for Safari 1.2.2 browser

    Activation and Maintenance (Windows) Acrobat 7.0 for Windows includes an act ivat ion process t hat is required in order t o use t he program . When you inst all t he program , you are prom pt ed t o act ivat e t he soft ware. The act ivat ion process can be done by I nt ernet or by t elephone. You can defer inst allat ion for up t o 30 days aft er inst alling t he program , which you can inst all on t wo com put ers. I f necessary, you can t ransfer t he act ivat ion inform at ion. Choose Help > Transfer Act ivat ion and follow t he st eps in t he dialog. You deact ivat e a copy of t he program in order t o inst all it elsewhere, such as when you t ransfer program s t o a new com put er. Tools are available t hat you can use t o help Acrobat int egrat e wit h ot her program s on your com put er and t o keep it running in t op fashion: When inst alling Acrobat 7.0 Professional on Windows, t he inst allat ion program asks if you would like t o cache t he program . Choose Yes t o st ore a copy of t he program on your hard drive, which com es in handy for repairing or updat ing your syst em ; choose No if you don't want t o use t he hard- drive space for st orage. The cache requires 510 MB of hard- drive space. I f you inst all an applicat ion aft er inst alling Acrobat t hat can use a PDFMaker, choose Help > Det ect and Repair from t he Acrobat program m enu; t he PDFMaker is inst alled int o t he program aut om at ically.

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] + (plus) icon comment indicator text field overflow indicator .joboptions file saving document Compatibility levels in security settings for sharing settings with watched folders for versions of .prn file format .ps file format 3D content 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Access 2nd 3rd 4th accessibility 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Accessibility Setup Assistant 2nd alternate reading order for automatic scrolling document colors and 2nd forms and keyboard navigation for multimedia documents and overview planning documents for read-aloud features reading articles 2nd 3rd reflow 2nd tagging documents 2nd 3rd 4th testing 2nd Accessibility Full Check dialog 2nd Accessibility Report Accessibility Setup Assistant 2nd Acrobat Distiller [See Adobe Acrobat Distiller] Acrobat PDFMaker [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker] Acrobat PDFMaker dialog 2nd 3rd 4th 5th actions adding to batch sequences applying to bookmarks 2nd choosing link 2nd defined editing Execute a menu item 2nd mouse 2nd multimedia 2nd playing sounds scripting document 2nd activating Acrobat for Windows Add Digital ID dialog Add Headers & Footers dialog Add movie dialog Add Name button (Standard-Adobe PDF Settings dialog) Add Watermarks & Backgrounds dialog Add Window command Adobe Acrobat accessibility options [See also power user tips, user interface] adding bookmarks in [See also power user tips, user interface] attaching source files to PDFs 2nd [See also power user tips, user interface] attachments with earlier versions [See also power user tips, user interface] color separation previews [See also power user tips, user interface] compatibility of modified form fields [See also power user tips, user interface]

    converting scanned pages to PDFs 2nd [See also power user tips, user interface] creating PDF files in 2nd [See also power user tips, user interface] document editing in [See also power user tips, user interface] drawing markups 2nd 3rd [See also power user tips, user interface] editing interface preferences 2nd 3rd 4th [See also power user tips, user interface] encryption by [See also power user tips, user interface] filters for scanned documents [See also power user tips, user interface] installation requirements 2nd [See also power user tips, user interface] making PDFs from clipboard images 2nd [See also power user tips, user interface] migrating eBooks to [See also power user tips, user interface] PDF creation from Web pages 2nd 3rd 4th [See also power user tips, user interface] PDFMaker conversions and [See also power user tips, user interface] previewing consolidated files [See also power user tips, user interface] printing 2nd 3rd [See also power user tips, user interface] spell checking text [See also power user tips, user interface] storing data files [See also power user tips, user interface] tagging documents 2nd 3rd 4th [See also power user tips, user interface] Adobe Acrobat Comments dialog Adobe Acrobat Distiller custom PDF conversions [See custom Distiller PDF conversions] embedded fonts with [See custom Distiller PDF conversions] PDF compliance standards [See custom Distiller PDF conversions] setting document Compatibility [See custom Distiller PDF conversions] using [See custom Distiller PDF conversions] watched folders [See custom Distiller PDF conversions] Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker bookmarking source documents 2nd 3rd converting AutoCAD files 2nd 3rd converting Excel, Access, and Project files 2nd converting PowerPoint and Publisher files 2nd creating Word PDFs with 2nd 3rd 4th installing for new programs organizing layers PDF conversion for Internet Explorer 2nd PDF/X compliance unavailable shortcut menu in Windows Explorer tagging documents Adobe Creative Suite exporting PDFs from InDesign 2nd Version Cue 2nd Adobe Designer Body Pages view 2nd 3rd creating forms in 2nd 3rd 4th customizing forms in 2nd 3rd 4th working with returned data Adobe InDesign 2nd Adobe PDF Document Properties dialog Adobe Photoshop 2nd 3rd 4th Adobe Photoshop Album 2nd 3rd Adobe Policy server Adobe Reader 2nd 3rd Adobe Web sites Advanced Editing toolbar 2nd advanced PDF settings Advanced Print Setup dialog Advanced Search options 2nd

    alert messages 2nd Always Embed list (Standard-Adobe PDF Settings dialog) appending Web pages to document Apple Macintosh [See Macintosh] Application Settings options (Acrobat PDFMaker dialog) archiving Outlook messages Area tool article pointer Article Properties dialog articles changing size and location of editing link and button shortcuts to reading reorganizing reading order 2nd 3rd setting reading path for 2nd 3rd Articles pane Attach as Secured Adobe PDF dialog Attach File tools attachments adding comments as adding to PDFs 2nd managing using with Acrobat 5 and audio comments Audit Space Usage dialog Auto Flip option Auto-Complete feature 2nd AutoDesk AutoCAD 2nd 3rd 4th automatic scrolling autosave 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] backgrounds 2nd backing up Digital Editions barcodes baseline adjustments 2nd batch sequences adding actions to 2nd file optimization and planning using 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th binders bleeds Body Pages view (Designer) 2nd 3rd Bookmark Properties dialog bookmarks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th adding applying actions to 2nd bookmarking emails bookmarking layers 2nd 3rd changing properties converting PDF document creating in source document 2nd 3rd generating in exported PDFs icons for 2nd jumping modifying appearance 2nd modifying content with tagged organizing hierarchy of 2nd 3rd overview shortcut to articles with tagged 2nd workflow for creating Bookmarks pane 2nd 3rd bounding box browsers refreshing forms in reviewing documents from 2nd 3rd saving signed files in Build dialog Button Properties dialog 2nd button states 2nd Button tool buttons about 2nd changing properties creating batches of 2nd 3rd customizing appearance of 2nd displaying labels

    drawing 2nd links vs naming 2nd rollover images for 2nd shortcut to articles with submit 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Calculated Fields dialog calculations adding to forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th automatic formatting numbers in subtotal and grand total fields testing order of form 2nd calibrating monitor color callouts case sensitive searches Catalog dialog Categories pane (Organizer) Certificate Viewer dialog Certified Document icon Check Box tool checkmarks for comments 2nd child bookmarks 2nd 3rd Choose Allowable Actions dialog clipboard images 2nd Clipboard Viewer CMYK color 2nd collaboration [See review and collaboration] Collections 2nd color calibrating monitor displaying interactive fields with eBook background high-contrast document 2nd marking selected objects by modifying bookmark 2nd options for PDF conversions previewing document color separations 2nd Combo Box fields Combo Box tool Commenting toolbar opening and using 2nd tools for browser-based reviews comments 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th [See also review and collaboration, stamps] adding notes to 2nd 3rd 4th [See also review and collaboration, stamps] assigning status to 2nd [See also review and collaboration, stamps] configuring server for on-line [See also review and collaboration, stamps] drawing markups 2nd 3rd 4th [See also review and collaboration, stamps] exporting 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th [See also review and collaboration, stamps] filters hiding migrated 2nd [See also review and collaboration, stamps] grouping [See also review and collaboration, stamps]

    highlighting [See also review and collaboration, stamps] inserting with edits [See also review and collaboration, stamps] locking notes to [See also review and collaboration, stamps] merging review [See also review and collaboration, stamps] migrating 2nd 3rd 4th [See also review and collaboration, stamps] modifying properties of [See also review and collaboration, stamps] overview [See also review and collaboration, stamps] preferences for 2nd [See also review and collaboration, stamps] printing on proofs [See also review and collaboration, stamps] recording audio [See also review and collaboration, stamps] sorting 2nd [See also review and collaboration, stamps] summarizing reviews 2nd [See also review and collaboration, stamps] tools for editing 2nd 3rd 4th [See also review and collaboration, stamps] transfer methods to Word [See also review and collaboration, stamps] working with Comments list 2nd 3rd [See also review and collaboration, stamps] Comments list 2nd 3rd Compare Documents dialog comparing documents 2nd 3rd Configure Signature dialog configuring server for on-line comments content converting from image PDF to text and images extracting 2nd linking document 2nd 3rd modifying with tagged bookmarks Conversion Settings dialog Visio 2nd Word 2nd copying text Create Custom Stamp dialog Create Link dialog 2nd 3rd Create Multiple Copies of Fields dialog 2nd Create PDF From Scanner dialog Create PDF from Web Page dialog 2nd creating PDF files 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd 43rd 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th 51st Acrobat Distiller for Acrobat steps for 2nd 3rd attaching source files to PDFs 2nd clipboard images 2nd converting from Web pages 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th converting scanned pages to PDFs 2nd customizing Distiller conversions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Excel, Access, and Project PDFs 2nd overview PDFMaker for 2nd Photoshop PDFs 2nd 3rd printing files with Adobe PDF printer driver 2nd 3rd using attachments with Acrobat 5 and Visio PDFs 2nd 3rd 4th Word PDFs 2nd 3rd 4th Creative Suite [See Adobe Creative Suite] Crop Pages dialog 2nd Crop tool 2nd cropping pages 2nd 3rd CSV (comma-separated values)

    currency fields custom Distiller PDF conversions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th changing and saving default settings 2nd changing image settings 2nd color options in compliance standards Document Structuring Conventions saving custom options Custom pane (Document Properties dialog) customizing batch sequences comments 2nd grids and guides project properties stamps 2nd 3rd 4th user interface 2nd cutting and pasting bookmarks 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] data collecting for forms [See metadata] displaying exported data in spreadsheets [See metadata] embedding in Visio file [See metadata] importing or exporting to forms [See metadata] keeping entered data temporarily available [See metadata] reusing table information [See metadata] searching for metadata [See metadata] storing data files [See metadata] submit button for exporting [See metadata] working with returned [See metadata] decimal fields defaults changing search engine reading order Delete Pages dialog deleting comments document pages 2nd 3rd information from forms signatures watched folders Description pane (Document Properties dialog) Designer [See Adobe Designer] designing forms 2nd 3rd destinations for bookmarks Digital Editions backing up and restoring downloading and reading 2nd 3rd modifying organizing and managing 2nd 3rd sharing digital IDs keeping track of profiles for 2nd 3rd 4th setting up sharing and importing 2nd Digital Signature tool digital signatures about adding signature fields 2nd comparing documents with 2nd 3rd designing systems of how they work 2nd 3rd 4th invalidating preferences for signing 2nd

    validating workflow and Dimensioning tool displaying labels with icons Distance tool Distiller [See Adobe Acrobat Distiller] Document Actions dialog 2nd document certification certifying vs. signing saving files after security with tips for Document pane about 2nd Comments list illustrated 2nd viewing thumbnails in Document Properties dialog Advanced pane changing security in Custom pane Description pane 2nd Fonts pane Initial View tab Security pane setting attachment options using Document Status dialog documents accessibility [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] accessibility of [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] adding bookmarks in [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] automatic scrolling in [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] bookmarking layered [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] certifying [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] color for vision-impaired [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] comparing signed [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] Compatibility levels for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] controlling reading path of [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] converting PDF bookmarks in [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] converting to PDFs in groups [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] creating PDFs from multiple [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] cropping and rotating pages [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] custom properties for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] deleting and inserting pages in [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] descriptive names for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] Document Structuring Conventions [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] editing text in PDF [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] exporting images only [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] exporting PDFs as Word or RTF files [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] extracting content [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] filters for scanned [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] headers and footers [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] indexes for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] initial views for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents]

    layered [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] link or button shortcuts in [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] linking content [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] merging review comments [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] movies in [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] naming [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] optimizing PDFs [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] page numbers [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] PDF/X conversion of [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] preflighting [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] preparing for conversion to PDFs [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] printing portions of [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] properties of [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] read out loud options [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] reflowing [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] removing security from [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] reorganizing reading order [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] replacing pages [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] resetting page size of [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] reusing images from [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] reusing table information [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] reviewing on- and offline [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] round-trip editing for images [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] saving as image PDFs [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] saving versions with comments [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] scanned [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] screen reader options for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] scripting actions for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] searching for metadata [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] security settings for [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] selecting text [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] spell checking [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] tagging [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] trusted [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] viewing original fonts list [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] watermarks and backgrounds [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] Web page conversion to [See manipulating document content, source documents, tags, touching up documents] downloading Digital Editions 2nd drawing markups 2nd 3rd 4th drawings and layers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th bookmarking layers 2nd 3rd drawing buttons 2nd drawing markups 2nd 3rd 4th grids and guides 2nd 3rd measuring objects 2nd overview using AutoCAD PDFMaker 2nd 3rd working with layered documents 2nd Duplicate Field dialog dynamic forms 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] eBooks backing up and restoring creating defined downloading and reading 2nd 3rd free migrating to Acrobat modifying organizing and managing 2nd 3rd eCards Edit Attachment Description dialog Edit Batch Sequence dialog Edit Sequence dialog editing actions adding comments while articles custom stamps eBooks links marking edits with indicator icons PDF text 2nd 3rd round-trip image 2nd eEnvelopes 2nd 3rd 4th emailing archiving emails review documents 2nd slideshows and greetings 2nd 3rd embedding 3D content defined files size of embedded movies fonts 2nd 3rd 4th metadata multimedia in PDFs 2nd thumbnails 2nd Visio object data encryption 2nd EPS files errors embedding exported text interpreted as image preflight printing Send by Email for Review viewing preflight conversion Excel [See Microsoft Excel]

    Execute a menu item action 2nd Export Data From Multiple Forms dialog Export Format options (Submit Form Selections dialog) Export PDF dialog (InDesign) Export Pictures dialog exported PDFs creating HTML, XML, or text files from 2nd editing preferences for exporting from InDesign 2nd exporting images only image resolution for other formats for Word or RTF files from 2nd exporting comments 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th data for spreadsheet display 2nd data to forms submit button for data 2nd Extract Pages dialog extracting content 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Favorite Place folders favorites adding and removing stamp reusing security policies FDF (form data format) files 2nd fields [See form fields] File Attachment Properties dialog 2nd File toolbar files attached [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] displaying in Organizer [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] embedded movie [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] exporting [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] FDF and XFDF [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] formats compatible for PDF conversion [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] joboptions [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] naming [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] optimizing as batch sequence [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] organizing [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] PKCS#12 Digital ID [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] pretesting accessibility of [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] printing in sections [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] reducing PDF size [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] saving EPS [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] searching Internet for PDF [See creating PDF files, exported PDFs, PDFs] Files pane (Organizer) 2nd fill and stroke 2nd filters filtering comments for scanned documents hiding migrated comments 2nd Find toolbar fixing indexes flattened layers 2nd 3rd 4th Flattener Preview dialog focus rectangle folders creating for preflight files Favorite Place watched 2nd 3rd fonts adjusting for comments changing properties of 2nd eBook editing text and replacement embedding 2nd 3rd 4th format of exported comments not transferred

    listing original document's modifying bookmark style and 2nd previewing 2nd scanning errors with selecting for form fields Fonts pane (Document Properties dialog) footers [See headers and footers] form fields adding Auto-Complete feature 2nd automatic calculations in buttons as calculating sub and grand totals compatibility of modified configuring 2nd 3rd 4th Designer 2nd 3rd 4th 5th designing appearance of 2nd displaying with color fillable fonts for formatting numbers in hidden interactive barcodes maintaining data entered temporarily required visibility of forms 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th accessibility of Auto-Complete for 2nd building tips for calculations in 2nd 3rd 4th 5th collecting data for forms 2nd 3rd configuring fields for 2nd 3rd creating in Designer 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th deleting information from designing 2nd 3rd dynamic text fields in filling out PDF hidden fields hiding document message bar importing or exporting data to interactive, static, and dynamic overview preferences for 2nd resetting contents of 2nd scanning for PDF use starting new 2nd submit buttons on 2nd testing 2nd tools for creating 2nd Forms toolbar 2nd free eBooks

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] grand total fields greeking grids 2nd 3rd grouping comments guides 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Hand tool headers and footers adding 2nd editing previewing Web page headings organizing as nested bookmarks 2nd 3rd Help opening How To pane from menu 2nd preferences affecting Printing Tips hidden form fields hiding form's document message bar How To pane 2nd menu bars and toolbars migrated comments 2nd Hierarchy tab (Adobe Designer) High Quality Print-Adobe PDF Settings dialog (Distiller) 2nd Highlighter tools 2nd highlighting text History 2nd hotspots How To pane about 2nd 3rd 4th illustrated 2nd showing or hiding 2nd viewing Accessibility Report in HTML file format 2nd hyphens

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] I-beam pointer icons + (plus) 2nd attached file 2nd bookmark 2nd Certified Document Commenting toolbar customizing button displaying labels with layer cake 2nd marking editing with indicator Preflight stamp Identity Setup dialog image PDFs creating editable text from 2nd 3rd 4th saving documents as 2nd 3rd Image Settings dialog images activating menu items with 2nd adding watermarks to bookmarking button rollover 2nd callouts changing size of image button and downsampling size for stamps dragging to new PDF document exporting only reducing opacity of comments over reordering reading order of captions and resolution for exported reusing 2nd round-trip editing for 2nd selecting suggesting new placement for Import Comments from Adobe Acrobat dialog importing comments to Word 2nd 3rd 4th data to forms preflight profiles 2nd InDesign 2nd Index Definition dialog 2nd Index selection dialog indexes adding Readme text for attaching to document building and applying 2nd

    designing search fixing Indicating Text Edits dialog Info pane Initial View pane (Document Properties dialog) 2nd 3rd 4th initial views of PDFs about layered documents and options for 2nd 3rd preserving layers for Initiate an Online Review dialog 2nd 3rd Initiate Form Data Collection Workflow Wizard initiators adding checkmarks for comments 2nd controlling invitations to review 2nd emailing review documents 2nd summarizing comments 2nd Insert Pages dialog inserting document pages 2nd installing Acrobat Professional 2nd interactive forms Internet Explorer 2nd Internet searches for PDF files

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] JavaScript 2nd 3rd 4th 5th jumping bookmarks

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] key encryption process keyboard navigation keywords for searches

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] layer cake icon 2nd Layer Properties dialog layers AutoCAD 2nd 3rd bookmarking 2nd 3rd converting layered Visio documents 2nd 3rd flattening 2nd 3rd 4th initial views for documents with 2nd organizing pasting layered Photoshop clipboard images troubleshooting printing problems working with layered documents 2nd levels of Web sites 2nd 3rd licensing agreements line breaks Link Properties dialog 2nd links and buttons 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th [See also actions, buttons] activating menu items 2nd [See also actions, buttons] changing properties [See also actions, buttons] creating batches of buttons 2nd 3rd [See also actions, buttons] customizing button appearance 2nd [See also actions, buttons] distributing linked movies 2nd [See also actions, buttons] drawing buttons 2nd [See also actions, buttons] editing actions [See also actions, buttons] editing links [See also actions, buttons] linking content in documents 2nd 3rd [See also actions, buttons] overview 2nd [See also actions, buttons] positioning group of links on page 2nd [See also actions, buttons] rollover images for buttons 2nd [See also actions, buttons] shortcut to articles with [See also actions, buttons] using either [See also actions, buttons] List Box tool local fonts locking notes Loupe tool

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Macintosh converting Word files to PDFs for driver options for enabling Auto-Complete keyboard access on read-aloud features watched folders Macintosh and Windows Acrobat system requirements activating and maintaining Acrobat for magnification 2nd Magnification pull-down list Main menu 2nd Make Searchable (OCR) option (Create PDF From Scanner dialog) Manage Custom Stamps dialog Manage Trusted Identities dialog managing documents archiving Outlook messages designing search index Find toolbar Organizer for 2nd organizing files overview searching metadata 2nd Managing Security Policies dialog 2nd manipulating document content 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th changing thumbnail size 2nd cropping and rotating pages 2nd 3rd deleting and inserting pages 2nd 3rd 4th extracting content 2nd replacing pages markups, drawing 2nd 3rd 4th Measuring toolbar media players 2nd Menu Item Selection dialog 2nd menus activating items with links 2nd adding Preflight Droplet to Windows Start executing items with action 2nd hiding menu bars shortcut menu to Acrobat PDFMaker merging review comments metadata enabling in security settings searching 2nd Visio and AutoCAD embedded Microsoft Access 2nd 3rd 4th

    Microsoft Excel creating PDF files in 2nd reusing PDF tables in 2nd using PDFMaker with 2nd Microsoft Internet Explorer 2nd Microsoft Office 2nd 3rd Microsoft Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint 2nd 3rd 4th Microsoft Project 2nd Microsoft Publisher 2nd Microsoft Visio creating PDF files 2nd 3rd embedded metadata in drawings organizing layers working with layered documents 2nd Microsoft Windows adding Preflight Droplet to Start menu enabling Auto-Complete keyboard access on read-aloud features setting driver options viewing PDF properties in watched folders Microsoft Word choosing PDF conversion options 2nd creating PDF files in 2nd 3rd 4th 5th exporting PDFs as Word or RTF files 2nd importing comments to 2nd 3rd 4th reusing PDF tables in 2nd transferring comments to using PDFMaker with 2nd Migrate Comments dialog migrating comments 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th eBooks to Acrobat Miscellaneous preferences mouse actions related to 2nd clicking and selecting with dragging bookmarks dragging images to new PDF document preferences for keyboard navigation Mouse Down trigger Mouse Enter trigger Mouse Exit trigger Mouse Up trigger 2nd 3rd movies adding to documents 2nd 3rd borders around configuring playback action for file size of embedded tweaking 2nd working with multimedia 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th [See also eBooks, movies] actions for 2nd [See also eBooks, movies]

    document actions 2nd [See also eBooks, movies] eBooks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th [See also eBooks, movies] embedding in PDFs 2nd [See also eBooks, movies] movies 2nd 3rd 4th 5th [See also eBooks, movies] overview [See also eBooks, movies] presentations with page transitions 2nd [See also eBooks, movies] slideshows and email greetings 2nd 3rd [See also eBooks, movies] Multimedia Properties dialog 2nd multiple searches My Digital Editions dialog

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Name Sequence dialog naming buttons 2nd documents 2nd 3rd form fields signatures and passwords navigation article [See links and buttons] Articles pane for [See links and buttons] eBook [See links and buttons] finding grid locations [See links and buttons] keyboard [See links and buttons] links vs. buttons [See links and buttons] moving through bookmarks [See links and buttons] shortcut keys for navigating search items [See links and buttons] tags for [See links and buttons] Navigation pane about 2nd bookmarking layers in illustrated 2nd opening Bookmarks pane nested bookmarks 2nd 3rd Never Embed list (Standard-Adobe PDF Settings dialog) New Form Assistant 2nd New Security Policy dialog New Text Font dialog nonbreaking spaces Note Properties dialog Note tool 2nd 3rd notes to comments 2nd 3rd 4th numbers formatting for field calculations number fields page numbers 2nd 3rd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Object Data tool objects color of selected embedding object data in Visio handling for reorganized reading order maintaining image connection measuring 2nd temporary disappearance of touching up 2nd viewing in Snap view Office 2nd 3rd Open Full Acrobat Search command opening attachments Bookmarks pane Opening Documents preferences optimizing PDFs 2nd 3rd ordering photo prints online Organizer features of [See Pages pane] illustrated [See Pages pane] tips for organizing files [See Pages pane] organizing layers stamps Outlook Output Options dialog 2nd Output Preview dialog overprinting

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Page Display preferences Page Numbering dialog 2nd 3rd Page Properties dialog Page Scaling pull-down arrow (Print dialog) pages adding numbers to 2nd 3rd adding transitions to presentations 2nd applying headers and footers 2nd 3rd creating batches of buttons on 2nd 3rd cropping and rotating 2nd 3rd deleting and inserting 2nd 3rd 4th extracting content of 2nd page caching preferences positioning group of links on 2nd replacing selecting for printing watermarks and backgrounds 2nd 3rd Pages pane about changing thumbnail size 2nd combining document content in cropping multiple pages in displaying files in inserting and deleting pages in 2nd 3rd printing portions of document Pan & Zoom tool 2nd paper clip icon 2nd parent/child bookmark entries 2nd passwords about adding 2nd security policies for pasting bookmarks 2nd 3rd clipboard image as stamp PDAs (personal digital assistants) 2nd 3rd PDF Optimizer 2nd 3rd PDF/A standard 2nd PDF/X standards about converting documents to 2nd sharing preflight report 2nd subsetting and embedding types of PDFMaker [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker] PDFs accessibility of [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards]

    advanced settings [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] attaching source files to [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] AutoCAD documents as [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] checking for text and image [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] conversions using PDFMaker [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] converting clipboard images to [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] Digital Editions [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] editing text in [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] export formats for [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] exporting from InDesign [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] filling out PDF forms [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] formats compatible for conversion [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] initial views on opening [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] making from Web pages [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] multimedia embedded in [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] naming [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] optimizing [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] PDF/A and PDF/X standards [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] Photoshop [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] previewing consolidated files [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] printing problems [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] saving as Word or RTF file [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] setting compliance standards [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] tagged [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] viewing properties in Windows [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] Web resources on [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] Word conversion settings [See Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker, documents, exported PDFs, PDF/X standards] performance improving display 2nd speeding up bookmarking Perimeter tool 2nd permissions for documents personal digital assistants (PDAs) 2nd 3rd Photoshop 2nd 3rd 4th Photoshop Album 2nd 3rd Picture Tasks button Picture Tasks plug-in 2nd PKCS#12 Digital ID file plus (+) icon comment indicator text field overflow indicator pointers article changing to stamp icon I-beam for data entry showing focus rectangle with policy server encryption pop-ups, comment 2nd poster options PostScript files 2nd 3rd power user tips 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th batch sequences 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th creating editable text from image PDFs 2nd 3rd 4th optimizing PDFs 2nd 3rd overview Preflight Droplet 2nd

    watched folders 2nd 3rd preferences changing export customizing comment 2nd editing default reading order forms 2nd Search Preferences setting document color options 2nd setting open window user interface 2nd 3rd 4th Preferences dialog customizing grids and guides hiding How To pane 2nd Miscellaneous section Opening Documents section Page Display section setting indexing preferences showing field previews Preflight dialog Preflight Droplet 2nd Preflight icon Preflight: Convert to PDF/X dialog Preflight: Droplet Setup dialog 2nd Preflight: Edit Profile dialog 2nd Preflight: Report Settings dialog Preflight: Snap View dialog preflighting basic steps 2nd preflight profiles 2nd preserved layers Preset PDF Exports dialog (InDesign) pretesting file accessibility Preview window previewing color separations consolidated PDF files document color fonts 2nd Print As Image option (Advanced Print Setup dialog) Print color as black option (Print dialog) Print dialog Adobe PDF printer driver and illustrated Printing Tips Print Production toolbar 2nd Print Setup dialog printers displaying printing errors selecting setting driver options for printing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th Adobe PDF printer driver 2nd 3rd choosing embedded fonts for 2nd choosing settings for 2nd comments only content as shown on screen

    flattening layers before making documents PDF/X compliant 2nd preflighting before 2nd previewing fonts 2nd Printing Tips selecting pages for tools on Print Production toolbar 2nd troubleshooting 2nd Printing Tips (Print dialog) private keys profiles digital ID 2nd 3rd 4th preflight 2nd 3rd Project 2nd project properties proofreading stamps proofs properties changing for group of links changing link or button modifying comment Properties Bar Properties toolbar 2nd public key encryption public keys Publisher 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Radio Button tool radio buttons RBG color option 2nd read-aloud features Reader export formats for spell checking text reading articles controlling reading path 2nd 3rd reading order options reorganizing reading order 2nd 3rd Readme text for indexes Recognize Text - Settings dialog Recognize Text dialog recording audio comments reflowing digital editions documents 2nd Rehabilitation Act removing backgrounds custom stamps security from documents Rendition Settings dialog renditions 2nd Replace Pages dialog replacing document pages replying to comments repositioning guides required form fields Reset a Form dialog resetting forms 2nd restoring Digital Editions reverting to previous documents review and collaboration 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th browser-based reviews 2nd 3rd Comments list 2nd 3rd defining comment status 2nd merging review comments organizing comments 2nd overview reviewing documents on- and offline starting review process 2nd 3rd 4th summarizing review comments 2nd tracking reviews 2nd Review Options dialog reviewers

    receiving emailed documents 2nd sorting comments from 2nd summarizing comments from 2nd RGB color rollover images for buttons 2nd Rotate Pages dialog rotating pages round-trip editing 2nd RTF files 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] Save Adobe PDF Settings As dialog Save as Certified Document - Choose Allowable Actions dialog Save as Certified Document - Sign dialog Save as Certified Document - Warnings dialog Save As command Save As dialog Save As RTF Settings dialog saving attached files consolidated files converted PDF files 2nd data from tables 2nd documents with versions of comments optimized documents PDFs as HTML, XML, or text files 2nd PDFs as image 2nd 3rd scanning capturing content of scanned document 2nd documents for PDF use 2nd forms for PDF use screen enlarging details on 2nd screen readers controlling reading path 2nd 3rd defining how much to read setting up 2nd search engines Search PDF pane 2nd 3rd 4th Search Preferences searching advanced techniques for 2nd case sensitivity and comments designing search indexes document properties 2nd expanding search Find toolbar Internet for PDF files multiple searches navigating items with shortcut keys Search pane 2nd setting Search Preferences security 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] adding to watched folders 2nd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] certifying documents 2nd 3rd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] comparing documents 2nd 3rd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies]

    digital ID profiles 2nd 3rd 4th [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] digital signatures 2nd 3rd 4th [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] document security levels and passwords 2nd 3rd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] eEnvelopes 2nd 3rd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] methods of 2nd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] overview [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] restricting document copying [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] security policies 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] setting document [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] sharing and importing digital IDs 2nd [See also digital signatures, passwords, security policies] Security pane (Document Properties dialog) security policies about creating 2nd 3rd managing 2nd 3rd troubleshooting 2nd Select Image for Custom Stamp dialog Select Object tool Select tool selecting images selecting text 2nd 3rd Snapshot tool vs selecting images text 2nd 3rd 4th Send by Email for Review wizard Set Transitions dialog 2nd Settings tab (Acrobat PDFMaker dialog) 2nd 3rd sharing documents [See review and collaboration] shortcut keys for searches shortcut menu to Acrobat PDFMaker Show tools showing comments focus rectangle How To pane 2nd lines from comment to pop-ups 2nd Signature Properties dialog Signature Validation Status dialog signatures [See digital signatures] Signatures pane Simulate Ink Black check box (Output Preview) Simulate Paper White option (Output Preview) slideshows Photoshop Album 2nd 3rd settings for converting slides smoothing preferences Snap to Grid feature Snap view Snapshot tool 2nd soft-proofing sorting review comments 2nd Sound Tool sounds actions playing adding sound file to movie

    attaching sound comments and actions recording comments source documents creating bookmarks in [See documents] editing text in [See documents] spaces adjusting between words and characters 2nd creating in documents with styles 2nd nonbreaking spell checking text Spreadsheet view spreadsheets adding repetitive content to displaying exported data in 2nd opening tables in Stamp Tool button Stamp tools 2nd 3rd stamps adding and organizing adding and removing favorites creating and managing 2nd 3rd custom proofreading downsampling image size for migrating suggesting new image placement with when to use custom static forms Status bar 2nd 3rd 4th Stop Words dialog Structure Elements dialog 2nd styles creating space in documents with 2nd subjects for comments submit buttons 2nd Submit Form Selections dialog subsetting fonts substitute fonts 2nd subtotals Successful Import dialog Summarize Options dialog system requirements for Acrobat 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] tabbing order in form tables 2nd tabs for form field dialogs tagged bookmarks 2nd 3rd tags about tagged PDFs accessibility and 2nd 3rd adding to form fields checking document accessibility 2nd 3rd confirm before using copying tables having 2nd document structure and examining documents with Tags panel 2nd exporting comments with tagging generating for exported PDFs 2nd tagging bookmarks 2nd 3rd Tags panel 2nd task buttons 2nd 3rd 4th templates eEnvelope for forms 2nd 3rd testing accessibility 2nd Auto Flip option button rollovers calculations 2nd files with Preflight Droplet 2nd PDFs for file size text converting scanned documents to searchable copying creating editable text from image PDFs 2nd 3rd 4th dynamic text fields editing in PDFs 2nd exported text interpreted as image exporting PDFs as text files 2nd highlighting inserting line breaks, spaces, and hyphens modifying attributes 2nd overflow indicator Readme text for indexes searching comments for selecting 2nd 3rd 4th spell checking Text Box fields Text Box tool 2nd Text Edit tools 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

    text field overflow indicator (+) Text Field Properties dialog Text Integration Summary dialog thumbnails changing size of 2nd embedding/unembedding highlighting and deleting pages using 2nd selecting for inserting pages selecting pages for extracting content 2nd viewing in Document page Tile commands Time Stamp server tool tips toolbars about 2nd Advanced Editing Commenting 2nd 3rd displaying labels with icons Drawing Markups Forms 2nd hiding on PDFs Highlighting PDFMaker Print Production 2nd tools [See Select tool] touching up documents 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th adding page numbers 2nd 3rd applying headers and footers 2nd 3rd editing text in PDF 2nd modifying text attributes 2nd reorganizing reading order 2nd 3rd reusing images from documents 2nd reusing table information 2nd round-trip editing for images 2nd selecting text from PDFs 2nd 3rd 4th TouchUp object tool 2nd watermarks and backgrounds 2nd 3rd TouchUp object tool 2nd TouchUp Properties dialog 2nd TouchUp Text tool 2nd Tracker 2nd transition pages 2nd Transparency Flattening tool trimming pages troubleshooting fonts that can't be embedded printing errors security policies 2nd Trust Manager 2nd trusted documents trusted identities 2nd tweaking movies 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] U3D format user interface adjusting windows autosave preferences 2nd customizing 2nd editing preferences for 2nd 3rd 4th enlarging screen details 2nd How To pane 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th illustrated 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] VeriSign Internet Directory server Version Cue 2nd versions attachments with Acrobat 5 and reverting to earlier document saving comments for document viewing Accessibility Report comments 2nd contents of clipboard embedded CAD metadata exported data in spreadsheets 2nd preflight conversion errors thumbnails in Document page visibility options 2nd Visio [See Microsoft Visio]

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] watched folders 2nd 3rd watermarks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Web Page Conversion Settings dialog 2nd Web pages appending to document converting PDF files with PDFMaker 2nd converting tags to bookmarks PDF creation in Acrobat 2nd 3rd 4th Web sites Adobe information and resource [See browsers] online resources for PDFs [See browsers] wildcards Windows [See Microsoft Windows] windows opening cross-document links in same Spreadsheet view Windows Certificate Store ID workflow batch processing to ease bookmark digital signatures and reusing favorite security policies Workflow Wizard wrapped bookmark labels

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] XFDF (XML form data format) files 2nd XML file format 2nd

    Index [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] zoom in initial views Zoom toolbar 2nd